4 values
44 values
5 values
17 values
30 values
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation, Stuffing
After little debating, she slid the tube into her mouth and turned the knob gently in a widdershins fashion. A trickle of liquid slid out and filled her cheeks until she swallowed. Continuously she did this until the plump middle of her stomach ripened more so, ironing out the creases in the fabric of her top. Content for the moment, she rotated the handle clockwise to shut the hose off. A round, water-filled belly bulged forward like a soft peach. The sound of water splashing back and forth across the confines of her stomach accompanied her soft, barefoot steps back into the kitchen. The pillowed padding of her thighs and hips joggled mildly while the bare flesh of her backside dimpled and rippled in her thong panties. She was certain to get notice after the feat she attempted that muggy, summer evening. Gurgling gently, she stood before the man who absently, yet vigorously, pushed buttons and moved thumb-sticks back and forth, coinciding with the movements of a small man in red overalls jumping about on the television screen. Resting on his stomach on their bed, his unwavering attention to the screen brought again to the surface loneliness and misery in her. She discretely swiveled her hips in effort to bring about the muffled splash of water in her middle to seize his attention. Her only response was the man in red using a turtle as a springboard to hit a floating square of brick. She sighed in frustration and trudged off into the kitchen. Wrappers and wooden sticks hit the ground at a rapid pace as she devoured a box of dark chocolate ice cream bars and cast the remains aside. An empty carton of orange sherbet followed, accompanied by the clatter of a vacant pie tin and the rustle of tortilla chip bags. The paining mound rising up from her midsection objected audibly as the final bite of éclair slipped down her throat. Stifling a much-needed belch, she moved ponderously to the bedroom once again. In her hand clutched a two-liter bottle of cola. Standing scant inches away from his arm, she twisted the cap from the bottle. Carbonation hissed into the air and rivulets danced out of the opening like fireworks. The sound of fizzing was capped by her lips as she guzzled the soda. Despite the freshly opened beverage burning her throat and nose, she was determined in her actions. The soft mass of her tummy gradually bulged enough to be tickled by the hair of his arm. Swallowing the contents of the bottle in one grisly quaff, it made large her stomach enough to press against his skin. He pulled his arm over and scratched where her stomach once touched it, then came to the revelation that the red-hued man needed to seek his princess in another fortress. Her pride huddled to the center of her brain that demanded she cause the ignoring offender bodily harm, coaxing her to relax and continue another route to find his affection again. There was no content in the strain her stomach cause. Filled beyond any capacity deemed enough, her satiated form showed no sign of room for the box of breakfast cereal it only just accepted through its esophagus. A torrent of milk gave chase, rushing down and stretching stomach walls further apart. Outwardly, her stuffed belly bulged over the fabric of her skimpy undergarment, the navel reaching toward crotch level. Another few bites and the cream-sandwich cookies would become extinct, experiencing an afterlife within the throbbing center of her body. She was barely able to keep her balance after ridding a plastic envelope of its deli-sliced ham and draining the contents of another milk carton. Attempting to rub the globular mass of her stomach was futile; the discomfort was too severe; its contents were too great. Breathing heavily, she stood before him once again. Her tummy grumbled and growled like a cornered housecat. The man on the television screen leapt into the air to snatch a glowing star that had been bouncing out of his reach. Then iridescent, the pixilated protagonist rushed headlong into a score of walking mushrooms and sent them flying. The mental anguish outweighed the physical, and she circled back to the start of her attempts. She once again turned the garden hose and slipped the metal nozzle into her mouth. The stream was paced enough for her to swallow in large gulps. The pain of her stomach filling beyond human capacity was minimal as she waddled back into the house, trailing the hose behind. She strained to sit down on the thick padding of her derrière as her legs grew too weary to support her gradually duplicating girth. Outward over her lap went her stomach, sloshing loud enough to drown the tinny music issuing forth from the television speakers. Coming to lie on her back, the weight of her water-filled stomach pushed down on her lungs and she struggled to pull air through her nostrils. She watched the pinkish dome rise higher until the ache was enough to force her eyes closed. On the TV screen, the man in red slid down a flagpole and entered the castle before him. She swelled preposterously large, her stomach akin to time-lapsed photography of a ripening fruit. It pushed her breasts over onto her face and pinned down her legs. She grew rounder, like a bubble, a blister, a human water-balloon, as her stomach rose like the sun over the horizon. The man in red sped underneath the dragon-like monster as it bounded into the air, gouts of flame slipping past its fangs. The stout character dropped an axe on the support holding up the bridge. Down the monster fell and into the waiting arms of his princess the small man in red overalls lunged. Triumphantly, the man in front of the television screen pulled out the miniature headphones fixed in his ears that attached to his music device. Yawning and stretching, he rose up from his prone state and scratched his scalp. The oscillating fan felt heavenly on his flushed face. He leaned closer, his sigh sounding mechanical in origin when slipped out before the spinning plastic blades. The urgent groans and deep sloshing from behind him were dulled and muted by the fan's hum as he basked in the cool air. The urge to vomit never warned her to stop her consumption as it had in the past. She was far past that point. She was far past the point where she could contain anything beyond the slightest intake of air. Yet she continued to swallow the continuing stream of water. There was no warning as her limit was surpassed. The noise was loud enough to startle him to his feet and the cool splash of liquid was confusing enough to leave him boggled. Their bedroom was reduced to an abattoir, bits of flesh and insides draped about like meat in a butcher shop. She finally gained his attention and affection as he cradled her head and called for help. He lost her attention forever as her consciousness slipped away and her remains flooded the room.
Female Inflation
Hourglass Inflation
This is it. This is what I have been working for. The SAT. I feel nervous tingles all over my curvaceous body. I am so young and able. I know it. There is potential for something BIG inside of me. I have always been a total workaholic, working up late in the night just to get some dumb projects done. I've done that way too many times. The worst part is always knowing that no matter how much you sleep, you're going to be dead in class anyways. I'm so glad that this is the last time that I'll have to worry about being a slave for these teachers. Most of them are just miserable and use us as their playthings because they didn't have it in them to go after those crazy impossible fantasy dreams. I snapped back into reality when it occurred to me that I was the next person in line to show my ID for entry. I handed over my ID and registration for the test. As the person admitting people in looked through their list in order to find what classroom I was to take the test in, I thumbed the bottom of my knee-high skirt. I became more aware of my light brown hair and brushed it to the side. I looked good right? I looked down at my royal blue button up shirt. It was nice and snug and tucked in. My body was nicely made, with hips that flared out slightly and a perky pair of boobs. My outfit displayed it all fine but my shoes... I snapped back into reality and realized that I was holding up the line. Right. I needed to get this test done. I apologized and moved along toward the hallway. I still felt nervous about this whole thing. Once I got into the room, I found a seat in the back corner. Settling in, it all set in on me. This was it. This was the test that would basically decide the rest of my life. This was the last testing session that they would have for the year and it was my first time taking it. Okay, yeah that wasn't responsible of me. Great. I mean, I never really have been that talented in school. I put so much effort in though. That's what always bugged me so dearly about this school system. My smart friends don't know how easy they always have it. They always get the best grades without any effort. They'll have no problem getting into an Ivy League school or whatever. On the other hand, people like me that worked their ass off don't get anywhere. Now I'll probably fail this test like so many of the other ones I've taken over the years. Then I'll be forced to go to some second rate school and take out student loans. Then I'll have to keep working hard to pay them off for the next two decades while my smart-ass friends won't have paid a dime and they'll go great places. Who thought this was a good system anyway? As I came back into the world of the living, I found that the proctor was starting to hand out the exam. Oh shit! I felt the sudden wave of panic rush over me. Oh man. This is really it. I'm going to get buried by these few sheets of paper. I watched helplessly as the proctor passed by disinterested in me, dropping the test on my desk like a pilot dropping a carpet bomb attack on me. I felt like I might faint or die. The test was finished being handed out and the proctor began on the list of directions that hardly anyone listens to. Maybe that's just me. I went through the motions, all the while scrambling in my mind to remember all of the lessons that I had been taught. I had nothing to latch onto. I could almost feel myself going over the edge of an abyss, looking into the future. This is never going to end well. Why even bother with college? It's not like...oh shit it's starting. The proctor said that no calculators were to be used on the first few questions. Wait, we had to bring calculators? Oh crap. My hand went up instinctively to ask the proctor for one. He gave an expression that suggested he was annoyed that I had interrupted him and made this entire session just a little bit longer for him. He said that their were no calculators available and went back to reading the last of the directions. What was I going to do? This is going to be a bigger train wreck than I could have imagined. He gave the final words and the test began. I turned the page feeling low on the inside. The first question was on trigonometry and I already felt at a loss. I held my pencil over the answer sheet coldly. Time seemed to freeze. What did I want? I mean, really, what did I want? I know that I didn't want to be a loser. I wanted to stop breaking my back for nothing. I wanted to be loved for once. I wanted people to stop looking past me, avoiding me and through me like a don't exist. I wanted to be noticed. I wanted to be...bigger. Yeah, that's it. I know that I have it in me and I want other people to see it. I want to be so big that people will see me and be jealous of what I've got. Aw, just drop it,okay. That's a pipe dream and you know it. Just fail this stupid test be a nobody forever. I let my pencil touch the paper to fill in C when it hit faster than I had time to react. My heart lept and started beating faster and my body had a familiar onset of excitement, the kind that you get when you kiss someone for the first time. My face felt flushed and I almost felt exposed even though no one was paying any mind. My chest felt more sensitive than the rest of my body. My body felt more intimate as I filled in the bubble more, like the person I was kissing was leaning in closer and caressing me more. I filled the rest of the answer in and the rush ebbed away. Wow. That was so unbelievable. My tension of a few moments ago was a distant memory. I looked at my paper and somehow it seemed like my body was slightly closer to it. That didn't make sense since my back was against the chair. My shirt also felt slightly more snug in the chest area. I shifted myself a bit and felt fine again. That whole scene now was so weird. It couldn't have been anything really. It must have been some subconscious attempt to make myself feel more comfortable as I fail. I looked back at the test. Alright let's fill another in. I tested choice A out by letting my pencil point touch it. Nothing happened. Of course nothing happened. I almost readied to fill it in when I thought I might as well give the others a try at least. No sooner than my pencil had touched choice B did I feel another euphoric feeling spread through me. I breathed deeply and savored the burst of emotion. Once the answer was filled in, the feeling drifted off again. I could feel that my chest area was tighter again and slightly more so than the first time. I looked down in silent awe. It was undeniable, unreal. My breasts were actually...bigger? Oh my God? Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my GOD! This is impossible. How? My mind raced with possibilities. It's allergies. I'm dehydrated. I'm hallucinating. Life isn't real. This isn't real. I felt overcome with excited nervousness. I had to fill in one more to be certain. I found the answer quickly by tapping the choices and the emotions flooded back in making me gasp with pleasure. No one looked up yet but I knew without having to look at my chest that it was another quarter inch bigger. My shirt hugged me a little bit tighter. I wanted to laugh or cry. I could find the right answer every time. This was everything I could hope for. Was this what I wanted? This seemed so dangerous. There are so many questions on this test. How big will I get? I don't want to be too suspicious. I can't get a perfect score. Would it even matter? If I keep growing like this, I might not need to go to college. This was so perfect. For the first time in my life, I had the trump card. I could make the moves I wanted. A wry smile worked its way on my face. This was going to be so good. I brought down my pencil deliberately and slowly worked my way through each bubble, enjoying the excitement that filled my being and body. My chest creeped forward and my buttons slowly started showing strain. It was so great that I almost forgot to throw a question or two. I filled in one of the wrong answers, half expecting to deflate or worse. Nothing happened. That was great I guess. By the end of the first section, my bust was 5 inches bigger. The proctor said what he needed to in order to proceed to the next section. I felt myself up discreetly, as if the proctor or anyone else could be bothered to turn my way yet. They felt plush and more sensitive. Why weren't they heavier? Ah, whatever, the next section was starting and now everyone set up their calculators. The proctor gave the cue and off I was again on my adventure to my dreams. I filled in the first problem of the section and immediately felt the difference in feeling. It was deeper, driving me closer the edge. I filled in another question and then another one. My chest inched ever further. Halfway through the section I noticed that my chest was pulsing slightly. It dawned on me that I was getting closer to cumming. I gave myself a slight break. My boobs were already brushing the edge of my desk and my nipples gently rubbed the desk's side. It was making me so ready for anything. I opened a button to relieve my pressure. Luckily, my shirt below it was a similar color and it gave the illusion that my boobs weren't bursting out of my shirt. I felt a bit calmed down and continued on. The ecstasy made everything go by so impossibly. I could feel everything, every inch of it and yet there was nothing happening. Right? I can't even think straight. I'm losing time. I'm not going to finish. Wait, no I'm going faster than everyone else. I'm not enjoying the ride. I can't control myself. Then, I looked down to see that I was done. I glanced at the clock. I had a few minutes to spare. I breathed and felt the edge of the desk pushing my boobs defiantly. I was about 15 maybe 16 inches more than when I began. My boobs felt light and perky, like they desired more than anything to drag me to the ceiling. No more inflating. I looked so sexy. I was already naturally modestly curvy, but now I was amazing. I concentrated and pushed down my dream of being bigger. I could will it away right? It was the way I had done it the first time. The proctor still was in his own world and the reading and writing half of the test ensued. Would I still be able to get the right answer? I might do better with this section. I drew my pencil and went to the answer sheet. I tried the answers methodically. Then I felt it. The exotic feeling swelled inside me again but it was different. I kept filling it in and I felt as if I was getting the slightest bit higher in my chair. No way, it couldn't be! I felt my hips and legs. They felt just a bit bigger. It was unmistakable. I had literally pushed my dream down into my lower half. My face felt flushed. I always wanted a rounded out rear. This was turning out to be the best day of my life. I moved down the sheet, picking up inches in my hips along the way. It was getting more passionate as I moved along. I wish you knew how it felt. I've never had sex with someone before but if I did, it would feel like someone had found every one of my most sensitive points and was stroking each of them skillfully. I couldn't understand my own love. Nothing was even touching me and yet it was like someone was right there testing my buttons. I was dangling on the edge blossoming. I threw a question or two and found that I was at the end. I breathed softly. I examined my own inflated image. It was like I was looking through someone else's eyes. This wasn't myself. It was some gorgeous star that people must adore by the millions. She must be on the front of a lot of magazines. Her full hips curved into smooth legs that clumsily couldn't help being flawless. I wish I could be her. She must be so confident. She doesn't have anything to be ashamed of. Look over there. That poor soul in the front of the room. He's telling those kids to finish their work. They should just have... fun. Oh those kids just want to play and be lovely. I turned to the final section in my dreamlike state. Was it time to start? I felt like it was so I went on. Whoever's body this belonged to was so lucky. The scenery blurred and fell away. Things felt light and delicious. Everything tangible and intangible swelled and grew. I felt like so happy. This...was my life. This was all for myself. I felt so nostalgic. It was like I was cuddling with a warm blanket. It kept getting lighter and softer. I fell deeper and deeper until I found the deepest resolve ever. I knew who I was. Then I floated back to the surface. I knew without looking at the test that I was done. The proctor's lips moved and I got up feeling stronger and uplifted. I walked over to his desk, barely touching the floor. I was almost floating toward him. His lips stopped making movements. I was in front of him. I handed over my test. He was stunned. I laid it on his desk. To my right, I saw a frozen class of test takers. They couldn't take their eyes off of me. I looked around the room, not spying anyone worthwhile. They didn't deserve to share my dream. I flipped my hair and turned to leave. The floor swept under me. Even it didn't feel worthy enough to touch me the way it once had. I walked out of that room, that school, knowing that I had what I wanted. Now I was ready to find the person that would be worthy enough to share my dream and my sensuous body.
bikini, clothes bursting, floating, inflatable bra, swimsuit
Female Inflation
Inflatable Clothing
"Hi, welcome to Lane Buoyant!" the cheerful saleswoman called out as new customers entered the store. The new lingerie product line from the women's wear company, for a lack of a better phrase, had 'taken off' like an overinflated helium balloon. Sales were shooting for the skies, as more and more of the lingerie and swimwear flew off the stores' shelves. The company had introduced the product line just two years ago, running in direct competition with several other stores with similar wares. But what set them apart was the newest gimmick. Inflatable women's intimates and swimsuits, designed to give women a boost to the breasts and other parts. The inflatable cups of their bras and swim tops could be blown up to whatever size the wearer wanted, due to a new material that allowed the cups to stretch to incredible sizes and never break. The material that lined the fabric cups and made up the inflatable cup inserts, was called Blo-Tex, and was invented by a young entrepreneur and chemical engineer names Richard Johnson. An unfortunate twist of fate, for a man who created a material that would go on later to be used in a line of intimate apparel, lingerie for couples to wear before and during sex, to have the name of 'Dick Johnson'. Though the product line was selling almost faster than the company could produce it cheaply in its factory in China, Richard was not receiving a penny from the use of his creation. He had taken his invention, Blo-Tex, to a patent company, who refused to grant a patent to his but instead stole the idea and formula, seeing the potential and selling it to a chain-store conglomerate, who began to incorporate it into their new line of intimate apparel and swimwear and selling them at new stores that were popping up in malls across the globe, usually right next to Victoria's Secret. The name of the stores was a play on the name of another competitor, Lane Bryant, but since they sold inflatable bras and swimsuits, they called themselves 'Lane Buoyant'. Richard huffed angrily every time he saw a commercial from Lane Buoyant on television. The advertisement always showed women blowing up their bras discreetly under their shirts, or inflating their bikini tops, to add a little umph to themselves, with a smile. They offered items from full coverage to shelf bras, bikinis to one-piece swimsuits, all with inflatable pads that could be adjusted to every size imaginable. One of the national network morning television shows had done a promotional piece on the store's wares, and had one of the female hosts inflate a Lane Buoyant bra under her shirt in an attempt to see just how big it would inflate before threatening to pop. She had burst every button in her shirt until she looked like she was wearing a pair of weather balloons, but the show proved that the product wouldn't rupture. The television spot had started a stampede to stores world-wide, driving the inventor mad with the loss of income from the theft of his creation. And that was when he began his plan for revenge. The first version of the wearable, inflatable lingerie incorporated a valve that located behind the bridge in the cups of the bras. A small pump could be attached to the valve, and air added into the super-stretching pads and cups that way. But the wearer would always have to make adjustments to their cup sizes before putting on the garment. The second version now had a small capsule containing super-compressed air, about the size of a bullet, hidden where the valve used to be. Like clicking a pen, the wearer simply had to press the top of the capsule once to begin inflating, a second clip to stop blowing up, and a third to deflate. Lane Buoyant was even lately advertising the newest addition to the line, with a capsule of highly-concentrated helium, for those women who wanted more of a lift than just a boost to the bosoms. Each capsule had the capacity to release four cubic meters of compressed gas. The most expensive version had the capability to activate the capsule's various gases and inflate on command with the use of a small, key-sized battery-operated remote control. Women who used this had to be careful not to keep the remote in their purses in a place where other items inside might inadvertently fall on it and push the wrong button on the remote, triggering inflation when the wearer was unprepared for the growth. Sometimes the women had found that another's remote would accidently trigger their own bra's inflation, if they unknowingly got too close to another woman who was trying to artificially increase her bust size. It was this weakness that Richard planned to exploit in his plot to take revenge on the company that had capitalized on his stolen invention. The local mall was featuring the grand opening of another Lane Buoyant store. For their opening day, the store was selling the remote-controlled lingerie and swimwear for the same price as the regular items. The line to get into the new store stretched past the Macy's, Bloomingdale's and Victoria's Secret stores, filled with excited women and the inwardly smiling men that accompanied them. Richard sat on a bench away from the crowd, fedora and sunglasses hiding most of his features, backpack in his lap. There were around one hundred people already in the Lane Buoyant store when he brought out the laptop computer from the backpack and initiated his plan. He had hacked the store headquarters' main computer system the week before, and accessed the remote-controlled capsules' series of varying frequencies. Since the remotes were made to only broadcast short range, to be used within a foot or two of the wearer, he reverse-engineered a small parabolic microphone into a signal transmitter that would amplify the frequencies and could be broadcast from 50 feet way. The transmitter was covered by his trench coat on the bench next to him, and with a snap Richard connected the cable from the laptop to the transmitter and depressed the 'enter' key to activate the broadcast signal, and waited for the chaos to begin. The cheerful saleswoman at the door that greeted people who were entering the Lane Buoyant store was the first to be affected. All the employees were expected to wear the company's products, given to them for free, and of course she was wearing the top-of-the-line remote-controlled inflatable bra. "Welcome to Lane Buoy..." her greeting to another couple pushing through the door was cut short as her chest suddenly and unexpectedly shot forward, stretching her white linen buttoned blouse rapidly. Richard watched, a smile creasing his face, as she groped herself in front of a hundred onlookers in the line outside the store, trying to push back the inflation to no avail. Five other women in the line began to grow as well, some with yelps of surprise, their men simply staring at their women's billowing tops. A series of shouts emerged from within the store, as mass expansion began to spread. Displays full of inflatable bras and swimsuits blew up uncontrollably, most dropping to the floor. Other wares, including a shelf full of neatly-folded inflatable one-piece swimsuits, had their concentrated helium capsules activated, and began blowing up and slowly floating to the ceiling of the store. One petite saleswoman, fighting her own bra's inflation, caught the lower parts of the one-piece floating suits, the strip that covers the women's nether regions, and tried to pull them back down. But like someone trying to hold onto a clutch of balloons that has one too many buoyant spheres, the lift was too much and she was pulled off the ground, screaming for help. One older teen, trying on her first Lane Buoyant bra, was trapped behind the closed door of the small dressing room. The bra blew up so voluminously and quickly that she was pinned to the mirror at the back of the cubicle, the stretching balloon cups filling up the room and preventing her from moving. Another small lady near the back of the store, grasping two helium bras she had intended to purchase, stumbled in the ensuing chaos and became tangled in the straps of several ballooning bras that had fallen to the floor. As she struggled to disengage from the cluster of colorful fabric, she was slowly, ponderously pulled skyward, tethered to at least four weather-balloon-sized garments, coming to rest next to a warm spotlight over a display. One by one, every remote-controlled inflatable article of clothing within the broadcast range on the transmitter began to expand. Buttons were flying as women burst out of their shirts, some running away in embarrassment, while others demanded their husbands remove their jackets to cover up their burgeoning bosoms until they could extract themselves of the offending lingerie. One lady was wearing one of the store's line of new panties with the inflatable butt pads under her skirt, and now looked like she was hiding an inflated raft under her pleats. The most enjoyable feature of the day, Richard chuckled about as he filmed everything with the camera of his laptop, was the cheerful saleswoman greeter. She had been the first to start blowing up, and despite what was happening to her, she had remained dutifully at her post. Acting as if nothing odd was occurring, she assured the people still standing in line that nothing was wrong, and that all was under control. She had already inflated well beyond beachball size at this point, leaving the six buttons of her blouse on the floor. But as she smiled tensely at the remaining customers, some pulling out their smart phones and recording the enfolding event, the bra balloons to which she was attached began to rise up in front of her face. She was wearing a set with a helium capsule, and soon she was unable to see over her artificial cleavage. As the cups blew up bigger, unabated, the super-concentrated gas wouldn't allow her to be able to pull down the inflating masses so that people could see and hear her. Bigger and bigger they blew up, and someone yelled, "She's going to pop!" Other people screamed. The cheerful greeter screamed. Pandemonium ensued with people running in all directions, the sound of balloons stretching and bumping together all around. But the bra didn't rupture. Instead, the lady lost the grip of gravity as the cups pulled her upward. Flailing her arms and legs in the air, she slowly floated away, aiming for the ceiling of the mall's corridor, three levels above her. Mall security had to extract her from the glassed ceiling later that night by reaching her with the use of hydraulic scaffolding. Despite the chaos, no one got hurt. People later laughed when describing the event, saying that trying to escape the store later was like fighting your way out of a room full of beachballs. The video that Richard and others had recorded, including the security camera footage, was leaked onto YouTube by the end of the day, and inflation fetishists around the world rejoiced in the underground lairs and replayed the scenes from every discovered camera angle repeatedly to their secret delight. The new product line was deemed fallible, and was recalled by the company. In the ensuing investigation, the discovery of the true inventor of the Blo-Tex material was made, and Lane Buoyant was reluctantly forced to pay royalties for all the products they had sold that had used Richard's now-patented creation. Under their new agreement, the company returned to the original design for their inflatable wares, with the valve and separate pump or the manually actuated compressed gas capsule, and never went back to the remote-controlled expandable pads. Richard lived happily ever after, a rich and devious man.
blueberrification, carnival, gum, male, Relationship
Male Inflation
Victor always knew he was hot, possibly even gorgeous. He had a strong shaped jaw, slicked back hair, and golden brown skin. His gym workouts payed off in the form of a six pack that drove the ladies wild. He should know, he'd dated plenty of them. Missy, Laura, Jenette, Paula, just to name a few. The flavor at the moment was Stephanie, a ditsy blond with a killer rack. She was the leader of the cheerleading squad, the yearbook club , and the Girl's choir, and showed it all of with pride. Victor loved to see her bouncing towards him, her chest heaving up and down. Today, she was meeting him after her cheerleading practice. He watched her from the sidelines, sitting with his best leather jacket and black shirt that he'd cut the sleeves off of. They girls finished up, with Victor finishing off his cigarette, tossing it away before pulling out a new one. "Hi Sweetie!" Stephanie said, bounding over to him with a smile. Her blond hair was flowing with the small breeze as she hugged him tight. Victor pulled the cigarette out of his mouth. "Hey Babe." He said, patting her on the back. "You were great out there today. New uniform? Looked a bit tighter than usual." He said, pulling on the bottom of her shirt that was exposing her midriff. "No, silly!" She said, pushing him back playfully. "My shirt shrunk in the wash! I'm getting a new one soon." She said, twisting back and forth to make her skirt move. "Maybe you should just keep this one." Victor asked, placing his cigarette back into his mouth. Before he could light it, Stephanie yanked it from his lips. "Babe?! What the hell?" He asked, reaching for it. "I don't like you smoking. It makes you smell bad. Why don't you try something else?" She asked, tossing the thing away."Like what?" He asked, pulling out another from the pack. "Like...gum! I heard that works. My mom did it for a while, now she doesn't smoke." Stephanie said, settling down into his lap. "Enough about that though. I heard about this great carnival that's coming to town this weekend, and I thought we should go together..." She said, smiling at him."A carnival," He said as he lit the cigarette, and took a puff. "What are you, nine?" He asked, blowing the smoke out. Stephanie laughed, shaking her head, "No, no, It'll be fun! It's not just for kids you know! I hear...there's a tunnel of love going to be there..." She whispered into his ear. "I'll think about it." He said, taking another puff. "Yay!" Stephanie jumped to her feet. "Meet me at my house by ten. I want to spend the whole day with you!" She said, giving him a kiss before running off to get her bag. Victor sighed, flicking ashes off into the gravel. Stephanie was starting to get a little too much for him. All high energy and high pitched voice. No amount of great sex or great body could get past all of that. He'd have to break up with her, after the date tomorrow. He wanted to only date the best, and Steph, despite her boobs, were not good for his image. "Come on! Come on! This way!" Stephanie pulled Victor along down the path, smiling and giggling as she did so. Today, he was wearing a black shirt, with a blue lighting bolt down the middle, and his favorite leather jacket. He was also carrying a smaller prize for Stephanie, as she wanted to jump from game to game, and ride to ride. Turns out there wasn't a tunnel of love here, and he was going to get nothing out of coming. "Come on! We've got so much more to do!" She said, looping her arm with his. She smiled, her blue eyes shining from the sun in the sky. "Stephanie..." Victor sighed, before she pulled him down the path again. "Stephanie, listen!" He pulled her to a stop, right in front of an older lady and her tent."What is it, Victor?" Stephanie asked, "Aren't you having fun?" Victor sighed, and ran a hand through his hair, "No, Steph, I'm not. I don't...I don't have fun with you anymore. You nag me, you're always talking in that voice-""It's my voice, Victor. I can't change it." She said, stepping back a bit. "I know that. Plus, you're trying to get me to quit smoking. I can't do that, Steph." He said"Not even for me?" She asked, tears starting to form in her eyes. "No. I'm just too good for you, Steph. I need to date the best, and the best just isn't you." Victor said, throwing her dumb prizes on the ground and stepping away from Stephanie. "Victor, wait!" Stephanie said. Victor sighed, and stopped walking. "What?" He said."Why now? Why didn't you do this sooner?" Stephanie asked, hands shaking. "Because you had been good for my image. Now..." He looked her over as if she was garbage. "Not so much." "Excuse me, you two." The woman in the stand stood up, and gestured for them to come over."Not now, lady, We're busy." Victor said."But, I just heard that you have a problem with smoking. I think I can help with that." She said. Victor gave the woman a once over. She had white hair pulled back into a bun, and was wearing all sort of purple jewelry, with a flowing purple gown on that draped down to the ground. Her face was caked in makeup, and she had long gloves that went up to her elbows. "Who are you, anyway?" Victor said, walking over to her. Her tent was decorated with gold and purples, and was covered in various accessories and trinkets. "My name is Violet. And I have quite the thing here for both of you." She said, picking up her small purple purse. She pulled out a small pack of gum, and pulled out a single strip. "This." "That? That's it? It's just gum." Victor said, crossing his arms."It can help with smoking, Victor." Stephanie said, crossing her arms as well. "I've been trying to tell you that. Not that it matters now." She said, trying to stop the tears in her eyes from falling.Violet sighed, and turned back to Victor. "Take it. It's something special." She said.Victor took it, and looked the strip encased in a silver paper. "What flavor is it?" He asked, sniffing it to try and get an idea."Oh, its a three-course meal. I got it from an old friend of mine. I believe it is roast beef, tomato soup and blueberry pie. At least, that's what he's told me." Violet explained, "You'd be the first one to try it. I know he'd be ever so please to hear how it tastes." "The first? Really?" He looked it over. He'd love to be able to say he tried something first, before anyone else got their hands on it. Maybe he could start a trend, possibly get in on this cash magnet. "Do it, Victor. You always want to be the best at everything." Stephanie said flatly.Victor looked over at her, and glared. "Fine, then. I was going to give it to you, you know, as an apology, but now," He unwrapped the gum, and slipped the strip into his mouth, "I'll just try it myself." A cat like smirk appeared on Violet's face as Victor chewed the gum, "How is it, dear?" She asked, standing up to walkover to Stephanie's side. Victor continued to chew, until the first flavor hit him. He shook his head, "Whoa, what the hell? It' really is roast beef." He looked over at Violet and Stephanie. "How's this possible?" he asked, continuing to chew.Violet shrugged, "My friend would call it magic, but I have a feeling he's not telling me the truth." She turned to Stephanie. "Are you alright? I saw how horrible he was to you." She said. Stephanie shook her head, "No no, Victor's a nice guy. He's just having a rough day." She said."Oh, really? Tell me, what do you two like to do for fun?" Violet said, crossing her arms. "Oh, lots of things! Um..." Stephanie paused for a moment. "There was...something..." She shook her head. "I can't think of anything." She said with a shrug."Oh my god!" Victor shouted, "Actual tomato soup? It feels real somehow." He said, furrowing his brow. He turned around, still chewing away at the gum. "This is going to make millions!" He shouted. "Sounds to me like you don't really do much with this man, Stephanie. Do you think he actually loves you?" Violet asked. "Has he ever said it?" Stephanie shook her head, "No. No, he hasn't." She glared at him, "He's always just...stared at my chest, and cat called my friends!" She shouted, storming over to him. "Victor, I-" She turned him around, to find that his nose had turned from it's cute shade of brown, to a deep, deep blue. "Stephanie, it's really blueberry pie! I can't believe this! It's really working!" He said, unaware of the fact that his entire face was blue at this point. "Um...Victor..." She said, backing away from him slowly. "Your-your face..." She reached into her pocket, and pulled out a hand mirror. "What? What is it?" he took the mirror. and looked at himself. Where once his perfect brown skin was, was now a gaudy shade of deep purple. Even his beautiful brown eyes were changing to a deep aquamarine. "What the hell?! I'm-I'm turning blue!" He dropped the mirror, and looked at his hands, which now matched the color of his face. Even his hair had turned from it's deep black to a bright blue color.Violet laughed, "See? I don't think you'll be doing much more damage to this poor woman, or to yourself for that matter." She smirked. "What's happening to him?" Stephanie asked, running back over to the woman. She watched Victor, still chewing away at the gum. "Watch, my dear. You'll see." Violet said with a smile. One child was walking past, and gasped at Victor's appearance. "Mommy! Look at that man! He's all blue!" She said. "He-He sure is, sweetie." The mother paused to watch, as well as others, wondering if this was some sort of show or not. "Go away! There's nothing to see here!" Victor shouted, still chewing the gum. The juice was still building up in his mouth, forcing him to swallow large mouthfuls of the rather delicious juice. He felt a shifting in his stomach, before a soft gurgling noise could be heard. He looked down to see his stomach slowly starting to stick out. "Look, Mommy! He's a blueberry man!" The girl shouted, pointing at Victor. "A-A..." He stuttered, eyes wide in shock. "A blueberry, Victor." Violet shouted, before pulling a makeup wipe out of her pocket. She wiped the makeup off of her cheek, revealing her own blue skin. "You-You did this to me..." Victor said. He lurched forward a bit, stumbling on his feet as he watched his stomach push against the buttons on his jeans. "I do it to people who were like me once. My old friend taught me a valuable lesson, and I thought I could pass it on to others." Violet explained as Victor continued to swell up with juice, eventually bursting the button of his jeans clean off. His leather jacket only just contained his swelling arms, being stretched out as the juice continued to fill him up. "He's a blueberry..." Stephanie smiled, and giggled, 'You look rather silly, Victor!" She shouted. Victor was in too much of a panic to listen, as he felt the juice move downwards, filling up his legs. His jeans quickly burst from their seams, leaving him in his black boxer briefs. The crowd was impressed, watching the man grow before them. They all smiled at the display, talking among one another. "Can't you see? This is actually happening to me! This isn't some show, I'm really..." He swallowed hard, still chewing the gum in his mouth. "I'm a blueberry..." He said, his favorite jacket slipping off of his growing form. The lightning bolt on his shirt was stretched thin, and saturated with the juice on Victor's thin skin. He tried to press himself down, to stop this expansion before it was too late, but his arms quickly swelled up, before being absorbed by the rest of his body. His belly came to grow down between his legs, absorbing them as well. He was left with only his hands and feet sticking out, his cheeks the last thing to swell up. His head sunk down a bit into his body, leaving him only just peaking out over the edge of his round form. "Wow...Victor..." Stephanie walked around her ex-boyfriend's round form. "You're really a blueberry." She said. "Now you see, Victor. Hopefully, you've learned a bit about humility." She said, looking up at him. "Can he ever go back to normal? Or is he stuck like this forever?" Stephanie asked. "Mmmmph! Mmhmm!" Victor tried to speak, but he was muffled by his blue body. "This blend will eventually evaporate from him, but the color will stay. Hopefully, that will be enough of a lesson for you." Violet said. "In the meantime, you'd better roll him someplace safe." She said. "Thank you, ma'am." Stephanie said with a smile. She looked up at Victor, before back at Violet. "Do you happen to have any more of that gum?" She asked with a sly smile. Violet chuckled, "Here," She walked over to her purse, and pulled out the pack of gum. "Take the rest of this pack. I've got plenty more if you need it." "Mmmmmph! Mmhmmm!" Victor wiggled his hands, trying desperately to protest against doing this again. "Let's go, Victor. I've got plenty in store for you." Stephanie said, pushing her boyfriend down the path, the crowd that had formed clapping as they left. As he rolled along, Victor felt one tear fall from his eye. 'What have I done?' He thought...
balloon, inhale
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Derek pressed his back against the bedroom door that had been slammed in his face no more than a few moments ago. He'd apologized to Analise too many times over the phone and she deserved to hear this one in person. On the far side of the door, Derek could hear Analise opening and slamming drawers. He really hadn't wanted to do this, really he didn't. If only that asshole, Frye, had kept his mouth shut. "Why'd you have to take that damn promotion?" Analise shouted from beyond the doorway. Her breath began to come in sobbing huffs. "I took it because I want to marry you," Derek replied, "That promotion allowed me to by you your engagement ring with a single paycheck." "Three months," she cried out between huffs, "We haven't had a date in three months because you took that stupid promotion. Nine times, nine times you've canceled on me and all because of that stupid job." "It's not the job this time." And for once it wasn't. His mother had called his office to find out if Derek was still coming to his parents' anniversary party. Bernard Frye had answered Derek's phone on the third ring. "I'm sorry but Frye-" "FRYE?" Huuuuuuuff! "Frye told my mother I was trying to keep Thursday clear, for a special occasion," Derek explained, "She thought it was for her anniversary party. She's already moved it up." "YOUR MOTHER????" Derek winced as he heard Analise take in another deep sob. Derek's mother had never approved of his dating Analise, the main reason being that Analise had put herself through college as a burlesque queen. A fact that Derek's mother made his fiance aware of every chance she got. He heard Analise huff twice more before he heard the sound of something hollow being filled with air. "Good," Derek said as he heard the sound of the filling balloon, "She had one left." Whenever he had to call Analise to cancel, he would hear her start to sob and huff over the phone's speaker. Then, after a moment, he would hear her start to blow up a balloon, and she had some big ones. He would ask her how big it was and she would tell him. Then Analise would huff and sob as she listed off the dates he had canceled on on her. And as she blew into her balloon he would list the reasons, and the rewards that had come with them. And it would continue on until the balloon could take no more. -"How big?" Derek asked, but this time the reply was a little different. "I don't- huuuff- know," she replied. "You don't know?" "No- huuuff... huuuff- I don't- huuuff." Derek listened as the balloon grew on the other side of the door. She didn't know... that was very odd. As he thought on that for a moment, he spied the plastic packages in the living room trash. They were the bags Analise's balloons had been packaged in. Derek pulled one of the plastic scraps from the bin and looked it over. "Fustretch party balloon, three foot round, Color: cherry red." "That was the first one- huuuff." Analise had heard him through the door. "When you canceled on me for- huuff- the first time after you took that promotion." "I didn't know they wanted me to work that night," Derek replied, "Frye told me at the last minute. Fustretch party balloon, three foot round. Color: powder blue." "Huuuff- Our dinner reservations at La Stanza," Analise returned. "I'll take some responsibility for that one," said Derek, "I stayed late to catch up on a few things so we wouldn't be interrupted. As I was finishing up, the boss cornered me and started complementing me on my hard work. The next thing I know, I'm in the back of his limo, headed for a restaurant where the food costs as much as a compact car." He heard Analise huff twice more. "He wouldn't take no for an answer," Derek continued, "I would have crawled through the men's room window if it'd had one." He sighed as he picked another scrap of plastic out of the bin. "Gummitex two-foot long airship, Color: Pink." "The clothes shopping trip on your last day off," she answered. "Frye's little fib about a budget meeting," he explained. And so it went on for about a quarter of an hour, Derek would take a discarded wrapper from the bin and read it and Analise would tell him the reason that balloon was used. From the agate patterned worker that soothed her when he been forced to bow out on her first home cooked meal, to the seven-foot doll she'd used when he missed her birthday party. And finally... "Galatex, eighty inch- wow- eighty inch round, color: lilac." "You said you were going to take me with you! Huuuuuuuuuuuuff" Analise replied. "The business trip." Derek winced at the memory. The office was sending his whole department to the capital to over see a merger with a small company. As the new department head, Derek decided to get a perk or two out of the trip and make it a working vacation for himself and Analise. He'd arranged two four bedroom suites for the rest of the department at a local three star hotel, and a private room for just the two of them. After the reservations were made, he'd booked the plane tickets and everything was set. Or so he thought. He was checking the luggage in the trunk of his car when a taxi suddenly stopped next to his car. Before Derek could ask what was going on, he was pulled inside the shuttle and his bags were loaded in the back. Flunkie Frye attempted to extend their budget by booking an earlier, and cheaper flight. Derek hadn't had the chance to tell Analise until the plane had landed at the airport. "I waited for three hours- Huuuuff- before you called," Analise cried. Derek thought he could hear the sound of stretching rubber. Her balloon sounded like it was getting full. "How big?" "I don't know," Analise replied as she huffed twice more. "But- huuuff- big!" Derek turned his head and listened to the door. Analise's huffing became slower and longer each time. The stretching sound of rubber began to grow deeper. He sighed rubbed the bridge of his nose. "This doesn't have to be a total loss," Derek called to his beloved, "I don't have to work tomorrow. We can sleep in, order some take out, bottle of wine..." "Huuuufff..." The sound of growth continued to deepen. "Start with a nice hot bath?" Derek offered, "Bath salts and your scented candles? Little massage?" "Huuuufff..." "I'll even tie off that balloon so you can finish it off later." Derek put a hand on the door handle and turned it. As the door swung open, Derek's jaw dropped at the sight that greeted him. A curved expanse of smooth carnation skin stood before and towered over him. It wasn't round, more like the shape of a donut or an inner tube without the hole in the middle. More like a smooth bulge that filled the room from wall to wall. It was a sort of a carnation pink with a smooth supple texture. Derek tried to remember just how big Analise's bedroom was to determine just how big this balloon was. And just how had she blown the thing up on her own. It was then that he heard something from above the huge expanse that made him realise what he was looking at. Just what it was he was pressing up against... "But Derek... I'm all- Huuufff- out of balloons..." Analise huffed once more and billowed out towards him brushing against his body. There wasn't much room left. "Huuuufff!"
catgirl, floating
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The sun had set outside of the corner café, and I knew I was fucked. With the rate Austen was reading through his poems, there wouldn't be any daylight to walk home. To the dozen or so other young adults in here with us, he read with no rush whatsoever. This particular poem was an extended metaphor about how the smoke of apartment fires choked the city like the host of other community issues. My friend was quite the subtle activist. I had to commend him for making his writing amount to more public visibility than my work ever could. Everyone started snapping politely when there was a long enough silence at the end; my fingers were working automatically at that point. My eyes were on the muted television over the counter and the headline from the evening news: "PADDLEBOARDER ATTACKED BY HALF-RACE SQUID". The video was sweeping over a beach, first showing the onlookers, then focusing in on a lone man leaning on his board in the water. Though the aftermath was only captured, he seemed fine just bobbing there. "And with that, that's all I wrote...!" From his place in the corner of the shop, Austen closed the little pamphlet in his dark hands and took a bow to some renewed snapping. His bright smile cracked through his dense, ink-black beard, his navy buttoned-up shirt pulled tight around his stout waist. He was the happiest hipster in the metro right now. "Thank you all for coming. If anyone wants to grab my chapbook on the way out, I won't be able to thank you enough." Austen gestured with his book and I did a little wave to everyone, just in case someone wanted to add to the grand total of three sales. I guessed that basically they were content hearing most of the poems for free, and the café slowly emptied out, save for us two. Austen came up, his bald head like a little beacon in the dim lighting. "Well, I think they all enjoyed those pieces very much. Nobody left early to get home." Even his voice had this odd, charming quaintness to it; nothing that could lift him out of being single though. I passed him the fifteen dollars he earned: a sorry sum, hardly enough to pay back either the book printings or reserving the café for the afternoon. "You're getting better at your recitation, though, man," I encouraged. "The words are hitting harder, even though I've heard those passages a dozen or so times." He gave that deep baritone laugh of his, and rapped his knuckle off the tabletop. "If it's waking you up, I must be doing somethin' right." Austen looked up at the screen. "I see there's been another incident..." The newscast was showing a brief snippet of footage of the attacker being dragged out of the surf, with a pair of beach patrolmen grabbing either arm. It looked reasonably like a woman, except for the pale-blue tint of the skin, the floppy cone shape on top of her head, the yellow eyes, and the lower body made up scraggly, trailing tentacles in the sand. She gave whoever was recording a fleeting, shy smile as she passed, and that moment played again in slow motion. It suggested to me a plead for innocence—like she didn't know what she had done wrong. "I still don't really like the term 'half-race' that the media uses..." Austen said with an aggravated sigh. "They're all 'race'; different species, different than us, just on a..." He paused to arrange it poetically. "A hillier cultural plain." "Yeah, I guess..." I shook my head. "Think they'll ever get used to us, Ethan? People have been trying so hard to teach them our manners." "Hey, we'll see," I said, turning away with a shrug. I would be all for calling a bunch of monsters our "sisters" if they'd just cool off their thirstiness for human men. At least the ones that could walk on land were kind of safer to an extent, but I still wouldn't want to run into one in a dark alley. The café workers had reappeared out of hiding in the back and were finishing up putting the chairs on top of the tables. It was the cue to get us out. Through the large windows to the outside, there were only the spotty glows of streetlamps. A single car passed by to sweep the intersection like a searchlight. "Listen," I said, gathering up the stacks of chapbooks for him. "Are you going to be able to get all these home okay? I've really got to get going." "I'll stuff them in the back of my bike compartment, don't worry," he reassured me. Once we were outside, Austen bid me goodbye and switched on his lights, pushed himself a bit and rode off, blinking akin to a passing plane. It kind of annoyed me how adjusted to the environment he was here. He didn't seem to feel anything. Admittedly, he was born here, raised here, and I was a transplant from the rural regions seeking the jobs. In the end, as a stranger it makes me both admire and fear that familiarity to a chaotic world. I adjusted my jacket and backpack and buried my hands in my jean pockets, hoping that with the pace I struck that I looked like I had somewhere to be. There were just the typical blocks to cover, the only difference being that they were deserted, highlighted sparingly by streetlight orange. My love-hate relationship with the city is basically personified as the difference between night and day. You see a hub of activity when the sun's out, where folks of all walks of life are encountered on every corner, and the buildings to the food stalls to the manhole covers exude culture and enrich the spirit with life. Once the sun sets, the spirit begins to drain. The city harms you without even touching you and makes you dread the very street you walked on a few hours before. The shadows are dangerous and everyone knows it. And for me, I can't remember the last time I willingly went out at night. If I were to get mugged, face-to-face with someone who had everything to gain from me and nothing to lose, the bad outcomes drafted and redrew themselves like a whiteboard in my head. I passed a small office building where the curb ended, and stopped at the dip in the pavement. To my left, a familiar side street: Princess Alley. My normal shortcut by day to the coffee shop and the rest of downtown. Imagine Moses parting the sea, and the narrow trench to walk through that appeared between two towers of vertical water. That was kind of how it looked and felt to cross through that street, at least by day. The sun passed in a near-perfect line overhead from east to west, and when it disappeared, there were only the faint, dull lights that were wired to shine from the building exteriors, only five in number. One was flickering like it wanted to burn out tonight. All of them were too high and spaced apart from each other to illuminate the ground properly, so patches of the void obscured any heaps of trash to walk around, or threats lying in wait. Could I walk those 90-some yards? I rummaged through my backpack to maybe turn my cellphone into a light—dead of course. Reaching back into the pocket I felt my keys, my wallet, and the cylindrical thing I used for self-defense. I took out the little canister and tried to read the label on it, the whole thing maybe about as far as I could spread my thumb from my index finger. From the start-up company I had bought it from online, I knew it was advertised kind of like mace, but different in that it wasn't supposed to hurt who was sprayed, only "hamper" them. I skipped the directions and the warnings and placed the cap back into the depths of my bag, leaving the opened can within the outer side pocket; if I was going to face this, I wanted to be prepared. Another part of me relented and begged me to just go around the block and take the extra few minutes. Just then I heard a teenager shout loud and nonchalant to somebody using a crude nickname from a distance. Like I was repelled from the source of the sound I steered myself into the alley, letting the darkness pull me in. I was in a fog at first, shuffling unsteadily to the light source like a moth trying to get its bearings. My eyes were adjusting though, sorting out the shades of black, of objects pushed to either side of the aisle. A plastic bag caught my shoe with a rustle and I shook it off with a noise of disturbed dry leaves. Then something—somebody—reacted to the sound. It was within the cluster of milk crates, old wooden pallets and a trash can to the left just ahead of me, close enough that I could see a jump of motion and hear a metallic thump. After a pause, a voice between a drunken moan and a mewl. "Huuuuh?~" I expected a crash next, as per the formula for a horror movie, and it came, with a heavy tumble of glassware and planks. "Oof!" A feminine squeak, and out spilled the perpetrator, pitifully enough that for a second I was about to ask if they were alright. But as the figure crawled out, I sighted the twisting shadow of a tail lifting itself up into the backdrop of light like a submarine periscope. She looked at her hands for a span, seemingly realized they were there, and straightened up to a stand with a flex of her limber legs. The woman was barefoot, wearing a petite pair of gym shorts and a matching grey tank, barely distinguishable in the gloom. Two triangles stood up like a bow from the bundle of tousled, lengthy black hair. The pair of yellow orbs fixated on me, belonging to a hungry jaguar, its gaze wavering as one step after another was taken, swaying her narrow buns. The glint of her milky teeth became broader every time I glanced between her and my side as I hurriedly tried to fish out the mace from my pocket. To this disheveled, stray animal, every move of mine seemed to be studied intensely. "Hey, just..." I tried to explain to the creature. "Step out of the way so I can..." Fearing the worst, my hand started rattling like I was priming a tiny, tiny can of spray paint. "Play?!" The ears flicked, and with her mouth agape in curiosity she suddenly advanced towards me. "Oh-ho no, you do not want to inhale this stuff," I warned her. "Y'hear me? Just back up...!" She lunged then, and I teetered backwards and sprayed. We heard the mist spritz out and she stopped for a moment, blinked, and touched the moisture on her nose. Like nothing had happened, she just giggled as a fearless smile slowly reappeared. With arms outstretched this time she reared forwards, and by reflex I fired again—that was probably a mistake. I knew nothing about what exposing someone to twice the concentration would do. She paused even longer this time and seized up slightly, only resulting in a quiet "Ha—chew!" The catgirl didn't move, save for a little outward lean of the waist. I could see it happening: a bubble of skin unfurling, a patch of paleness separating her top from her trousers and widening it. She felt it for herself, her hands now rubbing furiously over her rounding belly, whining as she thrust it a hair further forwards and scrabbled her fingers over her navel. Though I heard a hissing in the air, she only made confused squeaks as she ran her arms down underneath her bulging paunch and squeezed it like a sandbag. "Ahhh...! W-Waaah..." Next she tried swatting away with a curled hand at the balloon attached to her front, jostling and jiggling its weightlessness around. I was too busy staring in shock in the dark corridor, still lingering in the alley for the fear of being caught as the cause of this spectacle. When she suddenly staggered I made a hasty retreat again, and she flopped over and bounced comically on her yoga-ball stomach. The catgirl grit her teeth in dismay, scooting her size on all-fours against the gravely pavement as the growth became faster and faster, squishing around her limbs, splaying her thighs. The stranger looked up for my help and yowled, now close enough for me to spot a small cluster of freckles on either cheek—all she seemed to lack was a coat of fur, a snout and whiskers from being an ordinary, albeit very irritated house cat. But I couldn't be moved for sympathy. "I'm sorry," I hastily tried to explain, glancing at her tailtip flicking about. "But this is your own fault...! Maybe I could call a doctor—when I get home... I swear this wears off, I think...!" My mind shifted to putting the canister away back into my bag, or else a third spray on accident might as well cause her to burst and wake up the entire city block. The trouble this thing was causing was never worth using again, especially if it was going to leave me with a wriggling, bloated catperson to deal with. Her mouth parted and her hands flew to her backside all of a sudden with the sound of ripping mesh. As her tiptoes began to leave the ground where she lay, her shorts surrendered down both sides. She gave her hips a profound shake and the shreds slipped off her bare cheeks. I couldn't ignore how she raked her fingers through her soft flesh and let go to watch her curves wobble. Hiking her rear up higher, she then pressed her thighs down into the sprawling belly she balanced upon and crooned with new intrigue; I squeezed shut my eyes for the sake of decency. "Nyaaah! Haaaahh..." A shrill squeal forced me to look again, just in time for the stretchiness of her tank to run out in dramatic fashion. Her breasts had swollen from practically flat to full beachballs, overflowing with her cleavage around the neckline, and the jutting nips nearly tore through the material completely, each shaped like birdies in a game of badminton. The shoulder straps crackled like velcro then snapped, leaving us both staring wordlessly at her air-ballooned mounds for a moment as they swayed. The catgirl was just getting friskier, shifting her thickening arms and rolling her hands along the top of her breasts, smooshing them down into the curve of her stomach. Even prone she was up to my chest, leaving her jaws ajar to pant her satisfaction. I couldn't stand her moans; she was going to attract attention if her ridiculous proportions hadn't done so already...! "Shh-shh-shh...!" I ran up and made contact with her for the first time to cover her mouth. It just elicited lewder, subdued squeaks above her whistling innards and rubberlike creaks as she squirmed. "Just be quiet 'til this runs out. Please...!" She cooperated for a time even though I was sure she couldn't understand me, idly kneading her breasts as her belly fought to dominate her frame, inching her ever upwards. But I cringed as she soon started to fool around, sticking out her tongue, swabbing it against the bridges between my fingers like she was part-dog instead. The fact that I had my legs getting pushed into by her stomach and my chest against the entirety of hers wasn't making this situation any less awkward. "Stop it, you...!" I scolded, up on my toes as I leered into her tittering face. "Or else I'll leave you here to—" I caught myself. What was I even doing? I needed to run past her before she blocked the entire alleyway...! Fanning away the saliva from my hand I drifted off to her left. "I'm sorry for all this again, but you have fun until help gets—" "Nyieeeee!" The catgirl suddenly shrieked, her arm flapping about until her nails caught me and clung. I heard a rustle of her skin as her body rose, seemingly pitching forwards at the same time. I realized as we brushed together that she was starting to float, at the behest of her swelling which still kept carrying on exponentially. "L-Leggo of me," I kept my voice down and begged, her head a good foot over mine. I tugged on her wrist, but she kept her fingers firmly sunken into the collar of my shirt, biting into my flesh. I was her only tether to the earth now as she whimpered, a tiny face in comparison to the broad shoulders and puffy back of her near-spherical frame. She was enormous—at least a small bedroom in volume, and she might just progress to a master suite if the chemical spray didn't slow down. Somehow, I didn't feel in danger of drifting away myself, so I did her a rare favor and pulled on her arm instead, getting her to settle against the pavement with a gentle, echoing bounce. That seemed to stop her from hyperventilating for a moment, but she gave an uncomfortable moan as I heard a series of prolonged rattles and crunches; her sides wedged against the buildings and crushed many a loose object. Higher she loomed, letting go of me once her arms shot out straight into empty air. At least she seemed content now, cozying her chin into her titanic breasts and purring, and that sound in her throat matched the hollowness of the groaning throughout her frame. Just as I heard the mortar beginning to crack, and the rumbling, stretching, quaking noise of her body threatening to cause something to give out—she slowed and shrank slightly with a hiss that trailed off into the night; I could hear the hum of the city's pulse again. The wall of a blimped catgirl was nearly up to a second story in height, and pinched between two immovable obstacles. She ignored how much in disbelief I was and wiggled her pair of bloated arms, laughing without a care. "Again!" she beamed. "More big!" I could imagine her tail swaying eagerly from behind her towering form. But after considering such a thing, how was I going to get around her now? Though it had been a perilous five minutes or so, they were still wasted. And getting caught with someone naked and helpless like this—it didn't matter the individual. It'd land me in hot water. So I raised my hand in an apologetic wave below her, and circled around in the same direction I meant to before. "Sorry about all this. Gotta get going now..." She threw a small fit and fidgeted trying to rock herself around, whining as I disappeared out of view. I stepped as close I could to the alley wall and crouched, peering into the crevice made between her belly; woefully dark, the rest of the lights beyond were completely blotted out. I needed to know just how tight the fit would be if I decided to muscle through, and I pressed a hand into her side, feeling the smooth and plushy bloated skin. "Hee!" came a distant squeak, a tremble throughout her dimensions. I sank my fingers in like squeezing a giant sponge, and then narrowing my shoulders, clutching the strap of my backpack on my left, I plunged in holding my breath. Easing up on pushing the pressurized catgirl for only a moment just made her skin sproing back out and shove me into the bricks. Lowering my head, I just kind of plowed through, hearing the drag of rubber in my ears as my cheek chafed against her body. She must have really hung onto my shoulder as it burned from further contact. I fought to even shift one leg in front of the other as her hysterical laughter carried through her core, a form of torture for the both of us. The smothering, the shuddering, the pulsing all could've either massaged me or compressed me flat over time. Naturally I tripped over an unseen crate, and clawed my way past a trash bin in my rush to escape. I thought I had endured enough time compacted before in the middle seat on an airplane, but this was much worse. If I didn't breathe now I'd suffocate underneath her; I gasped for just a sliver of air in comparison to all of it that was stuffed within her, and smelled the dust, the stagnancy—and something akin to pet dander. Soon after I started wheezing, miraculously I popped out from the corner of her gut on the other side. Wiping my face of sweat I spun around and witnessed the catgirl from the back. From my estimate she was a bit elongated from having her width suppressed, a short zeppelin instead of a perfect sphere. Her buttocks were each the size of a dumpster, resting propped up on her mountainous underside with her two small feet kicking slowly. The charcoal tail was the flagpole resting atop the summit. I sighed and backed away from her shimmering in what little moonlight there was to offer, then I dashed along the stretch of Princess Alley that remained and emerged on the street. A cement sidewalk underfoot again was like a finish line where I could fill my lungs. I turned and blanched as I walked straight into a teenager with his head down at his phone. He glanced up with his ghostly-lit visage and glared as I kept going. "Yo, the fuck you doing?" I just grinned, surprisingly, as I strode away backwards. "Just taking a shortcut." The strangers of the night could throw no more curveballs—or punches—at me at this point. We quickly went our separate ways wanting to be out of each other's faces, but he didn't notice at all what lay in wait in the alley as he passed. It was a brisk but otherwise uneventful walk for another half-mile to my apartment. The next morning, I watched the national news with an ice pack pressed to my shoulder, hearing the story about a catgirl found swollen up in a city alleyway, and how there had to be a team of trained professionals and a small crane present to extract the giggling animal out from between the buildings. Every angle of her goods was tactfully blurred out. Reporters speculated that a little-known spray to the public was responsible for her transformation; some went further to suggest it was only a matter of time before the product was banned. A few monster advocate groups would voice questions about how anyone could just be left there in that state, but there didn't seem to be any witnesses who could attest to how it happened or be put on the spot for the blame. Austen also got in touch with me during that week if I'd attend a rally for monster girl rights at the downtown public square. As much as his enthusiasm was usually contagious, I politely passed on the event.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"And Rebecca steadily kept inflating, her screams... um... out of earshot from anyone who anything... about it, except for her alien captors. Her body began to round out and quickly became globular. As it became more and more of a struggle for her to move, her frantically waving hands and feet went limp and the aliens rolled her to their storage facility, with millions of others, just like her...Aw... that's lame as shit!" shouted Dave as he rapidly tapped the backspace. He leaned back on his chair, away from his computer and stretched his knuckles. "It just sounds... so fake." He took his eyes off the monitor to have the blurry twinge of readjustment after so many hours of writing. A rather popular kid in his senior class, Dave wasn't the type one would figure to sit in a dark room in the middle of a beautiful spring day and write weird, raunchy kind of stories. He looked to the picture next to his computer. He sneered at it. It was him with his girlfriend... make that girlfriend-up-until-she-dumped-him-in-a-huge-embarrassing-fit-in-the-middle-of-the-cafeteria-three-days-ago, Nora. Dave flipped the picture face down. He was still in the process of getting over her. "What the hell...? She was a total bitch. Why the hell am I so upset?" he sighed to himself as he leaned back in his chair. "Her body..." As shallow as it made him sound, he couldn't get her body out of his head! It'd make models green with envy. She was so hot, and Dave dreamed about that perfect body inflating all big and roun... "That's it!" laughed Dave, clapping his hands together and rubbing them evilly as his chair fell back onto all fours. He took another look at the picture. The beautiful cheerleader, brunette hair down to her shoulders, ample breasts barely being contained by her orange American Beagle (sorry, no real names, brand names too... LoL just kidding- S* ) top. She was the perfect victim as Dave plotted it all out. He didn't know why, what this weird 'interest' was, but for some reason he'd always think about beautiful women being filled was as much air as possible. As his interest grew, he began to write stories, with make believe girls who would just inflate so large, they'd almost pop. But now... no make believe... just one last fantasy of his old girlfriend, with the body he'd always wanted to see her have. She'd just be another one of the 'aliens' victims. 'Nora couldn't believe her red camaro would stall here, in the middle of nowhere, miles away from any gas station. What could she do but start walking? She walked until her car was out of sight. She was..." Dave laughed to himself. " depressed. Why did she have to dump him? And like that...! She felt like a downright bitch." "Now that's some good shit!" laughed Dave. 'Suddenly lights shined thru the trees, lighting up the whole forest brighter than it was in the daytime.' "That works." 'She asked herself what in god's name it could be when suddenly, it got blinding. She then suddenly fell unconscious.' Meanwhile, at a pool party Dave had been invited to, a familiar brunette felt strangely light headed while sunbathing. Her light blue swimsuit clinging to her sexy body. She was completely unaware of what was going on in the mind of her Ex. 'Nora came around in a strange stupor. She couldn't remember a thing, waking up in a sterile room, strangely paralyzed from the neck down. Feeling this, the shock made her wide-awake. Just before she could let out a scream, about a dozen bulbous heads all popped up around her, looking down with smiles on their thin mouths. "Who are you? What are you going to do with me?" she screamed to them. They didn't respond. They only prepped a needle with a strange green liquid in it.' "This is turnin' out pretty damn cool!" smiled Dave. 'Nora began to get antsy, but could only move her head around frantically. Despite the paralysis, she could feel the needle piercing her skin just below her navel. A cool pressure began to fill her body with the injection. It started to build up, slowly at first, but gradually gaining more and more pressure. She began to moan softly as it built up.' "Are you alright?" asked Quinn, one of the other party-goers. Nora moaned in response. "I... I... feel... strange...!" she moaned back, slowly feeling something strange inside her slowly build up. 'She slowly gained control of the rest of her body, but the pressure was too strong to do anything. She massaged her stomach delicately as the aliens watched her, stroking their chins. They seemed pleased as their abductee writhed from in this little experiment.' Suddenly Nora felt something funny as she watched the others play volleyball. Subconsciously, she began to massage her middle. 'When she realized what she was doing, she realized that her abs felt strange. They felt a little... bulgy.' "Cool, dramatic pause... oh yeah... this one's on it's way! HAHA!" laughed Dave. 'She winced as she looked up at on of her captors "Help me..." she whispered under her breath. With a bolt, her middle shot outwards in all directions. She screamed in terror. "I'm... I'm... growing! HELP!!!" Slowly the pressure began to build faster as she began to look pregnant. At first only as if she were a few months along. Within a matter of thirty seconds, she looked full term, ready to deliver a baby or two. Her belly, increasing in size, began to quiver. "What's... hap...h-a-happening... to me...?"' Across town, familiar events were taking place... 'Her belly wasn't only growing now though, her breasts and other parts of her body slowly began to inflate as well. Her whole body began to round out as she inflated into a large sphere, wide as she was tall. The aliens rolled her off the table. Feeling her taut skin touch the cold metal floor made her murmur softly. Behind the table where she was lying a door opened up and she was rolled out to...' "Dave? Did you take out the garbage like I asked you?" his mother's voice shouted coming up from the floor. Dave quickly stopped typing and saved his document. Dave kept thinking of his little project all day as he sat there and watched TV. That afternoon, the phone rang. "Dave?" It was a friend of his, Quinn. He always liked her personality and almost asked her out several times, but it was just too weird! They'd been good friends for just too long! "Just figured, you'd want to know... I mean I don't know if you were going to go back out with...... her or............ wow... It was..." "What happened?" asked Dave with a twinge of laugh in his voice. He was just expecting someone throwing food at her or dunking her underwater and 'ruining her gorgeous hair'! "Nora..." said Quinn, seemingly in shock. "She just...... blew up!" "WHAT?!?!?!?!" asked Dave. "You mean... "No!!! Not like exploded or anything... but it was... like she was inflating! She just... blew up! I mean it was so weird! The ambulance... we couldn't fit her... in... it was just... "Quinn... take a deep breath... and start at the top!" said Dave anxiously, realizing that he sounded more excited than worried. Quinn chalked it up to him being mad at her for breaking up with him. "Okay. Everyone was swimming, except her. She HAD to sunbath, like usual." Quinn's dislike for Nora was peeking through every once in a while. "So I was just hopping out because we were just playing volleyball, you know, and I knocked the ball out of the pool. I looked down to see her gritting her teeth and rubbing herself near her waistline. I thought she was getting too much sun, so I asked her what the matter was and all she seemed to do was groan a little. So I looked closer... and..." she stopped still in shock. "well... her abs looked like they were getting kind of puffy, like she'd gained a little weight. I told her she needed a diet, just jokingly, when she looked up at me with the most frightened eyes and whispered 'help me'." Dave was thinking to himself... 'too weird...' "Then it was just like... she just started to grow, really fast too! At first it just kind of looked like she was pregnant or something, then really pregnant! Stef, you know, her little butt-kisser, ran over and started asking her if she was okay. Nora could only moan back. Her belly just kept growing, fast! When she looked like she was ready to deliver, her bathing suit just snapped clear off her body! She was completely naked and ... wow... She was big... and kinda red... from the embarrassment I guess! Stef pulled her up to her feet and she began to waddle around, but it wasn't helping her. Then everything, including her boo... chest began to grow. We backed away from her, even Stef. We were waiting for her to explode! She was inflating kinda like that blueberry girl in Willy Wonka! She looked like well... let's just say if someone poked her with a pin, she'd probably have destroyed the whole neighborhood! She kept growing though, amazingly. She finally stopped when she was almost... ball shaped." "Weird..." said Dave, laughing on the inside. "Your girlfriend just blew up like a freakin' blimp and all you can say is 'weird...?" "EX-Girlfrend, Quinn, EX!" said Dave, for some reason, not feeling worried but realizing that maybe he should. "So is she okay? Is she still alive? She didn't pop did she?" "No, thank god! We called an ambulance and we were just able to squeeze her in it! It was weird too because her skin made this, balloon/rubber/squeaking noise too!" Quinn state of shock was slowly wearing off now that she told somebody. And here all this time, she was afraid Dave would yell at her for not helping poor Nora. Realizing it was silent, she changed the conversation. "So how are you doing?" "Oh... um... fine I guess," said Dave in a weird, almost euphoric state. "How about you?" "Well... a little weirded out... but okay I guess. The big track meet's tomorrow and there's going to be some scouts and everything! I'm so pumped... I think I'm going to go take a lap around the block right now. You know though, you should really go visit Nora... just to make her feel better... or worse, you devil you!" "Okay... sure..." smiled Dave. "What? You mean you don't want to?" Quinn, on the other hand, has always had a thing for Dave. "I'd go, but... what if what happened to Nora was... contagious? Um... how about you come to the track meet tomorrow... heheheh, watch me win!" "Cool! Alright then!" smiled Dave. "See you later... bye." He smiled hanging up. He didn't know why... he didn't know how... but some how... he thought this was his doing! Somehow, by writing that story, Nora was like the character in the inflation story Nora and blew up like a balloon! Shaking his head. He got up and threw his jacket on. About a half hour later, Dave looked around. "Excuse me!" he turned to a nurse. "Where's room 312?" "Oh! Uh... I don't know if you're able to go in there or...... Are you the boyfriend?" "Sort of I guess..." smiled Dave. "Oh... Well I guess It wouldn't hurt! Go ahead! It's the third door on the left." She smirked strangely. "Word of advice though... Don't get her worked up! The last thing we need is a freakin' explosion!" "Yes ma'am! Thanks!" Dave laughed. Dave walked closer and saw Nora's mother walk out of the room crying. Dave hid in a room to the side as she walked to another corridor. He didn't want anybody he knew to seem him here and have him somehow linked. He waited for a few seconds and continued on toward Nora's room. The first sight he got surprised the hell out of him. "Unnnggghhh... Dave?" asked Nora, her voice sounding a little squeaky. There, on the hospital bed was a huge flesh color sphere with hands and feet wiggling a little. A large hospital gown was draped over but in size-comparison, was like a tissue! Hearing someone come into the room made her fidget and bobble a little. Especially him. Dave looked up at the other side of the orb, where two little eyes peeked out over huge puffy cheeks. Dave wandered to the head of the bed. "Hey... Nora..." Dave said, speechless. He felt the crotch of his pants get a little tighter. "What... are... you doing... here?" she asked. "I heard about... this. What happened...?" he asked. "I... blew up..." she cried. "... like a... balloon..." she said. Dave watched her hands bend at the wrist to rub her massive spherical middle. "Well, I can see that." Said Dave. "May I...?" he asked as he reached out. "better... not... the nurses say... I'm under a lot of tension... if even brushed the wrong way... could be the end of me..." she squeaked as she tried to roll herself away a little. "Oh... we couldn't have that now... could we?" smiled Dave. Nora didn't know what he meant by that. He sounded a bit sarcastic. But she was helpless. There was nothing she would be able to do! "What else did they say?" "They said... never seen anything... like it... before... trying to... find a... safe way to... deflate me..." She squeaked. "Oh." Smiled Dave, placing his hand up against her. "No... Dave... please... don't..." her whole body shook. Dave rubbed his thumb and a balloon like squeak became audible. "Dave... please..." pleaded the voice from the other side of the orb. Dave kept doing it though, laughing evilly as he did. "Dave... I'm... sorry..." Nora finally spilt. "There, that's all I've been after." Smiled Dave. "Hope you feel better!" he smiled as he walked outside. Nora took a deep breath of relief. Dave couldn't believe he'd done that, just by writing about it. It must've been some kind of big coincidence. But it was impossible. It had to be him. He stopped and sighed as he thought to himself. Only one way to be sure, he smiled. "Try, try again." He smiled as he strutted into the elevator. If it was him, he thought that now Nora had apologized, maybe he'd write about deflating her in a day or too. "Nah!" he laughed as the doors swung closed.
bubbles, hot tub, nozzle, stuck
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The water churned and bubbled in the afternoon sunlight. The jets set to a gentle cycle making the water froth like a stormy sea. Theresa smiled down at her birthday gift from Chris. He had bought the hot tub two days before and had the store get it installed as a surprise while she was out getting a massage. Also a gift from her hubby. She threw her towel over the railing to their deck and climbed the steps to sit in the warm water. Their backyard had a high fence so she didn't need to worry about any prying eyes. Theresa had chosen a new suit from her drawer before coming down to soak for in the tub. A baby blue bikini top with string straps and baby blue booty shorts styled bottoms. She worked her long legs into the water relishing the heat. She slowly slid her body into the water standing in the middle. Humming in satisfaction. She slid lazily to the far side of the tub and slid into a seat. She had put her hair into a high messy bun to avoid getting it wet. Her head now the only part above the bubbling water. She had hinted about a tub for awhile now due to her back always being tensed up and sore. She had figured Chris wasn't paying attention when he surprised her with the massage appointment. 'Well. Better than nothing.' She guessed at the time. When she returned home she had seen him smiling in the driveway. "I have another surprise sexy." He'd made her cover her eyes and walk through the house into the backyard. "Open them." And when she did the new tub sat shining in the sun. She had been so excited she almost slapped him when she spun around to hug and kiss him. "You did listen." She excitedly had run into the house to change and jump in. Chris had to rein her in. "Sorry babe. They said the chemicals in it will take 24 hours to settle before you can get in." Theresa pouted looking at the tub longingly. "Darn."But now here she sat. Enjoying every tiny bubble rubbing up and down her legs and back. She sighed again letting her body fully relax. She opened her eyes and looked around the yard. The high fence and bushes hiding her from view. 'Why not get the full experience.' She thought with a smirk. She reached behind her and undid the bikini top and tossed it on the railing beside her towel. Then she slowly stood up and worked her booty shorts off her perky tight butt. She tossed these too onto the railing. She slowly waded water in the middle of the tub for a few minutes. Enjoying the whirlpool of bubbles around her. She then slowly slid her naked body back towards her seat. She leaned forward moving her tight butt backwards towards the corner chair. As she slid down onto the seat she wiggled into place. Enjoying the naughtiness of her nudity and the heat of her new tub. She heard the tub changing cycles as the jets began to move positions and power through another cycle of glorious bubbles. Theresa smiled happily as she felt a wave of bubbles caress her back moving slowly from top to bottom. She giggled as it reached her lower back tickling slightly. Then she felt the jet move lower. Going underneath her. She frowned as this new jet of bubbles slowly worked directly under her now bare ass. She let out a yelp as she felt the bubbles shoot up inside her. She tried to jump up out of her seat but instead had her feet slip and fall back. She fell back directly onto the jet. Her butt now securely over the nozzle which was now blasting bubbles into her. She moaned as the air began to gather and build inside her. She put her hands down to feel her stomach and yelped again when she met with her skin far sooner than expected. 'Oh crap.' She thought. 'This isn't good.' She tried again to sit up but found her feet not getting any traction. She reached out and tried to grab the edge but her watery hands just slipped and uselessly fumbled. She felt another bubble forming in her chest and looked down to see her once modest breasts break the water as they too began to take on air from the jet blasting up her rear. She struggled to reach behind her in a vain attempt to free her butt from the nozzle only to find her ass too was blowing up like a balloon. She couldn't reach around her new widened hips and butt cheeks. She swore as she tried anything to free herself from being pumped up like a balloon. She felt like an overfilled parade float already and the tub didn't seem to be ready to stop. 'The stop button.' She struggled to press the controls on the side of the tub her hands barely reaching the edge of the panel. She pressed the first button she could touch in hopes it was the stop. She sighed in relief as she heard gears turning and motors change tone. Her relief was short lived as she felt the blast of air up her swollen butt double intensity. She screamed in frustration. She looked down at her basketball sized tits now being pushed up by her ballon belly pushing out of the water. She continued to fill and swell, her limbs now pumping with air as her body made room for the never ending flow. She watched with wide eyes as her body lifted further out of the water. The cool air wafting over her wet naked body as she inflated out of the tub. She felt her back begin to round out and her cheeks puff with air sealing her mouth shut. "Mmmffmm mmmmm." She whined through her bloated lips. 'How much bigger can I get?' She thought as her body began to groan from the pressure. She felt her limbs begin to absorb into her globular body with two massive breasts sticking off the front. She nearly filled the tub now with her girth. She closed her eyes expecting the worst. She could feel it any minute now. Her body no longer swelling but the pressure still building. She heard the patio door slam open and quickly opened her eyes to see Chris running over to the tub. He quickly slammed the off button on the controls. Theresa moaned in relief at the sight of her husband and the end of her inflation. He quickly jumped into the water and tried to grab a hold of her slippery body. His hands simply sliding over her engorged belly. "Hang on babe." He jumped out of the tub and moved behind her pushing against her rounded back he forced her to roll and she felt a slight pulling on her tight butt. With a soft muffled pop she rolled free onto her stomach now floating on the waters surface. Chris came running around to her head and looked at her. "Are you ok?" He asked looking her over. "Look at me I'm a parade float. What are we going to do to get me back to normal?" She cried out. "I'll call a doctor... And..." He slowly walked around her. Admiring her new ballooned body. So tight and round. He ran his hand along her sides eliciting a giggle. "That tickles. Stop." She saw him come back into view. "Seriously what are..." She looked down and saw his pants tented off of his erection. "Really? You have a boner? This is sexy to you?" She asked incredulously. He eyed her up and down again. Smiling in approval. "What can I say. I have a weird fantasy." He ran a hand under her face and leaned in close. "You're a weirdo." She said with an awkward smile. "And apparently you're inflatable." He kissed her lips and held her head gently.
Storm in a B Cup
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation
Storm clouds had already begun to gather as the crowd filtered out of the club. It was just after 3am, kicking out time, and the distant sound of thunder crashing echoed through the streets. Raindrops began to fall, lightly at first, onto the little groups of people waiting for their friends to join them. The sound of chatter started to drown out as the rain began to fall more heavily, much to the dismay of those just stepping outside. As people started to disperse, Teek stepped out of the club, more than a little drunk, clutching the wrist of a boy in his mid-20s. She was the same age and very pretty. Her hair was long and dark brown, her eyes a sparkling blue. She was one of those girls who was naturally beautiful, where minimal makeup and a nice smile were all she needed to light up the room. It didn't hurt that she had a nice body too, slim but not overly skinny with medium size boobs that pretty much held themselves up. She had on a tight blue top to show off her figure without revealing too much, although her stomach was slightly on show, and a miniskirt. Not the best clothes for weather like this but it had been clear when she left the house. She hesitated slightly when she felt the first drops land on her dark brown hair but shrugged and laughed. "Come on." she said to the boy, as she dragged him out and away from the crowd. He had a troubled expression on his face but followed her along anyway as she led him into an alleyway. The rain was falling steadily now and they were getting quite wet but neither seemed to notice. "Listen..." he began but was cut off as she pushed him against the wall, smiling seductively. "I like you..." she slurred slightly. "Do you like me?" "Yes, but..." "What do you like?" "Well, you're pretty and that blue top looks nice on you, the way it hugs you. I like clothes tight on a girl and... oh god..." "Kiss me." "I shouldn't." he muttered. "Why not? Is it my face?" "No it's very pretty." "My body?" "No, you have a great body but..." "Don't you want to kiss me?" "Trust me, I really do but..." "Well then..." she said, as she pulled him towards her and kissed him passionately. She held him tightly but he kept his hands away from her. However he could hardly resist the temptation and had to kiss her back. It was the best kiss of her life and her eyes lit up as she felt a strange rush of pleasure run through her body from her lips all the way to the tips of her toes. She looked at him in amazement, smiling. "That was... amazing." she said breathlessly, but then looked at him, concerned. "Wasn't it?" Thunder crashed. He sighed, swallowed nervously and nodded. "It really was." he replied. "But seriously, we have to stop." "But why?" she pouted. "Don't you like me?" "I really do and that's why we have to stop." "If you really like me, hold me." "I can't. I want to but I can't get too close to a girl, I shouldn't even have kissed you but it'll be ok, I just can't touch you or..." he looked down. "...things happen." She tilted her head to the side slightly and looked at him. "Don't be silly, whatever you do to me now is entirely consensual." she giggled, as she grabbed his hands and put them on her breasts. "NO..." he said urgently, pulling his hands away but it was too late. She looked at him, confused. "You know, I just don't get you. I..." she stopped as she felt a strange tingling sensation in her nipples, not completely unpleasant. "Wow, you must have magic hands or something. That feels nice... but... strange." "I... I do." he said. "Aw god, it's happening again..." Thunder crashed and a flash of lightning illuminated their faces. She saw his sheepish expression as a look of realisation started to cross hers. She began to feel a strange pressure in her chest and looked down at her breasts. Her top was completely wet through now and the shape of her boobs was particularly noticeable as it clung to them. They also appeared slightly bigger. Rounder. And the nipples were pointing straight out. It was only a small change but noticeable. "What... what's this?" she said, sounding slightly worried now. "I'm sorry, Teek. It was an accident." "WHAT was?" "I tried to avoid it..." "AVOID WHAT?" she asked, exasperated. "Well, this." he said, motioning to her chest. She looked down at them again and saw they were visibly growing. Her eyes grew wide at the sight of this and she immediately seemed to sober up. "What's happening to me?" she squealed, although this question seemed to answer itself as her breasts continued to swell up, now twice their original size. She put her hands on them and felt them rounding out under her fingers like two balloons. Her top was managing to stay intact for the moment as it stretched over them. She looked back at the boy who took a step back. Lightning struck again. "Wait, what's that? Why are you moving away?" she asked, panicking. "Well, don't get alarmed because it doesn't always happen but sometimes when I get into this situation, girls have been known to, well... pop." "POP?" "Sometimes... but you know, you might be ok since I only touched you for a second." he stepped back again. "If that." She felt the pressure increase as her chest continued to inflate relentlessly. Her boobs felt full and were slowly approaching the size of large melons. Her nipples stuck out more as they filled up completely. "What the hell is going on?!" she screamed. "It's been happening to me ever since I hit puberty. If I kiss a girl, it's like I... charge her I guess. If that happens I can't touch them. That causes them to swell up and since you made me grab your boobs, well, that's why this is happening." "Cute story but how do you stop it?" Her boobs were now as big as her head and she could only just see over them. "I don't know, I just try to avoid girls and, well, sometimes fail. First time was messy I can tell you. Poor Stacey Campbell, we were making out behind the football field and I was holding her tightly. Next thing I know she's ballooning out as if there was a hose in her mouth. She just kept getting fatter and fatter and then, well... kaboom." "Not helping!" Teek screamed from behind her breasts which were now hiding her face. She had to pull them apart to scream at him between them but they were getting fuller and more firm and seconds later she couldn't even do that. As they approached the size of beach balls, her top gave in and ripped open, exposing her to the world. The rest of it fell down uselessly round her ankles and she felt the cold rain hit her, dripping over her breasts and down her back. She didn't care about this too much though as she continued to grow. All she could do was watch these two fleshy orbs swell before her eyes, growing bigger and bigger. "Uh oh." she heard. "UH oh what?!" "Well don't panic but shortly before Stacey exploded, she got too big for her clothes too and ripped out of them. Her belly was huge and started to make noises..." Teek's breasts, now each twice as big as her head, started creaking. " that." "Make it stop!" "But if I touch you again you'll definitely burst. At the moment it's just a maybe. Or a probably." They slowly inflated further, touching both sides of the alleyway. They made painful sounding stretching noises like balloons being squeezed and pushed against her face. She had to lean her head back to be heard. "I'm gonna blow! Do something!" she screamed desperately. She heard quick footsteps fading as he ran away, leaving her to explode on her own. "This is it." she thought. "I'm going to burst topless in some dirty little alleyway." She could feel her breasts straining and the inflation had pretty much stopped as she reached her limit. she closed her eyes tightly waiting for the inevitable. She could feel raindrops all over her huge breasts as the stretching noise got louder and the pressure was unbearable. There was a flash and an explosion. She opened her eyes as the lightning flashed a second time, followed immediately by another crash of thunder. The swelling had stopped and the pressure seemed to decrease inside. She breathed a sigh of relief and waited for the deflation. Her breasts stayed just as big, incidentally wedging her in the alleyway. She tried to shift but was firmly stuck. "You have got to be kidding me." she said to herself, as the rain continued to fall. She sighed, dreading her inevitable discovery. Still, it could have been worse. She'd been planning to sleep with him.
chain reaction, experiment, milk
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
Nancy was a typical student, young pretty but not a lot of money to spend. So as you can might know, she take every small job to make some money. That is why this pretty english redhead came into this story. Nancy had signed herself up for some medical experiments, this job became really populair because the government had a ban on animal testings. She was almost late, that is why she dident read much about this experiment. She stopped her car at the adress she did get is her email, it was a big hall just out of London. She walked into the building right on time, because the presetation was just about the to start and small boxes with a pill were handed out. A woman walked on to the stage. She looked like the nerd fantasy bride. She was a small but pretty asian girl with cute glasses. She wore some kind of lab jacket. So she has to be the leader of this project. With a clear voice she started to talk into her headphone "My name is Doctor Mary Deltia. I like to welcome you all to the SPM project. With your help we can start to put a end to word hunger. Our new tested hormone product can help a cow to...." Nancy looked around . All the seats around her, and meby the whole hall was filled with girls her age. The story of Dr Deltia was about to end " we can supply all the nations with milk.". A silence fell into the hall. "Now I would like to start the test... Who is gona be the lucky one to start off... Veronica Johnson" now one of the girls of the public came on stage. Nancy knowed her from collage. " Veronica, you will start off by swolling this pill". Veronica did what Dr Deltia asked. "Soon her hormones will react so her breast will produce a lot of milk. But no worries Veronica, some farmers where kind enough to give us some milking pumps." Slowly Veronica's breast began to swell. "Its working, oh god... it feels so bloody good" cried Veronica. Dr Deltia smiled because her project was working. A lot of girls followed the instructions to and swolled the pill. But not all girls did what they were tolled to, like Nancy. In front of the hall a girl yelled at Dr Deltia "If your test is so save for us, why wont you test your pills on yourself". The small Dr Deltia smiled, meby I will.". She wasnt bluffing, she tried a pill herself. Now every girl with was swallowing the pill, so did Nancy. "It doesnt taste that bad, just like milk" thought Nancy. "Owhh... yes... the swelling does feel good" It was calm in the hall, you only can hear the sound some giggles and snapping bra's. After a short time this calmness was broken by Veronica's voice. "Uhh... Dr Deltia... Is this planned?" Veronica's breast were swelling much faster. "I dont feel so well, the weight is getting to much". The body-horror of this poor girl shocked all the girls in the public " Oow my god.... Look at her, she is ballooning... That looks not normal... Is this gonna happen to us all?" The poor veronica was standing on the stage. Her head was red of shame. Her chest looked more like 2 beachballs with nipples packed in a tanktop. Veronica was not the only one, some girls is the hall started to swell faster to. A lightly swollen Dr Deltia came on to the stage. "No worries girls, Veronica just need to be milked... thats all". Dr Deltia striped Veronica of her tanktop. The whole hall watched in terror at the topless Veronica. Her breast where huge and covered in purple veins. Her hard brown nipples were leaking milk. Nancy dident know what to say. Was also she going home looking like that. Dr Deltia rolled a milking pump on stage "Come on Veronica, we know the product worked, now lets harvest your milk so you can get home". But out of nothing somthing happend even Dr Deltia dident expect. A double explosion was heared and Dr Deltia was coverd in milk. She looked at a pool of milk and empty shoes of Veronica. "Did she just exploded?!" Dr Deltia looked down on her own swelling breast "Did I just create the first human timebomb?". An other double explosion came out of the public, an other poor girl popped like veronica did. Soon after another girl exploded, sending a shower of milk over the swelling girls in the public. The chain reaction happend all over the hall. It was like a firework show with milk. "This is not happening...BangBanG!... No Sharon... BangBang!...I start to leak!.. BangBang!" Total chaos filled the hall. Milk was streaming on the floor, exploding boobs, swelling girls fighting over the milking pumps. One by one they all popped. At the end only Nancy and Dr Deltia were the only ones who are not turned in to a couple of liters in the milky sea. "Next time, I am not gona work for the food industry" cried Dr Deltia. Nancy smilled "I think you dont have to worry about it anymore" and pointed at her breast. BangBang!...BangBang!
demolition, first person, giant, magic, Prose that Blows 8 - Epilogue, Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Most Profound Epilogue, Prose that Blows Winner: Best Story
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
From the Journal of Netia, Journeyman Mage We did it. Vilroth is dead. Actually, Sabi did it, amazingly. I've wondered why Harek would allow a barmaid to join his band. Being pretty, flirting, and collecting tips aren't useful skills on a world-saving quest. But then, I didn't think I belonged there either. When Harek arrived at the academy looking for a way to destroy the black pearl that powered Vilroth's magic, I had no intention of coming along. But you listen to Harek talk about what's at stake, and he looks you straight in the eyes, and suddenly you're joining him. Anyway, we snuck into Vilroth's vault, but it was a trap. Vilroth himself confronted us, I thought we were all dead. But then Sabi swallowed the pearl. That wasn't something I'd considered. Judging by the look on Vilroth's face in the brief moment between his spells fizzling and being beheaded, neither had he. It was desperation and dumb luck, but it worked. Harek's getting hailed as the hero, but I don't think Sabi minds. Tonight we celebrate with the villagers, and tomorrow I go back to the academy. Woken up this morning by Sabi screaming. It came from the barn that she and Harek had slipped away to last night. Harek was outside in nothing but trousers. I demanded to know what had happened. It wasn't a long explanation, but I couldn't believe it. It took some coaxing, but Sabi finally let me come in. I can best explain what I saw in terms of how you might reproduce it: First, take one barmaid. Next, find a five-foot watermelon. Have her swallow it whole. Now plump up her arms and legs and head as big as you can imagine. Now make her six times larger. I did my best to examine her. All I could really tell is that her body was very full of magic. Obviously the pearl had dissolved in her stomach, and obviously its power was in her body, but I'd never even heard of anything like it. I tried a dispelling ritual. All it did was make her bulge another few feet and start screaming again, and nothing I said would calm her down. I told Harek I was going to try and research a cure, but mostly I just wanted to get away from her. I have no idea what I'm going to do. I told Harek that I had no idea if Sabi could be cured. A few hours later, Harek made a speech through the barn door, pledging to travel to find a cure for her. He asked her to stay brave and wait for his return. And of course I'd stay and look after her. At least it cheered her up. She poked her head out of the barn for an awkward goodbye kiss. Maybe he really did believe going on a quest with no information and no plan was the best thing he could do for her. But from that moment until he rode out of town, he wouldn't look me in the eye even once. Sabi is calm, at least. She asked to be left alone, which was fine with me. I needed to think of a plan. I still don't have one. I brought Sabi a big tray of food, I didn't think she'd had anything to eat since the 3rd. She'd gone right back to sobbing about how fat and ugly she'd become. I wanted to tell her she should be a lot more worried about the immense forces now in her body than her vanity, but it wouldn't have been productive. She insisted she wasn't hungry, but I persuaded her to eat something. She was only halfway through a loaf of bread when her stomach rumbled and bloated out even larger. Fifteen minutes later, unable to calm her down, I simply walked out to leave her to cry alone. It's like dealing with a baby. My guess is that the bread was consumed by the magic inside her and destabilized it. If she wasn't hungry, I think magic alone must be sustaining her now. She stopped crying eventually, but wouldn't let me back in. If she wants to be alone, fine, she can be alone. More time for me to figure out what to do. Damn Harek for running away. Sabi's been quiet. I knocked on the barn, she told me to go away. No leads on a cure. Sabi still moping alone. I've been paying all the bards that come through to tell the real story. Harek doesn't get to walk away smelling like roses. Sabi still moping. No progress. See yesterday. WHY ME AAAARGH Woken up this morning by angry farmer. Sabi outgrew the barn. I followed him back. Sabi was hugging the remains of the barn to herself. I thought she'd be crying again, but she just looked vacant. I asked if she could walk, she said she hadn't tried. I asked her to try and follow me. It was slow and awkward going at first, but she started to get the hang of it. With no better plan, I brought her to the edge of the forest, told her I'd try to figure something out. She said she was fine, and thanked me for everything I'd done for her. I told her I really hadn't done very much, but she said not leaving was enough. I stayed with her until it started to get dark, neither of us saying much. Woken up this morning by May, one of the girls from the village. She asked if she could meet Sabi, destroyer of Vilroth. It seems bribing the bards was money well spent. I didn't see enough harm in it to stop her from following me. At first, Sabi didn't say much beyond confirming or denying the stories May asked her about. But then she started asking May about herself. May said she wanted to go on an adventure too. Sabi asked her what she'd do if she ended up like her, and May told her she wouldn't mind, if she was big like Sabi, her parents would have to let her stay up past eight. Sabi actually laughed at that. May asked Sabi to come meet her friends, and to my surprise Sabi agreed. I didn't know what the villagers would think when they saw Sabi approaching. I needn't have worried. By the time we arrived a crowd had gathered to greet her with cheers. They threw another party, just for her this time. It was ridiculous to see all the villagers gathered around her huge form, but it didn't take her long to join in. She is a barmaid, after all; celebrations are something she knows. And she didn't even have to serve drinks. When she was offered a mug of ale, she made everyone laugh by gulping it down, mug and all. And she even joined in the laughter as her belly bulged in response. Right now I can see her from my window, helping raise the new barn to replace the one she broke. She's talking and laughing with the villagers like everything was normal. I don't know what's going to happen to her. But if she can make the best of a bad situation, then I'm going to try my hardest to do the same.
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation
It was finally here. After over a year and a half of research, the final test of Janet's creation would now take place. Janet was not an unattractive girl, especially for being somewhat of a geek. Her beautiful brown eyes matched her long slightly curly hair, and her chest was a respectable B-cup underneath her yellow blouse. Her long thin legs were covered up to her thighs by her striped socks, which showed a little bit of leg before ending at her denim shorts. Right now however, this was not important, for she was signing off the invoice for a very large box, placed in the middle of her living room. After clearing up the legal formalities, Janet went about getting her supplies ready. Placing a jar marked "LX 4073-2" on her coffee table, she quickly opened up her new toy; a very large, state-of-the art tanning bed! "After all this time, I'll finally have the full results I need!" said Janet, lifting up the LX 4073-2. "If this works, I'll be world famous!" After over a year of preparation, and several years of research, Janet happened upon the idea of creating the perfect suntan lotion; it would protect against skin cancer, sun burn, leather-hide, and other problems normally associated with tanning, while still allowing a beautiful suntan. The secret, it turned out, happened to be an extract from a rare species of South American rubber tree, which created a nearly impervious protective latex coating upon the skin. With some trial and error, Janet was now ready to try a full-body test on herself, using her new tanning bed. Sure, it was a nice sunny afternoon, but being able to control how much 'sun' she got was one of the perks of the bed. Plus, it was a lot more comfortable than any old beach chair, or towel. She was just about to strip down, when a loud rumbling from her stomach, interrupted her. "Damn. I should have eaten something earlier. Oh well. I'm sure a little snack won't hurt, while the bed is warming up." Janet plugged in the tanning bed, and switched it to its highest setting to quickly warm it up, while she got something to eat. Entering her small kitchen, Janet opened up her refrigerator door, to find (Much to her displeasure.) that all there was inside was the open box of baking soda, and a note. [Dear Janet, My cousin is having a potluck party, so I needed to borrow a few things. I hope you don't mind. I'll pay you back when I return this weekend. Love, your neighbor Lisa.] "Note to self." Muttered Janet. "Change locks on the doors, and don't let Lisa keep the emergency keys from now on." A quick search of all the cupboards revealed that the only food left in the entire house, was five 'Jiffy Pop' pans. The fact that Lisa was allergic to popcorn, seemed to be the only reason why they had been left behind. "Popcorn is better than nothing, I guess." Said Janet, readying her electric stove. She liked popcorn and all, but she was kind of in the mood for more than a few fluffy popped kernels to satisfy her appetite. Suddenly a loud buzzing noise was heard, just before the power went totally out in the whole apartment complex. "It figures THIS would happen, right after I get my tanning bed!" grumbled Janet. Not she could not even cook up the Jiffy Pop. A loud rumbling from her tummy told her that she still had some more pressing issues to attend. She eyed the barely warmed aluminum pan for a moment. "Ah, the heck with it!" Ripping off the foil, Janet began swallowing the unpopped popcorn in huge gulps. It left her a little satisfied, but nowhere near enough. Turning toward the other Jiffy Pop pans, she let out a defeated sigh. "I'm going to have to go shopping tomorrow anyway, so I might as well make due with what I have now." After eating the other pans of popcorn, Janet was full, but making odd rattling noises when she walked. She knew most if not all of the kernels would simply pass through her, so she was not worried about getting fat or anything. Waiting for the power to come back on, Janet stripped her clothes off, and applied her sunscreen onto her body, making sure to get it all over herself. Even after she had finished with this though, the power was still not back on, and Janet was getting a little bored. Laying down in her tanning bed, Janet placed herself comfortably in the middle of the cushions, and pulled the inert lamps around herself, so she would not need to adjust them too much later on. The control for the chair, a wireless remote with a couple of dials and buttons, was within easy arms reach of Janet, should she need it. She then placed her favorite sunglasses on her face, and lay there in the nude, waiting for the electricity to finally come back on. Somewhere along the line, the softness of the bed, and the fullness of her belly lulled her into a happy, but deep sleep. She never even noticed when the power finally did come back on. With the bed at its highest setting, it did not take long for a POP to be heard, followed by another, and another, and another . . . "Ladies and gentlemen! Esteemed colleagues, we are gathered here today to award the Nobel Peace Prize for Cosmetic Excellence to Janet Beauheaven, for her development of the LX 4073 tanning lotion!" Janet, tanned to a golden brown, wearing a very small turquoise bikini, graciously accepted the award, basking in the applause of the audience. "Oh, you're all too kind! Thank you! Thank you all!" said Janet. She suddenly realized that something was wrong. The applause seemed a little... odd. Hollow. Not really like clapping. It was more like a popping noise. "Wait... Popping!?" Janet woke up, and tried to sit up, but found herself unable to bend forward due to the large, tan-rubber ball that her midsection had become. Muffled popping could be heard over the buzz of the half-dozen tanning lamps going at full power, all around herself. Janet tried to roll off the bed, but the sloped and cushioned sides prevented her from getting away. She then tried to push the lamps away from her, but she could only manage to move the closest two, without burning her hands. The other lamps, still heating her expanding belly, were just in the right position to continue popping the eaten corn. Idly, Janet wondered why her expanding belly did not hurt as much as it should have. After all, it was being expanded larger than an overblown beach ball. She felt the sides of her expanded stomach, and it made a rubbery noise. "My tanning lotion!" Janet realized. "It... It must have somehow rubberized my skin, with the latex extract!" The popping suddenly began increasing its tempo, as the sides of her belly got closer to the tanning lamps. "Oh my GOD! If I don't do something fast, I'm going to explode!! The control! Where's the tanning control!?" Janet wiggled around, trying to reach the corded control. Her eyes suddenly went wide, when she heard a loud KERTHUNK, and realized the control had just dropped way out of her reach, onto the floor. "Noooooooo!" cried Janet. "There's got to be SOMETHING I can do!" Once again, she tried rolling upward. After a couple of tries, she finally got enough momentum to somewhat sit up, but it caused her belly to bulge out from the pressure, like a large tan-colored balloon being squeezed. She panicked when her balloon-belly nearly touched the hot side of one of the tanning lamps, and without thinking, she jumped backward as far as she could into the back of the tanning bed. This left her safely away from the lamps for the moment, but also completely trapped her between the bed, and the lamps. She could not even roll back backwards, or reach anything with her arms anymore. "ARRRGH! I can't believe this!" said Janet. "I can see the headline; 'Genius Girl Found Popped From Popcorn!'" At first she was reluctant to scream for help, because of the embarrassing situation she was in. Then the popping increased once more, due to her still expanding belly, and she started screaming with all of her might. The only response she got however, was from her upstairs neighbor yelling to "Keep it down!" She could feel the popcorn still in her stomach, and she knew that it was not going to stop popping anytime soon. It was like having a balloon about to pop, attached to herself. Or more accurately, a balloon-bomb about to explode! She knew that with her belly expanding, and the corn popping, it would only be a matter of time before she too popped like a gigantic kernel. Suddenly, Janet got a determined, or at least some what resolute look in her eyes. "If... If I'm going to pop, it should be by MY own choice!" She suddenly grabbed the sides of her rubber belly, and began digging her nails into it, causing popped corn to be crushed, even as new fluffy kernels were popped in their place. "The only way I'm going to pop, is if I DO IT MYSELF!!!" Janet squeezed, and pulled, and pushed, and crushed, but her ballooned belly did not rupture, it only continued to grow. And grow it did, becoming much larger than any beach-ball she had ever seen. Janet had worked herself into a frenzy, and after finally calming down, she noticed just how big she had gotten. "Good grief! How much bigger am I going to get?!?" thought Janet. "I can't take this anymore! I better try to pop myself on the lamps! I'm going to end up doing that anyway, at this point!" Somehow Janet managed to scoot up just enough, that her over-inflated stomach barely touched the tanning lamp. Surprisingly, it did not hurt, despite the fact that she could feel the heat from it, as well as the corn popping rapidly on the other side. "Being inflated like this, must have done something to the nerves." Thought Janet. "At least it shouldn't hurt too much now, when it finally goes..." The sides of her stomach touched the four tanning lamps, but instead of burning away her flesh, and rupturing her distended belly, it just seemed to increase the popping of the corn a thousand times over. She was quickly pushed back against the top end of the tanning bed once more. Surprisingly, she found herself looking forward to her explosive end; the lack of pain, and the anticipation seemed to cover the fear of her impending death rather nicely. Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! The corn popping was finally beginning to slow down, but she could feel her five-foot round stomach reaching its limits too. Janet moved her hair back, placed her fingers in her ears, and watched with a look of anticipation that defied most conventional logic. As she heard the popping of the last few kernels accompanied by the final rubbery stretching of her poor belly balloon, she closed her eyes, and let a small smile creep across her beautiful tanned face. KER-POPABOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The windows of Janet's apartment were blown out by the force of her detonation. Not by the pressure, but by the gigantic wave of popcorn that had suddenly erupted from her living room. Underneath a literal mountain of popcorn, a very surprised, and pale young woman rolled out, surveying what had just happened. Janet rubbed her hands gently on her whole, and no longer rubberized or tanned stomach, noticing how it tingled. Quickly digging through the ocean of popcorn, she uncovered her unspoiled jar of LX 4073-2 lotion, and the tanning bed, which had a bunch of scraps of tanned flesh-colored rubber on it. After unplugging the tanning bed, and clearing off a place to sit, Janet began eating some of the delicious popcorn, while forming a plan for the upcoming week. EPLOGUE The police never did quite figure out what had exactly happened in what had been dubbed the "Popcorn Bomb" incident. No permanent damage was done, and no real charges were pressed. Janet was given a warning for disturbing the peace with her original screaming, but nothing was said about the popcorn explosion, for better or for worse. Lisa, who conveniently forgot about paying for the food she had "borrowed" earlier in the week, noticed Janet packing up for some kind of vacation trip. Walking over to her neighbor, she quickly noticed something odd about the supplies that Janet was packing. One was a moderately-used tanning bed, and the other things, well... "Why are you taking five boxes of Jiffy Pop with you on vacation, Janet?" asked Lisa. Janet giggled somewhat mischievously and said, "Let's just say some of the greatest things are discovered by the strangest of accidents."
alraune, hose, water
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The sun was striking down — again — on the white shingles of my home when I awoke. I peeled aside the drapes of my bedroom window and could practically feel the heat radiating through the glass. The mornings should never be this hot. Knowing I'd probably be baking my feet if I put my slippers on, I shuffled into the living room in my robe and checked the thermostat. I had the temperature set to 70 degrees Fahrenheit, and the air conditioner still wasn't pulling its weight. "Thought I had the repairman fix this unit last week," I muttered, and bumped the number down another three degrees. I tipped myself back into my recliner and switched on the TV to the local news. The male and female anchors at the desk were beginning to plead to the meteorologist to surprise them with today's weather report. The young, slick-haired forecaster waggled his finger towards them from his place in front of the camera. "Ha ha, you'd think that, Cindy and Mike, but the news I've got isn't so hot...!" "Fuck off," I said to the screen. I was starting to hate how giddy this guy was to repeat the same bad omens to every viewer day after day. "Folks, look at these highs," he said, spreading his arms casually at the map of the local counties. Bright, burning red covered the area and dizzyingly-high temps were in the proximity of every major town. "You know it, I know it: the heat wave is going to continue. Upper 90s from west to east in our region. Our weather team is going to be watching for any shift in the atmosphere's patterns for the coming days, but until then..." He took a moment to switch the display. "You can see that combined with these huge rainfall departures over the past month, we are in a baaa-aad stretch of weather. So, today six counties have renewed their reminders to the public to conserve water, keep the air conditioning steady, check on your elderly neighbors, you know the drill by now." After finishing the count on his fingers, he spread his arms nonchalantly again. "But hey, just don't blame it all on me, you know...?! Ha—" I turned off the power and planted the remote down on the armrest, getting up to take a grim glance out the window to the backyard. My lawn was dying; it was a carpet of dry straw at this point, thousands of yellowing spindly grass blades crying out for nourishment. And further back, in the space up against the perimeter of the wooden fence, was what remained of the garden. A single man living alone needs a fulfilling hobby when chasing romance or success at work aren't enough. To me, that hobby was flexing my green thumb. In the few years I've been living in this small condo, I spruced up its appearance with store-bought flowers and the odd vegetable sprout here and there. To see it all withered away was kind of sickening. I stood outside in the sweltering afternoons sweeping the hose over everything until my home's supply for the day ran dry, and yet I'd still have plants coughing up dust. The only thing that never seemed to suffer was that orange bulb. I opened the porch door and stepped out into the lawn, wincing at the feeling of parched grass under my bare feet as if I was going for a stroll on some steel wool. Each step sounded like the ground was a bed of dry leaves, impossible considering there wasn't a tree to be found on my property. I paused and scanned the floor beneath my toes, saddened to find some glimpses of dirt showing as the knots of grass were now wearing away. Only a month ago I had this lawn looking lush, green and perfectly-trimmed, with healthy soil in the rectangular plot at the far end. I sighed, and at that instant the orange bulb in the empty garden started to stir. It seemed to lazily roll over as it was resting on its side. It let out a feminine hum from amongst the cocoon of golden petals as it lifted up. Then the plant gracefully bloomed and unfurled before my eyes, and from the center of the giant flower, out rose Liliace. The alraune yawned dramatically as she stretched her body to full-height. She had all the supple curves of a snake, her frame a forest green color save for the several long, vibrant orange petals for hair that bounced as she shook the sleepiness from herself. A single, winding vine of ivy came down from amongst her locks, weaving between her featureless breasts and traveling loosely around her torso. Her legs were stuck together all the way down to her shins, which then disappeared into the base of the broad flower she lived within. Thicker, leafy sleeves covered her forearms and created a pair of curved sepals at her elbows. Liliace was a pretty, lively plant, but a terrible faker; so when she glimpsed me and her expression jumped in surprise, I only wilted in annoyance. "Oh! Good morning!" she beamed at me. "And what a lovely day it is...!" "...It's awful, Liliace." "True. I guess your yard still looks a little dry, but me?" She paused to stretch her arms and gleefully soak up the morning sun. "I feel great." I resumed looking for dirt patches, wandering around the lawn. Liliace continued on. "You know, some water would feel even better." I glanced up at her swaying gently with her arms tucked behind her back, wearing an unchanging sunny smile. "I can easily refuse," I told her. "Let you finally dry up in this heat." "Oh, please, you and your daily empty threats," she replied smugly. "You always take care of me like I'm your favorite, favorite plant." I crossed my arms. "But I never chose to plant an alraune." Once the drought had set in, Liliace's flower had seemed to show up in my garden out of nowhere. Perhaps she drifted in as a seed on the winds, or creatures like her could crawl with their roots and she burrowed underneath my fence. The abode of hers matured from gumdrop-size to as big as a traffic cone in a matter of days; I should have pruned it before it was too late, but I was fascinated by what it might bloom into at the time. On the morning I came outside to a fully-fledged woman standing in its place, I knew I was going to get into quite a mess. "You said yourself that you were fine with me living in your yard," Liliace reminded me. "And in return, I tried giving you all my best advice to help you save the garden when it was still... you know, fighting." She had a disarming grin for being the lone survivor in the wasteland all around her. "Now come on, watering time, please?" It was routine at this point to give in to her wishes. I sighed and went to retrieve the hose. "Fine, just let me try giving the grass some attention first." Liliace had no objections as I came back with the green coil of tubes. I frowned at the low pressure coming out of the end and figured there wasn't much time. Liliace stood patiently and watched as I did my rounds throughout the lawn, shaking the hose to try to fan the water about evenly. Perhaps my effort was all for nothing. I had the slight suspicion that the alraune was capable of seeping up all of the moisture in the entire yard that I put down, so that she could stay in such good health. I didn't know enough about this plant species to really know for sure. I paused a little distance in front of Liliace and glanced at her eyes, a pair of dark-red irises showing through a semi-transparent membrane for sclera. She was practically begging with her gaze. Wordlessly I arced the gentle stream towards her and she gladly opened her mouth. She drank for a time without even the need to swallow, then leaned up and let the water cascade down her body. "Ooh, that is sooo nice and cool..." she sighed blissfully. She ducked her head at one point to get a splash between the six stamens that sprouted from her scalp. Liliace was running her hands over her ribs and abdomen as I looked on, and I noticed the same change occurring to her body as I often did when watering her like this. Ever so gradually her body was bloating up all over, seeming to store up all the liquid she came in contact with. Her flat stomach gained a tiny bulge as it bubbled up on the inside. As she smoothed her hands over her middle, slowly her breasts sagged into her upper arms. Naturally her hips followed suit, creeping outwards and accentuating her figure even further. Liliace bent her back and cradled her swollen stomach as it ripened into a sizable pot belly, the water keeping her skin soft and flexible between her fingers. Since I had seen this process many times before, I guess I was clueless to how she could always appear so delighted at her figure growing plump and flabby. She would just be back to normal after about a day passed, anyways. As even her thighs were beginning to bulge together, the hose finally spluttered. "Aww, that's it?" she asked, watching the last of the water deposit some final precious droplets on the tips of the flower petals beneath her. She twisted around to inspect herself. "It was good while it lasted. Thanks anyways!" "Liliace, what's even the point of you staying here?" I had to ask, holding the dripping hose at my side. "You're just a talking flower, and you end up using so much water that I could really use..." "I can be very useful," she said proudly in reply. "If you get a nice, big pot, you can keep me inside as a house plant. Wouldn't I be a good decoration?" Liliace posed with a hand on one of her broadened hips, swaying side to side. I made a face at her belly and breasts wobbling a bit. "Not a chance," I said disinterested. "In that case, what about my harvesting my sap...?" She suddenly lurched and spat up some nectar, a thin honeylike trickle forming from the corner of her sheepish smile. "Gross!" I turned away in disgust and quickly gathered up the hose. She laughed as I retreated to the side of the house to close the valve. "See you tomorrow!" she called after me, and I knew she was right. I firmly closed the porch door once I was inside, and I glared at her from the back window for a moment. She raised and folded her arms above her head and slunk back into the protection of her petals, where she'd wait quietly until the next morning. I sighed at myself for putting up with it all. I could never, ever bring myself to just stop caring for Liliace and let her wither away. Her company was fine, and learning about her species little by little kept my fascination. But I was always conflicted with how much I still didn't know, whether her appearance in my yard was a devious plan of hers or her innocent attitude was just a sham. I never got within arm's reach of her all this time for the fear she might be a man-eating plant breed or God knows what. Only the hose seemed to be our most constant connection between us, and I just shrugged off all of her odd advances. Until the drought was over, one single, friendly alraune was all I had left when other resources were scarce. The area government eventually got its act together and realized that things needed to be done for the people during the drought. That lowly offering was a single case of water bottles left by my front door another blistering morning. Eighteen bottles; they had to be kidding. Regardless I stowed it in my fridge for the time being. Heading back to the living room, I wiped my brow and slumped down onto the edge of my recliner. I had given up with the air conditioner and so I had every window open for any semblance of a breeze. The cicadas going off like sirens made me raise the television volume in response. "Your news headlines at noon: Hurricane Claire has been named in the Caribbean," said one of the anchors. I leaned in all of a sudden. "Our head meteorologist will tell us what you need to know." "Now folks," began my best friend the weatherman, also trying to contain his excitement. "I don't want you all to panic, but look at these predicted paths so far. Each model is guessing that we could have a Category 1 arriving in our region this weekend. Claire is coming ashore and taking a big turn east. Could be a glancing blow, could be a direct hit. But you don't need to hear it from me that damaging winds and steady, driving rain are going to be what we're watching..." It was all I needed to hear. I got up and paced, thought about — well, first, what I needed to do for preparedness' sake — but also if there were any plants that made sense to grow in mid-summer after a drenching storm. Then I thought of Liliace. I stopped before the back window. Maybe she'd love a saturating, natural rain. Or maybe... They posed a lethal problem for species like her. But I gradually understood what might happen, one fate or the other. Leaning my hands on the sill, I pondered how to keep my hands clean through these next coming days. I went out back to Liliace on the eve of the hurricane. I had with me all the water bottles and I set them down in the center of the yard. This was possibly going to be the grand experiment; the way I'd know if she could get waterlogged or not. The sound of me tearing the plastic film of the case must have awoken her. She emerged from her plant-bed and craned her neck towards me. "Ohh, back so soon? I hadn't finished sleeping off this morning's drink..." "Here," I told her. "They put enough bottled water for a family of four on my doorstep. I just figured I'd give them to you." I took a few in my hands and started lobbing them underhanded to the base of her body. Her eyes lit up as they thunked down in a loose little pile. The water shimmered through the plastic like meals on silver platters. "Amazing!" she said as she bent her legs and back and picked one up. She inspected it in her grasp for a moment, tried to shake it onto her body and frowned. "...Thanks, but, this doesn't appear to be working." "Turn the cap?" I suggested with a shrug. She just pulled a bigger face as she tried that and got nothing. "There really aren't enough plant fiber... things in your arms to twist open a lid?" Liliace had an innocent smile as she reached as far she could with the bottle. "I think I might need your help." I conceded with a sigh and approached her. I quickly cracked open the cap and handed the bottle back, but just as I turned away, Liliace spoke up. "Ooh, could you open another for me too?" she smiled as she was dumping the entire bottle upside-down onto her chest. "Actually... open them all." I did a double-take at her face and then her figure on accident. "You're not even going to try to ration them out?" I asked in disbelief. "Why should I? I'll have it all stored in for days! Saves the hose for the grass, don't you think?" I was one part dumbfounded, and another part complacent. She appeared ready to carry on heedless to any sort of limit. I caught myself from staring at her frame, already changing from stout to overweight. Now, it was morbid curiosity compelling me to stoop for a second water bottle and hand it over to her. "Gimme two," Liliace demanded as she dropped the first. Taking an opened pair with each hand, she laughed and doused herself over the head with her mouth agape. I unscrewed the cap on another and dropped it in front of her, unfastened yet another and shook it out over her flower. Down her hair petals, over the growing bulge of her belly, water spilled in crisscrossing streams on the way to the thirsty ground. It was less like a hose and more like a waterfall this time, and the effect it made on the alraune's figure was staggering to say the very least. Liliace surpassed the point it looked like she was carrying twins, her stomach bowing from the weight of the liquid. Maintaining its spherical shape, it grew and grew by the inch like a smooth green water balloon. The plump, teardrop-shaped sacs of her breasts were sagging ever so slowly down, gaining a cup-size every time I took a subtle glance. The ivy vine was pressed between them, dripping water off of it in a spiral. Hips blooming wider, her waist also spread to stay proportionate. And her legs, the thick, healthy stems they were before, now pulsed with their growing fullness, bulging slightly from below before they sent an even bigger bloat to settle in her thighs. Barely could I see the darker spot of a navel beneath her skin, as the larger she expanded, the more apparent she was turning a shade lighter, more translucent. If she wasn't busy holding the water bottles I handed to her, Liliace would definitely be feeling up herself; I blocked out the sound of her gentle moans as she wriggled in delight. I focused instead on the hearty sloshes from her insides as she tipped back to revel in the cool splashes of another bottleful. Quietly her fibers groaned throughout her body, struggling to stretch around the girl who was growing like a weed, slightly in height too, surprisingly. Once every bottle had been opened, there wasn't much else I could do but step back and let the soaking, bulbous alraune greedily plug her lips to the final container and drain it down. Gracefully she dropped the container and carefully laid her hands on her blimped belly. It stood out like a bubble fit to burst, gurgling dully from its sheer volume. I didn't think she'd be able to reach her belly-button, in fact. The vine gently cut into her like a tight sash on a corpulent pageant contestant. Her fattened upper arms, bloated significantly out from the sleeves on her forearms, tenderly bunched her watermelon-sized breasts together. With her tremendously wide waist, Liliace simply had the roundness and smoothness of a vase. "Good God," I could only say about the massive woman before me. Liliace took a deep breath, eyes closed and smiling. She then relaxed and her body softly rippled. "Thanks..." she managed to get out between her rounded cheeks. As she looked at me, I half-expected to see her pupils floating. "That w-was—!" She suddenly belched, making her insides roil and a mist of water to float out. "...Delicious..." For once she glanced down at her orbicular stomach, lovingly pressing her palms into it. "Oooogh, I'm so huuuge~" she crooned. "Yeah, you're a real blue-ribbon winner," I hesitated to say at her enthusiasm. I stuck my sneaker out and started to sweep up some of the empty bottles from underneath her. I got too close; Liliace leaned her bulk on her tree-trunk legs and grabbed me by the wrist. "C'mere! Feel!" she giggled, and I made a glunking sound against her unfathomably-full tummy. She did have the muscles to keep me rooted in place for a hug. I fidgeted and clung to her body, only able to reach about halfway around her. Cold moisture kept seeping through my T-shirt as I scrabbled to get away. But now I could truly take in the enormity of her form pressed into her like this. My eyes were only up to her chin. "See...?" A flowery scent wafted as I was turned side to side in her arms. She was squeezing me so hard, I was concerned she'd pop right in our embrace. But her skin was still so flexible and sproingy, oozing back out into shape when the pressure let up. I pushed out of her waxy hold on me. "Jesus, Liliace, enough!" I hissed. "The neighbors might see us...!" Of course, the fence boards were seven feet high and had the most miniscule of gaps between them. I just wanted to be out of there, and I flicked water off of my fingers to try to feel dry. "Okay, okay," she sighed, but couldn't stop snickering at how embarrassed I probably looked. To say she jiggled from her laughter was an understatement. Now unable to put her hands on her hips, she just happily clutched what she could of her belly. "Just thank you again. Are you still going to say hi to me tomorrow?" I didn't respond for a while as I made a makeshift bag from the case and tossed every bottle in. When I straightened up, I looked at Liliace with a weary smile. "Yeah, we'll see. Have fun with that... body of yours, I guess." I heard her hug herself as I started back to the porch. "Ohhh, I so will...! Hee hee hee hee!" Please just don't moan through the night so loudly, I begged in my thoughts. I gazed up longingly at the sky for a sign of grey clouds before drifting back indoors. Just out of curiosity, I peered through the window and wanted to see how she would deal with her new unwieldy weight. Glancing down at herself, she wobbled her gigantic hips to start settling back into her flower. It only seemed to close halfway around her middle. Awkwardly she hefted her boobs into the top of the bulb and hunkered down, at least able to have her body from the shoulders-down be concealed. Tossing her petal hair, she grew still and finally closed her eyes. I shook my head and went about preparing for the inevitable rain. It was years since I was last in a hurricane. That was several summers ago when I still lived at my old home during college breaks. Fending for myself in my own place though was like fortifying a castle, or battening down the hatches on a pirate vessel. The dread sets in when every glance out the locked windows looks more menacing. In the early morning hours it grew loud enough outside to pass for a siege and wet and blustery enough for a storm at sea. I would run out into the street and do a dance if I wasn't huddled on the recliner with an array of candlesticks at the ready. The power cut before the morning news was timed to come on, so the only entertainment was to watch the sheeting precipitation and the bend of branches in the other neighbors' yards. The house was too deathly quiet after a bowl of cereal and lukewarm milk — it was enough to get me pacing. I found myself at the back window eventually. Faintly, through the dripping screen, I saw Liliace outside of her flower. The alraune's body was still looking excessively round and turgid, but I couldn't tell if it was even larger than yesterday's gorging. For a second I thought she might be the one enjoying the rain more than me, but her arms were just thrown over her head. The gusts were strong enough to bend her huge mass to the side and only then did her hands reach out to shield herself from the buffeting water. I couldn't make out her expression. If she was crying out, I wouldn't hear. She made a sudden glance towards the porch door and I cowered out of sight. The outside kept echoing through the walls as I shambled through my dark hallways. I huddled into my recliner and tried to take my mind off the chaos with a novel. My body clock struck dinnertime at one point. Just before the light died in the sky completely for the night, I wanted to see how Liliace was holding up. I don't think I ever saw a more pitiful sight in that bleary, dreary darkness; she was completely keeled over on the ground. Her head was drooping and hiding her face, her hair petals plastered against her body, some of them flapping wildly in the wind. Her legs had fallen forwards like windswept logs. It was probably from the burden of her belly, protruding from her sides and forcing her to lean up off of it. Even with her arms holding her up, she had to be struggling to keep her weight off her middle. Her back had even rounded out slightly— for the first time I learned alraunes have rear-ends, and Liliace's wobbled profoundly across her pair of vast hips. The only sign of life the ballooned plant girl displayed was when she raised her shoulders for a gasp of carbon dioxide. Her enormous, ovular breasts just barely left the grass for a moment when she did. The water had turned Liliace beyond obese, inflating her curves dramatically wherever possible. She had to be just barely holding herself together at that size... I rubbed my neck, looked hesitantly at the lock on the door as well. "There is nothing I can do," I admitted to myself. I let the darkness of my home's interior swallow me up while the hurricane's eye continued its pass overhead. I was sure it would be glaring. A rescue vehicle passed by in the morning and woke me up with its yellow emergency lights flashing through my window. I stirred on the recliner, realizing the outside was quiet at last. The sky was still grey and branches, strewn in the street, tumbled from the hurricane's remnant breezes. My house seemed to have survived, but Liliace...? Once I gathered up and threw away some empty snack bags on the living room table, I quickly went to the back window. There was a shadow cast on the porch. "No fucking way..." It was like an oak collapsed in my backyard. A gigantic alraune, lying in a daze on her back, was the culprit. I flung open the back door, hit by the stifling humidity right away, and the mind-boggling sight of Liliace's transformation. I had to creep around her and take my place at the side fence to see all of her. Her length spanned close to fifty feet, her head nearly as tall as I could stand. "Liliace!" I exclaimed. "How did this happen to you?" She had her eyes cast up at the clouds, her breath coming ragged from her heaving, bountiful chest. The giantess ignored me and puckered her lips to spit out a little extra water into the air. Her head rolled to my direction and more liquid trickled from her slacked jaw. "Help me, please..." she said in a feeble tone. Some of her curves had shrunken at the expense of stretching out her height so much, but she remained looking tighter than ever. Her belly had the size and the elastic quiver of an inflatable bounce-house, straining, gargling, practically dominating her frame. It was a wonder the ivy vine didn't come apart and still reined in her abdomen, though it was so rounded it was like a pipe ready to split. I realized even her flower had swollen to twice its size, the petals sagging and spread on the ground. It was stretched painfully around Liliace's massive legs, twisted and kinked together like two hoses because of her position. The forearm sleeves laid discarded like tattered corn-cob husks on the grass, so her bare arms were bent up close to the sides of her head, keeping her hands off herself. Liliace hiccupped and winced at the trembling it sent throughout her. "You tricked me," continued her soft, accusing voice. She was so big it amplified her volume. "D-Did I?" I fired back, leaning up off the fence. "I'd say good old Mother Nature punished you for being a glutton." "There was a storm coming...!" she seethed. "If you warned me I could have drawn up my roots, you could have surrounded me with mulch, could have...!" Liliace stopped to cough and splutter. "Ohhh, I could have died...!" she moaned and looked up miserably at the heavens. "I'm surprised you didn't," I said under my breath. I glanced about and saw a snapped branch about an arm's length, lying close to her hips. Keeping my eyes on her, I tried going further into the yard to snatch it up and stab her with it. Liliace suddenly reached out for me with her arm and slapped the sodden grass with the sound of a pool noodle. I recoiled back. "I hate you!" she wailed. "Just... leave me here... I want to go back to normal...!" I gave her a wide berth and slowly moved away. The monstrous girl laid her hands carefully on her tummy and whimpered, trying to soothe it. The conflicting thoughts crept back into my head watching her suffer so badly. She needed to go, but if natural causes wouldn't do the dirty work for me, then what possibly could? I was examining her so closely that I swore I saw her gain just a sliver of an inch to her body. It might have been her shoulders or one of her canoe-sized hair petals twitching gently. I could barely make out the sounds of her skin straining some more as she lay there, too. "How are you still growing?" I demanded all of a sudden. Liliace tilted her head back and fixed her desperate gaze on me, sharply sucking in her breath and huffing it out. "You're still soaking up the lawn...!" "I'm sorry!" she cried out, squeezing her eyes shut. "I can't help it! My roots are everywhere underneath the yard! They've... just always been that way!" She crossed her arms over her breasts, frowned and hugged herself like she wanted it all to stop, but it wouldn't. "You greedy—" I began as it dawned on me, and looked down at my shoes at the ruined grass. With how sodden the dirt had become, it made this repulsive brown sludgy stew with tiny curls of dead grass mixed in. I furrowed my brow. I started towards the garden hose. I began to unloop the coils and tossed the length out, wishing, pleading in my mind that the water supply was back in full force, and that I had all the resources in town now that the storm had rolled through. I rotated the valve the furthest it would go and advanced towards Liliace with the end in my grasp. As soon as I felt the hose hum, splash about on the inside and finally send out a generous stream of fresh, cool water, I knew this had to be it. I stopped and casually let the hose empty itself from shoulder-height, and Liliace realized something rolling off her hair instantly. "Wh-What are you doing to me?!" She rotated her immense bulk to the side to get a better look at me standing there, eyes wide in disbelief. "I'm giving you your daily water." "No...! I can't grow any more! Nnnngh...!" Liliace tensed up as her body was swelling again. She reached out an arm to swipe at me, but I was still a good five feet away from her fingertips. "Shut it o-o-off!" Her other arm reached around to cradle her ballooned tits from underneath, nursing her blimping body that filled and filled involuntarily. Her hips blossomed upwards as they were smooshed on their side, and her belly's curvature edged closer and closer to the side fence. Her bulge was towering over the posts, hissing with the steady intake of water, churning from its unimaginable fullness. "P-P-Please!" she begged me through one opened eye. "You've got to let me empty out! I can b-be transplanted to a nursery, to an open field—!" "What, so you can steal all the water there too?" I grinned and started sweeping the hose everywhere over her creaking form. Liliace moaned pitifully and tried to stretch herself, clawing for me despite the ominous, rubbery squeals her fibrous skin made. She had to clutch herself again from the pressure that shot up her legs — being held in a vice from her flower's unbearable tightness — to her breasts in which one laid dangerously on top of the other. Even the humid atmosphere seemed to overwhelm her as she lay there limp and panting. Then she squirmed realizing her belly had grazed the fence, and was now pressing into it, testing its durability as if it was a dam she could breach. Her skin started to bulge into the neighbor's yard for a precarious moment. Liliace howled and, with a display of gargantuan strength, turned herself over and let her overgrown stomach keep rising unfettered into the air. The vine finally snapped like a spent leather belt, making her belly jut forth all of a sudden with a resounding slosh. "I'm gonna exploooode!" I kept the water trained to her shoulder area as I covered my mouth with a hand, watching her keep expanding, hearing her insides rumble. She was coursing full of liquid, pulsing with every dangerous pump her body continued seeping into her innards. There was nowhere for the water to escape or leak from; the pressure just kept building relentlessly. Liliace's skin gradually tinted lighter, showing the signs of wear through white blade-thin streaks traveling up to the crest of her gut. Her boobs were wobbling loosely as they were pushed to the sides by her stiffening middle. The now-constant groans of her frame deepened further in pitch, echoing, reverberating, signaling her end. I only felt dwarfed in comparison seeing only her upper body stretching its final inches in every direction before me. Her growth finally slowed while her panting rose to a fevered pace. She spread her arms to grip the nonexistent grass. "Ohhhh!" she moaned boisterously. "I can't take it— i-it's too muuuch!" Bloated to capacity, Liliace let out an exhausted whine before a gurgle arose in her throat. "Crap," I muttered and dropped the hose. SPLOOOOOSSSHHHHH! Liliace burst, her belly blowing up like a geyser before a huge ripple of water followed, flooding outwards in every direction. I sighed as a wave spilled over the openings of my sneakers, and I hurried away from the epicenter to close the valve. I surveyed the carnage as the water gradually receded. The ground was even muddier than before, streaked with tendrils of pale nectar and clumps of shredded vegetation. Orange petals laid about the swamp like shrapnel, and a sweet aroma permeated through the air. I couldn't help but shudder, almost feeling a little tearful, as I gazed over the mess I made of my backyard. But I knew the lawn, the garden — everything — had some recovering to do. I just slogged over to the porch step and got myself inside.
