66 values
(1) In connection with Taffy's report, please note the following: Aquila Canada Corp. - follow up Christiania Bank - need to send for execution Ospraie - send revisions (2) Also, what have you heard from Laurie about the Australian ISDA's and brokerage agreements? We should begin incorporating into our database. If we use your assistant, we should input data during the regular business day. (3) I have Jason helping me on about seven different brokerage arrangements and will soon need appropriate backup to send together with execution copies. I am keeping dummy files until these are finalized. Propose a subject line for this email?
Legal/Credit meeting, etc.
I forbindelse med Taffys rapport, vennligst legg merke til følgende: Aquila Canada Corp. - oppfølging av Christiania Bank - behov for å sende ut henrettelse Ospraie - sende revisjoner (2) Også, hva har du hørt fra Laurie om de australske ISDA-ene og megleravtalene? Vi bør begynne å gå inn i databasen vår. Hvis vi bruker assistenten din, bør vi skrive inn data i løpet av den vanlige arbeidsdagen. (3) Jeg har Jason som hjelper meg om sju ulike megleravtaler og vil snart trenge passende sikkerhetskopi for å sende sammen med kopier av utførelsen. Jeg holder på narrefiler til disse er ferdige. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
In connection with the Tafphys report, please note the following: Aquila Canada Corp. - follow-up of the Christiania Bank - need to send out execution Ospraie - send revisions (2) Also, what have you heard from Laurie about the Australian ISDAs and the Realtorship Agreements? We should start accessing our database. If we use your assistant, we should enter data during the normal working day. (3) I have Jason helping me on seven different broker agreements and will soon need appropriate backup to send along with copies of the execution. I'll hold on to these fake files until they're done. Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
/Kredittmøte m.m.
/Credit meeting m.m.
Here is an email: Jeff, attached is an expanded 1st draft of the memo. I would like to keep this expanded format to show the progress that we have made in the group. Please make any changes and send back for the next round. After we both look at it 1 more time, we will circulate to the heads of the group for commentary. I would like to have them feel part of the memo. Mike What is a potential subject line for this email?
reorg draft
Her er en e-post: Jeff, vedlagt er en utvidet 1. utkast av notatet. Jeg vil gjerne beholde dette utvidede formatet for å vise fremgangen vi har gjort i gruppen. Gjør alle endringer og send tilbake til neste runde. Etter at vi begge har sett på det en gang til, vil vi nå se nærmere på gruppens hode for kommentar. Jeg vil gjerne at de skal føle seg som en del av notatet. Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e-posten?
Here's an e-mail: Jeff, attached is an extended first draft of the memo. I'd like to keep this expanded format to show the progress we've made in the group. Make any changes and send back to the next round. After considering it again, we will now consider the group’s head of comment. I'd like them to feel like part of the memo. What is a possible subject line for this e-mail?
a) , s, s, s
a) , s, s, s
Write an email with the subject line "Restricted List".
Neither EWS/RAC/EGF employees nor family members or others living in their household or financially dependent on the EWS/RAC/EGF employee may purchase or sell securities of any entity (or derivatives thereof) listed on the Restricted List for your or their personal or related accounts or recommend the purchase or sale of such securities to any person, except with the prior approval of the Compliance Department in consultation with the ENA Legal Department. In addition to the trading restrictions above, should you at any time possess non-public material information about any public company, you, your family members and anybody that is financially dependent on you, are restricted from trading in that issue, and you may not disclose the non-public material information to anyone that does not have a business need to know. With respect to investments in privately held companies, you are responsible for complying in all respects with the policy entitled "Conflicts of Interest, Investments, and Outside Business Interests of Officers and Employees" in the July, 2000 Enron Corp. Code of Ethics. Please consult the Compliance Department with any questions you may have regarding a potential investment in a privately-held company. Company Name Stock Symbol 3 TEC Energy Corp. TTEN Active Power ACPW Adrian Resources ADRRF Applied Terravision Systems, Inc. TER CanFibre Group Ltd. CFGL Carrizo Oil & Gas Inc. CRZO Catalytica Energy Systems, Inc. CESI Crown Energy CROE CyNet, Inc. CYNE Enserco Energy Service Company, Inc. ERC eSpeed, Inc. ESPD FuelCell Energy, Inc. FCEL Hanover Compressor Co. HC ICE Drilling Enterprises Inc. IDF Impact Energy IEY Industrial Holdings, Inc. IHII Kafus Environmental Industries, Inc. KS KCS Energy KCS Nakornthai Strip Mill Public Co Ltd NSM SET Paladin Resources PLC PLR LD Southwest Royalties SWROY Syntroleum Corp. SYNM Tejon Ranch Corp. TRC TransCoastal Marine Services, Inc. TCMS Verado VRDO The Restricted List is solely for the internal use of EWS/RAC/EGF. No one may engage in discussions regarding whether a security is or is not on the Restricted List with persons outside EWS/RAC/EGF without specific clearance from the Compliance Department in consultation with the ENA Legal Department. No employee of any Enron Business Unit may engage in the trading of any Position for the benefit of any party other than an Enron Business Unit (whether for their own account or for the account of any third party) where such Position relates to (i) any financial instrument, security, financial asset or liability which falls within such employee's responsibility at an Enron Business Unit, or (ii) any other commodity not covered by (i) included in any Commodity Group. Position shall mean, collectively, the risk components (including, but not limited to, price risk, basis risk, index risk, credit risk and liquidity risk) of all products (commodities, financial instruments, securities, equities, financial assets or liabilities) which have been authorized for trading in the Enron Corp. Risk Management Policy, any of the Enron Corp. Policies or approved for trading through any amendments to this Policy. The prohibitions listed above do not replace or modify the policies set forth in EWS's Policies and Procedures Regarding Confidential Information and Securities Trading, Enron Corp.'s Risk Management Policy, or Enron Corp.'s Code of Ethics . Should you have any questions regarding the above, please contact me at ext. 31939
Skriv inn en e-post med emnelinjen<unk>Send inn en liste<unk>
Enter a mail using the subject line<unk>Send a list<unk>
Verken EWS/RAC/EGF-ansatte eller familiemedlemmer eller andre som bor i deres husholdning, eller som er avhengige av EWS/RAC/EGF-arbeidstakeren, kan kjøpe eller selge verdipapirer av ethvert foretak (eller derivater av dette) som er oppført på den begrensede listen over dine eller deres personlige eller tilknyttede regnskaper, eller anbefale kjøp eller salg av slike verdipapirer til enhver person, med unntak av en forutgående godkjenning av ansvarsavdelingen i samråd med Det europeiske kontor for arbeidsformidling. I tillegg til de ovennevnte handelsgrensene bør du på ethvert tidspunkt besitte opplysninger om ikke-offentlig materiale om ethvert offentlig selskap, du, din familie og enhver i din familie som er avhengig av deg, være fritatt for notering i dette emisjonen, og du kan ikke offentliggjøre opplysninger om det ikke-offentlige materialet til noen som ikke har et forretningsmessig behov for å vite det. Når det gjelder investeringer i private selskaper, har du ansvar for i alle henseender å overholde de politiske retningslinjene «Retningsavtaler om interesser, investeringer og utenfor næringsvirksomhet» i juli 2000 Enron Corp. Code of Ethics. Kontakt etterspørslene med eventuelle spørsmål du måtte ha om mulig potensiell investering i et privat selskap. Selskapets navn: STORE VRORTOFFET SALG SALGSDRETTIG eller VORDET STORE LEGEMIDDELL FOR TRENDI SIKKERHETSOMRAKTA STORT STORRIKT STORRIV STORBREG BOKS. CFZZL Carrizo Oil & Gas Inc. CRZO Catalytica Energy Systems, Inc. CESI Crown Energy CROE CyNett, Inc. CYNE Enserco Energy Service Company Inc. ERC eSpeed, Inc. ESPDCell, Inc. ESPD BrenCell Energy Energy, Inc. FCEL HannOver Comprector Co. HC ICE I Drilling Enterprises Inc. I DRIF VLLLLLLLLLD LD SYRIGRE. SJORM SJORNM RETS ROCORGORW er det private selskaps SIKKER. Ingen kan delta i drøftinger om hvorvidt et verdipapir er eller ikke er oppført på den begrensede listen sammen med personer utenfor EWS/RAC/EGF uten særskilt klarering fra Oppfølgingsavdelingen i samråd med ENA-rettsmedisinsk avdeling. Ingen ansatt i et foretak for en overtrederforetak kan utøve noen posisjonshandel til fordel for en annen part enn en foretakssammenslutning (for egen regning eller for en tredjemanns regning) når en slik posisjon gjelder i) ethvert finansielt instrument, verdipapir, finansiell eiendel eller ansvar som faller inn under slikt ansvar i en en eneeiers forretningsenhet, eller i) enhver annen råvare som ikke er omfattet av i) som er inkludert i et konsern av handelsforetak. Med posisjon menes samlet sett de risikokomponentene (herunder, men ikke begrenset til, prisrisiko, basisrisiko, indeksrisiko, kredittrisiko og likviditetsrisiko) for alle produkter (kompmoditeter, finansielle instrumenter, verdipapirer, egenkapital, finansielle eiendeler eller forpliktelser) som er godkjent for notering i energent korrav. risikohåndteringspolitikk, enhver av overtrederkorpsjonene eller godkjent for notering gjennom alle endringer i denne politikken. De ovennevnte forbudene erstatter eller endrer ikke de retningslinjer som er fastsatt i EWS' Politics and Prosedyres Reciliationing Confidential Information and Securities Trading, Enron Corp.'s risikohåndteringspolitikk eller Enron Corp.'s Code of Ethics . Kan du be om noen spørsmål om ovennevnte, vennligst kontakt meg på stedet. 3 av 1 7
Neither the EWS/RAC/EGF employees, nor the members of their family, nor others living in their household, nor dependent on the EWS/RAC/EGF employee, may purchase or sell securities by any undertaking (or derivatives thereof) listed in the limited list of your or their personal or related accounts, nor recommend the purchase or sale of such securities to any person, except for the prior approval of the department of liability in consultation with the European Employment Office. In addition to the above trade limits, you should at any time have information on non-public material relating to any public company, you, your family and any member of your family who depends on you should be exempt from trading in this issue, and you cannot make public information about the non-public material of anyone who does not have a commercial need to know. In the case of investments in private companies, you are responsible for complying in all respects with the policy guidelines ‘Instruction Agreements on Interests, Investments and Non-traffic Activities’ in July 2000, Enron Corp. Code of Ethics. Contact the requests with any questions you might have about potential investment in a private company. The name of the company: STORE VRORTOFFED SALE SAGGORGORY OR WORTH MEDICAL PRODUCT FOR THIRD SAFETY SHORT-RACE STRICKRIGHT STORREG. CFZL Carrizo Oil & Gas Inc. CRZO Catalytica Energy Systems, Inc. CESI Crown Energy CROE CyNet, Inc. CYNE Enserco Energy Service Company Inc. ERC eSped, Inc. ESPDCell, Inc. ESPD BrenCell Energy Energy, Inc. FCELn Comprector. No one may participate in discussions on whether or not a security is listed in the limited list with persons outside the EWS/RAC/EGF without specific clearance from the follow-up department in consultation with the ENA legal medical department. No employee of an undertaking for an offender may exercise any positioning for the benefit of a party other than a concentration (for its own account or for the account of a third party) when such a position applies to (i) any financial instrument, security, financial asset or liability that falls within such liability in the business unit of a sole proprietor, or (i) any other commodity not covered by (i) included in a group of trading firms. Position means the overall risk components (including, but not limited to, price risk, basic risk, index risk, credit risk and liquidity risk) of all products (compodies, financial instruments, securities, equity, financial assets or liabilities) that are authorised for trading in the sole correl. risk management policy, any of the violators or authorised for trading through any amendment to this policy. _Specify... If you could ask for a few questions about the above, please contact me on site. 3 of 17
This is the content of an email: The STCA desk will be short 75 MW on peak at NP-15 on 1/4. This is due to two sales involving the STNW desk and one involving LTWM which have been zeroed out in scheduling but not in EnPower. All three are for 25 MW on peak. Thanks, What was the subject line for this email?
STCA Forward Ob Position - 1/4
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: STCA-pulten vil bli kort 75 MW på topp i NP-15 på 1/4. Dette skyldes to salg som omfatter STANW-pulten og en LTWM som har blitt nullstilt i ruteplanlegging, men ikke i kraft. Alle tre ligger for 25 MW på topp. Takk, hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an e-mail: the STCA desk will be short 75 MW on top of NP-15 at 1/4. This is due to two sales involving the STANW desk and an LTWM that has been reset in timetable but not in force. All three of them are 25 MW high. Thank you. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
STCAA-STØDER <unk> 1/4
STCAA EYES <unk> 1/4
Mr. Hodge, At the recommendation of Eric Boyt, I forwarded you a copy of my resume last month in hopes of getting it passed on regarding a legal analyst position posted on the Enron web site. I appreciate your efforts to forward it on to the people who posted the position. I am writing to request that if you are aware of any other openings that could use a person with my skills set, I would greatly appreciate it if you could forward on my resume. In case you lost the previous email, I will attach my resume to the bottom of this email. Again, I want to thank you for all of your assistance. Write a subject line for this email.
Employment Opportunities
Mr. Hodge, etter anbefaling fra Eric Boyt, sendte jeg deg en kopi av min CV i forrige måned i håp om å få den videreført angående en juridisk analytiker stilling lagt ut på Enron webside. Jeg setter pris på innsatsen for å videreformidle den til de som sto for stillingen. Jeg skriver for å be om at hvis du er oppmerksom på andre åpninger som kan bruke en person med mine ferdigheter, vil jeg sette stor pris på om du kan videre på min CV. Dersom du har mistet den forrige e-posten, vil jeg legge min CV i bunnen av denne e-posten. Igjen vil jeg takke deg for all din hjelp. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
Mr. Hodge, on Eric Boyt's recommendation, I sent you a copy of my CV last month in hopes of getting it passed on to a legal analyst position on Enron website. I appreciate the effort to pass it on to those who stood for the job. I am writing to ask that if you are aware of other openings that can use a person with my skills, I would appreciate it very much if you could move on to my résumé. If you have lost your previous e-mail, I will place my CV at the bottom of this e-mail. Once again, I want to thank you for all your help. Type a subject line for this email.
Here is an email: Hi guys, When I was down several weeks ago, you guys indicated that a few more golf shirts would be helpful to building the team. Let me know how many, what sizes, and black or white? I can send some more your way. Thanks, What is a potential subject line for this email?
Adaytum Golf Shirts
Her er en e-post: Hei gutta, da jeg var nede for flere uker siden, dere karer indikerte at noen flere golfskjorter ville være til hjelp for å bygge laget. La meg vite hvor mange, hvilke størrelser, og svart eller hvit? Jeg kan sende flere til deg. Takk, hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e-posten?
Hey, guys, when I was down weeks ago, you guys indicated that some more golf shirts would help build the team. Let me know how many, what sizes, and black or white? I can send you more. Thank you, what is a possible subject line for this e-mail?
Adagtum Golfverk
A daytum Golf mills
Write a subject line for this message: Mike: I have discussed your proposed language with Brant Reves, our credit person, and we are okay with the concept except that we would like for the ratings trigger to be based only on either a drop in the S&P rating or a failure to have an S&P rating. In addition, Brant has advised me that should we put in place a CSA, that the following would be the credit matrix for collateral threshold: BB to BB+ $2,500,000 Below BB Zero I look forward to hearing from you. Should we send you our form of Credit Support Annex?
MAC Language
Skriv et emne for denne beskjeden: Mike: Jeg har drøftet ditt foreslåtte språk med Brant Reves, vår kredittperson, og vi er enige med konseptet, bortsett fra at vi gjerne vil at seerutløseren bare skal være basert på enten et fall i S&P-ratingen eller en feil i å ha en S&P-rating. I tillegg har Brant fortalt meg at hvis vi setter på en sikkerhetsrisiko, at følgende vil være kredittmatrisen for sikkerhetsterskelen: BB til BB+ $2 500 000 000 under BB Zero ser jeg fram til å høre fra deg. Skal vi sende deg vår form av vedlegg til denne forordning?
Write a subject for this message: Mike: I have discussed your proposed language with Brant Reves, our credit person, and we agree with the concept, except that we would like the viewer to be based on either a fall in the S'P's or an error in having an S'P's. In addition, Brant has told me that if we put on a security risk, the following will be the credit matrix for the security threshold: BB to BB plus $2,500,000 under BB Zero I look forward to hearing from you. Shall we send you our form of attachment to this Regulation?
MAC vær;
MAC ram;
This is the content of an email: As I mentioned in my voice-mail, this needs to go somewhere that users might actually see it - e.g. a news ticker story. Simply adding it to the Legal & Privacy Statement, while helpful, is not sufficient. EnronOnline will assist users, upon request, in arranging for direct access connection (such as a "T1" line or other means of direct access) to EnronOnline, as an alternative to internet access. Direct access connections might enable users to access EnronOnline more quickly than is currently possible through internet access. What was the subject line for this email?
Direct Access Disclaimer Language
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Som nevnt i min talemelding, må dette gå et sted som brukerne faktisk kan se det - f.eks. en historie om det som har skjedd. Det er ikke tilstrekkelig å legge det inn i erklæringen om rett og personvern, og samtidig være til hjelp. Enrononline vil på anmodning hjelpe brukerne til å få direkte tilgang til EnronOnline (for eksempel en «T-linje» eller andre måter å få direkte tilgang til EnronOnline på, som et alternativ til tilgang til Internett. Direkte tilgangsforbindelser kan gjøre det mulig for brukere raskere å få tilgang til EnronOnline enn det som er mulig på det nåværende tidspunkt gjennom tilgang til Internett. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an e-mail: as mentioned in my voice message, this must go somewhere that users can actually see it - e.g. a story of what's happened. It is not sufficient to include it in the statement of right and privacy and to help. Enrononline will on request help users to access EnronOnline directly (e.g. a ‘T-line’ or other means of accessing EnronOnline directly as an alternative to accessing the Internet. Direct access connections may allow users to access EnronOnline faster than is currently possible through Internet access. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
Direkteinnlanslært språk (Retit&N direkteinnlans och direkteinnførsel, fra Det Norske språk:
Direct language (Retit=N direct entry, from the Norwegian language:
Write an email with the following subject: EIM Group Links
Hi All, Below are the EIM group links that were created in GCP. Please make sure these group links are added when creating new cp's or address roles. EIM - Financial EIM - Physical EIM Brokers EIM Products Exchange
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: EIM-gruppelenker
Compose an email containing the following subjects: EIM group links
Hei alle, under er EIM-gruppens lenker som ble opprettet i GCP. Pass på at disse gruppelenkjene blir lagt til når det lages nye cp-er eller adresseroller. EIM-EIM-EIM-FEMEMIM<unk> EIM<unk> EIM<unk> EIM<unk> EIM<unk> EIM<unk> EIM<unk> EIM<unk> EIM<unk> EIM<unk> EIM-varehandel
Hello everyone, below are the EIM group links created in the GCP. Make sure that these group links are added when creating new cps or address roles. EIM-EIM-EIM-FEMIM<unk> EIM<unk> EIM<unk> EIM<unk> EIM<unk> EIM<unk> EIM<unk> EIM<unk> EIM<unk> EIM<unk> EIM<unk> EIM commodity trade
Write an email with the following subject: Williams Energy News Live Interview on Mastio's Natural Gas Marketer Customer Satisfaction Study
The 2001 results of Natural Gas Marketer Customer Satisfaction by Mastio & Company. Mastio & Company's Vice President, Bart Thedinger recently appeared on Williams Energy News Live to discuss the results of Mastio's most recent report on Natural Gas Marketer Customer Satisfaction. Which gas marketers excel in customer service? Click here ( to discover the results of what key decision makers who purchase nearly 90% of the natural gas sold in North America think. "Customer Satisfaction Matters with Winning Companies"
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Williams Energy News Live Intervju om Mastios Natural Gas Marketer Kunde Tilfredshetsstudie
Write an e-mail on the following subject: Williams Energy News Live Interview on Mastios Natural Gas Marketer Kunde Contentment Study
Resultater 2001 fra Naturgass Markederkunde Kundetilfredsstillelse av Mastio & Company. Mastio & Company's visepresident, Bart Thedinger nylig dukket opp på Williams Energy News Live for å diskutere resultatene av Mastios nyeste rapport om Naturgassmarkedsfører Kundetilfredsstillelse. Hvilke av de som markedsfører gass, er bedre stilt i kundeservice? Klikk her ( for å oppdage resultatene av hva viktige beslutningstakere som kjøper nesten 90 % av naturgassen som selges i Nord-Amerika tenker. <unk>Sjøfaktens Tilfredshed med Vinningselskaper <unk>
Results 2001 from Natural Gas Market Customer Customer Satisfaction with Mastio & Company. Mastio & Company's Vice President, Bart Thedinger, recently appeared on Williams Energy News Live to discuss the results of Mastio's latest report on Natural Gas Market Master Kunde satisfaction. Which one of those marketing gas is better off in customer service? Click here ( to discover the results of important decision makers buying almost 90% of the natural gas sold in North America. <unk> Seafarer's Satisfaction with Wine Company <unk>
Attached final (?) numbers for invoice ?? We will need to cash out (ENA buy) the 12 dt remaining balance. Can you review prior to departing ? Also to confirm 5/3 - purchased 4250 at gate at $4.90. Propose a subject line for this email?
