### Human: What is viscosity? ### Assistant: Viscosity is a measurement of how a substance flows due to its consistency as a fluid or semifluid. A lower viscosity substance, like water, will flow more easily than a higher viscosity substance, like honey.
### Human: What are some common ways to manage Type 1 Diabetes? ### Assistant: Two items are needed for successful management of Type 1 Diabetes. A way to monitor blood sugar levels and a way to administer insulin. Blood sugar monitoring is done either using a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) device or with a blood sugar monitoring device where a small blood sample is required in order to measure the amount of sugar in the blood. The maintenance of glucose level in the body is regulated with insulin. Insulin can either be administered with a syringe or with an insulin pump.
### Human: What is an AVA when it comes to wine? ### Assistant: AVA stands for American Viticultural Area, which is a designation for legally defined and protected areas (known as appellations) for wine vineyards. This tells a consumer where the grapes that were used in the wine were grown.
### Human: What is the “infield” in baseball? ### Assistant: The infield is the area of a baseball field that extends from home base out past first, second and third bases. The infield is usually a dirt surface, and the outfield begins where the dirt turns to grass.
### Human: Which Philip K. Dick novel was the basis for the movie "Blade Runner"? ### Assistant: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
### Human: Why is the Alabama's football team called the Crimson Tide? ### Assistant: The football team was called the Thin Red Line or some may know it as the Crimson White. During 1907 The University of Alabama played their rival Auburn in Birmingham, AL and the soil described as an iron rich color later turned into red mud and stained the Alabama football players white jerseys. It is known that Sports editor Hugh Roberts said the team played like a "Crimson Tide" and since then the name remained.
### Human: Who was the American president for the majority of WWII? ### Assistant: FDR was the American president for most of the second World War
### Human: What is the largest amount of money in coins without being able to make change for a dollar? ### Assistant: To make change for a dollar, you would need 4 quarters or 10 dimes or 20 nickels or 100 pennies or a combination of those that add up to a dollar. The largest amount of money in coins without being able to make change for a dollar would be $1.19. If you have 3 quarters, 4 dimes, and 4 pennies, you would have $1.19, but you wouldn't be able to combine those to an even one dollar.
### Human: Which Greek god is associated with the changing of the seasons? ### Assistant: Persephone is the Greek goddess responsible for changing of the seasons.
### Human: Name a song written by Hank Williams? ### Assistant: "I'm a Long Gone Daddy" is a country song written and recorded by Hank Williams. It was released in 1948 on MGM Records and became his second top ten hit.
### Human: What is it called when a river of water falls off a cliff and creates a shower? ### Assistant: A waterfall
### Human: What is the birthday problem? ### Assistant: The Birthday Problem is a probability problem with results that many find counterintuitive. The problem is formulated as "how many people must you consider such that the probability of at least two people sharing a birthday is at least 50%?". The answer, which many find surprising and counterintuitive, is 23. The answer is lower than most people expect and it is due to the number of pairwise permutations that exists for 23 people.
### Human: Where is the Willis Tower located? ### Assistant: The Willis Tower, formerly known as the Sears Tower, is located in the city of Chicago.
### Human: How long did World War 2 last? ### Assistant: World War II or the Second World War, often abbreviated as WWII or WW2, was a global conflict that lasted from 1939 to 1945. The vast majority of the world's countries, including all of the great powers, fought as part of two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. The Axis included Germany, Italy, and Japan as the main combatants, while the Allies consisted of France, Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and, to some extent, China.
### Human: What are some of the causes for the 1929 US stock market crash? ### Assistant: The 1920’s were a booming time for Americans as the stock market was surging due to speculative investing. Stock prices rose to records heights which drove the public to invest their liquid assets into securities. Billions of dollars were drawn from banks for broker’s loans to carry margin accounts. People were mortgaging their homes to pour money into stocks. In late 1929, the market eventually overheated and prices began to fall despite efforts by the banks to buy up large blocks of stock to stem the losses. Eventually, the panic was too much and the market crashed on Black Monday, October 24th when the market closed down 12.8 percent. The sharp decline in the 1929 stock market eventually led to the Great Depression of the 1930’s.
