imagewidth (px)
If Are you thirsty? is Yes then Take water and if Are you thirsty? is no then Don't get a drink.
Start is connected with Input which is then connected with Area = Width*Height which is further connected with Height which is finally connected with Stop.
Start is connected with Initialize which is then connected with Decision. If Decision is No then Process which is then connected with Delay which is further connected with Initialize and if Decision is Yes then Print result which is finally connected with End.
If Is it food? is No then Try to eat it immediately and if Is it food? is Yes then First heat it.
Begin is connected with Initialize weights and biases With random values which is then connected with Perform oprations. Perform operations is connected with Calculate Error which is then connected with Error<Error. If Error<Error is Yes then End and if Error<Error is No then Epoch>Epoch. If Epoch>Epoch is Yes then End and if Epoch>Epoch is No then Update weights and biases which is then connected with Epoch=epoch+1 which is finally connected with Perform operations.
Privacy is connected with Password and Biometric Cryptosystem. Password is then connected with PIN and Non-invertible Transformation and Biometric Cryptosystem is connected with Key Binding and Key Generation.
Start is connected with Is target sector < max sector? which if Is target sector < max sector? is Yes then Increment Sector which is further connected with End and if Is target sector < max sector? is No then Target Sector=0 which is then connected with Want to update?. If Want to update? is Yes then Increment head which is then connected with End and if Want to update? is No then Target head=0 which is then connected with Increment which is finally connected with End.
Case status changes is connected with Approval triggered which is then connected with Is the approval applied to the case?. If Is the approval applied to the case? is Yes then Self-approval configured? and if Is the approval applied to the case? is No then Change the case. If Self-approval configured? is No then Approval flow configured? and if Self-approval configured? is Yes then Case status change which is further connected with Task status changes based on approval mapping. If Approval flow configured? is Yes then Task sent to approver which is further connected with Approver make decision and if Approval flow configured? is No then Task status changes based on approval mapping.
Exercise is connected with Focus on breathing which is then connected with Repeat which is further connected with Realize distraction. If Realize distraction is NO then Repeat and if Realize distraction is YES then Focus on breathing.
Signal is connected with Real-time algorithm which is then connected with Amplification which is further connected with Hybrid Thresholding Criterion. Hybrid Thresholding Criterion is connected with Noise Removal which is further connected with Denoise Signal.
Collect rice sheath blight images is connected with Image preprocessing which is then connected with smoothing, Histogram equalization, and segmentation. Also, smoothing and segmentation are connected with Feature extraction which is further connected with both feature extraction and Texture extraction.
START is connected with K is equal to 0 which is then connected with Calculate K as K+1 which is further connected with PRINT K which is finally connected with STOP.
Login Profile is connected with Still Logged in?. If Still Logged in? is No then Session time out which is then connected with Login Again and if Still Logged in? is Yes then Go On which is then connected with Still Logged in?. Login Again is connected with Logged in? which if Logged in? is No then Pause Counting and if Logged in? is Yes then Go On.
START is connected with Check Weather which is then connected with Is it raining?. If Is it raining is NO then Leave umbrella at home and if Is it raining is YES then Take an umbrella. Leave umbrella at home and Take an umbrella both are connected with END.
Input Image is connected with Image Enhancement which is then connected with Image Segmentation which is further connected with Cropping ROI Manually, Threshold and region based technique, and NCNNN. NCNNN is connected with Testing which is finally connected with Evaluation.
If King? is Yes then Sven is not currently King and if King? is No then Is Sven the current heir?. If Is Sven the current heir? is Yes then Sven is not currently King and if Is Sven the current heir? is No then Ask Queen
Start is connected with Power On which is then connected with Look for previous data which is further connected with Generate Map and Location. Generate Map and Location is connected with Plan route which is then connected with both Route and Stop.
START is connected with Initialize which is then connected with CHECK CONDITION. If CHECK CONDITION is Condition is TRUE then Initialize and if CHECK CONDITION is Condition is FALSE then EXIT LOOP which is finally connected with STOP.
Begin is connected with Get n which is then connected with n%2==0. If n%2==0 is Yes then Even and if n%2==0 is No then Odd. Both Even and Odd are connected with Stop.
