About the SEP's Terms of Use

by sayhan - opened

Hello, you have done a fantastic job 🤗. When I shared my dataset that I created using your dataset (sayhan/strix-philosophy-qa), @cakiki pointed out that your dataset and its being licensed under Apache-2.0 might not comply with the SEP's terms of service. I am contacting you because I am wondering if you might have inadvertently violated the SEP's terms of service.

AI Robotics Ethics Society (PUCRS) org

Thank you for your contact. As far as we know, SEP does not prohibit web scrapping (https://plato.stanford.edu/robots.txt). We've changed the Apache 2.0 license to a link to the SEP terms of use, which unfortunately doesn't specify your license but should probably be something like CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc -sa/4.0/deed.en).

dieineb changed discussion status to closed

Thank you so much Dieine, this is so relieving to hear.

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