Sluttvedlagt (?) tall for faktura ? ? Vi må betale (ENA-kjøp) 12 dt. gjenværende saldo. Kan du gjennomgå det før avgang? Det er også blitt bekreftet at det er blitt kjøpt 5/3 4 250 dollar i port på 4 kroner. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Final (?) numbers for the invoice? - Yeah. We have to pay (ENA purchase) 12 of the remaining balance. Can you go through it before departure? It has also been confirmed that $5/3,4250 has been purchased in a gate of $4.00. Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
Dan, Attached are the amendments drafts for the Gas Purchase Agreement and the Gathering Agreement. Revised Exhibit As which include the Caballo area need to be created. Also John Crecink with MTG needs to provide the list of lease in the added reserve areas. Generate a subject line for this email.
MTG Amendments
Dan, vedlagt er endringsutkastene for avtale om kjøp av gass og avtale om avtale om avtale om pakking av verdipapirer. Det er nødvendig å opprette en utstilling som omfatter Caballo - området. Også John Crecinck med MTG må stå for listen over leieavtaler i områdene med tilleggsreserver. Lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten.
Dan, attached to the draft amendments for the purchase of gas and the contract for the contract for the packaging of securities. It is necessary to create an exhibition that includes the Caballo area. Even John Crecinck with MTG must be responsible for the list of leases in the areas of additional reserves. Create a subject line for this email.
Endringer av MTG-endringer
Changes to MTG changes
Write an email with the following subject: NEPCO Project Status
Louise and John, Attached is an EXCEL file with the status of NEPCO's portfolio of projects at September 30, 2001. Please contact me if you require additional information. Regards,
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: NEPCO Project Status
Post an email with the following subject: NEPCO Project Status
Louise and John, Attached er en EXCEL fil med status som NEPCOs portefølje av prosjekter ved 30. september 2001. Vennligst kontakt meg dersom du trenger ytterligere informasjon. .,
Louise and John, Attached is an EXCEL file with status as NEPCO's portfolio of projects by 30 September 2001. Please contact me if you need further information. ..,
Here is an email: We currently have an opening as an administrative assistant in the Government and Regulatory Affairs department reporting to Paul Kaufman and Alan Comnes. If you are interested in this position, please let Amy FitzPatrick know by close of business on Friday, September 21. 2001. The ideal candidate will support members of the Government and Regulatory Affairs team and perform the following complex administrative duties: Answer and screen phone calls, handle client requests, greet external clients, and build business relationships Compose memos, reports and other correspondence from a brief outline, "sketchy" draft or verbal instruction Code invoices, process complex expense reports, and manage employee timekeeping through SAP Make travel/meeting arrangements based on minimal instruction and periodically make independent decisions on details such as travel schedules, mode of transportation, and accommodation. Monitor and control filing systems ensuring accuracy and efficient retrieval of data. The successful candidate will be detail oriented, have good organizational skills and possess the ability to work in a fast-paced environment with multiple concurrent assignments. At least 5 years of secretarial/administrative experience and above average communication and interpersonal skills is required. Excellent typing, proofreading, spelling and grammatical skills, and strong PC skills with Work, Excel, and PowerPoint are a must. The ability to identify work priorities and function with very little supervision is essential. What is a potential subject line for this email?
Available Opportunity - September 17, 2001 (Government and Regulatory Affairs - Administrative Assistant Opening)
Her er en e-post: Vi har for tiden en åpning som administrasjonsassistent i regjeringen og reguleringssaker som rapporterer til Paul Kaufman og Alan Comnes. Dersom du er interessert i denne posisjonen, vennligst la Amy FitzPatrick få vite det innen en avtale om kvelden fredag den 21. september. darv Den ideelle kandidaten vil støtte medlemmer av gruppen av regjerings- og reguleringssaker, og utføre følgende komplekse administrative oppgaver: Svar og skjermtelefoner, håndtere anmodninger om kunder, møte eksterne kunder, og bygge opp forretningsrelasjoner Kommunisere notater, rapporter og annen korrespondanse fra et kort kort kart,<unk> utkast til eller lov om muntlig undervisning, fakturaer, prosesskomplekse kostnadsrapporter, og håndtere arbeidstids fra SAP Make reiser/møteordninger basert på minimal undervisning og periodiske uavhengige beslutninger om opplysninger som reiseplaner, transportmåter og innkvartering. Overvåkings- og kontrollsentralsystemer for sikre at dataene er nøyaktige og sikres på en effektiv måte og at de hentes på en sikker måte. Den fremgangsrike kandidaten vil være detaljorientert, ha gode organisasjonsferdigheter og ha evne til å arbeide i et rasktpaserte miljø med flere samtidige oppgaver. Det kreves minst fem års sekretariatserfaring/administrativ erfaring og over gjennomsnittet av kommunikasjons- og mellommenneskekunnskaper i løpet av minst fem år. Glimrende skrive-, korrektur-, rettskriving- og grammatiske ferdigheter, og sterke PC-ferdigheter med Verk, Excel og PowerPoint er en må. Det er viktig å ha mulighet til å identifisere arbeidsprioriteringer og fungere med svært lite tilsyn. Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Here's an e-mail, we currently have an opening as the administrative assistant of the government and regulatory matters reporting to Paul Kaufman and Alan Comnes. If you're interested in this position, please let Amy FitzPatrick know within an appointment on Friday, September 21. edrv The ideal candidate will support members of the Government and Regulatory Group and perform the following complex administrative tasks: answering and screenphones, handling requests for customers, meeting external customers, and building business relationships Communicating notes, reports and other correspondence from a short map,<unk> drafts or oral instruction laws, invoices, process complex cost reports, and managing working hours from SAP Make travel/meeting arrangements based on minimal education and periodic independent decisions on information such as travel plans, modes of transport and accommodation. Monitoring and control centre systems to ensure that data are accurate and effectively secured and are safely retrieved. The successful candidate will be detailed, have good organizational skills and have the ability to work in a fast-pacing environment with several simultaneous tasks. At least five years of secretariat experience/administrative experience and above the average of communication and interpersonal knowledge is required over at least five years. Excellent writing, proofing, correcting, grammatical skills, and powerful computer skills with Worker, Excel and PowerPoint are a must. It is important to have the ability to identify work priorities and to function with very little supervision. What is a possible topic line for this email?
Mulighet<unk> September 17, 2001 (Regjering og reguleringssaker<unk> Administrativ assisterende åpning)
Opportunity<unk> September 17, 2001 (Regulation and regulatory matters<unk> Administrative Assistant Opening)
Dear Jason Wolfe, The electronic funds transfer from your bank account to your PayPal account for the amount of $44.00 has been completed. The funds are now reflected in your PayPal account balance. Thank you for using PayPal, Generate a subject line for this email.
Bank Account Transfer Complete
Jason Wolfe, overdragelsen fra kontoen din til din konto for skattepenger for 4/4.00 er fullført. Midlene gjenspeiles nå i din konto for Payback. Takk for at dere bruker PayPal. Lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten.
Jason Wolfe, the transfer from your account to your tax account for $4.400 is complete. The funds are now reflected in your Payback account. Thank you for using PayPal.
Bankkontokontokreditttransaksjoner (...)
Bank account credit transactions (...)
Here is an email: Dear Team, The Fundamental Analysis Team is developing a presentation database that will: Creating a centralized repository of presentations that are current for each commodity group Better document management - multiple users can simultaneously view and select various slides. This will increase speed of presentation development since users can email their selected information to the development team. Add to Cart feature - allow employees to select the slides they need from various presentations and email it to their inboxes. Provide standardized formats and up-to-date information We are in the process of developing a program that will encompass the benefits above. In the meantime, a temporary database has been created in the o:/Industrial Markets/Fundamentals/Presentation Database. The database is divided in to commodity groups and specific topics. Please forward me any presentations that you are currently using and I will add them to this database. If you have any questions, please call me. Thank you, What is a potential subject line for this email?
Presentation Database
Her er en e-post: Kjære lag, det Fundamentalanalyselaget utvikler en presentasjonsdatabase som vil: å lage et overlappende pakkearkiv av presentasjoner som er aktuelle for hver råvaregruppe Bedre dokumentstyring<unk> flere brukere kan samtidig se på og velge forskjellige lysbilder. Dette vil øke hastigheten på presentasjonsutviklingen siden brukerne kan sende sine utvalgte e-postinformasjoner til utviklingsteamet. Legg til « Cart feature » - lar de ansatte velge de lysbildene de trenger fra forskjellige presentasjoner og sende dem til innboksene sine. Gi standardiserte formater og oppdatert informasjon Vi er i ferd med å utvikle et program som vil inneholde fordelene ovenfor. I mellomtiden er det opprettet en vikardatabase i o:/Industrimarkeds-/stoffdatabase. Databasen er delt inn i råvaregrupper og spesifikke emner. Vennligst gi meg alle presentasjoner du bruker og jeg vil legge dem til i denne databasen. Hvis du har noen spørsmål, så ring meg. Takk, hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e-posten?
Here is an email: Dear layer, the fundamental analysis team develops a presentation database that will: creating an overlapping repository of presentations that are relevant to each commodity group; better document management<unk> several users can simultaneously view and choose different slides. This will increase the speed of presentation development since users can send their selected e-mail information to the development team. Add the Cart feature - lets the employees select the slides they need from different presentations and send them to their inboxes. Provide standardised formats and updated information We are developing a program that will contain the benefits above. In the meantime, a temporary database is established in o:/Industrial market/substance database. The database is divided into commodity groups and specific subjects. Please give me all the presentations you use and I will add them to this database. If you have any questions, call me. Thank you, what is a possible subject line for this e-mail?
Det er ikke noen by i dag, og det er ikke snakk om noen land
There is no city today, and there is no country involved.
What is the subject line for this email? To all of the Victims of Genia's Pranks: It's time to get her back for all of the pain, anguish and embarrassment that Genia has caused us! If we approach this as a group, we can get her good. Does anyone have any ideas? I'm game for anything!! !
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Det er på tide å få henne tilbake for all den smerte, smerte og forlegenhet Genia har påført oss! Hvis vi nærmer oss dette som gruppe, kan vi få henne godt. Er det noen som har noen ideer? Jeg er med på hva som helst!!! knu eller knu (null) , eller , knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu ( (null eller eller eller eller eller (kr) , knu eller knu eller knu eller eller knu eller eller eller knu eller eller eller eller eller eller ( (k) , eller knu eller eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller , eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( (n) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (ukk)))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))) eller eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (de)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) eller ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
What is the subject line for this email? It's time to get her back for all the pain, pain and embarrassment that Genia has caused us! If we approach this as a group, we can get her good. Anybody got any ideas? I'm down for anything! () or () () ( () or ( () ( () ( () or ( () ( () or ( () ( ( () or ( () ( ()) ( ( () or ( ()) ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or) or ( ( ( or)) ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or)) or ( ( ( ( or or or) or ( ( () or or ( ( or or or or or or ( ( ()) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ()))) or ( ( ( or or or or or ( ( () or or) or ( () or or ( () or) or or ( () or or or or ( () or or) or ( () or) or or ( ( or or) or ( or) or ( or) or ( ( ( or) or) or) or or ( or or or or or) or) or ( ( or or) or ( ( or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or) ( ( () or) or) or) or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or or
This is the content of an email: Fellas: Enjoyed the weekend with you all immensely. I think Travis and Don Jr. are my new benchmarks for late night longevity, and Don. Sr. is my new benchmark for marksmanship from a seated position. I want to make you all aware of a new organization that I have helped start up. The Saltwater Conservation Association of Texas was founded to give Texans a new conservation resource that is dedicated solely to the coast of Texas. We are a 501 (c) 3, non-profit, and we have no paid staff. Our goal for the next 3-5 years is to assist TPWD in their effort to retire as many commercial shrimping licenses as possible, as Texas shrimpers now accumulate around 80 million pounds of bycatch annually. This bycatch includes an incredible amount of flounder and croaker, not to mention numerous forage fish for trout and reds. We are an authorized agent of TPWD, whereby we can solicit bids from shrimpers, purchase their license, and then hand it over to TPWD. The program is intended to target bay shrimping (not bait shrimping) as the bay shrimpers drag their nets for hours on end, whereas the bait shrimpers usually only drag for around 20 minutes or so. To make a long story short, the effect of thousands of chains dragging across the bays on a daily basis is not good for the ecosystem. I hope you will all consider becoming a Founding Father. If not, then any level of sponsorship is certainly appreciated. Details of our organization and sponsorship levels can be found at our website - - or you can call direct at 512-392-1256. You can join online or print an application and mail it in. Thanks for your consideration, and once again I really enjoyed the weekend with you all. Take care. Sincerely, What was the subject line for this email?
New Saltwater Conservation Organization
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Dere: Nyt helgen med dere alle sammen. Jeg tror at Travis og Don Jr. er mine nye referanseverdier for langt liv sent på kvelden, og Don. Sr. er min nye referanse for skyteteknikk fra en plass. Jeg vil gjøre dere alle oppmerksom på en ny organisasjon som jeg har vært med på å starte opp. Saltwater Conservation Association of Texas ble grunnlagt for å gi Texans en ny bevaringsressurs som utelukkende er viet kysten av Texas. Vi er en 501 (c) 3, non-profit, og vi har ingen lønnet stab. Vårt mål de neste årene er å bistå TPWD i deres forsøk på å trekke tilbake så mange kommersielle rekelisenser som mulig, ettersom Texas-rekefiskere nå akkumulerer seg rundt 80 millioner pund bycatch årlig. Denne bifangsten omfatter utrolig mye flyndre og kråker, for ikke å snakke om tallrik fornalderfisk for ørret og rødrev. Vi er en autorisert agent for TPWD, som vi kan be om bud fra reker, kjøpe deres lisens, og deretter gi det til TPWD. Programmet er ment å rette seg mot bayrekefiske (ikke återekefiske) ettersom bayrekerne drar med seg nettene sine i timevis i strekk, mens agnrekerne vanligvis bare drar i rundt 20 minutter eller så. For å gjøre en lang historie kort, er effekten av tusenvis av kjetting som drar over buktene på døgnbasis ikke bra for økosystemet. Jeg håper at dere alle vil vurdere å bli en Faderen til å finne. Hvis ikke, er det ikke tvil om at et hvilket som helst sponsingsnivå blir satt pris på. Detaljer om vår organisering og våre sponsorer finnes på vår nettside - eller du kan ringe direkte på våre nettsider - - eller du kan ringe direkte på 512-392-1256. Du kan bli med eller skrive ut et program på nettet, og sende det inn. Takk for at dere tar hensyn til meg, og enda en gang likte jeg virkelig å være sammen med dere. Ha det bra. Hva var egentlig emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an email, you guys, enjoy the weekend with all of you. I think Travis and Don Jr. are my new benchmarks too long at night, and Don. Sr. is my new reference for firing technique from a location. I want to alert you all to a new organization that I have helped to start. The Saltwater Conservation Association of Texas was founded to give Texans a new conservation resource dedicated exclusively to the Texas coast. We're a 501 (c)3, non-profit, and we have no paid staff. Our goal for the next few years is to assist TPWD in their efforts to withdraw as many commercial shrimp licences as possible, as Texas fishermen now accumulate around 80 million pounds of citycat annually. This bee catch involves an incredible amount of flounder and crows, let alone numerous forage fish for trout and red foxes. We're a licensed agent for TPWD, who we can ask for shrimp bids, buy their license, and then give it to TPWD. The program is intended to focus on the banyreke fishing (not fishing) as the bayres carry their nets for hours on end, while the baiters usually travel only about 20 minutes or so. To make a long story short, the effects of thousands of chains that cross the bays on a daily basis are not good for the ecosystem. I hope that you will all consider becoming a Father to find. If not, there is no doubt that any level of sponsorship is appreciated. Details of our organization and sponsors can be found on our Web site - or you can call directly on our website - - or you can call directly on 512392-1256. You can join or print out an online program and submit it. Thank you for being considerate of me, and once again I really enjoyed being with you. Take care. What was the topic line for this e-mail?
Naturvernorganisasjonen New Saltwater Naturvernorganisasjon
The New Saltwater Conservation Organization
Here is an email: Summary of RTO-Related Events for the Week of September 10, 2001 *************************************************************************************** Monday, September 10 FERC Administrative Law Judge for the Southeast releases her report on the SERTO mediation process Tuesday, September 11 Steve Kean to speak with select reporters regarding Enron interpretation of SERTO report House Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality holds hearing on Electric Transmission Policy: Siting, Incentive Rates, and Reliability - Jim Steffes to testify on behalf of Electric Power Supply Association (EPSA) Wednesday, September 12 Newly-appointed FERC Chairman, Pat Wood, to preside over his first meeting at FERC. Intends to state his FERC business policy Thursday, September 13 Enron hosts breakfast for Republican Governors Association in Houston - Ken Lay to speak on RTOs Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources to markup Senator Bingaman's draft energy legislation Friday, September 14 House Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality holds hearing on Electric Transmission Policy: Regional Transmission Organizations, Open Access, and Federal Jurisdiction Enron to file protests/comments in the ARTO and MISO compliance filings made to FERC on 8/31/01 requesting further proceedings (mediation, settlement conference or staff technical conference) to establish a single Midwest RTO. (Numerous Midwest PUCs, consumer groups, and industrial groups filed similar requests at FERC this week). Enron to file a Show Cause Order asking FERC to require utilities and public power to make affirmative statements to join FERC-approved RTOs or face repurcussions (i.e. loss of market-based rates, new rate cases, reduced rate-of-return, etc._ What is a potential subject line for this email?
RTO Calendar for Week of Sept 10
Her er en e-post: Sammendrag av RTO-releverte hendelser for uken 10. september 2001 ********************************************************************************* mandag 10. september FERRC Administrative Lov dommer for de som er i ferd med å slippe sin rapport om SERTO-smeklingsprosessen tirsdag 11. september Steve Kean til å snakke med velvalgte reportere om Enron i SERTO rapport om Underkomiteen for energi og luftkvalitet hennes rapport om SERTO-smeklingen tirsdag, 11. september Steve Kean til å snakke med velvalgte reportere om at SERTOs ledelse av Underkomiteen for energi og luftkvalitet har høring om elektrisk transmisjon: Sitte, insentiver, og tillit - Jim Steffes til å vitne på vegne av Kraftforeningen (E.S.) Onsdag 12. september, nyutsatt, at han skal lede sitt første møte på FERRC. Forutsetter å angi sin FARC-regel torsdag 13. september: 13. september Enronverter frokost for Den republikanske guvernørens forening i Houston<unk> Ken Lay for å tale i RTOs senatkomité for energi og naturressurser for å markere senator Bingamans utkast til energiregelverk fredag 14. september Underkomiteen for energi og luftkvalitet holder høring om elektrisk overføringspolitikk: Regionale overføringsorganisasjoner, fri adgang og føderal jury om å sende inn protester/programmer i ARTO-et og MISO-samsvar som er gjort for FERC på 8/31/01 om ytterligere saksbehandling (formidlings-, forliks- eller personalkonferanse) for å opprette et enkelt RTO-foretak. (Numerous Midwest PUCs, forbrukergrupper, og industrigrupper innleverte lignende ønsker hos FERC denne uken). Enron til å sende inn en Show Cause Order der FERC ber om at FARC skal kreve at offentlige myndigheter og offentlige myndigheter utsteder bekreftende erklæringer for å slutte seg til FERC-godkjente RTOer eller møte gjenkjøp (dvs. tap av markedsbaserte satser, nye ratetilfeller, redusert returrate osv.
