""" @date: 2021/06/19 @description: """ import math import functools from scipy import stats from scipy.ndimage.filters import maximum_filter import numpy as np from typing import List from utils.conversion import uv2xyz, xyz2uv, depth2xyz, uv2pixel, depth2uv, pixel2uv, xyz2pixel, uv2lonlat from utils.visibility_polygon import calc_visible_polygon def connect_corners_uv(uv1: np.ndarray, uv2: np.ndarray, length=256) -> np.ndarray: """ :param uv1: [u, v] :param uv2: [u, v] :param length: Fix the total length in pixel coordinates :return: """ # why -0.5? Check out the uv2Pixel function p_u1 = uv1[0] * length - 0.5 p_u2 = uv2[0] * length - 0.5 if abs(p_u1 - p_u2) < length / 2: start = np.ceil(min(p_u1, p_u2)) p = max(p_u1, p_u2) end = np.floor(p) if end == np.ceil(p): end = end - 1 else: start = np.ceil(max(p_u1, p_u2)) p = min(p_u1, p_u2) + length end = np.floor(p) if end == np.ceil(p): end = end - 1 p_us = (np.arange(start, end + 1) % length).astype(np.float64) if len(p_us) == 0: return None us = (p_us + 0.5) / length # why +0.5? Check out the uv2Pixel function plan_y = boundary_type(np.array([uv1, uv2])) xyz1 = uv2xyz(np.array(uv1), plan_y) xyz2 = uv2xyz(np.array(uv2), plan_y) x1 = xyz1[0] z1 = xyz1[2] x2 = xyz2[0] z2 = xyz2[2] d_x = x2 - x1 d_z = z2 - z1 lon_s = (us - 0.5) * 2 * np.pi k = np.tan(lon_s) ps = (k * z1 - x1) / (d_x - k * d_z) cs = np.sqrt((z1 + ps * d_z) ** 2 + (x1 + ps * d_x) ** 2) lats = np.arctan2(plan_y, cs) vs = lats / np.pi + 0.5 uv = np.stack([us, vs], axis=-1) if start == end: return uv[0:1] return uv def connect_corners_xyz(uv1: np.ndarray, uv2: np.ndarray, step=0.01) -> np.ndarray: """ :param uv1: [u, v] :param uv2: [u, v] :param step: Fixed step size in xyz coordinates :return: """ plan_y = boundary_type(np.array([uv1, uv2])) xyz1 = uv2xyz(np.array(uv1), plan_y) xyz2 = uv2xyz(np.array(uv2), plan_y) vec = xyz2 - xyz1 norm = np.linalg.norm(vec, ord=2) direct = vec / norm xyz = np.array([xyz1 + direct * dis for dis in np.linspace(0, norm, int(norm / step))]) if len(xyz) == 0: xyz = np.array([xyz2]) uv = xyz2uv(xyz) return uv def connect_corners(uv1: np.ndarray, uv2: np.ndarray, step=0.01, length=None) -> np.ndarray: """ :param uv1: [u, v] :param uv2: [u, v] :param step: :param length: :return: [[u1, v1], [u2, v2]....] if length!=None,length of return result = length """ if length is not None: uv = connect_corners_uv(uv1, uv2, length) elif step is not None: uv = connect_corners_xyz(uv1, uv2, step) else: uv = np.array([uv1]) return uv def visibility_corners(corners): plan_y = boundary_type(corners) xyz = uv2xyz(corners, plan_y) xz = xyz[:, ::2] xz = calc_visible_polygon(center=np.array([0, 0]), polygon=xz, show=False) xyz = np.insert(xz, 1, plan_y, axis=1) output = xyz2uv(xyz).astype(np.float32) return output def corners2boundary(corners: np.ndarray, step=0.01, length=None, visible=True) -> np.ndarray: """ When there is occlusion, even if the length is fixed, the final output length may be greater than the given length, which is more defined as the fixed step size under UV :param length: :param step: :param corners: [[u1, v1], [u2, v2]....] :param visible: :return: [[u1, v1], [u2, v2]....] if length!=None,length of return result = length """ assert step is not None or length is not None, "the step and length parameters cannot be null at the same time" if len(corners) < 3: return corners if visible: corners = visibility_corners(corners) n_con = len(corners) boundary = None for j in range(n_con): uv = connect_corners(corners[j], corners[(j + 1) % n_con], step, length) if uv is None: continue if boundary is None: boundary = uv else: boundary = np.concatenate((boundary, uv)) boundary = np.roll(boundary, -boundary.argmin(axis=0)[0], axis=0) output_polygon = [] for i, p in enumerate(boundary): q = boundary[(i + 1) % len(boundary)] if int(p[0] * 10000) == int(q[0] * 10000): continue output_polygon.append(p) output_polygon = np.array(output_polygon, dtype=np.float32) return output_polygon def corners2boundaries(ratio: float, corners_xyz: np.ndarray = None, corners_uv: np.ndarray = None, step=0.01, length=None, visible=True): """ When both step and