66 values
Write an email with the following subject: Hello again...
Hi Mark. I heard you guys had a great time in Africa - it's hard to believe it has already come and gone! Just wondering if you still have your unused KLM ticket for the Istanbul/Amsterdam/Nairobi leg of the trip. That is a refundable ticket, so if you would return it to me I can get Jeff's card credited for the charge - I believe it's in the neighborhood of $2,000. If you have it, just drop it in the mail to: Sherri Sera c/o Enron Corp. P.O. Box 1188 Houston, TX 77251-1188 U.S.A. Thanks and take care,
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Hei igjen ...
Type an email with the following topic: Hello again...
Hei Mark. Jeg hørte dere hadde det gøy i Afrika. Det er vanskelig å tro at det allerede har kommet og gått! Bare lurte på om du fortsatt har din ubrukte billett til Istanbul/Amsterdam/Nairobi-delen av turen. Det er en billett som kan tilbakebetales, så hvis du vil gi den tilbake til meg så kan jeg få Jeffs kort kreditert for anklagen - jeg tror det er i nabolaget av $ 2 000. Hvis du har den, så bare legg den i posten til: \"Erkera c/o Enron Corp. P.O.\" Box 1188 Houston, TX 77251-1188 USA. Ta vare på deg selv,
Hi, Mark. I heard you guys were having fun in Africa, and it's hard to believe it's already come and gone! Just wondering if you still have your unused ticket to the Istanbul/Amsterdam/Nairobi part of the trip. It's a refundable ticket, so if you want to give it back to me, I can get Jeff's card credited for the charge - I think it's in the neighborhood of $2,000. If you have it, just put it in the mail for "Erkera c/o Enron Corp." Box 1188 Houston, TX 77251-1188 United States. Take care of yourself,
What is the subject line for this email? Dear Sir's Pls. find attached voyage report from voyage 001 loaded. Brgds Oe. Hansen Master E-mail: Teleph: Inmarsat 330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.+874 330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.+584 330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.+584 430853910 ( - VOYREP 001L.xls
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? \"Sir\" pls. finne rapport om vedlagte sjøreise fra det lastede sjøfartøyet. Brds Oe. Hansen Master E-post: Teleph: Inmarsat +874 330853910 faks : inmarsat faksnr. +874 330853913 Telex : Innmarsat B telex no. +584 3308515 Telex : Innmarsat C telex no. +584sil393910 ( - VYREP LL.xls
What is the subject line for this email? - "Sir\" pls. find the report of the enclosed sea voyage from the laden seacraft. Brds Oe. Hansen Master E-mail: Teleph: Inmarsat +874 330853910 fax : inmarsat fax number +874 330853913 Telex : Intmarsat B telex no. +584 33085 Telex : Innmarsat C telex no. +584sil3910 ( - VYREP LL.xls
Thanks for the call. Brenda Herod is the operations controller for EIM. (Brenda and Brent in their roles over EIM and EGM, respectively, are both direct reports of mine.) Brenda is out of the country through the end of this week on vacation, touring Europe with her mom. If there is a need to address this issue this week, let me know and I can start down that road until Brenda returns. Let me know. I did hear an unsubstantiated rumor this week that is set to go live in London within 5 days. I am trying to find out if that is true. If it is, it would be a repeat of a commercial decision in Houston to do so this past July without letting anyone in the mid and back office know. We had to scramble to set up an infrastructure to support that in a big hurry. Not ideal. I hope that history has not repeated itself. Let me know if you have heard anything on this. Write a subject line for this email.
EIM Resources
Takk for samtalen. Brendan er EIMs flygeleder. (Brenda og Brent i sine roller over henholdsvis EIM og EGM, er begge direkte rapporter om gruve.) Brenda er utenlands i slutten av denne uken på ferie, på turné i Europa med moren sin. Hvis det er behov for å ta opp denne saken denne uken, si ifra og jeg kan starte på den veien til Brenda kommer tilbake. La meg få vite. Jeg har hørt et ubekreftet rykte denne uken om at skal sendes direkte i London innen 5 dager. Jeg prøver å finne ut om det er sant. I så fall ville det være en gjentagelse av en handelsavgjørelse i Houston å gjøre det i juli i fjor uten å la noen på midt- og bakkontoret få vite det. Vi måtte ta oss en tur for å sette opp en infrastruktur for å støtte det i stor fart. Ikke i det hele tatt. Jeg håper at historien ikke har skrevet seg selv. Si fra hvis du har hørt noe om dette. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
Thanks for the call. Brendan is EIM's air traffic controller. (Brenda and Brent in their roles over EIM and EGM respectively are both direct mining reports.) Brenda's out of the country at the end of this week on vacation, on tour of Europe with her mother. If there's a need to bring this case up this week, let me know and I can start that way until Brenda gets back. Let me know. I've heard an unconfirmed rumor this week that will be broadcast live in London within five days. I'm trying to find out if it's true. In that case, it would be a repetition of a Houston trade decision to do so last July without letting anyone in the middle office and the back office know. We had to take a trip to set up an infrastructure to support it at great speed. Not at all. I hope history hasn't written itself. Let me know if you've heard anything about this. Type a subject line for this email.
EIM Resources
Write a subject line for this message: As we discussed, enclosed are execution copies of the documents that we have been working on. Please review, and if acceptable, have an authorized officer of ML execute each of the enclosed documents and return to my attention at fax no. 713 646 3490. We will follow up with hard copies. Thanks for all your help.
Merrill Lynch Capital - Execution Documents
Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldingen: Som vi har drøftet, er vedlagte utførelse kopier av de dokumentene vi har arbeidet med. Dersom det er tillatt, skal en godkjent MLL-offiser foreta hver enkelt av de vedlagte dokumentene og på anmodning fra et telefaks underrette meg om dette på nytt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 16 16 16 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. m. m. . Vi vil følge opp med i neste omgang. Takk for all hjelpen.
Write a subject field for this message: As discussed, copies of the documents we have worked on are attached to the work. If permitted, an authorised MLL officer shall re-inform me of each of the attached documents and at the request of a fax. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6 6 6 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 We'll follow up on it in the next round. Thank you for all your help.
Merrill<unk> Løperettsdokument
Merrill<unk> Runtime document
Write an email with the following subject: Macerich Conferences
Jeff, I will be heading out to Macerich's offices to meet Macerich's management team. At that meeting, we will be discussing the outsource and the future relationship between the companies. He would also like me to speak to his direct reports about change management and other cultural characteristics of Enron. However, he would really like you to provide a presentation on the same general topics to the Macerich Company Conference in June. He has heard you speak and believes your approach and perspective can benefit the conference. Obviously, these guys are an important relationship and reference for our commercial and real estate business. Let me know your interest. Regards
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Macerich Conferences
Write an e-mail on the following subject: Macerich Conferences
Jeff, jeg drar til Macerichs kontor for å møte Macerichs styringsteam. På det møtet vil vi drøfte outsource og det framtidige forholdet mellom selskapene. Han vil også at jeg skal snakke med hans direkte rapporter om endringsledelse og andre kulturelle egenskaper ved Enron. Han vil imidlertid gjerne at dere skal gi en presentasjon om de samme generelle emnene til Macerich Company-konferansen i juni. Han har hørt deg tale og tror at din tilnærming og ditt perspektiv kan komme konferansen til gode. De er et viktig forhold og referanse for forretnings- og eiendomsbransjen. La meg få vite Deres interesse. papers
Jeff, I'm going to Macerich's office to meet Macerich's guidance team. At that meeting, we'll discuss outsource and the future relationship between the companies. He also wants me to talk to his direct reports on change management and other cultural qualities of Enron. However, he would like you to present a presentation on the same general subjects to the Macerich Company Conference in June. He has heard you speak and believes that your approach and your perspective can benefit the conference. They're an important relationship and a reference to the business and real estate business. Let me know your interest. papers
What is the subject line for this email? Chris, Per our conversation, I am attaching a sample form of ISDA for both a Canadian corporate and a Canadian governmental. With the governmental, the proposed form of legal opinion attached to the ISDA Schedule would have to be modified depending on your particular situtation (see footnotes in opinion). As I also mentioned, we are making some revisions to the guaranty we are getting from Hydro-Quebec in response to comments from counsel, and we may want to make some of the same changes to guarantees we receive from any governmental guarantor. If you end up having a governmental guarantor, let me know and I'll send you down the revisions. By copy of this email to Joe Hunter on the Confirmation Desk, I am asking him to email you copies of the form of Omnibus Confirmation and Annex A thereto for an ECC/Canadian Counterparty Deal. I have to say that if you end up transacting with a governmental entity, our form of confirmation will not include the reps and warranties required to transact with such counterparties, since we never trade financial with governmentals prior to execution of a master. If you go down that road we may have to come up with some kind of form, but the best route is to get the ISDA in place first.
Canadian Sample forms of ISDA Agreements & Confirmations
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Chris, Per vår samtale, jeg legger ved en prøveform av ISDA for både et kanadisk selskap og en kanadisk regjering. Når det gjelder det offentlige, må den foreslåtte formen for juridisk uttalelse som er knyttet til ISDA-planen, endres avhengig av om det er snakk om et bestemt sted (se fotnoter i uttalelse). Som jeg også nevnte gjør vi noen revisjoner av den garantien vi får fra Hydro-Quebec som svar på kommentarer fra råd, og vi ønsker kanskje å gjøre noen av de samme endringene for garantier vi får fra enhver statsgarantist. Hvis du ender opp med å ha en statsgarantist, så si ifra, så skal jeg sende deg ned revisjonene. Ved kopi av denne e-posten til Joe Hunter på verifiseringsdesken ber jeg ham om å sende deg kopier av skjemaet for omdisponering og vedlegg A til denne for ECC/Canadian Counterparty Deal. Jeg må si at hvis du ender opp med å transagere med et offentlig forvaltningsforetak, vil vår form for bekreftelse ikke omfatte de respes og fullmakter som kreves for å gjennomføre transaksjoner med slike motparter, siden vi aldri handler økonomisk med offentlige myndigheter før en herre blir henrettet. Hvis du går ned den veien må vi kanskje finne en form, men den beste veien er å få ISDA-en på plass først.
What is the subject line for this email? Chris, Per our conversation, I'm adding a test form of ISDA for both a Canadian company and a Canadian government. In the case of the public, the proposed form of legal opinion related to the ISDA plan must be amended depending on whether it is a specific place (see footnotes in an opinion). As I also mentioned, we do some revisions of the guarantee we get from Hydro-Quebec in response to comments from advice, and we may want to make some of the same modifications for guarantees we get from any government guarantor. If you end up having a government guarantor, let me know and I'll send you down the audits. On copy of this e-mail to Joe Hunter on the verification desk, I ask him to send you copies of the re-disposal form and attachment A to this for the ECC/Canadian Counterparty Deal. I have to say that if you end up transcribing with a government corporation, our form of confirmation will not include the reseptics and powers required to make transactions with such counterparties, since we never deal financially with public authorities before a master is executed. If you go down that way, we may have to find a shape, but the best way is to get the ISDA in place first.
ISDA-avtalar og stadfestinger av ISDA-avtaler (Canada Please Forms of ISDA)
ISDA Agreements and Confirmations (Canada Pleasant Forms of ISDA)
Good Morning All, Cheryl has called to say that she is feeling a little under the weather this morning, but will be working from home and is available should anyone want to reach her. Her home number is 713-785-6152. She will be in after noon. If you should need further assistance, please feel free to contact me directly. Thank you! Write a subject line for this email.
Cheryl Nelson - under the weather
Cheryl har ringt for å si at hun føler seg litt under været i morges, men vil jobbe hjemmefra og er tilgjengelig hvis noen skulle ønske å få tak i henne. Hennes hjemmenummer er 713<unk>78-6152. Hun kommer etter middag. Hvis du trenger ytterligere hjelp, vennligst kontakt meg direkte. Takk! Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
Cheryl called to say she's feeling a little under the weather this morning, but she wants to work from home and is available if anyone would like to get hold of her. Her home number is 713<unk>78-6152. She'll be here after dinner. If you need any further help, please contact me directly. Thank you! Type a subject line for this email.
Cheryyl Nelson<unk> under værforholdene
Cherry Nelson<unk> in the weather
Jim - I have attached a June 8, 2001 memorandum detailing the status of EWS litigation. Per your request, this memorandum will be provided to you on a weekly basis. Changes from the previous week will be in bold. Thanks. Write a subject line for this email.
Status of EWS Litigation
- Jeg har vedlagt en 8 juni,-- et memo som beskriver statusen til EWS-rettssak. På anmodning vil dette notatet bli gitt til deg hver uke. Endringer fra foregående uke vil være i uthevet skrift. Takk. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
- I have attached an 8 June memo describing the status of the EWS trial. On request, this memo will be given to you each week. Changes from the previous week will be in bold. Thank you. Type a subject line for this email.
Status for EWS- rettskriving
EWS Spelling Status
Marie: I would like to fax and mail out the Annex A letters to the new counterparties to make sure that they all get them. My secretary is available to help with the mail out which I would hope could be sent out no later than the end of the day Thursday given that we are going to be away. I will let her know that you may be asking her to help. I would alos want someone while we are gone to check all of the return faxes against our list so that they all go out to the right numbers. Stop by if any of this is not do-able Tahnks. Carol Propose a subject line for this email?
Annex A
Marie: Jeg vil gjerne sende vedlegg A-brevene til de nye motpartene i faks og post, for å forsikre meg om at alle får dem. Min sekretær er tilgjengelig for å hjelpe til med posten som jeg håper kan sendes ut senest i slutten av dagen, gitt at vi skal være borte. Jeg skal fortelle henne at du kanskje ber henne om hjelp. Jeg ville ikke ha ønsket noen mens vi er borte for å sjekke alle returfaksene mot listen vår slik at alle går ut til de riktige tallene. Stopp med hvis noe av dette ikke er tahnks som kan brukes. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Marie: I would like to send the A-letters to the new counterparts via fax and mail to make sure that they are received by everyone. My secretary is available to help with the mail that I hope can be sent out by the end of the day, provided we are gone. I'll tell her you might ask her for help. I wouldn't want anyone while we're gone to check all the return faxes against our list so that everyone goes out to the right numbers. Stop if any of these are not tahnks that can be used. Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
Vedlegg A
Annex A
What is the subject line for this email? Bill, Everything went smooth last night and this morning with El Paso and the ramps. Due to the migration I am unable to send the EPE model to Kathy (file for Feb. did not pull into the M: drive). I was also unable to get into CAPS (Trading cluster is not reconfigured). I saved the model through my shift and now that I have logged off I am unable to log back on under my name. I updated Geir's login last night (upon his request) and have limited access through his login. Holden is aware of these problems. Craig Dean
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Bill, alt gikk greit i går kveld og i morges med El Paso og rampen. På grunn av migreringen klarer jeg ikke å sende EPE-modellen til Kathy (fil for fen. trakk ikke inn i M:-disken). Jeg klarte heller ikke å komme meg inn på CAPS (Tradeclude er ikke rekonfigurert). Jeg reddet modellen gjennom mitt skift og nå som jeg har logget av kan jeg ikke logge på igjen under mitt navn. Jeg oppdaterte Geirs innlogging i går kveld (etter hans ønske) og har begrenset tilgang gjennom innloggingen. Holden er klar over disse problemene. Måt ved søke søke søke
What is the subject line for this email? Bill, everything went fine last night and this morning with El Paso and the ramp. Because of the migration, I cannot send the EPE model to Kathy (the fen file did not include the M: disk). I was also unable to access CAPS (Tradeclude is not reconfigured). I saved the model through my shift and now that I've logged off, I can't log back on under my name. I updated Geir's login last night (at his request) and I have restricted access through the login. Holden is aware of these problems. Search mode
This is the content of an email: Dear Ken, I'm not sure quite were to turn but was hoping you could assist me. I would like to keep this confidential especially regarding the New York Office. As my request has nothing to do with the people in this office or the group they are wonderful I've been with Enron since '97 and I relocated up to Connecticut to work with the New Power Company when I thought that the Enron employees would stay Enron employees. Afterwards of course we all were changed to NewPower employees. After a couple of months I made the move back to Enron and went to the New York office and work with the Enron Metals group here at 53rd street. (It was never my intention to leave Enron) Since the bombing I feel very displaced and my husband and I would really like to come back to Houston and was wondering if you could help me. I was on the trading floor working with Dave Delainey's group when he was in ENA and also was the Exec Secretary/Coordinator with the MWB group in George Warsoff's group. I would appreciate it very much if you were able to assist/guide me. Sincerely, What was the subject line for this email?
Confidential Question
Dette er innholdet i en e-post, kjære Ken, jeg er ikke sikker på om du var sikker på at du skulle svinge, men håpet at du kunne hjelpe meg. Jeg vil gjerne holde dette hemmelig, spesielt angående New York Office. Siden min forespørsel ikke har noe å gjøre med folkene på dette kontoret eller gruppen de er fantastiske jeg har vært med Enron siden 1997 og jeg flyttet til Connecticut for å jobbe med New Power Company da jeg trodde at Enron-ansatte ville forbli Enron-ansatte. Vi er alle byttet til NewPower-ansatte. Etter et par måneder flyttet jeg tilbake til Enron og begynte på kontoret i New York og arbeidet i gruppen Enron Metals her i 53d Street. (Det var aldri min intensjon å forlate Enron) Siden bombingen føler jeg meg veldig fordrevet og min mann og jeg vil gjerne komme tilbake til Houston og lurte på om du kunne hjelpe meg. Jeg var i handelsavdelingen og samarbeidet med Dave Delaineys gruppe da han var i ENA og var også Exec Secretary/Coordinator med MWB-gruppen i George Warsoffs gruppe. Jeg ville satt stor pris på om du kunne hjelpe meg/veilede meg. Hva var egentlig emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an e-mail, dear Ken, I'm not sure if you were sure you were going to swing, but were hoping you could help me. I'd like to keep this a secret, especially about the New York Office. Since my request has nothing to do with the people in this office or group they're wonderful I've been with Enron since 1997 and I moved to Connecticut to work with the New Power Company as I thought Enron employees would remain Enron employees. We've all been switched to New Powder employees. After a couple of months, I moved back to Enron and began working in the New York office and in the Enron Metals group here on 53d Street. (It was never my intention to leave Enron) Since the bombing, I feel very displaced and my husband and I would like to return to Houston and wonder if you could help me. I was in the business department, working with Dave Delainey's group when he was in ENA and was also Executive Secretary/Coordinator with the MWB Group of George Warsoff's group. I'd really appreciate it if you could help me/guide me. What was the topic line for this e-mail?
Konfidensielt spørsmål
Confidential question
This is an email Hey everyone, Just finished working my first full week at Deer Valley. The resort opened friday and from tues through sunday I worked with the other bakers to get items prepped and inventories stocked up for the mad rush of skiers expected over the weekend. I am enjoying working under the pastry chef at the lodge I am at. He is very dilligent about coming over and making sure you understand the how's and why's of the recipe you are making. His explanations are scientific when they need to be and straightforward when they don't need to be long and drawn out. I'm confident that I will learn a lot from the other chefs and bakers there as well. The first few days were very frustrating. There are a group of bakers, level 3's, who work at the lodge every winter and supervise the new bakers. There were a few tasks that I was assigned to do along w/ these level 3 bakers. We were cutting cakes in half and I was doing it the way Patrick always showed me and she said that I shouldn't do it that way do it another way. Then one of the girls at my level with the $40k diploma from the CIA asked me if I had ever cut a cake before (like asking someone if they are retarded). I couldn't see straight I was so frustrated. Later, I was shaping baguettes..again..the way I learned...and the level 3 told me to do it another way...and that our boss Steve who studied bread could show me later since he knows so much. Well when he came over later ...he did it almost exactly the same way I did. There are lots of stories like this from those first few days. I had to bite my tongue a lot. One girl claims she can tell when bread is done proofing by looking at it...and doesn't have to touch it (why wouldn't you touch it..thats the best part). I might believe that from someone in their 40's but not a 20 something who has only been baking a few years. So I went home completely frustrated the first 3 days, but I had to remind myself that school was 2yrs ago for me and for many of these girls school was last month or a few months ago. We have a lot of people in the kitchen who hail from the CIA, which for those of you who might not is a school that cranks out culinary grads for around $40,000 for the entire program. People keep asking me if I am doing my externship from the CIA......kind of like when I was at enron and people kept asking me if I was in the analyst/associate program...equally annoying. BUT, since I am dilligently learning to look at the bright side of everything...the good part about having all of these culinary school people around is that it makes the environment more professional and competitive...which in the long run is a great environment for me becauses it pushes me to be that much better than everyone else. And though I look at some of these 23yr olds who can technically do everything I can do at such a younger age...though I catch myself wishing I had done this a long time ago, I am glad I am doing this at a time in life when I have a ton more maturity and a vision of what I want to do with this experience. Today and tomorrow are my off days. For my friends who are living vicariously through me...yes I have been skiing and hopefully will get out there later on this afternoon. Tomorrow I have an interview with another bakery in town that I am considering working part time at. Hope everyone is well, especially my friends at ENE. Best! What is the subject of this email?
15 degrees here
Dette er en e-post, alle sammen. Jeg er ferdig med å jobbe min første hele uke i Deer Valley. Det var fredag, og fra tuer til søndag, arbeidet jeg sammen med de andre bakmennene for å få gjort ferdig varer, og lagerbeholdningen av varer ble lagt til grunn for det ville ruset av skiløpere som var ventet i helgen. Jeg liker å jobbe under konditoren på den losjen jeg er på. Han er veldig dillent med å komme over og sørge for at du forstår hvordan og hvorfor er av den oppskriften du lager. Hans forklaringer er vitenskapelige når de må være og likefrem når de ikke trenger å være lange og utdragne. Jeg er sikker på at jeg vil lære mye av de andre kokkene og bakmennene der også. De første dagene var svært frustrerende. Det er en gruppe bakmenn, nivå 3-ere, som jobber i losjen hver vinter og fører tilsyn med de nye bakmennene. Det var noen få oppgaver som jeg fikk i oppdrag å gjøre langs w/ disse nivå 3 bakerne. Vi spiste kaker i to, og jeg gjorde det slik Patrick alltid viste meg og hun sa at jeg ikke burde gjøre det på den måten ... for å gjøre det på en annen måte. Så spurte en av jentene på mitt nivå med diplomet på 40 dollar fra CIA meg om jeg noen gang hadde laget en kake før (som å spørre noen om de er tilbakestående). Jeg kunne ikke se at jeg var så frustrert. Senere laget jeg baguettes på nytt, slik jeg lærte, og nivå 3 ba meg gjøre det på en annen måte... og at vår sjef Steve som studerte brød kunne vise meg senere siden han vet så mye. Da han kom senere, gjorde han det på samme måte som meg. Det er mange slike historier fra de første dagene. Jeg måtte bite meg i tunga. En jente hevder hun kan fortelle når brød er gjort bevising ved å se på det ...og ikke trenger å røre det (hvorfor ville du ikke røre det ..det er den beste delen). Jeg tror kanskje det fra noen på 40-tallet, men ikke en 20-åring som bare har bakt noen år. Så jeg gikk hjem helt frustrert de første tre dagene, men jeg måtte minne meg selv på at skolen var 2 år siden for meg og for mange av disse jentene skole var forrige måned eller for noen måneder siden. Vi har mange folk på kjøkkenet som kommer fra CIA, som for dere som kanskje ikke vet er en skole som tar kulinariske eksamener for rundt 40 000 dollar for hele programmet. Folk spør meg stadig spør meg om jeg gjør min eksternship fra CIA... omtrent som da jeg var på enteron og folk spurte meg om jeg var i analytiker-/associate programmet... veldig irriterende. Men, siden jeg lærer meg å se på det lyse i alt... den gode delen ved å ha alle disse kulinariske skolefolk rundt omkring er at det gjør miljøet mer profesjonelt og konkurransedyktig... noe som i det lange løp er et stort miljø for meg fordi det presser meg til å være så mye bedre enn alle andre. Og selv om jeg ser på noen av disse 23 år gamle som teknisk sett kan gjøre alt jeg kan gjøre i så ung alder ... selv om jeg tar igjen selv ønsker at jeg hadde gjort dette for lenge siden, er jeg glad jeg gjør dette i en tid i livet hvor jeg har en tonne mer modenhet og et syn av hva jeg ønsker å gjøre med denne erfaringen. I dag og i morgen er mine fridager. For mine venner som lever på ekte via meg... Ja, jeg har vært på ski, og forhåpentligvis kommer jeg ut senere i ettermiddag. I morgen har jeg et intervju med et annet bakeri i byen som jeg vurderer å jobbe deltid på. Håper alle har det bra, spesielt mine venner i ÅNE. !! Hva er emnet for denne e- posten?
This is an e-mail, everybody. It was Friday, and from mounds to Sunday, I worked with the other ulteriorants to finish the load, and the inventory of goods was laid to account for the high - powered activity of skiers expected for the weekend. I like to work under the pastry chef at the lodge I'm in. He's very dill about coming over and making sure you understand how and why is of the recipe you're making. His explanations are scientific when they must be and forthright when they need not be long and extracted. I'm sure I'll learn a lot from the other cooks and the bakers there too. The first few days were very frustrating. There's a group of bakers, Level 3s, who work in the lodge every winter and supervise the new bakers. There were a few tasks that I was assigned along the w/ these level 3 bakers. We had cookies in two, and I did it the way Patrick always showed me and she said I shouldn't do it that way... to do it another way. Then one of the girls on my level with the $40 diploma from the CIA asked me if I had ever made a cake before (such as asking someone if they were retarded). I could not see my frustration. Later, I remade the baguettes, as I was learning, and level 3 told me to do it another way... and that our boss Steve who studied bread could show me later because he knows so much. When he came later, he did it the same way I did. There's a lot of stories like that from the first few days. I had to bite my tongue. A girl claims she can tell when bread is made proof by looking at it ...and does not need to touch it (why would you not touch it..that's the best part). I might think so from someone in the '40s, but not a 20-year-old who's only baked a few years. So I went home frustrated for the first three days, but I had to remind myself that the school was 2 years ago for me and many of these girls was last month or a few months ago. We have a lot of people in the kitchen who come from the CIA, who for you who may not know it, is a school that takes culinary exams for about $40,000 for the entire program. People keep asking me if I'm doing my E.P.I.E.ship from the CIA... much like when I was in the Enteron and people asked me if I was in the analyst/associate program... very annoying. But, since I'm learning to look at the bright in everything... the good part of having all these culinary school people around is that it makes the environment more professional and competitive... which in the long run is a big environment for me because it pressures me to be so much better than everyone else. And while I look at some of these 23-year-olds who can technically do everything I can do at such a young age... even though I'm making up my own mind that I'd done this a long time ago, I'm glad I'm doing this at a time in my life where I have a ton more maturity and a vision of what I want to do with this experience. Today and tomorrow are my days off. For my friends who live for real through me, yes, I've been skiing, and hopefully I'll be out later this afternoon. Tomorrow I have an interview with another bakery in town that I'm thinking about working part-time on. I hope everyone's okay, especially my friends in ÅNE. - I'm sorry. What is the subject of this email?
