question or not
2 values
4 values
["Maybe one day i'll make enough money for my family."]
Are you not able to make ends meet right now?
Maybe one day i'll make enough for my family.
ask me for further details
['In school I have a big test coming up. I am worried I will not be prepared in time.']
Oh no, that's always really stressful. Just do your best to prepare, and try not to worry about it. Whatever happens, happens, and if you're less stressed you'll probably do better.
I have a big test coming up for school. I have studied every day but am worried I will not do good.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['im going to a concert sunday i cant wait']
That's awesome. Is it your favorite band?
i am going to a concert on sunday. i cant wait!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I have a flight coming up and i absolutely hate flying.']
Yeah, flying is the worst.
I am worried about a flight coming up.
['Fruits have been so expensive lately, so our neighbors always brings us a basket of pears from their trees!', 'That is so incredibly nice of them. It is nice to have good neighbors...and good pears!', 'They are great people. They had so many that instead of throwing them out, they took the time to collect them and share it with us!']
Wow, I wish I had neighbors like that. I'm stuck going to the store and paying $2.99 a pound on them. You're right, it is expensive.
Fruits have been so expensive lately, so our neighbors always brings us a basket of pears from their trees!
['When a storm came through my town a few springs ago, I felt prepared. I knew when to leave and where to go.']
That must have been very frightening. Did you have somewhere safe that you went to>
I was really prepared when a storm came through my town. I knew when to leave and where to go
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I saw a coyote in the neighbourhood the other day!', 'That is awesome, was he scared of you?', "Thankfully I was in a car, but no, I don't think it was phased by me in anyway"]
That is awesome, was he scared of you?
I saw a coyote in the neighbourhood the other day!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My grandfather was diagnosed with cancer recently.']
Oh my God, that's terrible.
My grandfather was diagnosed with cancer recently. I have been visiting him every week and spending time with him
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My wife went out of town and I was alone for a whole week.', 'Did you enjoy it?', 'I watched tv and played video games the entire time.']
I bet that was fun and relaxing
My wife went out of town and I was alone for a whole week.
['I had a job interview yesterday. It went so good, I know I got the job.']
I hope you did. Is it one that you really wanted ?
I had a job interview yesterday. It was so good I know I got the job!
ask me for further details
['I never get to go out and see people.']
Aw! How come?
I never get to go out and see people.
ask me for further details
['I can not believe I lied to my mother.', 'What was it about?', 'About why I needed to borrow money.']
What did you spend it on?
I can't believe I lied to my mother.
ask me for further details
['I stripped in front of the cute barista at the coffee shop. I dont think I can return.']
Oh yeah why is that? Did the cops drag you out?
I was at my favorite coffee shop and tripped over my shoelace. I even did it in front of the cute barista. Im not sure if can return.
ask me for further details
['In order try to get a friend to break up with her jerk boyfriend, I sent him fake texts that looked like they were from another woman.', 'Oh wow! Did it work?', "No, and it made her feel horrible because she thought that she wasn't enough for him. In the end, it wasn't worth it."]
I bet you felt really bad. Did you end up telling her the truth?
A while back, my friend was fating this horrible guy, so I started sending fake texts to him from a throwaway number hoping she would see them. I felt really bad about it in the long run.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am staying positive that my blood results will come back okay.', 'what are you being tested for?', 'My health in general. I havent had a check up in 10 years and have been feeling off.']
Well I hope you are okay? Did the doctor hint at anything?
That everything will turn out to be okay with my health.
ask me for further details
['I am content right now, I have a girlfriend, a good job, and a good group of friends']
i am so happy for you
I am content right now, I have a girlfriend, a good job, and a good group of friends
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I tried to paint my house one color and it turned out another color.', 'that is no good, I am sorry that happened to you', 'Thanks, yeah its a bummer']
It happens I suppose, maybe there is some sort of refund policy where you bought it from
when i didnt paint the house the right color
['My aunt just call to tall me that she will be visiting next week.', 'I hope you guys enjoy your visit! Are you guys really close?', "We were but I haven't seen here for years."]