### Human: What is District 13 in "The Hunger Games" known for developing? ### Assistant: District 13 is responsible for the development of nuclear weapons.
### Human: What is a Wonton? ### Assistant: A wonton is a type of Chinese dumpling that is generally served in a soup broth. The dumpling filling is placed onto a thin dough wrapper, then the wrapper is then sealed to prevent the filling from spilling out when cooking. The filling is commonly made with pork and shrimp. Filled wonton dumplings are then placed into boiling water for cooking. Wontons can also be deep fried with a variety of fillings.
### Human: where do aliens come from ### Assistant: space the final frontier or is it?
### Human: How many Olympic rings are there? ### Assistant: There are five Olympic rings that represent the union of the five continents and the meeting of athletes from throughout the world at the Olympic Games.
### Human: What kind of cancer did Agent Dana Scully get diagnosed with in "The X-Files"? ### Assistant: She developed an inoperable nasopharyngeal tumor.
### Human: In the series A Song of Ice and Fire, who is the founder of House Plowman? ### Assistant: Pate the Plowman
### Human: How can I quickly treat a headache? ### Assistant: Occasional headache is something that is more annoying and causes discomfort than concern. To quickly relieve a headache, make sure you are in a well ventilated space, drink a couple glasses of cold water, take some caffeine like coffee or cola, stare at something green like a plant for ten minutes, and close your eyes or lie down for about ten minutes. You can also twist your head left to right, right to left, then stare up, until you get a sigh or a yawn.
### Human: What is Acyl-CoA? ### Assistant: Acyl-CoA is a group of coenzymes that metabolize fatty acids. Acyl-CoA's are susceptible to beta oxidation, forming, ultimately, acetyl-CoA. The acetyl-CoA enters the citric acid cycle, eventually forming several equivalents of ATP. In this way, fats are converted to ATP, the universal biochemical energy carrier.
### Human: What kind of jelly is best for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? ### Assistant: Strawberry is best. Grape is acceptable. Mint is bizarre.
### Human: What American city is referred to as The City of Roses? ### Assistant: Portland, Oregon is referred to as The City of Roses, even though roses are not native to the region.
### Human: What is an office space? ### Assistant: An office space is a room or group of rooms in a building that a company or entity can own or rent for activities such as business activities. Each office space can be a single person work area with a phone, computer, headset, keyboard and mouse. These office space items are use for working and collaborated with other co-workers in other office spaces. Office spaces may also be converted into storage space or other group collaboration spaces too.
### Human: What is social media? ### Assistant: Social media accounts for a variety of services that are intended to connect individuals and organizations, to create a network for sharing information. The information shared can be videos, images, music, thoughts, opinions, or a variety of other things that can be shared publicly or privately. The intent is to allow anyone to be a contributor, give users the ability to connect with and follow whom they please, and provide a broad network of information and connections.
### Human: Name some of the more renowned British Romantic poets. ### Assistant: Among the most famous of the British Romantic poets were William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, John Keats, and Lord Byron.
### Human: What is a Profit and loss account in finance? ### Assistant: A profit and loss account shows the money a business has earned from selling goods and services, less the money spent on goods, services and overheads.
### Human: What is Lisp? ### Assistant: Lisp is a family of programming languages with a long history and a distinctive, fully parenthesized prefix notation. Originally specified in 1960, Lisp is the second-oldest high-level programming language still in common use, after Fortran.
