I am a 22 years old lady am on depo shot nd npow its been 3 years and i want to stop using it and take the pill but now since i was also taking a -len doxycyc i feel wierd on my womb and i feel nauseus,tired,moody,emotional, back pain ,head aches,tummy cramps ,i eat a lot sometimes i eat less ,i suffer from stress ,i feel bubbles in my womb . What can it be ?
Hello and welcome to Healthcare Magic. Thanks for your query. You have not mentioned the name of the recent medication correctly (I'm not sure if you meant "doxycycline"). However, since you say that you have developed multiple symptoms after taking this medication, it is advisable to report these to your doctor immediately. You have also mentioned that you are under stress and are having mood swings and emotional problems. So, I also think that it would be worthwhile to see a psychiatrist for a detailed evaluation and further management. Wish you all the best. Regards, Dr. Jonas Sundarakumar Consultant Psychiatrist
Have been taking Depo Shot. Want kids in future. Should I stop Depo Shot?
I ve just had my implanon removed after having it for 4 months. I ve been really sick the 2 weeks before taking it out and now that I ve taken it out I m having these really sharp stomach pains that go up past my ribs. I ve got no idea. I m in tears and can t stand up when I get it , they come every 5 minutes. HELP !
Hi, Having persistent and severe pain in the absence of Implanon points to some other organic cause; the spasms associated with the implant are temporary and do not persist. You may be experiencing colicky pain related to gastrointestinal system or renal system. Please consult your physician for a complete evaluation and further management, immediately. You may take anti-spasmodic for relief meanwhile. Wish you good health.
Want to stop using depo and start pills. Feeling weird in womb, nauseous, back pain, moody. What can it be ?
Hi! I ve been using oral contraceptives for over a year now because my period wasn t regular but recently I ve had some large watery discharge before my expected period. The discharge is large in amount, I wet my pants and have to change the sheets of the bed, odorless, colorless, there is no burning or itching sensation, and i do not suffer from urine incontinence It is really uncomfortable and embarassing please help!!
u hv to insert candid vaginal tablets vaginally...1 tablet daily
Had implanon removed. Getting stomach pain. Related?
Hello, a friend of mine is having a freak out because yesterday, her boyfriend ejaculated inside her, and they were not using proper protection. She took Plan B and is experiencing spotting and clotting in her urine . Is this a normal side effect of Plan B? Also, how long does it take for Plan B to work, what are signs that it is working?
Hi, Thanks for the query. The spotting she is having could be due to post-coital tear or could be a side effect of the emergency pill, as that can cause menstrual irregularities. The plan B to be taken within 72 hours of the act. Earlier you took the pill, the possibility of protection will be more. Experiencing symptoms like bloating sensation of the abdomen, breast tenderness etc can indicate the effectiveness. But exact evidence is absence of pregnancy and resuming normal menstrual flow. For more details: Take care.
On oral contraceptives. Getting watery discharge before my expected period. Why?
Hi, I am 24. I have stopped taking my contraception femilon pill on Sunday 23 February. I have not yet got my periods after completion of this months dosage. If I try to conceive now will I get pregnant. Also does a lady ovulate after completing her pills and then get her periods or it is just because the lining is shed and hence there is a period.
Hi, Return of ovulation may take a couple of months after the stoppage of pills. In fact, certain low-dose combinations allow ovulation to continue while providing contraception. The oral contraceptive pills act by inhibiting ovulation, making the endometrial lining unfavorable for implantation and making the cervical mucus hostile for sperm entry. You can try for natural conception for a few months if you do not have any other constraints before you approach a doctor for help. Take care.
Unprotected sex, ejaculated inside vagina. Taken plan b, spotting, blood clots in urine. Normal side effect of plan b?
Hello. I am currently taking Trinessa and have been on it for three months thus far (after a break of not taking it for over a year and a half). I’ve grown to prefer taking Trinessa, as I have never had any adverse or annoying side effects. My period always comes on a set day and lasts for a 5 days. This month, however, I think my period started early (within 24 hours of taking the last ACTIVE pill of week 3). Usually, my period begins 3-4 days after I stop taking the active pills (and when I’m on my 3rd or 4th placebo pill). I am extremely conscious about diligently taking my pill at the same time every day, but if I occasionally forget to take it at my set time, I take it within a two hour window. (In previous years when I have taken Trinessa, I have missed pills for more than 12 hours before I remembered to take them, yet have not seen any effects of this nature.) Therefore, I’m really confused as to what is going on, since I’m very good about my habits. So my questions become the following: 1. WHY has this happened? Is this indeed the start of my period? 2. Will my period be longer than usual this month (it is usually 5 days long) because I still have to take seven placebo pills? 3. Should I continue the pack I am on (meaning the 7 placebo pills that are left)? 4. Do I have to be concerned about birth control failure if I decide to be intimate right after my period ends? 5. Is it feasible for me to start the first active pill of a new pack today (on the day I was supposed to take my first placebo)? The reason I ask is because I ideally was hoping that I wouldn’t have my period in three days (my boyfriend is visiting this weekend, for which everything would have worked out well IF my period had come on schedule!) Also, will this be a suffice in terms of contraception? I appreciate your help and feedback! Thank you!
Hello. Thanks for writing to us. Since you are taking your birth control pill regularly, you need not worry about getting pregnant. Once in a while such an irregularity in the cycle can happen even when you are taking pills. You can start with your next pack now. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. You can consult me again directly through my profile URL Regards, Dr. RakhiTayal
Stopped taking Femilon. Will I ovulate after completing dose?
Hi I had the mirena coil fitted May 2010 (due to heavy constant bleeding ), I was told it would last approximately 4 years. I have had it in now for approx 2 years and 9 months and over the last few months I have felt really low, lacking energy and constant symptoms of starting a period. Today i started bleeding. I know there are no guarantees the coil would last the full four years but I did not think it would wear off so soon. Is this something I should go to see my GP about or is it normal. All help really appreicated with this
Hi, Thanks for the query. Sometimes breakthrough bleeding, inter-menstrual spotting etc can be seen while being on the intra uterine contraceptive device. So possibly your symptoms will subside soon. But if the symptoms persist better to consult gynecologist once and check if the device is in place or not and also verify about its efficacy. If everything is normal you can continue with the device for approximately one more year. Take care.
Taking Trinessa. Period started early. Reason?
So I recently had my arm implant taken out I had it for 6 months and decided it wasn t for me! My ob Said it could take weeks for me to get back to normal. A week after I started to get pains in my lower stomach across my c-section I recently in the past 3-4 days have had yellow discharge not smelly or am I itchy its just thick
Dear patient, the normal vaginal discharge is clear, white, thick or thin, non odourous and not associated with any itching, where as an abnormal vaginal discharge is yellow or green in colour, with or with out foul smelling , with or with out itching and with or with out lower abdominal pain . The abnormal vaginal discharge usually resuts from the infection in vagina or infection in cervix,uterus and fallopian tubes which is called pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). lower abdominal pain is usually associated with PID than with the infection in vagina alone so in your case chances of PID seems more than the infection in the vagina alone as your vaginal discharge is yellow in colour, itchy and associated with lower abdominal pain even if it is not foul smelling .PID has no relationship with the implant removal but may be related to IUCD, number of sexual partners, general hygiene mantainance, douching techanique and other factors. So you can have a gynecological consultation done where by the doctor may advice you following test and treatement . USG abdomen .Urine routine and microscopy .STD screening tests .Cervical swab for gram stain and culture and sentivity .Mean while you can receive following treatement .Tab ciprofloxacin tinidazole , one tab twice daily after meals . tab doxycycline 100 mg twice daily after meals . tab buscopan one tab thrice dail after meals before taking the tablets make sure that you do not have any allergy to these medicines and you are not pregnant
Have Mirena coil due to heavy bleeding. Started bleeding now, lacking energy. Normal?
I m new to taking tri sprintec. I take it religiously and the first pack I had my period 3 days before placebo week. This month however I m on my second placebo pill and no period. Can I take a urinary pregnant test to ease my mind. And will it give me a true result or will the birth control force it to record positive because of the hormones in the tri sprintec?
Hi, Thanks for the query. It will take sometime for menstrual rhythm to get adjusted while taking the pills. So you need not worry, possibly you will get periods soon. If you still having doubt, better to go for blood test for pregnancy. Compared with urine pregnancy test blood test will give more accurate results in ealr pregnancy also. For more details: Take care.
Arm implant removed, pain in lower stomach, thick yellow vaginal discharge. Normal symptoms?
i just started taking birth control . i was told by my doctor to take it the third day after my period started because the last few days are very light. Anyways, now that i am about 15 -16 days into taking the birth control, i have period like symptoms, and the flow is like the first day of my regular period...... do you get your period twice during the first month of taking the birth control pill ? (taking alesse )
Hello, I would be happy to help you with your question. This is not typical for a birth control pill start. It might be related to irregularity in your cycle that existed before your started the pill. I really cannot tell based on the limited information provided. In your case, I would recommend: 1. Check a pregnancy test 2. Continue taking the pill daily 3. Expect that things will regulate over the next 1-2 months 4. If this does not help, then talk to your doctor about a different pill I hope that this helps and good luck!!
Taking tri sprintec. No period. Can I take a urinary pregnancy test to ease my mind?
I had an IUD for 5 yrs. I required surgical removal. My operative note was mailed to me and at the bottom it says OPERATIVE FINDINGS: exam under anesthesia revealed an 8-10 week size uterus, mobile and ante verged. The cervix was visualized to be without lesions. Hysteroscopic evaluation of the endometrial cavity showed the Mirena IUD to be at the fundus. No endometrial lesions noted. What does this mean? I m confused!
Hello Thank you for your query. It means your cervix was fine, The uterus was slightly enlarged but no abnormality seen. Your IUD was at the funds which is the topmost part of the uterus. It was removed. In essence the findings are normal. Please do not worry. Take care.
On birth control. Having menstruation symptoms, heavy flow. Reason for getting periods twice in a month?
I had a mirena IUD placed on January 4th. This morning while I was still asleep I had a watery discharge . When I woked I thought I had urinated at first. I had a baby in November and have had some bladder control issues since. However, I found that my pajama pants were wet, and there was a slight fishy smell. It was almost the smell I get with a yeast infection , but I am showing no other symptoms. Then after going to the bathroom I stood up and had another, smaller gush. It is definitely the consistency of water. Should I be concerned?
Hello thank you for your query. You could be having urinary incontinence, however the smell you described doesnt fit in. Yeast infection would be a thick curdy discharge, not the watery gushy kinds you describe. The appropriate cause here could be BV or Bacterial Vaginosis, which is also a kind of vaginal infection, characterized by profuse, watery discharge, which typically has a fishy odour. You need to consult a Gynecologist, and have appropriate testing alongwith swabs to pinpoint the precise infection. Do not leave pelvic infections untreated. take care.
Had surgical removal of IUD. What does operative note mean?