Aww, I bet you miss her a lot. Well it's good you get to see her soon!
I just heard that my aunt, that haven't seen for some years will be visiting.
["My oldest girls are just over a year apart. I wasn't expecting to have another baby so soon.", 'How many kids would that be now?', 'That makes 3 girls. They keep me on my toes.']
hahaha I bet they do!
My oldest girls are just over a year apart. I wasn't expecting to have another baby so soon.
['Lately, I was having financial issues. The company that I am working for me is going to pay us bonuses.', "That's great. How big is the bonus going to be?", 'It is about 5 000 dollars. It will help me greatly with my financial problems.']
That would help me out quite a bit too!
Lately, I was having financial issues. The company that I am working for me is going to pay us bonuses.
['I exercise often but as a powerlifter I do very little cardio and never really had much interest in it. A friend of mine introduced me to marathon running and wow, I like it much more than I anticipated!', "I'm glad you've found a change of pace.", "It's really nice! Definitely can't compare to powerlifting, but it's enjoyable nonetheless and it's healthy."]
Of course it is. I'd say it'll benefit each other.
I'm a powerlifter so I focus most of my time exercising lifting weights. A friend of mine just recently introduced me into marathon running and boy, I didn't expect to like it as much as I do.
['Today someone at work at my lunch without permission']
Wow, I would have been upset! How did you react?
Someone ate my lunch at work.
ask me for further details
['I pretended not to hear a friend of mine when she was calling to me from down the road.', 'Had she been bothering you recently?', 'Not really but she was rude the last time I saw her. I just got in my car and drove away. I feel so bad now though for not just waving hi.']
I get that. I don't respond well when people are rude to me.
I pretended not to hear a friend of mine when she was calling to me from down the road.
['I went to my high school reunion the other day and got myself into some trouble', 'Uh oh. A little too much to drink?', 'Yea, and I cheated on my wife with my high school girlfriend. I dont know if I should tell her. I feel bad about it']
That is about as bad as it can get right there. I think you might have to tell her. The guilt will eat you alive.
I cheated on my wife with my high school girlfriend when I went to my High school reunion. I dont know if I should tell her
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I was running late for work last week and evidently did not finish getting dressed.', 'oh my thats pretty funny', 'Yeah after I noticed everyone giving me weird looks, I saw that I still had my pajama pants on.']
hahaha you are funny
I was running late for work last week and forgot to finish getting dressed. After seeing everyone was looking at me funny, I noticed that I still had on my pajama pants.
['I am very disappointed at the way the political discourse in our country is going. The major parties are so openly hostile toward each other', 'I agreee, and I see no point in it, This is all our country we are all one here, why fight.', 'To be honest, my disappointment during this last year has piled up to a level that my future hopes for our politics seems bleak']
very bleak, maybe we will have some sort of saving grace candidate.
The way our major parties are behaving toward each other is very hopeless picture to imagine. So sad for our country's political discourse
['It truly seems that all my friends have a much better husband than I do.']
I'm sure that is definitely not true. What makes you think that?
It truly seems that all my friends have a much better husband than I do. Mine is one of those that love is conditional.
ask me for further details
['This attractive girl at the bar was trying to get me to go home with her the other night']
Well... did you?
I had a girl try to hook up with me, but i didnt do anything because I love my wife.
ask me for further details
["Three of my friends are due to have babies and I still haven't been able to get pregnant. I don't understand how they get pregnant so easily and nothing is wrong with me.", 'I understand how you feel. My sister struggled to get pregnant. She did invitro twice.', "I'm on my 5th cycle of invitro. Did she have a baby?"]
The first one didn't work. Apparently the second one did.... but that's supposed to be a secret for now. She's supposed to surprise me and my father with shirts.... my mom is a loud mouth and spilled the beans though.
