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# Full Training Tutorial and Guide and Research For a FLUX Style |
This is a training of a public LoRA style (4 separate training each on 4x A6000). |
Experimenting captions vs non-captions. So we will see which yields best results for style training on FLUX. |
CivitAI Link : https://civitai.com/models/731347 |
Generated captions with multi-GPU batch Joycaption app. |
# I used my multi-GPU Joycaption APP (used 8x A6000 for ultra fast captioning) |
# https://www.patreon.com/posts/110613301 |
<img src="https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/6345bd89fe134dfd7a0dba40/LTfUYHXCpcwzt3_us0R26.png" alt="Joycaption examples" style="max-height: 500px; width: auto;"> |
# I used my Gradio batch caption editor to edit some words and add activation token as ohwx 3d render |
# https://www.patreon.com/posts/108992085 |
<img src="https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/6345bd89fe134dfd7a0dba40/BleDJpEMrCMXXRTCPKJqb.png" alt="Gradio batch caption editor" style="max-height: 500px; width: auto;"> |
The no caption dataset uses only ohwx 3d render as caption |
# I am using my newest 4x_GPU_Rank_1_SLOW_Better_Quality.json on 4X A6000 GPU and train 500 epochs - 114 images |
# https://www.patreon.com/posts/110879657 |
<img src="https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/6345bd89fe134dfd7a0dba40/jK75d8i1x5hAHSYSsJNBd.png" alt="Training configuration" style="max-height: 500px; width: auto;"> |
All trainings are saved as Float and 128 LoRA Network Rank thus they are above 2GB per checkpoint |
## Inconsistent Dataset Training |
This is the first training I made with the below dataset |
[Inconsistent-Training-Dataset-Images-Grid.jpg](https://huggingface.co/MonsterMMORPG/3D-Cartoon-Style-FLUX/resolve/main/Inconsistent-Training-Dataset-Images-Grid.jpg) |
When you pay attention to the grid image above shared, you will see that the dataset is not consistent |
The training dataset with used captions (only for With Captions training) can be see in below directory |
[Training-Dataset](https://huggingface.co/MonsterMMORPG/3D-Cartoon-Style-FLUX/tree/main/Training-Dataset) |
It has total 114 images |
This training total step count was 500 * 114 / 4 (4x GPU - batch size 1) = 14250 steps |
It took like 37 hours on 4x RTX A6000 GPU with slow config - faster config would take like half |
There were 2 trainings made with this dataset. Epoch 500 checkpoints are named as below |
[SECourses_Style_Inconsistent_DATASET_NO_Captions.safetensors](https://huggingface.co/MonsterMMORPG/3D-Cartoon-Style-FLUX/resolve/main/SECourses_Style_Inconsistent_DATASET_NO_Captions.safetensors) |
[SECourses_Style_Inconsistent_DATASET_With_Captions.safetensors](https://huggingface.co/MonsterMMORPG/3D-Cartoon-Style-FLUX/resolve/main/SECourses_Style_Inconsistent_DATASET_With_Captions.safetensors) |
Their checkpoints are saved in below folders |
[Training-Checkpoints-NO-Captions](https://huggingface.co/MonsterMMORPG/3D-Cartoon-Style-FLUX/tree/main/Training-Checkpoints-NO-Captions) |
[Training-Checkpoints-With-Captions](https://huggingface.co/MonsterMMORPG/3D-Cartoon-Style-FLUX/tree/main/Training-Checkpoints-With-Captions) |
Its grid results are shared below |
[Inconsistent-Training-Dataset-Results-Grid-26100x23700px.jpg](https://huggingface.co/MonsterMMORPG/3D-Cartoon-Style-FLUX/resolve/main/Inconsistent-Training-Dataset-Results-Grid-26100x23700px.jpg) |
When you pay attention to above image you will see that it has inconsistent results |
## Consistent Dataset Training |
After I noticed that the initial training dataset was inconsistent i have pruned the dataset and made it much more consistent |
[Fixed-Consistent-Training-Dataset-Images-Grid.jpg](https://huggingface.co/MonsterMMORPG/3D-Cartoon-Style-FLUX/resolve/main/Fixed-Consistent-Training-Dataset-Images-Grid.jpg) |
When you pay attention to the grid image above shared, you will see that is way more consistent, still not perfect though |
Now it has total 66 images |
The training dataset with used captions for this training (only for With Captions training) can be see in below directory |
[Fixed-Consistent-Training-Dataset](https://huggingface.co/MonsterMMORPG/3D-Cartoon-Style-FLUX/tree/main/Fixed-Consistent-Training-Dataset) |
This training total step count was 500 * 66 / 4 (4x GPU - batch size 1) = 8250 steps |
It took like 24 hours on 4x RTX A6000 GPU with slow config - faster config would take like half |
