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@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ The release contains the following files:
  | File | Contents |
  | :---------------------------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- | texts | Text files of the now 558 novels in the corpus. The text has a newline at line breaks in the book, and two newlines at page breaks. Some of the texts (the ones originally set in Fraktur) have been post-OCR-corrected using a procedure described in Bjerring-Hansen et al. (2022). The rest have been post-OCR-corrected using the OCR correction pipeline in the folder above this one. For further information, see the readme of v1.0. |
- | normalised | Orthographically normalized versions of the 558 texts. Same format as the files in "texts". For further information, see the readme of v1.0. |
  | memo_all.vrt | VRT file (vertical format) of MeMo corpus v1.1 for indexing in Corpus Workbench (CWB). Format: One token per line delimited by \<corpus>, \<text>, and \<sentence> XML elements. The XML elements contain attributes with metadata. The tokens are annotated with various categories separated by tabs. For more information about the metadata, see the metadata excel file. For more information about the token annotations, see below. |
  | MeMo-corpus-metadata-v1.1-2023-06-20.xlsx | Excel file with metadata about the novels in the corpus. See the "info" tab for information about the metadata categories. |
  | File | Contents |
  | :---------------------------------------- | :------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
+ | texts | Text files of the now 558 novels in the corpus. The text has a newline at line breaks in the book, and two newlines at page breaks. Some of the texts (the ones originally set in Fraktur) have been post-OCR-corrected using a procedure described in Bjerring-Hansen et al. (2022). The rest have been post-OCR-corrected. Error types were identified manually and implementet with look-up in the dictionary (Sprogteknologisk Ordbase, STO) to awoid the creation of new errors. This cautious method has the consequence that not all error were corrected. |
+ | normalised | Orthographically normalized versions of the 558 texts. Same format as the files in "texts", normalized to Danish standard spelling. Nouns were lower cased, aa changed to å and frequent character patterns changed to obey the Danish orthography norm from 1948. Like the error corrected version of the corpus, character patterns were identified manually and mainly implementet with look-up in the dictionary (Sprogteknologisk Ordbase, STO) to awoid overgeneration. The method has the consequence that not all words were normalized. |
  | memo_all.vrt | VRT file (vertical format) of MeMo corpus v1.1 for indexing in Corpus Workbench (CWB). Format: One token per line delimited by \<corpus>, \<text>, and \<sentence> XML elements. The XML elements contain attributes with metadata. The tokens are annotated with various categories separated by tabs. For more information about the metadata, see the metadata excel file. For more information about the token annotations, see below. |
  | MeMo-corpus-metadata-v1.1-2023-06-20.xlsx | Excel file with metadata about the novels in the corpus. See the "info" tab for information about the metadata categories. |