gomoku / DI-engine /dizoo /gfootball /model /bots /rule_based_bot_model.py
zjowowen's picture
init space
history blame
27 kB
## referenced https://www.kaggle.com/eugenkeil/simple-baseline-bot by @eugenkeil
## referenced https://www.kaggle.com/david1013/tunable-baseline-bot by @david1013
from kaggle_environments.envs.football.helpers import *
from math import sqrt
from enum import Enum
import random
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import numpy as np
from ding.torch_utils import tensor_to_list, one_hot, to_ndarray
from ding.utils import MODEL_REGISTRY
from ding.torch_utils import to_tensor, to_dtype
Readable Reminder
class Action(Enum):
Idle = 0
Left = 1
TopLeft = 2
Top = 3
TopRight = 4
Right = 5
BottomRight = 6
Bottom = 7
BottomLeft = 8
LongPass= 9
HighPass = 10
ShortPass = 11
Shot = 12
Sprint = 13
ReleaseDirection = 14
ReleaseSprint = 15
Slide = 16
Dribble = 17
ReleaseDribble = 18
sticky_index_to_action = [
class PlayerRole(Enum):
GoalKeeper = 0
CenterBack = 1
LeftBack = 2
RightBack = 3
DefenceMidfield = 4
CentralMidfield = 5
LeftMidfield = 6
RIghtMidfield = 7
AttackMidfield = 8
CentralFront = 9
class GameMode(Enum):
Normal = 0
KickOff = 1
GoalKick = 2
FreeKick = 3
Corner = 4
ThrowIn = 5
Penalty = 6
class Stiuation(Enum):
Delaying = 0
Offencing = 1
Deffencing = 2
class Line(object):
def __init__(self, pos1, pos2):
self.a = 1
x1, y1 = pos1
x2, y2 = pos2
if (y2 - y1) != 0.0:
self.b = (x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1)
self.b = 1e5
self.c = -x1 - (self.b * y2)
self.length = dist(pos1, pos2)
def distToLine(self, pos):
return (self.a * pos[0] + self.b * pos[1] + self.c) / sqrt(self.a ** 2 + self.b ** 2)
roles = [0, 7, 9, 2, 1, 1, 3, 5, 5, 5, 6]
passes = [Action.ShortPass, Action.LongPass, Action.HighPass]
offenseScore = {
0: [-8.0, 0.0],
1: [0.6, 0.8],
2: [0.6, 0.85],
3: [0.6, 0.85],
4: [0.7, 0.9],
5: [0.8, 0.9],
6: [1, 1],
7: [1, 1],
8: [1, 1.1],
9: [1.1, 1.2]
passBias = 2.0
defenceThreatDist = 0.3
threatAvg = 3.0
shotDistAbs = 0.03
shotDistFactor = 0.6
offenseGoalDistFactor = 3.0
offenseKeeperDistFactor = 0.5
offenseTirenessFactor = 0.3
sprintTirenessFactor = 0.5
passForShotFactor = 0.6
FREEKICK_SHOT_AREA = [[0.5, 1], [-0.2, 0.2]]
START_SHOT_AREA1 = [[0.6, 0.75], [-0.2, 0.2]]
START_SHOT_AREA2 = [[0.75, 0.95], [-0.13, 0.13]]
PASS_FOR_SHOT_AREA1 = [[0.75, 1], [-0.42, -0.18]]
PASS_FOR_SHOT_AREA2 = [[0.75, 1], [0.18, 0.42]]
KEEPER_ZONE_AREA = [[0.75, 1], [-0.2, 0.2]]
LONG_SHOT_RANGE_AREA = [[0.5, 1], [-0.25, 0.25]]
SPRINT_AREA = [[-0.1, 0.6], [-0.42, 0.42]]
DEFENCE_SPRING_AREA = [[-0.7, 0.4], [-0.4, 0.4]]
# DRIBBLE_AREA = [[-0.1, 0.2], [-0.3, 0.3]]
SLIDE_AREA = [[-0.65, 0], [-0.42, 0.42]]
takenSelfFactor = 0.5
passFactors = {Action.HighPass: [1.0, 1.2, 3.0], Action.ShortPass: [1.1, 1.5, 1.5], Action.LongPass: [1.0, 1.2, 2]}
