Mohamed Naji Aboo


AI & ML interests

None yet


NajiAboo's activity

New activity in mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1 12 months ago

How to fine tune ?

#12 opened 12 months ago by NickyNicky
New activity in HuggingFaceH4/falcon-chat about 1 year ago

api won't work

#19 opened about 1 year ago by cyruszei
New activity in aboonaji/alpaca_micro_demo about 1 year ago

Upload yoututubealpaca-v1.jsonl

#7 opened about 1 year ago by NajiAboo

Upload yoututubealpaca-v1.jsonl

#6 opened about 1 year ago by NajiAboo

Delete yoututubealpaca-v1.jsonl

#5 opened about 1 year ago by NajiAboo

Delete yoututubealpaca-v1.jsonl

#4 opened about 1 year ago by NajiAboo

Delete yoututubealpaca-v1.jsonl

#3 opened about 1 year ago by NajiAboo

Delete yoututubealpaca-v1.jsonl

#2 opened about 1 year ago by NajiAboo

Delete yoututubealpaca-v1.jsonl

#1 opened about 1 year ago by NajiAboo
New activity in Salesforce/xgen-7b-8k-base about 1 year ago

fine tune the model for custom dataset

#24 opened about 1 year ago by NajiAboo
New activity in tiiuae/falcon-40b over 1 year ago

Falcon models slow inference

#59 opened over 1 year ago by mikeytrw
New activity in SpacesExamples/fastapi_dummy over 1 year ago

Rest end point URL

#6 opened over 1 year ago by NajiAboo