Here is an e-mail: Summary of RTO-relivered events for the week of 10 September 2001 ***************************************************************************************10 September FERRC Administrative Law for those about the SETO Mediation Report on Tuesday, 11 September Kean to talk to well-defined reporters about Enron in the SERTO Committee on Energy and Air Quality Report on the SETO Mediation on 11 September Kean to talk with well-defined reporters that SERTO’s management of the Energy and Air Quality Committee has a consultation on Electric Transmission: His, Insential, and Trust - Jim Steffee to Witness on behalf of the Forces Association (E.S.**** *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************toreatttoreattseuffreport to meet of the SELECELECUSEELECUSEELECUSEOP to talk of the SELEC of the SELECUSEOP to talk of the SECFFIOOSERIOOSERFLOVOOSERILOOPILOOSOOSOFF of the EuropeanIM of the EuropeanIM of the EuropeanOOFFIOFF on Monday on Monday on Monday of the EuropeanOOO of the EuropeanOOSOOOOOOOSOOOOOOADERIO on Monday of the EuropeanOOOOOOFF on 10************(*********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************LOOSOOSOOSOOSOOSOOOSOOSOOSOOSOOSOOSOOSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSOOSOOSOOOSOOSOOOOSOOSOOOSOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSOOSOOSEOOSEOOSEOOOOSOOSOOSEOOOOOOOOOOOOOSEIOOOOOOOSEOOOOOOOOOOSEMA on MondayIOOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEIOOOOOOOOSEOOOOOOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSEOOSEOONOOSEOONOOOOOONOON OFOON OFOOSEOOSEIOONOOSEOOOOSEMAEMAEOOSEMBERST OFOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEIOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEOOOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSOOSOOSOOSOOSOOSEOOSOOSOOSOOSOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEOONOONOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEOOSEIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMOBEROOSEIOOSEOONOMOOROONONOOSEOMOST OFO Continuing to specify its FARC rule on Thursday 13 September 13th, Enronverter Breakfast for the Republican Governor's Association of Houston<unk> Ken Lay to address the RTO's Energy and Natural Resources Senate Committee to mark Senator Bingaman's draft energy legislation on Friday 14 September Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality held a hearing on electrical transfer policy: Regional Transmission Organisations, Free Access and Federal Jury to submit protests/programmes to the ARTO and MISO compliance made for FERC on 8/31/01 on further proceedings (Meagri-, Settlement or Personnel Conference) to establish a single RTO enterprise. (Numberous Midwest PUCs, consumer groups, and industrial groups submitted similar wishes to FERC this week). Enron to submit a Show Cause Order where FERC requests that the FARC require the public authorities and public authorities to issue confirmatory statements to join FERC-approved RTOs or to meet with repurchases (i.e. loss of market-based rates, new rates, reduced return rate, etc.
RTO-kalender i uke i Sept 10
RTO calendar at week in September 10
I will be in Tokyo next week working on the start-up of energy trading in Japan for Enron. I would like to book time on your respective schedules to meet on Wednesday afternoon. I have some flexibility in my schedule if that does not work for you. I will be in Tokyo on Thursday and Friday too. Look foward to hearing from you. Mark Haedicke Write a subject line for this email.
Meetings in Tokyo on Wednesday, February 23, 2000
Jeg skal være i Tokyo neste uke og jobbe med oppstarten av energihandel i Japan for Enon. Jeg vil gjerne bestille tid på timeplanene deres for å møte på onsdag ettermiddag. Jeg har en viss fleksibilitet i min timeplan hvis det ikke fungerer for deg. Jeg kommer også til å være i Tokyo på torsdag og fredag. Se det fra intet å høre fra deg. Hakedicke Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
I'm gonna be in Tokyo next week working on the start of the energy trade in Japan for Enon. I'd like to make an appointment for your schedules to meet on Wednesday afternoon. I have some flexibility in my schedule if it doesn't work for you. I'll also be in Tokyo on Thursday and Friday. See it from nothing to hear from you. Hakeeme Type a subject line for this email.
Møter i Tokyo på onsdag onsdag 4. februar 2000.
Meetings in Tokyo on Wednesday, February 4, 2000.
Write an email with the following subject: CES CNG capacity
FYI - I believe this is important. According to Morgan (CES's CNG scheduler) CES currently has about 7,000 dth of idle capacity. I've had 3 people call me today looking for CNG capacity for Jan 2000.
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: CES CNG capcity
Send an email with the following topic: CES CNG capability
Jeg tror dette er viktig. I henhold til CES' CNG-planlegger) har CES for tiden omtrent den dte ledighet. Jeg har hatt 3 personer kaller meg i dag på jakt etter CNG-kapasitet for Jan-.
I think this is important. According to CES' CNG planner), CES currently has approximately the available availability. I've had 3 people call me today in search of CNG capabilities for Jan-
This is an email Hello everyone! I hope you're having a great holiday season. I'm sure everyone is very busy. Thanks for all your help while I was gone. My husband and I had a great honeymoon. I will be here on Monday, but will be gone on Wednesday-- What is the subject of this email?
Happy Holidays!
Dette er en e-post alle sammen! Jeg håper du har en flott feriesesong. Jeg er sikker på at alle er veldig opptatt. Takk for all hjelpen mens jeg var borte. Mannen min og jeg hadde et stort bryllupsreise. Jeg skal være her mandag, men vil være borte onsdag - Hva er temaet for denne e-posten?
This is an e-mail! I hope you have a great holiday season. I'm sure everyone's very busy. Thank you for all the help while I was gone. My husband and I had a big honeymoon. I'll be here Monday, but I'll be gone Wednesday.
Lykkelige høytider!
Happy holidays!
This is an email Mark Frevert has reviewed the attached addition to the upcoming organizational memo and has asked that I forward it to you to be included. This would be included in the section under Commercial Support, added as an additional bullet point beneath the one that addresses Business Analysis and Reporting (I believe that these bullet points are on Page 3 of the draft memo). Please call me at x35926 if you have any questions. What is the subject of this email?
Insert for Organizational Memo
Dette er en e-post Mark Frevert har gjennomgått vedlagt tillegg til det kommende organisasjonsnotatet, og har bedt om at jeg videresender det til dere om å være med. Dette vil bli tatt med i avsnittet under Kommersiell støtte, som et ytterligere punkt under det punkt som omhandler foretaksanalyse og rapportering (jeg mener at disse punktpunktene står på side 3 i utkastet til notat). Ring meg på x359 hvis du har noen spørsmål. Hva er emnet for denne e- posten?
This is an e-mail that Mark Frevert has been reviewing, in addition to the upcoming organizational note, and has requested that I forward it to you to join in. This will be included in the section under Commercial support, as an additional point below the point dealing with corporate analysis and reporting (I believe these points are on page 3 of the draft note). Call me at x359 if you have any questions. What is the subject of this email?
Sett inn i organisasjonsmyleme
Insert Into Organizational Mire
Write a subject line for this message: FYI, still under discussions between Enron and Light. This deal is similar to the Duke Call Options we closed last month. I'd rather do it under a Master Agreement and will check with the business guys if we can do so. Rgds, Sami
Light Call Option of 50MW
Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldingen: FYI, fortsatt under diskusjoner mellom Enron og Light. Denne avtalen er lik Duke Call Options vi avsluttet forrige måned. Jeg vil heller gjøre det under en Master-avtale og vil sjekke med forretningsfolk hvis vi kan gjøre det. Rgds, samer
Enter a subject field for this message: FYI, still during discussions between Enron and Light. This deal is like Duke Call Options we closed last month. I'd rather do it under a Master's appointment and I'd like to check with business people if we can do it. Rgds, Samr
Lyskasterens valg av 50 mm/s
50 mm/s choice of spotlight
This is an email The following items were presented in last week's change control meetings.... Nov. 29 Shared Folder Move "Common" located on GTA\SYS2\ will be moved to GTHOU-DV01\data1\Transfer. In an effort to migrate the remaining GTA Common folders from the old GTA server to our current Windows 2000 server, GTHOU-DV01\Common, we are asking you to do the following: ? Review the folders on gphou-nwgway1\gta2\Common. ? Identify the folders you are currently using. ? Reply back with a list. ? Only the folders identified on the reply back will be moved! What is the subject of this email?
ETS and Corporate Change Control
Dette er en e-post Følgende elementer ble presentert i forrige ukes endringskontrollmøter...... Nr. 29. Delt mappe Flytt<unk>Vanlig<unk> ligger på GTA<unk>SYS2<unk> blir flyttet til GTHOU-DV01<unk> data1<unk>transfer. I et forsøk på å overføre de gjenværende GTA Common-mappene fra den gamle GTA-tjeneren til vår nåværende Windows 2000-tjener, GTHOU-DV01:Common, ber vi deg gjøre følgende: ? Overse mappene om gphou-nwgway1<unk>gta2<unk>Common. ? Åpne de mappene du bruker nå. ? Svar tilbake med en liste. ? Bare de mappene som er identifisert på svar-tilbakemeldinga vil bli flyttet! Hva er emnet for denne e- posten?
This is an email that the following items were presented in last week's change control meetings... # 29 Shared folder Move<unk> Regular<unk> is on GTA<unk>SYS2<unk> are being moved to GTHOU-DV01<unk> data1<unk> transfer. In an attempt to transfer the remaining GTA Common files from the old GTA server to our current Windows 2000 server, GTHOU-DV01:Common, we ask you to do the following: Ignore the folders on gphou-nwgway1<unk>gta2<unk>Common. - Yeah. Open the files you're using now. - Yeah. Answer back with a list. - Yeah. Only the folders identified on reply return will be moved! What is the subject of this email?
ETS- og felles endringskontroll
ETS and joint control of changes
This is the content of an email: Please find attached the most recent Speech List for Mr. Lay. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Tori L. Wells Executive Assistant Office of Ken Lay Chairman & CEO ENRON What was the subject line for this email?
Lay Speech List 11/20/01
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Legg ved den nyeste opplesningslista for Mr. Lay. Har du noen spørsmål, vennligst ikke nøl med å kontakte meg. Tori L. Wells Executive Assecutive Office of Ken Lay Chairman & CEO ENRON Hva var subjektet for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an email: Attach the most recent reading list for Mr. Lay. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Tori L. Wells Executive Associated Office of Ken Lay Chairman & CEO ENRON What was the subject of this e-mail?
Opplesningsliste 11/20/01
Speech list 11/20/01
Here is an email: This counterparty came across on my online list for today. I took a look at the master you have in your office, and to me it seems to be approved for all products, including weather & pulp & paper, just not FX. In Susan Flynn's email she said no pulp & paper. Which is correct? What is a potential subject line for this email?
HS Energy Services
Dette er en e-post: Denne motparten kom inn på min nettliste for i dag. Jeg tok en titt på masteren du har på kontoret ditt, og for meg ser det ut til å være godkjent for alle produkter, inkludert vær & papirmasse og papir, bare ikke FX. I Susan Flynns e-post sa hun ikke noe papirmasse og papir. Hvilken av dem er riktig? Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e- posten?
This is an e-mail: this peer entered my online list for today. I took a look at the master you have in your office, and to me it seems to be approved for all products, including be & pulp and paper, just not FX. In Susan Flynn's e-mail, she said no pulp and paper. Which one's right? What is a possible topic line for this email?
HS energivirksomhet
HS Energy activities
What is the subject line for this email? Susan and John: We have finalized the amendment with Transcanada. What we executed before still works. We modified slightly the LC form. They are faxing me their form of Guaranty and will send to Susan the docs.
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Vi har fullført endringen med Transcanada. Det vi har utført før, fungerer fremdeles. Vi modifiserte litt LC-formen. De fakser meg sin form for guaranty og sender til Susan docs.
What is the subject line for this email? We've completed the amendment with Transcanada. What we've done before is still working. We modified a little LC form. They fax me their guaranty and send me to Susan docs.
Here is an email: Robbie: I was in your class that you taught for the Princeton Review at Enron just recently. What I'm looking for is a private Math tutor. I wasn't sure if I had to go through the Princeton Review or if I could talk directly to you. I liked the way you taught the class and wanted to see if you taught one on one sessions. If you could let me know, I would appreciate it. Thanks! What is a potential subject line for this email?
Princeton Classes
Her er en e-post: Jeg var i klassen din som du underviste i for Ancientation på Enron nylig. Det jeg leter etter er privat Matematikk. Jeg var ikke sikker på om jeg måtte gjennomgå den. Eller om jeg kunne snakke direkte med deg. Jeg likte måten du underviste klassen på, og ville se om du lærte én på én økt. Hvis du kunne si ifra, ville jeg sette pris på det. Takk! Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e- posten?
I was in your class that you taught for Ancients at Enron recently. What I'm looking for is private Mathematics. I wasn't sure if I had to go through it or if I could talk to you directly. I liked the way you taught the class and wanted to see if you could teach one in one session. If you could tell me, I'd appreciate it. Thank you! What is a possible topic line for this email?
This is an email Hi Lisa: Just got a call from Rick. He said that 1) The meeting needs to be in San Francisco. 2) The meeting needs to be on Dec. 5th. (Not the 29th or the 30th, as previously requested). 3) The meeting is mandatory. I'll leave a message for Paul, too. If you have any questions, just give a ring. Best, What is the subject of this email?
California Legislative Meeting
Dette er en e-post fra \"Hi-L-A\". Han sa at 1) Møtet må være i San Francisco. 2) Møtet må stå på den 5. desember. (Ikke den 29. eller den 30., som tidligere ønsket). 3) Møtet er obligatorisk. Jeg legger igjen en beskjed til Paul også. Hvis du har noen spørsmål, så bare gi en ring. Best. Hva er temaet for denne e-posten?
This is an e-mail from "Hi-L-A\". He said that (1) the meeting must be in San Francisco. ( 2) The meeting must be held on December 5. (Not the 29th or the 30th, as previously desired). ( 3) The meeting is mandatory. I'll leave a message for Paul, too. If you have any questions, just give me a ring. What's the theme of this e-mail?
Det lovgivende møte i California
California’s Legislative Meeting
When: Monday, November 19, 2001 10:00 AM-11:00 AM (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada). Where: ECN 872 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Background & Meeting Objective: Under the direction of Tim Belden, Kevin Presto, Lloyd Will, Anthony Dayao and Beth Perlman, Todd Busby and I have completed the 3 week analysis of wholesale and retail power systems integration. We would like to present the results of our analysis and discuss recommendations the team believes will lead to cost savings and process efficiencies. The analysis results are enclosed. Agenda; Background Summary of Results Integrated Systems Vision Open Issues Recommendations Write a subject line for this email.
WHS/Retail Systems Integration Analysis - Results/Recommendations
Når: mandag 19. november 2001 kl. 10.00/00-11.00 AM (GMT-06:00) Sentraltid (USA & Canada). Hvor: ECN 872 * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ * Bakgrunn og møte Objektiv: under ledelse av Tim Belden, Kevin Presto, Lloyd Will, Anthony Dayao og Beth Perlman, Todd Busby og jeg har gjennomført en 3-ukers analyse av engros- og detaljkraftsystemers integrering. Vi vil gjerne presentere resultatene av analysen og diskutere anbefalinger som teamet mener vil føre til kostnads- og prosesseffektiviteter. Analyseresultatene er vedlagt. Agenda; Bakgrunnssammendrag av resultater Integrated Systems Vision Open Issues Recisions Write a subject line for denne e-posten.
When: Monday, November 19, 2001, at 10:00 - 11:00 AM (GMT-06:00) Central Time (USA & Canada). Where: ECN 872 * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * Background and meeting Objective: under the leadership of Tim Belden, Kevin Presto, Lloyd Will, Anthony Dayao and Beth Perlman, Todd Busby and I have conducted a 3-week analysis of wholesale and retail integration. We would like to present the results of the analysis and discuss recommendations that the team believes will lead to cost- and process efficiency. The analytical results are attached. Agenda; Background summary of results Integrated Systems Vision Open Issues Requirements Write a subject line for this e-mail.
WHS/Retail Systems Integrasjon Analyse - Resultater/anbefalinger
WHS/Retail System Integration Analysis - Results/recommendations
This is an email Greg, As you may know, Brad Romine's venture fell apart. The offer from Enron looks much better now. I have arranged for him a number of different interviews (including one with you). I think we should not be too punitive and give him the 2nd chance. I am also setting up for him interviews with RAC and EBS and he should be able to negotiate a good first rotation. Please, give me a call if you have any other question. Vince Kaminski What is the subject of this email?
Brad Romine
Dette er en e-post Greg, som du kanskje vet, Brad Romines operasjon falt sammen. Tilbudet fra Entjern ser mye bedre ut nå. Jeg har sørget for ham en rekke forskjellige intervjuer (deriblant et med deg). Jeg synes ikke vi burde være for straffeforfølgende og gi ham den andre sjansen. Jeg vil også intervjue ham med RAC og EBS og han bør kunne forhandle om en god førsterotasjon. Vær så snill, ring meg hvis du har noe annet å spørre om. Vince Kaminski Hva er emnet i denne e-posten?
This is an e-mail Greg, as you may know, Brad Romene's operation collapsed. The offer from Ent iron looks much better now. I have provided him with a variety of interviews (including one with you). I don't think we should be too criminally inclined to give him the second chance. I'd also like to interview him with RAC and EBS and he should be able to negotiate a good first root. Please call me if you have anything else to ask. Vince Kaminski, what's the subject of this e-mail?
Finn og hold inne
Find and hold
Write an email with the subject line "Lite Bytz Panel Discussion".
Have you heard any more about this? I didn't see it on my calendar. This does conflict with Philippe's Thursday staff meeting I believe. Maybe Philippe will cancel that. Let me know. Thanks. --Sally
Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen<unk>Lite Bytz paneldiskusjon<unk>
Writes a mail using the subject line<unk>Lite Bytz panel discussion<unk>
Har du hørt mer om dette? Jeg så det ikke på kalenderen min. Dette er i strid med Philippes møte med torsdagspersonalet. Det kan være at det kan avlyses. La meg få vite. Takk. <unk>Skull
Have you heard more about this? I didn't see it on my calendar. This is contrary to Philippe's meeting with the Thursday staff. It could be canceled. Let me know. Thank you. <unk>Scoal
It seems as if I have caused some confusion. Last night's email attachment was the P&L that did not include People's or Origination's share of the total. Currently attached is the P&L that was signed off on last night. If you have any questions, please call. DG 3-9573 Write a subject line for this email.
EMW 07/17
Det ser ut til at jeg har skapt litt forvirring. Siste natts e-postvedlegg var P&L som ikke inkluderte People's or Originations andel av totalen. Den PKL-en som ble avskrevet i går kveld. Hvis du har noen spørsmål, vennligst ring. DG 3- 9573 Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
It seems I've caused some confusion. Last night's e-mail attachment was P/3L which did not include People's or Origination's share of the total. The PKL that was written off last night. If you have any questions, please call. DG 3-9573 Type a subject line for this email.
EMW aw også / N EMW 07 / NAV
EMW aw also / N EMW 07 / NAV
Write a subject line for this message: Per our conversation, I am attaching a proposed form of Unanimous Consent of the Board of Directors of Brant-Allen Industries, Inc. ("Company") that would expand the Consent of Directors given to us when we executed the ISDA Master Agreement in 1998 to do more than just the single trade referenced in that resolution. If the enclosed meets with your approval, please have it executed by the directors of the Company and return a copy to me for our files. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at (713) 853-3399. In addition, can you confirm one thing for me. There is a note in our file that says documents for the Company require two signatures. I looked at the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws you provided us and find no such signatory requirement. Is this note an error?
Revised Unanimous Consent of Directors
Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldingen: I vår samtale vedlegger jeg en foreslått form av enstemmig samtykke fra styret i Brant-Allen Industries, Inc. (<unk>Selskap<unk> som ville utvide samtykket til oss når vi i 1998 henrettet ISDA-hovedavtalen for å gjøre mer enn bare den ene handelen som det vises til i resolusjonen. Dersom det vedlagte følger din godkjenning, bes henvendelsen utføres av selskapsdirektøren, og send inn en kopi til meg for våre filer. Hvis du har noen spørsmål, vennligst ikke nøl med å ringe meg på 7-13 85333-33999. I tillegg, kan du bekrefte én ting for meg. Det står i saksmappen at det står at Company krever to underskrifter. Jeg har sett på artiklene i \"Incorcorporation and Bylaws\" De har gitt oss, og finner ikke noe slikt signatarkrav. Er dette et feil?
The subject is one of the suggestions of a copy of the plan. The subject is one of the following: one of the following: one suggested by a copy of the plan, one suggested by a version of the plan, one suggested by a version of the plan, one suggested by a version of the plan. If the attached is accompanied by your approval, please send the enquiry by the director of the company and send a copy to me for our files. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 7-13 853-33999. In addition, you can confirm one thing for me. It says in the file that it says that Company requires two signatures. I've been looking at the articles in "Incorcorporation and Bylaws" and they've given us, and they don't find any signatory demands. Is this a mistake?
Det enstemmige, enstemmige statsråd
The Unanimous, Unanimous Council of State
What is the subject line for this email? Samuel, I need the following people set up as a trader on all book in the SVCE Portfolio. Please let me know if you have any questions. JUAN HERNANDEZ MIGUEL GARCIA MAURICIO TREJO JAY BLAINE BRANT REVES DAVID MASKELL MICHAEL SEELY DON BAUGHMAN DEAN LAURENT JOE ERRIGO DUSTIN COLLINS ANDREW GREER PUNIT RAWAL CARRIE LARKWORTHY LAUREL BOLT Thanks,
Trader Access
Access box
I created deal 516907 as a physical forward sale to Oglethorpe Power. Jim, Judy has told me that under no circumstances should I be involved with Ogy unless she is out. But she also said she will gladly fix any deal entry misstakes I make. I humbly accept my position. Write a subject line for this email.
