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- ja
- japanese-stablelm
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- kunishou/hh-rlhf-49k-ja
- kunishou/databricks-dolly-15k-ja
- kunishou/oasst1-89k-ja
- llama2
# japanese-stablelm-instruct-ja_vocab-beta-7b-exl2
- Model creator: [Stability AI](https://huggingface.co/stabilityai)
- Original model: [japanese-stablelm-instruct-ja_vocab-beta-7b](https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/japanese-stablelm-instruct-ja_vocab-beta-7b)
## Prompt template: Japanese-StableLM-Llama-2-Chat
<s>[INST] <<SYS>>
{prompt} [/INST]
## Licensing
The creator of the source model has listed its license as `['llama2']`, and this quantization has therefore used that same license.
As this model is based on Llama 2, it is also subject to the Meta Llama 2 license terms, and the license files for that are additionally included. It should therefore be considered as being claimed to be licensed under both licenses. I contacted Hugging Face for clarification on dual licensing but they do not yet have an official position. Should this change, or should Meta provide any feedback on this situation, I will update this section accordingly.
In the meantime, any questions regarding licensing, and in particular how these two licenses might interact, should be directed to the original model repository: [Stability AI's Japanese StableLM Instruct Beta 70B](https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/japanese-stablelm-instruct-beta-70b).
## Model Details
* **Model type**: `japanese-stablelm-instruct-ja_vocab-beta-7b` model is an auto-regressive language model based on the Llama2 transformer architecture.
* **Language(s)**: Japanese
* **License**: [Llama2 Community License](https://ai.meta.com/llama/license/).
* **Contact**: For questions and comments about the model, please join [Stable Community Japan](https://discord.gg/StableJP). For future announcements / information about Stability AI models, research, and events, please follow https://twitter.com/StabilityAI_JP.
## Training Dataset
The following datasets were used for the instruction training. Note these are Japanese translated versions of the original datasets, shared by [kunishou](https://huggingface.co/kunishou).
- [Anthropic HH-RLHF](https://huggingface.co/datasets/kunishou/hh-rlhf-49k-ja)
- [Databricks Dolly 15-k](https://huggingface.co/datasets/kunishou/databricks-dolly-15k-ja)
- [OpenAssistant Conversations Dataset](https://huggingface.co/datasets/kunishou/oasst1-89k-ja)
## Use and Limitations
### Intended Use
The model is intended to be used by all individuals as a foundation for application-specific fine-tuning without strict limitations on commercial use.
### Limitations and bias
The pre-training dataset may have contained offensive or inappropriate content even after applying data cleansing filters which can be reflected in the model generated text. We recommend users exercise reasonable caution when using these models in production systems. Do not use the model for any applications that may cause harm or distress to individuals or groups.
## Authors
This model was developed by the Research & Development team at Stability AI Japan, and the development was co-led by [Takuya Akiba](https://huggingface.co/iwiwi) and [Meng Lee](https://huggingface.co/leemeng). The members of the team are as follows:
- [Meng Lee](https://huggingface.co/leemeng)
- [Fujiki Nakamura](https://huggingface.co/fujiki)
- [Makoto Shing](https://huggingface.co/mkshing)
- [Paul McCann](https://huggingface.co/polm-stability)
- [Takuya Akiba](https://huggingface.co/iwiwi)
- [Naoki Orii](https://huggingface.co/mrorii)
## Acknowledgements
We thank Meta Research for releasing Llama 2 under an open license for others to build on.
We are grateful for the contributions of the EleutherAI Polyglot-JA team in helping us to collect a large amount of pre-training data in Japanese. Polyglot-JA members includes Hyunwoong Ko (Project Lead), Fujiki Nakamura (originally started this project when he commited to the Polyglot team), Yunho Mo, Minji Jung, KeunSeok Im, and Su-Kyeong Jang.
We are also appreciative of [AI Novelist/Sta (Bit192, Inc.)](https://ai-novel.com/index.php) and the numerous contributors from [Stable Community Japan](https://discord.gg/VPrcE475HB) for assisting us in gathering a large amount of high-quality Japanese textual data for model training.