Prose that Blows 500 (2009), Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Most Believable Expandee Reaction
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Julie stood nervously at the lip of the wave pool. It's not that she was an unattractive girl, it's just that everyone else there was so... Statuesque. She felt like a mere mortal surrounded by golden gods. It was Kate's 19th birthday, and she dragged everyone to the water park to celebrate. All of Kate's other friends wanted to go on "Plunge of Doom" and "Greased Lightning" as soon as they got there, but Julie couldn't handle intense rides like that, so she wound up in the "Lazy Lake" with a swarm of obnoxious kids. After lunch, Kate managed to coax Julie into trying out the "Surfer's Cove" wave pool with her and the other girls. She dove deep, and noticed a weird current, a strong current, pulling her down and towards the back of the pool. Julie panicked, and started frantically reaching for something to hold onto. There wasn't anyone else this deep; they were all at the surface, waiting for the next wave to come. She gripped a bubble vent on the bottom of the pool, and clung to it for dear life as the current kept pulling at her. Thinking quickly, she put her mouth up to the vent and took a gulp of air, exhaling in a flurry of bubbles. She wrapped her lips around the vent, and took another lungful, but when she tried to exhale, she found that her braces were caught on the vent's rim. Terrified, she tried pushing away, but quickly stopped when she realized that the current was still pulling her. She became aware of a new problem as her stomach started to feel full. Her tummy started to press against the pool's floor lightly, then pushed out slowly. She whimpered, knowing there was nothing she could do about it. There was a small pop, and a strange sensation came over her. The seat and chest of her bathing suit were starting to stretch out to accommodate her inflating belly. No, it was more than that; her breasts and butt felt like they were getting bigger too! Her chest was steadily pressing into the floor now, and her belly... wasn't? She could feel her thighs start to rub together as her bloated body floated upward. The weird angle was starting to cramp her neck, and her swimsuit was straining its seams as it struggled to keep up with her expanding body. Her arms started to follow suit, and she lost her hold on the vent, but the current was gone. The force of the wave slammed into her, popping her free of the vent, sending her sailing upward, and rolling her around chaotically through spraying. The ride deposited her in the shallow end of the wave pool, floating on her back. The first thing the saw when she opened her eyes was the giant sphere of her belly rising above the massive cleavage of her huge breasts. The second was that everyone was staring at her...
deflation, inhale
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation
Muscle and bone, heart and lungs, what a cumbersome way to construct a life form. Namunk chided himself for such thoughts almost as quickly as they occurred to him. His training had taught him better than that. If his people had learned nothing else from a hundred generations of exploration, it was that the universe had a certain order to it, and even the most bizarre life had an elegance that often wasn't apparent at first. Even the children of Araphon had their roots in embarrassingly humble ancestors. And if Namunk and his kind could rise up from such lowly beginnings, who knew what these humans could become, given time? All of this seemingly pointless complexity had to serve some purpose. And stranded or not, Namunk was an Explorer, and it was his duty and privilege to discover. Fortunately, his probes were functioning without mishap. Although they hadn't scattered very far yet, he was sure they would eventually provide data as valuable as what he was gathering here. Julia awoke to the sound of her alarm. Without thinking, she rolled over to reach for the snooze button, only to realize rather abruptly that she wasn't capable of either rolling or reaching. As she drew herself from the fog of sleep, last night's events came flooding back and Julia realized she now had to deal with the fact that she was unbelievably inflated, and firmly wedged between her bed and the ceiling. "Uh oh,"she gasped, impulsively struggling to move, but only managing to wiggle her hands and feet uselessly in the air. The rest of her was completely immobile. The grating beep of her alarm pulsed away in the background. "Okay," she said, "how are we going to get us out of this, Julia?" She tried exhaling forcefully, puffing away to no avail. "Damn!" Last night she'd been so caught up in hew newfound abilities, she hadn't really considered the consequences that would follow when she had to get up to go to school the next morning. "C'mon, Julia, we can do this." She closed her eyes and centered her thoughts on getting smaller, on deflating, on somehow releasing all this air that filled her... She was rewarded with the loud hiss of gas rapidly flowing out of her navel. A victorious grin spread across her face as she felt herself shrink. But it vanished several minutes later as she heard a knock at her door. "Julia, wake up! You'll be late for school!" "I'm up, Dad!" He'd probably just gotten in late last night. His business frequently took him away for days at a time, which left Julia alone in the house most weekends. And most weekdays as well. She never held it against him. Without Mom around, they had to get money somehow. Frantic, she tried to scoot herself off of the bed. She was rapidly deflating, but still couldn't move well enough to reach her clock. Finally, the swelling in her arms subsided enough for her to turn off the alarm. Still severely bloated, she rushed to get dressed. "Bye Dad!" She kissed him on the cheek quickly as she rushed out the door. Luckily, her father rarely used the car, so she could drive to school. Compared to her unreal experiences during the past weekend, school seemed strangely mundane to Julia. Everything else about her world had remained quite the same, oblivious to whatever unnatural change that had happened to her. "Enjoy the hike?" Julia looked up to see Tanya, one of Roxy's friends. She'd also been on that fateful trip. It just wouldn't be in her nature to pass up the chance to take a cheap shot. "Actually, I did," Julia responded. "It was quite -- uplifting." She smiled to herself as she headed off to her chemistry class, leaving behind a rather perplexed Tanya. And so Julia's mundane life continued unperturbed: classes, homework, regular barbs and snubs from Roxanne and her gang. They seemed especially proud of their latest prank, and made sure the story spread through the entire school in short order. Oh well, Julia thought, one more event to add to my list of humiliations. Over the next few weeks, she took as much time as possible to experiment in seclusion. She quickly gained increased control over her powers. It wasn't long before she learned she could inflate just about any part of her body, and became adept at getting blowing up bigger and faster. She didn't even have to inhale; on a good day, when she really concentrated, she found she could fill up with gas by just thinking about it. Every so often Julia found herself losing control and winding up at a larger size than she intended. Even more disconcerting were the occasions when she had difficulty deflating. But as she practiced, such incidents became less frequent, and the explosion incident that occurred the first night never repeated itself. Then, one Friday, the envelope arrived. The day began innocently enough. History was as boring as usual, English even more so. Julia stopped by her locker on the way to lunch. She'd passed Roxy and her boyfriend Brent in the halls and endured the customary condescending glare. As she dialed the combination into her lock, she wondered if Roxy could have held Brent's interest for more than five minutes if she didn't have the body of a swimsuit model. She idly pondered what would happen if she approached Brent with a freshly inflated figure. Schemes of revenge whirled in her mind as she thought through what she'd try to do with her newfound abilities next when she got some free time alone to experiment again. "Hello? What's this?" Julia muttered as she picked up the plain, unmarked envelope. She opened it and gasped in shock. Inside was a picture of her, apparently taken through her bedroom window while she was asleep. And she was blown up like a blimp. There was a note: "Meet me at Harry's, 5 o'clock." "Damn!" she swore as she slammed her locker shut. How could I have been so careless? She'd never though it mattered that she sometimes left her drapes open. Her bedroom had a view of nothing, just hills, trees, and a field where there would be more houses built someday. And now it looked like someone was going to blackmail her. She didn't pay attention at all during class that day. Harry's was a burger place in town. Not too long a trip from school, but far enough that it wasn't one of the more popular hangouts after class. Besides, it was Friday and most people had better things to do. Julia sat down at a booth and ordered a soda. All day she tried to figure out who could have been spying on her. If it had been any of her usual enemies, they wouldn't have been so subtle. And they certainly wouldn't want to meet her in a public place to chat. She barely noticed when Robert walked in. Everyone at Spoone High new who he was, but very few actually knew him. Like Julia, he was pretty far down on the social food chain, but he had an aloof, superior attitude. He was brilliant, and made sure the world knew it. Robert came from a family of researchers, doctors, and college professors, and he firmly believed his intellect placed him above those who cast him out as a geek. He wouldn't have sat down with the "in" crowd even if invited. Of course, he never would be invited, but that was hardly the point. Image was everything. He walked towards Julia's booth. He looked the role, tall, lanky, slightly unkempt. At least he hadn't gone for the horn-rimmed glasses and pocket protector. "Julia?" She looked up from her drink. "Robby? I, uh, I'm waiting for someone." She figured it probably sounded like a lie, but under the circumstances she didn't care. "Yeah, I know. I sent you the envelope." Hesitating a bit, he sat down. "What do you want, you slimy little bastard," she hissed through clenched teeth. "You're upset. That's okay, I was peeking in on you, you're entitled. Just hear me out." "What? You've already worked out blackmail terms?" "No, that's not it at all! Just listen to me for a minute." He reached into his backpack and pulled out an envelope. Julia rolled her eyes. "What now, more pictures?" "In a manner of speaking. Okay Julia, here's what I know, the whole story. I was on the hill with my telescope, tracking a comet --" "Sure you were. What comet was that?" "I just found it a few weeks before. I'll name it as soon as the observatory confirms it's a new one. But that's beside the point. I admit I was spying on you. Truth be told, there are quite a few interesting bedrooms that can be seen from that hilltop if you have a good enough scope, and I admit I've looked into all of them at one time or another. Call me a pervert if you like --" "You're a pervert," Julia snapped. "But here's the deal. On one of those nights, I saw you -- grow, I guess would be an acceptable term. I took pictures, trying to figure out how it was possible. At first I thought it might have been some weird inflatable suit, but looking closely at the photos I saw that wasn't the case. I was very curious about this talent of yours, since it violates the laws of physics as I know them. But if I wanted to find out more, I had to approach you somehow. Which brings us here." "And I guess this is the part where I pay you money to keep these pictures under wraps." He sighed. "I guess it's not surprising for you to think that." Robert slid the envelope across the table to her. "In there you'll find all the remaining photos of you, and the negatives. Destroy them if you want, it's all the evidence I have that you're anything but a normal teenage girl. Of course, I could always spread vicious rumors about Julia the Human Blimp, but I doubt anyone would believe me." Julia slowly reached for the envelope. "So what's this all about?" "I never wanted to blackmail you, I was just curious. Wanted to find out more about what you can do, study you." "You study me?" "Yes, that's all. This is something nobody's ever seen before. Imagine the possibilities! If you don't want to be a lab rat, just say so. You don't have to ever talk to me again. On the other hand, I'll just bet you're as curious about this as I am, and we can go back to my lab and see what the instruments say about you." Julia took a slow sip from her soda. "Just one question." "What?" "It's close to dinner time. You buying?" Robert broke into a smile. "Sure." Over burgers and fries he told him about that had happened on the hiking trip: being abandoned, making a wish on a falling star, suddenly inflating. She left out the part where she exploded and was deliberately vague about how she got home. Robbie was so fascinated with her story, he didn't seem to notice. "So you just...," he waved his fingers in an attempt to grasp a phrase, "blew up?" "Mm-hmm," she nodded, eating another french fry. "Amazing! And you can control this?" She shrugged. "Kind of. That night you took the picture, I didn't really mean to get that big. It just sort of... happened. I tried to get bigger, then I just kept getting bigger. Managed to shrink back down the next morning, though." Robert was nearly dumbstruck by the idea. Julia saw the wonder in his eyes and could almost hear the gears whirling in his mind as he tried to grasp the possibilities of how such a thing was possible. He though in silence for a while, and Julia entertained the idea that perhaps he was more overwhelmed by her condition than she was. "I need to get you into my lab. I have instruments there, I could take some measurements. I doubt I have the equipment necessary to find the cause, I mean, I don't know what in the world could possibly explain this. But I think if I could actually observe this maybe..." He got lost again in the convoluted clouds of thought. "Are you doing anything tonight?" From anyone else, Julia might have taken that as an invitation for a date. But it was obvious that romance was the last thing on Robert's mind. Looking at him, one might think it was never anything but the last thing on his mind. "Well, I've got a hot date tonight. Y'know, someone like me isn't going to be alone on a Friday night." "Oh. Oh, I'm sorry--" "I'm joking, Robby!" she giggled. "Besides, I wanna know what the heck's going on with me too." "Wonderful!" He called for the check. "Oh my God, it's like something out of a movie," Julia marveled. From the outside, Robert's lab looked like it has once been home to tractor. But he'd obviously put a lot of working into fixing it to his liking. Workbenches stretched along much of its length, crowded with computers and instruments. Of on a table in one corner there appeared to be several telescopes which weren't quite complete, and one section even appeared to double as a darkroom. "Yeah, there were a lot of farms out here before they developed the area. You'll still find a bunch of old barns around. Dad wanted to convert this to a workshop, but I convinced him to let me have it. I pretty much do all my work out here. "Gimme a minute to get set up, I think I have a pretty good idea of what I'll need." Robbie cleared a large section of the floor space, rolling what looked like a twenty-first century go-cart off into a corner. He gathered several metal boxes from around the room, all bristling with antennae and wires, screens and lights. Julia hadn't the faintest idea what they might be for, but Robert moved them around and plugged them into one of the larger computers as easily as most people could slap together a sandwich. He started flipping switches, and one by one the machines came to life. "Ok, I think I'm ready." He picked up what looked like a wand-shaped microphone. "Is there anything I should be warned about before we try this?" Julia stepped out into the center of the clearing. "I don't think so. But I've only done this a couple of times. I mean, the worst thing that could happen -- I could lose control and get bigger than think I will." He rubbed his chin. "Let's keep you relatively small then." A thought hit him. "Um, are your, I mean - - are those clothes going to be a problem?" "Don't worry, they'll stretch with me," she reassured him with a smile. "Alright then. I'm ready when you are." "Ok." She closed her eyes and shook her hands out a bit. Robert watched closely as she relaxed, taking long slow breaths. His instruments didn't show anything unusual until the fourth or fifth breath. Julia started taking in air. Her belly slowly swelled outward. She didn't even hear the beeping of Robert's scopes as they recorded what was happening. She was far too caught up in the feeling of pressure as her whole body gradually filled, pulling her clothes tightly around her. Buttons and seams strained at first, then relaxed as the cloth started to stretch. Her belly swelled out steadily, her entire form taking on a rounded, bulbous shape. She stopped after a minute or so, sighing softly. Robert looked to Julia, then to his screens. Then back to Julia, and back to the computer screen. "I'm not sure what to make of this." "Pretty cool, huh?" Julia giggled, closing her eyes as she gently rubbed her vast girth. She looked as though someone had attached a head, arm and legs to a giant beachball. "You're radiating," he muttered. "Very high energy, very high frequency. It's not a regular signal, but -- " Robert wasn't sure he wanted to say what he was thinking. Not until he could investigate more. He tapped a few keys, and a printer started spitting out a steady stream of papers. "I'll need to look over this data." "Do you think you can figure out what's going on?" "I don't know, but I'll give it my best." He walked over to her. " do you feel?" He timidly held his hand out towards her swollen torso. "Just fine," she murmured. "It's pretty nice, actually. I just feel really full, snug. It's kinda fun being big." She opened her eyes. "Go ahead and touch, Robbie, it's okay." Robert carefully brought his hand to her belly, touching the skin exposed by one of the gaps between the buttons on her blouse. He was clueless as to how the garment had stretched as much as it had. It looked like it was tissue thin, but still had its normal texture. But judging by how strained the buttons looked, it appeared as though Julia's clothes trying their best to return to their original size. Her belly was warm to the touch, and still fairly soft. It yielded without too much effort when he pressed against it. If Julia was a balloon, she was far from full right now. "Amazing," he gasped. "How do you deflate?" "It's easy. At least, it usually is. If I just relax and focus on getting smaller - -" As she spoke the words, a hissing came from her body as the air started to escape through her navel. Julia smiled. It was even easier this time. It shouldn't be too long before I have this completely under control. "So what's your take on this?" she asked as her inflated body slowly started to take on a more familiar shape. "Um, like I said, I'll have to look over what my instruments say, but -- " Something on the monitor caught his eye. "That ring you're wearing, is there anything special about it?" "Oh this? Just sentimental. It was my mother's. I wear it all the time. It's made out of silver, if that helps." "Maybe." He typed away at a different console for a minute. "What about your hairclip?" Julia giggled. "I borrowed it from my friend Charlotte months ago and just never returned it. I don't think she misses it that much, but I should probably give it back. I really doubt it's the reason I'm inflatable now." But Charlotte always has been pretty pneumatic, Julia thought to herself, giggling again. "You're probably right," Robert responded, obviously engrossed in his numbers. "He shook his head. "I -- I think it's just the metal that's giving some strange readings. I'm sure it'll all fall out in the analysis. But for now all I can say is that it looks like you were exposed to some very strange energy source. At first look, it doesn't seem like it's altered you in any way --" Julia laughed. She was almost back to normal now. "Maybe you should look again." "But the energy's still there." Robbie shook his head again. Better do neck exercises, he mused, or I'm gonna hurt myself shaking my head over this one. "I'll give you call when I get something. Heck, I'll see you school." "Do you think there's anything to all this blowing up besides entertainment value?" "I'm sure it has some application, if we can just figure out what's causing it. And you'll never have to worry about drowning. Assuming, of course, you can get in one good breath before you go under," he smirked. "I wouldn't even worry about that, Robbie." "Oh?" He raised an eyebrow. Feeling suddenly mischievous, Julia winked at him. "I'll show you one more trick before I go." She closed her eyes and focused, as Robert looked on with a perplexed expression. Then her breasts began to swell. Robbie gawked as Julia's bust filled out, overflowing her bra and pressing up against her blouse. Though she wasn't inhaling, her breasts expanded until it appeared she had two small blimps stuffed into her blouse, bigger than any model he'd ever seen. "Bye Robbie, let me know when you've got something!" Julia blew him a kiss and walked out of the barn, jiggling gently all the way. Robert was left speechless. The mental picture of Julia and her absurdly buxom figure made it hard for Robert to concentrate for the next hour or so. Fortunately, he'd already formulated a theory about Julia's abilities before she'd pulled the blow-up boob trick. "I probably know more about you than you do right now," Robbie chuckled to himself as he pored over reams of numbers. His parents had thought he was foolish to spend so much of his patent royalties on such strange laboratory equipment, but he knew it would come in handy some day. On one of his computer screens, a wire frame computer rendering of Julia's body expanded and receded in a continuous loop. On the next monitor was the three dimensional graph of electromagnetic flux that had surrounded her during the process. It had taken him about a minute to figure out what was happening. Another hour of study had revealed the why. The how would most likely win him a Nobel prize if he could figure it out. Unfortunately there were probably only a dozen people in the world who understood quantum theory that well, and Robert was just humble enough to admit he wasn't one of them. How Julia had come about the change and how she was capable of controlling it were mysteries that would just have to wait. But luckily for Robert, that didn't prevent him from taking advantage of what he knew so far. Now all he needed was a little confirmation. The next day, Robert was back on the hill overlooking Julia's house. Binoculars were sufficient this time, and they allowed him to stay concealed in the trees. It looked like Julia was going swimming, and she left early in the afternoon. Excellent. Picking the lock was simple. It probably would have been even simpler if he'd just asked Julia if he could examine her things, but he wasn't quite ready to tip his hand. Not after her little demonstration had given him some rather devilish ideas. He quickly found her room upstairs. When he had examined Julia, he'd detected three distinct but very similar energy fields coming from her. The main one was coming from Julia herself, of course, but her ring and hairclip had also been radiating. If they were just secondary fields induced by the metal, then her earrings should have shown up as well, but they didn't. So Robert programmed one of his meters to detect that energy signature. "And here we are," muttered as he entered her room. Nothing extraordinary here. It was decorated in the pastels that girls seemed to like far more than boys, and smelled faintly of perfume and florals. He'd seen it all before from a distance. He scanned the contents of her dresser first. The hairclip was sitting atop the dresser and, as expected, it set off the scanner. So did a tiny pair of stud earrings in her jewelry box. One of her bras and a pair of panties were radiating as well. A pair of socks, a t-shirt, and a pair of jeans finished up the contents of the dresser. Nothing to contradict his theory so far, but he wasn't certain yet. It was the closet that convinced him. The red plaid flannel tested positive and the hiking boots clinched it. Whatever it was that had affected Julia, it was now in her and everything that she had been wearing on that hiking trip, Robert was certain of it now. Wishing he knew more about women and their clothing habits, Robert tried to pick out those items that Julia wasn't likely to miss. The socks were a no-brainer, and Julia had so many pairs of earrings that she wasn't likely to miss one pair of studs. He grabbed the underwear, blushing slightly, but he didn't think she'd notice. He took the t-shirt, but figured the jeans, flannel, and certainly the boots would be noticed if they vanished. He made sure to lock the door behind him when he left. Robert spent the entire weekend studying the clothing, do a far more thorough examination that he'd been able to do with Julia. None of it made any sense. He recalibrated is instruments half a dozen times, but kept coming back with the same results. Only his most exotic scopes could pick up anything useful, and by the end he was convinced that to get anything more meaningful he'd have to go to a major research facility. The energy field contained in the clothes was extremely powerful, tightly contained, and appeared to be self perpetuating. This was, of course, impossible. "There's a power source there somewhere," he muttered to his keyboard. "I know you're there, you're just hiding." No matter what he tried, Robert couldn't tap any of the power to harness it. It was like it was there, but he just couldn't touch it. That is, until he touched it. Late Sunday night, worn and weary from a sleepless weekend of work, he literally stumbled upon a breakthrough. He'd left one of the scopes running (dreadful waste of power, but he was tired after all), when he went to move a sock off of the scanning plate. When he went back to look at the results, he saw that when he'd touched the sock, the energy field surrounded his hand and flowed up his arm. He quickly took off his shoes and replaced his own socks with Julia's. He scanned himself and, sure enough, the energy field had surrounded him. A smile broke across his face. Perhaps it was the exhaustion, perhaps it was the late hour, or perhaps it was the fond memory of a story about Benjamin Franklin tying a key to a kite and flying it in a thunderstorm to prove a theory. Whatever it was, at that moment Robert decided it was time to dance with the lightning. He stood up straight, cleared his mind as best he could, and took in a long, slow deep, breath. Robert inflated. Fortunately, the barn had sturdy walls and was a good distance from the house, or else his parents might have heard his victorious howls of laughter. Had they investigated, they would have found Robert on the floor of his workshop, rolling around gleefully on his hugely swollen belly, lost in his own mirth. "You're right, Julia," he called, patting his stomach and marveling at his girth, "it is fun to be big!" It took him over an hour to figure out how to deflate. After that, he set about planning what he could do with Julia's magic garments. He'd already concluded that, unless he could reproduce this energy field, he couldn't really make any money off of it aside from what he could get from selling the individual clothes. "Hell, I don't need money. I've got money." Robert had twenty-three patents total. Admittedly, only a dozen were for anything useful, but he'd sold off the rights to two for a bundle of cash, and three more would provide him with a constant income for well over a decade. But he remembered vividly how Julia had used her talents to inflate her breasts, and figure that there were a few very attractive women who might be interested in being able to do the same. The question was, what would they give to be better endowed? "Now if only Roxanne Gardner wanted bigger tits," he mused. Robert, and most other men on the planet, could only dream about bedding a woman like Roxy. But she, and most of her friends, already had plenty of what Robbie had to offer, and took great pride in it. Or them, as the case may be. "Too bad," he sighed. For years, he'd fantasized about several of those girls, and frequently imagined what it would be like to be in the middle of a Roxanne-Tanya sandwich. But, barring a miracle of some sort, Robert would have to settle for trying to seduce some of the more modestly endowed girls. Come Monday, Robert would find a renewed faith in miracles.
deflation, floating, helium
Female Inflation
Inflatable Clothing
Sam looked glumly at her reflection. A white faced clown with a bright ball for a nose smiled back from underneath a shock of cherry red hair. Giving the wig a tug, Sam stuck out her tongue at the reflection. What right did it have to be so cheery when she was having such a bad day? Not only was she late for work, her car had broken down, forcing a three mile trek down rain soaked streets to find a cab. To top it all off she had broken up with her boyfriend of over two years. Things had not gone well, and they still had several more weeks of work together. Standing up, Sam sighed. Being part of a circus was every child's dream, her included. Now that she was actually part of one it was just another job. As clown ringmaster she was able to ham it up with the audience more than the other clowns as well as participate in many of the skits, but that got old after a while. The makeup was the last stage of a complex dress ritual, so she was now ready to go. Enough time was left for one last glance in the mirror of her crowded dressing room. Besides the aforementioned face over her own, she wore a bright orange top jacket with tails. Underneath this was a vest with a sequined bow tie that constantly chaffed her neck. Below were the white stretch pants that tucked into the top of long black boots. White gloves and a shiny top hat mashed down firmly on top of the unruly wig completed the ensemble. Looking at herself Sam realized not for the first time that the true reason she had the job was more due to her being able to fit into the suit than her talents. Being thin helped, and her quietly attractive looks went well with the makeup. Shrugging, she reached down and connected a hose to the clip valve located at the edge of her boot. When she first started this was one of the bigger surprises. The suit was almost one piece, boots included, the topcoat being the only thing separate. In reality the outfit was a double walled bladder that could fill up with air. It was used later in the act when Sam was supposed to try to vamp one of the male clowns. She'd whip out a little air pump and while she was puffing away with it in pantomime they would give her air from back stage, making her figure expand voluminously. It never failed to bring gasps from the kids and a few whistles from the older ones. At first Sam had thought the suit hysterically funny. Today it was only a hot and heavy bother. Giving a good tug to center out her waist, she strode out to the show. It was a busy night with a near capacity crowd in the small auditorium. With a single spotlight illuminating her and the center ring Sam went into the timeworn and honored "Ladies and Gentlemen..." The blinding spot hid most of the audience from her, which was just as well, considering the mood she was in. It started during the first act. Sam was standing off to the side as the aerialists were running off. The next intro was the jugglers, which would give her a short break. Before she stepped up to the microphone a slight hiss became audible, along with a familiar tightening of the suit around her calf where the valve was. Glancing down she could see the telltale swelling as the leg pocket started to puff up. What the hell was going on? It was far too early in the act for this. Unfortunately, Sam had lines to perform. Hoping the stage hands would catch the mistake, she started the next spiel. No such luck. Sam could feel pressure slowly starting to increase in her torso, wrapping around her back and under her arms. Quickly sneaking a peek down, she could see the front of her outfit starting to billow out just a bit, still mostly contained by the stiffer fabric of the topcoat. An angry glare towards the wings revealed nothing, the spot still blinding her with its brilliance. The audience was beginning to notice the enlargement as Sam's chest visibly started to creep outward. Her hips and thighs were quick to follow, more noticeable due to the tightness of the white pants than anything else. Sam was getting a bit nervous and kept glaring over to the side pits, but gamely kept her spiel going. The hissing was now much louder and was becoming audible to the crowd. Snickers and giggles greeted Sam's ears as the growth of the suit became obvious. She was now large enough that the swelling of her legs was starting to push them apart and her sides were big enough to give a gentle uplift to her arms. In front her chest stuck out like twin volley balls. If not for the makeup and previous experience, Sam would be blushing quite red. A little child's voice was clearly heard over the restrained snickering. "Mommy, I want that balloon!" Something was definetly wrong here. Sam had never been this big before. The pressure inside the suit was bearing down on her evenly all over, forcing her arms slowly upwards and away from her sides. At the same time her legs were being pushed into a straddle position. Sam was rapidly becoming a caricature of a woman, enormous chest over huge hips and legs. She stopped her speech and appealed directly to the wings over the growing laughter. "Hey, what's going on?! This isn't part of the act..." Sam's voice trailed of as she saw what was by the air tanks. There stood Mark, her ex boyfriend, smiling evilly with his hand on the controls. With a thrill of horror she realized that instead of the usual markings of air, these tanks were labeled "helium." Starting to struggle, Sam knocked her top hat off as she attempted to pull her vest open. The orange coat was already too tight however, buttons strained by the overinflation. Sam looked over in mute supplication at Mark. In reply he twisted the valve several more rotations. In seconds the pressure had doubled and doubled again. Sam watched helplessly as she inflated out of control, unable to do anything about it. The audience hooted, waved and cheered while her figure swelled into a bloated top, enormous chest and shoulders with sausage like arms sticking out over giant hip and calves that stretched the boots out to vast size. Sam's demands for release were drowned out by the noise. When the topcoat's front buttons gave with a bang the crowd grew even more enthusiastic, getting into the swing of things. The topcoat was all that had kept Sam's waistline in check however, and that ballooned out to match the rest of her in short order. As the seconds passed she more and more resembled a ball in appearance. Crying with shock now, Sam suddenly realized a new element had entered into the equation. Gently, first one foot and then the other left the floor, leaving her rotating inches above the ground. "somebody help me!" she shrieked, but the roar of the crowd had redoubled at this latest development. Sam drifted upwards, wailing her frustration at those below. After a bit her head bumped lighly into the ceiling. By this time the pressure was at the point were it was difficult to breath and her ability to move anything but her hands had gone long ago. The traitorous spot had followed her and now illuminated her round shape against the backdrop of the stage lights by the rafters. Still the inflation continued. Sam's shoulders started to press up around her ears. How much bigger would she get? The pressure was becoming unbearable. It was the valve that finally decided. Pushed past its endurance, it blew out with a reverberating boom. With a whistling screech of escaping gas and a long drawn out yowl Sam transversed the length of the auditorium. With near perfect precision she sailed out the door and came to rest amid the ruins of her ruined outfit. Panting with anger, she listened to the applause of the crowd inside. "That was great! Bloody marvelous!" The manager was the first to reah her, puffing from his long run arund the halls. "The way you went right out the doors, genius!" Sam looked at him oddly. He didn't actually believe she planned this, did he? "Once we get you a new suit, we'll do this every night. Hell, we'll get a chorus line. Call it balloon bod babes or something. Marvelous idea!" Sam stared after the manager as he bustled off. Accepting a helping hand up from out of the remains of her suit, she smiled wryly. This was all too weird to be angry about and besides, it was a good example of the old adage "Cheer up, things can always be worse!"
belly, demoness, succubus
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Full Body Inflation
Hilda sat in a metal folding chair in the corner of Bellatrix's furnished basement, trying her best to ignore her coven's ongoing meeting and get some much needed work done on an important potion for a very powerful and well connected client. But a room full of inflated eighteen to twenty-four year olds was hardly the proper work environment for alchemical research. All the talking, creaking, cooing, moaning, and groaning that came with group inflation certainly did a fantastic job of drowning out any thought Hilda could make before it could come into fruition. The absolute worst source of noise in the room had to be the ongoing test of inflation poker. The inflation was linked to the cards and the chips, theoretically making the loser inflate by the amount they bet. The problem was that instead of inflating by the amount that individual bet, it would inflate them with the whole pot. Thus, the game quickly devolved into a total farce of people betting all in with awful hands mixed with people betting nothing at all for any reason. Not to say they weren't enjoying themselves, because the constant shouting and laughing said otherwise. "Of course the meeting just -had- to be rescheduled. Of fucking course. It's totally not like I'm in the middle of some extremely important work or something. Yeah, three thousand dollars for a single potion is an order I get every fucking day. No, I'm never, ever busy. Idiots." Hilda tugged at her new pair of insanely tight and incredibly uncomfortable jeans. It was like wrapping a wedgie with shrinkwrap, and every move she made felt like it was testing the limits of her pants' materials. Couple that with her new black tank top that felt more like a boa constrictor than a shirt, and it still only made up a very small fraction of the problems with her clothes. Because every item of clothing she had was like this now. In an unprecedented spark of unwanted charity, Alba donated all of Hilda's old robes to Goodwill and bought her an entire wardrobe of ill fitting clothes of questionable quality and origin. Without keeping the receipt. Considering that the thousand or so dollars it would cost to replace her robes and reenchant them doesn't grow on trees, Alba's indignation at the mere suggestion of doing something about the 'non-issue' she created wasn't the most welcome reaction for Hilda. In fact, she was still stewing over it. If that was believable. An eruption of laughter and squeaks from the poker game derailed Hilda's train of thought entirely, prompting her to firmly close her notebook and stash it in her black cardigan -the only thing she owned that escaped Alba's incompetence. "Fuck this, I'm gonna have to ask Luther for help. Fuck me." Hilda stood up and whirled around, startling the young witch Bellatrix about to tap on her shoulder. "Oh! Hi Hilda!" Bellatrix gave a wimpy wave. "I -uh- I need your help testing my... well, I haven't come up with a name for it yet because I don't know -exactly- what to call it but it's sorta like a hookah -you know, the thing the caterpillar in the Alice in Wonderland cartoon is smoking from when he's like 'Who -are -you?'- but it has oodles of modifications to it like inflation potion instead of water and-" "Wait wait wait. Oodles?" "What?" "Oodles is not a word." "Yeah it is. Well at least I think it is. I remember seeing it in a book I read when I was little called 'Oodles of Noodles' but anyways, back to what I was saying, the container -I think it's called the vase or something- has some enchantments that make the active ingredients in an inflation potion cling to the tobacco smoke and-" "I refuse to accept oodles as a word in the English language. I just can't do it." Bellatrix sighed. "Like I was saying-" "Siri! Is oodles a word?" "Like -I -was -say-ing-" "You're fucking kidding me! Really?!" "Like I was-" "Hi Bellatrix!" The poor witch spun around, as tightly wound as a spring, ready to beat the shit out of whoever it was behind her. "Hi Phoebe." "What'cha up ta?" Bellatrix retained a sigh. "I made an inflation hookah." "What's a hookah?" "It's the thing the caterpillar in Alice in-" "Oh! Oh, oh yeah I get it I get it. Well, come on let's try it!" Hilda put on her cardigan and buttoned it up. "Sorry, but no. I gotta talk to Luther and get out of here to work on my potions." "Oh come on, please? Hilda, I need as many people as I can get to test this. I'll owe you a huge favor for this!" Well, having an enchantress and engineer owe you a favor has never been a bad thing to be honest, especially when you had as dire a need of enchantments as Hilda. On the walk over to the couch and coffee table -on which the hookah sat- Hilda's thoughts floated around her comparatively unattractive compatriots. Bellatrix could be better looking, if only she'd listen to reason and ditch the goth girl accessories and sharpie blue hair. Apart from that, she could be quickly and brashly summed up as a Hilda that shrank in the wash. She was a full head shorter, less endowed, and her face was similar enough to draw comparisons. Phoebe was a whole different matter. As curses went, hers was by far not the worst to end up with, but it wasn't exactly a rose garden. Apparently, she lost an argument with a far more powerful witch and ended up with her current body as a result. To prove it, she even brought in an old picture of herself, and boy was it proof. In the photo, Phoebe was easily summed up as a bombshell. Big ass and bigger tits, blonde hair, and absolutely no shame. Now, she was more like a glop of vanilla pudding. Whereas she used to be almost seven feet tall, now she pushed three and a half and was almost as wide. Her breasts were still monsters, maybe even bigger than before because of her weight, and her thick thighs never weren't rubbing against each other. The change was so stark that she was forced to change names and move cross-country rather than explain to everyone what happened along with everything else they didn't know. Currently, she was wearing one of a handful of outfits that fit her properly- her black robe. Fitting of course meaning that it didn't rip when she sat down or expose her belly when she stood up. Other than that, it looked like black paint on her stomach. Bellatrix shoved the hose of the hookah into Hilda's hand, snapping her out of her aimless daydream. She didn't even pay attention enough to realize that not only had they sat down on the couch, but she completely missed Bellatrix's explanation of how the hookah worked. "What?" "Try it!" Hilda shrugged and inhaled through the mouthpiece of the hose, taking in what she deemed a good amount. "Now you need to hold you breath. Theoretically, it should kick in now." Hilda nodded her head. Oh, it was kicking in alright. Her lungs were emptying like she was exhaling, but rather than exiting through her nose, it pooled in her belly. Bellatrix gasped. "Yes! It works! It works it works it works I can't believe it on the first try it really works!" It may have been working, but it was the second most uncomfortable inflation Hilda ever experienced (nothing could beat the butt inflation suppository) in her life. She almost immediately had to unbutton her pants and unzip her fly to relieve some of the rapid buildup of pressure. Her belly shoved its way through her tank top and pants like a brute. It looked like a rapid fire pregnancy, as does all belly inflation, her skin rapidly going through pangs to accommodate the growth. Her whole belly was uncovered -thanks to Alba- and tight as a drum. The longer it went on, the harder it was for Hilda to hold her breath (imagine trying to hold your breath with empty lungs) and at the same time not complain about her ballooning gut. God, she hated inflating! Finally, after the longest ten seconds of her life, Bellatrix gave her the go ahead. Hilda gasped for breath and wheezed for nearly a minute before regaining her composure. "So, how was it?" Hilda looked Bellatrix in the eyes. "That was fucking awful." Bellatrix flinched like she was hit by a wrench. "Oh." Hilda rubbed her belly to soothe the aching pressure that she hated so much. There was no way she could cover herself like this, and if she knew anything about anything, it was that she would be stuck like this for much longer than she hoped. Her cardigan, the only warm thing she owned that wasn't a heavy jacket, was stretched beyond oblivion. Clearly, there was a potency problem. This was far larger than what she expected, nearly double in fact. She expected to look about the average size of a woman at term, but instead her belly button reached her knees. She leaned back as far as she could and spread her legs apart to give room for her temporary and turgid girth. The last thing she cared about was people looking at her panties, which peeked out from her unzipped fly like a mischievous child. They were violet lace, by the way. "Well, that's what I get get for not taking my fucking sweater off." Hilda said under her breath. Phoebe snatched the hose from Hilda's hands and greedily stuffed it into her mouth. "Jeez, there's something called manners! Do me a favor and look it up sometime." Phoebe ignore her and slowly inhaled. Like before, the inflation promptly kicked in after a few seconds and wasted no time on Phoebe, who kept inhaling. Her belly fat smoothed out into one continuous dome, along with the fat on her arms, thighs, and sides. "Hey Hilda, what's going on? That's supposed to be a belly inflation potion." Phoebe's belly grew in no time and stretched her robe. Soon her breasts and butt joined in as well. "Hilda? She's not supposed to be growing all over!" Her sides easily blended with her belly to make her torso nearly spherical in seconds. Her bloated butt and back tipped her off the couch and she fell a short distance onto her belly, and kept inhaling. "Calm down, it's just basic physics. The air wants to go where the least pressure is. All magic does is contain it in one place or another before the pressure overpowers the magic." "For god's sake, spit it out Phoebe!" Bellatrix ripped the hose out of Phoebe's mouth, but not before things could get out of hand. Phoebe still held her breath and watched with glee as her already rotund body got rounder by absorbing her limbs until only her hands and feet were left. Her robe was as thin as one ply toilet paper by this point, and only managed to cover the top half of her body. Her nipples (apparently Phoebe didn't wear a bra today) were like huge tacks poking through the fabric, and the rubbing was by any definition not a bad feeling for Phoebe. "This wasn't supposed to happen! It's belly inflation!" Phoebe's inflation crawled to a halt as she crested five and three quarters feet wide, and the last of her breasts sank into her body. Judging by how tight her skin was, and the relative smoothness of her body, she didn't have much room left. Hilda stood up gently, mindful of her own tight body, and gave Phoebe a pat on her derriere -an electric feeling that made Phoebe tremble in delight. Phoebe gasped for air, making her body creak like -what else?- a balloon with every wheezing breath. "Well, this was fun but I gotta scoot and get some work done." "Bye -heeh- Hilda!" Phoebe flapped her hands in an attempted wave. Luther was the most unlikely ex-boyfriend one could expect Hilda to have. He was a toneless, shapeless bore with as much emotional expression as a block of wood. It was no mystery why, after dating for three months, she dumped him like a sack of potatoes. He was standing behind the 'open bar', which was really just a few bottles of chemically altered booze on a folding table. Like always, he was wearing a bland tee shirt and jeans under an equally ugly leather trench coat. His hairstyle was reminiscent of a coconut, with it's round brown shell and odd hairs wildly poking out. Unfortunately for Hilda, he was the only other alchemist in the coven. And a damn good one at that. Hilda walked up to the table and rolled her eyes. As usual, Luther was on his phone and not paying attention. "Ahem!" Luther briefly looked up from his phone. "Is it a boy or a girl?" Hilda crossed her arms and glared. "It's a gas." "Who's the father?" "I'm not pregnant, you jackass!" "Disappointing. What do you want?" "I've got a special order from a very important client that I'm having trouble getting worked out and I'm running out of time." "What a tragedy." "Ugh, shut up. I have a working recipe for the potion's effects, but it's not potent enough." "So you need my help." "I... No, well, uh, I don't exactly need help but you have ingredients that, uh..." "Sure. I'm not busy." "I, uh... That was easier than I expected." Luther pocketed his phone and stuffed his bottles of altered liquor into a backpack. "Hold on one sec." He walked up to one of the bloated spheres playing poker and said something in his ear, then walked back to Hilda. "He was my ride home. Wanted to let him know I was leaving." ~andand~ Hilda's third-hand Corolla squealed into a space in the largely empty parking garage across from Luther's apartment building. The former textile mill he called home was about as close to a ghetto as Heavensport had. It looked like a set for a scrapped horror film. Luther grabbed his backpack, stepped out of the car, and shut the door behind him. "Almost forgot to mention, I have a girlfriend. Don't be an asshole." "Okay, okay. Don't need to tell me twice." The inside of the building was worse than the exterior. Numerous stains painted the flesh-tinged beige hallway walls, and walking down them had the unpleasant look of a colonoscopy. Luther unlocked the door to his apartment. "Sorry my apartment's a mess." It was marginally better than the building at large, but that was hardly praiseworthy. Across from the CRT television next to the door was a dirty grey futon that sat in the center of the living room like an island with snack wrapper beachheads on a sickly blue-green carpet sea. The room was so small that while the futon could fit three comfortably, it could not sit comfortably in the room. There was just enough room on one side to scoot by. After Hilda walked in, Luther locked the door as quickly as he could. "The meeting's over already?" Someone, presumably Luther's smoking hot girlfriend, asked from the closed off bedroom next to the futon. "No, left early. Keep your clothes on, we have company." As Luther sat down on the futon, the door was yanked open and in a flash Luther was tackled by a girl much shorter and fatter than Hilda expected, which was a major relief. Luther went stiff as a board while his girlfriend squeezed him like a teddy bear and pecked him on the cheek like a chicken, giggling at his clear discomfort. Her black hair -cut in a bob- bounced up and down. "Nice to meet you." Hilda said. Luther's chunky as Chips Ahoy girlfriend bolted upright, red as a tomato. "Oh! Oh, I'm so sorry I forgot immediately we had company!" She climbed off of Luther and straightened her tee shirt and sweatpants. "Sorry, my name is Cassia." "Hilda. Nice to meet you." Hilda sat down on the couch and pulled her little black notebook out of her pocket. Cassia timidly rubbed her hands, still standing like an idiot. "What's that?" "Potions." "Oh, that's cool." Cassia stared at Hilda's massive gut. Hilda flipped it open and handed it to Luther. "Okay, so the problem isn't so much the potion, that works fine. It's just too weak." "Did you try adding moss milk?" "That wouldn't work. The alligator toe jam negates it." "Not if it's a powder." "It's too thick already. I'm not making pancake batter." Not really knowing what to do, Cassia sat down on the futon as gently as she could and watched them banter back and forth, fidgeting like a child at a party with no playmates. "So..." Cassia said. Hilda and Luther stopped talking and snapped their attention toward her, making her already pink skin turn red again. "Uh... Wh-when's your uh, your due date?" Hilda looked down at her bloated stomach. "I'm -not- pregnant!" "Sorry! Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry!" Hilda grumbled and went back to bantering. This went on for an excruciating length of time. One of them would bring up some weird thing, the other would say no and complain about some other weird thing, remove a weird thing they added earlier, add a different weird thing, and then bring up a weird thing they talked about ten minutes ago. Cassia had felt this uncomfortable only once before, and it was wrenching her gut with anxiety. "Uh... What, uh..." Hilda glared at Cassia. "What, u-uh, what about using eye of, uh, eye of newt?" "Ugh! I'm not making a love potion! And besides, those negate the roots of some evil." "Sorry!" "And don't even think about wing of bat! It negates the worry warts!" "Sorry." Luther tapped Hilda on the shoulder. Hilda blushed for a second, nodded her head, and mumbled a weak apology. "Let's go to the laboratory." Now left alone to writhe in anxiety with her own awkwardness and pent up embarrassment, Cassia felt even worse. The laboratory was mostly one in name. It was once a generously large pantry, but now served to store the wide variety of things Cassia wasn't allowed to touch or use in any cooking whatsoever. Not after she mistook the misplaced bag of demonic foot cheese for her cayenne peppers. Hours passed by like a lifetime while Cassia sat on the couch trying to think of how to apologize. There was nothing she could see or hear from behind the locked door that could be considered progress, aside from the occasional fizzle, pop, and expletive. Eventually, she fell asleep on the couch. Which didn't last long. Soon after she dozed off, the door was practically kicked open, sending Cassia flailing off the couch. Hilda, looking haggard and exhausted, marched out of the lab with a test tube in her hand. "Eureka! God, I always wanted to say that." Cassia looked from behind the couch. Apparently it was morning, and did Hilda give birth- no, she really wasn't pregnant. The vial was an unassuming violet, and looked as inert as flat soda. Luther stumbled out of the lab and listed as he stood. His eyes looked devoid of life. "Hi Cassia." "Did you get it-" "Yes it is!" Hilda beamed. Luther shuffled into the living room and fell onto the futon, asleep before he even landed. Cassia wandered into the kitchen, where Hilda was scribbling in her notebook. "What is it?" "This, " Hilda said, holding the vial like a lost treasure, "Is three thousand dollars!" "Does it work?" Hilda deflated. "Well, in theory yes. I'll need to test it... I guess. I just need someone with an innate reserve of magicks." Cassia brightened up at the opportunity of being useful. "I have one! I'll test it for you!" Hilda looked at her skeptically, then handed it to her. "Okay, so how it works is- WAIT DON'T DRINK IT YET!!" Cassia was so ecstatic that she could be helpful that she downed the contents without even a gulp. "Why not?" "Jst- Jst- Let me explain first!" "Sorry." "I mean, come on! Rude!" "Sorry." Hilda sighed. "Well, anyways, it depletes the drinker's magicks reserve and turns it into a gas to pacify them." Cassia eyes shattered open. "Really?! Uh, that's not uh... Do you have an antidote?" "No, why? I'm not being paid for one." Cassia started hyperventilating. "You gotta- You gotta make one! Quick, before it kicks in! I need an antidote!" "Calm down, calm down! You'll be fine! Even the most skilled humans have tiny magick reserves. All it'll do is bloat you a little." "What?! No, you don't understand! I'm not a human!" Cassia grimaced and started scratching her arm. "It's so itchy! Hilda, do something!" "Like what? What the fuck is going on?" Cassia scratched more, flakes of pink skin coming off like sand. "Make an antidote or something!" As she scratched, her skin turned redder and redder in the places she scratched. "It's so itchy!" She grimaced again, her teeth looking far sharper than they were moments ago. "Are you allergic or something? What do I do?" "I need an antidote! Please!" Cassia's arms and neck were now crayola red from scratching, and she moved on to scratching all over her body. "Maybe you should stop scratching for starters!" "Why are you still here?! Make an antidote!" Skin peeled off her face like layers of paint, turning redder and redder. Her eyes flushed from jade green to bright yellow. She scratched her head furiously, dandruff falling out like sawdust as her hair curled. "I don't know how, okay?! It takes days to make a recipe for anything! I can't just do it on the fly!" "Then what good are you?!" Cassia threw off her sweat pants and fell on her rear, rabidly scratching her red legs. As she scratched, her leg hair grew and thickened until there were patches of thick black fur. "It's not my fault! What the hell is happening?" "What do you think?! I'm changing back!" Cassia groaned as her feet ripped through her socks, elongating like extruding sausages. Her toenails turned black as her toes morphed and molded into one on each foot, then were consumed by her growing toenail. Fur sprouted out of her foot. "Changing back into what? What's happening to your feet?!" "They're turning back into hooves, idiot! Isn't it obvious?!" Cassia eased herself back to her feet- er, hooves, as her legs shifted and her bones changed position. A little tail sprouted out of her behind and popped out from under her pink panties, which looked decidedly strange on top of a thick layer of fur. "I hate these stupid goat legs!" Cassia's hooves clopped on the pseudo-linoleum floor of the kitchen as she stomped in frustration. "What the hell are you?!" "Exactly!" Cassia grabbed her head and covered her face with her arms. Seconds later, with a sound like fabric tearing, two grey points forced their way between her fingers. "No! No! Go away! Go away!" Her hands were forced out of the way as two horns grew like bamboo shoots out of her forehead, curling backward in a huge two hundred and seventy degree arc. "Horns?!" "Now do you get it?! I'm a freak!" Her horns added more than two feet to her height, the points looming above Hilda. "I think it's stopped." "What... Are you a...." "Demon." Cassia smiled out of humiliation, showing off her razor sharp canines. Her fingernails were more like claws attached to fingers. Her eyes were like two yellow fires of embarrassment glowing with shame. Her mat of curly black hair was parted by two enormous ibex horns, which were only out matched by her satyr-esque legs in grabbing attention. Cassia sighed and sliced her panties off with her claws. It wasn't like they did anything useful anymore. "It can't be over yet. It can't be." "It seems so to me." Out of cosmic spite, as soon as Cassia finished that sentence she felt her stomach growl. "Oh, you're- come on! Isn't this enough?" Cassia wrapped her arms around her gut and whined as her belly pushed back. Simultaneously, her breasts and furry butt began to grow as well. Hilda began backing up. "Just how much magicks do you have?" "A lot more than a human!" Cassia's arms thickened with gas as her butt grew larger and larger. Her belly, refusing to be denied, finally burst through Cassia's grip, already the size of Hilda's earlier. Her hooves could barely keep her standing as her thickening thighs forced her legs farther apart until she toppled onto her stomach, bouncing just a little bit. Her shirt rode up her stomach and stopped just under her breasts. "Why does this have to be so fast?" Cassia's arms and legs stiffened as her back began to inflate as well. Her butt joined with her back and belly to make Cassia's torso one huge curve. Her arms and legs jutted out like traffic cones, but quickly began receding into her growing body. Her shirt began groaning as the fabric was stretched at its limit by her basketball sized breasts. Hilda sprinted into the living room and took shelter behind the futon where Luther was still somehow asleep. "Luther! Luther, wake up you idiot!" Cassia's shirt tore to shreds. "Hilda! Where did you go? Help me!" Luther snapped awake and rushed into the kitchen, displaying the most emotion Hilda had ever seen. "What did you do?!" Cassia smiled, unsuccessfully trying to disarm him. "I can explain!" Cassia's spherical body towered ominously in the kitchen, already grazing the ceiling. Her arms and legs made divots in her body, and miraculously her horns did not pop her. "I... uh..." Her body groaned as it continued to grow. "I wanted to... test out Hilda's... Potion." Luther wheeled around to Hilda. "You're paying for every cent when my next rent is due!" Hilda flinched in surprise. "I- uh..." She shifted her eyes. "Luther, you're so manly when you take charge!" "Can it and get your checkbook!" "Uh... Guys?" Cassia's body groaned and distended against the ceiling. She looked like a six foot wide cherry half dunked in chocolate. "I'm in...Kind of a jam... Here!" Gas, searching for new places to go, puffed her cheeks up. In addition to that, the mounting pressure was not making it easy to speak. "Oh shit." "I always wanted to test my wards. But I don't think I'll want to test them again after this." Luther mumbled. Cassia was not doing very well. No matter how long it went on, it never ended. The pressure pushing on every square inch of her body made everything feel stiff as a board, and her back felt like it was being stabbed by the paint creases on the ceiling. Her sides folded over the counters as the room felt much, much smaller than before. "I think it's slowing down!" Cassia groaned. "R-really?" "No." Luther interjected. Cassia's head bulged through the doorway to the living room. "N-no... Wait I think it's... Actually- stopping!" Hilda sighed in relief and sat down on the futon. "That's good news. Well, it's been great being here but I've got to..." Hilda felt around in her pockets. "Where's my notebook?!" Cassia cleared her throat. "I think I... feel -some... metal spirals... stabbing my knee." Cassia smiled, thoroughly embarrassed again. "I -bet... If you -brewed... an anti... dote, then you- ergh... could get it -back." Luther checked his phone. "I have time. Let's go." Hilda sighed. It wasn't like she had a choice in the matter. Luther planted a kiss on Cassia's shoulder... body... something. "Be back soon." And then Cassia was left alone again. If she didn't feel like she was being pulled on a rack sitting on a bed of nails while being forcefed a turkey dinner after eating Mentos and drinking a two liter bottle of coke, she probably would have taken a nap. Well, at least it feels kind of nice, right? That's a positive. Cassia sighed, making her body creak. Distantly, she heard her stomach growl. "Better... Hurry -up..."
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Nakana had the dictionary definition of a "bubble butt," and she showed it off in skin-tight, light blue jeans, riding snugly in her crotch, clinging to her petite waist all the way down to her boots. Her dark brown skin glistened in the afternoon sun. Her curvy breasts strained at her white blouse, her long black hair jostling on her shoulders as she exited the school building. She was, in short, the object of attention from male and female schoolmates alike; yet while many eyes followed her, no person did. There were rumours about Nakana, rumours that deterred even the bravest of young men from approaching her. It was only when she walked through the car park did a young man, overcome by curiosity as much as desire, stepped away from the tree he'd been leaning against and strode alongside her, stepping quickly to keep pace with the long-legged young beauty. "Nakana, right?" he asked. She raised an eyebrow but said nothing. "I'm Traff. From chemistry?" The girl kept walking. "You know, there's a rumour around school about you." She stopped suddenly, causing Traff to screech to a halt as well, almost losing his balance as he did so. "Is that right?" she finally said, after regarding him a moment. "They say you're a witch," he said, grinning. "And you don't believe it unless you see me do some magic." "Well, yeah," he admitted. "What can you do? Want me to pick a card, any card?" She paused for a moment, looking in the distance and then back to the young man. "Well...I can do this." Her long dark index finger touched Traff's shoulder. FOOOOOOOOMP!! It was a sound not unlike air suddenly filling up a rubber tube. Where Traff had stood only a moment before now floated a balloon caricature of his former self. It happened so suddenly that Traff had to blink repeatedly before getting his bearings. His body was stuffed tight and round, yet he felt lighter than air, as if he'd become a helium-filled blimp. Nakana's full lips pulled back into a wide smile, exposing her pearly whites. "How's that? I just turned you into a balloon. Convinced?" Traff was convinced. But he didn't immediately respond. He hovered in the air, his eyes looking up, looking down, but unable to look around, for he was so filled with helium that he no longer had a neck, appearing more like a rubber ball with a smaller rubber ball attached to it where his head had been. He squirmed slightly but managed to produce only embarrassing rubber-like squeaks. "Uh-huh," he muttered through his puffy cheeks. His squeaky voice surprised him, sounding like he'd been inhaling helium, his mouth sounding stuffed. "Well, then," said Nakana, waving at him playfully, "ta-ta." She began to saunter off. Traff was momentarily distracted at the sight of her tight bum walking away from him. "Wait!" he squeaked. "You can't leave me like this!" She stopped but only half-turned to him, as if expecting only a moment's delay. "Why not?" "I don't want to be a balloon!" "Oh, is THAT all?" Nakana asked, turning her full attention to him again. She reached out with her hand and poked his fragile skin with her finger. Ping! With a painless spark, the look in Traff's eyes turned from fear into pleasure. "There!" said Nakana victoriously. "Now I made you WANT to be a balloon! Happy now?" "I want to be a balloon," he said dreamily. "Nakana!" a female voice called out. The pretty young black girl turned to see a blond, 20-something teaching assistant, Miss Ambrielle. Her high heels clacked along the asphalt as she approached the scene, her big, black-rimmed glasses doing little to conceal her attractiveness or her current annoyance. "What did I tell you about using your magic powers on school grounds?" Nakana looked at her floating, bloated schoolmate and then back at the annoyed, bespectacled blonde. "He WANTS to be a balloon," Nakana explained simply. "I want to be a balloon," Traff repeated dreamily in his high-pitched voice. Miss Ambrielle's sparkly green eyes blinked a bit as she absorbed the scene. "Ah," she said, self-consciously adjusting her glasses. "Oh!" she repeated. She almost seemed a little nervous, her hand brushing down her tan skirt. "Well, all right, then," she finally concluded. "I guess it's all right, if he WANTS to be a balloon." "I want to be a balloon," Traff repeated. "Yes, yes," said Miss Ambrielle, and loudly swallowed. "All right, then. Just, ah, just be careful not to pop him. OK? Don't pop him!" "No, mum," Nakana agreed. "Well, then, I guess I'm off. Off!" Yet she paused, her gaze jumping from the balloon to Nakana and back again. "I'm off," she said again and walked away, slowly at first, and then as quickly as her legs could carry her within the confines of her tight-fitting skirt. Nakana watched Miss Ambrielle leave before turning back to Traff. She put her fists on her hips and tilted her lovely head to the side, clearly considering the possibilities. "I wonder how big you COULD get before you popped," she thought aloud. Traff's eyes widened. "Wait! I want to ALWAYS be a balloon! I don't want to pop!" Nakana sighed and gently poked Traff again. Ping! "I want to pop," he confessed. Nakana put her hands on either side of Traff's globular body. She leaned in, enough that he could faintly smell her feminine perfume, feel the warmth of her breath, and, most wonderfully, the pressure of her pert breasts against his taut skin. Their lips touched. And then she blew. FWOOOOMP!! On his lips, Traff felt a kiss. But in his body, he felt a thousand air hoses blowing into him at once. It took only a few seconds to double in size, until he was no longer floating but rather touching the ground with his expanding belly while the rest of him spread out into the open air. He expanded so fast, grew so large, spread so thin, that he lasted only seconds. BANG!! Nakana opened her eyes and smiled at the vacant space now in front of her. She sighed in satisfaction and turned away. And she nearly collided with Miss Ambrielle, the attractive blond T.A. "Mum!" said Nakana, hiding her smile away. "Nakana," Miss Ambrielle began scoldingly, but she stopped. She pulled off her large glasses and gave her blond hair a toss. When she spoke again, her voice softened. "Nakana," she repeated, "I want to be a balloon, too." And the smile returned to Nakana's face.
floating, Prose that Blows 500 (2009), Prose that Blows Winner: Most Epic Plot Crammed into the Limited Space
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
When the call came, Christy Carlisle knew what to do. She and two other deep cover CIA agents in Paris had been compromised. Unable to leave France due to the escalating war, they each had one hour to completely terminate their mission: bank accounts closed, pertinent intelligence faxed home, papers shredded and burned, car and belongings dumped in the Seine outside of town. It was risky in broad daylight, but there was no alternative. On the river bank, Christy stripped naked and tossed her clothes in the water. Erasing herself was all that remained. The CIA issue pill worked quickly. Within seconds, her stomach and breasts inflated rapidly, nipples and belly button poking out. Her ass, then her back, followed suit. As her abdomen surpassed her arms' reach, Christy rechecked the area for onlookers, not yet at her ease. Her limbs began to stiffly swell while her curvy hips rounded out. Her breasts, now giant hemispheres on her chest, flattened as they grew wider. Her torso began to overtake her arms and legs. As the formerly slender agent became increasingly spherical, she floated off the ground, finally breathing a sigh of relief. "They can't capture me now." Rising rapidly, the wind buffeted Christy's dirigible form, blond ponytail whipping about. Looking to the southeast, she saw two other inflated shapes above the river less than a mile away: her fellow agents Krantz and Hauser, both higher up than she. Agent Krantz was the highest up, already completely round except for his distended, cone-shaped penis. As he rose into the lowest layer of clouds, Christy lost sight of him before she too passed into the fog. Seconds later, a loud explosion shook the sky, vibrating throughout her taut body. Although she didn't see it, she knew Elliot's fate. Breaking through the clouds, Christy then observed Agent Hauser, who had somehow retained her breasts despite her body being spherical otherwise. Nipples still erect (possibly from the cold air at this altitude) amid the twin domes, Christy could make out a brunette head dimpled into Valerie's side. The air pressure was dropping; Christy could feel herself expanding faster, and knew that Valerie had to be too. Angry stretch marks began to lacerate Valerie's smooth surface, cutting across her tanned skin. She soon reached her limit, a tear ripping her open in back and cutting forward through her left breast. Not an instant later, as Valerie's burst form fell limp, the volatile gases within mixed with the nitrogen outside and ignited, spawning another deafening boom that incinerated Valerie's remains. It was getting hard for Christy to breathe; there was not much oxygen this high. She couldn't move, and now her head was sinking into her body. She was listening to the wind blow hollowly against her mass when her first stretch marks slithered into her field of view. Feeling a sharp pain slice through her belly button, Agent Carlisle swelled with pride for serving her country... before the explosion erased her forever.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation, Stuffing
Kim stood pensively in front of a mirror, placing her hands on her stomach only to cringe. She rotated slowly to survey her trademark ass and the rest of her figure, her eyes never leaving her reflection. The damage was not as bad as the tabloids would suggest; her plush figure had simply gotten plusher. She was noticeably thicker though, and feared this might be the beginning of a much bigger issue. Much, much bigger. She had come to her sister Khloe for advice. Her younger sibling had had some recent victories in the battle of the bulge, and it was only natural to assume she would be of some assistance here. The response was not at all what Kim Kardashian had thought it would be. Khloe told her to get even fatter. Her sister had quickly explained herself. Kim wasn't getting any younger (she added in a cruelly sweet way); she needed a way to ensure another big break before long. Look at all the others who managed to make a battle with their weight into a surplus of cash and fame! It was a matter of falling from grace and winning sympathy and attention on her way back up. Kim would have to get much bigger though. Much, much bigger if she wanted to out-do Oprah or leave Jessica Simpson in the dust. And Khloe, her dear little sister, would be there to help. Of course, Khloe's motivations were far from kind. In truth, she had finally attained a measure of good attention from the media and she wasn't about to let Kim have it back. Oh no, Kim could be the blimp of the family for a while. A good, long while. To this end, she had ordered an army's worth of food from nearby caterers and had them delivered to Kim's home. When she arrived, Khloe grinned at the neat stacks of pastries, sandwiches, soda and the number of fattening foods in her sister's kitchen. She found Kim, made up perfectly as usual and in a form fitting set of black workout clothes. She clucked her tongue, and Kim turned towards her with a nervous and unsure grin. "Jesus, am I really going to eat all this?" Kim sat her puffy tush on a delicate looking chair. "Trust me sis." Khloe said sweetly, while thinking she would make sure this fat bitch ate every, last crumb. "Fooo...." Kim sighed as she looked at all the food. Now that she was sitting, it looked even more mountainous than before -- the piles in front were obscuring the piles behind them. Khloe patted her on the shoulder -- "it's okay, it's not as much as it looks. Besides, you don't have to eat it all..." Kim was silent. She didn't know where to start. "Here." Khloe walked around the table, which had been designed to seat 10 people, got a fork, and stabbed it into the top of what must have been a pile of over 10 pancakes. She scooped the fork out, a piece of pancake fluff hanging off it, and held it out to Kim. She said: "You have to start somewhere!" Kim looked at the pancake, at her smiling sister, and took the fork. She was wary... she looked at her sister again... Khloe nodded. She tentatively bit into the pancake. Khloe smiled even brighter. "Here" she put a pancake on top of the plate in front of Kim. She then turned to get something. "Want syrup with that?" Khloe turned back and held the syrup jug she had just gotten over the pancake? ... M-hm, Kim nodded. Khloe dumped all of it on and then plopped the jug to the side. "Good. Now" -- Khloe walked around, Kim cutting her pancake with a knife and fork, taking a bite -- "remember", she said, making sure the dining room blinds were closed, "no one can see this..." she pulled another blind, Kim saw -- "no one can hear about it", Kim nodded, ate another bite, "and no one" she closed a window shut "except us", then locked it with her elbow, "is allowed to know." Kim swallowed her bite and gulped. Khloe walked back to the front of the room, stopped, and crossed her arms in annoyance. Kim looked up at her. What was it? "You probably wanna eat faster than that," Khloe said, looking at her watch, a tad impatiently. "If you don't it's gonna spoil." "Can't we just--?" "Nope! Fridge can't hold that much." That idea was outta the window. "Well..." Kim looked to the side hesitantly... Khloe shrugged. "I can't help you either." She turned a thumb down. "Di-et!" Kim sighed. Her sister relaxed then and came to her side again. "It's okay," said Khloe. "Just try to eat faster than normal. Just fork it in faster, faster... There you go!" Kim was putting bite after bite into her mouth now. "That's it. Now let me get some more for you, you're almost finished with that one..." She plopped three more pancakes onto the plate when Kim was finished and then almost slammed a can of soda down next to the plate. It said "POP!" on the side. Khloe smiled. "And drink that", said Khloe. "It'll help it go down faster. It's got the same stuff as water plus you'll be putting on lotsa bubbly caloraaays!" She looked happy and punched the air annoyingly. Kim got the pop and drank some. Khloe could hardly contain her mirth. Kim was easier to manipulate to than she thought. Kim kept eating. The pancakes disappeared one by one... She had reached her fifth and was starting to look tired. Khloe got irritated. "Ki-i-im! You're slowing down!" "Ugh, but I have to! I've seen fat old men in iHOP who can hardly eat this much!" Khloe leant down by Kim's face, an arm over her shoulder like a football coach spurring on his best man -- "look", she said, "you're not a fat old man... You'reKim Kardashian! THE Kim Kardashian! You can handle WAY more than this! I don't think I've seen you give up in the face of a goal... and what is this? Food! You eat food every day. What makes you think this is too much!" Kim's eyes lit up. She had been through a LOT of shit in her life... Hounded by the presses, tormented by her ravenous fans, being hot and bothered by the daily pressures of A-list celebrity life, pampering... what was she whining about? Getting fat was EASY! She could do it all the time. "And it could be fun," said Khloe, sitting on the corner of the table. "Just pretend it's your birthday three times over again." She took a slice of pie and looked past it like Hamlet with his skull. "You can have as much as you want... and you can eat whatever you want. Make this a party!" "Whatever I want..." Kim said as her sister's point dawned on her. Her eyes scanned Khloe's encouraging smile and then the literal banquet at her finger tips. The younger Kardashian had chosen the menu carefully; the food present was decadent, smothered in sauce, frosting, cream - anything to cram in every last calorie possible. There is nothing quite like losing weight to make you aware of the exact sort of foods that are very, very dangerous. Khloe gently slid another plate stacked with pancakes towards Kim as her final nudge. They were dripping with caramel spread and topped with whip cream and it took everything in Khloe's power not to grin with wicked glee as Kim further drenched the stuff in maple syrup. She simply nodded and watched her unknowing sibling dig in once again. "Faster...whatever I want!" Kim murmured to herself between hurried forkfulls of the doughy stuff. These were quickly demolished, leaving her to guzzle some more "POP!" and move onto another plate -- this one with a bit of chocolate drizzle and small peanut butter chips. The spoiled socialite could feel her stomach groan and stretch a bit to accomodate the meal, but she paid it no heed. "That's the spirit, Kimmy." Khloe crossed her newly slender legs and stole a glance at her sister's bulging gut. Delicate fingers casually opened another can of soda to hand to Kim, who had wolfed down the last plate as well. This went on for the remainder of the breakfast smogasboard, leaving Kim to move onto a plate of chicken and waffles. As her cheeks were puffed with a particularly large mouthful, Khloe noted a peculiar noise - something like a digestive gurgle and a balloon being streched. Her eyes confirmed what she had heard, watching with a newly invigorated glee as Kim's lower half - those juicy thighs and that prized backside - began to fill out in unison with her soft and heavy belly. Khloe's glee was interuppted by the sharp clang of fork hitting an empty, greasy plate. She looked up again, and saw that a slightly glassy-eyed Kim had paused. She looked like a partly engorged tick, her sweatsuit was wrapped around her newly fattened form. Kim's plump arms and comically fat hands rested on the bloated stomach. "Khloe...I don't...know...if..." Kim moaned in gluttony-induced pain. "If...I can-" Her sentence was interuppted by a loud, graceless belch, which elicited a second moan. "Aww, Honey..." Khloe put on a supportive smile and leaned forward to stroke Kim's cheek. "Don't worry Kim, you got this - and your little sis is right here to make certain of that..." Kim didn't seem so sure. "Oo", she said, her head lolling to one side. Khloe went to get something again. Kim turned her head a bit to look but couldn't do it all the way. Khloe must have gone to the kitchen. Kim heard the klink of glass, shhhh the sound of water running in the sink, a soft plip, the sound of something dripping into the water. And then Khloe came walking back holding a glass. "Drink up." Khloe said. "This'll make you feel better". Kim took the glass. "What is this?", she queried. There was a white thing, like a big powdery mint, bubbling down in the glass. "It's a little something, for your stomach", Khloe said, pointing to her own annoyingly -- "you won't feel as bloated... it'll push away and dissolve all the stuff you've eaten and stuff... In other words", she said, playing a cat's cradle with her lithe fingers, "you'll be able to eat... more. WAY more... ahem". Khloe then smiled, sickly. Kim stared at the glass for a while... Then knocked it back. She waited for a second for whatever the effects were supposed to be to take effect. "So what'll happen?" said Kim, and then felt a whoosh in her stomach, a clearing out, as if everything in her stomach had been digested at once and replaced with minty fresh clarity. Though it took a couple of minutes for the full-on process to take effect, when it did... "Oh!" Kim exclaimed, her expression brighter. "Yeah! Let's do this!" She grasped her knife and fork and pounded the bottoms on top of the table-top. Khloe grinned. She hadn't lied -- the thing had done what it was supposed to... that is, clear out Kim's stomach and make her feel thinner... but it hadn't made her body any smaller... She still looked quite the tick. "That's what I like to hear!" Khloe said, and strided over to the middle of the table. "Now let's take care of this lunch!" she said annoyingly. Kim eagerly awaited the next dish. The chicken and waffles had been reduced to milligrams' worth of shavings. Khloe pulled out the next plate -- spaghetti and meatballs with gooey, creamy alfredo sauce lopped on top of it. Kim squealed as the plate was put in front of her. She tucked in, stabbed the dish, whirled the spaghetti onto her fork in a split-second, and jammed it all into her gob. She nom'd the spaghetti in delight. Her eyes were sparkling with a greedy and indulgenct look. Her sister looked almost disgusted. All that whining and now she was eating like a pig? It was almost too difficult for her to watch. Maybe Kim had had some weird reaction to that pill thingy? Well she had bought it off the internet... who knows what to expect. Kim had now picked up the plate and was licking it up to clean it from all the sauce. Khloe looked a little shocked. "More!" Kim demanded. "Okay..." Khloe said hesitantly, reaching for another plate. She turned it towards Kim and then Kim grabbed it, started munching all of the stuff on it and shoving her face in it like some crazy insane asylum prisoner. She hadn't even had a chance to see what it was! Ah, whatever. "Meatloaf!" cried Kim, throwing up her arms in ectasy! "MORE!" Khloe pushed three more plates towards her... sister thing before her? And Kim feasted on them all, slopping them into her face one by one and scarfing all the while. Khloe was disgusted. But she guessed it was what she wanted... right? She slowly walked over to Kim. "Uh, Kim?" she said, hesitatingly. Kim looked at her over the plate with manic eyes. "..." Khloe paused. Then a smile crept over her face. "Keep going", she said. Kim had barely noted her sister's response before she started shoveling again, working her way through a dish of neatly stacked cheeseburger sliders. With most of her discomfort gone, all that remained was the ecstasy of unadultured gluttony, and she was obviously going to enjoy it. A surge of growth widended her already considerable hips, giving Kim a distinct bell-shaped look. Khloe sat back in awe - her older sibling barely needed her cajoling anymore, emptying plate after plate. "That's the spirit Kim!" She clapped her hands annoyingly, nearly loosening the restraint on the sadistic glee. Kim's transformation was all too satisfying for the former "fat sister" to watch. She watched as Kim gulped down another can of "POP!" and moved onto full-sized burgers, wrapped in bacon. Each sinful bite seemed to take its toll and Kim's body seemed to swell a bit with every few mouthfuls. Her chair protested; not only was new weight bearing down on it, but an ever-growing ass and significanlty wider berth where quickly threatening to snap the poor thing. Kim seemed unaware as her fingers plumped up and she stuck the last bit of bread in her mouth. "Dammit, I want dessert!" she said. Kim's patience was not growing along with her figure - Khloe was taken aback to see her swollen sister growl and quiver onto her feet; the poor chair wedged itself around her immense hips. A slight shake of Kim's colossal booty deposited it gently on the floor, freeing her to waddle over to the end of the table, stacked with pastries and treats. Kim's belly had bloated to near-beachball size, stretching out the top half of her sweatsuit to the point that just a bit of soft flesh was peaking out underneath. It squished up against the table as she leaned forward, grabbing the cup cake in front of her and devouring it. Khloe took a moment to watch her unknowing balloon with satisfaction. Kim's figure had exploded into a girthsome sight before her. Thickened thighs rubbed together as the woman moved, soft love handles and an absurd muffin top spilled over the waist of her strained pants. The medie had latched onto a "two hundred" pound Kim before, but what would they think of her now, perhaps pushing twice that. Khloe could no longer resist, gettng up herself to circle around her sister to steal a look at the best part, even better then Kim's gut, bulging from uncontrolled excess. She stared at Kim's ass, which billowed out into two, distinct and enormous domes. The younger sister grinned, knowing here and now she had won - now it was a matter of exactly how much of a bonus she was going to get. "Sis?" Kim turned her head, puffy cheeks still a bit full of food. "What are you doing?" "Hm?" Khloe seemed a little surprised. She then twirled one of her long hairs with her finger and bit onto it. "Nothing, in particular"... she said, just staring at Kim's giant butt. "Hm," said Kim, apparently satisfied with this response. She was more interested in the food... the food! She scooped up another cupcake -- the second of twelve -- off of the glass dish and dumped it into her mouth, licking the sugary icing, putting her hand and then finger in the mess to make sure she didn't miss a crumb, and then pulled the finger with it out. She licked her lips. YUM. Her sister looked on, fascinated and somewhat apprehensive. How much could this Kim-monster take? Her butt had quiver-swelled-up even more with just that one cupcake! How much bigger could she get? Could she get any bigger. It didn't seem even possible... or even human...! Kim didn't seem to care. She popped into another cupcake, swirled some juicy POP! into her mouth, and then chugged that stuff down too. Like a person brushing their teeth, but totally the opposite. Her butt swelled up again. Khloe was tempted to get out a camera and take a picture of that treasured butt but she just grinned at the thought instead... let the reporters have their fun... Kim's buttocks were like two rubber balls now, bouncing up and down, fighting for independence, chafing each other in their fighting like chubby fat girls on parade. And that is no joke my friend. Kim was getting fatter. She was on her final cupcake now, the very last one, twelve of twelve, and there were some sweet treats still left at the end of the table. It didn't seem like Kim was going to stop anytime soon. Oh no, and in all this time she had grown absolutely gigantic. No way was it normal for anybody to swell like this, not even with the aid of a stupid internet fat-gaining health pill, but it seemed like this woman had not only gotten bigger... but even taller. Khloe was noticeably the taller one, no , but now... it was like that fat, swollen tick, black-track-suited sister had become almost this sponge, one which sucked in absolutely everything in its path in order to steadily swell itself larger and larger. The only thing Khloe could do was to stand and watch. She felt like she was watching this from the top of a baseball grandstand in the very last bunker -- way too far away but close enough to watch the disaster. Kim sucked in some more of her delectables -- brownies this time, with little chocolate chips and coconut shavings stuck all over the top of them -- by physically picking up the silver tray they were sitting on top of and grading it downwards towards her mouth so they all slid in there. Some of the brownies fell off to the sides of the tray but she would get them later and it didn't really matter to her. "Ic' em up!" demanded Kim, glaring at Khloe with the corners of her eyes. "What?" said Khloe, absent-mindedly. Kim dropped the tray. "PICK THEM UP!" "Okay," Khloe said hesitatingly, picking up brownies left right and center as Kim continued to gorge. Only a few treats remained there now. Kim finished the tray she was on and threw it aside. She looked down at the diminutive, almost sorry-for-her Khloe, her big head obscuring the light up above her. "Hurry up," Kim spat. Khloe bunched the brownies into whatever available space her arms could muster. There were about eight or nine brownies left now in total. Kim grunted in satisfaction, or something. Who knows what a monster is thinking and who wants to find out. Khloe looked up at her sister with anxiety... or was it coldness? Either way, she didn't look like she could take much more. Kim was wearing on her nerves. It was time to end this. "Feed me", said Kim. Khloe didn't wait. She stuffed the brownies into Kim's waiting mouth one by one, and Kim lazily munched them, each and every one of them. Khloe looked disgusted as Kim's belly swelled out, noticeably, like a child blowing on a bubble. Yuck. Khloe walked back, crossing one leg slowly over the other as she retreated... "Ah, Kim..." she said... Kim waited... "I'm just gonna wait back here...", she bent behind a chair... "...if you don't mind..." Kim just stared at her and turned slowly back to her food. Khloe exhaled a sigh of relief. Apparently Kim didn't mind. Kim herself would be done soon anyway, in one way or another... but what was there left anyways, the cheesecake, the cake, the pastries... but... where were the pastries? Khloe gasped: they had been replaced by shards of pastry, as if a croissant had spontaneously exploded on the table. Gulp. And Kim wasn't done yet. Khloe watched in horror as Kim shook the birthday cake, upside-down, from the pan into her mouth. The whole thing itself, gulp. Like a hippopotamus. No, wait, you can't eat that whole thing! Khloe wanted to say, but moreso she wanted to look in horrified horror and see what happened to Kim as it happened to her as she was in her... last moments, apparently. Kim shaked the platter more and the cake slid off and toppled into her awaiting mouth. In what seemed like a few seconds Kim finished it off, burped, and dropped the pan to the floor with a "CLANG". She then walked around, dizzy, trying to get her footing. This was hard work. Her butt jiggled. Everything seemed to be pointing to her inevitable doom, but she was too oblivious to see it. Poor Kim. "Kim"... said Khloe, but the only thing left between her was the cheesecake. Kim went towards it. The swollen Kardashian wasted no time, her ponderously fattened body wobbling and jiggling with each step. Khloe's eyes darted back between Kim and the thick, decadent-looking cheesecake, and it was like watching an over-inflated water balloon edging towards a fire hose. Something had got to give. Khloe stood again, seriously considering getting the hell out of here for a second - but she remained, too invested in what had happened to abandon it just yet. She watched as Kim's steps got slower and more careful, as sweat beaded on her fattened face; the cheesecake was only on the other end of the table, but her body was so massive that it had become a herculean effort just to move it at all. The whole thing was an absurd spectacle; Kim's perfect makeup held strong while her face glistened with sweat, atop a balloonish body that heaved as she huffed and puffed towards her goal. She let out a yelp as her groaning tummy finally caught her off guard and caused her to tumble forward on top of it, a few feet short of the cheesecake. "Dammit..." Kim flailed her fat, flabbly limbs in desperation, groaning. "Can't reach...c'mon you nitwit, help me out here!" Her mountainous ass swayed back and forth comically as she hissed at her sister. Khloe's alarm faded into pure disgust. This was almost Kim in a metaphorical nutshell; a spoiled little brat, fattened to be too big for her britches and still making demands. Khloe's face darkened, and she moved over to Kim and shoved the tip of one foot against her balloon of a sibling. "My God, you're too much! Look at you! You're always bossing me around, and now-" She puffed out her cheeks a moment for emphasis. "You're a fucking beached whale! Don't you care, you fat bitch? Don't you have something to say for yourself?" Kim glared. "GIVE ME THE DAMN CHEESECAKE!" Khloe was about to scream, but stopped herself. With nary a word, she pulled the cheesecake off the table next to her, and set it in front of Kim, feeling a bit like a farmer filling a feeding troth. "There Kim. Just like always, you get exactly what you want." She said coldly, starting to walk off. "This time though, you'll get exactly what you deserve, too." Kim was too ecstatic to hear Khloe storm out of the place, and already had grabbed hunks of the creamy treat in front of her and started shoving the the chunks between her greedy lips. "Screw her, I'm gonna get soooo much attention for getting all puffy like this..." She began to murmur to herself between bites. "...I'll have to cry a couple times on TV, get people to feel bad for me..." Her body responded to this gorging instantly, groaning and bloating all around her, seams splitting to expose strained, perfectly tanned flesh. "I'll lose all the weight, be hotter then before and then, boom-" She finished another bite before she felt absolutely awful. The stuff Khloe had given her had worn off. She felt like an overstuffed turkey, her exposed, inflated form quivering as she started to moan in discomfort. She felt ready to burst! Her butt rippled, and then it hit her. That last bite was the final straw - she was still getting fatter. Panic took hold of her as she felt her limbs get so plump that their mobility began to vanish. "Sis, Sis!?" She shouted as her fingers wiggled helplessly. She could feel her swelling belly lift her off the ground, her thighs mash together as they to began to inflate uncontrollably. "C-come back! I think...I think I overdid it!" She continued to shout to no avail. Her ass ballooned and blimped, she felt like someone had shoved an air compressor inside her body and forgot to turn it off. "K-Khloe! Help me! I can't take any more!" Tears welled up in her face as she got too engorged to move, a tick who had forgotten to stop feeding - her clothes ripped to shreds, leaving her absurdly taught, fat body exposed to the world. She could swear her butt was grazing the ceiling. "Somebody, anybody, I...I'm gonna-" One last surge of pressure hit her, and there was a sudden, powerful noise as she popped like her ego had, moments ago.
clothes bursting, curse, floating, helium, magic
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation
Alisa knew she had only herself to blame for her current predicament. She had had a difficult but rewarding life as an acrobat in her family's circus, and then an easy life when her parents won the jackpot in the state lottery. When she found that retirement didn't suit her, she ran away from home as a teenager, and joined a gang of bank and museum robbers. Her formidable talents made them and her a lot of money, but still she wasn't satisfied. Striking out on her own, she pulled off heist after incredible heist, until her fortune made her parents' pale in comparison -- all before the age of eighteen. Alisa could have retired comfortably years ago, but in her greed she planned just one more job. One ancient, legendary jewel, the "Eye of Helios", would complete her private collection, and then she'd end her career as the world's richest self-made teenage girl billionaire. So caught up in her own legend, she forgot one of the major rules of museum theft: always research her target.She had plenty of time to reflect on her carelessness, as she floated hundreds of feet in the air.Yes, the object of her final heist had turned out to be cursed. Everywhere it made contact with her bare skin, her flesh had blown up like a balloon. By the time Alisa realized what was happening, the gem had slipped from its holding place in her cleavage down to her groin, inflating everything it touched along the way. Her attempts to retrieve it from the depths of her catsuit had only gotten her hand wedged irretrievably between the engorged mounds of her chest. Somehow, she had made it outside, where at the break of dawn she discovered the true power of the curse: exposure to sunlight made her body lighter than air.That had been about six hours ago. Six hours of drifting aimlessly through the sky, turning slowly end over end, watching the ground get farther away every time it came into view. Six hours of the sun beating down on her. It was the middle of summer, and blazing sunlight and black bodysuits didn't make a good combination. But even in her sun-baked upside-down misery, Alisa saw a glimmer of hope. She was sweating like a dog, and this lubrication was finally loosening her hand from the merciless grip of her cleavage.Carefully, she slid it forward, towards the edge of the PVC. It was crucial that she not break free too soon. Her expansion had run her clothing out of slack, and her other arm and legs were held ramrod-straight. If her final limb joined them, she might never get out of this stupid catsuit. She curled her fingers around the top of the fabric and held on tight. Softened by the intense heat, it slowly began to distort.All too quickly, her grip failed, and her arm snapped to attention at her side. For a few, agonizing seconds, Alisa held her breath. Just when she had resigned to being trapped forever in her personal plastic prison, the small tear she had managed to make began to lengthen. As it slowly worked its way down her belly, she shrugged her shoulders free, then extracted her arms as the entire suit began to disintegrate. When it tore in half across her crotch, the crystal rolled free across her inverted body, and she caught it her grasp as the shredded PVC fell away from her skin. Almost immediately, she realized her error, as her fingers bloated up like sausages. Before she could even decide to drop the gem, her hands uncurled of their own accord, and Alisa could only watch as the prize she'd gone through so much grief for plummeted away beneath her.It soon became apparent that getting the Eye away from herself wasn't causing her to deflate; far from it, her body had only swelled larger once freed of its confinement, and between the loss of ballast and her newly-inflated hands, she was rising even faster now. As day turned into evening, a few hundred feet of height became a thousand, and there was absolutely nothing Alisa could do about it. She squeezed her naked body with all the strength she could muster. She called upon her gymnastic training, contorting into every position she could think of, as if the gas within would escape if only she could arrange an exit for it. But Alisa might as well have prayed to the Goodyear blimp.As the setting sun began to dip below the horizon, she heard the soft sound of hissing. Tears of relief welled in her eyes as the sensation of rising gave way to gentle falling. But as the daylight faded, and her figure shrank, Alisa began to worry -- she was picking up speed, and the ground was still so far away. Faster and faster she descended, until the last rays of direct sunlight were gone. All at once, Alisa was back to normal -- normal other than being a hundred feet above the ground, that is.--She did realize she was lucky to be alive. Hitting every branch of that tree on the way down was the only thing that had saved her from a lethal impact with the dirt. Alisa only wished that it hadn't been an evergreen that broke her fall. Despite spending the entire day in the air, she hadn't been blown that far from home, and was able to find a road she knew. But to avoid exposure, she had to follow it from the cover of the woods, where needles and vines scratched at her naked body. Then a downpour had started, and Alisa had slippery mud to deal with on top of everything else. By the time she finally made her way home, just before dawn, she was scratched, bruised, caked with dirt, shivering from the cold, sleep-deprived, and so exhausted she barely had the energy to get in the shower.As she washed the grime from her body, Alisa pondered on her situation. The museum she tried to rob had security cameras, and she had planned to erase their footage before she left. Of course, she had never gotten the chance to do so, and by now her face would be in every police station in the state, if not the paper and TV news. It was time for Alisa to disappear. Fortunately, she'd arranged a comfortable, anonymous retirement to a tropical paradise well in advance.Meanwhile, miles away in the deep forest, the Eye of Helios lay exposed in a clearing. As the early light of dawn crested over the trees, it was answered with a glow from the center of the crystal. Golden light shone from every facet, until its brightness rivaled the sun itself.This couldn't be happening, Alisa told herself. She'd dropped that stupid cursed gem almost a day ago. She didn't have it anymore. She didn't know where it was. She didn't WANT to know where it was, or have anything to do with it ever again. And yet, as she stood there in the shower, her body was inflating before her very eyes. It had started with a little bulge in her belly, which grew bigger and bigger as she gaped it at. As it was approaching third-trimester proportions, her swelling breasts began to obscure it from view. It took the sensation of her thighs touching to finally snap her out of her denial -- she he had to get out of the shower while she could still fit through the door!As a trained acrobat, Alisa was familiar with her body in a way that most people weren't. Anyone can walk, run, stand up, sit down, and do other such mundane tasks without putting any conscious thought into them. But when your daily routine includes tightrope-walking, the trapeze, or laser-based security sensors, you need to know everything there is to know about your shape, your muscles, the range of your joints, and your center of gravity within less than a millimeter. Alisa had spent years memorizing the map of her body, and now it was being rewritten by the second. The upshot was that she currently had all the grace and balance of a pregnant cow walking on marbles. Lurching awkwardly out of the bathroom, she tried to steady herself, but with her hips constantly widening, her gait changed with literally every step she took. Every time she stumbled into a wall, her ballooning belly or butt bounced her back the other way, wreaking havoc on her sense of direction. As she rebounded like a pinball up and down the halls of her house, Alisa was helpless to direct her momentum as it grew and grew to uncontrollable levels. One unlucky ricochet, she feared, and she'd be launched from her home like a human cannonball, perhaps never to return.Her chaotic path eventually led her to the living room. Alisa's ill-gotten wealth had bought her a huge, spacious mansion, and this was the biggest room in the house. The east wall was covered in windows, providing a splendid view of the sunrise, and it was in front of them that she finally collapsed to the ground. Gasping for breath, Alisa didn't notice the warmth spreading through her body. The sensation of rising in the air, however, was impossible to overlook. With the reflexes of a trained performer, she tried to grab the backrest of a nearby chair, but her swollen palms and sausage-like fingers denied her purchase, and she floated helplessly toward the ceiling.As she drifted upwards, Alisa rose above the level of the windows, out of direct sunlight. Her body immediately cooled down, and she sighed with relief as she began to sink. But as soon as she fell back into the light, she warmed up and buoyed back again. It took only a few repetitions for Alisa to realize she was caught in an infinite loop: she couldn't get down far enough to touch the ground, nor did her upward trips give her enough momentum to reach the ceiling, and nowhere in her cycle did she get within ten feet of any solid object she could deflect off of.For hours, Alisa could do nothing but bob up and down. At least being trapped in midair gave her time to think. It was obvious that even without touching the Eye of Helios, she was still caught in its curse. Helios... the Greek god of the sun, and namesake of "helium". So it was probably safe to surmise that she would inflate when the sun was up, and that direct sunlight on her body turned the air inside her into helium. If that was the case, unless she wanted to be nocturnal for the rest of her life, Alisa had to find some way to break the curse on her. That would probably be easier if she still actually possessed the freaking rock, but she had no idea where it had fallen while she was doing her floating act. She had only one lead: a certain antiques dealer who moonlighted as her fence. He was the one who had brought the Eye to her attention, and the only person she could trust with knowledge of her condition.--It was almost noon before the sun finally rose far enough above the windows for her to touch down. After arranging an appointment with the fence for tomorrow, she had spent the next few hours fruitlessly researching the Eye on the Internet. As the afternoon sun fell, she decided to try an experiment, coating her whole body in a thick layer of the most powerful sunscreen she owned, before stepping in front of the west windows. It was about as effective as a screen door on a submarine, and of course Alisa had neglected to make any arrangements to avoid falling into another yo-yo cycle. By the time the setting sun finally deflated her, it was too late to get anything else done. Having wasted an entire day, time was of the essence if she wanted to make good her escape before the authorities caught up to her.Alisa woke an hour before dawn the next day, in preparation for the ordeal to come. The first thing to do was find something she could wear. Alisa wasn't exactly the girly-girl type; in fact, she didn't own a single dress. Her clothes tended toward tight shirts and jeans that accentuated her curvy figure, but when the sun came up she'd have far more curves than most of them could even begin to handle. And in addition to accommodating her ballooned body, whatever she wore would have to leave no skin exposed, or the other half of her curse would activate. But she couldn't just wrap herself from head to toe -- the police would be on the lookout for anyone obviously trying to conceal their identity.Ultimately, Alisa was forced to improvise an ensemble from the components of other outfits. The first chosen item was a neon-green leotard-type top - sort of a cross between a turtleneck and a swimsuit. Its sleeves extended all the way to her wrists, the neck would cover hers without drawing attention to her face like a scarf would, and the closed bottom would ensure it didn't ride up over her belly. Due to the rather garish color, Alisa always layered it under other tops, but this time she'd just have to wear it straight. Below it went on a bright red pair of waist-high tights, a leftover from her acrobatics career. Owing to their origin, they were stretchy, yet thick and surprisingly sturdy, but that color didn't belong anywhere outside a circus. Still, anything that diverted the eye from her face would be a good thing, now that she was a wanted woman. A pair of long white gloves and a wide-brimmed sun hat completed the worst look she had ever worn -- seriously, she looked like a tube of toothpaste. With minutes to go before sunrise, she double-checked the curtains and blinds over her bedroom windows, stood in front of her full-length mirror, and waited for the show to begin.Even though this was Alisa's third day of being cursed, it was her first chance to observe the changes in her body without any distractions. The first thing she noticed was a brief tingling in her belly. It quickly faded, giving way to a growing sensation of pressure deep within. As she watched, her flat abdomen puffed up into a gentle curve, distending outward as its upper edge rose up her chest. Her breasts, hanging loose under the fabric, morphed from teardrops into hemispheres, tenting her top as they swelled larger and larger. Turning around, Alisa craned her neck behind her to watch her hips flare out. Their relentless spreading gave her rear room to balloon high, wide, and round, jutting out behind her as her thighs thickened. And these incredible sights were accompanied by indescribable sounds: the stretching of skin and cloth, the gentle gurgling of her insides shifting, the occasional soft release of a little gas from one orifice or the other.Something was wrong. She had either overestimated her outfit's elasticity, or underestimated the curse's power, or maybe both. The garments that were supposed to make room for her growing body were just squeezing her tighter and tighter. She had wisely forgone both bra and panties, but the intimate portions of her top were getting a little too intimate, and her bosom and belly were running out of room to expand. Meanwhile, that pair of tights, which Alisa once imagined could stretch enough to fit an elephant, was trying to strangle the life out of her butt and legs.Just when she was wondering whether her outfit would burst before she did, her inflation trickled to a stop. With a sigh of relief, Alisa gave her back side a final appraisal. Now she looked less like a tube of toothpaste than a Christmas ornament, but both her body and her clothes were still in one piece. As she turned to get a look at her front, though, a glimpse of her side made her heart sink. Her waist-high tights were now barely hip-high, and her top's leg holes had distended upward to accommodate her bulging belly. Between them, enormous semicircles of bare flesh were exposed. She hitched up her pants until she heard stitches pop, but was still left with little slivers of skin unprotected from sunlight. None of her shirts could reach far enough to cover them, and wearing a jacket would be very suspicious in this hot climate. In desperation, Alisa grabbed a white scarf and tied it around her waist as a sort of belt/sash/sarong/random scrap of cloth thing. Finally, she was fully covered, at the cost of directing even more attention to her lower body. Everyone in a ten mile radius would be staring at her giant red hips and ass.Alisa spent the next few hours learning how to walk all over again. This time, it wasn't just her unusual shape giving her trouble, but these constraining clothes restricting her range of motion. Even the tiniest stumble inevitably laid her out on the ground; trying to recover her balance was a losing battle against stiff, pressurized thighs stuffed like sausages into unyielding fabric. She could only walk at a bare mince: any faster, and her unmanageably broad hips set an exaggerated gait that inexorably tipped into an uncontrollable staggering run, leading ultimately to a forward dive and belly flop -- if she didn't hit a wall first, of course. And picking herself back up off the floor was an epic adventure long enough to fill an entire trilogy of novels... if they wrote novels about beached whales, that is.It was almost noon by the time Alisa felt confident that she could walk down the street without falling on her face or ass. Midday would be a critical time for her, as her hat would only fully shade her face when the sun was directly overhead. Driving was out of the question; her hands lacked the dexterity to even turn the ignition. Fortunately, it wasn't a long walk into town. Unfortunately, she wasn't the only pedestrian, and the stares she drew were, if anything, even worse than she imagined. From the front, she could at least pass as a heavily-pregnant woman who couldn't afford a maternity wardrobe, but the back was a whole other story. Whenever she glanced behind her, every gaze, male and female, was fixated on her cursed booty as it gyrated obscenely. Little children pointed at her and asked if that lady was sick. Men were tripping over their own feet, and she was certain she had caused at least one traffic accident -- and probably several pants accidents as well.Finally she reached the antiques store, and not a moment too soon. Somewhere along the way she had got a couple of plainclothes cops on her ass... on her tail... following her. Alisa quickly ducked inside, signaling her fence to distract them as she headed up the stairs to the roof. Once at the top, she locked the door behind her and considered her options. The plainclothes detectives couldn't follow her without blowing their cover, but it wouldn't take long for them to call in uniformed officers. A week ago, she could have easily jumped across to the next roof; today, she wasn't sure she could jump over a crack in the sidewalk.A mosquito buzzed around her cheek. Trying to swat it away, Alisa misjudged her swollen hands and knocked her sun hat clean off her head. Dread filled her as the sun on her exposed face triggered the curse. She tried to pick it up, but her downward squat was checked halfway when her clothes ran out of slack. Trying to force her body farther down was a fight against insurmountable resistance -- her too-tight tights obstinately refused to yield another inch, and her leotard top bit deeper into her crack and crotch. In her struggle, Alisa lost her balance, and just barely managed to grab her hat as she toppled forward. Hugging it to the back of her neck, she was relieved to feel herself cool down and the roof reassert its pressure against her.For the second time in three days, Alisa found herself stranded on a rooftop, trapped in her outfit, waiting to be arrested. This time, though, she welcomed the opportunity to be thrown in jail. Touching the Eye of Helios had dragged her into a living hell. Every morning for the rest of her life, her body would betray her. Daybreak would transform her from the pinnacle of gymnastic perfection to a pathetic creature who couldn't even touch her toes. She'd have to live as a vampire, because the slightest bit of sunlight could send her into the stratosphere. Forget the beach house in the Carribean; her new retirement home would have to be a cave in Alaska. Better to just let herself be locked up, where she could be sure of a roof over her head, even when she couldn't count on the floor under her feet.Alisa was so wrapped up in her own misery that she didn't notice an ominous new development. Her squatting had put too much stress on those circus tights, and a major structural failure was imminent. Broken threads begat more broken threads, until the seat of her pants ripped wide open. Alisa gasped in horror as she felt her bubble butt break through to daylight. She brought her sun hat down to cover her ass, but it was like swapping a handkerchief for a tablecloth. With what little flexibility she could muster, she flipped herself over, draping it over her face. This brought her relief for a few seconds, until the crotch of her top snapped. Like a windowshade rolling up, it exposed her entire bloated belly, and no matter how she stretched, tugged, or pleaded, covering herself proved to be an impossible task.Alisa was only about thirty feet high when the cops busted down the roof door. None of them thought to look up, and for her part she saw no need to make any such suggestion. They couldn't reach her -- nobody could reach her. Her clothes continued to disintegrate, and in less than a minute her outfit was reduced to gloves and shoes. A gentle breeze built up to a stiff wind, and Alisa soon found herself floating over unknown territory. This was no time to feel sorry for herself, she realized. She was a self-made woman, and her current situation was just another obstacle to overcome. She'd get back down to the ground eventually. She'd work around the schedule enforced on her. She'd find ways to use her condition to her advantage, like her recent escape from certain capture. She'd practice, and practice, until being inflated was as natural to her as breathing. She'd scour the world for every scrap of information on the Eye of Helios. And one day, Alisa would break this curse on her and take her body and her life back!
chest expansion, inhale, sci-fi
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
This is a love story set on a planet called Bion. I hugged each one of my siblings goodbye. My love, Jihoul, did the same with her siblings. Together, we headed into the forest of 40-story tall Musha Trees. We turned and waved goodbye to the party gatherers, who waved and toasted to our happy union. I and my love headed deeper into the forest until we came upon a large clearing. This was the sacred mating and birthing grounds. Following tradition, we sat on the ground some 10 feet apart and faced each other. I smiled at her. "I can't tell you how nervous I am". "Don't be. This is a beautiful moment. The end of our lives will be the beginning of our offspring's lives. Now, we will begin on the count of three. One... Two... Ready..." I took a breath, and then quickly let it out when I realized she hadn't said 'three' yet. Jihoul giggled hysterically. "Ha, Ha!" I said. Jihoul calmed herself. "It's just a joke. Quit being so mopey. Okay, so when I say 'go', we're really going to do this thing. One... Two... Ready... Set... GO"! Together we took a deep breath, and then another, and then another. Our chests began to rise as we filled ourselves with air. Our upper bodies began to expand up and outwards. The shirts that we each have chosen were struggling to contain our rising chests. We knew they wouldn't hold for long and we raced to see whose shirt would tear first. Jihoul's shirt began to split first. I followed close behind. My chest became powerfully muscled, as did Jihoul's but her chest was graced by a well-endowed bust covered by a bra that was struggling to hold together. In a matter of seconds, Jihoul's shirt split apart. She kept inhaling and expanding until her bra also lost the fight and snapped in half. Jihoul seemed embarrassed as she sat with her massive chest fully exposed in front of me. I smiled at her. "Don't be shy! I'm your lover and you look awesome"! A few seconds later I was having trouble seeing her as my vision became obscured by my own massively swollen chest. After our upper bodies became fully exposed we began to expand even quicker. Our lower bodies swelled too, though not as much as our upper bodies. Our jeans became shorter as our legs ballooned out of the them. They soon became shorts, then underwear, and then they ceased to be all together. Jihoul couldn't poke fun at my exposure because her chest blocked out everything below her. After 10 minutes, the two of us took a break. We were both the size of a house and fully naked. We sat together and took shallow breathes so as not to exhale much of the air we just inhaled. Jihoul was thrilled. "Look how big we are! We could run amok and step on people if we really wanted to"! "No thank you! This is taking too much energy out of me". "You know what Greppet did when I told that him we were going to breed"? Greppet was the largest brother in Jihoul's family. "What"? "He fainted". I laughed out loud. "And he's straight"? "He's straight! What a weenie"! We laughed and made small talk for 10 minutes. Then Jihoul signaled that it was time to start again. "Ready...Set...Go"! We inhaled and puffed ourselves up with renewed vigor. Our lips were vacuums that sucked up as much air as they could. We grew taller and wider. We tried to keep eye level with each other, but often one of us would lose sight of the other while the other would see only massive amounts of flesh. Our skin expanded so much that veins began to bulge out. But we kept puffing and puffing. We often had to stop for a second to catch a quick breath and then continue our expansion. We stopped for another 10 minute break. We were nearly as tall as the trees around us, some 30 stories or so. We were looking more ball-shaped. Our arms and legs were now stumps sticking out of our massive bodies. For most of the break we didn't talk at all. We could only make small gasps as we struggled to contain the huge volume of air inside us. Finally, when the last minute arrived, Jihoul spoke. "When I say 'go' (huff huff), we're going to continue to grow (huff huff) and we're not going to stop (huff huff) until...we... explode (gasp)! I love you"!! "I love you Jihoul"!! "GO"! We both puffed ourselves so large that we were soon towering over the 40 story trees, some 70 stories or so. Our hands and legs disappeared entirely, and then our flesh began to consume our heads. We stared face-to-face with each other. Jihoul smiled as she puffed. She continued to smile as her hair, neck, and ears receded. I could feel the same thing happening to me. I watched as her eyes and nose disappeared, leaving only her lips. Then my world went black. I am continuing to expand. I am nothing but a mound of flesh, but I can still feel. And right now I feel another mound of flesh pressing against me. I and my love have now expanded so wide that our bodies have crashed into each other. We are still expanding, and I can feel the pressure begin to build as we press against each other. In a few moments, our bodies will explode. Then our sperm and eggs will meet and shower the ground below us. Eggs will form that will be cared for by our siblings and their children. Our own children will hatch from those eggs, never knowing their parents. It is a beautiful moment. This is the last moment of my life and I am spending it with the woman of my dreams. I am feeling a euphoric rush as the pressure builds...and builds...and builds!! KABOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
blowkiss, Vaughan
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
'Just follow me', Vaughan beckoned seductively to Ria. Ria followed Vaughan off the bustling shopping street and into the strikingly juxtaposed quietness of an old, abandoned studio. Ria had met Vaughan only minutes earlier, when the platinum minx had pounced on her with a clipboard, a yellow rain jacket and what Ria considered to be a 'charity grin', the expectant type that charity collectors wear as they approach unwilling stranger after unwilling stranger. The charity thing was probably just a ruse, Ria figured though; as the instant Ria's attention glanced over the girl, she had taken on an air of seduction, enticingly blended with a dash of mischief. Not many charity collectors introduce themselves as Vaughan had, and when Ria had reciprocated to Vaughan's outstretched hand, instead of just a shake, Vaughan had tugged on her, which Ria found highly irregular. 'Come with me' Vaughan had confided to Ria, in hushed tones before pulling Ria in the direction of the only empty building on the street. There was something about Vaughan, Ria thought, you could sense the mischief in her narrow, furtive eyes and energetic smile, a contrast of emotions that didn't add up. But they had worked perfectly to arouse Ria's curiosity; and just when Ria let go and hesitated about entering the building she realised the power of Vaughan's sexual allure too, innocent yet deliciously naughty, another contradiction just begging to be explored. Inside the building, Ria could smell the history, hanging heavy in damp air. Wooden Victorian fittings, unfinished paintings, unstitched dresses on mannequins and exposed brickwork seemed to lie in wait to be awoken from their hundred year slumber by one with Vaughan's energy. Vaughan cast a smile at Ria before tramping noisily up the stairs in a cacophony of stomps and short, sharp creaks, showing no respect for the creepy, Hammer horror atmosphere the cliché monkeys in her brain must have been clamouring for. Ria thought to herself, the eerie building seemed the perfect foil for Vaughan's indie chic. Ria caught up with Vaughan in a bare studio room on a upper floor, breathing heavily from the wilful chase. Vaughan was standing amongst a varied collection of Victorian fashion and art paraphernalia, stacked canvasses, sewing machines, newspapers, naked mannequins and lengths of heavy and garish materials against the walls, and scraps of cloth thrown over easels, lampshades and sofas to protect them from the artistic chaos all around. The floor Vaughan was standing on was bare floorboards, the wallpaper was peeling with damp and the ornate coving was yellow. The sounds of the busy street outside were reduced to a muffled bustle, pierced by the occasional trumpet call of a busker. Vaughan, looking quite puffed herself, smiled, almost maliciously, but that was possibly just her breathlessness; adopted a defiant, slouched pose and gesticulated with both hands for Ria to come towards her. Ria obeyed this unspoken agreement and approached. 'So', Ria said, trying to sound nonchalant, 'what are we going to do up here?' 'Something amazing' Vaughan gushed, 'we needed to get away, be on our own to enjoy this, trust me, you won't believe it!' Though the cliché monkeys were telling her that what was going to happen was predictable, Ria had a suspicion it wouldn't quite be as simple as that. She had quickly summed Vaughan up to be anything but straightforward. Vaughan slinked cat-like towards Ria, arms half held out until she could place them on Ria's sides. Ria felt the softness and warmth of Vaughan's hands as they gently slid round into the small of her back, pulling Vaughan lithely into her. She considered why she was so attracted to Vaughan; she certainly was no lesbian, and in a way Vaughan could be summed us as a tomboy; but her beauty was so feminine and shiny, and her touch definitely bore no touch of strength or roughness. Vaughan pressed her face right underneath Ria's, she was a petite girl and Ria had a good six inches on her, played with Ria's long auburn hair and smiled into her eyes innocently. Ria summed up that curiosity was a strong sexual instinct of her own, like a fetish, and Vaughan's eyes wore a look that said 'I will do something that you don't yet understand but it will blow your mind'. She smiled, with only a slight hint of unease and relaxed into the embrace. Vaughan closed her eyes, pursed her lips and moved towards Ria. Ria pursed too and they met, and all around them was hushed and obscured for a second or two; like the pair of them were suddenly enclosed by a dark, warm, almost womb-like bubble. And then suddenly Vaughan wasn't kissing Ria, but blowing! Ria's bubble burst and she opened her eyes, Vaughan's eyes were open too, and they were laughing. They still embraced and Vaughan's mouth was locked onto hers, her cheeks puffed out as she blew into Ria like she were blowing up a balloon. Ria's cheeks were puffed out too, with Vaughan's air, the pressure in them was constant, but somehow it wasn't increasing. Ria only had to wonder where the air was going for a second before she felt it, a growing pressure in her stomach. She felt her clothes tighten as her body inflated beneath; tightening beneath her arms and between her legs as her body tried to become rounded. Vaughan was blowing her up like a balloon! Ria broke the embrace and pushed Vaughan away. Vaughan kept her grip on Ria and even as she was holding firm, her hands on Ria's back felt soft and gentle. 'What's the matter?' she asked, 'Aren't you enjoying it?' Ria was having difficulty comprehending it. She looked down and confirmed that her body did indeed look a fair bit more turgid than before, and her clothes more creased and strained. 'I just didn't expect' she stammered 'I mean, I just... I don't know... This shouldn't be possible right?' 'Relax' Vaughan laughed Ria's concern off reassuringly. 'I don't know how it happens either, but when I discovered a few years ago that I could make girls inflate, I just tried it out. Really, it feels so good, such a turn on, don't you want to be blown up?' 'I think I do' Ria admitted, she stroked a hand down her front, sliding it between hers and Vaughan's bodies, as Vaughan resumed their closeness. 'It feels really amazing, I feel so sensitive and I can feel the pressure inside me, it almost tickles.' Vaughan smiled and just moved her lips back to touch Ria's, Ria didn't resist, she felt a tingle of anticipation shiver through her body, party due to the increased sensitivity, party in the build up to what she knew would happen, she prepared for the unknown and closed her eyes. She felt the forcefulness of the air blown out of Vaughan's mouth, again her cheeks puffed up till they were tight and she felt the air still coming, and going into her. She felt her whole body tighten and increase in volume, and she felt the stream of air warmed by Vaughan's lungs, inside her as though she were hollow. She felt it caress her from the inside like a warm summer breeze, and blowing against her crotch from the inside, tickling and arousing her. Vaughan's breath made a hollow whooshing noise, resonating within her, and growing deeper as the volume of air in her increased, like when you blow up a balloon. She felt her body readily growing rounder, stretching her thin jumper and her jeans and threatening to burst them. Her limbs were also plumping up, pushing outwards until she felt a trampoline-like springiness between her sides and her arms when she wiggled them. Vaughan ran out of puff and stopped; both girls opened their eyes together. 'How does it feel?' Vaughan asked. Ria looked down at her newly endowed body. She didn't look fat at all, her face and hands remained undistorted, but the rest of her body was more ample and round; her belly distended, thighs and ass curvier and her bust fuller. She lifted her arms out straight and let them drop, again feeling them bounce against her sides, her whole body springing in response to each bounce. 'I have to say', Ria answered, grinning excitedly, 'it feels amazing. I feel sexier, so... if you'll excuse the pun, pumped up'. Ria's increased volume made her feel powerful, but this contrasted with the submissiveness of being blown up, ballooned, entirely at Vaughan's whim, like a toy; a contrast which exhilarated, aroused and scared her all at the same time. She could feel herself shiver as Vaughan's hands stroked her puffy body; starting on her abdomen and sliding round her circumference to her bum. Vaughan gripped Ria's bum and pulled her plaything towards her. 'Ready to go again?' she asked. Ria nodded enthusiastically and puckered her lips smiling as she did; she closed her eyes and felt Vaughan's lips make contact. Again Vaughan blew into her, her cheeks puffed up and she felt the stream of air inside her, adding to the pressure. She felt her body become tauter as she inflated, like an inflatable toy reaching it's optimum size. This time, as she swelled bigger and rounder, she really was testing the limits of her clothes. Her breasts ballooned to enormous proportions, while her ass blew up, wider, rounder; and her whole body filled up till she was the size of a Michelin woman. Still Vaughan's breath lasted and she blew up bigger and bigger still the sound of Vaughan's exhalation becoming deeper in pitch within her, and stretching her clothes till they creaked in protest. In a series of loud pops which she felt as twitches between her legs and slight reprieves from the constricting fabric, her jeans blew a few stitches. The creaking slowed down and became angrier and her cleavage and belly spilled out of the top and bottom of her jumper where her swelling body was less restricted. Just as she felt her clothes were about to blow off altogether, Vaughan stopped. The two girls once again opened their eyes. This time Ria was much more evidently inflated, definitely not pudgy, but tightly pumped up like a big round parade balloon with exaggerated feminine curves, a heaving bosom, bloated ass and stomach pregnant with gas; her clothes straining desperately, stretched across her with creases reaching horizontally across her and radiating from erect nipples and smothered crotch. Her arms were now stuck out at about sixty degrees and her legs pushed apart into a wide stance. Her cheeks felt like they were still a bit puffed up, somehow holding back the pressure within as it tried to either escape, expand her body, or, Ria shuddered at her first consideration of this, blow her apart! Vaughan smiled at her, though she could only just see Vaughan's head over her own bust, which was rising up to block her view. 'I won't explode will I?' she said with concern, sounding slightly muffled through inflated cheeks. 'Of course not sweetie' Vaughan winked slightly. Ria was becoming increasingly concerned by Vaughan's attitude now. She was too mischievous, and it all seemed like a game to her, Ria like a child's balloon that could be blown up and then just popped for fun. The whole thing was so unreal, that's why Ria found it such a turn on; but exploding, Ria didn't want to try that out, real or not, the fear she harboured was very real, that if she was blown up so much that her body just burst, it would be the end of her, and like a balloon, she was just expendable, to be thrown away when the fun was over, and Vaughan would find a new plaything. 'OK, I'm done now' Ria was quick to get out. She was so inflated now that she couldn't move; she was totally at Vaughan's mercy. 'Aw, no more blowing up?' Vaughan asked. Ria nodded. 'I just feel so full already' she said, 'don't get me wrong Vaughan, it feels amazing, I just don't want to pop' Ria really was enjoying being inflated, but Vaughan's motives were a little scary, especially now she was immobile. She smiled meekly at Vaughan and wiggled her arms again, causing her whole body to tremble like a reverberating bell. As she moved she heard the strained groans and moans of her clothes being forced to shift over her, almost as though they were reluctant to move, lest they burst. Ria kept up the smile, enjoying the feeling of the taught fabric on her skin. Vaughan grinned back at her. Then Vaughan sidled back up to her sliding her arms around Ria's bloated body until her fingertips could just touch above the small of Ria's back, pulling Vaughan right up against her. Vaughan relaxed, cat-like against the curvature of Ria's body and purred as she stroked her right leg up Ria's, kicking off a trainer and touching Ria's rounded bum with her toes. Ria giggled as Vaughan continued to caress and fondle her air-mattress like form. Then, just as she thought Vaughan was at her most relaxed, she dropped off, sliding her hands round to Ria's sides and lifting her off the ground. Ria looked around incredulously as she saw the ground come into view over her breasts, like the feeling you get as you come over the crest of a roller-coaster. The movement caused a chorus of protest from her clothes again, where Vaughan's hands gripped her feeling like tiny grabbers. In the moment of drama, while Ria was disoriented, she saw Vaughan's face coming towards her, eyes closed. Their lips made contact and they fell into a slow, lingering kiss. Ria felt her heart rate slow too as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the intimacy of their shared moment, girl and balloon, all alone surrounded by mannequins in an abandoned building, with only the gentle murmur of people below. Ria was lost in the moment, and only half noticed when Vaughan withdrew her lips. Her eyes remained closed but she heard what sounded like a deep intake of breath. Then, Vaughan's mouth was pressed against hers again, but with more force this time; and Vaughan blew! Ria's eyes flashed open immediately to see Vaughan right up against her, eyes closed, cheeks roundly puffed out. Ria felt her body growing wider, the stream of air inside her like a jet increasing the pressure exponentially. She felt her hands, stuck out at the ends of pudgy arms moving further apart as she became rounder and rounder, more like a balloon. Vaughan was holding her in the air, gripping her sides like a balloon now; she reached as far forward as she could, holding Ria's crotch briefly, grappling for something at the far end of the inflated girl she could hold, Ria felt the sexual pleasure this created before Vaughan's hand returned to her side. Ria's eyes grew wider in shock almost matching her inflated body, till she was so round she looked like a blimp; a feminine blimp with bloated limbs and breasts, wide hips and a heavingly massive bum. Stitches were blowing in her jeans again and she heard a crescendo like creak as the woollen fibres in her jumper reached their limits before the sound of tearing wool joined the bangs of the stitches. There was a new high pitched squeaking too; it sounded more like rubber than cloth. Ria felt a sense of impending doom as she realised the squeaking was coming from her body, it too, straining to contain the pressure. In an ironic twist, the realisation was quickly followed by a loud bang as a large part of the seam over her bum exploded and she felt only her lacy panties between sweaty inflated flesh and cool, humid air. Vaughan was becoming redder and beads of sweat were forming on her forehead, wetting her hair and making it go straggly, but still she closed her eyes, and still she found the air in her lungs to blow through Ria's lips, and still Ria pumped up bigger and rounder. With a series of pops which Ria felt, the hole over her bum grew, bursting along the length of the seam until it was between her legs, twitching and arousing her inflated crotch. By now Ria was several times her original lithe volume, and so rounded her torso was almost spherical but for the twin domes of her breasts pushing now into Vaughan's face as well as her own, like two pillows trying to smother them both; she felt her nipples like ball bearings squashed into the nape of Vaughan's neck. Her limbs too were so plump and so rounded to her body as to just be domes topped with hands and feet. Vaughan stopped to catch her breath, panting briefly and exhaustedly before blowing a little more. Ria felt her body widen a little in proportion to Vaughan's puff, and heard the rubbery squeak become deeper and angrier, the hollow sound of Vaughan's breath also deepening; and then she felt her centreline touch the floor, Vaughan stopped blowing to catch more breath. Another stitch popped, Ria felt like she was right on the limit of blowing herself; she tried to breath a sigh of relief but she was too inflated to even breathe properly. Vaughan opened her eyes, she was now exhausted from the exertion of blowing Ria up, and her eyes look somewhat distant through lack of oxygen, only adding to Ria's fear that she was uncontrollable. 'Wow!' Vaughan gasped, and giggled as she spoke, 'Look at you now! You look sooo huuuge!' Vaughan emphasised the last two words by rounding the vowels, and Vaughan's vowels weren't the only thing that was round. Ria wobbled unsteadily on the floor, like a giant space hopper, her proportions magnified as though by a distorted lens. Her cheeks were so puffed out she could hardly speak through them. 'mmmph sdoph bis noow, U'll exphlud!' Ria pleaded, but being muffled by a combination of cheeks and cleavage. Vaughan put her hands on Ria's sides and then gently slid them round under her huge belly, softly stroking her palms over taut woollen jumper as she did till her hands slid off the clothing onto the exposed flesh between her jumper and jeans. She then pushed forward rolling Ria upright till her feet touched the floor, stroking her hands down Ria's body until she reached the waistline of Ria's panties. She smiled and tugged on the waistline mischievously. This caused Ria's whole body to groan and whine with the pressure. 'Noooo!' Ria tried to shout, 'm grnnr blwww!' Then, with hardly any effort, Vaughan hoisted Ria up over her head, Ria grunted uncomfortably. 'I just want to enjoy having you this way' Vaughan said, mock apologetically. 'You don't mind popping do you? Think how fun this has been, would you rather have just been left as plain old skinny wotsername?' Ria tried to shout that her name was Ria, but it only came out as angry, muffled grunting. 'I shall christen you Blimpette 13!' Vaughan concluded. Ria wondered if that meant she was only one of thirteen girls Vaughan had inflated; she wondered whether the others had exploded too, then castigated herself mentally for talking about herself as though she were already popped. She felt herself resigned to her destructive fate and tried to rediscover the feeling of sexual arousal and excitement she'd had earlier. She felt Vaughan's hands on her waistline and the pressure and sensitivity all across her tight flesh, it was in their somewhere, amidst all the fear. But before she could relax into it, she felt Vaughan's hands release her, and suddenly the room was spinning around her, Vaughan had thrown her! Ria saw the wall approaching her, quickly and in increments each time it spun past in front of her, in the background she heard Vaughan laughing and hollering. She saw the mannequins and fabrics against the wall and just had time to think, 'oh my God! pins!' before BOOMPH! She bounced off the wall, sending mannequins scattering everywhere and feeling the bounce reverberate through her like a bell being struck, then she was flying back to Vaughan. The chaos came to an end all of a sudden as she felt a pair of hands on her bum and then the spinning stopped, but she felt dizzy and her heart was fluttering wildly, almost in her mouth with fear. She heard Vaughan giggling excitedly like a small girl and felt her hands dancing over her body from her bum, up her sides and dashing by her hands until Vaughan came into view, looking more exhausted and manic than before. Ria looked into Vaughan's eyes, she could see Vaughan was preparing to finish blowing her up. There was nothing she could do; and she was so massively overinflated already, she knew that in not long she would explode, and then what? Thoughts raced through her head, what would it feel like, sound like? She only hoped it would be as perversely pleasurable as the rest of the inflation; best to go out on a high. 'I'd just enjoy this bit if I were you.' Vaughan said, as though she'd read Ria's mind. There was a softer look to Vaughan's eyes and smile now, as though she felt sorry for Ria, as though Vaughan knew what she was going to do and was almost regretfully unable to control herself. 'Tell you what' Vaughan said, stroking Ria's left breast, and weighing up the tautness. 'I'm too knackered for another massive blow... so if you can last for just another five short puffs, I'll deflate you.' Ria's attitude suddenly changed, she had been relaxing into the idea of exploding from the pressure being a pleasurable release; but now she had been given hope, so to hell with enjoying exploding, she just had to enjoy the sensation this last five times and hope to God she could hold herself together. She felt confident and energised as Vaughan came close for the first puff. Their lips closed together and... PUFF! Ria felt her body grow and tighten all over and stretch and squeal like a frightened animal, but by good grace she was still all there. Only four more... PUFF! 'My God' Ria thought. 'That one came quickly after the first'. As the protests of Ria's body became more strained and the pressure pushed out on her more strongly she realised she had less room than she had thought. But only three more. She closed her eyes tightly and prep... PUFF! 'oooooh' Ria thought, feeling her whole body groaning and moaning, the pressure being felt even in her hands and feet, her eyes feeling like they were about to pop out of her head. Vaughan seemed to have more puff in her than she said... PUFF! 'OOOOOOH!' Ria felt her heart tightening and shuddering as her body pumped outwards all over. She wiggled her fingers, feeling they were now also inflated slightly, like little sausages. She tried to calm herself down. Only one more to go, she could make it. She tentatively opened one eye to see Vaughan breathing in deeply, and quickly shut it again. PUFF!!! Ria grunted loudly as the pressure pumped into her, pushing her outwards in all directions and causing an orchestra of terrible creaks and groans from her rigid balloon body. But that was it. She'd made it! She felt the relief pass over her like a wave and all the pleasure came back, how fantastic the whole adventure had been! She opened her eyes. Vaughan was taking a tiny little breath, too exhausted for another one... but suddenly. puff. With a little kiss, Vaughan blew the tiniest bit of air into Ria. She felt her relief slip away as her body merely twitched and squeaked, and it grew a tiny little bigger, just over the edge; the creaking lowered and strained. She closed her eyes tightly and felt a growing wave of tightness, and pleasure... KABOOOM!!!!
blowkiss, floating, kiss, women inflating men
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The pretty young blonde blew yet another bubble with her bubblegum, and it was the biggest one yet. Behind her large, thick-rimmed glasses, Cindy's pretty brown eyes widened as she looked at her masterpiece, a flawlessly round pink bubble growing from her full, glossy lips. The bubble grew and grew as she gently puffed, until it finally swelled so large that it blocked her vision. It grew as large as her face, then her entire head. She tried to suppress her giggling. Finally, she blew again, and the bubble gently popped on her face. She laughed aloud, peeling the remnants from her lovely face, replacing it into her mouth; and, with a snapping sound, she began chewing it to begin the process anew. The sound made Blake wince, even though he couldn't see the spectacle. But he could tell from the noise and Cindy's giggling that she was popping bubblegum, and it made him nervous. Because all it did was remind him that he was Cindy's balloon. Not that he needed to be reminded. He floated in the air above her, bobbing slightly when a breeze passed. His body was nothing but a gossamer globe, a circular ball of air, a toy balloon that was once a typical American male. But all that remained of that male was his pudgy head sticking out on top, and his plump hands and feet, which were now merely stubs. Around what had been his ankle was a string, tied securely in place, and which Cindy held with casual care. Occasionally, if she tugged the string just so, he could look down at his lovely captor. But usually, Blake just hovered in the air, looking at treetops, rooftops, and blue sky. Until, in his peripheral vision, Blake saw another human balloon. Jordan bounced comically in the air as his string was jerked mercilessly around. Like Blake, he too was a huge balloon tied to a string. Unlike Blake, he was tied by what had been his wrist, causing him to face ever downward at his pretty young master. Her name was Heather, and the freckle-faced, pony-tailed redhead skipped to the bus stop in her sexy schoolgirl outfit, which consisted of a short plaid skirt that showed off her athletic legs, and a low-cut white boys' shirt, complete with a loosely tied black tie that hung carelessly in front of her well-developed, lightly freckled cleavage. Heather's heart-shaped, pouty lips always made it appear that she was angry about something, and this scene was no different. As she pulled her helpless balloon toy around, she stopped occasionally to give him a sudden, angry jerk of his string, sending him flailing uncontrollably in the air. It seemed perfectly timed to remind him of just who was in charge, and it always worked. She seemed content--as much as she could do--at her last string pull, and continued her skip to where Cindy was standing. "Hey." Heather greeted Cindy in her normal tone of voice, which is to say, she sounded kinda pissy. Unmoved, Cindy just said, "Mmm." Her lips were already busy blowing another bubble. It grew large, though not as large as before, popping as it reached just over the top of her glasses and settling on her perfectly symmetrical little nose. Heather looked up at Cindy's balloon-boy. The she swung her own balloon-boy so that Blake and Jordan batted into each other, bouncing off each other like beach balls, sending each one into a wild fit of wobbling. "My balloon's bigger than yours," Heather said, as matter-of-factly as she could muster; but of course, her naturally annoyed tone made it come out as a challenge. Cindy peered upwards at the two balloon-boys. "So he is," she conceded. Strictly to make conversation, she added, "But then, I didn't blow up my balloon as big as I could have done." "Really?" Heather said, with just a hint of skepticism that sounded like a heap of it. "You could make your balloon as big as mine?" "Probably much bigger," Cindy said carelessly, with a mild shrug. Heather looked up at Cindy's balloon again. "Oh, you should TOTALLY do that," she said, her eyes still focused on Blake as she spoke. "You should totally blow him up bigger." Blake did not like the progression of this conversation. Neither did Jordan, who intimately knew Heather's competitive nature and felt his insides grow hollow--which was quite a feat, since he was mostly just air already. Cindy blew another bubble as she tugged on the string, pulling Blake down from the air and bringing him closer to her pretty, bespectacled face. The bubble popped as Blake approached, making him internally wince. He didn't need any reminders of his fragile state. He still wasn't sure if she just loved bubblegum, or if it were part of his psychological torture. Cindy took out the gum with her free hand and tossed it into the street. With the string wrapped firmly around her wrist, she brought Blake's puffy face close to hers. She smelled sweetly of perfume and bubblegum, a wondrous aroma that, despite the danger, Blake enjoyed being near. Her hands clasped his bloated cheeks, her light blonde hair brushed against his forehead, her glasses pressed into his nose as she brought her lips to his mouth. And she blew. His body felt tingly all over, the enormous air pressure feeling orgasmic as his round body stretched out even farther. He felt so tight, tight as a drum, as his body surged in growth, her warm, sweet-smelling breath causing him to get noticeably larger. He grew so tight, so taut, that he felt his bursting was imminent. Heather laughed. Blake's growth ceased, and for a brief moment, Cindy pulled away to admire her handiwork. She looked him over and ran a hand over his inflated form--which he had to admit, felt pretty sensual. But he felt so unbearably full, he could barely appreciate her soft touch. Even now, as she just held him, he felt so tight that he could spontaneously burst at any moment. It seemed to happen in slow motion: Cindy's eyes closed. Her mouth opened. Blake couldn't believe it: She was going to make him BIGGER. Or she was going to try to. If he didn't burst. The air slammed into him, down what would have been his throat, if his neck hadn't become part of his ballooned body a long time ago. He closed his eyes and waited for the bang. But instead, he just felt himself get bigger. A lot bigger. Behind his closed eyes, he saw the image of Cindy's laughing face, holding onto a string that held only a burst balloon fragment. It was his imagination, of course; yet it seemed increasingly real as his body inflated precipitously toward his bursting point. This is it, he thought. I'm going to pop. And then Cindy's breath petered out. He opened his eyes to see Cindy and Heather smiling up at him. "Wow," Heather said, with genuine warmth this time. "He's SOOOO big." "See?" said Cindy, holding Blake closer to Jordan. "My balloon's bigger now." "Not for long," said Heather playfully, though her voiced tinged with obvious menace. She pulled on her string, hauling Jordan down from the sky to meet with those luscious, heart-shaped lips. Jordan had only a brief moment to enjoy his lips touching hers before her breath entered him, causing him to expand dangerously outward. Jordan knew it was only a matter of time before Heather tired of him and popped him. But to pop like this: in some girlish, immature game! To burst into nothingness because of Heather's incessant one-upmanship! It was too humiliating to bear. The pressure increased inside him, unbearably so. He felt the all-too-familiar rush of Heather's breath, pushing him to larger and larger sizes. He tensed--easy to do, as his body was about as tight as it could get--waiting for the inevitable. His world was nothing more than Heather's breath and his inflation. There was no world beyond Heather's sexy mouth. As she paused for breath, he looked at her beautiful young freckled face. Her eyes were still closed, either in pleasure or in anticipation of a sudden loud noise, or both. She licked her big wet lips and blew into him again. And again. And again! Each time, Jordan felt for sure it would be the last breath. And yet he got tighter, his body surged bigger, ever expanding until he almost wished he would burst so he'd be free of the suspense. Free of Heather's taunting, her supreme dominance. Free from the air pressure that was pushing on all sides of him, making him bigger than he dreamed possible. And then it stopped. Jordan couldn't see just how big he'd become, but he could feel it. He was giant, enormous, blimp-sized. "Now that's big!" said Heather with a giggle. Cindy's jaw remained slack as she looked over her friend's balloon-boy. "Oh my god, he's HUGE! That's the biggest balloon I ever saw!" "Look!" said Heather, pointing. "He's bigger than that tree." Cindy pulled Blake closer to her mouth again. "Mine's going to be bigger than a mountain!" The two girls caught each other's eyes, which all sparkled. They said it in unison: "BIGGER THAN THE WORLD!" They giggled profusely before setting to the task of blowing up their balloons. Cindy and Heather each puffed, puffed, PUFFED up their balloon-boys--their balloon-toys--puffing with speed and fervor as their shapely chests heaved. Their balloons expanded again and again, reaching sizes that few balloons could ever reach. As Cindy continued to blow air into him, it suddenly dawned on Blake that his growth had slowed to a crawl. Was he even getting bigger? He didn't think so: He'd become so full that he'd reached his limits. There was nowhere for the air to go. Nowhere but out. And yet Cindy persisted, blowing ceaselessly, repeatedly. Forcefully. Purposefully. And so, while he ceased growing, the pressure still built and built and built and... BANG-ANG-ANG-ANG-ANG!! The explosion seemed to echo into another state. Cindy's empty string fell limply to the ground. A moment passed before she and Heather burst out laughing. "Did you HEAR that?!" Cindy asked, even though it was obvious that people had heard it for blocks around. Jordan, for his part, swayed side-to-side in the breeze, the explosion of the nearby balloon sending him on another bobbing spree. He'd grown so impossibly large that he no longer even had what used to resemble his head: He now had just a "neck"--as in the neck of a balloon that was about to burst. "I win!" exclaimed Heather. "Yep, too bad for my balloon. He just EXPLODED!" She threw back her hands to imitate the shock wave. They focused their attention on Jordan. "He looks like he'll burst any second." "Yeah, he's about to pop, all right," Heather said breathlessly, winded from her successful effort to make her balloon the biggest around. She ever so gently traced her fingernail over Jordan's tight, fragile skin. "How are you going to get him on the bus?" Cindy asked. "Oh, yeah!" Heather laughed heartily. "He's actually BIGGER than the bus!" "I wonder just how big he can get!" Cindy speculated aloud. Again Jordan had that bad premonition. "Let's find out," Heather said, almost musically. To Cindy's surprise, Heather handed her balloon-boy to her. "Let's play Balloon Roulette. You blow, then I blow, then you blow. The first one to pop him wins!" "I get to go first, eh?" Cindy asked, taking Heather's giant, dangerously inflated toy balloon from her hands. Jordan believed it was impossible for him to get any bigger, but there was Cindy, taking the deepest breath she could possibly take. And Jordan DID get bigger. Cindy's breath seemed to last forever, and he felt himself stretch farther into the sky. But much like Blake, Jordan's growth was slight at best. He was too full to grow more. It was just a matter of when the pressure would catch up to him. Cindy's breath finally stopped. She handed the balloon-boy to Heather, who looked maliciously at Jordan. He was stretched so gossamer, his skin had such a polished sheen on it, Heather could see her beautiful reflection. She took the deepest, most competitive breath she could, and she blew. Jordan, uncannily, survived that breath, as he did Cindy's next attempt. But he knew how the game was supposed to end: One of these girls was going to pop him. Would it be Heather? Or Cindy? Which girl would cause him to burst? Which girl would blow the last breath? Each time, he knew that each breath the girls blew could be the last. Until finally... one of them did.
