import gradio as gr import pandas as pd import cv2 import mediapipe as mp import os from statistics import mean import numpy as np from mediapipe.tasks import python from mediapipe.tasks.python import vision from mediapipe.framework.formats import landmark_pb2 from mediapipe import solutions import matplotlib matplotlib.use("Agg") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Record video # Save video? # Break video into images # Run facemesh on all images and save locations # Run exterme locations # Run analysis on those compare to the first frame # Create a FaceLandmarker object. base_options = python.BaseOptions(model_asset_path='face_landmarker_v2_with_blendshapes.task') options = vision.FaceLandmarkerOptions(base_options=base_options, output_face_blendshapes=True, output_facial_transformation_matrixes=True, num_faces=1) detector = vision.FaceLandmarker.create_from_options(options) global pupilLocation pupilLocation = pd.DataFrame() pupil_sizes = [] ExteremeDistanceLeftEye = pd.DataFrame() ExteremeDistanceRightEye = pd.DataFrame() def video_identity(video): return video # To do # 1. Filter out closed eye frames # 2. Smooth persuit from video POC def isEyeOpen(image): image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) hist = cv2.calcHist([image], [0], None, [256], [0, 256]) colors = np.where(hist > 10) #print ("colors=", np.mean(colors) ) if np.mean(colors) > 15: return True else: return False #demo = gr.Interface(video_identity, # gr.Video(shape = (1000,1000), source="webcam"), # "playable_video") def findIrisInFrame(image, counter): global pupilLocation, pupil_sizes #pupilLocation = pd.DataFrame() # Make sure it is empty image = mp.Image.create_from_file("image.jpg") # STEP 4: Detect face landmarks from the input image. detection_result = detector.detect(image) # STEP 5: Process the detection result. In this case, visualize it. #annotated_image = draw_landmarks_on_image(image.numpy_view(), detection_result) annotated_image = image.numpy_view().copy() face_landmarks_list = detection_result.face_landmarks ''' # Loop through the detected faces to visualize. for idx in range(len(face_landmarks_list)): face_landmarks = face_landmarks_list[idx] # Draw the face landmarks. face_landmarks_proto = landmark_pb2.NormalizedLandmarkList() face_landmarks_proto.landmark.extend([ landmark_pb2.NormalizedLandmark(x=landmark.x, y=landmark.y, z=landmark.z) for landmark in face_landmarks ]) solutions.drawing_utils.draw_landmarks( image=annotated_image, landmark_list=face_landmarks_proto,, landmark_drawing_spec=None, .get_default_face_mesh_iris_connections_style()) ''' #FACEMESH_LEFT_IRIS = (474, 475, 476, 477) #FACEMESH_RIGHT_IRIS = (469, 470, 471, 472) #(lm_left_iris.x, lm_left_iris.y, lm_left_iris.z) = face_landmarks.landmark[468] #(lm_right_iris.x, lm_right_iris.y, lm_right_iris.z) = face_landmarks.landmark[473] # Draw the face landmarks. face_landmarks = face_landmarks_list[0] face_landmarks_proto = landmark_pb2.NormalizedLandmarkList() face_landmarks_proto.landmark.extend([ landmark_pb2.NormalizedLandmark(x=landmark.x, y=landmark.y, z=landmark.z) for landmark in face_landmarks ]) height, width, _ = annotated_image.shape nose = [int(face_landmarks_proto.landmark[168].x * width), int(face_landmarks_proto.landmark[168].y * height)], (nose[0], nose[1]), 3, (0, 0, 255), -1) leftIrisPoints = [474, 475, 476, 477] rightIrisPoints = [469, 470, 471, 472] # right, top, left, bottom left_iris = [] for p in leftIrisPoints: point = [int(face_landmarks_proto.landmark[p].x * width), int(face_landmarks_proto.landmark[p].y * height)] left_iris.append(point), point, 1, (255, 0, 255), 1) right_iris = [] for p in rightIrisPoints: point = [int(face_landmarks_proto.landmark[p].x * width), int(face_landmarks_proto.landmark[p].y * height)] right_iris.append(point), point, 1, (255, 0, 255), 1) leftIris_leftside = (int(left_iris[2][0]), int(left_iris[2][1])) leftIris_rightside = (int(left_iris[0][0]), int(left_iris[0][1])) leftIris_top = (int(left_iris[1][0]), int(left_iris[1][1])) leftIris_bottom = (int(left_iris[3][0]), int(left_iris[3][1])) rightIris_leftside = (int(right_iris[2][0]), int(right_iris[2][1])) rightIris_rightside = (int(right_iris[0][0]), int(right_iris[0][1])) rightIris_top = (int(right_iris[1][0]), int(right_iris[1][1])) rightIris_bottom = (int(right_iris[3][0]), int(right_iris[3][1])) cv2.imwrite("Images/post-image-%d.jpg" % counter, annotated_image) # save frame as JPEG file ''' sizeIncrease = 0 leftEye = annotated_image[leftIris_top[1] - sizeIncrease: leftIris_bottom[1] + sizeIncrease, leftIris_leftside[0] - sizeIncrease: leftIris_rightside[0] + sizeIncrease] leftEyeOpen = isEyeOpen(leftEye) rightEye = annotated_image[rightIris_top[1] - sizeIncrease: rightIris_bottom[1] + sizeIncrease, rightIris_leftside[0] - sizeIncrease: rightIris_rightside[0] + sizeIncrease] rightEyeOpen = isEyeOpen(rightEye), (int((leftIris_leftside[0] + leftIris_rightside[0]) / 2), int((leftIris_top[1] + leftIris_bottom[1]) / 2)), # int(abs(leftIris_leftside[0] - leftIris_rightside[0])/2), 1, (0, 255, 255), 1), (int((rightIris_leftside[0] + rightIris_rightside[0]) / 2), int((rightIris_top[1] + rightIris_bottom[1]) / 2)), # int(abs(rightIris_leftside[0] - rightIris_rightside[0])/2), 1, (0, 255, 255), 1) cv2.putText(image, str(counter), (rightIris_leftside[0] - 100, leftIris_top[1] - 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (255, 0, 0), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) ''' pupil_sizes.append(abs(leftIris_leftside[0] - leftIris_rightside[0])) pupil_sizes.append(abs(rightIris_leftside[0] - rightIris_rightside[0])) name = "frame%d.jpg" % counter newRow = pd.Series([name, leftIris_leftside[0] - nose[0], leftIris_top[1] - nose[1], leftIris_rightside[0] - nose[0], leftIris_bottom[1] - nose[1], rightIris_leftside[0] - nose[0], rightIris_top[1] - nose[1], rightIris_rightside[0] - nose[0], rightIris_bottom[1] - nose[1] ]) newRow = newRow.to_frame().T #if (leftEyeOpen & rightEyeOpen): pupilLocation = pd.concat([pupilLocation, newRow], axis=0, ignore_index=True) #else: # print("Ignored frame ", counter, "." , leftEyeOpen , rightEyeOpen) return newRow def handleVideo(input_video): global ExteremeDistanceLeftEye, ExteremeDistanceRightEye, pupilLocation, pupil_sizes pupilLocation = pd.DataFrame() # Make sure it is empty to begin with pupil_sizes = [] vidcap = cv2.VideoCapture(input_video) success, image = fps = vidcap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) frame_count = int(vidcap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) width = vidcap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH) # float `width` height = vidcap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT) # float `height` print('FPS =', fps) print('Frame count =', frame_count) print('Resolution =', width, ' X ', height) count = 0 if not os.path.exists('Images'): os.makedirs('Images') #os.chdir('Images') # Slide video into frames and find iris in each frame while success: cv2.imwrite("image.jpg", image) # save frame as JPEG file print("Image#", count) image = mp.Image.create_from_file("image.jpg") findIrisInFrame(image, count) #cv2.imwrite("Images/frame%d.jpg" % count, image) # save