1 value
Syndromic classification of Twitter messages
Recent studies have shown strong correlation between social networking data and national influenza rates. We expanded upon this success to develop an automated text mining system that classifies Twitter messages in real time into six syndromic categories based on key terms from a public health ontology. 10-fold cross validation tests were used to compare Naive Bayes (NB) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) models on a corpus of 7431 Twitter messages. SVM performed better than NB on 4 out of 6 syndromes. The best performing classifiers showed moderately strong F1 scores: respiratory = 86.2 (NB); gastrointestinal = 85.4 (SVM polynomial kernel degree 2); neurological = 88.6 (SVM polynomial kernel degree 1); rash = 86.0 (SVM polynomial kernel degree 1); constitutional = 89.3 (SVM polynomial kernel degree 1); hemorrhagic = 89.9 (NB). The resulting classifiers were deployed together with an EARS C2 aberration detection algorithm in an experimental online system.
Computation and Language
Positive words carry less information than negative words
We show that the frequency of word use is not only determined by the word length \cite{Zipf1935} and the average information content \cite{Piantadosi2011}, but also by its emotional content. We have analyzed three established lexica of affective word usage in English, German, and Spanish, to verify that these lexica have a neutral, unbiased, emotional content. Taking into account the frequency of word usage, we find that words with a positive emotional content are more frequently used. This lends support to Pollyanna hypothesis \cite{Boucher1969} that there should be a positive bias in human expression. We also find that negative words contain more information than positive words, as the informativeness of a word increases uniformly with its valence decrease. Our findings support earlier conjectures about (i) the relation between word frequency and information content, and (ii) the impact of positive emotions on communication and social links.
Computation and Language
Ideogram Based Chinese Sentiment Word Orientation Computation
This paper presents a novel algorithm to compute sentiment orientation of Chinese sentiment word. The algorithm uses ideograms which are a distinguishing feature of Chinese language. The proposed algorithm can be applied to any sentiment classification scheme. To compute a word's sentiment orientation using the proposed algorithm, only the word itself and a precomputed character ontology is required, rather than a corpus. The influence of three parameters over the algorithm performance is analyzed and verified by experiment. Experiment also shows that proposed algorithm achieves an F Measure of 85.02% outperforming existing ideogram based algorithm.
Computation and Language
Individual and Domain Adaptation in Sentence Planning for Dialogue
One of the biggest challenges in the development and deployment of spoken dialogue systems is the design of the spoken language generation module. This challenge arises from the need for the generator to adapt to many features of the dialogue domain, user population, and dialogue context. A promising approach is trainable generation, which uses general-purpose linguistic knowledge that is automatically adapted to the features of interest, such as the application domain, individual user, or user group. In this paper we present and evaluate a trainable sentence planner for providing restaurant information in the MATCH dialogue system. We show that trainable sentence planning can produce complex information presentations whose quality is comparable to the output of a template-based generator tuned to this domain. We also show that our method easily supports adapting the sentence planner to individuals, and that the individualized sentence planners generally perform better than models trained and tested on a population of individuals. Previous work has documented and utilized individual preferences for content selection, but to our knowledge, these results provide the first demonstration of individual preferences for sentence planning operations, affecting the content order, discourse structure and sentence structure of system responses. Finally, we evaluate the contribution of different feature sets, and show that, in our application, n-gram features often do as well as features based on higher-level linguistic representations.
Computation and Language
Algebras over a field and semantics for context based reasoning
This paper introduces context algebras and demonstrates their application to combining logical and vector-based representations of meaning. Other approaches to this problem attempt to reproduce aspects of logical semantics within new frameworks. The approach we present here is different: We show how logical semantics can be embedded within a vector space framework, and use this to combine distributional semantics, in which the meanings of words are represented as vectors, with logical semantics, in which the meaning of a sentence is represented as a logical form.
Computation and Language
Genetic Algorithm (GA) in Feature Selection for CRF Based Manipuri Multiword Expression (MWE) Identification
This paper deals with the identification of Multiword Expressions (MWEs) in Manipuri, a highly agglutinative Indian Language. Manipuri is listed in the Eight Schedule of Indian Constitution. MWE plays an important role in the applications of Natural Language Processing(NLP) like Machine Translation, Part of Speech tagging, Information Retrieval, Question Answering etc. Feature selection is an important factor in the recognition of Manipuri MWEs using Conditional Random Field (CRF). The disadvantage of manual selection and choosing of the appropriate features for running CRF motivates us to think of Genetic Algorithm (GA). Using GA we are able to find the optimal features to run the CRF. We have tried with fifty generations in feature selection along with three fold cross validation as fitness function. This model demonstrated the Recall (R) of 64.08%, Precision (P) of 86.84% and F-measure (F) of 73.74%, showing an improvement over the CRF based Manipuri MWE identification without GA application.
Computation and Language
ESLO: from transcription to speakers' personal information annotation
This paper presents the preliminary works to put online a French oral corpus and its transcription. This corpus is the Socio-Linguistic Survey in Orleans, realized in 1968. First, we numerized the corpus, then we handwritten transcribed it with the Transcriber software adding different tags about speakers, time, noise, etc. Each document (audio file and XML file of the transcription) was described by a set of metadata stored in an XML format to allow an easy consultation. Second, we added different levels of annotations, recognition of named entities and annotation of personal information about speakers. This two annotation tasks used the CasSys system of transducer cascades. We used and modified a first cascade to recognize named entities. Then we built a second cascade to annote the designating entities, i.e. information about the speaker. These second cascade parsed the named entity annotated corpus. The objective is to locate information about the speaker and, also, what kind of information can designate him/her. These two cascades was evaluated with precision and recall measures.
Computation and Language
\'Evaluation de lexiques syntaxiques par leur int\'egartion dans l'analyseur syntaxiques FRMG
In this paper, we evaluate various French lexica with the parser FRMG: the Lefff, LGLex, the lexicon built from the tables of the French Lexicon-Grammar, the lexicon DICOVALENCE and a new version of the verbal entries of the Lefff, obtained by merging with DICOVALENCE and partial manual validation. For this, all these lexica have been converted to the format of the Lefff, Alexina format. The evaluation was made on the part of the EASy corpus used in the first evaluation campaign Passage.
Computation and Language
Construction du lexique LGLex \`a partir des tables du Lexique-Grammaire des verbes du grec moderne
In this paper, we summerize the work done on the resources of Modern Greek on the Lexicon-Grammar of verbs. We detail the definitional features of each table, and all changes made to the names of features to make them consistent. Through the development of the table of classes, including all the features, we have considered the conversion of tables in a syntactic lexicon: LGLex. The lexicon, in plain text format or XML, is generated by the LGExtract tool (Constant & Tolone, 2010). This format is directly usable in applications of Natural Language Processing (NLP).
Computation and Language
Extending the adverbial coverage of a NLP oriented resource for French
This paper presents a work on extending the adverbial entries of LGLex: a NLP oriented syntactic resource for French. Adverbs were extracted from the Lexicon-Grammar tables of both simple adverbs ending in -ment '-ly' (Molinier and Levrier, 2000) and compound adverbs (Gross, 1986; 1990). This work relies on the exploitation of fine-grained linguistic information provided in existing resources. Various features are encoded in both LG tables and they haven't been exploited yet. They describe the relations of deleting, permuting, intensifying and paraphrasing that associate, on the one hand, the simple and compound adverbs and, on the other hand, different types of compound adverbs. The resulting syntactic resource is manually evaluated and freely available under the LGPL-LR license.
Computation and Language
Question Answering in a Natural Language Understanding System Based on Object-Oriented Semantics
Algorithms of question answering in a computer system oriented on input and logical processing of text information are presented. A knowledge domain under consideration is social behavior of a person. A database of the system includes an internal representation of natural language sentences and supplemental information. The answer {\it Yes} or {\it No} is formed for a general question. A special question containing an interrogative word or group of interrogative words permits to find a subject, object, place, time, cause, purpose and way of action or event. Answer generation is based on identification algorithms of persons, organizations, machines, things, places, and times. Proposed algorithms of question answering can be realized in information systems closely connected with text processing (criminology, operation of business, medicine, document systems).
Computation and Language
Rule based Part of speech Tagger for Homoeopathy Clinical realm
A tagger is a mandatory segment of most text scrutiny systems, as it consigned a s yntax class (e.g., noun, verb, adjective, and adverb) to every word in a sentence. In this paper, we present a simple part of speech tagger for homoeopathy clinical language. This paper reports about the anticipated part of speech tagger for homoeopathy clinical language. It exploit standard pattern for evaluating sentences, untagged clinical corpus of 20085 words is used, from which we had selected 125 sentences (2322 tokens). The problem of tagging in natural language processing is to find a way to tag every word in a text as a meticulous part of speech. The basic idea is to apply a set of rules on clinical sentences and on each word, Accuracy is the leading factor in evaluating any POS tagger so the accuracy of proposed tagger is also conversed.
Computation and Language
Exploring Twitter Hashtags
Twitter messages often contain so-called hashtags to denote keywords related to them. Using a dataset of 29 million messages, I explore relations among these hashtags with respect to co-occurrences. Furthermore, I present an attempt to classify hashtags into five intuitive classes, using a machine-learning approach. The overall outcome is an interactive Web application to explore Twitter hashtags.