### Human: What book won the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1990? ### Assistant: Hyperion by Dan Simmons
### Human: Where are the best places to purchase fabric for your sewing projects? ### Assistant: Depending on your project, there are a couple of stores that can be your go-to for purchasing supplies, particularly fabric: 1 - Joann has lots of options and frequently has sales and coupons that allow you to get your fabric at a discount. They offer most types of fabrics, but lack lots of options for some specialized ones, like cotton lawn and velvet. They also offer an abundance of other supplies that you might need to complete your project. 2 - Spoonflower is a platform for artists/designers to get their artwork/patterns printed on various types of fabrics. The options range from basic quilting cotton to Belgian linen. This store also frequently has sales to ensure you're getting your fabric at the best price. If you're looking for a specific pattern and unique type of fabric, this is your go-to. 3 - Fabric.com (owned by Amazon) is another great option with multiple types of fabrics at a range of price points. You also get fast and free shipping since the store operates under Amazon. 4 - Etsy is another marketplace for unique fabrics from individual vendors across the world. The price points are more variable, but you could find something unique depending on what your project is. Overall, the store you shop at will depend on the nature of your project, type of fabric you're looking for, and budget. The good news is, you're bound to find what you need at one of these stores.
### Human: When is the Indian Teachers day celebrated? ### Assistant: Indian Teachers day is celebrated on 5th September
### Human: Should I pet the belly of a cat who is laying on its back? ### Assistant: It depends on the cat. Some cats may enjoy having their belly rubbed and will permit you to do so. Other cats may not appreciate it and this position may be a trap for them to bite and kick your hand.
### Human: What year did The X-Files TV show debut? ### Assistant: 1993
### Human: Who are the members of the band Phish. ### Assistant: The band consists of guitarist Trey Anastasio, bassist Mike Gordon, drummer Jon Fishman, and keyboardist Page McConnell
### Human: What is a balloon? ### Assistant: A balloon is a latex rubber flexible bag that can be inflated with a gas or liquid. If you want a balloon to float you can inflate it with helium. It can also be filled with a liquid like water to make it a water balloon. Other types of balloons are hot air balloons filled with flammable gas that go up thousands of feet in the sky and can carry people, or weather balloon which floats high into the atmosphere to measure different weather patterns.
### Human: How many teaspoons are in a tablespoon? ### Assistant: Three teaspoons are equivalent to one tablespoon.
### Human: Which field hockey team has won the Stanley Cup twice in a row? ### Assistant: In a stifling game on Sunday, the Pittsburgh Penguins made the difference with a minute and a half left against Nashville (2-0) to pocket their second consecutive Stanley Cup (4-2).
### Human: How many episodes in season one of "Game of Thrones" did Brian Kirk direct? ### Assistant: Brian Kirk directed three episodes in the first season of Game of Thrones: Lord Snow, Cripples, Bastards, and Broken Things, and The Wolf and the Lion
### Human: Is it a good situation to be a dev ? ### Assistant: You know, for myself I don't think that there is a good or a bad situation. If I had to sum up my life, To be honest, this is much more about meeting people. People who reached out to me, maybe at a time when I couldn't, when I was home alone. And it's quite curious to say to yourself that chance, encounters, forge a destiny... Because when you have a taste for something, when you have a taste for something well done, a nice gesture, sometimes you can't find the interlocutor opposite, I would say, the mirror that helps you move forward. So that's not my case, as I was saying there, since I, on the contrary, I was able to: and I say thank you to life, I say thank you to it, I sing life, I dance life... I am only love! And finally, when many people today say to me “But how do you manage to have this humanity? », Well, I answer them very simply, I tell them that it is this taste for love, this taste that pushed me today to undertake a mechanical construction, but tomorrow who knows? Perhaps simply to put myself at the service of the community, to give, the gift of self...
### Human: What is Thomas Anderson's hacker name? ### Assistant: Thomas Anderson, in The Matrix, called himself "Neo."
### Human: What are the most common languages in the world? ### Assistant: English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Hindi
### Human: What is the difference between a fruit and vegetable? ### Assistant: Fruits contain seeds and are usually developed from the flowering part of a plant while Vegetables are an edible plant or part of a plant.
### Human: What percentage of the world is left-handed? ### Assistant: It's estimated about ten percent of the global populated are left-hand dominant.
### Human: How do fiber optic cables transmit data? ### Assistant: With light
### Human: Which land mammal has the best hearing? ### Assistant: Bats have the best hearing among land mammals
### Human: When buying a whole fish, how do you pick a good fish? ### Assistant: To pick a good, fresh fish, I would look for three characteristics: clear eyes, red gills, and firm flesh. Fresh fish generally have clear and not bloody eyes, gills that have a relatively brighter red color. In addition, I would also poke the fish to see if their flesh feels firm to the touch.
