question or not
2 values
4 values
['I was in a meeting one time talking about a serious subject. The most mortifying thing happened!', 'Oh my god what happened?', "I was making gestures while talking. I knocked a whole bottle of water all over my boss' desk!"]
Did it get on him?
I was in a meeting with my boss one time talking about a serious subject. I spilled a whole of water on his desk.
ask me for further details
['I received a wonderful surprise one day', 'Really! What was it?', 'I got a key in the mail and took the key to a local lumber store and got to unlock a box with a prize']
That sounds amazing! What was in the box???
I surly was surprised when I found out I won a contest, it made me excited, as I didnt know what the prize was. It was a simple mailing that had a key inside, the company who sent it was a local and new lumber company. All I had to do was bring the key down to the cmpany and see which prize it unlocked
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["i worked for two months and expected nothing, but i wasn't disturbed, i had passion for what i was doing", 'I wonder what was the work you were doing so passionately?', 'Making clothes for a company']
That's interesting. You must be very talented
when i worked for two months and expected nothing
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['The other day I was at the store and this guy was carrying like 40 bags all by himself! It was really amazing!']
He must be a super hero, I would have offered to help him haha.
The other day I was at the store and this guy was carrying like 40 bags all by himself! It was really amazing!
['I am happy with my life right now, everything is going okay for the most part', "That's great, we all deserve to feel peace and happiness with how our lives are going.", 'That is true, I wish that for everyone']
You're a kind person to wish that.
I am happy with my life right now, everything is going okay for the most part
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["One of my friends loves to be really irritating by playing devil's advocate to everything.", 'yea i know that tilts me so hard', "He's quite the piece of garbage."]
yea i bet he is
One of my friends really loves to play devil's advocate. It really makes me mad sometimes.
['I feel twinge of envy on my sisiter!']
Oh really? Why do you think that is?
My sister gonna buy new laptop. It's my dream to buy it. I felt twinge of envy on her.
ask me for further details
['I found $80 while I was cleaning out my truck.']
That is awesome, what will you spend it on?
I found $80 while I was cleaning out my truck.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My son said his first word today!', "That's amazing! Which word did he choose?", 'He said flamingo! I was so shocked and impressed!']
omgoodness! I don't think I've even used flamingo in a sentence myself in a long time! He's clearly a prodigy!
My son said his first word today. I was so delighted!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["i don't like the feeling of the unknown"]
Why do you say that
i don't like the feeling of the unknown
['I was so excited when I held my son for the first time.', 'I bet. That is a special moment', 'It really was, like no other moment.', 'What did you name him?', 'Knox.']
That's so cute. I have a son named Ethan
I felt this way after the birth of my son.
["I'm SO afraid of my neighbors new pit bull ! Every morning our neighbor lets out the dog - he immediately heads towards MY driveway to get MY newspaper, runs off and tears it to shreds !", "Oh wow, letting the dog roam free even when it's so new to the neighborhood? That seems like recipe for disaster. Your poor newspaper..", "I'm so glad it was the newspaper and not ME ! I used to go for early morning walks. But not anymore."]
Maybe an airhorn or something would spook him off. Dogs tend not to like loud sounds, after all.
I'm SO afraid of my neighbors new pit bull ! Every morning our neighbor lets out the dog - he immediately heads towards MY driveway to get MY newspaper, runs off and tears it to shreds !
['I was at my favorite restaurant and the owner gave me a complimentary meal because I eat there so often!', "That's awesome! What kind of restaurant is it?", "It's a mexican restaurant"]
Oh those are great and a lot of times they make everything fresh! What is your favorite meal there?
I was at my favorite restaurant and the owner gave me a complimentary meal because I eat there so often!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['i still think about when my daughter was a babu.', 'Is that a good memory or bad one?', 'good. she is 13 now and the worst lol']
Oh yeah, that is a rough phase
I still think about when my teenage daughter was baby. She was an angel
['My grandma is 93 and needs a lot of assistance with everyday tasks. I try to look after her as best as I can.']
I understand, my parents are 85 and 88, both with dementia.
My grandma is 93 and needs a lot of assistance with everyday tasks. I try to look after her as best as I can.
