class label
22 classes
Thus , how and to what extent the brains of individuals with ASD differ from each other is still unclear .
{ "id": "C0006104", "pos": [ 34, 40 ], "name": "brains" }
{ "id": "C0018817", "pos": [ 61, 64 ], "name": "ASD" }
A definitive diagnosis of a scrotal mass should be established by surgical exploration and resection .
{ "id": "C0015252", "pos": [ 91, 100 ], "name": "resection" }
{ "id": "C0543467", "pos": [ 66, 74 ], "name": "surgical" }
In order to analyze the mitotic rate in the various parts of the corneal epithelium , each vision field ( objective 100 , eye piece 12.5 ) , comprising 182 microns basement membrane , was regarded as a separate unit .
{ "id": "C0459875", "pos": [ 65, 83 ], "name": "corneal epithelium" }
{ "id": "C0004799", "pos": [ 164, 181 ], "name": "basement membrane" }
There were 154 falls in 135 patients , 2 of which resulted in fracture .
{ "id": "C0016658", "pos": [ 62, 70 ], "name": "fracture" }
{ "id": "C0000921", "pos": [ 15, 20 ], "name": "falls" }
The immediate clinical success rate was 94 % ( 32 of 34 ) ; in 2 patients ( 6 % ) , hemoptysis recurred immediately after the intervention or could not be stopped .
{ "id": "C0184661", "pos": [ 126, 138 ], "name": "intervention" }
{ "id": "C0019079", "pos": [ 84, 94 ], "name": "hemoptysis" }
Left-sided hypoperfusion in the parietal cortex and the thalamus was also significantly associated with neglect on SPECT imaging .
{ "id": "C0030560", "pos": [ 32, 47 ], "name": "parietal cortex" }
{ "id": "C0011923", "pos": [ 121, 128 ], "name": "imaging" }
Prevalence of L. major infection was 7 % versus 5 % for culture ( p = not signifiant [ NS ] ) , 19 % versus 16 % for direct examination of smears ( p = NS ) , and 20 % versus 33 % ( p = NS ) for Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test among P. obesus and M. shawi , respectively .
{ "id": "C0031809", "pos": [ 124, 135 ], "name": "examination" }
{ "id": "C0201284", "pos": [ 204, 229 ], "name": "Fluorescent Antibody Test" }
Impaired cardiac autonomic nervous activity is associated with an increased risk of sudden cardiac death in congenital cardiac disease .
{ "id": "C0018787", "pos": [ 9, 16 ], "name": "cardiac" }
{ "id": "C0085298", "pos": [ 84, 104 ], "name": "sudden cardiac death" }
Preoperative PET imaging result is frequently positive in carcinoid tumors , and the biological behavior correlates well with SUV ; however , size is not as strong of a predictor of malignancy .
{ "id": "C1446409", "pos": [ 46, 54 ], "name": "positive" }
{ "id": "C0032743", "pos": [ 13, 24 ], "name": "PET imaging" }
This study was conducted to localize estrogen receptor beta ( ERbeta ) in the rat urinary bladder respect to gender .
{ "id": "C0005682", "pos": [ 82, 97 ], "name": "urinary bladder" }
{ "id": "C0079399", "pos": [ 109, 115 ], "name": "gender" }
To evaluate macular changes after cataract surgery in eyes with high myopia .
{ "id": "C0015392", "pos": [ 54, 58 ], "name": "eyes" }
{ "id": "C0007389", "pos": [ 34, 50 ], "name": "cataract surgery" }
Under this condition , a difference between plasma or adrenal CS levels before and after CPT and APT sudden death was similar to the case of cerebral ischemia .
{ "id": "C0006938", "pos": [ 89, 92 ], "name": "CPT" }
{ "id": "C0012634", "pos": [ 11, 20 ], "name": "condition" }
Tibialization of the fibula using postero-lateral cortico-cancellous bone grafting achieved a stable weight bearing limb in all four patients .
