import numpy as np import torch import math from ding.envs.common import EnvElement from functools import partial from ding.torch_utils import one_hot from ding.envs.common import div_func, div_one_hot N_PLAYER = 11 def score_preprocess(scores): ret = [] for score in scores: clip_score = torch.clamp_max(score.unsqueeze(0), 10) # 0-9: 0-9; 10: >=10 ret.append(one_hot(clip_score, num=11).squeeze(0)) return, dim=0) class MatchObs(EnvElement): _name = "GFootballMatchObs" def _init(self, cfg): self._default_val = None self.template = [ # ------Ball information { 'key': 'ball', 'ret_key': 'ball_position', 'dim': 3, 'op': lambda x: x, 'value': { 'min': (-1, -0.42, 0), 'max': (1, 0.42, 100), 'dtype': float, 'dinfo': 'float' }, 'other': 'float (x, y, z)' }, { 'key': 'ball_direction', 'ret_key': 'ball_direction', 'dim': 3, 'op': lambda x: x, 'value': { 'min': (-1, -0.42, 0), 'max': (1, 0.42, 100), 'dtype': float, 'dinfo': 'float' }, 'other': 'float (x, y, z)' }, { 'key': 'ball_rotation', 'ret_key': 'ball_rotation', 'dim': 3, 'op': lambda x: x, 'value': { 'min': (-math.pi, -math.pi, -math.pi), 'max': (math.pi, math.pi, math.pi), 'dtype': float, 'dinfo': 'float' }, 'other': 'float (x, y, z)' }, { 'key': 'ball_owned_team', 'ret_key': 'ball_owned_team', 'dim': 3, 'op': lambda x: partial(one_hot, num=3)(x + 1), 'value': { 'min': 0, 'max': 2, 'dtype': float, 'dinfo': 'one-hot' }, 'other': 'one hot 3 value', 'meaning': ['NotOwned', 'LeftTeam', 'RightTeam'] }, { 'key': 'ball_owned_player', 'ret_key': 'ball_owned_player', 'dim': N_PLAYER + 1, # 0...N_1: player_idx, N: nobody 'op': lambda x: partial(one_hot, num=N_PLAYER + 1)(x + N_PLAYER + 1 if x == -1 else x), 'value': { 'min': 0, 'max': 2, 'dtype': float, 'dinfo': 'one-hot' }, 'other': 'one hot 12 value', 'meaning': 'index of player' }, # ------Controlled player information { 'key': 'active', 'ret_key': 'active_player', 'dim': N_PLAYER, 'op': partial(one_hot, num=N_PLAYER), 'value': { 'min': 0, 'max': 2, 'dtype': float, 'dinfo': 'one-hot' }, 'other': 'one hot 11 value', 'meaning': 'index of controlled player' }, { 'key': 'designated', # In non-multiagent mode it is always equal to `active` 'ret_key': 'designated_player', 'dim': N_PLAYER, 'op': partial(one_hot, num=N_PLAYER), 'value': { 'min': 0, 'max': 2, 'dtype': float, 'dinfo': 'one-hot' }, 'other': 'one hot 11 value', 'meaning': 'index of player' }, { 'key': 'sticky_actions', 'ret_key': 'active_player_sticky_actions', 'dim': 10, 'op': lambda x: x, 'value': { 'min': 0, 'max': 2, 'dtype': float, 'dinfo': 'boolean vector' }, 'other': 'boolean vector with 10 value', 'meaning': [ 'Left', 'TopLeft', 'Top', 'TopRight', 'Right', 'BottomRight', 'Bottom', 'BottomLeft', 'Sprint', 'Dribble' ] # 8 directions are one-hot }, # ------Match state { 'key': 'score', 'ret_key': 'score', 'dim': 22, 'op': score_preprocess, 'value': { 'min': 0, 'max': 2, 'dtype': float, 'dinfo': 'one-hot' }, 'other': 'each score one hot 11 values(10 for 0-9, 1 for over 10), concat two scores', }, { 'key': 'steps_left', 'ret_key': 'steps_left', 'dim': 30, 'op': partial(div_one_hot, max_val=2999, ratio=100), 'value': { 'min': 0, 'max': 2, 'dtype': float, 'dinfo': 