gomoku / DI-engine /ding /reward_model /ngu_reward_model.py
zjowowen's picture
init space
history blame
26.4 kB
import copy
import random
from typing import Union, Tuple, Dict, List
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
from easydict import EasyDict
from ding.model import FCEncoder, ConvEncoder
from ding.utils import RunningMeanStd
from ding.utils import SequenceType, REWARD_MODEL_REGISTRY
from .base_reward_model import BaseRewardModel
def collect_data_and_exclude_null_data_rnd(data_in):
res = []
for item in data_in:
if torch.nonzero(torch.tensor(item['null']).float()).shape[0] != 0: # if have null padding in data
# the index of not null data in data_in
# not_null_index = torch.nonzero(torch.tensor(item['null']).float()).squeeze(-1)
null_start_index = int(torch.nonzero(torch.tensor(item['null']).float()).squeeze(-1)[0])
obs = item['obs'][:null_start_index] # exclude the null padding data
obs = item['obs'] # sequence data
return res
def collect_data_rnd(data_in):
res = []
is_null_list = []
for item in data_in:
state = item['obs']
is_null = item['null']
return res, is_null_list
def collect_data_and_exclude_null_data_episodic(data_in):
obs_list = []
action_list = []
for item in data_in:
if torch.nonzero(torch.tensor(item['null']).float()).shape[0] != 0: # if have null padding in data
# the index of not null data in data_in
# not_null_index = torch.nonzero(torch.tensor(item['null']).float()).squeeze(-1)
null_start_index = int(torch.nonzero(torch.tensor(item['null']).float()).squeeze(-1)[0])
obs = item['obs'][:null_start_index] # sequence data
action = item['action'][:null_start_index] # exclude the null padding data
obs = item['obs'] # sequence data
action = item['action']
return obs_list, action_list
def collect_data_episodic(data_in):
res = []
is_null_list = []
for item in data_in:
state = item['obs']
is_null = item['null']
return res, is_null_list
class RndNetwork(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, obs_shape: Union[int, SequenceType], hidden_size_list: SequenceType) -> None:
super(RndNetwork, self).__init__()
if isinstance(obs_shape, int) or len(obs_shape) == 1:
self.target = FCEncoder(obs_shape, hidden_size_list)
self.predictor = FCEncoder(obs_shape, hidden_size_list)
elif len(obs_shape) == 3:
self.target = ConvEncoder(obs_shape, hidden_size_list)
self.predictor = ConvEncoder(obs_shape, hidden_size_list)
raise KeyError(
"not support obs_shape for pre-defined encoder: {}, "
"please customize your own RND model".format(obs_shape)
for param in self.target.parameters():
param.requires_grad = False
def forward(self, obs: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
predict_feature = self.predictor(obs)
with torch.no_grad():
target_feature = self.target(obs)
return predict_feature, target_feature
class RndNGURewardModel(BaseRewardModel):
inter-episodic/RND reward model for NGU.
The corresponding paper is `never give up: learning directed exploration strategies`.
config = dict(
hidden_size_list=[64, 64, 128],
def __init__(self, config: EasyDict, device: str, tb_logger: 'SummaryWriter') -> None: # noqa
super(RndNGURewardModel, self).__init__()
self.cfg = config
assert device == "cpu" or device.startswith("cuda")
self.device = device
self.tb_logger = tb_logger
self.reward_model = RndNetwork(config.obs_shape, config.hidden_size_list)
self.intrinsic_reward_type = config.intrinsic_reward_type
assert self.intrinsic_reward_type in ['add', 'new', 'assign']
self.train_data_total = []
self.train_data = []
self.opt = optim.Adam(self.reward_model.predictor.parameters(), config.learning_rate)
self.estimate_cnt_rnd = 0
self._running_mean_std_rnd = RunningMeanStd(epsilon=1e-4)
self.only_use_last_five_frames = config.only_use_last_five_frames_for_icm_rnd
def _train(self) -> None:
train_data: list = random.sample(list(self.train_data_cur), self.cfg.batch_size)
train_data: torch.Tensor = torch.stack(train_data).to(self.device)
predict_feature, target_feature = self.reward_model(train_data)
loss = F.mse_loss(predict_feature, target_feature.detach())
def train(self) -> None:
if self.only_use_last_five_frames:
# self.train_obs shape list(list) [batch_size,seq_length,N
# stack episode dim
self.train_obs = [torch.stack(episode_obs[-5:], dim=0) for episode_obs in self.train_data_total]
# stack batch dim
# way 1
if isinstance(self.cfg.obs_shape, int):
self.train_data_cur = torch.stack(
self.train_obs, dim=0
).view(len(self.train_obs) * len(self.train_obs[0]), self.cfg.obs_shape)
else: # len(self.cfg.obs_shape) == 3 for image obs
self.train_data_cur = torch.stack(
self.train_obs, dim=0
).view(len(self.train_obs) * self.train_obs[0].shape[0], *self.cfg.obs_shape)
# way 2
# self.train_data_cur = torch.cat(self.train_obs, 0)
self.train_data_cur = sum(self.train_data_total, [])
# another implementation way
# tmp = []
# for i in range(len(self.train_data)):
# tmp += self.train_data[i]
# self.train_data = tmp
for _ in range(self.cfg.update_per_collect):
def estimate(self, data: list) -> torch.Tensor:
Rewrite the reward key in each row of the data.