Computation and Language
Statistical Sign Language Machine Translation: from English written text to American Sign Language Gloss
This works aims to design a statistical machine translation from English text to American Sign Language (ASL). The system is based on Moses tool with some modifications and the results are synthesized through a 3D avatar for interpretation. First, we translate the input text to gloss, a written form of ASL. Second, we pass the output to the WebSign Plug-in to play the sign. Contributions of this work are the use of a new couple of language English/ASL and an improvement of statistical machine translation based on string matching thanks to Jaro-distance.
Computation and Language
Grammatical Relations of Myanmar Sentences Augmented by Transformation-Based Learning of Function Tagging
In this paper we describe function tagging using Transformation Based Learning (TBL) for Myanmar that is a method of extensions to the previous statistics-based function tagger. Contextual and lexical rules (developed using TBL) were critical in achieving good results. First, we describe a method for expressing lexical relations in function tagging that statistical function tagging are currently unable to express. Function tagging is the preprocessing step to show grammatical relations of the sentences. Then we use the context free grammar technique to clarify the grammatical relations in Myanmar sentences or to output the parse trees. The grammatical relations are the functional structure of a language. They rely very much on the function tag of the tokens. We augment the grammatical relations of Myanmar sentences with transformation-based learning of function tagging.
Computation and Language
Creating a Live, Public Short Message Service Corpus: The NUS SMS Corpus
Short Message Service (SMS) messages are largely sent directly from one person to another from their mobile phones. They represent a means of personal communication that is an important communicative artifact in our current digital era. As most existing studies have used private access to SMS corpora, comparative studies using the same raw SMS data has not been possible up to now. We describe our efforts to collect a public SMS corpus to address this problem. We use a battery of methodologies to collect the corpus, paying particular attention to privacy issues to address contributors' concerns. Our live project collects new SMS message submissions, checks their quality and adds the valid messages, releasing the resultant corpus as XML and as SQL dumps, along with corpus statistics, every month. We opportunistically collect as much metadata about the messages and their sender as possible, so as to enable different types of analyses. To date, we have collected about 60,000 messages, focusing on English and Mandarin Chinese.
Computation and Language
Visualization and Analysis of Frames in Collections of Messages: Content Analysis and the Measurement of Meaning
A step-to-step introduction is provided on how to generate a semantic map from a collection of messages (full texts, paragraphs or statements) using freely available software and/or SPSS for the relevant statistics and the visualization. The techniques are discussed in the various theoretical contexts of (i) linguistics (e.g., Latent Semantic Analysis), (ii) sociocybernetics and social systems theory (e.g., the communication of meaning), and (iii) communication studies (e.g., framing and agenda-setting). We distinguish between the communication of information in the network space (social network analysis) and the communication of meaning in the vector space. The vector space can be considered a generated as an architecture by the network of relations in the network space; words are then not only related, but also positioned. These positions are expected rather than observed and therefore one can communicate meaning. Knowledge can be generated when these meanings can recursively be communicated and therefore also further codified.
Computation and Language
Proof nets for the Lambek-Grishin calculus
Grishin's generalization of Lambek's Syntactic Calculus combines a non-commutative multiplicative conjunction and its residuals (product, left and right division) with a dual family: multiplicative disjunction, right and left difference. Interaction between these two families takes the form of linear distributivity principles. We study proof nets for the Lambek-Grishin calculus and the correspondence between these nets and unfocused and focused versions of its sequent calculus.
Computation and Language
Formalization of semantic network of image constructions in electronic content
A formal theory based on a binary operator of directional associative relation is constructed in the article and an understanding of an associative normal form of image constructions is introduced. A model of a commutative semigroup, which provides a presentation of a sentence as three components of an interrogative linguistic image construction, is considered.
Computation and Language
Toward a Motor Theory of Sign Language Perception
Researches on signed languages still strongly dissociate lin- guistic issues related on phonological and phonetic aspects, and gesture studies for recognition and synthesis purposes. This paper focuses on the imbrication of motion and meaning for the analysis, synthesis and evaluation of sign language gestures. We discuss the relevance and interest of a motor theory of perception in sign language communication. According to this theory, we consider that linguistic knowledge is mapped on sensory-motor processes, and propose a methodology based on the principle of a synthesis-by-analysis approach, guided by an evaluation process that aims to validate some hypothesis and concepts of this theory. Examples from existing studies illustrate the di erent concepts and provide avenues for future work.
Computation and Language
Recognizing Bangla Grammar using Predictive Parser
We describe a Context Free Grammar (CFG) for Bangla language and hence we propose a Bangla parser based on the grammar. Our approach is very much general to apply in Bangla Sentences and the method is well accepted for parsing a language of a grammar. The proposed parser is a predictive parser and we construct the parse table for recognizing Bangla grammar. Using the parse table we recognize syntactical mistakes of Bangla sentences when there is no entry for a terminal in the parse table. If a natural language can be successfully parsed then grammar checking from this language becomes possible. The proposed scheme is based on Top down parsing method and we have avoided the left recursion of the CFG using the idea of left factoring.
Computation and Language
Historically two types of NLP have been investigated: fully automated processing of language by machines (NLP) and autonomous processing of natural language by people, i.e. the human brain (psycholinguistics). We believe that there is room and need for another kind, INLP: interactive natural language processing. This intermediate approach starts from peoples' needs, trying to bridge the gap between their actual knowledge and a given goal. Given the fact that peoples' knowledge is variable and often incomplete, the aim is to build bridges linking a given knowledge state to a given goal. We present some examples, trying to show that this goal is worth pursuing, achievable and at a reasonable cost.
Computation and Language
Wikipedia Arborification and Stratified Explicit Semantic Analysis
[This is the translation of paper "Arborification de Wikip\'edia et analyse s\'emantique explicite stratifi\'ee" submitted to TALN 2012.] We present an extension of the Explicit Semantic Analysis method by Gabrilovich and Markovitch. Using their semantic relatedness measure, we weight the Wikipedia categories graph. Then, we extract a minimal spanning tree, using Chu-Liu & Edmonds' algorithm. We define a notion of stratified tfidf where the stratas, for a given Wikipedia page and a given term, are the classical tfidf and categorical tfidfs of the term in the ancestor categories of the page (ancestors in the sense of the minimal spanning tree). Our method is based on this stratified tfidf, which adds extra weight to terms that "survive" when climbing up the category tree. We evaluate our method by a text classification on the WikiNews corpus: it increases precision by 18%. Finally, we provide hints for future research
Computation and Language
Inference and Plausible Reasoning in a Natural Language Understanding System Based on Object-Oriented Semantics
Algorithms of inference in a computer system oriented to input and semantic processing of text information are presented. Such inference is necessary for logical questions when the direct comparison of objects from a question and database can not give a result. The following classes of problems are considered: a check of hypotheses for persons and non-typical actions, the determination of persons and circumstances for non-typical actions, planning actions, the determination of event cause and state of persons. To form an answer both deduction and plausible reasoning are used. As a knowledge domain under consideration is social behavior of persons, plausible reasoning is based on laws of social psychology. Proposed algorithms of inference and plausible reasoning can be realized in computer systems closely connected with text processing (criminology, operation of business, medicine, document systems).
Computation and Language
Considering a resource-light approach to learning verb valencies
Here we describe work on learning the subcategories of verbs in a morphologically rich language using only minimal linguistic resources. Our goal is to learn verb subcategorizations for Quechua, an under-resourced morphologically rich language, from an unannotated corpus. We compare results from applying this approach to an unannotated Arabic corpus with those achieved by processing the same text in treebank form. The original plan was to use only a morphological analyzer and an unannotated corpus, but experiments suggest that this approach by itself will not be effective for learning the combinatorial potential of Arabic verbs in general. The lower bound on resources for acquiring this information is somewhat higher, apparently requiring a a part-of-speech tagger and chunker for most languages, and a morphological disambiguater for Arabic.
Computation and Language
Beyond Sentiment: The Manifold of Human Emotions
Sentiment analysis predicts the presence of positive or negative emotions in a text document. In this paper we consider higher dimensional extensions of the sentiment concept, which represent a richer set of human emotions. Our approach goes beyond previous work in that our model contains a continuous manifold rather than a finite set of human emotions. We investigate the resulting model, compare it to psychological observations, and explore its predictive capabilities. Besides obtaining significant improvements over a baseline without manifold, we are also able to visualize different notions of positive sentiment in different domains.
Computation and Language
Realisation d'un systeme de reconnaissance automatique de la parole arabe base sur CMU Sphinx
This paper presents the continuation of the work completed by Satori and all. [SCH07] by the realization of an automatic speech recognition system (ASR) for Arabic language based SPHINX 4 system. The previous work was limited to the recognition of the first ten digits, whereas the present work is a remarkable projection consisting in continuous Arabic speech recognition with a rate of recognition of surroundings 96%.
Computation and Language
A Lexical Analysis Tool with Ambiguity Support
Lexical ambiguities naturally arise in languages. We present Lamb, a lexical analyzer that produces a lexical analysis graph describing all the possible sequences of tokens that can be found within the input string. Parsers can process such lexical analysis graphs and discard any sequence of tokens that does not produce a valid syntactic sentence, therefore performing, together with Lamb, a context-sensitive lexical analysis in lexically-ambiguous language specifications.