Three of my friends are due to have babies and I still haven't been able to get pregnant. I don't understand how they get pregnant so easily and nothing is wrong with me.
['I ate at my favorite restaurant earlier and was feeling better than ever afterwards!']
Awesome, what kind of restaurant is it?
I ate at my favorite restaurant earlier and was feeling better than ever afterwards!
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["This sounds weird, but I'm excited because I'll have some free time tomorrow to do some deep cleaning on my apartment. It's been messy since I've been gone most of the summer. I want to get it clean before school starts so I can enjoy it being fresh during the semester"]
Nothing like a deep clean to breathe new life into your home! Its a great idea to get it out of the way now so it won't me on your mind once things start to get busy.
This sounds weird, but I'm excited because I'll have some free time tomorrow to do some deep cleaning on my apartment. It's been messy since I've been gone most of the summer. I want to get it clean before school starts so I can enjoy it being fresh during the semester.
['Pleased with my new dog today.']
Oh yeah? What did your dog do?
Pleased with my new dog today. She is learning after just a week, all the commands. She even understands when I am upset now and when she is doing something naughty.
ask me for further details
["My kids are 3 and 5 and school starts soon and I can't wait!"]
That is exciting! So it will be the first real year of school for you and them?
I can't wait for school to start in 2 weeks. I need a break from my kiddos.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'm faithful I'm going down the right career path for once in my life, so I'm excited for that."]
that is a great feeling, what are you pusuing?
I'm faithful I'm going down the right career path for once in my life. Took me long enough.
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["My husband got a promotion, it's going to be great for our family!", "Ooh, awesome! I bet everyone's excited! I hope the future holds many more wonderful things for you!", "Thank you so much, I'm so glad he's worked as hard as he has."]
Yea, some people really prove that hard work can pay off. I hope he enjoys the promotion!
My husband got a promotion!
['I recently applied to medical school. I really want to be a surgeon', 'That is great! Are you nervous about whether or not you will get into med school?', "I'm trying to be optimistic about it. My professors all said I should have no problems getting in"]
That's good to know! I would be super excited if I were you!
I recently applied to medical school. I have always wanted to be a surgeon, and my professors tell me I should get in no problem
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My friend got a hole in one the other day. It was just his second time ever playing golf! Talk about unexpected.']
Good for him! The only time I've ever gotten a hole in one in golf is on a video game.
My friend hit a hole in one during only his second round of golf
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am counting down the days till my bachelor party.']
How many days to go then?
I am counting down the days till my bachelor party.
ask me for further details
['After weeks of studying im ready for my math test', 'I hope you do well on it.', 'i think im prepared enough']
Give it all of your best.
After weeks of studying im ready for my math test
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was at the fair and I spilled my drink all over me. I was soaked', 'Well did people help you get cleaned off.', 'No, I had to go home and change']
Hopefully you didn't miss the best part of the fair. That would be unlucky
I was at the fair and I spilled my drink all over me. I was soaked
['Life has been kind to me. I am grateful', "That's great to here. Anything good happen recently?", 'I have a good job and a family that loves me']
Sounds like you are doing great. Those are among the best things in life.
Life has been kind to me. I am thankful
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My wife just gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. I am going to be a proud father']
Congratulations! That is such a big step in life.
My wife just gave birth to a bouncing baby boy. I am so happy
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I got demoted at work this past week.', 'What did you do?', "I didn't do anything wrong. I am so upset it happened."]
You should sue them.
I got demoted at work last week. I feel really upset about the situation.
please give me some advices.
["t's not unexpected that you are the best"]
This is true. I have often been told that I am the best.
It's not unexpected that you are the best
['Hi! I watched a movie yesterday with my son.']
That's good, how old is your son?
I watched a movie that I didn't really want to see. My son made me watch Player One. It turned out to be a decent movie and I was content.
ask me for further details
['I think fondly of the Christmas I got my N64 .', 'Thats cool. The N64 was a huge step up for enjoying your alone time for me.', 'Yea , I still play it sometimes for funs sake.', 'I sold mine a long time ago and i regret it. :(', 'Now a days you can get one on ebay or yardsales!', "I should do that i don't know why i haven't", 'Do a Barrel Roll for me!']
