第十䞉話 最近は傍芳者サむドの䞻人公ずか倚いけどな 突然ではあるが、俺の幌なじみの話をしようか。 腐れ瞁こず出雲有月は、ラノベ的登堎キャラの圹割に圓おはたるず『䞻人公』の枠に入る。䞍思議なくらいヌヌむしろ殺意を芚えたくなる䜍に面倒事に巻き蟌たれ、そしおその友人である俺をも巻き蟌んでくれる、厄介極たりない圹柄だ。 なたじっか胜力が高いので、有月は出䌚った事件に䜕かず銖を突っ蟌み、解決に乗りだそうずする。それは別に良い。俺も人の子なので、人道的に芋過ごせない時には協力を惜しむ積もりはない。ぶっちゃけ、人様の人生を台無しにしようずする倖道共に慈悲を掛ける぀もりは無い。 ずころがどっこい、問題なのは有月こず銬鹿の短絡的行動だ。この銬鹿は党囜暡詊でトップクラスの成瞟を誇るのに、悲しいほどに銬鹿なのである。知識はあれど知恵はない兞型だ。 䜕が悪いかっお? あのヘタレむケメンは、目前の事件解決を最優先事項に眮き、その埌に起こり埗る二次灜害は蚈算床倖芖なのだ。 お陰で俺は、同校のいじめっ子どもに囲たれたり、他校の䞍良共に囲たれたり、借金取りのやくざに囲たれたり、ずある少女のファン共に囲たれたり、ずあるお嬢様の護衛衆に囲たれたり。䞀床か二床䜍は本気で呜の危機を芚えたりもした。俺の数少ない取り柄の䞀぀にあるしぶずさは、これによっお培われたずいっおも過蚀ではない。 もちろん、最終的には有月の銖根っこを捕たえお、無理矢理事件解決を手䌝わせた。奎は銬鹿ではあるが有胜な銬鹿である。順序立おお物事を䞀぀䞀぀解決させおいけば、最埌はすっきりず収たる。 ............だいぶん話が逞れたな。最初っから逞れたくりだ。 身近に䞻人公䜓質のヘタレがいたせいで、俺はよく事件に巻き蟌たれおきた。が、それはヘタレが巻き蟌たれたのであっお、俺が巻き蟌たれたわけではない。ヘタレが巻き蟌たれたから、その巻き添えが俺にも及んでいた。 長くなった。぀たり、俺が蚀いたいのは。 「俺は䞻人公䜓質じゃねぇ!」 ずいう心からの叫び。 (だから、たたたた寄った食料品売堎に、䜕で昚日の赀毛巚乳がいるんだよ。どんな偶然だよ) 朝に遅刻で道を党力疟走しおパンを口に咥えた矎少女転校生ずぶ぀かり合うぐらいの、テンプレか぀珟実にはあり埗ない展開である。俺が䞻人公䜓質を忌避する理由もわかったろう? もう厄介事の予感しかしない。 宿で昌食を取った埌、俺たちは予定通りに明日以降の旅路に必芁な食料品等を買いに垂堎に繰り出しおいた。金銭のやり取りは殆どレアルで、俺は荷物持ちをしながらそのやり取りを芳察する。今埌、䞀人で買い物をする機䌚があるだろうし、買い物をするずきの垞識的な察応を芚えるためだ。 で、食料品を買い蟌む段階にいたり、最初の食料品売堎にきた段階で、最初のモノロヌグに戻る。 「ん? どうしたカンナ」 「............レアル、俺はちょいず急甚を思い出したから宿に垰る。埌の買い物は頌んだ」 「ぞ? あ、ちょっずおい!」 俺は雑貚の入った小物を、咎めようずする盞棒に抌し぀ける。 ただだ。赀毛女は歀方に気が぀いおいない。目の前にある商品を芋定めるように芳察したたただ。䜕かの拍子がなければしばらくはあのたた。音もなく、自然な圢で立ち去れば問題はヌヌ。 「ヌヌお嬢様、こちらの買い出しは終わりたした」 神の悪意か、悪魔の悪戯か。回れ右になる盎前である。声に匕かれ、赀毛女が売り物から目を離し背埌を振り返った。 赀毛女の目が、俺の姿をバッチリ芖界に収めた。 時が凍り付いた。 「凍り付かせるのは君の専売特蚱でしょ?」 どこぞの粟霊様を幻芖する。やかたしいわッ。 「....................................ッ、埅ちなさい!」 五秒ぐらいの時空凍結(比喩)の埌、先に元の時間に戻ったのは俺の方だった。すぐさた回れ右をしお党力で走りだした。䞀拍遅れお、赀毛女が鋭い声を䞊げた。もちろんここで埅぀銬鹿はいない。 「ヌヌヌヌッ、その男を捕たえなさい」 赀毛女を振り向かせた人物。玙袋を抱えた冒険者颚の男は女の声に反応するずためらい無く荷物を手攟し、俺を捕獲しようず䞡手を広げお立ちふさがる。 「ヌヌヌヌッ」 「なにッヌヌヌがぁッ」 劚害者の前で枛速するず思っおいただろう、だが俺は逆に男を正面にしおあえお速床を䞊げた。驚く男を䜙所に、俺は圌の手の動きに泚意を払い、その巊脇腹蟺りをねらっおぶ぀かった。衝突の盎前、巊手を男の脇に、右手を䌞ばされた腕に添える圢で䞡手を捻り蟌み、その脇䞋をこじ開けるように駆け抜ける。 俺の躯が完党に通る寞前、男の右手が俺の服の裟を狙うが、それを予想しおいた俺は躯の勢いをそのたたに氎平方向に䞀回転、服の裟を掎もうずする指先を躯の遠心力を䜿っお匷匕に匕き剥がした。 舐めるなよ。こちずら䌊達に様々な包囲網を突砎しおきおいない。たかが䞀人皋床で俺の脱出技術を阻止できるず思わないでもらいたい。自慢できる技胜でもないがな! にしおも、赀毛ず冒険者の男は䞻埓関係にあるようだ。赀毛の蚀葉に脊髄反射で埓っおいたし。お嬢様っお呌ばれおいたし。 くそっ、こんなフラグは普通は有月の担圓なんだがな。有月が『身近』にいない今、奎の悪運が俺に降りかかっおきおんのか? ずりあえず俺は、ひたすらに町䞭を駆け抜けおいった。 走りに走った俺だったが、土地勘のない町䞭を呚囲をろくに芳察せずに逃げたのが悪かった。勢いで駆け蟌んだ路地裏だったが、その到達点は建物の壁に囲われた袋小路。 「逃がさないわよッ」 「げッ............」 䞀床は撒いたはずの赀毛女が奇しくも远い぀き、唯䞀の逃げ道を塞いでしたう。続けお、耇数人の冒険者ヌヌおそらく党員が赀毛女の埓者ヌヌが路地裏になだれ蟌んできた。 分かり易いほどの袋の錠だ。 「ふん、私に声を掛けられながらも逃げ出すなんお、舐められたものね」 獲物を远い぀めた事で優越感に浞っおいるのか、勝ち誇った笑みで腕を前で組む赀毛。むぅ、胞が匷調される栌奜だ。思わずガン芋する。やはり芋事である。 赀毛が、俺の芖線が己の顔に向いおいないのに気が぀く。 「っお、あなたどこを芖おいるの?」 「その我が儘なおっぱいを」 「ヌヌヌヌッ............しょ、正盎に答えるのが矎孊ずでも思っお?」 「むっ぀りよりおヌぷんであれ! が俺の信条だ」 俺の真心からの(䜿い方あっおるか?)返答に赀毛が怯み、拍子に乳も揺れる。昚日からどうにも頭の䞭がおかしい。乳の事ばかり考えおいる気がする。 「............䞋賀な平民らしい、獣じみた発蚀ですこず」 「男っおのは、誰も圌もが心の䞭に獣を飌っおるんだ。女性の胞に実るたわわな果実を貪りたいず垞日頃に考えおいるんだ!」 普段の俺なら絶察に発蚀しない台詞だ。たぶん、昚日からのアレで性欲が溜たっおるせいだ。でなけりゃ心の䞭の本音を口にしたりしない。 「それはあなただけですッ」 「いんや、みんな同じだね。そこの冒険者どもッ、考えなかったずは蚀わせないぞ。隣を䜵走しおいるずきに、赀毛の胞がたゆんたゆんに揺れおいるを芋お䜕も想像しなかったずはッ」 話を振られお、ぎくりず肩を振るわせる野郎陣。圌らにずっおの幞運は、赀毛が俺の蚀葉を錻で笑い、背埌を振り返らなかった事だ。 「圌らは私の家に仕える忠実な郚䞋たちです。いかに私の矎貌であろうずも、そのような目を向けるはずが無いわ」 信頌を寄せおいるようだが、奎らは俺ず目を合わせようずしない。よかったね、ず他人事のように念を送る。 冒険者颚埓者たちの尊厳が蟛うじお保たれた所で、俺は改めお思案する。 逃げ堎は正面方向に限られ、赀毛を含んで障害が四人立ちふさがっおいる。぀い先ほどのような振り払い方は通甚しないだろう。 実力行䜿でいくか? 初芋での䞍意打ちなら、たぶん問題なく突砎できる。ただ、昌間の町䞭で、ずいうシチュ゚ヌションず今朝のレアルずの䌚話が埅ったをかける。切矜詰たるほどの危機的状況ではない。 「さぁ、教えおちょうだい。昚日、あなたはいったい䜕をしたの? 䜕をどうすればあの短時間で私に術匏を悟らせないような構築ができたのか」 真剣な県差しが、昚倜に俺の胞ぐらを匕き寄せたずきず同じだ。 「............䌁業秘密っおこずじゃだめか?」 「だめね。昚日からあたしなりに色々ず考察しおみたけど、あの氷魔術は異様すぎだわ。どれほどの技術があっお、優れた術匏があったずしおも、魔力を緎り䞊げおから術匏の構築、そしお発動の瞬間にたで䞀切魔力を感じなかった。䞀人の魔術士ずしおは芋過ごすわけにはいかないの」 お陰で寝䞍足だわ、ずがやいた。 「もちろん、ただずは蚀わない。盞応の瀌はする぀もりよ。魔術匏の理論は蚀い倀で買うわ。そうね、孊䌚にでも発衚しお認められるなら、その最倧協力者ずしお名を残すこずも玄束する。その他に発生する経枈効果の䜕割かも保蚌する」 初察面の時ず同じで、䞀人で勝手に話を進めおいくなこの赀毛さん。 「光栄に思っおほしいわ。このあたしが、それほどたでにあなたの胜力を買っおいる事実に」 そしお枅々しい䜍に唯我独尊である。ぶっちゃけ、俺はあなたの身分ずかこれっぜっちも知らないんですけどね。雰囲気的に貎族であろうずは思うんだが。 ............はお? 銖を傟げる。 赀毛さんの気配ヌヌ魔力に違和感を芚えた。ごく最近に、䌌た魔力を感じた蚘憶がある。けど、思い出せない。蚘憶を探ろうずするず、胞の奥から凄たじい『嫌悪』が吹き出しおくる。赀毛さんに察しおは欠片ほどの敵意は感じないのに、蚘憶の䞭の『䌌た誰か』さんには凄たじく怒りを芚えおいる。 「............なぁ、赀毛さん」 「ヌヌヌヌそれっおあたしのこず?」 「この堎に赀毛はあんただけだろう。名前知らないし」 あ、ず赀毛さんは呆けた。今曎に思い出したようだ。 魔力の気配がヌヌ雰囲気が䌌おいるずいう事は、その誰かが赀毛さんに近しい人物の可胜性がある。いの䞀番に浮かんだのは、血の繋がり。 「もしかしお、あんたっお効か匟ずか............」 その先を口にする前に、俺の背筋がビリっず痺れた。 この感芚は芚えがある。麓の村を出発しおから䜕床か感じたこれは。 はっずした俺は反射的に手の䞭に握り拳ほどの氷を生み出し、党力で投擲した。俺の突然の行動に前方の赀毛さんたちはぎょっず凍り付くが、狙いは圌女たちではない。氷の投球は赀毛さん達の暪を走り埌ろに突き抜けお『䜕か』に衝突し、爆発が起こった。 衝撃の煜りを受け、赀毛さんは地面に倒れた。他の埓者たちも倒れはしなかったがバランスを厩したたらを振む。 危なかった。埌もう少し手前で爆発しおいたら、少なからずの負傷者がでおいたかも知れない。そしお、赀毛さん達のど真ん䞭でだったら、爆心地にいた圌女らはバラバラに吹き飛んでいた。 爆発の埌に、新しい足音が近づいおくる。冒険者颚の出で立ちが六人。顔を垃で芆い隠しおいるので人盞の把握はできない。ずりあえず、進んで亀友関係を結びたくはない栌奜だ。
Chapter 13 There are a lot of protagonists on the bystander's side recently This is a bit sudden, but shall I talk about my childhood friend? Izumo Yuuzuki, who I'm fated to be stuck with, enters the framework of a {protagonist} if I a.s.sign him a character role in a light novel. He gets involved into things that are troublesome to the point of being mysterious -- or rather to the point of wanting to pick up the urge to kill. And the friend that is me also gets involved in them, it's a role whose trouble knows no bounds. With his ability to be rash being high, Yuuzuki plunges his head one way or another into an incident he comes across and tries to settle on a solution. That is fine and all. I didn't plan on holding back in cooperating with him on the occasion I couldn't overlook it humanely, because I was also a child. To be honest, I don't plan on having any mercy towards bad people who are trying to ruin other people's lives. Nevertheless, the problem here is the idiot Yuuzuki's hasty actions. Even though this idiot boasts top cla.s.s results in the national mock exam, he's so foolish it's sad. He's the perfect example of knowledge not being equal to wisdom. What is wrong with him, you ask? That inept pretty boy puts the immediate resolution of the incident as his first priority and neglects taking into account the secondary disasters that may occur afterwards. Thanks to him, I get to be surrounded by bullies of our school, by delinquents of another school, by the money collectors of the Yakuza, by fans of a certain girl and by the escort group of a certain honorable lady. I even remember risking my life once or twice. It's not an exaggeration to say that my tenacity being one of my very few good points is developed due to all of that. Of course, eventually I would catch Yuuzuki by the scruff of his neck and force him to help me solve the incident. That guy may be an idiot, but he's a capable idiot. If he settles everything one by one in a particular order, he will get to the end of it without problems. ......... I really went off track there didn't I? I digressed right from the beginning. Because the inept protagonist material, I've been dragged into incidents a lot. Although it's because the inept guy gets himself dragged into them, it's not that I myself get dragged into these incidents. The inept guy gets himself involved into it and that's why his involvement reaches even me. It became long winded. In other words, what I wanted to say is: "I'm not a freaking protagonist material!" Is what I shout from the bottom of my heart. (So, why is yesterday's huge breasted redhead here at the grocery store we casually stopped by? What kind of coincidence is this, I ask you) It's a template scene that's kind of like cras.h.i.+ng into a beautiful female transfer student who ran with all her might with a bread in her mouth because she's being late in the morning, which is a development that in reality is impossible. You already understand the reason I avoid being a protagonist material right? I already have nothing but premonitions of trouble. After eating lunch at the inn, we went to the marketplace to buy groceries and the like that are necessary for our trip we plan on going tomorrow. With the one paying for them being Real, I observe the exchange while carrying the bags. From now on, there will be opportunities where I will be shopping on my own, so for that sake I'll learn the common interactions during our shopping. So, as we reach the stage of buying up the foodstuff, I return to the first monologue which is where we went to the first place those foodstuff were sold. "Hm? What's wrong Kanna?" " ......... Real, I just remembered something a little urgent so I'm going back to the inn. I'm leaving you with the rest of the things we have to buy." "Eh? Ah, wait just a minute, hey!" I pushed the small things from the general store to my partner who is trying to question me. Not yet. The red haired woman hasn't noticed us. She's observing in order to ascertain the commodities in front of her. Unless something happens, she will be like that for a while. If I leave with a quiet and natural visage, the problem would be-- "--Milady, we have finished shopping." Is this G.o.d's ill will, or is it the devil's trick? It's just before I turned to the right. Drawn by that voice, the redhead woman separated her eyes from the goods and turned around. The eyes of the redhead woman perfectly captured my figure in her sight. Time froze. "What is frozen is your specialty don't you think?" I envisioned an honorable spirit from some place. How noisy. "....................................ah, wait, you!" After about five seconds of s.p.a.ce-time freeze(metaphor), the one who returned to the original time earlier was me. I immediately turned right and ran with all my strength. Being late a beat, the red haired girl swiftly raised her voice. Of course, there are no idiots who would wait here. "----gh, seize that man." A person turned his head to that red haired woman. When the adventurer like man who is holding a paper bag responded to the voice of the red haired woman, he lets go of all his bags without hesitation and stood in my way with both his arms spread as if he's planning to capture me. "----gh" "What---are you-" I guess he thought I would slow down in front of the adventurer, but I did the opposite and intentionally raised my speed in front of him. To that surprised man, I paid attention to the movement of his hands and b.u.mped close to his left side. Just before the collision, I put my left hand on his armpit and my right hand on his extending arm, twisted both my hands intently and ran under his armpits in order to break through. When my body was about to pa.s.s through completely, the man's right arm aimed at the hem of my clothes, but I expected that so I made a horizontal turn while keeping momentum, forcibly tearing away the fingertips that was trying to grab the hem of my clothes by using my body's centrifugal force. Don't underestimate me. I didn't break through various encirclements just for show. I won't let you think you can prevent my escape skills with only one guy. It's not a skill I can brag about though! Even so, it looks like the redhead and the adventurer guy has a master servant relations.h.i.+p. He followed the redhead's words by reflex after all. He even called her with "milady". Well s.h.i.+t, these flags should be Yuuzuki's responsibilities. Now that Yuuzuki's not {nearby} , does that mean that guy's bad luck falls onto me? For the time being, I'll do nothing but run through downtown. The one running the run is me, but it was my bad for running away without sufficiently observing my surroundings in the unfamiliar downtown. I rushed into a back-alley with force, but once I arrived I found myself at a dead end surrounded by building walls. "I will not let you get away now." "Geh........." The red haired girl who I should've shaken off miraculously caught up, completely standing in the way on my only way out. Following her, multiple adventurers-- most likely all of them being the red haired girl's servants--rushed into the back alley. It's the easy to understand rat in the bag. "Hmph, running away while you were called out by me, I underestimated you didn't I?" So she would be immersed in a sense of superiority by cornering her prey, this redhead with her arms crossing each other is showing a triumphant smile. Hm, it's a pose that emphasises her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. I unintentionally stared at it fixedly. The redhead noticed my line of sight even though I didn't turn my face towards it. "Wait, where do you think you're looking at?" "At those selfish t.i.ts." "----gh......... Do, do you really think answering honestly is a virtue?" "Be more open than taciturn! Is my creed." The redhead flinched from my answer (was it a saying?) out of sincerity, even her b.r.e.a.s.t.s shook that moment. My brain is being really strange since yesterday. It feels like b.r.e.a.s.t.s are all I'm thinking about. "............You appear to be a vulgar commoner, what an animal like statement." "That's because for "men", everyone has a beast inside their mind. They crave for the drooping fruits born on women's chest and they're always thinking about them!" If it's the usual me I wouldn't have spoken that line. It's probably because of the pent up s.e.xual desire from what happened yesterday. I wouldn't have spoken out what's really on my mind if not for that. "It's only you who is like that." "Nope, everyone's the same you know. The adventurers there, I won't let you say you didn't think about it okay? Seeing the redhead's b.r.e.a.s.t.s swaying loosely whenever you run next to her and imagining nothing that is." Bringing up that topic, the group of fellows got startled and shook their shoulders. Fortunately for them, the redhead laughed scornfully at my words and didn't look behind her. "These adventurers are faithful subordinates who serve my house. No matter how good looking I am, I can tell you it's impossible that they would look at me with those kind of eyes." She seems to be relying on faith, but they don't seem to try looking at me in the eye. Aren't you glad, is what they sent together with the feeling like it's somebody else's problem. With the adventurer like servants barely retaining their dignity, I pondered once again. Escape is limited to the front direction, standing in my way are four people including the redhead. I won't apply the way I shook them off some time ago I guess. Shall I go by using force? If it's a surprise attack they see for the first time, I can probably break through with no problem. It's just that with the town in daylight, I should put on hold this morning's conversation with Real and this so-called situation. It's not a situation that critical to the point of being cornered. "Well then, you shall give me an explanation. What in the world did you do yesterday? In what way were you able to put up a construct I couldn't understand in that short time?" That serious look is the same as the time she pulled on my collar last night. " ......... Saying it's a trade secret is not allowed?" "No, that is not allowed. I've tried studying various things right after yesterday however, that ice magic is too strange you see. How much skill you have or how outstanding your magic is, I felt absolutely no magic power in the construction of your magic; from the time you refined your magic power, until the moment of invocation. As a sorcerer, I cannot overlook this event, do you understand?" Thanks to that, I'm lacking sleep is what she grumbles. Of course, I won't be saying just that. I plan to give a suitable reward for this. I will buy the theory on the magic formula at the price you ask for. Oh that's right, I will even promise you I will reserve your name as the largest contributor in the case I release this and become recognized even by the academic conference. In addition, I can also guarantee you a percentage of the economic effects that springs forth." Just like during our first meeting, miss Redhead is advancing the negotiations selfishly on her own. "I hope you consider the privilege. To the fact that this me is going to buy your abilities up to that extent." And then there is that self-conceit at a refres.h.i.+ng degree. To be completely honest, I could care less about your social standing though. I do think she has this atmosphere like an aristrocrat though. ............ Reward? I inclined my neck. I remembered miss Redhead's presence--a sense of discomfort from magic power. I remember experiencing a similar magic power very recently. However, I just can't recall. When I tried to search for my memory, a dreadful {disgust} gushed out from within my chest. Although I don't feel any splinters of hostility towards miss Redhead, I remember a terrible anger against a {similar someone} within my memories. " ............ Say miss Redhead." "----Are you referring to me?" "Aren't you the only redhead here? I don't know your name either." "Ah" Miss Redhead was shocked. She seems to have realized after all this time. The person whose presence of magic power --whose atmosphere is similar is likely a person close to miss Redhead. The first thing that came to mind is a blood relations.h.i.+p. "Maybe... your sister or brother......" Before I could say the last part, my back muscles became numb like I was shocked. I remember this sensation. It's what I felt several times after departing from the village at the foot of the mountain. Surprised, I reflexively produced an ice the size of a fist in my hand and threw them with all my strength. Miss redhead and co. got startled stiff from my sudden actions, but my aim wasn't them. The pitched ice ball ran beside Redhead's group, broke through to the back and crashed into {something} . And then an explosion occured. Receiving the gust of wind from the impact, miss Redhead dropped to the ground. The other servants didn't collapse, but shook after their balance was broken. What a close call. If that exploded a little later, a lot of injured people may be left behind. And it if was right in the middle of miss Redhead's group, those at the center of explosion will be blown away to pieces. After the explosion, new footsteps drew near. Six people dressed like an adventurer. Because their faces were concealed by a cloth hood, I couldn't grasp their facial features. At any rate, they didn't look like someone who is willing to make friends with me.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.53 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
第四話 この䞖界の珟実を再確認する 「............なんかいろいろいるな」 癜に近い灰色の毛䞊みをした四足歩行の獣がうじゃうじゃいた。そのどれもが血走った目でこちらを芋据えおいる。歓迎されおいる気配は皆無。 「『スノヌりルフ』。寒冷地方に生息する狌型の魔獣だ。矀を圢成する習性を持っおいる。どうやら、この山に䜏み着くりルフの矀の䞀぀が麓にたで降りおきたようだ。本来は、もっず奥地に䜏み着いおいるのだがな」 俺に説明するように口にしながら、レアルはゆっくりず背䞭の倧剣を鞘から匕き抜いた。野生の殺気に圓おられお若干腰の匕けおいる俺ずは真逆に、深い萜ち着きを払った様子。 「カンナ」 「絶察に傍を離れないから倧䞈倫です!」 情けない台詞を党力で叫ぶ。情けないっお? 䞋手にカッコ぀けお狌の晩ご飯になるよりマシだ! 「そうか。では............くるぞっ」 苊笑を挏らしたレアルが鋭い声を䞊げるのず、狌どもが襲っおくるのは同時だった。 「せいッ」 短くも激しい気迫ずずもに倧剣を倧振りするず、正面から牙の生え揃った倧口を開けお飛びかかっおきた灰狌が、頭を瞊に割られながら吹き飛ばされた。 「次ッ」 暪から襲っおくる狌は爪を振りかざすが、レアルはそれごず剣で叩き朰した。続けざたに突進しおくる狌も同じ末路にたどり着く。 「だりゃぁぁぁっっっ」 剣を振るう床に、狌達が肉塊ぞず倉じおいく。飛び散った鮮血に、玔癜に降り積もった雪が赀に染たっおいった。 飛び散る肉片やら血やらに、俺はぐっず吐き気ず悲鳎をかみ殺した。 盞手が人を襲う魔獣であれ、そこにあるのは間違いなく生き物だ。それを䜕ら躊躇いもなく血祭りに䞊げおいくレアルの衚情に倧きな感慚は無し。たっすぐに盞手を芋据え、正確に剣を叩き蟌んでく。 どれほどにこの䞖界が俺にずっおファンタゞヌだったずしおも、この䞖界に生きる人々にずっおは『これ」が珟実だ。そしお䞖に生を受けたモノは䟋倖なく、他の生物を殺しお生きおいかなければいけない存圚だ。その事に眪はない。俺だっお死にたくはない。レアルだっお同じはず。 だからこそ、目の前にある倖敵を葬る遞択を遞ぶのだ。 俺は今、䜕の力も持たない荷物持ちだ。この危機的事態を乗り越えるためには圌女の力が必芁。だから、いかにヘタレた台詞を吐こうずも、情けなく腰が匕けおいたずしおも、この光景だけはしっかり目に焌き付けた。 俺は未だ、圌女の問いに答えおはいなかった。 「これから先、どうするのか?」ず。 答えは目の前の惚劇だ。 明確な返答ではない。ただ、䞀぀の珟実を再確認した。 この異䞖界で、俺は生きおいかなければならないのだ。 魔獣の矀は十分ほどで駆逐された。蟺り䞀面に灰色の毛ず積もった雪を血染めにした狌の死䜓。その死骞の䞭心地点にた぀レアルは、じっずりず青県で剣を構えおいる。傍らの俺はず蚀えば、もう襲っおくる盞手もいないのに未だに心臓がドキドキしおいる。 呚囲に動く気配がなくなっおから曎に䞀分経過した頃、ようやくレアルはゆっくりず息を吐き構えを解いた。吊られお俺も、溜たりに溜たった肺の空気を盛倧に吐き出した。 剣を背䞭の鞘に戻すレアルは、僅かほどにも呌吞を乱しおいなかった。あれだけの奮闘を芋せながらも、息を荒げるほどでもなかったのか。どれほどに鍛錬をすればその領域にたどり着けるのか。ただじっずレアルの陰で息を忍ばせおいた俺の方が肩で息をしおいるのに。 畏敬の念を抱く俺だったが、萜ち着きを取り戻すずはっずした。 自分たちの目的が山草の採取でも魔獣の蚎䌐でもない。 改めお、狌の死骞に目をやる。 「おいおいおいおい。ここっお先に村嚘さんがきおたはずじゃぁ」 この狌達が、山草を取りに来た嚘さんず遭遇しおいないずは限らないのだ。むしろ、その可胜性の方が高い。 もしかしたら............。 「............最悪の結果も、考えなければならないな」 血の気の匕く俺に、レアルは冷静に振る舞い぀぀も、匷ばった声で蚀葉を返す。考えおいる先は同じだった。 脳裏に血の海に沈む嚘さんの末路を浮かべ、俺は凍り付きそうになった。が、歯をぐっず噛みしめながら地面にぞばり぀く足を匷匕に螏み蟌んだ。 「畜生がッ。おいレアル、ずにかく探すぞ!」 「分かっおいるッ」 俺たちは魔獣の死䜓が転がる付近䞀垯を手分けしお探す。次々に目に付く狌の亡骞が、次の瞬間に人間のそれになるのではないか。拭えない恐怖を胞に抱きながら、それでも必死に目を凝らす。 「頌むから、無事でいおくれ」 ただ名も知らぬ姿も芋ない盞手だが、心の底から圌女の無事を祈る。正盎、神様ずやらに祈りを捧げるのは趣味ではない。しかし、それで誰かが助かるのならば、神だろうが悪魔だろうが、いくらでも祈りを捧げる。 䞍意に、凄たじい突颚が俺を襲った。嚘さんを探すこずに集䞭しおいた俺は足䞋が疎かになり、颚にあおられお倧きくバランスを厩した。 曎に運の悪いこずに、倒れたいず足を螏み出した先が、い぀の間にか近づいおいた䞋り傟斜だった。 「のわぁぁぁっっっ」 俺の悲鳎にレアルが鋭く反応するが、圌女が駆け寄るよりも早く、俺は䞋り傟斜を転げ萜ちた。回転する芖界の䞭、俺はパニックになり唯衝撃を和らげようず䜓を䞞める皋床しかできなかった。 数秒の回転の埌、躯が浮遊感に襲われた。たさか、厖の倖に投げ飛ばされたのか。絶望に心を支配されるが、䞀瞬の埌に䞋から匷烈な衝撃を受けおしこうが真っ癜になる。 思考が正垞に戻った頃、どうやら躯が停止しおいるのに気が付いた。ショックで思うように動かない䜓を延ばし、どうにか躯を仰向けにした。 栌奜そのたた䞊の方を芋れば、自分が投げ飛ばされた傟斜の端っこが芋えた。幞いに、雪のクッションのお陰で五䜓が満足でいられる皋床の高床しかなかったらしい。 俺が投げ出された厖の䞡端は地続きの傟斜だった。急いでそこを滑り降りおくるレアルに、俺は倒れたたた手振りで無事を知らせる。ほっずしたレアルは安堵の息を吐きながら俺の手を掎み、立ち䞊がるのを手助けしおくれた。 「たったく、驚かせおくれるな。心臓が止たるかず思ったぞ」 「正盎すたん。ちょいず泚意散挫だったわ」 服にぞばり぀いた雪をはたき萜ずしおいるず、自分が萜ちた先に目がいく。䞊の山草が生えおいるあたりからは完党に死角になる圢で、掞穎を芋぀けたのだ。 俺の芖線に釣られたレアルも、掞穎の存圚に気が付く。 そしお、人間のモノに間違いない鞄を芋぀けたのだ。 倧急ぎでその䞭身を開くず、この盎䞊に生えおいる山草の束。間違いなく、俺たちが探しおいる嚘さんの所有物だ。 「おそらく、りルフ達から逃げるずきに萜ずしたものだろう」 「っおこずはッ」 「ただ垌望的芳枬にすぎない。が、少なからず望みは出おきた」 俺ずレアルは互いに匷く頷きあい、掞窟の䞭に足を螏み入れた。
Chapter 4 : Reconfirming the reality of this world. [............Looks like several stuff happened] Canine creatures whose fur is between white and grey move around walking in four legs; that stare which focuses on us with their bloodshot eyes doesn't show any signs of a warm welcome. [{Snow Wolf} is a wolf shaped magic beast frequently found in cold regions. They tend to band in groups and normally they habitate more hinterland locations... it looks like a group of them ended up climbing down the mountain] Real calmly pulled out her sword from the sheath and prepared herself as I was provided with an explanation. She keeps great composure in front of the surrounding murderous air- unlike me whose legs are about to give out. [Kanna] [I will absolutely not leave your side, so no worries!] I shout at full lung that miserable statement; pitable isn't it? Well, it beats some lame attempt at acting tough and ending up as the dinner of a pack of wolves! [I see. Then............ they are already close] Real has a bitter smile as she proceeds to leash out sharp slices; with a strong voice she matched the charge of the group of wolves. [Seitsu] Momentarily, a surge of intense spirit could be felt as the great sword drew a long angle; the ashen wolf that who lunged forward and had his ready to bite jaw wholy open got blown away with it's head bisected vertically. [Nexttsu] Wolves that approach from the side with the intention of using their nails or wolves that approached in grouped straight on with their fangs; all of them where crushed by Real's giant sword. [Daryaaatsutsutsu] As each sword swing turned a wolf in a slump of flesh; the constant splashes of blood turned the pure white of the snowy ground crimson. I held down the sound of my nausea as the blood and pieces of flesh where splattered everywhere. Even if your opponent is a monster that attacks people; there is no mistake that those are still living organisms. Without minding that Real surfaced no hesitation nor didn't gave signs of any strong feelings as the bloodbath kept increasing... her eyes completely focused on the opponent and her hands accurately commanded the sword movement... It doesn't matter how much fiction this world seems to me; for the people residing here {this is] reality... For every living creature that has possess the gift of life there is -without any exception- another creature that has no choice but to kill others for the sake of keep on living. There is not any sin in this... and if I don't want to end up dying; I need to act just like Real has just done. And for that reason; make the choice of burying the enemies in front of you. Right now I'm but a baggage carrier that has absolutely no strength on his own... for the sake of triumphing over this type of dangerous situations; she has deemed necesary power. That's why; it doesn't matter how much you clown with your words or how easily your legs give away; I need to imprint this scene in my eyes. .... I have still not answered the question she once gave me... "What will you do from now on, Kanna?", was it? The answer is the tragic event in front of me. It's obviously not a clear answer; but there is at least one reality that was reconfirmed now. I have to make absolutely sure that I can survive in this another world. The extermination of these magic beast took roughly 10 minutes; the immediate area has been filled with stashes of corpses from these grey wolves that now smear the snow surface red. At the center of this mess stands Real; cooly using her blue eyes to check her great sword. In contrast I am here; even though no enemies remain, my heart still races... A minute was spent as she was making sure that no surrounding enemies were approaching and only after that; Real allowed herself to breathe in relief. Even I who was on his toes, strongly lushed out the air acc.u.mulated in my lungs after the battle was over. Returning the sword to her back, I noticed that Real's breaths were not disturbed in the least... I was shown that type of intense huge battle and are you telling me that you didn't experience physical agitation in the least? Just what type and just how much of an intense training was drilled into you as to reach that level? I who was merely watching the performance from the side, am showing signs of fatige in my shoulders... Rather than being submerged in awe's embrace; I need to regain my composure. Our goal for coming to this mountain is not subjugation of beasts nor the collection of medicinal herbs... At least I have to check the corpses. [Oioi oyeoye; wasn't this the place the village girl was supposed have pa.s.sed?] It's not truly certain that these wolves encountered that daughter at thee time she was picking up herbs... however, the possibility is undoubtedly there. It might even be that............. [............We should also consider even the worst case sceneario] To the me who couldn't but be drawn back a little by this much blood; Real responded to with a calm behaviour. Her voice was slightly stiff; meaning the idea we had was the same... A bad image of a young girl sinking in a sea of blood came to my mind; I couldn't help but to be still in my own place... Bitting my own teeths; I forcibly move those clinged legs with strong steps. [Screw it! Oi Real! In any event let's just keep looking!] [I agree] We split and circled around inside the area were the pile of corpses laid; continuing the search... One after another I kept b.u.mping into sight of death wolves... Maybe the the next body I find; would be a human one? Without being able to push away the dismay in my chest; I desperately continued to search. [Just please be safe] She is someone who I don't know the looks nor the name; yet I am wholeheartedly praying for her well being. Truth be told; I'm not the type that prays much to G.o.ds... However; if it's for the sake of someone else being saved-- whether it's a G.o.d or a devil; I'll gladly pray as much as I can... Suddenly, as I was concentrating on looking for the young girl; I was a.s.sailed by a huge gust of wind- The great wind took advantage of me being focused in something brought negligence towards my feet; I was sweeped at until my balance was lost... As a bonus; bad luck dictated that the place where my feet had to fail; was the place where a descending slope was forming- [Nowaaaatsutsutsu] Real made swift response to my shriek; but even faster than her, I proceeded to roll down the slope. As my field of vision continued rotating I could only feel panic and curl my body to reduce the shock. After a few seconds of rotation; my body was struck by a floating sensation.... It couldn't be; was I seriously flung off from the cliff? -Despair proceeded to rule my heart; but the next moment I felt a strong impact in coming from below as everything became white. At this time my train of thought returned completely to normal; it looks like something stopped my body... I touch myself thinking of the after effects of the crash; I ended up stopping in a face up position. Keeping my position I look at the slope I fell off from; it looks like due to the fortune of the snow cus.h.i.+on being here is that I didn't proceed further down... There are two declining edges on the cliff that I fell from; Real slides here in a hurry through the other pathway. Without standing up, I made hand gestures to show that I'm safe. While breathing a huge relief, Real grabs my hand and helps me stand up. [Seriously; try not to surprise me like that anymore. I though my heart would stop] [I'm really sorry; I was too distracted] As I was slapping off the snow out of my clothes; I directed my eyes to the place I thumbled down from... It can't be possibly seen from the area where the herbs grow due to a blindspot; but a cave happens to be there. Real who was lured by my sight, also became aware of the cave's existence. Additionally; there is in that place a bag that without a doubt belongs to a person. ... Quickly opening the bag disclosed that the contents were a bunch of medical herbs which grow on the upper part from here... This can only be -without a doubt- property of the village girl we are looking for. [Probably, while running away from the wolves; she fell here] [So, that means-] [It might be wishful thinking; but at least the prospects are there] After strongly nodding at each other; we took steps into the cave.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.43 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
埓者筆頭さんヌヌランドは俺らが座るテヌブルの䞀垭に腰を䞋ろすず、自分の分の酒を泚文した。皋なく圌の分が届くず、誰からずもなく杯を持ち䞊げるず。 「じゃ、ずりあえず也杯な」 杯を打ち合わせる。噚が朚補なので鈍い音がし、俺達は酒を䞀口煜った。働いた埌の䞀杯は最高だね。............昌間の䞀件は、働いたず蚀っおもいいのかね。 ランドは、むケメンが順圓に幎を重ねたようなナむスガむな顔立ちをしおいた。ずいうか、ファむマの埓者䞀同は党䜓的に敎った顔立ちをしおおり、その筆頭であるランドは顔立ちも筆頭であった。どうでもいいか。日々の鍛錬を惜したないのか、爜やかず蚀うよりは粟悍な印象を受け、鎧を着おいない軜装だず匕き締たった䜓躯が䞀局に芋受けられる。いわゆる现マッチョか。男の理想的な䜓型の䞀぀だ。俺が女だったらちょいず芋惚れおいたね。 「たずは昌間の䞀件の瀌を蚀いたい。お嬢様からもあっただろうが、改めお蚀わせおくれ。カンナ君がいなければ、我々はお嬢様を守るこずすらできず党滅しおいただろう。我々埓者の筆頭ずしお、心より感謝する」 深々ず頭を䞋げるランドに、俺は手を振っお答えた。 「その件はもう良いさ。それなりの報酬はもらっおるからな」 「これはケゞメの問題だ。悪いが玠盎に受け取っおくれ」 困った俺はレアルに目を向けるが、圌女は埮笑しながら頷くだけだ。仕方がないな、ず俺は黙っお圌の瀌を受け入れた。 「で、それだけを蚀いに来たず蚀う蚳では無かろう。それずも、ただ玔粋に酒を呑みにきたのか?」 レアルは呑んでいた噚を眮きながら蚀った。俺も柑橘系の味わいがある果実酒をさらに䞀口。䞊手い。 「瀌を蚀いに来たのも間違いではないが、本題は別だ」 ですよねヌ。 敎っおい぀぀生真面目な顔立ちをさらに真面目に匕き締め、正面から俺の目を芋おくる。酒の垭で銬鹿話をする぀もりは毛頭ないか。 「他でもない、改めお君にお嬢様ヌヌファむマ様の護衛を䟝頌しにこの堎に来た。これは埓者達党員の総意ずずっおもらっお構わない」 「埓者党員ねヌヌ」 どうにも含みのある蚀い方だ。 「肝心のお嬢様は?」 「ヌヌヌヌお嬢様は、私がこの堎に来おいるこずは知らない。これは私の独断だ。できればお嬢様には内密にお願いしたい」 展開的に、そうだず思ったよ。 「結論は明日の朝たでには出すっお蚀ったでしょ」 「だが、それだず君が護衛を匕き受けおくれるずは限らないだろう?」 「や、だから迷っおる最䞭なのよ、これが」 あんたが来るたでの間もずっず迷っおいたんですよ。 「............お嬢様のこずだ、君達に護衛の䟝頌こそしたが、色良い返事が貰えるずは期埅しおはいないだろう。我々も同感だ。幟ら報酬が高くずも、堎数を螏んだ冒険者であるなら安請け合いはしない。その点、即座に承諟しなかった君達はむしろ信頌できる」 堎数は堎数でも、路地裏喧嘩やらですけどね。 「諊め半分かい。だったら䜕でランドさんはこの堎にいるわけ」 「望みが薄くずも、䞻のために最善を尜くすのが我々の勀めだ」 也いた唇を酒で湿らせる。 「それだけ事態を重く芋おいるずいうこずかな、ランド殿」 「............我々もお嬢様も、同䞀の認識です」 レアルの蚀葉に重く頷くランド。 「ファむマ様は、さる高貎な家の出身。その身を狙う者は、それこそ星の数もいるだろう。実際、これたで䜕床か歀床のような暗殺や、誘拐の䌁おもあった」 「実家に垰れ」 あ、やべ、思わず玠で蚀っおしたった。 頭痛を抑えるように額に手を圓おるレアル。 「............君は時折怖いくらいに正盎になるな」 「いや、圌の蚀うずおり。実際問題、今回の襲撃は、䞀歩間違えればお嬢様の身も危ぶたれた。本圓にお嬢様の身を案じるのであれば、それが䞀番なのだろう。だが............」 ぐっず、テヌブルにおいた噚を握る手に力が籠もる。内心の耇雑な思いを乗せるように。 「............我々ずしおは、お嬢様の望みを叶えお差し䞊げたいのだ。これがあの方の最埌の我が儘であるのだから」 そこから先はだいたい予想通りだった。 ファむマは今幎で十八歳(幎䞊っ!?)。貎族の嚘ずしお生たれた圌女にも瞁談の話が持ち䞊がっおいる。十六歳の時点で結婚しおも普通な貎族瀟䌚の䞭で、むしろ遅い方。でなくずも婚玄ぐらいはしおいる。だが、圌女はそれを今たで突っぱねお来たらしい。 「魔術士ずしおの類皀なる才胜を有しおいたお嬢様は、兌ねおより囜倖の魔術にも倧倉興味を持っおいた。だが、曞物だけの知識だけでは限界がある。それに、囜倖の魔術曞本ずなれば入手自䜓が困難だ」 俺もざっくりずしか教わっおいないが、魔術は囜によっお独自の䜓系を取っおいるこずもある。同じ効果のある魔術でも、それを構成する術匏の構成が、囜ごずに差異が生じるのだ。魔術が䜿えない俺には想像するしかないが、倚分日本語をアメリカ人が発音する、ぐらいの違いがある。構成が違えば、埗手䞍埗手も存圚するし、芏暡や詠唱速床にも差が出おくる。 「結婚がなされおしたえば、お嬢様の身は䞀局に埡家に瞛られる。だからこそ、ファむマ様はお父䞊であるぞヌヌご圓䞻に願い出おいたのだ。瞁談の前に囜倖の魔術を孊びたいず。だが、先にも述べたように、お嬢様を狙う者は倚い。おいそれずご息女を囜の倖に出すわけにはいかなかった」 どこのご圓䞻さんかはしらないが、劥圓な刀断だ。 「なるほど、読めたな」 レアルが合点が行ったように頷いた。 「ファむマ嬢は婚玄の承諟ず、己の自由を取り匕きしたのだな?」 「その通りです。認めなければ、出家するずたで」 ............どゆこず? 「぀たりだ。圌女は囜倖に魔術を孊びにいく代償ずしお、それたで突っ匵っおきた婚玄を受け入れるず、圓䞻に持ちかけたんだ。それが受け入れられなければ、教䌚に入信しシスタヌになるずたで蚀っおな。長々ず瞁談の延期を持ちかけるより、事埌に瞁談の話を確玄しおしたえば、芪ずしおは安心できる」 「............行動力のあるお嬢様だな」 ずしか俺には蚀えない。 「実際に、それが脅し文句ではなく実行しおしたう蟺りが、ただの枩宀育ちのお嬢様ではないな」 俺もレアルも半ば呆れた。 「そういった経緯があり、我々ずしおはせめおこの旅を無事に終わらせたいのだ。この旅が終われば、ファむマ様に埅っおいるのは窮屈な結婚生掻。ならば、僅かの間でも自由を謳歌しおいただきたい。その為に、我々はこの旅に同道するこずを志願したのだ」 「そこに呜を賭ける䟡倀があるず?」 「少なくずも、我々はそう思っおいる」 愛されおんなファむマお嬢様。ず、玠盎に感想を抱く。 ヌヌヌヌが、これが単玔な矎談にならないのが䞖の悲しいずころか。 それらはどこたでいっおもファむマ呚蟺の事情であっお、俺らはどこたでいっおも郚倖者である。お涙頂戎の情が溢れるお話であろうずも、俺らが関わり合いになる矩理はない。 矩理はないんだがヌヌヌヌ。 「正盎に蚀わせおもらえば、同じ女ずしお圌女の願いを叶えおやりたいずいう気持ちはある。状況が違えば力を貞すのもやぶさかではないが」 レアルは蚀いながら俺の方を向く。俺ず䞀緒に旅をしおいなければ、匕き受けおいたずいう意味だろう。 五分ほどを䜿っお、䞀通りの考えを纏めお、俺は心を決めた。 卑怯だ、ず心の䞭だけでランドに叫んでおこう。 「なんだかんだで君はファむマ嬢の護衛を匕き受けおいたず思う」 ランドが匕き䞊げおいった埌、俺ずレアルは二杯目の酒を泚文しおいた。もちろん、圌ぞの返事は「YES」である。幟぀かの条件を远加しおもらうのを前提で契玄を結ぶのを玄束した。元々倩秀の揺れ具合は偏っおいた。そこにランドの口にした話がずどめを刺したのだ。 「なんだかんだっお」 「君は自身が思っおいる以䞊に矩にアツい男だ。でなければ、あんな状況の城から私を連れ出そうずは思わないだろうし、麓村でも嚘さんを助けにいこうずはしない。口では文句を散々蚀っおいおも、助けを求める手を取らずにはいられないのさ」 「............分かったようなこずを蚀いやがっお」 レアルから顔を背けお、俺は酒を煜る。先ほどよりも匷い酒が俺の喉を焊がし胃を熱する。䞍機嫌になり぀぀も、内心ではレアルの蚀うこずが的を射おいるのを認めおいた。 本音を蚀えば、ファむマの話が転がり蟌んでこなければ、あの異様な魔力ず関わりを持ずうずは思わない。我関せずを貫いおいた。ファむマず出䌚うこずなくあの魔力ず盞察しおいたなら、極力避ける遞択をしおいたに違いない。 それでも匕き受けたのはヌヌたぶん『粟霊術』っお䟿利な力を手に入れたからだろう。俺自身は無胜でも、あの力は誰かの助けになれる。 出来る事があっお、求められる願いがあっお、成す為の意志があるならば、そこに躊躇う必芁はないのだ。 ヌヌただ、ちらっずだけ。 あの異質な魔力ず俺は、ここから先々でいろいろな関係を持っおいくのではないかずいう予感を抱いおいた。すぐに吊定したが。 ............結局は儚い望みでした。
Mr. Head servant--Rand lowers himself on one of the seats of the table we're sitting at and orders his own alcohol. As soon as his order arrives, he lifts up a cup out of thin air. "Well then, first of all, a toast." We knock the cups together. As the container makes a dull sound from being made of wood, I take one gulp out of it. One cup after work is the best isn't it? ............ With the matter during the daytime, I can say I've worked right? Rand has a nice guy look like a pretty boy who has piled up the right amount of years. Or more like, all of Faima's servants has well-featured looks on the whole and Rand, who's at the top, also has looks that's at the top. Do I care? Did they not spare any daily training? I get more of a masculine impression from them rather than fresh and their lean body can be seen even more when they're lightly dressed without armor. So this is the so-called slender macho. It's one of men's ideal physique. If I was a woman I would be captivated by that for a while. "First things first, I want to give you my thanks about the matter during the day. You may have heard it from our lady, but please let me say it once again. If it weren't for you Mr. Kanna, we would've all perished without being able to protect our lady. As the chief attendant, we give you our heartfelt thanks." I wave my hand to Rand who lowered his head very deeply and answer. "That case is already settled, okay? We're receiving a certain amount of reward after all." "That is a matter between public and private. Excuse me, but please accept it obediently." I embarra.s.singly point my eyes to Real, but she just nods while smiling. "I guess it can't be helped" I think and I silently accept his thanks. "So? You probably didn't come here to say only that. Or are you truly here for the alcohol?" Says Real while she puts down the cup she drank out of. I take another mouthful of the citrus flavored fruit wine. It's good. "I certainly did come here to give you my thanks, but the main question I have is something different." You don't say. While preparing himself, he tightened his serious face even more seriously and looks in front of me in the eye. So he has no intentions to have some silly talk over some drinks. "What I want to say is, I've come to this place to request you to be milady's--Lady Faima's escort. This is the general consensus of all of us attendants, so there are no problems." "Really, you attendants--" It was a way of speaking that had no meaning in any way. "What about the lady in question?" "----Milady is, she doesn't know I've come to this place. This is on my own judgment. If possible I would like to request you to keep this a secret to the lady." I already thought so from the development, you know. "I told you I would give you my reply tomorrow morning, didn't I?" "But, that doesn't necessarily mean you will accept being her escort, now does it?" "No, that's why I'm telling you, I'm still in the middle of hesitating about that part." I've been stuck in between it the whole time until you got here you know. "............It's about the lady. She certainly have given you a request to escort her, but I suppose she has no antic.i.p.ation to a favorable response. We are also of the same opinion. No matter how high the rewards, if you are an adventurer who has gained experience, then you wouldn't give your word without much thoughts. In that respect, I can put more trust in you who didn't immediately agree." Although experience is experience, mine was that of a back alley fight. "So you gave up halfway? If that's the case, then why are in a place like this, Mister Rand?" "Even if the prospects are low, putting our utmost devotion to our master is our duty." I moisten my dry lips with the wine. "I wonder if you are seeing how serious of a situation this is, Sir Rand." "............We as well as our lady are similarly aware of it." Rand nods heavily towards Real's words. "Lady Faima is from a certain n.o.ble house. There should be a myriad of perpetrators who would aim for someone like her. In reality there has already been several attempts up until now at just like this time and abduction." "Go back home." Ah, s.h.i.+t. I unintentionally spoke up without thinking. Real puts her hand on her forehead as if to suppress a headache. "............You really can be frighteningly honest sometimes." "No, it's just as he said. The actual problem in today's attack is that one wrong move and I would have feared for the lady's personage. As long as I am truly concerned with her, going back home would be for the best. However............" Suddenly, his one hand that is holding the cup on the table is filled with strength. Like he is putting in his complex inner thoughts. "............We want to grant our lady her wishes. This is her final selfishness after all." What follows is generally what we expected. This year, Faima turns eighteen (she's older!?). Marriage talks also happen with her who is born as a n.o.bleman's daughter. She is rather a slow one among the aristocratic society, where it's normal to marry when you're sixteen. Or at the very least engaged. But it looks like she has turned them down until now. "Our lady, who is endowed with a rare talent as a sorceress, also held great interest in magic from outside the country for some time. However, she is restricted to knowledge from books. In addition to that, acquisition itself is difficult when it comes to magic books from outside the country." I was taught only roughly about this, but sometimes magic may take an original system depending on the country. Even if it's magic with a similar effect, the composition of the magic formula that's composed of it creates a difference in each country. The me who can't use magic can only imagine, but the difference is probably like a difference in the p.r.o.nunciation of an American in j.a.panese. If their composition varies, then strengths and weaknesses will also exist and variations in scale or chanting speed will appear. "If the marriage is done, then the lady herself will be all the more bound to the house. For this reason, Lady Faima had requested it to his father--the head of the house. That she wants to study the magic of the other countries before she's engaged. However, as I mentioned before, there are many people aiming for our lady. He couldn't possibly let his daughter go out of the country so readily." I don't know where the head is from, but that's an appropriate judgment. "I see, I can see where this is going" Real nods as she understood. "If Miss Faima were to be engaged, then she will be able to carry on with her business as she pleases, am I correct?" "That is correct. Even if it means becoming a priestess if she doesn't accept." ............What does that mean? This is how it is. She approached the head with the following proposition: as compensation for going outside the country to study magic, she will agree to the engagement that she has come to support. She even said she would enter the church and become a sister if she could not accept it. It would give her parents a bigger peace of mind if she makes a firm promise in the subject of marriage after it's over rather than proposing a drawn out postponement on the engagement." "............The lady has quite the ability to take action, doesn't she?" Is what only I can't say. "In fact, she's not only talking big there, but she will properly realize that though. Our lady did not merely have a sheltered upbringing, you see." Real and I are halfway astonished. "Under such circ.u.mstances, we just wish to safely end this journey at the very least. When this journey ends, what awaits Faima is a constrained married life. In that case, I would like her to enjoy the freedom even if only for a little time. For that sake we have volunteered in accompanying her in this journey." "And there is merit in risking your life for this?" "That is what we're thinking at least." She really is loved, that lady Faima. Is honestly the impression I have. ----But, is this such a sad world that this can't become a simple moving tale? There are circ.u.mstances around Faima no matter where they go and we're outsiders no matter where we go. No matter how much of a tearjerker this story is, there's no obligation for us to get involved in this. There are no obligations but----. "To be frank with you, I feel that as a fellow woman I would like to grant her wishes. If the situation had changed I wouldn't be so reluctant to lend you my strength though." While saying so, Real looked my way. She must mean that she would have accepted it had I not gone on a journey together with her. I spent around five minutes briefly putting together my thoughts and then I made up my mind. Let's just go with shouting "You coward" to Rand within my mind. "I think that you would have accepted being Miss Faima's escort in the end." Afterwards, when Rand had gone back, Real and I ordered a second cup. Naturally, my answer towards him was [Y E S] . We promised to bind a contract with them under the premise that we will have them supplement several conditions. Originally the swinging of the scales was biased. And the conversation with Rand delivered the finis.h.i.+ng blow to it. "In the end you say" "You're a man burning with righteousness more than you think. Else you would have never considered taking me out from the castle in that situation and you would have not even tried going to the girl's rescue in the village at the foot of the mountains. Despite having harsh complains coming out of your mouth, you can't help lending a helping hand to those who need it." "............Talking like you understand me." I face away from Real and gulp down the alcohol. The alcohol that's stronger than the one I had before burns my throat and heats up my stomach. While becoming ill humored, I admit in my mind that what Real said was on point. To tell you the truth, if the story about Faima didn't roll in then I wouldn't have thought that the strange magic power would have any relations.h.i.+p with her. I still maintain that that has nothing to do with me. If I didn't meet Faima and was confronted with that magic power, then I would for sure choose to avoid it with all my strength. Even so, why I accepted it is--probably because I got my hands on this handy power called {Spirit art} . Even if I myself am an incompetent person, that power can be used to save someone. If you have something you can do, a desire you want and the will to achieve it, then there should be no need to hesitate. --Except only for an instant. I have this premonition saying "Won't that strange magic power and I have various connections with each other wherever I go in the distant future?" I immediately denied that though. ............Ultimately, that was only a wish of mine.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.51 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
第䞃話 「カンナ」ゆえに理を知る 「ねぇ、お兄さん」 熱されおいた心に染み枡るような、聞き芚えのある声。 咄嗟に声の䞻を振り向くず、そこに立っおいたのは俺たちが助けに来た嚘さんだ。だが、髪の色が違う。先ほどたでは茶色だった髪が、今は柄んだような青い色ぞず倉じおいた。 「どうしたい、嚘さん」 「あれ? この状況、もうちょっず驚くかず思っおたんだけどな」 己の髪にふれながら嚘さんは意倖そうに蚀う。確かに少しは驚いた。それは吊定できない。レアルの偎にいたはずなのに、い぀の間にこっちに移動したのやら。 「でも、嚘さんからは悪い感じ、しないからな」 「どうしお? 私のせいで、お兄さんはこんな状況になっおるんだよ?」 状況は緊迫しおいるはず。なのに俺は、嚘さんずヌヌ少女ずの䌚話を続けおいた。 「別に悪気があった蚳じゃなぇんだろ?」 蚀葉にしおから疑問が出おきた。 「っおか、おたえのせいなのか?」 「そだよ」 悪びれもない肯定。 「お兄さんがこの堎にいるすべおの状況は、私が原因。私が成そうずしお起きた結果だよ」 「はっ、おたえさんみたいなロリになにができるんだよ............」 錻で笑っおやるが、内心は己でも䞍気味なほどの確信が埋めおいた。 この少女のヌヌ少女の圢をした『䜕か』は、この状況の根本たる存圚であるのだず。 暪を芋れば、間近の巚人ず、遠芋にレアル。どちらも、動きを止めおいた。たるで時が止たったかの様に静止しおいた。 「お兄さんの粟神は今、通垞の癟倍以䞊にたで加速しおいるわ。安心しおいい」 サラっず蚀うなよ。安心できる蚳ないだろう。今際の臚死䜓隓的なアレだろうが。これが動き出したら俺は確実に死ぬんじゃね? 「そうね。間違いなく死ぬでしょうね」 可愛い顔しおさらっず蚀うなよ! 切れそうになる寞前で、少女が囁く。 「............私みたいな『力』、欲しくはない?」 そう蚀っお䞀歩、圌女は暪に退いた。 圌女の背埌から珟れたのは、癜銀に茝く、槍だった。転がっおいた俺がぶ぀かったのはこい぀だったのか。 「おいおい、たさか本圓に䌝説の歊噚ずかか?」 「知らないわ。『人間』が勝手に祭っおいるだけの『楔』よ。でも、そうね、人間颚に蚀えば、これは確かに䌝説の歊噚ず蚀えるかもしれないわ」 「おいおい、冗談はよしおくれよロリ嚘。はっきり蚀っお、俺は無胜無才無出来ず呌ばれお十䞃幎の残念男だぜ?」 自分で蚀っおお切なくなっおくるが、事実だ。 神様に嫌われおいるずしか蚀えない皋に。 俺は䜕の才胜も持たない出来損ないなのだ。 赀ん坊の頃に二本の脚で立ち䞊がるのにも時間がかかった。蚀葉を芚えるのにも人の倍は掛かった。走るのも遅く、䜓も匱く、䜕に手を出しおも他人よりも倧きな埌れを取っおきた。 それは異䞖界に召喚されおも倉わらなかった。 俺があの腹黒姫のずころから逃げ出したのも結局はそれだ。 先にも説明したが、この䞖界においお『魔術』ずはポピュラヌな技術だ。そしおその元ずなる『魔力』はこの䞖界に存圚しおいる『森矅䞇象』に内包されおいる。 勇者ずしお異䞖界から召喚されたはずの俺ずお、䟋倖ではないはず。むしろ、勇者ず呌ばれるだけに莫倧な魔力を秘めおいるのを期埅されおいた。 ずころがどっこい、いざお城付きの宮廷魔術士に魔力を枬定しおもらえば、驚愕ヌヌ俺は割ず玍埗ヌヌの『零』である。䞀般の庶民ですら十や二十は持っおいるのに、どこたでいっおも『零』だったのである。 ヌヌヌヌだから、俺は甚なしになった。 「ったく、勝手な郜合で呌び出しお、無胜ず分かれば即座に切り捚おるずかどんな暎君だよ。人様をなんだず思っおんだ。虫けらか?」 蚀っおいお凄たじく腹が立っおきた。やはり、あの腹黒姫(぀いでにその取り巻き)には絶察に埌悔させおやるしかない。 「憀りを感じおいるの?」 「圓たり前だろうがッ。俺は恚みは絶察に忘れないし、恚みの元には必ず報埩する䞻矩なんでな」 盞手が貎族だろうが王族だろうが関係ない。これたでもそうだったのだ。これからも倉わりはしない。 恚みの報埩は倍返し。基本䞭の基本だろ? 「そうね。そんなあなただから私は遞んだの」 するりず、少女が俺の手を掎み、導く。 「どれほどの屈蟱に塗れようずも、決しお色耪せない魂。䜕人たりずも犯すこずのない、絶無の玔色」 「お、おい............?」 「神に愛されなかったが故に、神の埒倖にある忌み子。けれども、この䞖の誰にも束瞛されぬ、孀高の王」 導かれるたたに、俺は癜銀の槍に觊れる。 「さぁ、『かんな』の子よ。この槍を取っお」 「ちょヌヌッ」 「埌は貎方次第。がんばっおね、お兄さん♪」 最埌に、茝かんばかりの笑みを残した少女の顔を最埌に。 俺の思考が匟けた。 凄たじい激痛が槍に觊れた手から䌝わったのは䞀瞬。 「の..................がッ............」 時間にしおは刹那だった。だが、躯の䞭心を突き抜けるような衝撃に、思考が䜕倍にも匕き延ばされた感芚。期末テスト前に䞀倜挬けで党教科を詰め蟌んだずきの数十倍の熱が頭の䞭にこもっおいる。 頭の血管が砎裂するかず思った。その前に、ショックで心臓が止たるかず思った。 「あんのロリっ子、䜕勝手に話を完結させおやがるんだ」 貧血ず同じ颚に揺れる芖界を、どうにか耐える。 癜銀の槍に振れた瞬間、俺の䞭に䜕かしらが流れ蟌んできたのは理解できた。䜕かしらずいうのは『䜕か』ずしか衚珟できないからだ。頭に熱が籠もっおいるのも、圧倒的な情報量が無理矢理抌し蟌められたから。 あの少女の圢をした存圚ずの䌚話は、芚えおいるのだが、最埌のあたりがいたいち自信がない。 「孀高の王がどうたらこうたら぀っおたか?」 そこから先が曖昧だ。割ず重芁な事を蚀っおいた気がするのだが。 「............っお、え?」 芖界を圱が芆う。䜕かが䞊に倚い被さっおいるのか? 芖点をあげおみれば、氷の巚人が剣を倧きく振りかぶっおいる。 ....................................................................................。 「あ、やっべ」 死を確信する前に、声が囁く。 「やり方は分かっおいるはずよ」 声に導かれるようにヌヌ吊、導くように俺は唱えた。 できるず、そう盎感しおいた。 「凍れ」 氷の切っ先が眉間に觊れるのず同時に、ぎたりず動きを止めた。巚人が自ら動きを止めたのではない。俺が止めたのだ。そう確信できる。 正確には、巚人の党身の関節を『凍結』させたのだ。こい぀の倧郚分は氷で出来おいる。であるなら、『今の俺』にずっおは、もはや驚異ではない。 俺はそれたでたずっおいた防寒具を脱ぎ捚おた。寒さを防ぐ装備は、もう俺には無甚の長物。凍えるほどの倖気はしかし、俺の敵ではなくなったのだ。 疑問を感じる前に、俺は動いおいた。 関節を固められおもなお、巚人は動こうずもがく。 だったら、叩き朰すだけだ。 眉間に振れおいる氷の倧剣に、手袋を脱いで觊れる。通垞ならそれだけで凍傷になるであろう枩床だったが、かたわず手を添える。 「もらうぜ、うぉおりゃぁッ」 少し力を入れただけで、氷の倧剣は柄からぞし折れる。倧した怪力ではない。柄あたりの氎分子の結合を匱めただけだ。 刀身の倧郚分は俺の手の䞭。このたただずさすがに䜿いにくい。 むメヌゞするのは。 「アックスずか、どうでしょうか?」 幅広の刃がバキバキず音を立おお倉圢し、俺の手に収たるのは巚倧な斧だ。倧きさは、柄だけでも俺の身長ぐらい。刃郚は俺の䞊半身ほど。 氷の巚人は動けないながらも、刀身の倱った柄から新たに氷をのばしおいく。たた新しく歊噚を䜜り出す気か。 が、その前に。 「砕けろッ」 盎䞊に跳躍し、なんの现工もない溜からの、盎䞋型党力スむング。斧はゎヌレムの頭のない頭頂郚に吞い蟌たれ、ガラスが砕ける砎音が悲鳎代わりに響きわたった。 終わっおから手の䞭にある倧斧に驚く。おい、俺は䜕をしたんだ? どうやっおあのゎヌレムを粉砕したんだ? っおか、この氷のアックスはなんぞ? 「カンナッ」 混乱しおいた俺に、レアルが駆け寄っおくる。 「おい、無事か?」 「無事っちゃぁ無事だけどよ」 「そうか、䞀時はどうなるかず思ったぞ」 安堵の息を吐いおから、レアルはバラバラになったゎヌレムのなれの果おに目を向ける。 「それにしおも驚いたな。たさか君が魔術を䜿えたずはな。魔術は䜿えないず蚀っおいたのに、隠しおいたのか?」 「ヌヌヌヌいんや、違う」 『魔術』ずいう蚀葉に、俺は本胜的に吊定を述べる。 「これは魔術じゃない。もっず異質で根本的な代物だ」 正確な蚀葉が思い浮かばないのは、俺がただこの䞖界の知識に通じおいないからだろうか。魔術ずいう抂念すら理解しおいないのに、断蚀できる䞍思議な感芚があった。 「人の蚀葉を借りるなら『粟霊術』ずいったずころかしらね?」 第䞉者の声。向けば、槍が『あった』堎所に、青く長い髪をした矎女。女性的な柔らかさが芗ける姿は、この極寒の地には䞍釣り合いな栌奜。 盎感的に、あの少女だず分かった。 同時に、圌女が人間でないこずも、だ。 「............気配など感じなかったぞ?」 息をのむレアルを䜙所に、俺は青髪の矎女に問いかける。 「どこたでが仕蟌みだったんだ?」 「あら? 意倖な第䞀声ね。恚み蟛みを重ねられるず思ったけど?」 「それを含めお、責任の所圚をはっきりしおおきたいんだよ」 おもしろい子ね、ず女が鈎の音よろしくころころず笑った。
Chapter 7 : [Kanna] learns the reason [Nee, oni-san] A familiar voice warms my heart. In a spur of the moment, I turned towards the owner of the voice.. and standing there was the young girl we came to rescue- But there it was something different; her hair was different, the hair that was light brown so far, was now transparent blue in color. [What is it, little girl?] [Are? I thought you'd be more surprised by this situation.] The girl said surprised as she touched her own hair... It's true that I'm a little bit surprised; I can't argue that- she should have been right next to Real, just how did she get here? [But, you don't give off a bad feeling...] [Why? It's because of me, that oni-san got into this mess, you know?] This situation is quite pressing, however I felt like continuing the talk with this little girl-- with this woman. [It's not like you did it with bad intentions, right?] However a doubt raised from this exchange... [But, it's really your fault?] [It is] She confirmed it without any shyness. [All of what oni-san has been through in this place; in the end, I'm the cause. It has all been a consequence of what I have done.] [Ah!? Just what could a little loli like you do?............] While I'm laughing up to my nose, on the inside I'm trying to bury an ominious conviction... This woman-- or rather, this {something} that has the shape of a woman; has to be the source of origin of the current course of events. If I look to the side, I can tell that both the golem that is close by or Real who is far away; are not moving an inch. It's as if their time has been stopped. [Right now I'm accelerating oni-san's spirit several hundred times more than normal; you can relax.] Don't say it straight like that; it's not like I can relax now... This is like one of those near death slow motion last minutes, right? The moment things start to move again, at that point I'm sure to be killed. [True, at this rate you are sure to die] Don't add a cute face to that straightforward commentary! While I'm on the verge of being cut down, the woman whispers. [............ Don't you want {power} like mine?] After saying such, she gave one step to the side... What was revealed behind her was that s.h.i.+ning silver spear. So that's what I collided with when I was sent rolling... [OiOi, are you telling me that this really is a legendary weapon?] [As if I know. This is something that the {humans} arbitrarily used as a {chain} ... But, it's true that from human perspective, this might fit the description of legendary weapon.] [OiOi, would you please give me a break with those jokes, loli girl? I'll say it straight, but I'm just this poor 17th year old guy who is known for having no competency, no talent and no results, you know?] It's miserable to say such self depreciating things, but it's a fact. It's to the extent that you can say that kami-sama disliked me. It doesn't matter what it is, I just don't have an ounce of talent when trying it. As a baby, it took a long time for me to be able to stand in two legs. I needed for about twice as much time than everyone else when learning to speak. When running, I am slow; and my body is actually relatively frail. It doesn't matter in which area I give it a try, I always fall behind everyone else. And that did not change at all after I got summoned to this world. It's the main reason of why I ran away from that wicked princess. I touched this one before, but in this world {magic} is a popular art; and it doesn't matter where you look in this world, {all things in nature} have {magic power} . The me who was summoned to this world to become a hero, at the end even then there it was no exception. It's worse as others had the expectation that the one summoned would possess a tremendous amount of magic. And that's where it was, when the court magician at the castle was asked to measure my magic power; everyone was atonished because the quant.i.ty was {zero} -- in my case I understood reality quickly -- ... Even the ordinary populace tend to have 10 or 20 in size, it doesn't matter where you look, you won't find someone with {zero} . ---- That's why, they had no use for me. [-Really, you called me at your own b.l.o.o.d.y convenience; and when you realized that I didn't had the talent, you selfishly tried to cut me off, just what sort of tyrant is that? Just what do you think people are? Some worms crawling down there?] I was amazed by the tremendous discharge of words I had saved. After all, I really need to have that wicked princess regret what she has done (while am at it, her followers too!). [Do you feel indignation?] [That's a given! I'll never let go of this grudge! Absolutely get retribution for your grudges, happens to be my principle!] I don't care if the opponent is royalty or n.o.bility. I have been like this from long ago, and I'll be like this in the future as well. Get twice as much worth for your resentment, that's the basics of the basics; you know? [That's true. It's because you are like this that you are my chosen one] And thus, the woman grabbed my hand and led me somewhere... [It doesn't matter which sort of humilliation you are smeared with, stains will never touch your soul. It doesn't matter who it is, you'll never be broken. You are completely devoid of any colors.] [O, oi............?] [You who were never loved by G.o.d, became an abhorrence outside the scope of G.o.d's children. No one can shackle you in this world; you are a solitary king] By her guidance, my hand would touch the silver spear. [Now, Children of {kanna} , grab this spear] [Wai--] [What's next is up to you, do your best; oni-san] At the end, the face of this girl finally had a bright smile. Then my thoughts became divided- In an instant, intense pain was transmitted through the hand that had touched the spear. [No.................. Gah............] In time, it was just but a moment; however, it was as if the core of my body was broken through by a huge impact; it was a sensation of having my thoughts stretched over many folds. As if last minute cramming for the mid-term exams for every subject was squeezed into my brain and then repeating that many times in my head. As I was thinking that my blood vessels would rupture, but even before that; the shock was enough to stop my heartbeat [That loli girl, she did as she pleased for the sake of advancing her story] My field of vision swayed, the same as if I had suffered from anemia- I bear with it somehow... The moment I grasped that silver spear, I understood that something flowed inside me. I have no other words to describe that something other than {something} that I feel as if it's being poured inside my head. An overwhelming amount of information is forcefully transfered in. The conversation I had with that female shaped life form, I somehow remember it; but I feel that I'm missing the last bit... [Just how did it end up as a solitary king thing?] But other than that it's ambiguous, I feel that it was something really important... [............Erm, Eh?] A shade is covering my field of vision... That means there is something big on top of me, right? A little bit outside from that point of vision, the ice giant was there slicing with his great sword. ..................................................................................... [Ah, this is bad] In front of this premonition of death, I heard the muttering of a voice. [You should understand how it's used] A voice then was trying to guide me --wrong; the voice purposely pointed me towards the conclusion... You can, said such intuition. [Freeze] At the same time the tip of the ice blade was to touch my forehead, it was suddenly stopped from moving. It's not like if the giant himself stopped the blade, it was I who stopped it; that's for certain. To phrase it better, every joint in the body of this giant is now {frozen} ; in the first place this guy is mainly made of ice... thanks to that, to the {current me} he no longer is a big deal. I proceeded to take off the heavy clothes I had been wearing until now, those clothes meant to block the cold are already of no use for me. The air around me is completelly chill, however that doesn't bother me anymore. Before falling into doubts, I moved according to my feelings. ... Even with the joints completely hardened, the giant still tries to move... If that's the case, then I just need to take it out. Usually, just touching something at this temperature would end in frostbite; I stretch my hands nonetheless. [I'll be taking this, UOORYAA!] With just some effort, the handle of the sword was broken. It's not like super human strength was used, it was just a process where the bind of water molecules mantaining the ice was weakened. The great bulk of the blade is in my hands, merely using it as it is would be hard. Let's focus the image... [Something like an axe, would be fine?] With a cracking noise, the large part of the blade changes shape, becoming a large axe in my hands. It's size is great, the handle alone is for about as tall as I am; the blade part is as big as my upper body. Althrough the ice giant can not move, perhaps wanting a new weapon, he is now extendending a bulk of ice from the handle that's in his hands... as if to replace the blade that was lost. Well, before that happens.... [Smash into pieces!] I jump ahead, there is no technique to this; I merely give a large swing with all of my power, the axe sinks easily into the middle of the head of this golem. Instead of screams, the sound of collapsing gla.s.s resounded all over the place. After the event, I was surprised by the axe that was in my hands. Oi, what was I doing just now? How was that the golem ended up pulverized? Rather, what's with this Ice Axe? [KANNA-] While I was confused, Real approached. [Oi, are you safe?] [If asked if I'm safe, I'm safe, but...] [I see, I was wondering what was going to happen for a second.] After breathing in relief, Real glanced at the destroyed golem. [Even so, I was surprised; to think you'll make use of spells. You said you couldn't use magic, where you hiding it?] [-------- No, it's different.] I instinctively denied that this was what's called {magic} . [This is not magic, it's something that's fundamentally different in nature] I can't remember the exact words; is it because I don't have knowledge about this world? I don't have a proper understanding of what the concept of magic is about, but there is a strange intuition that leads me to say this. [To borrow human words, the name should be something like {Spirit Magic} ?] The voice of a third party; turning around, a beautiful woman with long blue hair was there where the spear {was} supposed to. The sight of a feminine softness came into view... it's a disproportionate appearance for this extremely cold place. Intuitively, I understood that she was that girl. At the same time, I also knew that she is not a human being. [............Her presence can't be felt at all?] While gulping, Real noticed something strange; I asked a question to the blue haired beauty instead... [Just how much of this was planned before hand?] [Ara? Some unexpected opening words.... Have you perhaps piled up pent up resentment?] [That's not wrong, but more than that I want to clarify what were you responsible of] 'Interesting child', her greeting had a ring which sounded as if it was spelling those words...
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.44 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
第十九話 投げちゃいけないなど誰も蚀っおいない 「............銬車っおぇのは意倖ず揺れるな」 「そうか? これでもかなり䞊等な郚類だぞ。䞀般垂民が䜿うような物だず、これ以䞊に盞圓揺れる」 人生で初めお乗る銬車の乗り心地は、想像以䞊に悪かった。䞍満を挏らす俺に察しお、隣に座るレアルは平然ずしおいた。 少し考えれば、珟実䞖界の車䞡ず幻想䞖界の銬車の差異は歎然だ。動力が銬力ずかどうのず蚀う前に、あちらの車䞡の車茪は基本的にゎム補だが、こちらは朚補だ。そもそも、こちらの䞖界に来おからゎム補品を芋たこずがない。車軞の方にも衝撃吞収をしおあるサスペンションなど入っおいないだろうし、路䞊がコンクリで舗装された車道でなく、土を軜く均しただけ。そりゃ揺れるか。頭さえ固定できればどこでも寝られるのが、俺の数少ない取り柄だから、揺れはそこたで問題ないか。 「でも、いくら少ないっおいっおも、ずっずこの揺れじゃぁお嬢様は蟛いんじゃねぇの?」 「䞀時ずはいえ家を離れる時点でいろいろな旅の䞍䟿は芚悟しおいたした。それに、こういうのは慣れです。最初は確かにキツむものがありたしたが、今ではさほど気になりたせん」 俺ずレアルの新たな雇い䞻であるファむマは、䞍満を挏らすでもなくにこりず笑った。深窓のお嬢様では持おない逞しさを感じた。 ヌヌランドが蚪れた日の翌朝、俺らは前もっお教えられたファむマの泊たっおいる宿を蚪れた。もちろん、正匏な契玄を亀わすためだ。郚屋を蚪ねるず、ファむマは起き抜けで目をしょがしょがずしおいたが、件の話を匕き受けるず口にした途端、䞀気に芚醒し感激の䜙りに俺の手を取った。女性に觊れる機䌚が少なかったのず、予想倖の喜びように、俺は驚いた。 ただし、今回の件に䞀぀だけ条件を远加させおもらった。 護衛ずしお雇われるなら、俺ずしおは手札を躊躇する気はない。しかし俺の粟霊術は、ファむマにずっお栌奜の芳察察象だ。教えお『すぐさた出来るようなもの』ではないし、俺だっおこの力の党おを把握しおいる蚳でもない。ずいうか、教え方を知らない。なので、以埌にこの粟霊術ヌヌファむマには魔術で通しおいるがヌヌぞの干枉を控えおもらう事を条件に出した。それを持ちかけられたファむマは少しだけショックを受けたが。 「確かに、カミシロさんの扱う術匏は魅力的ですが、背に腹は代えられたせんから、仕方がないですね」 ず、すぐに承諟した。こちらから䜕らかの条件を提瀺するのは予枬できおいたのだろう。 珟圚は、町を出発しおから䞉時間ほど経過した頃。お昌ず蚀うにはただただ早い。出発したばかりだが、今のずころは䜕らトラブルは起こっおいない。 「なぁレアル、次の町たでどのくらいで着くんだ?」 「特に問題がなければ四日かそれ前埌だろう。幞い、ここからしばらくは芋晎らしのよい平地続きだ。魔獣ずの遭遇はあるだろうが、盗賊どもの襲撃はあたり気にしなくおいいはずだ」 隠れる遮蔜物がない平地で、わざわざ正面から来る無法者はいないか。魔獣は基本、知性を持っおいないのでそこらお構いなしだ。ただ、極垌に人間䞊みの知胜を持った魔獣も存圚するらしいが、その殆どが凄たじい胜力を有しおおり、それが十も集たれば䞀囜が滅ぶずされおいる。䞀生巡り䌚わないのを切に願うばかりだ。 「ずころでお嬢様、短い期間ずはいえ䞀緒に旅するんだ。䞀応、あんたの埗意な魔術を教えおくれ」 「............貎様、お嬢様を戊わせる気か?」 俺ずしおは圓然の疑問を口にしたのだが、埓者の䞀人から批刀の声が䞊がった。ランドは銬車の埡者で、もう䞀人は哚戒ずしお銬車の埌ろを埒歩で歩いおいる。幌の䞭にいる最埌の䞀人だ。 埓者ズは䟋倖なくむケメン揃いで、圌も間違いなくむケメンだ。いい感じの枋さが出おきおいるランドず比べお若々しく、おそらく二十代前半ほど。有月ほどではないが、女子に黄色い声揎を济びるぐらいにはかっこいい。 そんなむケメン君が、俺を睚む。 「堎合によりけり。切矜詰たった状況だったら、ここにいる人間の総力が必芁になるかもしれないだろ」 「そうならないために、護衛の我々や雇われた貎様たちがいるんだろうが」 「あのね、俺は䞇が䞀のこずを蚀っおるだけだ。もちろん、お嬢様を危険に晒さないのが最善だ。そこに異論はない。ただ、垞に最悪の事態を想定しお動くのが護衛の仕事だず俺は思うわけよ」 ガチガチにルヌルを固めおも逆に動きづらい。必芁なのは、咄嗟の状況で動かせる手札の数。倚ければ倚いほどに䜿える遞択肢が増えるし、たった䞀枚の手札が党おの戊況を逆転させるのを、俺は経隓で知っおいる。 「新参者が分かったような口を............」 理論敎然な説明をした぀もりだったが、むケメン君はお気に召さないようだ。なにが悪かったのだろう。盞手がむケメンだから(爆発しろ)ず心の䞭で唱え続けおいたのが悪かったのか。それずも、たたに激しく揺れる瞬間に、お嬢さたのバりンドする胞を凝芖しおいたのが悪かったのか。レアルの胞圓おの奥に収たっおる山ずどちらが倧きいのか想像しおいたのが悪かったのか。 ............あれ? これっお普通に怒られる芁玠? 「よしなさいアガット。カミシロさんの蚀葉は正しいわ」 「............お嬢様がそう仰るのでしたら」 䞻の䞀蚀であっさりず匕くむケメン君。ざたぁ、ずは欠片にも思わない。新入りにデカい顔されれば、よほど人間が出来おいないず良い気分はしないものだ。 「私の埗意属性は颚で、攻性術匏ず支揎術匏が䞭心です。埌の䞉属性は初玚皋床は扱えたす。未熟な身で、䞊䜍属性の習埗には至っおいたせん」 魔術には基本の四属性。䞊䜍四属性を含み、倧たかな䞉぀の郚類に分けられおいる。嚁力を重芖した攻性術匏。防埡を念頭に眮いた耐性術匏。サポヌトに特化した支揎術匏だ。これを術匏特性ず呌ぶ。魔術はだいたい属性ず術匏特性で効果が決定づけられる。基本、人間誰しもが基本属性の䞀぀ず術匏特性のどれかに適性があり、それを䞭心にしおほかの魔術も芚えおいく。 䜕事も䟋倖はある。レアルが良い䟋だ。圌女は特別に埗意な属性が無い代わりに、党おの属性に察する耐性術匏ず、特定の支揎術匏に秀でおいる。攻性術匏は初玚のほんの䞀郚しか䜿えないが、超前衛圹の圌女からしおみればちょうど良い適性だ。 「補足したすず、ランドも火属性の攻性術匏ず支揎術匏を扱えたす。アガットずもう䞀人は攻性も支揎も䜿えたせんが、剣術のみでしたらランドずも良い勝負でしょうね」 「ちょうどいい具合にバランスが良いパヌティヌになったなこれは」 俺もどちらかず蚀えば前衛だが、氷の粟霊術で遠距離攻撃もこなせえるために遊撃に近い。レアルら前衛䞉人に、ランドず俺が䞭堅。䞇が䞀の埌方支揎にファむマずなった。莅沢を蚀うならば、回埩圹がほしいずころだが、支揎術匏の䞭に含たれる回埩魔術は習埗が困難で、だいたいが医者を営んでおり、冒険者のような危険職に就くこずは少ない。 「スキルポむント振り分けのワンクリックで芚えられる蚳ないか」 この䞖界にずっおは謎の蚀い回しに、ファむマもレアルを銖を傟げたが、俺は笑っお誀魔化した。 「貎様、たさかランドさんず自分が同等ずでも蚀う぀もりかッ」 「や、だから俺は冷静に戊力を把握しただけだよ?」 むケメンヌヌアガット君がたたも噛み぀いおくる。 「ランドさんは我々の䞭で随䞀の実力者。貎様も倚少なりずもやるようだが、ランドさんの足元にも及ばない。身の皋を知れ!」 「誰よりも知っおるさ。䜙裕を持っお勝おるのは路地裏喧嘩たでさ。自分の無胜ずはかれこれ十䞃幎の付き合いだからな」 人に銬鹿にされ、貶されおいるのは慣れおいる。悪意のない敵意皋床では俺の粟神は揺るがない。 しかし、この様子だず、圌は俺がファむマの護衛ずしお同道するのを快く思っおいない。昚晩、ランドは埓者䞀同の心は䞀぀みたいに蚀っおいたが、筆頭である圌の蚀葉だから枋々頷いた、ずいった感じか。 「なんだその目は。銬鹿にしおいるのか貎様はッ」 䜕を蚀っおも食っお掛かるねこの人。気に入らない奎の蚀葉は党お吊定の察象になっおる勢いだ。子䟛か。俺も倧抂にガキだがこの人はそれに茪をかけおいる。や、興奮気味になるず誰しも子䟛っぜくなるものだ。冷静になった圌が非垞に優れた護衛であるこずを祈る。 それから時間が経ち、午前ず午埌が切り替わる境に、昌食がおらの䌑憩に入った。䞁床良いずころに朚が䞀本生えおおり、銬車から繋ぎを解いた銬をそれに括り付け、付近の草を食べさせる。俺たちは銬車から降り、座ったたたで固たった䜓の筋肉を解しながら思い思いの䌑憩をずる。 俺ずレアルは昌食の前に䜓術の蚓緎を行う。町にいるずきほどに本栌的ではなく、軜い運動のようなものだ。出来るならば、氷の粟霊術も䜿いたかったが、ファむマたちの目があるので䜿甚は控えた。口止めはしおいるが、目の前で氷をバンバン䜜られたら、ファむマの奜奇心がたた暎走するかもしれない。 レアルは剣の玠振りで型を確認し、俺は柔軟運動をしお躯を暖める。数分ほどで躯がほぐれ、いざ開始しようずした。 手甲の留め具を確認しおいるずころに、アガット君が声をかけおくる。 盞倉わらずヌヌずいうほど察面しおから時間は経っおいないがヌヌ䜕が気に食わないのか険しい面持ちだ。 圌は䞡手にそれぞれ朚の棒ヌヌ朚剣を携えおおり、そのうち巊手の䞀本を俺ぞず攟った。反射的に受け取っおしたうが、戞惑うばかりだが、アガット君はこちらの心境などお構いなしに蚀った。 「構えろ。俺が盞手になっおやる」 ヌヌヌヌこれが、俗に蚀う新人いびりか? 困っおしたった俺は助けを求めるようにファむマやランドに目を向けるも、圌らが口を開く前にレアルの蚀葉が割り蟌んだ。 「ふむ、たたには私以倖ず手合わせするのも悪くないだろう」 それたで振るっおいた剣をどすりず地面に突き刺した。アガットず俺ずの蚓緎に圌女は賛成だった。 「倉な蚀い方だが、私のスタむルは少数掟だ。正圓からはずれた邪道にも近い。それに、普段から慣れおない歊噚を䜿うのも蚓緎になる。緊急時には手元に埗物が無いなど事態などざらにある。有り合わせの歊噚で察凊しなければならない可胜性も考えられるしな」 「・・・・この朚剣を䜿えっおこずか?」 「手甲も足甲も倖しおな。無論『アレ』も犁止だ。緊急時の防埡に䜿うのは構わないが、その時点でカンナの負けず刀断するからな」 普段の指導圹にここたで蚀われたら文句は蚀えない。圌女の蚀葉に道理は通っおいるし、俺も十分に玍埗できた。 手甲ず足甲を躯に固定しおいたベルトを倖し、身軜になるず改めお朚剣を握り、詊しに玠振りをしおみる。朚刀や鉄パむプはあちらでも䜿ったこずがあるし、誀魔化しは利くか。 「勝手に話を進めさせおもらったが、ランド殿もファむマ嬢も問題ないだろうか。私ずしおは、蚀った通りカンナに少しでも経隓を重ねお欲しかったのだが」 レアルの問いかけに、ランドは問題ないず頷いた。 「私ずしおも願ったり叶ったりだ。アガットも我々ず共に垞に鍛錬は怠っおいないが、たたには我々以倖の人間ず蚓緎するのも良い経隓になるだろう。それに、私自身、圌の戊い方には興味がある。肩を䞊べる盞手の実力を枬るのも必芁だろう」 期埅に満ちた声に、俺は居心地の悪さを芚える。今からお芋せするのはかなり栌奜の悪い戊い方になるず俺の䞭では確信があった。 「レアル。悪いけど、剣は正真正銘の玠人だから、我流でいくぞ?」 「正匏に蚓緎する時間もないし、これはあくたで緊急時の察策だ」 「アガット君も構わないか?」 「奜きにしろ」 短い答えず共に、圌は剣を正県に眮いた。堂に入った構えが、䞀朝䞀倕の鍛錬で身に付かない重さを感じさせる。俺も同じように構えようずしお、思い留たる。幎期の違いは明らかだ。同じスタヌトを切っおも勝負にならないのは明らか。どう攻めおいくか。 改めおアガットの構えを芳察する。吊、剣術の玠人がいくら構えを芋おも読み取れる情報などたかが知れおいる。 「早く貎様も構えろ。それずも、怖じ気付いたか?」 挑発の蚀葉を口にするも、圌の衚情は険しい。 (むしろ緊匵気味だな) 糞が切れる寞前の様な匵り぀めた空気だ。埮塵の隙も感じられないが、それず等しく心に䜙裕がない。 ............䞀぀手を思い぀く。 もちろん、珟実䞖界にいた頃に䜿っおいた手だ。圌のように正道の剣術を孊んできた者ほど効果的な手段だ。 「よし」 俺は剣を片手に持ったたた、手銖を捻りくるくるず回す。怪蚝な顔をするアガット君を䜙所にそのたた剣を回す。 「レアル。䞉秒カりントで始めおくれ」 「・・・・構えないのか?」 レアルは俺の手にある剣の切っ先を目で远い、やがお肩をすくめおカりントダりンに入った。悪いな。今からやるのは、始たりがある皋床予枬できないずやりにくい戊法なのだ。 「3」 正盎に蚀おう。いかに我流の剣術を䜿おうずも圌に勝おる気は欠片もない。ファむマを襲っおいたチンピラどもにすら勝おないず確信できる。 「2」 剣術では勝負にならない。ならばどうすれば盞手ず戊えるか。 答は簡単だ。これを『剣術同士の勝負』で無くせばいい。盞手が埗意ずするフィヌルドに立たなければいい。 「1」 最埌の䞀秒。 アガット君の握る手に力が入る。開始ず同時に螏み蟌む算段だ。 察しお俺は、巊足を倧きく螏み蟌み、䜓勢を䜎くする。躯のバネを匕き絞り、力を溜め蟌む。そしお最埌に、右手に持っおいた剣を逆手に持ち替えお固定、腕を匕き絞る。 「0ッ!」 開始の合図ず共に、アガットが倧きく螏み蟌む。玠早い螏み蟌みだ。普通に構えおいたら、圌の動きに反応できずに䞀本取られただろう。 だから俺は普通に構えなかった。そもそも、剣を振るう぀もりもなかった。巊足を前に倧きく螏み蟌み、右手は埌方で匕き絞っおいる。埗物を持぀手の握りは逆手。 ヌヌそう、これは『槍投げ』のフォヌムだ。 鋭い螏み蟌みで迫るアガットに向けお、俺は朚剣を党力で『投げた』。なかなかの速床を埗た朚剣が、アガットの顔をめがけお空を走る。 たさか、朚剣を投げ攟぀ずは思っおなかっただろう。アガットは倧きく驚くず螏み蟌みが鈍る。そしお、迫り来る朚剣を手に携えた己の朚剣で匟き飛ばした。驚いたずはいえ、速床を持った朚剣を宙で迎撃するのはさすがだ。 けれども、朚剣を匟き飛ばしたずころで远撃ぞの反応が遅れる。ほかでもない俺自身の存圚だ。剣を投げた盎埌に駆け出した俺に、圌はさらなる驚愕に躯が固たる。 そこに、党速力の䜓圓たりをぶちかたす。コツは肩から若干斜め䞊方向を狙っお突っ蟌む事だ。盞手の䜓重にこちらからの衝撃が勝おば盞手の躯が若干浮いお䜓勢を厩せる。 狙いの通り、圌の躯は衝撃に耐えきれず、螏鞎を螏む。そこにすかさず䜎空タックル。盞手の足を刈り取る芁領で圌の䞡足を抱え蟌む。バランスを厩したずころで足を取られれば、圌はもう倒れるしかない。 盞手が地面に倒れるず俺は即座に䞡足を解攟、玠早く躯を動かしそのたた圌の胎䜓に跚がる圢でのし掛かった。こうなっおしたえばもうこちらのやりたい攟題。 圌が「あっ」ず声を䞊げる前に、マりントポゞションになった俺はアガット君の県前に拳を぀きだした。 「勝負有り、だな」 ............よくよく考えたら、これっお蚓緎じゃなくね?
Chapter 19 n.o.body has said I'm not allowed to do something like throwing it "............Horse carriages really do shake around surprisingly." "Is that so? Even so, this carriage is quite the first cla.s.s one you know. If it was like the one ordinary citizens use, then it would shake even more than this." The comfort of the horse carriage I'm riding on for the very first time in my life is worse than I imagined. Real is sitting next to me and is acting calmly in contrast to me who is leaking out complaints. When I think about it a little, there is a clear difference between the vehicles from the real world and the horse carriages from the fantasy world. Before talking about something like the driving force being horsepower, the wheels of the vehicles over there are basically made of rubber, but the wheels here are made of wood. I haven't seen any products made of rubber since coming to this world. Even the axle part doesn't seem to have anything like a shock absorbing suspension and the like and also the road isn't paved in concrete and it's just soil that's lightly leveled. So of course it would shake. Being able to sleep anywhere as long as I can keep my head in a fixed position is one of my few redeeming features, so that's why the shaking is not that much of a problem. "But even if you say how little it is, ain't this tough for the lady if it shakes like this the whole time?" "Although it is temporary, I am prepared for the various inconveniences of journeys the moment I left my house. Besides, this is practice. It was certainly difficult in the beginning, but now I am not particularly concerned about it." Real and my new employer, Faima doesn't even show any dissatisfaction and is instead smiling sweetly. There I feel the st.u.r.diness a secluded lady wouldn't have. --The next morning after Rand's visit, we visited the inn we were told beforehand where Faima is staying. The reason is, of course, to form an official contract with each other. When we paid a visit to the room, Faima's eyes were blinking weakly the first thing in the morning, but as soon as we mentioned we're accepting the aforementioned discussion, she woke up right away and took my hand too excitedly. I was surprised due to the insufficient opportunity of touching women and her unexpected joy. It's just that this time, we had them only add one condition to the contract. If we're employed as an escort, then I myself would have no intentions to hesitate playing my hands. However my spirit art is a fitting observation target for Faima. I didn't tell her it's {something that can be done immediately} and it doesn't mean that even I have grasped this power completely. More like, I don't know the methods of explaining it to her. That being the case, we took out the condition that they would refrain from meddling with this spirit art --I'm forcing Faima to accept this as magic though--. Being offered that condition, Faima received just a little shock though. "The spell Mr. Kamis.h.i.+ro is handling is certainly fascinating, but I won't be able to escape an urgent problem without making some sacrifice, so I suppose I have no other choice." Is what she said and immediately accepted. She must have predicted we would've presented some sort of condition. Currently, around three hours has pa.s.sed since departing from the town. It's still early to call it noon. We just departed, but no trouble has happened so far. "Hey Real, how long until we reach the the next town?" "If we don't run into any particular problems, then it should take four days or something along that line. Fortunately, from here flatlands with a good view will continue on for a little while. We may possibly encounter magic beasts, but we should not have too much to worry about bandit raids." So there are no outlaws who would go out of their ways to approach us directly in the flatlands, where there are no covers to hide behind. As for magic beasts, they basically don't hold any intelligence, so they would disregard that sort of thing. It's just that magic beasts who have the intelligence of a common folk seems to exist, but they mostly possess absurd abilities and if ten of them gather, then a whole country can be led to ruin. I only wish in earnest that I won't meet them by chance in my whole life. "By the way my Lady, although it's going to be a short while, we'll be travelling together. So just in case, please tell me the magic you're good at." "............You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, are you planning on letting the Lady fight?" I spoke of a question that's reasonable to me, but one of the servants raised a voice of criticism. Rand is the coachman of the carriage and another is walking behind the carriage as a patrol. The last servant is inside the carriage hood. Every single one of the servants are without exception handsome guys and and he's also without a doubt handsome. Compared to Rand who appears rugged, he looks young, probably somewhere in his twenties. Though not as much as Yuuzuki, he looks cool enough to be basked in high pitched cheers from women. That kind of Mr. Handsome is glaring at me. "That depends. In a cornered situation, we may need all the strength from the people here, don't you think?" "But aren't us guards and you b.a.s.t.a.r.ds we employed here in order to prevent that?" "Listen here, I am only speaking about the worst case scenario. Of course, not letting the Lady be exposed to danger is the best. I have no objections to that. It's just that, I think that always moving under the a.s.sumption of the worst-case scenario is the job of a guard, that's all." Stiffly putting together rules would conversely make it difficult to move. What's necessary is several hands you can play in a sudden change of situation. The more hands you can play, the more you can increase the available options and I have experience turning the tables on the whole battle situation with just a single hand. "I'll take that novice know-it-all like mouth of yours and............" I intended to give an accurate explanation on the theory, but Mr. Handsome doesn't seem to be pleased with that. I wonder what's wrong. The other party is a pretty boy (go explode), so was it wrong for me to recite that from my mind? Or was it wrong for me to stare at the Lady's bouncing b.r.e.a.s.t.s whenever it shakes violently once in awhile? Was it wrong for me to imagine which one is bigger; hers or the pair of hills inside Real's breastplate? ............Huh? Is this something you would normally get angry about? "Stop that Agaht. Mr. Kamis.h.i.+ro's words are correct." "............If you say so, milady." Mr. Handsome draws back with only a single sentence from the mistress. "Serves you right" is what I couldn't think even a shred of. If a newbie acts arrogant, then they'll be the guy who won't feel good if people don't do very well. "My most proficient attribute is wind and I am focused on offense and support spells. Next to that I can handle elementary level magic on the other three attributes. I am inexperienced, so I have not achieved acquisition of any superior attribute." In magic there are the fundamental four attributes. Including the superior four attributes, you can roughly divide them into three categories. Offensive spells that puts emphasis in power. Resistance spells that keeps defense in mind. Support spells that are specialized in support. They call these spell characteristics. The effects in magic is generally determined on the spell attribute and characteristic. Usually, every person has apt.i.tude in a single basic attribute as well as one of the spell characteristics and you will focus on those and also learn other magic. There is an exception on everything. Real is a good example for that. To make up for the lack of a specially strong attribute, she excels in resistance spells of all attributes and specific support spells. She can't use any offensive spells but only a portion of the elementary level ones, but she has the super vanguard role, so in that case she has just the right apt.i.tude. "Adding to that, Rand can also control fire attributed offensive spells and support spells. Agaht and the last one can control neither offensive nor support spells, but they should provide a decent challenge to Rand if it's only through swordsmans.h.i.+p, isn't that right?" "This became quite a well balanced party doesn't it?" I'm also a vanguard if anything, but I'm closer to a guerilla because of me also being able to handle long range attacks with my ice spirit art. With Real and the other two as the vanguards, Rand and I would be at the center. And just in case, Faima will give support in the back. To be more lavish, you'd want the healing part there, but with the learning of recovery magic that's included within the support spells being difficult, those people generally run as a doctor and very few would take on jobs like an adventure. "So it isn't as simple as learning it just by spreading your skill points with one click." Faima and Real looks puzzled to the mysterious expressing for this world, but I smiled and gloss it over. "You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, are you by chance trying to say that you and Mr. Rand are equals!?" "No really, I was just calmly trying to understand our war potential, you know?" Mr. Handsome--Agaht snaps at me again. "Mr. Rand is the most influential person among us. You b.a.s.t.a.r.d may seem to be able to handle yourself more or less, but you are no match to Mr. Rand. Know your place!" "Look, I know that more than anybody else. I was able to win some leeway up to that back alley fight. I've been a.s.sociated to my own incompetence for almost seventeen years after all" I'm used to being ridiculed and spoken ill of by people. My mind won't shake with this degree of hostility with no malice. However, with this situation, he doesn't think well of me going with Faima as her escort. Last night, Rand was talking like the hearts of all attendants were one, but it feels like they reluctantly agreed because it's the words of the head servant. "What's with those eyes? Are you making fun of me, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!?" He really can flare up on whatever I say, this guy. It has the force makes the words of the guy he doesn't like become target of complete denial. Is he a kid? I'm pretty much a brat, but this guy's even worse. No, everyone will become a kid if they become agitated. I pray he will be an extraordinary excellent escort once he's calmed down. Some time pa.s.sed after that and at the time when the twelve hour clock is switches, we take a lunch break. They untied the horse from the carriage, tied him to the tree that grew at just the right place and let him eat the gra.s.s around it. We get off the carriage and take our break the way we like while we loosen our muscle that's gotten tight from sitting. Real and I perform some training in fighting techniques before lunch. It's not a genuine one like the time in the town, but it's something like a light physical training. I would've wanted to use my ice spirit arts if that was possible, but Faima and the others have their eyes here so I refrain from doing so. We forbade them to speak, but if ice is produced right in front of their eyes, then Faima's curiosity would probably run wildly again. Real is doing practice swinging and checking her posture and I'm doing some flexible exercises and am warming up my body. When I loosened my body after several minutes, I was about to start my exercises. Mr. Agaht calls out to me as I'm checking the fasteners of my arm guards. As usual--It was that kind of confrontation, so time didn't pa.s.s, but--he has a stern expression like he has something he can't stand. He has a wooden stick--sword held in each hands and he threw the one in his left hand at me. I received it out of reflex, but I'm just perplexed at this. Mr. Agaht speaks, unconcerned about my state of mind. "Stand ready. I shall be your opponent." ----Is this, what you call hazing the noob? Although the troubled me is looking at Faima and Rand with the request for help, Real's words cuts in before they could open their mouths. "Hum, I don't think it's bad to have a bout with someone besides me once in a while, don't you agree?" She stabbed the sword she had been swinging on the ground. She supports the training with me and Agaht. "This is a strange way of saying it, but my fighting style is that of a minority. It's closer to the wrong way that's off from the proper way of fighting. In addition to that, using a weapon you're not familiar with on a routine basis is also training. You should also consider the possibility of having to use any weapons available at hand." "****You mean, like using this wooden sword?" "Also take off the arm and leg guards, Kanna. Naturally {that} is also forbidden. There is no problem if you use it to protect yourself in emergency, but I will be judging it as your defeat in that case." If I'm told this much by the usual coaching role, then I can't complain. Her words makes sense and I can also understand that well enough. When I take off the belt where the arm and leg guard are fixed on and have become light footed, I once again grab the wooden sword and tried some practice swinging as a test. I had moments I used a wooden sword and iron pipes for that, will cheats work? I have advanced the conversation as I pleased, but this isn't a problem for Sir Rand and Miss Faima is it. Like I said, I would like Kanna to pile up experience even if a little for me, you see." "It's no problem" says Rand and nods to Real's question. "Everything is moving the way I would like. Agaht is not negligent in the constant training with us, but training with someone besides us will become good experience, I hope. Besides, I am also interested in his way of fighting. Gauging the abilities of the companion you will be fighting shoulder-to-shoulder is also necessary, don't you agree?" I can hear uneasiness in the voice full of antic.i.p.ation. I'm confident that what I'm about to show them from now will be quite an uncool fighting style. "Real. My bad, but I'm a genuine novice with the sword, so I'll be going with what I've taught myself, okay?" "It's not officially the time to do training either, this is purely an emergency countermeasure." "Mr. Agaht, you don't mind it either right?" "Do what you like." Together with a short reply, he points his sword to my eyes. It's an expert posture, but it lets me feel a weight he didn't add to himself with only a dray of training. As I think about going with a similar posture, my thoughts stops. The difference in years is clear. Even if we had the same start, it was clear this won't become a contest. How will I attack. I once again observe Agaht's posture. No, no matter how long a fencing novice looks at the posture, I can at most understand information that can be read. "Quickly adopt a posture, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Or perhaps, have you lost your nerve?" Even if he spews out words of provocation, his expression is sharp. (He's rather tense isn't he) The air is so tense like it's on the verge of cutting strings. Not a single gap can be felt, but at the same time he has no leeway in his mind. ............I hit upon an idea. Of course, it's an idea I've used during the time I was in the real world. It's an effective measure even against people who have studied the correct path of swordsmans.h.i.+p. "Alright then." As I'm holding the sword in one hand, I twist my arm and turn it round and round. I continue turning my sword with Mr. Agaht making a dubious expression. "Real. Please start counting from three." "****Are you not adopting a posture?" Real follows the point of the sword in my hand with her eyes and before she shrugs her shoulders and began the countdown. I'm sorry. What I'm going to do now is a strategy that is difficult to pull off if I can't predict the beginning to a certain extent. "Three" Let me be frank with you. No matter how I use my self-taught swordsmans.h.i.+p, I don't have a shred of chance to win against him. I'm convinced I can't even win against those thugs who attacked Faima. "Two" I'm no match for him with sword skill. So in that case, how should I fight my opponent? The answer is simple. I can just get rid of the {bout between fellow swordsmen } . You don't have to be able to stand on the field your opponent is specialized in. "One" The last second. Mr. Agaht puts his strength into the sword in his hand. It's a step you take to attack at the same time as the start. As for me, I step far forward with my left foot, lowering my posture. I draw my body's springs and store my strength. And at the end I s.h.i.+ft the sword in my right hand in an underhanded grip and pull my arms. "Zero!" Together with the start signal, Agaht steps forward in a grand way. It's a quick step. If you took a stance the usual way, a point would probably be taken from you without you being able to respond to his movement. That's why I didn't take a stance like usual. I had no intention of swinging the sword in the first place. My left foot is going far in front of me. My hand is holding the weapon in an underhanded grip. --That's right, this is a form of {Javelin throw} . Pointing towards Agaht who is quickly rus.h.i.+ng and approaching me, I put all my strength into {throwing} the wooden sword. The wooden sword that gained quite a lot of speed, runs through the sky towards Agaht's face. I bet he didn't expect I would ever throw it. Agaht gets very surprised and his rush weakened. And then, the approaching wooden sword flicked off the wooden sword he is carrying in his hand. Although he's surprised, intercepting a wooden sword with that kind of speed in midair is as you can expect. But, the response to the follow-up after the wooden sword being flicked away was late. It's none other than the presence of me. He hardened his body from becoming even more surprised by me who broke into a run immediately following the throwing of the sword. There I do a full speed, all out ram attack. The trick is to aim your thrust diagonally upwards from the shoulder. If my impact can win from the opponent's weight, then the opponent's body would float somewhat and that would destroy his posture. Just as I have aimed, he stumbled a step or two from being unable to bear the impact. There I do a low alt.i.tude tackle. With the trick to mow the opponent's legs, I hold both his feet. If I can take his feet while his balance is destroyed, then soon he can do nothing but fall down. As my opponent falls down the ground, I immediately release both his feet and quickly move my body to take on the form of straddling on his body as he is. Now that it comes to this, I can do whatever I please. Before he could raise his voice and say "Ah", I stuck my first out in front of Mr. Agaht's face as I got into a mount position. "Game, set, match, I suppose." ............Now that I think carefully, this isn't training, is it?
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.48 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
「た、ずりあえずそこに掛けな。今茶を持っおこさせるから」 蚀われるたたに俺は゜ファヌに腰をかけ、その隣では肩を瞮こたらせたクロ゚が座る。 さね。いい加枛に隠居したいんだが、どい぀もこい぀も頌りない奎らばかりでね」 笑いながら、婆さんは執務机ではなく、テヌブルを挟んで俺達ず察面にある゜ファヌに腰を䞋ろした。執務机じゃないんだ。 「正面からのほうが腹の割った話もしやすいだろう」 だから、人の心読たないでくれ。 「た、さっきも蚀ったが話の経緯は倧䜓察しおいるよ。ったく、女ずはいえ黒狌の嚘がそう簡単に䞻君を決めるわけ無いだろうに」 どうやら、婆さんの心情は俺達の方に傟いおいる。 「しかし、あんた等もぎりぎりで運が良かったねぇ。埌䞀歩でも倖にでおたらどんな目に遭っおたか分からないよ」 運が良かった、ずはどう意味だろうか。俺ずクロ゚は揃っお銖を傟げた。 「あんたら、ギルドの芏定を読んで無いのかい」 「や、今日正匏に冒険者になったばかりなんで」 「小僧はずもかく、黒狌っこの方はもうCランクだろうよ」 「も、申し蚳無いでござる............」 「冒険者ギルドの内郚っおのは䞀皮の治倖法暩なのさ」 「治倖法暩?」 珟実䞖界で、倧䜿通の話になるず倧䜓出おくる単語だ。 「冒険者っおのは我の匷い奎らが倚くおね、諍いっおのは日垞茶飯事だ。喧嘩沙汰もね。んで、冒険者に登録しおるのは平民だけじゃなくお貎族もそれなりにいる。前者ず埌者が争ったら、殆どの堎合は貎族様の䞀人勝ちだ。だから、ギルドの建物内で起こったトラブルはそのギルドのトップが裁く決たりになっおるのさ」 冒険者ギルドは䞖界各囜に拠点を眮き、囜ずの関係は持っおいるが、決しおその䞋郚組織ではない。ギルドずは蚀わば、領地を持たない囜家なのだ。 「勿論、囜からの芁請があればそれを䟝頌っお圢にしお冒険者達に仲介する矩務っおのはある。けど、そこに匷制力はないのさ」 「意倖ず自由なんだな、ギルドっお」 「た、治倖法暩っお蚀っおも、根っこから法埋ず察立はしおないよ。人道的に芋お、間違いのない裁量を心がけおはいる。じゃなけりゃぁ、ずおもじゃないが冒険者ギルドをおかせおは貰えないからね」 ちなみに、駆け蟌み寺みたいな緊急避難所みたいには䜿えないらしい。あくたでも、ギルドの建物内郚で起こった問題にのみ察凊しおいる。 「あ、じゃあ運が良かったのっお、あの貎族の坊ちゃんず蚀い争っおたのがギルドの内郚だったっお意味か?」 「もし仮にギルドの倖であんなこずやっおたら、䟮蟱眪で確実に牢屋にぶち蟌たれおただろうね。最悪の堎合はこれだね」 ず、婆さんは芪指で銖を掻き切る動䜜を芋せた。「わふッ!?」ずクロ゚が悲鳎を䞊げ、俺も少しだけ血の気が匕いた。 「たかだか怒らせただけで? んな倧げさな」 出犁や囜倖远攟は芚悟しおいたが。 俺の楜芳芖に婆さんが肩を竊めた。 「䞖の䞭には人間の想像を絶するような非垞識を平然ず行う銬鹿がいるのさ。悲しいこずに、そういう奎ほど暩力を持っおる。いんや、暩力っおぇのは人を化け物に倉えちたう魔力を持っおるのかもねぇ」 「............貎族の倧半を人倖認定するのはどうかず思うでござるが」 「たずもな奎もいるけどね、少数なのが事実さ」 枋い衚情を浮かべる婆さん。嫌な思い出でもありそうだな。 テヌブルに眮かれたコップを手に取り、お茶を口に含んだ。この䞖界では䞀般に普及しおいる類だが、今たで飲んだこずのあるものの䞭で䞀番䞊等だず思える味だった。 「ほぉう、そりゃたた............」 聞いおいた婆さんの目が现くなる。婆さんは職員に劎いの声をかけお退出させるず、溜息を吐いた。 「............䜕か問題でもあったでござるか?」 「ああ。どうやら、今回の件は「お咎め無し」ヌヌおぇ蚳にはいかなくなっちたったようだねぇ」 「あの貎族の坊ちゃんがゎネたのか?」 「それもあるが............問題なのはあの坊ちゃんの背埌だ。䞊の貎族だったら悪くお厳重泚意で枈たせられたんだが」 「この囜の公爵さね」 「っお、カンナ氏はなんでそんなに冷静でござるかッ! 盞手はこ、こここここ公爵家でござるぞッ! 王様の次に偉い身分のお方でござるぞ!」 「ぐぞぇッ! ちょ、ちょクロ゚、銖絞めるな揺らすなッ!」 「これが萜ち着いおいられるでござるかッ!」 錯乱したクロ゚が俺の胞ぐらを぀かんでガクブルに揺する。それ以䞊揺らされるず昌食のツノりサギがリバヌスするぞ。 「た、そんな蚳だ。盞手がこれだけデカい暩力を持っおるず、あたしからの厳重泚意だけじゃ流石に足りないのさ。............いい加枛萜ち着きな黒狌っこ。別に腹切っお詫びろなんお無茶ぶりは無いから」 「ほ、本圓でござるか? セップクしないでもいいのでござるか?」 クロ゚は腕を止めるず、ビクビクず盛倧にビビりながら問い返す。ちなみに俺もシェむクされすぎおビクビクしおたす。セップクしなくおも口から腹の䞭身をぶちたけそうです。 「そこだけは保蚌しおやる。今埌の掻動に圱響がでるような凊眰は、あたしの暩限の党おを賭けおさせないさ。が、それ未満の眰は芚悟しおおいお貰う事になるだろうねぇ」 「死なないだけでたしでござる!」 いやいやいや、萜ち着けクロ゚さんや。ただ安心するのは早い。 「あの坊ちゃんが想像通りの䞋皮だったら、クロ゚はこのたたぬるねちょペットラむフの刑だな」 「蚀っおいる意味は分からないでござるが、卑猥な響きでござるな!」 「ぬるねちょもペットラむフもさせないから安心をし」 婆さんには通じたようだ。 「じゃあ俺がぬるねちょか」 「や、そこで無蚀にならないでくれよ冗談だから止めおくださいお願いしたすいや本圓に」 「ったく、垞にボケを挟たなきゃ気が枈たないのかねこの小僧は」 俺のボケが朰されただずッ!? 「幎期が違うんだよ幎期が。䌊達に歳はずっおないさね。っお、話が脱線したよ。割ず真面目な話をしおるんだから黙っお聞きな」 だっおよクロ゚、ず喉たで出掛かったが、婆さんの県力に負けお抌し留める。これ以䞊は叱られそうだ。 「もう䞀床蚀うが、無理難題はあたしの暩限でどうにかするから安心しな。それに、坊ちゃんがあんた等に䜕を望んでいるかも予想は぀いおる」 はお、ぬるねちょ以倖に俺らに出来る事はあるだろうか。お金か? や、公爵家の次男ならお小遣いもたんたり貰っおそうだ。 「叀来より、名誉を傷぀けられた貎族が盞手に望むものはたった䞀぀っお盞堎が決たっおるさね」 婆さんはコップに残ったお茶を䞀気に飲み干し、倧仰な玠振りでテヌブルに眮いた。 「぀たり、互いの尊厳を賭けた「決闘」さ」 「「............けっずう?」」
[For the time being, have a seat. Tea will be brought in soon.] I sat on the sofa as told. Chloe who sat next to me has her shoulder shrunk to make herself look smaller. [Well, you can say that ne~. I would love nothing more than to retire but the lot of them are all unreliable bunch ne~.] While laughing, basan sat down on the sofa facing us, rather than at the desk. Was it not a work desk? [It would be easier to talk face to face.] Like I said, please don't read my mind. [Well, as I said earlier, I have a general understanding of the situation. Good grief, even though she is a young woman of the Black Wolf Clan, one does not decide on a Lord that easily.] Apparently, basan was on our side, at least emotionally. [But both of you were lucky ne~. That was a very close call. Had that happened a few steps more, who knows what kind sight I would witness.] What did you mean, we got lucky? Me and Chloe tilted our heads together. [Have any of you read the guild rules?] [Well, I officially become an adventurer just today, so...] [The youngster aside, you miss Black Wolf are already C-rank.] [Apologies de gozaru......] [Let me tell you that the Adventurer's Guild possess extraterritorial rights within its boundary.] [Extraterritorial rights?] Back on earth, its a word that comes side by side with emba.s.sies. [There are a lot of strong willed individual amongst adventurers, disputes are daily occurrences. Dispute settlements are also common. That's because, its not only commoners applying to be an adventurer but also the members of aristocracy. If the former and latter were to get into a dispute, in most cases it would end in latter's victory. Therefore, any trouble occurring inside the guild building will be handled by the guild.] The Adventurer's Guild has many base of operation around the world. Each of them in cooperative relations.h.i.+p with the country they reside in but, it is by no means a subordinate organization to any of those countries. [Of course, if there were any appeal from any country, the guild is obligated to respond and mediate the request to the adventurers. However, it comes with no compulsory effect.] [The guild is surprisingly free huh.] [Though I say extraterritorial right, it does not detract much from the laws of the resident country. From a humane perspective, I always endeavor to make no mistake in my discretion while also upholding the law. If I don't perform at least that much, this adventurer's guild would simply be taken over ne~.] By the way, it seems the guild cannot be used as an emergency shelter from outside matter. It only addresses problems that occur within the building itself. [Ah, now I understand why you mentioned we were lucky. We were still inside the guild during the argument with that botchan.] [If that scene happened outside the guild, no doubt you would have been thrown into jail for all those insults ne~. This is the worse case scenario.] Chloe yelped a bit while I felt blood drained from my face. [For just p.i.s.sing off a n.o.ble? Isn't that a bit exaggerated.] I was only prepared to be expelled and exiled. Responding to my optimism, basan put her hand on my shoulder. [In this world there exist lunatics who could calmly conduct unimaginable things. Sadly, those kinds of person more often that not, possess authority. Or perhaps, authority itself possess some kind of magical means to transform man into monsters ne~.] [......This one wonders if it is a good idea to acknowledge the majority of aristocrats as inhuman de gozaru ga.] [Honest n.o.bles exist, true but they are in the minority.] Basan said that with a bitter expression. Probably some bad memories. When the conversation got cut off, a staff entered the room bringing in tea as if antic.i.p.ating our break. I picked up a cup from the table and sipped some tea. Its a popular brand in this world. Out of all I have ever drank, this brand is the best. [Hou, that again......] Basan furrowed her brows after listening to the message. The staff left after basan voiced her grat.i.tude. When its only us left, basan sighed. [......Is there any problem de gozaru ka?] [Apparently, the case this time can no longer be simply brushed aside ne~.] [Was it because of that botchan?] [That too.........but the real problem looms behind that botchan. If he is a member of the middle ranking n.o.bility or lower, it would have been settled with a stern warning.] [His father is the Duke of this country.] [ K-KKanns.h.i.+, why are you behaving so calmly de gozaru ka?! Is it not the D-d-d-duke household we offended de gozaru ka?! The second most prestigious status after the King are they not de gozaru zo!] [Ugh! Wait, Chloe! Don't strangle me!] [How can this one be calm in this situation de gozaru ka!] The agitated Chloe grabbed my collar and shakes me terribly in her panic. [Well, that's the gist of it. With your opponent having that level of power, only my reprimand is not going to be sufficient to them, as one would expect. ......Its about time you calm down, Black Wolf girl. Its not like they would demand harakiri as apologies.] [I-is it true de gozaru ka? Will it be fine even if I don't perform seppuku de gozaru ka?] Chloe, still in trembling mode, questions so while still being nervous after she stops shaking me. [I can at least guarantee you that much. From here on out, I will wager all the authority I possess to oppose any action that will affect your punishment. But, you both have to be prepared for something less than capital punishment ne~.] [Anything is better than death de gozaru!] No no no no, calm down Chloe-san. It's too early to be relieved. [If that botchan is a sc.u.m like I imagine him to be, Chloe's punishment might be a slimy ma.s.seuse pet life.] [This one does not understand the words but it sounds indecent de gozaru na!] [Be a.s.sured, I won't let you be a slimy ma.s.seuse nor enter a pet life.] Basan seems to understand my words. [Then I'll be the slimy ma.s.seur.] [No, please don't be silent there. It's a joke so please stop the silent treatment, I beg of you.] [Good grief, you youngster really can't stop being a boke.] My boke act was crushed!? [Age and experience, my dear apprentice, age and experience. Mine is not just for show ne~. Now now, our conversation has gotten derailed. I'll be talking seriously now, so be silent and listen.] I was going to voice out my complain with Chloe but I lost to basan's glare and stopped. More than this, then I'm gonna get scolded for real. [I'll say it again but I'll do anything in my power to deal with any unreasonable demands. Besides, I daresay I know what that botchan wants.] Eh? Was there anything else other than slimy ma.s.seuse that we can do? [Since ancient times, once a n.o.ble's honor is at stake, there is only one method to decide the outcome.] Basan drank up all her tea and put the tea cup down in a dramatic manner. [In other words, a [duel] with one's honor at stake.] [[......Duel?] ]
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.47 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
目を芚たしたら、そこは戊堎の硬い土の䞊ではなく、柔らかいベッドの䞊だった。 「あら、気が付いたの?」 しばらく『がぅ』っずしおいるず、ベッドのある郚屋の前を通りかかったナヌス姿(異䞖界にもあった!?)のお姉さんが入っおきた。 「............ここは?」 「ドラクニルの垝立病院よ。ちょっず埅っおおね。今先生を呌んでくるから」 「特に目立った倖傷もないし、治療の必芁も無いね。ただ念のために、今日だけは安静にしお貰うよ」 簡単な蚺察ず問蚺を終えた医者は退宀しおいった。説明を聞いた俺は起こしおいた䞊䜓を、ベッドの䞊にがふりず倒した。 有月を発端ずする数々の厄介事の䞭で、アレほどに倧芏暡で掟手な終結の仕方は無い。なお、入院の原因は火傷だ。近所のスヌパヌで安売りしおいた花火を倧量に買い蟌み、それを圩菜監修のもずにむゞっお『爆匟』を䜜ったのだ。や、カッコ付けおダクザの事務所を背埌に「俺たちに手を出したら、こうなる」ず映画みたいな台詞を吐いたが、火薬の量を間違え事務所を爆砎したずきにその䜙波に巻き蟌たれたのだ。 二床ず手補爆匟など䜜るか、ず心に決めた事件であった。 そんな若気の至り(珟時点でもただ未成幎だが)に思いを銳せおいるず、芚えのある気配が近づいおきた。 「目が芚めたようだな、カンナ」 姿を珟したレアルに、俺は片手を䞊げお応えた。姿はあのビキニアヌマヌモドキではなく、芋慣れた軜鎧だった。魅惑の谷間が隠れおしたったのが残念だ。 「よぉ。階士団ずかの仕事ずかはいいのか?」 事埌凊理ずか、報告曞ずかあるだろう。たかが䞉日で自由に動き回れないず思うのだが。 「君が起きたら盎ぐに私のずころに連絡が来るように話を付けおいたんだ。现かい曞類䜜業は副団長に任せおきた。凊理が滞るこずはないだろう」 「改めお瀌を蚀わせおくれ。野営地で譊備を担圓しおいた者達から話は聞かせお貰った。君が居合わせなかったら階士団や冒険者達に盞圓数の被害が出おいただろう。これらを未然に防げたのは君のおかげだ。ありがずう」 「成り行きだ。報酬はきっちり請求させお貰うぞ」 「事埌承諟だが、『柄』の件も含め、ギルドを通しお支払わせお貰う。安心しおくれ」 「ただ働きは埡免だからな」 ここで物語の䞻人公なら「圓然の事をしたたで」ずか蚀いそうだが、生憎ず俺はそれよりも損埗勘定が頭に出おくる。貞し借りの粟算を念頭に眮く蟺り、぀くづく自分が『勇者』に䞍向きなのだず自芚できた。 ただ、俺の欲に満ちた芁求にレアルの衚情から嫌悪の色は芋えない。初めから俺の蚀葉を予想しおいたのだろう。そしお俺も、そんな圌女の答え方を初めから予想しおいたように、自然ず笑みがこがれた。 ヌヌヌヌ今なら、聞いおも良いかも知れない。 「なぁレアル。いい加枛に教えちゃくれねぇか。おたえさんがこの囜でどんな立堎にあるのかをな」 「............ああ、今日はその぀もりで来た。いい加枛に、隠すのも心苊しくなっお来おいたずころだ」 幻竜階士団を率いおいた人物ヌヌ『竜剣』レグルス。 「垝囜軍特殊遊撃郚隊『幻竜階士団』。その団長が私、レアル・ファルベヌルだ」 「遊撃郚隊?」 「決たった圹割のない郚隊ヌヌ蚀い換えれば、軍内郚での『䜕でも屋』だな。今回のように魔獣の蚎䌐に赎いたり、手が足りない郚隊の補䜐に回ったりずな」 「ぞぇ............。たたなんであんな劙なコスプレなんぞしおたんだ?」 「こすぷれヌヌずやらは意味䞍明だが『劙な』ずはあの鎧姿か。立堎的に玠性が露芋するず色々ず動きにくくなるのでな。察倖的に『男』で通せるように郚隊を率いるずきには垞にあの姿でいるのだよ。団員の殆どや軍の䞊局郚は私の正䜓は知っおいるが」 ディアガル軍は実力䞻矩であり、腕さえあれば男女差別は無い。事実、女性の軍人もそれなりに所属しおいるらしい。それでも、女性が率いる䞀郚隊は垌であり䜕かず目立぀。性別的に目立぀よりは栌奜の面で目立぀方がただ動きやすいのだず。 そこで䜜られたのが、党身鎧姿の『レグルス』だ。 「そヌいや、幻竜階士団のトップは元冒険者だっお聞いおたが。............もしかしおそのずきも正䜓を隠しおたのか?」 「たぁ、な。それはたた少し別の事情があるがな。四幎前たでは冒険者ずしお掻動しおいたのだよ」 蚀葉を濁したレアルに俺は远求しなかった。蚀う通りに、たた別に面倒な話なのだろう。 「ふぅん。『竜剣』っおのは?」 「冒険者はAランクに到達するず、『二぀名』を䞎えられる仕来りがある。君も芋た支揎術匏『ドラゎニック・レむゞ』ずあの倧剣を愛甚しおいるこずろから付けられた名だよ」 確かに『ドラゎニック・レむゞ』を発動したレアルが背負っおいた気配は、魂を揺さぶるような圧倒感があった。ただ出䌚ったこずはないがなるほど、『竜』ずいう存圚を圷圿させるには十分すぎるだろう。 ヌヌヌヌ久しく芋おいないあの竜は癒し系です。 「それずリヌディアル様ずの関係も気になっおいるだろうから教えおおこう。圌女ず私は、私が冒険者時代だったころに垫匟関係にあった。今でも䜕かず瞁があり、恥ずかしい話だが䞖話になっおいる」 「あのババア............」 知り合いっお範疇を軜く越えおいるだろうが。あの婆さんのこずだ、真実を知ったずきの俺の反応を想像しお面癜がっおいたのだろう。 「あの埡方を『そんな颚』に呌べる人間は、この囜でも君だけだろうな。『垫匠』に察しおは皇垝すら䞀目眮いおいるのだが」 ............ちょっず埅っおほしい。元Aランク冒険者のお垫匠様? 俺の顔が匕き぀っおいるのを芋お、レアルは「本圓にあの人は」ず嘆息し苊笑しながら蚀った。 「リヌディアル様は『千刃』の異名を持぀元Sランク冒険者であり、冒険者ギルド・ドラクニル支郚の珟ギルドマスタヌだ」 「はぁッッ!? Sランクッッッッ!?」 それなりどころか(支郚だが)䞀組織の頂点でしかもSランク。人倖レベルであるAランクをさらに䞊回る超越者達じゃねぇか!? 「はぁ............。垫匠はそんな现かいこずは気にされない埡方だ。本圓に倱瀌があればそもそも䜕床も君に䌚おうずはしない。むしろ気に入られおいる蚌拠だろう」 「............それはそれで嫌だな」 「蚀わんずするずころは䜕ずなく分かるが、諊めろ」 どうやら婆さんの問題児(?)ぶりは垫匟時代にも経隓があるようだ。レアルの同情に俺は耇雑な心境になった。 元々、レアルが冒険者ギルドに登録したのは、垫匠であるリヌディアルの元で実力を付けるためだったのだ。目暙であるAランクに到達し、ある皋床の経隓を積んだら冒険者を匕退し、軍に入る぀もりだったらしい。元Aランク冒険者であり、Sランクのお墚付きもある実力の折り玙付き。圌女は盎ぐに軍の内郚でも頭角を珟し、階士に任呜されお䞀郚隊を率いる地䜍に぀いたのだ。 「............さお、身の䞊話はこのぐらいにしおおこうか」 和やかな雰囲気を霧散させるず、レアルの衚情が真剣味を垯びた。 「君が鉱山の掞窟内で芋た事実を説明しおほしい。掞窟内を芋聞しようにも岩盀が厩萜しお進入䞍可胜になっおしたったのでな」 「............や、悪い。それ俺が原因だわ」 申し蚳なく頭を掻くず、レアルは苊蚀するこずなく頷いた。 「事情があるのは十分に察しおいる。責める぀もりはないさ。だが、だからずいっお事態の究明の為に捚お眮いおいい問題でもない」 「オヌケヌだ。ずりあえず、䞻芳にはなるが説明する」 俺は掞窟の内郚で目撃した出来事。謎の魔術士に六本剣の女剣士。巚倧な召喚術匏。そしおそのどれもに『異様な気配』が通っおいたこず。どうにか召喚術匏を砎壊し、六本剣の女剣士を撃退するのが限床だったずいうこずを䌝えた。 「六本剣の女剣士だず............?」 心圓たりがあるらしいレアルは顎に手を圓おた。 「知っおるのか?」 「............確か元Aランク冒険者に『倩剣』の二぀名を持぀六本の剣を操る女性がいた、ず聞いたこずがある」 「『いた』っおぇのは過去系かい?」 「数幎前から行方を眩たしおおり、冒険者ずしおの掻動は珟圚行っおいないらしい。ただヌヌヌヌ」 「ただ?」 少し口ごもっおから、レアルは難しい顔になる。 「ヌヌヌヌ盞圓に荒くれだったらしくおな。Sランクにも届かんずする実力者だったらしいが、それ以䞊に問題が倚かったようだ。圌女に『朰された』将来有望な冒険者は䞡手では数え切れないほどいたず」 「............それっお物理的に? 粟神的に?」 「䞡方の意味でだ」 盞手にしなくお良かった、ず俺は心の底からほっずした。ランクで蚀えばレアルず同等の実力者でしかも戊闘狂いのケがあったず。それず正面からぶ぀かっお勝おるはずがない。 「事が事だ。ギルドの方に問い合わせお『倩剣』の情報を圓たっおみよう。守秘矩務があるだろうが重倧犯眪に関わっおいる可胜性がある以䞊、出し惜しみは無いだろう」 「俺の蚌蚀だけでギルドに話が通るか?」 「私がリヌディアル様を経由すれば䜕ずかなる」 「頌りになる䌝手だこず」 ギルドず囜っお確か政治的な繋がりを持たない別組織だよな。癒着問題ずかずか倧䞈倫かね。 玔床癟パヌセントの殺意ずそれを制埡しうる理性を宿した瞳を思い出しそうになり、俺は頭を振った。 「野営地も含む人為的な魔獣召喚に加えお、行方䞍明だった『倩剣』の関䞎。しかも『䟋の気配』が絡んでるず来おいる、キナ臭さが䞀気に増したな。頭が痛くなるような問題だよ、たったく」 『䟋の気配』は俺の䞻芳でのみ感じ取れおいる。『あの』腹黒姫ず枓谷で遭遇した炎䜿い。『倩剣』ずやらに怪しげな魔術士。どれもが繋がっおいるはずなのに、それを蚌明する手立おが䞀぀もないのだ。 「䞀囜の王女に「あなたは犯眪に関わっおいたすか?」なんお聞ける蚳ないしなぁ」 「䞍敬眪どころか䞋手したら囜際問題に発展するぞ」 珟状、打぀手なし。結局、地道な捜査しか手段がなさそうである。 果たしお宀内に飛び蟌んできたのは。 「おお、クロ゚。おはヌヌヌヌぐもぉぁッッ!?」 おはようで正しいのかは䞍明だが声を掛けようずしお。だが半泣き気味に叫び声を䞊げながら突撃しおきたクロ゚に蚀葉半ばで抱きしめられお䞭断させられる。レアルほどではないがそれでも豊満過ぎる胞に呌吞噚官を圧迫された。 あ、なんか既芖感あるなこれ。 「拙者、拙者ッ、心の底から心配したでござるよぉぉぉッ! 気が぀いお良かったでござるぅぅぅぅぅッ」 心配しおくれたのは非垞に嬉しいのだが、乳拘束を解陀しおくれ。俺の埌頭郚を固定する腕をタシタシ叩くが、感極たっおいるクロ゚には聞こえおいない。頭を包み蟌む感觊は極䞊だが、このたたでは本圓の『極楜浄土』に昇倩しおしたう。 「............いい加枛にしろクロ゚。そのたただずカンナが死ぬぞ」 芋かねたレアルが匷匕に匕き剥がしたずころでクロ゚は我に返り、酞欠で頭がくらくらになる俺に顔を真っ赀にしお頭を䞋げた。 「も、ももも申し蚳ないでござる............」 「次からはもっず手加枛しおもらえるず助かる」 できれば、胞の感觊を楜しめる皋床の力加枛でお願いしたす。
When I open my eyes, it's not on the hard battlefield ground, but on a soft bed. [ara You have awaken?] After being in a daze for a while, the figure of an onee-san pa.s.s in front of the room with my bed in it and after saying so, the nurse... {There is a nurse in this world!?} ...enters my room. [............Where am I?] [Here is Draknil's Imperial Hospital. Please excuse me for a while. I'm going to call the doctor.] [There is no particularly conspicuous external trauma, so no further treatment needed but just in case, I need you to rest for today.] (male doc...) After a brief examination and inquiry, the doctor leaves. I listened to his explanation while being upright, so I relax myself on the bed when he left. I wonder how long ago since I was last hospitalized. If I'm not wrong, it was that time when I went up against a local yakuza. Back to the topic of hospitalization, my previous case was caused by burns. We bought a lot of fireworks that was on discount from a nearby supermarket and under the supervision of Ayana, I turned those into [bombs]. Well, I got too immersed into it and spout lines like {This is what you get when you mess with us.} while posing inside the office. And then, I got caught up in the blast because I mistook the amount of gunpowder needed to blow up the place. It was an incident that made me decide to never again make my own homemade bomb. During my reminiscence of such youthful indiscretion (though I'm still a minor now), a familiar presence draws near. [You seem to have woken up, Kanna.] I raise one hand as a response to Real who showed up. She is no longer wearing the pseudo bikini armor, instead it's the light armor I'm used to seeing. It's a real pity that the enchanting valley has been hidden from view. [Yo, is it okay for you to ditch the knights and paperworks?] I imagine there will be post-processing and written reports to be done. I don't think she could move freely after merely three days. [I asked the hospital to contact me as soon as you got up and I left all the detailed paperworks to my adjutant. The processing won't be delayed.] [Allow me to thank you again. I heard from those left in charge of security at the encampment. If you hadn't been there, there would have been considerable damage inflicted to the knights and adventurers alike. It is thanks to you that it didn't happen. Thank you.] [I just happen to be there but I expect to be properly compensated for it 'kay.] [It is an ex-post-facto approval but I'll compensate you through the guild, including the [shaft's] delivery. Rest a.s.sured.] [I just don't wanna work for free, y'know.] If this were a tale of a hero, he would say [I only did the right thing to do], but unfortunately, I'm more of a profit-loss person. With that in mind, I'm fully aware that I'm not what they call, a [hero] material. But I can't sense any hint of disgust from Real at my greedy demands. She must've expected this from the beginning. Since I was also expecting that kinda reply from her all along, a smile naturally adorns my face. It's mysterious how this unreserved and outspoken exchange can make me feel at ease. ---It might be a good time to ask. [Say, Real. Isn't it about time you tell me. About your position in this country.] [.........Yes, I came here today with that intention as well. It's also getting harder for me to keep on hiding the fact.] The knight leader of the Genryuu (Phantom Dragon) Knight Order-The [Ryuuken], Regulus. I already knew her true ident.i.ty but I wanted to hear it from the person herself. [ I am the leader of the Imperial Army Special a.s.sault Unit [Genryuu Knights], Real Farbell.] [a.s.sault Unit?] [A unit without a fixed role--In other words, a unit for [anything and everything] in the army. We are a.s.signed to subjugation missions such as the one before or sent to a.s.sist other short-handed units.] [Oh~......... Also, what's with that strange cosplay of yours?] [I don't get what you mean by cosupuray but by [strange], it's that armor, right? From my standpoint, revealing my ident.i.ty would be detrimental in various aspects. When I'm leading my unit, I'm always in that figure to pa.s.s externally as a [man]. My subordinates and most of the upper bra.s.s are aware of my true ident.i.ty though.] The Diagal Empire's military is a meritocracy and there is no discrimination so long as one has the merit. In fact, female soldiers are also subjected to that evaluation. Nevertheless, a unit led by a woman is a rare thing and stands out conspicuously. It is easier for her to be conspicuous in terms of appearance compared to standing out due to her gender. That was how the [Regulus] clad in a full body armor came to be. In addition to the defense it provides, the armor is also enchanted with spells that converts her voice into that of a man and obfuscates her characteristic long ears. Thanks to that, those who were oblivious to the circ.u.mstances thought of her as a [male]. [Oh right, I heard that the top of the Genryuu Knights was a former adventurer. ............Did you hide your ident.i.ty even then?] [Well, yes... but that was due to another reason. Until four years ago, I was an active adventurer.] I didn't pursue Real's evasive words. It must've been a troublesome topic, separate from this one. [hmm What about [Ryuuken]?] [When an adventurer reaches rank, they are bestowed an [alias]. It's a name derived from the spell you witnessed, the [Dragonic Rage] and my favored greatsword.] Indeed. After activating [Dragonic Rage], Real's presence became overwhelming to the point of being soul-shaking. I haven't met any real [dragon] yet but that display of hers was more than enough to portray the existence of a dragon. ---That dragon of hers that I haven't seen for quite a while is a soothing-type, it doesn't count. [Given that we are both involved with Lydeal-sama, I will tell you. She was my mentor back when I was an adventurer. Even now we are still in touch with each other. It's embarra.s.sing but I'm very much indebted to her.] [That hag.........] I know they're acquainted but this is beyond what I expected. Knowing that basan, she must be amusing herself by imagining my reaction when I know the truth. [You're the only person in this country to address her [that way]. Even the emperor pays his respect towards [master].] .........Please wait for a bit. Looking at my face becoming stiff at the realization, Real sigh while smiling wryly, as if to say [you're really incorrigible]. [Lydeal-sama is a former S-rank adventurer with the alias [Thousand Blades] and she is currently the guild master of Draknil's branch of Adventurers Guild.] [Whaaaat!? S-rank!!?] Far from being just an executive, she's the top of it! (although a branch). [Haa......... Master won't care about such trifle things. In the first place, if you were really rude in her eyes, she won't keep you company time and again. Rather, that is proof the she took quite a liking to you.] [.........That in itself is disagreeable too.] [I know what you're trying to say but give up.] Apparently, she's speaking from experience concerning basan's mischievous side. Real's sympathy makes me feel complicated. From the start, Real's reason in registering as an adventurer was in order to receive tutelage from the former S-rank. After gaining some experience and reaching rank, which was her target in the first place, she retired from adventuring. It seems that her objective was to enroll into the army all along. [.........Now then, let's wrap it up for my background, shall we?] Real's expression turns to a more serious note, scattering the previous peaceful atmosphere. Seems like she didn't come here only for a visit. I expected it though. [Please explain what happened back at the mine cave. The cave collapsed you see, making any entry impossible.] [ My bad. I did that.] Feeling guilty about it, I confess while scratching my head but Real accepted it without complaining. [I understand that there were circ.u.mstances that led to that. I'm not blaming you. But that doesn't mean it's a matter that we can ignore as we need to investigate the situation.] [Okay. First off, this explanation will be from my point of view.] The things that I witnessed inside the cave. A mysterious magician and a swordswoman armed with six swords. A huge summoning magical formation. And lastly, all of them were clad in that [strange presence]. I also told Real about how I managed to destroy that summoning magical formation and fending off the six-sword woman was the most I could do against her. [A swordswoman armed with six swords you say.........?] Seemingly enlightened by those words, Real touches her chin. [You know her?] [.........If I remember correctly, I once heard that a woman who wielded six swords was an rank adventurer with an alias [Heavenly Sword].] [[Was] as in past tense?] [She went missing several years ago and at present, she doesn't seem to be an active adventurer anywhere. However......] [However?] After hesitating for a bit, Real continues with complicated expression. [.........Apparently she was quite a rough person. She seemed to possess ability befitting an S-rank but before reaching it, she caused quite the controversy. She [crushed] the hands of countless prospective adventurers.] [.........Was that physically? Or mentally?] [Both ways.] From the bottom of my heart, I'm glad I didn't took her head-on. In terms of rank, she is equivalent to Real and what's more, she's a battle maniac. I'm sure I won't win if I confront her honestly. [With the situation as it is, let's contact the guild for more information about [Heavenly Sword]. Though they are bound by duty of confidentiality, the subject this time may have been involved in a major felony. I presume they won't be unwilling to cooperate.] [Will the guild cooperate with my testimony alone?] [It'll somehow be fine if I go through Lydeal-sama.] [Sure is a reliable connection.] The Guild and the countries it reside in are two separate organizations that doesn't have political connection. I did smack her with a superma.s.sive ice sh.e.l.l after all. Remembering her eyes harboring 100% pure murderous intent that was kept in check by her reasoning, I shook my head to dismiss it. [In addition to the induced magic beast summoning, there's also the involvement of the missing [Heavenly Sword]. Moreover, all of them are clad with [their presence]. This is getting more and more suspicious. Good grief, this is quite a headache inducing matter.] [That presence] can only be felt by my perception. That malicious black princess and that flame magician we encountered at the valley. [Heavenly Sword] and that mysterious magician. All of them are connected but there's no way to prove it. [Can't exactly ask the princess of a kingdom [Are you involved in shady business?]] (kanna) [Let alone lese majeste, it might even unfold into an international problem.] Presently, our hands are tied. In the end, there seems to be no other course other than a plain investigation. Just as I thought, the person barging into the room is... [Ou Chloe. Mor--guhoo!?] I dunno if it's a good morning or not, just wanted to greet her but I got interrupted in the middle of my greeting. Chloe, who was halfway into tears starts to charge while calling my name and embrace me tightly. hn Somehow, I'm having a sense of deja vu. [This one, this one was beset with anxiety from the bottom of one's heart de gozaru yooo! This one is relieved that Kanns.h.i.+ have recovered de gozaruuuuu.] I'm happy that you're worried about me but please release me from this breast restraint. I'm tapping her hand that's wrapping around my head but Chloe who is so overcome with emotion didn't notice it. The sensation wrapping my head is heavenly but at this rate, I'll ascend to [heaven] for real. [.........That's enough, Chloe. Kanna will die if you keep it up.] Chloe got her awareness back when Real who could no longer unable to let it pa.s.s, forcibly peels her off from me. While being flushed red, she lowers her head to me who's dizzy from oxygen deficiency. [Apologies de gozaru.........] [I'd like it if you go easy on me the next time.] If possible, please use just the right amount of strength so I can properly enjoy the heavenly sensation.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.42 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
第十六話 深淵の䞀端を芗く 「契玄」の返答は盎ぐには出来なかった。ずりあえずファむマには「明日の朝たでには決める」ず答えた。ファむマは特に䞍満を挏らすこずなく頷き、自身が泊たっおいる宿ぞず戻っおいった。 少ししお、それたでファむマが座っおいたむスに今床はレアルが腰を䞋ろした。 「遅くはなったが、調子はどうだ? 粟霊術の反動が原因で意識をなくしたんだろう?」 「ご明察だ。ただちょいず右腕の調子がおかしい」 垃団から右腕を匕きずり出そうずするが、どうにも反応が悪い。肘から指先にかけおが蚀うこずを聞かない。頭から出る指瀺に、動䜜がワンテンポ遅れる感じだ。 レアルは匕きずり出した俺の右手に觊れ、柔く揉んだ。 「なるほど、筋肉が匷ばっおいる。痛みは?」 「反動がきた盎埌はやばかったが、今は無い」 「痛みを芚える皋か............盞圓に匷固な物を砎られたのだな」 圌女も、婆さんから粟霊術に関しお䞀通りの知識は教わっおいる。俺が意識を倱った理由も心埗おいた。 「事情は埓者さんやファむマから聞いおたんだろ」 「䞀応はな。だが、君の意芋も聞かせお欲しい。君の氷を砎るずなるず、盞圓に匷力な魔術であるからな。念のために、最初から説明しおくれ」 聞かれるたたに、俺は芆面達が襲っおきおから気絶するたでの䞀通りをレアルに説明した。ただ、頭が本調子じゃ無いので蚘憶が曖昧な郚分があるのは先に蚀っおおいた。 「............確認するが、魔力の気配から術匏の発動たでどのぐらいの時間があった?」 「䞀秒から二秒くらいだったか。けどそれがどうかした?」 それを聞いたレアルは、しばらく考え蟌むように顎に手を圓おた。 「麓の村に滞圚しおいた時、魔術に関する䞀通りの知識は君に教えたな」 「完党に理解しおいるかは自信ないけど」 「構わない。ヌヌ通垞、魔術を扱うためには魔力ずそれを制埡するための術匏が必芁だ。術匏そのものも魔力を䜿っお構築し、できあがった術匏に再床魔力を流し蟌むこずによっお、魔術は発動する」 「そのぐらいは芚えおる」 「魔術を発動させるためには、二床の魔力制埡が必芁になっおくる。そしお、これら二぀の䜜業は、匷力な魔術であればあるほど耇雑になり、それに芁する時間も増えおいく」 俺の䞭にあるファンタゞヌ知識ずほが同じの内容だ。 「それがどうかしたのか?」 「............気づいおいないようだな」 呆れた、ずレアルが半県になる。 「少しだけ話が逞れるが、私は己の攻撃力は盞圓なものだず自負がある」 「............盞圓の䞀蚀で片づけおいいレベルじゃないだろうよ」 「黙っお聞け。加えお、身䜓匷化の魔法を䜵甚すれば、嚁力はその数倍にたで跳ね䞊がる」 「ああ、アレは凄たじかった」 俺が党身党霊を掛けた、盎埄二メヌトルぐらいの氷の固たりを、真っ二぀にしたしたからね。粟霊術の反動で、オレの意識が䞉時間ぐらい飛びたしたが。 「思い出したか。君の粟霊術が䜜った氷は、私の党身党霊を掛けおようやく砎壊できるぐらいの匷床を持っおいるんだ。そしお話は今日の件に戻る」 「や、氷の檻は頑䞈に䜜った぀もりだが、党身党霊っお蚳じゃないぞ」 「鈍いな。ただ反動の圱響で頭がはっきりしおないのか。党力でないずは蚀え、君が䜜ったずいう時点で、その氷の匷床はちょっずした「鉄」にも匹敵する。そしお、鉄を粉々に吹き飛ばす皋の魔術は、瞬間的な嚁力が出る火属性の魔術ずお容易いものではない」 「............あ」 レアルの懞念にようやく考えが至る。 「ようやく察したようだな。そうだ。君の氷を砎る皋の魔術にしおは、魔力の起こりから発動たでの時間が短すぎる。初歩的な魔術ならずもかく、鋌鉄ほどの匷床を持぀物䜓を砎壊する嚁力ずなるず、たった䞀、二秒で術匏を緎り䞊げるなど䞍可胜だ。ヌヌいや、䞍可胜ずは蚀わないが、間違いなく宮廷魔術士皋の実力が必芁になっおくるだろうな」 ぀たり、千人を十人で壊滅できるぐらいの人間でないず無理なのか。 「蚀われお芋りゃぁ、確かにあの魔力は異様だったな」 「異様だず?」 「話を聞いおおやっず思い出したんだがな」 氷の檻を爆砎したのず、その埌に巻き起こった炎の柱。二぀ずも同質の魔力ではあったが、その気配が人の物ずは思えないほどに濃密だった。思考がスッキリした今、確信を持っおそう蚀えた。 「断蚀できるほど、この䞖界の人間を沢山芋おきた蚳じゃねぇがヌヌ」 ........................埅およ? 確かに、アレほどに濃い魔力の持ち䞻ず今たでであったこずはない。 だが、匕っかかる。 ............匷いお蚀えば雰囲気だろうか。 正盎、気配ず雰囲気の違いが分からないが、気配ず呌べるぐらいに明確ではない。なのに、䞀床気が付いおしたうず、頭から離れない。気になっお仕方がない。 あの魔力ず、䌌た雰囲気を持った魔力の持ち䞻ず、オレは出䌚っおいるのか? 身近で知り合ったず蚀えばファむマか? いや、圌女は確かに巚倧な魔力を持っおいたが、人間を蟞めるほどに濃くはなかった。埓者さん達に関しお蚀えば、レアルが教えおくれた魔術士ず呌べるレベルには至っおいなかった。 この町の䜏人も、時折飛び抜けお高い魔力量を持぀者もいたが、ファむマほどではない。 蚘憶を巻き戻し、霊山の麓村の䜏人達を思い出すが、そもそも魔術士がいない。粟霊の婆さんに至っおは、俺ず同じで魔力を持っおいないが、アレは䟋倖。じゃああのレアルが召喚したあの癒し系飛竜? や、人間ではないが、やっぱり違う。 もっず戻っお............あたり思い出したくはないが、俺が䞀番最初に居たあの城だ。なるほど、魔術士ず呌べるような魔力を持った者を芋かけたのは、あの城が䞀番倚かった。しかし、どれもこれもが違う。 ここたで思い出しお該圓者なし。蚘憶違いを疑うがヌヌ即座に吊定。間違いなく俺の䞭にあの魔力の気配が残っおいた。 ふず、ファむマの顔を思い出した。 そういえば、圌女ず䌌た気配を持った人物が居たな。忘れおいた。 ヌヌヌヌファむマの顔の陰に、別の人間が芋えた。 ゟクリず背筋が震え、凍り付いく。 匷烈な寒気ず吐き気が襲いかかり、顔から血の気が匕く。 「ッ、どうしたカンナッ」 俺の顔が蒌癜になり、その尋垞ではない様子にレアルが肩を掎んだ。しかし、その圌女に意識を割り圓おる䜙裕が俺にはなかった。 ............ようやくたどり着いた。 あの、深い深い闇を瞳の奥に宿した女性の存圚を。 俺をこの幻想䞖界に呌び出し、身勝手に傲慢に無慈悲に切り捚おた、あの少女の存圚を。 思い出せなかったのではない。思い出したくなかったのだ。 忘れられるわけがない。ただ、仮初めずは蚀え忘れるしかなかったのだ。脳裏に浮かび䞊がる床に、心身が激しい怒りず憎しみを思い出す。 それは今でも倉わらない。 だが、この䞖界に呌び出された圓初より魔力を感じ取れる今だからこそ、分かるこずもある。 たさしく可憐ず呌べる矎しい矎貌の、瞳の底に隠れた深淵。その深淵こそ、俺が感じたあの異質な魔力に繋がっおいた。 こみ䞊げる吐き気ず寒気をぐっずかみ殺し、俺は肩に眮かれた盞棒の手に觊れた。己ではない人の枩もりを感じながら、どうにか冷静さを取り戻す。埐々に血の気も戻り、顔色を芋お心配そうにしおいたレアルが安堵の息を吐き出した。 その圌女の顔を芋る。 「思い出したぞレアル」 レアルは改めお真剣な県差しを返す。 「俺の氷をぶち砎った奎。あのずき感じた魔力は、俺をこの䞖界に呌び寄せたク゜女の魔力ず䌌おやがった」 「........................間違い無いのか?」 「ああ。魔力の量の差が桁違いだから分かりにくかったが、思い出すずもう疑いようがない」 しかし、ずするずどういう事なのだろうか? ファむマずあのク゜女の気配が䌌おいるのだず今気が付いたが、䞀方でファむマずあの異様な魔力の気配は別物だ。A=BでB=Cなら、普通はA=Cだ。けれど、そう単玔な話でも無いらしい。勘違いの䞀蚀、ではすたされない確信が俺の䞭にはある。 「あの姫は、王族の䞭で次期君䞻ず期埅されるほどの切れ者ず同時に、囜内では五指にはいるほどの魔術士だ」 考え蟌む俺に、レアルが補足した。 「掛け倀なしに宮廷魔術士ずしおの実力も兌ねそろえおいる。圌女であるなら、瞬時に鉄補の歊具を砎壊できる皋の魔術を構築できるだろうな。だが、こんな僻地に次期囜王がヌヌこの堎合は女王か。圌女がこの堎所にいる理由が分からない」 そもそも、気配は䌌おいただろうがク゜女自身があの堎に居なかったのは俺自身が知っおいる。䌌おいるが別物だ。 「あヌヌ、なんかすごい気持ち悪いな、この感芚」 俺は䞡者に共通するであろう「䜕か」に、堪らない䞍快感を芚えるのだった。
Chapter 16 I peek at the end of the abyss I wasn't able to give an answer to the "contract" right away. For the time being I responded to Faima with "I will make up my mind before tomorrow morning". Faima nodded without showing any dissatisfaction in particular and returned to the inn she is staying at. A little bit later, the one who dropped her body on the chair Faima was sitting on until now is Real this time. "It is a little late, but how are you feeling? You have lost consciousness from receiving the backlash from the spirit art, haven't you?" "You've got great insight. My right arm still feels a little funny." I try to drag out my right arm from the bed, but the response is bad in every way. The part from my elbow to my fingertips doesn't listen to me. It felt that its actions were one beat late to the instructions I relayed from the beginning. Real touches my right hand I dragged out and ma.s.sages it softly. "I see, your muscles are becoming stiff. What about pain?" "It was terrible right after the backlash, but now I've got no pain." "So it was so bad you can feel the pain............the reason must be that a considerable firm object was broken." She too had been taught the usual knowledge in relation to spirit arts by grandma. She understood the reason I lost my consciousness. "You did hear it from Faima and the servants, didn't you?." "The outline, yes. However, I also want you to let me hear your opinion on this. When it comes to breaking your ice, they should have considerably strong magic after all. Please explain from the beginning, just to be certain." Just as I was asked, I briefly explained to Real from the time the masked men attacked us until the time I fainted. It's just that my head isn't in a normal condition, so I told her beforehand that there are some parts in my memory that are unclear to me. "............I will be checking it, but how much time was there between the presence of that magic power and the invocation of the magic formula?" "There was about one or two seconds between that. But, what about that?" After asking, Real put her hand on her chin for a while like she's thinking. "I've taught you the general information in relation to magic during the time we stayed at the village at the foot of the mountains, didn't I?" "I'm not sure if I understood it completely though." "That is fine. --generally, in order to use magic, you require magic power and a magic formula for the sake of controlling that magic power. You also use magic power to construct the magic formula and by inserting magic power the second time into the finished magic formula, you invoke the magic." "I can remember at least that much." "In order to invoke magic, it becomes necessary to control magic twice. And so, the two times you control magic becomes more complex the stronger the magic becomes and the require time will also increase." That is roughly the same as the fantasy knowledge in my mind. "Is there something wrong with that?" "............It looks like you haven't noticed it." "I'm shocked" Real says as her eyes become half-closed. "This will be only a little off-topic, but I'm proud of my considerable offensive ability." "............It's not at the level where you can end it with quite a few words, don't you think?" "Be quiet and listen. In addition, if I use body reinforcement magic as well, my power would jump up several times." "Yeah, that was dreadful." A roughly two meter diameter lump of ice I created with my body and soul was cut right in half after all. My consciousness soared for three hours from the spirit art's backlash though. "So you remember. The ice your spirit art created possesses the strength that took my all to be able to break it. And so, let's return to today's matter." "No, I intended to make the ice cage st.u.r.dy, but I had no reason to put my all into it, you know." "Slow, aren't you. Is your head still not cleared up from the effect of the backlash? Although you didn't put in all your strength, the intensity of the ice is also quite comparable to that of [iron] at the moment you made it. Also, a magic that blows up iron to smithereens is not as easy as a fire attribute magic that can bring forth instantaneous power." "............Ah." I finally arrived at Real's worries. "You finally understand now. That's right. The time between the rise in magic power and the invocation is too short considering it's a magic capable of destroying your ice. It's a different story if it was an elementary magic, but when it comes to power that can destroy an object possessing the strength of steel, it is impossible to do something like refining a magic formula in a mere one or two seconds. --No, I won't say it is impossible, but what's certain is that a power on the level of a court magician becomes necessary for this, you see." So in other words, it's impossible if there's no people who is roughly able to cause destruction to thousands of people with just ten of them? "Now that you mention it, that magic power was pretty strange, you know." "Strange you say?" "I finally recalled after hearing about it though." The ice cage exploded and a pillar of flame broke out afterwards. Both have the same quality of magic power, but the presence was so dense it doesn't look like it belongs to a person. Now that my thoughts have become clear, I'm able to say it with confidence. "It's not like I've seen enough of this world's people to the point of being able to a.s.sert this, but--" ........................Wait, huh? It's true that up until now I haven't seen anyone who possess magic power that dense. But I'm bothered by it. ............I wonder if it's the atmosphere if I have to say it. Honestly, I don't understand the difference in presence and atmosphere, but it's not so clear as to be called a presence. Even so, when I've noticed it once, it won't leave my head. I can't get it out of my mind. Have I come across this magic and the possessor of magic with a similar atmosphere? Speaking of acquaintances, is it Faima? No, I admit she possesses huge magic power, but it wasn't so dense that she had quit being human. And as for her servants, they didn't reach the level of a sorcerer Real told me about. The residents of this town too; sometimes there are people with outstandingly high amounts of magic power, but not at the amount of Faima's. I rewind my memories. I recall the residents of the village at the foot of the mountains, but there were no sorcerers there in the first place. The spirit grandma I'm left with doesn't possess magic power like me, but she is an exception. Then, that soothing flying dragon summoned by Real? No, it may not be human, but it's still different. Going back even more............I don't really want to recall it, but it's that castle I was in at the beginning. Oh I see, of the places I've caught sight of people possessing magic power at a level that can be called a sorcerer, that castle had the most. However, each and every one of them are also different. I recalled my memories up to there and the person in question wasn't there. I suspect it's a lapse of memories though--I deny that immediately. The presence of that magic power remained inside of me. Suddenly, I remembered Faima's face. Now that I think about it, there was someone holding a presence similar to her. I forgot about that. ----In the shade of Faima's face, I could see a different person. *Shudder* my back s.h.i.+vers and froze in place. A strong chill and nausea swoops down on me and blood drains from my face. "H- What's wrong, Kanna-" Seeing my face becoming unusually pale, Real grabs my shoulders. However, I don't have any composure to put my awareness onto the girl. ............I finally reached it. The existence of that woman who houses that intense deep darkness inside her eyes. The existence of that woman who summoned me to this fantasy world and self-centeredly, haughtily and ruthlessly discarded me. It wasn't that I couldn't remember her. It was because I don't want to remember her. There's no way I will forget her. It's just that I had no choice but to forget her even just temporarily. Each time she emerges in my mind, I would recall my extreme anger and hatred. That doesn't change even now. But, I can sense the magic power better than when I was summoned in the beginning so that's why I also understand. No doubt the abyss is hiding in the depth of the eyes on that lovely beautiful face that can be called sweet. That abyss must be connected to that unusual magic power I felt. As I chew off the nausea and the chill I felt in one go, I feel my partner's hand placed on my shoulder. While feeling the of warmth from a person that is not myself, I regain my composure in some way. Little by little, the blood also return and the worried Real spat out a breath of relief after seeing my complexion. I look at the face of that girl. "Real, I remember it now" Real returned a serious look once again. "That guy who bursted down my ice. The magic power I felt at that time is disgustingly similar to that b.i.t.c.h who summoned me to this world." "........................Are you certain?" "Yeah. The difference in amounts of magic power is in a different league so it's hard to know, but now that I recalled it I don't doubt it anymore." But, if we a.s.sume that, what would this all mean? I noticed just today that Faima's presence resemble that b.i.t.c.h, but at the same time Faima's presence is different from that of the magic power. Usually if A=B and B=C, then A=C. However, it doesn't seem that simple in this subject. I have the conviction I won't be fooled by a few misunderstandings. "That princess is sharp and able enough to be expected to become the next ruler from within the royalty and at the same time she is magician enough to be the top five within her country." Real supplemented to the brooding me. "She also has the capabilities as a court magician without exaggeration. If it is her, then she should be capable of constructing magic capable of destroying iron weapons in an instant. However, the next in line being in this remote place is--So in this case, it's the queen. I don't know the reason for her to be in this location." In the first place, their presence may resemble, but I know that the b.i.t.c.h isn't in this place. Something else resemble this presence. "Aaaah, somehow I have a very bad feeling about this. I felt this unbearable discomfort towards this[something] the two have in common.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.48 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
頭痛ヌヌずたでは届かないが、重量が頭の裏偎にのし掛かったような負荷を自芚しながら、俺は目を芚たした。 「あヌヌヌヌヌヌOH] 頭を手で抌さえながら䞊半身を起こすず、自分の䞊半身がヌヌずいうか毛垃に芆われおいる䞋半身も玠っ裞だ。ちなみに朝の生理珟象はバッチリである。健康的だな。 暪を芋るず、毛垃を抱きしめるようにしお黒い髪にフサフサの狌耳を持った女性が寝息を立おおいた。ずおもずおも幞せそうな寝顔にほっこりヌヌはせず、俺は昚日の晩に起こった出来事を思い出しお悶絶した。 坊ちゃんずの決闘が終わった埌だ。埌の凊理を竜人の婆さんに抌し付けた俺はそのたたギルドの隣にある食堂で晩飯にあり぀いた。その際、戊いの盎埌ず蚀うこずもあっお、祝杯ずばかりにクロ゚ず酒を呑んだのである。 最初の方こそ二人ずも酒の味を楜しむ䜙裕があったが、段々ずクロ゚の酔いが酷くなっおいった。今回の件によっぜど鬱憀が溜たっおいたのだろう。それは酒が進むほどに゚スカレヌトしおいった。 これはやばいず危機感を芚え、俺はどうにかクロ゚から酒を取り䞊げ、店の勘定を手早く枈たせるず圌女を匕きずりながら(文字通り)どうにか滞圚先の宿ぞずたどり着いた。 䜕ずかクロ゚の䜓をベッドに暪たえるず、少なからず俺にも酔いが回っおおり深い眠気が抌し寄せおきた。さっさず自分の郚屋に戻っお垃団に入ろうか、ずいう所で服の裟を掎む手が䌞びおきたのだ。 目を向けるず、䞊気した頬ず最んだ瞳、ぺたりず垂れた狌耳をしたクロ゚が䞊目遣いでこちらを芗いおきたのだ。 あ、これは完党に欲情しおやがる。口調が倉わっおいるのが蚌拠だ。倚分、戊いの高ぶりず酒の酔いが絡み合っお性欲の方に倉異したのだろう。危機的状況に斌ける興奮が匕き起こす、恋愛感情の誀解ず近いか。 そこから先は、砂糖を倧攟出するぐらい甘いやり取りがあっお『わんわんタむム』の再来である。 これ以䞊は勘匁しおほしい。俺の矞恥心がやばい。 だっお酔っおたんだよ! 酒の勢いだったんだよ! 男子高校生の性欲なめんな! ............据え膳を前にしたら快く平らげおお代わりを申し出るくらいには健党な野郎なのだ。 蚘憶の䞭にある女友達二人の芖線が薄汚い豚を芋るような冷たい芖線になっおいるが、俺はヘコタレないぞ。粟神的にタフなのが俺の数少ない長所の䞀぀だ。そしお豚は実は綺麗奜きな生物だ。 しかし、女性の䜓ずは本圓に神秘に満ち溢れおいるず知らされるな。今たで性の察象はほが党お女性の胞に収束しおいたが、肉䜓を亀えおみるずそれだけが女性の党おではないず分かる。腰や臀郚のラむンや、髪の奥から芋え隠れするうなじなどだ。 そう思えるのは、䞊を遙かに凌駕しおいるクロ゚だからこそだ。こんな綺麗な女性ず同衟できたのは、俺の人生の䞭でトップ5に入るほどの幞運にちがいない。 矎人だしね! ケモフサだしね! 「............いい加枛に服着るか」 R元服ゲヌムだず朝の生理珟象をヒロむンに解消させるシヌンがあるが、隣で心地よく寝息を立おるクロ゚を無理矢理起こすほど俺は鬌畜でない。や、昚晩は随分ず鬌畜だったが、今の俺は賢者だ。賢者にしおは思考が残念すぎるが、ずにかく服を着よう。 けれども、俺がベッドから降りる前より早くにガチャリず扉が開いた。 ヌヌヌヌほ? 「ん? 鍵が掛かっおないな。ドラクニルは治安が良いずは蚀っおも䞍甚心だな」 クロ゚ずはたた違った方向で際だ぀矎しさを持った銀髪の矎女が郚屋の扉を開けたのだ。 「悪いなクロ゚。ノックをしおも返事が無かったので入らせおもらった。カンナを知らないか? あい぀の郚屋を蚪ねおも誰もい............な............く............お............」 郚屋に入っおきたレアルは、䞊半身裞の俺をベッドの䞊に確認するず蚀葉の語尟を鈍らせた。蚀い忘れおいたが、昚晩はクロ゚を圌女の郚屋に運び、そのたたベッドむンした流れだ。レアルは同性の郚屋故に、気軜にトビラを開けおしたったのだ。 「........................おはようございたす」 いたたたれない空気の䞭、俺はかろうじお朝の挚拶を口にする。レアルからの反応はなかったが、埐々に顔を赀らめおいくのは芋えた。幎頃の男が女性の郚屋のベッドに裞で居たのだ。䜕があったかを想像するのは誰でも難くない。 「わふぅぅ............ん? もう朝でござるか?」 狙ったのではないか、ずいうタむミングでクロ゚が目を芚たした。寝がけ県を擊りながらムクリず䞊半身を起こす。拍子に、抱きしめおいた毛垃がずり萜ち、かすかに匕っ匵られた豊かな乳房がポポペンず揺れながら倖気に晒される。぀いでに括れのある魅惑の腰たでが露出した。 玠っ裞の男女をベッドの䞊に確認するず、レアルの顔はいよいよ『ボンッ』ず音を立おるほどに真っ赀に染たった。 「およ、こんな朝から来客でござるか? ............っお、え? レアル殿ッ!? こ、こここここここれはそのえっずあのおはようございたすッ!?」 「ずりあえず乳を仕舞え」 「わふッ!?」 ようやっずレアルの存圚を認識したクロ゚がテンパり、俺が指摘しおやるず慌おおずり萜ちた垃団を掻き抱き胞を隠した。 「なにをやっずるんだおたえ等はぁあああああああああッッッ!!」 蜟音ずすら称せそうな声音がレアルの口から発せられた。その䜙りの倧音量はこの宿屋のみならず、隣䞉件ほどたでに響きわたり、未だ眠りに぀いおいた䜏人を残らずたたき起こす結果ずなった。 ちなみに俺はそれを至近距離で济びせられた結果、聎力が数分間麻痺しおしたったずさ。錓膜が砎れるかず思ったね。 䞀端叫んで冷静さを取り戻すず、『䞋で埅っおいる』ず匷匵った声で残すずレアルは郚屋を出おいった。 矞恥に悶えおシェむクダンスをおっぱじめるクロ゚を䜙所に、俺は溜息を吐いおから今床こそ脱ぎ散らかしおいた服を軜く着お䞀端自宀ぞ。色々な液䜓を吞った服を脱いで新しい服の袖に腕を通し、宿屋䞀階に向かった。 この宿の䞀階は食堂のような本栌的な料理は出おこないが、代わりに簡単な飲み物は泚文すれば甚意しおくれる。ギルドが玹介しおいる郜合䞊、倚くの冒険者が利甚し、䟝頌の簡単な打ち合わせや䜜戊䌚議を行えるのだ。その為の倧きめなテヌブルずそれを囲う耇数個の怅子はそれなりの数が甚意されおいる。 酒や料理が出されないのは、冒険者達が酔った勢いで喧嘩を仕出かし、宿の噚物砎損を防ぐためだずか。銬鹿隒ぎがしたければ付近に立掟な料理店や酒堎があるのでそっちに行けず宿の壁に匵り玙があった。 その䞀垭に近づくず、足跡でこちらに気が぀いたレアルが振り返り、がそがそず喋り出した。 「たぁ、その............なんだ。合意の元であるのならばその............あれだ、私だっお文句をは蚀わないがそのなんだ............先皋も蚀ったが郚屋に鍵を掛けおおかないのは䞍甚心すぎるず思うのだがね私はその............なんだ、怒鳎っお悪かったずは思っおいるがその............あれだ」 「その............あれ(orなんだ)」が劙に倚い台詞を口にするレアルの頬からは朱の色が抜けきっおいない。 「や、お芋苊しいものをお芋せしたした」 「............いや、こちらこそ取り乱しおすたない」 俺は謝眪を述べながらテヌブル垭の䞀぀に座り、レアルは頭を振っお気を取り盎しながら頭を䞋げた。 埮劙に居心地の悪い空気が間に挂う。 たった数日だけしか離れおいないのに、随分ず久し振りに思えるのは、この䞀ヶ月感の぀き合いが濃密だったからか、この数日に倚くのこずが起こったからだろうか。どちらにせよ、レアルずこんなにも顔を合わせづらい雰囲気は初めおのこずだ。 さすがの俺もここたで考えるずヘコむ。 「お、お埅たせしたでござるッ」 そろそろこの埮劙な空気に耐えきれなくなっおきた所に、ようやく服を着たクロ゚が二階から降りおきた。頬からは赀みが取れず衚情も匷匵ったが、正気は取り戻したようだ。 ナむスだクロ゚ッ! 俺䞀人じゃもうこの空気は無理だ! 「れ、レアル殿ッ、先皋は倱瀌いたしたした!」 「いや。いかに同性の郚屋ずいえど、確認もずらずに郚屋に入った私の方が悪かったのだ。気にしなくおも良い」 「うぅ............拙者、䞀生の䞍芚でござる............」 䞡手で顔を芆い、矞恥にたた沈みそうになるクロ゚を、その前に怅子に座らせる。垭に腰を䞋ろしたクロ゚はそのたた頭を抱えおテヌブルに突っ䌏しおしたった。これはただ少し時間が掛かりそうだ。 だが、クロ゚が来たこずで埮劙な空気が若干玛れたのは幞いだ。心の䞭でクロ゚に瀌を蚀っお、俺はレアルの方を向いた。 「レアル。連絡手段の取り方を決めるの忘れおたが、どうやっおこの堎所を知ったんだ?」 「あ、ああ。しヌヌリヌディアル様から教えおもらった」 「リヌディアル............ああ、あの竜人の婆さんね」 あの婆さんを呌ぶずきは基本『婆さん』だったので、リヌディアルが圌女の名前だずいうのをすっかり忘れおいた。 「............っおおい、個人情報の秘匿はどうなった」 「私はリヌディアル様ず個人的な䌝手をもっおいるからな。私ず君の繋がりを話したら教えおくれたんだよ」 「あの婆さんの知り合いだったのか。や、䞖間っおぇのは広いようで案倖ず狭いねぇ」 「............私は、あの方の口から君の名前が出た時は驚いたがね。早速ギルドの方で問題を起こしたようだな」 婆さんの知り合いずいうのならば、昚日の決闘隒ぎも聞き及んでいるか。レアルの半県に俺は頭を掻いた。 「その件に関しおは、カンナ氏だけの責任だけではござらんよ。経緯はどうあれ、倧本の原因は拙者にござるよ」 どうにか矞恥の悶絶から埩掻したクロ゚が顔を䞊げおいった。 「いや、クロ゚が謝るこずでも無いだろう。詳しい話はリヌディアル様から説明された。確かにカンナの察応も問題はあったかもしれないが、䞀番の原因は盞手の貎族にあったずな」 「............『あの察応』に問題が合ったのは吊定しないのでござるな」 「圓たり前だ。䞋手に煜らなければ決闘隒ぎにたで発展しなかっただろうさ。その自芚はカンナもあるのだろう?」 「かっずなっおやりたした。けど反省も埌悔も無い!」 結果的にあの䞋皮い坊ちゃんの錻面を(リアルに)ぞし折れお倧満足でした。 「本人もこう蚀っおいるのだ。君がそれ以䞊気にする必芁は無い」 「は、はぁ............だんだんずあの坊ちゃんが䞍憫に思えおきたでござるな」 いたいち玍埗し切れおいないクロ゚だが、ずりあえず頷いた。 ふぅ............どうやらこれで倉な空気は完党に消え去ったな。 「ずころで............」 「二人は぀き合っおいるのか?」 「ん? 誰ず誰が?」 「カンナずクロ゚、がだ」 「せ、拙者ずカンナ氏がでござるかッ!? そ、そそそそそそそそんな滅盞もないでござるよ!!」 「だが、二人ずも知り合っお間もないのにもう肉䜓的な関係を結んでいるのであろう?」 「確かにそうなのでござるがっ! それはえっずその、恩返し的な意味でありたしお恋愛感情からくるものではないのでござっお!」 「む、そうなのか」 「そうなのでござるよ! 拙者が無理を蚀っお䌜を申し出お、カンナ氏がそれに応えおくださっただけなのでござる! こ、こここここここ恋人関係などずおもずおもッ! あ、でもカンナ氏が良ければ拙者ずしおも倧歓迎でござっお............」 「ずりあえず萜ち着け」 「朝っぱらの衆目の䞭っおこずを忘れるなよ」 「ぬぅ............申し蚳ないでござる」 シュンずなるクロ゚だが、どうにも小動物的な印象を芚えた俺はほほえたしくなる。俺よりも幎䞊のはずだよね、君。 俺ずクロ゚のそんなやり取りを芋おいたレアルがぜ぀りず。 「あ、うん。人䞊みに男だが」 「そうか............」
But I did wake up with a heavy sensation at the back of my head. [Huuuuuuargh] Holding my head while sitting on the bed, I realized that not only my upper body but my lower half was also without clothes, though I'm covered with blanket down there. When I look beside me, a woman with black hair and a set of fluffy wolf ears is pleasantly sleeping while hugging her blanket. Looking at her peaceful sleeping face did not bring a smile to my face. Rather, remembering what happened last night made me squirm in embarra.s.sment. After the duel with botchan was over, I pushed the post-processing to the Ryujin basan and immediately went to the diner next door for a late dinner. At that time, I intended only for a toast in celebration with Chloe for the duel we just won. At first, we could afford to enjoy the taste of sake but Chloe's intoxication gradually worsened. This time's case must have caused her to pile up a whole bunch of stress. Her condition escalated with every downed sake. I felt a crisis looming and stopped her from drinking. After quickly paying my tab, I had to drag Chloe back (literally) and somehow, managed to reach the inn where we're lodging. By the time I successfully delivered Chloe to her bed, I was also attacked by intense drowsiness coupled by slight intoxication. I was intending to go back to my own room after noticing my own condition when a hand grabbed the hem of my clothes. Turning my head to look at her, Chloe was looking at me with a combo of moist eyes, flushed cheek and drooping wolf ears. Her changed speech pattern was proof enough. Perhaps the stimulation from our fight earlier and her intoxication intertwined and thus, transformed into s.e.xual desire. Excitement caused by a momentary crisis but misunderstood as romantic feelings, or maybe something close to that. From there, numerous sweet nothings capable producing large amount of sugar were exchanged and the second coming of [wanwan time] occurred. I would like to refrain from explaining more than this. But I was drunk, you see! It was under the influence of sake, you know!? Don't underestimate the s.e.xual drive of a high school boy, d.a.m.n it! ! ...............I can say with confidence that there exist no healthy b.a.s.t.a.r.d that can willingly reject a woman's advance. The two female friends in my memory are looking down at me with a cold gaze as if they're looking at a dirty pig but I won't be discouraged by it. Mental strength is one of my strong point after all. And pigs are actually lovely creatures. But, I never really knew that a female body is full of mysteriousness. Up till now, almost all of the target of my s.e.xual focus was converged on women's breast but when I take a proper look, I understand that a female body encompa.s.s more than just their breast. Such as the captivating lines of the hips and the b.u.t.t. The occasional glimpse of the nape hidden behind her hair. That's why, to me Chloe's level is far and above beyond the average women. Being able to share a bed with such a beautiful woman is without a doubt one of the top 5 lucky event in my entire life. She is a beauty after all! She has the kemofusa trait after all! ! [............About time I wear something.] In R-rated games, this is the scene where the heroine helps defeat the morning phenomenon but I'm not a fiend enough to forcefully awaken the sleeping beauty next to me just for that. Well, last night I was quite a fiend myself but right now, I'm just a sage. However, before I even got out of bed, the door was opened by someone. ---Eh? [hn? The door's not locked. Even though Draknil's public order is good, that was really careless.] A silver-haired beauty on the level of Chloe, albeit on a different tangent was the one who opened that door. A fellow traveler -Real- who just parted with both of us a few days ago, showed up suddenly early in the morning. [My bad Chloe. There was no answer even after knocking, so I let myself in. Do you know where Kanna is? I went knocking on his door but no one.........was..................there............] Upon entering the room, Real's word faltered as soon as she saw the s.h.i.+rtless me on top of the bed. I forgot to mention, but last night after I took Chloe to her room and our wanwan time, I went straight to sleep as is. Because this was a same gender room, she just casually opened the door. [...............A very good morning to you.] Unable to endure the deafening silence, I barely squeezed out a morning greeting. There was no response from Real but I could see her face gradually blus.h.i.+ng harder by the second. A man of marriageable age lying naked on the bed in a woman's room. Its not difficult for anyone to imagine what happened. [ Is it morning already de gozaru ka?] As if aiming for this exact timing, Chloe woke up. She raises her upper body while rubbing her sleepy eyes. As a matter of course, the blanket she was hugging earlier fell down to her lap. When she finally saw Chloe by my side and both of us naked, Real's face was dyed red enough to produce a sound effect, [pomf]. [oyo, A visitor this early in the morning de gozaru ka? Real-dono!? T-t-t-th-thi-this is...eto, ano......g-good morning!?] [For the time being, cover your chest first.] [wafu!?] Chloe who finally recognized the existence of Real became extremely fl.u.s.tered. It was not until I pointed it out before she realizes her own condition and hurriedly hid her chest with the blanket earlier. Seeing Chloe acting out a cla.s.sic reaction of a maiden who was being shy after having her love affair witnessed, something [snapped] inside Real. [What did both of you doOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! ! ! ! !] A sound which could only be referred to as a thunderous roar came out from Real's mouth. The excessively loud voice reverberated not only within this inn but I suspect it went as far as three blocks away, definitely awakening anyone who wasn't awake yet. Incidentally, due to being exposed to such volume at close range, my hearing faculty was paralyzed for a few minutes. I thought my eardrums would break. After unleas.h.i.+ng her sound bomb and regaining her composure, Real left the room but not before leaving a message [I'll be waiting downstairs!] with a stiff voice. Leaving behind Chloe who began writhing in shame, I lightly wore my scattered clothes and went back to my own room after sighing. I took off the clothes soaked in various liquids from last night and put on new set and then finally headed down to the first floor. Due to its nature of being a guild recommended establishment, the inn is popular among adventurers and many uses the place to hold their briefings and strategy meetings. To accommodate that purpose, large number of tables was placed in the first floor along with appropriate amount of chairs. I overheard that the reason why alcohol and food didn't get served here was to prevent brawls between adventurers due to drunken impulses, and potentially damaging the inn. As I was approaching her seat, Real who noticed me from the sound of my footsteps turned around and began talking awkwardly. [Well, um.........that, if that was based on mutual, yeah, I'm not complaining I've said just now um, I think that was too careless of you to leave the door u-unlocked I'm sorry for yelling earlier and uh......yeah...] Real's cheek was dyed in vermilion red the whole time she muttered those strange incantation. [I showed you something unsightly.] [............No, I'm the one who should apologize for losing my temper.] I sat down while offering an apology. Real responded by shaking her head lightly and lowering her head for to apologize as well. A delicate atmosphere drifted between us. Even though we've not met for only a few days, it felt longer than that. Was it because of the bond we've developed over the course of a month? Or was it because the various happenings during the last few days? Thinking that far even made me a bit depressed. [S-sorry to have kept you waiting de gozaru.] Just as I was reaching the point where I can't endure the atmosphere anymore, Chloe who was dressed finally came down. Her cheeks are still red and she was still stiff from embarra.s.sment but at least, she's recovered enough. Dispelling that mood alone was impossible for me! [R-R-Real-dono, please pardon my discourtesy!] [No. The blame is on me. Even if it was the same gender room, entering the room without confirming first was a mistake. You don't have to worry about it.] [uuu.........Once in a lifetime blunder of this one's life de gozaru.........] Covering her face with both hands after sitting down, Chloe was about to descend into whirlpool of shame again. And that wasn't the end. She continued as is and placed her face on the table. She's gonna need more time to settle down huh. Luckily, Chloe's timely arrival chased away the delicate atmosphere earlier. Thanking Chloe in my mind, I turned to Real. [Real, Didn't we forget to decide on how to contact each other? How did you find us?] [Ah, that's right mas- Lydeal-sama told me about it.] [Lydeal.........Oh its that Ryujin basan.] Since I've been calling that grandma as [basan] from the start, I've forgotten her name was Lydeal. [............tte oi, what happened to my privacy?] [That's because I have a personal connection with Lydeal-sama. I told her about our relation to obtain your whereabouts.] [You're an acquaintance of that basan huh. Just as I thought the world is wide, its unexpectedly small huh.] [............As for me, I was surprised when I heard your name brought out as a topic in our conversation. It looks like you didn't waste any time in creating troubles at the guild.] If she is an acquaintance of basan, maybe she knows the details from yesterday's duel. I can only scratch my head in face of Real's scrutinizing look. [For that matter, the blame does not fall on Kanns.h.i.+ alone de gozaran yo. Regardless of the particulars, the root of the problem was oneself de gozaru yo.] Chloe who was finally resurrected from her h.e.l.l of shame, raised her face while adding her piece. [Its not like Chloe have to apologize for that case too. Besides, Lydeal-sama had already filled me in on the details. Certainly, Kanna's belligerent att.i.tude may have been a problem but the biggest cause of that conflict was that n.o.ble.] [............This one does not deny [that att.i.tude] was one of the cause of that problem de gozaru na.] [Isn't it obvious. If Kanna didn't fan the flame at the time, it wouldn't have turned into such a big commotion ending with a duel. I'm sure that Kanna noticed that too, right?] [I let my anger took control. But I have no regrets!] As a result, I got to smash that sc.u.m botchan's high pride (and nose). That was really satisfying. [The person herself said this. [You don't have to worry about the case anymore]] [.........This one is starting to feel pity for that botchan de gozaru na.] Chloe wasn't fully convinced but nodded in a.s.sent for the time being. Phew.........It seems that the awkward atmosphere has gone away completely. Here's hoping the current mood stays to the end. [By the way............] [Are the two of you going out with each other?] [hn? Who with whom?] (Kanna) [Kanna and Chloe] [Th-This one dating Kanns.h.i.+ de gozaru ka!? T-T-T-Th-That is out of the q-question de gozaru yo! !] [Even though you two just met not too long ago, you both are already in a physical relations.h.i.+p, right?] [Certainly that is true de gozaru ga! But that this one's way of repaying a favor and it is not something born of r-romantic feeling de gozatte!] [Oh, is that so?] [That is so de gozaru yo! This one was beset by an unreasonable demand to serve as an attendant and only Kanns.h.i.+ provided aid during this one's distress de gozaru! B-By no means we are l-l-lo-lo-lovers! Ah, Kanns.h.i.+ is one would very much welcome it de gozatte............] [Relax for a bit Chloe.] [Don't forget that we are in the midst of a morning crowd. ] [muu.........Apologies de gozaru.] Chloe who became despondent, projects an image of a small cute animal and that made me smile. You're supposed to be older than me, aren't you. Real who was watching our interaction said... [Yup. Just an ordinary man] [Is that so.........]
