from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import logging from os import path import os from threading import Thread from time import sleep, time from typing import Callable, Optional import uuid import torch.multiprocessing as mp import torch from import FileModelStorage from import Storage from ding.framework import Supervisor from ding.framework.supervisor import ChildType, SendPayload class ModelWorker(): def __init__(self, model: torch.nn.Module) -> None: self._model = model def save(self, storage: Storage) -> Storage: return storage class ModelLoader(Supervisor, ABC): def __init__(self, model: torch.nn.Module) -> None: """ Overview: Save and send models asynchronously and load them synchronously. Arguments: - model (:obj:`torch.nn.Module`): Torch module. """ if next(model.parameters()).is_cuda: super().__init__(type_=ChildType.PROCESS, mp_ctx=mp.get_context("spawn")) else: super().__init__(type_=ChildType.PROCESS) self._model = model self._send_callback_loop = None self._send_callbacks = {} self._model_worker = ModelWorker(self._model) def start(self): if not self._running: self._model.share_memory() self.register(self._model_worker) self.start_link() self._send_callback_loop = Thread(target=self._loop_send_callback, daemon=True) self._send_callback_loop.start() def shutdown(self, timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> None: super().shutdown(timeout) self._send_callback_loop = None self._send_callbacks = {} def _loop_send_callback(self): while True: payload = self.recv(ignore_err=True) if payload.err: logging.warning("Got error when loading data: {}".format(payload.err)) if payload.req_id in self._send_callbacks: del self._send_callbacks[payload.req_id] else: if payload.req_id in self._send_callbacks: callback = self._send_callbacks.pop(payload.req_id) callback( def load(self, storage: Storage) -> object: """ Overview: Load model synchronously. Arguments: - storage (:obj:`Stroage`): The model should be wrapped in a storage object, e.g. FileModelStorage. Returns: - object (:obj:): The loaded model. """ return storage.load() @abstractmethod def save(self, callback: Callable) -> Storage: """ Overview: Save model asynchronously. Arguments: - callback (:obj:`Callable`): The callback function after saving model. Returns: - storage (:obj:`Storage`): The storage object is created synchronously, so it can be returned. """ raise NotImplementedError class FileModelLoader(ModelLoader): def __init__(self, model: torch.nn.Module, dirname: str, ttl: int = 20) -> None: """ Overview: Model loader using files as storage media. Arguments: - model (:obj:`torch.nn.Module`): Torch module. - dirname (:obj:`str`): The directory for saving files. - ttl (:obj:`int`): Files will be automatically cleaned after ttl. Note that \ files that do not time out when the process is stopped are not cleaned up \ (to avoid errors when other processes read the file), so you may need to \ clean up the remaining files manually """ super().__init__(model) self._dirname = dirname self._ttl = ttl self._files = [] self._cleanup_thread = None def _start_cleanup(self): """ Overview: Start a cleanup thread to clean up files that are taking up too much time on the disk. """ if self._cleanup_thread is None: self._cleanup_thread = Thread(target=self._loop_cleanup, daemon=True) self._cleanup_thread.start() def shutdown(self, timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> None: super().shutdown(timeout) self._cleanup_thread = None def _loop_cleanup(self): while True: if len(self._files) == 0 or time() - self._files[0][0] < self._ttl: sleep(1) continue _, file_path = self._files.pop(0) if path.exists(file_path): os.remove(file_path) def save(self, callback: Callable) -> FileModelStorage: if not self._running: logging.warning("Please start model loader before saving model.") return if not path.exists(self._dirname): os.mkdir(self._dirname) file_path = "model_{}.pth.tar".format(uuid.uuid1()) file_path = path.join(self._dirname, file_path) model_storage = FileModelStorage(file_path) payload = SendPayload(proc_id=0, method="save", args=[model_storage]) self.send(payload) def clean_callback(storage: Storage): self._files.append([time(), file_path]) callback(storage) self._send_callbacks[payload.req_id] = clean_callback self._start_cleanup() return model_storage