{ "id": "C0015385", "pos": [ 116, 120 ], "name": "limb" }
{ "id": "C0016068", "pos": [ 21, 27 ], "name": "fibula" }
The effect of the drug is most likely related to a temporary normalisation of muscle metabolism which may prevent the development of malignant hyperthermia in susceptible patients .
{ "id": "C0013227", "pos": [ 18, 22 ], "name": "drug" }
{ "id": "C0024591", "pos": [ 133, 155 ], "name": "malignant hyperthermia" }
Of 42   887 patients with ischemic stroke treated with intravenous rt-PA within 4.5 hours , 251 were taking NOACs ( dabigatran 87 , rivaroxaban 129 , and apixaban 35 ) before their stroke , 1500 were taking warfarin , and 41   136 were on neither .
{ "id": "C1831808", "pos": [ 154, 162 ], "name": "apixaban" }
{ "id": "C0948008", "pos": [ 26, 41 ], "name": "ischemic stroke" }
Direct sheath closure is not advocated in tendon repair in the delayed period .
{ "id": "C0185003", "pos": [ 14, 21 ], "name": "closure" }
{ "id": "C0025344", "pos": [ 71, 77 ], "name": "period" }
These observations may support the concept that the anti-cardiolipin antibody in sera from patients with SLE might be a part of the anti-DNA antibodies , which are serologically polymorphic in that they can react with a variety of polynucleotides , but differ from the BFP reactors .
{ "id": "C0162596", "pos": [ 52, 77 ], "name": "anti-cardiolipin antibody" }
{ "id": "C0014060", "pos": [ 105, 108 ], "name": "SLE" }
Aspiration pneumonia recurred in a few cases following our intervention with wireless FEES .
{ "id": "C0184661", "pos": [ 59, 71 ], "name": "intervention" }
{ "id": "C0349707", "pos": [ 0, 10 ], "name": "Aspiration" }
There were significant correlations between calcium and C3 and magnesium and C3PA .
{ "id": "C0024467", "pos": [ 63, 72 ], "name": "magnesium" }
{ "id": "C0006675", "pos": [ 44, 51 ], "name": "calcium" }
This study aims to evaluate whether the distribution of vessels inside and adjacent to tumor region at three-dimensional ( 3-D ) power Doppler ultrasonography ( US ) can be used for the differentiation of benign and malignant breast tumors .
{ "id": "C0005847", "pos": [ 56, 63 ], "name": "vessels" }
{ "id": "C0162481", "pos": [ 135, 158 ], "name": "Doppler ultrasonography" }
This carcinoma probably arises in the anal glands .
{ "id": "C0007097", "pos": [ 5, 14 ], "name": "carcinoma" }
{ "id": "C0162322", "pos": [ 38, 49 ], "name": "anal glands" }
This study suggests that bladder training by increasing the number of micturitions during the day can be valuable in the treatment of nocturnal enuresis .
{ "id": "C0005682", "pos": [ 25, 32 ], "name": "bladder" }
{ "id": "C0270327", "pos": [ 134, 152 ], "name": "nocturnal enuresis" }
For patients living in a high prevalence area where the results of skin tests in the majority of the population are positive , then an antibody titer greater than or equal to 1:40 would have a 79.9 % specificity for active disease .
{ "id": "C0003241", "pos": [ 135, 143 ], "name": "antibody" }
{ "id": "C0037296", "pos": [ 67, 77 ], "name": "skin tests" }
Patients ( n = 193 ) were selected from the NINDS Natural History Stroke Registry if they 1 ) were treated with standard intravenous rtPA , 2 ) had a pretreatment MR imaging with evaluable DWI and PWI , and 3 ) had an acute ischemic stroke lesion .
{ "id": "C0024485", "pos": [ 163, 173 ], "name": "MR imaging" }
{ "id": "C0598801", "pos": [ 189, 192 ], "name": "DWI" }
The normal physiology of migration is a complex mechanism involving the hypothalamic , pituitary , thyroid , adrenal and reproductive hormones .
{ "id": "C0040132", "pos": [ 99, 106 ], "name": "thyroid" }
{ "id": "C0032005", "pos": [ 87, 96 ], "name": "pituitary" }
Protein and mRNA analyses show that CAIII is present at low levels in cultured myoblasts and is abundant in adult skeletal muscle and in liver .