Dyed and Finished Fabric in Roll is connected with Fabric Inspection which is then connected with Authentication. Authentication is connected with Different Tests of Fabric which is then connected with Test Cutting which is further connected with Confirmation which is finally connected with Input to Cutting Section.
Raw Materials is connected with Melting which is then connected with Forming which is further connected with Sampling. Sampling is connected with Inspection and Testing which is then connected with Secondary Processing which is finally connected with Warehousing.
Online search and retrieving of articles is connected with 117 articles which is then connected with Evaluation of articles which is further connected with articles with no full text or duplicates, articles met the inclusion and Chinese language. articles met the inclusion is connected with Sort them by numbers which is then connected with Summaries of papers which is finally connected with Development.
Source is connected with Hadamard Code which is then connected with STBC ENcoder. STBC Encoder is then connected with OFDM mod and mod.
Frequency Mixer is connected with both Power and Local Oscillator. Power is then connected with Bandpass 2MHz, Bandpass Filter 0MHz, and Bandpass Filter. Bandpass 2MHz is connected with Frequency Mixer which is then connected with Finish. Bandpass Filter 0MHz is connected with Power Splitter. Bandpass Filter is connected with Frequency which is then connected with Finish. Power Splitter is then connected with both Frequency Mixer and Frequency.
Design a novel is connected with Is the design based on a template? which is further connected with both Yes and No.
If Start is Brainstorm then Topic assigned which if Topic assigned is Outline then Discuss. If Discuss is Return then Topic assigned and if Discuss is Draft then Draft review. If Draft review is changes then Discuss and if Draft review is Approved then Finish.
Source is connected with Amplification which is then connected with Process which is further connected with Demodulator which is finally connected with Target.
If Is she currently working in an important project? is No then Worth it? and if Worth it? is No then Could her leaving interrupt the work flow?. If Could her leaving interrupt the work flow? is Yes then Any other option? and if Could her leaving interrupt the work flow? is No then Let her go. If Any other option? is No then Can the company afford the raise? and if Any other option? is Yes then Let her go!. If Can the company afford the raise? is No then Let her go! and if Can the company afford the raise? is Yes then Keep her.
Connector is connected with Check Time which is then connected with Before 4 pm? which if Before 4 pm? is Yes then Home and if Before 4 pm? is No then Office. Office is then connected with Check which is further connected with Before 7 pm?. If Before 7pm? is No then again Office and if Before 7pm? is Yes then School which is finally connected with End.
Connection is connected with Take all values which is then connected with Input Hours Per Week which is further connected with Hourly Pay x Hours Per Week. Hourly Pay x Hours Per Week is connected with weeklypay>400 which if weeklypay>400 is true then Output can afford to live along and if weeklypay>400 is false then Poor condition. Output can afford to live along and Poor condition both are connected with End.
Information source is connected with Amplifier which is then connected with Channel. Also, Noise source is connected with Channel which is then connected with Receiver which is finally connecte dwith Destination.
If Connection is Error then Calculations which if Calculations is Output then System and if System is Sensor then again connection.
Start is connected with Enter Website which is then connected with Homepage which is further connected with Enter Details. Enter Details is connected with Correct? which if Correct? is No then Enter Again which is further connected with Enter Details and if Correct? is Yes then Enter which is then connected with Stop.
Start is connected with Read Temperature which is then connected with Check Temperature which if Check Temperature is YES then Print "Below Freezing" and if Check Temperature is NO then Print "Above Freezing". Also, both Print "Below Freezing" and Print "Above Freezing" are connected with End.
Activities is connected with Atmosphere and Consumption of fossil energy. Consumption of fossil energy is then connected with Emission of primary pollutants which is further connected with both Transformation and transport of pollutants and pollutants. Also, Transformation and transport of pollutants is connected with pollutants which is then connected with both Exposure to pollutants and Effects of pollution. Also, Exposure to pollutants is connected with Effects of pollution. Effects of pollution is then connected with Effects on vegetation, Effects on fauna, human and animal health, and Effects on biotopes.