obs, is_null = collect_data_rnd(data)
if isinstance(obs[0], list): # if obs shape list( list(torch.tensor) )
obs = sum(obs, [])
obs = torch.stack(obs).to(self.device)
with torch.no_grad():
predict_feature, target_feature = self.reward_model(obs)
reward = F.mse_loss(predict_feature, target_feature, reduction='none').mean(dim=1)
# transform to mean 1 std 1
reward = 1 + (reward - self._running_mean_std_rnd.mean) / (self._running_mean_std_rnd.std + 1e-11)
self.estimate_cnt_rnd += 1
self.tb_logger.add_scalar('rnd_reward/rnd_reward_max', reward.max(), self.estimate_cnt_rnd)
self.tb_logger.add_scalar('rnd_reward/rnd_reward_mean', reward.mean(), self.estimate_cnt_rnd)
self.tb_logger.add_scalar('rnd_reward/rnd_reward_min', reward.min(), self.estimate_cnt_rnd)
return reward
def collect_data(self, data: list) -> None:
def clear_data(self) -> None:
def reward_deepcopy(self, train_data):
this method deepcopy reward part in train_data, and other parts keep shallow copy
to avoid the reward part of train_data in the replay buffer be incorrectly modified.
train_data_reward_deepcopy = [
{k: copy.deepcopy(v) if k == 'reward' else v
for k, v in sample.items()} for sample in train_data
return train_data_reward_deepcopy
class InverseNetwork(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, obs_shape: Union[int, SequenceType], action_shape, hidden_size_list: SequenceType) -> None:
super(InverseNetwork, self).__init__()
if isinstance(obs_shape, int) or len(obs_shape) == 1:
self.embedding_net = FCEncoder(obs_shape, hidden_size_list)
elif len(obs_shape) == 3:
self.embedding_net = ConvEncoder(obs_shape, hidden_size_list)
raise KeyError(
"not support obs_shape for pre-defined encoder: {}, please customize your own RND model".
self.inverse_net = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(hidden_size_list[-1] * 2, 512), nn.ReLU(inplace=True), nn.Linear(512, action_shape)
def forward(self, inputs: Dict, inference: bool = False) -> Dict:
if inference:
with torch.no_grad():
cur_obs_embedding = self.embedding_net(inputs['obs'])
return cur_obs_embedding
# obs: torch.Tensor, next_obs: torch.Tensor
cur_obs_embedding = self.embedding_net(inputs['obs'])
next_obs_embedding = self.embedding_net(inputs['next_obs'])
# get pred action
obs_plus_next_obs = torch.cat([cur_obs_embedding, next_obs_embedding], dim=-1)
pred_action_logits = self.inverse_net(obs_plus_next_obs)
pred_action_probs = nn.Softmax(dim=-1)(pred_action_logits)
return pred_action_logits, pred_action_probs
class EpisodicNGURewardModel(BaseRewardModel):
Episodic reward model for NGU.