### Human: What do the letters MG stand for on cars ### Assistant: Morris Garages
### Human: In the series A Song of Ice and Fire, who is the founder of House Towers? ### Assistant: Walton Towers
### Human: Which band sang No Sleep Till Brooklyn? ### Assistant: The Beastie Boys
### Human: Give me a list of 10 nematode species ### Assistant: Caenorhabditis elegans, Ascaris lumbricoides, Pristionchus pacificus, Trichuris suis, Necator americanus, Ancylostoma duodenale, Heligmosomoides polygyrus, Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, Lumbricus terrestris, Ostertagia ostertagi
### Human: Who were the "Big Four" of Thrash Metal? ### Assistant: Anthrax, Metallica, Megadeth, and Slayer
### Human: What's the signifying traits of Neapolitan tailoring? ### Assistant: Neapolitan tailoring, when compared to its British counterpart, is generally more relaxed and informal. The armholes are usually larger, offering a wider range of movement and the shoulders less padded providing a more natural look. Most famously, however, Neapolitan tailors traditionally use a "spalla camicia" (a "shirt shoulder") on their suit jackets. This means the jacket sleeve is attached into the armhole in the same way a shirt sleeve would be, giving it some light crumpling at the top where it meets the shoulder.
### Human: What is an experiment? ### Assistant: An experiment is a scientific process that uses the element of discovery and hypothesis to test out a known fact. A series of actions are executed and then a person observes the outcomes of those actions. Experiments also give us insight into cause and effect. The best way to develop an experiment is to come up with a set of questions to test a hypothesis about something.
### Human: Why is cold water coming out of my water heater? ### Assistant: If your gas water heater is not working, first check to see if: - Is the water heater leaking? If so, turn off the water and gas to the heater, and contact a plumber to replace the heater. - Do you smell gas around your heater? If so, you likely have a gas leak--turn off the gas line to the heater and contact a plumber to replace the heater. If neither of these are issues, check to see if the pilot light for you heater is lit. This is likely hidden behind a panel or door on the bottom of the front of the heater. If the pilot light is not lit, follow the instructions to try re-lighting it. If the pilot light does not light or continues to go out after heating the water, the thermal coupling on the water heater likely needs to be replaced. Contact a plumber to have this replaced. Generally speaking, traditional tank-based, gas water heaters have a lifetime of 10-15 years. If the age water heater is within this range, you may want to prepare for replacing the water heater soon.
### Human: What is the largest city in Ecuador by population? ### Assistant: Guayaquil, officially Santiago de Guayaquil, is the largest city in Ecuador by population and the nation's economic capital and main port. The city is the capital of Guayas Province and the seat of Guayaquil Canton. The city is located on the west bank of the Guayas River, which flows into the Pacific Ocean at the Gulf of Guayaquil.
### Human: How to write a college essay? ### Assistant: A college essay is likely the most important part of your college application. While it's important to be factual about the writing, the essay is meant to demonstrate you as a unique person, that's set apart from the other applicants. Examples are unique experiences that changed the path of your life; special activities you have involved with that made a difference to others' lives, and interests that you have devoted much of your spare time on. The goal is help the admission officer to know you from aspects other than your grades and SAT scores, and evaluate whether you are good fit for the culture of the college you are applying for.
### Human: How deep is the Gulf of Mexico measured in Empire State buildings? ### Assistant: The Empire State building is 1,250 feet and the Gulf of Mexico at its deepest point is 14,383 feet. It would take eleven and a half Empire State Buildings, stacked on top of each other, to measure the Gulf of Mexico at its deepest point.
### Human: Which US state produces the most pineapples? ### Assistant: Hawaii
### Human: Who invented the first electric car? ### Assistant: The first electric car is attributed to Robert Anderson, a Scottish inventor whose crude "electric carriage" is believed to have been built sometime in the 1830s.