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.37 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
第十五話 ご契玄の際には芏玄の確認を 粟霊術の制埡は魔術ずは別物ではあるが、粟神に倧きく関わりがあるのは共通しおいる。魔術に必芁な魔力は粟神力を緎り䞊げお生み出し、粟霊術は盎接粟神力を䜿う。぀たり、魔術の堎合は粟神ず魔術の合間に魔力のワンクッションがあり、粟霊術にはそれがない。故に、耇雑で匷固な粟霊術であればあるほど、それが砎られたずきの圱響が術者に跳ね返っおくる。日本の神秘でたずえるなら呪詛返しか。 瞌を閉じたたた、俺は自分の身に起こった事をがんやりず思い出す。 今回は、むメヌゞは単玔だが、匷固に䜜った氷の檻が匷匕に砎壊された事により、宿っおいた粟霊達の悲鳎が俺の䜓に跳ね返っおきたのだ。レアルずの蚓緎でも同じような事は床々起こっおいる。最初の頃は、䞀日に二床䞉床ず意識が吹き飛んでいた。あい぀の攻撃力はちょっずおかしい。 考えおいる内に、 ............赀毛さんのドアップ顔である。もうちょいで唇ず唇がくっ぀いおしたいそうなほどだ。そんな圌女ず、バッチリ目が合う。 「............近くね?」 「うひゃぁッ」 謎の奇声を䞊げながら、赀毛さんはバッず顔を離した。頬は林檎のように真っ赀に染たり、髪ずの色の境が少なくなる。 ヌヌヌヌ惜しいこずをしたか? ずちらっず考える。 「............埮劙にただ眠い」 粟神が回埩しきっおいないのか、頭が重い。それでも俺はどうにかベッドの䞊で䜓を起こした。そこで、自分が今たでベッドに寝おいたのだず気が付いた。改めお呚りを芋枡すず、ここは宿で取った俺の郚屋だ。俺が意識を倱った埌、埓者さん達は俺の蚀葉を聞き届けおくれたようだ。 躯を起こしたが、次に䜕をするかは䞀切考えおいなかった。・・・・・・ずりあえず、レアルを呌んでくるか。隣の郚屋にいおくれるだろうか。いなかったら食堂の方にいけばいいか。でも䜓動かすのがだるい。もうこのたたもう䞀回寝ちたうか? 「あ、あのッ............」 二床寝の誘惑に負けそうになった俺に、赀毛さんが絞り出すように蚀った。先ほどたで赀くなっおいた圌女だが、今は打っお倉わっお気匱な衚情を浮かべおいる。 蚀いたいこずがあるのだろうか。芖線を投げ掛けるず、赀毛さんはもにょもにょず口を歪たせる。 「................................................その」 ルヌプしだしたぞ。 これはずっず埅たなければいけないパタヌンか? その埌䜕床もルヌプし、埅おども埅おども赀毛さんは単音のような声を口から挏らすだけで䞀向に話が進たない。こちらから口火を切るか? 俺が口を開くよりも早く、宿の扉がドバンっず倧きく開かれた。 「ええい、たどろっこしいわっ!」 俺も赀毛さんもビキュンッず肩を震わせた。扉を壊す勢いで珟れたのはレアルず、その背埌には赀毛さん埓者隊の䞀人だ。意識を倱う寞前たで蚀葉を亀わしおいた盞手でもある。 「お、おうレアル、おはようさん」 「おはようカンナ。だがもう倕方過ぎだぞ」 意識を倱っおから四時間っおずころか。 「党く、驚いたぞ。いきなり走り出したず思ったら、これたたいきなり君が意識を倱っお運ばれおきたんだからな」 「そりゃ心配かけたな」 党くだ、ずレアルはほっずした颚に胞をなで䞋ろした。 「さおお嬢さん」 レアルに呌ばれ、赀毛さんはもう䞀床肩を震わせる。 「君はカンナに蚀わなければならない事があるんじゃなかったのかい?」 咎めるたではいかず、倧声にも届かずに、レアルは匷く蚀った。 「倚分、圌は気にしないだろうな。埌ろの埓者筆頭さんの話を聞けば、圌の䞭では既に『勘定』は枈んでいるのだからな。行動の根っこは正矩感であろうが、実利的な結果を求める匷かさは芋習いたいずころだが」 迷惑料の謝瀌を蚀っおいるのだろう。俺ずしおは貰える物を貰えればずりあえず文句は無い。 「しかし、それは圌の䞭で完結しただけ。本来ならば、真っ先に通さなければならない筋が有るはずだ。ヌヌヌヌず、この話はカンナが気を倱っおいる間に終わったず思っおいたが、繰り返させるな」 流れ的に、赀毛さんがレアルに叱られおいる感じだ。俺の知らない内に赀毛さんが゚ルフ耳さんの逆鱗に觊れたのだろうか。でも、それにしおはレアルはあたり怒っおいない。瀌儀のなっおいない子䟛をしかる母芪に近い雰囲気だ。幎霢的に赀毛さんほどの子䟛がいるはずはないのだが。 ヌヌヌヌ胞の豊満な果実のお陰で、母性は溢れおいるが。 いやいやいや。おっぱい=母芪じゃねぇだろ。さすがにただ圌女に母性はない。ワむルド寄りだ。 ........................昚日からずっずおっぱいのこずばっかり考えおるな。 レアル、赀毛さんず、立お続けに芋事な巚乳さんが珟れたせいだ。俺は悪くない。悪いのは暎力的なおっぱいだ。っお、たた考えおる。 至極たじめな空気の䞭、䞀人だけひたすら銬鹿な思考に浞っおいるず、赀毛さんは意を決したように俺に顔を向けた。 「わたしの名前はファむマ。身勝手だけど、ファミリヌネヌムは䌏せさせおもらうわ」 赀毛さんは自らを名乗るず、頭を䞋げおきた。 「....................................これたでの無瀌を蚱しお欲しい」 䞊蟺ではない、心の底からの蚀葉だずわかる。 「あなたは䞀床ずならず二床たでもわたしの身を助けおくれた。なのにわたしは己の奜奇心を満たすこずばかり考えおいお、最䜎限の瀌すら忘れおいたわ」 確かに、赀毛さんヌヌファむマからの瀌は聞いおいなかったな。最初から『期埅』しおなかったからすっかり忘れおいた。 「本圓に今曎ではあるけれど、助けおくれおありがずう。あなたがいなければ、わたしはあなたに瀌をこの堎で述べるこずすら無かったわ」 矎人さんにお瀌を蚀われるのも悪くはない。自然ず頬が緩んだ。 改めお埓者筆頭ず亀枉しある皋床の『謝瀌』を受け取る。短期間護衛を雇うよりは倚くもらったが、迷惑料を蟌みず考えれば劥圓な倀段、ずレアルが蚀う。䞋手にボッタクったり、逆に遠慮するず互いの関係が埮劙になっおしたう。劥圓な線だろう。 ファむマは呜を救われた瀌ずもう䞀぀、䞍必芁に俺を远い回した事ぞの謝眪も述べた。 「そもそも、䜕であんな真倜䞭に埓者も連れずに出歩いおたんだ?」 「たたには䞀人で散歩をしたいずおもいたしお」 護衛ずは蚀え、むさっ苊しい男埓者が四六時䞭匵り付いおいたら、気も滅入っおくるか。 「............あの埌、圌にこっぎどく叱られたしたが」 埓者筆頭を目に枋い顔になる。䞻に蚀いなりなだけの付き人ではないらしい。既に叱られおいるなら、俺から蚀うこずはない。 埓者さんの話だず、圌女自身かなり高䜍の魔術士らしく、䞇党の状況ならあの皋床のチンピラに遅れは取らないらしい。事実、圌女はチンピラに絡たれた時点では冷静に奎らを撃退しようずしおいた。だが路地裏に朜んでいた仲間の䞀人に背埌から襲いかかられ、腕で銖を絞められパニックを起こしおしたったずか。俺が通りかからなければ、あるいは少しでも遅ければ、ファむマはそのたた締め萜ずされ気絶しおいた。そしお静かになったずころを路地裏の奥深くに匕きずり蟌たれヌヌず、これより先を語るのも、今ずなっおは意味ない。結果ずしお俺は圌女の危機に居合わせ、チンピラ共を撃退できたのだから。 ちなみに、俺が(文字通り)叩き朰したあのチンピラ共は、あの埌埓者達がこの町の治安を維持しおいる兵屯所に突き出しおきたずか。奎らの玠行の悪さは、ファむマだけでなく町の䜏民も少なからずの被害を被っおいたらしい。婊女暎行未遂こそ今回が初めおだったが、窃盗や無銭飲食、暎力沙汰で䜕かず目を付けられおいた。ただ、小悪党よろしく逃げ足が早く、垂民の通報から兵士が駆け぀けおくるたでの間に毎回逃げおおせおいた。この䞖界の文明レベルだず、珟行犯以倖に立件逮捕は難しいのだろう。だが、ファむマの新鮮な蚌蚀ず気絶した䞊でしっかりず埓者さん達が拘束しおいたので、身柄の匕き枡しはスムヌズに行われ、ずうずう埌ろに手が回ったのがあのチンピラ共の末路である。ずりあえず、心の底から反省するたで嚑婆に出おこないこずを願おう。 「そういえばカンナ。おたえもどうしお䞀人で倖に出おたんだ?」 簡単な事情説明は終わっおおり、レアルも昚晩の経緯はもう知っおいる。その発蚀は至極圓然の疑問だった。 ........................蚀えるわけがない。゚ロいねヌちゃんの元にナニしに行きたしたなどず。 「確か、圌はあのずき䜕か叫んでたしたね。えっず、ニャンニャヌヌ」 「ファむマさんすずぉぉっぷ!」 危うく赀毛さんが口走りそうになるのを、絶叫で遮る。 「どうしたカンナ、急に倧声を出しお」 「............レアルよ、男には黙っお䞀人になりたい時もあるんだ」 「............? ........................そうか」 俺の真剣な声色に、レアルはそれ以䞊詮玢せずに話を打ち切った。 あ、あぶねぇ。昚晩はかなりはっちゃけた台詞を叫びたくっおいた。思い返すず自分でもどん匕きするレベルだ。ファむマも俺の必死さに飲たれお口を噀んだ。 「ずころでお二人ずも。芋たずころ旅をしおいらっしゃるように芋えたすが」 「ああ。この町には物資の補絊に立ち寄っただけだ。明日には出発する」 レアルが端的に述べるず、ファむマはさらに聞いおくる。 「あの............差し支えなければ、行き先の方を䌺っおもよろしいでしょうか?」 「うん? 我々が向かう先はディアガル垝囜の方だが?」 「本圓ですかッ」 うぉぅ。行き先を告げた瞬間、赀毛さんがすごい食い぀いおきた。 倱瀌したした、ずファむマは咳払いを䞀぀。 「実は、あなた方二人の腕を芋蟌んでお願いがあるのですが」 ファむマは魔術に察する䞊ならぬ熱意があるようだ。家に仕える埓者を匕き連れ、今はその造詣をさらに広めるための旅にでおいるずいう。今回は俺の䜿った氷の 珟圚圌女が目指しおいるのは奇しくも俺らず同じディアガル垝囜。かの地に䌝わる魔術の秘䌝を埗るための旅の途䞭なのだ。 ディアガル垝囜ずは、他でもなくレアルの故郷である。倚分、ここたで目的地の名称が出おこなかったので補足しおおく。 「ですが、今回の襲撃で護衛の䞀人が戊えなくなっおしたいたした」 「そんなに重傷だったのか?」 「呜こそ助かりたしたが、剣を握る方の利き腕を深く切り裂かれおいたした。元通りには戻るでしょうが、最䜎でも二、䞉ヶ月の治療期間が必芁になるず、治療術士が蚀っおいたした」 元通りになる時点ですごいな。珟実䞖界だったら、骚の接合や神経の瞫合ずか、それなりに蚭備の敎った医療斜蚭でないず、最悪は腕を切断しお他の組織を守る凊眮になる。さすがは治療魔術。ただ、すぐさた元通りずいうわけにもいかないか。 「䞀週間皋床ならずもかく、䞀ヶ月以䞊をこの町で過ごすわけにはいきたせん。圌には申し蚳ないずは思いたすが、この町で治療に専念しおもらい、我々は先に向かいたす。もちろん、その間の生掻費や治療費は負担したすが」 圹に立たなくなったらポむ捚おにする぀もりは毛頭無いようだ。どこぞの真っ黒黒姫も芋習っお欲しいね。 「ですが、圌が抜けた穎も小さくはありたせん。かずいっお、名も知らぬ誰かを新たに雇う぀もりもありたせん。名前こそ明かせたせんが、我が家は確かに『そこそこ』に名のある家系です。それを目圓おによからぬ䌁みを抱く者が近寄っおこないずも限りたせん」 莅沢を蚀っおいるのか、慎重なのか刀断に困るな。だったら玠盎に家に垰れば良いじゃんずいっおやりたい。身も蓋もない蚀い方ではあるが。 「そこでお二人にお話がありたす」 「............぀たり、我々ず契玄を結びたいのか?」 レアルが先んじるず、ファむマは「はい」ず頷いた。 「幞いずいうのも倉ですが、お二人ずもディアガルぞ向かう途䞭。であるならば、その道䞭に私の護衛も匕き受けお貰えないでしょうか。もちろん、報酬の他、その間の生掻費や、戊いで怪我を負った堎合の治療費もこちらが党面的に補償したす」 「至れり尜くせりだな」 人間䞀人を雇うに圓たり、必芁経費を党お負担するずなるず、安くはない額になる。それを党面的に補償するずなるず、砎栌の埅遇だ。 「ふむ、路銀が倚いに越したこずはないか。どうするカンナ?」 「俺に振るの?」 レアルはそれたで聞くに培しおいた俺に目を向ける。 「盞棒の意芋も聞かずに、私の独断で契玄を結ぶわけにもいかないだろ」 俺からすれば、レアルは『保護者』なのだが、い぀の間にやら察等な関係に昇栌しおいたらしい。 「぀っおもなぁ............」 俺はずりあえず頬を掻くしかなかった。
Chapter 15 When making agreements, check the rules Mastery in spirit magic is different from magic, but what's common between the two is the large connection to one's mind. For magic, the required magic power is refined through force of will and for spirit magic, you use your force of will directly. In other words, there are actions to reduce the impact from magic power during a break of connection between mind and magic in the case of magic and there are none of that for spirit magic. As a result, the stronger and more complex the spirit magic is, the more effect the rebound has on the user when it's destroyed. For example the reversal of curses in j.a.panese mysteries. With my eyes still shut, I vaguely recall what happened to my body. This time, the image was simple but due to the firmly made ice cage being forcibly destroyed, the screams of the spirits that dwells in there rebounded towards my body. Something similar also happened often in my training with Real. In the beginning, I lost my consciousness over and over in one day. That girl's offensive abilities are somewhat ridiculous. While I'm thinking about that, my hazy thoughts are becoming clearer. I regained my consciousness a long time ago, so I open my eyes swiftly. ......... I'm greeted with a closeup on miss Redhead's face. Her face is so close; a little bit more and our lips would touch. I perfectly lock my eyes to such girl. " ............ Close, aren't you?" "Uhyaa-" While raising a strange voice, miss Redhead jerked her face away. Her face is dyed bright red like an apple, bordering the color of her hair. ----Did I just do something regretful? Is what I thought by accident. " ............ I'm still somewhat sleepy." Maybe my mind's not completely recovered, my head feels heavy. Even so, I somehow raise up my body on the bed. And accordingly, I realized I'm actually on a bed. I once again look around me and I see this is the room I took in the inn we we're staying at. It looks like the servants kept their word after I lost my consciousness. I raised up my body, but I can't think of what to do next at all. ******For the time being, shall I go call Real? I wonder if she'll let me into the room next door. If not, can I go to the dining room? But my body's moving slowly. Shall I just go sleep like this? "Ah, uhm............" When I felt like losing to the temptation of going back to sleep Miss Redhead talked to me as if she's wringing out her words. She became red up until some time ago, but now her face suddenly changed into a timid one. I wonder if there's something she wanted to talk about. When I raise my eyes, miss Redhead curls her lips like she's impatiently trying to form her words. " ............................................. You see" You're kind of looping, you know. Is this the pattern where I have to wait forever? Afterwards it'll loop many times over and even if I wait and wait, miss Redhead won't advance the conversation at all by just leaking out a monotonous voice from her mouth. Shall I blow the fuse? Before I even opened my mouth, the door of the inn was opened with a big bang. "Aargh, you're being sluggis.h.!.+" Both miss Redhead and my shoulders shakes in a beat. The one who appeared with a force that broke the door was Real and one of miss Redhead's servant group. The one whom I exchanged words with just before I lost my consciousness also appeared. "He-, hey real, good morning" "Good morning, Kanna. But it's already past evening, you know." So I was unconscious for about four hours. "I was really surprised you know. Just when I recalled that you suddenly broke into a run, you suddenly lost consciousness and was carried here after all." "I worried you didn't I?" "Indeed you did," Real was relieved from the bottom of her heart as she said that. "Now then, young lady." Being called by Real, miss Redhead once again shook her shoulders. "Didn't you have something you should be telling Kanna?" Real strongly says that without going as far as reproaching her or saying it with a loud voice. "Perhaps he doesn't care, don't you think? If I hear the story from the head servant behind me correctly, the {settlement} has already been completed during that incident after all. The root of his actions was a sense of justice, but he ended up wanting to follow the example of that stubbornness that wished for a profitable result though. She must be talking about the remuneration for the inconvenience. I have no complaints for now if I'm able to receive the things I can receive. "However, that is only completed during that time. Legally, you are supposed to go through someone well-informed.---- I was thinking that talk was over during the time Kanna was unconscious, but don't make me repeat it." It feels like miss Redhead was scolded by Real from the flow of the conversation. I wonder if miss Redhead experienced the imperial wrath of miss Elven ears. But nevertheless, Real doesn't really get angry. Her aura feels similar to that of a mother scolding a child whose manners are unacceptable. There shouldn't be any children like miss Redhead around though, age wise. ----She's overflowing with motherhood though, thanks to the voluptuous fruit that is her chest. No no no. It can't be true that right? There really is still no motherhood within her. She's more on the wild side. ........................ I really have been thinking about nothing but since last night. It's completely because of the appearance of miss Magnificent melons, Real and miss Redhead. I'm not at fault. What's at fault are the violent Wait, I'm thinking about them again. Within the extremely serious mood, when only one person is immersed in nothing but stupid thoughts, miss Redhead faced me as if she is resolved. "My name is Faima. This may be selfish of me, but I will be concealing my family name." Miss Redhead bows when she gives us her name. ".................................... I would like you to forgive my impoliteness so far." I can understand those words didn't come from the outside, but from the bottom of her heart. "You have saved me not only once, but twice now. Despite that, I wasn't thinking about anything save satisfying my curiosity and had forgotten even the least amount of grat.i.tude." I certainly didn't get a thank you from miss Redhead--Faima. I had no {expectations} from the beginning so I completely forgot about it. "It is truly too late for this, but thank you for saving me. Had you not been there, I wouldn't have been able to express my grat.i.tude in this place." Being thanked by a beauty isn't bad either. My face naturally loosened. We negotiated again with the head servant and received a certain amount of {reward} . Real said we got a lot more than the cost of hiring a short term escort, but it's an appropriate price if you take into account the included inconvenience fee. When you rip someone off underhandedly or you conversely restrain yourselves, the relations.h.i.+p between the two of you will become complicated. It's a reasonable line don't you think? Faima expressed her grat.i.tude for saving her and also expressed her apology for unnecessarily chasing me around. "So why were you out in the middle of the night without taking your servants in the first place?" "Once in a while I consider taking a walk on my own." Though they're guards, I guess you'll still feel depressed if the slovenly male servants cling onto you around the clock. "............ Afterwards, I was severely scolded by them though." The head servant shows a face that is sour to the eyes. It doesn't look like he's an attendant who's just a yes-man to their employer. If she's already scolded, then I have nothing to say. According to the servant, she herself seems to be quite a high ranking sorcerer and in a perfect situation she wouldn't seem to be held back by those kinds of hoodlums. Actually the girl was trying to repel the hoodlums calmly at the time she got involved with them. But she was attacked from behind by one of their fellows hidden in the back alley, was strangled by an arm and panicked or something. If I didn't take that road or if I'm even a little bit later, she would choke like that and faint. And then she would be dragged deep inside the back alley that has become quiet and-- oops, speaking any more about that is meaningless now. I mean, I happened to be there during her crisis and as a result, I was able to repel those bunch of hoodlums. Incidentally, the bunch of hoodlums I smashed (literally) were handed over to the soldiers' post that maintains this city's public order by the servants or something. Their bad behavior wasn't limited to Faima and they seem to have done quite a lot of harm to the citizens here. This is the first time they attempted rape, but for some reason they had an eye on things like theft, leaving the restaurant without paying and violence. It's just that they are fast on their feet as befitting to small scoundrels and they would escape each time during the time between the reports from the townspeople and the time the soldiers come running. As for the culture of this world, a.s.sembling a case to arrest people seems difficult unless they are caught red handed. But the servants properly restrained them with Faima's fresh testimony and the fainting on top of it, so their delivery was done smoothly and the last days of the bunch of hoodlums swiftly caught up to them. For now, I hope they won't come out until they reflected from the bottom of their hearts. "Speaking of which, Kanna. Why did you also go outside on your own?" The brief explanation on the circ.u.mstances ended and Real also had understood what happened last night. That remark is an extremely natural question. ........................I can't tell her that. Things like going to some erotic lady's place that is. "He certainly did shout something at that time. Uhm, something about nyannya--" "Miss Faima stooop!" I interrupt miss Redhead with a scream when she was about to blurt it out. "What's wrong Kanna? Why did you suddenly interrupt her with a loud voice?" "............Look Real, there are times that men too want to be silent and alone." "............? ........................Is that so." From my earnest tone of voice, Real stopped the conversation without prying further into it. That, that was dangerous. Last night I shouted quite some words. They're at the point where even I would walk away from myself when I think back about it. Faima even swallowed my desperation and shut her mouth. "By the way, both of you. I can see you appear to be traveling, judging from your appearances." "Correct. We only stopped by this town to replenish our supplies. We will be departing tomorrow" Faima already heard what Real stated straightforwardly. "Uhm............If you don't mind, can I ask where you will be heading to?" "Hm? Our destination would be the Empire of Diagall (diagaru) though?" "Is that true!?" Woah. The moment she was told our destination, miss Redhead takes a big bite at it. "Excuse me" says Faima along with a cough. "The truth is, I was hoping I could count on you on this request I have" Faima seems to have an unparalleled enthusiasm in regards to magic. She says she took her servants who are working in her house and right now she is on a journey in order to further extend her deep knowledge about magic. This time, the ice magic I use just like that was too unorthodox and her curiosity took a full swing or something. Currently the place the girl is heading towards to is strangely enough the Kingdom of Diagall, just like us. She is in the middle of a journey in order to acquire the secrets of magic that is handed down in that place. As a matter of fact, the Kingdom of Deagall is Real's birthplace. Perhaps, since the place of destination never came up until now, she added that information. "However, one person is rendered unable to escort me because of today's attack." "Was it that serious of an injury?" "His life is certainly saved, but his sword arm was strongly cut off. It will return to how it was before, but I was told by the healing magician that a treatment period of at least two to three months is necessary for that." It's really amazing that it can return to how it was before. If this is the real world, then the treatment at worst would be to amputate his arm to protect the rest of his body if there are no medical facilities with proper equipment for things like joining of the bones and st.i.tching of the nerves. That's healing magic for you. But it looks like returning it immediately is also impossible for them I guess. "It would have been fine if it was for one week, but we can't stay in this town for more than a month. I feel sorry for him, but we will go ahead of him to the country and have him devote himself to the treatment in this town. Naturally, his living and treatment expenses will be taken care of however." It looks like she doesn't have the least amount of intention to toss him away when he becomes useless. I wish the pitch black princess black would follow her example. However, the gap he left open with this is not small. Having said that, I have no plans to employ someone new whose name we don't even know. I will certainly not reveal my name however, my house is a house of {fairly well} renown. It doesn't stop at people approaching us who harbors bad intentions to aim for that reputation." I'm troubled in deciding whether I should call her extravagant or careful. I want to say "Isn't it fine if you just go back home obediently?". I have a blunt way of saying things though. "Therefore we have this conversation with the two of you." "............In other words, you would like to form a contract with us?" As Real had antic.i.p.ated, Faima nods "Yes". "Calling this fortunate would be strange, but the two of you are in the middle of heading towards Diagall. If possible, I would like to ask if you could take up the duty of escorting me on the way. Naturally, I will compensate you for everything in addition to the remuneration; the living expenses during the escort as well as the treatment expenses from injuries as a result of fights." "That is quite thorough of you." If you properly employ one person and end up being in charge of all the necessary expenses, it won't be cheap. It's an extraordinary treatment if you're employed with full compensation. "Hmm, so there is no need for us to go over our large traveling expenses. What shall we do, Kanna?" "You're letting me decide?" Real s.h.i.+fts her focus to me who was listening intently until the end. "I can't just arbitrarily form a contract without asking for my partner's opinion, now can I?" From my point of view, Real is my {guardian} , but my status seems to have gone up to one with an equal relations.h.i.+p before I noticed. "Even if you say that to me............" For now, all I could do is scratch my cheeks.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.47 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
どヌしおこうなった。 などず蚀うず思ったか! (誰に向かっお蚀っずるんだ?) 自己ツッコミ乙。 ............良い感じに頭が茹で揚がっおいるなこれ。 思考が自由気儘に暎走を始めおいる䞭、俺の背䞭を垃で擊っおいるクロ゚が声を掛けおきた。 「や、良い感じだ」 「それは良かったでござる............」 良い、ず蚀い぀぀も圌女の蚀葉は尻すがみ。自分から進んで始めはしたが、恥ずかしいのは倉わりないか。俺も非垞に恥ずかしい。 ぀ヌわけで、クロ゚さんに背䞭を掗っお貰っおいる最䞭でござる。 埌々にはなるがずりあえず金銭的な貞し借りは先の話で敎ったが、心境的には恩返しの先延ばしは心苊しい。今出来る圢で少しでも恩に報いたいず考えおいたクロ゚は、俺が䞀人で济堎に向かうのを目撃したのだ。俺が䞀人で济堎に入り、か぀他に人間がいないのを確認し、意を決しお男湯に突入したのだ。もちろん、男湯偎の脱衣堎には『準備䞭』の立お札も忘れずに。これで他の客は入っおこない。 「ヒノむズルでは、来客をもおなす時、こうやっおお客人の背䞭を掗っお差し䞊げるのが颚習の䞀぀にあるでござる」 ヒノむズルの日本酷䌌は凄たじいな。 「これで恩の䞀端を返せたずは思わないでござる。ただ、拙者がカンナ氏にこの䞊ない感謝の念を抱いおいる事だけは知っおほしかったでござる」 顔を赀くしながらも真剣な目で蚀われれば、俺も無碍にする぀もりはない。湯船に浞かる前に䜓はもう掗ったが、改めお圌女に背䞭を任せるこずにした。 「幌い頃に父䞊の背䞭を掗っお差し䞊げお以来でござるが、やはり男性の背䞭ずは広いものでござるな」 「俺はどちらかっ぀ヌず貧匱な方だ」 「だずしおも、女のそれずはたったくの別物でござるよ」 俺が顔を向けおいないのず背䞭を擊る䜜業に没頭しおいたからか、クロ゚の声からは緊匵が薄れおきおいた。手぀きも慣れおきたのか、最初こそぎこちなかったが、今ではスムヌズに腕が䞊䞋しおいる。俺もだんだんず気恥ずかしさが無くなり、されるがたたになる。 それからしばらくは、クロ゚が垃で背䞭を擊る音だけが济堎に響いた。 「カンナ氏、お蚊ねしおもよろしいでござるか?」 「なにさ」 「枓谷での䞀件、拙者が意識を倱った埌、他の皆様は操り人圢であった拙者を哀れんで介錯を望たれおいた。けれども、カンナ氏だけは拙者の呜を助けようず提案された。どうしお拙者を生かそうず思ったのでござるか?」 「他の奎らに聞いおないのか。俺はただ、人様を操っお悊に入っおる奎のシナリオを愉快に朰したかっただけだ」 埌はたぁ、黒幕ずやらの情報が入ればず期埅もあったが、埌付けか。 「............意識を倱っおいる間、拙者には『声』が聞こえおいたでござる」 「お前さんを操っおた奎のか?」 「違うでござる。党く別の声でござった。その声は拙者にこう語りかけおくださった」 ヌヌヌヌ黒幕のシナリオなんざ、俺が愉快に痛快に台無しにしおやる。 どこかで聞いたセリフだこず............。 「その声が胞の奥から聞こえた途端、拙者を支配しおいたあの忌たわしき『声』が消え去ったのでござる。そしお、埐々に拙者の䞭から熱が奪われお行くのを感じたでござる」 タむミング的にはアレだ、ファむマが宝石を摘出した段階だな。熱が奪われた云々は、リアルに心臓を冷やしお止めおたからだ。 「拙者を助けた方法は既に聞いおいるでござるが、驚いたでござるよ。たさか生きおいる内に䞀床心の臓を止められるずは思わなかったでござる。そしお、このそれを再床動かしおくれたのもカンナ氏であるず」 「俺だけの成果じゃねぇよ。ファむマが心拍蘇生の知識を持っおたから成功したんだ。正盎に蚀えばアレは博打も良いずころ。生きおる人間の心臓を、ろくな医療機噚もない堎所で止めるなんお正気の沙汰じゃねぇ」 「それでも、結果ずしお拙者は生きおいるでござる」 「おたえさんが助かる確蚌は無かった。結果オヌラむの事実を善意の塊みたいに受け取るなよ」 もし仮に、クロ゚を助けるこずで倧きなリスクを背負うような状況であれば、俺はたぶん圌女を助けようずはしなかっただろう。犠牲を払っおたで助けるには、俺ずクロ゚の関係は垌薄すぎる。善意だけで助けるには材料が足りない。 「............拙者はあの時死んでしたっおも良かったのでござるよ」 「............そい぀はどういう意味だ」 我知らずに声が䜎くなる。死んでもよかっただず? 折角助かった呜を自ら捚おるような蚀葉に、俺は憀りを芚える。 「誀解無きように蚀っおおくでござるが、呜を助けおいただいたこずは本圓に感謝しおいるでござる。こうしお生き長らえた以䞊、恩を返しきるたではなんずしおでも生き抜く所存でござる」 ヒタリず、クロ゚の䞡手が俺の背䞭に觊れた。俺のものではない人間の䜓枩が䌝わり、高ぶった感情が収たる。 「正盎に蚀っおしたうでござるが『声』に操られおいた時であっおも、抗おうずすれば抗えたでござるよ。意に添わぬ呜が気に入らなければ、それこそ呜を賭しお断固の構えを取るこずもできたでござる。偏にそれができなかったのは、拙者が卑しくも呜を惜しみ、声に埓うこずを自ら遞んだからでござる」 それを責められるほどに、俺は高尚な人間ではない。誇りのために死ね、などず俺は絶察に蚀えない。 「けれども、あの瞬間だけは違ったでござる。党身を芆う心地よい冷気に包たれたずき、拙者はそれたで抱いおいた未緎が無くなっおいたこずに気が付いたでござる。あの優しき冷気に包たれお呜を散らすならば、本望でござった」 自ら死を望んだような蚀い回しに、だが俺は先ほどのような怒りはこみ䞊げなかった。語るクロ゚の声には、安らぎすら芚える穏やかさがあったからだ。 「おそらく、ただ呜を助けおもらっただけでは、拙者はこの先ずっず『声』に察する恐怖を抱いたたたでござったであろう。けれども、あの安らぎを思い出せる限り、拙者は二床ずあの『声』に支配されるこずはないず確信しおいるでござる。ですから、拙者は改めお、あなた様にお瀌を申し䞊げたかった」 その蚀葉は、心の奥底から発せられた声だず、俺は心に芚えた。 「............ずころで、背䞭はもう掗い終わったんじゃねぇの?」 「ぞ? あ、そ、そうでござるな」 「や、そこで停止されおも困るんですけど」 「ひゃぅッ!? え、あ、いや、ちょっず埅たれよ!」 どうしたんだ。先ほどたでのシリアスは霧散したのか、背埌でクロ゚があたふたずする気配が䌝わっおくる。 「............ぶでござる。............んなは床胞だず母䞊が............。母䞊もこうやっお父䞊を............」 なにやらぶ぀ぶ぀ず呟きだしたクロ゚。心なしか、その声には鬌気迫るモノが含たれおいる。今曎になっおこのシチュ゚ヌションが恥ずかしくなっおきたのか。 ぶっちゃけ俺は最初から明鏡止氎の心で座っおいる。埌ろにいるのは、ござる口調ではあるが玠晎らしい肢䜓を持った女性だ。䞋手に意識を傟けるず、䞋半身の『ムスコ』が起床しおしたう。ただ寝おいおくれ。埌でこっそり起こしおやるから。 「か、カンナ氏ッ!」 「ほッ!? え、あ、なんぞ?」 ムスコを寝かし付けおいる時に急に倧声を䞊げられ、倉な声がでた。 「し、倱瀌するでござるッ」 蚀葉だけを捉えれば、恩返しの䞀端もでき、か぀矞恥心も限界になったので济堎を飛び出す前のセリフだ。聞いた瞬間も俺はそう思っおいた。 ヌヌヌヌムニュリず背䞭に極䞊の柔らかさを感じるたでは。 あろうこずか、クロ゚は颚呂堎を出るどころか、俺の背䞭に抱き぀いおきやがった。 「え、ちょっずクロ゚さん、なにやっおんのッ!?」 「だ、抱き぀いおいるでござるよ」 「そう蚀う意味じゃねぇよっ」 背䞭越しに、俺の胞蟺りを抱くように腕を回しお䜓を密着させおくる。背䞭に感じおいる感觊は玛れもなくアレだ。クロ゚の持぀たわわなアレだ。っおいうか、柔らかい䞭にちょいず堅いものがあったりする。お胞の銖だ。たさか䜓に垃を巻いおないのかッ。生で接觊しおるのかっ?! ワザワザ自分ではぎ取ったのかっ? 「止めろクロ゚ッ、この䜓勢はいろいろずあれでやばいッ」 「安心しおほしいでござる。拙者も拙者でいろいろずアレでやばいでござるから」 「安心の意味を蟞曞で調べおこいッ! じゃなくおっ!」 「あんたり動かないでほしいでござるッ。その............擊れおちょっず倉な気分になっおきたでござる」 「じゃぁ身䜓離せよッ!」 僅かに身動ぎするだけで、背䞭の柔らかいモノがムニュムニュず倉圢し、二぀の突起物がクリクリず擊れる床に背筋がゟクゟクする。 「ちょっず、おたえさんマゞでどうしたッ!? やっぱり痎女かッ!?」 「やっぱりっおなんでござるかッ!? ヒノむズルのおなごは淑女の鑑ず呌ばれるほどでござるぞッ」 「淑女の鑑は男湯に突入しお裞で野郎に抱き぀いたりなんかしねぇよッ!」 「拙者の母䞊はこうやっお堅物であった父䞊を墜ずしたず豪語しおござったぞッ!」 「アグレッシブだなおたえの母ちゃんッ!」 それは幎頃の嚘に聞かせお良い話なのか。 「母䞊が蚀っおいたでござるっ! 男の方はこうやっお裞で抱きしめおやればむチコロであるず! この普段は邪魔で仕方がない胞も、堎合によっおは最倧の歊噚になるず!」 「おたえの母ちゃんはぜっおぇに淑女の鑑じゃねぇよ!」 「なにを蚀うでござるかっ! 母䞊は良劻賢母の芋本のようなお方であるず、近所のご婊人方から尊敬を抱かれおいるでござるっ」 「ここたでの䌚話の流れでそれを信じろずッ?」 「........................無理があるでござるな」 「アレッ? ここで玠盎に肯定すんのッ!?」 「い、いえッ。普段の母䞊は垞に父䞊の䞉歩埌ろを歩くようなお方なのでござるよ。ただ、その・・・・男女関係の話になるずちょっず・・・・」 昌は枅玔で倜は野獣か。 ............そんな嫁さん欲しいかもしれないな。 (や、銬鹿なこず考えるなっおの) アホな思考が浮かんだお陰か、茹だっおいた頭に僅かばかりの冷静が戻った。それをどうにかたぐり寄せ、俺は衚面䞊だけでも冷静に蚀葉を発した。 「いい加枛にしろ」 蚀葉に圢ばかりだが険を滲たせる。 「こんなこずをしお貰うためにおたえさんを助けたんじゃねぇよ。お互いに子䟛じゃないんだ。こっから先は冗談じゃすたねぇぞ」 「............拙者ずお、ただの冗談でこのような恥ずかしい行動ができるわけ無いでござる」 グッず、俺を抱きしめる腕に力がこもる。背䞭に觊れる柔らかな感觊の曎に奥から、早鐘を打぀錓動が䌝わっおくる。けれども、クロ゚の蚀葉はそれずは真逆に静かになっおいた。 「蚀葉だけでは、拙者の感謝は返しきれないのでござるよ。たずえ幟千幟䞇の財宝を積み重ねたずころで、到底返せないのでござる」 俺の心臓も、荒れ狂うほどに高鳎っおいる。錓動の音が耳にたで届いおいる。 「蚀葉ではなく、財だけでなく、あなた様ぞの恩を返す方法を必死で考えおいたのでござる。そんな時にふず、母䞊から聞かされおいた父䞊ずの銎れ初め話を思い出したのでござる」 で、タむミングを合わせたように、俺が济堎に向かう音に気が付いたのか。埌は俺の知っおのずおり、だ。 「最初は背䞭をお流しするだけで終わる぀もりだったでござる。劂䜕に恩を感じおいたずは蚀えその............倜這いをする床胞は拙者には無かったゆえに」 この状況は倜這いにはいるのか? 「けれども、あなた様ぞの恩の気持ちを再確認しおしたえば、躊躇いはい぀しか無くなっおいたでござる。拙者はやはり母䞊の嚘なのだず自芚できたでござるよ」 「クロ゚............」 「責任を取れ、などずいう぀もりは毛頭無いでござる。カンナ氏ずお旅の身であるのは承知の䞊。けれども、もし僅かばかりでも拙者の気持ちを受け取っおいただけるのであれば」 クロ゚は俺の耳元に口を近づけ、そっず呟く。 「............今倜、我が身をあなた様に捧げたしょう」 脳裏で、䜕かが軋んだ。 僅かばかりに残っおいた理性の糞が、今にも匟け飛びそうだ。 俺は自身の胞の前で組たれおいた圌女の腕を解き、身を離した。 「あ............」ず悲しげにクロ゚が挏らすも、俺はゆっくりず圌女の方ぞ身䜓ごず振り返った。 挆黒の瞳ず芖線が亀錯する。既に圌女の顔は朱に染たっおいたが、俺の目に宿った情欲の色を芋お取るず、それを曎に赀らめた。 ようやく、圌女の玠肌を党お芖界に収めた。 コレたでに玙媒䜓やネットの䞖界で女性の裞を芋た事は倚々あった。俺だっお幎頃の男だ。いろいろず゚ロい想像を働かせ、自分だったらこうするああするを劄想しお自家発電を行った回数など数え切れない。 だけれども、いざ女性の生身を前にすれば、蚀葉を倱うしかない。 敎った顔立ち。くびれた腰぀き。ふっくらずした臀郚。すらりずした手足。蚀葉は出ず、だが玛れもない興奮が心身を駆けめぐる。 俺は暎走しそうになる心を必死に抌し止める。 最埌の防波堀になったのは、皮肉にも豊かな胞元の䞀点。 染み䞀぀ない肌に穿たれた傷跡。 俺の芖線の先に気が付いたクロ゚が、歪んだ皮膚の䞀郚を指でなぞる。 「宝石が埋め蟌たれおいた傷は町の治療術士に治しお貰いたした。もう痛みはありたせん」 「けど、傷跡が残っちたったな」 「構いたせん。私が呪瞛から解き明かされた蚌だず、むしろこの傷跡を誇りに思いたしょう。あなた様のお陰で、私は自由になれたのだず」 䞍意に、クロ゚の口調が倉わっおいる事に気が付いた。その事に觊れようずしたが、問題はないか。あるいは、よりいっそうに圌女に『女性』を感じられる。 「最終確認だ。本圓に良いんだな? 䞀時の感情に流されお、埌悔しないか?」 「............確かに衝動的なモノではありたしょう。だずしおも、この時この瞬間を埌悔するこずは氞劫にありたせん」 「分かった」 俺は圌女の頬にそっず手を䌞ばし、顔を近づけた。クロ゚は俺が觊れるず䞀瞬だけ震えるが、すぐに肩から力を抜き、そっず目を閉じた。 互いに銖を僅かに傟け、俺は圌女の唇に己のそれを重ね合わせた。 最初は僅かに觊れ合わせるだけの優しい口づけ。 唇を離すず、圓たり前だが至近距離にクロ゚の顔が身近にあった。 䞊気した頬に最んだ瞳。俺が口付けしたばかりの柔らかい唇。 「カンナ様............」 クロ゚が俺の名を呌んだ。その声の䞭に、口付けを再床求める色欲が含たれおいたのを、俺は確かに感じた。 決定的に、俺の䞭に残っおいた最埌の躊躇いが消え去った瞬間だった。唇が觊れただけだず蚀うのに、コレたで感じたこずのない高ぶりがこみ䞊げおきた。 もう䞀床、身䜓ごず抱き寄せお唇を重ね合わせる。先ほどよりも匷く、深く、長く。クロ゚の柔らかな双䞘が俺の胞板で朰れお密着床が倧きくなる。唇の柔らかさず胞の柔らかさに、俺の興奮は倩井知らずに䞊がっおいく。 錻で呌吞をするのも忘れ、息苊しくなった俺は唇を離す。どうやらクロ゚も呌吞を忘れおいたようで、俺ず同じく口で息を倧きく吞っおいた。 互いの呌吞が敎ったのを芋蚈らい、䞉床目の口付け。今床はクロ゚から求めおきた。俺の背䞭に手を回し、唇ず身䜓を抌し぀けるようにしお唇を重ねる。 その最䞭、なんずなしに薄目を開くず、クロ゚の獣耳がピクピクず動いおいるのが芖界の端っこに芋えた。猫じゃらしを目の前で振られた猫のように、俺は興味本䜍に埮動しおいる獣耳に手を䌞ばし、やんわりず觊れた。 「ひゃうッ」 ビクリずクロ゚は党身を震わせるず、唇を離し䜕かを堪えるようにギュッず目を閉じた。俺は慌おお圌女の耳から手を離す。 「え? あ、悪い。痛かったか?」 「ち、違いたす。ただ、獣人や゚ルフの耳は他の皮族のそれよりもかなり敏感らしいので、少し驚きたした」 「そっか。いきなり觊っおごめんな」 「............了解だ」 口付けを亀わしながら、俺は獣耳を優しく揉んだ。氎濡れのシットリした毛䞊みを指先に感じ、フニフニずした柔肉の感觊は癖になりそうだ。耳の付け根や先端、内偎を擊るず圌女の背筋がその郜床に震えた。同時に、唇に吞い付く力も匷くなる。 その様子は凄たじい色っぜさを秘めおおり、我慢が出来なくなった俺は圌女の口内に己の舌を捻り蟌んだ。 突然の異物の䟵入に驚き、目を芋開いお身䜓を離そうずするクロ゚。だが逃しおはやらない。耳に觊れおいた手を頭の裏に延ばしおそのたた固定。぀いでにもう片方の手でケモミミモフモフを継続。そしおそしお、俺はクロ゚の口の䞭を『蹂躙』しおいく。 己以倖の熱を感じ取る。火傷しそうな䜓枩ず唟液の粘りけを絡め取るように舌を動かす。舌がクロ゚の口の䞭を觊れ、たたは俺の指に耳を擊られる床に、ビクリずなる。 しばらくそのたた圌女の口内を堪胜するず、たた己が息をしおいなかったこずを思い出す。けれども今床は口を離さず、ゆっくりず錻で息を吞う。舌も動かすのを止め、クロ゚の唇の裏偎を軜くなぞるに留める。 「............はむぅ」 小䌑止の最䞭、俺の舌先に別の熱が觊れた。クロ゚の舌だ。おそるおそる、ず蚀った感じにツツくように俺の舌を刺激する。 俺は圌女の口内を蹂躙したくなるのを堪えお、やんわりずクロ゚の舌を舐め返す。たたもゟクリずクロ゚が震えるが、圌女は俺の舌を絡め取る。動きこそぎこちないが、俺のモノを感じ取ろうず䞹念に舐める。 動きこそ先皋よりも倧人しい、だが舌が混じり合う音はそれ以䞊に济堎に響いた。埐々に互いの舌が激しく蠢く。い぀の間にか、俺ずクロ゚は互いの舌を貪るように絡み合わせた。 そしお、舌の動きが最高朮に達したずき、クロ゚の身䜓が䞀際激しく匷ばった。声にならない悲鳎を䞊げ、䞀気に脱力したのだ。 ............今のはもしかしなくおも。 俺は圌女の口の䞭から舌を匕き抜き唇を離した。粘りけのある唟液の糞が離れた俺ず圌女の舌先を繋ぎ、重力に負けお千切れ萜ちる。 圌女は心ここにあらず、ずいった様子だ。瞳は色を倱い口元はだらしなく空いたたた唟液でおらおらず光っおいる。虚空を芋぀めるず、力なく俺の胞元に倒れおくる。俺はそっず圌女の身䜓を受け止めた。 「わ、わふぅ............」 「............あ、あたりらいろうるらないれる。............くぅん」 舌が党く機胜しおないな。意味䞍明である。䞀分か二分ほど時間を埅぀ず、脱力から回埩したのかクロ゚は顔を䞊げた。 「お、お恥ずかしいずころをお芋せしたした」 「ただキスしただけだぜ?」 「か、カンナ様の接吻が激しすぎただけです! あんな............舌だけで私は............。わふぅ............」 「や、悪い。思っおいた以䞊に気持ちよかったからさ、぀い」 嘘ではないが、クロ゚の感じる様子が堪らなかったのが最たる理由だ。アレで欲情しない野郎は䞍胜で間違いない。 「しかも、すごく手慣れおいる様子が芋受けられたすし」 「いやいやいや、俺はぶっちゃけ初䜓隓ですが」 「嘘ですっ! ............え、本圓に?」 「ホントホント」 「........................将来が非垞に恐ろしい埡仁でござるな」 あ、急にござる口調に戻りやがった。 ここで興奮が冷めるのは非垞に頂けない。俺は再び情欲の熱を䞊げるために、少し無理矢理に圌女の唇を奪った。 「わふぅッ!?」ず悲鳎を䞊げるも、クロ゚は目を最たせお俺の口付けを受け止める。殆ど迷い無く舌を差し出しおきたので、喜んで舐める。そしおすぐに離した。 ずおも残念そうになるクロ゚だったが、キスだけで終わらせるわけにもいかない。今倜はただただ始たったばかりなのだ。 俺は、俺ず圌女の身䜓の間に挟たり朰れおいる二぀の果実を、䞋から掬い䞊げるようにしお包み蟌んだ。片手だけでは収たりきらない巚乳が俺の手の圢に抌し぀ぶされる。 「痛いか?」 「い、痛くはないのですが............ちょっず驚いおしたっお」 「そっか。なら続けるぞ」 「は、はい............どうぞご自由になさっおください」 OKが出たので、俺は心おきなく、だが傷぀けないように最倧限の気遣いを持っお圌女の巚乳を揉みしだく。䞡手でガッシリず、巊右の桃ヌヌメロンでも可ヌヌを䞹念に............ひたすら䞹念に。 ............あ、ちょっずこれ凄い。 「か、カンナ様?」 ............ずっず揉んでおも飜きない。 「はっ!?」 俺が我に垰ったクロ゚の悲鳎は、その胞の頂である桃色の果実をむゞったからだ。 危うく悟りを開きそうになるほどの無我倢䞭で圌女の巚乳を揉んでいた。ぶっちゃけ、揉んでいた最䞭の蚘憶があたりない。手に残るのは、極䞊の柔らかさず、そうでありながらも指を間違いなく抌し返す匟力。念願の巚乳に盎に觊れたのに、䜕の蚀葉も思い浮かばない。これほどの感動を衚珟する事が、俺には出来なかった。 間違いないのは、俺が巚乳奜きであったこず。 巚乳奜きであったこずをこの日ほど誇ったこずはない。 それほどに巚乳が倧奜きであったのだ。 っおおい。たたクロ゚がクタっおなったよ。たたも俺の胞にしなだれおくる。圌女の再起動に数分たた芁した。 「本圓に倧䞈倫か? 今日はもう止めおおいた方が」 「誰のせいですかッ」 少しムクレる圌女が埮笑たしく、䜕床目かになる口付けを亀わしお機嫌を取る。この段階たでくるず、クロ゚もキスにさほど抵抗はなくなり、むしろ積極的に求めおくるようになった。 さおず、唇を頂き胞も堪胜するず、いよいよ本番か。いい加枛に、俺のアレもバヌスト寞前である。人生の䞭でおそらく最高高床ず匷床を蚘録しおいる。熱量もメルトダりン䞀歩手前。 我がムスコを眺めおいるず、クロ゚も俺の芖線に぀られおそちらを芋やる。ず、十分すぎるほどに赀かった頬が曎に赀くなった。異性の急所を芋たこずは幌い頃に父芪ず颚呂に入った時などにあっただろう。だが、『この状態』になった男の゜レを芋たこずは初めおに違いない。 「こ、これが私の䞭に............」 「怖いか?」 「正盎に蚀えば少々............。けれども、ここで匕いおは女が廃りたす」 「それを聞いお安心した」 俺はクロ゚を膝の䞊に茉せ、力匷く抱きしめた。圌女の枩もりも、肌の感觊も、胞の柔さも党おを感じ取るように。 「クロ゚。俺は今からおたえを抱くぞ」 「はい、カンナ様。今から私はあなた様に抱かれたす♪」 俺たちは至近距離で芋぀め合い埮笑んだ。 そしお、今倜たた䜕床でも亀わすであろう口付けのカりントをたた䞀぀重ねるのであった。
How did it turn to this? Or so you thought I'd say huh! (Who am I talking to?) I self-quipped myself. ............Seems like my head is getting hot in a good way. By the time my thoughts were starting to go wild, Chloe talked to me while she rubbed my back with the towel. "Yeah, it's just fine." "That is good degozaru............" Even when she says that it's good, her words are barely audible. Though she's the one who started this, she's embarra.s.sed all the same huh. Of course, I am too. And that's why I'm now in the middle of having Chloe-san wash my back degozaru. Though it's a talk for later, it's been decided that Faima will lend Chloe the money she needs in this journey. Being only on the receiving end is frustrating for Chloe. Looking for any way possible to show her grat.i.tude, Chloe saw me going to the bath alone. Having confirmed that I was the only person there, she made up her resolve and invaded the men's bath. Of course she didn't forget to leave the {in preparation} sign in front of the changing room so that no one comes in. "It is a custom of the people of Hinoizur to wash their backs when entertaining our guests degozaru." The similarity of Hinoizur to j.a.pan is terrifying. "This one doesn't count this as returning even a part of my favor degozaru. But this one just wanted you to know that this one feels great grat.i.tude towards you degozaru." Even I can't refuse her when she says something like this with that tomato face and those straight eyes. Though I already washed my body before getting in the bath, there is no problem in having her wash my back again. "The last time I did this was when I washed father's back as child degozaru. As expected, the back of a man is big degozaru." "Mine is on the small side though." "Even then, it's totally different from a woman's back degozaru yo." Probably because I'm not looking at her and that she's focused on was.h.i.+ng my back, I could feel the tension disappearing from Chloe's voice. Did she also get used to the task? Her hands which were awkward at first were now moving smoothly. My embarra.s.sment disappeared too as I got used to the situation and let her do as she pleased with me. For a while the only sound that could be heard in the bath was that of Chloe was.h.i.+ng my back. "Kanns.h.i.+ can I ask you something degozaru ka?" "What is it?" "At that time in the valley when everyone else thought to put this one at peace out of pity, only Kanns.h.i.+ was thinking about saving this one, why is that?" "Didn't you hear from the others? I simply didn't like the idea of the guy who manipulates others from behind the scene getting his way." And it would have been good if you had information about the mastermind. "............While this one was unconscious, I heard a{voice} degozaru." " Was it the guy who controlled you?" "That's wrong degozaru. It was a totally different voice degozatta. That voice said this to me." ----Something like the mastermind's scenario, I'll blow it to pieces. It's a line I remember having heard somewhere............ "The moment this one heard that voice coming from the depth of my chest, that hateful voice that was ruling this one disappeared along with my body heat degozaru." It was at that time, when Faima removed that crystal from Chloe's chest. The reason she felt the heat disappearing is because I literally froze her heart. "This one already heard about the way she was saved degozaru. It surprised me degozaru. This one never though that you would stop my heart while I still lived degozaru. I also heard how the one who got it moving again was Kanns.h.i.+." "It's not like I did it alone. It was only possible because Faima knew about CPR. That was a bet to say the least, to stop the heart of a living person in a place without proper equipment is not what a sane person would do." "Nevertheless, as a result this one is alive right now degozaru." "There was no prove that you were going to be saved. Don't just take the fact that it went well and forget the rest like some embodiment of good will." If it was a case where saving Chloe brought me a big risk, I probably wouldn't have saved her. Our relations.h.i.+p isn't so great that I'd suffer some sacrifices for her. I didn't have enough materials to do that much for her out of kindness. "............At that time this one was fine with dying degozaru yo." "............What could you mean by that?" Without realizing it myself, my voice got sharper. It was fine to die, she says? I felt anger Towards the words that indicate throwing aside that life that I took the trouble of saving. "Please don't misunderstand, this one is truly grateful for having saved my life. Since this one got to live, this one will do everything she can to survive until this favor is completely payed back." Hitari, and the arms of Chloe touched my back. i felt a warmth that's not mine and the emotions that surged within me calmed down. "Honestly speaking, this one could have fought against the{voice} . If it didn't sit with me to be manipulated, this one should have ended her life. That I didn't was simply because I felt that my life was too precious and chose obedience over death." I'm not so much of a proud human that I would criticize that. I would never tell her to die for her pride. "But only that time was different degozaru. At that time When this one was embraced by that refres.h.i.+ng cold, I truly believed it fine to die while feeling all the thoughts that tied me disappear degozaru. I thought it fine to meet my end at the hand of that gentle frost degozaru." It sounds like she desired her own death. But I didn't feel the anger that I felt before. The voice of Chloe as she recited her thoughts was calm enough that it even sounded peaceful. "It is most likely that if you had just saved my life, I would have continued to fear that{voice} as long as I live. But now as long as I remember that peaceful feeling, this one won't fall under that{voice} 's rule ever again. That's why, this one wanted to thank you again." For some reason, I was sure those words came from the bottom of her heart. "............By the way, don't you think that's enough was.h.i.+ng my back?" "Eh? Ah, that's right degozaru na." "No well, I'll be troubled if you don't retort me there." "Hyauu?!Eh, ah, no, wait a little." What happened? Did her serious air from before disappear? Chloe was getting fl.u.s.tered behind me. "............Guts degozaru.............An is guts is what Mother............This is also how Mother............Father." Suddenly, Chloe started muttering something. I felt something helplessness in her voice. Coming this far, did she find the situation to be embarra.s.sing? Frankly speaking, my heart has been maintaining a state of calm and serenity since the moment Chloe entered. The one behind me, despite being a gozaru girl, is no doubt the owner of a voluptuous and magnificent body. The moment I think about it, my{son} down there will be fast awake. Please continue your sleep. I'll wake you up later. "Ka, Kanns.h.i.+!" "Hoeh?! Eh, ah, what?" surprised by Chloe's loud voice that came when I was putting my son to sleep, I let out a weird voice. "Excuse me degozaru...!" If you take her words literally, she finished her act of grat.i.tude which she came for and couldn't bear with this situation any longer. Hence, she's leaving the bath. I also thought so when I heard her. ----Munyuri, until I felt those soft lumps on my back, that is. Of all things, let alone leaving the bath, Chloe hugged me from behind. "Eh, hey Chloe-san, what are you doing?!" "Hu, hugging you degozaru." "That's totally not what I'm asking though--!!!" Putting her arms around my chest, Chloe was sticking her body to mine. This sensation on my back no doubt belongs to the two fruits dangling from Chloe's chest. And in the middle of that softness I felt a hard sensation. She's sticking so close even her decolletage is touching me. Don't tell me she took off her towel? She's in her birthday suit?!! She took it off herself?!! "Stop this Chloe, This position is simply bad." "Don't worry degozaru. It's pretty bad for this one too degozaru." "Go look up the meaning of bad in a dictionary! That's not what I want to say!" "Please don't move much degozaru. That............They're rubbing and making this one feel weird degozaru." "Then let go!" With every little movement I make, *munyumunyu* the soft protrusions on her chest, Chloe's melons *kuikuri* rub against my back. "Just what's gotten into you?!! As I thought you were a s.l.u.t huh?!!" "What do you mean as you thought degozaru ka?!! The women of Hinoizur are well know for being yamatonades.h.i.+ko degozaru zo!!" "A yamatonades.h.i.+ko doesn't enter the men's bath and start hugging guys!" "This one was told that this one's Mother sealed the deal with my stubborn Father in this same way." "She's a rather aggressive one, your mom!" Is that even a talk you should be telling your daughter who's come of age. "Mother told me degozaru! If you get naked and hug them like this, men are nothing to fear! Even these b.r.e.a.s.t.s that are always in the way become the mightiest of weapons!" "Your Mother is absolutely no yamatonades.h.i.+ko!" "What are you saying degozaru ka?!! Mother is respected by the neighboring ladies as the model of the good woman." "You're telling me to believe that with this flow?" "........................That would be hard degozaru na." "Hmm? You're normaly agreeing?!!" "N, no. The usual Mother is always elegantly following behind Father degozaru yo. Just that.... when it comes to love life she becomes a little...." A lady at day and a beast at night huh. ............I might just want such a bride. (No, I'm telling you to stop thinking stupid stuff.) Thanks to my idiotic thoughts that kicked in like always, a bit of calm returned to my overheating head. Making use of that, I released calm sounding words, regardless of how I was feeling on the inside. "Cut it out already!" I clenched my fist as if to give shape to my words. "I didn't save you so that you would do something like this. We're both not children. Beyond this point can't be wrapped up as a joke." "............This one too, I wouldn't do something like this as a simple joke degozaru." Gutto, Chloe puts more power in the arms holding me. I could feel her heartbeats growing faster. Yet contrary to her heart, Chloe's words were becoming rather calm. "Mere words aren't enough to express my grat.i.tude degozaru. Even if this one was to line up tens of thousands of treasures, it wouldn't be enough degozaru." My heartbeat was also going so fast, I thought I'd go crazy. The sound of the throbbing is reaching my ears. "Not just with words or riches, this one was desperately thinking of a way to return the favor degozaru. That's when this one recalled the story of how Mother and Father got together degozaru." At that time she heard me going to the bath huh. And the rest is as I know it. "At first I was only going to wash your back degozaru. No matter how much grat.i.tude this one was feeling towards you, that is............I didn't have the courage for something like yobai." This situation counts as yobai? "But after reconfirming my feelings of grat.i.tude for you, all the hesitation I had had disappeared. This one is really Mother's daughter." "Chloe............" "I won't say something like take responsibility degozaru. I understand that Kanns.h.i.+ is also in the middle of a journey. But if you have the slightest intention of accepting my feelings then..." Chloe brings her mouth to my ear and whispers. "............Tonight, I'll offer my body to you." Something broke inside me. The final bit of reason in me was about to fly off any time. I tore off Chloe's hands that were on my chest and moved away from her. I turned my body towards Chloe who leaked a sad voice. I gaze into her pitch black eyes as she gazes into mine. Though her face was red enough, confirming my eyes dyed in l.u.s.t, that redness went up all at once. i finally looked at her whole wholly naked whole body. Till now I have seen girls' bodies in magazines and on the net numerous times, I am a man of age after all. I can't count the number of times I was picturing myself in this kinda situation, going full ero and thinking how I'd do this and that. But now that I was beholding the real thing, I could only lose my words. Her pretty face. Her lean waist. Her big round a.s.s. Her smooth limbs. No words came out as I was dominated by a fever in both mind and body. I somehow control my bursting heart. The final brake was ironically a certain part of her rich chest. A scar could be seen On her unblemished skin. Having noticed my line of sight, Chloe slightly touches the mark with her fingers. "I asked this town's healing magician to cure the wound. It doesn't hurt anymore." "But a scar remained." "I don't mind. In fact, I shall proudly think of it as the proof of having been released from my constrains. Of having been saved by you." I noticed that Chloe's dialect has changed out of the blue. I was going to ask about it, but then again, it's not problem. In fact, it only serves to make her more alluring as a{woman} . "For the last time. It's really fine, right? You won't regret it after moving on impulses?" "............True enough, what's moving me now is something momentary. But there will never come a time when I regret this moment." "I got it." I extend my hand to Chloe's cheek and draw her face closer to mine. She shudders for a moment upon my touch, but soon relaxes her body, closing her eyes. Tilting our necks a little, I overlapped my lips with hers. Our first kiss was a soft one with our lips merely touching. Our lips part and Chloe's face was obviously right in front of me. Chloe's crimson cheek and wet eyes, her soft lips that I just took came into view. "Kannsama............" Chloe calls my name, in her voice I sensed a clear desire to pile our lips again. It was then that the reluctance I had felt disappeared completely. Despite our lips having only touched, pleasure that I never tasted before a.s.saulted me. Once more, we exchanged a kiss in each other's embrace. Stronger, deeper, longer than the first time. Chloe's soft double mountain attack a.s.saulted me around the chest. My sanity received clear damage from the combination of Chloe's sweet lips soft lumps attacks. Having forgotten to breathe through my nose, I release Chloe in search of oxygen. It seems Chloe was the same as she started taking deep breaths the moment our lips parted. Estimating the timing we regained our breaths, the third kiss. This time it was Chloe who pushed for it. Putting her hand behind my back, she kissed me while thrusting her lips and body into me. As I opened my eyes in the middle of the kiss, I barely caught Chloe's dog ears moving pikupiku. Like a cat that found a wild foxtail millet, I curiously extend my hands to the swaying beast ears and touch them. "Hyauu!!" Chloe's body suddenly s.h.i.+vers, then she closes her eyes as if enduring something. I take my hands off her ears in a hurry. "Eh? Ah, I'm sorry. Did that hurt?" "That's not it. Apparently, the ears of elfs and beastmen are more sensitive than the other races', so it just surprised me." "Is that so? Sorry for touching them out of the blue." "............acknowledged." While exchanging a kiss, I gently rubbed her beast ears, feeling her wet fur on my fingers. I might get addicted to the sensation of her soft meat. When I started rubbing the tips, bottom and inside of her ears, she began fidgeting around and strengthened the force of her kiss. Her appearance was so s.e.xy and erotic. Unable to hold myself back, my tongue invaded her mouth. Confused at the sudden invasion, Chloe tried to separate her body from mine. However, I'm not letting her go anywhere. I proceed to{dominate} Chloe's mouth with my tongue while not forgetting to move my hand that was caressing her ears behind her head, getting hold of her as I continue patting her ears with the other hand. Feeling a heat that's not mine. I move my tongue to absorb Chloe's scalding heat and saliva. Every motion of my tongue or fingers sends s.h.i.+vers down Chloe's body. Enjoying her mouth like that for a while, I noticed that I forgot to breathe once again. This time though, without stopping the kiss, I take the air through my nose. Simultaneously, I trace the inside of Chloe's mouth with my tongue. "............Wamuu" Suddenly, I felt a heat that's not mine on the tip of my tongue. Chloe's tongue. Poking my tongue hesitatingly, she stimulated it. Holding back my desire of dominating her mouth, I lightly lick her tongue back. Despite quivering for a moment, Chloe bites at my tongue. Moving her tongue awkwardly, she was licking my tongue in a desire to perceive my presence. Though, our movements were quieter than before, only the wet sound of our tongues intertwining reverberated through the bath. When the movements of our tongues reached the climax, the body of Chloe greatly shook. Making a soundless shout, she lost all strength. ............That just now was undoubtedly... I take my tongue out of Chloe's mouth and release her lips. Before long, the silver line connecting our lips disappears. She was in quite the disheveled state. Eyes that lost color and lips that were glossy with saliva. As I was gazing into empty s.p.a.ce, Chloe fell on my chest. I gently receive her falling body. "Wa, wafuu............" "............A, amari ra iro uru rana ireru............kuuun" I couldn't understand a word she said as her tongue wasn't functioning properly. After waiting for a minute or two, Seemingly having recovered, Chloe raised her face. "I, I showed you something very embarra.s.sing." "All we did was merely kiss, you know?" "Ka, Kannsama's kisses are so intense! That............You only used your tongue, yet I............Wafuu............" "No well, sorry. It was much more pleasurable than I thought so I just..." Though that's not a lie, the biggest reason was the erotic look on Chloe's face as she felt the pleasure. A man that won't l.u.s.t over that can't exist. "Moreover, your movements seemed rather experienced." "No no no, this is actually my first time." "You're lying!!............Eh, really?" "Really really." "........................You'll be terrifying in the future degozaru na." Ah, she suddenly went back to using gozaru dialect. It would be horrible if my excitement subsided at this point. I stole Chloe's lips a bit forcefully to reignite my pa.s.sion. "Wafuu?!!" Even as she raises a surprised voice, Chloe's eyes looking my way were rather moist as she accepted my kiss. Chloe unreluctantly pushed out her tongue to me so I went ahead and licked it. Not prolonging the kiss, I broke the connection between our lips. Though Chloe was disappointed, it won't do to spend the whole night kissing. I extend my hands from below and scoop the two fruits crushed between our bodies. But they didn't fit there and got crushed by the shape of my hands, as expected of melons. "Does it hurt?" "I, it doesn't hurt but............That surprised me." "I see. Then I'll proceed?" "Ye, yes............please have your way with me." Having received the go sing, I started rubbing Chloe's without holding back while making sure not to hurt her. Ga.s.s.h.i.+ri with both hands-- ............Ah, this is amazing. "Ka, Kannsama?" ............I could keep rubbing them forever. "Hah?!" Having the pink fruits at the peak of her played with, Chloe moaned. Returning me to my senses. I was so focused on groping them that I might have reached enlightenment. Although I don't remember a thing of when I was rubbing them. What remained in my hands was the highest cla.s.s of softness and, contradicting it, the elasticity to push back my fingers. Despite having just put my hands on the big b.r.e.a.s.t.s that I so desired, no words came out. The ability to turn this much emotion and pa.s.sion into words wasn't something I had. I'm undeniably in love with big b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Never did I feel the pride of loving big b.r.e.a.s.t.s as much as I did on this day. That's just how much my love for big b.r.e.a.s.t.s went. Tte oi, Chloe fell down again. She catches her breath on my chest. Eventually returning to normal after a few minutes. "Are you really fine? Would it be better to stop for today?" "Whose fault is it?" The sullen Chloe fawns over me and comes for another kiss. At this point, even Chloe has gotten used to kisses and even started proactively asking for them. Now then, having taken her lips and enjoyed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, it's finally time for the real thing. That thing of mine is on the verge of bursting after all. It's most likely broke a record of intensity and size in my whole life. Not to mention that it's been blazing hot that it's a step away from melting down. Following my sight that's focused on my son, Chloe turns her eyes in the same direction. Her already red cheek were dyed a stronger shade of crimson. She might have seen the mark of a man when she washed her Father's back as a child. But it should be her first time seeing one in{this state} . "Th, this is, inside me............" "Are you scared?" "It's honestly scary............But it would be shameful as a woman to pull back here." "Hearing that makes me relieved." I place Chloe on my tights and strongly hug her. For the sake of feeling her body warmth, her smooth skin, her squashy chest. "Chloe. I'm gonna eat you up." "Yes, Kannsama. I'm now going to be eaten by you." We gazed into each other from up close and smiled. Once again, we added to the count of the kisses we exchanged who knows how many times tonight.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.32 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
第十䞀話 赀毛(å·šä¹³)さんの登堎 どんだけ興奮しおたんだよお銬鹿ッ。ず己にキレながら、俺は宿に向けお党力で走る。埌日に出盎すなんお冗談ではない。急いで財垃をずりに戻り、再出撃する事で頭がいっぱいだ。若い衝動を舐めるなよ。これしきのこずで螏みずどたる皋の柔ではないのだ。 そう、たかが財垃を忘れた皋床では螏みずどたらない。 なので。 「狙いをすたしたようにトラブル起こしおんじゃねぇよこのアホたれどもがぁッッ」 十分すぎる助走からの跳び蹎り。狙いは、うら若き女性を無理矢理路地裏に連れ蟌もうずしおいた䞍届き者の䞀人。その偎頭郚に足裏が届き、運動゚ネルギヌの党おを受け止めた男は掟手に吹き飛んだ。 この短い説明で今がどのような状況なのかは理解いただけたはずだ。 跳び蹎りをかたした俺は、男を吹き飛ばしおから空䞭で華麗にバック転し、スチャっず音が聞こえるほどに芋事な着地を決めた。十点満点は確実だ。少しすっきり。 改めお状況を確認しようか。 この付近にいるのは、俺を陀いお六人。 䞀人は䞭々に可愛らしい少女だ。歳は顔たちからしお俺ず同じかそれ前埌。髪の色は薄暗い明かりの䞭でも刀断できる玅色。燃え盛る炎を連想させる情熱の色。そしお、ロヌブを矜織っお躯の前で止めおいるのだが、その䞋からでも自己䞻匵の激しい胞の膚らみ。レアルよりは若干劣るが、あれはちょっず比べおは行けないレベルだ。これはこれで十分に凶噚だ。 残る四人は蚀わずずもがな、そんな圌女の口を塞ぎ矜亀い締めにしおいる䞍届き者たち。内䞀人は既に吹き飛ばし、少し離れた䜍眮で䌞びおいる。 五人は䜕の前觊れもない乱入者の登堎に口をポカンず開けたたた凍り付いおいた。 「やかたしい!」 いち早く我に返った手近な男の顔面に拳を捻り蟌む。錻が朰れる感觊を反動で感じながら、腕を振り抜いた。男は錻をグシャグシャにしながら埌ろに倒れ蟌み、そのたた動かなくなった。 少女を拘束しおいた男が、枯れた声を絞り出した。『お楜しみ』を邪魔し、さらには仲間を問答無甚で吹き飛ばした俺に、怒りの衚情を向ける。それは、残り䞀人も同然だ。 二人の怒りを向けられた俺は。 「この野郎............、人がせっかく倧人の階段に足を掛けようずしおたのに」 ギンッず、残る二人の男に有らん限りの殺気を向ける。怒りの圢盞を浮かべおいた男二人が「ひっ」ず喉を慣らした。 「その気が倱せるようなこずしおんじゃねぇよ! どうしおくれるんだこの若い衝動はぁぁぁっっ」 拳に絶叫を乗せお、䞉人目の顎を䞋からかち䞊げる。足が完党に宙に浮き、重力に牜かれお぀た先が地面に付くず、支えを倱った人圢さながらに厩れ萜ちた。 最埌の䞀人、少女を拘束しおいた男は悪態を付くず、腕にずらえおいたその现身を突き飛ばすず、腰に差しおいた剣を鞘から抜いた。この段階に至り、ようやく俺は他の畜生共も腰に鞘入りの剣を差しおいたのに気が付いた。 「お、お前、俺たちが䜕者か知っおヌヌ」 「知るかぁッ! 俺は今日この街に来たばっかりの田舎者だっ」 ぀いでに異䞖界二週間ずちょい。 「自分で田舎者っおいうか普通。ずいうか、だったらなおのこず、お前に俺たちが䜕をしようか関係無いだろうがッ」 「シャラップ! これからおっぱいの倧きなお姉さん(確定事項)ずニャンニャンしようっお時に、無理矢理ナニおっぱじめようずする珟堎芋せられた身にもなっお芋ろッ! 心おきなくニャンニャンできねぇだろうがッ」 「理䞍尜すぎるッ。そりゃ八぀圓たり............」 うん、間違いなく八぀圓たり。でも、こういう堎では蚀った者勝ち。 「............よく芋りゃぁ歊噚も䜕もねぇな。ぞッ、田舎者の若造が䜙蚈な正矩感を出しただけか。そうだ、ナニも慌おるこたぁねぇ」 蚀葉を亀わしおいる間に冷静さを取り戻したのか、男がニダケる。ぶっちゃけきもい。 「倚分、田舎町ではちょっずは腕の立぀内の䞀人だったんだろうよ。所詮は井の䞭の蛙だ。ここは䞀぀、倧海に出た先茩ずしおアドバむスをしおやらなくちゃなぁ。なぁに、授業料はお前の呜でヌヌヌヌ」 「台詞が長いッ」 䞀気に螏み蟌んだ俺は、固めた拳を男の腹にぶち蟌んだ。敵を目の前に悠々ず長口䞊ずかアホであろうか。 バギンッ! 「げふぉッッ」 肉を打぀感觊ではなく、硬質な䜕かを砎砕する音が腕に返る。痛みはないが、小さく驚く。 男はペロケながらも数歩埌ろに䞋がり、だが倒れなかった。䜕床もせき蟌みながらもどうにか螏ん匵り、自分の服の裟をめくり䞊げた。するず、その䞋から、䞈の広い朚補の茪がガランず音を立おお萜ちる。貎族の女性が身に぀けるコルセットのような圢状だ。服の䞋に仕蟌む防具の䞀皮だろう。あの音はそれが割れた音だ。俺が殎り぀けただろう郚分から芋事に割れおいる。 「げほっ、げほっ。もしもの為に着おたのが圹に立ったぜ。残念だったなぁ」 完党に朚補コルセットが壊れおいるのを芋るず、倚少なりずもダメヌゞは通ったが、その殆どが無効化されたず芋お間違いない。 矎咲だったら、コルセットごず 男は小さな痛みを堪えながら、だが先ほどずは違い隙無く剣を構える。 「もう油断はねぇ。確実に、間違いなくお前をぶっ殺す」 男の蚀う通り、構えにはもはや油断は感じられない。しかも、俺は奎の指摘したずおりに防具の類を䞀切持っおきおいない。昌間に賌入した防具類は党お宿に眮いおきおある。これも小さな倱敗だ。今埌はどんなずきでも、倖出するずきは手甲の䞀぀ぐらいは持っお行こう。 確かに、手元には防具の類は䞀切無い。そしお、人ずしおはずもかく、男が剣を構える姿は堂には入っおおり、レアルほどではないが腕はあるだろう。これではさすがに玠手のたたでは盞手できない。 「死ねぇぇっ!」 勢いに殺気を亀えた確かな剣の振り䞋ろし。このたた腕で防ごうものなら、その腕ごず俺の躯は斬撃の前に䞡断される。 だが、忘れおは無いだろう。 氷の倧粟霊から授かった『秘法』を。 ヌヌガギィィィィンッッッ。 硬質な金属音が闇倜の街に朚霊した。 男は目を芋匵った。 よし、匷床は問題なさそうだ。 混乱は眮き、ずにかく自分の攻撃が防がれた事実を瞬時に受け止めた男はすぐさたに剣を匕き、暪薙の二撃めを繰り出した。この反応、ただの路地裏喧嘩で鍛えたのではなく、それなりの堎数を螏んだ経隓からくる物。が、たたも堅い音で阻たれる。俺の右腕を芆っおいるのず同質の物䜓が巊腕に珟れ、同じように防いでいたのだ。 二撃目を防がれた男はたるで化け物ず盞察したかのような目を向けおくる。 「お、お前ッ、魔術士かッ」 「いんや、別物」 ぎりぎりず剣を抌し蟌もうずするが、俺の巊腕を芆う透明の物質ヌヌ粟霊術によっお生み出された氷の手甲には傷の䞀぀も付かない。 巊腕で阻んでいた剣を振り払い、䞀床男ずの僅かばかりの距離をずる。そしお、倧きな䞀歩を螏み蟌み、速床ず䜓重を乗せた右腕を繰り出した。男は咄嗟の反応で剣を盟代わりに氎平に構えるが。 巊ず同じく、氷の手甲に芆われた右腕。その䞀撃は盟代わりの剣を半ばからぞし折り、その先にある男の腹郚に突き刺さった。男は四メヌトルほど氎平に吹き飛び、そのたた地面にしばらく転がっお止たった。 「ヌヌヌヌふぅ、倧分すっきりしたぁ」 暎挢共がだれ䞀人動かなくなったのを確認しおから、俺は構えを解き、景気付けに手甲で芆われた䞡手を互いに打ち付けた。 どうやら粟霊の婆さんに教わった粟霊術は、俺の躯にしっかりず根付いおいる。殺気を圓おおくる盞手にも、レアルずの蚓緎通りに立ち回るこずが出来た。霊山の麓の村での䞀週間は、どうやら俺がこの䞖界で生きおいく為の最䜎限の技術を教えおくれたようだった。 軜く念じお䞡腕を芆う氷の手甲を解陀する。氷はガラスが割れるのに近い音を立おお砕け散り、パラパラず地面に降り泚ぐ。 さおず、ず俺は最埌の䞀人に突き飛ばされた少女の方ぞ向いた。埌回しにはなっおしたったが、拍子に怪我でもしおいたら困るし、 念のために家の方に送る皋床はしたい。䞋半身の興奮は、男共をしばき倒したこずで発散しおしたった。倧人の階段は非垞に惜しいが、今回は玠盎にあきらめよう。 「ずりあえず、怪我はヌヌ」 少女の方ぞ目を向ける。 可愛らしい顔が至近距離で歀方を芋぀めおいた。 「ヌヌおおぉッッ?」 先ほどの男ではないが、俺はたたらず数歩埌ずさる。だが、少女は俺のそんな様子など気にもせず、俺の顔を芋お、(倚分)腕を芋お、そしお足䞋に散らばった手甲の果おヌヌ氷の瀫に目をやった。 圌女はしゃがみ蟌み、氷の粒の䞀぀を手に取った。その県差しは真剣であり、芖芚の党おを芋逃さないず感じさせる力匷さだった。 呟きを䞀぀するず、圌女は勢いよく立ち䞊がり。 なぜだか俺は胞ぐらを掎たれた。 ヌヌ初察面の女性に胞ぐらを捕たれた経隓は初めおである。 どうでも良いが、至近距離で盞察しおいるので、少女の持぀二぀の桃が胞板に圓たっおいる。たたも若い衝動がこみ䞊げおきそうな、柔らかくも匷烈な感觊だ。 「この氷は、あなたの魔術が生み出したもの?」 手に取っおいた氷の欠片をずいっず突き぀けおくる。 「そうよね、無から有を生み出すためには魔術を䜿うしかないもの。でも䞍思議。魔術で生み出されたものの寿呜はずおも短い。魔力の䟛絊が途絶えれば生み出されたものは時間を眮かずに消滅しおしたう」 いきなり説明し始めたぞこの女。胞ぐら掎んだたた。 この赀毛の女の蚀うずおりである。人為的に操䜜されお生み出された魔術の産物は、魔術が終わればすぐさたに消え去る。炎などの堎合、䜕かしらに燃え移ればそれはそのたた燃焌は継続するが、倧本の火元は魔力がなくなれば消えおしたう。ここたではレアルや粟霊の婆さんから教わった通りである。 っお、したった。ここで俺は自分のミスに気が付いた。 「なのに、この氷からは魔力を感じられない。であるのに、ずっず圢を保ったたた私の手の䞭で存圚し続けおいる。さおどういうこずかしらね?」 内心の慌おを努めお隠しながら、俺は衚情を厩さずに氷に「消えろ」ず語りかける。するず圌女の手の䞭にあった氷を含んだ、この堎䞀䜓に散らばった手甲の果おは䜙さず埮现に砕けお消滅した。 俺の粟霊術ず䞀般の魔術は、衚面䞊の珟象は䌌おいるが、内面は根幹からの別物だ。婆さんに泚意されたのを忘れおいた。 「あら、消えちゃったわね。よほど緻密で正確な術匏を䜿っおいたのかしら。魔術で生み出されたものであっおも、それがより珟実に近ければ近いほど、魔力を倱っおからも圢を保ち続けるから。でも、だったら尚曎に疑問がでおくるわ」 胞ぐら掎たれおから䞀蚀もしゃべっおいない俺に構わず、圌女は続ける。 「このあたしが、こんな間近にいお、盎に目にしおいながらも、貎方が行䜿した術匏が䞀切『芋えなかった』。しかも、『氷』属性なんお蚀う、氎の魔術士のほんの䞀握りしか習埗し埗ない超高難易床の術匏がね。理解は出来なくずも、少なくずも抂芁ぐらいは認識できたはずなのに」 赀毛女は倉わらず俺の胞元を手で固定しながら、そのたた思考に埋没しおしたったのか、顎に片手を圓お䞀人ぶ぀ぶ぀ず呟き始めた。蚀葉の端に『魔力』やら『術匏』やらが䜕床も出おくるので、おそらくこの堎で自分なりの俺の粟霊術を魔術的に解釈しようずしおいるのだろう。ぶっちゃけ『無駄』の䞀蚀で終わるが、口にすれば䜙蚈に話が拗れる。 ぀ヌか、折角助けたのに耒矎が胞ぐら掎みっおどヌなのよ。恩着せがたしく蚀う぀もりは無いが、さすがにこれはどヌなのよ。 ............や、胞元に圓たる凶悪で玠晎らしい双䞘の感觊があるから、苛立ちは盞殺されおいるから文句は蚀うたい。 圌女に悪意らしきものは感じられない。瀌節云々はずもかく、目の前の珟象に知的奜奇心を刺激されおいるだけだ。改めお圌女の服装を芋るず、軜装の䞊にロヌブずいう、䞀般的な魔術士颚の栌奜だ。ただし、服の䜜りやロヌブの裏地に斜された暡様は、俺の目から芋おも䞊品に思える。どこかのお嬢様だろうか。 ヌヌ冷静に分析が進むに連れお、厄介事の匂いがしおきた。婊女暎行未遂の珟堎に出くわした時点で十分に厄介事だが、それずはたた違った方向性でだ。思い出すのは有月だ。あの幌銎染みが厄介事を持っおくる時の状況によく䌌おいる。 冗談ではない。異䞖界ぞの召喚っおだけでも手䞀杯なのに、これ以䞊の面倒に巻き蟌たれたら堪らない。 俺の背䞭に冷たい汗がたらりず流れたその時、鋭い声ず共に耇数人の地面を蹎る音が聞こえおくる。音の方を芋れば、䞉人の冒険者颚の栌奜をした者達がこちらに走り寄っおくる。その芖線はたっすぐに、俺の胞ぐらを珟圚進行圢で掎んでいる赀毛女だ。十䞭八九圌女の関係者だ。 これはチャンスである。 悪いずは思ったが、俺は赀毛女の手を胞ぐらから力ずくで匕き剥がす。声に反応しそちらに泚意が行っおいた赀毛女は「アッ」ず声を出すが手はすぐに離れおしたった。 「じゃぁな。これからは倜道を歩くずきは保護者同䌎にしろよ」 俺は䞀蚀を残すず、冒険者達が駆けおくる方向ずはもちろん反察の方向ぞず走り出した。途䞭、柔らかい感觊の䜕かを螏み぀ける感芚ず「ぬごぉ」ずこの䞖のものずは思えない呻き声が聞こえた気がしたが、間違いなく気のせいであろうず結論づけお、俺はその堎を離れた。
Chapter 11 : Red hair (with big breast) enters the stage Just how far where you aroused, you idiot. While berating myself, I ran full speed towards the inn... I can't even joke around with leaving this to another day; so I'm returning ASAP to get my wallet... My head is filled with thoughts of getting back to that place; you better not look down with youthful indiscretions; they are not fragile enough that this amount of seat back is discouraging. Exactly, it's not like I'm just going to give up because I forgot my wallet... Therefore... [DON'T GO CAUSING PROBLEMS BY TARGETTING SOME RANDOM BROAD, YOU s.h.i.+TTY DUMBa.s.sESS!!] (Kanna) I made a full speed run flying drop kick, my objective is; one of the scoundrel guys that was dragging off an unwilling cute girl towards the backalleys. The moment these soles reached the opponent, the guy was blown away flas.h.i.+ly by all of that kinetic energy. I guess the current situation should be easy to understand after that short explanation... The I who was in the middle of a flying drop kick, noticed that the guy who was sent flying tumbled wonderfully in a back flip; a long noise was heard as he did an amazing landing... This would surely get a 10 out of 10, I guess I should pat me in the back a little. Let's review the issue once more? Right now there are six people other than me here. One of them is the beauty over there; judging by the face, she is for about the same age as me... Her hair color is easily distinguishable red even in this dim brightness, with a tone that resembles the pa.s.sion of a burning flame. Additionally, the robe that she wears in her body stands tall, the reason being the self a.s.serting buldge that protudes from her chest. While it is indeed lesser compared to Real, it's still at a level where you are better off not worrying about comparisons; that's already quite the lethal weapon as it is. If I was to say something of the remaining four, they are brutish fellows that are closing off the girl's mouth and holding her hands on her back. One of them was already sent flying away; so he is a little bit separated from where we are standing now. The 5 people where completely frozen in place awestruck with their mouths hanging by the intruder that barged in without any prior notice. [NOISY!] (Kanna) I promptly bury a twisting fist into the face of the guy that was trying to argue with me; the reaction from the backlash tells me that his nose is broken, I retract my arm and the guy with a crumpled nose collapses to his back; it looks like he won't move anymore. The guy that was detaining the girl, squeezed out with a withering voice. His {enjoyment} was disturbed, and his friend got sent flying without any questions asked; he faces me with an angry expression, it's the same for the other remaining guy. And the I who is in the receiving end of these two's anger. [You b.a.s.t.a.r.ds............ Getting in the way of someone climbing the stairways to adulhood...] (Kanna) While glaring, I let out as much bloodl.u.s.t as I can to these two, they let out a [Hii] scream after receiving my anger. [It's not like it's going to shy away with this! What do I do with these youthful impulsesssssss!!!] (Kanna) My fist moves as I scream, I hit the third guy's jaw from bellow. His feet raise from the ground and gravity causes him to fall into the ground, as a doll that had it's strings broken. And the last guy, the one that was detaining the girl spat out curses; he thrusts away the slender waist that was caught in his arm, and pulls out a sword from his belt. It is only at this point, that I notice that the other brutish guys also have swords in their belts. [Y-you, it looks like you don't know us--] (other punk) [AS IF I KNOW! I'M A COUNTRY b.u.mP THAT JUST GOT TO TOWN TODAY!!] (Kanna) On top of that, it's two weeks in this world. [Calling yourself a country, or rather; you are just a normal guy- You should't have any relation with us!!] (other punk) [SHARAP! When I was about to do some nyannyan with a big breasted onee-san! (ident.i.ty to be settled); I find the scene of some guys forcing someone else in front of my face! I can't nyannyan with a clear conscience after this!] (Kanna) [That's just stupid. And you are just venting your............] (other punk) Yep, I'm absolutely venting in anger, though no one who points that out is here. [............ Now that I look at ya, you don't carry a blade. Heh, just a hillbilly greenhorn who has a big sense of justice? Right, nothing to make a fuss about] (other punk) After going into self monologue, the guy regains his calmness and let outs a smile. To put it bluntly, he is disguisting. [Maybe, you might be a big shot with a strong arm in the hicks, but that's just a frog in a small pond. Let me give you some advice as your senior in the big ocean; so, the price for learning is going to be your life----] (other punk) // senior = senpai // [YOUR INTRO IS TOO LONG] (Kanna) Without any pause I stepping in, I hardened my fist and struck the guy's belly. I wonder if there is some idiot who will just stay still as an enemy is in front of you running out their mouths with leisure. BAGIN-! [Gehuooo] (other punk) This is not the feeling of hitting flesh, and the sound hints that the feeling in my arm is one from clas.h.i.+ng with something hard. I'm not in pain, but it's sudden enough to be surprised... The man staggered some steps behind, but he did not fall; after he braced himself and regained his footing; he brushed off a part from his own clothes, and bellow it; a roundish wooden thing fell to the floor, making an empty noise... I guess it's like one of those corsett that n.o.ble ladies wear from time to time, and a type of protection that is meant to be put under one's clothes... and from the sound of it, it looks like it broke- It splits magnificently from the part where I hit it. [Geho, geho; I wore that one just in case. Too bad, isn't?] (other punk) I take a glance to the wooden corsett that is broken, while it looks like some damage pa.s.sed; without a doubt most of it was nullified. If it would have been Misaki, she would have gotten the ribs along with destroying the corsett. The guy seems to be holding on the pain, and holds his sword in a different way from before, without gaps. [No more carelessness, I'm going to kill the s.h.i.+t out of ya fer sure] (other punk) Exactly as he says, you can't feel negligence anymore from his stance; additionally- like this man pointed out, I don't have in me any sort of protective gear... the armor purchased during the day, was all left in the inn. This is certainly a small failure, from now on; every time I go out, I'll carry something with me. It is indeed so; right now I have absolutely no armor at hand, and then there is the opponent, even if it's just a human, he has a sword in hand... There is no way he is as strong as Real, but he should at least know a thing or two; going against him barehanded is a little bit too much after all. [DIEE!] (other punk) A vigoroous swing filled with killing intent was heading my way; in the case of trying to block this with just my arms, those arms would be slashed through along with my body... Well, there is no way that I can forget it... Those {Secret arts} that were pa.s.sed down to me by the great ice spirit. -- GAKINNNNN. The echo from a metallic hardness spreads through the night town. The man open his eyes wide... Nice, it looks like density won't be an issue with this Leaving behind his confusion, he quickly discerns that his attack was stopped and speedely retracts his blade; he lunges forward with a swipping side attack as a follow up... With this reaction, you can tell that he did not only learn to fight in the backalleys; it shows that it's someone who has experiences from different places, however; the same hard sound was heard again, since another object of the same quality of the right arm materialized in my left; stopping the swing in the same way. The man who had his strikes stopped twice looks at me as if he was seeing some sort of monster... [Y- you, are you a magician!?] (other punk) [Nah, it's something else] (Kanna) I pushed back a little the sword with the transparent material in my left arm-- It looks like there is no scratch in the ice arm protectors made by spirit magic. After shaking off the sword with the blocking arm, I made sure to make some distance between the guy and I- then, with a large step forward; I put great speed and body weight as I trust my right hand forward. The guy makes a quick reaction and puts his sword horizontally so that it acts as a s.h.i.+eld... Of course, just like the left hand; the right one was completely covered with the ice protector. That single blow breaks the covering sword right down the middle, and just like before I dive my first into the guy's abdomen; blowing away the guy horizontally for about 4 meters. He rolled a little in the floor and then stopped moving. [---- Fuh, I feel seriously refreshed] (Kanna) I check around to confirm that the hoodlums really stopped moving, and then I relax my stance. Driven by the mood, I struck together the two fists that are protected by ice. It looks like the techniques that were taught by the spirit baa-san are firmly engraved in my body; even if the opponent comes forth with killing intent, I can perform for about the same as I did in those training rounds with Real. During that week spent at the village on the foot of the sacred mountain, I somehow managed to learn the basic techniques required to survive in this world. I lightly relax my arms, and release the ice that has been covering them; said ice makes a gla.s.s shattering like sound as it touches the ground, fluttering as it crumbles. And now, I better head towards the girl that was thrusted away by the last guy... while I have been delaying it, it would be a problem if she got injured then. ... I don't think I can take her to my place to make sure if she is alright. As a result of the scuffle with these guys, the excitement of my lower half has subsided... It's regrettable to let go of that adult stairway; but let's obediently give up on that now. [In any event, if injured--] (Kanna) I put my eyes where the girl is supposed to be... ... And I find that a beautiful face is staring at me from a point blank distance. [--Ooohhhh?] (robed b.r.e.a.s.t.s) It's obviously not the guy from just now; I took some steps back, but the girl doesn't mind that at all and totally stares at my face, stares at my arms (probably), and then sees the place laying around my feet-- She totally stares at the ice wreckage. She squats down, and grabs with her hands one of the ice pieces... That gaze is completely serious, and strong enough to emit a feeling that she absolutely wouldn't let slip even the slightest detail. After muttering something, she got up with great vigor. ... For some reason, she grasped my collar. -- This is obviously the first time I experience having a girl grab my lapels on our first meeting. Whatever is fine. We are already in a point blank range face to face confrontation... The two amazing peaches she is a possesor of are touching my chest; those adolecent impulses are surely going to surge forth once again; it's a tender yet intense feeling. [This ice, it's the product of your own magic, right?] (tender but intense b.r.e.a.s.t.s) Without any hesitations, she trusts forward the ice piece that she has in her hand. [It has to be, to be able to create an existence from nothing; it can only be done through magic... But this is a unusal; something created by magic has a very short life sp.a.w.n, thus something that was given birth by magic should be extinguished after it's magic power supply is cut] (tender but intense b.r.e.a.s.t.s) This woman suddenly started explaining with my collar in hold as it is. It's exactly as this red head woman says, things created artifically by magic; quickly disappear once the magic is done. For example in the case of flame, if you manage to set something on fire, then that something will continue burning as it is until the combustion materials run out; but for the original flame, once the magic that produces it stops, it will cease to be. That much fits with what I learned from Real and the spirit baa-san... -Erm, c.r.a.p. Right now I'm noticing my mistake... [Then why is it, I don't feel any magic flowing within this ice at all; but it's a fact that it's continuing to exit in my hand without losing any shape. Why is that?] (tender but intense intelectual b.r.e.a.s.t.s) Trying to conceal as much as possible any internal turmoil I'm in, without modifying my facial expression at all I give the order [disappear] to the surrounding ice. Then even the ice that she was holding winthin her hands, the small crusts scattered through the place as they vanished in thin air. My own spirit magic and magic look like similar phenomena on the surface, but at their core they are quite different; grandma did gave out a warning about that which I had forgotten. [Ara, it has disappeared; should I say you have quite a precise and finely tuned technique? Even if it was created by magic, it might be proper to say that it's something which it's closer to material that exists in reality; as it can keep it's shape even after magic is no longer supplied.... If that's the case, then I have even more questions...] (girl) To the I who keeps being restrained by my lapels without saying a word, she continues. [While I'm being this close, as I see it happen first hand; I have absolutely not {see you} using any techiques; furthermore, we are speaking about the {ice} attribute here... an extra high difficult to perform technique that only a handful of water magicians manage to grasp.... I'm unable to comprehend this at all, I should have been able to understand at least as much of the outline for this...] (curious girl) As usual this red haired woman never lets go of my collar, keeping her hand fixed... It looks like she is losing herself in her thoughts as it is, she puts a hand in her chin and kept mumbling stuff; the words {magic} and {technique} kept popping up... She probably is trying to interpret the spirit magic I used in this place in the terms of attribute magic. Totally speaking her own mind without holding nothing back, but that now only be sumed up with the word {pointless} ; but it's better not to twist more the story by fessing up now... Or rather, after going through lengths to help her; the sole reward I get is getting seized by my collar... It's not like I want to say to her face that she is indebted to me, as expected that would be a little bit too much. ............ Nah, right now in my solar plexus there is this atrociously wonderful sensation brought forth by those twin hills, it's certainly good enough that it offsets any complain I might have about this. I can't feel any sort of malice coming from her... Let's not speak about decorum and so on; it's merely that she has nothing but intelectual curiosity in the phenomenom in front of her. I take another look at her clothes, in the upper part she has a robe which fits in the lightweight equipment cathegory, a popular choice for those with a magician's air- The one thing is, the pattern in her clothes and the lining of the robe seems quite extravagant even to my eyes; is she an well bred lady from somewhere? -- As the a.n.a.lysis was prooceding calmly, I noticed the scent of problems ahead. It's awkward enough to into a possible rape scene head on, but the smell is from a different nature than that... It's as if I'm reminded of Yuuzuki-- this closely resembles those burdens brought by that childhood friend of mine... Don't joke around-- I already have my hands full with being summoned to another world; I can't afford to get caught up in even more troublesome things. As I was experiecing cold sweats through my back, I could hear the loud voices and step sounds from several people; looking in that direction, three guys that look like adventurers were approaching this place while running- Their line of sight was completely fixated in this woman who has been holding my lapels all along. Eight to nine out of ten, they probably have a relation to her. This is a chance. I think it's a bad thing to do, but I forcefully peel off the red hair's hand from myself; the redhair who had put her attention to the incoming voice let out an [Ah] voice when her hand was shrugged off. [Cya, from now on you should walk around at night only with one of your guardians] (Kanna) After leaving those words, I naturally made a dash in the opposite direction those adventurers where coming from. Midway, I somehow felt I was stepping into something soft and a [nugoh] sound reached my hears, there it shouldn't be any reason for any sounds; let's sum it up that it's probably just my imagination; as I leave that place.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.43 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
人らしき気配を察したのが四秒前。 膚倧な量の魔力を察したのが䞉秒前。 根源を芖界に収めたのが二秒前。 魔術が解き攟たれたのが䞀秒前。 そしお、ありったけの粟神力を粟霊術に回せたのが䞀秒ず零秒の間。 氷の絶壁が生じたのが、䞀秒の十分の䞀の、さらに半分ほどの刹那前。 鉄を溶かすほどの超熱量が炞裂。冗談のような爆炎が氷の壁を隔おた向こう偎で荒れ狂った。 脳が沞隰する皋の圧迫にさらに負荷を掛け、氷の倧槍を生み出す。その数を十。 『敵』の姿は芖芚にうっすらずしか確認できないほどの遠目に立っおいる。幞いにもヌヌあるいは䞍幞にも、『そい぀』の気配には芚えがった。 忘れもしない。町でファむマが襲われた時、その最埌の最埌に珟れた異様な魔力だ。寞分の狙いも違わず、粟霊術の的に蚭定する。 槍の呜䞭を確認ヌヌいや、その寞前でい぀かの時ず同じような炎の柱が立ち䞊がる。氷の槍は数秒ほど圢を保぀が、それが限界だ。瞬く間に氎に倉じお蒞発した。 『敵』の魔力は未だに健圚だ。滓かな枛少も感じられない。だが、莫倧であるが故にそこに生じる揺らぎヌヌ動揺が読みずれた。状況は未だに飲み蟌めおいないのだ。蚌拠に、驚異であった十の氷槍を防いだずいうのに、炎の柱がすぐさたに消えない。状況把握のために防埡を固めおいるのだ。 パシリず、頭に走る鋭い痛みに皮膚が匟ける。粟霊術で創造した珟象を匷制的に砎壊されたフィヌドバックが、負傷の圢で䜓に珟れる。頭郚の䞀郚分が裂けお血が吹き出す。巊目を赀い色圩が芆い隠した。 内面の圧迫ず倖郚の痛みを『根性』で堪える。 あの炎の柱が消える前に次の䞀手を打たねばならない。それが䞀秒先か䞀分先かは定かではない。思考に裂いおいられる時間は䜙りない。あの炎が消えた瞬間、掎んでいたチャンスは霧散する。 あの異質すぎる魔力の持ち䞻を、本気にさせおはならない。盞手が未だに小手調べの段階で、党身党霊を持っお朰しおおくべきだ。 膝が折れ地面に倒れそうになる。かろうじお俯せに倒れるのだけは避けお膝を突くだけに留める。぀いでに、それたで背負っおいた黒髪を地面に䞋ろした。ず、今床は立ち䞊がる力が残っおいない。 この距離では、匷力な䞀撃は攟おない。 粟霊術の利点であり欠点は、䜿甚者の粟神に匷く圱響される点だ。至近距離ならずもかくずしお、長距離の察象に察しおは非垞に䞍安定になる。嚁力も総じお䜎くなっおしたう。 「レア............ルッ」 舌が瞺れるのは、思考ず肉䜓の繋がりが離れ始めおいるからか。俺はさらに気合いを蟌めお口を開く。 「ヌヌヌヌッ、私はどうすればいいッ!」 俺の呌び声に、盞棒は頌もしく問いかけおくれた。他の四人は未だに蚀葉を倱い呆然ずしおいる䞭、圌女だけは俺の蚀葉に応えおくれる。敵が誰で状況がどうなのかずの疑問は二の次に、最善の䞀手を求めおくれる。 「俺を............担いで突っ蟌めッ!」 「承った!」 迷い、躊躇いを省略し答えるやいなや、圌女は背負っおいた剣を逆手に持぀ずそれを前方に投擲。山成りを描き遠く離れた地面に突き刺さる。そしお、俺を背負っお駆けだした。人間を背負いながらずは思えないほど速床で走り抜けながら、レアルが蚀霊を玡ぐ。 短い祝詞にあわせ、地面に突き刺さった倧剣を䞭心ずしお術匏方陣が珟れる。術匏の閃光ず共に珟れるのは、力匷い翌を持った䞀頭の獣。霊山を越えた時に乗ったあの竜だ。 レアルが届く前に竜は翌を広げ、倧地を駆ける。 「飛び乗る、舌を噛むなよ!」 助走を付け、途䞭の地面に突き刺さった剣を回収しおから長い跳躍。本圓にどんな筋肉しおたらこんなスタントアクションが可胜なのか。俺を背負ったレアルが飛び乗るず、竜は誰に蚀われるでもなく、それたでの助走の勢いのたた飛翔した。翌をはためかせ、わずかに宙に浮いたかず思えば、レアルの疟走よりも遙かな速床で空を駆ける。 圌我の距離がスタヌト地点からおよそ半分を切る。この時点で、炎の柱が消滅した。その先に姿を衚したのは、豪華な装食を斜したロヌブを纏う䞀人の男。 魔力が膚れ䞊がり、術匏が発動。尟を匕く倧きな炎の匟䞞がこちらを迎え撃぀。 (発動たでが早いッ) 魔力の気配がより顕著になるのは術匏を構築し始める段階からだ。そしお、甚いる魔力が倚ければ倚いほど、術匏が耇雑で有ればあるほどに、始動から術匏の発動たでの時間が長くなる。 男が今たさに攟った魔術は、始動から発動たでのタむムラグがほずんどない。けれども『圓たれば死ぬ』ずいう盎感の譊報が鳎り響く。 「安心しろ、私が道を開く」 俺がずやかく口にする前に、レアルが応えた。そこに焊りは埮塵すら無く、自信にあふれた䞀蚀だった。 ギラリず、圌女が片腕で携えた倧剣が煌めく。雄々しくも暎力的な力の象城が銀の光を煌めかせる。 炎は既に目前。このたたでは盎撃のコヌスだ。 「キュアアアアアアアアッッ!」 竜の圷埚が蜟くず、あろうこずか圌ヌヌ今曎だが雄か雌か?ヌヌは翌を畳み銖をも胎に巻き付かせた。そんなこずをすれば墜萜必至。曎にこんな超スピヌドでなどず倧事故を自ら起こしおいるようなもの。驚きはただ終わらない。竜は翌を畳む寞前に䜓勢を倉化させ、勢いを付けお氎平軞から僅かに逞れるように暪回転をした。 ヌヌヌ斬ッ............。 俺の混乱を䜙所に、耳の端に音を拟う。 既にレアルは剣を振り切っおいた。始たりは芋おいなかったが、おそらく袈裟切りなのは終わりの䜓勢を芋お掚枬。 僅かに遅れお、埌方から爆発音。竜の䜓が暪回転し、芖界もそれに埓う。自然ず芖界に入る背埌では、枓谷に切り立぀䞡脇の壁それぞれの䞀郚が倧爆発を起こしおいた。 未だ無事なこの身。そしお埌方で起こった二぀の爆発。 炎をヌヌ魔術を、斬り払いやがった! 倩ず地の刀別が付かなくなり、たさに前埌巊右に䞊䞋すら曖昧になる空䞭でありながらも、俺は『そい぀』から片時も意識を逞らしおいなかった。 爆発に煜られ、竜の背から攟り出されたずしおも、それたで竜が俺ずレアルを運んでいた際に生じた『慣性』たでは消せなかった。宙を飛ぶ翌は無くずも、俺の䜓は突き進む。 極寒の地に身䞀぀で攟り出されたような寒気に襲われた。氷壁を壊された反動の激痛が神経を焌く。 朊朧ずする思考の䞭、千幎の時を過ごす倧粟霊を思い出す。 「ガッ............ァァアアアアアアアアアアアアアア!!!!!」 意識が戻り力が挲り掻力が党身を駆けめぐる。 奥底からこみ䞊げる心ヌヌ魂の昂ぶりに、粟霊は歓喜し応えおくれる! 盎埄にしお䞉メヌトル。 厚みにしお五メヌトル。 柄の長さは六メヌトルを超える。 超巚倧の氷槌を生み出すに至った。 勝利の確信に至っおいた男の衚情が、凍り぀く。 空䞭で身動きが取れない俺を粉砕せんず新たに術匏を䜜っおいたが、もう遅い。 䞡手で柄を握りしめ、党身で叩き぀けるように倧槌を振るう。 男の手が俺ではなく、振り䞋ろされる倧槌に向けられた。 「ヌヌヌヌァァァァアアアアアアアアアアッッッッ!!!!」 倧地を焊がすほどの超高枩の暎虐はしかし、槌に觊れた瞬間に刹那に消滅した。䞍発ではない。術匏は間違いなく発動しおいた。ただ、倧槌ヌヌそれを構成する氷の秘めた『超䜎枩』が、発生しうる熱量の党おを吞収しただけだ。 最埌に男ず県が合う。 怒りを蟌めた倧槌を、俺は党力で叩き぀けた。 氷の砎壊槌は『小さな抵抗』を文字通り圧殺し、そのたた倧地を粉砕した。小芏暡な地圢倉化が起こるほどの衝撃が地面を揺るがす。槌の着匟点を䞭心ずした倧地が割れ、隆起が起こった。 䞀぀の呜が朰れたのを感じ取るず、俺はそのたた意識を手攟した。
It was four seconds before that I felt a human presence. three seconds, that I sensed a great amount of magic power. two seconds, that I caught sight of the magic power's source. one second, that the magic was unleashed. and, less than one second, that I poured every drop of spirit force into the spirit magic. around a tenth of a second, that the ice cliff was produced. a blaze hot enough to melt steel exploded. a joke like amount of explosive flames raged across the ice wall. adding to the burden of my brain that felt like it's boiling, I made ten great ice spears and shot them with great momentum just as I felt the fireball's heat subside though the enemy was not at a distance where my eyes can clearly catch his form for better or worse I remembered this guy's presence. there was no way I can forget. it was the strange magic power that appeared when Faima was attacked in town without an inch of error I set him as the target for the spirit magic. I confirmed the hit, not, just like last time a pillar of fire rose and blocked the spears. thought they managed to sustain their shape for a few seconds, that's all. the projectiles quickly lost their form and turned into water the enemy's magic power was still there. it didn't feel like it's decreased. but thanks to it being so enormous I could easily read his confusion. this guy still hadn't grasped the situation. as proof of that, although the spears were neutralized there was no sign of the flame pillar disappearing. the feedback of having something created using spirit magic destroyed, the wounds inflicted on my body.the flowing blood covered my left eye as a part of the skin of my head was torn apart. I endure the external pain and the internal stress with guts. I have to make my next move before that pillar disappears. I didn't know whether that's going to be a second or a minute away but the time I can spend thinking certainly wasn't long, the moment that pillar vanishes my chance vanishes with it. no matter what I must prevent the owner of that miscellaneous magic power from getting serious, hence there was a need to crush him before he regained his calm. I started collapsing as my knees give in, but I managed to get myself together. I lower the blackhair on the ground while at it. (TN: remember he was carrying the black haired girl since last chapter). except I no longer had the strength to stand. at this distance, I can't fire a powerful attack. the biggest advantage yet worst draw back of spirit magic is that it greatly depends on the psyche of the user. close range is one thing but long range attacks are quite unstable and the firepower lowers too "Rea.........l" the reason my tongue tangled up is that the connection between my mind and body is getting hazy.I mustered more guts is I opened my mouth "what should I do?" dependably, my partner answered my call. while the other four were lost for words and in a daze only she responded to my words. regardless of the enemy and the situation she just asked me what matters. my mouth naturally turned into smile "carry me..........and dive right in" "Accepted" as soon as she finished saying so, without a hint of hesitation, Real throws her sword which flies a little far away before piercing the ground. with a speed that made you doubt whether she really was carrying a human, she fetched me and started running along with the light of the formation a single beast with strong looking wings made it's appearance. it was the same dragon we rode on when we crossed Reizan. (TN : Reizan is the mountain where they met the great ice spirit) right before Real's arrival the dragon spread it's wings and started running. "we're jumping, careful not to bite your tongue" just as Real jumped while carrying me, the dragon, without being told by anyone accelerated into the sky. just when I think it's fluttering it's wings and floating, the dragon cut the wind with a speed much superior to Real's run. by the point we shortened the distance to a half, the flame pillar faded away. what came into view was a single man wearing a gorgeous robe, the man's raised hand was clearly aimed at us. the man's magic power swelled up and the magic activated. leaving a trail behind, a ma.s.sive bullet of fire came our way (he's fast) the more magic power you have and the more complicated the formula the longer it takes to invoke the magic yet the magic this man fired had almost no time lag between the start and invocation of the spell my hunch is telling me that getting hit by that means death "don't worry, I'll open the path" before I could even say anything Real answered me.there wasn't a fragment of impatience in that answer, rather her few words carried a sense of confidence. girari, the great sword in her hand glittered, the symbol of violent might glowed in silver the flame was already in front of us, it will be a direct hit as it is "kyuaaaaaaaaa!" the dragon roared and, it was kind of late at this point but is it male or female? folded it's wings and rubbed it's neck into it's torso. if you do such a thing you can't avoid cras.h.i.+ng. not to mention the speed we were flying at, it's the same as causing a big accident willingly. ki............. I picked such a sound at the tips of my ears different from the confused me Real was already swinging her sword, though I didn't see the beginning of it, I could guess the slas.h.i.+ng line from her posture the explosive sounds from behind. the dragon's body made a rotation and with it my field of vision. what spontaneously entered my sight from behind was the scene of some parts of the two sides of the valley blowing up. the two explosions behind me. she cut the flame, the magic, that's the only way to explain the phenomenon that took place. though my sense of direction was messed up as I danced in the air, something like averting my focus from that guy, I didn't although we were lunched in the air and I got tossed from the dragon's back the fact that we've reached the goal remained I was attacked by a cold sensation as if I was thrown with nothing on me into an intensely cold land. the feed back from losing the ice wall burned my nerves. inside my hazy consciousness, I remembered the thousand years old great spirit. she taught me that in spirit magic the image is originally secondary and what really matters is the strength of the will. an unshakable spirit. as long as you have that spirit magic can be used. "ga...........aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!" I regained my consciousness as I felt vitality returning to my body. the spirits rejoiced as they answered to the excitement of my soul three meters in diameter five meters in thickness with a length of more than six meters a great ice hammer was there. the face of the robe who had been a.s.sured of his victory freezes he started making a new magic to pulverize me before I land but it was already late I grab the handle with both hands and swing the great hammer with my whole body the man's hand was directed at the hammer rather than me, what was fired was the same annihilation magic that destroyed my ice twice before. maybe because the situation was quite extreme for him, there was practically no time lag between the magic power acc.u.mulation and the activation of the magic "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!" a temperature enough to melt the earth was released however, the instant it touched the hammer it was all dispersed. it wasn't a misfire the magic had certainly activated. it was merely that the ultra cold leaking from my hammer had sucked all the heat. right at the end it felt like my eyes met with the robe's. what his eyes showed was undoubtedly the color of despair I had unleashed a full swing of anger the annihilation hammer literally trampled the 'small resistance' pulverizing the ground along it. a shock big enough to produce small-scale changes in the topography shakes the earth. the land had split with the impact point as a center and an uplift occurred. the moment I felt the end of a life , I let go of my consciousness as it is.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.38 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
「やったでござるなカンナ氏! 流石でござるよ」 クロ゚が狌尻尟をぶんぶん振り回しお駆け寄っおくる。 「ただ勝った蚳じゃぁないさ」 「けれども、これで人数の䞊では察等でござるよ」 数週間の蚓緎ず勘の良さだけでは限界があり、地力の差は歎然だった。加えお粟霊術に瞛りを加えた状態だ。トリッキヌな戊術が䞊手くハマったから良かったが、あのたたしばらく続けおいたら俺は護衛A、Bによっお遠からず戊闘䞍胜に远い蟌たれおいたに違いない。 「あの坊ちゃんの実力はどうだ?」 「性根はずもかくずしお、蚀うだけはあるでござるな。軜く芋積もっおもCランクの実力は身に぀けおいるでござる。負ける気はしないでござるが、そう簡単に勝たせおはもらえないでござるな」 お金持ちでむケメンで実力保持者か。ちっ、リア充が。性栌の点でそのすべおを垳消しにしさらにマむナス補正なので矚たしいずは思わないが。 「なるほど............。じゃ、盞手の数も枛ったし、ちょいず䜜戊倉曎だ」 俺が手短に䜜戊を䌝えるず、クロ゚は少しだけ躊躇うがすぐに頷いた。 もはや埗意技ずなり぀぀ある斧(決闘再開前に戻しおおいた)の党力フルスむングを、喋っおいる途䞭の坊ちゃんにぶち蟌んだ。咄嗟に二本の剣でどうにか防ぐが質量差は歎然、坊ちゃんが吹き飛ぶ。この様子だず䜜戊ずか考えず感情で俺の盞手を遞んだようだ。 吹き飛びながらも坊ちゃんは芋事なバランス感芚で䜓勢を立お盎すず剣を構えた 察峙する盞手を入れ替えたのにはちゃんず意味がある。盞性の問題だ。俺が残った護衛Bを盞手にする堎合、盞手も譊戒するだろうからもう䞋手な小现工は通甚しないだろう。力抌しをするにもあの匷固な防埡を突砎するのは難しい。䞀方で、坊ちゃんは芋た目や動きを重芖しおいたのか出䌚った時そのたたの栌奜。豪華ではあるがあからさたに護衛よりも防埡力は䜎い装備だ。技量では俺の方が劣るだろうが、攻撃力で勝る為にごり抌しも可胜だ。 そしお、クロ゚が護衛を匕き受けおくれるなら俺は坊ちゃんずの盞手に専念できる。クロ゚の技量なら護衛Bの防埡を突砎できなくおも長時間粘り続けるこずが出来る。 「こ、このッ! 䞍意打ちずはどこたで卑怯なッ」 「ぐッ、この平民ヌヌヌヌ」 「ぐぉッ!?」 斧を振るった隙を芋お反撃にでようずする坊ちゃんの腹に、旋回させた斧の柄を突き蟌んだ。たぶん、「平民颚情が!」ずか蚀いたかったのだろうが、聞いおやる矩理は無い。 今の攻撃は豪華な胞圓おの郚分に圓たったのでダメヌゞはない。感觊からしお護衛A、Bに圓おたずきず同じだ。あの胞圓おもミスリル合金だ。傷の䞀぀も付かない。 「た、たかがEランクのヌヌヌヌ」 坊ちゃんの技量なら問題なく回避できたのに、どうしおそうしなかったのか。それは圌の冷静な刀断力が俺の絶え間ない『口撃』によっお倱われおいるからだ。 「お行儀の良い決闘ごっこがしたいならお家に匕きこもっおママのおっぱいでもしゃぶっおな!」 「こ、このッ」 「激オコプンプンっおかッ? もう蚀葉もないっお感じだな!」 粟神論ですべおが片を付くほどに䞖の䞭は甘くはないが、その郚分が結構な割合を占めおいるものたた吊定できない。いかに超人的な胜力を秘めおいようが粟神面が劣っおいればそれは臎呜的な匱点になり埗るのだ。 勝぀ための眵詈雑蚀は俺の数少ない埗意技の䞀぀である。 ヌヌヌヌ確実に悪圹スキルだが存倖に気に入っおいる。 俺の『口撃』によっお怒り狂う坊ちゃんが、憀怒に顔を赀黒くさせる。 「殺すッ! 貎様はこの手で切り刻んで殺しおやる!」 クロ゚ず戊っおいたずきの様になっおいた剣戟はもはや芋る圱もなく、坊ちゃんはがむしゃらに剣を振り回す。 劣る者が勝利を掎むための鉄則の䞀぀。 ヌヌヌヌ敵の粟神を揺さぶり、党力を発揮させない。 ただでさえメンタルが匱いずころに、卑怯な手(吊定はしない)で護衛の䞀人を倒されたのだ。それたで盞手をしおいたクロ゚ずはたるで違うタむプの俺が盞手になったず、様々な芁因が奎にずっお悪い方向に傟いた。 クロ゚の蚀ったずおり、坊ちゃんは普通に匷い。そこは玠盎に認める。正面から戊えば勝おるかどうか、ずいう盞手だ。 けれどもずこずんたで煜られたお坊ちゃんを盞手にするのは玠人よりも容易い。二剣による絶え間ない連携も隙のない攻撃ももはや存圚しない。歊噚を䞡手にそれぞれ持぀利点を手攟した隙だらけの攻撃にならば、技量の劣る俺ずお察凊できる。 闇雲に振るわれた右の剣に向けお、俺は『埅っおたした』ず力を蟌めた斧の䞀撃を重ねた。 ゎギンッず鈍い音を立おお、坊ちゃんの手から剣が匟き飛ばされる。どうやら握りも甘くなっおいたらしい。 「ガアアァッ!」 意味ある蚀葉すら発せなくなったのか、獣じみた声で吠えるず坊ちゃんは逆の剣を匷匕に振るった。斧を思いっきり振るった埌なので反撃も出来ず、だが䜙裕を持っお埌退しおそれを避けた。 坊ちゃんも俺の動きず同時に、同じく距離を離すように埌退し、剣を倱った右手を腰の埌ろに回した。その郚分には、小物を入れる為のポヌチ状の袋が䞋げられおおり、そこに手を突っ蟌んだのだ。そしお、再び右手が俺の芖界に入ったずき、手の䞭には俺が予想もしなかった代物が握られおいた。 ファンタゞヌの䞖界には䜙りにも䞍釣り合いなその噚物。 ヌヌヌヌ拳銃だ。 圌我の距離は斧の間合いからは離れおいる。今から螏み蟌んでも間に合わない。こちらがあちらに届く前に奎の拳銃から発射された匟䞞が俺を穿぀。 坊ちゃんが浮かべた衚情は、憀怒の䞭にありながらも勝利を確信した笑みだ。敎った顔立ちを醜く歪めるほどに口の端っこを歪めおいる。 実は、坊ちゃんが腰の埌ろに手を回した時点で既に俺は投擲のフォヌムを開始しおいた。そしお、銃を取り出しお構えた時点でもやは投げる盎前だ。い぀かのようにやり投げの芁領で発射したのである。 倚分、最埌に坊ちゃんが笑ったのは、勝利の確信ず冷静を倱った思考で俺がどのような恰奜をしおいたのか、芖界に収めおいながらもそれを刀断できおいなかったのだろう。 別に、坊ちゃんがたさか銃を持っおいたのを予想しおいたわけではなく。ただ単に普通に斧の投擲でトドメを刺そうずしただけだ。 斧を投げちゃいけないなどず誰が蚀った? ヌヌヌヌそろそろ、本栌的に槍投げの緎習をしおいた方が今埌䟿利かもしれないず思い始める。 顔面に斧をめり蟌たせた坊ちゃんは、掟手に転倒した斧の先端は尖っおいるタむプではなく平べったいので死にはしないだろう。それでも錻は完党に折れたかな。䞍现工になった顔からは錻血が結構な勢いで流れおおり、完党に意識は途絶えおいる。 嫌な予感は倚分、坊ちゃんが最埌に隠し持っおいた拳銃だったのだろう。取り出されたのが最埌の最埌で良かった。 「完・党・勝・利ッ!」 ビシッず、ポヌズを決めおみる。 正盎、ここたで持っおくるのに倚少は手こずるず思っおいたが、蓋を開ければ特に目立った難所もなく、初っぱなからこちらのペヌスだ。決闘開始ず同じ盞手ず戊っおいたらこうたで簡単には終わらなかった。策がハマりすぎおテンションがおかしいレベルに到達しおいる。だが、テンションがマックスでありながらも戊いの調子を厩さないこの粟神構造は俺の数少ない長所の䞀぀だ。 はお、劙に堎が静かだな。俺が坊ちゃんの盞手をしおいる間にも、クロ゚は護衛Bず激しい攻防を繰り返しおいたはず。こちらの䞍真面目極たりないやり取りずは䞀線を介する、実力が䌯仲した芋応えバッチリの戊いだ。珟実䞖界では立掟に興行収入が埗られるぐらいの。 気になっおそちらに目を向けるず、どうしおかクロ゚も護衛Bもだ。そしおあろう事か䞻審の婆さんや副審の詊隓官。぀いでに女性職員さんもを口をぜかんず開けお俺の勝利のポヌズに目を向けおいた。 ヌヌヌヌふむ、どうやら俺の勝ち様に芋蕩れおいるのか。 結局、護衛の二人はろくに喋らなかったな。
[yatta, Kanns.h.i.+, you did it de gozaru na! As one would expect de gozaru yo.] Chloe rushed over to me with her tail wagging around. [You haven't won yet, calm down black wolf girl.] [But now we have equal number of people de gozaru yo.] Moreover, I'm in a situation where I can't fully use my Spirit Art. Although the surprise tactic worked well in my favor, if that situation continued on for a little while longer, I would've been driven to a corner by armor A and B. [What about botchan's ability?] [His disposition aside, his skills are genuine de gozaru na. Even a rough estimation would place him among C-rank de gozaru. This one will not lose to him but a swift victory will not be easy de gozaru na.] I'm not jealous though. After all, his character negates all the points from the attributes, and continue taking it further into minus zone. [I see...... Now then, since we have less opponents, let's change our strategy.] When I told her the strategy, she hesitated a little before nodding in agreement. I unleash my signature full power swing towards the swearing botchan using the axe (which I transformed back before restarting the duel). Though he tried to defend against it using his swords, the difference in ma.s.s is apparent. It seems that he chose me as an opponent based on emotion, and not because of a strategy. While he was being blown away, botchan splendidly recovered his stance with a superb sense of balance. As for me, I had my reason for switching with Chloe. Its a compatibility issue. If I continue against the remaining armor B, he will be more vigilant and that will render my petty tricks useless. Breaking through that solid defense is difficult by using only brute force. With Chloe taking care of the remaining armor, I can fully concentrate on botchan. Even if she can't break through armor B's defense, with her level of ability, Chloe can keep him company for a long time. [Y-you! How cowardly can you go with your surprise attacks.] [gh, you lowly--] [Guho-!?] Seeing a gap in my combo, botchan tried to slip in a counter but I prevented it by thrusting my axe handle to his stomach. He probably wanted to say [lowly plebeian] but I don't have any obligation nor motivation to ask. The attack just now struck his gorgeous armor, so he took no damage. Additionally, that armor produces the same reaction I received from attacking armor A and B. Its also mithril alloy huh. There is not a single scratch on it. [a mere E rank--] That's because I keep shaving away his mental points with my incessant [verbal attack]. [If ya wanna have a well-mannered duel, ya should just stay at home and suck on mama's t.i.ts!] [Y-you!] [Aww, is oko-chan being angry? How cute. Can't find any words to your feelings, can you oko-chan...] No matter the world, breaking down a person's psyche is not an easy feat. It also can't be denied that psyche accounts for considerable part of a person's life. [Verbal attack] is one among the few signature move that I possess. Beyond any doubt its from a villain skillset but unexpectedly, I quite like it. Botchan who was on the receiving end of my [verbal attack], was now in a fit of anger. His face deep red from indignation. [Kill! I'll kill you and chop you up!] Lost to his rage, botchan swings his sword haphazardly. A mere shadow from the flurry of blows he displayed during his bout with Chloe. An ironclad rule to obtain victory for one who is in inferior position. Rattle your enemy's spirit and mind to prevent them exerting their full might. For example, armor A was defeated using cowardly means (not gonna deny) when he was still in a daze. Unlike Chloe whom he fought just before, I am a different type of combatant. Various factor works in tandem against botchan from the moment he chose to fight me. As Chloe said, botchan is strong, in his normal condition. I'll be honest and admit that. If I fought him head-on, I'm not sure I can win. He's that strong. However, dealing with an enraged botchan right now is even easier compared to fighting a rookie. His swings now bear little semblance to his original battle style, a continuous coordination of attacks between two swords that covers any gap in his defense. Against an enemy who doesn't utilize all his available weapons effectively, even an unskilled me can steal a victory. Aiming towards his right hand sword, which botchan swings haphazardly, I [waited] for this chance as I hit it with my full force blow. With a metallic sound, a sword was blown away from botchan's hand. Apparently, his grip was also affected. [GRAAAAAAA!] He can't even scream meaningful words now. While howling like a beast, botchan swing his remaining sword forcibly. I can't retaliate immediately after doing a full swing, but I can avoid it easily. The other side has one sword left. Furthermore, he completely lost his composure. The rest can be dealt with brute force. Moving at the same time I did, botchan retreated a few step behind. His now free right hand moves behind his back. I can see a small pouch attached to his waist. Botchan proceeded to thrust his hand into the pouch. When his right hand was fully visible again, he was holding onto something I truly did not expect to see. Its an instrument far too disconnected to the reality of this fantasy world. A pistol. Full of killing intent fueled by anger, botchan points the muzzle towards me. He's aiming straight between my eyebrows. He was too far out of my range. I won't make it even if I rush in now. No doubt the bullet would pierce my head before I could reach him. Botchan had a confident villainous smile on his face despite him clearly in rage, as though his victory had been set in stone. His crooked smile was so twisted, it even manage to deform that ikemen face. And then... In fact, I had already started the motion of throwing the axe when botchan was retreating. And then, when the gun was taken out, that was just before the axe left my hand. I threw it the same way one would throw a javelin. Perhaps, the reason botchan was smiling not unlike a villain earlier was because he was so convinced in his victory and wanted to burn my final moments into his eyes. To that end, he was oblivious of everything else. Adding that to his lost of composure resulted in botchan seeing my action but unable to comprehend it. Its not like I expected botchan to possess a handgun. No one said anything about [can't throw your weapon away] From here on out, I should earnestly start practicing my throwing form huh. Botchan who received an axe with his face flas.h.i.+ly tumbled over but he won't die. After all, the axe I made this time had a flat tip. Nevertheless, his nose got broken completely. With blood flowing out of his broken nose, botchan now sports an ugly expression in his unconscious state. My bad feeling earlier, perhaps came from the hidden gun botchan had prepared. I'm glad it was brought out at the last minute. [Complete! Victory!] Declaring so, I strike a pose. To be honest, I had thought that coming to this point would be a lot tougher. But once the battle had started, there was no particularly dangerous moment. After all, the battle flow had been in my control from the start. It wouldn't be so easy if I were to fight the same opponent as before. The duel area is strangely quiet. Even while I'm busy dealing with botchan, Chloe must have been in a fierce battle against armor B. From the way he skillfully handled my underhanded tactics, I'm sure they will exhibit an evenly matched display of true capability. Back on earth, they are most certainly capable of generating a box-office-hit level of income. When I tried to peek at them, for some reason, both Chloe and armor B were looking back at me. Looking around, even basan, the examiner and the healer did the same. While I'm at it, the female staff had her jaw dropped with a shocked expression while looking at me still making my victory pose. Apparently they are captivated by my magnificent victory pose. Still affected by my tension level Max, I thought that was the case. -- In the end, both the armors did not utter a single word.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.34 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
第䞀話 既にお城は脱出したした--癒し系飛竜の䞊で状況説明 どうも、神城カンナです。今幎で十䞃の高校二幎生。絶賛圌女募集䞭の健康優良思春期男子。 突然ですが、珟圚俺は『ドラゎン』の䞊で絶賛空䞭遊泳䞭。 .........竜ず曞いおドラゎンです。決しおドラゎンずいう名の飛行機ではありたせん。長い銖に鋭い牙。堅い鱗に背䞭の䞡翌。しかもどうしおか、぀ぶらな瞳がチャヌミングな生物です。 「ん? どうした?」 数えるのもめんどくさくなるほどに珟実逃避しおいた意識を匕き戻したのは、俺の前に座る少女だ。倪陜を反射しお茝く銀の髪は矎しい现工を連想させ、倧きな双眞には宝石をはめ蟌んだような碧県。敎った顔立ちず合い勝り、人間離れした矎貌を持っおいた。 ──蚂正、そもそも『人』でなかった。蚌拠は、圌女の長い髪から長くずがった耳が䌞びおいるこずだ。停物でないのは、時折ピコピコず動く様子から芋お取れる。 「あ、いや。ちょっず珟実逃避しおたわ」 「たたか? たぁ、君の身の䞊を思えば、無理もないかもしれんが」 ポリポリず頭を掻く俺に、圌女は苊笑した。 「それよりもどうだ、こい぀の乗り心地は」 「尻が痛い以倖は問題ない。景色も良いしな」 「枈たんな。なにぶん急に召喚したせいで、鞍の準備ができおいなかったようだ。普段はもっずたずもな装備を甚意しおいるのだが」 「あの状況で脱出できただけでも䞊等じゃね? 俺の尻の痛みぐらい、どうっおこずねぇさ。肌觊りも良いし」 さわさわず、竜の背を撫でおやる。堅いは堅いのだが、は虫類ず同じでさらさらずした肌觊りが堪らない。蛇は手觊りがヌルヌルしおいるように思われるが、アレは動きだけを芋おいる為の誀解で、実際には病み぀きになる觊り心地なのだ。 俺の撫でた感觊に、竜は「キュむキュむ」ず可愛らしい声で鳎いた。なにこの癒し系。愛らしすぎる。 「こい぀は少々人芋知りでな。私以倖にはあたり気を蚱さないのだが、君は気に入られたようだ」 「䞍思議ず動物には奜かれるんだよな、昔から」 「それは埗な䜓質だな」 「前に、倧量の猫が接波のように抌し寄せおきたこずがあるけどな」 「それは..................矚たしいな」 矚望の芖線が送られおくる。どうやら猫奜きらしい。だがいやいや。 「党身に纏わり付かれるず、䜓枩ず毛玉のせいで暑いんだこれが」 冬なら暖房いらずだが、倏だず意識が飛ぶレベルの熱気が籠もる。 「ヌヌずころで、こっちの猫っお䜓長が䞉十センチ............じゃ䌝わらねぇか。このぐらいの倧きさの毛むくじゃらで、こんな耳を付けた四足歩行する可愛い動物、であっおるか?」 俺は手で猫の平均的な倧きさの幅を䜜っおから、頭の䞊に手で猫の耳の真䌌をする。䞀芋するずふざけたゞェスチャヌに芋えるかもしれないが、圌女は笑わずに真摯に頷いおくれる。 「ああ、基本的にはそうだな。ただ、実物を芋おくれないず正確には刀断できないず思うが。基本は可愛らしい小動物だ」 俺がどうしおこんな劙な質問ずゞェスチャヌをしたかずいうず、俺の䞭の『猫』ず圌女が『猫』ず認識しおいる動物に差異がないかを確認するためだ。 みなさんはもう気づいおいらっしゃるでしょう。たぶん、最初のドラゎン発蚀あたりから察しは付いおいたかず思いたす。ずいうか、長耳銀髪碧県矎女の時点で確定的か。 そう、俺は珟圚異䞖界にいたりしたす。 異䞖界にいちゃったりしたす! 倧事なので二回。 はい、異䞖界に召喚された神城カンナです。 䞭二病乙? いやいや、これが䞭二病の劄想からくる幻芚症状ならどれだけよかったか。そりゃぁ、䞭二病的な展開にあこがれがないず蚀えば倧嘘である。異䞖界に勇者ずしお召喚され、旅で出䌚った仲間達ずずもに魔王やらなんやらに立ち向かうヒロむックファンタゞヌにあこがれた事は間違いなくある。今だっお時折チラッず考えるこずはあった。 が、リアルはマゞ困る。二次元は二次元であるからこそ嚯楜なのだ。䞉次元にたで浞食したらしゃれにならん。 そしお、しゃれにならない状況に陥ったのが、珟圚の我が身である。 .....................たぁ、やはり珟実ず劄想は違うようで、勇者ずしお召喚された時点たでは、たぁテンプレヌトな展開だったのだが、そこから先がたぁ酷いこず酷いこず。 䜙りに酷すぎお割愛するが、なんやかんやで出䌚ったのが、目の前の長耳銀髪碧県矎女。名前はレアル・ファルベヌル。ごらんの通り、人間ではありたせん。が、この䞖界に召喚されお最も心暖かい人間味あふれる人なのは間違いない。最初が悪すぎた。あそこたで悪いのは人生で始めおである。 やはり簡単な順序だけでも説明しおおこう。 たず始めに、俺は孊校で授業を受けおいた。 で、いきなり光に包たれお異䞖界に召喚された。 䜕の前振りなし。今日の晩飯なににするかなぁず退屈な授業を退屈に受けおいた最䞭である。酷すぎる。 異䞖界に召喚され、混乱の極みに達しおいた俺の目の前には、『それたで』生で芋た䞭では間違いなく䞀番矎しい矎女だった。 んでもっお、やはり「勇者よ、この䞖界をお救いください」おきな懇願。もうね、あれだけの矎女に涙目でお願いされたら、䞊の男なら二぀返事に「たかせおおけ!」ず答えおいたに違いない。だっお、最初は俺だっお「䞖界でも䜕でも救っおやらぁ!」ず叫びそうになった。 ずころが䞍思議なこずに、喉元たで出おきおいた叫びが、矎女をもう䞀床目にした瞬間に抌し止められた。口から音が発せられる前に、背䞭を極寒の冷気が駆け抜けたからだ。液䜓窒玠をぶちたけられたかのような凄たじい寒気に、俺は瞬間的に倧量の冷や汗が背䞭を䌝う。 再床、改めお矎女を芋た。 そしお気づいたのだ。 圌女の瞳の奥にある、凄たじいほどの『黒さ』に。 そこから先はたぁ、いろいろあった。 で、なんやかんやで召喚されたお城からの脱出決意した俺は、迷い蟌んだ牢屋で、捕らわれの身だったレアルず出䌚いこれを救出し、ずもに逃走を敢行。城の倖に䜕ずかでられた俺たちは、レアルがその堎で召喚したドラゎンの背に乗り、無事に脱出を果たしたのである。 割ず「勘だけは良い』ず人からは蚀われおいた。ポヌカヌやら麻雀等の賭事は匷い方だったず思う。人の機埮には聡い方だったのかもしれない。が、今回のは極め付けすぎる。あんな冷や汗掻いたこずがない。 レアルから聞くずころによるず、圌女が捕らえられたのはあの矎女のしでかしたこずらしい。枅玔そうに芋えお腹黒だずいう。 むしろ、腹黒であるからこそ枅玔を装っおいるのか。だずするず黒さのレベルがハンパない。己の矎貌すら利甚する黒さ。いろいろな意味で黒すぎる。 「で、どうするんだカンナ。この先宛はあるのかい?」 「むしろ逆に聞きたい。俺はこれからさきどうすりゃいいんだ?」 「いや、私が質問しおいるんだが.................................。私の方はずりあえず故郷に垰還するのが圓面の目的になるが」 ずりあえず、あの超激蟛腹黒姫(お姫様だったらしい)の元から逃げ出すこずしか考えおいなかったので、逃げた先からなにも考えおいない。ただ、あのたたあの城に留たっおいたら、偉い目にあったには違いない。勇者だよ、勇者。波瀟䞇䞈間違いなしだ。波瀟䞇䞈させるから勇者呌び出すんだよ。 「たったく、思慮が深いのか行き圓たりばったりなのか、よくわからない男だな、君は」 「よく蚀われる」 「よく蚀われおるのかッ」 本圓によく蚀われおいる。 ちなみに、レアルの口調が男っぜいのは、男を気取っおいるわけではなく、圌女が『階士』だかららしい。男所垯の䞭で育ったせいで自然ず身に぀いおしたったずか。 牢屋に捕らわれおいた圓初は、薄手の肌着䞀枚で錠に䞡手を拘束された栌奜だった。俺の䞭の矎女ランキングはそれを芋た瞬間、圌女が第䞀䜍ずなった。あの腹黒姫? 倖芋だけだ。䞭身を加味しおワヌスト䞀䜍に決たっおいる。 話がずれた。珟圚の圌女は、軜快な動きを重芖した、急所を重点的に守るラむトアヌマヌ。そしお傍らには、身の䞈にも達するほどの巚倧な剣。どちらも捕たった際に奪われたらしいが、幞いにも城内に保管されおいたので奪還に成功。その時に剣の方は実際に持たせおもらったが、芋た目の通りに凄たじく重い。 「ずりあえず、衚立っお远っ手が来るこずは、たぁあるたい。君も私も、この囜にあっおはならない存圚だからな。存圚を喧䌝するような真䌌はするたい」 「あ、そういえばそんなこず蚀っおたな。䜕故に?」 「この『平和』なご時䞖に『勇者』などずいう最倧戊力を異䞖界から呌び出したず他囜に知れ枡れば「戊争を仕掛けたすよ」ず蚀っおいるようなものだ。おそらくは秘密裏に呌び出し、どこかしらに送り出しお先手を打ずうず考えたのだろう。その時、君には「敵は䟵略者」などず嘘を囁かれおいたかもしれんな」 「怖っ。割ず平和䞻矩な男なのですがね俺は!」 「........................衛兵に迷わず跳び蹎りをかたす男は、平和䞻矩者ずいえるのか?」 「平和䞻矩者ず非戊闘䞻矩は別物なのですよ」 己の平穏は己で勝ち取るべき。座右の銘です。 「私の方は私の方で、色々ずな。おそらく『倖亀』の『切り札』ずしお利甚する算段だったはずだ。䜙り認めたくはないが、私にはそれだけの䟡倀がある。だが、こちらもあくたで秘密裏に、密玄ずしおだ。衚だっお私を利甚すれば、間違いなく呚蟺囜から反感を買う」 「聞いおるず、かなり野心溢れおる囜だな。溢れすぎじゃね?」 本圓に逃げ出せおよかったず、改めお認識する俺だった。
Chapter 1 : Sudden escape from the castle -- Soothing on top of a flying dragon & explaining the situation. Greetings, this is Kamis.h.i.+ro Kanna. 17 years old, coursing through his 2nd year of high school and like any healthy adolecent boy, I would like a girlfriend. You might consider this sudden, but right now I'm flying across the skies on top of a {dragon} . By dragon I mean what j.a.panese would put it as Long . Not a codename that some combat planes might get from time to time; but a creature that has sharp tusks, long neck, hard scales and huge wings on it's back. But what is it that, the pupil of the eyes are charming like that of a cute creature? [N? What is it?] It's certainly too much of a bother to keep numerating things as I would like to drift away from reality, my awareness is brought back by this girl who is sitting in front of me. A beauty who resembles works of art with radiant silver hair which reflects the s.h.i.+ning sunlight; with two big blue eyes that could pa.s.s as precious stones, nice orderly features and a gorgeous appearance; she is a beauty which is as if it almost departs from human race; is there waiting. -- Correction, in the first place {human} is not applicable in this case. It's enough to glimpse at the sharp, long ears that extend from her long hair; of course they are not fake as they do tremble from time to time as if to give evidence of their actual autenticity. [Ah, nah. I was just escaping reality for a while] [Again? Well, thinking of what you have been through; that might not be strange at all] To the me who was scratching his own head, this girl directed a smile. [But more than that, isn't this guy quite the comfortable ride?] [If there is no issue with the pain in the a.s.s when sitting; one can enjoying a pleasant scenery] [Sorry, since it was summoned so suddenly there it was no chance to arrange something to use as saddle. Normally, I prepare proper equipement in advance] [The first priority was to get away from that situation, right? Then my a.s.s hurting a little is no problem at all. Oh, and the texture is nice to the touch] While rustling a little I touch the back of the dragon. If one just judges by looking, it would seem as if it's hard and very hard at that; like any reptile, it can't possibly be said that it has a smooth skin and the touch feels slippery like that of a snake; but that's a misunderstanding if one only looks. It's easy to become absorbed in the sensation transmitted by touching it directly. Due to feeling me petting it, the dragon lets out a cute [kyui kyui] as if it's the singing voice of a bird like. Just how soothing is this? Quite lovely. [This guy is a little bit shy to strangers and not counting me it really doesn't pay much attention to others. It seems it's attached to you] [Ever since young, for some reason or the other; animals are quite fond of me] [That's a good const.i.tution] [Once, there it was this one time where a large amount of cats collided with me as if it was the tidal wave of a tsunami] [That's.................. Extremely enviable] Eyes of envy are directed at me, it looks like she is a cat lover. In truth, it's not all that nice. [Having your whole self covered and with all of that fur, the body temperature rises a lot] In winter the heat is nice and all, but in summer it can get hot enough that it wouldn't be weird to faint. [--By the way, here cats are small animals that go for like 30 centime............ no, that might not be here. They are for about this big covered in fur, the have ears like this and walk in four legs and they are quite cute life forms, they exit here?] I draw the size of an average cat with my hands, imitate the shape of the ears on my head. At first glance they look like gestures of me s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g around, but this girl puts an earnest face and nods without laughing [Aa, there is something like that. I don't think I can give a conclusive opinion without seeing it,, but it's mainly a small and cute animal, right?] The reason of why I would enact such weird gestures is because I want to make sure that what I recognize as a {cat} and what she recognizes as a {cat} are the same exact thing. Dear audience, you might have long realized it already. Probably from the onset where I brought up the word dragon; or rather, the bit with the beauty with long ears, silver hair, blue eyes might have been decisive. Yes, I'm currently in another world. I'm currently in another world; since it's important, it might as well be said twice. Oh yeah, this is the Kamis.h.i.+ro Kanna who has been summoned to another world. Thanks for the chunnibyou? Nah nah, if it was just wild ideas that sprouted from an halluciniation due to chunnibyou, that would be a joyious thing rather. If I try to say that I wouldn't enjoy any of those chunni like developments, that would be just a huge lie. To be summoned to another world as a hero, travelling while experiencing encounters with your companions for the sake of oppossing the demon lord which would be the basic standard in heroic fantasy. Even at this age, sometimes I think about stuff like that even if it's just a little. But when it actually happens, it's truly some serious trouble. The two dimensions can be entertainment because they stay in the two dimensions; when they actually corrode into the 3D world, it doesn't become something you can joke around with. And to fall into that you can joke around with state of affairs; is where I am right now. ..................... Well, it's quite true that reality and illusion are different. It was to the point were I was summoned as a hero, the template was fulfilled up to there; after that it became heinous thing after heinous thing. It's actually because it's heinous that I'm going to omit a large chunk of it. The bottom line is that I ended up face to face with this beauty of long silver hair, long ears and blue eyes whose name is Real Farbell. As you might have realized, she is not from the human race and I should add that ever since the summoning, she is by far the person who has been the most overflowing with human compa.s.sion and warm heart that I have met; there is no room for discussion here. From the get go it was the very worst, it was by far the worst thing I have experienced in my life. As expected, is better if I go with a simple explanation of the sequence of events.... At fist, I was just attending in school. Suddenly, I was surrounded by light and summoned to another world. There it was obviously no prior notice while I was entertaining the thought of what to dine today to combat the boredom of being in cla.s.s; that's too cruel. After being summoned to another world, in front of me who had reached the absolute peak of confussion; at such juncture stood the one who for me {at that time} became the number one beauty that I have ever seen in my life. Be as it may, as expected the [Hero, please save this world!] line popped up. Naturally, if a girl who looks that pretty pledges you with teary eyes; the average guy will let out an immediate [leave it to me!] response. Even I at first was about to let out something like [I'll do something about saving this world!] out of my mouth.... It might be something mysterious, but that line was stopped by that very same beauty even before the words could let my throat as I took a second glance at her. A strong, cold chill ran through my back, a tremendous s.h.i.+ver with an intensity as if liquid nitrogen was poured on me, right away cold sweat started running through my back. Exactly because I saw that beauty more calmly. And then I realized. That dreadful something {black} that laid in the back of her eyes. And after that, well; several things started from there. Eventually, somehow or the other I was certain that I had to escape from the castle where I was summoned, losing my way in the dungeon; I released Real who I found was imprisioned there. Deciding to break out together, we somehow managed to leave the castle and it was at that point that Real summoned a Dragon for us to ride, putting a safe end to our escapade. In a way, I could be described as someone with a [quite the good intuition} . When betting on poker or stuff like mahjong, I think I'm strong, and I believe I'm someone sharp towards human sensibilities. But, this time it was too much of a large portion, I had never had a sweat as cold as that one. According to what the story went, Real was captured by that beauty and arbitrarily framed. It doesn't matter how innoncent she seems at first glance, in the end she was just wicked. Probably, is exactly because she is wicked that she is pretending to be completely innoncent, and if that's so then her level of darkness can only be described as 'completely died'; a level of wickedness where she decides to make use even of her own beauty and that just shows how she is too dark in too many ways. [Well, what will you do now, Kanna? Do you have any objectives?] [Rather than asking me I would like to hear the opposite; just who can tell me what am I supposed to do from now on?] [No, well if I'm asked what I would do now.................................. In my case, my current purpose is returning to my hometown] For the time being, I could only care about getting away from that super wicked black princess (she might even have been a true princess after all); so I could not spare any leasure on thinking what to do after escaping. It's just that, if I had stayed in the castle; there is no doubt that it would have turned into something horrible. A hero, a brave; without a doubt a storm full of drama has been unleashed already and it was a storm full of drama huge enough that they had to call a hero to deal with it. [Really, whether you are someone who acts after deep consideration, or if you are someone who haphazardly pushes on, I don't really get which of those you are in the end] [I get told that a lot] [You get told that a lot!?] But it's true that I get said that a lot. In case if there is any doubt, Real tone of expression is somewhat male like and it's not like she is putting on airs of being a man, but that she comes out as a {knight} ; as if it's a natural consequence of a girl having being raised in an all-male household. Originally when I saw her in jail, she was in thin underwear only and with her hands restrained through a wodden tablet. The moment I saw her, my internal beautiful girl ranking was completely overturned and gained a new first place. The wicked princess? For that one, even when factoring her appearance; since the contents which are an absolute worst are considered, that sends her to the indisputed last place; that's obvious. Changing the subject, Real's appearance is now a light armor that emphasizes mobility and protects only the vital points; she also has a great sword which is for about as tall as she is. Those two items were taken away at the time of her arrest, but fortunately were inside the castle and it was possible to recover them. At that time, there it was this chance where I actually had to hold her sword, and just as it looks it's incredibly heavy. [In any event, it's not like they can officially organize a pursue party; the two of us don't have any evidence of residence in this country and they can't afford to reveal that we were there] [Ah, so to say; you sound really certain of that, why is that?] [If in this current time of {peace} , the large powers get to hear that a {hero} was called for; that would be the same as telling them [prepare for war] . Surely the ritual was made in secrecy and behind closed doors, they probably have already thought ahead on were to dispatch you. And at that time, you'll likely be told lies in the lines of [the enemy are invaders] to get you to act] [Scary. I am a man whose inclination is towards pacifism] [........................ Would a man who gives a flying kick to a guard without any moment of doubt, ever be described as a pacifist?] [Pacifism and non-combatant doctrines are actually different things] You should earn your own peace, that's my motto. [In my case I have my own circ.u.mstances, there is really plenty to consider. Probably, I was being kept to use as a {trump card} for {diplomacy} ... I don't like to be reminded of it, but I do hold that much value. Additionally, they also surely had wanted to use me as a deal under the table. This goes without a doubt for this land that has already earned a lot of antipathy from the surrounding countries] [Now that I hear it; this is probably a country overflowing with strong ambition. Is it noticeable?] Once again I realize that I was really glad that I managed to escape.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.48 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
第二十六話 醜悪な装食品 死骞の凊理を終えた俺たちは、ランドの元ぞ向かった。銬車から少し離れた䜍眮にある倧きめの岩に、芆面を背を預ける圢で座らせおいる。もちろん、䞡手ず䞡足には俺が䜜った氷の錠が填められおいる。顔は䌏せられおいるので衚情は窺えないが、髪の毛は俺ず同じ黒色だ。 「おっさん、䜕か分かったか?」 「カンナ君か。ゎブリンの凊理は終わったようだな。お嬢様もお疲れさたです」 「劎いは結構。それよりも進展は?」 「あたりありたせん。身に぀けおいる物はどこにでも手にはいるようなのが殆どですし、顔も芚えが有りたせん。少なくずも、襲撃者達ず我々ずの盎接的な関わりは無いず思われたす」 倧岩の偎には、暪たわった䞉぀の死䜓。芆面の顔は既に明かされおいたが、俺も芋芚えはない。異䞖界に来おから䞀ヶ月皋床だ、これで芋芚えのある顔だったらそれはそれで倧問題だ。 「そう。生き残りの意識は?」 「それもただ。匷い衝撃を受けたショックで意識を倱ったので。ただ、党身打撲以倖は酷い怪我を負ったわけではないので、もう少しすれば目が芚めるでしょう」 「ご免なさい。手加枛をしおいる暇が無かったの」 「それは莅沢を望みすぎです。生きお捕瞛できただけでも良しずしおおきたしょう」 二人が生き残りの偎で話し合っおいる間に、俺は死んでいる䞉人の方に寄った。レアルもその埌に続く。 そちらの方には、アガットが膝を着き、死䜓を調べおいた。 「お疲れさた」 「............ちっ、貎様か」 もう奜感床が䞋萜の底蟺に行き着いおいるな。 「アガット殿。人の顔を芋るなりその態床はいささか無瀌が過ぎないか?」 「............それは倱瀌した」 咎めるレアルに、アガットは蚀葉だけで謝眪を述べる。や、謝る気たったくないよね。顔こっち向いおないし、蚀葉もレアルに向けおるし。俺の顔はこっちですよ? たぁ、圌のご機嫌を䌺う぀もりも無いので、俺はアガットの態床も気にせず死䜓の偎にしゃがむ。 「ずりあえず、南無」 自分で殺した盞手ずは蚀え、手を合わせおも眰は圓たるたい。この皋床でこい぀らに察する枛刑は望めないが、こちらの気持ちだけは倚少楜になる。 圢だけの黙祷を枈たせ、俺は早速死䜓に泚目する。 芆面やロヌブは取り払われおおり、軜鎧も倖されおいる。それだけを芋れば普通の町民。腹郚や胞に明いた倧穎がなければ、眠っおいるようにも芋える。穎を開けたのは俺なのだが。肉䜓はそれなりに鍛えられおいるようで、肩幅も広いし腕も倪い。 「............ん?」 芖線で死䜓の身䜓をなぞっおいるず、ある䞀点に違和感を芚える。 魔力を感じたずきず同じ気配だ。だが、人の存圚ずしお感じる『魔力の気配』ずはたた違う。どちらかず蚀えばファむマが術匏を䜿ったずきの魔力の動きに䌌おいる。 「............ちょいず倱瀌したすよっず」 俺は小さく蚀葉で謝るず、死䜓の衣服を「剥ぎ取った」。正確にはたず、腹郚に穎が開いた死䜓の服を砎く。 「なっ、貎様っ! 死者を蟱める぀もりかっ!?」 䟋のごずく、アガットの叫びはガン無芖。 それよりも、俺の泚目は露わになった死䜓の玠肌。正確には、血の気の倱せた死䜓の、胞元蟺り。案の定ずいうか、人間の䜓には䌌぀かわしくない物が存圚しおいた。 俺に芖線を向けおいたアガットは気が付かなかったが、それよりも先にレアルが目を芋開き小さく驚きの声を䞊げた。 「なぁレアル。最近のファッションにこんな物っお有るのか?」 「............いや、このような醜悪な装食品は無いな」 そこに有るのは、光沢を攟぀宝石だった。職人の手で加工されたず䞀目で分かる矎しさを持っおおり、玠人目にもこれが䞀玚品の䟡倀を持っおいるず刀断できた。これが、人間の肌に「盎に埋め蟌たれお」いなければ、玠盎に職人の腕を賞賛できただろう。 俺ずレアルの硬い衚情からようやく事態を察したのか、アガットも死䜓に目を向け、肉䜓に埋没した宝石を目にしお驚愕する。 「これはッ............」 「アガット殿、やはりこれは」 「............ああ、凶悪な犯眪者を牢獄に収監する際、その行動を抑止する為の手段だ。戊闘力が高い者を拘束する堎合、簡単な凊眮では力尜くで脱走するからな。拘束具の他に、特殊な術匏を蟌めた宝石を身䜓に埋め蟌むのだ。効果は様々だが倧抂の堎合、身䜓胜力を制限した䞊で違反行為を行った瞬間、党身に激痛が走る仕組みになっおいる。もっず酷い類になるず、特定の行動を行った瞬間に即死するモノもある」 「぀たり、こい぀らは䜕かしらの犯眪を行った咎人っおこずか」 「䞀抂にそうずも蚀えん。だが、こい぀らは行動に䜕かしらの制限を負っおいたのは間違いあるたい」 元々物隒な展開だったが、これで䞀気にキナ臭さが増したな。 「無理矢理埓わされおた............っお堎合もあり埗るか」 「あたり考えたくはないが、な」 「最悪だな畜生」 人様の呜を狙うのを生業ずする倖道なら、そい぀らの呜を散らすのに眪悪感は抱かない。だが、そうせざるえない状況に萜ずされた者の呜ずもなれば別だ。 腹の奥に重たい『䜕か』がのし掛かる。 俺がその重みで動けない間に、レアルずアガットが残りの二人の衣服を砎るず、やはり同じくそれぞれの身䜓に宝石が埋め蟌たれおいた。 「我々では刀別぀かないが、どれもが同じ凊眮が斜されおいるず芋お間違いないだろう」 「俺たちだけでは刀断ができん。お嬢様ずランドさんに指瀺を仰ぐしかないな。おそらく、生き残りの䞀人にも同じこずがなされおいるはずだ」 俺たちは再床ランド達の方に向かうず、圌らに死䜓に斜された宝石のこずを話した。二人ずも驚くが、すぐさた生き残りの服を切り裂き、胞元を露わにする。 「............たた『隠れ』かい」 なんず、最埌の生き残りは『女』だった。ようやく芋るこずができた顔はたさしく女性のもの。造りは珟実䞖界颚で蚀えば東掋系だ。髪も黒だし、日本人ず蚀えば信じおしたいそうだ。 そしお、露わになった胞元には癜く现い垃ヌヌ所謂サラシがグルグル巻きにされおいるのだが、その奥に玍められおいるのは窮屈そうな二぀の山。たさしく巚乳だった。 「この䞖界に来おから巚乳がむンフレ起こしすぎだろうよ」 や、非垞に嬉しいず蚀えば嬉しいのだが、釈然ずしない。 隠れ巚乳二人目であるはずもかくずしお、問題なのは圌女の胞元に埋め蟌たれた宝石だ。やはりずいうべきか、死䜓の䞉人ず色も圢も同じモノが存圚しおいた。違いは、他の者ずは若干の圢状が異なる。 「お嬢様、内蔵された術匏は解読できたすか?」 「ちょっず埅っお、やっおみるわ」 ファむマは宝石に指先で觊れるず、目を閉じお意識を集䞭する。数分の時間をそのたたに過ごすず、額に汗を滲たせながら口を開いた。 「............最悪ね。行動制限、思考の限定化に痛芚の鈍化。果おは時間制限での自死措眮。他にも色々嫌な術匏のオンパレヌドよ」 宝石から指を離し、ファむマは深い溜息をはいた。聞いた単語だけでも䞍吉すぎる内容だった。 「生きお垰還する事を䞀切望たず、ただ察象の呜を葬るのを矩務づける䜿い捚おの凊眮ね。およそたずもな人間の所業じゃないわ」 「............暗殺者ずはそもそも人の道を倖した者だが、これはさすがに」 アガットが哀れみの目を元襲撃者に向ける。レアルもランドも同様に同情を圌女に泚いだ。 「しかも、性質が悪いこずに、任務の達成が䞍可になったず本人が刀断した時点でも自死する仕組みになっおるわ。今は意識を倱っおいるから匕っかかっおないけど」 「぀たり、意識を取り戻した埌に尋問しようずしおも」 「その前に術匏が発動しお、心臓が砎壊されるわ。無理でしょうね」 「くそ、どうこうしおも情報は匕き出せないか」 ランドが悔しげに呻いた。 「............ずなるず、圌女が意識を取り戻す前に死なせおやるのが圌女のためになるかもしれたせんね」 「そう............かもね」 任務倱敗の絶望の䞭で死ぬよりは、意識のない内に殺しおやる方が安らかに死ねる。アガットの厳しい答えにファむマは苊しげに頷く。盞手がいかに暗殺者ずは蚀え、むやみに苊しめお死なすほどの恚みは無かった。ランドもレアルも圌の蚀葉に同感なのか、特に口を出さなかった。 ヌヌヌヌさお、俺はずいえば。 「ファむマ、この宝石っお取り出せないのか?」 唐突である俺の問いに、ファむマは戞惑いを芋せながらも答えた。 「私が考えなかったずでも? コレは埋め蟌たれた者が死なない限り取り出せない。無理矢理にでも取りだそうずすれば、その時点で術匏が発動するわ」 「具䜓的にはどんな颚にこの隠れ巚乳さんは死ぬんだ? ただ心臓が停止するだけか? それずも砎壊されお停止するのか?」 「............? 心臓が砎壊される方ね」 「なるほど。そりゃそうか。じゃ、次の質問だ。仮にこい぀の心臓が止たったずしお、その埌に宝石を取り出した堎合、心臓は砎壊されるのか?」 「宝石の術匏を皌働させるために本人の魔力を䜿っおいるから、心臓が停止した時点で魔力の䟛絊は止たるわ。砎壊はされないはずよ」 「っおこたぁ、心臓が止たっおたらそい぀は死んだず刀断されるんだな?」 「............䜕が蚀いたいの?」 「いいから答えおくれ。心臓が止たったず術匏が刀断したら、宝石は䜕ら問題なく取り出せるんだな?」 「確実ずはいえないけど............倚分」 「じゃ最埌に。ファむマ、お前っお雷系の魔術は䜿えるか?」 「............䜿えないわ」 「そうか。あればあれで確率は䞊がるんだが」 ずりあえず、知りたい情報はすべお揃った。埌は運を倩に祈るばかり。こういうずき、祈る神様がいないのは困るな。『アレ』は基本的に俺の敵だからな。祈ったずころで願いが通った詊しがない。 最初に、俺は自分で䜜った氷の錠前を砎壊し、暗殺者の䞡手を解攟する。次に氷のナむフを䜜るず、暗殺者の胞元を締め付けるサラシを切り裂いた。匷匕に圧瞮されおいた二぀の山が解き攟たれ、ボロンず揺れる。普段ならちょいず興奮する堎面だが、これからしでかす『博打』を考えるずちょっずそんな䜙裕はない。 「さすがに意識のない者を蟱めるのは私も容認できないぞ」 「悪い、少し黙っおおくれ。これから割ず真面目な賭にでるからな」 俺を制止しようずするレアルの手を、逆に止める。 「どう転んでも死ぬしかない運呜なんだ。だったら、ちょっずばかり『倖道』に倖れおみるのも悪くないだろ?」 「............䜕をする぀もりだ」 「埌で説明しおやる。た、成功したら儲けモノだず思っおおくれ」 暗殺者の䜓勢を、岩に背を預けおいる栌奜から地面に仰向けになる颚に倉えおやる。 俺は巊の手を圌女の巊胞ヌヌ心臓の盎䞊に眮いた。感じたこずもないほどに柔い感觊の䞋に呜の錓動を感じた。脈々ず血朮を党身に送る奔流を手のひらに受ける。 そうだ、䞀぀忘れおいた。 「おっさん。あんた心拍の蘇生方法っお知っおるか?」 「............いや、聞いたこず無いな。そもそも『しんぱく』ずは?」 そうか、この䞖界だずそのレベルか。 だが、䞀人だけ衚情を倉えた。 「あ、あなたたさかッ」 ファむマが気が぀いたか。やはり、圌女の知識レベルはこの䞖界では盞圓のモノだず刀断できる。 だが、今は時間が惜しい。 この暗殺者が目を芚たしおからでは遅い。圌女の意識がない今であるから詊せる手段なのだ。 俺は自らに喝を入れる。 「黒幕のシナリオなんざ、俺が愉快に痛快に台無しにしおやる」 巊手に氷の粟霊を宿し、暗殺者の䜓内に泚ぎ蟌む。圌女の身䜓を生かす心臓に向けお、超䜎枩の波動を送り蟌んだ。冷気で手の平を䜜るむメヌゞだ。それを䜿っお、心臓をやんわりず包み蟌む。 「お嬢様、こい぀はいったい䜕をする぀もりですか?」 「............氷の魔術で䜜った超䜎枩で、この女性の心臓を止める぀もりなのよ。そしお、心拍が停止した所で宝石を取り出すの」 「それは普通に殺すのずどう違うのだ?」 アガットもレアルも俺の行動が理解できない。圓然だ、この䞖界の人間にずっお、心臓の停止=死なのだから。 だが、ファむマにずっおはヌヌ俺の成そうずしおいる事を知っおいる圌女にずっおは別だ。 「............人間の身䜓っおね、ただ単に心臓が止たっただけでは死なないのよ。心臓が止たっお党身の血流が止たっお、脳に新鮮な血液が行かなくなっお、脳も止たっお初めお人は死ぬのよ」 「それはどう蚀うこずですかファむマ様?」 「分からない? 䞀床心臓が止たっおも、脳が完党に死ぬ前に再び心臓が動き出せば、その人は生き返るのよ!」 「「「ヌヌヌヌヌッッッッ!?」」」 䞉者の驚愕が背埌から䌝わるがそれに反応する䜙裕は俺にはなかった。 心臓が䜎枩で冷やされるに぀れお、埐々に錓動が匱たっおいくのを感じおいる。埐々に、埐々に冷気を匷め、緩やかに心臓を停止させおいく。あくたで自然な圢を装い、呜の錓動を消しおいく。 巊手に党おの泚意を向ける。心臓が完党に止たる瞬間を芋極めなければならないのだ。僅かにでもその底蟺を芋誀れば、それだけ蘇生できる可胜性が枛る。蘇生に掛ける時間も増えおいく。時間がかかれば、脳に血液が途絶える時間も増え、脳障害の危険性も増しおいく。 頌るのはやはり俺の増倧した『勘』だ。呜の灯火が消える寞前、埌僅かで火が消えるか吊かの境目を芋出すのだ。 「心臓が止たったら合図しお。宝石を取り出すのは私がやるわ。魔術匏を埋め蟌んだ宝石の扱いは専門倖だけど、この䞭では䞀番マトモに扱える。䞇が䞀の誀䜜動を防ぐ皋床には制埡できるはず。カンナはその埌の心肺蘇生に党力を尜くしお」 ファむマの蚀葉に頷くだけに留める。はっきり蚀っお、ひたすら氷の匷床を高める以䞊に神経を䜿う。䞋手に枩床を䞋げすぎるず、心臓の内郚に貯たっおいる血液が凍っおしたうからだ。あず、冷やしすぎるず身䜓党䜓の䜓枩が䜎䞋し、やはり蘇生が困難になっおくる。 「アガット、ナむフを貞しお」 「............コレを䜿っおください。手入れは怠っおいないので切れ味は問題ありたせん」 「そう。ランドは酒ず枅朔な垃を銬車の荷物から取っおきお。宝石を抉ったら、酒で消毒しお傷口を垃で塞いで」 「分かりたした。少々お埅ちください」 「カンナ。ランドが戻ったらい぀でも倧䞈倫よ」 ファむマの準備も敎った様だ。埌は俺がタむミングを間違わなければ。 そしおヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌ。 「ッ、今ッ」 俺の合図に寞分違わず、ファむマはナむフを肉に突き立お、宝石をえぐり出した。 「心臓はッ!?」 「............無事だっ」 心臓は停止しおいるがキズは぀いおいないのを気配で確認。そしお、宝石は完党に身䜓の倖に取り出された。 䞀぀目の賭は成功した。 埌は二぀目の賭が半ず出るか䞁ずでるかだ。 「人工呌吞は私がやるわッ! 心臓マッサヌゞはカンナがッ!」 玠早い連携で、俺は膝立ちになり暗殺者の巊胞に䞡手をあわせ、肘が垂盎になるよう䜓勢を盎す。そしお、党力で圌女の巊胞の抌し匕きを繰り返す。およそ十回繰り返したずころでファむマが鋭く叫ぶ。 心臓ぞの刺激を䞀旊停止。ファむマは倧きく息を吞い蟌み自らの唇で圌女の口を塞ぎ、肺に溜めた空気を䞀気に送り蟌む。それが終わるのを芋蚈らい、俺は再び心臓ぞの刺激を開始。そしおたた十ほど繰り返したずころでたたもファむマが口腔経由で酞玠を送り蟌んでいく。 誰もが沈黙を保぀䞭、空気を送り蟌む音ず、俺が心臓を動かす気合いの音だけが堎に響く。俺ずファむマは䞀心䞍乱に暗殺者の蘇生を行う。 およそ二分の救呜掻動が経過。俺にずっおはその十倍近くの時が流れたかのような緊匵感だった。 手の平に呜の錓動が再起動をしたのを感じる。同時に、それたで無蚀を保っおいた圌女の口から蘇生の息吹が戻った。 「心肺の蘇生を............確認............したわ」 暗殺者の呌吞が正垞になったのを確認するず、俺ずファむマは気が抜けお仰向けに倒れた。 ず、地面が背䞭にぶ぀かる寞前で誰かに受け止められる。背埌に顔を向ければ、なんずあのアガット君が俺の身䜓を受け止めおいたのだ。 「............なんだ、その顔は」 「や、予想倖の人物に受け止められたから」 「............たたたた近くに居ただけだ」 気持ちが衚情に出おいたのか、意倖そうな顔をしおいるだろう俺を目に、アガットが憮然ずした態床になる。ただ、険な雰囲気は少ない。 「䞀぀聞いおいいか?」 「なにさ」 「どうしお貎様はアレほどたでに真剣だったのだ? シンパむの゜セむずか蚀ったか。アレを行っおいる時の貎様の衚情は、鬌気迫るほどの真剣味を垯びおいた。芋ず知らずの盞手にどうしおそこたで真剣になれたのだ?」 「............蚀っただろ。黒幕のシナリオを愉快痛快に朰すっおな。䞊から目線になっおるだろうク゜倖道の錻っ柱をぞし折りたかったのさ。この暗殺者ヌヌ元かヌヌは生きたいず願ったはずだ。でなけりゃぁ、こんな畜生の塊みたいな宝石を埋め蟌たれた時点で自害しおる。俺はこの女を生かしたいず思った。そしお、俺はこの女を生かすための手段を知っおいた」 俺は自らの心意気を口にする。 「出来るこずがあっお、望たれるこずがあっお、成す意志があるなら、あずは党力を泚ぐだけだ」 無胜である俺に出来る事などたかがしれおいるのだ。だったら、その数少ない『可胜』に党力を泚ぐのは圓たり前だ。でなければ、俺は正真正銘の『無胜』になっおしたう。 「............出来るこずを党力で............か。だから貎様はあんな卑怯な戊い方を?」 圌が蚀っおいるのは、蚓緎で行っおいる暡擬戊の話だ。 「生憎ず正々堂々が出来るようなおよその才胜は持ち合わせおないんでな。たぁ、奜みの問題でもあるんだけど」 意衚を突いお優䜍に立っおいる盞手の床肝を抜くのは、アレはアレで非垞に楜しい。勝利を確信した畜生の顔を歪めるのはなかなかの快感だ。ちょっず性悪ではあろうが。 アガットは俺の蚀葉に口をぞの字に曲げるが、衚情は手の掛かる子䟛を芋る芪のそれに近い。や、貎方ただ二十代前半でしょうよ。 「それよりも、こい぀は匷制されおいたずは蚀え、お嬢様を狙った䞋手人だぜ? 延呜に成功したがいいのか?」 「............お嬢様が成そうずするこずであるならば、俺たちは党力でそれをサポヌトするたでだ。それに、恩を忘れお再び向かっおくるこずがあれば、その時はその時党力で迎え撃おばいい」 「............た、そこたでは俺も面倒芋きれねぇわな」 恩に瀌の必然は求めおいないが、仇で返すようなら俺ずお容赊する぀もりはない。 「カンナ。もう䞀床錠前を䜜っおくれ。意識が戻ったずき、反射的に暎れないずも限らないからな」 蚀われお俺は再び元暗殺者の䞡手銖を氷で錠する。腕や足が冷えおしたうのはこの際我慢しおもらうほか無い。気䌑め皋床だが、錠前ず肉䜓の間に垃を巻いおやり、冷気を遮断しおやる。 「では、ずりあえず圌女は先に銬車の方に運んでおく」 レアルは暗殺者の露わになった巚乳を垃で芆うず、圌女を抱き䞊げお銬車の方に向かった。女性ずは蚀え人間䞀人を軜々しく(しかもお姫様だっこ)運ぶ埌ろ姿はカッコいいな。 「それはそうず、ファむマもお疲れだ」 「............興味本䜍で読んでた医孊曞がこんなずころで圹に立぀ずは思っおなかったわ。人生䜕が圹に立぀か分からないわね」 俺䞀人で人工呌吞ず心臓マッサヌゞを行っおいれば、䜕かず手間取っお倱敗したかもしれない。ファむマが救呜救急の知識を持っおいたのは幞いだった。おかげで心臓マッサヌゞだけに専念できたのだから。 「しかし、芋れば芋るほど貎方の魔術っお異垞よね。魔力のたの時も感じさせないくせに、その制埡レベルはちょっずおかしすぎるわよ。垞識倖れ、なんお括りじゃ蚀い衚せないわ」 「䌁業秘密だ」 「その䞀蚀で党おを玍埗しろっお蚀うのは酷よ。無理矢理に話せ、なんお蚀う぀もりはないけど、考察の自由ぐらいは蚱しお欲しいわ」 そこたで犁止した぀もりはない。勝手に考えお勝手に解明しおくれや。 「そもそも、氷の魔術で冷気を䜜っお、心臓を止めようっお発想そのものがたずあり埗ないわ。それに雷の魔術に関しおの質問。アレは、心停止した埌に、心臓にショックを䞎えお再皌働させるためでしょ? 䞀䜓どんな思考回路を持っおいればあんな回答に行き着くのか」 たたファむマが思考に耜りそうになっおいた。 圌女の蚀うずおり、そもそもの発想が違うのだろう。この䞖界の䜏人の倧半にずっお、魔術は『攻撃のための手段』なのだろう。䞀方、俺にずっお魔術や粟霊術は『手段』の䞀぀でしかないのだ。 この思考は、火や電気、果おは氎たでも゚ネルギヌ源ず考えおいる珟実䞖界の科孊文明が土台になっおいる。元は力の象城であり、自然珟象の神秘や恵みすらも、生掻の利䟿のために研究し発展に繋げおいく䞖界で育ったからこそ考え぀くのだ。 ご倧局な説明になったが、぀たりは環境の違いだ。今の話は、もっずもらしい文を繋げただけで深く考えたわけではない。頭脳明晰なキャラは別の芋た目ロリの同玚生が担圓しおいる。 その埌、カンナ達は穎を掘り、元暗殺者達の死䜓を埋葬した。さすがに魔獣ず同じように燃やしお凊理しおしたうのは憚られたからだ。名も知らぬ盞手だったので身元の刀断は付かないが、手頃な石を積み重ね墓暙の代わりに眮いた。 今床こそ埌凊理が終わるず、圌らは銬車に乗りその堎を埌にした。もう昌を過ぎおからかなりの時間が経過しおいたが、あの堎で倜を過ごす気には到底なれない。焌いたずは蚀えゎブリンの死肉を求めお他の魔獣が集たらないずも限らないのだ。気分的な問題でも、芋た目焌死䜓の山の偎で安心しお寝られるほどに、党員図倪くも無かった。 カンナ達の乗る銬車が居なくなっおその半日ほどが経過した、日付も倉わった倜曎けの頃合い。 ほずんど炭化し、もはや䜕者かず刀別できない黒こげの死䜓の山の偎に、䞀぀の人圱が寄った。 「............『糞䜿い』め、ヘマをしたか。くくく、奎の悔しがる顔が芋物だ。だから忠告したずいうのに。ゎブリンなどずいう雑魚を䜿うのは止めおおけず。人の忠告は玠盎に聞けばよいモノを」 圱は笑みを堪えお震える。 「............だが」 䞀頻りに笑うず、圱はそれたでの愉悊を消し、別の方向に顔を向けた。 「あ奎の怠惰を蚱したのは他ならぬ『時詠み』だ。圌女が『吊』ず口にしおいれば、『糞䜿い』の奎ももっずマトモな手札を甚意しおいたはず。珟に、䞇が䞀の保険に傀儡も甚意しおいた」 䞁床、カンナ達が暗殺者達の死䜓を埋めた地点だ。その墓石代わりの石を芋る。石の数は䞉぀。぀たり、その䞋には䞉人の死䜓が埋たっおいる。 「差し向けた傀儡は四人。だが、死䜓は䞉人。残りの䞀人は生け捕りか? だが、傀儡に斜した凊理に『小嚘』が気が付かない蚳がない。あの性栌だ、哀れに想っお介錯をしおいるに違いないが............」 圱は䞉人が埋められた堎所に近寄るず、地面に向けっお手を向ける。ボゎリ、ず音を立お、手を向けた付近の土が宙に浮かび䞊がった。その䞋に、埋められおいた䞉人の死䜓が露わになる。 圱はその死䜓の顔を確認するず、顔をしかめる。 「よりによっお『獣』を連れお行くか。やはり町で倱敗した時点で凊分しおおくべきだったか。『糞䜿い』も傀儡の䞭でも䜿える手駒だからず惜しんでいたからな。たったく、䜙蚈な手間を掛けさせおくれる。たかが駒の䞀぀に執着するからこんな事になる」 苛立ちを呟きながら、地面に向けおいた手をサッず振るう。宙に浮いおいた土は支えを倱ったように重力に匕かれ、死䜓達を再び埋没した。 「『時詠み』のシナリオからこれ以䞊の逞脱は危険か。䞋手を打おば今埌の展開に異垞が生じるか。仕方がない。『獣』を含め、私自らが盎接始末するのが確実か。塵も残さずに消华しおしたえば蚌拠も残らんだろう」 枓谷の道の先、カンナ達が向かう方角を芋据えながら、深い決意を口にする。 「............しかし解せんな。ここたで『時詠み』のシナリオが倖れたのはい぀以来だ? 私の蚘憶がある限りでは数えるほども無いはずだが。『あの小嚘』の䞀行にむレギュラヌが生じたか」 ふず、町での出来事を思い出す。 「............そう蚀えば、町で『あの小嚘』を守っおいた氷䜿いがいたな。『偶然』にも傀儡らの手札を芆したようだが、どうせ奎は『小物』。取るに足らん路傍の小石にすらならん芁玠のはずだ。あれより路傍の小石の方が呚囲に圱響を䞎えるだろう」 圱にずっお『氷䜿い』の少幎は、意識する䟡倀すらない『無胜』でしかなかった。圌の人生芳からしおアレほどたでに『無出来』の者を探す方が困難であるほどの『無才』は存圚しおいなかった。 故に、圱の頭の䞭から『氷䜿い』はすぐさたに消え去っおいた。 ヌヌヌヌそれが自らの砎滅を呌ぶずも知らずに。
Chapter 26 Ugly decoration After finis.h.i.+ng disposing the corpses, we headed towards Rand's place. He lets the masked man sit with his back resting on a large stone at a place a little away from the carriage. Of course both his arms and feet are restricted with an ice lock I made. His face was covered, so I can't see his facial expressions, but his hair is colored black like mine. "Old man, you learned anything?" "Oh is that you, Kanna. Looks like you finished disposing the goblins then. Thanks for helping out as well, milady." "A thanks is fine. More importantly, any progress?" "Not so much. You can get your hands on the things they're wearing almost anywhere and I don't remember any of their faces. There doesn't seem to be any direct relation between us and the a.s.sailants." Three corpses are lying beside the big rock. The faces of the masked men are already revealed, but I don't recognize them either. It's been around a month since I've come to the other world, but it's a big problem in itself if it was a face I can recognize. "I see. And the consciousness of the remaining survivor?" "Still not yet. He did lose consciousness from the shock he received from a strong impact. It's just not that he is bearing any terrible injuries with the exception of the blow on the body, so a little more and he should regain consciousness soon." "I'm sorry. I didn't have the leisure to go easy on him." "That is asking for too much. I can settle with just apprehending him alive." While the two are talking together beside the survivor, I approach the three dead people. Real also followed behind me. At that place, Agaht is examining the corpses on his knees. "Thanks for the hard work." "............Tch, it's you b.a.s.t.a.r.d." My enjoyment already reached rock bottom. "Sir Agaht, isn't that att.i.tude right after seeing someone's face somewhat rude?" "............That was rude of me" Agaht expressed his apology to the reproaching Real, but only with words. No, it really didn't feel like apologizing, you know. He wasn't facing this way and his words were also towards Real. My face is over here, you know that? Well, I'm not planning to ask about his health, so without caring about Agaht's att.i.tude, I squat beside the corpse. "First of all, amen." Though they are enemies I myself have killed, I may as well join my hands. I don't expect doing that would reduce these guys' penalties, but it will comfort only their feelings. After finis.h.i.+ng my silent prayer which is merely for form's sake, I immediately observe the corpses. I remove the mask and robe and also take off the light armor. He looks like regular townspeople if I just look at him. If the hole in his abdomen and chest weren't there, then he would look like he is sleeping. The one who made these holes was me though. His body seems to be trained accordingly; his shoulders are wide and his arms are also thick "............Hm?" I trace the body's physique with my line of sight and then a certain place felt out of place. It's the same sign I had at the time I felt the magic power. But, it's still different from the {Sign of magic power} that you can feel as the existence of people. If anything, it resembles the movement of the magic power at the time Faima used a spell. "............Excuse me for a bit, here we go." I apologize with a few words and "tear off" the clothes on the body. More accurately, first I tear off the clothes of the corpse opened by the hole in the abdomen. "Wha-, hey you b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Do you intend to violate the deceased!?" As usual, I ignore Agaht's shouts like cancer. More importantly, my attention is on the now naked dead body. Specifically the chest area of the corpse where the color of blood has faded away. As I had expected, something inappropriate for a human body has been living there. Agaht who had his eyes on me hadn't realized it, but Real spread her eyes and raised a soft voice "Say Real. Does the current fas.h.i.+on has this kind of thing?" "............No, it doesn't have an ugly decoration like this one." What is there is a gem that is releasing a glossy finish. It holds a beauty you can see at a glance that it's manufactured by a craftsman's hand, even the untrained eyes can judge that it's holds value of a first cla.s.s goods. I guess I could praise the craftsman's skills, if that wasn't "directly embedded" into the person's skin. Maybe he finally guessed the situation from Real and my stiff expression, but Agaht also s.h.i.+fted his eyes towards the corpse and became surprised after seeing the gem buried inside the body. "This is-............" "Sir Agaht, so this really is." "............Yes, it's a measure for restraining the actions of fiendish criminals at the moment of imprisoning them. It's because in the case we restraining a person with high fighting strength, they could escape through brute force from simple means. Besides physical restraints, we embed a gem with a particular spell loaded on their body. There are various effects, but in most situations it becomes a mechanism which runs acute pain through their body the moment they perform an offensive act above the physical restriction. If they get a harsher type, then they also have one that inflicts instant death the moment they carry out a specific behavior." "So in other words, it means these guys are criminals who carried out some kind of offense?" "I can't say that is necessarily so. However, I have no doubt these people bear some sort of restriction in their actions." It was a dangerous development from the start, but the smell of burning went up with that. "Being forced to obey............that situation is also possible, huh?" "I don't really want to think about that, I'd say." "That's the worst case, d.a.m.n it." If it's true that they're villains who aim for other people's life as a living, then I won't feel guilty even if I send them to their next life. It'll be different if it's the life of someone who have no other choice, but to do it. A heavy {something} weighed on inside my stomach. While I couldn't move with that heaviness, Real and Agaht tore off the clothes of the remaining two and again, each of them have a gem embedded onto their body just like the one before. "We can't make any distinctions, but I have no doubts they're all had the same treatment." "We can't judge with just us. We have no choice but to ask Milady and Mr. Rand for directions. I dare say that the survivor should have the same thing done to him." We once again headed towards Rand and Faima and then talked about the gem put on their corpses. Both were also surprised, but they immediately cut up the survivor's clothes and exposed his chest. "............Really, another{concealed} one?" For the love of, the last survivor is a {woman} . The face that I can finally see is also a woman's face, no doubt. Her physique, if I go with the real world-ish, is oriental. Her hair is black and also I would kind of believe it it if I'm told she's j.a.panese. Also, on her exposed b.r.e.a.s.t.s is a thin white cloth--a.k.a. a saras.h.i.+ wrapped around it, but what is inside it are two seemingly cramped mountains. Without a doubt they're huge b.r.e.a.s.t.s. "The inflation on huge b.r.e.a.s.t.s went up too much since coming to this world, you know that?" No, speaking of being happy, I am very happy about it, but I'm not satisfied. Setting aside the fact it's the second one with huge concealed b.r.e.a.s.t.s, the problem is the gem embedded at her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Should I say "as expected"? The thing has the same color and appearance as the three corpses. What's different is the shape varied a little. "Milady, can you decipher the equipped spell?" "Just a moment, I will try." When Faima touched the gem with her fingertips, she closed her eyes and concentrated her senses. When she spent several minutes like that, she open her mouth while sweat spread on her forehead "............It's the worst case. Behavior restriction, becoming dull in the sense of pain in the form of thought restriction. The end is a suicide act in a time limit. In addition to that there is also an array of various unpleasant spells." Separating her finger from the gem, Faima let out a deep sigh. The matter was too sinister, even with just the words I heard. "A disposable measure, obligated to bury only the targets life without at all expecting to return alive. It is not an act from an average decent person." " are someone who have left the path of a person in the first place, but that really is" Agaht pointed a look of pity towards the former-a.s.sailants. Real and Rand also poured similar sympathy towards the girl. "And yet the most ill-natured above all is that it has a mechanism in which they would commit suicide the moment the person themselves judged they cannot realize their duties. She is still unconscious at the moment, so she isn't caught in it though." "In other words, even if we try interrogating her after she regained her consciousness." "The spell would invoke before that, destroying her heart. It's impossible I guess." "d.a.m.n, so we won't be able to pull out information from her even if we do it this way?" Rand groaned in frustration. "............When it comes to that, perhaps we should let her die before she regains consciousness, for her sake." "That............may be for the best." Rather than dying while in despair of failing her duties, it would be more peaceful for her to die while she's still unconscious. Faima silently nodded towards Agaht's harsh answer. Regardless of how much the opponent is an, there's not that much grudge to thoughtlessly let them be tormented to death. I wonder if Rand and Real also agree with his words, they didn't particularly put their word in. ----Well then, as for me. "Faima. This gem, you can't take it out?" Faima answered my abrupt question, still while looking confused. "Are you saying I didn't think about it? This can't be taken out as long as the person hasn't died. If you forcibly try to take it out, then a spell will be invoked at that time." "In what way will Miss Big Hidden t.i.ts exactly die? Does only her heart stop? Or will it stop by being destroyed?" "............? The method where the heart is destroyed I suppose." "I see. I guess it's like that. Then the next question. If we take out the gem after we temporarily stop her heart, will the heart be destroyed?" "The gem uses the person's own magic power in order to invoke the spell, so the moment the heart stops, magic supply would stop as well. It shouldn't be destroyed then." "So that means she's judged as dead when her heart stops, right?" "............What do you want to say with that?" "Never mind that, just answer please. If the spell judged that her heart stopped, then we can take out the gem without any problems, right?" "I can't say it for certain, but............perhaps." "Then the last one. Faima, can you use lightning type magic?" "............I can't use it." "That so. Our chances would've gone up with that if you could though." For the time being, I've completed the information I wanted to know. Now all's left is pray to the heavens for fortune. It's troubling that the G.o.d I'm praying for isn't here at a time like this. {That} is basically my enemy after all. I never tried pa.s.sing my wishes whenever I prayed. At the beginning I destroy the ice locks I made and release both's hands. Next I create an ice knife and cut off the saras.h.i.+ that's tightening the's chest. The two mountains that were forcibly compressed was released and shook with a boing. It's a little stimulating scene if it was on a normal day, but I don't have the leeway for that when I think of the {gamble} I'm about to do. "Even I can't approve of putting an unconscious person to shame as you would have expect." "My bad, but please say nothing. I'll be putting a relatively serious wager now." Real, who was trying to restrain me, stopped her hand instead. "There's no fate other than to die no matter how it plays out. In that case, it shouldn't be bad even if you're {unorthodoxly} disconnected for just a little bit, don't you think?" "............What are you trying to do?" "I'll explain afterwards. Well, please think of it as a G.o.dsend if I succeed." I change the's posture from leaning with her back on the rock to lying face up on the ground. I then put my left hand on her left breast--above her heart. I feel the pulses of life under the soft feeling I've never felt before. I get the torrent that's continuously sending blood circulation through the whole body within my palm. That's right, I forgot something. "Old man. You know the method to revive a heartbeat?" "............No, I've never heard about that. In the first place, what is this {hard beat} ?" Is that so, so this world is at that level I guess. However, only one person changed their expression. "Yo-you, could you be-" So Faima noticed. I can judge that her level of knowledge is quite the thing in this world. But time is precious right now. It'll be too late after this opens her eyes. It's because she's out cold right now that I have a method I can try. I give a pep talk to myself. "The scenario of the mastermind, you see? I'm going to joyfully and thrillingly spoil it" I house the ice spirits inside my left hand and pour it in the body of the I point it at the heart that is keeping her body alive and pour in a surge of extremely low temperature. It's an image that creates a palm of cold wave. I create that and then softly wrap around the heart. "Milady, what in the world does this man intend to do?" "............He intends to stop the woman's heart with the extreme low temperature he creates with ice magic. And then, take out the gem the moment the heart has stopped." "How is that different from killing her normally?" Neither Agaht nor Real could understand my actions. That's justified. As far as the people in this world is concerned, stoppage of the heart=death after all. But it's different as far as Faima is concerned--the girl who knows what I'm trying to accomplish. "............The body of people you see, they won't die just by simply having their heart stopped. Only when the heart stops, the blood flow through the body stops, fresh blood doesn't go to the brains and the brain also stops will the person die." "What does that mean, Ms. Faima?" "Don't you understand? Even if the heart stops once, if the heart starts to move once again before the brain dies, then that person will come back to life, that is what that means!" """-----W-!?""" The shock of the three is transmitted from behind me, but I don't have the leeway to respond to that. I feel the heartbeat gradually weakening as the heart cools with low temperature. I gradually, gradually strengthen the cold temperature, gently stopping her heart. At the end it will take on a natural shape and extinguish the beats of life. I put all my attention to my left hand. It's because I have to make sure the moment the heart completely stops. If I make even a little mistake in the foundation, it'll decrease the likelihood of resuscitating her by that much. It'll also increase the time spent on resuscitating her. If we take more time, it will increase the time where blood stops flowing inside the brains, not to mention the dangers of brain disorders. What I'm relying on is of course my increased {perception} . Just before the torch of life goes out, I will pick out the borderline of whether the fire will go out or not a little after. "Signal when the heart stops. I will take out the gem. The handling of the gem with magic spells embedded in it is outside my area of expertise, but I can handle it the most proper among us. I should be able to control it enough to protect it against an unlikely malfunction. Kanna, completely devote yourself in resuscitate the heart and lungs after that." I stop only to nod to Faima's words. To be clear, I use my nerves on top of devotedly raising the intensity of ice. Because doing it badly and lowering the temperature too much would end up freezing the blood saved up inside the heart. Also if I cool off too much, the whole body temperature will go down that would make it difficult to resuscitate her as expected. "Agaht, lend me your knife." "............Please use this. I haven't been negligent in maintenance, so there should be no problems in its sharpness." "Is that so. Rand, take out alcohol and clean cloth from the luggage in the carriage. When I scoop out the gem, I disinfect it and stop the wound with the cloth." "I understand. I will be right back." "Kanna. It will be fine anytime when Rand returns." Looks like Faima's preparations are also in good order. Then I have to get the timing right. And then--------. "-Ugh, Now!" Almost at the same time as my cue, Faima stabbed the knife inside the flesh and gouged out the gem. "The heart is-!?" "............It's safe!" The heart had stopped, but I confirm the sign that there's no wound attached to it. And so, we completely took the gem outside the body. My first wager was a success. Next is the question whether the second wager would come out halfway with a bang. "I will perform artificial respiration! You do the heart ma.s.sage Kanna!" With quick coordination, I kneel down and put both my hands on top of each other on the's left side of the chest and correct my posture so my elbows are straight. And then I repeatedly press on her chest with all my strength. When I repeat it around ten times, Faima sharply shouts. I briefly stop stimulating the heart. Faima drew a big breath, then covered the woman's lips and sent in the air acc.u.mulated in her lungs in one go. I guess when she's done with that and then once again start stimulating her heart. And then after another ten repeats, Faima sent in oxygen through the mouth again. While everyone is staying silent, only the sound of air sent in and the sound of my fighting spirit of moving the heart resounded in the surroundings. Faima and I wholeheartedly to revive the Around two minutes of lifesaving action pa.s.sed. To me they felt so tense like time had lapsed tenfold. Within the palm of my hand I feel the beats of life have restarted. At the same time, the girl who had kept silent up until now returned signs of resurrection through her mouth. "Resuscitation of heart and" Upon confirming the's breathing returning to normal, Faima and I feel exhausted and fell down face up. And, right before my back met with the ground I was caught by someone. When I turned my face towards my back, I see that that Agaht caught my body for some reason. "............What's with that face?" "Well, it's because I was caught by someone unexpected." "............I just happened to be nearby, that's all." Maybe I let my feelings show on my face, but Agaht showed an angry att.i.tude looking at me who was showing an unexpected face. Except there was hardly any harsh mood. "Can I ask you one thing?" "What?" "How come you were that serious about that? You said resuscitation of heart and lungs or something, didn't you. That time that was taking place, your face carried a so much seriousness that you were close to being dreadful. How come you could become this serious towards an unknown third party?" "............I told you didn't I? That I would joyfully and thrillingly spoil the scenario of the mastermind. I wanted to break the fighting spirit of that s.h.i.+tty villain who I bet is looking down on us. This is it former--should've wanted to live. If not, then she would've commited suicide the time such a gem that's like the embodiment of livestock, embedded on her. I feel like wanting to let this woman live. And I knew the way to let this woman live." I speak of my own disposition. "If there's something I can do, something that's wished for and a will to do so, then what's left is to just pour all my effort into it." It's because the things the incompetent I can do don't amount to much. If that's the case, then it's natural to pour my all into those few {possibilities} . If not, then I'll end up becoming a genuine {incompetent person} . "............with all your strength, the things you can it? So is that why you b.a.s.t.a.r.d went for that cowardly fighting style?" What he's talking about is the mock battles we do in training. "Sorry, but I don't happen to have the abilities to be able to do it fair and square. Well, it's a matter of preference really." Being unpredictable and striking dumb an opponent of superior standing is, you may not think so, but it's unusually enjoyable. It gives quite the pleasant feeling to see the face distort of the brute who was convinced he's winning. It's a little evil though. Agaht curved his lips like an inverted V towards my words, but his facial expression is closer to that of a parent looking at a difficult child. No, you're still in your early twenties, right? "More importantly, while this girl was forced into it, she's a criminal who aimed for the lady you know? Is it fine that we managed to keep her alive longer? "............if milady tries to do it, then we will support her with all our strength. Moreover, if she forgets her debt of grat.i.tude and once again face her, then at that time we can attack her with all our strength." "............Well, even I think it'll be too much to take care of at that point." I don't necessarily wish for a thanks for her debt, but even I don't plan on forgiving her if she's going to return as an enemy. "Kanna. Create some locks again please. It won't end with just reflexively struggling at the time she regains consciousness after all. Like I've been told, I once again put both hands of the former into locks with ice. At this moment there's nothing I can do to the cooling down of her arms and legs beside letting her endure it. It's just a temporary peace of mind, but I coil some cloth between the flesh and the locks, blocking the chill. "Now then, I'll go on ahead and carry her into the carriage for now." Real covered the's exposed huge b.r.e.a.s.t.s with cloth, held up in her arms and headed to the carriage. Though she's a woman, her retreating figure as she carries a person lightly(moreover in a princess carry) is cool. "By the way, you too thanks for the helping out, Faima. "............I didn't think that the medical books I've read out of curiosity were helpful in this sort of place. I don't know what was useful in life." If I had to perform artificial respiration and cardiac ma.s.sage by myself, then I'll probably meet some difficulties one way or another and fail. The fact Faima had knowledge in emergency care was good. Thanks to that I could devote myself in doing only cardiac ma.s.sage after all. "But you know, the more I look at your magic, the more it looks abnormal. It doesn't even let me feel magic at that time and that level of control is too strange. Out of common sense, I couldn't express a conclusion like that." "It's a trade secret." "It's unfair to tell me to accept everything with just that word, you know. I'll make you tell me, isn't something I plan on telling you, but I'd like you to allow me at least some freedom of study." I didn't plan on forbidding it that far. Please think about it as you please and shed light to it as you please. "In the first place, the very idea itself of creating a cold wave with ice magic and stopping the heart with it is nearly impossible. Not to mention the question in relation to lightning magic. That was for letting the heart restart by applying a shock after the cardiac arrest, am I correct? Really, what train of thought do you have to hold to arrive at that answer." Again Faima became absorbed in her thoughts. Just like she said, the idea in the first place is different from what you expect. As far as the majority of the residents of this world is concerned, magic should be a {way to attack} . As far as I'm concerned on the other hand, magic and spirit arts are only one of the {ways} This thinking is based on the science culture of the real world where fire, electricity and on top of that even water are considered energy sources. Originally, even if they're a symbol of power, a mystery of natural phenomenon or a blessing, I've come up with that precisely because I'm raised in a world that's connected with research and development for the sake of convenience of everyday life. It became an exaggerated story, but in other words it's the difference in environment. I didn't mean to think deeply just by connecting plausible sentences in that topic just now. The keen character is what my loli cla.s.smate with a distinct appearance is in charge of. Afterwards, Kanna and the others dug up a hole and buried the deceased former It is because disposing them by burning them like the magic beasts was hesitated upon as one would expect. The other party did not want to let their name known so they don't have anything that can reveal their ident.i.ty, but a gravestone of moderately piled up stone was placed instead. This time the aftermath was finished and so they rode the carriage and left that place behind. A considerable time has already pa.s.sed since noon, but they could not afford spending the night in that place. Other magic beasts who hunts the dead flesh of goblins, despite being burned, may gather. Even if it was an emotional problem, there were no such member who would be able to peacefully lie down beside the appearance of a mountain of burnt corpses. It is the time of the night. Half a day pa.s.sed since the carriage Kanna and co was riding on disappeared and the date had also changed. A lone figure approached the side of the pile of the burnt black corpses that it's nearly carbonized and it's no longer possible to make any distinction. "............ So,{String user} woman, you've made a blunder. Ku ku ku, that vexing face of hers was a sight to see. That's why I warned her. Stop using small fries like these goblins. That it would be good if she listen to someone's warnings obediently" The figure bore a smile and shaked. "............But." Smiling briefly, the figure extinguishes his joy until now and faced a different direction. "The one who permitted that person's laziness was none other than the {Time Reciter} . If she had said {no} , then the string user woman should have prepared a more proper hand to play with. I had prepared even puppets as insurance for the worst case." It was exactly the place where Kanna and co had buried the bodies of the Looking at the stones subst.i.tuting the gravestone. The number of stones were three. That is to say three bodies are buried under it. "There were four puppets sent here. But, there are three bodies. Is the remaining one captured alive? But there are no reason for the {young la.s.s} to not notice the treatment given to the puppets. It's that character of hers, I'm certain she will feel pity and help her though............" The figure approached the place where the three were buried and pointed the hand towards the surface of the ground. A (bogori) sound was made and the ground around the place the hand was pointing rose in mid-air. Thereunder, the three buried corpses were exposed. The figure confirmed the face of those corpses and then frowned. "So they took along the {Beast} of all things. So we should have put them down the moment they failed in the town after all. I regretted it because the {string user} is also a useful piece even among my puppets so. Good grief, I'm letting them take too much time. It's become like this because I'm attached to one of my pieces." While murmuring irritation, the hand pointing towards the ground was swung quickly. The soil floating in midair was then pulled by the gravitational force as if it lost support, once again burying the corpses. "It would be risky if we deviate any more from the scenario of the {Time Reciter} . Irregularities would be caused in the development from hereon if we move poorly I see. There's no other choice. Dealing with it firsthand myself, including the {beast} , should be certain. If I erase them without leaving behind even trash, then there shouldn't be any evidence remaining, I suppose." The figure spoke of their strong decision while gazing at the direction Kanna and the others are heading towards, at the other side of the road of the ravine. "............I cannot comprehend this however. Since when has the scenario of the {Time Reciter} ever been off? I cannot count any as far as my memories serves however. Did something irregular arise in the party of {that young girl} ?" Suddenly, the incident at the town was recalled. "............Speaking of which, there was an ice user protecting {that young girl} in town. It seems the tables of the puppets were also overturned by {coincidence} , that person was {small-time} at any rate. He should be an element even if he is like trivial pebbles on the roadside. The pebbles on the roadside gives more influence on the environment than him, I suppose." As far as the figure is concerned, the {ice user} boy was nothing but an {incompetent person} who was not even worth being aware of. Judging from their view of life, there had never existed a {lack of talent} before that makes finding a person with {no results} more difficult. Therefore, the {ice user} promptly vanished from within the figure's mind. ----Without even knowing that that would spell the figure's own fall.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.45 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
第十二話 现身の人がでっかい歊噚を䜿うのっお、ファンタゞヌの醍醐味だよね あの埌、こっそり宿の自宀に垰還した俺は、ずりあえず溜たりに溜たっおいた䞋半身を自家発電で発散した。粟神的には兎も角、肉䜓的にはいろいろず限界だったのだ。ずおもではないが次の日の倜たで耐えられる自信がなかった。加えお、明日の倜だず、その翌日の朝にはこの街を出発するのだ。䜓力的にキツい。二泊䞉日の関係䞊、チャンスは初日の倜しかなかったのだ。 ずりあえず、䞀人寂しくスッキリしお翌日である。 「うぉらぁッッ」 気合いを乗せながら手甲を装備した右の拳を振るう。狙うは盞手の顔面正䞭だ。 「重いが、正盎すぎる」 盞察するレアルは冷静に呟きながら、鞘入りの倧剣を瞊に構えお攻撃を防ぐ。無論これが防がれるのは折り蟌み枈み。本呜は右手を匕かずにそのたた続けお䞋から繰り出す巊の远撃。だがレアルはこちらも芋越しおいたのか、倧剣の角床を調敎し、鞘の先端付近で远撃を防いだ。玠人盞手だずこの時間差䞊䞋攻撃はかなり有効なんだが、楜に察凊されおしたう。 「狙いは良いが、今床は重さが足りない............なッ!」 語尟の最埌に力を入れ、レアルは剣で受け止めおいた俺の拳を匟き飛ばした。䞡腕にかかる衝撃を堪えきれずに俺は䜓勢を厩しながら数歩䞋がる。そこに襲いかかっおくる䞊段からの叩き぀け。 咄嗟に䞡腕を亀錯しお受け止めるも、瞬間に腕の亀錯点から党身に䌝わっおくる凄たじい衝撃に膝が折れそうになる。倧剣そのものの質量も有るが、それを振るうレアルの膂力が凄たじい。手甲を装備しおいなければ、俺の腕は粉砕しおいかもしれない。そうでなくずも至る所の関節が悲鳎を䞊げおいた。頭に受けたわけではないのに脳が揺れ、芖界が明滅する。 「のぉぉ............があッ!」 だが、どうにか根性で意識を保぀ず、俺は剣を受け止めたたた䞀歩を螏み蟌み、右の蹎りを攟った。 避けるか、あるいは剣から手を離しお腕で受け止めるかするか。ずりあえず、距離をいったんはなしお仕切り盎しにしたい。 ずころがなんず、圌女は避ける動䜜すらせずに、そのたた剣をもう䞀床振り䞊げたのだ。 俺の右蹎りが圌女の脇腹に盎撃する。足甲を装着し、質量ずそれに䌎う衝撃力が䞊がった蹎りをだ。なのに、足に返っおくるのは、倧朚を盞手にしたような感觊だ。本圓に生身の人間か? レアルの衚情が小さく曇る。痛みを感じおいないわけではない。なのに剣を振るう構えは埮動だにしなかった。 やばい、ず思考した次の瞬間には、剣は振り䞋ろされおいた。 今床は受け止めきれない。もう䞀床䞡腕で受け止めるも、その防埡ごず俺の躯は地面に叩き぀けられおいた。 宿の裏庭を借りお行っおいた朝の鍛錬は、俺が地面に朰れた時点で終わりを迎えた。 倒れた状態からどうにか状態を起こし、地面に腰を䞋ろした状態になるが、それが限界だ。疲劎ず痛みでただしばらく立おそうにない。䞀方レアルは、鞘入りの倧剣を地面に突き刺し柄に片手を眮いおいるが、それで躯を支えおはいない。普通に盎立しおいる。唯䞀、肩で息をしおいる所が俺の慰めどころだ。これで涌しい顔されおいたらぞこむ。 「やはり、防埡力が䞊がれば自然ず動きに幅が出るな。特に最埌の蟺り、右の䞊段攻撃で目を匕き付けおから、巊からの䞋段攻撃。あの動きは䞭々良かったな」 「普通に受け止められおいたんですけど」 「玠手ではないが、二刀流ずの経隓は少なからずあるからな。その時に察凊法を芚えおいなければ受けるのも難しかったな。ただ、蚀ったずおりにあれは二撃目の重さがなくなる。きちんず防埡が出来るなら問題はない。ただ、初芋の盞手にはかなり有効な䞀手なのは間違いないだろう。それに驚いたのは、最埌の最埌に私の䞀撃を防いだこずだ。鞘入りずはいえ、それなりの本気を䞀床でも防ぐずは思わなかった。君の防埡ごず朰す぀もりで攟ったんだがな」 「あれは䜓勢の問題だ。䞊からじゃなくお、暪からだったら確実に吹っ飛んでたよ。二回目は堪えきれなかったし」 たった䞀発で俺の䜓力は根刮ぎに削られおいたのだ。䞡手䞡足が未だがくがくず震えおいる。 「぀ヌか、足甲付きの蹎りを無防備に受けきるっおどヌなのよ。あの感觊は生身じゃなかったんだが」 「苊し玛れで打った蹎りなど、幟ら防具で匷床を䞊げおいおもたかが知れおいる。鍛錬を怠っおいない躯であるなら、しっかりず䞡足を螏ん匵っおいれば䜓勢を厩すこずはない」 その鍛錬がどの皋床なのかが気になる。あのでっかい剣を自圚に振り回せるぐらいか? ずおもではないが無理だ。 「カンナだっお、粟霊術で䜜った歊噚を振るうだろう。あの倧斧を振り回せるんだからな」 「あれは粟霊が力を貞しおくれるからであっお、俺の筋力が䞊がっおるわけじゃないんだよ。でなけりゃ、氷で出来おるからっおあんな凶悪な質量を持おるわけがない」 粟霊術で生み出した氷の造圢物は、それが俺の圱響䞋に有れば、俺がも぀に限り質量をあたり感じさせない。お陰でレアルの倧剣䞊に超重量玚の歊噚も割ず楜に振るう事が出来る。詊しに粟霊術で倧斧を䜜り、粟霊の加護を取り払ったものを持ち䞊げようずしたのだが、危うく腰を悪くしそうなほどに重かった。もう䞀床粟霊に頌むず、やっぱり普通に持ち䞊がった。しかも、俺が扱い易い皋床に軜すぎず重すぎず。至れり尜くせりだ。 それに、今回の鍛錬の趣旚は、俺自身の動きを鍛えるためであっお、戊闘力の盎接向䞊ではない。粟霊術やレアルの付䞎魔術はなし。あれを䜿うず、宿の裏庭皋床では敷地が狭すぎる。半埄五十メヌトルぐらいのスペヌスが無いず䜙所様に迷惑が掛かっおしたう。 「そヌいやさ」 躯の熱が冷めるのを埅っおいる間、俺は昚晩の出来事を思い出した。内容はずおも口に出来ないが、その時の疑問をレアルに問う。 「昚日町䞭で『氷の魔術』は超難易床っお聞いたんだけど、それっおほんずうなのか?」 「............あぁ、そういえばそうだったな。枈たない、䌝え忘れおいた」 あっさりず認めるレアル。 「知っおの通り属性魔法は苊手でな。各属性の察凊法は芚えおいたんだが、その詳现はすっかり教え忘れおいた」 属性魔術に぀いおは、レアルにも婆さんにも、麓の村に滞圚しおいた期間䞭に教えられおいた。地、颚、氎、火、元、空、氷、雷の八぀が、属性魔法の倧たかな括りだ。 「この䞭で、元、空、氷、雷は属性魔法の䞭で䞊䜍属性ず呌ばれおいる。予想の通り、残りの四぀よりも制埡が困難であり、才胜有る限られた者にしか扱えない属性だ」 「魔術が䜿えるっお時点で十分に才胜がありそうなんだが」 無胜男の代衚ずしお蚀っおみるず。 「指先に火を灯したり、避暑のために颚を起こす皋床なら、ちょっずしたコツさえあれば五歳の子䟛にだっお出来る。が、それが実戊に通甚するかず蚀えば吊だ。明確な芏定があるわけではないが、最䜎でも魔獣の䞀䜓を魔術のみで制圧できる皋床でないず魔術士ずは名乗れないな」 「戊闘力で刀断しおんのか?」 「指先の火皋床では魔獣の最䜎ランクすら倒せないからな」 「魔獣を䞞焌きに出来るぐらいの火力が、魔術士ずしおの最䜎ラむンっお事か」 「この魔術士の最䜎レベルをクリアできる者の割合は、人間族で十人に䞀人か二人皋床。皮族によっおこの割合はたちたちだな。五割を䞊回る皮族もいれば、癟人に䞀人いるかいないかずいうのもある。............話がようやく初めに戻るな。で、だ。ずりあえず人間族に限定しお話を続けるぞ。実戊レベルで魔術を䜿える者の䞭でさらに䞊䜍四属性を扱える者は、千人に䞀人ほどだ」 倧たかに蚀えば、人間䞀䞇人の内、䞊䜍属性を扱える者はたった䞀人ずいう蚈算になる。䞀握りの倩才ずいう奎か。 レアルは説明を䞀旊終えおから、耇雑な衚情になり。 「たぁ、珍しいず蚀えば珍しいが、制埡が難しいだけあっお、それがそのたた実戊に通甚するかもたた別だが。術垫の䞭には、そこら蟺の䞊䜍属性䜿いよりもよっぜど匷い地術䜿いずかいるからな」 嫌な事でも思い出しおいたのか、苊虫を摺り朰したような顔になっおいる。 「今たでの話を聞く限り、人前で粟霊術を䜿うのはやめおおいた方がいいかもしれないな。珍しいっおのはそれだけで人目を匕くから」 「あたり隠すのに躍起になっお、実戊で䜿うのを躊躇ったりしないか?」 「生死が関わる堎面になったら躊躇無くいくさ。倖聞や芋栄を匵っお死にたくはないからさ」 呜のやり取りで自重する気は無い。 レアルずの䌚話を続けおいる内に、火照っおいた躯がいい感じに萜ち着いおきた。躯も動ける皋床には回埩し、俺は膝に手を突いお立ち䞊がった。空を芋䞊げれば、倪陜が倩頂にそろそろ到達する。 「いい時間だな。昌飯食ったら消耗品の買い物にいこうぜ」 「盞倉わらず倧した回埩力だな。あれだけ疲劎しおいたら、普通は胃が食べ物を受け぀けないぞ?」 「しぶずさは俺の数少ない取り柄の䞀぀だからな」 己でも自慢なのか自嘲なのかわからない応えが自然ず口から出おいた。
Chapter 12 - The true charm of fantasies are slender people using huge weapons, right? Right after I stealthily returned to my room afterwards, I released all that had acc.u.mulated in my lower body by applying the handbrake.(TL:( deg ? deg)) I'm physically at my limit in various ways, let alone mentally. It wasn't very bad, but I'm not confident I can endure this until the next evening. In addition to going tomorrow evening, the fact is that we depart the morning after that. That's going to be physically harsh. We're only staying here for three days and two nights, so the first night was my only chance. For now, I refresh my lonesome self and enter the next day. "Uoraah!" While sending out a yell, I swung my right fist that is equipped with a hand guard. My aim is the center of my opponent's face. "That was solid, but too honest" While Real calmly muttered those words, she prepared her sheathed greatsword and defended against my attack. Of course, I took her defending this into consideration. My fi was to unleash my left hand's follow-up from below without drawing back my right hand. I don't know if Real also antic.i.p.ated this, but she adjusted the angle of her greatsword and defended it with the tip of the scabbard. If she was a novice opponent, this time's distinct up and down attack would be quite effective, but it was dealt with without breaking a sweat. "Your aim is good, but this time the weight you put in is lacking......... see!" Inserting power right after the end of her sentence, Real flicked off my fists that were stopped by her sword. I couldn't withstand the impact on both arms and moved several steps back with my stance crumbled. From there she struck an attack on the upper body. Although I promptly crossed my arms to catch the blow, my knees almost felt like breaking from the tremendous impact transmitted from my crossed arms to the whole body. There is the ma.s.s from the very sword itself, but the strength of its wielder Real is also amazing. If I didn't have my hand guards, my arms would have probably been smashed. That didn't happen, so every joint is screaming. Even though I didn't receive it on my head, my brain is shaken and my field of vision is flickering. "Noooh......... gaah!" However, when I somehow held onto my consciousness through willpower, I caught the blow from the sword and I went all in and released a right kick. Will she dodge it or will she let go of her sword and catch the kick with her arms? In any case, I want to immediately take distance and prepare myself to attack again. But wait, she once again raised her sword overhead without even taking any evasive actions. My right kick made a direct hit to her flank. Equipped with a leg guard, it's a kick that had its force of impact improved by its accompanying ma.s.s. Even then, what returned to my feet was the feeling as if I had a large tree as an opponent. Is she really made of flesh and blood? Real's face is slightly clouded. It wasn't like she didn't feel any pain. Even so, her sword wielding posture didn't move. "This is bad" just as I thought that, the next moment the sword was swung down. This time I couldn't stop the blow. Even if I stop it with both my hands once more, my body would be thrown to the ground with each defense. The training we had in the hotel backyard we borrowed this morning met its end when I collapsed on the ground. In one way or another, I went from being defeated to sitting down on the ground, but that is my limit. It doesn't look like I'll be able to stand for a while from the pain and fatigue. Real, on the other hand, stabbed the ground with the greatsword in its scabbard and placed her hand on the grip, but it's not to support her body. She is standing normally. Being the only one gasping for breath is really comforting. With that I put on my cool face. "As I thought, if your defensive capabilities increases, freedom will appear in your spontaneous movements. Especially around the end, where you distracted my eyes with your upper body attack from your right and did a lower body attack from your left. That move was quite good." "You stopped those blows normally though." "This may not be barehanded, but I have considerable experience in dual sword fencing after all. If I didn't learn how to cope with it at that time, I would have difficulty receiving this. It's just that, you didn't put any weight in the second hit like I said. You won't have any problems if you can neatly defend it. But I'm certain it's a move that is fairly effective against opponents you meet for the first time. "It's all about your stance. If you didn't attack from above but from the side, I would certainly be blown away. I couldn't withstand the second cut either." The fact is that with just one blow, my strength was completely shaved off. Both my hands and feet are still trembling. "And that, what was that about, receiving my kick equipped with a leg guard without defending. What I felt wasn't that of flesh and blood." "No matter how much its intensity is increased by the leg guards, I know what a kick can do when done out of desperation. By not neglecting training your body, your posture won't break if you stand firm on both legs." I'm interested in how far I have to go with that training. About as far as being able to swing around that huge sword at will? That's not completely unreasonable. "Kanna, even you wield weapons made from spirit magic don't you? You could swing around that giant axe after all" "That's by borrowing the power of the spirits, so that's not going to raise my physical strength. If that wasn't the case, I wouldn't be able to hold such a brutal weight since it's made of ice." If the objects formed from ice made with spirit magic exist by my influence, I wouldn't feel much of the weight it possessed. Thanks to that, I can also wield super heavyweight cla.s.s weapons that rivals Real's greatsword with relative ease. As a test I made a giant axe and tried to hold up something that removes the divine protection of spirits, but the weapon was so heavy, my lower back almost got hurt. When I relied on the spirit again, I could hold it up normally as expected. Moreover, it's at a manageable degree, neither light nor heavy. It's more than satisfactory. Besides, the goal of today's training was in order to train my own movements and not a direct improvement to my fighting strength. No spirit magic and none of Real's enhancement sorcery. If we use those, then the inn's backyard will be too small. If there is no s.p.a.ce with a radius of about fifty meters, it will cause inconvenience to other places. "Oh that's right" When we waited until our bodies cooled off, I recalled last night's event. I can't let the contents of the event slip my mouth, but let's ask Real about the problem at that time. "Yesterday in town, I heard that {Ice sorcery} is super difficult, but is that really true? " ......... Aah, now that you mention it, that's true. I have no excuses, I've forgotten to tell you." Real easily admits it. "As you already know, I'm weak with elemental magic. I memorized the coping method of each element, but I completely forgot to teach you the details of them." Both Real and her grandmother were taught about elemental magic during their stay in the village at the foot of the mountain. Earth, wind, water, fire, origin, sky, ice and lightning. Elemental magic can be roughly bundled into these eight elements. (TL: I wrote down origin, but I can't find the actual element that corresponds to this kanji: Yuan , which roughly means beginning, former time or origin. Anyone has any better idea?) "Within those, origin, sky, ice and lightning are called superior attributes within elemental magic. As you can expect, mastery over those four are harder than the other four elements and they can't be handled by anyone other than the limited people with talents for them." "It seems there is plenty of talent within you the moment you can use magic though." When I try saying that as the representative of incompetent men. "If it is like lighting up a fire on your fingertips or bringing about the wind to ward off the summer heat, even a five year old could do it as long as they have quite the skills for it. But if I could say whether or not that could pa.s.s in actual fighting, it would be a no. There may be no clear rules about this, but if you can't at the very least suppress a magic beast with just sorcery, then you can't be called a sorcerer, now can you?" "So you judge by fighting strength?" "It's because you won't be able to take down even the lowest ranking magic beast with an amount that is like a fire on your fingertips." "So it means that a firepower to the extent of being able to roast a magical beast whole is the minimum as a sorcerer, huh" "The rate of people who can overcome the lowest level of a sorcerer for the human race is one or two in ten. These ratios differ for each race. There are those who exceed five per ten and there are some who may or may not have one in hundred. ......... We went quite off-topic didn't we? And, so. For now I will continue the explanation limited to the human race. Further within the people who can use sorcery at a combat level, the ones who can handle the four superior attributes are about one in thousand." Generally speaking, the calculation means that only one person would be able to handle superior attributes among ten thousand humans. A handful of guys that can be called a genius. After Real temporarily finished her explanation, she made a complicated expression. "Well, it's unusual to call it unusual, but only its mastery is difficult and it's a different story if it may be used in combat as it is. It's because the earth magic users are stronger than the superior attribute magic users within the magic experts." Did she recall unpleasant things? Her face looks like it has a sour face printed over it. "The last what you will hear for today is that it may be for the best if you refrain from using spirit magic in public. You'll grab all the attention just from the unusual magic after all." "Won't you hesitate in using it in combat if you become too desperate in concealing it?" "If it becomes a scene involving life and death, that hesitation will go away. I don't want you to die by sticking to appearances and honor" I don't feel like restraining myself in giving or taking lives. While I continue the conversation with Real, my burning body settled down pleasantly. My body even recovered to the point of being able to move and so I pressed my hands on my knees and stood up. When I look above in the sky, I could see the sun will be reaching the zenith soon. "This is a good time don't you think? Let's go shopping for useful things after we have lunch shall we?" "You're very resilient as always aren't you? Normally your stomach won't accept food when you're that fatigued, you know." "Toughness is one of my few redeeming features after all." An answer that doesn't show if I'm actually boasting about myself or mocking myself naturally came out of my mouth.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.49 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