["I finally went on my first rollercoaster since I've never been to an amusement park. What's the deal with rollercoasters?! How is that fun, that's not fun, that's scary!", 'It is scary yet exhilarating lol', 'I think I might be done with rollercoasters already, haha.']
Some don't like them. I can't do the ones that go straight down.
I hadn't been to an amusement park until very recently, so I was excited to ride the rollercoasters. I didn't realize until I was on it; how do people this this is fun! I was terrified the whole way.
['Have you ever tried to steam clean an antique rug?', 'I have not, I feel like it should be done by a professional.', 'Well I figured that out. I cleaned mine last night. They are clean but now they smell horrible!', 'Oh no! Probably tons of years of dirt caked into the rug. Did you use the right cleaner?', 'probably not. I wish I would have just left them dirty. I have them airing out outside now.']
Maybe the dirt adds to the whole antique feel of them.
I steam cleaned my antique rugs last night but because they are so old they have ta horrible smell. I wish I would have just left them dirty.
['When I was a little child my parents told me that we were going to the amusement park and it made me so happy']
I bet! That sounds like fun.
When I was little and I found out that we were going to the amusement park .
['When we moved into our new house, our cat found a field mouse that had gotten inside.', 'Your cat must have got treats for that.', "HA! Well I'm the one that found her and she was just playing with it. There was blood everywhere, it was so gross."]
That's brutal, my cat plays with her kills too.
When we moved into our new house, our cat found a field mouse that had gotten inside. She was playing with it and there was blood all over, it was so gross.
['My friends asked me to go out with them, but I had to decline it because I have to save money for bills.']
Well that's a very mature decision of you. It's better than over spending.
My friends asked me to go out with them, but I had to decline it because I have to save money for bills.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['The worst thing happened the other day.']
tell me more about this
when my daughter broke her tooth
["I'm glad I left school. I would've probably ended up taking a job I hated.", 'What are you doing now?', 'self-employed freelancer making $2000 a week']
That is awesome, good for you!
I'm glad I dropped out of college when I did. I would've probably ended up taking a job I hated for the rest of my life.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I have a coworker sitting next to me that has very frequently his finger inside his nose.', "Man that's pretty gross", 'Yes, I know. I try most of time to not look in his direction.']
I would switch computers...or ask him if he's found gold yet
I have a coworker sitting next to me that has very frequently his finger inside his nose.
['i went to work the other day, and saw a mountain of pallets i had to open but i was confident i could finish', 'Sounds impressive. Did you finish all of them?', 'i finished everything , my managers were very impressed']
That's really good! Did they give you a raise?
there was a lot of work to be done and i felt confident i could finish
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I ordered a game off of the internet and it came in on a way later date than expected.', "Thats Sucks I download games so I don't have that problem", "That's what I do now but back then they were not able to be downloaded."]
I used to have that problem too. Downloading would take days. Technology saved me there.
One time I ordered a game on the internet and it took a week longer that it was supposed to, to get delivered and I had no idea when it would be delivered.
["I cheated on my exam yesterday. It was so tempting because the girl next to me didn't even bother covering her answers."]
did you get an A?
I cheated on my exam yesterday. It was so tempting because the girl next to me didn't even bother covering her answers.
ask me for further details
['We are expecting severe weather tonight.', 'what kind of weather is that?', 'Possible tornadoes. I have cleaned out a safe spot in the basement and filled a tote with food and emergency supplies just in case.']
yah, safety first.
We are expecting severe weather tonight. I have a space ready in our basement in case of a tornado. I also packed a tote with emergency food and supplies.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My nephew joined the football team this year']
How exciting? What position will he be playing?
My nephew made the football team!
ask me for further details
['I won a Starbucks gift card in class recently.', "That's very lucky, how much was it for?", 'Just $20, but I was excited to win a contest since it so rarely occurs.']
Yeah I can understand, it's definitely a pleasant surprise.
I won a Starbucks gift card in class recently.
['I experienced road rage the other day. I woman carelessly swerved in front of me, causing me to slam on my brakes.']
Road rage is a problem I deal with too. I have adult add and tend to be impulsive and am horrible at socializing. I'm glad your alright and I don't blame you for getting stressed out by that.
I was furious when the distracted driver swerved in front of me, causing me to slam my brakes. I wasn't surprised when I saw the lady yakking on her cell phone.
