66 values
Write a subject line for this message: I heard that NE Hub made it through the Oriskany without blowing anything up. Siggy must have been so pleased, and Penn Fuel and CNG so disappointed! Hey, I'm gonna be down the week of May 30-June 3 and would like to get together with you guys. What's going on that week? Would there be any reason, say, to bring golf clubs? I hear that my much ballyhooed former law partner David Hill might be down in Houston the same time and I need to have a few beers on his expense account as well. Pat, I don't think you've met this guy but you need to, if for no other reason because he buys beers. DF
Skriv et emne for denne meldingen: Jeg hørte at NEAN klarte seg gjennom Oriskany uten å sprenge noe. Siggy må ha vært så fornøyd, og fylle- og signalene må ha vært så glade, og så skuffet! Hei, jeg skal være nede uken 30. mai-juni tre og vil gjerne bli sammen med dere. Hva skjer den uka? Er det noen grunn til å ta med golfklubber? Jeg har hørt at min mye gode, tidligere advokat David Hill kan være nede i Houston samtidig, og jeg trenger noen øl på hans regning også. Pat, jeg tror ikke du har møtt denne fyren men du må, hvis av ingen annen grunn fordi han kjøper øl. La oss si:
Write a subject for this message: I heard the NEAN made it through Orishany without blowing anything up. Siggy must have been so happy, and the drunk and the signals must have been so happy, and so disappointed! Hey, I'm gonna be downstairs the week of May-June Three and I'd like to join you. What happens that week? Is there any reason to bring golf clubs? I've heard that my many good ex-con David Hill could be down in Houston at the same time, and I need some beer on his bill too. Pat, I don't think you've met this guy but you have to, if for no other reason because he buys beer. Let's say:
Theresa - CIG just finaled their invoices today, and I am working on them. I will take a look at this and get back with you. Thanks, Gloria Propose a subject line for this email?
CIG 10/01
Jeg jobber med dem. Jeg vil ta en titt på dette og komme tilbake med deg. Takk, Gloria Foreslå en emnelinje for denne e-posten?
I work with them. I want to take a look at this and come back with you. Thank you, Gloria Suggest a subject line for this e-mail?
SIGIGIGIG titing/stattgrad
Write an email with the subject line "EPE SCHEDULE FOR SEPTEMBER 24TH".
Please retrieve a pwx tag for one of EPE's schedule for the 24th on Sunday 23rd for EPE checkout purposes. Pwx creates their tag the day before. Please include this tag number in EPE scheduling sheet for the 26th. The schedule is highlighted in "Pink". Thank You.
Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen<unk> ESPESESETNINGSSTILTAK FOR TILTAK 24 THT<unk>
Writes an email with the subject line<unk> ESPESET MEASURES FOR MEASURE 24 THT<unk>
Vennligst hent en «spwx tag» for en av EPEs tidsplan for den 24. den 24. søndag 23. for utsjekkingsutsjekking av EPE. Pwx lager sin tag dagen før. Vennligst ta med dette merkenummeret i planskjemaet for den 26. i EPE. Skjemaet er angitt i<unk>Pink<unk> Takk.
Please fetch a 'spwx tag' for one of the EPE timetables for the 24th Sunday 23rd check-out of the EPE. Pwx makes his tag the day before. Please include this tag number in the schedule for the 26th of the EPE. Schema is specified in<unk>Pink<unk> Thank you.
Here is an email: Melissa, Further to our conversation, attached are ENA's Special Provisions to the GISB along with revisions to certain sections. With regards to the payment guarantee, in the second paragraph please change "10 days" to "five business days" where it appears. For Section 2.4, please change ENA to confirming party, and in Section 3.2 change to Spot Price Standard. Finally, we purpose the following language for Section 10.1. Upon your review of the attached, please give me a call to disucss same. Regards, What is a potential subject line for this email?
Her er en e-post: Melissa, videre vår samtale, vedlagt er ENAs spesialbestemmelser til GISB sammen med revisjoner til visse avsnitt. Når det gjelder betalingsgarantien, endres ti dager i annet ledd — ti dager — til —offentlig virkedager — der den forekommer. For avsnitt 2.4 endres ENA til «bekreft part», og i avsnitt 3.2 endres til «Spot Price Standard». Til slutt bruker vi følgende språk for avsnitt 10.1. Når dere har sett på det vedlagte, kan dere vennligst ringe meg for å si det samme. Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e-posten?
Melissa, on with our conversation, is attached to ENA Special Provisions for the GISB along with revisions to certain sections. In the case of the payment guarantee, 10 days in the second subparagraph — 10 days — are amended to —public working days — where it occurs. For Section 2.4, ENA is replaced by ‘confirmed party’ and in Section 3.2 is replaced by ‘Spot Price Standard’. Finally, we use the following language for section 10.1. Once you've looked at the attached part, please call me to say the same thing. What is a possible subject line for this e-mail?
Write an email with the following subject: Analyst & Associate Program - Short Survey
I invite you to provide feedback on the Analyst & Associate Program, using a very short, anonymous and confidential survey. In the very near future, you will receive an email from asking for feedback on your overall satisfaction with the Program, and your suggestion of one thing we should focus on for improvement. To insure confidentiality of your responses, Executive Leadership has been engaged to conduct and compile the results of the survey. The survey is designed to be completed in about two minutes, and your participation is important. We plan to do short surveys like this a couple of times each year, in addition to the all employee survey. As always, I invite each of you to contact me or anyone on my team if you'd like to discuss ideas or issues in person. Thank you in advance for your participation, Billy Lemmons
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: analytikeren & Grothian Programh - Short Survey
Write an e-mail on the following subject: analyst & Grothian Programh - Short Survey
Jeg inviterer deg til å gi tilbakemelding på analytiker- og programprogrammet ved hjelp av en veldig kort, anonym og fortrolig undersøkelse. I aller nærmeste framtid vil du motta en e-post fra med tilbakemelding på ditt overordnede forhold til programmet, og din forslag til en ting vi bør fokusere på for forbedring. For å sikre at svarene dine behandles fortrolig, har ledelsesledelsen vært engasjert til å gjennomføre og utarbeide resultatene av undersøkelsen. Undersøkelsen skal gjennomføres om cirka to minutter, og din deltakelse er viktig. Vi har tenkt å gjøre korte undersøkelser som dette et par ganger hvert år, i tillegg til alle arbeidsundersøkelsene. Som alltid inviterer jeg hver og en av dere til å kontakte meg eller noen i teamet mitt hvis dere vil diskutere ideer eller problemstillinger personlig. Takk på forhånd for at dere deltar, Billy Lemmons
I invite you to give feedback on the analyst and programme using a very short, anonymous and confidential investigation. In the very near future, you will receive an email from with feedback on your overall relationship with the program, and your proposal for one thing we should focus on for improvement. To ensure that your answers are kept confidential, management has been involved in carrying out and preparing the results of the study. The study will be conducted in about two minutes, and your participation is important. We plan to do short studies like this a couple of times a year, in addition to all the work studies. As always, I invite each of you to contact me or anyone on my team if you want to discuss ideas or issues personally. Thank you in advance for your participation, Billy Lemmons.
Meredith, please path deal 209359 with 209371 for Jan 31. This should capture the meter bounce fee ENA owes Bay State. Sherry, I don't remember who gave me this invoice. I will leave it on your desk. Propose a subject line for this email?
Bay State Meter bounce fee
Vær så snill, path deal 209359 med 209371 for Jan 31. Dette burde fange opp taksabiletet ENA skylder Bay State. Jeg husker ikke hvem som ga meg denne fakturaen. Jeg legger det på pulten din. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Please, the path deal 209359 with 209371 for Jan 31. This should pick up the tax picture ENA owes Bay State. I don't remember who gave me this invoice. I'll put it on your desk. Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
Boleve honorar for høyde- og høydemåler
Living fee for altitude meter
Write a subject line for this message: I don't see any problem with this transaction since it appears to be limited to Louisiana assets, but the issue of whether we are impacted by the noncompete agreement strikes me as a commercial call. Please let me know if you have any problem with the transaction and I will pursue it. Thanks. DF
LRC Joint Venture
Skriv en underlinje for denne meldingen: Jeg ser ikke noe problem med denne transaksjonen siden den ser ut til å være begrenset til Louisiana, men spørsmålet om hvorvidt vi påvirkes av en konkurranseavtale slår meg som et forretningsanrop. Vennligst si fra hvis du har problemer med transaksjonen og jeg vil forfølge den. Takk. La oss si:
Write a sub-line for this message: I see no problem with this transaction since it seems to be confined to Louisiana, but the question of whether we are influenced by a competitive agreement strikes me as a business call. Please let me know if you have a problem with the transaction and I will pursue it. Thank you. Let's say:
Fram til allerede innarbeiding i arbeid
Until already transposition into work
Write an email with the subject line "Park-N-Ride Economics".
Michelle/Kimberly, I was looking at the economics for Park-N-Rides (on the TW Mainline Leg) thought you might be interested in this: According to Gary Choquette, it costs us in fuel 1420 Mscf/d for storage of 42,502 Mscf of gas. Assuming a BTU factor of 1.00 and at a gas cost of $3.00 per MMBTU--fuel costs amount to $4260/day. Adding O&M to this (assuming 1/3 fuel cost), the total cost of this storage to us is ~13 cents.
Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen <unk>Park-N-Ride Økonomi <unk>
Compose a mail using the subject line <unk>Park-N-Ride Economy <unk>
Michelle/Kimberly, jeg så på økonomi for Park-N-Rides (på TW Mainline Leg) tenkte du kanskje var interessert i dette: ifølge Gary Choquette koster det oss drivstoff 1420 for lagring av 422 Ms. bensin. Forutsatt at en BTU-faktor på 1 00 og til en gasskostnad på 3 kroner per MMMTU---drivstoffkostnader tilsvarer 4260 per dag. Hvis vi legger O&M til dette (og dermed uten brenselkostnad), er den totale kostnaden for denne lagringen til oss som et beløp på 113 cent.
Michelle/Kimberly, I was looking at Park-N-Ride's (TW Mainline Leg) economy, and you thought you might be interested in this: Gary Choquette says it costs us fuel 1420 for storing 422 Ms. Gas. Provided that a BTU factor of 100 and at a gas cost of 3 kroner per MMTU-fuel cost equals 4260 per day. If we add O/3M to this (and hence without fuel cost), the total cost of this storage is 113 cents.
Here is an email: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = IntercontinentalExchange = = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = Firm Physical Natural Gas Price Bulletin = = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = For Natural Gas Delivered on Saturday, December 01, 200= 1 thru Monday, December 03, 2001 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = (Trade Date of Friday, November 30, 200= 1) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 Click here to access index history . = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = * volume represents sell-side only * = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 Region Hub=09High=09Low=09Wtd Avg Index=09Change ($)=09Vol (mmBtu)=09Hu= b Name=09 LOUISIANA =09=09=09=09=09=09=09 ANR SE=09 $2.1700=09 $1.4550=09 $1.6861=09- = .4444=09 512,700=09American Natural Resources Pipeline Co. - SE = Transmission Pool=09 Columbia Onshore=09 $2.2200=09 $1.3800=09 $1= .8182=09- .3434=09 611,400=09Columbia Gulf Transmission Co. - On= shore Pool =09 Henry Hub=09 $2.2400=09 $1.4550=09 $1.7772= =09- .4294=09 2,408,400=09Henry Hub tailgate - Louisiana =09 NGPL LA=09 $2.1850=09 $1.4450=09 $1.7880=09-= .3628=09 857,400=09Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America, Louisia= na Pool =09 Tenn 500L=09 $2.0500=09 $1.3600=09 $1.6897= =09- .3909=09 439,200=09Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co.-Zone L, 500 L= eg Pool =09 Tenn 800L=09 $1.9600=09 $1.3600=09 $1.6404= =09- .4569=09 642,600=09Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co.-Zone L, 800 L= eg Pool =09 TETCO ELA=09 $2.1200=09 $1.4050=09 $1.5377= =09- .5804=09 758,400=09Texas Eastern - East LA =09 TETCO WLA=09 $2.1275=09 $1.4400=09 $1.6767= =09- .4363=09 351,900=09Texas Eastern - West LA =09 Transco 65=09 $2.1500=09 $1.2625=09 $1.4422= =09- .7026=09 667,200=09Transco - Station 65 =09 Trunkline ELA=09 $2.1200=09 $1.4600=09 $1.59= 63=09- .5699=09 304,200=09Trunkline Gas Company - East Louisiana= Pool =09 TxGas SL=09 $2.2350=09 $1.4500=09 $1.8697=09= - .2844=09 388,800=09Texas Gas Transmission Corp.-Zone SL FT Poo= l =09 MIDCONTINENT =09=09=09=09=09=09=09 MichCon, citygate=09 $2.1950=09 $1.6500=09 $= 1.8548=09- .5539=09 561,000=09Michigan Consolidated =09 NGPL Midcont=09 $2.0000=09 $1.3850=09 $1.676= 9=09- .5471=09 443,700=09Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America, Mi= d-Continent Pool =09 NGPL Nicor, citygate=09 $2.2800=09 $1.5300=09 = $1.8238=09- .5164=09 1,996,200=09Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of Ame= rica, Nicor Citygate=09 NGPL NIPSCO, citygate=09 $2.2500=09 $1.5700=09 = $1.9588=09- .3889=09 203,700=09Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of Am= erica, Nipsco Citygate=09 NNG Demarcation=09 $2.2500=09 $1.5500=09 $1.= 8897=09- .4236=09 567,000=09Northern Natural Gas, Demarcation Po= ol =09 NORTHEAST =09=09=09=09=09=09=09 Columbia TCO=09 $2.3500=09 $1.5000=09 $1.959= 8=09- .3519=09 939,000=09Columbia Gas Co. - TCO Pool =09 Dominion So.Point=09 $2.1500=09 $1.4500=09 $= 1.6484=09- .5296=09 927,300=09Dominion - South Point =09 TETCO M3=09 $2.8000=09 $1.6400=09 $1.9320=09= - .4320=09 766,500=09Texas Eastern - M3 Zone =09 Transco Z-6 (NY)=09 $2.5000=09 $1.7500=09 $2= .0432=09- .5982=09 450,000=09Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp= . - Zone 6 (NY)=09 WEST =09=09=09=09=09=09=09 El Paso non-Bondad=09 $1.9000=09 $1.4000=09 = $1.5980=09- .7579=09 351,000=09El Paso - San Juan Basin, Blanco = Pool=09 Huntingdon/Sumas=09 $2.2000=09 $1.9000=09 $2= .0241=09- .5807=09 363,600=09Westcoast Energy & Northwest Pipeli= ne Corp.=09 Opal=09 $1.8500=09 $1.4500=09 $1.5756=09- = .5166=09 336,300=09Opal=09 PG?Citygate=09 $2.6600=09 $2.1200=09 $2.4220= =09- .4127=09 375,000=09PG?- Citygate =09 SoCal Border=09 $2.6000=09 $1.9000=09 $2.148= 2=09- .4160=09 249,000=09Southern California Border Points (Ehre= nberg,Topock,Needles)=09 WEST TEXAS =09=09=09=09=09=09=09 El Paso - Keystone=09 $2.2000=09 $1.6000=09 = $1.8572=09- .4949=09 1,046,700=09El Paso - Keystone Pool=09 Waha=09 $2.1200=09 $1.5900=09 $1.8637=09- = .4536=09 1,185,000=09Waha Hub - West Texas =09 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Includes all firm physical fixed price t= rades done from 7 AM to 11:30 AM Central Prevailing Time on the trade date = specified for natural gas delivered on the specified date(s). = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = IntercontinentalExchange is the world's most liquid = trading platform for over-the-counter energy and metals. Active markets in= clude North American power and natural gas, global crude and refined oil pr= oducts, and precious metals. Traded instruments include forwards, swaps, a= nd options. = = = = = =20 In order to receive the proprietary information contained in this email, yo= u acknowledge and agree that you shall not further disseminate the Intercon= tinentalExchange Market Data contained herein to any person or entity witho= ut the express written consent of IntercontinentalExchange. Furthermore,= you acknowledge that (1) IntercontinentalExchange has exclusive and valuab= le property rights in this data; (2) IntercontinentalExchange's data is bei= ng made available to you only for your own business or personal activities;= and (3) you cannot communicate the data, in any form, to any other person = or entity without the express written consent of IntercontinentalExchange. = =20 This data is provided to you free of charge. IntercontinentalExchange rese= rves the right to cancel this service at any time for any reason or no reas= on at all. = = = = = = = =20 You agree that IntercontinentalExchange does not make any representations o= r warranties, express or implied, with respect to the data. = = = = = = = = =20 To become an Exchange Participant or inquire about the indices, please cont= act . = = = = = = = =20 To unsubscribe from this service, click here unsubscribe . = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ?Copyright IntercontinentalExchange, Inc. 20= 01, All Rights Reserved. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = What is a potential subject line for this email?
Gas Indices
Her er det en e-post: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Firm fysisk naturlig naturlig naturgass Prisen = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = For naturlig gass levert på lørdag, desember, 200= 1 throughmon, Desember 03, 2001 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = fredag, 30, November 200 = = 1) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 -Akkurat 6 (NØY)=09 = 0=09=09=09=09=09=09=09=09-00=09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-01-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09=09-09-09-09=09-09=09-09-09=09-09=09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09=09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09=09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-00-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-00-00-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-00-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-00 = 00-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09- = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = IntercontinentalExchange er verdens mest flytende = handelsplass for over-det-counter ener og metaller. Omsetningsmarkeder i=omfatter nordamerikanske kraft- og naturgass, globale råolje- og oljeraffinerier og edelmetaller. Handelsinstrumenter omfatter terminkontrakter, swaper, a= Andre alternativer. = = = = = = = = = ==20 For å motta den proprietære informasjonen i denne e-posten, yo= u erkjenner og er enig i at du ikke skal videreformidle Intercon= tentalExchange Market Data som her finnes for enhver person eller enhet medo= ut det uttrykkelig skriftlige samtykket fra Intercon= chentalExchange. Forøvrig,=erkjenner du at 1) IntercontinentalExchange har enerett og valuab= le eiendomsrettigheter i disse opplysningene, 2) IntercontinentalExchanges data is bei= ng gjort tilgjengelig for deg bare for ditt eget næringsliv eller personlig virksomhet,= og 3) du kan ikke formidle dataene, i noen form, til noen annen person = eller enhet uten det uttrykkelig skriftlige samtykket fra IntercontinentalExchange. =20 Disse dataene gis gratis til deg. IntercontinentalExchange rese= gir rett til til når som helst å oppheve denne tjenesten av en eller annen grunn eller ingen reas= på noen som helst måte. = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 Du er enig i at IntercontinentalExchange ikke gjør noen representasjoner o= r R warities, expressive eller implisitte, med hensyn til dataene. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 20 Å bli en Exchange deltaker eller spørre om indeksene, please cont= act . = = = = = = = = = ==20 Å slutta å tinga denne tjenesten, klikk her slutta å abonnere . = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =?Copyright IntercontinentalExchange, Inc. 20= 01, All Rights Reserved. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Hva er en potensiell emnelinje for denne e-posten?
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural natural = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 #09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09-09 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = IntercontinentalExchange is the world's most liquid = the trading space for over-the-counter ones and metals. Turnover markets in the range of North American power and natural gas, global crude oil and oil refineries and precious metals. Trade instruments include futures, swaps, a=other options. ==rect. ==reply. =rect. =ct. =ct. =ct. =ct. =ct. = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = ct = n = ct = ct = ct = n = ct = ct = r = r = r = r = r = r = n = r = r = r = r = r = n = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = n = n = n = n = n = n = n = n = n = n = n = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = rt = r = r = r = r = r = n = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = r = rt = rt = rt = rt = rt = rt = r = r = r = r = r = r = rt = = = = = = = = = = = rt = rt = rt = = rt = rt = = = = = = = rt = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = rt = = = = = rt = rt = rt = = rt = rt = = rt = rt = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Furthermore, you know that 1) IntercontinentalExchange has exclusive rights and Valubab= le property rights in this information; 2) IntercontinentalExchange data is bei= ng made available to you only for your own business or personal business;= and 3) you cannot communicate the data, in any form, to any other person = or entity without the express written consent of IntercontinentalExchange. This data is provided free of charge to you. IntercontinentalExchange movement= entitles to cancel this service at any time for any reason or no reason= in any way. You agree that IntercontinentalExchange does not do any representations o=r R warities, expressive or implicit, with respect to the data. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 20 To become an Exchange participant or to query the indices, please contact=act . = = = = = = = ===20 Unsubscribe from this service, click here stopped subscribed. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = What is a potential subject line for this e-mail?
Be passing
Be Passport
What is the subject line for this email? John, Credit appears to be a problem on this deal. Therefore, please stand by for further developments. I appreciate your very quick response. Apparently, my client was satisified with the service he received. Kay
Wheeling Pitt consignment
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? John, det ser ut til at dette er et problem. Vennligst vær klar for den videre utvikling. Jeg setter pris på din gode respons. Klienten min var tydeligvis satifisert med den tjenesten han fikk. Siste lahar Sitt
What is the subject line for this email? John, this seems to be a problem. Please be prepared for further development. I appreciate your good response. My client was apparently satified by the service he received. Last lahar Sitt
Skip som kan ta seg av skip som er i fart, og som kan føre til at skip som kan føre til skip som er i fart, er i samsvar
Ships capable of taking care of ships in service which may result in ships capable of leading to ships in service
Brant: Let me know what you think about this. I am enclosing the section out of our comments that he wants to replace with his language. Carol Write a subject line for this email.
ISDA Discussions
Brant: La meg få vite hva du synes om dette. Jeg vedlegger avsnitt ut av det vi sier som han ønsker å erstatte med sitt språk. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
Brant: Let me know how you feel about this. I attach sections out of what we say that he wants to replace with his language. Type a subject line for this email.
Diskusjoner fra ISDA
ISDA discussions
Here is an email: David, Doug asked me to get you a list of our top counterparties in ERCOT. Below is our list: Calpine Dynegy Mirant Aquila Constellation El Paso TXU Reliant ANP Marketing FP&L BP Amoco LCRA Morgan Stanley Call me if you have questions. Thanks What is a potential subject line for this email?
ERCOT Counterparties
Her er en e- post: David, Doug ba meg skaffe deg en liste over våre fremste motparter i ERCOT. Under er vår liste: Calpine Dynegy Mirant Aquila Constellation El Paso TXU Relant ANNP PP&L BP Amoco LCRA Morgan Stanley Ring meg hvis du har spørsmål. Hva er en mulig postlinje for denne e- posten?
Here's an email: David, Doug asked me to get you a list of our top counterparties in ERCOT. Below is our list of Calpine Dynegy Mirant Aquila Constellation El Paso TXU Relant ANNP - L BP Amoco LCRA Morgan Stanley Call me if you have any questions. What is a possible post line for this email?
ERC- mortal mortal mor til real real real real realstat
ERC Mortal Mother to Real Real Real State
What is the subject line for this email? According to my research, this project (which involves construction by TW of a lateral consisting of about 40 miles of at least 16" pipe to provide service to a power plant) would require a 7(c) certificate. Do you concur? Any comments?
Caithness Big Sandy LLC
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Ifølge min forskning vil dette prosjektet (som innebærer bygging av TW av en sidelinje bestående av minst 16 kilometer rør for å yte service på et kraftverk) kreve et 7 bokstav c) sertifikat. Er du enig? Noen kommentarer?
What is the subject line for this email? According to my research, this project (which involves the construction of TW of a sideline consisting of at least 10 miles [16 km] of pipes to provide service to a power plant) will require a 7(c) certificate. Do you agree? Any comments?
Cathness Big Sand Sand LLC
Cathness Big Sand LLC
I want to let you know that I'll be on vacation for the next two weeks (June 25 through July 6). I'm going to Washington, D.C. to take Wes to the Naval Academy, visit my parents and show Sheila some colleges on the way back to Houston. I'll check my office voice mail periodically, so please leave messages there if you need me. Also, Vanessa has my itinerary and can reach me. I'll also be available by cell phone. Thanks, Propose a subject line for this email?