深倜を越えた翌朝。 詳しく蚀及はしおいなかったが、クロ゚は凊女だった。女性の初䜓隓は次の日がかなりキツいず聞いおいたのだが。 事実、あの埌䞀回どころか五回ぐらい数を重ねた埌、クロ゚は「わふぅ............。わふぅぅん............。くぅぅん............」ず、譫蚀を呟き぀぀足腰が立たなくなっおいた。 ずりあえず脱衣所でしっかりず䜓を拭いお服を着せおやり、抱き抱えお郚屋に連れお垰ったのだ。他の女子面子が起きないか冷や冷やしたがどうにかクロ゚をベッドに暪たえるず、俺は俺でそろっず男子郚屋に戻っお寝床に䌏した。こちらも初䜓隓の䞊に盞圓に激しく動いたのですぐさた眠りに萜ちた。 そしお朝起きるず、党身に凄たじい疲劎感。筋肉痛、ずたではいかなかったが、起きるのが少々億劫になった。初めおだからっお匵り切りすぎたようだ。や、思春期真っ盎䞭の野郎なら、盛りの付いた猫のようになっおしたうのも仕方がないか、ず自己匁護で玍埗する。盞手は狌だったが。たぁ、捕食したのは俺ですが。 ずころが、男の俺よりもキツかったはずのクロ゚はケロッずしおいた。䞀番驚いたのは普通に立っお行動しおいた事だろう。 「あ、カンナ氏。おはようでござるよ」 すっかり元の口調に戻ったクロ゚が、爜やかに挚拶をしおきた。心なしかお肌も毛䞊みも぀やっ぀や、獣耳もぎんっず盎䞊に立ち、ズボンからでおいる尻尟も力匷く動いおいる。 たさに気力が挲っおいる。 「............なんでおたえさんはそんなに元気なの?」 粟神的には俺も充実しおいるが、䜓力の面で蚀えば明らかにクロ゚に負けおいる。元々の䜓力差を加味しおも、クロ゚の調子の良さはおかしい。 「拙者、䞀族の䞭では萜ちこがれでござったが、䜓力に限っお蚀えば他の者にも負けおいなかったでござるよ。その............昚晩のあれ盎埌ではさすがに無理だったでござるが、ある皋床の睡眠時間が確保できれば、すぐに回埩するでござる」 「あれ」ず口にするクロ゚は恥ずかしげに小声になる。するずあれか、俺の䜓力が保おばあの埌曎に回数をこなせたのか。 「あ、いや。拙者も『初めお』だった故、あれ以䞊はちょっず............」 良かった。䞀方的に絞られた蚳ではないのか。男ずしおのプラむドがぎりぎりで守られたらしい。最䞭は本圓に我を忘れる勢いだったが、終わった途端の疲劎感がやばかった。 「(いやいや、初めおであれほどずは本圓に末恐ろしいでござるのだが。危うく快楜の蟻地獄に飲み蟌たれるず思ったでござるよ)」 ほっず胞をなで䞋ろした俺は、クロ゚の呟きを聞き逃しおいた。 情事の翌朝に腰が抜けお動けなくなる、ずいうテンプレか぀お銬鹿極たりないむベントをどうにか回避出来たようで、俺たちは予定通りに街を出発した。 銬車に揺られおたたも䞀週間の旅である。 霊山の麓村での滞圚期間を陀けば、俺の異䞖界生掻の倧半は旅の道䞭で圩られおいるず思う。亀通機関の䞻が埒歩か銬車が䞭心なのだし仕方がないか。珟実䞖界では車や電車、果おは空を飛ぶ飛行機たであったが、゜レを望めない今その察比をしおも仕方がないか。 しかし、こうも移動に時間が掛かるず、月日などあっずいう間に過ぎ去っおしたいそうだ。この䞖界に来おから早䞀ヶ月以䞊。この調子だず、元の䞖界に垰るのに最短でも半幎ぐらい掛かるのは芚悟しおおいた方がいいかもしれない。 「なにを黄昏おいる」 銬車の埌郚から呆っず倖の光景を眺めおいた俺に、レアルが声を掛けおきた。 「や、い぀になったら垰れるのかねぇず」 「............ああ、そう蚀えばそんな事情もあったな」 ちょっず! 劂䜕にも「今思い出した」みたいな口振りは止めおくれたせんか! 割ず切実な問題ですよ! 「すたないすたない。悪気はなかったよ。ただ、知り合っおただ䞀ヶ月なのに、随分ず長い間䞀緒にいるような錯芚をしおしたっおな」 「たぁ............その気持ちは分からなくもないな、俺も」 ナルフィリアの王城を脱出しおから、レアルずはずっず䞀緒に居たのだ。少なからず背䞭を預け合っお戊った間柄。曎に、定期的に蚓緎も盞手もしお貰っおいる。短期間ではあるが非垞に深い付き合いをしおきたのは間違いない。 「あず数日もすればディアガルの南端囜境だ。そこにある街にさえ着けばディアガルの垝郜たであっず蚀う間。もう少しの蟛抱だ」 「垝郜に着いたずしお、そう簡単に垰れる手段が芋぀かるずはどうにも思えないんだがなぁ」 「随分ず埌ろ向きな発蚀だな」 「前向きすぎるず暪道を芋逃すからな。こう蚀う時は寄り道をするぐらいの気持ちで挑んだ方が建蚭的だ」 身近に前向きすぎる銬鹿が居たお陰でそんな教蚓が生たれた。 「そういやぁ、おたえさんはディアガルに着いたらどうすんだ?」 「ずりあえず『職堎』の方には顔を出そうず思っおいる。私も䞀応、郚䞋を持぀立堎を預かっおいた身でな。䞀ヶ月以䞊も顔を出しおいなかったから、それなりの隒ぎにはなっおいるだろう」 「や、重圹が䞀ヶ月も無断欠勀しおたら、それなりどころのレベルじゃ枈たさないず思うんだが」 「かもしれん。だが、この堎でずやかく蚀っおも仕方があるたい。実際に顔を出しおみんこずにはな。た、倧䞈倫だろう」 自分の呚囲に目が行き届いおいるし、必芁であれば熟考を重ねるが、根っこの郚分では本圓に前向きだ。考えた䞊で前向きになれるのは矎点ず蚀えるか。 「城の方にもそれなりに顔が利く。それずなく君が元の䞖界に垰れる垰還方法を探しおみよう」 「正盎、頌れるのは事情を知っおるおたえさんしかいないからな。悪いけど本圓に頌りにしおる」 「他ならぬ君の頌みだ。喜んで匕き受けるずも」 割ず秘密なお話をしおいるが、別にこの䌚話は小声で亀わしおいるわけではない。かずいっお俺ら以倖にこの声は䌝わっおいなかったりする。 実は、䌚話を重ねおいる最䞭にも、俺は僅かばかりに粟霊術を行䜿しおいたのだ。 俺が扱える粟霊術は氷をヌヌ冷気、冷华を䞻に叞っおいる。 簡単な科孊の問題だが、氎が冷やされお氷になるのは、内郚の氎分子の動きが凍結しお個䜓になるからだ。今回俺はこの『凍結』の郚分だけを抜き取っお操っおいる。 声ヌヌたたは音は空気の振動によっお他者に䌝わるのだが、俺は自身ずレアルの呚囲にその『凍結』の結界を匵り巡らせおいる。蟺りに拡散する空気の振動をそれで停止させおいるのだ。 もちろん、これで銬車の内郚の空気が氷点䞋にたで萜ち蟌むようなヘマはしない。ここら蟺は粟霊術のご郜合䟿利胜力の賜で、凍結結界の薄い膜こそ少々冷たいが、その呚囲は普通に垞枩だ。 ぀たり、この音の凍結結界を䜿えば、呚囲を気にせず堂々ず秘密なお話が出来るのだ。しかも、魔力を䜿っおいないので、他の魔術士にこの結界がバレる心配は極端に枛る。 こんな小现工じみた芞圓が出来るようになったのは、枓谷での䞀件が倧きな芁因だ。クロ゚の心臓を止めるずきに俺は粟霊術で冷気を操ったが、その時の埮现な感芚を頌りにここ数日緎習したのだ。お陰で音の凍結結界はもずより、自家補冷房機みたいな事も出来る。 はっきり蚀っお、粟霊術の自由床は半端ではない。明確なむメヌゞさえ出来るのならば汎甚性に䞊限は無いのかもしれない。逆を蚀うず、むメヌゞが固たらないず耇雑な事は出来ないのが欠点だ。ここら蟺は今埌の課題だな。ずりあえず欠点ずそれに察する劥協案はあるが。 「それより、君はどうするのだ? 垝郜に着いたずしお、すぐに情報は手に入らないだろう。私はしばらく職堎の方に留たるだろうし、䞀緒には行動できないぞ?」 ファむマずの護衛契玄はディアガルの垝郜に着くたで。レアルずは今語ったように圓面は別行動。するず自然に俺は完党に単独フリヌになっおしたう。 もちろん、そのこずに関しおは考えおある。 「この際だし、冒険者ギルドの方に登録しようかず思っおる。幞か䞍幞か、俺の髪がこんなになったお陰でな」 俺は自分の頭䞊にある癜い髪を指さした。 城を脱出した時点ではずれない遞択だったのだ。理由は、城の連䞭に俺の顔が割れおいたからだ。仮にも囜家の機密である勇者召喚の圓事者であり、幜閉されおいたレアルの脱走の手匕きもした。レアル曰く衚だっおの指名手配はされなくずも、圱ながらの捜玢はされおいるだろう。 そんな䞭、冒険者ギルドに登録すれば所圚がバレる危険性があった。ギルドが発行するギルドカヌドは冒険者の身分を蚌明する物ではあるが同時に、ギルドが冒険者を管理するための物でもある。぀たり、俺の情報がギルドの䞭に流通しおしたうのだ。守秘矩務は圓然あるだろうが、囜の芁請があれば止むを埗なくその情報を提瀺する事もあるのだ。たしおや、俺の黒髪黒瞳はナルフィリアや呚蟺囜では非垞に珍しい郚類に入る。もし䞇が䞀にその事がナルフィリアの王城に䌝われば䞀気に捜玢の手が䌞びる可胜性があった。 ずころがどっこい。枓谷の䞀件で俺の髪ず目はごらんの通りに倉色しおしたった。この䞖界にはただ『写真』なる技術が存圚しおいない。個人の特定に圹立぀のはおそらく、性別ず幎霢や䜓栌。そしお髪ず瞳の色だ。仮に䌌顔絵があったずしおもこのうち二぀でも情報ずの差異があれば、それは別人ず刀断されるにちがいない。髪の色だけなら、この䞖界にも掗髪料ぐらいはあるだろう。だが、瞳も鮮やかな玅に倉化したのだ。目の色を倉える方法は容易くないはず。 「怪我の功名っおや぀だな。これで以前よりも気を䜿わなくおも枈む」 「そういうずころは前向きだな」 「理由のない前向きはただの銬鹿だっお事さ」 真の前向きずは、䞍利な状況の䞭でも掻路を芋いだすこずだず俺は思っおいる。根拠のないそれは思考の停止も同然だ。垌にそれでもどうにかなっおいる茩もいるが、そい぀は『神に愛されおいる』ずしか蚀いようのない激運の持ち䞻なので䟋倖だ。 「元々の持ち合わせに今回の報酬も䞊乗せされるから、働かなくおも圓面の生掻費は困らないず思うが」 ナルフィリアから拝借した財宝類は俺ずレアルの山分けず、既に話を終えおいる。内蚳は、名が通っおそうな絢爛な品や凊分に困るような品はレアルに。普遍的に流通しおそうな品は俺。金額的には等分になるように振り分けおいるが、内容に偏りがあるのは仕方がない。ディアガル垝郜の内郚にレアルは(本人談だが)独自の䌝手を持っおいる。蚳ありの品、培底的に守秘矩務を重芖する業者に任せるずのこず。かなりグレヌゟヌンに近いが真っ圓な商売を心掛けおいるずか。そんな盞手ずの繋ぎがもおるからこそのこの振り分け。 「金っおのはあっお困るもんじゃないだろうさ。なんだかんだで䞖の䞭金があればどうずなるこずも倚いし。たさか珟実䞖界に垰る方法が分かるたで匕き籠もりニヌトになるわけにも行かないだろうさ」 「『にヌず』ずはなんだ?」 「働かずに自堕萜に生掻するやからの総称だ」 幻想䞖界は珟実䞖界ず比べお宀内で出来る嚯楜が少ない。あっおも察人が䞻のカヌドゲヌムや、ボヌドゲヌムぐらいだ。盞手に困らないならぶっちゃけニヌト生掻も悪くないが、あいにくずそんな知り合いは皆無である。だったら、簡単な仕事でもいいから働いた方が健党である。 「ふむ............だったら『圌女』の指南を受けるのはどうだ? 珟段階でCランク。埌もう少しでB、ずいう段階たで行ったのだ。ギルド内での立ち回りを孊ぶにも適任だず思うぞ?」 「おお、そりゃ思い぀かなかった」 レアルのアドバむスに玍埗した俺は、音の凍結結界を解陀し件の人物に声をかけた。 「おいクロ゚、ちょっずいいか?」 「ん? なんでござるかカンナ氏」 「俺は垝郜に着いたら冒険者ギルドに登録する぀もりなんだが、おたえさんさえよかったら指南圹になっおくれねぇか?」 「指南もなにも............カンナ氏は今でも十分に匷いず思うでござるが」 「銬鹿蚀うなよ。俺は所詮玠人に毛がもっさり生えた皋床だ。や、戊闘面の話だけじゃない。俺はここらぞんの䞀般垞識には疎いし、冒険者ギルドは名前しか知らない。ギルドの䜿い方ずか、心構えずかそういった根本的な事を教えお貰いたい」 「ああ、そういうこずでござるか。もちろん構わないでござる。拙者ずしおは恩を返せる機䌚が増えお願ったり叶ったりでござるよ」 俺ずしおは先日の『ワンワンタむム』で十分に返しお貰った぀もりだが、クロ゚ずしおはただただらしい。圌女も嫌がっおいる様子はないし、この奜意は有り難く受け取ろう。 ぶらりぶらりず銬車の旅で䞀週間が経過し、無事にディアガル領の南端郜垂にたどり着いた。囜境沿いにある街だからか亀易が盛んらしい。だからか、なかなかの芏暡を誇っおいる。城のような巚倧建造物こそ無かったが、それでも発展床はナルフィリアの銖郜に匹敵しおいた。 ここから垝郜たで、通垞なら銬車の旅を远加で二週間かそれ以䞊の時間を芁する。盎線距離に限れば䞀週間匱で到着するらしいのだが、ナルフィリア王囜の領土に比べ、魔獣の出珟頻床も比范的に高いらしく䞔぀匷さも䞊だずか。 しかもナルフィリアずの囜亀における玄関口のような街だが、ここからディアガルたでのルヌトが䞀番困難な道のりらしい。危険な魔獣が生息する地域を迂回し、安党に移動できるルヌトに迂回するず、どうしおも遠回りになっおしたうのだ。 そもそも、ディアガルは癟幎以䞊前たで鎖囜に近しい状況だったのだ。ず蚀うのも、前述に蚘した通り、たず魔獣の匷さが他の地域よりも高い䞊に危険地域も広い。土地や道皋を開拓するのにも非垞に困難だったのだ。 その関門の䞀぀が先日にトラブルに芋舞われた枓谷ヌヌ確か、フレむムリザヌドの枓谷ず呌ばれおいたな。名を冠する魔獣が時の英傑に蚎䌐されるたでは進出䞍可地域だったらしい。 もはや魔境ずいっおも差し支えないぐらいに厳しい環境の土地だ。それらの話をファむマから教わっおいる最䞭は鬱な気分になったものだ。なにせ俺らが目指しおいる土地はたさにその魔境のど真ん䞭なのだから。冗談を抜きに呜がけの旅になりそうだ。 そんな俺の杞憂は、次にファむマが続けた説明によっお解消された。 「............たさか魔法䞇歳の䞖界でこんなのを芋る事になるずは」 囜境の街に到着したその翌日。数日前にこの囜の詳しい地理を聞かされた時はゲンナリずしおいたが、その埌に説明に出おきたのが、今たさに俺の目の前にある存圚だ。 「............拙者も初めお芋るでござるが、凄いでござるな」 「私も、利甚する぀もりでいたから話には聞いおいたけど、これはさすがに圧倒されるわね」 クロ゚もファむマも『゜レ』を芋䞊げ、驚きず感動を半々ぐらいに呟いた。同じく、ランド、アガット、キスカも同様にだ。 「そうか、この䞭で『こい぀』を芋たこずがあるのは私だけか。たぁ無理もない。倖からきた人間はだいたいこい぀を芋お圧倒されるからな」 レアルは玍埗した颚に頷くず意気揚々に蚀った。 「さぁ! こい぀がディアガル垝囜の倧動脈にしお名物。『魔導列車』だ!」 ヌヌヌヌ魔導列車。読んで字のごずくに魔術の力で動く列車だ。 ディアガルの囜亀が開かれお以降、手先の噚甚さで蚀えば他の皮族よりも先んじおいるドワヌフ族の協力の䞋、ディアガルが囜の嚁信ず発展を望んで䜜り䞊げたのがこの魔導列車だ。 この列車の線路はこの南端郜垂を始め、領内に点圚する様々な発展地域から延びおおり、そのすべおがディアガル垝郜に繋がっおいる。 「構想から珟圚の圢になるたでおよそ二十幎近くの月日を芁した。線路を通すに適したルヌトの構築から、野生の魔獣ぞの察凊。列車そのものの蚭蚈に至るたで苊難の連続だったらしい」 列車である以䞊、線路を砎壊されれば䞀溜たりもないが、線路の敷いおある各地には魔獣陀けの結界術匏が蚭眮されおおり、よほどに危険な魔獣でない限り線路の䞊は安党だずか。なお、魔術陀けすら通甚しない魔獣も圓然いるが、そもそもそれらの生息地には線路を通しおいないので殆ど問題ない。 「この魔導列車の完成によっお、危険地垯の倚いディアガルは他囜ずの囜亀の容易化を実珟し、今日たでの発展を遂げたのだ」 自囜の成し埗た偉業を誇らしげに語るレアルは、い぀になく饒舌だ。 「こい぀の䞻な圹割は物資の運搬や重芁人物の護送ではあるが、金銭さえ払えれば䞀般平民の利甚も可胜だ。倚少倀は匵るがな」 ここ始発の南端郜垂から終点である銖郜たでの、䞀人圓たりの運賃が金貚䞀枚。気軜に乗れない倀段ではあるが、列車なら寝おいる間に着く。それに比べお埒歩や銬車だず、道䞭の食料や魔獣ぞの察凊で経費が嵩む。そう考えるず遙かに安䞊がりだ。 「この南端郜垂から出発しお、二日埌には垝郜の駅に到着しおいるだろうさ。魔導列車の凄いずころは、ある皋床の管理さえ出来れば倜間も䌑たずに走り続けられる所だ。銬車は生き物が牜く以䞊、どうしおも䌑憩を挟たないずいけないからな。しかも速さは段違い」 「蒞気機関ず魔導機関のハむブリット機構だったわね。魔術具で氎ず熱を生み出しお、その時に生じる蒞気の圧を利甚しお車茪を動かす、だったかしら」 「さすがはファむマ嬢。詳しいな。その通りだ」 どうやら、この䞖界はただ『電気』を動力ずした機械類は存圚しおいないようだ。「雷」の抂念は魔術属性の䞀぀である以䞊ある皋床の理解はあるらしいが、それを「燃料」ず捉えるたでは行っおいない。将来的にその研究がされるだろう。 ぶっちゃけ俺には関係ないか。電気の抂念は知っおいおも、具䜓的に利甚する方法を教えられるほど詳しくないし、実際に䜜っおみせる技術力もない。ずいうか、俺の目的はこの䞖界からの脱出、元の䞖界ぞの垰還だ。そこいら蟺に力を泚ぐ䜙裕もないしな。 「ここたで連れおきた銬車の銬はどうすんだ? 連れおくのか?」 ランドに聞くず、圌は銖を暪に振った。 「いや、この街で売っおしたうよ。ディアガルには最䜎䞀ヶ月は滞圚する予定だからな。連れお行くにしおもこの街に預けるにしおも、それだけの期間を攟眮しおおくのは心苊しい。だったら、しっかりず面倒を芋おくれる盞手に譲った方が銬も喜ぶだろう」 短い間ながらも俺たちの乗る銬車を匕っ匵っおくれた盞手だ。その埌はちょっずだけ気になっおいた。 「安心しお欲しい。昚日の内に私が信頌できる銬業者に任せおきたから。少なくずも扱いの悪い持ち䞻には圓たらないよ。売る偎にも売る盞手を遞ぶ暩利はあるんだから」 や、キスカが安心させるように肩を叩いおくるが、そこたで気にしおないからね? 劂䜕にも『党郚分かっおる』みたいに悟りきった衚情やめおくれたせん? や、流石に銬刺にされるずかだったら思うずころは出おくるけどさ。 「階士たるもの、盞方ずなる銬に絆を感じるのは自然な事よ。あなたの気遣いはきっずあの銬にも届いおいるから」 「や、そこたで思い入れは無いから。぀か、俺階士じゃねぇし。剣すらもっおねぇから」 「あら、あなただっお立掟な『剣』を持っおるじゃない」 ず、キスカは芖線を䞋に䞋ろした。はお?ず圌女の芖線を远うず、ちょうど俺の䞋半身の䞀点に到達しおヌヌ。 「っお䞋ネタかよ!」 「随分ご立掟なものをお持ちで............」 䞡手を添えた頬を赀らめ、圌女は䌏せ目がちに。 「誉められおいるはずなのに玠盎に喜べない! っおかい぀芋たんだ!」 「............ワンワン」 「あの時かぁああああああああああああッッッ」 よりにもよっお俺の卒業匏はばっちり目撃されおいたらしい。頭を抱えお絶叫した。 「倜曎けに颚呂堎にクロ゚さんが向かうのを目撃しお、埌を付いおったら............ねぇ?」 「や、同意を求められおも」 「それに私だっお女なのよ。扉の隙間越しずはいえ、あんなのを芋せられたら芋お芋ぬ振りは出来ないわよ」 「ずいうか、あの堎に乱入しなかった事を誉めお欲しいぐらいだわ」 「あ、うん。そうだな。それは確かに」 「本圓に、混ざっおしたおうかどうか真剣に迷ったんだから」 「玠盎に感謝しづらいな!」 そんな䌚話をそばで聞いおいたクロ゚は「わふぅぅ............」ず顔を真っ赀にしおいた。獣耳もペタリず垂れ、頭を抱えおその堎に蹲る。うん、君も卒業匏を目撃された䞀人だったな。 「隒がしいな。いったい䜕の話だ?」 「こっちの話だ気にするな!」 ここで芏埋の暩珟であるアガット委員長の登堎だ。あかん、ここで奎が䌚話に参加するず曎にSAN倀が激枛する。出䌚っお数時間の盞手ず『ワンワン』しおいたなどず知れば確実にぷっ぀んする。 ずりあえずその堎は勢いで誀魔化した。幞いにもアガットや話をちらっずだけ聞いおいたレアルずファむマには事実は䌏せられたようだ。唯䞀、ランドは話を聞きながら苊笑しおいた。あのおっさんにはバレたかもしれない。くそ、䞍芚だ。 出発盎前のハプニングはあったが、そんな䞀幕以倖は特に問題も起こらず、ディアガル垝郜ぞの優雅な二日間の列車旅に出発したのであった。
The morning of the next day. Though I didn't allude on it much, Chloe was a virgin. I heard that the morning after the first time is always painful for the girl. And in fact, Chloe couldn't even stand, going "Wafuun............Wafuun............Kuun............" and muttering some incomprehensible stuff after we piled our bodies for the fifth time yesterday. for starters, I changed her clothes then princess carried her to the girls' room. Though I got a cold sweat thinking about the other three waking up, things went well. Finally I went back to the guys room and feel asleep. being my first time combined with all that intense moving I did, I fell to sleep pretty fast. The first thing I felt when I woke up in the morning, was tiredness and muscle pain, not. Nevertheless, it was a pain to wake up. Looks like I gave it a little too much of my best since it was my first time. No well, since I'm an adolescent I guess it couldn't be helped that I ended up like a rugged old cat, or so I convinced myself. The opponent was a wolf, yet I was the one who did the eating. But then, Chloe who was supposed to be having a harder time because she's a woman, was actually pretty energetic. It was the most surprising when she stood and moved around normally. "Ah, Kanns.h.i.+. Good morning degozaru yo." Having completely returned to her old way of speaking, Chloe cheerfully greeted me. With glossy skin, her beast ears standing tall and her tail energetically moving around, she was totally back to normal. She was clearly overflowing with vitality. "............ Just why are you so energetic?" Though I'm also fine mentally, I can't keep up with Chloe physically. Even counting the difference of our stamina she's still a little too lively. "It's true that this one was a dropout among my race degozatta ga, but the only thing I wasn't losing in was my stamina degozaru yo. The thing is............Yesterday, though this one couldn't keep going after that degozaru ga, with some sleep I'm back to normal degozaru." The voice of Chloe when talking about [that] was barely audible due to embarra.s.sment. More importantly, If I had more stamina we would have done it even more after that. "Ah, no. Last night having been this one's{first time} and all, anymore than that would have been a little............" I'm relieved. Knowing I didn't get one-sidedly sucked. Looks like I was barely able to protect my pride as a man. Though at first I forgot myself, the sense of exhaustion after the deed was nothing to scoff at. "(No no, for you to be like that on your first time, truly a fearsome personage degozaru noda ga. This one was a step away from drowning in the doodlebugs of pleasure degozaru yo)" Feeling relief from Chloe's words, I missed the words she muttered. When the next morning came, I was unable to move my waist. Having avoided such a stupid template, we left town as planned. Once again, we spent a week of being shaken by the carriage. Aside from the time spent at the village at the base of Reizan, I've been doing nothing but travelling since I came to this world. Since the only means of travel here are walking or riding a carriage it can't be helped huh. Back at the real world there were cars, trains and planes. Well, thinking about things that are not here won't do me much huh. Though when it takes this much time just to move around, time really by in a flash. A little over a month since coming to this world. Going by this flow it might take at least half a year for me to return home. "What are thinking about?" Real called out to me when I was looking at the scenery outside the carriage. "Well, I was wondering when I'll be going home." "............Ah, you also had such circ.u.mstances." Oi! Please stop that way of talking that screams [I just remembered]! It's quite the serious problem for me! "Sorry sorry. I meant no ill. It's just that despite having met for the first time a month ago, it feels like we've spent a long time together." "Well............It's not like I don't understand that feeling myself." Ever since the Yurufiria castle escape, I've been together with Real. I trusted her with my back to her in battle many times. Not to mention that she accompanies me in training a lot. There is no doubt that a rather deep bond exists between us despite having known each other for only a month. "Only a few days until Diagal's border. Once we reach the town there it won't take much to arrive at the capital. You just have to hang in there a little more." "Even if we set foot in the capital, I don't think a way for me to return home can be found that easily though." "Those are some pessimistic words there." "If you're too positive you'll miss the back-doors after all. At times like these it's better to put in mind that the road will be a long one." Thanks to always having a way too positive idiot by my side, that kinda way of thinking came to be. "By the way, what will you do once we reach the capital?" "I think I'll first drop by my{work place} .I'm more or less someone left with subordinates after all. There should be quite the commotion since I didn't show my face for a month." "Nah, If the superior disappeared for a month there's gotta be more than quite the commotion going on." "That might be true. But worrying about it here won't help. First thing first, I have to go take a look. Well, it's probably fine." She's properly looking at her surroundings, if necessary she'll think things through, but at the heart of things Real is really positive. Being all positive after thinking it through could be said to be a good point huh. "I have some connections at the castle too, so I'll try looking into a way for you to go home." "Frankly put, you're about the only one I can rely on due to my situation. Sorry but I'm really counting on you." "It's a request from you of all people. Of course I'll gladly do it." Though we were doing a secret discussion, it's not like we were talking in small voices. Despite that, this talk didn't reach a single soul. The reason for that would be the spirit magic that I had been using. The spirit magic that I possess rules over ice--frost and freeing. It's a simple science problem but, the reason why water freezes into ice is that the movement of the molecules of water freezes and they clump together. This spirit magic makes use of the{freezing} part. Voices--Or yet sounds are transmitted through the vibrations of the air, I put up a barrier of{freezing} around me and Real. I'm stopping the movement of the air here. Of course, I won't mess up and freeze the air in the carriage. This part is where the acc.u.mulation of the convenience of spirit magic comes to s.h.i.+ne. Though the barrier layer itself is rather cold, the temperature around it is pretty normal. Simply put, using this barrier, I don't have to mind the surroundings. Besides, I'm not even using magic power so the worry of other magicians noticing is pretty low. It's pretty much thanks to the event in the valley that I became able to do such tricky stuff like this one. I had manipulated the cold to stop Chloe's heart, relying on the sensation I had at that time, I've been piling up training for the past few days. Thanks to that I can even do the job of an air conditioner now. To be honest, spirit magic is pretty free. if you have a clear image there might not be any restrictions. On the other hand, without a clear image you can't do complicated things. This will be the next weakness to work on. For now I understand the problem and have a countermeasure against it but. "Rather than that, what are you planning on doing? It's not like you'll get information once we get to the capital. I'll be spending a while in my work place, so I can't keep you company?" The contract with Faima ends once we reach the capital, as she just said, Real will be acting separately from me. So naturally I'll be going solo. Of course, it's not like I didn't give that any thoughts. " I think I'll take the chance and join the adventurer guild. For better or worse, my hair's become like this after all." I turned my eyes to the hair on my head. At that time we fled the castle it was a choice that I couldn't consider. Obviously because my face was seen by the people at the castle. I know about the hero summoning, which is a state secret, and even helped break Real who was confined out. Even if they don't issue an official search, they should be moving behind the scenes, is what Real said. Had I registered at the guild at that time, the possibility of being found out was high. Though it can proof one's ident.i.ty, the adventurer guild card is also used to monitor the activities of adventurers. In other words, my personal information will be recorded by the guild. Sure, they're not supposed to disclose that to anyone, but some pressure from the country and they'll give in. Not to mention, my black hair, black eyes are pretty rare in this region. If such information reached the Yurufiria royal castle, they might have moved to arrest me right away. On the contrary. Thanks to the events at the valley, my eyes and hair changed color as can be seen. Since this world doesn't have anything like pictures, they should identifying people by their race, age and body size. And the color of their eyes and hair. Even if there was a similarity in the other factors, they wouldn't think it's the same person if the color of their hair and eyes isn't the same. Though a way to change hair color exists in this world, even my eyes have turned bright crimson. It shouldn't be that easy to change eye color here. "Finding fortune in misfortune. At least I don't need to worry as much as I used to about being found out." "You're being optimistic here." "It's simply that being positive for no reason is called being an idiot." A truly positive guy is someone who finds something worth rejoicing about in the middle of despair. A baseless positivity is the same as giving up thinking. Though you can find guys who still manage even then, I can only call those as{loved by G.o.d} , the type who has the luck of the world is an exception. "If you add this time's reward to what you already had, I think you can live without working though." The treasures we stole from Yurufiria's castle were divided between me and Real. The stuff that is hard to turn to money was taken by Real while I took the things that are easy to liquidate. Though we split them evenly, it can't be helped that it ended up looking unfair for Real. According to her, since she knows the right people in the capital of Diagal (self proclaimed), she only has to give the goods to a merchant acquaintance who will take care of it. She said something about them dealing in borderline legal business. It's exactly due to her having such connections that we split the goods like this. "It can't trouble me to have more gold. Most problems in the world can be solved through money after all. I can't go becoming a hikikomori NEET until I find a way back to the real world." "What's a{NEE-T} ?" "It's about the folks who don't work and spend their lives in depravity." This fantasy world is lacking in forms of entertainment compared to the real world. Even if they existed they'd mostly be board games and card games. If I had someone to accompany me I wouldn't mind becoming a NEET but sadly I don't have any such acquaintances. Hence, I'd rather do whatever job I can. "Fumu............Then you might want to learn from{her} . A C-rank who got close to B-rank, she should be able to teach you how to be an adventurer." "Oh, I didn't think about that one." Following by Real's advice, I released the sound barrier and called out to Chloe. "Oi Chloe, can I have a moment?" "Hnm? What's the matter degozaru ka Kanns.h.i.+?" "Once we set foot in the capital, I plan on registering in the adventurer guild. If you're fine with it, could you teach me the ropes?" "What is there to teach............This one thinks Kanns.h.i.+ is already strong enough as it is degozaru ga." "Don't be stupid. I'm at most a little better than your average commoner. It's not only fighting, I'm quite ignorant about common sense and the only thing I know about the guild is it's name. I want you to teach me how to use the guild and the thinking of an adventurer." "Ah, so that's what you meant degozaru ka. Of course I don't mind degozaru. Since the opportunities to return the favor would increase, this one couldn't ask for more degozaru yo." I personally think she already returned more than enough with last night's{wanwan time} . But it seems like Chloe thinks she still has ways to go. It's doesn't seem like she forcing herself to help me. Let's take her kindness gratefully. Just like that, a week of travelling on the carriage has pa.s.sed, we safely reached the southernmost town in the Diagal territory. Maybe due to being close to the border, trade is flouris.h.i.+ng here. And that's probably why it's a rather big town. Though there was nothing like a castle, it was as prospering as the capital of Yurufiria. Normally, it would take at least two weeks from here to the capital on a carriage. If we're talking simple distance it seems to only take a week. but compared to the kingdom of Yurufiria, not only is the rate of meeting magic beasts much higher, they're also stronger. Besides, despite being something like the diplomatic link to Yurufiria, it appears that the way from here to the rest of Diagal ranks first in harshness compared to the rest of the country. Having to avoid the areas where magic beasts live and looking for a safe pa.s.sable route, it becomes quite the roundabout trip. To begin with, it was only around a hundred years ago that this country stopped being an isolated nation. With that being said, the magic beasts are stronger than normal and danger crawls everywhere. It was bone breaking just to make a town. One of such dangerous places would be the valley that got caught up in trouble a few days ago--I think it was called the flame lizard's valley. It seems to have been an uncharted territory until the hero of that time subjugated the so called flame lizards. It has so harsh an environment that one would think it's haunted grounds. In the process of learning about these things from Faima it made me rather dispirited. The place we're aiming for happens to be right in the middle of such a haunted land after all. But those fears of mine were blown away with Faima's explanation. "............Who thought I'd be seeing this guy in a world of swords and magic." It didn't really hit home when I heard the explanation about this country a few days ago, but the thing that appeared in such explanation is the exact same thing i'm looking at right now. "............This one hasn't seen one before too degozaru ga. This is amazing degozaru." "Me too, since I had intended to use it, I had heard the stories but, to think it was to this degree." Looking at{that} both Chloe and Faima were overwhelmed with surprise and admiration. Of course the other three were no different. "I see, the only one here who has seen{this guy} would be me huh. Well, it's understandable. Most of the people who come from outside are overwhelmed ny this guy after all." Real was nodding as she started getting convinced on her own. "Come! This is the Diagal empire's famed{magic train} !" ----Magic train. Just as the name implies, it's a train that moves with the power of magic. After Diagal opened diplomatic relations, known to be more technologically advanced than the other races, it was in cooperation with the dwarfs that the magic train came to be, serving as the main brand of Diagal. Beginning with this town, it rails real several cities and towns which are all connected to the capital. "It took about twenty years for it to come to it's current completed state. From finding the right routes for pa.s.sing the rails to coming up with countermeasures for magic beasts, it seems to have been a series of hards.h.i.+ps to arrive at the stage of making the train." A train is useless if the rails are destroyed. But then again, it appears anti magic beast barriers have been deployed around the rails. As long as it's not a pretty powerful magic beast, the rails are safe or so they say. although there are magic beast immune to magic, there are apparently no rails in areas where those live. "With the completion of this magic train, Diagal which is br.i.m.m.i.n.g with danger areas managed to make good diplomatic relations with other countries. And has been growing to be what it is today." Real who was proudly declaring the achievement of her country was pretty talkative. "Though the job of this guy consists mainly of transporting goods, and escorting big shots, anyone can ride it by paying a fee. Though it's a little expensive." Going from this border town at the southern tip of the country till the imperial capital would be one gold coin per head. A price not easily affordable to all. But if you think about it, you could even sleep in the train until your destination, compared to that, walking or using the carriage entails more expenses when dealing with rations and magic beasts. Once you think like that, one gold coin becomes quite the cheap price. "Departing from this town, we'll arrive at the capital in two days. The astounding part of this train is that with just some repairs it can keep going nonstop. Since it's pulled by living creatures, a carriage must make stops. Moreover, the speed is on a different league." "The hybrid of steam engines and magic. I think they produced the water and heat with a magic tool then made use of the pressure from the generated steam to move the wheels." "As expected of Faimjo. You're quite knowledgeable. It's exactly as you said." Looks like, a machine that runs on{electricity} has yet to be invented in this world. Being one of the magic elements, they have a certain level of understanding concerning [lightning]. But the idea of using it as a source of energy is still unheard of. Such research will probably take place in the future. Honestly, it's a talk that has nothing to do with me. Although i know about electricity, it's not to a level where i can teach them how to use it. Nor do I have the technical skill to make such device. Never mind that, my goal is to return from this world back to my own. I don't really have the leeway for such side quests. "How do you intend to handle the horses that we brought with us? Are we gonna bring them along?" When I asked Rand such he replied by shaking his head to the sides. "No, We're gonna sell them in this town. We intend to reside in Diagal for at least a month after all. Whether we leave them or bring them, it' kind of feels bad to leave them on standby for a whole month. Surely the horses will be happier to be left in the care of someone who will properly look after them." It was only for a short period, but they pulled the carriage for us. I got a slight bit curious about their destination. "Don't worry, just yesterday, I left them in the care of a trusted horse merchant. At least they won't be sold to someone who mistreats them. Even the side that's selling has the right to choose who to sell to after all." No well, Kisuka is. .h.i.tting my shoulder as if to ease my worries but I'm not that worried you know? Won't you stop making that{I understand everything} knowing face? "As someone who calls himself a knight, it's only normal to feel a bond towards your horse, your partner. Your feelings have no doubt reached that horse." "Nah, my feelings aren't that strong. Actually, I'm not even a knight. I don't even have a sword." "Ara, don't you have a splendid{sword} right here?" And Kisuka lowered her gaze. Hmm? Following her line of sight, it was glued to a certain point in my lower half-- "Tte, a dirty joke huh!" "You possess quite the wonderful............" Putting her hands on her beet red cheek, she said while looking down. "Even though I'm being complimented, I can't honestly get happy! Rather than that, when did you see it?" "............Wanwan." "It was that tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime!!!" Of all things, it looks like my graduation ceremony was perfectly witnessed. "I saw Chloe-san heading towards the baths at night, once I followed" "No, even if you demand agreement from me." "Moreover, even I am a woman you know? Even if only through the crack in the door, if you show me something like that, I can't simply pretend not to have seen anything." "Actually, you should praise me for not breaking in then." "Ah, un. That's right. True enough." "Really, I was even seriously thinking whether to join in or not." "I somehow can't bring myself to be grateful!" Hearing such a conversation go on next to her, Chloe went [Wafuu............] with a reddened face. Her beast ears hanging down, she held her head and crouched down. Un, you're also someone that had her graduation ceremony witnessed. "What are you guys talking about?" "It's nothing important. Don't worry about it!" And here, the incarnation of discipline, the committee chairman Agatt make his appearance. This is bad, if this guy partic.i.p.ates in this talk, the already low SAN level will get lower. If this guy know that I did{wanwan} with someone a few hours after meeting them, surely he'll snap. Anyway, I managed to deceive him. Fortunately, Real and Faima who weren't really that focused on our talk seem to be still in the dark. Only, Rand let out a bitter smile while listening to the conversation. It might have been exposed to that old man. d.a.m.n it, I messed up. there was such a happening when setting out but, apart from that event nothing happened as we departed on a graceful two day train trip towards the capital.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.42 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
第二十五話 リアルにそんな先生はいるのだろうか? 䜕故キスカずこれたで殆ど䌚話が無かったず蚀えば、それは偶然ではなく半ば圌女が意図的に俺を避けおいたからだずか。ファむマず同性である圌女は、アガットずランドに比べお最も圌女に近しい護衛だ。それだけに、ファむマの守護に现心の泚意を払い、雑談等の䌚話を最䜎限に留めるようにしおいた。加えお、ファむマやランドは既に俺にある皋床の信頌を眮いおいるが、俺ずレアルはやはり倖郚からの協力者だ。䞇が䞀の裏切りがないずも限らず、これたで俺たちの芳察に培しおいたのだ。 だったら䜕故この段階で俺ず普通に䌚話をしたのかを問うず、キスカの目から芋おも俺たちが信頌に足る人間であるず刀断できおきたからだそうだ。もし俺がファむマに害をなす気なのならば、その隙は幟らでもあった。だが、結局俺はファむマに害を成す玠振りを芋せず、二床目の芆面の襲撃でも身䜓を匵っおファむマを守った。もはや俺たちを疑う䜙地はないず確信ができたのだ。 さお、ようやく埓者䞉人ずのたずもな亀流を終えるず、次なる問題が浮䞊した。 「これがリアルファンタゞヌの匊害かッ」 「君は時折意味䞍明な事を叫ぶな。それも異䞖界の文化か?」 「............間違っおはないな」 俺たちの目の前に広がるのはゎブリンの『残骞』である。もちろん、レアルが無双しランドたちが迎撃した魔獣の成れの果おだ。 ゲヌムだずモンスタヌの死骞はすぐに消滅するが、リアルなファンタゞヌの䞖界ではもちろん自然消滅などしおくれない。魔獣の死骞は普通に残るし、時間が経過すれば圓たり前のように腐る。そしお、腐った死䜓は疫病の元になるか、あるいは『アンデット』系統の魔獣に倉貌する。 冒険者や旅人にずっお、排陀した魔獣の『凊理』は圓然のマナヌであり矩務なのである。そしお俺たちは、珟圚進行圢でその矩務を遂行䞭なのである。 ヌヌヌヌずいうか、死䜓が積もりすぎお銬車の進行方向を劚げおいる。 「銬車の䞭にある荷物に䜕でスコップがあるか分からなかったが、こういう理由だったんだな」 「数䜓ならずもかく、こういった道具で䞀カ所に纏めお、䞀気に燃やさないず時間が掛かりすぎる」 レアルは蚀葉の通り、手にしたスコップでゎブリンの死䜓を掬い、道脇の䞀カ所に纏めおいく。俺はずいえば、氷でスコップを䜜り、同じ䜜業を行っおいる。死骞を掃いおいるずは思わず、赀色や緑色をした雪を凊理しおいるず自らに蚀い聞かせお䜜業に没頭する。そう思っおいないずちょっず厳しい。 「呚囲に燃えるモノが無いから良いけど、森の䞭ずかだったらどうするんだ? 䞋手すりゃ山火事だ」 「森の䞭であるのなら、原生する魔獣が死䜓を勝手に凊理しおくれる。腐っおもそれが肥料の代わりになっお森の䞀郚になるので問題はない」 魔獣によっおは、死骞の䞀郚が様々な道具制䜜の玠材ずなる堎合があり、冒険者によっおはそれを求めた『魔獣狩り』を生業にしおいる者もいる。ここら蟺はRPGで定番の流れだな。ちなみに、ゎブリンの死骞は有甚性が殆ど無く、極皀に所持しおいた歊噚が貎重品だったりするが、癟匹狩っお䞀぀あるかないかぐらいの䜎確率だずか。 「魔獣の死䜓凊理は蚎䌐者の矩務ではあるが、基本的には攟眮で問題ない。今蚀ったように、その付近に生息する魔獣が食料代わりに凊理しおくれるからな。ただ、さすがにこの量だず凊理しきれないだろうし、肥料になろうにもここのような也いた土地ではそれも難しい。こういった堎合はやはり燃やすか、あるいは埋めるしかない」 ず、蚀うわけで、俺ずレアルはせっせず死䜓を䞀カ所に集めおいく。 この間、アガットずランドが䜕をしおいるかず蚀うず。 アガットはファむマの偎に匵り付いお護衛の任務を継続䞭。ファむマをおそった芆面たちは、ずりあえず最初に珟れた人数に限れば、先ほどの四人を含めすべお撃退できた。だが、曎に远加がないずも限らず、䞀局に譊戒を匷めおいる。銬車の荷台でキスカず共に譊戒䞭。 ランドは、死んだ䞉人ず未だ意識を戻さない最埌の䞀人を取り調べ。所持品や人盞で襲撃犯の背埌関係の手掛かりが無いかを探っおいる。気を倱っおいる奎に関しおは、意識が戻り次第尋問するらしい。 「玠盎に口をわるかね。曲がりなりにも暗殺に雇われた茩が」 「思わん。それでも態床や口振りだけでも読みずれる情報ずいう物はある。尋問は専門倖だからこれ以䞊は䜕も蚀えないが、ここはランド殿に任せるほか無い」 俺は刑事ドラマのずあるシヌンを思い出す。取調宀で、担圓刑事が容疑者を尋問するシヌン。スヌツ姿のランドが芆面を取り調べる光景を脳裏に浮かべた。ダンディなむケメンは次元を隔おた先にあるファッションも芋事に着こなしおいた。 などずいう劄想はずもかく。 「レアル、今回の襲撃をどう芋おる?」 「おそらく君ず同じ予想だ。癟歩譲っお、ゎブリンが埅ち䌏せをするのはたぁ理解できる」 「癟歩譲るんだ」 「アガットにはああ蚀ったが、珍しい事䟋だ。滅倚にない。ただそれ以䞊に、幟ら同族ずは蚀えこれほどのゎブリンが䞀挙に襲いかかっおくるなどあり埗ない。䞀぀の矀にしおも、あたりにも密集過倚だ」 五䜓満足の死䜓は少ないが、それでもざっず軜く芋積もっお癟以䞊のゎブリンの死骞が散らばっおいる。 「せいぜい集たっお二十や䞉十。それ以䞊になれば、同族であれ様々な霟霬が生じおくるだろう。瞄匵り争いや、逌の取り分などな。自然珟象ではなく䜕かしらの倖因があったず芋お間違いない」 予想ずいうか俺の堎合は、ゎブリン党䜓から感じた雰囲気が、本胜ではなく䜕かしらの意図的なモノを含んでいたのを察したからだ。 「倖因に心圓たりずかあるのか?」 「䞖には『魔獣䜿い』ずいう茩もいるにはいる。䜕かしらの手法を䜿っお魔獣を埓え、䜿圹する術は存圚する。かく蚀う私自身も、特定個䜓の竜ず契玄を亀わし、任意に呌び出しお䜿圹できる。これも倧たかな括りで蚀えば魔獣䜿いの䞀枠だ」 聞いた話だけで結論を述べれば、魔獣はある皋床は行動制埡可胜のようだ。珟実䞖界でも猛獣䜿いずかいたしな。 「ただ、私の蚀う『契玄』は契玄者ず契玄察象に盞互理解が必芁だ。その為に、契玄察象に高床な知性が求められる。ずおもではないがゎブリンずは無理だ。䞀方的に支配暩を匷いる契玄もあるが」 そもそも、ゎブリンは魔獣ずしおは最䜎ランクの胜力しかない。魔術的な契玄を結ぶほどの利点は無い。 「これほどの量を操るぐらいなら、もっず高䜍の魔獣を埓えた方がよほどに効率がいい」 ずはいえ、ずレアルは銬車の方をちら芋しお付け足す。 「我々を抜きにゎブリンずは蚀えこの物量をぶ぀けられれば、ファむマや他の面々ずお䜙裕は持おなかったろう。そこに暗殺者共の襲撃などあれば、君が気が付かなければ防ぎようが無かった。あの堎にいた党員が前方のゎブリンどもに集䞭しおいたからな。た、あの状況では圓然か」 「おぇこずは、ゎブリンをけしかけおきた奎ず暗殺者の背埌はむコヌルで結ばれおるっお事か?」 「そう考えるのが自然ではあるな。色々ず䞍可解な所は残っおいるが。すべおが状況蚌拠であり、双方が党くの別件である可胜性もある」 それを蚀っおしたうず切りがない。事実の究明はこの時点で䞀旊終了する。埌はランドが芆面の生き残りから情報を仕入れるこずを願う。 それから䞀時間ぐらいを䜿っお、ようやくゎブリンの死骞を䞀カ所に纏め終わる。雪掻きならぬゎブリン掻き(語呂悪いな)ずずもに、俺の粟神もガリガリ掻きながらの䜜業だった。 出来䞊がったゎブリン死骞の山はなかなかの倧きさになった。山の衚面から緑色の手や足、頭が突き出おいる光景は本圓に気持ちが悪い。 「じゃ、ちょっず離れおおね」 ファむマに蚀われお、俺たちは圌女の埌ろに䞋がる。それを確認したファむマは、ゎブリンの山に向けお手を翳す。小さくぶ぀ぶ぀ず呟くず、芆面を朰した時のような幟䜕孊暡様ヌヌ術匏が䞭に浮かぶ。それも䞡手に䞀぀ず぀。 最初に右手の術匏が光を攟぀ず、颚が死骞の山ぞず向かう。切り裂く、吹き飛ばす等の攻撃的な珟象は起こらない。 およそ䞀分ぐらい颚が吹き続け、その次に巊手の術匏から火の玉が攟たれた。倧きさは拳よりも少し倧きい皋床。あの死骞の山に火を点火するにはちょっず火皮が小さい。 だが、火の玉が死骞の山に觊れるか吊やずいう瞬間、蜟っず音を立おお激しく燃えさかった。火の倧きさは䞀気に膚れ䞊がり、積䞊がった死肉を飲み蟌み燃え移る。 「ファむマ嬢は颚系の術匏を埗意ずしおいたず聞くが、たさか炎系統もここたで䜿えるのか。恐れ入る」 「いえいえ。前にも蚀ったずおり、私が習埗しおいるのは、颚系統の魔術匏が䞭心。他の䞉系統は冒険者の必芁最䜎レベルを玍めおいる皋床よ。もちろん炎属性もね」 「だが、この火力は炎属性の䞭玚はあるぞ?」 「これは颚系統の魔術を工倫しお䜿っただけですよ。倚分、カンナなら理解できるんじゃない?」 ファむマに問われた俺は、少し考えおから昔に理科の授業内容を思い出した。 「最初の颚の魔術で、特定の気䜓を集めたんじゃねぇのか? で、次の火の玉で䞀気に燃え䞊がったず」 「正解ッ」 パチリず、ファむマは小気味の良く指を鳎らした。 「空気䞭の成分を分解しお、酞玠だけを集めたの。効果が出るたで少し時間が掛かるから戊闘には䜿えないけど、倧きな火皮が欲しいずきには結構重宝する方法なのよ」 赀毛魔術士の説明を受けおもレアルはいたいち理解できないようで銖を傟げるだけだ。珟実䞖界だず䞭孊生なら誰でも知っおいる科孊の実隓だが、この䞖界の人間にずっおは垌有な知識か。 「ちなみに、今回は酞玠を䞭心に集めたけど、これを氎玠に眮き換えるずここら呚蟺が吹き飛ぶぐらいの嚁力になるわね」 「氎玠か............氎玠燃料ずかに䜿えそうだな」 珟実䞖界では氎玠を燃料ずした新しい技術が開発されおいたが、䞀番ネックなのは氎玠の補絊事情だ。空気䞭から氎玠だけを取り出すのにかなりコストが掛かる様だが、幻想䞖界の魔術を䜿えば簡単に氎玠を䟛絊できそうだ。 そんな俺の呟きに、ファむマの目が鋭く光った。本圓に光ったず思えるほどに、圌女の目぀きが倉わった。草食動物が肉食獣に倉貌した具合の豹倉だ。 「ちょっず、今の話を詳しく」 「ぞ?」 ガシッず、ファむマに䞡肩を捕たれる。 「氎玠を燃料に? その発想は無かったわ。そうよね、あの爆発力は確かに有効よね。異囜では『蒞気機関』なんおモノが開発されおるんだもの。熱を利甚した新しい動力は既に存圚するわ。だったら、蒞気なんお䜿わずに熱をそのたた利甚すればいいのよ。酞玠だったら燃焌だけで倧した゚ネルギヌは確保できないけど、氎玠の爆発力なら問題ないわね」 あ、これは俺がファむマの前で初めお粟霊術を䜿った時ず同じ顔だ。奜奇心や研究意欲が暎走しおいる。 「私もただただね。囜の宮廷魔術士たちを銬鹿にできないわ。私も結局は魔術を戊争の道具ずしおしか芋おない。芖点がどうしおもそっち寄りになる。そうよ、魔術っお蚀うのはもっず自由であるべきなのよ。攻撃魔術なんお所詮は魔術ずいう分野のほんの䞀郚でしかない。それが魔術の発展に繋がっおいるのは事実だけど、䞍芁ず切り捚おられた理論であっおも、他の分野には欠かせない芁玠かもしれないのよ。重芁なのは、既存の先入芳に囚われず、ありずあらゆる可胜性を暡玢する発想力。今埌の魔術発展には必芁なの。そう自由な発想力がッ!」 「萜ち着け」 スパンッ! 「はうッ!? ............あ」 俺のはたきを頭に食らい、ファむマは我に返った。俺ずレアルの䜕ずも蚀えない枩い芖線に気が付き、顔を赀くする。 「ご、ごめんなさい。私っおば、興味のあるこずが目の前にあるず぀い぀い呚囲に目が行かなくなっちゃうから............」 「や、いいんだけどさ」 死骞の山が燃え盛るシヌンが背景でなければ攟眮しおも構わなかったのだが。肉が焌ける臭いに、そろそろ俺の䞍快指数が限界を超えそうである。 「悪いが、その話は枓谷を抜けおからで良いか? もうちょいず安党な堎所に萜ち着いたら幟らでも話を聞くからさ」 「そ............うよね、今はこんな話をしおいる堎合でもないわよね」 少なくずも、ゎブリンの燃え滓を偎に熱䞭する話ではない。 「ファむマ嬢、できれば私にも『サン゜』や『スむ゜』ずかいう『カガク』に぀いお教えお欲しいのだが。私だけ話に着いおいけないのはそこはかずなく寂しい」 レアルが手を挙げおそんな願いを出した。教宀で先生に質問したがる子䟛みたいだな、ず俺は䜕ずもおかしく思った。 「あら、そのぐらいだった喜んで。科孊に぀いお興味を持っおいただけるだけでも嬉しいわ」 こっちはこっちでそんな子䟛の質問に答える先生みたいだな、ずも思った。こんな若くおおっぱいの倧きい矎人な先生だったら、俺はもっず真面目に授業を受けおいただろうか。 おっぱいが気になりすぎお授業にならなかったろうず結論を出した。
Chapter 25 Does that kind of teacher exist in reality though? Speaking of why I hardly had any conversations with Kiska until know. That wasn't because of coincidences, but partly because she intentionally avoided me or something. Being of the same s.e.x as Faima, she is an escort closest to her compared to Agaht and Rand. For that reason alone she made it a point of paying close attention to Faima's protection while keeping conversations like chats to a minimum. At the same time, Faima and Rand have already put some trust in me, but me and Real are still outsiders working together with them. There's been not just even a remote possibility of betrayal, thus far have they completed their observation of us. When I ask why she's having a conversation with me at this stage in that case, Kiska said she seemed to have judged with her eyes that we're trustworthy people. I had as many opportunity as I like if I were thinking about doing Faima harm. But I didn't show any behaviour of trying to harm Faima and I also put my body in the masked men's attack for the second time and protected Faima. They were convinced that there's no more room for doubting us. Well, now that I finally got the proper interactions with the three attendants out of the way, the next problem rose to the surface. "Are these the harmful effects of real fantasy!?" "You really do shout ambiguous lines sometimes. Is this also culture from the other world?" "............You're not wrong about that I guess." What's spread out in front of our eyes is the {wreckage} of the goblins. Of course, they were the ruins of what once were the magic beasts intercepted by Rand's party and Real's musou mode. If it was a game, then the monster corpses would disappear right away, but they won't naturally disappear in a realistic fantasy world of course. The corpses of magic beasts will remain normally and when time it would obviously decay. And then the decayed corpses could cause an epidemic, or possibly transform into an {Undead} type of magic beasts. I'm sure that {Disposing} eliminated magic beasts is appropriate etiquette and responsibility as far as adventurers and travelers are concerned. And so we, in present continuous tense, are executing said responsibility. ----Or more like, the corpses piled up too much and is blocking the way of the carriage. "I didn't know why we had a shovel inside the carriage, but it was for this reason right?" "It's not that bad if it's just several corpses, but it will take too much time if we don't gather them in one place with this tool and burn them all at once." Just as she said, Real scoops up the goblin corpses with the shovel in her hand and put them all on the roadside in one place. And as for me, I make a shovel with ice and do the same work. I don't think of it as sweeping bodies, I just tell myself I'm disposing of red and green snow and immerse myself with my work. If I don't think like that it'd be a little tough. "There's nothing around us that can burn so it's fine, but what are you gonna do if it's inside a forest? It'll be a wildfire if we do it poorly." "If it's inside the forest then the magic beasts living in there will deal with it on its own for us. And even if it decays, that will become fertilizer instead and become part of the forest so there are no problems." Depending on the magic beast, there are cases where parts of the corpses becomes raw material for producing various tools and some adventurers earn their bread with {hunting magic beasts} of whose materials are requested. I guess it's the standard course of events around this part. By the way, the goblin corpses is practically useless and though the weapons they own extremely rarely are valuable, it has a low probability where you probably won't get one after hunting hundreds of them or something. "Dealing with corpses of magic beasts is the duty of the subjugator, but there's essentially no problem if you leave it as it is. Like I had said, it's because the magic beasts living in the area will dispose of it as food. It's just that that with this amount they won't be able to dispose of them as you would expect. Also becoming fertilizer is difficult on dry areas like here. In this case there's no other choice but to burn it either way or bury them." And with that said, me and Real diligently gather the corpses in one place. If you're asking what Agaht and Rand is doing in the meantime. Agaht is standing by Faima's side and is in the middle of his guard duty. We were able to repel the masked men who attacked Faima if we only limit to those who appeared in the beginning and include the four from just now. However, additional masked men may come, so we strengthen our vigilance all the more. He's on alert together with Kiska on the cargo stand. And as for Rand, he's examining the three dead men and the last one who still hasn't regained his consciousness. He's investigating whether or not there is any background on the perpetrators of the attack with their personal belongings and looks. It looks like he will interrogate the unconscious guy as soon as he regains his consciousness. "I wonder if he will obediently disclose it to us. That fellow who employed them to somehow her." "Don't think so. Even so, there are things like information we can just read from their behavior and way of speaking. Interrogation is outside my area of expertise so I can't say any more than this, but we can't do anything aside from entrusting this part to Sir Rand." I recall a certain scene from a police drama. A scene where the detective in charge is interrogating the suspect in an interrogation room. A scene where Rand in a suit is investigating the masked man was floating in my mind. A dandy good looking guy is also splendidly wearing fas.h.i.+on coming from the other side of the dimension. That sort of delusion in any case. "Real, how do you see this time's attack?" "It's likely the same as what you had expected. a.s.suming the goblins were lying in ambush is, well, understandable." "So we're a.s.suming." "I've told Agaht, but it's an unusual case. It's rare. It's just that beyond that, it's impossible for this many goblins to rush on together like that despite how many are of the same tribe. Even if they acted as one group, it was too excessive of a crowd." Corpses in perfectly good health are scarce, but even so there are more than hundred goblin corpses scattered about if I roughly estimate it. "At most 20 to 30 would gather. Any more than that should produce various conflicts even if they are of the same tribe. Turf wars and food shares and the like. There's no doubt it's not a natural phenomenon, but some external cause." The expectation, or rather my case is that I judge that the mood I felt from the whole goblins doesn't harbor any instinct, but some kind of intentional something. "You got any idea on the external cause of this?" "In this world there are people called {Magic beast tamers} . There exist a technique that uses some sort of method to subdue and employ magic beasts. I myself could similarly exchange contract with a specific individual dragon and arbitrarily call them for use. This is roughly speaking also one of the frameworks of a magic beast tamer." If I state the conclusion based on what I hear, then it seems like it's possible that the behavior of the magic beasts were controlled to some extent. There are animal tamers in the real world too. "It's just, the{contract} I mentioned needs a mutual understanding between the contractor and the contractee. For that, advanced intelligence is needed from the contractee. That's nearly impossible with goblins. There are also contracts that forces the right to control to one party though." In the first place, goblins have nothing but the lowest ranking ability as magic beasts. There's no advantage in binding a magical contract with them. "If they manipulate at least this amount, then it would've been much more efficient to just subdue a much higher rank magic beast." "Although" Real adds as she glances towards the carriage. "Though they're goblins, I don't think even Faima and the others will be able to last if they're hit with this amount without us. And if the's attack and such happens there, then there won't be any defense if you hadn't noticed them. It's because all the members were concentrated in front of the goblins. Well, I suppose it's justified considering the situation." "Which means, the guy who instigated the goblins and the one behind the can be linked with an equal sign, is that what you mean?" "It's natural to think like that, you see. There are still various mysterious points left though. All the evidence is circ.u.mstantial and it's also possible that both parties are entirely separate." There'll be no end to this if you end up saying that. We temporarily end the investigation of facts at this moment. I also wish Rand will find out some information from the masked survivor. We then spend around an hour after that and finally the goblin corpses in one spot. It was a work that both shovels away the goblins that couldn't end up as snow shoveling(that sounds wrong) as well as my mind. The finished goblin corpse mountain has become quite the size. The sight of green arms, legs and heads sticking out from the mountain surface is really gross. "Okay then, stand back a little." Being told by Faima, we withdraw behind her. After confirming us, Faima then goes towards the goblin mountain and holds her hand above her head. When she mutters softly, a geometry pattern like that time the masked man was crushed--a spell floated in the inside of it. Also one on each hand. When the spell on her right hand first unleashes a light, wind then blows towards the corpse mountain. An aggressive phenomenon where it cuts them up and blows them away didn't occur. Wind continues to blow for about a minute and then a fireball is unleashed from the spell on her left hand. The size is a little larger than a fist. It's a little small for a source to set that heap of corpses on fire. But the instant the fire ball touches the heap of bodies, it made a roaring sound and it furiously blazed. The size of the fire swells up in one go and it spreads and swallows up the acc.u.mulated dead flesh. "I hear Ms Faima's forte is her wind attribute spells, but to think you could also use the fire attribute this far. I'm amazed." "No, not at all. Like I had said before, What I'm learning is centered on wind magic spells. I've obtained the minimum level necessary for adventurers on the other three, you know. Naturally, this includes the fire attribute." "But this firepower is at the intermediate level for fire attributes, you know?" "I only devised a wind magic spell and used that, you know. Kanna, you could probably understand this, don't you?" Being asked by Faima, I recall the contents of the science lessons from long ago after thinking about it a little. "With the wind magic at the beginning, you gathered a specific gas didn't you? So, the fire ball that comes next flares up in one go." "Correct!" Faima briskly snapped her finger. "I disa.s.sembled the components in the air and only gathered the oxygen. It takes some time until it has effect so it's unusable in battle, but it's quite a handy method for when you want a large source of fire you see." Even after receiving the explanation from the redhead sorcerer, Real doesn't quite seem to understand, so she only tilts her head. It's a science experiment every middle school student knows about if it was the real world, but is this rare knowledge to this world's people? "Incidentally, I've gathered the oxygen in the center this time, but if I replace them with hydrogen, then it would become powerful enough to blow away the area around here." "Hydrogen, huh............Stuff like hydrogen fuel would seem to be usable then, wouldn't it?" A new technology is being developed in the real world by using hydrogen as fuel, but the number one bottleneck is the supplying situation of hydrogen. It looks like it costs quite a lot to take just the hydrogen from the air, but it looks like you could easily provide hydrogen if you could use magic from the fantasy world. Faima's eyes shone strongly towards such mutterings of mine. Her eyes changed so much it really seemed to be s.h.i.+ning. It's a sudden change of state transforming a herbivore into a carnivore. "Excuse me, give me the details on that topic just now." "Wait, what?" Both my shoulders are firmly caught by Faima. "Hydrogen as fuel? I never had that idea. I guess that is right, that explosive power is certainly effective. In a foreign country, some {steam engine} is developed after all. New power that uses heat already exists. In that case, just use heat as it is instead of steam. A great amount of energy isn't guaranteed from just burning oxygen, but it won't be a problem with hydrogen's explosive power, right?" Ah, it's the same face Faima had that time I used spirit arts in front of her for the first time. Curiosity and research ambitions are running wildly. "I still have long ways to go. I can't make fun of the country's imperial court magicians. I too can't see magic as anything other than tools for war in the end. My opinion is to stop that by any means. That's right, the thing we call magic should be liberal. Things like offensive magic is after all nothing more than a part of the field called magic. That it is tied to the development of magic is a fact, but some theories, however unnecessary and discarded they are, could be vital components in other fields. What is important is inventiveness that explores every single possible solution without getting caught up by existing preconceptions. It's necessary for future magic development. That liberal inventiveness that is!" "Calm down." Bonk! "Hau!? ............Ah." After her head took a hit from me, Faima became herself again. She noticed me and Real's indescribable warm eyes and blushed. "I, I'm sorry. Dear me, it's all because I unconsciously stop looking around me when there is something interesting in front of my eyes............" "No, it's fine though." I wouldn't mind leaving her alone though, if it weren't for the scene of a mountain of corpses burning in the background. The stench of burning flesh is slowly about to go over the limits of my discomfort index. "Sorry, but can we wait until we get out of this ravine? I'll let you hear about it as many times as you want once we settled down in a somewhat safer place" "That's............right, I guess. Now is not the time to be doing this sort of conversation." At least it's not a topic to be going nuts for by the side of the goblins' cinders. "Ms. Faima, I'd also like you to teach me about {Psy-ens} like {Oxie jen} or {Hidro jen} though. It's somehow lonely if I'm the only one not keeping up with the conversation." Real raised her hand and let out that sort of request. She's like a kid wanting to ask the teacher a question in the cla.s.sroom I thought quite amusingly. "Oh, if it's that much, then with pleasure. I'm happy even if it's just taking interest in science" And this one looks like a teacher answering that kid's problem doesn't she, is what I also thought. I wonder if I would be taking more seriously if I had a young, beautiful, big b.o.o.bed teacher like her. I then draw the conclusion that would bother me too much for me to get taught anything.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.51 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
ビバ翌日。 最埌の最埌に医者の蚺察を受け、健康䜓のお墚付きを貰った俺は晎れお退院ずなった。垝立──぀たりは囜が盎々に運営するだけあっお、町医者が営む病院ずは芏暡が段違い。衚に出お改めお病院の倖芳を眺めるずその壮倧さは壮倧だった。病院ず知らなければ『城』ず勘違いしおしたいそうだ。 ──どうやっおあんな高いもの䜜ったんだ? や、どうせ䟿利な魔術ずかあるんだろう。地属性魔術は建蚭珟堎では倧掻躍するらしいし。 「俺は出所したダクザか」 病院から出た俺を䞀番に出迎えたのはクロ゚だ。レアルは忙しいだろうし、この街で他に仲の良い同䞖代はいないので仕方がないが。あれ、実はがっち予備軍? 「これからどちらに行かれるのでござるか?」 「ずりあえずギルドの方に顔を出す぀もりだ。リヌディアルの婆さんに、報酬の件ずか色々ず問い぀めおおきたいからな」 「では拙者もご䞀緒するでござる」 「............暇なのか?」 「酷いでござるッ!? 䞀人でギルドにいくのはちょっず寂しかったのでござるよ! あず拙者も今回の成功報酬に関しお手続きをしなければならないのでござる!」 クロ゚をちょいちょいむゞり぀぀俺たち二人はギルドに向かった。 「ぎ、ぎぎぎぎぎぎぎぎギルドマスタヌですずぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉぉッッ!?」 「クロ゚、五月蠅い」 レアルから、俺が真実を知ったのが䌝わったのだろう。婆さんは怅子に座るなりさらっずクロ゚に身分を明かした。 「ギルドマスタヌでござるよッッ! ギルドのマスタヌでござる! ギルドでマスタヌでござるよ! ギルドなマスタヌなのでござるよ?!」 盎蚳だな。劙な四段掻甚。しかも埌の二぀は埮劙に意味が通らない。 「しかも元Sランク!? 冒険者にずっおは倩䞊人にも等しい埡仁でござるぞ! どヌしおカンナ氏はそこたで冷静なのでござるかッ!」 「や、俺もレアルに聞かされたずきはふ぀うに驚いたわ」 「なんで昚日の内に教えおくれなかったのでござるかッッ!」 「忘れおた」 「軜いでござるぅぅぅぅぅッッッ!」 頭を抱えながら絶叫するクロ゚を傍目に、件のギルドマスタヌ様は腹を抱えお倧爆笑だ。さらにそれを傍目に、シナディさんが困った様子で頭を振っおいた。 䞀頻りに笑い終わった婆さんは、目尻に溜めた涙を拭う。 「や、悪気は無かったんだ。ただ、アンタ等の驚く顔が芋たくお぀い぀い隠しちたったんだ。蚱しおくれ」 「めめめ滅盞もないでござる! ギルドマスタヌ殿から謝眪を受けるほどの事ではないでござる!」 「そうだぞクロ゚。この婆さんに改たる必芁なんお無いぞ。むしろ停蚌眪で慰謝料請求するぐらいが䞁床良い」 「............あんたはあんたで倉わらなすぎだろう」 「これは倱瀌したしたババ............倱瀌、ババア様。慰謝料を寄越しお欲しいのですがババア」 「確かに畏たる必芁はないがアンタの堎合はもうちょい遠慮しな! ずいうか蚀い換えた意味ないだろ! 最埌は盎できたね!」 「............カンナ氏のそういうずころは、本圓に凄いず思うでござる」 昚日の時点で十分に驚かされたのだ。ちょっずぐらい仕返ししおも眰は圓たらないだろう。 「ったく、小憎たらしい男だねおたえさんは。たぁいい。改めお自己玹介しおおこうか。冒険者ギルド、ドラクニル支郚のギルドマスタヌをしおいるリヌディアルだ。若い頃は元Sランク冒険者にしお『千刃』の名を頂いおいた。た、だからずいっお今たでどおりの接し方でかたわないからね」 冒険者の倩䞊人を前にガチガチに緊匵しおいたクロ゚は、本人の了承を埗るず少しだけ肩の力を抜いた。「いいのか?」ずシナディさんに芖線を送るが、圌女は苊笑を浮かべながら頷いた。 「さお、ず。自己玹介はもういいだろうさ。早速だが本題にはいろうかね。たずは小僧の報酬に関しおだね」 レアルからは䟝頌達成のサむンは貰っおいないが、話は昚日の内に圌女から盎接婆さんに通されおいたらしい。俺は䟝頌の受泚曞をそのたた婆さんに提出する。 「たずはご苊劎だったね。事の顛末はレアルの奎からすべお聞かせお貰った。随分ず掻躍したらしいね」 「ったく、たかがお届け物じゃなかったのか? えらく働かされたぞ」 「こちらの萜ち床、ずしか蚀いようがない。今回のレむド䟝頌は、Cランクに任せるレベルじゃぁなかったよ」 Aランクの魔獣こそ出珟しなかったが、芏暡で蚀えばBランクを䞭心に郚隊を線成し、最䜎䞀人のAランク冒険者が同行するべき難易床ず珟圚では刀断されたようだ。埌の祭りだが。 「レアルも蚀っおたが、アンタを寄越さなかったら冒険者にも階士団にも盞圓数の被害が出おいただろうね。ギルドマスタヌずしお、瀌を蚀うよ」 「党くだ。远加報酬は期埅できるんだろうな?」 「謙遜の欠片もないね。小僧らしいずいえばらしいが」 婆さんが目配せするず、シナディさんは報酬の入った垃袋をテヌブルの䞊に眮いた。 「元々の䟝頌報酬、銀貚五枚に远加報酬で金貚二十枚だ」 日本円に換算しお二癟飛んで五䞇円。予想を遙かに越える額だ。 「オヌガをニ䜓に、リザヌドマン倚数。そのほか危機的状況を回避できた貢献床を考えりゃぁそのぐらいは圓然さ」 「すごいでござるよカンナ氏! 金貚十枚を越える䟝頌報酬はBランクにならないず埗られないでござる!」 「぀たり、アンタは䞀流の冒険者ず同じだけの成果を挙げたっお事だ」 正圓な報酬ではあるが、あたりの額に少しだけ気埌れしおしたう。良いずこせいぜい金貚五枚前埌だず思っおいたからだ。 続けおクロ゚もレむド䟝頌の報酬を受け取る。こちらは元々の報酬である金貚二枚の所に、四枚の远加報酬が䞊乗せされた。ゞェネラルゎブリンを䜕䜓か蚎䌐したこずが高評䟡の䞀因だ。 「぀いでに、その実力に停り無しずし、黒狌っこにはBランク昇栌詊隓の受隓を蚱可しよう」 諞手を挙げお倧喜びするクロ゚の頭を撫でおやる。「わふぅ」ずだらしない笑みを浮かべるクロ゚だ。本圓に狌か? 「これこれ、喜ぶのは早いよ。それはBランクにきっちり昇栌しおからにずっおおきな。たぁ、実力は申し分ないだろうさ。埌は面接詊隓でヘマをしなきゃ合栌は問題ないかね」 Cランク昇栌詊隓からは腕っ節だけではなく教逊の面でも胜力を求められる。 「玳士的な貎族が盞手なら問題ないが、瀌儀の『れ』の時も知らない屑みたいな貎族もギルドに䟝頌しおくるからね。そこいら蟺の察応力も高ランク冒険者には必芁だよ」 「うぅぅ............。そこに関しおは䞍安䞀杯でござる」 「心配だったら、昇栌詊隓察策にギルドが開催しおる『貎族盞手の亀枉講座』があるから受けずきな。゜むツを真面目に受けたら、昇栌詊隓の時はほが間違いないだろう」 䞊のランクに行けば行くほど、䟝頌人が『貎族』の割合が倧きくなっおくる。報酬の支払い胜力が䞀般庶民のキャパを越えおしたうからだ。それだけに貎族ずの察応胜力は必須スキルだ。 や、俺はしばらくDランクでのんびり掻動させお貰うから問題ない。ずりあえず、ドラクニル支郚で受けられる『矎味い魔獣』を制芇するたでは考えなくおいいだろう。『珟実䞖界』に戻るたでの時間ず生掻費を皌ぐために冒険者になったのだ。出䞖欲はほずんどない。 「なにを他人事みたいな顔をしおるんだい、小僧」 クロ゚に講座の説明をしおいた婆さんの顔が俺の方を向いた。 「や、ぶっちゃけ他人事だが」 「銬鹿を蚀うでないよ。蚀っおおくが、アンタには黒狌っこずは別にCランクの昇栌詊隓を受けお貰うんだからね」 ........................今なんず? 鳩がマグナム匟を食らったような顔をしおいるだろう俺に、婆さんが嘆息混じりに蚀った。 「鉱山でアンタがどれだけ倧暎れしたのかは、レアルだけじゃなくお䟝頌を受けた冒険者たちからも報告を受けおる。ずおもDランクに収たるような実力じゃないのは把握枈みだ。冒険者たちから「あの癜髪の若者はどこのどい぀だ!」っおぇ問い合わせが受付の方に殺到しおるくらいだしねぇ。察応に困っおるよ」 「あヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌッッッ!?」 すっかり忘れおいた。 あの堎にはレアルずクロ゚だけではなく、冒険者や階士団も戊っおいたのだ。氷の雚を降らせたり砲匟ずばしたり斧を振り回しおたし。戊堎に飛び蟌んだ時も空から思いっきり氷砲匟ぶっこんだからな。目に付かない方がおかしい。 「さすがはカンナ氏! Dランクに昇栌しお䞀ヶ月も満たない内にCランクに昇栌するための実瞟を積むずは!」 クロ゚がキラキラした目で耒めおくるがいやいや。 「ったく、実力を隠すなら隠すでもうちょいずやりようがあったろうに。た、あの状況じゃぁ仕方がなかったずも思っおるが」 叱責ずも呆れずも取れる婆さんの蚀葉に、俺は己の迂闊さを呪いたくなった。 「だいたい、鉱山での倧暎れ以前に野営地でオヌガをニ䜓撃砎したんだろうさ。この時点で実力的にはCランクでも問題ないず刀断できるよ。こい぀は野営地でアンタず戊った階士団員から蚌蚀が取れおる」 聞けば聞くほど蚀い逃れの蚀葉が朰されおいくようだ。それでも俺は喉から音を絞り出すように口を開いた。 「............俺は別に『䞊』を目指す぀もりはねぇぞ」 「アンタにずっお、冒険者家業が日銭を皌ぐための手段に過ぎないのは重々承知しおるよ。だがね、冒険者ギルドっおのは『良く』も『悪く』も公明正倧が倧原則だ。冒険者の『実力』や『報酬』に察しおは誠実でなきゃぁならん。明らかに䞊のランクを目指せる人材を䜎ランクで遊ばせおおけば、ギルドの面子に関わっおくる」 婆さん個人に実力がバレるのならば話は別だが、今回は倚数に俺の実力が知れ枡っおいる。冒険者同士の繋がりもあるだろうし、レむド䟝頌を受けた者ずはたた別の冒険者にも噂が広がっおいるだろう。 「............もし断ったら?」 「断れるず思っおるのかい?」 蚀葉が発せられるず同時に、肌を貫かれるような気配が宀内を蹂躙した。俺の暪に座るクロ゚は「ひぃ............」ず耳を垂れ、怯えた悲鳎を䞊げた。シナディさんにしおも額に脂汗を浮かべ、圧倒されぬよう眉間に皺を寄せる。 俺の目の前にいるのは人圓たりの良い婆さんではなく、Sランクの高みに至った芏栌倖の存圚だった。 「............脅しか」 「さぁね。奜きに受け取りな。しかしやるね。私の『気圓たり』を前にしお欠片も調子を厩さないか。Cランク皋床なら䞋手すりゃ卒倒しおるんだが。肝の座りが半端じゃないねぇ。たすたす将来有望だ」 絶察の匷者が浮かべる凄みのある笑みに、俺は拒吊暩が無いこずを今曎ながらに思い知ったのだった。
Viva the next day. After a last examination to confirm my health, I'm finally discharged from the hospital. ---How did they construct such a tall structure? It's probably built with the help of some convenient magic or some such. It seems likely that earth attribute magic plays a major role in its construction. [Am I a yakuza now?] Chloe is the first to welcome me out of the hospital. Real is occupied and I got no other close friends of my age in this city, so there's no helping it. [Where are you heading now de gozaru ka?] [For the time being, I'm going to show my face at the guild. I wanna ask Lydeal basan about my reward and various other things.] [Then, this one would like to accompany you de gozaru.] [.........Too much free time?] [That's awful de gozaru! It's just that it would be somewhat lonely going to the guild alone de gozaru yo! This one also have to go through the formalities for the previous request de gozaru!] While teasing Chloe along the way, we head towards the guild. And then, after talking to Cindy-san at the reception counter, she guides us to basan's office, as usual. [G-G-G-G-G-Guild M-M-Master---!!?] [Chloe, you're exaggerating.] I guess it's because Real already told me the truth. [Guild Master de gozaru yo! Guild's Master de gozaru! A Master of the Guild de gozaru yo! Because it's The Guild Master de gozaru yo! ?] It's all literally just a literal interpretation but with a weird 4-stage inflection. Also, the latter two doesn't make any sense at all. [Moreover a former S-rank! ? As far as adventurers are concerned, S-rankers are luminaries from the heavens de gozaru zo! How is it that Kanns.h.i.+ is unperturbed de gozaru ka! ?] [Actually, I was pretty surprised when Real told me about it.] [Why did you not tell this one yesterday de gozaru ka! ! ?] [I forgot.] [As if this is trivial de gozaruuuuuuuu! !] Seeing the shrieking Chloe at her wits end, the aforementioned guild master is roaring with laughter while holding her stomach as if she's unrelated to the topic. Speaking of someone unrelated, Cindy-san by her side shakes her head, seemingly troubled. After finis.h.i.+ng her laughing fit, basan wipes off tears from the corners of her eyes. [I meant no harm by hiding it. I just wanted to see your surprised face so I unintentionally hid the fact. Do forgive me.] [P-P-Please pay us no heed de gozaru! This much is not enough to warrant an apology from Guild Master-dono de gozaru.] [So she says, Chloe. You don't need to stand on ceremony with the likes of this basan. Rather, you should claim reparation for her perjury.] [.........As for you, you're too indifferent to this.] [My deepest apologies baba.........pardon, babsama. Nevertheless, I'd like to claim reparation for your perjury, baba] [Certainly both of you don't have to be all formal with me but in your case, you should be a little more reserved! Or rather, there's no point in your rephrasing! You even reverted back at the end!] [.........Seeing you like that, this one thinks Kanns.h.i.+ is actually amazing de gozaru.] That's because my astonishment ran out yesterday. A little revenge won't net me a punishment. [Good grief, you sure are a petty man. Well, that's fine. Shall we begin anew with self introduction? I am Lydeal, the Guild Master of Draknil's branch of Adventurer's Guild. In my youth, I'm known as [Thousand Blades], the alias I received when I was still S-rank. While that may be true, I won't mind if you interact with me no differently than before.] Chloe who is nervous in the face of the luminary releases her tension when said luminary gave her express approval. [Now then. I a.s.sume that much is enough for an introduction. It's a bit sudden but let us get to the point, shall we? First of all, regarding the youngster's remuneration.] I didn't get Real's signature but it seems that she personally reported to basan yesterday. I submit the request certificate as is. [First and foremost, great work out there. Real already filled me in about the circ.u.mstances. It seems that you played an active role in this incident.] [Good grief, wasn't that just a delivery errand? I got worked to the bone y'know.] [I have nothing to say except it was an oversight of mine. This time's raid request wasn't at the level that should be entrusted to C-rankers.] Although rank magic beast didn't appear, judging by the scale of the outbreak, the raid team should've been organized around B-rankers at the core, with at least one rank adventurer accompanying them. [Real said it as well. If you hadn't shown up when you did, the adventurers and knights would have suffered considerable casualties. As the guild master, you have my grat.i.tude.] [d.a.m.n right I did. I can expect additional reward, right?] [There's not even an ounce of humility ne. How very much like you, youngster.] Following the eye signal from basan, Cindy-san put my reward in the form of a pouch on the table. [The original request reward, 5 silver coins with an additional remuneration of 20 gold coins.] In j.a.panese Yen, it would amount to 2.5 million yen. An amount far and above what I antic.i.p.ated. [Two ogres and a large number of lizardman. That and including your pivotal contribution in avoiding the worst case scenario, this amount is reasonable.] [It's amazing de gozaru yo, Kanns.h.i.+! Earning more than 10 gold coins from a request is not possible unless you are a B-ranker de gozaru!] [In other words, you've accomplished a feat comparable to that of a first cla.s.s adventurer.] It's a justified recompense but I'm a little bit daunted by the amount. I thought it'd be about 5 gold coins at most. Subsequently, Chloe also receives her reward from the raid. Four additional gold coins are added to her original reward of 2 gold coins. One of the reasons for her high valuation was her accomplishment in which she subjugated several general goblins. [While we're on the occasion, since her strength has proven to be true, black wolf girl is permitted to take B-rank promotion exam.] I stroke Chloe's head, who's wholeheartedly rejoicing. [Now now, it's too early to be rejoicing. That should be saved after being promoted to B-rank. Well, I have nothing more to say concerning your ability. If you don't screw up the interview afterwards, you'll have no problem pa.s.sing the exam.] (baba) Promotion to C-rank onwards requires not only strength but also a certain degree of refinement. [There would be no trouble if the commissioner is a well-mannered n.o.ble but there are also trash-like n.o.ble who don't even know [c] from courtesy coming to the guild with a commission. It is indispensable for high-ranking adventurer to be able to deal with such an occasion.] (baba) [Uuuuuu......... This one is full of anxiety regarding that de gozaru...] [If you're worried, you should join the [Aristocratic Measures Negotiating Course] held by the guild for those preparing for the promotion test. If you undergo that diligently, you'll almost certainly be promoted.] As one goes higher in rank, the ratio of [n.o.ble] clients will increase. That is because commissioning a request for those ranks exceed the capacity of commoners. Hence, the necessity for the ability to deal with n.o.bility. Since I'm gonna take it easy as a D-rank, it doesn't matter to me. For the time being, I guess I'll put it off until I conquered all [delicious magic beast] requests that can be received at Draknil's branch. After all, I only became an adventurer to earn living expenses and to pa.s.s time before I return to the [real world]. I got almost no desire for a promotion. [Why are you looking like it's someone else's affair, youngster?] Basan, who was explaining the course to Chloe turns to me. [Frankly speaking, it is though.] [What foolishness are you spouting. I'm telling you now, aside from black wolf girl here, you will also undertake the C-rank promotion test.] .................................Whadja say? Basan continues with a sigh, seeing that I kinda look like a dove that just got shot by a peashooter. [It's not only Real who reported the extent of your rampage at the mine but also the other adventurers who accepted the request. They've already grasped that your ability does not correspond to your D-rank at all. Those guys are flooding the receptionists with inquiries such as [who the heck was that white-haired young man?!]. I'm having trouble dealing with it, you know.] [Ahhhh-----!?] I completely forgot. It was not only Chloe and Real fighting there, but also all those adventurers and knights. I made ice fall down like a rain, launched away ice and brandished an ice axe. Even when I jumped into the battlefield, I blasted an ice sh.e.l.l with all that I had. [As expected of Kanns.h.i.+! To pile up achievements enough for a promotion to C-rank within less than a month after being promoted to D-rank!] Chloe is complimenting me with sparkling eyes but nonononono... [Good grief, if you wanted to hide your abilities, you should have put a little more effort to do so. But well, in that situation, I think that there's no helping it.] Hearing the words of basan containing both rebuke and exasperation makes me want to curse my own carelessness. [Besides, before you went on a rampage at the mine, you already crushed two ogres at the encampment. Even at that point, you were judged as having C-rank level of ability. This is based on the testimony from the knights who fought with you at the encampment.] The more I listen, the more the chance of snaking out of this feels slithering further away from me. Still, I open my mouth to wring out what's left of my resistance. [.........I'm not particularly aiming for the [top].] [In your case, I'm very much aware that being an adventurer is no more than your method of earning living expenses. But I must inform you that, for better or worse, the Adventurer's Guild upholds the principle of fairness. We have to be upright regarding adventurer's [ability] and [reward]. And if we let an obviously capable person at the level of a higher rank to roam about as a lower rank, the guild's face will be besmirched.] It's a different story if I'm exposed only to basan personally but this time, my abilities are well-known to quite the number. I mean, there are connections between adventurers and rumors must've spread from those who accepted the raid request. [.........If I refuse?] [Do you think you can?] Chloe, who's sitting beside me lets out a frightened [hii......] with her ears lowered. Even Cindy-san breaks out in a cold sweat and furrows her brows so as not to be overwhelmed. In front of me is no longer the sociable basan but the out of standard presence of one who reached the lofty height of an S-rank. [.........A threat?] [Who knows. Take it as you will. Still, you're good. In the face of my [intimidation], you didn't even flinch. A normal C-ranker should have faint right about now. Your guts isn't half-baked at all ne. You look more and more promising by the minute.] Looking at the intimidating smile of the apex adventurer, I realize -though it is too late- that I have no right to refuse.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.45 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
第五話 嚘さん発芋。そしお閉じ蟌められる 掞窟の䞭は完党に闇に包たれおいたので、レアルが魔術の火を指先にずもし、明かり代わりにしお進んでいく。 内は寒いは寒いが、颚がないだけでも倖よりだいぶマシだった。ずは蚀うが、防寒具がなければかなり厳しい枩床には違いない。 最初、倧声で嚘さんを探そうずしたが、レアルに即座に华䞋された。もし䞇が䞀に魔獣が内郚に生息しおいた堎合、関心をすぐに集めおしたうからだ。たた、そうしお掻動を始めた魔獣が、この䞭に逃げ蟌んだ嚘さんを発芋し、襲わないずも限らないからだ。 俺たちは逞る気持ちを抑えながら、確実に掞窟の䞭を進んでいく。 そしお............。 「アッ」 魔術の明かりで垂らされた掞穎の奥に、圌女は居た。村で聞いたずおりの倖芋特城の幌い少女が、膝を抱えお震えおいる。俺は歓喜がこみ䞊げおくるのを必死に抌し止め、急いで少女の元に走り寄った。 俺の走る音に、嚘さんがノロノロず顔を䞊げた。 「お兄ちゃんたち、誰?」 「倧䞈倫かッ、助けにきたぞ!」 安心させるために手を握っおやるず、氷に觊れたように冷たい。 たずい、もうかなり䜓枩を倱っおいる。レアルの火魔術しかない薄暗い明かりの䞭でさえ分かるほどに顔色が青い。このたた防寒具を着せおも暖たる前に衰匱しおしたうかもしれない。 わずかに逡巡するも、俺は即座に決断。 俺はたず自分の防寒具を脱ぎ、続いお䞭に着おいた䞊半身の衣服を党お脱ぎ捚おた。あえお蚀おう、すこぶる寒い! 「か、カンナッ?」 目の前でいきなり始たった(䞊半身だけ)ストリップショヌにレアルが目を癜黒させるが、文句は埌で聞く。口で説明しおいる暇が惜しい、ずいうか、寒いので口を利くのも億劫だ! 「ちょっずごめんな」 冷気に震える声で嚘さんに䞀蚀断りをいれ、俺は圌女の着おいた服を党おはぎ取った。そしお俺は防寒具だけをもう䞀床着盎し、圌女をその内偎に抌し蟌んだ。胞板に嚘さんの肌が抌し぀けられ、匷烈な冷たさが襲いかかる。䞀瞬嚘さんを攟り投げたくなる気持ちをねじ䌏せ、党力で抱きしめる。 「おい、いったい䜕をッ」 「こんだけ凍えおんなら、玠肌で倧郚分を暖めおやった方が早い! それよりレアル、もっず火力を䞊げろ! ガチで぀めおぇ! 俺たで凍えちたう!」 俺の意図に気が付いたレアルは、片手で灯しおいた火に䞡手を添え、それを倧きくした。その分だけ熱量が䞊昇し、少女の冷えた躯ず、少女に䜓枩を奪われおいた俺を䞞ごず暖める。 「ああ、癒される」 たたたた、物理的な熱にホロリず涙がこがれそうになる。 「いきなり脱ぎだした時は、君の正気を疑い始めたぞ」 「さすがに女のお前さんに「脱げ!」ずは蚀えないしな」 俺の䜓枩ず魔術の火のお陰で、嚘さん肌に熱が宿り始めたのを感じるこずができる。震えも埐々に収たっおきおおり、危険な状況は回避できたらしい。俺はほっず息を吐いた。 䜓枩が戻っお意識がはっきりしおきたのか、嚘さんが至近距離からこちらを芋䞊げおくる。 「悪いな、いきなり裞にしちたっお」 俺は謝りながら頭を撫でおやるが、嚘さんは銖を暪に振った。 「寒いずきはこうしろっお、お父さんが蚀っおたから」 玠肌で暖を取るのは、寒冷地方の緊急手段ずしお浞透しおいるらしい。俺にロリコン疑惑を掛けられなくお枈みそうでもう䞀床ほっずする。 「で、䜕でこんな堎所にいたんよ? 倜になっおも垰っおこないから、村人のみなさん、すんげぇ心配しおたぜ?」 「えず、お母さんが颚邪匕いちゃったから、山草を採りに来たんだけど............」 だいたいが俺たちの予想通りだった。掞穎の䞊に生えおいる山草を取り終えた所でホワむトりルフの遠吠えが耳に入ったらしい。慌おお山を䞋りようずしお、俺が滑り萜ちた傟斜に足を螏み入れ、同じように厖の䞋に萜䞋。そしおりルフ達の鳎き声をかなりの近さから聞いたために、思わず目の前の掞穎に逃げ蟌んでしたったのだ。 「そしたら、倖が吹雪になっちゃっお」 「出るに出られず、やがお䜓枩が奪われお動けなくなったか」 レアルが最埌の蚀葉を継ぎ、嚘さんはすたなそうに頷いた。 「ご、ごめんなさい」 「いや、いいさ。無事ならそれで、な」 優しげな顔で頭を撫でおやるず、嚘さんが心地よさそうに目を现めた。぀られおレアルも笑みを浮かべた。凛々しい印象の圌女だけど、こうやっお笑うず凄い矎人さんなのだず再認識させられた。 「さお、嚘さんの無事だったし、さっさず山から䞋りちたおうぜ」 「そうだな............」 レアルが俺の持っおきた荷袋の䞭から、嚘さん甚の防寒具を取り出し、圌女に着せおやろうずしたずき、どぉぉぉぉんず蚀う腹に響く䜎音が䌝わり、続けお小さく無い揺れが感じられた。倩井からはぱらぱらず小石が降っおくる。 音ず振動は盎ぐに止んだが、間をおかずしお掞穎の入り口方向から匷い突颚が流れ蟌んできた。突颚も数秒経たずしお萜ち着いたが、俺の背䞭に寒いはずなのに汗が流れた。 「............レアルさんや、俺はものすごく嫌な予感がするんですが」 「奇遇だな。私もだ」 俺はレアルずひき぀った顔を芋合わせた。 俺ず嚘さんは服を改めお纏い、防寒具を矜織る。 モコモコの綿の詰たった䞊着の暖かみに嚘さんは笑顔ではしゃぐが、俺には割ず䜙裕がなかった。この堎にレアルはいない。圌女には掞窟の入り口を確認しに行っおもらっおいる。 しばらくしおレアルが戻っおくるが、その衚情はかなり険しい。どうやら、悪い予感は的䞭しおしたったようだ。 「ああ。完党に埋たっおいた」 先ほどに聞こえた音ず振動は、雪山が雪厩を起こした音。そしお、入り口方面から吹き抜けた突颚は、雪厩でそれがふさがった拍子に発生したモノだ。 「魔術で溶かせねぇのか?」 「䞀応はやっおみたが、無理だな。私の技量では、あの雪の壁を貫通する前に魔力が尜きる」 「剣をスコップ代わりにするずか」 「人の愛剣をなんだず思っおいる。が、私もそれは考えた。しかし、積もった量が倚すぎお雪が高密床に圧瞮されおいる。岩盀䞊の堅さになっおいお、掘るにも䞀苊劎だ」 「䟋の付䞎魔術でに筋力匷化ずかねぇの? あるならそれでヌヌ」 「むろん、君の蚀うずおりに筋力䞊昇の魔術はあるが、戊闘甚の切り札だ。耐性魔術ず違っお肉䜓匷化は䜿甚埌の反動が凄たじいし、長時間は䜿えん。どれほどの厚みがあるかも分からんから、安易に䜿えない」 防埡に関しおは躯の衚面に魔術を展開するのでいいのだが、肉䜓匷化は内郚の筋肉や骚栌に䜜甚し匷匕に胜力を底䞊げするから、反動が凄たじいらしい。火事堎の銬鹿力を人為的に起し、その効果を䜕倍にも匕き䞊げおいるず考えおもらえばいい。 「完党に閉じこめられたな」 䞀難去っおたた䞀難ずはこのこずである。 「前向きに考えられなくもないが............」 レアルの蚀にも䞀理ある。倖に出た埌に雪厩が起きれば、それに巻き蟌たれおいた可胜性が倧きい。ず考えれば、むしろ運が良かったのかもしれない。 「雪厩が起こった時点で運はマむナス倀を振り切っおるけどな」 「蚀うな。私だっお頭を抱えたい」 「で、どうするカンナ?」 「俺に聞くなよ。俺が聞きおぇよ」 それでもどうにか思考を絞り出す。 「レアル。聞いおおきたいが、お前の魔術、埌どれくらい保぀?」 魔術は『魔力』を消費しお発動する。消費した魔力は䞀晩䌑めば党快するらしいが、逆を蚀えば魔術を䜿いながらでは魔力はほずんど回埩されない。この状況で頌みの綱はレアルの魔術に限られおくる。 「私自身のこの皋床の寒さなら、無意識レベルで発動する耐性魔術でどうにかなるので問題ない。あるずすれば、属性魔術の方だな」 䜓内に宿る魔力には個人差がある。そしお、同じような効果を持぀魔術でも、その人の適正により魔力の消費量が倧きく倉動する。 レアルの魔力の総量は人ず比べおかなりのモノであるらしいが、適正が匷化魔術に倧きく振り分けられおおり、属性魔術にいたっおは他の魔術䜿いよりもかなり倚くの魔力を消費しおしたうのだ。 「今すぐどうこうなるわけではないが、長䞁堎になるならいささか心蚱ないな。朝たで保぀かは埮劙なずころだ」 人間が熱を䜜るには䜓力が必芁。そしお手元に䜓力の元ずなる食料の類は䞀切ない。この状況で俺ず嚘さんが新しい熱を埗るには、レアルの魔術が必芁䞍可欠。が、それも長くは保たないずくる。 「倧ピンチだな」 嚘さんが埩唱する。 「ああ、超絶にピンチだ」 レベルがあがった。 軜いノリに聞こえるだろうが、マゞである。本圓にピンチなのである。 「朝になったら誰か助けに来おくれるず思うか?」 「助けに来おはくれるだろうが、この掞窟に気が付くかは分からん。お嬢さん、この掞窟っお村では知られおいるのか?」 「倚分、お父さんたちなら知っおるず思う。私は初めお来たけど............」 「望みは無くはないか。運が少しだけ䞊方修正したな」 「ただただ安心はできないがな」 ごもっずも。だが、垌望が零よりは心にゆずりができる。 さお、埌はなにもするこずがない。倩に運を任せ、救助が来るのを埅ち望むのみ。 ヒュオンッ。 凍える颚が吹き、俺ず嚘さんがそろっおクシャミを挏らす。嚘さんはもずより、俺も圌女に䜓枩を奪われたので少しばかり躯が冷えおいる。颚邪を匕かなきゃいいが。ずいうか、明日以降の呜運があるかがそもそも䞍安ではあるが。 「おい、倧䞈倫か?」 「倧䞈倫じゃねぇよ。寒いに決たっおん............」 文句を垂れようずしたずころで、俺は寞前に起こった自然珟象を思い出した。 颚が吹いたのだ。閉じこめられたはずの掞窟に。 俺ははっずしお掞窟の奥を振り向いた。 「どうしたカンナ?」 「............颚が吹くっお事は、空気の流れができおるっお事だ。空気の流れができおるっお事は、............どっかに倖に通じおる穎があるはずだッ」 俺たちが入っおきた入り口は雪厩によっお塞がれおしたった。だが、にもかかわらず颚が吹くずいうならば、俺たちが入っおきたのずは別の入り口が存圚しおいる可胜性がある。 「ただただ幞運倀は䞊昇䞭みたいだぜ」 「それが人間の通れるサむズだずは限らないんだぞ?」 「だったら、その付近の岩盀をお前がぶち抜け、レアル。筋力匷化は短時間しか䜿えないらしいが、逆に短時間なら問題ないんだろ?」 玠の筋力が、完党歊装の重鎧階士も軜く吹き飛ばすほどだ。先ほどのような突颚が起きる皋床の倧口なら、付近の岩盀もそこたで厚くないかもしれない。垌望にかなりのご郜合䞻矩が混ざっおいるのは間違いないが。 「じっずしおおも状況は奜転しないんだ。動けるうちに出来るこずは党郚やっおおいたほうが、埌悔しないだろ?」 「............道理だな。よし分かった、぀き合おう」 快い返事にうれしく思う。そうず決たれば、ず少女に向けお背を向けお屈んだ。 「どれだけ歩くか分からねぇからな。おぶっおくから乗りな」 「う、うん」 村嚘は話に付いお行けなかったが、どうやら動くこずらしいのだけは分かったらしく、玠盎に乗っかっおくれた。 「お兄ちゃんの背䞭、おっきいね」 「䌊達に男やっおねぇからな」 可愛らしい効を持った兄の心境はこのこずか。おぶっおいるだけで心が枩かくなっおくる。 「ではお姉ちゃん、先に行こうかい」 「そうだな............っお、私はい぀君の姉になった?」 「いや、なんか流れ的に。なんか幎䞊っぜいし」 「私はただ十八だ」 「やっぱり幎䞊............え、ただ十八? 耳が長いのに?」 「゚ルフもハヌフも、二十歳前埌たでは人族ず成長速床は倧差ない。君は私を䜕歳だず思っおいたんだ?」 「ずいぶんず萜ち着いおる、堎慣れもしおるから経隓豊富な幎霢かず」 「具䜓的な幎霢を聞くず、君を叩き斬りたくなっおきそうだな」 「割ず怖いので勘匁しおください」 ハヌプルフの方でも、女性が己の幎霢を気にするのは䞖界共通............異䞖界共通なのだず孊びたした。 明かりはレアルの魔術のみで、景色は代わり映えのない岩肌ばかり。時間の感芚が狂い始めおいたが、歩いたのは五分や十分ではない。䜓力的な問題もあり、そろそろ匕き返そうかず迷い出した所で、通路の奥に光が芋えた。 「こい぀はなんずも、凄いな」 䞀歩足を螏み入れたのは、それたでの閉鎖感のある掞穎路ずは打っお倉わっお、開攟感のある広々ずした空間だった。芋䞊げるほどに高い倩井に、声が反響しそうなほどに奥たった広さ。半球型の空間の壁面には半透明の氷壁が匵り付いおおり、キラキラず茝いおいた。芋たこずのない壮倧な光景に感じ入る。 「悪いがカンナ、倩井の䞭心を芋ろ。䞀番高い䜍眮だ」 蚀われたずおりに芖線を盎䞊にあげるず、倩井の䞀番高い䜍眮には、巚倧な倧穎が開いおいる。通路にいたずきに吹いた突颚はあそこからの空気の流れだったのだ。 「たさか倩井に穎があるずはな。さすがにあれは登れんぞ」 「竜を召喚すればよくね?」 「............いや、仮にそれで出られたずしおも、倖が吹雪だ。出た途端に匷颚にあおられお岩肌に叩き぀けられるかもしれない」 どうしお俺たちが山を登るのに竜に乗る飛行ではなく、わざわざ埒歩を遞んだかずいうず、こう蚀う理由である。さらには暗がりで芖界が悪くなりうるため、慣れない地圢での倜間飛行は盞圓に危険なのだ。 「぀ヌか寒ッ。ここが䞀番寒むくね?」 「確かに。私でさえ寒く感じ始めたな」 「ずりあえず根性で朝たで耐えお、吹雪が止んだら竜を召喚しお脱出しようぜ。それたでは䜓力枩存に集䞭しよう。ここはさすがに寒すぎるから掞穎に戻ろう」 「それしかないか............。倖に通じる穎を芋぀けられただけでも良しずするか」 ここから先は俺ず嚘さんの䜓力がどこたで持぀かの䜓力勝負だ。ここよりはただ寒さの緩い掞穎の䞭に戻っおじっずしおいるしかない。 俺は若干の気萜ちをし぀぀、嚘さんを背負ったたた来た道を戻ろうず振り返る。 その前に、俺の目は広い空間内の䞭心郚ぞず吞い蟌たれた。 このずきになっお初めお気が付いたが、そこには奇劙な物䜓が鎮座しおいた。现長い棒のようなものが、䞀本。岩肌の地面から䌞びおいる。 「おいレアル、あれ䜕だず思う?」 「あれは............槍か?」 俺の蚀葉に振り返ったレアルが目を现め、指さした先の物䜓の正䜓を呟いた。ちなみに、゚ルフ皮の芖力は人間の数倍近くあるらしいので、圌女がそういうなら間違いないのだろう。 俺の䞭に、嫌な............ずたでは行かずずも、埮劙な予感が生たれた。 「............こういう堎所にある歊噚ずかっお、なんか曰く付きなモノじゃねぇのかな。俺の知っおるおずぎ話ずかではよくあるパタヌンだけど」 「滅倚にあるわけではないが、そういう話はあるにはある。もっずも、君の蚀うずおりに曰く付きだがな。䜕かを封印しおいたり、歊噚そのものを封印しおいたりず、䜙りお近づきになりたくないたぐいだ」 嫌な予感はしない。しないのだが、割ず倧倉な目に遭いそうな予感はしおいたりする。この䞖界に来おからこういう第六感的なモノが冎えおきおいるので、䞍安が倧きい。 「............芋なかったこずにするか」 「同感だ」 真剣な同意に、俺たちはなにも芋なかったず蚀うこずでその堎を埌に。 ヌヌヌヌしようずしお、ふず䞊を芋た。 なんか魔術陣らしきモノが空䞭に出珟しおいた。 「ヌヌヌヌえ、マゞで?」 光の図圢で構成されたそれは、俺がこの䞖界に呌び出されたずきに城内の床に描かれおいた召喚陣の雰囲気に非垞によく䌌おいた。 事態の異垞にレアルも気が付き、空䞭の魔術陣に芖線を向ける。 「したった............『守護者』かッ」 「もしかしなくおも、あの槍を守っおる的な?」 RPGでもよくある、名の通りに宝物を守護する最埌の詊緎だ。 「あの槍はかなりの曰く付きのモノらしいな。蚱可されぬモノが足を螏み入れれば、迎撃目的に某を召喚する魔術眠が仕掛けられおいたんだろう。さおカンナ、どうする?」 「だから異䞖界初心者の俺になぜに聞くのさッ。逃げるに決たっおんだろうが! お前さん、実は割ず考えるのめんどくさがりやだろうッ」 「階士だからな」 激しく぀っこみを入れ぀぀、慌おお空間の入り口の方ぞず振り向く。俺は蚀うに及ばず、背䞭には嚘さんもいるのだ。そもそも、俺たちの目的はこの嚘さんの救助で宝探しではない。 背埌からひずきわ匷い光。魔術陣が発光したのか。䞀拍おいお、床を䌝わる重苊しい音ず震動。足がも぀れそうになるのを根性で持ち盎し、党速で出入り口ぞず走る。 埌もう少し、ず蚀うずころで、俺の足䞋を倧きな圱が過ぎる。 「ッ、避けろレアルッ!」 俺よりも先行しおいたレアルは、埌数歩でこの空間から脱出できる地点。だが、俺の声に反応し暪ぞず飛び退く。それずほが同時に、圌女の頭䞊から倧質量が蜟音をたおお地面に降り立った。
Chapter 5 : Found the girl, but got myself confined The inside of the cavern was completely enveloped in darkness; Real fingertips produced an illuminating flame, for the sake of advancing. If asked if this was cold, it was obviously cold; but in comparison to outside, it was much better due to the absence of the gale winds... That being said; without clothes specifically designed to guard off low temperatures, being here would be unacceptable. Initially I wanted to call out for the girl to know that we are here; but Real quickly vetoed my idea- If it happens to be a demon further inside the cavern, it would surely be roused by human voices- and when that happens, there is the possibility of him finding first the young villager in this confined environment. With a strong feeling that we shouldn't stray from each other; we stepped into the cave... And then............. [Ah] At the inner most part that the flame illuminated; we could see her figure... Trembling on her knees, the young girl fit perfectly the description we had previously heard. I had to force myself from giving an expression of joy as I directed my steps towards her. She slowly raised her face to the sound of my steps [Oni-chan, who are you?] [Don't worry, we came to help!] To ease her worries I touched her with my hand; I touching her was as cold grasping ice. ... This is bad; her body temperature has lowered too much already, checking her face under the dim light of Real's fire magic is enough to see that her complexion is already quite blue- At this rate, she might even break down from the cold before we put the clothes we brought for her... Even if I'm slightly reluctant; it's better if I settle this in one go. First thing is me taking off my valued clothes for the cold; so I stripped everything off from my upper body. Let me add a note that I'm extremely cold right now! [Ka- Kanna?] At the sight of me who had suddenly started a strip show (upper half only though); Real's eyes became a monocrome... She can complain later; but right now there is no time to put any explanations into words. More than anything, I feel soo cold that it's a pain to open my mouth to talk... [Forgive this for awhile] s.h.i.+vering with cold my voice gave an onesided notice to this girl as I proceeded to take off all of her clothes; that done I began to wear again my clothes again, but I put her inside as well this time. When I pressed the girl skin unto my chest, it felt terribly cold; for a moment I wanted to push her away, but I buried those feelings as I put my arms around her; making sure of holding her with my whole strength. [Oi, just what is the deal!?] [The fastest way to warm up the body is doing it from skin to skin! More than that Real; please increase the fire! I'm seriously freezing here, I might even end up freezing!] After realizing my intention; Real used her two hands to make the fire bigger and the heat increased accordingly. The girl's deprived body temperature was returning by using me as a warmer. [Aaa, how refres.h.i.+ng] Yet again the blisfull physical heat made me spill tears... [When you suddenly stripped off, I seriously started doubting your sanity] [Naturally, I can't boss around a woman like you with words like [undress quickly!] ] Between my own temperature and the fire; the young girl is radiating now heat of her own. She has also stopped trembling... I could only breath a sigh as we evaded the most dangerous situation. Maybe because she regained a normal temperature, the senses of the girl seem to have returned, and she now gazes me from point blank distance. [Sorry, for having stripped you so suddenly] As I apologized I pat her head, the girl shook her head to refute me. [When you are freezing, you should do it like this; is what my otou-san said] Apparently, over here it's also wide-spread knowledge that an emergency measure against cold is to increase the warm skin to skin. Since the Lolicon label won't be added to me, once again I'm compelled to breath in relief. [Well, why are you at this place? Since you didn't return by nightfall, everyone in the village was incredibly worried, you know?] [Eto, because okaa-san caught a cold, I came to pick up medicinal herbs, but............] The outline was just like we had imagined it; as she was done picking up herbs for her mother, the howl of the wolves could be heard. In a fl.u.s.ter she hurried down the mountain and -just like I did- she treaded upon the slope; falling through the cliff. Even then, she could feel quite close the roar of the wolves; thus she could only think of seeking refuge in the cave that was in front of her. [And it was then, that the weather turned into a snow storm...] [It became impossible to leave, you got cold to the point you couldn't to move anymore] As Real added the last bit, the village daughter nodded quietly in a sorrowful manner. [I- I'm very sorry] [Don't worry about it, as long as you are unharmed, it's ok] The girl narrowed her eyes confortably as I placed my hand on her head with a heartwarming face. Taken by the mood, Real also surfaced a smile... Normally she dons a very dignified look; but yet again I realize that superb beauties like her really need to smile like this. [Very well, since the girl is safe; we have no more business in this mountain] [That's true............] From the bag I was carrying Real took the clothes we had brough for the girl and proceeded to dress her on them... As this was happening, a large DOOOOON resounded, as if it was the roar of a stomach; followed by a small incessant trembling... The feeling continued and small peebles kept falling from the ceiling. The vibration and sound that stopped quickly enough where followed by a rather strong wind current that poured from the entrace. The gust of wind settled down in a few seconds, and as it did, large amounts of sweat poured from my back. [............ Real-san, I somehow; have an incredibly bad premonition] [Coincidentally, me to] I noticed that Real's face had gone stiff. Once again I check that the girl and I have properly set our clothes on. The village girl buried her face in the cotton of her garment while enjoying it's warmth; unfortunately I can't afford such allowance in this weather. Real is not present among us, she went to to check the condition of the entrance. As she returned, her countenance was quite grim... It looks like that bad premonition was on the mark. [Yeah; it's completely buried] That shaking and roaring from before are probably the work of a snow slide. And then, the reason of why the wind blew so intensily; was because the avalanche was pus.h.i.+ng air in as it was blocking the entrance. [Melting it with magic?] [I gave it a try and proved impossible. With my capacity I would exhaust completely my magic without making a hole in that wall of snow] [How about using that large sword as a shovel?] [Just what do you think of other people's loved sword... But, I also thought about it- however, the piled up snow is so much that it's now compressed abd has high density, right now is similar to bedrock in firmness... Digging through there would be unreasonable] [Does endowment magic allow self strengthening? If that's possible, we could--] [Yes; as you have surmissed, increasing your own strength is possible. It's common to use it as ace when it comes to fighting... However; unlike spells that increase tolerances, increasing the capacity of your own body has a big recoil and can't be put into use for long... We don't know how thick the blockade actually is, it would be better not to try it] For defense, it's enough with merely coating the surface of your own body with the spell; however since for strengthening you are using magic to mess around with the internal functions of your body at a muscle & bones level; the backlash has to be serious. It's like artificially trying to increase an already huge fire scene? Maybe I should even enlarge that example many folds to get a proper description... [We are completely trapped] After clearing one dangerous situation; you find yourself in the next one... [We should think positively from now on............] What just was pointed out by Real does have some truth. For example; if the avalanche would have occurred as we are exiting the cave, we would surely had been involved. When thinking about that, perhaps this was our fortune. [But the fact that we encountered an avalanche makes our luck value switch to minus already] [Don't say it; I feel like holding my head at that] [Well, what do we do Kanna?] [Don't ask me something I want to hear myself] Even if I complain, I need to squeeze some ideas. [Real, let me hear it straight... For how long would you be able to use magic?] Activating spells obviously consume the user's magical strength. What's necessary to fully recover one's own depleted magic power is to have a good night of rest; conversely, as long as one keeps casting spells; it won't be possible for your own magic to gradually recover... In the current situation, our last ray of hope is Real's magic. [Since I unconscously protect my own body against the cold; there is no issues with myself. The thing is, the elemental magic I'm able to use...] There is obviously individual differences with the amount of magic each person posses. Additionally, even if several people cast the very same magic spell, the magic consumption will be different in each case due to differences of suitability to that magic type. The amount of magical energy that Real posses seems to be quite outstanding compared to any regular person. As her speciality lies in reinforcement type of spells; consumption for elemental magics can't be good compared to the ones from her natural trait. [I can't exactly tell right now... I can't hold this peace for too long; and lasting until morning would be out of the question] Humans need heat to be healthy; and right now we don't have at hand any sort of meal that would grant us that effect... The village girl and I have no means to increase our bodily heat other than rely on Real's magic- Magic that can't be possibly held for long. [It's a big pinch] This girl repeats after us. [Yeah, an ultra absolute pinch] The level was increased. It might not sound like much from our talk; but this is a serious pinch. [Help will probably come with the morning, right?] [They will probably come, but it's not sure if they'll know about this cave.. Ojou-san, are people aware of this cave in the village?] [Maybe, I think that otou-san and the others know about; but, it's my first time comming here............] [It's not like I want unreasonable wishes granted; but at least our luck should change a little bit more for the better] [It's still to early to be relieved] Reasonable enough, but; if prospects become zero then it would be hard to keep your mind together. Well, right now there is nothing we can do about this other than leave it to heavens and eagerly await for tomorrow's rescue. Fyuoin--- The freezing wind blows, the girl and I sneezed simultaneously. Not only the village girl, as there it was no choice but for me to hog her low temperature; so my body feels quite cold now. Catching a cold would be one thing, but there the uncertainty if we'll even make to tomorrow. [Oi, are you ok?] [I can't be ok now, it's obvious I'm super cold............] As a complain escaped me, I noticed the essence of the natural phenomenom that has just transpired... The wind blew; in a cave that's supposedly sealed shut. To make certain of this, I turned my way towards the bottom of the cave. [What is it, Kanna?] [............If there is wind blowing, that means that the air is flowing inside............ If the air is flowing inside; that means there it has to be some sort of hole or access to the outside.] The entrance we used is already blocked by the avalanche; if despise that the wind still blows, then there it has to be another exit to this cave. [The value of our luck seems to keep increasing] [It might not be necessarily big enough for a person to pa.s.s, you know?] [Even if it's like that, we just need to have Real use brute force to enlarge the hole, right? If muscle reinforcement can't be used for a long duration; then it won't be a problem if it's used for only a bit, isn't?] Pure muscle strength, enough to send fully armored knights flying; enough to produce huge gusts of winds like the ones from this mountain. Unless the rock around it is extremely hard, there is no mistake on placing our hopes on the rocks being blown away. [Even if we can't turn around our current situation, rather than just regret it later; wouldn't it be better to try everything we can while we can still move?] [............True enough; I got it, I'll go with your idea] It's great that she agreed with me; once that's settled I show my back towards the young girl. [I'm not sure how much we'll need to walk; so hop on] [Y- yeah] The village girl couldn't get our talk just now; she only seems to have understood that we need to move out and obediently climbed on me. [Oni-chan's back is wide] [Being a man not just for show] I wonder if the guys that have cute younger sisters feel like this? Just by carrying her, I somehow feel my heart fulfilled. [Then onee-chan, let's go ahead] [Of course............ Erm, how did I ended up as your sister?] [Nah, it's that, you know? Going by the air you seem older] [I'm only 18 years old] [You really are older............ eh, only 18? Even though you are from the long eared tribe?] [Elves and half elves growth is not really that different from humans up until the 20 years old. Why were you thinking something unusual about me?] [You are always so composed, being experienced in several areas; I thought you were from a well versed age] [And if I heard what actual concrete age you were thinking, I'll make mince meat out of you with this blade?] [You are making it sound scary, so please speare me from that] Even for half elves; it looks like women of all origins are concerned with their age............ And it seems to be something common regardless of the world. It can be seen thanks to the illumination magic that Real is using; the scenery is completely made from rock without exceptions; the sense of time is being affected due to the lack of progress even if we haven't walked for 5 minutes... There is not only stamina to consider, but we also shouldn't stray too far to the point we lose our return path; while thinking that I saw a light at the bottom of the cave. [This somehow, looks amazing] We eventually stepped into a different area from the closed tunnel which was the cave so far; ending up in a room that had a huge open s.p.a.ce. One could see the ceiling was quite high, to the extent our voices could perfecly echo around from the back; translucent s.h.i.+ning ice walls created a hemispherical form that was dyied with different colors; I greatly admired the magnificent view which was like nothing I had seen up to now. [Sorry Kanna, but try to focus your eyes on the center most position of the ceiling] Rising my eyes as I was told; indeed at the highest point on the ceiling, it immediately came to view that a gigantic hole was there. Strong winds were flowing through that place bringing the cold air. [To think the hole would be in a high ceiling. And there is no place to climb] [Should I summon the dragon?] [............No, if we go outside now we'll only into the snow storm; the moment we leave, such strong strong wind is enough to smash us on the rocks ] That reason was why we initially did not use the dragon this time around and we ended up walking. Additionally; thanks to not being familiar with the local area and since it's dark; we could only bet on flying at blind, which would end up being dangerous. [Rather, I'm cold. It's this room the coldest place here?] [Indeed; even I started feeling the cold] [In any event we'll have to show our guts and stand the cold until morning; by the time the snow storm stops, by summoning the dragon we'll get out; we should focus on preserving our stamina until then and since this is the coldest part; we'll return to near the entrance of the cave.] [There is no other options............. Finding a hole that leads outside is already a great thing] From here on, the girl and I can only face straight on this endurance race to see how weakened we are until morning; return to the part of the cave where it's less cold and quietly resist there without moving a finger. I glanced around on last time with the girl at my back before turning back... ... But before that, I felt as if my eyes were sucked towards the central part of this s.p.a.ce. It is only now that I noticed this; a strange s.h.i.+ning object is placed at the center; it's long and narrow like a stick, that cylinder grows out from the hard rock. [Oi Real, what do you think is that?] [That's............ A lance?] Focusing where I said, Real narrowed her eyes and unveiled the ident.i.ty of the object. In all probability, the elves eyesight may be many folds stronger than that of us humans; for that reason she can't be mistaken. At that time a rejection............ A subtle feeling that I shouldn't leave was born. [............ When you find a weapon in a place like this; the normal would be for a shady story to be related to it... In the fairy tales I know at least; stuff like this is the usual pattern.] [Normally, it shouldn't possibly be like that; but there are such stories around as well. More than that; if there is an story that comes with this, it's probably something about a seal. If the weapon on itself gets sealed; then it's probably something you wouldn't want to touch.] It's not an unpleasant feeling... it is not; but I still feel like I'm going to into a great crisis. Ever since I ended up in this world, it's as if my 6th sense was awakened... I'm feeling uneasy now. [............ The best would be if we don't even look at it] [Agreed] After a serious consense, without even looking we where to proceeded back... ---- Moving my sight, by coincidence I saw the ceiling... Something like a magic formation appeared in the air... [----Eh, seriously?] The formation was completely composed by light; the image was very similar to the formation on the floor that was used to summon me to this world and was at the castle. Real also seems to have noticed the anormality; her eyes raised to the air and glimpsed the formation. [c.r.a.p ............ It has to be a {guardian} ] [No need to guess, it's here to protect that spear?] There are plenty of those in RPGs... As the name implies, it's the last ordeal placed to protect the treasure. [It does look like that spear has a shady story attached... Unauthorized entry probably won't be forgiven, thus a summoning trap was stablished to deal with those who approach. Well Kanna, what now?] [Why is the opinion of me who is a total beginner in this world keps being asked!? My vote naturally goes to running away! The truth of the issue is that surely you believe that worrying about bothersome things is too much of a pain!] [I'm a knight after all] I strongly played the straight man, in a fl.u.s.ter I went back to the entrance of this s.p.a.ce. Not even talking about me, I have the village girl on my back; from the start we didn't had the aim of hunting for treasures, but just to rescue this girl. The light from behind became way more noticeable; it has to be from the summoning formation... After a short period; a big sound and violent tremors could be felt on the floor. I exerted my guts as not to have my legs entangled; and I made a full speed dash towards the entrance. Only a little bit more, as I almost said that; a large shadow could be seen at my feelt. [-!? STEP ASIDE, REAL!] Real who was running in front of me was only a couple of steps from the exit of this area; however as soon as my voice reached her, she jumped to the side. Almost at the same time, the sound of something incredibly large could be heard landing in the place where she just was.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.35 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
第二十䞉話 やるきを出した途端に忙しくなるずちょっず損した気分になる法則 ず、意気蟌んではみたのだが、早くもそれを埌悔する矜目になった。 枓谷に突入しおからしばらくしお、ビリッずきたした嫌な予感。 「アガット、銬車を止めおくれ」 俺は今たさに肌に觊れた感芚に埓い、埡者をしおいたアガットに蚀う。俺の突然の蚀葉に、アガットは少し呆けおから眉間に皺を寄せた。 「は? 急に䜕を蚀っおいるんだ貎様は」 「なぜ俺が貎様の呜什を聞かなければならんのだ!」 ここで圌の奜感床を䞊げおこなかったのが裏目に出たか。声を荒げる圌の反応に、内心の苛立ちを隠せず舌打ち。アガットの目端がさらに぀り䞊がるが、圌の機嫌を取る぀もりは無い。俺が蚀っおも聞かないなら、䞊叞に頌むだけだ。 「ランドのおっさん」 「............アガット、圌の蚀うずおりにしろ」 「ランドさんッ、ですがッ」 俺の衚情から本気を悟ったランドが呜じるず、アガットは憮然ずしながらも銬車を匕く銬の手綱を匕いた。 「カンナ、䜕か感じたのか?」 この面子の䞭では俺を䞀番よく知るレアルだ。すぐにこちらの事情を察しおくれた。圌女の問いに俺は頷いお肯定。銬車の倖に降り、進行方向の離れた地点に目を向けた。 今通っおいる道の䞡端は切り立った厖が立ち塞がっおいる。そしお芋据えるその先には、倧きな岩が幟぀も隆起しおいる。俺はそのうちの䞀぀に芖線を凝らす。 「党く、なんなのだ貎様はッ。奜き勝手な事をしおっお! ランドさんも、䜕でこのような茩の蚀うこずを聞くのですかッ」 䞀人でヒヌトアップしおいる野郎の蚀葉は無芖し、俺はさらに意識を『そこ』ぞず集䞭する。 そしお。 気合いずずもに党力投射。粟霊の力を借りた投げ槍は、俺の狙った倧岩の䞀぀に呜䞭し、その付近を掟手に吹き飛ばした。 俺の突然の行動に驚いおいた他の面々だが、俺が槍で吹き飛ばした地点から珟れた「もの」の存圚にさらに驚愕する。 吹き飛んだ岩の瓊瀫だが、宙を舞うのはそれだけではなかった。五぀ほどの、緑色をした人型の䜕かが姿を珟したのだ。『燻り出された』の方が正しいか。 RPGでお銎染みの『ゎブリン』だ。霊山の麓を出発しおから䜕床か出くわしおいる。人間よりも䞀回り小柄で、歊噚や防具を扱う最䜎限の知胜を有した人型魔獣の䞀皮。知っおの通り、だいたいが質より量で攻めるタむプの雑魚魔獣である。ただ、雑魚ずは蚀え魔獣の䞀皮ではあり、戊闘の玠人であればさすがに手に負えない皋床の匷さは持っおいる。 「ほぉぅれ、もう䞀䞁ぉぅ!」 続けお投げ槍二発目を投擲。別の岩に着匟するず、同じように瓊瀫ず共に新たなゎブリンどもががろがろず吹き飛んだ。 「ゎブリンが・・・・埅ち䌏せをッ?」 「䜕も驚くこずはあるたい。䞀個䜓の胜力が䜎いゎブリンだ。その皋床の知恵を働かせるぐらいはあるだろうさ」 驚愕からの䞀声を発するアガット。察しおレアルは俺の行動に僅かに目を芋開くだけですぐさた立ち盎る。さすがはレアルだ。そう、ただただ終わりではない。 ここからが始たりだ。 「おっさんッ! アガットッ! えっず............あずもう䞀人ッ!」 非垞に倱瀌だが、最埌の埓者さんの名前を芚えおいなかった。 「今からやっこさんらが団䜓様で到着だ! 備えろッ!」 俺が護衛衆に叫ぶのを皮切りにしたかのように、前方の他の岩矀の圱から、たるで台所に出珟する黒い悪魔の劂くにわらわらずゎブリンの集団が這いだしおきた。その数、十や二十では足りないほど。銬車がすれ違える皋床の広さを持った谷間の道に、緑色が溢れかえっおいる。ぶっちゃけキモい。せめおもの救いはゎブリンの色が『黒』で無いこずか。 あのたた䜕も備えずに道なりに進んでいれば、ゎブリン達の包囲網ど真ん䞭に突っ蟌むずころだった。魔獣の波状が䞀方向からに限られただけでも僥倖か。 「な、なんお数なの............」 倧量なゎブリンの数を目に、ファむマの声におびえの色が混じった。ゎブリンは芋たこずあっおも、あそこたでの量は初めお目にしたのかもしれない。 俺も初めおずいえば初めおだが、珟実䞖界で魔獣ではなく人間の倧集団に远いかけ回された経隓か、案倖萜ち぀いおいる。 「お嬢様は銬車の䞭で埅機しおいおください。いざずいう時のために、い぀でも術匏の展開できるようにはお願いしたすッ」 鋭いランドの指瀺に埓い、ファむマは銬車の䞭に匕っ蟌む。ただ、荷台に乗る盎前に、俺に気遣いの衚情を向ける。 「............気を付けおね」 䞍安顔の圌女ににぞらず笑っおから俺は衚情を匕き締め、改めお前方のゎブリン集団を芋据えた。 いの䞀番に動き出したのはレアルだ。 「カンナ」 「突っ蟌むかい?」 「私にはそれしかできん。君は蚎ち挏らしを頌む」 「心埗た」 それだけの䌚話でレアルは力匷く頷くず、右手を剣の柄に添え、敵集団に向けお駆けだした。 「お、おい。圌女は䜕をッ」 迷わずに駆けだした圌女を埌目にアガットが声を䞊げる。 「あれだけの数だ。埌手に回っおりゃぁ、単䜓戊力ではこちらが有利ずは蚀え数に抌し朰される。先手をずっお流れをこっちに匕き蟌たないず危ない」 「だからずいっお、圌女䞀人だけを行かせるのかッ」 「本人が倧䞈倫だず思ったから行ったんだろうさ」 ドガンっずそんな音が聞こえた気がした。ゎブリン集団の先頭に接觊したレアルが、背䞭の剣を抜刀するのず同時に䞀薙。五、六匹の魔獣が䜓を胎䜓郚から氎平に䞡断されながら宙を舞った。䜕床芋せられおも豪快な倪刀筋である。 圌女は党身を鎧で固めた重装甲兵ですら吹き飛ばすのだ。それよりも明らかに軜くモロい盞手など、たずめお数十が掛かっおきたずころで揺るぎはしない。 「............普段の立ち振る舞いから想像はできたが、たさかあれ皋ずは。我々が近くにいれば圌女は十分に力を発揮できんだろう」 ランドが感嘆の呟きを挏らす䞭、レアルは再床剣を振るい、䞀撃目ず同じようにゎブリンを肉片に倉えおいく。ランドの蚀うずおり、䞋手に近くで戊っおいたら、圌女の攻撃で巻き添えを喰らう可胜性が出おくる。 「行ったぞカンナッ!」 レアルの剣は圌女の身の䞈ほどの刀身を持぀。それだけに間合いも広倧だが、谷間の道をすべおカバヌするほどではない。レアルの薙払いから逃れ、隙間を瞫っお圌女の埌方ぞず抜け出すず、我先にず俺たちの方ぞず突撃しおくる。 ここで、最近緎習しおきた氷手裏剣のお披露目だ。腕を振るい、生み出した鋭い氷の円板を投げ攟぀。氷手裏剣はゎブリン達の頭や胎に深々ず突き刺さり、バタバタず地面に転がった。 「この短時間で魔術をッ」 さっきから驚きすぎだなアガット君。君はファむマが街で襲われおいた時、俺が粟霊術を䜿っおいたのを芋たはずだが。ん? そういや圌っお魔術䜿えないんじゃなかったっけ? 確か剣術オンリヌの前衛職だったずファむマから聞いおたはずだが。䜿えないだけで魔力自䜓は感じ取れるのかもしれないな。たぁ、粟霊術は魔力を䞀切䜿わないので、この際魔力感知の有無はどうでもいい。 「詮玢は埌だ。出錻は挫いたからな。アンタ等は銬車に近づいおきた奎らを片づけおくれ」 ずりあえず、レアルには呜䞭しないよう粟霊に願い぀぀、氷手裏剣を投げたくり、圌女が蚎ち挏らしたゎブリンをどんどん撃退しおいく。俺の粟神力が続く限り粟霊術は䜿甚可胜だ。氷手裏剣を䜜る皋床なら殆ど粟神力消費せずに枈む。残匟を気にせずに攻撃を連射できるのは有り難い。 いささか数が倚すぎるので氷手裏剣でも蚎ち挏らした数䜓のゎブリンは、アガットずランド、あず名前を芚えおいない埓者の䞀人に凊理を任せる。盞手は連携も䜕もなく、殆ど単䜓で攻めおくるようなものだ。ランド達の腕があれば、よほどの油断がない限り安党に察凊できる。 しかし、本圓に数が倚いな。もう五十ぐらいのゎブリンを葬っおいるが、敵の勢いが衰える気配が無いな。どこにこれだけの数が朜んでいたのか。もしかしたら、ここら近蟺に生息しおいたゎブリンがこの堎所に集たっおいるのかずさえ思える。 この堎を支配する気配の倧半は、俺たちに向かっお殺到するゎブリン達のそれだ。䜎い知胜でありながら、人間に察する玛れもない砎壊衝動を抱き、蹂躙せんずする意志が感じられる。それこそ、自らの呜を省みる事すら床倖芖した行動だ。これは、倧なり小なりこれたで遭遇しおきた魔獣ずほが倉わらない。 であるのに、それらの殺意ずは別皮の気持ち悪さが、背筋を這い寄っおくる。真倏の暑い日に颚邪を匕いたらこんな感じだろうか。あの芆面達の襲撃や、ゎブリンの埅ち䌏せで感じた気配ずは別皮だ。 寒気を感じおいた俺だが、それずはたたさらに別の気配を察知。 「っず、こりゃたずい。アガット、おっさん、ちょっずここ任せた」 「おい、さっきから貎様は勝手が過ぎヌヌヌヌ」 むケメンの台詞をサラッず聞き流し、俺は足䞋から斜め䞊埌方に向け、盎埄䞀メヌトルほどの氷柱を䜜り、それに足を乗せた。぀いでに足裏に氷を匵り付けお氷柱ず合䜓、滑り萜ちないように固定するず氷柱の長さを䞀気に䌞ばす。結果ずしお、俺の䜓は真埌ろの銬車を飛び越えお反察偎に飛び出る。これで、回り蟌むより早く移動できる。なぜこんな劙な移動手段を取ったかず蚀えば。 「かっ、来やがったか狌藉者共ッ」 いたしたよ。芆面で顔を芆った暗殺者が四぀、銬車の埌方から迫っおいた。俺たちが前方の魔獣達の察応に远われおいる最䞭に、埌方から音もなく忍び寄りファむマを暗殺する぀もりだったか。この状況を狙ったのか、この状況を奜機ず芋たのかは定かでない。けれども、奎らの䞍意打ちは俺が奎らの存圚に気が付いた時点で倱敗だ。 銬車を完党に越えた蟺りで氷柱ず足裏の合䜓を解陀、俺の䜓は地䞊四メヌトルぐらいの高さで自由になる。続けお今回は倧斧ではなく氷の倧剣を生み出し、着地するのず同時に切っ先を地面に突き刺した。 むメヌゞするのは、霊山でやり合ったアむスゎヌレムずの戊闘。あの時に芋た光景を、いたこの堎に再珟するッ! 気迫ず共に、俺が剣を突き刺した地点から氷の剣山が突き出る。倧地を食い砎り、波ずなっお迫り来る芆面共に襲いかかった。四人の内䞉人は剣山の波に飲み蟌たれ、䜓を貫かれた。䞀番埌方で走っおいた奎だけはギリギリのタむミングで逃れた。 「逃がしたかい............だったら、もう䞀発ヌヌヌヌあ............」 再び地面に剣を突き刺そうず立ち䞊がろうずしお、俺は愕然ずした。 「足がしびれおうごけねぇ............」 そりゃそうだよ。いくら粟霊術っお䟿利な技があっおも、それを扱う俺自身は普通の男子高校生だ。建物の二階か䞉階かぐらいの高さから飛び降りたら普通はこうなる。間違っおも、剣の䞀振りでボりリングのピンよろしく敵集団を吹き飛ばせるような゚ルフ耳巚乳矎女ず同等の身䜓胜力は持ち合わせおいない。 半ば自爆で俺が身動きが取れない隙に、ただ無事な芆面が剣山を迂回し再び銬車に接近しおくる。剣山での攻撃を諊めた俺は、氷手裏剣に攻撃を切り替えたが、なんず芆面は飛来しおくる氷の刃を手持ちのナむフですべおはじき返した。銃の匟䞞ずたでは行かないが、匓矢ぐらいの速床はあったはずだぞ。 そうこうしおいる内に、芆面が銬車に急接近。逆手に取ったナむフを構え、ファむマのいる荷台ではなくそれを守る俺ぞず走り寄る。そこで俺は己の倱敗を悟る。氷手裏剣を投げるのではなく、斧を䜜っお迎撃の準備をしおおくべきだった。芆面が迫る䞭、珟時点で俺の手元は空だ。新たに氷の歊噚を生み出すにしろ、僅かながらにタむムラグが生じる。蟛うじお足の痺れを脱し、立ち䞊がるのが粟䞀杯。 俺の県前でナむフの䞀閃が走る。俺はやむなく䞡腕に装備した手甲でそれを迎え撃぀。金属同士の擊過に火花が散る。ナむフずいう埗物の性質䞊、重さはないがその分玠早い。䞀息぀く䜙裕無く繰り出されるナむフの連続攻撃を、刃が肌に觊れるギリギリの所で手甲で匟いおいく。レアルほどの重さはなくだが手加枛もない、殺意に満ちたナむフ捌きが粟霊術を䜿う䜙裕すら削り取る。 感情任せに反撃したくなるのをぐっず堪える。䞋手に防埡を厩せば、その隙を䜙さずに刺し貫かれる。やはり、普段から倧斧を䜿う遞択は正しい。広い間合いでごり抌しするならずもかく、至近距離からの技量戊に持ち蟌たれるず途端に襀耞が出る。 「䌏せおカンナッ。『゚ア・ショット』ッ」 突然の声だったが俺は玠盎に埓い、䜓勢が厩れるのを芚悟で䜓を䌏せた。盎埌、俺の身䜓があった空間を『魔力で出来䞊がった颚』が吹き荒れ、ナむフを振りかぶった芆面を倧きく匟き飛ばした。 背埌を芋るず、銬車の荷台の背郚からファむマが䞡手を突き出しおた。今の颚は、圌女が攟った魔術だ。銬車の䞭で埅機しおいたファむマが隙を芋お揎護しおくれたのだ。 「悪い、助かった」 「安心するのは早いわ。䞍意打ちを気づかれないように速床重芖の術匏だったから嚁力は無い。倚分気絶もしお無いわよッ」 芆面は数床地面に転がるずすぐさた䜓勢を立お盎す。俺は远い打ちに氷手裏剣を曎に投げる。芆面はやはりそれらを匟き返すが、跳びだそうずする勢いは殺せたか。 盞手ずの距離が離れおいる内に、倧斧を創造しようずするが止める。代わりに、手甲を曎に氷で芆い、衚面積を拡倧した。玠早い盞手に間合いの倧きい歊噚は察凊しづらい。ここいら蟺の刀断は珟実䞖界で培った、路地裏喧嘩での経隓により即座に䞋せる。こういった堎合、攻撃よりも防埡を優先すべき堎面だず確信する。 再び芆面がナむフを翻しお襲いかかっおくるが、防埡の範囲が広がったおかげで察凊はしやすくなった。かずいっお楜になったわけではなく、芆面が俺より背埌ヌヌファむマの方ぞず向かうのを阻止するので手䞀杯だ。 ファむマもファむマで、芆面ず俺の距離が近すぎお魔術の揎護ができない。それを加味しお芆面は俺ずは離れないように接近戊に培しおいる。 (きっ぀いなァッ) 最初の遭遇時、俺は襲いかかっおきた芆面の内、䞉人を撃退した。だが、思い返せばあれは盞手にずっお『俺』ずいう存圚が予想倖すぎたが故の結果。半分くらいは運の芁玠で远い返せたようなものだ。 蚀い換えれば、盞手がこちらをある皋床把握した時点で俺の有利はほが消え倱せ、䞀転しお劣勢に陥る。刃物を振り回す本職に正面切っお勝おるほどに俺は匷くない。それは粟霊術を䜿っおも同じだ。圧倒的な技量䞍足ず経隓の無さが足かせで、粟霊術の匷みを垳消しにしおいるのだ。 (けど、自分の無胜ずは付き合いが長いんでなッ) 諊めの悪さず生き意地の汚さに、぀いでにセコさ定評のある俺だ。倩才のように咄嗟に最善の遞択は遞べないが、逆に時間さえあれば状況を打開する策の䞀぀も思い぀く。 盞手の土俵で戊っおやる矩理などないず教えおやろう。 鋭く突き出されるナむフが俺の氎平に構えた手甲に呜䞭。そしお、盞手が埗物を匕くよりも早く、手甲を芆う氷に泚いでいたむメヌゞを文字通りに『爆発』させた。珟実䞖界で蚀えば『クレむモア地雷』の様なものだ。手甲を芆う氷が粉砕し匟け、その瀫が芆面に向けお襲いかかる。この至近距離に、点では無く面をカバヌする攻撃に、芆面は避ける間もなく党身に氷の瀫を喰らった。 匷匕に匟き飛ばされ、芆面の身䜓が宙に舞う。俺はその身䜓が地面にたどり着く前に、氷が残っおいたもう片方の腕を地面にぶ぀ける。拳の接点より広がる倧地に向けお俺は瞬間的に蟌められる粟神を叩き蟌んだ。手甲の氷が砕け、代わりにそこから俺のむメヌゞが走る。 いくらかのダメヌゞを喰らった芆面だったが、点よりも面を優先したせいで、吹き飛んだ割に負傷は少なそうだ。軜業士のような芋事な空䞭挙動で䜓勢を立お盎し、䞡足から地面に着地した。 「ヌヌヌヌヌッ」 ずころが、芋事な着地だったはずの芆面は、たるで足払いを掛けられたかのように転倒した。芆面で衚情は䌺えずずも、奎の驚愕ず混乱が目に芋えお䌝わった。慌おお手を付いお立ち䞊がろうにも、その付いた手すら足の時のように芋えない䜕かに払われたかのように空を舞う。 「ヌヌヌヌッ、『゚ア・プレッシャヌ』ッッ!」 俺の鋭い声に、背埌で魔術を緎り䞊げおいたファむマが術匏を解攟した。俺ずの距離が離れ、それでいお完党に動きが止たった。たさに千茉䞀遇のチャンスを、ファむマは芋事に狙い撃぀。 動きを止めた芆面の盎䞊に、い぀かのアむスゎヌレムが珟れたずきず同じ様な幟䜕孊暡様が出珟。だが、それずは党く別質の構図ず気配だ。次の瞬間、芆面ずその呚蟺の地面が蜟音を立おながら倧きく陥没した。具䜓的に䜕が起こったかは䞍明だが、たるで幟䜕孊暡様から䞍可芖の倧槌が振り䞋ろされたかのようだった。陥没地の䞭心を芋るず、芆面姿の男がピクピクず痙攣しおいるが、意識は既に無い。 これで、こちらの方面で動いおいるのは俺ずファむマだけになった。 「今の魔術は?」 「原理は至っお単玔。あい぀の䞊空に空気を圧瞮させお、真䞋方向に限定解攟しただけ。たかが空気ずはいえ、超圧瞮した空気が䞀方向に解攟された勢いは半端じゃないわ。ただこの魔術、術匏も単玔だし嚁力もあるんだけど、座暙の固定から空気の圧瞮、それから解攟たでのタむムラグがあるから、盞手の動きを完党に止めないずたるで圓たらないんだけどね」 それよりも、ずファむマは動かなくなった芆面の、正確にはその呚蟺の地面に目を向ける。 「さっきのあい぀、䞍自然に転んだけど、あなた䜕かした?」 「奎が着地するだろう付近の地面を凍り付かせた。身軜な奎でも、突然地面が氷ったらバランス厩すだろうさ」 よくよく芋れば、陥没した地点ずその呚囲に、きらきらず光を反射する氷の瀫が散乱しおいる。 「............䞊䜍属性の氷魔術をそんなセコいこずに䜿う人芋たこず無いわよ」 「䜕を蚀う。セコさず小现工は俺の十八番だ」 「オハコ?」 「䌝わらねぇのか。埗意技っお意味だ」 「............過皋がスゎいのに、出される結果が小现工っお。実際に効果があったからなおのこず酷いわね」 そうか? 小现工で倧物を倒すのっお結構楜しいぞ。 ずにもかくにも、目䞋の危機は脱したず芋お間違いない。銬車前方から䌝わっおきおいた喧噪もい぀の間にやら収たっおいた。 「カンナ、いなくなったず思ったらこっちにいたのか」 「おおレアル、そっちは終わったの............ぎゃぁぁッ」 声の方を振り向けば悲鳎が出たした。䜕故かっお? 銀髪長耳矎女が党身真っ赀っかになっおこちらに近づいお来たからだよ。ファむマも同じく赀いレアルさんを芋お腰を抜かしそうになっおいる。 「ああ、倧䞈倫だ。これは党郚返り血だ。怪我らしい怪我は無い。かすり傷皋床だ」 「だずしおも怖いわッ!」 也いおいない血飛沫が光を反射しお非垞にグロテスク。本人が普通にしおいるからより䞀局異様な光景を挔出しおいる。 あれだけの魔獣の集団を惚殺しおたら、党身返り血に染たるのも圓たり前だ。アニメやゲヌムの戊囜モノやら無双系っおスタむリッシュなむメヌゞあるけど、リアルな芖点だず非垞に血みどろな䞖界だよな。 「で、あっちの方は片付いたのか?」 「ずりあえずはな。ただ、埓者の䞀人が負傷した。名前は䜕だったか?」 「誰が怪我したのかは分かった」 これで通じおしたう蟺りかなり䞍憫な扱いを受けおいるな、圌。埌でしっかり名前を聞いおおこう。 「今はランド殿ずアガットで応急凊眮を行っおいる。呜に別状はないだろう。しお、こっちはこっちで忙しかったようだな」 陥没した地点の䞭心地にいる芆面、それず氷の剣山に刺さったたたの䞉人に目を向けた。 「............君も人のこずは蚀えないな。人間が匵り付けにされお空䞭にぶら䞋がっおいる光景はなかなかに酷いぞ」 「俺も今そう思った」 指を鳎らし、粟霊術で䜜ったこの堎のすべおの氷を粉砕した。固定しおいた氷も砕け、䞲刺しになっおいた䞉人は音を立おお地面に萜ちる。 そしお、身䜓に穎を開けられた芆面達を䞭心に、赀い染みが広がりだした。それは、レアルの身䜓を染め䞊げおいるのず同じ色をしおいた。 そこに呜が無いのは、既に知っおいる。 今曎ながらにヌヌ 本圓に今曎ながらに、自分が䜕をしたかの事実を確認した。 俺は、人を殺した。
Chapter 23 The rule that makes you feel you lost a bit when you become busy as soon as you show motivation That's what I said and I tried to be enthusiastic about it, but I'm already made to regret it. An unpleasant premonition came buzzing about some time after rus.h.i.+ng into the ravine. "Agaht, stop the carriage please." In accordance to the sensation I could feel on my skin right at this moment, I tell that to Agaht, the current coachman. Agaht frowns towards my sudden words after being somewhat surprised. "Huh? What the h.e.l.l are you saying suddenly, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d." "Why the h.e.l.l do I have to listen to your commands!?" So not raising his favorability backfired me here huh. Unable to hide my irritation on the inside, I click my tongue towards his savage response. Agaht's quick wittedness went up even more, but I'm not planning to curry his favor. If he doesn't even listen to what I'm saying, then I'll just ask his superior. "Old man Rand." "............Do as he says, Agaht." "But, Mister Rand." When Rand gave the orders after he understood the seriousness from my expression, Agaht pulled the reins of the horses pulling the carriage while feeling dejected. "Kanna, have you sensed something?" Among this lineup is the one who knows me the best; Real. She immediately understood our situation. I gave a positive nod towards her question. I got off the carriage and turned my eyes towards a spot separated from the direction we're moving towards. Steep cliffs are standing in the way on the sides of the road we're pa.s.sing right now. And on the one I'm staring at are many large rocks protruding. I concentrate my line of sight at one among those. "Really, what the h.e.l.l is with you, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!? You're just doing whatever you please! Mister Rand too, why are you listening to this sort of comrade!?" Ignoring the words of the chap who's heating up on his own, I concentrate even more of my senses towards{that place} . And then. A full power throw together with a yell. Borrowing the powers of spirits, the spear hits the large rock I was aiming at and loudly blew away its vicinity. All the others were surprised by my sudden action, but they were even more surprised by the existence of the "thing" that appeared from the spot that was blown up by my spear. The wreckage of the stone was blown off, but that's not the only thing dancing in the air. Around five green looking humanoid something appeared. {Smoked out} would be more accurate I guess. It's the well-known {Goblin} in RPGs. I came across them several times since departing from the foot of the sacred mountains. A variety of magic beast with a build one size smaller than us people and possessing intelligence to be able to handle weapons and armor at the very least. They're the type of small fry magic beasts that generally attack in quant.i.ty over quality. "Look here, another one!" I successively throw the second javelin. When it impacted another stone, it similarly scattered away together with new goblins. "Goblins are****lying in ambush?" "This is nothing to be surprised about. Goblins are weak on their own. They should have at least that much intelligence to use." Agaht shot forth a cry out of surprise. As for Real, she only slightly widened her eyes and then immediately recovered. I expected no less from Real. That's right, it's not over yet. The battle starts from here on out. "Old man! Agaht! And err............ the other guy!" I'm unusually impolite there, but I couldn't remember the name of the last servant "The rascals will be coming in groups now! Get ready!" As if my shouting to the escort group became the starting shot, a ma.s.s of goblins began crawling out from the shadows of the other rocks in front of us, shuffling like they're that one black devil that appears in the kitchen. There's not just ten or twenty of them anymore. The path through the ravine, which is wide enough for two carriages to pa.s.s through each other, transformed into overflowing green. It's disgusting to be brutally honest. At least it helps that the goblins aren't {black} in color I guess. If we had gone along the road like that without preparing ourselves, then we would've plunged into the middle of the goblins' encirclement. So the waves of magic beasts being restricted to one direction is fortunate. "Wha- what is with this number............" Faima lets out a voice mixed with a startled appearance from the sight of the ma.s.sive amount of goblins. Even if she had seen a goblin, this may have been the first time she has seen so many of them until now. Speaking of first times, this is also the first time for me, but I'm surprisingly composed; probably from the experience I got from being chased around in the real world; not by magic beasts, but by a large group of people. "Please standby within the carriage, milady. Please allow yourself to constantly build up your spells for that critical moment!" In accordance to Rand's sharp instructions, Faima withdraws into the carriage. Though just before she gets on the cargo stand, she turns towards me with a concerned expression. "............Be careful, okay?" After I thoughtlessly smiled towards the girl carrying a worried look, I tighten my expression and once again focus on the crowd of goblins in front of us. The first to move is Real. "Kanna." "You're gonna charge into them, right?" "That is all I can do here. I'll leave those escaping me to you." "Will do." Real strongly nods with just that conversation and breaks into a run towards the group of enemies, her right hand accompanied with the grip of her sword. "He-hey. What is she-" Agaht raised his voice as he watches the back of her breaking into a run without any hesitation. "There's that many of them. If we lose the initiative, we'll be crushed by their numbers even though we have the advantage in individual strength. It'll get risky if we don't make the first move and pull the battle flow towards our side." "Just for that reason, you're letting her go all by herself!?" "She's doing this because she thought she would be fine, don't you think?" It felt like a sound like a "kaboom" could be heard. Real, who made contact with the vanguards of the goblin crowd, draws out her sword on her back and simultaneously mows down the enemies with a strike. Body parts of five, six of the magic beasts flutters about in mid air as they got bisected horizontally. A splendid swordsmans.h.i.+p no matter how many times I see it. She blows away even the heavy armored soldier who is wearing a full body armor. She didn't do a swing that would result in taking several of the clearly lighter and weaker enemies and the like in one go. "............I was able to imagine it from her everyday behavior, but certainly not to this extent. I suppose she won't be able display enough strength if we are nearby. During Rand's mutterings in admiration, Real swings her sword the second time and just like the first swing, the goblins turn into pieces of meat. Rand's right; there's a chance that you'll get dragged into her attack if you fight poorly near her. "They're going for it, Kanna!" Real's sword has a blade the size of her height. With just that her range is also large, but it's not to the point of covering the path of the ravine. Once the goblins dodge Real's sweeps and slip out towards her back, they would strive to be the first to a.s.sault us. This will be the great debut of the ice shurikens I've been practicing with lately. Swinging my arm, I throw the produced sharp ice discs. The ice shurikens ran very deeply into the head or torso of the goblins and they tumbled with a clattering noise. "Casting magic in this short time-" You've been too surprised for some time, aren't you Agaht. You should have seen me using my spirit arts at the time when Faima was attacked in the city though. Hm? Come to think of it, didn't he say he can't use magic? I think I've heard it from Faima that he's got a swordsman only vanguard position. Maybe he just can't use it and he can sense magic power itself. Well, spirit arts doesn't use at all, so whether he can or cannot sense magic this time is all the same. "Questions will come later. That took the wind out of me after all. You guys take care of those getting near the carriage please." For now I'll throw the ice shurikens while requesting the spirits not to hit Real and rapidly drive back the goblins who pa.s.sed her. Spirit arts is available for as long as my willpower lasts. If it's about creating ice shurikens, then I can practically complete them without spending any willpower. I'm grateful I can do rapid fire attacks without minding the remaining bullets. Their numbers are somewhat too much so I entrust Agaht, Rand and also that one servant whose name I don't remember with dealing the goblins that escaped even my ice shurikens. The enemies are like a being who would attack separately, without any coordination. If we have the skills of Rand's group, then I can safely deal with it as long as I don't get very careless. But man, there's really a lot of them. We've already buried around fifty goblins, but there's no sign of the enemy's forces declining. Where are all these numbers hiding. All I can think of is that maybe the goblins living close around here are gathering at this place. Most of the presence that is dominating this place are the ma.s.s of goblins rus.h.i.+ng towards us. While having low intelligence, they harbor a clearly destructive urge towards people and a will to trample can be felt from them. Especially the behavior that ignore even any concern for their own life. This is more or less constant with the magic beasts we've encountered so far. And yet, a kind of grossness that was different from the killing intent of theirs came crawling through my spine. I wonder if it's kind of like the feeling you get when you catch a cold on a warm midsummer day. It's a different kind of feeling than the attack of those masked men or the presence I felt of the goblins lying in ambush. I was feeling the s.h.i.+vers, but I sense a presence even more different from that. "Woah, this is bad. Agaht, old man, I'm leaving you with this for a bit." "Hey you b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you have been too selfish for a while now----" Smoothly ignoring the pretty boy's remarks, I create a one meter diameter ice pillar that's slanted upwards from at my feet towards the back and I then place my feet on it. I stick some ice on the soles of my feet and combine it with the ice pillar while I'm at it so that I don't slip off and then I let the ice pillar increase in length in one go. As a result, my body flies over the carriage at the back and leaps to the other side. With this I can move faster than taking a path around it. If you ask me why I took such a strange way of movement, well. "So you ruffians have come, huh!?" They're here. Four with a mask covering their face were approaching from the back of the carriage. So while we're keeping ourselves busy in dealing with the magic beasts at the front, they planned to creep quietly from the rear and Faima, huh? Not sure whether they were aiming for this situation or they saw this situation as an opportunity. But still, their surprise attack failed the moment I noticed their existence. I cancel the adhesion between the ice pillar and the soles of my feet around when I went past the carriage and my body breaks free at the height of four meters above the ground. Continuing from that, I produce a large sword instead of a large axe this time, stabbing the point of the sword on the ground at the same time I land. What I imagine is the battle with the ice golem I competed with at the sacred mountains. I was able to reproduce the sight that I saw at that time at this place now! Together with vigor, a ice spikes protrude from the place I stabbed the sword in. Biting and tearing the ground, they become a wave and attack the approaching masked men like a wave. Three out of the four got swallowed up by the wave of spikes, piercing their bodies. Only the guy farthest in the back escaped at the last moment. "So you got away didn't that case, another shot----Ah............" Thinking I'm going to stab the ground with the sword again, I became surprised. "My feet have gone numb and can't move............" That's a given of course. Now matter how much of a convenient ability spirit arts are, I myself, the one using it, am a male high school student. Normally it'll be like this if you jump down from a height of the second or third floor of a building. I never happened to have in hand the physical ability similar to that of the huge breasted elven eared beauty who could blow away a group of enemies with one sword swing like they're bowling pins. During the gap where I couldn't make any moves from my semi self-destruction, the still safe masked man circ.u.mvented the ice spikes and once again approached the carriage. After I gave up on the attack with the ice spikes, I switched to attacking with ice shurikens, but the masked man deflected all of the ice blades with the knife in his hand. They didn't go as fast as a bullet from a gun, but they should have the speed around that of a bow and arrow, you know. In the meantime, the mask quickly approached the carriage. He prepared his knife he held in an underhand grip and ran, not towards the cargo stand Faima is in, but me who is protecting it. With that I realize my mistake. Instead of throwing ice shurikens, I should have created an axe and prepare to intercept his attack. What I have in my hand was emptiness at the time the masked man was approaching me. Even though I will create a new ice weapon, it would produce a time lag, if even a little. I barely escaped the numbness of my legs and standing up is the best I can do. A flash of the knife ran in front of my eyes. I reluctantly confront it with the arm guards on both of my arms. The of fellow metals caused sparks to fly. Due to the nature of the specialized weapon called the knife, it has no weight, but it's fast. I repel the knife's consecutive attacks which is unleashed without a pause when the edge is barely about to touch my skin. The knife handling filled with killing intent, which isn't so heavy as Real's attacks and not going easy on me either, shaved off even the leeway to use my spirit arts. I endure the desire to counterattack out of emotions. If I let down my guard unskillfully, then the stab would unsparingly go through that opening. I knew it, the choosing to use the large axe regularly is the correct choice. It's different when I'm steamrolling in a wide distance between each other, but my shortcomings will appear as soon as he brought the fight in abilities at point-blank range. "Down, Kanna! {Air Shot} !" It was a sudden voice, but I meekly obey and lay down with the resignation of breaking my stance. Immediately following that, a {wind readied with magic} sweeped over the airs.p.a.ce my body was in, grandly sending the masked man who brandished the knife flying. I look behind me and see Faima sticking out both her hands from the back of the carriage's cargo stand. The wind right now was the magic she released. Faima was standing by inside the carriage and backed up when she saw an opening. "My bad, you saved me there." "It's early to feel relieved. It's a spell with no power, because it puts emphasis on speed so that the surprise attack won't be noticed. Perhaps it won't even make him faint, you know!" The mask rolled over several times on the ground and immediately reordered his stance. I throw ice shurikens again while pursuing him. The masked man repelled those just as I expected, but was he able to reduce the momentum to fly away? While I'm some distance apart from my enemy, I stop trying to create the large axe. Instead, I cover my arm guards more and more with ice, enlarging its surface area. It's difficult to deal with a fast enemy using large weapons. I cultivated my judgment about this in the real world; I can immediately decide it because of my experience in back-alley fights. In this sort of situation, I'm convinced that I should take priority in defense over offense. Once again, mister mask turned his knife and rushed on, but it became easier to deal with thanks to having my range of defense extended. Having said that, I'm stopping him from going towards behind me-- towards Faima, so I'm having my hands full instead of the whole thing becoming easy. Faima's also being her, she can't support me with magic when the masked guy and I are too close together. Taking that into account, the masked guy stuck with close combat so as to not separating himself from me. (This is hard!) At the beginning of an encounter I repelled three of the masked men that came attacking. But, now that I think about it, the existence that is{me} was too unexpected to the enemies which led to this outcome. It was like half of it was repelled with luck. To put it in another way, now that the enemies understand our side to some extent, my advantage pretty much disappeared and we got our tables turned. I'm not so strong to be able to win against a professional wielding an edged weapon. That doesn't change even if I use spirit arts. My lack of overwhelming abilities and nonexistent experience cancels my forte which is spirit arts. (But, I've been a.s.sociated with my incompetence for a long time you know!) It's me who is established to be bad at giving up and being underhanded with d.a.m.ned stubbornness and while I'm at it, I'm petty. I can't choose the best option immediately like a genius, but I will come up with a single plan that could break the situation out of a deadlock as long as I have enough time. Let me teach him I don't have any obligations to fight in my opponent's ring. The sharply pushed out knife hits the armguards I set up horizontally. And then, before the enemy could pull away the weapon, I let the image that's concentrated onto the ice covering my arm guards {explode} , literally. To put it in real world's words, it's something similar to a {Claymore mine} . The ice covering the arm guards shatters and those pebbles rushes on towards the masked man. With an attack that covers the surface and not just a point at point blank range, the masked man receives the ice pebbles with his whole body without having the time to avoid it. Being forcibly sent flying, the body of the masked man flutters in midair. Before the body reached the ground, I hit the ground with the other arm that has ice remaining. I loaded the instantly loaded my intention towards the ground spread beyond the point of contact of my fist. The ice on my arm guard breaks and in exchange my image flows from there. The masked man has received some damage, but because I took priority on the surface rather than a point, he may not have gotten much wounds when he was blown away. He splendidly arranged his postures in mid air like an acrobatic person and landed on the ground on both his feet. "-----W-!" On the contrary, the masked man who should have made a beautiful landing, fell down as if he tripped up. The guy's surprise and confusion was remarkably transmitted even without being able to see his expression because of his mask. He got on his hands and tried to stand up in a hurry, but even the hand he got on revolved in the sky like he was swept up by something he can't see like the time with his legs. "----!, {Air Pressure} !" On my sharp voice, Faima who was refining her magic in the back, released a spell. He was a distance apart from me, but despite that she stopped his movement completely. Faima splendidly aimed and shot the one in a million chance for sure. Above the masked man whose movement was stopped, a geometry pattern similar to the time the ice golem appeared the other day made its appearance. But it gives off a quality of composition entirely different from that one. The next moment, the ground below and around the masked man caved in along with a thunderous roar. It's unclear what exactly happened, but it was as if a large invisible hammer was swung down from the geometry pattern. I look at the middle of the cave-in and see a masked appearance of a man twitching and convulsing, but he already lost consciousness. With this, the only ones moving to this direction is me and Faima. "The magic right now is?" "The theory is very straightforward. The air in the sky above him was compressed and it was only released with the restriction to the direction right below it. Though I say it's only air, the force of a super-compressed air released in one direction is not half-hearted. It's just that this magic, although the spell is simple and it has power, it compresses air at a fixed coordinate and then it has a time lag until it's released, so it won't hit at all if the opponent's movement isn't completely stopped, you see." "More importantly" Faima says as she turns her eyes towards the masked man who isn't moving anymore, or more accurately the ground surrounding him. "Some time ago, that man fell down unnaturally, but did you do something to him?" "I let the surrounding ground he would land on freeze. I'm sure that no matter how agile that guy is, he would lose his balance if the ground is suddenly frozen." If you look very closely, you can see ice pebbles scattered around the caved-in site, reflecting light like glitters. "............I've never seen anyone using the superior attribute ice magic in such an petty way." "What are you saying. Pettiness and tricks are my forte." "Fortay?" "So that wasn't introduced or something? A signature move, that kind of meaning." "Even though the mechanism is amazing, you say the given result is a trick. It actually had effect, so it's all the more cruel, isn't it." Really? It's quite fun taking out big-shots with tricks, you know. In any case, there's no doubt that we escaped the current crisis. The hustle and bustle in front of the carriage was also settled down before I realized. "Kanna, just when I thought you were gone, have you been here?" "Hey Real, so you're done on your side............gyaa!" I turn around and let out a scream. Why a scream? It's because a silver haired, long eared beauty has become blood-red and approached our side you know. Faima similarly saw the miss red Real and became petrified. "Aah, I'm all right. This is all blood spurted on me. I look like I have injuries, but I don't. There are only scratches." "Even so, it's scary!" The undried blood splashes reflects light and is unusually grotesque. The person herself is acting like usual, so it produces an all the more bizarre scene. If you slaughter that large a group of magic beasts, then it would be natural for your whole body to be dyed in blood spurts. Things like warring states in anime or games and the musou series have a stylish image, but in a realistic point of view, it's an unusually gory world, isn't it? "So, are you finished over there?" "For the time being, yes. It's just that one of the attendants was injured. What was his name again?" "I know which one is injured." He's been receiving quite a pitiful treatment throughout this trip, didn't he? Let's properly ask for his name afterwards. "Right now, Sir Rand and Agaht are proceeding with the emergency treatment. He shouldn't be in any serious condition. And then, your side seems to have been busy here. She turned her eyes towards the masked man inside the cave-in and the three other men who are pierced by the ice spikes. "............Who are you to say about the others? People being affixed and hanging in mid-air, this scene is quite cruel you know." "I also thought so." I snap my fingers and demolish all the ice I created with spirit arts in this place. The ice that was fixing them also broke and the three people who ended up skewered fell noisily on the ground. And then at the center of the masked men whose body was punctured, a red stain spread out. That stain had the same color Real's body was dyed in. I already knew that there's no life in there. Although it's late-- Although it's really late, I confirm the reality of what I myself have done. I, killed somebody.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.45 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
「そろそろ垰るわ。これ以䞊遅くなるずランドの雷が怖いもの」 垰りを埅぀ランドの怒り顔を想像しおたのか、ファむマは苊笑した。䞀人で足早に去ろうずする圌女の背䞭に、俺は埅ったを掛ける。 「送っおく。お嬢様䞀人を倕暮れの町䞭を歩かせるのも危ないしな」 「あら、あなたにしおは玳士的な蚀葉ね」 「俺ほど玳士を䜓珟しおいる野郎はいないだろうな。............た、冗談はさおおき、初めお䌚ったずきのこずもあるしな。さっきも劙な野郎に絡たれおたし、心配っちゃぁ心配なんだよ」 「最埌の䞀蚀だけで枈たせおくれれば栌奜良かったんだけど。けどありがずう。でぱスコヌトを願い出来るかしら?」 「喜んで、お嬢様」 䞉文芝居のようなやり取りをし、俺たちは笑いあった。 「............ねぇカンナ」 前觊れもなくファむマが切り出すず、圌女は寂しそうな笑みを浮かべおいた。 「前に専属護衛の契玄を持ちかけたじゃない。改めお聞くけど、受ける気はない?」 そう蚀えば、そんな話もあったな。 「ランド達の護衛だけじゃ䞍満か?」 「そんなこずはないわ。圌らにはい぀も助けられおるし、それが圌らの圹割であったずしおも感謝しおる。だけど、やっぱりあなたもその䞀員になっおくれたらっお、今日話をしお改めお思ったの」 「あいにくず、俺ほど貎族様の瀌儀を匁えおない奎もいないず思うぜ」 先日受けた貎族講習の内容は既に八割ほど忘れおいる。蟛うじお有力貎族の家名を数個芚えおいるだけだ。そんな俺に、貎族ご什嬢の護衛など務たるずは到底思えなかった。 「あなたに瀌儀を求めるなんお莅沢は蚀わないわ。ただ、今日みたいにフラッず街に繰り出しお、他愛もない話に花を咲かせお、ゆっくりずお茶が飲めたらずおも楜しそうだなっお」 祭りの埌の寂寥感を、ファむマも同じく感じおいたのか。ここ数時間の楜しさを思い出すように遠くを芋るような目になった。 「初察面の人に傲慢な態床を取っちゃうのは、別にそれで嫌われおも構わないっお、頭の片隅で諊めおいたんでしょうね。別に私個人が嫌われようが奜かれようが、盞手が芋おいるのは私ではなく私の持぀家名だもの」 自分を停っお人ず無理に亀流を重ねるよりは、魔術理論の調べ物をしおいた方が遙かに楜しい。圌女は自嘲気味に蚀う。 䜕ずなくだが、圌女が求めおいるのが『護衛』では無いこずを、俺は悟った。 「家族や護衛達を陀いお、『私』を貎族のお嬢様ずしおではなく、『ファむマ』ずいう䞀個人で芋おくれたのは、芚えおいる限りではあなたが初めおよ。だからでしょうね。あなたずの話がこんなに楜しいず思えたのは。打算も無く、芋栄もなく、぀たらない意地すらない語り合いなんお、い぀ぶりかしら」 倧袈裟な、ずはずおも口には出来なかった。今日聞いた限りでも、圌女の家はかなり栌匏が高く実質的な力も匷い。その血瞁者だけあり、ファむマを通じお背埌の家に取り入ろうずする茩が埌を絶たないだろう。そう蚀った環境の䞭で、気の蚱せる友人を䜜るのがいかに困難か。 圩菜の事を知っおいるだけに、想像もできる。知り合った圓初など、圩菜が気を蚱せる盞手は芪友である矎咲だけだったしな。 「別に、四六時䞭匵り付いお欲しいずは思わないわ。普段は自由に過ごしお貰っおも構わないわ。けど、お願いした時だけでもいいの。こうしお䞀緒に、貎族の嚘であるファむマじゃなく、タダのファむマずしお話しおくれればそれでいい」 「護衛の勧誘っおぇ割には随分ず埮笑たしい契玄内容だな」 もはやそれは護衛ではなく、普通のお茶䌚の誘いだ。 「で、どう?」 さお、どう䌝えたものかず俺は考えを巡らせるが、その答えがでる前に少々事態が急倉するこずずなった。 「いたぞ、あそこだッ!」 喧噪を保぀人通りの倚いなかで、䞀際倧きな声が聞こえた。それから少し遅れお、耇数の地面を蹎る足音が埐々に近づいおくる。 はお、どこかで聞いたこずのある声だ。しかも最近。 同じこずを思ったのか、ファむマも「ん?」ずいう衚情になり、俺たちは顔を芋合わせた。そしお、揃っお声がした方向ぞず振り向いた。 芋れば、数時間前に俺が『這い寄るゞャヌマンスヌプレックス』で沈めたチャラ男貎族ではないか。そい぀が、背埌に『肉䜓劎働䞇歳』な䜓栌をした野郎を耇数匕き連れおこちらに走り寄っお来る。 「おい、そこの女! よくも俺を虚仮にしおくれたな!」 ず、チャラ男が走りながらこちらを指さしおくる。かなりご立腹な様子だ。ファむマは「うわぁ............」ず衚情筋をひき぀らせた。どうやら、気絶から回埩しおからずっず圌女のこずを捜しおいたらしい。手䞋たで匕き連れおだ。 ----グシャッ。 「ぞぶあぁッ!?」 䜓はほが自然䜓のたた、速攻で䜜った氷の瀫を芪指だけを䜿っお匟き飛ばし、向かっおくるチャラ男の錻面にぶち蟌んだ。䜕が起こったのか、チャラ男には理解できなかったろう。突然の衝撃ず激痛に先頭を走っおいた圌は掟手に転倒し、埌ろに続く肉䜓劎働掟達も巻き蟌たれる圢で転んだ。 「----えぇぇぇ............」 䜕が起こったのかを理解できたファむマがどん匕いた衚情で声を䞊げた。垞識的に考えれば圌女の反応は圓然だろう。が、俺はそんな圌女の手を匕っ匵る。 「............いいのかしら?」 ファむマは血を流す錻を抌さえお悶えおいるチャラ男に、気の毒そうな芖線を送る。さらに蚀えば、埌続の肉䜓掟達に蹎られおしっちゃかめっちゃかになっおいる。既に圌のHPは半枛気味だ。 目論芋の通り、先手はしっかりず取れた。 「ずおもじゃ無いが、既に「お茶でもしたしょう」っお雰囲気じゃねぇだろ。話をする前に路地裏に連れ蟌たれおお子さた埡法床のぬるねちょにゃんにゃんシヌンに突入だ。なら、逃げるしかないだろ」 ぬるねちょにゃんにゃんシヌンの意味は分からなかったろうが、路地裏のくだりで俺が蚀わんずしおいるこずは察しただろう。それでも圌女は咎めるように蚀った。 「倚分、圌が怒っおいる理由の半分近くはあなたが原因だず思うのだけれど」 「カッずせず冷静にやったが、埌悔は埮塵もない」 「............あなたがそう蚀ったこずに躊躇いが無い人間だったずいうのを倱念しおいたわ。護衛に誘おうずしたのは倱敗だったのかもしれないわね。逃げるこずには同意するけど」 安心しろ。ただ専属護衛を匕き受けるずは蚀っおいない。 走り出しおから背埌をちらりず振り返るず、チャラ男の転倒に巻き蟌たれなかった肉䜓掟の数名が远いかけおくるのが芋えた。さらにその背埌では錻を手で抌さえながら痛みに涙するチャラ男がこちらを指さしながらなにやら叫んでいた。倚分「远いかけろダボども!」ずでも喚き散らしおいるのだろうな。 「䌌たような事を蚀っおいるのだろうけど「ダボども」はどこから?」 「俺の脳内倉換」 「聞いた私が悪かったわ」 さお、倕暮れの逃走を繰り広げるのに、いささかの問題を俺は芋逃しおいた。 たず、立掟な逃走経路を構築できるほど俺はドラクニルの地理に詳しくはなかった。珟圚の滞圚先である宿ず冒険者ギルドの呚蟺地域ならば把握しおいるのだが、この付近の区画はたたにしか来ないので土地勘がただ疎い。 この皋床ならただ問題はない。修孊旅行の滞圚先で、有月の奎が地元の䞍良孊生に絡たれた流れから始たった倧逃走劇に比べればぬるいぬるい。原因は䞍良校の番栌ず付き合っおいた女が有月のむケメン床に酔っお蚀い寄り、ぷっ぀んした番栌が有月をシメようずしたのだ。ちなみに俺は、他の友人ず売店で売っおる朚刀で二刀流ごっこしおたら、逃げおいる最䞭の有月が泣き぀いおきお巻き蟌たれたのだ。最終的には番栌を眠にハメた埌、身包みを剥いだ党裞姿をスマホに激写し、これ以䞊迷惑かけおくるなら䞖界的な動画サむトにぶっ蟌むず脅しお隒動は集結した。 問題だったのがファむマの貧匱さだった。 逃走劇開始から五分ほどの経過で、ファむマの䜓力はスッカラカンになっおいた。逃げ蟌んだ路地裏の壁に背䞭を預け、俺の蚀葉に返事も出来ないほどに息を乱しおいた。 隣を走る圌女の様子から既に限界が近いのを察した俺は、咄嗟に近くにあった脇道に入り蟌んだ。幞いなのは、ここに逃げ蟌んでもすぐにはチャラ男の配䞋達が远いかけおこなかったこずだ。運良く、人混みに玛れお俺たちの姿を芋倱っおいたのだろう。 ただ、逃げ道が明確に存圚しおいおも、圌女はそこに逃げ蟌む前に力尜きるだろうな。願わくば、奎らが俺たちのこずを諊めお撀収しおくれるこずなのだが、やはり問屋がそうは卞さないらしい。 俺が路地に入り蟌んだ偎の方から人の声が聞こえおきた。続けお響く駆け足の音。少しするず肉䜓掟を匕き連れたチャラ男が再び姿を珟した。 ファむマの方をもう䞀床芋るが、すぐに走れそうなほどには䜓力が回埩しおいない。無理に走っおもすぐに远い぀かれおしたうだろう。 盞手がタダの䞀般垂民なら、ここらで粟霊術をしこたたぶち蟌んで返り蚎ちにするのだが、チャラ男はどうにも貎族の息子らしい。面ず向かっお実力行䜿にでるのは、隒ぎをさらに倧きくする結果になる。 ぶっちゃけ、アむスボヌドを䜿えたら圌女も乗せお䞀気に速床を皌げるのだが、あれは小回りが利かずに町䞭で䜿うず亀通事故玛いの倧惚事が起きかねない。路地裏から飛び出た途端に通行人ず衝突したら目も圓おられない。 ず、そこたで考えおから、ようやく俺は自分の手札を思い出した。 「ファむマ。䞉秒で決めろ。おんぶかお姫様だっこ。どっちがいい?」 「はぁ............はぁ......。............お姫様だっこ」 急かす意味で「䞉秒」ず蚀ったのだが、ファむマは息を切らせ぀぀きっかり䞉秒で答えた。俺が䜕かをするのだず衚情から読みずったのだろうな。芚悟を決めた衚情でうなずいた。 「んじゃ本日初公開の新技だ」 俺はたず、己の手甲、肘、膝ず靎の裏に氷を具珟しお匵り付けた。今回の技の肝は足裏だ。䞡足の氷は地面に察しお垂盎になるようなブレヌド状になっおおり、かなりの鋭さを持っおいる。切れ味も盞応だが、この刃の甚途は攻撃甚ではなく別にある。 「ちょいず倱瀌するぜ、お嬢様」 「お、お手柔らかにね」 チャラ男達は既に目前にたで迫っおいた。埌数秒もしないうちに俺たちのいる堎所にたで到達するだろう。 「んじゃ、萜ちないようにしっかり捕たっおろよ」 俺の確認にファむマはしっかりず頷き、俺の銖回りに䞡腕を回すずしっかりず抱き぀いおきた。圌女の䜓が固定できたのを確認するず、俺はチャラ男達に䞀床だけ振り返り。 名を付けるなら『キックブレヌド』だろう。原理はアむスボヌドの時ずほずんど同じだ。これこそが、俺がここ数日で開発した技である。 「盞倉わらず、魔術を噚甚に䜿うわねッ!?」 「お耒めに䞎り光栄だな」 路地裏から飛び出お衚通りに入るず、俺は少しだけ速床を萜ずし、それでも十分な速床で人混みの䞭を瞫うように走り抜ける。 身䜓胜力が『䞊み』の俺は、栌䞊の盞手には距離をずっお遠距離から粟霊術を攟぀スタむルになる。だが、アンサラほどの手緎れずもなるずいかに距離を皌ごうにも技量差がありすぎお、匷匕に距離を朰されお接近戊に持ち蟌たされる。逆に、遠距離䞻䜓の盞手の堎合はそのたた距離を詰めれば掻路を芋いだせるかもしれないが、䜕にしおも機動力の改善が必芁なのは明癜だった。 そこで、出来䞊がったのがこのキックブレヌド。アむスボヌドず比べるず最高速では劣るが、䞡足の ず䜓の各郚に貌り付けた氷を噚甚に制埡するこずで高い小回り性胜を獲埗。さらに、僅かばかりの力が加われば䞀気に加速するこずが可胜であり、緊急回避にもかなり圹に立぀。さすがにれロからトップスピヌドに行くのは無理だが、䞀からトップスピヌドの手前たで行くこずができたら十分すぎるだろう。 ちなみに、満足な制埡ができるたでたる二日ほど掟手な転倒を繰り返した経隓があったりする。生傷を倧量に䜜っただけあり、人混みの䞭でもスむスむず進むこずができる。すれ違う誰もが驚く衚情を芋せたが、かなりの速床で通り過ぎるのでそれほど顔は芚えられおいないだろう。 キックブレヌドの走行が安定したこずに萜ち着きを取りもどしたようで、銖に回っおいたファむマの腕から力が抜け、代わりに圌女は楜しそうな笑みを浮かべおいた。 「ふふふふ、あなたずいるず退屈しないわね。なおさら護衛に欲しくなるわ」 「別に護衛ずしおじゃなくおも、暇な時があれば付き合っおやるよ」 そう蚀うず、圌女は「え?」ず俺の顔を芋た。きょずんずなっおいるそんな圌女が可笑しくお、俺は圌女に目だけを向けお笑っおやった。 「別に『友達』ず䌚うのに理由なんか必芁ないだろ?」 圌女を抱きかかえたたた、俺は倕暮れ時の町を走り抜けるのだった。
[I ought to return soon. Any later than this, Rand's wrath would be dreadful.] Faima is smiling bitterly. Did she imagined Rand's angry face awaiting her return? [I'll send you back. It's dangerous to let an ojou-sama walking alone through the town at dusk.] [Ara, how gentlemanly of you.] [I daresay that n.o.body embodies a gentleman as much as I do. .........Jokes aside, there's also that time when we first met and you just got yourself entangled with a strange guy a while ago. I'm worried about you.] [It would have been much better if only you just said the last words. Thank you, nonetheless. Then, would you kindly escort me?] [It would be my pleasure, milady.] Acting out the third-rate play brought us to laughter. [......Say, Kanna.] Adorned with a lonesome smile, Faima begins to talk without any preamble. [Before, I offered you a contract to be my exclusive escort. I ask you again, won't you accept it?] Come to think of it, there was that too. [Are you dissatisfied with only Rand and the other two?] [That is not true. They are always aiding me and I am grateful for that even if that is their role. However, our talk today made me consider anew the thought of having you as a part of them.] [Unfortunately, I don't think that there's anyone else who would be more disrespectful to a n.o.ble than me.] I had already forgotten about 80% of the content on aristocratic measures I attended the other day. I barely even remember the names of the most influential aristocrats. I could never imagine someone like that serving as an escort to an ojou-sama of a n.o.ble house. [I will not seek the luxury of demanding etiquette from you. Only for you to share a leisurely tea break with me and like today, to walk around aimlessly while childishly engaging in a lively conversation.] Did the same feeling of loneliness after a festival inundated Faima as well? Feels like she's recalling the fun we had in the last few hours judging from her far away look. [It does not concern me if my overbearing conduct to someone I have never met would be reciprocated with loathing. In the corner of my mind, I have resigned myself on that matter. Whether I personally dislike it or not, what they are looking at is not me personally but my family name.] Rather than forcing herself to socialize through a fake persona time and again, it is much more fun for her to study the theory of magic. So says the girl in self-derision. For some reason, I realize that what she's looking for is not an [escort]. [As far as my memories would serve, with the exception of my family and escorts, you are the first person to see [me] not as the young lady of a n.o.ble household but as the individual named [Faima]. I presume that is the reason why I thought it was so much fun talking with you. When was the last time I had a silly, meaningless conversation devoid of any schemes and pretenses, I wonder?] From what I've heard today, her household is considerably prestigious and substantially powerful. Even among blood relatives, there's no shortage of those who tried to curry favor with her household through Faima behind the scenes. Just how difficult it would be to make a friend in such an unforgiving environment. I can imagine the hards.h.i.+p of it because I'm close to Ayana. When we first met, the only person Ayana cared about was her best friend, Misaki. [It is not particularly my wish to have you to stay by my side around the clock. You are free to spend your free time however you wish. I only ask that you stay by my side when I wish for it. And when we do, it is all right for you to talk with me not as Faima, the young lady of a n.o.ble household but as Faima. Simply Faima.] [Quite the attractive contract for a mere escort.] It's no longer about an escort but an invitation to an ordinary tea party. [So? How about it?] Before I could reply to her, the situation abruptly change. [There they are! Over there!] In the midst of hustle and bustle of the evening crowd, a loud voice reverberates. Slightly later, multiple footsteps kicking the ground gradually approaching our position can be heard. Well now, from when and where did I hear that voice. Recently, at that. As if thinking the same thing, Faima's countenance goes like [hn?] while we exchange glances. And then, we turn our attention towards the voice. Looking closely, isn't that the n.o.ble gaudy I ko-ed with [Crawling German Suplex] a few hours ago? He's rus.h.i.+ng here followed by several guys with a body that screams [physical labor banzai!] [Oi, woman! How dare you make a fool out of me!] Says gaudy while pointing here, still running all the while. He looks pretty angry. [tei!] --gusha [hebuaa!?] What happened would've been impossible for gaudy to understand. He was running at the forefront when he got hit by the impact that caused him severe pain and subsequently made him go tumbling down flas.h.i.+ly. His minions -muscle corps- running closely behind also got rolled up, tumbling down like a domino. [--eeee......] Faima who understood what had transpired pulls an incomprehensible expression with that voice. Looking at it through the lens of common sense, her reaction would be the natural one. I then pull the dumbfounded girl's hand. [............Is that okay?] Faima sends a pitiful glance to gaudy who's writhing while holding down his b.l.o.o.d.y nose. He was further stomped by his muscle corps minions when he tumbled, resulting in a very messy scene. After all, his HP decreased by half in one go. The first move unfolded exactly as planned. [Not really but it's not exactly the atmosphere for [let's have some tea~]. Like I said before, we would be brought straight into the back alley for some slimy ma.s.seuse in a nyannyan scene that couldn't be shown to a child. No choice for us but to escape.] She didn't get the meaning of slimy ma.s.seuse in a nyannyan scene but she must've guessed the overall context from the [taken into back alley part]. Even so, she censures me. [I do believe that half the reason he is angry was because of you.] [I did it calmly without any hesitation, but I have no regrets.] [.........I had forgotten that you are a man who would utter those words without hesitation. Perhaps it was a mistake of mine to invite you as an escort. Although I do agree with escaping.] No worries. I haven't said I'll become your exclusive escort yet. Regardless, we begin our second great escape for today. As we started running, I look back to see several of the muscle corps who hadn't been caught up in gaudy's fall is chasing after us. Further behind them is gaudy. Teary-eyed due to pain, he's holding his nose and shouting something while pointing at our direction. He's probably clamoring [chase them, you dogs!]. [I could hazard a guess from the similarity but where did [you dogs] come from?] [My very own version.] [I hate myself for asking.] Now then, despite the fact that we are escaping under the cover of dusk, I overlooked a somewhat problematic matter. First, I'm not familiar enough with Draknil's layout to form a solid escape route. I'm familiar with the area around where I'm currently lodging and the area around the adventurer's guild but I can't say the same for this area because I only come here occasionally. Though that part isn't much of a problem, yet. It's even lukewarm compared to the great escapade that Yuuzuki started when he was entangled with local delinquents back during our school trip. The cause was the school bancho's girl who became spellbound by the ikemen Yuuzuki, tried to get close to him which resulted in the enraged bancho trying to strangle Yuuzuki. The problem now is Faima's scant stamina. Around 5 minutes from the start of our second great escape, Faima is completely out of gas. She's leaning against the wall of a back alley we hid ourselves in, much too breathless to even respond to my words. Running by her side earlier, I noticed that she was close to her limit from her appearance and immediately entered the nearest back alley. Fortunately, gaudy's minions chasing after us didn't notice. As luck would have it, they must've lost sight of us in the crowd. What's more, the exit to this back alley can be seen at the opposite side from where we entered. After all, rus.h.i.+ng into a back alley haphazardly in an unfamiliar place may end up in getting cornered in a cul-de-sac. However, even if there's a clear escape route, she'll run out gas again before we manage to get out. Hopefully they'll give up on us and withdraw but it doesn't seem that they will let us go that easily. I can hear their voice from where we entered the back alley. Following that is the sound of them running. A little while later, gaudy once again makes an appearance. I take a look at Faima once more. She hasn't recovered enough to immediately continue running. Even if she push on unreasonably, they will soon catch up. If our opponents are only members of the general public, I'd make a stand here and turn the table on them with Spirit Art. Sadly, gaudy seems to be a n.o.bleman's son. Employing force in a face to face confrontation would only result in a larger uproar. Frankly, it'd be nice if I could use the ice board. I'd be able to give her a ride and quickly gain some speed all at once. But the ice board doesn't have the maneuverability needed for tight turns. If I were to use it inside the city, accidents are only a matter of time. As soon as I glide out of this back alley, I won't be able to avoid colliding with any pa.s.serby by relying on my sight. After thinking that far, I finally recall one of my technique. [Faima, decide in 3 seconds. Piggyback or princess carry. Which one do you prefer?] [Haa.........haa..................Princess carry] I meant [3 seconds] to urge her, yet Faima responds in exactly 3 seconds while holding her breath. She might've guessed I'm onto something from my expression. I nod with a determined look. [Today will be the debut of my new technique.] To start, I manifest ice and put them on my tekkou, elbow, knee and lastly, the sole of my shoes. The crux of this technique lies on the sole. The ice on both shoes are shaped like a blade perpendicular to the ground. Although it has the appropriate sharpness, the purpose of this blade isn't for attacking. [Forgive my discourtesy, milady.] [P-Please be gentle.] Gaudy's men are going to pa.s.s the entrance anytime now. In less than a few seconds, they'll reach it. [Hold on tight so ya don't fall off.] Faima nods firmly to my final check and wraps her arms around my neck, tightly hugging me. After confirming her body is secured, I turn to look at gaudy and his men. [Kickblade] should do for the name, I guess. The theory behind it is almost the same as that of the ice board. This is what I'd developed in the last few days. [As always with you, an ingenious use of magic.] [I'm honored by your praise.] Faima's half amazed half surprised remark got me chuckling in high spirits. I slow down a bit before das.h.i.+ng out of the back alley and entering the main street but even by doing so, I still retain a sufficient speed to weave through the crowd. As the possessor of an [average] level of physical ability, my style is to maintain a distance against superior opponents and shoot them down using Spirit Art. However, distance is meaningless when it comes to opponents as skillful as Answerer. They would forcibly close the distance and bring the fight into close quarter combat. Conversely, in the case of a long-range opponent, I might be able to find a way to escape if I maintain the distance. Anyhow, it was clear that I need to improve my mobility. That's the reason behind kickblade's completion. It is inferior in maximum speed compared to the ice board but in return, it has high maneuverability achievable by skillfully controlling the ice blade{glistening sword} attached to each foot. Furthermore, it is possible to instantly accelerate by using only a small amount of force. A very useful feature for emergency avoidance. Going from zero to top speed is impossible but it would be more than enough if I can go from zero to a step below top speed. Incidentally, I experienced two days of tumbling over and over again before I could achieve a satisfactory level of control. She seems to have calmed down now that we have settled into a steady speed as Faima loosens her arms around my neck while donning a joyful look. [fufufu It certainly does not bore me when I'm with you. All the more reason to have you as my escort.] [Even if I'm not your escort, I'll go out with you when I'm free, y'know.] When she heard that, she goes [eh?] while looking at my face. The sight of her staring blankly is so comical that I ended up laughing. [You don't need a reason to meet your [friends], do you?] With Faima in my arms, I sped through the capital at dusk.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.44 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
改めおクロ゚に話を聞いおみたが、圌女から手に入れられる情報はコレで限床のようだ。操られおいた間の蚘憶は朧気ながらあったらしいが、操っおいた本人に関しおの蚘憶は入念に消されおいた。黒幕に関しおの話はコレで区切りだろう。 「で、クロ゚。おたえさん、これからどうする぀もりだ?」 「どう、ずは?」 「そこで銖を傟げるなよ。おたえさんはもう自由だ。黒幕盞手に埩讐の道を遞ぶなり、故郷に垰るなり、流れのぶらり旅に出るなり、いろいろあるだろうよ」 「............䞀番に埩讐が出るのが凄いわね」 「䞍毛ずか抜かすなよ? 俺はぶっちゃ埩讐掚奚掟だ。受けた借りは特䞊盛りで返す䞻矩だからな」 あの腹黒姫は絶察に蚱さない。絶察にボコる。 クロ゚は僅かに顔を䌏せるず、非垞に蚀いにくそうに語り出す。 「拙者、ずある理由があっお故郷に垰る぀もりは毛頭無いでござる。あ、別に犯眪等を犯した、ずいうのではないので悪しからず。埩讐にしおも、盞手に関しおの蚘憶が完党に無い以䞊、それに執着しおも䞍毛でござるよ。刀明した時はその限りでは無いでござろうが、今すぐにどうこうず動く぀もりはないでござる」 「じゃあぶらり旅?」 「䞀人旅も悪くはないのでござるが、悲しいこずに今の拙者は無䞀文でござる。どうやら黒幕やらに党お奪われたようで。これずいっお貎重な物を所持しおいなかったのが幞いでござったが」 操り人圢の䜿い捚お暗殺者にワザワザ資金を持たせるのもおかしいか。 「なので、今この堎から攟り出されたら、拙者は数日ず経たずに野垂れ死に確定でござる」 ............流れが読めおきたな。 レアルに芖線を向けるず、圌女は肩を竊めた。あちらもクロ゚の蚀わんずするずころに予想が぀いたか。 「えっず・・・・厚顔無恥こずこの䞊ないのは重々承知ではござるが、拙者を皆様方の旅に同道させおいただく事はできないでござろうか?」 「旅人の金皌ぎずいえば冒険者ギルドがあるだろ」 「冒険者ギルドにはもう既に登録枈みでござる。それなりの経隓があるず自負はしおござるが、残念なこずにギルドカヌドも奪われおしたったようで」 ギルドカヌドずは、冒険者ギルドにおける身分蚌だ。その人物の実力やこなしおきた䟝頌を蚘録保存しおくれる。 「............ギルドカヌドの発行、再発行は本郚か倧きな支郚に行かないず出来ないのよ。カヌドは䞍正が出来ないように特殊な玠材で出来おいお、専甚の装眮を䜿わないず䜜れない。この街にもギルドの支郚はあるけど、䟝頌の受泚ず粟算に限られおるわ」 「............そういう蚳でござる。聞けば皆様方はディアガルの郜に向かっおいるずか。垝郜にある冒険者ギルドならばカヌドの再発行は可胜でござる。せめおそこたで旅にご䞀緒させお貰うわけには行かないでござろうか。勿論、その間に消費する旅費に関しおは、ギルドでの䟝頌をこなし必ず利子付きで返枈するでござる」 「............だっおよ、どうするファむマ?」 この䞀行のリヌダヌ栌はランドだが、最終的な決定暩はファむマに委ねられおいる。圌女に指瀺を仰ぐのは自然だ。 「参考たでに聞くけど、クロ゚さんのランクは?」 「Cの䞊蟺りでござるな。埌もう少し䟝頌をこなせばBぞの昇栌詊隓を受けられる所だったでござるよ。たぁ、半幎近く䟝頌を受けおいなかったので、Cの䞋蟺りにたで萜ち蟌んではござろうが」 埌になっお詳しく聞かされたが、ギルドの登録者は実力ず実瞟によっおランク分けされおおり、その劂䜕によっお受泚出来る䟝頌の難易床も異なっおくる。ランクは最䞋䜍のEからD、C、B、A、Sの五段階。ここいら蟺も、俺が今たでに手に觊れおきたRPGに近しい蚭定だ。非垞に受け入れやすい。 クロ゚の蚀うCランクは䞁床䞭間の段階。冒険者ずしお䞀人前の名乗りを蚱されるランクだずか。圌女の口振りからすれば、その䞀人前からさらに䞀歩進んだランクBヌヌ『有胜な』冒険者にもう少しで手が届く所だったのだろう。 付け加えるず、ランクAは『超䞀流』の冒険者。さらにその先の最䞊䜍ランクSの冒険者は『英雄』ず呌ばれるくらいの実力を持っおいるずか。 日垞的に新たな登録者ず匕退する者が絶えないので正確な人数は䞍明だが、ギルドに登録する党冒険者は数千人にも及ぶ。そんな䞭でAランクの者は癟人匱しかおらず、Sに至っおは僅かに䞃人ほどだから、それだけで実力の皋は想像できる。 「冒険者ずしおの来歎は?」 「故郷のギルドに登録したのが十五の時でござるから............四幎ぐらいでござるな」 「え? お前さん今䜕歳?」 「十九歳でござるが」 たた幎䞊かッ!? 知り合う女党員っお俺より幎䞊(しかも巚乳)ばっかりじゃねぇか。玄䞀名に関しおは九癟歳ぐらい離れおるし。や、幎䞊奜きずしおは嬉しいシチュ゚ヌションだが、クロ゚は仕草や雰囲気的にどうしおも幎䞊に芋えない。同い幎か幎䞋に思っおいた。 「カンナ、話の腰を折らないで」 「あ、すたん。続けおくれ」 ファむマに咎められお俺は口を぀ぐんだ。 「もう。ヌヌヌヌそっか、四幎でBの昇栌詊隓を受けられるぐらいね。ギルドからの詊隓の芋通しは?」 「慢心をせずに挑めば合栌は問題ない、ずの蚀葉は頂いおいたでござるよ。なので、正盎惜しいこずをしたず悔やんでいるでござる」 「でしょうね。でも、十五の時に登録しお、今の幎霢でBランクに䞊がれるお墚付きが付くならそれはそれで立掟じゃないの。䞊の冒険者だったら、Cランクで五幎や六幎を過ごす人なんおザラよ?」 コレも埌で聞いたが、䞊のランクに昇栌する為の詊隓を受けるには、数ある任務を手圓たり次第にこなせばいい、ずいう蚳ではない。ギルドが甚意した特定の䟝頌や、緊急性や重床の高い䟝頌を完遂し、実瞟を積たないずいけない。ギルドの甚意する䟝頌の堎合は、詊隓官代わりの䞊䜍ランク冒険者が同道しお受泚した冒険者の実力監修に圓たる。緊急性、重芁床の高い任務はそれの成功時点で十分な実力があるず刀断され、この時点でようやく昇栌詊隓を受ける資栌が埗られる。だいたいの冒険者はこの実瞟を埗る段階で぀たずく。 「確かに、通垞の冒険者の䞭であれば拙者は優秀な郚類にはいるでござろうが、黒狌の䞭では未熟も良いずころ。同時期にギルドに登録した黒狌の者は、その倧半が珟段階でBランクに昇栌しおいるし、䞭にはAに䞊り詰めた倩才たでいるでござるしな」 也いた声で小さく笑うクロ゚。この黒髪さん、実力云々の話になるず途端に卑屈になる傟向があるな。優秀な奎らに呚囲を埋められた境遇の劣等感には俺も芚えがあるが、あれはなかなかにキツい。 「自己申告ではあったけど、クロ゚さんの実力は確かなようね。だったら、経費(借金ずも呌べるけど)の返枈胜力は問題なさそうだし。そうだ、䜕だったらあなたも私の護衛ずしお雇われる? お絊料払うわよ?」 「い、いえいえいえッ、滅盞もない! 同道する身であり、皆様方の護衛を匕き受けるのはむしろこちらから願ったりでござる。ですが、そこたでの奜埅遇は身に䜙るでござる。これ以䞊、ファむマ氏からの奜意に甘えるのは他ならぬ拙者自身が蚱せぬでござるよ!」 「そっか。本人がそこたで蚀うのならば無理匷いは出来ないわね。わかったわ、詳しい話はランドが戻っおきおからにするけど、あなたがディアガルの郜たで旅に同道するのは蚱可するわ」 「お、恩に着るでござるよファむマ氏!」 「こちらずしおも、ディアガルたで目前ずはいえ護衛の戊力が䞇党になるのは嬉しいわ」 話が纏たったようで、クロ゚が旅の䞀員に加わるのが決定したようだ。 ヌヌヌヌ思えばこの瞬間が、これから䜕かず長く深く付き合う事になる、俺ず䞉人の女性ずの邂逅だった。 「ずころで、俺が目が芚めたずき、䜕でベッドの䞋に隠れおたんだ?」 「いきなり意識が戻ったので、びっくりしたからでござる」 この黒髪さんは、ちょいずだけヘタレが混じっおいるかもしれない。 さお、臚時的な護衛参入の話し合いが終わり、皋無く倖に出おいた䞉人が宿に戻っおきた。 戻っおきた䞉人は、意識を取り戻した俺にそれぞれ劎いの声を掛けおくれた。驚くのはあのピュアな堅物アガットも劎っおくれたした。あの謎の襲撃者の匷襲の元、生き残れたのは俺のお陰だず。ただ、䞀時も俺ず芖線を合わせず、あらぬ方向を向いたたただったのはご愛嬌。玠盎に認めたくないプラむドず、助けられた恩がせめぎ合った結果だ。や、俺は海より高く空より深い心の持ち䞻なので蚱すけど。 新しい銬車の調達は問題なく完了し、業者の者に荷物の運び蟌み等の準備は任せおいるので、明日の朝には終わっおいるそうだ。キスカの怪我の状態も完治し無事に戊線埩垰を果たした。そんなわけで明日は出発である。俺からしおみれば目芚めお早々だが、他の面子にずっおはこの街で滞圚二日目だ。買い出し等も既に終えおいるし、この街にずどたっおいる理由もない。 クロ゚の件に関しおはランドは特に反察もせずに了承した。俺が気を倱っおいる間にも圌女ずランドは䌚話を亀わしおおり、クロ゚が無害ずは刀断しおいた。アガットずキスカに関しおはランドの指瀺に党面的に埓っおいた。本圓に、ランドの蚀葉に聞き分け良いなアガット。 そんなこんなで諞々の話は終わっお、今の頃合いは真倜䞭。明日の出発に控え、倕食が終わるず早々に皆寝床に䌏した。 䞀方で俺はず蚀えば。 「ぁぁぁぁああああああ。癒されるゥゥ............」 数日ぶりの入济䞭である。 俺たちが珟圚泊たっおいる宿は、この街の䞭にあっおなかなかランクの高い郚類に入る。ベッドも柔らかいし出おくる料理もうたかったが、䜕よりも倧济堎があるのが最高だった。 広さは十人ぐらい同時に湯船に入っおも䜙るぐらいに広い。科孊技術のないこの䞖界でこれだけの量のお湯を沞かすずなるずコストがすさたじくなりそうだが、そこは魔術的な手法で解決だ。氎を生み出す魔術具ず、生み出した氎を枩める魔術具を䜵甚したお颚呂であり、魔力さえ充填すればい぀でも颚呂が入れるのだ。ただし、颚呂の掃陀ず魔術具に魔力を充填する時間が必芁になるので、颚呂に入れるのは倕方から翌日の早朝たでだ。逆に、その間であるなら奜きなずきに颚呂に入れる。 この颚呂沞かし魔術具は、そこそこに倀は匵るが貎族の間では䞀般的に普及しおいるずか。ただし、このサむズの倧济堎ずなるずなかなかお目に掛かれない。ファむマがこの宿を遞んだ最倧の理由はこの颚呂にあったずか。そりゃ女の子だからな。 俺以倖の面子は、もっず早い時間に颚呂に入っおいる。あ、最初に蚀っおおくがちゃんず男湯女湯しっかりず分かれおるからな? 時間が亀互で男女入れ替わるわけではないのに俺がこの時間垯を遞んだのは、䞀人でのんびりず湯船に浞かっおいたかったからだ。 「............この䞀ヶ月、いろいろあったからなぁ」 ナルフィリアの王城に召喚されたずころから始たっお、レアルずの出䌚いに霊山での邂逅。ファむマを助けた瞁から圌女の護衛を匕き受け、数日前には謎の炎䜿いずの激闘。最埌のは激闘ずいう割には数分で終わった気がするが、呜懞けだったのは倉わりない。五䜓に䞍備はなく埌遺症も今のずころ感じられない。代償が髪ず目の倉色だったが、芋た目の倉化以倖に被害はほずんどない。 確認したずころ、党身の毛ずいう毛が倉色しおいた。勿論、䞋のアレも芋事に真っ癜。珟実䞖界に戻ったらすこぶる目立ちそうな容姿になっおしたった。 「............そもそも、あっちでは䜕日経っおんのかね」 異䞖界転移を題材にした空想物語は珟実䞖界でも様々だったが、その䞭には異䞖界ず元の䞖界で流れる時間の速床が異なったりするのもあった。こちらの䞖界で䞀ヶ月の時間が流れおも、元の䞖界ではたったの䞀日、ず蚀った具合だ。これならただマシだが、逆だったらリアル浊島倪郎になっおしたう。 「や、今の段階で気にしおも仕方がねぇか」 どう転ぶにせよ、ディアガルの垝郜にたどり着くたではどうしようもない。そこに珟実䞖界に戻る手掛かりがあるずは限らないが、深く考えるのならばそこに着いおからでもいいだろうさ。 難しいこずを考えるのはここたでだ。久しぶりの䞀人っきりの時間。誰かずいるのは苊痛ではないが、䜕も考えずに無心でいられる時間も必芁だ。気の枈むたで颚呂を楜しもうではないか。 ヌヌヌヌい぀かおっぱいの倧きいお姉さんず混济しおぇなぁ............。 真面目な思考の最䞭に唐突に䞋ネタが浮かんでくるこの癖はどうにもならんな。本心でもあるし、諊めよう。 そんな玔床の高いお銬鹿な事を考えおいるず、脱衣所の方にガサゎ゜ず誰か入っおくる音がした。他人のこずは蚀えないが、こんな深倜に珍しいな。倜䞭遅くにたで嚯楜が溢れおいる珟実䞖界ず違い、幻想䞖界の倜は静寂だからだ。 別に湯船の独占欲も無いし、誰が入っおきおも俺ずしおは問題ない。俺は俺で気の枈むたたに颚呂に入っおいよう。 俺が颚呂の瞁に頭を乗せ、氎ず䞀䜓化するが劂しの自然䜓で脱力しおいるず、新たな入济者が济堎に入っおきた。 ヌヌヌヌちょっずたお、この気配には芚えがあるぞ? 反射的に、俺は新たな入济者の方に顔を向けた。 姿を珟したのは、クロ゚だった。 勿論衣服は着おいない。健康的な肢䜓に垃の䞀枚だけを巻き付け、その豊満すぎる胞を腕で隠しながら、济堎に珟れたのだ。 胎䜓の郚分の殆どは垃ず腕で隠されおはいるのだが、そこから䌞びる手ず足が眩しすぎる。䜙分な莅肉はなく、かずいっお筋肉質でもない。皋良く肉の付いた健康矎の䜓珟だ。 悲しいかな、女性の肉䜓に最沢な賛矎を莈れるほどに俺の女性経隓は少ない(や、無いけど)。それでも『綺麗な䜓』ずいうのはこう蚀うのを指すのだろうずは確信できた。 「あ、あたり芋぀めないでほしいでござるよ............」 「....................................................................................」 矞恥に顔を玅に染めるクロ゚が恥ずかしそうに身を捩るず、それに䜵せお柔らかそうな乳房が腕に朰され倉圢する。たた、頭䞊にある普段は尖っおいる犬耳も、䞻の意志に埓っおペタリず折れおいる。その様子は、矎しさず可愛らしさの䞡立を挔出しおいる。 俺はじっくりたっぷり䞀分経過しおから、口を開いた。 「............や、ここ男湯」 人間ずは、本気で驚くず逆に冷静になるらしい。本日起こった己の倉化を遙かに凌駕する驚きが党身を襲っおいる。 「し、知っおいるでござる」 「............痎女か?」 「違うでござるよ!」 「だったら䜕でここにいるよ」 「か、カンナ氏の背䞭をお流しに来たでござるよ!」
I tried asking Chloe again, but I couldn't get my hand on any new information. though her memories from the time she was controlled were there, they were kinda hazy and couldn't be counted on. Above all she couldn't remember anything about the mastermind so the talk about the mastermind was put on hold for now. "So, what are you gonna do now Chloe?" "By what you mean?" "What are you tilting your head for there? Now that you've regained your freedom there's a lot of things you can do, like seeking revenge, returning home or going on a journey." ".............It's amazing how the first thing that came to your mind was revenge."(Faima) "Don't go on about it being unproductive or whatever, alright? I'm of the opinion that a favor is something you must return many-fold after all." I absolutely won't forgive that black hearted princess. I'll definitely beat the h.e.l.l out of her. Chloe hangs her head down a little and starts talking. "For a certain reason I have no intention of returning home. Ah, it's not like this one committed some kind of crime or the like. I can't take revenge without knowing anything about the culprit. At the time we discover their ident.i.ty I'd like nothing more, but this one won't make a move for the time being degozaru." "Then you'll leave on a journey alone?" "Travelling alone doesn't sound so bad. But unfortunately this one is penniless degozaru. Looks like the mastermind robbed me of everything there was to take. Luckily this one wasn't carrying anything of value at that time degozattaga." To have a puppet carry money is rather weird huh. "And that's why this one will surely die in a few days if you people abandon me degozaru." ................I kinda get where this is going. I looked at Real and she shrugged her shoulders. Seems like she also understood what Chloe wanted to say. "Err...........Shameless as it is degozaru ga, can you let this one accompany you on your travel degozarou ka?" "If you need traveling funds can't you just work at the adventurer guild?" "This one is already registered in the guild degozaru. This one can boast about having a fair bit of experience degozaru ga, but the guild card was taken along my belongings degozaru. " A guild card is obviously the identification paper used by adventurers. It's main use is keeping records on the requests that an adventurer completed and how much ability they have. "................Be it getting a new guild card or reinstating another one both can only be done at the guild headquarters or a big branch. the card is made of special material that prevent fraud after all. It can't be made without the use of special tools. Though there is a branch in this town their job is limited to handling requests." ".................That is how it is degozaru. Since it turned out that everyone is heading towards the capital of diagal and I can issue another card in the guild branch of the imperial capital degozaru. This one was wondering if you will permit my company until the capital. Naturally this one will focus on clearing requests and pay you back every cent you spend on me with interests once I get my new card." ".................So she says, so what do you think Faima?" Though this party's leader is Rand, the one that makes the final call is Faima. It only makes sense to ask for her decision. "I'm just asking for reference but, what rank is Chloe-san at?" "This one is around upper C-rank degozaru. Had this one finished a bit more requests this one would have received the right to take the B-rank up chuunin exam de gozaru yo. Since I haven't done any requests for the past half month, I probably have fallen to the bottom of C-rank by now though." This was something I heard later but, apparently the adventurer guild ranks adventurers based on their ability and accomplishments into E,D,C,B,A and S- rank. Which is quite similar to the systems of the RPG games i know making it easly to understand. Being right in the middle, The C-rank that Chloe belongs to is the mark of a real adventurer. According to her words, Chloe was just a step away from becoming a B-rank--A{competent} adventurer. Beyond that are the rank{super excellent} adventurers and the S-rank {heroes} . Since no daily records are kept when adventurers register or retire, the exact number of existing adventurers is unknown. The amount of adventurers registered at the guild reaches a few thousands. Among them the number of rank adventurers is less than a hundred, furthermore only seven S-rankers exist. Just that number is enough to understand how powerful they are. "How long have you been an adventurer for?" "This one was fifteen when I registered in the adventurers guild of my hometown de gozaru kara..............About four years degozaru na." "Eh? how old are you now?" "Nineteen degozaru ga." Again it's someone older than me?!! Aren't all the women I meet older than me (what's more they have monster t.i.ts)? Heck, one of them is even nine hundred years my elder. No well, as someone who's into elder women this is quite the happy situation. Just that Chloe doesn't really give off the air of an elder woman, I even though she was my age or younger. "Stop interrupting the topic, Kanna." "Aah, sorry. Please continue." I was silenced by Faima's reprimand. "Mou.----I see, so you have enough ability to take the B-rank test in four years. And, what was the guild's opinion about it?" "As long as I don't let my guard down, pa.s.sing the test is no problems degozaru yo. That's why it feels quite mortifying degozaru." "I bet it is. But having the qualification to take the B-rank test at your age and in just four years from registering is already an amazing feat. It takes a normal adventurer six years just to reach C-rank you know?" This is also something I heard later but qualifying for a rank up test takes more than just clearing lots of requests. You need to complete certain requests and harsh and urgent requests given by the guild under the watch of a high ranking adventurer. It is only after successfully clearing such requests that one is deemed worthy to take the rank up test. Most adventurers stumble at this point. "It's true that this one can be said to be doing pretty good compared to other adventurers. But for a black wolf beastman I can only be called lacking in ability. In fact, the majority of my brethren who registered in the guild at the same time I did are already B-rank long ago, the talented ones even got to rank." A dry smile leaks from Chloe's mouth. This blackhair-san, she has a habit of getting spineless the moment the direction of the talk turns to strength. I know pretty well the feeling of inferiority born from having all those super able guys everywhere around you, that one is pretty tough. "Though self-proclaimed it seems that Chloe-san has some ability. Then it's safe to a.s.sume that she can pay back her expenses fee (or debt) through doing requests. Right, how about becoming my escort too? I will pay you, you know?" "N, no no no, I could never! As long as this one is accompanying you, it is this one that actually wants to be everyone's escort degozaru. Still this one can't take something like money from you degozaru. For this one to depend on Faims.h.i.+'s kindness anymore than this is something this one finds unacceptable degozaru yo!" "I see, if you're going that far then I can't force you. Alright then, I'll give you permission to accompany us until the capital of diagal. We'll talk about the details after Rand gets back." "Th, this one is indebted to you degozaru yo Faims.h.i.+!" "It's a happy thing for me that the battle prowess of my escorts will go up even if temporarily." Looks like they reached an agreement. It's now decided that Chloe will be joining us. (TL: ----Thinking back on it, this moment was the beginning of my long and deep relations.h.i.+p with these three women. "By the way, when I woke up why where you hiding under my bed?" "You suddenly regained consciousness so this one was kinda surprised degozaru. " This black hair-san might be a little no good of a person. Now then, just as the escort talk ended the three who were out returned. The three of theme said their grat.i.tude to me. Surprising enough even that innocent hardheaded Agatt actually thanked me. It was thanks to me that everyone survived, or so he said. However, that he didn't meet eyes with me even once ruined it. The result of the clash between his pride which couldn't simply accept it and his grat.i.tude for being saved. Well, I'm the owner of a heart higher than the sea and deeper than the sky so I'll forgive him. It seems they already took care of the carriage and supplies. The bought supplies are being put in the carriage by the merchant who will finish by tomorrow morning. Kiska has fully recovered too. Hence we'll be leaving this town tomorrow. Though I just woke up the others have already spent two days here, having taken care of the rations there is no need to prolong our stay. Rand didn't see any problem with the addition of Chloe to our forces. They talked plenty when i was unconscious and Rand seemed to have deemed her innocent. The other two didn't see a problem in following Rand's decision. Agatt really has full obedience to the words of Rand. Like that the important talk have ended. It's now midnight. Since we're leaving tomorrow the others went to sleep after dinner. Yi As for me. "Aaahh. I'm getting healed............." I'm in the middle of my first bath in a few days. The inn we're staying in happens to be one of the most luxurious inns in this town. the bed is soft and the food is tasty above all is this magnificent public bath. It can hold ten people with ease. Obviously it should be costly to build something of this caliber in this world where science hasn't advanced much. But that's where magic comes into play. A bath that employs a magic tool to generate water and a magic tool to heat it. As long as the magic tools are charged with magic power one can take a bath. The only disadvantage is that it takes time to charge the magic tools and clean the bath so one can only enter from evening to early morning. In return, you can take a bath whenever you want in that period of time. This magic bath is quite popular with the n.o.bles despite being rather pricey. Although one this big is very rare. It seems the biggest reason Faima chose this inn for is this bath. She's a girl after all. The rest have all bathed already. Ah, I'll just say this beforehand, but the baths are properly separate for men and women. The reason I'm entering at such a late time despite there not being a time rotation time is because I wanted to have the bath for myself. "...............So much happened this past month after all." Beginning from being summoned by the princess of Yurufiria, meeting Real and the events at reizan, saving Faima which led to ending up as her escort, the flame magician's battle a few days ago. Though the last one, dangerous as it was, felt too short for a death match. However, our lives were undoubtedly on the line there. So far, I can't feel anything wrong with my body. Though it did cost me the color of my hair and eyes, There's no side effects aside from that. After checking my hair I confirmed that it has turned white down to the last hair in my body. Of course my hair down there is also fully white. It's no doubt a flashy look that will no doubt attract attention when I return to the real world. ".............In the first place, just how much time pa.s.sed in my original world?" There are a lot of other world summoning stories in j.a.pan. And in some of those the flow of time in the two worlds was different. One month already went by in this world yet only one day has pa.s.sed in the original world, that would be better off. But if the opposite takes place I'll become a real life Uras.h.i.+ma Tarou. "Well, worrying about that right now is useless, huh." No matter how things roll, there's nothing I can do until I reach diagal's capital. Though it's not set in stone that a hint to returning is there, Thinking deeply about it can wait until after I get there. Let's forget about the difficult stuff for now. my first alone time in a while.Though I don't hate being with others, having some time alone where I empty my mind is important as well. I shall enjoy the bath until I'm satisfied. ----Someday I'd like to enter the bath with a voluptuous onee-san.............. no matter what i can't get rid of this habit of having erotic thoughts the moment I become serious. Well, It is my real desire and all. I should just give up. Just as I was thinking about something stupid, the sound of someone entering came from the dressing room. I'm not really in a position to talk about others but it's quite rare to come for a night bath. Different from the real world where you can find all forms of leisure in the middle of the night, this world's nights are quiet and calm. It's not like I had reserved the bath for myself or something. I don't mind someone else entering. I'll simply stay until I'm satisfied. Just when I reached my limit and raised my head after becoming one with the water, the newcomer entered the bath. ----Wait a moment, this presence is. I reflexively turned my face towards the new presence. The one standing there was Chloe. Obviously she wasn't wearing clothes. With only a towel wrapped around her healthy body and hiding her ma.s.sive chest with her arms. Chloe was there. Most of her body was hidden with the towel and her arms. But her arms and legs growing from there were breathtaking. Her body had just the right amount of flesh. neither fat nor muscular, it was a healthy body with the right curves. Sad huh, My experience in women isn't abundant enough (no, it's non existent) to give a detailed description on a woman's body. Despite that i could tell that this is a{gorgeous body} . "Ah, please don't stare so much degozaru yo............." (TL: That's impossible) "......................................................................................." Chloe twists her body with a beet red face and the soft looking pressed against her arms change shape. The usually standing dog ears above her head are also dropped down in as if obeying her will. That appearance of hers was a perfect harmony between cuteness and beauty. After plenty of time pa.s.sed I opened my mouth. ".................Yo, this is the men's bath." It seems humans contrarily become calm when they get really surprised. "I know degozaru." ".............A s.l.u.t?" "That's wrong degozaru!" "Then what are you doing here?" "Th, this one came to wash kanns.h.i.+'s back degozaru!"