{ "id": "C0242692", "pos": [ 114, 129 ], "name": "skeletal muscle" }
{ "id": "C0023884", "pos": [ 137, 142 ], "name": "liver" }
This review focuses on the peptide-based strategy for intracellular delivery of CPP-modified nanocarriers to deliver small molecule drugs or DNA .
{ "id": "C0012854", "pos": [ 141, 144 ], "name": "DNA" }
{ "id": "C0011209", "pos": [ 68, 76 ], "name": "delivery" }
Microinjections of aspartic acid or chlorpromazine depressed FRA inhibitory action ; injection of procaine and noradrenaline potentiated this action .
{ "id": "C0033218", "pos": [ 98, 106 ], "name": "procaine" }
{ "id": "C0004015", "pos": [ 19, 32 ], "name": "aspartic acid" }
These findings indicate that the damage caused by cirrhosis in the inflammatory phase affects the proliferative phase of wound healing .
{ "id": "C0010957", "pos": [ 33, 39 ], "name": "damage" }
{ "id": "C0043240", "pos": [ 121, 134 ], "name": "wound healing" }
Over the years , with technological advancements , different classes of antidiabetic medications have emerged , like sulfonylureas , biguanides , alpha-glucosidase inhibitors , and thiazolidinediones , but these are often loaded with serious aftermaths like hypoglycemia , weight gain , cardiovascular and renal issues .
{ "id": "C0007226", "pos": [ 287, 301 ], "name": "cardiovascular" }
{ "id": "C0020615", "pos": [ 258, 270 ], "name": "hypoglycemia" }
We evaluated the impact of an algorithm for automatic right ventricular ( RV ) stimulation compared to fixed-output pacing ( FOP ) stimulation on actual pacemaker longevity over a 9-year follow-up .
{ "id": "C1292856", "pos": [ 131, 142 ], "name": "stimulation" }
{ "id": "C0016037", "pos": [ 125, 128 ], "name": "FOP" }
There were different complications , such as erosion in 16 % of cases , vaginal extrusion in 24 % , bladder outlet obstruction in 45 % , chronic pelvic pain in 21 % , and de novo urinary incontinence and urgency in 12 % .
{ "id": "C0005682", "pos": [ 100, 107 ], "name": "bladder" }
{ "id": "C0404484", "pos": [ 137, 156 ], "name": "chronic pelvic pain" }
In other respects , HCE significantly increases femoral venous pressure and flow , together with thoracic lymphatic flow , while respecting the arterial parameters ( 2.5 and 5 mg/kg i.v . ) .
{ "id": "C0015811", "pos": [ 48, 55 ], "name": "femoral" }
{ "id": "C0003842", "pos": [ 144, 152 ], "name": "arterial" }
Pathways of L-glutamate and L-aspartate import by HeLa S3 cells were investigated before and after the cells were depleted of internal amino acids by starvation .
{ "id": "C0002520", "pos": [ 135, 146 ], "name": "amino acids" }
{ "id": "C0220839", "pos": [ 12, 23 ], "name": "L-glutamate" }
New life-saving vaccines for diseases , including meningococcal B meningitis ( a strain of meningitis not yet covered by the existing vaccination programme ) , shingles and hepatitis C will soon become available .
{ "id": "C0012634", "pos": [ 29, 37 ], "name": "diseases" }
{ "id": "C0080194", "pos": [ 81, 87 ], "name": "strain" }
Tumor fragments were processed by classical histological techniques ( fixation and paraffin wax embedding ) and staining ( HE ) .
{ "id": "C0185023", "pos": [ 70, 78 ], "name": "fixation" }
{ "id": "C0030415", "pos": [ 83, 95 ], "name": "paraffin wax" }
These methods will be very useful for the assessment of LV function in patients with frequent arrhythmias .
{ "id": "C0031809", "pos": [ 42, 52 ], "name": "assessment" }
{ "id": "C0003811", "pos": [ 94, 105 ], "name": "arrhythmias" }
Willingness to accept an IRD kidney did not differ between study arms at tests 1 and 3 .
