import os.path as osp import yaml import numpy as np import torch from .football_ikki import Environment from .handyrl_core.model import load_model model_path = osp.join(osp.dirname(__file__), 'models/1679.pth') with open(osp.join(osp.dirname(__file__), 'config.yaml')) as f: config = yaml.safe_load(f) env = Environment(config['env_args']) model = load_model(, model_path) model.eval() def output_think(env, obs, actions, p, v, r): pmask = np.ones_like(p) pmask[actions] = 0 p = p - pmask * 1e32 def softmax(x): x = np.exp(x - np.max(x, axis=-1)) return x / x.sum(axis=-1) sticky_actions = obs['players_raw'][0]['sticky_actions'] print(sticky_actions) print(actions) print((softmax(p) * 1000).astype(int)) print(v) print(r) prev_action = 0 reserved_action = None def agent(obs): global prev_action, reserved_action info = [{'observation': obs, 'action': [prev_action]}, None] env.play_info(info) # print('step %d' % len(env.states)) x = env.observation(0) p, v, r, _ = model.inference(x, None) actions = env.legal_actions(0) # output_think(env, obs, actions, p, v, r) ap_list = sorted([(a, p[a]) for a in actions], key=lambda x: -x[1]) # you need return a list contains your single action(a int type number from [1, 18]) # be ware of your model output might be a float number, so make sure return a int type number. action = ap_list[0][0] if reserved_action is not None: prev_action = reserved_action reserved_action = None # print('###RESERVED###') else: # split action prev_action, reserved_action = env.special_to_actions(action) return [prev_action]