MCO Vacation Plans
Jeg vil gjerne la dere vite at jeg skal være på ferie de to neste ukene (i juni 25 til juli) (i perioden fra og med uke 6). Jeg skal til Washington, D.C. for å ta Wes til Sjøkrigsskolen, besøke foreldrene mine og vise Sheila noen college på vei tilbake til Houston. Jeg sjekker e-post via e-post på kontoret mitt, så legg igjen beskjeder hvis du trenger meg. Vanessa har også reiserute og kan nå meg. Jeg vil også være tilgjengelig på mobiltelefon. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e-posten?
I would like to let you know that I will be on vacation for the next two weeks (June 25 to July) (from week 6). I'm going to Washington, D.C. to take Wes to the Naval War School, visit my parents and show Sheila some college on the way back to Houston. I'll check e-mails in my office, so leave messages if you need me. Vanessa also has a route and can reach me. I'd also like to be available on my cell phone. Would you like to propose a subject line for this e-mail?
MCO land plans
What is the subject line for this email? Con Ed released Transco space to EES. The offer # is 21535, volume = 10,0000 dth, demand charge = $1.50, term = 9/1/2000 - 9/30/2000. Con Ed did the release pre arranged, non-biddable. Paul, you should be able to execute this space before 9:00 am and re-release it to me (company #7973). thanks.
Con Ed space
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Con Eds frigivelse av transcospace til EES. Tilbudet # er 21535, volum = 10 000 dte, etterspørselsavgift = 1 kroner, termin = 9/1/2000 - 9/30 per2000. Con Ed gjorde release pre-rangert, ikke-beleilig. Paul, du bør kunne kjøre denne plassen før kl. 09.00 og sende den ut på nytt til meg (se nummer #7973). jeg..
What is the subject line for this email? Con Ed's release of transcospace to EES. The offer # is 21535, volume = 10000 dte, demand charge = 1 kroner, due = 9/1/2000 - 9/30 per 2000. Con Ed made the release pre-arranged, non-pleasant. Paul, you should be able to drive this place before 9:00 a.m. and resend it to me (see number #7973). I'm...
Finn tomrom ( selv om det er plass i det lokale rommet)
Find white space (even if space is available in the local room)
This is the content of an email: Thank you all for being so responsive. I'm still waiting for claims on: Ameren AIG CLECO Colonial ConAgra Dominion Enterprise Chase Noble Cornerstone Occidental Carolina Power and Light Southern Co. Western Gas Resources Anyone? Please let me know by noon today. Thanks again for your help. What was the subject line for this email?
Dette er innholdet i en e- post. Takk for at dere er så lydhøre. Jeg venter fortsatt på påstander om at Ameren AIG CLECO Colonial ConAgra Dominion Enterprise Chase Coble Cornerstone Occidental Carolina Power og Light Southern Co. Western Gas Resources Everyone? La meg få vite det i dag. Takk for hjelpen. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an email, and thank you for being so receptive. I'm still waiting for allegations that Ameren AIG CLECO Colonial ConAgra Dominion Enterprise Chase Coble Cornerstone Occidental Carolina Power and Light Southern Co. Western Gas Resources Everyone? Let me know today. Thanks for your help. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
Til motparter
For counterparties
Dear Sir; Passed Suez canal. Captain Oe Hansen relieved by Captain Knut Bentzr?d. Commenced sea voyage at N 29,8? E 032,5?, 1630 LT (1330 GMT) A) Position at noon : NA B) Dist. from last noon : NA C) Dist. to go to next port: 2472 nm D) Eta next port : 13 May 0900 LT Brgds Knut Bentzr?d Master E-mail: Teleph: Inmarsat 330853910 Fax : Inmarsat fax no.+874 330853913 Telex : Inmarsat B telex no.+584 330853915 Telex : Inmarsat C telex no.+584 430853910 ( Generate a subject line for this email.
Departure report 7 May
Sir; passert Suezkanalen. Kaptein Oe Hansen avløst av kaptein Knut Bentzr?d. Begynte sjøreisen i N 288? E 032?, 1630 LT (1330 GMT) A) Posisjon ved middagstider : NA B) Distanse. fra siste middag : NA C) Distans. gå til neste port: 2472 nm D) Eta neste port : 13. mai 0 mai 0 mai 0 mai: LT Brgds Knut Bentzr?d Mester E-post: Teleph: Inmarsat 330853910 faks: Innmarsat faks no.+874 330853913 Telex : inmarsat B telex no.+584 330853915 Telex : inmarsat C telex no.+584853910 ( Generer et emne for denne e-posten.
Sir, passed the Suez Canal. Captain Oe Hansen relieved by Captain Knut Bentzr?d. Did the voyage start in N 288? E 032?, 1630 LT (1330 GMT) A) Position at noontime: NA B) Distance. From the last dinner: NA C) Distant. go to the next port: 2472 nm D) Eta next port : 13 May 0 May 0 May 0 May 0 May: LT Brgds Knut Bentzr?d Maester E-mail: Teleph: Inmarsat 330853910 fax: Inmarsat fax no.+874 330853913 Telex : inmarsat B telex no.+584 330853915 Telex : inmarsat C telex no.+584853910 ( generate a subject for this e-mail.
Avgangsavgang av rapport 7 og kan avviking av rapport 7 kan
Departure of report 7 and may deviate from report 7
Write an email with the subject line "BROADWAY'S THE LION KING IS COMING TO HOUSTON".
It will be here July 5 through August 25, 2002. This is a must see event. If enough of us want to go (must be at least 20) I I can coordinate a group and hopefully, get us really good seats at a bit of a discount. I plan to shoot for a Sunday matinee. Meanwhile, I'm going to get exact ticket prices, etc. I do know that this event is in great demand and that the orchestra tickets range from approximately $78 to $131. I will also get prices for other parts of Jones Hall. Also, I am planning to look at Sunday dates in August. Be so kind as to shoot me an e-mail so that I'll have an idea how many tickets would be involved. Thanks,
Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen <unk>BROADGEWAY'S LIONSINNLØSET ER PÅ HUSTON <unk>
Write an e-mail with the subject line <unk>BROADGEWAY'S LION SIND IS AT HUSTON <unk>
Den vil ligge her fra 5. juli til og med august: Dette er en må se hendelse. Hvis nok av oss ønsker å gå (må være minst 20) jeg kan koordinere en gruppe og forhåpentligvis, få oss virkelig gode seter på en bit av en rabatt. Jeg har tenkt å skyte etter en søndagsmatin. I mellomtiden kommer jeg til å få eksakte billettpriser osv. Jeg vet at denne begivenheten er i stor etterspørsel, og at billettene varierer fra cirka $78 til $131. Jeg vil også få priser for andre deler av Jones Hall. Jeg har også planer om å se nærmere på søndager i august. Vær så snill å skyte meg en e-post slik at jeg får en idé om hvor mange billetter som ville vært med. Takk.
It will be here from July 5 through August: This is something you have to see. If enough of us want to go (must be at least 20) I can coordinate a group and hopefully, get us really good seats on a piece of a discount. I'm going to shoot after a Sunday dinner. In the meantime, I'm going to get exact fares, etc. I know that this event is in great demand and that the tickets vary from about $78 to $131. I'll also get awards for other parts of Jones Hall. I also plan to take a closer look at Sundays in August. Please shoot me an e-mail so that I get an idea of how many tickets would be in it. Thank you.
Do you want to go to Austin tonight? I have an extra ticket to the game tomorrow. We will be back to Houston by 5 tomorrow. Let me know. Eric Propose a subject line for this email?
Vil du dra til Austin i kveld? Jeg har en ekstra billett til kampen i morgen. Vi er tilbake til Houston innen 5 i morgen. La meg få vite. Vil du anbefale en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
You want to go to Austin tonight? I have an extra ticket for the game tomorrow. We'll be back to Houston by 5 tomorrow. Let me know. Would you like to recommend a topic line for this email?
Aldri Aldri eller flere
Never or ever again
Write a subject line for this message: If you guys have been keeping up, you know Enron Europe is waving the white flag and shutting down. Our email addresses (and our jobs!) are being deactivated as of midday tomorrow, so you can reach us at:
C'est la vie!
Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldinga: Hvis dere har holdt tritt, vet dere at Enron Europa står med det hvite flagget og slår av. Våre e-postadresser (og våre jobber!) er i ferd med å bli deaktivert midt på dagen i morgen, så dere kan nå oss i:
Enter a subject field for this message: If you have kept up, you know that Enron Europe stands with the white flag and turns off. Our email addresses (and our jobs!) is about to be deactivated in the middle of the day tomorrow, so you can reach us in:
C'est la Vie!
C'est la Vie!
What is the subject line for this email? A friend of mine, Jim McCloskey, a Director at Ernst & Young, mentioned to me that one of his partners and former Vice Chairman of E&Y, Bob Herdman, was recently named Chief Accountant to the SEC and asked whether E&Y could be of any assistance with respect to the present SEC inquiry. I told Jim that I would convey his request to the appropriate personnel. If you or any one wanted to discuss this matter further with Jim he can be reached at 713-750-8206. I do know that Jim had met with Jeff Skilling earlier this year to talk about opportunities in E&Y working with Enron and I think he has another meeting scheduled in November with Rick Causey and others for a follow up presentation, all unrelated to the SEC inquiry. Regards,
Ernst & Young
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? En venn av meg, Jim McCloskey, en direktør i Ernst & Young, nevnte for meg at en av hans partnere og tidligere nestleder i E&Y, Bob Herdman, nylig ble utnevnt til sjefskontingent for Finanstilsynet og spurte om E&Y kunne være til noen hjelp i forbindelse med den nåværende SEC-undersøkelsen. Jeg sa til Jim at jeg ville overbringe anmodningen hans til personellet. Dersom du eller noen av dere ønsker å diskutere saken videre med Jim, kan han nås ved 713-75-82. Jeg vet at Jim hadde møtt Jeff Skilling tidligere i år for å snakke om muligheter i E&Y å jobbe med Enron og jeg tror han har et nytt møte i november med Rick Causey og andre for en oppfølgingspresentasjon, alle urelatert til Finanstilsynets undersøkelse. .,
What is the subject line for this email? A friend of mine, Jim McCloskey, a director of Ernst & Young, mentioned to me that one of his partners and former vice president of the E/3Y, Bob Herdman, was recently appointed head of finance and asked if E/3Y could be of any help in connection with the current SEC survey. I told Jim that I would deliver his request to the personnel. If you or any of you wish to discuss the matter further with Jim, he can be reached at 713-75-82. I know that Jim had met Jeff Skilling earlier this year to talk about opportunities in E/3Y to work with Enron and I think he has another meeting in November with Rick Causey and others for a follow-up presentation, all unrelated to the SEC investigation. ..,
& Fjern oppføring [{; »
& Remove Entry [{;]
Write an email with the following subject: Updated Temporary Account Assignment
With Dana's return to employment, I have updated the Origination Account assignment list which is attached. All accounts have returned to the previously established assignment list with the exception of Monsanto and Cytec which will remain with Rich until Dana returns to full-time status in August. I want to thank each of you - especially Karen, Rich, Dee and Ragan who took on the additional duties and responsibilities of managing the daily activities of these accounts over the past 4 months. Our customers retained our high level of service and professionalism due to the assistance from the whole organization. Again, I thank you for your efforts.
Skriv inn en e-post med følgende emne: Oppdatert e- postadresse Tilordning
Type an email with the following subjects: Updated email address Allocation
Med Da Danas tilbake i arbeid har jeg oppdatert listen over oppgaver i opprinnelseskontoen som er vedlagt. Alle kontoer har returnert til den tidligere etablerte tildelingslisten med unntak av Monsanto og Cytec som vil forbli hos Rich frem til Dana går tilbake til status på heltid i august. Jeg vil gjerne takke hver av dere - spesielt Karen, Rich, Dee og Ragan som påtok seg de ekstra plikter og det ansvar å lede dagliglivet i disse regnskapene de siste fire månedene. Kundene våre beholdt vårt høye tjeneste- og profesjonsnivå på grunn av bistanden fra hele organisasjonen. Igjen takker jeg for innsatsen.
With Dana's return to work, I have updated the list of tasks in the transferring account attached. All accounts have returned to the previously established allocation list with the exception of Monsanto and Cytec who will remain with Rich until Dana returns to full-time status in August. I would like to thank each of you - especially Karen, Rich, Dee, and Ragan who took on the extra duties and responsibility of managing daily life in these last four months. Our customers kept our high level of service and profession because of the assistance of the entire organization. Again, I thank you for your service.
Write an email with the subject line "TIME SENSITIVE: Executive Impact & Influence Program Survey".
***REMINDER*** We have not yet received your feedback. Your input is very valuable and to be included in the participant's summary report, it must be received NO LATER THAN CLOSE OF BUSINESS on Wednesday, October 24, 2001. Without your feedback, the participant may not receive a summary report or be eligible to attend the program.
Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen<unk> TIME SENSITIV: Executive Impact & Influence Program Survey <unk>
Writes an email using the subject line<unk> TIME SENSITIV: Executive Impact & Influence Program Survey <unk>
Vi har ikke fått tilbakemelding ennå. Din innsats er meget verdifull og for å bli inkludert i deltakerens sammendragsrapport, den må mottas NO LATER THAN KLÆR AV BUSSERING på onsdag den 24. oktober, 24. oktober 2001. Uten din tilbakemelding kan deltakeren ikke motta en sammendragsrapport eller være berettiget til å delta på programmet.
We haven't gotten any feedback yet. Your efforts are very valuable and to be included in the participant's summary report, it needs to be received by NO LATTER THAN CLARARATION Wednesday, October 24, 2001. Without your feedback, the participant may not receive a summary report or be eligible to participate in the programme.
I will be in London the week of January 15th. I understand from Beth that you and Frank will be in Spain on Monday night. Beth and I plan to have dinner that night. Will you be back in town later in the week? I have business plans for dinner on Tuesday and Thursday. Could you make dinner on Wednesday night (the 17th)? There is an Enron happy hour for Beth that I will stop by at 6:30 that night, but I expect to be free after that. I have a belated Christmas gift for you. Hope we can get together! --Sally Propose a subject line for this email?
Coming to London
Jeg skal være i London uken den 15. januar. Jeg forstår at du og Frank er i Spania mandag kveld. Beth og jeg skal ha middag den kvelden. Kommer du tilbake til byen senere i uken? Jeg har middagsplaner på tirsdag og torsdag. Kan du lage middag onsdag kveld (den 17.)? Det er en minnetime for Bet som jeg skal stoppe innom kl. 06.30 den natten, men jeg forventer å være fri etter det. Jeg har en belest julegave til deg. Håp vi kan komme sammen! -Sall Foreslå en subjektlinje for denne e-posten?
I'm supposed to be in London on the week of January 15th. I understand you and Frank are in Spain Monday night. Beth and I are having dinner that night. Will you be back in town later this week? I have dinner plans Tuesday and Thursday. Can you prepare dinner Wednesday evening (the 17th)? It's a memorial for Bet that I'm supposed to stop by at 6:30 that night, but I expect to be free after that. I have a very well-read Christmas present for you. Hope we can get together! -Sall Suggest a subject line for this e-mail?
Avkom til London
Offspring to London
Write an email with the subject line "That Joyous Time of Year".
Well, it's upon us again and that means X-Mas party. Joseph and I have begun (barely) to plan for this year's festivities. But before we get to far along, tried and true democratic (small "d") principles call for a wee bit of polling. Because we're already in the middle of October we need your responses pronto. If we don't receive your responses by COB Thursday, then democracy's out the window, and good ol' dictatorship takes over. Of course, it will be difficult to grant everyone's wishes, but all suggestions will be given great (and equal) weight. Here are the questions: Would you prefer just dinner, or dinner plus an activity? Joseph and I are leaning toward dinner and an activity, but wanted to hear from other folks. If yes, Joseph has come up with a couple of very fun ideas for an activity but suggestions are greatly encouraged and welcome. Same goes for a restaurant (understanding that the choice of activity may influence where we eat). Sue has put in her vote for Fleur de Lys. Should we try to organize the event with the rest of the SF office (i.e., EES and ENA) or confine it to GA? Should we expand to include Western GA or keep it to SFGA? We choose for dates the 7th or 8th or 14th or 15th of December. What's your preference. Is there a day that just won't work? Joseph, if I've missed anything, please tack on. Best,
Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen<unk>Akkurat Joyous Time of Year<unk>
Writes a mail using the subject line<unk>just Joyous Time of Year<unk>
Det er over oss igjen, og det betyr X-Mas-fest. Josef og jeg har begynt å planlegge årets fest. Men før vi kommer langt på vei, prøvde og sanne demokratiske (små-d<unk> prinsipper krever en liten del meningsmåling. Fordi vi allerede er midt i oktober, trenger vi deres svar raskt. Hvis vi ikke mottar dine svar fra COB Torsovers, så er demokratiet ute av vinduet, og gode ol's diktatur overtar. Det blir selvsagt vanskelig å oppfylle alles ønsker, men alle forslag vil gis stor (og lik) vekt. Her er spørsmålene: Vil du foretrekke bare middag, eller middag sammen med en aktivitet? Joseph og jeg er opptatt av middag og aktivitet, men vi ville gjerne høre fra andre mennesker. Hvis Josef har gjort det, har han kommet med et par svært morsomme ideer til en aktivitet, men forslagene er svært oppmuntrende og velkomne. Samme gjelder en restaurant (forståelse av at valg av aktivitet kan påvirke hvor vi spiser). Sue har satt sin stemme til Fleur de Lys. Skal vi prøve å organisere arrangementet med resten av SF-kontoret (dvs. EES og ENA) eller begrense det til GA? Skal vi utvide til å inkludere Vest GA eller beholde det til SFGA? Vi velger datoer den 7. eller 8. eller 14. eller 15. desember. Hva som er din preferanse. Er det en dag som ikke vil fungere? Josef, hvis jeg har gått glipp av noe, vær så snill å slå på. For det meste; i det enkelte, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i
It's over us again, and it means X-Mas party. Josef and I have begun planning the festival of the year. But before we get very far along, tried and true democratic principles (small-d<unk> principles require a small percentage of the polls. Because we are already in the middle of October, we need your answers quickly. If we don't get your answers from COB Torsovers, democracy is out the window, and good ol' dictatorship takes over. Of course, it will be difficult to fulfill everyone’s wishes, but all suggestions will be made with great (and equal) weight. Here are the questions: Would you prefer just dinner, or dinner with an activity? Joseph and I are concerned about dinner and activity, but we wanted to hear from other people. If Joseph has done so, he has offered a few very amusing ideas for an activity, but the suggestions are very encouraging and welcome. The same applies to a restaurant (understanding that choice of activity can affect where we eat). Sue has put her voice to Fleur de Light. Should we try to organize the arrangement with the rest of the SF office (i.e. EES and ENA) or limit it to GA? Are we going to expand to include West GA or keep it to the SFGA? We pick dates on December 7th or 8th or 14th or 15th. What's your preference. Is there a day that won't work? Josef, if I've missed anything, please turn it on. For the most part, in the individual, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it
Management Committee Offsite Wednesday, October 24 11:30a - 5:00p Four Seasons Hotel, Whitney Room Lunch will be provided An agenda will be distributed prior to the meeting. Please call if you have any questions. Thanks, Propose a subject line for this email?
Confirmation of Management Committee Offsite - Wednesday, October 24, 11:30a - 5:00p
Forvaltningskomite OffsiteOncely, oktober 24 11:30a - 17:p Four Seasons Hotel, Whitney Room Lunch vil bli gitt En dagsorden vil bli delt ut før møtet. Vennligst ring hvis du har noen spørsmål. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e-posten?
The Management Committee Offsite Oncely, October 24 11:30a - 17:p Four Seasons Hotel, Whitney Room Lunch will be given An agenda will be distributed before the meeting. If you have any questions, please call me. Would you like to propose a subject line for this e-mail?
Konfirmasjon av forvaltningskomiteen Avstandsted - onsdag den 24. oktober kl. 11:30a - 17:
Confirmation of Management Committee Distance - Wednesday, October 24 at 11:30a - 17:
Vince, 1) Did you talk to Whalley about Christian Werner? I am sure that the is going to be calling in the next few days, and will want to know the status of his employment with Enron. 2) As you know Stephen Bennett would like to go to Rice's Executive MBA program. In light of everything that is going on, do you still want to fund this? The cost is 65K for two years, and we will need to submit a letter of nomination on Enron letterhead signed by a senior exec agreeing to do the following: 1) provide full financial support for the nominee, payable at the beginning of each academic year, and 2) Schedule the Nominee's work and travel requirements to permit regular class attendance, including the international trip, and completion of class assignments. Steve would like to attend in the fall, and app's are due in the beginning of 2002, so we just need to work on this, if you agree to pay for it. Thanks, Propose a subject line for this email?
Follow-up and Questions
Vince, 1) Snakket du med Whalley om Christian? Jeg er sikker på at den skal ringe de nærmeste dagene, og vil ønske å få vite status som hans ansettelse hos Enron. Du vet at Stephen Bennett gjerne vil gå på Rices Executive MBA-program. I lys av alt som foregår, vil du fortsatt finansiere dette? Kostnaden er på 6 000 000 i to år, og vi må sende inn et nominasjonsbrev på Enron brevhode undertegnet av en senior exec som samtykker i å gjøre følgende: 1) gi full økonomisk støtte til den nominerte, som skal betales i begynnelsen av hvert akademiske år, og 2) Planlegg Nomineeens arbeid og reisekrav for å tillate regelmessige klassedeltagelser, herunder internasjonal reise, og ferdigstillelse av klasseoppgaver. Steve vil være til stede til høsten, og app's kommer i begynnelsen av 2002, så vi må bare jobbe med dette, hvis du betaler for det. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e-posten?
Vince, 1) Did you talk to Whaley about Christian? I'm sure it'll ring in the next few days, and will want to know the status of his employment with Enron. You know Stephen Bennett wants to go to the Rice Executive MBA program. In light of everything that's going on, are you still going to finance this? The cost is 6,000,000 for two years, and we must submit a nomination letter on the Enron letterhead signed by a senior exec who agrees to do the following: (1) provide full financial support to the nominated one, to be paid at the beginning of each academic year; (2) Plan the Nominee’s work and travel requirements to allow regular class participation, including international travel, and the completion of class duties. Steve will be there in the fall, and the app's will be here early 2002, so we just have to work on this if you pay for it. Would you like to propose a subject line for this e-mail?
Oppfølging og spørsmål
Follow-up and questions
Gerald, See the attached schedule for Docket 010441, the Gulf/WFEC dispute. There is no schedule yet for the Gulf rate hearing. We expect that in early October and I will forward it to you. You asked about the effect of intervention in the rate case on the territorial dispute. In addressing this question it is useful to know that the FPSC rate hearing intervention rules are very liberal (Enron can intervene at any time) and that the rate case will not proceed rapidly. For procedural purposes, a prompt intervention decision is not necessary. Also, I think that Gulf has the stronger position in the territorial dispute. Because an Enron intervention in the rate case could confuse the staff and raise questions from WFEC, I think it best from ECS's perspective to await a decision in the territorial dispute before petitioning for intervention. I've reviewed the questions in Harry Kingerski's e-mail that you forwarded. Preliminarily, I note two corrections. First, we expect a decision in the territorial dispute in early December, not November. Second, Harry said that; "Gulf proposed surcharge treatment for the capital costs of Smith earlier this year, but eventually withdrew the application because the PPA it was trying to get in place, whereby Southern would take ownership of the plant and sell energy and capacity back to Gulf, drew a lot of flack". I don't know if it matters, but Susan Clark was told that Gulf withdrew the application because the discovery order in the docket would have required the release of Southern Company strategic planning material that Southern considered very confidential. Withdrawal was preferable to disclosure. (I recognize that this may be only Gulf's "spin" on the withdrawal and they may have withdrawn for exactly the reason Harry suggests.) The strategic questions posed in Harry's e-mail are complex and involve more than one Enron entity. His questions defy a prompt response, at least from us. We suggest that it would be useful to convene a meeting in Houston, including us and a representative from each wholly-owned and potentially affected Enron entity. That would facilitate the development and handicapping of a regulatory stance that is best for Enron. Susan's experience as a Florida Commissioner for nine years (and General Counsel for years before that) is useful in understanding the factors that inform staff's recommendations as well as a Commissioner's decisions in this context. (I've attached Susan's information.) Let me know what you would like us to do. Bill - The information in this and related pages was automatically generated from the Case Management System.doc - SFC BIO.doc Propose a subject line for this email?
