total_epoch=1200 # the total num of msg interval=0.1 # msg send interval size=16 # data size (MB) test_start_time=20 # network fail time (s) test_duration=40 # network fail duration (s) output_file="my_test.log" # the python script will write its output into this file ip="" rm -f pytmp_* nohup python -t $total_epoch -i $interval -s $size 1>$output_file 2>&1 & flag=true while $flag do for file in `ls` do if [[ $file =~ "pytmp" ]]; then ip=`cat $file` flag=false break fi done sleep 0.1 done echo "get ip: $ip" sleep $test_start_time echo "Network shutsown . . ." sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -s $ip --dport 50516 -j DROP sleep $test_duration sudo iptables -D INPUT -p tcp -s $ip --dport 50516 -j DROP echo "Network recovered . . ."