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
"Down on the ground, boys and girls! Bulletta's in town!"Bursting through the doors of the bank was a muscular, long-haired platinum blonde wearing a tight black leather outfit with a wide window in the front that put her bountiful genetic blessings on display. It was positively ostentatious, but if she wasn't prone to showing off she wouldn't have loudly announced her presence in the first place."It's Bulletta Brass!" one of the customers exposited. "Notorious super-powered bank robber!""Thanks for the intro," she replied, punching a nearby guard and sending him flying into the wall.As she strode towards the counter, a second guard drew his revolver and began firing, the shots hitting her to no effect. Bulletta flinched, blinking in irritation as a round caught her in the face before bouncing off, disappearing between her breasts. She reached into her cleavage, fishing around for the bullet before flicking it back at the cop. The round caught him in the leg, and he let out a cry pain as he stumbled to the ground, clutching the wound."Now does anyone -else- want to play the hero?" She looked around at the terrified people, then smiled, approaching the desk as she pulled a large sack off of her belt and tossed it to the teller. "Fill it up." As the teller loaded the sack with bundles of bills, Bulletta looked on smugly, gesturing every so often for her to hurry. Within moments the sack was full, and she passed it back into Bulletta's hands. "Thank you."Bulletta turned and took a step before recoiling, partially in surprise but mostly in indignation. Standing behind her was a woman in a suit top and skirt trying her best to look intimidating. Had Bulletta been polite, she would have called her "petite" or possibly "mousy," but she wasn't, so the first thing that came to mind was "short" and "flat as a board." She let out a short bark of laughter. "You're kidding me, right?""Put the money back," the woman demanded. She poked her in the chest for emphasis. "Or else.""Or else?" Bulletta gave her a firm poke, knocking her on her backside. "Yeah, no."She strutted past, slipping a finger into the hole in her top and giving it a tug. For some reason it her outfit was squeezing her a little bit more than usual. Not that being tight wasn't the point, but there was a limit. Setting the bag of cash down she adjusted her breasts with both hands, trying to relieve the pressure. She stopped and stared down at them after a bit, trying to figure out what the problem was, only to see them begin to bulge out of the cleavage window.Cursing under her breath Bulletta reached down and grabbed the zipper, struggling with it for a few tugs before it snapped. She tossed it away before arching her back and thrusting out her chest, grunting at the smothering pressure. The leather creaked and stitches popped, exposing diamond-shaped patches of flesh before finally bursting apart. Bulletta panted, her growing endowments covered in increasingly inadequate strips of loose leather. Turning, she reached down and picked the smaller woman up with one hand, bringing her as close to her face as her volleyball-sized and still growing endowments would allow. "What did you just do to me?" she snarled.She said nothing, staring back at Bulletta defiantly even as the taller woman fumed, and as she was slowly pushed away by her breasts."I don't have time for this." Bulletta tossed her roughly to the ground, turning to where she left the sack of money. Her view of it was eclipsed by her chest, forcing her to kneel and grope around a bit for the top of it. Finally getting a hold of it, she stood and quickly made for the door, a task made more difficult by her breasts, now hanging down past her navel and continuing to swell.Shoving the doors open she descended the steps outside. She went to hold her arms across her chest to keep the bouncing to a minimum, noticing that even in the short span of time it took to reach the curb her fingertips stopped touching in front of her. Stopping beside her motorcycle she tossed the bag into the sidecar, swinging one leg over and mounting her ride before leaning forward and immediately smothering the handlebars, blocking them from both view and use. "Shit."The distant sound of sirens caught her attention and with some difficulty she dismounted, abandoning the money as she ran for a nearby alleyway. Her thighs bounced against the bottoms of her breasts for a few steps before she scooped them up in her arms, carrying them as best she could. With her prodigious strength their growing weight wasn't the issue so much as their density and size: The softness caused them to overflow her arms, skin growing beneath her fingers, and as she fled down the alley she paused every so often to shift her hold on her assets lest she lose her balance. Up above, meanwhile, they limited her field of view to a narrow cone down her cleavage that rapidly shrank as she rapidly grew.Bulletta's breasts soon approached, reached, and passed the size of overstuffed beanbag chairs, leaving her running blind with overfull arms. Ironically, they were the only thing that let her keep her course: As she felt them brush roughly against the bricks on one side or the other she turned the other way. It worked, for a while, but as she neared the opposite end of the alley she felt the coarse stone brush against both sides of her breasts, threatening to pin her in. Cursing, she turned to the right, moving her body to the left and pressing her back against the wall before awkwardly sidestepping the rest of the way. As her torso cleared the mouth of the alley she felt her right nipple flattening against the wall, and there was a brief moment of panic as she feared she might be stuck. As the pressure increased she gave her breast a tug, and it popped free, and she carefully turned back to continue her escape.The sight must have been absurd to passer-by: A woman dressed in leather with a ruined top and a naked bust that was rapidly approaching the size of a small car, leaning back as far as she could with arms outspread to hold it even as it spilled over her arms, slowly walking out of an alley and heading for the street. Even so, it was a display of sheer determination that, even without context, was admirable.At least until she tripped on the curb.Gravity took hold, and Bulletta let out a yelp she fell forward. Her breasts hit the road, their sheer weight and her natural toughness causing the pavement to crack beneath them as they rippled and shook from the impact. She clambered to her feet, trying in vain to shove them forward as they grew, and grew. "No, no, no no NO NO NO NO-" The police didn't have a hard finding notorious super-powered bank robber Bulletta Brass after that. Her breasts had finally stopped growing when they arrived, rising at least two feet higher than Bulletta herself and easily blocking two lanes of traffic, and her nipples had swollen so large that the police cordoned off a third lane just to be on the safe side. Bulletta was technically under arrest, but they were still waiting for her to calm down before putting the handcuffs on; as she was, she was cursing and raving at one of the people a nearby officer was interviewing."She, uh..." The officer adjusted his hat. "...she doesn't like you, does she?""That's because I did that to her," the mousy woman replied. "I can make people's body parts larger or smaller with a touch.""Oh." The officer looked pointedly at her chest, or lack thereof. "Does it work on yourself?"She glared daggers at him. "Yes," she said icily. "I happen to like sleeping on my stomach, thank you very much.""Oh. Now when you say 'body parts' do you mean -any- body part, because uh..." He leaned in. "I got one you can try out." "Hey Jim, that new bra looks great on you!""Shut the fuck up, Dave."
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Astral felt the light against her eyelids and knew that the final cycle of "renaissance" was about to begin. She always hated this part. Even with her eyes closed, the light felt like hot, noonday sun in the tropics. But Astral knew that a common night light would outshine it. Oh, well, when you haven't used your eyes in ten years... The respirator pulled away from her face and Astral thought how like waking up before your alarm clock this seemed; you hear the "click", are too droopy to move, and know that the warm silence is about to be shattered by that god-forsaken buzzer--BZZZZTT! The crew called it "the spanking" because it was like the swat on the rump which an obstetrician gives to a newborn to start her breathing. Only this spanking was an electrical jolt. Astral heaved forward, spewing the liquid from her lungs, coughing and sneezing. She blinked in the dim light and saw the clear blue fluid, almost black in the reddish glow, drift purposefully across the chamber in the gentle air current and vanish through the ventilation grate. As the heart monitor gradually returned to normal, Astral stared absently at the fine pattern of tiny sensors on her bodysuit. Then decided that it was time to wash the bad taste out of her mouth. She unclipped the restraining tethers from her hips, checked the atmospheric integrity beyond the door, then floated out of her suspended animation chamber and into the starship proper. Sometimes advances in science depend more on the correlation of known facts than on stunning, new breakthroughs. For decades researchers had studied hibernating mammals in their quest to teach humans that same trick. The toughest obstacle was the freezing point of water; when water in cells freezes, the cells rupture and the organism dies. Next, researchers tried various ways of refrigerating their subjects without crossing that threshold into freezing. But animals are thick in some places and thinner in others, and different types of tissue conducted heat differently. So, it was next to impossible to maintain a consistent temperature during storage or resuscitation. The lab coats even tried organic anti-freezes. Then some bright boy remembered an obscure item from his basic biology classes. Tardigrades, also known as "water bears," were tiny creatures who could be freeze-dried for a century and rehydrated later, no worse for the wear. So what? Fleas can jump fifty times their own height because the laws of physics allow it on their scale. But tardigrades, although microscopic, are giants in their realm, and within their freeze-drying trick lay the secret to human suspended animation. If water is the obstacle, remove it! The process was so simple that even a fairly stupid computer could be trusted to do it properly. And the biggest bonus was that the "freeze-dried" subjects did not age at all, as they did with the purely hypothermic methods. Hyperdrives be damned--humanity had a gateway to the stars! Day one is always the worst, Astral thought, because you piss like a drunkard while your body metabolizes the excess fluid out of your system. The first time out, Astral had looked in the mirror and a zombie stared back. Her long, black hair was still matted from the sleep chamber, and her slate-gray eyes looked particularly lifeless next to the pale, blue tint of her skin caused by the revival bio-fluid. She had felt like a bloated corpse. Now, three days after her third "renaissance," Astral looked a little less anemic, and her jumpsuits were comfortably loose. But she still felt like a ghoul drifting through the silent starship with its cargo of 500 desiccated corpses. "Venture" had almost no moving parts, although it was a good idea to have someone check her from stem to stern every so often during the long, interstellar night. The other astrogator trainees at the academy had teased her about the name "Astral." Then she and Beth had collected the data from the advance probe which proved that Barnard's star had a habitable planet. Astral excelled at engineering, as well as astrogation. And the laughing quickly died out when Astral was named First Astrogator for "Venture." Beth's engineering and piloting skills just missed placement with the astrogators, but she was aboard as a mission specialist. At the end of the week, Astral looked entirely human, again, and "Venture" had a clean bill of health. But Astral had to wait one more endless week before she could safely re-enter the hibernaculum. She and Roman alternately shared these lonely "night-time" patrols. They had bid each other "fare well" before "Venture" crossed the orbit of Pluto so many years ago. At least Roman would be awake next time with her as they turned the ship for its deceleration drop toward Barnard's star. When the chores were done, they could "pass the time" however they wanted... Astral smiled as she read Roman's last entry in the log: >"Venture" and Roman in perfect sych. Zero defects.< >Tried to spot "Gateway" from the observatory. No dice.< "Gateway" was "Venture's" sister ship following two years behind. It was difficult to find Sol in the sky at this distance, let alone one, tiny starship. Silly, charming man! >We'll look for her together, next time.< Roman would see Astral before he saw the log, but she left him a note, anyway. Unclipping the lightpen, she quickly scribbled on the datapad, "It's a date." Astral touched a control and her silver "jammies" slumped like a baggy sock. She climbed into the expanded neck and pulled the one-piece garment up. Another control and the bodysuit slowly contracted, again. As it shrank, Astral gently pulled out the wrinkles, and thought how the suit looked like the spacesuits from that old TV show of last century, "Lost in Space"--it even had red piping at the neck and cuffs. Although, when fully contracted, this suit was shamelessly wrinkle-free, and Astral looked like a polished, chrome statue. Longing to see Roman, again, Astral hopped into the hibernaculum and sealed the door. She tethered herself in and pulled the respirator mask down over her face, and prepared to drift off into that dreamless sleep once again. As she struggled to consciousness, Astral knew that something was wrong. Had the hibernaculum failed? She could move her fingers, so she must have been nascent for some time, now. The "spanking" circuit must have failed, and the respirator mask was still strapped to her face. Astral tried to raise a hand to wipe her eyes, but she just couldn't make it. Why was she so weak? Astral blinked rapidly and brought the room into focus. A creeping panic began to overtake her as she looked past the mask at herself. Something was definitely wrong--the hibernaculum was still actively pumping her full of revival fluid. She was positively turgid, that's why she hadn't been able to touch her face. The heart monitor began to race. Then the datapad in front of her flickered to life and stabilized into the features of Beth. She was speaking: "Well, I guess you managed to wake up just one more time. It might have been better if you hadn't because in a few minutes it will be 'lights out,' forever! I'm so sorry you won't be making planetfall with us, but First Astrogator should have been mine! Barnard IV was my discovery!" The tiny hairs on the back of Astral's neck stood up. Beth was absolu-freakingly crazy! Astral's butt touched the floor in the zero-G room and the hip tethers began to strain. Her breasts were busily spreading under her arms and stretching her bodsuit to the ceiling, while her shoulders pressed firmly against her cheeks. On-screen, Beth continued to foam at the mouth. "Why did you have to get everything? Beauty, brains, my ship and my planet!" The hip tethers popped loudly and Astral's rapidly inflating body bounced gently off the ceiling. "So, what do you get the girl who has everything? How about a little more to go around! So long, Astral!" The screen flickered into static. Then a flashing message appeared, "Auto-erase." Astral struggled helplessly while the computer relentlessly pumped more and more fluid into her body. The pressure was increasing; it wasn't going to stop. Astral grew rounder and tighter by the second, but it couldn't go on forever. Any moment now she was going to burst! Astral's body touched floor and ceiling at the same time, and her body grew hard under the increasing pressure. Her face darkened to a deep blue under the strain and her eyes began to bug out. This was it. Suddenly, a hand reached in and hit the manual over-ride in front of Astral's face. It was Roman! He shuffled in behind her head and pulled the straps off the respirator mask. The bit literally shot out of Astral's mouth, followed by a huge stream of the pale blue bio-fluid. "Hey, Chinks!" Roman chimed jovially, "You look like a Christmas ornament!" "Fuck you!" Astral sputtered, the bright silver of her suit squeaking softly. "Not a good idea," Roman returned, "you look like you've got too much in there already. This machine did almost as good a job as me." Then more seriously, "I heard the message. Beth played it onto every screen in the ship." "Lousy bitch," Astral mumbled. They hung silently for a minute, and Roman brushed a few strands of hair from Astral's face. "I want two things!" "Name it," Roman said. "We've got some programming to do, but first bring me that zero-G vacuum toilet. I've got to take a major leak!"
balloon, floating
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
Nina walked through the carnival, smelling the night breeze which kicked up the sawdust around the area, making it look like a desert with sand blowing across the ground. Flags and tents rustled quietly in the mild wind, almost drowning out the sound of her bare feet on the graveled path. Ahead stood a rope-mesh fenced off area with the banner "Ocean Of Bubbles" rippling in the breeze. She headed towards it and walked up the little gangplank to the side of the bin. Inside, there was a little 2 foot slide leading down into a virtual sea of golden balloons, rustling and bumping into each other slightly due to the gusts of wind. Feeling adventurous, Nina knelt down and tried to grab one of the balloons, but lost her footing and slid head first down the slide. WHOOMP! She barreled into the mountain of balloons, making them all careen wildly about the cage. She propped herself up on her hands and knees, looking around herself. Nothing but golden balloons filled her sight, each of them seemingly rushing towards her in a reaction to hitting the cage walls. She was buried in them, and she almost felt warmer being so. Her spandex- lycra shorts and button-down blouse were nary good protection from the chilly night air. She played gently with the wall of balloons which caressed almost every part of her body now. She grinned and contemplated laying down in the spot to catch a nap, but considered not too. While she pondered her predicament, she happened to notice that the nearest balloon to her face seems to be making a faint hissing sound, very faint, but still audible. Soon, the other balloons chimed in, making the air fill with the almost silent symphony. Her brow furrowed as she attempted to find the reason...perhaps she had punctured one during her descent? As she looked about her, she noticed that they didn't seem to be fact...they seemed to be getting larger! As she stared at one specifically, she saw that it was indeed inflating. She barely had time to turn when she noticed a tightening feeling in her chest. "What the heck?" Nina spoke finally, clutching her B-cup figure and nodded her head in curiosity. As her left hand lay upon her right breast, she could feel it swelling slightly, as her left one grew into her forearm. She reared herself to her knees, breaking her head over the horizon of the balloons. She now clutched both her breasts, almost squeezing them, trying to find the reasoning behind it all. As she looked about her in a panic, she noticed the level of the balloons was rising as they continued to expand. "I'm getting bigger, and they are too?" Nina thought, panicking. "I gotta get outta here." In response to her very words, the balloons tripled their expansion, submerging her in the sea of gold again. She arched her back as she felt her own bosom begin to fill out faster, already testing the limits of her bra. "Oh my god!" Nina gasped as she examined her ballooning boobs. The volume from the new mass was pulling her blouse away from her body now, untucking her shirt from her shorts. They were definitely getting bigger now, as the arching back of Nina continued to fall backward to steady herself. "I gotta get out of here," Nina stuttered as she rose to her feet, uncertain of her balance. The balloons pushed tighter against her, especially since there was more of her now. She felt the growing balloons as they inflated against her growing breasts, almost supporting them against gravity. Her head once again was over the horizon of the balloons, but just barely. She spotted the edge of the slide and began to push her way through the ever- tightening wall of balloons. She stopped momentarily, the pain from her bra digging into her sides now becoming apparent. "My bra..shit that's too tight!" Nina moaned, trying to maneuver her arms around to her back to undo the hooks. Since the balloons had compacted her in the cage now, she had a hard time getting both arms to maneuver through the warm surfaces of the balloons. While she tried, her chest continued to blow up bigger and bigger, and a visible gap began to grow between the buttons on her blouse. Nina could see her ever-deepening cleavage through the new windows to her growing concerns. She'd always wanted bigger bazooms, but this was crazy. She'd seen porn stars with added equipment, but she was rapidly surpassing even them. "Oh...oh...owwwwww!" Nina cried as she winced from the pain of her bra, continuing to try and contain her billowing flesh. After a few seconds, Nina got both hands to her hooks, but the strain was so tight now she couldn't even pull them apart. "Dammmmiiitttt!" Nina said, arching her back violently, causing the weak B-cup bra to end it's death grip on her tingling and expanding tits. She felt the material of the blouse as her breasts swelled up larger and larger inside it, making the material slide further and further apart. This excited her, and her now life-savers sized nipples grew instantly hard, creating a new surface for the expanding balloons to rub against. Nina realized that a balloon had maneuvered itself between her legs now. She hadn't noticed it at first, constricted from all sides, but now her legs were being pushed apart from the expanding latex. She soon felt the almost hot surface of the balloon touching her crotch as her legs continued to be spread wider and wider. She attempted to move her legs back together, but the space inside the cage was almost now completely filled with balloons and they just continued to swell into Nina, making her movements little at best. POP! The middle button of her blouse gave up, making a slight noise as it burst from its seams. Her stretching tit flesh was now caressed directly by the balloons, making a squeezing sound as they rubbed her, the whole bed together. Her breath was almost panting now as the experience was becoming a good rush of adrenaline. "Yes...I want this," Nina gave in, moving her hands eventually to the sides of her huge boobs. She grabbed the sides of her blouse and began pulling the material away from her chest, creating tremendous pressure on the buttons. RIP RIP RIP RIP went her button strings as her monstrous breasts burst from their bonds. Now almost every inch of her huge hooters was being rubbed against by the warm balloons. The very feeling of having almost every square inch of her body touching like this almost made Nina pass out.. Her legs, almost doing a complete split now, were being massaged backwards and forward by the balloon's latex, driving her crazy. "Aaaahhhhh..." Nina sighed as a balloon maneuvered it's intake valve into her face. Nina's open mouth greedily took of the balloon, and inside her bust she could feel the weight begin to lift. Her breasts grew even faster, but she could almost swear it was getting even lighter. "Grow, GROW, GROW!!" Nina gasped, clutching her bosom with her hands, her knuckles almost ivory white from the grip. The ropes of the cage finally hit their breaking point and the huge balloons began to escape from the cage. Nina felt intense pleasure as the balloons moved swiftly about her, hitting her erect nipples with their intake valves. She felt her whole body lift from the ground with the rest of the balloons, and soon she could see through balloons that she was indeed flying up into the sky. To this day, people swear that they see a golden cloud fly by, and that in the wind they can hear giggles from that very same cloud.
floating, helium, inflation, transformation
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Hourglass Inflation
Jessica sat behind her desk as she got ready to work and let go of a long sigh. Another day of same old, same old. I think I really need to make some changes in my life she thought. I just can't see myself doing this much longer, just to climb the corporate ladder. With that thought she logged on to her computer and pulled up her e-mails for the day. She went through her inbox, glancing at most and deleting them, and reading the ones she had to. She saw one from her friend Cindy with the subject line: I'm Back !!! and smiled, as Cindy had been away for almost 3 months, so she was looking forward to meeting up with her and hearing all about it. She answered the e-mail, and then sent Cindy a text message besides. Before long they had arranged to get together that evening at a quiet spot they both liked. The evening found her arriving at the restaurant anticipating a glass of wine and some good conversation with her friend after her having been away for over two months. She headed for the quieter side of the restaurant where they usually got a table, and stopped short as she saw Cindy. The view from Jessica's perspective was oblique from the side, and it appeared that Cindy had put on some serious weight. She had always had a nice curvy figure, but now she appeared to have become quite a bit larger. Looks like we are going to have some interesting conversation thought Jessica, as she approached the table where her now rather fat friend sat. Cindy greeted her with a warm hug and kiss on the cheek, and Jessica sat down across from her. They placed orders for wine, and Cindy smiled at her friend. "It's certainly great to see you again after being away for so long. So how have things been with you while I have been gone? You were saying you were bored to death with your job, and wanted to make some changes before I left. So, made any changes?" asked Cindy. Jessica smiled ruefully. "No, still stuck in my same rut, but it is seeming like the time is coming for me to make a move and do something that will make life more interesting. The last couple of guys I dated turned out to be bad fits for me, but I am trying to be optimistic.""That's a good attitude to have. Here's to optimism and positive changes!" Cindy raised her wine glass, and Jessica clinked her glass with Cindy's and they sipped their wine. "Well it does look like you must have had an interesting and enjoyable time away," Jessica observed eyeing Cindy up and down. Cindy laughed as she took another sip of wine. "Oh, go ahead and say it: I have gotten fat! And, you are quite right in that my time getting this way was both interesting and enjoyable. In fact I very much like my new body. Who knows? I might get even bigger." she finished with a big smile. The look of surprise must have been obvious on Jessica's face, as Cindy laughed again. "Does that seem unusual to you?""Well yes, it does seem quite unusual," responded Jessica slowly. "It seems like it would be contrary to the healthy lifestyle you always seemed to believe in."Cindy smiled as she sipped more wine. "I know it may be hard to believe right now, but in some ways I am healthier now than I have been in my life. We have a lot to talk about, and maybe I can offer you a means to relieve some of the boredom and dullness you are feeling bummed out about lately." "So then, tell me all about it. You have aroused my interest. If all I have to do to get out of my rut is to get fat, I think there must be a bit more to it. God knows going crazy with the kinds of food I like would certainly make me fat in short order, but I want to hear about what has been up with you, since you do look healthy, and you appear very happy too, so tell me what has been up with you?" Cindy looked around to see that the area in the restaurant was filling up. "Not here," she answered. "Lets go back to my place and open a bottle of wine there. We can talk all night and not have to raise our voices to be heard."With that they left the restaurant and Jessica followed Cindy home. Sitting on one of the couches in Cindy's living room, Jessica watched Cindy as she got glasses for them and opened a bottle of wine. It had been almost a full 3 months since they had seen each other last, and Jessica could not imagine how Cindy had gotten so fat in that time. As Cindy turned her back to her she couldn't believe how big her ass was. She must be wearing a size 22, Jessica thought as her friend came over to sit on the couch opposite her, and poured them both wine. "So, what all has been happening since we saw each other last?" Jessica asked. "I've become a balloon," replied Cindy very matter of factly. Jessica laughed. "You certainly have ballooned up. What did you do, go on a 10 week long foodie cruise?"Cindy smiled. "I know explaining myself here is going to take some time, and probably the best way to make you understand is going to be to show you the changes that have happened with me, and that I really am what I am telling you."With that Cindy took another sip of wine, and stood up unbuttoning the full loose blouse she was wearing. As she let it fall to the couch Jessica could see her full round belly straining against the waistband of her pants, and her now very large tits straining against her bra. Jessica had always had bigger breasts than Cindy, but not anymore. Her DD's looked like a teenage girl compared to Cindy now. "They are a size HH, in case you were wondering," said Cindy with a smirk. "Would you mind unhooking it? They have gotten so big tonight that it is hard for me to do it myself."Gotten so big tonight? Jessica's confused thought passed through her mind as she reached out and, with some effort unhooked the massive bra Cindy was wearing. Cindy sighed with relief as she let the bra slide off her arms onto the couch, and then turned to face Jessica who could not help staring. Her huge boobs stuck straight out from her chest, and bounced side to side against each other, but seemed to defy gravity as they didn't sag at all. "So, what do you think so far?" asked Cindy with a smile. "I am not sure what to think yet," replied Jessica. "I can't imagine how you managed to put on so much weight so fast. You have to close to twice the size you were when I saw you last.""OK, that is partly true," Cindy responded. "I am actually more that twice my former size, but I didn't do it by gaining weight. I did it by changing my body.""I presume that you are implying that you made yourself bigger somehow besides eating?" asked Jessica skeptically."Being able to become bigger is the main ramification of the change to my body, but not the only one. I guess I should demonstrate further to make my point," said Cindy over her shoulder as she turned and walked into another room. She returned a minute later dressed now only in her panties, and carrying a valved cylinder somewhat larger than a fire extinguisher that had a length of tubing attached ending in a thin rigid tube. Jessica continued to stare at her friend as she seated her big ass on the couch across from her. "I want you to know that I am still the same person I always was," said Cindy then, "but I have become different in this new way, but you and I have been friends a long time, and I hope we can stay that way." "I hope so too, but this change you speak of is confusing, and what you are saying about it seems like something out of a science fiction story," replied Jessica. "Yes," said Cindy then, "I suppose it does, and it is going to seem more so in a moment. I wasn't kidding when I said that I had become a balloon."With that Cindy took the thin rigid end of the tubing and slid it into her belly button, and then cracked the valve on the cylinder. The hissing sound was soft, but plainly audible to Jessica as she gasped to see Cindy's belly and tits expanding outward. Cindy continued to smile as she watched the look of incredulity on Jessica's face. Her eyes grew even wider as Cindy's ass and legs expanded causing her to ride up on the couch to where she was now beginning to look down on Jessica. By now she decided that she had made herself big enough to have made her point, and turned the valve on the tank off. "So what do you think now?" asked Cindy from her now very round face and very full lips. "Kind of hard to argue with what I am seeing after only two glasses of wine, but this is the sort of thing you expect to read about as the result of some experiment gone wrong," answered Jessica. "You say you made a conscious decision to become this way?""Absolutely I decided to become a balloon person," responded her friend with a big smile as she closed her eyes and stretched her arms out to run her hands over her nipples. Her now huge body shuddered a bit as a wave of pleasure swept through her, and for a moment Jessica was envious. "What does it feel like?" Jessica asked with a now very real curiosity. "At first it is a very strange feeling," replied Cindy. "You feel your body stretching and adjusting to itself, but you also notice how some sensations are more intense, and you have to become comfortable with it in stages, and you find that you can't wait for the next time when you can get big. The most intense feeling I have had, had to do with it was when I got big enough with helium to actually lift off the floor and float. That borders on orgasmic" she finished with a now bigger smile as she reached out to rub her nipples again. "Are you serious? You can inflate with helium and float?" Jessica asked in amazement. "Absolutely I can!" answered Cindy, "and it is an amazing feeling. For that matter, it feels pretty amazing to just blow myself up to the size I am now. The fact is that I am enjoying my body more, and in ways I never would have thought possible. Being a human balloon may not be for everybody, but it was definitely the best decision of my life."Jessica went quiet then as she thought about what her friend had said. Cindy sat watching her giving her nipples an occasional rub and closing her eyes as the wave of pleasure went through her now hugely fat body. "So how did all this happen?" Jessica asked finally. "I have never heard of any service that does to someone what you have had done to yourself.""There is an organization located in a small town a few hours from here. They are quite new, and are not mass marketing their service, as they are well aware that what they offer is not for everyone. They are on the order of a friends and family sort of business. As such they are a referral only business. A man I have been seeing brought me into the fold as it were. Only people that have become full customer members, or rather fully inflatable people can refer someone, and there is a process of screening to help you decide if it is really something that you want, and to determine if becoming a balloon person is a good fit for you."Jessica thought about this as she poured herself some more wine and sipped while looking at Cindy. As she was thinking she glanced down at the cleavage between her double D's, and then looked over at Cindy's massive tits which now defied being assigned a cup size, and she felt a twinge of envy again. She wondered what sex must feel like when one was inflated so large. Now that this thought had crossed her mind there was no not thinking about it, and having Cindy sitting there hugely inflated continued to feed that line of thinking. "So Cindy," Jessica said then, "Did we get together tonight just so you could show your new body off to me? Or, have you more in mind?"Cindy laughed then, her body shaking and shuddering as she shifted on the couch. "What do you think Jessica? Have you ever known me to just want to get together to show off or brag?" asked Cindy then. "After all, we have been friends a long time. I wanted to get together and talk about this because I thought it might be something that you would consider to maybe jog you out of this boring rut you complain about being in. It's more than just becoming an inflatable person. There is a community to it that you become part of, and there are some very different sorts of people in the community, although at this point it is a rather small community." Cindy continued. "But I will give you some information if you think you might be interested, and you can think about it. Of course I hope we can continue our friendship, and I will be happy to answer any questions that you may come up with." "Well of course we can continue our friendship," Jessica said. "I see nothing getting in the way of that, and I do feel flattered that you trust me so much that you decided to share it with me so soon after coming back. Did the process take the whole time you were away?""Most of it," answered Cindy. "There are several meetings and appointments with counselors you must go through first to determine if it is the right thing for you. The process itself takes two months during which you will continue to meet with counselors and coaches that are balloon people themselves, and will be helping you through the process. Then once the changes have occurred they will help you in learning to inflate by different methods, and help you get adjusted to your new body"."Sounds like an interesting two month vacation," said Jessica then, "I think I would like to know more about it, and think about it some more." "I understand. I was also rather leery of the idea myself, but at the same time when my friend demonstrated his inflating ability I found that I was also very excited by the idea," Cindy replied still smiling at her. "I will give you a basic information sheet, and we can meet up again when you want to talk about it more.""I think I would like that," said Jessica then, now returning Cindy's smile. Cindy gave her an envelope and showed her to the door. Just before she turned to leave, with an urge she couldn't resist, Jessica turned and gave one of Cindy's massive breasts a squeeze, and was amazed that it was warm and rubbery but also felt firm like a well inflated balloon. Cindy's eyes opened wide for an instant, and then she giggled. "You too can have boobs like this," she said as she gave Jessica a kiss on the cheek and closed the door after her. The next day at work Jessica kept having to tell herself to keep her mind on her work. As an accounts manager for so long she could almost do her job in her sleep, but this wasn't the same, as distracting thoughts about last evening kept intruding into her mind. She managed to finish most of her morning tasks, and was trying to stay focused as she sat in a meeting dealing with updating client accounts. She found herself glancing down at her cleavage, and daydreams of Cindy laughing as she rubbed her huge tits kept running through her head. As the afternoon wore on she was looking out the window and her imagination placed a hugely inflated Cindy floating by laughing and waving at her. That was enough she decided. Her work for the day was done here, at least she could shake up her boring life a little by leaving early. But after running some errands she found herself home and again began to think about the events of last evening. As strange as it was, she had to admit that it had excited her. She thought again of the warm rubbery feel of Cindy's inflated breast, and wondered how it felt to Cindy the first time she felt her tits blowing up. It seemed that Cindy couldn't help rubbing her nipples with Jessica right there, and it was obvious she was getting some serious pleasure out of that stimulation, thought Jessica. Just thinking about it she could feel her own nipples getting turned on by the thoughts. Enough, she decided, and went to take a shower and make some dinner for herself. Afterwards she slouched on her couch with a glass of wine to watch some TV, but soon she began to doze. She was sitting in Cindy's living room again, with hugely inflated Cindy sitting across from her, again with a big smile on her face. Only in this dream Jessica was dressed only in her panties like Cindy, but they were both again sipping wine. "Do you think you are ready to become one of us?" Cindy asked her. "I am excited by the idea," said Jessica, "but I am not sure that I want to become a big fat person.""You are letting your prejudices about language muddy your thoughts," responded Cindy. "Think of this kind of being fat as just being big and round without the negative aspects of it. People are almost programmed to be negative about the word fat in our culture."With that Cindy reached down next to her where the gas cylinder was and took the hose with the thin catheter and held it up in front of Jessica and looked suggestively at Jessica's belly button. Jessica's eyes went wide, but she had to admit to herself that there was a feeling of desire to know what it felt like as she looked at the tube. "It really is an incredible feeling," said Cindy as she slid the tube into her belly button. Jessica watched in fascination as she thought that Cindy was already huge. Still smiling Cindy opened the valve on the tank, and as she again heard the hissing sound, Jessica watched in awe as Cindy enlarged from huge to enormous. Her ass was now so big that her head was much closer to the ceiling, and her boobs were the size of small beach balls riding atop her bulging round belly. Her hand was still on the valve, and she turned it off then. "This is probably close to as big as I should get given the size of my living room," Cindy laughed. "You have no idea how good this feels or how much fun it is!"Totally fascinated, and seemingly unable to help herself, Jessica stepped around the coffee table and ran her hands over Cindy's ballooned out belly. "Go ahead Jessica," Cindy encouraged her, "explore what a human balloon feels like!"But by then Jessica was running her hands over Cindy's super sized tits, and, holding one in both hands began to lick and suck on a nipple. A sudden gasp followed by a happy squeal of pleasure erupted from Cindy as her vast body jiggled on the couch. "Oh God yes Jessica! Suck on it harder!" squealed Cindy. Jessica obliged, sucking harder on the gigantic breast and feeling herself getting turned on by it all. As Cindy squealed and shuddered she began to feel a strong vicarious pleasure as if she was now a balloon person. Suddenly Cindy shrieked in a long shuddering orgasm, her shuddering huge body going through visible waves of pleasure as her tits bounced about atop her huge belly. Jessica stepped back then, and sat back on the couch feeling very envious of what Cindy was now feeling as she watched Cindy's body continue to shake and bounce as she let out happy squeaks. The minimal stimulation it took to bring Cindy to this obvious level of pleasure was not lost on Jessica. Jessica suddenly awoke on her couch. The TV was still on, and she noticed she was quite yet aroused from the dream she had just had. Obviously some part of her mind was on board with the idea Cindy had planted in her head. It was still early enough in the evening, so she picked up the phone and hit speed dial for Cindy. Cindy answered on the second ring. "Good evening Jessica. How are you this evening?" Cindy answered cheerfully. "I have given last evening some thought, and I would like to talk some more when you have time," replied Jessica. "Certainly!" responded Cindy. "Did you look over the content of the envelope I gave you?" "Not yet," said Jessica, "but I will before we get together again. What works for you?""Tomorrow is out, but how about Thursday at my place again?" asked Cindy."Thursday would be good. Seven o'clock OK?""Seven will be fine," answered Cindy. "Bring the envelope I gave you and we can go over any questions you may have. Bye for now." Cindy hung up the phone, but not before Jessica was sure she heard a hissing sound in the background. She retrieved the envelope she had left on the kitchen table and sat down to look at the papers inside. PNEUMA-BODY FAQWelcome to PNEUMA-BODY ! This informational brochure will explain who we are and the services we offer, and will address the most often asked questions about our services, and what we can do for you. Q. What is PNEUMA-BODY ?A. PNEUMA-BODY is a company offering a unique process where you can become a human balloon, and enjoy the pleasure of life as an inflatable human being. Q. How does it work? A. Our patented process involves introduction of a specialized viral vector that will rewrite your DNA. The process will cause your skin, bones, and all your connective tissues to become extremely elastic and rubbery which will allow for you to inflate yourself. Q. How does the process work?A. The viral vector is administered in the form of an elixir twice a day over a period of 60 days. Over this time you will have an increased appetite as your body is changing and needs the additional energy. You will also sleep longer and more deeply as the process is happening. There is absolutely no pain or discomfort involved. Since it is important that the schedule is adhered to rigidly, you must come in to pick up your dosages on a daily basis. Taking too much at a time can result in problems with the process. Q. Is the process reversible?A. Following completion of the 60 day treatment you will have been made over completely into a human balloon, and the change is permanent. For this reason, prior to beginning the process we arrange special meetings with counselors and others that have become balloon people. This allows for you to fully explore the idea of taking this exciting step in changing your life, and decide if it is something you really want to do. Q. What kind of support does PNEUMA-BODY provide?A. We are very proud of our support! During the process there are regular meetings, either at our facility, or by video conference where groups of individuals that are going through the process meet with our counselors and other balloon people to talk about what is happening, and the changes as they are occurring. Even following your own transition to being inflatable you are welcome and encouraged to come to meetings anytime you wish to share your experiences, and provide insights for others that are going through the change, or are considering becoming inflatable people. Q. Once the change has happened, how is inflating accomplished? A. There are 2 ways to inflate: The first involves learning a breathing technique which you will learn from other more experienced balloon people. The second involves a very minor surgical procedure which is done when you have almost completed the process. The surgery involves a small incision and modification made into your belly button which will allow an inflation catheter to be inserted there. This will allow you to be inflated with helium to enjoy the full experience of being a human balloon. Q. How big will I be able to get? A. This varies with the individual, but once the change has completely manifested itself, it does take time and practice to allow your body to become used to being inflated. Over time you will find that you can become bigger more easily. It takes several practice sessions to where you will be able to inflate large enough to float. As part of PNEUMA-BODY's customer service for the process, we have inflation coaches to teach you inflation first by breathing technique, and will also guide you in inflating with air and later helium by way of using an inflation catheter via your belly button.Q. What about popping?A. This is a concern that everyone seems to have, but be assured that the body when it undergoes the change also adds safeguards against this possibility. If someone is trying to become as large as possible, and it is true that some people seem to be able to become bigger than others, when a certain critical volume is reached the body will vent the gas by way of available orifices. This can be both humorous and embarrassing at the same time. As for being punctured while inflated, the change causes the tissues to change in a way that the skin cannot stretch so thin that a body will totally pop. The gas is contained in a compartmentalized way so that only small amount of gas or air escape if a person is injured in such a way. Q. Does PNEUMA-BODY have other forms of body enhancements besides becoming inflatable?A. At this time PNEUMA-BODY is only offering the service of changing yourself into a human balloon. Our research and development department is exploring the possibilities of other enhancements, but such research must proceed very carefully, and as such we do not expect to be offering any other body enhancements anytime soon. Q. What are the advantages of becoming a balloon person ? A. The first and most obvious advantage is that with your newly rewritten DNA, there are many sicknesses and diseases that can no longer affect you, as such you will be able to lead a more active and healthy life. The more elastic nature of your bones and connective tissues will be less conducive to your sustaining severe injury in the event of trauma. Also, your new and more elastic skin is less prone to the wrinkling effects of aging, and being mildly inflated at all times will make you look plump and younger even as you age. Finally, being a balloon person is FUN !!! Being able to inflate yourself with helium will allow you to float in a state of total relaxation, although the obvious necessary cautions must be observed as being inflated with helium outside without being tethered properly could find you many miles away in the event of a strong wind. We cover all the aspects of life as an inflatable person in our series of interviews and meetings that you must attend to help you in making an informed decision as to if this is a good choice for you. The first interview and meetings are at no charge, and there is no sales techniques employed. It is important to PNEUMA-BODY that you are making the right decision for yourself if you decide to become a human balloon.Jessica sat back on her couch after reading the FAQ about becoming inflatable. She looked it over again carefully considering each point that was made and tried to think of other questions she might have about it. The ones that were most obvious to her were not the sort to be printed in an introductory brochure. She thought the motivation to learn more was inspired only by the way it was sexually turning her on, but then remembered how excited she was when Cindy told her about how she could inflate with helium and float in the air. That too was a major turn on, but not a sexual one. She had to be up front with herself, and to be honest she really found the prospect of becoming a balloon person to be like a very unique sort of adventure. With that she went to bed, and hoped she would have a dream like the one earlier. Thursday evening found Jessica again arriving at Cindy's home, and she was quite surprised when Cindy answered the door at very close to what she remembered as her more normal size. "Of course we can return to our normal sizes, or very close to it, just by letting the air or gas within us escape," Cindy explained on seeing the surprised look on Jessica's face. "But once you have had the experience of being inflated, it is hard to not go about your life at least somewhat blown up," she finished as they sat down again across from each other with a bottle of wine and glasses again between them on the coffee table. "As you may recall I was more or less a size 10-12 before my time away, but now I am slowly replacing my wardrobe with sizes 14 and larger," she continued. "After all, what is more fun than shopping for new clothes?" she asked with a smile as she poured wine for both of them. Jessica smiled as she reached for her wine glass and her eyes shifted from Cindy's smiling face to her boobs for an instant before looking back at her own now deeper cleavage. The thought occurred to her then that perhaps a lot of people she knew and thought of as overweight were maybe balloon people. Something she might find out more to do with later she decided as she looked again down at her DD's.Cindy caught the look and laughed. "Yes, for the moment you have bigger boobs once again, but that can change in a moment." So saying, Cindy took in a deep breath, much deeper than seemed possible, and then after a short exhale took in another seemingly abnormally deep breath. By the fourth of these deep breaths Cindy's breasts had begun to push against the fabric of her blouse, and were easily as large as Jessica's DD's. Yet another deep breath and Cindy's blouse was being pulled tight against the buttons. Jessica stared at them, and took a long gulp of her wine. Again Cindy laughed. "By now I hope you have gotten past the idea that you are going crazy or seeing things. For me I think it was even more strange as my guy friend was giving me demos of his abilities, and that was very strange at first believe me! When he inflated his boobs to the size of basketballs I was quite sure my brain was going off the rails." Cindy now took a long sip of her wine as well. "I am still kind of new at this too you know," continued Cindy. "I am working on better controlling my inflating abilities. The other night you saw me inflate my whole body, which is how it works at first, you kind of balloon up all over. But, over time you learn to control your body's areas of inflation. When I was first learning about this and getting the demonstration from my boyfriend, I am sure the look on my face was priceless when he inflated his boobs and ass to have an incredibly voluptuous body! After a moment I found myself so turned on we ended up having some of the best sex of my life, since he is also able to inflate other parts of himself too." Cindy finished with a wicked smile. "OK then Cindy, why don't you tell me how this process works?" asked Jessica then. "You did read the Q and A I gave you I presume?" asked Cindy as she looked at the envelope on the table between them. "Yes I did, and it is basic, and very straightforward as to what the process consists of. But I want to hear about your experience." said Jessica"OK then," said Cindy taking another long sip of wine, and another deep breath to further challenge the buttons on her blouse. "If you decide you are serious about this, I will arrange a meeting here at my place with several people that will be involved in the process. They will interview you, and ask you a lot of questions about yourself, and they will describe the process and what life as a balloon will be like. Since, as it says in the FAQ, once you go through it, there is no going back. I do want to point out that, as you have seen, you can deflate to your more normal size, and so no one who is not close to you needs to know your secret.""How do you deflate?" asked Jessica."Consciously it does require practice with an additional breathing technique which you will be instructed in. But also we lose pressure when we sleep. You can go to sleep hugely inflated, and wake up almost normal sized. As long as you are awake, you can consciously maintain your ballooned state at any size you want. Something about the relaxed state of sleeping makes us lose pressure and deflate." answered Cindy. "Anyway," she continued, "if your interview with the counselors and the coaches goes well, and you decide to go to the next step, I will bring you to the headquarters, and you will meet more human balloons and go through another interview process there. After that you will be told whether or not they think you are a good candidate to become a human balloon, but you will be given three days to think about it before you decide to start the process. Then, since it requires you be able to report to the headquarters daily for over two months, you will be given more time to make arrangements. I wouldn't worry too much about being rejected after the interviews at headquarters, as from what I understand, the initial interviewers are so good at what they do that almost everyone they have let move past the first meeting have been accepted." Cindy paused then and took another long sip of her wine as she looked carefully at Jessica. Jessica stared back, also sipping her wine. "So how did all this begin?" she asked finally. "How is it that this particular body modification was created as opposed to so many other things that medical science has been searching for? It seems strange to me that someone would go looking for a specialized way to rewrite someones DNA to make people inflatable.""That I cannot tell you," answered Cindy. "But you will learn that information if you do end up becoming a balloon person. It is part of our agreement when we join that we let people we bring in learn the details as part of becoming one of us. I can tell you one thing however: the virus that rewrites your DNA was created by Mother Nature, not some mad scientist working in a laboratory. Being told this made it easier for me to accept becoming part of the organization."Jessica poured herself more wine and thought about all Cindy had told her. She had to admit that the idea was more than interesting to her; it was exciting to her. As she sat and thought she suddenly noticed that the buttons on Cindy's blouse were straining to hold in her now much larger boobs. A moment later a button popped off and the blouse began to ride upward as her growing tits pushed outward. Cindy was sitting with her eyes closed and her wine glass in her hand breathing deeply. Almost reflexively Jessica looked down at her own boobs that now were diminutive by comparison to Cindy's. "So how big have you gotten yourself?" asked Jessica then. "By breathing technique perhaps a bit larger than I was the other night. But after they make it so you can use an inflation catheter, you want to get big faster so that becomes the preferred method," Cindy answered. 'But the biggest I have gotten is when I have been inflated with helium to float. Even though you do lose real weight when your DNA is rewritten and everything becomes more flexible and elastic, you still have to get quite large with helium to float."Once again the idea of floating freely as a helium balloon filled Jessica's mind, and the vision of her ballooned up self floating in the air excited her. She felt her nipples getting aroused and felt a growing warmth down in her crotch. She took another long sip of wine and suddenly came back to herself to see that Cindy had removed her blouse to prevent her ballooning tits from damaging it further. They weren't as large as the other night, but as then they stuck straight out from Cindy's chest pushing against each other from side to side, but were seemingly unaffected by gravity. Jessica couldn't help but stare at those huge boobs which excited her more. Cindy was looking straight at her with her knowing smile on her face. "So what do you think Jessica? Shall I sponsor you in this adventure?" she asked then. "Yes, I guess you should arrange for me to meet with whomever it is that is the first part of this adventure for me," answered Jessica. "I do hope it goes well.""Here's to us becoming balloon sisters!" toasted Cindy. Jessica raised her glass and clinked it with Cindy's and they drank to an inflatable future. "You know what Cindy?" "What's that Jessica?""I am not sure I want to be just a balloon." "Oh really?""Yes really. I think I want to be a blimp!" exclaimed Jessica. The two of them laughed loudly as they clinked glasses and drank again. Jessica's introduction interview took place the following Saturday at Cindy's home once again. She was seated back on one of the couches with a cup of coffee when Cindy ushered two women and a man in to join them. Cindy introduced them as Lisa, Gina, and Mark. While Gina and Mark were relatively normal sized, Lisa was quite large. She noticed Jessica looking at her and laughed. "In case you are wondering, I am not inflated, or at least very little. I was a big fat women before I became a balloon, so this is pretty close to normal size for me," Lisa told her. "So Jessica," said Gina then, "Cindy tells us she has given you the full demonstration of being a human balloon, and answered some of your questions. What can you tell me about your thoughts about the possibility of becoming an inflatable person?""It excites me incredibly," answered Jessica, her voice a husky whisper. "What aspects of the possibility excite you so much?" asked Gina then as Lisa and Mark exchanged a knowing smile. "Being inflated with helium to where I could float is a huge turn on for me, although I don't understand it exactly. When Cindy demonstrated her ability, and then told me it was possible to inflate with helium and float like a balloon I felt an excitement inside me that was almost orgasmic in nature," Jessica replied with her voice again husky, "and the more I have thought about it, just being able to alter my size and go from being as I am to an enormously large person has a strong allure as well. Almost like being a shape shifter.."Her interviewers again exchanged a knowing look before Lisa spoke: "The process is not all that difficult, but it is important that you are prepared to follow the program, and once begun you are going to complete it. We expect you to be very discreet about it as well. This is why we are very careful about those that we bring into our family as it were. We want those that join our organization to be fully happy about their decision, and to become part of it all.""It is important that you fully realize that this is a totally life changing decision you might be making, and that once you have embraced it, there is no going back," added Gina."I understand that as part of the process I have to report to your headquarters every day for two months," said Jessica, to which her interviewers all nodded. "But I need to know how long each day I would have to be there? I can probably arrange to work remotely for such a period of time, but I will have to be able to have the time to do my work.""You aren't the first person that has had to make such arrangements," said Mark. "We try to work with our clients in this regard. So usually there is a breakfast meeting every morning where you get your morning dose of medication, and you will meet with others that are going through the process, as well as coaches and counselors. These morning sessions are usually about two hours long. Then there are afternoon or evening sessions which also include dinner along with the second daily medication dose and further discussion with your inflationist classmates and the coaches. Since our facility is a few hour drive away, we also can make arrangements for you to have housing while you are going through the process."The interview went on for an hour or so, which included Jessica completing some forms, and signing some legal non-disclosure agreements, and then the three got up and shook Jessica's hand. "You will be notified in a few days one way or the other of our decision about your becoming a client," Lisa told her then. A remark that made Jessica just a bit nervous that she might not get approval. "If it makes you less nervous," said Gina, "I know Mark and myself were both a bit edgy at the possibility that we might not get accepted." Jessica received the invitation for the follow up interview at the company headquarters a few days later, and excitedly called Cindy. "Got my invitation for the follow up!" squealed Jessica into the phone. "That's great!" answered Cindy, and she could almost hear her smiling on the other end. "This will be both interview and introduction to the process if they feel you are the right fit. But don't worry too much, I think we are going to be balloon sisters soon enough."Jessica hung up with a smile, and called the number on the invitation to set up her appointment. The woman on the other end of the phone was pleasant and accommodating, and scheduled her for later in the week. After which she called work and arranged to take a personal day off. The town where PNEUMA-BODY was located was a small city about a 3 hour drive from Jessica's home, and she left early enough to make sure she would be able to find it OK.The building was a smallish 6 story office building on the outskirts of the town. She entered the reception area and was greeted by a plump and cheerful woman. She was asked to present ID, and given a form to complete while she sat in the very comfortable waiting room. I wonder if she is a balloon person? thought Jessica as she eyed how plump and voluptuous the woman behind the reception window was. She wasn't kept waiting too long before a very large woman came out and stood in front of her with a big smile on her face. Jessica looked up, and after a moment of confusion realized that it was Gina in front of her, only Gina was now obviously very inflated. "Took you a moment, didn't it?" Gina laughed, as she motioned Jess to follow her through a door where they were buzzed in, and down a very wide hallway. "Yes, it did," admitted Jess, "I guess it will take a bit of getting used to if I get accepted.""I wouldn't worry too much about that," said Gina then quietly, "Mark, Lisa, and I all thought you would be a good fit for becoming one of us, so you got a positive review from your first interview."Jessica smiled at that, and felt a wave of relief wash over her. The more she had thought about Cindy and the strange dream she had about her, the more the idea of making this change appealed to her. Gina escorted her to the end of the hall and through a wide doorway to a conference sort of room with a monitor on the wall, and a very large sectional couch surrounding a coffee table, and facing the monitor. Sitting on the couch were Mark, and several other people in obviously various states of inflation. All looked over at Jess as Gina escorted her to a spot near to the center of the couch. "Good to see you again Jessica," said Mark. "These men and women are parts of the team that may guide and assist you in your transition.""I am Molly," a multiracial woman at the end of the couch introduced herself. Molly was selectively inflated in a way that impressed Jess, with enormously inflated boobs, and an equally expanded ass and thighs, but she maintained a noticeably narrowed waistline. Mark nodded to her, and Jess noted that he still appeared of relatively normal size. The woman next to Mark was hugely inflated all over, and appeared that she could leave the floor for the ceiling any moment. She smiled at Jess and introduced herself as Candy. At the other end of the couch sat a man that appeared mildly inflated except for having boobs that approached the size of Molly's. He introduced himself as Sam. The session passed as an open sort of discussion about what were Jessica's thoughts about becoming an inflatable person, and she receiving input about the realities, and the need to be discreet about the many aspects of it. "Our community here is small right now, and the world is a crazy place," said Molly at one point, "and we are representative of a very different kind of people. I don't think you need to read much in the news to know that there are people out there that live to persecute others that are different, so we maintain a tight community for now. But we do enjoy ourselves," she finished with a smile. "OK," responded Jessica, "tell me about some of the things that are enjoyable.""From what I read of your first interview, you find the idea of taking different sizes to be very alluring. 'Almost like being a shape shifter' is how I read it." said Candy. "Of course this can make it just so. Add a wig and different makeup, and you really can appear very different on a daily basis."Jessica looked long at Candy, thinking that if she was a normal woman she would probably weigh over 500 pounds. The thought of being her size suddenly made Jess feeling very turned on. Candy smiled back at her as if she knew what Jess was thinking. "Did you all select your various states of inflation specifically for this meeting?" Jessica asked then. Candy's smile grew wider. "Some of us like to change ourselves frequently, and some of us maintain ourselves at a size and shape we feel comfortable in. Obviously we have to be careful to not suddenly appear in the world outside with a radical change in size, but when we are here we can be ourselves. I happen to prefer myself at a much larger size whenever I can. Molly has taken a form that she has parlayed into a means for making a very comfortable living."Jessica looked over at Molly with an obviously questioning look. Molly smiled and stood up then, her hyper voluptuous body much more apparent now than when she was sitting. She slowly turned so Jessica could take in a full view of her selectively inflated body. She was wearing black spandex pants that covered her massive bubble butt like a second skin, and while the blue top she was wearing was loose fitting, it could not disguise the enormity of her boobs. "In case you are wondering, I have to get my bras made at several places that specialize in custom sizes. I guess I would be somewhere in the realm of a V or W cup if such cup sizes existed although really I don't need a bra since inflated boobs don't really need support, but in the real world I wear one for the sake of appearances. My hips and butt I keep in the size 24 to 26 range, but I keep my waistline around 30 inches. I run a couple of soft core websites that I star in, and have some other models similar to myself that also perform on the sites. If you do a search for super hourglass women, you will find my sites. There is a remarkable market in the online world for almost anything, and as an inflatable woman with good control over my body, I fill a profitable niche market. Although as Candy says, we do have to be very discreet in the way we interact in the real world so I don't demonstrate my abilities online obviously," Molly finished still smiling at Jessica. "I can certainly appreciate that, and I do find it impressive the way you can inflate yourself," responded Jess. "How long does it take to learn that kind of control?""It is different for everyone," Sam answered then with a glance down at his own huge boobs before he smiled over at Jess. "My wife Lisa, who you met in your first meeting gets turned on by a husband with big boobs, so when here it is an easy way to make her happy, but it did take me quite a bit of practice to be able to gain the control over my body that I wanted."Jess looked Sam over and wondered for a moment what it would be like to sleep with a man with tits as big or bigger than her own. The session went on for several hours, and Jessica was hardly aware of the passage of time as questions were asked and answered, and anecdotes exchanged. Finally Gina ended the meeting. She escorted Jess back to the reception area telling her that she would be notified within 3 days of their decision, and reminding her of the non-disclosure agreement she had signed. "We take our privacy and discretion very seriously," Gina told her. "So don't talk about this with anyone outside of our community." "That implies that I can talk about it with Cindy, does it not?" asked Jess. "Yes of course, Cindy is part of our community. As I suspect you soon will be," smiled Gina as she buzzed her out to the reception area. As it happened it was less than 2 days later when Jessica got a phone call on Saturday morning. "Hello Jessica, this is Gina from Pneuma-Body," said the voice on the other end of the line. "Hello Gina, I wasn't expecting to hear back from anyone so quickly," responded Jess."Well it didn't take a lot of talking it over for us to decide that you would be a welcome addition to our community," answered Gina. "So when would you like to join?""Just like that?" said Jessica, barely able to keep the excitement out of her voice. "Yes, just like that," responded Gina, and Jess could almost hear her smile on the other end of the phone. "I have been talking to my manager, and I can make arrangements to work remotely starting later this week if that works.""Very good Jessica. You will receive several e-mails with instructions and information about housing options here in town. Let us know when you can be ready. If you can do it in time, we can be ready for you to start as early as next Saturday. We look forward to you joining us," Gina told her, and then ended the call.Jessica dialed Cindy then and left her a message to meet her for a drink if she was available that evening. She found herself so excited as she looked around her apartment and thought that her life was about to change amazingly. The following Friday Jessica made the trip back to the headquarters of Pneuma-Body and checked in. She was shown to an apartment building a short walk from the headquarters and settled into a comfortable apartment with instructions to report to headquarters for the introduction meeting and dinner that evening. On her arrival that evening she was given a badge for coming and going, and then escorted to a large room with many tables and large comfortable chairs. Candy and Gina waved her over to the table where they were sitting. Against one wall were steam trays where trays of food were being set up. The aromas from the food were very enticing she was noting as she sat down in an overlarge chair at the table. Gina and Candy were both inflated to a size to fill their chairs, and they greeted her warmly. "You are the first to arrive," said Candy. "You will be meeting a lot of people in the next week, and while you will interact with many coaches, but everyone who joins us is assigned to someone that is their personal coach as well. I am to be your personal coach or inflation trainer if you prefer," she finished with a big smile. "Sounds good to me," answered Jess looking at Candy and wondering how it felt to be inflated to such a large size. "Are there others that are joining today too?""Oh yes, you will have a balloon mate, and here she is," responded Gina as a plump and pretty woman with dark hair and eyes was being seated next to Jess. "Welcome Sophie," Gina greeted her. "This is Jessica who will be a balloon mate with you, and I am to be your personal inflation coach."As the pleasantries were exchanged, a woman arrived at the table with a tray of drinks, serving each of them. Following which they were told to help themselves to dinner at the steam tables. The evening passed as everyone enjoyed dinner conversation about themselves and how they came to be there. "So when does the actual process start?" Sophie asked Gina as they were having after dinner coffee. "It started when you drank that fruity drink you were served at the beginning of the meal," answered Gina with a smile. "Tomorrow when you come back for breakfast you will get another one. Every morning and evening you will get a glass of our special elixir. After every meal there will be meetings to talk about what is happening with you, so you will come for breakfast every morning, and then dinner every evening. From around 10 in the morning until 5 in the afternoon you are on your own which includes taking care of your own lunch. You should know that once the change begins happening you will find yourself eating a lot more to fuel the growth process, also you will find yourself sleeping longer and more deeply which is also a part of the process. Once the change is complete you will go back to your normal eating and sleeping habits.""Tomorrow morning when you come for breakfast the real process begins," said Candy then as she seemed to take a very deep breath and Jess suddenly noticed that her already huge breasts bulged further outward to strain the fabric of the suit she was wearing and showing much more cleavage than she had a moment ago. Jessica and Sophie could only stare as Candy and Gina laughed. As the meal ended everyone was given several one piece outfits the same as everyone they had seen was wearing. The only difference being colors. They appeared to be like one piece swimsuits with leggings attached. There were no zippers or hooks. "These are specially made from a unique plant material," Gina told them with a meaningful look at Candy. "They will fit loose for now, but they have the amazing property of being able to stretch to extremes as you can see. Once you reach the point where you can start to inflate yourself, you will wear only these when you are here." With that the dinner was over and the two balloon mates made the short walk back to the apartment building and said good night. For the next month Jessica settled into what she thought of as a comfortable rut. Breakfast with her balloon mate as they referred to each other, then meetings where they shared thoughts about themselves and what was happening as they were making this change in their lives. Sometimes they met new people that came to talk about aspects of making the change that they may not have thought about, and sometimes they just had a one on one session with their coach. They began to learn the special breathing technique by which they would be able to inflate themselves with air. Following this Jessica went back to her apartment to spend the next several hours working online. Sometimes she took herself out to lunch, and other times she went shopping to eat in. While she was working she practiced what she called her inflation breathing to where she found herself doing it unconsciously while she was working at her computer. Late afternoons they returned to what they came to refer to as the community building for more sessions with coaches and counselors, and then dinner. Every meal they had at their meetings began with a glass of the special elixir. Over the course of time they learned how the elixir had been discovered, and how the founders of the company had created the regime by which the process was completed in a manageable way. They were evaluated physically to note any changes. As they had been told, their appetites increased to where they were eating hugely. "If I wasn't working at becoming a balloon, by now I would be on my way to being a fat lady in the circus," remarked Sophie one evening after having eaten a massive dinner with second and third helpings of almost everything. Jess nodded in agreement, feeling quite stuffed herself at the moment and sipping her wine. At the end of the fifth week Candy entered the room where Jess sat waiting for her. She approached Jess and took a pinch of the skin of her arm and pulled. To her total surprise Jess saw her skin stretch inches away from her arm, yet she felt no pain or discomfort. "Good," said Candy then, "the change is happening to you quite well. Your skin is becoming more elastic. By now your bones are becoming this way too, as well as becoming more flexible. Also all your connective tissues are becoming more and more elastic." Jessica found that even though she was working while undergoing the process, her time here was feeling like a vacation in some ways. She and her balloon mates had become quite friendly as they looked forward to when they could actually inflate themselves. All had now demonstrated the changing of their bodies to be more stretchy and elastic. In the seventh week Jess was hunched over her computer trying to complete a spreadsheet. As usual she was unconsciously breathing in the way that would eventually result in inflating herself. She no longer thought about it, she just took in the slow very deep breaths and held them momentarily before exhaling. As she was focusing on her work she suddenly noticed that her bra and her pants seemed awfully tight. She looked down to see her boobs were pushing their way upward and outward. They had been a size DD, but now they were definitely a G or maybe larger. Her pants were constricting her waistline as well, and she could barely get her thumb in under them at the waist. She grabbed her phone and called Sophie who answered on the second ring with a: "Hey Jess, what's up?""I need you to come to my place quick!" Jessica replied with urgency. In less than a minute Sophie was knocking on her door, and Jess let her in. "Whoa!" exclaimed Sophie as she got a good look at Jess. "It happened to you! How wonderful!""Yeah, I guess it is," replied Jess a bit ruefully. "But I need help. My pants and bra are cutting into me, and I can't get them loose!"With that Sophie grabbed the front of Jessica's pants and pulled hard on the material around the button. Jess could feel the pressure in her making her expand in other places as Sophie pulled her pants to where she was able to loosen them and pull them down to her ankles. She then unbuttoned her shirt and worked her fingers under the bra strap to unhook it. Her bra released with a slight twanging noise as her boobs expanded a bit more now that they were unrestrained. Sophie stepped back and looked Jessica up and down. "Well look at you Miss First to Inflate," said Sophie with a big grin. "How does it feel?""Now that I am not being strangled by my own clothes it feels weird, but good. I was working and doing the breathing unconsciously I guess, and it just happened."With that she took a few more experimental deep breaths and as she exhaled she felt that some of the air had passed into her body as she felt herself expand a bit more. Her panties were now starting to feel very tight too, so with some help from Sophie she slid them off too. "I guess it's time I put on one of my inflation outfits," Jess said then as she walked into the bedroom and picked out a red one. It no longer fit loosely, and as they were told the fabric stretched easily to cover her now inflated form. Remembering Cindy suddenly as she pulled the suit up around her waist, she rubbed one of her nipples on an inflated breast and felt a warm tingle run through her body. Something to enjoy later she thoughtSophie was now making an effort at the breathing technique as Jess came out of the bedroom. "I am so jealous of you right now Jess," said Sophie still smiling. Jess was inspecting herself in the full length mirror in the living room, still doing her inflation breathing as she did so and feeling the suit stretching comfortably with her body's expansion. She noticed that the stretched fabric also was slippery where it rubbed against itself, so her fattened up thighs didn't seem like they would chafe as she walked somewhat awkwardly around the living room her hands exploring her now modified body as she did. "How big would you say I am?" asked Jess then. "Your boobs are at least an H cup I would say," answered Sophie, "and your ass is probably a size 20 or so.""It doesn't feel like I am getting any bigger now," said Jess with a note of disappointment in her voice. "I guess you need to talk to Coach Candy about that," said Sophie with a laugh. At dinner that evening Candy and Gina noticed Jessica's change from across the room as they entered. "Very good Jessica," Candy congratulated her. "I guess it shouldn't be long for you now Sophie. We can schedule you for your external inflation modification tomorrow, and you should be able to inflate by using the catheter in a few more days."This made Jess remember Cindy sitting on her couch blowing up hugely with her helium tank. The thought made her feel very turned on. Following dinner Jess had a short session with Candy where she explained that it took time and practice to get her body to stretch more, and not to be disappointed that she seemed to be limited in her size. "Your body is not completely changed yet, so there are times where you will seem to hit a wall as to your size. Not to worry though, I am sure you will be a full fledged balloon person well before this program ends in a couple more weeks. Also be aware that you will lose your inflation as you sleep, so don't be too disappointed when you wake up normal sized. It would be better for you to stay that way until after you have your procedure in the morning." Candy told her. The next morning Jessica was introduced to Thomas, and told that in addition to being a balloon person he was also a doctor. With a local anesthetic he performed the procedure to her belly button that would allow her to insert an inflation catheter when she healed up. Two days later Jess was again working over her computer when Sophie called. "Jess! It happened! I'm getting big! Come over quick!" squealed Sophie. On arriving at Sophie's apartment Jess saw a naked Sophie looking like she was hugely pregnant with very large boobs riding atop her growing belly. Jess gave her a moment of applause as Sophie continued to breathe deeply and making every effort to get bigger. "This is wonderful ! I love it !" squealed Sophie excitedly. "I can't wait until I can fill up with helium and float like a balloon !" Both of them then worked at their inflation breathing until they got as big as they possibly could before they seemed to reach that point where they could get no larger. As they left to go back to headquarters for the evening meal, they noticed that their sizes were very close to not getting through their apartments doors.Together they returned to the Pneuma-Body headquarters that afternoon for the evening dinner. Gina was pleased that Sophie had now made her transition, and she was scheduled for her belly button modification the next morning. The next day after breakfast Gina and Candy sat with Jess and Sophie. Jess happily inflated, but Sophie at normal size from just having had her procedure. "So ladies," Gina began. "Soon your transformations will be complete, and you will return to your regular lives. Although we know that things will not be the same for you for the rest of your lives. You still have a week of doses to go, and we will also be spending this last week practicing with you at inflating. By next Monday you will hopefully have gotten your new bodies adjusted to stretching out enough that we can have you inflate by way of your belly buttons.""So will we be using helium? Will we be able to float?" asked Sophie excitedly. "If all goes correctly, that moment will be when we know you are really one of us," responded Candy with a big smile. "You need to practice your breathing technique. Practice, practice, practice! If all goes well you should be stretched enough to get off the ground on your first try."The rest of the week Jess and Sophie worked at their breathing to become bigger and bigger. By the end of the week they were becoming too large to get through any doors in their apartments, and their heads were brushing the ceilings. They fell asleep each night in their living rooms and woke up mostly deflated on the floor. Sunday morning found Jess and Sophie sipping coffee after breakfast with their glass of elixir when a very inflated woman entered the dining room and approached their table. Watching her walk Jess thought she must be inflated with helium, as in spite of her size she walked with a bouncing step that took her feet from the floor for a second or so as she came toward them. Her massively inflated breasts were larger than Molly's, and rode atop a large beach ball of a belly, while an equally large bubble butt bulged out from her backside. She had shoulder length wavy blonde hair and smiled cheerfully at them. "Good morning ladies," she greeted them. "Since it is Sunday, and I know that you have been working hard all week to get your bodies adjusted to being balloon people, I thought maybe you might be ready to take the final step this morning?"Jess and Sophie both nodded with excitement obvious on their faces. "Very well then," said the woman, "I am to be your helium floating coach this morning. Follow me." She led them out of the dining room down a hall they had never been shown before, deeper into the building. They followed her watching her bouncing steps as she walked, fascinated by her size and the way she moved. "So far I know that you have only seen a small part of our headquarters," she told them as they followed her. "Since we try to keep our inductions of people in very small numbers, we don't need to utilize more than a small amount of the space we have. But also, since getting big and floating is what we are mostly about, we have the rest of the building devoted to that."At that she swiped her badge on a reader, and a big pair of doors slid open before them. Jess and Sophie followed her into a large room with many tanks lining the walls; some on carts. Looking up Jessica saw that they were standing in a large open area that went all the way up to the highest floor of the building. The second, third, and fourth floors were visible with safety rails around their perimeters that surrounded the open area, but after the fourth floor, the vast open shaft appeared to end in a large empty space over four floors above. Their escort wheeled a tank over to the middle of the area, and then another. She took the hose of each one in her mouth and squeezed a valve near the end. They heard a hiss as she took some helium from each hose in through her mouth. "Yum, good helium," she said with a smile in a now very high and squeaky voice. "So, I know you have been practicing with your breathing technique, and I know that you have had your body modifications made to accommodate an inflation catheter, but you should know that you can take helium in by mouth in a similar way to blowing up by breathing technique, but it also takes practice."She then attached what Jessica knew to be the special catheters to each of the tank hoses and handed a hose to each of them. "You will notice that each of your suits has a velcro flap in front that should be positioned to allow for access to your belly buttons. I know it will feel weird, and even a little uncomfortable at first, but slide the catheter in slowly a couple of inches."Jessica and Sophie complied, both of them grimacing a bit as they did. "Now," the woman instructed, "squeeze the valves on your hoses. They are regulated to a low flow rate, so you will inflate slowly."Jess and Sophie did as they were told, and felt the gas moving inside of them as it moved to start expanding their bodies. They reached the point where Jess was sure she was as large as she had ever gotten in the past week, and she stopped for a moment to feel the way her body was pushing out and filling up her special suit. Sophie had her eyes closed, and a dreamy smile on her face as Jess watched her growing bigger. The woman that was coaching them now was smiling as she watched Sophie, and Jess squeezed again on the valve and felt her expansion continue. "OK Sophie, stop for a moment," the coach said, "you are at what we call the tipping point."Indeed, Jess looked to see Sophie bouncing on her toes, and without any apparent effort she was lifting up off the floor a few inches before settling back down. Seeing this Jessica squeezed as hard as she could on the valve in her hand, and in a moment more felt herself able to kick up a few inches before drifting back down. Their coach reached out with both hands and gave their valves a long squeeze then, and Jess felt herself swelling past any size she had previously reached. At the same moment Sophie gave a squeal of happiness as she began to rise off the floor. The coach continued to allow helium to flow into them a moment longer before Jess felt the catheter pulled from her as she and Sophie rose slowly into the air together. Jessica watched the floors pass as she rose up the shaft, feeling a sense of intense pleasure. The air currents spun them slowly as they drifted upward. As she passed the rail of the fourth floor the currents moved her over slightly and her right breast brushed the rail as she passed it. Jess suddenly had an intense rush of pleasure radiating from her nipple and all through her body. She gasped, and then heard a chuckle from below as she realized that their coach was watching them rise. They reached the large open area at the top, and Jess saw that the top two floors had been made over into one very large open area. Here the air currents changed with air blowing gently downward to keep them from bumping the skylights in the ceiling. The moving air had the additional effect of causing them to move slowly around the room, rotating very slowly. Jess looked over at Sophie and saw she again had her eyes closed as she drifted away from the actual shaft toward one side of the room with Jess floating slowly after her. Sophie bounced against the wall and rebounded lazily back toward Jess. In a flash of mischief Jess reached out as Sophie bounced up against her and gave her nearest nipple a tweak. Sophie's eyes popped open as she let out a long gasp of pleasure. "Oooooooooh! That was wonderful!" squeaked Sophie. "I am soooooo happy to be a human balloon!"They were now unable to see anything below their hugely ballooned breasts, but they heard a hissing from below, and a moment later their coach floated up to join them with a big smile on her face. "So, how are you liking the experience?" she asked with a smile. Jessica and Sophie both voiced their pleasure and happiness with their first float. "So," said the coach then, "this is both our place to train, but also a place of relaxation for all of us. Sometimes we hold meetings up here. You will find that you will sometimes feel such a need to balloon up and float that you will want to come back here to enjoy the experience. As full members of our community now, you are welcome anytime. For now you may as well just relax and enjoy the experience. As you know, you will lose pressure and slowly descend should you fall asleep. This final week, we will teach you how to voluntarily deflate, so you can return to your more normal size anytime you need to."With that, the coach closed her eyes as an air current caught her and she drifted away toward the opposite wall. Jessica found herself feeling very dreamy as she also drifted toward a wall, but the air currents seemed to be moving her around the room as she spun very slowly around. She felt something bump into her, and turned to see Sophie also looking dreamy. Together they bounced off the walls as they moved around the room. Jessica noticed that they were approaching a section of wall that had large pictures on it. The first was a very tanned man in a mild state of inflation wearing a skirt like outfit with straps that crossed his chest and went over each shoulder. The second was a darker skinned woman with thick black hair and a dazzling white smile, and whose breasts were hugely inflated and riding atop a big round belly. The third was another man, not quite so tanned as the first, but he was quite largely inflated as well, and looking very happy about it. As they approached the fourth picture, Sophie, who was ahead of Jess, suddenly gasped: "Jess! That woman in the picture is our coach!"The woman in the picture was, as the others, quite inflated, and was smiling at the camera, her long blonde hair draped about her ballooned out shoulders. But it was unmistakably their inflation coach. They noticed then that above the pictures was a large plaque with the words: FOUNDERS WALL on it, and all the pictures had name plates under them. The plate under the blonde woman was inscribed: Loona. A chuckle came from their coach who was drifting along the wall behind them."I guess I should have introduced myself earlier. Sorry about that," said the woman they now knew as Loona with a big smile on her face. "I had heard your name mentioned a couple of times before," said Jessica then. "Isn't Loona a shortened form of another name?"Loona chuckled then. "My full name is Balloona. Very appropriate you think? I adopted the name as a stage name of sorts back when I had a small business as an inflatable clown doing kids parties. After I became fully adjusted to the change that had happened to my body, I had my name legally changed.""Since you are a founder, how was it that this happened to you?" asked Sophie with obvious awe in her voice."Well, since we have a lot of time to just enjoy our relaxing float around up here, I will tell you the story of how it happened to me, and how PNEUMA-BODY came to exist."As the hours passed, Jessica and Sophie spent a dreamy time drifting about the floating area of the PNEUMA-BODY building being entertained with the long story that began with Balloona the Clown; but interspersed into the story were many side story anecdotes, and some digressions to fill in the gaps. Jess and Sophie asked a few questions along the way, but by the time the twilight of evening was appearing outside the windows, they knew the history of the organization they were now a part of quite well. "Time for the evening meal and meeting," said Loona then, and then proceeded to demonstrate how to allow the gas in them to be released voluntarily. Reluctantly Jess and Sophie followed her example to where they began to slowly drift back down to the first floor below. Both only had released the minimal amount to get down, so they were yet quite large. Loona smiled her approval at this. The final week at PNEUMA-BODY was spent in meetings and practicing deflation techniques. "You never know when you might need to return to a normal size in a hurry," Candy told them. The last day they were given their permanent cards of membership and badges to get into headquarters whenever they wanted. Each was also given their own tank of helium and several of the super stretchy inflation outfits. Sophie and Jessica hugged each other as they parted company and made plans to stay in close contact. Jessica made the long drive home, but as soon as she got unpacked she dialed Cindy's number. "Hello," said Cindy's voice on the other end. "Hello Balloon Sister," said Jessica. "Got time this evening for some wine?""Absolutely!" said Cindy. "Your place or mine?" "I think mine is better," replied Jess with a smile on her face. "I got more room.""I'll bring my tank," laughed Cindy as she hung up the phone.
blowkiss, head inflation
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Other Inflation
If nothing else, Aggie was considerate of her friends' concerns. After they staged an intervention regarding how she remained at home getting high with alarming frequency, she promised to change her ways. She would no longer sit around by herself doing drugs and, indeed, would no longer do them unless someone offered her some first. This "social user" behavior, she explained, would completely eliminate the problem. It did, insofar as she now spent all her time at other peoples' places getting high. Kaylee's inclusive, who learned quickly how to accommodate Aggie. "Hey Aggs. Wanna get wasted?" "Fuck yeah I do," Aggie replied. As she walked through the dormitory door she tossed a plastic bag to Kaylee. "Brought ya a gift." "Thanks." She turned the bag over in her fingers as she inspected it: There was quite a bit of cannabis, but the edges of the leaves faded to a dull orange. It didn't look bad, just different. "This a special breed?" "Fuck yeah. 'Hundred Rem.' My guy says it's nothin' like anythin' else out there." As she entered Kaylee's room she asked, "th' hell there's so many balloons in here?" "Don't worry about it," Kaylee replied, a bit too quickly. "Let me go get one of my bongs. And don't pop any." Some time later they were both sitting beside Kaylee's bed in a state of euphoria, filled with an all-permeating sense of relaxation. It was both physical and mental, far deeper than either had felt before, bordering on a spiritual, almost transcendent experience. Aggie giggled. "I am so fuckin' baked right now." "I know." Kaylee leaned her head back, resting it on the edge of the bed as she stared at the ceiling. "We must've been high for hours." She glanced over at the clock. "I think it's been fifteen minutes." "Wow." As Kaylee turned her head her eyes fell on the bong in Aggie's hands, and an idea gradually formed. "Hey, why don't you, uh..." Her train of thought trailed off briefly before returning. "...shotgun a hit for me." In response to Aggie's blank stare she tapped the rim of the bong, then her lips. "Like this, you know?" She nodded in comprehension before laughing quietly to herself, raising the mouthpiece to her lips. Inhaling, she began to pull in a lungful of smoke; had Aggie been more lucid she would have realized that her body would have stopped her at some point, but it didn't, and neither did she. Thus, she began to swell, the T-shirt across her belly smoothing out as a pronounced curve made itself known. As she grew larger a thin band of skin poked out, the edge of her clothing catching on her navel piercing and pulling tight before finally freeing itself, sliding up out of the way of her body's progress. None of this went unnoticed by Kaylee, who was watching as her friend's soft bubble of skin took up more and more space above her crossed legs. Leaning over, she gave it a tap, causing it to let out a hollow-sounding "boompf." "Aggs," she said, awed, "you're getting huge." Aggie pulled the bong away from her mouth, holding her lips together as she set it down. Turning to Kaylee she took her by the shoulders, pressed her lips to her open mouth and blew. A warm mixture of smoke and breath entered Kaylee's mouth, and she found her cheeks puffing out to contain it as Aggie exhaled into her. They bulged, at first massively, then comically, two growing balloons on either side of her mouth. Her lips grew plump and thick, pursed together in an "o" shape that cushioned Aggie's own. Just as a dim, distant part of her brain realized that something unusual was happening it was silenced by a sudden rush of stupefaction as her face rounded out, head surging several inches in all directions before her nose and ears grew thick and bulbous with a trio of barely-audible "pop"s. Her vision went fish-eyed as her line of sight grew higher and the world around her grew smaller, bit by bit, Aggie's lips feeling minute against her own as she was forced to rise to her knees to maintain the shotgunning-turned-blowkiss. Smoke trailed from her mouth as Aggie pulled away and fell onto her haunches, visibly dazed. She wobbled, eyes going unfocused for a few seconds before shaking her head, staring at Kaylee for a moment before cracking up in laughter. "Whub?" Kaylee's tongue felt thick in her mouth. "Whub suu fubby?" "Your head!" Aggie giggled. "It's so -big!-" She turned her head towards a nearby mirror, finding there to be more inertia to it than she was used to as it rocked to a stop. It was at a scale that could put beach balls to shame, absolutely dominated by her cheeks with every feature and curve round. There was even a fluffiness to her hair that wasn't normally present, and as she exhaled through her nose she thought she could see a faint wisp of smoke, but she wasn't really sure. It -was- kind of funny, though. "Hey," she heard someone say. Looking down, she spotted a small, nude, green latex woman, her midsection blown up to the point where she resembled a balloon with a head, hands, and feet. "You gonna introduce me to your friend or what?"
balloon, first person, voodoo, women inflating men
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
My mom's boyfriend, Dave, was a real creep. I mean, he was almost old enough to be my father, but he totally had the hots for me. Of course, he didn't say anything or do anything to suggest that he wanted me. He didn't even look at me that much. But I was a hot young redhead, and I knew he wasn't gay, so he must have liked me, the sick old creep! At first, I tried to expose his lust for me by wearing a lot of tight clothes around him and bending over in front of him, that sort of thing. But he didn't go for it. He still pretended that he was interested only in my mom. So when my mom was away, and he was left to supervise me, I made my move. He was sitting on the couch, reading, when I jumped on his lap and started kissing him all over. He pushed me away, saying that he was flattered, but he was dating my mom and was too old for me. But I hasten to add that he took a few seconds to push me away, so I knew for sure that he wanted me. What a sicko! So I decided to get rid of him. I pretended that I was cool with his rejection and left, but I came back a little later with a bag of balloons. "Don't mind me," I told him. "I'm just going to blow up some balloons." "No, I don't mind," said Dave. (He wouldn't, either, the dirty old man!) First I blew up this bright pink balloon. In my peripheral vision, I saw Dave watching me. Oh, he pretended not to be paying attention, but I caught him looking at me, or my balloon, from time to time. I lay on my back, my hair sprawled out on the carpet below me, as I raised the balloon toward the ceiling, taking deep, passionate breaths before putting them into the balloon. The balloon got quite big, and I began hugging it to my chest, sighing as I cuddled it to my body. I drew my hand over it, causing it to squeak. Then I licked it before blowing into it again. Dave really was paying attention now. He wasn't even pretending to ignore me. He tried to come across as just curious, but he must've been bursting with desire at that point. He squirmed a bit on the couch, and I figured he was getting a huge boner. I kept on blowing up the balloon. It was huge now, and it was hard to hold onto it. But I kept at, making it bigger and bigger with every breath. It was so big and tight, and my heart was pounding, but I kept putting breath after breath into it and finally...POW! It popped from my hand, sending pink fragments all over. I panted a bit, being a little out of breath. "You like that, Dave?" Dave still sat there calmly, suppressing his unbearable lust. "Well, it is a little difficult to read if you're going to be popping balloons all night." Ha! He wanted me to leave the room so he could masturbate! That proves he wanted me, and that he deserved everything that was coming to him. I pretended not to notice his feigned "objection." I reached into my bag of balloons and pulled out a big white one. "Ooh, look at this big one," I said, holding it up for him to see. "You know what I'm going to call this one? I think I'll call it Dave." I reached toward a nearby coffee table and picked up a magic marker, which I used to write Dave's name on the balloon. "See? This balloon is you now, Dave!" "That's nice," he said. "Oh, you don't know yet how nice it is," I said, smirking. I kept my eyes on him as I entered my breath. I put my lips around the mouth of the balloon, blowing into it, causing it to make a gentle "shoowmp" sound as it rapidly plumped up, the way balloons do when you pump that first breath into it. But in this case, the sound came not only from my balloon, but from Dave. Shoowmp! Just like that, both my balloon and my mom's boyfriend inflated, firming up with that first breath. Dave looked down at his torn shirt, ripped from the sudden expansion of his middle. "Oh my god! What happened? How did you do that?" I shrugged. "Like this," I said, and blew my second breath. The balloon easily doubled in size, and so did Dave. He rapidly turned into a balloon ball on the couch, already nicely rounding out along with my balloon. His expanding belly had already knocked over the coffee table. "Bad Kitty!" he yelled at me. "Stop that right now!" "No," I said, and I blew up my balloon some more, causing him to swell and swell. "Ohhhhh!" he said as he rapidly grew, now much bigger than the couch he had been sitting on. I paused for another breath, but Dave said, "Kitty! I mean it! Knock it off or I'll tell your mother!" "But Dave," I said, "I'm just getting started! My balloon isn't even half as big as I want it. In fact..." I flashed him my mischievous smile. "Remember what happened to that pink balloon? I want to do the same to this one!" "No! You can't be serious!" "Just watch. Watch and inflate!" I puffed again and again and again! He grew and grew and grew! He was quickly filling up the living room. "Kitty! I'm serious! I feel like I could pop!" I scoffed. "Oh, please! If this balloon can get bigger, then you can too. And I'm going to blow this a lot bigger. Much, much bigger! Wanna see?" "No!" But it was too late, because I had already inhaled. And then I exhaled into the balloon, and Dave whined again as his growth surged forward again, this time growing so large he was nearing the ceiling. I took the big, full, white balloon of mine and held it up to Dave. "See how big it's getting? I'm going to make it even bigger. It'll be huge. And you are going to be enormous!" I blew and blew, watching with satisfaction as Dave's panicked face bulged out from the increasing air pressure. He swelled so large that the walls were confining his growth. He made some rubbery stretching noises as he collided with the walls and the ceiling, his body wanting to expand more but meeting too much resistance. "Oh, god! Kitty, it's too much! You can't keep blowing me up! I'll burst! Please!" Well, you know how I love it when they beg, so I decided I didn't want to pop him until I had my fill of tormenting him first. I tied off the balloon and drew my hand across it, making a loud squeak. Dave let out a squeak at the same time. "Cool!" I said, giggling at the expression on Dave's face when he realized I could do other things with the balloon than just blow him up. I squeezed the balloon a bit with my hands, and Dave's sides concaved a bit, as if two giant hands were squeezing him. "Uhh!" Dave groaned, the pressure on his sides causing him to bulge out in other areas, including his head. It looked so funny! I just started laughing wildly! "Why are you doing this to me?" he pleaded again. "Well, you said you didn't like me," I told him. "Oh! Uh, o-of course I like you, Kitty!" "Ha! I knew it! You're attracted to me!" "No! That's not what I meant. I meant, I liked you as a person." I gave him a disbelieving grin. "Well, now, Dave, that's just a lie. Tell me the truth: that you have the hots for me." "Is that what this is all about?" I squeezed the balloon. "Tell me!" Dave groaned again from the strain. Finally, his bloated head bobbed a bit, as much as it could do without a neck. "O-okay, Kitty. Here's the tr-truth." He looked away from me for a moment, trying to come up with the words. "The truth is, I was just interested in your mother." I held up the balloon and poised my nails over its fragile skin. "Wait!" said Dave. "I was only interested in your mother, but then..." "Then I kissed you and you fell in love with me?" "No," Dave pressed on. "But Kitty, when you started blowing up that balloon...I could feel it. I mean, feel it down there, like you were giving me the best blow job in the world." I laughed, but he sufficiently amused me that I allowed him to continue. "And it felt good, Kitty. Really good. And when you started to blow me up, it was a surprise at first. But as I got bigger, I felt more and more of your warm, moist breath inside me. I can still feel it now, and it feels wonderful! But I don't want to burst, Kitty, so please don't pop me! I'll let you make your balloon anytime, but I'm begging you: Don't make me burst!" I pretended to think about it. "So do you like having me blow you up?" He swallowed. "Y-yes." I stepped closer. "And do you like it when I hug this balloon like this?" I pressed the balloons to my chest, and Dave's front flattened a bit, as if two giant breasts were pushing into him. "God, yes, Kitty! I feel your breasts all over me when you do that!" "How about this?" I knelt down and gently sat on the balloon. Again Dave felt squeezed, and his voice came out in a loud squeak, his face totally red. "Yes," he peeped, wheezing. "God, yes, I love that!" I giggled and bounced gently on the balloon with my rear. Dave groaned and let out some dangerous squeaking noises. But his head bobbed again. "Kitty! Your ass is beautiful!" "It is, at that," I admitted. Then I stood back up and ran my hands over the balloon again, gently this time, before placing a long wet lick across it. Dave's eyes closed in ecstasy. "It's too much, Kitty! I love it! I love being a balloon! Do you hear me? I LOVE BEING A BALLOON!" I smiled devilishly at him. "And do you love me?" His eyes still closed, he nodded as best he could. "Yes, yes, yes! I love you, Kitty! I love you and I want you bad!" "You pervert!" I shouted at him, losing my smile. "You're old enough to be my dad, you sicko! What kind of creep hits on his girlfriend's daughter? Mom won't be sorry in the least when you're gone!" "No," he gasped. "Please! I'm sorry!" "Not as sorry as you're gonna be," I said, and I picked up a nearby pin from my mom's sewing kit. "And in just a second, you're gonna be nothing at all!" "Please! Kiiiiiit-tyyyyyyyyyyyy!" That was the noise he was making when I tossed the balloon into the air and thrust the pin into it, popping them both. Brianna and Baby just stared back at Kitty for a long while. At last Baby said, "That...was the cruelest inflation story I ever heard in my life." Kitty bit her lip and looked sheepishly down at her drink. Then Baby held up her hand. "Gimme five!" Kitty smiled and slapped her palm. Brianna patted Kitty's back. "That was the best one yet, girl!" "Twern't nothing," said Kitty, shrugging. "So, you gals still think you're getting tired of popping guys?" Baby laughed. "Instead of binge-drinking, I say we go binge-popping!" "Ah," cooed Brianna, in her sultry voice. "But where to begin?" The three exchanged knowing glances before rotating in their seats to face the remaining male customers in the tavern. The men had been watching the ladies nervously, looking for their chance to escape. Now it was too late, and several of the men, despite their strength and size, audibly swallowed. "Gents," Baby announced. "We're here to pop bubble gum and pop some guys. And we're all out of bubble gum...!"
curse, magic
Female Inflation
When Valerie first stepped into the old bookstore, a smell of mildewed paper slapped her in the face. A bell rang on the door, signaling her entrance, which made the man at the desk look up. He eyed the young beauty, noting the skimpy halter-top she was wearing on this warm spring day. It pushed her large breasts together, forming some spectacular cleavage that the elderly gentleman hasn't witnessed in decades. "Come in, young lady," he said gesturing her to enter the store. "Hi there," she said in a bubbly voice. "I'm trying to find a book on Celtic mythology to help me complete a report. Do you have anything like that?" "I just might," the old man said smiling. "The mythology is on the far left bookshelf, and there is a book entitled 'Vaevilto Azmartis.' It's a mouthful, I know, but it has a lot of information on Celtic myth. I just got it in last Friday." "Thanks, I guess," she said as she walked away. The man casually gazed at her buttocks as she sauntered away. "Boy, that old coot sure wasn't much help," she said to herself. "A good clerk would actually get it for me." Valerie thumbed through the dilapidated tomes trying to locate something that might be of help. The bell rang again and Valerie looked around the bookshelves to see a smiling young man speaking to the merchant. "Good afternoon, Mr. King," the elderly gent said. "It's been a while, Mr. Ostrum," the man said with a wide grin. "How is the shop holding up?" "Slow as always. In fact, this is the first time two customers have been in here in the same time." "Oh, you have someone else in here?" the man said scanning the store with his crisp blue eyes. "You're right, that is a first. I think I'll take a look. I'm actually trying to find an old Celtic book called Vaevilto Azmartis. Do you have a copy?" "Actually," Mr. Ostrum said as his gaze followed the young beauty up to the front. "I think that young woman there has my only copy." Mr. King looked over to the blonde haired girl with a puzzled look. What would this woman want with an old Celtic spellbook? "I'd like to buy this," she said looking dead at the younger man. "Excuse me, miss, but is there any way I could barter with you on that book?" "No thanks," she said sternly. "I need this book for an important report I'm doing on the war between Christians and Protestants in Ireland." "What?" the man said looking shocked. "What help would a book on Celtic... er... myth be about the war in Ireland?" "Plenty," she said unfolding a twenty-dollar bill from her purse. "Well, young lady, maybe I could direct you to another book," the old man started to say. "No, I want this book. Celtic mythology will help me understand why the two religions battle each other. Now, is $20 enough for this piece-of-shit book, or what? Am I going to have to consult the BBB on this establishment? Favoring one customer over another is discrimination, in case you haven't heard. Not only that but I could have your ass in a sling for staring at my breasts like you are right now. Okay? $20? Good. Have a nice day." And with that, she left an awestruck shopkeeper and a young blonde-haired man with his jaw hanging as if it was unhinged. "Son, women like that are nothing but trouble. Shallow trouble." "Who on earth does that woman think she is?" Mr. King placed his hand on his cheek and his other hand under his elbow. "I'm going to teach her a lesson." "Don't be too rough on her, it'd be a shame for a behind like that to go to waste." "Oh, don't worry Mr. Ostrum. Her behind won't be going very far. And neither will her waist." With a chuckle, they parted. The young man caught the woman walking down the street towards a parked car. "You there!" he shouted. Valerie turned around and immediately grimaced. "Stay away from me, you creep. I'm this far from kicking you in the grapes and screaming 'rape' if you don't leave me alone." "Wait a second, I just wanted to see if I could persuade you into relinquishing your book. I'll pay you double for it." "Why do you want it so bad? What's so important about it?" "I find the Celts very interesting. Not only that, but there's a fairly important incantation on the fourteenth page I've been dying to try out." "Incantation?" Val said flipping into the fourteenth page. "Viizta Corpulassium Gobiderpustro? What on earth does that mean?" "It means payback for all the people who you've treated poorly in your life. See you later, girlie. I'm sure I'll have my hands on that book soon enough. And, by the way, don't make a bigger ass of yourself. And I stress the word bigger." With that, Val felt a strange tug on her halter-top. She gazed down only to notice her cleavage was deeper and more bountiful. She slid her hand down her side only to notice her hips were slightly plumper and less toned. As was her backside. She brought her hand back up her svelte tummy only to notice that it was actually slightly bloated. "What have you done to me?" "I just got you into a bigger mess that you can handle." Her belly pooched out a bit more and her pants grew tighter. A growling hunger also began to fester in her stomach. "Also, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. Hey, is your belly getting bigger? Oh, my goodness, you're getting bigger by the minute." Val's body began to swell with each utterance of the word "bigger." Her belly bulged over her pants, which were getting increasingly tight. Her breasts were overflowing from her top. Her arms and face became fuller than before and her eyes showed a mix of fear and confusion. "What's happening to me?" she said kneading her soft belly. "What did you do to make me bigger?" Before she knew it, her belly puffed out more and she could feel the fabric of her pants grow tighter. "If I were you, I'd stick to the word fatter as opposed to... dare I say, bigger?" There was a slight tearing sound coming from Valerie's butt as the fabric gave way to the growing flesh. She threw the book at him with a shriek of disgust and struggled to fit into her car. She was so used to her slim figure fitting in her car with the driver seat pushed so close to the steering wheel. She adjusted the seat, started the car and left the mysterious malefactor in her dust. Val sped home as fast as she could, her mind ablaze with questions. There has to be some way to reverse the affects of that incantation. If only she hadn't given the book to that jack off. Why was this happening to her? How would she explain this to Eric? She pulled into the Bellyburger drive-in. She was so hungry that her stomach felt like it was on fire. She was fat anyway, so why cut the starving-yourself-to-get-thin crap. "Welcome to Bellyburger, where are burgers are guaranteed to make your belly bigger (her breast flesh was pushing the halter-top tighter and her belly was beginning to become a big round pot) or you still have to pay for your meal. This is Meagan, may I take your order?" "Yes, could I have five Double Bellyburgers with extra fat sauce, two orders of Big Thighfries a Double Chocolate Chubbyshake and a Cherry Pudgepie. Binge size those, please." "Alright, your order comes to $19.71 at the first window. Thanks and have a Bigger (her belly oozed its way onto her thickening thighs) Belly Day." At the first window, she seized her meal and threw a crumpled twenty at the dumbfounded burger-flipper. By the time she reached her apartment, her belly was uncomfortably full, bulging even further outward. She made her way into her dwelling and quickly unlocked the door. She absolutely did not want anyone to see her in this condition. There was no way she would live it down if the cute guy across the hall saw her in this condition. Once inside her apartment, she struggled to remove her clothes. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her once slim figure was nearly twice the size it was this morning. Her face was developing a double chin, her arms were fleshier, her breasts were fat and spherical, her belly was a bloated flesh-balloon dotted by a deep navel, her thighs were pushed together and rubbed when she moved and finally, her butt kept its rounded shape, but just on a larger scale. "Why did this happen to me?" she said rubbing her bloated gut. She moved to the bathroom and stepped on the scale. The red numbers "240" shone with pride. She moaned loudly and stepped down from the scale. She sorted through her clothing in her closet only to find that no outfit or undergarment fit her but her pajamas but even those were slightly tight. She moved clumsily under her new weight into the living room and collapsed on the couch, which creaked under the stress. Her answering machine flashed with two new messages. "Message #1: 'Valerie, this is your mom. I'm just calling to check up on you. I hope everything is okay, and that you're getting that bigger (she clutched her belly and felt it grow bigger) pay raise. Bigger (she felt her gut and breasts stress the buttons of her pj's) money means a bigger (she felt a slight rise as her butt swelled larger) apartment.'" Before the message ended, she quickly deleted it before any more swelling would incur. "Message #2: 'Val, this is Eric. What're you up too? Hey, I finally got that bigger...' Message deleted. End of messages." Val started to become depressed. How could she live if she could never hear that word again in her life? She would never be able to go into a crowded room, because the word bigger would bound to be said, causing her to gain another ten pounds. She sighed and grabbed the remote. She sat back, her breasts almost covered her view of the television. "Bigger problems are arising in Sarajevo as..." Her growing belly unsnapped her pajama bottoms. She reached down and struggled to re-snap them, but it was no use. She could feel a draft go through her pants as her bare belly opened the way for a breeze. She continued watching the news, hoping the word wouldn't be uttered. "And here's Bob with the weather. Bob?" "Thanks, Paul. Boy, those storm clouds keep getting bigger and bigger as time goes on..." with that she clicked the television off and reached for her CD player's remote. She didn't like the feeling of her belly rolls bunching together as she sat up, nor did she like the heavy feeling. She felt a gurgle in her belly, demanding more food. She placed a hand on it, as if to stifle it. "I just fed you 20 minutes ago," she though aloud. She set it to her favorite song and struggled to get up. Her pants began to slide down, and she bent over to try and re-attach the buttons. As she bent, she could feel her belly push through the buttons of her pajama top, poking through the holes it created. As she sat up, her CD began to skip. Annoyed, she smacked the CD player and went into the kitchen to fix a snack. And that's when it happened. The word bigger was said in the refrain, and Fate decided to have the CD skip at that particular part. The word bigger was emitted over and over again from the CD player. A look of shock and horror crossed her face as she swelled uncontrollably. Buttons fired from her pajama top as her belly swelled and swelled. More and more fat deposited into her backside, causing her to lose her balance and fall over. Her belly and breasts began to pool on the ground as she struggled to get up. She grabbed onto the couch and pulled herself back onto her feet. Her body was growing by leaps and bounds, growing fatter and fatter. "This can't be good!" she muttered as she fell yet again onto her back. She clutched her growing breasts, feeling her areolas stretching tighter over her huge tits. Her belly grew upward and outward, crawling down her bulging thighs and overtaking them. She struggled in vain to get up, but she was pinned down by her own fat. "This is it," she said staring blankly at the ceiling. "I'm going to keep getting bigger and bigger until I fill this whole room." Her belly began to gurgle with hunger. She placed her hands on the expanding flesh and felt it grow like a balloon in her hands. Her legs and arms became enveloped in flesh and her face grew a fifth chin. If only some way she could reach something to hit the CD player with to end this nightmare. The pangs issuing from her middle were to strong, causing her thoughts to think of food. All she wanted to do was eat. This curse was a malicious one, causing her to both grow fatter and hungrier. This King would pay dearly for what he did. If only he could phone Eric to find him and beat him to a bloody pulp. She lifted her corpulent arm and waived it at the phone. Her body began to engulf itself, her arms sinking into her middle. Her belly flowed over her feet and mammoth legs. Her breasts and belly began to rise, as if being inflated by a demonic bicycle pump. Thoughts ran through her head. She began to feel guilty for everything bad she did. Pouring horse piss on the prom queen when she didn't win it. Shaving her little sister bald when she called her "pudgy," hocking her mom's wedding ring to buy Eric a Playstation 2. She deserved this fate. Her arms were soon swallowed up by her expanding flesh. She could feel her body sinking into the ground as her weight snapped the wooden planks and dug into the soil. She didn't know how much bigger she would get before she couldn't get any fatter. This has never been recorded in the annals of human history, so how could anybody know how fat somebody could get? Would she keep getting bigger, or would she pop like an overripe fruit? It would appear that the latter would happen sooner than later, as her belly began to swell to 8 feet in height. She could no longer see, her body becoming a huge ball of fat. She could feel the pressure inside her body. Unbeknownst to her, red stretch marks began to appear around her belly button. They continued along her belly and up her arms. She heard gurgling and rumbling issuing from inside of her. "I'm... getting...too...fat..." she cried. The pain from the pressure, weight and hunger was almost unbearable. She cried out, and with her last remaining breath, she shouted the word "BIGGER!!!" and burst with an earth-shattering kaboom.
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation
It was a stormy day and Karen was as bored as ever. She didn't even care to escape her pajamas that afternoon as it was her day off and she was going to spend it the way she wanted. At the moment, she was out of a fail relationship and she knew that this day would be lonely. She gazed out her bedroom window into the cloudy sky. "What to do?" she asked herself. She walked to the door but stopped herself in from of her full sized mirror. Looking at her relatively flat body, it only depressed her more being alone. She brushed the red hair out of her eyes and moved into the living room where she had planned on being planted all day. The couch creaked as her thin body forceful jumped into it. After snatching up the remote and flipping through the boring channels, Karen found herself regretting staying inside. A commercial came on the TV, "Are you lonely? Do you wish there was something to do? Is it raining outside and you took the day all to yourself?" The remarkable accuracy of the TV caught Karen's attention. "Yeah," she said to the TV. She normally didn't conversate with her appliances but she was THAT bored. "Need a friend to come play with you?" asked the TV. "Sure," she answered without thinking. The TV suddenly turned off and she mashed the power button for it to turn back on. Fussing with the control she didn't look up at the TV which was leaking a pink ooze. She opened the back panel of the controller and dumped out the batteries. Going into the kitchen, the ooze poured out of the TV and formed on the floor in the living room. Karen retrieved new batteries and put them into the remote and when she looked up to see if the TV was on she was greeted by something new. A feminine humanoid of pink slime smiled at her, "Hi." Karen tripped over the couch and fell onto her back. "What the fuck are you doing in my house?" asked Karen. The slime approached Karen and stood over her, "You invited me in to play." Karen pushed herself away from the slime while she processed this info. "You came from the TV?" asked Karen. "Yep!" happily answered the slime girl. "I didn't know some slime was going to come out when I answered. I was just bored," said Karen getting to her feet and putting the couch between her and the slime girl. "I'm here to entertain you. Tell me how to entertain you," said the slime. For a moment, Karen's mind wandered and she thought about the inflation fetish she enjoyed. "That sounds fun!" said the slime loudly. "What sounds fun?" asked Karen, slightly tilting her head. "This!" said the slime. She put out her arm and she fired across the couch and her extended arm hit Karen in the mouth. It pried her lips open and pushed into her mouth. Her cheeks filled to the max and her throat expanded to acomadate the flow of slime pushing into her. Karen attempted to shut her mouth but the flow as too strong. She tried to cover her mouth but the slime was too thick to block. "Oh God! She going to blow me up like my fetish!" she thought to herself. "Yes, I am. I'm going to make you so big you can't move, just like you like," said the slime. "Shit, she can read my mind," thought Karen. "Yes, I can," smiled the slime girl emptying into Karen. Karen was soon left wondering where all of this slime was going. "You want to know where I'm going in you, huh?" giggled the slime girl. Karen stared back at her, jaw forced open, tried to clear her mind. Suddenly an image of a drawing see saw on Deviantart flashed in her head. It was a girl with a hose in her mouth and engorged breasts. "Oh, that's a delicious place to stay," said the slime girl. "No way she saw that," thought Karen. The slime didn't have to answer because Karen's chest did. It was as if a chill ran through her nearly flat chest and stayed there. The cool slime pushed evenly into each of her breasts. Karen struggled to look past the flow of slime pushing into her mouth to watch her tit swell. The button up pajama top slowly grew more and more snug as her lady lumps made their own room. "This is impossible, this can't be happening!" thought Karen, cupping her bulging bust line. She had never had breasts even large enough to resembling anything under her top. As her chest scaled the alphabet in cup sizes, the slime said, "You can do anything with me. You really need to relax and enjoy yourself." "I'm getting relentlessly expanded by slime and it tells me to relax," thought Karen. Her heart began to race as the slime slimmed down. A visual verification that she was actually pouring into Karen's body. POP! The middle button of Karen's pajama top popped open and Karen's attention returned to her boobs. They softly expanded to the size of her own head yet they continued to grow. "God, you're making them so BIG!" thought Karen, feeling her breasts all over. "I know and you're getting so turned on by it," giggled the thinning slime girl. The smile girl started to shrink in height from all of her slime leaving her and entering Karen. Karen hadn't taken the time to acknowledge that she was quite aroused by the expansion of her chest. Her face was warm, the muscles in her back were half-tense, half-relaxed - among other obvious signs of female arousal. POP! Yet another button as violently bursted open from Karen's bazooms. It revealed a mighty chasm of cleavage through the bursted pajama top. The weight of Karen's new chest puppies put a new strain on her back but she enjoyed it. "My boobs are heavy... MY TITS ARE HEAVY!" thought Karen. Just as her chest burst from her top, Karen was bursting with excitement. The slime girl soon shrank into nothing but a head and floated along the stream of slime to Karen. What was once the arm of the slime girl now looked like a very long tongue out of the slime girl's open mouth. The smile girl's head pulled towards Karen's and when they touched it looked as if Karen was kissing a pink head. Karen blushed heavily as the slime head smiled happily back at her through a kiss. Then she suddenly disappeared from Karen's vision and pushed into her mouth. Finally Karen's mouth could shut and throat relax as the slime girl was fully in Karen. "Oh my God, you're in my chest! That's so strange... hey, if you were the same size as me and you pushed into me wouldn't my tits be larger to fit you in them?" asked Karen, frowning a bit. Her chest was only as big as two basketballs in her tight top. To Karen's surprise, a face pushed up out of her left boob. It was much smaller than a human's so it could fit on the top of her bosom but was very detailed. Like a small face pushing from the other side of her skin. Karen could see the indentations for the eye sockets and make out the expression on the face very well. The lips of the face moved and the voice of the slime girl could be heard as if still standing before Karen, "I can change that for you, watch." Each tit started to swell once again. Karen stared down at the face on her boob and poked it in the eye. "Ouch!" yelled the slime girl. "Oh, sorry. I didn't know if you could feel that or not," said Karen. "No worries," smiled the slime girl's face. POP! Karen heard that button bounce off the hardwood floor. "I gotta get a better look at this," said Karen and she walked back into her bedroom. Looking into the mirror she got a better view of her lovely mammories expanding. With the buttons bursted off her top, it made her top look like a huge bra for her still swelling chest. "Ok, they are big enough," said Karen, trying to enjoy her huge size. "That's true but I know that you want to see the rest of those buttons pop, don't you?" asked the smiling face on her chest. Karen started to worry again, "Can I get any bigger?" "Oh yes, you can fill this whole house if you like but that wouldn't be very fun. Don't worry about your skin, I can make it stretch indefinitely," said the slime girl happily. Finally the bottom button held on for dear life. "Uh oh, Karen you're going to bust out of your top soon," giggled the slime girl, moving her face around so that Karen could see her in the mirror. "I have to admit... this is fucking AWESOME! Burst that button!" cheered Karen. Her breasts suddening grew at a renewed rate that made that final button bounce off the mirror but the shift of weight made Karen fall forward and onto her knees. "Oh my God, look at my tits!" laughed Karen. "I know they are so big and soft," giggled the slime girl inside her. "You think you could retrace them a bit so I can stand again?" asked Karen into the face of the slime girl on her boob. "Of course, or maybe I should just move it all..." said the slime girl. Karen felt the slime girl's face slide down her boob and onto her belly. The face hovered around Karen's navel and her belly began to push outward. While Karen's tits shrank very quickly, her belly blew up slowly. "Are you expecting, Karen?" played the slime. "Apparently," answered Karen as she got to her feet. The slime girl was kind enough to make her tits small enough to see over. Karen pulled off her busted top and looked at her topless body expand. The waistband on her pajama bottoms pulled tightly across her widening stomach. Karen pulled her pants down a bit so that her rounding belly could expand over top of it. "Damn, I'm starting to look ripe," said Karen, enjoying her belly that now looked like she was fully pregnant. "Not yet, you need the finishing touches," said the slime girl. Karen's boobs blew up a little to match her pregnancy and her butt fattened up a little. The expansion stopped so that Karen could admire her new body. "Look at me, all knocked up. I always wondered if pregnant girls had it hard. I know the weight gain has to put a strain on them but I wonder how it feels. Mine if I try it out?" asked Karen. "Not at all, go right ahead," answered the face on Karen's belly. Karen happily strutted around her house. Laughing as her bloated belly bumped lamps and hit things as she turned around. After she had her fill she plopped onto the couch. "This IS no joke, pregnancy would suck if you couldn't control it," laughed Karen, patting her belly. She leaned back farther into the couch and spread her legs to accommodate her stuffed tummy. The slime girl's face slid up Karen's body and looked her in the face once more on her boob. "Get up, you don't want to get lazy it might all go to your ass," giggled the giddity slime girl. "Bring it on, I don't mind a little junk in the trunk," laughed Karen. The face disappeared off of her chest then she felt her butt widen. Slowly Karen rose higher and higher on her butt girth. The seat of her pants grow incredibly tight but all she could do was let it burst open. "I gotta see this," said Karen. She tried to rock forward but her huge belly made it too difficult and with her ass gaining more weight, she stayed seated. "Not so fast, blimpy. You wanted some junk in your trunk so I'm pouring a landfill into it," laughed the slime girl. The cushions on the couch pushed off the sides from her backside widening. All the desperate spring in the couch creaked in terror from the two growing buns that piled on more and more weight. Before long, Karen was using the three section couch as a tight booster seat. Her butt spilled over the armrest on each side plus she sat on these two large beach ball-like butt cheeks. She felt the face of the slime girl slide around on her butt cheeks. "Oh no, my butt is getting too big for my couch!" chuckled Karen a bit worried again. "You should've got up when I told you, fat ass," joked the slime girl. "Hey now. How about you shrink me up a bit so I can enjoy my butt?" asked Karen. Her ass quickly deflated until it was a great bubble butt that she could walk around in. She walked back to the mirror and admired her huge butt. "Karen," said the slime. "Yes... oh I never got your name, what's your name?" asked Karen. "It doesn't matter, I have to leave soon," said the slime, moving her face up to Karen's bloated tit. "Where are you going?" asked Karen. "Your body is starting to absorb me. Before long I will permanently fatten whatever body part I'm in so I have to act quickly. You don't have to tell me where to go I've already seen the image you want of yourself in your mind. I had fun, Karen," said the slime girl. Karen was suddenly saddened greatly, "You can't go, we're having so much fun. I can get so much bigger all over, I swear." "I know you can and I will return to you again on another rainy day. Just wish for me when you're all alone in front of your TV," explained the slime girl. "Farewell, slimy," said Karen. "Farewell, Karen," said the slime girl. Her face disappeared off of Karen's chest. Which shrank down to a reasonably big size of HH cup bra sized-boobs. Karen's waist returned back to it's flat and trim self. Her butt shrank slightly giving her the perfect ass. Even after watching her body change so much that day, the body she was left with shocked her. "Oh ... My... God...," said Karen in the mirror. She couldn't put her boobs down and she kept slapping her butt to make sure this was all real. She looked outside to see that the raining had stopped and the sun was shining bright. "Carpe diem!" she said as she stormed into her closet. Karen came out wearing the tightest tank top and skinny jeans she owned. Watching by the mirror she checked herself out again."Cleavage," she bent over and looked into the deep crack between her breasts, "check! Butt cleavage!" She jumped in place and bent over forward again. Her big ass pushed out the top of her pants, mimicking her chest, "Double check!" She giggled as she bounced, in more ways than one, to the door and left her house a new woman.