Schedule For Territorial Dispute
Gerald, Se vedlagte plan for Docket 010441, Gulf/WFEC-tvisten. Det er ingen tid til å registrere hyppigheten. Vi forventer at tidlig i oktober, og jeg vil videresende det til deg. Du spurte om virkningen av intervensjon i ratesaken på territorialtvisten. I dette spørsmålet er det nyttig å vite at reglene for høringsprosedyrer i FPSC-frekvensfrekvensen er svært liberale (Enron kan gripe til når som helst), og at ratetilfellet ikke vil gå videre raskt. For saksbehandlingsformål er det ikke nødvendig å treffe en rask beslutning om tiltak. Og jeg tror at Golf har den sterkere posisjonen i territorialstriden. Ettersom en overgripende intervensjon i saken kan forvirre personalet og reise spørsmål fra WFEC, tror jeg det er best ut fra ECS' perspektiv å avvente en avgjørelse i territorialstriden før begjæring om intervensjon. Jeg har sett på spørsmålene i Harry Kingerskis e-post som du videresendte. Jeg legger høyst høyst merke til to rettelser. Først forventer vi en avgjørelse i territoriale tvister tidlig i desember, ikke i november. Det andre, Harry sa at;<unk>Gulf foreslo overgiftsbehandling for Smiths kapitalkostnader tidligere i år, men trakk etter hvert tilbake søknaden fordi PPA-en den prøvde å komme på plass, hvorav Sør skulle ta eierskap over anlegget og selge energi og kapasitet tilbake til Gulf, trakk mye flack<unk> Jeg vet ikke om det spiller noen rolle, men Susan Clark fikk til svar at Gulfen trakk tilbake søknaden fordi søkerekkefølgen i etterlysningen ville ha krevd at Southern Company slapp ut strategisk planleggingsmateriale som Southern anså som svært fortrolig. Tilbaketrekkingen var å foretrekke fremfor offentliggjøring. (Jeg er klar over at dette kanskje bare er Gulf's <unk>spin<unk> på tilbaketrekkingen og de kan ha trukket seg tilbake av akkurat den grunnen Harry antyder.) De strategiske spørsmålene som stilles i Harrys e-post er komplekse og involverer mer enn én Entitet. Spørsmålene hans kommer med et svar, i hvert fall fra oss. Vi foreslår at det vil være nyttig å innkalle til et møte i Houston, inkludert oss og en representant fra hvert hele og muligens berørte Entitet. Dette vil lette utviklingen og hindringen av en reguleringssats som er best for Enron. Susans erfaring som kommissær i Florida i ni år (og General Counsel i flere år før det) er nyttig i forståelsen av faktorene som informerer stabens anbefalinger samt en kommissærs beslutninger i denne sammenheng. (Jeg har lagt ved Susans informasjon.) La meg få vite hva du vil at vi skal gjøre. Bill - Informasjonen i denne og relaterte sider ble automatisk generert fra case management system.doc - SFC BIO.doc Foreslå en subjektlinje for denne e-posten?
Gerald, see attached plan for Docket 010441, Gulf/WFEC dispute. There's no time to record the frequency. We expect that early October, and I will forward it to you. You asked about the effect of intervention in the rate case on the territorial dispute. In this question, it is helpful to know that the rules for consultation procedures at the FPSC frequency are very liberal (Enron can take hold at any time) and that the rate case will not move forward rapidly. For procedural purposes, a quick decision on action need not be taken. And I believe Golf has the stronger position in territorial dispute. Since a preemptive intervention in this case could confuse the staff and raise questions from WFEC, I think it would be best from the perspective of ECS to await a decision in territorial dispute before the motion for intervention. I've been looking at the questions in Harry Kingski's e-mail that you forwarded. Two corrections are highly noted. First, we expect a decision in territorial disputes early in December, not in November. The second, Harry said that; the "Gulf" suggested over-toxic treatment for Smith's capital costs earlier this year, but gradually withdrew the application because the PPA it was trying to get into place, of which the South would take ownership of the facility and sell energy and capacity back to Gulf, drew a lot of flack<unk> I don't know if it matters, but Susan Clark was told that the Gulf withdrew the application because the search order in the warrant would have required the Southern Company to release strategic planning material that the Southern District considered very confidential. The withdrawal was preferable to publication. (I realize that this may just be Gulf's <unk>spin on the retreat and they may have withdrawn for the very reason Harry suggests.) The strategic issues raised in Harry's email are complex and involve more than one entity. His questions come with an answer, at least from us. We suggest that it would be helpful to convene a meeting in Houston, including us and a representative from every single and possibly affected entity. This will facilitate the development and obstacle of a regulatory rate that is best for Enron. Susan’s experience as commissioner in Florida for nine years (and General Counsel for several years before that) is useful in understanding the factors that inform the staff’s recommendations as well as the decisions of a commissioner in this regard. (I have attached Susan's information.) Let me know what you want us to do. The Bill information in this and related pages was automatically generated from case management system.doc - SFC BIO.doc Suggest a subject line for this e-mail?
Planlagt med tanke på sjøstrid
Planned for Marine War
This is the content of an email: Jim, Jose and Andy Here is a comprehensive list of the forums at NERC in which I participate. I will be glad to provide any help in allocating these responsibilites to Jose, Andy or whomever. 1. Market Interface Committee (meets 7 times per year) - appointed seat, is not transferable, will be resigned. Note - my term expires in June 2002 anyway 2. Interchange Subcommittee (meets every 2 months) - Chairman, is not transferable, however, there will be an open position for a marketer which can be filled by Enron, also participate on task groups under this subcommittee, Note - Dynegy has a member, Jason Cox 3. Congestion Management Subcommittee (meets every 2 months) - market rep, transferable, Note - Dynegy has a member, Vann Prater 4. Electronic Scheduling Task Force (meets monthly) - market rep, transferable, Note - Andy Rodriquez already participates as the TISWG Vice Chair 5. Flow Based Task Force - market rep, to be disbanded 6. EPSA-NAERO working group - dealing with the NERC vs EISB issues There are other NERC groups that follow my position as IS Chair and MIC rep which will not need to be filled. What was the subject line for this email?
Charles Yeung NERC Responsibilities
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Jim, Jose og Andy Here er en oversikt over de forumene på NRK der jeg deltar. Jeg vil med glede hjelpe til med å fordele disse ansvarsfulle overfor Jose, Andy eller hvem som helst. 1 . Markedsdelutvalg (7 ganger i året)<unk> oppnevnt sete, ikke overdragelig, vil bli fratrådt. - Min term utløper i juni 2002 uansett 2. Oversendingskomité (møt annet hvert måned)<unk> styreleder, er ikke overdragende, det vil imidlertid være en åpen posisjon for en markedsfører som kan fylles av Enron, deltar også på oppgavegrupper under denne underkomiteen, Note<unk> Dynegi har et medlem, Jason Cox 3. Underkomité for underutvalg for styre (møt annethvert måned)<unk> markedsrepreset, overførbar, note<unk> Dynegy har et medlem, Vann Prater 4. Elektronisk Scheduling Task Force (meets månedlig) - markedsreprise, overførbar, note - Andy Rodriquez deltar allerede som TISWG seed Chair 5. Beredskapsgruppe<unk> markedsrep, skal oppløses 6. EPSA-NAERO-arbeidsgruppe<unk> som tar for seg NERC vs EISB-spørsmål Det finnes også andre NRK-grupper som følger min stilling som IS- og MIC-reporter som ikke trenger å bli fylt. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an e-mail: Jim, Jose and Andy Here are a list of the NRK forums in which I attend. I'd be happy to help distribute these responsible ones to Jose, Andy, or anyone. One. Market part selection (7 times a year)<unk> appointed seat, not covered, will be removed. - My term expires in June 2002 no matter what. The transmission committee (meet every two months)<unk>, is not interchangeable, however it will be an open position for a marketer who can be filled by Enron, also participates in task groups under this subcommittee, Note<unk> Dynegi has a member, Jason Cox 3. The Board Sub-Committee (Meet Every 2 Months)<unk> Market-represented, Transmissible, Note<unk> Dynegy has a member, Water Chatter 4. Electronic Scheduling Task Force (meet monthly) - market reprice, transferable, note - Andy Rodriquez is already participating as TISWG seed Chain 5. Emergency group<unk> market strap, to dissolve 6. EPSA-NAERO workgroup<unk> addressing NERC vs EISB questions There are also other NRK groups that follow my position as IS and MIC reports that do not need to be filled. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
Karl YEYY NER INs ansvar
Karl Yeyyy ner Inn's responsibility
Write an email with the subject line "Dome Driveway".
Greetings (or Hola! ): Talked to Jeff Green. He said he'd do the road, but can't do it with the wood that's in the driveway. Eldon, are you and Bob planning to go up this week? If so, any chance of getting the wood moved? Otherwise, going to be tough to do the road. Jeff starts on my road on Wednesday and I'll be going up this weekend to monitor (and start organizing some of the chopped up wood that's lying around the yard at the dome. Welcome back. Hope you had a good time in Mexico. Best,
Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen<unk>Dome Driveway<unk>
Type a mail using the subject line<unk>Dome Drive<unk>
Vær hilset (eller Hola! ): Snakket med Jeff Green. Han sa han skulle gjøre veien, men klarer det ikke med veden som er i oppkjørselen. Skal du og Bob gå opp denne uken? I så fall, er det mulig å få treverket flyttet? Ellers blir det vanskelig å ta veien. Jeff starter på veien min på onsdag og jeg skal dra opp denne helgen for å overvåke (og begynne å organisere noe av den opphuggede veden som ligger rundt luftegården ved kuppelen. Velkommen tilbake. Håper du hadde det hyggelig i Mexico. For det meste; i det enkelte, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i det, i
Greetings (or Hola! I talked to Jeff Green. He said he'd make the way, but he can't do it with the wood in the driveway. Are you and Bob going up this week? If so, is it possible to have the wood moved? Otherwise, it'll be hard to take the road. Jeff starts on my road on Wednesday and I'm going up this weekend to monitor (and start organizing some of the chopped wood that's lying around the yard by the dome. Welcome back. I hope you had a good time in Mexico. For the most part, in the individual, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it, in it
This is the content of an email: The information contained herein is based on sources that we believe to be reliable, but we do not represent that it is accurate or complete. Nothing contained herein should be considered as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial instruments discussed herein. Any opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author. As such, they may differ in material respects from those of, or expressed or published by on behalf of Carr Futures or its officers, directors, employees or affiliates. ? 2001 Carr Futures The charts are now in the most recent version of Adobe Acrobat 4.0 and they should print clearly from Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 or higher. Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 may be downloaded for FREE from (See attached file: CrudeOptionsOpenInterest.pdf) What was the subject line for this email?
crude options open interest 5/17
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Opplysningene i denne er basert på kilder som vi mener er pålitelige, men vi representerer ikke at den er nøyaktig eller fullstendig. Ikke noe av dette bør anses som et tilbud om å selge eller anmode om et tilbud om å kjøpe ethvert finansielt instrument som er nevnt her. Eventuelle uttalelser som her er uttrykt, er utelukkende de som forfatteren har. Som sådan kan de være forskjellige i vesentlige henseender fra dem som gjelder eller er uttrykt eller offentliggjort av på vegne av Carr Futures eller dets tjenestemenn, medlemmer av ledelsen, ansatte eller tilknyttede foretak. ? 2001 Carr Futures Tabellene er nå i den nyeste versjonen av Adobe Acrobat 4.0 og de bør skrive tydelig fra Adobe Acrobat Reader eller høyere. Adobe Acrobat Leser 4.0 kan lastes ned for FREE fra (Se vedlagte fil: CrudefrideOpenOpenInterest.pdf) Hva var subjektet for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an e-mail: the information in it is based on sources that we believe are reliable, but we do not represent its accuracy or completeness. None of these should be considered to be an offer to sell or request an offer to purchase any financial instrument mentioned here. Any statements here expressed are exclusively those of the author. As such, they may differ in material respects from those concerning or expressed or published by Carr Futures or its officials, directors, employees or affiliated undertakings. - Yeah. The 2001 Carr Futures Tables are now in the most recent version of Adobe Acrobat 4.0 and they should be able to write clearly from Adobe Acrobat Reader or higher. Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 may be downloaded for FREE from (See attached file: Crude-frideOpenInterest.pdf) What was the subject of this e-mail?
lystopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopop interinteresser 5/for
Lympopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopopininterinterest 5/for
Write an email with the subject line "IMC Canada".
Be careful using IMC Canada to prepare your draft from. Even though we have chosen NY law, we had two Canadian companies entering into the IMC Canada agreement so there is language in the agreement that is Canadian specific, and it might be missing some required US language. I have also attached a redlined draft reflecting the negotiated changes to the form since the form we first sent the form to the counterparty. I have attached our current form of ISDA Schedule as a reference. The Canadian changes will be color coded, so you can see them easily. Also, please note: there have been recent amendments to the CFTC Rules that have required certain changes to the swap reps, in particular there are no longer "eligible swap participants", the current terminology is "eligible contract participant". Please see Part 5(b) of the Schedule in particular.
Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen<unk> IMC Canada<unk>
Type a mail using the subject line<unk> IMC Canada<unk>
Vær forsiktig med å bruke IMC Canada til å utarbeide utkastet ditt fra. Selv om vi har valgt NY-loven, har vi to selskaper som inngår IMC Canada-avtalen, så det er språk i avtalen som er kanadisk spesifikk, og det kan mangle noe påkrevd amerikansk språk. Jeg har også lagt ved et streket utkast som avspeiler kjøpsendringene på skjemaet siden skjemaet vi først sendte skjemaet til motparten. Jeg har vedlagt vår nåværende form av ISDA Schedule som referanse. De canadiske endringene vil bli fargekodet, så du kan se dem lett. Det er også gjort endringer i CFTC-reglene i nyere tid som har krevd visse endringer i bytteavtaler for reps, særlig er det ikke lenger berettigede swap-deltakere<unk> den nåværende betegnelsen er <unk>berettiget <unk> Se særlig del 5 bokstav b) i planen.
Be careful using IMC Canada to prepare your draft. Even though we've chosen the New York Act, we have two companies entering the IMC Canada Agreement, so there's language in the agreement that's Canadian specific, and there may be no required American language. I have also attached a underlined draft reflecting the changes in the purchase form since the form we first sent to the counterparty. I have attached our present form of ISDA Schedule as a reference. The Canadian changes will be color-coded, so you can see them easily. Modern CFTC rules have also been amended that have required certain modifications to swaps for reps, in particular there are no longer eligible swap participants<unk> the current term is <unk>qualified <unk> See in particular Part 5(b) of the plan.
Write an email with the following subject: American Express Direct Pay
A few of you have been notified by accounting that you have been or will be removed from direct pay for American Express. For those who haven't, you will be taken off immediately, per Eric Gonzales. To see if you have already been removed from direct pay, please call Cheryl Slone (68347). If you have already been removed, you may need to pay the last American Express bill. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks,
Skriv en epost med følgende emne: American Express Direct Pay
Write an email with the following subject: American Express Direct Pay
Noen få av dere har fått melding gjennom regnskapsføring om at dere har vært eller vil bli fjernet fra disponibel betaling for American Express. For de som ikke har, vil du bli tatt av øyeblikkelig, av Eric Gonzales. For å se om du allerede har blitt fjernet fra direkte betaling, vennligst ring Cheryl Sloon (6 or 47). Hvis du allerede er blitt fjernet, må du kanskje betale den siste American Express-regningen. Si fra hvis du har noen spørsmål. Takk.
A few of you have been notified by accounting that you have been or will be removed from disposable payments for American Express. For those who haven't, you will be taken off immediately, by Eric Gonzales. To see if you have already been removed from direct payment, please call Cheryl Sloon (6 or 47). If you've already been removed, you may have to pay the last American Express bill. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you.
What is the subject line for this email? Jim, We have an immigration issue related to certain employees of a JV in Guam. We would like to utilize the firm of Jenkens & Gilchrist to sort through the issue. Please advise whether this firm is approved. Regards,
Guam Project
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Vi har en immigrasjonssak i forbindelse med visse ansatte ved en by på Guam. Vi vil gjerne bruke firmaet Jenkens & Gilchrist til å sortere igjennom saken. Vennligst rådspør om dette firmaet er godkjent. .,
What is the subject line for this email? We have an immigration case in connection with certain employees of a town in Guam. We'd like to use the company Jenkens & Gilchrist to sort things out. Please consult if this company has been approved. ..,
Fer proproproproproproproproproproproim
Fer proproproproproproproproproproproproproproproproim
What is the subject line for this email? Taffy: Could you please schedule a meeting for next week for our entire group (including Jason Peters) for 11/2 hours to go over changes that need to be made to our forms? It might be nice given the amount of time to schedule around the lunch hour and order lunch. Thanks. Carol
Forms Meeting
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Taff: Kan du sette opp et møte for neste uke for hele vår gruppe (deriblant Jason Peters) i 11/2 timer for å gå over de forandringer som må gjøres i våre skjemaer? Det kan være fint med tanke på hvor lang tid det tar å planlegge lunsjen og bestille lunsj. Takk. , ved ved ved
What is the subject line for this email? Taff: Can you set up a meeting for next week for our entire group (including Jason Peters) for 1 and a half hours to review the changes that need to be made in our forms? It might be nice considering how long it takes to plan lunch and order lunch. Thank you. , wood wood
Konverter møte
Convert Meeting
Write an email with the following subject: Graduation in Tahoe
The semester is coming to a close and most of us are graduating. A group of us are celebrating with a three-day weekend in a house on Lake Tahoe, Dec 14 - 16. All are welcome to come, including families, significant others, and other students whose e-mail address I don't have. What do you need to do? Find other students that are interest in going (I know Florian and Anil are looking for housemates) Find a house or lodging for the 2-3 nights Let me know where you are staying and I will create a list and distribute so we can all connect up there. If you want to stay in the vicinity, our house is located at: Petrick House Lakeview 3170 Meadowbrook Drive Tahoe City, CA Sorry we can't fit you all in our house, but you should be able to find something on the web. Try Please forward to others that may be interested, and hope to see you up there!
Skriv en epost med følgende emne: Grad i Tahoe
Write an email using the following topic: Degree in Tahoe
Semesteret nærmer seg slutten, og de fleste av oss er ferdig. En gruppe av oss feirer med en tredagershelg i et hus på Lake Tahoe, 14.<unk> 16. desember. alle er velkommen til å komme, inkludert familier, betydelige andre, og andre studenter som har en e-postadresse jeg ikke har. Hva må du gjøre? Finne andre elever som er interessert i å gå (Jeg vet at Florian og Anil leter etter huskamerat) Finne seg et hus eller et overnattingssted for de 2-3 nettene La meg vite hvor du bor og jeg vil lage en liste og distribuere så vi kan alle koble oss opp der. Hvis du vil bli i nærheten, så er huset vårt i: Petrick House Lakeview 3170 Meadowbrook Drive Tahoe City, CA. Beklager at vi ikke får plass til dere alle i huset vårt, men du burde kunne finne noe på nettet. Prøv (engelsk). Gled deg til andre som kanskje er interessert, og håp at de vil få se deg der oppe!
The semester's coming to an end, and most of us are done. A group of us celebrate with a three-day weekend in a house on Lake Tahoe, December 14th. Everyone is welcome to come, including families, significant others, and other students who have an email address I do not have. What do you have to do? Find other students who are interested in leaving (I know that Florian and Anil are looking for a roommate) Find a house or a lodging place for the 2-3 nights Let me know where you live and I will make a list and distribute so we can all connect there. If you want to stay close, our house is in Petrick House Lakeview 3170 Meadowbrook Drive Tahoe City, CA, sorry we can't fit you all in our house, but you should be able to find something online. Try (English). Rejoice in others who may be interested, and hope that they will see you up there!
This is an email Paul Henry on the weather desk informed me that they have agreed with one of our counterparties to terminate a deal. I've asked for a copy of the confirm. Could one of you please e-mail to me this morning a form of dela termination letter that we can send to the counterparty? Thanks. Carol What is the subject of this email?
Cancellation of Weather Deal
Dette er en e-post Paul Henry på værmeldingen informert meg om at de har avtalt med en av våre motparter å avslutte en avtale. Jeg har bedt om en kopi av bekreftelsen. Kan en av dere vennligst sende meg en e-post i dag tidlig en form for dela-avslutningsbrev som vi kan sende til motparten? Takk. Hva er temaet for denne e-posten?
This is an e-mail from Paul Henry at the weather report informed me that they have agreed with one of our counterparties to close an agreement. I've asked for a copy of the confirmation. Can one of you please send me an e-mail this morning some sort of split-off letter that we can send to the other party? Thank you. What's the theme of this e-mail?
Annullering av avtale om væretid
Cancellation of the weather-time contract
Write an email with the subject line "MG FX terminations".
Hoyt, Under the Older Workers Benefits Protection Act, we must provide demographic information to persons over the age of 40 who are offered severance packages in exchange for a release. We need the title/position and the age of the persons holding those positions for the persons who were offered a package as well as the persons who were not offered a package. We will provide this data to persons over 40 to validate their releases. Thanks.
Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen <unk>MG FX termineringer <unk>
Type a mail using the subject line <unk>MG FX terminator <unk>
Hoyt, etter Lov om beskyttelse av eldre ansattes ytelsesvern mv. må vi gi demografisk informasjon til personer over 40 år som får tilbud om sluttpakker i bytte mot en løslatelse. Vi trenger tittel/posisjon og alder for de personer som innehar disse stillinger for de personer som ble tilbudt en pakke samt de personer som ikke var tilbudt en pakke. Vi vil oversende disse opplysningene til personer over 40 år for å validere sine utgivelser. Takk.
Hoyt, after the Code for the Protection of the Performance Protection of Older Employees, we need to provide demographic information to people over 40 who are being offered severance packages in exchange for a release. We need the title/position and age of those persons who hold these positions for those persons who were offered a package and those persons who were not offered a package. We will transmit this information to persons over 40 years of age to validate their publications. Thank you.
This is the content of an email: I understand that you will be meeting with Harry Clark on Wednesday, and thought I should share with you my impression of him. I have had mutual clients with Harry, and although I have a bias against guys in his business, I found him extraordinarily useful. For one thing, he is intelligent; for another, perhaps as a consequence of the first, he doesn't over promise; for still another, I have never seen him give a client bad advice. He is certainly worth a serious hearing. Let me repeat here what I have said in a note sent to your home: if there is anything I can reasonably do to be useful let me know. See you in San Antonio. What was the subject line for this email?
Harry Clark
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Jeg forstår at du skal møte Harry Clark på onsdag, og tenkte jeg burde dele med deg mitt inntrykk av ham. Jeg har hatt klienter med Harry, og selv om jeg har en partisk holdning mot folk i bransjen hans, fant jeg ham ekstra nyttig. For det første er han intelligent; for det andre, kanskje som en konsekvens av det første, han ikke over love; for fortsatt en annen, har jeg aldri sett ham gi en klient dårlige råd. Han er i høy grad verd å undersøke. La meg gjenta her hva jeg har sagt i et brev sendt til ditt hjem: hvis det er noe jeg kan være rimelig å gjøre for å være nyttig la meg få vite. Vi ses i San Antonio. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
I understand you're meeting Harry Clark on Wednesday, and I thought I should share with you my impression of him. I've had clients with Harry, and although I have a biased attitude toward people in his business, I found him particularly useful. First, he is intelligent; second, perhaps as a consequence of the first, he is not above promising; for still another, I have never seen him give bad advice to one client. He is certainly worthy of investigation. Let me repeat what I have said in a letter sent to your home: if there is anything I can be reasonable to be useful, let me know. See you in San Antonio. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
Søk iell
Search Iells
This is the content of an email: Hi Guys, Enron policy requires that the assignment of tasks to outside counsel go through (or at least be coordinated with) the legal department. In the future, please let me know what you need so that there can be some order to the process. Did the Fehrs and Ledfords sign the option agreements? Thank you, What was the subject line for this email?