### Human: What was the Rolling Stones first no 1 hit ### Assistant: Its all over now
### Human: What is the Premier League? ### Assistant: The Premier League (legal name: The Football Association Premier League Limited) is the highest level of the English football league system. Contested by 20 clubs, it operates on a system of promotion and relegation with the English Football League (EFL). Seasons typically run from August to May with each team playing 38 matches (playing all other teams both home and away). Most games are played on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, with occasional weekday evening fixtures. The competition was founded as the FA Premier League on 20 February 1992 following the decision of clubs in the Football League First Division to break away from the Football League founded in 1888; however, teams may still be relegated into and promoted from the EFL Championship. The Premier League takes advantage of a lucrative television rights sale to Sky: from 2019 to 2020, the league's accumulated television rights deals were worth around £3.1 billion a year, with Sky and BT Group securing the domestic rights to broadcast 128 and 32 games respectively. The Premier League is a corporation where chief executive Richard Masters is responsible for its management, whilst the member clubs act as shareholders. Clubs were apportioned central payment revenues of £2.4 billion in 2016–17, with a further £343 million in solidarity payments to English Football League (EFL) clubs. The Premier League is the most-watched sports league in the world, broadcast in 212 territories to 643 million homes and a potential TV audience of 4.7 billion people. For the 2018–19 season, the average Premier League match attendance was at 38,181, second to the German Bundesliga's 43,500, while aggregated attendance across all matches is the highest of any association football league at 14,508,981. Most stadium occupancies are near capacity. The Premier League ranks first in the UEFA coefficients of leagues based on performances in European competitions over the past five seasons as of 2021. The English top-flight has produced the second-highest number of UEFA Champions League/European Cup titles, with five English clubs having won fourteen European trophies in total. Fifty clubs have competed since the inception of the Premier League in 1992: forty-eight English and two Welsh clubs. Seven of them have won the title: Manchester United (13), Manchester City (6), Chelsea (5), Arsenal (3), Blackburn Rovers (1), Leicester City (1) and Liverpool (1).
### Human: What is Spatial Analysis? ### Assistant: Spatial analysis is any of the formal techniques which studies entities using their topological, geometric, or geographic properties. Spatial analysis includes a variety of techniques using different analytic approaches, especially spatial statistics. In may be applied in fields as diverse as astronomy, with its studies of the placement of galaxies in the cosmos, or to chip fabrication engineering, with its use of "place and route" algorithms to build complex wiring structures. In a more restricted sense, spatial analysis is geospatial analysis, the technique applied to structures at the human scale, most notably in the analysis of geographic data. It may also be applied to genomics, as in transcriptomics data. Complex issues arise in spatial analysis, many of which are neither clearly defined nor completely resolved, but form the basis for current research. The most fundamental of these is the problem of defining the spatial location of the entities being studied. Classification of the techniques of spatial analysis is difficult because of the large number of different fields of research involved, the different fundamental approaches which can be chosen, and the many forms the data can take.
### Human: What is an excavator? ### Assistant: An excavator is a heavy equipment machine that is used for moving large amount of earth at one time. They have a boom and a huge bucket attached to them and are essentially a huge shovel used to prepare the ground for huge construction projects. John Deere is one company that produces excavators.
### Human: What is the largest spider? ### Assistant: Goliath Birdeater
### Human: Who is the youngest Stark child in Game of Thrones TV show? ### Assistant: Rickon Stark is the youngest Stark
### Human: What awards does someone need to be an EGOT winner? ### Assistant: The person would need an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar, and a Tony award to get EGOT status.
### Human: What are dividends? ### Assistant: A dividend is paid as a percentage on the price of an individual stock. It can be paid out quarterly, monthly, or yearly. It's a payment or distribution of earning from a company paid to shareholders and it is approved by the company's board of directors. It can be paid out as a cash payment or in company stock.
### Human: Who was one of the best hip hop groups of the late 90s ### Assistant: TLC was one of the most famous girl groups with major success around songs such as waterfalls, no scrubs & unpretty
### Human: What is the most popular wine varietal produced in California? ### Assistant: California is best known for its white wine, Chardonnay, and its red wine, Cabernet Sauvignon.