Done! lol
I remember as a child when I got my Nintendo 64 how happy and excited I was. Best christmas memory I have.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I can't believe they canceled it after only six episodes", 'Oh what show?', 'They said we got too political, said we crossed too many lines. There was nothing political about it, they just projected their own insecurities on us']
hm must've been a really controversial show.
I am sitting at home drinking whole milk and eating a tub of peanut butter. I get a call from my main man, Nitro Dubbs. World Peace is cancel No
['I was able sort out some communication problems that I had with my manager. I can finaly enjoy my job with peaceful mind.']
I bet that feels good
I was able sort out some communication problems that I had with my manager. I can finaly enjoy my job with peaceful mind.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["Lately I've been looking forward to what ever new dollar menu item Taco Bell is going to roll out."]
Oh? Do you know what they're bringing out next, or will it be a surprise?
I'm always excited when Taco Bell has a new menu item, but I was a little let down buy the nacho fries.
ask me for further details
['hey do you like to plant flowers', 'not really I kill everything', 'the rabbits keep eating my flowers, it makes me so mad']
are they carrot flowers?
i planted some beautiful flowers and rabbits came and nibbled on them last night.
ask me for further details
["The way interest rates are these days, i'm so afraid to go get a car loan", 'Financing can be scary but a lot of places now have really great rates for auto loans.', "I intend to fix my dad's old Chevrolet covet pending when I am buoyant enough to pay for a new car"]
That sounds like a plan. It make take a while though to save that much so just be patient.
The way interest rates are these days, i'm so scared to go get a car loan
["I recently invested pretty heavily into cryptocurrency. I'm anxiously awaiting to see if it pays off!", 'That is very risky and volatile! With no risk, there is no reward! I am rooting for you!', 'Thanks for the kind words. Yeah, it is a bit risky. I did invest heavily, but not so much so that it burdens my finances.']
That is a good position to be in. There have been millionaires made in crytocurrency.
I invested pretty heavily into cryptocurrency. I'm anxiously awaiting to see how it pans out.
["There's a turtle in my yard."]
really? i tortoise? i have one in my backyard too!
There's a turtle in my yard.
ask me for further details
['I broke up with my abusive boyfriend of five years.', 'Thats good. Abusive relationships are the worst.', 'They are. I was ashamed that I had stayed in that relationship for so long. But, I met someone who is the complete opposite of him.']
Great! You deserve it!
I felt ashamed when I had finally broken up with a boyfriend of five years. He was abusive physically and mentally. I was not ashamed that I broke up with him. I was ashamed that I had stayed in the relationship for that long.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I am on a diet and last night i cheated..']
Sounds like somebody needs an accountabili-buddy...
I cheated on my diet and lied to my wife about it
["Driving always scares me. I've seen some pretty bad car accidents with fatal injuries on the internet and it always crosses my mind while driving."]
I feel the same way. I don't trust people are paying attention
Driving always scares me. I've seen some pretty bad car accidents with fatal injuries on the internet and it always crosses my mind while driving.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am applying to grad school.', 'Oh wow! Congratulations! I also recently applied for grad school to study Computer Science (seriously). What are you wanting to study?', "I'm going to study School Psychology!"]
That is very cool! I don't know about you, but I have been stressed out about the whole process.
I have felt this way when applying to grad school.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['We just lost everything in our basement in a flood. We had torrential rain all week long..']
Oh goodness! That is terrible to hear! Have you contacted someone to help clean it up? That can easily cause mold.
We just lost everything in our basement in a flood. We had torrential rain all week long..
