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2 classes
Sentence [: "What is the b comeback to “you're so quiet” Sentence 2: "What is a good comeback to “You're so quiet!™?"
entence a Why Indian yovernment abruptly announced he demonetizatien of ? 500 and 1000 Fupees currenc entence 2: What do you think nbout decision by the Indian Sovernment to demonetise 500 and 000 Tupees note?
Sentence 4: How cap | gét'Kras.ntin the English language? Seniterice 2: How éan | learn the English language? See
Sentence 1: Is 85 pounds heavy. for a-4.7ft 11 year old girl? Sentence 2: What is the average weight of an ‘11-year-old girl?
Sentence 1: What are the best pictures that showcase Kolkata? Sentence 2: What are ‘the.-best pictures that showcase, Pune?
Sentence 1: What is the exact text for vendors of Stratton Oakmont, which is spoken in the book and the movie 'The Wolf of Wall Street'? Sentence 2: What is°the best scene on The Wolf of Wall Street?
‘|| Sentence 1: What's the-worst emotion a Persor | {ean feel and whiye Sentence 2: Which is the worst feeling?
Sentence 1: How can I downgrade my windows 10 to the Windows 95? Sentence 2: Can I downgrade Windows 10 to Windows 7 if I had Windows 8 before the upgrade?
Somence 1: How banning 500 and 1000 15 note will
Sentence. 1; Which U.S. -universities “have outstanding. symphony orchestras for non+ music majors as well as music majors? Sentence. ‘2: What is the average eight of] double. bass’ players in. major: syMphont orchestras? :
Sentence 11 What is “the best app ‘to ‘make’ contacts widget for Android? Seutemce 2: 1. asked Alexa to: buy'-me a game from the “Up Store” aiid I got-a box of cat: food delivered to’ my front ‘door, What went ‘wrong?
‘Sentence 1: when did you realise you have grown up? ‘Sentence 2: what was that one moment when you realized you have grown up?
Seaance cn a bigger butt by doing 200 squats a| lay for four months? 2 Ihave knee. problems How do you: make: jour butt grow bigger without squats?
Sentence 1: What is the best certification course to learn marketing? ‘Sentence 2: Which is the best digtal marketing course?
Sentence 11 What does 100-240V mean in electricity? Sentence 2: How does a 240V to 120V converter work?
Sentence 1: What's your occupation? Sentence 2: What should my occupation be in the future?
Sentence 1: How do I stop my dog from humping my furniture? Sentence 2: How can I stop my dog from humping my furniture?
: Sentence 1: Shoul id Lokpal Bi be | Passed? Sentence 2: Has the Lokpal Bin Passed? oreremen — —- - -—- =u
Sentence 1: Which country. do you think the Diaoyy / Senkaku Islands belong to: China or Japan? Sentence 2: Does Diaoyu Island weloniy to China or Japan? ;
‘Sentence 1: Why is Saltwater Caffy candy imported in Mexico? ‘Sentence 2: Why are saltwater taffy imported in japan?
‘Sentence 1: Is Mexico in danger of becoming a| failed state or at the brink of civil war? (2017) Sentence 2: in the event of a second civil war, what would be the cause and what
Sentence 1: Is Zensar Technologies a good companys to start a career? Sentence 2 Is Zensar a good company to start your career with?
Sentence 1: How do | gain weight at sixteen years old?) ISentence 2: How do | gain weight as an 16 year old?
Sentence 1:How does banning 500 & 1060 rupee notes solve black money problem? ‘Senténce 2: How can black money brought out by discontinuing 500 arid 1000 notes?
Sentence 1: How would one begin to create their own} ‘operating system? Sentence 2: How can I build an operating system?
sentence. 1::Vupet. is jhe: purpose, of the Navigation Acts?: ' . sentence 2: What’ was ‘hE -pULPOS®: of. the avigation Acts? : :
Semance 1: Why do I have more enesgy for running when I do it right after woking up rather than afc esting breakfast and dropping my bids off ae camp? Sentence a: What are the best games that are compatible on a Intel(R) core is - 4200u cup @ 16 GHz?
Sentence & How do | add a Kindle book? Sentence 2: How do | add tustrations to a Kindle book? ‘
Sentence 1:What crete benefisof kamagra tables? Sentence 2:What othe benefits of omagra?
Sentence 1: What is the net worth of google? Sentence 2 What is my net worth?
Sentence 1: How do | hack a Facebook account without software? Sentence 2: How do | hack a Facebook account without coding?