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation
Jenny had fun with the Balloon Bra and she wanted to find more ways to blow up her tits with air. She went to the store that sold her the bra. She found a bunch of stuff and bought it all. She was only fifteen and had only a small allowance to use, but she saved what she could for a special event. She also loved balloons. She would buy a mega-pack of them and just spend the afternoon popping them in different ways. Jenny rushed home and headed to her room. She laid the bag on the bed and reached her hand in and grabbed the first thing she touched. She pulled it out. It was a little bag containing two little pink balloons and a instruction card. The card said: Swallow the balloons for a fun time. She already knew what would happen, but she bought them anyway. She pulled her shirt off and unsnapped her bra. She placed them both in her mouth and swallowed them whole. Then she felt a little bit of pressure move from her belly to her B-Cup breasts. Then she heard the balloons inflate, but she didn't see anything happen. Then her boobs started expanding. She went over to the mirror. They were inflating in the shape of balloons she saw. They grew bigger and bigger until they were the size of volleyballs. Then she heard two pops. She looked down and saw that her huge tits had stopped expanding. "The balloons popped in my breasts!" She giggled. She went back to the bed, her breasts bouncing as she ran. She pulled the next object out. It was a bra that had a hloe where the nipple was. She took out two blue balloons and inflated them. Then when the balloon was full 20", she carefully attached the balloons' mouth to her bra and let the neck go. The balloon squickly deflated as it inflated her chest. The bra stretched around the expanding tits. She felt good and laid back on the bed to watch her boobs balloon out. When the balloon was empty, her breasts bounced in front of her at about 40". She took one of the blue balloons from her bra and blew it up to it's maximum. Then she let it go before she took it out of her mouth. Air rushed inside her and into her breasts, they vibrated and just as the balloon finished deflating, her 50" bust burst. She took off the bra and pulled out the next object: a bag containing a piece of bubblegum. The bag read: Bubbly Tits. One piece is all you need. Use the pin on your Bellybutton. She unwrapped it and threw it into her mouth. She chewed for a bit and then proceeded to blow into the gum. Her tongue shaped the pink wad in her mouth and the bubble expanded slowly. Her breasts, which were back to their B-Cup, inflated along with the bubble. She rubbed her boobs as her chest continued to rise. The bubble was covering her whole head. And the bubble and her breasts were almost touching. Then she stuck a finger into the bubble, popping it. Her inflated bust disappeared with it. She blew a couple more bubbles, each one bigger than the others, each time her breasts inflated. Then she accidently swallowed it. "Oops!" She giggled. She saw an Air Pump Pin in the bag she got the gum. She took out the pin and connected it to the hose and stuck it through her bellybutton. She felt something tingle in her belly, and a few minutes later her stomach started to stick out. It expanded at a slow rate. Being blown up felt so good. Her belly expanded to a Volleyball and the to a beachball. She laid back on the bed and waited for it to pop. She felt pressure buid up in her stomach and then it popped. She sat up and checked to make sure she didn't lose her stomach. It was still there, but it was normal again and the hose wasn't connected. She decided she had enough for the day. She placed the items in her sock drawer and left her room to head back to the store.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
This stories starts like so many before it, a evening like any other the sun going down on the small town of barrington , the stars begin to light the night sky the moon beaming what little light it has to offer upon the earth. But one star streaks across the sky so small it is hardly noticed except by one. She had been watching the night sky as if to wish on a star of which she did as she watched it soar and even crash seeing the slight glow of it she cant help herself but to seek it out. This girl a lovely woman in her own right, 24 years old studying to be a scientist so this fallen star intrigued her, she was slender with black hair down to her lower spine, her hips wide, and breasts squeezed within a lovely sweater from the cold night air, she hurries herself on to find the crash site. She comes across the little star it was a glowing green rock , she is to interested to think correctly and reaches out and give it a touch , and she shrieked as it gave her a slight pinch sensation. She turns and sucks on her finger giving off a slight mmmmpphh as she tried to stem the stinging , behind her the little rock seemed to shift and liquefy and expanding , increasing in size taking on more of a form a blob if you will, with a huge mass and slight tentacle like oozing limbs, No eyes to speak of but if it had then it would be fixated upon the woman before it. The prick on her finger had given it her dna which in turn makes it only able and needing to go to this woman like a wolf would find its next meal. She hears a slight noise behind her finally and turns . she looks down to where the rock should have been... she sees only the bottom of the green mass. Her eyes slowly rise higher and higher growing wider at the sight as she lets out a howling scream before trying to dash off. Sadly she had worn the wrong type of shoes for such a track into the woods and trips face first into the dirt but of course that wasn't her concern as of the moment. The slimy tentacle laces around her ankles and slides up her body or tries she some how finds a way to escape its grasp running in terror takes her little time to find her way home slamming the door behind her panting heavily chest rising and falling like you would expect for someone who had run over a few miles it what seems moments. She collapsed upon her sofa wondering if what she saw was real or her own mind playing tricks she rested there one arm behind her head the other hanging over the side of the sofa, her body quivering from the ordeal and without meaning to her excitement turned to feels of becoming tired as her eyes closed and she fell asleep right then and there , figuring she must have outran that mindless senseless blob of green. Her last thoughts being she would tell the world everything she saw! ... in the morning as she drifts off harmlessly into slumber. But sad for her that this slime has her DNA it feels out her bodies natural hormones and the like. He seems to slither its way forth in search of the one that it has to use as its nest to survive within this climate. She of course is completely out of it, breathing softly , to see her you would only think of a lovely damsel slumbering away in the very early morning hours but for her would be the last morning she would see, the blob finds it way within the house sliding itself under her door ways. Gliding along the floor in complete silence as it seems to seep closer and closer to its victim. She slowly awakens as she tries to stretch out her arms and when she cant move her eyes shut open , her arms and legs are pinned together. With this green slime and in her mind "Oh god the slime. It has found me. Help she goes to scream and opening her mouth one of the last mistakes she will ever make, for then the blob forces one tentacle like oozing formed limb deep into her mouth she moans around it and feels it pushing down into her belly as she wriggles around helpless at this point. Her sweater and jeans still on. As her belly slowly seems to swell upward her sweater tightening around her, as does her jeans cutting into her belly as it strains with the growing girth , her little feet kicking as best they can the slime forcing deeper within her, as she groans at the tightening of her clothing, her bra feeling snugger as she watches her breasts expanding with slime plumping up. Her lovely lady parts swelling within her pants, the jeans feeling so tight and constricting, her button explodes off her jeans flying clean across the room, her zipper falling exposing her lovely dark purple panties. Which are rubbing against her plumping clit and lady lips, her eyes roll back in pleasure from the expanding but also fearful as she continues to bloat up her sweater ripping and splitting exposing her growth of belly, her breasts not far behind at this rate her bra creaks. The sweater finally ruptures wide open and falls away her jeans crease pulling and stitches giving way eventually exploding off her body as well. Left inflating and mostly naked, her bra not going to hang on very much longer her panties looking more like a thong now she is so filled. Her size causes her to roll off the sofa and onto the floor with a sloshing thud as she groans from the increasing pressure the blob just forcing more of itself within her body. Her bra finally cant stand the strain as it pops open her super sized breasts jiggling free, even oozing slime green they are round as beach balls, her body as plump as giant balloon rounding up to 6 feet tall and wide as 5 feet her body just flooded with ooze. Her extremely sore and expanded clit and lady lips oozing green as well he eyes rolled into the back of her head, moaning and groaning like a helpless bloated woman she has become. Her skin showing sights of stress, stretch marks gliding across her body all parts of her strained , her arms and legs have vanished within her orb of a body, her feet and hands even seem to be bloating, fingers like huge sausages toes just the same as she bucks sloshing around. Her skin so thin you can almost literally see the green sliding slime bubbling within her like a strained water balloon. She knows the end is coming she wants it .. needs to feel release its to much just way to much to stand. Her groans and moans of the situation only increase as does the creaking of her overwhelmed body, the stretch marks covering her body almost completely She makes the last mistake ever and bucks against the floor her skin making a streaking sound like an over inflated balloon , the blob senses this but doesn't stop its attack flooding her all the more.. till finally.. Her eyes shut open her cheeks puff up her body creaks violently sadly before she splits and pops with a loud bang ooze covering the whole room not a sight of the woman left what so ever.
floating, helium
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation, Hourglass Inflation
Donna's settled in to life as the Grandenberg Girl, but there are still those begrudge her success and would seek to exact revenge. "Donna! Over here!" Donna turned in the direction of the voice to see a little blonde girl calling and waving. She smiled and waved back. Nowadays most people recognized her from TV and knew her name. Being Grandenberg, Inc.'s lead spokesmodel meant getting a lot of exposure, and not just on television. Being the Grandenberg Girl was a full-time job. Mainly it was making appearances at various casinos and hotels for publicity. Right now she was on such an assignment. Grandenberg's Casino, Las Vegas. She'd spent the past few hours greeting people, signing autographs, and suffering the occasional grope. Her encounter with Vanessa and that air tank four months ago had left her with a ridiculously buxom figure which seemed to invite such attention. Over time, she'd slowly shrunk down to a more manageable size; she still had to have clothes custom made, but at least she could fit through doorways now. But Donna had found that a twenty-four inch waist with a fifty-four inch bustline still drew a whole lot of attention. The outfit she had to wear didn't help matters much. Her "uniform" consisted of a halter top and tights, all made from blue spandex. Grandenberg's giant gold 'G' emblem was emblazoned on her chest. That, combined with the matching gold boots and cape gave her something of a superhero look. Even though any man who tried for a grope would often get his nose broken by one of Donna's bodyguards, some men still seemed to think it was worth it. That's why she liked the park so much. The carnival was a place where parents could drop off their kids and let them run amok while the grownups went gambling. The games here were targeted for the very young, so Donna could walk around and mingle with the children without having to endure leering gazes and wandering hands. It was one of the few places she ever went without Vince, Chuck, and Biff, her ever-present bodyguards. Their combined half- ton of muscle wasn't required to fend off six-year olds. Plus, it was after sunset, so there were actually very few children around, and even most of the staff was off. "Donna!" The little girl came trotting over. Donna knelt down and gave her a big, smothering hug. "Hello there! What's your name, little girl?" "I'm Jessica! Follow me!" She took Donna's hand and started tugging. "What for?" she asked. "It's a game! Come on!" Jessica kept on tugging with that single-minded sense of purpose that only a child can truly muster. Donna just shrugged her shoulders and let the little girl lead her along between the colorfully lit booths and tents. Davy followed from a distance, quietly. He was wondering what his little sister was up to, and why she was dragging Donna around. She'd been so excited before, he'd only gathered that a clown had promised her a special present. Davy thought, well maybe I can get a present, too. Eventually, they came to a huge circus tent that would have looked like it wasn't in use except for a sign posted outside: BALLOONS. Unbeknownst to them, Davy had followed them all the way, and shortly after they went inside, he went around back and sneaked in, hiding in the shadows. Inside, they found a clown, busily filling brightly colored balloons from a tube attached to an enormous helium tank. Nicholas Grandenberg tended to go over the top in everything he did, and even his clowns fit the bill. She was wearing the customary smiling face paint, bulbous red nose, technicolor wig, and giant floppy shoes. Her clothes were equally garish: baggy pants with gold and red stripes held up by a thick black belt with a huge golden 'G' for a buckle. Her billowy, gold and red polka-dotted shirt had the words "Grandenberg Casino" written across it. She smiled at the approaching pair. "Well, hello there!" she called out merrily. "Hello," Donna responded. She'd always loved clowns as a child, and the sight of this one in her comic costume brought a smile to her face. "Hya Missus Clown!" Jessica shouted, smiling. "Can I have a balloon now?" "Why of course you can, little girl." "Remember you said I could have an extra special balloon if I could bring Donna over here, remember?" Jessica chimed gleefully. The clown smiled. "Why, yes! Let me see if I can find a balloon nice enough for a nice little girl like you." She started rummaging through her bag of balloons. "Hmm, let's see...oh, I think I found a really nice one!" Donna leaned over to peek into the bag. "Let's see it." The clown smiled an extra big smile, picked up the hose attached to the helium tank, and quickly poked the end into Donna's exposed navel. "It's right here!" Donna's eyes grew wide with shock as the clown turned on the gas, her comical smile melting into a devilish grin. "What're you doin'!" she shouted as she felt a slow pressure building up inside her already inflated curves. She tried to pull the hose out, only to find that it was stuck. With a dramatic flourish, the clown pulled off her wig to reveal her flowing black hair. "Surprise!" The voice was different now, and very familiar. "Vanessa!" Donna gasped. Already her bust was filling up and out, her full breasts bulging up in her neckline. The blue fabric stretched tight across her expanding body, her plump nipples pushed out by force of the helium filling her. Her buttocks, though lagging slightly behind her bosom, were experiencing the same fate. "In the flesh!" Evil giggle. "Y'know, ever since you snagged the Grandenberg contract, I've been trying to figure out where I went wrong with my little plot." "Stop! Please!" Donna had already blown up to her original size, and quickly surpassed it. She tried to waddle her way to the helium tank, but in her awkward state it was easy for Vanessa to push her away. "Oh no you don't!" Vanessa laughed as Donna fell back and landed on her plushly cushioned butt, bouncing a few inches into the air. "You see, I didn't go wrong overinflating you, even though that did seem to backfire. I had the right idea, I just didn't make you big enough!" Donna continued to swell up, her taut bosom straining against her halter top, her fattening thighs testing the limits of her tights. The laces on her boots began to snap as her calves grew too big to be contained. "Please Vanessa, ya gotta stop this!" "What's that? You want more? Okay Donna, if you insist..." Vanessa turned up the pressure, and Donna blew up even faster. "Last time, the air tank wasn't big enough. This time, I made sure I had more than enough gas to blow up a dozen Donnas if I wanted to." Donna was trying to get back to her feet, and failing miserably. Her legs were so swollen, she could no longer bend her knees. Bigger and bigger she grew, and amazingly her clothing refused to give. Donna panicked when she started to slowly lift off of the ground. "Help me! I'm floatin' away!" "Aww, we can't have that, now can we?" Vanessa chuckled. She grabbed Donna's ankle as she drifted by and tied a piece of twine around it. She handed the end of it to Jessica. "There you go, little girl. A very special balloon, just like I promised!" "Thanks, Missus Clown," Jessica said, delighted at her huge new blue and white balloon. "Davy's gonna be sooooo jealous when I show him this!" "Vanessa! Turn it off, please!" Donna pleaded from above. "Oh, I guess I should do that, shouldn't I?" Vanessa turned the valve, and the hissing stopped. The hose fell from Donna's belly button. "Please, ya gotta get me down from here!" Donna shouted. Vanessa could no longer see her face, since her breasts had bulged up to obscure it. Nearly perfectly round and over four feet across each, they had stretched her halter, bulging out above below and to the sides. On her severely overinflated torso, it looked more like a string bikini. Vanessa walked around Donna's ridiculously inflated form to admire her handiwork. Her ass was nearly as big as her bust, leading down to huge thighs as big around as barrels, calves whose growth had completely demolished her boots, and ending in comically dainty feet, which appeared unaffected by the inflation. "My, my, my, it looks like you won't be doing any more commercials for Grandenberg. But the Michelin Man had better watch out!" Donna took slow, deep breaths to calm herself. The first time she'd gotten blown up, at least she'd stayed somewhere near a reasonable size. But how would she explain this to Mr. Grandenberg? And even if she did tell him the truth, and even if he believe her, her modeling career was over until she could find a way to deflate. And even all that wouldn't matter one bit if Jessica lost her grip on that string... At least she was under the tent for now, safe from being seen and from floating away. She struggled a bit, causing her body to sway slightly in the air. She pressed her hands into huge breasts to try to squeeze the gas out somehow, knowing full well that it wouldn't work. She'd tried many times before to deflate herself, with no success, and Vanessa had said that there was nothing she could do but wait. She sighed. And even if she could force the helium out by squeezing, she was far too big to get a reach around to her sides, and there was so much pressure in her, her boobs didn't give a bit she pressed her hands against them."Okay, Vanessa. Joke's over, you've had your fun, now ya gotta get me down from here, okay?" Her enormous tits were gently tugging her skyward, blocking the view of anything in front of her, so Donna had to twist around and peek over her shoulder to look down at Vanessa. Vanessa shook her head, chuckling. "Actually, I don't think I've 'gotta' get you down. I think you look quite fetching up there. Oh, don't worry though. You'll shrink back down to normal, slowly. Heck, you may even be back on the ground sometime next year!" More laughter. "Don't take her away yet, Jessica." Vanessa put on an especially evil grin, rubbing her hands together.. "I've got one more thing to show her, the crowning touch on my meticulously conceived scheme, before she gets paraded around like the pneumatic freak she is." Jessica's face went blank. "Huh?" "I need to borrow your balloon for a few minutes. Here, take this lollipop and wait outside, I'll bring her out when I'm done." Jessica joyfully took the candy and trotted out of the tent. Vanessa tied Donna to one of the tent poles, then walked back over to the helium tanks and picked up the hose. "What now? Ain't ya done with me yet?" "You? Oh yes, I think I'm quite done with you. Unless, of course, you'd like to be even bigger?" Donna blanched. "Didn't think so. However, I do think it would be fun to try out a more voluptuous figure for a while." She untucked her shirt and stuck the end of the hose into her own navel. Then, once again, she turned on the gas. Donna stared, perplexed. "What, you're gonna join me up here?" Vanessa grinned as she felt her slim figure filling out. The clown suit was quite loose, so it didn't show yet. "No, Donna dear. I don't plan on getting anywhere near that big." She pulled of her fake nose and started to wipe her makeup off with a rag she pulled from her pocket. All the while, her body slowly swelled. Her pants were too baggy to show off her legs, but her hips started to form obvious bulges in the fabric. Her chest pushed outwards, gradually pulling the wrinkles in her shirt taut, but being untucked caused it hang straight down from the shelf created by her bosom, making her look slightly chunky. Now Donna was really confused. It almost looked as if Vanessa wasn't paying attention to how big she was getting. Voluptuous was one thing, but having breasts the size of large cantaloupes would keep her out of mainstream modeling and limit her job prospects to working in the pornography industry. Having finished cleaning up her face, she untied her oversized shoes and kicked them off. They didn't go up very far, but they weren't comfortable to begin with and would become less so as her calves added more girth. Plus, bending over that far would be more difficult in a short while. She loosened her belt some, too. The potion caused some gas to go places other than those desired. It was only a little bit, and the visual effect was more than counteracted by the generous proportions of her bust and hips, but it still required that a few adjustments be made. "The whole clown thing gets pretty old after a while, don't you think? Personally, I'd rather go into line of work that pays a little better." Suddenly, Vanessa's face lit up into what was an obviously contrived flash of revelation. "I have an idea!" She reached for the tank and turned the knob. She gasped as the gas surged into her at an increased rate. Within moments her tits completely filled out her shirt. Below, her thighs were now snugly wrapped in gold and red cloth, while her hips and buttocks stretched her pants out tight, nearly bursting the seams. Voluptuous, no, she was ludicrously curvaceous now. She had to turn to the side to reach the tank again, unable to reach in front of her ballooning mammaries. Her hips were so broad, she was just barely able to reach the knob to turn the gas down. Down but not completely off. Any bigger, and she'd have to lean to the side to reach it again. Vanessa turned with a flourish to face Donna, sending quivers through her glorious new endowments. "What do you think, Donna? Won't I look just wonderful as the new Grandenberg Girl? Rumor has it ol' Nicholas will be looking for a replacement very soon. I figure I'll have to go just a little bit bigger than you were to impress him, but it'll work out in the end." She closed her eyes and ran her hands along the sides of her full, firm breasts, smiling all the while. Donna's were inflated to the point of being almost spherical, but hers still drooped just a bit. Slightly oblong, they stuck out in front of her like twin blimps. Her nipples were too far away for her to confirm how big they'd swollen up, but she could feel them pressing hard against the strained cloth. "Lovely, aren't they? They say bigger is better, but I think there is a limit. And you, Donna dear, have passed it!" She threw her head back and laughed. Donna was shocked nearly to tears, and was speechless for a moment. "I'm the Grandenberg Girl, and everybody knows it! You can't do this!" she screamed. Vanessa just laughed. She walked towards her, dragging the hose along with her. She wanted Donna to have a close up look at the finishing touches. "Don't you understand Donna?" She glanced down at the widening gaps between her buttons. "I already have. You may have had the guts to show yourself in front of Grandenberg when I blew you up before, but now you can't even walk. And you're so huge, you could never be a model for anything. Heck, they'd turn you to the cameras, and all they'd be able to see would be the biggest pair of tits and legs on the planet. Face it, Donna. I've won, and you've lost! Your luck has just run out!" Vanessa started laughing again, but stopped when she saw Donna smirking. "Funny, I was jus' about to say the same about you." Vanessa furrowed her brow and stared at Donna quizzically. Then she heard a voice behind her. "I wanna balloon too!" the child screamed plaintively. Vanessa turned herself about (a process which took significantly longer with her significantly fuller thighs) and was about to tell the little twerp to find another fucking clown to get his damn balloon, but stopped dead before speaking a word. She saw a little boy with dirty blonde hair. He looked to be about nine years old. He was standing next to the helium tank. With his little hands on the pressure valve. Vanessa's mouth twitched, not quite sure whether to turn to an expression of panic or rage. Realizing that the fact that the gas was still flowing meant that she was still inflating, albeit slowly, and that she hose was stuck until she could turn it off. And although the tank wasn't more than six feet away, she couldn't move quickly enough to stop the boy if he decided to crank it up. She quickly regained composure. "Ok, little boy. I've got lots of balloons in my bag over there--" She started to take a step towards him, but stopped when he tightened his grip on the pressure valve's control knob. "I wannna special balloon! A big one! Like Jessica's!" He pointed to Donna, still tethered to the pole. Donna giggled. "Go ahead, Vanessa. Get the boy balloon. Or heck, he could just turn that knob and make one outta you..." "Shut up!" she screamed at Donna. Hearing the stitches straining in the back of her pants, and looking down on the bulges of flesh that were peeking out between her buttons, she realized she was quickly running out of time. She switched back to her sweetness voice. "Come on, just step away from the tank. You wouldn't want to hurt a clown, would you?" "You're not a real clown! I saw you take off your hair! And your feet aren't big and floppy! And your nose isn't really red!" She was losing patience. "Listen kid, clowns aren't real. They're just people dressed up in makeup and funny clothes." Little Davy's face flushed red as it twisted into childish rage. "Liar!" he shrieked, as turned on the knob with all his might. "NO!" Vanessa shrieked. Too late, of course. Her body ballooned outward, filling her clothes and then some. Gaining buoyancy, the her lightening body lifted her up to her tiptoes, but that clown suit was surprisingly sturdy and refused to tear. The gas continued to flow, building pressure inside her and causing her massive tits to bulge out of every available gap they pushed out into the spaces between the buttons, and two large bulges started to peek out the bottom of her shirt. "TURN THAT DAMN THING OFF BEFORE I EXPLODE!" she screamed. Vanessa was normally quite well schooled in the art of tact and manipulation. But in her panic, she failed to consider what effect such an outburst would have on such a child. It was not the desired effect. For while all Vanessa saw was that she was in a very precarious situation, all little Davy saw was a dangerously distended woman standing in front of him. And all he heard was a straining sound not unlike an overinflated balloon, an angry voice, and the ominous word "explode." He panicked. He screamed. He ran. "No! Don't go away!" Vanessa called, belatedly realizing she'd made a grave error for the second time in as many minutes. Frantically she tried to think up a plan of action. She couldn't walk, her legs were too pumped up. Even as baggy as her pants were, she'd filled them til they looked like tapering, overstuffed sausages. Then, having put up a valiant effort, the Grandenberg Clown Costume finally gave out. It started with a single button, the middle one, popping off and flying away. The rest fired off like machine gun shots, just as Vanessa's ass burst out of the back of her pants, her thighs splitting the cloth down the sides. To Donna, who viewing this spectacle from behind, could only watch as Vanessa exploded out of her clothing. Free from all restraints, with the helium still flowing on high, her rate of inflation ran rampant, unhindered except for the belt which looked like it was pinching Vanessa's expanding waistline painfully tight. She began to lift up off of the ground. "Donna! Please, you've got to help me! We've got to find a way to turn off the gas!" Donna laughed, "Actually, I don't think I've gotta help you. Y'know, the last time I was in a situation like this, I just had ta wait til the tank was empty." Vanessa had to lift her head up as her gigantic tits pushed up into her face. She had far surpassed Donna in size, and was still growing steadily. "You don't understand. There's enough helium in that tank to fill up this whole damn tent! I'll burst!" She could feel her skin growing tighter and tighter. Donna rolled her eyes. "Ok, I'll see what I can do." She turned her back to the pole and grabbed a hold of it. With great difficulty (her oversized butt made things quite cumbersome), she managed to inch her way down until her feet touched the ground. But she nearly lost her grip when Vanessa started screaming again. "What's happening to me?!" She felt her chest pushing forward beneath her voluminous bust, as if she were taking a deep breath. A very deep breath; her torso was beginning to fill up with gas. It build up in her gut as well, surging forth as her belt snapped. The man who had sold her the potion had warned her that overinflation would cause "unpredictable" results. Perhaps this was what he meant. "Donna! Hurry!" Donna was stunned into inaction for a moment as she watched Vanessa's slender back and waist swell outward, her once ridiculously exaggerated hourglass figure becoming more and more globular. Then her arms swelled up, rapidly catching up with her legs. Her thighs and upper arms now merged smoothly into the enormous balloon that her body was becoming. Her breasts, once two enormous masses in their own right, were now merely hemispherical bulges on a much larger globe. "Whoa," Donna gasped. Getting back to the task at hand, she pushed off from the pole, reaching out sideways to grab hold of the helium tank before she floated back upwards. "Hurry! I'm think I'm gonna burst!" Vanessa had been blown up so huge, if it weren't for her protruding head, hands, and feet, she might easily be mistaken for a flesh-colored weather balloon. That, and the fact that she was almost twice as large and taut as a drum. "Hold yer darn horses, I'm workin' as fast as I can!" Slowly, she managed to turn the knob. Without the flow of gas to hold it in place, the nozzle fell from Vanessa's navel. And without the hose to hold onto her, Vanessa drifted up to the ceiling of the tent. But she'd been blown up so big at this point, it was only a few feet before her blimped backside hit the top. She let out a sigh of relief. But it quickly faded. How the hell am I going to get down from here? "Ok Donna, I'll make a deal with you. I'll tell you how to deflate yourself, if you promise to deflate me next." But Donna would have none of it. "Y'know Vanessa, I'm really gettin' tired of you always tryin' to mess me up! I think I'll jus' leave you up there for a while to teach you a lesson." Vanessa just grinned mischievously. "Hope you have strong hands, because as soon as you lose your grip on that tank, you'll be right up here with me." "You think I'm so dumb, don't ya? Well you're wrong!" To make her point, she carefully unscrewed the hose from the tank. With the other end disconnected, she stuck the nozzle into her belly button. She lost her grip and began to float upward, but she didn't care. All she cared about was the hissing sound of the helium rushing out of her through the hose. Vanessa was dumbstruck. Donna quickly deflated, her pneumatic voluptuousness dissolving away as her body returned to earth. In less than a minute, she was back to the slender figure she had months ago. Her clothes, designed for a much fuller figure, were practically falling off of her. Though greatly relieved, she was a little sad. She was no longer the Grandenberg Girl. "Come on, Donna, don't leave me like this! I'm sure we can work something out!" But Donna was distracted by the voice she heard calling her in the distance. It was Mr. Grandenberg! "Uh oh, how'm I gonna explain this?", she said to herself, looking at her deflated form. She was none the worse for wear, no sagging or stretch marks, but there was no way she could continue her modeling for Grandenberg. Unless... Realizing she had little time, she reconnected the hose, took a deep breath, and turned the gas on high. Her slim physique quickly ballooned up into her million-dollar curves, filling out her spandex, then straining it. By the time she turned off the pressure, her hips were nearly three feet across, and were still overwhelmed by her enormous bust. She glanced down and saw her bulging cleavage was barely an inch from her chin. She was even bigger than she was when she started this career, and loving it. Donna was coiling up the hose as Nicholas Grandenberg entered with her three bodyguards. "Donna, where have you been? Some guy just hit the jackpot, and we need you pose with him for a pictu-- My goodness!" he gasped, eyeing the way she was nearly bursting out of costume that had fit so well earlier that day. "You look incredible! I thought you were going to be slimming down." "Oh, I think I might be stickin' around as the Grandenberg Girl for a bit longer," she said. "Hold onto this," she said to Vince, handing him the hose. "Well, great! We can have your contract extended, we can renegotiate salaries with Madame Dubois, and--" He finally noticed the human balloon who was taking up so much space in the tent. "What the hell?" "Oh don't mind her," Donna giggled. "That's Vanessa. She's one o' your clowns, and she was just havin' a little fun with the helium tank." "Oh." It was so bizarre, he wasn't even sure he wanted to inquire. "Ok, Donna, you just get back to the casino lounge. Vince, Chuck, Biff, you go with her and make sure she doesn't get harassed. And you-- Vanessa was it?" he called, looking up at her. "Yes, Mr. Grandenberg," she squeaked. "You're fired." He walked out of the tent, leaving Vanessa all alone...
cheat, karma, male, round, spherical
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"Well, well, well. If it isn't Brock. I thought you would be sick of losing by now?" came a laugh. Brock whirled around from securing his bike to a chain link fence. His hazel eyes narrowed to glaring slits as he saw his taunter was none other than Andre. Andre and Brock had been doing marathons for years and the young men were bitter rivals. It frustrated Brock to no end that he hadn't yet managed to defeat the dark haired French Andre that moved like a cheetah. "You'll be the one losing this year." Sneered back Brock, a smug smile spreading across his face revealing his perfect teeth. "You say that every year." Mocked Andre who waved Brock off with a laugh before walking over towards the start of the racecourse. Brock had dieted and trained like he'd never done before yet it still hadn't been enough. Though his body was tanned and taut with muscle, which the ladies loved, he wanted a victory more than anything. One night, trawling the web, Brock had found his answer. A new running gel that advertised it could make a runner lighter. Brock didn't understand the exact science, something about the gel making gasses in the body that in turn made him lighter, which in turn would make him faster. It cost him a fortune but if it worked it'd be worth it. Turning back to his bike, Brock reached into his black backpack and removed the silver, tinfoil tube. "This better work." Brock grumbled to himself, ripping off the lid and squeezing the gel contents into his mouth. With a satisfied grin he downed the gel. It even tasted good, which was a pleasant surprise to him. Adjusting the white sweat band that held back his shoulder length, dirty blonde hair, Brock was satisfied he was ready. Heading over to the starting area, Brock's eyes focussed on Andre's dark head. He was determined to soar past Andre and leave him eating his dust. When the starting siren sounded to the race, it was the usual jostle and weaving as runners worked to get to their desired pace. The marathon wasn't the hardest Brock thought, as he'd done it before. Most of the course was fairly level with only a few inclines as the course wove its way out of the city into a nature reserve, then back into the city to complete the loop. With each slap of his long joggers on the pavement, Brock's mouth twinged with a smile as he was so certain he couldn't lose. As the race went on, the runners begun to spread further apart, with the leaders breaking away from the pack. Andre risked looking over his shoulder and smirked back at Brock who to his surprise returned the smirk. Andre frowned as he realized Brock was in fact closing the gap between them. Brock couldn't keep the smirk off his face, his strong, clean shaven chin jutted upwards smugly as he felt amazing. Not only from how light he felt, as it felt like he had to make no effort to get his limbs to move and he was surging with energy. The strange, experimental gel had been a worthwhile investment Brock had thought to himself as for the first time ever he passed Andre on the course. Andre stared in disbelief, looking at the back of Brock and his neon green singlet, his sinewy back muscles rippling beneath the airy fabric. Running felt near effortless to Brock as he continued to put more and more distance between himself and the others. He loved the view of them disappearing from his view as he entered the park, he had such a lead. He'd have let out a laugh or a cheer if he hadn't been worried about wrecking his breathing rhythm. Turning another bend in the course, Brock relaxed, being all alone as there weren't even spectators around this part of the course. It was a cloudy but nice day. The breeze on his skin felt nice as he continued to pump his long, strong legs onwards. Brock did notice though that his shirt was feeling airier than usual. It felt as if it was riding up, which was odd as he'd been careful with his training not to get bulky as that would slow him down. Looking down, Brock was shocked to find his once flat, rock hard abs were blowing outwards. What the fuck, Brock mentally cursed confused as he watched his belly bloat further. Raking his brain, Brock puzzled what could be causing such a bloat then he remembered the gel. There had been a fine print on the silver, squeezable tube 'Warning: Gel can cause bloating'. Remembering the warning, Brock's panic begun to subside. If a bit of bloat was part of the price to pay to beat Andre for once he didn't care. Undeterred, Brock continued his run, thinking only of the finish line and trying not to let his bulging belly distract him. However, Brock's belly didn't stay at a bit of a bloat. He felt his shirt riding higher, becoming tauter, the waist bands of his shorts sagging as they were pushed down by his belly. I'm looking pregnant, Brock thought mortified as he watched his stomach continue to swell. He also wondered when this 'bloating' caused by the gel was going to stop, as Brock doubted he'd be able to avoid any awkward questions if he continued to blow up. Though Brock did acknowledge with some joy that he was moving even faster. However, Brock's speed was soon being compromised as he realized other parts of him were swelling. His shorts were hugging his lightly haired legs and rising. He could see his arms thickening. Am I having some kind of allergic reaction, Brock thought to himself, his focus breaking from the course ahead of him to his changing body. Looking around Brock was glad no one was about, and he still had a vast lead on the other runners. Brock winced as even his shoes felt tight. Just keep going, get to the finish line then see a doctor, Brock mentally urged himself. Even with the bloat Brock felt so light, he felt like his feet were barely touching the ground as he ran. This was in fact the case as with one stride, Brock realized when his foot came down it didn't touch ground. Startled, Brock looked down to see he had begun to float off the ground. The action causing him to pitch forward until he was parallel with the ground he was leaving behind. "No, no, no, no this can't be happening." Brock grunted between pants. Pinwheeling his arms as if he was swimming, Brock tried to propel himself back to the ground, but as his arms pinwheeled he felt them rub his sides. With each pass of his arms he realized they weren't just rubbing into his sides they were smacking into them. Looking back Brock was horrified to see the growing globe that was his middle. His back was now entirely round, the rippling muscles gone. His long thrashing legs, barely making an appearance beyond his widening circumference. Focusing on the ground below him, Brock decided to change stroke. Switching to breaststroke, Brock tried to propel himself back down, the movements becoming more cumbersome as his limbs continued to thicken. Looking about himself once more, Brock realized his restricted movements weren't just because of his growing bulk but because his middle was slowing enveloping his limbs. "Oh fuck!" Brock grunted, as his clothing begun to strangle his swelling, increasingly globular body. Wide eyed, Brock looked around watching the trunks of the tall trees that lined the track passing him by. Tilting his head up, Brock looked at the approaching canopy and open sky. He also felt as his shoulder length hair begun to be pushed up by his ballooning shoulders, joining his chest in the slow encroach of enveloping his neck. Brock thrashed wildly, desperately, as much as he could with his conical limbs. His arms were already absorbed up to where his elbows were and after a series of snaps, then whoomp his legs were absorbed up to his knees. The tattered remains of his shorts and briefs fluttering down to the ground he was leaving further and further behind. "Somebody! Anybody! Help!" cried Brock discarding his pride as he continued to swell and swell. His long-suffering singlet shredded, unable to stretch any further over the colossal curvature of Brock's body. It's tattered remains fluttering down to the ground joining his shorts. As Brock continued to rise, he continued to swell, his feet and hands soon left flapping helplessly at the sides of his ballooning spherical form. "Somebody help me!" Brock cried again and again hoping some one would hear him or see his swollen body. However, he'd created such a lead not even Andre had caught up to where he'd lifted off. Brock's panic climbed further as he floated higher and grew wider. He was beginning to the clear the tree tops as he felt his neck become completely absorbed into the enormous orb he'd become. He couldn't even see around his sides anymore. "Somebod-" Brock started to cry out again, before his mouth was forced shut his prominent chin pressing into his growing body. Wide eyed Brock looked around as his head continued to sink into his body. He could feel his feet being pushed backwards as they were sucked inwards, his hands grasping at the mounds about them as they became the centre of divots in the near perfectly, fleshy circle. Brock could've taken some relief that with the size he'd distended to and the height he'd reached no one would've recognized his nakedness. His impressive member slowly disappearing further into a divot the bigger Brock continued to swell. All Brock could do was moan and wince as he floated higher and grew wider leaving the tree tops behind. He was starting to feel very full as the gas welling up on him didn't seem to be slowing down anytime soon. Andre, turning a bend soon passed under the shadow of Brock's ballooning body. However, he didn't notice Brock. Andre was so focused on what was ahead of him, he hadn't noticed the growing globe floating higher up above the tree tops, its shadow on the ground or the shreds of Brock's running cloths that had scattered at the sides of the track. Furious and helpless, Brock watched as Andre took the lead in the race. It made rage roil up inside him. Only it wasn't just his emotions becoming roiled as the gasses within him continued to surge. Brock groaned as he felt his hands, his feet stretch further away from his centre while sinking deeper. He could feel how tight he was and how huge he was still getting. Higher, and higher Brock floated. His handsome face completely hidden by the divot it had sunken into. I should've given the gel to Andre, Brock thought, smiling at the thought of Andre having blown up into a huge balloon instead of him. He fantasized about finding him and rolling Andre into the trees, to watch as his fair skinned, equally toned body morphed into a giant ball. Its sides sweeping out into all directions until it pressed too hard into a tree and he popped. Popped like an overfilled balloon which made Brock smile. As he passed hot air balloon size he had not considered until that point how overblown he had become. Wide eyed, Brock became all too aware how his swelling was accompanied by shuddering, but surely someone would see his huge body and send a helicopter or something to investigate. Perhaps if it hadn't been a cloudy day, maybe someone would've sent a helicopter, however as huge and light as Brock had become he'd soon floated up into the clouds. Up amongst the clouds, the pressure inside Brock grew even greater as he begun to swell even more rapidly. The pressure continued to mount and mount, each swollen moment feeling like he couldn't stretch any further only for it to continue, for him to swell further. High up out of view the giant, groaning, growing globe that was Brock rapidly surged in one shuddering moment before it became a whine. Helpless and wide-eyed Brock knew that sound. Balloons made that sound when overstretched and about to pop. He wanted to thrash, to cry out but all he could do was continue to float and swell. Totally immobilized as a result of his attempt at cheating. It was then the once handsome, lean, marathon runner turned unrecognizable, oversized blimp surged one last time then popped. Runners and spectators looked up at the cloudy sky hearing the enormous rumbling boom wondering whether that was thunder, hoping that it wasn't about to start raining.
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Hourglass Inflation
Science has answered many of the world's greatest questions and creates just as many. It's natural for people to be curious in the unknown. Though, the one being examined is not exactly a comforting feeling. I was sitting alone on a stool in the center of a white room. The walls, the ceiling, even the floor tiles were all white. The only differing color was a dark grey panel of glass. Behind the glass I could see the silhouettes of the scientists on the other end, most of them were watching me. "You are Nicole Wiley, native citizen of the Hudson States?" An horribly disfigured human voice blared over some sort of receiver hidden in the room. Almost like a speak and spell on low batteries. I cleared my throat and adjusted my stance. I'm still getting used to my new curvy figure. You see, yesterday I had undergone some sort of unexplainable growth. Normally I was an active trim woman, but now I had a more curvaceous figure. Overnight I had grown as well, prompting my roommate, Amisi, to telephone Corporal Eastgrove of the Home Guard. She seemed to have had some prior knowledge about this sort of thing, but instead of receiving some advice, my roommate and I were carefully run across the nation to the Home Guard Barracks. "Yes, I am Nicole. Who is this?" "That is of no concern to you. When did the changes first appear?" "Yesterday evening... Could I see Amisi please?" There was a long silence on the other end. "Captain Noble advises that your companion stay outside for the duration of this examination." Cheeky bastards... "Nicole, remove your clothes." I stared dumbly at them and blinked in surprise. "Y-your joking right?" "This is all a part of the examination. Please, proceed." "I will not." One the silhouettes, I assume the man speaking, waved a hand to someone else in the room. Moments later a door opened and in stepped a pair of Home Guard soldiers. Their red tunics and grey trousers contrasted greatly against the room. Though, it was not that contrast that caught my attention, it was the rifles in their hands. They both stood at my sides and stood still as statues. "Either remove it yourself or we will. Your choice." I grumbled to myself and eyed the two soldiers. I stood from the stool and slowly unwrapped the thin grey scarf around my neck. undressing has never felt so comforting. I took a moment to check just how my bust filled out my white blouse. Normally it was a loose-fitting blouse used with a jacket but it fit snugly against my new curves. I took a deep breath and quickly unbuttoned the shirt and let it fall to the floor in a heap beside the scarf. I did the same with my calf length skirt. I felt my cheeks begin to burn as my face turned pink with embarrassment. The soldiers hardly even noticed, or cared. A half-naked woman and not a single glance. Dedicated, I'll give them that. "Good. Please stay still." There a flash on the other end of the glass. Were they photographing me? "Your doing great. Soldiers, return to us here." The two soldiers marched back to wherever "here" was, their boots clicking on the tile floor. The door closed with a click and an uneasy silence fell over the room. "Uh... Can I put my clothes back on?" I asked, feeling a cold chill. "Just a moment longer." The silhouettes were talking among themselves. Someone had moved beside the speaker showing him something in hand. "Now you may. Once you have finished we will come to you." Thanking whatever deities there were I quickly slid up my skirt, buttoned up my blouse and flipped the scarf round my neck. Gosh it felt better. I turned as the door opened once again. I immediately recognized the olive-skinned beauty in a short white sheath dress and lace up sandals. "Nicole!" She head on slammed into me holding me tight nearly knocking the two of us to the floor. I laughed and hugged her back, the familiar face was comforting. Behind her, stood a mustachioed officer, a gruff sergeant, and a short old man in a lab coat. The officer waited patiently for Amisi to release me before introducing himself with a bow. "I am Captain Alexander Noble, commander of the Home Guard, Extraordinary Company." "Captain." What on Earth is the Extraordinary Company? Sounds like a cover name for some sort of party group or something. "I would like to apologize for the examination but it is necessary if we are to stop these growths from happening in the first place." I nodded silently. The old man adjusted his spectacle and looked closely at a clipboard. "Have you been in contact with any of the victims?" I thought back to the newspaper article from yesterday. Some mad man was rampaging across the nation, blowing up women into balloons, hence the reason I'm here. I shook my head and brushed a strand of auburn hair from my face. "Hm. So these victims have had no contact with one another, and neither have you. That rules out my theory." As the old man was content with mumbling to himself, the officer cleared his throat. "Normally civilians are restricted from seeing anything down here, but you two are a special case. The doctor here will guide you through the laboratory and try to explain you expansion. Good day ladies." The officer quickly left the room followed by the gruff sergeant, whom only grunted when called upon to follow. A real, that one is... "Right. You two with me." The doctor said, gesturing with a finger. As much as I didn't want to go anywhere with this guy, my gut was telling me to follow. Perhaps they could help me? What If I could help those victims? Hundreds of questions have flashed across my mind since the expansion. It's not normal for someone to just- "Hey Nicole! Stop staring into space!" Amisi pinched my side. "Ow! Would you stop that!" The doctor seemingly didn't notice our exchange and walked on as if nothing had happened. "This shall be interesting." He mumbled. The laboratory itself was nothing spectacular. In fact, it seemed like something straight out of a gothic horror set. Electrical equipment sizzled and sparked and dozens of trays lined with flasks of color liquids were strewn about absent-mindedly across the room. The doctor pulled out a pair of chairs for us to sit in. "Are you familiar with possession?" "You mean ownership?" "No, no, no. Possession, like spirits." I nodded, not understanding where he was going with this. The doctor kicked a stone wall and took a step back. With a low grumbling the wall slid away revealing a spare room similar to the one we had just left. Inside the room however was a young woman. She was a fair looking girl, only with enough curves to recognize her as female. She had her blonde hair tied behind her head in a tight bob with a pin stuck through to hold in place. She adjusted her blouse and the hem of her pencil skirt. The girl's glasses fell from her face as she bent over and she quickly recovered them with a slight blush. She's kind of cute. Wait, why did I just think that? The doctor waved to her with a hand. "Are you ready to demonstrate for our guests, Kayla?" "Aye. Right as rain." she replied in a quick timid voice. "Good." He turned to me and grabbed a large switch nearby. "You see, what we have discovered is that the changes you and the other victims have undergone are not normal physical changes." He pulled the lever into "release" with a loud clanking of machinery and the pop of electricity. Tendrils of energy ran from the switch into the other room via long exposed cables. "There is another dimension made up entirely of energy with living creatures, we refer to them as Geists. Now these Geists are also made up of energy and seek hosts to possess. Why they do this, we have yet to discover but the effect is almost immediate. Watch and see." Amisi and I exchanged glances and stared at the girl in the white room. The girl seemed nervous and was looking around the room. There was an almost indistinguishable flicker to her right. It looked a small swirl of lightning, barely there but just visible to the naked eye. It moved slowly, circling the young woman like a shark. What is that? Without warning it zapped like lightning striking the young woman and disappeared with a loud SNAP and a flash of light. I rose from my seat and approached the pane of glass separating the two of us. The girl gasped and shook violently. "Doc! What's happening to her?!" I cried out, turning to him. He seemed unaffected and replied, "This is what happens when a Geist possesses its victim. Do not worry, it is not harmful." The girl stopped shaking and turned to face us. She looked around as if nothing had happened. "Doc. Shouldn't you check on her?" "Wait for just a moment." How was he so calm! She was just struck by lightning and he wouldn't even bat an eye! Then something happened. The girl suddenly shot us a confused expression and grabbed her almost nonexistent chest. "Hamish... I'm feeling a wee bit strange 'ere." The girl moaned, looking at her chest. "Just remember what we taught you, you'll be fine." He assured her. The girl nodded and tried to smile, albeit with some success. It quickly changed to shock. My jaw nearly hit the floor as the girl's blouse began to fill out. It was almost unnoticeable at first until they surpassed a C cup. Slowly the silky material drew snug across her expanding chest. Amisi seemed particularly interested and stared intently at the girl. Not at the girl, something behind the girl? Maybe she was seeing something we could not. The girl began to pant and closed her eyes blushing deep beet red. She grabbed her rapidly growing chest, now pushing tightly against the thin fabric, the outline of her bra showing. Diamond shaped gaps began to appear between the straining buttons revealing pink flesh beneath. Her shirt began to creak and her chest heaved within its cloth prison. There was a loud pop as a button burst loose and clattered on the floor. The other's quickly followed suite revealing her white frilly bra overstuffed by her bulging breasts. They had gone from small bumps to a pair of volleyballs in just a matter of minutes. The girl's chest had stopped growing and she stood still gasping for breath. She seemed surprised by her new form and bounced them ensuring sure they were real. A small smile spread across her face. I turned to the doctor with an arched eye brow. "Did... did she just-?" "Yes. Though it was the Geist. It's not done yet." The girl must have heard this and glanced up at him in surprise. She opened her mouth to say something but was silent. Instead she ran a hand along her rear. She gasped again as her flat rear grew curves and flattened out any creases in her skirt. The skirt was small to begin with and the growing flesh beneath began to strain the fabric. The girl seemed uncomfortable and tried to undo the waistband of her skirt but could not see over her breasts. She grunted as her rear had nowhere else to go and the seams of her skirt began to pop. Thinking quickly, the girl snatched a pen from the remnants of her blouse and plucked at the seams, rather awkwardly since her breasts got in the way. Like her blouse, once one gave in the others could not hold out. With a loud POP her skirt burst apart falling in a heap at her feet. Her rear and widening hips jostled excitedly at the newborn freedom. The girl ran her hands along her new curves in pleasant surprise. The round swell of her rear bulged out around her panties turning it into an inadvertent thong. The girl caught her breath and adjusted her glasses. She looked back at us and quickly found the floor more interesting, probably trying to hide the fact she enjoy the "demonstration". She seemed on the brink of tears, out of embarrassment or happiness I could not tell. The smile across her face was a nice change. The doctor cleared his throat loudly attracting our attention. He set aside his clipboard on a nearby desk and leaned against it with his arms crossed across his chest. "That is what a Geist can do. You've been possessed by a Geist, the only question is why it chose you." "It chose me? Could it take control of me?" I asked, the rising fear becoming clear in my voice. The doctor laughed. "No. You still have complete control over your body. Though, this is what happens to its host in a natural way." Amisi sat straighter and leaned towards the doctor. "So your saying that Nicole here was possessed by this Geist thing? Why isn't she, or your demonstration, blown up like those girls in the papers?" "It is because we are not dealing with any ordinary Geists," the doctor sighed and looked at the ceiling, "we have a theory that the Society of Thule is responsible." "What," I asked, stepping closer, "is the Society of Thule?" The doctor huffed and shrugged his shoulders. "Who can say. They're mostly a band of occultists working under orders of a Count Eberhard. They are nothing to be worried about, the Society of Thule has no gains on Thames soil." Somehow I doubted that. The girl had entered the room with a small blanket hung over her shoulders in a hopeless attempt to hide her exposed body. The doctor was courteous enough to hand her his lab coat. She wrapped it tight across herself, appearing uncomfortable being half-naked underneath it. "Now, if you don't mind, you best be returning to the surface." Amisi and I nodded and said our farewells to the doctor and the girl. A soldier had entered the lab and was waiting for us to follow. "Oh and one more thing!" The doctor called out. "Yes?" We both asked in unison. "Would you kindly guide Kayla to the surface? She could do with some clothes." Lying in the tall grassy hill overlooking the barracks, a small group of men watched the activity below. Among them was an old man wearing the dark blue uniform of the Rhine military. His aging eyes hovered over the fields below, a quiet mechanical hum emanating from his copper mechanical right arm, glinting in the sunlight. Beside him, a similarly uniformed soldier had a scoped rifle in hand. His blonde hair was cut close to his scalp and his ice blue eyes never left his scope. A long scar ran across his face from ear to ear, aligned nicely with his square set jaw. "Count Eberhard, should we proceed?" the soldier asked. The commandant was quiet. He stroked his full white beard with a gloved hand, deep in thought. He craned his neck back and eyed the dozen of Jaeger Elite infantrymen awaiting his command. He placed his Pickelhelm atop his head and eyed the field once more. "This is not the time. We've got new priorities." The old man replied in a deep voice, like a lion's growl. The soldier nodded and shook his head to the expectant Jaegers. Quietly the soldiers snatched up their Shakos and scurried off into the nearby woods disappearing as the sun set. "Find that girl." The old man ordered before following after the Jaegers. The soldier lifted his scope and glanced once more at the young woman. She was pretty, no denying that, with a curvy body. Though it was her companion that caught his eye. The equally attractive Nile woman with violet eyes. His eyes narrowed and a toothy grin spread across his face. "Amisi. I have found you."
first person, inhale
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"What's wrong with me?" I wonder to myself as I pet my flat belly while I lay on my bed looking up at the ceiling. A week ago my pregnant friend stuffed a hose in me and made me swell up like a balloon. "That's impossible though - that's not even remotely, humanly possible. Am I turning into a cartoon?" I give a slight puff on my thumb and I can feel my chest swell a bit with air. A smug look comes across my face as I get the urge to puff more and increase my breasts. I know that if I were to walk around with larger breasts, my friends would think I gotten a boob job or something. I roll out of bed and stretch, "Good thing I set up that doctor's appointment. It's time to see if I'm crazy or I'm a balloon." I slip out of my pajamas and into a white button up blouse and tan capri pants. Slipping on my favorite white sneakers and grabbing my keys as I head out to the local clinic. One thing I distinctly remember about this particular clinic is the boring waiting room. After several minutes of flipping through dull magazines, a nurse enters. "Sims. Ms. Sims," a blonde nurse with little blue scrubs calls out. I stand and follow the nurse to a small patient room. She smiles to me and shuts the door behind her as she leaves me in the room alone. "I've gotta be crazy...I wonder if the doctor will lock me up," I frown, looking down at my body with a whimper. Another puff of air makes my breasts plump slightly, confirming the reality of my inflation. "Ms. Sims, how are you doing today?" the doctor says as he enters with a clipboard in his hands. Although, he isn't my usually doctor he should do. He's an older man in his fortys. He has slight gray just behind his ears that offsets his thick brown hair. His face looks long and serious but his smile is convincing. He sets his clipboard on the counter and gives me a friendly look. "I've been better Doc." "Please, call me Dr. Johnson. So what brings you to see me?" he smiles at me. I feel myself blush instantly from that question. Who wouldn't when you're about to tell a man with such intelligence in the medical field that I can do something no one else can. "Well Doc, I can inflate..." My voice trails off to a mumble. He raises his eyebrow at me, "You mean you feel bloated or have some swelling?" "No, I mean I can blow up like a balloon," I say, not wanting to explain fully. He flips through my chart and reads for a moment. "It's normal for a woman your age to have cases of swelling from time to time." "You don't understand. I can inflate like a balloon, last week I filled up with water." He just kind of blinks at me as if his mind has shut off, "You filled up with water?" "Yes! I can expand like a human balloon. Let me show you," I look around the room and spot an oxygen mask, "Here, hand me that mask." He hesitates a moment before handing the mask to me. "When I put this on, turn the air on so I can inhale faster and show you." I say before pulling it on, and watching him turn it on as I start inflating I take in as much oxygen as I can and I start to feel my chest expand. Dr. Johnson examines my chest as I take in more and more air. My top is pulling tighter and cleavage is forming. He obviously has never seen anything like this and seems to want to touch my chest. "May I?" he asks as he gestures to feel my chest. I nod to him and help him unbutton my shirt, showing my white, overflowing B cup bra to the world. He gently feels the density of my chest. "This is amazing, can more than just your breasts inflate?" "My stomach can inflate too, Doc." I continue to inhale more oxygen and my belly starts to puff up. I unbutton my blouse lower and expose my stomach to him. He makes a very concerned look and rubs my skin, "Your skin is different than I've ever seen. It's extremely flexable and seems to strech far more than normal. It looks as if all your skin is this way and that it can hold an extreme amount of content and pressure." He pushes his hands firmly into my belly as I start to look like I had a big meal with matching double D sized boobs that overflow my bra. I give a polite cough, "Doc, you can turn the air off now." He blushes as he gives me a small smile, "Oh, I'm sorry Ms. Sims." The doctor reaches over and turns the valve all the way off, "It's is remarkable, I have to document this. Just wait right here, Ms. Sims." He scurries out the door and I relax with the mask still on. "Look at you, Nebby. I guess you aren't crazy, you're just a big balloon," I think to myself as I pat my large belly. I reach inside my blouse and take off my bra to stop it from cutting into my tits anymore. I put it beside me and button up my blouse again to try and cover myself. Another female nurse enters the room, but she's different from the first nurse. She's a brunette and has a very smug look on her face. Something about her seems weird as she stands before me in her green scrubs. "Sorry to intrude but Dr. Johnson say I should prep you before he starts his documentation." "Prep me?" I ask the nurse. "Sure!" she says loudly as she reaches out and grabs me tightly by the neck. It surprises me and I try to remove her hand only to feel something happen with the mask on my face. The same creaking sound of the oxygen turning on can be heard. She cranks the oxygen up pretty high and I feel my face inflate. The mere force of the air makes me unable to stop it. It holds my mouth open so I can't talk and freely pushes into my nose and mouth. With her hand firmly around my neck it can't enter my body and my cheeks began to puff up, tightening the straps of the mask against my face. She releases her hand from my neck and laughs as the oxygen starts to enter the rest of me. Her reaction to my situation is joy. She loves me blowing up, although I still don't know how big I can get. I don't need some stupid nurse blowing me up for her own enjoyment. My stomach seems to take most of this inflation and pulls the middle of my blouse tighter, stretching the shirt so that you can see my skin in between the buttons. "Jeez, Ms. Sims you are looking very bloated today," she taunts me as she tickles my skin from between the buttons. I try to lean forward to grab her but leaning forward is gone now, as my breasts join in on the expansion. My chest is pulling on my blouse just like my belly, when with a pop, a button bursts off of my blouse near my stomach. "Aww, poor Ms. Sims. Did your mother not give you clothes that you could grow into?" I blush as she leans close enough to me to grab handfuls of my boobs. "At least you were smart enough to wear something that can leave room for growth. Those capris however, looks like they just might burst off." More creaking is heard as she increases the pressure of oxygen getting pumped into me. As I panic at the increased flow, I begin to wonder, "Why did she say that? It's not like my legs inflate." I feel myself begin to rise a bit as my butt cheeks start to puff up. I grab them with my hands and feel them expanding. "No fucking way!" I think. "Doctor Johnson told me that only your breasts and stomach could inflate. Somehow I believed your whole body could. I should really let you fill all the way out so the doctor can record it," she says while two more buttons fly off my blouse. I hold my now beach ball like stomach and growl at her. I despise that she's using me as her play thing. Like a child wanting a balloon much bigger and better than everyone else's. My thighs pull the fabric of my pants really tight and my calves inflate freely. Angrily, I watch her take my socks and shoes off and play with my feet. "This one went to the doctor," she says, pinching my big toe, "this one should have stayed at home. This one got a mask stuck on it's face. This one got inflated real big. And this one..." I feel her pinch my little toe. She leans up to me and shoves my bloated belly back, making me lay on the bed. Still holding my smallest toe she says, "This one's going to explode!" With her free hand she breaks the oxygen valve on the wall so it blow full force and it can't be stopped. It blows down the hose and into my mask with immense pressure. Making my cheeks and throat balloon up to contain it. The nurse releases my toe and steps back to admire her work. The air pushes into me so hard, I feel every inch of my body quiver as it is forced to expand. Waving my arms doesn't do much, I doubt she can see them from where she stands. With beach ball like tits and a stomach that is 4 feet in diameter, I don't blame her. My ass surges out and rips my pants to shreds, my thighs, calves, and feet join in with the growth. My body straightens out as my arms go out to my sides and my legs are pushed out straight. Laying flat on the bed as I balloon up so fast, the nurse walks around me, running a finger along my thigh, then my side, then my boob. "My my. Ms. Sims, you look big and healthy. I'd love to stick around and watch the finale, but I got other patients to check on," she says the whole time with a smile. She doesn't even care if I explode or not. "Ciao, Nebby," she says with a wave. I'm dumbstruck by a massive sense of deja-vu. I don't focus on it long as even if she's gone, I'm still inflating like there's no tomorrow. All I can do is nervously look around my mask and see my cleavage stretch out as my breasts get to a size the world has never seen before. My thighs and sides of my round stomach hang off the bed and continue to swell bigger. My fingers and toes puff up and grow very tight, even my lips have puffed up inside the mask so full force of the air can't enter. It all blows into my nose and it doesn't seem to be slowing. "Oh my God!" I hear a voice from my side. I can't see who it is from my girth. I wiggle my puffy fingers and toes to get his attention and stop this expansion. "Ms. Sims, what are you doing?" I hear and feel hands on my body pushing on my belly and thighs. It sounds like the doctor but it's hard to hear over the sound of my body hissing. He shuffles things around in the drawer of the counter and finds a large part of scissors. Cutting the hose stops the tremendous flow of air into me. The doctor grabs the part of the hose still attached to my mask. "Can you release the air, Ms. Sims?" he asks looking nervously at my stomach that is 6 feet in diameter. I'm surprised he isn't laughing at me as well, I'm so big and round. I'm so helpless, all I can move are my fingers and toes. The doctor pushes on me firmly but it only makes the air shift in me. I start blushing as this doctor touches my bloated, naked body. "I guess now would be a good time to write this down," Doctor Johnson says as he picks up a notepad and beings writing.
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation
It was in the span of approximately two weeks that Sebastian Lee learned that all was not as he believed it to be in his home city of West Ashley. At first he learned that he was one in a wide-branched family tree of wizards, expressing surprise at the existence -of- magic, further surprise at the person telling this to him revealing that he was a ghost in the employ of a council of Fair Folk which secretly governed the affairs of the supernatural in the city, and even further shock that the preceding council of vampires was voted out due to a joint coalition of werewolves and nymphs. It was quite a bit to take in, all told."...and you," the ghost said, "have a great legacy to live up to."The ghost spoke of Sebastian's unknown father - his true father, not his adopted one - and how he served as a detective to the supernatural world. Sebastian was to follow in his footsteps, investigating crimes that the mundane world could not - or would not solve, in the dark recesses of the city, rife with corruption, each day a struggle to see justice done in a cynical world, knowing that the end might come at any moment and, as he lay dying, leave him wondering if it was at all worth it.To which Sebastian replied, "I'd much rather keep painting."So he did.As far as art careers went Sebastian's turned out to be quite fruitful, thanks in no small part to him fostering his magical talents on the side. Finding out that there were five additional colors in the spectrum did wonders for his paintings' compositions, even if he couldn't sell them on the ordinary market, and illusions of depth were much more convincing when you could apply an illusion -of- depth to it.The main drawback was that he tended to attract attention from unusual places, some of which took up residence in his home. The current semi-permanent fixture was a young fire elemental: Her eyes were embers, her hair a mane of flickering flame, and her body the color of molten steel, upper arms and thighs covered by cracked stone that grew cooler and more solid along her limbs before ending in obsidian hands and feet. She was warm but not hot and, more importantly, didn't cause things to burst into flames around her, so Sebastian let her stay. She mostly hovered around, watching him paint and asking him questions about the world every so often, subsisting on a modest and odd diet of charcoal briquettes.As Sebastian prepared to head out one day the elemental floated towards him. "Where are you going?" she asked."Shopping." He pulled his coat on. "The old grill is starting to rust, and anyway I've been meaning to trade up to a newer one for a while."She drew her legs to her chest, resting her hands on her ankles. "Why do you need a grill?""To cook things. It's been ages since I had a good salmon steak." As he walked to the door he added, "and it's probably a better idea to have one that doesn't run on what you eat.""Couldn't -you- eat it too?""That... it doesn't work that way." Opening the door he stepped partway through, turning back to the elemental. "I'll be back in a bit. Just remember..." He pointed to her."Don't open the door for anyone that isn't you," she recited."...and?""If it's that ghost you don't like, act like nobody's home.""Good." With that, he left. Some time later Sebastian returned, unlocking the door and pushing it open before lugging in a stout metallic cylinder by the handle with both hands. He set it down with a thud in the middle of the living room, flexing his hands to remove the indentations on his fingers.The elemental drifted in, leaning over and inspecting it. "What's this?""It's a propane tank," he said over his shoulder as he departed again.She didn't know what "propane" was, but lingering around the tank was a positively delicious scent, so whatever was inside had to be edible. The coiled-up tube suggested some sort of liquid, maybe, and the knob on top was probably what let it pour out. So, wanting to try some, she uncoiled the tube and placed the end of it in her mouth. The knob was stiff, but with a little effort she managed to turn it a fraction of an inch, surprised when it was gas and not a fluid that came through. It tasted as good as it smelled, but it was only a tantalizing trickle; she tried to force the knob a little more only to wrench it open when the friction suddenly gave way, the gas blowing into her full blast.In a panic the elemental struggled with the knob, now finding it stuck open. Her stomach, once flat, grew out into a rising curve, giving her the appearance of pregnancy but for how buoyant and weightless it was. She pressed her hands against it, trying to force the gas out as she swelled, only causing the glowing bubble handing off her frame to shift and distend. Little by little she could feel it growing firmer, her actions growing more frenzied as she heated up. A painful tension spread across her belly's surface, and as she felt it throb she squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for the inevitable......which never came as, nearly diving for the tank, Sebastian twisted the knob shut, tugging the hose from the elemental's mouth as he turned her upright again, holding her carefully against him. "It's okay, you're fine now, you're fine."She let out hiccups and sobs as Sebastian gently stroked the flames of her hair with one hand, cradling her stomach. "It hurts!" she whimpered."I know honey, it's going to be okay.""It really hurts! It feels like I'm going to explode!""You're not going to explode," he said reassuringly. He gently laid his other hand on the curve of her belly, swollen to the size of a beach ball, drum tight and glowing white. She was much hotter than normal from her high emotions; he was genuinely worried that she really -would- explode from the gases heating up in her, but this was the absolute last thing she needed to know. "I know it hurts but you need to try and relax." He moved his hand, taking hers and giving it a light squeeze. "Then we can get all that out of you. Do you think you can manage that?"She gave him a nervous nod as Sebastian held her close, her expression pained. Her hiccups trailed off and, little by little, she returned to a more comfortable level of heat, the glow of her gas-filled body fading to its normal hue.Once he was sure she was calm he asked, "feeling better?"She nodded. "It still hurts a little...""Alright, well." He moved away, slowly circling around behind her as he eased her into a vertical position. "Let's try this." Reaching around her, he rested both hands on the sides of her belly and began drumming against it.The elemental gave him an odd look over her shoulder. "What are you doing?""Trying to get the gas out.""How does that wo-URP!" Her words were cut short as a bubble of propane rolled up, escaping her lips and igniting in a spark of fire, causing Sebastian to reflexively pull his head away."Like that," he said. "Could you face forward, please?"She nodded, looking ahead as her gut rumbled, and she let out a loud burp accompanied by a plume of flame, quickly followed by a second, longer one. Bewildered by it all she simply floated there and let it happen as Sebastian thumped away, gas escaping in long, rolling, fiery belches punctuated by strings of staccato "urp"s, a minutes-long cascade of noisy expulsions as her midsection shrank down to a much smaller, yet still quite prominent size.Sebastian lowered his hands and the elemental drifted away, turning to face him. "That was scary," she said."But you're better now, yes?"She nodded, and her eyes lit up. "That thing you did was fun! Can we do it again?"As he went to speak the room was filled with a piercing series of beeps, and they jolted. "Perhaps later," he said hurriedly, rushing to a window and sliding it open. "When I'm not in danger of dying from carbon monoxide poisoning."
fantasy, floating, how would i inflate you
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
In time immemorial there stood in the antediluvian land of Mnar a great city of men; the City of Sarnath. It was a true metropolis, bustling with merchants and fortune seekers from all reaches of the known world. The bandage-wrapped talisman peddlers of Noor, the diminutive lizard beings of Outer Foth, even the fabled moon-beings could all be found wandering the winding streets and bazaars of Great Sarnath, hawking and buying things ranging from fine bronze blades to black lotus to dyed bolts of silk. The Great King Ub Na'ilon ruled unquestionably but benevolently from upon his towering throne, carved from a single piece of whitest ivory, although no man knew from whence such a piece came. It was the year 24739 BCE, and it was a great time to be alive. But now, enough about Great Sarnath. This story is about two adventurers; daring grave robbers who met in a tavern in the lower bazaar and decided to enter into a mutually beneficial and not homoerotically charged venture to raid the ancient and deserted necropolis of Old Pnoth. They were Blux, a young warrior, and Xirr, a fledgling black lotus addict sorcerer with a small collection of magical talismans. They pooled their meager capital, bought provisions for their journey and tools for their grave robbing, and set out for Old Pnoth. For many days they traveled, until they came upon a raging river of dark blue water, swift and deep... "I'm telling you, this is impossible," gesticulated Xirr, waving a dirty piece of parchment at Blux's face. "This shit is NOT on the map. It just isn't." "Great. It's here anyway. Fuck my life." Blux sighed. This was bullshit, man. "Maybe we can make a raft." Xirr helpfully suggested. "Out of what?!" Blux waved his hands in the air and made a big show of looking around for trees that he already knew he would not find. "Out of DIRT?!?" There was like, one shrub here. "We'll string a rope across the river!!!" Xirr shouted back. "Oh, that might actually work. There are a few shrubs here and on the other side of the river that we could tie the rope to. But how are we gonna get the rope across?" Blux asked. "I have the perfect thing for this! A magical talisman!" Xirr produced a tiny bronze icon of an ugly little monster from one of the many pockets in his voluminous robes. "Lay out some rope." Blux grabbed a coil of rope from his pack and dropped it unceremoniously on the riverbank. Xirr held the talisman and began to chant in an atonal, alien tongue. Suddenly he stopped and both intrepid wanderers stared expectantly at the rope. With a hiss, one end of the coil rose from the ground and waved back and forth, tasting the air, imbued with new life. It quickly slithered away into the grass and out of sight. The two adventurers said nothing. "I have a better talisman. Get more rope." - Soon our two grave robbing heroes stood among an impressive array of knots and coils of rope. A loose, expandable harness had been tied around Blux, who had removed his armor and sword. A rope tied off at the center of the harness was tied around Xirr's waist, and he held the two packs slung over one shoulder and tied off to the rope supporting him. In one hand he held a tiny bronze statuette of a very round little woman. "Okay, ready?" Blux gave a thumbs up. "Ready." Xirr started chanting again, atonal and droning. Soon, Blux began to bulge, his belly bloating out as his whole body widened and began to lift off the ground. Xirr chanted faster as Blux felt the ropes tighten around his rapidly filling body. Swelling with gas, he ran his hands over his tight, hollow form. He was pumping up huge and wide, fast. Soon he had pulled the tether between him and Xirr tight, but the atonal chanting just grew faster and faster as minutes passed and Blux grew bigger and rounder, pumping up like an overinflated blimp. His huge, buoyant body began to float into the sky, pulling Xirr with it. The chanting stopped. Blux was enormous, a tight, creaking parade balloon of a person. With all the pressure inside him, he felt like he could explode. He began to float away from the river, back toward Sarnath, fast. It was a windy day. "I think we're blowing the wrong way! How long is this gonna last?!?" He shouted down to his erstwhile drug addled cultist friend. "I don't know, I've never done this before!" "Fuck! I hope we don't blow past Sarnath into the Screaming Moon Creature Wasteland!!!" "Fuck. Fuuuck."
blueberry inflation, female inflation, revenge
Female Inflation
Amy peeled the wrapper open. Staring at the bright blue stick of gum, she went over what the shop owner had told her. "It's just like the film, you'll get the full experience. Tomato soup, roast beef, and then some blueberry pie to finish it off. That's when the swelling will start." He had to be joking, right? She must have just taken him too seriously, he was obviously just making a reference... But what if the gum really worked? She had been pacing around her room for nearly half an hour. Amy carefully took the gum out of the wrapper and held it in her palm, slowly lifting it up to her mouth. She looked at herself in the mirror and popped it in. "Here goes nothing..." Almost instantly, she could taste the soup. She closed her eyes and smiled. This had to be the best tomato soup ever. The roast beef was up next, and just like the soup, it was even better than the real thing. She almost forgot about the blueberry pie that was coming. But then it happened. Her mouth was filled with an incredible blueberry flavor. She sat down, completely overwhelmed with how good it was. She kept chewing, when she glanced down at her hand and noticed her fingertips. They were slowly turning a rich shade of violet. She began to feel a little dazed, and the color continued flowing up her arms. She turned to the mirror, just as the violet reached her face. Amy watched as the rest of her body became covered. She stood up, starting to become a little nervous. Amy patted her flat stomach. Even though she had turned to the shade of a blueberry, she was relieved that she hadn't swelled up yet. She went up to the mirror to look at herself, still shocked that the gum had worked. And then she felt it. Her stomach was beginning to softly rumble, and she knew her fate. Amy watched as her belly started to gradually push forward. She frantically tried to suck it in, but this only seemed to speed up the juice. She was starting to look pregnant, and her t-shirt was riding up over her swollen stomach. Amy let out a sharp cry as she felt the juice in her breasts. They grew from a C, to double D's, to triple F's... Meanwhile, the rest of her body was filling up just as quickly. Her butt was pushing against the back of her jeans, threatening to rip them at any moment. Her shirt was stuck under her boobs, but her belly had grown huge, and was hanging far down over her legs. She was too scared to look at herself like this in the mirror, but she realized that she wouldn't have been able to anyways. Her neck was slowly disappearing into her body, as she started to round out. Her arms shrunk into her sides, uselessly laying against her swelled hips. Her legs did the same, and she fell onto her back. Only now did she understand just how big she was. The amount of juice that she could feel sloshing around inside of her was much more than she could fit in her bathtub, but as she caught a quick glimpse of herself in the mirror, she knew that her expansion was far from over. Amy was now a ball. A helpless ball, filled with blueberry juice, far too big and round to move. The remains of her clothes were scattered around her, a reminder of just how much she'd grown. All she could do was wait. Her body continued to fill with juice, bringing her closer and closer to the ceiling with each passing second. She felt her left hip brush against the wall. She hoped the swelling would stop before... before she... She didn't even want to think about it. She was now inches away from hitting the ceiling. She closed her eyes, preparing for an explosion. But it never came. She opened them and blinked. Amy was now a giant blueberry, taking up her entire apartment. But she hadn't popped. Minutes went past before she started to get annoyed. "Come on, gum... You turn me into this enormous blob, but you don't pop me?" She summoned all her strength in an attempt to move, but her massive body just shook the hundreds of gallons of juice inside her. Her annoyance quickly turned to fear as she realized that she was stuck like this until someone found her. She bit her lip, tasting blueberries. A few hours of complete boredom later, Amy was close to tears. She figured it was probably quite late, and she knew that sleeping would help her pass the time. Her dreams were filled with blueberries, she couldn't get them out of her head. Morning came, and a thin ray of sunlight came from a window near a corner of the room that Amy's body hadn't completely covered. Amy slowly blinked, breathing heavily. She was still massive, but some of the juice had leaked overnight. She was lying in a puddle of it. Amy smiled, and she shook her body again. The puddle grew larger. She felt the juice leaving her body, and tried to enjoy it. Once she got herself small enough to sit up, she carefully did, and she leaned against the wall to catch her breath. There was no doubt that she was enormous, but at least this was more manageable. She shifted her weight and felt the juice slosh around inside her massive body, but no more came out. That's when she heard it. Her phone was lying a few feet away. She could see that she had cracked it and probably damaged the speakers when she had filled up the apartment, but it was still working. It rang again, softly beeping. With all her energy, Amy threw herself in the direction of it, and her body rolled sideways. Just as she hoped, her head landed on the screen, and answered the call. "Ames, what's up?" This was Kate, one of her best friends. "I was thinking of coming over later, you got any plans?" Amy's body had swallowed up her neck, but she managed to get out a few words. "Come. Now. Door locked. Break window. Need help." "Oh my god, what happened? I'm on my way!" Kate hung up. Amy was lucky that she lived on the ground floor. She closed her eyes, trying to get comfortable until her friend arrived. Ten minutes later, she heard something thrown at the window behind her. Another object was thrown, this time breaking through. Kate climbed through the narrow opening. "Amy, I don't know what to say..." She looked at her friend. "You're blue. And huge." Amy was beyond embarrassed, but she knew how lucky she was to have someone with her. "Just help. Roll me up." Kate walked behind, and placed her hands on Amy's body. She playfully poked her. "Whoa, you're filled with juice!" "Not a joke. Help." Kate poked her again. "It's not every day you find your friend as a blueberry. How'd it happen?" "Gum. Bought a pack." Kate walked across the room and picked up the pack of gum. "Oh, like in that movie? That's crazy it actually worked..." "Just help me!" Amy was getting restless after nearly a day of being a giant blueberry. "How?" Kate was focused on reading the label on the package of gum. "I... I don't know..." Amy tried to empty herself of some more juice, but she couldn't get any more out. "There's 11 more sticks in here! If you got this big from just one..." Kate took out another stick of gum. Amy started to get nervous. "Please... Help me..." Kate walked back over to Amy with the gum. "You're a blueberry. I've got no idea how to get all that juice out of you, and even if I did, you're blue. But I'm getting curious about something, and you're completely helpless." Amy began to cry. Blue tears rolled down her face. "Oh, come on. You did this to yourself." Kate started to unwrap the rest of the sticks. She squeezed all 11 of them together in her palm, creating a ball of blueberry gum. "I'd get you out of the apartment so you've got room to grow, but you're way too heavy for me to move." Amy clenched her teeth together, refusing to open her mouth. A small puddle of juice was beginning to form under her. Kate poked her massive belly. "Ames, open up." Amy was slowly managing to juice herself. Her arms were gradually becoming arms again. Kate was trying to get her mouth open, and she didn't notice as Amy reached out to grab it from her hands. "Hey!" Surprised, Kate stepped backwards, and stumbled. She fell onto the floor, nervously looking up at Amy's swollen, blue face. Amy dropped the ball of gum into Kate's shocked, open mouth. Hitting the back of it, Kate gagged, and accidentally swallowed it. Her eyes widened as she slowly got to her feet. "Amy... Maybe-maybe it won't work if I can't chew it?" Her hopes were crushed as she began to taste tomato soup. She struggled to imagine just how big she was going to become. "Serves you right." Amy leaned back, continuing to juice herself. She was now the size of an extremely obese woman, a significant change from the previous day. Kate was starting to freak out. The tomato soup changed to roast beef, and she quickly left Amy's apartment, slamming the door behind her. She needed to find somewhere to expand. Kate crossed the street, pushing through a group of pedestrians. The taste of blueberry pie filled her mouth, and she froze. She looked at her hands, and saw her fingers become violet. Kate began to run. She didn't know where to go, but she was terrified. The color had reached her elbows now. Kate raced down the street in a panic. She saw her reflection in a shop window, and watched her neck turn blue, then her mouth, then her nose... People started to notice her and pointed to each other. A small crowd was gathering around Kate, trapping her. The swelling happened much quicker this time than with Amy, since Kate had swallowed much more gum. Within seconds, she was looking pregnant. A few seconds later, she was rounding out. Kate took a few steps forward before her legs were sucked into her body. Her arms were sucked in as well, and the crowd began to back away. "Help me... Please... " Kate sobbed, understanding how Amy must have felt. She was now about as big as Amy was when she left the apartment, but growing rapidly. A curious man walked up and poked her in the butt. "She's filling with juice!" The crowd muttered excitedly to each other, but Kate could hardly hear, since her ears were so squashed. She was bigger than a car now. Cars had been forced to stop, and fascinated drivers got out and joined the crowd to watch. Kate quickly passed Amy's biggest size, and her swelling sped up. She was covering the street, her head becoming a tiny dot on her absolutely massive body. People were scrambling to get away from her, realizing what was going to happen. Amy had now gotten herself to a much more practical size, and she slowly got to her feet. She was still completely blue, and quite plump, but this would have to do. She threw on her biggest pair of leggings and a t-shirt that barely covered her belly, and she walked out of her apartment. "Quick, run!" A man sprinted past her, and she looked up to see Kate, who had grown bigger than some of the buildings. The massive blob was still growing, and Amy almost felt bad. She started to walk towards Kate, who was sobbing uncontrollably. Kate couldn't see anything but her giant blue body, stretching out hundreds of feet in every direction. Amy watched as Kate continued to swell, but she noticed it was slowing down. She stepped back every time Kate grew bigger, but she was starting to realize that the gum wouldn't allow her to pop just from expanding. Amy poked the blueberry. She knew that popping her would mean flooding the city, but could she leave her like this? The swelling continued to slow down, eventually finishing. Kate blinked. She was indescribably huge. Amy stepped back to gaze at the blueberry in awe. She couldn't believe just how enormous her former friend had become. Kate was beyond helpless in this state. She couldn't even wiggle her fingers, which were now sausage-like, and tiny at her sides. She took deep breaths, tasting and smelling blueberries with each one. Amy was struggling to figure out what to do. She realized that she was the only one anywhere near the blueberry, and it's fate was in her hands. She also knew that popping it would cause all of the juice to burst out, and the force from millions of gallons of blueberry juice was not something that she wanted to face. She turned around and began to walk away, when she heard the juice again. Maybe the gum couldn't prevent someone from popping if they had 11 pieces of it... Amy wasn't going to stick around to find out. She ran as fast as she could, slowed down by the remaining juice in her body, but determined to get out of range of the overfilled blueberry. Kate heard the juice too, and knew what was about to happen. Her skin had been stretched to an incredible size, and it wasn't going to be able to hold all of the juice inside. She licked her lips, tasting delicious blueberries, and closed her eyes. BOOM! It took weeks for the city to recover from the flood. Amy hadn't been able to get any more juice out of her body, but she was thankful that she hadn't ended up like Kate. She was still completely blue, and a very large girl, but she was starting to get used to it. She was cleaning her apartment today, when she noticed the empty package of gum under a chair. She picked it up, and almost threw it away before feeling a final piece wedged at the bottom. "Kate must have not noticed this..." Amy held the last stick in her hand, and unpeeled it. She could smell the familiar scent of blueberries. It was nearly irresistible. She tried to snap out of her trance. Amy thought about everything that had happened in the past few weeks, but the stick of gum was beyond tempting. And so she popped it in her mouth. "Mmm, tomato soup!"
floating, The Getaway
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation
Rachel smiled at the various diplomats chatting in the lobby as she pressed the UP elevator button, scanning the room in the mirrored surface of the wall. "Good", she thought. "They haven't noticed yet." Why this was so, she wasn't quite sure since she was the only brunette at the reception wearing a clingy red cocktail dress. Then again, her supervisor did say during the mission briefing that Elbonian security wasn't exactly the best or the brightest. Even so, the buffoons had managed to secure every exit. There simply was no way she was getting out through the front entrance. Waiting by the elevator with an outward air of calm and elegance, she desperately tried to suppress the apprehension building within her. When you're in a hurry, waiting for an impossibly slow elevator is bad enough, but when you've just stolen state secrets from right under the Elbonian ambassador's nose, it's panic inducing. A tuxedoed man glanced her way from across the room and she smiled coyly at him, hoping that her calculated flirtation would distract him from picking up on her nervousness. "Was he with the embassy's security?" she thought to herself. "Or worse yet - is he drunk?" The absolute last thing she needed at the moment was the fumbling advances of some low level diplomatic attaché. At last, a soft chime and the extinguishing of the ascent button on the wall heralded the arrival of the elevator car. As the double doors smoothly opened and it made its final horizontal alignment with the ground floor, Rachel peered into it and was relieved to see it empty of other passengers. Quickly climbing aboard, she turning at once and pressed the top floor button. Her precise and purposeful movements made her silky long hair sway gracefully from shoulder to shoulder. As the doors rolled closed, the diminishing view through the vertical seam afforded one last glimpse of the lobby with the archway to the ballroom in the distance. Her eyes widened when she saw the ape-like diplomatic security chief walk through the ballroom entrance in his cheap suit, sunglasses, and simulated earpiece. Though known for secrecy, if not competence, the Elbonians were in a severe budgetary crisis as of late and funding cut backs had been made in the most odd places. At least they'd have trouble coordinating a proper search. Rachel wasn't sure if the burly man had made the connection between the missing girl in the party dress and the closing elevator doors. "This is going to be close" she muttered quietly. As the car began its ascent, she sprung into action. Pulling a small device resembling a mobile phone from her handbag, she flipped open the cover and pressed one of the buttons on it's lit keypad. A flashing LED and a message on the screen confirmed that there was a camera and a listening device present. Pressing another button produced a spark from the tip of what looked like an antenna on the device, accompanied by an electric crackle that pierced the air. After a pause and another flash of the LED, a second message on the screen confirmed that the camera and microphone had been disabled. Depositing the device back into her handbag, she fumbled through it momentarily and then pulled out The Package - a small aluminum cylinder - checking it to confirm that it matched the description from the mission dossier. Placing it, too, back in the handbag she looked up just as the 10th floor indicator illuminated above the double doors. As they slid open, she pressed the buttons for each floor below so as to impede the car's return to the lobby, then gracefully slipped out as the doors closed in huff. Down the hall on the left was the stairwell to the roof and, hopefully, the remainder of the equipment for the job. The plush patterned carpet muffled the footsteps of her high heels as she strode towards the stairwell door, gingerly testing its knob as she arrived. It turned easily and the door opened. "Damn, that advance team was good!" she thought to herself in grateful admiration. Locking the door behind her, she turned to see the stairs to the roof in the dimly lit, dingy stairwell and began the climb up the last three flights to it. The quiet tapping of her shoes echoed from out of the darkness. Reaching the top, she saw that the chain to the door had been cut and the break carefully disguised - just as the planned. Quietly, she reached for the chain to begin unwinding it from the handle. But the moment she touched it, she heard the telltale sound of someone testing the door in the stairwell below. This startled her and she stifled a yelp as her heart leapt into her throat. Regaining her composure, she unwrapped the chain as quietly as she could, opened the door, and stepped out onto the roof. Immediately, the unmistakable scent of roofing tar washed over her. The night air was warm and dry and the glow from the city coloring the sky orange provided just enough light by which to see. From far below, she could hear the muffled sounds of city traffic. By the door in the darkness, she could barely identify a heavy wooden post left there for her. Next to it sat a bright green jogger's waist-belt pack. Closing the access door, she could hear frenzied activity echoing up from the bottom of the stairwell. It wouldn't be long before her pursuers surmounted their first obstacle. Quickly, she wedged the post between the door handle and the roof surface. With the access door now secure, she pulled the countermeasures device from her handbag once again and quickly ran a sweep around the immediate area, disabling several more hidden cameras. She grabbed the green pack and unzipped it, reached in, and pulled out what for all intents and purposes appeared to be a glass Coca-Cola bottle. It resembled one so closely because, in fact, that's what it was. To the casual observer there would be nothing unusual about it. But the brown, bubbling liquid inside wasn't Coke - at least not all of it was, anyway. Rachel held it by the neck and shook it slightly, holding it up to her face and watching the bubbles as they formed. "Good", she quietly exclaimed. "It's still fresh". At this thought, a giddy nervousness overcame her and she barely suppressed a giggle. She walked over to a short wall a few feet from the stairwell door, placing the bottle, the green pack, and her small handbag on it. In a purely reflexive manner, she quickly looked back at the blockaded door, her body language more resembling that of a schoolgirl about to sneak a cigarette than that of a top government operative, deep under cover. In the darkness, she smiled to herself and blushed at her reaction as she contemplated its reason. Behind her the silhouetted roof access shaft was framed by the glow of the evening city sky. When she looked straight up she could see the twinkling stars beckoning her and she held her gaze skyward momentarily, taking in the wonder of it. A soft breeze out of the West wafted over her, holding promise that she should be able to reach the rendezvous point without trouble. She picked up the waist pack and searched through it for the bottle opener that was supposed to have been included, found it, and placed it on the wall beside to the bottle. Next, she picked up her tiny handbag with The Package still inside and stuffed it into the now empty pack. Once the bag was secure, she partially zipped up the pack and then proceeded to put it on, fastening the clip around the small of her back. Her pulse quickened slightly. Her giddiness became an intense case of butterflies-in-the-stomach. "First things first", Rachel thought aloud: she needed a mooring point. Looking down into the darkness of the black-tarred roof, she searched for something with which to slide a toe under. Finding a nearby electrical conduit that was suitable for the job, she slipped off her shoes, grabbed the bottle and opener, and walked over to it. One of her big toes just barely fit underneath. She tested to make sure it could be easily removed and then reinserted it. It was just snug enough to hold her. With that out of the way, she reached up with her right hand and placed her thumb under the pleated fabric of the dress's left shoulder strap, tenderly slipping it down over the soft curve and allowing it to dangle freely over her upper arm. Repeating this with the right side, the now loose fabric of the dress fell forward, exposing her chest to the night air. Knowing what was on the itinerary for the evening, she had gone braless. And, besides, the beautiful red dress wasn't intended to be worn with one. With the bottle in one hand and the opener in another, Rachel removed the stamped metallic cap with a practiced confidence - being careful not to let it escape. She then held the bottle up to the night sky as if to propose a toast to the evening, smiled, and then brought it to her lips. With a quickly whispered "bottoms up!" and a knowing smirk, she quickly downed its contents. Beneath the sweet, bubbly cola taste of the liquid, she could detect the chalky flavor of the active ingredient. The clock was now running. With barely enough room left in the waist pack, Rachel stuffed the bottle, the cap, and the opener inside and zipped it up securely. The loose front of the dress was now partially covering the pack and the shoulder straps had slipped farther down, sloughing off from her elbows. With everything safely stowed, she stood up straight and slightly outstretched her arms, closed her eyes, and tilted her head back waiting for the first sign that the process was working. A few moments later, she felt a tingling sensation in her stomach; a feeling which quickly began to radiate outward. Her skin began to feel as if it were tightening and thickening ever so slightly. With one hand she softly pinched her stomach, testing its elasticity. Cupping a breast, she felt that it had firmed up and had become slightly rubbery. As successive waves of tingling and tightening washed over her and faded away, a gurgling in her stomach signaled the next phase. Rubbing her abdomen to quell the tickling the process induced, she could hear a faint but rising hiss. Her concentration was soon broken by the attenuated sound of the hallway door coming off its hinges echoing from out of the stairwell. She opened her eyes and looked over her shoulder as the sound of heavy footsteps and angry voices grew louder, approaching the rooftop door. She jumped as the men began pounding on the inside of the door, unable to open it in their frustration - yet. Rachel furrowed her brow, closed her eyes, and resumed her concentration. The tightening of her skin returned, but this time she explored her body with her hands as it did. Pressing one hand into a thigh and another into her belly, she could feel each slowly pushing back. Reaching around to her backside she could feel that it, too, was growing. The feeling was wonderful - the micro fibers of the red dress caressed her skin as she expanded outward, pulling it taught over her lower body and flattening the it's pleats and wrinkles. She could feel the belt on the green pack began to tighten around her waist. Angry voices in a foreign language barked orders at one another as the pounding at the door grew more frantic. She could feel her shoulders and arms puffing up slightly, the soft expansion pushing her arms up a little more than she already held them. But it was her hips and thighs that were inflating the most. As her already ample curves began to strain the dress' fabric she could feel the soft pop-pop as the surface friction would briefly catch and then relinquish the fibers sliding across her hips and belly. Her thighs pressed into each other as they expanded, softly competing for the remaining free space inside the garment. Her waist was still almost as slim as normal, but now flowed into her hips in a delicious curve. Beneath the green pack's plastic buckle, the small of her back transitioned into a curvaceous backside. Had she been wearing only a bikini, it would have revealed deep cleavage there. The hissing grew slightly louder and began to take on a hollow quality as she felt her belly tighten slightly. But poking and prodding here and there, she was surprised to find her skin still quite soft and warm and supple. And although her nipples had become erect and her breasts had perked up a bit, her upper torso had yet to see much expansion. She tilted her head back a little bit more and reached a hand up around the base of her throat, rubbing slowly in a circular motion, trying to detect some expansion while letting her forearm press against her breasts. Holding her other forearm across her belly, she soon found that the expansion had stopped there as it had stopped everywhere else. Standing up onto her toes, she bounced up and down slightly, checking to see if any buoyancy had been achieved. Nothing to speak of yet - she opened her eyes again, and looked over to the door, biting her lip in the process. The butterflies were back and migrating into her throat. The voices briefly subsided, only to be replaced by the loud crash of a battering ram as it was leveled at the door, startling her. "Come on - Come on!" she growled through gritted teeth and closed eyes. Almost as if on command, she suddenly felt pressure in her chest. Shifting her left forearm up from her abdomen, it met with the bottoms of her breasts sooner than before. She quickly cupped both of them in her hands and could now feel them pressing out, filling and overflowing her palms. The pulling and tugging of her skin as they ballooned made her to feel as if she were taking a deep breath while wearing a very tight sweater - feeling that she rather enjoyed. As they inflated, the hollow hissing grew in intensity and dropped in tone and she could feel the process accelerate. Hugging her chest now, each breast grew into her embrace and pressed against her forearms. Relieved, she smiled and threw her head back, closing her eyes once again. She ran her hands gently up and down the soft skin of her thighs letting the fabric gather between her fingers. The smooth skin squeaked slightly under the caress. BANG! Another blow to the door. Rachel flinched only slightly now, her concentration affixed to her magically pneumatic body. The inflation caused her breasts to not only grow outwards, but out the sides as well, preventing her from placing her arms straight down without springing back up. Again, she bounced on her toes to test her buoyancy. But this time as her spherical boobs bounced, they spent less time coming down than before. Opening her eyes, she found that they had bobbed up into her chin and that her nipples were pointing skyward, showing the way. Bringing her hands up to them, she pushed them back down against her ribcage and then let go. They quickly rose up and bounced off each other, making the familiar "toonk-toonk-toonk" sound that a helium balloon bouquet makes when it is briefly disturbed. Playfully, she pressed down on them again and let go, noting that they came up more quickly this time - the inflation was progressing quickly, now. She tried another hug of her chest, but found that its accelerating growth prevented her from reaching around and clasping her hands together. In the dim light, she could see that the surfaces of her breasts had also begun to take on a shiny quality. With her arms still straight out in front of her from the failed hug attempt, she pushed them together with her elbows, slightly deforming them and causing them to squeak in complaint. BANG! BANG! BANG! Continued the din at the rooftop door. Her growing assets were now taking up most of her field of vision. Though they didn't need much support, she placed an arm under each and could feel them spreading as her balloons inflated. She was amazed that her tan skin still felt soft and warm and as she pressed her arms into them. As they gained lift, her breasts became less round and more like the inverted teardrop of a hot air balloon. The hollow sound of the inflation became more distant as they blew up. All Rachel could now see was a massive canyon of tanned cleavage in front of her. She could feel the bottom of each breast brush against her thighs, the springy surfaces bouncing off one another. By now, the buoyancy generated by each breast tugged hard enough on Rachel's upper torso to cause a pronounced arching of her back. Looking to either side, she could see that they had grown horizontally as much as they had vertically and she gave up trying to hold her arms under each, opting to let them lazily fall back. Her breasts bobbed up above the roofline of the access door as they tugged her skyward like two large helium weather balloons. The pounding at the door had stopped and the harsh sound of power tools now filled the rooftop. The men would be through the door soon. Finally, her body reached neutral buoyancy and then beyond. She couldn't touch her heels to the ground without considerable effort now. Quickly enough, she could feel that the inflation was subsiding and that soon it would be time to let go. With each balloon breast now more than twelve feet in diameter, she was quite a sight to behold. The men were almost through the door. With her arched back almost horizontal to the ground and her expanded thighs and legs the only tether holding her down, she made one last look around the darkened rooftop, closed her eyes, and pulled her foot out from under the conduit. Immediately, she shot upwards into the night sky, her inflated body and incredible balloons turning in lazy circles. The city horizon stretched in all directions and as the Elbonian embassy building receded, she cast her gaze to the East. In an hour, she would be descending into the forested foothills where the team would meet her. She smiled - the mission was almost over. Back on the rooftop, the Elbonian security men finally broke through the rooftop access door, in an entrance that would have given the Keystone cops reason for envy. Shouting excitedly, they stumbled in the dim light and searched the area for the woman in the red dress, clutching their simulated earpieces while pushing their sunglasses back up on the bridges of their noses. Alas, she was nowhere to be found. The only tangible evidence of Rachel's presence was the pair of high-heeled red shoes she left behind. These were soon found by one of the men. Shouting into his simulated lapel microphone, he brought the dainty red shoes over to the Security Chief who stood there with his arms folded, contemplating the successful find and wondering if it may mean a promotion and a new pair of sunglasses. And then, from somewhere in the distance, he could have sworn he heard a woman giggle.
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Belly Inflation, Stuffing
"Hey there, stranger." Natasha said, as I walked in. "How goes the fitness regime?" "Boring as hell." I replied. "If she's not making me eat rabbit food, she's dragging me out of bed at 5am to go for a run." "Why are you with her again?" I didn't answer. Kirsty was a great girl, I guess. I mean, she was attractive and energetic and in great shape. However, she made it clear that I wasn't and ever since we started dating she was determined to get me off the junk food and into a healthy lifestyle. Burgers, pizza, ice cream, it all had to go. What did I get instead? Salad, maybe fruit as a "treat". I don't know what she saw in me but now I was trapped and I know I could break up with her but, at the end of the day, she was kinda hot and attracted to me for some reason. Well, I say attracted but clearly she had a problem with my appearance because she's been trying to whip me into shape from day one. Why don't I break up with her? Well, the truth is, she's scary and she has a crossbow. Who the hell threatens their boyfriend with a crossbow? But then I met Natasha. Natasha had me figured out the moment I bumped into her at the supermarket. We both grabbed the same box of doughnuts on the shelf and when she looked me up and down, she knew what I was all about. She took her hand off the box. "You take them. You need them more." she said. "I do?" "You're thin, but not super-skinny. Don't take this the wrong way but you have the tiniest hint of a tummy and you're clearly not trying to lose it. Let me guess, someone doesn't want you to eat this stuff so you're sneaking in here to eat it on the sly. Am I close?" "That's pretty much it." I said. "I've seen this before, it's a girl isn't it?" I nodded. "I thought so. She's making you exercise and eat rabbit food so you can be all skinny and perfect like her, but what you really want is to eat and stuff yourself and get a belly like mine, am I right?" Natasha was not a skinny girl, in fact she was filled out very nicely, and her belly was one that I envied. Big, round and barely covered by her red top. "That's right." I said. "Alright, I think I can help you out." she said, opening the box. She took out a doughnut and held it up to my mouth. "Eat up." "I need to pay for it." I said nervously. "I work here, it's on me." she said, shoving the doughnut into my mouth. Oh lordy, it was good. She proceeded to feed me the rest of the box and when I finished the twentieth one, I could see a difference already. I now had a small but noticeably round tummy poking out and it felt great. "There, feel a little better?" I nodded. "What do I tell Kirsty?" "You've been drinking a lot of water during your run. You're just a little bloated, right?" "Right!" "Now, anytime you need to get away and stuff yourself, you know where to find me. So when will I see you again?" She saw me again the next day and the day after that. Any time I managed to sneak out alone I came straight here and Natasha would take me out the back and give me all the junk food I could want. Of course, Kirsty would always see the results and crack down on my inexplicable weightgain. Needless to say, whatever weight I put on, it didn't last long. But Natasha was always there to fatten me up again. She kept joking that we should just drop everything and eat until we explode together. I said Kirsty would still find a way to make me exercise afterwards. However, I couldn't get away with it forever and one day Kirsty's suspicions got the better of her. She'd been asking questions and had long since stopped believing my excuses. How could I possibly still not be skinny and perfect? So she sent me out to the gym and said she'd catch up later to check up on me. That suited me just fine, I could drop in on Natasha along the way for a quick energy boost. What I didn't realise was that Kirsty would be following me the whole time. "Hey there, Stranger." Natasha said, as I walked in. "How goes the fitness regime?" "Boring as hell." I replied. "If she's not making me eat rabbit food, she's dragging me out of bed at 5am to go for a run." "Why are you with her again?" "I don't even know anymore." "Well, I haven't seen you in a few days, we've got a lot of catching up to do!" "I can't stay long, she's meeting me at the gym." Natasha rolled her eyes and smiled knowingly. "Alright, well let's give you something to burn off. Look at that stomach, all my good work undone again!" "It's been a long few days." "Come on, I've got just the thing for you." She took me by the hand and led me through the double doors to the warehouse. She wasn't lying. In front of me was a table piled high with pies, cakes and other pastries, including my favourite, doughnuts. "I hope you're hungry." "Oh, I am." "Good, me too. So here's what's going to happen. You're going to eat. A lot. And you're not stopping until you're as fat as me." "Sounds good to me." "Good! Start eating..." she said, moving opposite me. "... and when your tummy touches mine, you can stop." "Flawless plan." "I thought so! Now eat." I didn't waste any time. I grabbed everything I could and started shoving it in while Natasha looked on approvingly. Before long my stomach slowly began to round out as I stuffed it. Of course, I was feeling full but I liked that feeling and didn't stop. "Looks like someone's getting a little bloated from all their healthy water." Natasha said, smirking. I kept on eating as my tummy got noticeably rounder and I could feel my t-shirt getting tighter around it. As more cake went in, my t-shirt slowly started to slide up and I was now feeling incredibly stuffed. "Come on, we're nearly there." she said. She picked up the biggest doughnut on the table, reached over and fed it to be. It was just enough and after the last bite I felt my stomach gently push against hers. "Finally, I've met my match." she said, as she wrapped her arms around me and kissed me. I didn't stop her. "I knew it!" Kirsty yelled furiously, as she stepped out from behind some crates, holding a crossbow. "Kirsty! How long have you been there?" I asked. "I mean, it's exactly what it looks like but how much did you see?" "Everything." she said, striding up to us. "I knew you were up to something so I followed you and now it all becomes clear. You don't care about being fit and perfect at all!" "I kinda tell you that, like, every day." "I don't care that you kissed her. I know we're not exclusive and I've hardly been faithful." "Is that a crossbow?" Natasha asked. "DON'TCHANGETHESUBJECT!" she screamed, making us both jump. She cleared her throat. "But stuffing yourself behind my back? Unforgivable!" "I think your priorities are a little mixed up." Natasha said. "Careful, Natasha. She's pretty tough when she's angry, which is all the time. I once saw her get hit by a car when she was jogging, really dented it." "Well, you've caught us." Natasha said. "So what are you going to do about it, shoot us?" A sly grin spread across Kirsty's face. "I'm going to give you a choice." she said. "Either the two of you can start running right now and not stop until you've lost all that weight..." "Sounds like a lot of work..." Natasha said. "...or you can keep eating until you explode." Natasha's eyes lit up and she smiled at me. "So, what's it going to be?" Kirsty asked. "Fitter or fatter?" "Fatter!" Natasha squealed. "Really?" I said. "You actually want to explode?" She nodded. "It's totally worth it. It'll be fun! Tell me you don't want this." I said nothing. Natasha kissed me. Kirsty rolled her eyes impatiently. "Well?" she said. "Fatter." we both said, nodding. "Alright." she said, raising her crossbow. "Start eating." "I can't believe you carry a crossbow." Natasha murmured as we both turned back to the table. "Hey, it got him running in the mornings." Kirsty shrugged. "Your girlfriend's a psycho." "I know, I know." We kissed again and got to work on the remaining food, stuffing ourselves relentlessly. Kirsty watched as our bellies gradually grew rounder and rounder. We were like two beachballs inflating but we were enjoying it all so much, it hardly seemed to matter. Natasha rubbed her belly. "I'm so full, I love it! she said. "You look great." I said. "So do you! Come on, let's see how big we can get." We carried on eating, although as we got bigger it became increasingly hard to reach the food. It wasn't long before we were so huge, all we could do was sit there helplessly, as big and round as weather balloons, as we struggled to grab the final two doughnuts on the table. Kirsty put down her crossbow and sidled over. "You can't even do this right..." she said impatiently. She picked up the doughnuts and shoved one each into our mouths. We swallowed them without protest and seconds later a deep groaning could be heard from our bellies. "Sounds like someone's a little too full." Kirsty smirked. Sure enough we started to expand with a loud stretching noise. "Better take cover, honey, we're gonna blow." Natasha said, satisfied. Kirsty patted my stomach. "Hope it was worth it." she said smugly, before heading to the double doors. "Totally." I said. We continued to swell up and our cheeks bloated as the pressure built up. Kirsty pushed the double doors but they didn't move. She put her shoulder into it but they wouldn't budge. She turned back to look at us, straining as we were reaching our limits. Natasha pointed towards some keys hung up on the wall behind her, well out of reach, and winked at Kirsty. Me and Natasha leaned forwards, just managing one last kiss before the inevitable. She gave Kirsty the finger. We had won, we had each other and we got to live out our bizarre fantasy to explode together. I gave Kirsty the finger too. Kirsty's eyes grew wide as she realised she was trapped. "Oh, cra-" KABOOM
helium, hose in mouth, jumpsuit, revenge
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
I'm a college guy working at a local flower shop close to home. It's a part-time job that I enjoy, despite having some of my friends ridicule me for it. My usual response is to remind them of the gorgeous middle-aged women who sometimes come into the shop and are pleasantly surprised to see me behind the counter. I've even gotten a few numbers and date offers! Today though, I hear the rapid clanking of high-end stiletto heels rush into the shop. The woman adorning them is about 5'5" with dark brown hair tightly tied into a ponytail. Her eyes are a piercing, crystalline blue. She's dressed to the nines in what looks like a designer navy blue jumpsuit that barely covers her gargantuan cleavage, with a white belt secured well enough to accentuate the wideness of her hips. She urgently snags a bundle of mixed flowers and carelessly throws them onto the counter. Without even turning to face me, she orders, "Give me a full bouquet arrangement and ten colored balloons!" Though I'm surprised at her conduct, I just shrug my shoulders and get to work. I remove the bundle from its packaging and start laying out cellophane, tissue paper and ribbon to make the arrangement. I watch her scramble to find a card, so I decide to ask her, "Is there anything else I can help you out with, ma'am?" Stopping dead in her tracks, she turns to look at me. She gives me the 'up-and-down', but not in a seductive way. I can see and feel seering judgement from her thorough examination of me. After what feels like an eternity, she simply says, "Oh..." "...Oh, what?" I ask, baffled. "I didn't realize there was a, uh-... man working here." She states as she continues to grill me visually. Taken aback, I reply, "Is there something wrong with that?" She hustles over to the front of the counter to face me directly, "It's just that, well... today is my little girl's birthday, and I need to get everything ready PRONTO. I don't want that to be screwed up by-..." "A man in a flower shop?" I finish her sentence with a raised eyebrow. With a hand on her hip and her head tilted to one side, she says, "Honestly, yeah. I always see the female manager here who does everything I need very quickly. I need this done the right way, right now!" I've never had someone outright question my abilities at this job. This qualifies as sexism, right? Whatever, I take a deep, silent breath and reassure her, "Ma'am, don't worry. I've got you covered. Would you like to sign that card in your hand while I work on your arrangement?" With her eyes narrowed in apparent skepticism, she says, "Alright, but I expect nothing but the best." I hand her a pen and continue to place the flowers along the new materials. I work quickly but efficiently, as I always do. Within two minutes, she abruptly sets the pen down and screeches, "No, no, no! Not like that! Here, let me arrange it how I want." Unbelievable. I hardly even started. Gritting my teeth for the sake of keeping my job, I reply, "Whatever you prefer, ma'am." I head over to the helium tank and open a pack of colored balloons. These packs have one of each major color. I place the mouth of the red balloon over the nozzle, watching it slowly inflate until it's a large enough size. Next is the blue one, gradually inflating. Meanwhile, I hear this high-maintenance broad rambling to herself, "I really need to speak to her about this. What made her think a man could do this job properly?! Now I'm reduced to having to do it myself, maybe I should get paid instead!" Despite the helium reaching a higher pitch, the balloon continues to inflate while I'm distracted by this woman's blatant insults towards me. I work in an upscale neighborhood, but this is just too much. I get caught up in my thoughts when suddenly: BAAAANG! Shattered remnants of the blue balloon fall to the floor. The noise caused the woman to jump. Once again, she's bossing me around, "Hey! Get over here." She points to the space in front of her. "Ma'am, I apologize. It's just-" "Do you even know who I am?! I'm the wife of George Fielding, CEO of this flower shop chain! I've never seen such incompetence from an employee. I'm going to have you written up!" My heart stops when she tells me her identity. I've met George before, and he's actually a friendly guy. It's hard to believe this erratic and disrespectful woman is his wife, and that he breeded with her! She must be his trophy wife. I become paralyzed in fear, realizing that I could very well lose my job because of her. She continues to be histrionic and borderline yelling at me in the shop. Looking down at the ground, I see the consequences of my distraction: the blue balloon's demise. I glance back up to see just how perfectly the color matches her jumpsuit. I'm having a eureka moment, and want to seize it! She continues, "I told you it's my little girl's birthday, and now she won't get to have every color of balloon for her party! You've managed to ruin EVERYTHING!" Standing casually beside the helium tank, I pull out the hose and say, "I think I have a solution." Walking towards her with the helium set to medium capacity, she opens her big mouth again and says, "Wait, what are you talking ab-..." Without warning, I shove the nozzle of the hose into her mouth. Her lips purse almost naturally around it, and the helium quickly blows up her cheeks. She widens her eyes in disbelief, "Hmmmmph?!" I smirk as I witness the effects of the helium on this woman's voluptuous body. Her lower stomach, hips, thighs and ass are ballooning at an alarming rate, constraining her white belt. The loose creases of her jumpsuit gradually become smoother as her parts grow rounder. I make eye contact with her and nonchalantly explain myself, "Well ma'am, I wouldn't want to disappoint a little girl on her birthday... even if her mother is an annoying bitch. The blue balloon may have exploded, but you'll just be a new balloon for her. I'll even offer to bring you to the party myself!" "Mmmmmpph, mmmwwwwmmm!!" She protestes, but to no avail. Her massive breasts expand beneath the suit, pulling the fabric tightly over two bulbous mounds of flesh. She has no choice but to spread out her arms and legs to accommodate the growth. With a loud 'FWUMP!', the belt pops off and the hard buckle winds up hitting me in the leg. "Just for that, I'm going to pump up the volume!" I shout at her. She shakes her head 'no' erratically, "Mmmmfff, mmmmpppphhhh!" Not acknowledging her at all, I crank the pressure up higher. I look over to see her stomach appearing as if she's twenty months pregnant. "You know, there's something so satisfying about watching a woman blow up to the size of her overinflated ego. It's poetic, really." I say with a soft chuckle. Her moans are less dramatic now. Instead, they're deeper and shorter. All I can hear from her now is a series of sounds like: "Mmww... wwmm..." She's far too pumped up to vocalize as much as before. "I knew this would shut you up." I say. Slowly, I notice her heels are no longer on the ground. She's beginning to float! Her jumpsuit barely clinging onto her bloated blimp of a body, her feet and shoes look like mere stubs. She looks as though her body parts were made entirely of marshmellow. As she floats (and bloats) higher, the hose wedged in her mouth is the only thing connecting her to the ground. She makes Violet Beauregarde from the original Willy Wonka seem tiny. She looks down at me with pleading eyes, continuing to moan between major pumps. "Oh, don't worry babe. I won't be popping you. I want to see the look on your husband and daughter's faces when they see you!" I laugh hysterially. As if he read my mind, a visibly older man of about fifty-five walks into the shop. "Honey, are you here? It's George. The party's in just a few short hours. We need to-" He sees the hose and looks up towards the high ceiling. Connected at the other end is a woman-shaped blimp with straining blue cloth covering up the naughtiest parts. "What the hell is-" George starts. I place my hand on his back, knowing I'm most likely going to get fired by not caring anymore, "Hey George. Listen, your wife came in and was treating me like dirt under her feet. I burst a blue balloon accidentally and she screamed at me in the shop. I know she's your wife, but I don't think it sets a good example for your daughter. Your daughter should have a great birthday, while your wife learns a lesson in respect - so she's the new blue balloon." Utterly amazed, he looks back up at his blimp of a wife and says, "That humanoid balloon up there is my wife?!" "It sure is." I reply with a gleeful smile. Not knowing how he'll react, I anticipate the worst. Instead, I hear booming laughter coming from him. He grabs me to hug me and says, "Kid, you sure did a number on her! All she ever does is complain!" He's nearly in tears. So am I, realizing that I inadvertently did something that impressed the CEO. He shouts up at his wife, "It's a good look for you, honey! It's almost like when you were pregnant, you just blew the hell up! This is better though, since you can't say anything." She's continued inflating this entire time, and we suddenly hear three strange 'pops': two were her nipples protruding from under the jumpsuit, the other from her belly button. This caused George to laugh even more hysterically than before. "My daughter will get a kick out of this, for sure!" George pulls his wife by the hose back down towards him. He takes a cork from one of the glass bottles we sell and pops that into her mouth, containing the massive amounts of helium inside of her. He also ties a few tight ribbons around her swollen ankle, making her look like a circus balloon made by a demented clown. He turns to me and says, "Kid, I've been dealing with her shit for years. Not only did you do the right thing, it's creative! I'm promoting you to Shop Manager, but listen - I've got to get this big ol' balloon over to my daughter's party. See you Monday?" Still shocked, I reply, "Y-yeah! See you then, George!" I wave goodbye and I watch a grown man merrily hold the ribbon of a woman-shaped balloon.
floating, infidelity, revenge, women inflating men
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"My father once gave me some advice about cheap scotch," Theresa mused as she gazed off into the dying glow cast on the clouds by the setting sun. "He told me that when it comes to liquor it's always better to pay the price in money before you drink than to pay the price in pain afterward." Alex was speechless. Even if his clothes hadn't been too tight for him to breathe comfortably, he wouldn't have had much to say. He was still quite dumbstruck that his entire body was swelling up. Eyes wide as saucers, his lips moved silently at a frantic pace as he sat immobile in his chair. "You know if you'd been drinking good scotch, you would have been able to tell that there was something wrong with your drink. Maybe you wouldn't have known I was trying to poison you, but at least you wouldn't have finished it." She didn't even look at him. The angry sea held her attention. Another gust of gas surged up in his body, and his fattening legs shot out straight, spreading into a V. A terrified squeak left him as he tried to move his arms in vain. His eyes pleaded with her to stop whatever it was she'd done to him. "Go ahead and scream, I won't think any less of you. I don't think that's possible right now." She was the only one there to hear him. On a clear day, the nearest house on the beach was just barely visible. But at sundown with storm clouds brewing, nobody would hear anything over the howling wind and crashing waves. During a brief lull between breakers, the groan of straining fabric caught her attention and a thought flashed through her mind. "Damn," she cursed, chiding herself for her carelessness. She turned towards him, looking at him for the first time in several minutes, for the first time since he said he was feeling a little ill. "I certainly hope so," she'd responded. The man she saw wasn't the strong, ambitious man she'd married. He wasn't the powerful deal maker and deal breaker that had earned a towering reputation and vast wealth. Alex was a parody of weakness now. His body had swollen up like a balloon, trapping him in his own clothing. He struggled to rise from the deck chair, failing miserably, unable to even bend his limbs. She approached him and began to unbutton his overtaxed shirt. It was a difficult task. The buttons were under an extraordinary amount of strain, and the whole time he stared at her silently. "Don't you look at me like I'm the traitor!" she hissed. She continued her work. It probably didn't matter, but if he burst out of his clothes she might be asked why her husband's shirt buttons were found in the sand below. She did the top three buttons first, then the bottom two. She smiled at the flesh bulging out of every gap, showing no hint of the chiseled form it once was. Slowly, deliberately, she undid the final button. The shirt practically exploded open, his belly surging forth with a soft "fwoomp." Alex gasped, finally able to breathe freely again. "Theresa..." he breathed. "Why?" He paled again as he felt the quiet, hissing prelude to another surge. Gas bubbled up from deep within his belly, swelling out to his entire body. His pants had already begun to rip open when Theresa unbuckled his belt. "You know damned well why," she muttered as she stepped back from him. "But it's over between me and Selia, you know that! I thought that's why we were here, to work things out." "That's what I thought, too." She smirked at his comically bloated shape. Each surge was bigger than the last, and each one forced him bigger, rounder, fuller. She tried to reach back to her childhood. Somewhere this scene had been rendered in a cartoon, though in a much more lighthearted manner. "But then I got some bad new from the private investigator. I was about to tell him that I'd no longer need his services, that we were trying to reconcile. And he said that he was fine with that, since his work was pretty much done anyway, but he thought I might want to read his report. Oh yes, he found some interesting things. Like that nice little house on the beach in Mexico. I wouldn't think an aerobics instructor could afford such an extravagance, but apparently she's been there a few weeks now. And the sudden shuffling around of funds that you've been doing. And how you started paying your lawyer in cash. I told him he had to be wrong, that you weren't seeing that little whore anymore, and that we were going to work through this. And that you'd even arranged a weekend getaway for us to be alone." "Yes, Terry! I want this to work, I still do, but you've got to stop this! Please!" He couldn't keep the terror from his voice. "You know what he said? He said this often happens with his clients. And he said there was nothing more he could do for me, and that I should hire another investigator to confirm his findings if I really wanted to know the truth. 'Your husband is lying to you,' he told me. 'He's stalling, because he knows that if you file the divorce papers the judge will freeze his assets. If you don't act quickly, he'll hide it all, and you'll be left with nothing.' And he was right." "It's not true, Terry! I'd never – I'd – I'd – oh no!" She could hear the hissing now, and watched as his body rounded out further. This time it went longer, his body becoming a series of connected globes, his clothes torn to rags by its expansion. "Almost there," Theresa chirped. She ran her fingers across the smooth, tight skin of his inflated belly. He winced as she poked him with a fingernail. "You know, part of me wants to wait until the next swelling, wait until you're really huge, and full to the very edge of bursting. Then all it would take is one – quick – stab!" Alex cried out as she gave him a gentle poke. "And with one glorious boom, this would all be over. But that would be too tempting, too easy, and too messy. I want you to think about this for a good long time. And don't worry, you'll probably have all night." The mention of time seemed to calm him a bit. Until that moment he'd thought her plan was pop him right there on the deck. "Theresa, there must be some way to undo this," he pleaded. "I can make it all better, I can make it up to you!" "I don't really know if there's an antidote. And I don't care. I'm tired of your promises. I'm tired of your lies." A devilish grin crossed her lips as the hissing rose in Alex's belly again. "And it looks like it's time for us to say goodbye." "What do you mean – oooooaaaaaaahhh!" He blew up quickly his time, his limbs losing distinction, his body becoming one huge sphere. During the day, someone on the beach would have noticed the enormous, flesh tone balloon inflating on the deck, taking up most of the space. But the thunder was rolling in, and there was nobody around to admire Alex's shape except Theresa. The irony wasn't lost on her. "Goodbye." She turned her back to him and walked towards the sliding glass doors as he began to slowly rise into the sky. She heard his screams for her to help, then for anyone to help, but they faded. The wind would take him out to sea, and sometime in the next few hours the expanding air inside him would exceed his capacity. She'd call the police sometime tonight to tell them that her husband had gone for a walk on the beach and not come back. Theresa hummed merrily to herself as she fondled the bottle of scotch. Perhaps she would send another like to Selia. But not for a while, She didn't want to raise suspicions.