The corresponding paper is `never give up: learning directed exploration strategies`.
config = dict(
hidden_size_list=[64, 64, 128],
# means if using rescale trick to the last non-zero reward
# when combing extrinsic and intrinsic reward.
# the rescale trick only used in:
# 1. sparse reward env minigrid, in which the last non-zero reward is a strong positive signal
# 2. the last reward of each episode directly reflects the agent's completion of the task, e.g. lunarlander
# Note that the ngu intrinsic reward is a positive value (max value is 5), in these envs,
# the last non-zero reward should not be overwhelmed by intrinsic rewards, so we need rescale the
# original last nonzero extrinsic reward.
# means the rescale value for the last non-zero reward, only used when last_nonzero_reward_rescale is True
def __init__(self, config: EasyDict, device: str, tb_logger: 'SummaryWriter') -> None: # noqa
super(EpisodicNGURewardModel, self).__init__()
self.cfg = config
assert device == "cpu" or device.startswith("cuda")
self.device = device
self.tb_logger = tb_logger
self.episodic_reward_model = InverseNetwork(config.obs_shape, config.action_shape, config.hidden_size_list)
self.intrinsic_reward_type = config.intrinsic_reward_type
assert self.intrinsic_reward_type in ['add', 'new', 'assign']
self.train_obs_total = []
self.train_action_total = []
self.opt = optim.Adam(self.episodic_reward_model.parameters(), config.learning_rate)
self.estimate_cnt_episodic = 0
self._running_mean_std_episodic_dist = RunningMeanStd(epsilon=1e-4)
self._running_mean_std_episodic_reward = RunningMeanStd(epsilon=1e-4)
self.only_use_last_five_frames = config.only_use_last_five_frames_for_icm_rnd
def _train(self) -> None:
# sample episode's timestep index
train_index = np.random.randint(low=0, high=self.train_obs.shape[0], size=self.cfg.batch_size)
train_obs: torch.Tensor = self.train_obs[train_index].to(self.device) # shape (self.cfg.batch_size, obs_dim)
train_next_obs: torch.Tensor = self.train_next_obs[train_index].to(self.device)
train_action: torch.Tensor = self.train_action[train_index].to(self.device)
train_data = {'obs': train_obs, 'next_obs': train_next_obs}
pred_action_logits, pred_action_probs = self.episodic_reward_model(train_data)
inverse_loss = F.cross_entropy(pred_action_logits, train_action.squeeze(-1))
def train(self) -> None:
self.train_next_obs_total = copy.deepcopy(self.train_obs_total)
if self.only_use_last_five_frames:
# self.train_obs shape: list(list) [batch_size,seq_length,obs_dim]
self.train_obs = [torch.stack(episode_obs[-6:-1], dim=0) for episode_obs in self.train_obs_total]
self.train_next_obs = [torch.stack(episode_obs[-5:], dim=0) for episode_obs in self.train_next_obs_total]
self.train_action = [
torch.stack(episode_action[-6:-1], dim=0) for episode_action in self.train_action_total
self.train_obs = [
torch.stack(episode_obs[:-1], dim=0) for episode_obs in self.train_obs_total if len(episode_obs) > 1
self.train_next_obs = [
torch.stack(episode_next_obs[1:], dim=0) for episode_next_obs in self.train_next_obs_total
if len(episode_next_obs) > 1
self.train_action = [
torch.stack(episode_action[:-1], dim=0) for episode_action in self.train_action_total
if len(episode_action) > 1
# stack batch dim
self.train_obs = torch.cat(self.train_obs, 0)
self.train_next_obs = torch.cat(self.train_next_obs, 0)
self.train_action = torch.cat(self.train_action, 0)
for _ in range(self.cfg.update_per_collect):
def _compute_intrinsic_reward(
episodic_memory: List,
current_controllable_state: torch.Tensor,
) -> torch.Tensor:
# this function is modified from https://github.com/Coac/never-give-up/blob/main/embedding_model.py
state_dist = torch.cdist(current_controllable_state.unsqueeze(0), episodic_memory, p=2).squeeze(0).sort()[0][:k]
state_dist = state_dist / (self._running_mean_std_episodic_dist.mean + 1e-11)
state_dist = torch.clamp(state_dist - kernel_cluster_distance, min=0, max=None)
kernel = kernel_epsilon / (state_dist + kernel_epsilon)
s = torch.sqrt(torch.clamp(torch.sum(kernel), min=0, max=None)) + c
if s > siminarity_max:
print('s > siminarity_max:', s.max(), s.min())
return torch.tensor(0) # NOTE
return 1 / s
# average value 1/( ( 10* 1e-4/(1+1e-4) )**(1/2)+1e-3 ) = 30
def estimate(self, data: list) -> torch.Tensor:
Rewrite the reward key in each row of the data.
