blew bubbles badly
Betty's brother, Billy, blew bubbles badly.
witch switched
Which witch switched the Swiss wristwatches?
would go ding
The king would sing, about a ring that would go ding.
baseball bat boldly
The better batter in baseball bat boldly.
sock cutter
I'm a sock cutter and I cut socks. I'm a sock cutter and I cut socks. I'm a sock cutter and I cut socks.
peggy babcock puffed
Peggy Babcock puffed and panted in pump class.
seized mrs
She sneezed in her sleeve as they seized Mrs. Sleed.
wrapped white rice really well
Wayne went to work as a rice wrapper. He wrapped white rice really well.
quick trip
Craig Quinn's quick trip to Crabtree Creek.
yellow lolly
Red lolly, yellow lolly.
soiled ships would six shipshape ship shops stock
If a shipshape ship shop stocks six shipshape shop-soiled ships, how many shipshape shop-soiled ships would six shipshape ship shops stock?
itchy iguanodon insists
The itchy Iguanodon insists on eating Iggy's insects.
heathcliff listed
Heathcliff listed each eclipse.
paul popped
Paul popped his pus-filled pimple.
uncle eric
Uncle Eric's irksome ulcer.
dreadful dragon dropped drew
Drew dreamed a dreadful dragon dropped Drew's drum.
flocking shoppers stopping
Flocking shoppers stopping and shopping.
clean clams crammed
Clean clams crammed in clean cans.
two toucans open two cans
How can two toucans open two cans? Two toucans can open two cans with two can-openers.
let lame lambs live
Let lame lambs live. Let lame lambs live. Let lame lambs live.
I thought a thought. But the thought I thought Wasn't the thought I thought I thought. If the thought I thought I thought,Had been the thought I thought, I wouldn't have thought I thought.
quaint queen quickly quelled
The quaint queen quickly quelled the quarrelsome Quaker!
point twisted tongues insist
A twisted tongue tied tortures some, until the twisted tongue is fun, at which point twisted tongues insist to try the trick out and persist to twist the tongue if not the wrist of all untwisted tongues they've missed.
suitors saw certainly suited
The two sisters the suitors saw certainly suited the suitors.
sells sea shells
She sells sea shells on the seashore. The seashells she sells are seashells she is sure.
tiresome wireless man
The tiresome wireless man's fireless, Whilst the fireless wireless man's tireless.
pink chimps use shrinks
Huge imps sink ships, pink chimps use shrinks.
purple paper pranced
The people with the purple paper pranced in their pants by the simple steeple.
A great, gret, grade A day.
french friars fanning
French friars fanning a fainted flea.
indian nation beyond
Dr. Johnson and Mr. Johnson, after great consideration, came to the conclusion that the Indian nation beyond the Indian Ocean is back in education because the chief occupation is cultivation.
beautiful babbling brooks bubble
Beautiful babbling brooks bubble between blossoming banks.
It dawned on Don at dawn.
boris beat barney
Boris beat Barney in breaststroke.
gig whip
Gig whip, gig whip, gig whip, ...
sammie spent six saturdays slouching silently
Sammie spent six Saturdays slouching silently on the sofa.
fly “ let us flee ”.
A flea and a fly in a flue, said the fly “Oh what should we do”, said the flea” Let us fly, said the fly “Let us flee”. So they flew through a flaw in the flue.
wise guy
Which wise guy's eyes spied the high-priced prize?
twenty tore
The two-twenty tore through town.
angelina oiled
Angelina oiled the hinges on her oil engine with oil-engine oil.
miss muffet
The myth of Miss Muffet.
Manny was a whale while Sammy was a mammoth.
false teeth fell five hundred feet
Fred's false teeth fell five hundred feet, from the fifty-fourth floor onto 45th street. Fred flagged a fleet florist, with five ferns from the forest, who said, "Fred, now how will you eat?"
rascally ruffians robbed
Rascally ruffians robbed the Regent.
twelve typical typological typographers typically translating
Twelve typical typological typographers typically translating the typography of topical, tropical typographical types.
bees hoard heaps
Bees hoard heaps of honey in hives.
raw liver
The crow flew over the river with a lump of raw liver.
vinny blamed blurry vision
Bunny's bananas burned and Vinny blamed blurry vision.
pluck figs till
I'm not the fig plucker, nor the fig plucker's son, but I'll pluck figs till the fig plucker comes.
crowned clown
A laurel-crowned clown.
musician made music
The musician made music and moved multitudes.
peter appeared near
A pair of pears apparently disappeared after Peter appeared near the place where the pears were placed.
vim ...
Vim. Van. Van. Vim...
blended baby blue bug
Blended baby blue bug's blood blotches.
sane witch
There's a sandwich on the sand which was sent by a sane witch.