{ "id": "C0022646", "pos": [ 29, 35 ], "name": "kidney" }
{ "id": "C0022885", "pos": [ 73, 78 ], "name": "tests" }
Based on the previously established criteria , a comparative study was subsequently carried out between the spectra of the cultured carcinoma cell and nucleus ( GBC-SD ) and that of the corresponding gallbladder tissues .
{ "id": "C0016976", "pos": [ 200, 211 ], "name": "gallbladder" }
{ "id": "C0040300", "pos": [ 212, 219 ], "name": "tissues" }
Rabies is a fatal viral infection , resulting in > 55,000 deaths globally each year .
{ "id": "C0011065", "pos": [ 58, 64 ], "name": "deaths" }
{ "id": "C0042769", "pos": [ 18, 33 ], "name": "viral infection" }
Cardiac CTA allows for more detailed visualization of cardiac anatomy and can supplement or supplant TEE as the diagnostic test of choice for evaluation of patients with this rare defect .
{ "id": "C0018787", "pos": [ 0, 7 ], "name": "Cardiac" }
{ "id": "C0206054", "pos": [ 101, 104 ], "name": "TEE" }
There are few effective therapies to achieve functional recovery from motor-related disabilities affecting the upper limb after stroke .
{ "id": "C1140618", "pos": [ 111, 121 ], "name": "upper limb" }
{ "id": "C0038454", "pos": [ 128, 134 ], "name": "stroke" }
Furthermore , the augmentation of antinociception induced by systemic administration of baclofen with morphine or fentanyl was completely abolished by either i.c.v .
{ "id": "C1293122", "pos": [ 18, 30 ], "name": "augmentation" }
{ "id": "C0015846", "pos": [ 114, 122 ], "name": "fentanyl" }
Through penetrating inquiry and reflection , physicians and other care providers can gain insight into the underlying motivations , loyalties , and abilities that lend meaning to patients ' lives and shape attitudes toward death and dying .
{ "id": "C0011065", "pos": [ 223, 228 ], "name": "death" }
{ "id": "C0595998", "pos": [ 190, 195 ], "name": "lives" }
Routinely screening all TB patients for HIV infection , especially targeting men and ensuring antiretroviral therapy , can significantly improve TB/HIV collaborative activities in Pakistan and identify many cases of HIV , improve health outcomes and save lives .
{ "id": "C0019693", "pos": [ 40, 53 ], "name": "HIV infection" }
{ "id": "C0595998", "pos": [ 255, 260 ], "name": "lives" }
The broken fragment of the knife was found just medial to the left common iliac artery in the retroperitoneal space , which was removed .
{ "id": "C0035359", "pos": [ 94, 115 ], "name": "retroperitoneal space" }
{ "id": "C0226363", "pos": [ 62, 86 ], "name": "left common iliac artery" }
Importantly , As2O3 treatment dramatically reduced GSC population in the intracranial GBM xenografts and increased the survival of mice bearing the tumors .
{ "id": "C0027651", "pos": [ 148, 154 ], "name": "tumors" }
{ "id": "C0520484", "pos": [ 90, 100 ], "name": "xenografts" }
Anterolateral multiple rib fractures near xiphoid process impaired mechanical linkage which resists distortion between pulmonary ( upper ) and abdominal ( lower ) rib cage resulting in flail chest .
{ "id": "C0024109", "pos": [ 119, 128 ], "name": "pulmonary" }
{ "id": "C0016196", "pos": [ 185, 196 ], "name": "flail chest" }
The methods and applications described focus on the exploitation of the physical and chemical properties of PDMS in the fabrication or actuation of the devices .
{ "id": "C0031809", "pos": [ 72, 80 ], "name": "physical" }
{ "id": "C0185125", "pos": [ 16, 28 ], "name": "applications" }
The strong binding propensity of acetaminophen and dichlofenic sodium with acetazolamide prohibited their combined therapy .