Schaeffer Property - Livingston County, Illinois
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Hi Guys, Enron-politikken krever at oppgavefordelingen utenfor rådgivning går gjennom (eller i det minste være koordinert med) den juridiske avdelingen. I fremtiden, vennligst la meg få vite hva du trenger slik at det kan være en orden på prosessen. Har Fehrs og Ledfords undertegnet valgavtalene? Takk, hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an e-mail: Hi Guys, Enron policy requires that the task allocation outside counselling goes through (or at least be coordinated with) the legal department. In the future, please let me know what you need so that there may be an order of the process. Fehrs and Ledfords signed the elections? Thank you. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
Schaeffer eiendom<unk> Livingston fylke, Illinois
Schaeffer Realty<unk> Livingston County, Illinois
I think we urgently (next 2 days) need to have a meeting to discuss where we allocate capital and risk. Counterparties are very nervous and many are not extending us credit so we are having to prepay extensively to do business, both in the US and UK. I have two suggestions: Propose a subject line for this email?
Allocation of Capital
Jeg tror vi må ha et møte for å diskutere hvor vi fordeler kapital og risiko. Motparter er veldig nervøse og mange gir oss ikke kreditt så vi må betale for mye for å gjøre forretninger, både i USA og Storbritannia. Jeg har to forslag: Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
I think we need to have a meeting to discuss where we distribute capital and risk. Counterparties are very nervous and many people don't give us credit, so we have to pay too much to do business, both in the United States and Britain. I have two suggestions: Would you like to propose a subject line for this email?
Tildeling av kapital
Capital allocation
This is the content of an email: Dear Power Outage Database Customer, Attached you will find an excel document. The outage contained within is a forced outage. Your daily delivery will still contain this outage. Any questions please let me know. Thanks. What was the subject line for this email?
MAAC (Vienna 08)
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Kjære Power Outage Database Kunde, Vedlagt vil du finne et utmerkelsesdokument. Det er en utpressing. Daglig levering vil fortsatt inneholde dette utelaget. La meg få vite noen spørsmål. Takk. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an email, "Dear Power Outage Database Customer," attached you will find an award document. It's a blackmail. Daily delivery will still contain this outdoors. Let me know a few questions. Thank you. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
MAAC (Vienna 08)
MAAC (Vienna 08)
This is the content of an email: Kim, We spoke last week about a possible 5 yr gas deal for our Yuba City plant. Below is our RFP. I'll call to discuss. Thanks, Paul Cummins What was the subject line for this email?
Yuba City Cogen 5 yr gas deal
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Kim, vi snakket i forrige uke om en mulig 5-ers-avtale for Yuba City-anlegget vårt. Nedenfor er vår RFP. Jeg ringer for å snakke. Takk, Paul Cummins Hva var subjektet for denne e-posten?
Kim, we talked last week about a possible fives deal for our Yuba City facility. Below is our RFP. I'm calling to talk. Thank you, Paul Cummins. What was the subject of this e-mail?
Yuba City, med is- og harvarehandel
Yuba City, ice and merchandise store
This is an email Beth, I have a favor to ask. Do we have copies of Harvard Business School case studies about Enron? We use these case studies during Super Saturdays. I need a few copies. This is for Prof. John Martin. Vince What is the subject of this email?
Harvard Business School case studies
Dette er en e-post Beth, jeg må be om en tjeneste. Har vi kopier av Harvard Business Schools studier av Enron? Vi bruker disse case-studiene under Super-Saturdays. Jeg trenger noen kopier. Dette er for prom. John Martin. Hva er temaet for denne e-posten?
This is an e-mail, Beth. I have a favor to ask. Do we have copies of Harvard Business School's Enron Studies? We're using these case studies for Super Saturdays. I need some copies. This is for prom, John Martin. What's the theme of this e-mail?
Studier ved ved førstegangsstudiet
Studies in the initial study
Here is an email: Jeff, Derek stopped by after he talked to his wife over the phone and it looks like he will probably take the job. He wants to talk to her again tonite, and he will let me know officially tommorrow. So he can let Joe Hunter know -- any What is a potential subject line for this email?
Derek Bailey
Her er en e-post: Jeff, Derek stoppet innom etter at han snakket med kona si over telefonen og det ser ut som om han sannsynligvis vil ta jobben. Han vil snakke med henne igjen to krit, og han vil la meg få vite det offisielt i morgen. Så han kan la Joe Hunter få vite -- hva er en potensiell subline for denne e-posten?
Jeff, Derek stopped by after he talked to his wife over the phone and it looks like he's probably gonna take the job. He wants to talk to her again two criteria, and he'll let me know officially tomorrow. So he can let Joe Hunter know -- what's a potential subline for this e-mail?
Ingen spor spor
No trace
Here is an email: Jeanie, I have a friend who is interested in an HR position with Enron. She spoke of a rotational program for HR that I am not familiar with. Do you know anything about the program, or who I might forward her resume to for an HR related position in general. She has a few years of experience with a smaller firm, and I think she's looking for a company with a more established HR department like Enron. Also, do you have knowledge of specific positions we are trying to fill in ENA? Any info would be helpful. Thanks. Mat What is a potential subject line for this email?
HR Position
Her er en e-post: Jeanie, jeg har en venn som er interessert i en HR-stilling hos Enron. Hun snakket om et rotasjonsprogram for HR som jeg ikke er kjent med. Vet du noe om programmet, eller hvem jeg kan videresende hennes CV til for en HR-relatert stilling generelt. Hun har noen års erfaring fra et mindre firma, og jeg tror hun leter etter et firma med en mer etablert HR-avdeling som Enron. Har du kjennskap til hvilke posisjoner vi prøver å fylle ut? Alt som kan hjelpe. Takk. Hva er en mulig linje for denne e-posten?
Jeanie, I have a friend who's interested in an HR position at Enron's. She was talking about a rotation program for HR that I'm not familiar with. Do you know anything about the program, or who I can forward her CV to for an HR-related position in general? She has a few years of experience with a small company, and I think she's looking for a company with a more established HR unit like Enron. Do you know what positions we're trying to fill out? Anything that can help. Thank you. What's a possible line for this e-mail?
HR position
Hi Peter: I really appreciate your taking the time to interview me and I am very interested in the position. Organizational ability is one of my strong points along with the fact that my length of service with Enron gives me a great deal of knowledge in getting things done as quickly as possible. I really like setting things up and seeing the results come together quickly and efficiently. I am a quick learner and a willing learner and feel that I would be able to assist you a great deal with the Estate. If you have any other questions, please let me know. Also, I know that Vince Kaminski would be willing to answer any questions you might have. Sincerely, Propose a subject line for this email?
My interest and resume
Hi Peter: Jeg setter virkelig pris på at du tok deg tid til å intervjue meg, og jeg er svært interessert i stillingen. Organisasjonsevnen er en av mine sterke sider, for det at jeg bruker så lenge jeg tjener Enron, gir meg en god del kunnskap om hvordan jeg skal få ting gjort så raskt som mulig. Jeg liker å sette opp og se resultatene komme sammen raskt og effektivt. Jeg er en lærer som lærer raskt, og jeg er villig til å lære og føler at jeg ville kunne hjelpe deg med en god del med Estate. Hvis du har noen andre spørsmål, så si ifra. Jeg vet at Vince Kaminski er villig til å svare på alle spørsmål du måtte ha. Vennlig, Foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Hi Peter: I really appreciate you taking the time to interview me, and I am very interested in the position. Organizational ability is one of my strengths, for my spending as long as I serve Enron gives me much knowledge of how to get things done as quickly as possible. I like to set up and watch the results come together quickly and efficiently. I am a teacher who learns quickly, and I am willing to learn and feel that I would be able to help you with a lot of Estate. If you have any other questions, let me know. I know Vince Kaminski is willing to answer any questions you might have. Friendly, suggest a subject line for this email?
Min interesse og reise
My Interest in Travel
Here is an email: Stuart, Kay's venting for the day: Is it nitpicking to expect outside counsel to (1) make sure the option agreement is signed AND acknowledged (2) ascertain whether the thing has the dates filled in, and (3) makes sure that the legal description is included? Ok, maybe I'm whining, but I think Mark should know that we are having problems. Have you mentioned anything to him? Kay What is a potential subject line for this email?
Ledford and Fehr Option Agreements
Her er en e-post: Stuart, Kays utlufting for dagen: Er det nølt å vente at utenforstående råd (1) sørger for at opsjonsavtalen undertegnes OG erkjent (2) for å finne ut om tingen har de datoene som er fylt inn, og (3) sørger for at den juridiske beskrivelsen er inkludert? Kanskje jeg sutrer, men Mark bør vite at vi har problemer. Har du nevnt noe for ham? Kay Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e-posten?
Here is an e-mail: Stuart, Kay’s venting for the day: Is it reluctant to expect outside counsel (1) to sign the option agreement AND recognize (2) to find out if the item has the dates filled in, and (3) to ensure that the legal description is included? Maybe I'm whining, but Mark should know we're in trouble. Have you mentioned anything to him? Kay What's a possible subject line for this e-mail?
Avtaler om avtale om avtale mellom hedford- og fehr-valavtaler
Hedford-Fehr-Validation Agreements
Write a subject line for this message: Hope your move into the new apartment went well. I'm sure you are going to have so much fun living there, especially since you really will have a roommate now. Thought I'd give you a little bit of an update regarding Ted... So I didn't get back to the office until Wednesday last week because I was in Austin Tuesday for that recruiting trip. When I got in I of course immediately checked my email...nothing. I also didn't have any messages at any of the 3 phones I can be reached through. Come Thursday afternoon, still no interaction...I am pissed. About 2:00 p.m. he calls. He asks me about San Diego and I ask him about Austin...both trips were great. We discuss UCLA and UT football for a while...I of course get riled up. He informs me that he is going to be trading corn (yes, you heard me corn) for Enron. While he is very excited about trading I get the impression he feels a little overwhelmed and he is a very concerned about how much trading will limit his vacation time. He said that he and Darren (the guy he works with) had been meeting with consultants all week to get up to speed and therefore the week had pretty much just been one long meeting. It is around this time that he brings up the vacation thing and how, to his dismay, as a trader you work when the markets are open and you're only off when they're closed. As a result, he's decided to get in his long visit home ASAP, i.e. "I'm leaving tomorrow (Friday) to go to California for a week." I make sure I heard him correctly and yes he said leaving, tomorrow and 1 whole week (7 days) AND at no point does he ask to get together before he leaves. So, that was Thursday. I'm down on his floor again on Friday to talk to my old group and, to my dismay, run in to him. We exchange pleasantries, I ask him when he's leaving (5:00 p.m.), he informs me he is going to sleep for the entire week in an attempt to catch-up, I tell him to have fun and that's that. Anyway, I was not able to get him out for a drink to find out what's going on and now I just have to wait. Any thoughts? Talk to you soon, Susan ******** Humor is the best medicine. ******** So I'm thinking of taking that T-shirt Ted gave me and writing this on the back of it... I dated Ted Noble and all I have to show for it is this lousy t-shirt. Dont'cha love it?
The Ted Times
Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldinga: Det gikk bra å flytte til den nye leiligheten. Du kommer sikkert til å ha det så mye gøy der, spesielt siden du virkelig vil ha en romkamerat nå. Jeg tenkte jeg skulle gi deg en liten oppdatering angående Ted... Så jeg kom ikke tilbake til kontoret før onsdag forrige uke fordi jeg var i Austin Tirsdag for den turen. Da jeg kom inn, sjekket jeg e-posten min. Ingenting. Jeg hadde heller ingen beskjeder på noen av de 3 telefonene jeg kan nås gjennom. Jeg kommer på torsdag ettermiddag, fortsatt uten samhandling... Jeg er sur. Om natten ringer han. Han spør meg om San Diego, og jeg spør ham om Austin-turer var bra. Vi snakker om UCLA og UT-fotball en stund. Jeg blir selvsagt opprørt. Han sier til meg at han skal være handels- mais (ja, du hørte meg bønn) for Enron. Mens han er veldig spent på å handle, får jeg inntrykk av at han føler seg litt overveldet, og han er veldig bekymret for hvor mye handel som vil begrense ferien hans. Han sa at han og Darn (fyren han jobber med) hadde hatt møte med konsulenter hele uken for å komme opp i fart og at uka derfor stort sett bare hadde vært ett langt møte. Det er rundt denne tiden at han tar opp ferien og hvordan, til sin forferdelse, som en næringsdrivende man jobber når markedene er åpne og man bare er av når de er stengt. Dermed har han bestemt seg for å komme seg i sitt lange besøk hjem ASAP, dvs. -Jeg reiser til California i en uke. Jeg sørger for at jeg hørte ham riktig og ja han sa avreise, i morgen og en hel uke (7 dager) og på ingen måte ber han om å komme sammen før han drar. Så det var torsdag. Jeg er nede på gulvet hans igjen på fredag for å snakke med min gamle gruppe, og til min forferdelse, springe inn til ham. Vi utveksler vennskap, spør jeg ham når han skal reise (kl.00), han informerer meg om at han skal sove hele uken i et forsøk på å ta igjen, jeg ber ham ha det gøy og det er det. Jeg fikk ham ikke ut på en drink for å finne ut hva som foregår, og nå må jeg bare vente. Noen tanker? Snakk med deg snart, Susan********** Humor er det beste legemidlet. Så jeg vurderer å ta T-skjorten som jeg fikk og skrive det på baksiden av den... Jeg dater Ted Noble, og alt jeg har å vise til er denne trøya. Er du ikke glad i det?
Enter a subject field for this message: Move to the new apartment was successful. You're probably gonna have so much fun there, especially since you really want a roommate now. I thought I'd give you an update on Ted... So I didn't come back to the office until Wednesday last week because I was in Austin Tuesday for that trip. When I came in, I checked my e-mail. I also had no messages on any of the 3 phones I can reach through. I'll be there Thursday afternoon, still without interaction... At night he calls. He asks me about San Diego, and I ask him if Austin trips were good. We're talking about UCLA and UT football for a while. He tells me he's supposed to be a commercial corn (yes, you heard me pray) for Enron. While he is very anxious to shop, I get the impression that he feels a little overwhelmed, and he is very concerned about how much trade will limit his vacation. He said that he and Darn (the guy he works with) had been meeting with consultants all week to get ahead and that the week had been basically just one long meeting. It's around this time that he takes up his vacation and how, to his dismay, like a trader you work when the markets are open and you're only off when they're closed. Thus he has decided to make his long visit home, the ASAP, i.e. I'm going to California for a week. I make sure I heard him right and yes he said leave, tomorrow and a whole week (7 days) and by no means ask him to get together before he leaves. So it was Thursday. I'll be down on his floor again on Friday to talk to my old group, and to my dismay, run in to him. We exchange friendships, I ask him when he's leaving (at noon), he informs me that he's going to sleep all week trying to get back at him, I tell him to have fun and that's that. I couldn't get him out for a drink to find out what's going on, and now I just have to wait. Any thoughts? Talk to you soon, Susan***** Humor is the best medicine. So I'm thinking about taking the T-shirt that I got and writing it on the back of it... I'm dating Ted Noble, and all I have to show for it is this shirt. Don't you love it?
De mest sette tider
The Most Set Times
Write an email with the subject line "SWAPs & Other Derivatives in 2001".
We have extended the deadline for submission of written materials for the SWAPs.....program to Friday, October 12th. We would appreciate your letting us know whether any of the materials you will be submitting will require copyright permission so that we may assist you with that process. We ask that you send us your biographical information as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for your efforts to make the SWAPs program a success.
Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen<unk>SWAPs & Other Derivatives in 2001<unk>
Writes a mail using the subject line<unk>SWAPs & OtherDerivitives in 2001<unk>
Vi har forlenget fristen for innlevering av skriftlig materiale til SWAPs....programmet til fredag den 12. oktober. Vi ville sette pris på at du lar oss få vite om noen av materialene du vil ha innsendt, krever opphavsrett til å gi oss tillatelse til å hjelpe deg med den prosessen. Send oss deres biografiske informasjon så snart som mulig. Takk på forhånd for at dere har gjort et vellykket forsøk på å gjøre SWAPs-programmet til en suksess.
We've extended the deadline for submitting written material to SWAT until Friday, October 12. We would appreciate it if you would let us know if any of the materials you want to submit require copyright to grant us permission to help you with that process. Send us their biographical information as soon as possible. Thank you in advance for making a successful attempt to make the SWAPs program a success.
Write an email with the following subject: Deutsche Bank guaranty
Tana: I just wanted to make sure that you hadn't forgotten to request the ENE guaranty on behalf of ECT Investments, Inc. in the amount of USD20 million. There is no Master yet but we are hopeful that this will be negotiated after the ENA Master. Thanks. Sara
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Deutsche Banks garantier
Write an e-mail with the following subjects: Deutsche Bank guarantees
Tana: Jeg ville bare forsikre meg om at du ikke har glemt å be om ENE-garantien på vegne av ECT Investments, Inc. i mengden USD20 millioner. Det er ingen mester ennå, men vi håper at dette vil bli forhandlet etter FNA-mesteren. Takk. _Tilpass
Tana: I just wanted to make sure that you haven't forgotten to ask for the ENE guarantee on behalf of ECT Investments, Inc. in the amount of USD20 million. There is no champion yet, but we hope this will be negotiated by the UNA champion. Thank you. _Customize
Write an email with the following subject: Weather Meeting
Lucy: We thought that it would be a good idea to meet with the "weather" group to introduce ourselves and alos to go over some of the basics, such as procedures for getting confidentiality agreements processed etc. Could you send me a list of who you think we should include in this meeting and Sara and I will do the rest? Will a lunch work? Carol
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Værmelding
Write an email with the following topic: Forecast
Lucy: Vi tenkte at det ville være lurt å treffe —vær<unk> gruppen å presentere oss og alos for å gå over noen av grunntrekkene, for eksempel framgangsmåter for å få fortrolig behandling osv. Kan du sende meg en liste over hvem du mener vi bør ta med i dette møtet og Sara og jeg vil gjøre resten? Kan du ta deg en lunsj? , ved ved ved
Lucy: We thought that it would be wise to meet — be the<unk> group to introduce us and the alos to go over some of the basic features, such as confidentiality procedures, etc. Can you send me a list of who you think we should take to this meeting and Sara and I will do the rest? Can you grab a lunch? , wood wood
This is an email I am a derivatives lawyer with ENA in Houston and obtained your name through one of my traders who is transacting with Jay Carr in Houston (please see attached message below). When I spoke with Jay earlier this month, I asked him for the name of a lawyer but was advised that all Vitol lawyers were in New York and that he would pass my message along to a lawyer. I am assuming that you are the trading lawyer who can assist me with negotiating an ISDA Master Agreement between our respective companies. If not, please let me know and feel free to pass this message on to the appropriate attorney. On April 12, 1995, Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp., predecessor in title to ENA, and Vitol S.A., Inc. entered into a Master Agreement which is one of ENA's early energy price swap agreements. Since our companies are currently trading weather derivatives, I think you would agree that it would be prudent to supersede the existing agreement with an ISDA Master Agreement. This relates to my conversation with Jay in that we confirmed our weather deals under the existing master but incorporated the 1991 and 1993 ISDA definitions into the confirms of our weather trades. Please let me hear from you. You can reach me via email, phone (713/853-5620) or fax (713/646-3490). What is the subject of this email?
Master Agreement (financial) between Enron North America Corp. ("ENA") and Vitol S.A. ("Vitol")
Dette er en e-post Jeg er en derivat advokat hos ENA i Houston og fikk ditt navn gjennom en av mine næringsdrivende som gjennomfører en avtale med Jay Carr i Houston (se vedlagt melding nedenfor). Da jeg snakket med Jay tidligere denne måneden, spurte jeg ham om navnet på en advokat, men jeg ble rådet til å si at alle advokater som advokater i forskjellige deler av voggestolen befant seg i New York, og at han ville sende meldingen min videre til en advokat. Jeg går ut fra at du er handelsjuristen som kan hjelpe meg med å forhandle om en ISDA-hovedavtale mellom våre respektive selskaper. Hvis ikke, så si ifra og si fra og gi beskjeden videre til den som er advokat. Den 12. april 1995 inngikk Enron Capitaire & Trade Res Corps Corp., forgjenger i tittel til ENA, og Vitol S.A., Inc. i en Master Agreement som er en av ENAs tidlige avtaler om energiprisbytteavtaler. Ettersom våre selskaper i dag driver handel med vær-derivater, tror jeg du vil være enig i at det vil være fornuftig å erstatte den eksisterende avtalen med en ISDA-hovedavtale. Dette gjelder min samtale med Jay i og med at vi bekreftet våre væravtaler under den eksisterende master men innlemmet 1991 og 1993 ISDA-definisjonene i bekreftelsene av våre værhandeler. Vennligst la meg få høre fra deg. Du kan nå meg via e-post, telefon (713/853-5620) eller telefaks (713/646-3490). Hva er emnet for denne e- posten?
This is an e-mail I am a derivative lawyer at ENA in Houston and got your name through one of my traders who completes a deal with Jay Carr in Houston (see attached message below). When I spoke to Jay earlier this month, I asked him about the name of a lawyer, but I was advised to say that all lawyers as lawyers in different parts of the cradle were in New York and that he would pass my message on to a lawyer. I assume you're the trader lawyer who can help me negotiate an ISDA Master Agreement between our respective companies. If not, let me know and pass the message on to the lawyer. On April 12, 1995, Enron Capitaire & Trade Res Corps Corp., predecessor in title to ENA, and Vitol S.A., Inc., entered into a Master Agreement which is one of the early agreements of ENA on energy exchange agreements. Since our companies today are trading in weather derivatives, I think you'll agree that it would be wise to replace the existing agreement with an ISDA Master Agreement. This concerns my conversation with Jay as we confirmed our weather agreements under the existing master but incorporated the 1991 and 1993 ISDA definitions into the confirmations of our weather trades. Please let me hear from you. You can reach me by e-mail, telephone (713/853 - 5620) or fax (713/646 - 3490). What is the subject of this email?
Hovedavtale (finans) mellom Enron Nord-Amerika Corp. (<unk>ENA<unk> og Vitol S.A. (<unk>Vitol <unk>
Main agreement (finance) between Enron North America Corp. (<unk>ENA<unk> and Vitol S.A. (<unk>Vitol <unk>
This is an email The Board of Directors of GISB decided yesterday at their quarterly Board of Directors meeting to continue discussions with EEI and other interested groups regarding the formation of an Energy Standards Board. Stan Horton, GISB's Chairman, stated "while there are many differences between the approaches advanced by GISB and EEI, there are also alot of similarities." GISB is hoping to respond to the stawman advanced by EEI by the end of January. GISB is also seeking input from other interested industry segments on the two proposals which have been advanced thus far. What is the subject of this email?
GISB press release
Dette er en e-post Styret i GISB besluttet i går på sitt kvartalsstyremøte å fortsette drøftingen med EEI og andre berørte grupper om dannelsen av et energistandardstyre. Stan Horton, GISBs formann, uttalte, selv om det er mange forskjeller mellom tilnærmingene fremskredet av GISB og EEI, er det også mange likheter<unk> GISB håper å kunne svare på den stawman som er fremskyndet av EEI i slutten av januar. GISB søker også innspill fra andre interesserte bransjesegmenter på de to forslagene som hittil er kommet langt. Hva er emnet for denne e- posten?