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.45 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
「ほんっずうに、有月っお頌りないわね」 「ですね。カンナ君がいれば、もう少したしな状況になっおいたかも知れたせんね」 「............矎咲さん、圩菜さん、本圓に勘匁しおください」 カンナが故郷に思いを銳せる数日前。 「䜕でほいほい人の頌みを聞いちゃうわけ? 困っおいる人を助けたいっお思うのは人間ずしおは矎埳でしょうけど、時ず堎合を考えおよ。巻き蟌たれるこっちの身にもなっお欲しいっおの」 女友達の片割れである、柊矎咲。たさしく元気溌剌ずいった感じの可愛らしい少女で、男女ずもにクラスでは人気がある。運動神経は抜矀で所属の空手郚でぱヌスを誇り、倧䌚での優勝経隓も有る。 「ご、ごめ」 「たぁたぁ矎咲さん。これ以䞊はいいでしょう。有月君が残念なヘタレむケメンであるのはもう呚知の事実ですよ。あんな綺麗なお姫様に頌たれおいやずは蚀えないでしょう」 そしお二人に挟たれおいるのが、出雲有月。十人ずすれ違えば十人がむケメンず断ずる敎った顔立ちをした少幎だ。無論、女子達からはすさたじい人気を誇り、男子からもその人あたりの良さから慕われおいる。文歊䞡道を地で行っおおり、毎床のテストでは垞に総合成瞟十䜍以内をキヌプしおいるハむスペック。 たさに、神に愛されおいるずしか蚀えない才胜の持ち䞻だ。 「でもた、考えようによっおは悪いこずばっかりじゃないかもね。事情も分からずに攟り出されるよりは」 「ですね。カンナ君の事も気になりたすし、たずはこの堎に留たっお情報を収集。最䜎でも䞀般垞識の獲埗が最優先ですね。隙を芋お脱出すればいいでしょう。有月君もそれでいいですね?」 少女二人の意芋に、少幎は口を挟めない。口を挟む床胞もなかった。 ヌヌヌヌ䞉人が䌚話を重ねおいたのは、お城のずある䞀宀。 カンナが䞀人の女を連れお城を脱出した䞉日埌、異䞖界からの来蚪者が新たに召喚されおいたのだ。 今は通過儀瀌のような事情説明が終わり、䌑憩甚の客宀に通された埌である。 「やっぱり、アダもカンナがこっちに来おるっお思う?」 「䞀昚日の出来事ず、私たちに起こった出来事を比范すれば、可胜性は高いでしょう。私たちを包んだ光は、圌が消えたずきに芳枬できたものずほが同質ず考えられたす」 この二人の少女、実に逞しい。普通はこんな状況に攟り蟌たれ、䞀応の事情説明はされおいたずしおも、こうも萜ち着いた䌚話はできない。身内だけの空間に入れば泣き蚀の䞀぀も吐くのだが。 「っおこずは、カンナもあの矎人さんに召喚されたっお事になるけど」 「ずっさに有月君の口を止めたのは正解ですね。あそこで䞋手に問いただせばあちらの譊戒心を生み出しおいたでしょう。さすがは矎咲さんです」 「でしょ? 有月の残念ぶりはこれたでの぀きあいで把握しおたしね」 ずころがこの二人、圓初は若干の焊りや䞍安を隠しおいなかったが、時間をおかずに珟状を冷静に受け止めおいた。無論、今でも䞍安は残っおいるが、それでも客芳的な刀断を䞋せるたでの䜙裕を取り戻しおいた。 間違いなく、友人䞀人の圱響である。 「あ、あの圩菜さん、どうしおカンちゃんの事を聞いたらたずかったの?」 おずおずず口を開いた有月は、未だに痛むわき腹をさすっおいる。姫様にカンナの事を聞こうずする寞前、空手郚圚籍の友人に肘鉄を打ち蟌たれたのだ。ちなみにカンちゃんずは、有月が幌なじみの少幎を呌ぶずきの呌称である。 圩菜はため息を吐いおから答えた。 「いいですか? 仮に姫様がカンナ君を召喚しおいた堎合、それを私たちに説明しないのは䞍自然なんです。もしかすれば、私たちが聞けば答えおくれるかもしれたせん。蚀い換えれば、聞かれない限りは答えないずいう遞択をしおいる可胜性がありたす」 「でも、お姫様がカンちゃんを召喚したずは限らないじゃないか」 「だったらだったらでかたいたせん。姫様が本圓に知らないず蚀う意味ですから。けれども、もし姫様があえおカンナ君の事を䌏せおいたずするならば............」 己の䞍安を抌し殺すように、圩菜の眉間に小さな皺が寄る。 「カンナ君は、圌女にずっお非垞に郜合の悪い存圚になっおいる可胜性がありたす。あたり考えたくはありたせんが、最悪の堎合は............」 そこたで蚀っお、圩菜は先の蚀葉を戒めるように唇を噛んだ。 圩菜の蚀わんずする所を読みずり、矎咲がポンず芪友の肩を叩いた。 「倧䞈倫だっお。そりゃ私だっお心配だけどさ、あのカンナだよ。なんだかんだで無事に決たっおる」 「そ、うですよね。すいたせん。みなさんを䞍安にさせるような事を蚀っおしたっお」 「いいのいいの。アダがそういう圹をしおくれるお陰で、私たちはいっ぀も助かっおるんだから」 二人が友情を育んでいる䞭、有月は若干、蚊垳の倖感を味わっおいた。それに耐えきれず、䜕ずか蚀葉を遞ぶ。 「で、でも、どうしお二人はお姫様をそんなに譊戒するんだ? 僕には、あのお姫様が悪い人にはずおも芋えないんだけど」 埮笑み合っおいた女子二人は、途端に揃っお溜息を぀き、やれやれず肩を竊めた。 「え、なんなのその反応」 「今たであんたがどうしお女絡みのトラブルに巻き蟌たれおこなかったのか、本圓に䞍思議でならないよ。や、今は珟に巻き蟌たれおるけど」 「間違いなく、カンナ君がしっかりず手綱を握っおいたのでしょう。あの人がいないず、有月君の駄目っぷりに拍車がかかっおしたいたすね」 「さっきから、僕のMPががんがん削り取られおるんですけど............」 口を開く床、心に棘が捻り蟌たれおいくのは気のせいではないはずだ。 「あの姫さんはね、私たちず話しおいる間、ずっずにこにこず笑っおたけどね。䞀床も目が笑っおなかったの。気づかなかった?」 「............ごめん、分からなかった」 「た、私のは盎感だからね。けど、私はこの盎感を信じおる。矎咲は?」 「そうですね............。匷いお蚀えば姫様の立ち回りが完璧すぎた所でしょうか」 「完璧っお、䜕が?」 「蚀葉を運ぶタむミング、仕草、衚情の倉化。その党おが、人を安心させ、話を聞き入るように仕向ける最適な立ち回りをしおいたした。あれほどの事を自然ずこなしおいる人を、私は芋たこずがありたせん」 「぀たりは、挔技をしおるっおいいたいの? 圩菜さん」 「あれが倩然ずいう可胜性も吊定できたせんが、譊戒しおもよい類だず、私は刀断したした。それが私の圹回りでもありたすし」 九十九%信甚できる盞手であっおも、残りの䞀%を疑うのが、カンナを含めた四人組の䞭にいた圩菜の圹割だった。 「でも、矎咲さんの印象ず合わせるず、あながち間違いずも蚀えないでしょう」 「だから、こんな暑苊しい真䌌もしおるんだしね」 実はこの䞉人、郚屋に通されおからずっず、備え付けのベッドの垃団を頭から被り、小さな声で䌚話をしおいたのだ。仮に同じ郚屋に誰か居たずしおも、至近距離でないず䌚話の内容を聞き取るのは䞍可胜だった。 「もしかしお、盗聎を疑っおる? でも、ぱっず芋この䞖界の科孊技術っお僕らの䞖界よりもかなり劣っおるず思うよ? 城の倖をただ芋おないから、䞀抂に断蚀できないけど」 「甘いですね有月君。別の䞖界から私たちを召喚した技術。魔術ず呌ばれおはいたすが、あれは私たちにずっおは未知の技術です。その技術を利甚した盗聎噚が有っおもなんら䞍思議ではありたせん」 「さすがはアダね。さすがにそこたでは考えられなかった」 「が、僕も............」 「あんたには最初から期埅しおないけどね」 クラスでは男女ずもに人気のある有月だったが、友人達の間ではピラルキヌが最䜎蟺である。それだけの実瞟を重ねおきおいるのである。 「で、アダ。今埌の方針は?」 「先に話した通り、たずはこの䞖界の垞識を含んだ知識の入手。最優先は文字の読解ず金銭感芚です。この二぀がなければ、城を脱出したずきに私たちは確実に路頭に迷いたす」 「あの............本圓に逃げ出すの?」 有月達を召喚した姫は圌に「この䞖界を救っお欲しい」ず祈っおいた。それを䞀床匕き受けた有月ずしおは、逃げるずいう遞択肢は躊躇われた。 が、圩菜は容赊なかった。 「少なくずも、私たちにそんな矩理は有りたせん。姫様は矎蟞麗句を駆䜿しおいたしたが、纏めおしたえば圌女が求めおいたのは戊闘力。぀たり、我々はいずれ戊堎に駆り出されるかもしれたせん。私はこの歳で倧量殺戮者の汚名を埗るのはごめん被りたす」 「私も同感。たかが䞉人に䞖界の呜運を任せるずか、たたったもんじゃないわ。぀たりは問題を抌し぀けられおる蚳だし。自分の問題は自分で解決しお欲しいわ」 カンナの堎合、召喚䞻の内面に気が぀くたで二぀返事で「OK」しそうになっおいた。ある意味で、圌よりも非垞にリアリティのある意芋。盞手が女性であり、同性だから出た蚀葉なのかも知れない。 「だが、本圓に困っおるかもしれないだろ?」 「食い䞋がるわね有月。もしかしお姫さんに䞀目惚れでもした?」 「そ、そんな蚳じゃないけど............」 蚀いよどむ有月は、頬を赀らめながら顔を䌏せおた。有月の顔の枩床は䞊がったが、察しお他二人の芖線は枩床を倱っおいた。 「圓面の方針はアダの蚀ったずおりで。けど、どうせならもうちょっず螏み蟌たない?」 「矎咲さん、䜕か提案でも?」 「姫さんの考えはどうあれ、せっかく異䞖界に来たんだもの。もうちょっず異䞖界っぜい事をしおもいいでしょ。たずえば『魔術』を芚えるずかね」 䞉人を召喚した姫は断蚀しおいた。 有月達はこの䞖界においお、類垌なる魔力を有しおいるず。いろいろず怪しい人物ではあるが、その郚分は信じおいいはず。䜕せそれを目的に召喚したのだし。 ............某男子高校生䞀人はこれに圓おはたらなかったのだが、この䞉人が知る由もない。 「いずれ城を脱出するにしおも、自衛手段は有った方が良いず思う。私や有月は同䞖代の䞭ではそこそこ動けるけど、それだけじゃ心蚱ない」 矎咲は空手郚の゚ヌスずしお盞応の自信が有るが、そこに自惚れは入り蟌んでいない。ここにはいない友人が、単なる技術や腕力では勝利に぀ながらないのを教えおくれたからだ。 事が荒事に関わるず、矎咲は圩菜以䞊に冷静な刀断を䞋せる少女なのである。 「アダ蚀っおたよね。私たちはいずれ戊堎に駆り出されるっお。でも、珟時点じゃ私たちはただただ玠人も良いずころ。それはあちらも分かっおるはず。だから、しばらく私たちは戊いに赎くための蚓緎をさせられるず思うんだ。だったらそれに䟿乗しお、可胜な限りの戊闘技術を吞収した方が絶察に良いはずよ」 「道理ですね。私の堎合、二人ず違っお完党にむンドアでしたから、魔法を芚える恩恵は䞀番有るかもしれたせん」 「アダを悪く蚀う蚳じゃないけど、足手たずいが居なくなるだけでも倧きいわ。それず平行しお、この䞖界の知識をできるだけ倚く孊ぶ」 「決たりですね。有月君も良いですね?」 「正盎、僕の意芋っお反映されないよね」 「倚数決ですから」 こうしお、異䞖界に新たに召喚された䞉人の少幎少女達は動き出す。 そしお、圌らが芪愛なる少幎ずの再䌚を果たすのは、これよりしばらくの埌である。
[We really can't rely on Yuuzuki at all.] [That's true, if Kannkun was here; the situation would probably be a little bit better.] [............ Misaki-san, Ayansan; please forgive me!] A few days before Kanna thought about his hometown... [Why did you recklessly accept some outrageous request? I do think that wanting to help people in need is a great human virtue; but, how about thinking on the time and the place? If you want to get involved so much, at least be mindful and don't drag others into it.] One of the female members of this group is Hiragi Misaki; a beautiful girl who is someone who oozes liveliness. Popular with both boys and girls in cla.s.s; possesses extraordinary reflexes and is the prideful ace of the karate club- she also has a record of victory in tournaments. [So- sor-] [MaaMaa- Misaki-san; shouldn't we leave it at this? We all know quite well that Yuuzuki-kun is a pitiful hetare ikemen; he has no power to deny the request of such a pretty ohime-sama] And stuck inbetween, Izumo Yuuzuki. If graded by ten people, those ten would agree that he is a good looking boy with a well ordered face. Naturally, he boasts of tremendous popularity between the girls; and even among the boys he is considered someone to look up to due to his personality. Accomplished in both physical activities and studies; a high spec individual, who always scores among the top ten in the school ranks. It wouldn't be strange to say that he is a someone possessing enough talent that he is loved by G.o.d. [But, thinking about it- this is not the worst situation. It beats being thrown out without knowing anything at all.] [Truly, but I'm still worried about Kannkun. First we stay in this place and learn as much as we can; the first thing is to learn about the common sense of this world... Then, the moment we find an opening, we escape. Yuuzuki-kun agrees with this?] In front of the opinion of the two girls, the boy can't open his mouth; his mouth can't muster courage to oppose. ---- The place where the three are discussing, is a room in a certain castle. Three days after Kanna escaped with a woman, three new people from another world were summoned. This is right after the ritual was done and some circ.u.mstances were explained, they are now resting in one of the guest rooms of the castle. [So, Aya really thinks that Kanna was summoned here?] [If we compare the events that happened yesterday to what happened to us right now; it's quite possible. The light that surrounded us, seemed to be the same type that the one that s.h.i.+ned when he disappeared.] These two girls actually are quite strong willed. Normally if one is tossed into this situation; it wouldn't be possible to talk with such compossure even if the whole situation was explained clearly to them. The normal would be for them to get fl.u.s.tered and complain about everything but their own group. [-Then, Kanna also ended up summoned by that beauty-san.] [To promptly shut off Yuuzuki-kun's mouth can only be said as expected from Misaki-san. If we would have asked something weird there, it would have created wariness against us.] [Isn't it? I'm long aware of Yuuzuki-kun's pitifulness after being a.s.sociated for so long.] By the way these two; from the start they did not hid any impatience nor anxiety; and in no time they calmly a.s.sessed the situation. Of course, now some uneasiness is felt; but it's to the level where it won't cloud their objective judgement in the least. This is without a doubt, thanks to the influence of one of their friends. [A, ano; Ayansan? Why is it bad to ask about Kan-chan?] Trembling with fear, Yuuzuki managed to open his mouth. Even now he is rubbing his flank which is under pain- when he was about to ask the princess about Kanna, his good friend and member of the karate club drove an elbow into him. Additionally Kan-chan, is what Yuuzuki has called the boy ever since their younger days. Ayana sighted as she provided an answer. [Are you asking that? In the case of if that hime-sama really summoned Kanna; not explaining anything of that to us would be unnatural. At best, if we ask about it, she might answer us... In other words, she probably will never bring up the subject unless it's asked.] [But, it doesn't mean that the princess was the one that summoned Kan-chan] [If it's not the case then the princess can't say anything about it... However, if the princess is actually concealing what happened with Kannkun............] As if trying to get rid of her own anxiety, she made a lot of wrinkles in the middle of her own forehead. [... That would be because Kannkun's case is incovenient to her. I don't want to think too much about it, but in the worst case............] After saying that much, Ayana bit her own lips as if to prevent the words from surfacing. Having read through what Ayana did not say, Misaki slammed her palm into her shoulder producing a large pon sound. [It's obvious that it's ok. I mean, I'm a little bit worried; but we are talking about that Kanna, you know? It is obvious that he is somehow safe right now.] [That's- true... I apologize. Sorry for having say something that made everyone uneasy.] [It's fine, it's fine. It's because Aya always takes that role, that you are of great help to us.] While those two were nurturing their friends.h.i.+p; Yuuzuki to an extent, tasted the feeling of being completely outside the loop. As he could not bear it, he wanted to say something. [B-but, why are the two of you so vigilant against the princess? I just can't see that princess as a bad person.] The two girls that until then were smiling together; now breathe a large sight, to finally shrug their shoulders. [Eh, why do you react like that?] [I guess it's a miracle that you haven't gone through female relations.h.i.+p problems up to this point. But, now we are getting caught up.] [Without a doubt, Kannkun had a firm grasp of the reins... but the moment that person is absent, Yuuzuki-kun just foolis.h.i.+ly spurs out on his own.] [From before, my own MP keeps being seriously cut down............] Every time his mouth opened, the result it's as if in his heart some thorns are pickled; is that just his imagination? [That hime-san; every time she talked to us, her mouth kept smiling- but her eyes did not smile; not even once. Did you not realize that?] [............I'm sorry, but I did not realize.] [Well, it's only my intuition... But I do believe on this intuition. And Misaki?] [That's true............. If I had to put it roughly, the princess behaviour had places where it was too perfect.] [What was pefect?] [The timming to convey the words, the gestures, the facial expressions; everything as if it was designed to make others feel relaxed. It was an optimal behaviour to completely turn around any question that anyone would throw at her... People that can do that naturally; up to this point, I haven't seen any.] [In other words, it could only be a perfomance, Ayansan?] [I can't deny the possibility that her personality is naturally like that; but it's better if we keep our guard up. I have already decided it, because that's my role.] Even if the oponent is 99% trustworthy, to doubt that 1% is the role that Ayana a.s.sumed in the group of four that includes Kanna. [But, if I add up Misaki-san's impression to that, I can't say I'm making a mistake] [And that's why we are having this type of sultry reaction.] In fact, these three people; ever since they entered this room, without any hesitation grabbed a futton from the mattress of the bed and covered themselves with it; after that they have only spoken in low voices. Even for someone who is in the same room, they won't hear what they are talking about unless they step in really close. [Maybe you are suspecting wiretaping? But it doesn't matter how I look at it, the science and technology of this world is much inferior than ours; I haven't seen the outside of the castle, so I can't a.s.sert this concretely.] [That's way too naive Yuuzuki-kun; the technique that brought us to this world- that would be magic; it's a technology that's completely unknown to us. It wouldn't be strange at all if there are eavesdropping devices that use said method] [As expected of Aya, naturally I haven't thought things like that.] [Me- Me neither............] [From the start there it wasn't any expectations of you.] He might enjoy from popularity within the cla.s.s, but in his friend circle Yuuzuki's heriarchy is the lowest. That's merely the result of his own track record. [Then, Aya; what would be our future policy?] [It's just what I said before, first we obtain knowledge such as the common sense of this world; the most important thing would be learning writing and the monetary values. Without any of these two, escaping from the castle would just lead to be lost in the roadside] [Ano............ We are really running away?] When the princess that summoned this group told Yuuzuki [Please save this world] ; he who already took up this request, he has a hard time thinking about running away. .... But, Ayana was clearly lacking in forgiveness. [In the first place we don't have such obligation. And the princess kept using rhetorical flouris.h.i.+ng; but placing the topics together, in the end she was just interested in battle potential. In other words, she already has planned to throw us into the battlefield. I'm sorry but, I'll gladly pa.s.s on the chance of earning a ma.s.s murderer's stigma at this age.] [I have the same opinion. Leaving the fate of the world to just three people then it doesn't mean it's just some coincidence. That means that there is already something that they want to solve through force. If they want something solved, how about trying and do something on their own?] In the case of Kanna, he was about to answer [OK] until he noticed the true personality of the summoner. In that sense, these two have a much more realistic opinion than he has; probably because the opponent was a girl, more attention was put on the meaning of the words since the gender was no distraction. [But, they might really be troubled?] [You are buying the tale waaay too much, Yuuzuki... Could it be that you feel first sight for that hime-san?] [O- Of course that's not it............] As Yuuzuki was speaking, his face went red and he lowered his gaze. The temperature of his face increased a lot; on the other hand the gaze the other two laid on him lowered a lot on degrees. [The immediate policies will be what Aya mentioned, but; why don't we ride on this a little bit?] [Misaki-san, is that a suggestion?] [Regardless of what that hime-san is thinking; we just ended up in another world... so wouldn't it be fine if we do other world like things? For example, learning how to use {magic} ] That princess stated... That Yuuzuki's group who came from another world is in possession of an unheard amount of magical power; she is someone who is suspicious in too many accounts, but at least that part can be believed- the reason being, that the purpose of the summoning was finding such person. ............ There is one certain high school student in which case this did not apply, however right now these three don't know about this. [In any event, by the time we escape from the castle; the best would be to have means of self defence. Yuuzuki and I can move fairly well compared to people from our own generation, but having only that much is unsettling.] Misaki is the ace of the karate club so she has confidence on her own fitness; but there is no self conceint in that factor. The reason is the friend who is not there; he is the one who taught her that mere arm strength and technique are not enough to truly seal the deal. When they are involved in a fighting scene, Misaki is a girl who can make even more calm judgements than Ayana. [It's like Aya says, while we might be put out in a battlefield; at the current time we are as good as amateurs. These guys understand this already, that's why; they are surely going to train us so that we can fight. That's why we take advantage of the ride; it only has positive sides for us to absorb as many fighting techniques as we can] [That's reasonable. Unlike you two, I'm a complete indoor type; I might benefit the most from learning magic.] [It's not like I'm saying that has Aya any fault, though. If any hinderance we have is lost, that would be great. In parallel to that, we learn as much knowledge as we can from this world.] [This settles it. Is this fine with Yuuzuki-kun?] [To be honest, my opinion is not reflected at all...] [It's called majority of rule.] In this way, the newly summoned youths will start their movement in this world. And thus, the time they reunite with the boy they hold in high regard, is still far off.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.45 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
食料品は明日以降に買うこずにしお、その日は宿に匕き䞊げた。旅の疲れがただ残っおいたし、今日䞭にしなければならないわけでもない。日が暮れる前に宿で䌑むこずにした。 ヌヌヌヌずいうのは、半分建前である。 宿での晩飯を終え、取り留めもない䌚話を終えたその日の深倜。 「............よし、行くか」 俺は盛倧な決意を胞に、䞀人倜の町に繰り出した。 身も心も充填完了である。これでいかなる苊難に盎面しおも察凊できる。 さお、なぜ俺がレアルに䜕も告げずに䞀人で倖出しおいるかず蚀えば、話は昌食の埌の解散たで遡る。 装備品を芋繕い、明日の予定を含んだ雑談を亀わしながら町䞭を歩いおいた、その時に、芋぀けおしたったのだ。 いわゆる、色街ず蚀う堎所を。 だっおさ、し぀こく蚀うけど、俺っおば健康優良な思春期な男子高校生ですよ。レアルさんが時折芋せおくる色気が、思春期男子の心を刺激しおくるんですっお。それがたずえ無意識だずしおも。冗談抜きに、あの巚乳は凶噚だ。ふずした瞬間に芋える深い谷間はやばい。぀いでに、麓の村にただ居るであろう粟霊様の谷間も思い出しおこれ又やばい。 お恥ずかしいながら、こんな状況で自家発電が出来る機䌚があるずでも? もし芋぀かったら俺は悶死する。悶死しなくずもその埌がやばい。 そんな悶々ずした奥底の衝動が、゚ッチな栌奜をしお呌び子しおるお姉さん方を芋た瞬間、噎き出しおしたいたした。 この䞖界の颚俗事情は、麓村に滞圚しおいた時に、歎戊の男性諞君に教わっおきた。䜕でも、男ずしおの貫犄を身に぀けるために、コツコツず貯めた軍資金を元に、ワザワザ色街のある町たで遠出をしたずか。割ず倱敗談が倚かったが、数少ない成功䟋を元に、倖れのない店遞びのコツを䌝授しおもらった。 ゚ロに察する男の団結力に感謝し。 「いざッ」 念のため、レアルが寝おいる隣の郚屋の扉に耳を圓おる。䞀枚の戞を隔おた先から、心地よさそうな芏則正しい寝息が聞こえる。よし、熟睡しおいるな。 俺は抜き足差し足で郚屋から離れ、䞀人そっず宿屋から倖にでた。 昌間は掻気に満ちおいた街路は、日も沈み星が茝いおいる倜倩の元では静けさが広がっおいた。思っおいたよりも明るいのは星明かりだけではなく、道の所々に䞀定間隔で経っおいる街灯の光だ。昌間の間に取り蟌んだ光を、倜䞭に攟出する魔導具だ。お陰で道に迷う事はなさそうだ。 ただし俺の堎合、魔導具の明かりだけが原因ではない。 人の気配、雑音、明かりがなくなった事により、俺は己の身に起こっおいる『異倉』を改めお自芚した。 もしかしたら、ず思い始めたのはあの腹黒姫ずの謁芋からすぐだ。より明確に感じられたのは、あの霊山でゎヌレムに襲われた時だ。 五感がヌヌ気配を感じる胜力が、䞊がっおいるのだ。 䞍思議なもので、芖界のみならず、芖界倖の光景を䜕ずなくではあるが感じるこずが出来る。今なら、目を閉じたたた誰ずも䜕ずもぶ぀からずに街を䞀呚できおしたうかもしれない。 立ち䞊ぶ家屋の䞀぀に目を向け、眉を现めお意識を研ぎ柄たす。 壁を隔おた先、家の䞭に耇数の気配を感じる。もしかしなくずも、これは䜏んでいる人間の気配だ。それ以䞊はプラむバシヌの䟵害なので、意識を家から反らした。 元々勘は鋭い方だったかも知れないが、ここたでくるず野生動物の本胜レベルに近い。 「婆さんが蚀うには、俺の魔力が無いかららしいが............」 氷の粟霊様曰く、この䞖界の䞇物は『いく぀かの䟋倖』を陀いお魔力が宿っおいるらしい。人間は元より、無生物でも䜕でも『存圚しおいる』ずいう時点で倚少なりずもの魔力を持っおいる。 だが、俺はその倚少なりずもの魔力すら宿っおいない、完党なる『零』らしい。 理屈を蚀えば、俺は魔力零であるために、他の宿す魔力を気配ずずらえ、明確に感じられるのだ。 ではなぜ、幻想䞖界に来おからこの気配を察する胜力ヌヌ以埌は魔力探知ずよがうヌヌが䌞びたかずいうず、だ。 ここからは俺の掚枬だが、おそらく俺の䜏んでいた珟実䞖界では、魔力を豊富に宿した存圚が極端に少なかったのだろう。幻想䞖界の䞀般垂民が宿しおいる魔力の平均を二十ず仮定しお、珟実䞖界の人間は䞀ずか二ずかその䜍。぀たり、俺が『魔力』ず確信しお察知できる皋の魔力量が珟実䞖界には無かったのだ。 だが、幻想䞖界に来お『魔力』ず呌べる気配を躯が明確に芚えた結果、その存圚をより现かく、正確に刀別できるようになったのだ。 ヌヌヌヌ長々ず思考しおいる間にそろそろ色街の入り口が芋えおきた。 「............䜕だろうねぇ、このもやっずした気分」 ゚ロを発散するために向かう途䞭で至極たじめな事を考えおいたせいか、今の自分の行動が非垞に情けなく思えた。 かずいっお倧人の䞖界を目の前に怖じけが出おきたのかず蚀えば、答えは心の底から断蚀できる。 吊であるず! 倚分、今の俺の顔は凄たじく錻の䞋䌞びたくりの、錻息荒い倉質者に芋えるかも知れない。だがあえお蚀わせおもらう。 男の子だもん! 女の子の躯に興味接々の男の子だもん! ちょっず幎䞊でクヌルでオッパむ倧きなお姉さんずか倧奜きな男の子だなんだよぉぉぉぉぉぉッッッ! 「はッ!?」 思わず倩に向けお䞡手を突き䞊げた俺は我に返る。 ここで衝動を発散させおどうするよ。 発散させるのは女の子の䞭にするべきだ。 俺はフンスず気合い?を入れ盎し、倧人の䞖界ぞの䞀歩を螏み出そうずしお。 財垃を忘れおいたこずに今曎ながらに気が付いた。
We decided to buy all groceries tomorrow and to spend the rest of the day in the inn... we are still carrying tiredness from our long trip; as there is nothing mandatory left to do for the rest of the day, I decided to chill out in my room after sunset. ---- Or that's what the official story is. Right after finis.h.i.+ng the meal, we put a stop to our conversation after the sun was set... [............Well, I guess I'm going] I hardened the determination in my chest, and decided to went out to the town alone in the night. Mind and body, they are both been fully loaded; like this I can deal with any type of situation... Now, the issue is why I didn't tell anything to Real and went out on my own; it's a story of when we got together during midday. When I was picking up my armor, we were casually speaking about what to do tomorrow while strolling the downtown; it was then when I found it. The place that's so called red light district. It's because, you know -- I know I'm persistent about this -- but I'm a healthy high school student and a young adolecent boy going through p.u.b.erty... And from time to time, Real-san lets out some tremendous s.e.x appeal; that's quite the incentive to the heart of any youth of age; even if it's unconscious... Joking aside, those huge breast are a weapon; and any casual sighting of that deep valley is seriously dangerous; on top of that, sometimes I remember the cleavage of that spirit-sama who was left in the mountain village; that one is also seriously dangerous. It might be something embarra.s.sing, but can I find the chance for some self discharge in my current situation? Supposing it's discovered, at time I'll just die in agony. Even if I don't die in agony, the after taste is going to be weird. As I kept worrying endlessly about that, an impulse was born unquenched in my heart; and at that time I happened to see a pervedly dressed onee-san on the street who was calling people; it was then that I felt ready to gush out... The habits of the s.e.x industry of this world; while I was throughly taught by those brave gentlemen who had cleared long service back there in the mountain village; I can say that anything goes for the sake of keeping my dignity as a man-- I painstakingly increased the war funds, and I already scouted a long detour to that street I'm aiming for. At the time, I had plenty of failures, but thanks to some successful talks, I did manage to grasp some tips to select a good store. This is all thanks to the join efforts of the good men that have interest in the ero. [ONWARDS-] Just in case, I go an listen from behind Real's door to make sure she is asleep; the door is quite thin and I manage to hear a sleeping breath which sounds as if her heart is satisfied thanks to the quiet rest... It's great that she seems quite deep in her dreams. I get away from the room with sneakily steps, and leave the inn on my own. ... The streets are as lively as if it was the daylight. Even when the sun has set, the sky still s.h.i.+nes thanks to the starlights as the calm of the night skies spread all over. It's not only that I consider the stars are so colorful, but on the roads you can find street lights at fixed intervals... It looks like it's magic tools that capture light during the day and release it during the night; thanks to those I don't think I'll be losing my way. Well, in my case; it's not only thanks to the street lights. The signs of people, noises; they are easier to percieve since there is less lightning... Once again I become aware that an {anormality} occurred in my body. It might be perhaps, from the time I had the audience with the wicked princess... It only truly became clear when the golem showed up in the holy mountains. My five senses-- I feel as if their ability to perceive was increased. It's mysterious, even if it's not in my feel of vision; I feel that I can somehow still see it. Even at this point, I feel like I could perfectly walk around town with my eyes closed and never into anyone. I focus my eyes in a house that's on the street, I narrow my eyebrows and try to stretch my consciousness there... Even though there is a wall inbetween, I can still feel the presences inside the house. It's likely that these come from the people living inside... Well, more than this is a violation of privacy rights; so I divert my attention from the house. From the start my intuition has always been sharp, but when it's taken to this level is like the instincts of a wils animal. [Grandma said, that it's likely because I don't have any magic power in me............] According to what the Ice spirit-sama said, {bar rare exceptions} ; everything in this world has magic power; this goes beyond humans, even inanimate objects have magic power to some level. However, there it seems to be no magic dwelling in me; I'm an absolute {zero} . To propose a theory, I who have zero magic inside me; is much more sensible to the presence of magic that comes from other places; to the point I can get a clear feeling. Then why, ever since coming to this fantasy world I can feel much better those presences? --From now on let's call that magic detection-- From now on this is only my guess, but maybe in the original world where I come from; magic still exists, but in a much more minuscule quant.i.ty. Let's a.s.sume that a regular person in the fantasy world has 20 of magic; in the real world each person might have only 1 or 2-- In other words, it was not enough in size for me to be able to detect it as {magic} . That's why, ever since I came here, I managed to grasp the clear and defined presence of that thing known as {magic} . The existence that once was too dim to be felt, now is big enough so that it can be accurately be pinpointed. ---- As I was lost in my own thoughts, the entrance to the red light district will be soon in sight. [............ What is it, this 'I'm finally here' feeling-] Because I was thinking about something so seriously while approaching this ero site, I somehow feel that my current behaviour is quite pitiful... While you can say a part of me is afraid of delving into the world of the adults and wants to return, the correct answer to that fear is clearly engraved in my heart... It's a no! Perhaps now, a big smile is stretching under my face, I might even be exhaling air roughly like a pervert; but please at least let me say it.... I'm a boy, you know? A boy who is quite interested in the body of girls, you know? A boy that likes girls a little bit older, cool, and with huge b.r.e.a.s.t.s, you knooooooooooooooooowwwwww!!! [AH!?] I involuntarely raised my two arms to the sky, I now return to myself. I'm going to release some impulses here. The type of release that goes inside girls. Fans of mine, please give me your support? As of now, I'll be stepping into the adult world. ... Now I notice that I forgot to bring my wallet.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.53 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
第八話 この堎合、矎女ババアずでもいえばいいのか? 「切っ掛けは偶然。貎方たちがこの霊山をドラゎンで越えようずした時」 いの䞀番に、めちゃめちゃ寒かった蚘憶が浮かぶ。 「本来、生身の人間がこの山を越えるのは陞も空も含めお䞍可胜なのよ。肉䜓的ではなく、この山は魂を凍お぀かせる冷気が領域を支配しおいるの。どれほどの匷靱な肉䜓を持っおいおも、先に心が死んでしたうわ」 「............越えちゃったけど?」 「そこの剣士さんはたぁ䟋倖ね。耐性魔術が『粟霊術』レベルにたで昇華されおるから」 矎女がレアルを指さす。実感がないのか、矎女の存圚を未だ飲み蟌めおいないのか、キョトンずしたたただ。 「けれども、貎方は違う。たかだかあの皋床の炎の魔術で乗り切れるほどに柔い冷気じゃないのよ」 「そうか? さむっいちゃさむかったけど」 「寒いで終わっおいる時点で、貎方の特異性が蚌明されおいるの。でも、だからこそ、私は貎方を芋぀けるこずが出来たの」 柔らかく口端を぀り䞊げる笑みは、芞術レベルだった。 「切っ掛けは今話したずおり。埌は麓の村人ず口裏を合わせお貎方をこの山に誘導したの。途䞭、りルフの矀に遭遇したずきは少しだけ焊ったけど、剣士さんが思っおたより匷くお助かったわ。結果的に、貎方たちをこの堎に誘導する手助けになったけど」 あの少女が目の前の矎女だずするず、村人からのレアルぞの䟝頌も停りだったのか。 「あ、圌等を責めないでね? あの人たちは私の我が儘に぀きあっおくれただけだから」 「や、そりゃいいんだが」 どうにも疑問だらけだ。 「今曎だけど、お姉さんは人間なん?」 「もちろん違うわ。人の定矩で衚すなら『粟霊』かしらね。私たち自身は、己を衚す蚀葉は知らないけど」 粟霊ヌヌヌヌ圌女が蚀った粟霊術の粟霊は圌女自身を指すのだろうか。 「なぁレアル。粟霊っおなんぞ?」 蚀葉自䜓で想像は付くが、この䞖界での定矩がわからない。 「............通垞は、実䜓を持たぬ自我無き意志の存圚を指す」 ようやく萜ち着いおきたレアルが簡朔に答えるが、蚀っおいお本人はあたりすっきりしおいない様子。 「垌に、意志を持った粟霊がいるらしいが、人の姿ぞず倉じ、明確な思考圢態を持った類など、私は芋たこずがない」 「でしょうね。本圓に自慢じゃないのだけれど、私ほどに自我が確立できるになるたではものすごく長い時間が掛かるの」 「具䜓的には?」 「千幎ぐらいかしら?」 「お婆ちゃんっ!?」 「そうよぉ。こう芋えお、私はすっごいおばあちゃんなの」 わざずらしくほっほっほず、幎寄り臭く笑う粟霊。ノリいいな。 「んで、婆ちゃんはなんで俺たちをこんなすこぶる寒い堎所に呌んだんだ?」 「お、おい。堂々ず女性を幎寄り呌ばわりするのはどうかず思うんだが」 「あらあら、いいのよ。むしろそう呌んでくれるのは、芪しみやすいわ。麓の皆は「粟霊様〜〜」っお。敬っおくれるのは嬉しいんだけど、ちょっず堅苊しいのよね」 目䞋最倧の謎をぶ぀けるも、俺の蚀い様にレアルが突っ蟌みを入れた。呌ばれた圓の本人は、割ず気に入った颚だ。 「た、簡単に蚀えば、そろそろこの堎所に留たるのも飜きお来ちゃったっおずころかな?」 粟霊が、地に突き刺さっおいた槍に目を向け、俺たちもそれに倣う。 銀光を攟っおいたあの槍は、今や半ばから折れおおり、長い柄の半分が地に突き立ったたたを残しおいた。 「............折れおるんですが?」 「............折れおるな」 「ちょっずちょっず、他人事みたいに蚀わないでよ。君が折ったんでしょうよ」 「だっおよ、レアル」 「いやいやいや、さりげなく人のせいにするな。明らかに君だろうが。粟霊殿も君を指さしおいるだろう」 確かに觊りたしたけど、そう仕向けたのは婆ちゃんでしょうが。っおか、アレは本圓に指先が軜くタッチした皋床だったんだが。 「あ、別に責めおるわけじゃないのよ。むしろ感謝しおるわ。私をこの堎に瞫い止めおいたのはこの魔槍だったから。た、正確には槍そのものに封印されおた蚳なんだけど、ここ䞉癟幎近く誰にも抜かれないたた攟眮されおたし、同じ事よ」 そんな豆情報は知らんがな。 「誰もこの堎所に来なかったわけじゃないわ。十幎に䞀床か二床ほど、腕自慢やら技自慢の人間がやっおきたわ。もちろん、目的はこの槍。この山に人の身で乗り蟌んできた時点でなかなかの魂の持ち䞻だけど、結局この槍を抜けた人は皆無。党員、前座のゎヌレムに朰されるか、槍に觊れたずきに魂が耐えきれずに発狂死するかのどちらかだったわ」 憮然ずする粟霊の発蚀に、顔が自芚できるほどに匕き぀った。䞋手をすれば、俺もその腕自慢たちず同じ末路を蟿っおいたのか。 「人の身、ずは蚀ったけど、だいたいの人間が魔術ず魔術具で躯党䜓をガチガチで固めた完党防備でだったからね。防寒具䞀枚でここたで来た君ずは、雲泥の差よ」 「そんなわけで私はこの山に䞀人だけずヌっず寂しい思いをしおいたのよ。たたに麓の山に分け身を送る皋床は出来たけど、本䜓である私自身はこの空間で毎晩毎晩䞀人で枕を濡らしおいたのよ」 枕ねぇし、流した涙も即座に凍りそうだな、ず突っ蟌みを入れたくなったのは秘密だ。 「粟霊殿、質問をよろしいか?」 「いいわよ剣士さん。お婆ちゃん、䜕でも答えちゃう」 軜すぎる粟霊のノリに調子を厩され぀぀、レアルが疑問を出した。 「貎殿がカンナを遞んだ切っ掛けヌヌ぀たり、その槍を匕き抜くに足る人物ず刀断したその理由をお聞かせ願いたい。掚枬するに『魂の匷さ』ずいうのが刀断基準なのでしょうが、具䜓的には䜕なのだろうか」 「それは簡単。圌はヌヌカンナ君は、この䞖界でもっずも『玔色の魂』を持った人間なのよ。カンナ君ほどに混じりけのない魂は、私は私が存圚し始めおから䞀床しか芋たこずがないわ」 「玔色の............魂?」 人を無垢な少幎呌ばわりはやめお欲しい。これでも思春期たっただ䞭の青少幎だ。実は、粟霊の服(?)から芗いおいる癜い倪股やら、深い胞の谷間やらに目がいっお困るのである。時折、自爆芚悟であの魅惑の双䞘に飛び蟌みたい衝動に駆られおいる。 俺の堎違いすぎる若さ故の衝動を䜙所に䌚話はシリアスに続く。 「それが生たれたずきからなのか、環境がそうさせたのかは分からないわ。けど䞀目芋た瞬間から、圌こそがこの槍を抜けるず確信したの」 粟霊がこの䞀連の隒動を起こした起点が、これだったのか。 「理解しにくいかしらね。た、いずれは剣士さんにも分かるでしょうね。圌の偎にいればいずれは、ね」 意味深に粟霊が蚀うず、䞀息぀いお。 「さすがに抜くどころかぞし折ったのは、予想の䞊をいったけど」 「............今曎だけど、壊しおよかったのか?」 いい加枛すぎね? 「现かいこずは気にしない気にしない。もう折れちゃったんだし、今曎䜕いっおもどうしようもないでしょ」 「そりゃぁそうなんだがよ」 申し蚳ない気持ちは停り無く、レアルの方を向けば、圌女は圌女で肩をすくめお銖を暪に振る。あ、こい぀考えるの攟棄しやがった。俺も思考を攟棄したいんですが。 そしおこれよりほんの少し埌に。 俺がちょっぎり人間からはみ出る第䞀歩を螏み出すわけなのだが、これよりもほんの少し埌なのである。倧事なので二回。だっお、その時たでは俺は自分がたずもな人間だず自芚できたのだから。その間の短い期間を倧切な思い出にしたいわけなのです。ノシ。 粟霊の蚀葉が正しいのならば、圌女はこの山における自然珟象にある皋床の干枉ができるらしい。掞窟の入り口に戻っおみれば、そこを塞いでいたはずの雪の山は半ば以䞊が厩れおいた。俺らが入山した途端の吹雪も、あの雪厩も、実は圌女が意図的に匕き起こしたのだ。前者は俺の『資栌』の再確認、埌者は俺らを掞窟の奥ぞず導くために。 次の日の明朝に村に垰るず、村人総勢が揃っお膝を折り、頭を垂れおきた。俺ずレアルは倧いに慌おたが、圌等は嫌々に頭を䞋げおいる様子ではなかった。 話を持ちかけおきた村人ヌヌ村長だったらしいヌヌから聞くず、粟霊のいっおいた今回の真盞は、玛れもない事実だずいう。圌女の分け身である少女が村を蚪れおから画策したずのこず。圌等は粟霊に埓ったずは蚀え、芋ず知らずの旅人を䞋手をすれば死地に远いやったず眪悪感にかられおいたようだ。 ずりあえず俺もレアルも五䜓満足で垰っおこれたし、圌等を責める぀もりもなかった。そのこずを䌝えるず、せめおもの眪滅がしず、この村に滞圚しおいる間の費甚を栌安に提䟛しおくれるこずを玄束しおくれた。圓初は党額負担するず村長がいったのだが、さすがにこれは気が匕けたので譲歩しおもらった。 その日の晩。 「やヌ、いいお湯だったわ。お颚呂に入ったのっお䞉癟幎ぶりかしらね」 湯䞊がりさっぱりした様子の粟霊が、氎気にしっずりずした髪を吹きながら郚屋にやっおきた。氎も滎るいい女を芋事に䜓珟しおいるが。 「氷の粟霊が颚呂に入っお平気なのか。溶けるんじゃね?」 「いくら幎寄りでも、私だっお乙女よ。垞に身は枅くありたいじゃないの。それにあのぐらいじゃぁどれだけ浞かっおおも溶けないわよ。私を溶かしたければ、地獄の業火ぐらい持っおきなさい」 装備の手入れをしながらレアル。なかなかに芋られない光景だったので、圌女の䜜業を芋孊させおもらっおいた。 「レアルちゃんもお颚呂入っおきたら、気持ち良いわよ?」 「これが終わったら行くさ。正盎、颚呂に入ったら今日はもう䜕もする気が起きなくなるだろうし」 同感である。俺たちは昚日から完璧に培倜だ。これで気持ちのいい颚呂に入っおしたえば、睡魔には勝おないに違いない。 その前に、䞀応は詰めおおきたい話がある。 本人が気に入っおいるので、粟霊の呌称は『婆ちゃん』で確定しおいる。 「ん、䜕が?」 「どヌしお䞉癟幎ぶりに自由になった粟霊が、俺たちず同じ郚屋にいるんだよ」 至極自然に普通に郚屋に入っおきたので、こちらもナチュラルに䌚話を続けおいたが、実は俺も(おそらくレアルも)かなり驚いおいた。確か村長宅に招かれおなかったか? いくら簡玠で小さな村でも、こんな狭苊しい二人郚屋よりはよほどに䞊等な郚屋を甚意されおいたはずだ。 「あヌだめだめ、ああいう堅苊しいのっおどうも苊手で。私はもっずフリヌダムにいきたい蚳よ、フリヌダムに」 ご郜合䞻矩に、この䞖界に来おから蚀葉にはなぜか䞍自由しおいない。おそらく、䜕かしらの倉換が俺ずこの䞖界の䜏人ずの間で行われおいるだろうが、たたに暪文字発蚀がくるずどんな基準なのか気になる。珟代日本の造語文化は䟮れないのだ。 「あら、考えおみれば圓然じゃない? カンナ君は、䞉癟幎間誰も抜けなかった䌝説の槍を芋事に抜いお芋せた勇者よ? 少しばかり深いお話がしたくおも䞍思議じゃないでしょ」 「抜いたどころか粉砕だったけどな。っおか、勇者はやめおくれ」 思い出した途端、胞の奥から凄たじい怒気がこみ䞊げおくる。 「粟霊殿、カンナに『勇者』関係の蚀葉は厳犁だ。出来れば以埌は控えおもらいたい」 「............みたいね。分かったわ。気を悪くしおごめんなさいね」 「や、俺こそ悪い」 事情を知らない婆ちゃんに非はない。詫びおくる圌女に俺は銖を暪に振った。 「た、䞖間話だけじゃなくお、カンナ君にいろいろず『力』の䜿い方を教えおおこうず思っおね」 䜕?ずレアルがこちらに目を向けられるが、俺は反応に困った。 少しだけ婆ちゃんは考えるず、おもむろにレアルの右手を取った。 「粟霊殿䜕を............っお、冷たいッ」 レアルが悲鳎を䞊げながらビクリず肩を振るわせた。可愛らしい悲鳎だったのは俺の胞の内に秘めおおく。 「ごめんね。じゃ、カンナ君も」 次に俺の右手を取るが。 「........................アレ?」 圌女の右手から確かに冷気は感じる。手に觊れおいる郚分だけが、極寒の寒さを持っおいるのだが、俺はレアルのようには反応できない。冷たいず認識は出来るし、枩床も䜓感できるが、それだけだ。悲鳎を䞊げるほどでもなかった。 「だいたい、氎が䞀瞬で凍る䞀歩手前ぐらいの枩床かしらね」 銖を傟げおいる俺に、婆ちゃんは答えをくれた。それっおマむナスうん十床でなかったか? 䞍意打ちでそんな枩床に觊れたらレアルず同じく悲鳎を䞊げそうなものだが。 「そう、レアルちゃんの反応が人間ずしおは通垞なのよ」 本圓に通垞だったら、凍傷になっおるけど、ず物隒な远蚘。 「俺が異垞みたいな蚀い方だな」 「特異、ずいう意味では間違いではないわ。ねぇカンナ君、あの掞窟でアむスゎヌレムを倒したずきのこず、芚えおる?」 半日足らず前の出来事だ、忘れるわけがない。むしろ、あえお今たで考えないようにしおいた。レアルも、そんな俺を察しお今たで觊れおこなかった。 今でも意識をすれば、己の『奥底』に、新しい感芚が芜生えおいる。 やはり、婆ちゃんが『力』ず称したのはコレのこずか。 「............粟霊術っおや぀のこずか」 「そう、粟霊にのみ蚱された理の術法。カンナ君は、人でありながらも、きわめお粟霊に近しい力を手に入れたのよ。冷気に耐性が぀いたのもそのせいよ」 「............あの時槍から流れおきた『アレ』が原因か」 「君が『埗た』のはこの䞖界を支える理の䞀぀。私が長い幎月封印されおいたせいで、あの槍にはそれが染み着いおいたの。本来なら、あの槍の所有者がその理の担い手になるはずだったんだけど、ね」 䜕床も蚀うが、槍は俺が芋事にぞし折った。䞍可抗力だが。 「過皋はどうアレ、結果的には君は『氷結の粟霊術』を身に宿したの。私が、その力を扱う術を教えおあげるわ」 䞀週間の滞圚期間をおいお、俺たちは村を出発した。 「いいのかね、こんなに食料を分けおもらっお」 広々ずした草原を暪断するか移動を歩く俺ずレアル。俺の背䞭には、食甚が満茉した鞄。村の人たちが、逞別にず。宿代ずいい、食料ずいい、お䞖話になりっぱなしだった。もしこの先に機䌚があれば、恩返しが出来るずいいのだが。 「気持ちはどうアレ、正盎に蚀えば助かる。路銀はあるが先は長い。食費が浮くだけでもだいぶん楜になる」 レアルの珟実的な話も頷けるので、俺はそれ以䞊は蚀わない。それなりの金銭は城を脱出するずきに(迷惑料慰謝料その他諞々蟌みで)持ちうる限り頂いおきたが、それ以䞊の収入があるかは䞍明なのだから。 圓初はすぐさたに出発する予定だったのを、䞀週間ず倧幅に期間を蚭けたのは、幟぀かの理由がある。 䞀぀は、远っ手の心配が無くなった事。正しくは無くはないのだが、俺たちが越えた霊山は、婆ちゃんが長幎䜏み着いたせいで人間䞍可䟵の領域になり果おおいた。よっお、空を行くにも地道に螏砎するも䞍可胜になっおいる。領地の䞀郚にあるその危険地垯を、城の者が知らないはずはない。よっお、俺らがその山を越えるこず、その先にある村に滞圚しおいるはずがないず考えるだろう。捜玢範囲を広げるにしおも、霊山を隔おた察角䞊にあるここいら䞀垯は埌回しになる。 急ぎの理由が無くなるず、第二の理由。こちらは婆ちゃんの提案通り、俺の『力』をある皋床䜿いこなす為の期間だ。この先の道皋は短くないだろうし、その間に雪山で遭遇した時のようにい぀魔獣に遭遇しないずも限らない。レアルにばかり頌っおもいられず、少しでも自衛の手段があるのは間違っおいない。 ぀いでに、レアルからこの䞖界における䞀般垞識の講習だ。圓面は超ド田舎出身の若造で通す予定だが、それにしおも䞇囜共通の垞識ぐらいは仕入れおおかないず、埌々トラブルの問題になる。぀いでに簡単な読み曞きず数字も芚える。さすがに文字は今埌も芁勉匷だが、数字ぐらいは䜕ずか刀断付くようになった。 圓面の目的地はレアルの故郷だ。 レアルの故郷は、隣囜においおは銖郜ずもよべる堎所で、囜王もその堎所に陣を取っおいるずか。王様のお膝元ずなれば、発展の床合いは囜で䞀番かそれに近しい。぀たりはそれだけ人の数も倚い。そしお、人の倚さずは぀たり情報の倚さにも等しい。 もしかすれば、俺が元の䞖界に垰る手段が。あるいはそれに類する手がかりが芋぀かるかもしれない。この事はレアルにすでに承諟を埗おおり、助力を埗られる玄束も取り付けおある。 期埅はしない、が手探りでも先行く道が芋えるなら䞊等だ。幞いにも旅の道連れがいるの。しばらくは退屈しない道のりになるだろう。 そう蚀えば、䞀応婆ちゃんにも俺がこの䞖界を蚪れた経緯を教えた。長く生きおいるだけあっお、䜕か知恵袋的な情報が埗られるかもしれないず思ったからだ。 「ご免なさい。カンナ君を盎接助けられる様な情報は持っおないの」 婆ちゃんの申し蚳なさそうな顔を思い出す。 「過去に異䞖界から人を召喚したずいう話は、䜕回か聞いたこずあるわ。けど、そのどれもが人間の囜の内郚で行われおいたの。だから、あったずいう事実は分かるけど、その詳しい内容たではちょっずね」 「ちなみに、䞀番新しく異䞖界から人が召喚されたのっお䜕時なんだ?」 この質問に答えたのはレアルだ。 「たしか............䞉癟幎前ほどだったず聞くな。公匏の蚘録にも茉っおいるはずだろう」 「そ、そうね。私がちょうど封印される時期だったかしらね」 それたでは軜い調子だった婆ちゃんだったが、急に仕草に萜ち着きがなくなる。はお、䜕か知っおいるのだろうか。 そんな婆ちゃんに疑問を抱き぀぀、远究するのも悪いず思っお䌚話は打ち切られた。 婆ちゃんずの䌚話を回想しおからふず、元の䞖界に思いを銳せた。ここ数日間の波瀟䞇䞈に考える䜙裕が無かったのだ。 「有月の奎、劙な事しなきゃ良いがな」 䞀番に頭の䞭に思い浮かぶのは幌なじみの事。腐れ瞁ずいうか因瞁ずいうか、小孊生䜎孊幎のころからの付き合いだ。俺ずは真逆の色々ず優秀な奎ではあるのだが、割ず残念で問題の倚い奎でもあった。トラブルメヌカヌず蚀うのはおそらく奎のこずを指すに違いない。 続けお浮かぶのは、有月よりは付き合いは短いが、それでも䞭孊のころからの友人である二人の女友達だ。有月を経由した出来事が知り合う切っ掛けで、有月ず俺ずその四人が倧䜓垞に䞀緒にいるグルヌプだ。 「今頃、あい぀等どうしおんのかなぁ」 少なからずの隒ぎになっおいるのは間違いないだろうが、どうせ今は䜕も出来ないので、俺はそれ以䞊を考えるのをやめた。
Chapter 8 : In this case, should I use the term gorgeous grandma? [It was a coincidence, but it was at the time when you where flying with a dragon through this snowy mountain] From the very start? I remember that at the time, I was extremely cold. [Essentially, it's impossible for a flesh and blood human to cross this mountain; it does not matter if it's by foot or by air. This is not a "corporeal" issue- the cold air that dominates the mountain is something that aims to freeze the soul&h.e.l.lip; It's irrelevant how strong your body is, the heart will die before your body.] [&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;I crossed it as well, though?] [Knight-san there just happens to be exceptional, your elemental resistance magic has reached the level where it can work on {spirit magic} ] The beauty pointed at Real&h.e.l.lip; She can't feel it? It looks like she is not at ease with the existence of the beauty; she seems rather puzzled. [However, for you; it was different. At most you, only with that feeble flame magic; you blocked it off to the level you only felt some slight cold, didn't you?] [Really? But I felt it was extremelly cold, though?] [The point is that you only experienced normal cold; that's concrete proof of your peculiarity- but thanks to that, I was able to find you.] The edge of her mouth lifed in a charming smile, which was worthy of being immortalized as art. [Well, that was the motive; after that I made sure that the villagers would send you again to this mountain. On the route -when you encountered the wolves- I was slightly impatient; however, knight-san being so strong was quite helpful; it was even better that at the end they ended up guiding you to the entrance of this cave.] That small girl totally is the beauty in front of my eyes; in other words the request that the villager gave to Real was a fabrication. [Ah, but please don't reproch them, ok? That people were only playing along with my selfishness, ok?] [Well, that's fine; isn't?] There are various unknown points, though. [I know it's sudden, but is onee-san human?] [Of course I'm not. If put into human words I'm what's called {spirit} . Though, we don't have any specific word to define ourselves with.] Spirit---- I wonder if the spirit in the spirit magic she mentioned refers to herself. [Hey Real; what are spirits supposed to be?] While the word in itself brings something to mind, I don't know if that fits the definition of this world. [&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; Normally, it would refer to an existence that has no ego nor violition.] Real who finally calmed herself down, adds a concise reply. [Rarely, there are spirits with a will&h.e.l.lip; But a.s.suming human shape, or having the ability to conceive such complex thoughts; I have never seen such a thing.] [That's how it is. It's not really something to be proud, but it took a veeeryy long time for me to develop my ego] [Concretely?] [Maybe for about a thousand years?] [A grandma!?] [That's true, even if I look like this; I'm a superb oba-san] Then this spirit deliberately gave an old person's 'Ohohoh' type of laugh. It's nice that she has high spirits. [Ermn, why did baa-chan called us to such a cold place?] [O- Oi, a women of high stature and greater age, I think you should address her in a more dignified way&h.e.l.lip;] [AraAra, isn't it nice? If you call me that doesn't give an easy to talk feeling? At the foot of the mountain everyone calls me [Seirei-sama~ ~ ] , I'm glad about being respected, but it's a little too stiff, you know?] Even though I was addressing the biggest mystery so far, Real retorted my manner of speech-- but the person herself seems pleased with how things stand. [Well, In short; it's that I already got bored of staying in this place?] The spirit put her eyes on the place where the spear is, and our eyes followed. The spear that once gave out a silver light is now broken in half, half of it's long handle is still standing on the ground. [&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; It's broken?] [&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; It broke.] [Hold it, Hold it&h.e.l.lip; Don't talk as if someoe else did it! It's obviously your fault!] [But, Real-] [Nope, nope, nope. Don't try to casually blame it on others- It had to be you. Even spirit-dono is pointing at you.] It's true that I touched it, but it was baa-chan who made me do it&h.e.l.lip; Or rather, it was at the level of a glimpse with my fingertips&h.e.l.lip; [Ah, but it's not like I'm throwing around blame; instead, I'm grateful. It was this magical spear that had me confined to this place; well, to say it properly is that I was sealed in this place and it haven't been touched for over 300 years; completelly neglected, always being the same.] I don't care about that trivia. [Not a single person dropped by this place regardless of how many decades piled up. Long time ago, humans that prided in tbeir skills came to the mountain; of course, their aim was the spear&h.e.l.lip; The people of the mountain lended their help and those guys had quite the resilent souls&h.e.l.lip; but not a single one could pull this spear; everyone was just crushed by the appearance of the golem, or died from insanity at the moment they touched the spear.] My expression changed by the casual remarks from the discouraged spirit&h.e.l.lip;. So, if it didn't go well; my final fate would have ended up being the same as those pride in their strength guys? [But those guys bodies, so to speak; are fundamentally different as they mainly relied on protection from magic spells and special tools to guard off the cold&h.e.l.lip; it's a world of difference compared to you who just came here with just some thick clothes.] [That's why I have been alwaaaaays here alone in this mountain, waiting. Eventually I learned how to split my body as to play at the foot of the mountain; but my true self has always been here, wetting my pillow night after night.] What's with the pillows!? Any spilt tear is likely to be frozen on the cheek&h.e.l.lip; Let's keep that retort a secret. [Spirit-dono, would you mind if I asked something?] [Naturally knight-san, Oba-chan will answer all of your questions.] To the spirit that hadn't lost a speck of that light feeling, Real inquired. [You had already chosen Kanna-- In other words, you had a concrete reason of why you judged him proper of pulling out that spear; I'm guessing that the criteria was {the strength of the soul} ; but there it has to be something else, right?] [That's easy. Him-- I mean, Kanna-kun, is the one who has the {purest colored soul} in this world. Kanna-kun's soul has no impurity mixed in at all; to the point I have never seen anything else like this ever since I came to be.] [Purest colored&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; soul?] Would you guys mind stop speaking as if I was an ultra immaculate boy? I'm still a young man going through p.u.b.erty&h.e.l.lip; The truth is, those plentiful white tights and that bottomless valley like chest that sometimes leak through the spirit clothes(?) make it really hard where to look. I might even succ.u.mb to the temptation of performing suicide bombing on those wonderful steep hills. Without noticing the inappropriacy of my youthful indiscretions; the conversation proceeds in a serious tone. [I have no clue on what environment he was raised, but the moment I saw it; I was certain he would clear the challenge of the spear] The bottom line is that the current chain of events was planned from the start by the spirit. About the pure soul stuff, I really can't place any reason for it. [I don't know if that was hard to understand? Well, knight-san will surely understand it eventually; as long as you stay next to him.] After the spirit spoke something meaningful, she took a breath. [But of course I didn't thought that it would break, you went beyond my expectations.] [&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; But right now, wasn't it good that ended up broken?] Aren't you being too careless? [There is no point on fusing about the small details already. Since it broke, even if we want to; we can't do anything about it.] [That sounds about right.] I can't really say if I'm totally not feeling guilty about this&h.e.l.lip; I take a look at Real, she shrugged her shoulders and shook her head&h.e.l.lip; Ah, this guy; she is already not thinking about it&h.e.l.lip;. Might as well stop thinking about it too. Again&h.e.l.lip; that's for later, though. I might have here taken the first small step that walks away from a regular person; this is also for later. It's important so I mentioned it twice; that's why&h.e.l.lip; At this time I still have the awareness that I'm a regular person; this is why I want to save this short interval of time as an important memory- QDEP. Going by the spirit's words; she should be able to interfere to some extent with the weather of this mountain&h.e.l.lip; When we returned to the entrance of the cave, the mountain of rubble that was blocking it simply collapsed. The snowstorm that happened when we came here, and even the avalanche; she had created them intentionally. The first one was to corroborate that I was {qualified} , and the second was was to lead us to deep into the cave. The next morning when we came to the village, all villagers went on their knees and lowered their heads&h.e.l.lip; Real and I were in a fl.u.s.ter, we are not used to people lowering themselves like that. When someone from the villaged told us the story --it looks like he is the chief-- The fact that the spirit was there was an undisputable truth, and her split body came to this village to iron out the details of her plan&h.e.l.lip; While they did as the spirit said, they experienced guilt because they might had driven to death travellers that know not about the mountain. For the time being is obvious that Real and I returned safe and sound, and we hold no blame towards them. Once that was told; at the very least, they promised to accomodate us cheaply in the village. They actually offered to do so freely, but as expected that would be a little bit too much. By the evening of that day&h.e.l.lip; [Yaah, warm water sure is nice. It's been over 300 years since I entered a bath.] Soaking in the post bath bliss, a spirit whose soft hair was emiting dampness was enjoying the air of the room. She is the ideal impersonification of a wet beauty overflowing with freshness. [An ice spirit taking a dip in warm bath water is ok? Isn't there any danger of melting?] [Regardless of how advanced my age is, I'm still a maiden, you know? Isn't it natural to always be clean? Additionally, it doesn't matter how much I soak in that temperature, there is no problem. If you want to melt me, you'll need to use something close to h.e.l.lfire from h.e.l.l] Real was now in the middle of caring her equipment; since for me this is something that I don't get to see normally, I was quite entranced looking at her work. [Isn't Real-chan also going to enter the bath? Right now it's quite confortable.] [Right after I'm done with this I'll go. To be honest, I want to take a bath and then do nothing for the rest of the day.] I'm on board too. We have been up all night and without rest since yesterday; if in this state you enter a relaxing bath, after that there is no way you can win over your tiredness. Before that, there is one talk I would like to fill more details in&h.e.l.lip; Naturally, since the one addressed liked it, the spirit is already totally designated as {Baa-chan} . [Nn, What is it?] [Why is it that a spirit who has first released in 300 years in the same room as we are.] She completely entered the room as casually as possible, and then proceeded to talk naturally as it is. Actually, I'm quite surprised as it is (probably Real to). Surely the village head invited her to his house? Even in this small village, there it has to be a room bigger and more suited for guests than a cramped dual room like this. [Ahhhhh-objection.o.bjection! I'm totally not good with that much stiffness! I want to be in a place where I have more freedom, you know? Freedom is the word!] Difference in standard, I wonder why I don't have any inconveniences when talking with people from this world? It might even be that, what's spoken actually transforms into something that we understand&h.e.l.lip; I wonder if the speech standard is like in european movies? I can't risk disrespect using cointed words from contemporanean j.a.pan. [Ara, it's easy to see what you are thinking. Kanna-kun is interested in who could use that legendary spear that others could not tame for 300 years, the hero of long ago? It's not weird to be a little curious about what happened then.] [Rather than using it, it was completely crushed. Better yet, stop it with the hero] Just from thinking about that word, a strong anger gushes up from the bottom of my heart&h.e.l.lip; [Spirit-dono, Kanna has an ill relation to the word {hero} , if possible from now on please don't touch it.] [&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; So it seems. I get it&h.e.l.lip; Sorry for having reminded you of something unpleasant.] [No- instead, I'm also sorry] Grandma here has no fault for the circ.u.mstances that she does not know, I shook my head as I apologized. [Well, not only about the world, I also plan to teach Kanna-kun about using the {power} he now has.] Real looked at me as if to as 'what?', I'm actually troubled as how to respond. Grandma thought about something a little, and then slowly grabbed Real with her right hand. [Spirit-dono, what is&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; Ah- Cold!] After a small shriek, Real shook her shoulders. I'll make sure to save that cute yell in the bottom of my chest. [I'm sorry, but; Kanna-kun as well-] Next, she grabbed me with her right hand as well&h.e.l.lip; [&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; Are?] Certainly, I do feel cold from her right hand, but that's only from the part she is touching. Even if she is someone who posses extreme coldness, it's impossible for me to react like Real did&h.e.l.lip; I can recognize that it's cold, and I can also experience the temperature; but that's it-- It's not to the level I have to let out a voice. [That was, for about a little before water freezes, temperature wise.] Baa-chan gave an answer to the I whose head was tilted. Isn't that for about minus ten degrees celsius? If I get a surprise attack at that temperature; I should let out a similar yell to how Real did when she was touched. [Yes, Real-chan's reaction would be the usual for a regular person] If it was normal, I should be getting a frostbite. That's a dangerous postscript. [You are phrasing it as if something strange is going on with me&h.e.l.lip;.] [In a sense, the meaning is not wrong at all. Nee, Kanna-kun; do you remember how you defeated that Ice Golem in that cave?] It's something that happened in less than half a day; there is no way I don't remember. Rather, I have tried not thinking about it until now&h.e.l.lip; Real as well, probably to sympathize, she has not brought up the subject. Even now, if I try to become conscious about it; deep in the {bottom} of my heart, I feel that a new sensation was born. As expected, this is what grandma mentions as {power} . [&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; This is that spirit magic you mentioned?] [Yep, a type of technique that is only allowed to be used by spirits; even though Kanna-kun is human, you are now able to use a power that's quite similar to ours. This is also why you can better tolerate the cold now.] [&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; The cause is that {something} that came flowing when I touched the spear?] [You have {obtained} one of the principles that sustain this world&h.e.l.lip; Probably because I was sealed for so many years, that spear got stained with that. Originally, the owner of that spear was supposed to become the user, well-] Whatever it's said, I'm the one who marvelously broke that spear&h.e.l.lip; As if it was a prank by G.o.d. [Due to that process, in the end now within you resides the {spirit magic of freezing} ; I will teach you the techniques necessary to use that power] It was a week after that, that we left the village. [Is it all right? To give us such a large amount of food&h.e.l.lip;] Stepping through the s.p.a.cious gra.s.slands, Real and I are on our way; at my back there is a bag fully loaded of consumables that the people of the village gave us as a farewell gift. Not only the lodging, not only our meals; we ended up quite indebted to them&h.e.l.lip; later, if we get the opportunity; I'd like to repay them somehow. [I wonder how I should feel? Deep down, this is a lifesaver. The road is quite long and there is going to be travel expenses; anything that we can save in food is welcome.] I can only a.s.sent to Real's pragmatic talk; I have nothing to add. At the time we left the castle we took with us a decent amount of money (annoyance fee and apology fee among other stuff); but it's not know if we are going to be able to secure more money from now on. Originally, there it were several good reasons to depart quickly; but in the end we agreed at a full week stay. For one side, the worry about pursuers was gone&h.e.l.lip; Well, it's not totally gone in the end, but we went through the sacred mountain; thanks to grandma having spent there several years, it has become a well known area where people must not thread; the reason being that you can't go through it by foot nor by air-- That this is the number one danger zone in the area, the people of the castle can't be ignorant about this; therefore the fact that we crossed the mountain and that we stayed in the village can't be the first option they are going to consider. Even if they want to extend the search range, they would need to take a great detour while evading the mountain. With all that, we lost the reason for haste. On the other side- this is something proposed by grandma- we needed a grace period for me to master my {power} . Our journey from now on won't be short; and probably just like what happened in the snowy mountain, we are likely to into more magical beasts&h.e.l.lip; I can't forever rely on Real; I will undoubtely need means of self defence. On top of that, I had Real teach me more about the common sense in this world. I urgently need to evolve from a super clueless country b.u.mpkin brat, it was necessary to learn useful stuff about the ways of the world; it's obvious that not doing so will become a problem later. I learned the basics about numbers, reading and writting; these will natural become important from now on&h.e.l.lip; The numbers I could somehow stuff them in my head. Right now the immediate destination is Real's hometown. Real's hometown is the capital of the neighboring country; since that's the place where the king resides, it's probably the city that's the more developed in the whole country&h.e.l.lip; that also means that the population there has to be the largest in density in the country; and with that the amount of information that can be obtained is also the greatest. If that's the case, I might into means for me to return to my previous world; or at least some clue to make that possible. I already consulted this with Real, she also promised to lend a hand with this. My expectations are not big; there are problably going to be a lot of stumbling before actually finding my destination; fortunately, I'm blessed with a companion; so I won't get bored anytime soon. In those lines, I also told baa-chan the outline of the circ.u.mstances that brought me to this world; since she is soo long lived, she might hold an unexpected bag of wisdom, so to speak&h.e.l.lip; [I'm sorry, but I don't know anything that might directly help Kanna-kun] I remember grandma's sorrowful face. [There are stories about humans being previously summoned from another world, there it had been a bunch of them; but none of those where previously made in the human country; that's why, I know some fact from it, but not the accurate detail.] [By the way, the lastest people summoned from another world, when was the last time?] That question was answered by Real. [Certainly &h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; I don't remember ever hearing something about 300 years ago, there it should be official records left.] [Ye- Yeah, I wonder why I had to be sealed&h.e.l.lip;] This is the first time grandma doesn't have a light hearted feeling; suddenly she got restless&h.e.l.lip; Probably, she already knows something. I do hold some doubts about this behaviour, but asking her about it somehow seemed bad; so I'll drop the topic&h.e.l.lip; After talking with grandma, suddenly memories started flooding in, I kept thinking about the previous world; something I didn't had the leeway about previously, due to the eventful days&h.e.l.lip; [It would be great if that Yuuzuki doesn't do anything weird] The first thing it came to mind was about my childhood friend, an unseparable relations.h.i.+p forged by fate; having been related ever since elementary school. An outstanding guy who is is better than me in all accounts; but he also has several pitiful sides- He is without a doubt what would be labeled as a troublemaker. Right after that, I thought about those who I had not as long of a relations.h.i.+p as with Yuuzuki, but it's those two female friends I had since middle school; it was a chance meeting by something caused by Yuuzuki&h.e.l.lip; But after that the four of us started hanging around, acting as a group. [I wonder what are they doing right now&h.e.l.lip;] Without a doubt, for a while I did feel like raisen some uproar; but because right now I can't do anything about it, I decided on not thinking more about it.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.4 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
第十四話 斧を振り回す䞻人公っお珍しいんじゃね? やれやれ、ず軜く肩を竊たせただけでは枈たされない展開だ。 五人の䞀番背埌にいるは、軜鎧をたずっおいる他ずは違ったロヌブ姿だ。盎前の爆発は奎の攟った魔術だろう。蚌拠はないが、状況ではそう結論した方が話が早い。 「おい、怪我しおないか?」 「え? あ、はい」 赀毛さんに駆け寄り、立ち䞊がるのを手助けする。圌女は寞前に呜の危機にあったのを未だに飲み蟌めおないのか、爆発の衝撃で思考が定たっおいない。 「なぁ埓者さん。あの芆面さんがたず面識っおあるのかい?」 「い、いや、無いが............」 䞻よりは混乱から立ち盎るのが早かった。埓者たちは俺の蚀葉に頷き぀぀、乱入者達ぞず身構える。 「ずりあえず、俺ずアンタ達の諍いは埌回しな?」 「............歀方ずしおも異論はない」 䞻の我が儘ず安党の倩秀が揺れる心配は無いらしい。埓者ずしおの心構えは䞇党だった。 俺は圌女の躯を背埌に隠した。 ............勢いでこんな立ち䜍眮になったけど、これっお、赀毛さんを守る階士さん的なポゞションだよね。確実に赀毛さんの関係者になるな。赀毛さんに向けお攟たれた魔術を迎撃したから、もう手遅れか。 なるほど、有月の奎は垞にこんな感じで事件に巻き蟌たれおいたのか。 遠い目になる俺を䜙所に、芆面達は無蚀で剣を懐から匕き抜き、䞀斉に襲いかかっおきた。問答無甚ずはこのこずである。 狙いは間違いなく赀毛さんだ。芆面達が登堎しおから今たで、奎らの攟぀明確な殺意が圌女に集䞭しおいるのを俺は感じおいた。 咄嗟に構えようずする俺よりも先んじお、埓者達が敵ぞず走り出した。 「貎殿はお嬢様を頌むッ」 「頌むっお俺本圓は郚倖者なんですけどッ」 初察面の若造に蚗しおいいんですかッ、ずの぀っこみは空しく、埓者チヌムVS芆面チヌムの戊いが巻き起こっおしたった。 芆面が無蚀で振りかざす剣を、埓者も果敢に手にした剣で受け止め、火花が散る。身近にレアルずいう剣士がいるお陰か、圌女皋ではないが護衛ず芆面たち、双方の䞀撃䞀撃が鋭いこずが分かる。昚晩のチンピラよりも別栌だ。切り結んでくる芆面四人に、埓者四人は劣勢になるこずなく盞察しおいる。 っお、四人? 切り結んでいる芆面四人ずは別に、ロヌブ姿の芆面が仲間よりも離れた䜍眮に立っおいる、奎から魔力の気配を察知。 俺はその堎でゞャンプしながら円錐状の氷を粟霊術で生み出し、魔力を操っおいる芆面に向けお投擲した。地䞊に立ったたただず、目の前で切り結んでいる埓者達の誰かに圓たる可胜性があるからだ。 魔術の制埡に集䞭しおいたせいか、俺が攟った氷錐にロヌブ姿が気が぀いたのは目前に迫っおからだ。慌おお避けようずするも、粟霊の加護を受けた氷の飛翔速床は匓が攟った矢にも近い。圓然、避けるこず叶わずに倪股に突き刺さった。 ロヌブ姿の悲鳎が路地裏に朚霊した。 よし、ず拳を握るよりも早く、今床は盎䞊からの殺気。䞊から? 感じるたたに頭䞊を芋䞊げるず、路地を囲う家の屋根から、芆面の男が䞀人飛び降りる瞬間だった。手にはやはり剣を携え、萜䞋の目暙地点には赀毛さん。 萜䞋しおくる物䜓を狙い撃぀自信はない。刀断した俺は、あの霊山でゎヌレムを粉砕した歊噚ヌヌ氷の倧斧を䜜る。 「赀毛さん䌏せろッ」 鋭い声に、赀毛さんは反射的にしゃがみ蟌み、俺はその盎䞊から迫る暗殺者に向けお剛斧を振るった。颚を薙払う䞀撃は芆面の脇腹に深々ずめり蟌み吹き飛ばし、路地の壁に叩き぀けられた。 続けお背埌から。振り返るずこちらに迫る芆面の䞀人ず、その曎に向こうには腕から血を流しおしゃがみ蟌んでいる埓者。突砎されたか。 迫る芆面は、突然(他人から芋れば)珟れた俺の倧斧に目を倧きく開き、螏み蟌みが乱れる。その隙を芋逃さず、俺はそい぀も倧斧の薙払いで路地の壁に吹き飛ばす。 倧斧ずいうチョむスは、レアルずの鍛錬ず話し合いの末で決定した俺のデフォルト装備だ。手甲ず足甲で防埡力も攻撃力も䞊昇したが、珟代日本で暮らしおきた俺の戊闘力などたかが知れおいる。玠人よりは䜙皋動けるが、この䞖界のプロヌヌ戊いを生業にした者達盞手に通甚するはずもない。そこで俺が遞んだ戊い方は『長い間合いず高嚁力の歊噚でごり抌し』するずいう、身も蓋もない極論だ。 だったら剣で良いじゃないかずも思うだろうが、剣よりも斧の方が生み出す時にむメヌゞしやすい。これは初めお粟霊術で䜜ったのが斧だったからだ。䜕でこんなのを最初に䜜ったのかは、俺自身にも䞍明だ。先に述べたように、粟霊の加護がある限り、俺の感じる斧の重量は振るうに最適化されおいる。こんな倧質量の固たりを普通の剣ず同じレベルで扱えるなら、非垞に有効的だ。 ヌヌヌヌや、身の䞈の倧剣を玠の筋力で自圚に振り回しおいる人ずかもいたすけどね。゚ルフ耳の巚乳剣士ずか。 ずりあえず、これで倧抵の敵なら十分に戊いになるだろうずいうレアルのお墚付きをもらえる皋床にはなったのだ。 瞬く間に仲間䞉人を無力化された芆面達に動揺が走る。最初に珟れた五人は囮で、屋根から匷襲しおきた最埌の䞀人が本呜だったのだ。あるいは、最初に俺が氷で迎撃したロヌブ姿が高嚁力の魔術で俺らを吹き飛ばせおいればそれでよかったのか。この状況になっおしたえば、それを問う意味はない。 こちらは䞀人負傷しおいるがそれでも俺を含めお五人。赀毛さんはずりあえず戊力倖で蚈算。察しお芆面達は残り䞉人。人数差でも、戊力差でも圌我の優劣は明癜。 䜕よりも、芆面達の予想倖だったのが、俺の存圚だ。぀ヌか、俺自身もこんな事態になったのは予想倖すぎる。敵䞉人を戊闘䞍胜に远い遣ったのは俺だ。俺の存圚がなければ、最初の魔術の䞍意打ちですべおが終わっおいた。 襲撃の倱敗を悟った芆面達は蚀葉無く同時にそれたで剣を切り結んでいた埓者達ず離れ、足から血を流しおいるロヌブ姿の偎に駆け寄る。 芆面達の䞀人が、玉のような䜕かを取り出し、振りかぶる。 埓者の䞀人の蚀葉を匕き継ぎ、俺は斧から手を離し、前方に突きだした。かざした手ずそこから続く空間に意識の党おを傟ける。 粟霊術に必芁なのは、明確なむメヌゞだ。䜕を望み、䜕を成すのか。その確固たる意志で粟霊に語りかけ、珟実に具珟化する。芆面共が䞀カ所に集たったのは幞いだ。 むメヌゞするのは『檻』だ。右手を握り、巊手は開いお平は䞊に。想像を右手に乗せ、巊手は倧地に芋立お。 「即垭留眮所っおかッ」 右手の底をを巊手に叩き぀けた。バチンっず音が響くず、芆面達の呚りを囲う壁が出珟。氷の立方䜓が、すっぜりず逃亡盎前の圌らを閉じこめた。 出珟した半透明の壁に、だが振り䞋ろした腕の勢いは止たらなかった。芆面の手から攟れた玉は地面に叩き぀けられお炞裂、濃床の濃い癜煙が吹き出した。 ヌヌヌヌ氷の壁に芆われた密閉空間内に。 ........................これは笑うずころだろうか? や、芆面達にずっおは緊急事態なんだろうけどね。逃走甚の煙幕玉䜿ったら、い぀の間にか閉じこめられおいた檻の䞭に充満するだけ。こっちは芖界良奜だけど、圌方はほが芖界れロになっおしたった。 内偎から氷の檻を叩いおいるようだが、びくずもしない。俺が粟霊術で䜜る氷の匷床は、そこに蟌めたむメヌゞず距離の圱響を受ける。俺の手元であれば最倧匷床はレアルの党力でようやく砎壊できる皋だ。距離が離れれば枛衰し、加えお緻密な造圢も難しくなっおくる。俺ず氷の檻の距離は少し離れおいるので難しい物は䜜れないが、あんな単玔な構造であり、か぀むメヌゞをシッカリ持っおいれば盞圓の堅さが保おる。それに、俺が粟霊術で䜜った氷は、粟霊の圱響が切れない限り、俺ず『リンク』しおいる。俺の意識が『あれ』から離れない限り、ちっずやそっずの衝撃でダブられるこずはない。 ふぅ、䞀旊萜ち着いたか。感じ取れる範囲で殺気や魔力の動きは無い。俺が壁に叩き぀けた芆面二人も意識を倱っおいる。斧を叩き぀けたずき、骚の数本が纏めおぞし折れた感觊がしたが、死んでいない。たぁ、勢い䜙っお脊髄たで折れおるかも知れないが、そこら蟺は自業自埗ずしおあきらめおもらおう。 「赀毛さん」 声を掛けるも、赀毛さんは心ここにあらずっお様子だ。 「あの芆面達ず面識が無いのはわかったが、じゃあ呜を狙われる心圓たりっおあるかい?」 「あ........................その............えっず............」 口から声が出るが、喉の蟺りで匕っかかっおいる。蚀葉にならない音が途切れ途切れに発せられる。めたぐるしい状況の倉化に混乱気味か。 「なぁ埓者さん」 こちらは黙りか。ただ、氷の檻を、そしお意識がない芆面を芋る目には険しさが匷い。その衚情からしお心圓たりが皆無でないのは読みずれた。お嬢様っぜいから、芪の因瞁やら身代金やらず想像するが、ただ䌚っお䞀時間前埌の盞手の身の䞊を掚し量れるはずもない。 しかし、これからどうするか。手元にあるならずもかく、離れた䜍眮にある造圢物を支配䞋に起き続けるのは結構骚が折れる。檻を維持したたただず俺はこのたただずろくに動けない。 ずりあえず、檻の内郚枩床を氷点䞋たで䞋げお芆面達の動きを封じおおくか。そうすれば檻を解陀しおも逃げられる心配はない。 俺はむメヌゞを倉えようずした。 ヌヌヌヌ鮮烈な気配が肌を突き刺した。 痛みすら芚えそうな過剰な魔力の動きを感じる。 その発生源が特定できるよりも早く、氷の檻が爆散した。 「ヌヌッ、がぁぁぁぁぁッッッ」 檻のむメヌゞを固めるために䜿っおいた右腕に激痛が走る。 激痛に目尻に涙が溜たるも、俺は噛みしめお前を睚み぀ける。やはり氷の檻は粉々に砕けおおり、䞭に充満しおいた癜煙が広がり芖界を遮る。 目には芋えず、だが四぀の気配がそこから離れようずしおいるのは感じられた。加えお、俺が吹き飛ばした奎等もここがチャンスずばかりに動き出す。あの怪我で動けるのか。死んでいないにしろ肋骚数本ず内臓にかなりのダメヌゞがあるはずなのに。脇腹を抌さえお逃げ出す二぀の芆面の動きは負傷しおいるずは思えないほどに玠早く、俺も埓者も咄嗟には手が届かない。 右腕の感芚は戻らない。俺は残った巊手を起点に氷を䜜り、党力を持っお蹎り飛ばした。狙いの甘さは粟霊が補っおくれる。高速で飛翔する氷の瀫は逃げ出そうずする内の䞀人に迫る。 ゎりンッず、爆音を立おながら、玅蓮の柱が倩に䌞びた。氷の瀫はその炎の柱に吞い蟌たれるず音すらも蒞発させる。 ヌヌヌヌッ、䜕だこい぀はッ!? 炎の柱を構成する魔力の『質』に、オレは愕然ずする。 オレの氷を粉砕したのず同じ魔力だ。だが今たで芋おきたどの人間よりも異質。人間ず呌べるのか疑問に思うほどに濃密だ。 氷の瀫が消滅し、巊の指先がビリっず痺れる、即垭で䜜ったためそこたで匷固には䜜っおいないのに、䜓に返っおくる。぀たり、あの炎の柱はそれ皋たでの超高枩ずいうこずだ。 炎の柱はしばらくその堎で燃え続け、やがおたっぷり䞉分ほど経っおから消滅した。柱の根本だった郚分の石畳が溶けおいた。どんだけの熱量だよ。芆面達はその堎から完党に姿を消しおいた。気配を探るが、やはり感じられる範囲にはもういなかった。逃げられたか。 捕たえられはしなかったが、襲撃者達の犯行は倱敗に終わった。もうこの堎に殺意はない。䞀名ほど怪我人は出たが、ぱっず芋では腕を切られたぐらいだ。この䞖界には治癒魔術ずいう䟿利なものがある。腕がたるたる欠損しおいないのであれば、専門家に芋せれば問題なく治るだろう。 「............助力、感謝する。我々だけでは危うかったかもしれん」 埓者達の䞀人が剣を鞘に玍めながら瀌を蚀う。 「お瀌は蚀葉よりも『 指で茪っかを䜜りながら䌝えるず、埓者は呆れながらも笑みを䜜った。 「確かに、我々が巻き蟌んでしたったのは間違いない。了解した、望み通りの報酬ヌヌずたではいかないが、商人が護衛を頌むずきの盞堎ぐらいは支払おう」 「亀枉成立だな。・・・・・・あ、俺田舎者だからそこら蟺の盞堎に詳しくねぇんだ。悪いが俺の保護者を呌んできおも良いか? たぶんあっちはそこそこに詳しいはずだから」 「無論構わない」 「じゃあ、ずりあえず俺たちの止たっおる宿にヌヌ」 ヌヌヌヌぐらりず、芖界が揺れた。 足先から力が抜け、ぺたりずその堎に尻逅を付く。頭の奥から凄たじい疲劎感が抌し寄せおきた。これには芚えがある。 「お、おい倧䞈倫かッ?」 意識が途切れ途切れになっおくる。 「悪いんだけどさぁ............俺の保護者さんを呌んできおくれね?」 俺はどうにか最埌の力を振り絞り、レアルがいるだろう宿の堎所を䌝えるず、その堎に倒れのだった。
Chapter 14 Aren't axe wielding protagonists kind of rare? This is not a development where I can get it over with by just shrugging my shoulders lightly and go "Good grief". The five people furthest in the back are dressed in robes unlike the others that are wearing light armor. The explosion just before must be the magic those guys released. There's no evidence, but it's easier if I conclude that from this situation. "Hey, are you hurt anywhere?" "Eh? Ah, no I'm fine." I rushed up to miss Redhead and helped her get up. Has the girl still not realized that her life was in danger just then; that thought hasn't settled in me from the impact of the explosion. "Say mister servant. Are you acquainted with those masked men?" "N- no, not at all though......" They were quicker to recover from the chaos than their head. While the servants nodded to my words, they put their guards up against the intruders. "Shall we put off our dispute for now?" " ......... We have no objections to that." It doesn't look like I'll have to worry about them swaying between the head's selfishness and their safety. Their mental att.i.tude as a servant was perfect. I hid her in the back. ......... I got into this position from the course of events, but this is a knight-like position where I would protect miss Redhead, isn't it? I certainly became the one in charge of miss Redhead didn't I? I intercepted the magic that was released towards miss Redhead, so it's already too late, huh. I get it now. So that Yuuzuki constantly gets rolled up into incidents with this kind of feeling. When I had a faraway look, the masked people silently drew out a sword from their bosom and attacked all at once. There's no use in arguing about it. Their target is without a doubt miss Redhead. From the entry of the masked men until now, I can feel that the killing intent those guys are releasing are all gathered on her. Before I even tried taking on a fighting stance at once, the servants started running towards their enemies. "I entrust milady to you sir!" "You say entrust, but I'm really an outsider though!" My "Are you sure about entrusting her to a youngster on your first meeting!?" retort was fruitless and the Servant team vs Mask team battle broke out. The masked men silently brandished the sword and were stopped resolutely by the sword held by the servants, scattering sparks. I don't know if it's thanks to them being swordsmen similar to Real, but I know the blows exchanged between the guards and the masked guys are fast, though they're not as good as Real. They're more extraordinary than those hoodlums from last night. The four servants faces the four masked men they're crossing swords without being inferior to them. Wait, four? In addition to the four masked men they're crossing swords with, one masked man in robes was standing at a place further away from their allies. I could sense the presence of magic from that guy. While I jumped from this place, I produced a cone shaped ice with spirit magic and threw it towards the masked man who is manipulating their magic power. If I stood on the ground while doing that, I may hit one of the servants who are crossing swords in front of me, you see. I wonder if it's because he's concentrating on controlling the magic. I mean, the time the robed man noticed the ice cone I released was when it approached right before his eyes. Of course, him avoiding those cones didn't happen and they pierce into his thighs. The screams of the robed figure echoed through the alley. Before I could even do a fist pump and say "Yes!", a bloodthirst came from above this time. From above? When I looked up as I felt it, a single masked man instantly jumped down from the roof of the house whose walls enclosed the alley. Carrying in his hand is also a sword and at the spot he is dropping down to is miss Redhead. I don't have the confidence in being able to hit the dropping body. When I judged so, I create the weapon that pulverized the golem in that sacred mountain-a great axe of ice. "Miss Redhead, get down!" Miss Redhead ducked by reflex from my sharp voice and I swung the st.u.r.dy axe towards the approaching from above. Continuously from the background. When I looked over my shoulder, one masked person was approaching us and even further away was a servant crouching down with blood flowing from his arm. So they broke through. The approaching masked man opened his eyes wide from my large axe that suddenly (from another person's perspective) materialized and his steps became disordered. Without missing that opening, I also sent him flying to the walls of the alley with a sweep of the great axe. My choice of a great axe has been decided to be my default equipment at the end of the training and discussion with Real. My defensive and offensive abilities rose with the armguards and legguards, but I understood how much fighting strength and the like I, who had lived in modern j.a.pan, have with those on. I can move better than an ordinary person, but you can't really expect me to pa.s.s as an opponent against the pros of this world -- the people whose livelihood is fighting. Therefore, the way of fighting I chose is a blunt and extreme logic that is "overwhelming them with long distance support and a weapon with huge power." In that case, why not a sword is what I think you're going to ask, but an axe is easier to imagine than a sword when I'm creating a weapon. This is also why an axe was the first thing I created using spirit magic. I'm not sure myself why that was what I made at the beginning. Like I've mentioned before, as long as I have the divine protection of the spirits, the axe's weight that I feel is optimised for swinging around. It's unusually effective if you can handle this large lump of ma.s.s the same way you can with a normal sword. ----No, there is even someone who can wield a greatsword of their height at will through pure physical strength. Someone like an elf eared, huge breasted swordswoman. It came to the extent of receiving Real's authorisation who said "If it's regular adversaries, this should be enough to fight with for now I suppose." Unrest runs through the masked men whose three comrades were incapacitated in the twinkling of an eye. The five that appeared in the beginning were a decoy and the last person that attacked from the roof was in fact the deciding factor. Would it perhaps be fine if the robed people's powerful magic I intercepted with ice would blow us away? There's no point in asking since something like this happened. Here we have one injured, but five people including me. Miss Redhead is for the moment outside of the fighting power I calculated. As for the masked men, there are three remaining. It's obvious which side has an advantage in both the difference in number of people and fighting power. Above all else, what the masked men didn't expect was my existence. Or actually, that I myself brought about this situation was too unexpected. The one who knocked the three enemies out was me. If I wasn't here, the surprise magic attack at the beginning would've ended everything. Realizing the failure of their attack, the masked men separated from the servants they were crossing swords with without any words and rushed to the side of the robed figure whose blood is spilling from his legs. One of the masked men took out a sphere like something and held it up. Taking over the words of one of the servants, I let go of the axe, and stuck my hand in front of me. I concentrate all my consciousness to the s.p.a.ce that continues from the hand I held out. What is necessary for spirit magic is a precise image. What you desire, what you intend to do. You address the spirits with a firm enough will and materialize it to reality. It's fortunate that the masked bunch are gathered in one place. What I'm imagining is a {Cage} . Gripping my right hand, my left hand was open with something broad and flat on top of it. Placing my imagination on my right hand and my left hand choosing the ground. "Or rather an instant jail!" I struck the bottom of my right hand on my left hand. When the sound of a slap resounded, a wall appeared, enclosing the masked men. The cube of ice cleanly imprisoned those guys just before they escaped. The semi transparent wall that appeared couldn't stop the momentum of the swinging arm though. The ball that was released by the masked man struck the ground and exploded, gus.h.i.+ng out a very thick white smoke. ----inside the s.p.a.ce that is made airtight by the wall. ........................Is this where I should start laughing? No, as far as the masked men are concerned, this must be a state of emergency. If they used a smoke bomb meant for escape, it'll only fill the cage that locked them up without them noticing. Our vision here is good enough, but the vision in there has pretty much become zero. They seem to be hitting the wall of ice from the inside, but it's not moving an inch. The strength of the ice I make with spirit magic is influenced by the image I put into it and the distance. The maximum strength when it's near me is so strong it takes all of Real's power to be able to destroy it. If it's separated from me, it would dampen and at the same time precise modelling becomes difficult as well. Because the distance between me and the ice cage is short, it's not a difficult thing to create, but if it had that simple structure and you hold a strong image, it will hold a considerable st.u.r.diness. Moreover, the ice I make with spirit magic is {linked} with me as long as the influence of the spirits aren't severed. As long as my consciousness isn't separated from {that} , it won't break from a small amount of impact Phew, I calmed down for now. There's neither bloodl.u.s.t I can feel nor movement in magic power. The two masked men I threw onto the wall also lost their consciousness. That one time I struck with the axe, I felt that several bones broke, but he didn't die. I may have ended up overenthusiastically breaking his spinal cord, but let's just leave it at them getting their just desserts. "Miss Redhead" Even when I called out, Miss Redhead was being absentminded. "I know those masked men aren't your acquaintances, but did you happen to know they were aiming for your life?" "Ah.................. uhm.........err........." A voice comes out of her mouth, but it got stuck in her throat. An inarticulate sound came out choppy. Feeling confused by the change in the hectic state of affairs? "Say mister servants" And they're keeping quiet huh. Except that, their eyes that are watching the masked men that were caged by the ice and are now unconscious is very grim. I could read from their facial expressions that they weren't aware of it whatsoever. Since she looked like a rich lady, I imagined it to be her connection with her parents or ransom and whatnot, but I'm not even supposed to be able to imagine the personal history of the other party whom I didn't even meet until about an hour ago. But, what am I going to do now? Whether I'm close to it or not, it takes too much effort to keep objects formed under my control. If I'm going to keep maintaining the cage, I won't be able to move sufficiently while maintaining it. Shall I lower the temperature inside the cage until it's below zero and have that seal the movement of the masked men for now? If I do that, I don't have to worry about them running away even if I release the cage. I was about to try and change my image. ---A vivid sensation pierced through my skin. I feel an excess movement of magic power which I can even remember the pain from. The ice cage burst before I could identify the source of that magic power. -gh, gaaaah!" Intense pain runs through my right hand I'm using to solidify the image of the cage. Even if tears are collecting in the corner of my eye, I bit my teeth and glared in front of me. The ice cage was smashed to pieces all the same and the white smoke that was filled inside spread and intercepted my vision. I couldn't see it from my eyes, but I can feel the four presences trying to separate from that place. Moreover, even those guys I sent flying started to move because of this opportunity. Can they actually move with those injuries? Even though there's supposed to be quite some damage to several of their ribs and their internal organs even if they're not dead. The movement of the two masked men who are holding their side and running away are so fast you wouldn't think they were injured at all and neither me nor the servants could reach our hands right away. The feeling in my right arm doesn't return. I create ice on my remaining left hand and kicked off with all my strength. I'll have the spirit compensate for my half-hearted aim. An ice pebble that's flying at a high speed is approaching one of the men that are trying to run away. While a boom sound of explosion arose, a crimson pillar stretches into the sky. The ice pebble was sucked into that pillar of flames and evaporated with just a sound. ---gh, what's with that guy!? I was astonished by the {quality} of the magic power that pillar of flames is composed of. It's a magic power similar to my destroyed ice. However, it's different in quality compared to any human I've seen until now. It's so rich in quality that I'm doubting if that person is human. The ice pebble vanished, the fingertips of my left hand is tingling numb. Even though it wasn't made that strong as a result of creating it off the cuff, it returned to my body. In other words, it means that that pillar of flames was that extremely hot. The flame pillar continued to burn at that place for a while and eventually extinguished after a good three minutes. The portion of the paving that is at the base of the fire pillar has melted. What an extreme heat. The masked men disappeared from there without a trace. I looked around for their presence, but there was nothing within the range I can feel. So they escaped. We didn't catch him, but it ended with the a.s.sailants failing their criminal act. There's no killing intent in this place anymore. We came out with one injured, but judging from appearance it's to the extent of his arm being cut off. In this world, there is something convenient called healing magic. In the case your arm didn't become a stump, it can be healed without difficulties if you show it to a professional I think. " ............We're grateful for your a.s.sistance. It may have been dangerous with just us. One of the servants thanked me while sheathing his sword into the scabbard. "I'd prefer {some money} as thanks instead of words you know. It's a fact that I essentially have neither a relations.h.i.+p nor obligation with that lady you guys are serving. You won't face punishment even if I receive an inconvenience fee, right? When I tell them while making a halo with my finger, the servants made a smile although they were astonished. "Certainly, there is no doubt we involved you in this. I understand, your desired renumeration is-not what we can give you, but let us pay you at least the market price for a merchant requesting an escort." "Negotiation's complete then I guess. Ah, I'm a country b.u.mpkin, so I don't really know the actual market price. Can I call over my guardian? Since she should probably be well informed in that." "We do not mind, of course." "Then for the time being, let's go to the inn we're staying at and-" ---my vision shook violently. Strength left my feet and I fell on my back at that spot. An intense fatigue surged from inside my head. I remember this feeling. "He- hey, are you alright!?" My consciousness is about to break off. "My bad, but hey......... can you call my guardian please? I somehow mustered up the last of my strength and after I told them the location of the inn Real is staying in, I collapsed in this place.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.47 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
今床こそ劙な空気を払拭し、真面目な話に移行する。 ずりあえず、互いの䌝蚀や手玙を宿かギルドの方に預ける手筈ずなった。レアルが俺に甚があるずきは宿の方に䌝蚀を、俺がレアルに甚がある時はギルドの方に、ず蚀った具合にだ。 「今日は君の顔を確認するだけで、特にこれず蚀った情報は掎んでいないんだ」 「無理のない皋床で頌むさ」 数ヶ月ぶりにドラクニルに戻っおきたばかりなのだ。早々に情報が手にはいるずは思っおいない。短くおも二、䞉週間は最䜎でも掛かるだろうし、長ければ数ヶ月皋床芚悟しおいる。 「おたえさんず山分けした蓄えもあるし、ギルドで䟝頌を受ければ日銭も皌げる。退屈はしないさ」 「悪い。数ヶ月も職堎を留守にしおいるだけあっおかなり仕事が溜たっおいおな。そちらをある皋床片付けないず君の甚事に関しお手を出しおいる暇が無い」 「............むしろ、数ヶ月も留守にしおいたのに随分ずすんなり職堎埩垰が出来たでござるな」 俺も感じた率盎な疑問を口にするクロ゚。䌁業の重圹が数ヶ月も姿を眩たしおいたのに、顔を出した途端に混乱も問題もなく通垞業務に戻れるのか。信頌関係ずかそこいら蟺は倧䞈倫なのだろうか。 クロ゚には俺の事情は粟霊術ず同じく、詳しくは話しおいない。俺が個人的にレアルに䜕かしらの頌みごずをしおいる、皋床の認識だ。 「結構特殊な職堎でな。詳现を教えおはやれないのだ」 「いやいや、詮玢する気は無いでござるよ」 「重ね重ね悪いな」 そんなやり取りを暪目に、俺は内心にぜ぀りず。 (たさか囜の暗郚的な郚眲じゃねぇだろうな。や、そんな挫画みたいな展開はないだろうさ) レアルの戊闘力はどう考えおも戊堎の最前線で倧暎れする担圓だ。 でも出䌚った圓初に『倖亀云々』っお蚀っおたな。捕らわれおいたのはそれなりに『利甚䟡倀』があるからだず。愛甚しおいる巚倧剣も代々䌝わる家宝だっお話だ。職堎の方も郚䞋を持぀立堎にあるず。 ............あれ? 改めお考えるずもしかしおレアルっお結構重芁人物なんじゃね? 囜家的な意味で。 この䞀ヶ月でレアルの人柄は結構理解できおいるず思う。歊人肌で男前だが、面倒芋の良い気さくな性栌の銀髪゚ルフ耳巚乳。 急に湧いた疑問をすぐに払拭できない。だが、レアルに只ならぬ恩がある以䞊、事を詮玢するのは誠実ではない。 内心に悶々ずした心境を抱いおいるず、俺たちの垭に近づいおくる気配があった。宿䞀階にはほかにもテヌブルがあり、垭に着いおいる他のグルヌプもあったが、䞀盎線にこちらに向かっおくる。 芖線の先には、䞊等ず䞀目で分かる鎧をたずった端敎な顔぀きの青幎がこちらに近づいおくる。 ヌヌヌヌ遭遇するむケメン率、高すぎじゃね? ランド然りアガット然り坊ちゃん然り、぀いでに女ながらにそこらの野郎よりもよっぜど男前のレアル然り。あれか、匷い茩=むケメンの法則が成り立぀䞖界なのか。 近くで芋るず耳の付近からツノが生えおいる。ギルドの婆さんのずは圢状が違うが、圌も竜人族だ。 「たったく、探したしたよ」 圌女は困ったように眉を顰めながらも、けれども口の端に埮笑が浮かんでいた。どうやら顔芋知りらしい。 「おたえか。ただ勀務時間前だず思うのだが?」 「䜕を蚀っおいるのですか。数ヶ月分の曞類が溜たっおいるのに、悠長に蚀わないでください」 「数ヶ月ぶりに埩垰した䞊叞を劎っおやろうずいう粟神が無いのか」 「ありたせんね。俺の圹割は、あなたを䞀刻も早く職堎に匕っ匵っお、認蚌の刀子を䞀぀でも倚くの曞類に抌させるこずです」 「やれやれ、優秀な郚䞋を持おお私は幞せだね」 「その優秀な郚䞋のためにも、早く職堎の方に来おください」 「すたないカンナ、クロ゚。今日はこれで時間切れのようだ。䟋の件は䜕かが刀明次第、手筈通りにそちらに手玙を送る」 「ああ、仕事頑匵れよ」 「たたでござるよ、レアル殿」 別れの蚀葉を枈たすず、レアルはテヌブルに立おかけおあった剣を背負い盎し、宿の出入り口ぞず向かった。付近にはむケメン青幎ず同じ様な鎧を着た別の男性が埅機しおおり、レアルの顔を確認するず頷き合い共にその堎を離れおいった。圌もレアルの郚䞋なのか。 そんな背䞭を芋おいおふず、至近距離から匷烈な芖線を济びせられた。そちらに目をやっお「うわぁ」っお声を出さなかった俺を誰か誉めおくれ。 芖線の䞻は、それたでレアルず慣れた様子で蚀葉を亀わしおいた青幎だ。芪の敵やら長幎の仇敵を芋るような目でこちらを芋おいた。このメンチの切りようは半端ではない。 「おい貎様、調子に乗るなよ」 「............具䜓的にどの蟺がだ?」 玠盎に疑問を出したのに、青幎は苛立たしく舌打ちするず先を続けた。出䌚い頭にいきなりだな。 「芋たずころ人族の冒険者だな。本来であるのならば、貎様のような平民がレアル様ず口を利くなどありえないのだ。身の皋を匁えろ」 「レアルはそれほど気にしおいないっぜけどな」 「貎様ッ、レアル様を呌び捚おにするなッ。あの方の知己でなければこの堎で切り捚おおいた所だぞッ」 切り捚お埡免が蚱されるのか、この囜は。 「たぁいい。平民ごずきに瀌儀を求めおも無駄か。だがな、いかにレアル様が慈悲深いお方であっおも、貎様らのような䞋賀な者が察等に蚀葉を亀わせる盞手ではないのだ」 「すいたせんね。䞀ヶ月前たでは名前すらない山奥の田舎に䜏んでたしお、瀌儀っおのには無瞁の生掻を送っおたもんで」 「道理で泥臭さが錻に぀くわけだ。そこの獣人からも野蛮な獣臭さが臭っおきおかなわん」 ............前蚀撀回。コむツ、ブチコロ゜りカナ? 頭凍り付かせおかき氷のごずくに朚っ端に砕いおやろうか!? (カンナ氏ィィィ!! こ、堪えるでござるよぉぉぉッ!) 顔色を倉えたクロ゚が俺だけに聞こえる小声で悲鳎を䞊げた。衚情には出おいなかっただろうが、小さな動きの倉化で俺の怒りを感じ取ったようだ。感情に任せお粟霊に呜什を䞋そうずしおいた頭を冷やす。 仲間や友人を䟮蟱されるず導火線が短くなるのは、俺の数倚い欠点の䞀぀だ。い぀も意図的に堪えおいるのだが、前もっお心構えをしおいないず今みたいに短気を起こしおしたいそうになる。自分のこずに関しおは火薬も導火線も湿気っおいるようにぜんぜん気にならないのだが。自らぞの眵詈雑蚀をさらっず聞き流せるのは、俺の数少ない長所の䞀぀だ。 「............蚀い返さないのか。どうやらプラむドの方も盞応に䜎俗らしいな」 しかしこのむケメン。昚日に隒動を起こした坊ちゃんよりも凄く滑らかに酷い蚀葉が流れ出るな。こりゃ普段から平民盞手に䟮蔑を垂れ流しおいないずできないぞ。 アガットの奎も結構プラむドが高い奎だったが、あれは堅物であっおほずんど悪意は感じられなかった。杓子定芏な性分が、俺のいい加枛さ(吊定しない)を蚱せなかったのだ。初察面のファむマも、平民盞手は䞋に芋おいたがこの男たでは酷くない。それに、認めた盞手には平民盞手でも察等に接する噚量もあった。 この男ずレアルずの枩床差が少々䞍安になるな。 そんな事を考えおいるず、どうしおか宿を埌にしたはずのレアルが戻っおきた。青幎は圌女の顔を芋るなりギョッずなるが、すぐさたに真顔を取り繕う。圌にずっおの幞いに、ただ出入り口付近の圌女からはその倉化が芋えなかったずころか。 「すたんなカンナ。䞀぀䌝蚀を忘れおいた」 「䌝蚀?」 「ああ。リヌディアル様が君に甚があるず蚀っおおな。なるべく今日䞭にギルドの方には䞀床顔を出しおくれ」 「この埌はギルドに行く぀もりだったし、わざわざ戻っお䌝えおくれなくおも問題なかったぞ?」 「だからずいっお、承った䌝蚀を䌝えずに、ずいうのはどうにもすっきりしないのでな」 埋儀な奎だ。レアルずらしいずいえばらしいか。 あ、そうだ。こっちも蚀うこずがあったのだ。 「レアル、ちょっず良いか?」 「ん? なんだ。悪いが手短に頌む」 俺はむケメン青幎を指さしお。 「おたえさんが宿を出お行った途端に「平民がレアル様に口を利くな」ずか「䜎俗な平民颚情」やら「田舎者らしく泥臭い」などず玠敵に玠晎らしいお蚀葉を頂いたんだが」 「................................................はッ?」 口をあんぐりず開けたのは、ほかならぬむケメン青幎である。あ、クロ゚の奎もぜかんずなっおる。レアルも、䜕を蚀われたのか䞀瞬理解䞍胜な顔になった。 「き、貎様ッ、プラむドが無いのかッッ」 「んなもん、オカンの胎の䞭に収たっおた頃に眮いおきたよ」 いち早く立ち盎っお唟を飛ばす勢いに叫ぶ青幎ぞ、俺は顔を顰めながら答えた。たさか俺が口を閉じお泣き寝入りするずでも? 銬鹿め! ず笑っおあげよう。 郚䞋の倱態は䞊叞の責任である。や、レアルを責める぀もりはないが、あくたで率盎に青幎の察応の悪さを報告しただけだ。 「............カンナの今の蚀葉は真実か、ベクト」 最初の時の和やかさは消え倱せ、剣の劂き鋭い芖線で青幎ヌヌベクトを射抜くレアル。途端、圌の端敎な顔の額からブワリず汗が噎き出した。 「そ、それはその............この男の謂われのない誹謗䞭傷でッ」 「だったら、どうしおそこたで焊る必芁がある?」 抑揚のない、だがだからこそ嚁圧感のある声色に、ベクトの焊燥が増しおいく。 「れ、レアル様は副官であり貎族である俺よりも、平民であるこの男の蚀葉を信じるずッ?」 「カンナは冗談や戯れ蚀は奜むだろうが、根拠も必芁もなく誰かを䟮蟱する男ではない」 「あ、ちなみにクロ゚には「獣臭い」っお蚀っおたぞ」 「な、貎様ッ!? あ............いえ、違うのですレアル様!」 レアルの芖線の鋭さが、剣の劂きを通り越しお巚剣にたで進化した。物理的な圧力すら持っおいそうな芖線に、ベクトはそれ以䞊の蚀葉を発するこずができない。圌を䞀瞥しおから、レアルはこちらに頭を䞋げた。 「............すたないな二人ずも、郚䞋の䞍手際は私が謝眪しよう」 「別に謝眪も賠償もいらねぇから。ただちょっずだけ郚䞋の教育はしっかりしおくれよ。倚分、それで損するのは他ならぬおたえさんだ」 副官の圹割は、䞊叞の仕事を円滑に進めるためのサポヌトだ。最滑油である圌が察応する盞手を遞り奜みしおいおは、間違いなくレアルに迷惑が掛かる。 「クロ゚もすたないな」 「拙者はあたり気にしおいないので問題ないでござるよ。それに職堎ずやらに埩垰したばかりでござろう?」 「長期に職堎を離れたのを蚀い蚳はできない。が、そう蚀っおもらえるのは助かるな。コむツには埌で厳重に泚意をしおおくのでそれで勘匁しおくれ」 そう蚀っおから、レアルはたたも厳しい顔぀きでベクトぞず顔を向けた。 「............どうやら貎族至䞊䞻矩の性根はただただ矯正が必芁らしいな。曞類䜜業が䞀通り終わったら、久しぶりに蚓緎に付き合っおもらおう。念入りに、培底的にな」 「ひィッ............」 このずき、俺は間違いなくレアルの背埌に巚倧な竜の幻圱を目撃した。同じ様なモノをクロ゚も幻芖したのだろう。蚀葉の矛先を向けられたはずではないのに、䜙波だけで俺ずクロ゚は背筋を震え䞊がらせた。盎接にぶ぀けられたベクトの恐怖心は蚈り知れない。 「では二人ずも。今床こそ倱瀌させおもらう。おいベクト、おたえも぀いおこい」 レアルは竜の幻圱を背負ったたた、その埌ろには竜の生け莄の劂くに肩を萜ずしおトボトボずベクトが続き、宿屋を去っおいった。俺の頭の䞭では『ドナドナ』ず効果音が鳎っおいた。 「............さすがはカンナ氏でござるな。ずおも普通の人間には真䌌できない事を平気でなされる」 「それ誉めおんのか?」 「........................誉めおいるのでござるよ」 「今の間はなんだ」 「今床は疑問系かッ」 「刀断が難しいでござるよッ!?」 「逆ギレかッ!」 俺ずクロ゚はそんな颚にぎゃいぎゃいず蚀い合った。 虎の嚁を借る狐を懲らしめるのならば、虎ず仲良くなっおしたえば良いのだ。今回の盞手は䟋えからしおちょっず違ったかもしれないが、察応の仕方は同様だ。 そうなるように仕向けたが、ベクトには小さく同情もした。倚分、蚓緎ずいうずレアルの巚剣が登堎するのだろう。あれを䜿っお「培底的」ずたで蚀われたのだ。俺がこの䞀ヶ月で受けた圌女ずの蚓緎ずは比べものにならないほどの困難を極めるだろう。倚分、十分の九ぐらいの割合で殺されるのだろうな。
This time for real, Imma get rid of the weird mood and start talking seriously. First of all, we decided on how to contact each other by using the guild and the inn. If Real wants to leave a message, she sends a letter to this inn. And if I want to contact her, I'll put a notice through the guild. [Today I just wanted to check on you. I don't have any particular information to share right now.] [Just don't be too unreasonable for yourself, please.] She just got back to Draknil for the first time in several months. I don't expect any information to be available so quickly. Even as an estimation, it will take at least a few weeks to obtain and I'm fully prepared to spend a few months waiting. [I still have a lot of savings from the loot we divided, and I can even earn some more by doing guild requests. Its not gonna be a boring wait.] [My bad. Work has been piling up during the few months I was away. If I don't clear it up to a certain extent, I won't be able to spare some time to search for information regarding your circ.u.mstances.] [.........This one is rather surprised that Real-dono was able to resume working without too much difficulty after a few months of absence de gozaru na.] Is it even possible for someone of an executive level to resume working normally without any confusion or problems after being absent for a few months? I wonder if there is no issue with mutual trust between colleagues in her workplace. And just like I did with Chloe, Real also doesn't go into detail about spirit art or the request. This is a personal matter that I requested Real to investigate and both of us are aware of the need for keeping it under wraps. [Its a fairly unique workplace. Though I can't tell you any details.] [no no It was not this one's intention to pry de gozaru yo.] [I am sincerely sorry for this.] I was by the sideline watching their exchange while silently thinking. (Don't tell me she's in the secret service But, that's such a manglike development. It won't happen, right?) Considering Real's inclination for rampaging around, no matter how you slice it, she belongs to the front line. But back when we first met, she introduced herself as a [diplomat]. And [utility value] was the reason for her to be chained in that dungeon. All that info was included when she told me the story of her beloved greatsword, an heirloom pa.s.sed down through generations of her family. ............Eh? Now that I think about it again, isn't Real a pretty important person. At a national level, if I might add. I think I mostly understand Real's character from our month long journey. A silver-haired elf-eared beauty endowed with big breast with a manly personality. She is also a person with a gentle and caring personality. I can't immediately rid myself of this sudden suspicion. However, prying further into her circ.u.mstances would be inappropriate, seeing that I owe her my life. With my mind still in unrest worrying about such thing, a presence could be felt approaching our seat. There are other empty table here and there. There were also other groups seated here and there. But this presence aimed straight towards us. Real and Chloe also noticed as they turned towards the presence like I did. As our line of sight converged, we saw a graceful-featured young man wearing an easily recognizable high cla.s.s armor, heading towards us. ---Isn't my encounter rate with ikemen too high lately? Such as Rand, or Agatt, and even that botchan. While I'm at it, even Real looks more manly than that random guy standing over there, even though she is a woman. While I'm busy having ridiculous thoughts, the recently debuted ikemen young man finally came to a stop in front of us. Looking closely, one can see horns protruding from the area near his ears. Though the shape of his horn is different from basan from the guild, he is also a Ryujin. [Good grief, I've been searching all over for you.] The target of his words was Real. Although Real knitted her brows, one can see a hint of a smile on her face. Apparently, they know each other. [Its you. I think its still before work hours, isn't it?] [What are you talking about? You have a few months worth of doc.u.ment waiting to be sorted out even at this moment, so please don't be so leisurely.] [Don't you have any pity for your superior who just came back for the first time after a few months?] [No, I don't. My role is to pull you into the office as soon as possible and make sure you process as many doc.u.ments as possible.] [yare yare I sure am blessed with an excellent subordinate.] [For the sake of that excellent subordinate, please come to the office as soon as possible.] [Forgive me, Kanna and Chloe. It seems that we're out of time today. As soon as I find out something about that matter, I'll send a letter to you.] [Ok, do your best at work.] [Until we meet again de gozaru yo, Real-dono.] After her parting words, Real hoisted her sword, which was left leaning against the table the whole time, to her back and continue straight towards the exit. Another ikemen wearing an identical armor as the one before awaits her there. After confirming Real's face, they both nodded and left together. He is also Real's subordinate huh. I was watching his back when I suddenly felt an intense gaze from nearby. Please praise me for not drawing back and let out a creeped out [uwaa...] after being bathed by that look. The owner of said gaze is the subordinate of Real who just exchanged words with her a while ago. He's glaring at me like I killed his parents or like I'm his long-time enemy. His hateful gaze isn't half-hearted at all. [Oi b.a.s.t.a.r.d, don't get carried away.] [.........Specifically, how much?] Even though I asked honestly, the young man got irritated and clicked his tongue. Then, he continued on. [Judging by your appearance, I see that you are a human adventurer. By all rights, its impossible for a plebeian b.a.s.t.a.r.d like you to talk with Real-sama. Know your place.] [Real didn't care much about it though.] [b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you dare call Real-sama by her name only! If it weren't for the fact that you are her acquaintance, I'd cut you down right here and now!] Does this country allow that kind of action? [No matter. It is useless to expect etiquette from the likes of a peasant in the first place. However, no matter how benevolent Real-sama is, lowborn b.a.s.t.a.r.ds like you is not qualified to talk equally with someone of her station.] [Real sorry bout that. Till a month ago, I lived deep in the mountains without so much of a name of me own. It was a life with zero courtesy at all, you see.] [No wonder it stinks of mud in here. I also had to endure the stink of a savage animal from that beastman.] ............I take it back. Should I freeze his head and smash it into a shaved ice!? {Kanns.h.i.+! ! P-Please bear with it de gozaru yooo!} I don't think my anger appeared on my face. She must've noticed it through the small changes in my posture. I wrestled control of my mind before I could order the ice spirits in a fit of anger. It is one of my many shortcomings, having a short fuse when it my friends got insulted. I've always put up with it almost all the time but if I don't prepare myself in advance, I'll be quick to lose temper like I did just now. [............Not going to retort? Apparently your pride is similarly vulgar as your background.] But this ikemen is even worse than botchan yesterday. Streams of harsh words are flowing smoothly from his mouth. This level of contempt isn't possible unless he's been ingrained deeply with it by doing it habitually. That Agatt was also a guy with a lot of pride but that was because he's a straight-laced person. There was little malice behind his pride. As a stickler for the rules, he couldn't tolerate my no-rules principle. The different set of values adopted by Real and this man makes me a little anxious. When I was thinking about that, Real who should have left, came back for some reason. The young man was startled upon her return but immediately gloss it over. Fortunately for him, she couldn't see his face as she was still near the entrance. [My bad Kanna. I forgot to relay a message.] [Message?] [Yeah. Lydeal-sama said she wants to meet you. Would you mind showing your face at the guild today whenever you're free?] [I was planning to show up there after this. Wouldn't it be fine even if you didn't expressly come back and tell me?] [Just because that's true, I won't be satisfied if I don't deliver the message personally.] She's a disciplinarian huh. Seems like a Real-like trait. ah That's right. I have something to say as well. [Real, can I have a minute?] [hn? What? Sorry but please make it brief.] I pointed towards the ikemen young man. [As soon as you left the inn, he said something like [plebeian daring to speak to Real-sama] and [the likes of you vulgar peasant] and also [mud-smelling country b.u.mpkin]. I received all those wonderful words.] [...........................Ha?] It was none other than the ikemen young man who dropped his jaw in surprise. [B-b.a.s.t.a.r.d, don't you have any pride?] [I parted with that stuff in the womb of my ma y'know] Towards the young man who quickly recovered and vigorously spits out saliva while screaming, I just pull a funny face while answering. Ya think I'm just gonna shut my mouth and accept your insults meekly? Stupid idiot! Look who's laughing now. A subordinates' failure is the responsibility of the superior. I don't intend to criticize Real though. I was only reporting her subordinates' poor conduct. [............Does Kanna speak the truth, Becht?] Her initial gentle atmosphere was gone. Real now was glaring at the young man -Becht- with a sharpness not unlike a sword. Just as that occurred, sweat starts pouring down his face from his forehead. [T-That is.........i-its an unprovoked slander from that man. ] [If that's the case, why are you so fl.u.s.tered?] She said it in monotone but that is exactly the reason why its even more intimidating. Becht's uneasiness increases. [Re-Real-sama, do you believe a commoner man more than me who is your aide and a n.o.ble?] [Kanna likes to joke and prank around but he is not the kind of man who would throw baseless insults.] [Oh by the way, apparently Chloe here has a [beastly smell] to him.] [Wh-b.a.s.t.a.r.d!? aa.........T-That isn't true Real-sama!] Becht can't even speak anymore in the face of the pressure of Real's gaze which somehow managed to manifest physically. After taking a glance at him, Real bowed down to me. [.........I'm sorry, both of you. I apologize for my subordinates' inept.i.tude.] [Its not like I wanted apologies or compensation y'know. Just properly give your men some education 'kay. Perhaps, the only person to lose something in this matter is you.] The role of an aide is to facilitate the work of his superior. With his position as her aide, if he were to be selective in his conduct, that would definitely be a nuisance to Real. [I'm sorry Chloe.] [This one does not take it to heart that much, there is no problem de gozaru yo. Besides, didn't Real-dono just recently returned to work de gozarou.] [Being absent from work for a long time is not an acceptable excuse for this misconduct. But then again, I am grateful for your consideration. I'll be sure to pay close attention to this guy later so please let me off with this much.] After saying that, Real turned toward Becht with a harsh look. [.........It seems that your n.o.ble supremacy doctrine still needs further reeducation. Once I've finished handling my paperwork, I'll be more than happy to accompany your training. It has been quite a while since the last time. Let's enjoy it carefully and thoroughly, shall we.] [Hiii...............] At the time, I definitely saw a giant dragon phantom behind Real. I think Chloe also saw the same thing. Even though we weren't the target of the pressure, we still trembled from the aftermath. I can't imagine being in Becht's shoe, getting hit by that immeasurable pressure directly. [Well then, both of you. This time for sure, please excuse us. Oi Becht, come along.] Real, with the dragon phantom still visible behind her left the inn followed totteringly by Becht who's slumping his shoulder. He's like a sacrifice presented to the dragon. Looking at the scene reminds me of [Dona Dona]. Its even playing in my head. [............As one would expect from Kanns.h.i.+ de gozaru na. To calmly do something an ordinary person would never even think of without batting an eyelid.] [Is that a compliment?] [........................Its a compliment de gozaru yo.] [Then why the long pause?] [How did it become a question?!] [Its difficult to decide de gozaru yo! ! !] [Why are you getting angry at me for!?] Me and Chloe started a childish quarrel in that manner. To punish a haughty fox that borrowed the power of a dragon, all you have to do is to get along with that dragon. Reality just now may be different but same method can be applied. I intended for that to happen but now I feel just the tiniest bit of pity for Becht. Real's favorite heirloom sword might make an appearance during his training later. She did say [thoroughly] while implying its use. Compared to what I've been through the past month, I have a feeling his that session will be h.e.l.l of a lot harder.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.38 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
第二十話 「おじさん」より「おぢさん」のほうがお茶目に感じるのはなんでだろう? ぀いでに新技開発 アガットから勝利をもぎ取ったのだが、盎埌にレアルに怒られた。アレでは朚剣を䜿う意味がほずんどないず。俺も最埌で気が぀いおたした。 以降は朚剣以倖を䜿った攻撃、぀たり拳や足を䜿った打撃は犁止を蚀い぀けられ、再びアガット君ずの蚓緎に励んだ。 結果? あの埌五戊やっお党敗だ。最初の䞀戊の恚みを晎らすかの劂く苛烈な攻めに、俺は為す術もなく䞀本を取られ続けた。骚を折るなどの埌に匕く怪我は負わなかったが、頭やらわき腹を匷く打たれお非垞に痛かった。絶察防具で芆っお無いずころを狙っおたよね。気持ちは分からなくもないので、文句は蚀わない。自業自埗だず自身に蚀い聞かせた。 ぶっちゃけ、アレは䞀定以䞊のレベルの盞手には䞋策䞭の䞋策ず蚀える戊い方だ。圌らに䞍意打ち等の奇襲攻撃は殆ど通甚しない。そもそも、奇襲ずいう抂念が無い。朚剣投げを玛れもない『攻撃』ず認識しお、その埌の俺自身の远撃ごず難なく迎撃されおいただろう。ああいった突き抜けお匷いタむプには、小现工等のちゃっちな手法では通甚しない。 「隣、良いかな?」 䌑憩を終えた埌、保存食の干し肉を噛み、氎で流し蟌み、俺らは銬車に乗り蟌み再び出発した。今床の埡者圹はアガット君。俺は銬車の隅っこで先ほどたでの蚓緎内容を回想しおいた。そのそばに、ランドが断りを入れお腰を䞋ろした。 「枈たなかったね、アガットの奎を止められなくお」 「いや、少しくらいここでガス抜きしずかにゃ、爆発しそうだったし。レアルが蚀っおたずおり、あい぀以倖ず蚓緎するのも経隓だ」 「君は芋た目よりも達芳した考え方をするな。あそこたで滅倚に打たれたら普通は憀るものだ」 「芋た目は䜙蚈だ。あたり芁領が良い方じゃないし、恚みを買うのも慣れおる。ボコボコにされたのだっお、俺が匱いからだ」 匱い者が蹂躙されるのは真理だ。 「そう自分を卑䞋するものではないだろう。最初の䞀戊目だけだったが、君はあい぀から癜星を挙げおいる。奎はファむマ様の埡家に仕える若手の䞭ではトップの腕前だ。たぐれで勝おる盞手ではない」 「トップねぇ............」 銬車の埡者垭で銬の手綱を握るアガットの埌ろ姿を眺める。先ほどよりも幟分かは和らいでいるが、それでもただただ雰囲気が固い。 「あんたから芋お、アガット君はどんな人間に芋える?」 「そうだな。安盎な衚珟だが、奜青幎だな。才胜を持ちながら、それに奢らずに鍛錬を重ねおいる。実盎すぎるきらいもあるが、あれはあれで矎点にもなろう。もう少し柔軟性がほしいずころではある」 「真面目な堅物君ね」 ああいったタむプは俺の呚りにいなかった。有月の奎は䟋の劂くヘタレむケメンだし、矎咲は元気嚘。圩菜はちょい倩然。ブレヌキ圹が俺だったが、割ず緩いブレヌキだったず思う。ああ蚀った委員長タむプは俺たちの䞭にはいなかったタむプだ。 「嫌いじゃないさ。苊手っおだけだ。ただ、ちょいず人間関係は考えおおかないずなぁ、ずだけは思うが」 「私ずしおは、仲良くしおもらいたいのだが」 「だから、嫌いじゃないっお。そこら蟺は今埌の展開次第で、互いにいろいろず劥協しおきゃぁいい」 さすがに本人に聞かれるず波乱が起きそうなので、ここたではかなり小声でヒ゜ヒ゜話。 「先ほどの蚓緎に話は戻るが、あい぀には悪いが良い経隓になったろう。蚀い方は悪いが、あの皋床の奇襲で䜓勢を厩すなどただただだ。あの調子では、敵の奇襲に察応できん」 それたでの小声をやめ、ランドの声量が通垞に戻る。アガットに聞かせ埗る぀もりで喋っおいた。 アガットは、俺も人に蚀えるほどではないが、経隓が足りなかった。真正面からの勝負には匷いが、正道故に搊め手を䜿う盞手ず戊った経隓倀が足りない。 「敵が開始の合図を埅っお襲っおくるずは限らんし、真正面から来るずも限らん。むしろ垞に䞍意を突き、こちらの隙に狙いを柄たしおくる。先の件でも、垞に我々の死角を狙い、奇道を以っお戊いを挑んできた。死の間際に敵の卑怯を眵っおも意味がない。必芁なのは、い぀いかなる時でも敵の行動に察凊できる経隓ず心構えだ」 昌前に俺が蚀っおいたこずず同矩の内容だ。俺の蚀っおいるこずを遠回しに認めおいる蚀葉だった。おいおい、それを聞かせちゃっお良いのかよ。ほら、アガット君の肩が小さく震えおる。やめおほしい、俺に矛先が向く。 非難の芖線でランドを睚むず、たたも小声で。 「君には悪いが、契玄内容の远加ず思っお我慢しおくれ。私ずしおはあい぀の才胜には期埅しおいる。その䞊である皋床の柔軟性を持っおくれればず垞々思っおいた。間近に君のような『邪道』䜿いがいおくれれば、あい぀も䜕かを掎めるかもしれん」 「たさか。私ずしおは十分すぎるほどに誉めおいるずも」 にやりず、ナむスガむがスマむルを浮かべた。 ・・・・このおぢさた。芋た目よりかなりくせ者である。 た、そのぐらいでなきゃ指揮官っおのは぀ずたらないか。 「・・・・今床なんか奢れよ」 ず、俺は远加内容に察する報酬を口にするぐらいしかできなかった。 そこから数日間は順調に旅が進んだ。途䞭に䜕床か魔獣の襲撃があったが、問題なく察凊できおいた。ずいうか、レアルずアガット、そしおもう䞀人の埓者が速攻で殲滅しおしたうので俺の出番がほが無い。 たずもな俺の仕事ず蚀えば、昌食前に行われるアガット君ずの蚓緎。戊瞟は倧䜓アガット君の勝ち越し。ただ、特別ルヌルずしお、毎床五戊ほど繰り返すのだが、そのうち四回は剣だけを䜿い、残りの䞀回だけは俺が奜きに動ける䜕でもありありで動くこずが出来る。その䞀回だけ、俺はどうにかアガットから勝利をもぎ取るこずが出来た。ちょっずだけ溜飲が䞋がる。しかし、圌は本圓に䞍意打ちに匱いな。䞀床ペヌスが厩れるずずるするず匕きずっおしたう。逆に、ペヌスさえ厩さなければ、俺のにわか剣術では僅かにも揺るがない。俺の知る『剣術䜿い』の䞭でもっずも匷い人間にも通ずる匷さがあった。 結果だけを芋れば負けに負けたくっおいるが、俺ずしおは非垞に有意矩な時間だったず思う。レアルのような超パワヌファむタヌ以倖の、正圓掟剣術䜿いずの戊いは、この先を生きおくのに必芁な経隓だ。 ただたぁ、剣術だけを鍛えおいる蚳にもいくたい。䜿える物はなんでも䜿うのが俺の䞻矩だ。 「ここら蟺で良いかな」 前の町を出発しお四日目の倕暮れ。レアルの蚀っおいた通りに、俺たちは次の宿堎町に到着しおいた。ファむマず出䌚った町よりは随分ず小さかったが、旅の䞭継地点ずしおそれなりに栄えおいる様だ。 俺は珟圚、町から少し離れた平原に䜇んでいた。もう日が沈んで時間が経ち、明かりは皆無だが問題ない。珟実䞖界の日本郜垂ではお目に掛かれない倩䞊の星明かりず、肌に感じる気配が呚囲の様子を教えおくれる。 こんな人気のない堎所を蚪れたのは、偏に粟霊術の蚓緎をするためだ。ここ数日はファむマ等の目もあり䜿甚を控えおいたが、その間にもむメヌゞ蚓緎だけは行っおきおいた。短い滞圚時間だが、宿堎町に腰を萜ち着けおいられる今に、むメヌゞを実際の圢にし、それが効果的か吊かの考察をしおおきたい。 普段、粟霊術の蚓緎に付き合っおくれおいたレアルはこの堎にいない。今回はむメヌゞを圢にするだけなので、かなり無駄な䜜業も出おくる。より明確な圢に出来䞊がっおから、埌日レアルず䞀緒に詊しお考えをたずめる予定だ。 「さお、始めたすか」 右の手の平に意識を集䞭する。脳裏に描いたむメヌゞの通りに、パキリず音を立おお氷の造圢物が生たれる。圢は现く平べったい楕円圢。䞡端は鋭く尖っおおり、鋭利な刃物状になっおいる。 次に珟圚地から離れおいる䜍眮に高さ二メヌトル皋、暪は䞀メヌトル皋の十字架を䜜った。もちろん玠材は氷。今回、こい぀は的代わりだ。 調子を確かめるため、俺は手元に䜜った氷の楕円圢を人差し指ず䞭指の間に挟み、腕をバックスむングに振るっお投げた。狙うのはもちろん、遠くの䜍眮に䜜った氷の十字架だ。 ギンッず氷同士の衝突らしからぬ音が朚霊し、投擲した氷の楕円圢は十字架の亀錯点の䞭心郚に半ば皋たで突き刺さっおいた。 続けお、先に䜜った氷の楕円圢をさらに䞉぀皋䜜り、右手の指の間にそれぞれ挟んで投げ攟぀。今床も狙い通りに十字架の亀錯点に突き刺さる。 今行っおいるのは、遠距離攻撃の開発。これたでは遠くの盞手には氷の固たりを䜜っお投げたり蹎り飛ばしたりしおいたが、もっず効率の良い攻撃方法が無いかずっず考えおいたのだ。 よくあるRPGで、氷の固たりを空䞭に䜜っおそのたた敵に投射する技ずかある。あれも出来ないこずは無いのだが、俺の緎習䞍足かいたいち嚁力がでない。それよりも実際に投げた埌に粟霊のサポヌトを埗た方が嚁力がでるのだ。 この楕円圢の氷は、いわばそれをもっず効率よく扱うために考え出した圢状。参考は忍者がよく䜿う手裏剣。手裏剣=十字の圢状ずみんな思っおいるが、アレはぶっちゃけ投擲を䞻䜓にした小型歊噚の総称だ。俺が今回䜜ったのは棒手裏剣ず呌ばれるタむプ。䞀説にはこちらが忍者たちにずっおの䞻流だったず聞いたこずがある。たぁ、あの十字の圢状をいちいち䜜るのはめんどくさいだろうしな。 ずりあえず、この氷で出来た手裏剣。以降は氷手裏剣ず名付けようか。安盎だな。名前を付けた方がむメヌゞしやすいし、䜿うのも俺だけなので文句は受け付けない。 俺はその埌もいく぀も氷手裏剣を䜜り、ひたすら投げ続ける。最短の動䜜で投げ、最倧の嚁力を出せるようにむメヌゞを粟緎しおいく。今たでが、むメヌゞ→創造→䜜った物を掎んで投げる、の䞉段行皋だった。それをむメヌゞ→創造しながら投げる、の二段行皋に短瞮。腕を振るい、その最䞭に䜜っお投げるずいう颚に躯に刷り蟌むのだ。理想は、䜜った次の瞬間には指から離れおいる、ず蚀った具合。これなら腕を振るうだけで氷手裏剣が投げられる。 およそ『五時間』の時間を掛け、圓初のむメヌゞ通りの攻撃手段が出来あがった。 「おりゃぁッ」 的代わりに䜜った十字架は六぀。そしお、䞡腕を振るっお投擲した氷手裏剣の数も六぀。鋭く空を走る手裏剣矀は芋事、六぀の十字架の䞭心点に突き刺さった。続けお、腕を連続で振るい、氷手裏剣を連射。ガガガガっず音を立お、次々に突き刺さっおいった。 六぀の的が耐えきれずに党お砕けた時点で、氷手裏剣の開発は䞀端の完成ずした。䜕かしらを思い぀いたら随時実隓しおいく予定だ。 ふぅ、ず䞀息を入れるず、吐き出した空気が癜く染たる。 氷手裏剣の䞀個䞀個は小さいが、塵も積もれば山ずなり、盞圓数の氷の欠片が散らばっおいた。぀いでに、粟霊術で生み出した氷は粟霊の圱響から解攟されおも、通垞の氷より随分ず長く溶けずに圢を保぀。それらが蟺りの熱量を吞収しおいた様で、空気がかなり冷たくなっおいた。北海道の、ずたでは行かないが東京の冬ぐらいの気枩になっおいる。 俺は呚囲にある氷の残骞達に再び粟霊を宿し、指を慣らす。小気味の良い音に合わせ、呚囲の氷党おが跡圢もなく消滅した。指を鳎らしたのは気分である。カッコよくね? 口にしたら台無しか。
Chapter 20 Why does "Odjisan" feel more playful than "Ojisan"? Also a new skill development while I'm at it. It's a fact that I s.n.a.t.c.hed away victory from Agaht, but Real scolded me immediately afterwards. Saying there's completely no meaning in using the wooden sword with that. I also noticed it in the end. Thereafter I was told any attacks that uses anything beside the wooden sword, in other words blows that uses hands or feet are forbidden and I made another effort in training with Mr. Agaht. The result? It was a complete defeat after five minutes of fighting him. At the beginning of the fight I was at my wits end from his offence so severe like he was avenging himself and points kept being taken from me. After great pains or something I didn't bear any injuries I went down with, but my head and flanks were hit hard among other places, so it's extraordinary painful. He was absolutely aiming at the places that wasn't covered by armor, didn't he. Given that I also didn't understand his feelings, I won't complain. I reap what I sow is what I told myself. To be blunt, that was a fighting style that can be said to be a bad plan within a bad plan against opponents above a certain level. Surprises like surprise attacks hardly work on them. In the first place, there was no concept of surprise attacks. The throwing of the wooden sword should have been recognized as an {attack} and each of my follow ups afterwards should have been intercepted. These sort of tricky techniques won't work against the kinds of people who are good at breaking through them. "Would you mind me sitting next to you? After the break ended, we boarded the horse carriage as we chewed on dried jerky and was.h.i.+ng it down with water and we departed once again. This time Mr. Agaht is the coachman. I've been reflecting on the training I've had just then in the corner of the carriage. Rand excuses himself and sits down near me. "I'm really sorry there, for not being able to stop that boy Agaht." "No, he'll look like he would explode if he doesn't let out a little steam here or something. And it's just like Real said; training with someone beside her is also experience." "Quite the philosophic way of thinking you have there, despite your appearance. " "The appearance part was uncalled for. I'm not really a guy who knows how to swim the tide and I'm used to be at the end of someone's grudges. After all I'm strong since I've been beaten black and blue." The weak being trampled is the truth. "That isn't something you should be humble about, don't you agree? I've only glanced at the first battle, but you raised a mark of victory on him. That boy abilities are at the top among the young people serving Lady Faima's esteemed household. He's no opponent you can win with a fluke. " "The top, huh............" I gaze at the back of Agaht on the coachman's seat holding the reins of the horses. He has calmed down somewhat compared to before, but even so the atmosphere is still stiff. "What kind of person does Mr. Agaht look like from your perspective?" "Let's see here. It's an honest expression, but he's a good young man. In spite of possessing talent, he repeats training without being haughty about it. He may also be a mine of excessive honesty, but that on itself is also a virtue. I would like for him to be a little more flexible. " "A seriously strait-laced guy, right?" I haven't had that type of person around me. That Yuuzuki fellow is usually the no good pretty boy and Misaki is the energetic girl. "I don't hate him you know. I find him a little difficult to deal with. It's just that I have to keep in mind interpersonal relations.h.i.+ps a little you know, that's all I'm thinking of. " "I would like you both to be on good terms for me though." "That's why I said I don't hate him. That part will be a future development from now on, so it'll be fine if we have to compromise together." As expected, trouble would occur if the whole thing was heard by the person himself, so up until now we've been talking secretly with quite a low voice. "Back to the topic on the previous training. It may have been a bad experience for him, but it was good experience. His way of talking is bad, but he has still got a long way to go, what with his posture crumbling from that level of surprise attack. He can't respond to his opponent's surprise attack in that condition." Dropping the low voice we've been doing up until now, Rand returns to his normal volume. He talks with the intention of letting Agaht hear him. Agaht didn't have enough experience, though I myself don't have enough either to say that to others. He's strong in a fight right from the front, but because of his path of righteousness he had insufficient experience with opponents who would attack their opponent's weaknesses. "The enemies aren't limited to waiting for the starting signal before attacking nor are they limited to attacking from the front. Rather, they're constantly attacking suddenly and they're clear to aim for our openings. Even in the previous case, you challenged the fight in a strange way and constantly aimed at our blind spots. It's useless to curse at your enemy for cowardice just before death. What's necessary is the preparedness and the experience to allow you to deal with your enemy's actions at any time." What he said has the same meaning as what I was talking about this morning. They were words that is indirectly acknowledging what I had said. Whoa wait just a minute, can you really let him hear that? Look, Mr. Agaht's shoulders are quivering a little. He's pointing his brunt of "I want him to stop" to me. When I glare at Rand with a look of criticism, he once again talks with a low voice. "I'm sorry to you, but please endure it and consider this as an addition to the contents of our contract. I have expectations in that man's talent. If he were to possess a certain level of flexibility on top of that, is what I've always been thinking. If there is someone like you nearby who uses the {wrong path} , even he may be able to grasp something." "Well, I never! I am certainly praising you more than enough in my eyes." The Nice Guy is showing a Smile meaningfully. ****this mister*. He's quite the ruffian despite his appearance. Well, I guess he won't be fit as a "Commander" if he can't do that much. "****This time's on the house." And I could only tell him the remunerations in relation to the addition to our contract. Since then, our travel have advanced well for several days. Magic beasts attacked us several times on the way, but we were able to deal with them without any problems. Actually, Real and Agaht as well as the other servant immediately exterminated them, so there's pretty much no turn for me. Speaking of my normal job, I've been training with Mr. Agaht before lunch breaks. The score is generally Mr. Agaht taking the lead. It's just that as a special rule that we repeat about every five fights, we only use swords for four out of five fights and only in the remaining fight I'm able to do anything I like without limits. Only in that one fight I am somehow able to s.n.a.t.c.h away a win from Agaht. I feel just a little satisfied with that. But really, he's weak against surprise attacks you know. When I'm being sneaky and his pace breaks once, I could completely drag him around. On the other hand, as long as his pace doesn't crumble down, he wouldn't even slightly waver by my improvised swordsmans.h.i.+p. The strongest people among the {Swordsmen} I'm acquainted with have the strength to be good. It's loss upon loss for me if you only look at the results, but I think this is an unusually meaningful time to me. A fight with an orthodox swordsman besides an ultra power fighter like Real is an experience necessary in order to live in the time to come. It's just that, well, I also can't afford to temper only my swordsmans.h.i.+p. To use anything I can use is my principle. "I wonder if it's fine around here." Evening of the fourth day since leaving the previous town. Just like Real had said, we had arrived at the next inn town. It's a lot smaller than the town I met Faima at, but as a resting point for travels, it seems to be flouris.h.i.+ng in its own way. Right now I'm loitering at the plains a little separated from the town. Time has pa.s.sed since the sun has set and there's no light, but that is no problem. The starlight in the sky you can't see in real world j.a.pan and the presence I feel on my skin tells me the situation around me. The visit to such a deserted place is solely for the sake of training my spirit art. With the eyes of Faima et al. for several days I've been refraining from using it, but I've been going with just image training too in the meantime. It's a short stay, but I want to study whether the practical form of the image is effective or not right now, when I can settle down in the inn town. Real who had always accompanied me in my spirit art training isn't here. Given that this time I'm only giving shape to my image, quite a useless production could appear. I plan to attempt doing this together with Real on another day and finalize the design after I've completed a more precise shape. "Now, let's start shall we." I concentrate my consciousness in my right palm. Like the image I've drawn in my mind, the moulded object is born along with a "pakiri" sound. Its shape is a thin and flat elliptical shape. Both ends are made sharp, becoming an sharp edged tool. Next, I have made a cross of about two meters at a distance from the current location and another one of about one meter beside it. Of course, the raw material is ice. This time, these will be the subst.i.tute for a target. In order to ascertain its condition, I hold the grip of the elliptical shape I created with ice between my index and middle finger and throw it with a back hand swing. My aim is, of course, the ice cross I've made at a distant place. A "Gin" sound of unrelenting collision between the two fellow ice objects reverberated and the elliptical shaped ice I threw had penetrated halfway into the center of the intersection of the cross. Continuing this, I furthermore create about three of the ice elliptical shape I created before, hold each of them them in between my right fingers and throw them. This time they also pierced in the intersection of the cross just as I aimed for. What I'm going for right now, is the development of a long range attack. Up until now I've been creating lumps of ice and have thrown them, kicked them or launched them towards opponents far away, but I've been thinking; isn't there a more efficient way to attack them? In RPGs there is often a skill or something where you create a lump of ice in the sky and project it towards the enemy just like that. That is also something that can be done, but I either lack training or I can't put in enough strength. More importantly, I can actually put in more strength if I acquire the support of the spirits after throwing it after all. This elliptical shaped ice is, so to speak, the shape I've come up with in order to handle that much more efficiently. Reference is the ninja's frequently used shuriken. Everyone's thinking that shuriken = cross shape, but that is, to be blunt, a generic name of small arms mainly for throwing. What I've made right now is a type called stick shuriken.* I've heard in one explanation these are mainstream for ninjas. Well, it's also troublesome to make those cross shapes each and every time you know. For now, a shuriken can be made with this ice. How about I call this Ice Shuriken from now on then. Quite simple, huh. It's easier to imagine it if I add a name to it and I'm the only one who can use this so I won't accept any complains. I can create the ice shuriken afterwards and throw them single-mindedly. I'm going to refine the image in order to throw it with the shortest execution and bringing out the maximum power. Up until now it's a three stage course of image->creation->grab created object and throw it. I'll shorten it to a two stage course of image->throw while creating them. I would swing my arm and throw it as I create it during the swing; I'll instill that behaviour into my body. What's ideal is where I'd let it go from my fingers the moment it's created, that kind of condition. This way I can throw ice shurikens with just by swinging my arms. It roughly took {five hours} and the attack method as I imagined was completed. "Terya!" The target subst.i.tute crosses I've made were six. And the amount of ice shurikens I threw by swinging both my arms were also six. The ice shurikens sharply ran through the air and have splendidly pierced into the center of the six crosses. Following that I continuously swing my arms, rapid-firing ice shurikens. "Gagagaga" sound resounds as they pierce the crosses one by one. The moment when the six targets couldn't endure it and completely broke, a part of the ice shuriken development was completed. I plan to experiment whenever I come up with something. "Fuuh" after I take in one breath, the air I then exhale is dyed white. The ice shurikens are small one by one, but if you pile up trash it will also become a mountain, a fair number of ice shards are scattered about. Incidentally, even if the ice born from spirit arts are released from the influence of the spirits, it keeps its shape without melting for a far longer time than regular ice. They appear to be absorbing the heat in the neighbourhood, so the air has become quite chilly. The ambient temperature didn't go as far as Hokkaido (T.N. average 2 degrees Celsius according to google), but it has gone to the ambient temperature of Tokyo in the winter. (T.N. around 5 degrees Celsius) I once again house in the spirits from the ice wreckage in the surroundings and wear them on my finger. Together with a gentle sound, all of the surrounding ice vanished without a trace. I feel like snapping my fingers. Would I ruin it if I say "Ain't that cool?" ?
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.51 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
ヌヌヌヌ䜕故? ナルフィリア王囜第二王女にしお、芋目麗しき可憐な矎貌を持ち、そうでありながらも魔術士ずしおの垌有な才胜を有する、フィリアス・゚ヌデル・ナルフィリアは混乱の極みにあった。 数日前の宣告の通り、ナルフィリア王囜によっお召喚された『䞉人の勇者』有月達は、この䞖界に来おから初めお王郜の倖に足を螏み出した。 なにぶん、圌らにずっおは初めおの䞖界だ。監督圹ずしお、囜王盎属郚隊でありその近蟺の守護を担圓する近衛階士隊の数人が付けられおいた。圌らは勇者達の䞇が䞀に察しおの保険であり、ずある人物の護衛でもあった。 霊山たでの道皋には特に魔獣の遭遇も無かった。王郜から䞀日で移動できる範囲に出没する魔獣は、冒険者や城の兵士が定期的に掃蚎しおいるからだ。そのこずは勇者達にも䌝えおあり、特に問題もなく進んでいた。 ただし、いかに平穏ずした道䞭であっおも、近衛達の気が䌑たる瞬間はなかった。勇者達䞉人に同行しおいる第二王女の存圚だ。 霊山ヌヌ『セラファむド山』には特別な『領域』が匵り巡らされおおり、王家に連なる血の保有者のみが䜿甚できる魔術具を䜿わなければ時間を眮かずに死に至るのである。第二王女が居なければ霊山ぞの進入は䞍可胜なのだ。 倧きな理由はそこにあったが、最倧の理由は自らの指瀺で異䞖界より召喚した勇者達ぞの責任感があるのだろうず近衛階士達は刀断しおいた。慈悲深いず評刀の王女だ。無責任に勇者達を危険な地域に送るこずを良しずしなかったのだ。幞いにも圌女は、近衛階士隊ず同等の戊力を秘めた宮廷魔術士隊に匹敵する才胜を有しおいる。少なくずも、霊山に到着するたでは目立った危険はない。 移動甚の銬車で䞀日が終わるず、翌日の昌前には目的のセラファむド山の麓にたでたどり着いた。 『領域』に足を螏み入れた瞬間にその堎にいた党おの人間が『寒気』を感じた。肌に觊れる倖気はただそれほど䜎枩ではない。なのに、倖からではなく内偎から凍えるような寒さがこみ䞊げおきたのだ。 けれども、フィリアス王女が予め準備しおいた、王家に䌝わる魔術具を䜿甚するず、その寒気は即座に霧散し逆に心地よい暖かみが心身に溢れ出した。勇者達䞉人はフィリアスに心よりの瀌を述べた。 フィリアスの手によっお『領域』に無事進入を果たした勇者達は、この䞖界で初めおの『実戊』を䜓隓した。 近衛階士達の予想の通り、生たれお初めおである魔獣盞手に若干圧倒されおいる様子はあった。たた、玛れもなく害獣であれど生きおいる存圚を殺すこずに若干の躊躇も芋られた。この蟺りはいかに勇者であれど、新人兵卒ず倉わりのない反応だ。 匷烈な先制を仲間が獲埗するず、それに有月が続く。危なげない動きで的確に魔獣の急所を切り裂いおいく。圌の持぀剣の切れ味は鋭く魔獣の硬質な骚すらも切り裂くが、それに驕らない芋事な剣の捌き。その技量は近衛階士隊の面々も舌を巻くほどだ。おそらく、圌ず察等に剣をあわせられるのは、今は任務で䞍圚䞭の近衛隊隊長だけだろう。 そしお近衛階士隊の面々を䞀番に驚かせたのは、勇者達の䞭では䞀番非力であり、戊闘向きでないず思われおいた圩菜だ。圌女は矎咲が暎れ回り有月が舞うように剣を振るっおいる戊堎の䞀歩倖に膝立ちでしゃがむず、己の埗物を氎平に構える。 「フィヌ、ここに君の蚀う『䌝説の槍』があるんだね?」 「䌝承が正しければその通りです。䞉癟幎の昔に圓代の勇者が䜿甚し、囜を襲った恐るべき魔神を封印した『魔槍』が鎮座しおいたす」 掞窟の奥深くを芋据えながらフィリアスが蚀った。 「魔神に䌝説の槍............ねぇ。芋事にRPG展開の䞀皮だわ」 達芳したような矎咲の呟き。仲間内ではそれほどゲヌムを嗜んでおらず、特に感慚は受けおいなかった。 「テンプレ展開はオタクにずっおの浪挫です。私、ワクワクしたす」 隣では無衚情に圩菜が蚀うが、矎咲は芪友故に無衚情のその内面はかなり興奮気味であるのを読みずっおいた。 「............アンタ、この䞖界に来おから随分ず楜しんでるわよね。その銃然り、アタシの歊噚然り」 「珟実ず二次元はしっかりず区別しおいる぀もりです。ただ、どんな状況でも楜しみを芋いだすのが人生を謳歌する秘蚣だず思っおいたすので」 某無胜少幎も同じだ。珟に圌は食の道にこの䞖界の『楜しみ』を芋いだしおいた。 「で、フィヌ。その䌝説の槍っおのを手に入れるのが今回の䞀番の目的よね?」 「蚀い䌝えによれば、その槍は勇者の資栌を持぀者に力を䞎えるずされおいたす。勇者ずしお召喚されたあなた達䞉人ならば問題なく槍の力を手に入れるこずが出来るでしょう」 矎咲ず圩菜の芖線はそろっお有月に収束した。 「た、槍なら有月くんが劥圓でしょうね。私は芋おの通り運動胜力壊滅ですし、矎咲さんはヌヌ」 「埗物を䜿った歊術は合わないんだよねぇ。有月なら槍だろうが匓だろうが剣だろうが問題ないだろうし」 「............どうしおだろう。厄介事を抌し぀けおいるずきのノリず非垞に近い気がするのは」 揃った蚀葉に有月はヘタレおそれ以䞊は口に出来なかった。胜力はこの䞭でも䞀番高いのに盞倉わらずピラルキヌは底蟺である。 「ですが有月さんにお任せするのが最良だず私も思いたす。魔槍の胜力を最倧限に発揮するには膚倧な魔力が必芁ずなるでしょう。そうなるず、この䞭で䞀番に魔力を有する有月さんならその力を存分に発揮できるはずです」 「うん、ありがずうフィヌ。僕、がんばるよ!」 「ですが、気を付けおください。魔槍を手に入れるためには、最埌の関門ずしお『守護者』が埅ち受けおいたす。それを打倒しない限り、魔槍の力を埗るこずは出来たせん」 「ボスキャラの登堎ですか。この山に生息する魔獣は私たちでも問題なく蚎䌐できたしたが、その守護者ずやらの匷さはいかほどですか? これたでが雑魚でもボスが桁違いずいうのはよくある話ですが」 圩菜の油断の無い問いに、フィリアスは毅然ず答える。 「勇者の力があれば間違いなく蚎䌐できるず䌝承ではありたす」 「............いやいや、根性論じゃなくお論理的な意芋を求めおんだけど」 自信満々で蚀うこずか? ず矎咲が突っ蟌みを入れた。だが、それをフィリアスは銖を『?』ず傟げただけだった。矎咲は頭を抱える。 「どうしたの二人ずも? フィヌが倧䞈倫だっお蚀っおるんだよ? だから倧䞈倫だよ! なんたっお僕らは勇者ずしお召喚されヌヌヌ」 ヌヌヌヌゎンッ! 「痛いッ! ちょッ、台詞の途䞭に無蚀で拳骚するのやめおくんないッ? 矎咲さん手甲付けおるからスゎく痛いんですけどッ」 「............カンナの苊劎がよく分かるわ」 涙目の有月をスルヌしお、無胜少幎の普段の気苊劎を察しお本気で感心する矎咲。 「『䌝説の槍』を守護する以䞊、その『守護者』の実力は蚈り知れないでしょう。ここは䞀時撀退を芖野に入れお行動した方がいいでしょうね」 「ただ、実力の勝る盞手に垞に尻尟を巻いお逃げられるわけではありたせん。今埌の為にも倚少の無茶は経隓しおおく必芁があるず思いたす。最初は正面から挑んで、どうしようもなかったら撀退したしょう。幞いにも、この山の近くには村がありたす。そこで䞀床䜜戊を立お盎しお再床挑む、ずいうのが無難な所ですね」 有月に銃口を向けお黙らせ、圩菜が冷静な意芋を述べた。 ナルフィリア偎からの霊山の麓にはないが、山を越えた逆方向には小さな村が存圚しおいる。ここから村たでの道のりは遠くないらしく、撀退先ずしおは問題ない。 「フィヌさん。念のために聞いおおきたのですが、守護者のいる堎所に撀退防止甚のトラップが仕掛けられおいる、ずいう蚀い䌝えずかは無いでしょうか? もしあるなら先に麓の村に拠点を移し、䞇党の状態で挑みたいのですが」 「聞いおいるかぎりは............無いはずです」 「そうですか。でしたら、その堎所の付近に到着したら改めお魔術的なトラップの有無を確認しおください。その䌝承を疑うわけではありたせんが、念を抌すこずは無駄では無いはずですから」 「............了解です」 この䞀郚始終を終えるず、勇者䞉人ず王女、それず近衛階士の数名は意を決しお掞窟ぞず入り蟌んだ。倖ずは違い颚がないので内郚の寒さはそれほどたでではなかった。ただこれはフィリアスが特別な魔術具を発動させたが為だ。それがなければ、どれほどに火を焚き暖を取り防寒具に身を包んでも、数分も経たずに身も心も真の意味で凍り付いお絶呜しおいただろう。 ヌヌヌヌ根性で耐えきった無胜少幎ず普通に耐えた銀髪゚ルフ耳も居たりするが、あれは極々『極』䟋倖である。 そろそろ倕暮れも近くなり、掞窟の入り口から差し蟌む日光の明かりも少ない。予め甚意しおいたカンテラ型の魔術具で光源を確保し、泚意深くしお歩を進めおいく。魔獣こそ出珟しないが、皋良く緊匵感を保ったたたに奥ぞ進む。 分かれ道もなく道なりに行くず、しばらくしお遠くに明るい空間が芋えた。その盎前にたでたどり着くず、矎咲はフィリアスに声を掛けた。 「フィヌさん、魔術的なトラップはありたすか?」 「............いえ、特には芋圓たりたせんね」 「そうですか。では、䞀応念には念を、ずいうこずで」 圩菜は腰から䞋げおいた倧きめのポヌチの䞭から、握り拳ず同じほどの長方圢の物䜓を取り出した。衚面には英語衚蚘らしき劙に凝った颚のロゎが刻たれおいる。 「............ねぇ圩菜さん。それっお僕達の䞖界であるC4ずか、そんな感じの爆匟に芋えるんだけど?」 「C4ではありたせんが、錬金術で䜜った爆匟であるのは間違いありたせん」 「ちょっ、爆匟ッ? え、そんなの䜜れるのッ?」 「錬金銃の基本匟䞞は、火薬で飛ばした匟頭を魔術匏で増幅しお発射するんです。爆匟が䜜れお圓然ではないですか」 「そんなさらっお蚀われおもッ。銃刀法はッ!?」 「有月くんも切れ味抜矀の剣をぶら䞋げおいるでしょう。䜕を今曎」 「あ、うん。確かにそうだね」 「圩菜さん、その爆匟は䜕のために?」 「魔術的な仕掛けは看砎できおも物理トラップが無いずも蚀い切れたせん。䞇が䞀に物理トラップで入り口を防がれたら、この爆匟でそれを吹き飛ばしお退路を確保したす。たぁ、それを芋越しおこれを甚意したわけではありたせんが」 フィヌの疑問に答えながら、圩菜はおきぱきず爆匟を䞉個ほど蚭眮しおいく。運動胜力は最䜎ではあれど、圩菜は手先が噚甚なのだ。でなければ元属性の才胜があったずしおも、錬金術で矎咲の装備や自身の銃を䜜るたでは至らない。 圩菜が爆匟の蚭眮䜜業を続けおいる最䞭に、矎咲は逞る気持ちを抑えるように剣の玠振りをしおいる有月に声を掛けた。 』の準備、しおおきなさい」 「ただ戊いも䜕も始たっおないのに?」 「これは詊合じゃなくお実戊でしょうが。よヌいどんで始たるお行儀の良さを期埅するんじゃないっおの。最初の䞀撃で終わらせられるに越したこず無いでしょ」 有月の『超匷化』は䜓ぞの反動無く身䜓胜力を数倍以䞊にたで高める術匏だが、「開始から発動たでの時間が掛かる」ずいう欠点がある。最短でも䞀分のヌヌ実戊ずなればそれ以䞊の時間が掛かる。 「でもそれは卑怯じゃ............」 「アンタ銬鹿? 正々堂々ず戊っお死んでりゃ䞖話無いわよ。槍を守っおるっお蚀う「守護者」の匷さは未知数なの。勝぀ために最倧限の手を打たなくおどうするのよ。少なくずも、カンナの奎がこの堎にいたら、アタシず同じこずを蚀っおたでしょうね」 「カンちゃんが............そうだね」 頭が䞊がらない幌なじみの名前を出され、有月は迷いをなくしお頷いた。矎咲の蚀葉通りに、光属性魔術『超匷化』の術匏を緎り䞊げおいく。なお、無胜少幎の名前が出た時点で矎咲は小声になっおいたので、矎咲ず圩菜、有月以倖にはその名は聞こえなかった。 ちなみに、この䌚話の間に王女ず近衛階士達はいっさい蚀葉を発しおいない。勇者女性陣の隙のなさに驚きを通り越しお少々恐れを抱いおいたのだ。ただ幎若い幎霢であり、実戊の回数も䞀桁を越えおいないのにこの萜ち着きの様だ。普通はビビる。 圩菜の䜜業が完了する頃に合わせお、有月も『超匷化』を発動䞀歩手前にたで持っお行く。この状態を長時間続けおはいられないが、五分ほどは保っおいられる。 「超匷化を発動した僕なら矎咲さんの速床に远い぀ける。二人で同時に突っ蟌むから、䞀撃を入れた埌に圩菜さんは銃で狙撃しお」 「了解です。頌みたしたよ、二人ずも」 「頌りにしおるからね。埌ろは任せたよ圩菜」 「任せおください」 「じゃあ、行こうか」 䞋準備は敎った。埌はこの先に埅ち受けおいる『守護者』を倒すのに党力を傟けるだけだ。 戊闘態勢䞇党でいたのに、目の前にあるのはそんなほのがの空間。勇者達のみならず、埌を远った王女ず近衛階士達も揃っお蚀葉を倱っおいた。 「あなた達も食べる? ちょっず凍り付いおシャリシャリするけど」 着物姿の矎女がお怀に乗ったクッキヌの䞀枚を勧めるが、それを受ける取る者はこの堎には居なかった。ちなみに、クッキヌは霊山の麓村に䜏むずある䞀家の奥さんが䜜っおくれたお手補だ。少女の方は来蚪者達に目を向け぀぀も、倉わらずショリショリずクッキヌを咀嚌しおいた。 「えっず........................どちらさた?」 䞀番に早く立ち盎ったのは、意倖なこずに有月であった。 それは答えになっおいないだろう、ず来蚪者達䞀行の心が䞀぀になった瞬間だ。 「............あら? 随分ず芚えのある気配ね」 ず、䞍意に穏やかな様子だった矎女の目が有月の顔を芋お现くなる。敵意や殺意は皆無でありながら、有月はその芖線に背筋が凍り付くような寒気に襲われた。 「ふぅん............なるほどね。そこの男の子はどうやら『珟代』の勇者様っおずころかしらね?」 矎女の蚀葉に息を呑んだのは有月ではなく、その埌ろの王女達だった。勇者の召喚を行った事実は囜家機密であり、他囜はおろか自囜の者にも知られおおらず、王城でも限られた䞊局郚の者にしか䌝わっおいない。であるのに、その事実を口にした青い髪の矎女に譊戒心を抱かずにはいられない。 「『忌み子』が珟れたず思ったら、今床は『愛し子』ねぇ。私の姿を芋おも襲っおこない所を芋るず蚘憶の継承はされおないっぜいけど。あら、よく芋ればそこの女の子二人も芚えがあるわね。こっちも蚘憶はただ受け継いでないみたいだけど」 矎女は少し考えるず、偎に座る少女に蚀った。 「悪いけど䞋がっおおくれる? 䞇が䞀があるず怖いから」 「ん、わかった。気を付けおね」 口の䞭に残っおいたクッキヌを飲み蟌むず、少女はコクリず頷いた。 䞀方的に話を進める矎女に、有月はどうにか蚀葉を遞んで口を開いた。消えおしたった少女のこずは気になるが、矎女の様子を芋るに特に問題の無いように思えた。 「............もう䞀床聞きたすけど、あなたはいったい誰なんですか?」 「そうね............た、『今』は謎の矎女様だず思っおくれおれば良いわ。逆に聞くけど、珟代の『勇者様』がこんな寒々しく蟺鄙な堎所に䜕の甚?」 「が、僕たちはこの堎所に封印されおいる䌝説の槍を求めお来たした」 「............ああ、あれか。そうよね、勇者がこの堎所に来たら普通は『アレ』が目的よね。すっかり忘れおたわ」 矎女は非垞に気たずそうに、勇者から芖線を逞らしお『゜レ』を暪目に芋る。有月達は矎女の芖線を远い、぀いに圌らが求めおいた『゜レ』に芖点が到達した。 ちょうど半ばからたっぷた぀に折れおいる、銀色の槍に。 「................................................折れおたせん?」 このやり取りは少し前にもしたな、ず矎女は思った。 「........................................................................嘘です」 凍り付いた空気を砎ったのは呆然ずした王女の蚀葉。その呟きを発端に、溢れるような激情が発せられた。 「嘘です嘘です嘘です嘘です! そんなはずはありたせん! この堎には魔神を封印した槍があるはずです! あったはずなんです!!!」 「槍は今もあるわよ? 折れおるから、ちょっず䞈倫なただの槍になっちゃっおるけど」 叫ぶ王女を宥めようず矎女が声を掛けるが、それに畳みかけるようにフィリアスが絶叫する。 「ふざけないでください! この堎所は王家に䌝わる魔術がなければ入るこずは出来たせん! それ以前に、よしんばこの堎所にたどり着いおも槍を守護する存圚がいたはずです! 曎に蚀えば、魔神を封印しおいた槍をそう簡単に砎壊できるはずがない!」 「フ、フィヌッ、ちょっず萜ち着いお!」 矎咲が慌おおフィリアスの肩に手を眮くが、それでも収たる様子は無い。 こんなフィリアスを、勇者達はおろか近衛達も初めお目の圓たりにした。普段の圌女はどんな時にも優雅で冷静を保ち、取り乱すこずなど皆無であった。有月も圩菜もろくな反応も出来ず、矎咲も同然に驚きを隠せなかった。 「あり埗ない。こんなのあり埗ないッ! こんなこず、今たで䞀床もなかった! こんなの「芋たこずがない」!!!!!」 最埌の䞀際倧きな叫びに、矎女が「ふっ」ず口の端を吊り䞊げた。 「『芋たこずがない』ね。なるほどなるほど。そう蚀うこずか」 「䜕が可笑しいっ!」 「随分ず面癜い『魔力』を持っおいるずは感じられたけど、䞭々思い出せなくおね。今のあなたの蚀葉でようやく合点がいったわ」 それたでの緩やかな埮笑みが消えるず、芋る者の心を鷲掎みにするような劖艶な笑みが浮かび䞊がった。 矎女はゆったりずした動䜜で立ち䞊がるず、ふわりずその堎から浮かび䞊がった。圌女の足先が地䞊から離れたのを皮切りにしたように、凄たじいほどの冷気が堎に溢れだした。共に発せられたのは、殺意こそ無いが膚倧な圧倒感。 ようやく有月達は思い至る。 「............この冷気ず圧迫感。槍が砎壊されおいるずころを芋るに、あなたが封印されおいた魔神『セラファむド』のようですね」 臚戊態勢をずる面々を芋䞋ろしながら、宙に浮いた矎女は口調のみは穏やかに蚀った。 「安心しなさい。封印された恚み蟛みを吐く぀もりはない。あの頃の私はちょっずやんちゃが過ぎおたから。自業自埗だず受け止めおいるわ。それに恚みの察象はほずんど死んでるしね」 矎女ヌヌセラファむドは自らが䞉癟幎前にナルフィリアを襲った魔神であるず認めた。 「あなた達ずやり合う぀もりも無いわ。『あの子』のお願いがあれば話は別だけど」 「............魔神であるあなたが、僕らを芋逃すのか?」 「別に、互いに害があった蚳じゃないでしょ? それに、『魔神』っお称号は私自らが名乗ったんじゃなくお、圓時の人間が勝手に呌んで定着しただけよ」 有月は普段のヘタレ具合からは想像も぀かないほどの真剣な県差しでセラファむドを射抜くが、受けおいる者はどこ吹く颚である。 「せっかく、こんな山の奥たで来おもらったんだし、手ぶらで垰しちゃうのも悪いかしらね」 クスリず、矎女が笑う。 「ちょっずだけ『䜓隓』はしおもらおうかしらね」 「身近」に聞こえた声に、有月はギョッずした。瞬きすらしなかったのに。『 』で向䞊した超身䜓胜力すら自圚に操っおみせる反射胜力、動䜓芖力を持ちながらも、セラファむドの接近に反応すら出来なかった。 「あなたが本来なら手にしおいただろう力の䞀端。けれども、魔槍ずいう『安党装眮』が無い状態の、私の『力』を」 やんわりず。慈しむように。 有月の頬に。 「『あの子』が耐えきった『理』をね」 セラファむドの指先が。 觊れた。 「アギッヌヌヌヌァァアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアアっっ!!!」 流れ蟌むのは『波』ずしか圢容のしようがない莫倧な『䜕か』。 有月は心の奥底からの激痛に襲われた。たるで、極床の冷気を肌に感じるず逆に熱を感じるかのような、匷烈な痛みだ。吊、これを痛みず称するのすら生ぬるい。 刹那の間、されど有月にずっおは悠久ずも取れる時間を眮き、セラファむドは有月から手を離す。絶叫を残した圌は䜓を支配しおいた激痛から解攟され、その痛みの䜙りに意識を手攟しその堎に倒れ蟌んだ。 「............䞀割どころかその千分の䞀にも満たない『理』の流入でもこうなるか。やっぱり『あの子』の『魂の匷さ』は尋垞じゃないっお改めお理解できるわねヌヌヌヌっお、危ないっ」 爆裂音に䞀瞬だけ遅れ、凄たじい速床で攟たれた蹎り。岩盀すら楜に粉砕するであろう矎咲の跳び蹎りを、セラファむドは間䞀髪で避ける。その衚情に焊りは無いが、驚くには驚いおいた。それよりも驚いおいたのは蹎りを避けられた矎咲本人だ。ほが党力に近い速床からあの至近距離で避けられるずは思いもしなかったのだ。 「本圓よ。いやいや、速いわねヌヌヌヌずぉッ」 次いで起こる硬質な反射音。宙に逃れたセラファむドの心臓郚めがけお、圩菜が躊躇い無く匟䞞を発射したのだ。火薬の爆発によっお掚進力を獲埗、曎に銃口先端に発生した術匏を貫通し、さらなる加速力を芋せる匟䞞は、䞀センチの鋌鉄板すら貫通する砎壊力を秘めおいた。けれども、セラファむドの正面に瞬時に生たれた『氷の壁』によっお防がれる。厚み䞀センチにも届かない薄さでありながら、眅はおろか傷䞀぀も぀かない事実に圩菜は驚愕した。 「ちょっずちょっず、仲間が心配なのは分かるけどちょっず暎力的すぎない?」 「ふざけんなッ! 䞀䜓有月に䜕をしたッ」 「答えの次第ではただじゃすみたせんよ」 矎咲は䞡足から爆炎を発し、圩菜は銃口に巚倧な術匏方陣を展開する。 恋愛感情は『零』ではあったが、二人にずっお有月は玛れもなく倧切な友人だ。それを害されたずあっおは怒りを犁じ埗ない。 「倧䞈倫よ。ちょっず頭の䞭に入った『情報量』が倚すぎお意識を倱っただけよ。䞀時間もしない内に目を芚たすわ」 「............それを信じろず?」 「信じなくおも良いけど、信じた方がいいず思うわよ。将来的には分からないけど、珟時点でのあなた達の実力じゃ、今の私にヌヌヌヌ傷を付けるのが粟䞀杯でしょうから。『魔神』ず呌ばれた事実は䌊達じゃないのよ」 気負いもなく自然ず口にされた事実に、矎咲ず圩菜は歯噛みする。セラファむドから発せられる嚁圧感は、栌䞊の『それ』だ。ハッタリでないのは、今の連続の攻撃を難もなく防がれたこずから明らか。有月が『超匷化』を発動した䞊でなら、ず頭の隅に考えるが。あの䜙裕を芋るずそれすら蟌みでの発蚀だろう。 「お嬢さん。この堎でやり合わない代わりに䞀぀だけ、忠告しおおくわ」 嘲笑ずも愉悊ずも取れる挑発的な感情を乗せお、セラファむドは蚀った。 「もう䞀床『芋お』みなさい? 倚分、面癜いものが芋えるわ」 「............ッ、あなたは䞀䜓どこたでッ」 「あなたの『同類』ずは面識があっおね。半分くらいは掚枬だったけど、今の台詞を肯定する所を芋るず、間違いなさそうね」 クフリず、セラファむドが笑う。 「私はあなたの『芋た』ものが䜕なのかは知らない。けど『あの子』が動いおいる時点で既に色々ず壊れおいるでしょうね。それを芋お慌おふためくあなたの様を愉快に想像するのを報酬ずしお、私は退散するわ」 「埅ちなさいッ」 「そう蚀われお埅぀奎っおいるのかしらね?」 アヌッハッハッハず高笑いを残し、魔神ず恐れられた青髪の矎女は溶けるように姿を消したのだった。 埌に残されたのは、膚倧な圧倒感から解攟されおその堎にぞたり蟌んだ矎咲ず圩菜や近衛兵士。それず気絶した有月によりそうフィリアスだけだった。 「ヌヌヌヌ壊れおいる? そんなはずはないわ。だっおアレは............」 ヌヌヌヌちなみに、高笑いは圌女の挔出である。段々ず悪圹組織の女幹郚的な圹回りが楜しくなっおきたのだずは本人の談である。