{ "id": "C0000970", "pos": [ 33, 46 ], "name": "acetaminophen" }
{ "id": "C0000981", "pos": [ 75, 88 ], "name": "acetazolamide" }
Results of a comparative analysis between Heart Rate ( HR ) patterns occurring before the onset of Paroxysmal Ventricular Tachycardia ( PVT ) and from healthy subjects are shown .
{ "id": "C0030591", "pos": [ 99, 133 ], "name": "Paroxysmal Ventricular Tachycardia" }
{ "id": "C0018810", "pos": [ 42, 52 ], "name": "Heart Rate" }
As compared with pair fed control animals , rats treated with 1,24(OH)2D3 displayed a significant rise in net intestinal absorption of Ca and in urinary excretion of Ca , and increase in bone resorption but no significant change in bone formation .
{ "id": "C0021853", "pos": [ 110, 120 ], "name": "intestinal" }
{ "id": "C0029433", "pos": [ 232, 246 ], "name": "bone formation" }
Perfusion of isolated loops with chyme or saline reestablished the postprandial pattern seen in intact bowel .
{ "id": "C0021853", "pos": [ 103, 108 ], "name": "bowel" }
{ "id": "C0031001", "pos": [ 0, 9 ], "name": "Perfusion" }
The target to treat osteoporosis is prevention for future fractures .
{ "id": "C0016658", "pos": [ 58, 67 ], "name": "fractures" }
{ "id": "C0029456", "pos": [ 20, 32 ], "name": "osteoporosis" }
The ABs were counted and fibrosis evaluated by optical microscopy .
{ "id": "C0016059", "pos": [ 25, 33 ], "name": "fibrosis" }
{ "id": "C0430389", "pos": [ 47, 65 ], "name": "optical microscopy" }
A system model with two time-varying parameters was used to relate the DO concentration with two control variables : air flow rate and agitation speed .
{ "id": "C0085631", "pos": [ 135, 144 ], "name": "agitation" }
{ "id": "C0002658", "pos": [ 145, 150 ], "name": "speed" }
transferred eosinophils into the airway following allergen or T(H)2-associated stimuli in the lung in multiple mouse strains .
{ "id": "C0024109", "pos": [ 94, 98 ], "name": "lung" }
{ "id": "C0178987", "pos": [ 33, 39 ], "name": "airway" }
Total cholesterol was measured from fasting blood tests .
{ "id": "C0015663", "pos": [ 36, 43 ], "name": "fasting" }
{ "id": "C0018941", "pos": [ 44, 55 ], "name": "blood tests" }
The findings in this child ( small hyperintense collections of melanocytes in both temporal lobes , mild meningeal enhancement along the spine and the development of an extensive subarachnoid CSF accumulation with cord compression and syringomyelia ) are believed to be exceptionally rare .
{ "id": "C0007806", "pos": [ 192, 195 ], "name": "CSF" }
{ "id": "C0039144", "pos": [ 235, 248 ], "name": "syringomyelia" }
Free-trichloroethanol , trichloroacetic acid and conjugated-trichloroethanol appeared in the blood and urine after 30 min of exposure .
{ "id": "C0042036", "pos": [ 103, 108 ], "name": "urine" }
{ "id": "C0040900", "pos": [ 24, 44 ], "name": "trichloroacetic acid" }
In this study , we examined the distribution of Hsp27 in the rat medulla oblongata by means of immunohistochemistry after the vagus nerve was cut or crushed .
{ "id": "C0042276", "pos": [ 126, 137 ], "name": "vagus nerve" }
{ "id": "C0025148", "pos": [ 65, 82 ], "name": "medulla oblongata" }
Oral impacts levels were lowest in dentate subjects with the greatest number of teeth .
{ "id": "C0040426", "pos": [ 80, 85 ], "name": "teeth" }
{ "id": "C0226896", "pos": [ 0, 4 ], "name": "Oral" }
Our new ROP model is practical and applicable for all retinal neovascularization studies , considering the laboratory procedures .