# top right/ Bottom left corner are:
# [1, -0.42] and [-1, 0.42], respectively.
def dist(pos1, pos2):
return sqrt((pos1[1] - pos2[1]) ** 2 + (pos1[0] - pos2[0]) ** 2)
def dirSign(x):
if abs(x) < 0.01:
return 1
elif x < 0:
return 0
return 2
def plusPos(pos1, pos2):
return [pos1[0] + pos2[0], pos1[1] + pos2[1]]
def vec2dir(vec):
p = sqrt(vec[0] ** 2 + vec[1] ** 2)
coef = 1 / p
return [vec[0] * coef, vec[1] * coef]
# functions help moving
directions = [
[Action.TopLeft, Action.Top, Action.TopRight], [Action.Left, Action.Idle, Action.Right],
[Action.BottomLeft, Action.Bottom, Action.BottomRight]
def insideArea(pos, area):
return area[0][0] <= pos[0] <= area[0][1] and area[1][0] <= pos[1] <= area[1][1]
def gotoDir(x, y):
xdir = dirSign(x)
ydir = dirSign(y)
return directions[ydir][xdir]
class Processer(object):
def __init__(self):
self._obs = {}
self._curPos = None
self._keeperPos = None
self._goalPos = [1, 0]
self._shot_dir_ready = False
self._pass_dir_ready = False
self._ball_is_free = False
self._we_have_ball = False
self._enemy_have_ball = False
self._our_goalkeeper_have_ball = False
self._shot_buf_player = None
self._shot_buf_step = -1
self._pass_buf_player = None
self._pass_buf_step = -1
self._score_diff = 0
self._pass_type = Action.ShortPass
def preprocess(self):
self._game_mode = self._obs['game_mode']
self._cur_player = self._obs['active']
if self._obs['score'].shape[0] == 2:
self._score_diff = self._obs['score'][0] - self._obs['score'][1]
self._score_diff = self._obs['score']
self._curPos = self._obs['left_team'][self._obs['active']]
self._curDir = self._obs['left_team_direction'][self._obs['active']]
self._keeperPos = self._obs['right_team'][0]
self._ballPos = self._obs['ball']
self._ourPos = self._obs['left_team']
self._enemyPos = self._obs['right_team']
self._ball_is_free = self._obs['ball_owned_team'] == -1
self._we_have_ball = self._obs['ball_owned_team'] == 0
self._enemy_have_ball = self._obs['ball_owned_team'] == 1
self._our_goalkeeper_have_ball = self._obs['ball_owned_player'] == 0 and self._we_have_ball
self._our_active_have_ball = self._we_have_ball and self._obs['ball_owned_player'] == self._obs['active']
self._controlled_role = self._obs['left_team_roles'][self._obs['active']]
self._most_foward_enemy_pos = self.getMostForwardEnemyPos()
self._closest_enemey_pos = self.getClosestEnemyPos()
self._closest_enemey_to_cur_vec = [
self._curPos[0] - self._closest_enemey_pos[0], self._curPos[1] - self._closest_enemey_pos[1]
self._closest_enemey_to_cur_dir = vec2dir(self._closest_enemey_to_cur_vec)
self._cloest_enemey_dist = dist(self._curPos, self._closest_enemey_pos)
self._remain_step = self._obs['steps_left']
self._cur_tireness = self._obs['left_team_tired_factor'][self._obs['active']]
self._our_tireness = self._obs['left_team_tired_factor']
self._dribbling = Action.Dribble in self._obs['sticky_actions']
self._sprinting = Action.Sprint in self._obs['sticky_actions']
self._our_goalkeeper_active = self._cur_player == 0
self._ball_dir = self._obs['ball_direction']
self._ball_owner_dir = self.getBallOwnerDir()
self._ball_owner_pos = self.getBallOwnerPos()
if self._enemy_have_ball:
self._closest_to_enemy_pos, self._closest_to_enemy_player = self.getClosestToEnemy()
if not self._shot_dir_ready:
self._shot_buf_player = -1
# general helper
def getRole(self, i):
return roles[i]
# general helper for init
def getBallOwnerPos(self):
if self._ball_is_free:
return None
elif self._we_have_ball:
return self._obs['left_team'][self._obs['ball_owned_player']]
return self._obs['right_team'][self._obs['ball_owned_player']]
def getBallOwnerDir(self):
if self._ball_is_free:
return None
elif self._we_have_ball:
return self._obs['left_team_direction'][self._obs['ball_owned_player']]
return self._obs['right_team_direction'][self._obs['ball_owned_player']]
# general movement
def gobetweenKeeperGate(self):
xdir = dirSign(self._keeperPos[0] / 2 + self._goalPos[0] / 2 - self._curPos[0] - 0.05)
ydir = dirSign(self._keeperPos[1] / 2 + self._goalPos[1] / 2 - self._curPos[1])
return directions[ydir][xdir]
def gotoDst(self, x, y):
xdir = dirSign(x - self._curPos[0])
ydir = dirSign(y - self._curPos[1])
return directions[ydir][xdir]
def getMostForwardEnemyPos(self):
ret = [0, 0]
i = 0
for pos in self._obs['right_team']:
if i == 0:
i += 1
if pos[0] > ret[0]:
ret = pos
return ret
def getAvgDefenceDistToPlayer(self, *args):
if len(args) == 0:
i = self._cur_player
i = args[0]
sumDist = 0
for pos in self._enemyPos:
if dist(pos, self._ourPos[i]) < defenceThreatDist:
sumDist += dist(pos, self._ourPos[i])
return sumDist / threatAvg
def getClosestEnemy(self, *args):
if len(args) == 0:
i = self._cur_player
i = args[0]
closest_pos = self._keeperPos
closest_index = 0
index = 0
closest_dist = 2
for pos in self._obs['right_team']:
if dist(pos, self._ourPos[i]) < dist(self._ourPos[i], closest_pos):
closest_pos = pos
closest_index = index
closest_dist = dist(pos, self._ourPos[i])
index += 1
return [closest_pos, closest_index, closest_dist]
def getClosestEnemyPos(self, *args):
if len(args) == 0:
i = self._cur_player
i = args[0]
return self.getClosestEnemy(i)[0]
def getClosestEnemyDist(self, *args):
if len(args) == 0:
i = self._cur_player
i = args[0]
return self.getClosestEnemy(i)[2]
def should_sprint(self):
if self._cur_tireness * sprintTirenessFactor > ((TOTAL_STEP - self._remain_step) / TOTAL_STEP) + 0.2:
return False
if self._enemy_have_ball:
return insideArea(self._curPos, DEFENCE_SPRING_AREA)
if self._we_have_ball:
return insideArea(self._curPos, SPRINT_AREA)
# help Judge Shooting
def shotWill(self):
if insideArea(self._curPos, START_SHOT_AREA1) or insideArea(self._curPos, START_SHOT_AREA2):
return True
elif not insideArea(self._keeperPos, KEEPER_ZONE_AREA) and insideArea(self._curPos, LONG_SHOT_RANGE_AREA):
return True
if dist(self._curPos, self._keeperPos) < shotDistFactor * dist(self._keeperPos, self._goalPos) + shotDistAbs:
return True
return False
# short pass
# def shortPassForShot(self):
# if insideArea(self._curPos, PASS_FOR_SHOT_AREA1) or insideArea(self._curPos, PASS_FOR_SHOT_AREA2):
# if not self.judgeOffside():
# return True
# return False
# help defense
def getClosestToEnemy(self):
retpos = self._obs['left_team'][0]
index = 0
retindex = index
for pos in self._obs['left_team']:
if dist(pos, self._ball_owner_pos) < dist(retpos, self._ball_owner_pos):
retpos = pos
retindex = index
index += 1
return retpos, retindex
def getMinxLeftTeam(self):
i = 0
retpos = [1, 0]
for pos in self._ourPos:
if i == 0:
i += 1
if pos[0] < retpos[0]:
retpos = pos
return retpos
# After testing we know that sliding is not good, so no slide
def should_slide(self):
if not self._enemy_have_ball:
return False
# replace 'and True' -> 'has yellow card'
if self._curPos[0] < self._ball_owner_pos[0] - 0.01 and self._curPos[0] < self._ballPos[0] - 0.007 and dist(
self._curPos, self._ball_owner_pos) < 0.03 and self._curDir[0] < 0 and insideArea(self._curPos,
SLIDE_AREA) and True:
return True
return False
# can this be smarter?
def should_chase(self):
if self._curPos[0] > self._ball_owner_pos[0] + 0.02 and self._curPos[0] != self._closest_to_enemy_pos[0]:
return False
minLeftTeamPos = self.getMinxLeftTeam()
if self._curPos[0] > self._ball_owner_pos[0] + 0.03 and self._ball_owner_pos[0] - minLeftTeamPos[0] > 1.5 * abs(
self._ball_owner_pos[1] - minLeftTeamPos[1]):
return False
return True
# help not in our zone
def shotAway(self):
# disable or enable ?
return False
if self._curPos[0] < -0.7 and self._our_active_have_ball:
return True
return False
# def passAway(self):
# if self._curPos[0] < -0.4 and self._our_active_have_ball:
# return True
# return False
# functions use to judge passing
def judgeOffside(self, *args):
if len(args) == 0:
LeftTeam = 0
for pos in self._obs['left_team']:
LeftTeam = max(LeftTeam, pos[0])
LeftTeam = self._ourPos[args[0]][0]
maxRightTeam = self.getMostForwardEnemyPos()[0]
return LeftTeam > maxRightTeam
def passWill(self):
curOffenceMark = self.offenseMark(self._cur_player)
bestPassMark, bestPassType, bestPassIndex = self.getBestPass()
if bestPassMark > curOffenceMark + passBias:
# print("cur pos=", self._curPos)
# print("cur off score = ", curOffenceMark)
# print("best pass mark = ", bestPassMark)
# print("remain step = ", self._remain_step)
# print("best pass type = ", bestPassType)
# print("want to pass to = ", bestPassIndex)
return True, bestPassType, bestPassIndex
return False, Action.ShortPass, -1
def getBestPass(self):
if not self._our_active_have_ball:
return -1, Action.ShortPass, -1
bestPassType = Action.ShortPass
bestPassIndex = -1
bestPassMark = -10
for index in range(11):
# can't pass to yourself
if index == self._cur_player:
passMark, passType = self.passMarkTo(index)
if passMark > bestPassMark:
bestPassMark = passMark
bestPassType = passType
bestPassIndex = index
return bestPassMark, bestPassType, bestPassIndex
def passMarkTo(self, i):
bestPassType = Action.ShortPass
bestPassMark = -10
for t in passes:
if self.getPassSuccessMark(i, t) + self.offenseMark(i) > bestPassMark:
bestPassType = t
bestPassMark = self.getPassSuccessMark(i, t) + self.offenseMark(i)
return bestPassMark, bestPassType
def getRoleOffenceScore(self, i):
r = roles[i]
adder, multier = offenseScore[r]
return adder, multier
# around 1.0 to 10.0
def offenseMark(self, i):
mark = 0.0
mark += self.getClosestEnemyDist(i)
mark += self.getAvgDefenceDistToPlayer(i)
# the closer to enemy goal the better
mark += 3.0 / (dist(self._ourPos[i], self._goalPos) + 0.2)
# but should be further to goalie
mark -= 0.5 / (dist(self._ourPos[i], self._keeperPos) + 0.2)
# offense pluser for role
adder, multier = self.getRoleOffenceScore(i)
mark *= multier
mark += adder
# ADD tireness
mark += 1.0 - self._our_tireness[i] * offenseTirenessFactor
if insideArea(self._ourPos[i], PASS_FOR_SHOT_AREA1) or insideArea(self._ourPos[i], PASS_FOR_SHOT_AREA2):
mark = mark * passForShotFactor
return mark
# range from
def getPassSuccessMark(self, i, passType):
