NPRC24 / IIR-Lab /ISP_pipeline /
6721043 verified

Final submission docker guidelines

All final submissions should be submitted as a docker image. The docker image should be built from the dockerfile in the root of the repository. The docker image should be built with the following command:

    docker build -t <your_team_name> .

The docker image should be run with the following command:

    docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd)/data:/data <your_team_name> ./

As output, the docker image should produce images in JPEG format in the /data directory. All produced files should be named as the input files, but with the .jpg extension. The filenames should be the same as the RAW input filenames in /data. Make sure that your code does not create any other folders in the /data directory. Docker should contain all the necessary dependencies to run the code. It also should include the script as the entrypoint. Take into account that inside the docker image, the /data directory will be mounted to the $(pwd)/data directory of the host machine. This means that the docker image should be able to read the input files from the /data directory and write the output files to the /data directory.


We providing an example of a docker image that can be used as a reference. It can be found in our github repository

Your dockerfile may look like this:

FROM tensorflow/tensorflow:2.3.0
WORKDIR /opt/app
COPY . .
RUN pip install -r /app/requirements.txt
CMD ["./"]