Hello. I have been taking birth control pills for almost a year now. After only taking three of the first week of pills (week after placebo), is there a chance I could be pregnant if I had intercouse on the fourth day of cycle? Also, I continued to take pills, but on one day I took two on accident. One week later, I am experiencing cramps and bloating . Am I pregnant?
Hi, thanks for using healthcare magic If you have been using the pills consistently then it is unlikely that you are pregnant. Using two pills accidentally would not increase your risk of conceiving but you will need a pill to replace the extra one that was taken. Once the pill is taken daily, including the time set aside to take the placedo, there is a very low chance of pregnancy. If you still are unsure if you are pregnant you can consider taking a home pregnancy test which are usually accurate. I hope this helps
Had a mirena IUD placed. Getting watery discharge. Due to yeast infection?
hi.just call me shane from philippines.i just wanna ask about this thing i suffering at the bf took me to a doctor just this last year.and go for that what they called enjection for birth control .that was my first time .the doctor told me it takes only 3months and the enjection will be expired.and ,there s a possible i have no meanstruation or have a meanstruation but only a bit not strong.but since i go to that birth control enjection until now i still have bleeding .about two months already nonstop bleeding but the blood is not strong.what should i do to stop this bleeding?
Hello, thanks for using HCM. It is likely that you were injected a hormonal contraceptive which is a progesterone. Depo provera is a progesterone hormonal contraceptive that is injected by intramuscular route every 3 months. It however has side effects which include; reduced menses and after a number of doses no menses, spotting or repeated mild blood discharges through the vagina, in some cases occassional heavy bleeding, weight gain, mood swing, headaches, abdominal discomfort , reduced libido etc. The degree of these side effects varies from individual to individual and could be severe necessitating a stop of the injections. However, once the injection has been given, only supportive treatment can be given as it will need just time for the the drug to fade out of the system. For your case, if you experience very heavy bleeding you need to see a doctor, however, the repeated bleeding can improve upon subsequent injections with you not having your menses in later months. Best regards and hope this helps you.
Started taking birth control pills. How long does it take to be effective? Have cramps and bloating
My girlfriend has been experiencing strange symptoms continuously for months. May these be related, possibly serious, to her taking the birth control , aviane? Her side effects include: Loss of vision (Blurry, usually lasts for 3 minutes to 5), Headache (painful sometimes), and stomach aches (usually because of the headache). Shes been experiencing these symptoms on and off for almost a year now. Shes been taking the pill for about the same time.
Hi, Welcome to HCM Side effect of birth control pills can be pain abdomen, nausea, vomiting, tiredness, weakness, headache, loss of libido, menstrual irregularities, etc. 1. Get your gf clinically assessed by a doc. She is getting blurry vision, it can be dizziness that she is unable to define, it can be due to weakness, headache can be due to eye-sight problem, she may need an eye check-up. 2. It is important to get her hemoblobin (Hb%) level checked, get her blood tests done to confirm fitness. Low blood pressure often results in headache. 3. She should take vitamin or mineral supplements. 4. She can take some other substitute for the birth control pill that suits her better after consultation with a gynae. 5. Abdominal pain can be due to gastritis. Antacids will give relief. Abdominal pain can also be due to some infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, cysts, fibroid,etc. An USG will help to confirm diagnosis. 6. She should avoid smoking, alcohol or addiction of any kind, avoid oily spicy food. Healthy nutritious, rich in minerals and proteins is what she needs, she should keep bowels clean and properly hydrate herself. Take care.
Non stop bleeding after taking birth control injection. How to stop bleeding?
my boyfriend wants to have a baby with me. so i stopped taking my birthcontrol pill back in aug. ive been on birthcontrol since i was 16 im now 21. i even wait til im ovulating when we have intercourse. but yet im still not pregnant. i have no insurance to go see a fertility doctor to even see if i can concieve. is something wrong with me
Hello Samy, If you have normal menstrual cycles & could check & detect ovulation signs by traditional methods or test strips, wait for few more months. It is advised to wait & try for 1 year before you go for fertility tests. Common Reasons that it might not happen include: - fertilized egg might not travel correctly to uterus - fertilized egg might not get implanted properly in uterus - fertilized egg get dislodged from uterus wall after implanting (as happens in miscarriage) - mismatched timing as mature egg has short life span - low sperm count, particularly if male is smoker. All the above are noted by the female as "pregnancy not happening", though these are all quite common. If pregnancy doesn't happen in 1 year, you can visit a General/Family physician (GP) who is involved with prenatal/fertility clinic too. GP can advise pelvic ultrasound etc & you don't have to pay for specialist charges. Also, if you are in USA, check in local websites where they advertise about free Obs/Gynec clinics & you can get yourself checked just by registering/enrolling. Meanwhile, try to take healthy balanced diet rich in folate & multivitamins & keep yourself stress-free as far as possible. This helps a lot. Hope this information helps. Please feel free to ask if ou have any specific questions. Wish you good luck!
Blurry vision, headache and stomach ache. Due to taking birth control pills?
i recived the depo shot 3 days ago this is my second shot the nurse that did it this time told me this was her first time giving this shot when she gave it to me it hurt more then the last one she said not to rub it or itd bruise and i did not rub it and i now have a large bruise, pain and and when you touch around where the bruise is it feels like theres a large hard bump in there and this did not happen the first time should i be worried
Hi, Welcome to the forum There is nothing to worry, it will get fine in 1-2 days. You can apply a thin film of neomycin oitment on the bruise. If it is painful you can take an analgesic. Do not scratch or rub. To reduce the inflammation and hardness you can apply thrombophob oitment, it will aid easy blood circulation and reduce the swelling. Do not let the bruise get infected. However, if you see any pus forming, you should take antibiotics to help wound dry up and get well early. If wound remains the same get clinically assessed and treated. When you take the next shot, do not take it in the same spot, take care.
Stopped birth control pills, trying to conceive. Is something wrong ?
I m 19 years old and 2 months ago I ve had put a contracepcion implant in my arm , but I m afraid that someting is wrong. I have vaginal discharge all the time, which is very dark. I started taking contraception pills a month before putting that implant, it was cerazzette. I want to know what to do with it, because it really disrupts my life. Thanks for any answer :)
Hi thereThanks for your queryCerazzette in some women can cause vaginitis, which is inflammation of vagina. Vaginitis from any cause can produce a dark discharge. Other causes of vaginitis should also be considered like infection, non-infectious causes like spray, douches, perfumed soaps, etc.I will also recommend that you go for a pap-smear to rule out lesions of cervix and any infections of cervix and/or uterus.Other causes need to be ruled out by your physician. If the discharge is bad enough then I will recommend that you discuss with your physician about switching to another form of contraception.Hope I addressed your concernThanks
Bruise and pain on the depo shot site. Anything to be done?
Hi, I started taking the Depo Provera birth control injection in November of 2011. The first month went fine but since December of 2011 I ve had constant light bleeding . I took my last shot in June of 2012 which was supposed to wear off by the beggining of September 2012. However the bleeding has continued. i ve only had a few days (15 at the most) where no bleeding has occured. What could be causing this?
Hi thanks for your question. It takes about 3 month for your body to adjust to Depo provera.Your body needs to get used to hormone progestrone which is content of Depo provera,similair to other hormonal birth control pill.As your body is adjusting to Depo provera .It is likely that you will experience spotting (irregularbleeding) or prolonged heavy bleeding like periods .This is considered normal However if bleeding is very heavy consult your gynaecologist. Hope this answers your question.
Implanted contraceptive in arm. Having dark vaginal discharge all the time. Should I remove implant?
I have had Mirena since late December and I had it put in after having my child in late October. I was cleaning today and I got a really sharp shooting stabbing pain in my pelvis I d rate it at a pain level of a 7 or 8 while it happens. When it doesn t happen it doesn t hurt. It s happened about 5 times within the past hour. What should I do?
I think you need to see your doctor so that you may be examined to see if the device in in place. Normally of the IUD is inserted correctly and in position then there shouldnt be any pain.But in case its been dislodged,there might be some sharp pain.
Taking Depo Provera, constant and light bleeding. Cause?
Hi doc, I was wondering if Althea birth control pills could increase my cup size? Or should I take Diane for that? Also, I heard that birth control pills increases a woman s risk of never getting pregnant. I don t want to get pregnant now but someday I would love to have kids. Is this information true or is it a myth? Thanks!
Hello, Certain birth control pill which contain combination of both estrogen & progesterone, more likely cause increased breast size in women with some other side effects. Though, increased breast size is not a permanent side effect of it and in most of the cases, breast size returns to normal after stop taking the pill or switch to a low dosage birth control pill (contains only progesterone). In general, full fertility comes back within 1-3 months after discontinuing the birth control pill and it totally depends on commencement of normal regular period. Hope, this information is very much sufficient to clear your doubt & confusion. Be well & take care.
Sharp frequent pains in the pelvis. Had mirena inserted in the past. Is that the reason?
Hi, i begun taking the contraceptive pill (Microgynon 20) in Jan 2013 (12th). This was not the firt day of my menstrual cycle and my GP said that it was ok to start the pill. i was due on my period on the 25th of Jan, but i was late. I has nothing for 4 days, then on the 30th Jan, i spotted twice (This was only when i wiped and was very very pale pink, no menstruational signs/pains etc, just very pale pink discharge when i wiped). I had nothing at all on the 31st Jan. Then on the 1st i had brown discharge, wasnt a fully flow period, but this lasted 41-5days. I was using a tampon though just incase. I started taking the pill again on the 9th Feb. I had unprotected sex (pull out method) 3+4 of Jan 2013 and was feeling nausea/tired/moody/emotional and just put it down to the side effects of thie pill. I have recently had a blood test done by my GP and had low iron and Vitamin B12 so i am on tablets for that, but i still feel extremley tired in the afternoon and nauseas too. im just a little confused, are these normal side effects of the Microgynon pill?
Hi, Welcome to the forum. You are spotting with brown discharge due to low haemoglobin % in your blood. When there is a deficiency of red blood cells, the uterine endometrium may not be able to form or shed normally. Scanty menstruation is the commonest cause of low Hb% in blood. Fatige, tiredness are symptoms of weakness. Take nutritious diet rich in iron, calcium, protein, nuts, fruits, berries along with appropriate quantity of carbohydrate. Keep well hydrated and take energy drinks. Avoid smoking, alcohol, caffeine or any other addiction. Nausea, vomiting, mood swings, headache, abdominal pains are some common side effects of birth control pills. Continue to take iron and vitamin B12 tabs that your treating doctor has prescribed. Take adequate sleep. You will start getting normal menstruation when your Hb% improves and your general health gets better. Take care.
Will birth control pills help in increasing the breast size? Do they cause infertility?
Hi! I m on birth control , Alesse . I m back for reading week and have forgotten my birth control new pack. I m supposed to start a new pack today but I didnt get the time to go to the doctors and tomorrow is Family day as well. Is it ok if I start a new pack on Tuesday? I will be 2 days late in the pack, is that ok? If I were to have unprotected sex in the next few days, is that ok as well? Or do I have to wait 7 days, so next Tuesday?