Computation and Language
The Horse Raced Past: Gardenpath Processing in Dynamical Systems
I pinpoint an interesting similarity between a recent account to rational parsing and the treatment of sequential decisions problems in a dynamical systems approach. I argue that expectation-driven search heuristics aiming at fast computation resembles a high-risk decision strategy in favor of large transition velocities. Hale's rational parser, combining generalized left-corner parsing with informed $\mathrm{A}^*$ search to resolve processing conflicts, explains gardenpath effects in natural sentence processing by misleading estimates of future processing costs that are to be minimized. On the other hand, minimizing the duration of cognitive computations in time-continuous dynamical systems can be described by combining vector space representations of cognitive states by means of filler/role decompositions and subsequent tensor product representations with the paradigm of stable heteroclinic sequences. Maximizing transition velocities according to a high-risk decision strategy could account for a fast race even between states that are apparently remote in representation space.
Computation and Language
Modelling Social Structures and Hierarchies in Language Evolution
Language evolution might have preferred certain prior social configurations over others. Experiments conducted with models of different social structures (varying subgroup interactions and the role of a dominant interlocutor) suggest that having isolated agent groups rather than an interconnected agent is more advantageous for the emergence of a social communication system. Distinctive groups that are closely connected by communication yield systems less like natural language than fully isolated groups inhabiting the same world. Furthermore, the addition of a dominant male who is asymmetrically favoured as a hearer, and equally likely to be a speaker has no positive influence on the disjoint groups.
Computation and Language
Establishing linguistic conventions in task-oriented primeval dialogue
In this paper, we claim that language is likely to have emerged as a mechanism for coordinating the solution of complex tasks. To confirm this thesis, computer simulations are performed based on the coordination task presented by Garrod & Anderson (1987). The role of success in task-oriented dialogue is analytically evaluated with the help of performance measurements and a thorough lexical analysis of the emergent communication system. Simulation results confirm a strong effect of success mattering on both reliability and dispersion of linguistic conventions.
Computation and Language
Statistical Function Tagging and Grammatical Relations of Myanmar Sentences
This paper describes a context free grammar (CFG) based grammatical relations for Myanmar sentences which combine corpus-based function tagging system. Part of the challenge of statistical function tagging for Myanmar sentences comes from the fact that Myanmar has free-phrase-order and a complex morphological system. Function tagging is a pre-processing step to show grammatical relations of Myanmar sentences. In the task of function tagging, which tags the function of Myanmar sentences with correct segmentation, POS (part-of-speech) tagging and chunking information, we use Naive Bayesian theory to disambiguate the possible function tags of a word. We apply context free grammar (CFG) to find out the grammatical relations of the function tags. We also create a functional annotated tagged corpus for Myanmar and propose the grammar rules for Myanmar sentences. Experiments show that our analysis achieves a good result with simple sentences and complex sentences.
Computation and Language
Distributional Measures of Semantic Distance: A Survey
The ability to mimic human notions of semantic distance has widespread applications. Some measures rely only on raw text (distributional measures) and some rely on knowledge sources such as WordNet. Although extensive studies have been performed to compare WordNet-based measures with human judgment, the use of distributional measures as proxies to estimate semantic distance has received little attention. Even though they have traditionally performed poorly when compared to WordNet-based measures, they lay claim to certain uniquely attractive features, such as their applicability in resource-poor languages and their ability to mimic both semantic similarity and semantic relatedness. Therefore, this paper presents a detailed study of distributional measures. Particular attention is paid to flesh out the strengths and limitations of both WordNet-based and distributional measures, and how distributional measures of distance can be brought more in line with human notions of semantic distance. We conclude with a brief discussion of recent work on hybrid measures.
Computation and Language
Distributional Measures as Proxies for Semantic Relatedness
The automatic ranking of word pairs as per their semantic relatedness and ability to mimic human notions of semantic relatedness has widespread applications. Measures that rely on raw data (distributional measures) and those that use knowledge-rich ontologies both exist. Although extensive studies have been performed to compare ontological measures with human judgment, the distributional measures have primarily been evaluated by indirect means. This paper is a detailed study of some of the major distributional measures; it lists their respective merits and limitations. New measures that overcome these drawbacks, that are more in line with the human notions of semantic relatedness, are suggested. The paper concludes with an exhaustive comparison of the distributional and ontology-based measures. Along the way, significant research problems are identified. Work on these problems may lead to a better understanding of how semantic relatedness is to be measured.
Computation and Language
Categories of Emotion names in Web retrieved texts
The categorization of emotion names, i.e., the grouping of emotion words that have similar emotional connotations together, is a key tool of Social Psychology used to explore people's knowledge about emotions. Without exception, the studies following that research line were based on the gauging of the perceived similarity between emotion names by the participants of the experiments. Here we propose and examine a new approach to study the categories of emotion names - the similarities between target emotion names are obtained by comparing the contexts in which they appear in texts retrieved from the World Wide Web. This comparison does not account for any explicit semantic information; it simply counts the number of common words or lexical items used in the contexts. This procedure allows us to write the entries of the similarity matrix as dot products in a linear vector space of contexts. The properties of this matrix were then explored using Multidimensional Scaling Analysis and Hierarchical Clustering. Our main findings, namely, the underlying dimension of the emotion space and the categories of emotion names, were consistent with those based on people's judgments of emotion names similarities.
Computation and Language
A Cross-cultural Corpus of Annotated Verbal and Nonverbal Behaviors in Receptionist Encounters
We present the first annotated corpus of nonverbal behaviors in receptionist interactions, and the first nonverbal corpus (excluding the original video and audio data) of service encounters freely available online. Native speakers of American English and Arabic participated in a naturalistic role play at reception desks of university buildings in Doha, Qatar and Pittsburgh, USA. Their manually annotated nonverbal behaviors include gaze direction, hand and head gestures, torso positions, and facial expressions. We discuss possible uses of the corpus and envision it to become a useful tool for the human-robot interaction community.
Computation and Language
Fault detection system for Arabic language
The study of natural language, especially Arabic, and mechanisms for the implementation of automatic processing is a fascinating field of study, with various potential applications. The importance of tools for natural language processing is materialized by the need to have applications that can effectively treat the vast mass of information available nowadays on electronic forms. Among these tools, mainly driven by the necessity of a fast writing in alignment to the actual daily life speed, our interest is on the writing auditors. The morphological and syntactic properties of Arabic make it a difficult language to master, and explain the lack in the processing tools for that language. Among these properties, we can mention: the complex structure of the Arabic word, the agglutinative nature, lack of vocalization, the segmentation of the text, the linguistic richness, etc.
Computation and Language
Toward an example-based machine translation from written text to ASL using virtual agent animation
Modern computational linguistic software cannot produce important aspects of sign language translation. Using some researches we deduce that the majority of automatic sign language translation systems ignore many aspects when they generate animation; therefore the interpretation lost the truth information meaning. Our goals are: to translate written text from any language to ASL animation; to model maximum raw information using machine learning and computational techniques; and to produce a more adapted and expressive form to natural looking and understandable ASL animations. Our methods include linguistic annotation of initial text and semantic orientation to generate the facial expression. We use the genetic algorithms coupled to learning/recognized systems to produce the most natural form. To detect emotion we are based on fuzzy logic to produce the degree of interpolation between facial expressions. Roughly, we present a new expressive language Text Adapted Sign Modeling Language TASML that describes all maximum aspects related to a natural sign language interpretation. This paper is organized as follow: the next section is devoted to present the comprehension effect of using Space/Time/SVO form in ASL animation based on experimentation. In section 3, we describe our technical considerations. We present the general approach we adopted to develop our tool in section 4. Finally, we give some perspectives and future works.
Computation and Language
An Accurate Arabic Root-Based Lemmatizer for Information Retrieval Purposes
In spite of its robust syntax, semantic cohesion, and less ambiguity, lemma level analysis and generation does not yet focused in Arabic NLP literatures. In the current research, we propose the first non-statistical accurate Arabic lemmatizer algorithm that is suitable for information retrieval (IR) systems. The proposed lemmatizer makes use of different Arabic language knowledge resources to generate accurate lemma form and its relevant features that support IR purposes. As a POS tagger, the experimental results show that, the proposed algorithm achieves a maximum accuracy of 94.8%. For first seen documents, an accuracy of 89.15% is achieved, compared to 76.7% of up to date Stanford accurate Arabic model, for the same, dataset.
Computation and Language
SignsWorld; Deeping Into the Silence World and Hearing Its Signs (State of the Art)
Automatic speech processing systems are employed more and more often in real environments. Although the underlying speech technology is mostly language independent, differences between languages with respect to their structure and grammar have substantial effect on the recognition systems performance. In this paper, we present a review of the latest developments in the sign language recognition research in general and in the Arabic sign language (ArSL) in specific. This paper also presents a general framework for improving the deaf community communication with the hearing people that is called SignsWorld. The overall goal of the SignsWorld project is to develop a vision-based technology for recognizing and translating continuous Arabic sign language ArSL.
Computation and Language
Arabic Keyphrase Extraction using Linguistic knowledge and Machine Learning Techniques
In this paper, a supervised learning technique for extracting keyphrases of Arabic documents is presented. The extractor is supplied with linguistic knowledge to enhance its efficiency instead of relying only on statistical information such as term frequency and distance. During analysis, an annotated Arabic corpus is used to extract the required lexical features of the document words. The knowledge also includes syntactic rules based on part of speech tags and allowed word sequences to extract the candidate keyphrases. In this work, the abstract form of Arabic words is used instead of its stem form to represent the candidate terms. The Abstract form hides most of the inflections found in Arabic words. The paper introduces new features of keyphrases based on linguistic knowledge, to capture titles and subtitles of a document. A simple ANOVA test is used to evaluate the validity of selected features. Then, the learning model is built using the LDA - Linear Discriminant Analysis - and training documents. Although, the presented system is trained using documents in the IT domain, experiments carried out show that it has a significantly better performance than the existing Arabic extractor systems, where precision and recall values reach double their corresponding values in the other systems especially for lengthy and non-scientific articles.