Session Object is connected with GetQuery() which is then connected with Input variables which is then connected with both Process and Read or make changes. Read or make changes is connected with Save() which is then connected with both Process and Close(). Process is then connected with Close() which is further connected with Finish.
Solar Panel is connected with Power Regulator which is then connectedw ith Main Switch which is further connected with Voltage Divider. Power Regulator is connected with both DC-to-DC Converter and Stop. Main switch is connected with DC-to-DC Converter and Voltage Divider is connected with Fans. DC-to-DC Converter is connected with DC-to-AC Inverter. Also, DC-to-AC Inverter and Fans are connected with Stop.
Planning is connected with In progress which is then connected with review which is finally connected with Done.
Signal is connected with Mapping which is then connected with Amplification which is finally connected with Induction.
CMTS receives an IP or ARP frame on an upstream interface is connected with Attach all the wires from the circuit and fix all the component which is then connected with Is cable-source verify activated. If Is cable-source verify activated is No then Let the packet through for further processing. Also, Is cable-source verify activated is connected with Is there an entry in the CPE database which if Is there an entry in the CPE database is Yes then 2 and if Is there an entry in the CPE database is No then 3.
Worker is connected with Disease which is then connected with Consult. Consult is then connected with Explain everything which is then connected with Surgery which is finally connected with End.
Initial is connected with Case 1 which if Case 1 is Yes then Statement 1 which is then connected with End and if Case 2 is No then Case 2. If Case 2 is Yes then Statement 2 which is then connected with End and if Case 2 is No then Case N. If Case N is Yes then Statement N which is then connected with End and if Case N is NO then Default statement which is finally connected with End.
Home contract is connected with Deal? which if Deal? is No then Go back and if Deal? is Yes then Paper work. Paper work is connected with Shipping which is then connected with Box check which is further connected with Tariff Payment. Tariff Payment is connected with Delivery which is then connected with Payment mode. Payment mode is connected with Pay Foreign Exchange?. If Pay Foreign Exchange is No then End and if Pay Foreign Exchange is Yes then Payment which is then connected with End.
Set of input images is connected with conversion which is connected with DWT which is further connected with Feature extraction. Feature extraction is connected with Feature matching algorithm. images are connected with Feature extraction which is then connected with Feature matching algorithm which is finally connected with results.
Begin is connected with This is an example of flow chart symbols. which is then connected with num1 and num2 which is further connected with num1>num2. If num1>num2 is True then Update which is then connected with connection and if num1>num2 is False then num1++ num2-- which is directly connected with Display: num1, num2. Also, connection is connected with End which is finally connected with End.
Can I Have a Baby? is connected with Are you married?. If Are you married? is Yes then Can you afford his/her expense? and If Are you married? is No then Are you an adult?. If Are you an adult? is No then Adopt a baby and if Are you an adult? is Yes then Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?. If Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? is No then Can you afford his/her expense? and if Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? is Yes then Ready for operation. If Ready for operation is Yes then Can you afford his/her expense? and if Ready for operation is No then Adopt a baby. Also, If Can you afford his/her expense? is Yes then Do you have enough time to take care of him/her? and if Can you afford his/her expense? is No then Adopt a baby. If Do you have enough time to take care of him/her? is No then also Adopt a baby and if Do you have enough time to take care of him/her? is Yes then yes, you can have a baby.
Start is connected with Step 1 which is then connected with Decision. If Decision is No then Update which is then connected with Step 1 and if Decision is Yes then End.
Customer Consulting and Quotation is connected with Deal? which if Deal? is No then Go home and if Deal? is Yes then Invoice which is then connected with Shipping. Shipping is connected with Custom Clearance which is then connected with Tariff Payment which is further connected with Delivery. Delivery is connected with Payment mode which is then connected with Pay Foreign Exchange?. If Pay Foreign Exchange is No then End and if Pay Foreign Exchange is Yes then Payment which is then connected with End.
START is connected with count=1 which is then connected with count<=3. If count<=3 is No then STOP and if count<=3 is Yes then INPUT which is then connected with p*n*r/100 which is further connected with PRINT. PRINT is connected with count=count+1 which is then connected with count<=3.