15 grader her
15 degrees here
Write an email with the following subject: Letter
Kal: As we discussed, enclosed is a draft of the letter. Please review and make sure that I have accurately described what will take place and if you find acceptable, please forward on. If any changes need to be made please call me at 33989. carol
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: brev
Write an e-mail with the following topic: letter
Kal: Som vi drøftet, er vedlagt et utkast til brevet. Vennligst gjennomgå og forsikre deg om at jeg har nøyaktig beskrevet hva som vil skje og om du finner akseptabelt, vennligst fortsett. Hvis det må gjøres noen endringer, så ring meg på 33989. call
Kal: As discussed, a draft of the letter is attached. Please review and make sure that I have accurately described what will happen and if you find acceptable, please continue. If any changes need to be made, call me at 33989. Call me at 33989.
I am pleased to announce that Jana Domke has accepted the position of Director, Compensation for Enron Transportation Services, effective August 1, 2001. Jana started with Enron in May, 2000 and most recently has been Director of Compensation & Benefits for Enron Wind. Prior to joining Enron, Jana was a Practice Leader with PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Director, International Compensation & Benefits for Smith International. Jana has 19 years of experience in both domestic and international compensation and benefits. Jana received her M.B.A. from the University of Houston. She also has a Bachelors Degree from U of H in Organizational Behavior & Management. Jana can be reached at (713) 853-6329 and her office location is EB1156. The ETS Compensation staff, including Jana's direct reports, can be viewed on the attached organization chart. Please join me in welcoming Jana to the ETS team. Propose a subject line for this email?
Organizational Announcement
Jeg er glad for å meddele at Jana domke har akseptert stillingen som direktør, Erstatning for Enron Transport Services, med virkning 1. august 2001. Jana startet med Enron i mai, 2000 og har i den siste tiden vært direktør for Kompensasjon & nytte for Enron Wind. Før Jana sluttet seg til Enron, var hun Praktleder med PricewaterhouseCoopers, og direktør, International Compensation & Beneuts for Smith International. Jana har 19 års erfaring innen både innenlands og internasjonal kompensasjon og ytelser. Jana mottok sin M.B.A. fra University of Houston. Hun har også en Bachelors Degree fra U av H i Organisasjonell atferd & Management. Jana kan nås ved 713) 853-6329 og hennes kontorsted er EB1156. ETS-kompensasjonsstaben, inkludert Janas direkte rapporter, kan ses på vedlagte organisasjonsoversikt. Bli med meg i velkomst-Jana til ETS-teamet. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
I am pleased to inform you that Jana has accepted the position of CEO, replacement for Enron Transport Services, effective August 1, 2001. Jana started with Enron in May, 2000, and has recently been CEO of Compensation & useful for Enron Wind. Before Jana joined Enron, she was Praetor with PricewaterhouseCoopers, and director, International Compensation & Beneuts for Smith International. Jana has 19 years of experience in both domestic and international compensation and benefits. Jana received her MBA from the University of Houston. She also has a Bachelors Degree from U of H in Organizational Behavior & Management. Jana can be reached at 713) 853-6329 and her office location is EB1156. The ETS compensation staff, including Jana’s direct reports, can be seen on the attached organisational chart. Come with me on welcome Jana to ETS team. Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
Reminder The Enron Oral History Project Continues... "Using History to Help Enron Become the World's Leading Company" How can an understanding of strategic choices, regulatory change and corporate culture help Enron achieve its vision? Speaker: Joseph Pratt, Cullen Professor of History and Business, University of Houston and Co-Director, Enron Oral History Project Thursday, June 7 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. EB 5C2 To Make a Reservation, Call 3-1941 and Select Option 1 Lunch will not be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own. Please inform us ahead of time if you need special accommodations to participate in this meeting. Call 3-9390. Propose a subject line for this email?
Påminning Enronentalhistorieprosjektet Fortsetter ...<unk>Using Historie til hjelp Enron Become the World's Leading Company<unk> Hvordan kan en forståelse av strategiske valg, reguleringsendring og selskapskultur hjelpe Enron med å oppnå sitt syn? Speaker: Joseph Pratt, Cullen Professor of History and Business, University of Houston and Co-Director, Enron Oral History Project Torsdag 7. juni kl. 11:30 til kl. 00:30 EB 5C2 Å Lage en reservasjon, Call 3-1941 og Velg Alternativ 1 Lunsj vil ikke bli oppgitt, men du er velkommen til å ta med din egen. Vennligst informer oss på forhånd hvis du trenger et spesielt sted å være for å delta i dette møtet. Tiltale 3<unk>9390. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Reminder the Enronental History Project Continues...<unk>Using History to help Enron Become the World's Leading Company<unk> How can an understanding of strategic choices, regulatory changes and corporate culture help Enron achieve his views? Speaker: Joseph Pratt, Cullen Professor of History and Business, University of Houston and Co-Director, Enron Oral History Project Thursday 7 June 11:30 until 00:30 EB 5C2 To make a reservation, Call 3-1941 and Choose Alternative 1 Lunch will not be given, but you are welcome to bring your own. Please inform us in advance if you need a special place to attend this meeting. Charge 3<unk>9390. Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
What is the subject line for this email? Dear Mark; Because of the excitement of the wedding we almost forgot to wish you a Happy Birthday. We also send you and Sukran All of our Love. Dad and Mother
Happy Birthday
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Kjære Mark, på grunn av spenningen i bryllupet vi nesten glemte å ønske deg en Gratulerer med dagen. Vi sender deg og Sukran all vår kjærlighet. Pappa og mor
What is the subject line for this email? Dear Mark, because of the excitement at the wedding we almost forgot to wish you a happy birthday. We send you and Sukran all our love. Dad and Mom
Gratulerer med dagen
Happy birthday to you
What is the subject line for this email? Jim, No changes in the schedule. The meeting will take place, as scheduled, on the 6th of December at 9:00 a.m. We may have to cancel lunch with the professors as they have other commitments. The meeting will last about 2 hours. Vince
Wharton trip
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Jim, ingen endringer i timeplanen. Møtet vil, som planlagt, finne sted den 6. desember kl. 09.00 Vi må kanskje avlyse lunsj med professorene, slik de har andre forpliktelser. Møtet vil vare i ca. 2 timer. Invertvert
What is the subject line for this email? Jim, no change in schedule. As planned, the meeting will take place on December 6th at 9:00 a.m. We may have to cancel lunch with the professors, as they have other obligations. The meeting will last for about two hours. Invert
Whale boat
What is the subject line for this email? Please plan to attend a Management Committee meeting scheduled for Wednesday, September 12 at 1:00 p.m. in the boardroom. Please contact Joannie Williamson if you are unable to attend. The meeting should last one hour and agenda items include Xcelerator and merchant investment portfolio. Thanks,
Management Committee Meeting - Wednesday, September 12 at 1:00 p.m.
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Planlegges å delta på et forvaltningskomitémøte som skal holdes onsdag 12. september kl. 13:00 i styrerommet. Kontakt Joannie Williamson hvis du ikke kan komme på møtet. Møtet bør vare i en time og postene i dagsorden skal omfatte X- og verdipapiriseringsansvarlig og investeringsportefølje for verdipapirisering av finansielle eiendeler. Takk.
What is the subject line for this email? Plans are to attend a Management Committee meeting held Wednesday, September 12, at 1:00 p.m., in the boardroom. Contact Joannie Williamson if you can't make it to the meeting. The meeting should last for one hour and the agenda items shall include the X and securitisation and investment portfolio for the securitisation of financial assets. Thank you.
Styremøte - onsdag 12. september kl. 13:00.
Board meeting - Wednesday, September 12th, 1:00.
Here is an email: Rather than hold a meeting to discuss the Finance Comm. meeting scheduled for Monday, Feb. 11, I have asked Laura Valencia to schedule a conference call with Pug Winokur and the three of us to discuss the agenda and the presentation materials. Please watch for this meeting on your calendar, or let me know if you have already been in contact with Pug such that no meeting is necessary. Also, pls. note that the Board and Committee meetings will be held in NYC. If you do not have other reasons to travel to NYC, I suggest you connect via teleconference. Thanks. Paula What is a potential subject line for this email?
Finance Comm. Mtg. on 2/11
Her er en e-post: i stedet for å holde møte for å diskutere Finanskomm. Jeg har bedt Laura Valencia om å arrangere en samtale med Pug Winokur og oss tre om å diskutere dagsorden og presentasjonsmaterialet. Se etter i dette møtet i din kalender, eller la meg få vite om du allerede har vært i kontakt med Pug slik at det ikke er nødvendig med noe møte. Og det er det også. merker seg at styret og komitémøtene vil bli holdt i NYC. Hvis du ikke har andre grunner til å reise til NYC, foreslår jeg at du kobler til via telekonferanse. Takk. Paula Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e-posten?
Here's an e-mail: instead of having a meeting to discuss Financial Comm. I've asked Laura Valencia to arrange a conversation with Pug Winokur and the three of us to discuss the agenda and presentation material. Check this meeting in your calendar, or let me know if you have already been in contact with Pug so that no meeting is necessary. And so is that. note that the board and committee meetings will be held in NYC. If you have no other reason to go to NYC, I suggest you connect via teleconferencing. Thank you. Paula What's a possible subject line for this email?
Finanskomm. Mt. den 2/11
Financial Comm. Mt. on 2/11
Sir I am an Enron employee. I tried to send this e-mail using name of your high office as e-mail ID, however the same came back as undelivered with the fatal error message from server. Since the matter is very serious, I am respectfully marking it to your direct attention and consideration. With Kind Regards Ravi Garg Generate a subject line for this email.
Dabhol India - Illegal Action and Criminal Conduct / violation of human rights
Sir Jeg er en Enkroner. Jeg prøvde å sende denne e-posten med navnet på din høye status som mail ID, men det samme kom tilbake som ikke levert med den fatale feilmeldingen fra server. Siden saken er svært alvorlig, merker jeg den respektfullt til deres oppmerksomhet og overveielse. Med Typen Tagg gjelder Ravi Garg Generer en subjektlinje for denne e- posten.
Sir I am a Enkroner. I tried to send this e-mail with the name of your high status as an e-mail ID, but the same came back which was not delivered with the fatal error message from the server. Since the matter is very serious, I respectfully feel it for their attention and consideration. The Tag type applies to Ravi Garg. Generate a subject line for this email.
Dabhol India - Ulovlig handling og strafferett og straffeprosess / brudd på menneskerettighetene
Dabhol India — Illegal, criminal, and criminal / human rights violations
This is the content of an email: I recently heard from David Marshall in the Risk Management Group that we may have made or were contemplating a claim against Ron Anderson of IBC Turbo for misrepresenting the quality of the gas turbines that he procured for us. Marshall said that you were the person who would know. Anderson is a potentially crucial witness for us if we decide to pursue Underwriters on the insurance claim arising out of the failure of the Doyle Unit #1, which is one of the gas turbines that he procured for us and that was located in Monroe, Georgia at the Doyle plant. Are you the man I need to talk to? I know you are underwater. Is there anyone else who would know about this? Britt What was the subject line for this email?
In re Doyle Claim Against Underwriters
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Jeg nylig hørt fra David Marshall i risikohåndteringsgruppen at vi har framsatt eller har fremmet et krav mot Ron Anderson fra IBC Turbo for å ha stilt en feilaktig begrunnelse for kvaliteten på gassturbinene han skaffet oss. Marshall sa at du var den personen som ville vite det. Anderson er et potensielt avgjørende vitne for oss hvis vi bestemmer oss for å etterforske Underwriters på forsikringskravet som følge av at Doyle Unit #1 er mislykket, som er en av gassturbinene han skaffet til oss og som lå i Monroe, Georgia ved Doyle-anlegget. Er du mannen jeg må snakke med? Jeg vet at du er under vann. Er det noen andre som ville vite om dette? Hva var det Britt het for e-posten?
This is the content of an e-mail: I recently heard from David Marshall of the risk management group that we have made or have promoted a claim against Ron Anderson of the IBC Turbo for wrongly justifying the quality of the gas turbines he provided us. Marshall said you were the person who wanted to know. Anderson is a potentially crucial witness for us if we decide to investigate the Underwrites on the insurance claim due to the failure of Doyle Unit #1, which is one of the gas turbines he provided for us and which was in Monroe, Georgia at the Doyle facility. Are you the man I need to talk to? I know you're underwater. Does anyone else want to know about this? What was Britt's name for the e-mail?
I re Doyle Påstand mot underforfattere
Re Doyle Claims Against Subwriters
Write an email with the following subject: Memos Discussing California Market
By now you have probably heard about three memos that discuss questionable trading strategies at Enron involving the California market. The memos were brought to the Board's attention several days ago, and the Board voted on Sunday to waive the attorney-client privilege with respect to those documents. On Monday, we turned the memos over to the Federal Regulatory Energy Commission and other appropriate agencies. There are likely to be a number of investigations into this issue, and as we have with all current investigations, we will cooperate fully with these efforts. If you should be contacted in regard to this matter, I encourage you to contact Bob Williams in our legal group at 713-345-2402. However, while these investigations continue to look into the past, our focus must be on the future and on moving this company forward. Thanks for your continued efforts,
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Memos Dimussing California Market
Write an e-mail on the following subject: Memos Dimussing California Market
Nå har du sikkert hørt om tre notater som drøfter tvilsomme handelsstrategier ved Enron angående markedet i California. Notatene ble lagt fram for nemnda for flere dager siden, og nemnda stemte søndag for å gi avkall på advokatgjelden med hensyn til de dokumentene. Mandag leverte vi notatene til energitilsynet og andre egnede byråer. Det vil sannsynligvis bli foretatt en rekke undersøkelser av denne saken, og som vi har sett på alle aktuelle undersøkelser, vil vi samarbeide fullt ut med denne innsatsen. Hvis du bør kontaktes angående denne saken, oppfordrer jeg deg til å kontakte Bob Williams i vår juridiske gruppe på 713-345-02. Selv om disse undersøkelsene fortsetter å se inn i fortiden, må vi imidlertid fokusere på framtiden og på å bringe dette selskapet videre. Takk for innsatsen,
Now you have heard of three notes discussing questionable trade strategies at Enron regarding the California market. The notes were taken several days ago to the board, and the board voted on Sunday to waive the legal liability in respect of those documents. On Monday, we delivered the notes to the Energy Authority and other appropriate agencies. A number of research will likely be done on this matter, and as we have considered all the research in question, we will cooperate fully with this effort. If you should be contacted about this case, I encourage you to contact Bob Williams in our 713-345-02 legal group. Although these studies continue to peer into the past, we need to focus on the future and on passing on this company. Thank you for your service,
Here is an email: Kam, I see your name on SITARA #1186462, so I am requesting help in getting the counterparty named changed from PEOPLES GAS COMPANY, to THE PEOPLES GAS LIGHT & COKE COMPANY. Please give me a call on Fri morning. Thanks, What is a potential subject line for this email?
CounterParty Name Change
Her er en e-post: Kam, jeg ser navnet ditt på SITARA #1186462, så jeg ber om hjelp til å få motparten endret fra FEOPLEGASS KOMPANY, til FEOPLES GASS LYSHAT & COKE COMPANY. Ring meg i morgen tidlig. Takk, hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e-posten?
Here's an e-mail: Kam, I see your name on SITARA #1186462, so I'm asking for help to have my opponent changed from FEOPLEGASS COMPANY, to FEOPLES GASS LIGHT & COKE COMPANY. Call me in the morning. Thank you, what is a possible subject line for this e-mail?
Navneendring på nytt
Rick/Bill/David, Generally, we have managed to keep our main counterparts transacting, but things are tight. We are signing netting agreements and agreeing to collateral threshholds, but we are negotiating hard where we think that we will be so close to collateral lines in the next few months that we would actually have to post. As we go into this week, we need to hold on to those we have, incrementally open up a few more, and start to get people to business as usual. Amongst the things that continues to be missing are the OFFICIAL STORY (we have access to the newspaper here, too), good communication regarding global relationships, and calendar and status of new developments regarding credit facilities, equity issuance/raising..... Not that some of it is getting through, it just comes through random channels and we know very little more than our counterparts that have a subscription to the Wall Street Journal. To that end, it has been suggested here that Houston (PR?) with RAC/Finance develop a daily script of talking points for the masses. We have traders and credit people talking all day to counterparts - they really could use a strong story to tell without have to think about it. I am very confident that I can tell a reasonable story myself, but I am concerned that I do not have all the facts at my disposal and my guess is that the average trader/credit specialist is probably at a greater disadvantage. Thoughts? Ted Generate a subject line for this email.
Credit Story
Rick/Bill/David, generelt, vi har klart å holde våre hovedmotstykker i gang, men ting er stramme. Vi undertegner motregningsavtaler og avtaler med sikkerhetstabber, men vi forhandler hardt der vi tror at vi vil være så nær sikkerhetslinjene de neste månedene at vi faktisk må legge ut. Som vi går inn i denne uken, må vi holde fast på de vi har, stadig åpne opp noen flere, og begynne å få folk til å gjøre forretninger som vanlig. Blant de ting som stadig mangler, er den OFFISIELLE STOR GJØRING (vi har tilgang til avisen her også), god kommunikasjon om globale forhold, kalender og status for den nye utviklingen i forbindelse med kredittanlegg, equity issuance/raising.... ikke at noe av det kommer gjennom, det kommer bare gjennom tilfeldige kanaler og vi vet veldig lite mer enn våre motparter som har abonnement på Wall Street Journal. For det formål har det blitt foreslått her at Houston (PR?) med RAC/Finance utvikle en daglig skript av samtalepunkter for massene. Vi har handelsmenn og kredittpersoner som snakker hele dagen til motparter - de virkelig kunne bruke en sterk historie å fortelle uten å måtte tenke på det. Jeg er veldig sikker på at jeg selv kan fortelle en fornuftig historie, men er opptatt av at jeg ikke har alle fakta til rådighet og jeg tipper at den gjennomsnittlige tilbyder/kredittspesialisten sannsynligvis har større ulemper. - Hva? Lag en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
Rick/Bill/David, in general, we've managed to keep our main counterparts going, but things are tight. We'll sign off agreements and deals with security mistakes, but we'll negotiate hard where we think we'll be so close to the security lines in the next few months that we'll actually have to post. As we go into this week, we must hold on to what we have, keep opening up a few more, and start getting people to do business as usual. Among the things that are constantly missing are the OFFICIAL DRINKS (we also have access to the newspaper here), good communication about global relationships, calendars and status of the new developments in credit facilities, equity issuance/raising....not that any of it comes through, it just comes through random channels and we know very little more than our counterparts who have subscriptions to the Wall Street Journal. To that end, Houston has been proposed here (PR?) with RAC/Finance develop a daily connector script. We have traders and credit people talking all day to counterparties - they could really use a strong story to tell without having to think about it. I am very sure that I can tell a reasonable story myself, but I am concerned that I do not have all the facts available and I guess the average provider/credit specialist probably has greater drawbacks. - What? Create a subject line for this email.
Kr. Kr.
Transwestern held its Transport Options Workshop on August 31. Commercial and regulatory representatives of BP-Amoco, Burlington, Conoco, Coral, Dynegy, Phillips and Reliant attended. After a brief overview of the proposed filing, TW opened the floor for questions and comments. Here is a summary of the comments. Marketing affiliate concerns. BP's regulatory representative expressed concern that TW's marketing affiliates would be able to use options to game the system. In BP's example, since TW and ENA are both Enron companies, ENA could purchase an "out of the money" call option essentially cost free, since its affiliate (TW) would have the ability to buy the option back. Proceeds from ENA's ability to then "move the market" through the establishment of the long basis position would go directly to Enron's bottom line. BP suggested that TW's marketing affiliates be banned from purchasing options, or that the marketing affiliate be required to credit 100% of the option proceeds to other shippers. Although BP admits that Transwestern's prior dealings with ENA have not been suspect, BP fears that TW's filing will set a precedent for other pipelines to offer a similar service. Since TW will be the first pipeline to offer such services, BP wants TW's program to be as restricted as possible. Dynegy echoed BP's concern regarding possible affiliate abuse, but rather than shelve the program entirely, Dynegy reiterated an earlier suggestion that Transwestern be required to credit back the difference between the option fee paid by an affiliate and the next highest bidder, if the affiliate's bid exceeds the next highest by a certain percentage. TW's response was that while actual abuse of an options program by a marketing affiliate may be a legitimate concern, owing to its unassailable record in this area, TW should be entitled to a presumption that it has complied and will continue to comply with Commission policy covering the sale of capacity to marketing affiliates, and was not inclined to voluntarily include any limitations on the options program. If BP and others have serious concerns regarding the Commission's overall policy on marketing affiliates, those issues should be raised in a separate proceeding that applies to all interstate pipelines. Right of first refusal. Burlington asked whether options would replace the right of first refusal. TW's response was that ROFR will still be available pursuant to the terms and conditions of our tariff. Negotiated rate. BP's representative claimed that option contracts will constitute a negotiated rate and that each deal will need to be filed as such. TW did not respond to this or discuss it further. However, TW's position at this point is that since the option fee is part of the transportation rate, transportation deals that include the option amendment will only be considered negotiated rate deals if the total rate including the option fee exceeds the maximum transport rate. Hoarding capacity. Using the recent large block sale of capacity on El Paso as an example, several customers expressed concern that the options program would make it easier for a shipper to hoard capacity. It was not clear why some of the workshop participants thought that the sale of options would create more opportunity for hoarding capacity than already exists. Perhaps because the option fee is a lesser cost than the transport rate for the underlying capacity, their perception was that options would simply make hoarding cheaper and easier. TW acknowledged that the potential for withholding capacity from the market is one reason for FERC's current policy against reserving capacity for shippers. Although TW did not commit to placing any limits on the either the quantity of capacity or options for capacity that any one shipper may own, it is possible that FERC may require TW to do so in a final order. Our plan is to meet with PG&E and SoCalGas in California the week of September 11 to go over details of the program, and to finalize the FERC filing by mid-September. Propose a subject line for this email?