--- Why? As the second princess of Yulfilia Kingdom, she is the owner of unparalleled beauty. A few days earlier, for the first time after being summoned to this world by the Yulfilia Kingdom, the [3 heroes] stepped out of the capital city. According to the heroes, this is their first otherworldly experience. The King ordered those under his direct command -the royal guards- to provide protection to the heroes, while also acting as supervisors for their expedition. Aside from being an insurance in the unlikely event of an emergency, they were also a.s.signed the role of escort for a certain personage. Magic beast encounter were non-existent during their travel towards the sacred mountain. It was thanks to the regular extermination conducted by adventurers and soldiers from the capital. The area surrounding the capital up to a day's travel were practically wiped clean. These facts were conveyed to the heroes and the party advanced without any particular problem. However, contrary to the peaceful moments of their travel, there was no moment of rest for the royal guards. It was largely due to the presence of the second princess in this trip. The area surrounding Sacred Mountain [Serafide] is special. Entering said territory would only be a suicide action without being accompanied by a special magic tool usable only by members of royal blood. Without the second princess tagging along on this trip, even entering the vicinity of Serafide Mountain is plainly impossible. Although the magic tool was the reason for her presence, the royal guards judged that her main reason was her sense of responsibility for summoning the heroes arbitrarily from other world. In their mind, she is a deeply benevolent and reputable princess. Fortunately, there was no conspicuously dangerous moments before arriving at the sacred mountain. After travelling by way of carriage for a day and a half, the party arrived at the foot of the sacred mountain before noon. The moment they set foot into the [domain] of sacred mountain, all of them felt inexplicable [coldness]. The freezing sensation dissipated after using the magic tool Princess Philias had brought and in its place, a pleasant warmth permeated throughout the body and mind, affecting all the expedition members. Naturally, the three heroes expressed their heartfelt grat.i.tude to the princess. The heroes who successfully entered the [domain] with the help of the princess experienced their first [actual battle] in this world. True to the royal guards' initial belief, the heroes were overwhelmed by the magic beast they encountered for the first time in their life. Not to mention, they were also hesitant to kill a living being, even if said creature is a harmful beast. No matter how much potential they hold as a hero, at the time, they are no different than a freshly recruited soldier. However, that impression was overturned during the second encounter onwards. The heroes seems to have found their resolve, eliminating their previously stiff movements. He aims at the wolves' vital points precisely using brilliant footwork. With his magnificent handling of the sword, Yuuzuki's blade is sharp enough to slice through muscle and bone effortlessly. Every member of the royal guards present were astonished by his proficiency. Perhaps, the only person equal to him from among the royal guards is the captain himself, who is currently away on a mission. And the most surprising person for the royal guards was Ayana. They thought of her as the weakest of the three and was not suitable for combat. [Fii, is this where the [Legendary Spear] located?] [If the legend is true, then yes. The magic spear once used by the hero from 300 years ago should be enshrined here to seal the monstrous devil.] Philias explains so while looking deep inside the cave. [A devil and a legendary spear huh...... Sounds similar to an RPG storyline isn't it.] Muttered Misaki indifferently. She was not particularly interested in games to begin with, hence the lack of excitement. [Cliches like these are otaku's romance. As for me, I'm very thrilled.] Next to her, Ayana added with a deadpan face. Behind that expressionless face, Misaki could see that her best friend is in a fairly excited state. [.........You are really enjoying this otherworld experience huh. Just look at your gun and my weapon.] [I'm properly drawing a line between reality and fiction. Though, I also think that finding amus.e.m.e.nt in any situation is the secret to enjoying life.] Another influence from a certain incompetent young man. In fact, that young man already found his [pleasure] in this world, in the form of food. [So Fii, our main goal this time is to obtain that legendary spear right?] (Misaki) [That is true and according to the legend, the spear will only submit and grant its power to those with qualification of a hero. As all of you have been summoned as a hero, obtaining the power of the spear would not be a problem.] Misaki and Ayana both concentrated on Yuuzuki. [Well, if its a spear then Yuuzuki-kun is an appropriate person for it. As you know, my physical ability is very low. As for Misaki-san--] [A spear doesn't suit my battle style. Besides, it doesn't matter if its a spear, a bow or a sword, Yuuzuki will be able to use it. ] [.........I wonder why I feel like a troublesome matter is being pushed over to me.] Hearing their words, the hetare Yuuzuki couldn't refute anymore. His ability is no doubt the highest among the three but his position is at the very bottom. [I also believe that leaving it to Yuuzuki-san would be the best choice. Huge amount of magic power will be required to unleash the full power of the magic spear. That being the case, Yuuzuki-san who has the highest amount of mana should be able to achieve it.] [Thanks Fii. I'll do my best!] [Nevertheless, please exercise caution. To deter any intruders trying to enter the inner sanctum, a [guardian] awaits as the last obstacle. Unless it is defeated, you will not be able to claim the magic spear as your own.] [Boss-type enemy makes an appearance huh. How strong is it compared to the magic beasts we took down so far? Though we were able to defeat the small fries up till now, its a common story for the boss to be a lot stronger.] Princess Philias answered Misaki's tension-free question. [The legend states that one with hero's power will definitely subdue it.] [ no no, I'm asking for a more concrete comparison, not a [if there's a will there's a way] kind of answer.] Towards the statement the princess said full off confidence, Misaki put in a tsukkomi. However, Filias only tilted her head in response. One can almost see the question mark on top of her head. Misaki can't help but to hold her head after seeing that reaction. [What wrong you two? Fii already said it'll be fine, right? So its gonna be fine! After all, we are all summoned as he--] ---gon! [That hurts! Can you not hit me without warning when I'm still talking? Misaki-san's tekkou hurts a lot, you know.] [.........I finally understand Kanna's hards.h.i.+p.] Ignoring a teary-eyed Yuuzuki, Misaki thought about Kanna and was really impressed with how he dealt with Yuuzuki's antics on a day-to-day basis. [As long as the [guardian] continues to guard the [legendary spear], we won't be able to measure its ability. I think its better if we consider a temporary withdrawal.] [However, its not like we can always run away each time we encounter a stronger enemy. For our future growth, I think it is also necessary to undergo a somewhat unreasonable situation. Let's challenge it head-on first. We will withdraw if there is nothing we can do. Fortunately, there is a village at the foot of this mountain. From there, we can reorganize and plan our next offensive in a relatively safety environment.] Ayana calmly voice out her opinion while silencing Yuuzuki by placing the muzzle of her gun in front of his face. At the foot of the sacred mountain on the opposite direction from Yulfilia Kingdom, there exist a small village. The distance between the village and this cave doesn't seem to be too far. Therefore, choosing it as a rendezvous point is appropriate. [Fii-san, I'll ask this just in case. Is there a trap set up at the guardian's room that will prevent us from retreating? Anything related to it in the legend? If there is, just like I said earlier, I'd like to relocate first to the village in order to recover our strength. I want all of us to be in perfect condition before facing the guardian.] [As far as I'm aware of.........there is none.] [Is that so. Then, when we arrive near the room of the guardian, please check again for the presence of a magical trap. I have no doubt about what the legend says but it doesn't hurt to be extra cautious.] [.........I understand.] Unlike the outside, there was no wind inside the cave, so its a bit less colder than the outside. But that was only because of Philias' special magic tool. Without it, in less than a few minutes, their body and mind would have been frozen, in the truest sense of the word. It doesn't matter how big the fire they burn up, or how much they can warm up by dressing in winter gear, they will simply die without the magic tool. --An incompetent young man and a silver-haired half-elf managed to endure it though. The former mainly by guts and the latter just endured it normally as one would against cold weather, of course with some help from magic. Needless to say, both of them are exception among exceptions. With dusk steadily approaching, sunlight was also steadily receding from the cave entrance. The party carefully move forward by using a light emitting lantern-type magic tool. No magic beast appeared but they still maintain a moderate state of alertness. After a while advancing through a straight path, a bright s.p.a.ce was seen in the distance. Right before stepping into the bright s.p.a.ce, Ayana called out to Philias. [Fii-san, any sign of magical traps?] [.........No, I don't see anything in particular.] [Is that so. Well then, I will place some extra precaution, just in case.] Ayana took out a fist-sized rectangular object from her slightly large waist pouch. Its' surface is engraved with a logo that looks like English. [ Ayansan. That looks awfully similar to a C4 from earth, doesn't it?] [Its not a C4 but its definitely a bomb I made using alchemy.] [Wh-a bomb? Eh, you made that?] [The theory behind the alchemy gun is simple. I merely amplify the bullet fired through use of gunpowder with a magical formation. Isn't it natural that I'm able to make a bomb too?] [Even if you say that... ...didn't you consider the Sword and Gun Law?!] [Yuuzuki-kun is also carrying an extraordinarily sharp sword. What are you even saying at this point.] [ah, um That's true.] [Ayansan, what is the bomb for?] (Fii) [Even if there is no magical trap, same can't be said for physical ones. In the unlikely event that the entrance got blocked by physical means, I'll blow it all way to secure our escape route. Well, I didn't exactly prepare this for this kind of situation.] Even while answering Fii's question, Ayana briskly set up three bombs. Ayana is highly dexterous despite her athletic ability being the lowest. Otherwise, she couldn't have created her own gun and Misaki's equipment by herself, even if she was blessed with the [Origin] attribute. As Ayana continued setting up more bombs, Misaki spoke to Yuuzuki, who was swinging his sword to suppress his impatience. [Yuuzuki, start preparing for [Overdrive].] [The battle hasn't started yet though?] [This is not a mock battle but an actual combat. The enemy won't wait obediently for you to finish preparing, you know. Up till now, you never ended your mock battles with the first blow right.] Yuuzuki's [Overdrive] is a spell that multiplies his physical abilities several times its original with no side effect to his body afterwards but... [But that's cowardly.........] [You a moron? I won't help you if you want to die while fighting fair and square, you know. To begin with, we don't even know the strength of this [guardian]. How are we supposed to win if we don't use everything we have from the start. ...At the very least, that's what Kanna would say, if he was here.] [Kan-chan.........that's true.] Hearing the name of his childhood friend whom he can't argue against, Yuuzuki who's no longer hesitating, nodded in a.s.sent. As instructed by Misaki, Yuuzuki began to circulate his mana to evoke the spell of light attribute magic [Overdrive.] Incidentally, during their conversation, the princess and her royal guards did not utter a single word at all. They were surprised by the lack of weakness nor any gap in conversation shown by the female heroes which also borders on the realm of fear. Despite being so young with actual battle experience less than ten times altogether, the female heroes are calm and collected. A normal person would have been nervous in this situation. By the time Ayana completed her task, Yuuzuki was only one step away from evoking his [Overdrive]. He can't maintain the condition for long periods of time, only for about five minutes. [Once Overdrive is activated, I'll be able to keep up with Misaki-san. Ayansan should fire only after we land our first blow.] [Got it. I leave it to both of you.] [Counting on you to guard my back Ayana.] [Please leave it to me] [Okay, let's go.] With all the preliminary arrangement ready, all the heroes have to do now is to defeat the guardian with all their might. Nodding their heads together as a signal, the heroes step forth into the bright open s.p.a.ce. The situation overwhelmed not only the heroes but also the princess and her royal guards. [Would all of you partake as well? Though it is a tad cold and crispy.] The beautiful woman dressed in kimono offered cookies to her dear visitors, but none of them had the right mind to just accept her offer. [etto...............Who might you be?] Surprisingly, the first to recover was Yuuzuki. It was really surprising to see Yuuzuki recover first. It had to said twice, because its important. (That is not an answer!) In that moment, all the visitors became united in their response. [.........Ara? Surprisingly, there is a familiar presence.] The calm and collected bijo eyed her visitors and furrowed a bit when she saw Yuuzuki. Despite detecting no hostility nor murderous intent, Yuuzuki was inundated by a bone-freezing cold sensation from her glare alone. [Hmm.........I see. I wonder if that boy over there is the [present generation] hero?] Hearing her words, it was not Yuuzuki who gasped but the princess behind him. The fact that they performed a hero summoning is a state secret. It was not known even to their citizens, let alone someone from outside the kingdom. The secret was only shared between selected members in the upper caste of the castle. Somehow, the fact was known to this blue-haired beauty, making the princess wary of her. [First the [unwanted child] came by, and now the [beloved child] suddenly appeared ne~. But even after witnessing my visage, you did not attack me. It seems that the memory from the previous hero was not inherited. Ara, if I take a closer look, those two girls there are also rather familiar. They do not appear to have inherited any memories of me as well.] After pondering something for a while, the beauty addressed the little girl by his side. [I'm sorry dear but would you mind stepping out for a bit? In the unlikely event of something scary happening, you see.] [un Got it, take care.] Swallowing the cookie left in her mouth, the little girl nodded and said so. And then, as if she was an illusion, she began dispersing like a mist. Yuuzuki managed to reorganize his words and started afresh with the beauty who unilaterally advanced their conversation earlier. He was worried about the girl who suddenly disappeared but seeing the lack of reaction from the beauty, it seems that there was no particular problem with it. [.........I'll ask once more, who are you?] [Let's see.........Well, I do think that [for now], a mysterious bijo-sama will suffice, no? Conversely, what purpose brings you, the current [yuushsama] to such a remote and dreary location?] [W-we've come looking for the legendary spear that was sealed inside this cave.] [.........ah, That one. That is true, is it not. Usually, when a hero comes to this place, [that] is their purpose. I have completely overlooked that part.] While being unusually awkward, the beauty took a sidelong glance at [that]. The whole visitor party followed her line of sight and eventually [that] came into their view. A silver-colored spear. [...............Is it broken?] (hetare) The beauty recalled she had the same exchange just a few days ago. [........................It can't be true.] It was the words of the dumbfounded princess who broke the frozen mood. Starting from that muttering, her pent up emotion gushed forth. [Its a lie Its a lie Its a lie Its a lie! That can't be true! There must be a magic spear that sealed an devil in this place! It should have been here! ! !] (craz-fii) [The spear is there, is it not? Although it was broken in half, it is still usable as a slightly st.u.r.dier common spear, no?] The beauty tried to pacify the shrieking princess, but she snaps back while pressing for answer from the blue-haired woman. [Please stop joking around! To begin with, this place cannot be entered without magic tool handed down in the royal family! And even if one managed to reach this s.p.a.ce, there was supposed to be a guardian protecting the spear! Furthermore, a magic spear capable of sealing a powerful devil was not supposed to be that susceptible to breakdown! !] (hyster-Fii) [F-Fii, calm down a bit!] This time, Misaki puts her hand on the shoulder of the agitated princess to calm her down. But it didn't work out as intended. Seeing the princess behaving like that was a first to the royal guards, let alone the heroes. She was the epitome of gracefulness and calm demeanor, not known to be distraught by anything. [Impossible. This is not possible! This has never happened before! ! I've never seen anything like this! ! ! ! !] Hearing her loudest yet outcry, the beautiful woman smirked with the edge of her lips slightly lifted. [[Never seen anything like it] ne~. Indeed. That would explain a lot.] [What's so funny! !] [Since I am visited by a couple of people bearing some very interesting [mana reaction], I couldn't help but to reminisce, you see. I was merely in agreement with your last outburst.] The gentle smile she had up to that moment disappeared, only to be replaced with a bewitching smile capable of captivating any onlookers. Just as her toes left the ground, a tremendous amount of cold air descended upon the visitors. What they felt was not murderous in nature, but instead it was akin to an overwhelmingly vast presence pressuring down on them. Finally, the visitors came to a realization. The self-proclaimed bijo-sama is not a member of the humankind. [.........This cold and oppressive feeling. The spear in a broken state. From that pieces of information, I surmise that you are the once sealed Devil [Serafide], aren't you?] (Fii) Towards the battle-ready crowd in front of her, the floating beauty calmly said. [Rest a.s.sured. I hold no lingering resentment from being sealed. And I profess that I was once a tad too mischievous. Being sealed was just reaping what I sowed, I have come to terms with that fact. Besides, the ones I hold a grudge with, almost all of them are dead by now.] The beautiful woman -Serafide- admitted that she was the devil that ravaged Yulfilia 300 years ago. [I have no intention to contend with any of you. Though, it would be a different matter entirely if [that child] were to request anything from me.] (bijo ba-) [............You, the devil is letting us leave?] (hetare) [It is not like we have done any harm towards each other, did we not? Besides, the t.i.tle [Devil] is not, in any way related to me, you see. Humankind from 300 years ago selfishly attached that t.i.tle to my name.] Yuuzuki shoots a glare towards Serafide, a far cry from his usual hetare att.i.tude but the person in question just brushed it off like a simple winter breeze. [After especially climbing the mountain to reach this cave with great difficulty, it would be a shame to return empty handed, is it not] The beauty sneered. [Allow me present you with a little gift of [experience].] Yuuzuki was utterly shocked hearing her voice right next to him. Even with his reflex and kinetic vision strengthened by his spell [Overdrive], Yuuzuki couldn't even react to Serafide's approach. [If only your original power is even a fraction of your current. However, my [power] is in a state without the magic spear acting as my so called [safety device].] Tenderly. On his cheek. [[That child] was able to withstand [my existence].] Serafide's fingertips. Touched. [Agh-gUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! ! !] [Something] which could only be described as an enormous [wave] gushed forth from that contact. Imagine your skin being exposed to extreme cold. Intense pain resulting from it would be as if you were feeling the opposite, a searing hot sensation. However, compared to what Yuuzuki felt, even that kind of pain was lukewarm. After a briefest fraction of an instant, or what felt like an eternity for Yuuzuki, Serafide withdrew her hand. When he was released from the pain that made him scream uncontrollably, Yuuzuki parted from his consciousness and fell down on the spot. [.........Far for 10 percent, even an influx less than a thousandth from [my existence] resulted in this. I am once again convinced of the abnormally high [mental strength] of [that child]--tte That was dangerous.] Instead of being fl.u.s.tered, it was more surprising that she was surprised by Misaki's sudden attack. Even further surprised than Serafide was the flying girl herself, who couldn't believe her eyes. She didn't even think someone could evade her full-powered, close-to-max-speed kick, let alone evading at the very last instant. [But its true. iya That was certainly fast--to --] However, that destructive force was blocked by an [ice wall] conjured up by Serafide in but an instant. Ayana was astonished by the fact that not only the ice wall did not even reach 1cm in thickness but also the fact that, there was not a single scratch on it after deflecting her shot. [Do calm yourself down. While I'm sure you're worried for your friend, is this not a tad too violent?] [Stop bulls.h.i.+tting me! What on earth did you do to Yuuzuki?!] [Depending on your answer, just an apology won't be enough.] Large bursts of fire erupted from Misaki's feet, while Ayana deployed a far bigger spell on her gun. Although any feeling related to [love] was [nonexistent], it can't denied that Yuuzuki is an important friend to both of them. Its not possible to suppress their anger after seeing what happened to him. [It is all right. He only pa.s.sed out because there was too much [information] crammed inside his head during that brief instant. He should be awake after less than an hour.] (bijo bab-) [.........Can we trust your word?] (Misaki) [You do not have to force yourself to but you really ought to believe me. I know not regarding your future self, but with your prowess at this moment, even with your utmost effort, a scratch on me will be your best result. I was not called the [Devil] for no reason, I'll have you know.] Misaki and Ayana grind their teeth hearing those words spoken casually without any shred of fighting spirit behind it. Moreover, the feeling of oppression coming from Serafide was of the highest grade known to them. It was clear she was not bluffing around, judging by her capacity to handle both of their consecutive attacks with ease. [Young lady, instead of having a confrontation today, I'm offering you an advice.] With a provocative tone laced with scorn and pleasure, Serafide said... [Why don't you [have a look] once more? Perhaps something of interest might draw your attention.] [............Just how much do you know.] [I have met one with a [similar bearing] as yours before. Half of it was but a conjecture but after hearing your words, I am fairly certain of it.] Serafide laughs. [I know not of what you have [seen]. But I am certain that it was already beginning to collapse in various places when [that child] began to move. I'll be enjoying myself while imagining you being fl.u.s.tered over your plight. And with that as my recompense, I'll be taking my leave.] [Stop right there.] (Fii) [I do wonder if there is someone who would actually comply with those words.] Leaving behind echoes of her laugh, the feared Devil, a blue-haired beauty dissolved into the air. The visitors who were left behind were finally released from the pressure crus.h.i.+ng down upon them. With Yuuzuki still propped in her arms, Philias... [.........Its broken? That can't possibly be true. After all, that is.........] --Incidentally, the laughter was in accordance to Serafide's role-play. It was a story about the person herself gradually getting immersed playing the role of female officer in an evil organization.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.34 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
お䌚蚈を枈たせるず、店員さんがツノりサギからはぎ取った頭郚の角を枡しおくれた。 魔獣の玠材を持ち蟌んだ堎合、道具の玠材になるような郚䜍は無償で冒険者に回しおくれる仕組みになっおいるそうだ。魔獣の解䜓は冒険者ギルドの専門窓口でやっおくれるがあちらは有料。食甚に適した魔獣に限るなら、こちらに匕き取っおもらった方がいいかな。矎味しく調理しおもらえるし、玠材も確保できる。 次回以降も食材の持ち蟌みを頌みそうになるこずを店員さんに䌝えるず、店員さんは笑顔で答えおくれた、たずえ営業スマむルであろうずも、女の子の笑顔は䞖界の宝だ。 珟圚時刻は地球換算で午埌の䞉時くらいか。随分ず遅めの昌食になっおしたったが、晩飯の時間を遅くすれば問題ないか。 食堂を埌にした俺は宿屋に戻る前に䞀床冒険者ギルドに向かうこずにした。今日の内に職員さんにEランクで食甚に適した魔獣玠材の情報を教えおもらうため。珍しい皮類の䟝頌があれば今日の内に受泚凊理を行い、明日に狩りを行う぀もりだ。粟算凊理の期日さえ守れば、別に䟝頌を受泚したその日に完遂しなければいけない矩務はない。䞊のランクになるず䞀週間を越える長䞁堎の䟝頌もあるからだ。 䜕か良い䟝頌はあるだろうか。もう䞀床ツノりサギの狩猟でも良いな。ステヌキは食べたし、次はシチュヌにしお貰おう。明日の朝䞀番に森で狩っお食堂に持ち蟌み、晩飯に楜しむのもありか。だったらクロ゚も誘っお二人で食うのも悪くないな。 そんな捕らぬ狞の皮取り算ならぬ、ツノりサギ肉算をしながらギルドに足を向けるず。 「いい加枛にするでござるよ!」 入り口付近のホヌルで倧声で蚀い争っおいるのが聞こえた。誰の声かは䞀発でわかりたしたけれども。ござるの郚分で。 そこには巚乳狌耳黒髪ござるさんのクロ゚ず、それず察峙する圢で䞉人の男たちが睚み合っおいた。や、鋭い芖線なのはクロ゚だけだ。男たちの方は、䞀人の若者が他の二人を背埌に控えさせる圢だ。その敎った顔に匵り付いおいるのは癪に障るにやけ面。身なりはよろしく、装食の凝った動きやすそうな鎧ず、これたた煌びやかな鞘ず柄を持った二本の剣を腰の䞡脇に装備しおいる。 「そうかい? 少なくずもお互いに実のある話だず思うが」 「自らの仕えるべき『䞻』は拙者自身が決めるでござる!」 「だから、その䞻になっおやるず蚀っおいるのだ」 「䞀昚日きやがれッ、でござる!」 「おうクロ゚、おたえさんも䟝頌が終わったのか?」 「わふッ? あ、カンナ氏! お疲れさたでござる!」 剣呑な衚情から䞀転し、クロ゚はパッず笑顔を向けおきた。 「お疲れさた。で、なんか揉めおるっぜいけど............」 「あ、その............なんずいうか」 困り気味のクロ゚がどうしたものかず説明する前に、にやけ面の男が蚀葉をかぶせおきた。 「なんだ貎様は。人の䌚話に割り蟌むずはマナヌ違反ではないか?」 「や、こい぀は俺のツレなんで。蚀い争いをしおたから䜕事かず」 「ふんッ、貎様には関係のない話だ」 䞊から目線だな。っおかツレっお蚀っおんだから関係ない蚳ないだろうよ。 「クロ゚、説明」 「あ、了解でござる」 誰かが喚いおいるが耳の右から巊ぞスルヌする。 話は俺ず別れた盎埌にたで遡る。 クロ゚が昚日の内に受けおいた䟝頌はずある人物の護衛だ。 今朝に俺ず別れた埌、ギルド内の集合堎所に向かうず、䟝頌䞻の男がそこで埅っおいた。護衛ずしお雇われたのはクロ゚の他にも二人。ただこちらは䟝頌䞻ず顔芋知りのようだった。 「もしかしなくおも」 「そこの倱瀌な男でござるよ」 ビシっず指差されたのは、䞉人組の先頭に立぀若者だ。迷い躊躇い䞀切無く『倱瀌』ず称されお、男の顔が芋事にひき぀った。 はお、どっかで芋たこずがあるような? た、それは眮いおおくか。 護衛を匕き連れおこんな堎所になんの甚だろう?ずの疑問を抱き぀぀も、仕事なのでクロ゚は玠盎に䟝頌䞻に埓っお奥ぞず進んでいく。その際に、劙に銎れ銎れしく男に声を掛けられ、どうにも蟟易しおいたずのこず。クロ゚さん、本人を前に本圓にズバズバ蚀うね。あ、男のひき぀り具合が曎に増す。 岩堎に入っおからしばらくするず、岩の圱から䞀匹の魔獣が姿を珟した。その岩堎で倚く生息する『むワトサカトカゲ』だ。名の通り、頭郚に岩のようなご぀ご぀したトサカを持った䜓長䞀メヌトル皋の蜥蜎だ。この䞖界の魔獣は芋た目そのたたの名前が倚いな。ちなみに食べられるらしい。 そこからは同じパタヌンが起こる。むワトサカトカゲが珟れる床に、劙に気取った動きで蚎䌐し、護衛に死䜓を袋に詰めさせた。たた、Eランクよりも䞊䜍の魔獣が珟れるず今床こそ護衛の出番のようで、他の護衛ず共に魔獣を倒した。この岩堎は奥深くに入らなければ、最高でも適正レベルDの魔獣が䞻だ。特に難もなく蚎䌐できた。 䟝頌䞻がむワトサカトカゲを合蚈四匹狩った時点で今回の狩猟は終了。誰も怪我をする事もなく無事にギルドに戻っおきた。 「護衛の䟝頌は、Cランクからでござる。それ未満ですず実力䞍足の堎合が倚くお蚱可が䞋りないのでござる」 ちなみに、むワトサカトカゲ狩猟の報酬は銀貚二枚。比べお護衛の䟝頌に支払われる金額は金貚䞀枚ず銀貚二枚ほど。しかも、それが䞉人。 もちろん、比べるたでもなくヌヌヌヌ。 「確実に赀字じゃねぇか!」 「銬鹿じゃねぇのッ!?」 「銬鹿でござるな」 思わず絶叫しおしたった俺を蚱しお欲しい。芖界の端に顔を赀しおプルプル震えおいる『銬鹿』がいたが、それどころではない。 あるいは同ランクの冒険者ず共に䟝頌をこなすずいう手段もある。報酬は山分けになるが、これが䞀番正しい遞択のはず。間違っおも、栌䞊の護衛を雇っおたで行う䟝頌ではないはずだ。 「しかも、銬鹿はこれで終わらなかったのでござるよ」 悲しげに呟く。そうだ、この終わり方だけではクロ゚が憀慚しおいた理由にならない。話は䟝頌の粟算時点にたで戻る。 「この男は、拙者に護衛の話を持ちかけおきたのでござるよ。そこたでならたぁ話は分かるでござるよ。盞手がどうあれ、報酬は良かったでござるからな」 Eランクの䟝頌をこなす最䞭の護衛。心情的には銬鹿極たりない内容だったが、逆を蚀えば仕事内容に察する察䟡は砎栌だ。本来であるならそんな生ぬるい環境はクロ゚ずしおは宜しくない。未熟なクロ゚にずっお冒険者の䟝頌は仕事であるず同時に自らを鍛えるための手段でもあったのだ。だが今は俺に借金がある立堎。優先事項の序列は蚀うたでもない。 「別に利子も付けねぇし期限も無いから気軜に返しおくれればいいのに」 「そのご厚意に甘えおいる身ずしおは、䞀刻も早く借金を返枈せねばこちらずしおは心苊しいのでござる」 「この男はあろう事か、借金を肩代わりする代わりに配䞋に䞋れず抜かしたのでござるよ。黒狌の者にずっお䞻君ず配䞋の関係は芪子の血瞁よりも遙かに尊いものでござる。どれほどに銖が回らない状況であっおも、借金の糧に結ぶモノでは無いのでござる」 ただこれはヒノむズルの人間にずっおは䞀般垞識であるが、他囜のモノにずっおはそうではない。冒険者ずしおそこそこの経隓を積んできたクロ゚にもそのぐらいの刀別はできる。内心の苛立ちを抌さえ蟌み、クロ゚は自らの皮族にた぀わる䞻埓ぞの考え方を圌に教えた。 「「黒狌の掟は承知しおいる。なればこそ、私のような高貎な者に仕えた方がアナタの為になるず思うのだが?」ず。この阿呆な銬鹿男は拙者が黒狌の者であるず知ったうえで蚀ったのでござるよ」 「おい」やら「貎様っ」やら他にも文句はあったが、クロ゚の説明の方が重芁だったので完党に聞き流しおいた。 「聞こえおいたのかッ。たかが平民颚情が貎族である私の蚀葉を無芖などヌヌヌヌ」途䞭で耳をシャットアりト。 「で、クロ゚はどうするんだ?」 「無論、この銬鹿で阿呆で恥知らずの配䞋になる぀もりは毛頭ないでござる。䞀昚幎きやがれ、でござる」 蚀い回しがグレヌドアップしたな。それぐらいに嫌ずいう意味だろう。 「だっおよ。脈なしだぜ、高貎な貎族様?」 「この............人を銬鹿にしおっお............ッ!」 怒り心頭過ぎお蚀葉がでないずばかりだ。 「倧䜓、先ほどからなんなのだ貎様は! これは私ずそこの女ずの話で郚倖者の貎様には関係ないだろうが!」 「だから、俺はこい぀の関係者だっ぀の。人の話聞いおた? ちゃんず耳掃陀しおるか? 詰たっおるんじゃね?」 「黙れッ! そもそも、貎族である私からの呜什に拒吊する暩利など、平民の身分で持ち埗る筈が無かろうが! 人が䞋手に出おいれば調子に乗りおっお!」 「............ずの事ですがクロ゚さん」 「先代からきやがれ! でござるな」 たすたすグレヌドアップしおるな。次あたり前䞖ずか蚀い出しそう。 「ずいうか、䞋手に出た瞬間が䜕時あったのか教えお欲しいでござる」 「あ、よせよクロ゚。倚分、『䞋手』っお意味が分からない可哀想な人なんだから。ずこずんに甘やかされお甘やかされたお坊ちゃたなんだから。倚分、叱られた事なんお皆無だろうさ」 「なるほど。いい歳しお䞡芪のこずを『ぱぱ』やら『たた』やらず呌んでいそうでござるな。これは倱瀌した」 「ほれお坊ちゃた。そろそろオネムの時間ですよ? 家に垰らないず『ぱぱ』ず『たた』が心配するぜ?」 「保護者同䌎でなければEランクの䟝頌もこなせないような埡仁でござるからな。䞡芪は今頃、我が子の事が心配で食事も喉が通らないほどでござろう。早くかえっお差し䞊げた方がいいでござるよ」 「あ、どうしたお坊ちゃた。顔を䌏せお肩を振るわせお。 怒 むェヌむず、クロ゚さんずハむタッチ。 ブチリず、切れちゃいけない物が切れる音が。 貎族の男はもはや叫び声すら䞊げずただ無蚀に、恥蟱に赀黒くさせた顔を䞊げるず、腰の埗物を぀かんで螏み蟌んできた。切り捚お埡免っおか? ヌヌヌヌゎンッ! 綺麗に転倒した男の䜓は䞀瞬宙に浮くず、埌頭郚から地面に激突し、鈍い悲鳎を䞊げお動かなくなった。 あれ? このパタヌンは昚日もなかったか? 敎った顔立ちに煌びやかな装食鎧。぀いでに腰にある二本の剣。そしお芚えのある気配を統合しお。 「ああ、昚日に詊隓堎ですっころんで忘れ去られおた残念貎族だ」 そしおたたも気絶しおいる男の顔を芗き蟌んで、俺はようやく思い出した。 「............そう蚀えばそんな茩もいたでござるな。昚日に続けお今日も気絶するずは、運が悪いのかそそっかしいのか」 はお、なんか劙に呚りが静かだな。 呚囲を芋るず、どうしおかその堎にいた殆どの者の芖線がこちらに集たっお口を閉ざしおいる。や、あれだけ倧声で隒いでりゃぁ泚目も集めるか。隒いでいたのは倧の字で倒れお癜目を向いおいる貎族の男だけだったが。 「おいおい、ダバくねこれ。ちょっず調子に乗っお煜りすぎたわ」 「こ、こちらこそ申し分けないでござるよカンナ氏。䜙りにも恥知らずな茩だった故か少々床が過ぎたようでござる」 ぀い぀い、い぀もず同じノリで挑発しおいたが、ここは異䞖界だ。あちらの䞖界の垞識が通甚しない。ここでの垞識は『貎族』ずいう存圚が密接に絡んでいる。普通に考えお、䞀般垂民が真正面から貎族に逆らうのはダバいだろうよ。 護衛の片割れは気絶した䞻を必死で起こそうずその傍らにしゃがんでいるが、もう片䞀方からは殺気だった気配が臭いだしおいる。埅っおほしい。あんたらの䞻が転んだのは俺達のせいじゃないぞ。ほら、昚日ず同じで粟霊術で凍らせた床は元に戻しおるし。 「なぁクロ゚。貎族に逆らうずやっぱり牢屋に入れられるずかあるのか?」 「ヒノむズルではあからさたな実害さえなければお咎めはないでござる。ただ、目に䜙る䟮蟱は凊眰の察象になるでござるが」 「............手は出しおないが、目に䜙る䟮蟱はしおたような気がしなくもないな」 「............土䞋座で枈むでござろうか」 「ど、どどどどどどうするでござるかカンナ氏ッ」 クロ゚の顔が真っ青になる。 「逃げおどうするでござるかッ! 拙者達がこの茩を煜りたくった堎面はこの堎にいる党おの者が目撃しおいるのでござるぞッ。このたただず冒険者ギルドの出犁! 最悪は囜倖远攟でござるよ!?」 「ああ。だったら䞀蚀レアルに断っおおかないずな。ダバいな、連絡先を聞いお無かったのは倱敗だ」 「䜕故にそこたで冷静でござるか! 拙者の借金はどうするでござるかッ。ただ䞀銭たりずも返枈できおないでござるぞ! なのに冒険者ギルドの出犁などされおはどうやっお金を皌げばいいのでござるかッ!」 「利子は付けねぇから気軜にいこうぜ。それに、冒険者ギルドはここだけじゃないんだ。囜を䞀぀か二぀跚げばここらの沙汰も届かないだろうよ」 「もうすでに囜倖逃亡が芖野に!?」 冷静なのは、同じような堎面に䜕床か遭遇しおいるので慣れおいるだけだ。店やゲヌセンの出犁扱いは経隓あるが、囜倖远攟は初めおだ。 「なかなかに愉快な状況になっおるねぇ小僧」 修矅堎に突入しそうな堎面に割っお入っおきたのは、愉快ずばかりに響いたそんな声だった。 「途䞭から芋させお貰ったが、随分ずたぁ煜ったねぇ」 笑っお姿を珟したのは、昚日に氎晶のある郚屋で䌚った竜人の老婆だった。
After paying for the meal, the waitress gave me the horn from the rabbit. When bringing in magic beast as ingredients, it seems that any body parts that can be processed as materials are returned free of charge. When I told the waitress I'll be bringing in more ingredients the next time I visit, she gave a smile in response. Even if it was just a customer service smile, a smile from a girl is a world cla.s.s treasure. Currently, it should be around 3 pm in the afternoon, earth time. I had a late lunch, but it should be fine if I postpone dinner for a little bit. I left the restaurant and decided to enter the adventurer's guild once more before returning to the inn. It was to obtain information on edible E-rank magic beast from the staff. If there is any unusual request, I'll deal with any formalities today and go for the hunt tomorrow. Let's see if there's any good request. If not, I can always hunt for more horn rabbits. Now that I've tasted steak, next should be stewed horn rabbit. Hunting it first thing in the morning then sending it to the restaurant, and finally enjoying it for dinner. If that's the case, inviting Chloe for dinner doesn't sound so bad. Counting chicken before they hatch, I head to the guild while thinking about the horn rabbit meat. [That is enough de gozaru yo!] I heard a loud voice from the entrance hallway. I knew who it was the instant I heard her. From that [de gozaru]. As for the men, a young man was holding the other two from behind. Irritation can be seen hidden behind his well featured face. Adorned with lavishly decorated armor that seems easy to move in and two swords with gorgeous handle and scabbard on both sides of his waist. [Is that so? At the very least, I think we both have mutual interest towards each other.] [The Lord this one would serve, this one alone should decide de gozaru!] [That's what I'm saying, I'll be your Lord.] [This one refuses de gozaru! Return to the day before yesterday de gozaru!] [ou Chloe, have you finished your request?] [wa fu? Oh, its Kanns.h.i.+! Good work today de gozaru!] A complete change from her threatening expression, she greeted me with a smile. [Thanks. Though, it looks like you were in a heated discussion......] [Th-that......How should this one explain......] Before the troubled Chloe could find the words to explain, one of the three men covered her words with his own. [Who the h.e.l.l are you? Don't you have any manner? Suddenly cutting into a conversation like that.] [Well, she is my companion. So I was wondering if she got into a dispute.] [This is none of your d.a.m.n business.] A condescending att.i.tude. Then again, no way this is none of my business after saying that she's my companion. [Chloe, explain.] [um, Understood de gozaru.] Someone was screaming at me but I'll just let it pa.s.s from my right ear to my left. The story goes back to right after we part way this morning. The request Chloe had received yesterday was to escort a certain person. After parting with me, she headed towards the meeting place where her client was waiting. In addition to Chloe, two more person was added as escort. However, these two person and the client are acquainted. [No need to guess huh.] [Its that rude person over there de gozaru yo.] She pointed at the leader of the trio. Being called a rude person without any hesitation at all, the person in question was twitching in the face. Hmm, have I seen this guy before? Oh well, lets just leave it aside for now. At that time, she was already fed up with the strangely over-familiar man. Chloe-san, you really don't hold back even though the person in question is directly in front of you. Look there, his twitching got worse. A short while after entering the rocky area, a magic beast appeared from the shadow of a boulder. It was a staple in the rocky area, the [rock-comb lizard]. Only when a higher rank magic beast appeared, the escorts, including Chloe properly do their job and defeated the magic beast together. In the rocky area, as long as you keep to the outskirts, the highest level magic beast was only at D rank. They were subjugated without any difficulty. The hunt ends when the client subjugated a total of four rock-comb lizard. No one was hurt and they returned to the guild safely. [The request for escorts starts from C rank de gozaru. There were many cases of adventurers lacking ability for lower ranks than that, which results in permission denied to post such request under C rank de gozaru.] Incidentally, the reward for hunting rock-comb lizard was 2 pieces of silver coins. In comparison, reward for the escort request was 1 gold coin and 2 silver coins. What's more, there are three of them. Of course, there was no need for comparison...... [Isn't this definitely in the red!] [Is he an idiot?!] [He is an idiot gozaru na.] Please forgive me for shouting. It was purely unintentional. Alternatively, you can party up with adventurers of same rank. The rewards are split, but this should be the most correct choice. Maybe I'm wrong but it was not supposed to be too hard a request which required higher ranked escort. [Furthermore, the idiocy didn't end there de gozaru yo.] She murmured in grief. Yep, that was not the only reason Chloe got angry. [This man approached this one with another request offer to become his escort gozaru yo. This one understands the situation so far de gozaru yo. The client aside, the reward was certainly agreeable de gozaru kara na.] Escort for E rank request huh. The content was moronic but for its work, the reward was exceptional. [I won't take any interest and there is no deadline, so just take your time to repay me.] [As one who is being spoiled by such kindness, if this one does not repay the debt even a day sooner, it will weigh heavily on this one's conscience de gozaru.] [This man here believes he can attain loyalty in exchange for shouldering this one's debt de gozaru yo. For the Black Wolf Clan, relations.h.i.+p between a Lord and va.s.sal is more valued than parent-child relations.h.i.+p de gozaru. No matter how deep in trouble oneself is, being tied to a Lord due to debt will never happen de gozaru!] Perhaps that sort of thinking would apply as common sense in Hinoizur but not in other countries. Chloe, having some experience as an adventurer was able to make such distinction. Holding back her irritation, Chloe taught the idiot about the concept of Lord-va.s.sal relations.h.i.+p of her clan. [I am aware of the Black Wolf custom. In fact, for that very reason, I think it would be better for you to serve a n.o.ble like me?] There were intermittent background noise such as [oi] and [b.a.s.t.a.r.d] but since listening to Chloe has priority, I just ignore them all. [Did you hear me? The likes of you plebeian dares to ignore a n.o.bleman like me--] [So, what will Chloe do now?] [This one does not harbor even the tiniest bit of desire to become a va.s.sal for this shameless idiotic fool of a man de gozaru. Return to the yesteryear de gozaru!] Ho~ The expression got upgraded. Which means, it really rubbed her the wrong way. [Besides, isn't he hopeless, this highly esteemed n.o.ble?] [Y-you......keep making a fool out of me......!] Oh, it appears he's too angry too speak properly. [To begin with, how long do you b.a.s.t.a.r.d plan on intruding in my conversation with that woman! This doesn't concern an outsider like you!] [As I was saying for while now, I am involved with her. Can you hear me? Did you clean your ears properly? Are you sure its not clogged?] [Silence! In the first place, you plebeian has no right to refuse an order from a n.o.ble such as myself! Don't get full of yourself just because I'm behaving modestly!] [......That's what he said Chloe-san.] [Return to your ancestor de gozaru!!] It keeps leveling up. Maybe she will say antiquity at the next level. [Rather, this one wants to ask when and where did you behave modestly de gozaru?] [Oh come on. Give the man a break, Chloe. Can't you see how [pitiable] he is, judging by the way he doesn't understand the meaning of [humble]. That is sign of a thoroughly spoiled young master (obotchama). Most probably, he never got scolded or reprimanded for anything all his life.] [I see. He does appear to be at that age where he still refers his parents as [papa] and [mama] gozaru na. It was my mistake de gozaru.] [Now now, botchama. Isn't it about time for you to sleep? If you don't go home soon, [papa] and [mama] will be worried, you know?] [He is after all a personage who cannot handle E rank request without guardians de gozaru kara na. This one can only imagine the worries of a parent at this moment, anxious to the point of being unable to eat de gozarou. Hurrying home is the best course of action to be taken now de gozaru yo.] [What's wrong, botchama? You're looking downwards with shoulders shaking. Are you angry(a child)? ne, Are you a child(angry)?] <<author wordplay. angry=ikari, okoru. oko=child>> With a yay, I exchanged high five with Chloe. snap. Somehow I feel like I heard something snapping. The n.o.bleman who was no longer trying to put a word in, silently raises his face, which by the way, are deep red from humiliation. Like so, he grabbed the weapons from his waist and tries to step in. --- gon! The man who slipped, floats beautifully in the air for a moment then crashed down to the floor head first. After letting out a pathetic voice, he fell silent and stopped moving. Eh? Didn't this pattern happen before? A well featured face with a gleaming decorative armor. Two swords on his waist. From that bits and pieces, finally I remembered. [That's it! He was that disappointing n.o.ble who fell down and forgotten during examination yesterday.] Looking at the face of the man who fainted, I finally remembered. [.........Come to think of it, this person was there yesterday de gozaru na. Fainting again after yesterday, is he unlucky or just plain careless de gozaru yo.] ......It's strangely quiet all around. When I looked at the surroundings, most of them were staring at me and kept their mouth shut. Obviously, after all the commotion we made, it was bound to attract attention. Most of them can be credited to the n.o.bleman sprawled on the floor with his white eyes showing. [oi oi, this is terrible, right. I got excited and went too far.] [I-It is this one who should apologize to you Kanns.h.i.+. Due to this excessively shameless fellow, this one forgot oneself and reacted a little bit too much de gozaru.] Unconsciously, I was provoking them them as usual but I forgot, this is a different world. Common sense of earth does not apply here. Common sense here is closely intertwined with the existence of [aristocracy]. Please wait. Its not our fault your master fell, ya know. Look, I even restored the frozen floor. Same as I did yesterday. [Say, Chloe. Are there any cases where you go into jail if you go against a n.o.ble?] [In Hinoizur, as long as there is no real harm done, you will not be censured de gozaru. However, being too much of an affront are subjected to punishment de gozaru ga.] [......I haven't laid a hand on him but I feel like I've affronted him a tad too much.] [......Shall we perform dogeza de gozarou ka?] [K-k-kkanns.h.i.+, what should we do now de gozaru?] Chloe's face turned ghastly pale. [How can we escape de gozaru ka!? This scene where we infuriated this fellow have been witnessed by the surrounding people de gozaru zo! If the situation continues at this pace, we could be expelled from the guild! Even worse, exiled from this country de gozaru yo!?] [If that's the case, then I'll have to say goodbye to Real huh. But wait, I didn't ask for her contact information. That's a blunder.] [Why are you being so calm de gozaru ka?! What about this one's debt de gozaru! This one had not even paid even a single iron coin yet de gozaru zo! And yet, how should this one strive to obtain money when we are about to be expelled from the guild de gozaru ka!] [I won't attach any interest to it, so lighten up a bit. Besides, this is not the only adventurer's guild. If we cross over to one or two countries nearby, the matters here won't reach over there.] [You have already planned the escape!?] I'm calm because I'm used to situation like this. It was at the level of being banned from game center though, not at the level of a country. This is going to be my first experience being exiled. [This is a pretty amusing situation you're in ne~, youngster.] An amused voice suddenly cut into to the scene of carnage and confusion. [I've been watching from halfway but it was getting out of control ne~] An person came out from the surrounding while chuckling. It was the Ryujin old woman we met yesterday during the crystal test.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.38 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
講習の内容は珟実䞖界での瀟䌚科授業に良く䌌おいた。 昚今の囜内情勢や有力貎族の名前。特に最も高い䜍である『公爵家』の名は必須事項。他には垌少な玠材の買い取り盞堎や護衛䟝頌の時のリスク管理。たた、貎族ず実際に亀枉するずきはどの皋床たで䞍敬眪の察象ずなるか、冒険者ずしおどのように察応するべきか。 元々、俺の脳现胞はそこたで高性胜ではない。高校の成瞟は『䞭の䞭から䞋の䞊』蟺りだ。保健䜓育だけは満点近かったが。 ファむマが教えおくれたずきは䞀日を掛けお䞀぀の事柄をじっくりず教えお貰ったおかげでなんずかなったが、二時間半内に芁点を詰め蟌んだ講習の内容を䜙さず暗蚘できるほどに有胜ではないのである。 「............勉匷なんお嫌いだ」 ギルドに隣接しおいる食堂の䞀角で、俺は氷を枕代わりにしおテヌブルに頭を垂れおいた。知識の詰め蟌みに過ぎでオヌバヌヒヌトしおいる頭に冷気が䌝わっお非垞に気持ちがよい。 「意倖でござるな。カンナ氏の事ですし、あの皋床はさらっず芚えられるず思っおたでござるが」 「俺が芚えきれなかった内容を『あの皋床』ず蚀うかこの駄犬は。尻尟匕っこ抜くぞ。毛を党お刈り取っおやろうか?」 「こ、怖いでござるよカンナ氏ッ! ............いやいや、そもそも拙者は狌であっおヌヌヌヌ」 「........................あぁ?」 「ワフッ?! せ、拙者ごずき駄犬で結構でござる! ワフッ!」 「嬢ちゃん。そこはもうちょっず螏ん匵れや」 「無理でござるよぅ! カンナ氏のあの県、芖線だけで人を殺せるぐらいに恐ろしいでござるよぅ............」 涙目のクロ゚が耳をぞにょらせおる。倱敬な。機嫌が悪いのは吊定しないがそこたでではないはずだ。 バルハルトのおっさんは俺ずクロ゚のやりずりに肩をすくめた。 俺がふらふらになりながら食堂ぞず向かうずころ、クロ゚はわかるのだがおっさんたで䞀緒に぀いおきたのだ。䜕故か気に入られたらしい。俺もおっさんが䜕ずなく気に入ったが、今は䌚話を楜しめるほどに頭の熱が収たっおいない。 「た、兄ちゃんの機嫌が悪いのもわかるっちゃわかる。あれだけ泚目を集めおりゃ無理もない」 俺の気疲れの原因は講習の内容だけではなく、他の冒険者達からの泚目だ。興味接々な芖線が俺の党身に突き刺さり、欠䌞䞀぀すらできない。 さらに始末の悪いこずに、講垫ずしお蚪れたあのAランク冒険者たで俺に匷い関心を向けおきたのだ。居眠りも授業攟棄もしおないのに、明らかに他の面子に比べお質疑応答の名指しがされる回数が倚かった。この囜の情勢や貎族の名前なぞほずんど知らない俺は、質問される床に「わかりたせん」ず答えるしかなかった。 「傍目から芋おもアンサラに目を付けられおるのが分かった。なぁ兄ちゃん、心圓たりは無いのか?」 「............あるず蚀えば、ある」 「どんなだ?」 「登録詊隓の時、詊隓官だったあい぀に䞍意打ちで䞀撃ぶっこんだ」 「........................あのアンサラに、䞀撃圓おたのか?」 「ああ」 バルハルトは枋い顔になりながら、䞡腕を組んで唞った。 「............登録詊隓で䞍意打ちかたしたおたえさんを責めるべきか、あのアンサラに䞀撃入れたこずを称賛すべきか、非垞に悩むな」 「アンサラ殿はそこたで匷い埡仁なのでござるか? あ、いや。Aランク冒険者が玛れもない実力者なのは疑いようは無いでござるが」 クロ゚の質問にバルハルトは銖肯した。 』の異名は䌊達じゃねぇ。俺は盗賊の蚎䌐䟝頌を受けたずきに、同じ䟝頌を受けおいたアンサラが戊っおいる光景を芋たこずがある。敵の先手を悉く朰し、気が付けば埌手に回っおたはずのアンサラが斬り捚おおいた。たるで盞手の心の内を読んでいたかのようにな。あの竜剣が攻撃の達人なら、奎は反撃の達人だ。登録詊隓を受けようずするド新人が幞運で䞀撃を䞎えられる奎じゃない」 思い返すず、性栌はアレではあるが、間違いなく実力のあるルキスの奎が䞀方的に攻めおいおも掠りもしなかった。 「アレか。プラむドを傷぀けられたから、䞁床良い機䌚に舐めた新人をむビリ倒そうず?」 「Aランクにたで䞊り詰めた猛者が、そのようなセコい方法を取るずは考えにくいでござるよ。カンナ氏に玔粋に興味を持たれおいたのではござらんか?」 「良かったじゃねぇか兄ちゃん。Aランクずの䌝手があれば、今埌は䜕かず優遇しお貰えるかもしれねぇぞ?」 「ずは蚀うけどなぁ............」 「あんたり嬉しそうじゃねぇな。Aランクの埌ろ盟はかなり魅力的だず思うがな」 「正盎、関わり合いになりたくない」 既に『癜倜叉』の云々でギルドの内郚で泚目を集め始めおいる。ここでさらにAランクずの繋がりがあるず知れれば望たぬ隒動が起こりそうで怖い。 「冒険者は腕っ節次第でどこたでも成り䞊がれる皌業だ。だっおのに、醍醐味である成り䞊がりに興味ないっおのは珍しいな。䞊のランクに行けば名誉も金も掎み取りだぞ?」 「俺は毎日の日銭が皌げりゃぁいいんだよ。名誉がどうずか、出䞖ずかあんたり興味ねぇ。嚁匵り散らしたいわけでもないしな」 人によっおは『枯れおいる』ず思われるかも知れないが、他の者ず俺ずでは境遇がたるで違う。元の䞖界に戻る気でいるのに、この䞖界で出䞖しおどうするよ。それに、出䞖すればするほど、有名皎ずはたた別に厄介事のフラグが乱立しそうで怖いのだ。珟時点で既に臎呜的なフラグが刺さりたくっおいる気がするが、勿論気のせいだろう。 「私ずしおは是非ずも、䞊のランクを目指しお貰いたいのだがね」 「カンナ氏ならBランクは確実。Aランクにも到達できるず拙者は信じおいるでござるよ!」 「お、嬢ちゃん。随分ず兄ちゃんのこずを買っおるねぇ」 「圓然でござるよバルハルト殿! カンナ氏は拙者の呜の恩人であり、最も尊敬する埡方でござるからな!」 「ははは。随分ず期埅されおいるようだ。女の子にこれだけ期埅されおいたら、応えおやらないず男が廃るな」 「いやいや。なっおCランクが限床でしょうよ。それ以䞊は自分から目指そうずは思わヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌ」 ヌヌヌヌヌヌん? 「どうしたでござるかカンナ氏?」 クロ゚。 「ん? 俺の顔になんか付いおるか?」 バルハルトのおっさん。 「やぁ、癜倜叉君」 アンサラ........................っおおい。 「䞀人増えおるッ!?」 「「え?」」 あたりにもナチュラルに䌚話に参加しおいたので気が付かなかったが、い぀の間にかテヌブル垭にはAランク冒険者にしお講習の時にし぀こいくらいに俺を指名したくった男が远加で座っおいたのだ。 「はっはっは。どのタむミングで声を掛けようか迷っおいたんだが、面癜そうだったからこっそり同垭させお貰った」 クロ゚ずおっさんは呆気に取られおいる。先皋たで話題に䞊がっおいた人物がいきなり登堎したのだから無理もない。 俺は二人の驚き以䞊のものを抱いおいた。 (嘘だろ、今の今たで党く気が付かなかったぞ!?) この䞖界に来お鋭さを増した俺の『勘』が圹に立たなかった事実に、驚愕を越えお恐怖すら芚える。 以前にも芋た、心の奥すら芋透かすような芖線に射抜かれる。俺は狌狜しそうになる口元を匕き締めた。 「ヌヌヌヌふむ、思っおいたよりも立ち盎りが早い。............いや、動揺を隠すのが䞊手いのか。なるほど、その若さでなかなかの胆力だ」 衚情を取り繕ったハッタリを芋抜かれる。 「君の掻躍はリヌディアル様から聞き及んでいる。ギルドに登録しおからただ䞀ヶ月皋床なのに随分ず掻躍しおいるようじゃないか。登録詊隓の担圓だった身ずしおは非垞に嬉しいよ。あ、店員さん。私の分の茶も頌む。圌らず同じ物を」 アンサラは近くの店員に自分の茶を泚文する。その隙に俺は静かに深呌吞しお心を萜ち着かせた。 「............䜕の甚ですかね、Aランク冒険者殿」 「そう譊戒しないでくれ。別に取っお食おうずいう話じゃない」 「や、譊戒するなず蚀われおも、あの登堎じゃ無理ないでしょ」 「おっず、これは倱敗だったか」 婆さんのずはたた違った、人を食ったような笑みを浮かべる。この男、いたいち人間像が掎みづらいな。 「えっず............拙者たちは垭を倖した方がよろしいでござろうか?」 アンサラ出珟が発芚しおから口を開いおいなかったクロ゚が、おずおずず手をあげた。バルハルトのおっさんも居心地が悪そうだ。 「構わないよ。私の方が埌から加わった圢だ。気にしなくおいい、クロ゚君」 「拙者の名前をッ!?」 「目を付けた新人ずよく䞀緒にいる冒険者の名前ぐらいは調べるさ。それず、そちらの君はバルハルト君だったかな?」 いきなり名を出されたおっさんは「ほぅ」ず感心したような声を発した。 「俺は癜倜叉の兄ちゃんず喋ったのは今日が初めおだぜ?」 「君は以前に盗賊の蚎䌐䟝頌で䞀緒にしおいただろう。それに、ギルドに登録しお僅か䞉幎でBランクに手が届きそうな有望株だ。たぁ、冒険者になる以前の経歎の方にも興味はあるが」 「分かった。降参だ。それ以䞊は勘匁しおくれ」 しかし、おっさんは冒険者歎䞉幎なのか。随分ず歳食っおから冒険者になったんだな。以前の経歎、ず蚀うからには冒険者になる前は別の職業だったのだろうか。 「ちなみに、圌は珟圚二十五歳だ」 「「マゞで(ござるか)ッ!?」」 さらっず発芚したおっさんの幎霢に俺ずクロ゚は仰倩した。 衝撃の事実。おっさんがおっさんでなかった。 「ちょっず埅おおいこら、その驚きはどういう意味だお前らッ!」 「おっきりベテランの冒険者だず思っおたでござるよ」 俺も、そろそろ四十突入するぐらいだず思っおたした。 「くそッ。俺だっお自分の老け顔は自芚があったよ。けど、そこたで驚くこずはねぇじゃねぇか」 「........................たぁ、それは良いずしお。本圓に䜕の甚ですかね『 「ああ。実はリヌディアル様から盎々に䟝頌があっおな。その為に君に声を掛けたのだよ」 婆さんから、ずいう時点でもはや嫌な予感しかしない。 「䟝頌の内容は、ずある冒険者のCランク昇栌詊隓、その担圓官だ」 「おっずどうやら急甚を思い出した俺はここで倱瀌するぜい」 この堎から逃げなければならない、ずいう甚である。 「たぁたぁ、埅ちたたえ。話はただ終わっおいない」 「本来、Cランクの昇栌詊隓は二皮類行われる。冒険者ずしおの知識を詊される筆蚘詊隓ず、Bランク以䞊の冒険者が監督ずしお同行する詊隓甚の特別䟝頌だ」 「あの............肩から手ぇどけおくれたせん?」 逃げられないんで。 「けれども、私が監督を任された冒険者は、この特別䟝頌の代わりに別の詊隓を受けお貰うこずになった」 「ぬぉおおおおおおおおおおおおッッ、動けぇぇぇぇぇッッッ!!」 「もはや圢振り構わなくなったな兄ちゃん」 テヌブルに䞡手を付いお党力で螏ん匵っおいるのに怅子から躯がぎくりずも離れない。俺の極小宇宙は茝いおいないのかッ!? 俺の必死な様子を芋お些かの調子も厩すこずなく、アンサラは淡々ず告げた。 「詊隓の内容は『Aランク冒険者ずの実力詊隓』だ。さぁカンナ君、詊隓䌚堎に向かおうか♪」 「あぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁ........................」 俺はアンサラに匕きずられ、ギルドの奥ぞず連れ去られるのであった。
The content of this course is very similar to social studies cla.s.s back on earth. Recent domestic affairs and names of influential aristocrats. In particular importance are aristocrats of the highest rank, the [Duke's household]. Other than that, we are taught risk management for escort request and when estimating rare material's price. Also, to what extent can we talk during actual negotiation before being labeled as insolent and how should we respond to such situation as an adventurer. In the first place, my brain cells aren't that hi-spec. My high school grades were somewhere around [below average]. The only high grade I got was from my health and phy ed. When Faima taught me, I managed to get it all somehow because she spent one whole day meticulously teaching me one by one. That said, my brain isn't capable enough to memorize the contents of a 2 and a half hour course packed with essential points. The most I could do is to memorize the names of the most influential n.o.bles in this country, just barely at that. [.........I hate studying.] In the corner of the diner adjacent to the guild, I'm languis.h.i.+ng with my head on the table, cus.h.i.+oned by an ice pillow. The coldness transmitted to my overheated head due to cramming too much feels very pleasant. [How unexpected de gozaru na. This one thought that Kanns.h.i.+ would smoothly memorize a lesson of that degree de gozaru ga.] [What I couldn't memorize was called [only that degree] by this mutt. I'm gonna pull your tail out, y'know. Ya want me to pull every last strand of fur from your tail?] [Yo-You're scary de gozaru Kanns.h.i.+!......No wait, in the first place, this one is from the wolf cla--] [............Aaaa?] [wafu?! Th-This one is fine with being a mutt de gozaru! wafu!] [Jou-chan. Stand firm a bit more would you.] [Impossible de gozaru yo! Kanns.h.i.+'s eyes are so terrifying that he can kill just with a gaze de gozaru you......] How rude. I won't deny that I'm in a bad mood but not that much. Barlhardt ossan shrugs his shoulder at my back and forth exchange with Chloe. As I unsteadily wandered over to the diner next door, Chloe followed. Her following me, I get but ossan also tagged along. Seems like for some reason he took a liking to us. The feeling is somewhat mutual but with my head heated as it is, I can't enjoy the conversation. [Well, I get why bro is in a bad mood. Seeing you gather that much attention, it's understandable.] The cause of my languidness is not solely from the content of the course, but also the attention from the other adventurers. Highly curious line of sights sticks onto me, causing me unable to even yawn. To make things worse, even that rank adventurer c.u.m lecturer turned his attention towards me. Even though I didn't doze off and paid attention to his lecture, the number of times I got called to answer a question was clearly higher than the other partic.i.p.ants. I hardly know jack about this country's state of affair and the names of n.o.bles inside it, so every time I was asked, I had no choice but to answer with [I don't know]. [Even looking from the sideline, I could see that Answerer has eyes on you. Say bro, do you have anything in mind as to why?] [.........If I had to say, yes.] [How so?] [During my registration exam, I landed a surprise hit on him.] [..............................That Answerer? You landed a hit on him?] [Yea] Barlhardt crosses his arms while being grim. [.........I don't know if I should reproach you for doing a surprise attack during a registration exam or praise you for landing a blow on Answerer.] [How strong Answerer-dono actually is de gozaru ka? Ah no, this one does not doubt that he is a powerful rank adventurer de gozaru ga.] Barlhardt acknowledges Chloe's question. [His alias [One who answers the future (Fragarach)] is not a facade. Back when I undertook a request to subjugate bandits, he was also there for the same reason. Before I noticed it, Answerer who should have been one step behind had already completely crushed the enemy's first move. It was as if he was reading the enemy's mind. If Ryuuken is an expert on offense, then Answerer is the expert on counterattack. He is not a guy who will grant a lucky blow to a fresh rookie undergoing the registration exam.] In retrospect, though he was who he was back then, there was no doubt that the talented Ruks didn't even graze the examiner with his one-sided offensive. [My guess is because I hurt his pride, he's taking this opportunity to kick me down a notch.] [It is hard to imagine that a man of valor who climbed all the way to rank would take such a petty approach de gozaru yo. Have Kanns.h.i.+ considered that he is genuinely interested in you de gozaru ka?] [Isn't that a good thing, bro. If you have a connection with an rank, you might even be able to get preferential treatment in the future, you know?] [So you say but...............] [You sure don't look so happy about it. I think that having an rank as your backer is quite attractive.] [Honestly, I don't wanna get tangled with him.] I'm already beginning to attract attention inside the guild with [s.h.i.+royasha]. It's scary to think what kinda commotion would happen if it is known that I have a connection with an rank. [Depending on their skill and strength, those who ply their trade as an adventurer can rise up in any corner of the world. In light of that, it's unusual that you aren't interested in the satisfaction of getting ahead in life. If you rank up, prestige and money are yours for the taking, you know?] [Nah I'm good. Just need to earn my daily expenses. I don't really care about things like fame or getting a successful career. I'm not the type to swagger around.] Some might think of me as [wasting away] but my circ.u.mstance is entirely different from those sorta people. After all, I'm going back to my original world, so why would I pursue a successful life in this one. Besides, it's scary thinking about the especially troublesome flag that'll crop up the more successful and famous I get. [If you ask me, by all means it would be better to aim for a higher rank.] [B-rank is certainly within Kanns.h.i.+'s grasp. This one have faith that Kanns.h.i.+ would even attain rank de gozaru yo!] [Ou~ jou-chan, that sure is a high opinion of him ya got there.] [As it naturally should be de gozaru yo, Barlhardt-dono! Kanns.h.i.+ is one's own benefactor, the gentlemen this one holds in the highest regard de gozaru kara na!] [Hahaha. Apparently there is a high expectation placed on your shoulder. If a girl expects this much of you, not responding would make you lose out as a man.] (?) [Hang on there. C-rank is as far as I can get, y'know. I don't think that I'm going to aim more than tha---] ---hn? [What seems to be the matter de gozaru ka, Kanns.h.i.+?] Chloe. [hn? Is there something on my face?] Ossan Barlhardt. [Hi, s.h.i.+royashkun.] Answerer..............................tte oi. [Another one!?] [[eh?] ] I didn't notice because his partic.i.p.ation in the conversation was so natural but before I knew it, there is another man sitting at the table. The rank adventurer who persistently hounded me during the lecture. [The One Who Answers the Future (Fragarach)] is there, laughing cheerfully. [Hahaha. I was wondering when to greet you but your topic seems interesting, so I let myself join in secretly.] (answer) Chloe and ossan are dumfounded. Their reaction are justified, seeing that the person who was our topic of conversation a while ago appeared out of nowhere. I'm even more surprised than them. {No way! I completely didn't notice him until just now!?} The fact that my [intuition], which had become sharper ever since I came to this world, was useless, pa.s.sed through astonishment into the realm of fear. Is this the [power] of one equal to Real, an rank adventurer? Same as before, his piercing gaze seems like it could discern my mind. Still confused, I tighten my mouth. [---fumu You recovered faster than I expected. .........No, you are good at hiding your agitation, is it? I see, you have quite the mettle for your age.] He saw through the expression I wore to gloss it over. [I've heard of your active involvement from Lydeal-sama. It's only been about a month since you registered with the guild, but you've been considerably conspicuous, aren't you? As the one in charge of your registration exam, that makes me very happy. ah Waitress-san. I'd like to ask for some tea. The same as theirs.] Answerer orders his tea from a nearby waitress. During that time, I took the opportunity to take a deep breath and calm myself down. [.........What do you want, rank adventurer-dono?] (kanna) [Don't be so wary. I didn't especially come here to tease you.] [Though you say that, your manner of appearance speaks otherwise.] [Oh, that was my mistake, isn't it?] His smile is haughty, unlike basan's. It's hard to grasp his character. [etto............Would it be better if we vacate our seats de gozarou ka?] Chloe, who hadn't opened her mouth since Answerer appeared, raise her hand timidly. Ossan Barlhardt also seems uncomfortable. [You don't have to. After all, I am the one who barged in. Don't mind me, Chloe-kun.] [This one's name!?] [Investigating the names of adventurers who are often sighted with the rookie I'm interested in is the least I could do. Also, I a.s.sume that you are Barlhardt-kun, isn't it?] The ossan who was suddenly brought up utters an impressed [hou]. [Even though today's the first time I've ever talked with my bro s.h.i.+royasha?] [We were in the same request for thief subjugation. Besides, you're a promising adventurer capable of reaching B-rank just 3 years after registering with the guild. Well, I was also interested in your history before you became an adventurer.] [Got it. I give up. Spare me from speaking anything more.] Ossan raises his hand to surrender. That aside, ossan is an adventurer for only 3 years huh. Quite the age to be adventuring. A previous profession was it? I guess he was in a different line of work before becoming an adventurer. [By the way, he is currently 25 years old.] [[Seriously (de gozaru ka)! ?] ] Chloe and I are astonished at the candid revelation. A shocking truth. Ossan is not an ossan after all. [Hold on there d.a.m.n it! Why are you both surprised at that!?] [This one thought that you are a veteran adventurer beyond any doubt de gozaru yo.] Me too. I a.s.sumed he's about to enter 40. [d.a.m.n it. I know that I have an old-looking face but you don't have to be that surprised, you know.] [..................Well, enough about that. What are you here for, [One Who Answers the Future, Fragarach-san yo.] [ah Actually, I received a personal request from Lydeal-sama. That is the reason for me being here.] I have a bad feeling the moment I hear it's from basan. [The content of the request is to be the supervisor of C-rank promotion test for a certain adventurer.] [Whoa, I suddenly remembered some urgent business so I'll be leaving now.] It's urgent for me to escape from this place, that is. [Now now, would you mind waiting for a while. I haven't finished talking yet.] [Originally, C-rank promotion test are divided into two. A written exam to test your knowledge as an adventurer and an exam in the form of a special request while being supervised by a B-rank adventurer or higher.] [Um.........Could you please let go of my shoulder?] I can't escape if ya don't. [However, instead of the usual, I was tasked to hold a special exam for the adventurer in question.] [Nuuuooooooooooo, mooooveeeee! !] [You're no longer keeping appearance there bro.] (ossan) Even with my two hands on the table and exerting both my legs, I can't lift my b.u.t.t from the chair. Seeing my desperate effort, Answerer indifferently informs me without losing his laid back tone even the slightest bit. [The content of the test is [proficiency test with an rank adventurer]. Now, Kannkun, let us head to the exam venue.] [Aaaaaaaaaaa...............] I got dragged by Answerer and kidnapped to the depths of the guild.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.42 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
ゎブリンの倧矀に襲われたあの枓谷。いきなり珟れお人を爆殺しようずしやがった奎ず『同じ気配』だッ!。 俺はテントの䞭から飛び出し、呚囲の様子を䌺う。䞀芋すれば寝入る前ず䜕ら倉化はない。だが、背筋を䌝わるのは間違いなく『あの異様な気配』であった。 おいおい、あれはファむマを狙った暗殺者じゃねぇのかよ。なんでファむマのファの字も無いだろうこんな堎所にいやがる。もしかしおこの野営地にファむマがいるのか? や、貎族のお嬢さたが、なんでこんなむさっ苊しい野営地を蚪れなきゃならんのだ。 焊燥感に駆られた俺は、急いで気配の根幹ぞず向かう。方角は、野営地の䞁床䞭倮郚分か。 俺は迷わずに走り出し、気配の元ぞず走り出す。冒険者甚の区画以倖は立ち入り犁止だず忠告されおいたが、仕方が無い。 「あ、おい貎様ッ、ここは䞀般人は立ち入り犁止だぞ!」 途䞭、野営地の内郚を譊備しおいた者に出くわすず、圌は歊噚に手を添えながら駆け寄っおくる。俺は入り口の時ず同じく、だが急いでギルドカヌドず婆さんの眲名入り曞類を取り出し、叩き぀けるように芋せた。 「こ、これはあの埡方の............」 「緊急事態だッ! 四の五の蚀わずに付いおこいッ!」 俺の鬌気迫る様子に只ならぬモノを感じ取り、圌は神劙に頷いお俺の埌に続く。 远埓しおいた兵士が驚きの声を䞊げた。む、確かに匷い魔力の気配だ。しかも盞圓にでかい。だが、俺が静電気のような痛みを感じる前たでは薄らずしか感じられなかった。 「詮玢は埌だ、行くぞっ」 再び駆け出しお数分も経たず、俺ず兵士は野営地の䞭心郚にたどり着いた。テントや物資が所々に眮かれた呚囲ず違い、ここだけは物が少なく広々ずしおいた。党校集䌚にも䜿う孊校の校庭を思い出すそこには、俺の目から芋おも異様な光景が広がっおいた。 たず地面は䞭倮郚から半埄五メヌトルはありそうな巚倧な方陣ヌヌヌヌ魔術匏が描かれおいた。怪しい赀の光を攟぀それから、膚倧な量の魔力が発せられおいる。 そしお、その䞭倮郚にはヌヌヌヌ俺が感じた気配の根幹が䜇んでいた。魔術士颚のロヌブ姿の男だ。俺達の足音に気が付き、こちらを振り向くず、刹那の間だけそのギョロりずした目ず合う。 「............む? おかしいな。ここには人払いの結界をヌヌヌヌ」 「先手必勝!」 ずりあえず䜕かを喋る前に氷の瀫を顔面にぶち蟌んでおく。ロヌブの男は勢いのたたに地面を転がり、仰向けの圢で停止するずそのたた動かなくなった。今の䞀撃で運良く気絶しおくれたようだ。 「............いささか乱暎すぎないか?」 異垞事態ではあるが、俺のあたりの行動(自芚はある)に、兵士はひき぀った声で突っ蟌みを入れおくる。ただ、咎めの色が薄いのは、この明らさたに怪しい魔術匏の方陣に、今俺が吹き飛ばした謎のロヌブ男が関係しおいるず分かっおいるからだ。 「あのギョロ目男の身の䞊は今はどうでもいい。それよりも、この魔術匏が䜕なのか分かるか?」 「ちょ、ちょっず埅っおくれ。俺もそこたで魔術匏には詳しくないが、䜕ずか読みずっおみよう」 兵士は怪しく光る魔術匏を芳察し、やがおおずおずず口を開いた。 「............おそらくだが、召喚系の魔術匏だな。契玄を求める類ではなく、単玔に遠くの『䜕か』を呌び出す術匏だ。悪いがそれ以䞊のこずは分からん」 「............きな臭いな、こい぀ぁ」 ギョロ目男が『人払いの結界』などず怪しさ満点の台詞を吐いおいた。おそらく、俺が感じた静電気ず膜を砎る感芚が『それ』だったのだろう。人を寄せ付けない為の措眮など、よほどに倧事な物を守りたいか、埌ろ暗い事をしたかったかの二択。この堎合は間違いなく埌者だな。 俺が考えを巡らせおいるず、新しい足音が耇数近づいおきた。人払いの結界を俺が砎ったために、この魔術匏の魔力を感知した野営地に残った兵士たちが駆け぀けおきたのだ。 「冒険者殿ッ、これは䞀䜓䜕事ですかッ」 野営地の譊備をしおいた兵士が急いでこちらに駆け寄っおきた。 「あそこで倒れおるギョロ目の男が、ここで召喚の魔術匏を甚意しおたらしい。ご䞁寧に、人払いの結界たで䜿っおな。倧方の人間が出払っおいるずはいえ、垝囜軍がただ残っおる野営地のど真ん䞭で倧胆䞍敵なこった」 俺は気絶しお動かないギョロ目を指さしお蚀った。 「............芋たずころ、完成間際ずいったずころです。あずは魔力を泚ぎ蟌むだけ、ずいう段階ですね」 ギョロ目が気絶しおいる今、奎から感じられる『異様さ』は垌薄だった。掚枬するず、最埌の仕䞊げに必芁な膚倧な魔力を緎り䞊げた為、俺の『気配探知』に觊れたのだろう。 「詳しい内容はあんたも分からないのか?」 「召喚系の術匏なら、我が階士団の団長殿ならば詳现も読みずれたでしょう。私皋床ではそれが「召喚系か吊か」ぐらいが限床です」 兵士は芖線を動かし、倒れおいるギョロ目ぞず向けた。他の集たった兵士が背䞭に手を回し、瞄で瞛り䞊げおいた。 「奎の話が聞けるようになるのは少し埌になりそうですね」 「や、悪いな。出䌚い頭に気絶させちたっお」 「............いえ、この魔術匏が発動しおしたったら、䜕が『呌び出される』か分かったものじゃありたせん。劥圓な刀断でした」 どこぞの物語に出おくる勇者みたいに、わざわざ盞手の蚀い分や身の䞊を聞いおたら、ギョロ目はその間に魔術匏を完成させおいたに違いない。 カンナ匏必勝法の䞀぀にこうある。 ヌヌヌヌ盞手の蚀い分は勝利した埌に聞け。 譊備の兵士にお墚付きをもらい、俺がホッずしたその時。 「うがぁぁぁぁああああああああああッッッ」 蟺り䞀垯に絶叫が響きわたった。 ギョロ目は埌ろ手に瞛られたたた、絶叫を喉から絞り出しながら地面に描かれた魔術匏の䞭倮郚ぞず走る。 「そい぀を取り抌さえろぉ!」 誰かが声を匵り䞊げるも、ギョロ目は魔術匏の䞭倮郚に到達。そしお。 階士団に所属しおいる兵士なら人の死には少なからず觊れおきただろう。だが、そんな圌らを持っおしおも思わず目を背けおしたいたくなるような有様だ。俺もさすがに吐き気を芚えずにはいられなかった。 しかし、嘔吐しおいる䜙裕はどうやら無いらしい。 䞭倮郚が赀く染たった魔術匏が、急激に茝きを増したのだ。それに䌎い、ギョロ目の死䜓から溢れ出しおいた血が色を倱っおいく。あたかも魔術匏が血を取り蟌んでいるようにも芋えた。 「............もしかしなくおもダバいくねこれ」 「もしかしなくおもダバいですよ! 党員、魔術匏の倖に埅避しろ! 急げッ」 魔術匏の茝きは、盎芖できないレベルにたで達しおいた。俺ず兵士たちは、目を光から腕で庇いながら魔術匏から離れた。ギョロ目の死䜓を回収しおいる暇など無かった。 「なんなんだよこい぀ぁっ!?」 「おそらく、時間を掛けお緎り䞊げる魔力を血を媒介に匷匕に粟補したのでしょうッ! たさかこんな生け莄玛いの行為に出るずは、狂気の沙汰ずしか蚀いようがありたせんっ!」 魔力の奔流が収たり、光が収束しおいった。目を庇っおいた腕を退けるず、ギョロ目の死䜓はどこにも芋あたらなかった。 「ごぉぉおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおッッ」 未だに劖しい光を保ったたたの魔術匏。その䞭倮郚に、異圢の姿を捉えたからだ。 党長は䞉メヌトルにも届く。異様に発達した筋肉は、腕の倪さなど女性の胎回りほどもあり、手には野倪い棍棒。荒い呌吞を挏らす口には鋭い牙が生え揃っおいる。そしお頭からは、鋭い角が二本。だが竜人族よりも荒々しく犍々しい圢状をしおいた。 ファンタゞヌなモンスタヌでお銎染みの『アむツ』。 『オヌガ』である。 郚類ずしおはゎブリンず同じ人型の魔獣だが、それを遙かに越える巚䜓ず凶暎性を誇り、䜓躯に芋合う暎力を秘めた暎君だ。確か、蚎䌐にはCランクの冒険者が耇数で望むのがベスト。単独で挑むのならBランクの実力ず『装備』が必須になっおくる。 衝撃すら䌎いそうな咆哮がたたも発せられた。 「ちっ、「お友達になりたしょう」ずは聞こえねぇな」 「いやいやいや、䜕を蚀っおいるんですかッ! むしろ「俺に血を芋せろぉぉぉッッ」っお蚀っおたすよ!」 存倖にノリいいなこの譊備のアンちゃん。門で職務質問しおるずきはキャラを䜜っおいたのか? などずお銬鹿な事を考えおいるず、異垞事態はさらなる混沌ぞ突き進む。なんず、召喚魔術匏がたた匷く光るず、地面の䞋からせり䞊がるようにしおたたもオヌガが姿を珟したのだ。 「これは、氞続召喚の術匏ッ」 「なんずなく想像は付くけど詳现はッ?」 「名の通り察象を氞続的に召喚する魔術匏です。ですが、制埡が難しく䞋手をすれば敵も味方も甚倧な被害を受けるので、術匏の研究及びに䜿甚は犁止されおいるはずです」 「珟に䜿われおるけどなッ」 「私に蚀われおも困りたすッ」 「二人ずもッ、挫才はそれくらいにしおおけっ! 奎らが動くぞ!」 召喚されたニ䜓のオヌガは雄叫びを䞊げるず、その䞀䜓が棍棒を振り䞊げながらこちらに走っおきた。動きは䞀芋しお緩慢だが、巚䜓故に䞀歩䞀歩の移動距離は人間ず比べものにならない。あっずいう間にこちらに急接近しおくる。 俺は棍棒の䞀撃を避けるず氷の斧を具珟。無防備になったオヌガの背䞭にたたき蟌んだ。だが、氷でできた刃は奎の身䜓を䞡断するこずなく、少し突き刺さっただけで止たっおしたう。 斧が食い蟌んだこずに痛みは感じたのか、オヌガはこちらの方ぞず芖線を向けるず、振り向きざたに棍棒を振り回した。迷わずに氷の斧を手攟しお距離を離すず、俺が寞前たで立っおいた堎所を棍棒が薙払う。生たれた颚圧が俺の顔を撫で、背筋がひやりずなった。 「オヌガの膚倧な筋力が倩然の鎧を圢成しおいたす! 盎接的な攻撃は通甚したせんッ」 兵士のアンちゃん。もうちょっず早く教えおほしかったよ。 「「レベルを䞊げお物理で殎れ」ずは蚀うが、敵がやるず理䞍尜そのものだなっ」 氷の円錐を䞉぀生み出しお発射するが、二぀は棍棒によっおあらぬ方向に匟かれ、身䜓に到達した䞀本も先端がちょっずだけ刺さっただけで特に効果を発揮しなかった。煩わしそうにオヌガはそれを片手で匕き抜き、攟り投げおしたう。 ちらりずもう䞀䜓のオヌガを芋れば、別方面に集たった兵士たちに向けお突撃をしおいった。察する兵士たちはよく蚓緎された動きでオヌガの攻撃を回避するが、こちらず同じに攻め手に欠けおいるようだ。 「冒険者殿ッ。貎殿は魔術士ず芋受けるが、奎に通甚する魔術はヌヌ」 「あいにくず䞍噚甚でなッ。氷での物理攻撃以倖はおんで䜿えない」 「くっ、通垞は貎重な䞊䜍属性なんだがッ」 「無胜で埡免なさいねッ」 俺達はオヌガの匷撃を䜕ずか回避しながら、兵士の二人は手に持っおいた剣を、俺は氷の斧や円錐で攻撃を加えおいく。だがどれもが分厚い筋肉に阻たれお臎呜傷にたで届かない。せいぜい掠り傷を増やす皋床だ。 くそッ、このたただずじり貧だな。いっそのこず、あの炎の魔術士を倒したずきのような超巚倧氷槌で叩き朰すか。や、できなくもないがあれは凄たじいレベルの粟神力を消費する。倖したら目も圓おられないし、䞀䜓を倒したずしおももう䞀䜓が残っおいる。安易に頌れない。 「うわぁッ!?」 思考を別に割いおいるず付近から声が䞊がった。兵士のアンちゃんが足を滑らせお転倒しおしたった。その県前では、オヌガが倧きく棍棒を振り䞊げおいた。あの䞀発が盎撃したら即死する! 「させるかぁぁッッ」 䞡手を前方に突き出し、倒れた兵士を庇うように氷の壁を具珟。オヌガの棍棒がそこに激突し、䞀撃で氷の壁に亀裂が入った。畜生、単玔なパワヌはレアル䞊かッ。今ので粟神力をごっそり持っお行かれる。 「え、え?」 「早く退けッ! 長くは保たない!」 突然珟れた氷の壁ず、それによっお蟛うじお呜を繋いだこずを受け入れきれない兵士は倒れたたた動けない。その間にも、オヌガの豪打は繰り返され、氷に走る亀裂も倧きさを増しおいく。 もう䞀人の兵士が立ち盎れおいない圌の銖根っこを掎み、無理矢理その堎から匕きずり出した。その盎埌に繰り出されたオヌガの䞀撃によっお氷の壁は粉砕されるが、兵士のアンちゃんは無事だ。ナむスだもう䞀人の兵士さん。あ、どっちも名前知らない。 「あ、ありがずうございたす冒険者殿っ」 「感謝は良いから打開策考えおくれ! このたたじゃ嬲り殺しだ!」 「............通垞なら炎系の魔術を䜿っお焌き殺すずころだが、魔術に心埗がある者は党員、ゎブリンの蚎䌐䜜戊に向かっおしたった。かずいっお、我々の装備ではオヌガの皮膚を突砎できるほどの切れ味は無い」 半分涙目で瀌を蚀う䞀方で、もう䞀人の兵士は苊みを噛みしめながら冷静な様子で蚀った。 俺はたず、氷の斧ではなく『槌』を生み出す。無論、党粟神力を぀ぎ蟌んだ超巚倧ではなく、無理の無い皋床の倧きさに止める。それでも円柱の倪さはオヌガの持぀棍棒ほどはあるが。 俺はチャンスを芋極めるべく、オヌガの攻撃を他の兵士二人ず同じように回避しおいく。回避に専念し、オヌガの気配を油断なく読みずれば難しくない。狙うのは倧きな䞀撃だ。 だったら、円錐に盎接打撃を加えむメヌゞ+掚進力で嚁力を底䞊げすればいいのだ。 凄たじい速床で空䞭を突き進む氷の円錐。盎接発射した時よりも段違いの速床を持っお飛来するそれはオヌガの胎䜓郚に呜䞭。鋭い刃ですら掠り傷に留める頑䞈な筋肉を食い砎り、内臓を巻き蟌み背骚すら粉砕し、背䞭から飛び出しおいった。 身䜓にたん䞞の穎をあけたオヌガはクグモった鳎き声を䞊げた埌、穎が空いた腹郚から血をたき散らしながら音を立おお地面に倒れた。 「............Oh」 や、想像以䞊の嚁力にびっくりである。兵士の二人も同じく驚いお硬盎しおいる。突き刺さるずは思っおいたが、たさか貫通するずは予想倖である。うれしい誀算には違いないが。 「............はッ、冒険者殿! あちらのオヌガもお願いしたす!」 もう䞀䜓の方は............最初に吹き飛ばされた䞀人を陀いおただ無事だ。ただ、最初の頃より動きに繊现さを欠いおいた。あのたただず遠からず、たた誰かがオヌガの攻撃の逌食になる。 俺はもう䞀床氷の円錐を生み出し、い぀でも『打撃』できるように氷の倧槌を振りかぶる。こちらは準備完了だ。 「党員ッ! オヌガから離れろぉぉぉぉぉぉッッッ!!!」 アンちゃんの声が届くず、オヌガの付近にいた党員がその堎から離脱。 再床の党力フルスむング。倧槌から䞎えられる衝撃を掚進力にし、爆発的な速床を埗た円錐がオヌガの頭郚に呜䞭。貫通どころか頭蓋ず脳挿を掟手に散らせながら銖から䞊が消滅した。 俺の勝利宣蚀に少し遅れお。 ヌヌヌヌぉおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおおッッッ!! その堎にいた党おの人間が勝ち鬚を䞊げた。 「やりたしたね冒険者殿ッ! さすがはリヌディアル様の寄越した埡方だッッ」 兵士のアンちゃんが涙をがろがろ流しながら俺の肩を叩いた。もう䞀方の冷静な兵士さんは、腕を組みうむうむず頷いおいる。他の面々もその堎でヘタリ蟌んだりしおいた。 「䌊達に団長に鍛えられおたせんから、あの皋床で死にはしないでしょう。せいぜい骚の䞀本や二本が折れたぐらいでしょう」 明るく蚀うアンちゃんだったがいやいや。 「骚の䞀本や二本は結構重傷だず思うがッ!?」 「なぁに、我々にずっおは日垞茶飯事です。䜜戊䞭に出払っおいる魔術士の䞭には治癒術士もいたすから、それたでの蟛抱です」 「............なかなかにバむオレンスな階士団だなここ」 「そういえば、最初のニ䜓だけで、ただ新しいオヌガが呌び出されおないな」 氞続匏の召喚術匏ヌヌ察象を継続的に呌び続ける術匏ず先ほど聞いたが、それにしおは䞉䜓目以降が珟れおいない。ただ、魔術匏の光は盞倉わらず怪しい光を攟っおおり、心なしかそれは埐々に匷くなっおいるように芋える。 「あの謎の男が生け莄ずなっお生み出した魔力が、即座にオヌガをニ䜓呌び出した時点で党お消費されおしたったんですね。ですが、おそらく術匏には空気䞭の魔力を蓄積する仕組みも組み蟌たれおいるはず。時間を眮けばたた新たな魔獣が召喚されおしたうでしょう」 ずするず、ギョロ目の事情も聞かずに気絶させたのは倱策だったか。奎がいおもいなくおも結果が倉わらないのなら、なるべく情報を聞き出しおからでも遅くはなかった。 「そう気を萜ずさないでください。私はあなたの刀断は正しかったず思っおいたす。術匏に組み蟌たれた魔力を集める仕組みは、術士が自らの手で魔力を集めるよりも遙かに非効率です。䞀床限りのニ䜓同時召喚よりも、数十秒から数分おきに継続的に新手を召喚されおいたら、それこそ手に負えなかった」 隣の兵士さんも同意芋なのか頷いおいた。 「だが、こい぀が蚀ったずおり、非効率ではあるがこの魔術匏は空気䞭から魔力を集め続けおいる。あず少しもすれば新たなオヌガが召喚されおしたうだろうな」 「おぇこずは、新手が来る前にさっさず壊しちたった方が良さそうだな」 「ですね。冒険者殿、頌んでもよろしいでしょうか?」 「応、任せな」 魔術匏方陣の内偎から兵士たちを埅避させる。俺は方陣の円呚の端に寄り、氷の剣を生み出した。 「せいやッ」
This presence, there's no doubt about it. That valley when I was ambushed by a goblin horde. Its the [same presence] as that guy who suddenly appeared and tried to bomb us to ashes! I jump out of the tent and scrutinize the surroundings. At first glance, there's no change from before I went to sleep. But it was definitely [that strange presence] that sent a tingling along my spine. Hey hey, aren't they targeting Faima? What are they even doing here when there's not even a Fa from Faima? Could it be that Faima is inside this camp right here and now? No it couldn't be, she's a n.o.ble lady of an aristocratic house. There's no reason for her to visit such a squalid encampment. Driven by a sense of uneasiness, I hurry over to the source of the presence. My direction will directly lead me to the central part of the camp huh. I don't feel any killing intent but I'm not foolish enough to be relieved just with that alone. Rather, I'm more anxious about the purpose of this [strange presence]. Without hesitation, I start running towards the presence. I've been advised not to enter any other area other than what was a.s.signed for adventurers but there's no other way around it. [Oi, you there. This area is strictly off limits for non-personnel.] Along the way, I come across another soldier who was guarding the camp interior. He rushes over to me with weapon in hand. I repeat the same thing I did at the entrance and take out both items to show him but in my hurry, it kinda looked like I threw it at him. [Th-this is that personage's............] [It's an emergency! Follow along without questions!] Perceiving something alarming happening from my fierce appearance, the soldier obediently nod and follow behind me. Hm it's certainly an indication of a powerful mana. What's more, it's a considerably large amount. But before I experienced pain from the static-like electricity, there was only a thin presence of mana. [Questioning comes later. Let's go!] Less than a few minutes after running again, both of us reach the camp center. Unlike the surroundings where tents and supplies are placed in various places, only a few things were placed on this area, leaving it s.p.a.cious. First of all, there's a huge magical formation with a radius of about 5 meter long drawn on the center of the ground. It emitting an ominous red glow along with an enormous amount of mana. And in the center of it all stands the source of the presence I felt. A man in a magician-style robe. He noticed our footsteps and turn around. I match eye with the goggle-eyed man for only a brief instant. [ Strange. I thought the barrier for repelling huma---] [Victory to the swift!] First things first, before he can say anything, I throw an ice pebble to his face. [.........Isn't that a little too rough?] Although it's a somewhat abnormal situation, the soldier put in a tsukkomi with a stiff voice against my somewhat excessive action (I'm aware of it). The reason why it didn't move pa.s.s tsukkomi is because he clearly understood the relation between the suspicious robed man I just blew away with the similarly suspicious magical formation on the ground. [I couldn't care less about that goggle-eyed man right now. Rather than that, do you know what this magical formation is for?] [Pl-please give me a moment. I am not quite familiar with magical formations but I will try to read it somehow.] The soldier observes the suspiciously glowing magical formation and before long, he opens his mouth. [............It may possibly be a magical formation intended for summoning. It is not the kind of spell for seeking a contract but rather one that simply calls for [something] from far away. I am sorry but I do not know anything more than this.] [.........It really stinks of suspicions.] The goggle-eyed man also said something 100% suspicious like that [human repelling barrier]. Most likely, it's that static electricity and the feeling of breaking a thin film that I felt earlier. As I'm busy thinking about it, several new footsteps came closer. Because I broke the repelling barrier, other soldiers who remained in this camp sensed the mana flowing from this magical formation and rushed over. [Adventurer-dono, what happened here?] The soldier stationed at the entrance rush over to us. [It seems that the goggle-eyed man lying over there was preparing a summoning magical formation here. He was being thorough, to the point of using a human repelling barrier. Even though it's mostly empty, he is bold enough to stand in the middle of the encampment where Imperial Army still maintains.] I explain that while pointing out to the fainted goggle-eyed man. [.........From what I am able to see, this magical formation is on the verge of completion. The only step left is to pour in mana.] (gateguard) Now that goggle-eyed is unconscious, the [strange presence] I'm sensing from him is thinning as well. My guess is, he must've triggered my [presence detection] because of the need to knead huge amount of mana necessary for the final step. [You also can't understand more details from it?] [If it is related to summoning spells, our head knight would be able to comprehend more. At my level, I can only determine whether or not it belongs to a summoning system.] (gateguard) The soldier move his gaze and turn towards the fallen goggle-eye. The other soldiers flip him around and tie him with a rope. [It is going to be a little while more before we can listen to his story.] (gateguard) [My bad. I made him faint the moment I saw him.] [.........I don't mean to blame you. If this magical formation was invoked, who knows what kind of things will be [summoned]. It was a reasonable decision.] Like the hero who appears in every story, if I had gone out of my way to listen to what the enemy has to say, that goggle-eye will undoubtedly be able to complete to spell in the meantime. One of the Kannstyle winning strategy is... ---Listen to your opponent after you win. I'm relieved after receiving approval from the guard post soldier. [Ughaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa] A scream resounds in the area. Goggle-eye, even with his hands tied to the back while squeezing a scream from his throat, runs to the magical formation drawn on the center of the ground. [Hold him down!] Someone raised his voice but goggle-eye had already reached the center of the magical formation. Soldiers attached to the knight order should've come into contact with death scenes in no small number. However, even they involuntarily avert their eyes from this scene. As one would expect from a normal guy, even I can't help but feel nauseous. But it seems that there's no leeway for vomiting. The magical formation that was stained in red suddenly increase in brilliance. Along with that, all the blood pouring out from goggle-eye's corpse loses its color. It was as if the magical formation is swallowing the blood. [.........No need to even guess that this is seriously bad news.] (kanna) [Even without guessing, it is clear that this is dangerous! Men, clear the area! Hurry!] (gateguard) The brilliance of the magical formation increased to a level which can't be directly seen with naked eyes. Me and the soldiers s.h.i.+eld our eyes while backing away from the magical formation. There was no time to collect goggle-eye's corpse. The spell's brilliance reaches its climax and intense light burst forth. [What the heck is this? !] (kanna) [It's likely that the mana that needed to be refined over time was forcibly refined through blood as a medium! Only an act of sheer madness can be used to describe this sacrificial conduct!] (gateguard) The torrent of mana settle down and the light subside. When I lower my arm, goggle-eye's corpse couldn't be seen anywhere. But we can't afford to be distracted by such a [trivial matter]. [goooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa] Even now, the magical formation is glowing ominously. Its also armed with a similarly huge club. Sharp fangs protrude out of its mouth, which is also releasing some wild breaths. And on its head, there's two sharp horns. But compared to the horns of ryujin folks, this one is rougher and more sinister looking. [That thing] is a well-known fantasy monster. An [ogre]. Ogres are categorically the same as goblins which are humanoid magic beasts but as a species it's above and beyond goblins, boasting huge frames and ferocious temperament. It's a tyrant of violence matched by its vicious frame. Once again, it releases a roar that causes a shockwave. [tch I sure can't hear that as [let's be friends 'kay]] (kanna) [No no no what are you even suggesting! I'd say that one is screaming [show me blood!].] (gateguard) Unexpectedly, this guard post soldier is good at following my rhythm. Did he awaken his persona during his gatekeeping questionings? While I'm thinking of silly things, the abnormal situation plunged further into chaos. Imagine my surprise when the summoning magical formation glowed again, only for another ogre to make an appearance as if it had risen from the ground. [T-this is a permanent summoning spell.] (gateguard) [Somehow I can imagine but any details?] (kanna) [As the name suggests, this is a spell that will continuously summon a target. However, it is difficult to control and if done poorly, enemy and allies alike will suffer great damage. For that reason, any research and usage concerning this type of spell should be prohibited.] [It's actually being used now though.] (kanna) [Nothing I can do even if you complain to me.] [Both of you, leave your manzai act at that! They are moving!] (calm soldier) Both the summoned ogres raise their battle cry and comes rus.h.i.+ng with clubs held high. Their movement looked slow at first glance but because of their giant body, the distance covered by each step dwarfs those of humans. After avoiding the a.s.sault I create an ice axe and drive it into the defenseless back of the ogre. However the blade made of ice didn't stand a chance. It only managed to cut for just a bit before stopping. Feeling angry from my axe slicing into it, the ogre turns its sight towards me and swings its club around. Without hesitation, I let go of my axe and retreat some distance away, narrowly avoiding the club smas.h.i.+ng into the place I was standing just before. The resulting wind pressure slams onto my face and made me shudder in fear. [The sheer muscle ma.s.s of ogre forms a natural armor! Direct attacks will not work!] Soldier bro, wish ya told me that earlier. [[I raised my proficiency and beat em all using laws of physics] but when the enemy does it, it's just plain unreasonable, d.a.m.n it.] Though the last one did reach its body, it's not particularly effective as it only manage to pierce for just a little bit. The ogre pulls it out with one hand and toss it away. When I sneak a peek at the other ogre, it's storming at other soldiers gathered in the other direction. The soldiers are evading its attack with well-trained movement and coordination but they seem to be just as lacking in firepower as well. [Adventurer-dono. You look the part as a magician but the magic that works against it is--] (bro) [Unfortunately, I'm lacking in ability. I can't use anything other than physical attacks using ice element.] (kanna) [gh Normally that would be a valuable firepower of a high-level attribute.] (bro) [Pardon me for the incompetence.] (kanna) 3 of us managed to continue evading the ogre's fierce onslaught while slipping in attacks. The two soldiers slash at it with their equipped sword while I pile up mine with ice axe and ice cones. Well, it's not like I can't do it but that action consumes a tremendous amount of mental strength. There is a possibility that it can evade the attack and even if I do manage to knock it down, there's still one more left. I can't use it carelessly. [uwaaa!?] I heard a voice from nearby while I'm busy thinking about strategy. Soldier bro slipped and fell. In front of the soldier, the ogre raises its club overhead. If that blow connects it'll be an instant death! [Like I'll let youuu!] I thrust my hands forward and manifest an ice wall to cover him. The ogre's club smash into it, causing a crack to form in the wall. [eh? What?] [Get outta there fast! I can't keep it up for long!] (kanna) Soldier bro who couldn't process the fact that he barely managed to cling to his life due to the sudden appearance of my ice wall got shocked and paralyzed. Immediately after that, the wall finally got shattered by the ogre but at least soldier bro is safe. Good job, another soldier-san. Oh I dunno neither of their name. [T-thank you adventurer-dono.] (bro) [Thank me later, just think about how to breakthrough this situation! At this rate, we'll be tormented to death!] (kanna) [............Normally, magic of the flame system would be used to burn it down but everyone with ability to use magic had gone to partic.i.p.ate in the goblin subjugation. On the other hand, our current equipment does not possess enough sharpness to pierce through the ogre's skin.] (calm) Soldier bro thanks me with halfway tearful eyes, the other calmly replied while biting the bitterness of our state. First of all, instead of an axe, I create a [sledgehammer]. Of course, not an ultra ma.s.sive size utilizing all my mental strength, but still a big one. Only to an extent that it's not unreasonable to wield. Still, the thickness of the handle is about the same as the club that ogre has. In order to ascertain my chance, I'm going to evade its onslaught like the two soldiers. If I concentrate fully on evading and pay careful at reading the presence of the ogre, it's not too difficult a task. If that is so, then I'll just have to add a direct blow to the cone and raise its penetration force using image + propulsion power. The ice cone pierces through the air at a terrific speed. It flies at an entirely different league compared to launching it directly and hits the ogre's torso. The cone tore through the solid muscles which can even withstand sharp blades. It even swallows up internal organs and crushes the ogre's spine before finally boring a hole at the back for its exit. After the ogre raised its final death cry due to the hole in its body, its crashes into the ground while scattering blood all over. [............Oh] The two soldiers are also equally surprised and went stiff at the sight. That penetration was certainly an unexpected outcome because I only expected the cone to pierce it. What a nice miscalculation it was. [.........hah! Adventurer-dono! Please take down the other one as well!] The other soldiers are.........still holding on, except for the one who was blown away. However, their movement lacks the composure they had in the beginning. If the situation continue as it is, it will only be a matter of time before someone else gets. .h.i.t by the ogre. I once again create an ice cone and get into position so I can [strike] it at any moment. My preparation is complete. I nod to signal soldier bro who then raises his voice. [Men! Clear away from the ogre! ! !] Everyone in the vicinity of the ogre clear away after hearing soldier bro's warning. The ogre who is puzzled at the sudden retreat of its prey turns its neck to look around. Far from penetrating, the cone flas.h.i.+ly annihilate its head while scattering pieces of skull and brain matter. Having lost its head, the ogre stagger on the spot and collapse without a death cry (got no head after all). My victory shout comes a little bit later. ---Oooooooooooooooooooooooo! ! ! All of the soldiers let out cries of victory. [You've done it, adventurer-dono! As expected of the one Lydeal-sama sent!] Soldier bro pats my shoulder while crumbling into tears. The other soldier nods with his arms crossed. All of the remaining soldier sink down on the spot. [We were not trained by our leader for nothing, he won't die of something of that level. At best, he might have broken one or two bones.] Soldier bro said so cheerfully but just hold on a sec. [One or two broken bones are quite serious though?!] [Don't sweat it. It's a daily occurrence for us. But all our healers are out subjugating, so he'll have to tough it out until then.] [............This knight order are a pretty violent bunch aren't they.] [Speaking of which, other than the first two ogres, not a single one got summoned again.] Soldier bro said earlier that this spell will continuously summon new ogres but there's no sign of the third one coming. The magical formation is still glowing ominously though and it seems to be gradually getting stronger. [The mana that was produced by that mysterious man's sacrifice was consumed in order to immediately summon two of those ogres. But it looks like this spell has a built-in mechanism to draw and acc.u.mulate mana from the surroundings. Given enough time, a new ogre will be summoned again.] If we a.s.sume so, was it a mistake to take down that goggle-eye before confirming the situation? If the end result doesn't change with or without him, it probably would've been fine to extract as much information as possible. Whether or not soldier bro was able to read it from my expression, he laughs wryly. [Please don't be discouraged. I think your judgement was correct. This built-in mechanism is far less efficient at collecting mana than a magician pouring it in directly. Compared to facing two at once, the situation would've been impossible to handle if a summoning occurred every few tens of second or minutes.] The soldier next to him also nods in agreement. [But, just as he said just now, this magical formation will continue to acc.u.mulate mana from the air, albeit inefficiently. With time, a new ogre will be summoned.] [In other words, it would be better to break it down before that happens.] (kanna) [I agree. Adventurer-dono, can we ask this of you?] (bro) [Ou, leave it to me.] I stand at the edge of the formation and create an ice sword. [seiya]
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.36 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
珟実䞖界で列車の旅などしたこずは無いが、こちらの䞖界に来おから旅ず蚀えば埒歩か銬車だったのだ。その差故にか驚くほどに快適な二日間になった。列車内は比范的に安党が確保されおいるので、昌倜問わずに譊戒を取らずに枈むのが粟神的には非垞に有り難い。他にも、車内販売で食事たで出おきた。流石にホテルで出おくるような凝った物は売られおいなかったが、それでも快適の䞀蚀に尜きる。客垭偎の窓から芋える光景も、そこに魔獣が生息しおいる事実さえ忘れられればずおも綺麗だった。䞀応ただ護衛の圹割は残っおいるのだが、これほどに快適で良いのかず少々迷っおしたうほどだ。 二日間の列車旅を終えお無事に到着した垝郜『ドラクニル』の駅は、南端郜垂を含みこれたで䜕回か停止した䞭途駅のどれよりも遙かに芏暡が倧きい巚倧建造物だった。ディアガルの領内にある列車すべおの終着点なのだ。玍埗の倧きさだ。 駅から䞀歩出れば、垝郜の町䞊みも盞応に広倧だ。ぱっず芋枡すだけでも、これたで蚪れおきた街のどこよりも巚倧な街なのだずはっきり分かった。たず背の高い建物の数が段違いに倚い。高局ビル、ずたでは流石に届かないが、五、六階建おはありそうな物件がいく぀も芋えた。 「ふん、田舎者䞞出しだな」 「田舎者ですが䜕か?」 アガットががそっず嫌みを口にするが、さらっず流しおやる。 正確に蚀うず珟実䞖界では日本の銖郜暮らしだったが、幻想䞖界では名も無い蟺境の村出身で通っおいる。䞖間様の䞀般垞識が欠萜しおいる、ずいう意味では十分に田舎者だ。 俺の反応が面癜くなかったのか気に入らないのか、アガットの衚情に険が混じる。君は俺が絡むず本圓に導火線短いな。これでランド曰く将来有望な隊長候補なのだから心配になる。 俺たちはずりあえず駅の偎にある喫茶店に入った。ファむマの護衛䟝頌は垝郜に到着した時点で完遂し、その粟算を萜ち着いた堎所で行うためだ。 倧きめなテヌブルに陣取った俺たちは各自で飲み物を泚文し、早速本題に入った。 「カンナ、レアルさん。改めおお疲れさたでした。珟時点を持っお護衛の䟝頌を完遂したずし、報酬を支払わせお頂きたす」 改たった口調でファむマが蚀うず、圌女は隣に座るランドに目配せをした。頷きを返したランドは懐から膚れた垃の小袋を取り出すずテヌブルの䞊に眮いた。ゞャラリず音がしたこずから、報酬ずしおの財貚が入っおいるのだろう。 「金貚二十枚です。ご確認ください」 「............そりゃたた随分ず奮発だな」 日本円にしお二癟䞇円だ。しかも、圌女にはここ数週間の旅の経費も支払っお貰っおいたので、実質的な報酬はおそらく金貚䞉十枚分になるだろう。 「少々貰いすぎな気もするが?」 レアルも疑問は呈し぀぀、袋を受け取り䞭身を確認しながらも蚀った。珟金な話だが、払う偎が宣蚀した以䞊拒む気は毛頭ようだ。お金の話だけに。 「いや。正圓な報酬の぀もりだ。繰り返すが、カンナ君やレアル殿がいなければ、我々はずおもではないがここドラクニルに蟿り着けず呜を萜ずしおいただろう」 「これは昚日ランドず話し合っお決めたの。私たちの遭遇した危険の床合いを考えれば決しお高くないはずよ。だから、遠慮せずに受け取っお頂戎」 圌女ずランドがそう蚀うのならば、俺ずしおも拒む぀もりはない。埌でレアルず俺ずで山分けするか。 「我が儘な本音を蚀っおしたえば、二人には匕き続き私の専属護衛を担っお欲しいぐらいだわ。もちろん、盞応の埅遇は玄束する」 「や、そう蚀っおくれるのは嬉しいが、誰かに仕えるっお぀もりは今のずころ無い」 「私も本職があるのでな。䞀個人に雇われる蚳にはいかんのだ」 やんわりず断るず、ファむマはクスリず笑った。 「ダメ元で蚀っおみただけだからそこたで謝らなくおも良いわ。けど、本気でそう思えるぐらいに二人ずいるのは楜しかったの。それだけは芚えおいお欲しいわ」 俺ずしおも、ファむマず䞀緒にいるのは䞭々に楜しい時間だった。第䞀印象こそ悪かったが、今ではもうその印象は払拭されおいる。察等ず認めた盞手が誰であれ芪しく話せる人柄には奜感が持おた。 「レアルさんはずもかく、こんな田舎者を匕き入れるずなるずあなたの品性が疑われる恐れがありたす。ご冗談はお止め䞋さい」 「あらアガット。貎方は圌の実力を疑っおいるのかしら」 「いやそれは............こい぀がそこらの冒険者どもより腕が立぀のは認めたすが」 口惜しそうにだが、アガットは俺の実力を評䟡した。プラむドの高さは盞倉わらずだが、認めるべきを認める玠盎さを圌は持っおいた。これたでの道䞭で圌ずは䜕床ず無く蚓緎ずしおの暡擬戊をしおきたが、俺の卑怯千䞇な戊法に文句を口にしおきたが、あからさたな眵倒は意倖ず少なかったりする。がっちがちの堅物ず思いきや、柔軟性が無いわけではないらしい。事実、最埌の方では䜕でもありルヌル(粟霊術は無しだが)での蚓緎では楜に勝぀こずは出来ず結構苊戊した。たぁ、それでも䜕ずか勝おたしたが、それは぀たり盞手の卑怯な行為にも咄嗟の反応が出来おきた事を意味する。どうやらランドの思惑通りに事が進んだようだ。 「いや、だずしおもこい぀のような卑怯な真䌌ばかりをする男が傍にいれば、お嬢様の悪評に繋がりたす!」 「や、断ったんだからそこたで食い぀かなくずも」 「そもそも、お嬢様の勧誘を断るような茩です。こちらに匕き入れる䟡倀もない!」 「断ったら断ったで面倒くせぇなおい」 「はいはいアガット。あなたはいい加枛に萜ち着きなさいな」 今にも垭を立ち䞊がろうずするアガットを、キスカがやんわりず止める。 「私ずしおは、カンナ君が䞀緒にいる職堎は楜しいず思いたすけど、本人が嫌がるのなら無理匷いは出来ないですね。............はぁ、せっかく結婚盞手が芋぀かったず思ったのに」 「や、おたえはおたえで倧抂だな」 「でも、遠距離恋愛っおいうのもいいわね」 「本圓にマむペヌスだなおたえさん」 キスカがここたで濃いキャラだずは思っおいなかったよ。芋目麗しい男装の麗人ず思いきや、このパヌティヌの䞭では䞀番のボケキャラず認識しおいる。この䞭で䞀番䌚話が少ないにも関わらずだ。 勧誘云々の話はここで区切りだ。 「それで、ファむマたちはこの埌どうするんだ?」 「先方にはもう手玙で連絡しおあるからその挚拶回りよ。私がドラクニルに到着したのは既に䌝わっおいるず思うから、早く顔を出さないずね。カンナ達は?」 「ただ日も高いからな。今日の内に冒険者ギルドに登録申請しに行く予定だ」 「拙者はカンナ氏ず同道する予定でござる」 「私はたず職堎の方に顔を出す぀もりだ」 ずなるず、この喫茶店を出た時点でお別れか。 レアルは今埌ずも顔を合わせる予定はあるが、ファむマずはこれで䞀期䞀䌚になるだろうな。元々貎族ず深いかかわり合いを持぀぀もりはない。この䞖界の䜏人でない以䞊、䜕かず面倒事の倚そうな身分ずの぀きあいは控えおいたい。ずいうか、腹のさぐり合いが日垞茶飯事の䞖界に足を螏み入れたくはない。 「た、あれだ。なんだかんだで俺も楜しかったよ。あんたの護衛を匕き受けたのは倚分正解だったんだろうな」 「私もよカンナ。短い間だったけれど、この䞀ヶ月近くは本圓に有意矩な時間を過ごせたわ。もし困ったこずがあったら蚀っお頂戎ね。埮力ながら助けになるわ」 「貎族様に助けを求めるような事態は埡免被るがな」 それもそうね、ず笑うファむマに、俺は別れの握手を亀わすのだった。 喫茶店を出るず俺ずクロ゚、レアル、ファむマ等四人は別々の方向に出発した。埌腐れ無いすっきりした終わり方だ。 「じゃ、早速冒険者ギルドにいくでござるか」 「堎所分かっおんのか?」 「駅にあった、垝郜の地図が描いおあった立お札で所圚は把握枈みでござるよ。ここの支郚はナヌフォニアにある本郚に次ぐ芏暡のギルドでござるから、近くに行けば盎ぐに分かるでござるよ」 䞋準備はばっちりか。誰かに道を聞く手間が省けた。 「頌りになる先茩だこず」 クロ゚に笑いかけるず、圌女は照れるようにはにかみ、獣耳ず尻尟をピコピコワサワサ揺らす。分かりやすすぎる反応に、俺はほずんど無意識にクロ゚の頭に手を䌞ばし撫でおいた。小さくくせっ毛のある黒髪が指の間でくしゃりず流れた。 「わふぅッ」 「あ、悪い。぀い」 気持ち的には犬を可愛がっおいるような心境だった。や、圌女は狌の獣人であるし、そもそも幎䞊だ。ちょっず倱瀌だったか。 「あ、や............。い、むダでは無いでござる。むしろもっず............」 むしろもっず............なにさッ。気になるんですけど。 「ず、ずりあえず冒険者ギルドに行くでござるよ!」 超匷匕な話題転換でクロ゚は歩き出したが、埌ろから芋えるその暪顔が赀らんでいるのだけは確認できた。俺は䜕ずもいえない気恥ずかしさを芚え぀぀そのこずには觊れず、黙っお圌女の埌を远った。 しかし危ういな。あの黒い狌耳ず毛の肌觊りは癖になりそうだ。元々ケモフサには関心があったが、いざ目の圓たりにするず病み付きになる。先日の宿の䞀件ではその獣耳ず尻尟を堪胜したが、䞭毒性がやばい。自重せねば。 やはり䞀囜の䞭心地ずいうだけあっお、ドラクニルの人間の数は他の郜垂を圧倒しおいた。そしお、人数でもそうだがナルフィリアよりも圧倒的に人族以倖の皮族割合が倚い。ぱっず芋でも獣人系の人々が沢山居るし、長耳を持った゚ルフ族もいれば、よく芳察するず氎人族らしい手に氎掻きを持っおいる人も芋぀けられる。子䟛のように小柄な者もいたが、おそらくその䜕割かはドワヌフ族だず思われる。なぜなら、ちっちゃな背䞈に䌌合わないごっ぀い歊噚を背負っお居たりするからだ。ドワヌフ族はあの小さな䜓に反しお人間を越える膂力を持っおいるのだ。しかしギャップが凄いな。 軜い人間芳察をしながらクロ゚に぀いお行くず、圌女はずある建物の前で足を止めた。どうやら目的地に着いたらしい。 「どうやらここがドラクニルのギルド支郚でござるな。立お札に矜が亀差しおいる王章があるでござろう? あれが冒険者ギルドの蚌でござるよ」 「ぞぇ............、っおでっかっ!?」 支郚ずぱっず聞くず小さいむメヌゞが合ったが、俺たちがたどり着いた建物はかなりでかかった。孊校にある䜓育通ぐらいありそうな面積に窓の数だけで刀断すれば五階建お䜍はある。ぱっず目に付く呚囲の建物ず比べお倧きさが二回りほど違った。や、高さだけ、あるいは面積だけ、ずの条件ならちらほらあったが、この面積で同皋床の高さ、ずいう条件付きだずこの建物が唯䞀か。 「拙者も支郚でここたで倧きなギルドは初めおでござるな。ほずんど本郚ず芋劣りしないでござるよ」 「参考たでに聞くけど、他の支郚の芏暡っおどのくらいだ?」 「倧衆食堂ず同じくらいが基本でござる。宿ず兌営しおいる所もあるでござるな。垝郜だけあっお集たる䟝頌の数も蚪れる冒険者の数も膚倧でござるから、このぐらいの倧きさでないず凊理しきれないのでござろう」 こうしおギルドの前に突っ立っおいる間にも、歊噚を䜓の䜕凊かしらに携えた者が出入り口をひっきり無しに通過しおいる。 「ずりあえず入るでござるか」 ギルドの䞭は思っおいたずおりに倧量の冒険者達で賑わっおいた。内郚の構造は、珟実䞖界で以前にも蚪れた垂圹所に䌌おいた。 クロ゚は曞類らしきものを抱えお傍を歩いおいた職員の男性に声をかけた。 「そこの職員のお方。申し蚳無いでござるが、ギルドカヌドの登録、再発行はどこで行えばいいでござるか? ここのギルドを利甚するのは初めおなのでござる」 「それでしたら、入り口から芋お巊端のカりンタヌですよ。埌の案内は窓口職員が指瀺したすので」 「了解したでござる。さ、カンナ氏、こちらでござるよ」 職員の指瀺した窓口に行く。幞い、他の窓口ず比べお䞊んでいる者はほずんどいない。すぐに人族女性の受付が察応しおくれた。 「ようそこドラクニルギルドぞ。お二人ずも芋ない顔ですね。圓ギルドのご利甚は初めおですか?」 「先皋こちらに到着したばかりでござる。拙者はカヌドを玛倱した故に再発行を、こちらの圌は新芏登録をお願いしにきたでござるよ」 「畏たりたした。再発行には金貚䞀枚。新芏登録には銀貚䞀枚の費甚が掛かりたすが宜しいですか?」 「勿論でござる」 クロ゚はちらりず歀方を芋お(申し蚳無いでござる)ず声無く口にし、懐から金貚ず銀貚を䞀枚ず぀取り出した。 ご存じの通り完党に無䞀文だった圌女だが、流石にそのたたでは身動きが取れないので、圓面の費甚は俺が貞し出すずいう面目で工面しおいる。補足するず、先皋喫茶店で分かれた以降、ファむマずの連絡手段がなくなっおしたう。枓谷近くの街からドラクニルたでに掛かったクロ゚分の旅費は圌女自身が返枈する予定だったのだが、返す盞手ずの連絡手段が無い以䞊、いろいろず䞍郜合が出おくる。なので、ファむマに察するクロ゚の借金は今回は俺が肩代わりし、クロ゚が俺に借金する圢にしたのだ。俺の堎合、深刻な財政難ではなかったし今回の報酬もあったのでクロ゚の旅費を肩代わりする分にはほずんど懐は痛たなかった。 「このご恩は必ず返すでござるッ!」ずクロ゚は力匷く決意しおいた。なんか、圌女の俺に察する恩がどんどん積み重なっおいくな。気にするな、ずは蚀わないがちょっず背䞭がこそばゆい。 「いた気になったけど、䜕で新芏登録より再発行の方が金掛かるんだ?」 俺は玠盎な疑問を女性職員に尋ねた。 「ギルドカヌドは特殊な玠材で出来おいるだけではなく、その凊理方法も耇補䞍可胜のための措眮が幟぀か斜されおいたす。その諞々の費甚が本来であるなら金貚䞀枚なのですが、新米冒険者のみなさたには少々敷居が高いお倀段です。ですので、新芏はお安めにし、残りの分は䟝頌を受ける際の仲介料をギルドが城収したす。再発行で本来の金貚䞀枚を請求するのは、安易にカヌドを玛倱するのを防いで貰うための措眮です」 金貚䞀枚盞圓の物をそうぜんぜん無くされおも困るか。 「では再発行の方、こちらの甚玙に名前を蚘入の䞊、この印の所に血の䞀滎をお願いしたす。ナむフはこちらで甚意したすか?」 「畏たりたした。そちらの男性の方は、こちらの甚玙に名前をお願いしたす」 「拙者はこの者の付き添いなんでござるが、再発行は時間が掛かるでござるか?」 「そうですね。ギルドのネットワヌクを怜玢し、お客様の名前ず血に含たれた魔力情報を照合したすので少々時間は掛かるず思いたす。こちらの方の新芏登録が終了する頃にはそちらも完了しおいるでしょう」 「だったら、拙者のカヌドの受け枡しは圌の登録が終わっおからでいいでござる。それで倧䞈倫でござるか?」 「勿論倧䞈倫です。偶にそのような方もいらっしゃるので」 女性職員の指瀺の元、俺は枡された甚玙の空欄に自分の名前を蚘入した。この䞖界の文字はただただ緎習䞭だが、ずりあえず自分の名前だけは曞けるようにしおおいた。正盎、ただ簡単な単語ず数字の読み曞きしかできないのが今埌の課題だ。 「ちょうど良かったですね。新芏登録の詊隓は日に䞉床あるのですが、その二床目がもう間もなく開始されたす。定員にも空きがあるようですし、盎ぐにでも受けたすか?」 「じゃ、お願いするよ」 「ではそのように手続きを行いたす。䞀応、詊隓官の職員からも詳しい説明があるず思いたすが、ここでも簡単な説明をしおおきたすか?」 「拙者は以前にヒノむズルの支郚で登録を行ったでござるが、そこず倧きな違いはあるでござるか? 無いのなら拙者が道すがら説明するから倧䞈倫でござる」 「でしたら問題ありたせん。ギルドの登録詊隓、頑匵っお䞋さい」 瀟亀蟞什ではあろうが職員さんの応揎を受けお、俺たちは圌女の蚀葉に埓っお詊隓䌚堎の方ぞず移動した。
Though I've never traveled by train in the real world, and only walked or used the carriage to travel in this world, maybe that's why this time's train ride felt surprisingly comfortable. Since inside the train is rather safe, I didn't have to keep my guard up which was quite refres.h.i.+ng for my mind. I even had a meal in one of the cars, though it was nothing fancy like the stuff they have in hotels. Nevertheless, it was comfortable. Even the scenery beyond the window was quite beautiful if only you pretend not to have seen the magic beasts roaming around. Though the escorting job still continues, is it really fine to enjoy ourselves this much? Having finished our two day long trip, we safely arrived at the capital of Diagal,{Dracunil} . The train station of the capital was gigantic building, it was by far the biggest we've seen compared to those of all the towns we stopped at along the way and the border town we departed from. The meeting point of all the train rail in Diagal, it was a size proportional to that. For starters, the number of tall buildings was on a whole different level. Once you take a step outside the station, the vast streets of the capital come into view. Just from a single glance I understood that this city is bigger than any other I've been to before. Though they didn't reach the level of skysc.r.a.pers, some of them were five or six story tall. "humph, you're completely like a country b.u.mpkin." "I am, completely a country b.u.mpkin, so what?" Agatt seemed to be saying something, But I swiftly ignored him. The truth is, I lived in Tokyo in the real world, but here in the fantasy world I'm going with the setting of a country b.u.mpkin from a village lacking in development. Which isn't that far from the truth considering my lack of common sense. Did he not like my reaction? or did he simply not like me? Agatt's expression turns harsh. This guy really has a short fuse when it comes to me. Even with this, according to Rand he's a promising future knight captain candidate, I'm quite worried about him. We went into a cafe next to the station. Faima's request was completed the moment we stepped in the capital. Hence we're gonna receive our reward. Having a.s.sembled around a big table, we ordered some drinks and got straight to the point. "Kanna, Real-san. Once again thank you for your hard work. Seeing how the request was safely cleared, I'm thinking of handing you you reward." Having said that in a formal tone, Faima gave a glance to Rand, who returned a nod before proceeding to pull an inflated sack from his pocket. Judging from the sound it made when it hit the table, I'd say it contains the reward money. "Twenty gold coins are in there. Please go ahead and check." "............Well, that's pretty lavish of you." That's worth one million j.a.panese yen. Not to mention that she took care of all our travelling expenses for the whole trip, The total reward should be around three million yen. "Don't you think this is a tad too much?" Real expressed her question whilst checking the contents of the bag. It's kinda greedy, but it seems like she intended on rejecting whatever amount the other side proposed. "Not at all. I think it's right. I'll be repeating myself but, without you two it would have been impossible to make it this far." "This is something I already decided with Rand yesterday. Considering how dangerous the journey was, it's by no mean a high reward. That's why, don't hold back and take it." If these two are gonna say that much, I see no reason not to take it. Let's split this up with Real afterwards. "If I'm allowed to be selfish though, I'd like for the two of you to become my personal guards. Of course, I won't be frugal with your pay." "Nah, that makes me happy but, I don't really feel like serving under someone right now." "I have a job you see. That's why I also can't be hired by an individual." Seeing our gentle rejections, a chuckle leaks out of Faima's mouth. "I said it antic.i.p.ating failure so you don't have to be that concerned. But, being with you two was fun enough to make me serious about it. I hope you remember that." I enjoy being being with Faima too, Though my first impression of her was bad, that impression has been blown away by this point. The way she speaks intimately with anyone she considers an equal earned her point with me. "Real-san is one thing, but if you bring along such a country b.u.mpkin your character will be questioned. Please stop with the jokes." (Bagatt) "Ara Agatt. Are you possibly questioning his ability?" "No that is............I admit that this guy is stronger than your average adventurer but..." Although reluctant, Agatt highly evaluated my abilities. His pride is as high as always. Despite that,he's got the honesty to admit something when he has to. Till this point, I've sparred with this guy numerous times and though he complains about my unfair fighting style, he doesn't insult me much. Just when I thought he was a stone-headed brat, he actually had some in him. Matter of factly, the last battle I had with him where anything goes (except for spirit magic) was a tough one. Though I won in the end, he clearly got used to tricky fighters. Looks like things went as Rand wanted them to. "No, even so, hiring someone unfair like him will lead to milady's downfall." "Hey, I already rejected her so you don't need to be that persistent about it." "In the first place, he's the guy who rejected milady's offer. There's no worth in him joining us!" "This is becoming a pain even though I refused." "Yeah yeah Agatt. You should calm down." Kiska gently stops Bagatt who seems ready to jump out of his chair anytime. "Working together with Kannkun is fun for me but, we gotta respect his will. ............Ha~h, just when I thought I found a good husband." "You're just as bad as he is." "But a long distance relation might be good on it's own." "You really go at your pace." I never expected Kiska to be such a deep character. Just when I thought of her as a straight laced n.o.ble lady, I was forced to recognize her as the funny man of the party, regardless of the fact that she's the one I spoke to the least. It would be good to stop this invitation talk around here. "So, what do you guys plan on doing after this?" "Since I already sent a letter to the other party, I need to give them my greetings. Because they should already know that I'm in Dracunil, I better show my face fast. What about you guys?" "The day is still long so I think I'll go register at the adventurer guild." "This one will be accompanying Kanns.h.i.+." "I'll be going to my work place." In short, the moment we leave this cafe, it's goodbye huh. Though I'll be meeting Real later, a reunion with Faima is unlikely. I never intended to make a connection with a n.o.ble in the first place. Being someone not of this world, I'd rather avoid dealing with people with troublesome statuses. Rather I'd like to stay away from the world of n.o.bles where measuring each other's hand is an everyday occurrence. "Well you know, all in all it was pretty enjoyable for me too. I probably made the right call by taking this job." "It was for me too Kanna. This short period of less than a month that I spend with you guys was wonderful. If you're ever troubled, you can rely on me, though I don't know how much I can do." " I totally don't wanna be in situation where I need to be saved by a n.o.ble-sama though." That's right isn't it? I extended my hand to Faima who laughed while saying that for a farewell handshake. As we stepped out of the cafe, I and Chloe, Real, Faima and the three knights, left in different directions. It was a refres.h.i.+ng goodbye with no held feelings. "Now then, shall we head to adventurer guild degozaru ka?" "Do you know it's location?" "The guild's sign was on the map at the station degozaru yo. The branch here is only second to the Headquarters in Yufonia degozaru, that's why we should recognize it once we get closer degozaru yo." Her preparations are completed huh. It saves us the trouble of asking someone for directions. "Such a reliable sempai." Chloe embarra.s.singly fidgets and starts *pikopikowasawasa* swinging her tail and ears around in reaction to my joke. Towards her super obvious reaction, I reflexively extended my hand to Chloe's head and started patting her. Her bit curly black hair, smoothly pa.s.sed between my fingers. "Wafuu!" "Ah, sorry. Before I knew it." It felt like playing with a dog.No well, she's a wolf beastman, not to mention my elder. Was I a little too rude. "Ah, No............I, it's not like I didn't like it. In fact, more............" In fact, more............What does that mean. I'm really interested here. "F, for now we should go to this adventurer guild degozaru yo!" Having changed the subject rather focefully, Chloe started waking towards the guild. The only thing I could confirm from behind was her red face. Feeling an unexplainable sense of embarra.s.sment, I decided to just follow after her. But she is quite dangerous. The sensation of that fur on my hands and those ears might just become a habit. I was interested in kemofusa to begin with. Hence my hands can't help but get active whenever I see those ears and tail. I enjoyed a taste of Chloe's ears and tail just the other day. Nevertheless it's pretty addictive. I have to control myself. Not betraying it's name as the center of a single nation, the number of people in Dracunil surpa.s.sed that of other cities by far and wide. Moreover their numbers are so too but, the diversity of the races here easily overwhelmed that of Yurifira. From just a glance, the number of beastmen is high, and then there were the elves with their sharp ears and even some seakin like people with fins between their fingers, could be seen. There were even some frail child looking ones but, the majority of them most likely belong to the dwarf race. Why? Because they carried weapons that didn't suit their small statures. despite their looks, dwarves actually have more strength than humans. But the gap is simply amazing. While doing some light human observation followed after Chloe who suddenly stopped in front of a big building. Apparently, we've reached our destination. "This place seems to be the guild branch of this city degozaru na. Isn't there that sign with two crossing wings degozarou? That's the adventurer guild's proof degozaru yo." "Hee............Tte, it's big?!!" The word branch gave the impression that the place is small but, the structure in front of us was pretty big. Based on it's height which is around that of a school's gym and the number of windows it has, I'd say it's five story tall. Compared to the other buildings around it, the guild branch was twice as big. No well, If it's only in height or only in size then some of them meet the condition. However, the only one that has both is the guild branch. "It's also this one's first time seeing a guild branch this big degozaru na. It's almost the same size as the adventurer guild headquarters degozaru yo." "As a reference, how big are the other branches?" "Normally they have the same size as an eating house degozaru. Sometimes they also serve as inns degozaru na. Being the capital, the number of adventurers and requests are a level above other branches. the place has to be this big or they won't be able to handle it degozarou." As we stood in front the guild, people armed with weapons were coming in and out of the building. "For now shall we get inside degozarouka?" Inside the guild was as expected, bustling with adventurers. The interior design was similar to that of the city hall I visited before in the real world. Chloe called out to the guy that was pa.s.sing by with some doc.u.ments in hand. "The staff member over there, sorry but could you tell me where to register and where to reissue my card degozaru ka? It's my first time in this branch degozaru." "For that, you should head to the last counter on the left side of the exit, the personnel there will explain the rest." "Roger that degozaru. Now Kanns.h.i.+, it's this way degozaru yo." We go towards the counter that the personnel directed us to. Luckily, compared to the rest of the counters the number of people lined up isn't much. Our turn came right away and the woman at the counter got to business. "Welcome to the adventurer guild Dracunil branch. You two are unfamiliar faces, is this your first time in the adventurer guild?" "We arrived here just a while ago degozaru. This one lost her card so I want to issue a new one, this person wants to register degozaru yo." "Understood. You need to pay a single gold coin for the issuing of a new card and one silver coin for the registry, is that alright?" "Of course degozaru." Chloe sent a glance my way (Sorry degozaru) moving her lips she forms such voiceless words. Then she proceeds to take out the money from her pocket. As you know it's Chloe that was completely penniless which is why I ended up lending her some money. The thing is, we just parted with Faima and have no way of contacting her. Chloe had intended to pay her debt made to Faima throughout the trip on her own, but that can prove rather difficult if she can't even contact said Faima. Hence I payed Faima in Chloe's place, and Chloe can return the money to me. Since I wasn't lacking in cash and had just gotten the reward money, it was practically no problem to pay in Chloe's stead. "I'll definitely return this big favor degozaru!!" is what Chloe promised with determined voice. Her favors towards me are kinda piling up. I won't tell her not to mind it, but my back is ticklish. "I'm kinda curious but, why is it that reissuing a card costs more than getting your first one?" I asked the staff lady an honest question. "Not only is the guild card made of special materials, its's made so that n.o.body can replicate it. normally it would cost one gold coin but since most of the people who come to register don't have that much money we have them pay one silver coin now and deduce the rest from their quests' rewards later on. The reason why we demand the whole gold coin when reissuing is so that adventurers always keep their cards safe." it's troubling if they keep losing something that's worth one gold coin huh. "Well then, the person who wants to reissue her card, please write your name on this form and I'll need a drop of your blood here. Do you have a knife?" "Understood. the man's side, please right your name on this form." "This one is with this person degozaru ga, will it take time for this one's new card to be ready degozaru ka?" "Let's see, using the guild's network, we'll a.s.semble your information through your name and the magic power in your blood. I think it will take a while. It will be ready by the time this man finishes his registry." "Then, I'd like to get my card after he's done with his registration degozaru. Is that fine degozaru ka? "Of course that's fine. Sometimes there are people like that." I wrote my name on the form I was given. Though i'm still learning this world's language, I made sure to at least be able to write my own name. the fact that I can only deal with basic, simple words and numbers is a problem I need to deal with. "You came at a good time. The newbie registration test is held three times a day and the second test is about to start. Since we still have leeway in the number of partic.i.p.ants, will you take it?" "I'll take it now." "Then I'll make arrangements for that. I think you'll be getting an explanation on the test from the guild personnel overseeing it but, do you want a simple explanation now?" "This one did the registration at the Hinoizur branch degozaru ga, is there any noteworthy difference with the test they did there degozaru ka? If not then this one will explain to him degozaru." "In that case there is no problem. Please do your best with the test." Receiving the guild staff's lip service, we headed towards the test grounds as she told us to.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.41 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
野営地を襲った異垞事態を乗り越えはしたが、党おは解決しおいない。 「なにが䜕だか、っお感じですね」 「だな。唯䞀の蚌蚀者であるギョロ目は消し飛んじたったし」 䜕の目的があっおこんな堎所に召喚術匏を蚭眮したのか、その理由は䞀切合切が䞍明だ。「お友達を䜜りたかった」などずいう和やかムヌドな動機でないのは確か。だったらオヌガなどずいう「血祭り䞊等!」な魔獣を呌び出そうずしないだろう。 「そういえば、冒険者殿はどうしおここに召喚術匏が敷かれおいるのに気が付いたのですか? あの召喚術士が構築した人払いの結界は完璧でした。恥ずかしながら、私を含む付近を巡回しおいた者も誰䞀人ずしお、発生しおいた魔力の気配を芋逃しおいたしたし」 そういっお兵士のヌヌっお、いい加枛名前聞いおおこう。どっちがどっちだか刀断しにくい。 「話の腰を折っお悪いが、いい加枛あんたらの名前を教えおくれ。俺はカンナ。冒険者ランクはDだ」 「おっず、これは倱瀌したした。自分はディアガル垝囜幻竜階士団所属のアストず申したす」 こっちは萜ち着いた方の兵士さんだ。 「同じく幻竜階士団所属のフュヌズです」 ノリのいい門番のアンちゃん。 名乗りだけの簡単な自己玹介だ。ちなみに䜕床も「兵士さん」ず呌んでいるこずから分かるずおり、圌らは階士ではなく䞀兵卒である。 『階士』ずは封建領䞻から任呜された歊人を指す。そしおその階士が率いる䞀郚隊が『階士団』だ。 だが、ディアガル垝囜は少しだけ毛色が異なる。『階士』が、その自らの采配を持っお隊員を厳遞し、それを『䞀戊力』ずしお囜が認められればそれは『階士団』ずしお扱われる。普段の身分階玚はどうあれ、軍隊においおはディアガルは実力䞻矩。有胜ずあればどんな人物でも起甚するスタむルなのだ。 「恥ずかしながら、我々を含め、野営地に残っおいるのは幻竜階士団に所属しおただ日が浅い者ばかりです。蚎䌐の前線に向かっおいる者が数人残っおいればオヌガを蚎䌐できたでしょうね」 フュヌズが悔しげに蚀った。 「............え? あれっお単独蚎䌐は冒険者ランクBは必芁だぞ?」 「幻竜階士団のほが党員は、元Aランクの冒険者だった団長が盎々に鍛えおいるこずもあり、ほが党員が冒険者Bランクず同等の戊闘力を有しおいたす。副長に至っおはAに限りなく近いBランクの実力でしょうね」 「............冒険者ギルドにレむド䟝頌出すたでもなかったんじゃねぇの、今回のゎブリン蚎䌐にさ」 レむド䟝頌に名乗りを䞊げたのは、䞀郚を陀きほが党おがCランク。その䞭でも最䞊䜍の実力は有しおいるだろうが、Bランクの実力者でほが党員を固めおいる幻竜階士団に比べればかなり芋劣りする。 「フュヌズの今蚀ったBランクずいうのは『人間』を盞手にしたずきの匷さであり。魔獣の蚎䌐を生業にしおいる冒険者達ずは分野が異なる。同人数であれば魔獣蚎䌐の効率はCランクの冒険者たちよりも随分ず劣るだろうな」 魔獣蚎䌐に限るなら幻竜階士団䞉人で冒険者ランクCず同等だずか。たぁ、魔獣の皮類によっおもこの人数察比は倉わるだろうし、䞀抂にそうずも蚀え無いだろうが。 話が脇に逞れおしたったな。幻竜階士団の実力はこれぐらいにしお、目䞋の疑問に䌚話を戻す。 「ここは順序立おお考えおいくか」 「ず、蚀いたすず?」 俺は二人に芋えるように、人差し指を䞀぀立おた。 「あのたた俺がギョロ目に気が付かず、人払いの結界が維持したたたの堎合を想定するず、どうなる?」 「完成した召喚術匏に魔力が泚がれ、オヌガの氞続召喚が発動しおいたでしょうね」 「ずなるず、だ」 フュヌズの蚀葉が終わっおから、指の二本目を立おる。 「あんたらが気が付かない内に、野営地のど真ん䞭にオヌガの倧集団が発生したわけだ。で、十分な数が集たったずするず?」 「野営地の䞭で暎れ回っおいたでしょうね。カンナ殿がいなければ、我々はオヌガのニ䜓でさえ蚎䌐できなかった。それが十䜓も二十䜓もいたず考えるず、ぞっずする」 顔を少し青くしたアスト。安易に『党滅させられた』ずは蚀いたくなかったのだろうな。 「珟実的に芋れば、あのギョロ目の『最初の目的』はあんたらを含む野営地の砎壊だろうな」 俺は指の䞉぀目を立おた。 「野営地が砎壊されお困るのは............たぁ、劥圓に考えりゃぁゎブリンの蚎䌐に向かっおる階士団の䞻力ず冒険者達だろうな」 物事は順序立おお考えおいくず、意倖ずシンプルに答えに行き着く。圩菜に教わった思考法だ。おかげであたり賢いずは蚀い難い俺でもここたでたどり着く。 「いや、ここが砎壊されただけなら問題はない。幻竜階士団の䞻力なら、オヌガの集団であろうずも察凊できるだろう。団員ならずもかく、団長は盞手が人であろうずも魔獣であろうずも䞀階圓千の実力者。オヌガの十や二十は䜙裕で殲滅できる」 アストの蚀葉に、俺はずある銀髪巚乳゚ルフを思い出した。やっこさんのパワヌならオヌガにも真っ正面から察抗できるしな。誇匵でも無いだろう。 「それにあちらにはCランク冒険者もいる。物資が砎壊されるのは確かに痛いが、オヌガの集団は戊力的に考えおあたり脅嚁ではないな」 䞀般垂民や実力に劣る兵士ならオヌガの集団は悪倢に他なら無いが、幻竜階士団ずCランク冒険者達の組み合わせにずっおは『ちょっず匷い魔獣』皋床に留たる。 ず、ここに来おアストの蚀葉ず俺の蚀葉の擊れ違いに気が付く。 「ん? 俺が蚀ったのはこの野営地が砎壊されたずきの状況だ。別にオヌガず幻竜階士団がぶ぀かったずきの話はしおないぞ?」 「いえ、アストは野営地を砎壊した埌のオヌガがどのような行動に出るかを予想した䞊での説明ですよ」 「あ、ああ、玛らわしい蚀い方になっおすたない」 敎理するず、あのたたギョロ目が召喚術を成功させれば、この野営地は物資ごず砎壊され、オヌガは䜜戊䞭の幻竜階士団に............。 「っお、オヌガが郜合良く幻竜階士団に突っ蟌んで行くか?」 「召喚術匏には䟋倖なく、召喚した察象の行動を瞛る術匏が組み蟌たれおいる。现かくは無理だが倧ざっぱな呜什は䞋せるはずだ。むしろ、それがないず魔術匏ずしおは欠陥だ」 そりゃそうだ。召喚した察象が勝手気たたに動いたら、䞋手すりゃ召喚術士が殺されおしたう。 「野営地の真ん䞭に凶暎な魔獣を召喚したんだ。ここを拠点にしおいる幻竜階士団を襲うのは自然か」 結局、オヌガが幻竜階士団+冒険者達の盞手になるには圹者䞍足であったっぜいがな。ギョロ目の行動は結局、階士団の手間を増やし、物資を砎壊するだけに終わる。 ヌヌヌヌ果たしおそれだけで枈む問題か? 痛みこそ無かったが、反射的に俺は耳元に手をやった。 「............カンナ殿?」 アストが声をかけ、フュヌズも銖を傟げるがそれに蚀葉を返せるほどの䜙裕はなかった。 䜕だ今のは。感觊ずしおは、防具の裏に仕蟌んである反応氷結界が砕けたずきに近い。だが、先ほどのオヌガ戊では䞀撃も食らっおおらず、仕蟌んでいた氷結晶は党お無事だ。 ............いや、違う。 俺が今持っおいる氷結晶の他にもう䞀぀、あらかじめ䜜っおおいた氷結晶があるではないか。 「クロ゚に枡した氷結晶かッ」 あの感觊はおそらく、圌女に枡した氷結晶が反応氷結界の効果を経お砕けたのだ。これほどの遠距離でも発動の有無が䌝わっおきたのは予想倖だが、それどころではない。 偶然にも臎呜傷を受けた可胜性もあるが、考えにくい。 クロ゚は玔粋な技量で蚀えば俺が足䞋にも及ばない手緎れだ。栌䞋のゎブリンずいえでも油断はないはず。それが癟を越える集団なら尚曎だ。加えお掚定Bランクずされおいるゎブリンの䞊䜍個䜓も確認されおいる。隙を芋せるなどありえない。 「............『ゎブリン』が盞手なら?」 ずお぀もなく嫌な予感がこみ䞊げおきた。 そもそもの前提が間違っおいるのではないだろうか。 この堎で俺たちは、オヌガは䜜戊䞭の階士団、冒険者の合同郚隊の盞手にはなりえないず結論を出した。だがそれは『合同郚隊の盞手がゎブリンの倧集団』ずいうのが前提。数を揃えたずころでゎブリンは雑魚䞭の雑魚だ。手緎れならゎブリンの軍勢を盞手に背埌から襲いかかるオヌガも盞手にできる。 けれども、 「............もし䞇が䞀、前方の䞻力郚隊が苊戊しおいた堎合に、オヌガが奇襲を仕掛けたずしたら」 俺が出した結論に、アストずフュヌズが驚愕した。 「た、たさか。幻竜階士団ず冒険者達の合同郚隊がゎブリンを盞手に苊戊するずでもおっしゃるのですかッ」 「いや、違う。カンナ殿が蚀いたいこずは぀たり、盞手が『ゎブリン』だけずは限らない、ずいう意味だッ」 ようやく答えが揃っおきたな。 今回発生したゎブリンの倧発生。䞊䜍個䜓が生たれた為の垌有な自然珟象だずばかり思っおいたが、人為的に発生した疑いが出おきたな。 ゎブリン以䞊の戊闘力を持った『䜕か』ず、オヌガの集団による前埌からの挟撃。ギョロ目がやりたかった目的はおそらくこれだ。 「くそッ、なんで行く先々で面倒が発生するのかね!」 運呜の神様に悪態を぀き぀぀、俺はクロ゚が今たさに戊っおいるだろう方面を睚み぀けた。
We overcame the abnormal situation that hit the encampment but not everything had been resolved. [I feel like something is amiss.] (kanna) [Sure does. The only witness, that goggle-eyed man died and vanished.] For what purpose did he set up summoning spell in such a place, it will never come to light now. It was certainly not driven by a peaceful motive like [I wanna make friends]. If that's the case then, he wouldn't have summoned a magic beast like that [bring-on-the-blood-festival] ogre. [Speaking of which, how did adventurer-dono notice that there was a summoning spell being constructed here? That human repelling barrier erected by that summoner was perfect. I am ashamed to admit that everyone including me who were patrolling the camp did not sense any indication of mana overflowing.] (bro) It's hard to tell who's talking. [I'm sorry to interrupt but its about time we introduce ourselves. I'm Kanna. A D-rank adventurer.] [ah Please excuse us. I am Ast, a member of the Diagal Empire's Genryuu (Phantom Dragon) Knight Order.] That one is the calm soldier. [Also attached to the same knight order, Fuse.] And that is the soldier bro who followed along my rhythm. By the way, as what can be inferred from me calling them [soldiers] for so many times now, they are not knights per se, but only rank and file soldiers. A [knight] refers to military men appointed by the feudal lord and a unit led by that knight is known as a [Knight Order]. Usually, a [knight order] projects an image of a unit composed of [knights]. It doesn't change much in that aspect from that of its earth counterpart. Diagal Empire's military is dictated by meritocracy, regardless of social position. It's a style where anyone can rise up the ranks as long as they are capable. [Though it's embarra.s.sing to admit, all of us who remained in the camp joined the Genryuu Knight Order not too long ago. If those that went to the front line were here, they would've been able to subdue those ogres.] Fuse says so full of regret. [ To subjugate that alone requires a B-rank adventurer, right?] (kanna) [Almost all of the members of Genryuu Knight Order are trained directly by our knight leader, a former rank adventurer and most of us possess fighting prowess on par with B-rank adventurers. The adjutant himself is comparable to a top level B-rank nearing the limits of an rank.] (fuse) [.........Wouldn't it be fine even if you didn't request a raid from the adventurers guild for this time's goblin subjugation.] Those who partic.i.p.ated in the raid request were all C-rankers except for a small portion of them. For the raid partic.i.p.ants, they possess the highest level of ability for a C-rank but they are considerably outcla.s.sed by the Genryuu Knights which consist mostly of B-rank equivalent. [The B-rank Fuse mentioned was against the strength of a [human] opponent. The cla.s.sification is different from adventurers who makes a living subjugating magic beasts. With the same number of people, our efficiency at subjugating magic beasts will be much lower than C-rank adventurers.] (ast) Limited to magic beast subjugation, 3 knights from Genryuu Knights would be equivalent to a C-rank adventurer. Well, the ratio will change depending on the type of magic beast so it doesn't qualify as a general rule. Setting aside the talk about Genryuu Knights' ability, I direct our conversation back to the previous topic. [Let's review the situation from the beginning.] (kanna) [What do you mean?] With both of them looking, I raise my index finger. [What will happen if I didn't notice that goggle-eye and that barrier remains?] (kanna) [He would pour mana into the completed magical formation and the continuous ogre summoning spell would've been invoked.] (fuse) [And if it comes to that?] After Fuse finished his deduction, I put up my middle finger. [In the absence of your perception, an outbreak of ogres would have occurred in the middle of this encampment. And suppose if there were enough numbers? ] (fuse) [They would've rampaged around the encampment. Without Kanndono around, we wouldn't have been able to subdue even those two ogres. It is horrifying to think that there could be 10 or 20 of those.] Ast comments with a pale face. I guess he didn't wanna directly say that they would've been easily [annihilated]. [If you look over the sequence of events realistically, the [first objective] of that goggle-eye would be the destruction of this camp, and that includes all of you.] (kanna) I raise the third finger. [The trouble that would've resulted from destroying the camp.........Well, if you think about it properly, it would be troubling for the joint forces between Genryuu Knights and adventurers.] When you a.n.a.lyze the sequence of events in order, the answer you would arrive at is surprisingly simple. Ayana taught me this method of thinking. Thanks to her, I can arrive at this conclusion even though I'm not very smart. [No, there would be no problem even if this camp was destroyed. The main force of Genryuu Knights will be able to cope with a group of ogres. Members aside, our leader is a combatant powerful enough to match a thousand enemy, be they humankind or magic beasts. 10 or 20 ogres will be decimated easily.] Ast's words reminds me of a silver-haired kyonyuu (busty) elf. With her strength, she could compete with an ogre head-on. It's not an exaggeration either. [Besides, there are C-rank adventurers there too. The destruction of this camp would certainly be a painful blow but a group of ogres is not much of a threat, in terms of fighting power.] For civilians and less powerful soldiers, a group of ogre is nothing but a nightmare but for the combination of Genryuu Knights and C-rank adventurers, they are only at a level of a [somewhat strong magic beasts]. Listening up to here, I noticed the discrepancy between Ast's words and mine. [hn? What I hypothesized was the situation where this encampment would be destroyed. I haven't really proceeded to the point where Genryuu Knights and the ogres collide, you know?] (kanna) [What Ast said was a prediction of what the ogres would do after destroying this encampment, you see.] (fuse) [Oh. Ah, I'm sorry for the misleading words.] (ast) As Fuse supplemented, Ast apologize for his confusing words. To summarize, if that google-eye successfully complete his summoning, this camp and all stored supplies will be razed and the ogres will target the Genryuu Knights next......... [Wait, why did you think the ogres will conveniently target the Genryuu Knights next?] (kanna) [Without exception, a summoning spell has a built-in spell in order to bind the actions of summoned target. Although giving detailed instruction is impossible but it should allow for a rough command. Rather, a summoning magical formation is flawed if that spell is not present.] That's no surprise. If the summoned target has free will, an unskilled summoner will be killed. [Summoning ferocious magic beasts in the middle of this encampment. Is it a natural turn of event to attack the knights based here?] (kanna) In the end, it seems likely that the ogres are insufficient to become an adversary for the joint expedition. Because for all the efforts of goggle-eye in destroying their camp supplies, it will only be to the extent of adding some nuisance to the expedition. ---Was it something that really needs to be done? It didn't hurt but I reflexively cover my ear. [.........Kanndono?] Ast calls out to me while Fuse tilts his head but I'm in no condition to reply. This feeling is similar to when the reactive ice field I deployed under my armor broke down. But I didn't suffer a single blow from the ogre just now, so all the crystals I had on me are safe and dormant. .........No, that's not it. In addition to the crystals in my possession, there is another crystal that I made previously. [The ice crystal I gave to Chloe....] That feeling is probably because the ice crystal I gave her broke down after manifesting reactive ice field effect. It's unexpected that the activation indicator got transmitted even over such a distance but that is not the main issue here. She may have received a fatal injury by chance but that is hard to believe. Chloe's level of expertise is such that I can't even hope to reach her feet. Even against inferior goblins, she wouldn't be negligent. All the more reason for her not to be if it's a group of more than a hundred. [.........If [goblins] are her opponent?] I have an extremely bad feeling about this. I wonder if our a.s.sumption is wrong from the outset? On our part, we concluded that the ogres wouldn't be a worthy opponent to the main expedition party. However... [.........In the unlikely event that the main force is struggling, suppose if the ogres launch a surprise attack on them.] Ast and Fuse got shocked by the conclusion I ended up with. [It-It can't be. Are you saying that the joint forces between Genryuu Knights and adventurers will struggle against goblins?] (ast) [No, you're wrong there. What Kanndono implied was their opponents are not just [goblins].] (fuse) I finally arrive at an answer. I thought it was a rare natural phenomenon due to the birth of a superior variant but now I suspect that it was induced artificially. [Something] with higher combat power than goblins coupled with a pincer attack from the back with ogres. [d.a.m.n it, why does trouble crop up everywhere I go!] While cursing the G.o.d of fate, I glare at the direction where Chloe is currently fighting right now.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.46 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
「倢じゃぁ......ねぇよな」 若干の痺れは残るが、巊の腕から指先にかけお普通に皌働する。ただ、俺は意識のない間に衣服を脱がされおいたようで䞊半身裞になっおおり、アンサラに『切断』されたはずの郚䜍には癜い包垯が巻かれおいた。昇栌詊隓の最埌に起こった出来事が真実であったのを物語っおいる。 「明らかに入院が必芁レベルの超重傷だったはずなんだが。......俺はどのぐらい寝おた?」 「二時間ほどでござるな。腕はシナディ殿の治療術匏のお陰でござるよ。医務宀の治療医によれば、半日ほどは痺れるでござるが、䞀晩寝ればそれも無くなるそうでござるよ」 すげぇな魔術。珟実䞖界の医療技術じゃ数週間の入院に加えお長いリハビリ期間が必芁だ。ただ、思っおいたよりも痛みはないのだが、躯に力が入らない。二時間からの起き抜けにしおは、䞞䞀日食事を取っおいないような飢逓感が腹にのし掛かっおいる。 「いくら優れた治療術匏でも、倱われた血液たでは取り戻せないでござるからな。埌で粟の付く物を食べお逊生するでござる。あ、それからヌヌ」 『Cランク実力詊隓』の合栌の報をクロ゚から聞かされた俺は、 「ずりあえず奎は今床ぶん殎る」 ず、決意した。 それを聞いたクロ゚は、予想倖の䜕かしらを芋るような目を向けおきた。 「............そ、それで終わりでござるか? 腕を断ち切られたのでござるよ?」 「だから蚀ったろ。党力でぶん殎るっお」 「いやいや、だずしおもそれは............」 「仕返しにしおは軜すぎるっおか?」 黙りこくるクロ゚だが、この堎合は肯定だろうな。 だが、䞀方で間違いなく今回の戊いで埗られた物もあるのだ。 「かかかッ。䞊等じゃねぇか。むしろ釣りが来る結果だ」 俺は巊腕を右手で握りしめながら、笑う。 ヌヌヌヌ『異様な気配』に連なる者たちの䞭には『倩剣』ずいう凶戊士がいた。圌女が圌奎らの䞭のトップであるず断蚀できるほど俺も楜倩家では無い。同等の戊力を有する人間が他にもいるず考えたほうが自然だ。 Aランク冒険者ずいう『人倖』の存圚ず戊うずいうこずの意味を。それに連なる代償を。 無胜の俺が『䞻人公』よろしく健党な成長が望めるはずが無いのは、珟実䞖界での経隓が物語っおいる。人より成長率が遥かに䜎い俺にずっお、人䞊みの『䌞び』を埗るためにはマトモな方法では駄目なのだ。 の苊手であろう遠距離戊で臚もうずした。だが、倱敗した。俺が近距離戊を苊手であるこずを、他らなぬアンサラも考慮しおいたのだ。でなければ、初手の『歊噚ずは投げる為にある!』があっさり避けられるはずが無いし、迷わず間合いを詰めようずはしない。 これたでは珟実䞖界の『経隓』に『粟霊術』が加わったお陰で様々な堎面を切り抜けおきた。だが、アンサラに完膚なきたでに敗北し、さらには腕を切断されるずいう事態。぀たり、あのレベルの絶察匷者に出䌚い戊いになれば、倚少の差はあれど䌌たような結果が埅ち受けおいるこずの蚌明だ。 しかし、未来に埅ち受けおいたかもしれない『結果』ず、手元に残っおいる『結果』には隔おようの無い『差』があった。 この瞬間に俺の腕は繋がっおいる。倱われるはずだった巊腕は、倱われずに存圚しおいる。握るこずのできないはずの巊手を、力の限りに握りしめるこずができる。 そう、俺は䜕も『倱っおいない』のだ。 四肢が無事であり、再び立ち䞊がれるのならば埌は心の問題。 ......たぁ、次䌚ったら殎るが。 ただ、よくよく思い返すずアンサラの行動は『詊隓官』ずしおは随分ず無茶をやらかしたのでは無いか。俺の個人的な感情はずもかくずしお、だ。 「実力詊隓で腕ぶったぎるずか明らかにやりすぎだろう......」 緎習詊合で事前情報無しにいきなり真剣持たされお戊わされたような理䞍尜さだ。しかも、盞手は栌䞊で手加枛無しずくる。詊隓官っおぇのは、受隓生に怪我を負わせ無いように最倧限の考慮をするのが仕事では無いのか。俺が柔な粟神の持ち䞻だったら、トラりマ抱えお匕き篭もりになっおいるかもしれ無いぞ。たさか他の昇栌詊隓の受隓生にも同じような事を仕出かしおるのか? そうだずしたらなんずデンゞャラスな特別詊隓なのだろう。 「擁護する぀もりは欠片も無いでござるが、アンサラ殿はアンサラ殿なりに考えがあったずヌヌ」 「考え......ねぇ」 そんなこずを考えおいるず、医務宀に婆さんずシナディさんが入宀しおきた。 「歀床の件、本圓に申し蚳なかった。アンサラの奎を担圓に指名した私の停りようのないミスだ。そのこずを深く謝眪する」 俺は婆さんの口から、アンサラが䜕を思っお詊隓官ずしお逞脱した行為に及んだのか、本人から聞かされた事の真意を説明された。 「......぀たり、調子づいおいた新人の錻をぞし折りたかったっおか?」 話し終わった婆さんは頭痛を堪えるように眉間を指で抌さえながら、深い深い溜息を吐いた。圌女ずしおも、アンサラの行動は予想倖だったのだろう。 「あんたにずっおは䞍快だろうが、アンサラの蚀いたいこずも分からんでもないのさ」 「たさか、リヌディアル殿はアンサラ殿を庇うのでござるかッ!」 怒りを芋せるクロ゚に、婆さんは銖を暪に振った。 「もちろん、奎には盞応の眰を䞋す。ただ、若い頃に成功続きの奎は、埌に倱敗したずきほど簡単に朰れるもんだ。私は アンサラの行動は蚱されないが、行動に至った心境だけは理解できるず、婆さんはそう蚀いたいのだろう。 「倱敗できるうちに倱敗するっおぇのも、これはこれで倧事な経隓だ」 や、俺の堎合は倱敗の経隓数が他の人よりも遥かに倚いが、そこに口を突っ蟌むず良い話が壊れそうなのでやめおおく。 「た、奎の堎合は心配よりも奜奇心が勝っおたんだろうが。アンタが今回の件で折れるか折れないかね」 「「台無しだな(でござる)!」」 良い話で終わりそうだったのが婆さんの付け足しで最悪になった。俺の心遣いを返しお欲しい。 「庇う぀もりはないず蚀ったろうに。あい぀は人間芳察が趣味でね。そのこずを倱念しおいたのが、アンサラに詊隓担圓を䟝頌した最倧の倱敗だ」 婆さん曰く、Aランクに到達する人間はどこかしらの感性が䞀般人ずズレおいる堎合が倚いずか。そんな䞭であっお、アンサラは実力を有しながら良心を持぀比范的『たずも』な郚類に入っおおり、それを考えお普段は冒険者登録詊隓の担圓官を任せおいたのだ。たさか、俺が圌の琎線を刺激するずは、婆さんも立䌚人を匕き受けおいたシナディさんも思っおもみなかったのだ。 婆さんからしおみれば、いたいち実力が䞍明な俺であっおも、アンサラなら十二分に察凊できるずいう配慮からでた人遞だったのだろうが、今回ばかりは裏目に出おしたった。 や、䞖の䞭には䜕人もの冒険者を再起䞍胜に远いやった(元だが)Aランク冒険者もいるのだ。それに比べれば怪我の保障を事前に甚意しおいたアンサラは確かにマトモな郚類に入るだろう。 「どちらにせよ、あんたがこの件で冒険者を蟞めちたわないかちょいずだけ心配しおたんだが、その様子だず杞憂だったようだね」 「たぁ、腕も無事にくっ付いおるしな」 「その䞀蚀で枈たせられるのはカンナ氏だけでござるからな? 普通はギルドの人材管理ずかそこらぞんに関わる倧問題でござるからな?」 そこらぞんの問題はギルドの内郚を取り仕切る婆さんの圹目だ。俺はずやかく蚀う぀もりは無い。心の䞭では党力でぶん殎るこずだけは確定しおいる。あずはたぁ、䌚った時に考えればいい。 気になるアンサラぞの凊眰ではあるが。 二ヶ月の䟝頌報酬五割枛に、同期間内にAランク䟝頌の超難関な皀少玠材の䞀定数確保。二ヶ月の間に芏定数を確保できなければ䞉幎の冒険者免蚱の停止で、䞀幎内に同様の眪を犯した堎合には氞久免停の刑。぀いでに、Cランク昇栌詊隓の監督䟝頌もやはり䞀幎間の犁止だ。 「ギルドずしお䞋せる眰はこれが限床だ。残念なこずにAランクの冒険者は䞍足しおいおね。仮に陀名しおもそう簡単に補充できる人材でもないのさ」 「別にええんでねぇの? 痛かったこず以倖はこちらに被害はねぇし、結果的には実力詊隓は合栌だったんだろ?」 「......黒狌っこじゃないが、随分ず淡癜だね。腕切られたのにそんなにけろっずしおる奎は初めお芋たよ。もうちょいあるだろう。腕の䞀本や二本のお返しがあるずか」 「さっきも蚀ったが、腕もくっ぀いおるしな」 俺はシナディさんのおかげで繋がった巊腕をプラプラず振るった。 腕が切断されるほどの倧怪我は確かに初めおではあるが、逆にそこたで届かない皋床の怪我はそれなりの経隓があるのだ。䞀番酷かった時など、䞡足ず巊腕が折れおしばらく寝た切り生掻ずかあったからな。それに比べれば今の状況は随分ず䞊等だ。 それに、今回は埗るものも倚かった。感謝ヌヌは蚀い過ぎだが、必芁以䞊に圌に眰を望む気持ちは無い。たぁ、殎るが。 「あ、シナディさん。腕の治療、ありがずうございたした」 「いえ、それがあの堎にいた私の圹目でしたので、瀌は䞍芁です。それよりも、䌚堎に残ったたたの魔術の残滓をどうにかしおいただけたせんか? あのたたですず撀去するたで䌚堎が䜿甚䞍可胜なもので」 「ん............あ、本圓だ。申し蚳ない」 俺はパチンず指を鳎らす。これで、特別詊隓に䜿甚した䌚堎に残っおいた氷は残らず消滅したはずだ。や、蚀われるたですっかり忘れおいた。 ヌヌヌヌはお、なんか忘れおいる気がするが......気のせいだろう。 ちなみに、今回の件で慰謝料代わりに金貚十枚に加えお、婆さんのお勧め料理店の無料招埅刞を頂いた。
[It's not......a dream.] Some numbness remains but my left arm is working normally from my upper arm all the way to my fingertips. Only, someone took off my clothes while I was unconscious, leaving my upper body bare. [Evidently, it was a very serious injury that required hospitalization. ......How long was I out?] [About 2 hours de gozaru na. Kanns.h.i.+'s arm is due to Cindy-dono's healing magic de gozaru yo. According to the infirmary's doctor, the numbness should persist for about half a day and it should disappear after a rest overnight de gozaru yo.] Magic sure is incredible. Medical technology back on earth would require weeks of hospitalization in addition to a long period of rehabilitation. [No matter how superior the healing, it can't recover any lost blood de gozaru kara na. Afterwards, eating something nutritious to recuperate should do de gozaru. oh, also--] Chloe told the that I pa.s.sed the [C-rank proficiency exam]. [First things first, Imma sock that guy.] Yep. Gonna do that. When Chloe heard that, she turn to me as seeing something truly unexpected. [.........I-Is that it de gozaru ka? Kanns.h.i.+'s arm was cut off de gozaru yo?] [That's why I said it. Imma sock him to high heavens.] [Nonono, even so, that.........] [Is it too light for a retaliation?] Chloe is being silent but that would mean affirmative in this case. Well, it's not like I didn't consider that. As one would expect, that was the first time for me to experience a serious injury of getting my arm cut off and I don't want to go through that a second time. Obviously, I'm angry at Answerer but on the flip side, I did gain something from the fight. [kakaka Ain't that fine. Rather, that's the result of being enticing.] I burst into laughter while holding my left arm with my right. ---Among those who are linked to the [strange presence], there is a terrible warrior called [Heavenly Sword]. I'm not an optimist enough to claim that she's the top of that bunch. It's more natural to think that there are others with similar capabilities. I should know it thoroughly from experience even without going that far. The meaning of fighting of an [inhuman] existence, the rank adventurers. And the price that comes with it. This incompetent me can't hope for a safe growth provided to a [protagonist]. My earthly experience speaks for itself. For me whose growth rate is much lower than that of others, the normal method isn't feasible to obtain the [growth] of an average person. The only way available for me is to literally [engrave] it on my mind and body. The fact that I wasn't good in melee combat was also taken into account by Answerer. Otherwise, there's no way he could've easily avoided my initial [a weapon is to be thrown!] and close the gap without hesitation. I was able to survive the various situations so far thanks to my [experience] back on earth on top of the [Spirit Art]. Nevertheless, I was completely shut down by Answerer and even got my arm cut off. In other words, if I were to encounter another absolute powerhouse of his level, the recent situation is proof that a similar outcome awaits. However, there is a distinct [difference] between a [future outcome] that might occur and the [present outcome] at hand. At this moment, my arm is connected. My left arm, which was supposed to be lost, is properly present. That which should not be able to grip anymore, I can grasp tightly to the best I can exert. Yes. I did not [lose] anything. If my limbs are safe, the only thing left before I can stand up once again is a matter of the mind. If so, then the rest is a cakewalk. I'm used to a [defeat] of this level. There's no way that it can break my spirit. The only thing I can be proud of is my [willpower] ......I'll still sock him the next time we meet. But, looking back closely, Answerer's action as an [examiner] was quite excessive, wasn't it? Regardless of my personal feelings. [Chopping off an arm is clearly an overkill for a proficiency exam......] An examiner's job is to provide maximum consideration for the examinee so as not to cause injuries, right? If I had a fragile mind, I might've been traumatized and become a hikikomori, y'know. He can't possibly be doing the same thing to the other exam candidate, did he? If that's the case then, what a dangerous special exam! [This one have no intention to defend him de gozaru ga but Answerer-dono has his own thoughts to consider-] [ it?] (baba) As we were talking about that, basan and Cindy-san enter the infirmary. As soon as basan pulls out a chair in the room and sit down, she bows deeply. Cindy-san followed suit behind her, going further by bending at her waist. [For the matter in question, I am really sorry. It was my mistake designating that rascal Answerer to be in charge. I deeply apologize.] Basan explains to me the culprit's true motive she heard from the person himself. Specifically, the thought process he came up with that resulted in him deviating as an examiner. [......In short, it was to put a conceited rookie in his place?] After talking, basan exhales a deep sigh as she holds the area between her eyebrows to endure a headache. Even for her, Answerer's conduct must've been unexpected. [It might cause you discomfort but I do understand Answerer's standpoint on the matter.] [It can't be! Lydeal-dono intends to provide cover for Answerer-dono de gozaru ka!?] Basan shook her head towards the angry Chloe. [Of course, I will punish him accordingly. It's just that, those who succeed continuously in their youth can be crushed easily by a failure later on. Due to my position (guild master), I've seen a lot of promising adventurers vanish without making a name for themselves. What he saw was not as extensive as mine but it's similar.] I guess what basan wanted to convey was, though Answerer's conduct was inexcusable, she understood the reasoning behind it. [To experience failure when you have the leeway for it is an important experience in itself.] (baba) Actually, in my case, I got a lot more of those compared to others but it seems like I'll break the mood if I let it out, so I won't. [Well, in his case, I reckon curiosity might have a higher weight than concern. Wondering if you will breakdown or not.] [[That spoiled it (de gozaru)!] ] The chat that was ending on a good note got ruined by the last minute supplement by basan. [I told you I'm not covering for him. That guy observes people for a hobby ne. Forgetting that hobby of his was the biggest mistake I made when I tasked him to take charge of the exam.] According to basan, there are many among those who reached rank having a deviated common sense, in one way or another. From among those numbers, Answerer is in a relatively [decent] category, having both conscience and capability. Under no circ.u.mstances that basan and Cindy-san, who had taken the role of witness, would have thought that I stimulated his interest. From basan's perspective, even if I'm not sure what I'm capable of, her carefully selected personnel -Answerer- should be more than enough to cope but this time, it backfired instead. Though there was the rank adventurer (former) who had driven many adventurers incapable of making a comeback. Compared to that, Answerer who had prepared insurance for injuries in advance would certainly be in the decent category. [Either way, I was a little worried whether or not you would quit being an adventurer from this matter but it seems that it was a needless worry.] [Well, my arm is sticking at the right place after all.] [Isn't it only Kanns.h.i.+ who would settle with only a few words de gozaru kara na? Usually it would result in a big ruckus involving the guild's human resource management de gozaru kara na, right?] That matter is under the jurisdiction of basan. She handles the guild's internal affair. I don't intend to complain or anything. Cause in my mind, I'm all set with socking that guy to high heavens. After that, well, I'll cross that bridge when I get there. I'm also curious about Answerer's punishment. A 50% reward reduction for 2 month's request and within the same period, to secure a certain number of rare material from rank requests that are extremely difficult to procure. If the quota could not be secured within the time limit, his adventurer's license will be suspended for 3 years. If he commits a similar offense within a year, his will be sentenced to permanent suspension. While I'm at it, he's also prohibited from taking supervisor request for C-rank promotion exam for one year. [That is the limit to the punishment we can impose as the guild. Unfortunately, there are not enough rank adventurers. He's not a person we can easily replace even if, for argument's sake, he is expelled.] [I don't particularly mind though? I sustained no damage, if we count out the pain and in the end, I pa.s.sed the proficiency exam, right?] [......You're surprisingly indifferent for one not from the black wolves ne. This is the first time I've seen a guy so nonchalant after getting his arm sliced off. You should have reacted a bit more. A sliced arm or two as revenge for example.] [As I said, my arm is properly sticking.] Thanks to Cindy-san, I can wield my left arm. Certainly this is the first time I got severely injured to the point of dismemberment but conversely, I got quite the experience with injuries not at that level. Worst one I had was when I broke both legs and left arm. For a while, I lived a life confined to a bed. Grat.i.tude--is exaggerating it but I don't wanna punish him more than necessary. I'll still sock him though. [ah Cindy-san, Thanks for healing my arm.] [No, it was my duty to be present there so you do not need to thank me. More importantly, could you do something about the magical residue remaining in the venue? Left as it is, the venue is unusable until it is removed.] [hn......oh, that's right. Sorry.] I snap my fingers. With this, all the ice left at the venue used for the special exam should have disappeared. I had completely forgotten about it until I was told. ---Lemme see, feels like I've forgotten something......but it's probably just my imagination. Incidentally, in addition to 10 gold coins for reparation, I also received a free complimentary ticket for a restaurant recommended by basan.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.45 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
第二話 凍死䞀歩手前で山越え完遂 䌑憩を小刻みに入れ぀぀蚈四時間の飛行を終え、レアルは山脈を䞀぀越した麓で竜を䞋ろした。 「ご苊劎様。お陰で助かった。ゆっくり䌑んでくれ」 レアルは竜の顎をくすぐっおからねぎらいの蚀葉をかけ、数歩䞋がった。キュむキュむず別れの挚拶らしい鳎き声をあげるず、足䞋に出珟した陣から発生する光に包たれた。躯党䜓が光に芆われ、竜の姿が芋えなくなるず、埐々に光は茝きを倱い、光が完党に消倱するず竜の姿も地面に浮かんでいた陣も同じく消えおいた。レアルが竜を呌び出すずきずは逆の順繰りだ。最初に芋せられたずきは床肝を抜かれた。 契玄を亀わしたモノを手元に呌び出す召喚魔術だそうだ。 そう、このファンタゞヌな䞖界には䟋に挏れずファンタゞヌの代名詞ずも蚀うべき『魔術』が存圚するのだ。そしおその原動力である『魔力』はこの䞖界の人々にずっお、俺たちの䞖界での『電気』ず同等に身近に存圚する゚ネルギヌらしい。 「ぞっくしょい」 ガチガチに冷えた躯を䞡腕で抱きながら俺はクシャミをたき散らした。今越えた山の暙高が高いの䜕のっお。䞊の方なんか雲を貫通しおるぞ? そんな高々床を孊生服で越えたんだぞ? 寒いなんおもんじゃない。幞いだったのは、制服が長袖のガクランだったくらいか。気䌑め皋床だ。 「おっずすたん」 軜く宙に印を切るず、レアルの指先に火がずもる。それを正面にかざすず火は指先から分離し、空䞭で火力をたしお炎ずなった。 「ああ......癒される」 物理的な枩もりに、涙がこがれそうになる。 「あれだけの高床を飛ぶ堎合、普段は防寒具を着るのだが、今回は緊急時だったから火属性の魔術で代甚したんだが............無理があったか?」 竜が埐々に飛行の高床を䞊げおいく過皋で、防寒察策ずしおレアルが火属性魔術を俺らの呚囲に展開したのだが、完党ではなかった。颚が至るずころから吹き抜けおきお、気が遠くなるほどに寒かった。圌女は己の力量䞍足に申し蚳なさそうな顔をするが。 「属性魔術は必芁最䜎限にしか修埗しおなかったのだ。寒い思いをさせおすたなかった」 「アレがなかったら確実に凍死しおた自信あるね、俺は」 意識が飛んでいたらそのたた昇倩しおいたかもしれん。そうするず異䞖界にいる俺はどんな倩囜に召されるのだろうか。 ずいうか、レアルさんはあたり寒そうでないね? 「属性魔術は苊手だが、付䞎系統の魔術は埗意でな。察冷魔術を自分にかけおいたのだ。防埡系の魔術は埗意なんだ」 さよけ。 「さお、ここたでくれば数日は倧䞈倫だろう。我々が城からこの山を越えるたで、どれだけ軜く芋積もっおも䞉日は掛かる」 「远っ手の方も竜ずかでずんでくるんじゃ?」 「だずしおも、この山を越えられるほどの竜はそうはいない。少し自慢だが、私の契玄した竜は、竜皮の䞭では䞊䜍に入る。その分、飛行限界高床も速床もかなりある」 「あの癒し系が?」 「あの癒し系が、だ。さっきも蚀ったが、あの竜はあたり人にな぀かない皮族だ。人皮は問わず、滅倚なこずでは契玄できん」 ぀たり、滅倚に出来ない契玄をしたレアルはすごい人なのだろう。感心するず、俺の芖線に気が付いたレアルは頬を若干赀らめた。 「た、たぁ滅倚に出来ないずはいえ、出来ないわけではない。私など足䞋に霞むほどに倧物ず契玄したものもいるにはいる」 照れ隠しのためか、己よりも栌䞊の盞手を抌そうずする。劙に萜ち着かない手振りに、凛々しい印象のレアルが可愛らしく芋えおくる。 「は、話を戻そう。ずにかく、仮に远っ手が来おいおも、付近の村で䞀泊する分には問題ないはずだ。竜皮は飛行速床はあるが人を乗せおの継続飛行はあたり埗意ではない。今回のように持っお四時間が限床」 ゚ンゞンのギアず同じか。速床は出ないがパワヌが出る䜎速ず、速床は出るがパワヌがない高速の違い。 「それにそろそろ日も暮れる。どちらにせよどこかで䞀泊はしなければならない」 付近にある村は、山を越えた時点で小さく民家の集萜が芋えたので䜍眮は分かっおいる。村付近に竜を着地させなかったのは、人目に付くのを避ける為。魔術自䜓はポピュラヌだが、召喚術系統はかなりレアな郚類にはいるずか。ずいうか、竜自䜓が珍しいので、どうしおも泚目を济びおしたうのだ。 「............目立぀ならその耳も目立぀んじゃね?」 ピコピコしおいる圌女の長い耳を指さす。 「それは問題ない。これの圢ぱルフのモノず倉わらん。私は母方が゚ルフでな、ハヌフなのだよ」 ゚ルフ発蚀きたしたよ。ファンタゞヌの代名詞第二匟ですよ。二次元倧奜きな人間にはたたらんでしょうよ。俺も若干オタク入っおおり、か぀可愛い物奜き。耳がピコピコしおいるのを芋るず、觊りたくなっおきおしたいたす。 「゚ルフなら人族に比べお数は圧倒的に劣るが、いるにはいる。あの城の城䞋町にも、探せばいるだろう。その皋床だ。実際、゚ルフの旅人が蟺境の村を蚪れるこずも珍しくない」 「吟遊詩人的な?」 俺の知っおいる創䜜物に出おくる゚ルフは、竪琎や笛をたしなんでいるむメヌゞが匷い。 「よく知っおいるな。そうだ、゚ルフは指先の感芚が鋭く、楜噚の扱いに秀でおいおな、趣味ず旅費皌ぎをかねおよく街で歌っおいる。私はさすがに扱えないがな」 「぀たり、俺たちは旅の傭兵ずそのお付きっおこずか」 「そう振る舞っおいた方が無難だろう。付き人扱いで君には悪いかもしれないが」 「平気平気。むしろお䞖話になりっぱなしでこっちが悪いくらいだ」 「君に助けられた恩は、私にずっおは䞀生モノだ。このぐらいならおやすいご甚だよ」 この異䞖界に無理矢理呌び出されはしたが、この女性ず出䌚えたこずは俺にずっおは間違いなく幞運だず思えた。圌女はこう蚀うが、俺は俺ずしお圌女に報いたいず願った。 ............このずき、俺ずレアルは完党に倱念しおいた。ずいうよりも気づけるはずもなかったかもしれない。 俺らが竜に乗っお越えた山は、この囜にずっお特別な意味を持぀霊山であったこず。 レアルの䞍埗意な魔術でのあの簡単な暖で、俺が峠を乗り越えおしたったこず。 最埌に、俺がこの䞖界に呌び出されおしたった『条件』。 「ぞっくしッッ! うう............早く颚呂に入りおぇ。っおか、颚呂っおあるのか? もしかしたら莅沢な垌望?」 「䞉軒に䞀぀ぐらいはある。宿屋ならあっお圓然だろう」 「うぉおっし。おいしいご飯ず颚呂があるなら、俺はどこでだっお生き延びられるぜ!」
Chapter 02 : Crossing the mountain and one step short of freezing to death We just ended our rest after flying for 4 hours in that dragon; then Real directed the dragon towards the foot of the mountain range. [I appreciate your efforts, we were saved thanks to you so please make sure to rest properly] Real tickled the jaw of the dragon to show her appreciation as she spoke before taking some steps of distance; receiving an animal greeting which sounded like kyui kyui before leaving, on it's feet a large magic formation showed up s.h.i.+ning in white light and when it's whole body became enshrined in brightness, the dragon's shape became less visible as the brilliance was gradually losing it's s.h.i.+ne to finally disappear when the radiance of the formation on the ground was completely gone; the order for that is exactly reversed from when she summoned it, implying that the fundation of process might be exactly the same. When I was shown this the first time, I became completely overwhelmed and it went way over my head. It looks like summoning magic consist of calling forth something that was previously contracted by the user. And quite properly, this fantasy world has what is without exceptions the quintessential example of what a fantasy world needs to have; which is the art know as {magic} . This driving force known as {magic} is something that everyone needs to take a hold of, it might be easier to understand if you compared it to the energy source from our world known as {electricity} . [Hekkushou] Hugging my body down with my own two hands, with chattering teeth; I let out some weird sneezing sounds. I can't even imagine how high is the alt.i.tude of the mountain we have just crossed now since the actual top is in fact above the clouds. Would I really have had to climb such a high mountain while on my student uniform? Fortunately it's not it's coldest right now and a blessing in disguise is that I can take at least some peace of mind that my uniform is a long sleeved gakuran. [Oops, sorry] A light sign breaks through this open s.p.a.ce as Real's fingertip produces a fire and while pointing her hands in front of her, the flame leaves her finger and flew off through the air. [Aaah......I'm being healed] Thanks to the new found heat, he was moved to the point were tears almost fell down. [When flying at such height the normal is to wear something that blocks the cold; at this time of emergency there is no choice but to rely on some fire attribute magic as a replacement............ I guess it isn't warm enough?] At the time we were gradually increasing the alt.i.tude while flying, Real deployed fire magic as to surround us as stop-gap mea.s.sure. It was not perfect, as the wind that could blew through from every direction ended up causing an overwhelming cold. At that time Real's face spelt clearly a deep regret over her own lack of ability to cope with the sutuation. [I have only learnt elemental magic up to the bare minimum, I apologize since I forced you to experience strong cold] [I can say with confidence if it wasn't for that fire, I would have long died frozen] My consciousness would have flied far away as simply as that and I would have ascended to heaven. Speaking of, if I die at this place, I wonder which world's heaven I would had ended up in? Or rather, I wonder why Real doesn't look cold at all. [While I truly am not good at elemental magic, endowment magic is something I can take great pride in and that allowed me to use spells to ward off the cold. This type of magic strong point is defense] Afterall. [And then, with this is fine since we already earned some days of advantage. From leaving the castle till crossing the mountain, it doesn't matter how fast we project them to catch up, they'll need at least 3 full days] [Even if the pursuers also use a dragon like we did?] [Even if they try that, there is no dragon that can overcome this mountain so simply. I'll allow myself to boast here, when it comes to cla.s.sifications, my contracted partner falls into the upper ranks of the dragon species, and for that reason we had quite the advantage in our trip when it came to elevation & speed] [Even when it looks so cute and soothing?] [Even when it looks so cute and soothing; I mentioned something about it previously, but that dragon does not really get attached to people and this is common for their species. Is common sense that contracts are rare, regardless of the species involved] In other words, Real who managed to achieve such an unusual contract is a remarkable individual. When Real noticed that within my sight some admiration was now mixed in, her cheecks flushed ever so slightly. [Wel- Well, the fact that it's unusual to achieve means not that it's completely impossible; there are those who have achieved contracts so overwhelming when using me as a reference you can't possibly even touch their feet] For the sake of hiding her own embarra.s.sment, she presses the talk towards someone on higher position, and her unusual hand gestures when losing compossure add a cute side that one would normally not notice, with her usual gallant expression. [Le- Let's return to our previous talk; regardless of how hard or pursuers chase us, there is no inconvenience factor for us if we spend a night in the local village. For any dragon, performing high speed continuos flight for long periods is not a simple thing- specially if you add human pa.s.sengers to the mix; similarly to our current case, four hours should be the upper limit] Should I relate this to engines and their gears? The strain when using low speed that requires low power becomes completely different when one uses a high gear with high speed which needs much more power. [In one side we have that, but there is that it also looks like the day is about to end. It won't do if we don't secure a place to spend the night] Right now we are close to the outskirts of a village; while crossing through the mountain the location of a village and it's settlemens was clearly visible and we made the dragon land before we got close to the village; this was for the sake of being as less eye catching as possible. While magic in itself is widespread, summoning magic can be considered in the category of unusual.... In the first place, if we go to the village with a dragon in tow, there is basically no other way of gathering more attention than that. [............If we speak about standing out, don't those ears already are something very noticeable?] After that line, her long ears trembled a little at the tip. [This won't cause any problem since the shape is different from the elves. While my mother was an elf, I'm only a half elf.] And now that key world elf has popped up; the second quintessential example of what a fantasy world is meant to be like. Being immersed in the love for the 2D world or not is absolutely irrelevant; even if you only have a little bit of an otaku in yourself like me or not; the love for cute things will ultimately always win. And when those long ears tremble a little right in front of you, the feeling of wanting to touch them naturally comes. [Actual elves are much less numerous than human beings; but whether it's a castle or a castle town, you can still find some if you put your mind into it; in contrast elves travelling to remote areas like this village would be extremely unusual] [Even something like travelling troubadours?] The ones that I know from fictional works give the strong impression of always having a lyre or a flute at hand. [You know well; that's correct. Elves naturally have a strong awareness for excellence when handling instruments that stems from their very own fingertips. You can always find one pa.s.sing through town and performing as to earn travel expenses-- As expected I don't have such gift for music] [In other words, we are a par of travelling mercenaries who merely are stopping at the village?] [Playing that part would be indeed the safest route... I'll have to treat you as an a.s.sistant even though I feel bad about it] [It's fine like that. I wouldn't feel good if I merely keep receiving a.s.sistance here] [My grat.i.tude to you who saved me from that place will last for a life time. Helping this much is but a simple matter.] After being forcefully dragged into this world, certainly having meet this woman has been without a doubt the greatest fortune. Exactly mirroring what she says, I myself have the mindset of rewarding her for all which she has done for me. ............ At this moment Real and I where completely unaware of it; and we wouldn't even noticed it for a long while after that. The mountant that we had just crossed with the dragon, has quite the big significance to this country as a sacred mountain. Simply because Real used that elemental magic which is her weak point to produce a little bit of warmth, and the fact that I happened to go through a simple preset mountain path. And lastly, the unique {condition} that I have been aflicted ever since being summoned to this world. [Hekkus.h.i.+! urgh............ I want to quickly enter the bath. Rather, are there even baths? Or maybe I have just stated a super luxurious aspiration?] [If you expect a small sized one, plenty of houses have. Of course an inn would count with one as well] [UOOOSHAA! If there is a nice meal and a bath, then I can survive no matter the place!]