Jeg har gjort en avtale om at jeg skal selge til Oglethorpe Power. Jim, Judy har fortalt meg at jeg ikke under noen omstendigheter skal være involvert med Ogy uten at hun er ute. Men hun sa også at hun gjerne vil ordne opp i alle ting jeg gjør. Jeg takker ja til stillingen min. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
I've made a deal to sell to Oglethorpe Power. Jim, Judy has told me that under no circumstances should I be involved with Ogy without her being out. But she also said that she would like to straighten out everything I do. I accept my position. Type a subject line for this email.
You guys may see an opportunity for this gas sometime. I have gas on National Fuel that I could deliver into CGAS at Ellwood City on a secondary basis. Ellwood in Op 8, Market area 35, I think. This trades around a CNG North plus. Let me know one way or another, I'm just eager to learn. Write a subject line for this email.
National Fuel
Du kan se en mulighet for denne gassen en gang. Jeg har gass på nasjonalt drivstoff som jeg kan levere til CGAS på Ellwood City på sekundær basis. -I Op 8, Market Area 35, tror jeg. Dette handler om et nord-nord-nord. La meg vite på en eller annen måte, jeg er bare ivrig etter å lære. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
You can see an opportunity for this gas sometime. I have gas on national fuel that I can deliver to CGAS at Ellwood City on a secondary basis. - In Op 8, Market Area 35, I think. This is about a north-north-north. Let me know one way or another, I'm just eager to learn. Type a subject line for this email.
Det nasjonale drivstoffet
National fuel
Write a subject line for this message: Please see the attachment for a specific definition of ELIGIBLE SWAP PARTICIPANT and the TRADE OPTION EXEMPTION. From a legal perspective and to avoid scrutiny and regulation by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, ENA must always comply with the Trade Option Exemption when entering into options (as buyer or seller) with a third party. Some of ENA's trading parties cannot satisfy this exemption from regulation because they are not a producer/merchant handling the underlying commodity (such as banks, hedge funds, etc) even though they may be entering into the transaction for business purposes. If that situation occurs, ENA MUST ALWAYS BE THE OFFEREE OF THE OPTION (as buyer or seller) and ENA cannot solicit the party to enter into the transaction. If ENA's trading partner fails to satisfy the Trade Option Exemption, our confirmation will EXPLICITLY state that ENA was offered the option to buy or sell by the counterparty. Please call me if you have any questions. Thanks. Sara [ENA legal]
"financial options" (derivatives) and the Trade Option Exemption
Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldinga: Vennligst se vedlegget for en bestemt definisjon av NOEN VIRKSOMHET FOR SVERIGE SVERIGE MELDINGER og THANDELSOPPLASSEN. Fra et rettsperspektiv og for å unngå kontroll og regulering fra Kommisjonen for handel med varer i framtiden og for å unngå kontroll og regulering fra Kommisjonen for handel og handel, må ENA alltid være i samsvar med unntaket for handel ved inngåelse av opsjoner (som kjøper eller selger) med tredjemann. Noen av ENAs handelsparter kan ikke omfattes av dette unntak fra forordning fordi de ikke er en produsent/handel som håndterer det underliggende råvaren (for eksempel banker, sikringsfond osv.), selv om de kan komme inn i transaksjonen for forretningsformål. Dersom det oppstår en slik situasjon, MÅ ENA ALVER VÆRE OFREER AV AKTIVASJONEN (som kjøper eller selger), og ENA kan ikke be den parten som skal inngå i transaksjonen, om å bli med i transaksjonen. Dersom ENAs handelspartner ikke oppfyller handelsalternativet, vil vår bekreftelse bekrefte at ENA ble tilbudt å kjøpe eller selge av motparten. Ring meg hvis du har noen spørsmål. Takk. [ATA juridisk]
Enter a topic field for this message: Please refer to the attachment for a specific definition of SOME ACTIVITIES FOR SWEDEN SWEDEN MESSAGES and THE TRADE SCHEDULS BUSK. From a legal perspective and in order to avoid control and regulation by the Commission for trade in goods in the future and to avoid control and regulation by the Commission for trade and trade, ENA must always comply with the exemption for trade at the conclusion of options (as purchasers or seller) with third parties. Some of the ENA's trade parties may not benefit from this exemption from Regulation because they are not a producer/trading dealing with the underlying commodity (e.g. banks, hedge funds, etc.) even if they may enter the transaction for business purposes. In the event of such a situation, ENA MUST MUST ALREADY BE OFFICIALS OF THE ACTIVATION (as the purchaser or seller) and ENA may not ask the party involved in the transaction to be involved in the transaction. If the ENA's trading partner does not comply with the trade option, our confirmation will confirm that ENA was offered to buy or sell by the counterparty. Call me if you have any questions. Thank you. [ATA Legal]
<unk>finansielle opsjoner<unk> (derivater) og unntak fra handelsplass
<unk> financial options<unk> (derivatives) and exemptions from trading venue
Write an email with the subject line "Transfer and Assignment of Enron North America Corp. ("ENA") accounts to Enron Credit Inc. ("ECI")".
Nikki: I am a lawyer with ENA. I understand that you have been involved with the execution of the Goldman Sachs & Co. ("GSC")/ECI Corporate Account Agreement, working with both Cheryl Nelson and Stephanie Panus of ENA. ENA would like to transfer several accounts to ECI. In connection therewith, I am attaching a form of Assignment and Assumption Agreement for that purpose. This document is based upon a similar agreement executed by GSC, ENA and ECT Investments, Inc. on January 22, 2001. I ask that you please advise me of the following: (1) What is the effective date of the Corporate Account Agreement between ECI and GSC? Has it been executed by GSC? (2) Is the attached form of assignment acceptable? (3) Is there anybody else with GSC that needs to be involved with the review/execution of the attached assignment? Please let me hear from you. Our commercial group is extremely anxious to effectuate the transfer. Thank you for your assistance.
Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen <unk>Transfer og tildelingen av Enron Nord-Amerika Corp. (<unk>ENA<unk> kontoer til Enron Credit Inc. (<unk>ECI<unk><unk><unk>
Writes an email with the subject line <unk>Transfer and the enron North America Corp allocation. (<unk>ENA<unk> accounts of Enron Credit Inc. (<unk>ECI<unk><unk>
Nikk: jeg er advokat med ENA. Jeg forstår at du har vært involvert i henrettelsen av Goldman Sachs & Co. (<unk>GSC<unk>/ECIs foretakskonto, samarbeid med både Cheryl Nelson og Stephanie Panus i ENA. ENA vil overføre flere kontoer til ECI. I forbindelse med dette vedlegger jeg en form for tildelings- og opptakelsesavtale for det formål. Dette dokumentet bygger på en tilsvarende avtale i henhold til GSC, ENA og ENA Invests, Inc. den 22. januar 2001. Jeg ber deg gi meg følgende råd: 1) Hva er ikrafttredelsesdatoen for avtalen om foretakskonto mellom EKSF og GSC? Er den blitt henrettet av GSC? Er den vedlagte ordningen godkjent? (3) Er det noen andre med GSC som må delta i gjennomgåelsen/utøvelsen av vedlagte oppgave? Vennligst la meg få høre fra deg. Vår kommersielle gruppe er svært ivrige etter å gjennomføre overføringen. Takk for hjelpen.
Nod: I'm a lawyer with ENA. I understand you've been involved in the execution of Goldman Sachs & Co. (<unk>GSC<unk>/ECI corporate account, working with both Cheryl Nelson and Stephanie Panus in ENA. ENA will transfer several accounts to ECI. For the purposes of this, I attach a form of award and admission agreement for that purpose. This document is based on a similar agreement under GSC, ENA and ENA Invests, Inc., on 22 January 2001. I ask you to give me this advice: (1) What is the date of entry into force of the corporate account agreement between the ECSC and the GSC? Has it been executed by GSC? Is the attached scheme approved? (3) Is there anyone else with GSC who has to participate in the review/exercise of the related task? Please let me hear from you. Our commercial group is very eager to carry out the transfer. Thanks for your help.
This is the content of an email: Dear Kenneth, I have sent this morning a Fed Ex package to your office to arrive tomarrow Friday morning containing our school video. I hope you will enjoy it and share it with Linda. We are in the process of making an updated video about the school that will be debuted at the Gala in April. I know with last weeks events everything has slowed down. I will be eager to hear about Mrs. Bush once her schedule gets back to some normalcy. I do so appreciate your help with this. It is hard for us all to even think about the fund raiser at a time like this, but life does go on and preparing our children is the utmost and highest priority on our list. William and I have poured our lives into this school as you know we all do when we have a passion for something. I look forward to hearing from you soon. God bless and thanks again. Serving Him, Barbara T. Collins What was the subject line for this email?
Fed Ex
Jeg har sendt en pakke til deg i morges for å komme med skolevideoen vår. Jeg håper du vil like det og dele det med Linda. Vi er i ferd med å lage en oppdatert video om skolen som skal debutere på Gala i april. Jeg vet med forrige ukes hendelser at alt har roet seg. Jeg vil være ivrig etter å høre om Mrs. Bush når hennes timeplan kommer tilbake til en slags normalitet. Jeg setter stor pris på deres hjelp til dette. Det er vanskelig for oss alle å tenke på lønnsforhøyeren i en tid som denne, men livet går videre og det å stelle barna våre er den høyeste og høyeste prioriteten på listen vår. William og jeg har kastet livene våre inn i denne skolen slik du vet at vi alle gjør når vi har en lidenskap for noe. Jeg ser frem til å høre fra deg snart. Gud velsigne og takke igjen. Barbara T. Collins, som tjener Ham, hva var emnet for denne e-posten?
I've sent you a package this morning to deliver our school video. I hope you like it and share it with Linda. We're about to do an updated video on the school that will be debuting at Gala in April. I know about last week's events that everything has calmed down. I'll be eager to hear about Mrs. Bush when her schedule returns to some sort of normality. I really appreciate your help in this regard. It is difficult for all of us to think of the raiser at a time like this, but life goes on and caring for our children is the highest and highest priority on our list. William and I have thrown our lives into this school just as you know we all do when we have a passion for something. I look forward to hearing from you soon. God bless and thank you again. Barbara T. Collins, who serves Him, what was the subject of this e-mail?
Todd Menzing called me up a few days ago to ask if he could send a letter to me about what I understand to be his representation of a former Enron employee against us in an HR matter. I hadn't heard from him, so I followed up today and learned that he had or was going to send a letter to you. Menzing is a former V&E associate. He called me because he knew me from a case in which V&E was representing a party in a commercial litigation matter, and I was representing an Enron employee in a deposition in that matter. Maybe there is an easy, no-brainer answer to what appears to be a potential disqualification issue for both Menzing and his firm (remember the mad cow disease of legal ethics? ) but if you were not already aware of Menzing's prior employer, I thought I'd let you know. Britt Write a subject line for this email.
Potential HR Matter
Menzing ringte meg opp for noen dager siden for å spørre om han kunne sende meg et brev om hva jeg forstår er hans representasjon av en tidligere hersker som er ansatt hos oss i en HR-sak. Jeg hadde ikke hørt fra ham, så jeg fulgte opp i dag og fikk vite at han hadde eller skulle sende et brev til deg. Mening er en tidligere VlRE-GJENNOM. Han ringte meg fordi han kjente meg fra en sak der V&E representerte en parti i en kommersiell sak, og jeg representerte en Enron-ansatt i en avsetning i den saken. Kanskje det finnes et lett svar på hva som synes å være en mulig diskvalifiseringssak for både Menzing og hans firma (husk den sinnssyke kua sykdom i juridisk etikk? ) Men hvis du ikke visste om Menzings sjef, ville jeg si fra. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
Menzing called me up a few days ago to ask if he could send me a letter about what I understand is his representation of a former ruler who is employed by us in an HR case. I had not heard from him, so I followed up today and learned that he had or was going to send you a letter. Meaning is a former VlRE kenem. He called me because he knew me from a case where V'E represented a party in a commercial case, and I represented an Enron employee in a deposition in that case. Perhaps there is an easy answer to what seems to be a possible disqualification case for both Menzing and his company (remembering the mad cow disease in legal ethics?) But if you didn't know about Menzing's boss, I'd let you know. Type a subject line for this email.
HR av potensialen HR
HR of potential HR
Here is an email: Attached is the working file for responding to the data request received on January 11, 2002. FGT's response needs to be sent out on January 25 for filing on the 28th, therefore, responses will need to be in by January 23rd. Responsibility is identified on each question, but in recap here is what you will be responsible for: Levelized Depreciation - Question 1 Teb Lokey and Blair Lichtenwalter AFUDC - Question 1 Mike Smith or Dave Rosenberg Escalation - Question 1 Mike Smith or Dave Rosenberg Cost of Removal - Question 1 Steve Veatch & Tim Bayles Cost of Removal - Question 2 Jon Lohmann General - Question 1 John Keiser What is a potential subject line for this email?
Data Request on Phase VI - Non Environmental
Her er en e-post: Vedlagt er arbeidsfilen for svar på forespørselen mottatt 11. januar 2002. FGTs svar må sendes ut den 25. januar for innlevering den 28. Derfor må svar være inne innen 23. januar. Ansvaret er identifisert på hvert spørsmål, men i tilbakedraget her er det du vil være ansvarlig for: nivåisert avskrivning<unk> spørsmål 1 Teb Lokey og Blair Lichtenwalter AFUDC<unk> spørsmål 1 Mike Smith eller Dave Rosenberg Escalation<unk> spørsmål 1 Mike Smith eller Dave Rosenberg Removal<unk> spørsmål 1 Steve Veatch & Tim Bayles Cost of Removal<unk> spørsmål 2 Jon Lohmann General<unk> spørsmål 1 John Keiser Hva er en mulig subjektlinje for denne e-posten?
Here is an email: Attached is the workfile for response to the request received on 11 January 2002. DGT's response must be sent on 25 January for submission on 28 January, which is why the response must be delivered by 23 January. The responsibility has been identified on each question, but in the setback here you will be responsible for: levelified depreciation<unk> question 1 Teb Lokey and Blair Lichtenwalter AFUDC<unk> question 1 Mike Smith or Dave Rosenberg Escalation<unk> question 1 Mike Smith or Dave Rosenberg Removal<unk> question 1 Steve Veech & Tim Bayles Cost of Removal<unk> question 2 Jon Lohmann General<unk> question 1 John Emperor What is a possible subject line for this e-mail?
Data fra «Senter i fase VI<unk> ikke-miljø
Data from the ‘Sents in the Phase VI<unk> non-environment’
Mark, I'm sure you've already noticed this, but our cell phones have been disconnected. I thought maybe we could pay for the bill on a credit card and turn it in on an expense report. Susan Helton is trying to find someone to get guidance from as far as getting this bill paid. She said in Houston they are no longer paying for parking or cell phones but she wasn't sure about satellite offices. She would hate to see us not get our expense reports paid. I'll keep you posted. Write a subject line for this email.
Cell Phones are turned off
Mark, du har sikkert allerede lagt merke til dette, men våre mobiltelefoner har blitt frakoblet. Jeg tenkte kanskje vi kunne betale regningen på et kredittkort og levere den på en kostnadsmelding. Susan Helton prøver å finne noen å få veiledning fra så langt som å få denne regningen betalt. Hun sa i Houston at de ikke lenger betaler for parkering eller mobiltelefoner, men hun var ikke sikker på satellittkontorene. Hun ville hate å se oss ikke få våre utgiftsrapporter betalt. Jeg holder deg oppdatert. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
Mark, I'm sure you've already noticed this, but our cell phones have been disconnected. I thought maybe we could pay the bill on a credit card and deliver it on a cost message. Susan Helton is trying to find someone to guide from as far as getting this bill paid. She said in Houston that they no longer pay for parking or cell phones, but she was not sure at the satellite offices. She'd hate to see us not getting our expense reports paid. I'll keep you posted. Type a subject line for this email.
Mobiltelefoner er slått av
Mobile phones are disabled
This is an email FYI, Today is my last day at Enron. You have all been fabulous to know and work with. I consider my life to be richer for knowing you all. Today is the dawning of a new life for me. I am very positive and feel that God will guide me into the Hope and Future He has for my life. I thank you all for your friendship and will always cherish the memories we have made together. I pray that you all have a bright outlook on your future and that you would be assured of the hope and future that awaits each of you. Each of you have made a great contribution to my life. I love you all. Thank you for everything, especially the opportunity to know and work with you. I will keep in touch. Feel free to contact me any time! My contact info is as follows; effective immediately I can be reached at: What is the subject of this email?
Dette er en e-post, i dag er min siste dag på Enron. Dere har alle vært fantastiske å kjenne og jobbe med. Jeg anser mitt liv for å være rikere for å kjenne dere alle. I dag begynner et nytt liv for meg. Jeg er svært positiv og føler at Gud vil lede meg inn i det håp og den framtid han har for mitt liv. Jeg takker dere alle for vennskapet og vil alltid verdsette minnene vi har laget sammen. Jeg ber om at dere alle har et strålende syn på deres framtid, og at dere kan være forvisset om det håp og den framtid som venter hver og en av dere. Hver og en av dere har gjort en stor innsats for mitt liv. Jeg elsker dere alle. Tusen takk for alt, særlig for muligheten til å kjenne og samarbeide med deg. Jeg skal holde kontakten. Du må gjerne kontakte meg når som helst! Kontaktinformasjonen min er som følger: Jeg kan nås med en gang på: Hva er emnet for denne e-posten?
This is an e-mail, today is my last day on Enron. You've all been wonderful to know and work with. I consider my life to be richer to know all of you. Today, a new life begins for me. I am very positive and feel that God will guide me into the hope and future of my life. I thank you all for your friendship and will always appreciate the memories we've made together. I pray that you all have a glorious view of your future and that you can be sure of the hope and future that await each one of you. Each and every one of you has done a great job for my life. I love you all. Thank you for everything, especially for the opportunity to know and work with you. I'll be in touch. Feel free to contact me at any time. My contact information is as follows: I can be reached immediately on: What is the subject of this e-mail?
Write a subject line for this message: Please include me on the Priority Dual Monitor list. I will be the product manager for trading Transwestern capacity on EnronOnline. In order to manage the product in Stack Manager and view pricing information, two monitors for the same CPU are required. Thanks.
Monitor Request
Skriv en underlinje for denne meldinga: Vennligst ta meg med på tosidig skjermliste (priority Dual Monitor). Jeg vil være produktsjef for handel av transvestisk kapasitet på Enronononline. For å kunne styre produktet i en stakkhåndterer og se på informasjon om prissetting kreves to overvåkingsenheter for samme CPU. Takk.
Enter a subline for the following message: Please include me on a two-sided display list (priority Dual Monitor). I want to be the producer of transvestian capacity trading on Enrononline. To control the product in a stack manager and look at pricing information, two monitors are required for the same CPU. Thank you.
Overvåkingsk befording
Monitoring Stimulation
Write an email with the following subject: CEO Diversity Rountable Speaking Points for Ken Lay
Dear all, Attached is the final copy of the speaking points for the CEO Diversity Roundtable. Thank you for your immediate and quick response. ay
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: administrerende direktør Diversity Rountable Speaking Points for Ken Lay
Write an e-mail on the following subject: Executive Director Diversity Rountable Speaking Points for Ken Lay
\"Atteed\" er siste kopi av talepunktene for direktør Diversity Roundtable. Takk for at dere kommer så snart og raskt. ay
\"Atteed\" is the last copy of the speech points for Director Diversity Roundtable. Thank you for coming so soon and quickly. ay
This is an email Virginia Power has raised a question about wanting some type of guaranty or other form of performance security should an Enron LLC sign the contract. What can we propose (or exclude) under the contemplated structure? Thanks, What is the subject of this email?
Dette er en e-post Virginia Power har reist et spørsmål om å ønske seg en eller annen form for garanti eller annen form for ytelsessikkerhet dersom en Enron LLC signerer kontrakten. Hva kan vi foreslå (eller utelukke) under den tenkte strukturen? Takk, hva er temaet for denne e-posten?
This is an e-mail from Virginia Power has raised a question of wishing for some form of guarantee or other form of performance security if an Enron LLC signes the contract. What can we suggest (or rule out) under the imaginary structure? Thank you. What is the theme of this e-mail?
Utøver til barn
Exercises for children
Diane has passed her 5 year mark with the company, and as such is entitled to all the rights and priviledges of a veteran. Please congratulate her with me and come admire her gift! Cara Propose a subject line for this email?
Please Congratulate Diane Cutsforth on her 5 Year Anniversary with Enron
Diane har passert 5-årsmerket sitt med selskapet, og som sådan har hun rett til alle rettigheter og privilegier som veteran. Vær så snill å gratulere henne med meg og bli med og beundre henne! Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Diane has passed her 5-year-old badge with the company, and as such, she has the right to all her rights and privileges as a veteran. Please congratulate her with me and come with me and admire her! Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
Gratulerer med glede Diane Cutsforth på hennes 5-årsjubileumsjubileum med ærli
Congratulations Diane Cutsforth on her fiveth anniversary of honor.