TW Options update
Transwestern holdt sitt transportalternativsverksted den 31. august. Det var representanter for og representanter for de kommersielle representantene for BP-Amoco, Burlington, Conoco, Coral, Dynegy, Phillips og Reliant som deltok. Etter en kortfattet oversikt over den foreslåtte arkiveringen åpnet TW gulvet for spørsmål og kommentarer. Her følger en oppsummering av kommentarene. Tilknyttede bekymringer. BPs reguleringsrepresentant uttrykte bekymring for at TWs markedsføringstilknytninger vil kunne bruke alternativer til å spille systemet. I BP's eksempel, siden TW og ENA er begge Enron-selskaper, kunne ENA kjøpe en <unk>ut av penge<unk> call-opsjonen i hovedsak kostnadsfritt, siden dets tilknyttet (TW) ville ha mulighet til å kjøpe opsjonen tilbake. Forsøk fra ENAs evne til å da<unk>fjerne markedet<unk> gjennom etableringen av den lange basisposisjonen ville gå direkte til Enrons bunnlinje. BP foreslo at TW's markedsføringstilknyttede skal bli utestengt fra opsjoner på kjøpsopsjoner, eller at markedsføringen tilknyttet skal pålegges kreditt 100 % av opsjonens proveny til andre avskipere. Selv om BP innrømmer at Transwesterns tidligere forhold til ENA ikke har vært mistenkt, BP frykter BP at TWs arkivering vil sette et presedens for at andre rørledninger kan tilby en lignende tjeneste. Siden TW vil være den første rørledningen som tilbyr slike tjenester, vil BP at programmet til TW skal være så begrenset som mulig. Dynegy ga uttrykk for BPs bekymring for mulig tilknyttet misbruk, men heller enn å oppheve hele programmet, gjentok Dynegy et tidligere forslag om at Transwestern skal tilbakebetale differansen mellom det opsjonsgebyret som betales av en tilknyttet og den nest høyeste budgiver, dersom det tilknyttedes bud overstiger det nest høyeste med en viss prosentdel. TWs svar var at selv om faktisk misbruk av et opsjonsprogram ved en markedsføringstildeling kan være et berettiget problem, på grunn av sin ufarbare registrering på dette området, bør TW ha rett til en formodning om at det har overholdt og fortsatt vil overholde Kommisjonens politikk for salg av kapasitet til å markedsføre tilsatte, og ikke var tilbøyelig til å inkludere noen begrensninger i opsjonsprogrammet. Dersom BP og andre har alvorlige bekymringer med hensyn til Kommisjonens overordnede politikk for markedsføringsforbindelser, bør disse spørsmålene reises i en separat framgangsmåte som gjelder for alle interstate rørledninger. Høyre av første nekt. Burlington spurte om alternativer ville erstatte retten til første avslag. TWs svar var at ROFR fortsatt vil være tilgjengelig i henhold til vilkårene i vår tariff. Satt i nyhende. BPs representant hevdet at opsjonskontrakter vil utgjøre en forhandlepris, og at hver enkelt avtale vil måtte innleveres som sådan. TW svarte ikke på dette eller diskuterte det videre. TWs posisjon på dette punkt er imidlertid at ettersom opsjonsavgiften er en del av satsen for transport, vil samferdselsavtaler som omfatter opsjonsendringen, bare anses som kjøp etter forhandling dersom den samlede satsen inklusive opsjonsavgiften overstiger den høyeste transportsatsen. Hamstringskapasitet. Ved bruk av den senere store blokksalg av kapasitet på El Paso som et eksempel, uttrykte flere kunder bekymring for at opsjonsprogrammet ville gjøre det enklere for en skipper å hamstrer kapasitet. Det var ikke klart hvorfor noen av verksteddeltakerne mente at salg av opsjoner ville gi større mulighet for hamstringskapasitet enn det som allerede fantes. Kanskje fordi opsjonsgebyret er en mindre kostnad enn transportraten for den underliggende kapasiteten, mente de at opsjoner rett og slett ville gjøre det billigere og enklere å hamstrer. TW erkjente at potensialet for tilbakeholdingskapasitet fra markedet er en av grunnene til FERCs nåværende politikk mot å reservere kapasiteten for skippere. Selv om TW ikke forpliktet seg til å sette noen grenser for enten kapasitetsmengden eller kapasitetsopsjonene som enhver avskiper måtte eie, er det mulig at FERC kan kreve at TW gjør det i en endelig rekkefølge. Planen vår er å møtes med PG&E og SoCalGas i California uken 11. september for å gå over detaljene i programmet, og avslutte FEFRC-utsendingen ved midten av september. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Transwestern held his alternative transport workshop on August 31. There were representatives and representatives of the commercial representatives of BP-Amoco, Burlington, Conoco, Coral, Dynegy, Phillips and Reliant who participated. After a brief overview of the proposed filing, TW opened the floor for questions and comments. Following is a summary of the comments. Related concerns. The BP's regulatory representative expressed concerns that TW's marketing connections could use alternatives to play the system. In BP's example, since the TW and ENA are both Enron companies, ENA could purchase a <unk> out of money<unk> the call option would essentially be free of charge, as its associated (TW) would be able to buy back the option. Attempts from ENA's ability to then remove the market<unk> through the establishment of the long base position would go directly to Enron's bottom line. BP proposed that TW's marketing associate be excluded from options on call options or that the marketing associated shall be subject to credit 100 % of the option proceeds to other shippers. Although BP admits that Transwestern's past relationship with ENA has not been suspected, BP fears BP that TW's filing will set a precedent for other pipelines to provide a similar service. Since TW will be the first pipeline to provide such services, BP will minimise the TW programme. Dynegy expressed BP’s concern about possible related abuse, but rather than suspending the entire programme, Dynegy repeated a previous proposal that Transwestern should refund the difference between the option fee paid by a related and the second highest bidder if the related bid exceeds the second highest by a certain percentage. TW's was actually an option given by a TW's claim that it is not valid for a TW's toll on a TW's claim to be a treshold. In fact, it is possible that the V's response to a TW's claim is valid for the right to the right of the TW's. If BP and others have serious concerns about the Commission’s overall marketing relations policy, those questions should be raised in a separate procedure applicable to all interstate pipelines. Right of the first denial. Burlington asked if alternatives would replace the right to the first refusal. TW's response was that the ROFR will still be available under the terms of our tariff. I was just sitting there. The representative of the BP claimed that option contracts would constitute a negotiating price and that each agreement would have to be submitted as such. TW didn't answer this or discuss it further. However, the position of TW on this point is that since the option charge is part of the transport rate, transportation agreements involving the option change will only be considered negotiated if the total rate including the option charge exceeds the maximum rate of transport. Hamstring capacity. Using the subsequent large block sales of capacity on El Paso as an example, several customers expressed concern that the option programme would make it easier for a skipper to stockpile capacity. It was not clear why some of the shop participants felt that selling options would give more potential for hoarding capacity than already existed. Perhaps because the option fee is a lower cost than the transport rate for the underlying capacity, they felt that options would simply make it cheaper and easier to hoard. TW acknowledged that the market-wide potential for withholding capacity is one of the reasons why FERC’s current policy against reserving skipper capacity. Although TW did not commit itself to set any limits on either the capacity quantity or capacity options that any shipper may own, it is possible that FERC may require TW to do so in a final order. Our plan is to meet with PG/3E and SoCalGas in California the week 11th of September to go over the details of the program and finish the FEFRC launch at mid-September. Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
TW Oppholdsoppdatering
TW Maintenance Update
This is an email Attached please find referenced list. Again, no European power for U.S. counterparties until further notice. On Sithe Power where we only changed the counterparty id #, there is no change from my previous approval. What is the subject of this email?
Counterparty Approval List for 02/02/00
Dette er en e-post vedlagt vennligst finn referanseliste. Heller ikke Europamakt for amerikanske motparter før videre. På Sithe Power, der vi bare endret motpartsnummeret #, er det ingen endring fra min forrige godkjenning. Hva er emnet for denne e- posten?
This is an e-mail attached, please find a reference list. Even European power for American counterparties before then. At Sithe Power, where we just changed the counterparty number #, there's no change from my previous authorisation. What is the subject of this email?
Liste over andre vilkår for vilkår 02.02.00
List of other conditions for conditions 02.02.00
What is the subject line for this email? Dear Enron Employees: I'm sorry to report that a third Enron employee has died in the hospital as a result of injuries from yesterday's explosion and fire at Teesside Power Station. To lose another employee is a devastating blow to all of us. A fourth employee remains in the hospital and is in stable condition. Please keep these employees and their families in your thoughts and prayers. We will release their names as soon as all family members and relatives have been notified. I'm in the U.K. now and will be visiting with the employees and families who've been affected by this tragic accident. I will also visit the site and will meet with authorities in order to determine the cause of the explosion. I will keep you posted on any new developments.
Teesside Update
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Bearron Ansatte: beklager å måtte meddele at en tredje Enron-ansatt har omkommet på sykehuset som følge av skader etter gårsdagens eksplosjon og brann på Teesside kraftstasjon. Å miste en annen ansatt er et knusende slag for oss alle. En fjerde ansatt er igjen på sykehuset og er i stabil tilstand. Vennligst hold disse ansatte og deres familier i dine tanker og bønner. Vi vil offentliggjøre deres navn så snart alle familiemedlemmer og pårørende er meldt. Jeg er i U.K. nå og skal besøke de ansatte og familier som har blitt berørt av denne tragiske ulykken. Jeg vil også besøke stedet og vil møte myndigheter for å finne årsaken til eksplosjonen. Jeg vil holde deg oppdatert om en ny utvikling.
What is the subject line for this email? Bearron Employee: sorry to inform you that a third Enron employee has died in the hospital as a result of injuries from yesterday's explosion and fire at Teesside Power Station. Losing another employee is a devastating blow to all of us. A fourth employee is still in the hospital and stable. Please keep these employees and their families in your thoughts and prayers. We will publish their names as soon as all family members and relatives are reported. I'm in the U.K. right now visiting the employees and families who have been affected by this tragic accident. I'd also like to visit the site and meet with the authorities to find the cause of the explosion. I'd like to keep you updated on a new development.
Testessiden oppdatering
Test page update
Write an email with the following subject: READ! CHANGE OF TIME FOR MEETING: MASTER NETTING
PLEASE NOTE THAT THE MASTER NETTING MEETING WILL BE AT 11:00 (CDT) RATHER THAN 10:00 AT ECN 791. SORRY FOR INCONVENIENCE. Esmeralda, please be sure we keep conference room until 12. Thanks.
Write an e-mail on the following subject: LEVE! AMENDMENT OF TIME TO MEET: MORE TRAINING MASTERS
TA HENSIK AT DET MASTER AT AT TA NÅTET SKAL BLI NATK (CDT) RADER ENN DEN 10. 06.09. SORG TIL INKONVENTEREN. Esmeralda, vær sikker på at vi holder konferanserommet til 12. Takk.
IF IT MASTERS THAT THE NIGHT HAS TO BE NATK (CDT) RECORDS THAN 10 / 06.09. SORRY TO THE CONVENTION. Esmeralda, make sure we hold the conference room until noon. Thank you.
Write a subject line for this message: FYI. Any thoughts Joe & Co.? Is release from contracts an "increase supply" option? My fear is that QFs get released and then California's "police state" mentality kicks in, enacting Exec Orders, legislation, etc. to ensure that the power from the QF facilities stays in California. Best,
Ridgewood's Petition To Be Released From QF Contracts
Skriv en emnelinje for denne meldinga: FYI. Noen tanker il do do & co.? Er det å søke om fritak fra kontrakter en stadig større tilbudsordning<unk> opsjon? Min frykt er at QFs slippes fri, og så Californias politistat, mentalitetsspark inn, iverksetter Exec Orders, lovgivning, osv. å sikre at kraften fra QF-anleggene holder seg i California. For det meste; i det enkelte, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i
Type a subject line for the following message: FYI. Any thoughts do do do do & co.? Is applying for a waiver from contracts an increasingly large supply option? My fear is that QFs is released, and then the California State of Police, the Mentality Kick in, initiates Executive Orders, legislation, etc. to ensure that the power from the QF facilities stays in California. For the most part, in the individual, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it
Ridge's Petition To Be Released from QF Contracts
Ridge's Petition To Be Released from QF Contacts
Write an email with the following subject: Briefing Ken Lay
Vince, I would like to respond to the discussion that we had today. It probably would have been more accurate to characterize my work for Ken Lay as a "briefing" rather than as a "speech". When I said I wrote a speech, I meant "I prepared presentation material" for him to use for his speaking engagement. I thought that "writing a speech" and "preparing a presentation" is OK to use interchangeably in the English language. In my review I stated as an accomplishment, " I worked with the Chairman of Enron, Ken Lay, briefing him on President Bush's tax proposals helping him prepare for a trip to the White House along with Steve Kean." However, I think the results are the same. Ken Lay and Steve Kean were pleased with our contribution. To me this was an accomplishment not only for me, but our group, and I would hope The Reseach Department. For you to say that my misuse of the English language "undermines my credibility", however, is a bit strong and I do not agree. I pride myself in is my honesty. Maureen
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: briefing Ken Lay
Write an e-mail with the following subject: briefing Ken Lay
Vince, jeg vil gjerne svare på den diskusjonen vi hadde i dag. Trolig ville det ha vært mer nøyaktig å karakterisere mitt arbeid for Ken Lay som en -briefing - i stedet for som en \"speech\" - Da jeg sa at jeg skrev en tale, mente jeg<unk> jeg har forberedt presentasjonsmateriell<unk> for ham å bruke til taletalen. Jeg tenkte at det å skrive en tale<unk> og<unk>formulere en presentasjon<unk> er greit å bruke om hverandre i det norske språket. I min redegjørelse, som jeg uttalte som en prestasjon, - jobbet jeg med styreformannen i Enron, Ken Lay, og brifet ham om president Bushs skatteforslag for å hjelpe ham med å forberede en reise til Det hvite hus sammen med Steve Kean - Men jeg tror resultatene er de samme. Ken Lay og Steve Kean var fornøyd med bidraget vårt. For meg var dette ikke bare for meg, men for meg, men også for gruppen vår, og jeg håpet på Ressessesseavdelingen. For deg å si at min misbruk av det engelske språket <unk>underminerer min troverdighet<unk> men er litt sterk og jeg er ikke enig. Jeg er stolt av min ærlighet. ]
Vince, I'd like to answer that discussion we had today. It would probably have been more accurate to characterize my work for Ken Lay as a briefing instead of a "speech." When I said I was writing a speech, I meant, "I have prepared presentation material "<unk> for him to use for his speech. I thought that writing a speech in the English language is okay. In my statement, which I stated as a performance, I worked with the chairman of Enron, Ken Lay, and briefed him on President Bush's tax bill to help him prepare a trip to the White House with Steve Kean... But I think the results are the same. Ken Lay and Steve Kean were pleased with our contribution. For me, this was not just for me, but for me, but also for our group, and I was hoping for the Rassess department. For you to say that my abuse of the English language undermines my credibility, but is a little strong and I disagree. I'm proud of my honesty. ]
Here is an email: Vince, In light of the new circumstances, I am guessing that the company will not continue to reimburse me for my french lessons. Thanks for the confirmation of this policy going forward. Gwyn What is a potential subject line for this email?
Her er en e-post: Vince, i lys av de nye omstendighetene, antar jeg at firmaet ikke vil fortsette å refundere meg for mine franske timer. Takk for bekreftelsen på at denne politikken pågår. Gwyn Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e-posten?
Here's an email, Vince, in light of the new circumstances, I'm guessing the company won't continue to refund me for my French hours. Thank you for confirming that this policy is in progress. Gwyn What is a possible subject line for this e-mail?
Fra %s
From %s
I forgot to email myself the brief to track changes, but here are my changes in writing: p. 1: Para starting "focusing on the latter," that sentence, change "get creative" to be innavotaive in its approach." p. 2: 1st full Paragraph, Second sentence, change "uniting" to "common" and there is a typo on line5, reduction n consumption. Should be "of" page 6: We need the RR for PG&E. Under Part VII, Rate Design, can we insert a sentence that our proposal, unlike the others, does not arbitrarily allocate costs to peak period. We told Scott we wuold insert the arbitrariness of other proposals several times in the brief. We also need ro insert discussion about relation of peak to offpeak prices, as a 3:2 ratio, which is not what other parties have proposed. page 8: 2. Derivation of Threshold Usage:, first sentence, delete "between" in first sentence. page 9: Second full paragraph, begining "Again, the UDS's, " Second sentence, sited should be "cited" p. 12: First full paragraph beginning "A primary component," Insert a sentence after the second sentence to mention, again, the arbitrariness of proposals allocatin costs between peak and offpeak. Second full parag, beginning, "Enron's proposal, can stick a sentence about arbitrariness in there too. And change "more necessary goal" in 4th sentence to "more critical goal" I don't have the email I sent out about what we agreed to insert with Scott, so if you have a chance, check it to make sure we did everything we agreed to. I am going to try to come into the office very early tomorrow and will check email again, but my son has an appointment with the neurologist here in Houston at 9:20 am tomorrow, and that is where I will be when you have the 9:30 call (we made this appointment months ago). But I will communicate with Harry and everyone else before then. Thanks. Propose a subject line for this email?
Some comments on the brief
Jeg har glemt å sende meg selv en e-post om å spore endringer, men her er mine skriveendringer: s. 1: Para som begynner å fokusere på sistnevnte,<unk> den setningen, endring<unk>oppfinnsomhet<unk> å være uforsonlig i sin tilnærming<unk> s. 2.2. Første hele avsnitt, annet punktum, endring, endring, fordeling<unk> til<unk>vanlig<unk> og det er en skrivefeil på linje5, reduksjon n forbruk. Bør være<unk>av<unk> side 6: Vi trenger RR for PG HJEM. Under del VII, Ratedesign, kan vi sette inn en setning som vårt forslag, i motsetning til de andre, ikke betinger å fordele kostnader til toppperiode. Vi sa til Scott at vi fornølet å sette andre forslag i bås flere ganger i rapporten. Vi trenger også ro sette inn diskusjon om forholdet mellom topp og topp- og toppnoteringspriser, som et forholdstall på 3:2, som ikke er det andre parter har foreslått. side 2 og 2. Terskelpunktsderivasjon: slett første punktum<unk> mellom<unk> i første punktum. side 9: Andre fulle avsnitt, begynnende<unk>Again, UDS's,<unk> Andre setning, side d bør oppses<unk> s. 12: Første fulle avsnitt begynner<unk> En primærkomponent,<unk> Sett inn en setning etter andre setning for å nevne, igjen, den arbitraliteten av forslag allokatin koster mellom topp og offuttal. Andre fullparag, begynnelse,<unk>Enrons forslag, kan stikke ut en setning om et bifag der også. Og endring<unk> nødvendig mål<unk> i fjerde setning til<unk>mer kritisk mål<unk> jeg har ikke e-posten jeg sendte ut om hva vi avtalte å sette inn med Scott, så hvis du har en sjanse, sjekk det for å være sikker på at vi gjorde alt vi avtalte. Jeg kommer til å prøve å komme inn på kontoret veldig tidlig i morgen og vil sjekke e-post igjen, men min sønn har en avtale med nevrologen her i Houston kl. 09.20 i morgen, og det er der jeg vil være når du har besøket kl. 09.30 (vi gjorde denne avtalen for måneder siden). Men jeg vil kommunisere med Harry og alle andre før det. Takk. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
I've forgotten to send myself an e-mail to track changes, but here are my writing changes: p. 1: Para that starts focusing on the latter,<unk> that sentence, change<unk>ingenuity to be implacable at its approach<unk> s.2.2. First complete section, second sentence, change, change, distribution<unk> to<unk> common<unk> and there is a typing error on line5, reduction n consumption. Should be the<unk> of the<unk> page 6: We need RR for the PG home. In Part VII, Rate Design, we can put in a sentence as our proposal, unlike the others, not to assign costs to peak periods. We told Scott that we had no time to put other suggestions in the report several times. We also need to put in a row discussion about the relationship between peak and peak quotation prices, as a ratio of 3:2, which is not what other parties have suggested. page 2 and 2. Threshold Point Depravation: erase first dot<unk> between<unk> in first sentence. Page 2nd of the first paragraph of the year. Other full parades, beginnings, Enron's proposal, can put a sentence on a bi-grad there too. And change<unk> the required goal<unk> in the fourth sentence to<unk>more critical target<unk> I don't have the e-mail I sent out about what we agreed to insert with Scott, so if you have a chance, check it to make sure we did everything we agreed. I'm going to try to get into the office very early tomorrow and I'll check your e-mail again, but my son has an appointment with the neurologist here in Houston at 9:20 tomorrow, and that's where I'll be when you visit at 9:30 (we made this appointment months ago). But I want to communicate with Harry and everyone before that. Thank you. Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
Noen av kommentarene til rapporten
Some of the comments on the report
Write a subject line for this message: Hi Steve, I wanted to send this to you before I send it out to others, since I feel like there were changes we had discussed that somehow didn't make in the last draft. Guess you can say this is a sanity check! If it looks good to you, then I will send it out, unless you prefer to make distribution. Kay
Jeg ville sende dette til deg før jeg sendte det til andre, siden det var endringer vi snakket om som ikke kom i siste utkast. Du kan si at dette er en helsesjekk! Hvis det ser bra ut for deg, så sender jeg det ut, hvis du ikke foretrekker å gjøre distribusjon. Siste lahar Sitt
I wanted to send this to you before I sent it to other people, because there were changes we talked about that didn't come in the last draft. You can say this is a medical check! If it looks good to you, I'll send it out, unless you prefer to do distribution. Last lahar Sitt
Here is an email: I have two (2) tickets for "Wit" playing at the Alley Theatre for Friday, Feb. 11 (8 pm, Sec. 4, Row G). Let me know if you are interested. No charge. Sara What is a potential subject line for this email?
Tickets for "Wit"
Her er en e-post: Jeg har to (2) billetter for<unk>Wit<unk> som spiller på Alley Theatre for fredag, feb. 11 (8 pm, sec. 4, rad g). Si fra hvis du er interessert. Ingen tiltale. Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e-posten?
Here's an email: I have two (2) tickets for<unk>Wit<unk> playing at the Alley Theatre for Friday, Feb. 11 (8 pm, sec. 4, row g. Let me know if you're interested. No charges. What is a possible subject line for this e-mail?
<unk> <unk>
Holli: EWEB's Board Resolution of December 5, 2000 permits financial hedging in general and authorizes: "The General Manager or other authorized officers as noted in the Power Risk Management Guidelines to execute confirmations of transactions within the limits specified in the Power Risk Management Guidelines." Each time ENA trades with EWEB, the trader must verify whether the EWEB trader is authorized under the then current version of the Power Risk Management Guidelines. Each date you execute a trade: (1) you will need a list of authorized traders (authorized to enter into derivative transactions) certified by EWEB's secretary to be correct as of the Trade Date and (2) a statement certified by EWEB's secretary that the Transaction falls within the limits specified in the most current version of the Power Risk Management Guidelines, effective as of the Trade Date. We have only a portion of the Power Risk Management Guidelines and it is dated April 19, 1999. Our version is incomplete and probably outdated. Maybe EWEB will provide you with the current version. It would be a lot easier if EWEB's resolution simply authorized it to enter into financial trades documented under the ISDA (which is what most resolutions permit). However, EWEB did not obtain a broad resolution. To Melissa, Sharen and Kim: We should also verify that our confirmations contain these representations. Please talk to me. Generate a subject line for this email.
Holli: EWEB's Board Release av 5. desember 2000 tillatelser til finansiell sikring i alminnelighet og tillatelser:<unk>Generalsjefen eller andre autoriserte offiserer som angitt i retningslinjene for risikohåndtering for å utføre bekreftelser av transaksjoner innenfor grensene angitt i retningslinjene for risikohåndtering for risikohåndtering for risikohåndtering for risikohåndtering<unk> Hver gang ENA handler med EWEB, må den næringsdrivende kontrollere om den EWEB-flygeren har tillatelse i henhold til den gjeldende versjonen av retningslinjene for risikohåndtering av elektrisk eller elektronisk risikohåndtering. Hver dato du utfører en handel: (1), vil du trenge en liste over autoriserte næringsdrivende (godkjente til å inngå derivattransaksjoner) sertifisert av EWEBs sekretær for å være korrekt i forhold til Handelsdatoen og (2) en erklæring fra EWEBs sekretær om at transaksjonen faller innenfor grensene angitt i den mest gjeldende versjonen av retningslinjene for risikohåndtering, med virkning fra handelsdatoen. Vi har bare en del av Power Risk Managements. Den er datert 19. april 1999. Vår versjon er ufullstendig og sannsynligvis avleggs. Kanskje EWEB vil gi deg den gjeldende versjonen. Det ville være mye enklere hvis EWEBs resolusjon bare autoriserte det å inngå finanshandel dokumentert under ISDA (som er hva de fleste resolusjoner tillater). EWEB fikk imidlertid ikke en bred resolusjon. Til Melissa, Sharen og Kim: Vi bør også bekrefte at våre bekreftelser inneholder disse fremstillingene. Vær så snill, snakk til meg. Lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten.
Holli: the EWEB's Board Relationship of 5 December 2000 generally authorised financial hedge permits and permits:<unk> The general manager or other authorised officers as specified in the risk management policy to perform confirmations of transactions within the limits specified in the risk management policy on risk management for risk management<unk> Each time ENA deals with the EWEB, the operator must verify whether the EWEB pilot is authorised in accordance with the current version of the risk management policy on electrical or electronic risk management. You will be performing a business plan (1) above which you will perform a business plan (to be authorised) (to be included in the list of business details for the purpose of a performance). We only have part of the Power Risk Managements, dated April 19, 1999. Our version is incomplete and probably outdated. Perhaps the EWEB will give you the current version. It would be much easier if EWEB’s resolution merely authorized the entering into financial trafficking documented under ISDA (which is what most resolutions allow). However, the EWEB did not receive a broad resolution. For Melissa, Sharen, and Kim, we should also confirm that our confirmations contain these representations. Please, talk to me. Create a subject line for this email.
Please review the attached press release, which we'd like to issue as soon as possible this morning. Please confirm that we have, in fact, closed on the $450 million, and let me know if you have any additional comments. Thank you. Generate a subject line for this email.
Revised Press Release
Vennligst se vedlagt pressemelding, som vi vil utstede så snart som mulig i dag tidlig. Vennligst bekreft at vi faktisk har avsluttet på 450 millioner dollar, og si fra hvis du har noen tilleggskommentarer. Takk. Lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten.
Please see the attached press release, which we will issue as soon as possible this morning. Please confirm that we have actually ended at $450 million, and let me know if you have any additional comments. Thank you. Create a subject line for this email.
Press Release
Write an email with the following subject: Thanks for January 1, 2000
The address list on the memo below contains the names of all ENA Energy Operations employees who worked in the offices in Houston, Denver and Calgary on January 1st to test our systems. Does it work for you to copy and paste this for Cliff's note? Let me know if it would be better to provide this to you in a different way. Thanks. --Sally
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Takk for 1. januar 2000
Write an e-mail on the following subject: Thank you for 1 January 2000
Adresselisten på notatet under inneholder navnene på alle ENA Energy Operations-ansatte som arbeidet på kontorene i Houston, Denver og Calgary 1. januar for å teste systemene våre. Er det greit om du kopierer og limer inn dette for Cliffs notat? La meg vite om det ville være bedre å gi deg dette på en annen måte. Takk. <unk>Skull
The address list in the memo below contains the names of all ENA Energy Operations employees who worked in the offices of Houston, Denver and Calgary on 1 January to test our systems. Do you mind copying and pasting this for Cliff's memo? Let me know if it would be better to give you this in another way. Thank you. <unk>Scoal
In an effort to conserve space in the refrigerator for tomorrow's Thanksgiving luncheon, please take your old or unwanted items out of the refrigerator this afternoon. Also, if you are bringing a dish, please remember to bring a serving spoon. Thanks!! ! Propose a subject line for this email?
Thanksgiving Luncheon
For å spare plass i kjøleskapet til i morgendagens høsttakkefesten, vennligst ta med deg gamle eller uønskede ting ut av kjøleskapet i ettermiddag. Og hvis du skal ha med en matrett, så husk å ta med deg en skje. Takk!! knu eller knu (null) , eller , knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu ( (null eller eller eller eller eller (kr) , knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu eller eller eller knu eller eller eller eller eller eller ( (k) , eller knu eller eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk)))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
To save room in the fridge for tomorrow's Thanksgiving, please take old or unwanted things out of the fridge this afternoon. And if you're bringing a dish, remember to bring a spoon. Thank you! () or () () ( () or ( () ( () ( () or ( () ( () or ( () ( ( () or ( () ( ()) ( ( () or ( ()) ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or) or ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or or or) or ( ( () or or ( ( or or or or or or ( ( ()) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ()))) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ( () or or) or ( () or or ( () or) or or ( () or or or or ( () or or) or ( () or) or or ( ( or or) or ( or) or ( or) or ( ( ( or) or) or) or or ( or or or or or) or) or ( ( or or) or ( ( or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or) ( ( () or) or) or) or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
Here is an email: Please respond to Sivy on Stocks SIVY ON STOCKS from April 23, 2001 Winning a loser's game Companies that make the fewest mistakes will fare best in the current market. And 3M is trying to not miss a trick. By Michael Sivy Some sports, such as football, are winner's games. The team with the most successful offense wins. Others, such as golf, are loser's games. Players don't defeat their opponents -- victory goes to the person who makes the What is a potential subject line for this email?