Hello, Thanks for your query. If you skip your OC pills for 2 days the contraceptive efficacious is not guaranteed, hence if you miss 2 days pills the recommendation is to use any additional contraception for 1 week (like barrier contraception like Condom). I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. In case of any doubt, I will be available for follow ups. Wish you good health. Regards, Dr Arif
Taking Microgynon. Brown discharge. Nausea and mood changes after having unprotected sex. Normal side effects?
I have been on birth control for over a month. Last month, I took the entire pack correctly at 5:30 pm. Due to nausea , I switched the time I take my pill to right before I go to bed, or 11:30pm/midnight right at the start of my new pack, around 4 days ago. Should I be worried about the decreased effectiveness of my pill? Should I run to get an emergency contraceptive if I have had a sexual encounter within the last couple of days?
Hi, There is no need to worry about the decreased efficiency of the pills so long as you take them regularly. The change in the timing does not affect the mechanism of action of the pill. Also, you need not go for the emergency pill as you started your new pack right on time. In fact, use of emergency pill should be restricted to 1 or 2 times a year as it is definitely going to impair the regular hormonal balance of the body and therefore, fertility issues are bound to occur later on. Take care.
On birth control, supposed to start new pack today. Will delay of few days cause any problems?
Hi, I m 19 years old and I ve had Nexplanon for about a month now. It made my period very heavy and last for about a week (usually only lasts 3-4 days) then I spotted for about 10 days. Now, there is this really light brown, almost creamy discharge coming out and I have no idea what it is or if I should see a doctor. Also, I ve been having dizzy spells and had a really scary one today, where I couldn t see much and fell over. They are becoming more frequent and are starting to worry me, I m not sure if that is connected to my Nexplanon implant
yes it is definitely related with ur Implant .just remove it and use another method of contraception.
Changed the timings of taking birth control pills. Will it decrease the effectiveness?
I am 19 years old. I was diagnosed with PCOS about a year ago. I was told over a 7 month period that I was not taking birth control that I had developed 11 cysts . It causes me pain in my right side, where most originate, but I have also been experiencing pain in my stomach, extreme nausea , and back pain . My doctor told me these could all be symptoms associated with the birth control they have me on. It has been ongoing since I started my new birth control ( i switched three months ago because of these symptoms) and they were supposed to be alleviated but it has continued. Any help ?
Hi, The presence of multiple cysts causing pain may warrant a laparoscopic cyst puncture. You may have to change the pills again if you are confirmed of the occurrence of the symptoms due to the pills. You may take anti-emetics and analgesics to relieve the symptoms if uncontrolled. Meanwhile, try to maintain a healthy body weight and do some regular exercise as this is going to help a long way out in the management of PCOD, causing spontaneous relief in many cases. Please get further advice from your doctor. Take care.
Had Nexplanon implanted. Periods heavy, spotting, creamy discharge. Dizzy spells. Side effects of implant?
hi i have a prob im just a student en me and my gf had sex and right aftr that night few hours aftr sex she take nordette she has taken it for 7days then she stop because of severe migraine and weakness then today is her period and she missed she takes nordette again my question is, is it ok or still effective to take nordette? is she pregnant ? ? because she missed her period? we did it feb. 1 she taken nordette for 7 day aftr we had sex then stop continued again feb 10 is she pregnant? bcoz she missed her period? plsss i BEG you answer my question pls? thanks alot doctors i beg 4 ur help :(
Hello, Nordette is not an emergency contraceptive and as such, if ovulation had already occurred prior to its use, conception can occur. It is a regular oral contraceptive. If she has regular 28-32 day cycles, you had intercourse during the fertile period, and so, the chances of conception are higher. I advice you to get a pregnancy test and follow it up with a trans-vaginal sonogram, if positive and get further help from your doctor. Take care.
19 year old having PCOS, cyst formation. Pain in the stomach, nausea and back pain. Birth control symptoms?
Hi Doc, Iam 30 yrs old , I have 8 months old daughter.... I have taken I- pill on 7th Jan ... And from 2nd Feb 2013 i have continuous bleeding till date.... the bleeding seems to be on the normal side as per my mensturation ... But my cycle is for 5 days only. Can you pls suggest me what to do....or refer me any medicine....
Hello Thank you for your qyer. Prolonged bleeding since almost 2 weeks is not common with I pill THere could be various reasons like stress, anxiety, endometrial thickening, fibroid, some cervical polyp or lesion or coagulation disorders. Anemia and tuberculosis and thyroid disorders also might present this way. you might have conceived, and might be experiencing a missed abortion or ectopic pregnancy. Please consult your gynecologist at the earliest.
Stopped Nordette due to migraine and weakness. Had sex. Is it still effective?
Hi there I had the mirena coil fitted 3 weeks ago and have bled constantly since I expected some spotting but there is no break just consistent it does get heavier then lighter. I am not getting much cramping. When I urinate it is often quite red from the blood? I have been told the symptoms should settle but 3 weeks seems like such a long time?
Hello, Welcome to the forum. Hope you had the mirena coil fitted by an expert. Slight bleeding does occur after it has been fitted, but it should soon settle down. Your periods should get shorter and lighter. Take nutritious diet rich in calcium and iron. Wait and watch your problem should settle down. however, if you are not comfortable, having headache, stabbing pain, swelling in the legs, you should report to your gynae. Then you need to get examined to find out any uterine swelling, infection or partial expulsion of the IUS. Take care.
Continuous vaginal bleeding. Taken i-pill emergency contraceptive. How to stop bleeding?
I got the Depo shot and had alot of negative side effects. I bled pretty much everyday after I received the shot, my migraines increased, which also triggered a couple of seizures. I was severely depressed and exhausted all the time and still had cramping. I decided not to get the next shot. I was due to get the shot Dec 18th. I stopped bleeding around that time and have not gotten a period. Pregnancy tests are negative, but I m very fatigued, lightheaded and dizzy, nauseau, and migraines starting again. Could this all just be from the Depo shot?
Hi, thanks for using healthcare magic Depo provera can be associated with breakthrough vaginal bleeding like you described. It can also potentially cause headaches , depressed mood and weakness. These side effects can occur while on the medication. Since you were due a shot in mid December, it would be almost 2 months since that shot was due and almost 5 months since the last one. It is unlikely that the depo would still be contributing significantly to your symptoms. It may be best, if possible , to visit your doctor for review. i hope this helps
Vaginal bleeding after fitting mirena coil, red bleeding while urinating. Cause of worry?
Hi can you tell me please if I have a mirena fitted for Birth control will it mean that I cant have children later on. Is it a sterilizer form of conraception. Also if I suffer from major depression is it advisable to have this type of conraception. is it better to have the injection deprovera every three months rather than the marina.
Hi! Welcome to Healthcare Magic! Thanks for your query. Mirena is an Intrauterine System that releases a hormone to prevent conception. It is NOT a 'sterilizer' form of contraception. It is reversible. When you want to have a baby, you get the mirena removed and you are ready for motherhood. Mirena releases the hormone levonorgesterol to prevent getting pregnant. This hormone can cause depressed mood. This occurs uncommonly though. More importantly, it can worsen mood and may contribute to feeling more emotional ups and downs. If you already have depression, and if the depression is not very well controlled, you may wish to look at other contraceptive solutions. You may need to make regular visits to your Psychiatrist for monitoring your mood while on Mirena. Injection Deprovera is also a hormonal contraceptive. It could have the same effects on your mood as Mirena. I suggest you discuss your options of contraception with your Obstetrician or General Physician. Keep your Psychiatrist informed. All the best. Dr Maneesh Gupta
Bleeding after taking the depo shot. Migraines and frequent seizures, depression and fatigue. Are these side effects?
Hi, My name is , I have a queston about the implanon . I have three kids and am thinking about having another one. How long would it take to fall pregnant after taking it out? And also i had a c-secton with my last because she was breached, she is two now, would i have to me monitored closely and have a c-section again?
Hi, You are implanted with Implanon this is long term contraception, which is etonogestrel(Progestin), you have it for almost 2 years. If you plan to become pregnant after removal of device its level goes down rapidly may be be with in week, and start ovulation in 4 to 6 weeks. Fertility returns to the level which was there before Implanon,also depend on your age. You had C section in previous delivery,you will be required close ante natal monitoring and possibly C section again but it is not absolute depends on various factors , your Gynecologist and Obstetrician, would be best person to decide about that. If you decide to become mother again, wish you safe motherhood. Take care, Best of Luck.
Suffering with depression. Is mirena as birth control a good choice?
Hi I am being weaned off citalopram and am on 10mg every other day and have just been put on the mini pill . A few months ago the combination made me really tearful so I came off the pill and put a halt on sex. I ve gone back on the pill again and It doesn t seem so bad this time but is this normal? Should they effect each others effectiveness? I don t really know what to do my gp just told me to use a condom and nothing else but I d rather not take any risks.
Hi there ~ It is a good choice to use both contraceptives, the condom as well as the minipill, as the chances of you becoming pregnant on these two methods is very very low. I would also suggest that you relieve your anxiety by using the methods that have been suggested by your doctor. Citalopram is helpful for depression and you should continue to take the medication. Do not worry about the libido as the side effect, it will get better over time. I hope this helps. Take care and have a lovely day !
Wants to conceive again. On implanon. How long would it take to fall pregnant after removal of implanon?
hi, i had my depo shot 5 months ago. It is supposed to be wearing out now. Last night I felt slight cramps in my stomach, when i tried to pee, there was blood in my urine . since last night I peed 4 times already. the last one have the biggest discharge of blood in my urine. Also, I had fever and chill. Is this because of the depo shot or some other disease? I haven t got my menstruation since the shot.
Hi there ~ Blood in your urine is abnormal. Please see a doctor as soon as possible and get a urine routine done. I advice you to do this at the earliest. Take care and have a nice day !
Taking mini pill. Normal to feel tearful?
hi, I had my implanon out two weeks ago but had unprotected sex the night before and the day after.Since then I have started having headaches and my stomach feel swollen and crampy under belly button.I feel sick at the smell of some foods. I have two toddlersalready so I know the signs but I was wondering is t possible that I can be pregnant that quickly?
Hi there ~ It is always a good idea to take a urine pregnancy test to find out if you are pregnant, so that you can act early on any unwanted pregnancy. I hope this helps. Take care and have a nice day !
