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import gradio as gr
import mediapipe as mp
import cv2
import pandas as pd
from statistics import mean
# Run simple face mesh
mp_face_mesh =
mp_drawing =
drawing_spec = mp_drawing.DrawingSpec(thickness=2, circle_radius=3)
global pupilLocation, movementLeft, movementRight
pupilLocation = pd.DataFrame()
movementLeft = pd.DataFrame(index=['Up', 'Center', 'Down'], columns=['Left', 'Center', 'Right'])
movementRight = pd.DataFrame(index=['Up', 'Center', 'Down'], columns=['Left', 'Center', 'Right'])
# TO DO:
# 1. Calibration screen
def findIris(input_img1, input_img2, input_img3, input_img4, input_img5):
global pupilLocation
pupilLocation = pd.DataFrame() # Make sure it is empty
images = [input_img1, input_img2, input_img3, input_img4, input_img5]
output_images = []
pupil_sizes = []
with mp_face_mesh.FaceMesh(max_num_faces=1, refine_landmarks=True,
min_detection_confidence=0.45) as face_mesh:
for image in images:
if image is None:
results = face_mesh.process(cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
if not results.multi_face_landmarks:
annotated_image = image.copy()
for face_landmarks in results.multi_face_landmarks:
height, width, _ = annotated_image.shape
nose = [int(face_landmarks.landmark[168].x * width), int(face_landmarks.landmark[168].y * height)], (nose[0], nose[1]), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1)
leftIrisPoints = [474, 475, 476, 477]
rightIrisPoints = [469, 470, 471, 472]
# right, top, left, bottom
left_iris = []
for p in leftIrisPoints:
point = [int(face_landmarks.landmark[p].x * width), int(face_landmarks.landmark[p].y * height)]
left_iris.append(point), point, 1, (255, 0, 255), 2)
right_iris = []
for p in rightIrisPoints:
point = [int(face_landmarks.landmark[p].x * width), int(face_landmarks.landmark[p].y * height)]
right_iris.append(point), point, 1, (255, 0, 255), 2)
leftIris_leftside = (int(left_iris[2][0]), int(left_iris[2][1]))
leftIris_rightside = (int(left_iris[0][0]), int(left_iris[0][1]))
leftIris_top = (int(left_iris[1][0]), int(left_iris[1][1]))
leftIris_bottom = (int(left_iris[3][0]), int(left_iris[3][1]))
rightIris_leftside = (int(right_iris[2][0]), int(right_iris[2][1]))
rightIris_rightside = (int(right_iris[0][0]), int(right_iris[0][1]))
rightIris_top = (int(right_iris[1][0]), int(right_iris[1][1]))
rightIris_bottom = (int(right_iris[3][0]), int(right_iris[3][1]))
(int((leftIris_leftside[0] + leftIris_rightside[0]) / 2),
int((leftIris_top[1] + leftIris_bottom[1]) / 2)),
# int(abs(leftIris_leftside[0] - leftIris_rightside[0])/2
(0, 255, 255), 2),
(int((rightIris_leftside[0] + rightIris_rightside[0]) / 2),
int((rightIris_top[1] + rightIris_bottom[1]) / 2)),
# int(abs(rightIris_leftside[0] - rightIris_rightside[0]) / 2
(0, 255, 255), 2)
left = leftIris_leftside[0] - 150
right = rightIris_rightside[0] + 150
up = leftIris_top[1] - 50
down = leftIris_bottom[1] + 50
annotated_image = annotated_image[up:down, left:right]
name = 'TBD'
newRow = pd.Series([name,
leftIris_leftside[0] - nose[0],
leftIris_top[1] - nose[1],
leftIris_rightside[0] - nose[0],
leftIris_bottom[1] - nose[1],
rightIris_leftside[0] - nose[0],
rightIris_top[1] - nose[1],
rightIris_rightside[0] - nose[0],
rightIris_bottom[1] - nose[1]
newRow = newRow.to_frame().T
pupilLocation = pd.concat([pupilLocation, newRow], axis=0, ignore_index=True)
#print("Inside pupil Location = ", pupilLocation)
#filename = directoy_name + 'Analysis/' + name[0:-4] + '-analysis.jpg'
#cv2.imwrite(filename, annotated_image)
x1 = (leftIris_leftside[0] - nose[0] + leftIris_rightside[0] - nose[0]) / 2
y1 = (leftIris_top[1] - nose[1] + leftIris_bottom[1] - nose[1]) / 2
x2 = (rightIris_leftside[0] - nose[0] + rightIris_rightside[0] - nose[0]) / 2
y2 = (rightIris_top[1] - nose[1] + rightIris_bottom[1] - nose[1]) / 2
print("Slope=", (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1))
text = "Slope=" + str(round((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1), 2))