There were 2 trainings made with this dataset. Epoch 500 checkpoints are named as below |
[SECourses_3D_Render_Style_Fixed_Dataset_NO_Captions.safetensors](https://huggingface.co/MonsterMMORPG/3D-Cartoon-Style-FLUX/resolve/main/SECourses_3D_Render_Style_Fixed_Dataset_NO_Captions.safetensors) |
[SECourses_3D_Render_Style_Fixed_Dataset_With_Captions.safetensors](https://huggingface.co/MonsterMMORPG/3D-Cartoon-Style-FLUX/resolve/main/SECourses_3D_Render_Style_Fixed_Dataset_With_Captions.safetensors) |
Their checkpoints are saved in below folders |
[Training-Checkpoints-Fixed-DATASET-NO-Captions](https://huggingface.co/MonsterMMORPG/3D-Cartoon-Style-FLUX/tree/main/Training-Checkpoints-Fixed-DATASET-NO-Captions) |
[Training-Checkpoints-Fixed-DATASET-With-Captions](https://huggingface.co/MonsterMMORPG/3D-Cartoon-Style-FLUX/tree/main/Training-Checkpoints-Fixed-DATASET-With-Captions) |
Its grid results are shared below - this one includes results from inconsistent dataset as well |
[Fixed-Consistent-Training-Dataset-Results-Grid-50700x15500px.jpg](https://huggingface.co/MonsterMMORPG/3D-Cartoon-Style-FLUX/resolve/main/Fixed-Consistent-Training-Dataset-Results-Grid-50700x15500px.jpg) |
When you pay attention to above image you will see now it is way more consistent |
# Best Checkpoint And Conclusion |
When inconsistent dataset was used, training with captions yielded way better results. |
However, when training made with a consistent dataset, no captions yielded better and more consistent results with early epochs. |
Thus I concluded that, epoch 75 of no-captions dataset is best checkpoint |
Here below comparison images for fixed dataset |
[Fixed-Consistent-Training-Dataset-No-Captions-Only-Grid.jpg](https://huggingface.co/MonsterMMORPG/3D-Cartoon-Style-FLUX/resolve/main/Fixed-Consistent-Training-Dataset-No-Captions-Only-Grid.jpg) |
[Fixed-Consistent-Training-Dataset-With-Captions-Only-Grid.jpg](https://huggingface.co/MonsterMMORPG/3D-Cartoon-Style-FLUX/resolve/main/Fixed-Consistent-Training-Dataset-With-Captions-Only-Grid.jpg) |
Best checkpoint download link : [Training-Checkpoints-Fixed-DATASET-NO-Captions/SECourses_3D_Render_Style_Fixed_Dataset_NO_Captions-000075.safetensors](https://huggingface.co/MonsterMMORPG/3D-Cartoon-Style-FLUX/resolve/main/Training-Checkpoints-Fixed-DATASET-NO-Captions/SECourses_3D_Render_Style_Fixed_Dataset_NO_Captions-000075.safetensors) |
75 checkpoints is equal to 75 * 66 / 4 = 1238 steps |
# Tutorials To Train Your Style |
1 : https://youtu.be/bupRePUOA18 |
### [**FLUX: The First Ever Open Source txt2img Model Truly Beats Midjourney & Others - FLUX is Awaited SD3**](https://youtu.be/bupRePUOA18) |
[![image](https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/6345bd89fe134dfd7a0dba40/dguyYoaghc8IVdBrKMDkl.png)](https://youtu.be/bupRePUOA18) |
2 : https://youtu.be/nySGu12Y05k |
### [**FLUX LoRA Training Simplified: From Zero to Hero with Kohya SS GUI (8GB GPU, Windows) Tutorial Guide**](https://youtu.be/nySGu12Y05k) |
[![image](https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/6345bd89fe134dfd7a0dba40/5oeVl6mmaRyYZkxuXSShm.png)](https://youtu.be/nySGu12Y05k) |
3 : https://youtu.be/-uhL2nW7Ddw |
### [**Blazing Fast & Ultra Cheap FLUX LoRA Training on Massed Compute & RunPod Tutorial - No GPU Required!**](https://youtu.be/-uhL2nW7Ddw) |
[![image](https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/6345bd89fe134dfd7a0dba40/hPBegzqT2A52hrveI7buf.png)](https://youtu.be/-uhL2nW7Ddw) |
The dataset can't be used commercially |
<img src="https://cdn-uploads.huggingface.co/production/uploads/6345bd89fe134dfd7a0dba40/7ZFz_ZW53ipp8LHYuPPSg.png" alt="Training progress" style="max-height: 500px; width: auto;"> |
# Grid Testing Prompts - Example Images on CivitAI Taken From Grid - No Cherry Pick |
``` |
a ohwx 3d rendering of a car |
a car rendered in ohwx 3d style |
a ohwx style car image |
a ohwx render of a car |
a ohwx car |
a ohwx 3d rendering of a chest, depicted in a cartoon style. The background is a plain white, making the chest and its contents stand out clearly. The overall style is playful and whimsical, with clean lines and bright colors, suggesting a fantasy or adventure theme. The illustration is highly detailed, with a focus on textures and shading to give the chest a realistic, three-dimensional appearance. The metal bands and rivets add a sense of realism and durability to the chest. The image is vibrant and eye-catching, inviting the viewer to imagine the treasure within. The illustration is likely used in a digital context, such as a game or a children's book. The colors are bright and bold, with a focus on oranges, browns, and golds to create a sense of warmth and excitement. The overall mood is one of excitement and discovery. |