Cramps in the stomach, blood in urine, fever and chill. Could it be due to depo shot?
i get this sharp pain in my chest . i always thought it was just stress . but now i have been getting them more often and last longer. i get like 30 little sharp pains that last no longer than 10 seconds it starts of as a bad pain and fades away. it feels like it is right on my right breast lately. i recently got on nuvaring i dont know if that could be it
hi, welcome to healthcaremagic as you have persistent chest pains it would be good if you were investigated for it like being tested for heart problem or lung problem you need to get an ecg done and also a chest xray. nuvaring can also cause such pains as it is also hormone based and works the same way as a pill the side effects include- - headache - mood swings - breast tenderness - irregular periods it can also predispose to you to stroke, formation of blood clots in the leg and lungs, liver problems, shortness of breath. it could also be just a side effect of the nuvaring. would suggest you visit your gynecologist for workup and appropriate treatment. hope have answered your query get well soon take care.
Had unprotected sex before and after implanon. Started getting headache and stomach ache. Pregnant?
hi!my LMP January 19, 2013 and i have a normal 28 cycle. me and my bf have sex January 27 and 28,2013 after we did it i took nordette by 28 4 pills and another 4 pills after 12 hours after 16 days i have this old brown discharges and its kinda heavy it like a menstruation period it normal?or do i have to do a PT already?
hi, welcome to healthcare magic. i would suggest it good to get a pregnancy test done to be sure. nordette is a hormone based pill so has an effect on your hormones causing you to have irregular menses. if pregnancy test is negative then it is normal to have irregular periods but if it persists then you need to see a gynecologist for further review and follow up. hope to have helped to answer your query. takecare
Sharp pain in chest, feeling tired. Recently on nuvaring. Is that the reason ?
Hi there, I have been given Rigevidon by my family plan centre recently. She suggested to start on the first day of my period however i dont want to mess my cycle( i have 28 days cycle ) and want to start last day of my period. would that be ok? I havent been on pills for a long time, but used to use femoden years ago. Also, wanted to know if that will have side effects as putting on weight and mood swings?? I had terrible mood swings and emotionally down when i was on femodon and alos put on weight :( that was the reason i stop using pills for a long time. I wonder if there is another birth control without hormones giving to the body. Many thnaks, Oz
Hi, Welcome to HCM. It is advised to take Rigevidon within the first five days of your cycle. Birth control pills do have side effects but they vary from individual to individual, it actually depends on the body system and the duration of the intake. Some take it quite comfortably while others suffer from side effects. The side effects are symptoms like depression, weight gain, loss of libido, breakthrough bleeding, chloasma, menstraul changes, skin reactions, etc. Keep yourself well hydrated and take care of your diet, exercises and sleep while on pills. You can limit the use of birth control pills and use barrier methods for contraception if you feel you are getting affected with the side effects or weight gain. You can consult your gynecologist before switching on to other pill or contraceptive device. Take care.
Took nordette after intercourse. Had brown discharge. Is it normal?
hi... My name is Donna. ive had the implanon in for 3 years on the 23rd of jan this year, i had it removed on the 25th of Jan, but over the past 4 days ive felt sick, certian things make my tummy turn. I havent had my period for at least 2 months and normal got it every second month on the implanon. How long does it take for the implanon wear off?? thanks
Hi welcome to Health care magic forum, Implanon is a good contraceptive devise in IUD type, some times due to improper handling or sterilization it may cause infection . Some times it may be allergic to the body and hence cause such side effects. I advise you to consult a gynaecolagist for diagnosis and treatment, you needto be treated for the infection and pain. Besides i advise you to follow some diet recommendations as take more of green leafy vegetables, pulses , egg and meat to improve blood picture and period irregularity. avoid taking more of spices, chillies, junk foods, and oily foods to avoid pain abdomen in a natural way. wishing for a quick recovery and thanks for calling.
Given Rigevidon, for birth control, suggested to take from first day of menstrual cycle. Does it have any side effect?
I had unprotected sex with my Girlfriend after 2nd day of her period is over 13dec.n she had taken I- Pill 4 day later 17dec.after 5 day of i-pill taken she got bleeding for 5 days 22dec to 27 dec.after its 31 Jan.her regular period is on 8 Jan.but its 31jan she is not having her period.Mean is she Pregnant?plz help me..
Hi thanks for your question. You had protected sex with your girl friend two days after her periods.She cannot get pregnant from this sexual act, as on one hand it was protected sex and on other hand it took place during her safe period.Reason for not having next cycle in time is simple.She had taken I Pill which disturbed her hormonal profile and she bled for 5 days from December 22 to December 27.So now you calculate her next due period from December 27 onwards.This is normal, menstrual cycle does get disturbed after emergency contraception,there is nothing to worry. Hope this answers your question.
Got off implanon, have sick feeling, stomach discomfort. How long does it take to wear off implanon?
hi ive been using the birth control implanon for 2 years now with no complications and now im one month late for my period and i feel as i may be pregnant (exhausted in the morning, extremely hightened sense of smell, overly emotional, body aches, constantly having to go to the bathroom) but the two at home tests i took both say negative.
Hello, Implanon also sometimes can cause delayed periods. However, the symptoms you mention are commonly found in early pregnancy. If two HPT s are negative, consult a gynecologist, who would examine you and confirm the cause of your problems Take care.
Not getting periods even after taking i-pill. Pregnant?
I m 19. I ve been sexually active for a little while now. I was on the birth control pill Apri, started having bad side effects, so my doctor switched me to the Ortho Evra patch. The day I stated it, my boyfriend and I had sex, once we were done and he pulled out, there was a brown slime of sorts on him. Both of us were very confused. Any body know why that might have been? *I also have noticed red-brown discharge just from me.
Hello. Thanks for writing to us. The mild reddish brown discharge is a normal finding once you switch the contraceptives. This is likely to subside spontaneously in next few days without any treatment. Please do not worry and wait for it to go off. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. You can consult me again directly through my profile URL Regards, Dr. RakhiTayal
Using birth control implanon, delayed periods with pregnancy symptoms. HPT negative. Reasons ?
Using microgynon30, do I need to take the pill at the same or a regular time each day? I ve not taken the pills at a regular time each day (between 8am-2pm), and pretty sure a few times I forget a day and take it the next morning (and that day s in the evening or not at all). I m on microgynon30. Should the pill still cover me as contraception if I m taking it, almost haphazardly, like this?
Hello. Thanks for writing to us. If you are taking the pill on the same day even if it is at haphazard timings, then you are protected against pregnancy. In case you have completely forgotten the pill for more than 2 days then you need an additional protection. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. You can consult me again directly through my profile URL Regards, Dr. RakhiTayal
Had unprotected sex. On Ortho Evra patch. Brown discharge
I just recently got off the depo shot. I ve been bleeding since September (why I changed). I had unprotected sex about a week and a half ago. Monday morning I got sick and was tired all day, then this morning when I woke up I threw up and it felt like my stomach was going to be tore out...after that happened I ve had this sharp pain in my lower abdomin with I walk around or lay on one of my sides...and when I wipe there is dark brown blood(?)..but only when I wipe.
Hello Thanks for your health query. Irregular menstrual bleeding after discontinuing the depo shot is very common. Also, nausea is also common. However, all your symptoms could point to a possible pregnancy or ectopic pregnancy. Kindly consult your healthcare provider immediately for a check up and ultrasound evaluation. Take care.
Do I need to take Microgynon at the same time each day?
My periods returned 3rd December 12 after having my baby in April 12. It was considerably lighter and less painful than post pregnancy periods. I had unprotected sex on 6th January 13 and then my second post pregnancy period came on 7th January 13. I am still breastfeeding but my baby is now weaning and eats solids and feeds less from the breast with supplemented formulae once or twice a day. My question is is it possible at all for me to be pregnant? The period following the intercourse was again light- medium flow and not too painful. I had cramping on 20th - 21st Jan and it was quite uncomfortable and had a break out of pimples and moodiness around this time. I assumed it was ovulation pain but am now wondering if it could have been implantation cramps which I had with my first conception . Perhaps it is just all my body returning to fertile and my periods are going to resume as usual but I have some symptoms that have got me suspicious. These include nausea, one bout of sickness after a car journey, extreme fatigue and moodiness/irritation. I also have been more tearful than normal and seem to have extra saliva again. Now today I have had to un zip my jeans even though I have not put on weight?! Could all this just be my hormones changing back or am I at all likely to be pregnant? If there is a possibility of being pregnant, when would a test show as positive given my dates of intercourse etc? Thank you in anticipation for any answers you can help me with.
Hello Thanks for the query, Hcg can be detected by a blood test as early as 11 days after conception . And about 12 - 14 days after conception by a urine test. In general the hCG levels will double every 72 hours. The level will reach its peak in the first 8 - 11 weeks of pregnancy and then will decline and level off for the remainder of the pregnancy. Since you have started to ovulate there are chances that you could be pregnant. Get your urine pregnancy test done. If it is positive, consult your doctor for further course. Good luck regards, Dr Nilofer
Bleeding after getting off depo shot. Had unprotected sex. Abdominal pain, brown spotting
I am taking loestrin fe 24, and I am worried it might be expired. I keep having spotting in-between periods (heavy spotting, almost like a period), which has never happened before. The pack says it expires in November 2013, but I kept it stored in my car for part of the summer, which frequently rose to temperatures upwards of 100 degrees. Is it possible that it has already expired? Thank you for your help!
Hello Thanks for your query on the portal. If the proper storage temperature specified on the pack is not maintained, it is possible that the pills would not produce desired effect. Also, sometimes, if your body weight is high, the pills might be of a lesser dose than you require, causing breakthrough bleeding. Plus, abnormal bleeding , even if on pills, requires investigation, as it might point to an unintentional pregnancy or other pathologies. Please consult your healthcare provider. Take care.
Had unprotected sex after childbirth. Light menstrual flow. Pregnant?
So I have a question regarding removing my Iud , so I have the 10 paraguard Iud and it causeing me discomfort I ve had it in for about 4 month and I m considering switching both control pills but my boyfriend and I have talked about wanting a baby . So I wanted to know how long after switching to the pills should I wait to discontinue them so I cab get pregnant , because I know the Iud thins the uterus lining if I get on the pills will it still continue to thin the lineing ,I should also no that I miscarried in June of last year when I was three months the baby measured up to 5 weeks six days , I will be turning 18 in 4 months
Hello Thanks for your query. Normally return to fertility after stopping pill use occurs within 1 - 2 months, however there is a condition called post pill amenorrhoea, where you might not get regular periods for upto 6 months. There is no way to predict this. Pills would not thin the lining of the uterus once you stop using them. take care.
Taking Loestrin, spotting between periods. Expired medicine?
Hello. Ive been on the implant for over 3 years and had it renewed in October however for the last 3 weeks ive been bleeding not to much to use anything but when I wipe there is either blood or a browny colour discharge . Ive alwmso had a head ache for a week feeking dizzy and sick. I feel tired too. Wjats wrong with me? :(
Hello, Implant is sub dermal hormonal contraceptive method, used for 3 yrs and effective more than 99%. It has some side effects & it varies from woman to woman like irregular period, headache, Weight change, DVT, abdominal discomfort, nausea, fatigue, mood swing etc. Do a USG lower abdomen & some hormone test to rule out underlying pathology if any. Take some analgesic for headache and multivitamin supplements with your diet. Avoid stress, control body wt by regular light exercise, drink plenty of water and need proper sleep. If you need further consultation with me,then you can visit Take care.
