stringlengths 0
8888888888888888888888888888888888888ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ88888888888888888888888888 |
88888888888888888888888888888888888ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ8888888888888888888888888888 |
8888888888888888888888888888888888ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ88888888888888888 Normand 88 |
88888888888888888888888888888888ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ8888888888888888888 Veilleux 88 |
8888888888888888888888888888888ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ88888888888888888888888888888888 |
As you can see, the grid system that I have been working with since |
January '94 allows to very quickly transfer the large details from |
paper to screen while keeping the proportions of the original |
picture. This eliminates a lot of the time-consuming |
experimentation otherwise required to get the right proportions. |
You can't go wrong with the grid: the characters that compose it |
allow you to "see" where you should start and where you should |
stop. The skills required to use it are fairly simple as well, |
although they do need to be practiced. One thing the grid cannot |
do though, is eliminate the experimentation needed for the |
finishing touch: the smaller details, the smoothing, the shading, |
etc. |
---<-<@ ---<-<@ ---<-<@ ---<-<@ ---<-<@ |
A big thank you goes to Rowan Crawford who spent time revising an |
earlier draft of this document and who provided many useful |
suggestions to improve its contents. |
The pictures I post are at their best when printed with a |
'Line Printer 16.67 cpi' font or equivalent. |
___ _______ |
,88888, ,d88888888a |
,88" `Y8, ,88"' `"Y8i ,ggggg, ,ggggg, ,ggg,,ggg,,ggg, |
I8b, `8b ,88' d8I dP" "Y8ggg8""""8I ,8" "8P" "8P" "8, |
`Y8P 88.88' ,88' i8' ,8I 8I I8 8I 8I 8I |
(8V8' d8P I8, ,d8' Y8,,dP 8I 8I Yb, |
(88P ,8P `Y8888P" `Y88P' 8I 8I `Y8ba |
d88 d8' |
,88' ,8P _,,ggdd888bbgg,,_ |
d8P I8I _,gd8888P"""""""""Y8888bg,_ |
,88 I8b _,gd88P"""' `"""Y88bg,_ |
88' `Y8b,__,gd8P""' Normand Veilleux `""Y8bg,_ |
d8P `Y88888P"' nveilleu@emr1.emr.ca `"Y88ba |