This is an e-mail to the Governing Board of the GISB decided yesterday at its quarterly board meeting to continue the discussion with EEI and other affected groups on the creation of an energy standard board. Stan Horton, chairman of the GISB, stated, although there are many differences between the approaches advanced by the GISB and the EEI, there are also many similarities<unk> The GISB hopes to answer the stawman that has been moved up by the EEI at the end of January. The GISB also seeks input from other interested industry segments on the two suggestions that have so far advanced. What is the subject of this email?
GISB press release
What is the subject line for this email? Lee, You should be receiving a package shortly containing the following: 1. Changed pages for CA Energy Development I and CA Energy Development II facility agreements. These are the same pages that were faxed to you and Kent a few days ago. I also included a couple of original pages (73, 74, I think) which were missing from one of the originals. This need to be initialled and executed. 2. Acknowledgement letters for each of CAED I and CAED II which need your Here's the form: 3. Assignment and assumption agreement to move the equipment from TurboPark to the CAED I. There will be one for CAED II as well. This document is being reviewed by the bank, so I'm not convinced it is in final form. You will note that there is an acknowledgement section for GE. I cut and pasted from the consent to assignment from the TurboPark documents, but shortened the whole thing considerably. Here's that document: 4. Signature pages (signed by Enron) from the ESA deal, both the facility agreement and the override letter. Obviously, we need your signature. I will forward the final CA facility agreements to you once again, along with the blacklines against what you initialled. Thanks,
CA Energy Development documents
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Lee, du bør få en pakke som inneholder følgende: 1. Endrede sider for avtaler om CA Energy Development I og CA Energy Development II-anlegg. Det er de samme sidene som ble fakset til deg og Kent for noen dager siden. Jeg tok også med et par originale sider (73, 74, tror jeg) som manglet i en av originalene. Dette må være førstegangsinnspilt og utført. 2 . Erklæringsbrev for hver av CAED I og CAED II som trenger din Her er skjemaet: 3. Tildelings- og forutsetningsavtale for å flytte utstyret fra TurboPark til CAED I. Det vil også være en til CAED II. Dette dokumentet blir behandlet av banken, så jeg er ikke overbevist om at det er i endelig form. Du vil legge merke til at det finnes en underavdeling for GE. Jeg kuttet og limt fra samtykke til tildeling fra TurboPark dokumentene, men forkortet det hele betraktelig. Her er det dokumentet: Signatursider (tegnet av Enron) fra ESA-avtalen, både anleggsavtalen og overdragelsesbrevet. Vi trenger underskriften din. Jeg vil videresende de endelige CA-avtalene til dere igjen, sammen med svartelinene mot det dere har initialisert. Takk.
What is the subject line for this email? Lee, you should receive a package containing the following: 1. Modified pages for agreements on CA Energy Development I and CA Energy Development II facility. Those are the same pages that were faxed to you and Kent a few days ago. I also brought a couple of original pages (73, 74, I think) missing from one of the originals. This must be initial recording and performed. Two. Letters of declaration for each of the CAED I and CAED II that need yours Here's the form: 3. Allocation and assumption agreement to move the equipment from TurboPark to CAED I. There will also be one for CAED II. This document is being processed by the bank, so I'm not convinced it's in final form. You'll notice there's a GE sub-section. I cut and glued from consent to the assignment from TurboPark documents, but greatly shortened it. Here's the document: Signature pages (signed by Enron) of the ESA Agreement, both the construction agreement and the transfer letter. We need your signature. I will forward the final CA agreements to you again, along with the blacklines for what you've started. Thank you.
Årsdokument om utviklingen av utviklingen av en foretakssammenslutning
Annual document on the development of the development of a concentration
Write an email with the subject line "Click Paper-Southern Company Energy Marketing".
The referenced counterparty has already been approved to trade all physical and financial products offered online. I am not sure if we need to see this counterparty come through again as a Click Paper counterparty or not. I'll let Tom decide. For me, I'm OK.
Skriv en e-postpost med emnelinjen «Klick Paper-Southern Company Energy Marketing <unk>
Writes an email using the subject line "Klick Paper-Southern Company Energy Marketing <unk>
Den rapporterende motpart er allerede godkjent for handel med alle fysiske og finansielle produkter og alle finansielle produkter som tilbys på nett. Jeg er ikke sikker på om vi trenger å se denne motparten komme gjennom på nytt som en Klikk på papirark-avtale eller ikke. Jeg lar Tom bestemme. For meg er jeg OK.
The reporting counterparty has already been authorised for trade in all physical and financial products and all financial products offered online. I'm not sure whether we need to see this counterparty get through again as a click on the paper sheet agreement or not. I'll let Tom decide. To me, I'm okay.
Write an email with the following subject: PIRA's Daily Demand Forecast 04/23/01
Attached is PIRA's extended Daily Demand Report. Please contact Morris Greenberg and Victoria Watkins for more information regarding these reports at [] and [], respectively. For distribution requests, contact John Graziano at []. We can all be reached at (212) 686-6808. - ed042301.pdf - ed042301.xls
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: PIRA's Daily Demand Evalice 04/23/01
Write an e-mail on the following subject: PIRA's Daily Demand Evalice 04/23/01
Vedlagt er PIRAs Sentende Daglig Etterspørsmelding. Vennligst kontakt Morris Greenberg og Victoria Watkins for mer informasjon om disse rapportene på henholdsvis [] og []. Ta kontakt med John Graziano på [] for å få utleveringssøknader. Vi kan alle nås ved (212) 686-68. - Stortinget snp.pdf - utg utg23.xls
Attached is PlRA's Late Daily Request Report. Please contact Morris Greenberg and Victoria Watkins for more information about these reports in [] and [] respectively. Contact John Graziano at [] for extradition requests. We can all be reached at (212) 686-68. - Gorgp.pdf - ed23.xls
Write a subject line for this message: John/John/Frank As we are approaching the November 1st Trading Track interview dates, we need to finalize the reminder of the external candidate's initial screen. Can you please provide me with your feedback/status. If we need to re-assign your candidates to other traders please let me know by return. Thanks,
Trading Track Interviews
Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldingen: Johannes/Johan/Johan/Frank Siden vi nærmer oss datoene for intervjuet 1. november på sporet, må vi avslutte påminnelsen om den eksterne kandidatens første skjerm. Kan du vennligst gi meg din tilbakemelding/status? Hvis vi trenger å videreformidle kandidatene dine til andre næringsdrivende, vennligst gi meg beskjed ved retur. Takk.
Write a subject field for this message: Johannes/Johan/Johan/Frank Since we are approaching the date of the interview on 1 November on the track, we need to close the reminder of the external candidate's first display. Would you please give me your feedback/status? If we need to pass on your candidates to other traders, please inform me upon return. Thank you.
Delspor av intervjuer
Sub-track of Interviews
Write a subject line for this message: Ken - I appreciate the time today. We look forward to working with Enron, if the opportunity presents itself. Atlas can assist in structuring and raising substantial new equity - we already have $150mm (subject to due diligence and terms and conditions) that has been "soft circled". Please feel free to call me at any time.
our discussion today
Skriv et emnefelt for dette budskapet: Ken - Jeg setter pris på tiden i dag. Vi gleder oss til å samarbeide med Enron, hvis muligheten dukker opp. atlas kan hjelpe til med å strukturere og heve betydelig ny egenkapital<unk> vi har allerede 1 500 kroner (med behørig aktsomhet og vilkår og betingelser) som er blitt sendt<unk> Bare ring meg når som helst.
Write a topic for this message: Ken - I appreciate the time today. We look forward to working with Enron if the opportunity arises. Atlas can help to structure and substantially raise new equity<unk> we already have 1500 kroner (with due diligence and conditions and conditions) that have been sent<unk> Just call me anytime.
dag dag, i dag,
Today, today,
This is the content of an email: It's rough, but Paul and I concluded that, since I'll be in Houston, best that I send out whatever I have by COB today. I will be working on this more on the plane on my way to Houston. Now we have Sandi's, Paul's and this, all of which I think are headed in the same direction and complement one another. We'll need to meld them. Please look at all 3 at the same time. Might be useful to begin an email conversation now with folks comments. I'm reachable and will be back in the office on Thursday. Best, What was the subject line for this email?
Dette er innholdet i en e-post, det er tøft, men Paul og jeg konkluderte med at siden jeg skal være i Houston, best jeg sender ut det jeg har av COB i dag. Jeg skal jobbe med dette mer på flyet på vei til Houston. Nå har vi Sandis, Pauls og dette, som jeg tror er på vei i samme retning og utfyller hverandre. Vi må si dem bort. Se på alle 3 samtidig. Det kan være nyttig å starte en e-post samtale nå med kommentarer. Jeg kan nås og er tilbake på kontoret torsdag. Best, hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an e-mail, it's hard, but Paul and I concluded that since I'm going to be in Houston, I'd better send out what I have of COB today. I'll work on this more on the plane on my way to Houston. Now we have Sandis, Pauls and this, which I think is going in the same direction and complementing each other. We have to tell them away. Look at all three of them at once. It may be useful to start an email conversation now with comments. I can be reached and I'll be back in my office Thursday. Best, what was the subject line for this e-mail?
Steve, Two internal presentations that use a few slides from Blake's presentation. He developed it under a contract with Enron, but we don't want to use it verbatim. Vince Generate a subject line for this email.
Steve, To interne presentasjoner som bruker noen få lysbilder fra Blakes presentasjon. Han utviklet det under en kontrakt med Enron, men vi vil ikke bruke det ordrett. Lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten.
Steve, two internal presentations using a few slides from Blake's presentation. He developed it under a contract with Enron, but we don't want to use it literally. Create a subject line for this email.
What is the subject line for this email? Attached please find drafts of the following: Notice Assignment and assumption agreement (with GE acknowledgement) Bill of sale Exhibits for bill of sale and for the notice I expect that there will be sets of documents for CA Energy Development I and CA Energy Development II. CA Energy Development II will include a transformer as well as a turbine generator set. Please let me know if you have any comments. Kay
CA Development agreements
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Vedlagt vedlegg kan utkastene til følgende: Tildelings- og forutsetnings-avtale (med GE erklæring) Billett over salgsutlegg for salgs- og kunngjøringsutlegg for forventet jeg at det vil være sett med dokumenter for CA Energy Development I og CA Energy Development II. CA Energi Utvikling II vil omfatte en transformator samt et sett med turbingenerator. Vennligst si fra hvis du har noen kommentarer. Siste lahar Sitt
What is the subject line for this email? The attached annexes may draft the following: Award and Precondition Agreement (with GE Declaration) Ticket of Sales Expenses for Sale and Notice Expenses for which I expected that documents for CA Energy Development I and CA Energy Development II will be provided. CA Energy Development II will include a transformer and a set of turbine generators. If you have any comments, please let me know. Last lahar Sitt
Retsordning ikke-viktninger
Retting systems non-failures
Here is an email: Your mailbox has exceeded one or more size limits set by your administrator. Your mailbox size is 122979 KB. Mailbox size limits: You will receive a warning when your mailbox reaches 115000 KB.You may not be able to send or receive new mail until you reduce your mailbox size. To make more space available, delete any items that you are no longer using or move them to your personal folder file (.pst). Items in all of your mailbox folders including the Deleted Items and Sent Items folders count against your size limit. You must empty the Deleted Items folder after deleting items or the space will not be freed. See client Help for more information. What is a potential subject line for this email?
Your mailbox is over its size limit
Her er en e-post: postboksen din har gått over en eller flere størrelser satt av din administrator. Din postkasse er 1229 KB. Størrelse på postboks: Du får en advarsel når du har en postboks på 115 000 KB. Det kan hende du ikke kan sende eller motta ny e-post før du har redusert størrelsen på postboksen. For å gjøre mer plass tilgjengelig, slett alle elementer du ikke lenger bruker eller flytter til din personlige mappefil (.pst). Elementer i alle dine postkassemapper, inkludert Slettede element - og sendt element- mapper, teller opp mot din størrelsesgrense. Du må tømme Slett papirkorg-mappa etter at du har sletta element, eller så vil ikke plassen bli frigjort. Se klienthjelp for mer informasjon. Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Here's an email: Your mailbox has passed over one or more sizes set by your administrator. Your mailbox is 1229 KB. Mailbox Size: You will be warned when you have a mailbox of 115,000 KB. You may not be able to send or receive new mail until you have reduced the size of the mailbox. To make more space available, delete all items you no longer use or move to your personal folder file (.pst). Items in all your mailbox folders, including Deleted Items and Sent Items folders, count up to your limit. You must empty the Delete Trash folder after you have deleted items, or the space will not be set free. See client help for more information. What is a possible topic line for this email?
Din postkasse er over størrelsesgrensen
Your mailbox is above the limit.
This is an email writes to the NYISO_TECH_EXCHANGE Discussion List: Dear Market Participants: On the November 1999 & December 1999 Transmission Customer Monthly Statements many customers have noted under the "Energy Settlement" section for "Forward Energy" a change in MW-Hrs with no associated change in dollar amounts. This is because of a correction in the sign convention for the MW-Hrs related to external generation transactions (transactions from a proxy bus to the NYISO reference bus). For all other types of transactions the NYISO charges customers the appropriate TUC or LBMP based on the MWs that flowed, but for external generation transactions, customers receive payments from the NYISO, and therefore these types of transactions have an opposite sign convention. The dollars associated with the external generation transactions have always had the proper sign convention, but the MW-Hrs have not. On 01/17/2000 this sign convention was corrected for all billing months going forward resulting in the correct MW-Hr values being reported from February 2000 to date. However, November 1999 - January 2000 did not have the proper MW-Hrs reported on the Transmission Customer Monthly Statements. With the latest settlement adjustments posted the MW-Hrs are being corrected with the proper sign convention. Transmission Customers will see similar changes in their forward energy MW-Hrs for January 2000's settlement adjustment. What is the subject of this email?
November & December 1999 Settlement Adjustments
Dette er en Skriv til NYISO_TECH_EXCHANDANGE Diskusjonsliste: Dear Market-deltakere: per november 1999 og desember 1999 Transmission Custer Monthly Statements mange kunder har notert under «Energy Bosetting<unk> seksjon for<unk>Fremover Energy<unk> endring i MW-Hrs uten tilhørende endring i dollarbeløp. Dette er på grunn av en rettelse i skiltet konvensjon for MW-Hrs med hensyn til transaksjoner med ekstern generasjon (transaksjoner fra en proxybuss til NYISO referansebussen). For alle andre typer transaksjoner som omfattes av NYISO-avgiftene, kunder det relevante TUC eller LBMP basert på de MWene som strømmer, men for transaksjoner med ekstern generasjon mottar kunder betalinger fra NYISO, og derfor har disse typene transaksjoner en annen tegnkonvensjon. Dønnes tilknyttet transaksjonene med ytre generasjonsgenerasjon har alltid hatt riktig tegnstevne, men det har ikke MW-Hrs. Den 01.17.2000 ble dette skiltets konvensjon korrigert for alle faktureringsmåneder framover, noe som resulterte i at det ble rapportert om korrekte MW-Hr-verdier fra februar 2000 til dags dato. November 1999<unk> januar 2000 hadde imidlertid ikke de ordentlige MW-Hrs-rapporten på månedsomtalen for Transmission Customer. Med de siste justeringer av bosetning som er gjort er MW-Hrs-ene i ferd med å rettes med rett undermerke-konvensjonen. Kundene vil se tilsvarende endringer i sin framtidige energi MW-Hrs for januar 2000-tallets justering av bosetting. Hva er emnet for denne e- posten?
This is an e-mail Writes to NYISO_TECCH_EXCHANDANGE Discrimination List: Dear Market participants: per November 1999 and December 1999 Transmission Custer Monthly States many customers have entered under the Energy Bosetting<unk> section for<unk> Forward Energy<unk> amendment in MW-Hrs without related change in dollar amounts. This is because of a correction to the MW-Hrs sign convention in respect of external generation transactions (transactions from a proxy bus to the NYISO reference bus). For all other types of transactions covered by the NYISO fees, customers the relevant TUC or LBMP based on the MWs that flow, but for external generation transactions customers receive payments from NYISO, and therefore these types of transactions have a different sign convention. The daughters of outer generation transactions have always had the right sign date, but they don't have MW-Hrs. On 01.17.2000, the Convention of this sign was corrected for all invoicing months to come, resulting in reports of correct MW-HR values from February 2000 to the present date. However, November 1999<unk> in January 2000 did not have the actual MW-Hrs report on the monthly transmission Customer speech. With the latest adjustments to the settlement made, the MW-Hrs are being corrected with the right to the sub-convention. Customers will see corresponding changes in their future energy MW-Hrs for the adjustment of settlement in January 2000. What is the subject of this email?
November- og desember 1999 Oppgjørsjusteringer
November and December 1999 Settlement adjustments
Write an email with the subject line "Help Needed".
Sean, We have our Super Saturday's coming up on Nov 10 & Nov 17. We need more interviewers for the 10th. I would really appreciate your commitment for Saturday the 10th. The day will begin at 8:30 and will be completed by 4:00 PM. Both breakfast and lunch will be served. Would you be available for the 10th or would the 17th be better? Give me a call with any questions! Julie K x7404 PS: Sean (your man from Univ of O) will be coming on the 10th. You might want to come and root for him!
Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen<unk> Nødvendig<unk>
Type a mail using the subject line<unk> Required<unk>
Sean, Vi har vår Super lørdag kommer opp på Nr. 10 & Nr. 17. Vi trenger flere intervjuere for den 10. Jeg ville satt pris på at du forplikter deg til lørdag den 10. Dagen begynner kl. 20.30 og fullføres innen 16.00. Det blir servert både frokost og lunsj. Er du ledig den 10., eller er den 17. bedre? Ring meg med spørsmål! Julie K x7404 PS: Sean (din mann fra Univ av O) kommer den 10. Kanskje du vil komme og finne ham!
Sean, we have our Super Saturday coming up at Number 10 & Number 17. We need more interviews for the 10th. I'd appreciate it if you'd make a commitment on Saturday the 10th. The day begins at 8:30 and is completed by 4:00 p.m. Breakfast and lunch are served. Are you free on the 10th, or is the 17th better? Call me with questions! Julie K x7404 PS: Sean (your man from Univ of O) arrives on the 10th. Maybe you'll come find him!
Here is an email: THE BLONDE KIDNAPPER A blonde was down on her luck. In order to raise some money, she decided to kidnap a kid and hold him for ransom. She went to the playground, grabbed a kid, took him behind a tree, and told him, "I've kidnapped you." She then wrote a note saying, "I've kidnapped your kid. Tomorrow morning, put $10,000 in a paper bag and put it under the pecan tree next to the slide on the north side of the playground. Signed, a blonde." The blonde then pinned the note to the kid's shirt and sent him home to show it to his parents. The next morning the blonde checked, and sure enough, a paper bag was sitting beneath the pecan tree. The blonde opened the bag and found the $10,000 with a note that said, "How could you do this to a fellow blonde?" What is a potential subject line for this email?
Now I understand why you didn't pick up the phone at noon yesterday
Her er en e-post: BLONDEKIDNAPPAREN En blondine var nedslått på hellet. For å skaffe penger bestemte hun seg for å kidnappe et barn og holde ham for en løsepenge. Hun gikk på lekeplassen, tok et barn, tok ham med bak et tre og sa til ham: Hun skrev så et notat der hun sa: \"Jeg har kidnappet barnet ditt. I morgen tidlig legger du 10 000 dollar i en papirpose og legger den under pekantreet ved siden av lysbildet på nordsiden av lekeplassen. Tegnet, en blond <unk> Blondinen festet så lappen til barneskjorten og sendte ham hjem for å vise den til foreldrene. Neste morgen sjekket den blonde, og ganske sikkert satt en papirpose under pekantreet. Blondinen åpnet posen og fant 10 000en med en lapp som sa: \"Hvordan kunne du gjøre dette mot en blond gutt?\" Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Here's an e-mail, a blonde was down on her luck. To raise money, she decided to kidnap a child and hold him for a ransom. She went to the playground, took a child, took him behind a tree, and said to him, She then wrote a note saying, "I've kidnapped your child. Tomorrow morning, put $10,000 in a paper bag and put it under the pecan next to the slide on the north side of the playground. The sign, a blonde <unk> The blonde then attached the note to the child’s shirt and sent him home to show it to his parents. The next morning, the blonde checked, and probably a paper bag was sitting under the pecan tree. The blonde opened the bag and found the $10,000 with a note saying, "How could you do this to a blond boy?" What is a possible topic line for this email?
Nå forstår jeg hvorfor du ikke tok telefonen i går.
Now I understand why you didn't answer the phone last night.
