--- |
license: apache-2.0 |
--- |
To re-create and use the chatbot for inference, follow these steps: |
1. Download the model artifacts from the Hugging Face Model Hub by following the instructions in the article. |
2. Clone the [GitHub repository](https://github.com/arunprsh/multi-turn-chatbot-gpt-sagemaker) for the multi-turn chatbot with GPT-Neo and Sagemaker. |
3. Navigate to the `03-evaluate` directory to access the notebook with the code for inference. |
![Alt Text](https://github.com/arunprsh/multi-turn-chatbot-gpt-sagemaker/blob/main/img/mtc1.png?raw=true) |
For a comprehensive, step-by-step guide on how to replicate the creation of a multi-turn chatbot using GPT-Neo, please refer to the Medium article [here](https://medium.com/@shankar.arunp/building-a-multi-turn-chatbot-with-gpt-and-sagemaker-a-step-by-step-guide-7d75f33ccea1). |
##### Sample inference code: |
```python |
def chat(): |
logger.info('[Entering chat session ...]') |
logger.info(f'To quit the conversation and reset memory, please type "{RESET_CMD}"') |
query_history = [] |
while True: |
utterance = input('You: ') |
# Exit session if user types the RESET prompt |
if utterance == RESET_PROMPT: |
logger.info(f'[Exiting chat session]') |
break |
# Add speaker 1 id to start of query and encode it using the tokenizer |
input_ids = tokenizer.encode(utterance) |
input_ids = [speaker_1_id] + input_ids |
query_history.append(input_ids) |
if len(query_history) >= MAX_TURNS: |
num_exceeded = len(query_history) - MAX_TURNS |
query_history = query_history[num_exceeded:] |
# Add beginning of sequence and end of sequence ids to input_ids, and convert it to a tensor |
input_ids = [bos_id] + list(chain.from_iterable(query_history)) + [speaker_2_id] |
# Determine the speaker of the first turn based on the first speaker id |
start_sp_id = query_history[0][0] |
# Determine the speaker of the next turn |
next_sp_id = speaker_1_id if start_sp_id == speaker_2_id else speaker_2_id |
# Create token type ids for each turn based on the speaker of the turn |
token_type_ids = [[start_sp_id] * len(turn) if h % 2 == 0 else [next_sp_id] * len(turn) for h, turn in enumerate(query_history)] |
# Add beginning of sequence and end of sequence ids to token_type_ids, and convert it to a tensor |
token_type_ids = [start_sp_id] + list(chain.from_iterable(token_type_ids)) + [speaker_2_id] |
# Determine the length of the input_ids tensor |
input_len = len(input_ids) |
# Convert input_ids and token_type_ids to PyTorch tensors, add an extra dimension, and move to the device (GPU) |
input_ids = torch.LongTensor(input_ids).unsqueeze(0).to(device) |
token_type_ids = torch.LongTensor(token_type_ids).unsqueeze(0).to(device) |
# generate a response from the model given some input |
output_ids = model.generate(input_ids=input_ids, |
token_type_ids=token_type_ids, |
pad_token_id=eos_id, |
do_sample=True, |
top_p=TOP_P, |
max_length=MAX_LEN) |
# extract the generated sequence from the output and remove the input sequence |
output_ids = output_ids[0].tolist()[input_len:] |
# convert the generated sequence of token ids into text |
response = tokenizer.decode(output_ids, skip_special_tokens=True) |
print(f'Bot: {response}') |
# append the generated sequence to the query history as token ids |
query_history.append([speaker_2_id] + tokenizer.encode(response)) |
``` |