a ohwx 3d rendering of an airplane, depicted in a cartoon style. The background is a plain white. The overall style is playful and whimsical, with clean lines and bright colors, suggesting a fantasy or adventure theme. The illustration is highly detailed, with a focus on textures and shading to give a realistic, three-dimensional appearance. The image is vibrant and eye-catching. The illustration is likely used in a digital context, such as a game or a children's book. The colors are bright and bold to create a sense of warmth and excitement. |
a ohwx 3d rendering of a battleship, depicted in a cartoon style. The background is a plain white. The overall style is playful and whimsical, with clean lines and bright colors, suggesting a fantasy or adventure theme. The illustration is highly detailed, with a focus on textures and shading to give a realistic, three-dimensional appearance. The image is vibrant and eye-catching. The illustration is likely used in a digital context, such as a game or a children's book. The colors are bright and bold to create a sense of warmth and excitement. |
a ohwx 3d rendering of a robot, depicted in a cartoon style. The background is a plain white. The overall style is playful and whimsical, with clean lines and bright colors, suggesting a fantasy or adventure theme. The illustration is highly detailed, with a focus on textures and shading to give a realistic, three-dimensional appearance. The image is vibrant and eye-catching. The illustration is likely used in a digital context, such as a game or a children's book. The colors are bright and bold to create a sense of warmth and excitement. |
a ohwx 3d rendering of a dog, depicted in a cartoon style. The background is a plain white. The overall style is playful and whimsical, with clean lines and bright colors, suggesting a fantasy or adventure theme. The illustration is highly detailed, with a focus on textures and shading to give a realistic, three-dimensional appearance. The image is vibrant and eye-catching. The illustration is likely used in a digital context, such as a game or a children's book. The colors are bright and bold to create a sense of warmth and excitement. |
a ohwx 3d rendering of a cat, depicted in a cartoon style. The background is a plain white. The overall style is playful and whimsical, with clean lines and bright colors, suggesting a fantasy or adventure theme. The illustration is highly detailed, with a focus on textures and shading to give a realistic, three-dimensional appearance. The image is vibrant and eye-catching. The illustration is likely used in a digital context, such as a game or a children's book. The colors are bright and bold to create a sense of warmth and excitement. |
a ohwx 3d rendering of an axe, depicted in a cartoon style. The background is a plain white. The overall style is playful and whimsical, with clean lines and bright colors, suggesting a fantasy or adventure theme. The illustration is highly detailed, with a focus on textures and shading to give a realistic, three-dimensional appearance. The image is vibrant and eye-catching. The illustration is likely used in a digital context, such as a game or a children's book. The colors are bright and bold to create a sense of warmth and excitement. |
a ohwx 3d rendering of a house, depicted in a cartoon style. The background is a plain white. The overall style is playful and whimsical, with clean lines and bright colors, suggesting a fantasy or adventure theme. The illustration is highly detailed, with a focus on textures and shading to give a realistic, three-dimensional appearance. The image is vibrant and eye-catching. The illustration is likely used in a digital context, such as a game or a children's book. The colors are bright and bold to create a sense of warmth and excitement. |
a ohwx 3d rendering of a dragon, depicted in a cartoon style. The background is a plain white. The overall style is playful and whimsical, with clean lines and bright colors, suggesting a fantasy or adventure theme. The illustration is highly detailed, with a focus on textures and shading to give a realistic, three-dimensional appearance. The image is vibrant and eye-catching. The illustration is likely used in a digital context, such as a game or a children's book. The colors are bright and bold to create a sense of warmth and excitement. |