['I saw a tv show last night where a guy ate a live squid', "Oh wow, that sounds like something I wouldn't do", 'Yeah I know. It was disgusting', 'Why was he doing it', "It was a travel cookery show - he was in Korea and apparently it's a delicacy there."]
Other countries sure are weird
I watched a TV show last night. The presenter ate a live squid.
["Lately, my neighbors want to sit around and gossip about the family across the street. They love to talk bad about them even though it's clear this family is struggling. I'm sick of it", 'I am sure you are, that sounds bad', "It's awful! How are people okay with being so cruel?"]
There are just bad people out there
All my neighbors constantly want to get together to gossip and talk bad about the people who live across the street. I'm sick of it!
['My kids can be little angels']
Children are angels!
My kids are the sweetest until I pick up my cell phone. Then they are like animals!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Can you believe that for the third time in the past two weeks my lunch has been stolen at work. I am so heated right now.', "That's not cool. Did you put your name on it?", 'Yes and dated it. I have been trying to save money and eat healthy but every time it is stolen I have to go out and buy lunch. I swear I am going to go off if it happens again.']
I'm so sorry that happened to you, better luck next time.
For the third time in two weeks someone at work has stolen my lunch and no one will admit it.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My street almost flooded very bad up to my garage because of the heavy rain today. I have things in my garage that I wouldnt want to get wet and didnt even think it could flood.', 'I do hate flooding as well', 'Yeah expecially when its unexpected, like my house is about a foot above the level of the street but the storm drains go to a river which also floods so the drains dont work, I actually thing water from the river comes back through the drains!']
Thank goodness nothing flooded then
My street almost flooded very bad up to my garage because of the heavy rain today. I have things in my garage that I wouldnt want to get wet and didnt even think it could flood.
['I studied very hard before exams. I tried to make sure I was always prepared.']
That's so nice of you. Hardwork pays
I always studied hard before final exams. I can't remember a time I wasn't prepared to pass a test and an A.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["Got a call that I won the weekend trip to New York. I've never been!"]
Great, are you taking anyone with you?
Got a call that I won the weekend trip to New York. I've never been!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My son just finished high school.', "Oh wow, that's exciting!", 'Yes, he will be going to college in the fall.']
I'm also going to college in the fall, but I'm gonna be a sophomore.
My son just finished high school.
['I am disappointed by Nintendo, they announced a direct but only for one game, when they usually announce many new ones', 'They announce a direct?', 'They did, for this Wednesday, but it will only focus on Super Smash Bros']
Are you a fan of super smash bros?
I am disappointed by Nintendo, they announced a direct but only for one game, when they usually announce many new ones
ask me for further details
['it was suprising to see lebron leave the cavs a second time']
I actually don't know too much about basketball, so I really don't have a strong opinion on that. Is that a bad thing?
it was suprising to see lebron leave the cavs a second time
ask me for further details
['My friend just bought a new Porsche.', 'Wow. I have always wanted one myself? What model?', 'He got the Macan. I am so envious of him.']
What color?
My friend just bought a new Porsche. I am really envious of him.
ask me for further details
['Looking forward to getting my new vacuum for the SECOND time tomorrow.']
What happened to the first one?
Looking forward to getting my new vacuum for the SECOND time tomorrow. I hope it works..I swear I will cry if it doesn't.
ask me for further details
['I made an amazing pizza last night.', 'What kind of pizza was it?', 'It was just cheese and tomato, but it was Detroit style - so it had a cheesy chewy crust and teh sauce is on top of the cheese. I was really impressed with myself!']
I prefer New York style pizza.
I am very proud of the pizza I made last night. It was a detroit style. Lovely.
['Just came back from a job interview. Seem to hit it off with the interviewer.', 'That is great! Have you been looking for a job for long?', 'Yep. About half a year.']
I bet it is a good feeling and are looking forward to hearing from them.
Just came back from a job interview. Seem to hit it off with the interviewer.
['I watched a man eat 3 pounds of canned tuna.', 'Eww. I hope he was outside - that stuff stinks!', 'Yes, it was very gross to witness!']
I bet it was. Don't you just hate those eating contests where people are shoving stuff into their mouths so fast?!
I watched a man eat 3 pounds of canned tuna. It was very gross to see.
ask me for further details
['A bird crashed right into my window today.']
what kind, is she alive?