Sivy on Stocks: Winning a loser's game
Her er en e-post: Vennligst svar på «Sivey on Stocks SIVY ON STOKSTER» fra 23. april 2001 Vinner av et taperspill Selskap som gjør færrest feil vil det gå best i det aktuelle markedet. Og 3M prøver å ikke gå glipp av et triks. Av Michael Sivy Noen sporter, for eksempel fotball, er vinnerkamper. Laget med den mest suksessfulle seiersvinneren. Andre, som for eksempel golf, er taperspill. Spillerne slår ikke motstanderne sine -- seieren går til personen som gjør «What is a Potensial subject line» for denne e-posten?
Here's an email: Please respond to "Sivey on Stocks SIVY ON STOKSTER" from on 23 April 2001 Winner of a losing game Company that makes the most mistakes will be best in the market in question. And 3M is trying not to miss a trick. By Michael Sivy some sports, such as football, are winning matches. Made with the most successful winner. Others, such as golf, are loser games. The players don't beat their opponents -- victory goes to the person who makes "What is a Potential Subject Line" for this e-mail?
Siby på aksjer: Seier en tapers spill
Say on shares: win a loser's game
Hi Mr. Lay. I am Cheryl Thompson-Draper's assistant and she and her husband, John Draper, are on the Host Committee for Houston Baptist University's Spirit of Excellence Gala featuring General H. Norman Schwarzkopf and honoring Eleanor McCollum, Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, and The Robert & Janice McNair Foundation. The Gala will be held Tuesday, October 9th at the Double Tree Hotel on Post Oak. Cheryl and John would like to extend an invitation to you and your wife to be their guests at the worthy event. Please let me know if you and Mrs. Lay are able to attend. Write a subject line for this email.
HBU's Spirit of Excellence Gala
Hei Herr Lay. Jeg er Cheryl Thompson-Drapers assistent og hun og hennes ektemann, John Draper, sitter i Vertskomiteen for Houston Baptist Universitys ånd for fremragende galla med general H. Norman Schwarzkopf og ærer Eleanor McCollum, Houston Live Show og Rodeo, og The Robert & Janice McNair Foundation. Galaen blir avholdt tirsdag 9. oktober på Double Tree Hotel på Post Oak. Cheryl og John vil gjerne gi deg og din kone en innbydelse til å være deres gjester under den verdige begivenheten. Si fra hvis du og fru Lay kan komme. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
Hello, Mr. Lay. I'm Cheryl Thompson-Killer's assistant and she and her husband, John Draper, are sitting on the Host Committee of Houston Baptist University's spirit of excellence with General H. Norman Schwarzkopf and honoring Eleanor McCollum, Houston Live Show and Rodeo, and The Robert & Janice McNair Foundation. The gala will be held on Tuesday, October 9th, at the Double Tree Hotel at Post Oak. Cheryl and John would like to extend to you and your wife an invitation to be their guests during the dignified event. Let me know if you and Mrs. Lay can come. Type a subject line for this email.
HBUs ånd fra det ærerike liv
HBU’s Spirit of Glory
What is the subject line for this email? The following reports have been waiting for your approval for more than 4 days. Please review. Owner: Andrew Edison Report Name: AE PLI Seminar Days In Mgr. Queue: 6 Owner: Linda Guinn Report Name: LG - Portland Days In Mgr. Queue: 4
Expense Reports Awaiting Your Approval
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? De følgende rapportene har ventet i mer enn 4 dager på å bli godkjent. Se oversikt. Eier: Andrew Edison Report Name: AE PLI Seminar Days In Mgr. Kø: 6 Eier: Linda Ginn Meldal Navn: LG - Portland Days In Mgr. Kø: 4
What is the subject line for this email? The following reports have been waiting for more than 4 days to be approved. Look at the layout. Owner: Andrew Edison Report Name: AE PLI Seminar Days In Mgr. In line: 6 Owner: Linda Ginn Meldal Name: LG - Portland Days In Mgr. Queue: 4
Utgiftsmeldinger på grunn av din godkjenning
Outlays due to your approval
Jeff, My brother had this guy call him and he forwarded his resume. Do you know him? Any interest? If you do, please forward on. Thanks, Generate a subject line for this email.
resume of former Duke collegue
Jeff, broren min fikk en fyr til å ringe ham, og han videresendte CV-en sin. Kjenner du ham? Er du interessert? Hvis du gjør det, vennligst fremad. Takk, lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten.
Jeff, my brother had a guy call him, and he forwarded his résumé. Do you know him? Are you interested? If you do, please forward. Thank you, please create a subject line for this e-mail.
gjenopptak av tidligere kontakt med hertug av hertugen
resume previous contact with the duke
This is the content of an email: I had a good interview with Andy yesterday. He is a strong candidate and you may want to consider him for origination and mid-marketing opportunities. His resume is attached below. I highly recommend Andy and if you are interested in talking with him, please contact Shanna Funkhouser to arrange an interview. Thanks. What was the subject line for this email?
Strong Candidate
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: jeg hadde et godt intervju med Andy i går. Han er en sterk kandidat, og du bør kanskje vurdere ham for opprinnelse og midt i markedsføringen. Hans CV er vedlagt under. Jeg anbefaler Andy, og hvis du vil snakke med ham, vennligst kontakt Shanna Funkhouser for å arrangere et intervju. Takk. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an email. I had a good interview with Andy yesterday. He's a strong candidate, and you might want to consider him for origin and in the middle of marketing. His CV is attached below. I recommend Andy, and if you want to talk to him, please contact Shanna Funkhouser to arrange an interview. Thank you. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
ikke kan følge
cannot follow
This is an email Quick question to Joe and/or Christian, John and Mary: I'm assuming that any deal we sign with DWR that falls below the $150/MWH soft cap is free and clear of the order FERC issued on Friday as well as any other refund risk associated with FERC's December order. Is that correct? Thanks. Best, What is the subject of this email?
FERC Order and DWR
Dette er en e-post Quick spørsmål til Joe og/eller Christian, John og Mary: Jeg antar at enhver avtale vi signerer med DWR som faller under $150/MWH myke cap er fri og fri for ordren FERC utstedt fredag samt enhver annen tilbakebetalingsrisiko knyttet til FERCs desemberordre. Er det riktig? Takk. Best. Hva er temaet for denne e-posten?
This is an e-mail Quick question to Joe and/or Christian, John and Mary: I assume any agreement we sign with a DWR that falls below $150/MWH soft cap is free and free of the order FERC issued on Friday and any other refund risk associated with the FERC December order. Is that right? Thank you. What's the theme of this e-mail?
Den nye orden og Harmageddon
The New Order and Armageddon
This is the content of an email: See the new versions of the netting agreement forms below. All that has been done is to move the Force Majeure concept to paragraph 2(a) from 14(b). This allows the daily limit concept to stand in the UMAs, but it won't elevate to a default under the master netting arrangements. In certain instances if you want to "kill" the day limitation completely in the underlying agreement, you can always use the previous 14(b) language from the emailed docs earlier today. The docs remain at v1 (version 1). What was the subject line for this email?
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Se de nye versjonene av nettavtaleskjemaene nedenfor. Alt som er gjort er å flytte Force Majeure-konseptet til nr. 2 bokstav a) fra nr. 14 bokstav b). Dette gjør at dagligtalebegrepet kan stå i UMA-ene, men det vil ikke heve seg til en standard i henhold til masternettoordningene. I visse tilfeller hvis du vil<unk>drep<unk> dagsbeelden helt i den underliggende avtalen, kan du alltid bruke det foregående 14(b) språket fra de e-postede docs tidligere i dag. Dokkene står igjen på v1 (versjon 1). Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an e-mail: See the new versions of the network agreement forms below. All that's done is move Force Majeure concept to point 2(a) from point 14(b). This allows for the everyday concept of speech to be in the UMAs, but it will not rise to a standard according to the Masternett systems. In some cases, if you want to kill<unk> the day’s end in the underlying agreement, you can always use the previous 14(b) language from the emailed docs earlier today. The dolls are left on v1 (version 1). What was the subject line for this e-mail?
Dear Americans, When I send out a breaking news update from many people write back to me thanking me for the information and asking me about my sources. Like Rush Limbaugh, many times, I refer to the Washington Times often. I find The Washington Times National Weekly Edition to be well written and right on top of the issues. In fact, The Times has repeatedly scooped all other news sources on major national issues like the Clinton scandals. Perhaps more important, The Washington Times National Weekly Edition reports stories the liberal news media intentionally ignores because it does not fit their version of the news. If you want to stay truly informed and get the facts about what's really happening in the world, I strongly suggest that you read The Washington Times National Weekly Edition. I could not do without The Times to combat the liberalism of the Washington Post. Now there's a way that you too can have what I do -- by reading the Washington Times National Weekly Propose a subject line for this email?
The Washington Times National Weekly Edition
Dear Americans, Når jeg sender ut en nyhetsoppdatering fra Mange skriver tilbake til meg og takker meg for informasjonen og spør meg om kildene mine. Som Rush Limbaugh, mange ganger, jeg refererer til Washington Times ofte. I finner The Washington Times National Weekly Edition til å være velskrevet og rett på toppen av numrene. The Times har faktisk gjentatte ganger avslørt alle andre nyhetskilder om viktige nasjonale spørsmål som Clinton-skandalene. Noe som kanskje er enda viktigere, er at avisen The Washington Times National Weekly Edition forteller om nyhetsmediene i den liberale nyhetsmeldingen og ignorerer den fordi den ikke passer til deres versjon av nyhetene. Hvis du ønsker å holde deg informert og få fakta om hva som egentlig skjer i verden, foreslår jeg at du leser The Washington Times National Weekly Edition. Jeg kunne ikke klart meg uten The Times til å bekjempe liberalismen i Washington Post. Nå er det en måte at du også kan ha det jeg gjør -- ved å lese Washington Times National Weekly Propose a subject line for denne e-posten?
Dear Americans, when I send out a news update from Many write back to me and thank me for the information and ask me about my sources. Like Rush Limbaugh, many times, I refer to the Washington Times often. I find The Washington Times National Weekly Edition to be well written and right on top of the numbers. In fact, The Times has repeatedly exposed every other source of news on important national issues such as the Clinton scandals. More importantly, The Washington Times National Weekly Edition reports on the liberal news media and ignores it because it does not fit their version of the news. If you want to stay informed and get the facts about what's really going on in the world, I suggest you read The Washington Times National Weekly Edition. I couldn't have made it without The Times to fight liberalism in the Washington Post. Now, there's a way that you can also have what I do -- by reading the Washington Times National Weekly Project a subject line for this e-mail?
Den nasjonale ukeutgaven av Washington Times
The National Weekly Edition of the Washington Times
Write an email with the following subject: weekly specials
Sheri, We are going to NO for JazzFest at the end of April. April 27th-29th to be exact. Let me know if you're going. DG
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: ukentlige særretter
Write an e-mail with the following subjects: weekly specialties
Sheri, Vi skal på NO for JazzFest i slutten av april. 27. april i stedet for å være nøyaktig. Si fra hvis du skal dra. DGG
Sherri, we're going to NO for JazzFest at the end of April. April 27th instead of being accurate. Let me know if you're leaving. DGG
Write an email with the subject line "Morgan Stanley futures".
Sara and Marie, Mike Kustra was in to meet Gary for Morgan Stanley today. Mike has been told that the only thing outstanding is the place of jusidiction and Chicago has been agreed to as the compromise. Please let me know if this agrees with your view. Thanks. Sheila
Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen <unk>Morgan Stanley futures <unk>
Type a mail with the subject line <unk>Morgan Stanley futures <unk>
Sara og Marie, Mike Kustra skulle møte Gary for Morgan Stanley. Mike har blitt fortalt at det eneste som er spesielt er stedet for rettsforhandling og Chicago har blitt avtalt som kompromisset. Si fra hvis dette er i samsvar med ditt syn. Takk. Hun
Sara and Marie, Mike Kustra were meeting Gary for Morgan Stanley. Mike's been told that the only thing that's special is the place for a trial and Chicago's been agreed to compromise. Let me know if this agrees with your view. Thank you. Her.
This is the content of an email: In light of the recent PCB issue with PG&E on the Topock Lateral, I have asked Mr. John Woodyard of Roy F. Westin to c ome to Houston and make a presentation on PCB's in natural gas pipelines. Mr. Woodyard has considerable experience in the management of PCB's and works closely in industry associations (INGAA and GRI), Mr. Woodyard also works as a consultant in this capacity. The date of this meeting will be on Friday, September 3rd, beginning at 9:00 am. Lou Soldano will be setting up a meeting room and will notifiy all attendees via lotus notes prior to the September 3rd meeting date. I think this meeting will be very interesting and informative and and encourage all to attend, if possible. What was the subject line for this email?
PG&E PCB Meeting with John Woodyard
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: I lys av den siste PCB-utgaven med PG&E på Topock Lateral har jeg bedt Mr. John Woodyard fra Roy F. Westin om å komme til Houston og presentere PCB i naturgassrør. Mr. Woodyard har stor erfaring innen forvaltning av PCB's og arbeider tett i bransjeforeninger (TINGAA og GRI), Mr. Woodyard jobber også som konsulent i denne stillingen. Datoen for dette møtet vil være fredag den 3. september, fra kl. 21.00. Lou soldano skal sette opp et møterom og vil melde alle deltakere via lotusnotater før møtedatoen 3. september. Jeg synes dette møtet vil være svært interessant, opplysende og oppmuntre alle til å overvære det, hvis det er mulig. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an e-mail, in light of the last PCB version of PG'E at Topock Lateral, I have asked Mr. John Woodyard from Roy F. Westin to come to Houston and present PCBs in natural gas tubes. Mr. Woodyard has a great deal of experience in managing PCBs and works closely in business associations (TINGAA and GRI), Mr. Woodyard also works as a consultant in this position. The date of this meeting will be Friday, September 3, from 9:00 p.m. Lou Soldano is setting up a meeting room and wants to notify all participants via lotus notes before the meeting date on September 3rd. I find this meeting very interesting, informative, and encouraging everyone to attend, if possible. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
PGHE-PCB-møte med John Woodard
PGHE-PCB Meeting with John Woodard
This is the content of an email: Brad, Can you change my address in your system (and with fund companies) to my mom and dad's address. I haven't heard from this nurse yet and I am leaving next week. Please be sure to let me know if any of that Clarica transfer doesn't go smoothly. Thanx, What was the subject line for this email?
Change of Addres
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Brad, Kan du endre adressen min i ditt system (og med fondsselskaper) til adressen til min mor og far. Jeg har ikke hørt fra denne sykepleieren ennå, og jeg drar i neste uke. Si fra hvis noe av den overføringen ikke går greit. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an email: Brad, can you change my address in your system (and with fund companies) to the address of my mother and father? I haven't heard from this nurse yet, and I'm leaving next week. Let me know if any of that transfer doesn't go well. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
Endring av Adres
Change in Adres
This is an email Midland Cogen is saying that this deal #780788 for 1700 MMBtu's on May 10th, should have been Trunkline.ELA.GDP.D.A. instead of Trunk.Katy.GDP.D.A. Could you verify this and if they are correct please change this in our system? What is the subject of this email?
Midland Cogen Deal #780788
Dette er en e-post Midland Cogen sier at denne avtalen #780788 for 1700 MMMM. 07. mai skulle ha vært Trunkline.ELA.GDP.D.A. i stedet for å kjøre bil i USA. Kan du bekrefte dette og om de er korrekte, vennligst endre dette i vårt system? Hva er emnet for denne e- posten?
This is an e-mail Midland Cogen says that this agreement #780788 for 1700 MMMM. 07 May should have been Trunkline.ELA.GDP.D.A. Instead of driving in the United States. Can you confirm this and if they're correct, please change this in our system? What is the subject of this email?
<unk> Midland Cogens Ils78 07
Midland Cogens Ils78 07
This is the content of an email: Thursday, December 27, 2001 Richard B Buy Enron , Dear Richard Here's to wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!! I think that 2002 is going to be a much better year than 2001!!!!! Here's a great article from the most recent issue of Fast Company. All indicators point towards a turnaround. PS I apoligize if you got this email message twice; I have two email databases and they overlap. What was the subject line for this email?
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!!!!
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: torsdag 27. desember 2001 Richard B Buy Enron , Dear Richard Here's to every you a God jul og et godt nyttår!!!!!!!! Jeg tror at 2002 kommer til å bli et mye bedre år enn 2001!!!!!!!!!! Her er en stor artikkel fra Fastkompaniets nyeste utgave. Alt peker mot en snuplass. PS I apolize hvis du fikk denne e-postmeldinga to ganger; jeg har to e-post-databaser og de overlapper. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an email: Thursday, December 27, 2001, Richard B Buy Enron, Dear Richard Here's to every you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!!!!!!!! I think 2002 is going to be a much better year than 2001!!!!!!!! Here's a big article from the newest edition of the Company. Everything points to a turning point. PS I apolize if you received this e-mail message twice; I have two e-mail databases and they overlap. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
God jul & et godt nyttår!!!!! knu eller knu (null) , eller , knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu ( (null eller eller eller eller eller (kr) , knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu eller eller eller knu eller eller eller eller eller eller ( (k) , eller knu eller eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk)))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!!!!! () or () () ( () or ( () ( () ( () or ( () ( () or ( () ( ( () or ( () ( ()) ( ( () or ( ()) ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or) or ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or or or) or ( ( () or or ( ( or or or or or or ( ( ()) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ()))) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ( () or or) or ( () or or ( () or) or or ( () or or or or ( () or or) or ( () or) or or ( ( or or) or ( or) or ( or) or ( ( ( or) or) or) or or ( or or or or or) or) or ( ( or or) or ( ( or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or) ( ( () or) or) or) or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or
Here is an email: So far I have talked to everyone but Heather. As I mentioned Nick was much = better than I anticipated. He said things were a little slower than he was = expecting but nothing else. The point I wanted to get across to him was to = take the initiative in working with Jeff and getting more involved within o= ur group. Fran was a little unusual. She was concerned about having to wait each morn= ing before running liquidations because we are not flat and she felt that i= t was a bad reflection on the group if we reported late. She was also conce= rned about the Enpower QandA meeting and why none of the West issues had be= en taken care of that have been sitting there for a couple of months. She a= lso couldn't understand why it mentioning your name before they would take = the index option out of the PCS. She just wished that if Bill Crooks requir= ed your approval then he should say so. Finally, while she has seen some im= provement with Heather, she is still a little unhappy with her. She feels t= hat Heather is not doing her part in helping with the day to day routines e= nough, disappears for a while,etc. I told her that I would talk to Bill abo= ut the status of our projects, that we need to run liquidations by 9 each m= orning no matter what and I will address the issue with Bill Williams and T= im only if necessary. Heather's issues I was going to address anyway, so we= will see how that goes. I did tell Fran that she has really stepped up and= become a "lead" in this group and that she is doing an outstanding job. I = also mentioned to her that I talked to you about the work status thing and = she was very grateful for that. I asked what her long term goals were and s= he thought at some point about getting into structuring and maybe doing tha= t in Houston! I was surprised by that comment. Sam's went fairly well. Her only concern was regarding team spirit. Not wha= t I thought it meant thought. She really means interaction between people, = so I have suggested that we go more regular meeting depending on what proje= cts are going on within the group. She also is comparing herself to Fran an= d the learning curve. She wanted to know how she could learn more like what= Fran has done. The only thing that I see as different between the two is t= hat Fran has been heavily involved with the index and Asian options. I reco= mmended that Sam take on some of these "testing duties" and she was happy a= bout that. John What is a potential subject line for this email?
Her er en e-post: hittil har jeg snakket med alle utenom å vike. Som jeg nevnte Nick var mye = bedre enn jeg forventet. Han sa ting var litt tregere enn han var = ventet, men ikke noe annet. Poenget jeg ønsket å komme over til ham var å = ta initiativet til å jobbe med Jeff og å bli mer involvert i o= urgruppe. Fran var litt uvanlig. Hun var opptatt av å måtte vente hver morn= ing før hun kjørte væskeføringer fordi vi ikke er flate og hun følte at i= t var en dårlig refleksjon på gruppen hvis vi rapporterte sent. Hun var også concie= rnd om Enpower QandA-møtet og hvorfor ingen av Vest-sakene hadde vært= i stell som har sittet der i et par måneder. Hun a= Isso kunne ikke forstå hvorfor det sto ditt navn før de ville ta = indeksvalget ut av PCS. Hun ønsket bare at hvis Bill Crooks requir= ed din godkjenning så burde han si det. Til slutt, mens hun har sett litt im=bevist seg med Heather, er hun fortsatt litt misfornøyd med henne. Hun føler at t= hatte Heather ikke gjør sitt for å hjelpe til med dag-til-dag rutinene e= nough, forsvinner en stund, etc. Jeg sa til henne at jeg ville snakke med Bill abo= ut status av våre prosjekter, at vi må kjøre likvidasjoner med 9 hver m= oring uansett hva og jeg vil ta opp problemet med Bill Williams og T= im bare hvis nødvendig. Jeg tenkte å ta opp problemene til Heather jeg skulle ta opp uansett, så vi= vil se hvordan det går. Jeg har fortalt Frant at hun virkelig har tatt steget og= blitt en hovedvei<unk> i denne gruppen og at hun gjør en fremragende jobb. Jeg = også nevnt til henne at jeg snakket med deg om arbeidsstatus ting og = hun var veldig takknemlig for det. Jeg spurte hva hennes langsiktige mål var, og s= han tenkte på et tidspunkt om å komme inn i strukturering og kanskje gjøre tha= t i Houston! Jeg ble overrasket over den kommentaren. Sams gikk ganske bra. Hennes eneste interesse var for lagånd. Jeg trodde det betydde tanke. Hun mener egentlig interaksjon mellom mennesker, = så jeg har foreslått at vi går mer regelmessig møte avhengig av hva proje= cts foregår innenfor gruppen. Hun sammenligner seg også med Fran= d læringskurven. Hun ville vite hvordan hun kunne lære mer som hva= Fran har gjort. Det eneste som jeg ser som forskjellig mellom de to er t=hatt Fran har vært sterkt involvert i indeks og asiating. Jeg reco= mind at Sam ta på seg noen av disse test oppgaver - og hun var glad en= but det. Hva er det som er en mulig emnelinje for denne e-posten?
Here's an e-mail: so far, I've spoken to everyone but give way. As I mentioned to Nick, it was much better than I expected. He said things were a little slower than he was = expected, but nothing else. The point I wanted to get over to him was to take the initiative to work with Jeff and get more involved in the o=age group. Fran was a little unusual. She was concerned with waiting every morning=ing before driving fluids because we're not flat and she felt that in= t was a poor reflection on the group if we reported late. She was also concie= rnd about the Enpower QandA meeting and why none of the West cases had been=careful who'd been sitting there for a couple of months. She a=Isso could not understand why it said your name before they wanted to take the = index selection out of PCS. She just wanted that if Bill Crooks requir=swear your approval, he should say so. Finally, while she's seen a little im proof of Heather, she's still a little dissatisfied with her. She feels that t=hat Heather's not doing her part to help with the day-to-day routines e= nough, disappearing for a while, etc. I told her that I would talk to Bill abo=out status of our projects, that we have to run liquiditys by 9 every m=oring whatever and I will address the problem with Bill Williams and T=im only if necessary. I thought I'd bring up Heather's problems, and I was gonna bring them up anyway, so we'll see how it goes. I've told Frant that she's really taken the step and that she's become a main road in this group and that she's doing an excellent job. I also mentioned to her that I was talking to you about my job status things and she was very grateful for it. I asked her what her long-term goal was, and s=he thought at some point about getting into the structure and maybe doing tha=t in Houston! I was surprised by that comment. Sams went pretty well. Her only interest was team spirit. I thought it meant thought. She really means interaction between people, so I've suggested that we go to a more regular meeting depending on what the project=cts are going on within the group. She also compares herself to Fran=d learning curve. She wanted to know how she could learn more like what she's done. The only thing that I see as different between the two is t=hat Fran has been heavily involved in index and Asian stuff. I reco=mind Sam to take on some of these test problems-- and she was happy a=but it. What is a possible subject line for this e-mail?
virksomhet, og
activities; and
Tom has extracted the crude trades from Clayton's database. A spreadsheet is available in O:\Research\Common\From_BobLee\crudewti.eol.get. We are working on a cleaner version, but this should allow everyone to get a view of the data we have. The attachment below has a description of the data fields in the spreadsheet. If you have ideas on how we should analyze this, let Tom or I know. Bob Lee Write a subject line for this email.
EOL Crude Transactions
Tom har hentet råoljene fra Clayts database. Et regneark finnes i O:<unk>Research<unk>Research<unk>Common<unk>Fra_BobLee<unk>crudewti.eol.get. Vi jobber med en renere versjon, men dette bør gjøre det mulig for alle å få et bilde av dataene vi har. Vedlegget nedenfor har en beskrivelse av datafeltene i regnearket. Hvis du har ideer om hvordan vi skal analysere dette, så la Tom eller meg få vite det. Bob Lee Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
Tom's picked up the crude oil from Clayt's database. A spreadsheet is available in O:<unk>Research<unk>Research<unk>Common<unk>From_BobLee<unk>crudewti.eol.get. We're working on a cleaner version, but this should make it possible for everyone to get a picture of the data we have. The following Annex gives a description of the data fields in the spreadsheet. If you have any idea how we're gonna analyze this, let Tom or me know. Bob Lee, I want you to write a topic line for this email.