frame as JPEG file count += 1 success, image = # Go over all the pupils. If pupil is too small expand it in all directions # Find average pupil size pupil_average = 11.7 if (len(pupil_sizes) > 100): for i in range(10): pupil_sizes.remove(max(pupil_sizes)) pupil_sizes.remove(min(pupil_sizes)) pupil_average = mean(pupil_sizes) # this should be 11.7 mm print("pupil_average=", pupil_average) # pupil size need to be kept constant in all pictures # we find the center of the current pupil and make a circle around it in the size we need for index, row in pupilLocation.iterrows(): currentLeftSize = abs(row[1] - row[3]) diffFromLeftAverage = pupil_average - currentLeftSize currentRightSize = abs(row[5] - row[7]) diffFromAverage = pupil_average - currentRightSize #print("(frame#", index, ") left: ", row[1], " right: ", row[3]) #if diffFromAverage > 2: if (currentRightSize - currentLeftSize > 200): print("Fixed Left pupil") row[1] = int(row[1] - diffFromAverage / 2) row[2] = int(row[2] - diffFromAverage / 2) row[3] = int(row[3] + diffFromAverage / 2) row[4] = int(row[4] + diffFromAverage / 2) if (currentLeftSize - currentRightSize > 200): print("Fixed Right pupil") row[5] = int(row[5] - diffFromAverage / 2) row[6] = int(row[6] - diffFromAverage / 2) row[7] = int(row[7] + diffFromAverage / 2) row[8] = int(row[8] + diffFromAverage / 2) print("file counter=", count) # Convert pupilLocation to pupilDiff pupilDiff = pupilLocation.copy() pupilDiff = pupilDiff.drop(pupilDiff.columns[0], axis=1) # Remove file name for i in range(pupilDiff.shape[0] - 1): # Calculate deltas pupilDiff.loc[i + 1] = (pupilDiff.loc[i + 1] - pupilDiff.loc[0]) pupilDiff = pupilDiff.drop(0, axis=0) # Remove the first row # Find extreme iris locations (images and measurements) #pupilDiff.columns = ['LL', 'LT', 'LR', 'LB', 'RR', 'RT', 'RR', 'RB'] # Take just the relevant libmus #if [1] is positive, take it, otherwise take 3 #pupilDiff[9] = [pupilDiff[1] if x >= 0 else pupilDiff[3] for x in pupilDiff[1]] pupilDiff[9] = 0 pupilDiff[10] = 0 pupilDiff[9] = np.where(pupilDiff[1] >= 0, pupilDiff[1], pupilDiff[3]) #pupilDiff[[1,3]].max(axis=1), pupilDiff[[1,3]].min(axis=1)) pupilDiff[10] = np.where(pupilDiff[1] >= 0, pupilDiff[5], pupilDiff[7]) #pupilDiff[[5,7]].max(axis=1), pupilDiff[[5,7]].min(axis=1)) pupilDiff[11] = np.where(pupilDiff[2] >= 0, pupilDiff[2], pupilDiff[4]) #pupilDiff[[2,4]].max(axis=1), pupilDiff[[2,4]].min(axis=1)) pupilDiff[12] = np.where(pupilDiff[2] >= 0, pupilDiff[6], pupilDiff[8]) #pupilDiff[[6,8]].max(axis=1), pupilDiff[[6,8]].min(axis=1)) print(pupilDiff[[1,3,5,7,9,10]]) # slope x1 = (pupilLocation[1] + pupilLocation[3]) / 2 y1 = (pupilLocation[2] + pupilLocation[4]) / 2 x2 = (pupilLocation[5] + pupilLocation[7]) / 2 y2 = (pupilLocation[6] + pupilLocation[8]) / 2 pupilDiff[13] = ((y2 - y1) / (0.001 + x2 - x1)) pupilDiff.to_csv('pupil_diff.csv') pixels = 11.7 / pupil_average print("pixels (In MM) = ", pixels) pupilDiff = round(pupilDiff * pixels,3) fig1 = plt.figure() plt.plot(pupilDiff[[9,10]]) #1,3,5,7 plt.title("Pupil movement X axis") plt.ylabel("MM of movement") plt.xlabel("Frame") plt.ylim(-10, 10) plt.legend(['Left', 'Right']) #'LL', 'LR', 'RL', 'RR']) fig2 = plt.figure() plt.plot(pupilDiff[[11,12]]) #, df[countries].to_numpy()) plt.ylim(-10, 10) plt.title("Pupil movement Y axis") plt.ylabel("MM of movement") plt.xlabel("Frame") plt.legend(['Left', 'Right']) # Left eye LeftEyeLookingRight = pd.to_numeric(pupilDiff[1]).idxmax() LeftEyeLookingDown = pd.to_numeric(pupilDiff[2]).idxmax() LeftEyeLookingLeft = pd.to_numeric(pupilDiff[3]).idxmin() LeftEyeLookingUp = pd.to_numeric(pupilDiff[4]).idxmin() # Right eye RightEyeLookingRight = pd.to_numeric(pupilDiff[5]).idxmax() RightEyeLookingDown = pd.to_numeric(pupilDiff[6]).idxmax() RightEyeLookingLeft = pd.to_numeric(pupilDiff[7]).idxmin() RightEyeLookingUp = pd.to_numeric(pupilDiff[8]).idxmin() print("Left eye images = ", LeftEyeLookingRight, LeftEyeLookingDown, LeftEyeLookingLeft, LeftEyeLookingUp) print("Right eye images = ", RightEyeLookingRight, RightEyeLookingDown, RightEyeLookingLeft, RightEyeLookingUp) ExtermeImageLeftEye = list([cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread("Images/post-image-%d.jpg" % LeftEyeLookingRight), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB), cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread("Images/post-image-%d.jpg" % LeftEyeLookingLeft), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB), cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread("Images/post-image-%d.jpg" % LeftEyeLookingUp), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB), cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread("Images/post-image-%d.jpg" % LeftEyeLookingDown), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)]) ExtermeImageRightEye = list([cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread("Images/post-image-%d.jpg" % RightEyeLookingRight), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB), cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread("Images/post-image-%d.jpg" % RightEyeLookingLeft), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB), cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread("Images/post-image-%d.jpg" % RightEyeLookingUp), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB), cv2.cvtColor(cv2.imread("Images/post-image-%d.jpg" % RightEyeLookingDown), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)]) # return the distances d = { 'direction': ['Right', 'Left', 'Up', 'Down'] , 'mm' : [abs(round(pd.to_numeric(pupilDiff[1]).max(),1)), abs(round(pd.to_numeric(pupilDiff[3]).min(),1)), abs(round(pd.to_numeric(pupilDiff[4]).min(),1)), abs(round(pd.to_numeric(pupilDiff[2]).max(),1)) ]} ExteremeDistanceLeftEye = pd.DataFrame(data=d) d = {'direction': ['Right', 'Left', 'Up', 'Down'], 'mm': [abs(round(pd.to_numeric(pupilDiff[5]).max(), 1)), abs(round(pd.to_numeric(pupilDiff[7]).min(), 1)), abs(round(pd.to_numeric(pupilDiff[8]).min(), 1)), abs(round(pd.to_numeric(pupilDiff[6]).max(), 1)) ]} ExteremeDistanceRightEye = pd.DataFrame(data=d) print() #.idxmax(axis=0)) # Upmost buttom limbus # return ExteremeDistanceLeftEye, ExteremeDistanceRightEye, ExtermeImageLeftEye, ExtermeImageRightEye, fig1, fig2 # lines with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown( """ # Range of Motion Video Analysis Capture a video of the following looks: stright, left, right, up & down """) video1 = gr.Video()#source="webcam") b = gr.Button("Analyze Video") gr.Markdown( """ # Left eye results (in mm): """) LeftEyeGallery = gr.Gallery( label="Left eye", show_label=False, elem_id="left_eye_gallery" ).style(grid=[4], height="auto") movementDataLeft = gr.Dataframe(ExteremeDistanceLeftEye) gr.Markdown( """ # Right eye results (in mm): """) RightEyeGallery = gr.Gallery( label="Right eye", show_label=False, elem_id="right_eye_gallery" ).style(grid=[4], height="auto") movementDataRight = gr.Dataframe(ExteremeDistanceRightEye) plot1 = gr.Plot(label="Plot1") plot2 = gr.Plot(label="Plot2") out = [movementDataLeft, movementDataRight, LeftEyeGallery, RightEyeGallery, plot1, plot2], inputs=video1, outputs=out) demo.launch()