Discomfort with paraguard IUD. How long after switching to pills should I wait to discontinue them?
Good After noon. I am having a problem and my GP isn t really listening to what I am trying to explain and I am now getting very stressed about it. I have 3 different kinds of contraception previously. At age 16, i took the tablets for about 6 months, in 2007 for 1 year I had the quarterly injections and from July 2011 to sept 2012 I had the implant. Since I ve taken it out my period returned october 12th, since then my partner and I have been trying to have a baby. However since my period started in October I ve been having a pain in my right abdomen , it comes and goes but sometimes the spot just feels really sore. The pain goes from mild to slightly unbearable from time to time and during this time I sometimes feel nautious. I have complained to my GP on numerous occasion and without any checks they ll say it s either a bladder infection or ovulation pain. I have even informed them that on one occasion I was informed that I should have a TV Ultra sound , however it has fallen on deaf ears. Both my partner and I are getting stressed about this and not having an answer to any checks done to determine what my problem is. Could please you advise??
First of all don't worry and relax,get a TVS ultrasound as was advices to you or get a whole abdomen sonography done. The causes of pain with nausea can be due to appendicitis or small stone in the urinary tract or ovulation or a cyst in the ovary. With the sonography and a simple urine test to rule out urinary infection might give an answer to your queries ,so get them done and consult your doctor for further advice.
Bleeding after renewing the implant, having brown discharge, feels dizzy and weak. What's wrong ?
I got the depo shot December 1st and since then have not had a regular period. I have been spotting on and off brown discharge for over 3 weeks now and my stomach is very bloated, even though I have been working out lately and dieting . I get some stomach cramps that are mild but they always go away. Could I be pregnant, or is this just side effects from the Depo?
hi there am dr.surendiran nice to meet you here in HCMagic If you have been off your Depo shot and if you were having regular periods, it would suggest regular ovulation. If you had been sexually active without protect, chances of pregnancy could be possible and the early and altered bleeding that you describe could be the probable implantation bleeding. Observe your current bleeding/periods. If bleeding is heavy, getting worse, or if associated with abdominal cramps and presence of clots, it could also suggest possible early miscarriage. Look out for development of any other new symptoms. Visit your doctor/gynecologist for further evaluation, clarification and assistance. Be in regular monitoring and follow-up with your treating doctor/gynecologist and report any new/abnormal symptoms immediately. Take adequate rest. Drink plenty of water. Maintain healthy diet and lifestyle. hope helped your query regards dr.surendiran
Abdominal pain, nausea. Using contraception. What is the problem?
i had the implanon in nov 2012 had regular periods up till this month, im 2 weeks late, also my imoanon feels broken like its snapped... what are the odds as i feel like im pregnant im a mother of 3 so i no how it feels, i am really nervous as thi woul be so unwanted.. i have read that the feelin of bein pregant can also be a side effect is this true?
hi there am dr.surendiran nice to meet you here in HCMagic yes it is possible to get pregnant despite implanon ,Hundreds become pregnant despite contraceptive implant Implanon Complaints about scarring, incorrect fitting, device failure and other problems were also made to medical regulators about the matchstick-sized tubes filled with synthetic hormone that are fitted into women's upper arms by health professionals The basis for successful use of Implanon is a correct and carefully performed subdermal insertion of the implant in accordance with the product instructions. If the implant is not inserted in accordance with the instructions and on the correct day, this may result in an unintended pregnancy. In addition, no contraceptive is 100% effective. check your status of pregnancy by HCG card test,and proceed further hope helped your query regards dr.surendiran
Irregular periods since depo shot, get intermittent spotting, bloating, stomach cramps. Side effects of depo?
Can I use Sprintec 28 day birth control as Emergency contraceptive pills? I had unprotected sex four days ago and I ordered Ella online, and it NEVER showed up. I m freaking out now because I m broke and I can t tell my boyfriend to give me a ride somewhere for contraceptive pills cause he doesn t realize I haven t been taking my sprintec at all for weeks. (I couldn t get a refill until like four days after when I was supposed to start the new pack, so I have to wait for my next period to restart..) Would plan B even work at this point anyway..? Ella can be taken up to five days after intercourse, but it never showed up, and I doubt I could get it at cvs or something.. If I can, please let me know!
Hi, you can get it, But the success rates shall be less than 20%. Seeing a gynecologist could be helpful. Thanks and best regards, Luchuo.
Have implanon. Is feeling pregnant a side effect of it?
Hi, I am currently taking 200 micrograms of thyroxine and a contraception pill daily. Don t know what the contraceptive pill is called but I must take it at the same time every day. I should be taking 175 micrograms of thyroxine but I ran out of the 25 micrograms and the 50 micrograms about 2 weeks ago and due to working full time I just didn t get round to asking for more tablets until yesterday so i now have some more on order which I will get on Monday. But the issue is that I am approx 10 days over due my period and I have done a pregnancy test and it says I am pregnant 2-3 weeks. Could I be pregnant?
Hello, When taken correctly, birth control pills can be up to 99% effective in preventing pregnancy. However, women who are taking birth control pills do on rare occasions get pregnant. When this happens, it is most often because of something the women did (or, more likely, did not do), not because the pill itself somehow failed to work. One may miss some dose and forget it or you might vomit it out or if you are taking some other medicine like anti seizure medicine or some herbal medicine or some antibiotic,rendering it less effective. You can definitely be pregnant however you may confirm it again by doing pregnancy test by both the ways,urine as well as blood estimation of beta HCG. The accidental increased dose of ELTROXIN has no relation with your pregnancy. Thanks
Can I use Sprintec 28 day birth control as Emergency contraceptive pills?
My wife is using Asmita Contraceptive Pill on regular basis. She takes it for 21days. Then she starts the pills on 8th day after completing the previous pack. Her periods is now regular. Due to our holiday tour she wants to delay her period by using new pack without stopping in between two packs. Does she is right ? Will this make any problem to conceive later ?
Hi, Thanks for the query. The gap between the packs is meant for occurrence of withdrawal bleeding in general. And yes, she can postpone her periods by skipping the gap and starting the fresh pack. Usually this will not cause any problem in fertility later. After stoppage of contraceptive pills, it may take sometime for returning of the ovulation. Once she gets regular ovulation she can conceive naturally. Take care.
Taking 200 micrograms of thyroxine and contraception pill. Got positive HPT. Possible?
hi i just had a diagnostic laparoscopy and the insertion of the mirena done just over a week ago and i am getting pain in my side just above my left hip bone and inwards one inch my stitches are infected where the bellybutton keyhole was done but the stitches are 3 centimeters in length because of a previous keyhole surgery and the area is infected would that be causing the pain in my side or what could that be ? thanks sara
Hi. Pain may be due to Infection of the Laparoscopic port site.If the stitches are not yet removed,ask your Doctor to remove at least one stitch so that pus comes out freely. Because of associated inflammation,the pain may spread to near by region also. But,nothing to worry. Consult your doctor and get proper antibiotic and good anti inflammatory drug. Wish you good recovery Regards
Using Asmita contraceptive pill. Can periods be delayed by using new pack without stopping?
I am 26/f with period cycles of 35-37 days. I was asked to take metformin this cycle and have been taking for the past 20 days. My period was due yesterday but I did not have it. Home pregnancy test negative.
Hello.Welcome to HCM forum.Metformin is not responsible for the delay of periods.It seems you are suffering from Poly cystic ovary disease (PCOD) for which your doctor has prescribed Metformin.In patients suffering from PCOD it is natural to have irregular and delayed periods.Thanks and good luck.
Mirena inserted. Getting pain above hip bone and stitches are infected. Cause and cure?
I am on Nuvaring . I have gained 18lbs since October. I think the weight gain is from not taking my Adderall . I took my Nuvaring out on Wednesday, started period Friday, and have noticed it is very heavy. I had to change tampons more frequently than normal and am wearing a pad now. I noticed Saturday morning the blood was a dark brown color on the tampon, with a thick mucous like consistency. It has then changed to a dark red, still thick/sticky slime . I am also experiencing very painful cramps . Probably the worst cramps I ve had. What could be going on?
Hi,Abdominal cramps, weight gain and irregular vaginal bleeding are all the side effects of Nuvaring usage. The weight gain need not be necessarily related to discontinued Amphetamine usage. Even so, you should get yourself examined by a gynecologist once in a while for evidence of any infection. I think you should see your doctor now and get advice as your pain is severe and the bleeding is prolonged. Take care.
Can metformin delay your period ?
When do you get your period after having the implanon taken out I only had it for 4 months only got my period once and that was last month , and now I m getting cramps but no period sore nipples I m moody I pee a lot more my lower back has been sore I have had cravings for pork crackle and now the thought of pizza discuses me , I only got the implanon out 8 days ago
Hi, Ovulation usually occurs within 6 weeks after removal of the implant. The hormone leaves the body within a week after removal. It is the best form of contraception available with a failure rate of only 0.05%. You seem to be experiencing hormonal withdrawal and you should be getting your period any time now. You may consult your doctor for further investigations if you do not get a period within a week. Good luck.
On nuvaring. Gaining weight with painful heavy periods. What's going on?
This is regarding the morning after pill ... I had unprotected sex on day six of my period, no he did not ejaculate inside but pulled out. I was worried and took the new choice morning after pill 14 hours of unprotected sex. I have bleeding off and on since this and now bleeding very heavy. Should I be concerned or is this normal? and how long will the bleeding continue and what will this do for my regular cycle due next month? I also had been taking an antibiotic as well at the time of intercourse.
Hi, The bleeding you are experiencing is most likely due to the high dose of hormone present in the pill. Since you are bleeding heavily, I advice you to see your gynecologist for an evaluation of the situation and proper management. It is more likely that your next cycle may be disturbed after the pill owing to the hormonal imbalance created. Take care.
Removed Implanon. When will periods start? Cramps, sore nipples, lower back pain
I ve been prescribed cerazette today, I m not due a period for at least another week, but being impatient I want to start taking it today. I m aware that I won t be protected straight away, unless I start taking it on the first day of my period, but roughly how long will it be untill im protected if I started taking it today?
Hello, You may take the medication now if you want to, but it must be accompanied by the use of additional contraception like the condom for the first two days. If started on day one of the menstrual cycle, immediate safety is ensured. It may be safe as far as the 5th day of the cycle to initiate the treatment, provided the duration of the cycle is longer than 25 days. You may consult your doctor for further suggestions. Take care.
Had unprotected sex. Bleeding after taking new choice pill. Should I be concerned?