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation
What was this place? Namunk thought to himself. This Julia creature seemed to frequent it, spending long periods here inactive. Home, she called it. Julia and her kind were quite complex beings, even having their own language. But they seemed quite oblivious to any entity that didn't have most of its substance in a material state. So while Namunk now at least had the vaguest idea as to what a "human" was, this Julia seemed entirely unaware of his presence. He would work on trying to communicate but until then he would have to be careful. These humans were quite fragile, and he had to make sure this one didn't come to any harm. But the fortunate thing about a material creature like this one was that it didn't require much of his energy... Julia still didn't know what to think of what had happened that night. She was tempted to just write it all off as a dream, but that didn't explain why she'd still been dressed for a camping trip when she woke up. The trip had been real, and somehow she'd wound up back in her bed. But had she imagined herself filling up with air and exploding? It was more than a little disconcerting. She put it out of her mind. As she was getting ready to go to bed, her thoughts turned to Roxanne. Roxanne Gardner and her little circle of friends were all quite notorious at school. Roxy was the leader of the pack, with Gloria, Tanya, Katie and Linda rounding out the core of the group. Beautiful and rich, they tended to get their jollies from tormenting other students. And of course, everyone wanted to be just like them. Julia chided herself for falling for their trick. Whatever would they want from her, except a few cheap laughs? She turned to the side to view herself in the mirror. I bet Roxy wouldn't be nearly as popular if she were flat-chested and ugly. A pointless, bitter thought, since neither was the case. Roxanne was indeed beautiful, almost enough to draw attention from a body that was the object of desire for many of the boys at school. The Lord giveth, and in Roxanne's case He'd kept on giving. And apparently He was still giving; she was a senior in high school, and bragged about how she was still growing. Julia held her stomach in and took in a deep breath, thrusting her chest out. Indeed, this posture made her look quite a bit larger, but it was doubtful that she could hold this stance or her breath for a considerable length of time. She exhaled. Then she jumped. Looking in the mirror, she saw someone whose breasts were slightly larger than the ones she remembered having. Julia brought her hands up to her chest to confirm it. Indeed, she was bigger. It took several minutes for the shock to wear off as the implications whirled in her mind. At first she had questioned whether she'd ever blown up in the first place, whether it had all been some strange dream, but it must have been real. But how had this happened? And while she was a bit fearful of what might happen, she was also curious. Just imagine what I could do if I could control this! And though she clearly remembered the outcome of her last experience, Julia decided that the only way to find out what was going on was to experiment. She exhaled and started to take in a long, slow, deep breath. Her chest rose as she filled her lungs. But it soon became obvious that not just her lungs were filling. Julia's breasts started to fill up with air, plumping up and pushing out against the pink cloth of her nightgown. Larger and larger they grew as she took in more air. She could hardly believe her eyes as her bust gradually ballooned outward. She stopped, just to make sure she still could. Julia gasped. Her breasts stood out far in front of her, quivering slightly as she exhaled. Her nightgown, which had never been intend to contain such a well endowed figure, was screeched out so thin that she could just barely make out the shadows of her areolas around the two plump nipples pressing firmly against their confines. It clung to every curve, yet amazingly showed no signs of strain or tearing. "I'm even bigger than Roxy," she marveled. Bigger than anyone she'd ever seen. "I wonder how big I can get..." Again, Julia inhaled. Her breasts swelled up bigger. At first the tension in her gown flattened them out some, but as they expanded they grew firmer, lifting a bit and becoming rounder as the pressure built up in size. Soon they were huge, almost touching the mirror almost an arm's length in front of her and bulging out far wider than her shoulders. They looked like two massive pink globes protruding from her chest. And still they grew, until she tried to reach her arms around them and realized that she couldn't. Her nipples were thicker than her thumbs, and they were just about to slip beyond the reach of her fingers. She stopped with a sigh. "Look at me, I'm huge!" she marveled, to nobody in particular. Her nightgown was impossibly stretched skin tight across her expansive bosom. She gently rubbed the sides of her breasts, reveling in the sensation of her fingers across her taut skin. It was a wonderful feeling of fullness, but she couldn't help giggling a bit, gazing at her absurdly inflated boobs. She'd have to figure out a way to deflate before going out, not just because of the attention she'd draw, but because there was no way she could squeeze her colossal endowments through her doorway at her present size. But for now it was just her, alone in her room, free to try whatever she wanted. She maneuvered her way to her bed, being careful not to bump into anything with her massive breasts. Struck by a whim, Julia leapt onto her mattress, her bosom cushioning her landing and supporting her a good distance off of the bed. She laughed out loud as she bounced up and down on boobs, which were squished a bit by her weight and spread out to provide a cushion for most of her torso. She laid her head down, acting as her own pillow, and made herself comfortable. "Mmmmm...this feels so wonderful," she sighed. If she'd been thinking the incredible nature of what she was doing, if she'd tried to consider what it was that allowed her to extend herself this, or if she'd even gave the briefest of attention to the consequences of becoming a human balloon, she might have hesitated or even panicked. But no such thoughts crossed her mind. All she knew was the warm, soft feeling of resting on herself. Lost in her indulgence, Julia closed her eyes as her thoughts drifted off to what it would be like to be even bigger. The hissing sound was so soft, she might have missed it entirely if she hadn't felt it echoing ever so softly through her inflated breasts. Her stomach was filling up with air, bulging out and pressing against the bottom of her breasts. Then she felt a slight tension building in her arms and legs as they plumped up. Julia was inflating again. She grinned as her entire body swelled, quickly starting to catch up with her bosom. Her waistline faded away and vanished as her torso expanded, her growing belly finally surpassing her boobs and lifting her up off of the bed. She let her arms and legs dangle against her distended stomach. Then her limbs began to puff up too, sticking out stiffly from her body. And still she kept on inflating. Her shoulders grew, and the swelling even began to creep up her neck. Soon her limbs looked fat and stubby compared to the rest of her massive bulk. Bigger and bigger she grew, until she could feel herself pressing against the ceiling. Only then did she stop. Julia wiggled her hands and feet a bit, but the rest of her was far too inflated to move. Her head was cushioned on all sides by her burgeoning body, which was snugly wedged between her bed and the ceiling. With one last drawn-out sigh, she settled in to sleep. She'd worry about deflating in the morning. Robbie stood up on his hilltop perch watching Julia sleep for several minutes before he was able to look away. He'd been using this spot for stargazing since he was a little kid. But as he graduated to more powerful telescopes, he discovered that he could peek in on the people living in the houses far below. There were only a few who were worth spying on, but Robbie had found that a surprising number of people didn't always close their drapes before undressing. Julia occasionally forgot, so every so often she provided in interesting diversion from comet tracking. But tonight Robert got a show that he still wasn't quite willing to believe. He'd been expecting the usual undressing, changing into the nightgown, then retiring for the night. Then she blew up. Tits bigger than any he'd ever imagined, then the rest of her. The picture he was taking now looked like just a head and hands set into a giant pink balloon. He wasn't sure what he would do with newfound information, but he definitely had some investigating to do.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
It was simple really. I slipped the powder into Ann's drink when she wasn't looking. After all the practice I've had, it wasn't hard. Now all I had to do was to get her outside. "Care to continue our jog?" Looking faintly distracted, probably the beginning effects of the powder, she nodded. Stepping out of her small apartment, we set off northward through the park. Ann is quite a catch, if I do say so myself. Standing at almost five nine, she carries her 112 pounds like a model, which she is. As if anyone could mistake those blue eyes and gorgeous hair for anything less. A bit lanky for my tastes, but we can't have everything... yet. The powder kicked in once we had reached a suitably secluded spot. I was quite impressed with my timing. A strange gurgling hiss was heard, and Ann slowed her pace to put both hands on her stomach. There. Hardly noticeable, but I've had plenty of practice for it. A definite swelling of her left breast, barely visible. Of course she made it easy by wearing that spandex leotard and tights. We had been running before she had invited me in for a quick glass of orange juice, don't you know. Putting on my best face of concern I inquired, "Are you alright?" "I... I don't feel so good. Rather bloated in fact. I must have drank too much back at the house. I should go back." She managed an apologetic smile. We had been running together for three weeks now and this would be the first time we missed the end run through the park. Her chest was noticeably bigger now, the hissing continuing. She wasn't sure what was going on, but it couldn't be long before she noticed. I saw her glance down, then do a double take with that delightfully cute surprised look of hers. "I... I'm growing?!?" Raising her hands, she cupped her breasts. Growing isn't quite the word for it, but close enough. The hissing increased in intensity as I watched her chest expand even further. By now she had become a D cup; a far cry from her C of earlier. "What's happening to me?" she marveled, staring down in shock. "You're inflating. You know, like a balloon," I added helpfully. Her hands flew to her hips as they too began to puff up, stretching her spandex outward. Her formerly svelte body had begun to bring to my mind the much more robust beauties of the 40's. Now those were the years! "My God, Mitch. You've to to help me! Call a doctor or something!" In awe of her swelling body, she stared as her chest bulged outward, revealing deep cleavage and pulling her leotard tighter and tighter. My practiced eye measured her at high forties on the top, still the same thing twenty at the waist, and her now improved hips at an even forty. "Help you? Why? I like the new you." I always smile at this point to show my sincerity, but they never take it that way. She turned from me and shouted loudly for aid, but I haven't gotten this far without planning ahead. We were in a fairly secluded spot and at the rate she was swelling, she soon would be unable to escape. Not to say she didn't try. With a desperate dash, she took off, soon slowing to a jog, then a waddle as the inflation continued. By now her chest resembled the prow of a rubber raft, trying to squeeze out of her clothing. It's fortunate she wasn't wearing a bra. Some had been before and had been slightly damaged by the constriction. And lets not even talk about corsets. One poor dear nearly suffocated under her own bosom before I could cut the strings to her lacings. Her lower body had kept pace with her chest, legs ballooning outward in fine shape, resembling her excellent gams (I know, dating myself once again) but being many sizes larger. Her buttocks were half moons of perfection, although the way her leotard was digging up had to be uncomfortable. Ah the wonders of spandex. The dresses of yesteryear had hid this so well. Her arms had started bulking up as well, the gasses generated by the powder doing their work. Slowly she took a position as if she were doing jumping jacks. I could hear her frantic panting as she tried to keep running; but, like in a nightmare, she slowed even further as I walked up behind her. The quality of her spandex was amazing! Pumped with gas, her breasts strained to escape while the rest of her stretched every seam. Still the shimmering material held on. She now looked like a rubber doll from one of those tacky novelty stores that had been severely overinflated. "Please," she gasped, terrified of all of this and near hysteria. "Please stop it. Make it stop." She struggled to take another step forward, her leg resisting the movement. The pressure must have been immense, but still she tried. Can I pick them or what? Instead of moving however, she lost her balance. Falling forward was not great problem. She hit ground while at nearly a forty degree angle, her watermelon sized breasts bouncing her back upwards in a lazy motion. A wild shriek left her as the movement continued, lifting her high off the ground. "Oh stop it. No one's hurting you," I remarked as she continued to caterwaul. Snagging one of her legs as it went by and giving it an appreciative squeeze, I pulled her down. She now was an exaggerated parody of a woman, huge breasts stretching spandex so thin that it was nearly transparent over massive hips and legs. "See, you're fine." Admittedly, being unable to move must be something of a shocker, but she recovered well. "Lemme go! This is impossible!" "Around here? yes," I commented as I gave one enormous orb a poke. It squeaked against her other breast with the sound two balloons make when rubbing together. Truly remarkable spandex. I'll have to look that company up next time I go through. Putting one ear against her drum tight chest and ignoring her outraged gasp of protest, I listened. The hissing, outside of an occasional peep, had ceased. "There now, all finished." I patted her fondly on the cheek. Forgetting to hold on to her of course. I must be getting old. She floated upwards quickly, fear shooting through her eyes. I caught her by the leg again, pulling her down. "Please," she whispered, "What's happening. Who are you..." Ah, and right at the prearranged time. This was one of the days to be very amazed with my timing. The gate opened up directly behind me as she stared into it, her physical condition forgotten for a moment. "Me, why, I'm a toy collector for a, um... company in what you would call a parallel dimension. This millennia I'm collecting what you would term children's balloons." Letting her see a bit of my true face I smiled again, watching her pale. "But what does that have to do with me?" She managed to gasp out. The process cuts off a lot of air to the victim, something to do with pressure on the lungs I'm told. Thus her constant panting is accounted for. "Why, silly, you're the balloon. Come along now, I know a nice little, oh, I guess you'd call him a boy, that will absolutely adore you." I pushed her into the warp gate, realizing that she had passed out sometime earlier. Really now, how rude. And just when I had gone and made her a work of art. No, really! You humans are quite popular over here as this sort of thing.
belly, helium
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation
Bzzzt, bzzzt. The Mike's mobile phone vibrated. The call display showed his home number. "Hey there Mandy baby, what's up?" "Are you still at the office? You know today's your birthday." Mandy sounded like she was a little put out. "I just had some files that needed a few minutes of extra work before I left. Do I hear a hissing noise in the background?" "I was going to surprise you. You know that thing we did last month? You know, for my birthday?" Mandy cooed. Mandy had had a drastic weight loss two years before, leaving her skin loose and saggy. Instead of opting for surgery to remove the loose skin and leave her scarred for life, she volunteered for a radical new procedure that would fill her deflated skin with medical grade nitrogen. She would be big, but healthy, with none of the side effects of obesity. It was in this state that she had introduced herself to Mike. Mike was a handsome pharmacist who worked in a private geriatric hospital, and he liked his ladies large. Mandy had the biggest beautiful, tight belly he'd ever seen, her tits defied the laws of gravity, and you could bounce a quarter off her enormous ass. They hit it off through mutual attraction. They were married within six months of meeting. After they were married, Mike found out Mandy was basically a living blow up doll. Being a tinkerer, he had an idea. He bypassed the safety on Mandy's special nitrogen filling system to allow it to accept a helium bottle. Now Mandy could be filled a lot quicker when she wanted to, and watching her grow really turned Mike on. Mandy even teased him by telling him she wanted to get bigger and bigger when she was full. "The helium tank? How could I forget my blow-up babe? Your belly looked like an ad for Goodyear, and your tits were the size of basketballs. Oh, and that ass..." Mike trailed off with a smile on his face. "Well you'd better get home soon or I'm going to take matters into my own hands." Mandy purred. "But babe, do you really think you should have started without me?" Asked Mike, "You know how much I love to watch you grow." "What could go wrong?" Mandy replied. "I'll be right home babe. I'm going to lick your big swollen belly, suck on your rock hard nips, and push deeper than ever before." "That's what I'm talking about!" said Mandy and hung up. Mike quickly packed up his desk, grabbed his coat and headed down the hall for the elevator to the car park. OUT OF SERVICE! Read a note on the elevator door. Shit! Thought Mike, I'm seven floors up. Mike bounded for the stairs taking them three at a time. Puffing he reached the car and leaned against it to catch his breath. BZZZT, BZZZT Mike's mobile rang. "Are you almost here?" Mandy sounded far away and a hissing permeated the background. "Just got to the car." Panted Mike. "WHAT?" "Elevator was down. Had to take stairs." "Mike, you've got to hurry." Said a nervous sounding Mandy. "What's wrong babe?" asked Mike as he stepped into the car and fired the engine up. "I upped the ante a bit." Mandy sounded a bit distant. "I handcuffed myself to the bed. I thought a little bondage play added in to the mix would blow your mind." Mike was nervous. The last time they filled Mandy with helium, it had taken forty five minutes. He had worked fifteen minutes late, and he had a fifteen minute drive ahead of him. "How do you feel?" asked Mike as he put the car into gear. "I'm okay for now, but I'm going to be full soon." answered Mandy. "I'm on my way now babe. I'm going to drive like I'm on fire!" "No don't!" screamed Mandy. "If you get pulled over, it will take too long; I don't want to think about what may happen if you're late." "Good point, fast but legal is the best policy at this moment." Agreed Mike. He couldn't help but notice the hissing in the background, even over his earpiece. As Mike drove he reassured Mandy that everything was going to be fine, that as soon as he got home he'd shut off the gas and fill her with himself. "Oh no, not now." Said a nervous Mike. Ssssssssss..."What is it? What's Wrong?ssssssss..." Mandy was starting to be drowned out by the hiss of helium entering her milky white body. "A bloody fender-bender, everybody's slowing to a crawl for a look. Dammit drive people!" Shouted Mike. Mike looked at his car's clock; helium had been pumping into Mandy for over forty minutes now. He was five minutes from home. Sssssssssss..."I know you'd love to see what I've got on offer here...ssssssssss... my red lace teddy is starting to overflow with some serious boobage"...sssssss "Are you okay babe?" Sssss....sssss "Mandy!" Sssssssssss..."I'm feeling a bit, um funny. I'm full now...ssss...but the helium is still going in...ssssssss...I think I'm stretching a little...ssssss close are you to home?" Mike blew through a stop sign, "I'm on our street now, pulling into the driveway." "...sssssIt hurts Mike, it hurts...sssss...too tight...sssss...all I can see is my tight...ssss....get up here fast...sssss" Mike was out of the car before it stopped moving, bounding up the front steps of their home. ssssss..."So"...sssssss... Mandy's voice trailed off. "I'm here babe, unlocking the door now." Mike burst into the foyer and sprinted up the steps that led to the bedroom, not bothering to close the front door behind him. He reached out for the bedroom doorknob. Mandy screamed then there was a deafening BOOOOM!!! Mike, stunned, fell to his knees in the hall, still holding the knob in his hand. The door whipped open, pulling Mike into the room to land at Mandy's red polka dot stilettos. Giggling, she held an enormous burst paper bag in her hands. "You really didn't think I'd start without you, did you?"
chemical, inhale, prison
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Sherry chuckled to herself, musing over her escape from Terran justice. What a great joke it had been! Most people convicted of her crimes would have been sent to Beta-Orrigonus4, to serve out their sentence in hard labor. She knew about the conditions of that penal colony, as well as the effects of "hard labor." It was a major coup to convince the courts to send her to Numa32. That place had a much better was situated on an earthlike planet, with similar atmosphere and land masses, albeit strange weather - it was known for sudden, violent thunderstorms - and seemed more like a resort than a place for incarceration. Sherry was amazed that most prisoners didn't request Numa32 as soon as their guilt was determined. She didn't even stop to wonder about the smile that crossed the prosecutor's lips. She'd beaten the system, and that's what counted! Since 2047, Terran prisons had become so overcrowded that many felons were granted their freedom. Numa32 had done a great deal to alleviate that problem. In addition to enjoying a shackle-free incarceration, since there was little chance of escape offworld, Sherry looked forward to seeing Corrinne, a one-time "business associate." Corrinne was the source of Sherry's information about Numa32, and she'd painted a pretty pleasant picture, all things considered. As the prison ship docked in NumaBay7, the transport guard approached her. "Well, this is it," he smiled at her. "Welcome to Numa32...and thanks for keeping the criminal population down back home." He offered her a small bottle, filled with an orange liquid. "Better drink this, Sherry. You'll need it to help you breathe the atmosphere out there." Sherry quietly accepted the drink, barely concealing a smirk. The fluid was cool and refreshing, and left her feeling oddly invigorated. "There you go," the guard winked. He checked a sheet on his noteboard. "You're number 7883...looks like you won't be staying too long. That's one of the advantages of serving time at Numa32...shorter sentences." Sherry snorted and held up her wrists, displaying the neuro-bands binding them together. "How about removing these now, officer? I don't think I'll be going anywhere for a while." The guard removed a sonic key from his shirt pocket, then waved it before the glowing bands. Sherry's hands were immediately free, and she began rubbing her wrists to restore the circulation. "Gee, thanks. You're a sweetheart." She took a moment to "adjust" her prison jumpsuit, allowing the guard a moment to admire the blue rose tattoo adorning her left breast. "Keep your eyes in your head, private!" she sneered, tossing her fiery mane back defiantly before turning aside to make her way through the debarkation tube. At the other end, she was promptly greeted by the head of planet security. "Ah, Sherry, welcome to your new home," the stout man grinned. "You've had your Numodine beverage, I trust? It's quite necessary if you wish to breathe normally, here on Numa32." "Yeah, yeah, I had it. So, where am I supposed to bunk?" Sherry muttered, casually glancing about the room. "Wherever you like...although I fancy that you'll want to reside in B-chamber 202 while you're with us," the security chief sighed, absently running a hand through his thinning hair. "If I'm not mistaken, you have an acquaintance in 201. A young lady named Corrinne?" He smiled condescendingly. "She'll fill you in about our colony. I'm certain you're a quick study..." His gaze traveled to Sherry's bosom. She quickly buttoned the collar of her prison garb. With a knowing glance, the administrator spun about and left. "Just like that, huh?" Sherry thought. "No cuffs, no chains, no guards...some penal colony this is! I don't think it'll be too tough to hang here for a while." She set off to find B-chamber 201. The grounds were well-kept (by whom? Where was everybody?), and the soil was firm enough to render concrete unnecessary. It wasn't a very long walk to the spacious 200 building. Sherry was confused. Considering the number of felons supposedly incarcerated at Numa32, there were surprisingly few domiciles to house them all. Shrugging, she approached the structure with the huge sign proclaiming "Chambers 200 - 300." Following subsequent direction glo-plaques embedded in the otherwise bare walls, she located the room marked B-chamber 201. She paused, straightened her maroon prison-issue jumpsuit, then depressed the button to the right of the door. There was a distant buzzing noise. A moment later, the door opened. Sherry found herself facing a familiar stranger. "Corrinne...?" she spoke, eyebrows raised. The woman before her smiled. The facial features, the hair, the bearing were all Corrinne's...yet something had changed. Was she...softer looking? There was an odd quality about her skin...although it appeared normal in color, it had an odd transparent appearance. Corrinne laughed, noticing Sherry's scrutiny. She stepped forward, gave her a quick hug, then invited her into the room. "Yes, it's me," she laughed. "How have you been, Sher? Great to see'll like it here!" Sherry remained speechless. Corrinne glanced at her almost shiny arms. "I see you've noticed I've changed a little...don't worry about it, Sher. We all get like this. It's from drinking the Numodine. But, don't's perfectly harmless. And look at this!" She held up her right arm for inspection. With her left hand, she pinched some of the strange-looking skin, pulling it at least three inches away from her arm. Opening her fingers, the skin immediately snapped back into place. "Pretty neat, huh? The Numodine gives our skin a lot of's a side effect. But, at least we can breathe okay!" She grinned. "Want something to eat?" After having chatted for several hours, they were interrupted by one of the guards, bearing two large glasses, filled to the brim with cheerful orange liquid. "Drink up, ladies," he smiled. "Have to keep up your health, right?" Corrinne eagerly accepted the Numodine, and downed it swiftly. Sherry rolled her eyes, snatched her glass, and chugged it indignantly. "Wonderful," chirped the guard, as he collected the glasses and left. "Why are they so happy when we drink this stuff?" Sherry asked. "I dunno. Does it make any difference? It tastes good, and it makes me feel all warm inside. I'd drink more of it, if I had the chance." Before they were able to continue their conversation, they were interrupted again...this time, by the sound of thunder. Sherry jumped. Corrinne merely shrugged. "You'll get used to it, Sher. The weather's kind of weird here. There are usually several thunderclaps at night. It hardly ever rains, though. Guess it's just another thing that makes this place different from home." Home. For the first time since arriving, Sherry began to think about Earth once more. "Corrinne," she asked, "have they told you anything about when you can leave? I mean, how long are you going to be here?" "That's easy to answer," Corrinne replied. "They have an electronic database we can access where they post the prisoner numbers of inmates who are going to be released, and when they'll be sent to the debarkation area. Wanna check it out?" Corrinne led Sherry to another, smaller room, where what seemed to be a monitoring device was humming warmly. She quickly punched in a code. Data immediately flashed on the small screen. "There, you see?" she pointed. "Number 7882...that's me. I'm scheduled to be out of here the day after tomorrow! I didn't realize it was so soon!" she clapped her hands. "What's your number, Sher?" "7883...right after you. I wonder if it'll be the same day?" "Who can't be too long after, though! Then you'll blow out of here, too! I'll get word to you somehow where I'm gonna be, so we can meet up again. It'll be just like old times!" Sherry nodded. Somehow, something didn't make sense. Her offenses and Terran sentence had been far more serious than Corrinne's...yet she was scheduled to leave Numa32 directly afterwards. Corrinne had been on the planet for at least seven months. Her brow furrowed. No matter...she'd figure things out. If nothing else, as the administrator had remarked, she was a quick study. The next day passed quickly and uneventfully. Corrinne took Sherry for a brief tour of the tiny colony. One building in particular caught Sherry's eye. Corrinne followed her gaze. "Oh, that's the entertainment arena," she explained to her friend. "Only prisoners who're about to be released are allowed in there. It's kind of a mysterious place. See that smaller building behind it? That's debarkation...we'll be sent there when it's time to go." Sherry stared long and hard at the two structures. She decided at that moment that they would require further investigation. Later that day, when the guard brought the Numodine to her chamber, she told him that she'd drink it in a short while, since her stomach had been giving her some trouble. After he'd left, she examined her hands. Her skin was acquiring that same odd transparency as Corrinne's. She pinched the flesh, as Corrinne had done, and pulled. Sure enough, the skin stretched inches away. She glanced at the Numodine. Maybe it's time to skip it, she thought. After all, who knows what that stuff really does? By nightfall, she began to feel pangs. She blanched. It had to be the Numodine. They must have placed something addictive in it! All she knew that she had to have it...that it was the only thing that would stop the strange sensations coursing through her. She held her stomach. It was gurgling loudly. Where had she put that glass? She felt awful! Stumbling toward the back of her chamber, she took a deep breath, and immediately regretted it. Instantly, she felt an enormous rush of air flood into her stomach, forcing it to balloon outwards. Frantic, she spotted the Numodine on the floor, near the sleeperbunk. Bloating further with each panicked breath, she grabbed the drink and gulped it down. For a moment, the pressure inside her surged to the point that she thought she would explode. Then, just as suddenly, the gas was released. The guards and administrator had been telling the was necessary to drink the Numodine, in order to breathe normally. But they had left out something just as important... Sherry dressed quickly. Depressing the telecom dialer for Corrinne's chamber, she waited impatiently for her friend to answer. There was a tone, then a click. "Hello?" Corrinne answered groggily. "Corrinne,'s me, Sherry. There's something I have to tell you. Can I come over right away?" "Oh...sorry...I have company right now..." There was an unusual quality to her voice. She giggled, but in a lazy, almost drugged fashion. "Who's there with you? Corrinne, did you drink your Numodine?" There was a long pause, then a contented sigh. "Mmmmm, no...they said I wouldn't need it tonight. I had something else to was really nice." Another pause. "They said I can leave tonight, Sher. Isn't that wonderful?" Another giggle, then a man's voice in the background, telling her it was time to go. "Corrinne! DON'T GO ANYWHERE UNTIL I GET THERE!!" Sherry yelled into the telecom. She raced to the door, her fingers flying over the digi-pad to enter the release code. Nothing happened. She entered the key again, thinking that in her haste, she might have entered it incorrectly. The door remained sealed. "CORRINNE!" Sherry slammed her fists into the unmoving exit, to no effect. She brought her face up to the viewport, and was rewarded with catching a glimpse of her friend. Corrinne was smiling happily, as two nattily-uniformed guards assisted her with her prison jumpsuit. There were huge gaps between the buttons. One man gently but firmly supported her, while the other smiled back at Corrinne, praising her and asking her to breathe deeply. Corrinne giggled, then did as she was told. Sherry looked on helplessly as Corrinne began to swell. Her tightening jumpsuit strained to contain her bloating abdomen briefly before surrendering unconditionally. Several buttons flew off, suddenly releasing the huge balloon which was Corrinne from the ruined garment. "Again," requested the guard. This time, when she complied, Corrinne's entire body began to inflate. Her arms and legs began to resemble sausages in their casings, as the skin grew taut. Her face, still smiling, widened, the features becoming puffy as they bloated to keep pace. "Once more, now..." With the third breath, Corrinne distended to near-bursting. Her head, arms, and legs withdrew into the vast expanse of her rapidly filling form. The coaching guard thumped Corrinne's belly. It had the hollow sound of a bass drum when struck. "She's ready," he nodded to his assistant. They led Corrinne, still expanding, to the entertainment arena. With a sickening feeling, Sherry realized her friend was the entertainment. Sherry lay down on the sleeperbunk, dazed. Numa32. Numa. Pneuma. It finally all came together. Suddenly, in the distance, came a clap of thunder...and Sherry knew Corrinne had come apart. And she was next. "Welcome to Numa32, Ilsa," the head of planet security greeted his new prisoner cheerfully. "Have you had your Numodine?" Ilsa nodded hesitantly. "Yes, sir," she replied. "How long do prisoners usually remain here, if you don't mind my asking...?" "Much less time than you would have spent in prison on Earth," the large man replied with a wink. "Come along, I'll show you to your chamber." As Ilsa followed her guide, something skipping erratically along the dry ground caught her eye. She stepped quickly to snatch it, before the gusting wind could steal it away. She studied her prize. This new acquisition was very pretty, and would make a wonderful decoration for her room. It was an unusual piece of plastic, to be certain, but the blue rose stamped on it would add a touch of pulchritude to the many long hours she'd be spending there...
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Unfortunately for Charlotte, the truth isn't exactly 'out there' it's more 'in there'. Charlotte moved around the reception with a graceful and confident gait that naturally attracted a lot of attention from the male dignitaries. At 5'9" she was quite tall with long slender legs and an hourglass figure, she wore a clingy lavender-grey cocktail dress and had her ash blonde hair up at the front, under a tiara but allowed the back and sides to cascade down her body, sliding over her shoulders and stroking the sides of her well endowed bust. She moved through the gathering of people like a leopard stalking through long grass; making darting looks either side of her, her target, a small door just to the side of the buffet table. A man caught her eyes as she glanced slightly nervously over her left shoulder, she smiled, slightly coyly trying to make him think it was just a flirtatious look. She recognised him as the chief undersecretary to the ambassador, a man she should really try to avoid. A slight smile fleetingly appeared on his face, barely perceptible, more of a smirk really, or a spasm; then he looked away and Charlotte relaxed. Then the music stopped and the room lights dimmed, the stage across the room was lit by a spotlight and the ambassador stepped up to it, with everyone's backs to Charlotte as they faced the chief diplomat she took the opportunity to slip quietly through the door marked 'Embassy Personnel Only'. On the other side of the door was a small hallway with another door on the opposite wall, softly Charlotte padded across the carpeted room to the door which had a combination lock. The code to the lock had been given to Charlotte in her briefing; she had the recon team to thank for that. '1666' she typed it into the keypad, there was a bleep which caused her to jump and look round nervously; of course no-one could hear, it was so quiet really and they were all listening to a speech on forging a better understanding between the two nations. To Charlotte's employers understanding another nation was like understanding a person, you had to dig deep, find out what made them tick and often without them knowing, the human mind could trick you so easily otherwise. As quietly as possible, Charlotte pushed the door open, it made a huffing sound as it pushed over the carpet. She went through into a stairwell and shut the door behind her. The stairwell was more airy, with marble on the stairs and a large wall to wall, window across from her. As she made her way down the stairs her footsteps echoed round the building and she had to carefully edge down one step at a time, lest she be heard. At the bottom of the stairs she went through a double door into a laboratory which she also had the code for. It was dark inside, but rather than turn a light on she flicked out a small torch and panned around the room. It was a small, cramped lab, only used for embassy business, it didn't look like the kind of place you might find a top secret weapon prototype, more like a school lab, messed up with dated equipment. Her torch picked up a steel case and she went over and opened it; inside was a small bullet shaped, silver cartridge; the prototype. She didn't know exactly what it was, that was what they were hoping to discover, the weapon was obviously inside the cartridge, so it must be very small though. She took the prototype and slipped it into a pocket sewn into her dress, it didn't matter that she'd stolen it, there were delegates here from over 50 countries, it could be any one of them. She was about to leave the lab, when she heard footsteps above. "Someone's been through here" said a male voice, speaking in the language of the embassy, in which Charlotte was fluent. Charlotte ran towards the door of the lab and peeked out, she could see shadows moving down the stairs outside; she rushed through the lab shut herself in a cupboard, she saw a ventilation shaft and clambered inside. Fortunately for Charlotte, she was able to find her way through the ventilation system to the female toilets, from where she could emerge back into the reception without anyone realising she had gone, however when she came out there was a lot of commotion, a loudspeaker was announcing an 'uncertain hazard within the embassy' and asking everyone to evacuate the building. Charlotte followed along with a line of people as they filed out of the reception suite, but in the main foyer she saw a pair of burly security guards moving up the line frisking each delegate and checking them with a metal detector. Fearing that she was about to be discovered, Charlotte took the prototype unseen from her dress and held her hand to her mouth as if to cough, she then put the prototype into her mouth and swallowed. She felt the heavy metal object sliding down her oesophagus and into her stomach. Just at that moment the guards reached her. They conducted a full body search both by hand and with the detector, Charlotte stood as still a possible, worried that they would notice her nervousness, she was sweating profusely. She had to stifle a sigh of relief when one of guards nodded affirmatively to her and they moved to the next person. Charlotte continued in the line, moving towards the exit, when she began to feel slightly gassy, she rubbed her stomach with her hands and noticed it was feeling a bit bloated, as though something she'd eaten had caused a bit of trapped wind. She felt the heaviness of the canister in her stomach and immediately began to wonder what it contained, if maybe that was causing the bloating. She felt a burbling within her belly and grasped it again, this time it felt even more bloated and she felt it grow slightly. She gasped and looked down to see her midriff pushing out, wrinkling her dress, which she could feel tightening against her distended abdomen. She rubbed the fabric of the dress against it and tried to push it back in but it felt buoyant, like an inflated ball and sprang back out again; she let the silk fabric slide back down her front and glanced around, nobody had noticed her situation so she shuffled forward slightly. Then there was a clearly audible groan from her stomach at it inflated further, the noise caught the attention of a few people and they saw her belly swell outwards, stretching her dress until it looked like she was 4 months pregnant. "Are you OK"? asked a concerned looking lady in front of Charlotte. "I... err, think so" Charlotte replied hesitantly, trying to hide the look of shock spreading across her face, and attract as little attention as possible "I think it's something that was in that stew". There was another loud groan from Charlotte's belly and she immediately grasped her swollen stomach and felt it expanding, pushing her hands apart, and blowing up like a balloon; and not only her belly, but she felt her dress tightening around her thighs and buttocks and a shifting sensation in her bra. This time she got the attention of more of the crowd, including the security guards who were a few people behind her; they looked on suspiciously and started conferring with each other. Charlotte rubbed her hands around her buttocks, which did indeed feel larger, and her breasts had definitely inflated from a D cup to an E. She wondered what sort of gas the secret weapon contained, and if what was happening to her was it's intended effect or some side effect of that fact she'd swallowed it. This though was cut off by more urgent matters, the next surge of gas inside of her caused a loud creak and she squealed slightly, looking around at the crowd of people, all eyes on her, ensured she had the attention of everyone in the room. Everyone certainly then heard the faint hissing that started to come from inside her and could see her visibly expanding. Her belly had pumped up to the point where it looked like she was 9 months pregnant, except it looked rounder; her breasts were the size of an F cup, but like her belly, looking rounder and tauter than normal flesh, as though she were being inflated by pressure from within. Her buttocks were filling out like two beach balls under her dress, and her hips widening, but acquiring a more rounded shape. Her bulging belly and ass were lifting her dress up towards her knees and causing it to stretch tremendously and her whole body was trembling, though Charlotte could not be sure whether this was through fear of what was happening to her or the strain of the pressure pumping her up. She looked like there were several round balloons inflating beneath her dress, stretching it to its limits, but around the tops of her breasts, where they bulged out of her dress she could clearly see it was her body being inflated. At that point the inflation began to spread over her whole body, causing first her thighs, and then her calves and arms to pump up with the gas, until she could feel the buoyancy of her arms against her sides and the insides of her legs pressing against each other so that they pushed each other apart. She felt the pressure rising up her throat and then suddenly, her cheeks puffed up with the gas, which choked her slightly, she tried to blow it out again, but they quickly filled up, so that all she was doing was making frantic little puffs; and teetering around as she struggled to balance with her ballooning legs and arms being pushed outwards. She was struggling to bend her limbs against the pressure and talking had become impossible with little muffled squeals the only noises she could make, along with the creaking and groaning now coming from inside her body and the popping sound of the seams in her dress beginning to blow. Charlotte felt how tight her underwear felt under her dress as she continued to bloat up, stretching her clothes more and more till she looked and felt like a giant parade balloon, waddling around trying to stay on her feet, her breasts had blown up to about 4 feet across each and were starting to obstruct her vision, she could see them rising, blocking out even more of the surrounding room, she tried to reach them with her hands but she was too inflated to move. She could now see the ambassador conferring with the chief undersecretary she saw before, she could hear them discussing the situation. "I think she must have stolen the weapon." "A spy, huh, well she'll get what she deserves, tell everyone to clear the area, and try to get her outside, when she blows it'll be big, and messy, I don't want any of my embassy damaged". Explode! Charlotte thought, this was terrible, but as she pumped up bigger and bigger it seemed that bursting was inevitable, just how long would it take? She felt two pairs of hands either side of her expanding waist, which was now stretched wide like a blimp. She saw it was the two security guards trying to move her to where she would cause as little damage as possible, she could barely see them but she could feel their hands grappling with her taut, round belly as they pushed her towards the doors, it was slow going and she bobbed and bounced about, unable to control her own movements, it was like she were a balloon floating gently around the room, or a blimp about to take flight. Then there was the strained creaking as she inflated bigger and bigger; so big, she felt the pressure building up and up inside her, forcing her, already turgid body to expand further, beyond its limits. She had inflated up to 8 or 10 times her normal volume, like a parade balloon, with her dress stretched across her body like latex, pulled so high up that her black silk panties were visible underneath, stretched tight between her legs so that she could feel the seams digging in to her flesh. Charlotte knew this couldn't go on much longer, she just willed the end to come, why couldn't she just blow, and release all this pressure, the pressure of the gas. She was snapped out of this delirium by the bump she felt on her sides as she reached the big glass faced entrance, she could feel the sides of the doorway on the front of her belly and the bite of the cold outside in the middle of winter, there was no way she was fitting though. The security guards behind her pushed up against her drum tight backside, but their hands just pressed into her, causing her whole body to flex, like a balloon being squeezed. Then she bounced back, and felt the guards hands disappear and then a thump as they had been knocked to the floor. Soon there were more and more people trying to force her through the door she felt them all, their hands rubbing over her ever growing butt, looking for purchase to push her through, but only succeeding in wedging her in tight, and she continued to swell up and the hissing inside her continued so that the creaks were beginning to come from the doorway as well. "It's no use" said the ambassador's voice, "we'll all just have to try and get out ourselves past her." She felt the hands again, along the insides of her legs, pushing through until she could feel people squeezing between them and out into the cold wintry air; and see them over the two giant orbs of breast blocking her vision. The people stood far back on the lawn and watched her, awestruck, some of them couldn't bear to look, or were covering their ears. It couldn't be long now, She heard a deep long groan and couldn't be sure whether it was coming from her or the doorway. Still bigger she blew up, the pressure she felt inside her was immense, and still growing, her body was huge and taut, and rounded, filling the entire doorway and her stomach protruded at least six feet out into the open air, with her butt protruding as far inside. She couldn't do anything with her hands but grip the doorway tight as the creaking grew louder, she saw her body bulge forwards in one last surge, the pressure grew and she just managed to squeeze a muffled "Oh No!" between inflated cheeks before... B'BOOM! Epilogue The sound of Charlotte finally exploding echoed around the embassy grounds and shattered the glass in the entrance hall. People standing too close were knocked from their feet by the blast and everyone felt the rush of warm smoky air, the gas causing them to gag slightly. Shreds of Charlottes lavender/grey dress and silk black underwear were blown to great distances covering everyone on the lawn, with smaller scraps continuing to fall like snow caught up in the wind afterwards. One woman caught Charlotte's bracelet around her own neck, other items of jewelry were quickly gathered up. The doorway where Charlotte had stood was covered in crystals of broken glass, with her tiara hanging from the top of the frame and her high heeled shoes and an ankle bracelet on the ground where she had stood; in between her shoes was a small metallic capsule. The chief undersecretary picked it up; it felt warm in his hands. He turned to the ambassador and put his mouth up to his ear to speak in private. "Well it may have been impotent as a choking gas but ironically the actions of enemy espionage have led us to a much more... 'expansive' use."
floating, helium, Prose that Blows 8 - Epilogue
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Mario was a simple balloon salesman of humble means. Each day, Mario would push his cart up and down the street, and sell balloons to whoever wanted them. The Italian immigrant didn't discriminate. Roxanne was a high-powered advertising executive. She walked past Mario's cart each day on her brisk walk to work. Every morning she barked orders into her cell phone, coffee in hand. This morning was no different from any other. Mario heard the "Clack! Clack! Clack! Clack!" of Roxanne's high heels against the pavement seconds before she came into view. As she drew closer, the tapping of her high heels was covered by the piercing shrillness of her brusque business calls. "Listen, I don't care if the orphanage does need money to turn their heat back on! My firm doesn't work for free! If you sympathize with those sad-eyed brats you can go join them in the cold!" Mario wanted to cross the street before Roxanne reached him, he couldn't stand to listen to the witch berate her exasperated employees before she even arrived at work! He shuddered as he thought of what hell they must endure for their meager pay. Unfortunately, he had just finished tying a big red balloon to the wrist of an adorable pig-tailed little girl, and didn't have the time to cross the street and avoid Roxanne's impatient wrath. Mario turned around, preparing to push his cart away from the approaching beast, and saw the limp chestnut hair of the sharp-chinned demon clad in a grey business suit, inches from his face. With a solid "whump", Roxanne crashed into the timid balloon salesman, spilling her boiling coffee onto him in the process. Amidst the searing pain of the steaming liquid on his uncovered forearms, a sharp cry permeated Mario's eardrums, "Oh you smelly little mongrel! You made me spill my coffee," Roxanne hissed, "Now I'm going to be late, and it's all your fault! I expect full compensation for this tomorrow, you dirty monkey!" With that, she resumed shouting at her poor employees, clacking off down the block, until she faded from Mario's sight, enveloped by the throngs of people that commute through the New York streets every morning. "Oh," thought Mario, "You'll get what you deserve tomorrow morning. You'll get what's coming to you." The next morning was again, an average April morning in New York City. Well, that's not entirely true, the temperature would rise a few degrees above the average. But that isn't important. Mario was at his usual street corner, with his balloon cart, as he did every morning. The difference was that today, Mario awaited Roxanne's arrival with sinister excitement, instead of the usual dread. "This is the day that Roxanne's body will finally match her blimp-like ego," thought Mario. His anticipation did not go unsatisfied for long. Only moments later, the sharp "Clack! Clack! Clack! Clack!" of Roxanne's high heels pierced the silence of the New York morning. The newsstand owners shouting headlines at passerby, the conversations of commuters, and the angry honks of the daily traffic jam, nothing but a hum to the native New Yorker- like cicadas in an Indian Summer to any New Englander. The black-hearted ghoul was upon him. "Well, plebe? You owe me four dollars for the coffee, and thirteen fifty-eight for the thirty six seconds of work time I lost because of your inability to monitor your surroundings!" "Ma'am, you really ought to think about putting something other than coffee into your mouth," suggested Mario. "What are you getting at, you undesirable little cr" Roxanne was unable to finish insulting the poor old balloon salesman, as he had already thrust the nozzle of the helium canister into her mouth. The stunned Roxanne did not even think to pull the nozzle out from between her lips, pumped with collagen the week before. With lightning speed, the portly old Italian man turned the dial on the helium canister to full release. Slowly, Roxanne felt her body begin to expand. She first felt it in her stomach; it felt as if she just ate a large meal, something she hadn't done in years. Her eyes grew wide in terror as one-by-one the buttons of her business suit popped off, unable to take the pressure. Within seconds, the street grew dark under a shadow ten feet in diameter, and Roxanne began to drift away! Luckily for the naked Roxanne, there was a telephone pole to her left, and she grasped it to keep from blowing away. Cell phone still in hand, "Roger," she barked, "Come get me! And bring a tarp..." She then screeched her whereabouts into the mobile device. Mario couldn't help chuckling to himself. "I always thought that bitch was a bit of an airhead," he said to himself before shuffling down the street, pushing his balloon cart, an empty canister of helium the only evidence that he'd ever been there at all. Epilogue Roxanne had her towncar come and retrieve her. Unfortunately, she had to be tethered to the fender of the car, as in her bloated state, there was no way that she could fit inside. The drive to her penthouse apartment was the most humiliating seven minutes of her life. Roxanne began to work from home, and only a few of her most trusted secretaries and interns heard from her in the first few weeks after "the incident" as it came to be called. Rumors of death circulated around the corporate headquarters of Roxanne's advertising firm. But, after making the necessary arrangements, she was back at work two months later, much to the chagrin of her employees. Life as a human zeppelin was difficult. But Roxanne refused to let herself be held back by such a trivial inconvenience. In an effort to adapt to her inflated state, she ordered two overworked interns to anchor her to a wheeled cart with cinder blocks and tethers used on floats in the Macy's Day Parade. Her balloon-like state did not humble her one bit. After all, it was her intuition and ambition that got her to the top, not her perfect body! Now that her chiseled wet-dream inducing body was gone, she threw herself into her work. The office was Roxanne's home for the next couple of weeks, as her penthouse was being remodeled to accommodate her predicament, which would be ailing her for quite some time according to one doctor who estimated she wouldn't deflate for 6-8 years (at the earliest). As she didn't leave the office, Mario had been blessed with pleasant mornings. But each morning he grew more paranoid and anxious. He had taken to carrying a sewing needle wherever he went, for protection. He was always expecting the incessant spiteful yammering of Roxanne and the "Clack! Clack! Clack! Clack!" of her heels to fill his ears once more. But they didn't. Not until adjustments to Roxanne's penthouse had been made. Then, with the help of a few assistants, she resumed her journey to work each morning, by air rather than foot. She inevitably approached the street corner where "the incident" had happened. Mario was gaunt and pale as a corpse. He couldn't eat or sleep due to stress and the "demonic balloon woman" who haunted his dreams. Mario turned the corner, to his horror; the object of his nightmares was mere feet away from him. Roxanne's assistants' eyes grew wide as the deranged balloon salesman charged at their inflated bitch of a boss, armed with a single sewing needle.
first person, gum
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Being the gum connoisseur that I am and blueberry being my favorite flavor, when Malabar came out with a "new, exciting flavor: a burst of blueberry in ever bite", I just couldn't resist. I stood outside the newsstand eagerly tapping my foot as the man opened the shipment box, the first shipment to come to my area and I was right there at the front of the line, money already counted. I bought three or four packs of the gum right away and ran off with them. As I began the long walk back to my apartment, I opened the package and slipped the gum into my mouth. At first it was like any other gum, but as I continued chewing, the flavor got stronger and stronger. Sure it was pink and had the texture of any other gum, but the taste, oh the taste was far superior to anything I'd touched before. As quickly as the flavor rose, filling me with a burst of excitement and energy and maybe even something else, it subsided again. I spat the gum into a trash can and popped another piece into my mouth. This stick, it seemed, if possible, was even better than the last. Again it was gone too quickly and again I popped another, superior stick in. This continued until I removed the last stick of gum from the package and glanced down at the empty remains, just about to throw it in the trash. "Do not consume more than 1 stick of gum per hour or more than one pack in a day.", the package clearly read. Confused and slightly apprehensive, I threw the package into the bin and continued walking. The next thing I knew, almost unconsciously, I placed the gum I had been holding into my mouth. The flavor was so strong and wonderful I decided I didn't care about the warning. I finished that stick and opened my next package. I placed the next piece in my mouth and began to blow bubbles with it, little ones at first, then larger and larger ones; I was so concentrated on my bubbles and following the sidewalk path that it wasn't until I'd blown one the size of my head that I really felt it. With one big burst I blew out this enormous bubble and felt a strange somewhat painful stretching sensation in my body. As I moved my hands down my side, I felt a distinct bulge in my hips that I was sure hadn't been there a few moments ago. As my bubble popped, the swelling went down somewhat, but I didn't know what to make of it. I quickened my pace homeward and spat out the gum. The sensation subsided more at this point but my hips were definitely larger than they had been originally. I slipped another piece into my mouth and tried not to blow bubbles, but after a while my curiosity got the best of me. I ducked into a nearby alleyway to check out my new discovery. Looking at my rear, I blew a small bubble and watched it expand slightly. Shocked and excited, I blew another, bigger one and watched it expand more. Each time, when the bubble was gone, my ass remained larger than it had been the time before. I tried blowing an even larger one, but the stress was too much at this point for my body to handle. I could see my pink pvc miniskirt stretching as much as it possibly could and squeaking as if to beg my mercy. My thighs were expanding too. With a large bubble I could see them inflate to the point that they stuck out well beyond the skirt's containment, bunches of fat threatening to break through the black fishnets I was wearing and spilling over the sides of my boots. Desperately, I tried to pull at my skirt so that it would cover me, running further and further into the alley where no one could see my shame. Something in me kept me chewing the whole time, the pleasurable sensation that came from blowing these bubbles and feeling my expansion outweighed my fright, intense as it was. I stood, back to the side of a brick building, in the furthest corner of the alleyway and continued blowing my bubble. Finally I got a really good one going and blew it bigger and bigger, expanding with every puff. What had once been merely a cartoonishly large ass was now joined by enormous thighs (somehow still covered by unbroken, though very stretched, fishnets) and huge calves, calves which had already broken out of my boots. I used each foot to help the other remove the remnants of the boots, kicking them to the side of the ally in relief. But this relief was short-lived. As I continued blowing into my bubble, fearful but thrilled at the same time and intrigued by my rapidly developing body, my stomach began to bloat outwards as well and breasts started expanding more rapidly than any of the rest. The gothic corseted shirt I had been wearing began to snap off, button by button popping all the way down my back as I blew into that pink sphere in front of me. Soon the rest of my shirt burst open as well, leaving me frightened in only a black lace bra, bursting at its seams as well, and that double layer pvc miniskirt, really holding up to what I'd paid for it. I could feel my round belly protruding as if I were pregnant but couldn't see it over my heaving breasts, now more than three times their original (not so tiny) size. The bubble I'd blown was now well over twice the size of my head and seemed to threaten to lift me off of the ground at any moment with its vast propensity. I blew once more into it with all of my might and felt myself expand gloriously bursting out of all constraints...and then... ...I was gone. Just some inconspicuous shredded clothing in an alleyway, a pair of nice albeit damaged boots, a rather large splotch of pink bubble gum on the pavement and wall, ...and two packages of unopened Malabar, somehow untouched by the gum or grime around them, waiting in spotless glittering pink and purple packages on top of everything else, awaiting their next victim, ...whoever she might be.
first person, floating, helium
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
I sit down on the tank itself, wearing only a pair of black panties and a black bra, both made to stretch a considerable amount. Under me is a helium tank. I push my brown hair out of the way, my green eyes glistening. I take the hose of the tank, and put the nozzle in my mouth. I turn the valve, and a rush of the gas goes into me. First my stomach expands, filling divinely and quickly. Already I look like I should be carrying twins. Next were my breasts, filling evenly, and quite well. The pressure was building already, thirlling me. Once my breasts and stomach had their fill, the helium starts to fill my other extremities. My legs, ass, and arms. All were growing, being saturated with the gases from the tank. My weight had certainly decreased. I even felt lighter. I continue to let this gas slake my thirst. My body started to rise off the ground, my head bobbing down to keep ahold of the tank's hose. But it was long enough for me to float to the ceiling without losing it. Now that the helium had no where else to go, my face started to fill out, my cheecks puffing up. I close my eyes, dreaming I was floating on a cloud. Now, I just expand, having no more room in my body for the gas to fill. I felt light-headed, but dreamily so. My body was starting to round out, becoming a perfect sphere. My arms and legs were cones, and my bra had long ago busted off. My ass was filling out nicely. My panties were thinning into a thong the way this was going. I release my bitedown on the nozzle, the thing turning off automatically, as I had it preset to. I close my eyes to sleep, hoping to wake ready for more. I awoke much as the same as when I slept; floating around aimlessly. I kicked off the ceiling and grabbed the hose, it turning on. Soon my body found it's ambrosia of inflation as I continued my expansion once again. My body was taking the pressure well. I was fully round, and my panties snapped off and was left nude. The pressure kept on, filling me more and more. Becoming unbarable, but I ignored it, focused on my own figure rather than my ditress. Now I can't ignore it. The tank read that it was only half gone. I was surprised I took in this much. If given two of three days, it would leak out of me on it's own. But I could feel it. My body couldn't take another ounce of pressure. A single huff, and that was it. Pop goes me. Do I dare? Most likely pop just to get a high-so to speak. I bite down on the nozzle, and the tank begins emptying again.
balloon, revenge, voodoo
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Kitty sighed as she seated herself on the veranda, looking out over the city. She sat back in her chair, stretching out her long, slender, perfect legs and didn't even bat a pretty eyelid as Lorella stepped into view. "I wondered when you'd show yourself," Kitty mused aloud. "You've been following me close to a week. Were you getting up the nerve to ask me out?" The short but sleek-figured blonde swallowed but was determined not to let the seated brunette rattle her. "You popped Calum. Popped him like a balloon." "I'm sure I did," Kitty said calmly. "Who's Calum?" "He was my boyfriend!" Lorella's eyes flared. "You don't even know who he is?!" "Who he WAS," Kitty corrected. "And no, I don't. You expect me to remember every guy I've ever popped? Honey, you have no idea! I've popped hundreds of guys--literally, hundreds!" "I know you've popped more than Calum," said Lorella, still visibly seething. "I watched you pop four other guys since last week." "Really?" asked Kitty. "And you didn't do anything about it?" "Oh, I did something," said Lorella, reaching into her purse and extracting her video phone. "I filmed them. Every one of them. I watched how you popped them with your voodoo balloons." Kitty's face lit up. "Did you see that one guy, with the short blond hair? He got SO HUGE before he popped! God, I thought he'd get bigger than the whole city! I kept thinking he'd burst, but he just kept getting bigger and bigger! And then there's that last moment, just before he went pop--every guy gets that look, the one that tells me they know the explosion's about to happen. It's just a split-second, but you could see it in his face! Oh god, that look is priceless! And when he finally exploded, it was so loud, my ears were ringing for hours!" Kitty laughed at the memory, beaming. "How can you sit there and laugh, you murderous bitch?" Lorella snapped. Kitty shrugged. "Hey, I notice you didn't stop me from popping them!" "I wanted to learn how you did it, so yes, I let you pop them so I could plan my revenge." Kitty's eyebrows raised. "Oh, really? And what would that revenge be? Taking that footage to the police?" "Oh, no," said Lorella coolly. "Even if you weren't too dangerous to remain alive, I want more than to see you behind bars. I want to see you blown to bits, like you blew away my boyfriend." "And how, pray tell, will you do that?" asked Kitty, still smirking. Now Lorella smirked. She replaced the phone into her purse and extracted an uninflated white balloon. Kitty's smile disappeared. "Where'd you get that?" "Recognise this?" Lorella taunted. "I found where you stored your voodoo balloons. I heard the spell you'd say before you inflated it, which caused your victims to inflate along with it." Kitty leaned menacingly forward in her chair. "And I suppose you think you can recite the spell before I rip your head off?" Lorella tilted her pretty head, still smiling. "Oh, honey," she said tauntingly, "I already placed the spell an hour ago." Kitty's eyes widened. "You didn't--" Lorella put the valve to her lovely pink lips and blew into the balloon. Kitty looked down as her belly blew outward. She gasped as her ballooning middle took control of her body and shoved her back into her chair. Looking massively pregnant, Kitty grabbed the armrests and tried to lift herself to her feet. Lorella blew into the balloon again, forcefully and long. "No! Don't--!" Whatever Kitty's plea was going to be, it was cut short as her extremities plumped up, her sides billowed out, and filled out the chair with her expanding form. Her cheeks puffed up and outward, her doughy-looking arms and legs stuck out straight as they filled up like her stomach. Lorella chuckled with satisfaction. "So how do you like it? How do YOU like being a helpless balloon, knowing you're going to pop?!" "You don't have to do this," Kitty said pleadingly. "Yes, I think I do." Lorella made a show of taking a huge breath, heaving her lovely breasts, before doing another long, tortuous blow into the white balloon. "Noooooo!" Kitty popped out of her chair, knocking it over with her expanding backside, and bounced lightly on the veranda like a toy balloon. And she kept growing, her arms and legs getting shorter as they merged with her middle, which became rounder by the second. She had landed on her belly, which now lifted her higher and higher until Kitty, still lying on her navel, was looking eye-to-eye with Lorella. "Please," said Kitty. "I'm sorry. Have mercy!" "Mercy?!" Lorella spat. "Did you have mercy for Calum? You blew him up just to watch him pop, and now I'm going to do the same to you!" She took another deep breath. "Wait!" said Kitty. Lorella froze. "You know what? You're right. Hold on." Lorella reached into her purse again and pulled out the video phone. She pointed its camera at Kitty and smiled. "I want to film this for posterity. Maybe I'll post the footage online! People will probably think it's a gag, and everyone around the world can laugh at the amazing bursting bitch!" "Don't do this!" Kitty pleaded again, but Lorella had already taken another breath. Lorella watched through her phone as Kitty surged larger, rapidly filling up the video screen and forcing Lorella to step back a few paces to fit the fattening Kitty into the picture. Lorella put several more breaths into the balloon, and it grew ever firmer in her hand. Similarly, Kitty grew ever more taut as her ball-shaped body swelled toward the sky. She grew larger with every breath Lorella fed the balloon, and Lorella fed it more... and more... and more... Now a giant, overfilled weather balloon, Kitty's skin began to squeak with strain. Lorella had a harder time keeping a grip on the white balloon, which was stretched to transparency, the rapidly thinning latex toy bobbing ominously in her hand. Kitty looked helplessly down at the ever-diminutive blonde that was inflating her. Kitty's smooth, taut skin glistened as it expanded further, and she squinted at the sight of her fragile voodoo balloon becoming increasingly volatile. "Oooo," Lorella cooed, holding out the balloon so she could admire its immense size. "It's so close to popping, I can feel it coming! I'm getting nervous holding it. It could go bang at any moment! And then it's bye-bye, balloon bitch!" "Listen," Kitty implored. "I'll do anything you want if you let me go! Anything! Isn't there any way I can make it up to you?" "You can explode!" said Lorella. "That's all I want from you! There's nothing you can say that's gonna stop me from popping you! NOTHING! I just want you to spend your last few moments thinking about how you popped all your victims, and now you're about to go bang yourself! And when you do, I'm gonna dance all over the pieces!" "I'm begging you!" Kitty called down to her. "Stop!" "I'll stop when you POP!" said Lorella. "But keep begging--it amuses me!" She puffed again, the balloon got dangerously bigger... and so did Kitty. "Ohhhh," Kitty moaned, over the sound of her squeaking body. Lorella gasped for breath. "One... more...!" She puffed again. And the balloon went... BANG! Lorella jumped and let out a little shriek as the balloon fragments rained down on the veranda. She gasped for air, and then, momentarily, she stopped breathing altogether. The huge Kitty-balloon was still there, larger than life but definitely still undetonated. Lorella stammered. "I--I though you'd have--" "Burst?" Kitty finished. "Yeah, you really would've done it." As Lorella stood stunned, the human balloon in front of her deflated. Kitty's giant round body shrank, quickly growing back her arms and legs as she regained human form. Eventually she was standing in front of Lorella, first just plumped; and then mildly bloated; and finally, her former, beautiful svelte self. "To be honest," said Kitty, "the balloon and the whole spell-casting thing is just for show. The real power's in me: I'm telekinetic." Lorella swallowed and backed away. "Oh, no," said Kitty, smiling devilishly. "Not getting away." Lorella turned to run, but stopped as she suddenly found her legs too stubby to move. She yelped as her sides protruded outward, her entire body plumping up. Her hands felt her rapidly swelling belly before her arms filled out as well, sticking outwards before sinking into her increasingly spherical body. "Noooo! Please!" Kitty walked around to the front of Lorella's expanding body. She ran a fingernail along her victim's equator as she made the journey, Lorella wincing at the touch. Unlike Kitty, who had grown in spurts, Lorella seemed overcome by a long burst of air, one that mercilessly pumped her up and up and up without pause, without slowing down, without interruption. It took less than a minute for Lorella to become a human balloon. And she still got ceaselessly bigger. "You know," Kitty drawled, "if you had decided to 'spare' me, I might've though about doing the same for you. But now? Well..." Kitty drifted off as the squeaks began from Lorella's stretching body. Lorella's pleading eyes looked down at her tormentor. She cried through puffy cheeks: "But--but you popped my boyfriend!" "And now I'm going to pop you," Kitty announced calmly. "Now that's what I call symmetry." She laughed. "Please! I don't want to pop!" Lorella called out. "Neither did I," Kitty reminded her. "I'm begging you!" "Good," said Kitty. "Keep begging: It amuses me." Lorella could no longer see Kitty, as she'd grown so wide and high that all she saw were the tops of buildings and clear blue sky. "Please," she repeated. "You win! I'll do anything!" "Let me be clear," Kitty told her. "There is nothing you can say to keep me from popping you. NOTHING." Lorella seemed to tremble out of fear, but it may have just been her tight, fragile body bobbing from the strain of holding in the intensifying pressure. Kitty picked up Lorella's purse and pointed the video phone at the bloating blonde. "I suppose I should film this for posterity," Kitty mused, giggling. Lorella said nothing. She now knew it was pointless to beg. Kitty was going to pop her, and there was nothing she could do about it except wait. And wait... and wait... "Are you wondering when it's going to happen?" Kitty asked her. "Are you wondering when you're going to pop? Don't worry: You'll know. You'll feel it. I've seen it hundreds of times. Problem is, when you know it's coming, you have only a second before--BANG!" Kitty squealed in delight at the very thought. Lorella just stared into the horizon, gazing into the crest of oblivion. She was terrified but strangely calm as she accepted her fate. And then her eyes widened. And in that split second, she knew Kitty was right: She felt herself about to-- KABLAMMMMMMM!!!! Kitty howled with laughter as she danced and jumped on the raining fragments of the giant balloon that had just popped on her veranda. And best of all, she had it on video. She backed up the video and froze the image on that key split-second, which filmed Lorella's final expression. Yes, that was the look, thought Kitty. That last, final, priceless look of helplessness. The look of realisation, of inevitability. Of acceptance. Kitty giggled before pocketing the camera. And then she looked out over the city, deciding that she'd film many more happy memories before the week was through...
absorb, second person, water inflation
Full Body Inflation
The sciences always fascinated you, but biochemistry was the most interesting of all. While others believed in machines and computers being used to enhance themselves, the idea that the human body already had near-limitless innate potential that could be unlocked with a mere injection was indescribable. While you were never able to enter the field professionally, being an office assistant at the largest biotech research firm in the state was enough to sate your interest by proxy.Breakthroughs did not come fast, but they were all remarkable in some way, only serving to cement your faith in the field. Yet over time a seed of desire was planted in you, and you began wanting to see the these advances first-hand and have them change you personally. Thus you began looking into them, finding out what they did as you entered data on them and, after a change in hours to the night shift, carefully learning where they were stored. After a few weeks of this a new project was completed; it showed limited practical applications, but to you the promise was nothing short of miraculous, to the point where even losing your job at the facility paled in comparison. So one night, you made your move, slipping through the halls and into storage."Cutaneous hyperpermeability and hyperelasticity and boosted cellular aquacontineous capability." The description is a mouthful, but you know what it means in plain terms. A dozen vials lay in storage, the fluid inside a deep blue, concentrated and pure. No fewer than all of them would suffice. You collect them, placing them down on the counter before retrieving a jet injector. Slotting one vial into the back, you raise it to your neck and pull the trigger. A sudden chill passes through your entire body, leaving as quickly as it came, and your skin begins to tingle. It must be working, you think, replacing the empty vial with a new one. Two, three, four... the vials stack up, until the last of them empties into you. Setting the injector down you give your skin a pinch, pulling it and watching it stretch. Perfect, you think to yourself.Leaving the storage you head back into the lab and walk towards the emergency shower. You step under the faucet and give the knob a full twist, and water begins beating down on you. Your clothes immediately grow soaked, but suddenly there's a feeling of growth as the water is absorbed into you. Your shirt strains against you as your belly swells, growing to fullness then beyond. Diamond-shaped gaps appear between buttons before they pop off, exposing your growing body. Soon the water builds up elsewhere, your sleeves and pant legs growing tight before the stitches tear, and your shoes growing snug before being pushed apart. You grin as your line of sight rises higher, the stream of water hitting you in your puffed-up chest. In a series of snapping stitches and popping buttons your clothing gives away, pulling apart as you grow within it. They hang on by a few strands, but with a single flex they tear apart and fall in a pile around you.By now no water from the shower hit the floor, instead soaking into you as it runs down your body. You give your stomach a slap, grinning as you feel the water inside of you shake from the impact. There's a weight and roundness to your body; at first glance you look fat, but there's a smoothness to it that fat doesn't have. Beyond that, it's too mobile; as you move you can feel it flow within you, an extra bit of momentum when you gesture or turn. Not only are you round, you're tall, half again as much as you normally are. Unfortunately, the shower is starting to take too long, and even if it didn't, you wouldn't want to grow so large that you couldn't use the doors.You stoop and squeeze through the door into the hallway, the top of your head inches from the ceiling. As you plod down the hall your body shakes and jiggles with every step, and you wave to the security cameras as you walk by, thinking to yourself about how shocked the night shift must be. Reaching the lobby you step into the fountain, your feet swelling slightly as they draw in water, with the rest of your body following soon after. Within seconds the fountain sputters, letting out a hiss as the pool dries up. Over too soon, you think, as you leave the building, bending forward as best you can in order to fit through the door.The full moon gives you enough light to see your reflection in the building's windows, and it's a sight to behold: Puffy fingers and toes on swollen hands and feet, your limbs tapering up in wide cones. Your backside is round, practically defying gravity, and your massively bloated belly gives your torso a teardrop shape. You estimate yourself to be about eight or nine feet tall, and nowhere near full, though there were several ways to fix that.You exit the lab compound, stepping over the automatic barricade at the entrance and walking down the center of the road, head turning to the sides every so often in search of more sources of water. After about fifteen minutes you spot a wide pond, and you step off the road, crossing a short patch of grass before wading in, your body sucking in water the second it went below the surface. The pond is surprisingly deep, coming up to your waist, and you can feel your legs and backside flare outward. But without fail, the water fills the rest of you as well, belly and arms growing in surges. Your point of view rises higher as the waterline falls, and you laugh to yourself, running your hands across as much of your bloated form as you can manage. Within minutes the pond is reduced to a mud-filled recess, its contents now a part of you.You lumber out of the pond and back onto the road, your longer legs quickening your pace. You pause every so often at fire hydrants, pushing them over with your foot and standing on the torrent of water, soaking it up for a bit before continuing on. By the time you reach town you're nearly four stories tall, wider than the road you're walking on, and so heavy your footsteps cause the ground to shake just as surely as they set your entire body in motion. Unable to let your arms dangle by your sides you've taken to resting them on the shelf of your gut, looking pleased with yourself as onlookers stare at you in a mixture of fear and awe.In the distance you hear a low rumbling, and you look up to see a mass of heavy clouds blowing in. You briefly consider lying down and soaking up the coming rainstorm, but you think better of it and continue walking. It's a long way to the ocean, after all.
competition, hose, oxygen, pierced navel, pills
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Stuffing
"Ooooh....wh-what do you think doctor? Am I going to make it?" Giorgina bit her lip as she struggled with the source of her troubles. Normally a wide hipped gal, the large Italian woman had indulged a bit too heavily at the new bistro that had opened down the street. Her hips usually the widest part of her, their position had been usurped by a very round and unnervingly red mass tucked tightly beneath her hefty olive bosom. Her long, manicured nails gingerly grazed the surface of her poor belly, wanting to rub the aching flesh but too scared to touch it. She was so packed that she felt she couldn't take a deep breath without coating the walls with several courses of Manicotti, Fettuccine, and Ravioli. Feeling sicker and sicker by the moment, as her body lurched and groaned she was getting worried that might be the end of her regardless. Luckily, there was a specialist nearby. The lithe woman in the lab coat looked down at the chart for a moment longer before she seemed to hear the poor woman. Looking up, she smiled sweetly. "Oh I'm sorry. I'm not the doctor. She'll be in in just a moment. I'm just here to make sure you're not already past the point of no return. Luckily I think you'll hold long enough for the doctor to make a diagnosis" Giorgina could feel a cold sweat drip down her neck as the nurse left. The 2 1/2 minutes she had been waiting for the doctor to arrive, she could feel herself getting more and more out of sorts. The mountain of pasta inside of her was bubbling angrily in complaint of its constricting accommodations. She watched the door to the back offices expectantly, praying someone would come through in time to save her poor belly. She was starting to look around for a napkin to write down an ad hoc last will and testament when the door to the lobby on the opposite wall was flung open instead. "Hey!" Giorgina cried out almost instinctively as she saw a woman with a chubby face, dyed red hair, and a massive belly enter the room. "This is my appointment! I...oooh...I'm waiting for the doctor! Get out of here!" She couldn't believe it, this 'special' doctor she was waiting to see had sent another patient in on her!?! While she was shocked to see the woman who had barged in was inconceivably larger than she was, the strangers bare gut didn't nearly look as strained as her own. "Relax hun. I'm a colleague of the good doctors. As you can see she's helped me to make my belly the bloated jewel that it is!" The woman said with a smirk. She moved into the room with a grace that looked unnatural for someone of her girth. Pulling out a brown glass bottle, she hand it to Giorgina and gave her a calming wink. "W-what are these?" Giorgina asked nervously. "Just some pills that will help calm your belly down. All that acidic sauce is what's causing the belly ache. You could honestly fit a few more courses in there if you stuck with foods that weren't so harsh on the digestive track." Giorgina's eyes widened as she looked at the cure in her hand. Her belly feeling ready to split, she pawed the top of the bottle off with her chubby hand before getting ready to toss back a mouthful of the little white pills. The mystery woman stopped her hand from tossing them back half way up though. "Not yet hun. I need you to head into the lobby before you take any medications. Company policy you understand. Giorgina gave a soft whimper. She needed relief yesterday. She was so stuffed up her chest even hurt! Slowly she nodded before easing her bulk off the examining table. "Ok. Tell the d-doctor I...oooh...I said thanks..." She groaned. Waddling out the door to the lobby. Just as the door to the lobby shut, the door to the back offices opened. What could be mistaken for a parade float in a lab coat coming into the room, the good doctor was looking down at a chart that rested atop her own impressive belly. Her face was thin, framed with dark black hair that contrasted Jessica's fiery dye job. "Ok, Giorgina. My nurse tells me you're in quite the bind. Luckily I have some salves we can rub on you to keep you in one pie..." Looking up from the chart, Dr. Victoria's face paled a few shades. "Jessica?! What are you doing here? Where's my patient?" On cue, the sound of an empty glass bottle clinking against the floor followed by muffled moaning could be heard from behind the door to the lobby. Victoria gasped as she realized what her old "friend" had done. "Oooooh...oh meeeee.....AAAAIIIIIEEE~" Victoria winced at what sounded like a leather water pouch bursting open after trying to drain a waterfall. Followed by a series of meaty thuds against the other side of the door, the room was suddenly filled with a warm aroma of pasta. Victoria glared at her old roommate turned nemesis. "What did you do?!" "I had to find room onto your busy schedule somehow." Jessica chuckled before setting herself onto the examination table. "Now we have plenty of time." Victoria shook her head as Jessica grinned at her. She wanted to lunge at the fat bitch for what she had done to her patient, not to mention to her lobby. "Then call me next time! Don't cause one of my patients to burst in my lobby! Do you know how long it's going to take to get all that sauce out of the carpets? What the hell did you give that woman anyways!?!" She demanded furiously. Jessica didn't seem fazed at all as Victoria scolded her. If anything, Jessica's smile broadened. "Ironically enough, just some antacids. Sounds to me like she tried to swallow the whole bottle at once." Jessica then did something that made Victoria's face redden. Scoffing, she leaned backed and lifted her shirt, revealing her own massive pot belly and giving it a pat. "Heh, amateur..." Victoria felt disgusted, but also a little bit envious. Had Jessica finally caught up to her in size? As she eyed Jessica's larger girth, following the red nails dancing across the swollen surface, she started to wander off... The two had met when they studied pre-med together at the same college. Both of them curvy young women with larger than average middles, a few large drinks and a few larger meals between them had revealed that neither of them wanted to pursue medicine for the conventional reasons. They had actually seen each other before online, though under different names. Victoria and Jessica frequented the same weight gain forums and chat rooms under the respective avatars of Feedee_Queen and Goldenbelly420. Each wanting to push their bellies larger than any other online glutton before them (and enjoy all of the admiration and economic tributes that would follow), they went into medicine to find new ways to obtain sizes that others had only ever dreamed about. However, as time went on their friendship was overshadowed by their competing goals. Threads online cropped up comparing the two, debating who the "Queen" was between them. At first they tried to laugh it off, but soon it led to a bitter rivalry that ended with Victoria having to go the ER one night and Jessica getting expelled for stealing chemicals from the lab. Having tried to win the crown by doing in Victoria like she had most recently done in the late Giorgina, ironically it had given Victoria's belly the stretch it needed to give her the undisputed belly Queen crown. The downside was that now Victoria's belly was marred in deep, angry stretchmarks from when she had almost popped like a balloon. While Jessica now at least had the crown for largest unmarred belly, it wasn't enough for the driven size queen. Victoria graduated and opened her own practice in an area known for having the most all you can eat buffets and restaurants with massive portions than anywhere else in the country. Using her talents for keeping ready to pop bellies in one piece, she enjoyed success as well as not having to constantly fight to keep her crown as the biggest. As the two old rivals sized each other up, it was clear that that was no longer the case. "So Jess, other than trying to ruin my practice, what brings you here?" Victoria asked, crossing her arms over her bust while pushing out her belly. The lab coat parting as Victoria huffed it out to its full glory, her maternity shirt beneath creeped high enough over the swollen expanse of flesh to reveal a red gemstone dangling from her navel. Jessica rolled her eyes. "Oh please. You have women pop around here all the time. Just say poor Giorgina had pushed herself too far on her own and no one will be the wiser!" Standing up, she jutted her own belly out till it firmly bumped into Victoria's. A black thong creeping up Jessica's wide hips, the thin string bites into her plump flanks as she wiggles her belly back and forth against Victoria's. "I'm mostly here to show you that I discovered a new technique. I can't believe we never thought of trying it sooner, but as you can see..." She gives her belly a pat, making it jiggle against Victoria's navel ring. " works very well!" Victoria grunted a bit as Jessica's rubbing tugged at her navel ring. While the jewel might have been pulled out from a lesser tummy, years of rubbing specially crafted oils into her gut meant it was much too strong for that. "So you're saying after all this time you've just finally caught up to me? Big deal. Don't you know that if you want to beat the champ..." She takes in a deep breath, pushing her belly out far enough to make it ache slightly " have to 'knock out' the champ. There's no trophy for tying me." While Victoria had hoped she would discourage Jessica with her display, she felt nervous as that annoying smirk didn't go down in the slightest. "Oh don't worry hun. By the time I'm done today they won't even remember you." Pulling out another pill bottle, this one however was clear and filled with odd silvery pills. Before Victoria could ask, Jessica eased the top off and quickly swallowed a pill. Taking a step back away from Victoria, she grinned down expectantly at herself as she rubbed the largest bulge under her shirt. Unable to pursue medicine after getting caught, Jessica had used her cunning and willingness to ruthlessly make her way to the top in business. Rising in the field of pharmaceuticals, she had used her new influence to redirect her companies RandD department into pursuing her own goals. Under the guise of helping pregnant women more safely carry triplets and quadruplets, she finally had something to show for it. "It's amazing what scientists can come up with sometimes. You give them a problem and a bit of financial motivation, and the nerds will come up with the most innovative solutions. In fact, it seems almost silly you didn't think of this first!" Soon an odd, muffled hissing could be heard from insides Jessica's prized dome. As if someone was inflating a balloon inside of her belly, soon her gut began to puff out to complete the illusion. Straining the front of her button up collared business shirt, soon slivers of pink flesh peeked out where the button began to gap. Her belly steadily growing in circumference, a button pinged off the front to reveal a larger diamond of perfectly smooth flesh. Another firing off like a bullet across the room, Jessica's deep navel was suddenly exposed for Victoria to peek into. The black gemstone she had gotten to go with her former best friend's shined out from the hole in the front of her shirt as Jessica stroked the sides, cooing as she bloated even bigger. Three more buttons pelting off in rapid succession, like rockets blasting off into the heavens as the planet below swelled outward! Victoria's eyes widened as she was forced to take a step to the side to avoid getting pelted with flying buttons and soon Jessica's ripening tummy! "How did you? What are those?" She asked incredulously. Jessica just smiled, shaking the pill bottle back and forth in front of her. "These little things? Something special the boys in the lab cooked up for their boss. Basically it's compressed oxygen in a handy capsule that coats the inside of the patients belly with a spray to help them retain elasticity. These let me swell up like a literal balloon while keeping my belly mark free!" She wobbled her swollen belly back and forth, her smirk widening as she watched Victoria's face sink. "And since I own the patent, I'll make sure no one else ever gets access to them! In short, I've won!" Jessica tosses back another pill as she laughs, rubbing her belly as it almost effortlessly swelled outward another several inches! Realizing she may have to accept defeat, Victoria turns and starts to walk out with her head and belly held high. Spying an oxygen tank in the corner though, she gets an idea. Still gloating, Jessica reaches as far down her gut as she can, barely wrapping her arms two thirds the way around herself. "Ah Vicky. You had a good run. I'm sure people who have a thing for stretchmarks will still admire your pics. The rest though have a new Queen to worship! And to feed! And" Jessica looked across the room to see Victoria pouring lotions into the hose of an oxygen tank. "Ummm...what are you doing?" Jessica asks as Victoria gives the tank a good shake back and forth. Now the one with the smirk, Victoria suddenly pulls her white pants off to reveal long, thick thighs and a very red thong. Wetting the end of the nozzle with her mouth, she reaches behind herself and moves her thong to the side. "Well, you said you patented the capsule delivery method. You didn't patent other ways of pumping oxygen mixed with lotions directly into a belly." She winces a bit as she shamelessly slides the nozzle between her large ass cheeks and into her tight anus. Twisting the valve on the tank, she watches as her belly starts to slowly swell. "The way I see it, now we get to see who can be the biggest with this new method of yours..." Jessica's jaw dropped as she watched her rival start to swell up, inching outward to match her own prodigious new size. "What?! This is bullshit!!" Fuming, she quickly pops two pills out of the bottle straight down her throat. "Fine! If that's how you want to play this!" The swollen redhead arches her back, making the last few buttons snap off and letting her shirt fall to the floor. Trying to reach down to undo the button of her pants, her swollen belly pushes her arms just out of reach as the hissing within her picks up again. Soon with a sharp PING the button flies off, letting her wiggle her ass till the garment falls to the floor. Victoria removing her own shirt and lab coat, both women stand glaring at each other on opposite ends of the room. Inflating in just their bra and panties, among the constant hissing the sound of threads popping and fraying fills the air as the garments dig into their expanding flesh. Victoria's belly swelling steadily from the hose lodged deep in her ass, whenever her stretch mark covered belly gets close to Jessica's in size the blimp of a woman quickly swallows a few more pills, making her gut bulge out quickly ahead in the race. "It's not going to matter though Vicky! Even with your new trick! My pills will let me swell just as big as you can! It's all going to come down to which belly is the most beautiful!" She coos, setting her gut atop the cold examining table to help support it. Now jutting out the size of a weather balloon, it pressed her bulbous breasts up into her chin. Placing her hands on top of her orbs, she presses down to try to see when a slight groan makes her reconsider. "Ooof...Last I checked, stretchmarks weren't too popular amongst the boys. Don't worry though. I'm sure there's some niche fetish out there into that!" Jessica teases. Victoria didn't let it get to her though, feeling her striped belly balloon steadily bigger and bigger beneath her breasts. Pushing her breasts up to her own chin, she could feel the oils helping her belly to keep up with the stretching. Her medical training told her though that it would only help them go so far though. "The oils won't help you grow forever stupid. And we both know my belly can take more than yours after your little stunt. I should thank you really, though I think I'll just show you up first. It's always has...mmf...and always will be about who...can be...the biggest!" Jessica glared before downing four of the pills at once. Her belly blossoming out in all directions. Swelling forward and to the sides, it even caused her back to puff up around either side of her spine. A growing tightness building, her belly was starting to fight to find flesh to cover her growing size. As the surge in growth settled, she felt it start to ache a bit towards the end. The fat bitch was right. Pills would only push her so far. And as Victoria's stretchmark covered gut climbed closer and closer to her own belly, she could see that it was going to come down to who gave up first. "Just because you held together that time in college doesn't mean you will now. I'll...I'll swell till you're on the floor! Begging your...b-belly not to blow!" Jessica glared, before turning the nozzle on the tank up higher "We'll see about that." she growled, gritting her teeth as her stomach swelled faster. Victoria, seeing what Jessica had done, gave up all reason and tossed back the rest of the pills. Both of their guts swelling out of control, the doctor's office was getting more and more crowded as the two rivals blimped up and out. Groans starting to come from both of their massive guts, Victoria could barely see Jessica's face over her breasts and vice versa. Spying a glance at her rival in a mirror, she grinned as faint red stripes started appearing up her redheaded rival's rounded flanks. "Ha! Looks like I'm no longer the only one with stretchmarks Jessica. How's it feel having an imperfect belly?" Jessica's eyes widened as she looked at the mirror next to them. Seeing faint red lines spider webbing out from the growing stripes up her swollen surface. "Nooo! My belly! My perfect, beautiful belly!" She winced as another twinge of pressure pinched at her flank, the turgid flesh gaining an unhappy pink flush. " long as I beat your fat ass it'll be worth it! I!!!" Jessica balled her fists, letting the pills push her belly larger and larger. The skin starting to gain a faint sheen as their bellies blew up like balloons, the air started displacing to other places as they swelled. Their arms thickening up, it was getting hard for them to rub themselves as they grew. Kicking off their shoes, their swollen sausage toes dug at the carpet as their bare feet struggled to keep them balanced atop their now barrel thick thighs. Both of their bellies achingly full, occasionally their pneumatic tums would bump and cause each women to take an awkward step back. Ass cheeks swollen with air, soon they were brushing the wall behind them. Then they were bulging and squeaking into it! Running out of room to inflate, soon the two blimps began to squirm, pressing against the walls and each other. While distressing on its own, Victoria's eyes widened as she felt a more pressing issue start to scratch at the front of her overinflated belly. "Ohhh...Jessica! Your navel ring! It's...stop wiggling damn it!" Victoria cried out, trying to reach over to the corner to turn the pump off. They could continue this somewhere less constricting at a later date, but something about the sharp jewel scratching at the front of her belly was making her nervous. The pills still fueling Jessica's own growth, she pounded her fists against the wall behind her. "Fuck! You stop Victoria!! You're cheating aren't you! Trying to jab my belly with that stupid piercing and make me pop! Well I'll get you first!" She cries out, wiggling her belly harder. The jewels sandwiched between the straining women, they scratched red lines across the expanse of flesh as they danced around each other. A wrong shove by Jessica however, and the gemstones suddenly clinked against each other, snagging. "Jess! Jessica! I think...we're stuck!" Victoria cried, tears filling her eyes as she felt her stretchmarks start to tear dangerously deep. Jessica could feel the sharp pain as her navel ring hooked on Victoria's too, but she was feeling so over packed that she had to get the pressure off the widest part of her poor gut. "Grrr...then we'll...see whose...belly is...tougher! Goodbye...bitch!" She cried out before giving a hard jerk of her body. Both women only had a fraction of a second to realize the mistake as they gasped. A loud tear heard between their sandwiched flesh, they tried to keep their bellies pushed tightly against each other to prevent what would happen next. The momentum of all that overstuffed flesh however had different idea. Their eyes screwed shut, the overinflated pair let out a piercing scream as they felt their bellies finally give in~ "AAAIIIIIEEEE~" The cleaning crew scrubbing the lobby, the nurse watched from a camera in the examining room next door. The audio picking up both women's last screams, the lens suddenly was blacked out as the building shuddered. A loud, wet explosion coming from the next room over, the nurse smiled before pulling out a disk of the security footage. "Was only a matter of time before those two did each other in. The forums are going to love me when I show them this."
female inflation, floating, helium, skydiving
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
I had gotten a job working in the archives of Goodyear. Not too many people know this but Goodyear is all the time trying to come up with new ways of using rubber. I, unfortunately, ended up on the graveyard shift, which meant I ended up spending a lot time in stacks and stacks of reports, and what not from old experiments. I went rummaging through them. There was this blueprint for an inflatable airplane. Then there was this pregnancy test, don't know how that would work. I also found a "DIY Blimp." Thought that was curious. Took it to the copier and made a copy for myself. Right underneath it was something called the balloon chute. I read it over and it sounded interesting. The idea was simple enough, to use a balloon to slow your fall from an airplane. So I made a copy of that one too. I have this girlfriend, Bridget. She is really cute and quite active. More active than me. She likes rock climbing and skydiving and anything "adventurous." She wanted to go skydiving again. I wasn't really thrilled. I'm not afraid of it, I just don't see the point of jumping out of a perfectly good airplane while it's in the air, that's all. Still, it makes her happy and I'm sure you guys all know, it's all about making her happy. So we were supposed to go this weekend. It's only Monday, so I have time to look into this balloon chute thing and see what can be done with it. The first part of the notes on what they did, how they did it, it seems they pretty much perfected it, or at least they think they did, but they couldn't get volunteers to try it. Don't know why, there's always someone crazy enough to try something new. Still involved mixing together some sort of pill and then the rest was straight forward, helium tank, and balloon. Well not exactly balloon. So I get the ingredients and mix it together like it says. I get a small, really small helium tank, looks like a coffee thermos almost, and a great big jump suit. So I tell Bridget I got something new for her to try and she's all set to try it, of course. We're at the airport and I hand her the big jump suit and tell her that's what she'll need to wear for this. Then I get her a pill and tell her to take it now so that she'll be ready when we're over the jump site. "Are you sure this is safe, you're not trying to kill me or something are you?" She asks. I smile, "Of course not. I know how you like to try new things. I found this at my job, thought it would be cool. C'mon, give it a try, you know you want to!" She goes in the hanger and puts on the suit. The helium tank is rigged to be strapped to her back instead of the parachute. She comes back out with the suit on, big flaps of nylon flutters as she walks. She has this annoyed look on her face, "I wanted to sky dive not dress up like a clown." she said. I smiled, "remember balloon parachute. It's that big to accommodate the balloon. Trust me, it'll work." She felt around the jump suit, "I don't feel any balloon in here, how's this going to work?" she asked. "Oh, don't worry the balloon is in there, trust me." I said as we got on the plane. We take off and in no time we're over the jump site. The rear of the plane opens up as we prepare to jump. I wore a regular jump suit and parachute. I wasn't sure how this was going to end up and I wanted to see what happened to her. She hollers in my ear, where does the hose for the tank go?" I grin, and unzip her suit. I thread the hose through a small hole in the back of the suit that was made for it, then I reach inside her suit and up with the hose and slide it in between her butt cheeks. She jumps back and lets out a holler. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" she screams. I zip her back up, turn her toward the open door. As I push her out the plane, I turn the valve of the helium tank and I yell in her ear. "I forgot to tell you, you're the balloon." As she falls away from the plane I can already see her expanding and filling out the jump suit. I go ahead and jump and free fall right past her. As I pass her I can see she's getting round like a big weather balloon or something. I turn around and watch her. She is already falling much slower than I am. Just before I have to pull my rip cord I see that she has gotten completely round. The once huge jump suit is now tight on her ballooned form. I land and quickly get out of my parachute. I turn around and look for her in the sky. I finally find her, she's still maybe a thousand feet off the ground. Slowly, gently floating toward the ground. When she gets close to the ground I run toward her to try and catch her. I run up to her and try to catch her as she nears the ground. I don't get to her in time and she hits the ground and bounces over my head maybe a hundred feet in the air. When she gets close to the ground again, I manage to stay with her and grab her foot. One of the few things that didn't inflate. She hits the ground again but because I have a hold of her she only bounces just a few feet. I manage to bring her to a stop. I spin her around so I can see her face. I ask, "You OK?" She giggles and moans all at the same time, "Now I know how Pathfinder felt when it made it to Mars! So how do I deflate?" I wince, "Yeah about that, I found out why they never tried to market this. It seems it takes it 24 hours to wear off." "Great, just when I was beginning to think this ain't so bad. You mean I'm going to be like this for a whole day?" She hollers. I wince again, "Well, yeah. It ain't so bad. I rented a pickup truck to take you home in. I even got a tarp so no one will know it's you. At your place you got those big double doors everywhere, you'll fit in there nicely. It'll be fun. You know how I loved it when you wore that big baggy pajamas and blew up that beachball inside it. This'll be like that!" She grumbled something, but I wanted to get her to the truck and get going before we drew a crowd and made it any worse. I get her home and roll her into her living room. I roll her over till she's up on her feet. Sort of anyway, she's so round that I guess what would be either her genitals or maybe her belly is touching the floor more than her feet are. If she points her toes she can make herself stay in position. She growls, "So what now?" I undo the straps for the helium tank. I pull the hose off the end of the tank hoping that would give the helium a pathway to leave, but nothing happened. So then I unzip her jump suit. It was tight on her and once I got it all way down, her pink skin spread the suit apart. It was a bit difficult to get it completely off her but I managed. As I was pulling and pushing around her, she started moaning. I looked up at her, "Am I hurting you? I'm sorry." She smiled, "No not hurting, not in the least. My skin has come alive. Your slightest touch just sends shockwaves through me. Don't stop." She sighs. Once I got the suit off of her, I started fondling her all over. It wasn't long till we did it. Strange as it may seem we're still together. Although she did insist that she be allowed to blow me up, but that's another story.
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation
Pump.Kaitlyn writhed in pain.Pump.Jessica moaned in pleasure.Pump.Jade yelled in desperation.With each time I pressed my foot down, the three girls got larger. Each one of them covered a different bodily dimension. The hoses hooked up to Kaitlyn, one on each nipple, made her breasts swell up with every pump. The large, threateningly black hose embedded in Jessica's belly button made her sizable stomach swell out even further. And lastly, the thick tube going up Jade's ass blew her rump up to comical proportions in accordance with everyone else.Everyone's clothes were straining as far as they could go. I pumped again, and Kaitlyn's flannel was showing more and more of her cleavage in the gap between each button. I pumped them up again and Jessica's t-shirt rode up another inch, exposing more and more of her succulent stomach as time goes on. I pumped them up again and Jade's ass got a little bit closer to breaking out of her yoga pants – a little bit closer to being exposed bare naked to the world. I had no control over who was pumped up and when – they all were inflated at the same time with every press of the foot pedal. No matter who I wanted to see pop first, I had no choice but to inflate them all together – but Jade looked the closest to going out with a bang first. Her butt, already large before my inflation of her, was clearly visible through her black tights and was a deep shade of red. The cheeks had lost all jiggle to them whatsoever and her face was twisted into a constant state of fear. The more I thought about her ripping open, the harder my dick got – and finally I started pumping again. Every time my foot came down on the pedal I heard another litany of noises come from my three captives. That only made it more satisfying as I continually pumped them all up, watched them swell up and grow outwards and watch their skin stretch as far as it could go. All the blood drained from Jade's face as her rear finally reached critical mass. Her tights were still in one piece, but ominous creaking sounds filled the room as she groaned, nearly pinned underneath the weight of her rump."Oh..." she barely got out a moan as Kaitlyn slapped her ass as hard as she could, trying to get her to pop already. Kaitlyn reasoned that if she popped first, maybe I would see the error of my ways and stop killing all three of them. Only the immediate goal was accomplished.There was a bang. And three screams, all in unison.Jessica was next.Her tummy was pushing out further than even she thought it could. Tears streamed down her chubby cheeks, having just watched her friend burst like a balloon at my hands. Her eyes went from what was left of Jade, the face frozen mid-scream, and the lustful look I was giving her belly, and she began pleading for her life through her sobbing. "Please, I'll do anything!! Please, don't pop me!!"In response, my foot came down on the pedal. Instead of rising back up after the initial pump, it stayed there.Jessica started to balloon up. Her tummy stretched further and further out as it grew, her shirt rising so far up it served little purpose by the time her entire belly was exposed. Looking like she had ate a person whole wasn't enough and her belly kept going. Her face got redder and she crossed her legs, trying to hide her wet pussy. Feeling both immense pleasure and immense pain was one of the most incredible experiences she ever had – and it was only amplified by the girl almost ripping out of her shirt next to her. The pressure built and a deep, ominous creak began to emit from her stomach--BANG!Kaitlyn was gone.While I was focused on Jessica's demise, I wasn't paying attention to how close Kaitlyn was to bursting. The buttons on her shirt remained valiant in their efforts to keep herself decent but finally they ripped off in a fantastic display of growth, her breasts billowing out seemingly endlessly, Her bra hadn't given way, though – and the plain beige cups were pushing against Kaitlyn so hard it was like a vice was on her torso and getting continuously tighter. Quickly her face was eclipsed out of sight and a rubbery noise started emanating from her as her gargantuan tits rubbed together and swelled up. Her bra still refused to snap and it cut so deep in her skin it looked like she might be sliced in half at the torso. While Jessica crossed her legs, Kaitlyn couldn't handle the increased weight and fell face first – and her tits were there to cushion the fall momentarily before her body weight meant they burst.Jessica gave me a nervous look. Her face bright red and her tummy even more of a dangerous tone, her once-jiggly exterior now stood no chances of ever bouncing with every step again. "Please..." she barely got out, begging yet again for mercy.Of course, begging got her no-where. Her belly continued to swell outwards; my foot never left the pedal. Her succulent tummy still had a thick layer of fat covering all of her newfound girth, but even beneath that layer she could tell things were about to get messy real fast. Her pale features contorted as she swelled, rounded cheeks almost as red as her torso. No longer able to plead for mercy she merely moaned, belly growing further and further out. My foot pressed the pedal as hard as it could, easing up right as a deep creaking noise came from her insides and her stomach made an audible stretching noise.Seconds from bursting Jessica stopped growing. I stepped forward, erect and ready for fireworks. She watched me as I got closer and closer to her orb of a stomach.I stuck a finger out and slowly began to press into Jessica with it. Her screams got louder and louder the deeper my finger went into her belly, culminating with a mighty shriek from her as sh--BANG! dig my dA
allergy, Prose that Blows 5 - Taboo (2011), Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Best Story
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
When one goes to sleep at night, there is the pleasing certainty that when we wake, we will be in the same place, in the exact state we drifted off in.So when Nina woke up, felt a weight on her chest, and looked down at herself to discover she had changed, she was not very pleased.When she had gone to bed, her breasts were a modest C-Cup. Now she had what appeared to be a pair of volleyballs grafted to her chest, straining her pyjama top. "What the.." She gasped, leaping out of bed and sending her breasts jiggling back and forth. Barely able to keep calm, she stood before her mirror, noticing that her hips and bottom were also much curvier than before. "What is this.." She touched her breasts, noting that despite their size, they were unnaturally light.She reached for her phone and dialed up the number for her GP. "We're sorry, but the line is busy.." "Shit!" She was about to get dressed when suddenly.."ACHOOO!" The sneeze was quickly followed by the sound of fabric ripping and a faint hissing. She opened her eyes to see her breasts and hips had increased in size by several inches, bursting her clothes open.She was now officially freaked out. Deciding to see her doctor personally, she pulled on several different clothes, trying to find something that fit. She reluctantly settled on a baggy sweater which was not so baggy as it clung to her boobs, the hem pulled up to expose her slim midriff, and some tracksuit bottoms she could only just stretch around her arse. She carefully stepped outside her apartment, trying not to send her bosom wobbling wildly with each step. She hadn't gone far when she heard footsteps approaching. "Nina!" It was her neighbour Milly, a cute, slim, bubbley blond. Except she wasn't so bubbley, or slim at that moment. She appeared to have become nine months pregnant overnight, her round belly peeking out of her open blouse. "Jesus, what happened to you?" Nina moved to comfort the crying girl. "I don't know!" Milly wailed, prodding her gut. "I just woke up and... this was here!" "It happened to me too." Nina replied. "What's happen... AH.. ACHOOO!" Milly sneezed, and Nina witnessed her friend's stomach surge outward, stretching out a foot away from her body before it stopped.Both girls looked at each other with fearful eyes. "We're going to the doctor's. Now!" It took some time to squeeze Milly into the back of her compact, but soon they were driving into town. But when they reached the local hospital, they were greeted with an incredible sight. A long queue made of dozens of people stood outside the hospital's entrance, waiting to get in. Every single person was a woman, and every one was as gravid as they were, their clothing barely holding their breasts and bellies in." Jesus, no wonder I couldn't get him on the phone." Nina spoke. "What the hell is going on?" Milly spoke softly. "Beats me..." Nina spotted a Starbucks across the road. "Let's get a drink, see if someone knows anything." Inside they found several patrons, both round and unaffected, watching the news on a mounted TV. The pretty newscaster spoke calmly and professionally. "..And our main story, reports are coming in of a strange illness affecting towns in the northern areas. Hospitals have reported hundreds of women coming in with signs of..." She paused, trying to find the words. "..inflammation brought on by allergies." They gasped as shots of hundreds of women with grand bellies and breasts flashed on the screen. "What is this, some sort of virus?" Milly breathed. "So far this has only affected places in the north, and health authorities are taking steps to prevent this affliction from spreading to other areas. They currently advis.. as.. ACHOOO!" Everyone gasped as the newscaster's blouse literally exploded open, her now enormous breasts surging outwards into the open air. She registered a look of horror before the screen went blank, claiming technical difficulties. Milly stared at Nina, eyes wide with fear. "What are we gonna do?" "It'll be alright." Nina patted her friend's shoulder. I'm sure they're already doing something about it." She hoped she sounded reassuring. But as she felt the tickling of a sneeze building up in her nostrils, she had a feeling things would get a lot worse before they got better.
bodysuit, floating, hose, science, Yoshiko Fukui
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation
The dream of being lighter than air was not an easy one to accomplish. True, everyone knew of dirigibles and hot-air balloons and other things of the sort, but it just was nothing compared to an individual's joy of taking flight and soaring among the birds. If only humanity could become lighter than air, they'd achieve this dream easily. Yet no one had much of a choice; it would have taken someone far more helium or even hydrogen than they could readily gather to take flight, and ever since Hindenburg people knew of the dangers of the latter gas. At least, they knew it didn't take much to provoke an explosion when it intermingled with regular air. Yet all over the earth, men and women dream of the day that they make a gas light enough to be feasible for personal use.Yoshiko Fukui, the nano-mechanical "daughter" of the brilliant scientist Dr. Fukui, was one such dreamer. She had spent months perfecting a gas that was lighter than any one known to man. It was hard work making sure it wouldn't be volatile or toxic. Eventually, however, she had managed to perfect her formula based on the already lighter-than-air hydrogen. Who'd have thought that altering the nuclear composition of the gas could have made it even lighter, and docile as a soft pillow at that?She entered her lab and assessed the materials she gathered for the demonstration. One camera for recording a video, one computer to receive it, one highly-elastic form-fitting bodysuit guaranteed to sustain any potential strain, and of course one medium-sized AI tank that held 3,000 liters of her creation, HydroSafe. It was for all intents and purposes hydrogen, yet the nuclear composition was altered so that the total mass of a single mole of the element was far less than normal. It was a good thing, then, the tank was heavy enough to hold down the HydroSafe until it was ready to be pumped. Perfect. Everything is here, she affirmed to herself.Having gathered all the materials necessary for the demonstration, she collected them and went to the scale room. Inside was a wide circular space in which she could set up, and the floor was connected to a scale that could read the weight of anything within it...up to a certain limit, of course. She placed the camera and computer at the far end of the wall opposite the scale's readout, then put the tank near the center of the room. With that, she stepped outside and re-calibrated the scale to a new zero point. Finally, she took her bodysuit and went to change. "Hello! My name is Yoshiko Fukui, and I am here to show you the fruits of my labor for the past few months."As she recorded the video, her bodysuit clung onto her bare skin as tightly as possible, defining her curves and leaving little room for any air to enter within. She specifically prepared herself so that the experiment would go off without a hitch. After all, it would sit badly with the community if something went wrong after all the time she prepared for this moment."For a long time, man has dreamed of the possibility of flight and made several attempts to do so on an individual basis. You know those kinds of attempts: planes, hot-air balloons, jetpacks, those sorts of stuff. But what about something more convenient? What if all you needed was a lighter-than-air gas and something to wear that would contain it? But of course such a thing is impractical. It would take far more helium or hydrogen than one could easily gather to lift themselves up into the air, and of course hydrogen is quite volatile. So should we give up on our quest?"She smirked, knowing the answer. "Quite the contrary, in fact! Because now, I've made a gas that is lighter than even hydrogen yet still inert like helium. Thus, I've decided to call it HydroSafe. Yes, it is quite incredible and rather suspect, but this video will serve as concrete proof of my claim. As you can see, there are no invisible strings to pull me up or any other trickery, so I assure you that this is 100% pure scientific progress!"As she finished speaking, she grabbed the hose attached to the tank and held it to the crotch of her bodysuit. "Now then, to attach this hose..." She searched around, found the valve sitting just over her pelvis and quickly inserted the hose. The valve clicked and pulled the hose deep into her. With that, she continued. "There we go! Yes, the valve is over my crotch, but I assure you that it can work just as well on your bellybutton or around your neck. I simply chose to use this entryway to keep my core safe. Now then, take a look at the scale readout behind me." She gestured to the readout, which showed a steady 136 pounds—her personal weight. "I am going to fill myself up with HydroSafe until the scale counts down to zero. At that moment, I will become light enough to float off the ground and prove the lifting power of HydroSafe. I may become huge in the process, but hopefully not so huge as to be inconvenient. And so, let the demonstration begin!"With the hose in place and the bodysuit snug against her skin, she gave the command to the tank. "Tank, new command—fill me up with all you have.""ROGER," the tank affirmed. With that, a click and a hissing noise followed as the tank began to pump the HydroSafe into her pelvic entry."As you can see," she continued while hiding her nervousness, "the tank is currently pumping HydroSafe into my body at a steady rate of 20 liters per second. And as it usually takes around 686,000 liters of hydrogen to lift someone who weighs as much as me up, it's hardly worth that much to even do so. However, I've managed to reverse-engineer the gas so that it can lift me up with only around 3,000 liters. Now let's see..."She checked status of her body and was pleasantly surprised to find that even as she spoke her body showed obvious signs of expansion. Her breasts had already started pushing outward beyond normal cup definitions and showed nary a sign of slowing their progress. Meanwhile, her belly had started to round outward, pushing the breasts aside. As Fukui felt the gas course through her body, she continued her talk, barely restraining her excitement. "Haha, wow! My body's starting to get bigger! Hopefully it's becoming lighter as well..."She turned around to read the display. Already, her 136 pounds shrank to a mere 100, and even as she read the numbers they started to fall further. "Yes, indeed it is! Soon, I'll be floating in the air with little to weigh me down." She giggled, blushing with slight nervousness at the thought of becoming a balloon girl. It almost made her feel dizzy just thinking of the scientific achievements possible. "Oh, can you imagine how much this will revolutionize our lifestyles? No more need to use ladders to reach high places or anything. Just swell up and get the job done!"Her body continued to balloon, her belly now fully rounded by the HydroSafe and growing. Fukui started to feel aroused by the flow of gas through her entryway. "Mmm, yeah," she moaned, "this is getting pretty sensual now that I think about it..." She squeezed her billowing breasts as they stretched within her equally elastic bodysuit. Even then, both body and suit had stretched so far that they've become translucent. Somehow, she could feel her breath deepen with each passing second. Perhaps she was being turned on by the air expanding her? "You'll have to bear with me just a little longer. Sorry if I sound so...euphoric about this." Another chuckle as she checked the scale once again. Sure enough, she had lost 50 more pounds in the interim.As the scale counted down, she could also feel her thighs and hips start to widen as if to catch up with the rest of her body. But it was too late for them; her belly and breasts had already started to nearly block her view. Her hair was also starting to get in on the action, growing in response to each litre of HydroSafe entering her body. Soon, it had begun to descend below the hips on their way to the floor. Most curiously of all, her feet also began swelling. However, as she still needed stable footing she immediately let the air out of her feet and into the boots of her bodysuit, puffing them up so that they looked like bubbles resting upon the surface of water. "Mmm, mmm! Yes..." she moaned further, squeezing and hugging her ever-expanding body. The sensation of gas coursing through her body was so satisfying, she simply could not feel worried anymore. She just barely kept track of the declining weight, which soon approached a mere 10 pounds.She grunted pleasurably as her belly had begun to touch the floor if only momentarily. Her body was simply massive. Her breasts now sat comfortably to each side of her mountainous belly, each one enormous as far as breasts could go. Her thighs, while not as massive, were still impressively wide. And her hair had become far longer than she was tall and just as voluminous. Beholding such a beautiful sight, her cheeks flushed with joy.Just a little longer, she anticipated, her excitement just barely peeking out. I know I've made enough of the gas for this... As if to confirm her hopes, the scale ticked off the final soon as the scale's countdown ended, Fukui could feel her feet finally losing touch with the ground, the HydroSafe working its magic to lift her up. Soon, she was a foot off the ground, exulting in her body's resilience as the gas continued to swell her to dreamlike proportions."Oh, yes, yes, YES!" She squealed, squeezing her breasts like they were soft playthings. It was hard to believe that it would only take a minute and a half, but there she was, lighter than even the lightest of gases. She wanted to hug her massive body, squeeze it as hard as possible just so that she could feel pure bliss pour into her head. And, as she could feel the surplus gas rushing through her feet into the boots of the bodysuit, she felt that she could inspire legions of her fellow scientists and dreamers to take flight like she did.Then, just as suddenly as the powerful emotions filled her head, the tank beeped. "ALL HYDROSAFE HAS BEEN USED UP. DISCONNECT HOSE?"Fukui snapped back to reality, though it looked less different from her most wonderful dreams at the moment. She remembered she was making a video for the scientific community, not for her private pleasure. Emotions, majestic as they may be, simply could not get in the way of good conduct. Thus, as she bobbed her body around to face the tank, she cleared her throat and resumed her clear and concise voice. "Oh, yes, please.""ROGER. DISCONNECTING..." Sure enough, she felt the valve seal off her body from the outside, preventing any of the gas from escaping. Finally, the hose popped off and fell limply to the floor, its purpose spent for the moment. Now that she had been fully inflated, she turned back around to the camera. "Ah, sorry about that," she explained to her future audience. "I was getting into the moment just now. But as you can see, the HydroSafe has expanded my body to a pleasantly round shape and—more importantly—lifted me up to complete weightlessness in only one-and-a-half minutes. That's not bad for only 3,000 liters."Now then, I'm sure you're wondering what to make of this experiment. As it turns out, being weightless makes for some fun experiences, just like being in the International Space Station but without the hassle of everything else being gravity-free or the danger of a spaceship decompressing. Here, let me show you what I mean!"With that, she began to demonstrate the joys of being lighter than air. She arched her back and made a motion to swim backward from the camera. Because she was free from the bonds of gravity, however, the end result was her spinning in the air. She kicked her feet around and laughed, amused at the wonder of it all. Then, she pushed herself forward to stop spinning and face the camera. "Yes, you can indeed create your own zero-G room without the need for expensive simulators! Just fill up a bodysuit with HydroSafe and you are ready to go. HydroSafe also has additional applications beyond personal flight. For example..."And so she spent the rest of the recording time demonstrating the potential uses her gas could have, such as making huge breasts weightless and bras obsolete. In the process, she also showed herself floating around the room, demonstrating more weightless maneuvers that were once possible only in space. Finally, she re-centered herself in front of the camera. "So, to conclude, HydroSafe is just as its name claims—a safe and even lighter alternative to hydrogen. It can grant humanity their long-cherished dream of flight without the hassle of more technically-intensive products. And it has plenty of fun uses besides that! I hope you all appreciated this wonderful demonstration. This is Yoshiko Fukui, signing off!" Having fully deflated herself and emptied the HydroSafe back into the tank, Fukui sat down and checked the forums her fellow scientists usually communicated through. As she made a new thread to post the footage, she thought back to the session she just recorded. The experiment was an overwhelming success; not only did she become lighter-than-air, but she also did so without her body becoming too massive. She even got to show off the fancy maneuvers that astronauts could do in space. Yet, the best experience she had somehow wasn't in either. Rather, it was in the act of inflating herself in the first place. The gas rushing into her body, the pulsing of her nether regions as she filled up, the joyous softness of her breasts and belly as they simply ballooned to translucent perfection...somehow, that was far better than even fulfilling the promise of individual flight.She smiled to herself as she finished writing up the post. If such a pleasure were possible by inflating herself, she could easily imagine other people feeling the same way. I'll need to remember to make another video of myself ballooning up. Perhaps with two tanks' worth of gas that time...
balloon, first person, floating, helium
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"You get turned on by what?" Damn, I knew this wasn't such a good idea. I mean, I haven't even been together with Lara for more than two weeks and already I am telling her what I haven't told anyone else before. But she seemed so different, so open to everything. But then again, she did seem nasty – but in a very sexy, playful way, I thought – so I should have thought twice before telling her this. Now she seemed really upset. "I get turned on by the idea of humans inflating – especially women, of course," I said with a slight grin. But she wasn't in the mood for joking. "So you wish I were a blow-up doll instead? Or really fat?" Lara seemed disgusted. "No, not at all, that's not what I mean at all. It's just the expansion thing that turns me on. You know, I'd love to just watch, say, your breasts inflate." I tried to explain it to her as carefully as possible, but what could I do? "Hello? You do know that this doesn't work here on planet Earth, weirdo." Now she was really giving it to me and it didn't feel good at all. I didn't know what to say. "So my breasts aren't big enough for you, is that it?" This was hopeless. If only she would understand. I only muttered that she was getting all of this wrong. I could even look at her anymore, I felt ashamed and was mad at myself for ruining this relationship right away by giving away my deepest secret. When she realized I was really getting depressed because of all of this, she stopped being so vicious. "I'll be right back," she said, still with some frustration in her voice. I looked up to watch her leave the room: her beautiful, straight dark hair, her great figure, that sexy ass: I cursed myself for ruining it all. She returned quite quickly – I wasn't even sure where she had gone. She stood at the door and I looked up at her gorgeous face. She had a skeptical look in her eye. I quickly narrowed my gaze... and looked at her sexy breasts. I definitely didn't think they were too small; hardly anyone could have thought such a thing when looking at them. "Close your eyes." What was this now? I quickly obeyed without asking questions and listened to her walking up to me. She came to a halt in front of me and bent down a bit. "Open your eyes, but don't look up." As I opened my eyes, I could see Lara's breasts right in front of me, but she still had her top on. All of a sudden, I heard the sound of a balloon being inflated as one of her breasts seemed to bulge out. I looked up at her: She was actually blowing up a balloon underneath her clothing for me. "Hey, did I tell you to look up at me, boy?" She took the other balloon into her mouth while holding the first one so that the air couldn't rush out. I quickly looked down to her breasts again. I couldn't believe she had gotten two balloons from my room and was now stimulating a breast inflation for me after having been so mad just a minute ago. But I didn't care about that anymore, I was completely absorbed with her second breast seemingly blowing up now. She took the second balloon out of her mouth, then tied knots in each. "I bet it turned you on that I just inflated my own breasts for you." I couldn't believe my ears. Lara was saying the things I had dreamed about hearing for years. "Okay, you can admire me now." She looked stunning now and struck a sexy pose just for me, pushing her "inflated" breasts out even more while puckering up her lips, mouthing me a kiss. "I feel so blown up now, but I feel lonely too. I wish I had an inflatable partner." Boy, was she putting on a sexy show! She revealed she had gotten a whole bunch of balloons from my room. She leaned forward and whispered into my ear: "I'm sorry I over-reacted before. I'll be your balloon-girl... but I feel a bit awkward if I'm doing this all alone, honey. If I can stuff you with balloons, then I'll feel better and I'll try to give you what you want." – "Anything you want. I love you. Thanks." That was all I was able to tell her. She already stuck the first balloon underneath my sweater and my t-shirt and began inflating it. It was so horny feeling the balloons being inflated on my body by this beautiful girl who had already inflated two balloons above her breasts. She really kept going on and on. I was glad I always kept so many balloons at home because she really needed all of them. "I'll be right back," she said and disappeared to another part of the house again since she had ran out of balloons and I wasn't fully "inflated" yet. But I felt completely overwhelmed: She had stuffed balloons into the arms of my sweater as well, making it virtually unable for me to move them and all that was missing were a few balloons for the legs of my pants – I was so glad I had loose pants on! She returned with even more balloons and looked at me sexily as she took another one into her mouth, chewed on it playfully a bit and then stuck it into the front of my pants... she really made that inflation feel good! After a few more minutes, I was truly filled with balloons. I could hardly move because I literally had them everywhere: I couldn't even sit down without fearing I might pop some. I knew my clothes would be all stretched out after this, but it was worth it. Not only did I not mind (to say the least) being stuffed with balloons, now Lara would continue her sexy inflation show. "Now, look at me," she began to say in a helpless, bimbo kind of way. "I'm a balloon-girl. I already have blown up breasts... but they're too small, don't you think?" She winked at me. "I guess you're gonna have to inflate your breasts some more then, Lara!" – "Good idea. I wanna be a huge balloon when this is over!" She took the two inflated balloons out from underneath her top and playfully stuck one of them in my mouth. Then she picked up two pink balloons and asked whether she should use them to blow up her breasts. But before I could answer, there was a knock at the door. Lara raced off and I completely panicked. No! I couldn't be seen like this! I couldn't manage to get rid of all the balloons in time – I wouldn't even have been able to if I had had the time because I could barely move. I just hoped Lara would get rid of whoever it was. I couldn't understand what Lara was saying and I had no idea who it was at the door, but I was relieved to here Lara call out "Bye" before closing the door again. Before entering the room again, Lara called out from behind the closed door to the room I was in: "So how does it feel like to be a balloon?" – "It turns me on so much, Lara," I called out to her, still with the balloon in my mouth. At that point, she opened the door and I was horrified to see three of her friends standing beside her. "No way," called Jenny, a particularly annoying friend of hers. "He really does get turned on by this!" The other two, Alexandra and Carmen just laughed. Lara looked at me and said: "No one tells me they'd want my breasts to inflate or some crazy shit like that, especially not some balloon-freak like you!" I spit the balloon from my mouth, but couldn't think of anything to say. At that point, Lara just pushed me over. One or two balloons popped and I struggled to get back to my feet, which wasn't easy at all. But Lara and her friends were already leaving. I didn't even bother to call after her. But then, suddenly, I realized that soon, everybody was going to know of this. I had to do something, but talking to Lara obviously wouldn't be enough. So I quickly turned on the computer and luckily, an Internet friend and inflation-lover I had gotten to know was online as well. I quickly explained my situation to him and after a few moments, he sent me a brief reply. When I read through it, I realized this was crazy, but after all, this was a crazy situation. I prayed it would work as I took all the balloons out from underneath my clothing again. The next morning, I caught up with Lara and her friends before school. "Em, did you tell anyone about my, em, interest yet, Lara?" She and her friends giggled. "Not yet, but you can bet your inflated ass that soon everyone will know." – "Lara, please, I have a proposition, and I think you'll all be happy with it. I'm sure we can work something out." – "Let me hear it, but don't bet on anything!" – "No, you must come with me, I've already organized a little gift for you four – it's right this way." They all poked fun at me as they went after me, but I didn't care. I wasn't sure it was going to work, but if it did, I would have fun and be out of trouble. I led them to the empty gym, where I had prepared everything the night before (luckily, the gym was never locked, otherwise this might not have worked). "So, what do you think could make us change our minds?" Lara asked. She really was mean – beautiful and sexy, but mean. "Well, I was hoping that we could work things out this way: I know you want to embarrass me, but maybe we could do it slightly differently – please, Lara." I looked her deep into the eyes. I knew she still had to care about me a bit. "Let me hear it, balloon-boy." – "Well, I thought you could stuff me with balloons and everything and I'd walk around like this all day long... but don't tell anyone that the inflation thing turns me on." They all laughed as they heard my idea, but they agreed to it. "Okay, but don't enjoy this inflation and this stuffing too much, balloon-boy," said Jenny. Here, I brought a whole bunch of balloons here already. I pointed to a pile and we all walked towards it. "I also brought some helium just in case you were not convinced: In that case I would have agreed to walking around with a huge helium balloon," – I pointed towards a huge pink balloon –, "and I'd have inhaled it before speaking so I would have talked like a balloon too. Lara picked up the huge balloon. "You know what, you're still gonna do it, otherwise I'll tell everyone about your little fetish." Stretching the balloon with her hands, she kissed me on the cheek. Jenny, Carmen and Alexandra all picked up some of the smaller balloons and began blowing them up. "Don't blow them up underneath his clothes," Lara told them, "That would turn him on." It didn't matter: I was getting turned on enough already watching her three friends blowing up the balloons. As Carmen tried to take the inflated balloon from her mouth, she realized in shock that it was stuck to her mouth. The others immediately realized that they too were stuck to the balloon. "What have you done to them, you freak," cried Lara, who was the only one who hadn't blown up her balloon yet. Suddenly, we all started hearing a strange sound and quickly, it became apparent where it was coming from: Jenny, Carmen and Alexandra were beginning to inflate. The balloons in their mouths were losing their air, but the girls' breasts were growing. I congratulated myself on giving them all big balloons. Once they all had huge breasts, their bellies and butts blew up as well and they all looked much the way I had looked the previous evening... only that they were truly inflated like balloons! With the empty balloons still dangling from their mouths, the three girls wobbled around helplessly. "You'll pay for this!" Lara was furious. I had forgotten all about her because of the beautiful scene I had been watching. She stuck the huge balloon onto the helium-tank and began to inflate the balloon. In the meantime, her friends had grabbed me and prevented me from running away. "Your plan didn't work – now tell me how to deflate them again and maybe I won't blow you up like this huge balloon!" "Don't worry, they'll only be inflated for about an hour, then they'll return to normal." – "I bet you're really upset because I didn't put a balloon in my mouth." She looked at the pink balloon she was filling with helium. "I bet you'd have loved it if I'd have blown up this big!" – "Oh, but it doesn't matter that you didn't put the balloon into your mouth. You took it into your hands. That's all that matters. The balloon became a part of you then and, by the way, thanks for inflating it!" Lara looked at the pink balloon and suddenly heard a noise coming from inside of her. "No, you didn't! You can't be turning me into a balloon!" – "Oh, it looks so good to see you actually inflating, Lara! Matches your personality: I always thought you were kind of puffed up and filled with hot air!" Her friends let go of me – I hadn't put up much of a fight before when they held me to trick them – and watched in awe as Lara's breasts began to blow up like helium balloons. They became huge and very light. Then her belly starting inflating as well, blowing up along with her breasts. In her shock, she never stopped inflating the pink balloon. "You can stop inflating that balloon now, Lara," I laughed. "Oh, and by the way, the inflation can't be reversed like I told you before. You four will be my balloon-girls forever!" I watched my former girlfriend inflate some more and suddenly, I could see her feet rising up from the ground just a little bit. "Oh, this is gonna be good: I almost forgot that you're a helium balloon-girl, Lara." Jennifer, Carmen and Alexandra suddenly grabbed me again and before I could push the three balloons away, Lara had stuck the pink balloon into my mouth. "Now you'll be a balloon too! I hope you pop," cried Lara, who herself was almost filled completely with helium. Her holding on to the balloon that was now stuck in my mouth was the only thing that kept her from rising towards the ceiling. But with my rapidly inflating as well, we soon both left the ground. I looked at myself: I was inflated just like a balloon! My plan had failed, but in the best possible way, I thought to myself. With the deflated pink balloon in my mouth, I kissed Lara, who was to me the most beautiful girl in the world now: Floating up at the ceiling, completely blown up like a balloon!
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Jessica sucked the last bit of her drink - her fifth - and considered returning to the dance floor. Jessica was a beautiful young woman and she knew it. She was slightly chunky, used to a life of overindulgence, but the weight looked good on her. Her hefty boobs, rounded ass, and slight potbelly just gave her a voluptuous look. She had a rounded face with a slight double chin, a button nose between two large green eyes and a mouthful of perfect, white teeth. Her long red hair fell over supple shoulders, neatly hiding the large hoop earrings that dangled from her dainty ears. She was also, it must be said, a real bitch. She was used to getting her own way and she didn't think twice about stepping on anyone who didn't do what she wanted. Tonight, she was out at her favorite club with her "friend" Sandy. Sandy wasn't a real friend, though. She was just a plain acquaintance Jessica brought along to make her look even better. Not that she had any trouble with that, she thought to herself. Jessica was ready for a night on the town, in her white stretch pants with a zipper up the back and a tube top with a zipper down the front. Her chubby tummy bulged out of the gap between her tube top and her pants, hanging slightly over the stretch pants waistband. The pants were hip-huggers which would have been tight on a slimmer girl - on a voluptuous bombshell like Jessica, they looked as if they'd been painted on. They clung to her wide, sexy rear so tightly that everyone on the dance clear could get a clear view of Jessica's panty lines. Besides her too snug pants, Jessica had strategically chosen the tightest top she had to emphasize her large, rounded hooters. Every so often, the front zipper would slowly slip down just a few notches, pushed by the force of her enormous boobs. When that happened, Jessica would let it slide for a few minutes before smiling naughtily and pulling it back up. She didn't always do it by accident. "It's really packed tonight, isn't it?" said Sandy. "Shut up," said Jessica. She hated it when Sandy started talking. She always expected her to listen or something. Like that one time that Jessica had slept with Sandy's boyfriend, Sandy had been all like blah blah blah blah blah... Besides, she'd already had too much to drink - her tummy was feeling full and sloshy - and she was ready for action. A cute boy sat down next to them. "Hi," he said. "Ooo, hello there!" she gushed. He seemed a likely target. The boy seemed surprised that Jessica was talking to him. It was then she realized he'd actually been talking to Sandy. That bitch! No one talked to Sandy instead of her. She decided to up her charms. "Ooo," cooed Jessica, "I'd love it if you would buy me another drink." She flashed her perfect white teeth. It worked. Not only did he bring her a drink, but several other boys offered to buy her drinks as well. She smiled slyly and accepted them all, even though she already felt uncomfortably bloated. Her stomach swelled even further as she sucked greedily on the first straw, still smiling coyly at this new boy. Jessica liked that original boy, the one who'd said hi to Sandy. He bought her dinner. Afterwards, she dumped him. She found, in rapid succession, three other boys who were all willing to pay for dinner, too. Naturally, she couldn't turn them down. Getting dinner out of a fifth boy had been harder. He was a cute boy but he was already going out with some weird goth chick. That didn't stop Jessica, though. A little bit of eyelash batting and he'd quickly dumped her and come over to Jessica. "We've already had dinner," complained Sandy. She'd stopped eating anything after the second meal. "Oh, that was just a little snack," said Jessica grinning. Was this a stroke of luck or what? A fifth meal, all for free! She seriously wasn't hungry anymore. In fact, she already felt full beyond belief. But, hey, she couldn't pass up a free meal. The fifth meal was the biggest of them all - they went to an Italian restaurant that served extra huge portions. Jessica ordered a complete dinner - it was, after all, the most expensive thing on the menu and she wasn't paying! She didn't feel like finishing it but she refused to leave any leftovers. "I think you've had enough, girl," laughed the boy. "Shut up," snapped Jessica, wheezing. "I'll tell you when I've had enough!" Jessica was so full that her bloated belly looked like a beach ball, straining her pants to the rending point. She could barely breathe and had to take shallow breaths just to feel comfortable. Her pants were starting to cut off her circulation and all she wanted to do was lie down on her back and rub her big, bloated belly. A waiter stopped by the table with the check and mints. "Mmm," mumbled Jessica, popping the mint into her mouth. She sighed deeply, satisfied at last. But then something weird happened. When she was finished sighing, her belly didn't deflate as she expelled the air she'd taken in. In fact, if anything, it seemed to keep swelling. Her tummy bulged bigger and bigger before her astonished eyes. Her pants drew tight around her expanding thighs, emitting strained stretching noises. Her chest grew bigger and rounder, expanding out until it began to block her view of her lower body. "What's happening to me?!" she shrieked, grabbing her suddenly enormous belly and struggling - unsuccessfully - to push it back to its former - relatively flat - state. Her hands sank slightly into her billowing gut but she realized that it was quickly firming up. There was too much pressure inside of her! "Ohmigawd!" she yelped, realization dawning. "I'm blowing up! W..why is this happening?" The stitches in her leggings began to fail, dying with high pitched snaps, as her body plumped up. Her boobs were ballooning as well, expanding to the size of watermelons and beyond. Her halter top stretched further and further until it began to come apart at the seams. The zipper slowly pulled open as her blimping tits pressed against the tissue-thin fabric with increasing force. "I'm busting out of my clothes!" cried Jessica desperately. She tottered around helplessly, hoping that someone, anyone, knew what to do. Forcing her mind to ignore the larger problem, she tried to concentrate on keeping her clothes on. She grabbed the failing zipper and gave it a quick, decisive tug upwards. It refused to budge, so she pulled harder. It reluctantly moved up a couple notches, forcing her ballooning breasts together and creating a massive canyon of cleavage. Jessica's other hand tried to tuck her tubby tummy - which spilled over her pants like rising bread dough, back into her clothes. A sudden CRACK drew her attention. The back snap of her pants had burst open and the zipper slid down with relief, allowing her swelling backside some freedom. "I'm blowing up all over! I'm getting huge!" Her buns were expanding just as fast as her boobs and belly. Her inflating thighs tore apart the last few stitches on her pants and the tattered garment fell to the floor, leaving Jessica clad in nothing but a stretched-to-popping pair of white cotton panties. "I can't hold anymore!" cried Jessica. "Ooo..I'm way too full...I think..I think I'm gonna pop!" People began backing away from Jessica, suddenly fearful for their safety. Would this inflating girl really pop? As the minutes passed and Jessica continued to grow it seemed like to be getting more and more likely. "Jessica, what's happening to you?" cried Sandy. "Why are you blowing up like a balloon? Are you allergic to something?" "I don't know, you stupid bitch!" shrieked Jessica. "Go do something useful for a change and get me a fucking doctor before I blow! Ooooo!" Jessica groaned as she pumped up bigger and bigger. Her underwear began to creak and squeal as if it too were on the verge of bursting. Her halter top finally gave up and exploded off of her massive chest, showering her audience in shredded rubbery fabric. Her skimpy bra held on, squeezing her globular tits tighter and tighter. Boob flesh was bulging over the inadequate cups and it looked like the back hook would break at any moment. "Too...much...pressure," grunted Jessica, waddling toward the door. "I''t...hold...much more! I'll burst!" She was nearly spherical she was so large. She felt like she was bursting at the seams she was getting so big and fat. "Sandy, you stupid bitch! Can't you see...that..I'm....gonna...explode?!? ...Do...something!" Jessica moaned loudly. "Oh!" Jessica's orb-like body had begun to rise off the ground, still swelling rounder and fuller. "I'm...floating!...It''m..filling...with...helium..I'!" The creaking and stretching noises were getting louder and Jessica realized that they weren't coming from her bra and panties; they were coming from her! "I'm reaching my limits!" she yelled angrily. "I..can't hold another ounce! Ohhhh I know I'm gonna burst!" Jessica's bloated, billowing form gently hit the ceiling, where she continued to grow at an alarming rate. Pretty soon, she would fill the room. And once that happened, it would start to squeeze her...and that couldn't be good. Jessica's head looked tiny on her distended body. "Gonnapopgonnapopgonnapop!" she yelled. "Do something, you idiots!" Sandy made a decision then. "Everyone!" she yelled. "Everyone cover their ears!" Everyone covered their ears. "What?!" shouted Jessica. KABOOOOOOOM!!!!