### Human: Is rule 606 good for the industry ### Assistant: yes, overall create consistent accounting rules regardless of business or revenue model
### Human: How old is the world's oldest dog? ### Assistant: In April 2023, the oldest dog in the world - officially recognised by the Guiness World Records - is Bobi: a 30-year old dog, who lives in Portugal.
### Human: What is an option in finance? ### Assistant: In finance, an option is a contract which conveys to its owner, the holder, the right, but not the obligation, to buy or sell a specific quantity of an underlying asset or instrument at a specified strike price on or before a specified date, depending on the style of the option. Options are typically acquired by purchase, as a form of compensation, or as part of a complex financial transaction. Thus, they are also a form of asset and have a valuation that may depend on a complex relationship between underlying asset price, time until expiration, market volatility, the risk-free rate of interest, and the strike price of the option.
### Human: What was revolutionary about the Barbie doll when it was first sold? ### Assistant: The Barbie doll was one of the first dolls for children that was an adult, rather than the traditional baby doll
### Human: What is a list of knitting pattern abbreviations and their meanings? ### Assistant: Kn: knit n stitches Pn: purl n stitches S: slip stitch YO: yarn over CC: contrast color Mn: make n stitches Inc n: increase n stitches KnT: knit n together PnT: purl n together RT: right twist (cabling) LT: left twist (cabling) PRT: purl right twist PLT: purl left twist (): special instructions
### Human: TAP is the national airline of which country ### Assistant: Portugal
### Human: Could a nuclear explosion change the Earth's rotation? ### Assistant: Nuclear explosions release more energy than anything else that humans do. Luckily, the energy released by a nuclear blast is only about one trillionth of the power of the Earth spinning. Scientists compare it to trying to slow the speed of a truck by crashing it into a mosquito.
### Human: How do you make a beef brisket rub? ### Assistant: 1 1/2 cups of Brown Sugar 1/3 cup or salt 1/4 cup or pepper 1/2 cup or smoked paprika 1 1/4 tablespoons of garlic powder 1 tablespoons of onion powder 1 tablespoon of cayenne pepper 1/2 tablespoon of chili powder 1/2 tablespoon of cumin 1/3 teaspoon of coco powder
### Human: What is rain good for? ### Assistant: Rain comes from the sky by ocean and land water evaporating into the clouds. When these nimbus clouds move to land, and the the rain in them is gets too heavy the rain will fall to the ground. Rain is needed for humans, animals, and plants. Purified rain water helps humans to stay hydrated, animals to grow, and plants to grow to make food for humans and animals. Rain also helps with cleaning out pollution from the air because pollution particles stick to the rain and then it falls to the ground.
### Human: What makes a good woodworking bench? ### Assistant: Woodworking benches come down to personal preferences, such as height, but they are some fundamental properties that people agree on. Some that most agree on are flatness, sturdiness (so that the bench does not move around) and the presence of vises (to allow clamping pieces). Most workbenches in woodworking history gravitate around arranging these 3 core elements in different configuration. One French example is the Roubo, which is hefty, and has two vises for front and tail clamping. Ultimately, it comes down to preference and workflow.
### Human: What is Mexico? ### Assistant: Mexico (Spanish: México), officially the United Mexican States, is a country in the southern portion of North America. It is bordered to the north by the United States; to the south and west by the Pacific Ocean; to the southeast by Guatemala, Belize, and the Caribbean Sea; and to the east by the Gulf of Mexico. Mexico covers 1,972,550 km2 (761,610 sq mi), making it the world's 13th-largest country by area; with a population of over 126 million, it is the 10th-most-populous country and has the most Spanish-speakers. Mexico is organized as a federal republic comprising 31 states and Mexico City, its capital. Other major urban areas include Monterrey, Guadalajara, Puebla, Toluca, Tijuana, Ciudad Juárez, and León.