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["Do you ever remember stuff you did as a kid out of the blue, and retroactively feel bad about it? I remembered this time we went to my father's friend's house, and while the adults were busy I ate some of the white stuffing from their oreos, and hid the cookies underneath their mattress and couch cushions.", 'i cant say that i do', 'Well, you must have been a better child than me, haha.']
i highly doubt that
This one time, we were visiting one of my dad's friends and I hate to admit but I ate the middles of their oreos and then hid the cookies underneath their bed mattresses and couch cushions.
['Man, one time I got wayyy too drunk and it was not a good time.']
Oh yeah? What happened that day?
One time I drank way too much and was so wasted that I thought I was gonna die. I threw up and then felt much better.
ask me for further details
["I'm pleased with how much work I've gotten done today.", "Good for you! It's always so satisfying to look back and see how much you've achieved.", "Yes, I'm usually too tired by the time I'm finished though and just fall asleep....ha."]
Nothing wrong with sleep - along with food it's what keeps us going! How many hours do you work?
I'm pleased with the amount of work I've done today.
ask me for further details
["I got a toy for my niece's birthday in the mail and figured I could put it together without any directions.", 'Were you able to finish right?', 'Oh yea. But it took way longer than anticipated. I eventually had to swallow my pride and dig through the trash for the instructions.']
LOL.That was funny.The most important thing is that you build the toy.
I had to put together a toy and thought I could do it without directions.
['I almost hit a deer driving down the highway a few days ago.', 'Wow, thank goodness you didnt hit it, for youre sake and the deer', 'Indeed, I had to swerve around though and I think I messed up one of my tires.']
That can happen, Ive seen deer walk across a highway
I almost hit a deer driving down the highway a few days ago.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['My husband thinks we should have another baby.']
What do you think?
My husband wants to have another child. I am just not sure that it is the best idea right now. I just cannot decide.
ask me for further details
['I woke this morning to my cat literally on top of me with his face right in my face staring at me like he wanted something. I got up and saw that I did indeed forget to feed him last night. Little bugger thought he would catch me off guard.', 'Haha. That would have scared me so much.', "Yeah I was like whoa bro, what did I do? What you want?? Maybe he's mad that I named him Kitty instead of a manly cat name, Idk. Lol"]
You never know with those cats. They are very sly.
I woke this morning to my cat literally on top of me with his face right in my face staring at me like he wanted something. I got up and saw that I did indeed forget to feed him last night. Little bugger thought he would catch me off guard.
['i was pissed when i saw a dent in my car door', 'That sucks. Someone in a parking lot do that to you?', 'someone in the parking lot']
and I bet they just drove off and didn't even leave a note.
i was pissed when i saw a dent in my door
['I am happy to snuggle in my boyfriends arms and watch tv all day tomorrow', 'That sounds like a jolly good time, ole chap. What shows/movies are you planning on watching?', 'We will probably binge watch the office']
Nice. The Office is one of my favorite shows. I do enjoy Steve Carrell's character.
I am happy to snuggle in my boyfriends arms and watch tv all day tomorrow
["I just started a new job and I noticed a lot of the people gossip about each other. I'm not sure how long I can keep working here."]
You dont like to gossip at all?
I just started a new job and I noticed a lot of the people gossip about each other. I'm not sure how long I can keep working here.
ask me for further details
['I ate all of the pizza that I got my friends last night. I felt pretty rotten afterwards.', 'Oh wow, I have done that before as well. You may have to deal with some indigestion.', 'Oh, believe me, it was some sever indigestion. It sounded like Krakatoa was erupting again.']
Oh boy, you have need to invest in some Depends.
I ate all of the pizza that I bought for my friends last night. I didn't feel too great.
['About 5 years ago, I went to a swimming pool. In the showers, some kids made fun of my body. I felt bad about it.', 'kids can be so hurtful, be happy about who you are!', 'Yes, I know I should but I wanted to hide.']
i'm sorry about that! hopefully that kid has learned better by now
About 5 years ago, I went to a swimming pool. In the showers, some kids made fun of my body. I felt bad about it.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["My brother was supposed to help me with my chores. He didn't."]