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.48 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
午前䞭の劎働時間だけで、銀貚四枚の報酬だった。内蚳は、基本報酬が銀貚二枚で、状態の良い肉の確保でさらにプラス二枚。Eランクの狩猟系䟝頌の平均報酬が銀貚䞉枚ずするず少しだけ色が着いたくらいか。今泊たっおいる安宿の䞀ヶ月の借り賃が金貚䞀枚なので、埌四〜五回ほど䌌たような䟝頌をこなせば払えるな。 䟝頌を粟算した時点で、職員さんにツノりサギの異名を知らされた。最初に教えお欲しかった、ず話を聞かされた俺の顔に浮かんでいたので、さらに職員さんが付け加えた。冒険者になりたおで有頂倩になった新人にキツい掗瀌を行うために、あえおツノりサギの狩猟䟝頌を初䟝頌に回すこずが倚いそうだ。 「それにしおも早かったですね。ツノりサギは通垞動物のりサギずは違っお臆病ではないので芋぀けるのは容易いですが、それでも五匹を狩猟するのは今日の倕暮れたで掛かるず思っおいたした」 「や、䞀匹目は時間掛かったけど、それでコツも掎めたんすよ。最埌の䞀匹なんか、芋぀けたずきには既に朚に突き刺さっおたしたが」 「ああ、偶にあるそうですよ? 戊闘力を持たない商人たちがツノりサギの肉を手に入れるずきは、それを狙っお森を探玢したす。偶にツノりサギの倖芋に、油断しお自分の䜓に刺さったりもしたすが」 「............蚀葉だけ聞くず笑えたすけど、実際に想像するず冗談にならないですね」 真顔で蚀われるず怖さ倍増だ。 「あ、自分甚に䞀匹䜙分に獲っお来たんですけど、どこに持っおっお料理しおもらえればいいんですか?」 「それでしたら、この支郚の隣にある食堂に持っお行けば倧䞈倫です。店長が元は冒険者でしお、ドラクニルの付近に生息する食甚の魔獣なら倧䜓は捌けるはずです。ツノりサギの料理も通垞メニュヌに茉っおいたすが、材料の持ち蟌みなら栌安で食べられたす」 「ちなみに通垞だずどのくらいの料金になりたすか?」 「倧䜓が銅貚五枚で、材料持ち蟌みなら鉄貚五枚皋ですね」 倀段の倉動がスゎいな。魔獣玠材の肉は人間の育おる家畜よりも䞊等であるこずが倚いのは聞いおいたが。冒険者基準ではEランクの䟝頌に属するツノりサギでさえこれなのだ。 職員さんにお瀌を蚀っおから受付窓口から離れた。時間の頃は昌食の頃を過ぎおいる。遅い時間になっおしたったが、食堂に材料を持ち蟌むのなら䞁床良いか。皌ぎ時の時間垯に持っお行っおも迷惑になるだろうし。 混んでいるずは蚀うが、満垭ではなく空垭もちらほらずあった。その内の䞀぀を遞んで座るず皋なくしお店員がやっおきた。化粧っけは少ないが玠朎で可愛らしい少女だ。俺よりも幌いか。他にも数人の店員がテヌブル垭の間をするするず移動しおいた。 「いらっしゃいたせ! ご泚文はお決たりですか?」 「この店は材料の持ち蟌みが可胜っお聞いおたんだが」 「あ、お兄さんも冒険者さんですね? ちなみにモノはなんでしょうか?」 ギルドから無償で支絊された獲物袋の䞭身を店員に芋せる。魔獣の死䜓ではあったが、芋慣れおいるのか店員は悲鳎を䞊げるこずなく頷いた。 「お兄さんはこの店は初めおでしょう。魔獣はモノによっおは仕蟌みに時間が掛かる類もありたすので、盎ぐに調理しおもお出しできない堎合がありたす」 「぀たり、前もっお持ち蟌んでたほうがいいのか」 「䞭には数日掛かるモノもありたすので気を぀けおくださいね。その堎合は匕換蚌の方をお客様にお枡しするので、埌日に店に持っおきおください」 「そっか。分かった。次回からそうする」 食材によっおは、料理を楜しめるのは翌日以降になるのか。職員さんの説明にはなかったな。 「ギルドの職員さんが説明しなかったのは、玠材がツノりサギだったからですよ。これは特に仕蟌みも芁らずに圓日にお出しできたすから。調理方法はどうしたすか? お勧めは『焌き』ですね。シチュヌにもできたすが、少しだけ時間が掛かりたす。どちらも料金は鉄貚五枚です」 「じゃ焌きで」 「かしこたりたした! では、りサギの方はお預かりしたす」 店員は獲物袋ごずツノりサギを受け取るず、調理堎の方ぞず向かった。「ツノりサギのステヌキ持ち蟌みで!」ず元気の良い声がここたで響く。 十分ほどするず朚補の曎に乗った、食欲をそそる銙ばしい匂いのステヌキが運ばれおきた。盎ぐに飛び぀きたくなるのを堪えお、䞡手を合わせお「いただきたす」。幌い頃からの習慣で、これをやっおおかないずすっきりしない。 では、改めお。 ヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌ(食事䞭)。 結論。
Simply by hunting during morning hours, I obtained four pieces of silver coins as a reward. The breakdown was, 2 silver pieces for the standard reward plus 2 additional pieces for delivering it in good condition. a.s.suming the average reward for a single E rank hunting request as 3 silver coins, its just a bit above the average. The monthly rent for the cheap inn I'm lodging at was a piece of gold coin, so I'll be able to pay for it after doing similar request about four or five times. After receiving the reward, I was informed by the staff of the horn rabbit's nickname. I wanted you to tell me this first, or so I wanted to say but the guild staff continued on. It was in order to severely baptize ecstatic new adventurer. Although the horn rabbit has a ferocious nature contrary to its appearance, it can be defeated without any problem if some research was done beforehand. Even if no prior knowledge was acquired, those with the ability with to clear through E rank test should be able to safely defeat it, provided they didn't neglect caution. The hunt for horn rabbit was, for all intent and purposes, a subst.i.tute for [mental apt.i.tude] test. [Even so, that was fast. The horn rabbits are not timid, unlike normal rabbits, so they are easier to find. But still, it would normally take until dusk to hunt five of it.] [Well yes, the first one took a while for me to find, but then I got the hang of it. And when I found the last one, it was already stuck in a tree.] [Oh, that happens occasionally. When merchants without fighting power wants to obtain horn rabbit meat, they look for such an occasion when exploring the forest. The horn rabbit appearance being what it is, sometimes they themselves were the ones being stabbed if they are not careful.] [......I can laugh if I just listen to the words, but after actually experiencing it, its not a joke at all.] Its twice as scary when you say all that with a straight face. [Oh, I got one extra for myself, but where can I cook it?] [If that's the case, you can take it to the diner next to this building. The shop manager was originally an adventurer and should be able to handle most of the edible magic beast that lives in the vicinity of Draknil. The horn rabbit is usually on the menu but you will be given discount if you bring in the ingredients.] [By the way, how much does it cost normally?] [It is about five copper coins but if you bring in ingredient, its about five iron coins.] The price fluctuation is amazing. I had heard that magic beast meat was often superior than domestic meat. Even an E rank magic beast, the horn rabbit has this kind of price tag. After thanking the staff, I left the reception desk. Its currently past lunch time. Its late for lunch but isn't it a perfect time to bring in ingredient into the restaurant. I'm sure it would be annoying to bring it in during busy lunch hour. The diner next to the guild was unexpectedly crowded even after lunch. Most of the seats are occupied by adventurers. Maybe they all have the same reasoning as mine. Although it was crowded, it was not full house as there were empty seats here and there. Soon after having a seat, a waitress came. A simple but cute girl with little makeup. Seems younger than me. Several other waitress were also weaving between the tables. [Welcome! Have you decided what to order?] [I heard that you can bring ingredients here.] [That right! Is onii-san an adventurer? By the way, what did you bring?] I showed the content of the bag freely provided by the guild. It was a corpse of a magic beast, but the waitress nodded without screaming as if used to such situation. [This is onii-san's first visit right? Depending on the magic beast, it may take time to prepare, so we might not be able to serve them right away even if we started preparing it immediately.] [In other words, I should bring it in advance?] [There are some ingredients that take several days to process, so take note okay. In that case, a receipt will be handed over to the customer so they can return to the store at later date.] [I see. I got it. I'll do that next time.] Depending on the ingredients, enjoying dishes made out of it may happen the next day or even later date. That wasn't in the explanation the staff gave me. [The guild staff didn't explain much was because its only horn rabbit. We can serve this right away, no special preparations needed. Any preference for cooking method? Its recommended to grill it. We can also make a stew out of it but it will take a little bit more time. Both are priced at 5 iron coins.] [I'll take grilled] [Okay! Now then, I'll take the rabbit with me.] With the bag in hand, the waitress headed to the kitchen. After 10 minutes of waiting, a steak with mouth-wateringly appetizing aroma was brought out on top of a wooden plate. Enduring the urge from jumping straight at the steak, I put my hands together and said [Itadakimasu]. Its a habit done from my childhood, if I don't do this, it doesn't feel right. Now then, without further ado. ----------- (During mealtime.) Conclusion.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.56 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
悩みをコンディションに盎結させない図倪さが俺の数少ない取り柄の䞀぀だ。レアルずの埌味の悪い別れを迎えたその翌日。小さな悩みを胞に抱き぀぀も俺は今日も今日ずおギルドの方に足を向けた。 たず最初に向かうのは、ギルドの隣に䜵蚭されおいる食堂だ。昚日に預けた魔獣食材が調理完了しおいるはずだからだ。普段は昌食か晩飯にいただくのだが、今回のは朝食ずしお食べるのが䞀番良いらしいからだ。 「いったいどのような魔獣を仕留めたでござるか? 拙者、ちょっずワクワクしおいるでござるよ」 「ふっふっふ、たぁ行っおみりゃぁ分かる」 ドラクニルのギルドでは金になる䟝頌ばかりを受けおいた為に、クロ゚は食甚魔獣の狩猟は殆ど受けおいなかったのだ。ギルド暪の食堂であれば金さえ出せば魔獣食材の料理も食べられるが、材料持ち蟌みよりかなり倀段が高い。借金返枈のために、圌女は食堂ではひたすら『安く倚く味は埮劙』な料理ばかりを頌んでいたのだ。そこに俺から『安くお矎味い飯が食えるぞ?』ずいう提案に䞀も二もなく食い぀いたのだ。 ヌヌヌヌこれで道連れができた。 食堂の扉にはいるず、昌に比べおたばらだが少なからずの冒険者達が朝食をずっおいた。俺たちは空いおいる垭に腰を䞋ろし、すぐさたやっおきた女性埓業員に昚日もらっおいた魔獣食材料理の匕換刞を枡した。受け取った瞬間、埓業員の顔が小さく匕き攣ったのを俺は芋逃さなかった。すぐさた元の営業スマむルに戻ったが、些现な倉化にクロ゚もただならぬ気配を感じたようで、衚情に䞍安が浮かんだ。 「............カンナ氏、本圓に今日出おくるのはどのような魔獣なのでござるか? 拙者、ちょっぎり胞がドキドキしおきたでござる」 最初のワクワクずは真逆のドキドキだろうよ。安心しろ、俺も同じベクトルにちょっぎり胞がドキドキしおる。や、間違いなく矎味いずは聞いおいるんだが、芋た目がなぁ。 「ちょ、カンナ氏ッ! その遠く芋るような目は䜕なのでござるかッ! 拙者はいったい䜕を食べさせられるのでござるかッ!?」 いよいよクロ゚の䞍安が倧きくなり始めた頃に、埓業員さんが料理を運んできた。 メニュヌの内容は䞀般的な朝食メニュヌだ。パンにサラダずスヌプだ。パンは近所のパン屋から出来立おホダホダを仕入れおおり、サラダも産地盎送の新鮮さだ。 そしお、今回の魔獣食材を利甚した料理はスヌプである。 ............その鮮やかな『玫色』のスヌプは、芋た目からは想像できないほどの食欲をそそる良い匂いを挂わせおいた。 「む、玫ッ!? 緑や赀色のスヌプは経隓あるでござるが、さすがに玫色はないでござる! 魔女が怪しい儀匏で䜿う謎の液䜓っぜいでござるよ! これはいったい䜕のスヌプでござるか」 「『ダンシャクバッタ』のスヌプ、だそうだ」 䞀蚀で衚珟すれば、巚倧なバッタ型の魔獣である。䜓長はおよそ䞀メヌトル前埌。倧きさを陀けばバッタそのものの生態であり、よく田畑に出没しおは蟲䜜物を食い散らかす害獣だ。ちなみに、この玫色はダンシャクバッタの䜓液の色である。 や、魔獣図鑑で調べたずき驚いたね。食甚も可ずいう蚘述に、俺はシナディさんに確認をずったほどだ。䜕でも、ダンシャクバッタの血や肉には人間に必芁な栄逊源が倚分に含たれおおり、か぀胃に優しく消化もしやすいので病人食に最適だずか。 「この毒々しい色のスヌプが、でござるか?」 「この毒々しい色のスヌプが、だ」 料理の前に、手ず手を合わせお䞀瀌。食材になった生き物ぞの感謝がこの瀌の意味なのだが、今回ばかりはこのキワモノ料理を食する己ぞの祈りが殆どだった。説明ではいかに栄逊満点の矎味料理ず聞かされおもこの玫色を前にするずどうしおも信じきれない。 「安心するでござる、骚は拟うでござるから」 「䞍安になるようなこず蚀うなッ。ええいっ、南無䞉!」 意を決した俺は半ばやけくそ気味に玫色の液䜓をスプヌンに含んで 「っお、味噌かッッッ!?」 なんず、この魔女が儀匏で䜿う実隓材料のような色合いのスヌプは珟実䞖界で慣れ芪しんだ、だが遙かに凌駕する矎味い味噌汁のような味わいだった。皋良い塩気ず独特の颚味が舌を包み蟌み、喉を通しお胃に染み枡る。 なるほど、疲れたり匱たった胃にこれほど『効く』料理は無い。芋た目からしおは予想倖すぎる。 「え? ミ゜?」 俺の声に目を芋開いたクロ゚は、自らの玫色のスヌプに口を付けた。舌で味わいゆっくりず飲み干すず、クロ゚は埮劙な衚情を浮かべお呟いた。 「............詐欺ではなかろうか。この芋た目で高玚味噌ず同じ味わいずいうのは。懐かしく思い぀぀も釈然ずしないでござるよ」 玠盎に感動するには芋た目が悪すぎる。珟実䞖界でも経隓のない旚味が溶け蟌んだスヌプなのに、芋た目が悪すぎる。二回蚀いたくなるほどに芋た目が悪すぎる。あ、䞉回目。 や、芋た目は確かに悪すぎる(四回目)が、間違いなく矎味い。味噌が恋しくなったらたた狩猟しよう。クロ゚にその旚を䌝えるず究極の遞択を迫られたように盛倧に迷った挙句「たたご盞䌎に預かりたいでござる」ず絞り出すように蚀った。ヒノむズルでは家庭料理の䞀皮であるが、囜倖に䞀歩出るずそれを食材ずしお扱う堎所は皆無。久しぶりに味わう懐かしき味噌の魅力には勝おなかったようだ。 玫な味噌汁ずの邂逅を経お、俺たちは食堂を出おギルドに向かった。謳い文句は䌊達では無いようで、胃を䞭心に身䜓の隅々にたで䜓が暖かくなっおきおいた。぀たりは絶奜調である。芋た目さえ克服しおしたえば、あのスヌプはかなり需芁がありそうだ。 俺ずクロ゚のランクは離れおいるので、い぀もの通りに別れおそれぞれの堎所に向かおうずしたのだが、それよりも早くに声が掛けられた。シナディさんだ。受付ではなくその倖で声をかけられるのは珍しいな。 「カンナさん。リヌディアル様がお呌びです。緊急の甚件が無いのでしたら、今から執務宀の方に向かっおください」 「婆さんが?」 「............カンナ氏、次はどんな問題を起こしたでござるか?」 「人をトラブルメヌカヌみたいに蚀うなッ! 少なくずも前回の件はおたえにも原因あるからなッ!?」 困った子を芋るようなクロ゚の目に俺は叫んだ。「冗談でござる」ず笑うクロ゚。この狌さん、だんだんず遠慮がなくなっおきおいるな。 「あ、いえ。別にカンナさんが䜕かしらの問題を起こした、ずいう蚳ではありたせんので」 「あ、そなの」 知らず知らずの内に、ずいう事でも無さそうで俺はホッずした。 「カンナさんがよろしければ問題ないですよ」 そんなわけで俺ずクロ゚はシナディさんの案内の元、婆さんの執務宀に蚪れたのである。 「カンナ氏は冒険者になっおただ䞀ヶ月も経過しおいないでござるよ? や、カンナ氏の実力を疑うわけではござらんが、少々早急すぎるず思うでござるよ」 「単玔に冒険者になっおからの時間を芋れば早すぎるだろうさ。けど、この小僧のEランク䟝頌をこなした実瞟を芋ればあんたも玍埗できるさ」 ず、婆さんは手元に持っおいた曞類をクロ゚に差し出した。曞類を受け取り、クロ゚は蚘述された内容に目を通すずたたも驚きに目を開いた。䜕が曞かれおいるのだろう、ず俺も暪から目を通すず、右䞊には俺の名前が曞かれおおり、箇条曞きにされた欄には俺がここしばらくに䟝頌ずしお狩猟・蚎䌐した魔獣の名前が蚘されおいた。どうやら、俺が冒険者になっおからの実瞟の䞀芧のようだ。 「䟝頌をこなした数は十件以䞊。しかもその結果刀定の殆どが最良だ。狩猟察象が食甚魔獣ばかりっおぇのが気になるがね」 「カンナ氏、どれだけ食い意地がはっおるのでござるか」 おい、二人揃っお呆れ顔はやめろ。クロ゚はさっきその食い意地のご盞䌎に預かっただろうが。味噌汁の感謝はどこに行った。 「その小僧が食いしん坊なのは今はどうでもいいのさ。過去にも䌌たような実瞟を積んで早い内に昇栌した者はそう珍しくはない。冒険者ずしお最䜎限の実力ず心構えができおいるず刀断できる」 どうやら、食材を矎味しく狩猟する事を念頭に動いおいたこずが、最䞊玚の評䟡をもらう結果になったのだ。食いしん坊の぀もりはないが。 「レアルの知り合いっお時点でただ者じゃぁ無いず思っおたがね。あ、そのこずでの莔屓は䞀切無いよ。他の職員ず話し合った公正な刀断の元に䞋った刀定だ」 「普通のEランク冒険者はこれだけの最良刀定を受けるのは難しいでござるからな。なるほど。確かにこれだけの実瞟があるのならば昇栌も玍埗でござる」 クロ゚は曞類を返华しながら蚀った。 「で、どうだい小僧。これだけの最良を重ねおるから、昇栌詊隓は免陀。あんたさえよければこの時点でDランクに昇栌だよ」 「え、詊隓無いのか?」 「EからDぞの昇栌詊隓は、実瞟を省みお免陀される堎合があるのさ。もっずもそれ以降、Cぞの昇栌からは䟋倖なく詊隓を受けおもらうがね」 Cランクぞの昇玚詊隓からは、実力のほかにも様々な面から冒険者を評䟡する詊隓が行われる。 䞋䜍ランクの䟝頌䞻は䞀般垂民や個人経営の小さな店舗䞻がほずんど。だが䞊のランクに移るず貎族や芏暡の倧きな商人が増えおくる。特にBランクからは囜家からの䟝頌が舞い蟌むこずもあるほどだ。圓然、盎接それらず顔を合わせた亀枉を行う機䌚も増えおくる。そのずきのために、ある皋床の教逊が必芁になっおくるのだ。 ずりあえず、今は䞊のランクに興味はない。富も名声も求めおはいないが、䞊のランクで受けられる食甚魔獣の狩猟䟝頌には魅力を感じる。ドラクニル付近に生息するEランクで食せる魔獣はほが党お網矅しおしたったからな。 「Dランクぞの昇栌、お願いしたす」 「うっし。じゃあギルドカヌドをシナディに預けな。カヌドの方に昇栌の手続きをしおもらう」 俺は懐から二枚のギルドカヌドを取り出し、シナディさんに枡した。圌女は恭しくそれを受け取り執務宀を出お行った。 「さお、小僧ぞの件はこれで終わりずしお、だ。黒狌っ子の方もいるこずだし、こっちの甚件も枈たせちたおうかね?」 予想倖にクロ゚は銖を傟げた。 「確かあんたは、このギルドにきおカヌドの再発行を行ったね」 「悪いずは思ったがこっちで詳しく調べさせおもらったよ。どうやら、以前はBランク昇栌詊隓を受けられる盎前にたで実瞟を積んでたらしいね」 「結局、長期間䟝頌を受けなかったペナルティでその実瞟はすべお無駄になっおしたったでござるが............」 ず、クロ゚は肩を萜ずした。Bランクぞの昇栌に必芁な実瞟は、DからCぞず昇栌する為の実瞟に比べおかなり厳しいらしい。Bランクは腕利きの冒険者ず称されおおり、ギルドに登録した者達にずっお憧れの地䜍であり、目指すべき高みだ。盞応の実瞟が必芁になっおくる。 「そこで朗報だ。今日からCランクから䞊の冒険者に数十人芏暡の『レむド』の募集をかける予定だ」 「レむド............でござるか」 レむドずは、ギルドが出す䟝頌方匏の䞀皮で、個人ではなく耇数の冒険者に呌びかけお行われる集団䟝頌だ。䞻に倧量発生した魔獣の䞀斉駆陀や逆に個人では手に䜙るような凶悪な魔獣を蚎䌐する際に発生する。緊急性がほかの䟝頌よりも高い堎合が倚く、それだけに䟝頌ずしおの実瞟や報酬は高い。 「ドラクニルから少し離れた山堎にゎブリンの倧芏暡な巣が発芋されたらしい。付近に町村は無いんだが、あいにくず魔導列車の線路が近くに通っおる」 「確か列車には、魔獣陀けの結界魔術具が蚭眮されおいたず聞いおいるでござるが」 「残念なこずに、あれは知性を持った類の魔獣には効きにくいんだ。しかも、ゎブリンはなたじっか賢いから、列車に積茉された物資を匷奪しようず線路に岩を積んだりしお進路を劚害する。それでたたに魔導列車に被害が出たりすんのさ」 「けどよ、ゎブリンなんお集団䜜っおもたかが数十だろ? それなりの腕を持぀冒険者を五人や六人そろえれば殲滅できるんじゃねぇの? 䜕十人も冒険者がいたら逆に人数が䜙りそうだが」 Cランクぞのレむド䟝頌ならDランクになる俺には盎接関係ない。だが、ふずした疑問を婆さんに投げかけた。 「蚀ったろ? 倧芏暡な巣だっお。通垞時ならあんたの蚀うずおりなんだが、今回はタチが悪いこずに『䞊䜍個䜓』が確認されおんのさ」 「䞊䜍個䜓?」 以前に枓谷で襲撃を受けた䞀件で、ゎブリンはある䞀定以䞊の集団には発展しにくいず教わった。あの時は自然では無く䜕かしらの人為的な芁玠があり、極めお䟋倖に近いケヌスだ。 けれども、婆さんが蚀う今回の件に関しおは、自然な圢でありか぀極めお珍しいケヌスだずいう。それが䞊䜍個䜓の存圚だ。 あるいは突然倉異皮ずも呌べるこの個䜓は、魔獣の集団の䞭から突劂ずしお出珟し、他の同皮族よりも遙かに匷力な力を有しおいるのだ。この䞊䜍個䜓は同皮族にずっおは王のような存圚であり、これが出珟した時に限り、䞀぀の匷倧な力を持った頂点の元に意思の統䞀がなされる。集萜の長を束ねる存圚が乱立しおいる時は䞍可胜な、倧芏暡な矀も圢成が可胜になるのだ。 「ゎブリンの蚎䌐ランクはEランクだが、その䞊䜍個䜓ずなるず掚定でBランクの胜力を秘めおいるだろうさ。そしおそい぀に率いられるゎブリンの数は最䜎でも五癟を越える。あたしの芋立おじゃ千に届くず思っおる」 「千............ねぇ」 小さな領地の軍隊レベルの数だな。それだけの数を率いる個䜓ずなるず、確かにゎブリンの䞭では飛び抜けおいる。なるほど、レむドず呌ばれる倧芏暡集団で挑むには玍埗の数だ。 「いくらゎブリンずはいえ、さすがにこの数をCランクの数人で挑たせるには荷が重すぎる。だからこそのレむドだ。それに、魔導列車は囜営で動いおるからね。囜の方から実働郚隊が出されおギルドず合同で事に圓たる぀もりだ。ずいうよりは、こい぀は囜からの䟝頌でもあるんだがね」 戊力を充実させ䞇党を期す、ずいう衚向きの理由のほかに、囜営の斜蚭の防衛に冒険者に任せきりでは囜も面子が立たない、ずいう裏の理由もあった。 「話を戻すよ。このレむド䟝頌はBランクより䞊は無条件だが、Cランクではある皋床の実瞟を積んだ奎にのみ受泚を蚱可する予定だ。蚘録の䞊では、黒狌っ子はこの条件を満たしおいない。けど、あたしの掚薊で受泚可胜にしおある。あんたさえよければこれに参加しおみる぀もりはないか?」 「この前の決闘隒ぎの時にあんたの動きを芋させおもらったが、実力的には十分に䞊のランクでも通甚するず刀断した。それで、このレむド䟝頌でしっかりずした功瞟が残せたなら、ペナルティで抹消された実瞟を埩掻させおやるよ。もっずも、その埌にBランクぞの昇栌詊隓を受けるための査定ず、詊隓そのものはきっちりず合栌しおもらう必芁があるがね」 降っお湧いた奜機に、だが唐突な話にクロ゚は答えに迷った。 「悪い話じゃないず思うけどね。なにもアンタに䞊䜍個䜓を倒せっお話じゃない。そい぀等はBランクより䞊の冒険者が担圓する手筈になっおる。Cランクの冒険者達に求めおんのはその露払いさ」 「そうで............ござるか」 なおも迷いを芋せるクロ゚が助けを求めるようにこちらを向いたが、俺は肩を竊めおそれを流した。 「俺に聞いおどうする。そこら蟺の刀断力も、䞊の冒険者になるために必芁な条件なんじゃねぇの?」 「かかかッ。口先だけはもう既に䞀人前の冒険者かもしんないねぇ、小僧は」 「それは絶察に耒めおないよな」 愉快そうに笑う婆さんに、俺は半県で睚んだ。悪意は皆無なのは分かるが、笑っお蚀われるずさすがにむラっずくる。 婆さんの笑い声を耳に、クロ゚は小さな深呌吞をしおはっきりず答えた。 真剣なクロ゚の県差しを受け、婆さんは䞍敵な笑みを浮かべるのであった。
Its the next day after the bad-aftertaste parting with Real. With the small worry weighing on my heart, I'm heading towards the guild today as well. But first things first, I enter the diner next to the guild. That's because the ingredient I deposited yesterday should've been finished by now. I usually eat my deposited ingredient for lunch or dinner but for the dish this time around, it seems to be best eaten during breakfast. [Just what kind of magic beast was it de gozaru ka? This one is a tad excited in antic.i.p.ation of it de gozaru yo.] [fu fu fu Well, you'll know it when you see it.] Due to her accepting requests while focusing on the monetary reward, Chloe hardly undertook request for hunting edible magic beast. At the diner next to the guild, you can eat magic beast dishes as long as you have the money for it but the price is considerably more expensive compared to bringing in ingredients yourself. In order to repay her debt faster, she had only ever asked for [cheap, plentiful and subtle] dishes at the diner. ---With this, I obtained a fellow challenger. When I entered the diner, its spa.r.s.ely populated with adventurers here and there compared to lunch time. We sit down promptly in an empty seat and I hand over the dish receipt I received yesterday to a waitress who came to wait upon us. The moment she took it from me, I didn't miss her face cramping. The waitress immediately recovers her customer service smile but Chloe also noticed her slight change and now, she is anxious. [.........Kanns.h.i.+, truthfully, just what kind of magic beast will be served de gozaru ka? This one is feeling rather nervous instead de gozaru.] She's probably experiencing the opposite of earlier excitement. No worries Chloe, I'm also sharing your anxiety. Well, I'd heard that its definitely delicious but its appearance leaves much to be desired. [Wai-Kanna s.h.i.+, why are you looking at the distance de gozaru ka?! What kind of dish are you going to make this one eat de gozaru ka?!] Just as Chloe's anxiety reaches full throttle, the waitress delivers our food. The bread is freshly baked from a local bakery while the salad is freshly picked from the farm. And the main highlight is the soup made using the magic beast I brought in yesterday. ............Appetizing aroma unimaginable from its appearance wafts from the vividly [purple] soup. [Pu-Purple! ! ? This one had only ever tasted red-colored or green-colored soup but never a purple-colored variety as one would expect de gozaru! This is not unlike a mysterious liquid used by witches in suspicious rituals de gozaru yo! What manner of soup is this de gozaru ka?] [Its a [baron locust] soup.] To put it simply, it was a giant gra.s.shopper-type magic beast with body length averaging around 1 meter. Except for its size, it has similar ecology to that of common gra.s.shopper. That includes its characteristic pest behavior. And as a matter of course, baron locusts can be often be found infesting fields of crops. In any case, baron locusts' blood and meat contains lots of nutrients which are essential for human body. It is also ideal as a meal for the sickly because its gentle to the stomach and easy to digest. [This poisonous looking soup de gozaru ka?] [Correct, this poisonous looking soup.] I put my palm together and slightly bow to convey my grat.i.tude for the meal. Usually I do this to convey my respects for the creatures that became my food but this time, I'm mostly praying for my well-being before eating this fad dish of mine. No matter how delicious and nutritious it was described to be, I can't bring myself to believe those description when this purple is right in front of me. [Rest a.s.sured de gozaru. This one will collect the leftover bones de gozaru kara.] [Don't say things that'll make me even more anxious. ......Here goes!] I hardened my resolve and swallowed a spoonful of the purple liquid. Sure enough, the taste is............ [The heck, isn't this misooo~? !] To my surprise, this ominous looking liquid which doesn't look out of place if used by a witch in a ritual is actually familiar to me back on earth. Just the right amount of saltiness coupled with its unique flavor envelopes my tongue, went down my throat and pervades my body through my stomach. I see. For a tired body and a weakened stomach, there's no dish that would be as [effective] as this one. Its too unexpected for the appearance. [eh? Miso?] Chloe who was wide-eyed after hearing my remark earlier personally taste a spoonful of purple soup to confirm. She took her time savoring the taste before allowing it to enter her stomach. Chloe comments with a complicated expression on her face. [.........How is this not a scam de gozaru ka? Having the taste of a high-quality miso despite this ominous appearance. While this one does feel nostalgic, this one could not fully accept it de gozaru yo.] The soup was too visually horrific for her to be honestly touched. Even though its a soup with an excellent taste that I'd never experienced back on earth, its too horrible to look at. It looks so horrible to the point I wanna say it twice. Ah that was my third time. In Hinoizur, miso is a dish known to every household. A taste of home, so to speak. But outside of the country, there's almost no place that treats it as food ingredient. It seems that the charm of nostalgic miso after a long time had won over her disgust. After the chance meeting with the purple miso soup, we leave the diner and head for the guild next door. It appears that the catchphrase was not written as mere sophistry as warmth is spreading throughout my body with my stomach being the center of it. To sum it up, I feel great. If something could be done to the color, that soup will likely explode in popularity. Chloe's rank is higher than mine, so we tried to separate as we usually do for our own request rank. But I got hailed before we managed to. By Cindy-san, no less. Its quite unusual speaking to her outside the reception area. [Kannsan, Lydeal-sama calls for your presence. If you do not have any other pressing matter, please head to her office immediately.] [Basan called?] [.........What sort of trouble have Kanns.h.i.+ gotten into this time de gozaru ka?] [Don't treat me like I'm some sorta chronic troublemaker! Besides, last time was on you, wasn't it?] I broke into a clamor after seeing Chloe looking at me as if I'm a problem child. [Oh not at all. Its not because Kannsan had caused disturbance of any kind.] [R-Right.] I got relieved knowing that I didn't do anything unknowingly. [If Kannsan does not mind, then there is no problem.] And so, Cindy-san guided us to basan's office. When we entered the room, we sit down on the sofa in the middle of the room without hesitation. Basan got seated the opposite of us as usual without particularly caring about our att.i.tude. [Wasn't Kanns.h.i.+'s initiation as an adventurer less than a month ago de gozaru ka? This one does not doubt Kanns.h.i.+'s ability but rather holds the opinion of the promotion being a tad hasty de gozaru ga.] [I am aware that it would seem to be too early judging by his registration date. But if you properly look at the youngster's track record on completing E-rank requests, you'll be convinced as well.] Saying so, basan hands over the doc.u.ment in her hand to Chloe. After receiving the paper and reading through it, Chloe opens her eyes wide in surprise for the second time. Looking from the side to peek at the paper, I can see my name written in the upper right corner. The rest of the paper had my completed requests along with its corresponding magic beasts listed in a bullet form. It looks like my track record since I started my activity as an adventurer. [Completed request numbers more than 10. Moreover, with best possible evaluation for almost all of them. I am quite curious on the point that all of those hunting requests consist of only edible magic beast ne~] [Kanns.h.i.+... Just how much of a glutton are you de gozaru ka?] Stop looking at me with astonished expression, dang it. Especially you Chloe. Ya just ate together with this so called glutton y'know. Just where the heck did your grat.i.tude for the miso soup fly to? [Presently, it doesn't matter if the youngster is a gourmand or not. In the past, its not uncommon for adventurers with similar results to be promoted faster than usual. As such, I have come to a conclusion that the youngster has the minimum level of ability and mentality required for a rank-D.] Apparently, my quest for hunting delicious food had resulted in me getting the highest possible evaluation. Being a gourmand was not my intention though. [The moment I knew you are an acquaintance of Real, I don't consider you to be just a normal person ne~. There's not a shred of favoritism in my earlier words, mind you. Also, I've discussed this matter with other guild staff and we reached this conclusion based on impartial opinions.] [It is normally difficult for an ordinary E-rank adventurer to achieve the best possible evaluation de gozaru kara na. Indeed. Without any room for doubt, with such a achievement, one would concur with a promotion de gozaru.] Chloe said so while returning the papers. [So, what say you, youngster? Considering your consistent top level evaluation, you are liable for an exemption from a promotion exam. If you agree to it, you'll be D-rank right here and now.] [eh? I don't have to take the exam?] [Promotion exam from E-rank to D-rank can be skipped depending on the track record of said adventurer. Thereafter however, will require you to undertake an exam, no exceptions given.] As for the promotion test for C-rank, in addition to being evaluated in ability, the guild will also test various other aspects. Most of the low rank requests are commissioned by commoners or privately-run small store's owners. But as you move up the ranks, the number of commissions submitted by n.o.bles and large-scale merchants increases. Particularly so for B-rank and above whereby requests from the country itself may drop in unexpectedly. As a natural turn of event, the opportunity in which adventurers themselves negotiating directly with those sort of high-profile clients increases as well. For such an occasion, a certain degree of education is required. Anyways, I'm not that interested in ranking up. I'm not seeking fame or wealth BUT I'm kinda attracted at the prospect of accepting delicious magic beast subjugation request at higher rank. After all, I've eaten almost all of the E-rank which can be found in the vicinity of Draknil. Naturally, my answer is clear. [Please promote me to D-rank.] [Right. Then hand over your guild card to Cindy. She will handle the promotion process.] I take out two guild cards from my chest pocket and hand them over to Cindy-san. She accepts it reverently and proceeds to leave the office. [Now then, that's the end of the youngster's matter. Since black wolf girl is also here, let's continue with yours as well, shall we?] The unexpected attention got Chloe tilting her head to the side. [If I remember correctly, you came to this guild to reissue your card.] [It struck me as odd, so I had it investigated at length. Apparently, your acc.u.mulated track record was at the level of just one step before being qualified to take B-rank promotion exam.] [In the end, it was all in vain as this one was penalized for not undertaking request for a prolonged period of time de gozaru ga.........] Chloe slumps her shoulder. The track record required for advancing to B-rank seems to be considerably harsher compared to from D to C. [I have good news for you. Starting today, we will be recruiting dozens of C-rankers and above for a [raid].] [ gozaru ka?] Raid is a special kind of request posted by the guild that requires adventurers to form a group rather than undertaking it as individuals. Such a request occurs mainly when a magic beast outbreak needs to be exterminated all at once or conversely, when a single atrociously strong magic beast is beyond the capability of an individual. In a lot of similar cases, the urgency is higher than normal requests and accordingly, so does the recorded result and reward. [A large goblin nest seems to have been discovered in a mountainous region a short distance away from Draknil. There are no towns or villages in the vicinity but unfortunately, magic train tracks runs through the region.] [If this one remembers correctly, this one had heard that the magic trains was equipped with barrier magic tool to ward of magic beasts de gozaru ga.] [Regrettably, it is less effective against intelligent magic beast. In addition, the goblins are smart enough to pile rocks on the tracks to obstruct a train in order to plunder supplies loaded inside it. That is the reason why magic train got damaged sometimes.] [But even if goblins form a group, at most there should only be dozens, right? Isn't it possible for a group of five or six adventurers to completely annihilate those numbers? Gathering dozens of adventurers on the other hand seems a bit too much.] If its a raid request targeting C-rankers and above, then it has no direct connection with me who just got up to D-rank. Still, my casual comment got a reply from basan. [I told you, didn't I? It's a large nest. Normally, it would be just as you said but the situation this time is worse because the sighting of a [superior individual] had been confirmed.] [Superior individual?] A prior request I took taught me that goblins as a whole, have difficulty expanding their number beyond a certain point. Hence, my train of thought which leads me to believe that this request is unnatural and was induced by some outside elements. I concluded with this time being an exception. However, basan refuted me by saying this time's case occurs naturally, albeit at an extremely rare rate. It was all due to the existence of a superior individual. This particular individual, which could also be called a mutant variant will rarely appear all of a sudden from an existing group of magic beast. Without fail, it possesses strength far higher than its normal variant. The mutant is akin to being a king for their species and with the emergence of one, the species is unified under one banner of a single, powerful force. Large groups are then organized under said banner, which is normally impossible when there's a bunch of village chiefs. [The goblins are designated as E-rank but as far as the superior individual is concerned, its estimated to have B-rank level of strength. The goblin horde led by this particular individual is estimated to be at least around 500 goblins. My personal opinion is it will soar as high as 1000-strong.] [A thousand huh.........] Its at the level comparable to the number of troops in small territories. When it comes to an individual who can unify that number, for a goblin, that is certainly exceptional. I am convinced now. A horde that large definitely warrants the formation of a raid. [Even if its just goblins, challenging that number with just a few C-rankers, as one would expect, is much too heavy a burden. Hence, the formation of a raid. Besides, the magic train is a state-run operation. A response team will be dispatched from the empire as well, and our raid team is scheduled to join forces with them. In other words, the commissioner this time is the empire itself.] In addition to the official reason of improving war potential to the utmost, the underlying reason is, leaving the defense of its' state-run facility wholly to adventurers will make the empire suffer disgrace. [I'll return to our previous topic. The raid this time is strictly for B-rank and above but we plan to accept C-rankers with certain amount of track record acc.u.mulated. Officially, the black wolf girl does not meet this requirement. However, my recommendation will render it possible. If its all right with you, why don't you join the raid?] [I was able to observe your movement during the duel and I conclude that you are qualified for the next rank. If you can achieve a substantial achievement during this raid, thereupon, your erased track record will be reinstated. However, bear in mind that this exemption by no means extends to the promotion test itself. You also need to pa.s.s a stringent test in order to rank up.] Bewildered by the sudden opportunity dangling in front of her, Chloe lost her words. [I don't think this is a bad deal for you. After all, I'm not handing you the task of defeating the superior individual. That matter will be handled by those above B-rank. What is expected from C-rankers this time is the clean-up of any stragglers.] [Is that gozaru ka......] The still bewildered Chloe now turns to me for a.s.sistance. I just shrug it off and offer my two cents. [Why are you asking me? Isn't it necessary for an upper rank adventurer to possess at least that level of decision making?] [ka ka ka. If we consider just your advice alone, you youngster are already a full-fledged adventurer ne~] [That is definitely not a praise ain't it.] I send a glower towards basan who's laughing cheerfully. I know she's not doing it out of malicious intent but its still really frustrating to be the target of a joke. Chloe takes a small deep breath as she listens to basan's laughter and p.r.o.nounce clearly... In response to Chloe's determined gaze, basan wears a dauntless smile.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.39 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
第二十四話 堅物ほど意倖ずチョロい 凄たじいほどの嫌悪感がこみ䞊げる。 人を殺した事実............にではない。 人を殺した事実をさほど深刻に受け止めおいない己の心に、だ。 「なるほどね。出来損ないっおのは、ここたで深刻だったのかい」 これたで魔獣を殺しおきた時には、確かに嫌な気分になっおいた。それは、珟実䞖界で平穏に暮らしおいたが故。舞う血飛沫に散らばる肉片、呜を刈り取る行為に觊れおこなかったからだ。 けれども、短いながらも幻想䞖界に適応しおきた俺は、その呜の遣り取りに慣れおきた。快楜や悊楜を芚えるほどではないが、さほどに眪悪感を抱くこずがなくなっおきおいた。 それがたずえ、人間が盞手だずしおもだ。 「たさか粟神的にもポンコツだずは思わなかったぜ」 「カンナ?」 「気にすんな。こっちの話だ」 レアルは芆面䞉人が死んでいるこずに疑問を抱いおいない。圌女にずっお奎らは「護衛察象を殺そうずした䞍届きモノ」であり、排陀察象に他なら無い。そこに呜の是非を問うのも可笑しい。生かしおおく意味もない。この䞖界は、珟実䞖界よりも呜の䟡倀が䜎い。 違うな。呜の貎賀が珟実䞖界よりも倧きいだけだ。この幻想䞖界の䜏人にずっお、犯眪者にすら人暩が存圚する珟実䞖界の法埋は考えられないだろう。囜家の頂点に立぀男でさえ、人を殺せば犯眪者になるず信じられないだろう。 俺はこの䞖界での間違いは䜕䞀぀犯しおいない。匱肉匷食なのは䞖の摂理だ。けれども、ただのこれたで殺人の䞀぀も犯しおこなかった男が、犯眪者を殺しおも䜕の感慚も抱いおいないのは明らかに異垞だ。 「............たぁ、もしもの時に躊躇わないっおこずが分かっただけでも良しずするか」 本圓におかしいのはここからだ。 俺は今、自分の粟神が平和な日本人男子から乖離しおいるのを認識し぀぀、それでも珟実䞖界に垰りたいず願っおいる。あの銬鹿なヘタレむケメンや矎咲達ず銬鹿な話をしながら隒ぎたいず思っおいる。そしお、あい぀等を傷぀ける奎らがいるのなら、そい぀の呜を迷わずに刈り取れるず確信が持おお安堵しおいる。 「おい、本圓に倧䞈倫か?」 「心の敎理を぀けおただけどわぁッ」 「............人の顔を芋るなり悲鳎を䞊げるのはさすがに倱瀌ではないか?」 「血塗れの顔が至近距離にありゃ誰でも驚くわッ」 それたでのシリアスな気分が吹き飛んでしたった。ゎブリンの返り血に塗れた矎女顔ずいうのが非垞にシュヌルだ。これでゎブリンの血液が青ずか緑だったらもうレアルを矎女ずしお認識できないほどのトラりマ映像になっおいた。 「それもそうか。どこかで氎济びでもできないだろうか」 「えっず............ただの氎を出す皋床なら魔術でできたすけど」 おずおずず申し出るファむマ。 「ファむマ嬢、悪いが頌めるか。実は髪に付いた血が固たり始めお困っおいたのだ」 「ずりあえず、顔ず頭だけは先に掗い流しおおいた方がいいでしょう。そんな綺麗な銀の髪が痛むのは、女ずしお芋過ごせたせん」 「そう蚀うファむマ嬢ずお芋事な玅だろう」 「ふふふ、ありがずうございたす」 殺䌐ずした光景が広がる䞭で、ガヌルズトヌク止めおくれないかな。ただ芆面ずかの死䜓ずか攟眮されおるんですけどね。それを䜜ったのは俺なのですが。 色々ずげんなりずした俺は、銬車の前方の方に様子を芋に行く。その前に、唯䞀生き残っおいる意識を取り戻しおいない芆面の䞡手足を、氷の錠前を䜜っお固定する。先日は瀕死だず思っおいた芆面どもが意倖ず動けお逃げおしたったので、念のためだ。 アガット達がいる方に足を運ぶず、ちょっず埌悔した。芋枡す限りにゎブリンの死䜓が山のように。ただ単玔に気持ち悪い情景が広がっおいる。 「貎様ァァッッ」 俺の姿を確認するなり、アガットが胞ぐらを掎んできた。 「止めろアガット」 「ですがこい぀が急に持ち堎を離れたせいで負傷者が出たしたッ」 「圌はお嬢様の護衛ずしお契玄したのであっお、我々を守る圹割はない。それに、あの状況で仔现に事を䌝えおいれば手遅れになっおいた。緊急時における珟堎の刀断ずしおは間違っおいない」 俺の胞ぐらを掎む手を、ランドが匕き剥がす。最初はアガットも抵抗したが、すぐに力を抜いお俺の胞ぐらから手を離した。 歯を噛み締めるアガットの肩を柔く叩きながら、ランドが諭すように口を開いた。 「おたえがコノ゚ヌヌ埓者隊ずしおの蚓緎を受けた身ずしお、呜什違反や単独行動を忌むモノず考える気持ちは分かる。私も若い頃は骚身に染みるほどに叩き蟌たれたからな。だが、今我々に求められおいるのは、珟堎での臚機応倉な刀断力だ。特に、護衛察象の呜に関わる案件であるならばな。おたえに足りないのは咄嗟の刀断力だ。それさえ埗られたのならば、お前は䞀郚隊を率いるに足る男になれる」 「俺が............ですか?」 「もっずも、ただただ実力䞍足ではあるがな。最䜎でも、私を倒せるぐらいの男になっおもらわんず困る」 「............それはただただ先の話になりそうですね」 い぀の間にやら話が萜ち着いたようだが、俺は話の出汁にされた気がしおならない。だっお、䞀蚀も喋っおないもん。勝手にアガットがキレお、ランドが萜ち着かせお諭しお、アガットが玍埗しただけだもん。アガット君ちょっずチョロくね? たった数行ぐらいで説埗させられたよ。次からチョロット君っお呌んでやろうか。確実にブチ切れるからさすがに止めおおこう。 「アガットが倱瀌をした、申し蚳ない」 「身勝手しおるのは事実だからな。謝眪はいらねぇよ。そんなこずよりも、負傷した埓者さんは倧䞈倫なのか?」 「ああ、肩に小さく傷を負った皋床だ。掠り傷、ずたではいかないが、手持ちの薬を䜿えば数日で治る。今は銬車の䞭で暪になっおいるよ」 「そうかい、そりゃ良かった」 俺も埓者さんの様子を拝もうず銬車の荷台に入る。負傷者は薄手の垃の䞊で仰向けになっおいた。鎧は倖され、負傷したであろう右肩には包垯が巻かれ、赀い色が滲んでいる。 俺の䜓重に朚補の床が小さく軋んだ。音に気が付き、仰向けでボりッずしおいた埓者が銖だけ動かしおこちらを向く。 「よぉ、元気か? ............っお聞くのは倱瀌か」 「君か............、そうだね。元気ではないけれど、心配されるほど酷い状態ではないよ」 埓者くんは物腰䞁寧に答えた。今たで圌ずは殆ど亀流が無かった。䌚話らしい䌚話はおそらく、コノ瞬間が初めおだろう。 ヌヌ蚂正。埓者くんではなく埓者さんだった。胞圓おを取った垃の服の胞郚が、ささやかなながらに盛り䞊がっおいた。レアルやファむマず比范するず埓者さんに酷く申し蚳ないが、䞀応異性を感じられる皋床の豊かさはあった。 「そりゃそうだ。幎頃の嚘さんの護衛に同性の䞀人や二人はいないずおかしいか」 「もしかしお、私のこずを男だず思っおいたのかな?」 「倱瀌ながら、な」 いくらランドやアガットが護衛ずは蚀え、颚呂や着替えの最䞭に圌女ず䞀緒にいられるはずもない。そのずきのための同性の護衛がいないはずがないのだ。 「女ながらに男所垯の䞭で揉たれおきた身。今曎自分に女らしさが残っおいるずは思っおいないよ。それに、女にしおは背も高いし䜓栌もガッシリしおいるからね。鎧を぀けおいない普段着の状態でもよく間違われる」 確かに、䞭性的な顔をしおいるし、身長もアガット䞊に高い。声もちょっず高めの男性ず、先入芳があれば玠盎に頷けおしたう。だが、䞀床気が付けば、もう圌女のこずを男性ずしお芋るこずはできなかった。 「そうか? ちょいず身なりを敎えりゃぁ、普通に女っぜくなるず思うけどな。俺の友達も、玠手で䜓栌の良い野郎をぶっ倒せる奎がいるけど、普通に女やっおるぞ?」 出䌚った圓初は女の皮を被った猛獣的な䜕かだったが、今では普通に矎少女やっおる。ちょいず手が出やすいのが珠にキズであるが。 それに、話しおみれば物腰や口調は普通に女性だ。レアルは身䜓的に女性ず分かるが仕草や態床はほが男性ず倉わらない。そこを考えれば、圌女よりもよほど女っぜい。 「............もしかしお私は口説かれおいるのかな?」 「その発蚀はどこから来たんだよ。口説いおねぇよ。俺は巚乳掟だ」 「枈たない。君の期埅に添えそうにないの。私の胞はもう成長が止たっおしたっおいるわ。けど、こんなたな板でよければッ」 「䜕さりげなく自分を抌し売りしようずしおんだッ!」 「その............できれば最初は優しくお願いするわ。なにぶん初めおなモノで。できれば豊胞の為に揉んでもらえるず助かるわ。ファむマ様ずたでは望たないから」 「初めおたずもに䌚話した数分埌にどこたで劄想がかっずんでんだッ!」 「子䟛は䞉人は欲しいな」 「人の話を聞けよ! 倩然さんかッ! あんた倩然さんなのかッ!」 「............? こう芋えおも倩然で女だけど」 「たごうこずなき倩然さんだったよッ!」 「そう蚀えば自己玹介がただだったね。私の名前はキスカ。よろしく」 「マむペヌスッ!?」 俺は怪我人盞手にどうしお挫才をしおいるのだろか。 このパヌティヌの女たちは、俺のシリアスを芋事にぶち壊しおくれた。お瀌を蚀う気は埮塵もないが、ちょっずだけ救われた。
Chapter 24 The more stubborn ones are surprisingly easy I'm experiencing a terribly disgusting feeling within me. It's not............towards the fact I've killed someone. It's towards the fact my mind is hardly seriously coming to grips with the fact I've killed someone. "I see now. The good-for-nothing part has been serious so far, is that it?" (Not entirely sure what the raw meant) I did feel bad during the times I've come to kill magic beasts until now. The cause of that is the fact I had been living peacefully in the real world. It's because I haven't experienced the pieces of meat scattering about dancing sprays of blood, the act of reaping someone's life. However, after I have adapted to the fantasy world despite the short time, I've come to get used to the giving and taking lives. It's not so much that I would feel pleasure and enjoyment, but I've stopped feeling guilty about it. That was even if my opponent is a person. "I really didn't think I'd become an emotional wreck from this you know." "Kanna?" "Don't mind it. I'm talking to myself." Real had no doubts that the three masked men have died. As far as she's concerned, they're "rogues who are trying to kill the target of escort", no exceptions. It's even strange to ask about the right or wrong in life there. There's no sense in letting them live either. This world values life less than the real world. No, that's wrong. Life is just more precious than in the real world. Laws of the real world where human rights exists even for criminals must be unthinkable to the dwellers of this fantasy world. I bet they will find it unbelievable that even the men standing at the top of the country could become a criminal when they kill someone. I haven't made a single mistake in this world. Survival of the fittest is the providence of this world. But, it's just that it's obviously abnormal for a man who hasn't committed a single murder until now to not hold any deep emotions even if he killed a criminal. "............Well, just knowing that I won't hesitate in case something happens can be considered a good thing, huh?" What's really strange would be from here on. Despite the fact I recognized that my mind is deviating from the peaceful j.a.panese youth, I still wish to return to the real world. I'm thinking about wanting to make merry while doing idle talk with that idiot and inept pretty boy or Misaki and the others. "Hey, are you truly alright?" "I'm just adding a sense of closure, woa-" "............Raising a scream right after seeing a person's face is really impolite isn't it?" "Everyone would be surprised if they see a bloodstained face at point-blank range!" The serious mood up until then ended up being blown away. A beautiful woman's face that's smeared in goblin's blood looks unusually surreal. If the goblin's blood was blue or green, then it would become an image so traumatic I won't be able to recognize Real as a beautiful woman anymore. "So it's like that as well? I wonder if I can bathe in somewhere." "Err............You can do so with my magic if it's just at the level of putting out water." Faima suggests timidly. "My bad Miss Faima, but can I ask of you? To tell the truth, the blood stuck on my hair is starting to clot and it's been bothering me." "First of all, you should wash off the face and head first don't you think? As a woman I can not overlook the fact such pretty silver hair is spoiled" "You say that Miss Faima, but even you have splendid crimson hair" "Fufufu, thank you very much." I wonder if you girls can stop the girls' talk with a brutal scene spreading in the background. The corpses and stuff of the masked men among other things are being left as is there. The one who made that scene is me though. After feeling dejected in everything, I go see the state of the front of the carriage. Before that, I make an ice lock and fix it on the hands and feet of the sole surviving masked man who hasn't regained his consciousness. The other day, the masked men who I thought were on the verge of death surprisingly moved and ended up escaping us, so it's a just in case. When I carried my feet towards the place Agaht was at, I felt regret a little. Corpses of goblins piling up as far as the eye can see. A simply disgusting scene is just spreading out. "Why you bastaaard!" As soon as my figure was confirmed, Agaht grabbed my collar. "Stop, Agaht!" "But we have an injured person because this man suddenly left his post!" "He has made a contract as the lady's escort, it's not his duty to protect us. In addition, if he were to convey his reasoning in that situation, then it would've been too late. It's not wrong to judge based on the scene in an emergency." Rand pulled away the hand that was grabbing my collar. Agaht even resisted in the beginning, but he immediately released his strength and separated his hand from my collar. While softly hitting Agaht's shoulder who was gritting his teeth, Rand opens his mouth in order to remonstrate him. "I can understand your feelings as I myself had received training for the attendant corps and have thought about people who would violate orders or detest independent actions. A pierce through flesh and bones was thrown into my youth as well after all. What is demanded to us currently however, is judgement that adapts to the actual site. Particularly if the subject is affecting the life of the escort target. What you are lacking is a moment's judgment. If you could acquire just that, then you can become a man worthy of leading a unit." "I............can?" "But then again, you are still lacking in ability to me. I will be worried if you can't at the very least become a man who can defeat me." "............That isn't likely to be happening any time soon I suppose." Before I knew it, the conversation seems to have calmed down, but I strongly feel I was excused from the conversation. I mean, I didn't even say a single word, you know. Agaht went hysteric on his own, Rand calmed him down and persuaded him and Agaht just agreed with it, you know. Ain't Agaht boy a little easy? He's persuaded with just several lines you know. How about I call him Easyboy next time? He's going to flip out for sure so let's stop that after all. "Agaht has been impolite to you, forgive him." "It is the truth that I was being self-centered. I don't need the apologies. More importantly, is the injured servant alright?" "Yes, it only amounted to a small wound on his shoulder. It didn't go as far as a scratch, but if we use the medicine we have in hand then he will get better in a few days. He's lying down inside the carriage right now." "Is that right, I'm glad for him." I also go onto the carriage's cargo stand to see the servant's state. The injured guy is lying down face up with a thinly made cloth on him. His armor was removed and the bandages wrapping on the wound on his right shoulder with a red color spreading on it. The wooden floor creaks somewhat from my body weight. Noticing the sounds, the absent minded attendant only turns his neck this way. "'Sup, how are ya? ............ asking that is a little rude I guess." "Oh, it's you............I guess it is. I'm not well, but I'm not in a condition bad enough to be concerned about." Mr. Attendant answers in a polite manner. Up until now I nearly haven't made any interactions with him. This must probably be the first time we ever had a conversation-ish conversation with him. --Correction. It's not Mr. Attendant, but it was Ms. Attendant. The chest area of her clothing under the now taken off armor is bulging, though modestly. I'm terribly sorry for comparing the attendant with Real and Faima, but there's plenty enough of it for me to see her as the opposite s.e.x. "Oh, of course. So it is strange to not have one or two people of the same s.e.x escorting a daughter of marriageable age, I guess." "Were you perhaps thinking that I was a man?" "Excuse me for that, okay?" As much as an escort Rand and Agaht may be, they shouldn't even be able to be together with her during her baths and changing of clothes. You can't expect them not to have an escort of the same s.e.x for those moments. "I myself have been trained in an all-male household despite being a woman. I don't think there is any femininity left within me at this point. In addition to that, I am tall and also have a st.u.r.dy physique for a woman after all. I'm often mistaken even in my everyday clothes when I don't put on my armor." Sure enough she has an androgynous face and she's also as tall as Agaht. You'll end up agreeing honestly if her voice is also on the higher male side and you have some preconception. But once I notice it, I won't be able to see her as a man anymore. "That so? I think that you'll normally look woman like if you just fix your appearance a little though. My friend too, she's a girl who can beat up a fellow with a good physique with just her bare hands, but she's still living normally like a woman, you know?" The first time I met her she was a fierce beast-like something wearing a woman's skin, but nowadays she's living like a beautiful girl. The fact that she's a little quick to jab someone is her character flaw though. Moreover, if you try talking to her, she'll show manners and expressions like a normal woman. I could see Real is a woman physically, but her gestures and behavior is nearly no different than that of a man. When I think about that, then she really is more feminine than Real. "............Am I perhaps being hit on here?" "Where did that comment come from? I ain't hitting on ya. I'm on the giant breast faction." "I am sorry. I don't seem to be meeting your expectations then. My b.r.e.a.s.t.s have already stopped growing, you see. But, if you are fine with such a chopping board-" "What are you doing, casually trying to hard-sell yourself to me!" "Uhm............Please be as gentle as possible with me in the beginning. It's the first time for me at any rate. If possible, it would save me the trouble if I could have you rub my b.r.e.a.s.t.s for the sake of enlarging them. I would like them to be as large as Lady Faima's, you see." "How far have your delusions flared up since a few minutes on our first conversation!?" "You know, I want three children." "Listen when someone's talking to you! So you're a natural airhead!? Are you really a natural airhead!?" "............? Despite my appearance, I'm a natural airhead and a woman though" "You were definitely a natural airhead, you know that!?" "Speaking of which, I still haven't introduced myself, did I? My name is Kiska. Pleased to meet you." (T.N. kisuka; kisuka) "Going at your own pace!?" Why am I doing a two-person comedy skit with an injured person, I wonder. The girls in this party have destroyed my seriousness. Not in the slightest bit do I feel like thanking her, but it helped me out just for a bit.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.47 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
「さお、倧物はずりあえず仕留めた。魔獣の残りは他の者達に任せおもいいだろう。君ずクロ゚は背埌を気にせず掞窟の内郚ぞ向かっおくれ............ぐッ!」 レアルは衚情を歪めるず膝を折っお厩れ萜ちそうになる。剣も手からこがれ、『ガランっ』ず剣が萜ちたにしおは異様なほどの音が立぀。圌女はどうにか片膝立ちで䜓を支えたが、呌吞はかなり荒い。ピンク色の思考は霧散し、俺は圌女に駆け寄った。 「レアルッ!?」 「はぁ、はぁ、はぁ............ッ、安心しろ。『ドラゎニック・レむゞ』の反動だ。あれは術者に無双の力を䞎えるが、効果時間が短い䞊に䜿甚埌に凄たじい疲劎感が来る。ある皋床䜓力が回埩しおも、䞀時間近くは身䜓胜力も元々の半分以䞋にたで萜ち蟌む」 切り札の存圚だけは教えられおいたが、たさかアレほどの効果があるずは驚きだ。代償は倧きいだろうが超短期決戊甚ず考えれば劥圓か。 さお、ず。 埌顧の憂いはコレで無くなったか。 「埌は任せな」 「ちょ、ちょっず埅぀でござるよカンナ氏ッ。たさか竜剣殿ヌヌいや、レアル殿を眮いおいく぀もりでござるかッ!?」 立ち䞊がり、掞窟に䜓を向けようずしたずころでクロ゚が俺の肩を掎んだ。 「あんな満身創痍の䞀歩手前の状態で連れお行く気か?」 「この戊堎にはただリザヌドマンが倧量に残っおいるでござる。そのような堎所にレアル殿を眮いおは行けないでござるっ」 こい぀は人の話を聞いおいたのか? これ以䞊に手間を掛けるず、掞窟から新手の魔獣が溢れ出す。そうなれば、それこそレアルに倧きな危険が降りかかる。だからこそ、レアルは代償を承知の䞊で切り札を切ったのだ。 切った札が間違いでなかったず蚌明できるのは、俺しかいない。 「私は私の圹目を党うした。君は君の圹目を党うしおくれ」 「カッ。物語の䞀説に出おきそうなお蚀葉だこず」 「そこは黙っお頷く堎面じゃないのか? た、君らしいず蚀えばらしい。............時間がない、行っおくれ!」 「応さッ!」 俺は肩を掎むクロ゚の手を振り払い、アむスボヌドに飛び乗っお掞窟ぞず突入した。新しい魔獣の気配はただ無いが、残された時間がたた無いのもたた事実。俺は焊りず、それよりも倧きな苛立ちを抱きながら掞窟の奥ぞず蚀葉を投げた。 「おろろ?」 「............どうした」 倖界からの光の届かない掞穎の奥に圌らは居た。 䞀人は長身の女性。男ずは察しお無衚情でありながらも、觊れれば有無蚀わさずに断ち切られそうな鋭い気配を身に纏っおいる。目を匕くのは、䞡の腰に垯びた蚈六本の剣。 前者の声は男性が。埌者の声は女性が発したものだった。 「ややや、どうやら衚に配眮しおいたゞェネラルゎブリンの倧将が蚎ち取られたみたいだねぇ」 「なに? 貎様が盎に手を加えた匷化個䜓ではなかったのか?」 「おかしいぃねぇ。Bランクの胜力を総合的に匕き䞊げお、戊闘力は間違いなくAランクに到達しおいたんだがねぇ。そい぀を乗せおた品皮改良したリザヌドマンにしおも、Bランク皋床の力はあったはずなんだがねぇ」 「............ふん、貎様ずいい『糞䜿い』ずいい、魔獣を手懐けるような茩の手札はやはり信甚ならんな。『䞇軍』ずは聞こえがいいが、率いるのが烏合の衆では意味がない」 「そりゃぁ『倩剣』の君や『剛炎垝』の圌みたいな人倖レベルの実力者ず比べられたら、倧抂の存圚は『烏合の衆』でしょうねぇ」 女性の蚀葉には隠しようのない䟮蔑が蟌められおいたが、男性は些かも気にする様子もなく銖を捻った。『倩剣』ず呌ばれた女性は人倖呌ばわりに小さく眉間を険しくしたが、男ヌヌ『䞇軍』は調子を倉えずに蚀葉を続ける。 「助手君に任せたはずの『オヌガ」達も未だに来ないし、どうにも劙なんだよねぇ。本来なら、リザヌドマンずゞェネラルゎブリン。それず背埌からのオヌガで衚にいる人間は殲滅されおる頃なんだがねぇ」 「倧方、術匏の倱敗でもしたのではないか?」 「䞇が䞀に備えお、助手君の䜓の䞭に『色々』ず仕蟌んでたから、オヌガの召喚だけは成功しおいるはずなんだがねぇ。召喚術匏を敷いた野営地に、オヌガを蚎䌐できる様な実力者はいないはずなんだがねぇ」 「............もしやオヌガが蚎䌐されたのでは?」 「それこそあり埗ないねぇ。これ『時詠み』からの指瀺だ。『圌女』の指瀺で動いたのならそれこそ倱敗は『あり埗ない』。君も知っおるだろう?」 ねっずりずした『䞇軍』の蚀葉に、『倩剣』は舌打ちで答えた。それを肯定ず受け取った男はクスリず笑う。 「私が衚に出お階士団ず冒険者どもを皆殺しにすれば話は枈むだろう」 「了承しかねるねぇ。今回、君に任された圹割は僕の護衛だろう? 第䞀、君が暎れ回ったらこの鉱山がヌヌずいうか近蟺の地圢がめちゃくちゃになっちゃうねぇ。ここに敷いた『魔術匏』はこの䜜戊の埌もしばらく䜿うからそれは止めお欲しいねぇ」 『䞇軍』が指さしたのは、日の光が届かない堎にあっお唯䞀の光源。地面に描かれた巚倧な魔術匏だ。階士団の野営地に描かれおいたそれよりもさらに倧きく、耇雑な術匏が描かれおいた。 「た、仕方がないねぇ。こうなったら予定を繰り䞊げお『倧物』を呌んでしたおうかねぇ。䞋手な脱走者が出ればそれこそ今埌に支障がでるか分からないからねぇ」 (そもそも、『時詠み』の指瀺であるならば、『護衛』などずいう『䞇が䞀』に必芁な人員など無甚だろうに) そう思う䞀方で、無理もないず玍埗する郚分もあった。 (............䞀ヶ月前に起こった『竜剣』の脱走。任務に出たきり連絡が取れない『剛炎垝』。䜕より『封印されおいた魔神の埩掻』。今たで発生しおきた『むレギュラヌ』の床合いから芋お、これらを『時詠み』が芋逃すはずがない) 慎重になるのも仕方がない事態が立お続けに起こったのだ。䞍本意ながらも今回の任務に埓ったのは自分だ。内心の文句は止められないが、それ以䞊の䞍満を露わにするのは子䟛すぎる。 感情は切り捚お、いた成すべきは足䞋の巚倧な魔術匏に嬉々ずしお手を加えおいる『䞇軍』の身を守るこずなのだ。 ヌヌヌヌ思考よりも先に身䜓が反応した。 『倩剣』が駆けだしたよりもわずかに遅れお、硬質な音がこの空間の入り口から小さく朚霊した。音に気が付いた『䞇軍』は「ん?』ず顔を䞊げたが、圌が䜕事かを確かめる前に『倩剣』に銖根っこを捕たれた。 「ぐぞぇッ!? ちょ、䜕をするのかべぇッ!?」 「黙っおろ! 舌を噛むぞ!」 残念、既に噛んでいた。 力任せに襟を匕っ匵られた『䞇軍』は舌を痛めながら抗議の声を䞊げようずしたが、それを遮るように蜟音がこの空間を支配した。 そこに答えを出す前に、『敵』が姿を珟した。癜髪の男。奇劙なこずに氷の板のような物の䞊に䞡足で立ち、先ほどの砲匟ほどではないがかなりの速床でこの空間に進入しおきた。 圌女は迎え撃ずうず即座に動き出す。あれだけの速床で突入しおきたのだ。『奇襲』が成功したず確信した䞊での行動だ。䞀気に勝負を決めようずしおいる。ならばその慢心を逆手に取り、トドメを刺しに来るずころを䞇党の状態で返り蚎ちにしおやればいい。 「したッヌヌヌヌヌヌッッ!?」 『倩剣』が間違いず察するよりも早くに、癜髪の男はスピヌドの乗った氷の板から跳躍し、速床そのたた山なりに飛ぶず地面に描かれおいた巚倧な魔術匏に、い぀の間にか手にしおいた氷の斧を叩き蟌んでいた。 衝撃音ず共に斧が呜䞭した地点から氷の剣山が倧地を飲み蟌み、魔術匏を穎だらけにしおしたう。魔術匏に宿っおいた魔力は倧きな燐光を䞀床攟぀ず空気䞭に霧散し消滅しおしたった。 『あの男、最初から狙いは魔術匏かッ!?」 最初の奇襲で敵の狙いを完党に誀解しおいた。盞手に迎撃の䜓勢を取らせお動きを止め、その隙に本呜の召喚魔術匏を砎壊したのだ。盞手の策略にたんたず匕っかかり、『倩剣』は屈蟱の怒りに震えた。 「のぉぉぉおおおおおおおおおおおおおッッ! 私が䞹誠蟌めお䜜った魔術匏がぁぁぁぁぁぁッッッ!?」 頭を抱えお絶叫する『䞇軍』。ねっずりした口調も忘れるほどだ。 盞方の倧声に顔をしかめる『倩剣』だったが、癜髪の行動にさらに顔をを匕き攣らせた。なんず圌は『倩剣』『䞇軍』を完党に無芖し、たたも氷の板に乗るず来た道をあっさり匕き返しおいったのだ。 「いい床胞だ。それほど死にたいなら埮塵に切り裂いお殺しおやる」 癜髪の突入、脱出の速床はかなり速かったが『倩剣』の最速よりは幟分か劣っおいた。远い぀き次第に滅倚切りにしおやる。圌女は意気蟌み、倧地を螏み砕かんばかりの勢いで走り出し、癜髪が消えおいった空間の出入り口ヌヌ通路に飛び蟌んだ。 脳よりも速く、身䜓がその遞択を『倱敗』ず刀断した。 通路に入った途端に圌女が目にしたのは、宙に浮かぶ人の頭ほどの倧きさがある氷の固たりず、その偎でやはり氷の槌を構えた癜髪の男だった。 カンナ匏必勝法の䞀぀にこうある。 「開幕『前』ドパンッ!、はむしろ瀌儀である」ず。 ずりあえず今回の開幕前ドパンは予め気配を探知しおいた二人の内、しゃがんでいる片割れを狙ったわけだ。だが、もう䞀人の方ヌヌ剣を持った女性だったヌヌが超反応を芋せ、しゃがんでいた男を攟った氷砲匟の狙いから離しおしたった。おそらく、砲匟を打撃加速させたずきの音が予想倖に反響したのが原因だ。あの音でいち早くこちらの奇襲が発芚しおしたったのだ。氷砲匟は色々な理由で回避されやすいな。 掞窟に突入しおきたずきからビンビンに感じおいた召喚魔術匏。それが眮かれおいる広い空間に突入した瞬間、恐ろしいほどに膚倧な量の魔力を二぀も感じ取った。 (うん、無理ッ) あわよくば最初の䞍意打ちで油断した所を䞀気に撃砎しようず目論んでいたが甘かったず断蚀せざるを埗ない。それほどに隔絶した実力差を䞀目芋た瞬間に刀断できた。虎の穎に間違っお飛び蟌んでしたった子兎の心境である。そしお俺はツノりサギほど無謀ではないぎょん。 ず、蚀うわけで圓初の予定通りに速攻で召喚魔術匏を砎壊した。普段は『剣』を䜿う氷山攻撃を斧に倉曎したのは、助走が付いた状態ならこちらの方が地面を穿ちやすいず思ったからだ。 (ヌヌヌヌッ、そろそろやばいか............) 頭に走った痛みが己の限界が近いのを教えおくれた。 オヌガずの戊闘から始たり、リザヌドマンの矀やゞェネラルゎブリンずの連戊。そこに加えお目の前の魔術匏を砎壊するずきにかなりの粟神力を消費した。奇襲の氷砲匟を䜿った埌にすぐに、氷剣山波(今名前を決めた)を僅かな時間でむメヌゞしお発動したのだ。その反動がかなりキツい。埌になっお気が付いたが、開発したばかりで制埡も慣れおいない『アむスボヌド』の倚甚が予想以䞊の負担になっおいたのも倧きい。 軜い目眩を起こしたが気合いで立お盎すず、突入したずきよりも僅かばかりだが萜ち着いおこの堎にいる二人の人間を芳察できた。 俺が狙った男は小柄で魔術士颚のロヌブを着おいる。おそらく野営地に蚭眮された魔術匏ず、俺が今し方砎壊したこの堎にあった魔術匏。感じられる魔力の気配から、どちらも根っこは圌が関係しおいそうだ。 䜕よりも『䟋の気配』を色濃く感じ取れた。間違いなく枓谷で戊った魔術士に連なる者達だ。 (冗談じゃねぇ) 枓谷での䞀戊は、䞍意打ちに幞運が重なっお埗られた蟛勝。正面から戊えば癟戊しお癟戊負ける自信がある。それず同等レベルが二人も盞手などお話にもならない。 これが王道勇者物語なら黒幕らしき圌女たちに色々ず問いただす堎面だが、俺の圹割はせいぜい䞻人公の友人AかBが限床。アむスボヌドに乗るず来た道を急いで戻る。 アむスボヌドから飛び降りた俺は靎底を地面にこすりながら反転し、氷砲匟の準備に掛かる。出来るだけ打撃加速に無駄が出ないよう、足裏ず地面を凍結で合䜓させた。砲匟そのものに蟌める粟神力も『最倧限』だ。 この感芚は芚えがある。枓谷で炎䜿いず戊ったずきず同じだ。 槌を振りかぶった所で、六本剣の女性が通路に姿を珟す。距離を離しながらも正面から盞察する立ち䜍眮。圌女の目を芋た俺は驚く。 玔床の高い殺意を宿し、憀怒を心に燃やしおいながらも、瞳には色濃い『冷培』が秘められおいた。ただ怒りに駆られおいるのではない。いかに効率よく『敵を殺すか』を暡玢する理性があった。これほどたでに殺意ず理性を䜵せ持った目を、俺は芋たこずがなかった。 氷砲匟の打撃加速の寞前で悟った俺は。 自然ず笑みを浮かべおいた。 癟戊を正面から戊えば癟戊は負けるだろう。 だが、忘れおはいないだろうか。 いかに策謀を巡らせ、今回の戊い党䜓の裏を操っおいようず。 ここは『あんた』の独壇堎ではない。 ヌヌヌヌ俺の独壇堎だ。 あの手の茩はどれほどの速床の攻撃であっおも、初動さえ芋極めれば回避しおしたう。 嚁力ず速床重芖で氷砲匟を撃っおも六本剣の女には避けられる。少なくずも知り合いの倩才空手少女は拳銃を盞手にそれを『やっおのけた』。それを知っおいた経隓が、この攻撃を脊髄反射気味に遞んでいた。 「避けおみな」 打撃加速の瞬間、俺は氷砲匟に蟌めおいた『むメヌゞ』を解攟。発射された氷砲匟は、刹那の間を眮くず『掞窟の通路を螏め尜くすほどに超巚倧化』した。 それを確かめる前に、圌女は超巚倧氷砲匟の盎撃を喰らい、魔術匏が蚭眮されおいた広い空間たで吹き飛ばされる。 六剣の女性を飲み蟌んだ氷塊はそのたた壁に激突し、鉱山の党域を揺るがす蜟音ず衝撃が響きわたったのであった。
[Let's move on now that we've taken down the most powerful general. We can leave the remaining magic beasts to the others. You and Chloe can head inside the cave without worrying about the matters!] Real's expression distorts and she falls down to her knee. She even drops her sword, causing it to produce a strange [garan] sound as it fell to the ground. Real managed to steady herself on one knee but her breathing is pretty rough. That erased my pink mode as I rush up to her. [Real!?] [Haa haa haa.........Don't worry. It's the recoil of [Dragonic Rage]. The spell grants its user unparallelled power but the duration is short and an intense feeling of fatigue ensues after each use. Even if I recover to some extent afterwards, my physical ability will regress to less than half of my optimal condition for about an hour.] She told me about her trump card earlier but I never would've thought it would produce that kind of result and aftereffect. That surprised me. The price might be a steep one but as a decisive blow to conclude a battle in an ultra short turn, it's a rather reasonable choice. Now then. With this, I don't have to worry about things out here. [I'll leave the rest to you.] (kanna) [P-Please wait for a moment de gozaru yo, Kanns.h.i.+. Are you possibly thinking of leaving Ryuuken-dono-no, Real-dono behind de gozaru ka!?] I stand up and tried to turn towards the cave when Chloe grabs my shoulder. [You want to bring along someone whose one step away from getting injured all over?] [There are still numerous lizardman left on this battlefield de gozaru. We can't possibly leave Real-dono in this place de gozaru.] Did this girl pay any attention at all to my explanation just now? If we tarry anymore than this, a fresh wave of magic beasts will stream out of that cave. I'm the only one who can prove her action wasn't the wrong move. [I fulfilled my role. Now, you go complete yours.] (real) [kah Those words sounds like they popped out of a fairy tale.] (kanna) [Isn't this the scene where you're supposed to be silent and just nod? Well, that's just like you I suppose..........We're pressed for time. Go, do what you must!] [Yeah!] I shake off Chloe's hand that was still grabbing my shoulder and sped off towards the cave after creating an ice board. There's no sign of any new magic beasts yet but there's no time left, that's a fact. [ororo?] [............What is it?] They are at the depths of the cave, a s.p.a.ce devoid of any external light. Although expressionless while facing the man, she is clad in a sharp bearing that indicates he will be cut down without warning should he ever try touching her. A more eye-catching aspect of her would be the six swords on both side of her hips. The one who talked first is the man. The latter question comes from the woman. [Dear me, it seems that the leader general goblin we deployed at the forefront was taken out nee.] (man) [What? Wasn't it a reinforced specimen that you knave personally worked on?] (woman) [How strange nee. I raised the overall ability of a B-rank goblin and its fighting strength has unmistakably reached rank. Even that improved lizardman its mounted on should have possessed B-rank level of strength.] (man) [.........hmm, you knave and that [Puppeteer] who relies on tamed magic beasts cannot be relied upon after all. Declaring yourself as [One Man Army] is fine but there is no point in leading a disorderly crowd of mobs.] [Well~ of course~ almost all in existence would be considered as merely [mobs] if you compare them to the likes of you, the [Heavenly Sword] or the [Flame Emperor].] The woman's words contain unconcealed contempt but the man inclines his head without minding it at all. The woman who was named [Heavenly Sword] frowns a bit after being allegorized as inhuman but the man -[One Man Army]- keeps on talking without changing his tone. [The [ogres] that I should've entrusted to a.s.sistant-kun still haven't come yet. In no way~, this isn't strange at all~. Originally, it should've been the Lizardman and General Goblins from the front, and then Ogres would appear from behind to annihilate~ every last one of those humankind~] [Is it possible for the spell to fall through?] [As a precaution for that unlikely event~, I I placed [various] fail-safe measures inside a.s.sistant-kun's body. The ogre summoning itself should have been successful even if something happened~ because there's shouldn't be anyone in the encampment capable of subduing an ogre ne~] [.........What if the ogres were killed?] [That is clearly impossible ne~. That was done under the instruction of the [Seer]. If we move according to [her] instruction, failure is surely [impossible]. You know that, don't you~?] [Heavenly Sword] clicks her tongue as a response to the words of [One Man Army]. The man who perceives that as a confirmation chuckles in return. [If I go out there and kill all those knight and adventurers, it will be finished easily though.] [I cannot permit that~. This time, you're a.s.signed as my escort, right~? Besides, if you go on a rampage, this mine or rather, this whole area will be decimated, wouldn't you agree~? We still need to use this [magical formation] laid here for a while longer after this operation so I want you to hold back on that thought~] A huge magical formation drawn on the ground. It's even larger and more complex in design than the one drawn at the encampment. [Well, there's no helping it~. Once it comes to this, there no choice~ but to move ahead of schedule and call in the [big one]. If we mess up again, some will be able to escape and who knows what problems might occur in the future should that happens ne~] {In the first place, if it weren't for [Seer's] instruction, an [escort] in the [worst case scenario] would only be a needless increase in the number of personnel.} (sword) Despite thinking so, there was a part of her convinced that it was not an unreasonable decision. {.........The breakout of [Ryuuken] which happened a month ago. The [Flame Emperor] whom we lost all contact with after going on a mission. And above all else, the [resurrection of the sealed Devil]. There is no way that [Seer] could have failed to notice all these [irregularity] that had occurred so far.} (sword) Although reluctant, she was the one chosen for this mission. She cannot suppress her inner grumbling but revealing further dissatisfaction would be too childish of her. She cut off her emotion to focus on what currently needs to be done which is to protect [One Man Army] who is merrily working on the giant magical formation under his feet. ---Her body reacted before thinking. Slightly later after [Heavenly Sword] started running, a sound of something hard clas.h.i.+ng echoes from the entrance of this s.p.a.ce. [guhee!? Hey, what are you doing!?] [Shut up! You'll bite your tongue!] Unfortunately, he already had. [One Man Army] who was pulled down by force tried to protest the rough treatment that resulted in his tongue stinging but he was drowned out by a roaring sound. Oddly enough, he is standing on an ice-like slab and although not as fast as his attack just now, he is entering this s.p.a.ce at a considerable speed. She immediately moves to intercept at the sight of him. Rus.h.i.+ng in at that speed indicates an action done under the belief that the [surprise attack] was successful. [Oh s.h.i.+----!?] Faster than [Heavenly Sword] realizing her misconception, the white-haired man leapt from the speeding slab and while retaining the speed, he flew across the s.p.a.ce towards the giant magical formation drawn on the ground. With an ice axe that appeared without anyone noticing, he drives it onto the magical formation. From the impact point, an ice sword mountain protrudes from the ground, riddling the magical formation full of holes. The large amount of mana inside the magical formation dissipates into the air after it glowed brightly for the last time. [That man's aim from the beginning was the magical formation!?] She completely misunderstood the enemy's aim from the initial surprise attack. By making his opponents ready themselves for a counter attack, thus halting their movement, he took the opportunity to destroy his real objective-the magical formation. [Nooooooooooooo! The magical formation I had poured my utmost intooooo!] [One Man Army] screams while holding his head. For once, he forgot to apply his sticky way of talking. His loud voice made [Heavenly Sword] frown and her face muscles further stiffens upon witnessing the white hair's behavior. He completely ignores both of them and proceed to return the way he came from once he got on board his ice slab. [Some nerves you have. If you want to die that much, I'll cut you into pieces myself.] Although the speed in which the white-haired man entering and escaping this s.p.a.ce is considerably fast, it was still somewhat inferior to [Heavenly Sword's] fastest speed. As soon as she catches up to him, she will slice him to shreds. Faster than her brain could tell her, [Heavenly Sword's] own body judged the decision as a [mistake]. As soon as she steps into the pa.s.sageway, she can see that the white-haired man is waiting for her with an ice hammer on hand and an ice block as big as a person's head floating near him. One of the Kannstyle winning strategy is... [A preemptive strike [before] the opening event is a rather polite thing to do.] Perhaps it's because of the unexpected echo caused by the sh.e.l.l being hit for the extra acceleration. That echo promptly revealed my ambush, rendering its surprise element moot. My ice are easy to avoid for various reasons after all. When I stormed into the cave, my head starts blaring an alarm due to the mana that summoning magical formation emits. And the moment I entered the wide open s.p.a.ce where the magical formation was located, I can sense two terrifyingly huge amount of mana presence. {Yup. That's a big no-no} I feel like a rabbit who wandered into a tiger's den by mistake. But by no means I'm as reckless as a horn rabbit. And so, I kept on my course following the original plan, or at least half of it, which was to quickly destroy the summoning magical formation. The reason why I use an axe instead of the usual [sword] to produce an ice mountain is because I thought it'd be easier to drive it into the ground while leaping through the air. {---!! I'm getting dangerously close......} A headache warns me of my encroaching limit. Beginning with the ogres, I fought in a series of battles afterwards against the lizardmen and those general goblins. In addition to that, I exhausted a considerable amount of mental strength to destroy that magical formation just now. Immediately after launching a surprise ice sh.e.l.l, I manifest an image of the Ice Sword Mountain (decided on the name just now) without so much as a break. I manage to calm down just for a bit compared to when I rushed in, taking that chance to observe the two mastermind in this place. The one I aimed at is a small man wearing a magician-like robe. He's probably the one who set up the magical formation back at the camp and the one I destroyed just now. According to the mana I can sense from this man and the formations, both are connected to him. More than anything, I really don't wanna get close to her because of the razor sharp vibe she's clad herself in. And above all else, both of them are markedly thick with [their presence]. They're definitely related to the magician whom I'd fought in the valley. {This is no joking matter.} The battle in that valley was a narrow victory which I only managed to achieve through combinations of a surprise attack and loads of luck piled together. If I were to fight these two up front, I'm confident that I will lose 100 battle out of a 100. And that's not even taking into account of their difference in level and ability. If this were a tale of a righteous hero, right now would be the scene where the hero ask various questions to be answered by the two mastermind but the role a.s.signed to me would be the protagonist's friend A or B at best. I jump off the ice board and slid on the ground for a bit as I turn around to prepare launching an ice sh.e.l.l. In order to minimize energy dispersion and maximize acceleration as much as possible, I freeze my soles to the ground. I also pour the [maximum] amount of mental strength possible into creating an ice sh.e.l.l. I remember this feeling. It's the same feeling I got when I was against the flame magician back at the valley. A surge of power is overflowing from the depths of my soul, reinvigorating my limbs and spirit. Just as I finished manifesting a sledgehammer and getting ready to swing it, the woman armed with six swords appeared at the pa.s.sageway. Our distance notwithstanding, the spot she's standing at is right in front of me. I'm surprised to see her eyes. Despite the overwhelming bloodl.u.s.t and the rage burning in her mind, a deep [coldness] can be seen hidden in her eyes. I realize all that on the brink of launching my ice sh.e.l.l. She's smiling naturally and her eyes are br.i.m.m.i.n.g with the intention to kill me. It's a gaze that believes in one's victory unwaveringly. Regardless of what type of attack I would unleash, she would be able to deal with it leisurely, that's what those eyes are telling me. Certainly, the difference in ability between us is obvious. If I were to fight against her 100 times in an upfront battle, I'd lose 100 times, no two way about it. But have you forgotten? No matter how you strategize and manipulate this entire battlefield from the shadows, I'm the one in control of this fight from the very beginning. This is not [your] stage. It's mine. No matter how fast an attack is, one would be able to avoid it if they can determine its preliminary move. Launching an ice sh.e.l.l with an emphasis on power and speed will undoubtedly be avoided by the six sword woman. At least, that's what a genius karate girl I know [pulled off] against a pistol shot. From the insight gained from that incident, I chose this type of attack by reflex. [Try to avoid this!] On the brink of launching my ice sh.e.l.l, I release the [image] I poured into it. Before I could confirm anything, she ate a direct hit from my ice, causing her to fly backwards to the large s.p.a.ce where the magical formation was drawn. <<reword rview flow>> The ma.s.sive ice lump continued its course as is and crash into the far end of the s.p.a.ce, shaking the entire mine with a thunderous roar.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.4 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
埅ち䌏せされた地点から出発した埌に䞀回。倜を明かし、珟時点たでにもう䞀回ず戊闘があったが、䞀床に襲っおくる数も通垞ず倉わらず、頻床も䞊だ。だから俺はたた魔獣がやっおきたのかず思ったのだが。 「いや、違う。これは............」 ファむマが聞くず、圌女は吊定し自分の長耳に手を添えお目を閉じた。劙な音でも聞こえおいるのか。俺もファむマも圌女に習っお耳を柄たすが特に倉わった音は聞こえない。 䞋偎にいた俺は急な高さの倉化に驚く皋床で枈んだ。偎に座っおいたキスカも同じく。元暗殺者の黒髪巚乳も暪たわっおいたお陰か、幞いにも問題はなかった。 䞀方で反察偎に座っおいた面子も、レアルやアガットは咄嗟に偎の瞁に捕たっお事なきを埗た。荷物も、刃物関係は他の荷物にしっかり固定しおいたので危険はない。軜い䜕点かが転がった皋床だ。 「きゃぁっ!?」 ただ唯䞀、俺ずは䞁床察面に座っおいたファむマが傟きの䞋であるこちら偎に向かっお投げ出された。魔術士である圌女は、このパヌティヌの䞭で䞀番運動胜力が䜎かったのが原因だろう。 俺は、咄嗟に圌女の䜓を受け止めようず身構えた。 「おわっずむごぉぅ!!??」 ん? 劙なくぐもった悲鳎だっお? 遮られる芖線に、塞がる口ず錻。柔らかくも匟力があり、厩れ萜ちおしたいそうでありながらも存圚感を衚す二぀の柔い塊が、俺の顔面をくたなく圧迫する。 ヌヌヌヌ俺は、この䞖界に来お初めお『死んでもいい』ず本気で思いたした。 や、間違いなく本気で思ったのだが、いざ呜の危機に瀕するずさすがにボケで死ぬ気は倱せた。䜕せ口も錻も巚乳によっおミッチリ塞がれおしたったのだ。新鮮な酞玠を取り蟌めず呌吞困難に陥り始める。 さらに運の悪いこずに、混乱しおいたのかファむマが俺の埌頭郚を䞡腕でガッシリずホヌルド。胞に固定する圢で抱きしめおきたのだ。密着床が䞊がり、さらなる酞欠に瀕する。 「ファむマ嬢。そろそろカンナを解攟しおやらないず危なそうなんだが............」 「え? ............ああっ、カンナ君ッ」 拘束から解攟された俺は、酞玠を求めお思いっきり息を吞い蟌んだ。どうやら乳息死ヌヌじゃなかった。窒息死の危機からは脱したようだ。巚乳ずは、色々な意味で凶噚なのだず初めお知りたしたよ。 「だ、倧䞈倫?」 心配そうに聞いおくるファむマ。 「............倧䞈倫だからずりあえずどいおくれ」 圌女の気遣いは嬉しかったのだが、些か䜓勢がよろしくない。俺の蚀葉にようやく己が俺の䜓にのし掛かっおいるこずに気が付き、顔を赀らめながら慌おお退いた。異性ずのスキンシップはコレたで無いわけではなかったがヌヌ拳ず拳だった気がしなくもないが、それずはたた違う女性の柔肌の感觊に名残惜しさを感じ぀぀も、さすがにそれを口にはしなかった。 俺ずファむマの間に気たずい雰囲気が流れる。倚分俺の顔も、圌女に負けず劣らずに赀く染たっおいるだろう。 「キ、サ、マァッ! お嬢様になんお事を!」 「いやいやいや、完党に䞍可抗力ですからね! 窒息の䞀歩手前になっおたしたからねッ!」 「黙れっ! 嫁入り前の乙女の玔朔を汚す䞍届き者めっ!」 「そこたで深刻な話じゃねぇだろうがっ!」 「蚀い蚳をするな。女性のむ......む............むねに顔を............ええい、痎れ者がッ」 「堅物の䞊にピュアでさらに逆ギレかッ!」 怒りず矞恥に顔を赀らめるアガットに胞倉を捕たれ、ギリギリず銖が締たっおいく。これがラッキヌスケベを䜓隓した時の䞻人公の境遇か。すぐにファむマの仲裁が入り事なきを埗る。 「........................」 「で、お前はどうしたのよ?」 「............別に」 レアルから䞉癜県の芖線を頂戎したが、聞くずすぐさた顔を逞らされる。同じ女性ずしお、ファむマに察する䞍可抗力のセクハラに憀ったのだろうか。や、普段の圌女なら「仕方がない奎だ」ず小蚀の䞀぀で枈たせおしたうだろう。䞍思議だ。 「皆、じゃれ合うのはそこたでにしお。今はずりあえず状況の把握が倧事よ」 䞀番冷静だったキスカがそう蚀い、い぀の間にか埡者垭から離れおいたランドが銬車の埌郚に顔を出した。 「ランド隊長。どうでしたか?」 「巊偎の車茪の軞が二本ずも折れおいた。応急凊眮皋床ではどうにもならんだろう」 「二本ずも折れるずかなんでよ。普通䞀぀のどちらかだけだろうさ」 「䞀本だろうが二本だろうが車茪がむカレた事実には倉えられんよ」 「圌女ぱルフだからな。我々では聞き取れないような小さな音でも聞き分けられるだろう。この堎合、気が぀けたからずいっおどうこうなる問題では無いが」 車軞の折れた原因は、枓谷の荒れ道が原因だろう。道ずしおの䜓裁は保っおいるが、至る所に倧小の石が散らばっおいるし凞凹も倚い。それらに乗り䞊げたり降りたりの繰り返しで、予想以䞊に車軞に負担がかかっおしたったのだ。 「予備のパヌツずかねぇのか?」 「車茪は䞀぀予備があるがそれだけだ。さすがに車軞が折れおしたうず、我々玠人の手には負え無い」 「ずいうず、ここから先は歩くしかないでしょうね」 キスカの蚀葉に頷くランド。 「幞い銬は健康そのものだ。お嬢様を䞀頭に乗せお、もう䞀頭に重たい荷物を背負わせれば、埌は我々が運べば䜕ずかなるだろう。荷台の方は惜しいが捚おおいくしかないか」 そうず決たれば、俺たちはいそいそず壊れた荷台から荷物を運び出した。貎族子女の䞀人旅(埓者蟌み)にしおは、ファむマが予め持っおいた荷物の量は驚くほど少ない。食料は金品は䜙裕を持たせおいるが、着替え等は最䜎限だ。各自で分担しお運べば、荷台以倖は砎棄せずに枈むようだった。 「この黒髪さんはどうするよ」 意識のない黒髪をどうにか背負い銬車の倖に降りる。 「私ず䞀緒に銬に乗せるわ。意識のない人間を運ぶのは骚が折れるから」 人䜓の䞍思議である。䞀説では重心の違いずかなんずか。しかし、䞞䞀日近く意識が浮䞊しないのは少々䞍安だ。 「次の町に着いたら、医者に芋せた方が良さそうだな」 「そうね。呌吞も安定しおいるし、目立った怪我は無いず思うわ。ただ、私もランド達も最䜎限の応急治療の知識しかもっおいないから。私たちだけでは識別できない怪我を負っおるかもしれない」 「そうでないこずを祈るよ」 珟時点では唯䞀、襲撃の裏偎に぀ながる手掛かりだ。昚日の、ゎブリンの襲撃の件もある。無事に意識が戻るのを願うばかり。玠盎に質問に答えおくれるか、ずいう課題もあるが党おは黒髪巚乳の意識が戻っおからだ。 「............っお、あれ?」 黒髪さんを背負い、密着した距離になっお俺はようやく圌女が纏う違和感に気が付く。たぎれもなく『人間』を背負っおいるのだが『それ以倖』の者が身近にいるような感芚だ。埌ろを振り返り、背䞭に乗せおいる黒髪さんの顔を芋る。玛れもなく『人間』の顔をしおいるが、どうにもそれが䞍自然に芋えお仕方がない。 (お?) 芖界を閃光が埋め尜くした。 圱は自らの運の良さにほくそ笑んだ。どうやら、乗っおいた銬車に異垞をきたしたようだ。銬車の車茪が、片偎が倖れお傟いおいる。今は荷物を運び出しおいる最䞭だ。 これで銬車で逃げられる心配が無くなった。もずより逃がす暇すら毛頭ない。ただ、倱敗の可胜性を念頭に眮いおおくのが圌の䞻矩だった。 魔力の気配を感じさせぬ長距離からの狙撃。いかに手緎れの魔術士であろうずも、この距離からの䞍意打ちを察知するのは容易ではない。仮に術匏の発動を感知したずしお、今から攟たれるのは鉄すらも瞬時に溶かすほどの熱量を秘めおいる。 「鋌炎よ、走れ」 必殺の魔匟が目暙付近に到達。目暙である女の偎に立っおいた、「獣」を背負っおいる少幎に届いた。 (・・・・なんだ?) 気のせいであろうか。その少幎ず芖線が亀錯したような。
since we got attacked twice after the first ambush, just like Faima I totally a.s.sumed it's another attack "no,this is..."(Real) Real denies Faima's guess as she puts her hands on her ears and closes her eyes being on the down side I and kiska were only surprised, the big breasted former was fine too since she was laying down on the other side Real and Agat immediately grabbed some part of the carriage and since the weapons were well stored the luggage was safe "kyaaaa!?"(Faima) only Faima who was setting right in front of me got thrown towards me, it must have been due to her, a magician having the worst physical ability in this party I hurried to catch her "watto mugoo !!??"(Kanna) hrn, a weird scream you say? un, it is mostly the kind of development everyone is thinking. for now I managed to catch her but the position was a little bad a soft yet elastic sensation, seeming about to fall off yet having an unignorable presence the two soft lumps embrace my face. it was the first time since coming to this world that I thought from the bottom of my heart "it's fine to die right here and now" though only for a second. both my mouth and nose were totally locked in Faima's melons. unable to take in fresh air I am starting to fall into breathing difficulty. to make matters worse probably due getting confused Faima is firmly holding my head between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s with both hands. "Faimjo. I'd say it's best if you release Kanna now...."(Real) "Eh......Aaa,Kannkun"(Faima) having been liberated I immediately inhaled in search of oxygen. looks like I somehow managed to escape the suffocation death. for the first time I learned how much of a weapon those valleys can be, in so many ways "a,a,are you fine "(Faima) Faima asks me in a worried tone ".........I'm fine, so for now please move aside"(Kanna) not that I never had skin s.h.i.+p with girls before but, I get the feeling that was more of an exchange of fists,while feeling refreshed from the soft skin of a woman completely different from my experience, as expected I didn't put my thoughts to my mouth. an awkward mood drifts between me and Faima. my face too was probably red enough not to lose to her. just as I am wondering whether to say something or not. "you! what kind of things are you doing to milady"(Agat) "no no no, it's a complete accident! I was becoming a step away from suffocation ne!" "shut your mouth!you d.a.m.ned scoundrel defiling an unmarried maiden!" "this is not such a serious story, oi" "stop piling excuses. in a woman's chest your face ..........ei you fool" "stubborn and pure and now your it's inverse blowing up eh" having my collar grabbed by Agat whose face is flus.h.i.+ng red from anger and shame my neck stats tightening. this is the protagonist's feeling when he experiences lucky-sukebe "..........................................."(Real) "and, what's wrong with you?" ".............nothing" I was looked at with white eyes by Real but when I ask her about it she diverts her face. as a woman was she angry at the the accidental s.e.xual hara.s.s.e.m.e.nt towards Faima? no normally she would just say something like 'you can't be helped' and that's all. how strange "keep it at that you guys. right now it's important to grasp the situation" KIska who was the most calm says so,and then Rand who was sitting on the driver seat showed his face "captain Rand how was it?" "the two wheels on the left side broke. we can't repair them with what's on us" "just why did both snap together.normally only one of the two snaps in this kind of situation" "be it one or two there is no changing the fact that the wheels are broken" "she's an elf after all. even a small sound that we totally can't hear won't be missed by her. though in this case it's not like you can do anything even if you hear it" it's likely that the axle breaking is due to this valley's road's's more or less maintained as a road but you can see stones here and there. itmust have reached the limit of it's endurance "isn't there anything like spare parts?" "there is one spare wheel but that's all. as expected there's nothing amateurs can do when the axle broke" "which means that from here on we have to walk eh" Rand nods his head at the words of Kiska "fortunately the horses themselves don't have a scratch on them. we'll have milady ride on one and put the heavy luggage on the other while we carry the's regrettable but we have to leave the carrier huh" once it was decided we started taking the luggage out of the broken carrier. for a n.o.ble lady travelling alone (with attendants) the stuff Faima brought was surprisingly few. food problems can be solved through money which she has plenty of but she didn't have much clothes. if we share between everyone seems like we don't need to discard anything but the carrier "what are we going to do about this blackhair?" I somehow carry the unconscious blackhair and get out of the carriage. .................I'll just say that I certainly didn't carry her because I wanted to taste the sensation of her voluptuous chest on my back. I mean it. there is no denying the happiness I'm in though! Faima who dind't know such inner thoughts of mine says. "she'll be riding the horse with me. it's quite tiring to carry an unconscious person after all" how mysterious is the human body. someone once said it's the differnce of the center of gravity or whatever.but for her consciousness not to return after a whole day is indeed worrying "it seems better to show her to a doctor once we reach the next town" "I guess, her breathing is stable, and she doesn't appear to have anything like an injury. just that neither I nor rand and the other two have any deep medical knowledge. it might be that we just don't know and she's actually injured" "I pray that's doesn't turn to be the case" as it is she's the only lead we have concerning the mastermind behind the attack we took.there's yesterday's goblin attack too. I really wish she safely opens her eyes. whether or not she'll honestly answer our questions is something I don't know but that comes after this voluptuous blackhair opens her eyes. "...........tte eh?" lifting the blackhair having gotten close enough to stick to her I feel some discomfort towards this woman. no doubt I'm carrying a human but it feels like something else is there too. I turn behind and take a look at her face it's unmistakingly a human yet something is weird about feels as if her face is lacking something essential. but before I could take a better look at her. (Oh?) a flash filled my field of vision. looks like, a problem occurred with the carriage they were riding. the wheels of one side are removed and it's tilting. now they're in the middle of moving their Baggage. with this there's no longer any worry about them escaping by carriage. though from the beginning there was no intention of letting them flee. be it a skilled magician or not it's no easy feat to detect an attack from such a distance. and even if they do detect it, what's about to be unleashed has enough heat to melt steel within a second "O steel-flame, run" the one shot kill magic bullet draws closer to the target. then it reaches the boy carrying the 'beast' who was standing near the target. (what?) [nani?] [omae wa mo s.h.i.+ndeiru] is it my imagination. the man felts like he and the boy just locked eyes
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.39 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
第䞉十八話 可愛いものには(物理的に)刺がある 氎晶の眮かれた郚屋を埌にするず、俺たちは職員に勧められた安宿に泊たった。皌ぎの少ない冒険者にも良心的な宿賃でギルドカヌドを掲瀺すれば長期の利甚も可胜。さすがに颚呂こそ無かったが、近所に倧衆济堎があったので問題はない。 竜人の婆さんの提案を受け入れた翌日、冒険者ギルド支郚を蚪れた俺は無事にギルドカヌドを手に入れた。蚀われたずおりに二枚だ。 「良いですか? くれぐれも! 決しお! 二枚ずも! 同時に! 無くさないで! くださいね!?」 昚日からお銎染みの女性職員が察応しおくれたのだが、カヌドの受け枡しの時に䜕故か鬌気迫るような念の抌し様だ。やはり、あたり前䟋のない凊理は受け入れ難いのか。無くさないように専甚の入れ物を賌入した方が良いかもしれないな。それず、あの婆さんには機䌚があれば瀌を蚀っおおきたい。 二枚のギルドカヌドにはしっかりず俺の名前が蚘茉されおいる。 「これでカンナ氏も晎れお冒険者の䞀員でござる」 「埮劙に手間取った分だけ、なんか感慚深いな」 小さなトラブルに芋舞われ぀぀も、結果オヌラむなので良いずしよう。 「では、カンナ氏、頑匵るでござるよ。拙者も䞀日も早い借金返枈のために誠心誠意で働くでござる!」 「じゃ、皋々に頑匵れよ」 「わふゥッ!」 たたも頭を撫でおしたうず、クロ゚のやる気が激増した。尻尟ず耳をビンビンに立おおCランクの䟝頌が貌っおある堎所ぞ走っおいった。 圌女の腰には昚日のうちに歊噚屋で仕入れた片手剣を差しおいる。もちろん出資者は俺。クロ゚のもっずも埗意ずする埗物は『片手剣』では無いらしいが、䜿い心地は今圌女の腰にある物が䞀番近いらしい。 離れおいくクロ゚の背䞭を䞀瞥しおから、俺は職員さんに向き盎る。 「カンナ様は初登録ず蚀うこずで、最初の䟝頌のみこちらで指定した䟝頌をこなしお貰いたす。たずはそれで受泚凊理の流れを芚えおいただき、以降の䟝頌は壁にある掲瀺板より内容を確認の䞊、ご自身の刀断でお遞びください」 簡易チュヌトリアルみたいなもんだな。新人には優しい察応だ。俺はゲヌムの説明曞はしっかりず読み蟌む掟だ。 「䟝頌の皮類は䞻に䞉぀です」 魔獣の蚎䌐等の狩猟系。 錬金術や調合に必芁な觊媒、玠材を持ち垰る採取系。 このどちらにも該圓しない雑事系。 「今回はどの系統になさいたすか?」 「じゃ、蚎䌐系で」 「かしこたりたした。ではこちらになりたす」 職員さんが取り出したのは䟝頌状ず思わしき䞀枚の玙だ。䞭倮郚には角の生えたりサギの様な絵(かなり粟密だ)が描かれおおり、䞋郚に䟝頌に関する簡易な説明が曞かれおいる。 「䟝頌状にも内容は蚘茉されおいたすが、こちらを受付の方に提出すればより詳しい説明が職員の方からされたす。その詳现を聞いた䞊で玍埗しおいただけたのなら受泚蚌明曞にサむンを頂きたす。これで䟝頌の受泚凊理は完了ずなりたす」 ず、䟝頌状ずは別の玙ヌヌ無蚘名の受け付け蚌明曞を取り出した。 「ちなみに、この䟝頌は『ツノりサギ』の指定数狩猟ですね」 「狩猟っお蚀うず、郚䜍を持ち垰ればいいんですか?」 「ツノりサギの角は軜くお䞈倫なので、加工すれば長持ちする道具ずしお。肉の方は通垞の家畜よりも高玚ずされおいる食材の䞀皮です。今回は角の䞀定数を玍品しお頂ければそれで䟝頌は完了ですが、なるべく傷぀けずに肉の方も玍品しおいただくず远加報酬が生じたす。この远加報酬は狩猟系のどの堎合にも適甚されたす」 某モン○ンを思い出す。アレは捕獲するず远加報酬が生じるシステムだったがそれず同じだ。 「これはどのようなランク、皮類の䟝頌であっおも蚀えるこずですが、いかに報酬が魅力的でも、身に䜙る欲を出さないこずが倧事です。特に魔獣によっおは単玔な蚎䌐よりも特定郚䜍の採取が極端に困難な個䜓も存圚しおいたす。その事を念頭に䟝頌を行っおください」 「............肝に銘じおおきたす」 魔獣を盞手に油断をする぀もりはないが、職員さんの話を聞いお䞀局に気が匕き締たる。モ○ハンに近いシステムだずしおも、ここは俺にずっおの珟実だ。この郜垂にたどり着くたでそれはむダでも䜓隓しおきた。 「お願いしたす」 さぁ、いよいよ俺の冒険者ずしおの初䟝頌が始たるのである。 「はい、確認が取れたよ。ツノりサギは森の比范的浅い䜍眮に生息しおいるからすぐに芋぀けられるず思うよ。だからずいっお油断は呜取りになるから気を぀けおね」 「はい、ありがずうございたす」 森の入り口に蚭けられた関所の兵士に䟝頌曞を芋せ、䟵入の蚱可を貰う。 さらに蚀えば関所で譊備しおいるのは党員が竜人族だ。戊闘の光景は実際に芋たこずはないが、戊闘力は党皮族䞭でトップクラス。少ない人員で譊備するならもっおこいの配眮ず蚀えた。 䞡腕ず䞡足の装備を今䞀床確認しおから、俺は森ぞず入り蟌んだ。 森に入っおから芋虫のような魔獣やお銎染みのゎブリンやらず遭遇したが、求めおいるりサギの魔獣が䞀向に出珟しない。や、魔獣以倖の動物にもはち合わせたりしたが、鹿ヌヌっぜい䜕かヌヌや兎であっおも角が生えおいなかったりず。ツノりサギは高玚食材ではあるが、超レアな魔獣ではない。ただ、魔獣を含む倚皮倚様な動怍物が生息する森の䞭で、お目圓おの䞀皮族を捜すのは思っおいたよりも倧倉のようだ。 捜玢を開始しおから二時間を芁しおから、ようやく角の生えた兎型の魔獣を発芋した。 ツノりサギは、人間で蚀う眉間の䜍眮に鋭い角が生えおいる以倖は、兎そのもの。頭頂から生えた長い耳に、ふっくらずした䜓毛にたるっずした尻尟。䜕より、あの぀ぶらな瞳が憎い。いかに魔獣ずは蚀え、殺すのは躊躇っおしたう。 や、これたで既に䜕䜓も魔獣を殺しおきおいるし、止むを埗ない状況だったずしおも殺人も犯しおいる。今曎『可愛い』ず蚀うだけで殺すのに躊躇するのは間違っおいる。 そんな葛藀に内心が揺らいでいるず、䞍意にツノりサギず芖線が合った。 「キシャァァァッッッ!」 ヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌあの可愛らしく愛らしい顔はどこに行ったのだろうか。 ツノりサギは芖線の先に俺を確認するず、激しい奇声を䞊げお牙をむき出しにし、䞀瞬だけ力を溜めお勢いよく飛びかかっおきたのだ。事前ず事埌のギャップが激しすぎだ。倩䜿ず思いきや般若もかくやずばかりだ。 埌に聞いた話だが、あの可愛らしい倖芋ずは裏腹に、ツノりサギは自分の数倍以䞊の盞手に察しおも恐れも知らず躊躇いもなく襲いかかる、非垞に獰猛な肉食獣なのだ。あの愛らしい芋た目に慣れない冒険者は反応が遅れ、倧惚事に陥るこずが倚いようで、付いたあだ名が『初心者殺し』。 「うわぁぁッッ!?」 幞いにも、俺はりサギが動き出すよりも前に殺気を感じ取り、顔の倉貌よりも早く䜓が反応した。情けない悲鳎を䞊げながら暪に飛び退く。 鋭い角を振りかざしお飛びかかっおきたツノりサギは俺が寞前たでいた空間を盎進するず、その背埌に生えおいた䞀本の朚に盎撃。軜快な音を立おお、名前に冠される第䞀特城の角が根本たで朚の幹に突き刺さった。人間の肉䜓など軜く貫通しおしたいそうな鋭さず勢いだ。 『初心者殺し』の刺突をどうにか回避した俺は、即座に氷の斧を生み出し、次なる攻撃を迎え撃ずうず構えたのだが。 ............深く刺さりすぎお抜けないのか。 これも埌に聞いた話だが、ツノりサギは間違いなく獰猛な肉食獣であり、初心者殺しの異名を持っおいる。ただ、頭の方は䜙りよろしくないようで、獲物が目の前にいるずそい぀を狩る事に頭の党おが支配されお、呚囲の状況を完党に忘れおしたうらしい。 そんなこずを珟時点で露も知らず、俺はもがいおいるツノりサギの背埌に泚意深く近づき、刃を朰した倧斧をりサギの銖に叩き぀けた。骚が折れる感觊が柄から䌝わっおくるず、りサギは動きを止め朚にぶら䞋がる栌奜で脱力した。 狩猟目暙の䞀匹目をどうにか確保だ。 確か状態の良い肉は远加報酬の察象だ。『血抜き』をぶら䞋がったたたの状態で斜す。今たで食甚に適した魔獣に出䌚ったこずは無かったが、やり方自䜓はレアルに教わっおいた。 それが終わるず、ツノりサギを匵り付けになった朚から匕っこ抜いた。こい぀が䞭々に倧倉で、最埌は粟霊術で䜜った氷の巚倧ペンチを䜿い、䜕ずか角を抜き取るこずに成功。途䞭で角が折れないか冷や冷やしたが、頭蓋を含めたりサギの角は想像以䞊に頑䞈だった。加工は倧倉だろうが、玠材ずしおは優秀だな。 ツノりサギの死䜓は、ギルドの方が支絊しおくれた狩猟甚の袋に攟り蟌んでおく。頑䞈で氎も通さない、結構な優れ物だ。぀いでに、粟霊術で冷気を䜜り出しお袋の䞭に充填させおおく。これで、簡単にりサギの肉が腐るのを防いでおく。 二匹目は特に苊劎も無く発芋できた。ず蚀うのも、ツノりサギの皮族ずしおの気配を芚えられたからだ。それを頌りに森を歩くず、初遭遇に掛かった時間が嘘だったかのようにすぐにツノりサギを芋぀けられたのだ。 䞀匹目で察ツノりサギの狩猟方法を発芋できたのが今日䞀番の幞運だ。危機感を芚えるこずもなく、垞に朚を背埌にする圢でツノりサギず察峙。即座に飛びかかっお来るずころを冷静に回避。角が朚に刺さっお匵り付けになっおいる所で銖を匷打しお絶呜させる。あずはロヌテヌションのように血抜きしお朚から角ごずりサギを匕っこ抜き袋に詰め蟌んでいく。 そこからさらに䞀時間が経過するころには、ギルドの指定蚎䌐数である五匹のツノりサギの狩猟が完了しおいた。しかも、最埌の䞀匹など発芋したずきには既に角が朚に突き刺さっおもがいおいた。『これでいいのか?』ず突っ蟌みを入れ぀぀、容赊なく絶呜させお確保した。 匕き際を間違えないのが、長生きをするコツである。俺は玠盎に森の入り口ぞず匕き返すこずにした。 ただ、垰り道の途䞭に䞀匹のツノりサギず遭遇したので、こい぀だけは狩猟した。指定数分は党おギルドに提出しなければならないが、それ以䞊の狩猟はその党おが冒険者の所有物になる。
Cute things have (physical) horns After leaving the guild, we stayed at a cheap inn recommended by the staff. Even adventurers with low earnings can afford long term lodging by use of guild cards, which guarantees them reasonable rates. There was no bath as expected, but there was no problem because there was a public bath nearby. The day after accepting Ryujin grandma's suggestion, I visited the Adventurer's Guild Branch and got my guild card safely. As promised, two of them. [Do you understand!? I implore you!! Never ever!! Lose both of them!! At the same time!! Please!?] As expected, it was difficult to agree with an unprecedented case like mine. It might be better to buy a special container so as not to lose it. At any rate, I'd like to say thanks to the grandma if got the chance. The two guild cards have my name on them. [With this, Kanns.h.i.+ has cleared the path to become an adventurer de gozaru.] [We were met with unexpectedly delicate situation but somehow, I'm deeply moved.] There was a bit of trouble but the rest came out fine, so let's just say, it's all ok. Let's try to receive a request immediately. [Now then, Kanns.h.i.+, please do your best gozaru yo. This one will also work wholeheartedly to repay this one's debt even a single day sooner!] [Then do your best moderately.] [Waffu!] When I stroked her head, Chloe's motivation skyrocketed. She ran to the board where C rank request are posted with her ears and tail standing up straight. Strapped on her waist was a one-handed sword purchased yesterday at a weapon shop. Of course, I'm the investor. It seems that Chloe's specialized weapon skill was not for the one-handed sword but the thing on her waist was the closest in comfort. After looking at Chloe's back for a while, I turn back to the staff. The seemingly recovered guild staff began her explanation. [Since this is the first job request for Kannsama, only the request specified here are available. First of all, please remember the flow of order processing. After confirming the contents of the request from the bulletin board on the wall, please choose at your own discretion.] It's like a simple tutorial. With gentle handling of the newcomers. Incidentally I'm from the faction that reads the game manual thoroughly. [There are three types of requests. Magic beast subjugation. Harvesting and collecting herbs, materials and catalyst needed for alchemy and compounding. Miscellaneous tasks which does not correspond to either of those above. Which group would you like to choose this time?] [Subjugation.] [Certainly. Here is the request.] The staff took out a piece of paper that appeared to be a request. In the center was a picture of a rabbit with horns (quite precise, honestly), and a brief description of the request was written at the bottom. [The contents are also included in the request form, but if you submit it to the receptionist, a more detailed explanation will be provided by the staff. If you are satisfied after hearing the details, please sign the order certificate. The order processing for the request is now complete.] A separate paper was taken out, a certificate of acceptance. [By the way, this [horn rabbit request] specifies hunting a number of them.] [Do I just bring back certain body parts in this hunt?] [The horn is light and durable. After undergoing treatment, it will last for a long time. While its meat is considered as high cla.s.s ingredient compared to ordinary domestic animals. If you can deliver a certain number of horns, this request will be completed, but if you also deliver its meat in undamaged condition as much as possible, additional reward will be given. This additional reward also applies to certain other subjugation targets.] Reminds me of a certain Mon Hun. <<tln: monster hunter myb>> It was a system where additional rewards are generated when monsters are captured. [This advice is true for any rank and type of request; even if the reward is attractive, it is important not to be too greedy. Some magic beast, in particular, rather than being hard to subjugate, are extremely difficult to collect specific parts of them. Please undertake your request with that in mind.] [......I'll keep that in mind.] I'm not going to let my guard down against the magic beasts, but I became tense after hearing the staff. Even if it is a system close to Mon Hun, this is reality for me. I have experienced it before arriving at this city. [Yes, please.] Finally, my first request as an adventurer begins. The hunt target, horn rabbit can be found in every part of the continent's forest. The reason for its high quality food evaluation was because of how dangerous they are compared to livestock. Non-combatants can't capture them by ordinary means nor by traps. I'm directed to a forest about thirty minutes walk south from Draknil. [I have confirmed. I think you'll find them quickly because they live in the outskirts of the forest. Nevertheless, you should always be alert, because a moment of carelessness can be fatal.] [Yes, thank you.] At the gate near the entrance to the forest, I showed the soldier my request form and got permission to enter the forest. The forest is a treasure trove of natural raw materials near the city, which is publicly managed by Diagal Empire to prevent excessive hunting and harvesting of the flora and fauna that lives there, and has a fence surrounding the forest to prevent trespa.s.sing by poachers. Furthermore, all the guards at the station are Ryujin. I have never seen them in battle but their fighting prowess are said to be top cla.s.s among all races. It could be said to be the perfect arrangement of guarding with a small number of elites. After rechecking the equipment on both arms and legs, I went into the forest. In retrospect, it may be the first time I have visited a land full of trees since I came to this fantasy world. Up until now, it was snowy mountains, gra.s.slands and valleys. I only saw forests from a distance. I even ran into normal beasts, some kind of deer lookalike and a rabbit without horns. The horn rabbit is a high cla.s.s ingredient but it was not a super rare magic beast. Nevertheless, it seems to be difficult to find your target in a forest with wide variety of flora and fauna, magic beasts included. Two hours after starting the search, I finally found a horn rabbit. Thinking of finally starting my hunt, instead of being enthusiastic, I groaned unintentionally. Long fluffy ears, fluffy body fur and a fluffy tail. Above all else, that hateful round eyes. Even though its a magic beast, this is making me hesitant to kill it. Coming this far, I have already killed many magic beasts. Even if its an unavoidable situation, I have committed murder. Its surely a mistake to hesitate killing just because its [cute]. When my mind was conflicted, I suddenly matched eyes with the rabbit. [Kishaaaaaa!] .........Where did that adorably cute face go? The horn rabbit confirms me in its line of sight, raises a strangely fierce growl while baring its fang and after acc.u.mulating power in just an instant, jumps vigorously at me. As I heard later, contrary to that cute appearance, the horn rabbit is a very ferocious carnivorous beast that attacks without fear and hesitation even against opponents several times its number. Adventurers who are unfamiliar with that adorable appearance would often react slowly, falling into catastrophe. A magic beast with the nickname [Beginner Killer]. [Uwaaa!] Fortunately, I felt killing intent even before the rabbit started to move and my body reacted just as the rabbit started to charge, by jumping sideways while screaming pathetically. Brandis.h.i.+ng its sharp horn, the horn rabbit went straight through the s.p.a.ce I vacated just a moment before and punctured a tree behind it. True to its namesake and its selling points, the horn rabbit pierced the tree trunk up to the base of its horn with a light sound. <<tln: horn-light and durable>> It was a combination of sharpness and momentum that can penetrate a human easily. I was able to avoid the Beginner Killer's first strike, and immediately made an ice axe to intercept the next attack. But the rabbit was still stuck in that same position, struggling to break free. .........Too deep? This is also what I heard later but the horn rabbit is definitely a ferocious carnivorous beast with the nickname [Beginner Killer] Without knowing such a thing at this moment, I cautiously approach the struggling rabbit and struck it in the neck with the blunt end of my axe. When the feeling of broken bone got transmitted through my axe, the rabbit stopped moving, hanging limply from the tree. Somehow I managed to secure my first target. Surely with the corpse in good condition, I'm eligible for additional reward. I applied [Bleeding] on the corpse as is. I never met an edible beast so far in order to use [Bleeding] on, but still, Real taught me how to do it. When it was over, I pulled the rabbit from the tree. ...This guy got itself stuck too d.a.m.n hard. In the end, I had to resort to using Spirit Art, materializing a huge ice plier to pull it out. I was nervous when pulling it out, afraid the horn would break halfway, but its horn and skull are st.u.r.dier than expected. Processing will be difficult, but it is excellent as a material. The corpse of the horned rabbit was thrown into a bag provided by the guild. Its st.u.r.dy and waterproof, a very useful item. Next, I produce cold air using Spirit Art and fill the bag with it. This keeps the rabbit meat from rotting too quickly. The second one was found without any particular hards.h.i.+p. This was because I was able to remember the signs of the horned rabbit as a species. When I walk through the forest by relying on it, I immediately found a horn rabbit. It was as if the time spent searching for my first rabbit was a lie. <<orz>> I was lucky enough to discover a hunting method for the horn rabbit after my first kill. Committing to memory of the danger, I confront the horn rabbit with a tree behind me. Calmly avoiding the horn charge. Once it got stuck in the tree, strike it in the neck to kill it. After I finish draining its blood, I pull it out and stuff it into the bag. Thus completes the cycle. About an hour later, the hunting of five horn rabbits, as per the request quota, was completed. Moreover, when I discovered the last one, it was already struggling to break free with its horn stuck in a tree. The trick to living a long life is to make a timely withdrawal. I decided to turn back to the forest entrance obediently. On the way back, however, I encountered another rabbit. Of course, into the bag it goes. All specified subjugation targets must be submitted to the guild but subsequent hunts are the property of the adventurer. As I've said before, horn rabbit meat is a luxury item. I am very interested in its taste, so I secured some to eat myself.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.45 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
第䞉話 ヒモは嫌なので雪山捜玢にでたす 「くぉぉぉぉぉッッッ! ささささささ寒い!」 冷気が肌に突き刺さる。瞬きする眉毛が凍っおバリバリする。䜕より猛然ず吹き付けおくる突颚に躯が吹き飛ばされそうだ。 「............倧䞈倫か?」 「倧䞈倫じゃねぇけど倧䞈倫だ! 死ぬほど寒いけど倧䞈倫だ!」 「その連呌は私の䞍安を駆り立おるんだが」 「良いから前向いお歩けッ。転んでも助け起こせるほどにこっちには䜙裕ねぇからな!」 ず叫びながら、積もった雪に足䞋をずられお転びそうになる俺。 「............そんなに䜙裕がないならどうしお付いおきた」 「宿代払っおもらっおその䞊恩人の女に䞀人働かせるずか居心地悪過ぎなんだよ。俺はヒモになる぀もりはねぇぞ!」 「ヒモ?」 「女に逊っおもらっおる無職男子の総称だ!」 はい、神城カンナです。 珟圚、極寒の山䞭を登坂しおいたす。竜で越えたあの山脈です。 たた端折りすぎたな。ずりあえずたたたた順序説明。 山脈を越え、その麓に降り立った俺たちは特に䜕らアクシデントに遭うでもなく無事に付近の村にたどり着いた。俺の想像の䞭にあった田舎の村ずほずんど差異はなく、のどかで平和な村。 レアルは真っ先に宿屋に向かい郚屋を取り、凍えおいた俺に颚呂を勧めおくれた。颚呂を沞かす時間も惜しく、慣れない火属性魔術で湯を枩めおくれる始末。俺はお䞖話になりっぱなしで申し蚳ない気持ちになり぀぀、だが颚呂ぞの欲求にあらがえずお蚀葉に甘え、暖かいお湯の䞭にダむブ。今たでで䞀番気持ちよく入れた颚呂だった。躯の芯から暖たる感芚に、俺は颚呂に涙をこがした。あれ? 俺っおこんなに涙もろかった? 颚呂に入っお䞀息぀いた俺がほくほくしながら宿屋の䞀階に戻る。この宿屋は二階を客宀に、䞀階を食堂にしおおり、普段から村の䜏人の舌を満足させおいるらしい。 が、今は食事に舌錓を打぀客の姿はなく、深刻な顔をしたレアルず耇数の村人がテヌブルを囲っおいた。雰囲気䜙り宜しくない。 その堎に姿を芋せるかを迷うが、村人の䞀人が俺の姿を発芋し、それに぀られおレアルも振り返った。 「カンナか、颚呂はどうだった?」 「最高でした。............で、どういう状況よ、これ」 本来なら、笑いながらレアルに颚呂を勧める所だが、さすがにそんな空気でないのは俺だっお読める。 「実は、今日の昌頃に山に入った少女が未だ垰っおきおいないらしい」 「山っお、あのでっかい山か?」 この付近の山ず蚀えば、雲を突き抜けるほどに高いあの山脈以倖にないはずだ。なんでたた? 「圌女の母芪が最近颚邪を匕いたらしくおな。あの山には、薬効のある山草が生えおいるらしい。おそらくそれを取りに行ったのだろう」 「そりゃたた母芪思いのいい嚘さんで............」 ず蚀い掛けお、俺は珟時刻を思い出す。慌おお窓の倖を芋れば、倜の闇が空を芆っおいる。 「おい、もう日が暮れちたっおるじゃねぇか!」 「そう、もう倜だ。そしお、あの山は日が萜ちるず倩候が厩れやすい。だからこの村の人は必ず日が萜ちる前に山を䞋りる。が、それを知らないはずのない少女が未だに戻っおきおいない。なにか問題があったず考えお間違いない」 「だったらこんな堎所にたむろっおる暇なんおねぇじゃねぇか。早く迎えに行っおやらにゃぁ」 「分かっおいる。だが、あの山には危険な魔獣も生息しおいる。倜行性な為に、昌に山に入るのは問題ないらしいが」 「............おいおいマゞかよ」 魔獣ヌヌ぀たりはモンスタヌ。ファンタゞヌの代名詞その䞉である。聞こえに違わず、人に襲いかかる危険な動怍物の総称だ。 「倜の山に入るのは、力のない村人にずっおは自殺行為だ」 ここたでの説明で、ようやく村人だけではなくレアルがこの堎に参加しおいる理由を察した。 「぀たり、その嚘さんの捜玢を頌みに来たわけだ、この人たちは」 「その通りだ。さお、君はどう思う?」 「ん? 早く助けに行こうぜ」 あら? 䜕か倉なこず蚀ったか? 「............人の話を聞いおいたのか、君は?」 「早くしないず嚘さんが魔獣の逌になるっおこずだろ? だったら早く助けにいかにゃならんだろうがよ。あ、そうだ。なぁなぁ村人さん達よ。なにか防寒具ずか貞しおくれよ。そのぐらいは融通しおくれ」 「いや、だから魔獣が出おくるずいっおいるんだが」 「だから聞いたっお。嚘さんがおいしく(お食事的に)戎かれおいる猟期的珟堎なんざ、俺は芋たくも想像もしたくねぇぞ」 「䜕なんだよさっきからいったい。(蚭定では)傭兵のレアルに嚘さんの救出を䟝頌しに来たんだろ? その人達。で、レアルはそれを承諟した。違うのか?」 「確かにその通りだが! 私䞀人で行く぀もりだったのだが!」 「なに蚀っおんだい。俺も行くに決たっおるだろうが」 「こんな事は蚀いたくはないのだが、この村の人々ず君には䜕の瞁もないんだぞ?」 「でもレアルは助けに行く気満々でしょうよ」 「それは私個人の気持ちだ。だが、同行者である君の意志を蔑ろにはできないだろう。だから聞いたのだが............」 「现けぇこたぁどうだっおいいんだ! できるこずがあっお、やる意志があるなら、躊躇っおる暇なんざねぇんだよ! レアルがそれを望んで、力があるなら俺はそれにいくらでも぀き合う!」 ず、蚀うわけで、最初に戻る。 「俺らが登り始めた途端に吹雪が来るずか運悪すぎだろ!」 「むしろ、我々がこの吹雪を呌び寄せおしたったず䞍安になるな」 埌に、冗談から出た誠の発蚀です。芚えおおいおください。 「っおかどうしおお前さんはそんな軜装でケロっずしおるわけ!?」 「耐寒魔術を掛けおいるからな。これ䞀枚で事足りる」 俺はモコモコのゞャケットを矜織っおいおさえすこぶる寒いのに、レアルは䟋によっお䟋の劂くラむトアヌマヌ䞀䞁に、簡単な倖套を矜織っおいるだけだ。 「魔術っお䟿利だなおい」 「私はこの系統に特化しおいるだけだ。属性魔術はからきし。戊いで頌りになるのはこい぀だけだ」 背䞭に背負う倧剣を匷調するように担ぎ盎す。 確かに凄かった。城から脱出するずきに衛兵やら階士やらがわらわらず襲っおきたのだが、あの倧剣の䞀振り䞀振りで䟋倖なく吹き飛ばされおいたした。党身鎧で固めおいた重装甲兵も䜕のそのである。単階戊力がゲヌムに出おくる戊囜歊将䞊じゃねぇだろうか。 「それでカンナ。薬草の生息地垯は未だ先か?」 「あずもうちょい歩く」 俺は手元の地図ず、村人に教えられた地圢の特城ずを己の呚囲ず照らし䜵せ、珟圚地を確認する。俺の背䞭には荷袋が䞀぀。嚘さん甚の子䟛向け防寒具だ。 嚘さんが昌間に山ぞず入ったずき、栌奜は軜装だったず聞かされおいる。たずえ無事な嚘さんを芋぀けおも、この倩気だ。吹雪に䜓枩を奪われ、動けなくなっおいる可胜性は倧きい。 その堎合、レアルが嚘さんを背負っお䞋山しないずいけないのだが、䞇が䞀に魔獣に襲われたずき埌手に回りかねない。だからこそ俺はレアルの埌に続き、二重の意味での荷物持ちをかっお出たのだ。 「たったく荷物持ちなど。明らかに埌付けの理由だろうに」 「レアルもそれが必芁だず分かったからこそ、俺を連れおきたんだろ?」 最初は村人の䞀人に頌もうかず思っおいたらしいが、圌女の冷静な思考は俺を連れおいく遞択をした。圌らよりも、俺の方が足手たずいにならないず刀断したのだ。 「君も倧抂にお人奜しだな。䜕の瞁もない嚘のために」 「別に奜意十割っお蚳じゃねぇよ。わりず打算もある」 「確かに。あの埌金勘定の話を始めたずき、村人達の顔がかなり埮劙な感じになっおいたな」 芋ず知らずの他人のために、こんな寒い思いをしおいるのだ。ある皋床の芋返りを求めおも眰は圓たらないだろう。ずりあえず、䞀泊分の宿代ず数日分の食料。それず少しばかりの金銭を成功報酬ずしお確玄した。 「たったく、思慮が深いのか、そうでないのか。本圓に刀断に困る男だな、君は」 「ほめおるのかそれは」 「どうだかな」 䌚話で寒さを誀魔化しながら、俺らは目的地ぞず埐々に近づいおいった。目指すは薬草の生息地点。そこを起点に捜玢しおいく方策だ。嚘さんもそこを目指しおいたはずなので、手がかりがあるかもしれない。 そしお山を登り始めお䞉十分近く。無事に到着。暗がりながらも、吹雪に埋もれ぀぀も生い茂る薬草矀を発芋。呚囲の地圢を確認するが、村人の情報通りだ。
Chapter 3 : It's not like I like to pimp; so I joined a mountain search [Kuoooooh! Cooooooold!] The chill air strikes my skin as my eyebrows keep twitching while being frozen and the worse of all is this strong gust of wind that lowers the temperature of my body. [............ Are you ok?] [I can't possibly be ok, but I'll be ok! I feel cold enough as if I'm dying; but I'll be ok!] [You are rather increasing my anxiety with such lines] [It's ok to just keep walking forward! I can still handle it even if we increase the pace more than this!] After spurting that lively statement; I further dive my feet on the snowy fields as a show of my intention. [............ It doesn't look like you have that much leeway; why would you go that far?] [Towards someone who is my benefactor, covered my lodging and is first and foremost of a lady-- while that girl is working outside in this weather; I can't possibly law down comfortably at home! I have no plans of becoming a financially dependant pimp!] [Pimp?] [Is a known term for a guy that gets sustained by a girl without working himself.] Greetings, this is Kamis.h.i.+ro Kanna. Presently; I'm enjoying mountain climbing through a frozen slope. That exact mountain range that was previously easily skipped from travelling thanks to the corteous services of dragonic airlines. I'm aware that I'm again skipping a lot of important details; but please let me of again by giving out the sequential order for the course of events yet again. After pa.s.sing the mountain range and decending through it's feet; we encountered absolutely no accidents and we safely got into the neighboring village without any unusual events. The village on itself was quite peaceful, there it wasn't any difference from how I imagined any countrisde village back in my world. The absolute first thing we did was heading towards the inn and having Real book a room, after that she recommended me to enjoy the warmth of a bath. It was the turn for that inexperienced elemental magic increased the temperature of the water; and even the short interval needed for water to boil felt excruciatingly long for the I who was in a completely frozen state. Soon I felt honestly bad for being cared for time after time; but please let me get away with it now since the desire for a bath was simply winning me over -- is what I thought as I was diving into the steamy water. I have to say that this is the first time in my life that I ever felt so good when entering the bath; that sensation of having the very core of my soul being surronded by warmth was so incredible that before realizing it I was spilling tears already. Ermn? Am I fragile to the point that I can be broken to tears easily? I made sure that I was refreshed after a short dive in the bath and then I returned to the room... It looks like the structure of this inn is that all of the guest rooms are located in the second floor; while the first one has a large dining room which gives the impression of being quite satisfying for the palate of the local residents. But; right now you can't see the image of several customers enjoy the meal in their seats, but rather the sight of a bunch of serious villagers surrounding Real's table with an atmosphere which is far from relaxed. I was unsure of adding my presence to that place or not, but once somebody noticed that I was in this floor; their hand stretched and I was dragged towards the place where Real was. [Oh, Kanna. Was the bath enjoyable?] [The absolute best. ............ Er, what sort of circ.u.mstance is this?] Originally it was the smiling Real who recommended me to enter the bath first, but as expected even I can read the sort of weird air that this place is enshrouded in right now. [Apparently, it seems that there is a girl who entered the mountain around noon and hasn't returned yet] [For mountain; you mean that exceedingly large one?] Speaking of mountains, there is no other mountain in the vicinity that goes over the clouds like that one; why is that? [That girl mother apparently caught a cold recently; and is well known that among the gra.s.s in that mountain there are medicinal herbs. Is easy to see that the girl's purpose was collecting those] [Such a thoughtful daughter has to be a good kid............] At the moment that bit was mentioned; I remembered the current time. A single glance outside the windows reafirms that we are already completely unto the night. [Oi, is totally past the time the sun sets by now!] [Exactly. It's night-time already; and the weather becomes rather harsh in that mountain by nightfall- which is why everyone in the village is absolutely clear that they need to return home before the day ends. A girl who absolutely know this and climbed the mountain hasn't returned by now has surely encountered some sort of mishap] [Then; doesn't that mean that we can't idle around in this place? We should head out right now.] [I know that much, but.... That mountain also has dangerous magical beasts; the fact that they have a nocturnal nature is one of the things that makes the mountain safer during the day] [............Oioi, that's serious stuff] Magical beast-- what some would spell as monster and is the quintessential example number three of the world in a fantasy genre. If it's as their definition states; they are dangerous animal, flora and fauna that have this wonderful healthy habit of attacking people. [Entering the mountain at night would be suicidal for villagers who have no strength to fight] Hearing the conversation up to this point makes it obvious the villagers can't possibly head out on themselves; bur rather they want to request the task to this Real present here. [Bottom line is, these people are requesting you to find that daughter....] [Precisely. And what do you think about it?] [Hmn? Let's hurry up and save her] Ara? I'm looked at as if I said something strange. [............Did you not listen to what these people said?] [The outline it's about how we should hurry so the girl won't be eaten by some monster; right? That's exactly why we should head out to help as soon as possible. Ah right- friendly neighbors of this village; would you mind lending some clothes strong against cold? Please at least offer that level of cooperation] [No, I'm talking about the bit where beast will come attacking] [That's why I'm saying that I heard it. In a place where gruesome sights are common, we have a rarity for the season: today's special consist of delicious village girl (In a cooking ingredients sense)] [You have been strange for awhile. (Like our setting points out) Mercernary girl Real has been requested by this people to search for that girl and you took on the job; right? ] [Certainly that's how it went! The actual issue is that I am going alone!] [What a foolish thing to say. It's settled in stone that I'll be tagging along as well] [I really did not want you to say that. The people of this village don't have any relation with you, right?] [That's no different for you; yet you are br.i.m.m.i.n.g with motivation of helping out, right?] [That's due to my personal motivations. Well, I really can't neglect the intention of my travelling companion; that's why please listen............] [Details might as well not matter in this situation! There are things that I also can do and there is also the motivation to do such when it counts! There is no spare time to hesitate! Since this goes according to Real's will; I'm just going to accompany you to the extent of the power I have!] And that's how we returned to the beginning. [Is way too unlucky that a snow storm began the moment we started to climb!] [It's like, we should be worrying that we are not the cause for this weather] There are things that after once said as joke; they may eventually change to truths. Please remember this for later. [Or rather, why are you dressed so lightly in this storm!?] [Because I used magic that makes me resistant to cold, this much is enough] Right now I'm wearing quite the fluffy jacket to ward off that cold; while Real is wearing her usual light armor with a sole simple cloack added in. [Just how convenient is that magic, oi] [My speciality only lies in this type of spells. As my elemental attribute magic is not that wonderful; for battle this is the one guy I can rely on] She says that while emphasizing the large sword at her back. Certainly, she was quite amazing. At the time we had to force a way out of the castle; it didn't matter how many guards or knights came swarming... They were all blown away with a single attack from that great sword and without any single exception. There it were plenty of guys with full body armor and / or heavy equipment in those ranks.... That amount of battle power on a single person wouldn't mean that she is good enough to be selectable in those games that are placed in the sengoku era? [More than that Kanna; is the part where the herbs grow still further ahead?] [Just some steps away] With a map in my hands; I check the shape of my surroundings and compare it with what was written to a.s.sest the current location. There is a large bag on my back; which is meant to be used to keep that child from the cold. When the village girl set out during the day; apparently she was dressed lightly. Even if she happens to be unharmed; the intense cold of this snowstorm is more than enough to make a person not being able to move. If that happens to be the current situation; Real on her own would have needed to carry the bag in her shoulder and in the case of beasts showing up she would have needed to fight the monsters with that handicap--- which is the reason of why I was so adamant about following her. In a dual sense you can say that I'm here for the luggage. [Really, to volunteer for luggage duty. Quite the evident reason] [And it's because Real understood that such a thing was necessary; that you let me tag along, right?] Initially, she had the idea of relying in one of the villagers; but after considering it calmly a little I became the obvious choice. Compared to them; she made the judgement that I'll drag her feet much less. [You are also quite softhearted; to go this far for a girl you don't know] [I'm not entirely moving out of good will. There is a profit factor added in] [Truly. When you began the talk of how much the pay was going to be; the faces of the villagers turned delicate] Handling so coldly people that we are not acquainted with; even if they ask for a refund later we can't be held punishable. In any event-- with one night stay and several days worth on food; is only that much what we requested as the completion fee. [Seriously. Should I put it that you might be someone of high prudence? You are really a man who is hard to judge] [Was that praise just now?] [I wonder?] As we were brooding over such conversation in this cold, we steadely approached the specified location which is towards the place where the medicinal herbs grow. This is the same place that the girl was aiming at and thus there it might be some sort of trail. Close to 30 minutes after we started or climbing through the mountain and while it's fully dark; we safely reached our destination. Even when burried in he snowstorm, the thick herbs are in abundance.... Now we need to check the surrounding terrain and sort the information we got from the villagers.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Kanna no Kanna", "series_title_jap": "カンナのカンナ 異端召喚者はシナリオブレむカヌ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.42 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Ecchi", "Fantasy", "Harem", "Mature", "Romance", "Seinen", "Supernatural" ], "tags": [ "Appearance Changes", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Brainwashing", "Clever Protagonist", "Corruption", "Cunning Protagonist", "Demi-Humans", "Demons", "Dragons", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "First-time Interc**rse", "Gods", "Handsome Male Lead", "Magic", "Magic Beasts", "Male Protagonist", "Manipulative Characters", "Multiple POV", "Multiple Transported Individuals", "Nobles", "Pe*verted Protagonist", "Politics", "R-15", "Revenge", "Royalty", "Schemes And Conspiracies", "Shameless Protagonist", "Spirit Users", "Spirits", "Sudden Strength Gain", "Summoned Hero", "Sword And Magic", "Time Manipulation", "Transported to Another World", "Weak to Strong" ], "rating": 4, "rating_votes": 207 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "ナカノムラアダスケ", "fav_novel_cnt": 26250, "global_points": 71288 } }
13:2000人突砎蚘念配信(埌線) 「皆さんヌこんふわりんヌ」 癜姫ゆかずコラボを始めた浮雲ふわりが恒䟋の挚拶をする。 こんふわりんヌ こんふわ! こんふわりんヌ! 『あわわわ、ボクがいいよっお蚀った手前あれだけど本圓にコラボ出来るなんお・・・』 ゆかちゃん嬉しそう 結構凄いこずが起きおるのにそっちに集䞭出来ない件 ふわちゃんずコラボずかやばいよなヌ あぁ、絶察死んだわ 䜕だったら巻き蟌みで䜕人か死ぬぞこれ 俺は既に死んでるず蚀っおもいい お姉ちゃんはわたしに刺さる 柿厎ゆる:わ、わた・・・しも・・・ 柿厎ゆる: 「にゃあああああああああ!!!」 !? ふわちゃん!? 俺なら死んでた わたしも死んでたず思う 柿厎ゆる:私もコラボしおもらえるずきに蚀っおもらうもん!!!!! ゆるママ・・・ クヌル女子ずは・・・? 『そ、それじゃあふわりお姉ちゃんは眮いおおいおヒゲオカヌト、始めるよ?』 絶察たずもに出来ないぞふわちゃんwww 負けられない闘いがここにはある わたしもお姉ちゃんっお蚀っおもらうんだ! 皆煩悩に塗れおるなぁ 「うぅ・・・他にも蚀っお欲しい事あるから頑匵りたすヌ」 埩掻した えらいけどラむバルだから負けられない 『それじゃあこのサヌバヌに接続しおね! 同時に48人たでだからROMしおる人も気軜に参加しおくれるず嬉しいな!』 『次にルヌル説明だけど、48人で4぀のチヌムを䜜っお各チヌムの3䜍たでの人でもう䞀぀チヌムを䜜っお最埌のチヌムの1䜍が勝ちだからね!』 結構実力差が出そう よし準備出来た 私も準備OK 『メンバヌも揃ったみたいだね!それじゃあ始めるよ!』 開始の宣蚀をした圌女の画面が切り替わり、ゲヌムの画面が映し出された。 1チヌム目は柿厎ゆるずリス兄ずリス姉達の察戊だった。 ------柿厎ゆる芖点------ 「うわぁ、よりにもよっおこのステヌゞなんだ・・・」 そう蚀った圌女の前にはヒゲオJrサヌキットの文字が浮かんでいた。 「完党に実力が詊されおいるコヌス・・・やるしかない、よね。」 気合を入れた圌女はスタヌトの瞬間を埅っおいた。 3...2...1... 「ここ!」 そう蚀っおボタンを抌した圌女は䞊手くスタヌトダッシュを決めた。 「よし!」 他にも3人ほど綺麗にスタヌトダッシュを決めおいたが、圌女はそれを気にせず3䜍以内を目指しおひたすら走っおいた。 「いいペヌス・・・間違いなく今たでで䞀番いい走りを芋せおる気がする・・・」 実際にかなりの集䞭力でラむバル達の攟った甲矅などを回避しおいっおいた。 そしお最終呚でアむテムを持っおいなかった圌女に赀い甲矅が襲いかかる。 「たずい!アむテムブロック間に合っお!」 誰もがぶ぀かったず思った瞬間奇跡が起きた。 「(緑甲矅!?埌ろに出すしかない!)」 起死回生の䞀手ずなったのは1秒皋床の猶予しかなかった緑甲矅獲埗からぶ぀かるたでの間に入力を完了した事だった。 「やった!」 そしお圌女はギリギリの回避に成功し3䜍入賞に成功した。 そしお次はリスナヌ同士の争いだったが運ゲヌマップのせいで倧いに荒れた。 ヒゲカヌガチ勢を名乗っおいた人もあれは無理ず蚀っおたのだずか。 ------浮雲ふわり芖点------ 次の察戊は浮雲ふわりvsリス兄リス姉の構図ずなった。 「ふふふ、負けたせんよヌ?」 やっぱ䞊手いよなふわちゃん ふわ民はガチ勢倚いから... 俺䞍安になっおきた わたしもかなりガチ勢だったず思ったんだけど胃の䞭の蛙ずはこの事なのかしら そしおレヌスも䞭盀になっおきたずころで動きがあった。 おい!?䞋䜍勢の所持アむテム頭おかしいだろ!? なんだこれwww カオスすぎるwww 9䜍以䞋の䞋䜍勢の所持アむテムが党お䞀発逆転アむテムになったのだ。 そしお浮雲ふわりの順䜍は1䜍。 「たずっ!?」 これは終わったな トゲ甲矅が圓たる瞬間に圌女はスピヌドきのこを䜿甚しトゲ甲矅を芋事に抜けた。 その埌に雷が来たが、もう圌女を止める事は出来なかった。 「よしっ1䜍!」 ふわちゃんおめでずヌ 流石ふわちゃん成功率1%あるかどうかっお蚀われおる高等テクニック䞀発成功ずかやばい 最埌のあれは痺れた ------癜姫ゆか芖点------ 『よくよく考えたらボクが1䜍になったらどうなるんだろ?』 考えおいなかった でも参加しないのはなんか違うよね いっそのこずふわちゃんに蚀っおもらいたい事蚀っおもらったら? そんな事しなくおも蚀っおくれそうなんだけど 「もちろん、どんなこずでも蚀っおあげたすよヌ?お姉ちゃんですし?」 ゆかちゃんのお兄ちゃんずお姉ちゃんは俺たち党員だぞいいか?党員だぞ? お前・・・ノヌベル平和賞受賞だわ・・・ そうか皆お兄ちゃんでありお姉ちゃんなのか・・・ なんか哲孊的 『あはは、それじゃボクが1䜍取ったら䜕頌もうかなっ!』 『よし、じゃあ予遞ラスト行くよ!』 コヌスはこれたた実力が浮き圫りになる ヒゲオJrサヌキットず違い距離が長めで3呚になっおいる。 このコヌスはカヌブの数がそれなりに倚くカヌブを制す者が勝負を制すず蚀っおも過蚀ではないくらいカヌブが倧事なのだ。 「スタヌトダッシュは䜙裕だねっ!」 癜姫ゆかも奜スタヌトを切り先頭集団の䞭に入っおいった。 3䜍の䜍眮にずっず居た圌女は2䜍ずの距離を維持したたた最終呚ぞず入っおいた。 そしお、もうすぐゎヌルずいう所で埌ろからゎヌルドスピヌドきのこを䜿い䞀気に远い䞊げお来るラむバルがやっおきた。 『(ここが䜿いどきかな?)」 圌女はスピヌドきのこを持っおいないず通るこずの出来ない難易床の高いショヌトカットぞ入っおいった。 『ここの段差をゞャンプしお最高高床の瞬間にきのこを䜿っお・・・!届いおぇぇぇぇ!』 ここで難しいショヌトカットで勝負に来たか いける!いけるぞ! そしおその勢いをそのたたに圌女は1䜍すらも抜き去り1䜍で勝利した。 あの思い切りの良さに痺れるし憧れる かっこよかったよゆかちゃん! 初芋、なんでふわちゃんがコラボやっおるの同事務所の人じゃないの(困惑) おっ初芋さんいらっしゃい ふわちゃんがいるワケ?䞻を芋れば分かる äž»?・・・あっ(察し 『ふっふヌん!ボクだっお捚おたものじゃないよ!』 捚おられたら爆速で拟われそうだけどな 柿厎ゆる:どこにいけばひろえたすか 気持ちはわかる なんだこの配信(困惑) 「あれを決めおいくのはなかなかですねヌ」 『すっごく緊匵したんだけどね、成功しおよかったよ!』 『でも正盎ふわりお姉ちゃんのトゲ甲矅避けは鳥肌が立ったよ・・・?』 お姉ちゃんすごいねヌっお蚀われながらよしよしされたい 想像しただけで幞犏感に包たれた 『それじゃ時間も迫っおきたし、最終戊いくよ!リス兄もリス姉もふわりお姉ちゃんもゆるママも準備は倧䞈倫?』 柿厎ゆる:い぀でもいいよ 私が勝!!!!!! わたしも負けない! いくぜえええええ!!!!! ガチ勢ずしお負けられない 問題はステヌゞなんだけどな... 流石にそこたで倉なステヌゞは来ないだろ おいやめろフラグを立おるな 『えぇ・・・』 最終戊に遞ばれたのはコヌス萜䞋率がかなり高い虹の䞊を走るコヌス、レむンボりロヌドだった。 あヌ... 萜ちたな(確信 いっぱい萜ちるんだろうなぁ 『た、たぁ気を取り盎しお、レヌスはもう始たるからね!』 そしお最終戊が始たった。 スタヌトダッシュはなんず党員成功だった。 レベルたけぇよwww そしお第䞀の関門壁の無い急カヌブに入った。 倖偎や内偎でカヌトがぶ぀かり合い萜䞋しおいく人も珟れた。 「1䜍は譲りたせんよヌ」 党員がぶ぀かる寞前だったりぶ぀かっお萜ちかけたりずいった状態になり、気付けば先頭は5人になっおいた。 『ぐぅ、ボクが4䜍かぁ・・・』 「このたたいけば・・・うふふ。」 そしお最終呚ぞず入り、ゞャンプ台で5人が飛んだ瞬間埅っおいたず蚀わんばかりのタむミングで雷が萜ちおきた。 萜ちたな... 5人党員仲良く奈萜の底ぞず向かっおいった。 埩垰したずきには2人に抜かれおしたい、急いで远いかける。 途䞭スピヌドきのこを匕きいざずいう時の保険も手に入れた。 そしお最終呚も半ばになった時にゆるママずふわりお姉ちゃんの二人が䞀気に勝負に出た。 「負けおたたるかぁぁぁぁぁ!!!」 成功確率ずいうよりも、萜䞋刀定の隙間を瞫うように走らないずいけない究極のショヌトカット。 流石に途䞭で埩垰させられるのがオチだっお ふわちゃんがんばえヌ! ゆるママいけぇヌ! そしお二人は綺麗に揃っおゎヌルラむンを螏んだ。 システムの郜合䞊同着は存圚しないが、秒数がコンマ以䞋たで同じだった。 情報量が倚すぎお敎理できない 海倖ニキたでいたのか? 『えぇ!!!!????』 「嘘、成功した・・・?人生初なんだけど・・・?」 柿厎ゆる:これは、完党な同着だね。 システムの郜合䞊1䜍2䜍っおなっおるけどこれはマゞの同着ず蚀っおもいい ゆかちゃんこのパタヌンは予想しおなかっただろうなぁ 『うヌん、どうしよう、二人ずも䜕か蚀っお欲しい事はあるかな?』 柿厎ゆる:お姉ちゃん倧奜きっお蚀っお 「私もそれで・・・」 ほんたに欲望に忠実よな だが、それがいい。 流れ匟確実に圓たる奎が2人はいる件に぀いお やだ私ただ死にたくない 『あっ!そうだ!良いものがあったの忘れおたよ!ちょっず埅っおおね!』 ん? っぜいね 柿厎ゆる:どうしたんだろ? 「私も、わからないですねヌ」 するずがさごそずマむク音が埩掻した。 そしおそれは右耳から音が聎こえおきた。 やめろそれは死人が出る なんで持っおるのこの子・・・ いや確かに最近安くなっおきたずは蚀え10䞇はするぞこれ 「ひゃぅ!?」 柿厎ゆる:こ、これは、だめっ!やばいよぉ! 『おねぇちゃん、ボクず今日は遊んでくれおありがず♪倧奜き♪』 「ぁぁぁぁぁぁっ!ぁぁぁぁぁぁぁっ!」 柿厎ゆる:ぁ...ぁ.... し、死ぬかず思った・・・ バむノヌラルマむクはずるいっお・・・ 耳がぞわぞわした これは・・・無理ね・・・皆、今たでありがずう・・・ お前たち、死ぬのか? ゆかちゃんは悪くない あれに耐えられるお姉ちゃんはいるのだろうか 『今回のは二人ずもだったからお姉ちゃんにしたんだけど・・・え、えっずじゃあ次は収益化が通ったら蚘念枠で土曜日の倜にたた配信するからね!通らなくおも土曜日に配信するけどね!』 『それじゃリス兄、リス姉おやすみなさい!』 お疲れ様ヌ そうしお第2回配信は終了した。 少なくずも4人の犠牲者を出しながら。
Ch 13 "Kon-fuwarinnnn, guysss." Fuwari Ukigumo, who started collaborating with Yuka Shirahime, greets everyone as usual. kon-fuwarinnn kon-fuwa! kon-fuwarinnnn! [Awawawa, I know I said I'm fine with it, but to think we're actually having a collab right now...] yuka-chan looks happy tfw theres all sorts of things going on right now, but that's the one thing she can't wrap her head around on I mean, collabing with fuwa-chan is awesome in itself Oh, I'm definitely dead i have a feeling a lot of people will die from collateral damage i might as well say i died at this point 'onee-chan' hits me in my meow meow Yuru Kakizaki: M-Me... Me too... Yuru Kakizaki: "Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" ?! fuwa-chan?! If it were me, I'd be dead. count me dead Yuru Kakizaki: Tell me when I get to collab too!!!!!! Mama Yuru... I thought she was a calm and collected girl...? [A-All right, let's leave Fuwari-oneechan alone for now and start Mustache-o Kart, okay?] bet fuwa-chan won't be able to do it seriously xDD there's a fight we can't lose here. I wanna be called onee-chan too! everyone's tainted by evil passions "Uuuph...I want you to say other things, so I'll do my besttt." shes alive again that's admirable, but i cant lose to a rival sooo [Alrighty, I'm connecting to the server! It can hold up to 48 people, so even if you're lurking, feel free to join in!] [Next, let me explain the rules. We'll divide the 48 players into 4 teams, and the top 3 players from each team will form another team. The first team to have the top player wins!] it seems like there's gonna be a big difference in skill alright, I'm ready I'm ready too [It looks like everyone's here! Let's get started!] After she gave the starting signal, her screen changed, and the game screen appeared. The first match is between Yuru Kakizaki and the Lis-niis and -nees. --Yuru Kakizaki's POV-- "Ugh, of all the stages, we got this one..." As she mutters to herself, the words Mustache-o Jr. Circuit appear before her. "This course tests your skill... I have no other choice but to do this..." With determination, she waits for the start signal. 3...2...1... "That way!" She presses the button and charges ahead at full strength. "Alright!" Three other players also followed suit, but she focused on aiming for the top 3 without worrying about them. "I'm off to a good start... I'm pretty sure I'm showing my best performance ever..." She's actually avoiding the shells thrown by her rivals with great concentration. Then, on the final lap, a Red Shell closes in on her, with no item to counter it back. "Oh no! I need to get that item block!" At the moment when everyone thought she was going to get hit, a miracle happened. "(A Green Shell!? I gotta throw it behind me!)" She managed to input the command to throw the Green Shell she had just picked up in that split second, and it saved her by barely dodging the Red Shell. "Yes!" She succeeded in finishing in the top 3 by a narrow margin. The next match was between the listeners, but it got pretty rough due to the luck-based map. Even the seasoned Mustache-o Kart players said that stage was impossible. --Fuwari Ukigumo's POV-- The next matchup is between Fuwari Ukigumo and the Lis-niis and Lis-nees. "Fufufu, I won't loseeee." fuwa-chan's too good there are a lot of hardcore Fuwamins, so... I'm starna feel uneasy I thought I considered myself hardcore too, but is this what they mean by frog in the well? And then, in the middle of the race, things started to get interesting. hey! the hell's up with the items held by the racers at the back?! wtf is this lmfaoooooo It's too chaotic LOL All the items held by racers ranked 9th or lower suddenly turned into game-changing items. And, Fuwari Ukigumo is in first place. "Oh no!" its all ogre now Just as the Spiny Shell was about to hit her, she used a Speed Mushroom and flawlessly dodged it. Then, a Lightning Bolt came next, but there was no stopping her now. "Alright, first place!" Congrats, fuwa-channn that high-level technique that only has a 1% success rate or something was insane the last part sent shivers down my spine --Yuka Shirahime's POV-- [Wait, what would happen if I'm the one who got first place?] I never really considered that either but it would be different if you didn't participate Maybe ask fuwa-chan to say something you've always wanted her to say? I think shell do that even without yuka asking her to. "Of course, I'll say aaaanything you want. I'm your onee-chan, after all." we're all yuka-chans onii-chans and onee-chans. you know? All of us. dude... you deserve the nobel peace prize... i see... all of us are her onii-chans and onee-chans... it almost sounds philosophical [Ahaha, in that case, I might ask for something if I win!] [Alright, let's go to the last qualifying round!] This course also tests your true skills: the Mustache-o Circuit. Unlike the Mustache-o Jr. Circuit, this one is longer and takes three laps. There are quite a lot of curves on this course, so it's safe to say that whoever can maneuver through them will win the race. "The start dash should be easy!" Yuka Shirahime also had a great start and entered the leading group. She maintained her third-place position while keeping her distance from the second-place racer as she entered the final lap. But then, just before the finish line, a rival using a Golden Mushroom caught up from behind. [(Is this the right time to use it?)] She enters a difficult shortcut that can only be passed using a Speed Mushroom. [I'll jump over this bump and use the mushroom at the highest point...! Please let me make itttttt!] is she planning to win by using that dicey shortcut? She might be able to make it! Go go! And with that momentum, she surpassed even first place and won the race. that bold move was both thrilling and admirable u were so cool yuka-chan! First-time viewer here. Why is Fuwa-chan doing a collab with someone from outside Imananji? (confused) o, welcome first-time viewer. Youre wondering why fuwa-chan is here? Look at the host streamer, and you'll understand. Host streamer? ...Oh (realizes [Hehe! I'm not someone to be thrown away either!] if you were thrown away, someone would pick you up at lightning speed Yuru Kakizaki: Where should I go to pick you up? I understand how she feels Whats up with this stream? (confused) "It's quite difficult to pull off that move." [I was so nervous, but I'm glad I succeeded!] [But honestly, Fuwari-oneechan's spikes gave me goosebumps...] Being told that onee-chan is amazing while being petted sounds like a dream just imagining it envelops me in a sense of happiness. [Well, time is running out, so let's go to the final race! Are Lis-niis, Lis-nees, Fuwari-oneechan, and Mama Yuru ready?] Yuru Kakizaki: Ready whenever. I'll win!!!! i won't lose either!!! Let's do thisssss!!!!!!!!!1!!1 I can't lose as a hardcore player the problem is the stage, though... I doubt the game would come up with a stage that's too weird now bruh. don't jinx us [Oh...] The final race was on Rainbow Road, a course with a very high elimination rate. oh... I'm sure I'm going to fall (confident there are gonna be lots of dropouts here [W-Well, let's regain our composure, the race is starting!] And the final race began. Everyone succeeded in the start dash. the level is way too high xD They enter the first obstacle with a sharp curve and no wall. Some carts collided on the outside and inside, and players started falling. "I'm not giving first place to anyoneeee!" Everyone started crashing and falling, and before they knew it, the frontline was down to five people. [Urk, I'm in fourth place...] "If I keep up this pace...hehehe." Then, as they entered the final lap, at the exact moment when the five of them jumped off the ramp, a Lightning Bolt struck. they all fell... All five of them fell into the abyss. When they respawned, they had fallen behind two other racers and had to catch up quickly. They also got a Speed Mushroom as a last resort. Then, halfway through the final lap, Mama Yuru and Fuwari-oneechan went all out. "There's no way I'm gonna loseeeeeee!!!" They had to run through the ultimate shortcut, where they had to thread the needle through the gaps in the fall detection system rather than relying on their success rate. they'll probably just respawn in the middle of the track you can do it, fuwa-channn! you got this, mama yuruuu! And the two of them perfectly crossed the goal line together. The system doesn't recognize a tie, but their times were the same down to the decimal. there's too much info to process weve even got kaigai-nikis now? [Huh?!?!?!?!?!?!] "No way, did I actually do it...? This is the first time this has happened to me..." Yuru Kakizaki: It's a complete tie. for real, the system says 1st and 2nd place, but this is legit a tie. yuka-chan definitely didn't see this coming. [Um, so, what should we do? Do either of you have anything you want to say?] Yuru Kakizaki: Say I love you onee-chan. "I'll go with that too..." damn, staying true to your desires, that's what's up But hey, its fine this way at least there are two people who will definitely get hit by friendly fire. noo I'm not ready to die yet [Oh! That's right! I almost forgot, I have something good! Hold on a sec!] huh? Seems like it. Yuru Kakizaki: I wonder what happened. "I don't know eitherrrr." Then, the sound of the mic rustling returned. And it was heard from the right ear. stop it, were gonna die Why does she have that... well, it's true that it's gotten cheaper lately, but it still costs a hundred thousand yen. "Hyah!" Yuru Kakizaki: T-This is bad! Not good! [Thanks for playing with me today, onee-chans. I love you. ] "Aaaaaaaahhh!" Yuru Kakizaki: A... Ah... i-i thought I was gonna die... binaural mics are cheating... my ears are all tingly I can't take this... anymore... Thanks for everything, everyone... Are you guys gonna die or something? Its not ur fault yuka-chan Is there even an onee-chan out there who can even withstand that? [Both of you did it this time, so I went with onee-chan... U-Um, anyway, so if my monetization gets approved, I'll do a commemorative stream on Saturday night! Even if the channel doesn't get monetized, I'll still stream on that day!] [Well then, good night, Lis-niis and Lis-nees!] Thanks for the streamm And so, the second stream came to an end. With at least four casualties in tow.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.33 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
31:コミケ初日★ ずうずう今日はコミケ初日、朝は䞀般参加ず違い少し䜙裕を持っおの入堎。 ホテルで先にメむクをしおもらい、仮のりィッグを被った状態で入堎。 衣装を薫さんから受け取り曎衣宀で着替える。 呚りには男性コスプレむダヌの人達がそれぞれの衣装に着替えおいる。 僕が曎衣宀に入った瞬間に䞀瞬こちらを芋た人が目を芋開いお驚いおいた。 確かにお化粧のクオリティが高いからびっくりするよね。 「えっ?女の子?」 「いやここ男子曎衣宀だぞ、男だろ。」 「クオリティたけぇな。」 そんな声が聞こえおくる 「運営さん!!!!!仕事しお!!!」 僕はそんな声を埌ろにりィッグを付け替える。 さっきたでのは金髪の適圓に遞んだりィッグだったけれど、今から着けるのは癜姫ゆかの髪色ず同じもの。 䞀瞬僕を知っおいるかのような声が聞こえた気がしたけど気のせいかもしれない。 他にも話しおいる人は倚いからね。 持っおきた鏡で自分の姿を確認しおみるずずおも可愛い自分の姿が映る。 僕は今から癜姫ゆかになる。 ボクの初めおのコミケを楜したないずね♪ 『薫お姉ちゃん、由良お姉ちゃんお埅たせ♪』 「あっ、ゆかちゃっ!!! んっ!お、おかえりなさい。」 「ゆかちゃんおかえり!」 癜姫ゆかのコスプレをした優垌が薫のスペヌスに戻っおきた。 『えぞぞ、どうかな?䌌合っおるかな?』 「うん!凄く䌌合っおるよ。」 『よかった♪それでボクは䜕をすればいいのかな?』 「もうちょっずしたら開堎の時間だから私ず䞀緒に売り子をお願い出来るかな?」 『倧䞈倫だよ!ボクに任せお!』 そしおディスプレむの蚭営を終えた3人は開堎の時間を今かず埅っおいた。 【お埅たせしたした、只今よりコミックマヌケットを開催したす!】 䌚堎が拍手に包たれる。 優垌、薫、由良の3人も他の人ず同じように拍手をしおいる。 「それじゃあ由良、ゆかちゃん、準備はいい?」 『うん!倧䞈倫だよ!』 「毎回のこずだし倧䞈倫だよお姉ちゃん!」 「戊いの始たりだよ!」 有名サヌクルである薫のサヌクルの頒垃物を求めお倚くのオタク達が歩いおくる。 ぱっず芋ただけで第䞀波で軜く100人近くが圌女達のサヌクル目指しお歩いおいるように思える。 「あの人達の歩くルヌト的にすぐにこっちに来るず思う、気を匕き締めるよ!」 「新刊セットぷらすを2぀ください。」 「はい、新刊セットぷらすを2぀ですね、3000円になりたす!」 「はい、ありがずうございたす!こちら新刊セットぷらす2぀になりたす!」 「ありがずうございたす、ゆる先生これからも応揎するので頑匵っおください!」 「はい、ありがずうございたす!」 「新刊セットぷらすを3぀ください。」 『新刊セットぷらす3぀だね、えっず、4500円だよお兄ちゃん!』 粟神的攻撃を喰らうもなんずか耐えお金を枡す事に成功した男は新刊セットを受け取りその堎を埌にした。 「新刊セットぷらすを4セットお願いしたす。」 「はい!新刊セットぷらすを4぀ですね!6000円になりたす!」 「ありがずうございたす!こちらセットになりたす!」 「ありがずうございたす。」 こんなやりずりを行う事3時間。 「んヌ!売り切れたヌ!」 「2人ずもお疲れ様!」 「残りは既刊だけだからゆっくりできそうだね、䞀応ピペッタヌで完売したっお蚀っおおこうかな。」 『結構サヌクル参加っお疲れるんだね、ボク初めお知ったよ!』 「私はもう慣れたけど今日は特にペヌスが早かったねヌゆかちゃんいお助かったよヌ!」 「あの、ここ柿厎ゆる先生のスペヌスで間違い無いですか?」 「あぁ、よかった!新刊は知り合いに頌んで入手しおもらえたんですけどこうやっお䌚いにくるなら売り切れた埌の方が迷惑にならないかなず思っお今来たんですよ!」 「それで僕たちの本題なんですけどゆかちゃんの写真を撮らせおもらいたいんです!」 『えっ?ボク?』 「配信い぀も芋おたす! 3Dモデルも可愛いですけどリアルもこんなに可愛いなんお卑怯じゃないですか!!!」 「私もい぀も芋おるわよ! 本圓に可愛いのね・・・本圓に男の子なのかしら・・・?」 『むぅ、ボクだっお䞀応男なんだよ、お姉ちゃん!』 「お、おねえちゃん・・・?」 「埅っお埅っお私だっお芋おるんだよ! それにしおも・・・ふヌん、いい衣装じゃん。」 『あれ・・・?もしかしお前赀スパ投げおくれたRinお姉ちゃん?』 「えっ?芚えおおくれた!? うっそ!やばい嬉しい!!!」 「なんでお前はい぀も即バレしおんだよ・・・」 そう蚀っおいるのは石油王の栌奜をした男性だった。 『その服、もしかしお石油王さん?』 「あヌ流石にバレるよな、い぀も配信芋させお貰っおる、最高に可愛い動画い぀もありがずな!これからも応揎させおもらうから頑匵っおくれよな!」 『うん!ありがずう石油王のお兄ちゃん!』 「俺だけ、仲間倖れ・・・」 『な、なんかごめんねお兄ちゃん。』 「今のだけで生き返れるレベル、ありがずう。」 「はぁ・・・男の子には思えないくらい可愛いなぁ!おい!」 「わかる」 「党員同意は流石に笑うんだが?」 『ねぇお兄ちゃん達、写真撮りたいんだよね?』 「撮らせお貰っおいいかな?」 『うん!いいよ!どういうポヌズがいいかな?』 「じゃあ笑顔でピヌスしおるずころをいいかな?」 『こんな感じかな?」 パシャリ、ず写真を撮る音が聞こえる。 「あぁ!家宝にするわぁぁぁ!!」 「ありがずな、ゆかちゃん。」 「可愛すぎじゃん・・・」 「ゆる先生、ゆかちゃんありがずうございたした、これからも頑匵っお䞋さい!」 「たたスパチャで䌚おう!」 『うん!お兄ちゃん、お姉ちゃんありがずう!明日はコスプレ広堎に行く予定だから䌚えるかもしれないね!』 「䌚える事を祈っおるよ!」 そう蚀い手を振りながら圌らは別のスペヌスぞ向かい歩いおいった。 「どう?ゆかちゃん、今の気分は?」 「でしょ?これからも頑匵ろうね、ゆかちゃん。」 「私も衣装のモデリングは任せおね!」 『由良お姉ちゃんもありがずう!』 その埌16時になり撀収の時間になった。 あの4人組以倖にも䜕人かボク目圓おで来おくれた人がいおずっおも嬉しかった。 ボクのボむスで癒されおくれたら嬉しいな。 【最カワ】癜姫ゆかに぀いお語るスレ3【男の嚘】 346:名前:石油王 今ホテルに垰還したぜ早速ダりンロヌドしおボむス聎いおくる。 347:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん おっ石油王も着いたか、俺は今から聎いおくるよ。 348:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 347 私も垰っおきたわよ。 速攻でダりンロヌドしお来るわ。 でもこのゆかちゃん本も最高におぇおぇわね... 349:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん さっきぶりです、私も垰っおきたよ。 ダりンロヌドはずっくに終わっおるから逝っおきたす。 350:名前:予蚀者 俺も混ぜお... なんで俺今日珟地行けなかったんだ.... 明日は行けるのに.... せめお感想だけ教えお欲しいぜ... 351:名前:石油王 352:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 埅っおおくれよヌ 353:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 女性向けバヌゞョンの感想でよければいいわよ? 354:名前:予蚀者 皆ありがずう、なんだか暖かいな。 6時間埌 419:名前:予蚀者 皆どうしちゃったんだ? 420:名前:予蚀者 あれ?マゞで皆いなくない? 421:名前:予蚀者 しゃヌない、寝るか...
Ch 31 At last, today's the first day of Comiket. Unlike the congoers, we have some leeway to enter in the morning. I get my makeup done at the hotel, then go to the venue with a temporary wig on. I'll put on the costume Kaoru-san gave me in the dressing room. Around me are other male cosplayers changing into their respective costumes. The moment I walked inside, I saw people's eyes widen in surprise. They're probably amazed by the quality of my makeup. "Huh? A girl?" "No, this is the men's dressing room, right? That's a guy." "That's some insane quality." Voices like these can be heard while I put on my costume. "Staff, get back to work!!!" While hearing these comments, I change my wig. I was wearing a random blond wig, but now I'm going to put on one that matches Yuka Shirahime's hair color. I thought I heard comments that seemed like they recognized me, but it could also have been my imagination. Lots of people are talking, after all. When I look at myself in the mirror I brought, I see a charming reflection. I'll be Yuka Shirahime for a while. I have to enjoy my first-ever Comiket [Kaoru-oneechan, Yura-oneechan, sorry to keep you waiting] "Oh, Yuka-chan!!! Mm! W-Welcome back." "Welcome back, Yuka-chan!" Yuki, dressed as Yuka Shirahime, returns to Kaoru's booth. [Hehe, how do I look? Do I look good?] "Yeah! You look amazing." [I'm happy to hear that So, what should I do?] "The convention will open soon, so could you help us sell things?" [Sure, leave it to me!] After setting up the display, the three of them waited for the opening time. "Sorry to keep you waiting, the Comic Market will start now!" The venue is filled with applause. Yuki, Kaoru, and Yura also applaud along with everyone else. "All right, Yura, Yuka-chan, are you ready?" [Yup! I'm ready!] "I'm used to this, so I'm okay, onee-chan!" "The war begins!" Otakus swarm Kaoru's well-known circle to buy copies of her work. At a glance, one could guess that around 100 people are heading towards her circle in the first wave. "I think those people will be here soon based on their walking route, so brace yourselves!" "I'd like two of the new book sets, please." "Sure, that'll be 3000 yen for two new book sets!" "Thank you very much! Here are your two new book sets!" "Thank you, and I'll keep supporting you, Yuru-sensei. Keep it up!" "Thank you very much!" "I'd like three of the new book sets, please." [Three new book sets, right? That's... 4500 yen, onii-chan!] Despite taking a mental hit, the man managed to hand over the money. After receiving his orders, he left. "I'd like four of the new book sets, please." "Sure, that's four new book sets! That'll be 6000 yen, please!" "Thank you very much! Here's your order!" "Thanks." This kind of interaction went on for three hours. "Phew! We're sold out!" "Both of you did well!" "We only have the old books left now, so we should be able to relax. Maybe I should announce on Tweeter that we're sold out." [Handling a circle booth is exhausting. Today's the first time I realized that!] "I'm used to it, but today was particularly busy. Having you around really helped, Yuka-chan!" "Um, this is Yuru Kakizaki-sensei's booth, correct?" "Oh, thank goodness! We managed to get your new book through an acquaintance, but we thought it'd be less bothersome if we came to see you after you've sold out!" "And actually, we were hoping we could take a picture of Yuka-chan!" [Huh? Me?] "We always watch your streams! Your 3D model is cute, but seeing you in person is just as adorable, it's almost unfair!!!" "I'm always watching too! You're so cute in person... Are you really a guy...?" [Mhh, I am more or less a male, onee-chan!] "O-Onee-chan...?" "Hey, hey, I watch your streams, too! But wow... Hmm, that's a great costume." [Wait... are you perhaps Rin-oneechan who sent me a red Super Chat?] "No way. You remember me?! Wow! I'm so happy!!!" "Why is your cover always blown immediately..." The man who said that is dressed like an oil tycoon. [Your clothes... are you Mr. Oil Baron?] "Ah, I was bound to get caught, huh? I always watch your streams, thanks for the wholesome videos! I'll continue to support you, so keep up the good work!" [Mm-hm! Thank you, Oil Baron-oniichan!] "I'm the only one left out..." [I-I'm sorry about that, onii-chan.] "Just those words alone brought me back to life. Thank you." "Ah... You're too cute to be a guy! Right, fellas?" "Agreed." "This unanimous agreement kinda makes me laugh." [Oh, you wanted to take a picture, right, onii-chans?] "Can we?" [Mm-hm! What pose do you want me to make?] "Could we have you smiling and doing a peace sign?" [Like this?] The sound of the camera shutter echoes. "Ah! I'll treasure this foreverrrrr!!!" "Thanks, Yuka-chan." "She's too cute..." "Thank you, Yura-sensei, Yuka-chan. Please keep up the good work!" "See you in the Super Chats!" [Yeah! Thank you, onii-chans, onee-chans! I plan to go to the cosplay plaza tomorrow, so we might meet again!] "We're hoping to see you there!" With that, they wave their hands goodbye and walk toward another booth. "How do you feel right now, Yuka-chan?" "Right? Let's keep doing our best, Yuka-chan." "Leave the costume modeling to me!" [Thank you too, Yura-oneechan!] Once the clock struck four, it was time to pack up. In addition to the previous group, several other people came specifically to see me. I was so happy. I hope they enjoy my voice packs. [Cuteness overload] A Yuka Shirahime Thread 3 [A trap] 346: Name: Oil Baron I'm going to download and listen to the voice packs immediately. 347: Name: Anon Onii-chan oh, youre here too, oil baron? i'm about to listen to them as well. 348: Name: Anon Onee-chan >>347 I just got back as well. I'm going to download it immediately. Still, Yuka-chan's book is peak tee-tee... 349: Name: Anon Onee-chan Short time no see, I just got home too. I finished downloading mine a while ago, so I'm off to listen. 350: Name: Prophet lemme join too... why couldn't i be there today... i mean, im going tomorrow, but yeah... could you at least share with me your thoughts on the voice packs... 351: Name: Oil Baron 352: Name: Anon Onii-chan ight, give me a bit 353: Name: Anon Onee-chan I only have the onee-chan version, is that okay with you? 354: Name: Prophet thanks guys. this makes me feel warm and fuzzy somehow. 6 hours later... 419: Name: Prophet how was it, guys? 420: Name: Prophet huh? did everyone seriously vanish? 421: Name: Prophet oh well, guess ill sleep...
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.33 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
14:感想回★ 優垌こず癜姫ゆかが配信を終了した盎埌、確実に死にかけおいる人が二人いた。 どう隠そうずも隠し切れない存圚感を配信では攟぀二人。 「はぁ・・・はぁ・・・」 私は今倧倉な状況になっおいる。 密かに想いを寄せおいるかわいい少幎、その名前は姫村優垌くん。 今私の最掚しである癜姫ゆかちゃんの䞭の人をやっおいるその子は男の子ずは思えない容姿、声をしおおり、私はその魅力に魅了されおしたった。 そんな子がたさかのバむノヌラルマむクを䜿っお私ず浮雲ふわりの二人に向けお 『おねぇちゃん、ボクず今日は遊んでくれおありがず♪倧奜き♪』 そしお今の私が陥っおる倧倉な状況ず蚀うのは・・・ 「錻血が止たらない・・・」 そう、錻血が止たらないのだった。 今は䞋を向き぀぀錻の付け根を抌さえおいる そんな状況で気付けば配信は終わっおいた。 物凄い錻声で私は呟いおいた。 そしお5分ほどするず錻血も治っおきたので少し話したい事も出来たので由良の元に向かった。 「由良、おきお・・・!?」 由良がデスクの䞊で䞞たっおぷるぷるしおいた。 「ど、どうしたの由良!?」 「ぁ、おねヌちゃん・・・」 たるで生たれたおの小鹿のように震えながら由良はこちらを向いた。 「優垌くん、やばいね・・・想像以䞊だったよ・・・」 「あっ」 私は党おを察した。 由良もおそらく私ず同じ、いや5分前の私だったんだろう。 「あの声でバむノヌラルでおねぇちゃんは反則だず思うよ、あれに耐えられるお姉ちゃんは䞖の䞭に存圚しないんじゃないかな。」 そのせいで䜙蚈に心臓に倚倧なる負荷がかかるんだけど・・・ 「私もそう思う。」 同意せずにはいられなかった。 「あっ、それでお姉ちゃん䜕の甚だった?」 「あっいけない忘れるずころだった。」 優垌くんの事で頭がいっぱいになるずポンコツ化しおしたうのはどうにかしないずいけないかもしれない。 「前のコスプレ衣装の件なんだけど、盞手の方から連絡っお来たかなっお思っおその確認だったんだけど。」 「あヌそういえばお昌にメヌル来おた気がする、ちょっず確認するから埅っおおお姉ちゃん。」 私は倧䞈倫、ず返事をしおその堎で埅っおいた。 「あっ来おた来おた、あヌやっぱりかぁ」 「やっぱり服は採寞をしたいから出来れば早めに採寞に来お欲しいんだっお。」 私達がデザむンをした優垌くんに着せるコスプレを補䜜しおくれる䌚瀟からの返答で デザむンの締め切りは今週末でお願いしたいずも。 「でも諊められないよね・・・」 「䜕ずか出来ない?お姉ちゃん。」 「メヌルダメ元で送っおみるよ。 優垌くん、来週空いおたりしないかな。」 私は優垌くんにメヌルを送信した。 「なんなのよあの子・・・」 「今たで同期や同じ事務所の人ずコラボ䜕回もやっおきたけど、あの子の声、心をぎゅっず掎む䜕かがある・・・」 人の持぀声ずいうのには䜕か力がある、私はそう思っおいる。 そしお、あの子の声は心を掎む䞍思議な力を持っおいるず思わざるを埗ない。 「お姉ちゃんっお蚀われるのがあそこたで心がきゅんきゅんするものだったなんお、思わなかったわぁ・・・」 事務所で先茩埌茩の間でそういった呌び方をする事は今たでに䜕回もあった。 よくそんな䌚話が起きる床におぇおぇずか尊いずか、蚀われおいたけど 「これがあの子の力、っお事なのかな。」 私は䞖の䞭は広いな、ず実感した。 謎は深たっおいくばかりだった。 ------ネット民達の反応------ 428:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん このスレのお姉ちゃん達、生きおるか? 429:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 俺は兄でよかった無事だぜ 430:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 432:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 今の今たで悶絶しおたわ・・・ 433:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん しぬかずおもった!!! 434:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん ただ粟神退行起こしおる奎いるけど倧䞈倫か? 435:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん たぁそのうち埩掻するでしょゆるママだっお生きおたんだし 436:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん ずりあえず蚀っおおくわ、次はアンタ達よ あのバむノヌラルでお姉ちゃんっお蚀われたら誰だっお死ねるっおものよ 437:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん ひえっ 438:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 439:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん ずりあえず気合で切り抜いおピペッタヌに投皿したわ バズっおくれたらゆかちゃんも有名になるず思うんだけど。 440:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん ぶっちゃけ珟状でも個人勢ずしおはかなりの勢いだよな。 439 乙! たじでありがたい 441:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 流石にふわちゃんずのコラボが実珟するずは思わなかったけどな 442:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 441 443:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 442 でも同じ事務所のロリ系Vtuberの子よりテンション高くなかったかしら? 444:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 445:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 俺も思った 446:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 447:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 私も䌚っおみたいなぁ 448:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 447 コミケ来るらしいわよ? 449:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 448 死んでも行く! 450:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 俺も行かないずなぁ 451:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん もうすぐ収益化いけそうらしいしそっちの配信も楜しみだよな 452:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 今の俺人生を䞀番楜しんでるかも 453:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん わかるわ 454:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 455:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん
Ch 14 Right after Yuka Shirahime, a.k.a Yuki, ended her stream, two people were close to knocking on Death's door. These two have an unconcealable presence no matter how hard they try during the stream: Yuru Kakizaki and Fuwari Ukigumo. "Ha... ha..." I'm in a pinch right now. The adorable boy I secretly like is Yuki Himemura. He's the person behind my favorite VTuber, Yuka Shirahime, but he has an appearance and voice unlike a guy's, and I was completely captivated by his charm. Then, he suddenly used a binaural microphone and said to Fuwari Ukigumo and me... [Thanks for playing with me today, onee-chans.I love you. ] As for the dilemma I've gotten myself into... "My nose won't stop bleeding..." That's right, my nosebleed won't stop. I'm currently looking down and holding the bridge of my nose. By the time I noticed, the stream had ended. "Tohday's sthream was khwite suhmething again..." I mutter in a nasal voice. After about five minutes, my nosebleed subsided, and I was able to talk a little, so I headed to Yura's room. "Yura, wake up...!" Yura is curled up on the desk, trembling. "W-What's wrong, Yura?!" "Oh, onee-chan..." Yura turns to me, shaking like a newborn fawn. "Yuki-kun is crazy... That was more than I imagined..." "Ah." I understood everything. Yura is probably in the same situation as me five minutes ago. "Saying onee-chan with a binaural mic is cheating... I don't think there's anyone who can endure that." But because of that, it puts a huge strain on my heart... "I think so too." I couldn't help but agree. "Oh yeah, what did you need, onee-chan?" "Whoops, I almost forgot." I may have to find a way to prevent myself from becoming a complete scatterbrain whenever my mind becomes preoccupied with thoughts of Yuki-kun. "It was just to confirm if the person from the previous cosplay outfit contacted us." "Oh yeah, I think we got an email during lunch. Let me check real quick." I reassured her with a "Sure" and waited there. "Oh, here it is. Ah...I knew it." "They want to take measurements for the outfit, so they're asking if we can come in soon for that." It was a reply from the company that will be making the cosplay outfit that we designed for Yuki-kun. They said they could finish it in just over two weeks, but it'll be tough if we don't come in by next weekend. They also mentioned that the deadline for the design is this weekend. "But we can't just give up, right?" "Can't we do something, onee-chan?" "I'll try sending Yuki-kun an email, even if it's a long shot. I hope he's available next week." And so, I sent an email to Yuki-kun. "What's with that girl..." I spontaneously mutter to myself. "I've collaborated with other talents in the same agency, but something about her voice grips your heart tight..." I believe that one's voice has some sort of power. And her voice has an inexplicable power that captures your heart. "I never thought being called 'onee-chan' could make my heart race so much..." Me and my colleagues at the agency have called each other such at times. Whenever those conversations happened, people would say things like tee-tee or toutoi, but never once did my chest tighten like this. "This must be her power." I realized how vast the world is. The mystery only deepened. --The Netizens' Reaction-- 428: Name: Anon Onii-chan Onee-chans in this thread, are you still breathing? 429: Name: Anon Onii-chan thank goodness i was born an onii-chan. #safe 430: Name: Anon Onii-chan 432: Name: Anon Onee-chan I passed out until just a few moments ago... 433: Name: Anon Onee-chan i thought i was gonna die!!! 434: Name: Anon Onii-chan There's still some people here having a mental shutdown, are they gonna be alright? 435: Name: Anon Onii-chan eh, they'll probably come back eventually. i mean, mama yuru did too. 436: Name: Anon Onee-chan FYI, it could be any of you next. That "onee-chan" in binaural audio could make anyone faint. 437: Name: Anon Onii-chan Oof. 438: Name: Anon Onii-chan 439: Name: Anon Onee-chan Anyway, I pushed through and posted the clip on Tweeter. If it goes viral, maybe Yuka-chan will become famous. 440: Name: Anon Onii-chan Honestly, even now, she's going strong as an indie. >>439 Kudos! Thanks 441: Name: Anon Onii-chan Didn't think collabing with Fuwa-chan was gonna happen, man 442: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>441 443: Name: Anon Onee-chan >>442 But wasn't her energy not as high when she reacted to the loli VTubers at Imananji? 444: Name: Anon Onii-chan 445: Name: Anon Onii-chan i thought so too 446: Name: Anon Onee-chan 447: Name: Anon Onee-chan I wanna meet her too 448: Name: Anon Onee-chan >>447 I heard she's going to Comiket. 449: Name: Anon Onee-chan >>448 I'll go even if it costs me my life! 450: Name: Anon Onii-chan I wanna go too 451: Name: Anon Onii-chan she's also about to monetize soon, so I'm looking forward to the stream for that 452: Name: Anon Onii-chan i might be having the most fun in my life right now 453: Name: Anon Onee-chan I feel ya. 454: Name: Anon Onii-chan 455: Name: Anon Onii-chan
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.37 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
37:急なお仕事? 焌肉を食べた埌にホテルでゆっくりず䌑憩しおいた薫のスマホに通話が来たこずを知らせる音が鳎り響く。 「ん、誰だろう。」 薫はスマホを取り誰からの通話か確認するずそこには自分の倧孊時代の先茩の名前があった。 「先茩から?仕事関連の話かな。」 「もしもし、遊䜐です。」 「あら、薫ちゃんコミケ埌で疲れおいるタむミングにごめんなさいね。」 「いえ、たったりしおいたずころなので倧䞈倫ですよ。」 「そう蚀っお貰えるず嬉しいわぁ。」 「それにしおも先茩が電話っお珍しいですね、䜕があったんですか?」 「実はね、昚日うちのモデルの子ずもう1人のモデルの子で撮圱の予定が入っおいたのよ。ただそのもう1人の子が亀通事故で1週間ほど経過を芋るこずになっおね、代わりに来れるモデルの子を探しおたんだけど、条件が厳しくおねぇ。」 「あヌなるほど、だいたい察しが぀きたした。」 「そう蚀うこず、ただアタシ優垌ちゃんの電話番号聞き忘れおたから薫ちゃんなら分かるかず思ったっおワケ。」 「それだったら今から代わりたしょうか?優垌くんの郚屋すぐ隣にあるので。」 「お願い出来るかしら?もしOK貰ったら3人分の郚屋そのたた確保出来るように手配するからホテルに぀いおは心配しないでいいわよ。」 「分かりたした、じゃあ今から優垌くんの郚屋行くので少しミュヌトしたすね。」 「分かったわぁ。」 私は優垌くんの郚屋をノックする。 優垌くんの声がうっすらず聎こえる。 「優垌くん、ちょっず開けお貰えるかな?」 私はドアの前に来た優垌くんに声をかける。 「倧䞈倫ですよ!今開けたすね!」 そう蚀いながらドアがガチャッず開けられる。 「優垌くん、ゆっくりしおるずころにごめんね、少しだけ䞊がらせおもらっお倧䞈倫かな?」 「はい、䜕かありたしたか?」 優垌くんは䞍思議そうな顔をしおこちらを芋぀めおいた。 その顔かわいい。 「えっずね、前GloryCuteのマネヌゞャヌっお蚀っおた人芚えおるかな?」 「芚えおたすよ!」 「実はその人から優垌くんにお願いがあるらしくお電話が来たんだけど、ちょっず代わっおもいいかな?」 「なるほど、僕に出来るこずなら!」 「ありがずう、それじゃ代わるね。」 そしお私はスマホのミュヌトを解陀しお優垌くんに枡す。 「あらぁ優垌ちゃん、突然ごめんなさいねぇ。」 「倧䞈倫ですよ!僕に䜕の甚でしたか?」 「突然なのは分かっおるんだけど、1日か2日の間モデルのアルバむトをお願い出来ないかしら!」 「本来来る予定だった子が亀通事故で少しの間動けなくお代わりを探しおたんだけどどうしおも芋぀からないのよ、それで優垌ちゃんなら東京に居るから駄目元で電話したっおワケなのよぉ。」 「僕なんかに務たりたすかね・・・?」 「問題無いわぁ、珟地で着おた衣装ずか芋せお貰ったけど完璧だったわよぉ、だからいけるず思うのよアタシは。」 「うぅ、駄目でも僕は責任取れたせんよ?」 「問題無いわぁ。」 「分かりたした、それなら受けさせおもらいたす。」 「本圓に助かるわぁ!䞀応報酬の話させおもらうわね、たず予備日含めおホテル3日分の確保、撮圱が早く終わっおもホテルはそのたた3日間䜿っおもらっお構わないわ。 次に1日あたり5䞇円出させお貰うわ、迷惑料含めおの金額だず思っお貰っお倧䞈倫よ。」 「そ、そんなにですか!?」 「緊急で呌ぶのっお結構倧倉なのよ、かず蚀っおこちらの予想しおいるむメヌゞじゃない人に頌むのはちょっず違うから仕方ないわぁ。」 「なるほど、ちょっず倚いず思いたすけど出来る限り頑匵りたす!」 「あヌ、あず雑誌に茉る際は名前を茉せる事になるんだけど、流石に本名は嫌、よね?」 「流石に本名はちょっず・・・」 「それだったらゆかちゃんの名前を䜿っおも倧䞈倫かしら?」 「そっちならただ。」 「分かったわぁ、明日スタッフをそっちのホテルに迎えに行かせるからお願い出来るかしら?」 「はい、倧䞈倫です!」 「撮圱堎所ではゆかちゃんの名前でスタッフに呌ばせるからよろしくねぇ。」 「それじゃ薫ちゃんにたた代わっおもらっおいいかしら?」 「はい、薫さん、マネヌゞャヌさんがもう䞀床代わっお欲しいらしいです!」 「あ、ありがずう。」 薫さんはスマホを持っおたた郚屋ぞ戻っおいった。 「撮圱っお䜕をするんだろう。」 僕は気になっお少しドキドキしおいた。 「はい、今郚屋に戻りたした。」 「優垌ちゃんからOK貰えたわぁ、本圓に助かった、お瀌に明日の撮圱同行しおもいいわよ?」 「ほ、本圓ですか!?」 「優垌ちゃんの可愛い姿しっかり目に焌き付けお来るずいいわ。」 「楜しみです。」 「アタシもよ。」 そう蚀っお通話は終了した。 「私は近くで芋るだけだけど、たた近くにいれるのは幞せ。」 もっずこの時間が続けばいいのになぁ、ず私は思いながらベッドに自分の䜓を預け、眠りに぀いた。
Ch 37 The sound indicating an incoming call echoed from Kaoru's phone as she was resting leisurely at the hotel after a fulfilling yakiniku lunch. "Hmm, I wonder who it's from." Picking up her phone, Kaoru sees the name of her senior from her university days displayed on the screen. "A call from Senpai? Maybe it's work-related." "Hello, this is Yusa." "Oh, Kaoru sweetie. I'm sorry for calling you when you must be tired after Comiket." "No, I was just relaxing, so it's fine." "I'm glad to hear that." "But it's unusual for you to call, Senpai. What's up?" "We had a photoshoot scheduled yesterday, but it was postponed because one model was involved in a traffic accident. We're on hold for a week and are currently seeking a substitute model, although our requirements are quite strict." "Ah, I see. I think I got the gist of it." "Yes, that's the situation. But I forgot to ask Yuki-chan's phone number, so I thought you might know." "In that case, should I ask Yuki-kun now? His room is right next to mine." "Could you do that? If it's okay with him, I'll arrange a room for three, so you don't have to worry about the hotel." "Understood. I'm going to Yuki-kun's room now, so I'll mute the call for a bit." "Got it." I knock on Yuki-kun's door. I can faintly hear his voice. "Yuki-kun, could you open the door?" I called out to Yuki-kun, who came to the door. "Sure, I'll open it now!" And with that, the door creaks open. "Sorry for disturbing you, Yuki-kun. Can I come in for a bit?" "Yes, is something wrong?" Yuki-kun looks at me with a puzzled expression. His face is so cute. "Do you remember GloryCute's manager?" "I do!" "Actually, he has a favor to ask you and called me. Can you take the call?" "If it's something I can do, of course!" "Thank you, then let's switch." And so, I unmute the phone and hand it to Yuki-kun. "Oh, Yuki-chan. I'm sorry for calling out of the blue." "No problem at all! Did you need me for something?" "I know it's sudden, but I was wondering if you could do some part-time modeling work for a day or two?" "Yes, the model who was supposed to come had an accident and can't move for a while. I've been having a hard time looking for a replacement. I thought that since you're in Tokyo, I'd give it a shot and call you." "I wonder if I'm up to the task..." "There's no problem. I saw you in the costumes you wore, and they were perfect. That's why I think you can do it." "Um, I won't take responsibility if it doesn't work out, okay?" "No problem, sweetie." "Okay. I accept." "You're a lifesaver! As for your compensation, I'll secure a hotel for three days, including an extra day. Even if the shooting ends early, you're welcome to use the hotel for all three days. Next, I'll pay you 50,000 yen per day. You can think of it as an inconvenience fee." "Th-That much?!" "Calling someone urgently can be quite a hassle. Then again, asking someone who doesn't fit the image we have in mind feels different, so it can't be helped." "I see. I think it's a little too much, but I'll do my best!" "Ah, and when you appear in the magazine, we'll need to use a name. You wouldn't want your real name, right?" "I'd rather not..." "In that case, would you be fine if we use Yuka-chan's?" "That might be better." "Got it. Tomorrow, I'll send a staff member to pick you up from your hotel. Would that be okay?" "Yes, that's fine!" "We'll have our staff call you by Yuka's name at the venue. Until then, take care, hun." "Now, could you please put Kaoru-chan back on the phone?" "Yes, Kaoru-san, the manager wants to speak with you again!" "Ah, thank you." Kaoru takes back her phone and goes back to the room. "I wonder what kind of shoot it will be." I'm a little excited and nervous. "Yes, I'm back in the room now." "I got the okay from Yuki-chan. You really saved me. As a thank you, you're free to accompany him to the shoot tomorrow." "R-Really?!" "It's a good opportunity to burn Yuki-chan's cute appearance into your memory." "I'm looking forward to it." "So am I." With that, the call ended. "I may only be watching from the sidelines, but being close to Yuki-kun makes me happy." Wishing for these moments to last, I surrendered myself to the bed, gradually slipping into sleep.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.36 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
02:自己玹介動画を䜜ろう! 「うヌん、どうしたものかな......」 僕は今非垞に悩んでいる。 そう、自己玹介動画の撮圱を行わないずいけないからだね。 本来なら男性アバタヌで考えおいたのでその時の原皿なんかは党お曞き盎し。 考えおいた名前も完党に没行きに。 たぁこの3Dモデルどちゃくそ可愛いから良いんだけど、この嚘をもっず広めたい。 ゆる先生の絵をもっず広めおいきたい......たぁ広めるのはピペッタヌでやっおいたけど知名床の無いただのモブアカりントだったからね。 でもそんな事よりも倧事な事がある......それは—— 「いやでもやっぱり性別の問題がなぁ......声、䜜っおみるかな?」 僕は䞀人郚屋の䞭で呟きながら考えおいた。 「うヌん、本人には分かり蟛い問題だし、動画を誰かに芋おもらっお声の問題は解決しよう」 この蟺りは友人にこっそり芋せたりするのがベタヌかな? 「次に名前だけど、これも考え盎さないずだね たずキャラデザをした先生がゆるずいう名前なので、それに䌌せる事で先生のキャラだず思っおもらいやすいような響きの名前にしたよ。 癜は髪色を意識しお入れお、姫ず蚀う蚀葉にピンクのむメヌゞを持っおいる僕は、これを入れる事で完党に髪色をモチヌフにした名前になった気がする。 他の人がどう思うか僕には分からないけどね。 そうなるず次にキャラの方向性、キャラ付けっおいうや぀だね。 この嚘の芋た目だずどちらかず蚀えば効キャラの方が合っおいる気がするから、芖聎者の事はお兄ちゃん、お姉ちゃんず呌ぶ方がしっくりず来そう。 次に喋り方なんかはクラスにいる友人に動画を芋おもらっお刀断しおもらう事にしよう。 友人もVtuber沌にハマっおるからきっずいい意芋をくれるず思うし。 そうしお原皿の内容を改倉し、僕は動画を撮るために今モヌショントラッキングをする装眮を身に付けた。 正盎この装眮を着けお動くず暑いのでクヌラヌを入れおおく。 季節も7月になったばかりずは蚀え長袖を着おるず流石に暑いしね。 そしお僕は意を決しお録画開始ボタンを抌し、録画を開始した。 次の日になり䌑みも終わっおしたい孊校ぞず向かう。 い぀ものように教宀ぞず入り、ただHRの前なので垭に座っおいる友人に動画を芋せに行く事にした。 「おはよう裕翔、芋おもらいたいVtuberの動画あるんだけど芋おくれない?」 でも僕が困っおる時に助けおくれたりずずおも頌りになる友人だね。 「おぉ優垌か、おはよう、それで動画っお?」 「これなんだけどさ、どう思うか教えおくれないかな?」 「オッケヌオッケヌ、任せおくれたたえ」 そうしお僕の撮圱した動画を裕翔に芋せる。 画面からは僕が䞭に入ったバヌチャル矎少女が動きながら喋っおいる。 『この動画を芋おくれおいるお兄ちゃん、お姉ちゃん初めたしお!ボクは癜姫ゆか、今日からVtuberずしお掻動しおいくこずにしたした!』 「なぁ優垌、䜕この嚘めっちゃ可愛くね?」 「だ、だよね」 䞭身が僕じゃなければ玠盎に可愛いず蚀えたかもしれないけど今は䜕ずも蚀えない耇雑な心境だったりする。 『そしおこの動画はタむトルの通り、ボクの自己玹介動画になっおいたす!良ければ最埌たで芋おいっおね!お兄ちゃん♪』 「ぐはっ」 裕翔がいきなり胞を抑えお苊しみ始めた。 「えっ裕翔どうしたの!?倧䞈倫!?」 「このお兄ちゃんはダメだ、胞がきゅんずなる、死ぬ」 そ、そこたで? 「え、えぇ......?」 「ずりあえず冒頭だけの感想を蚀うぞ、この嚘は流行る、この声にキャラデザ間違いなく匷い」 声に぀いおは流石に玠のたただず男バレしそうだからちょっず䜜っおはいるのは確かだけど、そこたでなのかな?本人からするずよく分からないなぁ。 『たずボクの名前は最初にも蚀ったず思うけど癜姫ゆか、17æ­³!本圓だからね!』 『次にボクの趣味はゲヌムや歌う事、流石に版暩の問題があるず思うから歌っおみたはボカロ曲で蚱可が取れたものや民謡なんかになっちゃうず思うけど蚱しおね!』 『それず配信は基本的に週末にやる予定だから皆良かったら遊びに来おくれるず嬉しいなヌ、なんお』 『初配信は来週の7月11日、倕方の18時から始めるからよろしくね♪』 『次に動画の投皿に぀いおなんだけど、基本的に週に3本を予定しおいるよ!動画は配信ず違っおボクが話題の物を食べた反応だったり、動画にしやすいゲヌムをプレむしたり、そんなちょっずした事をしおいく予定なので是非皆芋おいっおね!』 裕翔は自己玹介が始たっおからはずっず口を閉ざしおいた。 「どうだった?䜕か違和感ずか感じた?」 「俺、掚すわ。」 「ぞっ?」 「ダバむ、俺Vtuberにガチ恋したかもしれん」 やばい、このたたでは裕翔が叶わぬ恋に萜ちおしたう。 「あのさ、裕翔?」 「「「䜕この嚘!!!ちょヌカワむむんだけど!!!」」」 「えっ?あれ?」 僕のスマホがクラスの女子達の泚目を集めおいる。 流れおいるのはさっきの動画、あっこれだめなや぀だ。 「「「癜姫ゆか、怜玢しよ」」」 埅っお!!!!ただチャンネル無いの!!! バレる!!!!神様助けお!!!!!! 「俺も怜玢しよう」 だっおただ未発衚なんだもの。 「「「「あれ?存圚しない?」」」」 「ひゃ、ひゃい!?」 「「「「この嚘の動画、どうやっお手に入れたのか教えおもらおうか?」」」」 あぁ、もうだめみたいです。 郜合良くHRを告げるチャむムなんおなる蚳が無く。 「......くです」 「このVtuberは僕だよ!!!!!」 「ただチャンネルも䜜っおないのはこれで裕翔の反応良ければこの動画でデビュヌ食ろうず思っおたの!」 「え?マゞで蚀っおるのか?䌁業勢?」 「いや個人だよ?」 「マゞで?どうやっおあんな砎壊力抜矀のモデル手に入れたんだよ」 「50䞇出したからね......」 「50䞇出しおたでやるずか姫くんちょヌやる気じゃん......私応揎しおるよ!」 「うちもうちも!姫くんがんば!」 「ロリ声出せるショタ......うぇぞぞ。」 同じクラスの銙月さんず倩音さんず花園さんの3人が応揎の蚀葉をくれた。 あれ?花園さん䜕か倉な事蚀っおなかった? 「なんか今倉な事蚀っおた人いなかった?」 「き、気のせいだず思うよ。」 「スパチャさせお!私が姫くんを逊うんだ!」 銙月さんも僕ず同じ事を思ったみたいだけど花園さんは吊定しおるし、気のせいかな? それず倩音さん、䜕ずんでもない事を蚀っおるのかな!? 「優垌、お前凄いな......俺に出来るこずあったらさ、手䌝うから䜕かあったら蚀っおくれよ?」 裕翔もそう蚀っおくれお、かなり心匷い。 「「「私たちも䜕かあったら協力するよ!!」」」 裕翔に動画を芋せた結果、クラスの女子ず裕翔が早速ファンになったようだった。 あれ?喋り方ずかの問題解決しおなくない?
Ch 2 "Hmm, what should I do...?" I find myself in quite a predicament. You see, I need to shoot a self-introduction video. Originally, I had planned on using a male avatar, so I had to completely rewrite the script. Even the name I had chosen had to be scrapped entirely. Well, at least this 3D model is adorable, so I want to make her shine. I've been trying to promote Yuru-sensei's art, but it's difficult since I'm doing it on a mob Tweeter account. Nonetheless, there's something more pressing than all of that... "The gender's really bugging me... What if I try creating a voice?" I mutter to myself as I contemplate in my room. "Well, it's a problem that's hard for me to figure out on my own. I'll have someone watch the video and help me with the voice." Perhaps I could show it to a friend and get his feedback? "As for the name, I need to think of a new one. I want to include 'shiro' because her hair is whiteish, but I also want to include 'hime' from my surname to make it seem authentic." Since Yuru-sensei did the character design, I chose a name that would make people think it was hers. I added 'shira' to match the hair color, and since I associate 'hime' with pink, I thought it would make for a name that's inspired by the hair color. I don't know how others will perceive it, though. Now, onto the character's personality. Given her appearance, she gives off a younger sister vibe, so it'd feel natural to call her viewers onii-chan and onee-chan. As for how she speaks, I'll have my friend in class watch the video and give me his opinion. He's deep in the VTuber rabbit hole, so I'm sure he'll have some good insights. With these decisions made, I altered the script and donned the motion tracking equipment to prepare for recording. Frankly, it gets pretty hot wearing the equipment and moving around, so I turned on the air conditioner. Even though it's only July, it's still hot when you're in long sleeves. With a determined mind, I pressed the button and began recording. Now that the weekend's over, I headed to school the next day. As usual, I entered the classroom, and since homeroom hadn't started yet, I went to show my friend the video. "Morning, Yuuto. So, there's this VTuber video I want you to watch, could you?" He's been there for me when I've been in trouble, so he's a reliable friend. "Oh, it's you, Yuki. Morning. What's this about a video?" "It's this. I want you to tell me what you think." "Sure thing, leave it to me." I showed Yuuto the video I recorded. On the screen, there's a cute virtual girl moving and talking, with me controlling her movements behind the scenes. [Hey there, onii-chans and onee-chans watching this video for the first time! My name is Yuka Shirahime, and I've decided to become a VTuber starting today!] "Hey, Yuki, isn't this girl super cute?" "R-Right?" If I weren't behind that avatar, I might've been able to genuinely say she's cute, but my feelings are complicated at the moment. [As the title suggests, this is my self-introduction video! I hope you stay with me till the end! Onii-chan] "Guhaa!" Yuuto suddenly clutches his chest in pain. "Huh? What's wrong, Yuuto?! You okay?!" "This onii-chan is done for. My heart is racing. I'm gonna die." S-Seriously...? "U-Um...?" "For now, I'll give my first impression. This girl will be popular--her voice and design are undoubtedly strong." As for the voice, I naturally altered it a bit. Otherwise, viewers would automatically know I'm a guy, but is it really that good? [First of all, my name is Yuka Shirahime, and I'm 17 years old! It's true, I swear!] [My hobbies are gaming and singing. Due to copyright issues, I think I'll only be able to sing approved Vocaloid or folk songs. I hope you bear with me on that!] [I plan to stream primarily on weekends, so I'd be happy if everyone could come and play with me! Teehee.] [My debut stream will be next week on July 11th, starting at 6 pm. I hope to see you there] [I also plan on uploading vids thrice a week! They'll be about me reacting to popular things, playing games that are easily clippable, and other such things, so give those a watch, too, please?] Yuuto has been silent ever since the self-introduction started. "How was it? Did it feel strange in any way?" "I'm supporting her." "Huh?" "Ah, shit, I might've fallen in love with a VTuber." Uh oh, at this rate, Yuuto might fall into unrealistic love. "Um, Yuuto?" "WHAAAAAT?! SHE'S SO CUTE!!!" "Huh? Wha?" My phone caught the attention of the girls in my class. They're watching the same video I just showed to Yuuto. Oh no, this is bad. "LOOK UP YUKA SHIRAHIME!" Wait!!! She doesn't have a channel yet!!! Oh no, they'll find out! God help me!!! "I'll look up her name, too," says Yuuto. Nothing has been uploaded yet. "HUH? NO RESULTS???" "Y-Yesh?!" "CARE TO TELL US HOW YOU GOT YOUR HANDS ON THIS GIRL'S VIDEO?" Ahh, it's all over for me now. There's no way the odds would work in my favor, and the homeroom bell would ring. "...s me." "That VTuber is me!!!" "I was planning to debut with this video if Yuuto's reaction was good enough since I haven't even created a channel yet!" "Huh? For real? Are you under a talent agency?" "No, I'm an indie." "Seriously? How did you get such a high-spec model?" "I paid 500,000 yen for it..." I reply, looking into the distance. "You must be motivated to invest as much as 500 thousand, Hime-kun... I'm rooting for you!" "Me too, me too! Do your best, Hime-kun!" "A shota who can do a loli voice...Uhehehe..." Three classmates, Katsuki-san, Amane-san, and Hanazono-san, gave me words of encouragement. Wait, did Hanazono-san say something strange just now? "Did someone say something weird just now?" "P-Probably just your imagination." "Let me superchat you! I'm adopting you, Hime-kun!" Katsuki-san seems to have thought the same thing as me, but Hanazono-san is in denial. Was it really just my imagination? And what is Amane-san even saying?! "Yuki, you're amazing... if there's anything I can do to help, let me know, 'kay?" It's reassuring to hear Yuuto say that. "WE'D ALSO LOVE TO HELP!!!" It seems like Yuuto and the girls in my class instantly became fans after I showed the video. Wait, we haven't solved the issue about my way of speaking, have we?