{ "id": "C0035298", "pos": [ 54, 61 ], "name": "retinal" }
{ "id": "C0035344", "pos": [ 8, 11 ], "name": "ROP" }
One hundred twenty five known diabetes mellitus male and female subjects older than 18 with or without symptoms of neuropathy comprised in this research .
{ "id": "C0086582", "pos": [ 48, 52 ], "name": "male" }
{ "id": "C0442874", "pos": [ 115, 125 ], "name": "neuropathy" }
Blunt traumatic injury of the gallbladder , though rare , does occur usually as a consequence of direct abdominal injury especially in children during sporting activities and fights .
{ "id": "C0016976", "pos": [ 30, 41 ], "name": "gallbladder" }
{ "id": "C0848377", "pos": [ 104, 120 ], "name": "abdominal injury" }
On day 5 PI , we found an increase in ADA activity in erythrocytes of infected rats .
{ "id": "C0001457", "pos": [ 38, 41 ], "name": "ADA" }
{ "id": "C0014772", "pos": [ 54, 66 ], "name": "erythrocytes" }
Bladder augmentation , usually with an intestinal segment , and urinary diversion are the last resort .
{ "id": "C0005682", "pos": [ 0, 7 ], "name": "Bladder" }
{ "id": "C1293122", "pos": [ 8, 20 ], "name": "augmentation" }
Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy provides a non-surgical alternative to enteral feeding .
{ "id": "C0086225", "pos": [ 75, 90 ], "name": "enteral feeding" }
{ "id": "C0176751", "pos": [ 0, 35 ], "name": "Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy" }
Cryotherapy reduced the incidence of postoperative pain and the need for medication intake in patients presenting with a diagnosis of necrotic pulp and symptomatic apical periodontitis .
{ "id": "C4551716", "pos": [ 0, 11 ], "name": "Cryotherapy" }
{ "id": "C0011407", "pos": [ 134, 147 ], "name": "necrotic pulp" }
In conclusion , the current study suggests the relationship between allergen-elicited adipose tissue inflammation and circulating inflammatory molecules , which are possible mediators for the development of insulin resistance .
{ "id": "C0021368", "pos": [ 101, 113 ], "name": "inflammation" }
{ "id": "C0021655", "pos": [ 207, 225 ], "name": "insulin resistance" }
Comparative hemodynamics at RE vs RC showed a decrease in pulmonary artery pressure ( by 25 % ) and pulmonary vascular resistance ( by 19 % ) and an increase in heart rate ( by 11 % ) , whereas arterial pressure and MVO2 were unchanged ( p greater than 0.05 ) .
{ "id": "C0232108", "pos": [ 194, 211 ], "name": "arterial pressure" }
{ "id": "C0018810", "pos": [ 161, 171 ], "name": "heart rate" }
The aim of this study is to understand the clinicopathological manifestations , treatment , and prognostic factors of adenosquamous carcinoma ( ASC ) of the esophagus and esophagogastric junction , a rare malignancy .
{ "id": "C0014876", "pos": [ 157, 166 ], "name": "esophagus" }
{ "id": "C0006826", "pos": [ 205, 215 ], "name": "malignancy" }
A total of 100 community eligible individuals ( 60 years or older ) with hypertension and early cognitive impairment are being recruited from the greater Boston area and randomized to lisinopril , candesartan , or hydrochlorothiazide ( " active control " ) for 12 months .
{ "id": "C0020261", "pos": [ 214, 233 ], "name": "hydrochlorothiazide" }
{ "id": "C0717550", "pos": [ 197, 208 ], "name": "candesartan" }
The abdominopelvic computer tomography ( apCT ) revealed left renal vein ( LRV ) duplication with a dilated retroaortic branch , entrapped between the aorta and the vertebral column , promoting the renal nutcracker syndrome .
{ "id": "C0508001", "pos": [ 57, 72 ], "name": "left renal vein" }
{ "id": "C3178770", "pos": [ 198, 223 ], "name": "renal nutcracker syndrome" }
Bleeding and perforation of the colon have been reported as the most common complications .