a ohwx 3d rendering of a flower, depicted in a cartoon style. The background is a plain white. The overall style is playful and whimsical, with clean lines and bright colors, suggesting a fantasy or adventure theme. The illustration is highly detailed, with a focus on textures and shading to give a realistic, three-dimensional appearance. The image is vibrant and eye-catching. The illustration is likely used in a digital context, such as a game or a children's book. The colors are bright and bold to create a sense of warmth and excitement. |
a ohwx 3d rendering of a rose, depicted in a cartoon style. The background is a plain white. The overall style is playful and whimsical, with clean lines and bright colors, suggesting a fantasy or adventure theme. The illustration is highly detailed, with a focus on textures and shading to give a realistic, three-dimensional appearance. The image is vibrant and eye-catching. The illustration is likely used in a digital context, such as a game or a children's book. The colors are bright and bold to create a sense of warmth and excitement. |
a ohwx 3d rendering of a tank, depicted in a cartoon style. The background is a plain white. The overall style is playful and whimsical, with clean lines and bright colors, suggesting a fantasy or adventure theme. The illustration is highly detailed, with a focus on textures and shading to give a realistic, three-dimensional appearance. The image is vibrant and eye-catching. The illustration is likely used in a digital context, such as a game or a children's book. The colors are bright and bold to create a sense of warmth and excitement. |
a ohwx 3d rendering of a computer, depicted in a cartoon style. The background is a plain white. The overall style is playful and whimsical, with clean lines and bright colors, suggesting a fantasy or adventure theme. The illustration is highly detailed, with a focus on textures and shading to give a realistic, three-dimensional appearance. The image is vibrant and eye-catching. The illustration is likely used in a digital context, such as a game or a children's book. The colors are bright and bold to create a sense of warmth and excitement. |
a ohwx 3d rendering of a graphics processing unit (gpu), depicted in a cartoon style. The background is a plain white. The overall style is playful and whimsical, with clean lines and bright colors, suggesting a fantasy or adventure theme. The illustration is highly detailed, with a focus on textures and shading to give a realistic, three-dimensional appearance. The image is vibrant and eye-catching. The illustration is likely used in a digital context, such as a game or a children's book. The colors are bright and bold to create a sense of warmth and excitement. |
a ohwx 3d rendering of a fork, depicted in a cartoon style. The background is a plain white. The overall style is playful and whimsical, with clean lines and bright colors, suggesting a fantasy or adventure theme. The illustration is highly detailed, with a focus on textures and shading to give a realistic, three-dimensional appearance. The image is vibrant and eye-catching. The illustration is likely used in a digital context, such as a game or a children's book. The colors are bright and bold to create a sense of warmth and excitement. |
a ohwx 3d rendering of a lock, depicted in a cartoon style. The background is a plain white. The overall style is playful and whimsical, with clean lines and bright colors, suggesting a fantasy or adventure theme. The illustration is highly detailed, with a focus on textures and shading to give a realistic, three-dimensional appearance. The image is vibrant and eye-catching. The illustration is likely used in a digital context, such as a game or a children's book. The colors are bright and bold to create a sense of warmth and excitement. |
a ohwx 3d rendering of a umbrella, depicted in a cartoon style. The background is a plain white. The overall style is playful and whimsical, with clean lines and bright colors, suggesting a fantasy or adventure theme. The illustration is highly detailed, with a focus on textures and shading to give a realistic, three-dimensional appearance. The image is vibrant and eye-catching. The illustration is likely used in a digital context, such as a game or a children's book. The colors are bright and bold to create a sense of warmth and excitement. |
``` |