The information contained herein is based on sources that we believe to be reliable, but we do not represent that it is accurate or complete. Nothing contained herein should be considered as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any financial instruments discussed herein. Any opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author. As such, they may differ in material respects from those of, or expressed or published by on behalf of Carr Futures or its officers, directors, employees or affiliates. ? 2001 Carr Futures The charts are now in the most recent version of Adobe Acrobat 4.0 and they should print clearly from Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 or higher. Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 may be downloaded for FREE from (See attached file: TotalGasolineStocks.pdf)(See attached file: Padd I Distillate Stocks.pdf)(See attached file: Padd I Gasoline Stocks.pdf)(See attached file: Padd II Crude Stocks.pdf)(See attached file: TotalCrudeStocks.pdf)(See attached file: TotalDistillateStocks.pdf)(See attached file: APIMAIL.pdf) - TotalGasolineStocks.pdf - Padd I Distillate Stocks.pdf - Padd I Gasoline Stocks.pdf - Padd II Crude Stocks.pdf - TotalCrudeStocks.pdf - TotalDistillateStocks.pdf - APIMAIL.pdf Generate a subject line for this email.
API Report 1/29
Informasjonen som er her er basert på kilder som vi mener er pålitelige, men vi representerer ikke at den er nøyaktig eller fullstendig. Ikke noe av dette bør anses som et tilbud om å selge eller anmode om et tilbud om å kjøpe ethvert finansielt instrument som er nevnt her. Eventuelle uttalelser som her er uttrykt, er utelukkende de som forfatteren har. Som sådan kan de være forskjellige i vesentlige henseender fra dem som gjelder eller er uttrykt eller offentliggjort av på vegne av Carr Futures eller dets tjenestemenn, medlemmer av ledelsen, ansatte eller tilknyttede foretak. ? 2001 Carr Futures Tabellene er nå i den nyeste versjonen av Adobe Acrobat 4.0 og de bør skrive tydelig fra Adobe Acrobat Reader eller høyere. Adobe Acrobat Leser 4.0 kan lastes ned for FREE fra (Se vedlagt fil: TotalGasolineStocks.pdf)(Se vedlagt fil: Padd I Destillate Stocks.pdf)(Se vedlagt fil: Padd I madin Stocks.pdf)(Se vedlagt fil: Padd II Crude Stocks.pdf)(Se vedlagt fil: TotalCrudeStocks.pdf)(Se vedlagt fil: TotalDestillateStocks.pdf (Se vedlagt fil: APID II.pdf) - TotalGasolinesStocks.pdf - Padde Istillate Stocks.pdf - Padd Imadrament I Stocks.pdf - Paddd Crude Stocks.pdf - TotalCrudeStocks.pdf - TotaldestillateStocks.pdf - APOST.pdf.
The information here is based on sources that we believe are reliable, but we do not represent its accuracy or completeness. None of these should be considered to be an offer to sell or request an offer to purchase any financial instrument mentioned here. Any statements here expressed are exclusively those of the author. As such, they may differ in material respects from those concerning or expressed or published by Carr Futures or its officials, directors, employees or affiliated undertakings. - Yeah. The 2001 Carr Futures Tables are now in the most recent version of Adobe Acrobat 4.0 and they should be able to write clearly from Adobe Acrobat Reader or higher. Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.0 may be downloaded for FREE from (See attached file: TotalGasolineStocks.pdf) (See attached file: Padd I Distillates.pdf) (See attached file: Padd I madin Stocks.pdf) (See attached file: Padd II Crude Stocks.pdf) (See attached file: TotalCrudeStocks.pdf)) See attached file: TotalDedicateStocks.pdf (See attached file: APID II.pdf) - TotalGasolinesStocks.pdf - Padde Istillate Stocks.pdf - Padd Imadraments I Stocks.pdf - Padd Crude Stocks.pdf - Total Stocks.pdf - Total Stocks. pdf - Total IPOST.pdf.pdf.
API i henhold til API A API A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
MD Anderson has approximately 500 job openings, some of which may be suitable for former Enron employees. The jobs vary but include a number of IT and administrative positions. MD Anderson's potential interest in employing laid off Enron employees came to our attention via Anne Marie Giltrop of MD Anderson who spoke with Angela Davis. This morning, I spoke with Ms. Giltrop. In light of our policy of only providing neutral references and other liability considerations, I stated that I did not believe we would provide MD Anderson a list of employees who were laid off, but that I would try to find an approved vehicle for getting information regarding job openings at MD Anderson to our former employees. The MD Anderson web site does not reflect all current open positions, so I suggested that, if approved on both ends, MD Anderson could provide a list of openings with job descriptions that could be made available to former Enron employees. Ms. Giltrop is attempting to obtain appropriate approval from MD Anderson. She later phoned to inform me that I should expect to hear more from Deborah Manning, Jim Dorn, or Martha Jones. On our end, I have contacted David Oxley who put me in touch with Cindy Olson. Sarah Davis will now handle coordinating relations with MD Anderson. This is an important opportunity for former employees, and for Enron and MD Anderson as good Houston citizens. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Write a subject line for this email.
MD Anderson
MD Anderson har ca. 500 jobbåpninger, hvorav noen kan være egnet for tidligere Enron-ansatte. Stillingene varierer, men omfatter en rekke IT- og administrative stillinger. MD Andersons potensielle interesse i å ansette ansatte hos Enron kom til vår oppmerksomhet via Anne Marie Giltrop fra Miller som snakket med Angela Davis. I morges snakket jeg med Ms. Giltrop. I lys av vår politikk om bare å gi nøytrale referanser og andre ansvarshensyn, uttalte jeg at jeg ikke trodde at vi ville gi MD Anderson en liste over ansatte som ble oppsagt, men at jeg ville prøve å finne et godkjent kjøretøy for å få informasjon om ledige stillinger hos MD Anderson til våre tidligere ansatte. MD Andersons nettsted reflekterer ikke alle nåværende åpne posisjoner, så jeg foreslo at MD Anderson, dersom den er godkjent på begge ender, kunne gi en liste over ledige stillinger med jobbbeskrivelser som kunne gjøres tilgjengelige for tidligere Enron-ansatte. Ms. Giltrop forsøker å oppnå hensiktsmessig godkjenning fra MD Anderson. Hun ringte senere for å fortelle meg at jeg burde vente å få høre mer fra Deborah Manning, Jim Dorn eller Martha Jones. På vår side har jeg kontaktet David Oxley som satte meg i kontakt med Cindy Olson. Sarah Davis vil nå håndtere å koordinere forholdet til MD Anderson. Dette er en viktig mulighet for tidligere ansatte, og for Enron og MD Anderson som gode borgere i Houston. Si ifra hvis jeg kan være til ytterligere hjelp. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
MD Anderson has approximately 500 job openings, some of which may be suitable for former Enron employees. The positions vary but include a number of IT and administrative positions. MD Anderson's potential interest in hiring employees at Enron came to our attention via Anne Marie Giltrop of Miller who spoke to Angela Davis. This morning I spoke to Ms. Giltrop. In view of our policy on providing only neutral references and other responsibilities, I stated that I did not think we would give MD Anderson a list of employees who were fired, but that I would try to find an authorised vehicle to get information on the job vacancies of MD Anderson to our former employees. MD Anderson’s website does not reflect all current open positions, so I suggested that MD Anderson, if approved at both ends, could provide a list of job vacancies with job descriptions that could be made available to former Enron employees. Ms. Giltrop is attempting to obtain the appropriate MD Anderson approval. She called me later to tell me that I should expect to hear more from Deborah Manning, Jim Dorn, or Martha Jones. On our side, I've contacted David Oxley who put me in touch with Cindy Olson. Sarah Davis will now manage to coordinate her relationship with MD Anderson. This is an important opportunity for former employees, and for Enron and MD Anderson as good citizens of Houston. Let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Type a subject line for this email.
Mell over %s
Mell over %s
Team Roster If you know of any Enron employee running the race this Sunday, please send me their name and age. Thanks! Enron's 20K Team Roster Albers Christina Bolks Sean Cabrera Reyna Chua Joel Dillingham Gavin Flahaven Julie Flahaven Tim Foster Danny Hensel Marc Hutchinson Elizabeth Kelly Deborah Klicker Karl Lari Bryan Lawson Brad Maki Sean McCullough Travis Morrison Michael Nickell Jeanette Pearse Cynthia Phillips Marc Pitre Becky Plante Everett Quinn Kristin Ramirez Garibaldis Richardson Cindy Roland David Sanchez Monique Saunders Jim Schroeder Doug Scott Susan Singh Vikram Sommer Allan Stalford Robert Stewart Jennifer Vargas Laura Waldhauser Michelle White Nicole Rivera Ricky Chaston Justin Walker Blake Ayala-Nelson Catalina Koteras Wade Weikel Pam Aguilar Darrell Aourik Anastasia Aourik Mohamed Hernandez Lorie Hudler Cindy Kachinski Joe Linardi Jose McSherry Brad Pena Matt Ruane Mark Surface Jerald Toward Teresa Watkins Rebecca Champion Chip Pick up It is IMPORTANT that a chip be worn by all Enron runners and relayers. This is the only way to get your 20K shirt after the race. Chips may be picked up between 5:30 - 6:45 a.m. near the Start line. Relay runners will receive one ankle chip strap. Packet Pick Up If you registered through the ERC, packets are available at Cindy Richardson's office, EB4845. Please arrange to pick up your packet by 5:00 p.m. Unable to Run the Race? If for whatever reason you are unable to participate and the ERC paid for your entry, please forward a check in the amount of $25.00 made payable to "Enron Running Club" and send to Cindy Richardson, EB4845. Uniforms & Running Gear If you are running this weekend and have not received an ERC singlet/shirt, please let me know. Also, we have additional running gear with the Enron logo for sale (i.e. jog bras, tights, shorts, socks, t-shirts, CoolMax long sleeve shirts, etc.). Team Photo See you at the Start for a group photo at 6:30 a.m. Look for the Enron flag and you'll find the Team! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Good Luck, Runners! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Generate a subject line for this email.
Hvis du vet om noen som er sjefslege i løpet denne søndagen, så send meg navn og alder. Takk! Enron's 20K Team Roster Roster Albers Christina Bolks Sean Cabrera Reyna Chua Joel Dillingham Gabinger Flahaven Julie Flahaven Tom Flahaven Tim Foster Danny Danny Hunrison Marc Reinchinson Elizabeth Kelly Debor Klicker Karl Lari Bryan Lawson Brad Maki Sean McCullough Travis Morrison Jeanette Pearse Cynthi Phillip Marc Pitre Becky Plante Kristin Ramirez Garibaldis Roland Lari Bryan Lari Bryan Lari Bryan Lawson Lawson Bradson Brad Maki Sean Sean McCroide Trazilla Michael Jeantric Mangler Marc Pitre Becky Plante Steven Steven Kristin Ramiz Kristin Ramire Michelle Carison Larison Larison Larson Lariz Laz Dette er den eneste måten å få 20K-trøyen din etter løpet. Chips kan bli plukket opp mellom 05.30<unk> 06.45 natt nær Start-linjen. Resettløpere vil få én brikkestropp. Packet Picket Opp Hvis du har registrert deg gjennom EFR, pakkene er tilgjengelig på Cindy Richardsons kontor, EB4845. Sørg for å hente pakken din innen kl. 17.00. Kan du ikke løpe løpet? Dersom du av en eller annen grunn ikke kan delta og EFR betalte for din innreise, vennligst overfør en sjekk på beløpet på 25 kroner som skal betales til<unk>Enron Running Club<unk> og send til Cindy Richardson, EB4845. Uniforms & running Gear Hvis du kjører i helgen og ikke har fått en ERC singlet/trøye, vennligst si ifra. Også har vi ekstra løpeverk med Enron-logoen for salg (dvs. joggebras, tights, shorts, sokker, t-skjorter, CoolMax lange ermeskjorter osv.). Lagfoto Se deg på Start for et gruppebilde kl 06.30 Se etter Enronflagget og du finner Teamet! Lykke til, løpere! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Opprett en subjektlinje for denne e-posten.
If you know anyone who's chief resident this Sunday, send me my name and age. Thank you! Enron's 20K Team Roster Albers Christina Bolks Sean Cabrera Reyna Chua Joel Dillingham Gabinger Flahaven Julie Flahaven Tom Flahaven Tim Foster Danny Hunrizon Marc Reinchinson Elizabeth Kelly Debor Klicker Karl Bryan Lawson Brad Maki Sean McCullough Travis Morrison Jeanette Pearse Cynthi Phillip Pitre Becky Plante Kristin Ramirez Garibaldis Roland Lari Bryan Lari Bryan Lari Bryan Bryan Lawson Lawson Brad Brad Mai Sean Sean McCroid Trazilla Michael Jeantricler Marc Petter Becky Plante Steven Kristin Riznimner Rami Ramier Michelle Carison Larison Larson Lariz Laz This is the only way to get your 20K shirt after the race. Chips can be picked up between 5:30 a.m. and 6:45 a.m. at the start line. Residual runners will get one chip squad. Packaged Picket Up If you have registered through ERC, the packages are available in Cindy Richardson's office, EB4845. Make sure you pick up your package by 5:00. Can't you run the race? If for some reason you cannot participate and the ERC paid for your entry, please transfer a check for the amount of 25 kroner to be paid to the<unk>Enron Running Club<unk> and send to Cindy Richardson, EB4845. Uniform & Running Gear If you are driving on the weekend and have not received an ERC singlet/shirt, please let me know. We also have extra running gear with the Enron logo for sale (i.e. jogging successes, tights, shorts, socks, t-shirts, CoolMax long sleeve shirts, etc.). Lakfoto See you at Start for a group photo at 6:30 P.M. Look for the Enron flag and you'll find the team! Good luck, runners! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Create a subject line for this mail.
REFSELS AMPSERT & OPPLYSNING<unk> 20K og videresending
REFELD AMPSERT & INFORMATION<unk> 20K and forwarding
This is the content of an email: I know that over the past few weeks you have been handling your daily responsibilities and working on the transition of business from our aquisition of CES's wholesale business. I realize that balancing all of this has been demanding, especially with the holidays, bid week and other end of year actitivies. Thank you for the extra effort that you have given to effectively absorb the CES book of business. It is noticed and appreciated. As we look forward to the new year, I thank you for your accomplishments and What was the subject line for this email?
Work on CES Transition
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Jeg vet at du de siste ukene har håndtert ditt daglige ansvar og arbeidet med overgangen fra vår anmodning om at CES-foretakets engrosvirksomhet. Jeg innser at det har vært krevende å finne ut av alt dette, særlig med ferier, ukebud og andre avslutninger av årets aktiva. Tusen takk for de ekstra anstrengelsene dere har gjort dere for å kunne ta godt vare på CES - boken. Den blir lagt merke til og satt pris på. Når vi ser fram til det nye året, vil jeg takke dere for det dere har utrettet, og Hva var temaet for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an e-mail: I know that in the last few weeks you have handled your daily responsibilities and the work of transition from our request that the CES company's wholesale activities. I realize it's been hard to figure all this out, especially with vacations, weekly bids and other endings of this year's assets. Thank you so much for your extra efforts to take good care of the CES book. It is noticed and appreciated. When we look forward to the new year, I want to thank you for what you have accomplished, and what was the theme of this e-mail?
Arbeid på CES-flygekurs
Work at CES flight course
This is the content of an email: Jeff, I am a cofounder of Inknowvator Inc. I live in Houston, actually Gene Humphrey is my next door neighbor. Our new Idea Manager solution was recently selected by Xcelerator to identify, develop and select new ventures. This was put on hold following the recent management change. Oddly enough, the Knowledge Management group, then housed in EES, also thought we were the "best thing since sliced bread" and wanted to bring us in as an Enron corporate offering. As you know, that group was disbanded. I was interested in your participation in the Revolutionaries Ball. We are in discussions with Gary Hamel's company, Strategos. It turned out that we have very similar clients and our software solution can be a natural enabler for Strategos's approach to innovation (Halliburton is our latest corporate innovation client). Also, we can target our solution at venture management (Xcelerator), M&A (Chevron-Texaco) and new service development (Schlumberger). I believe that we are an ideal solution for Enron to identify and develop new business ventures, to enhance current products and services, and to share ideas and learnings across the company. I would like to meet with you to discuss our solution I look forward to hearing from you. Regards, What was the subject line for this email?
Inknowvator Inc. & Revolutionaries Ball
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Jeff, jeg er medgrunnlegger av Inknowator Inc. Jeg bor i Houston, Gene Humphrey er naboen min. Xcelerator har nylig valgt vår løsning for å identifisere, utvikle og velge nye risikoer. Dette ble satt på vent etter den siste styringsendringen. Rart nok så mente også Kunnskapsforlagetsgruppa, som da var stuert i EES, at vi også var det<unk> beste siden skivet brød<unk> og ville ta oss inn som en Enron-bedriftsgave. Som du vet, ble den gruppen oppløst. Jeg var interessert i din deltagelse i partiorganet. Vi snakker med Gary Hamels firma Strategos. Det viste seg at vi har svært like klienter, og programvareløsningen vår kan være en naturlig muliggjører for Strategos' tilnærming til innovasjon (Halliburton er vår nyeste innovasjonsklient). Vi kan også være mål for vår løsning ved risikostyring (Xcelerator), M&A (Chevron-Texaco) og ny tjenesteutvikling (Schlumberger). Jeg mener at vi er en ideell løsning for Entron til å identifisere og utvikle nye forretningsforetak, forbedre aktuelle produkter og tjenester og dele ideer og læringer i hele selskapet. Jeg vil gjerne snakke med deg om vår løsning jeg ser fram til å høre fra deg. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an email, Jeff, I'm a cofounder of Inknowator Inc. I live in Houston, Gene Humphrey is my neighbor. The Xcelerator has recently chosen our solution to identify, develop and choose new risks. This was put on hold after the last change in control. Strangely enough, the Knowledge Management Group, which was then housed in EES, also thought we were the best thing since sliced bread<unk> and wanted to take us in as an Enron company gift. As you know, that group broke up. I was interested in your participation in the party organ. We're talking to Gary Hamel's company, Strategos. It turned out that we have very similar clients, and our software solution may be a natural enabler for Strategos' approach to innovation (Halliburton is our newest innovation client). We can also be the measure of our solution to risk management (Xcelerator), M/3A (Chevron-Texaco) and new service development (Schlumberger). I believe that we are an ideal solution for Entron to identify and develop new business enterprises, improve current products and services, and share ideas and learning throughout the company. I'd like to talk to you about our solution I look forward to hearing from you. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
Innowator Inc. & Årsregnskap Ball
Innowator Inc. & Annual Accounts Ball
Write a subject line for this message: Mark and Sara: Tana came into my office last night and seemed to be very upset about how the other 2 legal assistants were treating her, especially Susan Bailey, and also about the fact taht Susan Bailey was going to be part of Samantha's training and that this was a surprise to her. On the latter issue, I explained to her that given that the 2 Susan's were involved in the day to day routine, it made perfectly good sense for 1 of them to handle this part of Samantha's training especially since Tana was now out of the day to day stuff. I am very concerned that Tana is going to interfere with Susan's training process given her attitude toward the whole thing which I really feel is ridiculous. The only possibly valid point that she might have is the fact that we didn't tell her that this was going to work this way, but even so, again it's Tana's way of not be able to let go and not being a team player. I explained to her that both she and Tana had different roles to play with respect to Samantha's training and that they both were important and taht in my opinion, Susan was more than qualified to handle this part of Samantha's training. On the first point, I told Tana that the only way that this group is gong to work better is through "communicating" to each other. I firmly believe taht there are 2 sides to this and taht all 3 of them are guilty of treating the other 2 at time in a not so pleasant way. Tana of course will not admit this. I have no answers for this issue other than the fact that I am tired of hearing about why they can't get along. I also told Tana taht it was my perception that Susan Bailey has been under alot of pressure given her increased workload and other things and taht that could explain her attitude which even I have noticed has been a little different lately. I'm letting the both of you know about this because I don't want any of this to negatively impact Samantha to the extent that it can be avoided. Carol
Meeting with Tana
Mark og Sara: Tana kom inn på kontoret mitt i går kveld og virket opprørt over hvordan de andre to assistentene behandlet henne, spesielt Susan Bailey, og også over at taht Susan Bailey skulle bli en del av Samanthas trening, og at dette var en overraskelse for henne. I den sistnevnte saken, forklarte jeg henne at gitt at de 2 Susan's var involvert i dag til dag rutine, det ga helt god mening for 1 av dem å håndtere denne delen av Samantha trening spesielt siden Tana var nå ute av dag til dag ting. Jeg er veldig bekymret for at Tana kommer til å blande seg i Susans treningsprosess gitt hennes holdning til det hele som jeg virkelig føler er latterlig. Det eneste muligens gyldige punktet hun kan ha er at vi ikke fortalte henne at dette skulle fungere slik, men likevel, igjen er det Tanas måte å ikke kunne gi slipp og ikke være en lagspiller. Jeg forklarte henne at både hun og Tana hadde forskjellige roller å spille i forhold til Samanthas trening og at de begge var viktige og taht i min mening, var Susan mer enn kvalifisert til å håndtere denne delen av Samanthas trening. På det første punktet fortalte jeg Tana at den eneste måten at denne gruppen er gong til å jobbe bedre på, er gjennom<unk>samme<unk> til hverandre. Jeg tror fullt og fast taht det er 2 sider til dette og taht alle 3 av dem er skyldig i å behandle de andre 2 om gangen på en ikke så behagelig måte. Dette vil selvsagt ikke være en innrømmelse. Jeg har ingen andre svar på denne saken enn at jeg er lei av å høre om hvorfor de ikke kommer overens. Jeg sa også til Tana taht at det var min oppfatning at Susan Bailey har vært under mye press gitt henne økt arbeidsbyrde og andre ting og ting og taht som kunne forklare hennes holdning som selv jeg har lagt merke til har vært litt annerledes i det siste. Jeg lar dere begge få vite om dette fordi jeg ikke ønsker noe av dette til negativ påvirkning i den grad det kan unngås. , ved ved ved
Mark and Sara: Tana came into my office last night and seemed upset about how the other two assistants treated her, especially Susan Bailey, and also about taht Susan Bailey becoming part of Samantha’s training and that this was a surprise for her. In the latter case, I explained to her that given that the 2 Susan's were involved today to today's routine, it made complete sense for one of them to deal with this part of Samantha's exercise especially since Tana was now out of the day to day things. I'm very concerned that Tana's going to interfere in Susan's exercise process given her attitude toward the whole thing that I really feel is ridiculous. The only possibly valid point she could have is that we didn't tell her that this was going to work like this, but still, again, it's Tana's way of not being able to let go and not be a team player. I explained to her that both she and Tana had different roles to play in relation to Samantha's training and that they were both important and taht in my opinion, Susan was more than qualified to handle this part of Samantha's training. At the first point, I told Tana that the only way that this group is going to work better is through<unk>same<unk> to each other. I think that there are two sides to this and all 3 of them are guilty of treating the other 2 at a time in a less comfortable way. Of course, this would not be an admission. I have no other answers to this case but that I'm tired of hearing about why they don't get along. I also told Tana taht that it was my opinion that Susan Bailey has been under a lot of pressure that increased her workload and other things and things and taht that could explain her attitude that even I have noticed has been a little different lately. I let you both know about this because I do not want any of this to be negative to the extent that it can be avoided. , wood wood
Møt møte med %s
Here is an email: BY THE WAY, your voice mail does not work! If your phone calls roll over to an assistant or I try to leave you a voice mail, I cannot get there! Please call or stop by. Sara What is a potential subject line for this email?
work for you
Her er en e- post: I VÅRA, virker ikke svareren din! Hvis telefonsamtalene dine går over til en assistent eller jeg prøver å legge igjen en telefonsvarer til deg, kommer jeg meg ikke dit! Vær så snill å ringe eller komme innom. Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e-posten?