Information input transducer is connected with Source encoder which is then connected with Channel encoder which is further connected with Digital. Digital is connected with Amplifier which is then connected with demodulator which is further connected with Channel decoder. Channel decoder is connected with Source decoder which is finally connected with Output transducer.
Purchase Process is connected with Fill out details which is then connected with Approved. If Approved is No then Purchase Requisition and if Approved is YES then Credit Card or Cash?. If Credit Card or Cash? is Cash then Is it an independent Contractor?. If Is it an independent Contractor? is YES then Give your details and if Is it an independent Contractor? is NO then Obtain P.O from Controller. If Credit Card or Cash? is Credit Card then Enter card number which is then connected with Invoice CCPR which is further connected with Documents to Controller for Approval. Also, Obtain P.O from Controller is connected with Invoice which if Invoice is To Controller then Documents to Controller for Approval.
Inputs are connected with Arduino Uno which is then connected with IOT, LCD, and also Process. Process is then connected with both Motor and Pump.
Pre-processing using is connected with Feature Extraction which is then connected with Parameter Optimization which is further connected with Classification. Classification is then connected with Pure speech, Music, Environmental sound, and Amplifier.
Dead body is connected with EMG Electrode which is then connected with Amplifier which is then connected with EMG Recorder. Also, Amplifier is connected with both Oscilloscope and AF Amplifier.
Start is connected with Enter numbers which is then connected with Process. Process is connected with Output which is finally connected with end.
Vibration signal is connected with Separate noise from the signal which is then connected with Processing on signal which is further connected with Calculation of every value to find amplification which is finally connected with End the process.
modulation mapping is connected with EE operation which is then connected with pilot/DC/guard band insertion which is further connected with CP insertion. CP insertion is connected with iF which is then connected with analog gain control which is further connected with front-end. front-end is connected with Channel which is then connected front-end which is further connected with analog gain control. analog gain control is connected with correction which is then connected with Synchronization+CFO estimation which is again connected with correction. Also, Synchronization+CFO estimation is connected with removal which is then connected with Add which is further connected with EEE operations which is finally connected with channel estimation.
Start is connected with Edit Video which is then connected with Short video. If short video is Yes then Click to upload which is then connected with VIP user? If VIP user? is NO then Sign Up and if VIP user? is YES then Login which is then connected with Browse to upload which is finally connected with Finish.
Start is connected with Initialize which is then connected with Average=(num1+num2)/2 which is further connected with Print Average which is finally connected with End.
Preparation is connected with Documentation which is then connected with Process which is further connected with Authentication. Authentication is connected with Finalize whhich is finally connected with Stop.
Cell in human body is connected with Flexible Assembly Cell which is then connected with Study cell particle. Study cell particle is connected with Multi-Functional Layer Bonding Cell which is finally connected with Slicing Cell.
Office is connected with home.
Begin is connected with Initialize variables which is then connected with INPUT numbers which is further connected with All numbers been entered?. If All numbers been entered? is Yes then Average=total/numbers which is then connected with Print Output and further connected with Stop. If All numbers been entered? is No then INPUT latest which is then connected with total=total+latest which is finally connected with All numbers been entered?
Start is connected with INPUT numbers which is then connected with Perform operation. If Perform operation is Yes then Find Average and if Perform operation is No then INPUT latest which is then connected with total=total+latest which is further connected with Perform operation. Find Average is connected with OUTPUT "The total of the numbers was"+total which is then connected with Print result which is finally connected with Stop.
Start is connected with Get N from user which is then connected with Initialize which is further connected with I is greater than N. If I is greater than N is Yes then Show Sum on output which is then connected with End and if I is greater than N is No then Add I to Sum which is then connected with Update which is further connected with I is greater than N.
Strat is connected with Collide which is then connected with Wake up which is further connected with Run which is finally connected with End.
Start is connected with Payment gateway which is then connected with Enter your amount and mode which is further connected with Enter code. Enter code is connected with Select gateway which is then connected with Converging? which if Converging? is No then Enter your amount and mode and if Converging? is YES then End.
Count voters' First Choices is connected with Any one left? If Any one left? is no then Eliminate last place candidate which is then connected with Recount all ballots which is further connected with Any one left?. If Any one left? is yes then Search them.
