{ "en": "Oh, hey, listen, try this.", "ja": "そうだ こいつを試せ" }
{ "en": "He's been told he was injured doing profiling work for the FBI. Okay.", "ja": "FBIへの協力中の 負傷と伝えてある" }
{ "en": "I can overthrow him.", "ja": "彼を 倒す事も出来る" }
{ "en": "Could not seek to position 0x1c on partition %1 when trying to update the NTFS boot sector.", "ja": "リサイズ/移動操作のためにパーティション %1の制約を取得できませんでした。@info/plain" }
{ "en": "You've got to be kidding me.", "ja": "おいおい 冗談だろ" }
{ "en": "How you feeling?", "ja": "気分は どう?" }
{ "en": "It seems you have a taste for dangerous living.", "ja": "危険に身をおいてる" }
{ "en": "I think we got enough gas.", "ja": "給油は終わったろ?" }
{ "en": "Everybody get the hell out of here!", "ja": "誰もがここから抜け出す!" }
{ "en": "Why are you hiding?", "ja": "何かを隠す必要が?" }
{ "en": "I was his and he was mine.", "ja": "私は彼のもので彼は私のものだった" }
{ "en": "SCREEN", "ja": "屏Constellation name (optional)" }
{ "en": "It seems to me that it's up to us to convince this gentleman that he's wrong and we're right.", "ja": "我々が彼を納得させたら どうだろう?" }
{ "en": "Well, we still got... 5 minutes.", "ja": "まだ... 5分ある" }
{ "en": "Kara's not here.", "ja": "カーラは、ここにいない。" }
{ "en": "You change your mind... we're headed north.", "ja": "意見が変わったら... 北の方へ向かう。" }
{ "en": "They can lawyer up all they want.", "ja": "彼らが望んでるのは 弁護士だけ" }
{ "en": "Nothing, it's just-- you went over there to be all, \"grrr, stop being bad or I'll arrow you,\"", "ja": "別に ただ - あなたがあそこに行くかどうか 全部の「 ウー 悪いことを止めて" }
{ "en": "You Jerry-banging, Limburg-smelling...", "ja": "リンブルグ臭い(ドイツのスラングで愚か者のこと)、 クソ野郎め。" }
{ "en": "I need to do this on my own.", "ja": "自分でやってくから" }
{ "en": "- She's the rightful heir.", "ja": "- 彼女は正当な後継者だ" }
{ "en": "- Come with me.", "ja": "-一緒に来て。" }
{ "en": "I realize it.", "ja": "その事が分かる" }
{ "en": "Got a barbecue every month.", "ja": "毎月バーベキューする" }
{ "en": "They can talk all they want.", "ja": "どうとでも言えばいい" }
{ "en": "I have to consume about 10,000 calories a day.", "ja": "僕は、1日1万カロリー 摂る必要がある。" }
{ "en": "Now, Jacob, I'm gonna ask you to do something very important.", "ja": "君にして欲しい事がある とても大事な事だ" }
{ "en": "Get my dad, you asshole!", "ja": "ーパパを呼べ!" }
{ "en": "It's worked out well for you so far.", "ja": "それが最良だ" }
{ "en": "I had to.", "ja": "あったさ" }
{ "en": "You have two measly hours before the Saudi embassy starts missing him.", "ja": "その僅か2時間が過ぎれば サウジ大使館が不審に思う" }
{ "en": "Okay, David, Dianne, let's block up this window!", "ja": "よし デビッドとダイアンは 窓をふさげ!" }
{ "en": "You signed out the Guard Key several days ago.", "ja": "- はい 数日前に保護キーを 持ち出しました?" }
{ "en": "Our work was rewarded with old negatives, boxes of prints, and trunks full of decaying film, which we were able to save.", "ja": "古いネガが見つかり─ フィルムが詰まったカバンも 発見されました" }
{ "en": "- Shit, you scared me!", "ja": "- もう びっくりした" }
{ "en": "- You know Orjan Levander?", "ja": "-オルジャン・レバンダーを知っているか?" }
{ "en": "Trust me, I've seen it a million times before.", "ja": "私を信用し、 私はそれまでに100万回見たことがある。" }
{ "en": "I don't know what you're talking about. I thought you loved me. I love you.", "ja": "私が載ってない 愛してると..." }
{ "en": "So... Ben Day?", "ja": "で、ベン・デイね?" }
{ "en": "Get some dinner. Be ready in an hour.", "ja": "夕飯を食べて1時間で準備しろ" }
{ "en": "JAMES: Probably start an army and take over the city.", "ja": "おそらく 軍を立ち上げ 街を買収するためだ" }
{ "en": "Or have ye Covenants with Us to oath, reaching to the Day of Judgment, (providing) that ye shall have whatever ye shall demand?", "ja": "それともあなたがたは,審判の日まで有効な誓約をわれと結んだのか。あなたがたが思慮分別することは,確かにあなたがたのものになるのか。" }
{ "en": "But you got to do me a favor.", "ja": "だが頼みがあるんだ" }
{ "en": "I need to see you.", "ja": "会えるか" }
{ "en": "Why don't you guys get your suspects together?", "ja": "2人の容疑者を一緒にしてみたら どう?" }
{ "en": "Tigers love pepper.", "ja": "タイガース愛唐辛子。" }
{ "en": "Shit. It's turned. Give me that.", "ja": "変質してる 貸して" }
{ "en": "A realist would know the only damn thing Georgie can do is die up there.", "ja": "現実主義者なら分かるでしょう? 行っても無駄死にするだけ" }
{ "en": "Clarence happen to mention where he was headed?", "ja": "クラレンスの行き先とか 聞いてないか? いや" }