A bird crashed into my window today.
ask me for further details
['I was angry in the supermarket this week', 'How come? What made you so angry.', 'People were letting their kids run wild when it was really busy.']
Ugh I dislike parents who are so irresponsible with their kids in public
I was angry in teh supermarket this week. Parents weren't controlling their kids
['I am not proud that I cheated on my exam in school.']
But did you ebd up getting a good grade?
I am not proud that I cheated on my exam in school.
ask me for further details
['I cheated on my girlfriend in high school.']
That's pretty messed up. Why did you do that?
I cheated on my girlfriend in high school. I felt so bad about it.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Yesterday I had my final Physics exam and I think I nailed it, due to studying so hard.', 'That sounds great! It sounds like you really studied hard. I hope you did wonderful on it.', 'Yeah, me too. Hopefully just as well as you did on yours. I really struggle with mathematics.']
It sounds like you did great. Studying is the biggest part really.
Yesterday I had my final Physics exam and I think I nailed it, due to studying so hard.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I just came home after totally embarrassing myself. My coat got stuck on a shop's product-display and the whole thing came crashing down!", 'Well, it will get better. Life happens all the time. We have to just accept it and move on.', "I'll move-on alright! I'll move towns! I'll never show my face in there again!"]
We all have embarrassing moment. We just have to just laugh and keep on.
Causing a shop's display to come crashing down.
['I ordered $50 worth of food to be delivered the other day.']
For a party?
I ordered $50 worth of food to be delivered and it was all wrong when the guy delivered it!
ask me for further details
["I moved house recently, from an absolute dump. The new place isn't huge, but it's perfect for me."]
That's one of the most responsible things you can do. I'm sure your family is proud of you.
I moved into a new house recently. And while it isn't a mansion, it fits my needs perfectly.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['The weekend went by so fast.']
It sure did. Did you get a chance to relax and have some fun?
I wish the weekend had been longer.
ask me for further details
['I am hopeful that I will get into law school this year. I studied really hard for it.', 'I hope you do too. Sounds like you did well preparing.', 'Yes I did, I spent 4 hours every day for a whole year studying for this test to get into law school.']
Very good! I anticipate you will get in!
I am hopeful that I will get into law school this year.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am worried I will drown when I go swimming.']
have you swam before?
I am worried I will drown when I go swimming.
ask me for further details
['I am scared that World War 3 may be near.', "Nah. Don't worry my friend! It will be okay!", 'I am really worried that North Korea may attack us.']
I don't think they will. We are the worlds greatest army
I am scared that World War 3 may be near.
["The start of school is soon, I'm ready to get back to work!"]
I feel you! Summer is great and all but I miss my classmates and the work I'm studying.
The start of school is soon!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I was in despair that someone ruined everything over nothing. They continue to ruin their life and everyone's around them."]
That sounds terrible. What can you do?
I was in despair that someone ruined everything over nothing. They continue to ruin their life and everyone's around them. Self destruct.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I never win anything but took a chance on buying a few lottery tickets the and I won $50,000!']
Wow, that must have made you feel so good about yourself.
I bought a few $3 lottery tickets at the store just for fun one night knowing I probably would not win a thing. I won $50,000 to my surprise!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I used to pretend to be asleep when my ex came home from work']
wow, You didnt want to be around them that bad?
I used to pretend to be asleep when my ex came home. I hated hearing about his job.
ask me for further details
['My sister and her dog are staying in my house for a while and her dog will not stop using the bathroom in my house!', 'Did she taught him to use the bathroom?', 'Apparently, she has not!']
Did it made a mess?
My sister is staying with me for a few months along with her little dog. The dog will not stop using the bathroom in my house!
ask me for further details
['This guy at work is really annoying me.']
What is he doing?
Today at work there was a coworker who was not doing nearly as much work as the rest of us and it was annoying
ask me for further details
['Looks like I have 2 million things to be thankful for', 'Well it is good to be thankful. We have to remember all the little things.', 'Good wife, good job, good kids, good cars the list goes on and on']
It is good to appreciate what we have, not opine for what we don't have.
Looks like I have 2 million things to be thankful for
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I just realized that I don't have many friends here.", 'oh why not!! quality is better than quantity!!', "Yes, that's true. I haven't lived here long so I guess I just haven't met enough people yet."]
ah that is also there. You will make new friends!!