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
It's the first day of summer here. It's a beautiful warm day and I'm headed down to Ashley's house for some pool fun. It's only a short walk from here. I get there and she's in the backyard laying down a slip n side. I guess this means no pool? She's wearing a lime green one piece swimsuit. She looks damn good in it, too. To give you an idea, she's a an ample breasted, average sized brunette. "Hey Pat ," she exclaims. I greet her with the same amount of enthusiasm. "The pool's not ready for swimming yet, so I brought out the slip n slide, " she says. "It's cool with me, " I reply. So we slip n side for almost two hours before it gets old. We only had to use the hose to slicken it up a couple times to save on her parents' water bill. They were out of town for a few days. After, we dry off on her porch and just talk. I can't keep my mind off of wanting to be with her. Conversations drain on for another hour and it's slip n slide time again. God, she looks so sexy when she's wet. Slip n slide round 2 lasted for an hour more and by now the sun is beginning to set. We have a quick dinner that I grilled up and talk some more. I think about asking her out, but am too shy. "Hey Pat, I now we're a bit old for truth or dare, but would you like to play?" she asks. This is like a DUH YEA!!!! So we begin. 15 minutes in no one has picked a dare. When did everybody get so scared of a dare. I was about to find out why. " Pat, I dare you to tell me a secret about yourself," she says. I could say I love and her and want to be with her or I could be an idiot and say I'm into inflating women. What do you think I picked? She looks at me with a smile and then professes that she has an inflation fetish, too! WOW! I do really love this girl! Getting side-tracked from T or D, we begin to tell our likes of inflation. Her favorite way to be inflated is by water, which coincendently is my favorite method of inflation. As you can guess, we connect even better. She realizes that we never finished T or D. It's my turn. "Truth or Dare" rolls off my tounge. "Dare," she says coldly. My mind goes blank. I'm swimming in a blank void. She notices and speaks up. "How about I choose my dare," she says. "Ok," I reply. "I think you should dare me to let you inflate me, " she said. "Oh Yeah!" I exclaim. She takes me by the hand and leads me down to her basement. There is a door that leads to the outside across the room. Ashley opens it and grabs the hose. "Alright, here's your hose. Fill me up as fast or as slowly as you please. When you're pleased, I'm you personal water balloon," she tells me. So hot... Ash stands in the middle of the room with the hose in her mouth, as I go to turn the hose. I turn it gently and walk back inside. I look at her realizing she's gonna be a huge balloon and I just watch the twinkle in her eyes. Slowly the pressure builds in her stomach and her belly bulges. Her swimsuit gets tight. Her belly touches mine and I gently rub her belly. She tips her head back and continues to fill. Her breasts had grown another cup size and her butt had become huge. We hold hands until it's too hard for her. She's huge now losing defined body parts. Within minutes, she is on her back completely rounded out with her swimsuit stretching to its limits. I shut the hose off and pull it out her mouth. "," she mumbles. "Wow, you're so beautiful...," I stutter. "You should see my friend Becca inflated then," she says. "...." "Roll me up the stairs to my room, babe," Ashley says. And with that, I' rolling the inflated girl of my dreams up the stairs.
floating, helium
Female Inflation
Inflatable Clothing
It had all come down to the final round. After the swimsuit competition, a new Ms. Halestead High would be chosen. Unlike the normal run of the mill fame, fortune and the choice of any guy that the winner cared to go out with, there was something a bit more personal this time. The two leading contenders had a grudge match going. "Well, Veronica. How do you feel?" Chad asked, looking nervously at the time. "It's still quite a while before the finals and the swimsuit competition. Think you can make it?" "Of course, I'm fine!" Veronica flashed him the smile as she turned and winked. Once again he felt his knees shiver. Amazingly enough, even though she could cause such detestation with a mere look, she seemed unaware of it. A tall girl with black hair that descended in soft curls to her shoulders, she showed a great deal of toned, fit and desirable skin underneath her low cut one piece bathing suit. A lifestyle of exercise and health showed in every movement. "I just wish I knew how Sherri caught up so easily," a frown puckered her near perfect face. "I had a ten point lead until the cooking competition, then suddenly she came up with the perfect pizza and my pie chashed in the making. Oh well, everyone knows I have the last event in the bag. After all, Sherri's pretty cute, but I don't think she can compete with this." Chad had to agree. Sherri was petite with amazingly piled up blonde hair as well as an interesting figure, but she just couldn't compete with Veronica's aerobicised appearance. It would be close, but in the end Veronica was almost sure to win. If nothing strange happened. "Howsabout I go and scope out the situation? Y'know, see if they're planning anything?" "That would be unethical, Chad." Veronica frowned again. "Then again, you never know with Sherri. You better go check. I think she's with her friend Newmann." "I can't believe I'm losing to that bimbo!" Sherri ranted as she stomped about in the confined spaces of a cluttered lab. "Here I spend all that money and effort to buy the judges off for the talent show and not only do I lose to Erica, Veronica comes out of no where and passes me up with that juggling act too. Good thing I was able to get Erica's crab cakes before she got my pizza and I can outcook Veronica any day of the week." "Stop moving around," Newmann muttered, scribbling away furiously in a notebook. "I have to get the skin composition exactly right for this to work." "Are you sure this'll do the trick?" "Sure I'm sure," he replied indignantly. "I... well, my dad's been working on this for years. Basically all I'm doing is giving you a second layer of false skin from your neck to your ankles and wrists. It'll conform to your body shape exactly, but since it stretches..." "I'll be able to strategically augment it in order to beat out that beach bunny Veronica! I still wonder where she gets all the time to exercise and still get those grades... I mean it's not like she can afford to pay off the teachers for better grades like I can. Is the suit ready?" "Yup." Newmann held up what looked like a unitard with a short zipper along the back. "Good thing you decided to wear that swimsuit with the high collar and the belt. That'll cover the collar of the skinsuit. Everything else I can blend in well enough to be almost invisible." "What about this?" Sherri asked, pointing at a small nozzle, much like that of a bike tire where the pump is attached. It stuck out the back of the suit, just below where the zipper started. "That? Don't worry, it'll match right in with your belt. Ok, strip down and climb in." Sherri was quickly out of her clothing and carefully pulling the suit on almost before he finished the sentence. "Oh, don't be so careful with it. It's incredibly resilient stuff. I think it would take a pretty sharp knife to cut it." After sliding into the outfit and having Newmann zip it up, Sherri resembled a barbi doll. No private parts showed whatsoever, but only close examination would reveal that she was wearing anything. The suit blended nearly perfectly with her skin. "How does it feel?" "Not bad. Really comfortable, almost like smooth satin. Or maybe rubber. Yeah, that's it, like smooth and warm rubber. Now what?" "Here's your swimsuit." It wasn't really what could be termed a swimsuit. Something this expensive would never be worn where water could mar it. The neckpiece started just below the chin, dropping to evenly hemmed legs. The wide black sash was the only thing to mar the spandex white of the outfit, adding a mark of distinction. "Alright, the valve blends in right with the sash. No one'll notice it," Newmann grinned. "Now let's try this out." "This is so cool!" Sherri squealed. "I'm so glad my dad hired yours to be head of research. You get to play with all his new stuff!" Newmann connected a small hand pump to the valve, then started squeezing away. Holding her breath, Sherri watched in the mirror. Slowly, muscle tone seemed to improve before her eyes, arms thickening slightly. Her bustline lifted outward slowly while her waist remained perfectly the same. Hips flared ever so slightly and her legs assumed curves that she'd thought she'd never see exept through expensive pants. "Oh, that's just perfect." Running her hands down her front, Sherri sighed. Reaching for the hand pump, she tried to disconnect it, but couldn't until Newmann twisted it off the valve. "Sorry 'bout that. It's a cheap valve and if you don't twist it off right, it'll jam." "Never mind." Sherri grinned happily. "This paegant is in the can. There's no way anyone could find Veronica better'n me!" She could very well be right. Originally having an intrinsic cuteness, now Sherri's appearance could only be described as outstanding. With a pair of high heels with wrap around laces to hide the leg cuffs, she was ready and prepared to face all comers. "She did what?!?" Aghast, Veronica sat down in stunned amazement. "That, that's cheating!" Chad nodded solemnly. "I saw the whole thing through the vent." Veronica eyed him suspiciously. "What is this, information you picked up back when you were still spying into the women's showers? Nevermind! I can't believe Sherri would sink so low... I don't wanna lose to someone who's cheating." Chad smiled as he lightly punched Veronica in the shoulder. "C'mon, that's not the Veronica I know. You'll think of something. See, you already have that look in your eye!" "Chad, you said the valve was kinda sticky?" "Yeah..." "C'mon, I've got an idea. I need you to go down to the supply office and pick up some equipment. Lets see if we can turn Sherri's new assets against her." Sherri was already in the stage antiroom, admiring herself in a wall mirror, when Veronica shuffled in. Turning with a happy smile, she greeted her opponent, pretending to be friends when all the while she was flaunting her new outline to the dismayed Veronica. Chad was right, she realized. Sherri now had an incredible body. But if a few curves were enough to win, Veronica was determined to give Sherri more than she could handle. "Why don't we sit down and wait? It's still twenty minutes or so before we go on," Veronica suggested, sitting down on the only chair available. The only other furniture was a few tables and an open backed stool nearby. Aquiesing, Sherri sat down with ill grace, but was soon absorbed in reading a magazine. "What's that on your sash there?" Veronica pointed to Sherri's back. "It looks as though you have some lint on there." "Really?" Sherri tried to glance over her shoulder, but couldn't get the area in question into view. "Could you pick it off for me?" "Certainly!" Veronica smirked. "Hold still." Reaching forward, she brought forth what she had been hiding carefully behind herself the entire time. An air hose, clamp formost with the end of the hose going out the door. Brushing and tugging on the sash, she carefully clipped on the fitting sticking a bit out of the back of Sherri's suit. "Pardon me. Veronica, may I speak with you for a moment?" Chad waved from the door. "Be right back!" Veronica walked over, her high heels clicking on the hardwood floor. "Did you get the tanks?" she whispered to Chad. "All they had were some nearly full ones of helium from last weeks Halloween party. I already hooked one up in the hallway." "Fire it up!" Veronica turned and went back to her seat with a smile for Sherri. Watching the air line, Veronica could tell when it turned on as the pressure made it squiggle a bit. A gentle hissing, barely audible, started. The effect on Sherri was almost as if it were a roar. She sat bolt upright, glancing around nervously before staring down at her arms and legs, checking for leaks. The fact that there were no leaks took a bit to catch on, and there was already a noticeable increase in the size of her calves to Veronica before Sherri got up. Flashing a nervous smile to Veronica, she slowly stepped towards the corner mirror. Supressing a grin, Veronica watched out of the corner of her eye. The first thing Sherri noticed was that when she looked down, she could no longer see her feet. The suit hadn't made her that big, she knew for certain. Glancing down, she stifled a gasp as she realized her bustline was slowly moving outward, almost as if more gas were coming in from somewhere. Staring into the mirror, she realized she had already increased a cup size or two. Her figure had gone from trim and athletic to full figured and voluptuous. As she watched in horrified amazement, she became even more topheavy, her legs puffing up a bit in nice curves leading down to well rounded calves. "Oh no!" Sherri blurted out, spying the air hose for the first time in the mirror. A quick exploration by her fingers revealed its attachment to the valve on her back. Tugging hard, she realized she was only jamming it on tighter. She tried to tug on her sleeve to peel it back, but her chest was already large enough to get in the way, straining at her swimsuit. Putting her hands over her chest, Sherri tried to squeeze it all back in. All that happened was that it puffed up and down squooshing into her face. A definite sensation of pressure was starting to be felt. Glancing up into the mirror, Sherri blinked in astonishment. Her once trim figure was now swollen to massive size. Twin beach balls stretched her suit to the limit while her shoulders had started to bulk up, adding to a sudden feeling of claustrophobia. Her arms had started to swell as well, looking for all the world like she had begun to develop giant muscles. Below, her waist was still somewhat normal, although it was puffing outward as well and her legs billowed out from the leg openings of the suit. As Sherri watched with stunned horror, the suit swelled larger and larger. She became more and more pumped with gas, a feeling of increasing pressure spreading over her body. Helpless, Sherri could only tell what was going on lower down by the mirror as her now beanbag sized breasts ballooned ever outward. Trying to move, she realized that she could no longer do more than a light shuffle as the suit gripped her with a growing strength. Slowly her arms straightened out and her shoulders, swollen enormously, touched up against her neck. With a ripping pop, the sash gave, letting her waist bulge outward. Sherri began to pant, trying to draw breath against the tension of the suit. More and more she began to resemble a vaguely female shaped ball, ballooning, inflating, swelling, expanding larger and larger and larger. A peal of laughter broke her out of her shock. "Oh, this is great!" Veronica laughed again, coming over to stand next to Sherri. "You're huge!" "Veronica!" Sherri panted. "Stop it! Please, you've got to help me! I can't move..." Veronica's next statement was cut off as Sherri let out a loud yelp. Slowly and ponderously, like a blimp rising from the ground, she started to drift upward. "Wow, I didn't think you'd get big enough to do that." Veronica snickered again as Sherri's swimsuit gave up the ghost and popped off, dropping to the floor. "Help meee! Ouch!" Sherri winced as her head hit the ceiling, then started caterwauling again. Veronica reached up and gave the hose a good tug, separating the nozzle from the valve with a pop. Reaching up and grasping Sherri's high heel with one hand, she pulled her down far enough to tie a short rope from one of the tables around her ankle. "Oh, you'll make such an adorable balloon. Now I think I'll go out and show you around a bit!" "No, wait! I admit I cheated, but that doesn't deserve this!" Sherri had turned rather red from all of her puffing. "Sure it does." Veronica let go of the rope. Sherri shot up and bonked her head into the ceiling again, yelping loudly. "Let's go see some judges."
chemical, deflation, first person, floating, helium
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"Hello, my name is Jane Hathaway, PhD in biochemistry, and this is an audio log of my current project. Ever since my father was laughed out of the scientific community for his theories on protein bonds, I have dreamed of vindicating his memory. It's taken me years, but finally I've proven his hypothesis correct. But I'm not just going to write a paper that'll be read and forgotten in a few months. No, I have something more impressive in mind. There's a conference next month, and I've been invited to give a presentation. What they don't know is that I'm going to use the opportunity to give a demonstration of my new invention -- the Human Floatation Formula! It's quite simple, really. Using processes developed by my father, I've synthesized a special protein that can bond to helium molecules, and then coil up like a spring, compacting them together. Since the molecules are no longer repelling each other, the compound acts like a liquid, even at normal temperature and pressure. When ingested, the proteins bond to triglycerides -- that is, body fat -- and then uncoil, allowing the helium to expand, but not to escape its molecular tethers. Visible bodily inflation should then occur, followed, if the dose was sufficiently high, by buoyancy. About one hour later, the proteins will start to break down, and deflation will commence. Those lab punks will come expecting yet another forgettable PowerPoint slideshow, and instead be treated to something they'll remember: the sight of a buxom woman floating like a balloon as she debunks the modern theory of proteins. I'll make front page news, be interviewed on TV. Everyone will finally see that my father was right!" "It's almost 6 AM on the day of test #1. My goal for this test is to determine the amount of formula I need to ingest to produce the desired effect: floating and leisurely drifting with the breeze, not simply pulling straight upward on the tether. I am standing in my backyard wearing this digital recorder headset, and holding a plastic bottle of the formula and a set of measuring spoons. I've special ordered a spandex bodysuit for the actual demonstration, but since it hasn't arrived yet, I'm just wearing a one-piece bathing suit. I've tied my right leg to the knob of my back door with fifty feet of nylon butcher's twine, and I'm ingesting 1.5 tablespoons of the formula... now. Ulch, that was bitter. Oh well, I can investigate adding sweeteners and flavorings some other day. I am beginning to feel a slight tingling sensation, which is slowly -- ah! I can feel it... pressing... from inside me. And now I can see it, too! Eureka! I've done it! As I suspected, the inflation is most noticeable in the parts of my body with the highest concentrations of fat. Namely, my breasts. I am normally a B cup, and I have just reached an apparent C cup and am approaching what appears to be a D cup. The inflation seems to be progressing to what are unfortunately the next highest concentrations of fat on my body, my thighs. It's taken me hundreds of hours on the stationary bike to stop them from touching, and now it looks like I'll have to feel that sensation again for the next hour. There is also some expansion taking place in my -- erm, my... backside. The back of my swimsuit is getting pinched, I need to remember not to wear any underwear under the bodysuit." "The tingling sensation has just stopped, so it seems that all the protein molecules in that dose have unravelled. I neglected to bring a measuring tape, but my breasts have settled at around six inches of diameter each, my hips have expanded by roughly three inches on each side, and my backside, although I can't see it to estimate its size, seems to just barely still fit inside my swimsuit. Testing my weight, it appears that I am slightly short of buoyant -- apparently, 1.5 tablespoons wasn't quite enough. The next test will be 1 tablespoon plus two teaspoons, but to make sure the results aren't tainted, I will wait until this dose wears off first. In the meantime, I can perform some informal experimentation with the effects of near-buoyancy. It's actually quite a lot of fun, possibly more so than actually floating. It feels like I'm walking on air; my legs are under no strain at all. No matter how delicately I take steps, it takes me a couple seconds to come down from each stride. Standing still is difficult as well -- there's a slight breeze that keeps pushing me around. No need to worry, though, there's only about 45 minutes left until I deflate, and I'm tethered at any WWWWWWWHHHHHHHOOOOAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!" "I apologize for that outburst, but a powerful gust of wind suddenly yanked me off my feet and spun me around for a while. I'm back on the ground and unharmed, but in the confusion I dropped my measuring spoons somewhere and I can't see where they landed. It's too dangerous to continue the test today, so I'm heading back to the house right now. At least, I'm trying to. It's hard to make progress against the breeze; my feet keep slipping on the grass." "It appears that my tether has gotten snagged on something in the grass, probably a buried branch. It took me forever to make it this far against the wind, so I'm just going to try to shake it loose... Oops, I appear to have shaken loose the knot around my ankle instead. If I can just -- carefully -- make it the last few steps to the door -- oh no, oh no ohnoOHNO!" "As you can probably guess from my outburst a few minutes ago, another gust of wind has plucked me off the ground. This one doesn't seem to be letting up, either. I'm already a block away from my house and well over any roofs or trees I could conceivably grab on to. Oh god, I hope no one sees me right now, I'm overflowing both ends of my swimsuit. As soon as the breeze dies down and I drift back to Earth, I'm going to grab a fence or something and hold myself down until the inflation wears off, and then finish the rest of my testing INDOORS." "Well, I never reached the ground, because the wind seems to have led me into a thermal updraft. It's almost 7 AM, and I am currently several hundred feet above the ground, still waiting to deflate. Fortunately, the release will be slow and gradual, so I'm in no danger of falling to my death. I've tried to start the process early by squeezing on my body, but the proteins bonds seem to be too strong to be broken that way. Wait, I think it's starting! I hear hissing, and I can feel the gas escaping from... various orifices. And it feels like I'm falling now, instead of rising. Finally, this horrible experience is almost over! If I land close to home, I can make it back in time to write a decent presentation on my father's findings, cancel my plane tickets, and DRIVE to the conference *hsssssssssssssssssSSSSS!* AAAAAAAIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! I'm FALLING?! All of the sudden, I just deflated all at once and now I'm free-falling towards the ground! Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod WAIT! I still have the bottle of formula! *glug glug glug* I hope that was enough. Cmon, inflate! Work, you stupid formula! Cmon cmon cmon YES YES faster faster FASTER FASTER... it worked! I'm slowing down! And that tree should be good for breaking my fall and keeping me down for an hour. Just a few more seconds until I reach it... maybe more than a few... wait, stop! I mean, keep going, KEEP GOING! NOOOOOOO, not back up in the air!" "I just realized that it's almost night and I still haven't updated my log. To make a long story short, every time I deflate I start plummeting, every time I plummet I have to drink more formula, and every time I drink more formula I inflate again and float back up to where I started. I've been trying to estimate exactly how much I have to take to reach the ground without smashing into it, but without my spoons it's impossible to measure amounts accurately. I don't know why the protein decay accelerates so drastically; maybe my father's theories were flawed after all. I did manage manage to reach the ground a couple of times. The first was in an empty mall parking lot, though, and I didn't have time to reach anything to hold on to before I became buoyant again. The second time I landed in someone's garden, and grabbed hold of a trellis which was sturdy enough to hold me down. I realize now that I should have called for help at that point, but repeated stretching seems to have elasticized my skin to the point that at full inflation, my... forward and backward protrusions... approach the size of basketballs. My swimsuit can't begin to cover them, and I was just too embarrassed to let anyone see me like this. As I was waiting to deflate, a bee came over to investigate me. I haven't done much research on the effects of a puncture wound on an inflated body, but explosive decompression is definitely a possibility. I tried to shoo it away with one hand, but when it landed on my thigh I freaked out and let go. It's bad enough that I've been yo-yoing all day, but the real problem is, I'm about three-quarters of the way through the bottle, and once I run out, that's it. Nothing to do but bend over and kiss my helium-filled butt goodbye. Darn it, this is so frustrating! If only there were some way I could regulate my... I've got it!" "It's 7:43 PM, and I'm currently descending slowly and steadily toward an open field. I don't know why I didn't think of this before! All I have to do is wait until I start to descend, then squeeze my nipples and clench my rear, and the helium has nowhere to escape! It looks like I'm headed toward a public park, possibly a soccer field. Oh no, not dandelions, I'm allergic to -- ah -- ah -- ahCHOO! *HSSSSSSSSS* AAAAAAAIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!! *THUMP* *glug* *glug* *glug* *glug* *glug*" "*erk* It looks like I'm *urf* not in the clear yet. When I *urp* sneezed a minute ago, I reflexively *arg* moved to cover my mouth, which of *oof* course meant I let go of my nipples. The sudden *pbt* deflation sent me spinning head over *erk* heels before I hit the ground. That's not the *oof* worst part, though. I'd stashed *arg* the formula bottle in my *urp* cleavage to keep my hands free, and it *urg* must have slipped free, because when *pbt* I fell on my back, it landed in my mouth. By the *erk* time I came to my senses, *arg* the whole bottle had run down my throat. So now I'm running as fast *urg* as I can toward a nearby soccer goal *oof* before I take to the air *pbt* again. I picked up a few clods of earth *urp* and shoved them down the front *erk* of my suit, to buy myself a little time, but *urf* I don't know how long I have. As you can no doubt *urg* surmise from my *erk* flatulent demeanor, the pressure is rapidly *urp* building to uncomfortable levels. My *pbt* bosom has risen to the point *urf* where it is beginning to obstruct my *urp* view, and I can feel my overblown *oof* buttocks competing with each *erk* other for space as I *urg* pump my legs. In *arg* addition, it appears that *oof* the proteins have saturated the *urf* fatty portions of my body and are now bonding *erk* to leaner territory. Specifically, my stomach has *oof* inflated to third-trimester proportions, *pbt* and shows no sign of stopping. *urg* I can only hope my swimsuit holds out, because *erk* if it rips open, all the dirt I've shoved *arg* into it will fall out, and then... it's getting harder to move... legs stiffening... almost... there... *RRRRRIIIIIIIPPPPPPP*" "Well, I didn't score a goal, but I at least hit a post. That is to say, I managed to grab the top bar with one hand as I was floating past. I'm trying to reach around with my other hand to get a more secure grip, but even my arms have inflated, and the pressure has pushed my body into a rigid T-shape. Still, I think I can hold out until... oh no. Please God no. The inflation! It's not stopping! It's even getting into my fingers! It's forcing them... UUUUUUUUWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" "This may be my final journal entry. I'm currently floating so high that cloud cover prevents me from seeing where I am, and still climbing. It's possible that I'll land in a body of water, survive the fall, and be able to swim to shore. It's also possible that as I ascend, decreasing atmospheric pressure will cause me to expand until I burst. There's even the possibility that my body is so saturated with the formula that the proteins have bonded with each other, in which case I might never deflate at all! In case anyone finds this log, I know I've stored a copy of the formula and instructions for its manufacture in memory, and I can't delete them from here. I beg of you: don't try it! It's not worth the risk!"
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation
Carrie and Tia were cleaning up after a big party they had in their apartment. "That was sure fun!" Carrie said picking up some popped balloons. "Yeah. Our parents sure wouldn't let us have that kinda fun in each of our houses. Tia replied. Carrie opened up the closet to put some stuff away. In the floor was a huge box. She brought it out. "Hey, what's in here?" Carrie asked Tia. "Balloons. A lot of them. For a lot of parties." She opened the big box and saw hundreds of bags of balloons. The both had balloon fetishes of blowing them up and popping them. She took a bag and opened it. "Let's have some fun!" Carrie tossed Tia some balloons. Carrie took out a red balloon and stared blowing it up. Her chest heaved in and out under her tanktop. They both blew a bunch of theirs up and popped them. "Hey Carrie! Try this!" Tia placed a whole balloon in her mouth and blew it up like she was blowing a bubble gum bubble. It grew till it towered over her head, then exploded in shards of rubber. "Neat!" Carrie said. She placed the balloon in her mouth and she tried blowing, but it was stuck. She swallowed it. "You okay?" Tia asked. "Hey that tasted pretty good!" "Whatever. I'm going to finish cleaning up." Tia went into the other room. Meanwhile Carrie opened more bags of balloons and started swallowing them. And an hour later, the box was empty. She had swallowed over 200 balloons! Her belly stuck out from under her tanktop. Tia came in and gaped at her. "What the??!" "Yummy!" Carrie said. "Great. Now you'll buy the balloons for the next party. And how in hell could you eat all of them?!?!" "Gee...I...uh..." Suddenly there was a noise like a balloon deflated. "Where did that come from?" Carrie asked. "Look!" Tia pointed at Carrie's chest. Carrie's breasts were gone. "No..." Carrie panicked She took off her top and bra. There hanging where her breasts were, were two tubes. The ends looked like balloon mouths. "Where'd those come from?" Tia asked. "I don't know. Why don't you blow me up?" "Okay." Tia placed her mouth on Carrie's left nipple and started blowing. The deflated breast-balloon straightened out and started bulging in the middle. Then the bulge expanded until it formed a small tit. "It's weird alright." Carrie said. Tia took another breath and blew again. This time the bulge grew into a bubble and was now the size of Carrie's hand. She gave it a squeeze. It felt like rubber. She let go and it bounced back. "Let me do it you're too slow." She grabbed the end and took a big breath. She blew into it and the balloon-breast expanded to three times its size. Then she blew the other up to the same volume. Tia brought out a two way tube so she could do it faster. They attached them o her nipples and Carrie blew as hard as she could into the tube. Her bust expanded to volleyball size, then they started becoming rounder. The section toward her body became bigger (as in balloons). Her breasts now took on a pear shape. Carrie wasn't satisfied and started blowing harder. Her breasts vibrated and became smooth. Then she felt something in her stomach, and her belly full of balloons started pushing out. "Don't you think that's enough?" Tia asked. "No! I want to be big!" Carrie said. Tia grinned and went for another tube. Carrie continued to blow her body up. Her breasts were still huge balloons and her belly stuck out as far as her breasts did. Now she felt her pants become tighter, and realized her butt was also expanding. She quickly unbuttoned her pants and slid her panties down. Carrie stopped blowing as Tia came back in. "I look great, don't I?" "Yeah." Tia said. "Can you get larger?" "I'll see." Carrie blew more into the tube. Her stomach became fuller and smoother, her butt ballooned more, and then BANG! Her bellybutton popped straight out. Now it looked just like her deflated breasts. Tia grinned again and popped the tube on Carrie?s bellybutton-balloon mouth. "Whatreya doin? I'm large enough!" Carrie said. "I bet you can get larger." Tia blew harder into the tube. Her belly continued to grow. Her body started becoming rounder. Carrie's arms and legs became part of her body. And soon her head went as well. Tia stepped back to look at her. Carrie was now a giant balloon with two balloon-breasts and a huge balloon-butt. She heard Carrie?s voice. "I think I'm full." She said. "This is FUN though! You're not going to pop me, are you?" "No..." Tia rolled her into the living room and went back into the closet. She brought out another box. She took off her shirt and bra and took some balloon bags out of it. "I think I'll join you."
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The university's courtyard was full of people bustling about. It was a particularly sunny and warm day (it was after all still mid-March) and consequently everyone looked particularly cheery. Tanya was lying down on the grass, her beautiful lips slightly open, book on hands and sunglasses in place. People were buzzing around her and she pretended to not care but all she did was observe, glancing over the rim of the page she was currently reading – for the past twenty minutes or so. And her mind roamed... She reflected on the year that had passed so quickly. She'd learned (and done) things she could never dare believe. She still had the evidence on her bedroom wall and inside her closet... Since that weird day of the past April she had experimented a lot with her newfound abilities and, to say the least, she loved them! Her body, after a long transitional period, had come back to its previous state but she didn't seem to mind anymore. She felt more confident than ever. The world was her oyster. Or, to put it more precisely, her toy. All she wanted now was more ways to have some fun and this place was full of endless possibilities. Tanya's thoughts came to a halt when she heard loud giggles coming from somewhere behind her. She turned her head and saw five girls in off-white cheerleader uniforms with bold forest green and gold details and an open-mouthed head of a snake in the centre of their chests, wearing white sneakers and socks. Two of them were blondes, two brunettes, and one fiery redhead. All of them were of average height, thin and toned but one of the blondes was outstandingly shorter and more petite than the others. The girls conversed excitedly, each with a small pack of yellow leaflets in her hands. They were walking down a stone pavement that led to the centre of the courtyard. When they got there, they stopped and the short blonde nodded to the others and shouted at the top of her lungs "CHEERLEADING TRYOUTS!!!" with a shrill voice. As if rehearsed – which was probably the case – they all "spontaneously" yelled an overly enthusiastic "WOOOOOO!!!" with equally high-pitched voices and threw a handful of leaflets in the air. After that they started circulating the crowd that had formed in front of them handing out the yellow papers with huge white smiles plastered on their faces. Tanya slid the sunglasses down her nose, eyed the jubilant group of girls and snorted rolling her eyes. Having been trained in gymnastics for years, cheerleading was no more than a joke to her, an excuse for good-looking girls to dance, fool around and show off, performing cheap stunts and scream nonsense to give lip service to equally brainless jocks. Lip service?... That is one thing she really excelled at. Tanya's wondrous lips formed an impish grin and she reached out for a bright yellow piece of paper that had conveniently flown next to her left foot. GREEN VIPERS CHEERLEADING TRYOUTS April 18th She had almost a month to get ready and dust her old gymnastic skills – and some recently acquired ones. Oh, she would have some fun at last! The gym was packed with scantily dressed girls stretching and chatting nervously. Tanya was sitting alone on the hardwood floor, legs open as far as she could, hands touching her toes. She was trying to block the noise out of her head and just concentrate. Over the past month she had brought her body back in form, trained systematically alone and in the team practices arranged by the cheerleading squad, and learned the simple – but quite demanding – tryout routine. It had admittedly been a lot harder than she initially thought, but she had done it and now she felt ready. A group of five cheerleaders entered the room and headed towards a long rectangle table that was set almost in the middle of the gym. Tanya saw their faces from a distance and recognised them as the five cheerleaders she'd seen almost a month ago in the courtyard. They barely spared a few glances over at the contestants and simply walked right past them and settled themselves at the table, arranging papers and talking silently with each other. After a few minutes the short blonde – who was positioned in the middle of the table – stood up and called the beginning of the competition. Tanya stood up and walked confidently in front of the table along with the rest of the girls she'd been teamed up with. She wore tight black shorts, black trainers and a crop white top that barely hid her black ports bra. Her long black hair was pulled up in a bouncy ponytail. The rest of her team (another thirteen girls) were people of all shapes and sizes. Some of them Tanya had already met at practice, some where completely unknown to her. A loud "BEEP" echoed through the whole room and Tanya closed her eyes. A second "BEEP" and she visualised the routine once again in her head. A third "BEEP" and the music started playing, Tanya's limbs moving and executing dance moves and jumps of their own accord. She tried to focus mainly on her posture and her expression. Strong, confident movements and a bright smile fixed on her huge lips, eyes focusing on the five girls in front of her. The official cheer training has kicked off as soon as all the new members of the squad were picked and introduced to the rest of the cheerleading team. Tanya was one of them even though, after completing the tryouts, she was not as sure about herself and her success as she'd been before. The whole thing has proved to be much more difficult than she'd initially anticipated. The training she could handle easily, but the social skills required were not her cup of tea... But she was getting around to it eventually. The whole squad consisted of sixteen girls, some of them Tanya liked, some she did not, but they were all her "sisters" now so she genuinely tried to get along with as many as possible. Jessica (usually called Jess, or Jay) was the captain of the squad, the basic coach and part of the choreographing team. She was the short (really short, around 5'2") blonde with the shrill voice Tanya had seen at that very first day at college and the head judge at the tryouts. She was what Tanya would always expect from a leader of a cheer squad, full of fake smiles and sweet demeanour, but always strict and critical. The rest of the five were Pam, Brittany, Megan, and Amy. Pam (Pee) and Brittany (Britt, or simply Bee) were Jessica's BFFs – and yes, they still called themselves that after High School – and they were being adorably called "PBandJ"... Pam was blond as well, even though her hair was unmistakably bleached and not natural as she often insisted. She was of medium height and stout, with a protruding round tummy that she was always trying to conceal. Brittany, on the other hand, was of the same height as Pam but quite skinny, even though muscular. Her hair was of a dark mahogany colour. Mandy was the other brunette, her hair a deep sepia colour that matched her chocolate skin perfectly. The fifth and most notable of the five was the redhead. Her name was Amy. Her skin was the palest skin Tanya had ever seen and was speckled with light freckles. Her hair was a bright orangey red that flowed down her shoulders like molten lava. She was hands down the most respectable of the five, not only to Tanya, but to all of them. Even Jess, who was usually bossy, mellowed down when she spoke to Amy. From what Tanya could see thus far, Amy was someone that had actually earned and not forced the respect she was receiving – unlike the other four that were either bullying, or begging for it. After three months of training two times a week, Tanya had managed to bond considerably with some of the girls, so much as to be able to say that they had become her friends, not only during practice, but outside the gym as well. Beth was the smartest even though she rarely spoke much when surrounded by many people. Her chestnut hair had some forest green highlights that matched the team's uniform. Her only con was that she was Pam's sister, but they didn't seem to get along so Tanya turned a blind eye on that. Alisha was her second favourite person, dark skinned, full-figured and pink-haired, she was a cheerleading nightmare, but she had managed with skill, passion and attitude to claim a place among the skinny and the proper. Alisha's best friend was Jane, a typical tomboy. Her body was of the same build as Tanya's, tall, lean and flat allover. Her short light brown hair was always tucked behind her ears when practicing and spiked at all other occasions. They were sarcastically calling themselves "ABandJ" but, as Beth had noted, now that Tanya was in the group that term was no longer tenable. It was October and in a few hours the first official practice of the season was about to begin. Jessica would announce the role of each girl in the team and introduce them with the first choreography of the year. Tanya had already showered, put her hair up on a messy bun and now she was getting dressed while waiting for Alisha and Jane to pick her up. The weather was turning a bit chilly so she chose to wear a tight pair of ash grey leggings, a black sports bra and a slightly loose green tank top. On top of that she wore a baggy and warm burgundy hoodie. She heard the horn, the girls were there. She quickly slipped in her old white trainers and stepped out of the door. When she entered the car she saw Alisha in the driver's seat, her ever-smiling face welcoming her and Jane giving her a warm greeting nod. "Damn girl! You. Are. Fast! Way to ruin our reputation for always being late.", said an amused Alisha with her loud voice and she burst into laughter while starting the car. "Not everyone is as vain as you are Alisha...", Jane replied with a glint of irony in her eyes. "Well, girls, I'm sorry to disappoint both of you. You see I just like being punctual, but I assure you that my vanity is intact.", said Tanya winking at Alisha. "Talking about vanity, PBandJ are going to give us our uniforms today.", Jane informed the other two. "At long last sister! I want me a niiiiice uniform to cover that precious body.", exclaimed Alisha, her hands leaving the wheel for a split second to squeeze her enormous breasts over her purple sweatshirt. Tanya saw Jane roll her eyes but a small chuckle escaped her lips which had them all in fits of laughter instantly. As they entered the gym, ten minutes before the arranged time, they saw that almost all of the girls where there, with the exception of PBandJ who always wanted to get in last for some stupid reason of their own and Megan who was mimicking them in a desperate attempt to become one of them. Tanya also saw two new faces, and they were male. One was tall, excessively muscular, with brown hair and a well-natured – if only a bit simple – face. The other was slightly shorter and definitely less muscular, with light brown hair and a pair of rectangular glasses. They were both speaking with Paige, the most feminine girl Tanya has ever seen in her life. She was of medium height and her body had that extreme hourglass shape that can drive people of both sexes mad. Her face was kind and framed by dark brown locks which she was currently putting up in a low ponytail. Tanya heard the squeaking sound of sneakers on hardwood and she turned her head. Jess with Britt, Pam, and Megan entered the gym wearing their uniforms. "Welcome sisters to the first official practice of the season!", yelled Jessica with a forced smile and all four of them broke into applause. "I would also like to welcome our new brothers, Ronnie and James, who are here to help us with our most demanding stunts", she continued. Both boys turned to the whole room and gave an awkward smile to everyone around. After the introductions were made Jess told the girls to start the warm up. They all started doing laps around the gym for a couple of minutes and then gathered on a corner to begin with the stretching. Amy was the one showing the exercises and making sure everyone was doing them correctly. Jessica stood behind her and when the cycle of exercises was over she cleared her throat and spoke out loud. "As you all must know by now, there are three main positions in cheerleading, a flyer, a base, and a spotter. The first, such as myself, is the one performing the jumps, the one on top, the one that flies. The second is the person that lifts, supports and tosses the flier. And, last but not least, the third is the one that stands behind but is always alert and ensures the safety of the flier and the success of each stunt. No-one is more important than the other and they all are a vital part of the team, and I cannot stress that enough!", she said with a somewhat overzealous emphasis. "That being said, let's move on. So! Fliers: me, Amy, Trixie, and Paige. Congratulations! Bases: Bee, Pee, Megan, Clair, Alisha, Cleo, Beth, and Tanya. Congratulations! Spotters: Keiko, Gigi, Jane, and Tory. Congratulations! Do any of you object to the positions given to them?", Jessica asked raising a perfectly plucked eyebrow. Paige confidently raised her hand, and after a nod from Jessica, she stood up and said, calm and collected: "I'm very happy that you think I can be a flyer but there is a slight problem, I'm afraid of heights. Besides that I am positive that someone else here is of much higher skill than me and also has a far greater experience as well, and that is Tanya." Tanya looked at her surprised by the unexpected vote of trust but she said nothing waiting for Jessica's response. "Tanya? B-But she is way too tall to be a flyer! And, no offence Tanya, she does not quite have the looks, or the attitude for it...", at that point some gasps were heard and Jessica stopped talking as she realised the PR mistake she had just made. "I agree with Paige.", Amy turned her head from where she was sitting on the floor and looked Jessica in the eye. "Her balance is very good, she might be even better than ours and she might not have your attitude but she sure as hell has some of her own! As for the looks I'm not even going to dignify that comment with an answer.", and she nonchalantly turned her head again and looked straight at Tanya who was beginning to blush. "I see.", Jessica mumbled. "Let's have a vote then. Who here believes that Tanya should be our new flyer?" Amy along with Alisha, Beth, Jane and Paige were the first to raise their hands. Keiko, Georgia and Tory were next and, after a meaningful look from Paige, James and Ronnie also raised their hands. "We have a majority then. Congratulations Tanya, you are now a flyer.", Jessica said, not even trying to fake some enthusiasm. "Let's go on with the practice, we have much to do." "You know the Midnight Madness is in two weeks, right?", asked Beth with wide-open eyes. "I see what you are trying to say but I don't think we would be able to pull this off. And, even if we did, it's a big safety risk!" "Well, you know me girl, I'm always with you! But this...", Alisha was more sceptical than Tanya had ever seen her. So she turned to Jane. "Don't look at me, Tanya. I don't like this. Surely, a chance to ridicule PBandJ and some others from our "sisterhood" is an added bonus... But I still don't like it.", Jane stated matter-of-factly. Tanya looked behind Alisha's shoulder, through the window of her apartment. The girls had come for a visit and she mentioned some thoughts she had about the choreography of their first official event, Midnight Madness, and some things they could do to improve it – without the approval of their captain of course. The whole university would be there – well, ok, that was an exaggeration, but many people would attend. "I think you haven't yet understood what it is I am proposing here, so let me explain further.", Tanya said and she stood up from her couch, where Beth and Jane were still sitting. "I would never ask of you anything that could possibly jeopardise the safety of anyone, not even Jessica's! What I'm saying is that, with our skill, we could easily prepare something slightly different. If you'll agree, we can inform some of the others as well. I don't think that Paige, or Tory, or even Amy wouldn't jump at the opportunity to put the captain to shame...", she continued, letting her gaze fall on every girl. The girls looked at her and then each other trying to figure out what it was they wanted to do. For Beth it was twice as hard since her sister was involved, she would be one of their prank's "victims", but she always thought that she needed a lesson and stop being Jessica's and Brittany's little poodle. Maybe it was time for some tough love... "Ok.", Beth said with conviction. "Tell us what your sneaky plan is, what is that grand scheme that will deflate our beloved captain's ego." Tanya's eyes glinted at Beth's last phrase and her beautiful lips opened slowly to reveal a sincere – if a little devilish – toothy grin. Beth's left eyebrow lifted in a wordless question while Alisha and Jane looked at each other, Alisha shrugging in ignorance and focusing once again on Tanya. " "Deflate"... Well, that is but part of my plan... But, before I go to that, I must show you something.", Tanya said and flexed her finger in the direction of Alisha, motioning her to come close. Alisha stood up from the leather armchair her voluminous backside was occupying for the last hour and walked towards Tanya with a quizzical look on her face. She stopped about a dozen inches away from Tanya not sure what her friend had in mind and it was she wanted from her. Tanya moved closer and with a soft movement of her right index finger, she swept some strands of Alisha's long, wavy, pink hair behind her ear and Alisha froze. As did the two girls who were gawking at the scene open-mouthed. "Don't worry Alisha, it might feel a bit strange, but I promise you it won't hurt and the moment you'll want me to stop, I will!", Tanya said truthfully and reassuringly staring Alisha straight in the eyes. She chose Alisha as her aide because she knew she was the most open-minded of the three and also less likely to get shocked. At least she hoped... "I just really need to show you guys something!", she continued, her voice almost pleading. Tanya moved even closer, parting her mighty lips vaguely. Alisha closed her eyes. Closer... Beth and Jane leaned forward in their seats in anticipation. Closer... And their lips touched. Lightly at first. Tanya felt Alisha's trembling limbs going up to touch her arms ever so lightly and she smiled in the kiss. She opened her lips further and with a flick of her tongue she teased Alisha's incredibly plump upper lip, and Alisha moaned faintly. Tanya wanted her to feel safe and completely relaxed, she was her friend, the last thing she wanted was for Alisha to feel uncomfortable so she let her lead now, leaving the intensity and pace totally up to her. And when she was absolutely certain that Alisha was as relaxed as she could be under the circumstances, she cupped her face with both her hands and she started blowing inside her mouth... At first Alisha did not realise what was happening, just a weird sensation on the inside of her mouth, the only sign of her mild discomfort was the furrowing of her eyebrows. Beth and Jane, ever speechless, where watching in awe as they witnessed their friend being.... blown up?... by their other friend. Alisha's cheeks were now profusely puffed up and she was beginning to realise what was going on when the tingling sensation travelled down her throat, to her shoulders, to her breasts and was rapidly moving towards her belly. She opened her eyes and looked straight in Tanya's, still relaxed, but a bit worried nonetheless. Tanya patted Alisha's cheeks playfully and her eyes creased on the edges as she smiled inside the kiss once more, trying not to lose contact with her friend's lips. She felt Alisha nod slightly and her own cheeks puffed up as she blew one more time in her trusting friend. Alisha's already big and round bottom started swelling significantly, and so did her thighs, calves and even her feet and her toes, trying to escape their cloth and leather confinements. Alisha felt her clothes rub unpleasantly against her bloated figure and a warning "Mmmmm!", escaped her throat and entered Tanya's mouth. Tanya felt the vibrations on her tongue and that was all she needed to stop. She backed away slowly, gently leaving Alisha's lips but still holding her face inside her hands. "Are you ok?", she asked with concern. "I'll be damned girl! What was that?", Alisha practically shouted. Tanya's hands fell lifeless on her sides, and her eyes focused on the patterns of a wooden board on her floor. What was she thinking? That they would welcome it? She should never have decided to share this "gift" of hers with others! How could they possibly understand? "And why on earth haven't we done that sooner?!?!?", Alisha's voice reverberated around the room and there was a split second of total silence – that felt like a lifetime for Tanya, Beth, and Jane, as they were all trying to understand what was going on – until her booming laughter covered everything. Jane and Beth were the first to snap out of their shock and join in the laughing spree. Tanya needed a bit longer to realise that everything was fine, but when she felt Alisha's arms pulling her in one of her signature crushing hugs she just sighed with relief and didn't fret anymore. "Look at me! I'm bouncing!", Alisha yelled while jumping up and down excited, taking Tanya with her. Alisha looked so excited that made Tanya's heart race with joy. It was the first time she'd used her powerful lips on someone she actually liked – and it felt great! Alisha was already full-figured but what she has become now was quite a sight. Her whole face, especially her cheeks and naturally full lips, were fairly swollen. She had gained just a few inches in height but several in circumference. Each of her prominent features was now almost double in size. Her breasts were upstanding and squeezing each other deliciously, her nipples swollen, mounding over her bra and through her thick blouse. Her belly, rounder than ever, looked like a soft giant chocolate marshmallow, peaking under the hem of her straining blouse and over her even tighter yoga pants. Her bum was like two juicy watermelons merged together right above her bloated thighs that stretched the fabric of her pants quite visibly. Even her arms were like two loafs from a high-end bakery and her fingers rows of succulent cocktail sausages. Tanya was feeling happy she had such an amazing friend – inside and out; she was feeling happy for all of them. She had come clean with them and she felt oddly liberated. So all Tanya could do now was look at Alisha, Beth, and Jane and laugh her heart out. It took them a long time to recover, but they finally did and Beth was the first to speak. "Now, seriously, what was that? You didd't expect us, I suppose, to just sit around and not ask." "No, of course not.", said Tanya pensively. "It all started in last year's April......", and she started recounting everything that had happened over a year ago. She even showed them the "props" that were Brianna and Justin, still jiggling, still emitting muffled sounds. It took her about an hour, questions and all, and when they all stopped talking she looked at all her new friends again and, having regained all her previous confidence, she asked: "Well, do you want to hear my plan now?"
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation
This was it, Courtney Hewlett thought to herself as she straightened out her red, button-up suit in the backstage prep room. This is your chance to make it big. Now, true, this wasn't the anchor chair, her ultimate goal. And true, this was a hokey special interest piece no one gave two shits about. But for an unpaid intern fresh out of college, any amount of screen time would be a break for her. And she intended, no matter how silly the story was, to give a good first impression to her audience. She brushed her long, golden blond hair behind her ears, and applied a rosy red lipstick to her full, plump lips. A bit of blush to her cheeks and mascara around her deep blue eyes and Voila! Perfect eye candy for the news cameras. She marveled at herself in the mirror, thrusting out a bit her supple, well-developed chest. The contours of her bosom were clearly visible through her suit. Courtney smirked. The cameras had always been pointing at her, alright. Just not always at her face. A stage hand walked up to Courtney and tapped her on the shoulder. "You're on in 5 minutes, Ms. Hewlett." "Good," Courtney replied, standing up from her seat. She straightened out her short red skirt as well as her black leather belt, which was buckled around her trim waist. "For the record," she asked as she finished preening herself. What's this piece about again?" The stage hand frowned, "I thought you've gone over this. It's some local herbal medicine maker who claims to have made a... 'Female enhancement' powder, whatever the hell that is." Courtney scoffed. "Sounds like a roadshow hack to me. Are we THAT desperate for news stories?" The stage hand shrugged. "You're on in three, now. Go take your place on stage." Courtney rolled her eyes as she left the prep room and entered the news room, where the anchors had finished talking about the days major news. At a table to the side was the interview table, where her interviewee sat. He didn't look like one of those new age hippies; he looked young, out of college like herself, with a pair of blue jeans and a nice Polo T. On the table itself sat a large mug of water and what looked like a tin of Folgers with the label peeled off. Courtney took a seat across from the man. "Adrian Dole," the man said, offering Courtney a handshake. She returned it weakly. "I've never seen you on the news before." Courtney chuckled. "Well, after tonight, you'll be seeing much more of me, I can tell you that. Courtney Hewlett." Her eyes drifted towards the tin. "Is that..." The man nodded. Courtney was unconvinced. "How do you-" "30 Seconds!" the stage hand shouted. "Everyone quiet on set." Courtney sighed. It seemed she'd have to wait until the interview started for her questions to be answered. She put on a saccharine sweet smile as she waited to go live. "4...3...2...1...Rolling." The cameraman said, the ON AIR sign lighting up in the studio. "Hi," She said into the camera with an artificially sweet voice. "I'm Courtney Hewlett, KBOM's newest interview journalist, and I'm here with Adrian Dole, whose invented... what, exactly?" The camera turned on Adrian, who was beginning to sweat a bit under the pressure. He yanked at his collar. "uhhh, It's herbal... female enhancement." "'Herbal Female Enhancement,'" Courtney repeated in a slightly condescending tone. "What does it DO exactly?" Adrian was really sweating bullets now, brushing his greasy brown hair nervously. Courtney rolled her eyes. Who had cleared this man to be interviewed? "It... enhances females. Their bodies, I mean." Courtney cocked an eyebrow, brushing strands of golden hair off of her face. "What do you mean?" Adrian stuttered nervously, his eyes darting around the room. "It.. it increases their figure," he said. To illustrate, he held his hands in front of his chest as if he was grasping large breasts. Several of crewmen snickered. Courtney just grit her teeth. This punk was making an ass of her on her debut! This was unacceptable. "I...see..." she said, trying to maintain her composure. "So, is it one of those 'results after 4 months' deals?" "Actually, no," he said, pulling the lid off the canister. Inside was a fine white powder with a scoop in it. "Add a teaspoon to any drink and you'll increase your figure within moments." She stood up from the table, turning towards the camera with a sickly wide smile on her face. She was determined to not let this charlatan get the best of her. "Well, you heard it here folks. Mr. Cole says her can increase my figure." She ran her hands down her trim curvaceous body. "Isn't that right, Mr. Dole?" Adrian nodded his head in agreement. "But only a teaspoon, nothing more-" But Courtney was already pouring the container into her mug. "Come on, a little teaspoon of this? I'm putting you to the test." Despite Adrian's halfhearted protests, Courtney practically emptied the container into her mug. She lifted it off the table and brought it up to her face. "Let's see if this stuff holds up to observation." "Please," Adrian protested. "You don't know how potent that is-" But Courtney was already drinking the chalky concoction. It tasted like dirt, but she downed it, all of it, to put this hack in his place. She felt it wash down into her stomach, which gurgled loudly. She smirked self-confidently as she watched Adrian's face contort in anguish. "Well, folks," she said almost giggling. She ran her hands across her skirt again, drawing attention to her shapely thighs. "See any changes?" She knew it wasn't much, but if she could utterly destroy this hack, she'd- "Ugggh," she suddenly groaned, her hands flying to her stomach out of reflex. He belly had really started rumbling, gurgling around like a stormy sea. Adrian slowly began to retreat from Courtney, a look of terror on his face. The stagehands just looked on, puzzled. The bubbling sensation rose upward, causing her jitter slightly. The sensation was completely bizarre, like being filled with a fizzy soda. She was transfixed by it, tracing its movements with her hands until it entered her breasts, which began to... Courtney's eyes widened. "No way..." she muttered to herself, her eyes transfixed on her cleavage. But it was true. Her breasts, already well-sized, were pushing outward, pulling against her red dress. It pulled her dress firmly around it, her nipples showing through. Courtney blushed thoroughly, then looked back up at the camera and Adrian. "Well, ummm, I guess it works.... what were you saying about only a tea-" Courtney was once again interrupted mid thought by the bubbling feeling, now moving lower into her thighs. She could feel her ass cheeks begin to bubble up and expand, pulling her panties in tightly and lifting up her skirt. She placed a hand on her now round hip, feeling it curve into her still trim leg. Hell yeah!, she thought. This body was awesome! But... "Adrian," she said, feeling her still expanding breasts, which had already forced the top button to spring loose. "When does it stop?" Adrian looked on quivering. "With... the amount you took... It... It doesn't." "What?" she said, starting to become fearful. Her belly gurgled again. This time, the fizzy sensation didn't go anywhere; it just started spreading outwards. Her belly pushed againt her dress and waist band of her skirt, which was already being tugged by her expanding buttocks. Her hand feeling her ass cheek drifted up to tentatively feel her growing belly. She began whimpering as she felt her once trim stomach bloat out, pulling up her dress to reveal her strained skin and belly button. The sides of her torso expanded outwards as well. And still her breasts grew; another button popping off; the dress pulled skin tight against her bosom. Now she really began to panic. "Adrian..." she said, clutching her enlarged breasts. "What's happening?" Adrian could only stare on in horror, still slowly backing away from the bloating newslady. Courtney suddenly realized that a boom camera had swung behind her, taking HD footage of ever expanding ass; her cheeks having pulled the skirt all the way up, revealing her stretched panties. Courtney blushed even harder. She turned to the camera director, who simply shrugged. "You said you wanted to be big; sure as hell, you're getting your wish. We're not gonna miss a second of this; this is viral material, baby!" Courtney was shocked by how she simply was being used, but she had no time to ruminate on that. Her legs, which had still remained thin despite the expansion of her butt and thighs, joined in on the act, expanding outwards. She tried to reach down with her arms, but found her torso too bloated to reach her legs. Several more buttons popped off her dress, completely revealing her breasts and belly to crew and camera. Her breasts were now larger than her head, and were working hard to pop the last few buttons at the top. Tears streamed down Courtney's cheek as she felt the leather belt be pulled tighter and tighter into her, until it simply snapped, flying off of her. "Adrian!" she cried, feeling the bubbling now entering her forearms. Lifting up her now thick legs, she stumbled clumsily over towards Adrian, tears stinging her eyes. Her innards gurgled with every step she took. "Please! Please help me!" "I... Can't.... I'm sorry... I'm really sorry!" He said, moving out of her reach. The force she was exerting in he awkward gait caused her skirt to finally give, tearing at the waist band. He panties had been pulled tightly into her crotch by her massive thighs, now more resembling a thong. A couple more buttons snapped off until her dress just burst open, allowing her breasts to rest on her enormous belly. They were held in place by her bra, but she just knew that would give any second now. She tried to feel them with her hands, but her arms had filled to the point that they were forced to her sides. And the cameras were still rolling. Tears continued to sting her eyes; she wanted to be a big star, but not like this. Even her cheeks were puffing up now. It was like every last bit of her was filling up. When would it stop? With snap, the bra came undone, falling to the floor. Her dress tore apart in the back, leaving her sleeves. By now, Courtney just took it. So what if she was now half naked and fat? At least she'd be famous for it. It was a weak excuse, but she looked for any reason not to completely despair as her body underwent this metamorphosis. "So," The camera director said to Adrian, who was standing next to him shivering. "How long does she got?" Adrian glanced at Courtney, who's thighs and forearms had begun to be absorbed into her torso. Her panties snapped off under the tremendous pressure, making the sound of a cracking whip. "Oh... not long.. I'm afraid... I didn't mean this to happen, I-" "Relax," the camera director motioned to him to calm down. "No ones blaming you. We didn't like the bitch anyways." " I see.." Adrian said, looking concerned. He looked back at Courtney, whose face was now puffed up. Her arms and legs were being absorbed into the mass of her torso, which continued expanding outwards. "Help me," she squealed through her bloated cheeks. "Help me." " I wish I could help," Adrian said. "But there's nothing I can do. You took too much powder; its now a chain reaction, which will continue until you burst. Again... I'm sorry.." Courtney wailed in sorrow as her body continued boating, her breasts now the size of what her torso once was. The rest of her was just a big ball, with appendages sticking out. She flailed her hands and tried to wobble around, but there wasn't much she could do. There was a look of utter fear on her bloated face. She could barely speak now, but the look told she knew it was the end. A new creaking, gurgling sound was heard. Courtney could feel it, bubbling, everywhere! She screamed out in pain as this massive surge hit her. "Cover! She's gonna blow!" someone shouted. Everyone ducked or hid behind something besides the cameraman, who gleefully recorded Courtney's last moments. A pathetic whimper issued from her lips, followed by an explosion, splattering the room with a pink and white frothy liquid. This had been Courtney Hewlett' first and last appearance, but boy had it been spectacular. "Alright!" the camera man shouted cheerfully. "Thats a wrap guys! Great work. This'll how everyone how big a star Courtney Hewlett was!"
cheerleader, kiss, magic
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Jeremy was about the last person who would be welcomed into the girls' locker room, and his reception was predictably negative. The five pretty cheerleaders, a few of whom were not entirely dressed, immediately scampered for cover or otherwise began yelling unfriendly welcomes. "Just what the HELL are you doing in here?" asked the olive-skinned, long- and dark-haired Shawn, who, true to form, was the first to speak. Had she known what Jeremy had found in the library archives during his internship, maybe she would have been a little less lippy just this once. But that's just idle speculation. Besides, who would have guessed that a book of spells could be found in a school library--much less one whose spells actually worked? Jeremy calmly adjusted his glasses while the other leggy, nubile teenage girls gathered their clothes or spat obscenities. He stood enjoying the scene for a moment, drinking in the sight of Wendy, the well-rounded blonde in her underwear; or Meredith, standing arms akimbo in her form-fitting cheerleader sweater and her long supple legs gracefully standing beneath her short skirt. The curly-brown-haired Raynelle was half-and-half, with her skirt on, but only her bra protected her breasts from the elements. And finally there was the adorable, petite, cuddly figure and light-brown hair of Sarah, who clutched a towel in front of her... but who otherwise was butt naked. "I am SO telling the coach, you little pervert!" said Shawn, in the bossy tone that Jeremy had come to despise. "You'll do no such thing," Jeremy said, with uncharacteristic confidence. "Shawn, I've always liked you the least, so I'm not in the least bit sorry about this." He pointed at Shawn and snapped his fingers. He didn't need to snap his fingers to make the spell work, of course. It was purely for dramatic affect, and it did its intended purpose: To draw everyone's attention to Shawn. Not that Shawn wouldn't otherwise have attracted attention. Because in a few seconds, she had become a balloon. It began with her belly, suddenly swelling up under her tight sweater, forcing stitches to tear apart, and the cloth soon rode up, exposing her bulging flesh. The other cheerleaders, too stunned to speak or move, stood slack-jawed as they watched their friend inflate. Shawn's breasts were next, swelling like balloons to twice their size and beyond. Her ass quickly followed, expanding rapidly until her skirt , no longer able to contain it, tore apart. "Oh my God! What's going on?" Shawn was finally able to blurt out, only now absorbing the situation. "Are you doing that to her?" Meredith demanded. "Of course," said Jeremy simply. "But she brought it on herself when she wouldn't go out with me." "Why would I date a creep like you--Ahhhh!" Shawn was never one to hold her tongue; but this time, she regretted it. Jeremy had just looked at her, and her rate of inflation doubled. Her arms and legs puffed up, her torso widened into a globe-like shape. Her cheerleader outfit and underwear had totally surrendered to her expansion, and she stood now as a human balloon, swelling into a larger, more spherical shape. "Stop it!" Meredith demanded again. But Shawn continued to get larger, her arms and legs disappearing into her globular form. And still she got bigger, filling up the locker room like an inflating weather balloon. "I'm telling the coach!" Meredith threatened, and stepped forward to notify the adult lesbian teacher. "Wrong," said Jeremy, and in rapid succession, he snapped his fingers at each of the remaining cheerleaders. Again, it was just for dramatic effect, but the results were worth it. The four other cheerleaders suddenly blimped up, as if putting on 400 pounds in a few seconds. Their bodies bloated up everywhere, filling them up so big that they could no longer move except to wobble like balloons caught in a breeze. Unlike the mouthy Shawn, however, their inflation stopped, having blown them up just big enough to keep them immobile. All the while, Shawn continued to swell bigger and bigger and bigger. Soon she dwarfed Jeremy, who stood close to the round, inflating cheerleader and watched with fascination. There was less and less available space in the locker room, and Shawn got awfully snug between the rows of lockers. "Please stop! You've made your point!" "I haven't made it quite yet," said Jeremy. "You're just a balloon now, aren't you, Shawn? Say it: say you're a balloon." The strain of her expansion made her a little breathless, as did her nervousness. She was a little slow to respond, so Jeremy raised his hand as if to snap his fingers again. "No, don't!" she screamed. "I--I'm a balloon! I'm a balloon!" "Jeremy, cut it out!" Meredith protested. He ignored her, instead saying to Shawn, "Say you want to be the biggest balloon in the world." "I w-want to be the b-b-biggest balloon in the world...?" "Louder!" "I--I want to be the biggest balloon in the w-w-world." "Louder!!" "I WANT TO BE THE BIGGEST BALLOON IN THE WORLD!" Jeremy smiled. "And so you shall be." "Stop making her bigger!" Sarah pleaded, her taut, naked, puffed-up flesh wet and shiny. "Hey, you heard what she just said," said Jeremy. "But don't worry: I don't think she'll GET much bigger!" The sound of Shawn's moaning was now accompanied by the groans of the lockers as her planet-shaped body squeezed against them. Her skin, stretching thinner and thinner, began to emit a high-pitched squeak. "Oh, please stop! I think I'm gonna burst! I'm really gonna burst!" Jeremy smiled and covered his ears. The other cheerleaders, too bloated to move their arms, could only watch Shawn get bigger and bigger and bigger... POP!!!! The loud bang echoed in the room, as scattered remnants of Shawn decorated the interior. "Shawn!" Raynelle called out. "She--she really popped! You blew her up till she burst!" "Thanks for the news summary," he replied. "You slimy bastard!" Meredith spat. "You'll take those words back later," Jeremy assured her. "But first...!" He made his way over to the plump, naked Sarah; beside her was Wendy, whose bra and panties were stretched to the max but still clinging desperately to her ectomorphic form. Jeremy felt up Sarah's bloated belly, hearing the squeak as he ran his hand over it, testing her resistance. Then he did the same to Wendy, poking her to gauge how much stretch she had left in her. "What are you going to do with us?" Wendy asked nervously. "I thought we'd have a little race," Jeremy told her. "Whoever pops first wins! Or is it, 'whoever pops first LOSES'? Aw, hell, just blow yourselves up till you burst." He waved them to start, passing on the whole snapping-fingers thing. While Meredith and Raynelle shouted at him to stop, Sarah and Wendy began a bizarre race. They both inflated like competing balloons, each seeming to want to be bigger than the other. They inflated and inflated, Wendy's underwear finally snapping off her expanding form as she tried to keep up with Sarah. They grew bigger and bigger, colliding into each other, putting Jeremy in the mind of massive, overgrown cleavage. And still they grew and grew and grew, the locker room becoming more and more confining, their bodies packed closer and closer together, getting tighter, tighter, TIGHTER! "Hurry up, Sarah!" Jeremy said. "Wendy's getting bigger than you! But you can get bigger! Go, Sarah! Get bigger! Bigger! Bigger!!" "Mmmmmhhh!!" Sarah said, expanding and expanding until her body made a loud, rubbery squeak and... POP!! She burst. "Whoops," said Jeremy. "I guess Sarah wins. Or loses." "Ohhhhhhhh--!!" said Wendy, still getting larger and larger and larger and... BOOOOM!! Jeremy looked at the wide, vacant space that only seconds ago was filled with cheerleader balloons. "Well," he reflected, "they're BOTH winners in my book!" He stepped over to Raynelle, who tried to escape but succeeded only in wobbling a bit, like a toy balloon on a string. "Please," she begged him. "I don't wanna pop, too!" Jeremy ran his hands over her and said soothingly, "You, Raynelle--you're okay. You've always been really nice to me and treated me with some modicum of respect." She asked, "Does that mean you won't pop me?" He shrugged. "No, I'm just saying that for the record. Now be a good girl, and inflate yourself till you explode." He took a few steps back to give her room. "Noooo!" Raynelle surged bigger, inflating at such a rate that her cheerleader skirt and her bra quickly snapped off and sailed across the locker room. Her growth was much faster than anyone's, growing to twice her size in just instants, and still getting bigger, bigger, bigger. In just seconds, she filled up the room between the lockers but still kept expanding and expanding until Jeremy heard that familiar squeak-- POP!! And with a sinister grin, he turned to Meredith, whose cheerleader top looked painted on her chubby form. "And I've saved the best for last. No one's made fun of me more than you, Meredith. You never passed up a chance to tell me what a loser I was." "You ARE a loser." "And you, my dear, are a balloon." He rubbed his hand over her body. "God, this outfit still looks good on you. I don't want to tear it too fast. Just get a little bit bigger." Meredith felt herself grow a little wider, a little rounder. Stitches slowly began to tear, and small rips appeared in the fabric, exposing her elastic flesh. "And a little bigger." Meredith grew some more. The holes in her outfit tore some more, the ripping sound becoming a little louder. "A little bigger." She puffed up more, slowly but steadily. The stitching was tearing everywhere now, the lettering on her sweater beginning to peel apart as her skin bulged out of the holes in her uniform. "Bigger... a little bigger... that's it... bigger..." Meredith's body grew more and more circular, the pressure welling up inside her at an exponential rate. Her skirt tore apart and fell to the floor, unable to contain her expanding waistline. The sweater was torn nearly to shreds. "I'm going to take this nice and slow," he told her. "Just little by little, until that one little puff too many overinflates you, and ... bang!" Suddenly, Meredith tossed back her head, closing her eyes and moaning. "Ohhh, yes!" she suddenly shouted orgasmically, a smile spreading across her face. Jeremy lifted an eyebrow. Now THIS was an interesting development. "God, Jeremy," she said, "I hate to admit it, but this feels so good! And I never knew you could be so attractive when you're dominating!" He looked at her skeptically. "If you think you're going to get away by flattering me, forget it. I'd rather see you pop than screw you." She shook her head as much as she could without her neck. "No, Jeremy, I'm serious! This feels great. I want to be bigger." Casting aside his doubts, Jeremy stepped closer, putting his arms around her spherical figure and asking softly, "And what else do you want?" "I want to be your balloon." He nodded dumbly, lost in her words. "Go on..." "I want to get bigger. Bigger than any of my friends were. I want to be the biggest balloon you've ever seen. I want to be the biggest, fullest, most inflated balloon possible! And then I want you to blow me bigger! And BIGGER! I want to be the biggest balloon in the world!!" "And then...?" he asked excitedly, losing all control. "And then I want to POP! Pop, like the overinflated balloon that I am! Pop me! Pop me! Make me BURST! Make me EXPLODE!" "Yes! God, yes!" Jeremy exclaimed. "Just one thing: Kiss me goodbye. Kiss me goodbye and then watch as I inflate till I burst!" "Of course," Jeremy said, tilting Meredith's axis so that he could reach her lips over her globular body. And he then he kissed her. Several passionate seconds later, Jeremy knew he was screwed. He first suspected it from the tingling on his lips. And as he tried to pull away, he found he could not. And then he felt it: the unmistakable feeling of his stomach pumping up and out. He was inflating. His eyes showed panic, desperately pushing on Meredith's body, but all that seemed to do was make him bigger faster. And he realized why: Meredith's body was deflating--he was absorbing her air. His growth slowed a bit when his belt began fighting his expansion, but it was a pointless struggle. It snapped apart, and he swelled further, tearing his clothes, causing his pens and pocket protector to clatter to the floor. And still he plumped up, getting bigger, fuller, rounder. Meredith had shrunk to her normal human size... but now Jeremy was one big ball. A human balloon. Meredith pulled away, and his expansion ceased. For the moment. He looked at her with a mixture of pleading and confusion. Meredith smiled back menacingly. "Betcha didn't see THAT coming, now, did you? You think you were the only one to find that book of spells? I thought it was bullshit, myself, but I guess it really works, after all. Fortunately, I remembered what it said about reversing spells." "Uh, Meredith, I wasn't really going to pop you, you know," he said lamely. "You know I've always had the hots for you. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you." "Oh, cram it, balloon-boy!" she snapped. "Even if I were dumb enough to buy that for one second, you just popped all my friends! Not only am I going to pop you--..." Her expression changed back into a malicious smirk. "--I think I might just go around and pop all YOUR friends. Not that you'll be around to see it, of course." She was about to command him to burst but stopped. "Whoops. I almost forgot." She snapped her fingers at him. And Jeremy inflated bigger and bigger. Meredith seemed to get farther and farther away as his body inflated closer to the ceiling, his body bending the locker doors, knocking over benches, filling the room with his growing roundness. Fuller and fuller he grew, until he heard a familiar squeak and Meredith waved him goodbye... POP!!
gas, medical, non-con, permanent, torture
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
As you groggily open your eyes, you realise you are strapped to a chair. Your hands are cuffed to the arms, and your legs are chained apart. Around your face is strapped a mask tightly, forcing you to breathe through it. A tube runs from the mouthpiece, down between your legs and across the floor to a machine which hums softly. "This audio recording has begun because your heart rate has increased, indicating that you are both awake and afraid," a voice echoed around the room. "You have been kidnapped due to your value in ransom money. In a few days, I will be in contact with your employer with the amount of money I shall require for your safe return." You struggle against the bonds, but it is no use. "For the time being, I need to ensure you are unable to escape. I happen to have found a way that is both highly effective, and entertaining for myself. In a few moments, the machine in the corner of the room will start mixing a compound gas into your breathing supply. There will still be plenty of oxygen, so there is no need to be afraid of suffocation. Just keep breathing normally, through your mouth or nose, and it will do the rest." The machine whirred into action, lighting up with a loud hissing sound. You fight and struggle as you begin to feel the taste of the air in the mask change. You try to hold your breath, but after a few moments you helplessly gasp. "The compound is of my own creation, and it has a very strange effect on animal tissue. I don't wish to bore you with the details, so let me explain it simply; it allows pockets of gases to form within you." As you continue to breathe the gas, you glance down at your body. While it is hard to see what is happening either side of your mask, you can feel a pressure building in your stomach. "These harmless gas pockets will cause your body to swell up. Imagine blowing air into a balloon; it is exactly the same. Your body will become rounder, and lighter, with your arms and legs just swallowed up by your new girth. Those who have gone through the procedure have explained that it isn't too painful, but often quite disconcerting. I hope that by having me explain what will shortly be happening to you, I can minimise your trauma." You realise to your horror that your torso is starting to inflate. Your chest is definitely starting to puff outwards, and your hips that did not touch either side of the chair are now feeling more snug in the seat. Your jeans and shirt are bulging as they strain to hold all of you. "Let me explain the possible futures for you. Soon, you will reach your full size; nice and round, rather like a fully inflated beach ball. You will feel the pressure of the air pockets inside you. Try to relax. Many of my inflatees orgasm at reaching this stage - I have to wonder if secretly they are enjoying losing control of their bodies. Once I remove your mask, you will very, very slowly start to deflate as the compound is purged from your system. This deflation will usually take a matter of days, but in as short as three weeks you could be back to your former self. If your employer pays for you quickly, with the full amount, this is the state you shall be returned to them in." Your legs are puffing up too, as you feel your thighs starting to touch. Your arms are swollen, still cuffed to the chair. Your shirt rips suddenly, sending buttons flying across the room. "Now, if they start trying to be clever, or try to trick me, or refuse to pay the full amount, then I do have a smart way to punish them. My experiments enabled me to perfect a second gas which reacts very nicely with the gas in the air pockets forming inside of you. Just a few minutes breathing this second gas, and when I take the mask off of your face, you won't start to deflate. Ever. You will be trapped as a big, helpless balloon for the rest of your life. This is, of course, only what happens if I am forced to punish those responsible for your ransom. I hope it won't come to that." The cuffs on the chair release suddenly, and you try to grab at the mask to rip it off. However, your arms are so swollen you can hardly bend them at the elbow, and your helpless struggles are in vain. You realise the arms of the chair are designed to bend away as you grow, allowing you to continue swelling without them digging into your sides. Just as the voice warned, your limbs are starting to vanish as your torso becomes rounder and rounder. Both legs of your jeans rip open with the force of your expanding waist as your leg shackles release. "The last question is, what happens if they refuse to pay? Well, maybe the best way to explain that is to talk about some of my experiments which have allowed me to become this master of your body. I always need new test subjects in my laboratory. Trying to perfect my permanent concoction proved very difficult. I was able to make compounds which can keep you in an inflated state for months, even years, before deflation starts. I am at all times trying to perfect these. You could find yourself being puffed up for a very long time. I don't tend to tell my subjects how long I expect them to have to wait before deflation starts. "I have been working on seeing just how big I can make my balloons. I have a couple of subjects on a programme to swell them as huge as possible. You could find yourself in their company. I've also been trying to find alternatives to gas, but these applications have been much less stable. Most of the patients of my liquid compound simply keep filling with air until they burst. I'm sure I'm getting closer to perfecting it, but I expect a few more poppings before I have it completely effective. "If you end up in my laboratory, the most likely outcome for you will be me eventually deciding to give you a dose of the locking gas. You might know when it is happening, or you might not. I might lie to you and tell you it is a different gas, or I might tell you truthfully. But one day, my pursuit of knowledge will call for someone to be trapped as a helpless pathetic balloon, and that someone will be you. Sometimes I might tell you I'm trapping you because I've working on a cure I'm going to test. I have no intention of ever working on a cure, so remember that. "My poor balloons then might get sold to the rich; others like me with an interest in the limits of the human body, or those who just want some living, breathing, art to gaze at. Most, however, I simply deliver to your appropriate embassy. No government in the world can perform my experiments ethically, so they turn a blind eye to me doing it for them. They will whisk you away to some secret military base. I can only imagine the experiments they will perform on you there, trying to work out what is inside of you. Maybe trying some barbaric, useless 'treatments' in a vain attempt to fix you." Your feet are rising off of your ground as you become almost totally spherical. You struggle helplessly, wriggling your fingers and toes in desperation, but you can only cause your body to rock slightly. The pressure inside of you is almost unbearable, and you feel as though you could burst any second as your body creaks under the strain. You whimper pathetically as you climax. "Can you imagine a world where my invention is freely available to those with the right price? No more prisons; just trap someone in their own body for the length of their sentence! Need to stop a riot? Spray the crowd with a swelling mist! And the applications in warfare are very, very exciting. Just imagine a weapon with the power to render an entire city into useless balloons, or being able to place a chip in the skin of a person of interest so you could swell them at will... I'm sure you can think of more wonderful uses yourself. "By now, the gas will have had the full effect on your body. Just think; your feet might have touched the floor together for the last time. You could be stuck like this, helpless and humiliated, for the rest of your life." The tape cut out suddenly, and you are left, the shreds of your clothes scattered around you. You find when you start rocking, you have no way of stopping until the momentum runs out. You can just move your bulging fingers and toes, but you cannot see any lower than the middle of your huge bloated body. The pressure inside you makes it hard to even think straight. You realise someone has entered the room. "The last time I spoke to your employer, they told me they don't negotiate for hostages. I hope, for your sake, they have changed their minds," they say with a smirk.
chemical, floating, helium
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Hourglass Inflation
Desiree knocked on the door. The door opened a crack, enough to show a sliver of the room and one dark green eye that swiveled around, looking up and down the hall. "Are you alone?" Came the voice from behind the door. "Yes," unsatisfied by the answer, the eye swiveled back and forth again, "Oh for heavens sake Mandy, you told me to come over, either let me in or let me go home." The door opened, showing the room, a slightly non-traditional teenage girl's room. Non-traditional in it's order and cleanliness and total lack of juvenile interests, no posters, no music. Clothes, school books, makeup, bed, all arranged as carefully as a model home. Desiree entered her friend's room, looking around again, as always, noting what a cool room it would be with a little colour and style. Mandy's room was in an odd add-on room to the larger house, and as a strange architectural anomaly, had a ceiling that ran almost a full storey above the rest of the house, making for a narrow, but very tall vaulted ceiling. Desiree went and perched herself on the bed while Mandy closed the door behind her, and locked it...twice. The slender blonde teenager looked over at her friend with more than a little curiosity, but unwilling to admit it. She was a little on the pretty side, but easy to forget. Like Desiree herself, she was slim, but with plain brown hair and strange dark green eyes. Mandy often joked that other girls had green eyes like emeralds or grass, while hers were almost the exact colour of olives. Mandy was, well, odd. It was like she was born 29 years old. They'd been friends since they were about six, and the past 12 or so years hadn't changed her opinion that her best friend was, odd. Nobody, when asked what they wanted to be when they grew up, answered, quite clearly, "An actuary." At least nobody else in Mrs. Sloane's second grade class had. Mandy didn't have ice water in her veins, she had ice. She was the most disciplined, rational serious minded person she knew. Mandy talked the guidance counselor at school to apply herself, go back to grad school and get a better job. Which was why, even though she was trying to be cool, she was dying to know what was on her best friend's mind that was making her practically vibrate. Desiree blinked, her affected disinterested lasted all of about ten seconds, "What the heck is up with you? You look so...animated. Next thing you know you might fog up a mirror under your chin." Mandy frowned, "You didn't dress as per my instructions. I specifically said spandex or Lycra" Desiree look down at her button down shirt and jeans, "Yeah, I know. What am I a Stepford Wife? I spent hours planning this ensemble, I need a better reason than I've heard so far to change it. Besides," she nodded at Mandy's totally unflattering bathrobe, "You aren't exactly glamourous yourself. Did you just get up?" she asked, grinning. "Would the power to have any man you wanted be a good reason?" She asked in an overly controlled voice. Desiree couldn't help but perk up for that. Both girls were reasonably attractive, pretty enough, fit and slim, though no features of face or figure that had them beating guys off with a stick. For all her methodical reserve, Mandy was just as interested in guys as the next girl, she just didn't show it. And Desiree was about twice as interested in guys to make up any perceived slack. "Girl, I don't know what you have on your mind, but why don't you just get it off your chest. You're sounding, and looking like you're fit to bust." Mandy smiled, "I couldn't have put it better myself," and opened her robe. Desiree blinked, stared as long as she could, then blinked again, her mouth opening and closing. Mandy was wearing some sleek workout tights and a sports bra under her robe. That was nothing new. Mandy was remarkably dedicated to keeping her figure trim and exercised very regularly. But her friend's figure, almost as familiar as her own, had changed. Mandy's sports bra strained as her big, full breasts bulged around it. Her topheavy friend let the shapeless, shape hiding robe, slide off her arms to the floor. She turned her torso at the waist, hands on her hips, back straight and chest out, way out. Desiree reached out a hand and gently prodded her friend's inflated bust. Then she inflated her own chest as if to scream. Being suddenly topheavy had no ill effect on Mandy's speed or agility. In a flash, she pounced on Desiree, pinning her to the bed, straddling her body, holing her with a hand clamped firmly over her mouth, and her overstuffed sports bra, pinning Desiree to the bed. Mandy knew Desiree had a lot of air in her and could wait a few moments clamped onto her friend while she calmed down. Twenty seconds later, Desiree was still big-eyed, but calm. Sitting atop her friend, their faces only seperated by the inches of Mandy's bust between them, Mandy looked Desiree in the eyes. "Quietly now, no screaming?" Desiree nodded, and sucked in a lungful of air when the hand was removed from her mouth. Mandy sat back on the bed while Desiree sat up, "What the hell happened to you?!" she hissed loudly. "Quiet I said." "Quiet? Why quiet, look at you-" "Quiet, or I won't be able to do it to you," Mandy spoke each word carefully. Desiree closed her mouth with a snap, and raised her eyebrows, "Oh." A few minutes later Desiree looked from the aerosol bottle to her busty friend, "Hourgas?" Mandy nodded, "You got it off the Internet?" Mandy nodded again, "I can't believe how...big you are," Desiree reached forward with her open hands to cup Mandy's new full breasts. Desiree felt her hands full of Mandy's large, soft, light and most importantly, warm breasts, "But it's really you?" "Yes, well, on the outside anyway. Naturally I haven't the mass to fill out a bust like this, I'd have to stuff myself silly." "So what, you're full of air or something?" "Pretty much," she said, leaning forward into her friend's hands with a moan, "Uhhh, Dizzy, you keep that up and I don't know what I'm likely to do." Desiree dropped her hands from her friend's bust, "Oh, sorry. You're just so...soft." Mandy giggled, "I know, we'll just have to get you stacked so you have your own to play with," She shook herself, "It's not your fault, being stretched out like this," she hefted her large breasts, "makes you a bit more sensitive," she finished with a wicked grin, picking up the aerosol bottle, she pointed it loosely at her friend. Desiree quickly and briefly considered her course of action, largely disregarded any consequences, grinned and nodded at Mandy, who promptly blasted her with the aerosol bottle. Desiree spluttered under the deluge, "Forget the spandex, next time warn me to bring a towel." Mandy laughed, "It dries very fast," she was right, other than a slight dampness in her clothes, Desiree was dry as if nothing had happened, "And you're going to need that spandex before you need the towel." Desiree looked down at her chest in the dark blue buttoned cotton shirt she was wearing, "Mandy...I feel...funny." Her bra felt strangely...full, then very full, then stuffed. With a barely audible hiss, Desiree watched the front of her shirt begin to fill up, the material drawing snug, sliding tight over her breasts as they expanded inside her shirt, "Uhhh, I feel so...big." She breathed, staring at her inflating chest. "You are big," Mandy commented as Desiree's shirt pulled tight and full over her over her enlarged, rounding breasts. Desiree gasped, holding her inflating chest as her breasts pushed forward against her shirt, the buttons beginning to pull and the shirt gaping between the buttons. "Oh I probably should have had you take off your shirt," Mandy said thoughtfully as her friend filled out. Desiree gasped at the sensations going through her as her chest got bigger and fuller and her shirt grew tighter and fuller, "'s ok, I'm just...a little week in the knees from this. Uhh, the pressure..." Her shirt creaked alarmingly as her swelling breasts heaved under her taut shirt. POP! The strained button in the centre of Desiree's very full shirt popped off, her bra visible through the burst open front of her shirt. Once the first button burst off, the others quickly followed suit: POPPOPPOPPOPPOP. As the dust settled, Desiree pulled her shirt tails out of her jeans and removed the now too-small shirt and looked down at her newly super-sized breasts filling her underarmor sports bra up so it was rounded and straining. She gently touched her inflated breasts, as if confirming that it was indeed her own breasts blown up inside her sports bra (it was). Mandy nodded at the slightly creaking lycra of Dizzy's stuffed bra, "So you didn't totally disregard my instructions." "No, but, chest, gimme a sec on this's a lot to take in at once," She hefted her large round, and surprisingly light breasts, "I mean...look at me...look at us!" Desiree giggled, "We...we're stacked!" Mandy grinned and nodded, then both girls let out a shrill squeal and embraced each other, practically dancing with joy. They stopped as their inflated breasts collided with a muted 'BUUUM' sound, their over-padded chests preventing them from embracing too closely. The added awkwardness of embracing around their well-filled sports bras only encouraged their glee. Having that out of their system, the girls settled down some, their thoughts turning to practical matters. "How big do you think we are?" Desiree asked. "I'm a 46 DD, and I gave you the same dose I took." "Holy halter top Batgirl, so what can we wear all pumped up like this?" Desiree tapped an inflated breast, causing an impressive jiggle, "I don't think either of us have anything we can fit into. We'll be, uh, busting out of everything." "That my dear, is precisely my plan," Manda said smiling, "Look at us, girls this big don't hide their chests." "But we barely even fit into our bras. We don't fit actually." "Dizzy, so what, we don't need bras, we're full of air." Desiree bounced her breasts thoughtfully, "You have something there." "We both have something." The newly busty girls spent the next hour playfully stuffing their inflated chests into Mandy's collection of tops, blouses, shirts and halters. Making each garment tight and straining, the girls managed to leave more than one garment behind them with all the buttons burst off the front, as they modeled themselves to each other. Every selection was greeted by enthusiastic if awkward applause, as both girls learned that their inflated chests changed the position of their arms as they brought their hands together to clap. Mandy was lying on her stomach on the bed, her upper body plushly cushioned by her ample breasts, while Desiree fiddled absently with the Hourgas cannister, still obviously distracted by the new development in her figure. She was so distracted that she let out a squeak when it suddenly hissed as she accidentally pressed the button. As such things happen, the aerosol spray hit Mandy directly on her trim little spandex-clad bottom. Mandy let out a little squeak of her own, trying to turn around to look at Desiree, but her inflated breasts made it a little awkward for her to look behind her, but her hands flew back to her trim backside, feeling her shiny spandex tights grow tighter as her bottom plumped up under her fingers. Mandy bounced herself off the bed to her feet to press her hands into her softly swelling bottom as her tights stretched out, growing fuller and rounder. "Ooops," Desiree muttered watching her friend twisting around to watch her bottom spread out. " 'Ooops'? Look what you did! My's getting so big!" Mandy's trim and slim bottom was indeed spreading out in her tights, the expansion of her curves making her tights stretch and creak like a spandex balloon as she got bigger and rounder. Despite her new width, her bottom was shaping up nicely, her figure become much more shapely and voluptuous. When her rear slowly ceased it's expansion, both Mandy and Desiree probed and tested the pressure of her newly inflated derrière. Still clutching her bigger bottom, Mandy walked over to the mirror hanging on the back of her bedroom door. Desiree's mouth dropped open as she watched Mandy's inflated rear sway and flex in her overfilled tights as her new curves made her walk a hypnotic sexy roll, her plump and ample bottom rocking interestingly from side to side. Mandy turned her wide, plush bottom towards the mirror, running her hands back over the large soft swell of her bottom plumping out her tights. "Gosh, I'm so...filled out," she murmured. Then she looked up at her friend who seemed to be in shock, staring at her inflated bottom, "Diz? Dizzy!" Desiree shook herself, "Huh?" "Look what you did to me, I'm so..." Mandy groped for a word as she groped the soft spandex swell of her rear. "Wide?" Mandy smacked her friend, making her drop the aerosol hourgas spray. "Ow!" Mandy bent over to get the spray can, then stopped as her over filled tights strained its seams across her puffed-up bottom. She crouched rather than bent to retrieve the can, even that action making her full, snug tights creak alarmingly around her, "What's the matter with you? You're acting like your nickname." "Sorry, you just look so..." "Wide?" "No." "Fat?" "!" Mandy stopped for a moment, scrutinizing her friend. "Really you do!" Desiree insisted, "You have those big full breasts and your slim little waist and a really killer ass-" "I feel padded," the overinflated teenager said softly, "And I look like J-Lo." "Kid, J-Lo has nothing on you! You've got a silhouette that any man or woman would kill for! How does it feel?" Mandy still twisted around to look at her protruding rear and watch her wider reflection, prodded and squeezed the tight spandex sheath her tights made across her plumped-up bottom. Her curves weren't comically large, but they were unmistakably and unnaturally fuller and inflated, there was no hiding it, especially in her tights, her bottom stood out even more in relation the normal slimness of her figure. She grinned, "Honestly? It feels too good to keep it all to myself." She took Desiree by the shoulder, turned her and gave her a spray from the cannister. "Gah!" Dizzy yelped, twisting to get away. She managed to break free of Mandy's grip and dashed a few steps out of range before she stopped and turned back to face her friend, Desiree's hands running along her tight jeans. "Mandy?" She started, looking down at herself over her inflated breasts. She walked back to the mirror, twisting herself around to look at her own trim bottom. She gasped as her jeans tightened across her body, wrinkles in the denim were pushed out smooth as her body pressed the slack out of her clothes from the inside out. Her inflating bottom filled the tight jeans tighter making them creak, the extra curves pushing her hips and rear out and back. Desiree felt her hands rise up and out where they were spread on the seat of her now-skintight jeans. Mandy smiled and laughed a little as Desiree's tummy also pressed out the front of her jeans, her friends hands pressing into the swell of her inflated pants as her tummy grew plump making her clothes bulge. Desiree widened her stance as her belly puffed up, and her hips began to expand too, straining her already stuffed jeans, "Uhh, Mandy, I'm getting so fat! I feel like I'm about to burst." Her jeans had become a tight, smooth, rigid sheath for her lower body, stuffed so full of her inflating body that she was unable to bend any part of them. She waddled awkwardly from one rigid leg to the other, "Do something, get me out of these pants before I explode!" Mandy fumbled with the waist and fly of the stuffed jeans, "You're too full, I need some slack to undo them, suck it in some." Desiree moaned, "I am sucking it in!" Mandy's hands pressed into Desiree's full, inflated belly, squishing in the soft curve to try to gain purchase enough to open the straining fly of the overstuffed jeans, "I...told wear spandex," Mandy grunted as she tugged and pulled. Desiree gasped, holding the fattening bulge of her belly, "Mandy, get back...I...I'm too big!" Mandy ducked just as the top button of Dizzy's jeans burst open with a POP, zipping just past Mandy's shoulder as she dove behind the bed, her normal athletic grace spoiled by her over exaggerated bust and bottom. Her chest took the brunt of the fall, the air pressure in her making her bounce back up for an instant. Meanwhile, Desiree felt her straining jeans give way at the fly with four more sharp POPs as she burst every button off her jeans, allowing her inflated tummy to bulge out of the open fly of her ruined jeans. "Is it safe?" Mandy asked from being the bed. "Yes. Come on get over here and help me get out of these while we still have some slack to work with." Desiree waddled stiffly over to the bed where she lay down and tried to push her burst jeans over her extra-rounded bottom and hips, "This might be easier if I could see what I was doing," came Desiree's voice from behind her inflated bust that obscured her view of her swollen lower body. Mandy knelt on the bed and walked on her knees over to her bloated friend, her strides a little laboured under her fattened bottom and big bouncy breasts, "Whew! Are you feeling the having our figures pumped up this full makes moving around a lot of work?" "Just a bit," Desiree grunted, unable to wriggle out of her jeans, "Hurry up will you, I'm still inflating." "Hang on, I feel like I'm wading through a sea of pillows." "Mandy, you and I are the pillows!" Mandy reached her friend, "Your problem is, you're fighting your own weight," her hands sinking into Desiree's fattened hips, rolled the inflated girl over onto her belly and her large chest. Desiree let out a grunt as her inflated breasts held her torso up off the bed. With her torso elevated, her legs naturally drew down to a kneeling position, allowing Mandy to grab her jeans around the hips and pull without having to fight the weight of Desiree's bloated body on the jeans. Mandy hauled mightily, levering her belly up against Desiree's plumply inflated bottom. "C'mon Mandy pull, I'm feeling so stuffed!" "I'm trying...your hips are too big, I can't get you pants over them." She pulled again and again, her belly bouncing against Desiree's inflated bottom, "I could really use your help here!" "I'm keeping myself from falling over." Desiree shot back. "Diz, your ballooned boobs will keep you upright, I need your hands back here!" Desiree let go, supporting herself entirely on her inflated chest. Relieved she wouldn't fall, she reached behind her and slid her hands into the small, tight space inside the seat of her jeans like a shoehorn. She felt the full round swell of her inflated bottom bulging out around her panties, but she continued sliding her hands down the back of her pants, creating the slack that Mandy could use her leverage to pull against. Suddenly Desiree's ruined jeans slid off her inflated figure. since Mandy was pulling down rather than back, the sudden absence of resistance caused her to lurch forward, her tummy pressing into Desiree's bottom, her inflated breasts flattening on Desiree's back as the girl landed on her friend. Suddenly bearing Mandy's weight caused to Dizzy to overbalance and collapse onto the bed. "Mandy?" "Yeah?" "Don't think I'm not grateful for you getting me out of my jeans and all, but would you mind getting off of me, I'm pinned between your big inflated boobs and my big inflated boobs Desiree rolled over and tried to sit up on the edge of the bed, but wasn't able to bend easily at the waist and flopped back down. She opened her thighs a little and tried again, this time succeeding, allowing her tummy to rest between her thighs. "Oh Mandy...look at me?!" Desiree breathed. They both did. Desiree had become hyper-hourglassed. Her wide full hips swelled into a smooth, tightly-inflated bottom that was bulging out of the sides of her underarmor sportwear stretch panties. Her hands slid over her bulging tummy where it plumped out the front of her panties into a full smooth swell, "I feel so... big." Mandy nodded, swaying over to look her friend over as Desiree looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her figure had become lushly cartoonish. Her hips vastly out of proportion to her waist, which still looked slim, save her fattened tummy, "Mandy...I'm stuffed!" "More like stacked!" "But...we...I...I'm too big. What are we going to do with our bodies bloated up with gas like this? We look like over-inflated, over-sexed adolescent fantasies of feminine characteristics," she murmured, petting her distended curves. Mandy stood in front of Desiree, and leaned over, "Diz, we're teenagers, I don't think we're over-sexed." She took her friend's hand and raised her to her feet, "Yet." Looking deeply into Desiree's eyes, Mandy took a step forward...and stopped as their extra big breasts collided, squishing softly but resiliently against each other, the expanded bulk of their breasts keeping almost a foot of separation of their bodies below their breasts. Dizzy laughed as they bounced off of each other, then her and Mandy slowly and carefully positioning their inflated breasts managed to arrange themselves to get just close enough to press their lips together. They had to hold on rather tightly to each other as their pumped up chests were continuously trying to puff back up and separate them. However after the first exploratory kiss, holding on tightly wasn't much of a problem. The kiss grew in intensity, both girls pressing and tasting soft lips and warm tounges, their breaths mingling and their full-figured bodies warming up and pressing softly together, their inflated curves bulging as their groping hands displaced the gas in their bodies. As their hands explored the other's bulging figures, the kiss became punctuated with gasps of pleasure or girlish giggles as their extra ample proportions got in the way of their small roaming hands testing the pressure, squeezing and caressing their wide hips, plump round bottoms, and large inflated breasts. "Oh my god," Mandy breathed with a giggle, "I'm going crazy!" She pressed herself into Desiree's bloated tummy. Desiree gasped at the grind, "I can tell you're going crazy so am I, my body feels supercharged! You don't have to stop kissing to tell me that." "Actually I stopped kissing you because our boobs are getting pumped up so big it's getting hard to stay close enough to you." "Ohhh Mandy, I'm inflated so big, I feel like a balloon." "Sexily ballooned up in all the right places," Mandy murmured. "No, you don't understand, since I'm so inflated, I'm afraid I might float away." "I don't think it's possible unless-" Her hands still kneading the full soft swell of Mandy's bottom through her tights, Desiree took a little step backwards to bump up against the bed. Holding her inflated friend tight, she bent backwards at the knees until they both fell onto the bed. Desiree on the bottom with Mandy bouncing on top of her, "You still don't get it," she giggled as they bounced softly together, "I'm afraid I'm so full of gas I'll float away, you had better lay on top of me to hold me down...right!" Mandy giggled, catching on, "Oh yes, of course, you're so big, I'd hate for you to float away!" They discovered that when laying down, Mandy's weight helped compress their breasts more so they could get close enough to resume their kiss and allowing their inflated figures to caress each other along the whole length of their bodies. For a long time there was no sound other than soft moans and groans and the hiss of inflated curves pressing and rubbing into each other. "Mmmm, Mandy?" "Yes?" she replied, her voice husky and distracted. "I...think we're still getting bigger." Mandy stopped her nuzzling and pulled back to look Desiree in the eye, then the two girls looked down at their tightly squashed-together figures as if they could determine their size by looking down their softly squished cleavage. Mandy rolled off her inflated friend, to awkwardly sit upright, while Desiree struggled to push her bloated body upright. Desiree giggled as Mandy, upon sitting up, discovered her once-trim tummy had bloated up stretching out the front of her tights. "Oh my gosh...look at me!" Mandy exclaimed, pressing her hands into her full, rounded belly, "I've gotten so fat! What are you smiling about?" she snapped. Desiree patted her own distended belly, "What do you think. Now we're both stuffed. If it's any consolation though, I think you look terrific with your fattened belly," she said with a grin. "You do?" "Sure." Mandy giggled, "I look like I swallowed a beach ball!" "You thought I was sexy all fattened up, believe me, it works both ways. Except," she eyed her friend's straining figure, "you look like you're going to burst out of those tights." "I know...I feel like a blimp!" "Maybe you should take them off before you burst out of them?" "I'm so fat I don't think I'd be able to fit into them again," Mandy mused. Desiree leaned as close as her bloated belly would allow her, her inflated breasts pressing into Mandy's shoulder, "Why should you need to?" she whispered, teasing an earlobe with her tongue. Mandy shivered in delight, almost leaning back into Desiree's plushly-inflated figure, then she leaned forward, spreading her thighs apart so the bulging spandex swell of her belly had room to allow her to awkwardly stand up, unused to her new dimensions, "Give me a sec, I want to go to the bathroom first." "Do you think your hips will fit through the door?" Desiree asked playfully. Mandy ran her hands down her much rounder, widely-inflated hips, "Are my hips really that fat?" she, just as playfully, asked back. "Yes!" Desiree said, laughing. Mandy waddled slowly and carefully to the door, her hands either cradling her bloated proportions or keeping herself from bouncing uncontrollably. Desiree giggled from the bed, "Wow, I could watch you walk away all day! And at the speed you're moving, I might get to." "Hey this isn't as easy as it looks," Mandy shot back over her shoulder, concentrating on her gait, "This is the first time I've ever blown up like a balloon, I'm totally not used to how much more of me there is to move...or how much more of me moves around, I'm so bouncy!" Mandy made careful progress out the door and turned to walk down the hall to the bathroom, noting the exaggerated waddle her stride had become and how close her extra-padded hips were to the walls of the hallway now. She touched the knob to the bathroom door and paused, listening.... Her heart skipped a beat as she recognized the sound of the garage door opening. The hall she was currently in ended in the kitchen, with the garage directly opposite the hallway across the kitchen. She shot a terrified glance at the door that led from the kitchen to the garage, which was in a dead line with the hallway she was now mostly filling. She heard the thump of the family car's doors closing and the voices of her parents. Mandy looked down at her bulging and bloated body, clutching her inflated proportions, she ran, bouncing back to her bedroom. Not realizing that bodies as inflated as hers aren't made for running, she promptly tripped and fell flat on, well, not on her face, but on big chest and belly. The gas puffing her up made her bounce on her chest and belly a few more feet down the hall closer to her room. But because of the varying curves of her inflated body she didn't bounce in a straight line, rather she found she bounced sideways, rattling against the walls as well as going forward. Her bulging, bloated body made a hollow sound like a ball or a bounce toy. Mandy stopped bouncing a step away from her bedroom door, and drew her legs up under her distended belly, pushing with her arms until her inflated breasts cleared the floor, and finally heaving her light, but bulky figure off the floor and lumbered into her door, knocking it open as she entered. Desiree immediately understood something was wrong from the expression on Mandy's face, "What is it?" "My parents!" Desiree looked askew at her friend, "Is that bad?" "Bad? Look at us! You look like a blow up doll that's been inflated out of her underwear and I look like a parade float for Bally's!" "Fine, geez you're testy when you're fat. We'll just hide from them." "Where genius? We're too fat to fit under the bed, or even behind it for that matter. We're too fat to fit in the closet and we're too fat to run away, trust me on this, we're in no shape to run. Our bodies are just too big to hide!" "Mandy?" called the voice from the kitchen, "Groceries." "We've got about thirty seconds, then we're busted." Even under such dire circumstances, the humor and sensuality of their condition wasn't lost on the girls, who held their over-inflated breasts and giggled at the double meaning, "But I'm pretty certain that your parents and mine aren't going to take it well when they find their darling little girls inflated like balloons! We'd probably be better off having smoked a joint." Desiree patted her bulging belly, "Yeah, you're right, we're blimps." Mandy got a distant look in her eyes and snapped her fingers, "That's it, you are a genius!" She waddled over to her closet, bent awkwardly, her stuffed tights creaking at the strain and surfaced triumphantly with another gas cannister in her hands. Desiree groaned, "Oh Mandy, aren't we already fat enough?" "No, we aren't. It's helium Dizzy, we'll be blimps!" "I think you're crazy..and I think I am too, who blimps up first? Mandy put the nozzle in Desiree's mouth and opened the valve. Dizzy's eyes got big and round as the helium puffed out her cheeks. 20. Desiree cradled her bustline in her arms as her chest inflated even larger, her large breasts floating upwards in her skin-tight underarmour sports top. 19. Desiree felt her already plump bottom puff up larger, pushing out around the seat of her panties. She reached ineffectively around behind her to feel her bottom become bigger and strangely light. 18. Desiree looked down unable to see past her big breasts, spreading her legs open as her belly bloated out even fatter with helium. 17. Her waist expanded from the gas pumping into her, making her fattened hips meld into the single rounding curve of her torso. 16. The swelling of her torso lifted her arms away from her sides as they swelled up with gas. 15. She felt her legs puff up, inflating along their length, growing rigid from the gas pressure inside her. 14. She lowered her puffy arms to press into her ballooned body as she swelled fat and full with helium. 13. While unable to see her feet, Desiree felt them lift off the ground as her bloated body gained buoyancy. 12.Desiree felt Mandy's hand press palm spread on her ballooned belly, sinking into her soft girth, and pushing her upwards gently, the cannister nozzle pulling from her mouth as her blimped body rose, gaining speed as she floated up to the top of the vaulted ceiling, her inflated bottom cushioning her impact with the ceiling. 11."It worked!" Desiree called down in her high pitched voice. "Look what you've done to me! Oh my gosh, I'm such a blimp...I'm floating! You have to try this!" 10. Mandy put the hissing nozzle in her own mouth, instantly feeling the cold gas puff her cheeks out, but even more surprising was how rapidly her waist bulged out from the gas pumping into her, making her already bloated belly balloon up with helium. 9. Mandy felt her limbs grow plump and stiff with gas, making her waddle. 8. She tried to bend her arms to hold down her breasts as they ballooned up bigger and lighter, floating up to obscure her face. 7. As her belly filled up like a balloon it pushed her legs open wider as her body grew bulker from the gas bloating her. She waddled, adjusting her stance. 6. She found herself unable to bend her plump arms to reach across her largely inflated chest to pull the tank nozzle from her mouth. The empty tank fell softly to the carpet. 5. Mandy looked down at her fully ballooned body, unable to see anything past her over inflated chest, her hands testing her blimpedness by gently pressing into her gassy body beneath her bustline and her line of vision. 4. Mandy felt her feet lift off the floor as her swollen body slowly and helplessly began to float. 3. The door to Mandy's bedroom opened and was stopped from opening completely by bouncing off of Mandy's bloated body and latching shut again, buying the blimped-up teenager time to float up to join her friend on the ceiling. 2. Desiree welcomed her ballooned girlfriend up to her lair on the ceiling, "Mandy you look terrific as a blimp!" she squeaked in her helium-pitched voice. 1. "Quiet!" Mandy hissed in an equally squeaky voice, as her mother re-opened the bedroom door and looked around for the girls. Their gas-distended bellies floating just a few feet over Mandy's Mom's head, the inflated friends held their breath as the questing parent pondered the absence of her daughter, who she thought she heard in her room. Looking back and forth, the Mom finally decided the room was empty and retreated then paused as her foot struck the now-empty helium tank lying on the floor- Above her, the two girls winced, expecting an embarrassing discovery at any second. -And the Mom smiled and shrugged, "teenagers," and closed the door behind her. Floating against the ceiling both girls released the mighty breath neither knew they were holding. "It worked!" Mandy whispered in her high-pitched voice. "Yup," Dizzy nodded, frowning, her voice just as high pitched from the helium bloating her. "We're safe!" Mandy squeaked, marveling at herself, blimped and floating more than a story over the ground. "Yup, for now." "You're brilliant!" "Very true." "Well for heaven's sake, what's got you so glum? You're beautiful, we're fat, floating and free!" Mandy sighed in her high-pitched voice. "Mandy, how do we get down?"
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Disclaimer: The following story has no plot, characterization, or any literary devices that make it worth reading. It is simply and purely a bad piece of fiction. If you are easily offended by bad short fiction, or if you live in a locale where bad short fiction is illegal, do not read the following story. The author makes no warranties and will not be held liable for damages resulting from reading this story. If it can be called a story. Oh, and a woman blows up like a balloon. So don't read it if you don't like that sort of thing, either. Polly popped her gum and looked at the professor wide-eyed. She just couldn't get over how smart he was. "So, um...." the professor paused. "Polly," she said, and she giggled. "So, Polly, Quantum Physics suggests that the very nature of the Universe is probabilistic. That everything we think of as solid and certain is, in fact, no more than probability." Polly nodded and said, "Probabil... probabibli...." The professor smiled. "Chance," he said. "Oh! Chance!" Polly laughed, and bobbed up and down. Her pigtails bobbed with the motion, as well as her rather hefty busom, which the professor noted was out of proportion with the rest of her tiny frame. Polly popped her gum again. She decided physics was fun. The professor found he had lost his train of thought after watching the young co-ed bobbing up and down, and scrambled mentally to pick up the trail. "So, you see, it's really a question of chance. What may or may not happen isn't certain." He nodded and cast a sage's knowing gaze over the empty seats of the lecture hall. He tried to think of a way to get Polly bobbing again. Polly blew a bubble with her gum. The professor continued, "Even simple forces in the Universe are the result of many, many complex and unpredictable forces...." The bubble she was blowing suddenly popped, and Polly struggled to wipe it from her cheeks. The professor watched her bare legs quietly until she was done. She smiled, and wrapped the gum in a piece of paper, and dropped it in the trash basket by his desk. "Blowing bubbles can be unpredictable," she said, and she smiled. "Yes! Exactly! Here, let me show you." He reached into a drawer and produced a pink balloon. He blew it up till it was nearly ready to burst. "There!" he said, slightly winded. "Now we have a thin wall of rubber holding in a lungful of air." He tapped the balloon with his finger. "But the air is slowly leaking through that wall... why?" "Chance!" Polly said, beaming. "Exactly. And remember that nothing is certain. Quantum physics tells us that there is always a small chance that something unexpected will happen. For example, there is a tiny, tiny chance that all the air will suddenly rush out of this balloon without it popping!" Polly nodded. "Wow." "Of course, that's very unlikely. It probably wouldn't happen once in a billion years. It's about as likely as you suddenly filling with air like a giant balloon for no reason." Polly giggled and toyed with one of her pigtails. Suddenly there was a funny sort of whooshing sound, and the balloon in the professor's hand went flat. They both stared at the now deflated balloon lying limp on top of the professor's hand. "Strange," he said. "Did it pop?" Polly asked, looking slightly concerned. "No. I don't know what could have...." There was another whooshing sound, this one deeper in tone and more drawn out. Polly gasped, and put her hands on her belly. She started puffing in a funny way. Her cheeks were puffing up. The professor blinked. "Um...." Now Polly's ample busom was filling and lifting, each breast becoming more rounded. The professor's suspicions that she was not wearing a bra were confirmed. She continued puffing in that strange way, and looked dizzily down at her figure. Her hands were rubbing her belly and sides. She reached up and hefted her growing globes of breast flesh. She looked back at the professor with a face that was flushed oddly rounded. Her eyes were as wide as saucers. Then her midsection began to fill out. The professor could see her thin figure bulging out a little, then a lot. She absently rubbed her belly, which was now arcing forward noticeably, curving all the way down to her crotch. She began walking in confused little circles, not sure what to do. Suddenly, like a balloon suddenly finding it's elasticity, the curve of her belly surged forward. She groaned loudly and tried to hold it back. She started blowing hard, but no matter how much air she blew out of her, she was still blowing up. One by one articles of clothing burst their seams and fell to the floor. Soon she was nearly spherical from her shoulders to her crotch. She was completely naked except for her sandals and a gold braid necklace. And still she filled. The ball that she was becoming slowly grew, expanding up her neck, and stretching out her thighs and shoulders. She had to waddle because she was getting so large. She waddled around the floor, not sure where she was going, making funny little squeaking sounds in addition to her puffing. The filling continued until she was a giant ball with little hands sticking out the sides, and her tiny feet sticking out the bottom. The professor noted to himself, oddly, what a large ball such a little woman made. But she was not slowing down, and was still inflating. Her skin started to look tight. Her waddling took on a desperate quality. She began groaning with the obvious pressure that was building up. But still she grew. She flapped her hands feebly, then made fists, and started blowing furiously. But it was no good. Still she filled. She cried out, "Oh, professor! I am getting to big! Too... much... pressure.... too tight... going to.... to.... OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" There was a distinct "pop!" and her right nipple popped forward, erect. It was about two inches in length. The professor and Polly both stared at it. Then there was another "pop!" and her other nipple popped out. The two stared at it. The Polly squeezed her eyes shut, and started blowing furiously. Her blowing turned into a long groan. There was a low rumbling. The rumbling was coming from inside Polly. There was a BANG! Polly's eyes snapped open with fear, but the professor was gazing at her belly. Her belly button had just popped out into a rather large, roundish, "outie." Epilogue: OK OK OK.... "probability" was kind of a weak excuse for inflating woman like that. But come on, Quantum Physics says there's a *chance*. Anyway, the professor had a long, entirely physical relationship with Polly, who spent the entire school year desperately learning about quantum physics and slowly deflating. By the next academic year, she was back down to size. And she was somewhat better looking than before, because her skin had a soft, almost elastic sheen to it. That year, she dumped the professor, reported him to the college regents, and got him fired for taking advantage of a student. Which is just as well, because after watching Polly inflate like that, he was never quite right anymore anyway. Now he works as a clown making balloon animals for adult-only parties. And Polly never blew up anymore except at a couple of frat parties where she'd been drinking too much, so what do you expect?
floating, helium
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
When Sharice awoke, she found herself in a familiar, but suddenly very frightening place. She was completely naked, and despite her athletic physique, she found herself unable to budge the ropes that tied her toned arms and legs down. Looking down, she couldn't see much more than her own sizable breasts. But looking up and side-to-side, she recognised the inside of Laura Overland's backyard shed. "So, how're those ropes working out for ya?" said Laura, leering over Sharice, who struggled with her bonds. Sharice looked through Laura's thick, librarian glasses and swore she could see the insanity in Laura's eyes. Laura wore her light brown hair in a pony tail, along with a black leather jacket and boots, complemented with incredibly tight jeans–half her looks conveying "biker chick," while the other half said "girl next door." It was certainly unconventional attire for a woman who, polls unanimously predicted, would soon become the next U.S. senator from Louisiana. And yet, her conflicting appearance worked in her favour: Male voters found her sexy yet non-threatening; women found her strong yet glamourous. That's how she had won her first term as mayor of Port Cantville. Laura climbed on top of the table, straddling herself across Sharice's naked body. She held a hose in one hand–apparently an air hose, though Sharice couldn't see the tank from her prone position. "Oh god," mumbled Sharice. "You drugged me and tied me up for some weird sexual thing?" "Oh, goodness gracious, no," said Laura, a vapid smirk apparently wedged firmly on her youthful face, one that had won her many a beauty pageant before it won her elections. "What twisted freak would find this sexual?" "Are you planning to kill me?" Laura wagged a finger, like speaking to an unruly child. "'Kill' is only something you do for sport. You, dearie, are just going to...disappear." She looked down at Sharice and winked. "You won't get away with–" Laura jammed the hose into Sharice's mouth and held it firmly in place. "See, now, that's what gotcha into all this trouble in the first place, there," said Laura. "All that yakkin' and mouthin' off–it's bad for ya." Sharice heard the click of a switch, and suddenly she felt a funnel of air gushing into her, as if Laura were pumping up a tire. Sharice continued to struggle as she first felt, and soon saw, her belly rising, swelling in size, soon surging higher than her breasts and rising like bread dough. Laura giggled, rubbing her hand over the rising mound. "It's almost like ya got triplets there, Shary. Can I call you Shary?" Sharice grunted and struggled some more, but less so, as even she became slightly entranced with her own growing belly. Finally, Laura lay down on top of Sharice, letting her full body weight settle on Sharice's bulging midsection. At first, Sharice thought that perhaps this was some kind of kinky sex act after all. But then she realised that Laura was pushing the air down into her body, filling out the rest of her form. First, her large, full breasts became noticeably fuller, becoming even firmer and buoyant, rising off her chest like twin balloons. Her sides plumped out, like an inflatble raft. The bonds around her wrists and ankles grew tighter as her arms and legs plumped up, the rush of air and Laura's body weight increasing her internal pressure to unbearable heights. She's going to pop me, Sharice thought. Explode me like an overinflated balloon. That's probably what she did to everyone else who crossed this powerful, popular mayor. Sure, it had been rumoured–very, very quietly–that Laura had had her political enemies "whacked," but it was dismissed by the local media as the work of jealous conspiracy buffs. Despite several of Laura's critics "disappearing," Sharice still decided to release the mayor's private expense accounts to the media, papers that would show the gross abuse of taxpayer money for Laura's own expenses, like her townhouse and her fancier wardrobe. It suddenly made sense that no trace of previous whisteblowers had ever been found. Laura must've blown them to bits. She kicked and tugged uselessly as her body continued to stretch and expand, Laura watching on in fascination. Sharice winced as her bonds continued to tighten, her plumping extremities pushing against them, until— Snap! Her bonds came loose, but Sharice's predicament didn't improve: By now, she was so engorged with air that she could barely move, other than to flap her stuffy arms and legs, all of which could no longer bend. Laura, knowing the tough part was done, slid her tight ass off Sharice's taut belly and stood back down on the floor. But the hose remained in place, pumping, pumping, pumping Sharice up until she looked like a blimp version of her former self. It was then Sharice noticed that her body was floating ever so slightly off the table. Laura had been inflating her with helium! She was truly becoming a human blimp, held earthbound only with the hose in her mouth, connected like a balloon on a string. But the "string" was not her lifeline. It was the source of the helim that was inflating her bigger, the confines of the small shed shrinking all the while. Her fear filled that tiny structure as well as her body. Her helplessness was palpable, as was Laura's ebullient satisfaction at the sight of her underling now rising in the air above her. For several moments, other than Laura's occasional giggle, the only sound came from the pump. She gave up struggling, because it only seemed to amuse her torturer. Just waiting to burst, Sharice had time to ponder how she got herself into this, and what she could have done to escape it. She'd apparently been discovered only hours after her suspicions over the mayor's expense account had been raised. In fact, she had shared her concerns with only one other person: Brad, her boyfriend–who also happened to be an ardent Laura Overland supporter and her campaign finance chairman. It had to be Brad. He turned her over to Laura's mercy. Had he known that Laura was going to pop her? She liked to think not, but she may never be sure. The pressure was so intense, she knew the last thing she'd see was the inside of this dumpy shed, deep in the bayou, tucked far away from civilisation in the mayor's isolated property. Her body no longer resembled a blimp–it was now more like a giant, round balloon, her taut skin glistening in the dim light as she became rounder and firmer. Just a human rubber ball, increasing in size, growing ever more tight... "That's enough," said Laura, and the helium stopped. Sharice's attention jolted back to her present conditions. She was nearly to the ceiling of the small room, the leering, jeering bespectacled eyes of the mayor looking triumphantly up at her. For a brief moment, Sharice allowed herself to think that maybe Laura would spare her, that this was all just to scare her, that she wasn't really going to pop her! Floating near the ceiling, Sharice could only hear the shed doors opening before she felt herself pulled along like a toy balloon into the sultry, damp, Louisiana night. The moon seemed so much closer from her vantage point in the sky. Then she felt a cord wrapped around what used to be her left foot, but was now just a helium-engorged stump. Then Laura gave the hose a quick tug, sending Sharice bobbing in the air, held in place only by the cord. "Ya won't be doin' any screamin' now, will ya?" Laura asked. She was right. Sharice tried to call out for help, but it came out only as a whispery, high-pitched, helium-toned squeak. Her pathetic effort sent Laura into convulsive laughter. Sharice thought she felt herself turn beat red, but it may have only been the sweltering heat of the night, or the intense pressure inside her. How could voters not see that Laura was a crazy, power-mad narcissist? How can they let her become "Senator Overland"? God, there was already talk that she may use her senator's seat as a stepping stone to the vice-presidency. This psycho bitch could become the nation's first woman president! The possibility, and the unbearable injustice of it, caused her to squirm in the air with unreleased rage. "Ah ah AH!" said Laura, tugging on Sharice's string and bringing her closer. She jabbed a fingernail into her prisoner's rounded abdomen. "Careful, now! By golly, ya might pop yerself! " Laura pressed her fingernail even more firmly into Sharice's delicate skin, and Sharice's eyes opened wide. She felt she would burst! "I could poke ya right now and watch ya pop," said Laura. "But I got me another idea, there." Laura briefly stepped out of view, and Sharice was allowed a brief, blissful moment of not seeing her taunting face or hearing her mocking tone. But when Laura came back with a hunting rifle, her terror came flooding back. "Ya know," said Laura, "I ain't much of a hunter, really. I gots me some practicin' ta do." Like much of Laura's campaign promises, it was utter lie. Sharice knew Laura was an expert shot. "See ya, now," said Laura, winking at Sharice again as she released her only link to the earth. And Sharice floated upward. Up, up, up into the Louisiana sky. "How's the weather up there, then?" Laura taunted. "Why, you can see Russia from way up there, I betcha!" Nothing but treetops and stars were in Sharice's view now, as the horizon of the bayou opened up in front of her. It would have been a beautiful view, if she didn't know it would be her last. From far below, she heard Laura cock her rifle. She continued to float for what seemed hours but were only a few seconds. Bang! Sharice winced at the shot, her fragile, bubble-body wobbling in the night sky. "Missed!" Laura's voice could be heard saying in the distance. But Sharice knew what had really happened: Laura had missed on purpose. Laura was an expert shot, and she couldn't have missed Sharice–she was too close, and way too large a target. I know what she's doing, Sharice thought. She's hoping that I'll start having hope. Hope that I can float far enough away that I'll be out of range of her rifle. Far enough away that I may drift back to earth, landing safely miles away... Bang! The next bullet whizzed past Sharice, so close that she could feel its breeze against her rubbery skin. But it's not going to work, Sharice thought. I know I'm going to pop, and I'm going to accept my fate. I won't let her win. I won't let her build up hope just to have her take it from me. Bang. The shot seemed so, so far away now. She didn't hear or feel the bullet fly past. Sharice looked around and could see only sky. The trees were too far below her to see. Nothing but the blackness of night. Laura had to be several hundred meters below her. Perhaps too far to see Sharice any more. Maybe Laura's games caught up with her! She had toyed with her victim too long, and now Sharice was going to float far, far away from her! Sharice almost laughed. Maybe I'm going to have the last laugh on that bitch after al—! In the distance, another shot rang out. Less than a second later, it was followed by an echoing BANG that rolled across the sky as Sharice burst into pieces, which fell back down to earth and into the waters of the bayou. Laura looked out from over the rifle scope and smiled at the empty space in the sky where Sharice had been a moment before. "Gotcha," she said. And she winked.
competition, inhale
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"Just look at her!" Patty seethed to her friends. "She thinks she's soooo cute flaunting her body like that! Well I'm ten times the girl she is!" Patty's friends all agreed, on the first point at least. The subject of their ridicule was Judy, a member of their rival sorority on campus at Noolab University. Patty turned to Jeneen, the resident science genius, and said, "But we'll show her day after tomorrow wont we? Is that stuff ready?" Jeneen shook her head in affirmation," Yes but...are you sure about this Patty, I mean..." Patty cut her off, "It's safe isn't it? Yes? Good, then we go on as planned!" Two Days Later "Well Patty you've got us here, what is this all about?" Judy asked a bit annoyed. She had brought two of her friends along after receiving a note from Patty to be at the campus' 80-acre would-be farming field. "Oh, well I'm here to prove I'm literally ten times the girl you are!" With that Patty inhaled........and inhaled, and inhaled, and inhaled! As she did her body from neck to ankles, and out to her shoulders, began to swell like a balloon. Her denim overalls, once fashionably loose, became many sizes too small within seconds. Judy and her friends watched as Patty's figure went from petite to extreme voluptuousness in less than a minute. Patty's overalls could barely contain her basketball sized breasts and buttocks. Her waist hadn't gotten but a few inches thicker, her hips and thighs on the other hand now matched her enormous buns in proportion. Patty stopped inhaling at this point with a sigh. "There!" she stated with a smile, "lets see you beat that!" Patty and her friends stood waiting for Judy's response. But instead of words, Judy started taking in huge lungfuls of air! Pattys' jaw dropped open as Judy rapidly inflated to the same size as Patty, and her eyes got even wider as Judy went beyond. Judys' spandex biker shorts held up well, stretching to accommodate her bulging butt. Her tied off blouse top, however, was stretched to its limits by the time she stopped her inflation. "You were saying....", Judy said as the others stared wide-eyed at her now blimped form. "Uh-oh, I don't like were this is going.", Jeneen thought to herself, "I did tell Patty this was safe, but at the time only one of them had my formula...I don't know at all what could happen if they go to far. And knowing these two this wont end 'till one or both of them pops!". As Jeneen was thinking about a way to settle this quickly (without the easily foreseeable happening!), Patty has responded to Judy with, " wont beat me that easily!". And with that she began inflating herself again. After just 6 seconds of swelling her overall straps gave out with a near simultaneous snap. The seam in the seat began to split one stitch at a time. Within seconds she was beyond Judy in size. Of course Judy couldn't let this go unanswered. "Yeah, well two can play that game you pneumatic bimbo!". Again Judy started gulping air, her body swelling in response. It only took 2 breaths before her top burst open, buttons flying off in multiple directions. Her enormous globe shaped breasts bounced a bit as they sprang forward. Down below her giant butt and thighs were still easily contained by her shorts. For the next ten minutes the two girls blew themselves up, neither willing to let the other win. But in the back of both Judys' and Pattys' mind was the same fearful thought,"I hope I don't pop!". But both kept growing, now each the size of a small house. Meanwhile, Jeneen had gotten all of the other girls together. "Listen, we need to get this stopped now! I don't know how much bigger they can get before...", she and the other three glanced over at Judy and Patty and in all their minds was an image of the two exploding. They shook their heads to get rid of the thought. "So how do we get them to stop?!", Judys' friend Tina asked anxiously. "Well, I thought maybe one of you could help me with that." As the others began discussing a way to stop them, Judy and Patty had both taken another break to hurl insults at each other. "You just don't know when to quit, do you?!", Patty shouted, her overalls long since a memory, she stood now in only a pair of overstretched panties. "Look who's talkin'!", Judy retorted, who still had on her biker shorts, but those didn't look like they would hold on much longer. The two eyed each other, but didn't continue their insane expansion. The others were still conferring on what to do. Not far away, four others watched from their hide spot in the tool shed. Seeing that no one was watching, two of them slipped out the door, each carrying a hose, and crept up towards the two bulging females unseen. Upon reaching this destination, they took and put the hoses deep up inside the girls. Neither Patty nor Judy could feel the intruding hoses in their inflated state. Undetected the two shadows slipped back to the shed and signaled the other two. At which point both the hoses wiggled a bit as pressure filled them. And with that, all four snuck away into the nearby trees, their task complete. It was Patty who first noticed something wasn't quite right. Her body began to steadily expand much more rapidly then before. Unfortunately she wasn't causing it to happen this time. "Uh....Jeneen, what's, um, going on?" She asked with a bit of concern in her voice. "Hey! I'm.... I'm blowing up again! B, but I'm not doing it!" Judy suddenly shouted. She to had begun to expand again, her shorts finally giving out and splitting wide open. "I don't understand. This isn't....can't happen!" Jeneen was getting a bit hysterical at this point, seeing that somehow, something had gone wrong with her serum. And her friend was inflating out of control because of it....with no way to stop! "Jeneen, do something! I'm not sure how much more I can take!" Patty pleaded. Indeed both women were nearly 15 feet across at the waist, their breasts each 30 feet in diameter, their hips were 40 feet wide with proportionate globular buttocks to match. Judy began exhaling furiously, in an attempt to deflate herself. Suddenly though, she stopped and her eyes went wide. "What's that noise?", she asked quietly. "It sounds like...." Her friend Sherry began. "....stretching rubber." Patty's friend Lisa finished. At this point everyone got very quiet and listened as Patty's and Judy's bodies began emitting sounds like strained rubber, which got louder with each passing second. "I think we better figure out a way to deflate them real soon, or we better start running!" Tina said to Jeneen. But Jeneen wasn't listening, her mind was still in shock from what was happening. She just couldn't except that this rampant inflation had anything to do with a problem in her formulas. Meanwhile, Judy and Patty had begun to really panic. Their inflation had begun to slow down some, although it was still quite fast, and the sounds to stretching were getting louder and deeper. "Tina, help me! I'm getting too big!" Judy cried as she watched her body bloating up beyond any size she had even imagined. "Oooooh! gotta' do something! I can't possibly get much bigger before.....ooohh!" Patty was much bigger then Judy, and as the pressure increased tiny veins began spreading across her massive bust, along with tan colored stretch marks all across her blimping body. The stretching sounds from her body had turned into a deep groan, as her body tried to expand more, but couldn't. Patty began rubbing the sides of her swollen breasts, as if to relieve some the pain from the growing pressure. "Uh....guys, I think we better get far away from her," Sherry suggested "very far!" The others nodded in agreement and either turned to run or back away as the stretch marks on Patty's engorged form were growing longer and faster, plus her skin was flushing pink. "Hey!, wait! Were are you..." Judy yelled when she noticed the other four running off. But then she caught sight of Patty, and watched as the other girls body began to quiver from the building air pressure. "Uuuuh!, me!" Patty moaned. She had stopped rubbing her breasts and was now clenching her fists as she slowly ballooned bigger. But Judy could only watch in horrified silence as Patty's skin turned red as if sun burned and the stretch marks across her breasts, belly, and butt crept toward each other. BIGGER and BIGGER and BIGGER Patty became. Closer and closer and closer the lines got. Until they finally touched each other. Patty's eyes shot open in surprise as she opened her mouth to say something and......... BOOM! Patty's body burst into a cloud of flesh colored rubber shreds and bits of white panty. Judy was almost knocked over by the explosion, but her enormous buns kept her from falling. Now her attention was back on her own blimping form. And she didn't like what she saw or heard. Tears formed at the corners of her eyes as she knew that the same thing would happen to her. She cried harder as she watched veins and stretch marks spread across her own body, her tan skin turn to pink. And finally to the angry red color as her skin began to vibrate. Judy bit her lip and shut her eyes tight, waiting to explode. Then she heard a rustle of branches and footsteps. She opened her eyes thinking one of the others had returned to help her. But when the person came into view she was astonished. At the same time, Judy's body had reached its limits, the stretch arks were mere millimeters apart when Judy went to say something. "You...." Then Judy exploded, her body blowing apart like an over inflated balloon. The girl standing there amidst the swirling storm of tan rubber signaled to the other four waiting in the woods nearby. "Get the air compressors and hoses out of here." She said calmly. The others rushed to the tool shed to comply. Just as she was about to enter the woods with the others, the stranger turned around to look at the remains of Judy and Patty, and started laughing. Still laughing she turned and left. Unseen by the others, Jeneen had headed back after hearing the first explosion. She gotten there just in time to see Judy burst...and to see the other girl. "Wendy!...." she growled, and her mind whirl with a form of revenge. Wendy would pay...and pay dearly.