Here's an e-mail: In ours, your answering machine doesn't work! If your phone calls go over to an assistant or I try to leave an answering machine for you, I won't be able to get there! Please call me or come by. What is a possible subject line for this e-mail?
arbeid arbeid for deg
work for you
k# Volume Delivery Receipt .3924 35930 Emporia Telescoped .3924 (15930) Emporia Telescoped (Williams FS Supply) 20,000 Net ENA volume on k#.3924 .3767 ?? WSS - Meter #6600 .3768 ?? GSS ???? .6507 543 Leidy Utos .6507 13 Leidy Z3 Propose a subject line for this email?
TRCO VNG contracts
k# Volum DeleaseReceipt .3924 35930 Emporia Telescoped .3924 (15930) Emporia Telescoped (Gimmer FS Forsyning) Konsentrat ENA volum på k#.3924 .3767 ? ? WSS - Målt 6.600 .37 ?? ? GSS ? ?? . 6507 5 43n Leidy Utos .6507 13 Leidy Z3 Foreslå en subjektlinje for denne e-posten?
k# Volume DeleaseReceipt .3924 35930 Emporia Telescoped .3924 (15930) Emporia Telescoped (Gimmer FS Supply) Concentrate ENA volume on k#3924 .3767 ? - Yeah. WSS - Measured 6,600 .37? - Yeah. GSS? - Yeah. 6507 5 43n Leidy Utos.6507 13 Leidy Z3 Suggest a subject line for this e-mail?
TORGI- og også jord- og også jord- og også jord- og også jord- og også jord- eller derivater
TORGI and also soil and soil and also soil and also soil and also soil and also soil or derivatives
Write an email with the subject line "Statement about forbearance agreement letter to SCE".
An attorney for Reliant sent a letter on behalf of five Southern California Edison creditors (Reliant, Mirant, Dynegy, Enron, Puget Sound Energy) to SCE today requesting a meeting to discuss the terms of a forbearance agreement. The following is the statement we are using with the media: We are interested in getting paid and in discussing constructive solutions. This letter is aimed at advancing that. We have no plans at this time to participate as a petitioning creditor in an involuntary bankruptcy filing. In fact, this letter is an attempt to avoid bankruptcy.
Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen<unk> Påstand om brev til SCE-foretaket for overbæring av overensstemmelse med SCE-foretaket<unk>
Writes an e-mail with the subject line<unk> Claims of a letter to the SCE for the subordination of the SCE<unk>
En advokat i Reliant sendte et brev på vegne av fem av fem av den sørlige Californias Edison-kreditorer (Reliant, Mirant, Dynegy, Enron, Puget Sound Energy) til SCE-foretaket i dag som anmoder om et møte for å diskutere vilkårene i en overbæringsavtale. Følgende er utsagnet vi bruker med media: vi er interessert i å få betalt og i å diskutere konstruktive løsninger. Dette brevet tar sikte på å avansere det. Vi har ingen planer nå om å delta som kreditor i en konkursbegjæring. Dette brevet er faktisk et forsøk på å unngå konkurs.
_Other Organiser The following is the statement we use with the media: we are interested in getting paid and discussing constructive solutions. This letter aims to advance it. We have no plans now to take part as creditors in a bankruptcy petition. In fact, this letter is an attempt to avoid bankruptcy.
What is the subject line for this email? Attached is the referenced counterparty approval list. Per earlier emails, no U.S. counterparty should be approved for european power until we hear otherwise. Also, per my email yesterday, CMS Marketing, Services & Trading Company was already approved yesterday to do basis financial. All other prior approvals for that counterparty should stay the same.
Counterparty List for 12/28/99
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Vedlagt er den rapporterende listen over godkjenning av motparter. Ingen amerikanske motparter bør være godkjent for européisk makt før vi hører noe annet. Også per e-post i går, CMS-overtagelse, Services & Trading Company var allerede godkjent for å drive med basisfinansiering i går. Alle andre forhåndsgodkjenninger av vedkommende motpart bør være de samme.
What is the subject line for this email? Attached is the reporting list of authorisation of counterparties. No American counterpart should be approved for European power until we hear otherwise. Also by e-mail yesterday, CMS acquisition, Services & Trading Company was already authorised to operate on basic finance yesterday. All other prior authorisation of the counterparty concerned should be the same.
Kontrastatsliste for 12/28/EØF
Contrast list of 12/28/EEC
This is the content of an email: Tanya: I just returned from vacation. What happened with SITA? Did we execute a transaction (in the name of ECTRIC) on a Deemed ISDA (with or without credit?). I didn't see an entry in Lotus Notes. Sara What was the subject line for this email?
Dette er innholdet i en e- post: Tanya: Jeg kom nettopp tilbake fra ferie. Hva skjedde med SITA? Utførte vi en transaksjon (i navnet i ERCAT-konsortiet) på en av de avgitte ISDA (med eller uten kreditt?). Jeg har ikke sett en oppføring i notater. Hva het Sara for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an email: Tanya: I just got back from vacation. What happened to SITA? Did we perform a transaction (in the name of the ERCAT consortium) on one of the released ISDA (with or without credit?). I haven't seen an entry in notes. What was Sara's name for this e-mail?
Snitt [imim
Mean [imim]
This document accompanies two e-mails I forwarded from Carla - the last EOL Deal Summaries completed for the months of August, September, and October 2000. I hope these are what you're looking for. Kate Propose a subject line for this email?
EOL Deal Summary 8-31
Dette dokumentet følger med to e-postmeldinger jeg videresendes fra Carla - de siste EOL-erklæringene som ble utfylt i månedene august, september og oktober 2000. Jeg håper dette er det du leter etter. Kan Kate foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
This document comes with two e-mails I'm being forwarded from Carla - the last EOL statements that were completed in the months of August, September and October 2000. I hope this is what you're looking for. Could Kate suggest a subject line for this email?
Oppdrag i utdraget av EOL-boksen 8-31
Mission in the extract from EOL Box 8-31
This is the content of an email: This message is forwarded on behalf of Artis G. Hampshire-Cowan, Esq., Secretary of the Board of Trustees. Please review the attached action alert and resolution and respond by facsimile. Thank you. <<advisory.jackson.treasurer.doc>> <<BD Action-Treas.doc>> - advisory.jackson.treasurer.doc - BD Action-Treas.doc What was the subject line for this email?
Approval of Interim CFO as Board Treasurer
Dette er innholdet i en e- post: Denne meldingen sendes på vegne av Artis G. Hampshire-Cowan, Esq., sekretær i Tillitsmannens styre. Vennligst se nærmere på den vedlagte handlingsvarsleren og handlingsoppløsningen og svar ved hjelp av en anmeldelse. Takk. <advisory.jackson.treasurer.doc>> <<<<advisio.troas.doc>>> - contact.jackson.treasurer.doc - BD Action-Treas.doc Hva var subjektet for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an email: This message is sent on behalf of Artis G. Hampshire-Cowan, Esq., secretary of the Trusty Management Board. Please consider the attached action alert and the action resolution and respond by means of a review. Thank you. <advisory.jackson.treesur.doc><<<advisio.troas.doc>> - contact.jackson.tree.doc - BD Action-Treas.doc What was the subject of this e-mail?
Avsetning av midlertidig og etter tretid som mellomstor og to eller flere som skal tre i rad
Temporary and post-three-time provision as medium-sized and two or more to take a row
Here is an email: Hi Pete, I'm attaching parts of an email I received from one of our technical folks regarding the C of Austin turbine contract. I have to send it in pieces because it is so large. Thanks, What is a potential subject line for this email?
City of Austin
Her er en e-post: Hei Pete, jeg legger ved deler av en e-post jeg har mottatt fra en av våre tekniske folk angående C i Austin-turbinkontrakten. Jeg må sende den i biter fordi den er så stor. Takk, hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e-posten?
Hey, Pete, I'm attaching parts of an e-mail I've received from one of our technical people about the "C" in the Austin turbine contract. I have to send it in pieces because it's so big. Thank you, what is a possible subject line for this e-mail?
Byen Austin
Austin City
This is the content of an email: Dear Theresa, With the holiday approaching many of you are looking forward to a few days off and to spending time with family and friends. If you have been holding off on making your holiday travel plans, you might be interested in the holiday air fare deals that are still available. Wherever your travels take you this Thanksgiving - across town or across the country - We wish you a very happy holiday! Featured This Week - Save up to $75 on Airline Tickets! - Great Holiday Fares! - Keep America Traveling! Air - JetBlue Offers Great Fares! Cruises - Sail to Magnificent Mexico from $199! - 5-Night Caribbean Cruises from $299! - Cruise the Caribbean and $100 Cash! - Princess' Caribbean Getaways from $499! Vacations - Mexico - Savings up to 53%! - Vegas - 2 Nights from $30 per Person! - Save up to 50% on Caribbean Vacations! - Earn 25,000 Bonus Miles While You Ski! Hotels - It's the Best Time to Visit Las Vegas! - Exclusive Offer for Travelocity Members Only! Cars - Get 10% Off Rentals with Thrifty! Exclusive Offers - Win a Trip for 4 to Mexico! - Free Companion Ticket to Asia! Special Offers - Travel To Hawaii This Fall! - Still Need to Make Thanksgiving Plans? What was the subject line for this email?
Real Deals from Travelocity
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Kjære Theresa, når høytiden nærmer seg mange av dere, ser dere fram til noen dager fri og til å være sammen med familie og venner. Dersom du har hatt avbrudd i arbeidet med å utarbeide reiseplaner, kan det hende at du er interessert i de reiseplanene som fortsatt finnes. På reisen din tar du denne høsttakkefesten, på den andre siden av byen eller andre siden av landet, vi ønsker deg en svært lykkelig høytid! Avvent Denne uken - Lagre til $75 på Airline Billets! - Store Fares! - Hold Amerika i hevd! - Flyfly Offers Great Fares! Fra 1 dollar til 1 000 dollar! - 5-nights fra 2 999! - Dra i Karibien og 100 dollar! - Princess' Caribbean Getaways fra 499 dollar! Ferier - Mexico - Ungdom opp til 53%! - 2 kvelder fra $ 30 per person! -Spar opp til 50% på Karibisk ferie! - Du skal ut på ski! Det er den beste tiden å besøke Las Vegas på! - Eksklusiv Offer for kun medlemmer av De reisende! Biler - Blir u av uflaks med Thrifty! Exclusive Offers<unk> Vinner en Trist for 4 til Mexico! - Gratis billett til Asia! Spesialtilbud<unk> reise til Hawaii i høst! - Vil du fremdeles gjøre det til en avtale? Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
Dear Theresa, as the holiday approaches many of you, you look forward to a few days off and to spending time with your family and friends. If you have had some interruptions in the preparation of travel plans, you may be interested in the still - existing travel plans. On your journey, you will take this Thanksgiving, across town or across the country, we wish you a very happy holiday! Wait this week - Save for $75 on Airline Tickets! - Great Fares! - Keep America alive! - Airplane Offers Great Fares! From $1.000 to $1,000. - 5 Nights from 2999! - Pull the Caribbean and $100! - Four-nine-nine hundred and ninety-nine. Vacations - Mexico - Youths up to 53%! - Two nights from $30 a person! - Save up to 50% on Caribbean vacation! - You're going skiing! It's the best time to visit Las Vegas! - Exclusive sacrifice for only members of the Travelers! Cars get bad luck with Thrifty! Exclusive Offers<unk> Winns a sad 4 to Mexico! - Free ticket to Asia! Special offer<unk> go to Hawaii this fall! - You still want to make a deal with me? What was the subject line for this e-mail?
Virkelig handel fra Reiserocity
Real Trade From Reiserocity
David - I haven't had a chance to look at this yet but thought I ought to send it on to you. I will be out of the office (vacation) until the 27th and didn't want to lose the entire week. Mark ps - I lost all of my voice mails the other day and I think there was one from you regarding a possible conflict - my understanding is that we're just assigning a bunch of transactions over from one party to another and in that case I tend to think there's no problem. Generate a subject line for this email.
ETA Amendment
David<unk> Jeg har ikke fått sett på dette ennå, men tenkte jeg burde sende det videre til deg. Jeg vil være ute av kontoret (kontoret) til den 27. og ville ikke miste hele uken. Jeg mistet alle svarerne mine her om dagen, og jeg tror det var en fra deg angående en mulig konflikt - min forståelse er at vi bare tildeler en haug transaksjoner fra en part til en annen og i så fall tror jeg at det ikke er noe problem. Lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten.
I haven't had a chance to look at this yet, but I thought I should pass it on to you. I want to be out of the office until the 27th and would not lose the week. I lost all my voicemails the other day, and I think there was one from you about a possible conflict-- my understanding is that we're just assigning a bunch of transactions from one party to another and in that case I think that's not a problem. Create a subject line for this email.
Endring av ETA-grensegrense (enkelt endring)
Change in ETA limit (single change)
Write an email with the following subject: west delivery points
Postle, I just did a download from Global Facilities of all the delivery points associated with Mid-C, NP15, SP15 and Rockies. You might want to get with Kara (or someone else in scheduling) to determine which points are still actively used. If you find that you're deleting alot more than you're keeping (as was our case), simply highlight the ones you want to take forward to UBS and send the file to Kim Theriot. Let me know if you have any questions! Casey
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: e e e-post e e e post post e e e e post post e e e e e e post post e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e: e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e: e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e: e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e: e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e: e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e: e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e: e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e: e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e
e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e
Postle, jeg har akkurat lastet ned fra Global Facilities av alle leveringsstedene tilknyttet Mid-C, NP15, SP15 og Rockies. Du bør kanskje snakke med Kara (eller med en annen i planleggingen) for å finne ut hvilke punkter som fortsatt brukes. Hvis du finner at du sletter mye mer enn du har beholdt (som var vår sak), kan du ganske enkelt markere dem du vil ta frem til UBS og sende fila til Kim Therioret. Si ifra hvis du har noen spørsmål! Det er flere som har dette
Postle, I just downloaded from the Global Facilities of every delivery site connected to Mid-C, NP15, SP15 and Rockies. You may want to talk to Kara (or someone else in your planning) to find out what points are still being used. If you find that you are deleting much more than you have kept (which was our case), simply mark those you want to reach UBS and send the file to Kim Therioret. Let me know if you have any questions. There are more people who have this.
This is an email Bros, This was sent to me by my daughter-in-law-to-be. Tell me the dancing one doesn't bring back memories of early 70's Beta parties. Yours in -kai-, What is the subject of this email?
[smu-betas] Fwd: This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen...
Dette er en e-post Bros. Dette ble sendt til meg av min svigerdatter. Si at dansingen ikke vekker minner om 70 års tv-fester. Din in -kai-, Hva er emnet i denne e-posten?
This is an e-mail Bros, this was sent to me by my daughter-in-law. Tell me dancing doesn't bring back 70 years of TV parties. Your in -kai-, what's the subject of this e-mail?
Dette er noe av det morsomste jeg har sett.
This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
As per our discussion, the first step was to identify the participants in the retention program. The next step is to build the business case for why these employees are critical and irreplaceable to your business unit. Please provided a brief rational for why these employees were selected. Additionally, if there is a unique situation or circumstance that makes your area more vulnerable, please included in an overall business summary. For example: if your unit has a limited number of people supporting a critical area necessary to maintaining or increasing the value of the estate or the liquidation of assets, include this in your business summary. Demonstrate why it would be difficult to train someone else to perform a similar function. You should also comment on why the employee was recommended for the Milestone Program. As you know this information is time sensitive, so please try and get it to me as soon as possible. I appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to meet with me on such short notice. Please call me (5x3662) if you have any questions. Regards, Generate a subject line for this email.
Business Rationale for Retention
I løpet av samtalen var det første skrittet å identifisere deltakerne i programmet. Neste skritt er å bygge opp forretningssaken for hvorfor disse ansatte er kritiske og uerstattelige for din forretningsenhet. Gi en kort begrunnelse for hvorfor de ansatte ble valgt. Dersom det er en unik situasjon eller et unikt tilfelle som gjør ditt område mer sårbart, skal dette tas med i et overordnet sammendrag. For eksempel: Dersom enheten din har et begrenset antall personer som støtter et kritisk område som er nødvendig for å opprettholde eller øke verdien av boet eller avviklingen av eiendeler, skal dette tas med i ditt foretakssammendrag. Forklar hvorfor det ville være vanskelig å lære noen andre å utføre en lignende funksjon. Du bør også kommentere hvorfor den ansatte ble anbefalt for milepælprogrammet. Som du vet er denne informasjonen tidsfølsom, så prøv å få den til meg så snart som mulig. Jeg setter pris på at du tar deg tid fra din travle timeplan for å møte meg på så kort varsel. Ring meg (dex3662) hvis du har noen spørsmål. Lag en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
During the conversation, the first step was to identify the participants in the program. The next step is to build up the business case for why these employees are critical and irreplaceable to your business unit. Give a brief explanation of why the employees were chosen. If there is a unique situation or case that makes your area more vulnerable, this should be included in an overall summary. For example, if your unit has a limited number of persons supporting a critical area necessary to maintain or increase the value of the assets held or liquidate, this should be included in your business summary. Explain why it would be difficult to teach someone else a similar function. You should also comment on why the employee was recommended for the milestone program. As you know, this information is time sensitive, so try to get it to me as soon as possible. I appreciate you taking time from your busy schedule to meet me on such short notice. Call me (dex3662) if you have any questions. Create a subject line for this email.
Rasjonal for angre
Rational for undo
This is an email please save, run spell check, and print for my review. I think that Robert Jones or Oxley will have to sign it instead of me, since I am not an officer. Thanks. MHCC What is the subject of this email?
ELT IPT Letter
Dette er en e-post: Spar, kjør stavekontroll og skriv ut til gjennomgangen min. Jeg tror at Robert Jones eller Oxley må skrive under i stedet for meg, siden jeg ikke er offiser. Takk. MHCC Hva er emnet i denne e- posten?
This is an email: Save, run spell check and print out for my review. I think Robert Jones or Oxley will have to sign it instead of me, since I'm not an officer. Thank you. MHCC What is the subject of this email?