I don't have many friends I realized.
['So, my best friend did something I had a very hard time forgiving him for', 'mind telling me what happened maybe i could help you?', 'Well, it was a while back but, this beautiful girl was interested in me and, he knew it. He came in and directed all attention towards himself which stopped me entirely from pursuing a relationship']
you don't deserve a best friend like that. or even a relationship where you have to keep fighting for the attention. i suggest you leave both of them and look for your future with other people!
Once. I met this beautiful girl and she chose my best friend over me
please give me some advices.
['Seinor year. I am graduating a 35 year old single mom']
Congratulations on that. You truly did it. Age is just a number. I hope you have your whole life ahead of you yet
I cant believe its my last year of college. I am so ready
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am so mad that my brother stole 100 bucks from me,', 'Really? Have you spoken to him about it?', 'Yes but he denies doing it. But I saw him take it.']
What about your parents? Can they help?
I am so mad that my brother stole 100 bucks from me.
ask me for further details
['This headache needs to go away!', 'Did you take any medicine?', "of course not! That's what the government wants."]
They want you to take their medicines?
This headache needs to go away.
ask me for further details
['My grandmother became sick recently so I have taken some time off work to nurse her.']
Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that. I hope she gets better.
My grandmother became sick recently so I have taken some time off work to nurse her.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I was doing this chat room thing, and I walked away for a minute.']
Oh yeah? How did that go?
I was doing this chat room thing, and I walked away for a minute. One minute turned to ten, and the next thing I knew, the chatroom had expired, stranding the person waiting on me.
ask me for further details
['i was mad when i saw my dog had gotten out']
Was it alright?
i was mad when i saw my dog had gotten out
ask me for further details
["I noticed a homeless man who appeared like he hadn't eaten in a while sitting on a bench near a fast food joint. I felt so bad that I ended up buying him a meal."]
That was very nice of you! I wish more people would react the way that you did.
I saw a homeless man sitting on a bench near McDonald's and not a single person even paid him even mind. I felt bad so I ended up buying him a hamburger.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'm pretty bummed out. The vet told me I have to put my dog down."]
Im so sorry to hear that. What is wrong with him?
I had to put my dog down today.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['So this weekend I went to the hall bathroom and I snake was there! I nearly passed out', 'Oh my god! Did it try to bite you?', 'No. It was a little garden snake. But not something I was expecting to see at midnight on my bathroom floor.']
That must have been a shock. I hope you took it outside after that.
I went to my bathroom and a snake was there.
['I once got trapped in a dark forest for two days!']
That sounds scary
I was trapped in a forest for two days.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My husband thinks we should have another baby.', 'What do you think?', "I just can't decide. I don't know if now is a very good time. I also wouldn't want to do it if I were any older thougj."]
I can understand that
My husband wants to have another child. I am just not sure that it is the best idea right now. I just cannot decide.
['I get feel so irate when I lose any form of game.']
Me too! I like to win, I guess that makes me competitive.
I get so angry when I lose any game.
['Hi friend, I recently went on a fishing trip.']
Sounds like fun. What kind of fishing did you do? Fly fishing?
I was doing a fishing trip. I caught a huge fish!
ask me for further details
['My grandfather gave me his pocket watch', 'Wow, where did he get it from?', 'Kazakhstan, in 1948']
That's awesome, glad he's able to hand it down to the next generation
My grandpa gave me his pocketwatch. I love that thing
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My sister in law brought our first girl into the family, the wait seemed like forever']
Congratulations, always nice to have a new addition to the family!
My brothers wife had our first girl into the family, the wait was intense
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I sure miss the days when I was young and living at home. We had a nice house and all I had to do was schoolwork and play with my friends.', 'True, you must be feeling nostalgic, kids going back to school and all', 'Yeah now I have responsibilities. I wish I could go back to how things were.']
Someone needs to invent a time machine!
I miss the old days when I lived at home with my parents. We had a nice house and I didn't have to do anything but school and play with my friends. Now I have responsibilities.
['Hi, how are you?']