balloon, competition, deflation, floating, helium
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation
A man sat in a booth at the dark end of the bar, a clutch of balloons drifting back and forth above his head as air currents from the heating toyed with the pretty rubber globes. His posture and alert response every time the door opened denoted he was waiting for someone with great eagerness. The perfect victim. Mandy wasn't concerned with who he was there to see. She liked his face and, despite reassuring herself she merely wanted to fulfill her sexual desires, she really wanted to bust up someone else's fun. Waiting around on his own and bearing gifts, the girl he waited for must mean a lot to him. If his girl meant a lot to him it could make Mandy's triumph all the more valuable as she stomped on their affections, getting her rocks off into the act. And with that carefully constructed foreshadowing out of the way, she homed in on her prey. Walking with confidence bordering on hubris, she went gliding toward the end booth, the clinging, shiny, red dress wrinkling with each gentle shift of her curves, her face held carefully in the perfect, sleepy-eyed coquette pose. Laces joining the sides of her dress ran up her front, allowing her not so secret weapons ample opportunity to do their work, half globes of pale flesh taking turns to peak at their intended target in time each deliberate swaying step. "Are those for me?" she asked, pouting the words breathily while indicating his bright, bobbling friends. "No, my girl-friend's due here any minute," he replied, short but just short of terse. "She's not here yet and it's late. You sure she's coming?" She swayed to non existent music to keep her curves on undulating display, enjoying the yawing heft of her breasts against the strings that barely kept them decent. "She'll be here." "I'm here now. Why don't you give them to me?" She indicated the balloons once more. "Then I could be your girlfriend. I'd like to be your girlfriend. If I was your girlfriend I could do all sorts of naughty things to you in this dark corner" Her hands gripped the material of her dress over her thighs and their gradual upward progress and her gyrating hips showed him that not only was the red dress inappropriate for the middle of winter, but that she had failed to dress in layers too. "I think I'll hold on to them just in case her meeting ran late, thanks all the same." His response was warmer than his body language. He continued to stare intently at the door and failed to notice Mandy's hand range upward and tug aside the material covering her left breast, the nipple and areola poking out, taut string pressing into the milky surrounding flesh. "Your friend always this late, or just when you've made yourself a laughing stock carrying a bunch of kid's toys around town in the middle of the night?" He rounded on her and his response was unexpectedly heated. "They're not just for kids. She'll be here soon." He calmed quickly. "Besides, I didn't have to carry them around the town. The publican here is a friend and he let me use the gas tank he keeps in the back room." Thinking his outburst meant she was at least starting to get a reaction, Mandy pressed on, her hands tweaking her exposed flesh and leaning forward over the table, letting her impressive, trussed bust hover over his face. "I was only ask..." Mandy had glanced down at the finish line and been surprised to see his trousers tented out and all but bumping the underside of the table. "Is that for me?" she purred. "NO! It's for Heather and she'll be here any second." "I think you're lying. I think you've been enjoying my little show..." she pirouetted and pulled her hem higher, exposing perfect hemispheres of snowy flesh as her butt passed by his eye level. "...and you've made me an even better present. Thank-you so much," she gushed as she finished her spin with a full flourish of her bare crotch and much digital manipulation. She made to slide into the booth next to him but as her buttocks hit the vinyl he slid deep into the recesses and pulled the balloons down, forming a latex cloud between them. "Now, now, don't be shy. You and your willy have been very flattering and I intend to repay the favour. Just let me get close and we'll see if we can't make that nasty hard-on go away." "Thanks, but no thanks, came the distant, bubble muffled reply. I'm happy waiting here for Heather with my balloons." "But what if she arrives and you don't have any balloons any more?" Mandy raked a nail noisily over the skin of a red balloon. "What if she finds me, sitting in your lap and a bunch of used rubber all around us?" She began to dig her nail into the red balloon's skin. The squeaking of tortured rubber sang in the air but was cut by the words "Hi Honey." The words were spoken chirpily and Mandy turned to see why her competitor had failed to be upset to find her, half undressed and clearly out to cause trouble, homing in on her man. This was unusual and Mandy found herself a little put off her stride. "Hello Heather," came the reply from deep within the balloon cocoon. Heather noticed Mandy's fingernail, still threatening the red balloon with destruction. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Geoff loves his balloons." Mandy didn't hesitate. Her finger jabbed forward and the balloon disappeared as a red mist of flying debris. The pop rang throughout the bar. "I'm sure he does like balloons," she drawled, eyeing up her competition as Heather slid into the opposite seat. "He'll like my balloons a lot more than those tiny bubbles once he's had a taste." She pointed at Heather's chest and began to laugh uproariously, as though her comment had been the wittiest epithet since Wilde. She reached to her side and began squeezing the life out of a blue balloon that gave out with a satisfying bang and brought her closer to her hidden prize. Heather leant forward. Mandy leant back and brought her hands up to defend against the coming slap. Heather's hand shot into the balloon cloud and pulled out a silver orb. While Mandy tried to work out what this new and unexpected step was about, Heather deftly removed the clip from the balloon's neck and held it up for Mandy and Geoff to see. Holding their full attention, she drew the balloon to her mouth, pouted and blew a deep lungfull into it. The balloon grew but all eyes were fixed on Heather's chest. Beneath the open sides of her parka, the sensible woolen jersey and the neatly buttoned shirt, the bubbles were growing. Heather's hands dropped to her front and cupped them. The balloon continued to weave about in front of her face. Another breath was forcefully released and the swelling deep under the many layers was more obvious. Heather's hands were pushed aside as her breasts fought the clothing, gaps showed between buttons and the cloud of balloons around Geoff began to pulse rhythmically. Heather raised a hand to the balloon and removed it long enough to say "Not yet honey, plenty more fun when we're alone," before a third breath was sent into the distended globe, causing even more sartorial torment. Heather applied both hands to the task of re-clipping the balloon's neck. As she allowed the extra large balloon to float back amongst its friends, she took a deep breath and shot a shirt button clear across the table and between the strings holding Mandy's far inferior balloons in position. Mandy's jaw dropped and she was clearly making ready for violence, even though it appeared she didn't now how it might be expressed. Heather held up a cautioning finger. She leant forward once more, making sure to bounce heavily, newly expanded boobs flattening against the table top as she did, and pulled out a second balloon. She toyed with the yellow skin as she watched her transfixed audience. "I learnt a new trick up on the hill tonight. One that's going to make Geoff's dreams come true," there was a sudden burst of rustling among the balloons until she cast a sharp look into the middle of the clutch, "and that's going to give you nightmares." She began undoing the clip and Mandy mistook the gesture. "I can take whatever you can give me you stupid slapper. Bring it on. I could do with a few extra cup sizes. It'll save me going under the knife again." Heather held the balloon neck to her mouth and inhaled. Mandy braced herself but tried to look indifferent. Heather opened her fingers wide and breathed out, her breath joining the stream of Helium escaping from the shrinking balloon. Mandy shrieked and clutched at her breasts. The flesh, once so prominently displayed, withdrew from sight behind its shiny curtains and then the curves the curtains skirted began to disappear. Heather's hands followed the shrinking process inward as Heather smiled ruefully at the balloon, its skin becoming wrinkled and opaque. Mandy's hands finished flush upon a chest flat as the proverbial board. Large, dark pockets of shiny red material showed where once all was tight and filled. Heather flicked the balloon across the table and it caught in the formerly stretched strings, lacing back and forth over nothing. Mandy shrieked again and leapt from the booth. Her anguished cries receded as Heather swung out and round the table to join her lover under a clutch of balloons, drifting back and forth above their heads as air currents from the heating toyed with the pretty rubber globes. They kissed and Heather explained why she'd asked him for the late rendezvous and the balloons. Mandy ran from the terrifying power and abject humiliation she'd experienced. She blundered through the nearest door and away from the drunken stares of the bar patrons. She stumbled down a poorly lit corridor, clutching at her absent assets and crying bitter tears. She'd lost to that prissy cow. Lost a target, lost face and, most terrifying of all, lost her trump cards. She tried a door and found it unlocked. She ducked into a darkened room where she could hide her embarrassment and start formulating revenge. The door was marked Function Prep. She switched on the light and saw how vengeance might take its shape. A gas cylinder. But would it work for her? She took the limp yellow balloon from its nest among the unemployed strings of her dress front and held it up. Was it the balloon that was magic, or Heather? She drew it to her lips and gave it a little puff. To her immense relief she felt something in her chest. A hand shot into position to confirm her hope. It worked. She gave the balloon another breath. Her chest was rising like a soft, fleshy phoenix. The hand made a quick check that things were progressing evenly on both sides and her eyes caught the tank of gas once more. That could be interesting, she thought. Trying to slip the balloon's mouth over the inflation nozzle without losing any air proved beyond Mandy, and she was close to overwhelmed again as she felt the breasts she'd barely dared hope for disappear again. But now she had the power to give herself the biggest boobs in the town. Probably the biggest in the country, and without the slightest hint of sag. "Let's see who Geoff chooses when faced with the ultimate balloon boobs," she crooned to herself as she opened the valve and depressed the nozzle. The hissing of the gas was overwhelmed by her hooting as she saw her wrath expressed in breast form. Her boobs sprang from nothing, quickly covering the ground they'd lost most recently to fill her cupped free hand, then overfilled, then approached their former glory. The shiny material kept pace with its charges, unrucking and relaxing back into its familiar shape as the yellow balloon regained it transparent lustre. Then, feeling her earlier comments about saving herself another trip to the surgeons still rang true, Mandy allowed the balloon to swell further. Her breasts, pressing ever more firmly into the material surrounding them, began to leak out through the available gaps. Her cleavage became a tight, dark line behind the taut strings. A nipple sought space by squeezing through a diamond shaped gap. The balloon was nearly double its original size and her breasts were trying to keep pace. The dress, its material designed to cling without stretching, was struggling to do likewise. Mandy could feel it strain. It dug into her back as the front was pulled forward and out to each side. She gazed down, rapt with the view of cleavage and breast flesh that hid her feet. The balloon had reached its maximum size. Its spherical skin no longer swelled. She kept the gas going, hoping to gain every cubic centimetre she could while the strings holding her outfit together began to sing with tension. She gazed adoringly at her breasts once more and noticed that they too had ceased to grow. She looked up at the balloon and saw its neck distending, then felt the rest of her body taking on the same inflation. Her butt pressed against its confinement. Her thighs rubbed deliciously together as their surface area increased. Every inch of her was on the increase and soon she would have more of herself than any man could handle and any woman could compete against. With that thought she nearly lost all her gains and only managed to hold the balloon to the nozzle by the merest friction, for she lost her footing unexpectedly. But she didn't fall to the floor in a heap. She fell upward. Her feet had slipped because she'd achieved liftoff and she bobbed there above the gas cylider, holding the balloon with its still expanding neck, feeling her curves grow bigger still for sevearl seconds before she realised she couldn't get down, particularly when every second she inflated the balloon she was adding to her own lift. Struggling with unfamiliarly distended fingers, she tugged the balloon's neck free of the nozzle, managing to clamp it shut to keep her gorgeously distended breasts from shrinking. She floated upward, drifting backward through the air until her plushly ballooned butt and shoulders made contact with the ceiling. She was trying to force her fingers to make a knot in the balloon's overfilled neck, and failing, when she realised keeping her breasts in their current state wouldn't be worth much if she was stuck way up with the light fittings. She had to let some gas out of the balloon. She opened her fingers slowly, terrified that she might let go altogether and lose her breasts again as well as suffer a nasty fall to the floor. A tiny hissing greeted her and she could feel the internal pressure easing off a little. "Just the neck, not the boobs," she called to the yellow balloon she clutched. True to her wishes, the balloon's neck was the first to show obvious signs of loss and Mandy noticed it becoming easier to use her fingers and move her thighs. She began to drift down again and let out just one last puff for good measure before tying the yellow balloon's neck off. She reached the floor and let go the balloon, which shot back to the ceiling. She ran a hand over her beach ball breasts in their red tents and was rewarded with a rubbery squeal. "Geoff likes balloons. I'll show him some balloons." She strode to the door, swaying more than ever before as bulging thighs fought for space. Each step caused a great deal of bobbling, squeaking and strained twanging up top. Heather and Geoff had just finished their celebratory drinks and a quiet, satisfying game in the dark corner booth. Many toasts had been drunk to Heather's new skills and they were heading home to explore the possibilities together. Geoff was finally able to walk upright once more, though some of Heather's teasing remarks about what might happen later were threatening to cause him further discomfort. Heather carried the strings to the clutch of balloons, tied in a common slip knot and looped around her wrist. As the crossed the car park they gently ribbed each other about things that inflate when they heard the bar door slam open and turned to see the Michelin man in drag bouncing down the steps toward them. "Check these balloons out Geoff. Bet your little whippet can't get this big. You like balloons, well I'm...Hey! Get away. What're you up to you crazy bitch?" Heather calmly walked back to Geoff's side with her single, oversized silver balloon in hand. Together they watched Mandy, with the clutch of balloons snagged to her ankle, drift up and away. There was much squeaking and rustling as she attempted to undo her undoing, but it's hard to untie a knot you can't see and she was soon too high for them to make out her alternating threats and pleading.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"We go live on this breaking news coverage," said an NBC news reporter. "On Halloween, a local college kids have witnessed two unlikely events that have happened to two college students, 19 year old Elizabeth Sparrow, and 20 year old Taylor Richardson. This unfortunate incident occurred at a local Halloween party that took place at Ms. Richardson's house. Both students are at the hospital and doing ok. Police are baffled and puzzled at what the local colleges are saying. They have said that it started out as some weird drinking game, but it ended up totally wrong." It is interesting how the news catches quickly on stories like this one. It was true about what the news reporter stated that an unlikely event that involved those two girls was at first thought by everyone to be a college drinking game, but it ended up becoming an act of getting rid of some one due to jealousy. How do I know this? Well, let's just say I was one of those witnesses on that fateful Halloween day. My name is Jonathan McCloud, and this is my story. Two days before Halloween, the reason behind these events occurred in college between the conflicts of these two girls. Elizabeth Sparrow was an out-going, friendly, beautiful, well educated girl. She had dark brown eyes and brunette hair. Elizabeth and I are best friends from middle school and high school. As for Taylor Richardson, she was a nasty, bossy, and had the typical "mean girl" attitude. She was considered to be the hottest girl in college (even in high school.) She had long black hair with dark green eyes. Both of these girls dislike each other, and are always competing to be with on person. It is me. Even in high school, Elizabeth and Taylor were still dueling and competing to have a relationship with me. I always had feelings for Elizabeth, since we know each other real well. I have always tried to ask her out, but Taylor got me first, and we dated from junior year of high school till that eventful Halloween. I never had any feelings for Taylor. I always thought she was a selfish bitch. I tried many times to break up with her, and so many times she wouldn't. I felt like I was hers forever until that Halloween. "Sweetie did you hear me? John!" Taylor said snapping me out of day dreaming about Elizabeth. "Uh.....oh honey....I am sorry...what were saying?" I replied "I was saying that we should have a Halloween party at my place. We can invite our friends over, and maybe have some quality alone time together," she said in a sexy tone. "Ya that would be great; let's do it. I can invite Nicole, Josh, and the rest of my gang, and Elizabeth. Taylor looked at me with disgust and annoyed. She always does this when I mention Elizabeth. "Don't invite her. Honey what did I tell you? I don't want her to come," she said selfishly "Taylor! Baby! She is my best friend, and besides I love you. Please Taylor. It would make me happy," I said lying to her just to make her agree with me. I do this just to make her feel better, and I am lying because I don't really love her. If I told her that I don't love her, she would keep on telling me that she would end up doing something stupid and she would blame me for the cause of it. The difference between Taylor and Elizabeth is that when Taylor hears me state about what makes me happy, she will do it for me. Remember she doesn't want to let me go, and I know she is doing that for herself. When Taylor heard me say that magical phrase, her behavior changes from the disgusted, mean girl to the sweet and generous one. "Oh OK. I would do anything to make you happy, baby. I will invite her just for you," she said all sweet and kind. "OK. I will see you on Saturday to get the party all set up, and then Halloween," I said. Taylor and I kiss passionately and went are separate ways. After Taylor was out of site, I wiped my mouth in disgust and my mind changed when I saw Elizabeth going to class. We both had theater and art class together, as well as Taylor. I swear Taylor won't go with anyone else but me. Taylor and Elizabeth have the same English class, and that is where Elizabeth was walking to. As I took in one last look of Elizabeth, I quickly ran to Algebra before class started. All of the classes are in session, and knowledge fills the air. In English class, Elizabeth sat in the 3rd row, 4th column of desks. Taylor was right behind her two seats behind. She eyed Elizabeth in disgust. "Why does John like her?" she thought sternly to herself. "John will be forever mine." After class was finished, everyone left and went to the parking lot. Elizabeth almost gets into her when she was pulled aside by Taylor. "Hey Elizabeth," Taylor said in a fake pleasant voice. "Hello Taylor?" Elizabeth said cautiously. She had a confused look on her face, and didn't understand why Taylor is talking and being so nice to her. "What is she up to?" Elizabeth thought to herself. "I want to let you know that John and I are having Halloween party at my place. We are inviting you to come," Taylor still with that phony voice. "Um...well, thank you for the invitation, but I don't know if I will be free to come," Elizabeth said trying to figure out what Taylor is planning to do. She didn't trust Taylor at all. "Please Elizabeth. Please! It would make John happy to have his best friend over, and besides I don't have a grudge against you anymore," Taylor said lying. "Well... that's great you don't have a grudge against me...but I still don't know if I can...John would understand that I ..." "Please Elizabeth. Pretty Please! I swear I won't bother your time with John, and for his sake, let's be friends. Call it truce. I promise there won't be any problems. What do you say Elizabeth?" Taylor still lying to Elizabeth, and is wearing a fake smile on her face. Elizabeth didn't know what to believe. Did Taylor really change her attitude towards her? Does she really want to be friends? Still, Elizabeth was skeptic about Taylor's behavior. So, she shook Taylor's hand, and agreed to go to the party. "Great! I will let John know. I am sorry for being such a bitch to you. I am glad the past is behind us and we can be friends," Taylor said as she almost starts to twitch her eyes. "Yep, I am glad too. Well, I best be going and getting ready for the party on Sunday. See you and John later. Bye Taylor." So, Elizabeth hops in her car and drives off to home. Taylor watches as Elizabeth is out of sight, and quickly changes back into her devious self. She had a big gin on her face. "That stupid girl fell for that trick. Now, it is time to get a plan ready. It will involve getting rid of Elizabeth once and for all. As soon as she is no longer in the picture, John will be mine. ALL MINE!" she said laughing sinisterly. Taylor quickly gets in her car, and drives back her to place to come up with a plan that will be diabolical. Night time falls, and a scheme is starting to take shape. Taylor was in her bedroom writing and thinking of ideas. "How has to be something will make her feel embarrassed. It has to change John's mind about Elizabeth. But what can I do? Think. Think. Think." Taylor kept on thinking of ideas after another, and still nothing interests her. She quickly takes a break and turns on the TV, hoping to find something that will give her ideas. There was nothing on TV to watch, so she switched to using You Tube on the internet. She went from page to page, video by video, and still nothing caught her interests. As she was about to give up, she stumbles on a news bulletin posted on You Tube in regards to a woman blown up like a huge helium balloon. She watches as the news shows a bloated woman being rolled out by paramedics, and quickly taken to the hospital. The reporter states that the woman was inflated by a criminal escaped convict. The criminal was apprehended and the woman was returned to normal. As Taylor analyzes the video, the wheels in her head began to turn. She finally had an idea. "THAT'S IT!" she shouts with joy. "I know what I will do to get rid of Elizabeth. I will blow her up like balloon and pop her. After she pops, I will have John all to myself, and nothing will stop me. It's brilliant...Brilliant....BRILLIANT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA," she says manically laughing She goes back to writing out the plans, laughing and cackling all the way. Her eyes filled up with madness. Her grin grew wider, as she wrote. When the plan was finished, she eyed the paper from top to bottom making sure that she wasn't missing anything. After looking over, she chuckled and sneered. "Alright, it is time for Elizabeth to meet her doom," she said in a diabolical way that would make any person have running cold chills down his or her spine. She walked to her bedroom, turned off the lights, and went to bed. As she was sleeping, she dreams about the look that Elizabeth will have when she inflated and popped. Taylor's mischievous grin never changed on her face. On Saturday afternoon through the evening, Taylor and I are decorating her house for the party. As I put the fake cob webs up, I noticed that Taylor had this big smile on her face. "What is it, honey?" I said wondering why she was so happy. "Oh nothing, just the thought about the party and all the fun it will have. I invited Elizabeth to the party for you." She said trying to not act so disgusted by the name. I stared at her with big eyes, and was shocked to hear what she said, "You did?" "Yes. I did honey. I told her that, just for you, I won't ne mad when she comes over and I won't do anything bad. I promise sweetie," she said as she came over and kisses me. "OK. Well, I don't want there to be a problem. I mean it Taylor," I stared at her, hoping that she wasn't lying to me and telling the truth. "I won't. Now, let's get those webs up. Halloween is tomorrow and we must be ready," she said sounding so happy and full of energy. Still, I looked at her and didn't know how to react to her strange behavior. I thought maybe she has changed, but I was wrong when Sunday came. Saturday ends, and Sunday begins. Halloween is here, and the party has begun. Everyone came over to Taylor's all dressed in scary costumes. It was like party city all around the house. The music was booming and people were talking so loud, dancing, drinking and eating, and even making out. What can I say? It was a typical college party. Taylor and I greeted people into the house. I was dressed up as Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street, and Taylor was Mrs. Lovett. As I watched as people entered, I started to look around hoping to find Elizabeth. Taylor glanced at me and saw that I was looking all over for Elizabeth. "It's ok dear. She will come. Trust me," Taylor said while calming me. "OK. Hey, I am going to go hangout with Josh, Nicole, and the gang. Let me know when Elizabeth arrives. You and her can come over, and hangout with us." I said. "Ok dear. I will do that. You go have fun," Taylor said. She was trying to hold in her excitement for it was almost time to blow up Elizabeth. So, I left Taylor by the entrance and went into the living room where my friends were playing video games on the Xbox 360. As time goes by, Taylor became impatient and she waited for Elizabeth to show. "Where is she? I want her out of the picture now," she thought to herself. As she walks towards the living room, Elizabeth shows up at the door. Taylor opens the door, with excitement for now her victim has arrived. "Elizabeth! Hi! Come on in! It is so nice to have you here," she says ushering her in. "I hope I am not too late. John always likes me in my pirate costume," Elizabeth says. Elizabeth was dressed as Elizabeth Swann from Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Mans Chest. She had a white puffy shirt with brown pants and brown belt with a gold buckle. She also wore a pirate's hat on her head, and coat over the shirt. "You look great. Well, let me take you to where John is and let's have some fun," Taylor tries to hide her mischievous grin with a pleasant smile, and a little bit of her right eye twitched. "OK. Where is John?" Elizabeth says while looking around for him. "Oh. He is......he is....,"she said acting like she doesn't know where he is. She thought for a moment to find a good place to lead Elizabeth away from John's presence. Then she thought of outside, where a group of college kids were doing drinking games like bonging. "OK. If I lead her out there, I can try to get her to play a drinking game, and I will get the chance to blow her up with the garden hose. Those drunks don't care. They will be so wasted that they won't know what was going on. Yes that's it! OK. Time to act," she thought carefully in her head. "Alright, he is out in the backyard. Let's go there together," Taylor said enthusiastically. "OK," Elizabeth says. Elizabeth began to walk towards the patio doors with Taylor as the guide. They walked through a tough crowd of costumers to reach the doors. "This is it. THIS IS IT!" Taylor tells herself constantly. After maneuvering through the horde of people, they finally come to their destination. Taylor eagerly opens the patio door and lets Elizabeth go first. Elizabeth starts to feel unsure about Taylor's attitude, still she went on through. "OK. Where is he?" Elizabeth says. Taylor walks outside and looks around to find the garden hose. She saw it right where she hoped it would be. It was right next to the drunks. "Well he was over there with those guys; maybe he went to use the bathroom. Hey Elizabeth, can I ask you a question?" Taylor says trying to hold in her evilness. "Sure" Elizabeth answers. "I was wondering, while we are waiting for John, do you want to play a game with me? It is really fun. I think you will enjoy it. I know I will," Taylor starts to slowly go back to her usual self, but was holding it in. She didn't want Elizabeth to run away from her. "Sure? What is it?" Elizabeth says still questioning whether or not Taylor is nice person, or a phony. "It's a drinking game to see who can hold the most liquid." "Oh, I don't play drinking games. I don't like them." Elizabeth says in grotesque. "Don't worry. There is no alcohol involved, it is OK. Please....please......pretty please," Taylor starts to beg Elizabeth to do the game. Elizabeth thinks for a bit and starts to give in. "OK. Why not? Let's do it." "Cool. YAY! Well, let's go over there and play that game." Taylor points over by the drunks and the garden hose. Elizabeth walks over there, while Taylor follows behind her grimacing and laughing under her breath. "This is perfect. It is time! She won't know what hit her." Taylor thought to herself. As they went over there, the drunks started to step away from the girls, and one of them was totally wasted for he fell down. One of the drunks says, "Hey, want to use the funnel." "Sure," Taylor says. She then turns to Elizabeth and says, "OK. Now Elizabeth, I need you to close your eyes and follow exactly what I say. Trust me," Taylor says sweetly. "OK," Elizabeth closes her eyes and waits for further orders. Taylor quickly rushes over to the garden hose and grabs it. She carries it back to where Elizabeth was standing, grinning with share delight of evil. One drunk says, "Damn! Now that's along funnel." Taylor gets over to Elizabeth with the hose in her hand and says in a wicked voice, "OK. Now open your mouth." Elizabeth opens her mouth and says, "Like this Taylor..." Suddenly, Taylor jams the hose quickly in Elizabeth's mouth, causing her to open her eyes quickly. Elizabeth looks at her with a "WTF" look, and tries to pull the hose out, but Taylor jams the hose even further in Elizabeth's mouth making it harder for her to pull it out. Taylor rushes over to the valve and looks at Elizabeth trying to pull out the hose, but it wouldn't budge out. "Time for you to go," Taylor says with cold, and vile eyes. Taylor turns on the valve and stands back to watch her plan take action. Elizabeth, who was desperately pulling out the hose, hears something. Her eyes drew to the hose that was slowly filling with water. Her eyes followed the waters path as it drew closer and closer to the nozzle. She frantically tried to pull the hose out, but it was no use. She was too late. The water reached the nozzle and began to go down her throat. Her cheeks swelled up as if they were pumped with air. As she kept ingesting more water, she quickly glanced down at her belly, which was beginning to bulge out. She tried to get the hose out, but the pressure of the water intake made it hard for her to pull it out. She grabbed her belly as it expanded. Gallons upon gallons kept flowing toward her, and her body started to expand like a water balloon. He eyes widened as her thighs and ass began to fill her costume pants. Her breasts began to grow, pulling her coat buttons further and further apart. She cried out "MMMMMMM!! HELP! PWEASE MMMMMM!!! STOP IT!!!!" "No one can hear you scream for help. Nobody is coming to save you. Expand you bitch. Expand! POP," Taylor said grinning with delight as she watches Elizabeth expand bigger and bigger. Elizabeth started to moan in pain for her belt kept getting tighter and tighter, until... *POP* The belt snapped off, sending giant ripples across her bloated form. It flew and smacked one of the drunks in the head. "Hey! Who threw...."he stopped dead in his tracks. His jaw dropped as he witnesses a girl blowing up like a balloon. He calls to his drunken buddies, "Hey guys, check out the blimp." They stared and laughed at Elizabeth. Elizabeth's midsection grew wider and wider by the second. Her boots began to brake from the weight as her arms shot out straight. She flapped her hands as tears ran down her swollen cheeks. She started to lose her arms and legs to her massive state. She started to rock back and forth. She closes her eyes, praying that John will save her. Her tears rolled down her cheeks and onto her expanding boobs that were holding her head up. She could feel her body getting tighter and tighter by the minute. One of the drunks decides to walk over to her and poke her. Elizabeth moaned in pain for she knew that if the drunk kept poking her, she will explode. She could hear the water sloshing everywhere inside. As the drunk continues having fun in poking her, something knocks him out. *POP* *POP* The first two buttons on Elizabeth's coat popped off and smacked the drunk in the head causing him to fall to the ground. Her massive cleavage was showing as it grew and grew further out. Her coat began to become outstretched and started to tare. *RIP* Her coat rips apart in halve revealing her white puffy pirate shirt. *POP* Her pants button snapped sending it to another drunk, but this time at his private. That's got to hurt. While this is going on, Taylor continues to laugh and cackle at Elizabeth's demise. "This is funny," she says trying to stop laughing, but couldn't help it. Meanwhile, my friends and I were still laughing and carrying on with our game. Nicole, my close friend and sister, as well as the vampire girl, got up and headed for the bathroom. As she went towards the bathroom, she notices someone was blowing up like a balloon through the glass patio doors. She saw Elizabeth. "OH NO! ELIZABETH! JOHN! JOHN! Elizabeth is in trouble! Go outside in the backyard. Taylor has done something terrible to her," Nicole shouted and ran to me. I heard Nicole and darted towards the backyard. "Oh crap! What has Taylor done now?" I stopped and froze in my tracks. I saw Elizabeth huge and round. She was a blimp. "ELIZABETH!" I shouted to her, but she couldn't see or hear me. I turned towards the source of the water and saw Taylor laughing and standing next to the valve. "TAYLOR! STOP THIS NOW!!!" I said yelling and running towards her with rage. Taylor was out of her enjoyment, and stood frozen and frightened as she saw me coming over to her. "John? No! No! Why did you come outside?" she thought in terror. "John! Sweetie! I don't know what happened. I was...," Taylor couldn't finish what she was going to say. I pushed her aside, turned off the valve, and ran to Elizabeth's aid. "John?" Taylor said in dismay. She knows that she is in big trouble. I ignored her and went to Elizabeth. I got a chair from inside and stood on it to pull the hose out of her mouth. As I got the hose out with all my might, excess water poured out of her mouth. Elizabeth's eyes opened, squinting due to her puffed cheeks, and saw me. "John? Is that you?" Elizabeth said as water kept pouring out. "Yes, Elizabeth, it is I. Let's get you back to normal," I said calming her. "OK. John? Could you roll me to the bathroom? I seriously have to go. Maybe this will help me back to normal," Elizabeth says as she feels the water sloshing and flowing in her. She started to squirm with her flapping arms and head. "OK. Every body move out of the way," John says as he and his friend, Josh, help roll Elizabeth to the bathroom. As they rolled Elizabeth, she felt so full. Everybody could hear the gallons of water sloshing around inside her. They push and push her into the house, but couldn't. Elizabeth moaned in pain. "Stop pushing me, John. I am going to pop! Just roll me to a bush and I will take care of business." Elizabeth says as she starts to cry in pain and anguish. "OK. Nicole and Danielle, can you roll Elizabeth to the bush please. I have to talk to Taylor.....about this," I said as I turned to Taylor, who froze and shaking in terror. "Yes," Nicole and Danielle said in unison and took over rolling Elizabeth. As they kept rolling her, Elizabeth moaned and moaned in pain. Then, they made it to a tall bush of grass, and everyone heard a big sigh of relief coming from the back of the bush. After Elizabeth had the enormous bathroom time in the history, she emerged from behind the bush, and was back to normal. She had Nicole and Danielle aiding her to walk, since she felt dizzy and light-headed. She was all in tattered, outstretched clothes. "Take her to the hospital, Nicole. You go with her, Danielle," I said worried about Elizabeth. "I will see you when I am done talking to Taylor." I kept my eyes fixated on Taylor, stopping her dead in her tracks. My face was burning with anger. My Sweeney Todd make up started to form and take the shape of Johnny Depps Sweeney Todd character. The change started to spread fear to everyone, but most of all it was frightening to Taylor. I went towards her with cold, blood shot eyes. I clenched my fists and just kept staring at her. Taylor started to squirm around like a fly trying to get off a spider web. "John, I know you're mad at me, and I am sorry for blowing her up. Please! Just hear me out," Taylor said feeling scared. She moved herself around me and started to run for the patio door, but everyone was blocking her way. They, too, stared down at her like demons crowding around to drag some one to hell. She turned around still squirming and shaking. Her eyes widened in fear as she saw me picking up the hose. "John, please, I promise I won't do it again. I promise. Please baby! Please don't do this," Taylor started to shed a tear for she was afraid to meet her demise. She begs me not to use the hose on her. I didn't hear her for my anger clouded my mind. I looked at everyone and to Josh. I nodded my head to Josh, which in return he did the same thing. Both Josh and the crowd of people started to close in around Taylor not letting her escape. "No body hurts my friends, Taylor Richardson," I said in anger as I walked my way through the crowd to reach her. Everyone's costume, including Joshes, started to transform and take on their true hideous and horrifying appearances. Taylor froze in fear as she sees college kids in demon, ghosts, ghouls, clowns, skeletons, and famous slasher film killers transforming into the actual creatures and monsters. Joshes costume transformed him in Jigsaw from the Saw series. They all stare at her with ghoulish delight. But the one thing that she couldn't resist taking her eyes off was me. She could see hell fire in my eyes as I got closer and closer to her. "Baby.........please...," Taylor starts to whimper and cry. "Taylor, do you know what would make me happy," I said with anger in my voice. "What?" she says while whimpering and shaking. "If you could play this drinking game with me........and you start first." "I want to play a game," Joshes voice changed and sound just like the Jigsaw doll. I lunged at her with the hose and jammed it in her mouth before she could scream. I kept jamming it so far that it was hard for her to pull it out. I walked through the horde of people to the valve. Everybody took a step back to reveal Taylor with the hose in her mouth. She pulled and pulled, but no budge. Then she stopped and looked at me. Her eyes widened as she saw me at the valve. She shakes her head no, and frantically mumbles, "MMMMMM!! NO! PLEASE! JOHN! MMMMMMM (NOOOOOOOOOO!)" "Taylor.......I am breaking up with you for good," I said while turning on the valve. "NOOOOOOOOOO," Taylor moans with the hose in her mouth. Her eyes drew to the sound and the hose as water was flowing in it. Her eyes followed the waters path as it kept moving closer and closer. She frantically tried to pull the hose out, but it was too late. The water reached the nozzle and began to trickle down her throat. Her cheeks puffed up like Elizabeth's were. She looked down at her belly as it bulges out in her Mrs. Lovett's costume. Due to the pressure of the water intake, it was hard for to pull the hose out. She clutched her belly as it expanded outward. She was ingesting even more gallons than Elizabeth had. Her eyes widened as her thighs and ass began to grow out. She cried out to me like Elizabeth did for her, and I didn't listen. I sat back and watched Taylor expand wider and wider in her costume. Taylor moaned in pain has her corset was getting tighter an tighter, until... *RIP* *RIP* *SNAP* Her dress started to rip apart. The impact sent ripples across her form. The wider and wider she grew her shoe laces broke and snapped as her arms shot out straight. She flapped her hands as tears began to flow from her eyes. Her breasts popped out revealing her white bra. Her head was being held up by her expanding breasts. She lost her arms and legs to her massive state. She started to rock back and forth. Taylor closed her eyes, hoping that I will stop. She could feel her body getting tighter and tighter by the minute, and knew that she will explode. Holes began to form down the sides of her dress as her belly, midsection, legs and thighs, and filled with water. "Ok. She is big enough," I thought to myself and turned off the valve. Taylor was bigger than Elizabeth was. I walked over to her and pulled the hose out. Excess water spilled out and she opened her eyes. "Well, Taylor you're big as life and the center of attention. I was going to let you pop, but I spare you for now," I said still glaring at her with fiery eyes. I poked her swollen body and could hear the gallons of water sloshing and rolling around inside. She moaned and squirmed with her flapping hands and head. "John. Can you roll me to the bushes, please! I really, really need to go. I am going to explode," she said sounding all innocent. "Roll yourself. Goodbye Taylor," I said without feeling and walked away. "John! PLEASE! Don't leave me! PLEASE! I will always love you. PLEASE! JOHHHHNNNNN!" Taylor shouted trying to stop me from leaving. I never turned around and I left the house, and went straight to the hospital to be with Elizabeth. As I was leaving, everyone, who came to the party, also started to leave. We all left Taylor swollen and helpless, and alone. "Hey! Don't go. PLEASE! Somebody help me," Taylor pleas and begs people who are mass exiting. No one would pay any attention to her, and they all left. "Please......don't go......I don't want to be alone," she heard the water sloshing around in her midsection. "Oooo...I am going to explode...please....John? Anybody help me?" No one was around. Everyone left. Taylor was alone and helpless. She rocked back and forth, trying to see if she could make it to a bush. But her helpless state made her fall down, and roll helplessly toward the valve. "WAIT! NOOO! NOT THE VALVE! PLEASE! I NEED TO ROLL THE OTHER WAY NOT TO THE...," she said while rolling. Her body stopped rolling and broke the valve. "OH! CRAP!" Taylor screams as she gulps more and more water. The water from the valve shot out and struck her in the mouth. She was growing bigger and bigger; her dress gave in and broke, exposing her in a bra and panties. Her blimp body expanded to the extremes. She kept ingesting more water all through Halloween, until the ambulances got there to stop it. Turns out, I called 911 to help her, since I had a feeling she would be growing a lot bigger. Don't ask me how I knew. I just had this feeling. Taylor's eyes opened, squinting due to her puffed cheeks, and saw the paramedics. "Thank you. Right now I need to........... (a heavy sigh of relief).....ah that feels good....," she says this while the paramedics leave to give her some privacy. After the biggest leak of the century, Taylor returned back to normal. Surrounded by tattered clothes and wearing a bra and panties, Taylor fainted in a big water stain in the backyard. November 1, a few hours after the incident: "We go live on this breaking news coverage," said an NBC news reporter. So, we came back to the beginning of my story. A few weeks later, everything was back to normal. I am going out with Elizabeth and spending every moment together. As for Taylor, she was sent to jail for trying to have Elizabeth exploded. She is still obsessed about me, and she apparently forgives me for blowing her up like a blimp. She thought it was an act of love that I had done. To this very day, she is thinking many ways to get back with me and to get rid of Elizabeth. She is planning to do it for next Halloween.
corset, pill, Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Most Creative Choice of Clothing, Prose that Blows Winner: Best Scene of Clothing Destruction, Prose that Blows Winner: Best Squeezy Story, Prose that Blows Winner: Sexiest Story, Prose that Blows X: We're Dedicated Swallowers of Fashion
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation
Two women stepped onto the set. They were both gorgeous; long legs, firm asses, full breasts, and slender comely physiques. For all their beauty the pair looked very similar. Indeed, the shared pout of inviting lips and sparkling blue eyes seemed to suggest they might be related. The only obvious, immediate difference between the two was their hair; one girl wore hers short and scarlet red, the other had a cascade of mahogany curls down to her shoulders. And they were naked, save for the corsets tightly strapped around their waists. The corsets were of similar builds, ornate affairs of silk and leather, lace bodices strapped tight across slim backs, and their rigid forms pushing up the girls' breasts as they strutted to position before the cameras. The redheaded girl's corset was scarlet red with black ribbing and the word Evelyn written in dark lace letters along the lower rim, whereas the brunette's garment was pink and white. The twin beauties smiled at the cameras, each one producing a small, blue pill from a hidden spot along their cleavage. "I'm wearing an Evelyn Corset," the redhead said. "And I'm not," the brunette replied a heartbeat later. "Let's see which one pops first." At that, the two slipped their little blue pills past their lips in a swift, synchronized movement. They shared similar soft gasps as the pills' first effects became noticeable. They wobbled, ever so slightly, adjusting to internal pressures straining against too-tight clothing, until that mounting pressure found an outlet in their naked rumps. Twin tight asses grew spherical in a matter of seconds, and continued to press outward. "Mmmhm..." the brunette said, "and I thought this was snug to begin with." "It'll be getting a lot tighter," the redhead said with a gleeful smile, running a hand over her swelling, basketball-sized ass cheeks. "Oh!" the brunette cooed, bringing her own hands up to rest gingerly on her breasts. Her corset pushed them up, and as they began expanding against the tight leather device they found they had nowhere to go but up and out. "Evelyn Corsets do more than just structure and support," the redhead breathed through teeth gritted with effort. Her own breasts strained against the tight cups of her corset, unable to push the ribbed leather out any further. "They also... hmmh... guide and sculpt... your physique..." she lost her cool and let slip a lewd moan as her fair boobs began expanding upward. Nipples still firmly pressed against her corset, the top arcs of each breast began climbing up, rounding outward from her chest, their apexes creeping upward past her clavicle. As if on cue, the brunette burst from her top, tearing the uppermost seams and ribs of the corset as her breasts ballooned outward. She let out an ecstatic cry before regaining her composure, grabbing her bobbing tits and hefting up the lightweight, watermelon-sized orbs. "Most corsets simply can't stand this much pressure," she said with a feigned pout. She began to wobble, struggling to balance her gigantic tits with her equal sized, still-inflating ass. The redhead let her sparkling eyes dance over her companion, her restrained smile growing more lascivious. Like the brunette, her ass cheeks had swollen to taut, beach-ball sized spheres that were enveloping a healthy portion of her thighs, but her chest growth was still restricted. With the scarlet corset restricting outward growth, her boobs had continued expanding upward. With a deep breath, she gently placed her hands on the ends of her barely restrained breasts before speaking, mustering the breath for each word clearly a labor, "Evelyn corsets... are designed to withstand... phenomenal pressures." She could rest her chin on the curves of her yearning boobs when she finished speaking her line, but as she closed her eyes in apparent revelry she lost her balance, teetering backwards and bouncing off her rounded, pressurized ass with a soft "oomph!" Overcorrecting her balance on the bounce, she toppled over, tight and taut tummy to the ground, facing the camera with an embarrassed smile. The jarring about seemed to quicken the inflation and her restrained breasts redoubled their growth, swelling upward and forward, pushing her increasingly elastic body aside in their quest for room. Soon, her face was framed entirely by the swells of her boobs, still solidly anchored in the cups of her garment. "Now..." the brunette managed to breathe through the pressure of her burgeoning titss and restricted stomach, "any worthwhile corset will strap you in, nice and tight." She carefully pivoted, her top swaying off her center of gravity with the momentum of her new enhancements. Indeed, the crisscross pink straps tying the thing together were holding well, even if her taut back was pressing hard enough to leave an imprint. "It... won't be the... hmph... the lace... that gives..." the redhead murmured, her face now completely enveloped in her burgeoning cleavage. The elasticity of her expanding body had pushed her shoulders and arms back as her chest expanded, leaving her something of an hourglass; yearning flesh ballooning on two ends constricted by her shapely red corset in the middle. "Mrph!" the brunette agreed, wiggling hands that were barely visible around her new curvature. While the straps nobly restrained her mounting pressure, the seams along the hard ribbing of her already torn corset began to creak. She shuddered, her diminutive hands waving uselessly, and with a resounding rip the seams around one of the corsets' hard plastic ribs gave way. That first seam gone, the rest of the corset tore itself apart faster than the eye could see. The ruined leather and lace went flying off her body, the recoil of its constrained energy sending her wheeling over as her finally free torso ballooned outwards. The redhead made a noise halfway between a bemused chuckle and an indecent moan. Her face was just barely visible within her cleavage, her arms and hands completely eclipsed. She made the motions to say something with her suddenly fuller lips, but couldn't quite manage an intelligible word. Her taut, straining form shuddered, and she closed her eyes, mouth opened in an orgasmic moan... With a loud pop the redhead vanished, a shower of rubbery confetti began drifting down across the set... and the scarlet Evelyn corset collapsed, empty, on the floor. The brunette giggled and the cameras focused in on her. She wobbled to a stop just as her inflation wound down, leaving her with easy-chair sized breasts and ass cheeks. Her unconstrained torso had finally been free to expand, but was still comparatively small to her other orbs, no larger than a bean-bag chair. She rested belly down, bobbing slightly, her weight entirely on the orbs of her tits and ass, curly brown hair framing the expression of girlish delight on her face. Her arms and legs had vanished from view, likely subsumed by her inflated curves, but her toes and fingers could be seen wriggling from the very periphery of new proportions. "So there you have it! Buy Evelyn, for the only corset guaranteed to last longer under pressure than you will!"
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
We had arrived back home to our apartment in the style only the Home Guard could offer, a jostling metal crate that lept over ever little stone it had the misfortune of touching. Needless to say, Amisi and I were more than grateful for our little "escort" to have come to a more settled end. We bid farewell to our redcoated friends before ascending the staircase to our porchside entrance. I had just put the key into the lock when something fell from above, a flash of brown that landed at our feet with a light thud. "What in tarn-?!" I cried out stepping back quickly. Amisi grinned as she bent over the falling object. "Such a scaredy cat, Nicole. It's just a parcel." She hefted the small brick sized package in her hand and gave it a little shake. "Last I remember, postmen don't just drop parcels over our heads!" I snapped. Amisi cared none for my defensive remark and was more interested in the confounded object. She huffed and gave a defeated sigh. "Pity," she held it out to me, "it's for you." I blinked in surprise and took it in hesitant hands. "Odd, I wasn't expecting anything..." I rolled it carefully in my hands, noting the lack of any identification aside from the small tag of which was written my name. Something small inside moved back and forth inside, it had some weight to it, but it was not heavy. I glanced around to see who had dropped it to no avail. "Only one way to find out." I tentatively untied it, fully prepared to cast it away at a moments notice. Amisi was busily unlocking the door as I tore open the brown paper and got my first look at the strange thing. It was a small ornately carved box, sparesely decorated with copper fittings. It was a beautiful thing, albeit mysterious. "What is it?" Amisi asked, eyeing the box with gleaming violet eyes. "I don't know." "Come on, open it!" She said giving me a playful shove. I hesitated for a moment. What if this was some sort of trap? Several other women had been blown into human balloons for no known reason, surely this could be the cause. If it is, is it really wise to open it? I might already have been expanded, would this Geist possessing me protect me? "Hey! Nicole, no standy sleepy!" I jumped and elicited a small yelp as she pinched my side. She grinned ear to ear, I responded in kind with a glare of my own. "This is becoming a bad habit, Amisi." "Heheh, I hope so." I grumbled to myself and cast my eyes back to the box. "Well, here goes nothing." I thumbed the small latch and slowly lifted the box's lid expecting the horrors of Pandora to whoosh out of it. Thankfully, no such thing occurred. Inside was a small black Obelisk, etched with golden runes of some long forgotten tongue. It was carefully protected by thin golden fibres, nestled safely in its embrace. Amisi seemed unimpressed, a small pout forming on her face. "That's it? Boring." I ran a finger along it's smooth surface. A cold chill ran down my spine and I shuddered. Whatever this thing was, it surely wasn't my favorite artifact (not that I have ever had any). "What is this?" I asked, turning to my foreign companion. "It is just a Rhinelander runestone, useless junk." I stared at it again. A memory of someone explaining a Rhinelander occult group came to mind. They didn't have any purpose in Thames, why would a group like that send a little trinket like that on our doorstep? "You want my advice," Amisi began, her face becoming more serious, "destroy it." That came as a surprise, not to mention highly unlike the Amisi I've ever known. As long as I've known her she's had a passion for old things like this, now to suddenly condemn this one to pieces? Was it really that dangerous? I thought for a moment, choosing my words carefully. "I think it would be best to donate it to the historical society. They surely would value something like this." Amisi was silent, but gave in and nodded. "Perhaps so. Just don't leave it here." I watched as she headed inside leaving me on the porch alone. This had never happened between us before, nor have I ever seen her this serious about something. It was almost as if... "Is she an anti-Rhinelander?" Night came as a welcoming relief, the events of recent have been taxing to say the least. I didn't even bother undressing today, just flopping face first onto the bed. I glanced once more at the Runestone set aside on the nightstand. Just what is it? If it worried Amisi, should I be worried as well? I mean, it's just a stone! Curses and magic don't exist! It's all make believe, like faeries and unicorns. Yet, that odd chill still traveled up and down my spine whenever I glanced at it. With a deflating sigh I smashed my face into the pillow. "Why can't I just have a normal life?" Now, I know I'm not one to believe in magic or curses. although I oftentimes do believe that there is some god that takes pleasure in making my life a terrible mess of unexplainable events. So I wasn't tall that surprised to hear something in my room once those words left my lips. I froze and lie completely still, straining to listen. There! I could hear it, very faint. Something moving along the carpet. There it is again! My brain was screaming to do something, anything! Yet, against my deepest efforts I was frozen in place. My skin began to crawl as something settled onto the edge of the bed, and yet the shuffling continued. There was more than one?! There was a low chuckle, more akin to a growl as the figure on the bed placed a gloved hand on my leg. "You are very intuitive Frau Wiley." Shoot. I slowly turned to face the stranger, expecting the worst. He was an old man, his face scarred and wrinkled with age. A large white mustache hid his upper lip with its ends curled upwards in a wide W. The moonlight glinted off the Pickelhaube resting atop his head and the strange mechanical arm, which began to hymn gently like a lullaby. His dark blue uniform and gray trousers nearly hid him in the darkness, but here in the moonlight his presence was emphasized tenfold. "Fraulein Nicole Wiley, if my sources are correct?" I cleared my throat and eyed him suspiciously, aside from him intruding in our home. "Y-yes. What do you want with me?" He huffed in satisfaction and gestured to another figure in the dark. It took me a moment to realize it was another soldier, this one similiarly dressed without a Pickelhaube. The soldier's face was scarred from ear to ear and his ice blue eyes stared sharply into mine. I didn't like this man, I don't why, but he's definately not the friendly type. "Sir." The newcomer said, snapping to attention stiffly. "Jurgen, would you kindly watch the doorway?" He nodded and set off to his task, leaving the room. The officer, as I realized he was, turned back to me. "Now then. I do apologize for the intrusion, but it cannot be helped." "Oh...Okay?" He glanced at the Obelisk resting on the nightstand and nodded gesturing with his mechanized arm. "I'm glad to see it arrived safely. Good help is hard to find these days." "Listen Hans, why are you here?" I interrupted, growing more impatient with his attempts to ease the situation. He huffed and a faint smile creased his lips. "Straight to the point, good." He removed his helmet and neatly set it by his side. "Frau Wiley, I am Count Eberhard of the Society of Thule. I believe you've heard of us before?" "Yes, unfortunately." I gave him a defiant grin. "I see. Well it should come as no surprise that we're here for you." "And why is that? If you wanted to kill me, why not just do it in my sleep?" "Oho, no. We're not the one's who are here to kill you." I was quiet for a moment. Someone is here to kill me? "What are you talking about?" He shifted his position and glanced at the doorway before continuing. "There is a sorcess in this city who means to claim your life. That Runestone is meant to ward off magical powers. Luckily for you, it seems to have worked as you are still breathing." "Why does this sorceress want me dead?" I asked, skeptical as I was. "Simple, your possessed by a Patriarch." I was silent contemplating just what the Hell this man was talking about. How does he know that I'm possessed? "Your Nile friend, Amisi, knows just as much. Has she not told you?" Amisi? Amisi! Was she alright?! I quickly tried to get out of the bed, but froze at the distinct sound of metal sliding on metal. "I wouldn't recommend that." He added gesturing to a soldier standing hidden in the corner of the room, a rifle barrel glinting in the moonlight. "Where is Amisi." I growled trying my best to be intimidating. "She's safe. To be honest, I am shocked you did not notice sooner." "Notice what?" His smile had become a sneer and his eyes narrowed. "She's a sorceress, the pupil of your intended killer." "Bull shit, Amisi is my friend! She wouldn't-" "Is she now? How well do you know her? What village is she from, who are her parents, where did she study?" "She's just keeps to herself...she's not..." I mouth closed. This man had a point. I didn't know much of anything about Amisi's past. We've been sharing this apartment for three years, how could I not notice this sooner? "She's a sorceress, Wiley, and a dangerous one at that... Speaking of which-" He stood up from the bed and gestured to the hidden soldier. The soldier quickly turned the rifle towards the door. A loud crash and the door burst apart into little wooden splinters, the body of the soldier who had been watching said door fell in a heap onto the floor. Amisi, in all her beauty, has never looked so fierce. She glared daggers at the old count. "You! By the gods I swear I'll rip you apart if you touch her!" She roared, an arrowhead clenched firmly in her hands. "We meet again, you've grown much since our last meeting." Amisi, ignoring her enemy, glanced at me in concern. "Nicole, are you alright? Get over here." I froze on the spot. Try as I might, I simply couldn't move. "Nicole?" She asked, her face softening. I clenched my fists and stared long and hard at her. "Amisi... Are you a sorceress?" Amisi flinched visibly and her arms fell to her sides. "Nicole now's not the-" "Tell me, who are you? Why are you hiding your past from me?" She opened and closer her mouth as if to say something, alas not a sound. Her eyes darted quickly between the Count and myself. "Nicole I... Believe me I was going to tell you, but..." The Count raised his mechanized hand. "Soldat, fire only on my command." Amisi and I both quickly turned to see the soldier step out of the darkness rifle at the ready. It came as a small surprise to see it was a woman. A pretty woman with her blonde hair tied tightly in a bun. "Feuer." "No!" As the words left his mouth I reached out towards the soldier wishing hopelessly that the effort would prove enough to stop the soldier. I knew that it was a useless gesture. Silence. "What the?" Glancing around, everyone was standing where they had, save for the soldier. Her eyes widened and she dropped the rifle onto the carpet. The three of us stared at her. Then it happened, just like the girl in the Extraordinary Company's laboratory. Everyone's jaw dropped , except for our Count, as the woman began to claw desperately at the buttons of her green tunic. I didn't understand what was wrong until I noticed the slight bulging in her midsection growing tight around her uniform. The woman struggled to undo the last three buttons to no avail, her stomach swelled bigger and bigger, her feminine curves gaining more prominence. Her breasts rapidly grew in size like a pair of water balloons and her rear filled her trousers tightly. "Ngh! C-Count?! Vat do I do?!" She cried, her eyes pleading for help. He blinked and scratched his chin. "All according to plan soldat. You should enjoy it for the time being." She stared at him dumbly as her face turned bright scarlet. Her belly won the siege on her tunic and the three buttons violently popped off landing harmless onto the carpet. Her belly shot out from the new found freedom and the girl stumbled trying to balance herself. It didn't prove very effective as her limps had began to fill making movement difficult. She fell onto her large ball of a belly and flailed uselessly as her body rounded out. "Mein gott, please stop!" Her undershirt was the first to go, shredded apart by the pressure of her growing body. The woman moaned and was trying to hide her blushing face from the gaze of her officer, whom watched uninterested. Her trousers split apart and fell in a heap onto the floor. Her once lithe feminine body was becoming more spherical by the moment. "I don't want to die!" The woman pleaded tears streaming down her pretty face. The Count arched an eyebrow. "Have courage soldat, you won't die here. A soldier will die only the battlefield when I say so." Her body had become a fleshy blob of curves once it finally came to a stop. The woman was near hysterical at this point and gradually calmed down as she realized it was over. The Count turned to me and pointed a gloved finger. "See what you have done? You have power over the Geists that this sorcerer wants." I gazed at the bulbous woman and trembled. "I-I did that to her?" "You, no. That was the Patriarch that has possessed you." "You mean t-to say I can do this to others?" He nodded and cast a quick glance at his bodyguard, or what remained of her. He calmly knelt beside her and held her chin with his mechanized hand. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying. "My apologies for the situation soldat, take heed it is for the safety of the Fatherland." "J-jahwol." she squeaked, fighting the urge to sniffle. Amisi was quiet throughout the whole ordeal and continued to pierce the Count with a deadly glare. "Now then," he added standing up, "let's call this a temporary truce, for the safety of both of nations." "For the safety of our nations?" I asked, quizzical after everything we had just witnessed. "Yes, we can either work together to stop the destruction of everything we love, or we can kill each other now and let the world suffer." He directed this last part towards Amisi. Amisi snarled, "I would never help you, you killed Manea." The old man laughed, or more like a loud bellowing roar. "Dead?! You fool, she's not dead." A sly toothy grin spread across his face as his face darkened in some sadistic pleasure. "Manea is alive, here to kill your friend."
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
Annie wakes up to a surprising turn of events. Annie woke up in the middle of the night with a start. Nothing had caused her to wake up; she just suddenly found her eyes open and staring at the dark ceiling of her room. She sighed softly as she looked at the clock and saw the time: 3 o'clock in the morning. Hours before she could do anything, but not long enough to get some decent sleep. Perfect. Annie closed her eyes and tried to get back to sleep, but was interrupted in her attempts when she heard a faint hissing sound. She looked around for a source and couldn't seem to find any obvious cause. She had electric heat, so it couldn't be a gas leak, and as far as Annie knew there were no balloons in the immediate vicinity. But still the soft hissing sound continued to reverberate throughout the room. She decided to ignore it - the sound was probably nothing, but she would find out in the morning. Maybe a balloon got in her room somehow. Annie rolled over in her bed and put the pillow over her ears to block out the sound. However, not only did she continue to hear the hissing, but something felt strange about lying on her stomach. The front of her body rested on her breasts funnily, as if they were somehow bigger. She rolled back onto her back to see what was going on. Annie felt her breasts underneath her covers, and strangely enough they did feel different. She pulled back the comforter and looked down, and gasped softly. Her breasts did seem to be bigger through her flannel pajama top. For one thing, it was tighter than usual, and for another, Annie noticed that it was harder to see her feet than normal. Her normally C-cup sized breasts seemed to have increased in size without her noticing. Now they were about the size of oranges. As she felt her newly enlarged boobs through the shirt, Annie also noticed something else. They felt different than they normally did, besides the fact that they were bigger. Her breasts felt much perkier than usual, but also they felt weird...rubbery somehow. She experimentally pushed her skin down and felt her hand sink into boobs about an inch before it sprung back to normal. The way it reacted to the pushing seemed strange. Almost as if it were a balloon instead of a boob. All the while, the hissing sound continued in the room, and as Annie started to notice the coinciding noise and larger breasts, a notion formed in the back of her mind that perhaps the two were associated. Both were unexplainable, at least for the moment, and she had noticed them at the same time. Annie looked down at her breasts again. They seemed now even larger than when she had last looked, and her flannel top felt tighter. "No way..." Annie whispered as she put the two together. The question formed in the back of her mind, and though she wanted to disregard it as fiction, the evidence seemed to support it. Are my boobs inflating? She thought. Of course, the realm of reality is rarely left so easily, even if one has just woken up, and so Annie's mind, unused to the impossible, denied that this was occurring. "I'm dreaming," Annie said aloud, though she knew that it wasn't true. This was too linear and too real to be a dream. Besides, she could feel the fabric of her pajamas as they slowly tightened against her breasts. Annie pinched herself for reassurance, and upon finding that this was reality, gasped again. "What the hell?" she said, questioning the surreal situation that she was now faced with. As she moved on from the question of whether or not this was happening, and grappled with the ideas of how and why this was happening, "this" continued to happen. Annie's breasts inflated like the balloons they were starting to resemble, constricting space inside her flannel pajama top. Gaps started to show between the buttons as it became clear that the top would be no match for the growing boobs. Annie's mind was torn from the cause of her situation to the present by the increasing pain of a tightening shirt. She looked downward in amazement as the buttons became less able to hold the fabric together and started to lose their stitches. As cleavage started showing between the gaps Annie felt that perhaps she should unbutton the buttons to save the shirt, but was paralyzed by utter bewilderment as her bosom expanded without rationalization. Finally, her pajama top lost the holding contest to Annie's breasts as the buttons started to pop off by themselves. They flew off the top and landed somewhere on the dark floor of her room. Annie continued to watch as each button systematically popped off, leaving her boobs completely uncovered. The bottom part of her shirt rested on her stomach, the buttons the same as usual. The comparison to balloons couldn't have been clearer as Annie's breasts became naked for her to see. Despite the fact that she was lying down they stuck straight up in the air, creating cleavage without any constricting garment. They were nearly perfect spheres, and now about the size of basketballs. Annie reached her hands up to her impossible breast and felt their surface; they felt just like a balloon. She experimentally pinched them and was surprised to hear the resounding squeak of latex. "Why is this happening to me?" Annie asked nobody in particular. Annie sat up; trying to get a better perspective on her inflating boobs, and was astonished to find how easily she sat up. In fact, Annie did not lift herself into a seated position, but was rather pulled into one. Starting to sit up was merely the beginning action which was completed by her breasts, which were apparently lighter than air now. Annie was amazed as she found that it was in fact harder to lie down than it was to sit up. In order to push her torso down, she had to get leverage by lifting her knees, and vice versa. Little by little, as her breasts expanded larger, Annie was losing contact with the bed. The minutes ticked by, and Annie, now realizing that she was helpless in this position, allowed herself to relax and let it happen. There was nothing she could do about it, and nobody would believe her if she called them, nor would they be able to do anything about it. Better, she thought to just let the impossible run its course and hope that she would shrink back to normal when this was all over. She began to drift off to sleep again as she reached this relaxed state. The last thing Annie felt was her breasts touch the ceiling.
accident, decompression
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Naomi's first day in space and already she's feeling the pressure, or rather the opposite. It was a fairly menial task, the kind usually doled out to new recruits on their first day on the station; and that's just the girl Naomi Fisher was. Nineteen, long blonde hair, wide inky blue eyes and a petite, but well packaged body and fresh out of the programme, Naomi was one of a new breed of astronauts who were given only basic training and then sent up to the New International Space Station to fill the unprecedented number of vacancies and complete their training. Astronauts of Naomi's Dad's generation hadn't been so green, but then they hadn't needed 200 of them in high earth orbit at any one time. Thus it was that only 2 hours after being checked in, before she'd even been shown her room, Naomi was in the emergency airlock calibrating the pressure gauge. She had a small handheld pressure sensor so she knew the real pressure and had to make the electronic gauge on the airlock computer match it; otherwise when it came to automatically depressurise the airlock in an emergency it might make the pressure drop too low, too high or too fast. She crouched over the valve computer on the wall, checked the handheld gauge and lowered the pressure display on the airlock gauge to match. Then she had to lower the pressure in the chamber and repeat the process; then she was done, it was as simple as that. She turned the valve wheel and heard a hissing as the air escaped into space; she felt the lower pressure in her ears and could see it on both gauges. Carefully she turned the wheel, being sure not to overdo it. Next thing, there was a loud bang and all the lights went out. Naomi caught her breath, and felt her heart beat faster. 'Calm down' she said to herself; 'it's only a power outage'. She heard the hissing of the valve increase in volume and looked down at the computer. It was flashing the words 'EMERGENCY! – DECOMPRESSION SEQUENCE INITIATED'. 'Oh crap!' Naomi thought, she felt the pressure lowering further, and could feel it over her whole body, as though she was being stretched, and has gas at the same time. She ran over to the window to the inside of the station and started banging on it and shouting for help, feeling a wave of panic and nausea coming over her. At that point the lights came back on. She stepped back, flushed and breathing heavily. But something wasn't right, the hissing hadn't stopped and she was still feeling the pressure, she looked at the handheld gauge and saw the pressure dropping rapidly, she then looked back at the computer and saw the words flashing on the screen 'MALFUNCTION! – VALVE JAMMED!' She was still being depressurised! Naomi could actually feel herself stretching and when she looked down, she saw her body expanding in the low pressure. She saw her stomach pushing outwards under her light grey jumpsuit, stretching the fabric and pressing on her belt. From the tightness she could feel around her ass she judged that that too was expanding, multiplying in volume as the pressure outside her dropped. She went back to banging on the window, this time frantically, shouting for help. She was still blowing up like some sort of balloon, expanding the same way a bubble does as it rises to the surface of a glass of water. She felt her midriff pushing out against her belt, bulging over either side of it. She felt a bit breathless as her whole body whooshed outwards, her breast accelerating through C cup, D cup, E cup, like balloons attached to a helium tank they just burgeoned, stretching her jumpsuit to its limits. She was still banging on the window, but no-one had appeared, she was feeling tired and weak, and her arms were also inflating, making it difficult to bend them, so that after about 15 seconds she could no longer hit the window. She stepped back, but her legs were also swelling up like blimps so it was hard to walk. Her ballooning limbs were being pushed apart, so that her arms were forced out at right angles, and her inflating waistline was about 8 feet round, pushing out against her belt with the mounting pressure inside her, when BANG! It was blown apart and fell to the floor around her. With more room to grow, her whole body surged and blimped up, till she was the size of a parade balloon. She was expanding every which way, stretching the latex of her suit like the skin of a party balloon. At the window a group of astronauts rushed by, they took one look into the airlock and their eyes nearly popped out of their heads. Naomi was stood their taking up half the room, like a big female blimp. They tried to force the door open but Naomi saw it was no use, and the emergency computer couldn't be overridden. As the stretching and billowing intensified, Naomi knew what her fate would be, she was going to blow, like an overfilled, water bomb, explode and that would be the end of her. The men outside seemed to know that too, because some of them couldn't watch, others couldn't not watch. Some covered their ears. A pained groan came from Naomi's suit; or was it Naomi, she was over 15 feet wide now and still ballooning, the groaning and creaking continued, and then POP! Naomi felt a twitch around her crotch; it was a seam in her suit bursting. POP, POP, POP, the twitching feelings moved around her ass and up her abdomen as more seams went. As the seams blew, Naomi's soft flesh, covered by her silk underwear bulged through, as silk wasn't as resilient as latex. POP, POP, POP, BANG, BANG, BANG! The noise of the seams blowing got louder, as did the creaking of Naomi's body. My suit's is exploding off me' she thought, 'I'm sure to blow in a sec...' BANG BANG BANG, Naomi moaned loudly one last anguished cry, BANG, BANG the tear in her suit was up to her navel when suddenly... KABOOOOOOOOM!
Prose that Blows 3 - All Hallow’s Eve (2010), Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Best Story
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
It was a Halloween night like any other and my girlfriend Elle and I were stumbling back from one hell of a party. I wasn't feeling so hot, a combination of lots of rum and the fact that nobody got my costume (Apparently, nobody watched Filmation's Ghostbusters like I did so my effort in making a great Jake Kong costume was in vain). I would've been angrier, but Elle was looking great in her "Mad Maxine"(her name for it, not mine) leather getup. I was just about to make a witty remark about my drunken state when all of a sudden she stopped and pointed "Hey, is that what I think it is?" I looked over and sure enough, it was. "That's Old Man Nesbitt's Spook House" I said, sobering up a bit. "Where we first met is what you meant to finish that statement with" Elle reminding me why I fell for her in the first place one year ago. "We never did go into that final room" I let slip, recalling that nobody managed to go all the way through the house in its entire 50 year history. The local legend being that if you could finish it entirely you'd win all the cash the House earned that night. "Well, that's going to change tonight" Elle suddenly getting a mischievous look in her baby blue eyes. "Hell yeah!" I wanted to say that it was probably a bad idea, but hey, I was still pretty buzzed. We paid for admission and made our way through the attractions. Everything was pretty standard fare, spring-loaded skeletons, rubber bats on strings and the occasional tinny shriek. Of course, the final room was as imposing as it always was, a simple metal door left slightly ajar. It was one year ago that I met Elle at this very spot, both of us using each other as an excuse not to go in . "Ladies first" I gestured, then quickly retracted, knowing full well that Elle would definitely show off her Jeet Kune Do on her way past me. I took a nice dry gulp and stepped through the door. "Pssh, it's just a big empty room!" I yelled out, describing the area which would fit in nicely in any abandoned warehouse in the abandoned warehouse district. "You sure?" Elle whispered as she stepped in. "Yeah, nothing in here but..." Just when my confidence had returned, the door slammed shut in front of our eyes, merging seamlessly with the metal walls that surrounded us. "Shit" "Stronger words than shit need to be said!" Elle shouted as beat on the wall. "Fools!" A great booming voice erupted from all around us "More souls for Mammon, the Entrapper! Now you shall suffer your greatest fear and perish!" "What" Elle and I both dropped flatly. That's when it started, Elle got a weird look on her face as her midsection started to swell outward. "Oh shit, oh shit" Elle started chanting as she quickly took all her leather clothes off (that stuff is expensive), leaving her in her t-shirt and panties. Before I could say "Sassafras" it looked like Elle was trying to smuggle a beach ball in her shirt, if her skin was her shirt and... (I don't know where I'm going with this, so let's move on). I could only stand there and stare in silence as the girl I loved ballooned outward, her breasts quickly puffing out like air bags and her once rounded ass quickly took on the properties of a bean-bag chair. "Oh god, this is just like my dreams!" She screamed, "I blow up like a balloon!" Elle's underwear quickly snapped off under the pressure of her inflation. "Um... yeah." I stammered as I couldn't think of a response". "Why isn't anything happening to you!" Elle screamed as her body quickly reached the ceiling, her belly threatening to smush me against the wall. "Oh. That. Well, that's funny, my greatest fear was that you'd find out I'm... aroused by this sort of thing" "What?" Elle dropped flatly I was just about to elaborate when Mammon's voice shrieked a giant "NOOOOOOO" and the entirety of the house disintegrated around us, leaving me in a empty field with my massively inflated girlfriend. "So" I said, trying to hide my obvious erection "Are you getting any bigger?" Elle just stared angrily, her creaking form making me horny and scared. "Shit" I dropped flatly.
first person, magic
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
I sat staring at the small, unlabeled, green glass vial in front of me. I remembered the old man's words from the shop. "Ah, you look like you need to have this. No charge." He had said, and presented me with the vial. When I asked him what it was he said: "Air Potion. Very powerful, only take one sip at time." When I asked him what it did he simply smiled at me. I asked him a few more questions and he wouldn't say anything. When I tried to look around the shop some more, he ushered me out, almost rudely; saying I had all I needed. The reason I was at that shop in the first place, was for revenge. It's a bit of a long story. See, back in high school I weighed two hundred and fifty lbs. I was a big girl, and I knew it. But it never really bothered me. But this group of girls; they weren't even cheerleaders, or the "popular kids" or anything stereotypical like that; they harassed me unmercifully. It got so bad that I actually had to lose weight just to avoid them. And so now I've gotten down to the svelte one-thirty lbs I'm at now. But the worst part was, I actually rather liked being big. It hit me more after I had lost the weight than when I had it. And it left me so unspeakably angry. So imagine my surprise when in college, I bumped into the leader of their little pack, Lindsay. And more than that, she didn't recognize me! True, when I'd finished high school, I'd still been just under two hundred, and I had long brown hair. Now I was much slimmer, I had cut my hair and bleached it; and I wore a lot more makeup. In high school I'd worn fairly generic clothing, now I wore hip-huggers and tight shirts for the bands I liked. I'd finally come out of my shell, but at the cost of the figure I had loved so much. But it worked for the best, because with her not recognizing me, I was able to become her friend. It was almost physically painful. Listening to her vapid, brainless talk, her high-pitched voice; doing all the stupid, pointless things she liked to do. I swear to God I actually became a little dumber while hanging out with her. But it was worth it, because now, I had her trust; and all that was left was the vengeance. At first I had planned to just get her fat, or shave her head; or maybe even beat the shit out of her and leave her in an alley someplace. It depended on my mood. But then I saw that little Chinese shop; and now I had the air potion. I had invited her over for dinner, she would be there any minute. I sat at the table, all the food laid out and still steaming, looking delicious. I couldn't wait until I'd finished with Lindsay; then I could eat food like that all the time, as much as I wanted. Become my real self again. But that would have to wait. I unscrewed the top of the vial and sniffed it, no detectable smell. I thought about the warning to only take one sip at a time, and angled the bottle in such a way that I could only get one, tiny drop out of it. I put it on my lips. Then swallowed. I couldn't detect any taste, but it was such a minuscule amount it was hard to tell. And then it hit me. A wave of ecstasy, coming and going with equal suddenness. It was so unexpected and powerful that I couldn't help but moan. I looked at the air potion, is that what it did? And then I noticed its other effect, I looked down and noticed my stomach pooched out slightly. It was almost imperceptible, but I had poured myself into such a tight skirt that it was easy to tell my stomach now stuck out above it unnaturally. Oh, this was perfect. I felt a little remorse giving her such wondrous ecstasy, but the idea of blowing that little bitch up like a balloon was better than even I could've imagined. It was so perfect. I mean, I wasn't entirely sure what the stuff would do, I figured maybe it would give her a bad case of gas at the most. But this was even better. I poured half of the vial into her half-filled glass of white wine. The air potion itself was clear, and the white wine wasn't much more opaque, with the mixture it was impossible to tell her glass from my glass of genuine white wine. I took a look at hers, and then put the glass to my lips, I closed my lips tightly and tilted it back until I felt the liquid against them. Then I put the glass back down and licked my lips. Sure enough, the taste was imperceptible. It tasted exactly like white wine. Then I couldn't help but smile in anticipation as the ecstasy hit me. I moaned a little louder this time, and then when it was over I looked down to see a noticeable pooch in my stomach. By now it was obvious something was wrong with me, so I went and changed into something more concealing as quickly as I could. I had to admit it was hard to keep my eyes and hands off my stomach, it was sensitive to the touch, and it was so nice having a little potbelly again. I couldn't wait until I could get big and fat again. Or better yet, I'd test the air potion on Lindsay; see how much did what, see how much was safe to drink; and then once I knew the boundaries, I could just blow myself up. The thought had me biting my lip. It was torture waiting for Lindsay to arrive. When she finally did I let her inside. She was all bubbly and dim-witted, blonde pigtails and blue eyes, tanned skin on a waifish figure, wrapped in a pink skirt and a wife-beater. I put up with her idiotic chatter and tried to keep up with her small talk, but in reality I could barely hear anything she said. I was so eager for her to sit down and drink I couldn't even think straight. When she finally had her purse set down and mentioned she was ready to eat, I almost shouted with joy. We sat down, and I was so eager I was practically shaking when she picked up her glass. I picked up mine and toasted her, and after we had both taken a sip, I set my glass down and started laughing. "What's so funny?" Lindsay asked in her squeaky, grating voice. "You never did recognize me, did you?" I asked her. "Recognize you?" Lindsay asked, then her eyes went wide and she moaned. "What the?" She asked breathily as she leaned her head back and closed her eyes, her hands going to her stomach. "I feel..." she said, trailing off. I leaned back as well and sipped my wine, taking occasional bites of my delicious meal as I watched her. And then, the good part: she began to inflate. It started with her stomach, pushing her wife beater up and straining the button on her skirt. "Oh God," she said, opening her eyes and leaning forward to see her swelling paunch. "What did you do to me?" she asked. "I'm blowing you up, airhead." I told her. "But why?" She asked, then leaned back moaning again as euphoria overtook her. I sneered a little, I had to admit making her feel so good was not a good strategy for vengeance. The swelling was spreading now. Her entire torso was puffing out like a sausage plumping up. Her practically nonexistent breasts inflated and rounded out, finally giving her cleavage sticking out the top of her wife-beater. She opened her eyes a little and I took the opportunity to speak. I couldn't help feeling a bit like a Bond villain. It was deliciously evil. "You never did recognize fat little Mona Franklin did you?" I said. Lindsay's eyes shot open. "What?!" she asked. "That's right, it's me, Mona." I savored every word, like a fine wine. "I lost a lot of weight, dyed my hair, changed my style." Her body was stretching her wife beater now, the seams creaking as she fattened out. Her hips began to widen in her chair, even her upper arms were looking plumper. I stood up and slowly walked over to her. "You tortured me relentlessly in high school. Just because I was big. Well," I said, and put a hand on her bloated stomach. It gave a little at my touch, pressing in like a balloon and causing her face and breasts to swell a little with the displaced air. "Now you're the one who's big." She leaned back and moaned again, ending it with a slight whimper. "Big." she repeated softly. "That's right, you bloated bitch." I said. "I can't believe I spent so long hanging out with you and listening to all the stupid things you had to say. Doing all the childish things you liked to do. But now it's all worth it." Her thighs were fattening now, pressing together and widening towards the edge of her chair. The button on her skirt popped open, allowing her swollen belly to surge foward with a 'fwoomp' sound. And then she stopped. I took a second to survey the human balloon sitting in my dining room chair and smiled. She was almost as big as I was at my fattest. "Open your eyes." I told her, "open your eyes and look at how big I've made you." I said. She obeyed and leaned her head forward to look at herself. Her eyes had a dreamy look in them. "What do you think?" I asked, revelling in my victory. "Thank you." she said. My jaw dropped and my eyes widened. "What did you say?" I asked her. She turned her head to look up at me. "Thank you." she repeated. "I finally feel... right." she said slowly, as if she was trying very carefully to choose her words, but having trouble. "I'm sorry about high school," she continued, "but this feels so good." She closed her eyes and leaned her head back again. She rubbed her hands along her stomach again and whimpered. "I'm a balloon." She said and pressed her hands into her stomach. The sensation caused her to make some quiet sounds deep in her throat, then she opened her eyes and looked up at me again. "Thank you for making me a balloon." she said softly. The whole time I had been standing there slack-jawed and stunned. Then anger overtook me. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. That bitch. I reached over and grabbed her glass. "So you like being a balloon?" I asked her. She moaned and nodded slightly. "Well then let's see just how big we can make you." I said, "You always called me a blimp in high school, now I think it's time you knew what it was like. Open. Wide." I said. She complied silently, seeming almost eager; which only enraged me further. "I'm going to make you a big, fat blimp. I'm going to make you so fucking big everyone's gonna see big fat Lindsay floating around town." I began to pour the rest of her glass down her throat. "I'm going to make you huge." I told her, and she cried out in ecstasy as her body began to swell even larger.
corset, water
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Many years ago, there lived in Haarlem, one of the principal cities in Holland, a sunny-haired girl with a gentle disposition. Her father was a sluicer, a very important position. It was his job to open and close the sluice gates as then need arises. It is also a very hard job, for water pressure must be maintained at all time. Should one sluice gate break, the angry waters of the sea would overwhelm further sluice gates and overflow the dikes. As most of Holland is below sea level, such an event would be catastrophic. Watchfulness is required of everyone in Holland, for no dike can have a leak. One afternoon in autumn, this sixteen year old girl had gone to give cakes her mother had baked to an old woman, whom she had befriended quite some time before, who lived in the country on the other side of the dike. She spent the entire afternoon there, helping the old woman with chores, and only left in the evening with a stout basket full of eggs and fresh milk, and a light heart. After a while the basket began to grow heavy in her arms. The beautiful girl's walk slowed and she soon realized that she would not make it home before the sunset, for her shadow was growing long. She remembered stories of what happened to people in the forest at night, and realized she still had to pass through some woods, and quickened her pace. Soon, the girl began to slow again. Twilight was fast approaching. Most sensible people were already in their homes by now. Surely her mother had already locked the door and cursed her for being a foolish girl out late. The girl slowed a little more, then stopped. She thought she heard a sound. The girl put down the basket and looked at the dike. There, water was leaking through a hole in the dike. Basket forgotten, the girl ran to the dyke and put a finger in the hole, but her finger has too small to plug it. She tried blocking it with her whole hand, but she could not fit it in the hole, and water leaked aroung the side when she covered the hole with her palm. The hole was too high to try blocking it with her foot, and her mother would be so disappointed if she got her clothes wet. The civic minded girl did the only thing she could think of. She stuck her lips over the hole. The salty tasted made her want to gag but, for the good of Holland, this had to be done. She just hoped that somebody came by soon. Nobody came and soon the girl gave up hope of a short stay. The water filled her tummy to bursting. It bulged under the corset, pushing out on her dark green skirt. She kept hoping that someone like her had gotten caught on the road late, but as the darkness deepened she realized that she was the last person on the road. Her corset creaked at the pressure. If it burst, her mother would be most displeased. Interesting and unusual things started happening to the girl's body. She didn't know what to think of them, so at first she ignored them. After a while, though, it became an issue she simply could not ignore. Her tummy was completely full, sticking out abruptly with a gentle curve down between her legs. The girl felt it with her hands and almost took her head away to look before remembering the disaster that might befall her homeland should the dike break. Down the curve of her stomach to her most private places her hand went. She was amazed that even that was swelling. Around her turgid legs to her backside her hand travelled next. Her rounded hips leading onto the the mountain of her behind and eventually into the valley nestled between those hills. The corset kept her waist slender, but above that was another story. Her blouse strained against that nestled within. Fighting for space in the increasingly tight blouse, her breasts caused problems with her breathing. She could only manage short breaths through her nose between swallows. Her arms filled the arms of the blouse so that seams were starting to pop. Anxiously, the girl turned her eyes upward, for that was her only way to even guess the time. The sky was still black, and dotted with stars. Silently, she cursed and tears started to flow. Why did this have to happen? Was Holland not a wonderful country? What she not a proper young lady? What sort of punishment was this? She shivered, for the night was far from warm. The shake caused a miniquake in her body, which only made the tears flow harder. Why couldn't anyone come along the road to help her in this predicament? Cold was invading every part of her body. Silently, she wept. Morning found the sunny-haired girl in a sorry state. Her blouse had burst most of the seams and hung from her neck in tatters, her skirt had torn open, and her body was tremendously distended. Her corset, however, was still tight around her middle, crushing her waist to a cruel twenty inches. The poor girl could not bend her arms, nor her legs. Her breasts were tight and round, scraping roughly against the dike with each involuntary movement. Her chest ballooned into a near shpear. Below her compressed waist was another sphere somewhat larger that the first. Down to her knees, the girl had no legs. Her belly button, exposed through a tear was like a little mountain. The tear ran from her corset, half way down the length of the skirt, ending just after where her hair started growing again. She was at least as wide as the basket she had been carrying the night before. That is how the clergyman, on his way to the church, found her. Immediately he ran to her side. "In the name of wonder dear," he exclaimed, "what are you doing?" The girl's eyes cracked open. She motioned with her hand to the dike and the clergyman's eyes light with understanding. "Hang on my dear, I will get help." he called over his shoulder; and help he did get. After a few days, the girl was mostly back to her normal shape and size. Her skin was not so tight anymore, nor her breasts so high on her chest, nor her tummy so flat. She wore the same corset. The doctor assured her that she would be fine. The hole in the dike was repaired. Everyone who had seen the strange sight agreed that the story, in truth, was unfit for common consumption. They invented a little boy to take the girl's place. Privately, the girl was rewarded for her pain, but the story about the boy flourished.
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"FETISH GAS BANNED FROM PUBLIC SALE." I was surprised at this article I'd found online. My boyfriend Rob and I and my other boyfriend Elvis had been using inflatium for years to inflate ourselves into various bloated forms for fun and sex. Now the government was banning it from being distributed to the public. Not only could we not get new supplies, we couldn't resell it to our fellow fetishists, who would have to make do with those silly inflatable costumes now. Now, I suppose the aesthetic of a person with an inflated body is enough for some people, but after you've done what I've done and lovingly touched and licked and fucked the bloated flesh of an inflated person, there would be no comparision. There wasn't a detailed explanation as to why inflatium gas and spray could no longer be distributed. I guessed that maybe it was being seized and reformulated into a helium substitute, which is in short supply. Others claimed it was because the government deemed that it had no beneficial use, which doesn't seem right, because if that was true, why on earth are pickled pig's feet a thing? Maybe the FDA decided it wasn't safe. I guess it could be considered a drug, since it makes the body act in a different way. Maybe we had ourselves to blame after blowing up a bunch of people at PrideFest and a cop turning himself into a blimp in a questioning room, but they were okay with it in the end, and he did it to himself. "What the fuck do we do?" Rob asked angrily. "I was having so much fun with this and I have gallons of Formula A." Formula A was the type of gas or spray (we were out of gas, forever it seemed) that made you float in the air as you inflated. If you were wearing clothes, they'd stretch with you. "It's fine," Elvis said. "We just use the stuff sparingly and find other ways to have fun. We've got enough money to keep us set for awhile, so if we're smart, we'll be fine." "Why should the government get involved at all?" Rob went on. "Inflatium has never hurt anyone." "What about that old guy from PrideFest?" I asked. "He was a homophobe, and he landed in a tree, big deal." Yeah, about that. It had taken awhile, but that old guy who'd protested us had sued and we'd barely gotten off with a self-defense claim. But that had raised the awareness of Inflatium from something practicing fetishists used to some strange substance people were aware of. "It's probably just being regulated," I went on. "The ban's probably temporary." "Yeah," Rob replied, "and the bans on marijuana are just probably temporary as well." "Well—" Elvis began, but Rob shot him a look. "We should protest!" Rob declared. "Look, Rob," I said, "I understand why you're upset, but we should make inquiries before doing anything rash." "Rash?" he shouted. "They took away our business with this!" "Look," I said, "we should try to work with the government on this instead of just fighting them. We've done lots of tests and experiments and we can—" "We can get them to laugh in our face!" he went on. "I'm going to Maryland to let them know what's going on! And you can come or stay!" Sometimes I wish I'd gone with Rob to Maryland. That was the last time I ever saw him: the day our once happy quartet had finally dwindled down to a pair: just me and Elvis. Elvis' ex-boyfriend Justin had once been a part of our group, but he'd left us during a vacation and had become involved with another man. We were still friends, but no longer together. I realize why Justin had left now, and what he'd recognized. Rob was manipulative, ready to use other people. I felt silly when I realized this. The first time I'd met him, he'd turned me into a balloon against my will. I wanted a man to share my life with, and when I had three, it was incredible how we'd made it work. But Rob saw us more as his guinea pigs and balloon sluts. After Justin had left, the relationship between the rest of us became a little clearer. I decided to focus my energies on my two remaining partners, but as Elvis and I grew closer, Rob pulled away. He suggested we get more guys in, and he'd try to check out guys wherever he went, asking us what we thought guys would look like inflated. As I said, I didn't go to Maryland with Rob, and he seemed fine. He could take the car and fill up the seats with the rest of his liquid inflatium for sprays. Elvis and I kissed him goodbye and he drove off. From what we gathered from witnesses and other sources, here's what I believe happened to Rob: He got into the FDA headquarters by using the spray bottles. If a security guard stopped him, he'd quickly spray them with his bottles. In a few seconds, the guard would be swelling up into a perfect sphere and floating into the air, or filling up the room if they were still inside. Finally, he found the guy who'd taken the inflatium case, Nathan Burkoff. Forcing Nathan into the courtyard of the headquarters, Rob sprayed him with a spray and in seconds, his belly inflated, he grew fatter and his face and head swelled. In a minute, Nathan was floating three feet off the air, a 10 foot high round ball with a large lump for a head with swollen hands and feet. "This is what inflatium does!" Rob declared. "We are beautiful and we are sexy! And we can get bigger!" I'm not sure how, but Rob had found a couple assistants who then proceeded to take the rest of the inflatium liquid he had and dousing him with it over and over. Rob's body expanded to inhuman proportions as he lost all definition to his body, just becoming a huge, huge balloon of expanding flesh with a face and hair on it. His clothes had torn off within seconds. Rob filled up the courtyard, pressing everyone to the ground. Nathan Burkoff was squeezed and his body forced out the gas. But Rob kept growing. He was soon larger than the entire campus and began to lift in the air, but he kept getting more and more massive and soon he blotted out the sun over the two counties. But yet he kept growing and rising into the air. And finally, we discovered that there was a limit to how much inflatium you could take. With a huge rumbling like thunder, Rob's body ruptured and flew in all directions. And that was how he died. Elvis and I attended the memorial service. We heard how Rob had always been a wistful kid and had often kept to himself. It seemed strange that he died by making the biggest spectacle anyone had ever seen around the FDA. Elvis and I have stayed together. I realized I just liked being with him and that we enriched each other's lives now that inflation was out of the way. We took the time and just decided to live like an ordinary, everyday gay couple. We aren't opposed to having an open relationship, but we decided to just keep it to the two of us for now. As it turned out, our break from inflation was temporary. The FDA eventually classed inflatium as a generally non-harmful drug. They allowed the spray (or "mist" as they classed it) to be distributed to the public with a specific usage limit and stipulated that it must be used with a license and only in a controlled environment. What this meant is that Elvis and I and a few of our old customers set up an inflation house we called Balloon Animals where people could inflate for or with their friends or partners. Elvis and I are only investors, we do not own or run the place, but we do go in for a mist sometimes. Elvis is a beautiful man, inflated or not, and he says he loves me either way, and so we're fine with each other. Still, I really wish Rob had embraced us instead of obsessing over his fetish. If he'd realized he was enjoying those he loved as he inflated us, maybe he would have had more fun or still even be alive today. So long, balloon boy. Well, here is the epilogue to the Fwoomp series. Thinking over the series, I realized that although Rob was the one who had gotten everyone hooked on inflating, he was also kind of a manipulator. Thus, I realized the final tale should deal with that. So this one is much shorter and is hardly as sexy as the previous stories. I realized my continuing story was like a balloon in itself and had to pop sometime. And anyway, even though I think Freddy and Elvis' story is done, there is quite an opening for more balloon fun in the Fwoomp world!
floating, Prose that Blows 3 - All Hallow’s Eve (2010)
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Amelia walked through the rapidly looming autumn twilight towards the annual bonfire held by the Cray's. A warm autumn breeze blew between the legs of her leotard, the catsuit matching the painted whiskers and eared headband of her costume. This was so stupid. She never took Halloween seriously before, and the only reason she'd come was because Emily had told her "it'll be a total blast, Troy's got something special planned for tonight I know you'll love!" As Amelia approached the glow of the blaze, she stopped short, caught by the majesty of the gnarled oak looming behind the fire. The curved branches of the tree hung down, great fingers curled over the revelers below. Hanging from the ends and swaying softly in the wind were bundles of some sort. "Amelia! Come on, you're just in time to start the contest!" Emily rushed from the light of the fire, grabbing Amelia by the arm and dragging her into the light. A crown perched on Emily's head complimented the regal gown covering her body, perfecting the "evil queen" look she'd been going on about all week. Troy stood beneath the tree, his voice cutting through the party's chatter. "Okay everyone, as promised it's time to start the contest. Now you've all heard about bobbing for apples. Well, tonight the apples bob for you." Gesturing upwards, everyone's eyes focused on the flickering spots reflected on the surface of the tempting fruit. "Now everyone, the rules are simple. First person to actually take a bite is considered the winner. However," Troy said with a flash of his wicked grin, "be careful. My grandparents used to talk about this tree, how the wind seemed to be strongest this time of the year." Ominously, a gust of wind whipped through the crowd, the hanging fruit swaying wildly. "So be careful, the apples sure aren't going to be easy to catch tonight!" Amelia stood below the prize, understanding why Emily had wanted her to come. She loved apples, the sweet taste and delicious crunch always made her shiver in excitement. Other members of the party were laughing, already trying to catch the slick fruits in their mouth and failing. Amelia stood on tiptoes until the fruit rested in her mouth. Baring her teeth, she felt the firm skin catch between her teeth. Biting into the firm flesh, she was rewarded with the cool taste of its juices running into her mouth and over her face. The sweet liquid slipped down her neck, tingling as it went. The tingling progressed further down her body, the blowing air passing through the thin material of her costume and into her. The tightness of the material grew around her slim waist. Amelia felt strangely light headed as the wind lovingly curved around her body, caressing her skin, holding her expanding waistline as it seemed to lift her from the ground. Amelia could see another apple approaching. Thoughts of any oddness to the situation were squeezed back into the recesses of her mind as her taut skin rubbed against the stretched walls of her costume. Amelia bit into the fruit, her body quivering as her cheeks bulged outward. Below, the cries of the other party-goers were only dim murmurs to her ears as she saw another of the wicked fruits draw near. Surely just ONE more bite couldn't hurt. Her teeth bit sharply in the fruit, the wind holding it into her mouth. As Amelia gulped down the tangy pulp, her chest swelled, the wind now madly swirling around her, turning her end over end, thousands of feathers caressing her inside and out. Thirty feet below the guests pointed, their mouths open in shouts which could not be heard over the howling of the wind. Amelia's voice joined the invisible gale in ecstasy, the rubbery skin groaning as her hands roamed ever-expanding curves. The force encircling the tree reached a crescendo, Amelia's rounded body rapidly circling the treetop. As her invisible lover pushed her over the edge into orgasm, Amelia flew into the darkness of the night sky. With the departure of Amelia, the violent windstorm suddenly died. Calls for Amelia went out, but no answers returned. Local authorities searched, but no sign of the young girl lost in the unexpected cyclone was ever found. Some say on cool nights when the wind blows fierce the bobbing shape of Amelia can still be seen over apple trees, reaching for Just. One. More. Bite.
floating, helium, Ms. Bouncer, peril, pressure
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Hourglass Inflation
Amelia looked at the gaggle of scientists around her. "So let me get this straight," she asked, "somehow, one of your weather balloons floated on up, and ended up getting stuck, and now you want me to retrieve it?" An elderly looking scientist stepped forward, his bald head glinting under the florescent lights of the meteorology outpost. "Er, yes." he responded. "We sent it up a day ago. It wasn't meant to last but four or five hours up there, but apparently our pressure gauge malfunctioned and it was underfilled." He gained a much more serious demeanor suddenly. "Understand of course that you need not undertake this endeavor, if it lies out of the scope of your abilities." Amelia let out a hearty laugh at this. "You kidding, this sort of thing is what I'm all about! Balloons and I get along quite well. You could say I'm even part balloon myself!" To emphasize her point, Amelia puffed her breasts with helium, the large orbs swelling against her spandex suit. She put her arms behind her head and struck a mock sexy pose. To her surprise, none of the scientists reacted at all, each one in fact had a rather worried look on their face. Amelia sighed and relaxed her stance. "Alright, what's the catch? That routine never fails to rouse the crowd unless something's up." A short brunette piped up from the back. "Well, according to the GPS tracker on the instruments, the balloon is stuck up around 15,240 meters high." She concentrated for a moment before adding, "Or about 50,000 feet in American units." Amelia's eyes went wide. 50,000 feet? She'd never ventured that high before. Normally she kept below 26,000 feet. The lack of oxygen was no problem, as she could process her own helium to breathe, but even she started to feel the cold at that height. Not to mention the drop in pressure at that height would mean she'd end up huge. Amelia had never approached her limit, she didn't really even know what it was, but she wasn't eager to find out. But she smiled for the scientists, as Ms. Bouncer was a hero who never backed down. "Hmm, pretty high, but it shouldn't be a problem for me! Although, it might get a bit chilly up there. You wouldn't happen to have a space heater on you, would ya?" "Actually, we may have something that will help." The bald scientist strode over to a large white cabinet and opened it. He rummaged around in it for a few seconds before pulling out what appeared to be a white skintight hooded bodysuit. "This is an experimental high altitude suit we've been working on," he explained with enthusiasm. "It's designed to keep its user warm even in the most extreme conditions. We haven't gotten to installing the breathing mask, but with your unique ability to essential self-sustain aerobic respiration, that shouldn't be a problem." Amelia nodded. "That's great and all guys, but are you sure that suit will last? Remember I'm kinda a big girl..." Amelia patted the side of her bust to emphasize her point, a hollow thump resounding through the room. The scientist chuckled. "Not to worry," he assured Amelia "we made some modifications to account for that." He nodded to one of his compatriots, and the two each took an end of the suit. Amelia watched in amazement as each walked to an opposite end of the room, the suit easily stretching out along with them. "We modified the fibers in the suit to be quite resilient. They should accommodate your expanding form." The scientist signaled to his compatriots, who filed out the room. "If there aren't any further questions, we'll leave you to get changed." He nodded to Amelia before leaving himself. A few moments later, Amelia emerged from the outpost's interior, donning the white bodysuit. It hugged her curvaceous form tightly, feeling almost like a second skin. A small hole in the back let her pull her hair through, forming a ponytail that ran down her back. Amelia noted how comfortable the suit was, it felt like she was wearing a snug sweater. She saw the scientists sitting in a group, a radio by their side. After a brief moment of synchronizing her communicator, Amelia stepped away from the group. She flashed a smile back at the scientists, and with a moment of focus began to inflate. The tickle of helium swirling in her body did little to distract Amelia from her inner worries. 50,000 feet. She looked down at her breasts, watching them expand under the fabric of the bodysuit. She hoped her skin would be able to stretch far enough to handle the drop in air pressure. She wasn't eager to find out what popping entailed for her. Amelia shook her head, trying to clear such worries from her mind, and focused on her growth. Already, her breasts had grown to resemble punching balloons in size, her feminine orbs pushing both out and up against the suit. The same stood for below as her ass and thighs grew large enough to make seat cushions an obsolete notion. Amelia was extra-focused on inflating as evenly as possible this time as she would need every square iota of skin to stretch large enough. Focused as she was on her shape, Amelia was mildly surprised when she felt her feet leave the ground. A glance down showed the staring faces of the meteorologists and the ground they sat on falling away from her form. Thinking quick, she stopped the flow of helium inside her. Better to only add as much as needed this time. This meant Amelia's ascent was slow and ponderous, the noises of the Earth below fading gradually as she ascended. Soon all that was heard was the occasional hiss of gas as she gave herself the next puff upwards, swelling and stretching. She had to admit, the scientists suit was stretching nicely with her form, not a single tight spot or groan of taxed fabric could be heard. For a moment, she mused if the suit was more elastic than she was. Probably for the best if that was the case. Amelia didn't need to worry about freezing on top of popping. Time went by, and soon Amelia heard a crackle through her communicator. "Ms.... -llo? Ms. Bouncer, come in!" Amelia seized the red ball around her neck. "Ms. Bouncer speaking! How may I be of assistance?" "Ah, good, we can hear you loud and clear." The scientist on the other end sounded nervous. "How are you doing? The suit's tracker indicates you're around 20,000 feet. The air pressure drop is likely beginning to affect you." Amelia looked down at her bust. It enveloped her vision, a field of white fabric spanning before her. She could indeed feel how the helium inside her was pushing outwards harder and harder, even though she wasn't inflating herself. Her butt too was stretching, creating a booty that could act as a large bookshelf. Amelia patted her burgeoning bust as she replied. "Yeah, I notic-". She gasped as she heard her voice come out a few decibels higher than average. "Yeah, and I think my body is processing helium as air already." A hearty laugh came out the other end. "Not to worry, you still sound fine! You're on course to intercept the balloon. Let us know if anything goes wrong, and don't hesitate to bail out if needed." Amelia gave a nervous nod to nobody in particular as she rose up. Looking around past her growing curves, she saw the horizon stretching out all around her. The curvature of the Earth became more and more apparent as she rose higher and higher, the deep blue of the sky beginning to turn black. Every molecule of helium in Amelia's body seemed to be going crazy, forcing her bigger as the pressure in her sought to equalize. Her breasts now stood larger than Amelia had ever seen. Each tit dwarfed her body, a pair of weather balloons in their own right. Though the suit covering her body didn't protest, Amelia could hear faint creaks coming from her body. For the first time in her life, Amelia wondered if she was approaching her limit. And still higher she went. The thinning air seemed to pull at her, making her breasts stretch and stretch. Amelia didn't even have the bravery to check on how big her ass had blown up. She was too preoccupied with her breasts. She could feel a pang of pressure now as each breast grew bigger and bigger and bigger. A much louder rubbery groan sounded, and images of rubber scraps flashed through Amelia's mind. Part of her wanted to abandon the mission, this weather balloon wasn't worth risking popping. But then what, go explain to those scientists that she couldn't handle a little pressure while looking at all their sullen faces? No, she was Ms. Bouncer and she was going to see this through. Screwing her eyes shut, Amelia focused on keeping herself together while trying to ignore how distant her nipples felt or how the creaking was getting louder. I can do this, not gonna pop, not gonna pop, oh God I'm so big I can feel my skin stretching, please I don't wanna- Amelia's inner chant was interrupted as her communicator sprung to life. "Ms. Bouncer, you're almost there!" the meteorologist said, excitement in his voice. "You should be in visual range of the balloon!" Amelia craned her neck up, and sure enough it was there. A glinting silver orb standing out against the black sky. It held its payload aloft, just out of reach now. Amelia stretched an arm up, grabbing at the balloon as it came into reach. Before it came into reach however, the bundle of instruments thumped against the top of her breasts, causing a thumm to echo across Amelia's bust as the package deflected towards her. She barely managed to snatch the string as it drifted by, and the moment she had the instruments secured she was venting helium, shrinking away from the point of bursting. Slowly her curves pushed in as helium was lost and the air pressure increased. The black sky turned blue and the dot of the city expanded as buildings came into view. As her curves shrank, she was able to aim herself towards the observatory, her precious payload clutched tight atop the still sizable expanse of her breasts. Soon, Amelia was drifting down into the gaggle of waiting scientists. They eagerly retrieved the instruments, each one thanking her for her efforts or asking how the suit held up. She smiled back, answering questions and showing off at request, but soon she was clad in her old spandex, waving goodbye as she took to the sky. She was eager to get some time to herself after that scenario. Tracing a finger idly over a breast as she floated back home, Amelia couldn't help but ruminate over what had happened. "I was so big," she wondered aloud, "I actually felt myself stretching to keep up." She let out a loud laugh as she looked up, watching a few sparse clouds drift by. She knew deep down she likely couldn't go that high ever again. After all, there was a thing as too big, even for her.
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Stacky and TLink settle in for a relaxing day in the sun. But TLink's fresh lemonade has an unexpected effect on Stacky. Life was good. Birds sang their joy to a brightly shining sun as gentle breezes caressed them in the trees. It was a perfect day, and for once TLink and Stacky had the opportunity to enjoy it together. Stacky emerged from the bedroom clad in her bathrobe. She found TLink frantically at work in the kitchen making his way through a bag full of lemons. TLink looked up excitedly. "Stacky, you'll never guess what just happened!" "Our neighbors finally harvested their lemon tree, had way too many, and gave you the extras?" He blinked. "Okay, maybe slightly faster than never." She glanced at the pile of crushed lemon halves TLink was building on the counter. "Making lemonade?" "Well, life's given me lemons. The prescribed course of action in this scenario is well documented, and I would deviate from conventional wisdom at my own peril." Stacky nodded in assent. "I certainly wouldn't want to distract you from your destiny." TLink noticed her attire and the mischievous grin on her face. He was having some serious doubts about her intentions. "What's with the robe?" "It's such a gorgeous day, I thought I'd try on my new bikini and catch some sun by the pool." She smiled. "I've got it on under this. Wanna see?" TLink paused in his juicing efforts. "Um, that would be a yes." "Okay, but first you have to promise me something." Stacky could make a good living teaching courses on mate management. Prefacing a request by expressing the intent to get nearly naked was a devastatingly effective way for her to get almost anything she wanted. There was only way TLink could respond. "Of course, my darling." "I just want to enjoy a quiet afternoon by the pool. So there will be no blowing up of Stacky today," she said sternly. TLink held up his hands. "I promise, I'm not going to blow you up," he agreed. "No hoses, no balloons, no air tanks." "How about lemonade?" "I think the lemonade's okay." "Excellent." TLink was relieved. He was quite proud of his lemonade recipe. Surely anyone could combine the four basic ingredients, but could any do it as masterfully as he? TLink lost himself in thought, pondering whether water and ice really constituted two separate ingredients. He was interrupted by the sight of Stacky's robe hitting the floor. His jaw quickly followed it. The garment was deep green in color. TLink assumed that Stacky had chosen it to match the ever-present pendant around her neck. It wasn't particularly brief, but the very nature of it being a bikini meant that it showed off the vast majority of Stacky's delightful form. His reaction might indicate to some that the image before him was an unfamiliar one. But this wasn't the case. While this was the first time he'd seen her in this particular outfit, TLink's privileged position in life afforded him the opportunity to see Stacky wearing bikinis and less on a fairly regular basis. But when your girlfriend is blonde, beautiful and incredibly curvaceous, seeing those incredible curves prominently displayed in a swimsuit never gets old. Never. And make no mistake, it was those curves that made the bikini impressive, not the other way around. The bikini itself would have been fairly unremarkable were it not for the fact that Stacky was wearing it. This resulted in an amusing paradox. TLink was witness to a most remarkable sight, and yet was entirely at a loss to form any remarks. He was certain that Stacky would step in to fill the void. She was quite good at filling voids. And bikinis. A sly smirk crept across Stacky's lips. "Tell your pants it's not polite to point." TLink glanced down at himself, not the least bit embarrassed by his reaction. "I'm sorry, but these are the insolent pants. I've instructed them on proper etiquette many times in the past, but they don't respond to scolding. I doubt that's going to change any time soon." "Well if they won't change, then maybe you should change them out for something more appropriate." She gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Then you can join me outside and we can rub sunscreen on each other's hard-to-reach bits." "Will do," TLink nodded. "Would you like some lemonade? It's fresh." "That would be wonderful." Stacky was laying out by the pool when TLink emerged with two glasses. They took turns and took their time thoroughly applying sunscreen on all of their exposed parts, then settled in to relax in the sun. TLink was convinced that there must be a part of heaven where people simply laid about sipping cold drinks and soaking up sunshine in the company of beautiful scantily clad women. It simply wouldn't be heaven if there weren't. But in case he was mistaken, he was going to fully savor any and all such situations as they arose in his mortal existence. He sat back and enjoyed the soothing sounds of the light breeze, the singing birds, the -- "Hic!" TLink turned to see Stacky bring a hand to her mouth daintily. "Pardon me," she said. TLink just smiled and returned to his quiet reverie. It would take more than a mere hiccup to interrupt his-- "Hic!" This time Stacky looked slightly concerned. "Are you alright?" TLink asked. "Yeah, I think so," she replied. "I just feel a little strange. Hic!" A perplexed look came over Stacky's face, and she looked down at herself. Her once flat stomach was now distinctly convex. "TLink, what was in that lemonade?" "Water, lemon juice, sugar and ice," he recited, counting off the ingredients on his fingers. "By the way, do you think ice and water count as two? They're basically the same thing in different forms." "You buy water in bottles, but you buy ice in bags. So I'm pretty sure they count as two." She pressed her hands against her belly. "Are you sure that's all? I'm feeling a bit bloated." "That's all. Unless you've developed a sudden citrus allergy, I doubt it's the lemonade that's causing this." Stacky sighed. "Just in case, I'll think I'll pass on having a second glass." She laid back on her beach towel and resumed her sunning. "Regardless, I'm not going to let a simple case of gas ruin this day." Whatever it was that was causing Stacky's hiccups must have heard her words and taken them as a challenge. Moments later, she was struck by another attack. "Hic!" Her belly swelled significantly, accompanied by a soft hissing. The sound snapped TLink out of his meditation on the nature of lemonade. "Um, honey I don't know that it's even possible for you to have a simple case of gas." It was quite clear that Stacky was more than just feeling bloated. She was bloated, quite visibly so, and to no small degree. "Hic!" Stacky winced as her belly hissed and grew again. But this hiccup brought with it an additional side-effect; the bikini top that had fit Stacky so wonderfully before was looking quite a bit more snug. "I think you're right. This isn't just a-- hic!" With that pretense dispelled, the rest of her body felt free to expand in sympathy with her breasts and belly. Her entire torso grew rounder while her slender arms and legs took on a noticeable plumpness. "Crap. I'm so sorry, I promised this wouldn't happen today." "Don't worry, dear, you're not in trouble. Hic!" Stacky's bikini grew even tighter around her burgeoning curves. Her expansion was accelerating. "But I might be if we don't figure out how to fix this soon." "Try holding your breath," TLink suggested. "I've heard that can cure hiccups." "Okay." Stacky took a deep breath, causing her swollen bosom to put even more strain on her bikini top, and held it in. She and TLink waited anxiously for the result. As Stacky lay there with her lips pursed and eyes clenched shut, her mind wandered. How do I wait for nothing to happen? And how long should I wait for nothing when I can't breathe while I'm waiting? Unfortunately Stacky didn't have to wait too long for confirmation that nothing had no intention whatsoever of happening. Her hand flew to her mouth as she fought to suppress it. "Hrk! Hrg! Hrgmph!" came the rapid series of muffled spasms. She let her breath out in a gust, but somehow a surge of gas was rapidly filling her. This hiss from earlier had graduated to a low whoosh, and Stacky's entire body billowed outward. But this time the sound of her inflating was joined by the hum and squeak of overstressed elastic. Some of the protest was coming from what had to be a thoroughly disgruntled bikini. But more concerning was soft sound of strain coming from Stacky herself. "Okay, that didn't work," Stacky said quickly, a slight quaver of panic in her voice. "Any more ideas?" "Um, um," TLink stammered, wracking his brain. He snapped his fingers. "Hyperventilation?" "I think I'm pretty well ventilated already!" Stacky protested. "No, not like that. You breathe into a paper bag, it's supposed to cure hiccups. Come on." He motioned for her to stand. "I think we have some in the kitchen." Helping Stacky to her feet was quite a bit more work than normal. She could offer little assistance since her legs were too distended with gas to bend much. She hiccuped twice during the process, growing ever larger and ever rounder. By the time she was fully upright she was nearly as wide as she was tall. "This could be a problem," she said. TLink nodded in agreement. Stacky was inflating at a startling pace. By the time he managed to get her turned around toward the house, it was unlikely she'd be able to move much. And fitting her through the door was going to be another problem entirely. "Maybe I should go in and bring the bag to you." "That sounds like a good idea. Hic!" She gritted her teeth against the rising pressure. "Just be quick about it, okay?" TLink dashed into the house, leaving Stacky alone outside. It was torture. She could only wait for him to return and hope that his latest plan would work. Stacky dreaded the passing of each second knowing that any moment could bring-- "Hic!" Stacky wondered if the sound of her filling was really that loud, or if it just seemed so to her. Her top stretched and strained to contain the huge domes of her expanding breasts. They would have appeared enormous on her had the rest of her body been normal sized. Now they were just large mounds on the ever-growing globe of her body. "Hic!" She could feel her skin pulling tighter. Much of this surge was forced out to her arms and legs. They stuck straight out as they grew plump, then fat, then slowly began to lose their definition as their bulges slowly merged with the rest of her expanding swells. "I -- I can't move," she whimpered. "What's taking him so long?" The only response to her query was the rustling of the wind in the trees. "TLink!" Stacky shouted. "Hurry up -- hic -- with -- hic -- that -- hic -- oh crap!" Deep within her belly there was a low rumble followed by a crescendo of rushing gas. "Oh no," she gasped. She felt the pressure flowing out through her entire body, reaching her fingers and toes, even forcing her cheeks to puff up. The flow of gas was incessant, and she was nearly out of room. "Too much," she grunted. "Too full. TLink! TLink, help me! I'm gonna--" BANG! "AIIIYEE!" Stacky shrieked. She'd thought that her swollen state had rendered her largely immobile, but the noise had so startled her that she managed to jump into the air, still growing larger from the latest rush of gas. She bounced slightly when she returned to earth. She was so round, she was just barely able to regain her footing. Heart pounding, Stacky realized that she had not exploded. Although she was still in one piece, she felt so full and tight that she didn't want to risk too much motion. She turned her head about as best she could to find the source of the sound, but was impeded by the massive bulges her body had formed around her. The mystery was soon dispelled. TLink walked around from behind her, the shattered remains of a paper bag in one hand. "TLink!" she screamed, her face flushing with anger. "That wasn't funny! I'm sitting here blowing up like a blimp, I'm so full I'm about to burst, and you're sneaking around popping things? What the hell is wrong with you? I'm about to explode here! So help me, if I blow I'm taking you with me!" She was quivering with rage, and her inflated condition served to greatly magnify the effect. Slightly shaken by Stacky's outburst, TLink took a step back. "How are your hiccups?" he asked meekly. "My-- they're --" she fell quiet and paused thoughtfully. After a full minute of waiting in silence, nothing. "They're gone," she marveled. TLink looked down sheepishly. "I was in the kitchen looking for paper bags, and I remembered that startling someone's supposed to cure hiccups, too. It would be hard to surprise you after I came back, so I figured I only had one shot to try it and so I blew up one of the bags and--" He looked at the torn brown paper in his hand, dropped it, and quickly held up the fresh bag in his other hand for Stacky to see. "I brought another bag, see? Y'know, in case the startling thing didn't work." Stacky stared at him blankly. "You're not too mad, are you?" he asked. Stacky rolled forward, bringing her mouth to his in a maneuver that showed amazing agility for one so distended. She pressed against him for a long, deep kiss. "You're brilliant," she grinned. TLink heaved a sigh of relief. Embracing Stacky as best he could, he felt how firm and full her body was. He'd arrived without much time to spare. He gazed deeply into her eyes. "You know I'd never let anything happen to you." "I know," she sighed. Her sense of relief was palpable; she could finally relax. "But could you do me just one more favor?" "Anything, my love." "Fetch another bottle of sunscreen? The sun's quite bright, I won't be fitting through that door any time soon, and I suddenly have a lot more hard-to-reach bits." "As you wish." Written for TLink and Stacky. Writing someone into a story is an interesting endeavor. Writing a couple into a story is whole other level. You have to get a feel not just for two characters not of your own making, but for how they relate to each other as well. It took a goodly amount of time before I felt like I "got it" with these two. Amusingly(to me, at least), I used Roger and Jessica Rabbit as a starting off point for crafting TLink and Stacky. It's not an exact fit, and it was just a starting point, but the resemblance is there. And the underlying dynamic works well for a story that's as random and unrepentantly silly as this one. Thanks go to Inflate123 for reviewing the first draft and pointing out its deficiencies. I had a "Sheesh, how did I not see that?" moment when I got his feedback. Fixing it in a satisfactory way proved infuriatingly difficult, but it was well worth the effort. This was an exceedingly fun project to do, and I'm quite happy with the results.
chemical, infidelity, Prose that Blows 5 - Taboo (2011), revenge
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
"You crazy bitch." His head hurt. His vision was blurry. But as soon as he heard the machinery's hum, Connor realized where he was, and he found his voice. "Welcome back, Connor." Of course she was here. He started to make out the familiar shapes of the objects in the lab – tables, computers, tanks, fluorescent lights, Rhona's workstation. As his vision returned, he also realized he couldn't move his arms; he was taped to his desk chair. "I was afraid I'd given you too much...and today of all days, that would be anticlimactic." "Stop," Connor croaked. "You don't know what you're doing." "I know exactly what I'm doing," said Rhona, sharpening in his focus. "It's your little harlot here who doesn't know what's about to happen." Maxine laid unconscious on the examination table, dressed in last night's blouse and capri pants. Buckled straps bound her wrists and ankles, with one leather strap drawn tightly across her midsection. A mask had been secured over her nose and mouth. "She's fully prepped and resting comfortably. But once she wakes up..." Rhona stared straight into Connor's glassy eyes. "Not so comfortable, I think." "You'll never get away with this." "Oooh, melodrama," Rhona said mockingly. "I suppose that makes me the mad scientist? Fine." Her tone of voice changed sharply. "That means Maxine here is the innocent girlfriend-slash-conniving whore in this triangle. And you get to be the bastard who threw it all away." Maxine moaned; she was coming to. "And now, the final act of this morality play," said Rhona. "Computer, initiate flow, 30 percent." A soft beep signaled confirmation, and Connor heard the gas hiss into Maxine's mask. "Breathe deeply," teased Rhona. "No!" shouted Connor, as Maxine coughed and inhaled. With each drawn breath, she didn't seem to exhale; slowly, rhythmically, Maxine began to fill. "Let her go! I'll do anything you want!" "Except shut up," Rhona replied, slamming a piece of duct tape over his mouth. "Your whimpering won't ruin this for me. The sounds are the best part." Connor became more aware of the ominous hissing just as Maxine regained full consciousness. Muzzled by the mask, she moaned feebly at Connor, helpless and terrified as her blouse buttons began to pull and gap. "I hope you enjoy the show – you created it, in more ways than one," Rhona said sternly. "You said this project was everything you ever wanted. We built it, we tested it, we perfected it, together. But apparently, even with all this," she said, tracing a hand down from her ample bosom around to her shapely bottom, "I wasn't perfect enough. So if you want more – if you want Maxine..." She spat the name as if it tasted horrible. "I'll give you...more Maxine." Rhona crossed over to her workstation, giving Connor a view of Maxine's frightening transformation. Her breasts labored against her blouse as the buttons pinged off one by one. The stitches in her capris softly popped in concert, slowly splitting the seams at her hips. "Computer," purred Rhona, "increase pressure...70 percent." Connor could only make muffled noises and shake his chair as he watched Maxine's shirt burst the last of its buttons, revealing a strained brassiere underneath. The table's thick strap kept Maxine's midsection minimized, but her breasts and hips bulged cartoonishly above and below it. Connor heard unsettling stretching sounds. "I have to admit, I'm impressed," Rhona said callously. "I was certain she'd be completely full by now. Computer," she announced, "increase pressure to 100 percent, maximum." Maxine pulled against her restraints and managed a muted squeal just before a loud BANG marked the destruction of her brassiere; a moment later, her taut waistband snapped. Her breasts were perfect spheres now, joined by pear-shaped hips, a rounded bottom and, judging by the creaking strap that bound her torso, a heavily pressurized belly. An insistent, angry beeping snapped Rhona out of her trance. "Computer, halt flow," she announced, and approached Maxine's quivering form. "Amazing," Rhona marveled, tracing a fingernail along Maxine's obscenely distended curves. "So elastic. But she feels like she's about to pop." Rhona stopped, a new theory forming in her head. "Was this all part of the plan?" she said, approaching Connor slow. "Did you know she'd provide such valuable data? Did you get her...for me?" She pierced Connor with a steely glare. He looked away. Rhona slapped him, hard. "Computer," she barked. "Final stage. Heat lamps on." The room exploded with light.