### Human: Who is the best football team in history? ### Assistant: Liverpool Football Club
### Human: What is the difference between a resume and a cv? ### Assistant: The CV presents a complete history of various credentials like, academic, professional career, training, etc., so the length of the document can vary in some instances. In contrast, a resume is much more concise and primarily highlights specific skills and relevant qualifications for the particular job application. Henceforth, the length of the resume is relatively short.
### Human: What year did the Calgary Flames win the Stanley Cup? ### Assistant: 1989
### Human: What are the words of House Oakheart? ### Assistant: "Our Roots Go Deep"
### Human: Name some famous actors in the 1940's ### Assistant: Jennifer Jones, Barbara Stanwyck, Greer Garson, Humphrey Bogart, Bette Davis, Bob Hope, Gregory Peck, David Niven, Victor Mature, James Cagney, Betty Grable, Judy Garland, Janet Leigh, Spencer Tracy.
### Human: What are financial instruments? ### Assistant: Financial instruments are monetary contracts between parties. They can be created, traded, modified and settled. They can be cash (currency), evidence of an ownership interest in an entity or a contractual right to receive or deliver in the form of currency (forex); debt (bonds, loans); equity (shares); or derivatives (options, futures, forwards). International Accounting Standards IAS 32 and 39 define a financial instrument as "any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of one entity and a financial liability or equity instrument of another entity". Financial instruments may be categorized by "asset class" depending on whether they are equity-based (reflecting ownership of the issuing entity) or debt-based (reflecting a loan the investor has made to the issuing entity). If the instrument is debt it can be further categorized into short-term (less than one year) or long-term. Foreign exchange instruments and transactions are neither debt- nor equity-based and belong in their own category.
### Human: What are the majors in men's professional golf? ### Assistant: The four major tournaments are The Masters, The PGA Championship, The Open Championship and the U.S. Open.
### Human: Which letters denote Jesus Nazareth King of the Jews ### Assistant: INRI
### Human: How many moons orbit Jupiter and what are the names of the most significant ones? ### Assistant: There are 93 moons confirmed to be orbiting Jupiter. The most notable of these are Europa, Io, Ganymede, and Callisto.
### Human: What is the Gun Show in New Zealand ### Assistant: Welcome to the Gun Show is a New Zealand music programme which first went to air on New Zealand's Alt TV, Sky Digital 65. The show is produced by former Lynfield College student Johnathon Leyland.
### Human: Tell me about cockney rhyming slang ### Assistant: Cockney rhyming slang is most closely associated with East London in England. It dates back to the 19th century. It works like this: A word or phrase is replaced by another word or phrase that rhymes with it. For example instead of saying the word "face" you would say "boat race". The rhyming phrase is often longer than the original word and so the rhyme gets abbreviated. In our example "boat race" becomes "boat". So a sentence might become "you should have seen the look on their boat" instead of "you should have seen the look on their face". Another example might be "I'm off up the apple and pears to go to me Uncle Ned" - "I'm going upstairs to go to bed".
### Human: Who was given the Booker Prize 2020? ### Assistant: Douglas Stuart
### Human: Which author created Fu Manchu ### Assistant: Sax Rohmer
### Human: Who starred as Rocky Balboa ### Assistant: Sylvester Stallone
### Human: Which of Dany's dragons is the largest? ### Assistant: Daenerys Targaryen's dragon, Drogon, is the largest of her three dragons.
### Human: What cause did the Suffragettes advance? ### Assistant: The Suffragettes advocated for the right to vote for women
### Human: What are the words of House Caron? ### Assistant: "No Song So Sweet"
### Human: Is it worth buying a multi-unit property as a first-time home buyer? ### Assistant: There are multiple benefits to buying a multi-unit property, and some of them are; - You will have multiple Tax benefits depending on the state you're in - Downpayment as low as 3.5% - You can rent one unit, and the amount you collect can cover a significant amount of the loan payment - Return on capital investment will be greater than the regular 20% down payment - It will help to build faster equity - Since it will be held under one loan, your chance of getting a second loan on the following property will be much higher compared to owning a single property - Property rent will increase faster or higher than your property taxes and the monthly loan amount, - Less closing costs