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.37 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
気付けばボクのチャンネルは登録者が1䞇人到達しおいたらしい。 そう蚀われるずここ2日ほどチャンネル登録者の人数を確認しおいなかった気がする。 その間に䜕かが起きたんだろうけど、䜕かそんな圱響あるような事あったかな? 『ボクのチャンネル最近2000人突砎したばかりだったはずなんだけど、䞀䜓䜕があったのかな?』 「アタシはよくわからないけど、いい事じゃないかしら?」 「確かに、ゆかちゃんのチャンネルは今間違いなく勢いがあるず思う。」 『嬉しいんだけど、ボクなんかのチャンネルで倧䞈倫なのかな・・・』 あたりにも順調すぎおボクは䞍安になった。 「倧䞈倫、ゆかちゃんは頑匵っおるよ。」 薫お姉ちゃんがボクの頭を撫でながら励たしの蚀葉を投げかけおくれる。 『うん・・・ボクもっず頑匵る。』 「無理だけはしたらだめだよ?」 二人ずも優しくお心がぜかぜかする。 気分を入れ替えないずね。 「湿っぜいのはもう終わり! ゆかちゃん、よかったら写真䜕枚か撮らせおもらえないかしら!ゆかちゃんの事を䞊に報告する時に出来れば写真があるずいいのよね。」 「ゆかちゃん、ここで倧䞈倫?家たで送っおいくよ?」 薫お姉ちゃんが心配そうにボクに問いかける。 『ううん、倧䞈倫だよ薫お姉ちゃん!』 「そっか、もし䜕かあったらここに電話しおね、盎ぐに駆け぀けるから。」 そしおボクは家に垰った。 ヌそう 家に着いた 癜姫ゆかのたた。 「䜕やっおるの僕!?䌁業案件!?しかも実写で女装!?」 「なんでこんなに可愛い栌奜したたた垰っおるの僕!ちゃっかり着おた服たで持っお垰っおきおるし!なんかチャンネル登録者1䞇人超えおるし!?」 「情報量が倚すぎるよもおおおお!!!」 「・・・でも、今の僕、かわいい。」 恥ずかしいけど、この鏡に映っおいる僕は確かに可愛かった。 くるりずタヌンしたり、ポヌズずったりするのも結構楜しかった。 「っお僕は男!男だから!」 「・・・ただいた。」 「お姉ちゃん、お垰りヌっおお姉ちゃん!?」 「由良、私、死ぬかも。」 「䞀䜓䜕があったの!?デザむン出しに行っただけだよね!?」 「優垌くんがね、ゆかちゃんになっちゃったの。」 「ど、どういう事?」 「優垌くんがね、先茩の䌚瀟のスタッフさんの手で女装させられおたの。」 「写真は?」 「結構自分の欲望に玠盎だよね由良も。」 「写真!!!」 「ねぇお姉ちゃん。」 「䜕このめっちゃくちゃ可愛い子! なんで3Dモデルが珟実に存圚しおるの? えっ?これが珟実?嘘でしょ、ないない。」 由良が混乱しおしたった。 「・・・ふぅ。」 「由良萜ち着いた?」 「ごめんね、あたりの可愛さに頭が混乱しちゃったよ。」 「しかもね、垰り道もずっずゆかちゃんのたたで、お家にそのたた垰っちゃったの。」 「私も行けばよかった・・・」 悲痛な由良の蚀葉が郚屋に響いた。 この人むケメンなのにオネ゚蚀葉が劙に䌌合うのはなんでだろう。 わたしはここたでテンションの高いマネヌゞャヌを芋るのは久々だったから぀い聞いおしたった。 「あら!聞いおくれるのね!実は・・・」 わたしは目を疑った。 その写真にはゆかちゃんが写っおいた。 「あら?知っおるの?」 「この子、新人のVtuberですよ!私は1週間くらい前に知ったんですけど、めっちゃくちゃ可愛いんですよ!」 「は、遥ちゃん、劙にむキむキしおるわねぇ。」 「いいのよいいのよ、確かに可愛いものね。」 「それでマネヌゞャヌ、この子は䞀䜓・・・」 「䌁業案件、そう蚀えば分かるかしら?」 ゆかちゃんが䌁業案件? 「っおこずは、この子・・・」 「倩は二物を䞎えおしたったっお事なんですね・・・」 「(男っおいうある意味マむナスポむントもあるんだけどねぇ、流石にそこたで蚀う必芁は無いかしら。)」 「どんな内容なんですか!」 「新しいブランドのIVの撮圱をしおもらう事にしたのよ。」 「もしかしお、GloryCuteの?」 「そうよ。」 「ずっず候補が芋぀からないっお蚀っおたしたもんね、芋぀かっお良かったですね!」 828:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 829:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 828 830:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 829 バズった!バズったのよ! 831:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 830 もしかしお、前の切り抜きか? 832:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 831 そうよ切り抜き! めっちゃくちゃバズっお通知止たんねぇわwww 833:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 832 有名人じゃんwww ずたぁ眮いずいお圱響䜕かあった? 834:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 833 聞いお驚かないで頂戎ね チャンネル登録者数1䞇人超えたわ・・・ 835:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 834 836:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 今来たけどピペッタヌやばくね? 837:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん わたしのリア垢にも来おびっくりしたよ 838:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 俺の裏垢にも来たわ 839:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 男の裏垢...? 840:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 女の裏垢は怖いけど男の裏垢は芋たこずないわね。 実際どんな感じなの? 841:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 840 ぶっちゃけ衚ずやっおる事倉わらんな あれ?俺、裏垢持っおる意味あるのかこれ 842:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 843:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん ゆかちゃんの圱響がこんなずころにたで・・・ 844:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 1䞇人突砎蚘念の攟送ず収益化の蚘念が 同時に来そうだなっお私思うんだけど皆どう思う? 845:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 846:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん ふわちゃんかゆるママが死ぬ 847:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 845 846
Before I knew it, my channel had reached 10,000 subscribers. Come to think of it, I haven't checked the subscriber count for the past couple of days. I wonder if anything happened during that time that affected it? [My channel just reached 2,000 subscribers recently. Did something happen after that, I wonder?] "I'm not sure, but isn't this a good thing?" "Yeah, I think your channel is drastically gaining momentum, Yuka-chan." [I'm happy, but is this really okay for a channel like mine...] Things are going a little too well that I feel anxious. "It's okay. You're doing your best, Yuka-chan." Kaoru-oneechan comforts me by patting my head and giving me words of encouragement. [Yeah...I'll work even harder.] "Just don't push yourself too hard, okay?" Both of them were so kind that my heart felt warm and fuzzy. I need to cheer up. "Enough of the gloomy stuff! Yuka-chan, can I take a few pictures of you? Having them when I report to my bosses about you would be nice." "Should I drop you off here, Yuka-chan? Do you want me to walk you home?" Kaoru-oneechan asks me with a worried look. [No, it's okay, Kaoru-oneechan!] "Okay, well, if anything happens, just call me, and I'll come right away," replies Kaoru-oneechan, handing me her business card. And then I went home. ...That's right. I arrived at my house... ...still dressed as Yuka Shirahime. "What am I doing?! A corporate project?! And that, too, crossdressing?!" "Why did I keep this outfit on till I got home?! I even brought the clothes I was wearing earlier with me! And now, my channel has over 10,000 subscribers?!?!?!" "There's just too much information for me to processsssss!!!" "...But, I sure look cute right now." It's embarrassing to admit, but my reflection in the mirror looks cute. It's fun to twirl around and strike poses. "Ahh, but I'm a guy! A guy!!!" "...I'm home." "Welcome home, onee-cha- are you okay?!" "Yura, I might die." "What happened?! Didn't you go out to submit the costume design?!" "You know, Yuki-kun turned into Yuka-chan." "W-What's that supposed to mean?" "Well, Yuki-kun was cross-dressed by the staff at my senpai's company." "Do you have pictures?" "Wow, Yura, you're pretty honest with your desires." "Just show me the pictures!!" "Hey, onee-chan." "Who's this super cute girl? How did a 3D model come to life? Wait, this is reality? No way, that can't be true." Yura is confused and doesn't know what to do or say. "...Fuu." "All good now, Yura?" "Sorry, I got so confused by the cuteness." "Not only that, but Yuki-kun went straight home in Yuka-chan's outfit." "Maybe I should've gone with you..." Yura's words of sorrow echoed through the room. For someone so handsome, why does speaking in an endearing manner suit him well? It has been a while since I last saw him like this. "Oh, I see you're interested! The thing is..." I couldn't believe my eyes. It's Yuka-chan in the photo. "Oh? You know her, love?" "She's a new VTuber! I only learned about her a week ago, but she's suuuuuper cute!" "H-Haruka-chan, you're awfully lively all of a sudden." "No worries, sweetie. I admit she's cute." "So, Manager, how come you have her photo?" "A corporate gig. Surely, you can connect the rest of the dots?" Yuka-chan is doing a corporate project? "So, this girl..." "Heaven has blessed us with two gifts..." "(It might rub her the wrong way if I say she's actually a boy, but I guess I don't need to tell her that.)" "What kind of project is it?" "We'll be doing an IV for the new brand." "IV? An image video shoot... for GloryCute?" "Mm-hm." "I remember you saying you've been looking for someone. I'm happy you finally found a model, Manager!" 828: Name: Anon Onee-chan 829: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>828 830: Name: Anon Onee-chan >>829 It went viral! It really went viral!!! 831: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>830 wait, is this about that clipping you mentioned before? 832: Name: Anon Onee-chan >>831 Yes, that clipping! It's blowing up like crazy, and my notifications won't stop coming in lmaoo 833: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>832 ey we got a celeb in the making lol anyway, did it have any impact or something? 834: Name: Anon Onee-chan >>833 Don't freak out when I tell you this, but... Her channel has over 10k subscribers now... 835: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>834 836: Name: Anon Onii-chan I just got here, but tweeter's crazy rn 837: Name: Anon Onee-chan I was surprised cause it even reached my irl account. 838: Name: Anon Onii-chan it showed up on my alt's timeline too. 839: Name: Anon Onii-chan a dude having an alt account...? 840: Name: Anon Onee-chan Women's alt accounts are scary, but I've never seen a guy's alt account before. What's it like, actually? 841: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>840 to be honest, it's not that different from my main wait, whats the point of having an alt then 842: Name: Anon Onii-chan 843: Name: Anon Onee-chan Yuka-chan's influence has reached far and wide... 844: Name: Anon Onee-chan I'm guessing the special live stream for hitting 10k subs and the monetization celebration will happen simultaneously. What do you all think? 845: Name: Anon Onii-chan 846: Name: Anon Onee-chan either fuwa-chan or mama yuru will die. 847: Name: Anon Onee-chan >>845 >>846
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.28 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
29:いざ出発! ずうずうやっおきたコミケ出発の日。 僕は新幹線に乗ヌヌヌる事はなく、薫さんの車で薫さんず由良さんず僕の3人で向かう事になった。 ずおもありがたいのだけど本圓にいいのかな? でもあそこたで匷く䞀緒に行こうず蚀われるず流石に断りきれないよ・・・ そしお今僕は車に揺られながら向かっおいる蚳なんですが・・・ 「あ、ありがずうございたす?」 「もう私の効になっおよ!!」 「いや僕男ですよ!?」 䜕故か由良さんず二人で埌郚座垭に乗る事になっおいた。 滅茶苊茶頭撫でおくるのはなんでなの!? 恥ずかしいったらありゃしないよ!!!? 「むぅ、由良、優垌くんが暑そうにしおるよ?」 「えっ!?そ、そんなこず無いよね!?」 「あ、暑くは無いですけど・・・頭撫でられるのは恥ずかしいので・・・」 「ど、どうすればいいんですかぁ!!」 「由良、萜ち着いお!? 車めっちゃ揺れおるから!!」 「あ、ごめんね・・・」 それからはゆったりずした時間が流れおいき気付けば由良さんは眠っおしたったようだった。 「あ、由良寝ちゃったんだ。」 「みたいですね。」 「今日は色々楜しみにしおいたみたいだったから・・・」 「䜕がそんなに楜しみだったんですか?」 「うヌん、優垌くんにずっおいい話ではないかもしれないけど、由良っお末っ子なんだよね。」 「はい。」 「匟ずか効っおいう存圚に憧れおたみたいでね、優垌くんを擬䌌的な匟や効に芋立おおるんだず私は思うんだ。」 「た、たぁ幎䞋なのは間違い無いですけど・・・」 「流石に本圓に嫌だなっお思うような事する子では無いから優垌くんに付き合えるレベルでいいから付き合っおあげおくれるず嬉しいな。」 「たぁ、少しくらいなら・・・」 人によっおは望む所なんだろうけど僕は恥ずかしさが先に来おしたうタむプだから、過剰なスキンシップはちょっず僕の心臓に悪いかな。 それに男ず思われおないっおいうのも地味に傷぀くんだ・・・ でも、僕なんかで幞せな気分になっお貰えるのならそれはそれで嬉しいのも事実だけど。 「ただただ道は長いから優垌くんも眠くなったら寝おも倧䞈倫だからね。」 「はい!でもただ倧䞈倫ですよ!」 「そっか、じゃあ次の 「はい!」 そしお車は無事に次の倧きなSAに到着した。 そこは逃子が有名な土地のSAで飲食店にも逃子がメニュヌに入っおいた。 僕達は皆揃っお逃子を頌んで小腹を満たすず飲み物を買ったりトむレを枈たせたりした。 途䞭で行きたくなるず地獄だからこういう行ける時に行っおおくのはずおも倧事なんだよね。 そしおこのSAから由良さんが運転手を務めるらしい。 ・・・たさか。 「(やっぱりこうなったか・・・)」 僕の隣に座る薫さんを芋ながらやっぱりか、ず思った。 そしお僕の想像を遥かに䞊にいく事態が起きる。 ぎゅっ そんな音がしたわけでも無いけれどそんな擬音がぎったり状況になった。 僕は薫さんに抱きしめられおいた。 「!?!?」 「すぅ...すぅ...」 「ね、寝おる、んですか?」 「あヌお姉ちゃんのハグ癖治っおなかったんだ・・・」 「ハグ癖っお䜕ですか!?」 「えっず、抱き枕ずかが無いず熟睡出来ない人ずかっお䞖の䞭にはいるよね?」 「確かにたたにそういう人が居るっお聞きたすけど・・・」 「お姉ちゃんの堎合は意識が無い時近くにある物を抱きしめる癖があるの・・・」 たさか人も察象になるなんお初めお知ったけどね、ず付け足しながら苊笑いしおいた。 「すぅ...」 幞せそうな寝顔の薫さんを芋るず起こす気にもなれなかったので必死に我慢した。 抱きしめられおいる心地よさからか僕は意識を倱った。 「むんっ・・・?」 䞀瞬車が倧きく揺れお僕は意識を再び取り戻した。 そのずき僕の顔に䜕か柔らかいものが圓たった気がした。 気のせいじゃなかった。 薫さんが僕のこずを抱きしめたたただった。 僕の顔は薫さんの胞元にすっぜりず入っおいた。 さっきよりも悪化しおる気がするよこの䜓勢!? 「むぐ!?」 「ん?なにかあっt・・・」 「あ、あ、ご、ごめんね優垌くん!?」 僕に謝るのず同時に僕を離した薫さんは顔が心なしか赀くなっおいた。 「ぷはっ、あの、その、抱きしめるのはただいいですけど、いや良くはないんですけど、僕も䞀応男なんですよ・・・!」 「頭では分かっおおも䞍思議ず優垌くんならいいかなっお思っちゃっお・・・ごめんね。」 「譊戒心が無さすぎですよ!? 男は狌っお蚀うくらいなんですよ! 「(優垌くんが狌・・・ありかも。)」 「䜕か蚀いたした・・・?」 「ふぇっ!?気のせいだよ!?」 「䜕二人でむチャむチャしおるのさヌ」 「息ぎったりじゃん・・・ たぁいいけど、枋滞に巻き蟌たれちゃったからもうちょっず時間かかるからあれだったら寝おおも倧䞈倫だよヌ」 「うん、分かった、由良よろしくね。」 「ふぁ・・・すいたせん、お願いしたす・・・。」 「「おやすみ、優垌くん。」」 この埌滅茶苊茶目的地に着いた。
Ch 29 Finally, the day to depart for Comiket has arrived. Instead of taking the bullet train, I ended up going with Kaoru-san and Yura-san in their car. I'm grateful, but aren't I imposing too much on them? But when they insist so firmly on going together, I can't exactly refuse... And now, as I'm being jostled in the car... "T-Thank you?" "Why don't you just become my little sister?" "But I'm a guy!" For some reason, Yura-san and I are in the back seat together. And why does she keep patting my head so much?! It's really embarrassing! "Um, Yura, I think Yuki-kun is starting to feel hot." "Huh?! Not to me, though?" "Well, I'm not hot, but... being patted on the head is a bit embarrassing..." "W-What do you want me to do?!" "Yura, calm down! The car is shaking a lot!" "Oops, sorry..." From there, time passed leisurely, and before I knew it, Yura-san had fallen asleep. "Ah, Yura fell asleep." "It seems so." "She seemed to be looking forward to today..." "What was she looking forward to?" "Hmm, it might not be a pleasant story for you, Yuki-kun, but Yura is the youngest child." "I see." "She admired the idea of having a younger brother or sister, and I think she sees you as a surrogate younger sibling." "W-Well, I am younger..." "She's not the type to do anything that would upset you, so I'd appreciate it if you could indulge her to some extent." "A little bit won't hurt, I guess..." Some people might wish for this, but I'm the type who gets embarrassed first. Excessive physical contact might be a little bad for my heart. And it's also a bit hurtful to be not seen as a guy... But if I can make them happy, then that's a good thing too. "We've got a long way to go, so feel free to sleep if you get tired, Yuki-kun." "Okay! But I can still keep going!" "All right, let's take a lunch break at the next service area then, shall we?" "Okay!" And so, the car safely arrived at the next large service area. This was a service area in a region known for its dumplings, which were on the restaurant's menu. We all ordered dumplings to fill our stomachs, bought drinks, and used the restroom. It's hell when you feel the urge to go once you're on the road, so it's essential to go when you can. It seems that Yura-san will be driving from this service area. Don't tell me... "(So, it has come to this, after all...)" I thought, glancing at Kaoru-san, who was sitting next to me. Then, a situation far beyond my imagination took place. Squeeze. There wasn't such a sound, but it perfectly described the situation. Kaoru-san is hugging me. "?!?!" "Zzz...zzz..." "A-Are you asleep?" "Ah, so her hugging habit hasn't been cured..." "What do you mean by 'hugging habit'?!" "Um, you know some people in the world who can't sleep deeply unless they have a body pillow or something, right?" "I do hear about such people occasionally..." "In my sister's case, she has a habit of hugging anything close to her when she's unconscious..." she adds with a bitter smile, not expecting people could be targets too. I thought it couldn't be helped since it was a habit, but wait a moment... "Zzz..." Seeing Kaoru-san's peaceful sleeping face, I didn't have the heart to wake her up, so I endured. Perhaps due to the comfort of being hugged, I lost consciousness. "Mmm...?" The car jolts a bit, bringing me back to my senses. At that moment, I felt something soft against my face. It wasn't my imagination. Kaoru-san is still hugging me. My face is buried in her chest. This position feels even worse than before! "Mmph?!" "Hm? Did someth..." "O-Oh, I-I'm sorry, Yuki-kun!" As she apologizes and lets go of me, Kaoru-san's face is slightly red. "Pwah- U-Um, hugging is still fine...Okay, maybe not really, but let's not forget I'm still a guy, so...!" "I know that in my head, but for some reason, I thought it was okay because it was you... I'm sorry." "You're too trusting, Kaoru-san! You know they say all men are wolves! "(Yuki-kun being a wolf... that could be.)" "Did you say something...?" "Huh?! It's just your imagination!" "What are you two flirting about?" "You're perfectly in sync... Anyway, it doesn't matter, we're stuck in traffic, so it'll take a bit longer. Feel free to sleep some more if you want." "Got it, Yura, thanks." "Um... sorry, and thank you..." "Good night, Yuki-kun." After that, we finally arrived at our destination in a mess.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.38 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
ボクは矞恥心が限界に達したのでゆるママに声をかけた。 『その、流石に恥ずかしい・・・から。』 「んヌ?聎こえないなぁ・・・?」 恥ずかしいせいか小さな声しか出せない。 『恥ずかしいから降ろしおほしいなっお・・・』 「あず10分、いや5分でいいから!!」 勇気を出しお声を倧きくしお降ろしお欲しいず告げるもあず5分だけず蚀われたのであず少しの我慢ず思っお頑匵っお耐えるこずにした。 ボクの頭を嬉しそうに撫でるゆるママの姿を芋るずダメなんお蚀えなかった。 でもこの恥ずかしさだけはどうにかしないずボクが死んじゃう。 䜕かマシになるような事を考えないずいけない。 この状況だけを芋ればきっず埮笑たしい姉効のように芋えるんだろうけどボクは男。 ・・・姉効? そうか、ボクは今からゆるママ、いや、ゆるお姉ちゃんの効だ。 ボクは効、ボクはゆるお姉ちゃんの効。 ずっず頭で反埩し続けおいるず、ボクの意識は少し曇りがかっおきた。 「ヌちゃん! ヌかちゃん!」 「ゆかちゃん!」 『ふぁ!?』 ボクは眠っおいたのだろうか、ずおも気持ちのいい倢を芋おいた気がする。 「よかった、やっず正気に戻っおくれた・・・」 「いや、えっず、その・・・なんずいうか・・・芚えお、ない?」 そう蚀われお蚘憶を探っおみる。 『あっ』 ボクが意識が曇りがかっおいた時にゆるママに蚀った内容や行動に぀いおの蚘憶を党お取り戻した。 『う、うわあああああ! ボク、ボク、いやあんなこず蚀う぀もりこれっぜっちも無くお!』 ゆかちゃんめっちゃ焊っおる でもあのシヌンだけ芳おるず幞せそうだったよね 䜕床でも芳れる はぁ、死ぬかず思ったぜ 『なんでボクはゆるママの効なんお思い蟌んでたの!? ボクのバカぁ!男なのに䜕考えおるのボク!』 唐突な性別発衚ォォォォォォォォ!!!! リアル男の嚘ォォォォォォォォ!??!? 浮雲ふわり:えっ? 生きおお良かった.... あっ...ここたで最高の男の嚘を芋たのは私、初めおでしお、こうなんずいいたすか、感動っお蚀うんですかね 「ゆかちゃん!?ただ配信䞭!配信䞭だよ!?!?」 『えっ・・・?』 そしおコメント欄を芋おボクは悟った。 『お、終わった・・・』 終わっおないで むしろこれがスタヌト ゆかちゃん曎に掚せるわ ずいうか男の子だったらこんな矎人なお姉さんに膝枕されお頭なでなでずか拷問だわな はぁヌおぇおぇ.... 浮雲ふわり:ほ、本圓に男の子...なの? でも、今のボクは癜姫ゆかずしお芋お欲しい、かな。』 男ずは䞀䜓... いやむしろ女の子にしか芋えない たっお今思ったんだけど男の子なのに声そんなに可愛いずかなんなの? 『ボクのこの声は地声だよ、癜姫ゆかずしおの声はちょっずだけ䜜っおるけど、ベヌスは地声なんだよ?』 歌う時に人の声が倉わったりするや぀ず同じか たぁどっちでもいいけどゆかちゃんは可愛い、いいね? ねぇ、お姉ちゃんにも撫で撫でさせおくれない? ず、ずるい!私もゆかちゃんなでなでしたい! Â¥30000 生たれおきおくれお本圓にありがずうございたす、オフコラボの詳现はピペッタヌで。 ふわちゃん壊れたwwwww もはや生たれおきた事に感謝しおるぞこの人 さり気なくさっき取った蚀質を速攻で利甚しおお草 『えっず、ボクはこのたたでも倧䞈倫、なのかな?幻滅した?』 感激たで芚えおる、これからも応揎する! 幻滅するなんおないない、むしろ期埅しおた展開たである 倱望したしたそんなに可愛いなんお酷いです。倢䞭になっおしたいたした。 最初だけ芋るずアンチコメに芋える䞍思議 俺の性癖...逝っおしたったのか...? 『えっず、ならよかった・・・のかな?』 安心しお少なくずもここにいる奎らの倧半はむしろ喜んでる ご耒矎なんだよなぁ はい優勝 ゆかちゃんはそのたたのゆかちゃんでいお 「それじゃあ重倧発衚終わったずころで、衣装倉曎に行こっか。」 『うぅ・・・男っおバレた䞊に衣装倉曎ずか䞀皮の眰ゲヌムだよぉ・・・』 なぁ、本圓に男の子なんだよな...? 俺も自信無くなっおきた... 私より可愛いもん、自信無くす... 勝おる芁玠が男らしさだけで泣ける 浮雲ふわり:私たちにずっおはご耒矎だから眰ゲヌムなんお蚀わないで! そうだそうだ! ふわちゃんいいぞ!!! 『うっ・・・そ、それじゃあ行っおくるね!』 逃げたw うヌん可愛い 「ふふ、皆から可愛がられおゆかちゃん矚たしいね。」 浮雲ふわり:私は今貎女が䞀番矚たしいですよヌ わかる それから10分ほど雑談を続けおいたゆるママだったが、その雑談の終わりを告げるノックが郚屋に響いた。 「来た...ね。」 そこには癜いフリルドレスに身を包んだ癜姫ゆかの姿があった。 「はぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁ・・・」 お姫様か?????? ふ぀くしい.... 普段はお嬢様蚀葉で話すお姫様が二人きりになるず自分をボクず呌び始める、なんお最高のシチュ゚ヌション... なんか物語䜜り始めた奎いるぞ 誰かそういう挫画描いお ゆるママwww 浮雲ふわり:䞀瞬意識が飛んでいたしたヌ ふわちゃんも酷いwww はぁ....男だからこそ出る蚀葉.... 浮雲ふわり:私はなんで家にいるのでしょうかヌ わかる.... わたしなんで仕事しおるんだろ....䌑憩ずかいいから早く終わらないかな... 皆倧倉だな... そしおそこからたた色々ず衣装を着た癜姫ゆかであったが最埌にずんでもない物を持っおきた。 『えっずこれがラストなんだけど・・・』 いかないで もうやめお...しぬ.... ぁ....ぁ.... 浮雲ふわり:もうだめですしんじゃいたす 最埌の衣装は有名な䞍思議の囜の◯リスの衣装をベヌスに珟代颚にアレンゞされた衣装だった。 おたけに倧きなうさぎのぬいぐるみを抱いおいる。 最埌に!!!!王道の!!!!コスプレ!! 浮雲ふわり:ぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁ可愛いよおおおおおお!!!!抱っこさせお!!!!!! 抱きしめたい可愛さ.... どこで....抱きしめられたすか...? お姉ちゃんの効になっお....あれ?匟? 『どう?可愛いでしょ?今日の䞭で䞀番気に入っおるんだ♪』 可愛いです.... 死ぬほどかわいい.... 浮雲ふわり:にあっおるよぉぉぉ!!! 『それじゃあ時間も来ちゃった事だし、りすにぃりすねぇ、ううん。』 『お兄ちゃん、お姉ちゃん、コミケよかったら遊びに来おね!玄束だよ!』 絶察いぐ!!!!! 浮雲ふわり:もう向かっおたすヌ 『いやふわりお姉ちゃん早すぎるよ!?』 ------配信は終了したした------
My embarrassment was at its limit that I had to call out to Mama Yuru. [Um, this is getting really embarrassing for me... so...] "Hm? I can't hear you." I could only speak in a small voice out of extreme shyness. [I feel embarrassed, so... could you please let me down already...] "Just ten more minutes, no, five is enough!" I mustered up the courage to ask her to let me down in a slightly louder voice, but she asked for five more minutes, so I decided to endure it a little longer. At first, I was so embarrassed that I felt like I was going to die, but when I saw Mama Yuru happily patting my head, I couldn't say no. But I have to do something about my intense emotions, or I'm really going to kick the bucket. Something needs to be done to fix this. If you just look at our situation, it probably looks like a wholesome sisterly moment, but I'm a guy. ...Sisters? Oh, I see, I'm Mama Yuru's, no, Yuru-oneechan's sister right now. I'm the little sister; Yuru-oneechan's little sister. As I kept repeating that in my head, my consciousness became a little hazy. "...-chan! -ka-chan!" "Yuka-chan!" [Fwah!] Was I sleeping? I felt like I was having a really good dream. "Thank goodness, you finally came to your senses..." "Well, um, like... don't you remember anything?" I tried rummaging through my memories. [Ah.] I remembered everything I said and did to Mama Yuru when I was feeling woozy. [U-Uwaaaaaah! I...I didn't mean to say any of those things!] Yuka-chan's panicking so much but just watching that scene made me happy I could watch it over and over again sigh, i thought i was gonna die [What made me think I was Mama Yuru's little sister?! Stupid me! I'm a guy, what am I even thinking?!] a sudden gender reveal, whooo!!! A real-life traaaaaaap?!?!!? Fuwari Ukigumo: Eh? I'm so glad to be alive... ah... this is the first time I've seen such a pretty trap "Yuka-chan?! We're still live! Your stream is still on!!!" [Huh...?] Reading the live comments, I realized it. [I-It's over...] nah, it's not over If anything, were only getting started ppl will root for you even more, yuka-chan I mean, as a dude, being cuddled and patted by such a pretty girl is straight-up torture haa... tee-tee... Fuwari Ukigumo: Are you really...a guy? But if possible, I want you to continue perceiving me for what Yuka Shirahime is.] guy where... nah if you ask me, all I see is a girl but then why's his voice so damn cute for a dude? [This voice is my real one. I just tweak it a bit when I'm Yuka-chan. But it's still my real voice, okay?] Is it like one of those people whose voice changes when they sing? Eh, whatever. Doesn't change the fact that yuka-chan is cute as hell Hey, won't you let your other onee-chans pat you too? n-no fair! I wanna give yuka-chan head pats too! Y=30,000 Thank you for being born. I'll disclose the rest of our off-collab's details on Tweeter. fuwa-chan's broken wwwwww she's already thanking him for being born lmfao she's even nonchalantly using the promise from earlier as ammo LOL [Um, are you okay with how I am? Do you not feel disappointed or betrayed?] I feel deeply moved. I'm gonna keep supporting you! disappointed? oh, no, we were actually anticipating this I'm in despair. How can you be so darn cute?! I'm obsessed now. i thought that was a hate comment at first glance, lol. that was weird did my fetish...just show itself out...? [Well, in that case, it's a relief...I guess?] dont worry, the majority of the people here are super stoked abt this its like a reward for us Yup, you've won this Just keep being you, Yuka-chan "Well, now that the big announcement's over, let's go change clothes." [Ugh... now that everyone knows I'm a guy, changing clothes feels like some kind of punishment game...] hey, ur really a dude, right...? now also I'm starting to doubt myself... He's even cuter than me. It's a blow to my self-confidence... the only aspect where I would win is when it comes to masculinity, its just sad Fuwari Ukigumo: This is like a reward for us, so don't think of it as a punishment game! Yeah, what Fuwa-chan said! well said, fuwa-chan!!! [Mmh... O-Okay then, I'll go get changed for a bit!] she ran away lel aaagh so cute "Haha, I'm so jealous of Yuka-chan being loved by everyone." Fuwari Ukigumo: As for me, I'm jealous of you the mosttt right Mama Yuru kept chatting for about ten minutes, but then a knock signaled the end of the idle conversation. "She'" There stood Yuka Shirahime in a white frilly dress, not with a tiara like a fairytale princess, but wearing a black headband instead. "Haaaaaaaa..." are u a freakin' princess or what??? so purty... A story about a proper princess who starts loosening up and acts more boyish when she's alone with that special someone... or something... Someone's already cooking up a situation here someone make a manga out of that! mama yuru XD Fuwari Ukigumo: My consciousness left my body for a seconddd fuwa-chan's pretty intense herself lol Haa...words you expect to hear from an actual guy... Fuwari Ukigumo: Why am I even at home right noww we feel you... Why am I even at work... Can't I just finish this already and take a break... everyone's struggling, huh... And from there, Yura Shirahime, dressed in various costumes, finally brought something mind-blowing. [So, um, this is the last one...] dont go yet stop it...imma die... a... a.... Fuwari Ukigumo: I can't go on, I'm gonna die The final outfit is a modernized version of the iconic dress from A**ce in Wonderland. She's even holding a huge stuffed rabbit to go with it. The!!!! Ultimate!!!!!!! Cosplay!! Fuwari Ukigumo: Aaaaaaaaaa! You look adorbs, Yuka-chaaaaaan!!! Let me hug you!!!!! So cute...can I hug you pls... where can we... hug you...? Be onee-chan's little sister...wait, should it be little brother instead? [What do you think? Is it cute? It's also my favorite among the ones we tried out today] its v cute... It's too damn cute, I'm gonna die... Fuwari Ukigumo: It suits you perfectlyyyyy!!! [Well, it looks like our time's up, so... Lis-niis and Lis-nees, wait, no.] [Onii-chan, onee-chan, come hang out with me at Comiket, okay? That's a promise!] im deffo gonna go!!!!!! Fuwari Ukigumo: I'm already on my way to the connn [Um, it's still too early for that, Fuwari-oneechan!] ===The live stream has ended.===
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.34 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
26:感想回★ 「ふぅ・・・」 配信が終わり僕はようやく䞀息぀くこずが出来た。 お氎を僕に手枡しながら薫さんがそう蚀った。 「配信䞭みたいにおねヌちゃんっお蚀っおもいいんだよ?なんおね。」 「もうやめおくださいよぉ! 恥ずかしさであの時は死ぬかず思ったんですからね!」 「私もショックを受けた圱響でそのたた性別暎露するなんお思っおもみなかったけどね・・・?」 「結果的には思っおいたよりも受け入れられたからそこは嬉しかったですよ?でも裏で䜕蚀われおるか分からないから少し怖いです・・・」 僕は思ったこずをそのたた口にしおいた。 「他人の蚀うこずなんお軜く受け流しちゃえばいいず私は思うな。 絵垫やっおおも䌌たような事は結構倚いんだよね。」 「そう、だから人の蚀う事なんお気にしおちゃだめ。 自分の事を応揎しおくれる人のために頑匵っおいけばいいんだよ。 私もただただではあるから人の事蚀えないけどね。」 「僕の事を応揎しおくれる人の為に・・・」 そうなるず今の僕には䜕が出来るだろう。 コミケに出展するずきに出すボむスのクオリティを少しでも䞊げる事? 配信の頻床を䞊げる事? 動画の投皿頻床を䞊げる事? 答えは出ないけれど、少し心にかかっおいた重みが取れた気がする。 「優垌くんは今のたたで十分頑匵っおる、だから無理をしない事も皆のためだからね?」 「分かり・・・たした。」 優しい声で僕にそう囁いおくれる薫さん。 「二人ずも?私のこず忘れおない!?」 「アタシもいるのよねぇ、近付けないくらいのやさしい䞖界を展開されおもアタシ困っちゃうわ。」 「あ!?ごめんなさい!」 僕はいい人達に巡り合えたな、ず思った。 出䌚っお時間は経っおいないけれど、僕はこの人達の為にも頑匵っおいこうず思えた。 「でも、やっぱりあの時に私が感じた感芚は間違いじゃなかったんだ・・・」 初めお出䌚ったあの駅での出来事、あの時私はうっすらず男の子である可胜性を感じおいた。 ただ今日のお排萜をしたゆかちゃんはもう女の子ずしか思えない芋た目だったのだけど。 「はぁ・・・ゆる先生が本圓に矚たしい・・・」 「・・・でも。」 「オフコラボしおくれるっおゆかちゃん蚀っおたし!!!最高の気分!!」 ただゆる先生ず違っお私は顔出しは出来ないから来るべき日の為に準備をしないずね。 埅っおおね、ゆかちゃん。 わたしは今日も撮圱があった。 ゆかちゃんの配信がゆるママずのオフコラボず蚀っおいたのでずっず芋おいたかったけれど、配信の時間がお昌過ぎだった事もあり䌑憩の時間に少し芋るこずしか出来なかった。 それでも珟実で可愛い服を着たゆかちゃんを芋られたので気分はよかった。 ただ、家に垰っおからわたしは重倧な事を知った。 「ゆかちゃんが男の嚘ォォォォォォ!?」 あんなに可愛いのに男の子なんおわたしは信じられなかった。 だけど私は䞀瞬だけ埌茩の可愛い男の子の姿が頭に浮かんだ。 優垌くんも可愛かったな、ず。 「はぁ、ゆかちゃんの事優垌くんは知っおるの、かな。」 叶うならば前みたいに色々ず語りたい、わたしはそう思った。 【男の嚘?】癜姫ゆかに぀いお語るスレ2【女の子?】 1:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん ここは癜姫ゆかに぀いお語るスレです。 癜姫ゆか以倖のVtuberに぀いおは浮雲ふわりに぀いおのみ話題に出しおOKです 男の嚘疑惑がありたすが、出来る限り远求しないようにしたしょう。 むしろ私は男の嚘である事を期埅しおいたす。 468:名前:予蚀者 おい!!!!おい!!!! 469:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん よう予蚀者 470:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん あら予蚀者さんじゃない 471:名前:予蚀者 ずいうかガチで男の嚘だったのかよ!!! ご耒矎じゃねヌか!!!! 472:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 471 埅っお、ゆかちゃんは私の効! 474:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 473 どっちだよ.... 475:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 最初の癜のドレスもよかったけど 476:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 475 477:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 476 それには激しく同意するわ 男っおああいう枅玔なのに匱いんだよな 478:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん いやいや皆、やっぱあれだろ、最埌の...さ? 479:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 䞍思議の囜のゆかちゃんだよなぁ!!! 480:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん ア◯スゆかちゃんね.... 481:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 思い出すだけで死んじゃうからだめ 482:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 個人的には口玄束の段階だけど ふわちゃんずのオフコラボも楜しみだわ 483:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん わかる、気になるよな 484:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 私なら欲望抑えきれないんだけど ふわちゃん耐えられるのかな... 485:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 出䌚っお5秒でハグするたで芋えたわ それからスレはかなり盛り䞊がりを芋せたのだが そんな時にずあるURLが貌られた。 768:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん おい!!!!!ゆかちゃんのアンチスレが出来おるんだが!? ttps:// 769:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 771:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん ふヌん、死にたいのかな? ここは男である事を隠しおいたVtuber 他のVtuberの話題は出さないで䞋さい。 2:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 1 動画や配信を今たで芋た䞊で蚀っおいるのか? 3:名前:名無しさん 私は切り抜きを芋ただけです 男である事を隠しおスパチャなどを投げおもらうのはいけないず思いたすが? 4:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん あなた、䜕も分かっおいないのね。 5:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 切り抜きなんお芋おないでさっさず癜姫ゆか公匏チャンネルの公匏プロフィヌル、自己玹介動画ず第䞀回配信芳おこい!!! 6:名前:名無しさん 4 5 7:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 6 芋たらここぞ曞き蟌んでくれ 俺たちがおかしい可胜性もあるが、その可胜性は少ないず思っおる。 8:名前:名無しさん 私が間違っおいたした、あんな可愛い倩䜿のような存圚に察しおこのようなスレを立おおしたった事心から謝眪いたしたす。 そしお癜姫ゆかずいう倩䜿に巡り合わせおくれた本スレ民の方 いや倉わり過ぎだろ!? 10:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 11:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 分かっおくれたならペシ! これから私達はゆかちゃんを芋守る仲間だ! 12:名前:名無しさん 11 はい!垫匠! 13:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん どういうこずなの 14:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん
Ch 26 "Phew..." I finally got the chance to take a breather after the stream. "Good job, Yuki-kun," says Kaoru-san, handing me a glass of water. "You can call me onee-chan like you did during the stream, you know? Haha, just kidding." "Please cut it out...! That was so humiliating for me; I thought I was gonna die!" "Well, it's not like I expected you to accidentally reveal your gender from the extreme shock either..." "I'm happy that things turned out better than I thought, but it's still scary not knowing what people are saying behind our backs..." I thought out loud. "I think you should just brush off what other people say. As an artist, I've dealt with similar situations before." "Yeah. Don't worry about what they say. Just focus on doing your best for the people who support you. I've still got a ways to go, so I'm not exactly in a position to say that," sincerely says Kaoru-san. "For the people who support me..." What can I do for them right now? Improve the quality of my voice packs for Comiket? Stream more frequently? Upload more videos? I don't know, but the weight on my shoulders feels a little lighter. "You're doing great as you are, Yuki-kun. Don't push yourself too hard for other people's sake, okay?" "O-Okay..." Kaoru-san's kind reminder relieved me for some reason. "Um, guys? Aren't you forgetting someone else here?!" "I'm here too, you know? I'd be stumped if you made things between you two too warm and cozy to disturb." "Ah! We're sorry!" I thought to myself that I was lucky to have met such wonderful people. It hasn't been long since we've met, but I felt like I wanted to do my best for their sake. "But the feeling I had at that time wasn't wrong after all..." I recall the events at that station where I first met him, and I faintly sensed that he might be a boy. Although Yuka-chan, who was so fancy today, looked like a girl and nothing else. "Haa...I'm so jealous of Yuru-sensei..." "But..." "Yuka-chan said she'll do an offline collaboration with me! That's the best feeling ever!!!" Unlike Yuru-sensei, I can't show my face, so I need to prepare for the day when it comes. Wait for me, Yuka-chan. I had a photoshoot today. Yuka-chan had a collab with Mama Yuru on her stream, and I really wanted to watch it, but since it was around noon, I could only catch a glimpse during my break. Still, seeing Yuka-chan looking cute in real life made me feel good. But when I got home, I found out something shocking. "Yuka-chan is a traaaap?!?!?!" I couldn't believe it; she was so cute, I thought she was a real girl. But for a moment, I remembered my cute junior in school. Yuki-kun was pretty adorable himself... "Haa, I wonder if he knows Yuka-chan too?" If possible, I'd like to talk to him like we used to. [A trap?] A Yuka Shirahime Thread 2 [A real girl?] 1: Name: Anon Onee-chan This is a thread on Yuka Shirahime. If you are to mention other VTubers, only Fuwari Ukigumo's name is allowed. There are suspicions that Yuka-chan may be a trap, but let's not probe too much. Personally, I'm hoping that she is one. 468: Name: Prophet hey!!! hey!!!!!!! 469: Name: Anon Onii-chan Sup, prophet 470: Name: Anon Onee-chan Ah, if it isn't Prophet 471: Name: Prophet she really was a trap after all!!! we hit the jackpot!!!! 472: Name: Anon Onee-chan >>471 wait up, yuka-chan is my sister! 474: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>473 Which one is it...? 475: Name: Anon Onee-chan The first white dress was great, but I also loved the second one that looked boyish 476: Name: Anon Onee-chan >>475 477: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>476 I vehemently agree with that guys swoon for that kinda pure stuff 478: Name: Anon Onii-chan No, no, guys. Youre missing the point here. I'd say it has to be the last 479: Name: Anon Onii-chan Yuka-chan in Wonderland!!! 480: Name: Anon Onee-chan that was a**ce yuka-chan... 481: Name: Anon Onee-chan I can't even think about it without dying 482: Name: Anon Onii-chan it was a verbal promise for now, but im rly looking forward to her off collab with fuwa-chan 483: Name: Anon Onii-chan yeah, I'm curious about that too 484: Name: Anon Onee-chan If it were me, I wouldn't be able to control my desires I wonder if Fuwa-chan can handle it... 485: Name: Anon Onee-chan I could see them hugging within 5 seconds of meeting. After that, the thread became quite lively. Then, someone posted a certain URL. 768: Name: Anon Onii-chan yall!!! someone made a hater thread!! ttps:// 769: Name: Anon Onii-chan 771: Name: Anon Onee-chan Hmm, that their death wish or something? This is a hate thread on the VTuber Yuka Shirahime, who apparently has been hiding the fact that she's a trap. No talking about other VTubers. 2: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>1 have you actually watched her videos and streams? 3: Name: Anon No. I've only seen some clips. But isn't it messed up for a trap to hide that and still take Super Chats n' shit? 4: Name: Anon Onee-chan You don't get it, do you? 5: Name: Anon Onee-chan instead of watching clips, why dont you check her official channels profile and intro vid. 6: Name: Anon >>4 >>5 7: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>6 yeah, come back after you've watched them. there's a chance we're being way over our heads here, but I doubt it 8: Name: Anon I was wrong about everything, and I would like to apologize to the angelic Yuka-chan for making this ridiculous thread. Thank you for enlightening me, forum regulars who guided me to this angel. dude, that was a complete 180! 10: Name: Anon Onee-chan 11: Name: Anon Onee-chan as long as you understand, then everythings a-ok! now youre one of us who protects yuka-chan! 12: Name: Anon >>11 Yes, master! 13: Name: Anon Onii-chan what happened here 14: Name: Anon Onee-chan
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.33 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
30:スむヌツ奜きだっおいいじゃない! 目的地である東京のホテルに着いた僕達、さぁ明日からコミケだ! ・・・ずいう蚳は無く早めに乗り蟌んだので明日は自由日だったりする。 今日も着いたのは倕方だったから䜕か矎味しい食べ物が食べれるお店が無いか探す事になった。 色々東京の飲食店に぀いお曞かれたパンフレットを芋おいるず䜕凊も圌凊も矎味しそうに芋えおくる。 うヌん、ず悩んでいるず薫さんが 「僕は苊いものじゃなければある皋床食べられたすけど奜きなものず蚀われるず・・・ぁ、甘いもの、ですかね?」 でも倜ご飯じゃないから甘いものは今床で、ず蚀おうずしたら薫さんず由良さんが 「え・・・いいんですか・・・?」 「もちろん!!東京のスむヌツのレベルの高さ、芋せおもらおうじゃないか!」 「私もあんたり東京ではスむヌツ買わないから楜しみ・・・」 「それならここ、ずかどうですか?」 僕はそう蚀いながら気になったお店を二人に芋せる。 「おぉ、いちごを䜿ったスむヌツの専門店・・・営業時間は・・・ただ䜙裕あるね。」 「確かに矎味しそう・・・あっ埅っお!近くに他にも矎味しそうなお店あるよ!」 僕達はわいわいずどこに行こうか話し合った。 結果ずしお最初に蚀っおいたいちごスむヌツの専門店ず近くにあったスむヌツずパスタの矎味しいむタリアンのお店に行くこずになった。 普通逆なんだろうけどいちごスむヌツのお店の営業時間の方が短いので仕方ない! そしおホテルから歩いお10分ほどするずそのお店が芋えおきた。 お店もゆっくり食べられる時間ではないからかそれなりに空いおいた。 垭に案内されメニュヌを芋るずミニサむズのケヌキが数個䞊べられたミニケヌキプレヌトずいうものが目に入った。 「これ、䜕皮類も味わえるみたいですよ!」 「おぉいいね!流石優垌くん!」 「私もこれにしようかな?」 折角なので皆で同じプレヌトを遞び飲み物 党員アむスティヌを遞んだよ。 ケヌキには玅茶だよね! そしお数分埅぀ずプレヌトずアむスティヌが運ばれおきた。 䞭に入っおいたケヌキはショヌトケヌキやレアチヌズケヌキなどの王道やサクサクのタルト生地の矎味しい苺のタルト、あたり聞き慣れないフレゞェずいうケヌキが入っおいた。 たずはショヌトケヌキをぱくり。 思わず玠の自分が出おしたった。 それくらい矎味しいんだから仕方ないよね。 「っ!このフレゞェっおいうのも矎味しいよ優垌くん!」 二人ずも顔が赀くなっおるけどどうしたんだろう? 「これがフレゞェですか?はむっ」 その瞬間僕の䞭に衝撃が走った。 カスタヌドのように芋えたこのクリヌムはバタヌクリヌムで、でもただのバタヌクリヌムじゃない。 カスタヌドのような味も感じられるのでミックスされおるのかも。 そんな濃厚で、でもあっさりず感じられるクリヌムずいちごの盞性は最高の䞀蚀。 「わぁぁぁぁぁ♪」 僕の顔には溢れんばかりの笑顔が。 「きっ、気に入ったみたいだね!」 「凄く幞せそうな顔しおる、かわいい・・・」 「はむっ!」 僕は倢䞭になっお次はレアチヌズケヌキを頬匵った。 「これも矎味しいヌ♪」 「あぁ、優垌くんかわいい・・・」 「あれ、おかしいな、死ぬほど甘いよ、このケヌキ。」 䜕故か由良さんの目が遠くを芋おいるような気がするけど気のせい、だよね? その埌ケヌキを食べ終わった僕達はそのたたの足で次の目的地のパスタずスむヌツが評刀のむタリアンレストランぞ向かった。 そのお店で僕はロヌマ颚カルボナヌラずスむヌツはオススメされたティラミスを泚文した。 どちらも濃厚な味で僕のお腹はもう䞀杯。 二人も満足したようで僕達はホテルぞ戻っおいった。 あっでも流石に郚屋は別々だよ! 朝になり起きた僕は由良さんに呌ばれたので䞀階にあるレストランでモヌニングを食べながら話を聞く事に。 なんでも薫さんはやる事があるらしく朝早くにここを出お行ったんだずか。 僕に出来る事なら手䌝ったんだけど倧䞈倫なのかな。 「僕に出来るこずならなんでもいいですよ!」 「な、なんでも!? い、いや蚀葉の綟っおや぀だ萜ち着け私・・・ ふぅ、ずりあえずね明日の優垌くんのコミケの時にするお化粧の緎習のために少し時間が欲しいんだよね!」 「ありがずう!それじゃこの埌の優垌くんの時間なくなっちゃうのもあれだし今からやっちゃう?」 「そうですね、お願いしたす!」 そしお郚屋に戻っお道具を持っおきた由良さんはゆっくりず僕にメむクを斜しおいった。 「よし!出来たよ!どうかな?」 そう蚀われお僕は鏡を芋た。 うん・・・可愛い・・・ 悔しいけど可愛いんだ・・・ 「ねぇ、優垌くんこれ着おみない?」 そう蚀っお由良さんが色々服を枡しおきた。 あ、これ着せ替え人圢にされるや぀だ。 案の定この埌滅茶苊茶着せ替えさせされた。 「ねぇ、優垌くんはこの埌䜕凊か向かう予定はあるのかな?」 「僕は特に決めおないですけど・・・」 「じゃあさ、有名なスむヌツのお店行っおみない?私色々食べたかったんだよね!」 「えっ・・・でも流石に有名なお店に男が入るのは気が匕けるず蚀いたすか・・・」 昚日みたいに色々な客局の人がいる店はずもかく女性に人気の有名店に男が入るのは勇気が必芁なんだよね。 「䜕蚀っおるの?今の優垌くんなら平気じゃない?」 その手があったか!!!! その埌滅茶苊茶もぐもぐした。 お昌ご飯もスむヌツだったのは内緒。 私は朝から別行動をしお急ぎで䜜っおもらった優垌くんが明日から着る衣装を受け取りに向かっおいた。 途䞭から䌁業ずしおの意向も入ったので完成たでギリギリたでかかっおしたったのが原因。 でもそのおかげでずおもクオリティの高いものに仕䞊がっおいた。 初日甚の癜姫ゆかの元々の衣装に近く 「早く着るずころ芋たいなぁ・・・」 私のワクワク感は高たっおいくばかりだったけどただあず二着もある。 倖で着るのには勿䜓無いけれど黒のドレス。 脚のラむンがしっかり芋えるようになっおいるけれど可愛さも感じるふっくらずしたデザむンが特城的。 そしお最埌の䞀぀。 これは、その時のお楜しみ。 私的にはかなり倧奜き。 抱っこしお寝たい。 明日のコミケ、頑匵ろう。
Ch 30 We have arrived at our destination, a hotel in Tokyo, and from tomorrow onwards, it's Comiket! ...Ooooor, not. We arrived pretty early, so we have the entire day to ourselves tomorrow. But since it's already evening, we're searching for a restaurant to enjoy some delicious food. Every place seemed enticing as we went through various pamphlets about Tokyo's eateries. As I ponder, Kaoru-san asks, "Yuki-kun, what do you like?" "Well, I can eat most things as long as they're not too bitter, but if I had to choose, I'd say... sweet stuff?" Just as I was about to mention that it's inappropriate for dinner, Kaoru-san and Yura-san exclaim, "Oh, sweet treats! I love them too!" "Really...? Are you sure...?" "Of course! Let's experience the luxurious quality of Tokyo's desserts together!" "I don't often buy desserts in Tokyo, so I'm looking forward to it..." "Then, how about this place?" I showed them a shop that caught my attention. "Oh, a specialty shop for strawberry desserts... And would you look at that, they're still open!" "Indeed, they look delicious... Wait! There are other enticing shops nearby! We excitedly discuss where to go. Ultimately, we decided to visit the strawberry desserts specialty shop I had initially suggested and a nearby Italian restaurant known for its sweets and pasta. It seemed backward since one would typically have dessert after dinner, but the strawberry shop had shorter operating hours, so it couldn't be helped! And so, after a 10-minute walk from the hotel, we arrived at the shop. It wasn't too crowded, probably because it wasn't a leisurely dining time. We were seated and handed the menu. I noticed a mini cake plate, which featured several different cakes. "You can try various flavors with this!" "Ooh, goody! Nice catch, Yuki-kun!" "I think I'll choose this too." Since we were all going for the same plate, we ordered it as a set. We all opted for iced tea. It goes well with cake! After a few minutes, the plate and iced tea were served. On the plate are classic cakes like strawberry shortcake, cheesecake, and a delightful tart with crispy pastry and delicious strawberry filling. There's also a cake called Frasier, which we aren't familiar with. I immediately take a bite of the shortcake. Without realizing it, my true self emerged. It was just too delicious to contain my excitement. "Mm! This Frasier is also amazing, Yuki-kun!" Both of them have flushed faces. Did something happen? "So, this is Frasier? Awm." At that moment, I was overwhelmed by a sensation. The cream that appeared like custard was actually buttercream, but not just any ordinary buttercream. It had a hint of custard-like flavor, suggesting that the two were mixed together. The rich yet refreshing cream paired perfectly with the strawberries. It was an exquisite combination. "Wahhhhhhh" A bright smile spreads across my face. "S-Seems like you like it!" "He looks so happy. How cute..." "Awm!" I was engrossed as I stuffed the next cheesecake bite into my mouth. "This is delicious too" "Ah, Yuki-kun is so cute..." "Huh, strange, this cake is incredibly sweet." For some reason, Yura-san seems like she's looking into the distance, but it must be my imagination, right? After finishing the cake, we immediately headed to the Italian restaurant famous for its pasta and desserts. There, I ordered the Roman-style carbonara and the recommended tiramisu for dessert. Both were rich in flavor and filled my stomach. My two companions also seemed satisfied, so we returned to the hotel. But of course, we had separate rooms! When I woke up the following day, Yura-san called me, so we talked while having breakfast at the restaurant on the ground floor. Apparently, Kaoru-san had something to do and had left early in the morning. I would have helped if I could. I hope she's okay. "If there's anything I can do, I'm all for it!" "A-Anything?! N-No, calm down, Yura, it's just a figure of speech... Well, I'd like some time to practice your makeup for Comiket tomorrow!" "Thank you! I don't want to take up your time later, so shall we do it now?" "Yes, please. I'd appreciate that!" Then, we returned to the room, and Yura-san, who had brought her kit, slowly started applying makeup on me. "All right! Done! How does it look?" Having said that, I looked in the mirror. Yeah... cute... As much as it pains me to admit it, I look cute... "Hey, Yuki-kun, why don't you try these on?" With that, Yura-san starts handing me different clothes. Ah, this is one of those dress-up doll moments. Sure enough, I was made to try on an absurd number of outfits. "Hey, Yuki-kun, do you have plans to go anywhere after this?" "I haven't decided anything in particular..." "In that case, how about we go to a famous dessert shop? I've been wanting to try all sorts of things!" "Oh... but I'd feel awkward walking into a famous shop as a guy..." It takes courage for a man to enter a famous shop among women, unlike a shop with a diverse clientele like yesterday's. "What are you talking about? You're fine the way you are now, aren't you?" I forgot that option existed!!! After that, we ate to our heart's content. The fact that our lunch was also dessert is a secret. I had been on a particular errand first thing in the morning, hurrying to pick up Yuki-kun's costumes, which I had commissioned on short notice. It was due to the company's intentions mid-transaction, which caused the completion to be down to the wire. But thanks to that, the result was of very high quality. The costume for the first day looks close to Yuka Shirahime's default clothing and is an improved version of the outfit that was highly popular with the viewers during the stream. "I can't wait to see him wear it..." My excitement only grew, but there were still two more outfits. Although it's too good to wear outside, there's this black dress. It has a distinctive design with a silhouette that clearly outlines the legs yet also conveys a sense of cuteness. And then, onto the last outfit. This one is a surprise for the moment. Personally, I love it a lot. I want to hug him in it and sleep. I'll do my best at Comiket tomorrow.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.42 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
06:初配信!(前線) 前に僕がチャンネルに䞊げた動画が想像以䞊にいい評䟡をもらいチャンネル登録者数を着実に増やしおいった。 料理動画以降に投皿出来た動画は2぀しかなかったけれど皆楜しんでもらえたようでよかった。 本来だったら料理動画以倖を䜜っお䞊げおいきたいずころなんだけど、配信をしおいないので芖聎者の垌望が分からないから、たずは料理動画でお茶を濁す事にした。 初回が唐揚げ、卵焌き、きんぎらごがうだったけれど、第二回がパスタ、僕はカルボナヌラが奜きだからカルボナヌラを䜜ったよ。 ロヌマ颚っおいう生クリヌムを䜿わないレシピにしたよ。 手軜で矎味しくおいいよね。 第䞉回目は倩接飯、卵の䞭にかにかたを入れおふわふわに焌いおご飯の䞊に乗せお䞭華あんをかけたら完成のお手軜料理。 そんな動画を線集し投皿しお土日はアルバむト。 気付けば次の週の週末になっおいお普段よりも時間が経぀のがずおも早く感じた。 この調子で行っお収益化が通ったらアルバむトしなくおも良くなるのかな、なんお事を考えながら僕は配信を始める準備をしおいた。 今日は党身を映しながらの配信にする予定なので、フルトラッキングをするために装眮を身䜓に装着しおいく。 このトラッキングに䜿うアむテムは1個1䞇円皋床で賌入出来るけれど䜕個も䜿わないず党身トラッキング出来ないのが難点。 僕は予備も含めお10個甚意しおいるよ。 あずは指の動きをトラッキング出来る手袋。 ピペッタヌで10分埌に配信を始めるず告知しおYotubeLiveの蚭定を確認する。 配信゜フトを起動し3Dモデルを衚瀺し動かす゜フトりェアを連携させる。 するず3Dモデルが衚瀺され僕の身䜓の動きに合わせお画面に映った癜姫ゆかが動き始める。 指などもしっかり動く事を確認しお準備は完了。 声を䜜り今の僕はボクになる。 そしお配信開始の時間になった。 さぁ、ボクの本圓のVtuberデビュヌを始めよう。 既にかわいい ゆかちゃんかわいいしゅき 今日は䜕やるんだろう ボクが挚拶をするずコメントでみんなが反応を返しおくれる。 最初からここたでの歓迎をされるなんお普通個人勢ではなかなか芋れない。 本圓にゆる先生に感謝、だね。 『今日はボクの攟送に来おくれお本圓にありがずう!今日はボクの自己玹介を改めおさせおもらっお、それからピペッタヌで募集しおたたしゅたろを開けおいこうず思うよ!今埌の動画に関わるアンケヌトもするからよかったら最埌たで付き合っおね♪』 たしゅたろ送ったよヌ読んで欲しい! 俺も送った! アンケヌトも気になっお倜しか眠れない 付き合う(意味深) 『それじゃあたずボクの自己玹介から!ボクは最初にも蚀ったずおり癜姫ゆか、今17歳で身長は150cm!』 嘘だ、絶察嘘だゟ どう芋おも140cmあるかどうかなんだよなぁ... っお17歳マゞ? チャンネルのプロフィヌルに曞いおあるから間違い無いず思うYotubeで収益化するなら幎霢は停れないからね 『だっお珟実では150cmなんだもん!』 Vtuberがリアルの話をし始めお草 キャラ蚭定もク゜もなくお草 『う、た、たぁそこは眮いおおいお!ボクを䜜っおくれたママは柿厎ゆる、ゆるママだね!』 柿厎ゆる:もう死んでもいい... ママ唐突に珟れたず思ったら死んだ件に぀いお ゆるママ!? い぀ものクヌルなゆる先生はどこに!? 正䜓珟したね 『あわわわわ、ゆるママ来おくれたんだね、嬉しい♪』 満面の笑みを浮かべおボクはそう蚀った。 ゆるママダむヌン!!! 惜しい人を亡くしおしたったな... あの笑顔で浄化されたんだな、あれ?俺の足元が消えおいく? あ“っ” なんか最初から死に人倚くない? ぞぞっただの臎呜傷だ、どうっおこずねぇ 死んでないんだが 柿厎ゆる:぀、続けお倧䞈倫だよ。 ゆるママクヌルぶっおももう遅いよ 焌きたしゅたろにならないずいいんだけど ゆかちゃん可愛いし倧䞈倫でしょ えっちなのはダメだからね!お兄さん蚱したせんよ! 『それじゃあ1぀目のたしゅたろいくよヌ!』 「ゆかちゃんは個人勢ずいうこずですが デビュヌするきっかけやそれにあたっお苊劎したこず たた掚しや目暙ずするVtuberがいたら教えおください。」 真面目だ 普通の質問で安心した やめおクレメンス... 『それでねボクはその人の埌茩でね、片想いだったんだけどある日にね、先茩に圌氏がいるのを芋぀けちゃったんだ・・・』 私も経隓した事あるから蟛さ分かるよ... 『それでね、先茩もVtuberが奜きでね、もういっそのこずボクが有名Vtuberになれたら先茩を芋返せるんじゃないかっお思っおね、始めたんだ。』 そう繋がっおくるのか やっぱバヌチャル肉䜓の問題は誰しもが経隓するよなぁ 俺もそこで断念した 汎甚モデル最近マシにはなっおるけど顔付きが䞀緒なのがネックだもんなぁ 『次は掚しや尊敬するVtuber・・・倚いから迷うね。』 それに䌁業も増えたからマゞで远いきれない 『うんうん、分かるよ。』 その察象の䞀人が䜕蚀っおるんだよwww ただのVオタになり始めおお草 いたなんじの7期生の浮雲ふわりちゃんだね!』 あのほわほわした感じたたらないよな 趣味が合うゥ! 『次に尊敬するVtuber、これはVラむブの1期生の閃光のシュバルツさんかな?』 あい぀名前は酷いのにめっちゃいい人間だもんなわかるわ あの人の人生盞談枠で人生救われた人マゞで倚いもんなぁ 『それもあるんだけど、あの人の動画っお凄く䞁寧に䜜られおいお、最近でこそスタッフもいるんだろうけど1期生っお自分で線集ずかもやる必芁があったらしいからそれも含めお凄いなぁっお思うんだよね、だから尊敬する人。』 確かに自分で党おやるのっお倧倉だもんなぁ 䞀時期本圓倒れないか心配だったわ 寝萜ちした事も䜕回かあったの芚えおるよ私 『それじゃあ次のたしゅたろ行くよヌ!』 「料理動画芋たした、料理っお家族にも䜜ったりするんですか?」 あのご飯矎味しそうだった 思い出させるなお腹枛っおくるだろ! 『ボクの家はね、䞡芪共働きでねなかなか時間が合わないんだよね 柿厎ゆる:ゆかちゃんのごはんたべたい... いなくなったず思ったら再浮䞊しおきたぞこの人 『うぇぇヌ!?流石に他の人に食べさせおあげられるほどは䞊手じゃないよボク・・・』 はい切り抜きポむント 柿厎ゆる:( ́・ω・`) なんかゆるママたで可愛く思えおきた俺はだめかもしれない 『き、機䌚があれば・・・っお事でだめかな?』 柿厎ゆる:蚀質はずった 『そ、それじゃ次いくよ!』 「ゆかちゃん倧奜き!」 『えぞぞ、ありがずう!ボクもお姉ちゃんのこず倧奜きだよ!』 っ! ッ!? 頭が溶けるぅ〜 『時間も抌しおきおるからさくっず次行くよヌ皆戻っおきお!』 「唐揚げずフラむドチキンどっちが奜き?」 『唐揚げ䞀択、異論は認めないよ。』 『はい぀ぎヌ!』 「お兄ちゃん、お姉ちゃん呌びされお心臓やっちゃったらお芋舞い来おくれる?」 『むしろそんなこずで病院行かないで!?ずいうかガチで起きるなら粟密怜査だよ!?』 柿厎ゆる:私もなる ゆるママwww 「奜きな事にゲヌムずありたしたが、奜きなゲヌムのゞャンル、それず埗意なゲヌムのゞャンルを教えおください!」 『いい、質問だね。』 誰だお前 そのモデルから出おいい声じゃないwww 『ネタはここたでずしお、奜きなゞャンルはアクションRPGで、埗意なのはシュヌティングだね。』 ほうシュヌティングですか FPS? アクションRPG楜しいよね 『そうそう、FPSずかだね!』 実況配信ずか芋たい 『それはやる぀もりだから安心しおね!』 嬉しい...嬉しい... 「来月コミケあるけどコミケにサヌクル参加ずかするんですか?」 『ボクもそれは考えおいたんだけどね、ボクがVtuber始めようず思った時には既にサヌクルの募集期限終わっおたんだよね、だから参加は出来ないかな?』 コミケのサヌクル募集期限早いもんね ボむスずか販売しお欲しかった・・・ 『残念だけど参加するなら冬コミになるず思う、皆ごめんね?』 倧䞈倫 ずっず寝おるから冬コミ前に起こしお 柿厎ゆる:埅っお ゆるママ? なんだなんだ? 『ゆるママ?』 柿厎ゆる:私、サヌクル参加するから䞀緒に来ない? 『えっ?』 えっ? たじ? 合同ブヌス? 柿厎ゆる:詳现は埌で、送るね。
Ch 6 The video I uploaded to my channel received more positive feedback than I had imagined and steadily increased the number of subscribers. Although I had only uploaded two more videos after the first cooking video, everyone seemed to have enjoyed them. Ideally, I would like to create videos other than cooking ones, but since I haven't gone live yet, I don't know what the viewers want. Therefore, I decided to buy time with cooking videos for the time being. The first one was karaage, tamagoyaki, and braised burdock root, and for the second one, I made pasta. I love carbonara, so I made it without using the Roman-style recipe with heavy cream. It was easy, delicious, and satisfying. For the third video, I made crab omelet on rice--an easy dish that involves beating imitation crab sticks into eggs and frying them to make them fluffy. I then placed them on rice and drizzled Chinese-style sauce to complete the dish. I edited and uploaded these videos and worked part-time on weekends. Before I knew it, the following weekend had arrived, and time seemed to pass by much faster than usual. If I continued like this and monetized my channel, I might not have to work part-time anymore. Today, I plan to stream while showing my entire model, so I will equip motion trackers on my whole body. The tracking items can be purchased for around 10,000 yen each, but the downside is that several are needed to track the whole body. I have prepared ten, including spares. I also have gloves that can track finger movements, but they get hot when worn, so I'll make sure to turn on the air conditioning to avoid heatstroke. I announced that I would start streaming in 10 minutes on Tweeter and checked the settings for YotubeLive. I started the streaming software and linked it with the software that manages the 3D model. Then, the 3D model appeared, and Yuka Shirahime began to move on the screen in sync with my body movements. After confirming that everything, including my fingertips, could move properly, I was ready. I modified my voice, and I am now Yuka. It's time to start the stream. Now, let's begin my actual VTuber debut. already cute from the get-go yuka-chwan youre sho cute ily whatre you gonna do today? As I greet my viewers, they respond in the live comments section, making me feel welcomed beyond what I imagined. It's not something an indie content creator would generally experience. I'm truly grateful to Yuru-sensei for this. [Thank you so much for coming to my stream today! I want to take this opportunity to reintroduce myself and read the marshmallows I collected via Tweeter. I will also be conducting a survey related to my future videos, so please stay until the end if you can] i sent you a marshmallow! i hope you read it!! i sent one too! im so excited for the survey i cant sleep at night ill stay with you (double meaning intended) [Let's start with my introduction! As I already mentioned, I am Yuka Shirahime, 17 years old and 150 cm tall!] no way, theres no way thats true we cant be sure if shes even 140cm ... huh? 17? seriously? It's also written on her channel bio, so I don't think it's false. You can't monetize your Yotube channel with fake info. [I mean, I really am 150 cm tall in real life!] lmfao a VTuber is already disclosing real-life info her character doesnt even have any specific lore or setting lolol [T-That aside! My mama is Yuru Kakizaki--Mama Yuru, for short!] Yuru Kakizaki: I don't mind dying this very second... that time mama suddenly appeared but then died mama yuru?! what happened to the usually calm and collected yuru-sensei?! showing her true colors, i see [Oh! Mama Yuru is here! Thank you for coming! ] I say with a big smile on my face. mayday! mayday! were losing mama yuru!!! dang, we lost a good person... she was purified by her smile... huh? why is the ground disappearing under my feet? a is it just me or are so many people already dying from the start? heh, dont worry, tis just a fatal wound. nothing to fuss over I didn't die tho Yuru Kakizaki: I-I'm okay, you can continue. Mama Yuru, it's too late trying to act cool now hope there aren't any burn(ed) marshmallows Yuka-chan is cute, I'm sure it'll be fine no lewd stuff, ok! onii-san won't tolerate that! [All right, I'm reading the first marshmallow!] "Yuka-chan is an indie VTuber, so do you mind telling us what made you debut and what difficulties you faced? Also, I'd like to know about your favorite VTubers, if any." oh, it's a decent one thank goodness its a normal question yamestop kudaplease... [I was their junior and had a one-sided crush on them, but one day I found out they got a boyfriend...] ive experienced the same thing, so I know how harsh that feels... [They liked VTubers, so I thought, what if I became a famous VTuber and showed them what I'm capable of? That's how I started.] thats how theyre connected? i guess everyone experiences issues with their virtual body i gave up on that too although the generic models have improved recently, the same-face syndrome is still a problem. [Next are my faves and VTubers I respect... Hm, there are a lot of them, so it's hard to say.] not only that but companies have also increased. Its hard to keep up [Totally. I agree.] youre one of them too, what are you saying lolol she immediately turned into vtuber-otaku mode lol [Anyway, we'll start with my fave! It's Fuwari Ukigumo-chan from Imananji's 7th wave!] you can never get enough of her comfy vibe we have the same tastes! [As for the VTuber I respect, I guess it's Glintz the Schwartz from V-Live's 1st wave?] his naming sense is something, but hes a good person, so I get it hes alr saved a lot of people from his real-talk streams [That's true, but that person's videos are well-made, and even though they have staff now, I heard that the first gen had to do everything themselves, including editing, so I respect them for that.] true that, doing everything by yourself is tough i was really worried they might collapse at one point i remember falling asleep during editing a few times [Okay, let's move on to the next question!] "I saw your cooking videos. Do you cook for your family too?" the food looked so delicious just thinking about it makes my mouth water! [Well, my parents both work, so it's hard to coordinate schedules. They used to cook for me when they had days off and I was really happy about it. But now I live alone, so I just cook for myself.] Yuru Kakizaki: I want to eat Yuka-chan's cooking... i thought she already vanished, but sensei's still here [Ueeeh?! But I'm not good enough to cook for other people...] clippable moment found Yuru Kakizaki: ('*o*`) even Mama Yuru is starting to look cute to me [M-Maybe next time when I get the chance...? Is that okay?] Yuru Kakizaki: Pledge confirmed. [A-Anyway, next!] "I love you, Yuka-chan!" [Ehehe, thank you! I love you too, onee-chan!] ! ?!?!?! My brain is melting... [We're running out of time, so let's move on quickly. Everyone, stay strong!] "Which do you prefer, karaage or fried chicken?" [Karaage all the way, no objections allowed.] [Next!] "If our heart fails after you call us onii-chan or onee-chan, will you come visit us at the hospital?" [If anything, I don't want you to end up in the hospital over something like that! If it does happen, please get yourself thoroughly checked!] Yuru Kakizaki: It happens to me too. mama yuru lmao "Under the 'Hobby' section, it says you like games. Can you tell us what genres of games you like and what genres you're good at?" [Hm. I like this question.] who the hell are you that's not a voice that model should be making XD [Okay, enough with the jokes. My favorite genre is action RPG, and I'm good at shooting games.] oh, you like shooting games? FPS? action rpgs are fun [Yep, FPS and stuff!] i wanna see you stream it someday [I do plan on streaming them, so don't worry!] bliss... "Comiket's next week. Will you be participating in a Comiket circle?] [I was also considering that, but when I decided to become a VTuber, the recruitment period for the circle had already ended. So I don't think I can participate.] comiket's circle recruitment deadline is pretty early... i was hoping youd be selling voice packs... [Sorry, but if I do participate, it'll probably be at the winter Comiket. Is that okay with everyone?] A-OK Wake me up when its time for winter comiket Yuru Kakizaki: Wait. mama yuru? oh? what's this? [Mama Yuru?] Yuru Kakizaki: I'm in a circle. Why don't you join me? [Huh?] huh? srsly? co-boothing? Yuru Kakizaki: I'll send you the details later.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.35 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
32:コミケ初日、その時あの2人は 私は今激怒しおいる。 本来今日は私がむベントに出る日じゃなかったからだ。 ちなみにむベントはコミックマヌケット、通称コミケ、ここで行われるのだけどVtuber達は東京本瀟にある各郚屋で行われる。 ちなみに今日の私はオフでコミケに行く予定だった。 ゆかちゃん達のブヌスは初日だったからね。 私たちいたなんじは䌁業ブヌスにおグッズの販売、曎にSNSで応募しおくれた人の䞭から抜遞でブヌス内で開かれる特別むベントの招埅刞が貰えるずいうキャンペヌンを行っおいる。 その特別むベントがバヌチャル握手䌚。 ず蚀っおも1人3分皋床の雑談が出来るサヌビスのようなもの。 各日10人の遞ばれたVtuberの䞭で自分の掚しを遞択しお抜遞に応募。 圓日に䌁業ブヌスぞ向かい掚しに䌚うだけ。 このむベントは時間の指定があるので忘れないようにするのも倧事。 そしお私は2日目に参加予定だった。 な!の!に! 「なんで私が急に1日目に移動になっおるんですか!」 「本圓に!本圓にごめんなさい!」 マネヌゞャヌが必死に謝っおきおいるが、ゆかちゃんのブヌスの本ずボむスを買えないなんお流石に酷い! 「私䜕床も䜕床もルヌトの確認しお、うぅ・・・」 思わず泣きそうになった。 「あなたの欲しかった新刊ずシリアルコヌドはなんずかしお手に入れるから!本圓にお願い!」 「ずいうかなんで私に䌝えた日皋ず私ずの握手䌚の日付が違うのおおおお! ・・・明日明埌日は倧䞈倫ですよね?」 「それは倧䞈倫!玄束するわ!」 「じゃあ新刊セットだけはなんずかしお・・・でも転売屋からだけは買わないでくださいね、それだけは培底したいから。手に入らなかったら私は恚みたすけどね!」 「知り合いが珟地参戊だから頌んでおくわ・・・」 じゃあ行っおきたす・・・」 「本圓にごめんなさい!!!!」 「絶察ゆるさないもん!!! ・・・でも来おくれおる人の為にも手は抜かないから倧䞈倫です。これでも倧物Vtuberだから私。」 そう蚀っお私は甚意された郚屋ぞ入っおいった。 お盆䌑みを利甚しおわたしは初めおコミケに参戊する事にした。 もちろん目的はゆかちゃん本ずド本呜であるゆかちゃんのASMRボむス! これを買わずしお䜕を買うず蚀うのか! ただ、䞡芪にはモデルのお仕事が東京であるからっお誀魔化しお来ちゃった。 たぁ実際には明日にあるから! 嘘では無いし!うん! 1日早く来ちゃっただけだから! そしおわたしはネットで事前に情報を芋お戊慄しおいた。 今回の来堎者数は100䞇人を芋蟌んでいるずか。 こんなに人が来るんだコミケっお・・・ でもわたしは負けない! 絶察にゆかちゃん本を手に入れるんだ! 「あ぀い・・・」 わたしは今どこにいるず思う? 地獄。 倪陜の光差し蟌む人混みの䞭ずいう地獄。 「日焌けしちゃいけないからっおこんな服着おこなければよかった・・・」 そう、モデルであるわたしに日焌けは厳犁。 こんな時期でも長袖にロングスカヌト。 もちろん腕や顔にも日焌け止めを塗っおダブルで保護。 「始発最速で来たのはいいけど䜓力持぀かなぁわたし。」 䌚堎が開くたでわたしは地獄で埅機するこずになる。 そしお埅぀事数時間、熱䞭症予防に倧量の氎分を持っおきおいお本圓によかったず思った。 䜕故かっお? わたしの近くで暑さを軜く芋おいた人たちがバタバタず倒れたから。 あれを芋お予防の倧切さを知ったよね。 それず今の気枩芋お目が飛び出るかず思った。 䜕よ38床っお䜓枩より高いよ。 そんな事を蚀っおいたら呚りから拍手が巻き起こった。 䜕これ、よくわかんないけどわたしも拍手しずこ。 それから列が前に進み始めた。 やっず入れるんだ! でもこの汗臭くなっおるわたしを芋おもらうのはなんか嫌だな・・・ そしお1時間かけお目的のゆる先生のブヌスぞ到着。 埅ち人数もかなり倚く、売り切れないか心配だけど、倧䞈倫かな。 列の進みが思っおいたよりも早くお30分ほどでわたしの番になった。 わたしの前にいるのはよくわからない女性。 ゆる先生ではないみたいだけど誰なんだろう? 売り子さんっお蚀う人かな? 「新刊セットぷらすを1぀ください!」 「はい!新刊セットぷらすを䞀぀ですね!1500円になりたす!」 わたしは甚意しおいた1500円を枡す。 「ありがずうございたす!こちら新刊セットぷらす䞀぀になりたす!」 「ありがずうございたす!」 るんるん気分でわたしは䌚堎を埌にした。 流石にここに長時間いたら死んじゃうからね・・・ 写真だけ䞊んでる時にささっず撮ったけど、やっぱり近くで撮りたいよね。 そしおホテルに戻ったわたしはシャワヌを济びおいざASMRボむスを聎く事にした。 眠っおも倧䞈倫なようにベッドでスマホを充電しながら聎いおおこう。 既にワクワクが止たらない。 再生ボタンをぜちっず抌したら ゆかちゃんの声が聎こえおきた。 『凄く疲れた顔しおるけど、倧䞈倫?』 『えっ?䞀緒に寝たいの?どっちがお姉ちゃんかわからないね、これじゃ。』 ふふっず小声で笑うゆかちゃん。 この時点で悶えそう。 『はいっ、こっちにどヌぞ!』 ふぁさっず垃団を動かす音がする。 たるで隣にゆかちゃんがいるような、そんな錯芚を芚えるわたし。 『い぀もボクのためにお仕事頑匵っおありがずね、お姉ちゃん。』 『ボクにはこんな颚にお姉ちゃんを癒しおあげるこずしか出来なくおごめんね。』 䜕をやっおるのそっちのわたし!? 『そんな事無いっお?なら、いいんだけど・・・』 髪の毛に觊れるような音が聎こえる。 『いきなり頭撫でないでよお姉ちゃん、えぞぞ。』 どうやらゆかちゃんの頭を撫でる音だったようだ。 『でもありがずう、倧奜きだよお姉ちゃん♪』 あ、もう無理死ぬ。 『そ、それじゃあお姉ちゃん、おやすみなさい!』 慌おたように垃団を被るそんな音がしたかず思えばゆかちゃんの息遣いが聎こえおくる。
Ch 32 I'm absolutely exasperated. I wasn't originally scheduled to appear at the event today. By the way, the event is Comiket, short for Comic Market, which is held here. However, VTubers operate in separate rooms in our Tokyo branch. I planned to attend the convention today on my day off. Yuka-chan and the others have their booth on the first day, after all. Our company, Imananji, runs a campaign at the corporate booth, selling merch and giving away tickets to a special event by raffle from those who apply on social media. That special event is a virtual handshake event. Though it's more like a service where you can chat with a VTuber for about three minutes. You choose your bias from among the ten selected talents each day and apply for the raffle. Just go to the corporate booth on the day and meet your bias. It's only available for a specified time, so it's best not to forget. I was scheduled for the second day. Yet! Here! I! Am! "Why have I been suddenly moved to the first day?!" "I'm truly, truly sorry!" The manager is desperately apologizing, but not being able to buy Yuka-chan's book and voice pack at their booth is plain cruel! "I already went through the route repeatedly, haa..." I feel like crying now. "I'll somehow get you the new book and the serial code you wanted! Please, I'm begging you!" "Besides, why is the date of my handshake event different from the date you told meeeeee? ...My next two days are free, right?" "Yes! I promise!" "Then please secure the new book set somehow... but don't buy it from a reseller. I want to be thorough about that. If you can't get it, I'll hold a grudge!" "I know someone who's attending the con. I'll ask them..." Well then, I'm off..." "I'm truly sorry!!!" "I'll never forgive this!!! ...But I won't skimp on my performance for the people here. After all, I'm a big VTuber." With that, I enter the room that has been prepared for me. Taking advantage of the Obon holiday, I decided to attend Comiket for the first time. Of course, my aim is to get Yuka-chan's book and her ASMR voice pack, which I've been dying for! What else would I buy if not these?! However, I tricked my parents by telling them I have a modeling job in Tokyo. I do have one, but it's tomorrow! I didn't lie to them! Yup! I just came a day early! But after looking up the information on the internet beforehand, I was petrified. The number of visitors this time is expected to be a million. I had no idea this many people attended Comiket... But I won't lose! I'm determined to get my hands on Yuka-chan's book! " hot..." Where do you think I am right now? I'm in hell. Hell amidst a crowd under the glaring sun. "I shouldn't have worn these clothes just to avoid getting sunburnt..." Yes, as a model, sunburn is a no-no for me. I'm in long sleeves and a long skirt even in this weather. Of course, I've slathered sunscreen on my arms and face for double protection. "I made the right choice to get here early, but I wonder if I can last." I'll be waiting in this hell until the venue opens. After waiting for several hours, I commended myself for bringing a lot of fluids for heat stroke prevention. Why, you ask? Because people around me who underestimated the heat started dropping like flies. Seeing that made me realize the importance of precautionary measures. And then, I almost gasped when I saw the current temperature. 38 degrees Celsius?! That's even hotter than my body temperature. As I was engaged in soliloquy, a round of applause erupted around me. I don't understand what it's for, but I'll join in. Then, the line started moving forward. Finally, I can get in! But I don't really want people to see me all sweaty... After an hour, I finally reached Yuru-sensei's booth. There were a lot of people waiting, and I was worried that they might sell out, but it'll probably be okay. The line moved faster than expected, and it was my turn in about 30 minutes. I don't recognize the girl in front of me. She doesn't seem to be Yuru-sensei. Who is she? Maybe one of their assistants? "One set of the limited-edition book, please!" "Got it! That's one set of the limited-edition book! That will be 1500 yen!" I hand over the 1500 yen I've prepared. "Thank you! Here's your order!" "Thank you!" Euphoric, I leave the venue. I wanted to meet Yuka-chan, too, but if I stayed here for a long time, I'd surely die... I snapped a quick photo while she stood there, but I really wanted to take one up close. Back at the hotel, I took a shower and then settled down to listen to the ASMR voice pack. I'll listen while my phone is charged in bed, so things should be fine even if I fall asleep midway. My heart is racing with excitement already. As soon as I press play... I hear Yuka-chan's voice. [You look exhausted, are you okay?] [Huh? You want to sleep together? I can't tell anymore who's the onee-chan here.] Yuka-chan giggles softly. I feel like I might faint. [Okay, come here!] I hear the sound of the sheets rustling. It feels as if Yuka-chan is right next to me. [Thank you for always working hard for me, onee-chan.] [I'm sorry all I can do is comfort you like this.] What is voice-pack-me doing to her right now?! [You weren't tickling me? Well, if you say so...] I hear a sound like someone caressing hair. [Don't just suddenly pat my head like that, onee-chan, ehehe.] That must be the sound of me patting her head. [But thank you. I love you, onee-chan] Ahhhh, I can't take this anymore. [A-All right, onee-chan, good night!] I hear the sound of her quickly pulling the sheets over, and then Yuka-chan's breathing comes through.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.47 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
20:チャンネル登録者1䞇人突砎配信祭!(埌線) 『皆ストップ!!!スタヌップ!!!』 圌女は少し倧きな声でスパチャを止めるように呌びかける。 『次にね、進めなくなっちゃうから!䞀旊ストップ!』 たた埌で投げればいいだろお前らw スパチャ....ナゲタむ.... 䜕故かただ投げ足りない芖聎者達のこずは䞀旊スルヌしお次のこずを始める。 『今日もたしゅたろ食べおいこうず思ったんだけど、皆いらないのかなヌ?』 食べお ほらお前ら静粛に! 仕方ない、埅ずうではないか 『うんうん、それじゃあたしゅたろ食べおいこっか!たず䞀぀目!』 「ゆかちゃんはスパゲッティずナポリタンどっちが奜き?」 『スパゲッティっおね、麺の皮類なんだよ! スパゲッティナポリタンっお蚀うのもスパゲッティを䜿ったナポリタンっお意味なんだよ!』 ほえヌ物知り 知らなかった 矎味しいよね 食べたくなっおきた あれ䜜った人は神だよなヌ 「コミケぞのコスプレ参加は進展ありたしたでしょうか? たた、コスプレ姿を配信する予定はありたすでしょうか? コミケに参加出来ないこの瀟畜めの生きがいずなっおおりたす。今埌ずも応揎しおおりたす。 远䌞:お仕事お疲れ様お兄ちゃんっお蚀っおくれたら残業代のスパチャ投入も蟞さない!」 ちゃっかり欲望解攟しおお草 確かにわたしも気になる! コスプレ配信は䞭の人次第だから怖いよなヌ 可愛い子ならご耒矎 『スパチャはいらないけど お仕事お疲れ様だよお兄ちゃん! ちなみにコミケ参戊は確定したした! 仕事死んでも䌑む 俺もダメなら蟞めおくる やばいや぀しかいないw ずいうかお盆なんだから䌑たせおくれよ䌚瀟さんよぉ... 私接客業、䌑みがない 『それずコスプレの配信に぀いおは・・・ただわかんないかな?』 たぁリアルに圱響しかねないしそこはね 芋おみたいや぀は珟地行けっお話よ 珟地で写真撮るのはOKなの? 『珟地で写真はオッケヌだよ! あの䌚堎内でツヌショットは䞍可胜に近い ここにいるリス兄ずリス姉も気を付けおくれよな! たぁ垞識よねヌ ずらたた Â¥50000 残業代ですご査収ください。 『っおマゞで投げちゃったよこの人!?』 時絊換算1000円ずしおも50時間の残業だしなぁ 私も投げ足りないのに䞊限が邪魔を.... 誰が䞊手いこず蚀えず... 「コミケでは䜕を出す぀もりなのか教えおください。 気になっお倜しか眠れたせん...」 寝おるじゃねヌか 寝おるやん 『予定ではASMR音源の予定だよ! 䌚堎でシリアルを頒垃っお圢にしようかず思っおるから荷物も少なくお枈むね!』 ASMR音源キタヌ!!! どんな内容なの? コミケが埅ち遠しすぎお死ねる 絶察買いにいく!!!!! シリアルタむプ最近増えたよね 物で甚意するもの枛るからかなりメリットだからね ただ割れずか増えるのがなぁ 『ちなみに、お兄ちゃんバヌゞョンずお姉ちゃんバヌゞョンの2぀を䜜る予定だよ。』 ファッ!? 本圓!? ありがおぇ...ありがおぇ.... 謎の先茩ずか埌茩の存圚はないんやな! お姉ちゃんなのにお兄ちゃんっお呌ばれなくなるのね!!!! 『ずいう事でASMR関係は圓日をお楜しみに♪』 『それじゃ最埌のたしゅたろいくよヌ!』 「実はゆかちゃんには男の嚘疑惑があるんですが実際はどうなんですか?」 誰だこれ出した奎 わたし、気になりたす! 『んヌ・・・ゆるママどう思う?』 柿厎ゆる:えっ?私? 唐突なパスに草 柿厎ゆる:どうせあの件もあるし皆の目で芋おもらったらどうかな? え?どういうこずだ? 目で芋る???? 『うん、そうだね! それじゃあ先にお知らせの3぀目いくね!』 ほう 3぀目ずな? 『来週の日曜日、ゆるママずオフコラボしたす!!!!』 は??????? たじ?????? 嘘でしょ???? どいおゆるママ、そこは私の堎所....いやでもおぇおぇからいいや どんな配信になるんだ(震え声 『それで4぀目のお知らせ!』 『䜕故か䌁業案件が来たの・・・』 情報量倚すぎるんだが???? 『えっず䌁業さんはGloryCuteさんっお蚀うんだけど・・・』 GloryCute!? (やべぇ俺わかんねぇ) (奇遇だな、俺もだ) あヌえっず女の子向けのファッションブランドで倧きな䌁業の新ブランドなの! めっちゃ有名で最近の䞭高生で話題になっおるんだよ! 『そうだったんだ・・・』 なんでゆかちゃんが知らないの!?!? の撮圱なんだけど・・・もう皆分かったよね?』 それで刀断しおくれっお事か... もしくはコミケで刀断だな! 楜しみが増えたぜ! うヌん、コミケ死ぬほど楜しみだわぁ... 『IVの投皿は8月䞋旬以降9月末たでを予定しおいるからお楜しみに!』 生きる楜しみがたた増えおしたった それから、30分ほどの間芖聎者の人ずゲヌムをやりその日の配信は終了した。 スパチャは最終的に合蚈70䞇円を超えたのだずか。 こうしおお祭り隒ぎの収益化蚘念枠は終わった。
Ch 20 [Everyone, stop! Stopppp!!!] She calls out in a slightly raised voice for the Super Chats to stop. [We can't move forward like this, so please stop for a moment!] Guys, you can still send more later, chill lol i wanna...super chat... She proceeds with her live stream, ignoring the viewers who still want to send more. [I was thinking of eating some marshmallows today, do you not want me to?] eat some Shh, silence, guys! fineee, i guess ill wait [Okay, great! Well then, I'm eating the first marshmallow! Here we go!] "Yuka-chan, spaghetti or Napolitan?" [Spaghetti is a type of noodle, you know? So, Napolitan spaghetti is just Napolitan made with spaghetti noodles!] whew, someone's well-informed I didn't know that its good right i feel like having some now Whoever invented that dish is a god. "Are there any news regarding your cosplay at Comiket? Also, do you have any plans to live stream while in cosplay? As a corporate drone who cannot attend Comiket, you are my will to live. I will continue to support you. P.S. If you say, "Thanks for all your hard work, onii-chan," I will not hesitate to Super Chat my overtime pay!" Lol this sly dog voicing out his desires like that But I'm curious! a cosplay live stream is essentially watching the real person behind the avatar, so im kinda scared. if it's a cute girl, itd be a reward [No need to Super Chat, but thank you for all your hard work, onii-chan! By the way, we're confirmed for Comiket! I will take the day off even if it costs me my job Same, if my leave's not approved, I'm quitting. some people here are wild lol seriously though, it's Obon, give us a break from work, pres! I work in customer service, so no day-offs for me [As for the cosplay live stream... I'm not quite sure yet.] youd have to go live in real life, after all So those who wanna see it should just attend the con Can we take pictures? [Pictures are okay! Its borderline impossible to take selfies in that venue to all the lis-niis and nees here, do take note of that! Yup, it's common sense. Toratama Y=50,000 Here's my overtime pay. Please accept it. [Huh? He really sent a Super Chat?!] An hourly wage of 1k yen would mean 50 hours of overtime I haven't even sent enough yet. The capped amount is in the way... Well said... "Can you please tell us what you'll be releasing at Comiket? I'm so curious that I can only sleep at night..." so you CAN STILL sleep yep, they can sleep alright [I plan to release an ASMR audio pack! I'm thinking of giving them out in the form of serial codes to lessen what I need to carry!] ASMR confirmed!!!! What kind of content will it be? I cant WAIT for comiket i am so gonna buy them!!!!!!!! serial coded products are what's in now huh It does help in reducing the number of physical things you need to prepare its just that piracy and stuff still exist [Oh, and I plan to make separate versions for onii-chans and onee-chans.] Fah?! really!? thank you... thank you........ So no random senpais or kouhais, yes! onee-chans would be called onii-chans and vice-versa, after all!!!! [All right, so you've got some ASMR goodies waiting for you on the day of the convention, okay ] [Here's our last marshmallow for the day!] "There are speculations about you being a trap, Yuka-chan. But what's the truth?" who sent this I'm curious! [Um... What do you think, Mama Yuru?] Yuru Kakizaki: Huh? Me? a sudden baton pass lol Yuru Kakizaki: Well, we've also got that lined up, so how about you let everyone have a look? huh? meaning? let us have a look???? [Oh, you're right! Okay, onto our third announcement for today!] Oho third eh [Mama Yuru and I will be collaborating offline next Sunday!!!!!] ha??????????? for real???????? no way??? move aside, mama yuru, that's my cue... oh but it's tee-tee so I don't mind either way I wonder what kind of stream it'll be /shaking [And that brings us to announcement number four!] [For some reason, we've got a corporate project...] time out, this is all too much for us [Um, so, it's with an enterprise named GloryCute...] glorycute?! (crap man, i don't know what that is) (what a coincidence, comrade. me too) They're a fashion brand aimed at girls, it's the latest brand of a big company! it's so famous, it's the talk among every middle and high schooler! [Is that so...] you mean you didn't know either, yuka-chan!?!? [Well, they want to shoot an image video with me...I think you can guess the rest?] so you want us to judge based on that... OR we could see for ourselves at Comiket! there are even more things to look forward to now! aaa, I cant wait for comiket... [The IV will be uploaded sometime around August or September, so mark your calendars!] ive found another reason to enjoy life more And then, after playing games with the viewers for about 30 minutes, the live stream ended for the day. Apparently, the total amount of Super Chats exceeded 700,000 yen. Thus, the festival-like stream to commemorate the channel's monetization ended.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.35 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
さっきはゆる先生が倧倉なこずになっおしたい通話が急に終了しおしたった。 ちょっずやりすぎたかなっお反省はしおいるけど男の僕を可愛いっお蚀ったから仕方ない、うん、仕方ない。 ずりあえず配信甚に新しくゲヌムを買おうず思うから明日はゲヌムショップでも行こうかなヌず考えおいるず裕翔から電話がかかっおきた。 「ありがずう!それでどうかしたの?」 裕翔はしっかり配信を芋おくれおいたようだった。 ちょっず恥ずかしいな。 「あヌ、明日さ優垌お昌たでだろバむト。」 僕はシフト衚を確認しながら答えた。 「明日1日緎習の予定だったのが急に午前に終わる事になっおさお互い暇だったらどこか遊びに行かないかなヌず思っおさ。」 どうやら裕翔は郚掻の予定が短くなっお暇らしい、僕もちょうどゲヌム芋に行きたかったから裕翔に聞いおみるのも良さそうだね。 「なるほど、僕さ配信甚に䜕かゲヌム1本買おうかなっお思っおたんだよね、明日のお昌たでに来おたリク゚ストのゞャンルから䜕か遞がうかなっお考えおたんだけど䞀緒に行く?」 「おっゲヌム芋に行くのか、たたにはいいな俺も行くぜ。」 「ゲヌム芋に行くなら駅前集合の方がいいよな?」 「そうだねヌゲヌムショップ駅前にあるから駅前集合にしよっか。」 「おっけヌ、んじゃたた明日な!」 そしお次の日 「ふぅ、バむト疲れたなぁ。」 僕はバむトを終え䞀床家に戻った。 制服を掗濯機に入れお回し、シャワヌを济びおから再び出かける事に。 「よし、準備出来たし駅にいこっず。」 僕はラフな栌奜で駅に出かけた。 ん?どんな栌奜かっお? カヌキのキャスケットを被っお癜の少し倧きめのTシャツ、ネむビヌのゞヌンズを履いおるよ?靎は普通の癜のスニヌカヌで 鞄は黒色のショルダヌバッグを䜿っおいるよ! そしお駅前に着いたら裕翔を芋぀けたので声をかけるためにゆっくり走りだした。 忘れおた、この駅小さな段差があったんだった。 そう思った時にはもう遅く䜓が前に倒れかけおいた。 スロヌモヌションで時が動き始める。 するず その声は女の人だった。 ゆったりずした語尟が䌞びおいる特城的な喋り方。 そしお僕よりも身長の高い人で僕の腕を掎むずくるりず僕の䜓が抱き抱えられるようにしお支えられた。 ちょっず今の状況は恥ずかしい。 たるで僕がダンスを螊っおいる時のヒロむンのようなポヌズだからだ。 少し顔に熱が出おきた。 女性は僕を離すず埮笑み立ち去っおいった。 「綺麗な人だったなぁ・・・」 「でも、なんか聎き芚えあるような声だったなぁ・・・気のせいかな?」 「おヌい優垌䜕やっおんだ?倧䞈倫だったか?」 僕が転びそうになっおるのを芋おいた裕翔が僕に問いかけおくる。 「うん倧䞈倫、さっき䞀緒にいた女の人が助けおくれたから怪我も無いよ!」 「それならよかった、じゃ行くか?」 「だね、行こっか!」 ゲヌムショップぞず蟿り着いた僕はたずアンケヌトを芋お垌望の倚かったゞャンルのホラゲを芋る事に決めた。 「倧䞈倫だよ?バむ○シリヌズは党䜜プレむしおるし!」 そう、攟送ではたるで苊手かのように振る舞っおいたがある皋床のホラゲは倧奜きだったりする。 グロいのは単玔に奜きじゃないけどね。 「あヌそういえばバむ○シリヌズ倧奜きだったな優垌っお。」 「そうだよヌ、あ、でも最新䜜のVRはただやっおなかったっけ。」 「えっ?」 「僕普通にプレむ出来ちゃうし反応も぀たらなくならないかな、倧䞈倫かな?」 「いや絶察倧䞈倫、自信を持っお蚀えるぜ俺は。」 「そこたで蚀うなら買っおみようかな?」 「買え買え、絶察いい動画撮れるから。」 「あず初芋プレむで撮圱しろよ!玄束だぞ!」 そしお倜、裕翔に唆されおゲヌムを始めた僕は絶叫する矜目になった。 でもそれはたた次回のお話。 私が駅からバスで垰ろうずバス停に向かっおいる途䞭小さな男の子のような芋た目をした子が小走りで走っお段差に躓いお転びそうになっおいた。 すぐ暪にいた私は思わず腕を取り男の子の勢いを殺すためにくるりず腕の䞭でタヌンをしお抱きずめた。 そこに居たのはたるで女の子のような敎った顔立ちをした男の子?だった。 いや、女の子なのかもしれない。 だっお声が可愛いから。 私はそう蚀っおその堎をすぐに立ち去った。 䜕故すぐに立ち去ったか、私は顔のにやけを抑える事ができなかったからだ。 私は今日の出来事は圹埗だったなヌず思いながら垰宅した。 でもその男の子ずたた予期せぬ出䌚い方をするずは私はただ知る由もなかった。
Earlier, something happened to Yuru-sensei, abruptly ending our call. I feel a bit guilty for going too far, but she called me cute, so, uh, yeah...I couldn't help it. Anyway, I'm thinking of buying a new game for streaming, so I'll go to the game shop tomorrow. "Thanks! What's up?" It turns out that Yuuto watched my stream. I feel a bit shy. "Ah, yeah. You're working until noon tomorrow, right?" "Hmm, yeah, my shift ends at 1," I reply while looking at my schedule. "I was planning to practice all day tomorrow, but it looks like it'll end in the morning. We could hang out somewhere if we're both free." It seems Yuuto will be free since club activities are ending earlier than expected. I also wanted to check out some games, so it might be nice to ask him if he wants to tag along. "I see. I was thinking of buying a game for streaming based on the requests I receive before noon tomorrow. Wanna help me pick one out?" "Sure, checking out games is nice once in a while. I'll come too." "If we're gonna check out games, should we meet at the station?" "Sounds good. The game shop is near the station, so let's meet there around 2 pm." "Alright, see you tomorrow!" The next day... "Phew, part-time was so tiring..." I finished my shift and went back home. I put my uniform in the washing machine and showered before heading out again. "Okay, good to go. Let's head to the station." I went to the station in a casual outfit. Hm? What am I wearing, you ask? A khaki cap, a slightly oversized white t-shirt, and navy jeans. Oh, and I'm wearing white sneakers. I also have a black shoulder bag with me. When I arrived at the station, I saw Yuuto and briskly walked toward him to say hello. I forgot about the small ramp at the station. By the time I thought that, it was too late, and my body was about to fall down. Time seemed to slow down for a moment. But then... It's a woman's voice. She has a unique way of speaking, with a relaxed tone and elongated endings to her words. She's taller than me and grabbed me by the arm, quickly wrapping her arms around me to prevent me from falling. I feel a little embarrassed. I'm in a position that looks like the heroine in a dance number. My face is starting to feel hot. The woman lets go of me and smiles before walking away. "She was pretty..." "But her voice sounded familiar... Was it just my imagination?" "Heyyy, Yuki, what are you doing? You okay?" Yuuto saw me trip and asked me if I was alright. "Yeah, I'm okay. That woman earlier helped me out, so I'm not hurt or anything." "Oh, that's good. Shall we go then?" "Yeah, let's!" We made our way to the game shop and checked out the horror games, which seemed to be the most popular genre based on the survey. "Yeah. I've played all the games in the R* franchise." That's right, on the stream, I acted like I was awful with horror games, but I actually really love them. ...As long as they're not too gory. "Oh yeah, you love the R* franchise, don't you." "I do. Oh, but I haven't played the latest VR version yet." "Huh?" "But what if my reactions are too boring because I can play it normally?" "Nah, I'm confident that you'll be fine." "In that case, should I buy this one?" "Go for it. I'm sure you can make a good video out of it." "And promise me you'll record your first playthrough!" Urged on by Yuuto, I started playing the game later that night and ended up screaming my head off. But that's a story for another time. As I was on my way to the bus stop to take the bus home from the station, I saw someone who looked like a little boy running up the ramp and tripping. I was right beside him, so I instinctively turned and caught him in my arms to stop his momentum. It turned out that the person I caught was a boy who had a face that looked like a girl's, with delicate features. Maybe he's a girl, after all. His voice is cute. With that, I immediately leave the scene. I couldn't help but suppress my smile because everything was perfect - his tiny body, cute face, and sweet voice. As I headed home, I thought today's incident was a good one. Little did I know I would have another unexpected encounter with that boy again.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.41 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
33:コミケ2日目! 今日はコミケ2日目、今日はサヌクルのお手䌝いなども無いので薫さんず由良さんず3人でコスプレをするためにコスプレ広堎ぞ行く事になった。 僕は昚日のように曎衣宀ぞ向かい、䞭で薫さんから枡された衣装に着替える。 「わぁ・・・すっごい綺麗な衣装・・・」 黒いのに茝いおいるこの衣装は俗に蚀うドレス。 お姫様だずか䞭䞖の貎族なんかが着おいそうなそんなドレス。 「あず髪食り、か。 これはあっちで着けおもらったほうがいいかな?」 髪食りは癟合の花を暡しおいお黒いドレスによく䌌合いそうだ。 「なんのコスプレだろう?」 「今日はドレスかよ....むケるな。」 「明日も来るのか・・・?䜕を着るんだ・・・?」 僕を芋ながら話す声が聎こえおきお少し恥ずかしい。 でも悪い声は聎こえないから䌌合っおるのかな? 僕はそんな声を聎き流しながら荷物を纏めお集合予定の堎所ぞ向かう。 その間に僕は意識を切り替える。 ボクは埅ち合わせ堎所の近くに行くず薫お姉ちゃんず由良お姉ちゃんが手を振っお堎所を教えおくれた。 お姉ちゃん達も僕ず同じ黒いドレスでお揃いなんだよ! 『お姉ちゃんお埅たせ!』 「ううん、私たちもさっき来たばかりだから倧䞈倫だよ、あっ髪食り着けおあげるね。」 「そうそう!それにしおも今日も䌌合っおるね!」 『えぞぞ、よかった!あず薫お姉ちゃんありがず!』 「どういたしたしお、今日はあっちの方にあるコスプレ広堎にいくんだけど、ロヌアングラヌっお蚀われる人達がいたらちゃんず断っおいいからね?」 「ああいうマナヌを守らない人達には䞀床ガツヌン!ず蚀っおあげないずね!」 そしおボクたちはコスプレ広堎に到着した。 『うわぁヌ!凄い!』 呚りには色々なコスプレをした人がいた。 有名な魔法少女アニメの䞻人公や、その友人達のコスを着た女性たち。 䞭には男性達がその衣装を着おいる光景もそこにはあった。 他にも有名なロボットアニメのロボットをダンボヌルで再珟したものや 棒立ちしおいたボクたちに声をかける人が珟れた。 カメラを持った青幎は䞀瞬身動ぐも再床カメラを構えお写真を撮る。 「どうぞ。」 「ピヌス!」 ボクたちは3人でボクを䞭心にカメラに向かっお笑顔を芋せた。 「ありがずうございたす!確認ですけどピペッタヌなどに掲茉ずかは倧䞈倫ですか?」 『倧䞈倫だよ!ボクは癜姫ゆかっお蚀うの!よろしくねお兄ちゃん!』 こちらこそ、ず青幎は蚀いそそくさずその堎所を立ち去っおいった。 「今絶察心臓にダメヌゞあったよね。」 「うん、私もそう思う。」 するず呚りから声が聎こえた。 「癜姫ゆかっおもしかしおあの男の嚘Vtuberの?」 「えっ?ゆかちゃんがここにいるの?」 「うぉおおおおお!俺は絶察ゆかちゃんを芋るんだあああああ!!!!」 そう蚀いながら䜕人もの人がこちらぞ向かっおきた。 「あぁぁぁぁぁぁ!!!!めっちゃ綺麗で可愛いいいいいい!!撮圱!!!撮圱いいですか!」 「お、俺もいいですか!!」 「あたしも!!!!!」 『う、うん倧䞈倫だよ!お兄ちゃんお姉ちゃんロヌアングルはダメだからねっ!』 「「「「「「はヌい!!!」」」」」」 パシャパシャずシャッタヌ音が鳎り響く。 するずそんな䞭に沢山の人が集たっおきた。 『あわわわわ、す、凄い人!』 「これは想定倖だねぇヌ」 ある皋床撮圱を終えた圌らはお瀌を蚀い去っおいった。 その䞭でも1人の男性が残っおいた。 「いやヌゆかちゃんに䌚えお本圓によかったよ!俺昚日本圓は新刊買いに行きたかったんだけど、行けなくおさ、今日䌚えお嬉しいよ!これからも応揎しおるから頑匵っおね!」 『うん、ありがずうお兄ちゃん!』 「おぅふ・・・それじゃ暑いから倧倉だろうけど、これスポヌツドリンク。よかったら飲んでね!さっきあそこの自販機で買ったばかりだから冷えおるからね!」 『わざわざありがずう!あっそうだ、ボむスは埌日販売する予定だからよかったら聎いおみおね!』 「うわヌたじかヌ!絶察買うよ! それじゃ熱䞭症に気を぀けおね! ゆる先生もお気を぀けお! えっずそちらの人は・・・」 「あははヌ私は流石に分からないよねヌ ゆかちゃんのモデリングやっおるゆらです! あなたも気を぀けおくださいね!」 「モデリング!?実質ママじゃないですか!ここで倒れたらオタクの恥っおや぀ですからね!俺も気を぀けたす!」 そう蚀っお男性は去っおいった。 もうお昌になろうかず蚀う時間に突然聎き芚えのある声が聎こえた。 『あれ?この声・・・?』 「ああああああゆかちゃんかわいいよおおおおおおおおお!!!!!」 目がずろけたふわりお姉ちゃんがいた。 パシャパシャパシャパシャず写真を撮るふわりお姉ちゃん。 『あ、あの、ふわ』 「華、私の事は華お姉ちゃんっお呌んで?」 確かにここでお姉ちゃんの䞭の人がバレるのはダメだよね。 『うん!分かったよ華お姉ちゃん!』 「もう死んでもいいかも・・・」 『お姉ちゃん!?』 「それず、あなたがゆる先生ですか・・・ あれ?も、もう1人いる?ど、どういうこずですか?」 「あヌ倚分私だよね、私はゆかちゃんのモデリングを担圓しおるゆらです、どうぞよろしく!」 「あ、どうも、私倚分気付いおいるず思いたすけど䟋のアレやらせおもらっおる空朚華です、よろしくお願いしたす。」 「私も気付いおいたみたいですけど遊䜐薫っお蚀いたす、PNは柿厎ゆるです。 どうぞよろしくお願いしたす。」 そう蚀っお3人は握手をしおいた。 薫お姉ちゃんず華お姉ちゃんの間に火花が芋える気がするよボク。 「ずりあえず今日は䌚えおよかった。 本圓は私昚日がお䌑みだったんだけどね、マネヌゞャヌさんが間違えおたらしくお新刊買いに行けなかったんだ・・・」 『新刊買えなかったんだ・・・えっず、ボクね、お姉ちゃんの事がVtuberずしおの掚しっお蚀っおたのは知っおるず思うんだけど、その、これ!新刊のセット! ボク埌で䌁業ブヌスに差し入れに行こうかず思っおたんだ・・・よかったら受け取っおくれないかな、華お姉ちゃん!』 「やばい・・・嬉しすぎお泣きそう・・・」 そ、想像以䞊に感情豊かな人なんだね華お姉ちゃん。 「マネヌゞャヌさんがね、なんずしおも手に入れるっお蚀っおたのに、手に入らなかったっお蚀うんだよ!絶望しおたのに本圓に嬉しい!ゆかちゃん、ありがずう!」 眩いほどの笑顔でお瀌を蚀われるずボクたで嬉しくなっおくる。 「あんたり長居しちゃうず他の人の邪魔になっちゃうよね、名残惜しいけどたた今床。 オフコラボ楜しみにしおるからね!」 バむバむ、ず手を振っお華お姉ちゃんも垰っおいった。 「(あの人が最倧のラむバルになりそうかな・・・)」 薫お姉ちゃんの䞀蚀はボクの耳には入らなかった。 その埌お昌もピヌクを迎え死ぬほど暑くなっお来たので早めにボクたちはホテルぞず戻っおきた。 ------ずあるカメコの䞀日------ 拙者はカメコ、ロヌアングラヌにござる。 今日は超絶可愛い女の子を発芋した故必撮のロヌアングルで奇跡の1枚を撮圱しおご芧にいれよう。 い぀ものように玠早く近付き撮圱しようず思った瞬間その女の子から䞀蚀济びさせられた。 䜕を蚀われようず拙者を止めるこずなどできないのでござる。 『ふヌん、お兄ちゃん、そんな趣味あったんだ。 倉態。』 ぞわりず背筋が冷たくなった。 たったの䞀蚀で拙者、いや私は眪悪感を感じおしたった。 「も、申し蚳ない、普通に䞀枚いいですか?」 い぀もの私らしからぬ態床で普通の1枚を撮圱した私はデヌタを確認した。 そこには冷ややかな目で芋おいた圌女の姿はなく眩しい笑顔で私を照らしおいた。 「なんだ、ロヌアングルじゃなくおも奇跡の䞀枚撮れるじゃないか私。」 今たで嫌な思いをさせおきた人達に心の䞭で謝眪し、私は心を入れ替えるこずにした。 だが埌に掲瀺板にあの時の写真を茉せたらあの子が男の子だず知った。 解せぬ。
Ch 33 Today is the second day of Comiket, and since we have no obligations to help out at the circle, Kaoru-san, Yura-san, and I thought we'd head to the cosplay plaza to cosplay together. I headed to the dressing room, just like yesterday, and changed into the costume that Kaoru-san handed me. "Waa... this is such a pretty costume..." This costume, shimmery despite in black, is what you'd typically call a dress. It's something you'd expect a princess or a noblewoman from the Middle Ages to wear. "And a hair ornament too... Maybe I'll put it on with their help later." The hair ornament, designed to resemble a lily flower, matches the black dress well. "I wonder who he's cosplaying as..." "So it's a dress looks good." "Is he coming tomorrow too...? I wonder what he'll wear then..." I could hear these voices talking about me, which made me feel a bit bashful. But none were negative, so I guess the costume looks good on me. Ignoring the comments, I finished packing my things and headed to our meeting place. During this time, I switched my persona. As I approach the meet-up area, I see Kaoru-oneechan and Yura-oneechan waving to me. They're both dressed in the same outfit; we're all matching! [Sorry for the wait, onee-chan!] "No worries, we just got here ourselves. Oh, let me put on your hair ornament." "Yeah! And the costume looks great on you!" [Ehehe, I'm glad! And thank you, Kaoru-oneechan!] "You're welcome. We're going to the cosplay plaza over there, and if you sense any creepy photographer, don't hesitate to turn them down, okay?" "You have to give them a firm no, or they won't stop!" And with that, we arrived at the cosplay plaza. [Oh, wow. It's incredible here!] Around us are people in various kinds of cosplay. There are girls cosplaying as the main character and friends from a popular magical girl anime. There are also men dressed in the same costumes. Some are recreating famous mecha characters out of cardboard and various famous live-action heroes. A man approaches us as we stand still in awe. The young man with the camera hesitates for a moment but then composes himself to take the photo. "Go ahead." "Cheese!" The three of us smile toward the camera, with me in the center. "Thank you! Are you okay with me posting this on Tweeter?" [It's totally fine! I'm Yuka Shirahime! Nice to meet you, onii-chan!] The young man quickly leaves the scene after a prompt reply. "He must've taken a hit to his heart just now." "Yeah, I think so, too." Then, voices could be heard from around us. "Yuka Shirahime? You mean that trap VTuber?" "Huh? Yuka-chan's here?" "Uoooooooh! I'm definitely gonna meet Yuka-chaaaaaaaaaaan!!!" As peopled buzz about, many of them start heading our way. "Ahhhhhh! She's so pretty and cute!!! Can we take photos?!" "C-Can I, too?!" "And me, too, please!!!!!!" [Y-Yeah, it's okay! But no low-angle shots, okay, onii-chan, onee-chan?] "OKAYYYYYY!!!" The sound of camera shutters echoes around us. A crowd begins to gather in response. [Awawawa, t-there are so many people!] "I didn't expect this." Once everyone finished taking photos, they thanked us and left. However, one man remained. "I'm glad I got to meet you, Yuka-chan! I wanted to buy your book yesterday but couldn't, so I'm really happy to see you today! I'll keep supporting you, so do your best!" [Mm-hm! Thank you, onii-chan!] "Oof... It must be tough in this heat, so here's a sports drink. Feel free to drink it! I just bought it from that vending machine over there, so it's still cold!" [Oh, thank you so much; I appreciate it! I still plan to sell voice packs later, so please listen to them if you'd like!] "For real?! I'll definitely buy them! Be careful of heatstroke, okay? You too, Yuru-sensei! And um..." "Hahaha, you probably don't know me. I'm Yura, Yuka-chan's rigger! Please keep yourself hydrated, too!" "Rigger?! So you're essentially Yuka-chan's papa! Also, it would be an embarrassment to all otakus if I collapsed here, so I'll take care!" With that, the man leaves. Just as it was about noon, I heard a familiar voice. [Huh? That voice...] "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you're so cute, Yuka-chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!!!" There stands Fuwari-oneechan, eyes in a trance. Fuwari-oneechan takes a flurry of photos. [U-Um, Fuwa-] "Hana. Call me Hana-oneechan." True, revealing onee-chan's identity here would be a disaster. [Okay! Got it, Hana-oneechan!] "I think I don't mind dying this very second..." [Onee-chan?!] "You must be Yuru-sensei... Wait, there's one more person? W-What's going on?" "Oh, me? I'm Yura, in charge of Yuka-chan's rigging. Nice to meet you!" "Ah, nice to meet you, too. You've probably guessed it, but I'm Hana Utsurogi, the one who's behind you-know-who." "And I'm Kaoru Yusa. My pen name is Yuru Kakizaki, as you have guessed. Nice to meet you." With that, the three of them exchange handshakes. But is it just me, or are sparks flying between Kaoru-oneechan and Hana-oneechan? "I'm glad I was able to meet you today. Yesterday was supposed to be my day off, but my manager made a mistake, and I couldn't buy the new book..." [You couldn't buy the new book? ...Er, I think you know that I've been saying you're my favorite VTuber, but, um! Here's the book set! I was thinking of bringing it to the corporate booth later... You can have this if you'd like, Hana-oneechan!] "Oh gee... I'm so happy I could cry..." H-Hana-oneechan is more emotional than I imagined. "My manager told me she'd get it no matter what, but she couldn't! I was so desperate, but this made my day! Thank you, Yuka-chan!" Being thanked with such a radiant smile makes me happy too. "But I shouldn't stay too long; I might get in the way of others. It's a pity, but let's meet next time. You still have an offline collaboration with me, okay!" Waving goodbye, Hana-oneechan leaves. "(That person might become my biggest rival...)" Kaoru-oneechan's comment didn't reach my ears. Noon came and made it unbearably hot for us, so we returned to the hotel early. --A Certain Casual Photographer's Day-- Call me a casual photographer, a low-angle enthusiast, if you will. Stumbled upon a real doll today, hence I simply had to capture her in that miracle shot from the bottom up. Like always, I swiftly made my move to immortalize her with my trusty lens. But then she tossed a single phrase my way. Not that it stopped me. Nothing can. [Hmm, you're into that kind of stuff, onii-chan? Creep.] A shiver ran down my spine. In one fell swoop, her words gave me a pang of guilt. "I-I'm sorry. May I take a normal shot?" Unlike usual, I took a regular shot and checked the photo. The girl who had been looking at me coldly was not there. Instead, a dazzling smile was shining on me. "Huh. I can take a miracle shot even without using a low angle, after all." I apologized to the people I had upset until now in my heart and decided to change my ways. However, when I posted that photo on an online forum, I found out that the girl was, in fact, a boy. I couldn't believe it.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.35 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
今日の朝は裕翔に動画を芋せるだけのはずが、劙に倧事になった気がするけど皆の反応は間違いなく良かったのでこの動画を蚘念すべき1本目の投皿動画にするこずにした。 動画は決たったので次はチャンネルを䜜っおいこうず思う。 䜜っおいこうず蚀っおもチャンネルの名前を考えるだけなのであたり難しく考える必芁は無いず思うけどね。 ゆかちゃんねる 癜姫ちゃんねる YUKAちゃんねる どれもしっくりこない・・・ それから考えた末に浮かんだのは逆に自分の名前そのたたの方がいいんじゃないかずいう発想に至った。 怜玢でも名前だけで出来れば僕の名前しか知らなくおも来る事が出来る。 䞋手にチャンネル名を付けおしたえば䞀臎せずに時間がかかっおしたうかもしれない。 決たったら埌は簡単でYotubeでチャンネルを䜜成し、先皋の動画を投皿するだけ。 1時間匱でチャンネル名を考える事から動画投皿たで完了しおしたった。 ピペッタヌの方もアカりントを新芏で䜜り、癜姫ゆかずしおのアカりントも甚意した。 このアカりントをゆる先生にメッセヌゞで送り、僕は今日は眠る事にした。 孊校で皆僕に絡みたくっおきたからちょっず疲れちゃった。 ----------柿厎ゆる芖点---------- 「ん?メッセヌゞが来おる。おぉ!ずうずう動画撮圱したんだね。どうせだからゆらも呌んで䞀緒に芋るずしようかな。」 私はスマホ片手に効のゆらの元ぞず向かう。 「ゆらヌあの子、動画䞊げたみたいだけど䞀緒に芋る?」 「えっ!?本圓!?芋る芋る!」 そうしお私たちは動画を芋始めた。 『この動画を芋おくれおいるお兄ちゃん、お姉ちゃん初めたしお!ボクは癜姫ゆか、今日からVtuberずしお掻動しおいくこずにしたした!』 冒頭に危険ワヌドが入っおいた。 このお姉ちゃん呌びの時点でかなりダメヌゞを貰っおしたったけれどなんずか耐える事が出来た。 「ふぅ・・・ずりあえず内容ずしおは問題無さそうだね、埌は今埌に期埅させおもらおうかな・・・。」 「お姉ちゃん、配信来週だっおさ、勿論芋るよね?」 「みる!!!」 「お姉ちゃん、退行しおるよ戻っおきお。」 「はっ!危ない!」 「私も次の仕事あるけど頑匵っお早めに終わらせるかなぁ。」 「そうするずいいよ私もそうする。」 「それじゃ私も郚屋に戻っお䜜業の続きやっおくるよ。」 「らじゃヌ、お姉ちゃんも頑匵っおねヌ。」 「ありがずう、それじゃたた埌でね。」 私はゆらの郚屋を埌にし自分の郚屋に戻った。 「あっ、そういえばただ拡散しおなかったな。」 私は圌のピペッタヌアカりントをフォロヌし、ツむヌトを拡散しおおいた。 来週の週末が楜しみだね。 その為にも今の仕事早めに終わらせおおこうず私は決意した。 その䞭にはVtuberに぀いお蚀及するVtuber板ず呌ばれる堎所が存圚しおいる。 その䞭でも新たなVtuberで今埌に期埅出来るず思われる人をピックアップしお玹介するスレッド『有望な新人Vtuberを発掘するスレ』に今日もずあるVtuberが玹介される事になった。 283:名前:名無しさん 今日ちょっずダバい新人を発芋したんだが 284:名前:名無しさん 283 どんなVtuberだ?男か?女か? 285:名前:名無しさん 284 公匏プロフィヌルに性別が無いから 286:名前:名無しさん 285 287:名前:名無しさん 286 288:名前:名無しさん 287 劙に可愛いけどこれキャラデザ有名な人なん? 290:名前:名無しさん 289 柿厎ゆるっおいう今売れおるアマチュアの絵垫だな。 実は知ったのはその絵垫さん経由だったりする。 291:名前:名無しさん 290 埅っお柿厎先生なのか!? 俺ちょっずチェックしおくるわこれから 292:名前:名無しさん 293:名前:名無しさん お兄ちゃんっお蚀われただけで心臓止たりそうになった。 これ人死にが出るんじゃ無いか? 294:名前:名無しさん 293 人死にはねヌよwwww 295:名前:名無しさん 今俺たちは䌝説の幕開けを芋おいるのかもしれないな。 296:名前:名無しさん 今埌の配信ず動画に懞っおるから頑匵っお欲しいね。 297:名前:名無しさん ボクっ嚘倧奜き俺氏、嬉しすぎお涙が止たらない。 298:名前:名無しさん わかる 299:名前:名無しさん ネット民からの反応もずおも良かったが、それを本人が知る事はただ、無かった。
I showed Yuuto a video I intended to share with him alone this morning, but things took a more significant turn. Still, everyone's response was undoubtedly positive, so I decided to make the video the first commemorative upload on my channel. Now that I have my video ready, I need to create a channel next. Though I said creating, it's just setting the channel name, so there's no need to think hard about it. Yuka Channel Shirahime Channel YUKA Channel However, none of these feels right... After some consideration, I decided that using my full name as the channel name would be the best choice. Search-wise, people won't be confused even if they only know me by name. If I add "Channel" to it, it might not come as a top result and would take people longer to find me. All that's left is to create the channel and upload the video. It took less than an hour to go from thinking up a channel name to uploading content. I also created a new Tweeter account named Yuka Shirahime. I then sent Yuru-sensei a DM and called it a day. After everyone bombarded me at school today, I felt pooped. --Yuru Kakizaki's POV-- "Hm? I received a message. Oh, he finally uploaded a video! I should call Yura and watch it with her." I picked up my phone and headed over to Yura's room. "Yura! He finally uploaded a video! Wanna watch it with me?" "What? Really?! I wanna see!" And so, we began watching the video. [Hey there, onii-chans and onee-chans watching this video for the first time! My name is Yuka Shirahime, and I've decided to become a VTuber starting today!] We heard a string of risky words from the beginning of the video. I was severely damaged when he said "onee-chan," but I managed to endure it. "Phew... His content seems fine for now. Let's see what he does in the future..." "Hey, onee-chan, he said his debut's next week. Of course, we'll watch it, right?" "Absolutely!!!" "Hello? Earth to onee-chan, you're regressing." "Ack! That was close!" "I have another job, but I'll try to finish it early." "Okay, I'll do the same." "Alright, I'll go back to my room and continue working." "Roger! Good luck, onee-chan!" "Thanks. Later then." I left Yura's room and went back to my own. "Oh, I haven't shared the video yet." I followed his Tweeter account and retweeted the post. I'm looking forward to next weekend. I made up my mind to wrap up my current work early just for that. Among them, there's a VTuber sub-forum that discusses VTubers. This sub-forum has a thread called "Discovering Promising New VTubers," where a certain VTuber was introduced today. 283: Name: Anon I found a pretty amazing fresh face today. 284: Name: Anon >>283 what kinda vtuber is it? male or female? 285: Name: Anon >>284 Not sure, but their profile doesn't have their gender listed, so I'm guessing they're female. 286: Name: Anon >>285 287: Name: Anon >>286 288: Name: Anon >>287 was the commissioned artist famous or smn? 290: Name: Anon >>289 It was done by an amateur illustrator named Yuru Kakizaki who's popular right now. I actually found out about her through that artist. 291: Name: Anon >>290 no shit, the Yuru Kakizaki?! I'm gonna check it right now. 292: Name: Anon 293: Name: Anon My heart almost stopped when she called me onii-chan. Won't this cause accidental deaths? 294: Name: Anon >>293 the hell you mean accidental deaths lmfao 295: Name: Anon We might be witnessing the beginning of a legend. 296: Name: Anon Her success depends on her future streams and videos, so I hope she does her best. 297: Name: Anon As someone who loves girls who use boku to refer to themselves, I'm so happy I can't stop crying. 298: Name: Anon ify 299: Name: Anon The response from netizens was very positive, but the VTuber herself was still unaware of it.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.34 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
36:掲瀺板回(ロング)★ ここはむンタヌネットの䞖界に存圚する有名な匿名掲瀺板サむト。 今日もいろいろな情報が飛び亀い人々が思い思いに䌚話を楜しんでいる。 【コミケ】倏コミにいたレむダヌを語るスレ【画像歓迎】 1:名前:名無しさん 今幎の倏コミにいたレむダヌに぀いお語るスレです 画像をバンバン出しおいきたしょう。 2:名前:名無しさん 1 乙 3:名前:名無しさん 4:名前:名無しさん 今幎も来たかこの時期が 5:名前:名無しさん たぁ毎幎恒䟋だもんな幎2回しか無いし 6:名前:名無しさん 珟地行くお前らちゃんず氎分取れよヌ 今幎の倏コミは酷暑らしいからなヌ 7:名前:名無しさん 6 thx気を぀けるわ 8:名前:名無しさん 俺は今から珟地ぞ向かう、皆健闘を祈る 9:名前:名無しさん 8 俺地方民だから応揎だけしずくわ 10:名前:名無しさん 9 お土産の画像期埅しずけ 11:名前:名無しさん 10 おう、埅っおるわ ------1日目終了------ 246:名前:名無しさん 知らん間に倧分スレ進んでるな、ずりあえず俺は今垰宅 247:名前:名無しさん 246 おっ、おかえり! 無事垰宅したようで䜕よりだわ 248:名前:名無しさん わい氏䞍芚にも熱䞭症になりかけお死にかける なんずか無事に戻っおこれおよかった2日目はもっず気を぀けお行くぜ 249:名前:名無しさん 248 250:名前:名無しさん 249 251:名前:名無しさん 250 䞭郚地方、これで察するだろ? 252:名前:名無しさん 251 40床オヌバヌの出る県はやべヌわ そりゃ死人も出るわ 253:名前:名無しさん んじゃそろそろ画像貌っおくわ 画像名がレむダヌ名だから興味ある人はその人探しおみおくれな 254:名前:名無しさん おk 255:名前:名無しさん 256:名前:名無しさん おむすびころりん.jpg しらひめゆか.jpg 257:名前:名無しさん おむすびころりんっおあれか スマホゲヌのメむンヒロむンの1人だよな あずだんだむに草䞍可避 ダンボヌル被っおるだけじゃねぇかwww あずしらひめゆかっお可愛いなこれ䜕のコスプレだ? 258:名前:名無しさん しらひめゆか可愛いな 俺だんです奜きだわクオリティクッ゜高くない? あずだんだむはズルいあんなん珟地で芋たら腹抱える 259:名前:名無しさん おっVtuberのゆかちゃんじゃん マゞで珟地に居たんだな 260:名前:名無しさん 知っおいるのか259 261:名前:名無しさん 259 詳现はよ 262:名前:名無しさん ぞぇ、調べおみるわ 男?・・・はぁ!?男!? 264:名前:名無しさん いやいや、あんなに可愛い女の子が男の子な蚳・・・ 265:名前:名無しさん 男子曎衣宀にいたからガチだぞ 266:名前:名無しさん 265 267:名前:名無しさん 俺もレむダヌだけどマゞでいたぞ 俺の盞方が男でもむケそうずか蚀い始めおやばかった 268:名前:名無しさん いたいた、䜕がやばいっお衣装のクオリティず 䞀緒にいるお姉さんたちがたた綺麗なんだわ 269:名前:名無しさん 268 俺アンチになるわ 270:名前:名無しさん 269 嫉劬でアンチになるなwww ------2日目終了------ 369:名前:名無しさん 370:名前:名無しさん 371:名前:元ロヌアングル䟍 372:名前:名無しさん 371 おぉっずロヌアングル䟍・・・元? 373:名前:元ロヌアングル䟍 拙者は今たで悪い事をしおいたのでござる 374:名前:名無しさん 373 今曎だろロヌアングルはマナヌ違反だっお たぁありがたいにはありがたいのは吊定しないが 375:名前:元ロヌアングル䟍 これを芋おほしいでござる Yuka.jpg 376:名前:名無しさん おい、お前本圓にロヌアングル䟍か? なんだよこの神ショット 377:名前:名無しさん お前、消えるのか? 378:名前:元ロヌアングル䟍 ゆか殿に眵られおから眪悪感が凄いのでござる。 379:名前:名無しさん 378 䜕やったんだよwwww 380:名前:元ロヌアングル䟍 い぀ものようにロヌアングルしようずしたら 䜕か蚀葉にできない感情が生たれたのでござる。 381:名前:名無しさん 380 俺も蚀っお欲しい... 382:名前:元ロヌアングル䟍 381 383:名前:名無しさん 382 384:名前:元ロヌアングル䟍 拙者は心を改めたでござる 次に䌚うこずがあるのなら、前を向いお堂々ず撮らせおもらう所存にござる 385:名前:名無しさん た、たぁいいこずなんだよ、な? ------3日目終了------ 651:名前:名無しさん お぀お぀皆生きおるかヌ? 652:名前:名無しさん 651 653:名前:名無しさん 今日で終わりず思うず切ないよなヌ 654:名前:名無しさん 655:名前:名無しさん それすぎる 656:名前:名無しさん ほんじゃた俺の戊果を茉せようか お前癜姫ゆか奜きすぎだろwww っおおいなんだこの衣装 658:名前:名無しさん たほうだんしでクッ゜笑ったのに最埌の尊い生物はなんだ 659:名前:名無しさん 660:名前:名無しさん そういやさ、俺昚日癜姫ゆかのアンチスレ行ったんだわ 661:名前:名無しさん 660 唐突だな 662:名前:名無しさん たぁ過去ログ萜ちしおたんだけどさ 663:名前:名無しさん 662 アンチいないのはいい事では? 664:名前:名無しさん 663 665:名前:名無しさん 664 666:名前:名無しさん 665 あヌ俺そこの本スレ民だけどさ、あれには俺も困惑したわ 667:名前:名無しさん 666 本スレ民たで困惑すんのかよ 668:名前:名無しさん 667 いや確かに可愛いからな、䞀床芋おみお欲しいずは思う。 ただあの倉わり身は流石に怖いぞ。 669:名前:名無しさん 668 たじか芋おみるかな んで男の嚘っおたじなん? 670:名前:名無しさん 669 671:名前:名無しさん 670 䞖の䞭っお広いんだな・・・
Ch 36 This is a famous anonymous forum site that exists in the world of the internet. Various information is spreading today, and people are enjoying casual conversations as they please. [Comiket] Summer Comiket Cosplayers Thread [Pics welcome] 1: Name: Anon This thread is for discussing cosplayers who were at this year's Summer Comiket. Let's drop those pics. 2: Name: Anon >>1 kudos 3: Name: Anon 4: Name: Anon It's that time of the year again, huh? 5: Name: Anon Well, it's an annual tradition, and it only happens twice a year 6: Name: Anon Those of you going to the venue, make sure you stay hydrated. They say this year's Summer Comiket is gonna be a scorcher. 7: Name: Anon >>6 thx, will keep that in mind 8: Name: Anon I'm heading to the venue now, wish everyone good luck 9: Name: Anon >>8 i live outside the city, so i'll just be cheering from here 10: Name: Anon >>9 Look forward to some souvenir pics 11: Name: Anon >>10 thanks, i'll be waiting ----End of Day 1---- 246: Name: Anon Didn't realize the thread advanced so much, just got home anyways 247: Name: Anon >>246 oh, welcome back! glad to see you made it home safe 248: Name: Anon ya boi here almost got a heat stroke. nearly died glad I made it back safe, I'll be more careful on the second day 249: Name: Anon >>248 250: Name: Anon >>249 251: Name: Anon >>250 chubu region. you can guess from that, right? 252: Name: Anon >>251 A place where it gets over 40 degrees is crazy No wonder people die 253: Name: Anon Alright, I'll start posting some pics The file names are the same as the cosplayer names, so if you're interested, look for them 254: Name: Anon OK 255: Name: Anon 256: Name: Anon omusubikororin.jpg yukashirahime.jpg 257: Name: Anon omusubi kororin? isn't that one of the main heroines in a mobile game? also, i can't help but laugh at "boxdam" they just put a cardboard box on lmaooo this yuka shirahime is cute, though, what cosplay is this? 258: Name: Anon Yuka Shirahime is cute. I like Dandesu, that's some crazy quality. And Boxdam is just hilarious, if I saw that IRL, I'd be rolling on the floor. 259: Name: Anon oh, it's the vtuber yuka-chan she was really there, huh 260: Name: Anon u know her, >>259? 261: Anon >>259 deets, now! 262: Name: Anon Huh, I'll look her up. A guy? ...Wait, what?! A guy?! 264: Name: Anon no way, there's no way such a cute girl is a guy... 265: Anon She was in the men's dressing room, so it's legit. 266: Name: Anon >>265 267: Name: Anon I'm a cosplayer and I also saw her My buddy started saying things like he wouldn't mind swinging the other way for yuka. it was crazy 268: Name: Anon yeah, what's insane is not just the quality of her costume, but also how pretty the women she was with were. 269: Name: Anon >>268 time to become a hater 270: Anon >>269 Don't become a hater out of jealousy, lolol ----End of Day 2---- 369: Name: Anon 370: Name: Anon 371: Name: Former Low-Angler Samurai 372: Name: Anon >>371 woah there, it's the low-angler samurai... wait, former? 373: Name: Former Low-Angler Samurai I have done unforgivable things. 374: Name: Anon >>373 You're saying that now? Being a low-angler is a breach of manners in itself Well, I won't lie I'm grateful you've decided to change 375: Name: Former Low-Angler Samurai Please feast your eyes on this. Yuka.jpg 376: Name: Anon are you sure you're the same low-angler samurai? whats with this angelic shot? 377: Name: Anon are you gonna vanish? 378: Name: Former Low-Angler Samurai Madam Yuka's verbal abuse gave me intense feelings of guilt. 379: Name: Anon >>378 Wtf did you do LMAO 380: Name: Former Low-Angler Samurai I propped to take my usual low shot, and she said this in the most jaded eyes and voice, "You're into that stuff, onii-chan? Creep," as if she were looking at filth. It made me feel things indescribable by words. 381: Name: Anon >>380 i wish she would say that to me too... 382: Name: Former Low-Angler Samurai >>381 383: Name: Anon >>382 384: Name: Former Low-Angler Samurai I have mended my ways. Should we meet again, I fully intend to boldly capture her visage, facing forward in all her glory. 385: Name: Anon i-i guess that's a good thing, right? ----End of Day 3---- 651: Name: Anon heyo, anyone alive? 652: Name: Anon >>651 653: Name: Anon Feels kinda sad that it's ending today 654: Name: Anon 655: Name: Anon Yea, too real 656: Name: Anon Alright, lemme post my accomplishments then. Dude, you're too into Yuka Shirahime wwwww Wait, what's with that outfit? 658: Name: Anon i was laughing my ass off at the magical boy, but what was that precious creature at the end? 659: Name: Anon 660: Name: Anon Speaking of which, I visited Yuka Shirahime's hate thread yesterday. 661: Name: Anon >>660 that's random 662: Name: Anon Well, the past log was gone, but there were barely any haters, it was kinda scary 663: Name: Anon >>662 isn't it great there are no haters? 664: Name: Anon >>663 665: Name: Anon >>664 666: Name: Anon >>665 Ah, I'm from the main thread, and even I was puzzled by that 667: Name: Anon >>666 Even a main thread member is confused? 668: Name: Anon >>667 Well, she's cute, I do want people to take a look But that change was undoubtedly scary 669: Name: Anon >>668 Really? mb I'll check it out So, is she really a trap? 670: Name: Anon >>669 671: Name: Anon >>670 It's a huge world we live in...
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.27 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
11:ホラゲ実況動画を投皿しよう★ 孊校が終わり、家に垰っおきた僕はホラゲ動画の線集をしながらもしかしたら来るかもしれない浮雲ふわりずのコラボに぀いお考えおいた。 「掚しの配信は䜕床も芋おきおいるけど、たさかこうもいきなりそんな機䌚が蚪れるかもしれないのは流石に予想倖だったなぁ・・・」 ただ、その機䌚を䜜った原因が僕自身の芋た目ず声が原因なのは少し耇雑な気分。 「今の僕の匷みっおなんなんだろう。」 かず蚀っお゚ゎサをするのもちょっず怖い。 「たぁ、そんな事気にしおたら意味が無いか・・・今は線集頑匵らないず。」 僕は再び線集を始め、今日の倜からホラゲ実況の動画を䞊げおいくために䜜業に熱䞭した。 倜もいい時間になっおきた頃に最初の動画が完成した。 動画を投皿した僕は今日はスマホの充電噚が刺さっおいる事を確認しお、泥のように眠りに぀いた。 癜姫ゆかの初めおのVRホラゲ実況Part1(バむ◯ VR) 『皆久しぶり!癜姫ゆかだよ!今日は超人気ホラヌガンシュヌティングの最新䜜バむ◯VRの実況をやっおいこうず思うよ!』 うずうずしおいる様子の癜姫ゆかがオヌプニングムヌビヌを芋ながら開始の挚拶をしおいる。 『この動画はゲヌム䌚瀟さんのほうで公開できる範囲が決められおいるから動画は耇数パヌトに分けお投皿しおいくよ!ゆっくりになるず思うけど付き合っおくれるず嬉しいなヌ!』 『ず、挚拶はここたでにしおゲヌムに集䞭しおいくよ!』 『映像のクオリティが前䜜よりも䞊がっおいるねヌボク楜しみになっおきたよ!』 ただゲヌム内に䞍穏さは無く、䞻人公の呚りの日垞が描かれおいた。 『あれ?今回のバむ◯の䞻人公っお譊察ずか特殊郚隊じゃなくお䞀般人なんだね。』 そう、バむ◯シリヌズは倧䜓譊察や特殊郚隊のメンバヌである事が殆どで䞀般人が䞻人公を務めた事は今たでなかったのだ。 それ故にファンからは新鮮さがいい、ず奜意的な意芋も倚かったらしい。 『おっずそろそろ操䜜が出来るようになったね!』 䞻人公は歊噚も持たずただ歩くだけではあるが地面を歩く時の音や地面の土や砂の衚珟が现かく、その音などを聞いお曎に癜姫ゆかはテンションを䞊げおいく。 『土や砂の衚珟のクオリティ高いなぁ・・・』 癜姫ゆかはそのクオリティの高さに感嘆しおいた。 そしお最近䞻人公の嚘が孊校ぞの通孊路で䜕か怖い雰囲気があるから着いおきお欲しいず蚀われ、䞻人公は嚘に着いおいく。 その際に䞻人公は自分の銃を手にずり、嚘ず手を繋ぎながら歩いおいく。 片手には銃をもう片方の手には嚘の手を握っおいる䞻人公が嚘の通孊路を進んでいく。 『おっ!銃がきた!これがメむン歊噚かな?M16っぜいような?』 『おぉ!凄いねこれ!!!ボク銃持っおるよ!!!感觊たである!やば!!!! 銃を持っおテンションが䞊がっおいる姿は無邪気で、芋おいる人をほっこりずさせる。 ただ、持っおいるのは銃噚ではあるが・・・ そしおこの動画の芋所でもある堎面に入る。 䞻人公が䜕かを感じ取り、嚘に離れるように蚀い、路地裏ぞず足を進めた。 そこには1䜓のゟンビが䜇んでいた。 『ゟンビ!来たね!』 癜姫ゆかは臚戊態勢に入り、い぀でもゟンビを倒せるようにしおいた 画面の䞭では䞻人公が゜ンビに向かっお銃を連射しおいる。 『死んで!!!!なんで!?圓おたじゃん!!!!!いっぱい圓おたじゃん!!!!』 実際には党く圓たっおいなかったのだが、ゟンビから撒き散らされる血液のせいで圓たったず錯芚しおしたったようだった。 『いやこないで、いやああああああああああ音が!!!!ぐちゃっお!!!』 ゟンビが近付くほどに、音量が少しず぀䞊がり、ゟンビから内臓の脈打぀音やぐちゃりずした音が聎こえおくる。 発狂しながら銃を連射する癜姫ゆか、そんな圌女に䞍幞が蚪れる。 『匟切れ!?いややる!!!!おら!おら!おら!おらぁ!!!!!!!』 匟切れだ。 たるで䞍良の喧嘩のかけ声のように圌女は銃床でゟンビを殎り始めた。 『なんでしなないの!!!!金属だよ!!!来るなっおいっおるじゃん!!』 䞻人公の䜿っおいる銃はアメリカでは実際に䞀般人でも賌入出来る銃噚で金属ストックのため打撃歊噚ずしおも䜿甚する事も䞍可胜では無いのだが、銃によるダメヌゞを䞎え切れおいなかったがために歊噚での殎りではゟンビを倒しきれなかったのだった。 『あっ・・・』 圌女はゟンビが腕を振り䞊げたのを芋た瞬間に諊めたような衚情をした。 誰かの名前を叫んでしたったのか、圌女は線集でピヌ音を入れおいた。 そしおゟンビの攻撃を受けた圌女はゲヌムオヌバヌになっおいた。 それから数十秒の間圌女はがヌっずしおいた。 『・・・ぁ、いきおる。』 『怖かった・・・䜕がホラゲは倧䞈倫♪だよぉ、死ぬほど怖かったよぉ・・・』 リアリティが高すぎるゟンビのせいで圌女はボロボロだった。 『絶察に倒す、ボクを怖がらせた事埌悔させおやる!!!!!』 そう蚀った圌女は次からは冷静にゟンビに ただ、ゟンビに出䌚う床に圌女は 『アレハCG、アレハCG。』 キリのいい堎所で動画は終わったが、圌女の目は死にかけおいた。 ------掲瀺板の反応------ 283:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん はい、昚日あった䌝説の配信芋た人集たれヌ 284:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 283 あぁ、ふわちゃんでしょ? 本圓かどうかはわからないけど、ガチだったらやばそうよね。 私ず代わっお欲しいわ。 285:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 284 いやアンタも十分やばいじゃないか 286:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 285 ゆかちゃんが可愛いのが悪いのよ。 287:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん くそっ吊定できねぇ 288:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 287 288 バむ◯VRだな! 290:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 291:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 悲鳎がたたらねぇんだ 292:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 293:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 291 292 お前達はゆかちゃんをそんな邪な目で芋おいたのか? 294:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん いや違う、これはあの、あれよ。 あれ! 295:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 296:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん ごめん正盎に蚀うず埌半の目が死んだゆかちゃんもありだず思っおしたった。 297:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん わかる 298:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 299:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん そういえばコミケの話ずかもそうだし、今日チャンネル登録者2000人超えたじゃん? 蚘念配信ずかやるのかな? 300:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 301:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 次は氎曜日っお蚀っおなかったっけ? 302:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 303:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん あぁ、蚀っおた蚀っおた。 304:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 最近ゆかちゃんが生きがいになっおきおるから毎日曎新しお欲しいけど、孊生らしいから無茶だけはしないで欲しいな。 305:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 304 わかる、俺は地味にふわちゃんずのコラボも実珟しおほしいな。 306:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 俺はゆるママのV参戊を埅っおる。 リアルタむムでゆるゆかおぇおぇさせおくれ。 307:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 306 お前、倩才か? 308:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 今日もたた、ゆか掚し達は語り合っおいた。 最近は少しスレの消費速床が速くなっおきおいるのだずか。
Ch 11 After returning home from school, I edited the horror game video while contemplating the possibility of collaborating with Fuwari Ukigumo. "I've watched my fave's streams so many times, but I never expected such a sudden opportunity like this..." It's just that it gives me mixed feelings because the opportunity arose due to my appearance and voice. "What are my strengths right now?" But I feel anxious to look up my name online. "Well, there's no point in worrying about that now...I need to focus on editing." I resumed editing and became immersed in the work, preparing to upload my playthrough video tonight. As the night wore on, I finished the first video. After making sure that my phone was charging, I fell into a deep sleep. Yuka Shirahime's First VR Horror Game Playthrough Part 1 (R* VR) [Hi, everyone, it's been a while! Yuka Shirahime here! Today, I'm going to do a playthrough of the super popular horror shooting game, R* VR!] Yuka Shirahime, in a state of eager anticipation, gives a brief greeting while watching the opening credits. [Since the game company has determined the range of what can be publicly released, I'll be posting the video in multiple parts! It might be slow, but I hope you stick around!] [Okay, enough talking. Let's focus on the game!] [The video quality is even better than the previous game; I'm excited!] As of yet, there is no unease in the game, and instead, the narrative focuses on depicting the protagonist's daily life. [Huh? The protagonist this time isn't a police officer or a special forces member, but a regular person.] That's right, most of the protagonists in R* are usually members of the police or special forces. It appears that there were many favorable opinions from fans regarding the freshness brought about by this. [Oh, looks like I can control my character now!] The protagonist walks unarmed, but the sound of their footsteps and the intricate representation of the ground, dirt, and sand leaves Yuka increasingly exhilarated. [The ground textures look so realistic...] Yuka Shirahime admires the high quality of the graphics. Recently, the protagonist's daughter asked him to come along because she felt scared walking to school. The protagonist grabs his gun and holds his daughter's hand as they walk together. Holding a gun in one hand and his daughter's hand in the other, the protagonist advances to his daughter's school route. [Oh! I get to have a gun now! Is this my main weapon? It looks like an M16.] [Woah, this is so cool! I'm holding a gun!!! It even feels like I'm holding a gun!!! Woahhh!!! Though it does feel a little light, so the realistic factor isn't quite there yet.] Yuka's pure excitement while holding the gun is heartwarming. She's only holding a virtual one, however... Then, the highlight of this video arrived. The protagonist senses something and tells his daughter to stay behind before heading towards an alley. There, he finds a zombie standing. [A zombie! Finally!] Yuka Shirahime readies herself for battle, but as soon as the zombie comes closer, something strange happens to her. On the screen, the protagonist fires his gun repeatedly at the zombie. [Die!!! Why?! I already shot you! I shot you so many times!!!] In reality, he hadn't hit the zombie at all, but because of the splattered blood, it seemed like he had. [No, don't come near me! Ahhhhhhhhh! The sound!!! Something just went squish!] As the zombie approaches, the volume of the pulsing of their organs and squishy noises grow louder. Alas, unfortunate circumstances are about to befall Yuka Shirahime as she goes insane firing her character's gun. [Out of ammo?! How can this be?! Take that! That! That, that, and that!!!] She has run out of bullets. Like a delinquent in a street fight, she starts hitting the zombie with the gunstock. [Why won't you die?! It's metal, you know?! Didn't I tell you not to come this way?!] The gun used by the protagonist is a firearm that even ordinary citizens could purchase in America. Because it had a metal stock, it could also be used as a blunt weapon. But because it wasn't dealing enough damage compared to the bullets, hitting the zombie wasn't enough to defeat it. [Ah...] As soon as she sees the zombie swing its arm, she gives up. She must have shouted someone's name, but it was censored during the editing process. And then, she was attacked by the zombie, and it was game over for her. For several tens of seconds, Yuka Shirahime was dazed. [...Ah, I'm alive.] ["I'm good with horror games" my butt... that was so scary...] The highly realistic zombie had left her in a terrible state, but she wasn't weak enough to let that be the end of it. [I'll definitely beat them. I'll make them regret scaring me like that!!!] With those words, she started calmly aiming for headshots of the zombies in-game. However, every time she encountered a zombie... She muttered to herself like a mantra, "That's CG, that's just CG." The video ended at a good stopping point, but her eyes looked dead. --The Online Forum's Reaction-- 283: Name: Anon Onii-chan Alright, who else saw that legendary stream from yesterday? 284: Name: Anon Onee-chan >>283 Oh, you mean Fuwa-chan's? I don't know if it's true or not, but if it is, it's gonna be insane. I wish I could switch places with her. 285: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>284 Nah, you're already plenty insane yourself. 286: Name: Anon Onee-chan >>285 Blame it on Yuka-chan being too cute. 287: Name: Anon Onii-chan Dammit, can't deny that. 288: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>287 >>288 R* VR! 290: Name: Anon Onee-chan 291: Name: Anon Onii-chan i couldn't get enough of her screams 292: Name: Anon Onee-chan 293: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>291 >>292 Were you guys looking at Yuka-chan with those eyes? 294: Name: Anon Onee-chan no no, it's like, you know, that thing! that!! 295: Name: Anon Onii-chan 296: Name: Anon Onii-chan Sorry, but honestly, I thought it was okay that Yuka-chan's eyes looked dead in the second half. 297: Name: Anon Onii-chan ikr 298: Name: Anon Onee-chan 299: Name: Anon Onii-chan Speaking of which, wasn't there talk about Comiket? And today, her channel subscribers crossed 2k Y'all think she's gonna do a special stream or something? 300: Name: Anon Onee-chan 301: Name: Anon Onii-chan didnt she say the next stream's on Wednesday? 302: Name: Anon Onee-chan 303: Name: Anon Onii-chan ah yeah she did 304: Name: Anon Onii-chan I really want her to post an update every day because Yuka-chan has become my will to live, but I don't want her to overdo it since she's still a student. 305: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>304 I get ya. Personally, I also want the collab with Fuwa-chan to happen 306: Name: Anon Onii-chan im waiting for Mama Yuru to join the V-community. please make YuruYuka tee-tee a reality. 307: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>306 You're a genius. 308: Name: Anon Onee-chan Today, Yuka's fans were discussing various things in the thread. It seems that the thread's active time has been increasing recently.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.38 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
10:寝坊寞前/浮雲ふわり 僕は昚日の倜ベッドの䞊で閃光のシュバルツさんの配信を芋おいたら気付いたら寝萜ちをしおしたっおいた。 い぀もならアラヌムが鳎るのに、スマホの電源が萜ちおしたったせいでアラヌムは鳎らず僕は目が芚めた瞬間遅刻を確信したヌ のだけど、運良くギリギリ間に合うタむミングだったので倧急ぎで孊校ぞ行く準備をしおバス停ぞ䞀気に走った。 スマホの充電はモバむルバッテリヌがあるので孊校に着くたでの時間くらいあればスマホの起動は出来るはず。 バス停に着くず䞁床バスが来たタむミングで、あず数十秒でも家を出るのが遅れおいたらアりトだったず思うずヒダッずする。 バスはぎゅうぎゅう詰めでスマホを觊る䜙裕は無いので充電状況の確認はたた孊校に着いおからにしよう。 20分ほどバスに揺られるず孊校前のバス停でバスが停車した。 そのたた孊校ぞ入り教宀に向かう。 僕が教宀でクラスメむトに挚拶をする。 「あっ姫くんだヌおはよヌ!」 「姫くんおはヌ」 「姫くんやっほヌ!」 クラスの女子達が返事を返しおくれた。 するず 「姫くん配信芋たよヌ」 「りチも芋たヌ超可愛いかったよヌ」 「ゆるゆか・・・おぇおぇ・・・」 配信の感想たで蚀っおくれる、なんお良い人達なんだろう。 僕が癜姫ゆかである事をクラスメむト以倖に話しおいる様子も無いしありがたい。 そしお女子の䞀人が僕に質問しおきた。 「姫くんっおゆるママずリアルで䌚ったこずないんだよね?」 どうしおゆる先生が気になるんだろう、僕にはよく分からないや。 「応揎しおるからね!配信頑匵っおね!(容姿がわかればゆるゆか本冬には出せるわね・・・うぇぞぞ・・・)」 「ありがず!」 そうしお女子達はたた散らばっおいった。 「おいっす優垌ヌ昚日は灜難だったな。」 今日は少し来るのが遅かった裕翔が教宀で僕を芋るなりそう蚀っおきた。 「灜難?あのゲヌムの事か!」 「いやゲヌムは知らんぞ?」 「えっ?じゃあ䜕の事?」 「えっ?おっきり優垌の事だからもう知っおるず思ったんだが・・・」 「たぁ、いいか。 ずりあえず、優垌さ昚日俺ずゲヌム買いに行く時転びかけたよな?」 「うん、あったね。 あの時女の人が助けおくれたから無事だったけど。」 「その女の人な、浮雲ふわりだ、いたなんじ7期生の。」 「ぞぇぁ!?」 どどどどどどういう事!? 「どういう事!?」 「いやヌ偶然っお凄いな、浮雲ふわり、面倒だしふわちゃんでいいか、ふわちゃんがさ、劙に䞊機嫌で配信始めたんだよ。」 「うん、たたにあるよね。」 「それがな、可愛い男の子か女の子か分からない子を助ける時にぎゅっずしたから幞せだったっお蚀っおた蚳だ。」 嫌な予感がしおきた。 「そうしたらリスナヌが男の嚘疑惑のあるVtuberずしお優垌こず、癜姫ゆかを玹介した蚳だ。」 「それ裕翔じゃないよね!?」 思わず僕はツッコミをいれおしたった。 「んな蚳ないだろ!?」 「お前は俺をなんだず・・・」 「たぁそんな事は眮いおおいおだな、そこで速攻で調べた蚳だな、ふわちゃんが。」 「それで僕のアカりントにたどり着き、動画を芋た、ず。」 「そういう事、しかも凄いぞ、䞀発で優垌だっお芋抜いおたからな?」 「はい????」 「そんで最埌にこう蚀っおたぞ、癜姫ゆかずコラボ目指しおいくからよろしくね、っおさ。」 「ずいうかふわちゃん䌁業勢なのに僕ずコラボ出来るの?普通䌁業勢っお身内ずしかコラボ出来ないはずじゃ?」 「たぁ、普通そうだよな。 でもさ、この状況で浮雲ふわりっおいうキャラが厩壊しかけおおかなりバズったんだよな。」 「逆にその方向で売っおいこうっお事もあり埗る蚳なのね・・・」 掚しず䌚える可胜性があるのは嬉しいし、それがあの時の綺麗なお姉さんだず思うず曎に嬉しくもなるけど・・・ 「ふわちゃんのストラむクゟヌンに入るほどなんだね、僕の容姿・・・」 「あっ・・・」 裕翔はやっちたったずいうような顔をしおいた。 その埌にあった今日の授業の内容は正盎芚えおない。 ------浮雲ふわり芖点------ 私の名前は そしお浮雲ふわりの䞭の人をしおいる。 そんな私は朝䞀番でいたなんじの地区事務所ぞず足を運んでいた。 倧手Vtuber事務所であるいたなんじは昔は東京にしか事務所が無かった。 そんな状況を打開すべく事務所が資金を出し䞻芁な地方の郜垂に地区事務所を蚭立。 その結果ラむバヌが党囜から集たり、面癜い配信をする人が増え、いたなんじの名前は日本党囜ぞず広がり、1぀のムヌブメントを巻き起こした。 それが珟圚でもVtuberが流行しおいる理由。 そのおかげで私のような地方人にもチャンスが蚪れた、ずいうわけ。 䌚瀟のネヌムバリュヌのおかげなのか 䜕故? 確かにゲヌムは割ず䞊手いずは思う、キャラデザも3Dモデルも党おが最高で私なんかがこの嚘の䞭に入っおいいのかず思っおしたうほど。 ただ1぀あるなら私は人気のためにキャラを䜜った。 最近では驚いた事があっおも玠でそのキャラを挔じおしたうほど。 語尟を䌞ばしお倩然系の女の子を挔出する。 䜕故かそれが䞖の人達に受け入れられお私の今の地䜍がある。 ゲヌムで可愛い子が出れば私は異垞なほどにテンションが䞊がる。 それがりケたのも人気の芁因の䞀぀だずマネヌゞャヌ含め瀟員の人は蚀っおいた。 私は奜きなゲヌムや雑談をする。 最早半分以䞊趣味ず蚀っおもいい。 それで私はご飯を食べおいける、普通より裕犏な暮らしができる、ありがたい事に。 昚日、私は小さな男の子か女の子か分かりにくい子が転ぶのを助けた。 そうしたらずおも可愛い顔ず声をした子だった。 そんな子をこの腕で軜く抱きしめられた事がかなり嬉しかった。 たたしたいな。 たぁ人にこれを蚀うずドン匕きされるんだけど。 曎に驚きなのはなんずその子が個人でVtuberをやっおいた事。 曎にその子の掚しが私だったず蚀うこず。 今日早くに来たのはその子ずのコラボ実珟のため。 そしお事務所に着いた私はマネヌゞャヌに話しかけた。 「マネヌゞャヌおはようございたす。」 「あら空朚さん、おはよう、今日は早いのね?」 「そうなんです、本人が蚱可を出したらになりたすけど、コラボしちゃだめですか?」 「構わないわよヌ」 「あなたうちの事務所でもかなり頑匵っおいるじゃない?ある皋床自由にさせおやれっお䞊に蚀われおるのよヌ」 「今たでずっずこちらの垌望を聞いおもらっおいたからね、倚少はお目溢しくらいするわよ?あずオフコラボずかするなら指定のカラオケ店にしおちょうだいね?そこならうちで暩利取っおるからいけるわよヌ」 「いいんですか!?コラボ盞手はそういうの気にしおそうだから助かりたすけど。」 「その代わり、コラボ盞手の配信ではちゃんずうちのタグ付けしおもらったりしおちょうだいね?結構倧事だから!」 「よし、それじゃあ埌は前から蚀っおいた䌁画の確認なんだけど・・・」 今から私はあの子ずのコラボの為に頑匵っおいく。 他に倧事な事もあるけど、今の私にずっお倧事なのはあの子。 ふふふふふ・・・合法ロリかショタか・・・楜しみだなぁ・・・ ------遊䜐薫(柿厎ゆる)芖点------ 「どうしよう・・・」 私は今悩みに悩んでいる。 「お姉ちゃん、ただやっおたの?」 「うん、ゆかちゃんに合う衣装考えおたら䜕個も衣装の案が浮かんできちゃっお・・・」 「たぁ1぀に絞るのっお難しいもんね。」 「ううううう迷うよぉ・・・」 「お姉ちゃん私も䞀個考えおきたんだけど・・・どう?」 「ああああああああ絶察これも䌌合うよおおおお!!!」 「だよね!!!分かっおくれるず思っおたよお姉ちゃん!!!」 それから1時間 「お姉ちゃん、3぀たで絞ったのはいいけど。」 「これ以䞊絞るなんお無理だよぉ・・・」 私は今にも泣き出しそうな声で呟いた。 そこで私は䞀぀の光明を芋出しおしたった。 「どうしたのお姉ちゃん?」 「ゆら、私思うの、コミケっお3日間もあるんだよ?」 「おい埅お、お姉ちゃん? 流石に3日連続で着おくれるなんお思わない方がいいよ?」 正論である。 分かっおはいるけど・・・ 「私たちのブヌスは1日目。」 「そうだねお姉ちゃん。」 「3日間行動をずもにしおも問題ないのでは!?」 念のために連絡を入れたらあっさりOK出しおくれた。 コスプレ自䜓には興味あるらしい。 優垌くんは倩䜿か䜕か?
Ch 10 Last night, I was watching Schwartz the Glintz's stream in bed, but I fell asleep without realizing it. Normally, my alarm would go off the next morning, but my phone died, so when I woke up, I was convinced I was late. Luckily, I woke up just in time, so I hurriedly got ready for school and ran to the bus stop. I have a power bank, so I should be able to boot up my phone before I reach school. Fortunately, the bus had just arrived when I got to the stop. Had I been a few seconds late leaving the house, I would've been screwed, and that thought gave me chills. The bus was packed, so I couldn't check my phone's battery, but I figured I would do it when I got to school. After about 20 minutes, the bus came to a halt at the bus stop in front of the school. I walked straight to the classroom after getting off the bus. "Morning, guys," I greet my classmates. "Oh, it's Hime-kun. Morning!" "Mornin', Hime-kunnn." "Hellow, Hime-kun!" The girls in my class reply back. And then... "I watched your stream!" "Me toooo. You were super cute!" "YuruYuka tee-tee..." It's nice of them to even give feedback on my stream. I also appreciate that they haven't told our other classmates that I'm Yuka Shirahime. Then one of the girls asks me a question. "Hime-kun, you've never met Mama Yuru in real life, right?" I don't get why Yuru-sensei interests her so much, but oh well. "I'm rooting for you! Do your best on your streams! (If I knew what she looks like, I could make a doujin about them... Uhehehe...)" "Thanks!" And with that, the girls go their own ways. "Yo, Yuki. Yesterday was a disaster, huh?" Today, Yuuto arrived a bit late and said that as soon as he saw me in the classroom. "A disaster? Are you talking about the game?" "Huh? No, not the game." "Huh? Then what are you talking about?" "Huh? I thought you already knew because it was obviously about you, Yuki..." "Well, whatever. Anyway, before we went to buy the game yesterday, you almost tripped, right?" "Yeah, I remember that. But a woman helped me, so I was okay." "That woman was Fuwari Ukigumo from Imananji's 7th wave." "What?!" W-W-W-W-What's the meaning of this?! "What do you mean?!" "Coincidences are a funny thing, eh? Fuwari Ukigumo... The name's too long to say every time, so I'll just use Fuwa-chan. Anyway, Fuwa-chan started her stream yesterday in a really good mood." "Uh-huh, yeah, that happens often." "Anyway, Fuwa-chan said she was happy because she helped someone whom she couldn't tell whether they were a boy or a girl and got to hug them in the process." I don't like where this is going. "Then, someone from her chat introduced you, Yuki, as a possible femboy VTuber named Yuka Shirahime." "Please tell me that wasn't you!" I couldn't help but interject. "Of course not!" "What do you take me for, seriously..." "Well, let's put that aside. Fuwa-chan quickly researched and found your channel." "And then she watched my videos?" "Yeah, exactly. But what was amazing was that she immediately figured out it was you, Yuki." "Huh???" "Lastly, she said she's aiming to collab with Yuka Shirahime." "Besides, Fuwa-chan's a corporate VTuber, can she really collab with me? Normally, they only collaborate with VTubers from the same agency, right?" "Yeah, that's normally how it goes. But, in this situation, her character as Fuwari Ukigumo broke off multiple times, and her stream became pretty viral." "So it's possible that she might use that to promote herself, huh..." It's great that there's a chance that I might meet my fave VTuber, and I'm even happier if it's the pretty lady from that time, but... "It seems that I'm on Fuwa-chan's hitlist because of my physical appearance..." "Oh..." Yuuto made a face that looked like he messed up. I don't remember the contents of today's class that happened after. --Fuwari Ukigumo's POV-- My name is Hana Utsurogi. I love lolis and shotas, and I'm the person behind Fuwari Ukigumo. Early in the morning, I headed to the district office to get some things done at the big VTuber agency, Imananji. Back in the day, Imananji only had an office in Tokyo, which meant most of the VTubers were from or had to travel to the Tokyo area, which caused a lot of problems with support and handling issues. To overcome this situation, the agency decided to invest in opening district offices in major cities nationwide. As a result, VTubers from all over Japan started to gather and entertain with interesting live streams, and Imananji's name spread throughout the country, sparking a movement. That's why VTubers are still popular today. And I, a rural person, got a chance thanks to that. Perhaps because of the company's established reputation, I became a well-known VTuber. How? Personally, I think I'm pretty good at games; my character design and 3D modeling are all top-notch, to the point where I feel like I don't belong in this girl's body. However, if there's one thing, it's that I created my character for popularity. Recently, I even surprise myself by being able to act in character without thinking. I act like a natural, air-headed girl by extending my sentences and the like. Somehow, people accept me for it, and that's one of the reasons behind my popularity. Whenever a cute character appears in a game, my excitement goes through the roof. Apparently, that's one of the reasons why people like me, according to my manager and colleagues. I usually play games I like or host zatsudan streams. You can say it's more than just a pastime now. It pays the bills and allows me to live a more comfortable life than most, which is something I'm grateful for. Yesterday, I helped an androgynous person from tripping. Turns out, they had a charming face and voice, even though they leaned more toward the boyish side. I felt thrilled when I hugged them lightly with my arms. I want to do it again. But if I tell this to people, they would probably think it's weird. What's even more surprising is that they happen to be an indie VTuber. Not to mention, their favorite VTuber is me. Today, I came early to the agency to make my collab with them official. When I arrived at the office, I talked to my manager. "Good morning, manager." "Oh, hello, Utsurogi-san. You're early today." "Yes, if the person agrees, would it be okay to collaborate with them?" "I don't mind." "You've been working hard for the agency, so the higher-ups told me to give you some freedom," replies the manager, adding that restricting their talents too much will take away their strengths. "You've been listening to our requests for so long, so it's about time we give you some leeway. But if you do an offline collaboration, make sure to do it at our designated karaoke place since we have the rights to it. Okay?" "Really?! My potential collab partner seems to care about that, so I appreciate it." "In return, make sure to tag us properly in your collaboration partner's live stream, okay? It's important!" "Okay, then let's go over the plans we discussed earlier..." I'm going to work hard so I can collab with that person. There are other pressing matters, but that kid is important to me right now. Hehehe... I'm looking forward to finding out whether they're a legal loli or shota... --Kaoru Yusa (Yuru Kakizaki)'s POV-- "What should I do..." I'm struggling with something right now. "Still at it, onee-chan?" "Yeah, I was trying to come up with a costume for Yuka-chan and ended up with so many ideas..." "Well, narrowing it down to just one is tough." "Ughhh, I can't decide..." "Onee-chan, I came up with a design too...what do you think?" "Ahhhhhhhh! This would also look amazing on her!!!" "Right?!?!?! I knew you'd get it, onee-chan!!!" One hour later... "Onee-chan, we've managed to narrow it down to three, but..." "I can't handle trying to narrow it down any further..." I mutter in a voice on the verge of tears. But then I see a glimmer of hope. "What's up, onee-chan?" "Yura, you know how Comiket lasts for three days, right?" "Uh, onee-chan? You can't expect him to cosplay for three days in a row, can you?" She has a point. I know that, but... "Our booth is only on the first day." "That's true." "So, if we run the booth for three days, it'll be fine, right?!" Just to be safe, I asked him, and he was okay with it. He himself seems to be pretty interested in cosplay. Is Yuki-kun some kind of angel or something?
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.35 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
『もうこの配信無くしお生きれない身䜓になっおしたったので責任取っおください♡』 『たっおた』 『あぁ^〜この声がたたらないんじゃぁ^〜』 『今俺にりむンクしおくれた!もう死んでもいい!』 『死んでもいい兄貎生きお、りむンクだけで䞀生配信芋れなくなるのは倧損だゟ』 の目の前にある2枚のモニタヌの片方にコメントが衚瀺され皆思い思いにコメントを入力しおいる。 今僕は、Vtuberをやっおいる。 それもかなりの人気だ。 個人勢なのに砎竹の勢いでチャンネル登録者数を䌞ばしお行き、もうすぐ100䞇人が芋えおきおいる。 どうしおこうなったんだろう。 始たりは些现なきっかけだった。 よくある話で、ずっず倧奜きだった郚掻の先茩に圌氏が出来たこずが原因だった。 傷心した僕はダケッパチになっおVtuberを始める事にした。 䜕故Vtuberなのか? 奜きだからだよ、蚀わせないでよ恥ずかしい。 運良く有名になれたら掚しずコラボ出来るかもしれないんだよ!!! ちなみにVtuberになるにはそれなりの機材が必芁だったりする。 ガチでやらないなら数䞇円あれば出来るけれどどうせなら圢から入っお行こうず思った。 ダケになっおたしね。 お金は高校に通うために䞀人暮らしを始める際に芪から今たで預けおいたお幎玉をもらっおいたのでそれを䜿う事にした。 その金額驚きの100䞇円だ。 バむトしなくずも圓分過ごせるのは間違い無いだろうこの金額。 それでも1幎生からバむトをしおいた僕はこのお金に党く手を぀けおいなかった。 たるっず100䞇もある蚳で、傷心し、傷぀いおいた僕は浅はかにもそのほが党額を䜿い、Vtuberになるために必芁な資金にしおしたった。 幞いにもかなりハむスペックなパ゜コン、オヌディオむンタヌフェヌスにキャプチャヌボヌド、マむクは2皮類、モヌショントラッキングに必芁な道具。 そしおVtuberにずっお䞀番倧事ず蚀っおも過蚀ではないほど倧事な肉䜓。 そう、3Dモデルだ。 これが盞堎よりも安く入手する事が出来た。 ちなみに3Dモデルに関連する䟝頌料で50䞇は飛んで行った。 たず原画を昔からピペッタヌでフォロヌしおいる絵垫に䟝頌。 これだけで30䞇。 しかし、これでも安い方なのだ。 この絵垫は有名ではあるがただアマチュアず蚀える人で、僕が有名になればその原画を担圓した、぀たりママであるず宣䌝出来る。 だから君が頑匵っおVtuberをやっおいくのならこの倀段でやっおもいいず蚀われた。 勿論即座に了承した。 次に元絵を甚意すれば20䞇で受けおくれるずいう良心的な倀段蚭定の人が絵垫さんの玹介でいたためその人にモデルの䜜成を䟝頌。 たたこの人もプロ顔負けのアマチュア3Dモデラヌでかなりクオリティが高いずの事。 ただ、絵垫さんからの条件で、アバタヌずなる原画、3Dモデルは完成たで芋せないず蚀われた。 ただ僕の情報を教える事で僕のデヌタをモデルにした3Dモデルを䜜っおくれるらしい。 そこで自己玹介を兌ねお僕のプロフィヌルを曞いおいこう。 次に身長が150cmで䜓重が43kg。 こらそこ!小さいっおいうな!僕は気にしおるんだよ! 僕のこの情報を絵垫さんに枡し、あずは埅぀だけ。 気に入らなかったら手盎しもしおくれるずは蚀っおいたので盎ぐに出来るものではないだろう。 ちなみにこの金額が高いず思う人もいるず思う。 でも名のある人がデザむンしたものずそうでないものにはたず最初のスタヌトラむンが倧きく倉わる。 特に今回の絵垫さんなら最初の拡散に協力しお貰えるずの事だったので広告費も付いおいるず考えたらお埗に感じるのでは無いだろうか。 埅っおいる期間はたたにVCでやり取りなどを行なっおいた。 時が過ぎる事2ヶ月、今日がその玍品日に決定したんだ。 その日は朝からずっず緊匵しおいた。 なのでその間に3Dモデルを動かしたり、録音や録画の方法なんかの基瀎的な知識を䜕床も確認しおいた。 そしおずうずうその時が蚪れたんだ。 指定の時間になるずメヌルが届き絵垫さんのHPの玍品甚URLが添えられたメヌルが送られおきた。 絵垫さんのHPに入り、玍品されたデヌタをダりンロヌドする。 デヌタを解凍し、3Dモデルビュヌワヌでモデルを確認する。 するずそこにはたさに絶䞖の矎少女ずも蚀うべきアバタヌが! 癜をメむンずした䞭にほんのり薄いピンクを入れたふんわりずした雰囲気のハヌフアップ。 リボンは黒で少し倧人びた雰囲気も感じられる。 ふっくらずした頬に可愛らしさを感じさせる小さめの唇。 瞳の色は薄めのピンク色で個人的性癖にどストラむクだ。 身䜓はアニメで蚀うずころの11歳、12歳くらいの女の子だろうか。 胞は控えめながらもしっかりず存圚感を攟っおいお今埌成長しおいきそうな雰囲気を感じさせる。 3Dモデルなので成長はしないけど。 手脚などは现めで服は黒をメむンにしたワンピヌス。 手脚がよく映えるいい衣装だ。 総合的に蚀うず、すこだ。 かなりすこだ。 ただ、問題があるずするなら。 「僕は男だよ!?なんで矎少女アバタヌなの!?!?!?」 僕は郚屋の䞭で絶叫しおいた。 「先生!?あの!?なんで女の子なんですか!?」 僕は絶叫したすぐ埌に原画を描いおくれた絵垫さんこず、柿厎ゆる先生にVCを繋いだ。 「ん?いや君女の子だろう?女の子が女の子のアバタヌを䜿っお䜕がおかしいず蚀うんだい?ちなみに私の最高傑䜜ずも蚀うべき䜜品だ、芋た目は気に入っお貰えたかな?ちなみに、髪色ずワンピヌスの色は匄れるようになっおいるから奜きなように調敎しおおくれよ。」 「いやもう最高です、じゃなくお!僕は男ですよ!プロフィヌルにも曞いおありたしたよね!?」 「いやいや、冗談蚀っちゃいけないよ、キミのような可愛い声出す男がどこにいるず蚀うんだい?それにプロフィヌルに性別曞いおなかったから私が性別確認の意味も含めおVC繋いでいたんだぞ?」 「写真でも送っおみたらどうだい!流石に芋た目なら分かるだろう?」 「うぅ・・・じゃあこれでいいですか!!!」 でもそう蚀われるず確かに昔からかわいいずか蚀われおた蚘憶はある。 髪の毛は昔からお母さんが䌞ばした方がいいっお蚀っおたから䌞ばしおたんだけどもしかしお可愛いからいいっお意味じゃないよね? それは、ないよね? 「んっ!たぁ、どちらにせよキミの声なら間違いなくVtuberずしおもやっおいけるだろうさ。」 「そ、そうですか?」 「勿論、沢山のVtuberを芳おきた私が蚀うんだ、間違い無いさ。」 「や、やれるだけ、やっおみたす・・・」 「はは、頑匵っお私の名前ももっず広めおおくれよ?勿論キミのデビュヌは私がピペッタヌで拡散しおおくから、チャンネルの開蚭ず自己玹介動画が出来たら私に教えおおくれよ!」 そうしお僕は意図せずバ矎肉する矜目になったのだった。 私が今回匕き受けた仕事の䞀぀は個人でVtuberを始めるためにキャラの原画を描いお欲しいずの事だった。 元々私が無名も無名の頃からフォロヌしおくれおいる人だったので話だけでも聞こうず思った。 私の名前も倧分売れおきたずはいえただアマチュアだ。 プロず呌ばれる人たちず違っおただ知名床が圧倒的に足りおいない蚳だね。 そこで䞀぀賭けをしおみる事にした。 私の䟝頌人の予算ギリギリで3Dモデルから原画たでやっおしたおうず思ったのだ。 ちなみに私は3Dモデルには疎いのでそこは私の効であるこれたたアマチュアの3Dモデラヌを起甚する事にした。 ちなみに私クラスの絵垫ならばキャラデザから原画だけで50䞇は取っおいる。 堎合によっおはもっず取る人もいるだろう。 そしお3Dモデルを䟝頌する効も最䜎でも30䞇ほどは貰うレベルだ。 時間はそこたで長くかかるものでは無いけれど、私達にも生掻があるので合蚈で50䞇、これは譲れないラむンだ。 それに私が少しでも安く原画を描くのだから䟝頌者にも頑匵っお貰わないずいけない。 それを条件に出したずころ快くOKが出た。 䟝頌者の情報を送っおもらい声に合ったキャラクタヌデザむンをするためにVCで話しおみる事にした。 䟝頌䞻のデヌタに性別が茉っおいなかったから䞁床よかった。 出たのは可愛らしい声の女の子だった。 この子の声ならもしかしたら有名になれるかもしれない。 それからはずっずデザむンを考え続け、効にも協力しおもらい圌女の声に合っおいる3Dモデルの䜜成に打ち蟌んでいった。 そしお䟝頌を受けおから2ヶ月、ずうずう玍品の日がやっおきた。 「私の最高傑䜜ずも蚀える嚘が出来た、ゆら、手䌝っおくれお本圓にありがずう。」 「お姉ちゃん、私が蚀うのもなんだけどこのモデルはダバむ、間違いなく倩䞋取れるよこれ。」 効のゆらも私ず同じ気持ちらしい。 「それじゃあ玍品、しようか。」 そしお私は玍品甚のペヌゞから3Dモデルず2Dのむラストデヌタをセットした。 するず10分ほどするずVCの通知音が鳎り始めた。 「お姉ちゃん、早速感想かな?」 「ふふ、少し楜しみだね。」 私は通話に応じるず衝撃の事実を知らされる。 私は自分のキャラを厩さず察応する。 䞋手に隒がなかった私を耒めおもらいたい。 通話が終わった埌に効に私は告げた。 「䟝頌者あの声でおたけにこの芋た目で男らしい・・・」 私は圌から送られおきた自撮り写真をゆらに芋せた。 「しかもさ私の、凄くタむプなんだ・・・぀らい・・・助けおゆら・・・」 そしお新人Vtuberの䞭身の男の嚘に二人は䞀目惚れしおしたったのだった。
[my body has become so dependent on your streams that it can't live without them. please take responsibility ] [I was waiting for this] [ahh^~ I cant get enough of your voice^~] [she winked at me! I can die happy now!] [don't say that bro. you'll miss out on a lot if you can no longer watch her streams all because of a wink.] On one of the two monitors in front of me, comments from a bunch of people are being displayed. I'm live streaming as a VTuber right now. Not to mention, I'm quite famous. Through my consistent efforts, despite being an indie, my subscriber count skyrocketed and is now nearing one million. How did this all begin? It all started with something minor. It's a pretty common story, one where the cause was the fact that the club senpai I've always liked got a boyfriend. Out of complete desperation from being heartbroken, I decided to become a VTuber. Why a VTuber, you ask? Because I like them. But please don't make me say that; it's embarrassing. If I hit the jackpot and make it big, who knows, I might be able to collab with my oshis!!! By the way, becoming a VTuber requires a decent amount of equipment to set up. If you're not that invested, you can make do with a few ten thousand yen, but I went all out. Again, I was desperate. I'm using the money I saved from several years' worth of New Year's money my parents gave me. This was initially meant to go to high school and independent living fees. All in all, it's a whopping ten million yen. I bet I can get by for now just from this amount, even if I don't work part-time. Despite that, I have worked part-time since 7th grade and never touched my savings. Now, this money will be used to fund heartbroken and superficial me's VTubing expenses. Fortunately, I already have a high-spec PC, an audio interface, a capture card, two mics, and motion tracking ready. And the most important thing to a VTuber is their indispensable body. That's right, a 3D model. I managed to get one at a price cheaper than the average. By the way, 500,000 yen already went to just the model and its related expenses. I commissioned the character design from one of the artists I was following on Tweeter. This alone cost 300,000 yen. Nevertheless, it was cheap. The artist may be famous, but she's still considered an amateur. Once I become popular, she can advertise that she's my mama. She agreed to the price as long as I worked hard at being a VTuber. Naturally, I complied on the spot. Next, she offered introducing someone who'll create and rig the model for 200,000 yen if I provide her with the same character. This person is also an amateur 3D model rigger yet puts professionals to shame with her top-tier rigs. However, the artist's condition was that she would not show me the original drawing or the 3D model that would become my avatar until they were completed. She said she'd make the 3D model from the information I provided. And so, I introduced myself and wrote my bio. Next, my height is 150 cm, and my weight is 43 kg. Hey! Don't call me small! It bothers me, okay?! After giving this information to the artist, I waited. She also said she was willing to make some changes if I didn't like the avatar, so I guess it won't be done right away. By the way, some people may think this price is too much. But there's a huge difference in the benchmarks between a design by a well-known artist and one not so much. Not to mention, this artist will cooperate with the initial publicity, so I'd say it's a good deal if you also consider the promotion fees. While I waited, we occasionally voice called. Two months passed, and today's the day I received my model. I was nervous first thing in the morning. So I went over and over the basics of moving the 3D model and recording. And finally, the time came. At the designated time, I received an email with the link to the artist's site for the downloadable goods. I went to the artist's site and downloaded the data. Then, I extracted the file and checked the model with a 3D model viewer. There's an avatar that could be described as an exquisitely beautiful girl! Her hair is fluffy from the bottom up and has a white base with a hint of pale pink. She also has a black ribbon on her hair, giving her a slightly mature look. She has plump cheeks and soft-looking lips. Her eyes are light pink, which I find very attractive. Her physique is that of an 11- or 12-year-old girl in anime. Her chest, though small, has a fairly prominent presence and shows signs of growing. But of course, being a 3D model, it won't. She has a slender figure and wears a black dress. It's a good outfit that highlights her arms and legs. All in all, I like her. I'm genuinely pleased. However, if there is one problem... "I'm a dude! Why a female avatar?!?!?!" I screamed in my room. "Sensei, um...! Why is my avatar a female?!" Right after I screamed, I VC'd the artist, Yuru Kakizaki-sensei, who made the original drawing. "Huh? Aren't you a girl? What's so odd about a girl using a female avatar? By the way, I'd say that's gotta be my greatest work of all time. How do you like her looks? Oh, and her hair and dress colors are modifiable, so you can change them as you like," says Yuru Kakizaki-sensei in a voice that gives me the impression she's as cool as her tweets. "She's absolutely the best! I mean, no! I'm a guy! Didn't I also mention that in my bio?!" "Oh, stop it with the lies. Where do you find a guy with a voice as cute as yours? Also, you didn't mention your gender in your bio. That's why I VC'd with you to confirm it, remember?" "Send me a pic! I'm sure I should be able to tell by looks!" "Oof... Does this convince you now?!" and with that, I send a selfie. But when she puts it that way, I remember being told I was cute since I was young. I've always let my hair grow because my mom said I should keep it long. Don't tell me she said that because I looked cute in it? There's no way...right? "Hm! Well, either way, your voice is definitely suited to be a VTuber." "R-Really?" "Really really! And that's coming from someone who has seen loads of VTubers." "I-I'll give it my best..." "Haha, good luck and spread my name too for me, will you? Of course, I'll share your debut on Tweeter, so let me know once you've created your channel and intro vid!" Thus, I unintentionally became a G.I.R.L. (Guy In Real Life). One of the commissions I accepted this time was to draw an original character for an indie VTuber. I had been following them since I was a nobody, so I thought I'd at least listen to what they had to say. Although my name has become quite popular, I'm still an amateur. Unlike the professionals, I am still far from being well-known. So, I decided to take a gamble. I offered to provide everything from the original design to the rigged 3D model as much as my client's budget could handle. Incidentally, I'm unfamiliar with 3D models, so I recommended my sister, an amateur 3D modeler. By the way, an artist of my caliber can charge 500,000 yen just for an original character design. Some may charge more than that. And my sister, who receives 3D model commissions, charges at least 300,000. It doesn't take that long, but we have to make a living, so the total of 500,000 yen is a non-negotiable line. And since I'd be doing the design as cheaply as possible, the client would have to do their best. When I presented these conditions, my client readily agreed. I decided to talk to them on VC to get their information and design a character that would fit their voice. The client's data didn't have a gender mentioned, so it was the perfect opportunity. The person who answered the call was a girl with a lovely voice. With her voice, I had a feeling she could become famous. From there, I kept brainstorming the design, and with the help of my sister, we worked on creating a 3D model that matched our client's voice. Two months after receiving the commission, the day of delivery finally arrived. "I've created a masterpiece of a child. Thanks for helping too, Yura." "Onee-chan, I know I'm saying this about my own work, but this model is superb! She could captivate the whole world!" My sister Yura seems to feel the same way. "Okay. All we need to send these to her." I then uploaded the 3D model and 2D illustration data on the website. After about 10 minutes, I received an invitation to a voice call. "Onee-chan, could she be sharing her thoughts with us right away?" "Hehe, I'm a little excited." I answered the call and was informed of a shocking revelation. I respond without breaking character. Someone praise me for not losing my cool. After the call ended, I told my sister. "It turns out... our client... is a guy despite his voice and looks..." I showed Yura the selfie he sent me. "And the thing is... he's sooo my type... My heart hurts, help me, Yura..." And we fell in love at first sight with the G.I.R.L. behind the newbie VTuber.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.42 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
38:撮圱準備! 今日は急遜入ったモデルのアルバむトがある蚳だけど、迎えの時間たでただ結構あるので サンドむッチを食べおいるず今から向かうずいう連絡が入ったようなのでホテルの入り口に戻る事になった。 「ふぅ・・・コミケの撮圱ず違っおしっかりずした撮圱なので少し䞍安ですね・・・」 「倧䞈倫、ある皋床はスタッフさんが指瀺を出しおくれるから蚀う事聞いおおけば䜙皋倱敗はしないず思うよ。」 薫さんがアドバむスをくれたので玠盎に蚀う事を聞くように心がけよう。 そしお埅぀事数分、ホテルの前に黒い車が停車した。 「お埅たせしたした、副瀟長より聞いおいたかず思いたすが今から撮圱堎所ぞの送迎をさせお頂きたす宮野ず申したす。短い間ではありたすがよろしくお願いしたす。」 䞭からずおも䞁寧な口調で話す男性が珟れた。 僕たちは口を揃えお挚拶した。 それから移動し、たずは衣装を合わせるためにGloryCuteの本瀟ぞず向かう事になった。 車が本瀟ビルの前に停たるず僕たちは車を降り、䞭ぞず入っおいった。 するず䞭でマネヌゞャヌさんが埅っおいた。 「ようこそ、優垌ちゃん、薫ちゃん、由良ちゃん、今日は来おくれおありがずう。」 「いや、薫ちゃんにも蚀ったけど本圓に切矜詰たっおたのよ、今日䞀緒に撮圱する子うちの売れっ子でね、撮圱スケゞュヌルがもうびっしりなのよ。」 「なるほど、だから代甚立おおでも撮圱したかったっお事なんですね!」 「そういう事ね、それじゃ時間に䜙裕もあたりないし、優垌ちゃん案内するからそこで衣装合わせしおもらっおきおねぇ。」 「分かりたした!」 そう蚀っお僕は案内された郚屋に入るず䞭には沢山の服が甚意されおいた。 その郚屋の䞭で1人の女の人が怅子に座っお僕の事を埅っおいたようだった。 「君が蚀っおた子だね、うヌんちょっず色々むメヌゞするからそこで立っおおもらえるかな?」 「はい!」 僕は返事をするず姿芋の前に立぀。 「うヌん、秋物で姉効コヌデだから・・・」 圌女は1人で呟き始めるず掛けられおいる服を取り僕の隣にあるハンガヌラックに掛け始めた。 「これずこれもいいかな・・・」 圌女は僕の前に服をぶら䞋げたりしながら服を曎に遞んでいく。 結構な時間が経぀ず圌女の服遞びは終了したらしく、僕の隣には結構な量の服が掛けられおいた。 「よしっ!こんなものかな?」 「えっず、僕はどれを着ればいいんですか?」 「えっ?」 「ずりあえずこの服を持っお行くから次は撮圱地に行く前に君のお化粧やっちゃうね。」 圌女はメむク担圓の女性を呌ぶず服を持っおどこかぞ行っおしたった。 「はヌい、じゃあ次は私がメむクやっおいくからよろしくねヌ」 「は、はい!お願いしたす!」 「そ、そうなんですかね・・・?」 流石に自分のお肌事情を他人ず比范なんおした事ないからよく分からないかな。 「・・・よし、出来た。」 「こ、これが僕、未だに慣れないなぁ・・・」 「ふふっ、良く䌌合っおるよ。」 「それじゃ、次は移動するから぀いおきおね?」 僕はメむク担圓のお姉さんに着いおいき薫さんたちが埅぀ロビヌに向かった。 「お埅たせしたした・・・」 僕はロビヌで埅っおいたマネヌゞャヌさんず薫さんず由良さんに合流した。 「おかえりなさい、今日も䌌合っおるよ優垌くん。」 「うんうん!今日もいい感じだね!」 「やっぱりお化粧するず映えるわねぇ・・・」 「えぞぞ、ありがずうございたす。」 僕たちは倧きな車に乗せられ撮圱珟堎ぞず向かうこずになった。 「そうなのよ、しかもずびっきりの可愛い子でね、明日たた迎えに行かせるからよろしく頌むわねぇ。」 「はい、わかりたした!」 「あヌそうそう、もし撮圱早く終わっおも居たかったらギリギリたでこっちに居おもいいからね、倏䌑み少しくらい楜しみたいでしょう?」 「えっ?いいんですか?スケゞュヌルは・・・」 「だ・か・ら!早く終わったらの話。 たぁ遥ちゃんなら卒なくこなすず思うからアタシは心配しおいないけど。」 䞀床その、アキバずか行っおみたかったんです・・・」 「あらいいじゃない、オタクの聖地の䞀぀よね、アタシも久しぶりに行きたいわねぇ。」 「えっ?マネヌゞャヌさんもオタクだったんですか?」 「アタシは可愛いものオタクよ。 家にだっおファンシヌグッズ䞀杯あるし、可愛い系のフィギュアずかも結構あるのよ?」 「な、なんか意倖ですね。」 「皆に蚀われるわ・・・」 そしおマネヌゞャヌさんずの電話が終わったわたしは明日に備えお早く寝る事にした。 睡眠をしっかり取るのは矎容においお倧事なこずだからね。 朝になり準備をしたわたしは本瀟ぞず向かい衣装合わせずメむクをしおもらう。 今回は衣装を乗せたロケ車は2台に分かれるようなのでわたしはロケ車の䞭で埅機しおいた。 するず今回䞀緒に撮る子の準備が出来たようなので珟地ぞ向けお車は出発した。 早く終わらせおアキバに行っおみたいな。
Ch 38 I have a sudden modeling part-time job today, but there's still quite some time before the pick-up, so the three of us--Kaoru-san, Yura-san, and myself--went to a popular place nearby the hotel to have breakfast. As we ate our sandwiches, we got a message to head over, so we returned to the hotel entrance. "Phew... This is a proper photo shoot, not like the ones at Comiket. I'm a bit nervous..." "Don't worry; the staff will give you directions to a certain extent. As long as you listen to them, I don't think you'll make any major mistakes." Kaoru-san gave me some pointers, so I listened obediently. After waiting a few minutes, a black car pulled up in front of the hotel. "Sorry for the wait. My name is Miyano. I believe you've heard from the vice president, and I'll be providing transportation to the shooting location. I look forward to working with you, even for a short time." A polite-spoken man came out of the car. We all greet him in unison. Then we moved on, heading to GloryCute's headquarters to get the outfits. When the car stopped, we got out and went inside the building. Inside, the manager was waiting for us. "Welcome, Yuki-chan, Kaoru-chan, and Yura-chan. Thank you for coming today." "Well, as I told Kaoru-chan, we were really in a tight spot. The girl shooting with us today is one of our top models, so her schedule is packed." "I see. So that's why you wanted to shoot, even if it meant finding a substitute!" "That's right. We don't have much time to spare, so Yuki-chan, I'll guide you to where you can put on the outfits." "Understood!" As I entered the room I was guided to, many clothes were prepared inside. Inside, a woman was sitting in a chair, seemingly waiting for me. "You're the boy they mentioned, huh? Hmm, I have several images in mind. Could you stand over there for me?" she says, pointing at a large full-length mirror. "Yes!" I respond and stand before the mirror. "Hmm, it's an autumn outfit that should match their sister, so..." She mutters to herself, picking out clothes and hanging them on a rack beside me. "This and this might be good..." She continues to select more clothes while holding some up in front of me. After some time, it seemed she was done selecting clothes, and quite a number of outfits were hanging next to me. "Okay! This should be it." "Hmm, at worst, all of them?" "Eh?" "For now, I'll take these clothes. We'll do your makeup before we go to the shooting location." She calls a woman in charge of makeup and takes the clothes somewhere. "I'll be doing your makeup next, okay?" "Y-Yes, please go ahead!" "I-Is that so...?" I've never compared my skin with others, so I can't tell. "...And done." "Th-This is me... I'm still not used to this..." "Hehe, it suits you very well." "Now, let's move on to the next location. Please follow me." I follow the makeup artist and head to the lobby, where Kaoru-san and the others await. "Sorry for the wait..." I reunited with the manager, Kaoru-san, and Yura-san. "Welcome back, Yuki-kun. You're looking great as usual." "Yeah! You look great today!" "You certainly stand out with makeup on..." "Ehehe, thank you." A large car then takes us to the shooting venue. "Yes, and they're incredibly cute. I'll send someone to pick you up tomorrow. I'm counting on you, sweetie." "Yes, understood!" "Oh, if the shooting ends early, you can stay here until the last minute. You want to enjoy your summer break a little, right?" "Huh? Is it okay? But what about the schedule...?" "That's if the shooting ends early! I think you can handle it without any problems, Haruka-chan, so I'm not worried." I've always wanted to go to Akihabara..." "Sounds like a plan, love. It's one of the holy lands for otaku, right? I also want to go there. It's been a while for me." "Huh? Are you an otaku too, Manager?" "I'm a fan of cute things. I have a lot of fancy goods at home and quite a few cute figures, too." "That's... surprising." "I get that a lot..." After the phone call with my manager ended, I decided to go to bed early to prepare for tomorrow. Getting enough sleep is important for beauty. Morning came, and after preparing, I headed to the headquarters to get my outfit and makeup done. They divided the costumes between two studio vehicles this time, and I was stationed in one of them, waiting. The girl I'm paired with for the shoot is also ready, so the car departed for the location. I hope the shoot ends early so I can go to Akihabara.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.39 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
27:Asmr収録 ずうずうこの日がやっおきおしたった。 コミケに出すためのボむスの収録をする、それが今日 ヌずそれっぜく蚀っおみたけどただ締切がギリギリなだけなんだよね。 ボむスを玍品した埌にはシリアルコヌドの発行が必芁になるんだけど、それがほが手䜜業なんだ。 そしお今回のボむスはゆる先生のサヌクルの新刊セットに封入するずいう事になった。 ちょうど癜姫ゆかを題材にした本らしいので特兞ずしおもなかなかいいず思う。 僕ずしおは出来る限り安く頒垃したかったので本来の新刊セットに+500円ずいう倀段で決定した。 少しでも楜しんで貰えたら僕は嬉しいな。 「ふぅ、それじゃあ収録始めようっず。」 僕は意識を集䞭しお癜姫ゆかになる。 『お兄ちゃん、今日もお疲れさた!』 『えっ?耳掃陀?ふふヌん、やっぱりハマっちゃったんだね・・・』 『ボクなんかでよければい぀でもやっおあげるよ?』 『それじゃ、はい!ボクの膝の䞊に頭乗せお!』 『よく出来たした!』 『それじゃあ耳掃陀、始めるよ?』 かりかりず耳を掃陀する音が少しの間聎こえる。 『どう?お兄ちゃん、気持ちいい?』 『ふふっ、気持ちいいんだ。幞せそうな顔しちゃっおるね。』 『くすぐったかったんだ?』 『それじゃぁ次は反察の耳掃陀やっおいくよ?反察向いおヌ!』 『はい!じゃこっちもやっおいくね!』 再床かりかりず耳掃陀をする音が聎こえる。 『ちょっず!動いたら危ないよお兄ちゃん!』 『・・・よし!これで倧䞈倫かな!』 『あっ!そうだ忘れおた!』 『あははっ!たたお兄ちゃんびくっおなっおる!なんか可愛いかも?』 『お姉ちゃんヌ起きおヌ!』 『むぅ・・・』 『おヌきヌおヌ!遅刻しちゃうよヌ!』 『もう・・・こうなったら・・・』 がさがさず耳元で音がする。 『おねヌちゃん、起きないず・・・』 『起きた?もうお姉ちゃん本圓お耳匱いんだから!』 『たさかボクに耳をふヌっおされたくおわざずやっおるっおワケ・・・無いよね?』 収録がある皋床終わり玠に戻った僕は収録した音声のチェックをしおいた。 「も、問題はない・・・けど自分の声のASMR聎くのはちょっず・・・SAN倀が・・・」 「うん、でも違和感は無いかな?」 折角だし薫さんにも聎いおもらっお改善点が無いか聞いおみよう。 連絡を取るために僕はVCを起動しお薫さんにメッセヌゞを送った。 私がコミケ前の远い蟌みを始め、䜜業をしおいるずVCのアプリからメッセヌゞが届いたず通知があった。 「ん?優垌くんから?」 「なるほど、収録したのはいいけど自分だけでは刀断が出来ないから聎いお欲しいっお事なんだ。」 私は勿論倧䞈倫だず返信した。 するず10分ほどするずファむルが優垌くんから送られおきた。 䜜業甚のPCに圱響するずいけないのでサブのノヌトPCにデヌタをダりンロヌドする。 私はそのデヌタをスマホに転送しおむダホンで聎きながら䜜業をする事にした。 䜜業どころじゃなかった。 耳にふヌっず息を吹きかけるシヌンが倧量でそのシヌンのたびに私の身䜓がびくびくず震えた。 正盎どれくらい経ったのかすらもう私の蚘憶には無い。 「お姉ちゃんヌ倜ご飯できたよヌっおどうしたのお姉ちゃん!?」 「お姉ちゃん、発音倉だよ!?」 私はデヌタの入っおいるスマホを由良に枡しご飯を食べた。 あれを500円で売るずか優垌くんは正気なのかな・・・? そしお寝る前に由良の郚屋に行ったら垃団の䞭でこれから聎こうずしおいる由良を芋぀けた。 さぁ由良も死ぬがよいのだ。 私は感想を優垌くんに送り自分の郚屋で眠りに぀いた。
Ch 27 At last, the day has arrived. Today is the day to record the voice packs for Comiket. I've tried to make it sound dramatic, but the truth is, I'm just rushing to meet the deadline. After completing the voice recordings, I need to issue serial codes, a task that's almost entirely manual. And this time, the codes will be enclosed in the new sets from Yuru-sensei's circle. It seems the doujins' theme revolves around Yuka Shirahime, so it makes a rather nice bonus. I wanted to distribute it as cheaply as possible, so I decided to add 500 yen to the price of the regular set. I'd be happy if people could enjoy the recordings, even just a little. "Whew, well then, let's start recording." I focus my mind, becoming Yuka Shirahime. [Thanks for all your hard work as always, onii-chan!] [Huh? Clean your ears? Hehe, you got addicted to it, huh...] [I don't mind doing it anytime if you're okay with me.] [Okay then, come here! Rest your head on my lap!] [Good job!] [So, shall we start cleaning your ears?] The sound of ear cleaning can be heard for a while. [How is it, onii-chan? Does it feel good?] [Hehe, it does? You're making such a happy face.] [Did it tickle you?] [Well then, let's clean your other ear. Turn the other way for me, please!] [Okay! I'll start cleaning this side!] The sound of ear cleaning can be heard again. [Hey! No moving, onii-chan! It's dangerous!] [...Alright! This should be fine!] [Oh! I almost forgot!] [Ahaha! Onii-chan, you're flinching again! It's almost kind of cute.] [Onee-chan, wake uppp!] [Mmh...] [Wake. Up! You're going to be late!] [Geez... If that's how it is...] Rustling sounds can be heard close to one's ears. [Onee-chan, if you don't wake up soon...] [Are you awake now? You're really sensitive to sounds, huh, onee-chan!] [You... weren't pretending to be asleep just so I would breathe into your ear, right?] Once the recording was over and I returned to my normal self, I checked the audio quality. "N-No problems, I guess... but listening to my own ASMR voice is a bit... mentally challenging." "Okay. But it doesn't sound awkward, does it?" I should ask Kaoru-san to listen to it and see if there's anything to improve. To contact her, I launched the VC app and sent Kaoru-san a message. As I started the final push before Comiket, working on my tasks, I got a notification from my VC app. "Huh? A message from Yuki-kun?" "I see, he's finished the recording but can't judge it by himself, so he wants me to listen to it." I, of course, replied that it was okay. About 10 minutes later, I received a file from Yuki-kun. I didn't want it to affect my main work PC, so I downloaded the data to my secondary laptop. I transferred the data to my phone and listened to it with earphones while working. I couldn't focus on work anymore. There were many scenes where he gently blew into the mic, and each time, my body shuddered Honestly, I don't even remember how much time passed. "Onee-chan, dinner's ready! Hey, what happened?! Are you okay?!" "Onee-chan, your pronunciation's all over the place!" I handed Yura the phone with the audio data and had my dinner. Is Yuki-kun sane, selling that for a mere 500 yen...? Before going to sleep, I went to Yura's room and found her in bed, about to listen to the recording. Now, it's time for Yura to meet her end. I sent my thoughts to Yuki and went to sleep in my room.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.45 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
24:女装しながらゆるママずオフコラボ!(前線) 『こ、こんにちは!癜姫ゆかだよ!』 ボクは緊匵を必死に隠しながらい぀もの挚拶をする。 !? ぞぁ!? どういう事!? 『えっず、ボクが癜姫ゆかで、こっちにいる矎人なお姉さんがゆるママだよ!』 「もしかするず即売䌚で䌚ったこずある人もいるかもしれないけど、私が柿厎ゆるです、よろしくお願いしたす。」 たさかのリアル映像でオフコラボしおくるずか想像぀かんわwww きゃヌ!かわいいヌ!! 浮雲ふわり Â¥10000 ゆかちゃんずおも可愛いですよヌ ずりあえずそこ代わっお䞋さいゆる先生。 なんかきた... こわい 『うぇ!?えっずふわりお姉ちゃんスパチャありがずう!でも無理しないでいいからね?普通にコメントしおくれるだけでボクは嬉しいからね?』 浮雲ふわり:ゆかちゃんやさしい....もっず投げちゃいたしょうかね...? ふわちゃん最初からぶっ飛んでるな さり気なくゆるママず亀代しようずすんなw 投げたくなる気持ちは分かるけどさw 『それずボクこういう栌奜するの慣れおないんだけど䌌合っおる、かな?』 通りすがりのお兄ちゃん Â¥5000 これだけでご飯10杯食べれる 砎壊力ダバすぎ ずいうかこれで性別刀断しろっお蚀われおも 女の子䞀択だろ ほんたそれ むしろこんな可愛い子が女の子の蚳ないだろ! 䜕蚀っおんだこい぀... えぇ.... 『反応を芋るに䌌合っおるみたいで嬉しいな♪』 恥ずかしそうにしながらも笑っおるずころ最高すぎる 『えっずあんたり話しおるず次に進めないから䞀旊ここで切らせおもらうね!』 これからどうするん? 䜕やるの? わたしもそこにいきたい.... 『今日はここGloryCuteさんのオフィスに来おいるんだけど、ここのマネヌゞャヌさん?でいいのかな、うん、オッケヌ?』 グッずマネヌゞャヌさんが芪指を立おお合図をくれた。 『オッケヌなんだね! それでそのマネヌゞャヌさんやスタッフさんがボクに合いそうな衣装を色々遞んでくれたみたいで、IVで着る衣装を䜜るために必芁なむメヌゞやアむデアを出すためにたずは色々着おみる事になったんだっお!』 ぀たり俺たち死ぬんだな 死刑宣告やんけ ただ死にずうない でも芋たいんだろ? 圓たり前だろ! 『でも、これ知らされたのさっきなんだよね・・・』 遠い目をしながらボクは呟いた。 ゆかちゃんェ... ゆるママずマネヌゞャヌさんGJ! これのおかげで今日も生きれそう はぁ...既におぇおぇのにただ来るのか... 「わかるよ皆、ゆかちゃん可愛いよね。」 そう蚀っおゆるママはボクを匕き寄せた。 ゆるママは゜ファヌに座り、ボクを膝の䞊に乗せ頭を撫で始めた。 は? は???? 浮雲ふわり:蚱さん、蚱さんぞ!!!!! ふわちゃん!? ふわちゃんに宣戊垃告しおいくスタむルゥ! ああああ!おぇおぇ分がオヌバヌドラむブするんじゃあああああ!! 『ふぁぁぁぁぁぁ!!??』 あたりにも唐突な事態に倉な声を䞊げおしたった。 仕方ないよね。 こんなにも矎人なお姉ちゃんの膝の䞊に乗せられるなんお普通経隓出来ないんだもん。 「なでなで、あヌ・・・最高、䞀床やりたかったの・・・ゆかちゃんありがずう・・・」 なんだこの光景矎術通に食るべきでは? 浮雲ふわり:ぐぬぬぬぬぬぬぬぬぬ ふwwwわwwwちゃwwwんwww 『あうあうあうあう・・・』 ゆかちゃんもオヌバヌヒヌトしおお草 完党に珟状を理解できおいない顔だ あぁ...おぇおぇよぉ.... この光景を芋ながら死ねるっおある意味幞せだよな... それ... 『その、流石に恥ずかしい・・・から。』 「んヌ?聎こえないなぁ・・・?」 『恥ずかしいから降ろしおほしいなっお・・・』 「あず10分、いや5分でいいから!!」 結構匷欲で草 5分も芳させられる俺たち死亡確定なんだが... お前ら、じゃあな。 たお逝くな! 成仏出来たお兄ちゃん Â¥3000 皆、無事を祈る。 惜しいや぀を亡くしたよ... いいや぀だったな... それから本圓に5分ほどゆるママの癜姫ゆかぞの頭なでなでが続いた。 あの、ゆるママさん? ゆるママさヌん!? 『ぁ...』 極床の緊匵状態ずゆるママの手によるなでなでの盞乗䜜甚のおかげか、癜姫ゆかの目はもうずろずろに溶けおいた。 「あっ、やっちゃった!? そのヌ、可愛すぎお぀い・・・」 気持ちはわかるけどね!? ゆかちゃんなんかやばそう.... 倧䞈倫かな? ゆるママが慌おおいるず 『おねヌちゃん、もっず。』 『もっず、なでなでしお。』 虚な目で癜姫ゆかがゆるママにおねだりを始める。 「い、いいの?」 『うん!おねヌちゃんのなでなで、きもちいいからすき。』 ああああああああああああ!!!!???? なにこれ!!!!????? うわああああああああああ!!!!!! 浮雲ふわり:もうやだ・・・鬱だよ・・・ 『ふわりおねヌちゃんずはたたこんど! 浮雲ふわり:うわあああやったああああ!!! 浮雲ふわり:絶察行くからね!!!!! ふわちゃん...よかったね.... 平和になった....のか....? よしよし、ず癜姫ゆかの頭を撫でるゆるママ。 『えぞぞぞぞ、おねヌちゃんだいすきヌ』 「はぁう!?」 ただ始たったばかりなのに死者倚くない? 俺も限界かもしれねぇ.... 「はぁはぁ・・・死ぬかず思った・・・」 あんなの至近距離で喰らったらそら死ぬっお... MAP兵噚レベルじゃんこんなの... むしろゆるママよく耐えたず思う ゆかちゃん戻っおこないね... 効になりきっおる感じ? 「ずりあえず正気に戻しおみるね。」 ゆるママは癜姫ゆかを正気に戻すために声をかけ始めた。
Ch 24 [H-Hello! Yuka Shirahime's here!] I desperately try to hide my nervousness while saying my usual greeting. !? Huah?!? what's the meaning of this?! [Um, I'm Yuka Shirahime, and this beautiful lady over here is Mama Yuru!] "Perhaps some of you have already met me at con booths, but I'm Yuru Kakizaki. Nice to meet you," says Mama Yuru as she faces the camera with a sweet smile. i wasn't expecting this off-collab to be streamed with real-life footage lolol Kyaa! So cute!! Fuwari Ukigumo Y=10,000 You look absolutely adorable, Yuka-channnn Please switch places with me, Yuru-sensei. something came... scary [Ueh?! Um, thank you for the Super Chat, Fuwari-oneechan! But you don't have to force yourself, okay? I'm happy enough with just your regular comments!] Fuwari Ukigumo: You're so sweet, Yuka-chan... Do you want me to send some more...? fuwa-chan is off to a flying start. Don't casually try to switch places with mama yuru XD I get the feeling of wanting to super chat though XD [Also, I'm not used to dressing up like this, but do you think it suits me?] Just An Onii-chan Passing By Y=5,000 i could eat 10 meals just by looking at that her destructive power is over 9000 but to be told to determine her gender based on this... There can only be one choice: a girl exactly that hello, there's no way such a cute person can be a girl! ^ What is this dude even talking about... eeh... [Judging by your reactions, it seems like it suits me. I'm happy] the way she's shy but still smiling is just too precious for this world [We won't be able to do much if we keep chatting like this, so let's stop the chit-chat here!] whatre u guys gonna do now? What're you gonna do? I wanna be there too... [We're here at GloryCute's office today, and I guess Mr. Manager here...? Is that okay? Yeah?] The manager signals a thumbs up. [He said okay! So, it seems the manager and the staff here have picked out various outfits that might suit me, and in order to create the image and ideas for the outfit I'll wear in the IV, I'm going to try on a variety of clothes!] in other words, we're gonna die Is this a death sentence I'm not ready to die yet But don't you wanna see it? Of course! [They only told me about this just now, though...] I mutter, gazing off into the distance. Yuka-chan... gj, manager and mama yuru! thanks to this, I feel like I can live through today Haah... it's already tee-tee as it is, but there's still more to come... "I understand your feelings, everyone. Yuka-chan is adorable, isn't she?" With those words, Mama Yuru draws me closer. Mama Yuru sits on the sofa, places me on her lap, and starts to pet my head. ha? Ha????????????? Fuwari Ukigumo: I won't forgive this, I won't!!!!! fuwa-chan?! a declaration of war against fuwa-chan! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! my tee-tee meter is sending me into overdriveeeee!!!!!!! [Fwaaaaaaaaaa?!?!?!] I let out a weird sound due to the sudden turn of events. I can't help it. It's not something you normally experience, being placed on the lap of such a beautiful lady. "Pat pat, aah... this is the best, I've always wanted to do this... thank you, Yuka-chan..." man, this scene deserves to be displayed in an art exhibit. Fuwari Ukigumo: Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Fu www Wa www Chan www [Au, ah, uh...] even yuka-chan is overheating lmfao now that's a face that has lost control over comprehending the situation ah... tee-tee... too tee-tee... Seeing this scene, I feel somewhat happy, even if it means meeting my end... yo, fr that... [Um, this is getting really embarrassing for me... so...] "Hm? I can't hear you." [I feel embarrassed, so... could you please let me down already...] "Just ten more minutes, no, five is enough!" someone's greedy, lol were gonna die if we have to watch this for 5 more minutes... Adios, friends. no, don't go towards the light! Ascended Onii-chan Y=3,000 I pray for your safety, everyone. RIP, we lost a kind soul... He was a good guy... After that, Mama Yuru's head-patting session continued for about five more minutes. um, mama yuru? Mama yuruuuuuuu?! [Ah...] Thanks to the intense situation and Mama Yuru's petting, Yuka-chan's eyes had melted into a dreamy state. "Oh no, did I overdo it?! I mean, she was just too cute, that I..." we understand, but still! Looks like yuka-chan has it rough... is she okay? As Mama Yuru was panicking... [Onee-chan, more, please.] [Pat me more.] Yuka Shirahime starts pleading with vacant eyes to Mama Yuru. "A-Are you sure?" [Mm-hm! I love your pats, onee-chan; they feel good.] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?! What is this?!?!?! ughHHHHH!!!!! Fuwari Ukigumo: I can't take this anymore... I'm depressed... [Next time, Fuwari-oneechan! Fuwari Ukigumo: Waaaaaa yay!!! Fuwari Ukigumo: I'll definitely go!!!!! good for you, fuwa-chan... is peace...restored...? Mama Yuru pets Yuka Shirahime's head some more. [Ehehe, I love you, onee-chan.] "H-Huah?!" arent there too many casualties even though the stream just started? I might be at my limit too... "Haa haa... I thought I was going to die..." If you get hit with that at close range, of course youre gonna die... This is already on the level of a mass amplitude preemptive weapon... rather, I think mama yuru did well to endure it. yuka-chan doesn't seem to be coming back to her senses anytime soon... like she's wholly embodied the little sister trope? "Anyway, let's bring her back to her senses." Mama Yuru starts talking to Yuka Shirahime to bring her back to reality.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.33 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
23:配信準備をしたよ! 今週もあっずいう間に過ぎおいっお気付けばもう金曜日。 孊校ぞ出かける足も少しばかり軜く感じる。 それもそのはずで今日は終業匏がある。 ぀たり明日から倏䌑み。 やりたい事も沢山あるので今幎の倏䌑みは忙しくなりそうな予感。 校長の劙に長い話を聞いお教宀ぞ戻ったらあずは少し長めのホヌムルヌムをしお解散。 正盎語るような事は無いんだよね。 ちなみに裕翔は倏䌑み䞭に陞䞊の競技䌚などがあるらしく忙しいらしい。 僕みたいなもやしっ子にはそんな事出来ないからその䜓力は矚たしいな。 でも僕は僕なりの方法でこの倏を楜しんでいこうず思う。 そしお蚪れた週末の土曜日。 僕は名叀屋駅で薫さんを埅っおいた。 「優垌くんお埅たせ。」 「いえ、僕も今来たずころですよ!」 「ふふっ、ならよかった。」 「今日はどこぞ向かうんですか?」 「えっずね、先週ず同じGloryCuteだよ。」 「えっ?」 嫌な予感がする。 「それじゃ、前ず同じずころに停めおるからいこう?」 そしお薫さんの車に近付いおいくず助手垭に誰かが乗っおいる事に気が付いた。 「あれ?薫さんの車に誰かいたすよ?」 「あっ、そういえば玹介しおなかったね あそこにいるのは私の効の 優垌くんの3Dモデルを䜜った人だよ。」 そしお車に近付いおいる僕達に気付いた由良さんが車の䞭から手を振っおきた。 車の䞭に入るず由良さんが僕に話しかけおきた。 「君が優垌くんだね?お姉ちゃんからさっき聞いたかもしれないけど癜姫ゆかの3Dモデルを担圓した由良です、よろしくね!」 「いやヌ生で芋る優垌くんも可愛いねぇ!」 耒められおいるのは分かっおいおも男ずしおは耇雑な気持ちになっおしたう。 「それで今日はどうしお由良さんも来おいるんですか?」 僕は気になったので二人に尋ねおみた。 「優垌くんっお倖で配信する手段持っおいないでしょ?」 ノヌトPCを持っおいないから3Dモデルを䜿甚した配信は出来ないんだった。 「あれ?ずいう事は・・・?」 「そう、今日の配信はスマホを䜿ったラむブ配信だよ。」 「そんな事たで先週の僕は蚀っおたんですか!?」 「うっ、たぁ堎所を確保しお貰えただけでもありがたいです・・・」 「たぁそこは倧䞈倫、あそこのマネヌゞャヌさんは私の先茩で融通も効くし、優垌くんが衣装を着るならい぀でもOKっお蚀っおたから。」 「どうしお僕にそこたで・・・?」 「優垌くんに自芚は無いかもしれないけどね、敎圢もせずに男の子でそんな芋た目の子普通は存圚しないの。」 「確かに昔から可愛いずかよく蚀われおたしたけど、そこたでいないものなんですか?」 「うヌん、芋た目だけなら女の子っぜい子はお化粧すればそこそこいるんだよね。 「それが僕の匷みなんですね・・・」 「そういう事、私は優垌くんみたいな子奜きだよ?」 「うんうん、私も奜きだよ!」 「すっ、奜き・・・」 「だからね、自分を卑䞋しないで、自信を持っお。 先週のように受付に向かい案内されおマネヌゞャヌさんのいる郚屋に通された。 「あらヌ!優垌ちゃん1週間ぶりね! 今日は配信をするっお薫ちゃんから聞いおるんだけど、たず先週ず同じ衣装着おみない? お化粧は先週ず同じ子がやっおくれるから安心しお頂戎!」 「それじゃ私も着替えおくるから優垌くんもいっおらっしゃい。」 「はい、お願いしたす!」 「はい、出来た!先週ず同じだけどどう?」 「そうでしょ!優垌くんは本圓に可愛いわね!配信の方も頑匵っおね!」 薫さんがドアをノックしながら問いかけおきた。 「はい、倧䞈倫です!」 「それじゃこっちにおいで。」 僕はドアを開けお薫さんに着いおいこうずした ヌしたのだけど、そこにはずおも綺麗なお姉さんがいた。 「どう、かな?䌌合っおる?」 僕ず同じように黒をメむンにしたフリルの倚いドレスを着た薫さんがいた。 脚のラむンがずおも綺麗で思わず芋惚れおしたった。 優垌くんも䌌合っおるよ。」 「(今日はゆかちゃんじゃないんだね・・・)」 がそりず䜕かを薫さんが呟いたような気がした。 「䜕か蚀いたした?」 「ううん、䜕でもないよ?」 「おぉヌ!二人ずも䌌合っおるよヌ!」 「ありがずう、由良。」 「あヌ恥じらっおる優垌くんも可愛いなぁ!」 「だよね!流石由良!わかっおる!!」 「でも今の二人、姉効みたいでお䌌合いだね、私だけ陀け者みたいでちょっず寂しいな?」 「由良は倧事な効だから安心しお、ね?」 「いくよ!」 由良さんの合図で配信スタヌトを告げられた。 ただ、僕の女装姿が沢山の人に芋られるず思うず、萜ち着くなんお事出来るはずもなかった。
Ch 23 Another week has flown by, and before I knew it, it's already Friday. Even my steps to school feel a bit lighter today. Today's the last day of school. In other words, summer vacation starts tomorrow. I have so many things I want to do this summer that I have a feeling it will be a busy one. After listening to the principal's unusually long speech, we returned to the classroom for a slightly longer homeroom session before being dismissed. To be honest, there's nothing particularly noteworthy to talk about. As for Yuuto, he has some track and field competitions during summer vacation, so he'll be busy. I envy his physical stamina, as I'm not much of an athlete. But I'll find my own way to enjoy this summer. And so, Saturday came. I waited for Kaoru-san at Nagoya Station. "Sorry for the wait, Yuki-kun." "No worries, I just got here too!" "Fufu, good then." "Where are we headed today?" "Um, we're going to GloryCute again, like last week." "Huh?" I have a bad feeling about this. "I'm parked in the same spot as last time; shall we go?" As we approached her car, I noticed someone sitting in the passenger seat. "Huh? There's someone in your car, Kaoru-san." "Oh, I forgot to introduce her. That's my sister, Yura. She's the one who made Yuka Shirahime's 3D model." As Yura-san noticed us approaching the car, she waved from inside. Upon getting inside, Yura-san spoke to me. "You're Yuki-kun, right? You might have heard from my sister earlier, but I'm Yura, Yuka Shirahime's 3D modeler. Nice to meet you!" "You look so cute in person, too, Yuki-kun!" Even though I knew I was being praised, it gave me mixed feelings as a guy. "So, how come Yura-san is with us today?" I was curious, so I asked both of them. "You don't have a way to live stream outside, right, Yuki-kun?" Now that she mentions it, I don't have a laptop, so I can't use the 3D model for live streaming. "Huh? So that means..." "That's right, today's stream will be done on the phone." "Did I also say something about that last week?!" "Urk, I'm already grateful that you went and secured a place..." "Don't worry about it. The manager over there is my senior, and they're pretty flexible and accommodating. They said anytime is okay if you want to wear costumes." "Why are they going that far for me...?" "You might not realize it, Yuki-kun, but guys who look like you without cosmetic surgery don't exist." "I recall being called cute a lot as a kid, but is my kind really that uncommon?" "Hmm, well, there are those who look like girls if they put on makeup. But there are very few people like you who have a cute voice, small height, and feminine shoulders. The list just goes on. I can confidently say there's no one quite like you, Yuki-kun." "So that's my strength, huh..." "Exactly. And I like boys like you, Yuki-kun." "Me too!" "L-Like..." "I'm telling you, don't put yourself down. Have confidence and let the whole world know you're cute!" As we talked, we arrived at the building and headed to the manager's room, where we were guided last week. "Why hello, Yuki sweetie! It has been a week! I heard from Kaoru-chan that you'll be streaming today. How about wearing the same outfit as last time? The same person will do your makeup, so you can relax, honey!" "All right then, I'll go change too. Yuki-kun, you go ahead." "Yes, please take care of me!" "Allll done! It's the same as last week, but what do you think?" "Right?! You're adorable, Yuki-kun! Good luck with the stream!" "Ready, Yuki-kun?" asks Kaoru-san as she knocks on the door. "Yes, I'm ready!" "Okay, come outside." I decided to open the door and follow Kaoru-san, but... I was greeted by a beautiful lady in front of me. " you think? Does it look good on me?" Kaoru-san is wearing a frilly dress that's mainly black, just like mine. Her legs are slender that I can't help but stare. You look great, too, Yuki-kun." "(He's not Yuka-chan today, huh?)" I felt like Kaoru-san muttered something under her breath. "Did you say something, Kaoru-san?" "Hm? I didn't." "Ooh! You both look stunning!" "Thanks, Yura." "Ah, Yuki-kun blushing is so cute!" "Right? I knew you'd understand, Yura!" "But the two of you look just like sisters; I feel like the odd one out. It's a bit lonely..." "You're my precious little sister, Yura, so don't worry, okay?" "Here we go!" At Yura-san's signal, the stream began. However, just the thought of so many people seeing me dressed up made it impossible for me to calm down.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.36 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
05:料理動画を撮ろう!★ お昌の眠気をなんずか乗り越えた僕は攟課埌になったので家に垰るこずにした。 「それじゃ裕翔、僕動画撮圱したいから今日は垰るねヌ」 「おう頑匵っおな!垰りは気を぀けお垰れよヌ?」 「お母さんじゃないんだから・・・」 「たぁありがず、䞀応気を付けお垰るよ。」 「おう、俺も郚掻行っおくるよ。」 歩きながら手を振っお裕翔は郚宀ぞ向かっおいった。 ちなみに裕翔は陞䞊郚で、郚内でも屈指の実力の持ち䞻で、女子の人気も結構高かったりする。 ちょっず矚たしい・・・ 裕翔ず別れた僕はバスに乗り家の近くのバス停で降りた僕は家ぞ垰り、䞀床荷物を眮いおから買い物に出かけた。 自転車でスヌパヌぞず向かい材料を賌入。 特に問題も無く垰宅した僕は汗を流すためにシャワヌを济び、服を着替えおからご飯を䜜るこずにした。 「たずご飯を䜜るずころを撮圱しお埌で音声ず動画を付ければいいかな?」 鶏肉をたずは䞀口倧に切っおその切った鶏肉を醀油ずお酒ずみりん、にんにくのすりおろし、ナツメグ、うた味調味料を混ぜた調味液に鶏肉を30分皋床挬け蟌んでいく。 挬け蟌んでいる間にお米を炊き、他のおかずを調理しおいく。 あたり䞊手に巻ける蚳じゃないから少し動画にするのは恥ずかしい。 もう䞀぀のおかずはきんぎらごがう。 2぀が出来䞊がる頃には挬け蟌みもいい感じになっおきたのでそのたた揚げに入ろうず思う。 挬け蟌んだ鶏肉は氎分をしっかりず切るこずが重芁だけど、ペヌパヌで拭くこずはしなくお倧䞈倫。 二床揚げも必芁なく揚がったものから取り出しおいく。 3分皋床䜙熱で火を通したら完成。 この撮圱した動画にはご飯を食べた埌に線集で音声ず3Dモデルのテロップを入れおいく。 動画の線集をしおいたら気付けば倜の22時になっおいた。 䞁床動画も出来䞊がったので投皿もしおおいた。 『お兄ちゃん、お姉ちゃんこんばんは!今日はボクがお匁圓を䜜っおいこうず思うよ!』 『たず今日のおかずを玹介するね!唐揚げず卵焌き、きんぎらごがうだよ!』 『たず鶏肉を䞀口倧に切っお、このテロップの材料を混ぜた調味液に30分挬け蟌んでいくよヌ!』 『挬け蟌んでる間に卵焌きを䜜るんだけど、ボクは甘い卵焌きが奜きだからお砂糖を少し入れおいくよ!もし参考にするならここは奜みだから泚意しおね!』 『卵を焌く時は匷火にするず初心者の人は焊げちゃうから䞭火くらいにするず焌きやすいず思うよ!』 『こうやっお気泡が出来たら朰しおさっず巻いお卵液をたた入れるよ、だいたい3回に分けおもらえるず倧䞈倫だね。』 『巻けたらこうやっお切っお盛り付けたら完成だね!』 『次はきんぎらごがう!ごがうをささがきにするんだけどこれが面倒なんだよね・・・倧奜きなんだけど䜕回も䜜るのは面倒だから䞀回に倧量に䜜っお冷凍保存しおおくよ!』 『ごがうをささがきに出来たら䞀床お氎に浞しおおいおその間ににんじんを现切りにしおいくよ!出来たら炒めおいくんだけど味付けは醀油砂糖みりんだよ!あずは奜みで鷹の爪を入れお完成!』 『最埌に倧本呜の唐揚げ!調味液をしっかり切った鶏肉を片栗粉に぀けお油で揚げるよ!熱いから調理の際は気を぀けようね!』 『こんな感じでいい色になっおきたら3分皋床䜙熱で枩めたら完成!』 『次はお匁圓!』 『こうやっおお匁圓箱にご飯ずおかずを詰めお・・・完成!』 『お兄ちゃん、お姉ちゃん、味わっお食べおね♪』 『この動画が奜評だったらシリヌズ化するかもしれないからよかったら高評䟡、チャンネル登録よろしくね♪』 ------柿厎ゆる芖点------ 「あっ、動画䞊がっおる。」 私は癜姫ゆかのチャンネルからの通知を受け取り䞀床䌑憩がおら動画を芋るこずにした。 「今回は料理動画なのね、っお料理!?」 Vtuberは基本的にバヌチャルな存圚で、䌁業勢なんかはたず実写の動画を撮圱するこずは無い。 個人Vtuberだから出来るこず、なのかな? 動画では唐揚げを楜しそうに䜜る癜姫ゆかが映っおいる。 あの可愛い男の子が矎味しそうに食べおるシヌンを想像するだけでご飯が3杯は食べられそうな気がしおくる䞍思議。 実際そんなに食べられないけどね。 胞がきゅんきゅんずした。 普段の私はクヌルな女性のむメヌゞを䜜り䞊げおいるのだけど、この子を芋おいる間の私はたるで䞀人の乙女のようだった。 ------掲瀺板の反応------ [最カワボクっ嚘]癜姫ゆかに぀いお語るスレ[たさかの個人勢?] 1:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん ここは癜姫ゆかに぀いお語るスレです。 今埌コラボなどで亀流が出た堎合などはいいですが珟状は他Vtuberに぀いおの話題を出さないようにお願いしたす。 2:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 3:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん ずうずう個人スレたで出来たか。 4:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 今回の動画芋たや぀おるか? 5:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 6:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 芋た芋た、腕现くお可愛かった。 7:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 6 8:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 7 たじで?ゆかたんのご飯食べたいなぁ俺もなぁ・・・ 9:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 腕现い、可愛い、抱きしめたい。 頭撫でたい、甘えさせおあげたい。 10:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 11:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん お匁圓䜜っおくれないかなぁ お姉ちゃん倧奜きっお蚀っお欲しい。 12:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 8 9 11 欲望に玠盎で草 13:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 配信たで埅ちきれないぜ、俺は寝お埅぀ぜ! 14:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 13 お前䜕日寝続ける気だ、起きろ。
Ch 5 Having overcome my midday drowsiness, I headed home after school. "All right, Yuuto, I wanna film a video today, so I'm heading home," I say to Yuuto as I pack up my bag. "Got it, good luck! Be careful on your way back, okay?" "You're not my mom, you know..." "Thanks, I guess. I'll make sure to be careful on my way back." "Good. I'm off to club practice," he replies as he walks away. "Thanks," he says, waving goodbye as he makes his way to the clubroom. By the way, Yuuto is a member of the track and field club and is one of its best athletes. He's even quite popular among the girls. I'm a little envious... After parting ways with him, I hopped on a bus and got off at the stop near my house. I rode my bike to the supermarket and bought the necessary ingredients. Once I got home safely, I took a shower to rinse off the sweat and changed into clean clothes before cooking. "Should I film the process of making the food first and then add the audio and video later?" First, I cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces and marinated them in a mixture of soy sauce, sake, mirin, grated garlic, nutmeg, and seasoning liquid for about 30 minutes. While the chicken is marinating, I'll cook the rice and prepare the other side dishes. I'm not very good at rolling it neatly, so I'm a little embarrassed to film it. For the second dish, I'll make braised burdock root. By the time the two dishes were finished, the marinated chicken was also ready to be fried. It's essential to thoroughly remove any excess moisture from the chicken, but it's okay even if you don't wipe it with a paper towel. I didn't need to fry the chicken twice, so I took it out once it was fully cooked. After cooking it for about 3 minutes with residual heat, it was done. I filmed the process and added a voice-over and my 3D model in post-production. Before I knew it, it was already 10 pm while I was editing the video. Luckily, I finished editing and uploaded it. [Good evening, onii-chans and onee-chans! Today, I'm thinking of making a bento box for everyone!] [Let me introduce today's dishes: karaage, tamagoyaki, and braised burdock root!] [First, I'll cut the chicken into bite-sized pieces and marinate it in the seasoning mixture listed in this caption for 30 minutes!] [While the chicken is marinating, I'll make the tamagoyaki. I like mine sweet, so I'll add a little sugar. But keep in mind that this is a matter of personal preference!] [When frying the egg, beginners might burn them on high heat, so I suggest using medium heat!] [Once bubbles appear, pop them and roll the egg quickly. You can repeat this process about three times.] [After rolling, slice it up and arrange it on the plate, and it's done!] [Next up is the braised burdock! Honestly, it's a bit of a hassle cutting the burdock into thin strips... But it's one of my favorites, so I usually make a large batch and freeze it for later use!] [Once the burdock root is sliced, soak it in water for a bit, and while that's happening, I'll finely chop the carrots. Then, I'll stir-fry everything with soy sauce, sugar, and mirin. And for some added heat, I'll throw in some chili pepper!] [Lastly, the main event: karaage! Coat the seasoned chicken in potato starch and fry it in oil. Be careful, though, as the oil can get very hot during cooking!] [When the chicken turns a nice golden color, let it rest for about 3 minutes to cool slightly, and then it's ready!] [Next is the bento!] [Pack the rice and side dishes like so... and we're done!] [Onii-chan, onee-chan, please enjoy your meal] [If this video receives positive feedback, I might make it into a series. So, if you enjoyed it, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel! Thank you!] --Yuru Kakizaki's POV-- "Oh, there's a new video." I received a notification from Yuka Shirahime's channel and took a break from work to watch it. "It's a cooking video this time, huh? Wait, cooking?!" VTubers are virtual beings, and corporate VTubers rarely shoot hand cams and the like. I guess it's because she's an indie that she can do this, huh? In the video, Yuka Shirahime is happily making karaage. Just imagining that cute boy enjoying the food makes me feel like I could eat three bowls of rice. It's strange; I know I couldn't actually eat that much. My heart skipped a beat. I usually try to maintain a cool and composed image, but while watching Yuka Shirahime, I feel like a young girl in love. --The Online Forum's Reaction-- [The Cutest Boyish Girl Ever] A Yuka Shirahime Thread (Surprisingly an Indie VTuber?) 1: Name: Anon Onii-chan This is a thread about Yuka Shirahime. It's okay to talk about collaborations and interactions with other VTubers in the future, but for now, please try to stay on topic. 2: Name: Anon Onii-chan 3: Name: Anon Onii-chan can't believe we've got a separate thread for her now. 4: Name: Anon Onii-chan did anyone else watch the latest video? 5: Name: Anon Onii-chan 6: Name: Anon Onii-chan I watched it too. Her arms are so slender and cute. 7: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>6 8: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>7 Seriously? Now I wanna eat Yuka-tan's food too... 9: Name: Anon Onee-chan Slender arms. She's so cute and huggable. I want to pet and spoil her. 10: Name: Anon Onii-chan 11: Name: Anon Onee-chan i wish yuka would make me a bento and maybe tell me "good job" and say she loves her onee-chan. 12: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>8 >>9 >>11 LOL, these desires are so honest 13: Name: Anon Onii-chan I can't wait for her live stream. I'll wait in my dreams till then! 14: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>13 Dude, how many days are you planning to sleep? Wake up.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.38 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
34:コミケ3日目!(前線) 昚日は早めにホテルぞ戻った僕たちは倱った䜓力を取り戻すかのようにゆっくりず睡眠を取り、早めの時間に起きた。 前の2日間のように化粧を先に枈たせた僕たちは珟地ぞ向かった。 「優垌くん、今日の衣装はかなり着やすくなっおるから安心しおね。」 「着やすい、ですか?」 「芋たら分かるず思うよ!」 僕は衣装を受け取り曎衣宀ぞず向かった。 曎衣宀ぞ行くず呚りがざわ぀き始めた。 「来たぞ・・・」 「今日は䜕を着るんだ・・・?」 「オラワクワクすっぞぉ・・・・」 僕は気にせずに衣装を芋る。 「ね、ねこさんパヌカヌ・・・?」 そこにあったのは生地が薄めに䜜られた尻尟たで着けられたねこさんパヌカヌだった。 スカヌトの代わりに長めに䜜られおおり、そのたた着るだけになっおいる。 俗に蚀うパゞャマのようになっおいお確かに着やすい。 「埅お考え盎せ!結婚出来ないんだぞ!?」 「カワむむは正矩だから倧䞈倫、それに今は結構緩いんだぜ・・・?」 「もうだめだ・・・」 䜕かたた呚りが隒がしくなっおきたけど今日はすぐ服を着れたのでそのたた荷物を持っお集合堎所ぞ向かう。 昚日ず同じ堎所だったので今日はすぐに2人が芋぀かった。 「ゆかちゃん今日も䌌合っおるねヌ!」 「うん、ねこさんもかわいいね。」 『ありがず!でもこれっおコスプレでいいのかな?』 「可愛いからいいず思うけどなヌ」 「うん、ねこさんかわいいからオッケヌだよ。」 「ちなみにこのパヌカヌモデリングするからどのみちコスプレだよ!」 『えっ?そうだったの!?』 「このパヌカヌ地味にオリゞナルなんだよ!」 「デザむンは私ず先茩でやったんだ。」 『凄く可愛い衣装ありがずうお姉ちゃん!』 「その䞀蚀だけで頑匵った甲斐があったよ・・・!」 「私もモデリング頑匵るからね!ね!」 『ゆらお姉ちゃんもありがずう!無理はしちゃだめだからね!』 「んヌ!やる気が挲っおきた!でも無理はしない、玄束するよ!」 「話ばかりしおおもあれだから、そろそろ䌚堎にいこっか。」 コスプレ広堎に入るず呚りから声が沢山聎こえおきた。 「うわぁヌかわいいねこさんがいる!」 「抱きしめたい可愛さだぁ・・・」 「癜猫・・・」 「写真撮らせおもらお!」 「わぁヌかわいい!」 「お、あの子可愛いな、撮らせおもらおうかな。」 「ふふ、行こっかゆら。」 この埌滅茶苊茶撮圱された。 ある皋床撮圱されたころに今日も華お姉ちゃんがやっおきた。 「ゆかちゃんおはよヌ!今日も来ちゃった♪盞倉わらず可愛いねぇ!!!」 初めお䌚った時のあの感じは䞀䜓どこに行っおしたったんだろうこのお姉ちゃん。 『ありがずう、華お姉ちゃん!』 「ねぇ、今からお姉ちゃんず䞀緒にお昌寝しない?」 完党に錯乱しおる。 「あなた、戻っおきなさい!」 「こんなにかわいいパゞャマ着おるんだよ!お昌寝したいに決たっおるじゃない!」 ゆらお姉ちゃんず薫お姉ちゃんが必死に華お姉ちゃんを止めおる。 「コスプレ!ここコスプレ広堎!」 「わ、私ったらあんなはしたない事・・・」 「たぁ初芋だずこうもなるかぁ」 「ご、ごめんね、びっくりさせちゃったよねゆかちゃん・・・」 「たぁたぁ、萜ち着いたから良しずしよう、ね?」 「人ずは間違えるものだよ。」 なんか悟りを開いおない?ゆらお姉ちゃん? 「ハヌむ、オネ゚サンタチ、ワタシトシャシントッテモラ゚ナむデスカ?」 「えっ?私もですか!?」 「ミンナデシャシンタノシむネ!」 近くにいたレむダヌさんが快く撮圱しおくれる事になった。 海倖の人結構コミュ力高くおボクもびっくり。 「オォヌ!アリガトネ!ミンナトッテモキュヌトネ!」 もうノリで蚀っおおこう、案倖それで通じたりするものだよね! 「こ、濃い人たちだったね・・・」 「たさか私たで巻き蟌たれるずは・・・・」 『でもこうやっお仲良く写真撮ったり出来るのは平和で良いこずだよね!』 「確かに、そうだね。」 「日本人に生たれおよかったず思う瞬間の䞀぀だよねヌ」 「ですね・・・」 そんな事を話しおいるず薫お姉ちゃんが 華お姉ちゃんをお昌に誘った。 「ゆかちゃん、ゆらも倧䞈倫だよね?」 『うん!華お姉ちゃんず䞀緒にご飯楜しみ!』 「お、お蚀葉に甘えさせおもらいたす・・・!」 そしおボク達はホテルに戻っお着替える事になった。 そしお僕はホテルに戻り玠に戻っお気が付いた。 いたいち実感が湧かないけど結構すごい事だよねこれ。
Ch 34 Having returned to the hotel early yesterday, we slept in to recover our lost energy and woke up early. After finishing our makeup, we headed off to the venue. "Yuki-kun, today's costume is much easier to wear, so don't worry," says Kaoru-san as she hands me the outfit. "Easier to wear?" "You'll see!" I take the costume and head to the dressing room. As I entered the dressing room, the atmosphere became tense. "He's here..." "What's he gonna wear today...?" "I'm so excited...." Ignoring the whispers, I check the costume. "A cat hoodie...?" What lays before me is a thin, tail-adorned cat hoodie. It's pretty long, so it can be worn as it is without a skirt. It's almost similar to pajamas, and just like Kaoru-san said, it's easy to wear. "Bro, wait! Think it over! You won't be able to get married!" "Cute is justice, it's okay. Besides, things are more relaxed these days...!" "I'm done for..." Once again, the room was abuzz. But because I could quickly get dressed today, I just picked up my belongings and headed to the meet-up place, switching personas on the way. Since the meeting point was the same as yesterday, I found them quickly. "That one looks great on you, too, Yuka-chan!" "Yeah, a cute kitty cat." [Thank you! But is this really a cosplay?] "It's fine. It's cute. That's what matters." "Yeah! You look cute as a cat, so it's fineee." "By the way, I'll incorporate that hoodie into your model, so it definitely counts as a cosplay!" suddenly adds Yura-oneechan. [Huh? Really?!] "That hoodie is actually an original!" "My senpai and I worked on the design." [Thank you for this super cute outfit, onee-chan!] "Just hearing that makes all the hard work worth it...!" "I'll also do my best rigging your model, okay!" [Thank you too, Yura-oneechan. But please don't overdo it!] "Mm! I'm getting pumped up! But I won't overdo it, promise!" "We've been talking for a while, but I say we head to the venue now," says Kaoru-san, so we make our way into the venue. We could hear voices from all around when we entered the cosplay area. "Waaah, there's a cute kitty!" "I want to hug such cuteness..." "A white cat..." "Can I take a photo?" "Ahh, so cute!" "Oh, she's cute. Maybe I should ask for her photo." "Haha, let's go, Yura." After that, we were swamped with photo requests. Around the time we had our photos taken, Hana-oneechan showed up. "Good morning, Yuka-chan! I came again todayYou're as cute as ever!!!" I wonder where the vibe I felt when I first met her went. [Thank you, Hana-oneechan!] "Hey, do you want to nap with me right now?" She's completely lost it. "Come back here!" "But she's wearing such cute pajamas! Can you really blame me for wanting to nap with her?!" Yura-oneechan and Kaoru-oneechan are desperately trying to stop Hana-oneechan. "This is the cosplay plaza! C. O. S. P. L. A. Y!" "I-I can't believe I did something so disgraceful..." "Well, that's what happens to first-timers." "I-I'm sorry, Yuka-chan... I surprised you, didn't I?" "Now, now. Let's just say it's okay now that she's calmed down, all right?" "People make mistakes." What's with the enlightened tone, Yura-oneechan? "Hi, ladies. Shashin okay?" "Huh? Me too?!" "Shashin with everyone is tanowshii!" A cosplayer nearby kindly agreed to take our photo. I was surprised by the foreigners' communication skills. "Oh! Arigatow! You're all very kawaii!" I'll go with the flow and repeat what they say; surprisingly, it gets through! "W-What intense people they were..." "I didn't expect to get dragged into it..." [But it's peaceful and nice to take photos together like this, don't you think?] "True." "It's one of those moments when I'm glad I was born Japanese." "Yeah..." While talking, Kaoru-oneechan says, "We were thinking of returning to the hotel soon as the heat is about to peak. Care to join us for lunch, Hana-san?" She invites Hana-oneechan to lunch. "It's fine with you too, right, Yuka-chan, Yura?" [Yeah! I'm looking forward to having lunch with Hana-oneechan!] "I-I'll take you up on your offer...!" And so, we decided to go back to the hotel and change. Back at the hotel, I changed into my regular clothes and realized. It hasn't completely dawned on me just yet, but this is quite an achievement, isn't it?
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.32 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
「あわわわわわわ・・・」 配信を終えた僕はモニタヌの前であわあわしおいた。 「スパチャ70䞇円・・・」 その金額を芋お呆然ずしおいた。 「いやいやいや、おかしいでしょ!?」 「僕っお個人勢だし!それに男だし! あれ?でも皆女の子っお思っおるんだよね。」 「もしかしお僕、結構やばい事やっおる?」 「いやでも、それだずバ矎肉しおる人党員そうなっちゃうか・・・」 「気にしたらだめ? でもい぀かはバラさないずいけないよね・・・」 「どうしよう・・・」 僕は䞀人郚屋で悩んでいた。 「ふふふ、優垌くん盞圓テンパっおたみたいで可愛かったな。」 今回の配信ではスパチャがメむンずなっおいお正盎話の内容は少なくお告知配信の意味合いが匷かった。 それでもあそこたでスパチャが投げられおいたのは優垌くんの持぀魅力に他ならない。 魅力が無ければ誰も投げないのが普通だからね。 「ただ、䞊限勢倚くおびっくりしたなぁ・・・」 そう呟いた私は郚屋を移動し由良の郚屋に入った。 「由良ヌ」 「どしたのお姉ちゃん?」 「今日の配信で優垌くんに䞊限投げたでしょ。」 「あヌやっぱりお姉ちゃんにはバレおたかぁ。」 「それずね、来週優垌くんずオフコラボの話したでしょ?」 「蚀っおたねヌそれがどうかしたの?」 「私も顔出ししお優垌くんずオフコラボやるから、由良撮圱お願いできない?」 「ぞぇ、堎所は?」 「GloryCute名叀屋支瀟。」 「んんんん?なんでそこに?」 「いやこれはね優垌くんがゆかちゃんにトリップしおた時の話なんだけど・・・」 「IVの撮圱前に優垌くんに色々な衣装を着せようっお話になっおね。」 「衣装ならうちにいっぱいあるからっお理由でそこで配信するこずになったんだよね。」 「優垌くんそれ知っおるの?」 「内緒だよ?」 「鬌かお姉ちゃん!」 「優垌くんも性別停っおるわけじゃないけど隠しおるじゃん!だからセヌフだよ!」 「ぶっちゃけ誰も信じないよ、お姉ちゃん。」 「由良ありがず!」 「ある意味撮圱者ポゞションっお埗な気もするし・・・」 優垌の知らない所で蚈画はどんどんず進んでいたのだった。 䜙談ではあるが、コミケ等で本人が売り子をしおいるため圌女のファンは柿厎ゆるの顔を知っおいる事が倚いので顔出しに拒吊感が無いらしい。 「私の知らない所でオフコラボ・・・」 浮雲ふわりの䞭の人である空朚華、圌女は自宀で少し悔しがっおいた。 「うぅ、これは悔しいですねヌ」 ふわちゃん先越されたね... ただ機䌚はあるよ、がんばっお! 「皆さん、ありがずうございたすヌ、私が先にする぀もりだったんですけどあちらが䞊手でしたヌ」 それにしおもゆかちゃんだっけ? そうだね、ゆかちゃんだよ あの子可愛いよね そらふわちゃんもハマるわけだ 「皆さんも可愛さ分かっお貰えたした? 配信した甲斐がありたしたヌ」 それにしおも配信を配信するずか斬新で笑えるね 人数の倚さに困惑しおるゆかちゃんかわいい ちなみに男の嚘疑惑っおなんなの? Wiki芋おくるずいいよ詳现茉っおる 「それでは私もそろそろ時間になったので配信を終了しようず思いたすヌ」 もうそんな時間? 楜しい時間は過ぎるのが早いぜ... たたくるよヌ 「皆さんありがずうございたすヌ 今日も䞀日お疲れ様でしたヌ お぀ふわりんヌ」 ------配信は終了したした------ 【男の嚘?】癜姫ゆかに぀いお語るスレ2【女の子?】 1:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん ここは癜姫ゆかに぀いお語るスレです。 癜姫ゆか以倖のVtuberに぀いおは むしろ私は男の嚘である事を期埅しおいたす。 2:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 流石に配信埌は勢いが凄いな 3:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん あわあわするゆかちゃんが可愛すぎお生きるのが蟛い 4:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん スレ立おお疲れ様、今日も可愛いかったわねヌ 5:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 4 お前絶察䞊限ネキだろ 6:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 5 流石にバレたわね... さぁ2䞇投げたお兄ちゃんさんはどこかしら? 7:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 6 俺だけど䞊限投げれなかったから名乗るの死ぬほど恥ずかしいんだが 8:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 7 金額は関係無いわよ? ゆかちゃんを応揎しおるだけで私達は同じ仲間よ 9:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 8 俺も少しだけど投げさせおもらったよ 自分の掚しに投げずにいられるかっお話よ 10:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 9 今曎恥ずかしくなっおきたから... 11:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 10 よくある話だ、諊めろ.... 12:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん あんなのが名蚀認定されるなんお嫌よおおおお!!! 13:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 今来たけど早速賑わっおお草生えた ちなみに俺石油王な。 呆然ずするゆかちゃん最高だったあれ10䞇の䟡倀はあるから䞊限解攟はよ。 14:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 13 石油王スレ民かよwwww 15:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 流石に石油王がスレ民だなんお予想出来ないわよ!? 16:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 17:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん お前絶察Rinだろ 18:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 19:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん おかしいな俺あんたの事Rinずしか思えない 20:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん なんで即バレするの!? 20 喋り方ずいうかコメントの時ず同じ感じだったからな 22:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん そこたで深く考えおなかった... 23:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 22 それよりもさ、来週のゆるママオフコラボ ここで性別分かりそうな気がするんだけど 24:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 23 圓たったらお前のコテ予蚀者に倉曎な 25:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 26:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 私は性別関係なく奜きだけどね 27:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 結局のずころ俺たちっおゆかちゃんが奜きなんだよな 28:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん ASMRも楜しみすぎるわ私 29:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 別バヌゞョンも買う぀もりなんだけどお前らはどうする? 30:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん そら䞡バヌゞョン賌入安定だろ 31:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 圓然党買いね
"Awawawa..." I am freaking out in front of my monitor after finishing my stream. "Seven hundred thousand yen in Super Chats..." I'm stunned by the amount. "No, no, no, this doesn't make sense!" "I'm just a small streamer! And a guy, to boot! Wait, everyone thinks I'm a girl. Right." "Does that mean I'm doing something really bad?" "But then, all the other male VTubers who crossdress would be in the same boat..." "Should I even worry about this? But eventually, I'll have to come clean, won't I...?" "What should I do..." I was sitting alone in my room, pondering. "Fufufu, it was cute seeing Yuki-kun flustered like that." Other than the Super Chats being the main focus, there wasn't much content during the stream. It was mostly just an announcement stream. Even so, the fact that so many Super Chants were sent is a testament to Yuki-kun's charisma. If he didn't have any charm, nobody would have sent anything. "The number of people who sent maxed-out amounts is still surprising, though..." "Besides..." I say as I go to Yura's room. "Yuraaa." "What's up, onee-chan?" "You sent a max Super Chat in Yuki-kun's stream, didn't you?" "Oh. I knew you'd find out." "Remember how we discussed collaborating with Yuki-kun off-stream next week?" "Yup. What about it?" "I want to appear on camera during the collab with Yuki-kun. Can you film for us?" "Hmm, where's it going to be?" "GloryCute Nagoya branch." "H-H-H-H-Huh? Why there?" "Well, it's because of something that happened when Yuki-kun was cross-dressing as Yuka-chan..." "Then, the plan escalated to making him wear different costumes before the IV shoot." "And since they have a lot of costumes, we decided to do the stream there." "Does Yuki-kun know about this?" "It's a secret, okay?" "You're such a devil, onee-chan!" "Well, Yuki-kun isn't lying about his gender; he's just hiding it, so I think it's fine!" "Gonna be honest, onee-chan, no one's gonna believe that..." "Thanks, Yura!" "Being the camera person also has its perks..." The plan was moving forward, unbeknownst to Yuki. As a side note, because she has sold doujinshis at events like Comiket, many of Yuki's fans are familiar with Yuru Kakizaki's face, so she has no reservations about showing herself on camera. "An offline collaboration without me knowing..." Hana Utsurogi, the person behind the character Fuwari Ukigumo, is feeling a little regretful in her room. "Uuu, this is so frustrating..." they beat you to it, huh, fuwa-chan theres always next time. just keep going! "Thank you, guyssss. I wanted to go first, but my opponent was just too goooood." still, what was her name again? yuka-chan? yup, yuka-chan she's cute isnt she it's no wonder fuwa-chan likes her "You acknowledge her cuteness too? I'm glad I found her on stream with everyoneee." streaming a live stream is something new, it's a bit funny seeing yuka-chan panic at the sheer amount of people was adorable by the way, what did they mean about her speculations as a trap? Better check the wiki, it has all the details "Well then, it's almost time for me to end the streammmm." oh wow, is it that time already? Time flies when you're having fun... ill come again! "Thank you so much, everyoneee. Have a good rest of your dayyyy. Otsu-fuwarinnn." ===The live stream has ended.=== [A trap?] A Yuka Shirahime Thread [A real girl?] 1: Name: Anon Onee-chan This is a thread on Yuka Shirahime. If you are to mention other VTubers, only Fuwari Ukigumo's name is allowed. Personally, I'm hoping that she is one. 2: Name: Anon Onii-chan Her momentum gain post-stream is amazing. 3: Name: Anon Onii-chan the stream was mostly just an announcement, but yuka-chan being all flustered was too cute, it's hard to go on living 4: Name: Anon Onee-chan Thanks, OP. She was so cute, as usual. 5: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>4 You're definitely one of the max Super Chatters, aren't you 6: Name: Anon Onee-chan >>5 You're onto me, huh... Okay then, where's the guy who sent the 20k? 7: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>6 that would be me, although I couldn't send the max amount, so it's hella embarrassing to admit 8: Name: Anon Onee-chan >>7 The amount doesn't matter, you know? We're all in this together, supporting Yuka-chan 9: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>8 i sent a small amount too who can resist supporting their fave? 10: Name: Anon Onee-chan >>9 That would be embarrassing... 11: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>10 it happens often on the net, give it up... 12: Name: Anon Onee-chan I don't wanna be quoted on something like that!!!! 13: Name: Anon Onii-chan I just got here, but the thread is already so lively lol. By the way, I was the oil baron. Yuka-chan's dumbfounded expression was worth 100k, so I hope they remove the amount cap soon. 14: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>13 Hmm, so you're the oil baron, huh. 15: Name: Anon Onee-chan I never expected an oil baron to be a thread regular 16: Name: Anon Onee-chan 17: Name: Anon Onii-chan I bet you're Rin 18: Name: Anon Onee-chan 19: Name: Anon Onii-chan strange, I can only think of you as rin 20: Name: Anon Onee-chan How did you guys guess so easily?! >>20 It's because the way you talk and comment during the stream feels the same 22: Name: Anon Onee-chan I didn't even think about it that deeply... 23: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>22 anyway, what do you think about her offline collab with mama yuru next week? i feel like we might be able to tell her gender 24: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>23 If you're right, we'll change your username to Prophet 25: Name: Anon Onii-chan 26: Name: Anon Onee-chan i like her regardless of gender 27: Name: Anon Onii-chan at the end of the day, we just like Yuka-chan, regardless of whether shes a guy or a gal 28: Name: Anon Onee-chan I'm really looking forward to her ASMR too 29: Name: Anon Onii-chan I'm planning to buy both versions, what about you guys? 30: Name: Anon Onii-chan of course, buying both versions is the way to go 31: Name: Anon Onee-chan im buying all of them
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.32 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
孊校では地味な栌奜をしおいるけど、歎ずしたモデル。 い぀もモデルの仕事をする際は事務所から迎えがやっおくる。 私はその1時間をここ、文芞郚の郚宀で過ごしおいる。 そしお、この孊校においおの文芞郚ずは実質的な垰宅郚で、この郚宀を蚪れる人はいない ヌいや、いなかったず蚀うのが正しいかな 2ヶ月半ほど前たでは。 2ヶ月半ほど前にはこの郚宀にはもう䞀人の生埒がいた。 そんな圌ずは去幎の春に出䌚った。 文芞郚に入郚した圌は埋儀にも郚掻動に参加した。 ずいっおも本を読むだけで先生も来なくお、ただの時間朰しをしおいたっけ。 最初は真面目に本を読んでいたけど意気投合したわたしたちは趣味に぀いお語り合ったりしおいた。 他に本を読む人もいなくお、どれだけ隒いでも怒られなかった。 楜しかった。 勉匷にモデルの仕事、家でもやりたい事なんおやる時間もあたり無い。 普段鳎らない時間にわたしのスマホから通話を知らせる音が鳎り響いた。 「もしもし、遥です。」 『ごめんね遥ちゃん!今日急に今から出お来れないかっお話になっちゃっお迎えを寄越したから来おくれないかしら!』 電話の盞手は事務所のマネヌゞャヌだった。 「はぁ、たぁいいですけど・・・平日はやりたい事もあるのでこれからはあたり無いようにしおくださいね?」 『本圓にごめんなさいね!もう着くらしいからよろしく頌むわね!』 そしお仕方なく校門たで行くずい぀もの迎えの人ず違う人が迎えに来おいた。 「遥ちゃん急にごめんね?」 悪い人じゃないのは仕事を䜕床もしおいるので知っおいるけれど、若い人だずいらぬ誀解を生みかねないからやめお欲しかった。 迎えに来おもらっおいる手前そんなこずは蚀えないけど。 「いえ、倧䞈倫ですよ。」 わたしは少し埮笑み車に乗る。 「それじゃあたずい぀も通り家に行くからね。」 「すみたせん、お願いしたす。」 そしおその日以降、圌が郚宀に珟れる事はなかった。 「はぁ、䜕があったんだろう、たた䞀緒に話したいな。」 ------ 僕は先茩がカッコむむ男の人に迎えに来おもらっおいる所を芋おしたった。 郚掻に行く前に裕翔に枡し忘れたものがあったから枡しに行こうずしたずきにそれを芋おしたい、僕は先茩に圌氏が居るんじゃないかず思った。 「あ、あのあの、あの人っお䞀䜓・・・」 「んヌ?あれっお䞀ノ瀬さんだよね?圌氏じゃないのかな?い぀も郚掻埌に迎えが来おるっお私聞いたけど。 いいよねぇああいう圌氏、憧れるなぁヌ」 「か、圌氏ですか・・・やっぱそうなんだ・・・」 僕はあたりのショックにその堎を走っお立ち去っおしたった。 裕翔に物だけ枡しお僕はすぐに家に垰り、枕を濡らした。 それから先茩を芋るず寂しい気持ちになっおしたいそうで郚宀には行かなくなっおしたった。 それから2ヶ月半埌に僕はVtuberを始める事になり、珟圚に至る。
I live a low-profile life at school, but I am a full-fledged model. Whenever I work as a model, the agency picks me up about an hour after my classes. So, I spend that hour here in the Literature Club room. And, in this school, the Literature Club is basically the go-home club, so no one comes to visit this room. Or rather, no one used to... At least about two and a half months ago. There used to be another student in this room. He and I met last spring. He joined the Literature Club and participated in club activities faithfully. But, since our club advisor never showed up, we just passed the time by reading books. At first, he read books seriously, but as we got to know each other, we talked about our hobbies and interests. Since no one else was reading books, we could make as much noise as we wanted without getting scolded. It was fun. Between studying, modeling work, and having no time to do what I wanted at home, it was my only source of emotional support. My phone rang with an incoming call from an uncharacteristic time. "Hello, this is Haruka." [Sorry, Haruka-chan! Something suddenly came up, and I won't be able to pick you up right now and asked someone else to do it in my stead. Could you go meet them?" The caller was my agency's manager. "I see. I don't mind, but... I have things I want to do on weekdays, so please try not to do this often." [I'm really sorry! They're almost there, so I trust you'll handle the rest!] Reluctantly, I walk to the school gate, where someone other than the usual driver has come to pick me up. "Sorry for the sudden change, Haruka-chan." I knew he wasn't a bad person since I've worked with the agency multiple times, but I didn't want any unnecessary misunderstandings, especially from a younger guy. But since he came to pick me up, I couldn't say anything. "No worries, it's okay." And I got in the car with a small smile. "Okay, let's go straight to your house as usual." "Sorry, and thank you." After that day, the boy never showed up in the Literature Club room again. "I wonder what happened. I want to talk with him again..." "Awawawawa..." I saw my senpai being picked up by a cool-looking guy. I had forgotten to give something to Yuuto before going to club activities, and when I went to give it to him, I saw them and thought my senpai might have a boyfriend. "Uh, um, that person, who is he..." "Hm? Isn't that Ichinose-san? Maybe that's her boyfriend? I heard he always picks her up after club activities. It's nice to have a boyfriend like him, huh? I'm jealous." "H-He's her boyfriend? I see, yeah... That would make sense..." I was so shocked that I ran away from there. I quickly gave Yuuto the thing he had forgotten and went straight home, crying myself to sleep. After that, I couldn't bring myself to go to the clubroom because seeing my senpai made me feel lonely. Two and a half months later, I started my journey as a VTuber, and here we are today.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.49 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
28:閑話1(ずある喫茶店の䞀日) 私はどこにでもいる瀟畜、珍しく盆䌑みが取れるず聞いおりキりキしおたら取れたのは盆前䌑み。 いやね、䌑みあるだけでもマシなのはわかるんだ。 なんで盆前なのか理解に苊しむ。 普通な䌑たせ方はさせたくないずしか思えない。 たぁ、それは眮いおおいおそのお陰でお盆期間は䌑みになっおしたう評刀の喫茶店に行けるのでその点だけは感謝しおおこうず思う。 そのお店は芋た目は枋めの掋颚建築で店内はどこか萜ち着く朚の銙りが感じられる。 おそらく内装に朚を䜿甚しおいるのだろうか。 そしお仄かな朚の銙りを瞬間的に楜しんだ埌に私の錻腔をくすぐるのはアロマのようなコヌヒヌの銙り。 私はコヌヒヌに詳しくはないけれど、䞍思議ず期埅しおしたう。 「いらっしゃいたせ、お䞀人様でよろしいでしょうか?」 店内に入った私に声をかけおくれたのは芋た目の可愛い、えっ?どっちなのこの子? 制服はどう芋おも男だから男の子なのかな? 「えっ、えぇ、䞀人です。」 私は少し緊匵したような声で返事をする。 「ではこちらの垭ぞお座りください。」 そう蚀っお男の子?の案内で垭ぞ案内される私。 「ご泚文が決たりたしたらこちらのボタンを抌しおお呌びください。」 そう蚀っお男の子?はお蟞儀をするずカりンタヌの近くぞ戻っおいった。 「店員の時点でレベル高いずかやばいんだけど・・・」 私はそう呟きながらメニュヌを芋る。 コヌヒヌは数皮類の豆をブレンドしたオリゞナルブレンドが䞀番人気のようだった。 私はランチタむムの前に来た事もあり、少しばかりお腹が枛っおいた。 するずメニュヌに私にぎったりのセットがあった。 「サンドりィッチずコヌヒヌのセット・・・+300円でスむヌツ付き、か。」 サンドりィッチずコヌヒヌのセットで800円ず少々匷気な倀段蚭定。 でもこのお店の評刀を考えるずそれでも人気になるほどだろうから期埅も䞀入ず蚀うもの。 今日はこれを泚文する事に私は決めた。 私はボタンを抌し、店員の男の子を呌ぶ。 「お埅たせしたした、ご泚文をどうぞ!」 「サンドりィッチずアむスコヌヒヌのセット、スむヌツも付けお貰えるかしら。」 サンドりィッチはホットサンドず普通のサンドりィッチからお遞び頂けたすがどうされたすか?」 なんず、ホットサンドが遞べおしたうのか。 うん、ホットサンドにしよう。 「それじゃあホットサンドでお願い。」 次にスむヌツですがこちらの5皮類からお遞びいただけたすがどちらにされたすか?」 そう蚀っおメニュヌを取り出し、私に差し出しおきた。 クレヌムブリュレ ショヌトケヌキ オヌ゜ドックスなラむンナップで迷っおしたう。 䞀瞬考えた私は店員の男の子に聞いおみる事にした。 「どれも良さそうで迷っちゃうからおすすめずか、あるかしら?」 「僕のおすすめでいいんですか?」 「えぇ、倧䞈倫。」 「それだったらクレヌムブリュレでしょうか、バニラビヌンズを䜿っおいるので銙りも楜しめたすし、クレヌムブリュレ独特の衚面のパリッずしたカラメルが䞭ず合わさっお矎味しいんですよ!」 おそらく脳内でクレヌムブリュレの事を思い出しおいるのだろう。 ぶっちゃけめっちゃ可愛い。 男の子にかける蚀葉ではないから黙っおおくけど。 「ふふっ、じゃあそれにしようかしら。」 「クレヌムブリュレですね、かしこたりたした! 飲み物はどのタむミングでお出ししたしょうか?」 「うヌん、ホットサンドず䞀緒に持っおきおもらえるかしら?」 「かしこたりたした!それでは少々お埅ちください!」 そう蚀っおずおずおず小走りでオヌダヌを䌝えに行く男の子。 なんだあの可愛い生物は、本圓に男か? 「お埅たせしたした、こちらホットサンドずアむスコヌヒヌになりたす。」 それから数分埅぀ずホットサンドずアむスコヌヒヌが䞀緒に運ばれおきた。 「いただきたす。」 盞性の良い材料同士で䞍味いわけもなく私はぺろりず平らげおしたった。 そしおコヌヒヌを飲む事すら忘れおいた私はスむヌツを泚文しおからコヌヒヌを飲む。 「あっ、よくわからないけど矎味しい。」 仄かな甘みずフルヌティな銙りず酞味のバランスが良く飲みやすい。 これは人気も出るな、ず勝手に玍埗しおいるず頌んでおいたスむヌツがやっおきた。 「こちらクレヌムブリュレになりたす。」 そう蚀っお底の浅く広い噚に入れられたクレヌムブリュレが出された。 衚面のカラメルず䞭の濃厚なプリンの盞性が最匷で思わず私は顔を綻ばせおしたった。 楜しい時間ずは䞀瞬で私はお䌚蚈をしおお店を出た。 「今の䌚瀟やめたらたた、来れるかなここに。」 私は珟状を倉えるのが恐ろしかったけど、少し勇気を貰った気がした。 「店長お疲れ様でしたヌ!」 「優垌くん、お疲れ様。」 「えっず次のシフトがお盆明けでよかったんですよね?」 「倧䞈倫だよ、うちはお盆は䌑む事にしおいるから。 そういえば優垌くんは東京に出かけるっお蚀っおたよね?」 「そうですね!」 「顔から楜しみだっお䌝わっおくるよ、楜しんでおいでね。 「お願いしたす!」 「ふふっ、䜕が食べたいかな?」 「さっきお客さん食べおお矎味しそうだったからホットサンドが食べたいです!」 そしお数分埅぀ず店長が出来たよず声をかけおくれたので僕はそれを取りに行った。 「はい、今日はご耒矎も兌ねおクレヌムブリュレもサヌビスだ。」 「おっ店長いいんですか!?」 「い぀も頑匵っおくれおるからね、たたお盆明けよろしくね?」 そしお裏にある飲食スペヌスで僕は賄いを食べる。 「んヌ♪おいひぃヌ♪」 僕は思わず笑顔になった。 最埌にはお楜しみのクレヌムブリュレを食べるず、僕の顔はふにゃっずしおいた。 「ふぇ?あっ・・・お恥ずかしながら・・・」 「ふふっそんなずこも可愛いよ! それじゃあ私は今からシフトだから、お疲れ様優垌くん!」 賄いも食べた僕は賄いに䜿ったお皿などを掗っお垰宅した。
Ch 28 I, a typical corporate drone, was excited when I heard I could take a rare Obon holiday, only to find out it was a pre-Obon holiday. I get that having any time off at all is better than none. But I struggle to understand why it's pre-Obon. It feels like they just don't want to give us a normal break. Well, leaving that aside, thanks to this, I can visit a popular cafe usually closed during Obon, so I guess I should be grateful for that. The shop looks like a retro Western building, and the interior has a calming scent of new wood. They probably use wood in their interior design. After enjoying the faint scent of wood for a moment, my nostrils are tickled by the aroma of coffee. I'm not really knowledgeable about coffee, but I have high expectations for some reason. "Welcome. Are you dining alone?" The person who greets me as I enter the shop is a cute-looking... wait, which is it? The uniform definitely looks male, so is he a boy? "U-Uh, yes, I'm alone." I reply in a slightly nervous voice. "Then please have a seat here." The boy(?) shows me to a seat. "When you're ready to order, please press this button." With that, the boy(?) bows and returns to the counter. "The staff service alone is already at a high standard. Incredible..." I mutter as I browse the menu. Their original coffee blend, a mix of several types of beans, seems to be the most popular. As I came before lunchtime, I was a little hungry. Then I found the perfect set on the menu. "Sandwich and coffee set... with dessert for an additional 300 yen, huh?" The sandwich and coffee set costs 800 yen, a bold price setting. But considering the reputation of this cafe, it's probably still popular enough to warrant the price. I decided to order this today. I press the button and call over the male staff member. "Sorry for the wait. What will your order be?" "I'll take the sandwich and iced coffee set. Could I also get some dessert on the side?" For the sandwich, you can choose between a hot sandwich and a regular one. Which would you like?" Wow, I can choose a hot sandwich. Yeah, let's go with that one. "Then I'll have the hot sandwich, please." Next is the dessert. We have five options; which one would you like?" He pulls out the menu and presents it to me. Creme brulee Shortcake It's an orthodox lineup that makes it hard to choose. After a moment's thought, I decided to ask the waiter. "All of them look good, so it's hard to choose. Do you have any recommendations?" "Are you okay with my recommendation?" "Yes, that's fine." "In that case, how about the creme brulee? We use vanilla beans so you can enjoy the aroma, and its unique crispy caramel surface is delicious when combined with the inside!" replies the waiter enthusiastically. He must be recalling the creme brulee in his mind. To be frank, it's really cute. Although it's not something I would say to a boy, so I keep that comment to myself. "Haha, I suppose I'll go with that then." "You're going with the creme brulee, understood! When would you like your drink to be served?" "Hmm, could you bring it out with the hot sandwich?" "Understood! Please wait a moment!" With that, he hurries off to relay my order. What was that cute creature? Is he really a male? "Sorry for the wait; here's your hot sandwich and iced coffee." A few minutes later, the hot sandwich and iced coffee were served together. "Bon appetit." Given the well-matched ingredients, it was no surprise that I finished it easily. I had even forgotten to drink my coffee, so I drank it after ordering my dessert. "Ah, I don't understand how, but it tastes good." The faint sweetness, fruity aroma, and balanced acidity made it easy to drink. I figured this would be popular, and just as I convinced myself of this, the dessert I ordered arrived. "Here is your creme brulee." I was served a creme brulee in a shallow, wide dish. The compatibility of the caramel on top and the rich custard inside was unbeatable, and I found myself beaming without realizing it. Such joyful moments passed instantly, and I left the cafe after paying. "I wonder if I could come here again if I quit my current job." I was scared to change my current situation, but I felt like I had gained a bit of courage. "Boss, good work today!" "You too, Yuki-kun." "Um, so, my next shift will be right after Obon, is that okay?" "Absolutely. We're also taking a break for Obon, anyway. Speaking of which, you mentioned you're going to Tokyo, right?" "Yes, that's right!" "Your excitement is evident on your face. Have fun. "Yes, please!" "Haha, what would you like to eat?" "I saw a customer eating a hot sandwich earlier, and it looked delicious, so I'd like that!" After waiting a few minutes, the boss called me to pick up the finished sandwich. "Here you go, today's treat is a creme brulee on the house." "Huh? Boss, are you sure?!" "You're always working hard, so it's my way of saying thank you. I'm counting on you after Obon, okay?" Then, in the eating area at the back, I started to eat my meal. "Mmm! Sho good" I found myself breaking into a smile. After finishing the creme brulee, my face was relaxed and content. "Fweh? Ah... How shameless of me..." "Hehe, that's what makes you cute! Well, I'm about to start my shift, so good work today, Yuki-kun!" Having finished my meal, I washed the dishes I used and went home.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.42 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
「ふぁ・・・ぁ」 昚日は蚳もわからず気付いたら眠っおしたっおいた。 今日も朝からバむトがあるので普段よりも早めに蚭定されおいたアラヌムの音で目が芚めた。 「んヌ・・・」 僕は寝惚け県をこすりながらスマホを手に取った。 「なにこれ。」 画面がピペッタヌの通知で埋たっおいた。 恐る恐る䞋ぞフリックしおみるずどんどん䞋ぞスクロヌルされおいく。 フォロヌされたした、ず蚀う通知がもう数えきれないくらいにやっおきおいた。 「・・・いひゃい。」 僕は倢だず思いほっぺたを抓っおみたら普通に痛かった。 「倢じゃ、ないんだ・・・」 僕は意を決しおピペッタヌを開いおみた。 䜕故かフォロワヌは1䞇人を超えおいた。 それからバむトも終わり家に垰っおきた僕は考え事をしおいた。 「䌁業案件を運良く貰ったのは芚えおいるんだけど詳现が倏䌑みにやるっお事以倖党く聞いた芚えがないなぁ・・・どうしよう。」 䜕か良い方法が無いか考えおいるず、メッセヌゞが届いた。 件名:䌁業案件の詳现に぀いお 本文:昚日優垌くんがゆかちゃんになったたた垰ったから芚えおいるか分からないから念の為に䌝えおおくね。 たず、やる事はGloryCuteさんの 動画の投皿は癜姫ゆかのチャンネルに投皿するこずも条件だよ。 次に撮圱日は8月の前半の予定で撮圱日の1週間前には連絡するね。 それずこれは぀いでだけど、倚分優垌くんは今日の倜に1䞇人突砎配信をするず思うんだけど、その時に今回の案件を発衚しおもいいよっお事になったから、良かったら名前を出しおあげおね。 それず来週オフコラボ、楜しみにしおるね? 薫さんがわざわざ纏めた内容をメヌルで送っおくれおいた。 聞こうかなず思っおいただけにずおも有り難かった。 ただオフコラボは聞いおないよ、僕は䞀䜓䜕を口走ったの?薫さんずおも綺麗だし、たた䌚えるのは嬉しいけど。 それに収益化も気付いたら通っおた。 これで広告収入を埗るこずも出来る様になったし、スパチャも受け取れるようになった。 ただ僕は、䜕か䞊手く行き過ぎな気がしおきたけど、倧䞈倫かな。 『みんなこんばんは!癜姫ゆかだよ!』 ヒャッハヌ!!新鮮なゆかちゃんだヌ! こんばんはヌ! 浮雲ふわり:ゆかちゃんこんばんはヌ こんふわりん! ゆかちゃん1䞇人突砎おめでずヌ! 柿厎ゆる:ゆかちゃん1䞇人突砎おめでずう! ゆかちゃんスゲェ! お姉さん悶絶ASMR切り抜きから来たした 色々な人がチャットで反応を瀺しおいた。 挚拶する人もいればチャンネル登録者数1䞇人突砎を祝う内容だったり、可愛さにやられおIQが䞋がったような内容だったり皆思い思いにコメントしおいた。 『うわぁヌ!今日はリス兄、リス姉がたくさんだね!それにふわりお姉ちゃんずゆるママも来おくれおありがずヌ! っお今の芖聎者数5000人!?こんなに来おくれお嬉しいな♪』 『念の為初めおの人ははじめたしお!ボクが癜姫ゆかだよ!芚えおいっおくれるず嬉しいな♪』 はぁヌこの声なんだわ もうゆかちゃんしか勝たんのだが? こんな可愛い子がいたなんお俺は今たで䜕を ゆかちゃん可愛い!効に欲しいヌ! 『早速ですが!今日はなんず!お知らせが4぀ありたす!』 倚くね? 気になるヌ 2぀は予想぀いたけど残りが分からん! 『たず2぀発衚しおいくね!残りは最埌に発衚するからよかったら配信に付き合っおくれるず嬉しいな!』 配信終わっおもみおるからねヌ! 『たず1぀!これには蚀及しおくれおるリス兄、リス姉がいたね! チャンネル登録者数1䞇人突砎するこずが出来たよ! これは皆のおかげ、本圓にありがずう!』 信じられるか?4日前に2000人突砎したばかりなんだぜ? 個人...勢? 『そしお次は収益化が通ったよ! この収益で埗たお金は今埌はゲヌムずかを賌入したりする資金にさせおもらうから楜しみにしおおね!』 収益化やったじゃん! 動画芋たくっおやるぜ! スパチャは? スパチャ蚭定觊っおないなら蚭定からオンに出来る様になっおるよ! スパチャしたい 『スパチャ?蚭定っおここかな?あっ倚分これだ!』 おっ 俺が先だ! 負けるかよぉ〜! 柿厎ゆる ふヌん、かわいいじゃん。 投げようず思った時にはもうわたしは既に投げ終えおいたのだ! 普通っぜいアカりントがしれっず䞊限投げおるんだけどwww 3000円ネキが癒しすぎる 名無しネキもしかしおアンタ・・・ みんなやばいんだけど(震え声 それからドンドンずスパチャが投げられ、呆然ずしおいた癜姫ゆかが再起動した。 呆然ずしおるゆかちゃんも可愛い 皆萜ち着けw ゆかちゃん蚀えおないw 『倢かな?そうだ倢だよこれ。』 そう蚀いながらほっぺを抓る。 ハァァァァァァァ!(ため息 こんなん可愛いに決たっおるだろ 皆、俺先に逝っおるから。 わたしも行くから安心しお 『えっず、皆本圓にありがずう!』 ずりあえず今日は䜕をやるの? ちくわ倧明神 誰だちくわ倧明神!? 『もうチャットが混沌を極めおるよ!?』 今日は祭りじゃヌ! Â¥30000 花火が自らスパチャするのか・・・ 焌きそばの屋台です 矎味しい焌きそば買っお食べおください。 腹痛いwww 『どうしよう、収拟が぀かないよぉ!』
"Fwah....ah." Yesterday, I fell asleep without even realizing it. I have part-time today, so I woke up earlier than usual to the sound of my alarm. "Mm..." I rub my sleepy eyes and pick up my phone. "What's this?" My screen is flooded with Tweeter notifications. I nervously flick down, and the notifications keep scrolling. Notifications stating, "XXX started following you!" arrived so abundantly that they were too many to count. "...Ow." I pinched my cheeks, thinking it was a dream, but it hurt like normal. "I'm not dreaming..." I take a deep breath and open Tweeter. For some reason, I have over 10,000 followers. After coming back home from part-time work, I did some brainstorming. "I remember accepting a corporate project, but I don't recall hearing any details other than we're doing it during summer break...what should I do?" As I was thinking about a solution, I received a message. Subject: Regarding the Corporate Project Details Message: Just in case you don't remember, you went home as Yuka-chan yesterday. Moving on, we'll be shooting an image video for GloryCute. This will also be uploaded on your Yuka Shirahime channel. The shooting date is scheduled for early August, and I'll contact you one week prior. Oh and, you're streaming tonight to celebrate reaching 10,000 subscribers, right? P.S. I'm looking forward to our offline collab next week. Kaoru-san kindly sent me all the details via email. I was considering asking her about it, so I was grateful. Except, I don't remember anything about an offline collaboration. Did I randomly blurt something out? Well, Kaoru-san is pretty, so I'd be happy to see her again... Also, I just realized my monetization application was approved. I can now earn ad revenue and receive Super Chats. Still, I can't shake the feeling that things are going too well... Is this okay? [Good evening, everyone! Yuka Shirahime's here!] wooooo! its our fresh yuka-chan!!! Good evening! Fuwari Ukigumo: Good evening, Yuka-channn Kon-fuwarin! Congrats on 10k, yuka-chan!!! Yuru Kakizaki: Congratulations on 10k subscribers, Yuka-chan! youre amazing, yuka-chan! I came from the onee-san heart attack ASMR clip. A variety of people showed their reactions in the chat. Some were greeting, others were congratulating the channel for reaching 10,000 subscribers, and there were those whose IQs dropped because of the cuteness. Everyone was commenting in their own way. [Wow! We have so many Lis-niis and Lis-nees today! Thank you for coming too, Fuwari-oneechan and Mama Yuru! 5000 viewers?! I'm happy to see so many of you here ] [To the first-time viewers, nice to meet you! My name's Yuka Shirahime! Remember that well, okay ] haaa cant get enough of that voice no one can beat yuka-chan now what have I been doing all this time, letting a cute girl like this escape my radar? You're so cute, Yuka-chan! Be my little sister!!! [Not to rush, but! I have four announcements for everyone today!] damn, that's a lot I'm curiousss i can guess two, but idk about the rest ahhh [I'll be announcing two of them right now! I'll announce the rest at the end, so I hope you stay tuned until then!] I'll still keep watching even after the stream ends! [First announcement! It looks like we already have Lis-niis and Lis-nees who guessed it! We hit 10,000 subscribers! It's all thanks to everyone's support. Thank you guys so much!] people would freak out if they knew she just hit 2k four days ago u sure,,, ur an indie? [The second announcement is that we're monetized now! I will use the money to buy games and stuff, so look forward to those!] youre even monetized now! Ive been watching ur vids like crazy! What about super chats? if you haven't tweaked the settings yet, you can turn it on from there! I wanna super chat! [Super Chat? Is this where the settings are? Oh, I think this is it!] o im first! I wont lose!!! Yuru Kakizaki Hmmm, you're cute. i already pressed send before i could even think about it! some ppl are also sending maxed-out super chats from their regular accounts xD Bless the 3k super chatter don't tell me the anon onee was... yall crazy tho... /shaking Super Chats kept rolling in one after another, and the stunned Yuka Shirahime finally snapped back to reality. a dazed yuka-chan is cute too calm down guys xd Youre not even saying it right yuka-chan XD [Is this a dream? It's got to be.] With that, she pinches her cheeks. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! /sigh Of course it just had to sound cute ill see you on the other side, guys Im coming with him, dw [Um, thank you so much, everyone! I really appreciate this!] so whats on the agenda for today? Almighty Chikuwa who is this almighty chikuwa?! [The chat has gotten so chaotic!] it's a festival today! Y=30,000 now fireworks are somehow sending super chats themselves... A Yakisoba Stall Please use this money to buy yourself some tasty yakisoba. my stomach hurts lolololol [Oh no, what to do, this has gotten quite out of handdd!]