I'm doing pretty alright, what about you?
ask me for further details
['I moved to a new city last month.', "Exciting! How are you settling in? It might take a while but you'll start making friends and setting up a community around you.", 'I have no one around me anymore so its left me a bit depressed']
I can understand that. It is usually very isolating to move, especially if its away from family and friends. I did that as well and found I had to consistently get out and try to meet people. It wasn't always a success but after about 2 months, I started to have things to do. Keep your chin up and go explore your new city!
I moved to a new city last month. I have no one around me anymore
['So, my mom invited me and my kids on a road trip.', "That's exciting. Is that something you want to do?", "Kind of. I was worried because my husband wouldn't be coming along and my kids are very young, 3 years and 6 months."]
That could definitely be tough. Especially with a baby.
I was invited on a road trip with my kids. I was worried about not having my husband there to help me.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I just watched a show about stunt people in the movies. Its amazing what they can do!', 'Yeah it is, I always thought stunt doubles were cool', 'They really get bashed and smashed. They should get paid more.']
I agree, it is tough work!
I just watched a show about stunt people in the movies. Its amazing what they can do!
['Someone stole my dog from my house!']
wth thats crazy
Someone stole my dog!
['I was so pleased with myself for knocking off a lot of tasks in my home remodeling project!']
that's awesome! what rooms did you remodel?
I was so pleased with myself for completing home remodeling tasks.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I really needed to get ready for this test in calculus last semester since otherwise I would've failed.", 'Well done, you studied for it and passed!', 'I did better than passing, I got an A!']
Thanks amazing! I know you have a bright future ahead of you
I had a test in calculus that I really needed to pass. I studied hard to do well and I was so ready for it.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['i cant wait for monday!', "What's going on Monday?", 'kids return to school!']
Yeah, I guess that will be like a vacation for you.
i cant wait for monday!
['I am stressed by my blood test results that I will have tomorrow.', 'Wow. What do you think will happen?', 'I am afraid that I could have some sugar issues.']
Well make sure you listen to your Dr.'s advice!
I am stressed by my blood test results that I will receive tomorrow.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I have a test next week', 'What kind of test?', 'a calc 3 test']
Are you in college or high school?
I have a test next week
ask me for further details
['My sister just bought a new house, and she is only 25.', 'That is pretty impressive', 'She has been working and saving money since she was 15. Very determined young lady.']
That is really something to be proud of
My sister just bought a new house, and she is only 25.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Our little dog ended up with pancreatitis.', "Oh I'm so sorry. Is the little one being treated?", "We tried. We took her to an emergency vet, then our vet followed up with us for weeks. She kinda overcame the pancreatitis, but she also had an autoimmune disease and her body started killing off her red blood cells. She wasn't going to recover and she was in so much pain, we had to take her in to be put to sleep."]
I am so sorry to hear that. I'm sure she had the bests life she could being part of your family.
Our little dog got pancreatitis. She never recovered and we had to have her put to sleep because she was in so much pain.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I went on vacation to Florida and had a great time. I just felt really happy and relaxed the entire time.', "I'm glad you had a nice trip. Was it your first.", "It was, actually! I'm from Louisiana and was so surprised at the difference in humidity! The heat is more bearable in Florida."]
I would have thought it would be the other way around.
I recently went on vacation to Florida and it was so relaxing.
["There's a hard bump on my arm. I don't know what it is.", 'Have you made an appointment with your doctor?', "I'm hoping it goes away, but you're right. Maybe I should set an appoitment."]
I would just to be safe!
There's a hard bump on my arm. I don't know what it is.
['I am excited for the new Spider-man movie. It comes out October 5th and it has one of my favorite actors, Tom Hardy!', 'I love Tom Hardy!', 'He is such a great actor']
He is. And he is nice to look at too lol
I am excited for the new Spider-man movie. It comes out October 5th and it has one of my favorite actors, Tom Hardy!
['My son said his first word yesterday.']
Oh, that's so cool!
My son said his first word yesterday. I was filled with pride.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I lost all my money in one of my bank accounts.']
When I looked at one of my bank accounts I realized I lost all my money. I found out it was stolen and there was no way to get it back.
ask me for further details
['I had to leave my dog behind when I moved.', 'OH NO! Will he/she be ok?', "She's ok, I had to leave her with my mom. I got her as a present when my dad died. So i miss her for multiple reasons."]
OHH i thought you literally left her. Haha idk why.
When I moved, I had to leave my dog behind that I got when my father died.