Hi, I have just got married. As both of us do not wish to have a child at least for a year, I had visited my doctor. She has prescribed me novelon and folivte tablet to be consumed together everyday continuously for 6months, after taking a break again starting it again together. While I know novelon is good oral contraceptive , I see folivte helps conceive. Please advise if the prescription is correct
Hi, Welcome to HCM I appreciate your concern use of oral contraceptive is very good option,and you have been prescribed folic acid along with combined pill. It is according to guidelines as bio availability of folate is variable in population taking mixed diet,many pregnancy occur due to incorrect or inconsistent use of OC, and folic acid is known to prevent neural tube defects significantly and there is no harm of folate even more bio available form of folate is used. Please take your tablets as advise do not worry and enjoy happy married life. Please take care. Good Luck
Prescribed cerazette, periods not due. How long will it take to protect if taken now?
Hello. I am on the microgynon pill and am on my 7 day break from coming on my period early. I m not to sure when I am due to go back on my pill, but I am doing it from when I came on my period which was Thursday so I am going to take it next on Friday. I have had unprotected sex, and am not due on my pill for another 4 days. Can I just take the pill now to stop me from getting pregnant? Or is that not possible? Or am I still protected from pregnancy?
Hi there ~ Your problem seems complicated by the fact that you are 7 days past due for your period. I would suggest that you consult your OBGYN if you feel like you may be pregnant. Please also take a pregnancy test to confirm your pregnancy before going into see a physician. I hope this helped. Take care and have a nice day !
Prescribed Novelon, Folivte for birth control. How does Folivte help?
I have taken Duoloton L as birth control pills from Jan 12 to August 12 i.e. for complete 8 months. There after my periods are normal. but I always experiences cramps during perid since last 2 years( except during OC pills consumption). We have used barrier method after August 12. Now trying to concieve. Will there be any delay in conception?
Hi thanks for your question. Oral contraceptive pills(OCP) don't affect fertality at all.Fertality returns to normal once you stop taking OCP. Barrier methods have no effect on fertality. There can be delay in fertality due to both of these contraceptive methods. Hope this answers your question.
Stopped taking microgynon pills. Had unprotected sex. How can I stop being pregnant? Will starting the pill help?
Hi, i might be pregnant but im wondering if my iud/ mirena can harm the unborn child? I took a home test today and it showed up positive, if indeed i am pregnant, i dont know how far along i am. Im going to take one tomorrow morning just to make sure that I am. IF i am, i will deffinetly see my doctor and get the iud removed but i just want to make sure the baby cant be harmed by it. Thank you!
Hello, Although rare like 1 in 200 cases,a pregnancy is still possible with IUCD in place. In such types of pregnancy the chances of ectopic pregnancy are increased,so you must consult your doctor as early as possible,once the pregnancy is confirmed.. Other problem is that the chances of miscarriage is increased in such type of pregnancy. However once the initial 2 to 3 weeks period is over,pregnancy continues normally. There is no harm to the baby. Thanks
Taken Duoloton L as birth control pills. Any effect on conceiving?
Hi I am an 25 years Indian recently came to US. I had copper T installed for birth control three year back.. My periods were regular at 30 days and fine till September. From last two cycles I am experiencing delay in period. My oct period came after one month in mid nov and after that it s been two months but no signs. is it because of cold weather?
Hi, It is possible that the change in place and climate could have effected your cycles, yet, it is advisable to have a routine checkup with a gynecologist to assure everything is fine with your IUD. You can meanwhile get a HPT done. You may need a sonogram and a blood test if HPT is negative. Take care.
Pregnant. Any harm to unborn child with mirena?
I am taking cerazette , the mini pill , and I have had some light bleeding since it started, and 1 normal period. 2 weeks into my second month, however (and therefore about 10 days early for my next period) I have heavy bleeding. The blood is very runny (no clots, lumps or mucus ) and there seems to be a lot of it - I use a menstrual cup and after 6 hours it was half full, whereas normally there will only about half of that. Is this normal?
Hi thanks for your question. Bleeding after Cerazette is unpredectable,sometime light and sometimes very heavy.Even sometimes it causes ammenorrhea.This is side effect of Cerazette,usually get settle dawn after first few cycle. So nothing to worry. Hope this answers your question.
Copper T inserted. Experiencing delay in periods. Is it cue to cols weather?
hi, i and my GF have sex yesterday while she s having her 1st day of menstruation , then i suddenly miscarried and shoot it inside her, then i bought NORDETTE (LEVONORGESTREL/ETHINYL ESTRADIO) 21 white pills for her AFTER 24hrs and take 1 pill, because it is in the direction that take NORDETTE on the 2nd day of mentruation, and continue using till 21th day. is it still possible to get her pregnant?
Hi dear there is no chance at all to get pregnant. After mensturation next 10 days are considered safe u can have sex without any tension. No problem even if u ejaculate inside. There was no need of tab also. Any way dont worry at all. Thank u
Bleeding after taking Cerazette. Is this normal?
Jan 3 twas my first time of having sex. We used condom, do the withdrawal method ( Coitus interruptus ), voiding/urinating (estimated time 30-45 mins after), i also took 4 nordette pills after the intercourse and another 4 pills of nordette 12hours after the 1st dosage. At this moment im very nervous and scared of getting pregnant. Is there any possibility of getting pregnant? Im 18 years old by the way, and my cycle is very irregular not in the average 28days cycle. Please, enlighten me.
Hi dear u have taken so many precaution then why to worry. Condom itself was enough. To get preg sperm must be deposited inside vagina. So dont worry at all. Even then if u have doubt. Do a urine preg test after 10 days. These kit u usually get in medical shop. Thank u
Had sex while menstruating. Taken Nordette. Possible to get pregnant?
HI, i m on birth control for my PCOS to help induce periods. Last monday I started my period during the seven day break and I missed the first pill of the new pack (though i did take it, but just late). Yesterday evening I had unprotected sex for a few minutes, but he did not ejaculate or was not close, but i cannot be sure that there was no pre-cum. However, I heard that pre-cum usually only contains sperm if the male has ejaculated without peeing in between and that was the first sex act we were involved in that day. Am i safe or do I need to take plan b?
Hi dear as ur menses started last week u r totally safe. Within 10 days of menses there is no chance of preg at all whether u take pill or not. So just relax there is no danger. Thank u
Taken Nordette after having sex. Any possibility of getting pregnant?
I have a question about the birth control pill Tri-cyclen lo 28. I am not sure when to take my 1st pill. I have been off the pill for about two months now, but want to start taking it again. I began my period today. Do I take 2 pills today (as the pack starts on Sunday), wait until next Sunday, or begin today as a Day 1 start and re-label the package? Thank you!
Dear Claudia, I have gone through your mail & u have said that you began your periods today. So, you can mark today as Day 1 & start taking your pills. Take 1 pill a day & make sure you are taking them approximately same time everyday. You may have to re-label the package...but as the pills are color coded, I hope you won't have much problem in keeping track of the schedule. Tri-cyclen lo 28 is a very effective birth control pill, given that you are taking it regularly. Thank you
Taking birth control for PCOS. Had unprotected sex. Do I need to take Plan B?
hi emilytcordero after bleeding for 3 day there are less chances fo getting conceived but still u can make sure by urinary pregnancy test which you can do on your own at home .
When to start tri cyclen lo 28?
i have just had my second depo injection after being off it for 5 years. Now i seem to be suffering from recurring thrush. I have increased my water intake, stopped using soaps and also had a script from my gp, for the tablet to help clear up my thrush. Which has only served to clear it up for about a week. It is very strong smelling down there and i m beginning to get worried even though my doc said there is nothing to worry about. Can you help with any other ideas ?
Hello, There can be various reasons for recurrent thrush in you. 1...The symptoms may not be due to thrush,as generally thrush infection is not smelly.There are other causes of a vaginal discharge like a bacterial vaginosis or a mixed infection.You may need tests such as vaginal swabs to clarify the cause of the symptoms. 2....Most bouts of thrush are caused by Candida albicans. However, about 1 in 10 bouts of thrush is caused by other strains of Candida spp., such as Candida glabrata. These may not be so easily treated with the usual anti-thrush medicines. 3.....You may not have used the treatment correctly. 4....recurrence is  more likely if you are taking antibiotics, or if you have undiagnosed or poorly controlled diabetes. 5... Change in vaginal pH. Consult your doctor and get the vaginal swab done to know the exact cause for the infection. Thanks
Took nordette tablet after having sex. Any chance to conceive?
hi, id like to ask something about nordette, since i was reading some reviews and blogs about it. well, my case was that, i took nordette as a emergency contraceptive . me and my boyfirend had an unprotective sex 1 day before i took the first 4 pills as indicated in the blogs and it was 5pm and the second 4 pills, i took it 5:05.. is it still effective? because according to what i read, i should take it exactly 12 hours after the first 4 pills. or should i take another set of 4 pills? its actually 11 hours after i took the 2nd dosage.please answer me right away, im getting paranoid. thanks
Hello thanks for the query. 4 pills of nordette should be taken within 120 hours, and then 4 more within 12 hours of that. You have already done the needful. Moreover, it should not be taken without speaking to your healthcare provider. Do that right away. All the best.
Recurring thrush post depo after a long gap, no relief with medicines. Alternatives?
Hi Doctor, I m having a few issues with my health at the moment and I can t tell if it s extreme coincidence they re all happening at the same time or whether something more serious is happening. My first issue (and what I think is the most important) is that I ve been taking the pill for almost a year and a half now and I m getting some abnormal bleeding . I missed a couple (not in a row) over Christmas and I got my period early and it s still here nearly two weeks later. I skipped the sugar pills and just continued active pills as the pack and doctors suggest. It s mostly concerning as I m getting an IUD inserted in a weeks time, so I want to know if I have to cancel my appointment. My second issue is that I ve had a cold for near two months. This is not that abnormal for myself, I work in an environment where I often have colds all year round, but this one is getting on my nerves. I ve been healthy recently and have started exercising and eating better and thought I was getting better (I went without a cold for a while, which was strange to me) but now it s back and I just can t kick it. My final issue is my mood. I m aware PMS etc can change your mood, but this is serious mood swings unlike I ve ever had. I have lost all my motivation for my studies and don t want to be anywhere near people at all. I am overtired (which could be the cold) and thoughts are keeping me up most of the night, making me extremely fatigued. I m hoping you can give me some insight as to what is going on, and hopefully some tips to make myself better. I m normally a very cheery, energetic person.
Hello thanks for writing in. Missing a pill, and even otherwise, on birth control pills, it is not rare to have irregular/abnormal bleeding or spotting. Do not cancel your appointment, as even with mild spotting, IUD can be inserted, but do not do it pre menstrually, as IUD is best inserted after a period is over. Regarding your mood swings, frequent colds, tiredness etc., please take vitamin C and vitamin D supplements. Also get your thyroid profile checked. Do away with any stress/ anxiety /emotional upheaval. You can try yoga / relaxation breathing/ meditation. Also, eat healthy, eat right and exercise in moderation Take care.
Taken Nordette after having unprotective sex. Is it still effective?
