from typing import List, Dict import torch from torch import nn try: from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForTokenClassification except ImportError: from ditk import logging logging.warning("not found transformer, please install it using: pip install transformers") from ding.utils import MODEL_REGISTRY @MODEL_REGISTRY.register('language_transformer') class LanguageTransformer(nn.Module): """ Overview: The LanguageTransformer network. Download a pre-trained language model and add head on it. Interfaces: ``__init__``, ``forward`` """ def __init__( self, model_name: str = "bert-base-uncased", add_linear: bool = False, embedding_size: int = 128, freeze_encoder: bool = True ) -> None: """ Overview: Init the LanguageTransformer Model according to input arguments. Arguments: - model_name (:obj:`str`): The base language model name in huggingface, such as "bert-base-uncased". - add_linear (:obj:`bool`): Whether to add a linear layer on the top of language model, defaults to be \ ``False``. - embedding_size (:obj:`int`): The embedding size of the added linear layer, such as 128. - freeze_encoder (:obj:`bool`): Whether to freeze the encoder language model while training, \ defaults to be ``True``. """ super().__init__() self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) self.model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained(model_name) # Freeze transformer encoder and only train the linear layer if freeze_encoder: for param in self.model.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False if add_linear: # Add a small, adjustable linear layer on top of language model tuned through RL self.embedding_size = embedding_size self.linear = nn.Linear( self.model.config.hidden_size, embedding_size ) # 768 for bert-base-uncased, distilbert-base-uncased else: self.linear = None def _calc_embedding(self, x: list) -> torch.Tensor: # ``truncation=True`` means that if the length of the prompt exceed the ``max_length`` of the tokenizer, # the exceeded part will be truncated. ``padding=True`` means that if the length of the prompt does not reach # the ``max_length``, the latter part will be padded. These settings ensure the length of encoded tokens is # exactly ``max_length``, which can enable batch-wise computing. input = self.tokenizer(x, truncation=True, padding=True, return_tensors="pt").to(self.model.device) output = self.model(**input, output_hidden_states=True) # Get last layer hidden states last_hidden_states = output.hidden_states[-1] # Get [CLS] hidden states sentence_embedding = last_hidden_states[:, 0, :] # len(input_list) x hidden_size if self.linear: sentence_embedding = self.linear(sentence_embedding) # len(input_list) x embedding_size return sentence_embedding def forward(self, train_samples: List[str], candidate_samples: List[str]) -> Dict: """ Overview: LanguageTransformer forward computation graph, input two lists of strings and predict their matching scores. Arguments: - train_samples (:obj:`List[str]`): One list of strings. - candidate_samples (:obj:`List[str]`): The other list of strings to calculate the matching scores. Returns: - output (:obj:`Dict`): Output dict data, including the logit of matching scores and the \ corresponding ``torch.distributions.Categorical`` object. Examples: >>> test_pids = [1] >>> cand_pids = [0, 2, 4] >>> problems = [ \ "This is problem 0", "This is the first question", "Second problem is here", "Another problem", \ "This is the last problem" \ ] >>> ctxt_list = [problems[pid] for pid in test_pids] >>> cands_list = [problems[pid] for pid in cand_pids] >>> model = LanguageTransformer(model_name="bert-base-uncased", add_linear=True, embedding_size=256) >>> scores = model(ctxt_list, cands_list) >>> assert scores.shape == (1, 3) """ prompt_embedding = self._calc_embedding(train_samples) cands_embedding = self._calc_embedding(candidate_samples) scores =, cands_embedding.t()) return {'dist': torch.distributions.Categorical(logits=scores), 'logit': scores}