EOL under omforming
EOL while converting
Here is an email: If you're receiving this email its because we're still waiting on a response from you. Please reply to this message ASAP. See below for details. Thanks, Dan We are in the process of confirming that all traders are set up correctly and ready to trade when the system goes live. We need to make sure that your Stack Managers are accessing the correct database. In order to do this, we need to know how you access Stack Manager: 1) Through Terminal Server (the one that opens up a desktop within a desktop and it actually appears that you have two Start buttons). or 2) By opening the Stack Manager directly from your "native" desktop (stand alone computer). Please reply to this message with either a corresponding "1" or a "2" in the subject field. If you're not sure which one you have, please contact myself x39673, Teresa Mandola x39807 or Jennifer McQuade x53614 and we'll come by your desk to help you. Thank you, What is a potential subject line for this email?
Waiting on your reply -Stack Users
Her er en e- post: Hvis du mottar denne e-posten iht. fordi vi fortsatt venter på svar fra deg. Vennligst svar på melding ASAP. Se nedenfor for nærmere opplysninger. Takk, Dan Vi er i ferd med å bekrefte at alle næringsdrivende er satt opp riktig og klar til å handle når systemet går i lufta. Vi må forsikre oss om at stableansvarlige har tilgang til riktig database. For å gjøre dette må vi vite hvordan du aksesserer Stabel Manager: 1) Gjennom Terminal Server (den som åpner et skrivebord inne i et skrivebord og det ser faktisk ut som om du har to Start-knapper). eller 2) ved å åpne den direkte fra din desktop-fil (på stående datamaskin). Vennligst svar på denne meldingen med enten et korresponderende<unk> eller et<unk>2<unk> i emnefeltet. Hvis du ikke er sikker på hvem du har, ta kontakt med meg selv x3967, Teresa Mandola x39807 eller en McQuade x5364, så kommer vi innom skrivebordet ditt for å hjelpe deg. Takk, hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e-posten?
Here is an email: If you receive this email according to the message we are still waiting for your response. Please respond to message ASAP. See below for details. Thank you, Dan. We're about to confirm that all traders are set up right and ready to act when the system blows up. We need to make sure that the stockholders have access to the right database. To do this, we need to know how to access the Stack Manager: 1) Through Terminal Server (the one that opens a desktop inside a desktop and it actually looks like you have two Start buttons). or 2) by opening it directly from your desktop file (on a standing computer). Please respond to this message with either a corresponding<unk> or a<unk>2<unk> in the subject field. If you're not sure who you have, contact myself x3967, Teresa Mandola x39807 or a McQuade x5364, and we'll come by your desk to help you. Thank you, what is a possible subject line for this e-mail?
Venter på ditt svar -Stick Brukarer
Waiting for your answer - Stick Users
Write an email with the following subject: More deals to move
Attached please find an updated list with deals I have added today that need to be moved into the bankruptcy books per the counterparty's termination. This evening, Cyndie Balfour-Flanagan will combine all our spreadsheets so that we are working off one document. Any future deal listings sent you will be in that format. Thanks,
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Mer om flytting
Post an email with the following topic: More about moving
Vedlagt vedlegg finn en oppdatert liste over avtaler jeg i dag har lagt til at må flyttes inn i konkursbøkene per motpartens terminering. I kveld vil Cyndie Balfour-Flanagan kombinere alle våre regneark slik at vi jobber med ett dokument. Eventuelle framtidige avtalelister som sendes vil være i det formatet. Takk.
Attached to the attachment is an updated list of contracts I have added today that must be moved into the bankruptcy books by the termination of the counterparty. Tonight, Cyndie Balfour-Flanagan will combine all our spreadsheets so we'll work on one document. Any future schedules sent will be in that format. Thank you.
Stacy, Kevin Ruscitti has requested a secondary firm ANR ML7 phy gas product for EOL. I have located some language that you and Dale worked on back in May of 2000. Please let me know if this language will be OK for our needs. Also, will the current GTC for Phy gas need to be revised in any way? Thanks, Write a subject line for this email.
Secondary firm delivery
Stacy, har Kevin Ruscitti bedt om et sekundært firma, ANR ML7 phy gas for EOL. Jeg har funnet et språk som du og Dale jobbet med i mai 2000. Vennligst la meg få vite om dette språket vil være OK for våre behov. Er det også nødvendig å revidere gjeldende GTC for naturgass på noen måte? Skriv en emnelinje for denne e-posten.
Stacy, Kevin Ruscitti has requested a secondary company, ANR ML7 Phygas for EOL. I found a language that you and Dale worked on in May 2000. Please let me know if this language will be OK with our needs. Is it also necessary to revise the current GTC for natural gas in any way? Type a subject line for this email.
St.St skal skal skal være fastsatt i annen stat, med eller eller eller skal skal være fastsatt:
St.St shall be laid down in other countries, with or shall be:
To the West Desk et al: The FERC's west-wide price cap has been raised to at least $108/MWh beginning today through 30 April 02. Please see the order excerpt below. Although market prices are well below both the old and new cap, the new cap will give the markets more breathing room if there is an unexpected cold snap and/or supply disruption. I am happy to report that the one of Enron's advocacy messages made it into the order: any change to the cap must be applied West-wide. PNW parties and Duke were willing to settle with region-specific caps but FERC rejected that concept in favor of a single, West-wide value. Alan Comnes Relevant Passage: "Effective on the trading day following the date of this order, through April 30, 2002, we will suspend the methodology used to calculate the current mitigated price and substitute the following West-wide winter season methodology. As a starting point, the mitigated price will be set at $108/MWh. This is the actual mitigated price set using the current methodology during the last reserve deficiency on May 31, 2001, based on a gas index of $6.641/MMBtu, a generating unit with a heat rate of approximately 15,360 Btu/MWh and $6.00 for the O&M adder. The new interim mitigated price will supersede the existing mitigated price (approximately $92/MWh), which was set at eighty-five percent of the originally calculated $108/MWh mitigated price for application during non-reserve deficiency hours. We find this adjustment necessary to set the price for the winter period and to track changes in the gas indices. The winter formula will maintain the current heat rate and O&M adder. The one variable in the formula will be tied to the current average of the mid-point for the monthly bid-week index prices reported for SoCal Gas (large packages), Malin and PG&E city-gate. Under the winter season formula, the mitigated price will be recalculated when the average gas price rises by a minimum factor of 10 percent (e.g., to $7.305/MMBtu) effective for the following trading day. The formula will also track subsequent cumulative changes of at least 10 percent (including reductions of 10 percent, but not less than a floor of $108/Mwh). Effective on May 1, 2002, the summer methodology will be reinstated along with the current mitigated price of approximately $92/Mwh for non-emergency periods." Propose a subject line for this email?
Details on the West-wide Price cap: now $108/MWh through April 30, 2002.
Til Vest-Desk et al: FERCs pristak for vest-om-børs har vært hevet til minst $108/MWh fra i dag til og med 30. april 02. Se rekkefølgen under. Selv om markedsprisene ligger godt under både den gamle og nye cap, vil den nye cap gi markedene mer pusterom hvis det er en uventet kulde- og/eller forsyningsforstyrrelse. Jeg er glad for å kunne meddele at den av Engerons advokatsmeldinger gjorde det inn i ordren: enhver endring av kapslet må påføres Vest-bred. PNV-partier og hertug var villige til å nøye seg med regionspesifikke kaps men FERC avviste det begrepet til fordel for en enkelt, vest-omfattende verdi. Alan Comnes Relevant Passage:<unk>Effektiv på handelsdagen etter datoen for denne ordren, til og med 30. april 2002, vil vi oppheve metoden som brukes til å beregne gjeldende pris med formild verdi og erstatte følgende overvintringsmetodikk fra Vest-Europa. Som utgangspunkt vil den dempede prisen settes til $108/MWh. Dette er den faktiske, dempede prisen som er fastsatt ved anvendelse av den aktuelle metoden under siste reservemangel den 31. mai 2001 på grunnlag av en gassindeks på 6641/MMBtu, en produksjonsenhet med en varmerate på ca. 15 360 Btu/MWh og 6 kroner for O&M-tillegget. Den nye interimprisbegrensede prisen vil erstatte den eksisterende dempede prisen (omtrent $92/MWh), som ble satt til åttifem prosent av den opprinnelig kalkulerte 108/MWh dempet prisen for søknad i mangelfrie timer. Vi finner denne justeringen nødvendig for å fastsette prisen for vinterperioden og spore endringer i gassindeksene. Vinterformelen vil opprettholde den gjeldende varmehastigheten og O&M-adder. Den ene variabelen i formelen vil bli knyttet til det nåværende gjennomsnittet av midtpunktet for de månedlige indeksprisene for bud-ukersindekser for månedsdager rapportert for SoCal Gas (store pakker), Mal og PG&E by-gate. I løpet av vintersesongens formel vil den dempede prisen bli regnet på nytt når den gjennomsnittlige gassprisen stiger med en minimumsfaktor på ti prosent (f.eks. til sju dollar.305/MMBtu) som er effektiv den påfølgende dagen. Formelen vil også følge påfølgende kumulative endringer på minst 10 prosent (inkludert reduksjoner på 10 prosent, men ikke mindre enn en etasje på 10&nbsp;mwh). Fra og med 1. mai 2002 vil sommermetoden bli gjeninnført sammen med den løpende prisnedsatte prisen på ca. $92/Mwh for perioder uten ansettelse<unk> Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
West Desk et al: FERC's ceilings for west-room exchanges have been raised to at least $108/MWh from today up to and including 30 April 02. See the sequence below. Although market prices are well below both the old and new cap, the new cap will give the markets more breathing space if there is an unexpected cold and/or supply disturbance. I'm pleased to inform you that the Engeron's lawyer's messages made it into the order: any alteration of the cap must be made to West-wide. PNVs and Dukes were willing to settle for region-specific caps but FERC rejected that concept in favour of a single west-wide value. Alan Comnes Relevant Passage: <unk>Efficient on the trading day following the date of this order, up to 30 April 2002, we will cancel the method used to calculate the current price with a mild value and replace the following wintering methodology from Western Europe. As a starting point, the reduced price will be set to $108/MWh. This is the actual reduced price determined by applying the current method during the last reserve deficiency on 31 May 2001 on the basis of a gas index of 6641/MMBtu, a production unit with a heat rate of about 15360 Btu/MWh and 6 kroner for the O=M supplement. The new intermediate price will replace the existing discounted price (approximately $92/MWh), which was set to 85 per cent of the originally calculated 108/MWh reduced the price of an application in short-term hours. We find this adjustment necessary to determine the price for the winter period and track changes in the gas indices. The winter formula will maintain the current heat speed and O'M's. One variable of the formula will be linked to the current average of the midpoints of the monthly index prices for the bidding week indices for the monthly days reported for SoCal Gas (large packages), Mal and PG=E city street. During the winter season’s formula, the reduced price will be recalculated when the average gas price rises by a minimum of 10 percent (e.g. at $7.305/MMBtu) that is effective on the following day. The formula will also follow subsequent cumulative changes of at least 10 per cent (including reductions of 10 per cent but not less than a floor of 10 > > > mwh). Starting from 1 May 2002, the summer method will be restored together with the current price reduction of approximately $92/Mwh for unemployment periods<unk> Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
Detaljer om pristaket på Vestlandet: nå 10&nbsp;2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nh:nå 10&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nh.» gjennom april 2002:10 kroner.
Details on the price roof in the West: now 10/3 ⁄ ⁄ 2 ⁄ ⁄ ·; ⁄ ⁄ ·;nbsp; ⁄ nbsp; ⁄ ⁄ ·;nbsp;nbsp; ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ;nbsp;nbsp; ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; >nbsp; > ⁄ ·1nbsp; >nbsp;nbsp;nbsp; >nbsp; > ✔ ·;nbsp; ⁄ ⁄ ·;nbsp;nbsp; ⁄ ⁄ ·;nbsp; ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ ⁄ · ⁄ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ; ; ; ; ; · · · · · · · ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ; ; ; ; ; · · · · · · · · · · · ·; ·; · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·; ·; ·; ·; ·; · ·; ·; ·; ·; ·; · · ·; ·; · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ; = · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; · · ·
Please do what you can to find out what is going on. I know you forwarded these to Carolyn, but I would still appreciate it if you could investigate, or ask Carolyn to do so. Kay Propose a subject line for this email?
Vær så snill og gjør hva du kan for å finne ut hva som foregår. Jeg vet at du videresendte disse til Carolyn, men jeg ville fortsatt sette pris på om du kunne undersøke det, eller be Carolyn om å gjøre det. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Please do what you can to find out what's going on. I know you forwarded these to Carolyn, but I'd still appreciate it if you could look into it, or ask Carolyn to do it. Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
fakt faktno,
fact factno;
I'm sending a copy of the error message I received when I tried to enter our futures deals today. The application saved one deal, but would not accept the other two. The only difference between the three deals is the delivery month. Is there any way we can get this fixed soon? The clearing broker has had a record of these deals since Jan. 31, and the trader is getting a little antsy to have them recorded in our system. Thanks so much for your help.... ORA-20500: Unable to translate deal QQ0938.0 into ERMS system. ORA-06512: at "BIG.SP_XINSTR_INS", line 173 ORA-06512: at "BIG.TRG_XINSTR_AI", line 22 ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'BIG.TRG_XINSTR_AI' No changes made to database. Good luck! Kate Write a subject line for this email.
TAGG Error Message
Jeg sender en kopi av feilmeldingen jeg fikk da jeg prøvde å gå inn i våre fremtidsavtaler i dag. Programmet sparte én avtale, men ville ikke akseptere de to andre. Den eneste forskjellen mellom de tre avtalene er leveringsmåneden. Kan vi få dette snart? Klareringsmegleren har hatt oversikt over disse avtalene siden Jan. 31, og den næringsdrivende begynner å bli litt rastløs for å få dem registrert i vårt system. Tusen takk for hjelpen.... ORA-20500: Kan ikke oversette avtalen QQQ0938.0 til ERMS system. ORA-selectab overs på<unk>BIGG.SP_XINSTR_INS<unk> linje 173 ORA-06512: <unk><unk>BIGG.TRG_XINSTR_AI<unk> linje 22 ORA-04088: feil under avsettelse av prosedyren «BIG.TRG_XINSTR_AI» Ingen endringer gjort i databasen. Lykke til! Kate skrive en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
I'll send you a copy of the bug report I got when I tried to access our future agreements today. The program saved one deal, but it wouldn't accept the other two. The only difference between the three appointments is the month of delivery. Can we have this soon? The clearance broker has been in control of these agreements since Jan. 31, and the trader is getting a little restless to get them registered in our system. Thank you very much for your help. ORA-20500, I cannot translate the deal QQ0938.0 into ERMS system. ORA-selectab is ignored on<unk>BIGG.SP_XINSTR_INS<unk> line 173 ORA-06512: <unk>BIGG.TRG_XINSTR_AI<unk> line 22 ORA-04088: error during decommissioning of the BIG.TRG_XINSTR_AI procedure No changes made to the database. Good luck! Kate writes a subject line for this email.
TAGG feilmeldingsmelding
TAGG error message
Here is an email: The following parcel has been rejected : Parcel: 8866 Contract Number: 05715 Path: Kingsgate to Malin Quantity: 10000 Min Release Quantity: 10000 Begin Date: 12/6/2001 End Date: 10/31/2003 The prearranged replacement shipper is: Canadian Natural Resources Limited PG&E National Energy Group and any other company referenced herein that uses the PG&E name or logo are not the same company as Pacific Gas and Electric Company, the regulated California utility. Neither PG&E National Energy Group nor these other referenced companies are regulated by the California Public Utilities Commission. Customers of Pacific Gas and Electric Company do not have to buy products from these companies in order to continue to receive quality regulated services from the utility. What is a potential subject line for this email?
PG&E eTrans Notification - Parcel 8866 has been rejected
Her er en e-post: Følgende parsell har blitt avvist : Parcel: 8866 Kontraktsnummer: 05715 Path: Kingsgate to Malin Quantity: 10 000 Min Release Quantity: 10 000 Begindato: 12/6/2001 Sluttdato: 10/311/2003 Erstatteren på forhånd er: Canadian Natural Release RIG&E National Energy Group og et annet selskap som her bruker PG&E-navnet eller logoen, er ikke samme selskap som Pacific Gas and Electric Company, det regulerte selskapet California. PG&E National Energy Group eller disse andre referanseselskaper er regulert av California Public Utilities Commission. Kunder av Pacific Gas and Electric Company trenger ikke å kjøpe produkter fra disse selskapene for å kunne fortsette å motta kvalitetsregulerte tjenester fra forsyningsforetaket. Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Here's an e-mail: The following parcel has been rejected: Parcel: 8866 Contract Number: 05715 Path: Kingsgate to Malin Quantity: 10,000 My Releasion Quantity: 10,000 Begin Date: 12/6/2001 End date: 10/311/2003 The replacement is: Canadian Natural Rescue RIG=E National Energy Group and another company that uses the PG=E name or logo here is not the same company as the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, the regulated company California. The National Energy Group or these other reference companies are regulated by the California Public Utility Commission. Customers of Pacific Gas and Electric Company do not need to purchase products from these companies in order to continue to receive quality-regulated services from the supply company. What is a possible topic line for this email?
e-post med PG&E-oversm auto m auto m auto m auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto med mcm<unk> Sjekk Sjekk Sjekk at maccine66 er blitt avvist
e-mail with PG/3E-oversm auto m auto m auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto auto with mcm<unk> Check check that maccine66 has been rejected
What is the subject line for this email? ** Proprietary ** Kevin: You wound me. I was the person that called you by error, I was trying to call Michelle and dialed your number by mistake. So by the time I was saying who I was you had already hung up, ouch! Sorry for the boo boo. Hey how's is everything going? Sometimes I hate bid week, it's too busy I don't have enough time to check in with people. Did Michelle tell you we picked up some more transport from her on TW and may no longer be looking for more. How's the Sun Devil project going anyway? I haven't heard any word lately. Hope all is well with you, take care,
wrong number
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? - Du såret meg. Jeg ringte deg ved en feil. Jeg prøvde å ringe Michelle og ringe nummeret ditt ved en feil. Så da jeg sa hvem jeg var, hadde du allerede lagt på røret. Jeg er lei for det med buen. Hei, hvordan går det? Noen ganger hater jeg buduken, det er for opptatt jeg ikke har nok tid til å sjekke inn med folk. Michelle fortalte at vi hentet mer transport fra henne på TW, og kanskje ikke lenger ser etter mer. Hvordan går det med Sun Djevle-prosjektet? Jeg har ikke hørt noe. Håpet er i orden med deg, pass på deg selv,
What is the subject line for this email? - You hurt my feelings. I tried to call Michelle and call your number by mistake. So when I told you who I was, you had already hung up on me. I'm sorry about the bow. Hey, how you doing? Sometimes I hate the bidding week, it's too busy I don't have enough time to check in with people. Michelle told me that we picked up more transportation from her at TW, and maybe we're not looking anymore. How's the Sun Devil project coming along? I haven't heard anything. Hope is all right with you, take care of yourself,
feil tall
incorrect number
Write a subject line for this message: Hey guys, I just wanted to give you a friendly reminder to please have someone go through all your books to look for any deals with ECC and a third counterparty for October and November 2001 production. I'll try to find as many as I can, but I'm not as familiar with all of your books as you are, and I don't want any deals to be missed. If you come across any deals can you please flip them to the FT-US/CAND-ERMS book as soon as possible as there are only a couple more days left this month, and settlements needs to get started on invoicing. Please let me know if you have any questions on this. Thanks
ECC deals in Houston books to be flipped
Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldingen: Hei folkens, jeg ville bare gi dere en vennlig påminnelse om at noen kan gå gjennom alle bøkene deres for å se etter avtaler med ECC og en tredje motpart for oktober og november 2001 produksjon. Jeg skal prøve å finne så mange jeg kan, men jeg er ikke så kjent med alle bøkene dine som du er, og jeg vil ikke at noen avtaler skal gå i vasken. Hvis du kommer over noen avtaler, kan du vennligst sende dem til FT-US/CAND-ERMS-boken så snart som mulig siden det er bare et par dager igjen av denne måneden, og bosetningene må komme i gang med fakturering. Si fra hvis du har noen spørsmål om dette. Takk.
Write a subject field for this message: hey, guys, I just wanted to give you a friendly reminder that someone can go through all your books to look for appointments with ECC and a third counterparty for October and November 2001 production. I'll try to find as many as I can, but I'm not as familiar with all your books as you are, and I don't want any deals to go down the drain. If you can come across any appointments, please send them to the FT-US/CAND-ERMS book as soon as possible since there are only a few days left of this month, and the settlements need to start billing. Let me know if you have any questions about this. Thank you.
ECC handler om at bøker skal slås opp
The ECC is about books looking up.
Kathy, Could you please accommodate Karen's request? If you would like, you can just send it to me and I will get it to her. If you have delivered my original to me I can make make her a copy. Thanks, Generate a subject line for this email.
WestLB Equipment Contracts
Kan du være så snill å søke etter Karen? Hvis du vil, kan du bare sende det til meg, så skal jeg gi det til henne. Hvis du har levert min original til meg, kan jeg lage en kopi til henne. Takk, lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten.
Could you please search for Karen? If you want, just send it to me and I'll give it to her. If you've delivered my original to me, I can make her a copy. Thank you, please create a subject line for this e-mail.
West LB contracts
Write a subject line for this message: I have received the executed First Amendment to ISDA Master Agreement dated as of May 25, 1999. This amendment deletes the prior Confidentiality provision in the ISDA Master Agreement and replaces it with our current Confidentiality language. This change will allow either party to provide copies of the agreement to its Affiliates. Copies will be distributed.
Duke Energy Trading and Marketing, L.L.C.
Skriv under på følgende melding: Jeg har mottatt det gjennomførte første tillegget til ISDAs hovedavtale datert 25. mai 1999. Denne endringen sletter den forutgående Fortrolighetsbestemmelsen i ISDA-hovedavtalen og erstatter den med vårt nåværende fortrolighetsspråk. Denne endringen vil gjøre det mulig for den ene part å gi sine tilknyttede parter kopier av avtalen. Det vil bli distribuert eksemplarer.
Sign the following message: I have received the completed first amendment to the ISDA master agreement dated May 25, 1999. This amendment deletes the prior confidentiality provision of the ISDA Master Agreement and replaces it with our current confidentiality language. This amendment will enable one party to provide its connected parties with copies of the agreement. Copies will be distributed.
Energihandel og Marketing, L.L.C.
Energy trade and marketing, L.L.C.
Hey Yao! How are you doing these days? We never see you anymore. I'm going over to London on Saturday - any chance you'll be in that part of the world? On a business note, we are getting set up to trade energy commodities and derivatives online and one of the things we have to do is figure out what we can trade with each potential counterparty. Do you remember negotiating any master agreements for ECT that did not contain the necessary elements for trading energy commodity derivatives? In particular I'm thinking about things like the trade option exemption representations and the commodity derivatives definitions provisions. Thanks! Propose a subject line for this email?
Restricted Master Agreements
- Hei, du jao! Hvordan går det for tiden? Vi ser deg aldri mer. Jeg drar til London på lørdag. Kan du være i den delen av verden? I et forretningsøyemed er vi i ferd med å sette opp til å handle energi handelsvarer og derivater på nett og en av tingene vi må gjøre er å finne ut hva vi kan handle med hver potensielle motpart. Husker du om du kan foregripe eventuelle hovedavtaler for et foretak som ikke inneholdt de nødvendige elementene for handel med energiderivater? Særlig tenker jeg på ting som handelsalternativet unntaksrepresentasjoner og råvarederivat-definisjonene. Takk! Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
- Hey, you, yeah! How's it going these days? We'll never see you again. I'm going to London on Saturday, so can you be in that part of the world? For a business purpose, we are in the process of trading energy goods and derivatives online and one of the things we need to do is to find out what we can do with each potential counterparty. Do you remember whether you can anticipate any major agreements for an enterprise that did not contain the necessary elements for trade in energy derivatives? In particular, I think of things like the alternative trade exception representations and the commodity derivative definitions. Thank you! Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
Begrensede hovedavtaler
Restricted main agreements
Dear Dr. Lay: As a stockholder, I am as upset as you, most Enron employees and other co-shareholders are given Enron's recent performance due to questionable management by scrupulous officers at Enron. As an ex-employee, I have seen many signs of a major collapse, given the fact that Enron's values (such as Respect, Integrity, Communicatons and Excellence) were simply not followed by Enron's officers and senior members of management. There are examples, such as in Panama, Palestine, and the Dominican Republic. One bad deal after the other with questionable economics and accounting to make each deal look good for the personal benefit of one individual in charge. It is about time that you get rid of these individuals and bring Enron back to what you have built over the years to be a successful company. Regards, Write a subject line for this email.
stockholder comments
Kjære Dr. Lay: Som aksjonær er jeg like opprørt som deg, de fleste Enron-ansatte og andre med-aksjeeiere får Enrons siste opptreden på grunn av ledelsen fra encyclopen hos Enron. Som tidligere ansatt har jeg sett mange tegn på en stor kollaps, med tanke på at Enrons verdier (som f.eks. Respekt, Integrity, Communicatons og Exellence) rett og slett ikke ble etterfulgt av Enrons offiserer og øverste ledelsesmedlemmer. Det finnes eksempler, som i Panama, Palestina og Den dominikanske republikk. En dårlig handel etter hverandre med tvilsom økonomi og regnskap for å få hver enkelt vare til å se bra ut til fordel for den enkelte i ledelsen. Det er på tide at du kvitter deg med disse personene og bringer Entron tilbake til det du har bygd opp i årenes løp for å bli et vellykket selskap. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
Dear Dr. Lay, as a stockholder, I'm as upset as you are, most Enron employees and other co-shareholders are getting Enron's last performance because of the management of Enron's encyclical. As a former employee, I have seen many signs of a major collapse, considering that Enron's values (such as respect, integrity, Community and Exellence) were simply not followed by Enron's officers and senior executive officers. There are examples, such as Panama, Palestine, and the Dominican Republic. A poor trade in questionable finances and accounts to make each commodity look good for the individual in charge. It's time to get rid of these people and bring Entron back to what you've built over the years to be a successful company. Type a subject line for this email.