Computation and Language
Reduplicated MWE (RMWE) helps in improving the CRF based Manipuri POS Tagger
This paper gives a detail overview about the modified features selection in CRF (Conditional Random Field) based Manipuri POS (Part of Speech) tagging. Selection of features is so important in CRF that the better are the features then the better are the outputs. This work is an attempt or an experiment to make the previous work more efficient. Multiple new features are tried to run the CRF and again tried with the Reduplicated Multiword Expression (RMWE) as another feature. The CRF run with RMWE because Manipuri is rich of RMWE and identification of RMWE becomes one of the necessities to bring up the result of POS tagging. The new CRF system shows a Recall of 78.22%, Precision of 73.15% and F-measure of 75.60%. With the identification of RMWE and considering it as a feature makes an improvement to a Recall of 80.20%, Precision of 74.31% and F-measure of 77.14%.
Computation and Language
Analysing Temporally Annotated Corpora with CAVaT
We present CAVaT, a tool that performs Corpus Analysis and Validation for TimeML. CAVaT is an open source, modular checking utility for statistical analysis of features specific to temporally-annotated natural language corpora. It provides reporting, highlights salient links between a variety of general and time-specific linguistic features, and also validates a temporal annotation to ensure that it is logically consistent and sufficiently annotated. Uniquely, CAVaT provides analysis specific to TimeML-annotated temporal information. TimeML is a standard for annotating temporal information in natural language text. In this paper, we present the reporting part of CAVaT, and then its error-checking ability, including the workings of several novel TimeML document verification methods. This is followed by the execution of some example tasks using the tool to show relations between times, events, signals and links. We also demonstrate inconsistencies in a TimeML corpus (TimeBank) that have been detected with CAVaT.
Computation and Language
Using Signals to Improve Automatic Classification of Temporal Relations
Temporal information conveyed by language describes how the world around us changes through time. Events, durations and times are all temporal elements that can be viewed as intervals. These intervals are sometimes temporally related in text. Automatically determining the nature of such relations is a complex and unsolved problem. Some words can act as "signals" which suggest a temporal ordering between intervals. In this paper, we use these signal words to improve the accuracy of a recent approach to classification of temporal links.
Computation and Language
USFD2: Annotating Temporal Expresions and TLINKs for TempEval-2
We describe the University of Sheffield system used in the TempEval-2 challenge, USFD2. The challenge requires the automatic identification of temporal entities and relations in text. USFD2 identifies and anchors temporal expressions, and also attempts two of the four temporal relation assignment tasks. A rule-based system picks out and anchors temporal expressions, and a maximum entropy classifier assigns temporal link labels, based on features that include descriptions of associated temporal signal words. USFD2 identified temporal expressions successfully, and correctly classified their type in 90% of cases. Determining the relation between an event and time expression in the same sentence was performed at 63% accuracy, the second highest score in this part of the challenge.
Computation and Language
An Annotation Scheme for Reichenbach's Verbal Tense Structure
In this paper we present RTMML, a markup language for the tenses of verbs and temporal relations between verbs. There is a richness to tense in language that is not fully captured by existing temporal annotation schemata. Following Reichenbach we present an analysis of tense in terms of abstract time points, with the aim of supporting automated processing of tense and temporal relations in language. This allows for precise reasoning about tense in documents, and the deduction of temporal relations between the times and verbal events in a discourse. We define the syntax of RTMML, and demonstrate the markup in a range of situations.
Computation and Language
A Corpus-based Study of Temporal Signals
Automatic temporal ordering of events described in discourse has been of great interest in recent years. Event orderings are conveyed in text via va rious linguistic mechanisms including the use of expressions such as "before", "after" or "during" that explicitly assert a temporal relation -- temporal signals. In this paper, we investigate the role of temporal signals in temporal relation extraction and provide a quantitative analysis of these expres sions in the TimeBank annotated corpus.
Computation and Language
USFD at KBP 2011: Entity Linking, Slot Filling and Temporal Bounding
This paper describes the University of Sheffield's entry in the 2011 TAC KBP entity linking and slot filling tasks. We chose to participate in the monolingual entity linking task, the monolingual slot filling task and the temporal slot filling tasks. We set out to build a framework for experimentation with knowledge base population. This framework was created, and applied to multiple KBP tasks. We demonstrated that our proposed framework is effective and suitable for collaborative development efforts, as well as useful in a teaching environment. Finally we present results that, while very modest, provide improvements an order of magnitude greater than our 2010 attempt.
Computation and Language
Massively Increasing TIMEX3 Resources: A Transduction Approach
Automatic annotation of temporal expressions is a research challenge of great interest in the field of information extraction. Gold standard temporally-annotated resources are limited in size, which makes research using them difficult. Standards have also evolved over the past decade, so not all temporally annotated data is in the same format. We vastly increase available human-annotated temporal expression resources by converting older format resources to TimeML/TIMEX3. This task is difficult due to differing annotation methods. We present a robust conversion tool and a new, large temporal expression resource. Using this, we evaluate our conversion process by using it as training data for an existing TimeML annotation tool, achieving a 0.87 F1 measure -- better than any system in the TempEval-2 timex recognition exercise.
Computation and Language
A Data Driven Approach to Query Expansion in Question Answering
Automated answering of natural language questions is an interesting and useful problem to solve. Question answering (QA) systems often perform information retrieval at an initial stage. Information retrieval (IR) performance, provided by engines such as Lucene, places a bound on overall system performance. For example, no answer bearing documents are retrieved at low ranks for almost 40% of questions. In this paper, answer texts from previous QA evaluations held as part of the Text REtrieval Conferences (TREC) are paired with queries and analysed in an attempt to identify performance-enhancing words. These words are then used to evaluate the performance of a query expansion method. Data driven extension words were found to help in over 70% of difficult questions. These words can be used to improve and evaluate query expansion methods. Simple blind relevance feedback (RF) was correctly predicted as unlikely to help overall performance, and an possible explanation is provided for its low value in IR for QA.
Computation and Language
Post-Editing Error Correction Algorithm for Speech Recognition using Bing Spelling Suggestion
ASR short for Automatic Speech Recognition is the process of converting a spoken speech into text that can be manipulated by a computer. Although ASR has several applications, it is still erroneous and imprecise especially if used in a harsh surrounding wherein the input speech is of low quality. This paper proposes a post-editing ASR error correction method and algorithm based on Bing's online spelling suggestion. In this approach, the ASR recognized output text is spell-checked using Bing's spelling suggestion technology to detect and correct misrecognized words. More specifically, the proposed algorithm breaks down the ASR output text into several word-tokens that are submitted as search queries to Bing search engine. A returned spelling suggestion implies that a query is misspelled; and thus it is replaced by the suggested correction; otherwise, no correction is performed and the algorithm continues with the next token until all tokens get validated. Experiments carried out on various speeches in different languages indicated a successful decrease in the number of ASR errors and an improvement in the overall error correction rate. Future research can improve upon the proposed algorithm so much so that it can be parallelized to take advantage of multiprocessor computers.
Computation and Language
ASR Context-Sensitive Error Correction Based on Microsoft N-Gram Dataset
At the present time, computers are employed to solve complex tasks and problems ranging from simple calculations to intensive digital image processing and intricate algorithmic optimization problems to computationally-demanding weather forecasting problems. ASR short for Automatic Speech Recognition is yet another type of computational problem whose purpose is to recognize human spoken speech and convert it into text that can be processed by a computer. Despite that ASR has many versatile and pervasive real-world applications,it is still relatively erroneous and not perfectly solved as it is prone to produce spelling errors in the recognized text, especially if the ASR system is operating in a noisy environment, its vocabulary size is limited, and its input speech is of bad or low quality. This paper proposes a post-editing ASR error correction method based on MicrosoftN-Gram dataset for detecting and correcting spelling errors generated by ASR systems. The proposed method comprises an error detection algorithm for detecting word errors; a candidate corrections generation algorithm for generating correction suggestions for the detected word errors; and a context-sensitive error correction algorithm for selecting the best candidate for correction. The virtue of using the Microsoft N-Gram dataset is that it contains real-world data and word sequences extracted from the web which canmimica comprehensive dictionary of words having a large and all-inclusive vocabulary. Experiments conducted on numerous speeches, performed by different speakers, showed a remarkable reduction in ASR errors. Future research can improve upon the proposed algorithm so much so that it can be parallelized to take advantage of multiprocessor and distributed systems.
Computation and Language
Exploring Text Virality in Social Networks
This paper aims to shed some light on the concept of virality - especially in social networks - and to provide new insights on its structure. We argue that: (a) virality is a phenomenon strictly connected to the nature of the content being spread, rather than to the influencers who spread it, (b) virality is a phenomenon with many facets, i.e. under this generic term several different effects of persuasive communication are comprised and they only partially overlap. To give ground to our claims, we provide initial experiments in a machine learning framework to show how various aspects of virality can be independently predicted according to content features.