Did you kick him in the shen?
My brother was supposed to help me with my chores. He didn't.
ask me for further details
['I am scared of this upcoming season wiht Wentz being hurt, the Eagles might be in trouble']
He should be recovered by the early part of the season.
I am scared of this upcoming season wiht Wentz being hurt, the Eagles might be in trouble
["I'm excited to start a new project at work"]
Cool. Are you in charge?
I'm excited to start a new project at work
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I am very sad my best friend didn't come to my wedding.", "Oh no, why didn't they?", 'He never gave me a reason, which makes it worse.']
I guess you might have to reconsider this friendship.
I am very sad my best friend didn't come to my wedding.
["I haven't been sleeping well for a few days now because my husband was on a 30 hour road trip to get our new puppy."]
Oh wow. I know being away from our loved ones can make it hard to sleep. Have you tried to listen to nature sounds? I have an app on my phone and I play rain sounds to help me sleep.
My husband took a 30 hour round trip road trip and will be home soon. He went to get our new puppy. I haven't slept well since he's been gone because I've been worried.
ask me for further details
['I knew I was going to get into a school that I wanted. I just worked hard for it to happen']
That's awesome! Congratulations! Are you in college?
I just knew things would work out for me when it came to getting into a school. I had worked hard for it
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'm happy to have an old friend that understands me."]
That is great for you!
I am happy to have an old friend that understands me.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["My friend recently renovated her kitchen and I was so envious because I've been dreaming about remodeling my own for years.", "I'm sure you'll be able to do yours soon. And maybe you can get some good ideas from hers!", "That's true! I never looked at it that way!"]
And when you do yours it will be that much newer than hers ;)
My friend recently renovated her house and I was envious because I've been dreaming about doing mine.
["I've been feeling isolated these days. Still getting over a breakup and most of my friends are raging alcoholics. But I look at how much money I'm saving by staying in and I feel a lot better!"]
yes and staying away from addicts is always good as well! Pick a different hobby for sure that's healthy is good!
These days I've been feeling a little isolated, especially since I broke up with my ex. But then I see how much money I'm saving and I feel a lot better.
["I've been quite upset with my daughter's school as they've really let her down. To make a long story short. Since she's now the only surviving 8th grade strings student (violin), they've lumped her in with the regular band this year rather than let her play with the 7th grade strings class."]
I would be upset too! Why would they do that? did you try talking to teachers or principal?
I've been quite upset with my daughter's school as they've really let her down. To make a long story short. Since she's now the only surviving 8th grade strings student (violin), they've lumped her in with the regular band this year rather than let her play with the 7th grade strings class.
ask me for further details
['I ran over a rabbit this morning. I felt bad']
i have a pet rabbit. that makes me sad
I felt bad when I hit a rabit this morning. It was an accident
['i was happy when i got the day off!', "That's awesome! Was it a surprise for you as well?", 'yea i wasnt expecting it']
I'm happy for you!
i was happy when i got the day off!
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["I'm pretty bummed out. The vet told me I have to put my dog down.", 'Im so sorry to hear that. What is wrong with him?', "Well, he's small and he got bit by a chipmunk. Got some kind of incurable disease that makes me run around in circles constantly without breaking for food. He's going to waste away to nothing at this rate."]
That sounds oddly crazy and wild. Reminds me of rabies? I hope you make his last days his best and glad he wont be suffering anymore.
I had to put my dog down today.
ask me for further details
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['Going to the store today was a bit hard.']
It was? What made it hard specifically? Hopefully nothing too bad happened.
Going to the store today was a bit hard. I do not like big stores or being around people sometimes but I have too.
ask me for further details
['My friend randomly brought me a cake to thank me for watching her dogs while she was away', 'yeah that was good to helping others. it was a go9d manner i loved it.', 'It was quite unexpected, but I appreciated it!']
yeah it was quite appriciated
My friend randomly brought me a cake to thank me for watching her dogs while she was away. It was very unexpected!