obs, is_null = collect_data_episodic(data)
# obs shape list(list()) [batch_size,seq_length,obs_dim]
batch_size = len(obs)
seq_length = len(obs[0])
# stack episode dim
obs = [torch.stack(episode_obs, dim=0) for episode_obs in obs]
# stack batch dim
# way 0
if isinstance(self.cfg.obs_shape, int):
obs = torch.stack(obs, dim=0).view(batch_size * seq_length, self.cfg.obs_shape).to(self.device)
else: # len(self.cfg.obs_shape) == 3 for image obs
obs = torch.stack(obs, dim=0).view(batch_size * seq_length, *self.cfg.obs_shape).to(self.device)
# way 2
# obs = torch.cat(obs, 0)
inputs = {'obs': obs, 'is_null': is_null}
with torch.no_grad():
cur_obs_embedding = self.episodic_reward_model(inputs, inference=True)
cur_obs_embedding = cur_obs_embedding.view(batch_size, seq_length, -1)
episodic_reward = [[] for _ in range(batch_size)]
null_cnt = 0 # the number of null transitions in the whole minibatch
for i in range(batch_size):
for j in range(seq_length):
if j < 10:
# if self._running_mean_std_episodic_reward.mean is not None:
# episodic_reward[i].append(torch.tensor(self._running_mean_std_episodic_reward.mean).to(self.device))
# else:
elif j:
episodic_memory = cur_obs_embedding[i][:j]
reward = self._compute_intrinsic_reward(episodic_memory,
if torch.nonzero(torch.tensor(is_null[i]).float()).shape[0] != 0:
# TODO(pu): if have null padding, the episodic_reward should be 0
not_null_index = torch.nonzero(torch.tensor(is_null[i]).float()).squeeze(-1)
null_start_index = int(torch.nonzero(torch.tensor(is_null[i]).float()).squeeze(-1)[0])
# add the number of null transitions in i'th sequence in batch
null_cnt = null_cnt + seq_length - null_start_index
for k in range(null_start_index, seq_length):
episodic_reward[i][k] = torch.tensor(0).to(self.device)
# episodic_reward[i][null_start_index:-1]=[torch.tensor(0).to(self.device)
# for i in range(seq_length-null_start_index)]
# list(list(tensor)) -> tensor
tmp = [torch.stack(episodic_reward_tmp, dim=0) for episodic_reward_tmp in episodic_reward]
# stack batch dim
episodic_reward = torch.stack(tmp, dim=0) # TODO(pu): image case
episodic_reward = episodic_reward.view(-1) # torch.Size([32, 42]) -> torch.Size([32*42]
episodic_reward_real_mean = sum(episodic_reward) / (
batch_size * seq_length - null_cnt
) # TODO(pu): recompute mean
self.estimate_cnt_episodic += 1
'episodic_reward/episodic_reward_max', episodic_reward.max(), self.estimate_cnt_episodic
'episodic_reward/episodic_reward_mean', episodic_reward_real_mean, self.estimate_cnt_episodic
'episodic_reward/episodic_reward_min', episodic_reward.min(), self.estimate_cnt_episodic
'episodic_reward/episodic_reward_std_', episodic_reward.std(), self.estimate_cnt_episodic
# transform to [0,1]: er01
episodic_reward = (episodic_reward -
episodic_reward.min()) / (episodic_reward.max() - episodic_reward.min() + 1e-11)
"""1. transform to batch mean1: erbm1"""
# episodic_reward = episodic_reward / (episodic_reward.mean() + 1e-11)
# the null_padding transition have episodic reward=0,
# episodic_reward = episodic_reward / (episodic_reward_real_mean + 1e-11)
"""2. transform to long-term mean1: erlm1"""
# episodic_reward = episodic_reward / self._running_mean_std_episodic_reward.mean
"""3. transform to mean 0, std 1, which is wrong, rnd_reward is in [1,5], episodic reward should >0,
otherwise, e.g. when the episodic_reward is -2, the rnd_reward larger,
the total intrinsic reward smaller, which is not correct."""