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
The door opened and there was Sandra Bullock, wearing tight jeans, a black T-shirt with an embroidered "Witch" on it, and a black pointed witch's hat. She looked hot in a sort of pre-Ya-Ya Sisterhood sort of way. I was so stunned I forgot to say "Trick or treat." "You're a little old for trick or treating, aren't you?" she asked me. "I'll accept money or liquor, ma'am," I said, recovering from my surprise. "Come on inside," she said, and turned around to shout, "Nicole! We got us a live one!" I stepped into the house and was of course not surprised to see Nicole Kidman in an outfit matching Sandra's, looking hot in a sort of pre-"Whatever the hell she did after Eyes Wide Shut" sort of way. "He wants money or liquor," Sandra explained. Nicole gestured me to their living room couch. "Have a seat. I'll be right back." Before I could explain that I was joking, Nicole left for the kitchen--leaving me with a good view of her tight ass, which I would have enjoyed longer had Sandra not grabbed my arm and practically tossed me on the couch. "Let's see what you look like," she said, yanking off my Al Gore mask. I brushed back the hair that had been swept out of place. "Put it back on," she told me, and I complied. Nicole came back with what looked like a champagne bottle. Sandra looked down at it, and her face lit up, sharing what looked like a prankish smile with her friend. Nicole stuck the bottle in front of me. "Drink." It was not a request. Well, I knew a set-up when I saw one, but hell, like I'm going to ruin the evening for Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman? Bullshit. I practically swallowed half the bottle before I had to stop for air. Nicole took the bottle from my hand, and she and Sandra stood back, waiting for something to happen. I belched. I don't think that was what they were waiting for. "If that was supposed to turn me into a frog or something, it didn't work," I boldly proclaimed. "I know a frog story I like," said Nicole. "This frog tries to blow himself up bigger than an ox--" Sandra interrupted, "And he blows and blows and blows--" "--and inflates and inflates and inflates--" "--and gets bigger and bigger and bigger--!" "--and blows and blows until--" They said it together: "--he POPS!" They giggled at each other. "I don't see where this is heading," I said. My stomach billowed out from under my shirt. "Oh," I said dumbly, before my arms jutted out to my sides, having been forced upward by my expanding midsection. I was inflating in all directions, the sound of hissing air mixing with the sounds of my shredding costume. Sandra and Nicole just smiled as my extremities puffed up--I honestly can't say what happened to all my extremities, but definitely my arms and legs--and my body became rounder and larger as I filled up the couch, later exceeding it in size. I began to let out rubbery squeaking sounds. "Excuse me," I said about the embarrassing noises. "Don't sweat it," Nicole assured me. Sandra just smirked. Before I knew it, I was huge rubber ball and I noticed Sandra and Nicole getting farther away. I was beginning to float upwards like an out of control helium balloon. As I floated upward, I continued to expand like a balloon, and I twisted helplessly around in the air for a few moments before I felt my back bounce against the ceiling. The hissing continued, and I looked down at the smiling women, bracing myself for the big bang. "I'm still getting bigger," I found myself saying. "This one's observant," said Sandra. "I'm going to pop," I said calmly. "The man speaks the truth," said Nicole. And they watched me grow with anticipation on their faces. I let out another loud squeak, but I didn't apologize for it. I just prepared for the inevitable result of overinflating a balloon... Then the doorbell rang. "Hold that thought," said Nicole. And just like that, the hissing from my body stopped. She opened the door to see a bunch of kids in Holloween costumes. "Trick or treat!" they shouted. Nicole bent over to talk to the kids, giving me another nice view. I didn't bother to shout for help. In the first place, what could the kids do? Besides, most seemed to think that the Al Gore blimp in the living room was part of the Halloween decor. For the next hour, Sandra and Nicole ignored me, instead directing their energies to placating trick-or-treaters, occasionally giving me a good long view at the backs of their jeans. I decided not to call attention to myself by speaking. Presumably they knew there was a huge balloon floating above their couch; and I figured, the longer they were distracted, the better for me. A while later, Sandra pulled out an old turntable and began playing several old scratchy Holloween 45's. Thankfully, none of them were "Monster Mash." But after a rousing rendition of "Zombie Jamboree," I heard a song that I vaguely remembered from my childhood. I recalled that it had a line about kids eating so much candy that they were about to burst. I braced for the line, as if hearing it would cause me to burst, too. "--kids about to burst!" There it was. "--kids about to burst!" There it was again. "--kids about to burst!" The old 45 was skipping. Sandra and Nicole stood in front of the turntable, but they didn't lift the needle. Instead, Sandra grabbed Nicole's hips and they did the limbo, singing, "Kids about to burst! Kids about to burst! Kids about to burst!" They laughed and danced, never tiring of the line. I had to admit it was kind of catchy. That is, until Nicole pointed up at me for the first time in the last hour, and she started to sing at me, but she changed the lyric to, "You're about to burst! You're about to burst! You're about to burst!" They sang it together, pointing at me and laughing. "You're about to burst!" "YOU'RE ABOUT TO BURST!" "YOU'RE ABOUT TO BURST!!" I still wasn't sure where this was heading. Just then, the hilarity stopped. "Look!" said Sandra, pointing out the window. I don't know how they were visible--it was dark outside, after all--yet I could clearly see three masked individuals run past the window holding toilet paper. I saw a mummy, a werewolf, and a ghoul--and, like me, they were a little old for trick-or-treating. But judging by the rolls of TP, they weren't here for treats. "Not this year, you little shits!" said Sandra, and she ran outside. I heard three muffled yelps, a poof!-type sound, followed by more hissing sounds. Sandra re-entered the house, carrying three full, tightly inflated pear-shaped balloons. Each balloon had an intricate design painted on them: One was a mummy. One was a werewolf. One was a ghoul. Man, what a coincidence. Nicole walked up to the balloons, grabbed the mummy balloon and spoke to it. "Which one egged our car last year?" She held the balloon to her ear. I didn't hear anything. But the ghoul balloon seemed to inch away slightly before Sandra caught him. Nicole released the mummy balloon, and with a quick thrust of her fingernail, the ghoul balloon burst into shreds. Sandra applauded. "What about these two?" Nicole asked. Sandra put the werewolf balloon on the floor. Nicole smiled. She took Sandra's hand, and they both sat their tight, round butts on the tight, round balloon, which squeaked from the strain. They giggled. And then they bounced. And bounced again. Harder. Higher. Each time, the balloon let out a squeak that sounded like a human moan. But they bounced and giggled and bounced and bounced and... POP! Their cute butts hit the floor and they laughed. The last balloon, the mummy balloon, batted against the door, as if it wanted to get out. Sandra got up and grabbed the balloon. She ran her finger over it, causing the stretched rubber to squeak loudly. "I made him squeal!" she said, and they laughed again. Then Sandra untied the mouth of the balloon. "I think he wants to be bigger," she announced. "I going to blow him up!" Just like in every wet dream I had after first seeing Demolition Man, I watched Sandra Bullock blow into this huge, firm balloon. I didn't think it could be inflated much larger, but I was wrong. It got noticeably bigger. She puffed again, her cheeks plumping up as she pumped the balloon fuller, causing it to slowly but visibly expand. Soon the balloon was downright huge, almost as big as Sandra herself. But Sandra kept blowing and blowing. And the balloon kept growing and growing. "--kids about to burst!" the record reminded us. "--kids about to burst!" "--kids about to burst!" "Pop him," said Nicole softly. "Make him pop." Sandra blew and blew, wrapping her arm around the giant balloon to keep it from escaping. She puffed and puffed and puffed, and it grew and grew and GREW... BANG! Suddenly, Sandra was holding empty air. A few more kids arrived at the door, and Nicole handed out candy (bending over to examine the kids' costumes--thank you, thank you, Nicole) while Sandra finally changed the record. Oooh, I always liked "The Raven" by The Alan Parsons Project. The night wore on, and the trick-or-treaters diminished to a trickle before fading into Holloween history. Sandra took down the orange and black Holloween balloons from the porch and brought them inside, where she and Nicole played with them for a while, batting them around catching them. Hugging them and squeezing them. They played and talked and laughed and drank for a while, having gone back to ignoring me. Sandra sat on a balloon and popped it. She giggled but stopped when she saw Nicole eyeing the wine bottle they had given me earlier, the one that was to blame for my current inflated condition. Sandra's eyes gleamed. "Go for it," she gently coaxed. Nicole grabbed the bottle and quaffed it down. "Oh, yeah!" said Sandra. "Guzzle it! C'mon, guzzle it!" Nicole finished the bottle and wiped her mouth, laying back on the floor. She looked up at me and I down at her. Our eyes met. She kept looking at me even as her stomach bloated outward, as if she were suddenly pregnant. She laid her arms out, spreading her arms and legs, welcoming the expansion that was to follow. Her breasts swelled, growing tighter and fimer, her body pushing upward as she filled with air, the "Witch" T-shirt quickly ripping to shreds, the button of her jeans snapping open, only to be torn apart as her plumping legs burst through the cloth. Her middle became a huge round ball, and she just looked up at me as she grew and grew, her chubby arms and legs disappearing into her round center, leaving only her face, hands and feet. She swelled farther, grew bigger, larger, tighter... Sandra laughed and laughed. The hissing grew louder as Nicole filled up more and more of the room, forcing Sandra to take refuge in the doorway to the kitchen. Nicole kept her eyes locked with mine as she inflated, inflated, inflated. Soon she was as big as I was. And then she quickly got even bigger. And bigger. The giant, flesh-colored balloon with Nicole Kidman's face just kept getting larger and larger, and I watched her round middle getting closer to mine. She finally inflated so big that our equators were touching. Her skin felt like balloon rubber, but it was warm and sensual. We pressed together tighter as she continued to billow outward, pushing into me harder into the ceiling. The pressure built. She grew larger. The space grew more confining. She still got bigger. The hissing grew louder. Our bodies pressed harder together, squeaking like competing balloons. And she still got bigger. And the pressure built as I got pushed tighter... ...tighter... ...tighter... ...tighter!! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMM!!!! I flinched. The room was swallowed by silence as bits of flesh-colored balloon fragments drifted around the room. Sandra edged her way back into the living room. "BOO!!" Sandra spun around, and there was Nicole in the kitchen behind her. They both laughed hysterically. Witches. You gotta love 'em. The two went back to their balloon play; but it was getting late, and they meant business. They squeezed the balloons till they popped. They sat on them till they burst. They stuck them with their fingernails and made them explode. And best of all, they put a few in their mouths and blew, blew, blew...and the balloons went pop! Pop! POP! Finally there was only one balloon left. Me. They just looked up at me and smirked. Then Sandra said, "Bigger." And just like that, I grew several inches bigger. Nicole told me, "Bigger." So I got bigger, expanding another few inches. "Bigger!" Sandra ordered me. So I got bigger. "Bigger!" said Nicole. I inflated more. They said it in unison: "Bigger! Bigger! BIGGER!! BIGGER!! BIGGER!!" I felt my body swell and swell and swell, reaching my absolute limit... "BIGGER!!" POP!! My eyes shot open, the dream having ended. "Crap, it was only a dream," I said. I hate dream endings--they had to be the ultimate cop-out for writers. Then I looked over in the bed next to me. Next to me was a balloon animal. "Is that a puppy?" "Puppy? You idiot, that's supposed to be a horse!" I sat up. Sitting on the end of the bed, their tight asses sinking softly into my mattress, were Sandra and Nicole. "You are so popped," said Nicole. And then my body inflated like a balloon, rapidly getting bigger toward the inevitable result. Witches. God, I love 'em.
pump, women inflating men
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Rob shook his head as he walked past the bathroom, where his younger sister Marion stood facing the mirror, preparing for her date. My sister's a slut, he reluctantly concluded. Her tight black leather pants barely covered her rear, showing off the top of her thong underwear. Her plunging V-neck showed off the fact that there was nothing "little" about his little sister anymore. She did some final preening of her long, wavy brown hair before spinning around to glare at her brother. "What are you looking at?" she snapped. "Probably a hooker." Marion spat out an obscenity, turned off the light, and pushed Rob out of her way. "Don't forget your 11 o'clock curfew," he told her as she bounced down the stairs, her unrestrained breasts bouncing along with her. "You're not the boss of me," she asserted, grabbing her jacket. "I am while Mom and Dad are gone," Rob said from the stairs. "Oooh, big man! Do you get off being in charge?" She didn't wait for an answer, storming angrily out the door. "Maybe!" he called out after her, the word masked by the slamming of the door. Rob waited on the stairs for a moment until he heard a car door slam and the sound of the car driving away. He knew the car belonged to Marion's shady boyfriend, Ed. He never liked the guy, but Rob figured the only way Marion was going to learn not to date bad boys was to date a few of them. She'd learn or she wouldn't. Rob stood in silence on the steps for a moment, soaking in the absolute silence of the empty house. It was so preciously rare that he was alone, and his thoughts turned immediately to what he most liked to do in private, and his body tingled with anticipation. He hurried back to his room, opening the closet to remove a large air tank, his prime acquisition from the balloon and gift shop for which he worked. It was minimum wage, but he didn't care: The job perfectly dovetailed with balloon and inflation fetish. He closed the door and began taking off his clothes. Moments later, he stood naked in front of the Jessica Biel poster on his wall. "You think you're pretty big, don't you?" he asked rhetorically to the picture of the world-famous actress. "Well! I bet I can be bigger than you! In fact, you are nothing compared to how big I can be! Just look at this!" Smiling at that cheesy but intensely erotic ritual boasting, he put the air tank hose into his mouth and cranked up the throttle. He closed his eyes in ecstasy as he felt the air pour into his body. He rubbed his belly, knowing that soon it would increase in volume. And sure enough, several seconds later, his hands were rubbing his extended gut, admiring the increasing curve that was forming. He noted with satisfaction that he looked pregnant—which is probably about as close as he'd get in the near future to rubbing a pregnant belly. He used to just stuff balloons in his shirt, but it was much more pleasurable to be able to feel his own body ballooning up, as he'd often dreamed. His belly continued to grow, and as it grew, it began taking more of his body along with it. His chest and his sides began to slowly bulge out, and he placed his hands on his expanding body, feeling it spread out his fingers as its circumference increased. He opened his eyes and scowled at the poster, thinking, Look! Can you see me? Can you see how big I'm getting? I'm going to be bigger than you! I'm going to be bigger than everybody! He wished he could say that out loud, but then he'd have to spit out the air hose. Sure, he'd thought of sticking the air hose elsewhere—perhaps in his navel or some other less inviting aperture—but he worried about what would happen if he got so big that he couldn't reach the hose to pull it out. Inflating by mouth at least left him the opportunity to spit out the hose when he felt he reached his limit. Not that he ever had to worry about reaching his limit--he'd never dared get too big. The bigger he got, the longer it took him to deflate, and he was always on a tight schedule, never knowing when someone might come home. But now his parents were away, and his sister would be gone until at least 11—and probably later, as he had little doubt she'd traipse in sometime past midnight just to spite him. Oh, God, he thought. I just might be able to find out how big I can really be! I could probably fill the whole room if I wanted! The thought drove him wild, and he began running his hands over himself, feeling his body spread his arms out, as if they were trying to hold in an inflating beach ball. He leaned forward gently, allowing his belly to make the short trip to the floor, and he let his weight settle on it. He sighed inwardly, relaxing as he allowed the air to fill him up more, his extremities becoming pudgier as the air reached into the other parts of his body. He felt himself becoming rounder and more ball-shaped, just like the balloon he had always wanted to be. He soon became so round his arms could no longer bend to feel just how big he'd become. But he could feel it, just as he could feel the pressure constantly building inside him. He glared at the poster again. "Hmmmm! Hmmmmm!" he said with his lips around the hose, though his mind was yelling at her: "Look! I'm getting so big! And I'm going to get bigger!" And he did. Several moments later, he was little more than a giant, round balloon, resting on the floor as his inflating body pushed him higher and higher. He thought: Oh, God, I'm bigger than I ever dared to get! Yes! I'm just going to keep getting bigger until I fill the whole room! I'm going to see just how big I can be! I'm going to let myself get as big as I can until I'm just about to pop! This is too good to be true! This is too good to be true!! SLAM! It was too good to be true. Rob's eyes shot open wide as he heard the front door slam, and he heard footsteps dashing up the stairs. He heard Marion rummaging around in her room and then in the bathroom. "Rob!" she yelled angrily. "Did you hide my birth-control pills again?!" Please tell me I locked my door, he thought. He didn't lock the door. It flew open and there was his sister, catching him in the act. She gaped at her brother, now a naked balloon in the middle of his bedroom, the only sound coming from the gentle hiss of the air compressor. Marion froze. The hose dropped from Rob's numbed lips, plopping to the floor as the air continued hissing its way out. They stared at each other. And then Marion laughed so hard they both thought she'd die. The laughter seemed poised to continue forever, as Marion clutched her sides convulsively, her eyes watering as she gasped for breath. Eventually, her laughter would sputter into giggles, only to look directly again at her balloon-brother, and the peals of laughter would start all over again. This repeated itself several times. All the while, Rob could do nothing but watch and occasionally wobble in frustration. This is even worse than getting caught masturbating—at least then, he could pull up his pants and slap her across the face. As it was, he was totally immobile, completely powerless. He could only lie there, his extended belly forward, his head angled, watching his sister trying desperately to regain her normal breathing. Marion wiped away the tears from her eyes as she stepped closer to her helpless brother. "Sooooo!" she drawled. "THIS is what you were up to in here all day! I always thought it was funny how you looked at balloons, or why you kept working in that dead-end balloon shop. I never thought you'd try to BE a balloon!" She giggled again. "Would you just leave, already?!" Rob barked, feebly attempting to regain control of the situation. But he was bluffing, and she knew it. She walked around him, putting her hand on his taut skin, pressing down and feeling him wobble. "Oh, I'm not going anywhere! This is too priceless!" She tilted her head inquisitively at him. "What happens if I poke you with a pin?" Rob felt himself turn red. And not just in the face; in his inflated state, he somehow felt warm all over, either from rage or humiliation. Marion knelt down, so that she was face-to-face with her accumbant brother. She was so close, her breath touched his face, and he could smell the bubblegum she'd been chewing earlier. Her voice took on a more domineering tone: "I asked you a question: What happens if I poke you with a pin?" "Just don't," he said, more sheepishly than he had intended. "Say please." "Please." "Say, 'Please don't pop me.'" "Please don't pop me." "Say, 'Please don't pop me, great sister, whose ass I'm unfit to kiss.'" "Oh, come on!" She tapped her fingernail into his rubbery flesh. He grit his teeth and closed his eyes. "Please don't pop me, great sister, whose ass I'm unfit to kiss!" "Maybe I will, maybe I won't. Let's see, now..." Marion walked over to Rob's bed, where he had left his pants. She searched them and plucked out his wallet. "What are you doing?" Rob asked, as he currently lacked the neck to turn and see what his sister was up to. Marion walked back over to the side of the giant orb where Rob's face was. "I'll be taking this money, thank you." "Damn it, Marion, when I deflate—!" "IF you deflate," she corrected him ominously. "And that's a big 'if.' But ask yourself this: What's it worth to you to keep this from Mum and Dad?" "Gggh!" Rob forced himself to choke back words of rage, words he was not in a safe position to utter. "That's what I thought," Marion told him, patting his slightly puffy head. "Oh, and I'll be taking your iPod, your laptop, and your favourite jersey." Rob sputtered. "My favourite jersey?! It doesn't even fit you! What the hell do want that for?" "Because I know YOU want it," she said and giggled. "Do you get off being in charge?" he asked her. "Maybe," she sang flippantly. "At least I don't get off blowing myself up into a big, fat balloon!" She sighed happily. "What else can I take?" She began to tear through Rob's room. Rob struggled again, in vain, to move. All he managed to do was bounce gently on the floor like a wayward beach ball. Marion ignored his straining as she tore through his dressers and closet. "Naughty, naughty!" she said when she found his porn collection. Rob stopped struggling. He could not be more humiliated now, anyway. Not unless she found... "Hey! What's this?" Oh God, no. She found it. He could tell even before she walked back into his field of vision that she had found his notebook. The notebook. The one that contained every story, every drawing, every inflation fantasy he ever conceived and committed to paper. It detailed his desire to be a balloon, be it a child's balloon or a blimp. It told Marion how he wanted to be inflated by women. By men. Even by kids. It told her how he wanted to be inflated by a pump, inflated by mouth, inflated by magic. It even told her how he wanted to be the frog in Aesop's "Frog and the Ox." And his younger sister was paging through it all, every deep secret laid bare in front of her. Occasionally she burst out laughing, as each page seemed more ridiculous than the previous. "Oh my gawd!" she cried out at one point. "You are freakin' sick!" She read writings about forced inflations. About self-inflations. She saw cartoons about balloon-sized inflations, and about mountain-sized inflations and beyond. And it told her what she really shouldn't know: just how much he wanted to burst. Marion began quoting passages of Rob's writing at length. "'Pop me! Pop me! Make me into a big balloon boy and burst me!'" She laughed. "Oh, and this one: 'I'm such a huge balloon! I can't take it anymore! I want you to overinflate me! Watch me pop! Watch me burst for you!'" She slammed the notebook shut, perhaps worried that laughing any more would cause her sides to split. "Holy crap, you are freakin' twisted!" Rob was too humiliated to speak. He knew nothing would be the same in his household again. His sister would never take him seriously as an authority figure again; and in any case, she knew ever dark secret he had. She'd have all the power from now on. "So you DO want to pop, after all?" Marion asked. She leaned her shapely body gently against his spherical frame, causing him to bulge out slightly on the other hemisphere. "No, not really," he wheezed from the strain she was putting on his body. Actually, he DID, but not by his sister. This whole was so close to his fantasy, but he didn't want to be helpless in front of his sister. It's just so blessedly wrong. "But you do want to get bigger?" Marion asked, though it wasn't really a question. Rob opened his mouth, but he didn't answer quickly enough. "I knew it!" Marion pushed herself away from Rob, causing him to bounce back a couple feet and roll a half-turn. Marion picked up the air hose from the floor. "So how big do you want to get?" "Knock it off!" he begged her. "Let's just make you a little bigger." She brought the hose close to his mouth, and he quickly and firmly shut it. "Come on! Get bigger for your little sister! Show me how big my big brother can be!" Rob didn't dare open his mouth to answer. Then she pinched his nose, forcing him to breathe from his mouth. And with that, she stuck the hose in, so far into him that he would've gagged if his neck and throat hadn't already inflated into his globular body. He braced himself. He loved to inflate before, but he wasn't doing it for pleasure now. He was doing it for his kid sister's amusement. He prepared himself for the increased pressure, knowing he'd soon get bigger like a child's toy balloon. And inevitably, he did. He tried desperately through the power of will to resist the force inside him, but he'd have better luck holding back a train. His body expanded further, his skin squeaking and straining as he swelled bigger. He felt his swollen feet knock over a vase. He heard the crash of books being knocked off a shelf by his growing body. He felt himself pushing against his sister's overexposed breasts (eww!), gradually forcing her back so that she had to hold the hose farther and farther away from her to reach Rob's mouth. Marion giggled. "Holy crap, you're huge! You're right, Rob, this IS fun! Get bigger now! Bigger!" Rob heard various other crashes and thuds as books dropped from shelves, chairs overturned, lamps crashed to the floor. But Rob had no concern for those things, thinking only of how tight he felt, how much bigger he was getting, how much closer to the bursting point. Marion had no way of knowing how big he could get—she could get carried away and pop him by mistake! And that's what appeared to be happening, as Marion giggled like a giddy schoolgirl playing with a toy balloon, one that was a dime a dozen, one that could be popped like a cheap, replaceable toy. The squeaks were getting louder from his taut skin, his eyes bulged as he felt the air pushing out against every spare inch of his body. He would have begged Marion to stop, but he couldn't make anything but mumbles with his lips around the hose, and Marion chose to ignore them, anyway. She just watched with anticipation as her brother grew and grew... I am my own sister's balloon, Rob thought. This could NOT get more humiliating. At that point, it got more humiliating. "Babe, what's the holdup?" It was Ed, Marion's creepy boyfriend, who sauntered into the room. Neither Rob nor Marion had heard him enter the house because of the ruckus created by Rob's inflating body, and Marion jumped back in surprise. "Hey, honey!" Marion said, pulling the hose from Rob's mouth. Rob wasn't sure if he should be grateful for the interruption or further embarrassed by it. Sure, occasionally Rob had even fantasized about being inflating for other men—but for chrissake, it was Ed! Did he have to be humiliated in front of his sister AND her creepy boyfriend?! "Damn, that's a big balloon," Ed observed in typical understatement. Marion laughed. "Ed, it's Rob! My big brother!" Ed walked farther into the room, saw Rob's bulbous head and plump extremities sticking out of the big round ball. "That's your brother?! Shit, I thought it was a balloon!" "It's my brother AND a balloon!" Marion chirped. "It's my big, big, big, BIG brother! All blown up and ready to pop! Isn't that right, Rob?" Rob couldn't think of an answer that wasn't too smart-alecky, so he said nothing. "He's so big," said Marion, "I can barely reach over him to keep the hose in. Can you reach, Ed?" Aw, jesus. "Sure," said Ed, who took the hose from Marion and went to replace it back into Rob's mouth. Rob knew it was futile, but he held his mouth shut again anyway. "Here," said Marion, after searching the spilled contents of Rob's desk for a few moments. "Tape it to his mouth with this duct tape. Then we can stand back in case he pops!" She was addressing Ed, but she maintained eye contact with Rob as she said it. They ganged up on the helpless Rob, whose defenses were virtually nil, and they stuck the hose back into his mouth, taping it firmly in place with the tape, and they rapidly stood back. They watched with anticipation as Rob grew even larger, filling up more and more of the room. He stared back at them in disbelief, although he had to do so at an odd tilt. The air pushed him to greater and greater heights, and his distended body grew closer to the walls, to the ceiling. The creaks and groans from his bloated body began sounding closer together, and they became louder, louder, louder. Rob squirmed, watching his smiling sister and her smirking boyfriend get farther and farther from his horizon of view. "Is he going to pop?" Ed asked, his voice totally devoid of concern. "Whoops! Maybe," said Marion, and after a brief pause that seemed like several minutes to Rob, Marion turned off the pump. This hissing stopped, as did Rob's inflation. The room fell silent for a moment. But only for a moment. "God!" cried Marion. "Have you ever seen something so big?!" "Not inside the house, no," Ed admitted. Rob couldn't see his entire body to know just how big he'd gotten. But he knew he must be nearing the total dimensions of the room. Marion gently put her hand on Rob's gossamer form. "Don't pop now!" Marion teased. "I just want to feel how tight you are!" Ed flicked Rob with his finger, hard. Rob winced. "He's tight as a drum," Ed observed. "Careful!" Marion said, playfully slapping Ed on the shoulder. "You could've popped him! He's so fragile, he could burst like a soap bubble!" Rob grunted his agreement. He knew he was as close to bursting as he'd ever want to get. Marion sighed in contentment. "Well, Rob, this has been fun, but Ed and I have got to get going." She walked up to Rob and patted the area closest to his face that she could reach. "You just lie there like a good balloon. We'll be back sometime around—oh, whenever I damn well please. Ta-ta, now!" She blew her brother a taunting kiss. "Take it easy," Ed said to Rob, smirking. The two lovers held hands and finally, mercifully, left Rob to delicately rest on the floor like a discarded balloon. Even if the hose wasn't still duct taped to his mouth, he wouldn't have wished them a good night. He listened closely as two sets of footsteps went down the stairs, the front door closed, and he heard the car doors slam outside. He heard the engine start and idle for several moments. They were probably talking about what a great time they were going to have—or what a great time they already had—while he was stuck here, inflated and immobile. It would be several hours before he'd deflate to the point that he could even move his arms enough to remove the hose from his mouth. It was going to be a long night. But that was all right. He'd use that time to plot his revenge. Someday, he didn't know how or when, he was going to get even with Marion. Maybe wait until she slept, and then tape the hose into HER mouth? Ed would be a little trickier; he'd put up more of a fight. But maybe he could get some friends together and hold him down— Footsteps. Running back up the stairs. Ed re-entered the room. "Forgot to turn off the lights," he said. His hand hesitated over the light switch. Then he reached down and flipped the air compressor back on. Rob's eyes shot open as wide as they could get, and he squirmed as he felt himself increasing in size yet again. "Later, dude," said Ed, casually waving Rob goodbye before flipping off the light switch and closing the door, leaving Rob in the dark, alone with the sound of the pump and the squeaking of his body. Feeling the air forcing him bigger...bigger...bigger... Rob felt his body pushing against something solid. It was the opposite wall. Then he felt his body pushing against the ceiling. His body was losing that struggle: The walls and ceiling stayed firmly in place, but Rob's body kept pushing and pushing and pushing, to no avail. The air kept coming in, and Rob's body had no place left to expand. Maybe, just maybe, Marion would come back in to check on him...? In the distance, Rob heard Ed's car pull away from the curb and fade into the night. The pressure built as he pressed harder and harder against the confines of the room. He closed his eyes and focused intently on the wall poster of Jessica Biel that he was now pressed solidly against. See? I'm going to be bigger than y— The window panes rattled and the walls shook with the force of Rob's explosion. And then the house was quiet, save for the last, minuscule bit of air escaping from the now empty air pump.
air, experiment, revenge, teleportation, unitard
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Full Body Inflation
The Gerson-Bates Effect: Teleportation involves the exchange of equal volumes. Martin Gerson was satisfied with his statement. Yes, that seemed about right, he thought to himself as he typed the line. It fitted all the observed data. He glanced at the clock. Almost time for Catherine to come back from the gym. Catherine and he had collaborated on this project for two years now, since they were both fresh from receiving their doctorates. He'd never forget the day they'd detected traces of rubidium in a tank of liquid helium they'd left at a certain distance from an atom laser, which led to the discovery of teleportation. It involved cooling matter to within a hairsbreadth of absolute zero and transferring it, and apparently the same volume of stuff was always transferred. They'd managed to scale it up, bought in some cloned mice and teleported those successfully, but they'd never tried to teleport a person before. The door slammed, and Catherine Bates came in breathless and sweaty. She took off her overcoat and hung it on the coatstand, revealing sweatpants and an open grey hoodie over the top half of a lilac unitard. She hadn't had time to change. She glanced at the ornament she'd been bought for her birthday on the lab windowsill, a traditional pair of scales. "How are you doing with that then?" she said, glancing at the monitor. "Hmm" she said. "I don't think that's quite right but I can't put my finger on what's wrong with it. There's certainly an equal exchange of something - just not sure it's volume. Ha!" "What?" "So it's the Gerson-Bates Effect is it? Why not the Bates-Gerson Effect?" "Um, well I just thought..." "Yes, I'm sure you did, Martin. Oh, never mind, I'm quite used to the casual unthinking sexism in the physics department. I suppose I should be grateful that I'm in there at all." As if he hadn't heard her, Martin said, "Are you ready to make history then? The first teleportation experiment involving a human?" "Well, that's a bit of a glorified way of putting it. Yes, I suppose I am." "Right, well here's the drink." He handed her a glass of fluorescent blue liquid. It was just sugar, water, blueberry flavour and a harmless bright blue dye which was there to ensure even a single droplet would be clearly visible to the eye and, a little disturbingly, completely distinct from any bits of Cath which might be accidentally transported with it. They'd had to take care with the precise colour in order to prevent it from interfering with the lasers and went over to the corner of the room. Martin turned on the liquid helium and cold steam started to billow around the tubing of the casket-like chamber in the opposite corner. The cryogenic system had really taken the edge of Catherine's overheating from exercise. Shivering, she zipped herself up. "Look, let me do it!" she said impatiently as Martin tried and failed repeatedly to align the lasers. The beams had to cross in the middle in order to create the node where the matter would swap. In a few deft moves, she was able to get the red, green and violet light to meet perfectly in the middle. She turned the focussing knobs to create a blurry sphere with a volume of exactly forty cubic centimetres, in other words about the size of a golfball, then booted the supercomputer which processed the data for the transfer. Even at the rate of processing the machine could manage, it would take around two minutes for the exchange to take place. They were edging with great caution towards the holy grail of human teleportation. The computer emitted a beep. It was too mission-critical for a fancy interface, so it just showed a blank text screen with a blinking cursor. Martin had lined up the lasers rather better on the casket into which Catherine was going to have to climb in a minute or so. One way in which it did differ from a coffin was the fact that it opened at the end rather than the top. "You think we should have given it a more reassuring form?" asked Catherine. "They're never going to be able to publicise it looking like that." "Dunno, we're scientists, not marketing experts. We just get on with the boring old miracles of modern technology. Anyway, want to climb in? I'll get the imaging working." He sat himself at the medical imager they'd bought to ensure the teleportation would take place from the inside of Catherine's stomach. She opened the door and pulled the floor of the internal part of the chamber out like a drawer, then climbed onto the cushioned, shelf-like surface. She leant forward, took hold of the open side of the doorway and slid herself back into the chamber. Martin pushed her the rest of the way. Cath found the interior to be quite roomy. It was about the size of a two-person tent and well-lit. She'd balanced the glass of blue liquid on the threshold, and manoeuvred herself carefully around it. Didn't want to spill it at this crucial moment. Images of slices through her body began to appear on Martin's screen: first her foot bones, then various bacon-like cuts of her legs, followed by a womb and a couple of loops of intestine between a couple of lumps of hip bone, then finally the middle of her body. The metal of her zip teeth was also neatly outlined in white at the top of the picture. "How's it going?" she called out, picking up the glass. "Can't tell until you hold still. Whatever you do, don't move after the teleportation starts." "Yeah, yeah, I know, it'll cut through me like a cheesewire. I have been working on this just as much as you have, you know." "Sorry, just trying to look after you. I'll have to take the flack if you come to any harm you know." Martin focussed the lasers. A bright green blur marked the site of teleportation between Cath's insides and the place across the room. She wriggled around and shifted herself as he calibrated the position of the globe with the Y-axis lasers above and below the chamber. Finally, her currently empty stomach was imaged in the centre of the screen with a flickering circle where the teleportation sphere was centred. "Breathe in Cath." She inhaled, and the organs shifted slightly but the circle stayed well inside her stomach. "And out." Same again. So that at least was safe. "We'll go for over three minutes - don't want any glitches due to processing deficits. I have to close the door now." "OK, I'll drink it now." She picked up the glowing sky-juice as he slammed the door and propped herself up on her elbow before drinking it down. There were actually three hundred mls of the stuff. It was sweetish and blueberry-flavoured as it went down. A countdown display lit up just her head: 10 SECONDS. The locks behind her head clunked into place and a hiss told her the chamber was now completely sealed from the outside for the next three minutes. The internal chamber had to be magnetically suspended in a vacuum to isolate it causally from its surroundings. Now she was Schrodinger's Woman. Nothing could be allowed to disturb the chamber and she must not move an inch until the process was complete. If she did, the teleport would start to swap bits of her organs for the air in the opposite corner of the lab, making it effectively an infinitely sharp knife. The plan was to swap a mere three tablespoons of the blue liquid for the same volume of air inside her stomach, in accordance with the current formulation of the Gerson-Bates Effect. This should produce a little bubble of air in her stomach and shift the small quantity of liquid into the bowl on the table across the room. An equal volume of each should be shifted, leaving her with a golfball-sized bubble of air in her stomach. 5 SECONDS. After counting down, the display would switch to counting down the 200 seconds of the procedure. When she emerged from the chamber, she planned to produce a tiny little burp to announce their triumph. After that, who knew? Fame, fortune and a whole career of fascinating hard work lay ahead of them. 3 SECONDS. She was still annoyed that Martin had put his name first. She also still had a nagging suspicion that she was missing something obvious. Ah well, sort it out later, she said to herself. In three seconds, the forty cubic centimetres of blue liquid would start to be transmitted over to the bowl. Better than vomiting, she supposed. Funny how it transmitted volume rather than mass. Anyone would think that instead of swapping forty mil of water for forty mil of air, it'd exchange forty grammes of matter each way. In fact- 1 SECOND. Hold on a sec! What if it wasn't volume that was conserved but - Too late. Martin saw that the section of Cath's abdomen was clearly stable. The display blinked off, ensuring the causal isolation of the phenomenon inside the chamber. Observing it would prevent the teleportation. There was a faint "plink" behind him. Since he was part of this causal world, he could safely look at that. He walked over to the other corner to see a faint mist of droplets emerging from nowhere and falling into the glass container underneath. He switched on a diagonal UV lamp and the stream started to glow brightly. A light meter started to count the blue photons emitted, a makeshift way of monitoring the rate of arrival. There was currently no fact of the matter about what was going on inside the casket. Back inside the chamber, Cath felt nothing at first. Maybe she was wrong after all. There was no apparent feeling or change at all. Then, after a second or so, she heard a faint gurgle and felt a slight vibration about her middle. She felt a mixture of excitement and fear of how it might go wrong, though not really knowing what she had in mind. It was working! She did a quick bit of mental arithmetic about molar mass and realised she had no idea how big forty grammes of air would be. Well, she'd find out shortly. There was more gurgling and bubbling but so far she'd felt no change and it had now been ten seconds. Maybe she was wrong. Perhaps it was just a swap of volumes like Martin had claimed. She smiled to herself ruefully, quietly relieved that she seemed to have made a mistake. Better than - hold on, she was feeling really full now. What was happening? She glanced down at her middle to see the left side of her stomach bulging out somewhat and felt a belch squelch its way up her throat. She produced a little quack of a burp, but it wasn't enough. A wet crackle passed through her and she felt air starting to leak into her sides, firm hollow lumps forming along them as the pressure began to build. Thirty seconds had passed. Martin watched enthralled as a thin layer of liquid began to collect at the bottom of the bowl. Were it not for its sapphire glow, it would almost have been invisible. A thin trickle added to it, causing little ripples to pass out from the centre. He leaned over carefully. A cool breeze seemed to be blowing into the target region. Interesting. Presumably that air was currently entering where Cath's stomach would be at the end of the two hundred seconds. He was surprised there was enough to feel it at all. Careful not to move, Cath lifted her hands and rubbed her uncomfortably stretched sides through the fabric of her hoodie and unitard. There was a strain under the drawstring of her sweatpants, so she reached over and untied them, then rested her hands on opposite sides of her zip. After a second or so, she saw they were gradually moving apart. The pressure inside her began to build. This was getting quite uncomfortable now. She felt a need to fart, which was impaired by the fact she was lying on her back. A little "poot" made itself heard, but that was it. In the meantime, she was starting to feel cramps and the air was still coming in. Cautiously, she inhaled slightly and slowly, making her stomach bulge out a bit further. On exhaling, her abdomen didn't shrink down to its previous position at all. Think expandy thoughts, she said to herself, wondering when it would stop. It was getting to be quite a struggle to contain all the gas. It was pushing relentlessly at her internal organs. Even so, she knew that even budging a centimetre would be too great a risk, particularly considering the mounting tension and inflation she could feel going on inside her. Any movement and the teleport location would simply pop her stomach like a needle jabbing a balloon. She looked fully pregnant now, but it doubtless felt very different. The countdown display overhead only read 150. She was only a quarter of the way there. She also knew there was no way of stopping the process before the end. Banging on the sides of the chamber would be futile due to the vacuum between her and the outside world. There would be no way to communicate - that was the whole point of the box in the first place. Still she swelled. It was getting quite painful and she felt really stretched and full. Hard though it was to concentrate, she managed to do a swift calculation in her head and realised that ultimately, a further forty litres of air would be transmitted into her stomach from the atmosphere in the lab. And this was just ten! Her eyes widened in fear. She just hoped her farting and burping would be enough, or that she would somehow be able to contain the gas being displaced into her body. One thing was for sure though: if she moved at all, she'd rupture her stomach, and judging by how it looked and felt that would not be a good idea at all. Her only chance was to break wind like crazy and just hope against hope that the elasticity of her body wall would prove sufficient to prevent her from popping like an overinflated balloon. She was really crowded inside now and still the air came in. She felt she sort of needed to find somewhere to put it all but was running out of space. Her belly was rising towards the ceiling of the chamber and bulging out towards the size. There was a stinging, prickling sensation along her flanks. She strained to push the air out at both ends, but had at the same time to take great care not to move. It proved impossible. The occasional tiny belch emerged from her mouth but her unitard was doing a wedgie at the other end, trapping wind inside her. 120 seconds to go. Not even half way there yet and she was almost bursting. She couldn't contain herself much longer, surely? Her zip was wrinkling under the strain of the fabric of her tracksuit, which might as well have been skintight by now for all the room it had left inside it to contain her bloating form. Would she be able to sustain this for much longer. Only eighty seconds to go, but would she still be left at the end of it? Would Martin open the chamber to find a few torn rags left over from her inflation? Did he even realise this would be happening? There was now very little space between her abdomen and the sides and top of the chamber. The air just wouldn't shift. Tingling and numbness replaced the stinging feeling, but the stretching and pressure continued. It was constantly building but her expansion was slowing. She realised this was because the same rate of influx meant a gradually reducing increase in girth, but she would still end up with something like five times the volume of a full-term pregnancy inside her. She could only pant weakly now, and was feeling faint and dizzy. A swirling mist of colours made it harder to see her hugely bloated form and she was starting to zone out under the weird transformations going on inside her body. She vaguely realised that the blood which would have been in her trunk was being pushed out into her limbs and head, making them swollen and puffy. Maybe a blood vessel inside her brain would give out. Nothing she could do about that though: she just had to lie there and let the air blow her up bigger and bigger. Who knows where it would end? The next few seconds were mercifully distant and disconnected from Cath's consciousness. Outside the box, Martin could see from the display that around three-quarters of the total liquid to be shifted had been, and presumably that the same quantity of air had entered Catherine's stomach. A thought then occurred to him: If it wasn't volume, what would it be? Space was a relationship, not a container for objects after all. What if he was wrong? What would be a better way of stating the principle? Cath was unable to think clearly at all now. Her mind was as full as her body was of the incredible experience of blowing up bigger and bigger with air until she was just a vast human blimp. Something had happened inside her stomach and the air was elbowing its way under her skin. I'm a big bloated blimp, she thought to herself, not really knowing why she was or having a clear impression of how she got into that state. She could feel her pulse throbbing through her cavernously distended skin, rocking and bobbing her back and forth. She vaguely remembered something about movement not being a good idea, but she had long since lost control over her huge, round torso now. Her whole body was still expanding, making creaking and squeaking sounds under the strain. As she looked, not really understanding what she saw, her rounded body began to ride up on the air cushion forming inside her back and what used to be her waist but was now her equator finally came into contact with the sides and top of the chamber. The computer beeped again as it switched off the exchange device. The lasers faded and died, The bowl now contained a pool of blue fluid about a centimetre deep and about the diameter of a beermat. Rather alarmingly, he noticed that the last drop of fluid, still diffusing into the blue, was not the same colour. It was in fact bright red! Shit. Had Cath not managed to keep still? His own blood ran cold. What was he going to find when he opened the door. Then a thought occurred to him: right now, there was literally no answer to the question of whether Cath was injured, uninjured, alive or dead, and that would continue to be the case until he renewed the contact between her and the rest of the Universe. So in a sense, he hadn't killed her until he did that. He hesitated before pressing the button which would establish a connection between the inside of what he now thought of as the casket and the outside world. Would he be killing her by operating the control? On the other hand, maybe she needed his help. Cath was confusingly aware of her vast rounded bulk. She seemed to be the wrong size and shape. There was strain everywhere she could feel it. She had a distant visual impression of a grey globe filling her field of view. Rumbling filled her ears, accompanied by an echoing and fading hammering throb. She was remotely conscious that if the sound stopped completely, it wouldn't be good. A series of clunks and a jarring motion wobbled her body as the box she was in seemed to fall a few millimetres onto solidity. Martin had finally pressed the button. He reached over to the recessed handle and turned it with trepidation about what he might find. Still, if she needed help he'd have to get in there as quickly as possible. He opened the door with his eyes shut, grabbed the shelf and began to slide it out. Surprisingly, he met with some resistance and heard the slight echoing rustle of some kind of material scraping against a hard surface. Something bulky and rubbery seemed to be stuck in the chamber. He opened his eyes. At first, he didn't know what to make of what he saw. It looked like a fully-inflated weather balloon inside a zipped-up grey cover too small for it at first. It was lodged firmly in the space at its fullest girth, clearly the source of the difficulty he'd had sliding it out. Where was Cath? She seemed to have been replaced by an inflatable of some kind. Then he heard a quiet but resounding whimper and looked down to see Cath's face and hand. She had staring eyes and her lips were slightly blue. Then he noticed her arm, also with unnaturally coloured nailbeds, like they were cold, and also quite puffy-looking. She turned her head to look at him. "Help," she bleated faintly, "I'm - I'm - big. I'm - too big!" "What the hell happened?" he shouted. It gradually dawned on him. This was Cath and somehow she was full to bursting with air. She was completely bewildered. There was a tiny glimmer of awareness about anything else, utterly dominated by the incredible sensations of being enormously inflated and fighting against a constant onslaught of unsupportable quantities of air under her skin, deeper inside her and seemingly everywhere, malevolently fighting with really unfairly matched force to make her into a blimp of a woman. She could feel nothing at all inside her, but was aware that her sides, front and back were much too far apart. She was also agonisingly stretched all over, and felt like moving would snap something and pop her. It was like her skin was being pricked all over with needles. Breathing was almost impossible because of the crushing pressure against her lungs, from her own body. There was at least as much air inside her as flesh. All these feelings grew to a crescendo and she felt the tiny speck of consciousness inside her that made her a person rather than an overinflated ball of flesh about to pop going out. It was all too much to bear, literally, so she didn't. Cath was surprised to find that she seemed to be looking down on herself from the ceiling of the lab. This must be the famous near-death experience, in which she as a sceptic had never believed, though she could sort of appreciate that it might be a psychological coping mechanism of some kind. Her hair formed a halo like the rays of the Sun as it splayed out behind her head onto the padded surface beneath. She could see her hoodie's zip pull pointing towards her chin. Beyond that, her body seemed to be just a round, grey ball with a gleaming steel zip running down the middle like a line of longitude on a globe until it met the equatorial gap between top and trousers, where an expanse of shiny violet spandex marked her tropical zone. Her navel, now an outie, was delineated by the tautly stretched fabric. The meridian continued in the southern hemisphere as the front seam of her sweatpants. Her detached scientific observation noted that everything had a dreamlike quality. She seemed to zoom in on the tilted zip pull, which she remembered flopping onto her neck earlier, so no evidence there for a true out of body experience. She wanted to flip it back to its rightful position, but since her hands were down there and she was up here, it wasn't clear how she'd be able to do that. Then, as she looked, it started to look like the scales on the lab windowsill, teetering between two positions. A green fuzzy sphere appeared at each end. One of them became her own grey bulk, ballooning and straining with unmanageable gallons of gas, and pushed the pan down with a clunk like that of the inner door locking. The other became a tiny ball of livid liquid, which despite its size was able to balance her weight perfectly. Equal masses. She saw her hand move up to the zip pull and turn it back the right way. Suddenly, she was back in her body, enormous and encumbered with the bulging flesh of her vastly inflated form, struggling against the gigantic gas pressures inside her. She made eye contact with Martin and pressed her lips together. An all-too-small belch parted them briefly. "" "Martin?" She managed to shake her head twice and felt her chin rub against her zip teeth. "!" He looked quizzically at her. "Mass?" Cath could hardly stand the frustration. She began to see double and her vision started to fade again. The throbbing in her head, painful though it was, weakened alarmingly. She clenched all her concentration and energy together and tried to form another sound with her lips. Another mouthful of air puffed out her cheeks and forced her mouth open. She tried again. It was a race against time. Things were fading again. "Nnnot volummme m-m-mmass!" The smile of realisation that lit Martin's face up seemed to shrink and disappear down a long dark tunnel as she was overwhelmed by a void of blackness. She was faintly aware of her zip rasping against the roof of the chamber as she was slid back in. Martin hadn't a moment to lose. He rapidly imaged Cath's enormously rounded abdomen on the screen, noting a tiny gap in a loop of intestine which must be the leak. Most of her internal organs were not only deflated but positively crushed by the pressure - all the air seemd to be outside them, trapped under her skin and in her abdominal cavity. Wasting no time, he switched off the screen, restarted the computer and filled a glass of water from a basin tap, placing it on a tripod at the confluence of the lasers. With a dexterity which surprised even him he completed the fine adjustments at both ends, creating the distinctive luminous golf ball in the dead centre of the water. Then he isolated the chamber - clunk! - and threw the switch. Immediately, the contents of the glass began to choke and splutter, then frothed and bubbled as if boiling vigorously. Water splashed into the bowl as the air inside Cath swapped with it, mass for mass. Martin took out his mobile and dialled 999. There was a feeling of sagging all over. She opened her eyes again and blinked. Her mind cleared like the feeling returning to a limb which had been slept on. Looking down at herself inside the chamber, she saw the amazing rotundity of the spheroid she had been turned into start to deflate rapidly. She soon found herself burping and farting at will. The tingling and numbness were past, replaced by aching muscles and a gradually increasing piercing pain just below her navel. She winced and her eyes watered. It goe worse as she deflated and a series of belches and oddly odourless farts resounded through the box. By the time she was back to her normal shape and size, the pain was almost unbearable and it took all her attention to hold herself still. As soon as the locks clunked open and the inner casket dropped onto the outer floor, she rolled over and drew up her knees to relieve the agony. Martin slid her out, looking relieved. "Get me an ambulance Martin. My belly really hurts." "Don't worry Cath, it's on its way." The surgeon said it was the easiest laparoscopy she'd ever done. There was a ready-made gap in the abdominal wall and the insufflation was very quick indeed. All that needed to be done was for a small split in her small intestine to be glued together and an umbilical hernia repair. Her muscle tone had saved her, apparently. If she'd exercised less, the chances were she would've exploded. It was her first day back. She'd made such a swift and complete recovery that she was able to return to work after just a few weeks, though the unusual nature of her case meant it was hard to judge. She could've done without the nightmares though. Once she'd even dreamt she'd swallowed her pillow whole. The printer was churning out Martin's paper. She glanced at the top: The Gerson-Bates Effect No point in reading further. She went to the vending machine and punched up two cups of coffee. Taking a sip, she made her way back into the lab to find Martin engrossed in reading his paper. She cleared her throat twice and he looked up. "Oh, hello. Good to see you back again. Thanks." He took the coffee. They spent the next few minutes criticising the University admin while she kept a careful eye on his drink. Finally, he tipped up the paper cup and it was gone. Right. She walked over to the chamber. "While I was in hospital, I had a lot of time to think about what happened, and I'd like to bring something up about the Effect. Could you come over here a second please?" "OK, fine." He walked over to join her. "I don't think you'll be able to appreciate the problem exactly unless you observe it from inside. You're going to have to get in, Martin." "Um, I see." He climbed onto the stretcher-like surface and she slid it in and slammed the door. "Hang on! What are you doing?" She called up an image of his stomach on the screen where the coffee seemed to be settling nicely, and arranged both sets of lasers. Off went the screen. "Don't move," she shouted, "I want to point out the importance of a particular stylistic point in the paper." The thumping from the inside forced her to raise her voice to be heard. "AND THAT'S ALPHABETICAL ORDER!" she shouted. The noises behind her faded as she isolated the interior. Ten grammes ought to do it. After all, he was a bit of a slob and she didn't want to risk actual injury. She tapped in the number and pressed return. Droplets of coffee started to fall into the bowl. She picked up the first piece of paper, scribbled it out in irritation and wrote a corrected version in its stead: "The Bates-Gerson Effect: Teleportation involves the exchange of equal masses."
air tank
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation
She strode barefoot across the sands, wavy black hair blowing in the wind behind her. Tall, tanned, and athletic, her red one-piece swimsuit hugged her form, leaving nothing to the imagination. It was a clear day, and the beach had more than a few visitors, some of whom had noticed her arrival. She knew she would attract attention - and even more, soon enough - though she paid it no mind. What others thought, or would think, was of no concern to her.As she neared the shore she pulled her arms out of her swimsuit and rolled it down, letting her breasts hang free. Ignoring the murmurs of disapproval behind her she stopped just before the water, staring out at the sea. Without a word she took a breath and spread her arms, and her breasts began to inflate.They went from their normal shape to globular in an instant, her nipples pulled flat across their surface as they grew. In a matter of seconds each were larger than beach balls, hanging down past her navel, and seconds later they grew past her knees, their pace not slowing.By the time her breasts touched the sand, over four feet around, she had caught the attention of nearly everyone on the beach. The reactions of the men varied from stunned disbelief, to confusion, to amusement, but the women only stared, enrapt at the sight before them. One by one, they approached the shore, shedding their shirts and bikini tops as they went, stopping just before the water. One by one, they spread their arms, and one by one, their breasts began to inflate.Their pace was rapid, though none grew as fast as the woman in red; by the time theirs touched the ground hers were over twice her height, resting on the surface of the water. Stretched along the beach was a row of flesh-toned spheres, growing ever larger in the midday sun.To the left of the woman in red was a pale girl barely out of her teens. No less than five minutes ago she had no breasts to speak of; now they were eight feet across, towering above her with cleavage deep enough to hide in. A sudden gust blew and they bobbed up, pulling the girl forward as they rose higher and higher until finally, with a surprised laugh, the girl's feet left the ground. Whooping loudly in celebration, she pulled off her bikini bottom and let it fall, rising naked into the sky.The men on the beach watched as, one by one, the others took flight, carried by their massively inflated assets. In the middle of it all the woman in red continued to grow, now larger than a two-story house. Still, she remained on the ground, even as the others drifted away. If she heard their shouts or cries as they left she made no move to acknowledge it as she continued to stand there, arms spread and growing.Finally, the last of the others was carried off, leaving her alone on the shoreline once more. She lowered her arms, looking up at her gargantuan breasts. There were no longer any murmurs of disapproval - only stunned silence - but what others thought was of no concern of her.The wind blew, and the woman's feet left the ground. Carried aloft by twin tanned hot air balloons she laughed as she drifted into the sky, mingling with the others as they lazily floated over the sea. The door to the changing room opened and a thin young man of about twenty stepped out, adjusting his swim trunks. "Sorry it took so long," he said. "I..." He trailed off as he looked around, noticing that his companion was gone and that the people nearby, all men, were staring off into space. Following their lines of sight up to the beach, he caught sight of a cluster of paired flesh-toned balloons floating into the distance. It didn't take him long to realize what they really were."Oh no, not again."Sprinting down the boardwalk he gasped for air, drawing in lungful after lungful without bothering to exhale. His chest and stomach rapidly swelled into an impressive set of pecs and a wide belly, and his limbs thickened. With each breath he grew larger and fatter with air, his shirt pushed up by his growing midsection. Each step set his body shaking, and his growing, pneumatic girth was slowing his pace, making it harder and harder to move.He dodged to the side to avoid another man on the boardwalk, tripping over a loose board in the process. Landing on his stomach, he bounced forward several feet before coming to rest and, grunting, rocked side to side before gathering enough momentum to return to his feet. Staggering forward, he continued pulling in air, ducking into the scuba shop and taking hold of a cart with four diving tanks on it.This act did not go unnoticed by the clerk, who was trying to figure out which was more worthy of attention: The fact that the fat man who just entered his store was slowly getting larger, or why he was trying to make off with an armload of diving equipment. "What... are you doing?""I'm going after my girlfriend!" he shouted, dragging the cart outside.The clerk tried to process what this meant as the young man tore the mouthpieces off the hoses and opened the valves, taking two hoses in each hand. "But those are oxygen tanks. You can't fly with them."He pointed at the floating women. "Tell them that," he said. Thrusting out his stomach, he shoved two hoses deeply into his navel and the other two into his mouth.His cheeks puffed out to the size of baseballs as the air entered him with explosive force. His body instantly blew outward a foot in all directions, tearing his shirt and trunks to shreds. A deep hissing echoed from within him as his limbs were forced to the sides, growing thicker before being absorbed by the sphere of his body until all that remained of his arms and legs were flat, circular lumps with hands and feet protruding from dimples at their ends. He quickly grew to five feet across, then six before the hissing grew silent. Spitting out the hoses he shouted, "more air!"The clerk stared. "How the-"He looked pointedly in the direction of some onlookers before jerking his head in the clerk's direction. "You two! Help him!"One of them nodded and hurried off into the store, taking the clerk by the arm. The other began to follow but stopped and glanced at the young man's lower hemisphere before averting his eyes and pointing. "You do know you're naked, right?""You have one too, you know.""Well not one like -that-..."The clerk and the other man quickly returned, each holding a thick hose that trailed back into the interior of the store. The clerk wedged his into the young man's navel before retreating into the back again, while the other rolled him forward and put it into his mouth.As the air began to flow his cheeks bulged once more, the hissing echoing inside him as his body continued its push upward and outward. He grew over the heads of the onlookers, then the store awning, then the building itself. Twelve feet, then thirteen, then fourteen... the onlookers, once curious, began to grow concerned. Suddenly his inflation slowed for a moment, and his body let out a loud pneumatic groan before throbbing outward and resuming its pace. The people around him - including the clerk - panicked and scattered, leaving him alone and growing outside the shop.The young man could hear the people fleeing, but was barely able to see anything through his puffed-up cheeks and over the horizon of his chest. At least they did their part, he thought; the rest was up to him. He was large - he knew that much - but he wasn't airborne, and if they could do it then damn it, so could-The wind blew past, and for a second his backside lifted up from the boardwalk. He almost let the hose drop from his mouth in excitement, but caught himself in time and clamped down harder, waiting for a second breeze. As if on cue it lifted him up and held him in the air, his body tethered by the hoses. The one in his navel popped free, his grip on the one in his mouth turning him upside-down before he let go.Floating above the sea, he drifted along, trailing after the human balloons that left before him. The pale girl bobbed on the breeze, held aloft by her enormous, floating breasts. The experience was incredible: The soft caress of the wind over her skin, the feeling of freedom as she floated, unrestrained, through the air... it was bliss. She couldn't help but shake the thought that she left something important behind, though..."Hey, wait up!"She looked over her shoulder to see her boyfriend, naked as she was and blown up to an amazing size, floating towards her. As he neared, she reached out and grabbed the tattered remains of the shirt dangling from his neck. "You left without saying anything," he said.She cringed. "Sorry, things just kind of happened.""No kidding. Half the beach floated away." He looked her over. "How big are you, anyway?" "I don't know. I wasn't paying attention. How big are you?""Dunno. Lost track.""Oh. Well," she said, tying the end of his shirt to her wrist, "we're bound to float back over land eventually. We can worry about landing-""...and clothes.""-and clothes then.""Gonna be a while, though. We're pretty far out.""Mhm."Silence."Mile High Club?""Okay."
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
And when he opened the door, he saw a witch with a clipboard. At least, he deduced it was a witch from her wide-brimmed black cone hat and the broomstick she had leaned against the guardrail. Otherwise, she seemed young compared the witches of legend. Her skin wasn't green with warts but porcelain and flawless, save for the freckles. Her hair wasn't gray but a long, straight and shiny red. She wore a skin-tight black leather outfit showing a healthy amount of cleavage, complete with high-heeled boots, and he placed her in her late teens or early twenties. "Bevis comma A?" she said, not looking up from her clipboard. Axtell Bevis paused for a moment. "Sorry?" he asked, not looking up from her cleavage. "Bevis comma A?" she repeated. "Uh, yes?" "Age 18?" "Yes." "Birthday 7/4/95?" "Uh-huh." "Wallington High School senior?" "Yep." She finally looked up at him, putting the clipboard under her arm. "Well, then, Mr. Bevis, you're whom I'm looking for." "Glad to hear it." "You won't be," she said matter-of-factly. "Seems that you've been telling lies about some powerful people at your school. I'm Alea, and I'm here to provide some ironic punishment." "I think you got the wrong person," he told her. "We've been through that already," she pointed out, "and that's just what a liar would say." She began waving her finger in the air, darting about in front of his face. Axtell looked bemusedly her odd gestures before giving up and returning to her cleavage. Alea continued with the odd finger movements before closing with a double five-finger flick at his face. "There, you're cursed." "You don't say. And that's all there is to it?" He waved his fingers in the air mockingly. "Actually, all I had to do was look at you," she explained. "I just find people expect a show." "So what's the curse?" he asked, still grinning. "Every time you tell a lie, you'll inflate like a balloon," she said simply. "Tell too many lies, and ..." She puffed out her cheeks and let it out suddenly, mimicking an explosion, again using her hands to accentuate the point. "Poof!" Axtell really didn't know how to respond to that. There was a pregnant pause before he settled on, "Huh." Alea held the clipboard in front of her hips, school-girl style, bent her right knee slightly, and gave her head a tilt, peering at him with her lovely, big green eyes. "So," she said, "have you been staring at my cleavage this whole time?" "Um, no." Long pause. Alea frowned. "You didn't inflate." "Imagine that." "Let's try another approach: Are you planning to think about me the next time you play with yourself?" Axtell blushed as his eyes darted about. "I—I don't do that sort of thing!" Another long pause as Alea regarded him. Still nothing happened. "Damn it!" she said, looking again at her clipboard. "Look, there's obviously been some kind of screw-up, because I'm sure I cursed you. I'll get back to you." "By all means," he said lustfully. Alea made an exasperated noise, grabbed her broomstick, and walked away from the house. Axtell's eyes followed her tight ass the entire way, as she walked off the porch, down the walkway and to the sidewalk. She turned abruptly, catching his gaze. "Were you just staring at my bum just then?" "Uh, no!" Long pause. Nothing happened. "Damn it!" she cursed again. Then she put the broomstick between her long, slender legs. She and the broomstick lifted straight up into the air before shooting into the bright blue sky like a bullet, disappearing in an eyeblink. Axtell stood there for several seconds, long after Alea was no longer in sight, trying to process what he had just seen. "Huh," he finally concluded, and he went back inside. His sister Angela sat chewing gum on the couch in front of the telly, her stocking feet on the coffee table, her bottom half tightly squeezed into form-fitting jeans, her arms limp across her well-developed chest. She blew a bubble, popping it on her nose as Axtell entered the lounge. Angela peeled off the gum and stuck it back into her full-lipped mouth. "So who was at the door?" she asked, without turning away from the telly. "It was a witch," Axtell told her simply. "Huh." "She said she put a curse on me." "Fancy that." "She said that every time I tell a lie, I'll blow up like a balloon." "Serves you right." "And then she got on her broom and ZOOM!" He raised a palm into the air. "She shot into the sky and disappeared." "Cool." "You don't believe me." "No, no," Angela said, "I believe you." Shooomp! At that moment, Axtell's belly blew up from under his shirt. "What the bloody 'ell?!" he shouted, looking at his distended midsection. Angela finally looked away from the telly toward her brother. Her eyes widened shortly before she burst out laughing. "Oh, my god!" she gasped. "You look pregnant!" "I knew it!" Axtell said, rubbing his hand over his belly, examining it. "You knew you were pregnant?" "No, it was supposed to be you!" "I was supposed to be pregnant?!" Axell waved her question away impatiently. "She asked me if I were 'Bevis-comma-A.' A. Bevis! Then she asked my birthday, but she didn't know we were twins! She confused Axtell and Angela Bevis! That's why the curse is all cocked up!" Angela made a contemptuous noise. "Why would she want to curse me?!" "She said you were telling lies about people at school." The smirk left Angela's face, replaced with indignation. "I don't tell lies!" Shooooomp! This time Axtell's entire body got larger, his arms and legs plumping up, his chest expanding along with his belly, until he looked like a balloon version of himself. No air seemed to escape from his body even as his mouth fell open in shock. Angela's head rocked back, howling with laughter. "Knock it off!" Axtell demanded, more than a little annoyed now. It took several seconds for Angela to get control of herself. She spoke in short gasps. "You-you-you look like a blow-up doll!" "It's not funny!" Axtell shouted at her. Angela's eyes had teared up from the hilarity, and she wiped them clear. "No, you're right," she said, composing herself. "It's not funny at all!" Shoooooooooomp!! Axtell's body suddenly swelled up again, with twice as much force as before. His body blew out in all directions, causing stitches to stretch and tear from his clothing. His t-shirt and jeans now sprouted large rips, exposing his ever-tightening skin. He was now so plump that he could no longer move, his legs so fat they were immobile, his arms so thick they wouldn't bend. All to the amusement of Angela, whose laughter commenced again. She fell back on the couch, laughing at ceiling as she clutched her aching ribs. "Angela! My clothes!" Axtell protested. But if Angela even heard him, she didn't seem to care. Even as her laughter subsided, she still giggled and tittered every time she looked over her brother's over-stuffed form. "Angela, I mean it! The witch said I could burst if I—that is, YOU—told too many lies!" "Oh, reeeeeealy?" Angela inquired, her eyes aglow. "Then I'd say you're going to be doing me a lot of favours from now on, aren't you? You know, cleaning my room, taking me shopping, doing my chores—" "Oh, stop it!" Axtell shot back. "You're not going to pop me, so help me get back to normal!" "Well, I don't know what to do!" Pffffffffffff. With the sound of hissing air—Lord knows where it was escaping from—Axtell slightly deflated, returning to a bloated but slightly more reasonable size. "That's it!" said Axtell. "Tell the truth! You've got to tell a few more truths!" Angela paused. "Well, let me think." And she smiled as she let Axtell stew for a tense moment. "Come now!" Axtell complained. "You're certainly capable of telling ONE truth in your life!" Axtell saw from the gleam in Angela's eyes that he just made a mistake. "Just for that, ..." Angela said, trailing off menacingly. "Don't you dare!" Axtell demanded. But Angela continued: "My name is Abraham Lincoln, and I'm 150 meters tall!" Shooooooooomp! Axtell's body re-inflated, making him as big and bloated as before. "Stop it!" he cried helplessly, waving his arms in protest. But the flailing just produced a latex-squeaking sound that made Angela giggle. She bit her lip in anticipation, thinking of her next lie. Then she said, "I'm a million years old and I can lick Superman!" Shhhoooooooooommpp!! Axtell's midsection billowed out even more, until his arms were sticking straight out from his curved sides, his stubby legs growing apart, shaking from trying to keep his plumped body upright. Angela continued: "And I ate the whole world and then I sat on the moon and became president of the United States!" Shhhhhooooooooooommmmpp!! Axtell's growth surged again, until the last of his shredding clothes fell to the floor. He could no longer stand, but he couldn't fall far, either: He pitched forward onto his belly, which merely bounced lightly against the floor. He kept blowing up and blowing up... "Then I drank a million glasses of milk and swallowed airplanes and then I put the sun in my pocket!" Shhhhhhhoooooooooommmmmpp!!! By now, Axtell looked more balloon than human: His hands and feet were nothing but puffy stubs sticking out of his globular form. "Uhhhhhhh!" Axtell groaned in a combination of strain and frustration. If only he could get his hands on his bratty sister! But he was helpless, totally helpless, filling up like Angela's very own toy balloon—or her own weather balloon—as he waited for her next pronouncement. "And then I swallowed a whale...!!" Shhhhhhhooooooooooommmmmmpp!!! Axtell inflated even larger, and the lounge was beginning to feel a little cramped. His body squeaked from the strain, like a balloon being pushed to its limits. His body was round and taut, and his face turned red from the strain. "And then I turned yellow! And orange! And greeeeeeeeeeeen!!" Shhooooomp! Shhhooooooomp! Shhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooomp!!! He blew up... and up... and up. He almost completely filled the room now, the squeaks reaching a higher and higher pitch. He felt so close to bursting—so close! Whether Angela planned to or not, she had to stop or he'd explode, just like the witch warned him! "Angelaaaaaa! Please!" Axtell called out, looking pleadingly down at her from high. "I'm not kidding! I feel like I'm gonna burst! You have to stop!" Angela just asked tauntingly, "Why?" "Please! I'm begging you!" "And you're going to do whatever I tell you from now on? Be my personal slave?" "Yes, yes! Whatever you say!" Angela again pretended to think about it, leaving a very fragile, very wobbly balloon-brother to quiver, shake, shiver, and contemplate his fate. Finally, with a satisfied, victorious smirk, she let him off the hook. "Fine. My name is Angela Bevis." Pfffffffffff. The relief on Axtell's face was palpable as the pressure inside his body noticeably decreased, his size reducing slightly but visibly. "And I'm 18 years old," Angela said. Pfffffffffff. Her brother shrunk again. "And I have a twin brother, who's going to be my slave from now on." Pffffffffffffffffffff... That truth, that indisputable truth, brought Axtell's volume down by at least half. Still round, but well past the danger zone. Angela pursed her lips in thought. Axtell said impatiently, "Well? Go on!" "Don't rush me," Angela warned. "Or I'll tell whoppers until you burst." Axtell swallowed nervously. At long last, Angela sighed. Then she said, "OK, I got one: I'm a virgin." SHHHOOOOOOOOMMMMMPPP!! Axtell inflated again, this time doubling his size in mere moments. He felt the pressure amassing in his balloonish body, pushing him to the brink of bursting yet again. But this time, the inflation kept building and building and building...! "Ahhhh! Angela! What the hell?!" Genuine terror came over Axtell's face, as he reached the biggest size yet, and continued to inflate even further—slowly, but ceaselessly. "But I am!" Angela insisted. "I really am!" SHHHHOOOOOOMMMMPPPPP...!! Axtell's head was about to reach the ceiling, his sides about to touch opposite walls. "Angela! For the love of God!" "OK!" she admitted. "But there was only one!" SHHHOOOOOOOMMMMPPPP...!!! "OK, two! But Alan shouldn't count!" SHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMPPPP...!!!! "I hate you," said Axtell. And then he exploded into shrapnel with a thunderous BANG. As she returned home from work and walked into the lounge, Mrs. Bevis first noticed the shredded clothing. Then she looked around the room to find toppled tables, fallen lamps, broken figurines, and other random debris on the floor. "What is this mess?!" she demanded. "Are these Axtell's clothes?!" She saw her daughter, sitting unperturbed on the sofa, watching television and blowing bubble gum. "Angela! Where's your brother?!" Angela continued blowing until her bubble gum popped gently against her nose. She sucked the gum back in and chewed thoughtfully for a moment. At last, she finally confessed: "I haven't seen him."
floating, helium
Female Inflation
Breast Inflation
One magnificently warm sunny day, with the sky a beautiful hue of blue and devoid of clouds, a group of balloonists gathered in the local park. Interested in watching the colorful big hot air and helium balloons rise into the clear afternoon sky, two female friends and I walked to the park. We took some blankets to lay out on while we watched the event. It was such a wonderful warm day that we wore our swim suits and shorts figuring all three of us could catch some sun. At the park, we sat out and watched the balloonists lay out their equipment and the deflated canopies of the multi-colored hot air balloons. "Hey! I think I know that guy," announced my friend Arlene, pointing at a young man adjusting things in one of the wood-thatch baskets nearby. All three of us got up and went over to say hello. From his eyes darting from each of us girls, I could tell he was getting a big thrill. Arlene and my other friend, Wendi, were in their bikini tops and jean shorts. I was just in my one-piece lacy pink bathing suit. My two girl friends had the figures to nicely contain themselves in two-piece suits. I had a few extra pounds including a rather abnormally large bust (compared to my friends and about every other girl I knew) which warranted a supportive one-piece. "What's that for?" I said pointing at an attached contraption stationed above the center of the gondola. "That's the thing that keeps the balloon afloat," the guy replied. "It controls the amount of helium filling the balloon. Most of the balloons work on hot air, but this one's helium." I smiled, taking his word for it because I surely was no balloon expert. "How nice." The guy offered to buy us all an ice cream, and Arlene and Wendi followed the guy to an ice cream stand across the field. I stayed behind, obviously more interested in the balloon. I climbed into the gondola, testing its sturdiness. Standing in the center of the thing was like standing in a large woven basket. Rummaging about the basket, my arm accidentally snagged a hose that was hanging in my way and yanked it out from wherever it had been attached. One end hung limply before my face while its other end was connected to the contraption above my head. Thinking to have a little fun, I put the limp end of the hose in my mouth and placed my right hand on a lever, pretending I was pulling the lever to release the air and inflate myself like a big hot air balloon. I was caught by surprise when the lever in my hand pulled down easily and a loud blast of air met my ears as the hose in my mouth grew taut. My eyes grew wide and my cheeks puffed out as air rushed from the tanks of the contraption, through the hose and into my lungs. The sudden surprise force of the air rushing into me made me stumble back, still with the hose in my mouth, my hand leaving the lever in the wide open position. Oh no, I thought in alarm, what's happening?! I felt a shiver rush over me. It went from my throat to my toes then traveled all the way back up, settling in my chest. An increasing pressure built within me. I felt my nipples pop up and, with hose in my mouth and air still rushing in, glanced down at my chest. Oh no! Oh no! my mind cried out. breasts are blowing up like balloons! Placing my hands on my stretching bathing suit top, I actually felt the air rushing into my bloating boobs. There was a gentle rumble, trembling within them. I gave my swelling breasts a little squeeze, feeling their tautness, like overfilled balloons. I ran my hands over my enlarging bust feeling their roundness and firmness. They grew larger, and larger, and larger. Suddenly I felt a twinge of pain around my arms. My suit was too small to contain my growing breasts! I winced as the material around my arms stretched outwards but pinched against the back of my shoulders. The fairly elastic suit could contain a nice sized K-cup bosom, but was quickly reaching its limits. Oh gawd, my suit is going to explode! My boobs are getting too big! I cried within my head, not able to speak with the hose in my mouth. I tried to spit the hose out, but it was so big and long and rigid, and it was pressed against an upright portion of the gondola, lodged there. The force of the air coming through the tubing was overwhelmingly powerful, and me, being lodged against the basket rail...I couldn't muster the strength to fight it. I realized that was the least of my problems as, with a loud RIP!, the top of my bathing suit tore in half, shred like a blown tire, and dropped to hang loosely at my sides. My inflating breasts, freed at last, shot outward and expanded in all directions, gaining a sudden colossal amount of girth. I grasped the edge of the gondola, forced up against it with increasing power, and held on as my boobs ballooned up larger and larger and larger. With eyes still wide in amazement, I watched my huge naked breasts expand against the supports that held the contraption above my head. The lightweight metal was chilly and I felt my nipples tingle--which, at this time, hadn't enlarged with the rest of my bulging bust. Oooh! I spoke too soon! I thought in shock, as the surging air within my boobs suddenly added itself to my nipples. It was like the rising of my nipples invited the air to hit them. My poor little nipples suddenly elongated and fattened into two large pink nubs the size of 12 ounce soup cans. "Mmmphf! Mmphf!" I struggled with the hose stuck in my mouth. I couldn't reach the lever to shut the air off, and my giant breasts were beginning to strain against the confines of the gondola cage. They continued to swell bigger and bigger and bigger, elongating, rounding out, expanding, fattening. I heard voices calling my name but they seemed far away. I could barely see over my enormous breasts. I glanced over my shoulder and was surprised by my new predicament. Arlene and Wendi were waving at me and shouting my name...fifty feet below. I was floating like a helium-filled balloon! Now, being afraid of falling to my death, I concentrated on relaxing. I focused on my ballooning boobs, now the size of small weather balloons, and realized they were my only hope--as long as they stayed pumped full of helium, I wouldn't fall. Keep growing, I repeated in my head over and over. Don't let me down, just keep growing. Still grasping the gondola, I sucked the air, watching as my gigantic bosoms ballooned up. Luckily, there had been a rope dangling from the basket and Arlene's male friend had grabbed it. This kept me from floating off into the wild blue yonder. Unfortunately, I stayed aloft for several hours until the helium tanks ran dry. I did, however, get to watch the pretty hot air balloons blow up and lift off into the sunny sky. The big balloons floated by with their staring passengers; their passengers staring at the two immense pink balloons above a little wood-thatched gondola with a topless girl literally attached to the giant balloons.
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Belly Inflation, Full Body Inflation
"Hey, you." said a familiar voice as I entered the shop. I looked up to see Sophie smiling back at me. "Hey. Busy day?" "Ugh, no. It's been so dead in here, I considered closing up and going home. I mean, who would know?" "I would..." I said playfully. "I could get you fired!" "Yeah but then they'd replace me with someone else who probably wouldn't give you free stuff." "Well you've got me there." "So, what will it be?" "Well I'm pretty hungry but I don't have much money so I want as much as I can get for..." I noticed a sly smile start to spread across her face. "I might have something..." she said seductively. She walked over to the door and locked it before pulling the blinds down. "...but not for just anybody." I watched as she went back behind the counter and pulled out a small bottle containing two blue capsules, one paler than the other. She took the pale one and swallowed it. "Watch this." she said. "It's a formula I've been working on. Look..." At first I wasn't sure what I was looking at but then I noticed that her blue top appeared to be getting tighter. Then I realised it was her getting bigger. Her breasts slowly started to fill out, but the real change was happening below as her tummy started to round out. She rubbed it and smiled as it slowly grew to about 3 times its normal size, stopping just as her belly button was becoming visible. "See? Now I feel like I've eaten a load so I'm not hungry anymore! Wanna try it?" she asked, shaking the bottle with the darker pill at me. "Actually... I kinda do." I admitted. "How much is it?" "All it will cost you is a hug and a kiss." she said innocently, smiling sweetly. I wasn't sure if she was joking or not but went for it anyway, holding her belly and leaning in for a deep passionate kiss. She kissed me back luckily. "Now, this other one is a bit stronger. I doubled the formula so I guess it'll make you twice as big as me. Is that ok?" "Sure." I said. "Good, I always thought you'd be sexier if you were a bit rounder. Here you go." She pushed the pill into my mouth and kissed me again. "Now we sit back and watch your belly grow." Sure enough I looked down and saw it slowly starting to grow. At first it just looked like I was pushing it out but then it became clear it was getting bigger as it pushed out, getting rounder. I put my hands on it to feel it growing before Sophie pulled them off. "Don't hide it, I wanna see you grow!" she giggled. I was now slightly bigger than her and feeling pretty full as if I'd been eating non-stop, my feet disappearing from view under the increasing curve of my belly. As it grew, my tshirt became more and more stretched over it and started to ride up, exposing my belly button. Sophie's eyes lit up as she watched this. "You're so big!" she said, throwing her arms round me and hugging me as best she could. By this time I was twice her size. "So... it'll be stopping now, right?" "Yeah..." she said dreamily before snapping out of it and looking down at my still growing belly. "Wait, yeah. It should've stopped by now..." "But...?" I said, feeling increasingly full as each second passed. "Um... it kinda hasn't. I thought doubling it would just make you twice as big but it looks like it might've made it..." She took a step back. "...even stronger." As she said that, my cheeks bloated out as the fullness spread throughout my body. My belly button popped out into an outie and the button pinged off my jeans. My arms began to push out to the sides as I started to become more spherical. Sophie approached me slowly. "I have to admit, this does just make me find you even sexier..." she said, rubbing me and kissing me deeply again. Not seeing any other options I kissed her back. There was no way I could tell her now but I wasn't hating the experience. I continued to balloon outwards, lifting her higher off the ground as she held on, kissing me. Her own belly swelled up a bit more as she kissed me but it wasn't enough to relieve the pressure as I just kept filling up relentlessly. My cheeks started to bloat more and I started making creaking noises as I filled up just a bit too much. She stopped kissing me and slid down to the floor. She rubbed her belly again, satisfied with her new size and looked up at me apologetically as I inflated more, almost reaching the ceiling. My hands were disappearing into me and I was filling most of the room now. "Well it's been fun. Sorry I messed it up a bit but I'm gonna have to leave now because, well, you're gonna blow." She blew a kiss at me and opened the door. Unfortunately her new size wouldn't allow her through the door, or back into the shop. She was stuck. She tried in vain to wriggle free and looked back up at me, blown up to my absolute limit. "Oh great..." she said, as I gave one last creak before popping, blowing the shop apart. As the dust cleared, Sophie plopped out of the door frame, the only part of the shop still standing. She looked at the wreckage and sighed, flipping the sign on the door around to say 'closed'.
alien, inhale
Female Inflation
Full Body Inflation
This was going to be one of those days. A squirt emitted from an invisible hole in the cup, just as Teywa tried to take a sip from it. Smelly brown liquid, a terrible parody of a coffee, splattered all over her white shirt, ruining it forever. On the background an ear-cutting sound repeated itself over and over, along with hits and bumps. Another unfortunate soul tried to get some coffee from one of those ancient wedding machines. They still used paper currency here, would you believe? Well, "used" wasn't the word. Most of the money-consuming machinery here munched, chewed and ripped it. Yet the sounds indicated that someone wasn't going to give up to the harsh reality easily. Teywa got curious and looked over her shoulder to find out who that was. But as soon as she recognized the puffy figure, she quickly turned away, covering her face with a hand. A bit late still. "The fuck are you staring at?!" Veitonian woman took another sip of coffee, intently looking into nothingness. Flann, the manager guy at the next table, promptly extinguished his smoke. "I'm talking to you, Teywa!" The girl at the coffee machine was named Lontil. And the problem with her was a long story. At the core of it, she was Klamian. Among the forty seven races of the United Systems, they were the youngest one. What came with it, is that while they suffered from the same laws and taxes as everyone else, workplaces left for them were sparse and exclusively terrible. And even in the already terrible places, like this station, they always got the most terrible jobs. And that's the second. Lontil was a technician. Mostly it meant she had to squeeze into insanely narrow shafts to fix some ten-times-recycled machinery. For the first few years she also often had to remove the remains of her predecessors from these shafts. At least, she wasn't risking to end up like them, thanks to her physiology. But still, not a dream job as you see. Teywa could argue that it was actually her job being the worst here, but we'll return to it later. Now, concerning Lontil's physiology. Klamians were plastic and generally quite agile; if not for these qualities they'd hardly got any jobs, really. The problem is that they had a reflex that triggered in highly stressful situations, despite loosing its evolutional importance long ago. "You're smiling there, right?! You -huff- fucking grin-face bitch! You fucking always smile beh -huff- behind my back!" Lontil started moving right to the table where Teywa sat at. She was huffing and puffing in her anger, and each of the audible breaths left a lasting mark on her already tubby frame. She was ballooning up in all directions, giving herself quite a comical look, especially combined with how seriously upset she was. This combination always did it. That's why Lontil was an eternal victim of countless jokes, pranks and mockery. Of course, her being a technician, there hardly was a single person on the station who had never caused her stress. Regardless, the result was always a hilariously bloated Klamian. "And you!" she pointed a finger at Flann, her voice making his fur stand on its end "Oof... Where do you think you're going?!" Her walk turned into a waddle, as her limbs puffed up too. Meanwhile, the size of her middle crossed the line of 'comical' and stepped into 'worrisome'. Lontil's belly grew larger and larger, her breaths resonating within it, like if she was blowing up a balloon. Her jumpsuit still managed to contain her body, though the two expanding spheres of her breasts were slowly undoing the zipper. She couldn't control it. Usually it was funny how her angry face turned surprised each time she breathed in. But now nobody in the cafeteria was smiling. Terrified at the impending rubbery globe, Flann decided to obey his instincts and ran for his life, dissapearing behind the nearest auto-door in a split second. "Get -huff- back, you little shit! You... -huff- you fucking worthless... -huff- furpiece! I hate you! I -oof- I hate you all!" Universe is a witness, she held it all inside for a long, long time. And now she was literally bursting out. The zipper on her jumpsuit steadily slided all the way down. First it revealed her softly looking shoulders. Then two plump, beach ball sized tits. And then the colossal, inflated orb of her tummy. Its pale-grey surface was so stretched and smooth, that it shined in the light of ceiling lamps. Moreover, Teywa could see her face reflecting in it, with the now very-very shallow belly button right at her forehead, like a gun's aim. "And -huff- And I fucking hate you." Lontil's voice here sounded so slow and calm, so horrifyingly cold, compared to the rest of her rant, that it could make Teywa's blood freeze. The planetoid girth pressed forward, forcing Teywa to slowly back off to a wall. Easily, Lontil pushed aside tables and chairs with her belly - the pressure within her was so high, it gave her the strength of a thousand. Her jumpsuit could hold no more and it burst at the seams, falling off in rags to the floor, finally revealing enormous curves of her inflated hips - and a glorious rear. Lontil didn't care. "Teywa, I'll fucking- Oof!" As if she picked Teywa as a scapegoat.Or maybe Lontil just hated her more than others. Teywa was a member of the most despised lifeform here - a health and safety inspector.But it wasn't her fault the whole station was trash! She was just following orders! You know, all inspectors who disobeyed the station owners were later found in curious conditions, like... "I'll -huff- fucking tear you apart -huff- and -huff- stuff you into that fucking -huff- cash-sucking shitbox!" this one, yeah. The threat was probably more of a metaphor though. Lontil got so swollen she couldn't even move anymore. Her body, however, was growing still, becoming bigger and fuller with every second. Huffs and puffs were now painfully heavy, mixed with moans and muffled whines. And the whole inflating mass was moving towards the poor inspector woman. Teywa made the first and only effort to solve it all in a civilized way. She lowered her head fin and attempted a calming smile - but, as always, what she got was a weird sharp-tooth grin. "Lontil, please, you should stop until- dah!" Before she could finish, Klamian girl took a deep breath, ballooning further and pressing Teywa into the wall. "No -huff- it's you -huff- who should stop!" Lontil's breathing was becoming so rapid she was almost inhaling her own words "Stop with mockery! Stop with sitting on your fat butt like nothing is happening! Stop with all this shit!" CREEEAAAK A frightening sound cut through the air, outvoicing even Lontil's mad screams. Yet she ignored it. "This here -huff- is more than you can chew -oof- fishface!" She giggled maniacally as she took another deep breath. Teywa squirmed and struggled, trying not to suffocate under the shelf of raging girl's gut. And right before her clouded eyes, with a subtle 'pop' Lontil's belly button inverted itself. "So stop -huff- with all this shit -huff- all of you!" CREEEEAAAAK "I'm not -huff- your fucking toy!" CREEEEEAAAAAK "I'm not -Oooof!- some fucking balloon!" The monstrous bubble of a girl started to shiver and pulsate, the pressure within just too high for her body to hold any longer. "So stop! Or I'll-" POP! "Barkeep, repeat." One more shot, one less bad thought.Or so did Flann's father always said. Before dropping his son in this dumpster and dying shortly after. Flann picked up his smoke and took a long toke. On the TV there was a news program right about that damned day. "...despite all the outrage, the company only suffered minor penalty, after it was proved that a veitonian woman, known as Teywa Fayhalia, was responsible for holding up important information from her supervisors, thus, setting up the conditions that led to the accident. The accused is currently undergoes treatment in the National Medical Center of Heivelaha, on Alioth IV." "That's what they did." Flann gloomily mumbled to himself "All guilt on her, and they only had to pay a few dimes and hung this mock signs everywhere." He extinguished the smoldering stub of his cigarette, as he raised his eyes up to a small plastic plate on the wall. The warning said "In case of Klamian emotional hazard, take cover and call the janitor team."
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation
Suzanne checked her watch as she hurried along to meet with another client. There didn't seem to be enough hours in the day she thought when her cell phone indicated a text coming in. The message was that the client she was on the way to meet had rescheduled, so in an unusual occurrence she actually had some time for herself for a bit. Having skipped breakfast she looked about the street and spied a small tea shop she had never noticed here before. It looked like a nice little place to take a few minutes to relax over a cup, so in she went. It was a neat and clean place with a number of tables. An elderly woman was behind the counter and greeted Suzanne with a smile. "How may I help you today?" the woman asked. "Just a cup of tea please," replied Suzanne. "We have several varieties, what is your pleasure?" asked the woman. "Whatever you think I would like, I am kind of in a hurry," answered Suzanne. "Really my Dear," responded the old woman, "a good cup of tea should be enjoyed. You should relax a bit with it. If you are in such a hurry, perhaps a to go cup of coffee would suit you better, like the Americans who always seem to be in a hurry." In spite of herself Suzanne had to smile at that. Having American friends, she had to appreciate what the old woman was saying. "Very well," she answered, "but still, I will leave it to you to give me something you think I will enjoy." The old woman smiled at that. "Good then," she said, "I have just the thing for you to enjoy and take a moment to relax with." That said she filled a small cachet with some tea leaves and added boiling water to the cup. She handed the cup to Suzanne, and made the sale. Suzanne carried her cup to one of the tables and got out her schedule book to do a bit of planning ahead. As it turned out she actually had an hour to herself, so she began making notes to herself in the book while sipping the tea. After a bit she realized she was very much enjoying the tea. Must be some new sort she thought to herself as she got up to get a refill. The old woman smiled again as she filled a new tea bag and refilled her cup. Suzanne returned to her table and her making of notes about prospective clients when she noticed the woman standing by her with a plate of very tempting looking scones. "Perhaps you might enjoy one of my scones with your tea?" the old woman asked. "They do appear tempting," replied Suzanne, "but I am on a diet." The woman took a moment to look Suzanne up and down before she said: "On a diet? Surely you are making a joke? My Dear you hardly appear to be the sort that needs to be dieting. But, that does seem to be a common thing of late. I will leave them here, and if you wish, please enjoy one, on me." Suzanne sipped her tea, and felt more relaxed as she did. The buttery scent of the scones caught her nose and tempted her further. After a moment she rationalized that one scone wouldn't hurt as she took one and proceeded to eat it as she sipped on her tea. When she had finished both the scone and the tea she saw that she had plenty of time yet to reach her next client meeting. She was surprised to realize that she felt really good at that moment, not nearly so stressed as she remembered feeling earlier. Maybe the old woman is right, she thought, maybe I do need to relax. She thanked the old woman and went on about her day. The next day found her actually making time to stop in and have tea and a scone once again. This became her routine for the week. "What sort of tea have I been drinking?" she asked the woman at the end of the week. "I have been enjoying it immensely." "It is a blend of teas mostly from India, but also some from areas of Africa," said the woman. "This one in particular seems to have a very calming effect. When one is calm one sometimes realizes how one might find greater pleasure in life without letting the stresses of life take control as so often people do. We can look at things more objectively and make choices better without being driven by outside influences that so often intrude in our minds in this very connected world we live in now. Some customers have told me the effects are so pleasurable that they come in and buy it in quantity." "It isn't illegal, is it?" asked Suzanne, suddenly concerned. "Absolutely not," assured the old woman, "it is all real tea but in its relaxing effect, sometimes it helps people to see what is important and what isn't. That is all I know. I do have a cup every day, and I am able to smile at life more. It is sad to see how people let themselves become so stressed over such small things, things that are more important to life are often lost." Suzanne mulled this over as she left. It was certainly true that she was a high stress kind of person, but it was also true that she had found herself being more relaxed this week than she could remember. In addition, she had found that she was being more patient with clients, and that she was finishing her days right on schedule, when so often she was hurrying to get home ahead of her husband to make dinner. Maybe the woman is right, she thought, maybe I have been wasting time stressing about stupid things. The same thought was with her the following morning as she was dressing herself. Strange, she thought, her bra was awfully tight. She looked at her perky breasts in the mirror and thought maybe they might be a bit larger. That was silly she thought, but on impulse, tried on two other bras. They were all snug, but one wasn't too uncomfortable. Maybe it is time to start paying attention to the diet again, she thought as she stood on the scale. Surprisingly the scale showed her actually weighing a kilo less than she had when she had last weighed herself. She shrugged to herself thinking that her husband would probably not mind slightly larger boobs on his wife. The following week found Suzanne again stopping at the tea shop for her cup of tea and scone. By now she and the old woman had become friendly and chatted when the shop was not otherwise busy. The woman remarked on how Suzanne seemed to be more happy since that day when she had first come into her shop. "You know," answered Suzanne, "it is funny, but since I have been making time to stop in and enjoy a cup here in the mornings, I have been more relaxed and my days have been flowing much more smoothly. It always seemed like there weren't enough hours in the day, but now I seem to get done with everything I need to without stressing about so many little details." "Sometimes you need to just look at the bigger picture, and things that seemed important at one time, become less significant," replied the shopkeeper with a smile as she poured Suzanne a second cup of tea. Suzanne agreed that this seemed to be the case as she went back to her planner for the day. She nibbled another scone as she sipped her tea, and noticed that the waistband on her stretch pants seemed to be a bit snug. Strange, she thought, must have shrunk. It had to be that since she had stood on her scale that very morning, and it indicated that she was two kilos lighter than she had been 10 days ago. But, either way she thought, snug pants were hardly something to get stressed about. She finished her tea and said goodbye to the old woman as she left. The next day she again stood on the scale, and in spite of her clothes seeming to be fitting tighter, she had in fact lost over 2 kilos over the past two weeks. Strange she thought, but she didn't really have time to dwell on it. So, she dressed in some looser fitting clothes and went about her day. As she was going to her client appointments she realized that she was actually more comfortable the way she was dressed. Maybe comfort is more important than stylish sometimes, she thought as she made her daily stop at the tea shop. The old woman smiled at her from behind the counter. "Your usual?" she inquired. "Yes, of course," replied Suzanne smiling back. "You look much different today," remarked the old woman. "Yes, well, I noticed that a lot of my usual clothes seem to be fitting me tighter lately," answered Suzanne. "I don't really get it, since my scale says that I have been losing weight." "So many people, mostly women it seems, are obsessed with their weight," replied the woman. "I just don't understand why that is. So everyone can be looking like the tiny minority that the media says is the ideal appearance? What a boring world if everyone looked the same, and embraced all the same values." Suzanne considered the old woman's words as she sat down with her tea and scone. Maybe she did attach too much importance to things like appearances she thought. Of course she could hardly afford to judge her clients by their appearances. Such thinking might well have her miss important things about the people with whom she worked, and could come to depend on. With that thought she pulled out her planner, and made notes as she enjoyed what had come to be her favorite tea. The following morning she resolved to try not to pay attention to the distraction of her size and weight. With that she again dressed in looser fitting clothes and didn't bother to stand on the scale. Her husband had even remarked on how nice she looked in the clothes she was wearing when he got home last night. If life was seeming to go so well, maybe she shouldn't be looking at ways to make it more difficult or annoying she decided. Later that morning she was sitting at what had come to be her favorite table in the tea shop with her usual cup of tea and scone when an enormously fat woman came in and waddled up to the counter. The old woman greeted her with a big smile. "So good to see you again!" she told the fat woman. "And a pleasure to see you again," replied the large woman. "Since I was out and about I thought to get some more of that wonderful tea." "Of course," said the old woman, "How much did you want, and can I interest you in staying for a cup and a scone?" "I think I can be tempted by that," laughed the fat woman. "Please, sit down, and I will bring them over then," the old woman told her. The fat woman waddled over to sit at the next table over from Suzanne, and as she sat on the chair that was visibly much smaller than the woman's very wide bottom Suzanne winced inwardly, expecting to hear a loud creak of protest from the chair. Surprisingly however, no such sound came from wood of the chair. The fat woman smiled over to her. "Good morning," she said to Suzanne with the happy air of someone with no cares in the world. The woman's smile had an infectious quality about it, and her obvious cheeriness made Suzanne smile as well. "A good morning to you as well," she replied. "I can tell by the aroma that the tea you are drinking is my favorite," said the fat woman then. "Your favorite too?" answered Suzanne, "I have been coming here for a few weeks now, and I have been enjoying this tea immensely." "Our friend over there introduced it to me probably only a few weeks before you. Taking some time to enjoy a cup of tea is something that a person really should do every day. Before I started coming in here I seemed to have lost sight of that," replied the fat woman. "I know exactly what you mean," said Suzanne, thinking that the same thought had gone through her mind recently. Just then the old woman came over with a cup of steaming tea, a plate of scones, and a small bag which she placed on the fat woman's table. "Here is your usual two ounces of tea for home, and of course the tea and scones," said the old woman smiling. "Thank you so much," replied the fat woman helping herself to a scone as she took her first sip of tea. "You know," said Suzanne then, "I would like to take some of this tea home myself. It seems to be such a good thing to relax with, I think a cup in the evening would be nice." "Absolutely," said the big woman then. "A cup or two in the evening is so enjoyable." The old woman went back behind the counter and returned shortly with a small bag. "Two ounces is usually enough to last a week or two depending on how often you have it, and how strong you like your tea," she said as she put the bag on Suzanne's table. Suzanne chatted with the fat woman, who introduced herself as Lucy, for a time as she finished her tea and scone, then packed up her planner and notes and said good bye to the two women in the shop, and went on about her day. Her husband was working late shifts this month, so they wouldn't be seeing so much of each other until the month was over. She was usually up and out before he awoke, and she was usually asleep by the time he came home. It was making them very affectionate on the weekends however, she thought with a smile to herself as she left the home of another client. The thought of another evening alone in the flat wasn't appealing, but she kept the weekends in mind whenever the negative thoughts came to bother her. As the days passed the idea of checking her weight on the scale seemed to vanish from her mind, and dressing in her more comfortable, loose fitting clothes seemed more the way she was liking to be. She had stopped into a lingerie shop after the second week and been surprised to learn that her boobs certainly had grown larger. She giggled as the woman measured her a second time and told her that she wasn't doing herself any favors with a bra two cup sizes too small. On further measurement, it seemed her hips and waistline had also increased. It occurred to her as she was paying for some new under garments that this was something that would have been very upsetting to her not so very long ago, but for whatever reason she seemed not to be bothered about it. She knew she was happy and being more productive than when she was letting every little thing in life get to her. Even her supervisor at work had remarked on how cheerful she seemed to be of late, and complimented her on her work. Suzanne smiled to herself; I think I like this new me, she thought to herself as she went off to her next client visit. Now that she had brought home her new favorite tea, she was enjoying a cup or two every evening as she read or watched television. She was finding that she was falling asleep quickly and sleeping deeply. So much so that she never seemed to hear or wake up when Neil came home and climbed into bed. Still though, she enjoyed her morning visit to the tea shop and chatting with the old woman that ran it. She had even become friendly with the hugely fat woman that stopped in from time to time. On one such visit she was chatting with Lucy and remarked on how she had recently had to buy some larger clothes even though she seemed not to have gained any weight, but also that she wasn't put off about it, just a bit surprised. "That is the attitude to have," replied Lucy. "I used to obsess about my weight and size, and be so stressed out about every little thing in life. I wasn't sleeping well, and my whole disposition was becoming so awful that my marriage was on the rocks." "So what happened?" asked Suzanne, genuinely curious. "Like our friend behind the counter told you, she also told me, I needed to take time to relax and realize what was really important, and what wasn't. It took some time, but it all started with taking time to have a cup of this splendid tea every day, and like you are now finding, I found that so many things that I let bother me really weren't so important after all. I found that I laughed more, things got better with me and my husband, and you wouldn't believe how much better our sex life got," she ended with a conspiratorial whisper and a wink. Suzanne and the fat woman shared a good laugh at that, and Suzanne excused herself then and went off to her client visits. She couldn't help but wonder how such a fat woman as Lucy had such a great sex life, but the way she presented it, Suzanne had no doubt that she did. In spite of trying not to think about it, her imagination couldn't help but create a visual of what sex for her fat friend must be like. She had to giggle about this to herself as she went about her day. The next day her husband informed her that he was being sent on a business trip for work for a few days, but that he would be home late on Friday evening. While Suzanne was momentarily annoyed by this, she got over it quickly enough as she visited her clients that day. As the day progressed she even thought that a few days of free time to herself might be enjoyable. So on coming home that evening she went about doing a thorough cleaning of the flat. She even started cleaning out her closets and making piles of clothes neither she nor Neil ever wore anymore. By the end of the evening she was sipping a cup of tea and looking with satisfaction at the now much cleaner flat, and the bags of clothes she was getting rid of. Her next day was a light one for client visits, so she would have time to herself to donate the clothes, and do some shopping. She thought she would even sleep in a bit tomorrow. The next morning, following her one client visit she made her usual morning stop at the tea shop. Her fat friend Lucy was already there at a table and greeted her happily. "Good morning Suzanne! How are you today?" The woman's good humor was infectious, and Suzanne smiled as she went over to put her things down on the table. "I am feeling good about life, and been being very productive since my husband got sent on a business trip until Friday," replied Suzanne, and proceeded to tell her about her cleaning frenzy and getting ready to donate a lot of unused clothing. "Now that is a good idea," said Lucy then. "You know I should do the same, I have lots of clothes that I don't fit into or wear anymore." "If you would like to drop them by, I can take them all at once," offered Suzanne. "Now that would be very nice of you," replied Lucy pulling out her cell phone. "Let us swap numbers and you can call me when it is convenient." Having swapped numbers, Suzanne and Lucy chatted over their morning tea and scones, joined by the old woman proprietor when she had no customers at the counter. Lucy was an easy person to talk to and Suzanne and she were by now swapping details about their lives that they often had to lower their voices for, often such exchanges involved a lot of giggling. While she was not inclined to ask for details, Suzanne became convinced that Lucy and her husband did in fact have a very active sex life. Her husband must be a breast man thought Suzanne as Lucy's enormous tits bounced and jiggled whenever she laughed loudly. That evening after her dinner and her husband's call to tell her about his day, Suzanne made her evening tea and sat down with a book. She was feeling very good about life, and on reflection realized it had all started with her visits to the tea shop. Funny, she thought, how such seemingly trivial things can have such an effect on a person's personal outlook. She got up then and made herself her fourth cup of tea of the day. She sipped on it slowly as she finished the chapter in her book, and then got up and took a shower. Between the tea and the effects of the long hot shower, Suzanne was nodding drowsily as she toweled off. She slipped into a loose, and short, almost flimsy bit of nightwear and almost staggered to the bedroom. She felt herself flopping onto the bed and was asleep almost instantly. Hours later Suzanne felt herself slowly awakening. Her eyes were still closed, but she was smiling to herself as she was still partially in a dreaming state. She was dreaming of having been at the big balloon festival last year, and all of the huge and colorful balloons drifting in the air together. In her dream she was looking at them all and delighting in the size of them as they drifted together in the air. It didn't seem odd to her at all that she was looking at them from above instead of from the ground. Slowly her mind groped its way to full consciousness. Something felt amiss about her, but she wasn't sure what it was. She opened her eyes then and then shook her head back a forth a few times as she needed to be sure her head was clear. She was laying on her back in the bed, but as she was looking towards the foot of the bed she found her view blocked by two massive breasts that stuck almost straight up from her chest. Any further view below between the gigantic tits was eclipsed by her now even more enormous round belly. She reached up tentatively to touch the very large spheres that it seemed her breasts had become. A brush of a nipple sent a wave of pleasure through her and she shivered involuntarily. She went on to rub her huge belly, and further exploration told her that her ass had widened and enlarged similarly. In spite of how calm and relaxed Suzanne had been of late, she was now feeling something akin to panic building inside of her. What in hell had happened to her? With a huge effort she rolled to the edge of the bed and was able to push herself sideways into an upright position. What she could see of her legs showed two now ballooned thighs which were only somewhat visible on each side of her fat round belly. Oddly, she noticed that she didn't really feel as heavy as she thought she should. This moving of her thinking allowed her to keep the panic in check for the moment. Getting to her feet was also easier than she thought it should be. Surely if she had grown so fat and heavy she should be having difficulty moving, but it wasn't so. Moving into the view of the full length mirror brought the shock completely home. She was now an enormously fat woman, and even though she was still able to be calm about it, she wasn't thinking this was a good thing. Why, she thought, she looked like Lucy! That thought brought her thinking back to Earth instantly. She needed to get this sorted out as quickly as she could. It was still early in the morning, but she called in sick to work, then she called Lucy. She didn't know quite how to explain what was happening over the phone, but she suspected Lucy might just have some insight. As it turned out Lucy answered the phone cheerfully, and said she would be happy to stop by Suzanne's flat and bring the clothes that Suzanne was adding to her charity donations. Suzanne gave her directions, and since she had nothing here that would fit her, she wrapped herself in a bed sheet and made herself a cup of tea as she waited. Not so long later there came a knocking at her door. A look through the spy glass told her Lucy had arrived, and she opened the door carefully to admit her new friend. Lucy waddled through the door and closed it behind her. She took a long look at Suzanne, but showed no surprise at all. "So, how many cups of tea did you drink yesterday?" asked Lucy as she set down a large bag presumably containing the clothing for charity. "Four or five," answered Suzanne. "Is that what did this to me? It has been making me feel so good and allowing me to be so easy about life, I can't believe that it did this to me!" "Actually it seems that it affects people differently depending on the things that might be more or less important to a person," answered Lucy. "It may surprise you to learn that I was once a much skinnier woman than you were when we met. Obviously I am not letting the ballooning effect it has had on me affect my attitude on life. In fact, life as an inflatable person isn't such a bad thing I have found." "Inflatable person? What do you mean? Am I stuck this way?" asked Suzanne incredulously. "Oh you can get back to where you were if you want," replied Lucy. "Just stop drinking the tea for a day or two and you will return to your previous size. But as I have implied to you in some of our chats, there are some advantages to our larger size." With that statement Lucy reached forward and rubbed the area of the sheet covering Suzanne where there was obviously a nipple beneath. Suzanne had a sharp intake a breath as she again shivered involuntarily. "And that was just a brush of a nipple," said Lucy then. "I bet your imagination can run with the idea quite well." She finished with a big smile. "But what am I going to do now?" asked Suzanne. "For now, I brought some clothes that I think will fit you, and you just have to switch teas for a day or two. If you are careful about how you drink it, you can slowly let yourself fatten up so that it doesn't look abnormal. Two or three cups a day keeps me as fat and happy as I am." Lucy's words turned out to be true, and the following morning, having not drank what she thought of as the "special tea", she awoke to be almost back to normal. Still, she had to have at least one cup of the tea, so she continued to have her daily cup at the tea shop. Thinking about the whole situation carefully that morning she decided that in spite of the effect on her size that the tea had, she was still happier about life and feeling good about things than she had been in years. She wondered how her husband might react to things, but he hadn't seemed to mind when it was obvious that parts of her were growing larger before the full effect had manifested. Turning that over in her mind she began to wonder what he might think if he came home to a very fat wife on Friday. For some reason the thought made her smile. As the week wore on Suzanne followed Lucy's advice, and carefully metered the amount of the tea she was drinking. She continued wearing loose fitting clothes so while it may have been obvious that she was a bit larger, how much was not apparent. Even so, she wished she could just take a holiday and come back a bigger woman. This thought was amusing to her as the old Suzanne would have been shocked and appalled at the idea of becoming a large fat woman, and doing it happily. Friday came, and she had only two client visits, and so met Lucy at the tea shop. Since they now shared a secret of sorts they had become closer friends. Suzanne finally brought herself to ask if it was the physical effects on her body that had helped to make for Lucy's claims of such a great sex life. "Well of course," answered Lucy with some surprise. "Are you going to tell me that you didn't feel some pretty intense sensations from your nipple that day? Imagine what stimulating other parts of your anatomy will feel like! My husband was a bit put off by my size increase at first, but now he says he would never want to be with a skinny woman again," she finished with a laugh. This made a strange sort of sense to Suzanne as she remembered the feeling from touching her nipples, but she had to wonder what Neil would think about it when she had to explain it to him. She thought about this as she went about the rest of her day, but an idea had been slowly moving from the back of her mind to the forefront. It began to become apparent as she stopped again at the tea shop on the way home and had two more cups of tea. On her arrival home, she decided to have an early dinner. She didn't expect Neil home until late, so no point in going hungry. She also had her fourth cup of tea, and remembering that this might get her to her previous size, she put on a much larger, and loose fitting dressing gown she had bought for just this reason. She settled into her favorite chair with her book and had yet another cup of tea. Her husband was going to be quite surprised she thought with a smile. On an impulse she decided to throw caution to the wind and had her sixth cup of tea as she settled back into her chair. It was the abrupt snugness of the sides of the chair against her hips that was the first alert that something was happening. She looked down and saw her thighs swelling as she felt herself rising up in the chair as her ass enlarged beneath her. She quickly levered herself out of the chair which almost came up with her, but fell back as her ass was liberated from what was now a very narrow chair as compared to her rapidly widening hips. She looked down at herself and watched as her belly pushed out from her huge and round, while her tits slowly expanded into large balloons and rode out atop her slowly inflating belly. By now the view of anything below was eclipsed, and she explored herself with her hands as she felt her sides bulging out. The dressing gown was filling up quickly with her new size, and she closed her eyes to enjoy the feeling of the soft, shiny fabric rubbing against her skin. Tentatively she rubbed a nipple again, and felt a body tremor at the intensity of the sensation. She might have explored other areas as well at that moment, but by then her ballooning size made reaching down past her belly impossible. At that thought her eyes popped back open and she looked around her. She was bigger than she had imagined she might get. She had thought she was going to be back to the size she was when it had happened before, about Lucy's size she had thought. But the person she was seeing in the mirror was almost as wide as she was tall, and as she watched herself she saw that she was continuing to expand. The person she was seeing made Lucy look almost tiny by comparison. She watched as her legs grew shorter, being absorbed into the roundness of her expanding body. Yet she still retained her womanly curves in spite of her body becoming rounder. Her tits were approaching the size of small beach balls as she noticed the tightness of the dressing gowns thin material pulling her arms back as her back ballooned outward. She was able to awkwardly turn herself to see a side view in the mirror and saw her eyes widen as she could now see her vast ass protruding back from her, it was a very shapely bottom she thought, as she also noted the continued expansion of her boobs and belly from the side view. She watched in a state of bemusement as she continued to balloon larger and larger. The sound of fabric tearing told her that the overlarge dressing gown was no longer large enough. She smiled at herself in the mirror as she again moved awkwardly to see herself from a different perspective. Her movements by then were not an easy thing, and she backed up a bit so as to avoid bumping the furniture. Moving was more difficult now she realized because her center of gravity was not where she was used to. She felt herself bump the small foot stool behind her and waved her arms in an effort to keep her balance. She managed to fall forward instead of onto her back, and as she came forward to land first on her enormous belly, and then further to land on the floor in a tripod arrangement as her gigantic boobs hit the carpet. As both tits contacted the floor and compressed slightly for a moment Suzanne felt such an intensity of something approaching orgasm explode within her that she squealed with pleasure as it seemed to go on and on. At that moment she realized that she was effectively helpless, but she took a deep breath and sighed happily. In spite of her situation she could not remember ever feeling more relaxed. Isn't that what the old woman had said? You need to take time to relax and then you will come to see what is really important. She had never thought that being a human balloon would be something she would see as being important, but it did alter her perspective dramatically she thought. It would be interesting to see what her husband thought about it. She smiled as she imagined his face. Just then she heard the key in the lock in the hallway, and the door opening and closing. "Honey, I'm home," called Neil as he came into the living room. The look on his face as he beheld his hugely inflated wife did not disappoint her in the least.
competition, inhale, Prose that Blows 2 - Summer Fun (2010)
Female Inflation, Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation, Stuffing
"I'm not sure I can't take it!" muffle Bill as he pat his distended tummy. "Oh, come on little piggy, you got the finish off your dessert if you want your surprise!" respond Halley, smiling playfully and holding a spoon to her boyfriend. "Is it the last one? Even if I ADORE getting this BIG with your care, I'm gonna burst if I eat any more!" Bill groan, only to be spoon fed a large piece of cake. "There you go! See little piggy, you didn't split open and made me pretty proud! See how big your little tummy has become as I fed you all these cake and milk shake?" whisper Halley next to her lover ear, caressing his bloated gut full of dessert and covering it with kisses. The couple hugs lovingly as they lye alone in the beach sand. It's all quiet for the waves in the late night sky. "You done well little piggy, you deserve your surprise!" lustfully add Halley, an absolutely cute and chubby brunette sporting her retro milk bar waitress uniform and hat. "Since I got this summer job at the frozen sweets stand by the beach, you know I lusted for a night where I could sneak up a real feast to fill you up like as I pleased with all the desserts who could dream of! Now that it's done, you know what I like even more than stuff my little piggy silly?" purrs Halley to Bill as she caresses her curvaceous frame. "Do you mean..." Bill ask, excited. "Well, Just like Bill who's a little pig since he likes to be massively over-fed, Halley is a little froggy because she likes to puff herself up... With the load you ingested you think you got yourself pretty big, aren't you?" taunt Halley as he grabs both side of her boyfriend large belly. "I never got so big!" gladly confesses Bill. "Well, behold! Little Froggy here is to going to make herself just as broad as her pot-bellied piggy!" boast Halley, puffing her chest up, making her chubby belly and breast rise up under her waitress outfit, tightening the fabric of her blouse across the buttons! "My pretty little froggy will need to puff herself much bigger than that!" Bill tease as he proudly undoes his belt, letting loose is gigantic stuffed belly. Jolted at the challenge, Halley inflate her sexy female frame even more with great effort, getting big enough to feel the seam of her skirt creak as her stomach balloons! Her belly, inflated and pushed up, soon become big enough to snaps the side of her skirt in a loud rip that let plenty of swelled flesh spread out! "I'm going to pump myself AS BIG AS YOU ARE!" she boast, totally carried away by her expansion fantasy! Halley, caressing her immense balloon belly and her widened naked hips that just exploded through her skirt, puff herself up with another real deep breath! "Ooohhh! Bigger, BIGGER!" she moans, still inhaling and ballooning, as her butt and bosom began inflating like her tummy due to her massive swelling efforts. Her round, already sizeable bottom and hips widens with every breath, straining her panties! Her fleshy pair of bouncing, chubby pink boobs round up like overblown party balloons, outrageously stretching her blouse buttons. Standing in front of the fascinated Bill in the sand, she's now just as broad as her large boyfriend and his swelled tummy. "See little piggy? I'M GONNA BE BIGGER THAN YOU!" she gladly tell Bill as she swell, swell and swell whole, getting such a big balloon butt her panties snaps! "Little froggy got VERY, VERY BIG!" breathe Bill, overwhelmed with desire. "TWO-TIME BIGGER THAN YOU!" Halley triumph as she swell, swell and swell some more, getting so fat her inflating bosom and belly rip open her blouse, tearing it to shred and sending button all around the beach! "Careful little froggy, remember what happened to the frog who wished to get as big as an ox in the fable? Careful, careful not to POP!" remark Bill, astonished yet aroused at the size of her ever-expanding mate. " THREE-TIME BIGGER THAN YOU!" she screams, crazed by her expansive lust, as she swell, swell and swell even more, bloating her body so big her massively ballooned breast explode out of her bra! Completely naked except for her cute little waitress hat, Halley feel the cold sea breeze over her taunt exposed skin as she keep expanding! She's now a grotesquely inflated balloon with colossally exaggerated feminine curves! Her puffy naked body is all round and bubbly, with an over ballooned belly, gigantic air-filled boobs and a butt as wide and curvy as possible. He pulpous lips and face is reddened by the effort, her brow soaked with sweat. She kept puffing herself with so much dedication and pride that her silky skin get drum tight; her big belly, bosom and bottom look pumped up to bursting point, like a party balloon about to explode! "Halley, you're getting WAY TOO BIG! Stop before you burst into pieces! STOP LITTLE FROGGY, YOU'RE GONNA EXPLODE!" scream Bill, excited and terrified at the sight of her ballooned girlfriend still filling up more! Halley doesn't hear as she feel absolutely wonderful getting to the very absolute volume her air-filled balloon body can get, being so big, so huge and so wonderfully voluminous that she can't go any bigger without popping... "A HUNDRED TIME BIGGER THAN YOU!" she finally screams, still puffing herself as she difficultly swell, swell and swell so much that... KABOOM! ... The next morning, standing on the beach sand near the remains of her waitress outfit and sporting a large X shaped band aid on her tummy, Halley tell Bill in a lustful whisper "Next summer little froggy want to work in a cake factory, or maybe the balloon stand by the beach..."
Female Inflation
Belly Inflation, Full Body Inflation
"Hello everyone! Dawn here, but you already knew that, welcome to this weeks entry of 'The Dawn-ventures' Yeah I know it's still the dorkiest name ever." A young woman sat in front of her monitor, a soft smile on her face as she fussed with the web camera, trying her best to make it just right, but seeming to be struggling with it "D-damnit... Grr stupid belly!" she shouted as she knocked over her tri-pod where her camera was perched. Indeed the girl had a rather strange predicament, her mid-section was massively bloated. In fact she looked rather full all over minus her face. "How the hell am I going to do this weeks show? I gotta' keep up my quota or Tubeyou is gunna' cut me off!" she stressed, a hand resting on her bellowing bust. She sighed softly, rubbing in small circles over her strange physic. It wasn't a strange aliment or some unforeseen allergy; it was her first day at the new convention she had heard about. She stood up, or rolled up as it were, from the plush hotel bed. The large curve of her tummy starting from betwixt her breasts and rolling down well between her legs made it a bit difficult to move. But this did not deter the raven haired girl as she waddled over to her tripod and, with some difficulty, stood it back up. "Alright, looks like I'm going to have to use the fucking remote" she sighed. Dawn prided herself on her ability to adapt to new technology, but sometimes things were a bit too complex for her, new video game consoles, digital televisions, the strange panties she was handed at cosplay check-in, and of course, the remote for her camera. Rolling back to her feet she made her way to her duffle bag and began to fish for the remote. She grumbled softly as she stretched her now comically short arms around the dome of her front. She cursed loudly as she tried to shift her self, spreading her thickened thighs to let more of her bloated crotch and tummy through to allow her greater access to her bags. "There you are!" she shouted before blushing brightly "oh... Hi Oleg" she said meekly putting away her bright purple traveling 'companion'. A minute more and she was successful. With a triumphant grunt she stood back up and waddled to her laptop, and tried again at her web show. Fixing her hair up into her traditional pigtails, wiping her face lightly as not to disrupt her make-up, and of course making sure she was decent for her audience she pressed the record button. "Hello Fan world! It's me, Inflatable Dawn, believe it or not... Wow what irony right?" she said softly, a blush on her cheeks as she patted her inflated sides awkwardly. "Anyways, I'm coming to you all live here in rainyDetroitRockCityfor what is apparently the fifth annual Expander-Con. Oh sorry, Expada-Con. It may as well be the former though as you can see from my figure," she sighed, a soft smile on her face and she slapped the side of her swollen breast making them wobble and shake. "Fan service for you; Anyways lemme' tell you about the days events, but make sure your ready, it's a dozy." With a jump cut, Expada-Con is seen being held at Calibo Hall. Hundreds of people are lined up outside with what looks like a beautiful red sky in the morning. Dawn having been raised by her grand-folks mumbled to herself an old saying, "Red sky at morning, sailors take warning... Oh well at least there's bound to be tons of stuff going on inside." She said to herself as she stood up and began stretching. For the past 32 hours she had camped out in front of the main doors. With nothing but a ninja chair, a sleeping bag tent and her large duffle bags, she was ready to check in and have some fun. This wasn't her first convention, she had been to others ever since launching her web series "Dawn-ventures" which chronicled her exploits at all the different conventions, gatherings, meetings, and what have you all around the country. She had become rather well known, thanks to her show, for her cosplay. Nothing extreme or over the top as some of the more famous and professionally paid models, but enough to get into places for free, or snag the goodie bags before anyone else. She loved her new life-style and it showed in her love of talking about it to the masses. After finishing her breakfast bar, and chugging down the last of her morning slim fast, she brushed her long hair and pulled out her camera, "Hello everyone! Dawn here! I'm standing outside of what I'm told is Expand-Con...what?" she said looking to someone off to the side, "Oh, my bad, heh, Expada-Con, anyways it's time for the main doors to be open and I am ready for a real bed, as you can tell I haven't had very good nights out here," she went on talking. After a few moments the line began to move. She gasped and kissed her fans goodbye before hauling everything to the registration desk. The hall was massive to say the least. Tall ceilings, wide staircases, and loads of booths filled her vision, she giggled excitedly, bouncing a little as she made her way up the line to the booth. "Hello! Welcome to Expada-Con! Are you pre-registered?" a blue-haired girl dressed as Felicia asked, "If so please take the line on your right, if not, please form in an orderly fashion towards the ticket stand on the left behind me" Dawn whistled softly she witnessed the line grow and grow within seconds after the announcement. She happily skipped to the line of the right. After her first convention trip she had learned to always pre-reg. least she be doomed to repeat the events of sore feet and aching back from standing in a line for ten hours. After a few minutes the line moved and Dawn was up front. "Hello sweetie, what's your name?" a woman dressed in a sexy military uniform asked. "Dawn, That's Dawn Po-" she began, but was interrupted, "Ah here you are! And you're cosplaying as well right? Well then as you read in the agreement, you will be allowed to receive donations from fellow con-goers, all you need to do is sign here... And here... And here... And lastly here." She said sweetly, her long red hair hung over her generous bust as she quickly looked over the documents. "First time? Well then here, these are beginners" she said with a soft chuckle handing over a small black box. "Before entering the floor you'll need to be wearing these, if you aren't wearing them you won't be allowed to receive any tips or donations. Dawn Looked at the woman puzzled, this was the first time she had ever been to a convention where she was to be paid simply for being there. "Um... Thanks, what are they? Like a uniform or a badge?" she asked before being shooed to allow the ling to progress. Holding the box to her chest she walked over to the elevators. She looked around trying to see what exactly the theme of the convention was. Everything seemed rather generic though. Colorful banners, tons of merchants and some demo booths, nothing really out of the ordinary, except for the large dull colored balloons. It wasn't out there for conventions to have them, but normally she saw ones in blue or pink or green, but these were rather dull compared to the other décor, being simple browns and cream colors. Shaking off the need to over think why they had weird colored balloons, she chalked it up to lack of sleep. She smiled as she elevator door opened. She got a foot into the door before hitting a large, soft, and warm mass. "The hell is this?" she said shocked as she stumbled back, seeing a large white balloon with purple accents on it "the fuck? Did someone really cram one of those in an eleva-" "Excuse me? Oh no did I bump into someone?" came a voice from behind the mass. "I'm so sorry if I knocked you over, it's kind of' hard to see around myself, heh first day and already getting a mass of donation" the sweet voice said as the wobbling mass squeezed out into the main floor. Dawn looked up in awe, that wasn't some balloon it was a woman, a woman dressed like Milenna, but her body was huge and round. "Um... n-nice... Um mid f-fatality costume" she choked as she tried to stand up "h-how did you make it look so life like?" she asked reaching a hand out and rubbing the front of the woman's leotard. A soft meaningful coo escaped the woman's lips as she held herself up "Mmm it's not a mid-fatality, it's just all the donations I made" she sighed happily. "And this is all me" she added proudly. She waddled a bit more showing her backside, the bottom half clung tightly to her fattened rump. "This your first Expada-Con?" she asked honestly. They stared at each other awkwardly for what seemed like eternity before Dawn found her voice. "Um... Y-yes... I-is this...Um" she stammered as she looked at the little black box. Her eyes were wide, a mix of fear but excitement, this was a new convention, and this was a new adventure... But this was insane! But she was tempted to try it, at least once. They did say she would be getting free money for it. "What brand did you get?" the woman asked before reaching around her large belly and snatching the box "Pfft, really? These are for like the little tiny girls, you're what five nine? Here, go to this booth, and ask for the 'real deal'" she smiled "Take my voucher, and tell them Mars sent you," she said as she reached into her expansive bust, pulling out a black slip of paper with what looked to be white lettering at a stylized bloated woman on it. "Oh speaking of, 'Hello there, I'm Mars, pleased to meet you" she giggled, her green eyes sparkled slightly as she glanced over Dawns thick frame. "Mmm, you'll make a fine Cos-flater." She stated. "If you have any questions, or need help getting into the swing of things just find me, I'm insuite209." "Really? I'm in 210" Dawn replied with a faint smile. This was meant to happen she felt. "Well then guess we were destined to bump into each other... Hey what a minute" she said softly, squinting her eye lightly, a finger placed on the side of her chin, "Aren't you Inflatable Dawn on Tubeyou? I thought you look familiar, to think I would bump into you of all people," she laughed heartily, her inflated form bouncing slightly. "I-is that a bad thing?" Dawn asked worried arching her brow as she collected her things and walked closer to Mars. "Am I like... in trouble?" "Trouble? Fuck no! I'm a fan of your show; I love how you do the little animations at the bottom. Sine you're hear I just got to ask, the name... are you also into... you know?" she said pointing to her tummy. Dawns face grew bright red. The Native girl was embarrassed but nodded. "Yeah, I've had a fascination with it for a while... Th-though never really acted on it outside of drawings or stuffing my clothes." She said sheepishly. Mars giggled at her, finding this unseen shy behavior adorable. She reached out a hand and helped her with her luggage. "Well Dawn, Lets take you to your room first and then we can get you fitted up... Though it might be a tight squeeze... Do you mind?" "Notatall!" she responded faster then she wanted too, her cheeks burning again. "Don't worry, I wont squish you, on purpose at least," Mars giggled as they climbed into the shaft. It was a rather snug, but nothing to uncomfortable. Dawn was off in her own world for a moment, this was all so much to take in, a convention based around inflation? Who thought of this? Who would have taken this seriously? She hummed to herself lightly, her hands timidly roaming on Mars's tummy. "So since this is your first time here, you should know that these elevators are for the men, and unpaid cos-players. This is most likely my last time I'll be able to ride in these ones." She stated as she cooed at Dawn's rubbing "when you need to get back up top there are some special elevators on the east side of the hall. It's quite a waddle, but its better then needed to have people pull your bloated ass out of these tiny things." "So why do you ride in these ones, if you think their too small?" "Why else? I love to feel big. Outside of this I work as a receptionist. I'm not suppose to make an impression, I'm suppose to be small and out of the way so the clients can see the people they need too... I come here to let myself out and feel in control. Hence why I try to ride in the normal elevators as long as I can, 'cus it makes me feel larger then life, too big to handle too-Oops!" she squeaked as her body began to groan slightly, her already large belly swelling bigger, "MMmphh... S-sorry about that, heh. Donations come in at random, I have my own share of fans too... and they love to see me large. Guess I'll be showing you the freight elevators after all" she chirped happily. "How are you? I mean I don't wanna be rude but you're so big" Dawn asked genuinely curious as she poked Mars's side. It was firm but still had quite a bit of give. "Like is this all air or whatever?" "Well it's up to the people donating. It can be air, helium, water, or even blueberry juice, that's a new one for this year, but it's all up to them. I have my profile marked for only air as I'm not big on floating up to the ceiling and rather like my mobility, you know? You can get a mixture inside of you, and some girls love that, but I'm strictly air." "Profile, C-could you help me make one?" Dawn asked worried she was unaware of all of this till now. "Er, well that was all meant to be done when you pre-regged sweetie. If you didn't do it then... you're open for anything" she said softly, putting a puffy arm around the smaller girls shoulder, "But hey! Learning experience, and everyone is super cool here, you're in safe hands... just Um... stay away from Mardi Gra" "Why?" Dawn asked, she had been to other events that she was assuming was the same, just with a different name, Mardi Gra, Sin night, All out, "Do bad things happen or popping?" she asked worried. "I go to Ragnorok for Dagorhir every year; they have a Mardi Gra where anything goes really" "Well there's no popping, but lets just say there is a lot of drinking and extreme tipping. My first time I was pretty much out of the convention for the entire weekend I was so huge, I was pumped far past what those little panties are suppose to do and found myself 'owned' by some weirdo" "Owned? They have a slave auction?" She asked, still using terms familiar with her. "No, no not a slave auction, it's like a companion service, they auction you off, the money goes to the convention, and you spend the rest of the weekend with your buyer, you're his companion, you can leave at anytime... granted you're able to move under your own power. I was barely more then a ball with tits so I had to go everywhere with him... I'm just glad he wasn't a super perv or anything. Not like I would agree to that anyways." This all made Dawn very nervous, but incredibly excited. A fantasy come true, fans, money. But at the same time, would she loose viewers? What would her friends at home think? Or her folks if they found out. And then there was this Mardi Gra, if it was anything like Ragnorok, she wanted to go, despite the risks. A brief moment later the two made it to their suites. Dawn gasped at the spaciousness of the room. "This is... This is all for me?" she asked openly, she spun around seeing it was a two floor loft with a nice window to the outside, now a soft grey as clouds formed overhead and the pitter-patter of rain hit the window. "Yup, they give all the Cos-flaters the nice rooms since... well we tend to get really big one way or another. Ugh, I think I need to rest, and adjust myself" Mars said as she waddled over to a wide chair plopping herself down into it as she tried to reach under her ballooning belly. Dawn shook her head, she needed to unpack anyways, and having a new friend to answer questions was a pleasant plus in this new venture. "So um... your friend at that booth?" she asked as she looked at the panties in the black box, noting strange little patches on the crotch and butt. "Do I really need that real whatever package?" she asked as she pulled out her costume. Nothing super fancy, but to her it was perfect, hand made be hers truly, it was a copy of a fallout raider outfit. Dusty tan daisy dukes, a white cropped tank top and combat boots, sprinkled with little bits of added flare such as pouches and bullet belts, she felt it was the best outfit she had for a new convention. "Oh my, someone's risky aren't they?" Dawn heard Mars say behind her. "What do you mean?" she asked as she held up the outfit "It's not that skimpy is it? I normally wear a nylon body glove with it so it's not like anything's gunna slip or whatever." Mars giggled "Sweetie, did you notice nearly all the girls are wearing one-piece outfits or something akin to them?" "Yeees?" Dawn said slightly confused where this was going. "It's because they have a better chance at stretching and covering all of you, I have yet to see nylon anything last past the first few donations, and well... even though nudity is perfectly fine here, I'm not sure if you're ready for that" she said as she looked over the outfit again. "If you get a white swim suit, it'll work just as well. Tell ya what, I'm going to call my friend, get you those panties, and I'll tell him to bring a 'spanders swim suit as well." Dawn simply nodded, it wasn't quite the same, but it would be better then being a huge helpless and naked ball, if that did happen. Mars chatted on the phone for a bit, she giggled enthusiastically, nodding franticly and agreeing with something. Dawn quizzically leaned in hoping to hear the other side of the phone, but heard nothing. Mars smiled happily as she snapped her phone shut. "Alright, Jesse is bringing up your new stuff, lemme have that voucher back so I can give it to him, and he's a real sweet-heart. Not to mention damn fine" she laughed as she waddled to the door. Dawn giggled along her as she went back to unpacking. It became muscle memory as she removed her other outfits for everyday use, which was looking like less and less of an opportunity if Mars's growing figured was any indicator. "So what do you do when you're not a living balloon, Mars?" she asked as she plugged her phone and laptop into the wall as she flopped down next to her, she didn't realize how much room she was taking on the couch, now feeling much more like a love seat as she felt her trim body pressed on hers. "What do I do? Like besides my job? I mostly just hike explore and such, not much beyond that, don't make too much where I work you know? What about you?" Dawn looked down at herself softly she really didn't do much of anything outside of her channel, conventions and her Dagorhir games. Trying to think of something interesting she reflected on past work, "Well I use to be a background extra till the movie industry packed up" Mars looked interested but before she could reply they heard a knock at the door. "Oh that must be Jesse, Think you can get it Dawn? I'm a little.... Big, ha" she chuckled defeated. Dawn walked over to the door, as she moved closer she felt her heart race, each stepped make her shiver a little more. What's wrong with me? She thought. It wasn't like she was asking someone on a date or doing a photo shoot or anything, but the fact that on the other side of this door held the key to one of her fantasies. "Are you going to open it or stare at it?" she heard Mars shout from the couch. Dawn shook her head and opened the door. Greeting her was one of the most handsome men she ever laid eyes one, in her own opinion. He stood a head taller then her, ear length blonde hair cut into a bob, and piercing blue eyes, he had a slender near feminine build to him, but this added to his charm, so she thought. "Hello there, you must be Dawn, right?" he asked, his voice carried a playful tone, one that could bring a smile to anyone's face. Dawn could only stare at him. Every nerve in her body was stiff unable to make the final connection towards her dream. "Oh don't mind her hun, come on in, It's her first con like I said, she's just nervous." Mars cried out. Dawn shook her head, her raven pigtails fraying softly as she swallowed the lump in her throat "Hi" she croaked as she looked down at the floor. "Hi Dawn, I'm Jesse, I brought these for you," he said smiling handing her a purple box. "It's the latest in inflate-wear and the groin in padded so if you're waddling about outside...well, you know" he said with a soft chuckle. "Don't want any of you guys chaffing" he added laughing louder as he let himself in. "so this is your first year, awesome, glad to be the one to pop your cherry," he said nonchalantly. Seeing Dawn's face his own cheeks reddened a tad. "Oh sorry, not like that I mean... Helping you with the convention" he said, a nervous twinge in his voice. "Not like... Sex. Anyways! Here let me set this to your account and then you can put them on" he said hoping to change the subject. Dawn was still red faced. She smiled weakly, mumbling what was most likely an okay as she tottered off to the bathroom. As she stripped out of her black jeans she looked at the purple panties in the box, the crotch looked a little weird with the padding, but she was sure she'd be thankful for it at some point. She looked over her shoulder making sure she did in fact close the door before slowly sliding out of her current pair. "So these will really make me inflate? And I'll be paid for it too" she said to herself as she bent over, timidly stepping one leg at a time into them before sliding them up. They felt rather snug, but giving them a tug there was little resistance. Like some kind of space age material. She was amazed by them. She turned and faced the mirror over the sink and struck a few poses. She loved how they looked on her, even thought they looked like normal panties. She reached into the box and pulled out a small booklet, instruction no doubt. "To activate crush pellets in front and back pads... yadda yadda yadda... To link with account... blah blah blah... Jesse knows this stuff, he said so" she said as she then undid her bra and slide into the white swim suit. It felt even tighter, but she figured it was to help keep everything contained when and if she began to expand. After a few moments of admiring her body she pulled her jeans back on and walked out, "How do I loo-whoooaaa!" she cried out seeing both Mars and Jesse giggling at her, Jesse had his hands on a cell phone and then she knew what was going on. Her hands flew to her belly, she felt a cool sensation rush over her groin as a intense bloating sensation filled her middle. Her hands rubbed her belly slowly as she felt it growing. "whats... Happening?" she moaned out as she arched her back, watching her formerly flat tummy filling out the swimsuit and her jeans. Growing larger and rounder, pushing on the button of her jeans as they popped open. The sudden jolt resulted in her falling on her now slightly swollen rump as her tummy swelled larger. She moaned out louder, both hands on her tummy as it pushed her zipper down, the bathing suit accented her growing figure, making her look even larger. "Ooohhh Gods, H-how much... am I-" she asked before gasping again as she felt her crotch swell a little larger before the sudden burst of inflation died down. She looked down, she had the body of an expectant mother. More so them a mother-to-be. She looked like she had inhaled a beach ball. "That's about 100 dollars there. Just a little thank you from my company for modeling our inflate-wear" Jesse said. Mars waddled over to the grounded girl and helped her up to her feet. Brushing her off softly she patted Dawns belly, sending thrills all over the girls body. "Feels good right? Well you're gunna have to learn to control that, if the people on the floor sense it's your first time, you're going to be a huuuuge hit." Suddenly Dawn appeared on the monitor again, A soft giggle escaped her lips as she rubbed the back of her head, "OF course being my first time... Well... I've been at this hotel for a week now and I'm just now this small! They loved me and like mars said, they ate me alive! But then again seeing my bank account I cant really complain, Well that's it for this episode, I'll post more tomorrow, I got a special date with some friends, till next time!" she smiled before blowing a kiss. She went to stand up only to knock over her camera again, "Damnit!"
Male Inflation
Full Body Inflation
Mike rubbed his hands together, hoping that by moving around a bit he could ease the pounding of his heart. He could hardly believe what he was about to do. He wasn't handsome, athletic or remarkable in any way, and he had never found any girls to be remotely attracted to him. But in spite of being one of the most beautiful and admired girls in school, he had an unshakable feeling that Colleen was different. She laughed at his jokes, she actually seemed to enjoy talking with him-in fact, he was pretty sure she was flirting with him. So now, as he walked slowly towards her locker at the end of the day, he had worked up the courage to make what would either be the greatest or stupidest decision of his life. "Hey, Colleen" Mike said, in what he hoped was a casual voice. She turned to face him and his confidence lifted when he saw the way her face brightened upon recognizing him. "Hi, Mike!" Colleen said cheerfully. "How's your day going?" "It's going really well." Mike knew that if he didn't ask right away he would lose the courage to do so, so he went right ahead. "Colleen, do you think, maybe you'd want to go see a movie with me or something this weekend?" Colleen burst in a wide smile, and Mike was ready to explode with excitement. But just as the words he was waiting to hear seemed on the tip of her tongue she seemed to stop herself, and the happiness seemed to slide off her face. "Mike, you're a sweet guy but I don't think it's a good idea. My friends won't like it if we're seeing each other. You just wouldn' in with the people I hang out with, and it would be really bad for both of us. I'm sorry." Deep down, Mike had figured this was how it would go, but he was still heartbreaking. He mustered up a brave smile and wanted to say that it wasn't a big deal so he could get away before his despair became humiliatingly obvious. But before he could he realized that Colleen had begun staring intently at his body, and seemed like she had something she wanted to say. "Mike, actually..." Colleen seemed unusually hesitant. "If you want to, come to my house around eight. I've got an idea." She turned and hurried away. Mike had no idea what had just happened, but he knew he was going. When he got to the front door, it swung wide open and Colleen grabbed him in a hug. "Mike, you came, I'm so glad!" She practically pulled her friend through the door and into a large, nearly empty room. Of all the things Mike had imagined might be in store for him, he hadn't even imagined this-a tank of air with a hose attached and a six foot wide, round blue balloon floating on a string. "Colleen, what is this? What did you bring me here to do?" "Isn't it obvious? Colleen's ecstatic expression met only a blank stare. "I want to make you my toy balloon!" If Mike wasn't so hopelessly drawn to Colleen he would have bolted right then. But he couldn't even bring himself to question her sanity. All he could muster was an expression that revealed his doubt that this was a great idea. "Colleen..." "Come on Mike, think about it! You're the sweetest guy I know, and I'd love to be with you." Mike's knees trembled a bit. "But it won't work, it just won't. But having you as a balloon would be perfect! I absolutely love balloons, and I've always wanted to have a person as one. I could carry you around all day and keep you as my toy. I could deflate you and put you away and I could blow you up again when I want to play some more. And if I really want to, I could pop you! Wouldn't that be perfect?" Mike was speechless. His eyes had drifted to the giant blue balloon in the center of the room, and he imagined it was him floating there. He thought of being all blown up, being the center of Colleen's attention as her toy, and he could feel his cock stiffen as he thought about it. But even if it was possible–and all logic said it wasn't–did he really want to be nothing more than Colleen's toy balloon? Yes. Yes, he did. He went to the center of the room where Colleen had picked up the hose and allowed her to enthusiastically place it in his mouth. She kissed him on the cheek and turned on the hose. Mike felt air flowing into his stomach, and common sense briefly fought its way into his mind-what had he gotten himself into? But common sense left again when he saw that, somehow, it was actually working. He could feel his stomach expanding, his insides turning to air, as he expanded out in all directions. He placed his hands on his body in amazement, pushing his hands into his torso and feeling only gas beneath the skin. He tried to bend down, only to find that his waist, now three times its normal length, wouldn't let him. Colleen giggled at his increasingly stiff, clumsy attempts to explore his new body. After about five minutes he lost all control over his torso, legs and waist, leaving him rooted to the spot. All he could do was watch Colleen continue to gaze as his body became rounder and smoother. Colleen could not recall seeing anything as wonderful as watching Mike turn into a balloon. He had already become trapped in place, and was becoming more immobile by the minute. Each flap he made with his arms to test them became more and more feeble, and as they disappeared into his body the flaps became twitches before disappearing altogether. Once he had obtained the perfect spherical form and had seemed to lose all control over his body, Colleen pushed her hands into her new toy. She felt little resistance, and her fingers formed an indent several inches deep. Unsatisfied, she gave Mike an assuring smile and took a step back, allowing him to expand further. She continued the process until Mike's skin did not give at all, tight as a drum. Finally, she removed the hose. She had done it; she had turned her friend into a giant, helpless balloon. "Mike," she breathed. "You're beautiful." She picked him up, finding him to be virtually weightless, and spun him to inspect every inch of his body. She gave him a light toss in the air, as if to see what would happen. Mike did what any balloon would do; he fluttered briefly above her fingertips and settled back down. Emboldened, she gave him a hard toss all the way to the ceiling, and when he bounced down she launched him toward the wall. Mike continued to fly around the room, bound only by the laws of physics and his owner's whims. Mike, for his part, embraced every throw, hoping he could entertain Colleen forever. But in time Colleen began to run out of energy, and when he bounced against the ground she did not pick him up again. Mike's face was facing the ground, but he heard her footsteps leave the room and he heard a sink turn on; he imagined she was getting a glass of water. When her footsteps approached again he was waiting for her in the same position. Colleen picked him up and turned him around, holding him by the skin near the small protrusion that was his head so she could look into his eyes. He wondered what she would do with him next. Colleen was wondering the same thing. As she had came up with the idea to turn Mike into a balloon she had made all sorts of plans for what she could do with her toy. But now that she held him in her hands, a pathetically helpless ball of air that she could turn to nothing at the slightest whim, the desire to do so was overwhelming. "Well, Mike, I've decided what to do next. I know I said I planned to keep you as my toy, but I've changed my mind. Instead, I'm going to pop you right now." She said it as though ending the life of the friend who had walked through her door hours before was a mere game. Which it was, of course. "The question is, how should I pop you?" She began gently tossing him up and down, keeping his face pointed toward her so he could see her as she spoke. "I only get one chance to pop you, so we need to make it good. Let me think..." She batted him for another moment as she thought, then caught him as she made her decision. She brought his lips to hers. Out of everything Mike had experienced this evening, this was by far the greatest moment. The fact that Colleen had just announced her intentions to pop him didn't faze him in the slightest. He couldn't think of any way he'd rather go. He felt more and more air fill him until he knew he had only one puff left. Apparently, Colleen sensed it too, as she pulled her head back to look at him one last time. "Goodbye, Mike." Mike's mind had gone fuzzy from being so full of air, so he barely even noticed her fingernails coming toward him. Colleen stood quietly for a moment in the now empty room, reflecting on the evening she had just had. Then she began to pick up his pieces for safekeeping. She had a feeling she would be popping plenty more boys in the future, but she doubted any would be as fun as Mike.