Computation and Language
Tree Transducers, Machine Translation, and Cross-Language Divergences
Tree transducers are formal automata that transform trees into other trees. Many varieties of tree transducers have been explored in the automata theory literature, and more recently, in the machine translation literature. In this paper I review T and xT transducers, situate them among related formalisms, and show how they can be used to implement rules for machine translation systems that cover all of the cross-language structural divergences described in Bonnie Dorr's influential article on the topic. I also present an implementation of xT transduction, suitable and convenient for experimenting with translation rules.
Computation and Language
You had me at hello: How phrasing affects memorability
Understanding the ways in which information achieves widespread public awareness is a research question of significant interest. We consider whether, and how, the way in which the information is phrased --- the choice of words and sentence structure --- can affect this process. To this end, we develop an analysis framework and build a corpus of movie quotes, annotated with memorability information, in which we are able to control for both the speaker and the setting of the quotes. We find that there are significant differences between memorable and non-memorable quotes in several key dimensions, even after controlling for situational and contextual factors. One is lexical distinctiveness: in aggregate, memorable quotes use less common word choices, but at the same time are built upon a scaffolding of common syntactic patterns. Another is that memorable quotes tend to be more general in ways that make them easy to apply in new contexts --- that is, more portable. We also show how the concept of "memorable language" can be extended across domains.
Computation and Language
Information Retrieval Systems Adapted to the Biomedical Domain
The terminology used in Biomedicine shows lexical peculiarities that have required the elaboration of terminological resources and information retrieval systems with specific functionalities. The main characteristics are the high rates of synonymy and homonymy, due to phenomena such as the proliferation of polysemic acronyms and their interaction with common language. Information retrieval systems in the biomedical domain use techniques oriented to the treatment of these lexical peculiarities. In this paper we review some of the techniques used in this domain, such as the application of Natural Language Processing (BioNLP), the incorporation of lexical-semantic resources, and the application of Named Entity Recognition (BioNER). Finally, we present the evaluation methods adopted to assess the suitability of these techniques for retrieving biomedical resources.
Computation and Language
Roget's Thesaurus as a Lexical Resource for Natural Language Processing
WordNet proved that it is possible to construct a large-scale electronic lexical database on the principles of lexical semantics. It has been accepted and used extensively by computational linguists ever since it was released. Inspired by WordNet's success, we propose as an alternative a similar resource, based on the 1987 Penguin edition of Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. Peter Mark Roget published his first Thesaurus over 150 years ago. Countless writers, orators and students of the English language have used it. Computational linguists have employed Roget's for almost 50 years in Natural Language Processing, however hesitated in accepting Roget's Thesaurus because a proper machine tractable version was not available. This dissertation presents an implementation of a machine-tractable version of the 1987 Penguin edition of Roget's Thesaurus - the first implementation of its kind to use an entire current edition. It explains the steps necessary for taking a machine-readable file and transforming it into a tractable system. This involves converting the lexical material into a format that can be more easily exploited, identifying data structures and designing classes to computerize the Thesaurus. Roget's organization is studied in detail and contrasted with WordNet's. We show two applications of the computerized Thesaurus: computing semantic similarity between words and phrases, and building lexical chains in a text. The experiments are performed using well-known benchmarks and the results are compared to those of other systems that use Roget's, WordNet and statistical techniques. Roget's has turned out to be an excellent resource for measuring semantic similarity; lexical chains are easily built but more difficult to evaluate. We also explain ways in which Roget's Thesaurus and WordNet can be combined.
Computation and Language
Parallel Spell-Checking Algorithm Based on Yahoo! N-Grams Dataset
Spell-checking is the process of detecting and sometimes providing suggestions for incorrectly spelled words in a text. Basically, the larger the dictionary of a spell-checker is, the higher is the error detection rate; otherwise, misspellings would pass undetected. Unfortunately, traditional dictionaries suffer from out-of-vocabulary and data sparseness problems as they do not encompass large vocabulary of words indispensable to cover proper names, domain-specific terms, technical jargons, special acronyms, and terminologies. As a result, spell-checkers will incur low error detection and correction rate and will fail to flag all errors in the text. This paper proposes a new parallel shared-memory spell-checking algorithm that uses rich real-world word statistics from Yahoo! N-Grams Dataset to correct non-word and real-word errors in computer text. Essentially, the proposed algorithm can be divided into three sub-algorithms that run in a parallel fashion: The error detection algorithm that detects misspellings, the candidates generation algorithm that generates correction suggestions, and the error correction algorithm that performs contextual error correction. Experiments conducted on a set of text articles containing misspellings, showed a remarkable spelling error correction rate that resulted in a radical reduction of both non-word and real-word errors in electronic text. In a further study, the proposed algorithm is to be optimized for message-passing systems so as to become more flexible and less costly to scale over distributed machines.
Computation and Language
OCR Context-Sensitive Error Correction Based on Google Web 1T 5-Gram Data Set
Since the dawn of the computing era, information has been represented digitally so that it can be processed by electronic computers. Paper books and documents were abundant and widely being published at that time; and hence, there was a need to convert them into digital format. OCR, short for Optical Character Recognition was conceived to translate paper-based books into digital e-books. Regrettably, OCR systems are still erroneous and inaccurate as they produce misspellings in the recognized text, especially when the source document is of low printing quality. This paper proposes a post-processing OCR context-sensitive error correction method for detecting and correcting non-word and real-word OCR errors. The cornerstone of this proposed approach is the use of Google Web 1T 5-gram data set as a dictionary of words to spell-check OCR text. The Google data set incorporates a very large vocabulary and word statistics entirely reaped from the Internet, making it a reliable source to perform dictionary-based error correction. The core of the proposed solution is a combination of three algorithms: The error detection, candidate spellings generator, and error correction algorithms, which all exploit information extracted from Google Web 1T 5-gram data set. Experiments conducted on scanned images written in different languages showed a substantial improvement in the OCR error correction rate. As future developments, the proposed algorithm is to be parallelised so as to support parallel and distributed computing architectures.
Computation and Language
OCR Post-Processing Error Correction Algorithm using Google Online Spelling Suggestion
With the advent of digital optical scanners, a lot of paper-based books, textbooks, magazines, articles, and documents are being transformed into an electronic version that can be manipulated by a computer. For this purpose, OCR, short for Optical Character Recognition was developed to translate scanned graphical text into editable computer text. Unfortunately, OCR is still imperfect as it occasionally mis-recognizes letters and falsely identifies scanned text, leading to misspellings and linguistics errors in the OCR output text. This paper proposes a post-processing context-based error correction algorithm for detecting and correcting OCR non-word and real-word errors. The proposed algorithm is based on Google's online spelling suggestion which harnesses an internal database containing a huge collection of terms and word sequences gathered from all over the web, convenient to suggest possible replacements for words that have been misspelled during the OCR process. Experiments carried out revealed a significant improvement in OCR error correction rate. Future research can improve upon the proposed algorithm so much so that it can be parallelized and executed over multiprocessing platforms.
Computation and Language
Roget's Thesaurus and Semantic Similarity
We have implemented a system that measures semantic similarity using a computerized 1987 Roget's Thesaurus, and evaluated it by performing a few typical tests. We compare the results of these tests with those produced by WordNet-based similarity measures. One of the benchmarks is Miller and Charles' list of 30 noun pairs to which human judges had assigned similarity measures. We correlate these measures with those computed by several NLP systems. The 30 pairs can be traced back to Rubenstein and Goodenough's 65 pairs, which we have also studied. Our Roget's-based system gets correlations of .878 for the smaller and .818 for the larger list of noun pairs; this is quite close to the .885 that Resnik obtained when he employed humans to replicate the Miller and Charles experiment. We further evaluate our measure by using Roget's and WordNet to answer 80 TOEFL, 50 ESL and 300 Reader's Digest questions: the correct synonym must be selected amongst a group of four words. Our system gets 78.75%, 82.00% and 74.33% of the questions respectively.
Computation and Language
Keyphrase Extraction : Enhancing Lists
This paper proposes some modest improvements to Extractor, a state-of-the-art keyphrase extraction system, by using a terabyte-sized corpus to estimate the informativeness and semantic similarity of keyphrases. We present two techniques to improve the organization and remove outliers of lists of keyphrases. The first is a simple ordering according to their occurrences in the corpus; the second is clustering according to semantic similarity. Evaluation issues are discussed. We present a novel technique of comparing extracted keyphrases to a gold standard which relies on semantic similarity rather than string matching or an evaluation involving human judges.
Computation and Language
Not As Easy As It Seems: Automating the Construction of Lexical Chains Using Roget's Thesaurus
Morris and Hirst present a method of linking significant words that are about the same topic. The resulting lexical chains are a means of identifying cohesive regions in a text, with applications in many natural language processing tasks, including text summarization. The first lexical chains were constructed manually using Roget's International Thesaurus. Morris and Hirst wrote that automation would be straightforward given an electronic thesaurus. All applications so far have used WordNet to produce lexical chains, perhaps because adequate electronic versions of Roget's were not available until recently. We discuss the building of lexical chains using an electronic version of Roget's Thesaurus. We implement a variant of the original algorithm, and explain the necessary design decisions. We include a comparison with other implementations.
Computation and Language
Roget's Thesaurus: a Lexical Resource to Treasure
This paper presents the steps involved in creating an electronic lexical knowledge base from the 1987 Penguin edition of Roget's Thesaurus. Semantic relations are labelled with the help of WordNet. The two resources are compared in a qualitative and quantitative manner. Differences in the organization of the lexical material are discussed, as well as the possibility of merging both resources.