My husband and I went off birth control 2 months ago after being on for 7 years. We have not been using protecting but I did get my period last month a week early and this month after 19 days (counting from when the last cycle started) I started to bleed during intercourse but it did not last the entire day. Then a few days later we had sex again and I had a little bleeding after we were done is this something to worry about or is it just my body getting used to being off the pill? (I m 25)
Hello It is very common after using the birth control for years, to have altered menstrual bleeding on stopping its use, This is because the hormonal effects take time to wear off. However, bleeding after intercourse is definitely not normal. It could point to some local lesion on the cervix I would advise you to go for a check up for post coital bleeding. Take care.
Taking birth control pill. Have abnormal bleeding, constant cold, mood swings. Want insight
Hi! I have a question..I stopped taking contraceptive pills March 2012 and since then I only had my period...My last period was last July and its been worrying me..I have been to my doctor several times but all that she told me is to wait for at least a year until all the extra estrogen is released from my body.. I have been using pills since after the birth of my child and that was more than 6 years ago..I ve stopped taking it for 5 months in 2007 and I also gained a lot of weight since I started taking those pills..Please can you help me?Thank you in advance.
Hello Thanks for your query What you are suffering from is called post pill amenorrhoea. Sometimes, it lasts for upto 3 - 6 months after continuous use of oral contraceptive pills. But its already been almost 6 months, so you should definitely opt for some treatment now, particularly if desirous for children. you have not mentioned your age, please let me know that. Also, the rebound weight gain is also common after stopping the pills. You need to get your hormonal tests such as estrogen, progesterone, FSH, LH, etc , if required endometrial biopsy etc to know the cause of absent periods. Take care
Was on birth control for long. Got bleeding during intercourse. Due to birth control?
hello ive been taking the trisprintec birth control pills since i turned 18, and on Thursday i accidentally took thursdays pill & fridays pill in one day. i only have saturday left, on sunday i start my white pills, ive had unprotected sex this week, since im not taking a pill today since i took it last night does that make my chances of getting pregnant higher? do i just take the saturday pill for saturday? what do i do ? im really confused!
Hello thanks for your query. Since you accidentally took 2 pills, do not worry, if you have been taking the pack regularly , then it protects against pregnancy anyhow. Take the pill meant for saturday on saturday, and the remainder of the pack too as per schedule Take care.
Weight gain after taking birth control pills. No periods after stopping the pills. Is it safe to be pregnant now?
hiii hvng pcod frm last three years...frm last 4months i didnt got my periods..on last 27 th 1am i hd a intrcorse wth ma was a protected one..he spurt out in condmn outside my vagina ...for a double protectioni hd a ipil on 28th...what effect ipill on iregullar periods..?? wat should i do for get periods?am afraid of gettng pergnancy as he just rubbed pennis before d intercouse..?? whether i hv to take any medicines for gettng periods..i ws so tnsd.plz help me doc
Hello Thanks for your query. I pill can cause slight alteration of the menstrual pattern, but since you are already having PCOD, that causes the main effect on periods. You should definitely consult a gynecologist, as PCOD needs detailed investigation and treatment, even if you do not want a pregnancy. Morevoer, Ipill also has a slight failure rate ( 5 % if taken within 24 hours ), so please see a gynecologist for the same too. Take care.
Taking trisprintec birth control pills. Taken dosage irregularly. Increased chances of pregnancy?
Hi, I am on Loette oral contraceptive and I am experiencing some blood spotting. Is this normal? I was using the same pill for about 6 months, when I had no spotting at all. I then stopped using the pill for a while and have started again now. This time I am experiencing the spotting. I am a 26 year old married women. Please advise.
Hello Thanks for the query. It is a common side effect while on oral contraceptives, to have some kind of irregular spotting. Also, it is more common during the first month of pill use, and particularly, as you mentioned, when you stop the pills and resume again after a gap. So do not worry about it. Please take the pills on time, do not miss pills and see to it that you are not taking any other medications which affect the efficacy of oral contraceptive pills. Moreover, you should have regular follow up with your health care provider to rule out any other problems which cause spotting. Take care
Suffering from PCOD. Missing periods. Had i-pill after intercourse. Will this be the cause?
Hi, I m just reading forum posts regarding the coming off of the depo provera injection . I came off mine two weeks ago and when i asked my doctor what the side effects would be he didn t say any. Now reading these forums and what people have experienced after coming off of the injection i m worried. So is these side effects being mentioned common? (Headache, nausea , weight gain/loss, tenderness etc). I had an operation a year ago where i had to have a cyst and one of my ovaries out but i was told it was ok to stay on the injection. I just come off the injection because i would like to see that my remaining ovary is working ok and read somewhere that i shouldn t be on it for more than 2 years at a time, but would like to be prepared for the side effects/know what to expect. Would my side effects be the same with only one ovary? Am i likely to find it easier to lose weight now i m off the injection? Much appreciate your advice. Thanks.
Hi Stephaniejanebrown, Thanks For writing to us, Generally many Women are Diagonised with side effects of depo provera while using it and after stopping it, Depo Provera is an 97% effective Contraceptive and the side effects range from mild to severe. Any way you need not worry much and its good to know that you are preparing before hand , as they say prevention is better than cure, Symptoms after stopping depo provera maybe: 1) Menstrual irregularities 2)Delayed fertility 3) Increased bone density etc. So , If you experience any such side effects adversely , I Suggest you to Consult a Gynecologist Immediately. For any further help you can mail me anytime. Wishing You A Good Health, Dr.G.Gayatri Devi.
Using loette oral contraceptive, stopped and started again, vaginal spotting. Normal symptoms?
I recently got off the pill about two months ago, last month my period was about three days long and very light. my doctor said that i may not get my period for a couple of months since i just got off it but it depends. (the pill that i was on could of stopped my periods all together because there was no sugar pills) my period is due about now, maybe a couple days before, and i am getting period cramps but still no period, is this normal? am i pregnant? thanks for your help!
Hi, Thanks for the query. What your doctor told is correct, after stopping the pills it will take sometime for regularization of the periods and that varies from person to person. Possibly what you had in the last month was withdrawal bleeding. Sometimes pain abdomen can be seen few days before periods itself. So possibly you will get periods soon. If not go for pregnancy test after missing your expected date of periods. Take care.
Stopped Depo provera injection. Will I face the common side effects?
hi im 20 years old and 5.4 in height and about 8 stone i had a boy there just over 6 months ago (got the suction)and got the coil in 4 months ago.ever since i got it in ive been having problems. gettin sick or feeling sick, pelvis pain, stomach pain,bleeding with three months only a little bit now the blood is think and black and really heavy, bleed after sexual intercourse and the pain is unbearable,dizzyness and tired.ive had all other contraception and none have agreed with me. please write back asap thanks
Hi, Thanks for the query. What you are experiencing could be side effects of the intrauterine device. Usually many women can experience these type of side effects, but these will subside soon with out need of medication generally. But as you are having the symptoms continuously better to consult your doctor and discuss regarding changing the contraceptive method. If no hormonal method is acceptable to you, better to choose barrier methods or natural methods of contraception. Take care.
Stopped taking birth control pill. Have cramps but no period. Is this normal?
I have just started taking Dianette contraceptive pill on the first day of my period - I ve only taken two pills so far and my period is already a lot lighter than usual. Could the pill work this fast in affecting my period or is it possible that I could be pregnant? I would say that I have been careful taking precautions.
Hi, Thanks for the query. Yes, sometimes the pill can alter the menstrual flow by altering the internal hormonal levels. So if you sure that you used protected intercourse all the time, no need to worry about the pregnancy. It will take some time to get adjusted for the pills. Sometimes minor side effects can occur, but they will subside soon without need of medication. As pill is having high protection rate and compatibility, you can continue using it. Take care.
Nausea, pelvic pain, stomach pain, bleeding after getting birth control coil
Hello, I am a concerned 21 year old whom has been actively bleeding for two weeks straight, cramps also accompany my bleeding. I have been on birth control (intra-muscular) for a year and it has help cease most of my period. I am concerned because this has never happened to me. I would like to know what could be wrong. I would greatly appreciate a rapid response. Thank you.
Hi, Thanks for the query. Menstrual irregularity is a common complication with contraceptive methods. Contraceptives sometimes can cause amenorrhea, delayed periods etc. and they can also cause prolonged bleeding. So you better consult and get examined once. If your device is reaching the expiry date better to remove it. If not discuss with your doctor whether to continuation of the device or switch over to some other contraceptive method. Take care.
Taking Dianette contraceptive pill. Light periods. Could I be pregnant?
My last regular period was on Oct 31th 2012 & ended on Nov 4th 2012 which I had started my birth control pills the same day my period went off. I didn t take the last row of pills which my doctor said it was okay. The day before Thanksgiving I had some brownish discharge & when I go wipe myself nothing was there but my panty liner had lil brown spots. I didn t get a period the while month of Nov. Dec 1, 2012 was the day my period was suppose to had started. And today I go to the bathroom I have a reddish discharge PLEASE HELP ME cause I m trying have a baby as well
Hi, Thanks for the query. Birth control pills can cause menstrual irregularities like inter-menstrual spotting, delayed or absent periods etc. So your symptoms can be because of this. Usually pills should be started from the first day of the periods for complete protection. But as you started the pills on the 5th day and as the pills are having some amount of failure rate better to go for pregnancy test once. If you want the baby you have to stop the pills first, then after regularization the cycles plan intercourse around the time of ovulation. Take care.
Prolonged bleeding, cramps. Taking birth control. What could be wrong?
Am I Pregnant Hello, i have been taking Tri-sprintec birth control pill for at least two years now. Over the course of two years, i have taken the pill regularly, but forgot to take the pill once (six months ago, but took it the very next day. Sometimes I took the pill earlier/later than my normal times when I have class at night. I recently had unprotected sex, so i was wondering if i am protected from pregnancy? I am just freaking out from reading other posts about women who easily got pregnant after missing one or two pills even though they have been on pill for a while (i dont know how true their stories are). I am now having lower back pains, which is making me freak out even more. Please help, I am supposed to be getting my cycle sometimes this week. PLEASE HELP!
Hi, Thanks for the query. If you miss the pill and take two pills in the next day complete protection can be expected as per the manufacturers. Taking the pills at the same time everyday will increase the percentage of protection. If you take the pill three hours after the expected time the efficacy can decrease to some extent. But still oral pills are having very high protection rate. So the possibility of pregnancy is less. Back pain etc can occur as side effect of pills. So you better wait, possibly you will get the periods as usual. Take care.
Brown discharge after taking birth control pills. No period
Hi I m Shelby . I m young . I m only 16, but I really need help. I been on this birth control for about. Months then it started to mess up to where I had 3 periods in a month so I just stopped taking it. My doctor put me back on it and it s fine , but I m suppose to start my period.. I haven t. I also have upper pain in my stomach . It feels like it s bruised. It hurts to lay on my stomach. What could it be ?