E SLT IPT Letter
E LT IPT Letter
Here is an email: When: Tuesday, January 22, 2002 2:30 PM-3:00 PM (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada). Where: EB3941 Denis' office *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Please pass the word. I invited the first names that popped into my head. What is a potential subject line for this email?
SURPIRSE - Denis Tu Birthday
Her er en e-post: Når: tirsdag 22. januar 2002 2.30 kl. 3.00 (GMT-06:00) Sentraltid (USA & Canada). Hvor: EB3941 Denim' kontor * ~ ~ * ~ ~ * ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * Vennligst send ordet videre. Jeg inviterte de fornavnene jeg fikk i hodet. Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Here is an email: When: Tuesday, January 22, 2002.30, at 3 a.m. (GMT-06:00) Central Time (USA & Canada). Where: EB3941 Denim's office * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ * Please send the word further. I invited the first names I got in my head. What is a possible topic line for this email?
This is the content of an email: Scott: In follow-up to our conversation, please note that your deposition in the above-referenced matter is scheduled for June 22, 2001. I will get back to you with more details, including a propose preparation time, in the near future. Thanks, What was the subject line for this email?
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: Scott: I oppfølging av vår samtale, vennligst legg merke til at din avsetning i det ovenstående opplegget er bestemt til 22. juni 2001. Jeg vil komme tilbake til dere med flere detaljer, inkludert et forslag til forberedelsestidspunkt, i den nærmeste fremtid. Takk, hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an e-mail: Scott: In the follow-up of our conversation, please note that your provision in the above arrangement is fixed until 22 June 2001. I'll come back to you with more details, including a proposal for preparation, in the near future. Thank you. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
John, I am forwarding to you the request by Jens. We gave in the past our forward oil curves (with approval of Greg Whalley) to some academics. What is your position on this request? Vince Write a subject line for this email.
Forward oil prices
Jeg videresender til deg anmodningen fra Jens. Vi gav tidligere våre fremoverrettede oljekurver (med godkjennelse av Greg Whalley) til noen akademiske grupper. Hva mener du om denne anmodningen? Skriv en emnelinje for denne e-posten.
I'm forwarding to you the request from Jens. We previously gave our forward oil baskets (with approval of Greg Whaley) to some academic groups. How do you feel about this request? Type a subject line for this email.
Ikke-oljeolje, ikke overpris
Non-oil oil, non-overprice
What is the subject line for this email? Jeff: We have received a request from the above counterparty to alter the format of the confirmation process on physical and financial deals. In lieu of signing each confirm that is sent to them, what they want to send back to us is a letter signed by them in which they describe the confirm and indicate whether or not they accept or disagree with the terms thereof and if they disagree with such terms, they will return the confirm. Are you okay with this procedure? Carol
Southern Company Energy Marketing LP
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Vi har mottatt en anmodning fra ovennevnte motpart om å endre formatet på bekreftelsesprosessen på fysiske og finansielle avtaler. I stedet for å undertegne hver bekreftelse som sendes til dem, er det de vil sende tilbake til oss et brev signert av dem der de beskriver bekreftelsen og angir om de godtar eller ikke er uenige med vilkårene i dette og hvis de er uenige med slike begreper, vil de returnere bekreftelsen. Er du enig i denne prosedyren? , ved ved ved
What is the subject line for this email? We have received a request from the above-mentioned counterparty to change the format of the confirmation process of physical and financial agreements. Instead of signing each confirmation sent to them, what they will send back to us is a letter signed by them describing the confirmation and indicating whether they accept or do not disagree with the terms and if they disagree with such terms, they will return the confirmation. Do you agree with this procedure? , wood wood
David and Jim: I spoke with Joe Hubach today and he is very interested in becoming a part of the new Tech Law Center. Joe is expecting your call, Jim, and David you might want to follow up and invite him to lunch. He said he would do his best to attend the ICLC Advisory Board meeting and the Symposium this year, too (no doubt mainly to hear Jim's talk!) His contact information is as follows: Propose a subject line for this email?
Joe Hubach of Texas Instruments
David og Jim: Jeg snakket med Joe Hubach i dag, og han er svært interessert i å bli en del av det nye Tech Law Center. Joe venter på deg, Jim, og David, og du bør kanskje følge opp og invitere ham til lunsj. Han sa at han ville gjøre sitt beste for å delta på ICLCs Advisory Board-møte og symposiet dette året, også (ingen tvil hovedsakelig for å høre Jims snakk!) Kontaktinformasjonen hans er som følger: Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e-posten?
David and Jim: I spoke to Joe Hubach today, and he is very interested in becoming part of the new Tech Law Center. Joe's waiting for you, Jim, and David, and you might want to follow up and invite him to lunch. He said that he would do his best to attend the ICLC Advisory Board meeting and the symposium this year, too (no doubt mainly to hear Jim’s talk!) His contact information is as follows: Would you like to suggest a subject line for this e-mail?
En kjempehubach fra Texas instrument
It's a giant Hubach from Texas instrument.
I've been talking to other ESPs about the PX Credit Payment and the Barnett proceeding. Some tidbits: New West -- wants to keep the payment issues out of the proceeding and wil attempt to do that. They don't have a complaint filed, so they need SCE to have good faith bilateral settlement discussions. Good luck there. Their meeting with SCE is 11/6. Generate a subject line for this email.
PX Credit -- Other ESP Positions
Jeg har snakket med andre ESP-er om PX-kredittbetalingen og Barnett-avtalen. Noen godbiter: New West -- ønsker å holde betalingsutbetalingene utenfor den videre og wil forsøk på å gjøre det. De har ingen klage på innsendt sak, så de trenger at SCE-foretaket har gode tro bilaterale forliksavtaler. Lykke til der. Et møte med SCE-foretaket er 11/6. Lag en emnelinje for denne e-posten.
I've been talking to other ESPs about the PX credit payments and the Barnett deal. Some treats: New West -- wants to keep payment payments outside of it and will attempt to do so. They have no complaints concerning the filing of a case, so they need the SCE to have good faith in bilateral settlement agreements. Good luck there. An SCE meeting is 11/6. Create a subject line for this email.
PX-kreditt -- ellers ESP-posisjoner
PX credit -- otherwise ESP positions
Please mark your calendar for the following weekly meeting: Mid Market/Trader Mtg. Thursday's room 3125b 3 - 3:30pm Please let me know if you have schedule conflicts. Thanks Generate a subject line for this email.
Mid Market/Trader Mtg. w/Regions
Merk din kalender for følgende ukentlige møte: Mid Market/Trader Mtg. Torsdagsrommet 3125b 3 - 3:30pm Vennligst si fra hvis du har tidsangivelser. Takk til en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
Please note your calendar for the following weekly meeting: Mid Market/Trader Mtg. Thursday room 3125b 3 - 3:30pm, please let me know if you have any dates. Thanks to a subject line for this email.
Midtmarket/Trader Mttg. v/Regg
Midfield/Trader Mttg. v/Reg
Write a subject line for this message: Miguel, l Per our conversation, attached is the Letter of Interest that Eva Rainer asked me to prepare for Crossroads, based on a version sent to us by Lee Robinson. As we discussed, I am forwarding you a hard copy of the document Eva gave me by interoffice mail Please call if I can be of further assistance. Steve
Crossroads Letter of Interest--Issued by ENA to Crossroads
Skriv et emnefelt for denne meldingen: Miguel, l Per vår samtale, vedlagt er interessebrevet som Eva Rainer ba meg forberede for veikryss, basert på en versjon sendt til oss av Lee Robinson. Som vi har drøftet, sender jeg deg en kopi av dokumentet Eva ga meg via interoffice epost Vennligst ring hvis jeg kan være til hjelp. Befa_.
Write a subject field for this message: Miguel, I Per our conversation, attached to the interest letter that Eva Rainer asked me to prepare for crossroads, based on a version sent to us by Lee Robinson. As we discussed, I am sending you a copy of the document Eva gave me via interoffice e-mail, please call me if I can be of assistance. Befa_.
Kryss brevet av interesse-I Utstedt av ENA til Veikryss
Cross the letter of interest-I Issued by ENA to Crossroads
Here is an email: The Weather Derivatives audit, executed by Andersen, has been completed. The attached Final Report has been reviewed with key process owners and issues were discussed with appropriate personnel, both during the audit and at the closing meeting. Final Reports will also be reviewed in detail with Wes and Sally on a periodic basis. EAS will follow up with you regarding implementation of corrective action for High Priority Items If you have any questions, please contact me at ext. 5-4554. Thank you. Mechelle Atwood Director, Enron Assurance Services Enron Wholesale Services What is a potential subject line for this email?
Weather Derivatives Audit Report
Her følger en e-post: Værdidigsrevisjonen, utført av Andersen, er fullført. Vedlagt sluttrapport er behandlet med sentrale prosesseiere og saker ble diskutert med egnet personell, både under revisjonen og på avslutningsmøtet. Sluttrapportene vil også bli gjennomgått i detalj med Wes og Sally på periodisk basis. EAS vil følge opp med deg med hensyn til gjennomføringen av korrigerende tiltak for høyprioritetskontoer Dersom du har noen spørsmål, kontakt meg så snart som mulig. 5-45-54. Takk. Mechelle Atwood direktør, Enron Assurance Services Enron Engros Engere Services Hva er et mulig emne for denne e-posten?
Here's an e-mail: the weather audit, carried out by Andersen, is completed. The attached final report has been addressed with key process owners and cases discussed with appropriate personnel, both during the audit and at the final meeting. The final reports will also be reviewed in detail with Wes and Sally on a periodic basis. The EAS will follow up with you on the implementation of corrective actions for high priority accounts If you have any questions, please contact me as soon as possible. 5-45-54. Thank you. Mechelle Atwood CEO, Enron Assurance Services Enron Engros Engere Services. What is a possible subject for this e-mail?
derivative audit report
This is an email I have modified the letter slightly to try and shift the burden of being notified as to internal policy matters back to the counterparty. Let me know if you think this approach works or if you have suggested improvements in the language. Thanks What is the subject of this email?
Apparent Authority Letter
Dette er en e-post jeg har endret brevet litt på å prøve å endre byrden av å bli meldt om interne politiske spørsmål tilbake til motparten. La meg få vite om du tror denne tilnærmingen fungerer eller om du har foreslått forbedringer av språket. Hva er dette e - postemnet et uttrykk for?
This is an e-mail I've changed the letter a little bit to try to change the burden of being reported on internal policy issues back to the other party. Let me know if you think this approach works or if you've suggested improvements to the language. What is this e - mail subject an expression of?
Et stikkende selvutskrift
A Stingy Self - Print
Write a subject line for this message: Starting on Thursday, April 19, at 2:00 p.m. there will be a weekly telephone conference for the California litigation team. The objective will be to identify key issues and plan a coordinated strategy for all litigation in California. The call will last not more than one hour. Thus far, the responsibility has been allocated as follows: 1. PG&E Bankruptcy Lisa Mellencamp and Carl Ecklund (LeBoeuf Lamb Greene & McRae) 2. Class Actions Richard Sanders and Robin Gibbs (Gibbs & Bruns) 3. CTC Matters Bob Williams, Mike Day and Gary Fergus (Brobeck) 4. FERC Matters Regulatory and Richard Sanders and Dan Watkiss (Bracewell & Patterson) 5. Government Investigations Regulatory and Richard Sanders Richard Sanders and Robin Gibbs will have overall responsibility for coordination of the litigation.
California Litigation Team
Skriv et emne for dette budskapet: Fra torsdag den 19. april kl. 14.00 vil det være en ukentlig telefonkonferanse for det talende laget i California. Målet vil være å kartlegge nøkkelspørsmål og planlegge en samordnet strategi for alle sakprosaområder i California. Samtalen vil ikke vare i mer enn én time. Så langt har ansvaret blitt fordelt slik: 1. PG&E Bankruptcy Lisa Mellencamp og Carl Ecklund (LeBoeuf Lamb Greene & McRae) 2. Klasse Aksjonene Richard Sanders og Robin Gibbs (Gibbs & Bruns) 3. CTC Matters Bob Williams, Mike Day og Gary Fergus (Bryt) 4. FERRC Matters Regulering og Richard Sanders og Dan Watkiss (Bracewell & Patterson) 5. Statens undersøkelsestilsyn og Richard Sanders Richard Sanders og Robin Gibbs vil ha det overordnede ansvaret for samordningen av sakprosaen.
Write a subject for this message: From Thursday, April 19, at 2: 00 p.m., there will be a weekly conference of telephones for the speaking team in California. The objective will be to identify key issues and plan a coordinated strategy for all California case fields. The conversation will not last more than an hour. So far, responsibility has been distributed as follows: 1. PG=E Bankruptcy Lisa Mellencamp and Carl Ecklund (LeBoeuf Lamb Greene & McRae) 2. Classes Richard Sanders and Robin Gibbs (Gibps & Bruns) 3. CTC Matters Bob Williams, Mike Day and Gary Fergus (Bryt) 4. FERRC Matters Regulation and Richard Sanders and Dan Watkiss (Bracewell & Patterson) 5. The State's review board and Richard Sanders Sanders and Robin Gibbs will be in charge of coordinating the case prosa.
Lituktor Team
Sara and Marie, Can you fax the ENA agreement to Bob Georgio, head of Customer Accounts, 212-325-1987, Fax 917-326-8030? I told him we got the ECT Investments back but have not seen the ENA since 7/6/01, when sent to CSFB, and have not gotten a response from CSFB on inqueries. He wants to take a look at it. The other contact I got was Marcel McNeal, 212-538-4415, Prime Broker accounts but we will try Bob Georgio first. Sheila Propose a subject line for this email?
CSFB ENA agreeement
Sara og Marie, kan du fakse ENA-avtalen til Bob Georgio, sjef for kundekontoene, 212-325-1987, faks 917-326-8030? Jeg fortalte ham at vi fikk tilbake ECT-investeringene, men har ikke sett ENA siden 7/6/01, da de ble sendt til CSFB, og har ikke fått svar fra CSFB på spørsmål. Han vil ta en titt på den. Den andre kontakten jeg fikk var Marcel McNeal, 212-53-38-4415, kontoer for statsminister Brokers, men vi vil prøve Bob Georgio først. Sheila Foreslå en emnelinje for denne e-posten?
Sara and Marie, can you fax the ENA deal to Bob Georgio, head of customer accounts, 212-325-1987, fax 917-326-8030? I told him that we got the ECT investments back, but we haven't seen ENA since 7/6/01, when they were sent to CSFB, and we haven't received a CSFB response to questions. He wants to take a look at it. The other contact I got was Marcel McNeal, 212-53-38-4415, Prime Minister Brokers accounts, but we'd like to try Bob Georgio first. Sheila, suggest a subject line for this email?
SFB-enen enååå gjøre avtale
The SFB is making a deal.
What is the subject line for this email? In order to ensure that our communications with the investment community are consistent, Stephen Moore of Moody's and I have agreed to publicly state the following as it pertains to the Moody's rating action taken today: Full Review To Occur - The action is intended to be the catalyst for a full review of our business operations to occur in the coming months. The company's appropriate rating will be determined during this time frame; Primary Areas of Concern - Moody's will be focusing on the following items during the review: Potential Future Equity Write downs: Dhabol California Broadband Fiber Network Wessex/Azurix Slow Progress in Asset Sales - we have been discussing sales for the past 18 months with limited closings Material Working Capital/Margin Expansion - has resulting in negative cash flow from operations The Equity Adjustment - Moody's was unaware of the potential of an equity adjustment of this magnitude Please let me know if you would like to discuss any of the points in detail. Regards:
Moody's Basis for Placing Enron Securities on "Review for Downgrade"
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? For å sikre at kommunikasjonen vår med investeringssamfunnet er i samsvar, har Stephen Moore og jeg gått med på å offentliggjøre følgende i forbindelse med Moodys kredittvurdering i dag: Full Review To Occur<unk> Tiltaket er ment å være katalysatoren for en fullstendig gjennomgang av våre forretningsoperasjoner som skal skje i de kommende månedene. Selskapets relevante kredittvurdering vil bli avgjort i løpet av denne tidsrammen; Primary Areas of Concern - Moody's vil fokusere på følgende poster under gjennomgangen: Potensial Future Equity Writer downs: Dhabol California Broadband Fiber Network Wessex/Azurix Langsom fremgang i Asset Sales<unk> vi har diskutert salg de siste 18 månedene med begrensede avslutninger Material Working Capital/Margin Expansion<unk> har ført til negativ kontantstrøm fra operasjoner Equity Adversity<unk> Moody var ikke klar over potensialet for en egenkapitaljustering av dette magnitude Vennligst la meg vite om du ønsker å diskutere noen av punktene i detalj. I følgende utgaver:
What is the subject line for this email? To ensure that our communication with the investment society is consistent, Stephen Moore and I have agreed to publish the following in connection with Moody's credit assessment today: the Full Review To Occur<unk> Action is intended to be the catalyst for a complete review of our business operations to be conducted in the coming months. The company’s relevant credit assessment will be determined during this timeframe; the Primary Areas of Concern - Moody’s will focus on the following items during the review: The potential Future Equitty Writer downs: Dhabol California Broadband Fiber Network Wessex/Azurix Long-term progress in Asset Sales<unk> we have discussed sales in the last 18 months with limited closures Material Working Capital/Margin Expansion<unk> has led to negative cash flow from operations Equity Adversity<unk> Moody was not aware of the potential for an equity adjustment of this magnitude Please let me know if you wish to discuss some of the points in detail. In the following versions:
Moody's Basis for Pcing Enron Securities on <unk>Review for Downgrade <unk>
Moody's Basis for Pcing Enron Securities on <unk>Review for Downgrade <unk>
Write a subject line for this message: Paul was too nervous using the local firm of Tindall & Foster. Kevin Zemp was recommended by our Calgary office. Kevin refined the prior information and will "pre-clear" Paul with authorities for Paul's trip entering through Calgary around 8/24/99. Do you have any comments to the new attachment? SS
Mr. Gregory Saverance
Skriv et emnefelt for denne beskjeden: Paul var for nervøs til å bruke det lokale firmaet Tindall & Foster. Det ble anbefalt av vårt kontor, som anbefalte at det skulle være et kevintempel. Lage forhåndsinformasjon og testament<unk>forhåndsklar<unk> Paul med tilsynsmyndigheter for Pauls reise gjennom Calgary rundt 8/24/99. Har du noen kommentarer til det nye vedlegget? Sn_
Type a subject field for this message: Paul was too nervous to use the local company Tindall & Foster. It was recommended by our office, which recommended a kevin temple. Pre-information and will<unk>prepared with the supervisory authorities of Paul's journey through Calgary around 8/24/99. Do you have any comments on the new attachment? C_ut
Hi Trice, I need your address again and this time I am going to log it in my address book. Sorry, I missed you on Tuesday. Love ya! Write a subject line for this email.
Hice, jeg trenger adressen din igjen og denne gangen skal jeg logge den i adresseboka mi. Jeg har savnet deg på tirsdag. Jeg elsker deg! Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
Hice, I need your address again and this time I'm gonna log it in my address book. I've missed you Tuesday. I love you! Type a subject line for this email.
This is the content of an email: Dear Mr. Lay, My manager and I were discussing the possibility of doing a fund raiser for Enron. We contributed an absorbant amount of money to charities this year and last, would it not be possible to raise money to help our company. Do a little belt tightening. We could do without the Christmas party, do without our bonuses and next year at this time, when we are back on top, it would be a sweeter glory knowing that the employees helped turn everything around. I have spoken with my HR rep and several other employees about this possibility and we feel that we would be able to raise a substantial amount of money. Please let me know what your view on this would be and we will work on what steps we need to take to make it happen. Thank you for your time. What was the subject line for this email?
Fund raiser for Enron
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: \"Kjære Mr. Lay, manageren min og jeg diskuterte muligheten for å gjøre en fondsløfter for Enron.\" Vi har bidratt med en stor pengesum til veldedige organisasjoner i år og sist, ville det ikke være mulig å skaffe penger til å hjelpe selskapet vårt. Ta litt beltestramming. Vi kunne klare oss uten julebord, uten bonuser og neste år på denne tiden, når vi er tilbake på toppen, ville det være en søtere ære å vite at de ansatte var med på å snu alt. Jeg har snakket med mitt HRR-repl og flere andre ansatte om denne muligheten og vi føler at vi vil kunne skaffe en god del penger. Vennligst la meg få vite hva du mener om dette, og vi skal arbeide med hvilke skritt vi må ta for å få det til å skje. Takk for deres tid. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an e-mail: "Dear Mr. Lay, my manager and I discussed the possibility of making a fund promise for Enron." We have contributed a large sum of money to charitable organizations this year and last year, it would not be possible to raise money to help our company. Have some belt-tighting. We could do without Christmas parties, without bonuses, and next year at this time, when we're back on top, it would be a sweeter honor to know that the employees helped turn everything around. I've been talking to my HR rep and several other employees about this opportunity and we feel that we're going to be able to raise a lot of money. Please let me know how you feel about this, and we will work on what steps we must take to make it happen. Thank you for your time. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
Enrons assessor fondet
Enron’s Assisor Fund
Jeff, I spoke with Jay briefly about the potential of archiving all physical deals every night into a separate database instead of deleting them. We currently are capturing that information in our database, but the feed Jay has is more extensive and reliable. We'd then be able to build some historical queries and facilitate some of the requests we have for this data, I don't anticipate it would take much time to do this. You have any objections? Thanks, Write a subject line for this email.
flexible deal view data archiving
Jeff, jeg snakket med Jay om potensialet for å arkivere alle fysiske transaksjoner hver kveld i en egen database i stedet for å slette dem. Vi fanger nå den informasjonen i databasen vår, men kilden Jay har er mer omfattende og pålitelig. Vi vil da kunne bygge noen historiske spørsmal og lette noen av de ønskene vi har for disse dataene, jeg regner ikke med at det vil ta mye tid å gjøre dette. Har du noen innvendinger? Skriv en emnelinje for denne e-posten.