{ "id": "C0019080", "pos": [ 0, 8 ], "name": "Bleeding" }
{ "id": "C0009368", "pos": [ 32, 37 ], "name": "colon" }
Hypertensive left ventricular hypertrophy can easily be diagnosed by echocardiography .
{ "id": "C0013516", "pos": [ 69, 85 ], "name": "echocardiography" }
{ "id": "C1997092", "pos": [ 0, 41 ], "name": "Hypertensive left ventricular hypertrophy" }
We therefore investigated the EEG effect of standardized noxious stimuli in comatose patients not reactive to auditory stimuli .
{ "id": "C0009421", "pos": [ 76, 84 ], "name": "comatose" }
{ "id": "C0013819", "pos": [ 30, 33 ], "name": "EEG" }
This cohort study describes consecutive patients requiring brachial plexus exploration following trauma between 2008 and 2016 .
{ "id": "C1280903", "pos": [ 75, 86 ], "name": "exploration" }
{ "id": "C0006090", "pos": [ 59, 74 ], "name": "brachial plexus" }
Overall , 80 ( 27.7 % ) patients had adverse events , of those the most common ones were behavioral problems , nausea and/or vomiting , weight gain , and learning difficulties .
{ "id": "C0424939", "pos": [ 154, 175 ], "name": "learning difficulties" }
{ "id": "C0042963", "pos": [ 125, 133 ], "name": "vomiting" }
Nineteen out of 61 patients with menorrhagia were oral contraceptive users at the time of the examination .
{ "id": "C0031809", "pos": [ 94, 105 ], "name": "examination" }
{ "id": "C0025323", "pos": [ 33, 44 ], "name": "menorrhagia" }
Each presented with a soft tissue mass in the vicinity of a joint affected by rheumatoid disease .
{ "id": "C0022417", "pos": [ 60, 65 ], "name": "joint" }
{ "id": "C0003873", "pos": [ 78, 96 ], "name": "rheumatoid disease" }
A total of 1,975 ALND and 2,008 SLND node negative breast cancer patients had shoulder range of motion and arm volumes assessed along with self reports of arm tingling and numbness .
{ "id": "C0037004", "pos": [ 78, 86 ], "name": "shoulder" }
{ "id": "C0020580", "pos": [ 172, 180 ], "name": "numbness" }
We observed different reorganizational patterns for all three body parts as the former hand area showed few signs of reorganization , but the lip and elbow representations reorganized and shifted towards the hand area .
{ "id": "C0023759", "pos": [ 142, 145 ], "name": "lip" }
{ "id": "C0013769", "pos": [ 150, 155 ], "name": "elbow" }
Neurological symptoms in the form of memory deficits , disorders of orientation , and pyramidal-type bilateral hemiparesis more evident on the left side were reported by the patient over a period of two years .
{ "id": "C0012634", "pos": [ 55, 64 ], "name": "disorders" }
{ "id": "C0029266", "pos": [ 68, 79 ], "name": "orientation" }
Deficits in working memory due to abnormal brain function , are considered to play causative roles in DMS .
{ "id": "C0205161", "pos": [ 34, 42 ], "name": "abnormal" }
{ "id": "C0012384", "pos": [ 102, 105 ], "name": "DMS" }
Some minor differences , for bleeding and the position of the mucosal level around implants and adjacent teeth , were observed between the two groups .
{ "id": "C0019080", "pos": [ 29, 37 ], "name": "bleeding" }
{ "id": "C0021102", "pos": [ 83, 91 ], "name": "implants" }
Several ideas had been suggested for repositioning and fixation of the graft by the use of Sengstaken-Blakemore tubes , tissue expanders , and surgical glove expander .
{ "id": "C0185023", "pos": [ 55, 63 ], "name": "fixation" }
{ "id": "C0556030", "pos": [ 37, 50 ], "name": "repositioning" }
Alloreactivity after transplantation is associated with profound immune suppression , and consequent opportunistic infection results in high morbidity and mortality .
{ "id": "C0040732", "pos": [ 21, 36 ], "name": "transplantation" }
{ "id": "C0021079", "pos": [ 65, 83 ], "name": "immune suppression" }
Pressure measurements taken at the heels , supine sacrum , and scapula were not significantly different for any of the surfaces .