This is the content of an email: The Enron Management Conference will be held Wednesday through Friday, November 14-16, 2001, at the Westin La Cantera Resort in San Antonio. While the business agenda is still being finalized, there is one thing that is certain ... we want to inject some humor into the event. The past year has been eventful, and at times challenging, for Enron and its employees. However, it's not in Enron's corporate fabric to focus on the past. Instead, we want to look ahead, and even laugh at ourselves. The Management Conference will provide a platform for just that. We want to challenge each of the business units to develop and submit a humorous "Home Video" to be presented at the Management Conference. The video can address any Enron-related topic that your business unit chooses. However, there are a few rules to follow. 1.) The videos should be no more than five minutes long. 2.) Business units should spend as little as possible on the videos, and no more than $10,000. Innovision Communications (Beth Stier) has agreed to work with any business unit to help them create an original, inexpensive video. Innovision can be contacted at 713-446-4424. 3.) The videos should be fun, but not disparaging. They should adhere to Enron's values of respect, integrity, communication and excellence. 4.) By Monday, October 15, business units need to notify me of their intention to submit a video. To avoid duplication, business units will also need to identify a topic they intend to address. 5.) To ensure inclusion in the Management Conference agenda, videos need to be submitted to me by Friday, November 9. 6.) Awards will be given for creativity and humor. The first annual, and soon-to-be-coveted, "Enny" will also be awarded for "Best Overall Video." If you have any questions about the "Home Video" project, please contact myself or Mary Clark. What was the subject line for this email?
Enron Management Conference - Home Video Project
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Enron Management Conference avholdes onsdag til fredag 14.-16. november 2001 på Westin La Cantera Resort i San Antonio. Mens forretningsforetagendet fortsatt er endelig, er det én ting som er sikkert, vi ønsker å sprøyte inn litt humor i arrangementet. Det siste året har vært begivenhetsrikt, og til tider utfordrende, for Enron og de ansatte. Men det er ikke i Enrons firma å fokusere på fortiden. I stedet ønsker vi å se framover og til og med le av oss selv. Styrekonferansen vil gi en plattform for dette. Vi ønsker å utfordre hver av forretningsenhetene til å utvikle og sende inn en humoristisk<unk>Hjemvideo<unk> som skal presenteres på styringskonferansen. Videoen kan adressere alle Enron-relaterte emner som din forretningsenhet velger. Det er imidlertid noen få regler som må følges. 1)) Videoene skal ikke være mer enn fem minutter lange. s. 2) Forretningsenheter bør bruke så lite som mulig på videoene og ikke mer enn 10 kroner. Innovision Communications (Beth Stier) har sagt seg villig til å arbeide med enhver forretningsenhet for å hjelpe dem med å lage en original, rimelig video. Innovasjon kan kontaktes ved 713-446-4424. 3.) Videoene skal være morsomme, men ikke snakke nedsettende. De bør overholde Enrons verdier for respekt, integritet, kommunikasjon og fremragende kvalitet. 4.) Innen mandag, 15. oktober, må forretningsenheter varsle meg om at de har til hensikt å sende inn en video. For å unngå dobbeltarbeid må forretningsenheter også identifisere et emne de har til hensikt å adressere. )) For å sikre at det tas med videoer på dagsordenen for styringskonferansen, må det framlegges for meg videoer innen fredag den 9. november. den) Det vil bli delt ut priser for kreativitet og humor. Den første årlige, og snart etter-lovede,<unk>Enny<unk> vil også bli tildelt for<unk>Beste samlede video<unk> Dersom du har noen spørsmål om prosjektet «Heimvideo<unk> kontakt meg selv eller Mary Clark». Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an email: Enron Management Conference will be held Wednesday, Friday, November 14, 16th, 2001, at the Westin La Cantera Resort in San Antonio. While the business is still final, one thing is certain, we want to inject a little humor into the arrangement. This past year has been eventful, and at times challenging, for Enron and his employees. But it's not Enron's firm to focus on the past. Instead, we want to look ahead and even laugh at ourselves. The Governing Council will provide a platform for this. We want to challenge each of the business units to develop and submit a humorous <unk>Home Video<unk> to be presented at the management conference. The video can address any Enron-related subject your business unit chooses. However, a few rules must be followed. 1)) The videos shall not be more than five minutes long. p. 2) Business units should spend as little as possible on the videos and no more than $10. Innovation Communications (Beth Stier) has agreed to work with any business unit to help them make an original, reasonable video. Innovation can be contacted at 713-446-4424. 3.) The videos are supposed to be fun, but don't belittle me. They should respect Enron’s values of respect, integrity, communication, and excellence. 4.) By Monday, October 15, business units must notify me that they intend to submit a video. To avoid duplication of work, business units must also identify a subject they intend to address. ( )) To ensure that videos are included on the agenda of the Governing Conference, it is necessary to present to me videos by Friday, November 9. on the) There will be awards for creativity and humor. The first annual, and soon-after-lipped,<unk>Enny<unk> will also be assigned for<unk> Best Total Video<unk> If you have any questions about the "Homevideo<unk>" project, please contact me or Mary Clark. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
Ironstyrestyremøte<unk> Home Video Project
Iron Board Board meeting<unk> Home Video Project
Here is an email: Hi there, I'm attaching the latest version of the purchase agreement. I will prepare a compared version in the am if you will tell me which version you want it compared against. Talk to you soon, Kay What is a potential subject line for this email?
Rev next of purchase agreement
Her er en e-post: Hei der, jeg legger ved den siste versjonen av kjøpeavtalen. Jeg vil lage en sammenligningsversjon av den om du vil fortelle meg hvilken versjon du vil ha den sammenlignet med. Vi snakkes snart, Kay Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e-posten?
Here's an e-mail: hey there, I'll attach the latest version of the purchase agreement. I'll make a comparison version of it if you want to tell me which version you want it to be compared to. We'll talk soon, Kay. What's a possible subject line for this e-mail?
Rett ved like ved kjøp
Right by the purchase
Hi Clark, Could you fill out this chart for us with names and contact info for the Bracewell person (or people) you think would fit the bill the best? We had a list previously, but I believe some of the folks on it have moved on. Thanks, Generate a subject line for this email.
Power transactions
Hei Clark, kan du fylle ut dette diagrammet for oss med navn og kontaktinfo for Bracewell-personen (eller folk) som du tror passer best? Vi hadde en liste tidligere, men jeg tror noen av dem har gått videre. Takk, lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten.
Hey Clark, could you fill out this chart for us with the names and contact info for the Bracewell person (or people) that you think is the best fit? We had a list before, but I think some of them have moved on. Thank you, please create a subject line for this e-mail.
Sjømannmannmannmannmann som ikke befinner seg i virksomhet som ikke er i virksomhet,
Man-to-man who is not in any activity;
This is the content of an email: Please print the attached on letterhead. I'm leaving for Connecticut shortly, and will be back in the office on Thursday (or so I exepct). Please handle the following Call David Runnels at A & K and tell him thanks, but I can't use the opera tickets this weekend. Cancel my RSVP for Carrin Patman's lunch tomorrow. Thanks, What was the subject line for this email?
FCEL consent to disclosure letter
Dette er innholdet i en e- post: Skriv vedlagt brev. Jeg reiser til Connecticut snart, og vil være tilbake på kontoret på torsdag (eller så jeg exempt). Vær så snill og ta hånd om følgende Call David Runnels at A & K og si takk til ham, men jeg kan ikke bruke operabillettene denne helgen. Avlys min benådning for Carrin Patmans lunsj i morgen. Takk, hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an email: Write the attached letter. I'm going to Connecticut soon, and I'll be back at the office on Thursday (or I saw exempt). Please take care of the following Call David Runnels that A & K and say thank you to him, but I cannot use the opera tickets this weekend. Cancel my pardon for Carrin Patman's lunch tomorrow. Thank you. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
reisegods på grunn av flyge flyge flygegods til fraktbrev,
luggage due to flight flight flight air cargo for a consignment note;
Write an email with the following subject: Call to Discuss California PUC Action
We will set up a call-in number to relay to folks any actions the Commission takes tomorrow. The Commission meeting starts at 10 AM PST, but it's unclear when they will take up our issue. Since the press will likely have the place surrounded, they may decide to do that item first. We'll send out a notice with a call-in # and time as soon as we have the information. Best,
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Kall til samtale med Frusclass Californias innsats i arbeidslivet
Write an e-mail on the following subject: Call for a discussion with Mrs. Mrs. Galass California’s job activities
Vi vil opprette et innkallingsnummer for å videreformidle de tiltak Kommisjonen tar i morgen. Kommisjonsmøtet starter kl. 10.00 PST, men det er uklart når de vil ta opp spørsmålet vårt. Ettersom pressen sannsynligvis vil ha stedet omgitt, kan de bestemme seg for å gjøre det først. Vi sender ut en kunngjøring med innkall og klokkeslett så snart vi har informasjonen. For det meste; i det enkelte, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i
We will set up a summons number to forward the actions taken by the Commission tomorrow. The Commission will start at 10:00 p.m. Special Branch, but it's unclear when they want to address our question. Since the press probably wants the place surrounded, they can decide to do so first. We'll send out an announcement with a call and time as soon as we have the information. For the most part, in the individual, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it
Write an email with the following subject: Leaf River Information for Board Presentation
Attached, please find our revised presentation for the October 8th Board Meeting. In addition, I have attached a replacement page for the DASH that Chip Schneider asked to be distributed. The change is a correction of the mill's power service territory. The original DASH stated that the mill is in the Entergy service territory - the correct region is SERC. The Board Resolution has not changed since the Sept 25th Executive Committee presentation. I believe that Rebecca Carter has the final version. I currently have the signed DASH and will sending it to RAC to be archived. Let me know if you have questions. - Matt (3-9166)
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Leaf River Information for Board Presentasjon
Write an email with the following subjects: Leaf River Information for Board Presentation
Vedlagt, vennligst vis presentasjon for 8. oktober-møte. I tillegg har jeg lagt ved en erstatningsside for DASH at Chip Schneider ba om å bli distribuert. Endringen er en rettskriving av møllens krafttjenesteområde. Det opprinnelige DASH uttalte at møllen befinner seg i Entry service territory<unk> korrekt region er SERC. Resolusjonen i nemnda er ikke endret etter Septe 25. direksjonens presentasjon. Jeg tror at Rebecca Carter har den endelige versjonen. Jeg har for tiden underskrevet DASH og vil sende det til RAC for å bli arkivert. Si fra hvis du har spørsmål. - Matt (3 91 <unk> <unk>
Attached, please present your presentation for the 8th of October meeting. In addition, I have attached a replacement page for DASH that Chip Schneider requested to be distributed. The change is a correction of the mill's power service area. The original DASH stated that the mill is in the Entry service territory<unk> the correct region is SERC. The resolution of the Board of Directors has not been altered after September 25th of the Executive Board's presentation. I think Rebecca Carter has the final version. I've currently signed DASH and will send it to the RAC to be filed. Let me know if you have any questions. - Matt (3 91 <unk> <unk>
This is an email Dear Team, The electronic copy of this week's PPW has not been published at this time. I will keep you posted as soon as it is available. Thanks. What is the subject of this email?
Dette er en e-post-kjæreste, den elektroniske kopien av denne ukens PPW har ikke blitt publisert på denne tiden. Jeg skal holde deg oppdatert så snart det er tilgjengelig. Takk. Hva er emnet for denne e- posten?
This is an e-mail boyfriend, the electronic copy of this week's PPW has not been published at this time. I'll keep you posted as soon as it's available. Thank you. What is the subject of this email?
Could you please extend the guest id that expired for FTEnergy, the publisher of gas daily. Please call me when this is completed. We need to have these folks view our daily indices. Thanks, Generate a subject line for this email.
Kan du vennligst forlenge gjeste- ID-en som gikk ut på FRENERgy, utgiveren av gassen daglig. Ring meg når dette er ferdig. Vi trenger å ha disse oppfatningene av hvordan vi ser på våre daglige gjøremål. Takk, lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten.
Would you please extend the guest ID that went out on FRENERgy, the dealer of the gas daily. Call me when this is done. We need to have these ideas about how we view our daily activities. Thank you, please create a subject line for this e-mail.
Leslie: I'm hoping you can help me answer a questions that John Roberts of GPU raised regarding their desire to sign up on EnronOnline. GPU Utilitiues is the parent corp that has 3 operating subs under it (Metropolitan Edison Company, Pennsylvania Electric Company and Jersey Central Power & Light). He mentioned that there is some type of Services Agreement bewteen EPMI and GPU Services Corp. He wants to know which legal entity should be on the omline application. Can you help? Carol Propose a subject line for this email?
General Public utilities
Jeg håper du kan hjelpe meg med å svare på spørsmål John Roberts fra GPU stilte angående deres ønske om å melde seg på EnronOnline. GPU Utilitiues er morselskapet corp som har 3 operative subs under seg (Metropolitan Edison Company, Pennsylvania Electric Company og Jersey Central Power & Light). Han nevnte at det finnes en form for services agreement bewteen EPMI og GPU Services Corp. Han ønsker å vite hvilket rettssubjekt som skal stå på omskrivningssøknaden. Kan du hjelpe til? Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
I hope you can help me answer questions John Roberts of the GPU asked about their desire to join EnronOnline. GPU Utilitiues is the parent company, which has three operational subs (Metropolitan Edison Company, Pennsylvania Electric Company and Jersey Central Power & Light). He mentioned that there is a form of service agreement bewteen EPMI and GPU Services Corp. He wants to know which legal entity will be used on the rewriting application. Can you help? Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
Allmenn offentlig offentlighet og anlegg
General public disclosure and facilities
This is the content of an email: Gerald, The PSC held a pre-hearing conference today on the territorial dispute. It was uneventful. The Hilgert testimony was admitted as Exhibit 14 to WFEA's submission. WFEA sought a delay, Gulf opposed. No delay was granted. Bill What was the subject line for this email?
Today's Hearing
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Gerald, PSC holdt en pre-hørende konferanse i dag om territoriale tvister. Det var begivenhetsløst. Hilgert-erklæringen ble innrømmet som bevis 14 på WFEAs bilag. WFEA gikk inn for en forsinkelse. Ingen forsinkelse ble innvilget. Hva var temaet for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an e-mail: Gerald, PSC held a pre-related conference today on territorial disputes. It was uneventful. The Hilgert statement was admitted as evidence 14 on the WFEA record. WFEA agreed to delay. No delay was granted. What was the theme of this e-mail?
The council meeting. writes to the NYISO_TECH_EXCHANGE Discussion List: Dear Market Participants, The virtual transaction software was implemented late yesterday afternoon for bidding into tomorrow's Day-Ahead Market. While there were some connectivity problems with submission of virtual bids, those were solved yesterday evening and several Customers submitted virtual bids for evaluation. Security Constrained Unit Commitment ran this morning, including the virtual transaction bids, and posted around 9:00 a.m. Write a subject line for this email.
NYISO - Virtual Transaction Status
1,277 Skriver til NYISO_TECH_EXCHANGE Diskusjonsliste: Dear Marketen Deltagers, Den virtuelle transaksjonen programvaren ble implementert sent i går ettermiddag for bud til morgendagens dag-på-punktet Market. Mens det var noen problemer med forbindelsesproblemer med innlevering av virtuelle bud, ble de løst i går kveld og flere kundeinnleverte virtuelle bud for evaluering. Constrated Unit Commitment kjørte i morges, inkludert virtuelle transaksjonsbud, og lagt ut rundt kl. 09.00 Skriv en subjektlinje for denne e-posten. Prints to NYISO_TECH_EXCHANGE Discussion list: Dear Market Deltagers, The virtual transaction software was implemented late yesterday afternoon for bid to tomorrow's day-at-the-spot Market. While there were some problems with connection problems with the delivery of virtual bids, they were resolved last night and several customer bids were delivered for evaluation. Constrated Unit Commitment ran this morning, including virtual transaction bids, and posted around 9:00 a.m. Write a subject line for this e-mail.
NYISO<unk> virtuell transaksjonsstatus
NYISO<unk> Virtual transaction status
Vince, I am pleased to hear you will be returning to MSCF this year, participating in the Speaker Series on December 7. Enron has a tremendous reputation in quantitative finance circles and your obvious interest in our students is deeply appreciated. I know, too, our students are very much looking forward to your visit. Generate a subject line for this email.
MSCF Advisory Board Membership
Vince, jeg er glad for å høre at du kommer tilbake til MSCF i år, som deltar i Speaker Series den 7. desember. Enron har et enormt rykte i kvantitative finanssirkler og din åpenbare interesse for våre elever er dypt verdsatt. Jeg vet også at våre elever ser veldig fram til ditt besøk. Lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten.
Vince, I'm glad to hear you're coming back to MSCF this year, who are participating in Speaker Series on December 7th. Enron has a huge reputation in quantitative financial circles and your obvious interest in our students is deeply appreciated. I also know that our students look forward to your visit. Create a subject line for this email.
Medlems av medlemsstatene i det styrende råd
Member of the Member States of the Governing Body
Here is an email: This is likely the last opportunity we will have for comments, so if anybody has any additional comments, please let me know no later than the end of the day on Wed, Oct 13th, and I will forward all comments to Caroline on Thursday. Thanks for everybody's assistance on this effort. Elizabeth What is a potential subject line for this email?
EEI - Revised Standard Contract
Her er en e-post: Dette er sannsynligvis den siste muligheten vi vil ha for kommentarer, så hvis noen har noen tilleggskommentarer, vennligst la meg få vite senest slutten av dagen på onsdag, okt. 13. oktober, og jeg vil videresende alle kommentarer til Caroline på torsdag. Takk for hjelpen. Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e-posten?
Here's an e-mail: This is probably the last opportunity we'll have for comment, so if anyone has any additional comments, please let me know by the end of the day on Wednesday, Oct. 13 October, and I will forward all comments to Caroline on Thursday. Thanks for your help. What is a possible subject line for this e-mail?
Lisa and Liz: Each of Great Bay, El Paso Electric and LG&E Power have issued LC's to us that have has a drawing condition the fact that they have failed to provide alternate security and less than 20 days are left before expiration. Another drawing condition is that a "default" has occurred under the EEI. The LG&E and the Great Bay EEI master have a default that occurs if a party fails to establish, maintain, extend or increase Performance Assurance when required pursuant to the Agreement. The definition of Letter of Credit in each Master does NOT have language to the effect that it has to be acceptable to us. In the El Paso Master the default is based on a party's failure to meet the collateral requirements in Article 8. In that Master, the LC must be acceptable to us. Do you think that we can argue that the failure to renew the LC is a "default" that would permit us to terminate and draw? Propose a subject line for this email?
EEI Qusetion
Lisa og Liz: Hvert av Great Bay, El Paso Electric og LGE Power har utstedt LC'er til oss som har en tegningsbetingelse at de ikke har gitt alternativ sikkerhet og at mindre enn 20 dager er igjen før utløp. En annen tegnebetingelse er at det har forekommet en standard<unk> under EEI. LG&E- og Store Bay EEI-mesteren har en standard som oppstår dersom en part ikke klarer å etablere, opprettholde, forlenge eller øke ytelsesassuransen når det kreves i henhold til avtalen. Definisjonen av Kredittbrev i hver enkelt Master har IKKE språk slik at det må være akseptabelt for oss. I El Paso-mesteren er standarden basert på at en part ikke oppfyller sikkerhetskravene i artikkel 8. I den Mesteren må LC være akseptabel for oss. Tror du at vi kan argumentere for at feilen ved å fornye LC er en <unk>-standard<unk> som ville tillate oss å avslutte og tegne? Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Lisa and Liz: Each of the Great Bay, El Paso Electric and LGE Power have issued LCs to us that have an understatement that they have given no alternative security and that less than 20 days are left before the end of the day. Another drawing condition is that a standard<unk> has occurred under EEI. The LG/3E and Large Bay EEI master has a standard that occurs if a party is unable to establish, maintain, prolong or increase the performance insurance when required by the agreement. The definition of credit letters in each Master does NOT have language so that it must be acceptable to us. In the El Paso master, the standard is based on the failure of a party to meet the safety requirements of Article 8. In that Master, LC must be acceptable to us. Do you think we can argue that the error of renewing LC is a <unk>standard<unk> that would allow us to close and draw? Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
EEI- utstedt
EEI issued
As noted in the attached Order, the FERC Mediation conference scheduled for this Thursday has been moved to next Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. In addition, I've attached the most recent Order in the Southeast RTO case. My understanding is that the ALJ in that case plans to hold three day a week meetings (Tues-Thurs) from now until the deadline imposed by FERC. Can we be far behind? Aaron - FERC_Order_Rescheduling_Northeast_Mediation.WPD - Southeast_Scheduling_Order.WPD Propose a subject line for this email?
FERC RTO Meeting Rescheduled
Som nevnt i vedlagte Order er FERCs meklingskonferanse som er planlagt for denne torsdagen flyttet til neste tirsdag klokken 10.00. I tillegg har jeg oppført siste orden i klassen Sørøst-RTO-sak. Jeg forstår at ALJ i saken planlegger å holde tre møter tre dager i uken (Tues-Thurs) fra nå av til den tidsfristen FERC pålegger. Kan vi være langt bak? - E-postliste?
As mentioned in the attached Order, FERC’s mediation conference scheduled for this Thursday is moved to next Tuesday at 10:00. In addition, I've listed the latest order in the class of Southeast-RTO. I understand that ALJ is planning to hold three meetings a week from now on until the deadline FERC imposes. Can we be far behind? - Mailing list?
FARR RT I Møt sendt på nytt
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
This is the content of an email: Attached for your review are draft talking points for the Cal Energy Markets conference I'm speaking at on Thursday in SF. All comments, suggestions, etc. are appreciated. Thanks. What was the subject line for this email?
DRAFT Talking Points for Cal Energy Markets Talk
Dette er innholdet i en e-post. Vedlagt for din gjennomgåelse er utkast til talepunkter for konferansen Cal Energy Markets jeg snakker på torsdag i SF. Alle kommentarer, forslag, osv. blir satt pris på. Takk. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an e-mail, enclosed for your review is draft voice points for the Cal Energy Markets conference I'm speaking on Thursday in SF. All comments, suggestions, etc. is appreciated. Thank you. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
Talepunkter for statistikk for statistikk, statistikk og statistikk
Numerical points for statistics, statistics and statistics
Laura Vuittonet just spoke to you regarding this presentation. We would like 14 copies of the attached, bound, with transparent cover, and cardboard back - all by 3p. Co/RC# is 0413/107318. If you have any questions please contact me. Thanks. Generate a subject line for this email.
10-10-01 Presentation.ppt
Det var nettopp et lydsyn som nettopp ble gitt deg angående denne presentasjonen. Vi vil gjerne ha 14 kopier av det vedlagte, innbundne, med gjennomsiktige omslag og papp bak - alle tre ganger tre ppt. Co/RC# er 0413/107318. Kontakt meg hvis du har noen spørsmål. Takk. Lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten.
It was just a sound vision that was just given to you about this presentation. We would like 14 copies of the enclosed, bound, with transparent covers and cardboard at the back - all three times the wooden dpi. Co/RC# is 0413/107318. If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you. Create a subject line for this email.
10-10-01 Presentasjon.ppt
10-10-01 Presentation.ppt
Write a subject line for this message: writes to the NYISO_TECH_EXCHANGE Discussion List: Dear Market Participants, The NYISO web servers are down and the site is not available. We are working on the problem and anticipate having the servers available shortly after 3:00 p.m. Regards,
NYISO - Web Servers Unavailable
Skriv en emnelinje for denne meldinga: Skriv til NYISO_TECH_EXCHANGE Diskusjonsliste: Dear Market principals, The NYISO web Servers er nede og nettstedet er ikke tilgjengelig. Vi jobber med problemet og ser frem til å ha serverne tilgjengelig like etter klokken 15.00. .,
Print a subject line for this message: Write to NYISO_TECH_EXCHANGE News table: Dear Market principals, The NYISO web servers are down and the web site is not available. We're working on the problem and we're looking forward to having the servers available just after 3:00. ..,
%d dette programmet<unk> Netttenarar er ikkje tilgjengeleg
%d this program<unk> Network servers not available
Here is an email: Hey guys just thought I would let you know that Valero is going to be at the Job Fair this Friday at Enron Field from 1-4 and I will be one of the people attending it to represent us. So if you are going to be there make sure you come by and at least say hello. Plus depending on when my flight back is going to be and how soon I can leave the Fair we plan on going somewhere and getting a couple of drinks. So come by drop off a resume and maybe we can get some drinks. Note: If you are interested in Valero there is a very good possibility that the Director of Mid-Office will be attending as well and it would be a good chance for an informal interview. Hope everybody is doing alright and pass the word on to anybody I may have missed. Kyle What is a potential subject line for this email?
Valero at Enron Job Fair on Friday
Her er en e-post: Hei, gutta bare tenkte at jeg ville la deg vite at Valero kommer til å være på jobbmessen i kveld på Enron Field fra 1-4, og jeg vil være en av de som er med på å representere oss. Så hvis du skal være der for å være sikker på at du kommer innom og i det minste si hei. Avhengig av når min tilbakereise kommer til å være og hvor snart jeg kan forlate messen vi planlegger å gå et sted og få et par drinker. Så kom innom og send en CV, så kan vi kanskje ta noen drinker. Merk: Dersom du er interessert i Valero, er det en svært god mulighet for at direktøren for Mid-Office også vil være til stede, og det vil være en god mulighet for et uformelt intervju. Håper alle gjør det bra, og si ifra til alle jeg har savnet. Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e-posten?
Here's an e-mail: hey, the guys just thought I'd let you know that Valero's going to be at the job fair tonight at Enron Field from 1-4, and I'll be one of the people who helped represent us. So if you're gonna be there to make sure you come by and at least say hello. Depending on when my return is going to be and how soon I can leave the mess we plan to go somewhere and get a couple of drinks. So come by and send me a résumé, and maybe we can have a few drinks. Note: If you are interested in Valero, there is a very good chance that the Director of Mid-Office will also be present, and there will be a good opportunity for an informal interview. I hope everyone's doing well and let everyone know I missed. What is a possible subject line for this e-mail?
