Missing files?

by Oskjonsdottir - opened

When trying to run

tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path, use_fast=True)

I get

OSError: asyafiqe/Merak-7B-v3-Mini-Orca-Indo-GPTQ does not appear to have a file named config.json

I'm sorry I forgot to upload the other files. I've uploaded all remaining files.

For the meantime please use oobabooga text-generation-webui with ExLlama_HF or ExLlamav2_HF as the model loader. Use default mode/tab and use the prompt template in the model card page.

Please give some feedback whether it's working or not. Thank you.

Thank you, mate. I tried it with exllama, not oobabooga, and it works fine now.

Oskjonsdottir changed discussion status to closed

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