He ran from the Indies to the Andes in his undies.
simple silver thimbles
Sybil's thimbles are simple silver thimbles.
toothsome tarts
They tried to tempt the tattered tramps to take the toothsome tarts.
slim sam shaved six slippery chins
Slim Sam shaved six slippery chins in six seconds.
ten tame tadpoles tucked tightly together
Ten tame tadpoles tucked tightly together in a thin tall tin.
lovely young fisher named fischer fished
A Lovely young fisher named Fischer fished for fish from the edge of a fissure. A fish with a grin pulled the fisherman inl Now they are hunting the fissure for Fischer.
five flags freely flutter
Fifty-five flags freely flutter from the floating frigate.
heavy hairy hares harry hunt hunts
Harry Hunt hunts heavy hairy hares. Does Harry Hunt hunt heavy hairy hares? If Harry Hunt hunts heavy hairy hares,Where are the heavy hairy hares Harry Hunt hunts?
lobster lanky lawrence lost
Lanky Lawrence lost his Lass and Lobster. Did Lanky Lawrence lose his Lass and Lobster? If Lanky Lawrence lost his Lass and Lobster, where are the Lass and Lobster Lanky Lawrence lost?
shetland shawl
The shepherds share the Shetland shawl.
grumpy bumble bees buzz
Grumpy bumble bees buzz by bumpy bumbleberries.
shabby stitches show
What a shame such a shapely sash should such a shabby stitches show.
roaring rocket rose
As the roaring rocket rose, the restless roosters rollicked.
sixth cycling session surely sucked
Sarah's sixth cycling session surely sucked.
brother built
Bridgette's brother built a brick bridge by the boulders beneath the bluffs.
josh jokingly jested till josh jestingly choked
"Just joking," Josh joshed as Josh joshingly joked. Josh jokingly jested till Josh jestingly choked. As Josh choked Josh jested. If only Josh rested, instead Josh just joked till he croaked.
gargling goblin gobbled
The gabbling, gargling goblin gobbled and garbled.
prissy peacock pompously preens
Prissy Peacock, pink and round, Prissy Peacock dumes. Then Prissy peacock pompously preens her pretty plumes.
noise annoys
What noise annoys an oyster? The noise that annoys an oyster is a noise that knows no oyster.
practice passing
Pick a partner and practice passing, for if you pass proficiently, perhaps you'll play professionally.
orange organ
Ollie's orange organ.
knee deep
Knee deep, deep knee. Knee deep, deep knee. Knee deep, deep knee.
fella tell
If a fella met a fella in a field of fitches, can a fella tell a fella where a fella itches?
ditch diggers dig ditches
Ditch diggers dig ditches. That's what ditch diggers do.
footed frogs fed
Five friendly flat-footed frogs fed on fat flies.
fat paul
Fat Paul's pitfall was his spitball.
toed tree toad
A tree toad with three toes is a three-toed tree toad.
percy packed pickles proudly
Percy was a pickle picker.He picked pickles perfectly and was promoted to a pickle packer. Percy packed pickles proudly.He proved that pickle pickers can pack pickles properly.
worst enemy
Dust is a disk's worst enemy.
stinky pinkie twinkie
You put your stinky pinkie in my Twinkie! Now it's a stinky pinkie Twinkie.
simon swam
Simon swam and Netty snorkeled.
athletically athletic
Athletic athletes are, at least, athletically athletic.
shop stocks short spotted socks
Salesman Stan's shop stocks short spotted socks.
jaws drop
I'll chew and chew until my jaws drop.
ruddy widow really wants ripe watermelon
The ruddy widow really wants ripe watermelon and red roses when winter arrives.
cooks look
Cooks look at cookbooks while cooking.
pretty pleasing posy
The praising princess pickled a pretty pleasing posy.
stay inside forever
Wally was a reptile, a really rotten one. He'd run around the swamp at night doing horrid things for fun. He'd rush between the rushes chasing swamp-rats round and round until the rats got tired and collapsed upon the ground. hen he'd ram the rabbits from the rabbits from the meadows to the river, and roll around with laughter as the rabbits shook and shrivelled. Yes, Wally was a reptile, a really rotten one, until one day when he at least was grounded by his mum. His mum said, "Wally, really, I just can't believe it's true. My friends around the swamp report such horrid things of you!" She said, "My son, I'll ground you. Stay inside forever! Rascally reptiles such as you are really not that clever." She told him, "No mo' running, no more rushing at the rats or ramming rabbits into rivers 'cause they really don't like that." Now Wally's still a reptile, and he's still a rotten one, But he's sorry about rushing and ramming, 'cause now he can't have any fun.
silly sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheep
Silly Sally swiftly shooed seven silly sheep. The seven silly sheep Silly Sally shooed shilly-shallied south. These sheep shouldn’t sleep in a shack; sheep should sleep in a shed.
sister sarah shined
Sister Sarah shined her silver shoes for Sunday.
treene trees tries twenty
Tentatively titivating, Treene Trees tries twenty T-shirts, trying to please.
although adam offered
Although Adam offered to open the auditorium early, the auditorium didn't open until autumn.
lovely lilacs line lee
Lovely lilacs line Lee's lonely lane.
unsifted thistles
She is a thistle-sifter. She has a sieve of unsifted thistles and a sieve of sifted thistles and the sieve of unsifted thistles she sifts into the sieve of sifted thistles because she is a thistle-sifter.