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@date: 2021/06/19
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2
import numpy as np
from utils.conversion import uv2pixel
from utils.boundary import corners2boundary, corners2boundaries, find_peaks, connect_corners_uv, get_object_cor, \
def draw_boundary(pano_img, corners: np.ndarray = None, boundary: np.ndarray = None, draw_corners=True, show=False,
step=0.01, length=None, boundary_color=None, marker_color=None, title=None, visible=True):
if marker_color is None:
marker_color = [0, 0, 1]
if boundary_color is None:
boundary_color = [0, 1, 0]
assert corners is not None or boundary is not None, "corners or boundary error"
shape = sorted(pano_img.shape)
assert len(shape) > 1, "pano_img shape error"
w = shape[-1]
h = shape[-2]
pano_img = pano_img.copy()
if (corners is not None and len(corners) > 2) or \
(boundary is not None and len(boundary) > 2):
if isinstance(boundary_color, list) or isinstance(boundary_color, np.array):
if boundary is None:
boundary = corners2boundary(corners, step, length, visible)
boundary = uv2pixel(boundary, w, h)
pano_img[boundary[:, 1], boundary[:, 0]] = boundary_color
pano_img[np.clip(boundary[:, 1] + 1, 0, h - 1), boundary[:, 0]] = boundary_color
pano_img[np.clip(boundary[:, 1] - 1, 0, h - 1), boundary[:, 0]] = boundary_color
if pano_img.shape[1] > 512:
pano_img[np.clip(boundary[:, 1] + 1, 0, h - 1), np.clip(boundary[:, 0] + 1, 0, w - 1)] = boundary_color
pano_img[np.clip(boundary[:, 1] + 1, 0, h - 1), np.clip(boundary[:, 0] - 1, 0, w - 1)] = boundary_color
pano_img[np.clip(boundary[:, 1] - 1, 0, h - 1), np.clip(boundary[:, 0] + 1, 0, w - 1)] = boundary_color
pano_img[np.clip(boundary[:, 1] - 1, 0, h - 1), np.clip(boundary[:, 0] - 1, 0, w - 1)] = boundary_color
pano_img[boundary[:, 1], np.clip(boundary[:, 0] + 1, 0, w - 1)] = boundary_color
pano_img[boundary[:, 1], np.clip(boundary[:, 0] - 1, 0, w - 1)] = boundary_color
if corners is not None and draw_corners:
if visible:
corners = visibility_corners(corners)
corners = uv2pixel(corners, w, h)
for corner in corners:
cv2.drawMarker(pano_img, tuple(corner), marker_color, markerType=0, markerSize=10, thickness=2)
if show:
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
if title is not None:
return pano_img
def draw_boundaries(pano_img, corners_list: list = None, boundary_list: list = None, draw_corners=True, show=False,
step=0.01, length=None, boundary_color=None, marker_color=None, title=None, ratio=None, visible=True):
:param visible:
:param pano_img:
:param corners_list:
:param boundary_list:
:param draw_corners:
:param show:
:param step:
:param length:
:param boundary_color: RGB color
:param marker_color: RGB color
:param title:
:param ratio: ceil_height/camera_height
assert corners_list is not None or boundary_list is not None, "corners_list or boundary_list error"
if corners_list is not None:
if ratio is not None and len(corners_list) == 1:
corners_list = corners2boundaries(ratio, corners_uv=corners_list[0], step=None, visible=visible)
for i, corners in enumerate(corners_list):
pano_img = draw_boundary(pano_img, corners=corners, draw_corners=draw_corners,
show=show if i == len(corners_list) - 1 else False,
step=step, length=length, boundary_color=boundary_color, marker_color=marker_color,
title=title, visible=visible)
elif boundary_list is not None:
if ratio is not None and len(boundary_list) == 1:
boundary_list = corners2boundaries(ratio, corners_uv=boundary_list[0], step=None, visible=visible)
for i, boundary in enumerate(boundary_list):
pano_img = draw_boundary(pano_img, boundary=boundary, draw_corners=draw_corners,
show=show if i == len(boundary_list) - 1 else False,
step=step, length=length, boundary_color=boundary_color, marker_color=marker_color,
title=title, visible=visible)
return pano_img
def draw_object(pano_img, heat_maps, size, depth, window_width=15, show=False):
# window, door, opening
colors = [[1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]
for i, heat_map in enumerate(heat_maps):
pk_u_s, _ = find_peaks(heat_map, size=window_width*2+1)
for pk_u in pk_u_s:
uv, xyz = get_object_cor(depth, size, center_u=pk_u, patch_num=len(heat_map))
bottom_poly = connect_corners_uv(uv[0], uv[1], length=pano_img.shape[1])
top_poly = connect_corners_uv(uv[2], uv[3], length=pano_img.shape[1])[::-1]
bottom_max_index = bottom_poly[..., 0].argmax()
if bottom_max_index != len(bottom_poly)-1:
top_max_index = top_poly[..., 0].argmax()
poly1 = np.concatenate([bottom_poly[:bottom_max_index+1], top_poly[top_max_index:]])
poly1 = uv2pixel(poly1, w=pano_img.shape[1], h=pano_img.shape[0])
poly1 = poly1[:, None, :]
poly2 = np.concatenate([bottom_poly[bottom_max_index+1:], top_poly[:top_max_index]])
poly2 = uv2pixel(poly2, w=pano_img.shape[1], h=pano_img.shape[0])
poly2 = poly2[:, None, :]
poly = [poly1, poly2]
poly = np.concatenate([bottom_poly, top_poly])
poly = uv2pixel(poly, w=pano_img.shape[1], h=pano_img.shape[0])
poly = poly[:, None, :]
poly = [poly]
cv2.drawContours(pano_img, poly, -1, colors[i], 1)
# boundary_center_xyz = uv2xyz(np.array([pk_u, pk_v]))
# l_b_xyz =
if show:
if __name__ == '__main__':
from visualization.floorplan import draw_floorplan
from utils.conversion import uv2xyz
pano_img = np.zeros([512, 1024, 3])
corners = np.array([[0.2, 0.7],
[0.4, 0.7],
[0.3, 0.6],
[0.6, 0.6],
[0.8, 0.7]])
# draw_boundary(pano_img, corners, show=True)
draw_boundaries(pano_img, corners_list=[corners], show=True, length=1024, ratio=1.2)
draw_floorplan(uv2xyz(corners)[..., ::2], show=True, marker_color=None, center_color=0.8)