{ "en": "- Damn it, don't touch me!", "ja": "- 畜生 さわるな!" }
{ "en": "How many do you think are in there with him?", "ja": "何人、中にいると思う?" }
{ "en": "He does not study hard, but does very well at school.", "ja": "彼はあまり勉強しない。しかし学校の成績はとてもよい。" }
{ "en": "- Oh, you're deaf?", "ja": "あっ 耳が聞こえない?" }
{ "en": "Look at this, huh? Bones just found the doctor that did Flynn's surgery.", "ja": "ボーンズがフリンを 手術した医者を見つけた" }
{ "en": "honeydew4", "ja": "ハニーデュー 4color" }
{ "en": "Good.", "ja": "いいわ" }
{ "en": "I need to get back to my patients.", "ja": "もう戻らないと" }
{ "en": "Those who belie the Day of Requital.", "ja": "審判の日を,嘘であると言って来た者たちこそは。" }
{ "en": "Horrible things.", "ja": "恐ろしい事よ" }
{ "en": "Well, that makes you a \"senior.\"", "ja": "つまり アンタはシニア" }
{ "en": "Maroni's well-placed sources we know that police have indeed", "ja": "マローニ氏のタレ込み屋から" }
{ "en": "I hope you know that. I've made so many mistakes.", "ja": "許して欲しい 私って間違ってばかりね" }
{ "en": "- Impossible. - Not impossible!", "ja": "― ムリ ― ムリじゃない!" }
{ "en": "Well, I'm actually meeting a client for a drink in the Fairmont, so why don't you pick me up in the lounge?", "ja": "実はクライアントとの ミーティングがあるんだけど フェアモントに飲みに行くための... もしよかったら ラウンジまで迎えに来てくれる?" }
{ "en": "He had his wallet stolen.", "ja": "彼は財布を盗まれた。" }
{ "en": "Can we do this while I'm working?", "ja": "書きながらで良いか?" }
{ "en": "Can I trust you to do what's gonna happen here?", "ja": "もし彼女が現れても" }
{ "en": "I just got this job.", "ja": "仕事始まったばかり" }
{ "en": "Don't you hologram me!", "ja": "ホログラムするな!" }
{ "en": "Both of them are listed as receiving payment.", "ja": "二人への支払い記録よ 精子ね" }
{ "en": "Ares developed a weapon, the worst ever devised.", "ja": "エイリースは 前例のない最悪の 兵器を開発しました -エイリースですか?" }
{ "en": "I just... killed a chicken.", "ja": "鶏を殺したとこだ" }
{ "en": "Any chance of your survival was better than no chance.", "ja": "あなたが助かる可能性は高かった" }
{ "en": "- And hats are not permitted.", "ja": "- それに帽子は不許可です" }
{ "en": "During the same period, about 15,000 major military conflicts.", "ja": "_BAR__BAR__BAR__BAR_ 同期間に 1万5千の軍事衝突 _BAR__BAR__BAR__BAR_" }
{ "en": "Thank you. Thank you, guys.", "ja": "ありがとう、 みんな、ありがとう" }
{ "en": "Well... Let me tell you.", "ja": "あっ いや 実は..." }
{ "en": "This man's shouting at me!", "ja": "この人、あたしをどなりつけるんですよ!" }
{ "en": "He can't endure this.", "ja": "奴には耐えられん" }
{ "en": "I flipped a quarter trying to decide if I should buff the second-floor hallway first or wash the lab windows.", "ja": "掃除の順を コイン投げで決めようとしたら──" }
{ "en": "And it's time to ignite the lights", "ja": "さあ灯りよ燃え上がれ" }
{ "en": "Move, move, please!", "ja": "- どけ!" }
{ "en": "You know that $3 million in short option futures you asked me to track?", "ja": "300万ドルの空売りを 追跡しろって言ってたろ?" }
{ "en": "Please don't be mad at me.", "ja": "怒らないで" }
{ "en": "We need to talk.", "ja": "話がある" }
{ "en": "Snipers taking potshots at cops.", "ja": "狙撃手が警官を 手当たり次第撃っていた" }
{ "en": "Well, I've come to that crossroads and I have decided Kenny Powers is a man.", "ja": "俺にもその時は来た ケニー・パワーズは男だ" }
{ "en": "Just past that western ridge.", "ja": "西の尾根を過ぎたところ" }
{ "en": "I think you already know the answer to that.", "ja": "わかりきったことじゃないか" }
{ "en": "Damn it!", "ja": "こんちくしょう!" }
{ "en": "I seek .... a thief of meager intellect.", "ja": "泥棒を捜してましてね 思慮浅はかな" }
{ "en": "Dig in.", "ja": "かぶりつけよ" }
{ "en": "Copeland Septet", "ja": "コープランドの七つ子 (Copeland Septet)object name (optional)" }
{ "en": "Jeremy!", "ja": "ジェレミー!" }
{ "en": "Bend.", "ja": "曲げる。" }
{ "en": "No?", "ja": "そうか?" }
{ "en": "Some stuff you leave there.", "ja": "ある記憶は すぐ忘れられ、" }
{ "en": "But as for those who believed and did righteous deeds, He will give them in full their rewards, and Allah does not like the wrongdoers.", "ja": "主は信仰して善行に動む者を(十分に)報奨される。だがアッラーは,不義を行う者を御好みにならない。" }
{ "en": "And he has struck for Us a similitude and forgotten his creation; he says, 'Who shall quicken the bones when they are decayed?'", "ja": "またかれは,われに準えるものを引合いに出して,自分の創造を忘れ,言う。「誰が,朽ち果てた骨を生き返らせましょうか。」" }
{ "en": "What? It's so fucked up!", "ja": "- 何だよ" }