{ "id": "C0036277", "pos": [ 63, 70 ], "name": "scapula" }
{ "id": "C0018870", "pos": [ 35, 40 ], "name": "heels" }
The authors present a case of such injury that presented with clinical findings , namely , hemiparesis and aphasia , suggestive of involvement of the dominant middle cerebral artery .
{ "id": "C0149566", "pos": [ 159, 181 ], "name": "middle cerebral artery" }
{ "id": "C0018989", "pos": [ 91, 102 ], "name": "hemiparesis" }
In this review , we summarize the evidence of PON related to the pathogenesis of coronary artery disease ( CAD ) and atherosclerosis .
{ "id": "C0003850", "pos": [ 117, 132 ], "name": "atherosclerosis" }
{ "id": "C0010054", "pos": [ 81, 104 ], "name": "coronary artery disease" }
Streptococcus pneumoniae strains are the leading cause of bacterial otitis media , yet little is known about specific bacterial factors important for this disease .
{ "id": "C0012634", "pos": [ 155, 162 ], "name": "disease" }
{ "id": "C0080194", "pos": [ 25, 32 ], "name": "strains" }
50 patients on low-dose aspirin who needed dental extractions , periodontal surgery , or other ambulatory oral surgery were randomly divided into test and control groups .
{ "id": "C0004057", "pos": [ 24, 31 ], "name": "aspirin" }
{ "id": "C0022885", "pos": [ 146, 150 ], "name": "test" }
It is generally recognized that the health care system does not have adequate isolation capacity to meet the surge in demand during a major outbreak of airborne infectious disease .
{ "id": "C0009450", "pos": [ 161, 179 ], "name": "infectious disease" }
{ "id": "C0204727", "pos": [ 78, 87 ], "name": "isolation" }
In contrast , replacement with snake orthologs caused severe limb reduction .
{ "id": "C0015385", "pos": [ 61, 65 ], "name": "limb" }
{ "id": "C0035139", "pos": [ 14, 25 ], "name": "replacement" }
Using integrated physiological and metabolomic analysis , we determined that B12 deficiency in the offspring decreases liver taurine production and associates with abrogation of a growth hormone/insulin-like growth factor 1 ( GH/IGF1 ) axis .
{ "id": "C0023884", "pos": [ 119, 124 ], "name": "liver" }
{ "id": "C0004457", "pos": [ 236, 240 ], "name": "axis" }
Immunohistochemistry was employed to analyze c‑Fos , c‑Jun and CD147 expression in 41 UCB cases and 34 non‑cancerous human bladder tissues .
{ "id": "C0005682", "pos": [ 123, 130 ], "name": "bladder" }
{ "id": "C0040300", "pos": [ 131, 138 ], "name": "tissues" }
The over-expressing clones showed a decrease in proliferation and displayed the differentiation-related phenotypes such as increased basal levels of alpha ( I ) collagen mRNA expression and high inducibility by R.A. of alkaline phosphatase activity .
{ "id": "C0334094", "pos": [ 48, 61 ], "name": "proliferation" }
{ "id": "C0009325", "pos": [ 161, 169 ], "name": "collagen" }
In this study , plasma concentrations of glucose , triglycerides and endocrine factors involved in energy homeostasis ( insulin , glucagon , leptin , adiponectin , ghrelin and insulin-like growth factor [IGF]-1 ) were measured and their association with morphometric variables ( body condition score , neck scoring and body mass index ) , gender and age was determined in 62 healthy donkeys .
{ "id": "C0041004", "pos": [ 51, 64 ], "name": "triglycerides" }
{ "id": "C0017725", "pos": [ 41, 48 ], "name": "glucose" }
Apart from standard surgical procedures , a variety of different substances is available to prevent adhesions , but no universal method has been developed so far .
{ "id": "C0001511", "pos": [ 100, 109 ], "name": "adhesions" }
{ "id": "C0543467", "pos": [ 20, 39 ], "name": "surgical procedures" }