# episodic_reward = (episodic_reward - self._running_mean_std_episodic_reward.mean)
# / self._running_mean_std_episodic_reward.std
"""4. transform to std1, which is not very meaningful"""
# episodic_reward = episodic_reward / self._running_mean_std_episodic_reward.std
return episodic_reward
def collect_data(self, data: list) -> None:
train_obs, train_action = collect_data_and_exclude_null_data_episodic(data)
def clear_data(self) -> None:
self.train_obs_total = []
self.train_action_total = []
def fusion_reward(
self, train_data, inter_episodic_reward, episodic_reward, nstep, collector_env_num, tb_logger, estimate_cnt
# NOTE: deepcopy reward part of train_data is very important,
# otherwise the reward of train_data in the replay buffer will be incorrectly modified.
data = self.reward_deepcopy(train_data)
estimate_cnt += 1
index_to_beta = {
i: 0.3 * torch.sigmoid(torch.tensor(10 * (2 * i - (collector_env_num - 2)) / (collector_env_num - 2)))
for i in range(collector_env_num)
batch_size = len(data)
seq_length = len(data[0]['reward'])
device = data[0]['reward'][0].device
intrinsic_reward_type = 'add'
intrisic_reward = episodic_reward * torch.clamp(inter_episodic_reward, min=1, max=5)
tb_logger.add_scalar('intrinsic_reward/intrinsic_reward_max', intrisic_reward.max(), estimate_cnt)
tb_logger.add_scalar('intrinsic_reward/intrinsic_reward_mean', intrisic_reward.mean(), estimate_cnt)
tb_logger.add_scalar('intrinsic_reward/intrinsic_reward_min', intrisic_reward.min(), estimate_cnt)
if not isinstance(data[0], (list, dict)):
# not rnn based rl algorithm
intrisic_reward = intrisic_reward.to(device)
intrisic_reward = torch.chunk(intrisic_reward, intrisic_reward.shape[0], dim=0)
for item, rew in zip(data, intrisic_reward):
if intrinsic_reward_type == 'add':
item['reward'] += rew * index_to_beta[data['beta']]
# rnn based rl algorithm
intrisic_reward = intrisic_reward.to(device)
# tensor to tuple
intrisic_reward = torch.chunk(intrisic_reward, int(intrisic_reward.shape[0]), dim=0)
if self.cfg.last_nonzero_reward_weight is None and self.cfg.last_nonzero_reward_rescale:
# for minigrid env
self.cfg.last_nonzero_reward_weight = seq_length
# this is for the nstep rl algorithms
for i in range(batch_size): # batch_size typically 64
for j in range(seq_length): # burnin+unroll_len is the sequence length, e.g. 100=2+98
if j < seq_length - nstep:
intrinsic_reward = torch.cat(
[intrisic_reward[i * seq_length + j + k] for k in range(nstep)], dim=0
# if intrinsic_reward_type == 'add':
if not data[i]['null'][j]:
# if data[i]['null'][j]==True, means its's null data, only the not null data,
# we add a intrinsic_reward
if data[i]['done'][j] and self.cfg.last_nonzero_reward_rescale:
# if not null data, and data[i]['done'][j]==True, so this is the last nstep transition
# in the original data.
# means if using rescale trick to the last non-zero reward
# when combing extrinsic and intrinsic reward.
# only used in sparse reward env minigrid, in which the last non-zero reward
# is a strong positive signal, should not be overwhelmed by intrinsic rewards。
for k in reversed(range(nstep)):
# here we want to find the last nonzero reward in the nstep reward list:
# data[i]['reward'][j], that is also the last reward in the sequence, here,
# we set the sequence length is large enough,
# so we can consider the sequence as the whole episode plus null_padding
# TODO(pu): what should we do if the last reward in the whole episode is zero?
if data[i]['reward'][j][k] != 0:
# find the last one that is nonzero, and enlarging <seq_length> times
last_nonzero_rew = copy.deepcopy(data[i]['reward'][j][k])
data[i]['reward'][j][k] = \
self.cfg.last_nonzero_reward_weight * last_nonzero_rew + \
intrinsic_reward[k] * index_to_beta[int(data[i]['beta'][j])]
# substitute the kth reward in the list data[i]['reward'][j] with <seq_length>
# times amplified reward
data[i]['reward'][j] = data[i]['reward'][j] + intrinsic_reward * index_to_beta[
return data, estimate_cnt