Sentence I: Why is it legal to listen to music for free on YouTube, but illegal to download it? Sentence 2:If you downloaded music for free from YouTube, what are the chances of getting caught?
‘Sentence 1: How do you dye red hair brown? Sentence 2: How do you get red hair dye out of white tiles?
Sentence 1: What is the relationship between wavelength and energy? Sentence 2: Does a relationship waste your time, energy and money?
Sains EWheti “the best. ork to ner @ ‘potential PID saberyson? ‘Seatenis’ 2: How shoal i ema: a Patent AD siinvisond
Sentence 1: What does it feel like to be a power engineer? Sentence 2; What is it like being a power engineer?
Sehtencé 1: How do] know who to trist Senterice 2; How do'l knaw which hiinans,to-trust? Whenvsind Mn
Sentence : What is happiest moment in your Kfe? Sentence 2: What was your first happiest moment in life?
Sentence x Hom do admissions officers treat interratiqnal applicant? Sentence 2: Hori do admisiions officers look at international applicants?
Sentence 1: what are the best aircraft fi it fighter jets’? where hal tejas stand ? » Sentence. 2: How good is LCA Tejas compared with other fighter jets in its.category?
1: What are some of the best books jor CA-CPT preparation? 2: How can I prepare for CA CPT?
‘Sentence 1: How long does it take to learn to play piano? ‘Sentence 2: How many days does it take to learn to play the piano?
mtence 1: What is he. derivative of meatth]ox7{\ln ><} ath]? ntence 2: What is he derivative |..ofF ogloglog~*3? :
‘Sentence 1: Where can one apply for C internships? ‘Sentence 2: Where can one apply for C+ + internships?
Selene: Whol bs Be easy way to make money cae? Sentence 2: How can ane make money ene?
‘Sentence 1: How niuch indney does ihe Goverment of Inilia llc in form of axes ftom i izes i aed? ‘Senterice:2 How: muita payermiaiy. spat a peat, "edwate ome stdevit in IIT?
Sentence 1: What are the other things a mechanical engineer should know about? Sentence 2: What are things a mechanical engineer should know?
Sentence 1 Why is homosexuality accepted but incest isn't? Sentence 2: Why is Incest not widely accepted as homosexuality and] transgendorism?
Sentence ti have a very cry a frzzy hat. | wart o get a shiny. smooth andsoft ha raturaly. What ae some ideas? ‘Sentence 2:| an Caucasian and have fine har My har gets frazy and ie ‘smother, shiny hat. Weve had so much hunt. [use a round brush to cut ny bar under as blow cry it What are same tps to get smother shiny hae and fight ar?
“Senlence Wid be 2 reste aragy to describe matter / ereryy 3 lang tine lia. Ojcts ith mire mans fob
Sentence. What will happen with) my Google apps ‘account :whert.-charige ‘the <DNS’-MX) records on.my.darviain? Sentence °2: Whai«tappeirs “to’-the: blockedd contacts-on my.WhatsApp- account: fT delete my account?
Sentence 1: If my mother's mother get regnant for my father's father what is| the child to me? Sentence 2: If my mother's mother get regnant for my father's father what is| ithe baby to me?
Sentence 1: What are the interview questions for a Product manager intern position? Sentence 2: What are some interview questions for a Product manager intern position?
Sentence 1: How do | stop feeling like I'm not. good enough for somebody? Sentence 2: How can | stop feeling like I'm not good enough?
sentence 3: Who are the cop § hottest women of all rime? sentence 2: Who are the top 5 horrese women ever?
Sentence 1: How do you make hair grow faster ‘overnight? Sentence 2: What can I do to make my hair grow Faster?
‘Sentence t Why does & smartphone user need an ann-then ‘appbec avon? i ‘Sentence Z Which i the best andro snb.thet applic avon Prey or Cerberus anti-theft?
Seritence-i: Ifa woman,is-into Swimming, tulips! fashion, and’ buceerfli ‘whiie wpadld a man be fries for his chemie? for her. bedrgom cherie: Senéence'2: ‘Wiha could 1 aise tn-iny bedrdom if I'ma guy inseead of tulips: fashion and buccerflies?
Sentence 4: Weare supplier of high Quality Methylone, Ethylone.:4mmc and different products of very good-quality vand competitive prices. makenchemstore@Gmail: com? Sentence 2: How’ many ~ people (students and iT peopie) move: in/out of bangalore everyday?
Seniance. 1:°Hhy ere tie 500 and. 1000 :rupee notes desionetizad?. . ne ‘ Sereanés 2: West 1s’ the asic “behind: serebping of 500 ‘and 40 rupee nope bx. che Indian Government?