Computation and Language
A practical approach to language complexity: a Wikipedia case study
In this paper we present statistical analysis of English texts from Wikipedia. We try to address the issue of language complexity empirically by comparing the simple English Wikipedia (Simple) to comparable samples of the main English Wikipedia (Main). Simple is supposed to use a more simplified language with a limited vocabulary, and editors are explicitly requested to follow this guideline, yet in practice the vocabulary richness of both samples are at the same level. Detailed analysis of longer units (n-grams of words and part of speech tags) shows that the language of Simple is less complex than that of Main primarily due to the use of shorter sentences, as opposed to drastically simplified syntax or vocabulary. Comparing the two language varieties by the Gunning readability index supports this conclusion. We also report on the topical dependence of language complexity, e.g. that the language is more advanced in conceptual articles compared to person-based (biographical) and object-based articles. Finally, we investigate the relation between conflict and language complexity by analyzing the content of the talk pages associated to controversial and peacefully developing articles, concluding that controversy has the effect of reducing language complexity.
Computation and Language
Segmentation Similarity and Agreement
We propose a new segmentation evaluation metric, called segmentation similarity (S), that quantifies the similarity between two segmentations as the proportion of boundaries that are not transformed when comparing them using edit distance, essentially using edit distance as a penalty function and scaling penalties by segmentation size. We propose several adapted inter-annotator agreement coefficients which use S that are suitable for segmentation. We show that S is configurable enough to suit a wide variety of segmentation evaluations, and is an improvement upon the state of the art. We also propose using inter-annotator agreement coefficients to evaluate automatic segmenters in terms of human performance.
Computation and Language
Indus script corpora, archaeo-metallurgy and Meluhha (Mleccha)
Jules Bloch's work on formation of the Marathi language has to be expanded further to provide for a study of evolution and formation of Indian languages in the Indian language union (sprachbund). The paper analyses the stages in the evolution of early writing systems which began with the evolution of counting in the ancient Near East. A stage anterior to the stage of syllabic representation of sounds of a language, is identified. Unique geometric shapes required for tokens to categorize objects became too large to handle to abstract hundreds of categories of goods and metallurgical processes during the production of bronze-age goods. About 3500 BCE, Indus script as a writing system was developed to use hieroglyphs to represent the 'spoken words' identifying each of the goods and processes. A rebus method of representing similar sounding words of the lingua franca of the artisans was used in Indus script. This method is recognized and consistently applied for the lingua franca of the Indian sprachbund. That the ancient languages of India, constituted a sprachbund (or language union) is now recognized by many linguists. The sprachbund area is proximate to the area where most of the Indus script inscriptions were discovered, as documented in the corpora. That hundreds of Indian hieroglyphs continued to be used in metallurgy is evidenced by their use on early punch-marked coins. This explains the combined use of syllabic scripts such as Brahmi and Kharoshti together with the hieroglyphs on Rampurva copper bolt, and Sohgaura copper plate from about 6th century BCE.Indian hieroglyphs constitute a writing system for meluhha language and are rebus representations of archaeo-metallurgy lexemes. The rebus principle was employed by the early scripts and can legitimately be used to decipher the Indus script, after secure pictorial identification.
Computation and Language
ILexicOn: toward an ECD-compliant interlingual lexical ontology described with semantic web formalisms
We are interested in bridging the world of natural language and the world of the semantic web in particular to support natural multilingual access to the web of data. In this paper we introduce a new type of lexical ontology called interlingual lexical ontology (ILexicOn), which uses semantic web formalisms to make each interlingual lexical unit class (ILUc) support the projection of its semantic decomposition on itself. After a short overview of existing lexical ontologies, we briefly introduce the semantic web formalisms we use. We then present the three layered architecture of our approach: i) the interlingual lexical meta-ontology (ILexiMOn); ii) the ILexicOn where ILUcs are formally defined; iii) the data layer. We illustrate our approach with a standalone ILexicOn, and introduce and explain a concise human-readable notation to represent ILexicOns. Finally, we show how semantic web formalisms enable the projection of a semantic decomposition on the decomposed ILUc.
Computation and Language
Ecological Evaluation of Persuasive Messages Using Google AdWords
In recent years there has been a growing interest in crowdsourcing methodologies to be used in experimental research for NLP tasks. In particular, evaluation of systems and theories about persuasion is difficult to accommodate within existing frameworks. In this paper we present a new cheap and fast methodology that allows fast experiment building and evaluation with fully-automated analysis at a low cost. The central idea is exploiting existing commercial tools for advertising on the web, such as Google AdWords, to measure message impact in an ecological setting. The paper includes a description of the approach, tips for how to use AdWords for scientific research, and results of pilot experiments on the impact of affective text variations which confirm the effectiveness of the approach.
Computation and Language
Context-sensitive Spelling Correction Using Google Web 1T 5-Gram Information
In computing, spell checking is the process of detecting and sometimes providing spelling suggestions for incorrectly spelled words in a text. Basically, a spell checker is a computer program that uses a dictionary of words to perform spell checking. The bigger the dictionary is, the higher is the error detection rate. The fact that spell checkers are based on regular dictionaries, they suffer from data sparseness problem as they cannot capture large vocabulary of words including proper names, domain-specific terms, technical jargons, special acronyms, and terminologies. As a result, they exhibit low error detection rate and often fail to catch major errors in the text. This paper proposes a new context-sensitive spelling correction method for detecting and correcting non-word and real-word errors in digital text documents. The approach hinges around data statistics from Google Web 1T 5-gram data set which consists of a big volume of n-gram word sequences, extracted from the World Wide Web. Fundamentally, the proposed method comprises an error detector that detects misspellings, a candidate spellings generator based on a character 2-gram model that generates correction suggestions, and an error corrector that performs contextual error correction. Experiments conducted on a set of text documents from different domains and containing misspellings, showed an outstanding spelling error correction rate and a drastic reduction of both non-word and real-word errors. In a further study, the proposed algorithm is to be parallelized so as to lower the computational cost of the error detection and correction processes.
Computation and Language
A Corpus-based Evaluation of a Domain-specific Text to Knowledge Mapping Prototype
The aim of this paper is to evaluate a Text to Knowledge Mapping (TKM) Prototype. The prototype is domain-specific, the purpose of which is to map instructional text onto a knowledge domain. The context of the knowledge domain is DC electrical circuit. During development, the prototype has been tested with a limited data set from the domain. The prototype reached a stage where it needs to be evaluated with a representative linguistic data set called corpus. A corpus is a collection of text drawn from typical sources which can be used as a test data set to evaluate NLP systems. As there is no available corpus for the domain, we developed and annotated a representative corpus. The evaluation of the prototype considers two of its major components- lexical components and knowledge model. Evaluation on lexical components enriches the lexical resources of the prototype like vocabulary and grammar structures. This leads the prototype to parse a reasonable amount of sentences in the corpus. While dealing with the lexicon was straight forward, the identification and extraction of appropriate semantic relations was much more involved. It was necessary, therefore, to manually develop a conceptual structure for the domain to formulate a domain-specific framework of semantic relations. The framework of semantic relationsthat has resulted from this study consisted of 55 relations, out of which 42 have inverse relations. We also conducted rhetorical analysis on the corpus to prove its representativeness in conveying semantic. Finally, we conducted a topical and discourse analysis on the corpus to analyze the coverage of discourse by the prototype.
Computation and Language
Rule-weighted and terminal-weighted context-free grammars have identical expressivity
Two formalisms, both based on context-free grammars, have recently been proposed as a basis for a non-uniform random generation of combinatorial objects. The former, introduced by Denise et al, associates weights with letters, while the latter, recently explored by Weinberg et al in the context of random generation, associates weights to transitions. In this short note, we use a simple modification of the Greibach Normal Form transformation algorithm, due to Blum and Koch, to show the equivalent expressivities, in term of their induced distributions, of these two formalisms.
Computation and Language
Characterizing Ranked Chinese Syllable-to-Character Mapping Spectrum: A Bridge Between the Spoken and Written Chinese Language
One important aspect of the relationship between spoken and written Chinese is the ranked syllable-to-character mapping spectrum, which is the ranked list of syllables by the number of characters that map to the syllable. Previously, this spectrum is analyzed for more than 400 syllables without distinguishing the four intonations. In the current study, the spectrum with 1280 toned syllables is analyzed by logarithmic function, Beta rank function, and piecewise logarithmic function. Out of the three fitting functions, the two-piece logarithmic function fits the data the best, both by the smallest sum of squared errors (SSE) and by the lowest Akaike information criterion (AIC) value. The Beta rank function is the close second. By sampling from a Poisson distribution whose parameter value is chosen from the observed data, we empirically estimate the $p$-value for testing the two-piece-logarithmic-function being better than the Beta rank function hypothesis, to be 0.16. For practical purposes, the piecewise logarithmic function and the Beta rank function can be considered a tie.
Computation and Language
Parsing of Myanmar sentences with function tagging
This paper describes the use of Naive Bayes to address the task of assigning function tags and context free grammar (CFG) to parse Myanmar sentences. Part of the challenge of statistical function tagging for Myanmar sentences comes from the fact that Myanmar has free-phrase-order and a complex morphological system. Function tagging is a pre-processing step for parsing. In the task of function tagging, we use the functional annotated corpus and tag Myanmar sentences with correct segmentation, POS (part-of-speech) tagging and chunking information. We propose Myanmar grammar rules and apply context free grammar (CFG) to find out the parse tree of function tagged Myanmar sentences. Experiments show that our analysis achieves a good result with parsing of simple sentences and three types of complex sentences.
