The output is gibberish when gpu offloaded for 2_K quantized.

by rayyd - opened

When I run though llama.cpp without -ngl, the output is alright. As soon as I offload any layer, the output becomes gibberish. Not sure what's going on, any thoughts on this?

command: ./main.exe -t 11 -m D:\llama\models\guanaco-7B.ggmlv3.q2_K.bin --color -c 2048 --temp 0.7 --repeat_penalty 1.1 -n -1 -i -ins -ngl 33
example prompt: Summarize world war 1

Without offload

World War I, also known as the Great War, was a global military conflict that took place from 1914 to 1918. It was one of the largest and most destructive wars in history, with over 9 million combat dead and millions more wounded or displaced. The war began after an Austria-Hungary (A-H) ultimatum to Serbia, which demanded that they relinquish their hold on Bosnia and Herzegovina. This was denied, and A-H declared war on Serbia.
As a result of the Allies, this triggered Germany's entry into the fray. In 1917, Russia (the most powerful of the Allies) left the fray because of the Bolshevik Revolution, and the United States entered the fray in 1917 as well. This led to an armistice on the Western Front and a truce on all fronts. In 1918, Germany signed for no reason but surrender, and the war ended

World War I (WWI) was one of the deadliest conflicts in history. It resulted in over 40 million casualties, including more than 15 million deaths due to starvation, disease, and combat. The Central Powers included Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire, while the Allies were France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, and the United States.

The war began in the summer of 1914 when one of these countries (Austria-Hungary) declared war on a small one (Serbia). Germany sided with Austria-Hungary after realizing that they were about to get attacked. The Allies (the British, French, Russian and Americans) responded by declaring war on the Central Powers.
Germany and its allies promised to make Russia's life hell, so Russia declared war on Germany. Britain and its allies promised to make France's life hell, so France declared war on Germany.

The Allies and their newest ally (the United States) responded by declaring war on the Central Powers, which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire. The Allies' war plans were to knock out the German military first, then invade and occupy the other two countries and annex them into the Allied nations.
After France, Great Britain, and Russia had all declared war on Germany, World War I was a full-scale European war with no clear end in sight.
The Allies were outnumbered 2 to 1, but the Germans were superior in every way. The Allies planned to use two strategies to beat the Germans: (1) they would starve Germany into submission by seizing all of its sources of food, and (2) they would win a battle on land (on the Western Front). The Germans also

With -ngl 33 offloaded

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On investigating further, i realized that compiling the latest llama.cpp caused these problems and outputs gibberish regardless of model and quantization. On rolling back to an earlier commit, the problems are fixed

rayyd changed discussion status to closed

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