Sentence 1 "What does "I love you unconditionally” mean?" ay Sentence 2 How do I love a boy unconditionally?
Sentence 1: Does looking at computer screens damage your eyes? Sentence 2: Are computer screens realy bad for your eyes?
Sentence t Who are the YPG's allies in Syria and Iraq? Sentence 2: What has china done to help iraq and syria?
“Sentance-t Which is the best laptop. uAder 6Qk in india? Sentence’ 2: What is the best. laptop under: 68200 indian Rupees?
Sentence 1: Which product will be best to export to dubai now? Sentence 2: What is the best product to export to Dubai?
lSentence 1: Why @ girl would ignore you suddent: lon Facebook? lSentence 2: Why would a girl ignore you suddent: lon Facebook?
Senterice: 1 ‘sentence 2)
Sentence successful? What makes an argument Sentence 2: What does it mean if an argument is sound?
Sentence 1: What are the best online courses available for digital business and marketing management? Sentence 2: What is the best digital marketing course available online and offline in India and Why?
| Marath, Bengal, or Gyarat; when they go to Mumba | Pune or Kokiata and Gyaret? Sentence 2: Why do Tamilans fd i dificut to learn other languages, eg. Hind)?
What © -is- rsovree b time a. resource?
Sentence Why, donitiNorethisterane piks work? ©. "Sentence & iihy ae tne Norethistrone pls hot workiig?.
Sentence 1: How do I sync Wii U gamepad with pro? ‘Séntencé 2: How do I play fifa 15 in pe with an ordinary gamepad because my gamepad is not supported.?
Sentence 1: What caused the Soviet Union's economic collapse? Sentence 2: Was Gorbachev lying when he said he did not want the Soviet Union to collapse?
Sentence 1: Where can | get best assistance in Sydney for any property purchasing? Sentence 2: Where can | gets: property transaction support in Sydney?
Sentence 1: Who to get rid of dark spots on face and back by pigmentation? Sentence 2: How can I get rid of dark spots?
Sentence & Is there any thing to prove life after deatlt? Sentence 2: What evidence supports life after death?
Sentence TL Which books Should. IT ‘read? Sentence 2. ‘What’ *are . the best -boolis of all time?
Sentence t what is it lite being black in Austratis? Sentence 2 What Is it like to be black (African migrant or ‘African American) in Australia?
Sentence 1: How safe. is Papua New Guinea, and how does its crime rote compare to Austaic's? Sentence 2: How sdfé is Papua New Guinea, and how does its crime rate compare fo Albania's?
Senterice 1: How-do'l hock Time? Sénténee 4: How. can 1 hak" time? =~
: glycolipids?” What Serve in: cell membrane? ~
GYentence 1: Can I become a police officer with a 5150 on my record? Sentence 2: What is it like after you graduate the police academy and become a real police officer?
‘Sentence t: Can “you check ‘who ‘views your VSCO? Sentence, 2: Can you tell: if someone screenshot a Veco picture?
Sentence 1: Why isn’t the use of Torrent illegal? Sentence 2: s torrent usage illegal?
Sentence 1: What universities does WMS Industries recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for? Sentence 2: What universities does CSS Industries recruit new grads from? What majors are they looking for?
Sentence 1: Track and Field: What: is considered a’ respectably fast (but not necessarily competitive) 400-meter time for a woman? Sentence 2: i currently run 52 seconds on the 400 meter race. I am 16 and. in 10th grade. Would it. be possible ta get 48-49 seconds by this time next year?
Sentence 1: Which are the best places in bhubaneswar to get a tattoo? Sentence 2: Which are the best places in bangalore to get a tattoo done?
Sentence t: Would you rather live in an urban or rural area? Sentence 2: Would you rather live in the city orrural area?
Sentence Why did rejection from V7 girls bug me last week? Sentence 2: Im 9 28 yeor old guy 7 times rejected by girls in last 1 yeors. Will | ever be able to find @ girl for me?
‘Sentence 1: Where can! meet British Wome! Toronto? ‘Sentence 2: How can one meet some British womenin Toronto, Canada?
Sentence 1: What do the different components of a CTC mean? Sentence 2: How exactly can I calculate my monthly salary in India if know my CTC and the split-ups?
the Gobi Desert get, and how do its, Sentence 1: How cold can pare to the.ones in the Simpson} Desert get, and how do its] 2: How cold cain the Gobi deseits? jerage temperattires compare to the ones in other
Sentencetow can I make friends if | feel lonely Sentence Bow can | make friends? | feel lonely all the time.