Computation and Language
Spectral Analysis of Projection Histogram for Enhancing Close matching character Recognition in Malayalam
The success rates of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) systems for printed Malayalam documents is quite impressive with the state of the art accuracy levels in the range of 85-95% for various. However for real applications, further enhancement of this accuracy levels are required. One of the bottle necks in further enhancement of the accuracy is identified as close-matching characters. In this paper, we delineate the close matching characters in Malayalam and report the development of a specialised classifier for these close-matching characters. The output of a state of the art of OCR is taken and characters falling into the close-matching character set is further fed into this specialised classifier for enhancing the accuracy. The classifier is based on support vector machine algorithm and uses feature vectors derived out of spectral coefficients of projection histogram signals of close-matching characters.
Computation and Language
Multilingual Topic Models for Unaligned Text
We develop the multilingual topic model for unaligned text (MuTo), a probabilistic model of text that is designed to analyze corpora composed of documents in two languages. From these documents, MuTo uses stochastic EM to simultaneously discover both a matching between the languages and multilingual latent topics. We demonstrate that MuTo is able to find shared topics on real-world multilingual corpora, successfully pairing related documents across languages. MuTo provides a new framework for creating multilingual topic models without needing carefully curated parallel corpora and allows applications built using the topic model formalism to be applied to a much wider class of corpora.
Computation and Language
A Model-Driven Probabilistic Parser Generator
Existing probabilistic scanners and parsers impose hard constraints on the way lexical and syntactic ambiguities can be resolved. Furthermore, traditional grammar-based parsing tools are limited in the mechanisms they allow for taking context into account. In this paper, we propose a model-driven tool that allows for statistical language models with arbitrary probability estimators. Our work on model-driven probabilistic parsing is built on top of ModelCC, a model-based parser generator, and enables the probabilistic interpretation and resolution of anaphoric, cataphoric, and recursive references in the disambiguation of abstract syntax graphs. In order to prove the expression power of ModelCC, we describe the design of a general-purpose natural language parser.
Computation and Language
Arabic Language Learning Assisted by Computer, based on Automatic Speech Recognition
This work consists of creating a system of the Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) based on a system of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) for the Arabic language using the tool CMU Sphinx3 [1], based on the approach of HMM. To this work, we have constructed a corpus of six hours of speech recordings with a number of nine speakers. we find in the robustness to noise a grounds for the choice of the HMM approach [2]. the results achieved are encouraging since our corpus is made by only nine speakers, but they are always reasons that open the door for other improvement works.
Computation and Language
Task-specific Word-Clustering for Part-of-Speech Tagging
While the use of cluster features became ubiquitous in core NLP tasks, most cluster features in NLP are based on distributional similarity. We propose a new type of clustering criteria, specific to the task of part-of-speech tagging. Instead of distributional similarity, these clusters are based on the beha vior of a baseline tagger when applied to a large corpus. These cluster features provide similar gains in accuracy to those achieved by distributional-similarity derived clusters. Using both types of cluster features together further improve tagging accuracies. We show that the method is effective for both the in-domain and out-of-domain scenarios for English, and for French, German and Italian. The effect is larger for out-of-domain text.
Computation and Language
Precision-biased Parsing and High-Quality Parse Selection
We introduce precision-biased parsing: a parsing task which favors precision over recall by allowing the parser to abstain from decisions deemed uncertain. We focus on dependency-parsing and present an ensemble method which is capable of assigning parents to 84% of the text tokens while being over 96% accurate on these tokens. We use the precision-biased parsing task to solve the related high-quality parse-selection task: finding a subset of high-quality (accurate) trees in a large collection of parsed text. We present a method for choosing over a third of the input trees while keeping unlabeled dependency parsing accuracy of 97% on these trees. We also present a method which is not based on an ensemble but rather on directly predicting the risk associated with individual parser decisions. In addition to its efficiency, this method demonstrates that a parsing system can provide reasonable estimates of confidence in its predictions without relying on ensembles or aggregate corpus counts.
Computation and Language
FASTSUBS: An Efficient and Exact Procedure for Finding the Most Likely Lexical Substitutes Based on an N-gram Language Model
Lexical substitutes have found use in areas such as paraphrasing, text simplification, machine translation, word sense disambiguation, and part of speech induction. However the computational complexity of accurately identifying the most likely substitutes for a word has made large scale experiments difficult. In this paper I introduce a new search algorithm, FASTSUBS, that is guaranteed to find the K most likely lexical substitutes for a given word in a sentence based on an n-gram language model. The computation is sub-linear in both K and the vocabulary size V. An implementation of the algorithm and a dataset with the top 100 substitutes of each token in the WSJ section of the Penn Treebank are available at http://goo.gl/jzKH0.
Computation and Language
Syst\`eme d'aide \`a l'acc\`es lexical : trouver le mot qu'on a sur le bout de la langue
The study of the Tip of the Tongue phenomenon (TOT) provides valuable clues and insights concerning the organisation of the mental lexicon (meaning, number of syllables, relation with other words, etc.). This paper describes a tool based on psycho-linguistic observations concerning the TOT phenomenon. We've built it to enable a speaker/writer to find the word he is looking for, word he may know, but which he is unable to access in time. We try to simulate the TOT phenomenon by creating a situation where the system knows the target word, yet is unable to access it. In order to find the target word we make use of the paradigmatic and syntagmatic associations stored in the linguistic databases. Our experiment allows the following conclusion: a tool like SVETLAN, capable to structure (automatically) a dictionary by domains can be used sucessfully to help the speaker/writer to find the word he is looking for, if it is combined with a database rich in terms of paradigmatic links like EuroWordNet.
Computation and Language
Language Acquisition in Computers
This project explores the nature of language acquisition in computers, guided by techniques similar to those used in children. While existing natural language processing methods are limited in scope and understanding, our system aims to gain an understanding of language from first principles and hence minimal initial input. The first portion of our system was implemented in Java and is focused on understanding the morphology of language using bigrams. We use frequency distributions and differences between them to define and distinguish languages. English and French texts were analyzed to determine a difference threshold of 55 before the texts are considered to be in different languages, and this threshold was verified using Spanish texts. The second portion of our system focuses on gaining an understanding of the syntax of a language using a recursive method. The program uses one of two possible methods to analyze given sentences based on either sentence patterns or surrounding words. Both methods have been implemented in C++. The program is able to understand the structure of simple sentences and learn new words. In addition, we have provided some suggestions regarding future work and potential extensions of the existing program.
Computation and Language
Automated Word Puzzle Generation via Topic Dictionaries
We propose a general method for automated word puzzle generation. Contrary to previous approaches in this novel field, the presented method does not rely on highly structured datasets obtained with serious human annotation effort: it only needs an unstructured and unannotated corpus (i.e., document collection) as input. The method builds upon two additional pillars: (i) a topic model, which induces a topic dictionary from the input corpus (examples include e.g., latent semantic analysis, group-structured dictionaries or latent Dirichlet allocation), and (ii) a semantic similarity measure of word pairs. Our method can (i) generate automatically a large number of proper word puzzles of different types, including the odd one out, choose the related word and separate the topics puzzle. (ii) It can easily create domain-specific puzzles by replacing the corpus component. (iii) It is also capable of automatically generating puzzles with parameterizable levels of difficulty suitable for, e.g., beginners or intermediate learners.
Computation and Language
UNL Based Bangla Natural Text Conversion - Predicate Preserving Parser Approach
Universal Networking Language (UNL) is a declarative formal language that is used to represent semantic data extracted from natural language texts. This paper presents a novel approach to converting Bangla natural language text into UNL using a method known as Predicate Preserving Parser (PPP) technique. PPP performs morphological, syntactic and semantic, and lexical analysis of text synchronously. This analysis produces a semantic-net like structure represented using UNL. We demonstrate how Bangla texts are analyzed following the PPP technique to produce UNL documents which can then be translated into any other suitable natural language facilitating the opportunity to develop a universal language translation method via UNL.
Computation and Language
Hedge detection as a lens on framing in the GMO debates: A position paper
Understanding the ways in which participants in public discussions frame their arguments is important in understanding how public opinion is formed. In this paper, we adopt the position that it is time for more computationally-oriented research on problems involving framing. In the interests of furthering that goal, we propose the following specific, interesting and, we believe, relatively accessible question: In the controversy regarding the use of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) in agriculture, do pro- and anti-GMO articles differ in whether they choose to adopt a "scientific" tone? Prior work on the rhetoric and sociology of science suggests that hedging may distinguish popular-science text from text written by professional scientists for their colleagues. We propose a detailed approach to studying whether hedge detection can be used to understanding scientific framing in the GMO debates, and provide corpora to facilitate this study. Some of our preliminary analyses suggest that hedges occur less frequently in scientific discourse than in popular text, a finding that contradicts prior assertions in the literature. We hope that our initial work and data will encourage others to pursue this promising line of inquiry.
Computation and Language
Developing a model for a text database indexed pedagogically for teaching the Arabic language
In this memory we made the design of an indexing model for Arabic language and adapting standards for describing learning resources used (the LOM and their application profiles) with learning conditions such as levels education of students, their levels of understanding...the pedagogical context with taking into account the repre-sentative elements of the text, text's length,...in particular, we highlight the specificity of the Arabic language which is a complex language, characterized by its flexion, its voyellation and its agglutination.