length are None, corners are also returned :param ratio: :param corners_xyz: :param corners_uv: :param step: :param length: :param visible: :return: floor_boundary, ceil_boundary """ if corners_xyz is None: plan_y = boundary_type(corners_uv) xyz = uv2xyz(corners_uv, plan_y) floor_xyz = xyz.copy() ceil_xyz = xyz.copy() if plan_y > 0: ceil_xyz[:, 1] *= -ratio else: floor_xyz[:, 1] /= -ratio else: floor_xyz = corners_xyz.copy() ceil_xyz = corners_xyz.copy() if corners_xyz[0][1] > 0: ceil_xyz[:, 1] *= -ratio else: floor_xyz[:, 1] /= -ratio floor_uv = xyz2uv(floor_xyz) ceil_uv = xyz2uv(ceil_xyz) if step is None and length is None: return floor_uv, ceil_uv floor_boundary = corners2boundary(floor_uv, step, length, visible) ceil_boundary = corners2boundary(ceil_uv, step, length, visible) return floor_boundary, ceil_boundary def depth2boundary(depth: np.array, step=0.01, length=None,): xyz = depth2xyz(depth) uv = xyz2uv(xyz) return corners2boundary(uv, step, length, visible=False) def depth2boundaries(ratio: float, depth: np.array, step=0.01, length=None,): """ :param ratio: :param depth: :param step: :param length: :return: floor_boundary, ceil_boundary """ xyz = depth2xyz(depth) return corners2boundaries(ratio, corners_xyz=xyz, step=step, length=length, visible=False) def boundary_type(corners: np.ndarray) -> int: """ Returns the boundary type that also represents the projection plane :param corners: :return: """ if is_ceil_boundary(corners): plan_y = -1 elif is_floor_boundary(corners): plan_y = 1 else: # An intersection occurs and an exception is considered assert False, 'corners error!' return plan_y def is_normal_layout(boundaries: List[np.array]): if len(boundaries) != 2: print("boundaries length must be 2!") return False if boundary_type(boundaries[0]) != -1: print("ceil boundary error!") return False if boundary_type(boundaries[1]) != 1: print("floor boundary error!") return False return True def is_ceil_boundary(corners: np.ndarray) -> bool: m = corners[..., 1].max() return m < 0.5 def is_floor_boundary(corners: np.ndarray) -> bool: m = corners[..., 1].min() return m > 0.5 @functools.lru_cache() def get_gauss_map(sigma=1.5, width=5): x = np.arange(width*2 + 1) - width y = stats.norm(0, sigma).pdf(x) y = y / y.max() return y def get_heat_map(u_s, patch_num=256, sigma=2, window_width=15, show=False): """ :param window_width: :param sigma: :param u_s: [u1, u2, u3, ...] :param patch_num :param show :return: """ pixel_us = uv2pixel(u_s, w=patch_num, axis=0) gauss_map = get_gauss_map(sigma, window_width) heat_map_all = [] for u in pixel_us: heat_map = np.zeros(patch_num, dtype=np.float) left = u-window_width right = u+window_width+1 offset = 0 if left < 0: offset = left elif right > patch_num: offset = right - patch_num left = left - offset right = right - offset heat_map[left:right] = gauss_map if offset != 0: heat_map = np.roll(heat_map, offset) heat_map_all.append(heat_map) heat_map_all = np.array(heat_map_all).max(axis=0) if show: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.imshow(heat_map_all[None].repeat(50, axis=0)) plt.show() return heat_map_all def find_peaks(signal, size=15*2+1, min_v=0.05, N=None): # code from HorizonNet: https://github.com/sunset1995/HorizonNet/blob/master/inference.py max_v = maximum_filter(signal, size=size, mode='wrap') pk_loc = np.where(max_v == signal)[0] pk_loc = pk_loc[signal[pk_loc] > min_v] if N is not None: order = np.argsort(-signal[pk_loc]) pk_loc = pk_loc[order[:N]] pk_loc = pk_loc[np.argsort(pk_loc)] return pk_loc, signal[pk_loc] def get_object_cor(depth, size, center_u, patch_num=256): width_u = size[0, center_u] height_v = size[1, center_u] boundary_v = size[2, center_u] center_boundary_v = depth2uv(depth[center_u:center_u + 1])[0, 1] center_bottom_v = center_boundary_v - boundary_v center_top_v = center_bottom_v - height_v base_v = center_boundary_v - 0.5 assert base_v > 0 center_u = pixel2uv(np.array([center_u]), w=patch_num, h=patch_num // 2, axis=0)[0] center_boundary_uv = np.array([center_u, center_boundary_v]) center_bottom_uv = np.array([center_u, center_bottom_v]) center_top_uv = np.array([center_u, center_top_v]) left_u = center_u - width_u / 2 right_u = center_u + width_u / 2 left_u = 1 + left_u if left_u < 0 else left_u right_u = right_u - 1 if right_u > 1 else right_u pixel_u = uv2pixel(np.array([left_u, right_u]), w=patch_num, h=patch_num // 2, axis=0) left_pixel_u = pixel_u[0] right_pixel_u = pixel_u[1] left_boundary_v = depth2uv(depth[left_pixel_u:left_pixel_u + 1])[0, 1] right_boundary_v = depth2uv(depth[right_pixel_u:right_pixel_u + 1])[0, 1] left_boundary_uv = np.array([left_u, left_boundary_v]) right_boundary_uv = np.array([right_u, right_boundary_v]) xyz = uv2xyz(np.array([left_boundary_uv, right_boundary_uv, center_boundary_uv])) left_boundary_xyz = xyz[0] right_boundary_xyz = xyz[1] # need align center_boundary_xyz = xyz[2] center_bottom_xyz = uv2xyz(np.array([center_bottom_uv]))[0] center_top_xyz = uv2xyz(np.array([center_top_uv]))[0] center_boundary_norm = np.linalg.norm(center_boundary_xyz[::2]) center_bottom_norm = np.linalg.norm(center_bottom_xyz[::2]) center_top_norm = np.linalg.norm(center_top_xyz[::2]) center_bottom_xyz = center_bottom_xyz * center_boundary_norm / center_bottom_norm center_top_xyz = center_top_xyz * center_boundary_norm / center_top_norm left_bottom_xyz = left_boundary_xyz.copy() left_bottom_xyz[1] = center_bottom_xyz[1] right_bottom_xyz = right_boundary_xyz.copy() right_bottom_xyz[1] = center_bottom_xyz[1] left_top_xyz = left_boundary_xyz.copy() left_top_xyz[1] = center_top_xyz[1] right_top_xyz = right_boundary_xyz.copy() right_top_xyz[1] = center_top_xyz[1] uv = xyz2uv(np.array([left_bottom_xyz, right_bottom_xyz, left_top_xyz, right_top_xyz])) left_bottom_uv = uv[0] right_bottom_uv = uv[1] left_top_uv = uv[2] right_top_uv = uv[3] return [left_bottom_uv, right_bottom_uv, left_top_uv, right_top_uv], \ [left_bottom_xyz, right_bottom_xyz, left_top_xyz, right_top_xyz] def layout2depth(boundaries: List[np.array], return_mask=False, show=False, camera_height=1.6): """ :param camera_height: :param boundaries: [[[u_f1, v_f2], [u_f2, v_f2],...], [[u_c1, v_c2], [u_c2, v_c2]]] :param return_mask: :param show: :return: """ # code from HorizonNet: https://github.com/sunset1995/HorizonNet/blob/master/eval_general.py w = len(boundaries[0]) h = w//2 # Convert corners to per-column boundary first # Up -pi/2, Down pi/2 vf = uv2lonlat(boundaries[0]) vc = uv2lonlat(boundaries[1]) vc = vc[None, :, 1] # [1, w] vf = vf[None, :, 1] # [1, w] assert (vc > 0).sum() == 0 assert (vf < 0).sum() == 0 # Per-pixel v coordinate (vertical angle) vs = ((np.arange(h) + 0.5) / h - 0.5) * np.pi vs = np.repeat(vs[:, None], w, axis=1) # [h, w] # Floor-plane to depth floor_h = camera_height floor_d = np.abs(floor_h / np.sin(vs)) # wall to camera distance on horizontal plane at cross camera center cs = floor_h / np.tan(vf) # Ceiling-plane to depth ceil_h = np.abs(cs * np.tan(vc)) # [1, w] ceil_d = np.abs(ceil_h / np.sin(vs)) # [h, w] # Wall to depth wall_d = np.abs(cs / np.cos(vs)) # [h, w] # Recover layout depth floor_mask = (vs > vf) ceil_mask = (vs < vc) wall_mask = (~floor_mask) & (~ceil_mask) depth = np.zeros([h, w], np.float32) # [h, w] depth[floor_mask] = floor_d[floor_mask] depth[ceil_mask] = ceil_d[ceil_mask] depth[wall_mask] = wall_d[wall_mask] assert (depth == 0).sum() == 0 if return_mask: return depth, floor_mask, ceil_mask, wall_mask if show: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.imshow(depth) plt.show() return depth def calc_rotation(corners: np.ndarray): xz = uv2xyz(corners)[..., 0::2] max_norm = -1 max_v = None for i in range(len(xz)): p_c = xz[i] p_n = xz[(i + 1) % len(xz)] v_cn = p_n - p_c v_norm = np.linalg.norm(v_cn) if v_norm > max_norm: max_norm = v_norm max_v = v_cn # v<-----------|o # | | | # | ----|----z | # | | | # | x \|/ # |------------u # It is required that the vector be aligned on the x-axis, z equals y, and x is still x. # In floorplan, x is displayed as the x-coordinate and z as the y-coordinate rotation = np.arctan2(max_v[1], max_v[0]) return rotation if __name__ == '__main__': corners = np.array([[0.2, 0.7], [0.4, 0.7], [0.3, 0.6], [0.6, 0.6], [0.8, 0.7]]) get_heat_map(u=corners[..., 0], show=True, sigma=2, width=15) pass