'one-hot' }, 'other': 'div(50), one hot 30 values', }, { 'key': 'game_mode', 'ret_key': 'game_mode', 'dim': 7, 'op': partial(one_hot, num=7), 'value': { 'min': 0, 'max': 2, 'dtype': float, 'dinfo': 'one-hot' }, 'other': 'one-hot 7 values', 'meaning': ['Normal', 'KickOff', 'GoalKick', 'FreeKick', 'Corner', 'ThrowIn', 'Penalty'] }, ] self.cfg = cfg self._shape = {t['key']: t['dim'] for t in self.template} self._value = {t['key']: t['value'] for t in self.template} self._to_agent_processor = self.parse self._from_agent_processor = None def parse(self, obs: dict) -> dict: ''' Overview: find corresponding setting in cfg, parse the feature Arguments: - feature (:obj:`ndarray`): the feature to parse - idx_dict (:obj:`dict`): feature index dict Returns: - ret (:obj:`list`): parse result tensor list ''' ret = {} for item in self.template: key = item['key'] ret_key = item['ret_key'] data = obs[key] if not isinstance(data, list): data = [data] data = torch.Tensor(data) if item['value']['dinfo'] != 'one-hot' else torch.LongTensor(data) try: data = item['op'](data) except RuntimeError: print(item, data) raise RuntimeError if len(data.shape) == 2: data = data.squeeze(0) ret[ret_key] = data.numpy() return ret def _details(self): return 'Match Global Obs: Ball, Controlled Player and Match State' class PlayerObs(EnvElement): _name = "GFootballPlayerObs" def _init(self, cfg): self._default_val = None self.template = [ { 'key': 'team', 'ret_key': 'team', 'dim': 2, 'op': partial(one_hot, num=2), # 0 for left, 1 for right 'value': { 'min': 0, 'max': 2, 'dtype': float, 'dinfo': 'one-hot' }, 'other': 'one-hot 2 values for which team' }, { 'key': 'index', 'ret_key': 'index', 'dim': N_PLAYER, 'op': partial(one_hot, num=N_PLAYER), 'value': { 'min': 0, 'max': N_PLAYER, 'dtype': float, 'dinfo': 'one-hot' }, 'other': 'one-hot N_PLAYER values for index in one team' }, { 'key': 'position', 'ret_key': 'position', 'dim': 2, 'op': lambda x: x, 'value': { 'min': (-1, -0.42), 'max': (1, 0.42), 'dtype': float, 'dinfo': 'float' }, 'other': 'float (x, y)' }, { 'key': 'direction', 'ret_key': 'direction', 'dim': 2, 'op': lambda x: x, 'value': { 'min': (-1, -0.42), 'max': (1, 0.42), 'dtype': float, 'dinfo': 'float' }, 'other': 'float' }, { 'key': 'tired_factor', 'ret_key': 'tired_factor', 'dim': 1, 'op': lambda x: x, 'value': { 'min': (0, ), 'max': (1, ), 'dtype': float, 'dinfo': 'float' }, 'other': 'float' }, { 'key': 'yellow_card', 'ret_key': 'yellow_card', 'dim': 2, 'op': partial(one_hot, num=2), 'value': { 'min': 0, 'max': 2, 'dtype': float, 'dinfo': 'one-hot' }, 'other': 'one hot 2 values' }, { 'key': 'active', # 0(False) means got a red card 'ret_key': 'active', 'dim': 2, 'op': partial(one_hot, num=2), 'value': { 'min': 0, 'max': 2, 'dtype': float, 'dinfo': 'one-hot' }, 'other': 'float' }, { 'key': 'roles', 'ret_key': 'role', 'dim': 10, 'op': partial(one_hot, num=10), 'value': { 'min': 0, 'max': 2, 'dtype': float, 'dinfo': 'one-hot' }, 'other': 'one-hot 10 values', 'meaning': [ 'GoalKeeper', 'CentreBack', 'LeftBack', 'RightBack', 'DefenceMidfield', 'CentralMidfield', 'LeftMidfield', 'RightMidfield', 'AttackMidfield', 'CentralFront' ] }, ] self.cfg = cfg self._shape = {'players': {t['key']: t['dim'] for t in self.template}} self._value = {'players': {t['key']: t['value'] for t in self.template}} self._to_agent_processor = self.parse self._from_agent_processor = None def parse(self, obs: dict) -> dict: players = [] for player_idx in range(N_PLAYER): players.append(self._parse(obs, 'left_team', player_idx)) for player_idx in range(N_PLAYER): players.append(self._parse(obs, 'right_team', player_idx)) return {'players': players} def _parse(self, obs: dict, left_right: str, player_idx) -> dict: player_dict = { 'team': 0 if left_right == 'left_team' else 1, 'index': player_idx, } for item in self.template: key = item['key'] ret_key = item['ret_key'] if key in ['team', 'index']: data = player_dict[key] elif key == 'position': player_stat = left_right data = obs[player_stat][player_idx] else: player_stat = left_right + '_' + key data = obs[player_stat][player_idx] if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): data = [data] data = torch.Tensor(data) if item['value']['dinfo'] != 'one-hot' else torch.LongTensor(data) try: data = item['op'](data) except RuntimeError: print(item, data) raise RuntimeError if len(data.shape) == 2: data = data.squeeze(0) player_dict[ret_key] = data.numpy() return player_dict def _details(self): return 'Single Player Obs' class FullObs(EnvElement): _name = "GFootballFullObs" def _init(self, cfg): self._default_val = None self.template = [ { 'key': 'player', 'ret_key': 'player', 'dim': 36, 'op': lambda x: x, 'value': { 'min': ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -0.42, -1, -0.42, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ), 'max': ( 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.42, 1, 0.42, float(np.inf), 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ), 'dtype': float, 'dinfo': 'mix' }, 'other': 'mixed active player info' }, { 'key': 'ball', 'ret_key': 'ball', 'dim': 18, 'op': lambda x: x, 'value': { 'min': (-1, -0.42, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2, -0.84, -20, -8.4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 'max': (1, 0.42, 100, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0.84, 20, 8.4, np.inf, np.inf, 2.5, 1, 1), 'dtype': float, 'dinfo': 'mix' }, 'other': 'mixed ball info, relative to active player' }, { 'key': 'LeftTeam', 'ret_key': 'LeftTeam', 'dim': 7, 'op': lambda x: x, 'value': { 'min': (-1, -0.42, -1, -0.42, 0, 0, 0), 'max': (1, 0.42, 1, 0.42, 100, 2.5, 1), 'dtype': float, 'dinfo': 'mix' }, 'other': 'mixed player info, relative to active player,\ will have 10+1 infos(all left team member and closest member )' }, { 'key': 'RightTeam', 'ret_key': 'RightTeam', 'dim': 7, 'op': lambda x: x, 'value': { 'min': (-1, -0.42, -1, -0.42, 0, 0, 0), 'max': (1, 0.42, 1, 0.42, 100, 2.5, 1), 'dtype': float, 'dinfo': 'mix' }, 'other': 'mixed player info, relative to active player,\ will have 10+1 infos(all right team member and closest member )' }, ] self.cfg = cfg self._shape = {t['key']: t['dim'] for t in self.template} self._value = {t['key']: t['value'] for t in self.template} def _details(self): return 'Full Obs for Gfootball Self Play'