# you can't pass to yourself right?
if i == self._cur_player:
return -10
# can't pass offside ball
if self.judgeOffside(i):
return -10
mark = 0.0
# calculate intercept
# if passType == Action.HighPass:
# interceptFactor = 1.0
# distFactor = 1.2
# takenFactor = 3.0
# elif passType == Action.ShortPass:
# interceptFactor = 1.0
# distFactor = 1.5
# takenFactor = 1.5
# else:
# interceptFactor = 1.2
# distFactor = 1.2
# takenFactor = 1.5
interceptFactor = passFactors[passType][0]
distFactor = passFactors[passType][1]
takenFactor = passFactors[passType][2]
l = Line(self._curPos, self._ourPos[i])
minDist = 2
for pos in self._enemyPos:
minDist = min(minDist, l.distToLine(pos))
mark += (minDist * interceptFactor)
# calculate taken
taken = self.getClosestEnemyDist(i) + takenSelfFactor * self.getClosestEnemyDist()
mark += (taken * takenFactor)
# calculate dist
mark += (l.length * distFactor)
return mark
# freeKick
def shotFreeKick(self):
if insideArea(self._curPos, FREEKICK_SHOT_AREA):
return True
return False
def cutAngleWithClosest(self):
x = self._keeperPos[0] / 2 + self._goalPos[0] / 2 - self._curPos[0]
y = self._keeperPos[1] / 2 + self._goalPos[1] / 2 - self._curPos[1]
x += self._closest_enemey_to_cur_dir[0] * (0.05 / (self._cloest_enemey_dist + 0.03))
y += self._closest_enemey_to_cur_dir[1] * (0.05 / (self._cloest_enemey_dist + 0.03))
return gotoDir(x, y)
def process(self, obs):
self._obs = obs
# of course you can only shot in penalty
if self._game_mode == GameMode.Penalty:
return Action.Shot
if self._game_mode == GameMode.Corner:
if self._pass_dir_ready:
return self._pass_type
bestPassMark, bestPassType, bestPassIndex = self.getBestPass()
self._pass_dir_ready = True
self._pass_type = bestPassType
return self.gotoDst(self._ourPos[bestPassIndex][0], self._ourPos[bestPassIndex][1])
if self._game_mode == GameMode.FreeKick:
if self.shotFreeKick():
return Action.Shot
if self._pass_dir_ready:
return self._pass_type
bestPassMark, bestPassType, bestPassIndex = self.getBestPass()
self._pass_dir_ready = True
self._pass_type = bestPassType
return self.gotoDst(self._ourPos[bestPassIndex][0], self._ourPos[bestPassIndex][1])
if self._game_mode == GameMode.KickOff:
return Action.ShortPass
if self._game_mode == GameMode.ThrowIn:
if self._pass_dir_ready:
return self._pass_type
bestPassMark, bestPassType, bestPassIndex = self.getBestPass()
self._pass_dir_ready = True
self._pass_type = bestPassType
return self.gotoDst(self._ourPos[bestPassIndex][0], self._ourPos[bestPassIndex][1])
if self._our_active_have_ball and not self._our_goalkeeper_have_ball:
if self._shot_dir_ready and self._cur_player == self._shot_buf_player and self._remain_step == self._shot_buf_step - 1:
self._shot_dir_ready = False
self._shot_buf_player = -1
self._shot_buf_step = -1
return Action.Shot
if self.shotWill():
self._shot_buf_player = self._cur_player
self._shot_buf_step = self._remain_step
self._shot_dir_ready = True
# improve shot direction
return self.gobetweenKeeperGate()
if self._pass_dir_ready and self._cur_player == self._pass_buf_player and self._remain_step == self._pass_buf_step - 1:
self._pass_dir_ready = False
self._pass_buf_player = -1
self._pass_buf_step = -1
return self._pass_type
# elif self.passAway() and self._curDir[0] > 0.0:
# return Action.HighPass
# elif self.shortPassForShot():
# return Action.ShortPass
self._shot_dir_ready = False
self._pass_dir_ready = False
doPass, doPassType, doPassIndex = self.passWill()
if doPass:
self._pass_dir_ready = True
self._pass_type = doPassType
self._pass_buf_step = self._remain_step
self._pass_buf_player = self._cur_player
return self.gotoDst(self._ourPos[doPassIndex][0], self._ourPos[doPassIndex][1])
# ADD avoid opponent
if self._closest_enemey_to_cur_vec[0] > 0:
# closest enemy behind me and left
if not self._sprinting and self.should_sprint():
return Action.Sprint
if self._dribbling and dist(self._curPos, self._closest_enemey_pos) > 0.02:
return Action.ReleaseDribble
return self.gobetweenKeeperGate()
elif dist(self._curPos, self._closest_enemey_pos) < 0.02:
# enemy too close, start dribble
# if not self._dribbling:
# return Action.Dribble
# enemy infront of me, try to cut an angle
return self.cutAngleWithClosest()
# no enemy near me
if self._dribbling:
return Action.ReleaseDribble
if not self._sprinting:
return Action.Sprint
# ADD release sprint
# if self._sprinting and not self.should_sprint():
# return Action.ReleaseSprintt
# elif not insideArea(curPos, SPRINT_AREA) and Action.Sprint in obs['sticky_actions']:
# return Action.ReleaseSprint
return self.gobetweenKeeperGate()
elif self._we_have_ball and not self._our_goalkeeper_have_ball and not self._our_active_have_ball:
self._shot_dir_ready = False
return self.gotoDst(self._goalPos[0], self._goalPos[1])
elif self._our_goalkeeper_have_ball:
self._shot_dir_ready = False
if self._our_goalkeeper_active:
return Action.HighPass
if self._sprinting:
return Action.ReleaseSprint
return self.gobetweenKeeperGate()
self._shot_dir_ready = False
# ball in enemy or ball free
if self._dribbling:
return Action.ReleaseDribble
if self._ball_is_free:
if not self._sprinting and self.should_sprint():
return Action.Sprint
return self.gotoDst(self._ballPos[0] + 2 * self._ball_dir[0], self._ballPos[1] + 2 * self._ball_dir[1])
if self._enemy_have_ball:
# defense now!
# if you are can't catch him and you are not the closest one to gate, just quit chasing.
if not self.should_chase():
if self._sprinting:
return Action.ReleaseSprint
return Action.Idle
if self.should_slide():
return Action.Slide
if not self._sprinting and self.should_sprint() and self.should_chase():
return Action.Sprint
# intersect the ball, see https://www.kaggle.com/c/google-football/discussion/191804
return self.gotoDst(
self._ballPos[0] + 1 * self._ball_dir[0] + 1 * self._ball_owner_dir[0],
self._ballPos[1] + 1 * self._ball_dir[1] + 1 * self._ball_owner_dir[1]
return self.gotoDst(self._goalPos[0], self._goalPos[1])
processer = Processer()
# @human_readable_agent
def agent(obs):
global processer
return processer.process(obs)
def raw_obs_to_readable(obs):
# print("obs = ", obs)
# print("obs sticky=", obs['active_player_sticky_actions'])
obs['sticky_actions'] = {sticky_index_to_action[nr] for nr, action in enumerate(obs['sticky_actions']) if action}
# Turn 'game_mode' into an enum.
obs['game_mode'] = GameMode(obs['game_mode'])
# In case of single agent mode, 'designated' is always equal to 'active'.
if 'designated' in obs:
del obs['designated']
# Conver players' roles to enum.
obs['left_team_roles'] = [PlayerRole(role) for role in obs['left_team_roles']]
obs['right_team_roles'] = [PlayerRole(role) for role in obs['right_team_roles']]
return obs
def rule_agent(obs):
# obs = obs[0]
obs = raw_obs_to_readable(obs)
return agent(obs).value
def idel_agent(obs):
return 0
def random_agent(obs):
return random.randint(0, 18)
agents_map = {"random": random_agent, "rule": rule_agent, "idel": idel_agent}
class FootballRuleBaseModel(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, cfg={}):
super(FootballRuleBaseModel, self).__init__()
self.agent_type = cfg.get('agent_type', 'rule')
self._agent = agents_map[self.agent_type]
# be compatiable with bc policy
# to avoid: ValueError: optimizer got an empty parameter list
self._dummy_param = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1, 1))
def forward(self, data):
actions = []
data = data['raw_obs']
if isinstance(data['score'], list):
# to be compatiable with collect phase in subprocess mode
data['score'] = torch.stack(data['score'], dim=-1)
# dict of raw observations -> list of dict, each element in the list is the raw obs in one timestep
data = [{k: v[i] for k, v in data.items()} for i in range(data['left_team'].shape[0])]
for d in data:
# the rew obs in one timestep
if isinstance(d['steps_left'], torch.Tensor):
d = {k: v.cpu() for k, v in d.items()}
d = to_ndarray(d)
for k in ['active', 'designated', 'ball_owned_player', 'ball_owned_team']:
d[k] = int(d[k])
return {'action': torch.LongTensor(actions), 'logit': one_hot(torch.LongTensor(actions), 19)}