import os from functools import lru_cache import gym import openai import numpy as np from ding.utils import ENV_REGISTRY from ding.envs import BaseEnv, BaseEnvTimestep from dizoo.tabmwp.envs.utils import create_example_from_pid, build_prompt, get_gpt3_output, calc_rwkv, calc_internlm,\ extract_prediction, normalize_answer, load_data @ENV_REGISTRY.register('tabmwp') class TabMWP(BaseEnv): model = None tokenizer = None def __init__(self, cfg): self.cfg = cfg self.enable_replay = cfg.enable_replay self._init_flag = False self.problems, self.cand_pids, self.train_pids = None, None, None self.problem_id = 0 self.cand_examples = [] openai.api_key = cfg.api_key self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Dict() self.action_space = gym.spaces.Discrete(self.cfg.cand_number * (self.cfg.cand_number - 1)) self.reward_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=-1, high=1, shape=(1, ), dtype=np.float32) self.correct_num = 0 # Initialize language model if needed. assert self.cfg.engine in ['text-davinci-002', 'glm-10B', 'rwkv-7B', 'internlm-7B'] try: if self.cfg.engine == 'glm-10B' and TabMWP.model is None: from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM TabMWP.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("THUDM/glm-10b", trust_remote_code=True) model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("THUDM/glm-10b", trust_remote_code=True) TabMWP.model = model.half() elif self.cfg.engine == 'rwkv-7B' and TabMWP.model is None: from transformers import AutoTokenizer, RwkvForCausalLM TabMWP.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("sgugger/rwkv-7b-pile", trust_remote_code=True) model = RwkvForCausalLM.from_pretrained("sgugger/rwkv-7b-pile") TabMWP.model = model.half() elif self.cfg.engine == 'internlm-7B' and TabMWP.model is None: from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM TabMWP.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("internlm/internlm-7b", trust_remote_code=True) model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("internlm/internlm-7b", trust_remote_code=True) TabMWP.model = model.eval() except ImportError: import sys from ditk import logging logging.warning("not found transformer, please install it using: pip install transformers") sys.exit(1) @lru_cache(maxsize=10000) def get_output(self, inp: str) -> str: inputs = TabMWP.tokenizer(inp + " [MASK].", return_tensors="pt") inputs = TabMWP.tokenizer.build_inputs_for_generation(inputs, max_gen_length=512) inputs = {key: value.cuda() for key, value in inputs.items()} outputs = TabMWP.model.generate( **inputs, max_length=512, eos_token_id=TabMWP.tokenizer.eop_token_id, pad_token_id=TabMWP.tokenizer.eos_token_id ) outputs = TabMWP.tokenizer.decode(outputs[0].tolist()) t0 = outputs.find('<|startofpiece|>') + 16 t1 = outputs.find('<|endofpiece|>') return outputs[t0:t1] def seed(self, seed: int, dynamic_seed: bool = False) -> None: self.cfg.seed = seed def reset(self) -> dict: self.problems, self.cand_pids, self.train_pids = load_data(self.cfg) if TabMWP.model is not None: TabMWP.model = TabMWP.model.cuda() if self.enable_replay: self.cand_pids = [ '32889', '8044', '16892', '5408', '4051', '37355', '17962', '25807', '30602', '5514', '19270', '23713', '17209', '33379', '34987', '11177' ] if self.cfg.seed == 0: # train self.train_pids = [ '14229', '3409', '29980', '799', '5086', '21778', '36441', '34146', '69', '33433', '26979', '18135', '13347', '17679', '38426', '3454', '10432', '31011', '12162', '13063', '7812', '29661', '24482', '4970', '4405', '17405', '27781', '26724', '5993', '16442', '30148', '15895', '6855', '29903', '18107', '29504', '11106', '32964', '29891', '32104', '15712', '24287', '4997', '32581', '21020', '17247', '31455', '13245', '15850', '10011', '10313', '10158', '1817', '33479', '35842', '14198', '26039', '3791', '4909', '37056', '7144', '8185', '2131', '4398', '38199', '29520', '37329', '21388', '28659', '15044', '28510', '12903', '11794', '37095', '32229', '22918', '31680', '15024', '24607', '26930' ] model_io_path = 'dizoo/tabmwp/data/model_in_out_train.txt' if not os.path.exists(model_io_path): os.system( f'wget -O ' + model_io_path + ' --no-check-certificate' ) else: self.train_pids = [ '21037', '22976', '2224', '14145', '27962', '26553', '22110', '16541', '26044', '19492', '31882', '11991', '27594', '7637', '15394', '7666', '5177', '33761', '13703', '29105' ] model_io_path = 'dizoo/tabmwp/data/model_in_out_eval.txt' os.system( f'wget -O ' + model_io_path + ' --no-check-certificate' ) self.cfg.cand_number = len(self.cand_pids) self.cfg.train_number = len(self.train_pids) self.results_memory = [] with open(model_io_path, encoding="ISO-8859-1") as f: tmp ='\n') for tt in tmp: if len(tt.strip()) == 0: continue self.results_memory.append(eval(tt)) self.cand_examples = [] self.correct_num = 0 for pid in self.cand_pids: example = create_example_from_pid(pid, self.problems, self.cfg, test=True) self.cand_examples.append(example) self._init_flag = True self.problem_id = 0 train_sample = create_example_from_pid(self.train_pids[self.problem_id], self.problems, self.cfg, test=True) obs = {'train_sample': train_sample, 'candidate_samples': self.cand_examples} return obs def search_answer(self, pid, pids): for item in self.results_memory: if item['pid'] != pid: continue if item['shot_pids'] == pids: return item['output'] raise ValueError('item does not exists.') def parse_all_answers(self): self.cand_pids = [ '32889', '8044', '16892', '5408', '4051', '37355', '17962', '25807', '30602', '5514', '19270', '23713', '17209', '33379', '34987', '11177', '30218', '26066', '24169', '28492' ] self.train_pids = [ '14229', '3409', '29980', '799', '5086', '21778', '36441', '34146', '69', '33433', '26979', '18135', '13347', '17679', '38426', '3454', '10432', '31011', '12162', '13063', '7812', '29661', '24482', '4970', '4405', '17405', '27781', '26724', '5993', '16442', '30148', '15895', '6855', '29903', '18107', '29504', '11106', '32964', '29891', '32104', '15712', '24287', '4997', '32581', '21020', '17247', '31455', '13245', '15850', '10011', '10313', '10158', '1817', '33479', '35842', '14198', '26039', '3791', '4909', '37056', '7144', '8185', '2131', '4398', '38199', '29520', '37329', '21388', '28659', '15044', '28510', '12903', '11794', '37095', '32229', '22918', '31680', '15024', '24607', '26930' ] self.problem_id = 0 self.cfg.train_number = len(self.train_pids) n = len(self.cand_pids) with open('sampled_pid.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(str(self.cand_pids) + '\n') f.write(str(self.train_pids) + '\n') with open('model_in_out.txt', 'w') as f: while self.problem_id < self.cfg.train_number: for i in range(n): for j in range(n): if i == j: continue shot_pids = [self.cand_pids[i], self.cand_pids[j]] pid = self.train_pids[self.problem_id] # generate the prompt input prompt = build_prompt(self.problems, shot_pids, pid, self.cfg) # get the output from LM # assert self._args.engine == 'text-davinci-002' output = get_gpt3_output(prompt, self.cfg) output_txt = {'shot_pids': shot_pids, 'pid': pid, 'prompt': prompt, 'output': output} f.write(str(output_txt) + '\n') print(self.problem_id, i, j) self.problem_id += 1 def close(self) -> None: self._init_flag = False def step(self, action: np.array) -> BaseEnvTimestep: shot_pids = [self.cand_pids[cid] for cid in action] pid = self.train_pids[self.problem_id] # generate the prompt input prompt = build_prompt(self.problems, shot_pids, pid, self.cfg) # get the output from LM if self.enable_replay: output = self.search_answer(pid, shot_pids) elif self.cfg.engine == 'text-davinci-002': output = get_gpt3_output(prompt, self.cfg) elif self.cfg.engine == 'rwkv-7B': output = calc_rwkv(self.model, self.tokenizer, prompt) elif self.cfg.engine == 'internlm-7B': output = calc_internlm(self.model, self.tokenizer, prompt, self.cfg) else: output = self.get_output(prompt) # extract the prediction from the output prediction = extract_prediction(output, self.problems[pid]['choices'], self.cfg.option_inds) # normalize the number in the text prediction_norm = normalize_answer(prediction, self.problems[pid]['unit']) if prediction_norm.lower() == normalize_answer(self.problems[pid]['answer'], self.problems[pid]['unit']).lower(): reward = 1 self.correct_num += 1 else: reward = -1 self.problem_id += 1 if self.problem_id == self.cfg.train_number: done = True info = {'eval_episode_return': self.correct_num / self.cfg.train_number} else: done = False info = {} train_sample = create_example_from_pid(pid, self.problems, self.cfg, test=True) obs = {'train_sample': train_sample, 'candidate_samples': self.cand_examples} return BaseEnvTimestep(obs, reward, done, info) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "DI-engine tabmwp Env" if __name__ == '__main__': from easydict import EasyDict env_cfg = EasyDict( dict( cand_number=16, train_number=20, engine='text-davinci-002', temperature=0., max_tokens=512, top_p=1., frequency_penalty=0., presence_penalty=0., option_inds=["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"], api_key='xxx', prompt_format='TQ-A', enable_replay=True, seed=0, ) ) env = TabMWP(env_cfg) env.seed(0) env.reset() env.parse_all_answers() env.search_answer('22976', ['32889', '8044'])