mgrbyte's picture
Add transformers version constraint to pip install command (#6)
cbb7f59 verified
- en
- cy
pipeline_tag: translation
- translation
- marian
- bleu
- cer
- wer
- wil
- wip
- chrf
- text: "The doctor will be late to attend to patients this morning."
example_title: "Example 1"
license: apache-2.0
- name: "mt-dspec-health-en-cy"
- task:
name: Translation
type: translation
type: "text"
name: "various"
- name: SacreBLEU
type: bleu
value: 54.16
- name: CER
type: cer
value: 0.31
- name: WER
type: wer
value: 0.47
- name: WIL
type: wil
value: 0.67
- name: WIP
type: wip
value: 0.33
- name: SacreBLEU CHRF
type: chrf
value: 69.03
# mt-dspec-health-en-cy
A language translation model for translating between English and Welsh, specialised to the specific domain of Health and care.
This model was trained using custom DVC pipeline employing [Marian NMT](,
the datasets prepared were generated from the following sources:
- [UK Government Legislation data](
- [OPUS-cy-en](
- [Cofnod Y Cynulliad](
- [Cofion Techiaith Cymru](
The data was split into train, validation and tests sets, the test set containing health-specific segments from TMX files
selected at random from the [Cofion Techiaith Cymru]( website, which have been pre-classified as pertaining to the specific domain.
Having extracted the test set, the aggregation of remaining data was then split into 10 training and validation sets, and fed into 10 marian training sessions.
A website demonstrating use of this model is available at
## Evaluation
Evaluation was done using the python libraries [SacreBLEU]( and [torchmetrics](
## Usage
Ensure you have the prerequisite python libraries installed:
# The constraint imposed on the transformers version below
# is due to the following issue:
pip install sentencepiece "transformers>4.26.1<=4.30.2"
import trnasformers
model_id = "techiaith/mt-spec-health-en-cy"
tokenizer = transformers.AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id)
model = transformers.AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained(model_id)
translate = transformers.pipeline("translation", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer)
translated = translate("The doctor will be late to attend to patients this morning.")