Get on the band wagon for soccer: from the Washington Post....."Now the time is right. Because 1) Soccer fever is sweeping the country like malaria. And 2) We can get a short-term lease on a quality vehicle. And that's good, considering we're in a single-elimination situation, and we play 83-time winner Germany on Friday. Not to put too fine a point on it, but many Germans rank soccer behind only "full scale war" as the favorite sport of the country. (Hey, how about France, huh? Talk about gagging on the fromage! Three games, no goals. Au revoir, Pierre. Isn't it just like the French to go out early and leave it up to us to beat the Germans?)" USA USA USA Write a subject line for this email.
get on the bandwagon
Sett deg i vogna for fotball: fra Washington Post. Fordi 1) Fotballfeber rammer landet som malaria. Og 2) Vi kan få en kortsiktig leieavtale om et kjøretøy. Og det er bra, siden vi er i en enkelt elimineringssituasjon, og vi spiller 83 ganger vinner Tyskland på fredag. for ikke å sette for gode poeng på det, men mange tyskere rangerer fotball bak kun<unk>fullskala krig<unk> som landets favorittsport. Hva med Frankrike? Snakk om å snakke om å snakke med folk om hvordan de kan komme fra oss! Tre kamper, ingen mål. Au revoir, curre. Er det ikke akkurat som om franskmennene går tidlig ut og lar det være opp til oss å slå tyskerne? USA USA USA Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
Get in the coach for football: from the Washington Post. Because (1) soccer fever strikes the country as malaria. And 2) We can get a short-term lease for a vehicle. And that's good, because we're in a single elimination situation, and we play 83 times Germany wins on Friday. Not to put too good a point on it, but many Germans rank football behind just the full scale war<unk> as the country's favorite sport. What about France? Talk about talking to people about how they can come from us! Three fights, no targets. Au revoir, curre. Isn't it just like the French go out early and leave it up to us to beat the Germans? US U.S.A. Write a topic line for this email.
komme om bord i fartøyene
arriving on board vessels
What is the subject line for this email? > Political Philosophies Explained in Simple "Two Cow" Terms > > Socialism: You have two cows. You keep one and give one to your neighbor. > > Communism: You have two cows. The government takes them both and provides you with milk. > > Fascism: You have two cows. The government takes them and sells you the > milk. > > Bureaucracy: You have two cows. The government takes them both, shoots > one, milks the other, pays you for the milk, and then pours it down the > drain. > > Capitalism: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. > > Corporate: You have two cows. You sell one, force the other to produce > the milk of four cows and then act surprised when it drops dead. > > Democracy: You have two cows. The government taxes you to the point that > you must sell them both in order to support a man in a foreign country > who has only one cow which was a gift from your government
Political Philosophies
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? <unk><unk> Politiske filosofer Forklart i enkle<unk> to kyrkjer <unk> Begreper <unk><unk><unk><unk> Sosialisme: du har to kyr. Du holder deg en og gir en til din neste. <unk> <unk> <unk> kommunisme: Du har to kyr. Regjeringen tar dem begge og gir dere melk. <unk><unk> fascismen: Du har to kyr. Regjeringen tar dem og selger dere > melken. > Statistisk sentralbyrå: Du har to kyrkjer. Regjeringen tar dem begge, skyter > den ene, melker den andre, betaler deg for melken, og så heller det ned i det alligevel. <unk><unk> Kapitalisme: du har to kyr. Du selger en og kjøper en okse. > Korporasjon: du har to kyr. Du selger den ene, tvinger den andre til å produsere > melken fra fire kyr og så handle overrasket når den dør. <unk><unk> Demokraten: Du har to kyr. De skatter deg så høyt at <unk> du må selge dem begge for å støtte en mann i et fremmed land <unk> som bare har én ku som var en gave fra din regjering <unk>
What is the subject line for this email? Political philosophers explained in simple<unk> two cows <unk> The concept of <unk><unk><unk><unk> socialism: you have two cows. You hold one and give one to your neighbor. Chastity: You have two cows. The government will take them both and give you milk. Fascism: You have two cows. The government takes them and sells you > the milk. "Structure Central: You have two cows." The government takes them both, shoots > one, milks the other, pays you for the milk, and then pours it into the bottom. Capitalism: you have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. > Corporation: you have two cows. You sell one, force the other to produce > milk from four cows and then act surprised when it dies. The Democrat: You have two cows. They treasure you so much that you'll have to sell them both to support a man in a foreign country who has only one cow who was a gift from your government <unk>
What is the subject line for this email? John and Louise, To minimize confusion, these are the individuals that I have earmarked for RETENTION in my group: A. ENA 1. Tholan, Scott 2. Johnston, Robert 3. Landry, Kimberly 4. Walsh, Kristin 5. Purswell, Sharon (Admin Assistant. ADDED her for help in group layoffs and ongoing billing) 6. Schlesinger, Judy (eSource/Research) B. The "TAC Group" (to be settled separately) 1. Clark, Chris 2. Mihura, Brian 3. Sugiura, Junichi 4. Loup, Jason 5. Boehm, Richard 6. Orbeck, Dan 7. Chancey, Donald 8. Kooser, Kenneth 9. Wingo, Angie (Also, two temporary workers are being retained) C. EES 1. Golden, Kevin D. EGM ("Future Termination" Status, 30-90 days, to support Oil trading) 1. Seigle, Clayton E. FALLON (Jim is retaining this guy for himself for his use in the layoffs) 1. McGuinness, Francis
Competitive Analysis Retention List: 11/21
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? John and Louise, For å gjøre det enda mer forvirrende er det disse personene som jeg har øremerket som jeg har øremerket som svar på i min gruppe: A. ENA 1. Tholan, Scott 2. Johnston, Robert 3. Landskap, Tyskland Walsh, A.S. Purswell, Sharon (administrasjonsassistent. SØK for å få hjelp til gruppeavleveringer og regninger) 6. Schlesinger, Judy (evt./forskning) B. <unk>TAC-gruppen <unk> (skal avgjøres separat) 1. Clark, Chris 2. Mi hura, Brian 3. Sugiura, i Store norske leksikon Loup, Jasonus Boehm, 6 Orbeck, nan, onne Sjanse, grid 8. Kooser, fra 9. Vingo, Angie (Også to vikararbeidere er under oppbevaring) C. EES 1. Gylden, Kevin D. EGM (<unk> Fremtidig terminering<unk> Status, 30-90 dager, til støtte for Oljehandel) 1. Seigle, Clayton E. FALLON (Jim beholder denne fyren for seg selv for hans bruk i permitteringene) 1. Gradin;
What is the subject line for this email? John and Louise, to make it even more confusing, these are the people I've earmarked that I've earmarked in response to in my group: A. ENA 1. Tholan, Scott 2. Johnston, Robert 3. Landscape, Germany Walsh, A.S. Purswell, Sharon. VISIT TO HELP FOR GIVING CONTRACTS AND PAYMENTS) 6. Schlesinger, Judy (anywhere research) B. <unk>TAC group <unk> (to be determined separately) 1. Clark, Chris 2. Mi Hura, Brian 3. Sugiura, published by the United Kingdom Loup, Jasonus Boehm, 6 Orbeck, Nan, One Chance, grid 8. Kooser, from 9. Vingo, Angie (also two temporary workers are in storage) C. EES 1. Gold, Kevin D. EGM (<unk> Future Termination<unk> Status, 30-90 days, in Oil Sales Support) 1. Seigle, Clayton E. FALLON (Jim keeps this guy to himself for his use in layoffs) 1. Gradin;
Konkurransebekreftelse Liste: 11/21
Competitive Confirmation List: 11/21
Write a subject line for this message: Hi! I just got back from Germany! It was a pleasant trip but things in Frankfurt are just so expensive. I went there for a distributor's meeting, and had the opportunity to meet the people that we are having correspondence with over fax and e-mail in the past. Our account officer is a pretty girl and she is only 23 years old. The downside is that she is married for one year already. Oh well, life's tough. I think one of the other distributors noticed me flirting with this girl. Well, a quarter of the way around the world should be fair game. Anyway, I was surprised that Frankfurt wasn't that big of a city. You can walk from the main parts of the city in a few minutes. Mostly, they only have Churches (every five blocks there seems to be one), slaughterhouses, and castles. In fact, they have been preserving so many allegedly historical buildings. These are ugly ass buildings that have no apparent architectural appeal. Due to this, the new European Central Bank buildings has to be built at the back of one of these alleged historical sites. The building is long and takes up too much prime space with no apparent purpose whatsoever. This seems to be a prevalent site in most of Frankfurt. A pleasant surprise during my trip was that the company paid for my hotel room. I was prepared to pay for it, but I wasn't charged when I checked-out. Our meeting lasted from Monday to Thursday, which left Friday and Saturday free for me before my flight on Sunday. I decided to join a city tour by bus to Rothenburg. Well, I was initially set on going to Heidelberg but I met this American Chinese girl who was travelling alone and I decided to just accompany her to Rothenburg. She works in Santa Clara for some upstart IT company. I told my girlfriend about it because nothing really happened aside from us spending the whole of Friday and Saturday together. Then again, I am not sure what I would have told her if something did happen ;-) I'm seriously thinking of taking my Masters in Finance here in the University of the Philippines. However, the application forms would only be available every May and the exam would be in August. It would be a one-year course starting September, which would time my graduation right about when Claudine finishes her local board exams. I guess I don't see a bright future here in the Philippines, and I may just follow her when she specializes in the States or Canada. Unless something drastic happens and our country just progresses rapidly, or my stars change, I think that this would be the plan that I would take. I guess her petitioning me for a Canadian citizenship would help a lot in getting a job in Canada or the US. I'm pretty sure that the US economy would pick-up after two years. You guys never stay down! My country is sinking because of the ever-divided people. There is no unity and I would suggest for us to just divide the goddamn country - one for the Muslims, one for the Chinese, and one for the Spanish people - then we call it the Divided States of the Philippines!!! Oh well, I'm just ranting right now. Just write when you have the time. Have you spoken to Khan lately? Tell his ass to write me! I haven't heard from him for quite some time now. I hope he is okay. Send him my regards. Cliff
Skriv et emnefelt for denne beskjeden: Hei! Jeg kom nettopp tilbake fra Tyskland! Det var en hyggelig reise, men ting i Frankfurt er så dyre. Jeg var der på distributørmøte, og fikk anledning til å møte de personene vi har korrespondanse med over faks og e-post tidligere. Vår kontooffiser er en pen jente og hun er bare 23 år gammel. Ulempen er at hun er gift i ett år allerede. Å, ja, livet er tøft. Jeg tror en av de andre distributørene la merke til at jeg flørtet med denne jenta. Vel, en fjerdedel av verden rundt burde være fritt vilt. Jeg var overrasket over at Frankfurt ikke var så stor som en by. Man kan gå fra hoveddelene av byen på få minutter. De fleste har de bare Kirker (hvis fem kvartaler det ser ut til å være én), slakterier og slott. De har i virkeligheten bevart så mange historiske bygninger som har vært av hevd. Dette er stygge ass bygninger som tilsynelatende ikke har noen betydning. På grunn av dette må de nye bygninger til Den europeiske sentralbank bygges innerst i et av disse påståtte historiske stedene. Bygningen er lang og tar opp for mye prime-plass uten noen som helst hensikt. Dette ser ut til å være et funnsted i det meste av Frankfurt. En overraskelse på turen var at firmaet betalte for hotellrommet mitt. Jeg var forberedt på å betale for det, men jeg ble ikke betalt da jeg sjekket ut. Møtet varte fra mandag til torsdag, og fredag og lørdag hadde jeg fri før jeg skulle fly søndag. Jeg bestemte meg for å bli med på en bytur med buss til Rothenburg. Jeg skulle til Heidelberg, men møtte en kinesisk jente som var alene, og jeg ble med henne til Rothenburg. Hun arbeider i Santa Clara for en eller annen oppkomling av IT-selskap. Jeg fortalte kjæresten min om det fordi det ikke skjedde noe annet enn at vi tilbrakte hele fredagen og lørdagen sammen. Men jeg vet ikke hva jeg ville ha sagt hvis noe hadde skjedd. Jeg vurderer å ta med meg mastergraden min i finans her på Filippinene. Søknadsskjemaene ville imidlertid bare være tilgjengelig hver mai, og eksamenen ville være i august. Det ville vært et ettårig kurs i september, som ville ta eksamenen min akkurat når Claudine avslutter sine lokale styreeksamener. Jeg ser ingen lys framtid her på Filippinene, og jeg følger kanskje etter henne når hun spesialiserer seg i USA eller Canada. Hvis det ikke skjer noe, og vårt land bare utvikler seg raskt, eller min stjerneforandring, tror jeg at dette ville være planen jeg ville tatt. Jeg antar at det at hun ber meg om å få et canadisk statsborgerskap vil hjelpe mye med å få en jobb i Canada eller USA. Jeg er ganske sikker på at den amerikanske økonomien ville tatt seg opp etter to år. Dere holder dere aldri nede! Mitt land er sunket på grunn av det stadig splittede folket. Det er ingen enhet, og jeg foreslår at vi bare deler inn landet - ett for muslimene, ett for kineserne, og ett for det spanske folket - så kaller vi det de splittede statene på Filippinene!! Jeg bare runker nå. Bare skriv når du har tid. Har du snakket med Khan i det siste? Si til ræva at han skal skrive til meg! Jeg har ikke hørt fra ham på lenge. Jeg håper han har det bra. Sende ham min hilsen. Cliff
Enter a subject field for this message: I just got back from Germany! It was a nice trip, but things in Frankfurt are so expensive. I was there at the distributor meeting, and I was able to meet the people we have correspondence with over fax and e-mail earlier. Our account officer is a pretty girl and she's only 23 years old. The downside is she's married for a year already. Oh, yeah, life's tough. I think one of the other distributors noticed that I was flirting with this girl. Well, a quarter of the world around should be fair game. I was surprised that Frankfurt was not as big as a city. You can walk from the main sections of town in minutes. Most of them have only churches (if five blocks there seems to be one), slaughterhouses and castles. In fact, they have preserved so many historical buildings that have been debased. These are ugly ass buildings that seem to have no significance. As a result, the new buildings of the European Central Bank must be built at the heart of one of these claimed historical sites. The building is long and takes up too much primer space with no intention whatsoever. This appears to be a site in most of Frankfurt. A surprise on the trip was that the company paid for my hotel room. I was prepared to pay for it, but I was not paid when I checked out. The meeting lasted from Monday to Thursday, and Friday and Saturday I had the day off before I was scheduled to fly Sunday. I decided to go on a bus ride to Rothenburg. I was going to Heidelberg, but I met a Chinese girl who was alone, and I went with her to Rothenburg. She works in Santa Clara for some upstart of an IT company. I told my boyfriend about it because nothing happened except that we spent the whole Friday and Saturday together. But I don't know what I would have said if anything had happened, but I'm thinking of taking my master's in finance with me here in the Philippines. However, the application forms would be available only every May, and the examination would be in August. There would be a one-year course in September, which would take my exam just when Claudine finishes his local board exams. I see no bright future here in the Philippines, and I may follow her when she specializes in the United States or Canada. If nothing happens and our country just evolves fast, or my star change, I think this would be the plan I would take. I guess her asking me to get a Canadian citizenship will help a lot to get a job in Canada or the United States. I'm pretty sure that the American economy would take on after two years. You never stay down! My country is sunk because of the ever - divided people. There is no unity, and I suggest we just divide the country - one for the Muslims, one for the Chinese, and one for the Spanish people - we call it the divided states of the Philippines! I'm just jerking off now. Just write when you have time. Have you spoken to Khan lately? Tell your ass he's gonna write to me! I haven't heard from him in a long time. I hope he's okay. Send him my regards. Cliff
I've changed deal 547478 to reflect the correct price - $109.90 off peak and $174.15 on peak - and made a note in our deal correction report. Please keep me informed on any discrepancies you run across. I'll be happy to look into it. Thanks, Propose a subject line for this email?
EES Deal Change
Jeg har endret avtale 547478 for å gjenspeile riktig pris - $109,90 på topp og $174,15 på topp - og noterte seg i vare deal korrigeringsrapport. Hold meg informert om eventuelle uoverensstemmelser du støter på. Jeg skal se nærmere på det. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e-posten?
I've changed the deal 547478 to reflect the right price - $109.90 on top and $174.15 on top - and noted in our correction report. Keep me informed of any disagreements you may encounter. I'll take a closer look. Would you like to propose a subject line for this e-mail?
Write an email with the following subject: Amendments - Barclays Bank PLC
1. We have received an executed Second Amendment to Master Agreement dated as of September 27, 2001 by and between Barclays Bank PLC and Enron North America Corp., which amends (a) certain provisions in the Master Agreement with regards to Payments on Early Termination and (b) certain credit provisions for both parties. 2. We have received an executed Third Amendment to Master Agreement dated as of November 6, 2001 by and between Barclays Bank PLC and Enron North America Corp., which amends certain provisions in the ISDA Master Agreement dated as of January 13, 1994. Copies of both Amendments will be distributed.
Skriv en epost med følgende emne: Endringer<unk> Barclays Bank PLC
Write an email containing the following topic: Changes<unk> Barclays Bank PLC
1 . Vi har mottatt en fullbyrdelse av Andre grunnlovsendring av Masteravtalen datert fra og med 27. september 2001 av og mellom Barclays Bank PLC og Enron North America Corp., som endrer a) visse bestemmelser i Hovedavtalen med hensyn til betalinger vedrørende Tidlig terminering og b) visse kredittbestemmelser for begge parter. 2 . Vi har mottatt en fullbyrdelse av tredje grunnlovsendring av avtalen datert 6. november 2001 av og mellom Barclays Bank PLC og Enron Nord-Amerika Corp., som endrer visse bestemmelser i ISDAs Master Agreement datert fra og med 13. januar 1994. Kopier av begge endringene vil bli distribuert.
One. We have received a second amendment to the Master Agreement dated from 27 September 2001 onwards and between Barclays Bank PLC and Enron North America Corp., which amends (a) certain provisions of the Main Agreement on early termination payments and (b) certain credit provisions for both parties. Two. We have received a conclusion of the Third Amendment to the Agreement dated 6 November 2001 by and between Barclays Bank PLC and Enron North America Corp., which amends certain provisions of the ISDA Master Agreement dated from 13 January 1994 onwards. Copies of both changes will be distributed.
This is an email = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = IntercontinentalExchange = = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = Firm Physical Natural Gas Price Bulletin = = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = For Natural Gas Delivered on Tuesday, October 02, 2001= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = (Trade Date of Monday, October 01, 200= 1) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 Click here to access index history . = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = * volume represents sell-side only * = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 Region Hub=09High=09Low=09Wtd Avg Index=09Change ($)=09Vol (mmBtu)=09Hu= b Name=09 LOUISIANA =09=09=09=09=09=09=09 ANR SE=09 $1.7250=09 $1.6500=09 $1.6720=09- = .1200=09 234,000=09American Natural Resources Pipeline Co. - SE = Transmission Pool=09 Columbia Onshore=09 $1.7450=09 $1.6700=09 $1= .7008=09- .0444=09 120,000=09Columbia Gulf Transmission Co. - On= shore Pool =09 Henry Hub=09 $1.8200=09 $1.7300=09 $1.7573= =09- .1055=09 637,500=09Henry Hub tailgate - Louisiana =09 NGPL LA=09 $1.7550=09 $1.6700=09 $1.6992=09-= .1227=09 162,600=09Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America, Louisia= na Pool =09 Tenn 500L=09 $1.7500=09 $1.6900=09 $1.7171= =09- .0965=09 171,900=09Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co.-Zone L, 500 L= eg Pool =09 Tenn 800L=09 $1.6700=09 $1.5450=09 $1.6070= =09- .0482=09 211,000=09Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co.-Zone L, 800 L= eg Pool =09 TETCO ELA=09 $1.7500=09 $1.6825=09 $1.7081= =09- .0910=09 124,900=09Texas Eastern - East LA =09 TETCO WLA=09 $1.7400=09 $1.6700=09 $1.6975= =09- .1065=09 85,200=09Texas Eastern - West LA =09 Transco 65=09 $1.8150=09 $1.7700=09 $1.7836= =09- .0843=09 117,100=09Transco - Station 65 =09 Trunkline ELA=09 $1.7050=09 $1.6000=09 $1.65= 08=09- .1039=09 65,700=09Trunkline Gas Company - East Louisiana= Pool =09 TxGas SL=09 $1.7450=09 $1.7150=09 $1.7263=09= - .0526=09 27,200=09Texas Gas Transmission Corp.-Zone SL FT Poo= l =09 MIDCONTINENT =09=09=09=09=09=09=09 MichCon, citygate=09 $1.9000=09 $1.8050=09 $= 1.8696=09- .1098=09 102,700=09Michigan Consolidated =09 NGPL Midcont=09 $1.6200=09 $1.5700=09 $1.585= 8=09- .1033=09 113,600=09Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of America, Mi= d-Continent Pool =09 NGPL Nicor, citygate=09 $1.8300=09 $1.7150=09 = $1.7717=09- .1135=09 457,500=09Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of Ame= rica, Nicor Citygate=09 NGPL NIPSCO, citygate=09 $1.7800=09 $1.7175=09 = $1.7570=09- .0661=09 59,500=09Natural Gas Pipeline Co. of Am= erica, Nipsco Citygate=09 NNG Demarcation=09 $1.6450=09 $1.5850=09 $1.= 6200=09- .1680=09 236,200=09Northern Natural Gas, Demarcation Po= ol =09 NORTHEAST =09=09=09=09=09=09=09 Columbia TCO=09 $1.9800=09 $1.8750=09 $1.934= 5=09- .0890=09 304,000=09Columbia Gas Co. - TCO Pool =09 Dominion So.Point=09 $1.9500=09 $1.8950=09 $= 1.9110=09- .0325=09 187,900=09Dominion - South Point =09 TETCO M3=09 $2.0700=09 $1.9350=09 $1.9894=09= - .0863=09 184,200=09Texas Eastern - M3 Zone =09 Transco Z-6 (NY)=09 $2.0550=09 $1.9700=09 $2= .0005=09- .1430=09 167,600=09Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Corp= . - Zone 6 (NY)=09 WEST =09=09=09=09=09=09=09 El Paso non-Bondad=09 $1.5400=09 $1.4600=09 = $1.4920=09- .0476=09 175,000=09El Paso - San Juan Basin, Blanco = Pool=09 Huntingdon/Sumas=09 $1.3800=09 $1.3050=09 $1= .3252=09- .0679=09 155,000=09Westcoast Energy & Northwest Pipeli= ne Corp.=09 Opal=09 $1.4350=09 $1.3300=09 $1.3997=09- = .0279=09 104,200=09Opal=09 PG?Citygate=09 $1.9200=09 $1.8600=09 $1.8883= =09- .0241=09 142,000=09PG?- Citygate =09 SoCal Border=09 $1.9000=09 $1.8550=09 $1.881= 2=09+ .0120=09 138,800=09Southern California Border Points (Ehre= nberg,Topock,Needles)=09 WEST TEXAS =09=09=09=09=09=09=09 El Paso - Keystone=09 $1.6000=09 $1.5400=09 = $1.5601=09- .0604=09 235,000=09El Paso - Keystone Pool=09 Waha=09 $1.6300=09 $1.5600=09 $1.5990=09- = .0232=09 125,000=09Waha Hub - West Texas =09 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Includes all firm physical fixed price t= rades done from 7 AM to 11:30 AM Central Prevailing Time on the trade date = specified for natural gas delivered on the specified date(s). = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = IntercontinentalExchange is the world's most liquid = trading platform for over-the-counter energy and metals. Active markets in= clude North American power and natural gas, global crude and refined oil pr= oducts, and precious metals. Traded instruments include forwards, swaps, a= nd options. = = = = = =20 To become an Exchange Participant or inquire about the indices, please cont= act . = = = = = = = =20 This information is sent to you free of charge and may be redistributed in = its entirety. Republishing in any other form is prohibited. = = = = = = = = =20 If this was forwarded by a friend and you would like to receive your own da= ily bulletin, click here to subscribe . = = = = = = = =20 To unsubscribe from this service, click here unsubscribe . = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ?Copyright IntercontinentalExchange, Inc. 20= 01, All Rights Reserved. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = What is the subject of this email?
Gas Indices
Dette er en e-post = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Firm = = Firm fysisk natur natur natur natur natur natur natur natur natur naturmengder kule = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = (Trade Dato) mandag oktober, = 01, = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = (Trade Dato for mandag oktober, = 01, = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = som = som = som = som = som = som = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 -Akkurat 6 (NY) =09 =09=09=09=09=09=09=0909 El Paso non-Bonded=09 $1400=09 = $14920=09-0.0476=09 1700=09-Easos - San Juan-blandingsplass, Blanc=09=09=709=09-1.3=09=09-1.409=09-1.322=09=79=09=09=09,O?Cy? = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = IntercontinentalExchange er verdens mest flytende = handelsplass for over-det-counter ener og metaller. Omsetningsmarkeder i=omfatter nordamerikanske kraft- og naturgass, globale råolje- og oljeraffinerier og edelmetaller. Handelsinstrumenter omfatter terminkontrakter, swaper, a= Andre alternativer. = = = = = = = = = = 20 Skal bli en Exchange-deltaker eller se etter indeksene, please cont= act . = = = = = = = = = ==20 Denne informasjonen er gratis sendt til deg og kan omdistribueres i = sin helhet. Det er forbudt å tre sammen i enhver annen form. = = = = = = = = = = = ==20 Hvis dette ble videresendt av en venn og du vil gjerne motta din egen da= ily bulletin, klikk her for å abonnere . = = = = = = = = = ==20 Å slutta å tinga denne tjenesten, klikk her slutta å abonnere . = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =?Copyright IntercontinentalExchange, Inc. 20= 01, All Rights Reserved. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Hva er subjektet for denne e-posten?
This is a = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 - Exactly 6 (NY) =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09 =09099 El Paso non-Bonded = 09 $1400 = $14920=09-0.0476=09 1700 = 09-Easos - San Juan blending space, Blanc=09=709=09-1.31.09=09-1.409=09-1.322=09=09=09=09=09=09,O?Cy? = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =20 = = = = = = = = IntercontinentalExchange is the world's most liquid = the trading space for over-the-counter ones and metals. Turnover markets in the range of North American power and natural gas, global crude oil and oil refineries and precious metals. Trade instruments include futures, swaps, a=other options. = = = = = = = 20 Should be an Exchange participant or look for the indices, please contact=act . This information has been sent to you free of charge and can be redistributed in its entirety. It is forbidden to assemble in any other form. = = = = = = = = = = ==20 If this was forwarded by a friend and you would like to receive your own da=illy bulletin, click here to subscribe . = = = = = = = ===20 Unsubscribe from this service, click here stopped subscribed. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = What is the subject of this e-mail?