cv2.putText(annotated_image, text,
1, (255, 255, 0), 1, cv2.LINE_AA)
print("left iris size in pixels = ", abs(leftIris_leftside[0] - leftIris_rightside[0]))
print("Right iris size in pixels = ", abs(rightIris_leftside[0] - rightIris_rightside[0]))
pupil_sizes.append(abs(leftIris_leftside[0] - leftIris_rightside[0]))
pupil_sizes.append(abs(rightIris_leftside[0] - rightIris_rightside[0]))
# calculate final results from pupilLocations
pupilDiff = pupilLocation.copy()
pupilDiff = pupilDiff.drop(pupilDiff.columns[0], axis=1) # Remove file name
for i in range(pupilDiff.shape[0] - 1): # Calculate deltas
pupilDiff.loc[i + 1] = abs(pupilDiff.loc[i + 1] - pupilDiff.loc[0])
print("pupilDiff=", pupilDiff)
pupilDiff = pupilDiff.drop(0, axis=0) # Remove first row was was used as reference row
#print("pupilDiff (in pixels)=", pupilDiff)
# Find average pupil size
pupil_average = mean(pupil_sizes) # this should be 11.7 mm
pixels = 11.7 / pupil_average
print("pixels (In MM) = ", pixels)
# Left Eye movement
movementLeft.iloc[0, 0] = ' '
movementLeft.iloc[0, 2] = ' '
movementLeft.iloc[1, 1] = 0 # reference point
movementLeft.iloc[2, 0] = ' '
movementLeft.iloc[2, 2] = ' '
# Y movement only
movementLeft.iloc[0, 1] = round(abs(pupilLocation.iloc[0, 4] - pupilLocation.iloc[1, 4]) * pixels, 0) # Up
movementLeft.iloc[2, 1] = round(abs(pupilLocation.iloc[0, 2] - pupilLocation.iloc[3, 2]) * pixels, 0) # Down
# X movement only
movementLeft.iloc[1, 0] = round(abs(pupilLocation.iloc[0, 3] - pupilLocation.iloc[1, 3]) * pixels, 1) # Left
movementLeft.iloc[1, 2] = round(abs(pupilLocation.iloc[0, 1] - pupilLocation.iloc[2, 1]) * pixels, 1) # Right
# Right Eye Movement
movementRight.iloc[0, 0] = ' '
movementRight.iloc[0, 2] = ' '
movementRight.iloc[1, 1] = 0 # reference point
movementRight.iloc[2, 0] = ' '
movementRight.iloc[2, 2] = ' '
# Y movement only
movementRight.iloc[0, 1] = round(abs(pupilLocation.iloc[0, 8] - pupilLocation.iloc[1, 8]) * pixels, 0) # Up
movementRight.iloc[2, 1] = round(abs(pupilLocation.iloc[0, 6] - pupilLocation.iloc[3, 6]) * pixels, 0) # Down
# X movement only
movementRight.iloc[1, 0] = round(abs(pupilLocation.iloc[0, 7] - pupilLocation.iloc[1, 7]) * pixels, 0) # Left
movementRight.iloc[1, 2] = round(abs(pupilLocation.iloc[0, 5] - pupilLocation.iloc[2, 5]) * pixels, 0) # Right
return output_images[0], output_images[1], output_images[2], output_images[3], output_images[4], pupilLocation, movementLeft, movementRight
with gr.Blocks() as demo:
# Range of Motion Image Analysis
Take 5 pictures below looking stright, left, right, up & down
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=1):
img1 = gr.Image(shape=(1000, 1000), source='webcam', label='Front')
with gr.Column(scale=1):
out1 = gr.Image(label='Out-Front')
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=1):
img2 = gr.Image(shape=(1000, 1000), source='webcam', label='Left')
with gr.Column(scale=1):
out2 = gr.Image(label='Out-Left')
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=1):
img3 = gr.Image(shape=(1000, 1000), source='webcam', label='Right')
with gr.Column(scale=1):
out3 = gr.Image(label='Out-Right')
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=1):
img4 = gr.Image(shape=(1000, 1000), source='webcam', label='Up')
with gr.Column(scale=1):
out4 = gr.Image(label='Out-Up')
with gr.Row():
with gr.Column(scale=1):
img5 = gr.Image(shape=(1000, 1000), source='webcam', label='Down')
with gr.Column(scale=1):
out5 = gr.Image(label='Down-Right')
b = gr.Button("Go!")
Pupil Locations:
pupilData = gr.Dataframe(pupilLocation)
# Left eye results (in mm):
movementDataLeft = gr.Dataframe(movementLeft)
# Right eye results (in mm):
movementDataRight = gr.Dataframe(movementRight)
inp = [img1, img2, img3, img4, img5]
out = [out1, out2, out3, out4, out5, pupilData, movementDataLeft, movementDataRight], inputs=inp, outputs=out)
demo.launch(auth=("Andrew", "Andrew"), share=True) |