Computation and Language
Temporal expression normalisation in natural language texts
Automatic annotation of temporal expressions is a research challenge of great interest in the field of information extraction. In this report, I describe a novel rule-based architecture, built on top of a pre-existing system, which is able to normalise temporal expressions detected in English texts. Gold standard temporally-annotated resources are limited in size and this makes research difficult. The proposed system outperforms the state-of-the-art systems with respect to TempEval-2 Shared Task (value attribute) and achieves substantially better results with respect to the pre-existing system on top of which it has been developed. I will also introduce a new free corpus consisting of 2822 unique annotated temporal expressions. Both the corpus and the system are freely available on-line.
Computation and Language
BADREX: In situ expansion and coreference of biomedical abbreviations using dynamic regular expressions
BADREX uses dynamically generated regular expressions to annotate term definition-term abbreviation pairs, and corefers unpaired acronyms and abbreviations back to their initial definition in the text. Against the Medstract corpus BADREX achieves precision and recall of 98% and 97%, and against a much larger corpus, 90% and 85%, respectively. BADREX yields improved performance over previous approaches, requires no training data and allows runtime customisation of its input parameters. BADREX is freely available from https://github.com/philgooch/BADREX-Biomedical-Abbreviation-Expander as a plugin for the General Architecture for Text Engineering (GATE) framework and is licensed under the GPLv3.
Computation and Language
TempEval-3: Evaluating Events, Time Expressions, and Temporal Relations
We describe the TempEval-3 task which is currently in preparation for the SemEval-2013 evaluation exercise. The aim of TempEval is to advance research on temporal information processing. TempEval-3 follows on from previous TempEval events, incorporating: a three-part task structure covering event, temporal expression and temporal relation extraction; a larger dataset; and single overall task quality scores.
Computation and Language
Keyphrase Based Arabic Summarizer (KPAS)
This paper describes a computationally inexpensive and efficient generic summarization algorithm for Arabic texts. The algorithm belongs to extractive summarization family, which reduces the problem into representative sentences identification and extraction sub-problems. Important keyphrases of the document to be summarized are identified employing combinations of statistical and linguistic features. The sentence extraction algorithm exploits keyphrases as the primary attributes to rank a sentence. The present experimental work, demonstrates different techniques for achieving various summarization goals including: informative richness, coverage of both main and auxiliary topics, and keeping redundancy to a minimum. A scoring scheme is then adopted that balances between these summarization goals. To evaluate the resulted Arabic summaries with well-established systems, aligned English/Arabic texts are used through the experiments.
Computation and Language
Two Step CCA: A new spectral method for estimating vector models of words
Unlabeled data is often used to learn representations which can be used to supplement baseline features in a supervised learner. For example, for text applications where the words lie in a very high dimensional space (the size of the vocabulary), one can learn a low rank "dictionary" by an eigen-decomposition of the word co-occurrence matrix (e.g. using PCA or CCA). In this paper, we present a new spectral method based on CCA to learn an eigenword dictionary. Our improved procedure computes two set of CCAs, the first one between the left and right contexts of the given word and the second one between the projections resulting from this CCA and the word itself. We prove theoretically that this two-step procedure has lower sample complexity than the simple single step procedure and also illustrate the empirical efficacy of our approach and the richness of representations learned by our Two Step CCA (TSCCA) procedure on the tasks of POS tagging and sentiment classification.
Computation and Language
A Joint Model of Language and Perception for Grounded Attribute Learning
As robots become more ubiquitous and capable, it becomes ever more important to enable untrained users to easily interact with them. Recently, this has led to study of the language grounding problem, where the goal is to extract representations of the meanings of natural language tied to perception and actuation in the physical world. In this paper, we present an approach for joint learning of language and perception models for grounded attribute induction. Our perception model includes attribute classifiers, for example to detect object color and shape, and the language model is based on a probabilistic categorial grammar that enables the construction of rich, compositional meaning representations. The approach is evaluated on the task of interpreting sentences that describe sets of objects in a physical workspace. We demonstrate accurate task performance and effective latent-variable concept induction in physical grounded scenes.
Computation and Language
A Fast and Simple Algorithm for Training Neural Probabilistic Language Models
In spite of their superior performance, neural probabilistic language models (NPLMs) remain far less widely used than n-gram models due to their notoriously long training times, which are measured in weeks even for moderately-sized datasets. Training NPLMs is computationally expensive because they are explicitly normalized, which leads to having to consider all words in the vocabulary when computing the log-likelihood gradients. We propose a fast and simple algorithm for training NPLMs based on noise-contrastive estimation, a newly introduced procedure for estimating unnormalized continuous distributions. We investigate the behaviour of the algorithm on the Penn Treebank corpus and show that it reduces the training times by more than an order of magnitude without affecting the quality of the resulting models. The algorithm is also more efficient and much more stable than importance sampling because it requires far fewer noise samples to perform well. We demonstrate the scalability of the proposed approach by training several neural language models on a 47M-word corpus with a 80K-word vocabulary, obtaining state-of-the-art results on the Microsoft Research Sentence Completion Challenge dataset.
Computation and Language
Cross Language Text Classification via Subspace Co-Regularized Multi-View Learning
In many multilingual text classification problems, the documents in different languages often share the same set of categories. To reduce the labeling cost of training a classification model for each individual language, it is important to transfer the label knowledge gained from one language to another language by conducting cross language classification. In this paper we develop a novel subspace co-regularized multi-view learning method for cross language text classification. This method is built on parallel corpora produced by machine translation. It jointly minimizes the training error of each classifier in each language while penalizing the distance between the subspace representations of parallel documents. Our empirical study on a large set of cross language text classification tasks shows the proposed method consistently outperforms a number of inductive methods, domain adaptation methods, and multi-view learning methods.
Computation and Language
Elimination of Spurious Ambiguity in Transition-Based Dependency Parsing
We present a novel technique to remove spurious ambiguity from transition systems for dependency parsing. Our technique chooses a canonical sequence of transition operations (computation) for a given dependency tree. Our technique can be applied to a large class of bottom-up transition systems, including for instance Nivre (2004) and Attardi (2006).
Computation and Language
Adversarial Evaluation for Models of Natural Language
We now have a rich and growing set of modeling tools and algorithms for inducing linguistic structure from text that is less than fully annotated. In this paper, we discuss some of the weaknesses of our current methodology. We present a new abstract framework for evaluating natural language processing (NLP) models in general and unsupervised NLP models in particular. The central idea is to make explicit certain adversarial roles among researchers, so that the different roles in an evaluation are more clearly defined and performers of all roles are offered ways to make measurable contributions to the larger goal. Adopting this approach may help to characterize model successes and failures by encouraging earlier consideration of error analysis. The framework can be instantiated in a variety of ways, simulating some familiar intrinsic and extrinsic evaluations as well as some new evaluations.
Computation and Language
Applying Deep Belief Networks to Word Sense Disambiguation
In this paper, we applied a novel learning algorithm, namely, Deep Belief Networks (DBN) to word sense disambiguation (WSD). DBN is a probabilistic generative model composed of multiple layers of hidden units. DBN uses Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) to greedily train layer by layer as a pretraining. Then, a separate fine tuning step is employed to improve the discriminative power. We compared DBN with various state-of-the-art supervised learning algorithms in WSD such as Support Vector Machine (SVM), Maximum Entropy model (MaxEnt), Naive Bayes classifier (NB) and Kernel Principal Component Analysis (KPCA). We used all words in the given paragraph, surrounding context words and part-of-speech of surrounding words as our knowledge sources. We conducted our experiment on the SENSEVAL-2 data set. We observed that DBN outperformed all other learning algorithms.
Computation and Language
Learning to Map Sentences to Logical Form: Structured Classification with Probabilistic Categorial Grammars
This paper addresses the problem of mapping natural language sentences to lambda-calculus encodings of their meaning. We describe a learning algorithm that takes as input a training set of sentences labeled with expressions in the lambda calculus. The algorithm induces a grammar for the problem, along with a log-linear model that represents a distribution over syntactic and semantic analyses conditioned on the input sentence. We apply the method to the task of learning natural language interfaces to databases and show that the learned parsers outperform previous methods in two benchmark database domains.
Computation and Language
Finding Structure in Text, Genome and Other Symbolic Sequences
The statistical methods derived and described in this thesis provide new ways to elucidate the structural properties of text and other symbolic sequences. Generically, these methods allow detection of a difference in the frequency of a single feature, the detection of a difference between the frequencies of an ensemble of features and the attribution of the source of a text. These three abstract tasks suffice to solve problems in a wide variety of settings. Furthermore, the techniques described in this thesis can be extended to provide a wide range of additional tests beyond the ones described here. A variety of applications for these methods are examined in detail. These applications are drawn from the area of text analysis and genetic sequence analysis. The textually oriented tasks include finding interesting collocations and cooccurent phrases, language identification, and information retrieval. The biologically oriented tasks include species identification and the discovery of previously unreported long range structure in genes. In the applications reported here where direct comparison is possible, the performance of these new methods substantially exceeds the state of the art. Overall, the methods described here provide new and effective ways to analyse text and other symbolic sequences. Their particular strength is that they deal well with situations where relatively little data are available. Since these methods are abstract in nature, they can be applied in novel situations with relative ease.
Computation and Language