Be passing
Be Passport
Some of you may encounter a problem with your paycheck inquiry when you try to access current pay period totals. It may only show year-to-date totals, not current pay period results. There was evidently a test run on payroll on 12/11 with no dollar amount involved. That is what you will see. To get this pay period's results: 1) Access eHRonline 2)Pay Information 3) Paycheck Inquiry 4) Select P/R Results - two options, click on results in period 5) Click on the results 12/01/2001 - 12/15/2001 Assistants, please forward to your respective groups. Generate a subject line for this email.
eHRonline P/R Inquiry
Noen av dere kan komme opp i et problem med lønnsundersøkelsen når dere forsøker å få tilgang til gjeldende lønnsperiode totalsum. Det kan bare vise samlet årstall, ikke resultater fra inneværende lønnsperiode. Det var tydeligvis en prøvetur på lønningsliste 12/11, uten noe beløp. Det er det du vil se. For å få denne lønnsperiodens resultater: 1) Access eHRonline 2)Pay Information 3) Lønn Spørreskjema (utvalg P/R resultater - to alternativer, klikk på resultater i periode 5) Trykk på resultatene 12/01/2001 - 12/15/2001 Assistenter, vennligst send videre til dine respektive grupper. Lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten.
Some of you may have a problem with the salary survey as you try to access the current pay total. It can show only aggregate dates, not results of the current pay period. Apparently, there was a test drive on payroll 12/11, with no amount. That's what you want to see. To obtain the results of this pay period: 1) Access eHRonline 2)Pay Information 3) Wages and salaries (sample P/R results - two alternatives, click on results in period 5) Click on the results 12/01/2001 - 12/15/2001 Assistants, please pass on to your respective groups. Create a subject line for this email.
eHronline P/R-inquiry
eHronline P/R-inquiry
Here is an email: Further to our discussions about our EPNG capacity: Our research had resulted in an opinion that there is little value associated with PG&E's (northern CA customers) recall rights on Block III capacity. While it was not part of the original settlement, the 24 hour RE-recall rights to the shipper of record appear to give PG&E a DAILY call on capacity at best. Because we have pieced this opinion together based upon rulings in various proceedings, we would like a more formal regulatory/legal opinion of the mechanics of the RE-recall provision that has been developed over time. Is this something that either of you can provide or should it go to Randy? The results of this inquiry will set the tone of our next round of dicussions with EPNG. By the way, still waiting on their written reponse to our letter..... I think they have bigger fish to fry. Please advise. Stephanie What is a potential subject line for this email?
Block III Recall Rights
Her er en e-post: Vi har diskutert vår EPNG-kapasitet: Vår forskning hadde resultert i en oppfatning om at det er liten verdi knyttet til PG&E's (nordlige CA-kunder) tilbakekallingsrettigheter på Blokk III-kapasitet. Selv om det ikke var en del av det opprinnelige forliket, ser det ut til at de 24 timers RE-tilbakekallingsrettighetene til den som har skrevet rapporten, gir PG&E en nødanrop om kapasitet i beste fall. Ettersom vi har løst denne opfatningen sammen basert på avgjørelser i forskjellige saker, vil vi gjerne ha en mere formell regulerings-/juridisk uttalelse om den mekanikk i den RE-recall-bestemmelse som er utviklet over tid. Er dette noe som noen av dere kan gi, eller bør det gå til å betale? Resultatene av denne undersøkelsen vil sette tone til neste runde av dikusjoner med styrke. De venter forresten fremdeles på sitt skrevne brev til vårt brev.... Jeg tror de har større fisk å steke. Vennligst rådfør deg. Stephanie Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Here's an e-mail: we've discussed our EPNG capacity: our research had resulted in a belief that there is little value related to PG/3E's (North CA customers) recall rights on Block III capacity. Although it was not part of the original settlement, it seems that the 24 hours re-calling rights of the author of the report give PG=E an emergency call for capacity at best. Since we have resolved this concept together based on decisions in various matters, we would like to have a more formal regulatory/legal opinion on the mechanics of the RE-recall determination developed over time. Is this something that any of you can give, or should it go to pay? The results of this study will set a tone to the next round of strength dikings. By the way, they are still waiting for their written letter to our letter.... I think they have bigger fish to fry. Please consult. Stephanie What's a possible topic line for this email?
Rettsrettigheter etter tredjegangsrett
Rights under third-time law
This is the content of an email: Sandi, Do you have a complete contract for the Apache purchase under the Tenaska IV deal? Apache is billing us a rate that is $.11 below the commodity rate stated on page 22 in the original contract. In the documents I have, I can't find a reason for the adjustment. I may be missing an amendment or something. I thought that you may have a complete set of documents and could help me out. Daren What was the subject line for this email?
Tenaska IV
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Sandi, Har du en fullstendig kontrakt om en takstavtale i henhold til Tenaska IV-avtalen? Vi har en kurs på 11,1 under den prisen som står på side 22 i den opprinnelige kontrakten. I de dokumenter jeg har, finner jeg ingen grunn for justeringen. Jeg kan være manglende en endring eller noe. Jeg tenkte at du kanskje hadde et fullstendig sett med dokumenter og kunne hjelpe meg ut. Hva var temaet for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an e-mail: Sandi, do you have a full contract for a tariff agreement under the Tenaska IV agreement? We have a course of 11.1 below the price on page 22 of the original contract. In the documents I have, I find no reason for the adjustment. I could be missing a change or something. I thought maybe you had a complete set of documents and could help me out. What was the theme of this e-mail?
Ikke overlapp,
Don't overlap.
Write a subject line for this message: It was another epic adventure in Lake Tahoe as we "had it goin on"! The skiing was great, the scenery fine and the laughs gut wrenching. Don and I almost fell off the lift at Squaw Valley from Andy's cutting edge humor. Here are the top ten lines from Ski Trip 2002. 10. Ichiban...or is it Ichi-Bob? 9. Hey Turch, put the yellow side up. 8. They must only let you guys out once a year. 7. My puppies are burnin! 6. Oh Billie, Billie, Billie. 5. One time? Come time! 4. Hey Andy, what's that dirty t-shirt doing on the floor? 3. Alright Tommy, we'll take you to McDonalds. 2. Come right now, right now. I make big big big offa. 1. Yan Can Cook! Ski Trip 2003 is tentatively scheduled for Jan. 29th - Feb. 2nd, 2003. The venue will be Park City, Utah. More details coming this fall. Give me a call for more information and mark your calendars now!
Ski Trip 2002 - The Aftermath
Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldingen: Det var et annet episk eventyr i Lake Tahoe mens vi - hadde det på <unk>! Skituren var stor, landskapet fint og latteren sleit. Don og jeg holdt på å falle av heisen i Squaw Valley fra Andys skjærekant-humor. Her er de ti beste linjene fra Skitreffen 2002. ti. Ichiban...eller er det Ichi-Bob? Enebakk kyrkje kyrkje eller intet navn navn navn eller navne navn navn eller eller eller Gud Gud eller Gud ting ting ting ting ting navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn eller navn navn navn kort kort kort kort kort kort kort kort kort kort kort kort kort kort navn navn navn navn eller navn navn navn navn eller navn navn navn navn navn navn navn eller eller navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn eller eller eller navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn eller eller eller eller navn navn navn navn navn navn eller eller eller eller eller navn navn navn navn navn eller eller eller eller eller eller eller navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn eller eller eller eller eller eller navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn eller eller eller eller eller eller navn navn navn navn navn navn navn eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller navn navn navn navn navn navn eller eller eller eller eller eller navn navn navn navn navn eller eller eller 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Billie, Billie, Billie. 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Kom igjen... en gang! 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Vi tar deg med til McDonalds. 2 . Kom med en gang. Jeg gjør stor innsats. 1 . Kanakk! VM i skiflyging 2003 er foreløpig planlagt arrangert januar 29. - feb. 2., 2003. Plassen vil bli Park City, Utah. Flere detaljer som kommer i høst. Ring meg for mer informasjon, og merk kalenderne deres nå!
Write a subject field for this message: There was another epic adventure in Lake Tahoe while we had it on <unk>! The skiing was great, the scenery was fine, and the laughter was dull. Don and I were falling off the elevator in Squaw Valley from Andy's cutting edge humor. Here are the top ten lines from the 2002 Ski hit. Ten. Ichiban... or is that Ichi-Bob? Name or or or or or or or or Hey, sled, put the yellow side up. 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Three. We're taking you to McDonald's. Two. Come on. Come on. I'm doing a lot of work. One. Kanakk! The 2003 World Cup is scheduled for January 29, Feb 2., 2003. Place will be Park City, Utah. More details coming in the fall. Call me for more information and mark your calendars now!
Skitreffet 2002<unk> Ettermaten
The 2002 ski match
Write a subject line for this message: Beginning tomorrow this report will contain Inter-Continental Exchange (ICE) trade numbers and volumes, in addition to EOL and brokered deal information. Please look for that information at the beginning of the e-mail. Also note that the ICE data is released one day later, so it will not correlate directly to the EOL data below it. (i.e. Daily EOL Summary 3/1 will include ICE data from 2/28) Enjoy...
Daily EOL Summary 2/28
Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldinga: Fra i morgen vil denne rapporten inneholde inter-kontinental Exchange (ICE) handelsnummer og -volumer, i tillegg til EOL og meglerinformasjon om transaksjoner. Se etter denne informasjonen i begynnelsen av e-postmeldingen. Legg også merke til at ICE-dataene blir sluppet en dag senere, så de vil ikke korrelere direkte til EOL-dataene under den. (i.e. Det blir gitt ut informasjon om ICE-data fra 2/28).
Enter a subject field for this message: Starting tomorrow this report will contain intercontinental Exchange (ICE) trading numbers and volumes, as well as EOL and mediation information on transactions. Look for this information at the beginning of the email message. Also notice that the ICE data is released one day later, so they will not correlate directly to the EOL data under it. (i.e. Information on ICE data is provided from 2/28).
Dativ suppal supply 2/28
Dactic supply 2/28
Jim - The option number was previously understated - should have been $252,010, for a total avg. comp. package of $384,000 in 2000. Separately, I will forward document you may send externally. Generate a subject line for this email.
- Jim Optionsnummeret var tidligere understated - skulle ha vært 252 010 dollar, for en total avg. komp. 384 000 kroner i 2000. Jeg vil videresende dokumentet som dere kan sende videre. Lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten.
- Jim Option's number was previously understated - should have been $252 010, for a total deal. complement. $384,000 in 2000. I'd like to forward the document that you can pass on. Create a subject line for this email.
Avdra av av fra av hører hører hører hører hører hører hører hører hører hører hører hører hører hører hører hører hører hører hører hører hører av av av av av av av av av av av av av av av av av av av av av av av av av av av av av av av av av av av av av av av hører
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The information contained herein is based on sources that we believe to be reliable, but we do not represent that it is accurate or complete. Nothing contained herein should be considered as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial instruments discussed herein. Any opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author. As such, they may differ in material respects from those of, or expressed or published by on behalf of Carr Futures or its officers, directors, employees or affiliates. ? 2001 Carr Futures The charts are now in the most recent version of Adobe Acrobat 4.0 and they should print clearly from Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 or higher. Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 may be downloaded for FREE from (See attached file: UnleadedStocks.pdf)(See attached file: CrudeDeviation(xJun90-Jan91).pdf)(See attached file: HeatingOilStocks.pdf) (See attached file: API.pdf)(See attached file: CrudeStocks.pdf) - UnleadedStocks.pdf - CrudeDeviation(xJun90-Jan91).pdf - HeatingOilStocks.pdf - API.pdf - CrudeStocks.pdf Write a subject line for this email.
API 12/4
Informasjonen som er her er basert på kilder som vi mener er pålitelige, men vi representerer ikke at den er nøyaktig eller fullstendig. Ikke noe av dette bør anses som et tilbud om å selge eller anmode om et tilbud om å kjøpe ethvert finansielt instrument som er nevnt her. Eventuelle uttalelser som her er uttrykt, er utelukkende de som forfatteren har. Som sådan kan de være forskjellige i vesentlige henseender fra dem som gjelder eller er uttrykt eller offentliggjort av på vegne av Carr Futures eller dets tjenestemenn, medlemmer av ledelsen, ansatte eller tilknyttede foretak. ? 2001 Carr Futures Tabellene er nå i den nyeste versjonen av Adobe Acrobat 4.0 og de bør skrive tydelig fra Adobe Acrobat Reader eller høyere. Adobe Acrobat Leser 4.0 kan lastes ned for FREE fra (Se vedleggsfil: uleadedadadadakk.pdf)(Se vedlagt fil: «CrudeDaeviation(xJun90-ta ahpp .pdf)(Se ved fil: VaratingOilStocks.pdf) (Se vedlagt fil: API.pdf)(Se vedlagt fil: uvedvartStocks.pdf) - UvedtattStocks.pdf - Crudeviation (xJun90-ahindent.pdf) <unk> HeitingOilStocks.pdf - API. - API. . pdf Statens en linje for denne e-posten.
The information here is based on sources that we believe are reliable, but we do not represent its accuracy or completeness. None of these should be considered to be an offer to sell or request an offer to purchase any financial instrument mentioned here. Any statements here expressed are exclusively those of the author. As such, they may differ in material respects from those concerning or expressed or published by Carr Futures or its officials, directors, employees or affiliated undertakings. - Yeah. The 2001 Carr Futures Tables are now in the most recent version of Adobe Acrobat 4.0 and they should be able to write clearly from Adobe Acrobat Reader or higher. Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 may be downloaded for FREE from (See attachment file: uleadadadazk.pdf) (See attached file: "CrudeDaeDaeviation(xJun90-ta ahpp .pdf)(See file: VaratingOilStocks.pdf) (See attached file: API.pdf)(See attached file: uninvitedStocks.pdf) - UnadoptedStocks.pdf - Crudeviation (xJun90-aindent.pdf) <unk> HeatingOilStocks.pdf - API. pdf State Road a line for this e-mail.
API 12/4
API 12/4
What is the subject line for this email? Let's discuss the following. Making markets on GD swaps and managing the risk Hiring a new analyst to track our spreadsheets, create our products and get them ready to trade each morning. Your Access EOL reports. Get it to a level that Ina might be able to download the data each day. Talk to Susan about joining the group. Mike
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? La oss diskutere det følgende. Å gjennomføre markeder på GD-swaper og forvalte risikoen Å leie en ny analytiker til å spore våre regneark, skape våre produkter og gjøre dem klar til å handle hver morgen. Dine tilgangsrapporter. Få det til et nivå som Ina kanskje kan klare å laste ned dataene hver dag. Snakk med Susan om å bli med i gruppen. Kort etter kort inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn i inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn i inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn i inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn inn
What is the subject line for this email? Let us discuss the following. To implement markets on GD swaps and manage the risk of hiring a new analyst to track our spreadsheets, create our products and get them ready to shop every morning. Your access reports. Get it to a level that Ina might be able to download the data every day. Talk to Susan about joining the group. In in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in
Here is an email: We know you have questions about recent events impacting Enron and our plans for the future. Ongoing investigations and pending litigation have made it difficult, if not impossible, to share information in a timely manner. While we can't address certain issues, we can tell you about our initial plans to move Enron forward and emerge from bankruptcy, and we are eager to do that. We had planned to hold an all-employee meeting tomorrow, January 23, at the Hyatt Regency. However, we don't want to subject you to the media frenzy that would certainly surround such a meeting, so we've decided to postpone it. We are currently making arrangements to hold a series of employee meetings within the building to protect your privacy. We will provide the date and times to you as soon as the logistics for those meetings are finalized. Prior to the employee meetings, we will provide an overview of Enron's new organizational structure. You can expect that memo shortly. What is a potential subject line for this email?
Employee Meeting Postponed
Her er en e-post: Vi vet at du har spørsmål om hendelser som påvirker Enron og våre fremtidsplaner. Pågående undersøkelser og i pågående drøfting har gjort det vanskelig, dersom dette ikke er umulig, å utveksle opplysninger på en egnet måte. Selv om vi ikke kan ta opp visse saker, kan vi fortelle dere om våre første planer om å flytte Enron frem og frem fra konkurs, og vi er ivrige etter å gjøre det. Vi skulle ha møte i morgen, 23. januar, på Hyatt Regency. Vi vil imidlertid ikke utsette deg for medie- opphisselsen som absolutt ville vært om et slikt møte, så vi har bestemt oss for å utsette det. Vi har for tiden truffet tiltak for å holde en rekke møter i bygningen for å verne om privatlivet ditt. Vi vil gi dere dato og klokkeslett så snart logistikken for disse møtene er endelig. Før arbeidsmøtene vil vi gi en oversikt over Enrons nye organisasjonsstruktur. Du kan forvente at notat kort. Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e- posten?
We know you have questions about events that affect Enron and our plans for the future. Ongoing studies and in ongoing discussions have made it difficult, if this is not impossible, to exchange information appropriately. Even if we can't discuss certain matters, we can tell you about our first plans to move Enron forward and forth from bankruptcy, and we're eager to do so. We were supposed to have a meeting tomorrow, January 23rd, at the Hyatt Regency. However, we don't want to expose you to the media excitement that would certainly be about such a meeting, so we've decided to postpone it. We have made arrangements to hold a number of meetings in the building to protect your privacy. We will give you the date and time as soon as the logistics for these meetings are final. Before the work meetings, we'd like to give you an overview of Enron's new organizational structure. You can expect that note short. What is a possible topic line for this email?
Math Homework A little boy was doing his math homework. He said to himself, "Two plus five, that son of a bitch is seven. Three plus six, that son of a bitch is nine. His mother heard what he was saying and gasped, "What are you doing?" The little boy answered, "I'm doing my math homework, Mom." "And this is how your teacher taught you to do it?" the mother asked. "Yes," he answered. Infuriated, the mother asked the teacher the next day, "What are you teaching my son in math?" The teacher replied, "Right now, we are learning addition." The mother asked "And are you teaching them to say 'two plus two, that son of a bitch is four'?" After the teacher stopped laughing, she answered, "What I taught them was two plus two, THE SUM OF WHICH, is four.'" Propose a subject line for this email?
Math Homework
Matematikk En liten gutt gjorde matteleksene sine. Han sa til seg selv:<unk> to pluss fem, den jævelen er sju. Tre pluss seks, den jævelen er ni. Hans mor hørte hva han sa, og sa: Den lille gutten svarte,<unk>jeg gjør min matte lekse, mamma<unk> <unk> Og det var slik læreren din lærte deg å gjøre det<unk> spurte moren. <unk>Ja,<unk> svarede han. Hun ble rasende og spurte læreren dagen etter: \"Hva lærer du sønnen min i matte? Læreren svarte:<unk>Akkurat nå er vi i ferd med å lære tillegg<unk> Moren spurte: «Lær dere dem si to og to, så er jævelen fire.» Etter at læreren hadde sluttet å le, svarte hun: \"Det jeg lærte dem var to pluss to, SUMMERET, er fire.\" Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Mathematics A little boy did his math homework. He said to himself, two plus five, that son of a bitch is seven. Three plus six, that motherfucker's nine. His mother heard what he said and said: The little boy answered, I'm doing my math lesson, Mom. And that's how your teacher taught you to do it. the mother asked. Yes, he answered. She was furious and asked her teacher the next day, "What do you teach my son in math?" The teacher replied, "Right now we're learning the appendix." Her mother said, "If you teach them two by two, the son of a bitch is four." After the teacher stopped laughing, she replied: "What I taught them was two plus two, THE SUMME, is four." Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
House plating
This is the content of an email: Hi Dana. Pls research (dnb / lexis) and validate (phone call) information for the CPs listed below. We will have to set these up in GCP. Thanks. What was the subject line for this email?
Research and Validation for CP Set-up
Dette er innholdet i en e- postadresse: hi Dana. Pluss research (dnb / lexis) og validere (telefonsamtale) informasjon for CP-ene listet opp nedenfor. Vi må sette opp disse i GCP. Takk. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the contents of an email address: hi Dana. Plus research (dnb / lexis) and validate (phone call) information for the CPs listed below. We need to put these in the GCP. Thank you. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
Forskning og validering av CP-oppsetting
Research and validation of CP configuration
Write an email with the following subject: Weekly Report of 2/1/02
California: Legislative - In an unprecedented bipartisan effort the Senate and Assembly both approved a bill making $2.2 billion in cuts in the current fiscal year state budget. Additionally, these cuts, primarily in the areas of salaries to award teacher excellence and program expansions, will amount to $2.9 billion in cuts toward the upcoming fiscal year estimated deficit of $12 billion. I99-07-003 SoCalGas Unbundling. The Southern California Generation Coalition, The Utility Reform Network and the Department of General Services have filed a request for rehearing of the CPUC's decision to adopt the Comprehensive Settlement Agreement to unbundle the SoCalGas system. No new issues were raised as the rehearing request reiterates their support for the Interim Settlement which didn't go as far to unbundle the system. A01-09-024 SoCalGas BCAP. The ALJ has issued the procedural schedule. SoCal will file its revised application and testimony to reflect the impact of unbundling by March 4th. Interested parties will file testimony on July 12th and Evidentary Hearings will begin August 27, 2002.
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Ukerapport 2/1/02
Write an e-mail on the following subject: Week Report 2/1/02
I en topartisak godkjente både Senatet og forsamlingen et lovforslag som ga 2,2 milliarder dollar i nedskjæringer i statsbudsjettet. I tillegg vil disse nedskjæringene, først og fremst når det gjelder lønnsutmerkelsene for å bli fremragende lærere og programutvidelser, utgjøre 2,9 milliarder kroner i nedskjæringer i forhold til det kommende regnskapsåret anslåtte underskudd på 12 milliarder kroner. I99-07-003 OCalGas Utsmykking. Sør-California Generation Coalition, Utility Reform Network og General Services har søkt om å få øve på COCs beslutning om å vedta den omfattende oppgjørsavtalen for å bringe SoCalGas-systemet ut av verden. Ingen nye saker ble reist da den nyanklagede begjæringen gjenopparbeider sin støtte til det midlertidige oppgjøret som ikke gikk så langt for å løsne systemet. A01-09-024 SoCalGas BCAP. ALJ har utarbeidet prosedyreplanen. SoCal vil arkivere sin reviderte søknad og vitnemål for å reflektere virkningen av atskillelse innen 4. mars. Berørte parter vil vitne 12. juli, og Evidentary Hearings begynner august i 2002.
In a two - party trial, both the Senate and the Assembly approved a bill that offered $2.2 billion in budget cuts. In addition, these cuts, mainly in the matter of salary awards for excellence in teachers and programs, will amount to $2.9 billion in reductions over the next financial year’s estimated deficit of $1 billion. I99-07-003 OCalGas Embrace. Southern California Generation Coalition, Utility Reform Network and General Services have applied to practice COC decision to adopt the extensive settlement agreement to bring the SoCalGas system out of the way. No new cases were raised as the newly accused motion recommences its support for the temporary settlement that did not go so far to loosen the system. A01-09-024 SoCalGas BCAP. ALJ's worked out the procedure plan. SoCal will file its revised application and diploma to reflect the effect of separation by 4 March. Interested parties will testify on July 12th, and Evidentary Hearings begins August 2002.
Hi Lindy. Sorry I've not yet set up the meeting on imbalances...I feel I am still lacking focus so thought I'd run this by you for your comments before inviting people. First of all, I believe the general topics we wanted to address were: - imbalance netting & trading - mandatory use of Park N Ride service for out of balance operators - hourly determination of imbalances Is this correct? Next, the list of attendees: you, me, Darrell, Richard Hanagriff, Sheila Nacey (or someone else she designates). Anyone else? As far as timing, I am very flexible, so let me know what works for you, and I'll get it set up. Propose a subject line for this email?
imbalance meeting
- Hei, alle sammen. Beklager at jeg ikke har arrangert møtet om ubalanser ennå, men jeg føler at jeg mangler fokus så jeg trodde jeg ville spørre deg om dette for dine kommentarer før jeg inviterer folk. For det første mener jeg at de generelle emnene vi ønsket å ta opp var: - - ubalanse netting og handel - obligatorisk bruk av Park N Ride service for utenfor balansen operatører - timebestemmelse av ubalanse Er dette korrekt? Deretter følger listen over deltakere: du, meg, Darrell, Richard Hanagriff, Sheila Nacey (eller en annen hun betegner). Noen andre? Når det gjelder timing, er jeg veldig fleksibel, så la meg vite hva som fungerer for deg, og jeg skal få det satt opp. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
- Hi, everybody. I'm sorry I haven't arranged the meeting on imbalances yet, but I feel like I'm not focused so I thought I'd ask you this for your comments before inviting people. First of all, I believe that the general issues we wanted to address were: - imbalance networking and trading - mandatory use of Park N Ride service for off-balance balance operators - timing of imbalance is this correct? Next comes the list of participants: you, me, Darrell, Richard Hanagriff, Sheila Nacey (or someone else she designates). Anyone else? When it comes to timing, I'm very flexible, so let me know what works for you, and I'll get it set up. Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
Lukking av sentral
Central Shutdown
Write an email with the subject line "6th Olympiad of the Mind".