Image DataBase is connected with both Train sample and Test sample. Train sample is connected with SVM CLassifier which is then connected with Model. Also, Test Sample is connected with Model which is finally connected with Result.
Input is connected with Request which is then connected with Session which is further connected with Control. Control is connected with Process which is then connected with LEVEL POSITIONING which is further connected with OUTPUT DISPLAY. Also, Access is connected with OUTPUT DISPLAY.
Start is connected with Is your apps main goal is to support the porduct?. If Is your apps main goal is to support the porduct? is Yes then Consider hit apps. Also, Is your apps main goal is to support the porduct? is connected with Is your app inherently viral? hich is then connected with both Consider Free with IAPs and Does user have valid ID?. Does user have valid ID? is connected with both Consider Free with IAPs and Can you easily explain the apps value in screenshots. Can you easily explain the apps value in screenshots is connected with both Paid service and Is the app itself your core revenue stream which is also connected with Paid service.
Kitchen is connectedw ith Open fridge which is then connected with Cook yourself which is then connected with Enjoy which is finally connected with Kitchen.
Lwave home is then connected with Check time which is then connected with Before 7 am?. If Before 7 am? is NO then Take bus and if Before 7 am? is YES then Take Car. Also, both Take bus and Take Car are connected with Reach school.
Initialization is connected with Senior pathologist sample qualification which is then connected with Sample check. Sample check is connected with cartidge assay is then connected with Invalid result, Infected, and No Infection. Invalid result and Infected both are connected with STOP and No Infection is connected with Go Home. Also, STOP and Go Home both are connected with Results.
START is connected with Initialize which is then connected with SUM=A+B. SUM=A+B is connected with PRINT VALUE OF SUM which is finally connected with STOP.
Begin is connected with Lapping which is then connected with Die sawing which is further connected with Die bonding. Die bonding is connected with Wire which is then connected with Molding which is further connected with Marketing. Marketing is connected with Plating which is then connected with sampling which is further connected with Forming which is finally connected with End.
START is connected with Is it necessary? which if Is it necessary? is NO then Don't do it! and if Is it necessary? is YES then Will it fail?. If Will it fail? is NO then Do it! and if Will it fail? is YES then Knowledge. If Knowledge is NO then Don't do it and if Knowledge is YES then Do it!.
Patient requests is connected with both Patient is not eligible and Doctor. Patient is not eligible is connected with Procedure not executed. Doctor is then connected with both Healthcare Brain doctor and Healthcare Heart doctor. Healthcare Brain doctor is connected with Find replacement and Healthcare Heart doctor is connected with Procedure executed. Find replacement is connected with both Replacement not found and Replacement found. Replacement not found is connected with Call another hospital and Replacement found is connected with Procedure executed.
Input Source is connected with Input Transducers which is then connected with Modulation which is further connected with Source Encoder. Source Encoder is connected with Encoder which is then connected with Base-band Amplifier which is further connected with Channel. Channel is connected with Band-pass Demodulator which is then connected with Decoder which is further connected with Source Decoder. Source Decoder is connected with De-modulation which is then connected with Output Transducers which is finally connected with Output Signal.
Connection is connected with New Employee Fills in Paperwork which is then connected with decision. If decision is Document Approved then Documents Sent to Management for Approval which is then connected with Allocate new space which is finally connected with connection and if decision is Document Fix Request then Update which is then connected with decision.
Start is connected with Requirements which is then connected with System simulation. System simulation is connected with Result Analyzing which is then connected with Improvement & Development. Improvement & Development is connected with Hardware implementation which is then connected with Display which is finally connected with End.
START is connected with READ which is then connected with M=1 F=1 which is further connected with F=F*M. F=F*M is connected with M=N? which if M=N? is NO then M=M+1 which is further connected with F=F*M and if M=N? is YES then PRINT which is finally connected with END.
Start is connected with Input Salary which is then connected with Find Increase in salary. Find Increase in salary is connected with Add increase to salary which is then connected with Print result which is finally connected with End.