Hi, Thanks for the query. Oral contraceptive pills can cause side effects like menstrual irregularities, pain abdomen, bloating sensation of the abdomen, breast tenderness etc. So what you are experiencing could be side effect of the pills. Usually these symptoms will subside soon without need of any medication. And also possibly you can get periods soon. If you do not get periods also you have to continue the pills as usual. But if the symptoms persist better to consult your doctor once and think about changing the pills. Take care.
Taking Tri-sprintec. Had unprotected sex, forgotten dosage. Am I protected from pregnancy?
Well I am currently on implanon for birth control but I do know there is risk of pregnancy. I am almost 2months late for my cycle and I am increasingly hungry all the time, sleepy all day and urinating considerably a lot more then before . I took one test and it came back negative I am doing another in the morning to make sure but if I am not preganant then What could be causing these symptoms?
Hi thanks for your question. Relax your not pregnant, Irregular bleeding is side of effect of implanon. After on year of use, in some patient it almost stops the bleeding which is normal and fertality returns after removal of implant. It is very effective contraceptive and failure chances are very very less.Polyphagia (increase hunger) and poylurea(increase thirst) are two classical symptoms of Diabetes,so get your blood sugar done to rule out or confirm diabetes,before going for further investigation for your symptoms.Hope this answers your question.
Using birth control. No period, have stomach pain. What could it be?
Hi, I have been on Yasmin pill for 2 years now, I am on the 7th day of pill, last night around this time I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend, I forgot to take the pill last night and have took 2 tonight which is around 23 hours late, I was wondering if I need to take the emergency contraceptive or if my pill will have still protected me?
Hello there. Thanks for writing. If you have missed just one pill in the pack, there is no need to use an emergency contraception. Your pill will be protective. You have to be regular with the remaining pills in the pack in order to ensure contraception. Missing any further pill would reduce contraceptive efficacy and also require emergency contraception. I hope I have answered you. Take care.
On implanon birth control. What is the risk for pregnancy? Frequent urination, excessive hunger
i am on birth control , and i havent been taking it regularly, well the last week i have taken it regularly and i had unprotected sex and he didnt pull out, and i took it the morning i had sex, but not the morning after. i am due to get my period in a few days, is there a chance i could be pregnant? and if so, would i still get my period?
there is high chances of you to get pregnant since you have not been taking birth control pill regularly.. but there is very good chance to avoid pregnacy since its not been long after unprotected intercourse.. firstly you need to visit obstetrician as soon as posible.. pregnancy can be prevented if medicine is taken within 72hrs..since you have not mentioned any time period i would suggest you to take advice from obstetrician as soon as posible.. pregnancy can be terminated upto 8 weaks with the help of medicine.. but the more you wait the more chances of medical therapy to fail.. first sign of pregnancy you would notice is missing of period.. you can also check if your pregnant by pregnancy kit available at any medical store and also supermarkets
On yasmin pill. Forgot to take the medication. Need advice on emergency contraceptive pill
hi doctor, i started taking my first pack 1 week afetr my oeriod..i already finished my first pack and it s been 5 days affteer my last pill but i dont have my period the de;ay in eriod normal??i habe regular menstrual cycle for the past couple of months and it s only now that i got delayed with my period for 5 days not using any other contraceptive ..please help..
Hello, Welcome to HCM, I am Dr. Das. Firstly, you had to start the pills from the first day of your last menstrual cycle. So, you started the pill in wrong time. So, the delay is very natural. You have to wait for normal period for more than 10 days. Regards.
On irregular birth control pill. Had unprotected sex. What are the chances of getting pregnant?
I have been using NuvaRing for almost a year now and my period has been coming the same day i take the ring out, My boyfriend and I had sex, last month, while i was on my period and didn t have the NuvaRing in, he ejaculated in me. I was expecting my period on Friday or Saturday and it is now Monday and no spotting or bleeding
Hello thanks for the query. Having unprotected intercourse while your period is going on, results in very low chances of pregnancy. Also, how long ago did you remove the Nuvaring ? It is normal for the menstrual pattern to be altered a bit after removing or inserting the Nuvaring, as it is a hormonal contraceptive. So, please wait for a week or two, and if you still do not have a period, please go for a home ( urine ) HCG pregnancy test. If that is negative, consult your doctor to find out the cause of absent periods. Please switch over to any preferred method of contraception again, if you do not desire a pregnancy. Take care.
Taking birth control pills. Is delay in period normal?
Hi, I got the contraceptive patches 2 weeks ago and wore them correctly everyday until Friday as I thought it was making me sick. I also got my implant out on Thursday and started taking the combined pill . On Friday I was sick ( vomiting ) and didn t take an extra pill to replace the one that I had just vomited up. Does this mean that I am not protected or am I safe? I have been taking my pill properly everyday since. Thanks, AAAA
Hi, Thanks for the query. As you used the contraceptive patch till the starting of the pill, the chances of pregnancy are less. Anyhow to be on safe side you can use additional method of contraception like barrier methods for one week. If you miss or vomit the pill, better to take two pills on the next day to prevent pregnancy. Take care.
Spotting instead of periods. On nuvaring. Why?
hey im 16 and ive had the mirena put in six weeks after I had my son a year ago. Ive had no problems with it at all buy just recently for the past week or so I ve been having random sharp pains in the lower left side o my uterus and it like the pains in my lower back pretty much to my butt. could this mean that the mirena came out of place?
Hi teegandm11 welcome to HCM, These are not the signs of displacement of mirena IUCD but the pain you have described may occur as e side effect of mirena, it may also be due to pelvic infection and inflammation which needs to be evaluated seriously as it may lead to infertility and other complications.. Random, sharp lower back pains may also occur due to Lumbar spine problems, ureteric stones and some other conditions. So its better get yourself examined once... With regards, Dr. Parthipan
Got implant as contraceptive patches were making me sick. Vomited after taking combined pill. Am I safe or not ?
hello ,am 25 weight 92 kg , i had my last shot of depo on the 15 june 2012 , was bleeding the hole of sept. n half oct. then my doctor gave me some 10 days pills to stop my bleeding on the 15th till 22nd oct , had some bleeding on the 1st nov to 6th nov and till today 17th dec hv not had my periods , am i pregnant ? am farting alooot n my nipples hurt , i sometimes hv cramps thankx
Hello. Thanks for writing to us. The absence of periods and the symptoms that you are having are likely to be due to the side effects of the depo shot you had. This is not suggestive of pregnancy. You can wait for your period to start in next few weeks. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. Regards, Dr. Rakhi Tayal
Random sharp pains in lower left side of uterus, low back pain. On mirena from a month. Reasons ?
I stopped taking my bc rigt at Thanksgiving. The following weekend I did a bunch of yard work and was sore following that, which I expected. It s been two weeks since then and I still have slightly achy muscles, I have achy joints, weakness, occasional shortness of breath, extreme fatigue and some times I can feel my heart pounding all over. It s almost as if I m in a continuous anxiety attack. I was just trying to find out if this could be related to stopping birth control , since it all seemed to happen around the same time. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Hello. Thanks for writing to us. The symptoms you are having are not likely to be related to stopping of the birth control. These can happen due to anxiety, generalized viral syndrome, vitamin B complex and electrolyte imbalance, etc. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. Regards, Dr. Rakhi Tayal
25 year old bleeding continuously after depo shot. Took pills to stop bleeding. Will I be pregnant now?
I was on depo then implant then injection 4 just over Rears. It been a year since I had my las injection. I haven t had a period yet just light spotting. Now the spotting is daily sometimes light in colour sometimes dark but also getting smelly brown discharge regularly. Really worried why this is help me please what should I do?
Hello. Thanks for writing to us. After a depo injection, mild hormonal imbalance and irregular spotting is commonly seen. Most of the times, this spotting subsides on its own without any treatment in 3-4 weeks. You need to wait and watch out for any excessive bleeding. I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. Regards, Dr. Rakhi Tayal
Stopped taking birth control. Achy joints and muscles, shortness of breath, fatigue. Are these related to stopping medication?
Hi Doctor, my fiance has been advised to take Krimson 35 as a contraceptive pill . We are getting married in 2 days and we wanted to use a contraceptive, hence this was advised. She is a virgin and has never used any contraceptive pills before. What are the major side effects of this pill? Is it safe to use? WWW.WWWW.WW
Yes it is safe to use krimson 35. The use of oral contraceptives increase the risk of- thrombophlebitis,arterial thromboembolism,pulmonary embolism,myocardial infarction,cerebral hemorrhage,cerebral thrombosis,hypertension,hepatic adenoma,retinal thrombosis. Any one with a family history of cerebral haemorrhage should consult her doctor prior to starting oral contraceptives. Other side effects include nausea,vomiting,git symptoms,breakthrough bleeding,spotting,change in menstrual flow,temporary infertility after discontinuation of treatment,oedema,breast tenderness,breast enlargement,breast secretion,change in weight,mood changes,skin troubles etc.these are drug related side effects and cease when medication is discontinued.
On depo, then implant, then injection for years, light spotting daily with smell. What should I do ?
Hi , I had the Miranda coil fitted 20 days ago, I have been in constant pain and bleeding since. I visited the doctor after 16 days and she said my cervix was enlarged and I had discharge , she took swaps and gave me a 5 day course of antibiotics I am to return on Thursday the 20th of dec. Yesterday I felt sick all day and my stomach is swollen and painful to touch, also cramping again all day. Should I return to the doctors before Thursday my clothes are uncomfortable to wear as my stomach is so bloated, the pain is in my lower groin all thw way to my waist and in my back. Regards Tracy YYYY@YYYY
Hello, I would be happy to help you with your questions. You absolutely MUST return to the doctor as soon as possible. This could be a sign of a serious infection. The IUD needs to be pulled, a pregnacy test checked, and you need an ultrasound of the uterus. This is an urgent situation and requires immediate attention given how you feel and the pain you are experiencing! I hope that this helps and good luck!
Krimson 35 contraceptive pill, virgin, never used birth control. Side effects?
Hi! I have been on Nexplanon since 11/07/2011. I haven t had any periods since then. However yesterday I had a brown discharge (not a lot). Today when I went to the toilet I saw only when I was wiping that I had a little but of brown/dark red discharge, but no spots on my underwear. I am very concerned, so I would appreciate any advise. I don t know if that is relevant but I was under a lot of stress lately and I was also taking Clindamycin antibiotic since I had a very bad cold. Thanks, Yana
Hello, I would be happy to help you with your question. Stress can have an effect on cycles and cause irregular bleeding, but this is unlikely to be a factor in this case in the setting of the birth control that you are on. Clindamycin has no effect on its effectiveness either and is likely not the cause of the abnormal bleeding. The bleeding is likely just "breakthrough" bleeding related to thinning of the uterine lining that occurs while you are on birth control. Make sure you check a pregnancy test and wait and see if it goes away for now. I hope that this helps and good luck!
Pain and bleeding after getting mirena fitted. Enlarged cervix. On antibiotics. Pain in the groin area. Anything to be worried?