Jeff, I was talking to Jay about the potential for filing all physical transactions every night in a separate database instead of erasing them. We're now catching that information in our database, but the source Jay has is more comprehensive and reliable. We will then be able to build some historical questions and facilitate some of the requests we have for this data, I don't think it will take much time to do this. Do you have any objections? Type a subject line for this email.
What is the subject line for this email? What is a hedge fund? Types of Buy-Side Firms ?Mutual Funds ?Venture Firms ?Leveraged Buyout Firms (LBOs) ?Institutional Money Management Firms ?Trust/Wealthy Client Firms ?Hedge Funds What is the sell side? If you are interested in learning more about the Hedge Fund industry and how to get into the profession, what is the career path for someone in this field, please plan on attending this incite full presentation. When: Tuesday November 20th during the evening break 7:30 PM to 8:15 PM Where: Career Center conference room S420 Who: Ted Janus, CFA Haas School of Business alum with the Palo Alto Investors firm will be giving a brief overview of the profession and allowing plenty of time for your questions. Plan on attending.
Hedge Fund Careers how to break into the profession 11/20@7:30
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? Hva er et hedgefond? Typer av Buy-Side Firms ?Musual Funds ?Ventevann Firms ?Leveraged Buyout Firms (LBOs) ?Institusjonell Pengehåndtering Fastsetting ?Tryggleik/Velstandsklient Fastsetting ?Hedgefonds Hva er salgssiden? Dersom du er interessert i å lære mer om oppdrettsfondet og hvordan du kan komme deg inn i yrket, hva som er karrierevei for noen på dette området, vennligst planlegg å delta i denne innledende fullstendige presentasjonen. Når: Tirsdag 20. november i kveldsferien 07.30 kl. 20.15 kl. 20.15 Pc Where: Karrieresentrets konferanserom S420 Who: Ted Janus, CFA Haas - skole for business alum med firmaet Palo Alter Investors vil gi en kort oversikt over yrket og gi deg god tid til spørsmålene dine. Planlegg å delta.
What is the subject line for this email? What's a hedge fund? Types of Buy-Side Firms ?Music Funds ?Veraged Buyout Firms (LBOs) ?Institutional Money Management Determine? Security/Lateral Client Determines ?Hedgefonds What is the sales page? If you are interested in learning more about the breeding fund and how to get into the profession, what the career course is for someone in this area, please plan to participate in this initial full presentation. When: Tuesday, November 20, at 7:30 p.m., at 8: 15 p.m., the Career Centre’s Conference Room S420 Who: Ted Janus, CFA Haas School for Business alum with the Palo Alter Investors company will give you a brief overview of your profession and give you plenty of time for your questions. Plan to participate.
Heggevoll Fond Karriere om hvordan man bryter seg inn i yrket 11/20@7:30
Hedgevoll Fond Careere on how to break into the profession 11/20@7:30
Here is an email: To ensure p&l doesn't get lost during the shuffle, we will not hand out the folders until first thing Monday morning. I'm attaching p&l, though, in case you're anxious! Hope everyone has a good weekend! Casey What is a potential subject line for this email?
11/16 P&L
Her er en e-post: for å sikre at p&l ikke går seg vill under stokkingen, vil vi ikke dele ut mappene før mandag morgen. Men jeg legger på p-en i tilfelle du er urolig! Håper alle har en god helg! Hva er en mulig emnelinje for denne e-posten?
Here's an e-mail to make sure that p"l doesn't get lost during the shuffle, we won't hand out the files until Monday morning. But I'm gonna put the P on in case you're worried! I hope everyone has a good weekend! What is a possible subject line for this e-mail?
Write an email with the subject line "Curtail200206.db Question".
Joe, Attached is the Curtail200206.db file. I have a question about a sequence of events. For turbine 840006029 on June 19th the turbine is "Energy curtailed" (Index = 10843), THEN it has the message "Turbine Com Established" (Index = 10855). Then there are no other messages (for that turbine) until a "Energy curtailed" message (Index = 11134). Is there anything I can assume about the time between the curtailment messages? For example, was the turbine uncurtailed when the com established message was recorded? Or are did the turbine become uncurtailed and no message was recorded? Thanks,
Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen <unk>Curtail200206.db Spørsmål <unk>
Type a mail using the subject line <unk>Curtail200206.db Question <unk>
Joe, vedlagt er rutebilfilen. Jeg har et spørsmål om en hendelsesforløp. For turbinen 840006029 den 19. juni er turbinen<unk>Energi forkorta<unk> (Index = 10843), THNN har beskjeden<unk>Turbine Kom Etablert<unk> (Index = lediker. Da er det ingen andre meldinger (for den turbinen) før en<unk>Energi kortet<unk> melding (Index = 111.34). Er det noe jeg kan anta om tiden mellom meldingene om innskrenkninger? For eksempel: Var turbinen upåskyndet da den etablerte com-meldingen ble registrert? Eller er turbinen blitt ubemerket og ingen beskjed ble tatt opp? Takk.
Joe, attached to the stage-car file. I have a question about a sequence of events. For the turbine 840006029 on June 19th, the turbine is reduced<unk>(Index = 10843), THNN has the message<unk>Turbine Kom Established<unk> (Index = leader). Then there are no other messages (for that turbine) before a<unk>Energi card<unk> message (Index = 111.34). Is there anything I can assume about the time between the restrictions? For example, was the turbine still in motion when the established com message was registered? Or has the turbine gone unnoticed and no message been recorded? Thank you.
Write a subject line for this message: Hey Lizzie Nicor is correct, Sitara #664380 s/b changed to reflect a Chicago Gas Daily Price flat, while Sitara #664363 s/b reflect a Chicago Gas Daily Price plus $0.01. I have revised both tickets. Thanks for your help, and also thank Darla.
Sitara #664380
Skriv et emnefelt for denne beskjeden: Hei Lizzie Nicor har rett, Sitara # 664380 s/b endret seg til å gjenspeile en Chicago Gas Daily Price flat, mens Sitara #664363 s/b reflekterer en Chicago Gas Daily Price pluss $0,01. Jeg har revidert begge billettene. Takk for hjelpen, og også for Darla.
Write a subject field for this message: hey Lizzie Nicor is right, Sitara #664380 s/b changed to reflect a Chicago Gas Daily Price flat, while Sitara #664363 s/b reflects a Chicago Gas Daily Price plus $0.01. I've revised both tickets. Thank you for your help, and also for Darla.
Det er en by
It's a city.
This is the content of an email: No on-system capacity available, that includes excess injections or deliveries to Distribution City Gate. IT through Concord is available for tomorrow's gas day for up to 100,000 dth. Have any of you gotten a better handle on the pricing we saw late yesterday? Gas Daily quoted trader's who thought there was some unexplained buying go on. What was the subject line for this email?
Capacity for the 24th
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: No on-system kapasitet tilgjengelig, som inkluderer overskuddsinjeksjoner eller leveranser til distribusjon City Gate. It gjennom Concord er tilgjengelig for morgendagens gassdag for opptil 100 dh. Har noen av dere fått bedre kontroll på prisen vi så sent i går? Gas Daily Sitegers som trodde at det var et eller annet ukjent kjøp gå på. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an e-mail: No on-system capacity available, which includes excess injections or deliveries to distribution City Gate. It is available through Concord for tomorrow’s gas day for up to 100 dh. Have any of you gotten a better handle on the price we made last night? The Gas Daily Sitegers who thought there was some kind of unknown purchase going on. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
kant for 24.
edge for 24.
Gentlemen, This is now back to being the CA Development I and II deal. Please change the name. Please send it to me and Lee Johnson tomorrow, if possible. Kay Write a subject line for this email.
E-Next Generation CASO1 and CASO2 Comparison of Section 10.8.4
Mine herrer, dette er nå tilbake til å være CA-utvikling I og II-avtalen. Vennligst endre navnet. Vennligst send den til meg og Lee Johnson i morgen, hvis mulig. Skriv en emnelinje for denne e- posten.
Gentlemen, this is now back to CA development I and II. Please change the name. Please send it to me and Lee Johnson tomorrow, if possible. Type a subject line for this email.
E-ÅN CASO1 og CASO2-sammenlikning med avsnitt 10.8.4.
E-YN CASO1 and CASO2 comparison to 10.8.4.
What is the subject line for this email? David: In the midst of leaving my voice mail, I think I realized my error. I believe that a guarantor can be a "corporation,....entity" having total asssts exceeding $10million. However, that subpart (I) guarantor cannot be one that falls into the subpart (III) category (which is different from the prior law).
Eligible Contract Participant
Hva er subjekt- linjen for denne e- posten? David: Mens jeg la igjen beskjeden min, tror jeg at jeg innså feilen min. Jeg tror at en garantist kan være en<unk>korporasjon, ...enentitet<unk> som har totalt assists som overstiger 10 millioner dollar. Den underavsnitt (I) garantist kan imidlertid ikke være en som faller inn i underavsnittet (III) kategori (som er forskjellig fra den forutgående lov).
What is the subject line for this email? David: While I left my message, I think I realized my mistake. I believe that a guarantor could be a<unk>corporation, ...entity<unk> that has a total ass that exceeds $10 million. However, the subsection (I) guarantor may not be one that falls into the subsection (III) category (different from the prior law).
Særlige ragiberberkjøpsdeltaker
Special ragiberber buyer
Write an email with the following subject: Japan & Australia Weather Counterparty Approval
Done at last! Whew, I'm whooped! Now it's your turn to have fun! Unfortunatel, I have a call into David Minns about one issue, and I hope when he responds it doesn't change my approvals...
Skriv en e-post med følgende emne: Japan & Australia vær kontra kontraspartikler
Write an e-mail on the following subject: Japan & Australia be Versus Counterparticles
Endelig ferdig! Jeg er full! Nå er det din tur til å ha det gøy! Jeg har en samtale til David Minns om ett nummer, og jeg håper at når han svarer, så endrer det ikke mine godkjennelser...
Finally done! I'm drunk! Now it's your turn to have fun! I'm having a conversation with David Minns about one number, and I hope that when he answers, it doesn't change my approvals...
This is the content of an email: Sorry to bother you with another note, but I've received so much reaction to my Tully parking notice, I'm writing again to tell you not to be concerned about being locked out of the Stadium if you're riding the bus back. Some people think they're not going to get in by 11:00, and are concerned about not being able to get their cars out. The last bus leaves Austin at 7 pm, and that would certainly get you there by 11:00, but if it doesn't for some reason, they're not going to lock the stadium until the last bus has dropped of its passengers. What was the subject line for this email?
Dette er innholdet i en e-post: beklager å bry deg med en annen beskjed, men jeg har fått så mye reaksjon på min parkeringsopplegg i Tulling, jeg skriver igjen for å fortelle deg at du ikke skal bry deg om å bli låst ute fra stadion hvis du kjører bussen tilbake. Noen tror at de ikke kommer inn før kl 23.00, og er bekymret for at de ikke skal klare å få bilene sine ut. Den siste bussen går fra Austin klokken 19.00, og det ville sikkert få deg dit klokken 23.00, men hvis det ikke gjør det av en eller annen grunn, kommer de ikke til å låse stadion før den siste bussen har sluppet av sine passasjerer. Hva var emnelinjen for denne e-posten?
This is the content of an e-mail: sorry to bother you with another message, but I've had so much reaction to my parking arrangements in Tulling, I'm writing again to tell you not to bother getting locked out of the stadium if you drive the bus back. Some think they won’t get in until 11:00, and they worry that they won’t get their cars out. The last bus leaves Austin at 7:00 p.m., and that would probably get you there at 11:00, but if it doesn't for some reason, they won't lock the stadium until the last bus has dropped off its passengers. What was the subject line for this e-mail?
This is an email This warning is sent automatically to inform you that your mailbox is approaching the maximum size limit. Your mailbox size is currently 109384 KB. Mailbox size limits: When your mailbox reaches 75000 KB you will receive this message. When your mailbox reaches 100000 KB you will no longer be able to send mail until the size of your mailbox is reduced. To check the size of your mailbox: Right-click the mailbox (Outlook Today), Select Properties and click the Folder Size button. This method can be used on individual folders as well. To make more space available, delete any items that are no longer needed such as Sent Items and Journal entries. You must empty the Deleted Items folder after deleting items or the space will not be freed. To turn Journaling off, click Tools | Options | Journaling Options and de-select all items. See client Help for more information. What is the subject of this email?
WARNING: Your mailbox is approaching the size limit
Dette er en e-post Dette varselet sendes automatisk for å informere deg om at din postkasse nærmer seg grensen for maksimal størrelse. Din postkassestørrelse er per i dag 109384 KB. Størrelse på postboksen: Når du har nådd 75 000 KB vil du motta denne meldingen. Når din postkasse når 100 000 000 KB vil du ikke lenger kunne sende e-post før størrelsen på din postkasse er redusert. For å sjekke størrelsen på postboksen: Høyreklikk på postkassa (Outlook Today), vel egenskaper og trykk på knappen Størrelse på mappe. Denne metoden kan også brukes på enkeltmapper. For å gjøre mer plass tilgjengelig, kan du slette alle elementer som ikke lenger er nødvendige, som for eksempel Sendte ting og dagboknotiser. Du må tømme Slett papirkorg-mappa etter at du har sletta element, eller så vil ikke plassen bli frigjort. For å slå av dagpressing kan du trykke på verktøya ME-alternativa . Se klienthjelp for mer informasjon. Hva er emnet for denne e- posten?
This is an email This notification is automatically sent to inform you that your mailbox is approaching the maximum size limit. Your mailbox size is as of today 109384 KB. Size of the mailbox: When you reach 75,000 KB you will receive this message. When your mailbox reaches 100,000 KB you will no longer be able to send e-mail until the size of your mailbox is reduced. To check the size of the mailbox: Right click on the mailbox (Outlook Today), select properties and click on the Folder Size button. This method can also be applied to individual folders. To make more space available, you can delete all items that are no longer necessary, such as Sent items and journal entries. You must empty the Delete Trash folder after you have deleted items, or the space will not be set free. To disable day-press, click on the tools ME options. See client help for more information. What is the subject of this email?
ÅTVARING: Deres postkasse nærmer seg grensen for størrelse
WARNING: Your mailbox is approaching the limit of size
Mark: Mark Haedicke and Lance Schuler asked me and Pete del Vecchio to draft a letter to Dynegy to clarify certain of the covenants and to ask for their consent to certain possible transactions. We would like your input on what we ask for and how we go about asking. I understand Lance Schuler spoke with you today regarding having a telephone conference tomorrow on this. Please send me an e-mail or leave me a voice mail (713 345-1549) as to what time is convenient for you. I'm also sending this to you by fax. Propose a subject line for this email?
Dynegy Covenant Issues
Mark: Mark Haedicke og Lance Schuler og Pete del Vecchio ba meg og Pete del Vecchio om å skrive et brev til Dynegy for å klargjøre visse av paktene og for å be om deres samtykke til visse mulige transaksjoner. Vi vil gjerne ha dine innspill om hva vi spør etter og hvordan vi går frem når vi spør. Jeg forstår at Lance Schuler snakket med deg i dag om å ha en telefonkonferanse i morgen om dette. Vennligst send meg en e-post eller send meg en e-post (713 345-1549) om når tiden er inne for deg. Jeg sender dette også via telefaks. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Mark: Mark Haedicke and Lance Schuler and Pete del Vecchio asked me and Pete del Vecchio to write a letter to Dynegy to clarify some of the covenants and to request their consent to certain possible transactions. We'd like your input on what we're asking for and how we proceed when we ask. I understand that Lance Schuler spoke to you today about having a conference call tomorrow about this. Please send me an e-mail or e-mail (713 345-1549) about when the time is right for you. I also send this by fax. Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
Spørsmål om dynegi
Questions About Dynegi
Jim Bouillion of CRM and Gary Cooney of McGriff, Seibels (our insurance broker) asked that I raise three matters with you: 1. Scheduling of a meeting with the D & O carriers' counsel; 2. Obtaining additional D & O coverage; and, 3. Defense counsel selection in light of the possible "advise of counsel" defense and subrogation rights of the carriers. I know that you are covered up, but I would not expect discussion of these issues to take more than 15 minutes. I will wait to hear form you or Steph. Thanks. Propose a subject line for this email?
Securities Litigation -- D & O Carriers
Jim Bouillion av CRM og Gary Cooney av McGriff, Seibels (vår forsikringsmann) ba meg ta opp tre saker med deg: 1. Planlegging av et møte med D & O O O O O O befrakters råd; 2. Å få ytterligere D & O- dekning; og, 3. Forsvarsutvelging i lys av transportørenes mulige rådsrådgivning - forsvar og rettigheter til å utøve ansvarsansvar. Jeg vet at du er dekket over, men jeg ville ikke forvente at diskusjonen om disse spørsmålene ville ta mer enn 15 minutter. Jeg vil vente på å få høre deg eller Steph. Takk. Vil du foreslå en emnelinje for denne e- posten?
Jim Bouillion of CRM and Gary Cooney of McGriff, Seibels (our insurance man) asked me to bring up three things with you: 1. Planning a meeting with D & O O O O O Cargo Council; 2. Getting additional D & O coverage; and, 3. Defensive selection in the light of possible counselling by carriers - defence and rights of liability. I know you're covered up, but I wouldn't expect the discussion about these questions to take more than 15 minutes. I'll wait to hear you or Steph. Thank you. Would you like to suggest a topic line for this email?
Segmenter: «Retting, D og O Carrier»
Segments ‘Regulation, D and O Carrier’
Write an email with the subject line "Canada Gas options".
Mark, I have attached a document which contains the long descriptions for Canadian Daily Nat Gas options. The trader will be using Options Manager on these products and because he has to choose an exercise date, he will choose a middle of the month business day. However, there will be an option per day during the term. Please review the descriptions the trader put together and let me know your thoughts. Kevin Meredith
Skriv en e-post med emnelinjen<unk>Canada sine opsjoner<unk>
Writes a mail using the subject line<unk>Canada's options<unk>
Mark, jeg har lagt ved et dokument som inneholder de lange beskrivelsene for kanadiske Daily Nat Gas-alternativer. Den næringsdrivende vil benytte opsjonsansvarlig på disse produktene, og fordi den næringsdrivende må velge en utøvelsesdato, vil han velge en midt på dagen i måneden. Det vil imidlertid være et valg per dag i løpet av terminen. Vennligst gjennomgå beskrivelsene av den næringsdrivende sammen og la meg få vite dine tanker. KJeJeJK
Mark, I have attached a document containing the long descriptions of Canadian Daily Nat Gas options. The operator will apply the option manager to these products and, because the trader has to choose an exercise date, he will choose one at the middle of the day of the month. However, there will be a choice per day during the term. Please review the descriptions of the trader together and let me know your thoughts. KJeJK
This is an email Hi Everyone, I have accepted a position with Duke Energy and will be starting there effective Monday, January 21st, but before I go I wanted to let you all know how much it has meant to me to be able to work with such outstanding people as yourselves over the years. I will miss you all and I sincerely hope our paths continue to cross in the future, both professionally and personally. I wish you all the best... What is the subject of this email?
Fond Farewell
Dette er en e-post Hi Everyone, jeg har tatt imot en stilling hos Duke Energy og vil starte der i praksis mandag 21. januar, men før jeg går, vil jeg fortelle dere hvor mye det har betydd for meg å kunne jobbe med slike fremragende personer som dere selv i årenes løp. Jeg vil savne dere alle og jeg håper våre stier fortsetter å krysse hverandre i fremtiden, både profesjonelt og personlig. Hva er temaet i denne e-posten?
This is an e-mail Hi Everyone, I have accepted a position at Duke Energy and will start there on Monday 21 January, but before I go, I want to tell you how much it has meant to me to be able to work with such excellent people as yourselves over the years. I will miss you all and I hope our paths continue to cross each other in the future, both professionally and personally. What's the theme of this e-mail?
Fond Speedal