Take all the inputs which is then connected with Assign each variable which is then connected with Calculate loss which is further connected with Reduce loss. Reduce loss is connected with Search vector which is then connected with Update values. Update values is then connected with Converge? which if Converge? is No then Calculate loss and if Converge? is Yes then Exit.
John likes Mango and Allen Dislikes Mango.
Time Series Gateway is connected with Initialize which is then connected with Compare Time Series which is further connected with Different. If Different is Yes then Analyze Time Series Difference and if Different? is No then t=N-1. Also, Analyze Time Series Difference is connected with Determine Change Date which is then connected with t=N-1. If t=N-1 is No then Compare Time Series and if t=N-1? is Yes then Output Changed Dates.
Data Collection is connected with Conceptual Model Construction which is then connected with Sufficient Data? which if Sufficient Data? is No then Data Collection and if Sufficient Data? is Yes then Groundwater Flow which is further connected with Liberal?. If Liberal is No then Groundwater Flow and if Liberal? is Yes then Contaminant Transport which is further connected with Adequate?. If Adequate? is No then Contaminant Transport and if Adequate? is Yes then Predictive Simulations.
If Initial setting is Traffic monitoring then Start analysis mode which is further connected with Condition?. If Condition is Yes then Drop packet which is then connected with Initial setting. Also, Condition? is connected with Normal network status which is finally connected with Initial setting.
Paper review is connected with Correction which if Correction is Implement then Was the article important?. IF Was the article important? is Yes then Was the changes worth it? and if Was the article important? is No then New changes. If Was the changes worth it? is Disagree then Seek the changes and if Seek the changes is Wait then Correction. If Was the changes worth it? is Agree then New changes.
Admission records Authentication and Transfer Admission records Authentication both are connected with Records after duplicates removed which is then connected with Records screened. Records screened is then connected with both Records excluded and Full-text articles assessed for eligibility. Full-text articles assessed for eligibility is then connected with both Full-text articles excluded, with reasons and Assessment result of each article.
START is connected with Read Inputs which is then connected with Read command from Bluetooth Unit which is further connected with Run sensors. Run sensors is connected with Read sensor values which is then connected with Send read sensor values To bluetooth unit which is finally connected with Read command from Bluetooth Unit.
START is connected with Input which is then connected with PROCESS which is further connected with Display which is finally connected with END.
If Analog retrieval is learning then Sampling and If Sampling is Self-supervised learning then Analogical Inference. If Analogical Inference is Intersection then End.
Start is connected with Initialize which is then connected with Decision. If Decision is No then Update which is further connected with Initialize and if Decision is Yes then End.
START is connected with COMPUTE LOCAL ADMIN GROUP NAME which is then connected with ADD OR REMOVE?. If ADD OR REMOVE? is ADD then Update which is then connected with ADD USERS TO GROUP which is further connected with END and if ADD OR REMOVE? is REMOVE then Personalize which is then connected with DISPLAY CURRENT MEMBERS which is further connected with Check and finally Check is connected with END.
Application is connected with Login which is then connected with Apply which is further connected with Shortlist resumes. Shortlist resumes is connected with E-mail resumes to departments which is then connected with Resumes approved? which if Resumes approved? is No then Screen more resumes which is further connected with E-mail resumes to departments and if Resumes approved? is Yes then Call for Interview which is finally connected with End hiring Stage 1.
Mixed Data is connected with Classifier which is then connected with Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, and Class 4.
Start is connected with Input which is then connected with C=5/9*(F-32) which is further connected with Display which is finally connected with End.
Dinosaur dies is connected with Body found? which if Body found? is Yes then Scientist do some experiments on it? and if Body found? is No then Dinosaur is eaten or rots and no fossil is formed. If Scientist do some experiments on it? is YES then Find many intersting facts about Dianosaur and if Scientist do some experiments on it? is NO then Dinosaur rots and no fossil is formed.
Start is connected with Hard work which is then connected with Franchise and New Strategy which is further connected with Success. If Success is No then New Strategy and if Success is Yes then Order more which is then connected with Sold. If Sold is No then New Strategy and if Sold is Yes then Expandable. If Expandable is Yes then open more store which is then connected with Success and if Expandable is No then End.

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