['I was upset when I found out my new job does not have paid lunches, I was hoping they would be']
Paid lunches? like a cafeteria?
I was upset when I found out my new job does not have paid lunches, I was hoping they would be
ask me for further details
['I consider myself an animal activist now. I recently went to a protest', 'Very cool of you to take a stand on something you believe in.', 'Someone hurt my neighbors dog at a boarding house and it really bothered me']
Oh wow. That has to be hard to see. It's great they you are actually doing something about it.
I have recent.y become an animal activist. They are more than just animals and pets.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['I was just sitting here going through old photo albums.. looking at family photos. A bit sad.. but fun..', 'I do that a lot.', 'I kind of miss having photo albums.. the internet sure has changed how we do things.']
Aint that the truth!
I was just sitting here looking at old family photos. A little sad.. but yet fun.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['i feel very hopeful for the future', 'Why? The sun is going to engulf the earth in a few billions years. And even before that, the Y chromosome in humans is going to die out and our civilization will end.', "look at the bright side! soon the robots will take over and we won't be there so no one can hurt anyone anymore."]
Now that is hopeful.
i feel very hopeful for the future.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['Growing up ,I had prospects,would I be rich ,or would I be poor ,lingered on my mind..Lol!', 'Work hard at it,poverty is no joke. Not an option!', 'Yeah ! Work hard ,pray hard I suppose?']
And play smart,do whatever it takes to elevate yourself. That is the attitude.
Who knows what the future hold? All is in Gods hands! Take no thought about the morrow
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
["Last December, my husband lost his job. He's our main source of income.", "Oh I'm really sorry to hear that. Has he been looking for another job?", 'He has won now. But it was really rough for awhile. Especially Christmas.']
We went through the same thing with my husband. I know it is stressful, but I am so glad you got through it and things are better now.
My husband lost his job. It was 3 weeks before christmas.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['im so mad i fell']
Oh no! Are you okay?
fell on my keys
ask me for further details
["I couldn't believe when I found out my sister in law was pregnant"]
Congratulations! Are you excited?
Icouldn't believe when I found out my sister in law was pregnant
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["Why won't I feel good about my son's accomplishments?", 'Do you have certain expectations for your son?', 'He just made me a grand father, he had twins :)']
That's something for which to be proud! Why don't you feel good about it?
Why won't I feel good about my son's accomplishments?
ask me for further details
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
['My friends all went back to college and now I have no one to hang out with.', "Oh that's a bummer! Do you go to college locally?", "I don't, I'm working right now because I'm not sure what I want to major in."]
Oh great! I am not a big fan of college anyway. Maybe you will find a new love while they are away :)
My friends all went back to college.
I'm in a positive mood, please congratulate me and praise me.
["Even though I knew I was gonna do bad on the physics final and that I didn't need to do well, I was still really nervous walking into it."]
yea i know how that feels
I walked into my physics final knowing that I was gonna do awful. Despite that, I was still nervous walking in there.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['A lady sitting at the slot machine next to me won $600']
I wish I was that lucky! I always lose.
A lady won $600 next to me at the casino. I was so green with envy.
I'm in a negative mood, please comfort me.
['I am really scared. I moved into this new house and I swear to you it is haunted.']
WHAT?! do you hear noises at night?
I am really scared. I moved into this new house and I swear to you it is haunted
ask me for further details
['I dropped off my car at the mechanic and he said it would cost $300. I picked it up today and the bill was $3000 and he never asked if I wanted to go that high.', 'I wish I had a car.', 'I wish you had a car too. Are you going to get one soon?']
Only if i find the money
I dropped off my car at the mechanic and he said it would cost $300. I picked it up today and the bill was $3000 and he never asked if I wanted to go that high.
["Next time we have a Hurricane pass this way, I'll certainly be ready ..."]
Me too! We are ready and waiting here in Florida. What have you done to prepare?
Next time we have a Hurricane pass this way, I'll certainly be ready !
ask me for further details