Valero ved på påtalemyndighet ved påtale på fredag
Valero at Prosecutor's Office on Friday
Write a subject line for this message: I've simulated the Aggregate power portfolio's VAR with the BPA contract (approx. $51MM) as a stand alone (approx $3MM) and with the BPA position reversed out (approx $49MM). Only issue seems to be that the VAR related to the position per credit Agg does not "tie" with VAR related to position in Enpower - I'm attributed this to the peak/off peak simulation difference. Specifically, the credit agg file does not define what was peak or off peak, whereas file from Enpower did, resulting in more accurate measurement of risk. Bottom line is that BPA removal appears to be risk reducing. Frank
BPA removal
Skriv en emnelinje for denne meldingen: Jeg har simulert den Aggregate kraftporteføljens VAR med BPA-kontrakten (ca. 5-11MM) som standplass alene (ca. 3MM) og med BPA-posisjonen omregnet (ca. Det ser bare ut til at problemet synes å være at VAR knyttet til posisjonen per kreditt Agg ikke har<unk>tie<unk> med VAR relatert til posisjon i Enpower<unk> jeg er henført dette til topp/av-topp differansen. Kredittaggfilen definerer heller ikke hva som var topp eller ikke topp, mens fil fra Enpower gjorde det, noe som førte til mer nøyaktig måling av risiko. Poenget er at det ser ut til å være risikoreduserende. Fra eller
Write a topic line for this message: I've simulated the Aggregate Power portfolio VAR with the BPA contract (approx. 5-11MM) as a stand-alone position (approximately 3MM) and with the BPA position converted (approximately It just seems that the problem appears to be that the VAR associated with the position per credit Agg does not have the<unk>tie<unk> with the VAR related to the position in Enpower<unk> I am attributed this to the top-off difference. The credit tag file also does not define what was top or not top, while the enpower file did, leading to more accurate measurement of risk. The point is, it seems to be risk-reducing. From or
This is an email eSource Presents Hoover's Training Learn how Hoover's can help you do your job better and make your job easier with tips on: ? Using advanced search to find the very specific information you're looking for ? Researching the companies you've found using the entire Hoover's site ? Reading/Using in-depth and comparative financials Attend one of our Hoover's training sessions: Sept. 25 1:00 - 2:00 PM 3AC4C1 Sept. 25 2:15 - 3:15 PM 3AC4C1 Sept. 25 3:30 - 4:30 PM 3AC4C1 The cost is $25.00 per person. No-shows will be charged $50.00. Seats fill up fast! To reserve a seat, please call Stephanie E. Taylor at 5-7928. What is the subject of this email?
Hoover's & MindBranch Training
Dette er en e-post Presents Hoover's Training Learn hvordan Hoover's kan hjelpe deg å gjøre jobben din bedre og gjøre jobben din lettere med tips om: ? Bruke avansert søk for å finne den veldig spesifikke informasjonen du leter etter ? Anser du hvilke firmaer du har funnet ved å bruke hele Hoovers nettsted? Lese/bruke inn-djupne og komparative finanser Attende en av våre Hoover treningssesjoner: sep. 25 1:00 - to-seply 3AC4C1 Sept. 25 2:15 - 3:15 PM 3AC4C1 Sept. 25 3:30 - 4:30 PM 3AC4C1 Kostnadene er 25:00 per person. Ingen møter vil bli betalt på 50 dollar. Seter blir fort oppfilt! For å reservere et sete, vennligst kall Stephanie E. Taylor på 5-7928. Hva er emnet for denne e- posten?
This is an email Presents Hoover's Training Learn how Hoover's can help you do your job better and make your job easier with tips on: Using advanced searches to find the very specific information you're looking for? Do you see which companies you've found using the entire Hoover website? Read/use input depth and comparative finances 13th one of our Hoover training sessions: sep. 25 1:00 - to-seply 3AC4C1 Sept. 25 2:15 - 3:15 PM 3AC4C1 Sept. 25 3:30 - 4:30 PM 3AC4C1 The costs are 25:00 per person. No meeting will be paid for $50. Seats get fixed up fast! To reserve a seat, please call Stephanie E. Taylor at 5-7928. What is the subject of this email?
Holands- og MindBranch Training
Holands and MindBranch Training
Write an email with the following subject: EOL Firm GTC
Kevin, Here are the Firm GTC's with and without collateral and with and without signature lines. I have also attached a redlined version. I will send the spot GTC's shortly. Please call me with any questions. Stacy
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: EOL FERDIGTC
Write an email on the following subject: EOL FERDIGTC
Kevin, her er Firm GTC-ene med og uten sikkerhet og med og uten signaturer. Har også lagt ved en redlined versjon. Jeg vil sende stedet GTC er kort. Ring meg med noen spørsmål. Stat hatterullullan
Kevin, here are the Firm GTCs with and without certainty and with and without signatures. I have also attached a redlined version. I'd like to send the location GTC is short. Call me with a few questions. State hat bull wool
Write an email with the subject line "TW Expansion".
There were several questions left for legal/regulatory to work on at the close of our meeting today. I'll try to restate them, and add my initial thoughts, so we can all be sure to focus on the correct problems. Q 1. Can TW use "negotiated rate" agreements for its new 150 mm/d expansion? A. Yes. Independence, Guardian, and other new pipeline projects were certificated on the basis of negotiated rate contracts. The only restriction is that we need to always offer cost-based recourse rate service as an alternative to negotiated rates. We hope to use negotiated rate agreements for the entire 150 mm of capacity, but we won't know until the contracts are executed how much of it will be negotiated rate contracts and how much of it will be under recourse rate contracts. I guess that means that in the cert. app., we just tell the commission that we will be 100% at risk and that given the huge interest in the open season, we have no doubts about our ability to sell the full 150. We should also tell the Commission we expect to sell the capacity using negotiated rate contracts or recourse rate contracts or a combination of both. Q 2. Can we give prospective customers a "cafeteria style" menu of options (to steal Jeff's term), like the following: 1. 5 yr. neg. rate deal at a locked in $.60 plus fuel and surcharges (or whatever number we decide on) 2. 10 y. neg. rate deal at a locked in $.45 plus fuel and surcharges 3. 15 yr. neg rate deal at a locked in $.35 blah blah 4 . 15 yr cost based recourse rate plus fuel and surcharges (importantly this option is not locked in and will float with TW's actual rate levels and fuel retainage percentages) A. I think the answer here is "yes." Whatever options we come up with for 1, 2, and 3, we will always have to offer 4 as well. Susan and Steve Stojic: please confirm that we have the right to define specific negotiated rate options and stick to them. Otherwise, this negotiated rate approach could get completely unstructured such that we end up with some guys taking our specific options and other guys custom tailoring weird variations (like a 7 yr, 231 day contract at $.51764, for example). I'm not sure that would be a bad thing, but we need to think about it. We need to be sure we can tell a customer "no" and make it stick if he tries to mix and match by asking for the 5 yr term and the $.35 rate, for example. I think we can lay out options of our choosing and then enforce a "no substitutions" policy (this is sticking with the "cafeteria" theme) but we need to be sure. Q.3. If we can use the "cafeteria options" approach, how much flexibility do we have in structuring the options? A: This one is hard. We need to be sure that the price and term we choose to offer for options 1-3 is solely within our discretion. We don't want to be second guessed by FERC as to whether we should have offered option 1 at $.58 instead of $.60. Susan and Steve: if you guys confirm that we have discretion in how to structure our negotiated rate options, does that mean we can slant the economics of the negotiated rate options so they are a better deal than the recourse option (for most shippers)? I.e., could we deliberately incent shippers to sign on for the short term deals--i.e., by
Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen<unk>TW Expansion<unk>
Type a mail using the subject line<unk>TW Extension<unk>
Det var flere spørsmål igjen til retts-/regulatøren å arbeide med ved vår møteslutt i dag. Jeg skal prøve å omarbeide dem, og legge til mine innledende tanker, så vi kan alle være sikre på å fokusere på de riktige problemene. Q. Kan TW bruke<unk>forhandlede sats<unk> avtaler om ny 150 mm/d-utvidelse? A. . Uavhengighets-, vokter- og andre nye rørledningsprosjekter ble sertifisert på grunnlag av avtaler om forhandlet takst. Den eneste begrensningen er at vi må alltid tilby kostnadsbasert regressløptjeneste som et alternativ til kjøp av takst. Vi håper å bruke forhandleavtaler for hele 150 mm kapasitet, men vi vil ikke vite før kontraktene er utført hvor mye av det vil bli forhandleavtaler og hvor mye av det vil bli under renteavtaler. Det betyr vel det i retten. app., vi bare forteller kommisjonen at vi vil være 100% i risiko og at med tanke på den store interessen for åpen sesong, vi har ingen tvil om vår evne til å selge 150. Vi bør også underrette Kommisjonen om at vi forventer å selge kapasiteten ved kjøpsavtaler eller vekselstrømsavtaler eller en kombinasjon av begge. Q. Kan vi gi kunder på rad en «cafeteria style»<unk> meny av alternativer (for å stjele Jeffs uttrykk), som følgende: 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . take deal ved en låst i $.60 pluss drivstoff og surprise (eller hvilket nummer vi bestemmer oss for) 2. 10 y. lig. take deal ved en låst i $.45 pluss drivstoff og tilleggsavgifter 3. 15 yr. negerrenteavtale med en innlåst i $.35, bla 4 . 15 yr-kostnadsbasert regressrate pluss drivstoff og pauser (dette alternativet er i hovedsak ikke låst inn og vil flyte med TWs faktiske hastighet og reserveprosenter for drivstoff) A. Jeg tror svaret her er \"ja\" Uansett hva vi finner for 1, 2, og 3, må vi alltid tilby 4 også. Susan og Steve Stojic: Vennligst bekreft at vi har rett til å definere spesifikke kjøpsavtaler og holde oss til dem. Hvis ikke, kan denne satsen bli helt ustrukturert slik at vi ender opp med at noen gutter tar våre valgmuligheter og andre typer som er skreddersydd for rare variasjoner (som en 7 yr, 231 dagkontrakt på $.51764, for eksempel). Jeg er ikke sikker på om det ville være en dårlig ting, men vi må tenke på det. Vi må være sikre på at vi kan fortelle en kunde<unk>no<unk> og få det til å stå fast hvis han prøver å blande og matche ved å spørre etter 5 yr-termen og $.35-rate, for eksempel. Jeg tror vi kan legge fram valgmuligheter vi velger, og deretter håndheve en<unk>nosubstitusjons<unk> politikk (dette holder seg til<unk>cafeteria<unk> temaet), men vi må være sikre. Det er fordi fordi fordi det er tale på den sentrale fordi fordi fordi det er tale på den sentrale fordi fordi fordi fordi det er tale på det, som er på det, på det Q, på det, som er det samme som som det som er på det, på det, som er det, på det, som er det, på det, som er det, på det, som er det, på det, som er det, på det, som er det, på det, som er det, som er på det, som er det, som er på det, som er på det, som er, på det, som er, på det, som som som er det, som som som er det, som er, som som som som som er det, som som som er, som som som er, som som som som som er det, som som som som som som som som som som er, som som som som som som er, som som som som som som som som som som som som er, som som som som som som som som som som som er, som som er, som som som som som er som som som som som som som som som som som er, som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som er er, som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som er er, er, som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er, er som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som er, blir, blir blir blir blir blir blir blir blir, blir, blir, blir blir, blir, blir, blir, blir, blir blir,,,,,,,,, blir som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som som er,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, blir,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Hvis vi kan bruke alternativene for « cafeteria »<unk> tilnærming, hvor stor fleksibilitet har vi da når det gjelder å strukturere valgene? a: Denne er hard. Vi må være sikre på at prisen og termen vi velger å tilby for opsjoner 1-3 er utelukkende innenfor vår kontroll. Vi vil ikke bli gjettet på nytt av FEFR om vi skulle ha tilbudt opsjon 1 på $.58 istedenfor $.60. Susan og Steve: Hvis dere bekrefter at vi har diskresjon i hvordan vi kan strukturere våre kjøpsrentevalg, betyr det at vi kan la takseringsøkonomien av kjøpskursene bli en bedre avtale enn regressalternativet (for de fleste skippere)? I.e., kunne vi tenke oss innencentskippere å skrive oss på for korttidsdear--i.e., av
There were more questions left for the court/regulator to work on at the end of our meeting today. I'm going to try to rework them and add my initial thoughts, so we can all be sure to focus on the right problems. Q. Can TW use a prenegotiated rate of<unk> new 150 mm/d extension agreements? A. So let's say that this is the same thing. Independence, guardian and other new pipeline projects were certified on the basis of negotiated tariff agreements. The only restriction is that we must always provide cost-based recourse service as an alternative to the purchase of the fare. We hope to use bargaining agreements for as much as 150 mm capacity, but we do not want to know until the contracts are completed how much of them will be negotiated and how much of it will be under interest rate agreements. I guess that means that in court. app., we're just telling the commission that we'll be 100% at risk and that, given the great interest in open season, we have no doubt about our ability to sell 150. We should also inform the Commission that we expect to sell the capacity of purchase contracts or AC contracts or a combination of both. Q. Can we give customers in a row a "cafeteria style"<unk> menu of alternatives (to steal Jeff's expression), as follows: 1. . . . . . . take the deal at a locked in $60 plus fuel and acidic (or whatever number we decide) 2. Ten y's right. take the deal at a locked in $.45 plus fuel and additional charges 3. 15 dr. Negro interest agreement with a locked-in in $35, blah 4. 15 yr-cost rate of regression plus fuel and breaks (this option is essentially not locked in and will float with TW's actual speed and reserve fuel percentages) A. I think the answer here is \"yes\". Whatever we find for 1, 2, and 3, we always have to offer 4 as well. Susan and Steve Stojic, please confirm that we have the right to define specific purchase agreements and stick to them. If not, this rate could be completely unstructured so that we end up with some boys taking our options and other types tailored to strange variations (like a 7-year, 231 daily contract of $51764, for example). I'm not sure it would be a bad thing, but we have to think about it. We need to be sure that we can tell a customer the<unk>no<unk> and make it stand firm if he tries to mix and match by asking for the 5 yr-term and the .35-rate, for example. I think we can provide options we choose, and then enforce a<unk>nosubstitutions<unk> policy (this stays with the<unk>cafeteria<unk> theme), but we need to be sure. Like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like, like like If we can use the options for the 'cafeteria '<unk> approach, how much flexibility do we have to structure the options? a: This one is hard. We need to be sure that the price and terms we choose to offer for options 1-3 are exclusively within our control. We won't be guessed again by the FEFR if we should have offered option 1 for $58 instead of $.60. Susan and Steve: If you confirm that we have discretion in how to structure our purchase rates, does that mean that we can allow the appraisal economy of the purchase rates to be a better deal than the recourse option (for most skippers)? I.e., we'd like to sign up for short-term dear-i.e., by
This is the content of an email: AT&T may begin suspension of some Enron Corporate cell phone accounts beginning Friday, 12/7. All remaining Portland cell phone accounts will be terminated no later than 12/11. Individual cell phone users may keep their phone and phone number by accepting financial responsibility for the account going forward. You may convert your phone to a personal account and request the same phone number or request a new one. Susan Nothnagel, AT&T Representative, will be here on Friday, 12/7, 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. to answer any questions and switch your cell phone to a personal account upon request. If Friday is not convenient Susan will stop by next week as needed. AT&T will waive the activation fee to change the account. Management approved cell phones are eligible for expense reimbursement, based on business need. Please see your manager regarding cell phone reimbursement. Regards, What was the subject line for this email?
Cell Phones
Dette er innholdet i en e- post: AT&T kan begynne å suspendere noen Enron Corporate mobiltelefonkontoer fra og med fredag, 12/7. Alle gjenværende mobiltelefonkontoer for nye mobiltelefoner vil bli avsluttet senest 12/11. Mobiltelefonbrukere kan beholde sitt telefon- og telefonnummer ved å påta seg det finansielle ansvaret for kontoen som går videre. Du kan konvertere telefonen din til en personlig konto og be om det samme telefonnummeret eller be om et nytt. Susan Nothnagel, AT&T Representant, vil være her på fredag, 12/7, kl. 13.00 - 16:00 for å svare på spørsmål og bytte mobiltelefon til en personlig konto på forespørsel. Hvis det ikke er beleilig for Susan å være fredag, kommer hun innom neste uke etter behov. AT&T vil gi unntak fra aktiveringsgebyret for å endre kontoen. Administrative godkjente mobiltelefoner er berettiget til kostnadsoverskridelse basert på forretningsbehov. Vennligst se din kontaktperson vedr. refusjon av mobiltelefon. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an e-mail: AT"T may begin suspending some Enron Corporate mobile phone accounts from Friday, 12/7. All remaining mobile phone accounts for new mobile phones will be closed no later than 12/11. Mobile phone users can retain their telephone and telephone numbers by accepting the financial responsibility for the account that goes on. You can convert your phone to a personal account and ask for the same phone number or ask for a new one. Susan Nothnagel, AT=T Representative, will be here on Friday, 12/7, 1:00 - 16:00 to answer questions and exchange mobile phones to a personal account on request. If it's not convenient for Susan to be Friday, she'll come by next week as needed. AT"T will exempt from the activation fee to change the account. Administratively authorised mobile phones are eligible for cost overrun based on business needs. Please see your contact person upon reimbursement of the mobile phone. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
Mobile Phone
Write an email with the following subject: Rice Energy Club Roundtable topics
Dear John, dear Vincent, Let me up-date you on the roundtables we decided in the last meeting to focus on during the rest of the academic year. The original idea was to keep the number of events from 3 to 4 roundtables each semester. The result of the last meeting with all members was driven by enthusiasm, and as you see below we produced a prolific list of 13 subjects. Maybe you can help us to narrow down to a reasonable number, 12 events (one we had yesterday) by May 2002 we think are too many. I also would take this opportunity to update on the ongoing relationships with the most prominent industry in the sectors and have your feedback, suggestion on how to group them in the roundtable. We got great support so far from Reliant, Enron, Mirant, Schell (Coral), Bp, Duke. El Paso, Chevron-Texaco, Phillips, and Halliburton etc.. also are interested and we will present the club to them as well. The major challenge for us is not transform the Energy Club in a Finance Energy Club. At Rice we already have a Finance club and it works very well. We want first educate about the energy industry in general, and second present the opportunities for MBAs in the industry in different areas, including finance but not limited to. Topics of Roundtable Meetings: 0) Energy "101" 1) Corporate Finance (Treasurer or Controller) 2) Energy Consulting 3) Financial Services (trading, risk management) 4) Origination, Marketing and Sales (Oil, Gas, Electricity) - Marteen 5) Project Development, strategic planning 6) Project Finance 7) Project Risk Management 8) Regulation, Deregulation, and Restructuring - Reliant done 9/17/2001 9) Structuring of Products 10) Supply Chain 11) Telecom - Broadband 12) Venture Capital within energy industry - Brian, Paresh Thanks in advance for your precious suggestions and I am looking forward to meeting you.
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Rice Energy Club Roundtable emner
Write an e-mail with the following subject: Rice Energy Club Roundtable Topics
Kjære John, kjære Vincent, la meg oppdatere deg på de rundebordene vi bestemte i det siste møtet for å fokusere på resten av det akademiske året. Den opprinnelige ideen var å holde antall hendelser fra 3 til 4 rundetabeller hvert semester. Resultatet av det siste møtet med alle medlemmene ble drevet av begeistring, og som dere ser nedenfor, laget vi en produktiv liste over 13 emner. Kanskje du kan hjelpe oss med å avgrense til et rimelig antall, 12 hendelser (en vi hadde i går) innen mai 2002 mener vi er for mange. vil jeg også benytte denne anledningen til å oppdatere om de pågående forholdene med de mest fremtredende næringsgrenene i sektorene og få tilbakemelding, forslag til hvordan de skal grupperes i den runde tabellen. Vi fikk stor støtte så langt fra Reliant, Enron, Mirant, Schell (Coral), Bp, Duke. El Paso, Chevron-Texaco, Phillips, og Halliburton etc. er også interessert og vi vil også presentere klubben for dem. Den store utfordringen for oss er ikke å forvandle Energiklubben i en energiklubb. Vi har allerede en finansklubb, og den fungerer bra. Vi ønsker først å utdanne om energiindustrien generelt, og for det andre presentere mulighetene for MBA i bransjen i ulike områder, inkludert finans men ikke begrenset til. Emner for rundetable møter: 0) Energi<unk> 10) Energi<unk> 10) Energi<unk> 10) Energi<unk> 10 % Corporate Fin Fin Fin Finance (Treassurer eller Controller) 2) Oversulting 3) Finansielle tjenester (handel, risikohåndtering) 4) Opprinnelse, markedsføring og Salg (Oil, gass, elektrisk kraft)<unk> Marteen 5) Prosjektutvikling, strategisk planlegging 6) Prosjektfinans 7) Prosjektrisikostyring 8) Forskrift, omregulering, og omstrukturering<unk> Reliant gjort 9/17/2001 9) Overtredelse av produkter 10) Overtredelse av produktkjede 11) Telecom<unk> Broadband 12) Venturkapital innenfor energiindustrien<unk> Brian, Paresh Takk på forhånd for dine gode forslag og jeg ser fram til å møte deg.
Dear John, dear Vincent, let me update you on the round tables we set for the last meeting to focus on the rest of the academic year. The original idea was to keep the number of events from 3 to 4 round tables every semester. The result of the final meeting with all the members was excited, and as you can see below, we made a productive list of 13 subjects. Perhaps you can help us to limit to a reasonable number of, 12 events (one we had yesterday) by May 2002, we think we are too many. I will also take this opportunity to update on the current conditions of the most prominent industries in the sectors and get feedback, suggestions on how to group them in the round table. We got much support so far from Reliant, Enron, Mirant, Schell (Coral), Bp, Duke. El Paso, Chevron-Texaco, Phillips, and Halliburton etc. are also interested and we'd also like to introduce them to the club. The real challenge for us is not to transform the Energy Club into an energy club. We already have a financial club, and it works fine. We first want to educate about the energy industry in general, and secondly present opportunities for MBA in the industry in different areas, including finance but not limited to. Subjects for Roundtable Meetings: 0) Energy<unk>10) Energy<unk>10) Energy<unk>10 % Corporate Fin Fin Finance (Treassurs or Controller) 2) Oversold 3) Financial Services (trading, risk management) 4) Origin, Marketing and Sales (Oil, Gas, Electricity)<unk>Marteen 5) Project Development, Strategic Planning 6) Project Financial Planning (7) Project risk management 8) Regulation, re-regulation, and restructuring<unk> Reliant done 9/17/2001 9) Enhance of products 10) Entendment of product chain 11) Telecom<unk> Broadband 12) Ventur capital in the energy industry<unk> Brian, Paresh Thank you for your good suggestions and I look forward to meeting you.
<<IPW111201a.pdf>> Good Morning, Attached, please find the latest issue of our Independent Power Weekly. Summary: 1. IPPs Rise 3.8% Last week our IPP composite rose 3.8%, outperforming the S&P 500 (+3.0%), but underperforming the NASDAQ (+4.7%). Mirant, which was up 12.9%, was the strongest generator in the group. International Power was the weakest performer, declining 2.4%. 2. Generation Oriented Utilities Rise 5.5% Our universe of generation oriented utilities rose 5.5%, outperforming all major indices including the UTY (4.0%). Constellation Energy, which was up 8.6%, was the strongest performer in the group. Cleco Corp was the weakest performer, improving 3.4%. 3. DYN/ENE Deal Removes Overhang We attribute last week's strong performance to indications of an imminent resolution to Enron's financial difficulties in the form of an investment from Dynegy. Late on Friday, these reports proved true with Dynegy agreeing to acquire Enron and provide immediate liquidity support. Over the last few weeks, the group came under pressure owing to concerns about Enron's deteriorating credit quality. In particular, IPP investors were concerned about the level of receivables exposure of various companies to Enron. Further, some industry observers suggested that a damaging reduction in trading liquidity could result if Enron were forced to withdraw from the natural gas and power markets. 4. New Feature: Regional Spark Spread Analysis Inside we include a regional spark spread analysis looking back 2 years. Going forward, this analysis will be a regular feature in the Weekly. 5. Valuations Remain Attractive; Focus On the Major IPPs: Highlighting CPN, MIR and NRG Given diminishing Enron concerns, we would expect investors to refocus on attractive valuations across the sector. The pure play power producers are trading at a 12% average discount to their private market asset values. We continue to highlight Calpine, Mirant and NRG Energy. 6. MIR Hosting Analyst Seminar On Tuesday (11/13), Mirant will host its second major analyst meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. We expect management to discuss the following: 1. Business plan update; 2. 2002 earnings visibility; 3. Financing plans; and 4. Reaction to DYN/ENE deal. 7. CSFB Philippines Energy Forum; Relevant to MIR On 11/15 at 3.30 pm CSFB will host a Philippines Energy Forum at the Waldorf Hotel in NYC. The meeting will feature 3 speakers: 1. Her Excellency Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, The President of the Philippines; 2. the Honorable Vincent S. Perez, Jr., Secretary of the Department of Energy of the Philippines; and, 3. Rick Kuester, CEO of Mirant Asia Pacific. The forum will focus on upcoming developments and opportunities in the power and oil/gas industry in the Philippines. Regards, Write a subject line for this email.