Mr. Kenneth L. Lay, Chairman and CEO of Enron Corp. will not be able to attend the November 16 - 17, 2000 6th Olympiad of the Mind. If you have any questions, please call me. 713/853-5769 Thank you
Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen <unk>6th Olympiad of the Mind <unk>
Writes a mail using the subject line <unk>6th Olympiad of the Mind <unk>
Mr. Kenneth L. Lay, styreleder og direktør i Enron Corp. vil ikke kunne delta på den 16. november<unk> 17, 2000 6. Olympiade av sinnet. Hvis du har noen spørsmål, så ring meg. Takk for hjelpen
Mr. Kenneth L. Lay, the chairman and CEO of Enron Corp, will not be able to participate on November 16th<unk> 17, 2000 6th Olympiad of the mind. If you have any questions, call me. Thank you for your help.
What is the subject line for this email? RE: Notice letter. We sent out a notice letter to GE last Friday regarding closing of a financing. Could you print me a hard copy so I can show you what changes need to be made? We need to send out another letter this week. Kay
HELP I'm drowning....
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? RE: notatbrev. Vi sendte ut et brev til GE sist fredag angående avslutning av en finansiering. Kan du skrive ut en kopi så jeg kan vise deg hvilke endringer som må gjøres? Vi må sende ut et brev til denne uken. Siste lahar Sitt
What is the subject line for this email? RE: Note. We sent out a letter to GE last Friday regarding the termination of a funding. Can you print me a copy so I can show you what changes need to be made? We need to send out a letter for this week. Last lahar Sitt
Jeg er drukningsmannen...
I'm the drowning man...
This is the content of an email: I am wondering if you know which moving company Enron uses to move people to Houston. Despite the fact that I haven't seen the formal offer I think I should book a mover so I don't get stuck. Let me know if you know or if there is someone in Houston I should talk to (Jennifer?). Thanx, What was the subject line for this email?
Houston Move
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Jeg lurer på om du vet hvilket selskap Enron bruker til å flytte folk til Houston. Selv om jeg ikke har sett det formelle tilbudet, bør jeg booke en flyttebyråmann, så jeg ikke blir sittende fast. Si ifra hvis du vet det eller om det er noen i Houston Jeg bør snakke med (Jennifer?). Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an email, I wonder if you know what company Enron uses to move people to Houston. Even though I haven't seen the formal offer, I should book a moving agent so I don't get stuck. Let me know if you know or if there's anyone in Houston I should talk to (Jennifer?). What was the subject line for this e-mail?
Write an email with the subject line "Contract sale idea".
Over $50mm listed below. I think Sempra or one of the producers would have interest in buying these contracts (obviously with a haircut) I will wait to hear from you how to move forward. Thanks CntrParty_NM CG_NM MTM Newark Group Inc., The CA-PG&E 10,229,801 Sutter Health System Procurement CA-PG&E 8,626,295 Tissurama Industries, Inc. CA-SOCAL Gas 4,600,862 Lockheed Martin Corporation CA-PG&E 4,451,494 Nissin Foods (USA) Co., Inc. CA-SOCAL Gas 4,204,934 Castaic Clay Manufacturing Co. CA-SOCAL Gas 4,049,547 Chroma Systems Partners CA-SOCAL Gas 3,926,683 Bay City Flower Co, Inc. CA-PG&E 3,361,741 Paradise Textile Corp. CA-SOCAL Gas 3,235,771 U.S. Dyeing & Finishing, Inc. CA-SOCAL Gas 3,076,664 Huntington Memorial Hospital CA-SOCAL Gas 2,957,537
Skriv en e-post med emnefeltet<unk> Omsetning av salgsartikkel<unk>
Write a mail containing subject field<unk> Turnover of article<unk>
Over vågen som er listet under. Jeg tror jeg eller en av produsentene ville hatt interesse av å kjøpe disse avtalene (åpenbart med frisyre) Jeg vil vente med å høre fra dere hvordan dere skal komme videre. Stencils
Over the risk listed below. I think I or one of the producers would be interested in buying these contracts (obviously with hairstyle) I will wait to hear from you how to move on. Cisco - IPTV switchStencils
Here is an email: Ken/Jeff: As part of the Culture Committee discussions, "Leadership" has been identified as an area of concern at Enron. There are of course many definitions of leadership and, as such, we would like to define leadership as it applies to Enron's culture and business objectives. As a result, we think it is important to meet with each of you to discuss your views of how "leadership at Enron" should be defined. We believe the best way to achieve this end is to discuss with each of you: 1. The criteria you used to choose Enron's current business leaders. 2. The attributes you believe Enron's leaders should possess. 3. Whether or not and to what extent you believe leadership impacts the bottom line at Enron? We would prefer to have this discussion with both of you together. But that may be an impossible task. I will speak with each of your assistants to arrange a convenient time to discuss these issues. Thanks What is a potential subject line for this email?
Leadership Subcommittee of Culture Committee
Her følger en e-post: Ken/Jeff: Som en del av kulturkomiteens diskusjoner er<unk>lederskap<unk> identifisert som et bekymringsområde i Enron. Det finnes selvsagt mange definisjoner av lederskap og som sådan vil vi gjerne definere lederskap som det gjelder Enrons kultur- og forretningsmål. Derfor synes vi det er viktig å møtes med hver og en av dere for å drøfte deres synspunkter på hvordan<unk>lederlederskap i Enron<unk> bør defineres. Vi tror den beste måten å oppnå dette målet på er å snakke med hver av dere: 1. Kriteriene du brukte for å velge Enrons forretningsledere. 2 . De du mener at Enrons ledere burde besitte. 3 . Hvorvidt og i hvilken utstrekning du tror at en leder påvirker slutten på Enron? Vi vil helst ha denne samtalen med dere begge sammen. Men det kan være en umulig oppgave. Jeg vil snakke med assistentene deres om å ordne et passende tidspunkt for å diskutere disse sakene. Hva er en mulig postlinje for denne e- posten?
Ken/Jeff: As part of the cultural committee's discussions, leadership is identified as a concern in Enron. Of course, there are many definitions of leadership and as such we would like to define leadership as it is for Enron's cultural and business goals. Therefore, we feel it is important to meet with each of you to discuss your views on how to define Enron<unk> leadership. We believe the best way to achieve this goal is to talk to each of you: 1. The criteria you used to pick Enron's business leaders. Two. The ones you believe Enron's leaders should possess. Three. How much and to what extent do you think a leader will affect the end of Enron? We'd rather have this conversation with both of you together. But it can be an impossible task. I want to talk to your assistants about setting up a suitable time to discuss these matters. What is a possible post line for this email?
Kulturkomiteens underkomité
Subcommittee of the Committee of Culture
Marilynn, We are fine with the suggested "Tax" language for the GISB. I would like to see this included in the Special Provisions. Please let me know if this is acceptable to you? Regards, Write a subject line for this email.
Marilynn, Vi har det bra med det foreslåtte språket<unk> tax<unk> for GISB. Jeg vil gjerne se dette tatt med i særbestemmelsene. Si fra hvis dette er akseptabelt for deg? Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
Marilynn, we're fine with the proposed language of the GISB. I'd like to see this included in the special regulations. Let me know if this is acceptable to you? Type a subject line for this email.
Write an email with the following subject: NYISO update
All, Please see my memo attached, which will update you on recent developments in the NYISO technical committees. As always, please call me if you have any questions. Regards,
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: NYISO update
Write a mail item containing the following subjects: NYISO update
Alle, se mitt notat vedlagt, som vil oppdatere dere om den nyere utviklingen i de tekniske komiteene til Det nye testamente (NYISO). Som alltid, ring meg hvis du har spørsmål. .,
Everyone, see my note attached, which will update you on recent developments in the New Testament Technical Committees. As always, call me if you have any questions. ..,
This is an email Attached is the latest draft of the PSA for Project 20/20 There are several schedules attached under which any exceptions to the representations and warranties of Seller (ENA) need to be disclosed. The following are the relevant sections (and its associated schedule) in the PSA and those persons who area of responsibility these sections fall under. Please review the relevant sections and provide any information which is relevant for that section and its associated schedule. If you have any questions please call me at (713) 853-3512. This transaction is still highly confidential and should not be discussed with any third parties. Section 3.1(b) - Noncontravention - Gerald Nemec, Rob Taylor Section 3.1(c) - Consent and Approvals - Rob Taylor Section 3.1(d) - Title to Membership Interest - Rob Taylor Section 3.1(g) - Capital Structure - Jim Coffey Section 3.1(i) - Financial Statements - Jim Coffey Section 3.1(k) - Absence of Certain Changes or Events - Jim Coffey (accounting related), Gerald Nemec (disputes), All others review also. Section 3.1(l) - Contracts and Agreements - Gerald Nemec Section 3.1(m) - Compliance with Laws; Permits - Ken Choyce, Ann Elizabeth, as they relate to EMS Section 3.1(n) - Title - Ann Elizabeth White, as it relates to EMS Section 3.1(o) - Condition of Property - Ken Choyce Section 3.1(p) - Litigation - Gerald Nemec Section 3.1(q) - No restrictions - Rob Taylor Section 3.1(r) - Taxes - Rhett Jackson Section 3.1(t) - Related Transactions - Gerald Nemec, Rob Taylor, Rhett Jackson Section 3.1(v) - Environmental Compliance - Ken Choyce, Ann Elizabeth Everyone please review all the reps, and warranties and let me know of any issues, but the above listed persons are primary points for these issues. If anyone listed above feels that someone other than themselves is more appropriate for providing this information, please let me know as soon as possible. Timing is critical on pulling together this information, so please provide this information by no later than Friday of this week. The PSA will be executed next week. Please let me know also if there are no issues. What is the subject of this email?
Project 20/20 PSA Schedules
Dette er en e-post som legges ved er det siste utkastet fra PSA for prosjekt 20/20 Det er flere oversikter vedlagt under hvilke det må opplyses om eventuelle unntak fra Sellers representasjoner og garantier (ENA). Følgende er de aktuelle avsnittene (og tilhørende tidsplan) i PSA og de personer som ansvarsområdet disse seksjonene faller inn under. Vennligst gjennomgå de relevante avsnittene og gi alle opplysninger som er relevante for nevnte avsnitt og tilhørende tidsplan. Hvis du har noen spørsmål, så ring meg på \"affa 853-35\" Denne transaksjonen er fortsatt fortrolig og bør ikke diskuteres med tredjemann. Seksjon 3.1 bokstav b) - Noncontravention - Gerald Nemec, Rob Taylor Section 3.1 bokstav c) - Consent and Susants - Rob Taylor Section 3.1(d) - Title to Medlemship Interest - Rob Taylor Seksjon 3.1(g) - Capital Struct - Jim Coffey Seksjon 3.1(i) - Financial Statements - Jim Coffey Seksjon 3.1(k) - Fravære av visse endringer eller hendelser - Jim Coffey (regnskap relatert), Gerald Nemec (diskusjoner), Alle andre omtale også. Seksjon 3.1 bokstav l) - Kontrakter og avtaler - Gerald Nemec Seksjon 3.1 bokstav m) - Samsvar med lover; Tillatelser - Ken Choyce, Ann Elizabeth, slik de forholder seg til EMS punkt 3.1 bokstav n) - Title - Ann Elizabeth White, som det gjelder EMS avsnitt 3.1(o) - Forhold for eiendom - Ken Choyce Seksjon 3.1(p) - Liginasjon - Gerald Nemec Seksjon 3.1(q) - Ingen begrensninger - Rob Taylor Seksjon 3.1(r) - Taxes - Rhett Jackson Seksjon 3.1(t) - Relaterte transaksjoner - Nemec, Rob Taylor, Rhett Jackson punkt 3.1(v) - Miljøoverhold - Kenyce, Elizabeth Everything review alle represalier, og la meg få vite om eventuelle saker, men de ovennevnte punktene er primære punkter for disse emisjonene. Hvis noen av de ovennevnte mener at en annen enn seg selv er mer egnet til å gi denne informasjonen, så si ifra så snart som mulig. Tidsberegning er avgjørende for å trekke sammen denne informasjonen, så gi denne informasjonen senest fredag i denne uken. PSA vil bli kjørt neste uke. La meg også få vite om det ikke er noen spørsmål. Hva er emnet for denne e- posten?
This is an e-mail attached to the latest draft from the PSA for Project 20/20. Several summaries are attached under which possible exemptions from Seller's representations and guarantees (ENA) need to be disclosed. The following are the relevant sections (and related timetable) of the PSA and the persons under whose responsibility these sections fall. Please review the relevant sections and provide all information relevant to that section and related timetable. If you have any questions, please call me at 853-356. This transaction remains confidential and should not be discussed with third parties. Section 3.1(b) - Noncontravention - Gerald Nemec, Rob Taylor Section 3.1(c) - Consent and Susants - Rob Taylor Section 3.1(d) - Title to Membership Interest - Rob Taylor Section 3.1(g) - Capital Struct - Jim Coffey Section 3.1(i) - Financial States - Jim Coffey Section 3.1(k) - Absence of certain changes or events - Jim Coffey (Account related accounts), Gerald Nemec (discustations), all other considerations as well. Section 3.1(l) Contracts and Agreements - Gerald Nemec Section 3.1(m) - Compliance with Laws; Permits - Ken Choyce, Ann Elizabeth, as they relate to EMS clause 3.1(n) - Title - Ann Elizabeth White, as it relates to EMS Section 3.1(o) - Relationships for Property - Ken Choyce Section 3.1(p) - Lignation - Gerald Nemec Section 3.1(q) - No restrictions - Rob Taylor Section 3.1(r) - Taxes - Rhet Jackson Section 3.1(t) - Related transactions - Nemec, Rob Taylor, Rhet Jackson item 3.1(v) - Environmental Overhold - Kenyce, Elizabeth Every Reviewer, and let me know of any issues, but the above items are primary items for these issues. If any of the above suggest that someone other than himself is more suitable to provide this information, let me know as soon as possible. Timing is essential for merging this information, so please provide this information by Friday of this week at the latest. PSA will be driven next week. Let me know, too, if there are no questions. What is the subject of this email?
Prosjekt 20/20 PSAS Planplaner
Project 20/20 PSAS Plannings
Zelda, I sent you 3 more boxes of TW files via UPS 3 day ground on Friday, January 11. These files were in Mary Darveaux's office. If you have any questions, please let me know. Generate a subject line for this email.
More TW Boxes
Zelda, jeg sendte deg tre esker TW filer til via UPS tre dager på bakken fredag den 11. januar. Disse filene lå på kontoret til Darveaux. Hvis du har noen spørsmål, så si ifra. Lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten.
Zelda, I sent you three boxes of TW files to via UPS three days on the ground on Friday, January 11. These files were in Darveaux's office. If you have any questions, let me know. Create a subject line for this email.
Mer TW Boxer
More TW Boxer
Today's mail brought the following news: 1. Metropolitan Water District: MWD has terminated Deal Nos. 790056.01 and 807275.01, effective December 12, 2001. There are two other one-month deals, one beginning in February and one in March. I am confirming with MWD that they intend to terminate those as well, as is required under the WSPP agreement. 2. City of Vernon: City of Vernon has terminated all deals effective December 27, 2001. 3. WAPA is retaining monies due Enron for post-November 30 deliveries while WAPA "assess[es its] set-off rights under the Bankruptcy Code and other applicable law." 4. City of Luzenac has suspended deliveries until January 15, 2002. 5. City of Burbank has terminated all transactions immediately. Write a subject line for this email.
West Power Counterparty Update: 12/31/01
Dagsposten kom med følgende nyheter: 1. Byritt: MWD har termin Deal Nos. 7 9005.01 og 807275.01. 30. desember 2001. Det er to andre en-måneders-avtaler, en som begynner i februar og en i mars. Jeg bekrefter med MWD at de også har til hensikt å avslutte dem, noe som kreves i henhold til WSPP-avtalen. 2 . Vernon by: City of Vernon har avsluttet alle avtaler, den 3. og den 3. desember, 27. desember 2001. 3 . WAPA beholder honorar mondions kontingent Entron for post-november 30 leveranser mens WAPA<unk>assess[es sin] motregningsrett i henhold til konkursloven og annen gjeldende lov<unk> Gud, eller, la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la, eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ting ting ting ting ting ting navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn navn, eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja sja eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller City of Luzenac har pendlingsår frem til 15. januar 2002. Ved ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting 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ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting ting Burbank har avsluttet alle transaksjoner umiddelbart. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
The day’s mail brought the following news: 1. Byritti: MWD is due due Deal Nos. 7,9005.01 and 807275.01 on 30 December 2001. There are two other one-month deals, one that starts in February and one in March. I confirm with MWD that they also intend to terminate them, as required by the WSPP Agreement. Two. Vernon City of Vernon has concluded all agreements, December 3rd and December 3, December 27, 2001. Three. WAPA retains fees mondion's duent Entron for post-November 30 deliveries while WAPA<unk>assess[es] right of set-off under bankruptcy law and other applicable law<unk> la or la or la or la la or la la or la la or la la or la la or la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la la or la la la la or la la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la la or la la la la or la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la or la la la la la or la la la or la la la or la la la la la or la la or la la la la la la or la la la or la or la la la or la la la la or la la or la la la or la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la or la la la or la la la or la or la la or la la la la or la or la or la la la la or la la la la or la or la or la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la la la la or la or la or la la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la la la la la or la la la la or la la la la la or la or la la la la la or la or la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la or la or la la la or la or la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la or la or la la or la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la or la la la or la or la or la la la or la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la la or la la la la la la la or la or la or la la or la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la or la or la or la or la la la la la or la la or la or la or la or la or la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la or la or la or la or la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la or la or la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la la or la or la or la or la or la la or la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la or la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la or la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la or la or la la la la la or la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la or la la la la or la or la or la or la la or la or la or la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la or la la la la la la la la or la The City of Luzenac has commuted wounds until January 15, 2002. 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things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things things Burbank has terminated all transactions immediately. Type a subject line for this email.
Vest-Trøndelag Oppdater: 12/31/01
West Member State Update: 12/31/01
What is the subject line for this email? Justin/Paul: The Houston contingent of Limited has a number of agreements which they would like to have executed. All ENA/Enron Corp. affiliate brokerage/futures agreements are signed by the Enron trading party TOGETHER WITH Ted Murphy (for control purposes). I am currently reviewing about 4-6 of these agreements. How should we handle review of the referenced agreements originating from Houston? Shall I continue to review? Do you have trading resoutions/authorized trader lists in place for Limited? I look forward to hearing from you. Sara Limited electronic trading agreements
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Justin/Paul: The Houston becontain of Limited har en rekke avtaler som de gjerne vil ha henrettet. Alle Ena/Enron Corps. tilknyttede megler-/framtidsavtaler er signert av Eronthwart party TÅGED YTTERLIGERE Ted Murphy (for kontrollformål). Jeg har for tiden en gjennomgang av 4-6 av disse avtalene. Hvordan bør vi behandle en oversikt over de omtalte avtalene i Houston? Skal jeg fortsette å klage? Har du lister over handels-/omsetningslister på plass for Jeg ser frem til å høre fra deg. _Tilpass
What is the subject line for this email? Justin/Paul, The Houston betain of Limited has a number of appointments that they would like executed. All Ena/Enron Corps. Related broker/future agreements are signed by Eronthwart party TOOLED FURTHER Ted Murphy (for control purposes). I currently have a review of 4-6 of these agreements. How should we deal with a review of the agreements mentioned in Houston? Do you want me to keep complaining? Do you have lists of trading/transfer lists in place of Enron I look forward to hearing from you. _Customize Iboende elektroniske handelsavtaler Intrinsic electronic trade agreements
This is the content of an email: Dear Phil Your online pledge has been made to United Way. If the following pledge information is correct, please take no action on this email. If this information is incorrect, please contact Dorothy Bodino (212-251-2443), immediately. What was the subject line for this email?
United Way Electronic Pledge Confirmation
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Kjære Phil Din nett-obligasjon er gitt til United Way. Dersom den følgende panteinformasjonen er korrekt, skal du ikke gjøre noe med denne e-posten. Dersom denne informasjonen er feil, ta kontakt med Dorothy Bodino (212-251-243 umiddelbart. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an email, "Dear Phil Your Internet Bond" has been given to United Way. If the following pawn information is correct, do not do anything with this e-mail. If this information is incorrect, contact Dorothy Bodino (212-251-243) immediately. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
United Way Electronic Pjetedge Bekreftelse
United Way Electronic Pytedge Confirmation
Dear Susan, We know how valuable your travel dollars are to you, so we wanted to let you know of a great way to save on airfare that you might not have taken advantage of yet. Join the Travelocity Preferred Traveler Program and receive $75 in cash rebate coupons on airline-ticket purchases. You can even save on flights already purchased within the last 14 days. So what are you waiting for? Enroll today in the program that lets you travel like an insider! Click here to learn more about how to save $75 on airline tickets. **OTHER FEATURED BENEFITS** *Free Companion Ticket on Qantas Airways Explore the wonders of Australia and bring a friend for FREE, for a limited time this fall. Best of all, with this ticket you can stopover at up to three destinations, including Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, and more. *Complimentary Airline Club Day Passes Receive VIP treatment at the airport--without putting in the VIP Write a subject line for this email.
Don't Wait! Receive $75 in Cash Rebates on Airline Tickets
Vi vet hvor verdifulle reisepengene dine er for deg, så vi ville fortelle deg om en god måte å spare på fly som du kanskje ikke har utnyttet ennå. Bli med i programmet «Reveleocity Preferred Traferred Traveler Program» og motta $75 i kontanter rebatere kuponger på kjøp av luftfartsselskap. Du kan til og med spare på flyginger som allerede er kjøpt i løpet av de siste 14 dagene. Hva venter du på? Ta i dag del i det programmet som lar deg reise som en inntrenger! Klikk her for å lære mer om hvordan du kan spare $75 på flybilletter. **ONRE BEDYTDYR** * Freeboanison Billet on Qantas Airways Utforsk Australias undere og ta med en venn til FREE, for en begrenset tid denne høsten. Det beste av alt, med denne billetten kan du stoppe ved opptil tre destinasjoner, deriblant Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne og flere. * complimentary Airline Club Day Passes Motta VIP-behandling på flyplassen - uten å sette i VIP-en Skriv en subjektlinje for denne e-posten.
We know how valuable your travel money is to you, so we wanted to tell you about a good way to save on planes that you may not have taken advantage of yet. Join the Traveled Travelling Program programme and receive $75 in cash discount coupons for the purchase of air carrier. You can even save on flights already purchased in the last 14 days. What are you waiting for? Share today in the program that allows you to travel as an intruder! Click here to learn more about how to save $75 on plane tickets. *Freeboanison Billet on Qantas Airways explore the wonders of Australia and take a friend to FREE for a limited time this fall. Best of all, with this ticket, you can stop at up to three destinations, including Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne, and more. * Complimentary Airline Club Day Passes Receive VIP treatment at the airport without putting in the VIP Write a subject line for this e-mail.
Ikke vent! Mottar kroner i kontanter Rebatt på flybilletter
Don't wait! Receives cash discounts on airline tickets
I know you probably don't have much time for emails right now, but are you still on for Sat.? Is Harry coming with you? Talk later. Propose a subject line for this email?
Jeg vet at du ikke har mye tid til e-post akkurat nå, men er du fortsatt på vei for å si fra? Blir Harry med deg? Snakk senere. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
I know you don't have much time for e-mail right now, but are you still on your way to tell me? Is Harry coming with you? Talk to me later. Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?