CSFB IPP Weekly: DYN/ENE Deal Mitigates Overhang; MIR MeetingPre view; New Regional Spark Spread Analysis
<<IMPW111201a.pdf>> God morgen, vedlagt, vennligst finn siste nummer av vår Independent Power Weekly. Sammendrag: 1. IPPs oppgang 3,8 % I forrige uke steg vår IPP-sammensetning 3,8 %, noe som var bedre enn S&P 500 (+3,0 %), men dårligere enn NASDAQ (+4,7 %). Mirant, som var oppe 12,9 %, var gruppens sterkeste generator. Internasjonal Strømmen var den svakeste utøveren, med fall på 2 av4 %. 2 . Generasjonsbasert Utilities Rise 5,5 % Vårt univers av generasjonstype Vår generasjonstype har steget 5,5 %, noe som overgår alle de største indeksene inkludert UTY (4.0 %). Constellation Energy, som var oppe 8,6 %, var gruppens sterkeste utøver. Cleco Corp var den svakeste utøveren, med bedre plassering på 3 3,4 %. 3 . DYN/ENEE Deale Deloss Overhang Vi henfører forrige ukes sterke prestasjon til indikasjoner på en klar oppløsning av Enrons finansielle vansker i form av en investering fra Dynegy. Sent på fredag viste disse rapportene seg å stemme med at Dynegy gikk med på å skaffe seg Enron og gi umiddelbar likviditetsstøtte. De siste ukene kom gruppen under press grunnet bekymringer om Enrons avtagende kredittkvalitet. IPP-investorer var særlig opptatt av nivået på fordringseksponering for ulike selskaper overfor Enron. Enkelte observatører fra industrien framholdt videre at en skadereduksjon i likviditet for likviditet om handels likviditet kunne føre til dersom Enron ble tvunget til å trekke seg tilbake fra naturgass- og kraftmarkedene. 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Denne analysen vil bli en fast post i Weekly. Ved ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting 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ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting Verdier som fortsatt er tiltalende; Fokus på de store IPP-ene: Viktige punkter om CPN, MINR og NRG Gitt minskende Enron bekymringer, ville vi forvente at investorene skulle fokusere på attraktive verdivurderinger over hele sektoren. De rene spillkraftprodusentene driver handel med gjennomsnittlig 12 % avslag på sine verdier for aktiva i det private marked. Vi fortsetter å fremheve Calpine, Mirant og NRG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MIRvertsanalytikerseminar På tirsdag (11/13) vil Mirant arrangere sitt andre store analytikermøte i Atlanta, Georgia. Vi regner med at ledelsen vil diskutere følgende: 1. Oppdatering av næringsplan; 2. Sekvensresultat fra 2002; 3.: Finansieringsplaner; og 4. Reaksjonen til DYN/IKKE-avtalen. eller ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting Gud Gud eller eller ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting eller eller eller ting ting ting ting eller eller eller eller eller Gud Gud Gud Gud eller eller eller eller ting ting ting ting ting eller eller eller eller eller eller ting ting ting ting ting ting eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting 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eller CSFB Philippine Energy Forum; Relevant til MIR Ved Ved Ved Ved Ved Ved Ved Ved Ved Ved 3.30 pm KFB vil være vertskap for et salimentum på Waldorf Hotel i NYC. Møtet vil vise med tre taler: 1. Hennes Eksellense Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, Filippinenes president; 2. Ærede Vincent S. Perez jr., sekretær i energidepartementet på Filippinene; og, 3. Rick Kuester, administrerende direktør i Mirant - Asia. Forumet vil fokusere på kommende utvikling og muligheter i kraft- og olje/gassindustrien på Filippinene. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
Good morning, attached, please find the last issue of our Independent Power Weekly. Summary: 1. IPPs increase 3.8% last week, our IPP composition rose 3.8%, which was better than S/3.0%, but worse than NASDAQ (+4.7%). Mirant, who was up 12.9%, was the strongest generator in the group. The international current was the weakest fighter, with a 2 out of 4 percent drop. Two. Generation-based Utility Rise 5.5% Our universe of generation type Our generation type has risen 5.5%, exceeding all the largest indices including UTY (4.0%). Constellation Energy, which was up 8.6%, was the strongest fighter in the group. Cleco Corp was the weakest fighter, with a better position of 3,3.4%. Three. We attributed last week's strong performance to indications of a clear resolution of Enron's financial difficulties in the form of an investment from Dynegy. Late Friday, these reports proved to be consistent with Dynegy’s agreeing to Enron’s acquisition and immediate liquidity support. In the last few weeks, the group was under pressure because of concerns about Enron’s declining credit quality. IPP investors were particularly concerned with the level of claims exposure of different companies to Enron. Some observers from industry further suggested that a damage reduction in liquidity for liquidity of trade liquidity could result if Enron was forced to withdraw from natural gas and power markets. or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la or la la la la or la la la la la or la la la la or la la la la or la la la la or la la la la la or la la la la la or la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la la or la la la la or la la la la or la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la la la or la la la la la or la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la New Feature: We have a regional light - light analysis that looks back two years. This analysis will be a permanent item in Weekly. 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things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things Values that remain appealing; focus on the large IPPs: key points about CPN, MINR and NRG Given decreasing Enron concerns, we would expect investors to focus on attractive valuations across the sector. The producer of the pure waste power trades an average of 12 % of its asset assets discounts in the private market. We'll continue to highlight Calpine, Mirant and NRG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . On Tuesday (11/13), Mirant will arrange his second major analyst meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. We expect management to discuss the following: 1. Update of business plan; 2. Profit or loss from 2002; 3.: Funding plans; and 4. Reaction to the DYN/INTENTION Agreement. or or something or or something or or something or or something or or something or or something or or something or or something or or something or or something or or something or something or something or or something or or something or or something or or something or or something or or something or something or or something or something or something or or something or something or or something or thing or thing or thing or thing or things or things or things or things or things or or things or or or things or or or things or or or or things or or or or or things or or or or or things or or or or things or or or things or or or things or or things or or something or or something or or something or or or something or or something or something or something or something or or or something or something or or something or or something or or something or or something or something or something or or something or something or or or or something or or or something or or or something or or or something or or or or or something or or or or something or or or something or or something or or or or or something or something or something or or or or something or or or or something or or something or something or something or something or something or or something or or something or or or or or something or or or or something or something or something or something or or or or something or something or or or or or or or or or or or something or or or or or or or or or or or something or something or or or or or something or or or or something or something or something or something or something or something or something or something or something or or or something or or or or or or something or or or or or or something or something or something or or something or something or or or or or or or or or something or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or something or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or something or or or or or or or or or or or something or or thing or something or something or something or something or something or something or something or something or or or or or something or or or or or thing or thing or or or thing or or or or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or or or thing or thing or or or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or or or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or or or or or or thing or thing or thing or or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or or or or or or or or or or or or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or or or or or or or or or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or or or or or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or or or or or or or or or or or or or thing or or or or or or thing or thing or or or or or or thing or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or thing or thing or thing or or or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or or or or or or or or or or or or or thing or thing or or or or thing or thing or or or or or thing or thing or thing or thing or or or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or thing or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or thing or thing or thing CSFB Philippine Energy Forum; Relevant to MIR Ved Ved Ved Ved Ved At 3:30 pm CFB will host a Salimentum at the Waldorf Hotel in NYC. The meeting will show with three talks: 1. Her Excellency Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, president of the Philippines; 2. Honorable Vincent S. Perez, Jr., secretary of the Ministry of Energy in the Philippines; and, 3. Rick Kuester, executive director of Mirant - Asia. The Forum will focus on future developments and opportunities in the Philippines' power and oil/gas industry. Type a subject line for this email.
CSFB IPP Uke: DYN/ENE Deal Midigates Overhang; MIR Møteforhånd; Ny Spenning for regionsluft
CSFB IPP Week: DYN/ENE Deal Midigates Overhang; MIR Meeting Prior; New Voltage for Regional Air
Everyone, J.C. asked me to send you the attached Notice that Judge Rosenthal entered on 12/21/01, and to remind you that this, like everything else in the case, is not a matter for public discussion. If you have trouble opening the attachment (which is in Adobe format), please let me know and I will try something else. Also, please do not hesitate to e-mail us or call if you have questions or comments. Terri This e-mail and any attached files may be confidential and subject to attorney/client privilege. If you received it in error, please immediately notify the sender by return e-mail or by calling (713)654-7600. Propose a subject line for this email?
Judge Rosenthal's Notice of December 21, 2001
Alle, J.C. ba meg sende deg den vedlagte meldingen som dommer Rosenthal skrev 12./2.01, og for å minne deg om at dette, som alt annet i saken, ikke er en sak for offentlig diskusjon. Hvis du har problemer med å åpne vedlegget (som er i Adobe-format), så si ifra, så skal jeg prøve noe annet. Ikke nøl heller med å sende e-post til oss eller ringe hvis du har spørsmål eller kommentarer. Terri e-post og eventuelle vedlagte filer kan være fortrolige og underlagt taushetsplikt. Dersom du har mottatt den feil, må du umiddelbart underrette senderen om dette ved å sende en e-post eller ved å ringe (Svar:654-7600). Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Everyone, J.C. asked me to send you the attached message that Judge Rosenthal wrote at 12:/201, and to remind you that this, like everything else in the case, is not a matter of public discussion. If you have trouble opening the attachment (which is in Adobe format), let me know and I'll try something else. Do not hesitate to send us an e-mail or call if you have any questions or comments. Terri e-mail and any attached files may be confidential and bound by confidentiality. If you have received the error, you must immediately inform the sender by sending an e-mail or by calling (Answer:654-7600). Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
Dommer Rosenthals kunngjøring av 21. desember 2001
Judge Rosenthal's announcement of 21 December 2001.
This is the content of an email: Dear Larry, When was the last time you got a weekly car rental for $110? Or spent a night in luxury for $100--in the Bahamas? Have you ever gotten money What was the subject line for this email?
Real Deals From
Dette er innholdet i en e-post, kjære Larry, Når fikk du sist en billeie for ti dollar? Eller brukt en natt i luksus for 100 dollar - på Bahamas? Har du noen gang fått penger Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an e-mail, dear Larry, when was the last time you got a ten-dollar car rental? Or spent a night in luxury for $100 in the Bahamas? Have you ever had any money? What was the subject line for this e-mail?
Real Deals from
Real Deals from
John, I took the volumes on deal 226556 to 0 for the term of the deal starting June 1. This is the purchase from Belden & Blake behind NYSEG. I changed the volume on deal 226563 from 1 dth/day to 1500 dth/day. This is the purchase from StatOil at CPA. The price on this deal is NX1 + .434 and the price on John's worksheet is NX1 + .54 (per MCF). John, is this price adjusted for dth?? I created deal 280185, purchase from StatOil, volume of 333 day, the price is NX1+ $.56 PER MCF. This is a purchase of local production behind the citygate. David, this deal probably needs to be hedged in Sitara. Cindy - deal 226563 is a purchase from CES - Statoil Energy. I set up deal 280185 with the same counterparty. This deal should have been in the system effective 1/1/2000. According to Elizabeth, we should not use the CES - StatOil Energy. It doesn't matter to me how its set up, however, this deal should have been in the system from Jan and it is the same type of deal as deal 226563. I changed the volume on deal 226747 from 1 dth to 1100 dth/day. This is a purchase from Questar and it is also local production behind CPA. John, there are 3 deals for Questar, the other 2 deals have volumes of 0 right now. Can you tell me how the volume should be split out for pricing purposes? Molly, I created deal 280132, FOM priced sale to CES. This deal will be matched with the CPA local production deals. Let me know if anyone has any questions. Thanks Propose a subject line for this email?
Local Production for June
John, jeg tok bindene om avtale 226556 til 0 for avtaleperioden som begynte 1. juni. Dette er kjøpet fra Belden & Blake bak NYSEG. Jeg endret volumet på avtale 226563 fra 1 dde/dag til 1 500 dt/dag. Dette er kjøpet fra StatOil iht. Prisen på denne avtalen er NX1 + .434 og prisen på Johns arbeidsark er NX1 + .54 (per MCF). John, er prisen justert for Dth? Jeg har inngått en avtale 280185, kjøp fra StatOil, volum på 333 dag, prisen er NX1+ $.56 PER MCF. Dette er et kjøp av lokal produksjon bak Bygaten. David, denne avtalen må trolig sikres i Sara. <unk> avtale 226563 er et kjøp fra CES<unk> Olje- og energiselskap. Jeg har ordnet en avtale 280185 med samme motpart. Denne avtalen skulle ha vært i systemeffekt 1/1/2000. Ifølge Elizabeth bør vi ikke bruke CES - StatOil Energy. Det spiller ingen rolle for meg hvordan den er satt opp, men denne avtalen burde likevel ha vært i systemet fra Jan og det er samme type avtale som deal 226563. Jeg endret volumet på avtale 2267, fra 1 dth til 1 th til 1 th/day. Dette er et kjøp fra Questar og er også lokal produksjon bak CPA. John, det er 3 avtaler for Questar, de to andre har volumer av 0 akkurat nå. Kan du fortelle meg hvordan volumet bør deles ut for prissettingsformål? Molly, jeg har laget en avtale 280132, en prisutsalg til CES. Denne avtalen vil være i samsvar med avtalene om lokal produksjon av CPA. Si fra hvis noen har noen spørsmål. Vil du legge til en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
John, I took the volumes on the deal of 226556 to 0 for the contract period that began June 1st. This is the purchase from Belden & Blake behind the NYSEG. I changed the volume of the deal 226563 from 1 ddd/day to 1500 dt/day. This is the purchase from Statoil. The price of this agreement is NX1 + .434 and the price of John’s worksheet is NX1 + .54 (per MCF). John, is the price adjusted for Dth? I've made a deal 280185, purchase from Statoil, volume of 333 days, the price is NX1+.56 PER MCF. This is a purchase of local production behind the city street. David, this deal probably needs to be secured in Sara. Agreement 226563 is a purchase from CES<unk> Oil and Energy. I've arranged for a deal of 280185 with the same counterpart. This agreement should have been in system power 1/1/2000. According to Elizabeth, we should not use CES - Statoil Energy. It doesn't matter to me how it's set up, but this deal should still have been in the system from Jan and it's the same kind of deal as deal 226563. I changed the volume of deal 2267 from 1 dth to 1 th to 1 th/day. This is a purchase from Questar and is also local production behind the CPA. John, there are three deals for Questar, the other two have volumes of 0 right now. Can you tell me how the volume should be distributed for pricing purposes? Molly, I made a deal with CES. 280132, a sale for CES. This agreement will be in conformity with the arrangements for the local production of the CPA. Let me know if anyone has any questions. Do you want to add a subject line for this email?
Lokalt rapportering for juni
Local reporting for June
Write a subject line for this message: COLUMBIA GAS TRANSMISSION CORPORATION NOTICE TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES JUNE 08, 2001 Notice ID: 2788 5 - NO RESPONSE REQUIRED SUBJECT: CAPACITY UPDATE EFFECTIVE FOR MONDAY, JUNE 11 2001 CHANGES ARE INDICATED WITH AN * Effective Monday, June 11, 2001, capacities will be as follows: Excess MDWQ Available + ISS Withdrawals Available SIT Withdrawals Available Imbalance Drawdowns Available PAL Lends/Unparks Available Excess MDIQ Available + ISS Injections Available SIT Injections Available Imbalance Paybacks Available PAL Parks/Loan Paybacks Available + Call Gas Control 24 hours in advance at (304) 357-2606 to request approval. Receipt capacity will be as follows: TENNESSEE: Brinker (B12) 20,000 Broad Run (B9) 450,000 Cambridge (B10) 20,000 Dungannon (B11) 50,000 Highland (B17) 25,000 Milford (B18) 15,000 North Greenwood (B22) 0 Unionville (B15) 50,000 TEXAS EASTERN: Delmont (C16) 0 Eagle (C22) 30,000 Hooker (C9) 50,000 Pennsburg (C23) 50,000 Windridge (C12) 50,000 NATIONAL FUEL: Independence (M1) 10,000 Ellwood City (L1) 10,000 TRANSCO: Downingtown (E3) 5,000 Emporia I (E13) 120,000 * Rockville (E2) 65,000 Dranesville (E1) 60,000 ALGONQUIN: Ramapo (R1) 50,000 ANR: Paulding/Cecil 105,000 (F1, A2) LEBANON AGGREGATE 195,000 (A4, F2, C4, D3) TOLEDO AGGREGATE 225,000 (A3, F4, 734462) COLUMBIA GULF: (801) TCO-Leach 2,218,000 Internal point non-firm capacity will be as follows: Lanham No Restrictions Delivery capacity (non-firm) will be as follows: TRANSCO: Martins Creek (MA 21) 25,000 Young Woman's Creek 15,000 (MA 36) ALGONQUIN: Hanover (MA 22) 166,000 EQUITRANS: Fallen Timber (MA 35) 35,000 (MLI K1) Waynesburg-Rhinehart 30,000 (MA 26) (MLI K2) OPT-30 will be available in all market areas. OPT-60 will be available in all market areas. Market Area delivery capacity (non-firm) will be as follows: Operating Area 1 Market Area 33 No Restrictions Market Area 34 No Restrictions Operating Area 2 Market Area 20 No Restrictions Operating Area 3 Market Area 15 No Restrictions Market Area 16 No Restrictions Market Area 17 No Restrictions Market Area 18 No Restrictions Market Area 19 No Restrictions Operating Area 4 Market Area 21 No Restrictions Market Area 22 No Restrictions Market Area 23 No Restrictions Market Area 24 No Restrictions Market Area 25 No Restrictions Market Area 29 No Restrictions Operating Area 5 Market Area 02 No Restrictions Market Area 07 No Restrictions Operating Area 6 Market Area 10 No Restrictions Market Area 11 No Restrictions Market Area 12 No Restrictions Market Area 13 No Restrictions Market Area 14 No Restrictions Operating Area 7 Market Area 01 No Restrictions Market Area 03 No Restrictions Market Area 04 No Restrictions Market Area 05 No Restrictions Market Area 06 No Restrictions Market Area 08 No Restrictions Market Area 09 No Restrictions Operating Area 8 Market Area 26 No Restrictions Market Area 27 No Restrictions Market Area 32 No Restrictions Market Area 35 No Restrictions Market Area 36 No Restrictions Market Area 38 No Restrictions Market Area 39 No Restrictions Market Area 40 No Restrictions Operating Area 10 Market Area 28 No Restrictions Market Area 30 No Restrictions Market Area 31 No Restrictions If you have any questions, please contact your Account Representative.
Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldingen: COLUMBIA GASS OVERVÅS OVERVÅK FOR SAMDRORD TIL SJU DYR DEL TIL VELDY DEL: VURDERING AV DEL PÅ VARE: UFFEKTIV FOR KAPPADIET TIL DAG, JUNE 11 2001 KJANDRINGER UDYKT MED EN * TID SIDEN MANN 11. juni 2001 AMÅL blir som følger: Excess MDWQ Prevalent + ISS Withdravals Emdiment SIT Withdravals Emdiances Emblem Emblements Emblement PALds/Unparks Encendent Excess MDIQ Invalent + ISS Informations Ancient SYNTations Imapped Pights/Loadbacks Anctive Irances Ancient 24 timer i forkant av 35706 til godkjenning. Det vil være en ikke-innledende kapasitet: TENSJE: Biker (Båren satt satt sitt «Mayster Bopp Rund run» (Billaget 45 000 Cambridge (B10 tomrom) Bleikskap det samme fat fat fatgerikorn (BMaister blanding lett lettferdighet (BMaikorn), lett vannverk (BMaikorn) (BMagre seg selv: Delmont (Kjøtt 0 Ørnekorn (Kleder) jager (Kjøjerni)) lagåndig vindsild (K forbi det samme) land (KHapisk: UFEI: UGGAL: Ellwood City (LuFE)<unk> underlagende mikrogleder: Nederby (EINR) meg selv (EINR) Underlag (EHEMS) Empter (EI) ES (E Mortig NR) 2G (E BR), 2KG 2HJEMTER: OAGGGGGGGRA (E) som kan ikke rammes UGGGGGGGGGRA: U UGGGGRA: UGGRA TILF: OPT-60 vil være tilgjengelig i alle markedsområder. Område ikke nevnt annet område skal være som følger: Operasjonsområde 1 Område Område 33 ikke-restriksjoner Område 34 ikke-restriksjoner Område 34 ikke-restriksjoner Operasjonsfelt 2ark Område 2 Område ikke-område 20 ikke-restriksjoner Operasjonsområde 3 Område 15 ikke-restriksjoner Område 16 ikke-restriksjoner Område 17 ikke-restriksjoner Område 18 ikke-restriksjoner Område 19 ikke-restriksjoner Operasjonsområde 4-område 21 ikke-restriksjoner Område 22 ikke-restriksjoner Område 22 ikke-restriksjoner Område 23 ikke-restriksjoner Område 18 ikke-restriksjoner Område 25 ikke-restriksjoner Områder Område 19 ikke-restriksjoner Område 4-restriksjoner Område 21 ikke-restriksjoner Område 21 ikke-restriksjoner Område 22 ikke-restriksjoner Område 21 ikke-restriksjoner Områder Områder Område 5-restriksjoner Område 5-redienser Områder Områder Område Område Område Område Område 5-repareringer Område Områder Områder Områder Områder Områder Områder Områder Områder Områder Områder Områder Områder Område 2ken-r Vannskifte Områder Ikke-ure, ikke-repareringer
Enter a subject field for this message: COLUMBIA GAS SURVIVED FOR COMMUNITY TO SEVEN ANIMALS PART INTO THE VERY PART: ESSENTIAL PART: UNFECTIVE FOR THE CAPPADI TO DAY, JUNE 11 2001 QUITTING UNDEIGN WITH ONE * TIME AGRE MANNE 11 June 2001 A TARGETS follow: Excess MDWQ Prevalent + ISS INTERVALS Emdiment SIT Withdravals Emblem Embled Embleds PALds/Unparks Access MDIQ Invalent + ISS Information There will be a non-initial capacity: TENSJE: Biker (BMaicorn) sat his "Master Bop Run" (BMagre himself: Delmont (Coupted 0 Eagle grain) Fighter (Kopperni))) Teamy Wind Fire (K past the same country (KHapish: UKEI: UKAL: Elwood City (LufE)<unk> Grounding mcg Manager: Downer (EINR) Me (EINR) OPT-60 will be available in all market areas. Areas not covered shall be as follows: Area 1 Area 33 non-restricted Area 34 non-restricted Area 34 non-restricted Area 2 Area 2 non-restricted Area 20 non-restricted Area 3 Non-Restrictions Area 15 non-restriction Area 16 non-restrictions Area 17 non-restrictions Area 18 non-restricted Area 19 non-restricted Areas 4 non-restricted Area 21 non-restrictions Area 22 non-restrictions Area 23 non-restricted Areas 18 non-restrictions Areas 25 non-restrictions Area 19 restricted Areas Areas 4 non-restricted Area 21 non-limited Areas 21 non-limited Areas 22 non-restricted Areas 21 non-restricted Areas of Areas 5 not restricted Areas 5 Areas Areas Areas Area 5 restricted Areas Area 5 restricted Area 5 area area area area area 5 restricted Areas of area 5 restricted Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas 2 area Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas 2 do not concerned Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Area 2 do not area Areas Areas Areas Areas Areas Area 2 do not Change Areas Areas Areas Areas do not area I do not Change Areas Areas do not Con Areas Areas do not Con area Areas Areas do not Con do not Con area Areas do not area Areas do not Con area Areas do not Coned Areas do not Conedure Areas
I finished a spreadsheet for calculating historical correlations on forward curves. It gives the correlation matrix for contracts going out an arbritary number of months out. I think it might be a handy tool for some of you. You may get that on O:\RESEARCH\CUSTOM\CORRELMATRIX\ It demands that you have access to our EGSPROD32 database. You must have that configured in your ODBC. It is a large spreadsheet, so it may take some computing resorces. Let me know if you find any problem. Thanks. Write a subject line for this email.
Historical Correlation Calculator
Jeg er ferdig med et regneark for å beregne historiske korrelasjoner på fremoverkurver. Det gir matriksen for kontrakter som går ut på et antall måneder ute i et år. Jeg tror det kan være et nyttig verktøy for noen av dere. Du kan få det på O:<unk>ESSEARCH<unk>CUSTOME<unk>KORRELMATRIX<unk> Det krever at du har tilgang til databasen EGSPROD32. Du må ha det satt opp i din ODBC. Det er et stort regneark, så det kan kreve noen databehandlingsresorer. Si fra hvis du finner noe problem. Takk. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
I'm done with a spreadsheet to calculate historical correlations on forward curves. It gives the matrix for contracts that go out in a number of months for a year. I think it might be a useful tool for some of you. You can get it on O:<unk>ESSEARCH<unk>CUSTOME<unk>CORREMATRIX<unk> It requires you to have access to the EGSPROD32 database. You must have it in your ODBC. It's a huge spreadsheet, so it could take some computer processors. Let me know if you find a problem. Thank you. Type a subject line for this email.
Historisk korrelasjonskalkalkal
Historical Correlation Scale
Write a subject line for this message: Hi there, We plan to sign on the dotted line with NorthWestern today. MKahn (who works through lunch, don't you know) is turning the final draft of the letter agreement. Kay
Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldingen: Hei der, vi planlegger å skrive under på den stiplede linjen med nord-vest i dag. MKahn (som jobber gjennom lunsj, ikke du vet) er i ferd med å snu det endelige utkastet til brevavtalen. Siste lahar Sitt
Write a subject field for this message: hey there, we plan to sign on the dotted line with the north-west today. MKahn (working through lunch, you don't know) is about to reverse the final draft of the letter agreement. Last lahar Sitt
Signer (signer)
Sign (Sign)
Here is an email: Here's the latest, not-yet-final-but-getting-better agreement. I may not have sent this to everyone who needs it, but I know Reagan will take care of it. Speaking of Reagan, he is generating exhibits. Kay What is a potential subject line for this email?
MDEA revised draft
Her er en e-post: Her er den nyeste avtalen. Jeg har kanskje ikke sendt dette til alle som trenger det, men jeg vet at Reagan vil ta seg av det. Apropos Reagan, han driver med utstilling. Kay Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e-posten?
Here's an e-mail, here's the latest deal. I may not have sent this to everyone who needs it, but I know Reagan will take care of it. Speaking of Reagan, he's doing an exhibition. Kay What's a possible subject line for this e-mail?