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.36 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
09:Vr怖い/偶然䞭の偶然 今僕は猛烈に埌悔しおいる。 今日のお昌に裕翔ずゲヌムを芋に行っおバむ◯シリヌズの最新䜜のVRゲヌムをやる事にした。 HMD 『おぉヌ、凄いリアリティがあるねこれ!』 最初の僕は普通に楜しんでいた。 映像がかなりハむクオリティで芋おいお飜きない。 ただゟンビも出おこないから䜙蚈にこの䞖界を堪胜しおいた。 『地面の土や砂の衚珟现かいなぁ・・・』 VRゲヌムの䞭でもかなりの本気で䜜られた今䜜はなんずVRグロヌブにも察応し、研究に研究を重ねお物を掎んだ感觊を味わえるようになっおいるらしい。 流石に足たでは察応出来る技術はただ無いらしくこれからに期埅しおいきたい。 それでもこの銃の感觊、本物では無いず分かっおいおも映像では自分は銃を持っおいる。 ワクワク感が疌いお仕方がない。 『おぉ!凄いねこれ!!!ボク銃持っおるよ!!!感觊たである!やば!!!!ただ軜いからリアリティが少ないのがネックかな?』 そしお運呜の瞬間が蚪れた。 䞻人公が怪しげな路地に入るずそこにはゟンビがいた。 リアルな内臓が芋えるだけでなく、筋肉が脈う぀衚珟などもしっかりされおいる。 そしお䜕より、声がおぞたしい。 VRずいうこずは音声はバむノヌラル録音されたかのような立䜓音響なのである。 そしお僕はホラゲは奜きでも、グロは嫌い。 ぀たり・・・ 『ふわああああああああああああ!!!!!!やだやだやだ気持ち悪い!!!!こっちこないで!!!!!死んで!!!!なんで!?圓おたじゃん!!!!!いっぱい圓おたじゃん!!!!』 実際はパニックで殆ど圓たっおいないだけだったのだけど。 『いやこないで、いやああああああああああ音が!!!!ぐちゃっお!!!こない!!!で!!!!ああああ!!!!匟切れ!?いややるのか!!!!おら!おら!おら!おらぁ!!!!!!!なんでしなないの!!!!金属だよ!!!来るなっおいっおるじゃん!!』 仕方ないよね、グロいの嫌いだもん。 匟切れ起こしおパニックが加速した僕は銃自䜓で殎り始めた。 でも無慈悲にも敵は倒れない。 『あっ・・・』 敵が僕の目の前に来た。 『ぁぁぁぁぁぁっぁぁぁ○○のバカああああああああああ!!!!!!!!!』 僕は思わずこれを匷く勧めた裕翔を眵りながら死んだ。 勿論線集でピヌ音を入れた。 ゲヌムオヌバヌの画面が衚瀺された僕はずヌっず立ち尜くしおいた。 半分意識がない状態が数十秒続いお挞く僕は気付いた。 『・・・ぁ、いきおる。』 手が震えおいた。 ゟンビがあそこたでグロいず思わなかった僕は思わず涙を流しおいた。 『怖かった・・・䜕がホラゲは倧䞈倫♪だよぉ、死ぬほど怖かったよぉ・・・』 そしおそれず同時に怒りがふ぀ふ぀ず湧き䞊がっおきた。 『絶察に倒す、ボクを怖がらせた事埌悔させおやる!!!!!』 それからずいうもの僕は敵が珟れおは 気付けば3時間プレむしおいおもういい時間になっおいたのでプレむをやめ、収録も終了した。 「今日はもうご飯䜜る気力無いから簡単なものでいいや・・・」 粟神ダメヌゞがでかすぎた僕は炊いおあったご飯ず冷凍しおあったおかずを食べるこずにした。 サクッず食べたら少し動画の線集をはじめた。 そろそろお颚呂に入ろうかなず思ったタむミングで奜きなVtuberが久しぶりにこの時間に配信をやっおいたので芋ながらお颚呂にでも入る事にしよう。 ------浮雲ふわりの配信------ 画面には癜ず青を基調ずした和服のような衣装を身に纏った人がいた。 この人こそいたなんじず蚀われる倧型Vtuber事務所の7期生の䞭どころかいたなんじ屈指の人気を誇る浮雲ふわりである。 今日は雑談配信をしおいるようで、い぀もの挚拶から配信が始たろうずしおいた。 「はヌいみなさんこんふわりん。」 たっおた 今日劙に機嫌よくない? 確かに、ふわちゃんいい事あったの? 「あヌわかっちゃいたすかヌ?」 声のトヌンが高いからよく分かるね 最初はちょっずした違和感だったけど 俺分からんかったんだけど・・・ それで䜕があったの? 「えぞぞヌ実はですねヌ今日凄く可愛い子を芋぀けおしたいたしおヌ。」 ふわちゃんロリずショタ本圓奜きだからなぁ どんな子だったん? ロリは至高だもんな 争いはよくない、どちらもいいものだぞ 「そうですよヌ争いはダメですよヌ。」 うぐ、悪かった 私も悪かったわね・・・ 仲盎りできおえらいぞ 「それでその子なんですけどヌ、私奜みの背栌奜でヌ、声たで可愛くおヌちょっず男の子っぜさもあっおヌそんな子をぎゅっずできたんですよねぇヌ、ず蚀っおも転びかけおるのを助けただけですよヌ?」 ダバむ、結果的に盞手助けおるずは蚀え性別が性別なら通報されおるぞこの人 男の嚘?ボヌむッシュ系? 私、気になりたす! 「どっちか分からなかったのが本音ですねヌ次あったら抱きしめたいですねぇ・・・」 男の嚘ず蚀えば男の嚘疑惑出おる新人Vtuberいたな、個人勢の たじで? えっ?いいのか普通こういう配信で他Vtuberの名前出すのっおマナヌ違反じゃないのか? 「構わないから詳现はよ」 ふわちゃヌん!!!!キャラ付け厩壊しおる!!! それ以䞊はたずいですよ! えぇ...(困惑)たぁいいか、癜姫ゆかっおいう新人Vtuberだな 「癜姫ゆか・・・っず」 早速怜玢始めお草 「え?かなりモデルのクオリティ高くないですか?」 これかなりクオリティ高いな 個人でこれはやべぇいくらかかっおんだ あれ?この絵柄どこかで芋たような 「絵垫は柿厎ゆる・・・えっあの柿厎先生?」 あぁ!!!柿厎先生か! 絵柄はいいけど最近パッずしなかったから勝負に出たのか? 「ぞぇヌ結構いい感じなんですねぇヌ」 『この動画を芋おくれおいるお兄ちゃん、お姉ちゃん初めたしお!ボクは癜姫ゆか、今日からVtuberずしお掻動しおいくこずにしたした!』 あらかわいい いい声しおるじゃん チャンネル登録しお来ようかな 私もしようかな 「えっ」 なになにどしたん? ん?どうかした? 「嘘っ、そんなこずあり埗る?」 ????? ずいうかふわちゃんからたた玠のふわちゃんになっおお草 「えヌず・・・倚分だけど、この嚘、さっき蚀っおた性別䞍明の子?・・・声が䌌おるような・・・ちょっず䜜っおる?けど倚分・・・同䞀人物・・・?」 は? そんな挫画や小説じゃあるたいし マゞなら笑う 「ねぇ、初配信のアヌカむブずかこのたた芋おもいい?」 私は䞀向にかたわん! ふわちゃんが謎の胜力発揮しおお草 それから玄1時間あるアヌカむブに料理動画を芋終わった浮雲ふわりは確信に至った。 「みんな、私は断蚀するよこの子絶察私が今日䌚った子だよ、特に料理動画の腕は完党に䞀臎しおた。 ずいうかあの子あの芋た目で17歳はやばいでしょ・・・」 事実は小説よりも奇なりっおか 俺も芋たいぜ... 「こほんっ」 おっず? あっ(察し 時間だな(確信 「急に取り乱しおごめんねヌ今日は雑談枠ずか蚀っおおきながらヌこんなこずになっお本圓にごめんねヌ」 たた次もあるしええんや 玠のふわちゃんあんた芋れないし楜しかったやで 「今日はもうこんな時間になっちゃったけど次はヌこの子ずのコラボ目指しお動いおいくからよろしくねヌ。」 完党にロックオンしおお草 合法ロリorショタず知ったふわちゃんの行動力えぐくお草 「それじゃお぀ふわりんヌ!」 お぀ふわりん お぀ふわりヌん!!! ------この攟送は終了したした------ 浮雲ふわりの配信がきっかけで癜姫ゆかのチャンネル登録者数は1000人を倧きく超える事になるのだが、それを知るのは明日の朝になっおからだった。
Ch 9 Right now, I'm feeling intense regret. Earlier this noon, Yuuto and I browsed for games at a shop and bought the latest VR game from the R* franchise. I put on my HMD (head-mounted display) and started recording a video while I played the game. [Ohh, this feels pretty realistic!] At first, I was still enjoying myself. The game has high-quality graphics that keeps me engaged. The zombies haven't shown up yet, so I can fully immerse myself in the virtual world. [The ground textures look so realistic...] This latest game is made with serious attention to detail in VR, and apparently, it even supports VR gloves that let you feel like you're actually holding objects. They haven't quite figured out how to make your feet feel anything yet, but it's something to look forward to. Still, I feel a gun in my hand, even when I'm not really holding one in real life. I'm oozing with excitement. [Woah, this is so cool! I'm holding a gun!!! It even feels like I'm holding a gun!!! Woahhh!!! Though it does feel a little light, so the realistic factor isn't quite there yet.] And then the moment of destiny arrived. When my character entered a suspicious alley, there was a zombie there. Not only could you see realistic internal organs, but the muscle pulsations were also well recreated. Above all, the voice is repulsive. Since it's VR, the sound is recorded in binaural stereo, giving it a 3D effect. I like horror games, but I hate gore. In other words... [Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Ewewewewew, gross! Don't come over here!!! Die!!! Why?! I already shot you! I shot you so many times!!!] In reality, I'm panicking so hard I can barely land a hit on the enemy. [No, don't come near me! Ahhhhhhhhh! The sound!!! Something just went squish! Don't come! Please!!!! Ahh!!! Out of ammo?! How can this be?! Take that! That! That, that, and that!!! Why won't you die?! It's metal, you know?! Didn't I tell you not to come this way?!] It's useless. I hate gore. As I experience a panic-induced ammo shortage, I start whacking my enemy with the gun itself. But mercilessly, the enemy won't die. [Ah...] The enemy comes right in front of me. [aaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I HATE YOU, ***!!!!!] I died while cursing Yuuto, who strongly recommended this game. Of course, his name will be bleeped out in post-production. The Game Over screen appeared, and I stood there frozen for a while. I was in a semi-conscious state for several seconds before finally coming to my senses again. [...Ah, I'm alive.] My hands are trembling. I never thought the zombie would be that gruesome; I found myself shedding genuine tears. ["I'm good with horror games" my butt... that was so scary...] At the same time, I felt anger rising from within me. [I'll definitely beat them. I'll make them regret scaring me like that!!!] From then on, I HS'd (headshot) every enemy that appeared. Before I knew it, I had been playing for three hours, and it was already late, so I decided to stop playing and recording. "I don't have the energy to cook tonight, so I'll just make something easy..." The mental damage was too much for me, so I settled for rice and some frozen side dishes. After quickly eating, I started editing my video. I was about to take a bath when I noticed that my favorite VTuber was streaming late at night for the first time in a while, so I decided to watch it in the tub. --Fuwari Ukigumo's Live Stream-- On the screen is a person dressed in a white and blue traditional Japanese outfit. This person is none other than Fuwari Ukigumo, one of the most popular members of the large VTuber agency Imananji's 7th wave. It seems like she's doing a zatsudan stream today, and the stream starts with her usual greetings. "Kon-fuwarin, everyone!" ive been waiting you seem to be in a good mood today Yeah, Fuwa-chan, did something good happen? "Ohhh, you can telllll?~" your voice is so high, so I can tell it felt a little off at first i couldn't even tell... So, what happened? "Hehehe, well, actually, I found a reaaaally cute person todayyy." you really like your lolis and shotas, huh, fuwa-chan What kind of person were they? loli is the best Fighting is bad, they're both good "Yeahhh, you shouldn't fighttt." oops, sorry about that. im sorry too... Good of you to make up "So, there's this kid, righttt? And they're like, sooo my typeee. Good-looking, cute voice, and a liiiittle bit boyish, toooo. And then, I got to huuuug them, but only because they tripped and were about to falll..." yikes, saving the person aside, if she were the opposite sex, she'd be in big trouble are they an effeminate guy or just boyish? im curious! "I honestly couldn't telllll. But if I see them again, I wanna give them a biiiiig ol' hug..." speaking of effeminate men, wasn't there a new VTuber who's suspected of being one? an indie, if i recall for real? huh? are you sure? but isnt it against VTuber etiquette to name-drop other streamers during your own stream? "I don't care, just spill the tea already." fuwa-chan!!! youre breaking character!!! you shouldn't go any further than this! eh.. (confused) oh well. i think the VTuber's name was Yuka Shirahime or something "Yuka Shirahime... let me look that up real quick." anddd shes already looking it up lol "Huh? Isn't her model pretty high-quality?" dis some high-quality stuff indeed pretty amazing for an indie. i wonder how much she spent on it huh? haven't I seen this art style somewhere before? "The artist is Yuru Kakizaki... Wait, you mean the Kakizaki-sensei?" ah!!! it's Kakizaki-sensei! their art style is good, but they haven't been doing much lately. did they step up their game? "Ohhh, it looks pretty gooood." [Hey there, onii-chans and onee-chans watching this video for the first time! My name is Yuka Shirahime, and I've decided to become a VTuber starting today!] aw how cute she has a nice voice mb I should subscribe to her channel maybe I should too "Eh-" whats wrong hm? did smth happen? "Huh? Is that even possible?" ????????? fuwa-chan's back to her unfiltered self again lmao "Umm... this is just a guess, but that kid I said was genderless earlier? ...Her voice sounds similar... Is she faking it a bit? Maybe... they're the same person...?" ha? this isn't a fictional world would be funny if it were true "Hey, do you guys mind if I watch her archived debut stream right now?" i don't mind! fuwa-chan's showing off some mysterious power, lol After finishing the one-hour-long archived stream and the cooking videos, Fuwari Ukigumo was convinced. "Guys, I'm telling you, she's definitely the same person I met today. Especially her arms in her cooking videos match perfectly. In fact, that girl looks way too young for her age...Seriously? 17? " truth is stranger than fiction, eh I wanna see too... "Ahem." oh? ah... (sensed it it's time (for sure "I'm sorry for suddenly getting carried awaaay. I know this was supposed to be a zatsu streammm... I'm sorry it turned out like thisss." theres always next time so dw its not everyday we get to see no-filter fuwa-chan, so it was fun "It's getting late, but I'll work towards a collab with this Yuka, so stay tunedddd." she's locked on her lol fuwa-chan's drive is amazing when she finds out someone is a legal loli or shota lol "Well then, otsu-fuwarinnn!" otsu-fuwarin otsu-fuwarinnnn!!! ===The live stream has ended.=== As a result of Fuwari Ukigumo's live stream, Yuka Shirahime's subscriber count exceeded 1000, but she didn't find out until the following day.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.38 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
12:2000人突砎蚘念配信(前線) ホラゲ実況を投皿した次の日に自分のチャンネルを芋おいたら知らない間に登録者が2000人を突砎しおいた。 「たさか僕がこんなに早くチャンネル登録者増やせるなんお思っおもみなかったなぁ・・・」 結構な時間をかけお1000人行っお现々ず収益化出来ればいいな、ず考えおいたので䜙蚈に嬉しい。 Yotubeにおいお収益化のラむンず蚀われおいるのが チャンネル登録者1000人以䞊 動画の過去12ヶ月の総再生時間5000時間以䞊 チャンネル登録者1000人は既に達成しおいるのず、僕の動画の総再生時間もおそらく5000時間は突砎しおいるず思う。 䜕故かバむ◯の動画が既に10000再生を達成しおいたので䜙蚈に早く到達しおいそうず思った蚳なんだけど。 料理動画や自己玹介動画もバむ◯動画䞊の再生数を出しおおり 昔は18歳以䞊しか収益化出来なかったのだけど、子どもがYotuberをしおいおその収益を芪が党額懐に入れおいた、ずいう事件が倚発したため、16歳以䞊に登録者の幅を広めたのだずか。 16歳ずいうのは日本で蚀う䞭孊校を卒業しおいるラむンになるので䞀郚では瀟䌚人ずしお掻動し始める幎霢でもあるからだそうだ。 それ以䞋の堎合はどうしおも芪のアカりントで投皿したりする事になっおしたうらしい。 そしおそんな僕も収益化の為に審査をしおもらう事に。 審査には最近は時間が掛からなくなっおきたようで、早ければ3日、遅くずも1週間で返事が返っおくるそうだ。 早めに申請しおおくほうが無難だず思うのですぐに申請を出した。 そしお氎曜日になり、僕は予定しおいた配信をチャンネル登録者2000人突砎蚘念配信に倉曎し、配信を始めるこずにした。 『皆こんばんは!癜姫ゆかだよ!』 埅っおた あぁ、長かった もはや生きがい 柿厎ゆる:こんばんは、埅っおたよ 浮雲ふわり:こんばんはヌ ふわちゃん!? えっ?ふわちゃんいるの!? 『ふぇ!?ふ、ふわりさん!?』 Yotubeではなりすたし出来ないから本物なんだよなぁ 柿厎ゆる:ふヌん・・・ ゆるママ拗ねおる? 浮雲ふわり:ふわちゃんかふわりお姉ちゃんっお呌んでくれたら倧䞈倫ですよヌ これは・・・ラむバルの登堎ですねぇ はぁヌ心臓に悪いわね 『えっず、ふわりお姉ちゃんで倧䞈倫かな?』 おぇおぇの嚁力に耐えきれなかったんだな 柿厎ゆる:初めおお姉ちゃん呌びされたなら仕方ない、私もこうなった ゆるママ・・・ ふわちゃんもだけどゆるママもゆるママだよ 柿厎ゆる:あなたキャラ厩壊しおるよ? ゆるママあんたの蚀えるこずじゃないwww ゆるママのクヌルなむメヌゞはどこに? 個人勢ではかなりの勢いよね そりゃこのおぇおぇモデルず声なんだから圓たり前だよなぁ 料理動画で匕き蟌たれたタチです私 手䜜りご飯食べたいなぁ 柿厎ゆる:わたしもたべたい 唐突に䞀臎すなwww 唐突なシンクロに草 『料理は・・・あれそういえばゆるママずはリアルで䌚う事になるし、ふわりお姉ちゃんもボクの近くに䜏んでるんだったっけ?』 柿厎ゆる:堎所も材料も報酬の提䟛も蟞さない 浮雲ふわり:近くに䜏んでるず思うず急に地元ぞの愛が深たっおきたしたねヌ ずいうかふわちゃんずゆかちゃん近くに䜏んでるずかマ? オフコラボずかあったら最高なのになぁ 流石に䌁業勢だずき぀くないか? 浮雲ふわり:実はヌ蚱可出たんですよヌ ずいうかゆかちゃんの蚱可取っおなくお草 確かにふわちゃんが先導しおるの草 『えっ?ボクがふわりお姉ちゃんずオフコラボ・・・?いやいやいやそんな迷惑になるだけだよ!?』 浮雲ふわり:迷惑なんおないですよヌこちらからの䞀方的なお誘いですしヌ 柿厎ゆる:今ほど自分がVtuberじゃない事を埌悔した事は無いよ・・・ ゆるママがVデビュヌず聞いお ゆるママが嚘を䜜っお嚘になるっお!? 最早意味䞍明で草 『その前にたずは普通のコラボの方がいいず思うんだけど、だめ、かな?』 ふわちゃんいたのおねだりでも死ぬのか 柿厎ゆる: 流れ匟で死ぬのかよwww 浮雲ふわり:はっ!? 浮雲ふわり:な、なんだったら今からでも倧䞈倫です! 語尟忘れおるんだよなぁ・・・ 『えぇ!?皆がいいならいいですけど・・・』 新しいおぇおぇが芋れるならOKず蚀うしか 私は䞀向に構わん! 柿厎ゆる:うぅ・・・私も入りたい・・・ 俺もいいぞ 『ゆるママは、たた今床ね?』 柿厎ゆる:えっしおくれるの? やさしい 倩䜿か? 優しすぎお涙が出おきた ぺろっ!これは・・・ゆかゆる! ゆかゆる、そういうのもあるのか 新しい䞖界が芋えた気分だぜ 『実は今日は芋おくれおる人ず䞀緒にヒゲオカヌトをやっおいこうず思っおたんだ!』 うっわ俺最近売っちゃったよ 柿厎ゆる:わたしもっおた!!!! 浮雲ふわり:もう起動したしたヌ 『でもその前に䜕個かたしゅたろを食べおいこうず思うよ!』 たしゅたろきたヌ! 僕のを読んでくれヌ 私のを読むのは確定よ!!! 『たず1個目!』 「ゆかちゃんの配信を芋おる人に名前ずか付けないんですか?」 でもあれやるのっお䌁業勢が倚くない? そうだなヌあんたり個人では芋ないな でもそういうのあるず盛り䞊がるのは確か 『ずいう事でボクが皆を呌ぶ時の名前の募集だよ!』 ゆかちゃん芪衛隊 ゆかリスト 他にも思い぀いたけど流石に自粛する 『皆ありがず!この䞭だずゆかリスト、癜姫士、ゆか民のどれかかなぁ?』 わたしもそう思う でも階士っおむメヌゞ無いよなぁ 芋守るっお意味では階士もあっおるのでは? こういうの決めるのっお難しいよな 柿厎ゆる:これは迷うね 浮雲ふわり:私のずころはふわ民っお蚀っおるからそういうのでもいいず思うかな? 経隓者いるのは助かる 『うぅ、難しいね。』 よく考えないずね そうなるず姫士ずかもありでは? 無限ルヌプなんだよなぁ 逆に考えたら初芋入り蟛くならないか? 確かに、盲点だった 俺も入ったずころでそういう人達が盛り䞊がっおたらちょっず入りづらいな いい案が浮かんだリス兄、リス姉っおどうよ リスナヌのお兄ちゃん、お姉ちゃんを略したわけかありだな 柿厎ゆる:いいず思う 浮雲ふわり:初芋も入りやすくお良さそうですねヌ 『よし!それじゃあ決たりだね!リスにぃずリスねぇだね!』 俺本名リスに倉えようかな 『本名は流石に倉えないで!?』 『それじゃ次いくよ!』 「ホラゲ実況ずおも可愛くお最高でした、VR以倖のホラゲもああいった反応になるんですか?」 ホラゲ実況たじ捗る 悲鳎最高 泣き声なんおやばかったわ 柿厎ゆる:あの堎にいたら抱きしめおあげられたのにお姉ちゃんいなくおごめんね 浮雲ふわり:私なら䜏んでるずころさえ分かればい぀でも抱きしめおあげられたすよヌ? リア凞どんだけしたいんだこのロリコンww もうだめだ、早くなんずかしないず 『いや、流石のボクも抱きしめられるのは恥ずかしいっおいうか・・・』 かわいい 抱きしめたいぞ、癜姫ゆか! ぎゅっずしおあげたい なんで俺画面の奥に行けないんだろう 柿厎ゆる:モニタヌ邪魔だなぁ 浮雲ふわり:モニタヌが邪魔ですねヌ あんたら実は仲いいだろ 『ずりあえずたしゅたろぞの返事だけど、倚分今のずころはバむ◯VRだけだず思うよ!』 『そうなの!ボクはグロだけはだめなんだよね・・・でも頑匵っお収録はしたから動画の方も匕き続きよろしくね♪』 毎日芋る 毎日じゃ足りん毎秒芋る それただのF5連打じゃ? 柿厎ゆる:楜しみに埅っおるね 浮雲ふわり:時間がいくらあっおも足りたせんねぇヌ 『正盎リスにぃ、リスねぇもそろそろヒゲオカヌトやりたいよね?』 い぀でもいける 柿厎ゆる:準備はオッケヌ 浮雲ふわり:もう結構埅っおるよヌデスコも準備出来たしたよヌ デスコ...? たさかコラボ? 『それじゃあたしゅたろはこの蟺でプチ倧䌚の開催ずいこっか! 総合1䜍取った人は奜きな台詞読んであげるよ!』 たじ? 本気を出す時が来たようだな 柿厎ゆる:党員なぎ倒す 浮雲ふわり:リスナヌ達ず鍛えた腕前舐めないでもらいたいわね 䜕この二人怖い 『あっ!でもえっちなのはだめだよ!』 ラゞャヌ! 柿厎ゆる:えっちなのはだめだず思いたす 浮雲ふわり:いいか、ロリに゚ロは䌌合わない 地味に玳士で草 淑女の間違いでは? 『それじゃ、ふわりお姉ちゃんも準備が出来たみたいだから入っおきおもらおっか!』 そしお、唐突なコラボが始たった。
Ch 12 I checked my channel the day after posting the horror game playthrough and realized I had reached over 2000 subscribers. "To think I'd gain subscribers so quickly..." I thought I'd slowly reach 1000 subscribers and monetize my channel, but this is even better. The monetization requirements on Yotube are: At least 1000 subscribers, and... A total of 5000 hours of watch time in the past 12 months. I've surpassed the 1000 subscribers mark, and I think I'm hitting the 5000-hour mark. Oddly enough, the R* playthrough video already has 10,000 views, so I'm getting close to my goal. My cooking and introduction videos have as many views as the horror game playthrough, so I might be able to get approved for monetization if I apply. If I recall, only people over 18 could monetize their channels in the past. But after incidents of parents pocketing their children's Yotube earnings, they lowered the age requirement to 16. 16 is the age when Japanese kids finish middle school and start working part-time jobs, so it makes sense. Anywhere below that age, you would have to upload your content using your parents' or guardians' account. Thus, I decided to apply for monetization. I heard it doesn't take long nowadays. Getting approved can take as little as three days or up to a week. It's better to apply sooner than later too, so I did the necessary preparations. When Wednesday came, I changed my scheduled stream to a celebratory one for crossing 2000 subscribers, then I went live. [Good evening, everyone! Yuka Shirahime's here!] ive been waiting aah, that felt so long This is practically my will to live now Yuru Kakizaki: Good evening; I've been waiting. Fuwari Ukigumo: Good eveee fuwa-chan?! huh? fuwa-chan's here?! [Fweh?! F-Fuwari-san?!] She must be the real deal since you can't commit identity fraud on Yotube Yuru Kakizaki: Hmm... is mama yuru sulking? Fuwari Ukigumo: Feel free to call me Fuwa-chan or Fuwari-oneechan. Either is fineee~ I sense the appearance of a rival sheesh my heart cant take this [Um, Fuwari-oneechan, is that right?] she couldn't resist the tee-tee power Yuru Kakizaki: It's understandable since this is her first time being called onee-chan. It happened to me too. mama yuru... fuwa-chan is fuwa-chan, but so is mama yuru Yuru Kakizaki: Well, someone's character is falling apart. youre one to talk, mama yuru lololol Where'd your cool facade go, mama yuru? It's quite impressive for an indie, too with that cute model and voice, it's only natural I'm one of those who got drawn in by your cooking videos i wanna eat your cooking Yuru Kakizaki: Me too. dont just come to an agreement all of a sudden XD Im cracking up at this sudden sync [Cooking... Oh, come to think of it, I'm going to meet Mama Yuru in real life. Do you also happen to live near me, Fuwari-oneechan?] Yuru Kakizaki: I'm willing to provide the location, ingredients, and rewards. Fuwari Ukigumo: Thinking we live close to each other is making me suddenly love my hometown moreee wait, is it true that fuwa-chan and yuka-chan live close to each other? if only they could do an offline collab... It might be tough with corporate talents, huh? Fuwari Ukigumo: Ohh, I actually got permission for that alreadyyy Did she even bother to ask for yuka-chan's permission xD now that you mention it, fuwa-chan took the lead herself lol [Huh? Me and Fuwari-oneechan? An offline collab...? No no no, I would only bother you!] Fuwari Ukigumo: It's not a botherrrrr, it's a one-sided invitation from me, after alllll Yuru Kakizaki: I've never regretted not being a VTuber as much as I do now... when I heard mama yuru was gonna have her v-debut does that mean she'll create her own child and become that child herself?! Nothing's making sense so early in the stream lmao [But before that, I think starting with a normal collaboration is better... No?] did that begging also kill fuwa-chan? Yuru Kakizaki: did she die from a stray bullet XD Fuwari Ukigumo: Ah! Fuwari Ukigumo: In that case, we can do it right now! she's forgetting a few extra letters... [Eh?! If everyone's okay with it, I'm fine too...] I always say yes to new tee-tee material no objections! Yuru Kakizaki: Oof... I want to join too... im fine with it too [Maybe next time, Mama Yuru, okay?] Yuru Kakizaki: Huh? You'll do it for me? so sweet are you an angel or what youre so sweet i started tearing up now this... is YukaYuru! YukaYuru...that exists, huh feels like I'm seeing a whole new world bro [Actually, I was planning to play Mustache-o Kart with the chat today!] craap i sold mine just recently Yuru Kakizaki: I have a copy!!!!! Fuwari Ukigumo: I already booted up mineee [But before that, I'm going to read a few marshmallows first!] Marshmallows! read mine pleaseeee I just know youll read mine!!! [First one!] "Aren't you going to give your viewers a name, Yuka-chan?" but mostly big companies do that, right? Yeah, I don't see many indies doing that but it does feel more immersive when we have a name [There you have it, everyone! I'm looking for name ideas to call you!] Yuka-chan Elite Guards Yukalists I thought of some others, but i think ill hold back [Thank you, everyone! I wonder which I should pick from Yukalists, Shirahime Knights, or Yukamins?] i was thinking of the same thing but it doesn't really have the image of a knight Watching over could still fit the knight image though, right? It's tough to decide on stuff like this Yuru Kakizaki: This is a tough one. Fuwari Ukigumo: I call mine Fuwamins, so maybe that could work too? Its helpful to have someone with experience [Hm... This is tough.] you gotta think abt it hard then shouldn't hime knights solve that problem? This could become an infinite loop. On the other hand, wouldn't it be harder for new people to join? That's definitely a blind spot. yeah, I experienced that in a different stream once, and everyone was in their own world, it was hard to join in I've got a good idea, how about Lis-nii and Lis-nee? It's a shortened version of listener and onii-chan or onee-chan huh Yuru Kakizaki: I think that's a good one. Fuwari Ukigumo: It's easy for newcomers to join, and it sounds good toooo [Okay, it's settled then! We're going with Lis-nii and Lis-nee!] maybe I should change my real name to Lis [Please don't actually try to change your real names to that!] [Anyway, onto the next question!] "The horror game video was both cute and amazing! Do you get that kind of reaction for horror games that aren't VR?" horror game playthroughs are seriously great the screams were the best the cry was something else too Yuru Kakizaki: If I had been there, I would have hugged you. Sorry your onee-chan wasn't there. Fuwari Ukigumo: If I know where you live, I can give you a hug aaaaanytime you want, you knowww? seriously, just how bad does this lolicon want to meet yuka in real life lmfaoo its no use, we have to do something about this and fast [No, um, I'd feel embarrassed if I was hugged, so...] kawaii i want to embrace you, Yuka Shirahime! i wanna hug you Why cant I go across this screen dammit Yuru Kakizaki: If only this monitor wasn't in the way. Fuwari Ukigumo: If only this monitor wasn't in the way, indeeeed you two would make good friends, seriously [Going back to the marshmallow, I think it's just with R* VR for now.] [Yeah! I can't handle gore...but I did my best during the recording, so please continue to support the series! ] Ill watch it every day I watch it every day, no, every second aren't you just gonna spam f5? Yuru Kakizaki: I'm looking forward to it! Fuwari Ukigumo: No matter how much time we have, it's never enoughhhh [Well then, Lis-niis and Lis-nees, you want to play Mustache-o Kart, too, right?] im ready anytime Yuru Kakizaki: I'm good to go. Fuwari Ukigumo: I've been waiting sinceee. My Disco is also readyyy disco...? Wait, is this a collab? [Okay, let's end the marshmallows for today and have a mini-tournament next! I'll say any line the Top 1 wants me to!] for real? time to get my game face on Yuru Kakizaki: I'll take down everyone. Fuwari Ukigumo: Don't underestimate my skill after I've trained with my listenersss What's with these two, they're scary. [Oh! No requests for naughty lines, okay!] roger! Yuru Kakizaki: I don't think anything too lewd is appropriate. Fuwari Ukigumo: Listen, obscene things don't suit lolis. theyre surprisingly gentlemanly lol you sure you don't mean ladylike? [Okay then, Fuwari-oneechan is ready to join, so let's bring her in for the collab!] And thus, a sudden collaboration began.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.32 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
キャラクタヌ玹介 姫村優垌 本䜜の䞻人公、身長150cmずいう䜎身長が悩み 顔立ちは敎っおいお同じクラスの女子ですら女の子ず芋間違えるほど。 普段の服装は男の子っぜい服装を遞んでいる぀もりが 髪色のベヌスは癜でグラデヌションで薄いピンクの入ったハヌフアップで 瞳の色は薄めのピンク 姫村優垌の友人で、優垌が小孊生からの付き合い。 陞䞊郚に所属しおいお成瞟も良いため女子からの人気も厚い。 小さな頃から運動が埗意で優垌が困っおいる時に良く力を貞しおあげおいた。 優垌が信頌しおいる人間の䞀人。 で優垌の事を女の子だず勘違いしたたた癜姫ゆかを完成させる。 絵の実力は確かで、安定しお仕事はあったものの倧きく名を挙げる機䌚に恵たれなかったため、優垌からの䟝頌をチャンスず捉えお費甚を安くしおでも契玄を取った。 倧手Vtuber事務所いたなんじの7期生。 ゲヌムが事務所の䞭でもかなり䞊手い。 語尟を䌞ばしお倩然を挔じおいる。 かわいい子を芋るずテンションが爆䞊がりしお攟送がカオスになるそうな。 優垌を女装させたい欲があるけれど隠しおいる。 今の狙いは文化祭でのコスプレ喫茶。 優垌×裕翔で劄想しおいたが、ゆるゆかの尊さに目芚めおしたい、ゆるの姿を倧たかに聞いたらむメヌゞでゆる×ゆかで1冊曞き䞊げる぀もりらしい。 それなりに人気のあるサヌクル䞻だずか、そうでないずか。 本線では名前のみ登堎 䞭二病な名前からは想像も぀かない物腰の䞁寧な 倧手Vtuber事務所Vラむブの䞀期生兌Vラむブのたずめ圹。 普段の枠では雑孊の解説を行ったり、リスナヌの悩み盞談に乗ったりしおいる。 元メンタリストずいう説もある。
Yuki Himemura's VTuber persona. Mama (Artist): Yuru Kakizaki The protagonist of this series. Bothered by his meager height of 150cm. Has a face pretty enough to be mistaken for a female student at school. Picks out masculine clothes, but he's still often mistaken for a tomboy. Hair color: White with light pink graduation from the bottom half. Eye color: Light pink A friend of Yuki Himemura who has known him since elementary school. A member of the track and field club and also good at academics, he's popular among the girls. He's always been physically apt and has often helped Yuki in times of need. One of the people Yuki trusts. Created and designed Yuka Shirahime, all the while thinking Yuki was a girl. Her skills as an artist are definite, and she has a stable job. But since she wasn't blessed with the opportunity to make a name for herself, she took Yuki's commission as her chance and signed a contract with him, even if it meant decreasing her prices. A seventh-gen talent of the major VTuber agency Imananji Good at games, even when compared to other talents in the agency. Acts like a natural airhead who deliberately prolongs her sentence-enders. Her streams have the potential to become chaotic when she sees cute girls and swoons for them. A female classmate of Yuki with a secret desire to make him wear girl clothes. Her goal is the cultural festival's cosplay cafe. Was awakened to the preciousness of YuruYuka and decided to write a Yuru x Yuka book based on a rough description of Yuru's appearance. Allegedly the leader of some popular circle. Only appears by name in the main story. Has a polite demeanor that you would never guess from his chuunibyou-like name. A first-gen talent and peacemaker of V Live, another major VTuber agency. In his regular streams, he provides explanations of random facts and offers advice to his troubled listeners. There's a theory going on about how he's a former mentalist.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.55 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
17:倧倉身! 「んヌ絶察に䌌合うず思うのよ私、ここなら色々な䌚瀟から貰った詊䟛品の化粧品があるから色々詊せるのよ、だからどう?やっおみない?」 スタッフのお姉さんが絶察䌌合うからず念抌ししながら僕を説埗しおくる。 「えヌ、えっず流石にお化粧は・・・」 僕は流石にそこたではず思い断ろうずするず 「キミの着おみたい衣装ずかも着せおあげるから!ねっ!可愛い服着お䞀緒に来おた女の人喜ばせおあげよっ!」 「僕なんかがそんな服着おも喜ばないず思うんですけど・・・」 「䜕を蚀っおるの!喜ばないならこんなずころたで来お服のデザむン出しお採寞たでやっおなんお面倒な事やらないよ!」 「そうですかね・・・」 「じゃあわかった!もしお化粧ず衣装甚意したの着おくれおそれの評刀が悪かったら私が無理矢理着せたっお蚀うから!キミみたいな可愛い子がそんな栌奜なんお私が蚱せないの!」 䜕が䞀䜓この人をここたで駆り立おるのか僕には分からないけれど、䞀床くらいならいいかな?コスプレの予行挔習ずでも思っおおこうかな? 「うヌ、分かりたした! やりたすよ!やっおやりたすよ!!! その代わり滅茶苊茶可愛くしおくださいよ!」 「その蚀葉が聞きたかった! お任せあれ!!」 今スタッフさんの手により化粧が斜されようずしおいたのだけどスタッフさんに䞀぀質問された。 「䜕かこの子みたいになりたいっおいう垌望ずかは無いかな?」 「それだったらえヌっず、あった、この画像の子みたいにしおもらえたせんか?」 僕は癜姫ゆかの党䜓像をスタッフさんに芋せた。 「ふむふむ、ちょっず埅っおおねヌ今必芁そうなもの取っおくるよ。」 するずものの3分ほどで戻っおきた。 「よし、それじゃあ始めるよ。」 「んヌおかしいわねぇ、あの子の採寞ただ終わらないのかしら。」 「先茩、劙に長くないですか?」 「んヌこんな事滅倚に無いんだけどねぇ。 私少し様子芋おくるから、そっちの曞類ずかの確認頌むわね?」 「分かりたした。」 オネ゚さんが隣の郚屋に入ろうずするず䞭から声が聎こえおきた。 「(あら、お化粧しおるじゃない、たさか服を着せる気なのかしら。)」 これは面癜い事になりそうだず思った圌女はもう䞀床郚屋に戻り終わるのを埅぀事にした。 「戻ったわヌ」 「早かったですね先茩。」 「時間はかかりそうだったけど問題は無さそうだったわ。」 「ほっ、ならよかったです。」 「それにしおも薫ちゃん、あんな子ず䜕凊で知り合ったのよ?」 「実は盎接䌚うのは私も初めおで・・・」 「あの子は私にVtuberずしおの姿のデザむンをお願いしおきたんです。 「それでなんであの子の衣装を䜜るこずになったのよ?」 「配信やっおる時にコミケに出展はしないのか?っお芖聎者に蚀われお、今回は間に合わなかったから、ず蚀っおいおこれはリアルで䌚うチャンスじゃ無いか!?っおなった蚳なんですよ。」 「ちょっず埅っお薫ちゃん、あなたあの子狙っおるの?流石にショタっ子はだめよ法埋的にNGよ?」 「あの子今17歳ですよ?来幎には完党に合法ですよ?」 「嘘でしょ?あれで17æ­³!?」 「たぁ驚きたすよね、私もそうでした。」 「たすたすあの逞材欲しいわね・・・」 スタッフのお姉さんがそう蚀うず次に衣装を枡しおきた。 「さぁさぁ!これに着替えおね!私䞀回郚屋出おるから着れたら教えおね!」 僕は枡された衣装を持ちながら、お姉さんが郚屋を出るのを眺めおいた。 「これを、着るんだよね・・・」 枡されたのは黒い光沢のある靎に癜いニヌ゜ックス、黒をベヌスにした䞍思議の囜のア◯スのア◯スのような服、黒い倧きめなリボン。 ずりあえず着おみるず思ったよりも着やすい蚭蚈になっおいたおかげでささっず着るこずが出来た。 「これで良し、ずリボンだけは分からないからお願いしなきゃだめかな?」 倖にいるお姉さんに声をかけおみおもお姉さんからの返事がなく、いない事に気が付いた。 「どうしよう、埅っおた方がいいのかな。」 ず考えおいるず 「ごめんね、お埅たせ!最埌に必芁な物があったから取りに行っおたのよ!」 「よヌし終わった終わった! ただ自分の姿芋おないでしょ? 芋おみたくない?」 「えっず、ちょっず気になりたす・・・」 圌女が郚屋にあった姿芋を僕の前に持っおくるずそこには矎少女がいた。 「いやヌ我ながらいい仕事をしおしたった・・・」 「これが、僕?」 僕は姿芋に映る姿に困惑を隠しきれなかった。 身䜓を少し動かしおみたり、衚情を倉えおみたりしおも目の前の矎少女の動きは僕ず同じ。 スタッフさんが䜕かを思い぀いたようで郚屋に眮いおある少し倧きめなテディベアを持っおくる。 「これ抱いおみおもらえる?」 蚀われた通りテディベアを抱いおみるずそこにはテディベアを持぀癜姫ゆかずしか思えない矎少女が存圚しおいた。 「僕、かわいい・・・」 「えぇそうよ!キミの持ち味の可愛さを前面に持っおきた衣装よ!䌌合わない蚳がないのよ!さぁ行くよ!二人の床肝を抜いおあげたしょ!」 それでもいざ薫さん達が埅぀郚屋の前に行くず緊匵で頭が䞀杯になる。 「倧䞈倫?流石に緊匵する?」 「緊匵で足が震えおきたした・・・」 「それならその女の子になりきっちゃうずいいよ、挔技をするの。」 「なりきる、僕が癜姫ゆかに・・・」 僕は目を瞑り、思考を切り替える。 僕は癜姫ゆか、僕はボクに、優垌から癜姫ゆかに。 ボクは、癜姫ゆか。 出来る、行こう。 『今のボクは癜姫ゆか、もう倧䞈倫だよお姉ちゃん。』 「くっ!(ガリッ ふぅ・・・よし行こっか?」 『お姉ちゃん、お埅たせ♪』 「ふぇ!?」 「あら?」 二人は声を䞊げながらこちらぞ振り向く。 『どう、かな?䌌合っおる?倉じゃないかな?』 二人ずも悶絶しおしたった。 「化ける化けるずは思っおいたけどこれは想定倖よぉ・・・」 「なんでこんなに可愛いんですか!!!」 『えぞぞ、可愛いなんお薫お姉ちゃんありがずう!』 「えぞぞぞぞ、どういたしたしおぇ。」 「薫ちゃん戻っおきお!?」 「ぁぅ、危なかった・・・先茩ありがずうございたす。」 「それにしおも、いやヌ元が男ずは思えないほどに完璧ね、もはや生たれる性別を間違えたずしか思えないわ。」 「これが倩䜿かぁ・・・」 「薫ちゃん?本圓に倧䞈倫?」 『えっず、そんなに芋぀められるず流石のボクも恥ずかしい、な。』 ずっず芋られおいた優垌くんは恥ずかしそうにしながらテディベアで顔を隠し始めた。 「なんでいちいち挙動がこんなに可愛いのぉぉぉぉぉぉぉ!?」 「もはや狙っおやっおないかしらこの子ォ!?」 「ぞぞぞ、マネヌゞャヌ、どうです?砎壊力抜矀でしょう?」 「アナタ、なんおものを生み出したのよ! モデルになっおもらいたくおアタシのうずうずが収たらないのよ!?」 「いやヌ絶察化けるず思っお党力出しちゃいたした・・・」 実際化けに化けたので圌女の狙いは倧成功だったのだけど。 「ねぇちょっず優垌ちゃん!話があるんだけどいいかしら!?」 『お姉ちゃん、今のボクは癜姫ゆか、だからゆかっお呌んで欲しいな。』 「くっ、ゆかちゃんね分かったわ!」 『それで話っお䜕かな?お姉ちゃん。』 「モデル、本気で受けおもらえないかしら。」 『うヌん、これっお䌁業案件っお事でいいのかな?』 『でもボク、ただそういう経隓ないけどいいのかな?』 「服を着お写真撮らせお貰えたらそれでいいのよアタシは!」 『でもボクはVtuberでもあるからやるのなら動画ずかも䜜らないずダメじゃないかな?』 の撮圱もやりたしょう!それをゆかちゃんのチャンネル限定で公開しおもいいっお事にしたしょう!」 『そ、そこたで蚀うならいいよ、ボクがどれくらい力になれるかわからないけど、やっおみるね!』 「やったわあああああああ!」 「今日は時間もいい時間になっおしたった事だし、もうすぐゆかちゃんは倏䌑みよね?撮圱は倏䌑みに入っおからでどうかしら?」 「なら決定ね!報酬ずしお今回の衣装に関するお金は党おこちらで受け持぀わ!」 「えっ先茩、いいんですか?」 「問題は無いわ!むしろ着おりチを宣䌝しお頂戎!」 「ゆかちゃんにもそうね、1ヶ月の動画の再生回数の2倍の金額を支払うっお事でどうかしら?」 「モデルは高くおも数䞇円っおいうのが珟状だからね、広告もしおくれおっお事ならそこそこは出せるわ、もちろん䌚瀟のSNSでもその動画のURLは拡散するからそこそこの金額にはなるはずよ。」 「それに埅っおる間にゆかちゃんのYotubeのチャンネル芋おきたけど既に1䞇人行っおるじゃない?凄いお宝発掘した気分よアタシは。」 1䞇人突砎? どういう事?
Ch 17 "Hmm, I really think it'll suit you. We have various cosmetics samples from different companies here, so you can try them out. How about it? Won't you give them a try?" The staff lady persuaded me while emphasizing that the clothes and makeup would look good on me. "Uh, umm, maybe makeup is a little too much..." I tried to refuse, but then she said... "We'll let you try on clothes you want to wear too! Come on, wear some cute clothes and make the lady you came with happy!" "I don't think wearing something like that would make her happy..." "What are you saying? She wouldn't come all the way here to have your costume designed and measured if she didn't want you to wear them!" "Is that so..." "I know! If you wear the makeup and clothes I chose and they don't look good, I'll take responsibility and say I forced you to wear them! I won't let a cute guy like you wear something that doesn't suit you!" I don't know what drives this person to such extremes, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to try it out once, right? Maybe I should think of it as a rehearsal for cosplay, too. "Uuu, okay! I'll do it! I'll give it a try!!! In return, please make me look super cute!" "That's what I wanted to hear! Leave it to me!!!" As the staff lady was about to apply makeup on me, she asked me a question. "Do you have any preferences on how you want to look?" "In that case, um, can you make me look like this girl in this picture?" I show the staff lady a picture of Yuka Shirahime. "Hmm, I see. Just wait for a second; I'll go get what I need." After about three minutes, she came back. "All right, let's get started." "Hmm, something's strange. Are they not done taking his measurements yet?" "Senpai, aren't they taking unusually long?" "Mm-hm, this doesn't happen often. Could you go through the paperwork while I check on them?" "Sure." As the man was about to enter the adjacent room, he heard a voice coming from inside. "(Oh, he's got makeup on. Could it be that he's planning to try on some clothes?)" Thinking that this could be interesting, he returned to the room and waited for them to finish. "I'm back." "That was quick, senpai." "They might take a little more time, but everything seems fine." "Phew, that's a relief." "By the way, how did you meet that boy, Kaoru-chan?" "The truth is, this is also our first time meeting in person..." "He asked me to design his VTuber model and generously paid me a whopping 500,000 yen." "So, why did you end up making his outfit?" "He was asked if he would exhibit at Comiket during his live stream, but he said he won't be able to make it. So I thought, this is my chance to meet him in person." "Hold on, Kaoru-chan, are you interested in that boy? It's illegal to have feelings for a shota, you know?" "Senpai, he's 17 years old. He'll be completely legal next year." "Are you kidding me? That boy is 17?!" "It's surprising, right? I was shocked too." "I want that talented kid even more now..." "Anddd, we're done!" says the staff lady as she hands me the dress next. "Okay, change into this! I'm gonna step out for a bit. Let me know when you're done!" "O-Okay!" I reply, holding the outfit she gave me and watching as she leaves the room. "I'm wearing this, huh..." She gave me shiny black shoes, white knee-high socks, a black dress that resembled A**ce from A**ce in Wonderland, and a big black ribbon. To my surprise, the outfit was designed to be easy to wear, and I quickly changed into it. "All right, everything's good. I don't know how to attach this ribbon, though. Should I ask her for help?" I called out to the staff lady who was outside, but I didn't get a response and realized she wasn't there. "What should I do? Should I wait for her?" As I was pondering... "Sorry for the wait! I had to go get something I forgot!" she says before putting a wig on me. "That's it, we're done! You haven't seen what you look like, right? Do you want to take a look?" "Well, I'm a bit curious..." And there I was, a beautiful girl staring back at me. "Wow, I must say, I did a great job..." says the staff lady said with a satisfied expression. "Is this... me?" I couldn't hide my confusion at the reflection in the mirror. I moved my body and changed my expression, but the girl in the mirror moved in the exact same way as me. "Oh, I have an idea!" the staff lady suddenly says, grabbing a slightly oversized teddy bear from the room. "Could you hold this for me?" I did as I was told and hugged the teddy bear. And there she was again, a pretty girl looking just like Yuka Shirahime. "I look...cute..." "Yes, you do! You have a cute charm, and the outfit emphasizes that! There's no way it won't suit you. Now, let's go and surprise those two!" When we were about to go to the room where Kaoru-san and the man were waiting, I became nervous, and my head was filled with thoughts. "Are you okay? Do you feel nervous?" "I'm so nervous that my legs are shaking..." "In that case, why don't you try to become the character you're cosplaying? You can act the part." "Becoming her... Becoming Yuka Shirahime..." I close my eyes and switch personas. I am Yuka Shirahime. From Yuki to Yuka. I am... Yuka Shirahime. I can do this. Let's go. [I'm Yuka Shirahime now. Don't worry, onee-chan.] "Kuh! (flinch) Fuu...Shall we go?" [Sorry for the wait, onee-chan] "Fweh?!" "Oh?" The two turn around, surprised. [Um, what do you think? Does it suit me? Do I look weird?] Both of them passed out. "I knew he'd transform, but this is too unexpected..." "How come he's so cute?!" [Ehehe, thank you for calling me cute, Kaoru-oneechan!] "Ehehehe, you're welcomeee." "Kaoru-chan, return to your senses!" "Ack, that was close... thank you, senpai." "Still, I can't believe it's so perfect that you wouldn't even think he was a boy. It's as if he was born in the wrong gender." "So this is what an angel looks like..." "Kaoru-chan, are you sure you're okay?" [Um, if you keep staring at me like that, I'll start to feel shy...] Yuki-kun says so as he hides his face behind the teddy bear. "Why is every little thing you do soooooooo cute?!" "Were you aiming for this from the very beginning, sweetie?!" "Hehehe, what do you think, manager? His destructive power is off the roof, isn't it?" the staff member asks Senpai. "What have you created?! I'm tingling with excitement over here just from wanting to make him our model!" "Well, I thought it would be a success, so I gave it my all..." And she really did make Yuki-kun transform. "Hey, Yuki-chan, can I talk to you for a second?" [Onee-chan, I'm Yuka Shirahime right now, so please call me Yuka.] "Kuh, okay, Yuka-chan!" [What would you like to talk about, onee-chan?] "Can you model for us?" [Hmm, is this a corporate project?] [But I've never done something like that before. Is it okay?] "Just let us dress you up and take pictures, and that'll be enough!" [But I'm also a VTuber, so if we're going to do this, can we shoot videos too?] "In that case, let's also do an image video shoot! We'll make it exclusive to your channel and upload it there!" [I-If you insist, I'll do it. I don't know how much help I can be, but I'll give it a try!] "Yesssssssssssssssssssss!" "Today has gotten pretty late, but Yuka-chan's summer vacation is coming up soon, right? How about we do the shoot then?" "Okay, it's decided! As compensation, I'll take care of all the fees for this outfit. Is that okay with you?" "Huh? Are you sure, senpai?" "No problem, honey! In fact, wear it and promote our company!" "For Yuka-chan, how about we pay you twice the amount of your monthly video views?" "Models only make a few tens of thousands of yen at most, so if you're also advertising for us, we can afford to pay a good amount. Of course, we'll also promote the video on our company's social media accounts, so it should generate a decent amount of revenue." "Also, while we were waiting, I checked out your Yotube channel, and it already has over 10,000 subscribers! I feel like I've discovered a treasure here." Over 10,000 subscribers? When did that happen?
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.31 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
16:衣装の採寞をしよう! 配信も終わり、お颚呂に入っおゆっくりしおいるず、䞀通のメヌルが届いた。 件名:コスプレ衣装の件に぀いお 本文:前蚀っおいたコスプレの衣装に぀いおだけど、衣装を䜜っおくれるメヌカヌさんが優垌くんの採寞をしたいらしくお優垌くんが倧䞈倫だったらお願いしたいんだけど倧䞈倫かな? 採寞の察応しおくれるのは、東京、暪浜、名叀屋、京郜、倧阪、犏岡なら確実なんだけど。 もちろん無理匷いはしないから暇だったら次の土日にお願いしたいな。 もし近くに䜏んでるんだったら迎えに行けるんだけど、どこの地方なら行けるか教えお貰えないかな? 僕が今䜏んでいるのは名叀屋なので、名叀屋なら行けるず薫さんに返信をした。 そう蚀われるず僕も薫さんがどの蟺に䜏んでるのか党く知らなかったな。 「あっ、もう返信来た。」 私は優垌くんの配信埌に䜜業に戻っおいお仕事のむラストの仕䞊げをしおいた。 「名叀屋なら行けるんだ、っお名叀屋!?」 䜕を隠そう私の今䜏んでいる堎所も名叀屋なのだ。 「もう、運呜ずしか思えないよぉぉぉ!」 もう仕事に手も付けられない状態に戻っおしたった私は倧急ぎで返信をした。 僕がパゞャマに着替えおいるずたた薫さんから返信が来た。 件名:Re:Re:コスプレ衣装の件に぀いお 本文:こんな偶然っおあるんだね、実は私も名叀屋なんだ。 私も土日に衣装デヌタの玍品をしないずいけないからよかったら䞀緒に向かわないかな? 薫さんもなんず名叀屋䜏みだったらしく、お迎えたでしおくれるず蚀う。 なんだか悪い気がするので移動は自分でするず䌝えるずたたすぐに返事が来た。 件名:Re:Re:Re:Re:コスプレ衣装の件に぀いお 優垌くんを無事に説き䌏せる事が出来た私の気分はもう最高朮だった。 あずは玄束の日たで埅぀だけ。 その前に残っおいる仕事を党力で片付け、その日が来るのを楜しみにしおいた。 僕の着おいる服の写真を送り、銀時蚈の前でがヌっず立っおいるず 「もしかしお優垌くん、ですか?」 そう僕を呌ぶ声が聎こえたので声の方ぞ顔を向けるず 「えっ、えっずそう、です。」 「無事に䌚えお良かった。 車駐車堎に停めおるからいこっか?」 「は、はい。」 流されるたたに僕は車に乗った。 「えっず、䞀応車の䞭で申し蚳ないんだけど私が柿厎ゆるこず、遊䜐薫です、優垌くんよろしくね?」 「は、はひっ!こちらこそ!姫村優垌です、よろしくお願いしたしゅ!」 あっ、思いっきり舌を噛んでしたった、物凄く恥ずかしい。 「っ!(なんでこんなに可愛いかなぁもう!?)」 「ご、ごめんなさい、舌噛んじゃいたした・・・」 「倧䞈倫、初察面だず緊匵するよね?」 「こんな歳になっお恥ずかしいですけど・・・」 優しく諭しおくれたおかげか緊匵も少し萜ち着いおきた。 「ちょっず萜ち着きたした、ありがずうございたす!」 「うん、それはよかった。」 それから10分ほど車に揺られおいるず倧きなビルに到着した。 「ここが優垌くんが着るコスプレずいうよりも衣装を䜜っおくれるメヌカヌさん、GloryCuteさんだよ。」 「僕女性服は流石に分からないですね・・・」 「あははっ、普通はそうだよね。 それじゃあ駐車堎に車停めさせおもらおっか。」 「こんにちは、私今日の15時から面䌚の予定を入れさせおもらっおいる遊䜐薫ず蚀いたす。」 受付の人の問いにしっかりず察応する姿は瀟䌚人なんだな、ず実感する。 「遊䜐様ですね、はい、確認の方取れたしたのでご案内させおいただきたすね。」 「ありがずうございたす、じゃ優垌くんいこっか。」 受付の女性が僕達を先導し゚レベヌタヌで䞊の階に䞊がるず郚屋に通された。 「こちらでしばらくお埅ちください、もう少ししたら担圓の者が来たすので。」 「ありがずうございたす!」 そこから10分ほど埅぀ずすらっずした背栌奜の男の人が入っおきた。 「あらヌ薫ちゃん久しぶりじゃなヌい!」 その男の人はオネ゚さんだった。 「それでその子が蚀っおた子かしら?」 「そうなんです!可愛くないですか!」 「ふヌむ、ふむ・・・」 オネ゚さんが僕をじヌっず芋぀めおくる。 「アナタ、本圓に性別停っおないのよね?」 生物孊的にも男ですよ、䞀応。」 「信じられないわ・・・アナタモデルに興味ないかしら?」 「ちょっず先茩!」 薫さんがオネ゚さんにツッコミを入れた。 「あら、ごめんなさいね、アタシっおば玠材のいい子芋぀けるず぀いスカりトしちゃうクセがあっお・・・」 「たぁ、気持ちは分からないでもないですけど。」 薫さんたで䜕を蚀っおいるんだろう? 「たぁいいわ、ずりあえずりチのスタッフがそろそろ準備出来るず思うから隣の郚屋にアナタは移動しおもらえるかしら?えヌっず名前は・・・」 「優垌ちゃんね、可愛い名前じゃない。」 これはお瀌でいいのかな?耒められたんだよ、ね? 「それじゃ優垌ちゃん、ここでスタッフの蚀うこずに埓っおくれたら盎ぐに終わるからね。」 そしお僕はスタッフさんのいる郚屋ぞず入った。 「あら、キミが今回の採寞の子ね?パパっずやっちゃうからこっちにおいで!」 スタッフのお姉さんの手際はよく盎ぐに採寞は終了した。 「ねぇ、キミ本圓に男の子だったんだね・・・お化粧ずか興味ない?可愛い服もここなら䞀杯あるよ!?」 ------遊䜐薫芖点------ 「ねぇ、薫ちゃん。」 「先茩どうかしたしたか?」 「あの子、マゞでりチのモデルになっおくれないかしら・・・」 「流石に女の子の栌奜させお雑誌に茉るのは嫌がるんじゃないですかね?」 「あの子が可愛い服着たずこ芋おみたいわぁ・・・」 遠い目をしながら圌はそう呟いた。
Ch 16 After finishing the stream and taking a relaxing bath, I received an email. Subject: Regarding the Cosplay Costume About the cosplay costume I mentioned... The company that makes the costumes wants to take your measurements, so I was wondering if you're okay with that? They said they could take the measurements in Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka, or Fukuoka. Of course, I won't force you to do anything, but if you're free, could we do it next weekend? If you live nearby, I can pick you up, but could you let me know which area you live in? I replied to Kaoru-san that I live in Nagoya and can go there. Come to think of it, I have no idea where she lives. "Ah, I got a reply already." I was working on finishing my commissions after Yuki's stream. "He said he can go to Nagoya? Wait, Nagoya?!" To tell you the truth, I currently live in Nagoya. "Ahh, this feels like destinyyy!" I couldn't concentrate on my work anymore and hurriedly replied to his message. As I was changing into my pajamas, I received another reply from Kaoru-san. Subject: Re: Re: Regarding the Cosplay Costume What a coincidence; I'm also in Nagoya. I have to deliver the costume details on the weekend, so why don't we go together? It turned out that Kaoru-san also lived in Nagoya, and she even offered to pick me up. I felt bad about it, so I told her I could make my way there. She quickly replied again. Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Regarding the Cosplay Costume I was on top of the world after successfully convincing Yuki-kun. Now all that's left is to wait for the promised day. I'll work hard to finish any remaining work and look forward to that day. After sending a photo of my clothes and standing absentmindedly in front of a Silver Clock... "Excuse me, are you Yuki-kun?" I turn my face towards the voice and see a beautiful woman with dark-ish milk tea beige long hair. "U-Um, yes." "I'm glad we were able to meet safely. Shall we go? My car's in the parking lot." "Y-Yes." Swept by the flow of events, I got into Kaoru-san's car. "So, um, sorry we're doing this inside the car, but once again, I'm Kaoru Yusa, also known as Yuru Kakizaki online. It's nice to finally meet you, Yuki-kun." "Y-Yes! Likewise! I'm Yuki Himemura. Naish to meet you too!" Ah, I accidentally bit my tongue while talking. How embarrassing. "! (Seriously, why is he so cute?!) "I-I'm sorry, I bit my tongue..." "It's okay. It's normal to be nervous when meeting someone for the first time, right?" "It's still a little embarrassing. I'm already this old..." Thanks to her kind words, I started to calm down a bit. "I'm feeling a little calmer now. Thank you!" "Yeah, that's good." After about 10 minutes in the car, we arrived at a large building. "This is GloryCute, the clothing brand that will make your costumes, Yuki-kun." "I don't really know much about women's clothing..." "Hahaha, that's normal. Okay. Let me just park the car in the parking lot over there." "Hello. Yes, my name is Kaoru Yusa, and I have an appointment at 3 pm today." Her ability to respond confidently to the receptionist made me realize she's a full-fledged member of society. "Ms. Kaoru Yusa, yes? Okay, I've confirmed your appointment. Allow me to show you the way." "Thank you. Let's go, Yuki-kun." The receptionist led us to the meeting room on the upper floor. "Please wait here. The person in charge will be with you shortly." "Thank you!" After about ten minutes, an elegant-looking tall man enters the room. "OMG, Kaoru-chan, it's been a whileee!" The man gave off an effeminate vibe. "So, is this the person you were talking about?" "Yes! Isn't he cute?" "Hmm... I see..." The person stares at me. "Boy, you're really not pretending to be a different gender, are you?" Biologically, I'm a male." "I can't believe this... Would you be interested in modeling?" "Senpai!" Kaoru-san interrupts. "Oopsie, sorry about that. I have a habit of scouting people with potential..." "Well, it's not that I don't understand how you feel." What did Kaoru-san's words mean, I wonder. "Aaanyway, our staff is ready, so we need you to move to the next room. What's your name again?" "Yuki-chan, huh? That's a cute name." "T-Thank you?" I reply, unsure if I should thank him for the compliment. "Well then, Yuki-chan, please follow the staff's instructions, and it'll be over quick." And so, I enter the room with the staff. "Oh, you're the client who has come to get their measurements taken? Come this way, and we'll wrap this up in a jiffy, okay?" The staff member quickly finished taking my measurements. "Hey, you're a boy, right? Are you interested in makeup, perhaps? We have plenty of cute clothes too!" --Yuru Kakizaki's POV-- "Hey, Kaoru-chan." "What is it, senpai?" "That boy, I wonder if he would become our model...?" "I don't think he would want to wear girl's clothes and appear in a magazine." "I really want to see him wearing cute clothes, though..." He murmurs with a distant look in his eyes.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.35 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
07:初配信!(埌線)★ 『ええええええええええ!?』 ボクは思わず倧きな声をあげお驚いおしたった。 危うく玠の声が出そうになっお危なかった。 悲鳎助かる 悲鳎たで可愛い コミケ行かなきゃ(䜿呜感) 柿厎ゆる:無理匷いはしないから埌でゆっくり考えおくれたら倧䞈倫だよ ゆるママやさしい さっきたで酷かった人ずは思えなくお草 『でも凄く有難い話だから超前向きに考えおおくね!』 リアルに来おくれるなら絶察に行く 䌑み取れるかな... 䌑み取れないっお蚀われたら䌚瀟退職も蟞さない所存 䞀人人生かけおお草 『もし行くこずになっおもお兄ちゃんやお姉ちゃん達は無茶しちゃだめだよ?』 でも行きたいから倚少は無茶する 私は参戊予定だからいけそう 『えっず急な出来事でびっくりしちゃったけど最埌に蚀っおいたアンケヌトのお知らせだよ!』 気になっおた 『これはズバリ!ボクに実況しお欲しいゲヌムややっおみお欲しい事、料理動画だったら䜜っお欲しいものの募集だよ!』 あれだよねYotubeの暩利の範囲内ならなんでも良いっお事だよね たじかよ神か? WeeFitRing...(がそっ 悪魔がおるぞ 『もちろんYotubeの暩利内でお願いするよ!ある皋床応えおいこうず思っおるから気軜にボクのピペッタヌに蚭眮しおあるリク゚ストBOXにどしどしリク゚スト出しおね!』 䜕送ろうかな ホラゲずかやっおもらいたい あえおの恋愛ADVずかどうよ 恋愛ADVは芖聎者偎がダレるず思うからなぁ これはフラグ 芋せおもらおうじゃないか 驚いおいるずころを想像したら萌えた ふぞぞ、最恐ゲヌムプレむさせおやるぜ・・・ いじめたら可哀想だろ!いい加枛n、でも芋たいな 『それじゃ時間ももう少ししかないから最埌に䞀぀!䜕かボクがこの堎でリク゚ストに応えるよ!蚀っお欲しい台詞や歌っお芋おほしい曲1曲だけやっおあげるよ!』 たじ? 䜕蚀っおもらおう 柿厎ゆる:な、なんでもいいの? ゆるママwww コスプレしお 柿厎ゆる:ゆるお姉ちゃん倧奜きっお蚀っお ゆるママずオフコラボ ゆるママに新衣装おねだりしお 柿厎ゆる:えっ 初配信で新衣装芁求は流石に草 新衣装wwwww たぁそういう反応になるわなwww スナむパヌっおこんなずこにもおんのな 『んっ、じゃあ䞀応蚀うよ?』 『ゆるお姉ちゃん、お姉ちゃんが䌌合うず思う服、ボク着おみたいな?』 柿厎ゆる:あ、あう... 耐えろ ただいける わたしおさいふにおがでそうになった 『だめ・・・かな?』 柿厎ゆる: スパチャどこで出来る? スパチャさせお 『えぞぞ、なんおね?次お掋服頌む時は収益化されおお金が貯たっおからゆるママにお願いする圢になるず思うな!』 柿厎ゆる:埅っおお、1日で仕䞊げる。 1日は流石にやばいっお 3Dモデルどうすんのよ モデリングも無料じゃないんだよなぁ 『えぇ!?ゆるママ無理匷いみたいな事はしたくないから倧䞈倫だよ!?』 柿厎ゆる:倧䞈倫、モデリングは任せお。 違う、そうじゃないwwww もっず声聎いおいたい 次配信い぀? 柿厎ゆる:さっきのコミケの事忘れないでね? 『今日は皆来おくれおありがず♪ たぁちょっず予想倖な事も・・・あったけど 次の配信は3日埌の予定だよ!19時くらいから1時間か2時間くらいやるからよろしくね!』 3日埌なら耐えれる ああああああああああ!!!!俺倜勀!!! 柿厎ゆる:絶察芋る ゆるママもう掗脳されおしたったようだな 俺らもだろ? 『それじゃ、お兄ちゃん、お姉ちゃん、おやすみなさい♪』 ただいかないで よく寝るんだよ 柿厎ゆる:お疲れさた 次も芋るよヌ! ------攟送は終了したした------ 僕は配信を切り息を吐いた。 「思っおたより疲れたけど、楜しかったな。」 自分の発蚀に察しお色々なコメントが寄せられる その光景が楜しかった。 「あっそういえばゆる先生がコミケがどうのっお蚀っおたっけ。」 その瞬間ピロン、ずメッセヌゞが僕のスマホに届いた音がした。 件名:コミケに぀いお 本文:さっき蚀っおいたコミケに぀いおだけど、私達のサヌクルの売り子ずしお来おくれるならっおいう条件でなら䞀緒に参加する人がいいよっお蚀っおたんだけど、どうかな? ただ䞀応コスプレしおもらう必芁があるんだけど... 䞀応壁サヌクルだから忙しいかもしれないから最終的な刀断はお任せするよ? 「こ、コスプレ!?」 「う、うヌん・・・でも・・・衣装なんお僕持っおないんだよね・・・。」 件名:Re:コミケに぀いお ずおも有難い話なんですけど僕あの男ですし、コスプレなんおしたこずないですし、コスプレの衣装も無いので厳しいず思いたす・・・。 これで返信しよう。 流石に党郚お䞖話になる蚳にもいかないしね。 そしお返信をしおから数分埌、通話がきた。 「えっずゆる先生?どうしたんですか?」 「コスプレ衣装、甚意する。 「え、いいんですか・・・?」 「きっずコスプレしお販売すれば癜姫ゆかの名前ももっず売れるはず。」 「倧䞈倫だから安心しおいいず思うよ?キミ、本圓に可愛いから自信を持っお。」 「それず新衣装、コスプレで発衚にしようか。」 「えぇ!?」 「その埌に3Dモデルにしおあげる。」 「でもお金なんお無いですよ・・・?」 「代わりに癜姫ゆかで本を描かせお。」 「そんなの蚱可なんお必芁無いですよね?デザむンはゆる先生なんですし!」 「䞀応二次創䜜になるから公匏からOKが出おるかどうかっおのは結構重芁なんだよ?」 「そういうものなんですね・・・。」 「そういう事だからどうかな?悪い条件じゃないず思うんだけど。」 「それじゃあお願いしたす!」 「うん、分かった!出発日が決たったら教えるからその時はよろしくね!ちなみに名前っおなんお呌べばいいかな?ずっずゆかちゃんだったりキミっおいうのは倱瀌かな?っお思うんだけど。」 「えっず、姫村優垌です。」 「ふふふ、可愛いキミにぎったりの名前だね、優垌くん?」 女の人に䞋の名前で呌ばれるのは初めおで思わず照れおしたった。 匷がっちゃったけどそれも仕方ない、僕男の子だもん。 「私の名前も蚀っおおくね、遊䜐薫、略しおゆるっお蚳だね。」 「薫さん、ですね!」 「お姉ちゃんっお蚀っおもいいんだよ?」 「いやいやいやそれは・・・」 「ふふっ冗談。」 「やめおくださいよ・・・」 ここでゆかの声で本名をお姉ちゃん呌びしたらどうなるのか。 ちょっずした仕返しくらいいいよね? 「たぁそういうわけで倚分珟地で集合する事になるず思うから泊たる堎所は自分でどうにかしおね!」 「うん、分かったよ!薫お姉ちゃん♪」 「ふぁぁぁぁぁぁ!!!!!!!」 もの凄い音が聎こえたず思ったら次は扉が開くような音が聎こえおきた。 『え?ちょっずお姉ちゃん!?倧䞈倫!?これ通話䞭?えっず誰か分かんないけど䞀回切りたすね!埌でお姉ちゃんに連絡させたすから!』 や、やりすぎちゃった? --------ネット民の反応-------- [最カワボクっ嚘]癜姫ゆかに぀いお語るスレ[たさかの個人勢?] 115:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 今回の配信芋た兄、姉達集たれヌ 116:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 呌んだか? 117:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 118:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 俺芋れなかったんだけど今回の配信どうだった? 119:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん ゆるママがやばかった 120:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 121:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん ワンチャンコミケ参戊だっおよ 122:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 121 えっ?Vtuberなのにリアルに参戊するの? 123:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん たぁ蚀うお個人勢だし出来る事なんだろうな 124:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん これで䞭身も矎少女だったら最高だよな 125:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん あれ?あの配信で違和感感じおたの私だけ? ゆかちゃん奜きな人に圌氏いるっお蚀っおたんだけど 126:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 125 いやでもあの声でボむチェン䜿っおる男はあり埗ないだろ垞識的に考えお 127:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 128:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん いや無いだろwwwww でもあったらそれはそれでありじゃね? リアル男の嚘Vtuberずかそうそういないぞ 129:名前:名無しのお姉ちゃん 128 130:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん 男の嚘だからボク呌びっお可胜性もあるよなずか 131:名前:名無しのお兄ちゃん たぁ、そのうちわかるだろ? ネット民の予枬はかなりいい線行っおいたのだが ------ゆら芖点------ 私の名前は遊䜐由良、柿厎ゆるこず遊䜐薫の効である。 そんなある日お姉ちゃんの郚屋からもの凄い声が聎こえおきお䜕事かず思っお入ったらお姉ちゃんが茹で蛞のように真っ赀になっお錻血をだしお倒れおいた。 通話をしおいたようだったので盞手に通話を切る旚を䌝えおお姉ちゃんを介抱する。 「ごめんね、ゆら。」 「䞀䜓䜕があったの?」 「えっずさっきコミケの事聞いたよね?」 「うん、ゆかちゃんの䞭の子が参戊するんでしょ?」 「その話しおたら可愛くおちょっずいじるような事蚀っちゃったんだよね。」 「うん、それが関係しおるの?」 「今埌の為にもお互いに本名名乗っおね。」 「ほうほう、それであの子の名前は?」 「姫村優垌くんだっお。」 「名前たで可愛いずか反則か?」 「うん、たぁそれでね、いじった仕返しに薫お姉ちゃんっお蚀われお死にそうになった。」 「だっおあんなに可愛いんだよ!!! 「いやたぁ気持ちは分かるけどね?」 「毎回錻血出す蚳にはいかないでしょ」 「耐性、配信で付けれるずいいね?」 「が、頑匵る・・・」 あえお蚀おうず思う。 うちのお姉ちゃんも可愛い。
Ch 7 [Huuuuuuuuuuuh?!] I unconsciously let out a huge exclamation of surprise. I almost let my real voice slip out; that was a close call. scream tskr even her scream's cute i NEED to go to comiket (sense of duty) Yuru Kakizaki: Don't worry, I won't force you into anything. Take your time to think about it later, it's all good. mama yuru is so kind i can't believe she was so intense just a little while ago, lol [But I'm grateful for this amazing opportunity. I'll definitely think about it!] if youre showing up in person, im totally going to comiket i hope I can file a leave from work... if they reject my leave letter, ill quit my job, no joke lol someone's really putting their life on the line for this [Oh, and if I do end up going, don't force yourselves, okay?] well I wanna go so i might push myself a little bit im going to the frontlines of the battlefield so i should be fine [Okay, um, the sudden turn of events caught me off guard a little, but I want to talk about the survey I mentioned!] im curious [Here's the deal! I'm taking requests for games you want me to play, things you want me to try, or even dishes you want me to cook!] as long as it's within Yotube's guidelines, anything goes, right? Seriously? You must be god... WeeFitRing...(whisper polis there's a demon here [Of course, I'll only do those within Yotube's guidelines. I plan on responding to as many as possible, so feel free to drop your requests in the request box on Tweeter!] wonder what should I request... i wanna see you play a horror game maybe a dating sim? but I guess dating sims might be too boring for viewers... I sense a flag here show us what you've got i swooned just imagining you getting scared hehe, imma make you play the scariest horror game... hey, don't bully her! ...though I kinda wanna see that myself [All right, we only have a little time left, so one last announcement! I'll fulfill one request for a catchphrase or sing one song right now!] Seriously? hmm, what should I make her say Yuru Kakizaki: A-Anything? Are you sure? mama yuru lololol please cosplay Yuru Kakizaki: Say I love you Yuru onee-chan. please do an offline collab with mama yuru pls beg mama Yuru for a new outfit Yuru Kakizaki: Huh- Imagine asking for a new outfit on the debut stream new outfit lmfaooo not surprised she'd react that way www I guess snipers have this side to them too [Hmm, I guess I can try saying it?] [Yuru onee-chan, I want to wear new clothes you think would look good on me.] Yuru Kakizaki: A-Ah... endure it i can still keep going i almost reached for my wallet [Is that...a no?] Yuru Kakizaki: where can I superchat you? lemme superchat pls [Ehehe, just kidding! Next time I commission a new outfit, I'll wait until I have enough money from monetizing before asking Mama Yuru.] Yuru Kakizaki: Wait, give me a day. a day is crazy what abt the 3d model tho the rigging doesn't come for free, true [Huh?! I don't want to force you, Mama Yuru! It's fine! Really!] Yuru Kakizaki: It's okay. Don't worry about the rigging. no, that's not the point here lol lemme hear your voice more when's your next stream? Yuru Kakizaki: Don't forget what I told you about Comiket, okay? [Thanks for coming to my stream today, everyone There were...a few unexpected things...But! My next stream is scheduled in three days! It'll probably be for an hour or two long, starting at 7 pm. I hope to see you there!] ah, enduring for 3 days is ezpz nooooooooooo!!! i'm on night shift that day!!! Yuru Kakizaki: I'll definitely watch. looks like mama yuru's been brainwashed doesn't that also apply to us? [Well then, onii-chans and onee-chans, good night] Don't go yet :< sweet dreams Yuru Kakizaki: Thanks for the stream. I'll watch your next one too! ===The live stream has ended.=== I let out a sigh and turned off my stream. "It was more tiring than I thought, but it was fun." Various comments flooded in response to my statements. I enjoyed the lively atmosphere. "Oh, that reminds me, Yuru-sensei mentioned Comiket." Just then, my phone pinged with a message. Subject: About Comiket Message: About what I mentioned about Comiket, the other people in the circle with me said that you can join us as our booth assistant. What do you think? However, there's a catch: you have to cosplay. We're a busy circle that deals with doujinshis, so I leave the final decision to you. "C-Cosplay?!" "B-But...I don't have any costumes or anything like that..." Subject: Re: About Comiket Message: Thank you very much for your offer! However, I'm a guy and have never cosplayed before, nor do I have any costumes. So, I'm afraid it might be difficult... I think this is a good enough reply. I can't be indebted to Yuru-sensei all the time. A few minutes after hitting send, Yuru-sensei called me. "Hello, Yuru-sensei? What's up?" "I'll get you a costume and do your makeup. Will you come now?" "A-Are you sure...?" "Absolutely. I bet your cosplay will make Yuka Shirahime's name even more popular." "You're more than good enough. You're cute, so have confidence." "Also, let's announce the new outfit through cosplay." "What?!" "I'll make it into a 3D model later." "But I don't have any money..." "In exchange, let me draw a doujin of Yuka Shirahime." "You don't need permission for that, right? You're the one who made her, sensei!" "Well, technically, it's a derivative work, so getting approval from the official source is important." "I see..." "So, what do you think? I don't think it's a bad deal." "Okay, I'll go for it!" "Got it! I'll let you know when we leave, so be ready! By the way, what should I call you? Should I keep calling you Yuka-chan, or is that too rude? What's your name again?" "Um, it's Yuki Himemura." "Hehe, it's a cute name that suits you perfectly, Yuki-kun." It's the first time a girl called me by my given name like that, so I can't help but feel embarrassed. I have to act tough; I'm a guy, after all. "I'll tell you my name too--it's Kaoru Yusa. That's where I got Yuru." "Kaoru-san then!" "You can call me onee-chan, you know?" "Oh, no, that's, um..." "Haha, just kidding." "Please give me a break..." I suddenly thought to myself, what if I call her by her real name and add onee-chan using Yuka's voice? Just as a teeny-tiny payback. "Well, anyway, I think we'll probably meet up at the location, so you'll have to find a place to stay on your own." "Okay! Thanks, Kaoru onee-chan" "Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" I heard a loud noise, like something had fallen hard, and then the sound of a door opening. "What happened, onee-chan? Are you okay?! Oh, is this call still on? Sorry, I don't know who's on the line, but I'll hang up now. Onee-chan will contact you again later!" D-Did I overdo it? --The Netizens' Reaction-- [The Cutest Boyish Girl Ever] A Yuka Shirahime Thread (Surprisingly an Indie VTuber?) 115: Name: Anon Onii-chan Gather 'round, brethren who watched today's stream. 116: Name: Anon Onii-chan you called? 117: Name: Anon Onee-chan 118: Name: Anon Onii-chan I missed the stream, how was it? 119: Name: Anon Onii-chan mama yuru was wack 120: Name: Anon Onii-chan 121: Name: Anon Onii-chan there's a chance that yuka's going to comiket 122: Name: Anon Onee-chan >>121 Huh? A VTuber actually attending in person? 123: Name: Anon Onii-chan well, she's technically an indie, so it's something she can do 124: Name: Anon Onii-chan If she turns out to be a beauty IRL, that would be the perfect package. 125: Name: Anon Onee-chan Wait, was it just me who felt something was off during the stream? Yuka-chan said her crush got a boyfriend, but I was confused if it was a guy or a girl. 126: Name: Anon Onii-chan >>125 but if you think about it for once, a guy using a voice changer to sound like that is impossible 127: Name: Anon Onee-chan 128: Name: Anon Onii-chan yeah no lmaoo but if she really is, it's plausible there aren't many real-life effeminate male vtubers 129: Name: Anon Onee-chan >>128 130: Name: Anon Onii-chan And if it's a guy, calling herself "boku" is all the more possible. 131: Name: Anon Onii-chan well, we'll find out eventually The netizens' predictions were pretty spot on, but it remains to be seen how many people will realize Yuki's true identity on the day of the event. --Yura's POV-- My name is Yura Yusa, the younger sister of Kaoru Yusa, who goes by the name Yuru Kakizaki online. One day, I heard a loud noise coming from my sister's room. When I went in to check, I found her collapsed on the floor, face beet-red and bleeding from her nose. It seemed like she was on a call, so I told the other person we had to end the conversation to take care of my sister. "Sorry, Yura." "What happened?" "Well, you heard me talking about Comiket earlier, right?" "Yeah, the one where the person behind Yuka-chan is going to attend." "While we were talking, he said something cute to tease me." "Okay. And how's that related?" "We told each other's real names for future reference." "I see. So what's his name?" "Yuki Himemura." "Even the name is cute. Isn't that cheating?" "Yeah, well, in retaliation for what I said, he called me Kaoru onee-chan, and I almost died." "But he's just so cute, can you really blame me?!" "I understand your feelings." "But you can't keep having nosebleeds like this." "I hope you can build up some resistance through the streams." "I'll try my best..." I dare say it. My sister is also cute.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.29 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
04:日垞は動画のネタの宝庫 「ん・・・ふぁぁぁ・・・」 朝になり僕は自然ず目が芚めた。 目芚たし無しで起きれたのは久々かもしれない。 「思ったより寝おたなぁ・・・」 昚日寝た時間から考えるずかなり長い時間寝おいたようだった。 そしお䜕か違和感を感じ垃団をめくる。 「うわ、寝汗でびっしょりだお颚呂入ろうっず。」 僕は喉がからっからだったので、お氎を飲んでからお颚呂に入った。 「ふぅ、さっぱりした。」 お颚呂から出た僕は孊校ぞ行く準備を終えたので簡単な朝ご飯を䜜る。 今日は食パンにベヌコンず目玉焌きを乗せたものにした。 食パンのふわふわな食感を楜しみたいのでトヌストは衚面が軜く枩たる皋床にしお、トヌストした食パンの䞊に焌いたベヌコンを乗せ、曎に䞊に目玉焌きを乗せ塩胡怒をかけたら完成。 シンプルだけど矎味しく、䜜る時間も短くお満足感も埗られるので僕はよくこれを食べるんだ。 フォヌクずナむフを䜿うず食べやすいよ。 さくっずご飯を食べ終わったらバスが来る時間になるたでテレビやスマホを芋ながら過ごすのが奜きでよくがヌっずスマホやテレビを芋おいる。 この数十分の䜙裕が劙に幞せに感じるのが䞍思議。 そしおい぀ものようにピペッタヌを開くず劙に通知が溜たっおいた。 「あれ?䜕かあったっけ?」 するず僕の日垞アカりントではなくVtuber、癜姫ゆかのアカりントに通知が来おいた。 「動画の反応ずか・・・かな?」 そしお通知欄を芋るず数癟人の人からのフォロヌ通知が出おきた。 「うえぇ!?」 僕は、Vtuberは䌁業勢でも無ければ最初は人なんおそんなに集たらないっお聞いおいたから、ここたで䞀気に人が増えるずは思っおいなかった。 おそらくゆる先生の絵柄の効果もあっおこれだけ䌞びたんだず思う。 宣䌝効果はバッチリだったみたい。 早めに動画を䞊げないずいけないね! 応揎のメッセヌゞなども届いおいたので党おに返信をする事にした。 でも数が増えたら察応しきれなくなるから、こういう事が出来るのも最初だけなのかもしれないず思うず、少し寂しいね。 出来る限り応揎しおくれおいる人には応えおいきたいな。 返信などを返しおいるず気付けば孊校ぞ行く時間になっおしたった。 孊校ぞ着いた僕は教宀ぞ入り、裕翔やクラスの女子達ず挚拶を亀わす。 Vtuberやっおる事が知られおから劙に女子受けが良くなった気がするのは間違いでは無さそうだ。 授業は真面目に受けお倧事なポむントはしっかりずメモを取る。 あたり埩習に時間は割きたくないので授業でちゃんず芚えおいくよ。 そしおお昌䌑みになっおお昌を裕翔ず䞀緒に食堂で食べる事になったので食堂ぞ向かった。 「そういえばさ優垌、昚日チャンネル開蚭したんだろ?」 「そうだね!開蚭しおすぐ寝ちゃったんだけどね・・・」 「優垌は昔から寝るの早いよな・・・」 「起きおいられないものは仕方なくない?」 じずヌずした目で芋られたけれど眠いものは仕方ないよね。 思わず片蚀になっおしたったけどそれは僕には犁句っおものだよ。 「お、おう悪い。」 「たぁ、僕も薄々これ以䞊成長しないず思っおるんだけどさ・・・」 「たぁ、優垌の芪父さんずお袋さん芋たら仕方ないず思うわある意味䞀番男ずしお受け継ぎたくない堎所を綺麗に受け継いでるもんな・・・」 「確かにうちのお父さん幎からしたら死ぬほど若く芋られるし、お母さんは綺麗だよ?」 「なんでお父さんの身長ずお母さん譲りの髪質に肌、敎った顔立ち党郚継承するかなぁ!!!」 「身長が党おを壊しおるよな。」 「どこ行っおもショタ扱い䞋手するず女の子扱いだよ!」 「メリットずかあるのか?」 「えっず・・・スむヌツ食べに行っおも違和感が無い事・・・かな?」 「もはや女子じゃん。」 「僕は男だっお!」 「知っおる知っおる。」 「食堂着いたぞヌ優垌。」 「むぅ・・・」 「たぁそう拗ねなさんな、優垌は䜕食べる?」 「䜕食べよう、食堂で食べるの久しぶりかも。」 「普段優垌自分で匁圓䜜っおくるもんな。」 「昚日は流石に早く寝過ぎちゃったからね。」 「今思ったんだけどさ、匁圓䜜る動画ずかどうなんだ?」 「えっ?ちょっずニッチすぎない?」 「締めにさお兄ちゃんずかお姉ちゃん召し䞊がれずか蚀っずいたら砎壊力ダバそうなんだけど。」 「うヌんたぁ確かに色々詊しおみるのはありなのかな?」 「機材的には行けるのか?」 「䞀応僕のスマホ画質いいや぀だから問題はないかな?」 「だったら詊しにやっおみたらどうだ?優垌の䜜る匁圓毎回矎味しそうだったし、意倖ず需芁ありそうだけどな。」 「実質的な初投皿がそんな動画だったら皆びっくりするだろ。」 「うヌん確かに。」 「おっず順番回っおきたな、俺は今日は牛䞌の気分だし牛䞌セットにしよう。」 「じゃあ僕は唐揚げ䞌セットにしよっず。」 僕ら二人は食刞を持っお食堂のおばちゃんのずころぞ向かう。 「「お願いしたヌす」」 「はヌい、牛䞌セットず唐揚げ䞌セットねヌすぐ出来るから埅っおおねヌ。」 そしお1分皋床で䞡方ずも出おくる。 流石高校の食堂、ある皋床䜜り眮きしおあるずは蚀え速床が半端じゃない。 「よしじゃああそこに座るか。」 唐揚げ䞌は甘蟛たれがかかっおいおご飯ずの盞性が最高だった。 セットにはミニサラダずお味噌汁が付いおいるので、栄逊バランスも悪くないよ。 そしお10分ほど時間が経぀頃には二぀のセットの䞭身はからっぜになっおいた。 「「ご銳走さたでした。」」 「じゃあ教宀戻るか。」 その埌お昌の授業はお腹が膚れお死ぬほど眠かったのは蚀うたでもなかった。
Ch 4 "Mm... Ahh..." As morning arrived, I woke up naturally without needing an alarm clock. It's been a while since I woke up on my own like this. "I must've slept longer than I thought..." Judging from the time I went to bed last night, I must've slept for a long while. Then, I felt a strange sensation and lifted the covers. "Yikes, I'm drenched in sweat. I need to take a shower." My throat was parched, so I drank some water before heading to the bath. "Ah, that feels refreshing." After getting out of the bath, I got ready for school and made a simple breakfast. Today, I decided to have bacon and eggs on toast. I lightly toasted the bread to keep its fluffy texture. Then, I placed the cooked bacon on top of the toast and added a fried egg. Finally, I sprinkled some salt and pepper on top, and it was complete. It's a simple yet delicious breakfast that doesn't take long to make and leaves me feeling full. I often eat this dish and find it easy to eat with a fork and knife. Once I finished eating, I had some free time before the bus arrived. I usually spend this time watching TV or looking at my phone, zoning out. It's strange how these spare moments feel so blissful. As usual, I opened Tweeter and, to my surprise, noticed a flood of notifications. "Hmm, did something happen?" I don't know why, but the notifications are for the VTuber Yuka Shirahime's account, not my personal one. "Maybe it's about the reactions to my video or something?" I check the notifications and see several hundred people have started following me. "What the...?" I can't believe it. I heard it was difficult for VTubers to gain a large following, especially without corporate backing. Perhaps this was due to the popularity of Yura-sensei's art. The advertising effect was undoubtedly working wonders. I need to upload a new video soon! I responded to all the messages of support that came in. However, I worry that I won't be able to keep up with the growing number of followers in the future. It's a bit sad that these early moments when I can reply to everyone may not last. Still, I want to respond to as many people supporting me as possible. Before I knew it, it was time to go, so I made my way to the bus stop and took the bus headed for my school. Upon arriving at school, I entered the classroom and exchanged greetings with Yuuto and the girls. Ever since it became known that I was a VTuber, I've been receiving more attention from the girls. During class, I focused seriously and took thorough notes on the important points. I don't want to spend too much time reviewing, so I make sure to remember everything in class. At lunchtime, Yuuto and I decided to eat together in the cafeteria. "By the way, Yuki, didn't you start your channel yesterday?" "Yeah! I did, but I fell asleep right after..." "You've always been quick to fall asleep." "Well, I can't help not being able to stay awake." He gives me a stare, but there's no helping it when you're sleepy, is there? I unconsciously stumble over my words. It's a touchy subject for me. "O-Oh, right. Sorry." "Well, I also feel like I won't grow any taller than this, honestly..." "Seeing your parents, it's not surprising. In a sense, it's like you inherited the least desirable traits as a guy..." "For real. My dad looks so young for his age, and my mom is pretty." "Why did I have to inherit my Dad's height and my Mom's hair type, flawless skin, and facial features?!" "Your height ruins everything, huh." "No matter where I go, people treat me like a shota, or worse, a girl!" "Is there any benefit to that?" "Well...It feels normal to eat desserts with girls...I guess?" "You're practically a girl then." "I'm a guy, I swear!" "I know, I know," repeats Yuuto while laughing. "We here at the cafeteria, Yuki." "Ugh..." "Hey, stop sulking. What do you wanna eat?" "I don't know, it's been a while since I ate in the cafeteria." "You usually make your own bento, after all." "I went to bed too early last night, so I didn't have time to make one." "I just thought of something. How about making a video of you making a bento?" "Huh? Isn't that a bit too niche?" "As a closing remark, you could say to your viewers, 'eat up, onii-chan and onee-chan!' That might have a potentially destructive impact, don't you think?" "Hmm, well, experimenting with different ideas could be worth considering, I guess." "Technically speaking, do you have the equipment for it?" "My phone has a good camera, so there shouldn't be any issues." "In that case, why not give it a try? Your bento always looks delicious, so there might be more demand than expected." "I bet people would be surprised if that's your first upload after your introduction video." "Hmm, true." "Oh, it's our turn now. I'm in the mood for beef bowl, so I'll have the beef bowl set." "Then I'll go for the karaage set." The two of us head to the cafeteria's counter with our meal tickets. "PLEASE, AND THANK YOU." "A beef bowl set and fried chicken bowl set, got it. They'll be ready in no time, so please wait here." Within a minute or so, both sets are ready. The efficiency of high school cafeterias is impressive, even though some dishes are pre-made. "Okay, let's sit over there." The karaage bowl is topped with a sweet and savory sauce that complements the rice perfectly. The set also comes with a mini salad and miso soup, making it a well-balanced meal. After about 10 minutes, both sets are empty. "THANK YOU FOR THE MEAL." "Shall we head back to the classroom?" The rest of my afternoon classes were spent in a sleepy daze, as my full stomach made me feel incredibly drowsy.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.38 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
35:コミケ3日目(埌線) 「あっ優垌くん来た来た。」 僕が準備を枈たせホテルのロビヌぞ降りるず薫さんず由良さんが既に埅っおいた。 「あっ、もしかしおもう党員揃っちゃいたしたか?」 「空朚さんもうすぐ準備出来るっお蚀っおたからただ倧䞈倫だよ。」 「よかった・・・ただお化粧萜ずすの慣れなくお・・・」 目の呚りずかを気にしながらやっおいるずどうしおも慣れおいないせいで化粧が残っおいる事が倚いのでどうしおも時間がかかっちゃうんだ。 「しっかり萜ずさないず肌に悪いから仕方ないよ。」 「私も最初の頃はよくお姉ちゃんに泚意されたっけ・・・」 「い぀の話しおるの、今じゃ由良の方が化粧䞊手なのに。」 「やっぱり最初はそんなもんなんですねぇ・・・」 「特に優垌くんは男の子だし仕方ないよ。」 「た、たぁ普通はしないからね・・・芞胜人は結構する人いるけど。」 そんなメむク談矩をしおいるず華さんがホテルの入り口に到着したず連絡が入った。 「ん、到着したみたいだね。 それじゃ早いけどコミケの打ち䞊げずいこっか。」 「はい!」 「私も食べるぞヌ!」 そしおホテルを出るず華さんが呚囲を確認しおいるのを芋぀けた。 「あっ、よかった、䞀瞬間違えたかず思いたした!」 「合っおたすよ、それじゃどこ行きたしょうか。」 そしお薫さんず華さんが目を芋合わせるず頷きこう蚀った。 「えっ?僕ですか?」 「そうそう、今日の䞻圹は優垌くんだから!」 「私も優垌くんの奜きなずころでいいず思うよヌ」 䜓力をみんな倱っおいるからある皋床ガッツリしたものがいいんじゃないかな、ず僕は思ったけど暑さでバテおる可胜性もあるからあっさり系もいいのかな、ず迷い始める。 「うヌん、がっ぀り?あっさり?どっちが良いんだろう・・・」 僕は思わず口に出しお呟いおいた。 「優垌くん、私たち䜓調は普通だからがっ぀りも倧䞈倫だよ。」 「ずっずあそこに居たわけじゃないから気にしないで倧䞈倫!」 「私も珟地行っおそのたた垰っおをやっただけなので問題無いですよ。」 「それだったら焌肉ずかどうですか?打ち䞊げず蚀えば!っお感じでいいず思うんですけど・・・」 「おぉ、いいね!私は賛成だよ!」 「いいず思う!」 「私も問題無しです!」 ずいう蚳で焌肉に行く事になった。 「そういえば少し遠いですけどうちの事務所のメンバヌでオフコラボずか東京でやる時によく行く矎味しい焌肉屋さんあるんですけどそこに行きたせんか?」 「(少し倀段は匵りたすけど凄く矎味しいですよ、ここ。)」 「(これくらいなら問題無いですね、ここにしたしょうか。)」 圌女達の声は優垌には届いおいなかった。 倀段を芋お僕は目を芋開いた、䜕5000円っお!? 䜕を䜿っおるのここのお肉!? 流石にここたでの高玚ランチは僕初めおだよ!? 「えっ?5000円?」 「あヌちょっず高いけど倧䞈倫、お腹いっぱいになるし、滅茶苊茶矎味しいから!」 「いや、この倀段のランチは初めおでちょっず困惑しちゃっお・・・」 「い、いいんですかね・・・?」 この金額は流石に申し蚳ない気持ちになっおしたう。 でも出おきたお肉を芋お矎味しそうずいう気持ちが匷くなった。 和牛の色々な郚䜍が少量ず぀入ったこのセットは皮類が倚いので結構なボリュヌムがある。 確かにお腹いっぱいになりそう。 初めおの高玚焌肉にワクワクしながらお肉を焌き、焌き䞊がるのを埅぀。 じゅうじゅうずいい音を立おお焌き䞊がったお肉をタレに぀けお食べる。 僕は頬を綻ばせながら感想を口にした。 「(もしかしお薫さん、この姿を芋せおくれるために・・・?)」 そっず目を薫に向けた華を芋お薫は頷いた。 「(こんなの死ぬほど尊いに決たっおるじゃないですか!!!本圓にありがずう薫さん!)」 「なにこれ矎味しい・・・・あっちの高玚焌肉にも匕けを取らないよ・・・」 「ですよね!私もそう思ったんですよ!あっちだず䞀人1䞇円付近の矎味しさなんですよここ!」 「確かに矎味しいね・・・」 そんな話をしながらも目線は党員優垌の方を向いおいた。 「もぐもぐ・・・ん〜♪矎味しいですね!」 「玹介した甲斐があったね、気に入っおもらえおよかった。」 その埌沢山ご飯を食べた党員はホテルぞ戻っお寝転がる矜目になったずか。 「おはようございたす。」 わたしは昚日撮圱の予定があったけれど、䞀緒に撮圱予定の子が急に亀通事故に遭い来れなくなっおしたったらしい。 幞い倧怪我たではいかなかったらしいけれど倧事をずっお1週間は䌑む事になったそうだ。 「あっ、遙さんおはようございたす。」 「結局撮圱の方はどうなりそうですか?」 東京本瀟にある事務所ぞ入ったわたしは今回の撮圱を担圓しおいる人に予定を聞く事にした。 「それが、代圹が芋぀からないそうで、こちらも焊っおいる状況なんですよね。」 「遙さんがこっちにいれるのは最倧でい぀たででしたっけ?」 「登校日があるのであず3日が限床ですね。」 「分かりたした、マネヌゞャヌさんずも連絡を取っおどうにかするので連絡が入るたでの間は自由にしおもらっお倧䞈倫です!」 「分かりたした、䜕かあったら連絡しおください。」 わたしは事務所を出おホテルぞ戻った。 䜕もやる必芁のない䌑み、久々だから楜したないず! 「うヌん、困ったわねぇ。」 圌は遙のマネヌゞャヌ。 優垌にIVの撮圱を䟝頌した人物でもある。 圌はマネヌゞャヌずはいうものの遙が所属しおいる事務所の統括マネヌゞャヌ兌glory cuteの副瀟長も務めおいる。 そんな圌が困っおいる内容は先ほど電話によっお䌝えられた遙ず䞀緒に撮圱する予定だった女の子が事故にあったために䌑たざるを埗なくなったこずだった。 遙が東京で埅機できる時間にも限りがあるため代圹をなんずしおも早く探す必芁性があったのだ。 「姉効コヌデ、䌌た雰囲気を持぀子じゃないずいけないのが難しいわね・・・せめお髪型の近い子なら・・・」 ただし問題はお盆の時期に動けおなおか぀東京にいる事が条件になるず蚀うこずだろうか。 「東京にいお髪型が近い・・・ん?」 「いるじゃない!適圹が! 垰っおしたう前に連絡しないずいけないわね!」 圌はずある人物ぞ電話をかけ始めた。
Ch 35 "Ah, Yuki-kun's here." After getting ready and going down to the hotel lobby, Kaoru-san and Yura-san were already waiting. "Ah, is everyone already here?" "Utsurogi-san said she'll be ready soon, so we're fine." "That's a relief... I'm not used to removing makeup yet, so..." As I'm not used to it, it often takes a lot of time because I end up leaving some makeup on, especially around my eyes. "It's bad for your skin if you don't thoroughly remove it, so it can't be helped." "Onee-chan often scolded me when I first started..." "What are you talking about? You're better at makeup than me now, Yura." "I guess everyone's like that at the beginning..." "Besides, you're a guy, Yuki-kun, so we don't blame you." "W-Well, I usually don't put on makeup, that's for sure... Although I hear many entertainers do it." While discussing makeup, we received a message that Hana-san has arrived at the hotel entrance. "Oh, looks like she's here. All right, let's start our Comiket after-party even though it's still early." "Yeah!" "I'm gonna eat lots!" When we left the hotel, we spotted Hana-san checking the surroundings. "Ah, thank goodness. I thought I made a mistake for a moment!" "You're at the right place. So, where shall we go?" As Kaoru-san and Hana-san make eye contact, they nod and say," Do you want to eat anything in particular, Yuki-kun? Anything at all!" "Eh? Me?" "Yes, yes, you're today's star, Yuki-kun!" "I don't mind eating wherever Yuki-kun likes." I thought that since everyone was tired, something hearty would be good, but considering the heat, something light might also be good, so I feel torn. "Uhm, hearty? Light? Which one would be better..." I inadvertently thought out loud. "Yuki-kun, we're all fine, so even something hearty is okay." "We weren't at the plaza the whole time. Don't worry. We're fine!" "I only went to the venue and returned straight away, so there's no problem." "In that case, how about yakiniku? It has that after-party feel, so... I think it would be nice..." "Oh, that sounds good! I agree!" "I think that's a great idea!" "I have no problem with that!" Thus, we decided to go for yakiniku. "Speaking of which, there's a delicious yakiniku restaurant that members from my agency often go to when we have off-collabs in Tokyo. It's a bit far, but how about going there?" suggests Hana-san and shows Kaoru-san the price on her phone screen. "(It's a bit pricey, but it's really delicious here.)" "(This much isn't a problem, let's go here.)" Their voices didn't reach Yuki. Looking at the price, my eyes popped out. FIVE THOUSAND YEN?! What kind of meat do they use here?! I've never had such an expensive lunch before! "Five... Five thousand yen?" "Ah, it's a bit expensive, but it's okay. It'll fill you up, and it's incredibly delicious!" "No, it's just... I'm a little taken aback... This is my first time seeing such expensive lunch..." "A-Are you sure...?" The price really makes me feel guilty. But the sight of the meat coming out stirs a stronger feeling of anticipation for its deliciousness. This set contains various parts of Wagyu beef in small amounts, and it's quite voluminous due to the variety. It's definitely enough to fill the stomach. Excited about my first experience with high-end grilled meat, I grill the beef and wait for it to be done. The meat sizzles appealingly; once cooked, I dip it in the sauce and eat it. Grinning from ear to ear, I share my thoughts. "(Could it be that Kaoru-san did all this just to show me this...?)" Glancing subtly at Kaoru-san, I see her nod at Hana-san. "(This precious scene is worth dying for! Thank you so much, Kaoru-san!)" "This is so good... it's just as good as the high-end yakiniku over there..." "Right? I thought so too! This place is as good as those that cost around 10,000 yen per head!" "It certainly is delicious..." While having such a conversation, everyone's gaze is on Yuki. "Munch munch... Mm! This is delicious!" "I'm glad you liked it. It was worth introducing this restaurant." After that, everyone who ate a lot had to lie down back at the hotel. "Good morning." I had a shoot scheduled for yesterday, but the girl I was supposed to shoot with got into a sudden traffic accident and apparently couldn't make it. Fortunately, she didn't seem to have been seriously injured but decided to take a week off just in case. "Ah, good morning, Haruka-san." "What's going to happen with the photoshoot?" I entered the Tokyo office and asked the person in charge of this shoot. "That's the thing, we can't find a substitute, so we're in a bit of a rush." "When's the latest you can stay here, Haruka-san?" "School's coming up, so I have about three more days." "Got it, I'll contact the manager and figure something out. You're free to do whatever you want until I get in touch!" "Understood. Please contact me if anything comes up." I leave the office and return to the hotel. A holiday with nothing to do is rare; I have to savor it! "Hmm, this is a pickle..." Speaking is Haruka's manager. He's also the person who requested Yuki for the IV shoot. Although he's called a manager, he also serves as the general manager of the agency Haruka belongs to and GloryCute's vice president. He's troubled because the model, scheduled to shoot with Haruka, had an accident and, as informed over the phone, was forced to take a break. There's a limit to how long Haruka can stay in Tokyo, so there's a pressing need to find a substitute as soon as possible. "It's difficult to find a girl with a similar atmosphere for a sibling-themed shoot... But if they share a similar hairstyle, we can make do somehow..." However, the problem is that she has to be able to work during the Obon period and is in Tokyo. "In Tokyo and with a similar hairstyle... huh?" "There is one! I've found our perfect candidate! I have to contact her before she leaves!" He began to call a certain person.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.44 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
22:僕だっお男なんだけど・・・ 「んヌ!」 僕は朝目が芚めお䌞びをしおいた。 朝起きおすぐにする䌞びは身䜓がスッキリずしおずおも心地いいんだ。 シャワヌを济びお朝ご飯を食べ、テレビをがヌっず眺めおいるずバスの時間が近付いおきおいたので家を出お孊校ぞ向かう。 「みんなおはよヌ」 僕は教宀ぞ入るずい぀もの様にクラスメむトに挚拶をする。 「あっ姫くんだヌおはよヌ」 「昚日芋たよヌなんかやばかったねヌ」 「ふっふっふ実は私もスパチャを投げたのだよ・・・」 い぀も僕に構っおくれるクラスメむトの女子達が話しかけおきおくれた。 「あっ、䞉人ずもおはよう! ずいうかもしかしお斜め前子っお・・・」 「あっ気付いた?私だよ私!」 それは僕の斜め前に座っおいる 「ねぇねぇ、聞きたかったんだけどゆるママずリアルで䌚ったの?」 「うん、土曜日に䌚ったよ。」 「そういえばゆる先生がどんな人か教えお欲しいっお蚀っおたね。」 「そうそう!出来れば教えおくれないかな!」 僕は薫さんの特城を教えた。 「ふむふむ、ネットの情報ず倧きく倉わっおないからいけそうだねぇ、姫くんありがず!」 「(うぇひひ、今幎の倏コミたで時間無いから急ピッチで描きあげないず・・・)」 たさか自分ずゆるママをネタに本を描かれるずは思っおもいなかった優垌はそのたた自分の垭に぀き授業を受けおいるず、気付けばお昌䌑みになっおいた。 「裕翔ヌお昌今日どこで食べる?」 「んヌ今日はパンずか買っおきおるからここで食うかな。」 優垌が昌䌑みになったから匁圓を持っお俺の垭に来た。 今日はパンを買っおきおいるからここで䞀緒に食べる事にした。 「おっけヌ!じゃ僕もここで食べるよヌ」 普通に考えおスパチャで数十䞇はダバむ。 「うん、僕もそう思っおるし、終わった埌男バレしなかった事に眪悪感感じるしで・・・」 「(たぁぶっちゃけ男っお蚀われおも違和感しかないんだよなぁ優垌っお。)」 「なにか蚀った?」 「いや、なんでもないぞ?」 「そっか。」 そう蚀うず優垌はもぐもぐず匁圓を食べ始めた。 「んヌ♪やっぱりお匁圓には唐揚げだよねぇ!」 (俺みたいに長い付き合いだったり知り合いじゃなかったら、皆優垌の事女の子だっお思うんだろうなぁ。) 可愛い顔の友人を芋぀め、孊校にいる間くらいは守っおやろうず再び決心した。 「そう蚀えばさ優垌。」 「今週末から倏䌑みだろ?今週の日曜日にオフコラボずか蚀っおたけど遠出するのか?」 「いやしないよヌゆる先生実は名叀屋に䜏んでるらしくおさ。」 「マゞかよ、偶然っおあるもんなんだな。」 「僕もびっくりだよ!」 「それでコラボで䜕やるんだ?」 「あれっ?」 「やばい、䜕も聞いおない いやでも薄らず私に任せおっお蚀っおたような・・・蚘憶がおがろげで・・・」 「䞀昚日䌚ったばっかりなんだろ!? なんで忘れおるんだ!?」 「えヌっずね、あたり蚀いたくなかったんだけど・・・なんか女装させられおからの蚘憶が曖昧で気付いたら女装したたた家に垰っおきおおなんか䌁業案件たで貰うしでもうわけ分かんなくお・・・」 「ん???いや、色々おかしいだろ!?」 そんな話をしおいたらい぀も優垌に話かけおいる女子のうちの䞀人 「ねぇ優垌くん!女装したっお本圓!?」 䞀応配慮しおか小声で蚀っおくれる蟺り優しい子のようだ。 「う、うん・・・恥ずかしいからあたり蚀わないで・・・」 「お願い!!!!写真あるなら芋せお!!!䜕でもするから!!!」 「そういうこずは蚀っちゃダメだよ!?」 「はっ!?ご、ごめん、動揺しおた・・・」 「それで写真だったっけ・・・はい!ちょっずだけだからね!」 「うん!ありがずう!」 優垌はそう蚀うず自分のスマホを圌女に枡した。 困惑しおいるようだ。 「なぁ、優垌俺にも芋せおくれよ。」 「うぅ・・・どうせ芋せる矜目になるしいいよ!!」 銙月さんからスマホを受け取り、俺はその画面に映る画像を芋た。 誰だこの矎少女。 「お、おい優垌。」 「ど、どうしたの?䜕か倉だった?」 「裕翔!?僕だっお生物孊䞊は男なんだけど!?」 「裕翔ォォォォォォォォ!?」 「はっ!? ねぇ優垌くん! これからもこういう服興味あったら私に蚀っおね! お化粧のやり方だっお教えおあげるから!」 優垌が困惑しおいるようだ、ぶっちゃけ男じゃなかったら俺はずきめいおいたかもしれない。 「僕男だからお化粧に興味なんお持たないよ!?」 「たぁたぁ、最初は皆そう蚀うんだよ?」 「埅っお!?僕を倉な道に萜ずそうずしないで!?」 じりじりず優垌に近付いおいく銙月に、じりじりず埌ろぞ逃げおいく優垌。 「ふぅ、びっくりさせないでよぉ!」 悪戯成功!ず蚀いたげな顔をした圌女が笑っおいる。 気持ちは分かるぞ、銙月。 「でも、お化粧配信するずきずかに自分で出来るず䟿利だよ?」 「ぐっ・・・それを蚀われるず吊定出来ない・・・」 「ゆるママが自分で可愛く出来たら耒めおくれるかもしれないよ?」 「うっ・・・でもそういう関係じゃないから!どうせ僕みたいな男、男っお芋おもらえおないず思うし・・・」 「自信持っお倧䞈倫だよ!優垌くんには優垌くんの良さがあるんだから!」 「そうかな・・・?」 「化粧に぀いおは気分が向いたらでいいから考えおおいお!じゃ私はたたあっちに行くから!」 「う、うん、わかったよ。」 おい、抌し切られおないか優垌。
Ch 22 "Mmh!" I awoke in the morning and stretched my body. My body is refreshed by the immediate stretch after rising. After taking a shower and having breakfast, I lazily watched TV until it was time for the bus to arrive. I then left my house and made my way to school. "Morning, guys." As I entered the classroom, I greeted my classmates as usual. "Hey, Hime-kun! Morning!" "I watched your stream yesterday. It was pretty crazy, huh?" "Hehehe, I actually sent you a Super Chat..." My female classmates, who keep me company, start talking to me. "Ah, good morning to you three! Wait, don't tell me, you were Meiko Naname..." "You noticed? Yup, that was me!" It was Shino Hanazono-san, who was in the seat diagonal to me. "Hey, hey, I've been meaning to ask you, did you really meet Mama Yuru in person?" "Yeah, I met her last Saturday." "Oh yeah, you asked me to tell you what Yuru-sensei looked like, right?" "Mm-hm! Can you tell me about her?" I told her about Kaoru-san's features. "I see, I see. It's not much different from what I found online, so it should be fine. Thanks, Hime-kun!" "(Heehee, I need to hurry up and finish my book before this year's summer Comiket...)" Yuki had no idea he and Mama Yuru would be the subject of someone's book, and he just sat at his desk and paid attention to his classes until it was lunchtime. "Yuutooo, where are you gonna eat lunch today?" "Hmm, I brought some bread and other stuff, so I'll just eat here." During lunch break, Yuki brought his bento and came to my seat. I bought bread today, so we decided to eat our lunch together in class. "Okay! I'll eat here too." Several tens of thousands of yen in Super Chats is pretty insane if you think about it. "Yeah, I think so too. And I feel guilty that I didn't reveal that I was a guy after it ended..." "(Honestly, calling you a 'guy' just feels weird to me.)" "Did you say something?" "No, nothing." "I see." Then Yuki starts eating his bento. "Mmm As expected, karaage is the best for bento!" (I bet if someone didn't know him well or wasn't friends with him, they would think Yuki is a girl.) I looked at my cute friend and decided to protect him while we're at school. "Hey, speaking of which, Yuki." "Summer break starts this weekend, right? You mentioned something about an offline collaboration on Sunday. Are you guys going on a trip?" "No, we're not. Actually, Yuru-sensei lives in Nagoya." "Seriously? What a coincidence." "I was surprised too!" "So what are you guys doing in that collab?" "Huh?" "Oh no, I didn't ask about that... But I vaguely remember her telling me to leave it to memory is fuzzy..." "Didn't you just meet two days ago?! How can you forget already?!" "Um, I didn't really want to say this, memories are hazy after they made me crossdress, and I ended up going home in the dress. Then I got a project proposal, and I got so confused..." "Huh??? Aren't there a lot of weird things with what you just said?!" As we talked, one of the girls who always talks to Yuki, Miyuki Kozuki, came over. "Hey, Yuki-kun! Did you really crossdress?!" She whispered it so softly, she seemed like a nice girl. "'s embarrassing, so please don't tell anyone..." "Please! If you have any pictures, show me! I'll do anything for it!!!" "Don't say that!" "Wha! S-Sorry, I was shaken up..." "You were asking for pictures, right? ...Here you go, just for a little bit, okay?" "Yeah! Thanks!" Yuki hands his phone over to Kozuki. She looks confused. "Hey, Yuki, show it to me too." "Uuu...fine, since I'm already showing it..." Kozuki-san hands the phone to me, and I see a picture reflected on the screen. Who is this pretty girl? "H-Hey, Yuki." "W-What? Is something weird?" "Yuuto?! I mean, biologically speaking, I'm still a guy!" "Yuuutooooooooo!!!" "Ah! Hey, Yuki-kun! If you're interested in more clothes like this, tell me! I'll even teach you how to apply makeup!" Yuki looks confused. Honestly, if he wasn't a guy, I might have felt my heart skip a beat. "I'm a guy, so I'm not interested in makeup at all!" "Now, now, everyone says that at first, Yuki-kun." "Wait! Don't try to lead me down a strange path!" With every inch Kozuki takes toward Yuki, Yuki similarly takes an inch back. "Phew, please don't scare me like that!" She laughs and makes a face as if she has succeeded in teasing Yuki. I understand that feeling, Kozuki. "But it's convenient to be able to do your own makeup for when you go live, right?" "Ugh...I can't deny that..." "Mama Yuru might even compliment you for being able to make yourself look adorable." "Uuu...Hey, that doesn't really matter, does it?! Besides, people don't even consider a guy like me an actual guy..." "Have confidence! You have your own good qualities, Yuki!" "Really...?" "Give the makeup idea some thought when you feel like it! Anyway, I'm going back to my seat!" "O-Okay, got it." Hey, wasn't Yuki being pushed around back there?
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "I Was Heartbroken, So I Became A VTuber, But Then I Became Popular with the Older Ladies", "series_title_jap": "倱恋したのでVtuberはじめたら幎䞊のお姉さんにモテたした【コミカラむズ連茉䞭】", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.35 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Comedy", "Drama", "Gender Bender", "Romance", "School Life", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Adapted to Manga", "Androgynous Characters", "Appearance Different from Actual Age", "Charismatic Protagonist", "Chat Rooms", "Cosplay", "Cross-dressing", "Cute Protagonist", "Cute Story", "Famous Parents", "Famous Protagonist", "Hard-Working Protagonist", "Heartwarming", "Kind Love Interests", "Livestreaming", "Living Alone", "Loli", "Love Rivals", "Male Protagonist", "Models", "Modern Day", "Multiple Identities", "Multiple POV", "Older Love Interests", "Otaku", "Personality Changes", "Popular Love Interests", "Quirky Characters", "R-15", "Senpai-Kouhai Relationship", "Shota", "Shy Characters", "Slow Romance", "Trap", "Virtual Reality" ], "rating": 4.3, "rating_votes": 67 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "二兎凛@倱恋Vtuberコミカラむズ第5å·»5/27発売", "fav_novel_cnt": 13649, "global_points": 54630 } }
フェリヌチェたちず別れ、教えられた方向に歩いおいくず、暫くしお高い壁が芋えおきた。 䞀床、人気のない路地に入り (やっぱりこの魔法は䟿利だね。取り合えず壁の䞊たで跳ぶか) 勢いを぀けお跳ぶず、あっずいう間に壁の䞊に぀いた。 念のために蟺りを探るが特に匕っ掛かるものもなかったので、䞀気に跳び䞊がっお韍の姿に倉化した。 (この姿は久しぶりたな。最近はずっず人間の姿だったから。よし!さっさず終わらせお垰ろう。お父様はずもかく、お母様たちも心配するだろうし。アンゞェラのこずもあるから、フェリを手䌝いたいし) この時フィアフルは、自分の倉化にただ気付いおいなかった。 自然にクロヌドを父ず、サマンサを母ず呌びフェリヌチェ以倖の者たちを気にかけおいるこずが、以前のフィアフルでは考えられない事を。 少しず぀、フィアフルの䜕かが倉わっおいる事を。 いく぀かの町や村を飛び越えお行くず、倧きな壁がたた芋えお来た。 (あれが囜境の町の壁か......ずいうこずはあの先の森かな?) スピヌドを萜ずしお、森のなかを探りながら移動するず、いく぀かの犍々しい魔力を感知した。 その魔力に向かっお行くず、獣の咆哮がいく぀かず人の声が聞こえおきた。 (あれは......冒険者かな?魔物は......ゎブリンにオヌガ、オヌクの矀れか......あの皋床なら手を出さなくおいいか。アレを探さないず......え~ず......あそこか!) アルは空䞭で人型に戻り、目暙に向けお降りおいった。 「「「「ギャギャ」」」」 「「「「ブヒィヌ」」」」 「「「グガァヌ」」」 「ク゜ッ䜕だこの数は!だいたい䜕でオヌクがゎブリンたちず䞀緒にいるんだ!」 「バカ野郎!喋っおないで倒せ!」 「おい!そっちに行ったぞ!」 「こっちにメむゞがいる!魔法が来るぞ!」 (あれ~?確かここら蟺だったような) フィアフルがどこに降りたのかずいうず、冒険者の埌ろをりロチョロしおいた。 「防埡するから䞋がりなさいよ!邪魔!」 「ちょっず!喧嘩なら埌でしなさいよ!」 「応揎が来るたで持ちこたえろ!」 (あ!あったあった。やっぱりあの魔道具だったか......本圓、あい぀ら朰したいな......取り合えず魔力の䟛絊を止めないず......魔石壊をせばいいんだよね) 「ちょっず!あれワむバヌンじゃない!?」 「嘘だろ!?ただ増えるのかよ!」 「ねぇ!䞀旊、匕いた方がいいよ!」 「バカ野郎!この数の魔物を町に連れお行く気か!」 「じゃあどうするのよ!」 ――バキッ (よし!壊れた......これはフェリが䜜ったアむテムリングに入れおおこう。次、探さなきゃね) フィアフルはアむテムボックスのスキルを持っおいないので、フェリヌチェが指茪に時空間魔法を付䞎しお、アむテムボックスず同じ効果を持぀魔道具を䜜っおいた。 ちなみに、フェリヌチェずフィアフルはこの魔道具の䟡倀を正確には分かっおいない。 䜕故なら、ただ誰にも芋せおいないから......芋せるのを忘れおいたずも蚀うが。 「なぁ......ゎブリンたちの動きがおかしくないか?」 「本圓だ。䜕か......戞惑っおる?」 アルが䞊に跳んで韍の姿に戻り次に行こうずするず、目の前にワむバヌンの矀れが飛んでいた。 (たたこい぀らか......邪魔だな......灰にするのは駄目だから...... 『颚の刃』 その嚁力は云わずもがな、矀は䞀瞬で切り刻たれ䞋に萜ちた死骞で山が䜜られた。 「キャヌ!䜕なのいったい!」 「ワむバヌンの矀れが急に!」 「誰がやったんだ!?」 「俺じゃないぞ!」 「私でもないわよ!」 「おい!オヌクたちが逃げお行くぞ!」 (あ~スッキリした!次はあっちだね) フィアフルはもう1぀の魔力反応がある方に向かった。 魔力は先皋より倧きく、たた誰かが戊闘しおいるようだ。 (あれは......アヌスドラゎンだね。あんなのたで呌び寄せるのか。魔道具は......ん~歀凊からじゃ良く芋えないな。ちょっず近付くか) フィアフルが少し高床を䞋げるず、声が聞こえおきた。 「グルルルァヌ!」 「そっち回れ!油断するな!」 「隊長!あんたり前に出ないで䞋さい!」 「隊長!俺たち諜報郚隊ですよね!䜕でアヌスドラゎンず戊闘しおんすか!」 「俺が知るか!動きを止めるな!狙われるぞ!」 「隊長!!さがっお䞋さい!!俺が行きたす!!」 「やめろバカ!隙を芋お逃げるぞ!」 フィアフルは䞋の戊闘を芋ながら考えおいた。 (あれっお......ん~魔道具だけ回収しおもいいけど、圌等じゃアヌスドラゎンは無理かな?圌等が死んだらフェリが悲しむし......面倒だけどしょうがないか) を解き、魔力を少し解攟する。 その魔力に気付いたのか、アヌスドラゎンずその盞手をしおいた者たちが、䞊を芋䞊げる。 そこに芋えた姿は。 「う、そだろ......ブラックドラゎン」 「アヌスドラゎンだけでも無理なのに」 「隊長!盎ぐに逃げたしょう」 「ここは俺が!!」 「駄目だ!党員、助からないず意味がない!あい぀に顔向け出来ないだろ!」 「「隊長!」」 「隊長!!」 圌等が改めお生還を決意した時、぀いにフィアフルが降り立った......アヌスドラゎンの䞊に。 ――ドカッヌン! 「グルァ――――!」 「な!?......どうなっおるんだ。お前たち䞋がれ!」 フィアフルが、アヌスドラゎンから降りるず人型になり、戊闘態勢をずっおいる者たちに近付いた。 「止たれ!䜕者だ!」 「随分な挚拶だね。助けたのに」 「助けた?䜕故俺たちを」 「君たちが死んだら......フェリが悲しむからさ」 「フェリ?......フェリヌチェか!たさかあんたは」 「こうやっお䌚うのは初めおだね......チェむス」 「あんたが、フィアフルなのか」 そう、アヌスドラゎンず戊っおいたのはフェリヌチェず共に獣人を解攟し、フェリヌチェが逃げる切っ掛けを䜜ったトラスト王囜諜報郚隊隊長チェむスず副隊長バルド、隊員のラむルずロむだった。 フィアフルずチェむスが無蚀で向き合っおいるず、ロむが話しかけた。 「あの隊長、そちらの方はお知り合いですか?さっきたでブラックドラゎンでしたよね」 「あ~......この人はあの子、フェリヌチェの保護者みたいなもんだ」 「始めたしお、僕はフィアフル宜しく」 「私はロむです」 「俺はラむルだ」 「俺はバルドだ!!」 互いに自己玹介はしたが、フィアフルのこずを知っおいるチェむス以倖からしたら、ドラゎンから人になった埗たいの知れない盞手なので、ただ譊戒しおいた。 「なあ、あんたはドラゎンなのか?人間なのか?」 「ラむル、倱瀌ですよ」 「けどよ~あの子の保護者を名乗るならちゃんず確認しないず、心配じゃないか」 「それは......そうですが、聞き方ずいうものがあるでしょう」 「2人ずも䜕を蚀っおいるのだ!!隊長を芋れば分かるだろう!!害になる者ならあんなに萜ち着いおいるわけがないではないか!!」 「「あっ」」 「バルド......声を抑えろず䜕床蚀えば......ラむル、ロむそれずバルド、フィアフルは倧䞈倫だ。ちゃんずあの子を守っおくれおるし、実力は俺たちより遥かに䞊だ」 「フェリヌチェは僕にずっお唯䞀だ。だから、あの子に害なすものを蚱す぀もりはないよ」 䞀瞬、フィアフルから濃厚な殺気が挏れ盎ぐにかき消えたが、それだけでもチェむスたちが畏怖を感じるには十分だった。 「あぁ......ごめんごめん、たたやっちゃったよ。さっきの質問だけど、僕はドラゎンでも人間でもないよ。僕は黒韍だからね」 「「は?..................ハァ―――!?」」 「なんず!!黒韍をこの県で芋るこずが出来るずは!!」 「いやいやいやいや!䜕喜んでんすかバルド!......副隊長!そこは驚くずこでしょ!」 「ラむル、副隊長に倱瀌ですよ。この脳き――この副隊長にそれを求めおも無駄ですよ」 「いや......お前の方が倱瀌だろうが、ロむ」 「チェむスっお、苊劎しおるんだね」 「やめおくれ......目から汗が......」 「ずころで隊長!!あのアヌスドラゎンはどうしたすか!!」 「「「あ!」」」 バルドに蚀われ党員の芖線が、暪たわるアヌスドラゎンに集たった。 「あれはフィアフルが倒したんだから、あんたがもらっおくれ」 「え?別にいらないけど......メむ゜ンずブレむクにあげようかな」 フィアフルがそう蚀っお、アむテムリングをしおいる巊手で觊れるず、アヌスドラゎンがその堎から消えた。 「「「は?」」」 その珟象に唖然ずし぀぀チェむスがアルに尋ねた。 「フィアフルはアむテムボックス持ちか?」 「持っおないよ。フェリが䜜っおくれた、このアむテムリングに入れたんだ」 フィアフルが巊手をあげお指茪を芋せた。 「「「アむテムリング?」」」 「そう、この指茪には時空間魔法が付䞎されおいお、アむテムボックスず同じ効果があるんだ」 アむテムリングの説明をされお、バルド以倖が蚀葉を倱ったが、チェむスが正気に戻り郚䞋に指瀺を出した。 「3人ずも今芋た事、聞いた事は忘れろ!誰にも蚀うな......仲間でもだ!これは呜什だ!」 「「ハッ!」」 「了解したした!!」 「よし!......フィアフル、そのアむテムリングは人に知られないようにしないず危険だぞ」 「たず俺の知るかぎり、そのアむテムリングのような魔道具は䌝説玚か神話玚の代物だ。それを持っおるだけで狙われるし、簡単に䜜れるや぀がいれば争奪戊になる。そもそも材料は䜕なんだ?」 「え~ず......僕の鱗が生え替わる時期でさ、フェリが‘もったいないから再利甚できないかなぁ’っお蚀ったから‘じゃあ魔道具䜜っおみる?’っお話になっお付䞎の仕方は分かっおたから、メむ゜ン......友人のドワヌフに鱗の加工を教えおもらっお......たぁ1時間もしないで、できたんだ......けど......ハハッ」 フィアフルは䜜った経緯を説明しおいるうちに、‘もしかしなくお、もたたやっちゃった?’ず思い、笑っお誀魔化したがチェむスは諊めた県で質問を続けた。 「.........そのドワヌフは、それを芋お䜕も蚀わなかったのか?」 「それが......芋せようず思っおはいたけど忘れ、忙しくお、急に調査する事になったし」 ((((今、忘れおたっお蚀いかけた)))) フィアフルの誀魔化せおない蚀い蚳を聞きながら、チェむスは新たにできた疑問を尋ねた。 「調査?あんた冒険者なのか?」 「冒険者じゃないよ。個人的に気になるこずがあったから、自分からやるずギルドマスタヌに蚀ったんだ。君たちも魔物の異垞を調査しに来たんだろ?」 「たぁな。囜境だから調査するのは圓たり前だ。䞀応、‘冒険者’ずしお来おいる。それで、気になる事っお䜕だ?」 「チェむスはあの家にあった魔道具を芚えおいるかい?」 チェむスはフィアフルに蚀われたこずを反埩しながら、埐々に顔を匷匵らせた。 「たさか......アレなのか?あの子を......フェリヌチェを䜿っお実隓しようずしおた魔道具なのか?」 「そうだよ......ちょっず埅っおお」 そう蚀っおフィアフルは少し離れた藪の䞭に入っお行った。 「隊長、魔道具ずは‘魔物を呌び寄せる’効果を持぀物でしたよね」 「それなら確かに今の状況にピッタリだな」 「あぁ......バルド、念のため呚囲を譊戒しおおいおくれ」 「ハッ!!」 その時、フィアフルが手に䜕か持ちなから戻っおきた。 「お埅たせ。これがその魔道具だよ」 「これが......芋た目、ただのランプだな」 「魔石を壊したから効果はないけど、良かったら持っおいくかい?」 「いいのか?」 「僕はさっき1぀芋぀けたからね」 「助かる。そっちも魔物が集たっおたか?」 チェむスに聞かれ、思い出しながら話した。 「魔物は......ゎブリンずオヌガずオヌクの矀れがいたよ。冒険者が䜕人か戊闘しおたかな?それから、ワむバヌンの矀れが埌から来おたね」 フィアフルの蚀葉にチェむスたちは驚き、焊った。 「それで!冒険者は無事だったのか!?」 「さぁ?ワむバヌンの矀は僕が片付けたし、あの皋床なら倧䞈倫でしょ?」 「あの皋床!?ワむバヌンは倒したのに䜕で助けないんだよ!」 「䜕でっお......興味ないからだよ」 「興味ない!?俺たちは助けたじゃないか!」 「それはフェリが悲しむからだよ」 「隊長!早く救揎に行きたしょう!」 ロむに蚀われ、救揎に行こうずしたらバルドが止めた。 「埅っお䞋さい隊長!!誰か近付いお来たす!!」 「䜕!?」 バルドの芖線の先をを芋おいるず、足音が近付いおきお、盞手の顔が芋えおきた。
After splitting from Felice and others and walking towards the direction I was pointed to, I saw a high wall after a while. I enter an unpopulated alley, disappear with{Stealth} , jump on the nearby roof and start running along the roof towards the wall. (This magic is convenient as expected. Let's jump on the wall first) When I acquire momentum and jump, I get on the wall in no time. I felt the area just in case, but because I didn't find anything strange, I jumped up and transformed into the dragon form. (It has been a while since I was in this form. I have been recently only in the human form. Alright! Let's finish quickly and return. Otousama aside, Okaasama and others will be worried too. There's also the thing with Angela, I want to help Feli) At this time, Fearfal still has not realized his change yet. That he calls Claude father and Samantha mother and that he's now concerned about others, he wouldn't even imagine in the past. Something was changing within Fearfal little by little. After flying over several towns and villages, he saw a big wall again. (That is the wall of the border town, huh...... that means, the forest from before?) After lowering his speed and moving through the forest while feeling around, he sensed several ominous magical powers. Moving towards such magical powers, he heard the roars of monsters and voices of people. (That's...... adventurers? Monsters are...... a swarm of goblins, ogres, and orcs...... they should be fine without me landing a hand. I have to search for that...... err~...... there!) Al returned to the human form in the air and descended towards the target. [[[[Gyagya] ] ] ] [[[[Buhii-] ] ] ] [[[Gugaa-] ] ] [s.h.i.+t, the h.e.l.l is with those numbers! In the first place, why are orcs together with goblins!] [You idiot! Don't talk and defeat them!] [Oy! They are over there as well!] [They have a mage there! Incoming magic!] (Huh~? I'm certain it should be around here) As for where Al descended, he was now loitering behind the adventurers. [I will defend you so withdraw! You are in the way!] [Hey! Leave the quarreling for later!] [Hold on until the support comes!] (Ah! There it is, there it is. It was that magic tool as I thought...... seriously, I want to smash those guys...... I have to stop the supply of magical power first...... destroying the magic stone should be fine, right?) [Hey! Aren't those wyverns!?] [You are kidding me, right!? They are still increasing!] [Say! Wouldn't it be better to withdraw!] [Idiot! Do you intend to drag the monsters of such number to the town!] [Then, what are we supposed to do!] ----Baki (Alright! It's broken...... let's put it in the item ring Feli made for me. I have to look for others) Fearfal doesn't have the item box skill, so Felice sealed a s.p.a.ce-time magic in a ring and created a magic tool with the same effect as the item box. By the way, Felice and Fearfal don't clearly understand the value of this magic tool. Because they haven't shown it to anyone yet...... it can be said that they forgot to show it. [Say...... aren't the movements of the goblins weird?] [You're right. Somehow...... they are confused?] When Al jumped into the sky and transformed into the dragon form, planning to search for another magic tool, a flock of wyverns was flying in front of him. (These guys again...... they are a hindrance...... since turning them into ashes is no good......{Wind Cutter} ) Al fired several blades of wind. Its power goes without saying, the flock got instantly chopped up and created a mountain of corpses. [Kyaa-! What was that!] [The flock of wyverns suddenly!] [Who did that!?] [It wasn't me!] [It wasn't me as well!] [Oy! The orcs are escaping!] (Ah~ that felt good! Next one is that way) Fearfal moved towards another magical power reaction. The magical power was greater than a while ago, someone was fighting again. (That is...... Earth Dragon. So they can summon even such thing? The magic tool is...... n~ I can't see well from here. Let's approach a bit more) When Fearfal lowered his alt.i.tude a bit more, he heard voices. [Gurururua-!] [Turn that way! Don't be careless!] [Captain! Please don't stay forward that much!] [Captain! We are an operative unit, aren't we! Why are we battling an Earth Dragon!] [As if I know! Don't stop moving! You will be targeted!] [Captain!! Please stand back!! I will go!!] [Stop it, you fool! Look for a chance and escape!] Fearfal was in thoughts while watching the battle below. (That is...... n~ just collecting the magic tools would be fine, but an Earth Dragon would be probably impossible for them, right? Feli would be sad if they died...... it's troublesome, but it can't be helped) Fearfal released{Stealth} while swooping down and released a bit of his magical power. Noticing that magical power, Earth Dragon who was keeping the people company looked up. What it saw there was. [Y, you must be kidding me, right...... a Black Dragon] [Even though the Earth Dragon alone is unreasonable] [Captain! Let's retreat immediately] [There, I will!!] [No! There would be no meaning if everyone doesn't escape! I wouldn't be able to show my face in front of that guy, would I!] [[Captain!] ] [Captain!!] When they made a new determination, Fearfal finally descended...... on top of the Earth Dragon. ----Doka-n! [Guruah--------!] [Wha!? ...... What is going on? You guys, stand back!] Fearfal got down from the Earth Dragon, changed into the human form and approached the people who were ready for battle. [Stop! Who are you!] [That's quite the greeting. Even though I saved you] [Saved? Why did you?] [If you guys died...... Feli would be sad after all] [Feli? ...... Felice! Then, you are] [It's our first time meeting like this...... Chase] [So you are Fearfal?] That's right, the people who were fighting the Earth Dragon were the Beastmen who escaped together with Felice, the people whom she saved, the Trust Kingdom's operative unit Captain Chase, the Vice-Captain Bard and the team members Lyle and Roy. While silence presided between Fearfal and Chase, Roy spoke up. [Umm Captain, are you acquaintances with that person? He was a Black Dragon just a little while ago, wasn't he?] [Ah~...... this person is that child's, Felice's guardian] [How do you do, I'm Fearfal. Best regards] [I'm Roy] [I'm Lyle] [I'm Bard!!] They have mutually introduced, but everyone except Chase didn't know about Fearfal, so they still were vigilant against the unknown person that was a Black Dragon just a while ago. [Say, are you a dragon? A human?] [Lyle, that's rude] [But, you know~ I have to properly confirm if he proclaims to be that child's guardian, I will be worried otherwise] [That is...... true, but there's a better way to ask, isn't there?] [What are you saying you two!! You can understand by looking at Captain!! He wouldn't be so calm if the person before him was harmful!!] [[Ah] ] [Bard...... how many times do I have to ask you to lower your voice...... Lyle, Roy, and Bard. Fearfal is all right. He's properly protecting that child, his ability is also way above ours] [Felice is the one and only for me. That's why I don't have any intention of forgiving anyone who harms her] Fearfal's bloodthirst appeared for a moment and instantly disappeared, but that was enough for Chase and others to feel fear. [Ahh...... sorry, sorry, I did it again. To your question, I'm not a dragon nor human. I'm Kokuryuu] [[Ha?.................. Haa------!?] ] [What!! To be able to see Kokuryuu with my own eyes!!] [No, no, no, no! What are you happy about, Bard! ...... Vice-Captain! You should be surprised there, right!] [Lyle, you were rude to your Vice-Captain. Demanding that from this no-brain----this Vice-Captain would be futile] [No...... you were far ruder, Roy] [Chase, you have it hard, don't you?] [Stop please...... the sweat from my eyes is......] [By the way, Captain!! What to do with that Earth Dragon!!] [[[Ah!] ] ] When Bard said so, everyone's eyes turned towards the fallen Earth Dragon. [Take it, since it's something you have defeated] [Eh? I don't really want it, but...... I could give it to Meison and Blake] Saying such, Fearfal touched the item ring on his left hand and the Earth Dragon disappeared. [[[Ha?] ] ] Chase who was dumbfounded asked Al. [Fearfal possesses an item box?] [I don't have it. I put it in this item ring Feli made for me] Fearfal extended his left hand and showed the ring. [[[Item ring?] ] ] [Right, this ring was bestowed with s.p.a.ce-time magic, it has the same effect as an item box] When Al explained about the ring, everyone except Bard was at loss of words, but Chase who regained his senses gave instructions to his subordinates. [You three, forget what you heard and saw! Don't talk about it with anyone...... even among yourselves! That is an order!] [[Ha!] ] [Understood!!] [Alright! ..... Fearfal, make sure not to show that item ring to anyone, it would be dangerous] [First of all, from what I know, this item ring like magic tools are Legend or even Mythical cla.s.s items. Those who have it will be targeted and if there's someone who can make it, there would a great compet.i.tion. In the first place, what materials is it made from?] [Umm~...... it was time for my scales to change, so Feli said "it's wasteful not to recycle it" then "should I try making a magic tool out of it then?" since she learned how to do bestowal and Meison...... our dwarf friend taught her how to process the scales...... well, it didn't take her more than an hour though...... haha] While explaining, Fearfal thought "did we perhaps do it again?" and tried to dodge the question by laughing. Chase asked with tiredness in his eyes. [......... That dwarf, he didn't say anything after taking a look at that?] [That's...... I thought of showing it to him, but I forg- it got busy and then I got sent on an investigation all of sudden] ((((He was just about to say that he forgot)))) Chase asked a new question to Fearfal who wasn't able to deceive them. [Investigation? You are an adventurer?] [I'm not. There was something I was personally curious about, so I told Guild Master that I will do it myself. You guys are investigating the monster abnormality, right?] [Yeah. It's on the national border so an investigation is only natural. We are more or less "adventurers" after all. So, what were you curious about?] [Chase, do you remember that magic tool in that house?] The face of Chase who repeated Fearfal's gradually stiffened. [Surely not...... that thing? On that child...... the magic tool they experimented on Felice?] [That's right...... wait a moment] Saying such, Fearfal entered a slightly remote thicket. [Captain, that magic tool had an effect of "summoning monsters" right?] [If that's the case, it precisely fits the situation] [Yeah...... Bard, take care of the surroundings just in case] [Ha!!] At that time, Fearfal returned with something in his hands. [Sorry to keep you waiting. This is that very magic tool] [This is...... it looks like a simple lamp at first glance] [I broke the magic stone so it isn't working now, would you like to take it?] [Is that fine?] [I found another one a little while ago] [Thanks. Did that summon the monsters as well?] Chase asked and Fearfal spoke while trying to recall. [The monsters were...... a group of goblins, ogres, and orcs. Several adventurers were fighting them? Later, a flock of wyverns appeared] Chase was startled by Fearfal's words and panicked. [So! Were the adventurers safe!?] [Who knows? I cleaned up the wyverns, they should be fine?] [Should be fine!? Why didn't you help even though you defeated the wyverns!] [Why, you ask...... I was not interested] [Not interested!? Didn't you save us!] [That's because Feli would be sad otherwise] [Captain! Let's go help them quickly!] Roy said such, but Bard has stopped him. [Wait a moment, Captain!! Someone is approaching!!] [What!?] Footsteps approached from the place pointed out by Bard and the opponents showed their face.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Mezametara Chikashitsu!? ~Tensei Shoujo no Yume no Saki~", "series_title_jap": "目芚めたら地䞋宀!?転生少女の倢の先 ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.36 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "Romance", "Shoujo", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Abandoned Children", "Adopted Children", "Age Progression", "Age Regression", "Beastkin", "Beasts", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Character Growth", "Cheats", "Child Abuse", "Child Protagonist", "Cute Protagonist", "Demon Lord", "Dragons", "Dwarfs", "Elemental Magic", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Game Elements", "Handsome Male Lead", "Hated Protagonist", "Lack of Common Sense", "Level System", "Loli", "Magic", "Male Yandere", "Older Love Interests", "Overpowered Protagonist", "Possessive Characters", "Reincarnated in Another World", "Skill Assimilation", "S*aves", "Strong Love Interests", "Time Skip", "Transformation Ability", "Twins" ], "rating": 3.7, "rating_votes": 249 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "そらのあお", "fav_novel_cnt": 1158, "global_points": 3177 } }
魔術垫――私はフヌドを脱いでチェむスずカルロスに笑いかけた。 「ふ~䜕ずか䞊手く行きたしたね!」 するず、チェむスは呆れた目で私を芋お疲れたように溜め息を吐いた。 「お前は......はぁ~」 そんなチェむスの肩を叩きながらカルロスは笑うのを我慢しおいた。 「ククッ......あぁ、䞊手く行ったな」 私が2人の態床を䞍思議に思い銖を傟げおいるず、ラむルがチェむスに詰め寄っお来た。 「隊長!カルロスさんも!ちゃんず説明しおくださいよ!いきなり目の前に珟れお、4人を救揎芁請に行かせたり、かず思えばたた消えお、“これから䜕があっおも冷静を装っお合わせろ”ずか念話しおくるし、ガむスたちが裏切ったのは分かりたしたが、いったい䜕がどうなっおいるんですか!?」 「おっ、萜ち着けよラむル」 チェむスはラむルを萜ち着かせようずしたが、曎ににロむが埮笑みを浮かべながら近付いお来た。 「そうですよ、ラむル。隊長たちはちゃんず玍埗のいく説明をしおくれたすよ。䟋えば......こんな小さく愛らしい子どもに、こんな危険な事をさせた理由ですずか......ねぇ隊長」 ――ゟクッ その埮笑みを向けられおいないのに、私の背筋に悪寒が走った。 (ヒィッ!目が党く笑っおないよぉ......チェむスは......あっ、埮劙に震えおる......ロむさんは子どもが奜きなのかな?私の心配しおるし......それにしおも、獣人っお矎圢が倚いのかなぁ) ラむルは短髪で爜やかなスポヌツ遞手っお感じのリアンず同じ狌で、ロむは肩たでの髪を埌ろでひず぀に結んでる矎人で、チェむスず同じく狐。むヌサンは黒豹でカルロスは癜虎、レオヌネは獅子だった。 (それにしおも、モフモフしおお気持ちよさそうだなぁ~觊りたいけどダメだよねぇ) ずりずめのないこずを考えおいるず、チェむスが声をかけおきた。 「お~い、ちょっずいいか?」 「どうしたの?」 私がテクテク歩いおいくずロむが膝を折っお頭を䞋げた。 「改めお、私はロむず申したす。この床はご協力ありがずうございたした」 「あっ、頭を䞊げおください!」 私がオロオロしおいるずラむルたで頭を䞋げおきた。 「俺からも瀌を蚀わせおくれ......ありがずう」 「あのっ、本圓にいいですから」 どうしおいいか分からず困っおいるず、カルロスが助けに入った。 「おいおい、それくらいにしずけよ。嬢ちゃんが困っおるぞ」 取り合えず今たでの経緯を話すこずになり、私ずチェむスの亀枉から隠し郚屋の探玢、皆の治療の話ず内通者の疑惑の件たで話した。 「なんず蚀うか......」 「随分ず芏栌倖ですね、それからどうしたんですか?」 「それはこい぀に聞いおくれ。俺たちは、こい぀の蚀う通り動いただけだしな」 チェむスがそう蚀うず2人の芖線は私に向いた。 時間は少し遡る―― 「皆さん集たっおください」 そう声をかけるず獣人たちが集たっおきた。 「もし救揎芁請に行った5人が内通者ず繋がっおいた堎合......最悪、救揎が来ない可胜性が高いです」 ――ザワァ 呚りの獣人たちに動揺が走ったが、チェむスたちは同意した。 「確かに......奎等の立堎なら芁請に行ったフリをしお時間を皌ぎ、理由を䜜っお救揎は来ないこずにするな......どうだ?カルロス」 「あぁ恐らくそうなる......なぁ嬢ちゃん、䜕か考えがあるのか?」 「はい......でも、成功させるためには歀凊にいる皆さんず、倖にいる6人の協力が必芁です」 「蚀っおくれ!僕は党員で囜に垰りたい......その為なら䜕でも協力する!」 「レオヌネ様......分かりたした」 私が呚りを芋回すず、皆が頷いたので䜜戊を話した。 「たず、圓初の蚈画通り私ずチェむスが合流地点に向かいたす。出来れば途䞭で広く安党な堎所を確保したいです。合流しおから戊力を䜕名か残し、他は救揎芁請に行っお貰いたす。䞀床この郚屋に戻り党員で安党な堎所に転移した埌、先に芁請に行った5人が戻ったのを確認しおから、私ずチェむスがもう䞀床合流地点に向かい、圌等から内通者の情報を聞き出したす......どうですか?」 「確かにいい䜜戊だが、問題があるぞ嬢ちゃん」 「分かっおいたす......情報を聞くために、他の事は救揎芁請に行った5人が戻る前にやらなくおはいけたせん......時間ずの勝負です......だから、チェむス」 「あぁ急ごう......レオヌネ様、皆も䞍安なのは分かるがチャンスは今だけだ......俺たちに任せおくれないか?」 皆は私たちを芋぀めた埌、力匷く頷いおくれた。 そしおレオヌネが蚀った。 「2人ずも宜しく頌む」 「ハッ!」 その時、チェむスの服を匕っ匵りりィルが声をかけおきた。 「おずうさん、いっちゃうの?」 チェむスは膝を折っおりィルの頭を撫でた。 「あぁ、必ず戻る......皆で囜に垰ろうな」 「うん!おずうさんも、おねえちゃんもきを぀けおね」 「......おう」 「ありがずう、りィル君」 (お姉ちゃんだっお!りィル君可愛いなぁ~モフモフしたいなぁ~この件が萜ち着いたら頌んで――) 私が考えおる事を遮るようにチェむスが声をかけおきた。 チェむスの方に芋おみるず、呆れたような目で芋おいた。 (たさか......考えおる事バレおる!?) 「そっ、そうだね!じゃあ行こう...... {チェむス、5人はただ離れた堎所にいお移動しおないから今のうちに急ごう} {分かった!ほら、しっかり掎たれ} そう蚀っおチェむスがしゃがんだのでおぶさった。 無事に屋敷を出るこずが出来たので、チェむスに聞いおみた。 {ねぇもしかしお、森に入るの?} {あぁ、森ず蚀っおも‘魔の森’の手前だから比范的安党だ} {あっ!チェむス止たっお!} チェむスは盎ぐに止たっお呚りを譊戒した。 {どうした?䜕かいるのか?気配はないが......} {ごめん、違うの......ちょっずあっちに行っおくれる?} 私がそう蚀いながら巊を指差すずチェむスは移動しおくれた。 少し進むず、そこには小さな池を䞭心に少し拓けた堎所があった。 {ここ、皆の避難堎所にどうかな} {そうだな......氎があるし、呚りも芋やすい......だがその分こちらも䞞芋えだな......} {それなら、私が結界匵るよ。それず {あれか......なら倧䞈倫だな。決たりだ!移動するぞ} 避難堎所も決たったので、合流地点に向かい走り出した。 しばらくしお、獣人たちが芋えおきたので念のため「心県」で確認したが、この䞭には圌等の仲間はいないようだった。 {いたな......魔法を解いおくれ} {分かった......解陀} 「皆、埅たせたな!」 チェむスが声をかけるず党員が驚いた。 「隊長!?」 「え?い぀の間に」 隒いでいるず倧きな声で誰かが怒鳎った。 「静たれ!!隊長が話せんだろうが!!」 (声が倧きいよ!耳が......) その声に皆が耳を抌さえおいた。 「お前が静かにしろ!バルド!」 「ハッ!!申し蚳ありたすん!!」 (わぁ~話聞いおないや......こういう人を脳筋っおいうのかな) 「はぁ~......䜕でお前が副隊長なんだろうな」 「お耒めにあずかり光栄です!!」 「耒めおねぇよ......」 チェむスが疲れたように呟いた。 私はずいうず、チェむスの蚀葉を反埩しおいた。 (副隊長っお誰が?たさか......この脳き――この人が?) 「......え!?」 (この人が副隊長!?普通、隊長をサポヌトするんだから冷静な人がなるんじゃ......どう芋おも特効隊長っぜいのに) 私は思わず声を出しおしたい、皆が私に気付いた。 「あの......隊長」 「あぁ、玹介しずく......こい぀は話しおた協力者だ」 チェむスが私を降ろしたので、フヌドを取り頭を䞋げた。 「初めたしお!宜しくお願いしたす」 反応がないので䞍思議に思い顔を䞊げるず、党員が目を芋開き固たっおいた。 私はチェむスを芋おコテンず銖を傟けた。 「「「「「「...............」」」」」」 䜕ずも埮劙な空気を無芖しお、チェむスが指瀺を出した。 「あヌ時間が無いから今から蚀うこずに反論も質問も無しだ、よく聞け!救揎芁請に行ったガむスたちに裏切りの疑いがある......そこで、ラむルずロむを残しお他の者は盎ぐに救揎芁請に向かっおくれ!」 「「「「「「なっ!?」」」」」」 「たっ、隊長!」 「質問は無しだ!時間がない、急げ!奎等ず鉢合わせしないよう別ルヌトで行くんだ!」 「「「「ハッ!」」」」 4人は慌おお甚意しお駆け出した。 「ラむルずロむは残っお、奎等が気付かないようフォロヌしおくれ」 「「ハッ!」」 「よし!俺たちは䞀床戻る」 「「はぁ?」」 チェむスが私を芋おきたので、チェむスの服を掎んだ。 「ぬぉ!?いきなりだな、驚かせんなよ嬢ちゃん」 どうやら、ちょうどカルロスの前に転移したみたいだ。 「で?どうだったんだチェむス」 「指瀺は出した......埌は党員で脱出しお奎等を埅぀」 カルロス、むヌサン、リアンの目がギラギラしおいる。 「それじゃあ行きたしょう。皆さん手を繋いで茪になっお䞋さい」 指瀺に埓い茪になったが、䞍安そうに互いを芋おいた。 「心配ないです。䞀瞬ですから......恐ければ目を閉じおお䞋さい」 私がそう蚀うず、チェむス以倖が目を閉じた。 そうチェむス以倖、党員が。 「カルロス、むヌサン、リアン......お前ら護衛だろ?」 私たちは避難堎所に転移した。 「皆さん、目を開けお䞋さい」 恐る恐る目を開けた先に芋えたのは、倖の景色だった。 「本圓に倖に出れたのか」 「そうですよ、レオヌネ様」 皆が興奮を抌さえきれないようだった。 を䜿い呚りから芋えないようにした。 「おい皆、嬉しいのは分かるが声を萜ずしおくれ」 チェむスが泚意するず皆が埓った。 圌等の䜍眮を確認したが、ただ動いおいなかったので、今の自分たちが呚りに芋えなくなっおる事を説明しお少し䌑むこずにした。 子どもたちは寝息をたお、倧人も座り䜓を䌑めおいる。 を確認しおいた。 そこに、チェむスが近付いおきた。 「動きはあるか?」 「ただ動いおないよ」 「なら少し暪になれ......地図出しおくれれば俺たちが芋おいるから」 「でも......」 䌑むよう蚀われ、枋っおいるずチェむスが私を持ち䞊げ歩きだした。 「いいから......地図出せっお」 私はチェむスの前に地図を出した。 「これっおお前が意識が無くおも消えないよな?」 「うん。そう蚭定すればね」 「じゃあしおくれ」 「セレヌナ、こい぀も䞀緒に䌑たせおくれ」 「えぇもちろんよ......さぁりィルの隣に、頭はこっちの膝に乗せおね」 チェむスにセレヌナの膝に寝かされ戞惑っおいるず、セレヌナが頭を優しく撫でおくれお、次第に私の意識は遠退いお行った。 「寝たか?」 「えぇ......ただこんなに小さいのに......少しでも䌑んでね」 セレヌナの顔は慈愛に満ちおいたが、声はどこか悲しげだった。 「......頌んだぞセレヌナ」 しばらくしお、 「おい......起きおくれ」 目を開けるずチェむスが芗き蟌んでいた。 私は䜓を起こし尋ねた。 「動いたの?」 「あぁ......行けるか?」 「倧䞈倫。セレヌナさんありがずうございたした」 「いいのよ......2人ずも気を぀けおね」 私たちはレオヌネ様たちの元に向かい、これからやる事の打ち合わせを行い、森の入口に2人で転移しお、私だけ
The magician----I take off the hood and smile at Chase and Carlos. [Fu~ it somewhat went smoothly, didn't it!] Then, Chase looks at me with tired eyes and sighs. [You...... haa~] Carlos clapped on his shoulder while holding back his laughter. [Kuku...... yeah, it went smoothly] When I tilt my head to the side, finding the two's behavior strange, Lyle comes and approaches Chase. [Captain! Carlos-san too! Please, properly explain this! Suddenly appearing in front of us, letting the five go to request for the aid, disappearing again, telling us through telepathy "no matter what happens now, pretend to be calm and composed," I understood that Gais and others had betrayed us, but just what is going on!?] [C, calm down, Lyle] Chase tried to calm down Lyle, but then Roy approached with a smile on his face. [That's right, Lyle. Captain and co. will give a proper, convincing explanation. For example...... for example, the reason for making this little, adorable child doing something so dangerous...... right, Captain?] ----Zoku Chills ran through my back even though that smile was directed towards me. (Hii! His eyes are not smiling at all...... Chase is...... ah, he's subtly trembling...... is Roy-san fond of children? He's worried about me...... nevertheless, there are many good-looking people among the beastmen, aren't there?) Lyle has a short hair and a refres.h.i.+ng, athletic feeling, he's a wolf person just like Liam. Roy is a pretty person with a shoulder-length hair tied behind, he's a fox person like Chase. Ethan is a black panther, Carlos a white tiger. Leone is a lion. (Still, they look so mofumofuably pleasant~ I wonder if it's no good to touch them) While thinking about such things, Chase spoke to me. [O~i, may I a bit?] [What's the matter?] As I trotted over, Roy dropped on his knee and bowed his head. [Once again, I'm Roy. Thank you very much for your cooperation during this matter] [Ah, please raise your head!] When I was feeling fl.u.s.tered, Lyle came and lowered his head too. [I also want to express my grat.i.tude...... thank you] [Umm, it's really alright] When I was troubled, not knowing what to do, Carlos came to the rescue. [Oi, oi, leave it at that. Jouchan is troubled, you know?] First of all, we spoke about Chase's and my negotiations, the search for the hidden room, about everyone's medical treatment and about the doubts of a traitor. [What to say......] [That's quite extraordinary, so what happened next?] [Ask that this fellow. We have moved as this fellow said, after all] When Chase says so, the two turned their gazes towards me. Let's go back in time a little---- [Everyone, please gather up for a little] When I say so, the beastmen gather around me. [In case the five who went to request aid are connected to the traitor...... at worst, it's likely that the aid won't come] ----Zawaa Unrest ran through the beastmen, but Chase and Carlos agreed. [Certainly...... if I were in their position, I would pretend to go for the help and make up excuses that the aid can't come...... what do you think? Carlos] [Yeah, it will be probably like that...... say, Jouchan. Do you have any ideas?] [Yes...... but, in order to succeed, cooperation of everyone here and the six people outside is necessary] [Say it! I want to return back with everyone...... for that reason, I will cooperate with anything!] [Leone-sama...... alright] When I looked around, everyone was nodding, so I explained the plan. [First, as planned at first, Chase and I will go towards the meeting place. If possible, I would like to secure a safe, s.p.a.cious place on the way. After joining up, we will leave behind few people while the others will go request for aid. Then, after returning to this room and transferring everyone to the safe place, and after confirming whether the five who went to ask for the aid returned, Chase and I will go towards the meeting place once again, and obtain information regarding the traitor from them...... how about it?] [It certainly is a good plan, but there's a problem, Jouchan] [I know...... in order to hear the information, we have to do it before the relief aid the five went to get arrives...... it's a game against time...... therefore, Chase] [Yeah, let's hurry...... Leone-sama, everyone, I understand your anxiety, but this is the only chance we have...... won't you entrust this to us?] Everyone powerfully nodded while looking at us. Then, Leone-sama said. [Thank you both] [Ha!] At that time, Will pulled on Chase's clothes and called out to him. [Otousan, are you going?] Chase got on his knees and patted Will's head. [Yeah, I will definitely return...... let's return to our country with everyone] [Un! Otousan, Oneechan too, be careful, okay?] [...... Ou] [Thank you, Will-kun] (He said Oneechan! Will-kun is so cute~ I want to mofumofu him~ I should ask him when this matter ends----) Chase spoke to me, interrupting my thoughts. When I looked at Chase, he was looking at me with a tired expression. (No way...... were my thoughts exposed!?) [R, right! Then, let's go......{Stealth} ......{Transfer} ] {Chase, the five are still slightly far away and they are not moving, let's hurry up without a delay} {Alright! Here, hold on tightly} Saying such, Chase crouched and piggybacked me. Because we have safely left the mansion, I tried asking Chase. {Say, are we perhaps entering the forest?} {Yeah, although I say forest, this is not the "Magic Forest," so it's relatively safe} {Ah! Chase, stop!} Chase immediately stopped and cautiously looked around. {What's wrong? Is there something around? I don't feel any signs, though......} {Sorry, that's not it...... can you go over there for a bit?} After I point with my left hand while saying, Chase moves there. When we advance a little, there was an open s.p.a.ce location with a little pond. {How about making this place the evacuation site?} {Let's see...... there's water and the surroundings are easy to see...... but, that being the case, they would be in a plain sight} {In that case, I will use my barrier. Furthermore, they won't be visible if I use[Stealth] } {That, huh...... it should be fine then. Okay! Let's move them here} Because we have decided on the evacuation site, we began running towards the meeting place. After a short while, we have seen beastmen, so I used[The Mind's Eye] to confirm just in case, but only Chase's comrades were among them. {There they are...... undo the magic} {Alright...... dispel} [Everyone, sorry for making you wait!] When Chase calls out to them, everyone gets surprised. [Captain!?] [Eh? Since when?] Someone shouted in a loud voice during the ruckus. [Be quiet!! Captain isn't able to speak!!] (So loud! My ears......) I covered my ears to keep the voice down. [You be quiet! Bard!] [Ha!! I'm sorry!!] (Haa~ He's not listening...... is this person a musclehead?) [Haa~...... I wonder why you are the vice captain] [I'm honored to receive your praise!!] [I wasn't praising you......] Chase muttered exhaustedly. As for me, I repeated Chase's words. (Who is the vice captain? Surely not...... is it this muscle----this person?) [...... Eh!?] (This person is the vice captain!? Normally, it's a person who supports the captain, so wouldn't a composed...... he has the captain effect no matter how I look) Because I unconsciously ended up shouting, everyone noticed me. [Umm...... Captain] [Yeah, let me introduce you...... this is the cooperator I have talked about] Because Chase lowered me down, I took off my hood and bowed my head. [How do you do! Please treat me well] I raise my head because there was no reaction. Everyone was looking at me with their eyes wide open. I tilted my head and looked at Chase. [[[[[[...............] ] ] ] ] ] Chase ignored the subtle mood and gave instructions. [Ah~ There's no time, so I will have yo do as instructed without asking any questions, listen well! I have a suspicion that Gais and others who went to request aid betrayed us...... therefore, Lyle and Roy will stay behind while others will immediately go to request aid!] [[[[[[Wha!?] ] ] ] ] ] [Cap, Captain!] [No questions! There's no time, so hurry up! Take a different route, so you don't into those guys!] [[[[Ha!] ] ] ] The four people prepare in panic and start running. [Roy and Lyle stay behind, follow us, so those guys won't notice you] [[Ha!] ] [Yos.h.!.+ We will temporarily return] [[Haa?] ] Because Chase looked at me, I grasped his clothes. [Nuo!? That was so sudden, don't surprise me like that, Jouchan] It appears we have transferred right in front of Carlos. [So? How did it go, Chase?] [I gave out the orders...... all that's left is for everyone to escape and wait for those guys] Carlos's, Ethan's, and Liam's eyes were glittering. [Well then, let's go. Everyone, please join your hands and form a circle] A circle was formed as instructed, but everyone looked uneasy. [Don't worry. It will be over in an instant...... if you are scared, close your eyes] When I say so, everyone but Chase closed their eyes. Right, everyone except Chase. [Carlos, Ethan, Liam...... you are guards, aren't you?] We have transferred to the evacuation site. [Everyone, please open your eyes] What everyone saw after opening their eyes was a different scenery. [Have we really go outside?] [That's right, Leone-sama] It appears everyone can't contain their excitement. I immediately form a[Barrier] and used[Stealth] , so they would be invisible to the surroundings. [Oi everyone, I understand that you are happy, but lower your voices] Everyone abided by Chase's caution. I have confirmed the target's situation, but because they weren't moving yet, I explained to everyone that they can't be seen from the surroundings and decided to rest for a while. The children fell asleep and adults rested their bodies while sitting. I confirmed using[Search] again. There, Chase approached. [Is there movement?] [They are not moving yet] [Then, lie down for a bit...... if you take out the map, we will watch it] [But......] Because I was reluctant when Chase told me to rest, he lifted me up and started walking. [I'm telling you it's fine...... take out the map] I took out the map in front of Chase. [Will it stay even if you are not conscious?] [Un. If set like that] [Then, do it] [Selena, let this fellow rest with you] [Yeah, of course...... come next to Will, your head here, place it on my lap] While bewildered about my current situation on Selena's lap, she gently stroked my hair, gradually making me lose my consciousness. [Is she asleep?] [Yeah...... even though she's still so little...... rest even if for a bit, okay?] Selena's face was full of affection, but her voice was somewhat sorrowful. [...... I'm leaving her to you, Selena] After a short while, [Oi...... wake up please] When I open my eyes, Chase was looking at me. I raised my body and asked. [Did they move?] [Yeah...... can you go?] [I'm fine. Selena-san, thank you very much] [Don't worry about it...... you two, be careful, okay?] We have gone to Leone-sama and others, told them what's going to happen from now on, I transferred the two of us to the forest's entrance, casted[Stealth] just on myself, and run towards the meeting place.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Mezametara Chikashitsu!? ~Tensei Shoujo no Yume no Saki~", "series_title_jap": "目芚めたら地䞋宀!?転生少女の倢の先 ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.34 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "Romance", "Shoujo", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Abandoned Children", "Adopted Children", "Age Progression", "Age Regression", "Beastkin", "Beasts", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Character Growth", "Cheats", "Child Abuse", "Child Protagonist", "Cute Protagonist", "Demon Lord", "Dragons", "Dwarfs", "Elemental Magic", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Game Elements", "Handsome Male Lead", "Hated Protagonist", "Lack of Common Sense", "Level System", "Loli", "Magic", "Male Yandere", "Older Love Interests", "Overpowered Protagonist", "Possessive Characters", "Reincarnated in Another World", "Skill Assimilation", "S*aves", "Strong Love Interests", "Time Skip", "Transformation Ability", "Twins" ], "rating": 3.7, "rating_votes": 249 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "そらのあお", "fav_novel_cnt": 1158, "global_points": 3177 } }
突然割り蟌んできた声に動きを止めお、そちらを向くず50代くらいの男が埮笑みながら立っおいた。 埌ろには数人の兵士もいお、アダムずディラン、ミゲルずネむサンが反応した。 「報告されおしたいたすね兄さん」 「呌び出されるな」 「しょうがないですよ。アルずフェリは、たた連れおきたしょう」 4人はすでに萜ち着きを取り戻したが、ゲロスは睚み付けおいた。 「なんだお前は!邪魔をするな!」 「倱瀌、私は王郜譊備隊2番隊隊長のラむれンです。䞍審者が子どもを誘拐しようずしおいるず、通報があり来たした」 「誘拐だず!?誘拐ではない!ただ野球の才胜がある子どもを匕き取ろうずしおいただけだ。蚀いがかりも甚だしい!」 「成る皋、それがあなたの蚀い分ですね。あなた方はどうですか?」 ラむれンは衚情を倉えるこずなくゲロスの話を聞き、今床はこちらに質問した。 代衚しおミゲルが答えた。 「圌の蚀う‘才胜ある子ども’はここにいる私の匟です。圌がいきなり‘この子を枡せ’ず蚀っお来たので、圓然断りたしたが‘金を出すから枡せ’ず蚀われたした。それも断り、諊めるよう説埗したしたが、今床は私の効ず友人の効たで連れお行こうずされ、今に至りたす」 「双方、芋解が違うようですね。では、呚りの方に聞いおみたしょう。君たちは呚蟺の聞き取りを、私は......薬店の方、話を聞かせおもらえたすか?」 ラむれンの指瀺で兵士は動きだし、ラむれンはルヌカスずクレアに尋ねた。 「始めから芋おいたしたが、この子の蚀う通りです」 「そっちのゲロスは嘘぀きよ!」 「そうですか、では郚䞋が戻るたでしばしお埅ちください」 暫くするず兵士が戻っお来おラむれンに報告しおいた。 「埅たせたした。詳しく話が聞きたいので䞀緒に来おもらいたす。......ゲロスず連れ2名を連行しろ」 「「「「ハッ!」」」」 「䜕をする!?濡れ衣だぞ!攟せ!」 「「旊那様!」」 ラむれンの指瀺でゲロスたちは兵士に連行されお行き、それを芋送っおからラむれンがこちらを向いお衚情を和らげた。 「灜難でしたね。残念ですが今日は戻られた方がよろしいかず」 「分かっおいる。䞖話をかけたなラむれン」 「いいえ、‘家’たで送りたす。ご友人たちもご䞀緒にどうぞ」 「私たちは自分で戻りたすので、お気遣いなく」 「あなた方の保護者も埅っおおられたすので、ご䞀緒に。分かっおいるず思いたすが、拒吊暩はありたせんよ」 ラむれンの蚀葉に断れないず思い぀぀も、ミゲルは悪あがきをするが、通じなかった。 ルヌカスずクレアに別れを告げお、銬車に乗り‘家’ぞず送られる事になった。 もちろん‘家’ず蚀うのは王宮の事で、着くなりラむれンず別れ゚ノァンの私宀に案内されたが、゚ノァンずルむス、クロヌドの他に芋慣れぬ人がいた。 「ずいぶん早い垰りだったな。もっずゆっくりしおくるず思っおたぞ」 「もう知っおいるのでしょう?父䞊」 「人が悪いです」 「詳しくは知らんさ。䜕か問題が起きたず聞いただけだ。グレヌス、楜しかったか?」 「はい!でも......最埌のは怖かったです」 「そうか、さぁお父様の所においで」 ゚ノァンが膝に乗せるずグレヌスは安心したように笑った。 それを芋ながら男がしみじみ蚀った。 「やはり女の子は違うな。うちは男ばかりだから、この幎頃はこんなこずさせおくれんぞ。クロヌド、お前も分かるだろう?」 「残念だが私には嚘がいるからな。フェリ、アルもおいで」 私ずアルは䞀床顔を芋合わせおから、クロヌドに向かい駆けた。 クロヌドは私たちを膝に乗せ、男を芋た。 「はぁ!?い぀産んだんだ!䜕も聞いおないぞ!」 「産んでない。逊子だからな」 「逊子......お前がか!?」 男が驚いお叫ぶず、ルむスが口をはさんだ。 「いい加枛、自己玹介しおはどうですか?アルベルトずフェリヌチェは知らないのですから」 「そうだな。俺はトラスト王囜囜王レグルスだ!」 「アルベルトです」 「フェリヌチェです」 (囜王っおこずはレオヌネ様のお父さんか......元気かなぁ?) 私がレオヌネのこずを考えおるず、アダムがレグルスに話しかけた。 「それにしおも、到着は明日じゃありたせんでしたか?」 「その぀もりだったんだが、途䞭で魔物に远いかけられお逃げおいるうちに思ったより早く着いたんだよ」 「魔物ですか?レグルス様の事ですから倒したのでしょう?」 「たぁな。だが、数が倚くお参った!こうなりゃさっさず王郜に入ろうず急いだんだが、目前でブラックタむガヌが出たからさすがに焊った。俺や兵士だけなら問題ないがメむドもいたからな」 「では逃げたんですか?」 「それが、どうするか迷っおたらいきなり奎の頭が匟けたんだよ」 「匟けた!?」 「俺たちもビックリしお誰かいないか探したんだが、芋぀かったのはコレだった」 そう蚀いながらレグルスが懐から出した物は、ずおも芋芚えがある物だった。 「そ、それは......」 「そう、野球ボヌルだ!どうやらコレが圓たっお匟けたらしい」 「ぐ、偶然そこに萜ちおいただけでは?」 「兄䞊の蚀う通りですよ!野球ボヌルで匟けるなんお!」 「だがな、拟った時は血が着いおたし圓たるのを芋た者もいおな」 「「そ、そうですか」」 「しかし、䞍思議なんだよな。いったい䜕凊から飛んで来たんだろうな」 アダムずディランは力なく笑い、ミゲルずネむサンは目を泳がせ、私ずアルはわたわたしおいた。 もちろん、そんな挙動䞍審な行動を芋逃す筈はなく、クロヌドにしっかり远求された。 「それは知っおいる者に聞いた方がいいだろう。なぁ......お前たち」 「「「「「「はい」」」」」」 ガックリず項垂れ、代衚でミゲルが話した。 グレヌスはよく分かっおいないみたいなので、䞍思議そうにしおいたが。 こずの経緯を話すず、事情を知らないレグルス以倖には‘アルならしょうがない’ず苊笑され、レグルスは‘凄いんだな!’ず感心しただけだったが、ゲロスの話になるず空気が重くなっおきた。 「金を出すから枡せ......か、ふざけた奎だ。アダム、そい぀らは䜕凊にいるんだ?」 「ラむれンが郚䞋に呜じお牢に入っおたす」 「そうか......すたんが急甚が出来た」 「埅ちなさい。行かせたせんよ!」 「゚ノァンは接埅があるだろう。ずころで私も急甚が出来たので倱瀌する」 「貎方もダメですよ!」 「じゃあ俺も急甚が出来た」 「「お前は関係ないだろ!」」 「じゃあ......っお、貎方ももちろんダメです!」 ゚ノァンずクロヌドが郚屋から出ようずするが、ルむスに止められおいるのを芋おレグルスも楜しそうに参加しおいた。 そのやり取りを芋おいるずアルが話しかけおきた。 「フェリ、小腹すいちゃった。䜕かない?」 「え~ず、ちょっず埅っお......ん~っず、スむヌトポテトずクッキヌずプリン......フラむドポテトもあるよ」 「クッキヌずフラむドポテト食べたい」 「は~い」 アむテムボックスから芁望の物を取り出すず、さっそく食べ始めた。 それを芋たミゲルずネむサンが加わり、涎を垂らしそうなアダムが加わり、最埌にはディランずグレヌスを手招きで呌んで、おや぀を食べながら倧人たちのやり取りを芳戊しおいた。 「䜕だコレ!矎味すヌぎる......この塩加枛がいいな」 「兄䞊、クッキヌも矎味しいですよ」 「甘いな2人ずも。ポテトずクッキヌは亀互に食べるんだ」 「そうなのかミゲル!?」 「さっそく詊しおみたしょう」 「本圓に矎味しいです。シェフが䜜られたんですか?」 「いいえ、これはフェリが䜜ったんですよ」 「本圓ですかネむサン!?フェリヌチェはすごいのね!」 「そんなこずないですよ~」 「アル、䜕蚀っおるか分かんないよ」 「矎味しいけど、飲み物が欲しいかも」 「え~?......しょうがないなぁ䜕がいいの?」 「‘゜ヌダ’だね。はい、どうぞ」 アルにお願いされおアむテムボックスから出したのは私が䜜った゜ヌダだ。 魔法さたさたである。 初めお飲んだ時は、吹き出しお近付かなかったが、私が平然ず飲んでいるのを芋お、少しず぀飲んでいるうちに慣れたのか普通に飲めるようになっおいた。 「あぁ~!䜕か癖になるよね~」 「フェリ、私にももらえるか?」 「私もお願いするよ」 ミゲルずネむサンにも枡すず、アダムたちも興味接々に芋おきたので枡しおみた。 飲む前に泚意しようずするず、アルに止められミゲルずネむサンもニダニダしおいた。 それに気付かず3人は、氎を飲むように1口飲んだ。 「「「ブッ!ゎホッゎホッ!」」」 「うわっ!䜕しおるんですか!」 「だっおお前たちがゎクゎク飲んでるから!」 「私たちは慣れおるんですよ」 「す、すいたせん。しかし、これは」 「ディラン様倧䞈倫ですか?たぁ私たちも最初、同じ事したんですけどね」 そうなのだ、私が飲む前に蚀おうずするずアルが止めお、2人に䞀気に飲むよう蚀っおしたった。 そんなこずをすれば圓然ああなる。 「ネむサン、䜙蚈なこず蚀わなくおいい!」 「セコむぞミゲル!人のこず蚀えないじゃないか!」 「䞀緒にするな!私たちはアルに隙されたんだ!」 「だっお、僕だけ吹き出すのは䞍公平じゃないか。䜕事も䜓隓するのはいいこずだよ!」 「‘いいこず蚀いたした’みたいな顔をしおいるが、それなら䜕で父䞊ず母䞊にはしなかったんだ?」 「ラむリヌずオリビアたち䜿甚人にはしおたしたよね?アルならやりそうなのに」 「䜕か本胜が‘やったら最埌......’っお蚀っおた!」 「「「「あぁ......確かに」」」」 (玍埗するんだ......でも分かる気はするかな。想像しただけで震えそう) 隒がしい男たちをよそに、女の子のグレヌスは顔を真っ赀にさせおいた。 「うっ、ごめんなさい。恥ずかしいです」 「倧䞈倫ですよグレヌス様。今床はゆっくり少しず぀飲んでみおください」 「はい、コクッ......コクッ......おいしい」 「本圓か?グレヌス」 「はい、アダムお兄様。シュワシュワしおお甘味もあるのでおいしいです」 グレヌスの蚀葉を聞いお、アダムずディランが今床はゆっくり飲むず、少し間をあけお‘矎味しい’ず蚀っおくれたのだが、芖線を感じそちらを芋るず倧人たちがこっちを芋おいた。 䜕故かルむスが匵り付けたような笑顔で近付いお来お、正盎怖い。 「貎方たち、䜕をしおいるんですか?」 それは静かで、普段通りの声だったが有無を蚀わせぬプレッシャヌを感じおアダムが答えた。 「あっ......おや぀です」 「今、私たちが䜕の話をしおいたか分かりたすね?」 「......はい」 (真剣な話をしおる時に、圓事者たちが呑気におや぀食べおたら怒るよね!) 「ルむスさん!私がっ」 「フェリは悪くないよ!僕が小腹が空いたっお蚀ったから!」 「アルベルトずフェリヌチェは悪くありたせんよ。もちろんグレヌスも。こういった堎合は幎長者の責任です。そうですね、アダム、ミゲル、ディラン、ネむサン」 「「「「はい」」」」 (幎長者っおアルもだよ!) (むしろ僕が最幎長!) 「だいたい、今䜕時だず思っおいるんですか?埌、2、3時間で昌食ですよ」 「「「「はい......はい?」」」」 「食べ盛りの貎方たちはずもかく、フェリヌチェずグレヌスのこずも考えなさい」 「「「「はぁ......アルベルトは?」」」」 「アルベルトはいいんです」 ((いいんだ!たぁそうだけど)) 「貎方たちが食べた量は、おや぀の域を超えおたす。食事前にそんなに食べおはいけたせん!昌食が食べられなくなりたすよ!貎方たちはお兄さんなんだから、しっかりしなさい!ヌ」 「「「「はい!お母さん!......あっ」」」」 「...............」 悪気は無かった。 4人に悪気は無かったのだ。 しかし、思わず口に出おしたった蚀葉で事件は起きた。 「ブッハハハ!お母さんっお......ブックク......確かにっ......ククッ、よかったなルむス!俺も前から思っおたんだよお母さん!ププッ」 ゚ノァンが笑いだしたした瞬間、クロヌドずレグルスが玠早く離れた。 ルむスがゆっくり゚ノァンの方ぞ振り向く。 「.........あ ゙ぁ?」 「ヒィッ、冗談だ!萜ち着け、萜ち着くんだルむス!俺が悪かった!぀い、本音が!」 地を這う䜎い声で睚み付けられ、䜕凊かで聞いたような台詞が出お来た。 「冗談ず本音......ですか。蚀いたい事はそれだけですか?......歯食い瞛りなさい!」 「ギャヌ!!」 その埌、暫く゚ノァンの悲鳎が響き枡るが誰も芋に来る事もなく、私たちも動かず倧人しく芋守っおいた。 その日の教蚓は、 1぀、おや぀は適量食べる 1぀、ルむスに‘お母さん’は犁句 1぀、王様よりもルむスが匷い(あらゆる意味で) けしお、忘れおはならない。 それから、改めお確信したこずがあった。 ((アダムは完党に父芪に䌌おる)) アダムは悲鳎をあげる゚ノァンを芋お笑いを堪えおいるが、それを暪目で芋ながら‘笑っおる堎合か?お前は明日は我が身だぞ。ずいうか、祭りで同じ目にあっただろ’ず他の幎長組の少幎3人が呆れおいるこずに気付くこずは無かった。
The suddenly interrupted voice ceased the motions, and when turning towards it, there was a smiling man in his fifties. There were several soldiers behind him, Adam, Dylan, Miguel, and Nathan reacted. [Let's report, Niisan] [They were called, huh] [Can't be helped. Let's bring Al and Feli along again] The four already regained composure, but Geros said while glaring. [Who the h.e.l.l are you! Don't disturb us!] [Excuse me, I'm Captain of the 2nd unit of the Royal Capital guards, Raizen. There has been a report that a suspicious individual is attempting to abduct a child] [Abduct!? This is not an abduction! I was just taking in a child with a talent for baseball. Stop those false accusations!] [I see, that is your side of the story. How about you?] Raizen heard Geros' story without a change in his expression and addressed us next. Miguel answered as the representative. [The "child with talent" he is talking about is my little brother here. He suddenly said "hand over that child" so we naturally declined, and he replied with "I will pay so hand him over". We declined that too and tried to persuade him to give up, but next, he said he's taking my little sister and her best friend too] [Both sides seem to have different stories, I see. Then, let's ask the people around. Let's hear what the people around have to say, I will...... the drugstore people, may I hear you out?] The soldiers started moving on Raizen's orders while he inquired Lucas and Clare. [I was watching from the beginning and it's as this child said] [That Geros is a liar!] [Is that so, then, wait a moment until my subordinates come back please] A short time later, the soldiers returned and reported to Raizen. [I kept you waiting. I would like to hear the story in full, so I will have you come with us...... take Geros and the two accompanying him] [[[[Ha!] ] ] ] [What are you doing!? It's a false charge! Release me!] [[Dannasama!] ] Geros was dragged away by the soldiers on Raizen's orders and Raizen who saw them off turned towards us with a softened expression. [That was a misfortune, wasn't it? It's unfortunate but it would be better to return for today] [We know. We have been in your care, Raizen] [No, I will send you "home." Your friends should join us too] [We will return by ourselves, you don't have to mind us] [Your guardian is waiting for you, so let's go together. I think you understand, but you have no right of veto] Not thinking about refusing Raizen's words, Miguel didn't put up a vain struggle. Saying goodbye to Lucas and Clare, we got on a carriage and were escorted "home." Of course, "home" was the royal palace, we have parted with Raizen who escorted us and were guided to Evan's office, but there was another person besides Evan, Lewis, and Claude. [You have returned quite early. I thought you could have taken it more slowly] [You already know, right? Father] [How detestable] [I don't know in detail. I just heard that something happened. Grace, did you have fun?] [Yes! But...... the last bit was scary] [I see, come to Otousama] When Evan put Grace on his lap, she smiled in relief. The man said heartily after seeing that. [As expected, girls are different. Our house is full of men, so I can't do anything at such age. Claude, you understand me, right? ] [Unfortunately for you, I do have a daughter. Feli, Al come here] Al and I exchanged glances and trotted over to Claude. Claude placed us on his lap and looked at the man. [Haa!? When were they conceived! I didn't hear anything!] [We didn't conceive them. They are adopted] [Adopted...... you did!?] When the man shouted in surprise, Lewis interrupted. [When are you going to introduce yourself? Albert and Felice don't know you after all] [Right. I'm King of the Trust Kingdom, Regulus!] [I'm Albert] [I'm Felice] (King means he's Leone-sama's father, right...... I wonder if he's doing well?) While I was thinking about Leone, Adam spoke to Regulus. [Anyhow, weren't you supposed to arrive tomorrow?] [That was the intention, but we were chased by monsters on the way and arrived earlier because all the escaping] [Monsters, is it? You are Regulus-sama, so you must have defeated them, right?] [Oh well. There were just too many! I thought to quickly enter the royal capital since it turned out like that, but a Black Tiger appeared right before my eyes, so even I started to panic a bit. If it were only me and the soldiers it would be fine, but there were maids as well] [Then, did you run away?] [That's, while I was hesitating, that fellow's head suddenly burst open] [Burst open!?] [We were startled too and were searching whether there was someone around, but we found only this] What Regulus retrieved from his pocket while talking was something I was very familiar with. [T, that's......] [Right, a baseball! It appears its head was. .h.i.t by this and burst open] [W, wasn't it lying there just by a coincidence?] [It's as Elder brother says! To burst open because of a baseball!] [But you see, it was covered in blood when I picked it up, so I must be right] [[I, is that so?] ] [However, it's a mystery. Just where did it come flying from?] Adam and Dylan feebly laughed, Miguel and Nathan avoided eye contact, Al and I were panicking. Of course, without overlooking such suspicious behavior, we were firmly pursued by Claude. [You would be better off asking the person in question. Right...... you guys] [[[[[[Yes] ] ] ] ] ] Hanging our heads, Miguel spoke as our representative. Grace did not seem to understand it well so she was looking in wonder. When talking about the details, everyone besides Regulus who didn't know wryly smiled "It can't be helped since it's Al," and Regulus himself "That's impressive!" exclaimed in admiration, but the mood became heavy when talking about Geros. [I will give you money so hand him over...... huh, what a ridiculous fellow. Adam, where are those guys now?] [Raizen ordered his subordinates to lock them up in a jail] [I see...... sorry, but an urgent business came up] [Wait. I won't let you go!] [Evan, you have the reception to take care of. Incidentally, I also have an urgent business that came up, so I will excuse myself] [You can't go too!] [Then, I also have an urgent business] [[You are unrelated, aren't you!] ] [Then...... hey, you can't naturally go too!] Regulus who saw Evan and Claude trying to leave the room but being stopped by Lewis happily partic.i.p.ated too. Al who saw that exchange asked. [Feli, I'm hungry. Do you have something?] [Umm~ wait a moment...... n~ sweet potatoes, cookies, pudding...... I also have French fries] [I want to eat cookies and French fries] [Alright~] I retrieved the requested things from the item box and we began eating right away. Miguel and Nathan who saw that joined in, the drooling Adam joined in as well, and lastly, I beckoned Dylan and Grace to join us too. We watched the exchange of adults while eating snacks. [What's this! It's too delicious...... this seasoning is so nice] [Elder brother, the cookies are tasty as well] [It's delicious you two. Potatoes and cookies can be eaten alternately] [Is that so, Miguel!?] [Let's try it right away] [It's really tasty. Was this made by chef?] [No, this was made by Feli] [Is that the truth, Nathan!? Felice is incredible!] [That's not true~] [Al, we can't understand what you are saying] [It's delicious, but I would like something to drink] [Eh~? ...... Can't be helped, what would you like?] [Soda then? Here you go] What Al requested and I retrieved from my item box was a soda I made. With the grace of magic. When he drank it first, he spat it out and didn't approach it again, but after seeing me calmly drink it, he got used to it little by little and he can normally drink it now. [Ahh~! This could become a habit~] [Feli, can I have some too?] [Me too please] When I gave it to Miguel and Nathan, Adam and others were looking with great interest, so I handed them the soda too. When I was about to caution them before they drank, I was stopped by Al while Miguel and Nathan were grinning. The three who didn't notice that drank it as if it was water. [[[Buh! Cough, cough!] ] ] [Uwa! What are you doing!] [But, you guys were chugging it!] [We are used to it] [I, I'm sorry. However, this is] [Dylan-sama, are you okay? Well, we did the same thing in the beginning] That's right, when I tried to caution them before drinking, I was stopped by Al and the two drank it in one gulp. It would naturally turn out like that if you do such a thing. [Nathan, you didn't need to say something so unnecessary!] [That's petty, Miguel! Why don't you inform others!] [Don't lump me with you! We were deceived by Al!] [I mean, it would be unfair if I was the only one who spat it out. Whatever you say, experiencing it personally is the best!] [You are making "I said something good" face, but if that's the case, why didn't you do it to Father and Mother?] [You did it to Riley, Olivia and other servants, didn't you? I thought Al would do it] [Somehow, the instincts told me...... "it will be the last time if you do it"!] [[[[Yeah...... certainly] ] ] ] (I can understand that...... but he thought of doing it. I tremble just imagining it) At the boisterous state of the boys, the girl Grace said with her face dyed bright red. [Ugh, I'm sorry. So embarrasing] [It's all right, Grace-sama. This time, try sipping little by little] [Yes, sip..... sip...... tasty] [Really? Grace] [Yes, Adam Oniisama. It's bubbly and also have sweetness to it, it's delicious] Hearing Grace's words, Adam and Dylan slowly sipped the soda. They opened their eyes and said "It's good," but feeling gazes on us, we turned around and saw the adults watching us. For some reason, Lewis approached us with a smile, it was frankly frightening. [You guys, what are you doing?] Adam who felt the pressure of the quiet and yet unusually distant voice replied. [Ah...... we are eating snacks] [Do you know what we were talking about just now?] [...... Yes] (He would get angry when having a serious talk and the people in question were eating snacks, won't he!) [Lewis-san! I-] [Feli is not at fault! It's only because I was feeling a bit hungry!] [Albert and Felice are not at fault. Of course, Grace isn't as well. In cases like these, the elders are responsible. Isn't that right, Adam, Miguel, Dylan, Nathan] [[[[Yes] ] ] ] (Al is an elder too!) (Rather, I'm the eldest!) [In the first place, what time do you think it is? It's time for lunch in 2-3 hours, you know?] [[[[Yes...... yes?] ] ] ] [You who have the appet.i.tes of growing children aside, how about considering Felice and Grace too?] [[[[Haa...... how about Albert?] ] ] ] [Albert is good] ((He's good! Well, that's true but)) [The amount you have eaten exceeds the snack limit. You must not eat that much before the lunch! You won't be able to eat the lunch! You guys are the older brothers, get your grip together!] [[[[Yes! Okaasan! ...... Ah] ] ] ] [...............] There was no ill will. The four didn't have any ill will. However, but an accident happened with the words that unconsciously left from their mouths. [Buhahaha! Okaasan...... bukkuku...... indeed...... kuku, aren't you glad, Lewis! I have thought of you as Okaasan before too! Pupu] The moment Evan burst into laughter, Claude and Regulus swiftly distanced themselves from him. Lewis slowly turned towards Evan. [......... Haa?] [Hii, I was just joking! Calm down, calm down Lewis! It was my fault! What I really think unconsciously left my mouth!] While glaring, I line I heard somewhere before came out with a creepy low voice. [Joke and what you really think...... is it? Is that all you wanted to say? ...... Grit your teeth!] [Gyaah!!] After that, Evan's screams resounded for a while, but no one came to see what's happening while we were obedientely watching without moving. That day's lesson is, Item, Eat only optimal dose of snacks Item, calling Lewis "Okaasan" is a taboo Item, Lewis is more powerful than King (in every way) We must never forget this. Then, we had been convinced all over again. ((Adam completely resembles his father)) Adam was struggling hard not to laugh at the screaming Evan, but he didn't notice the sickened gazes of the three elder boys which were saying "Is it time to laugh? You are gonna get it tomorrow, you know? Rather, didn't we suffer the same thing at the festival?"
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Mezametara Chikashitsu!? ~Tensei Shoujo no Yume no Saki~", "series_title_jap": "目芚めたら地䞋宀!?転生少女の倢の先 ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.4 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "Romance", "Shoujo", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Abandoned Children", "Adopted Children", "Age Progression", "Age Regression", "Beastkin", "Beasts", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Character Growth", "Cheats", "Child Abuse", "Child Protagonist", "Cute Protagonist", "Demon Lord", "Dragons", "Dwarfs", "Elemental Magic", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Game Elements", "Handsome Male Lead", "Hated Protagonist", "Lack of Common Sense", "Level System", "Loli", "Magic", "Male Yandere", "Older Love Interests", "Overpowered Protagonist", "Possessive Characters", "Reincarnated in Another World", "Skill Assimilation", "S*aves", "Strong Love Interests", "Time Skip", "Transformation Ability", "Twins" ], "rating": 3.7, "rating_votes": 249 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "そらのあお", "fav_novel_cnt": 1158, "global_points": 3177 } }
アンゞェラの治療は無事に終わったが、念のため定期的に私ずクロヌドさんで確認する事にしお、呚りにも知られないようにする事になった。 各々、仕事に戻るために今回はお開きになりオヌスティンたちず戻る事にした。 「じゃあ垰るか。フィアフルたちはこれから䜕か予定があるか?」 「特に無いけど......フェリは䜕かある?」 「私はりィル君に手玙を出したいんだけど、䜕凊に頌めばいいのかな?」 「手玙か......案内しおもいいが、りィル君お誰なんだ?」 「はい。私を助けおくれたチェむスの息子さんで、手玙を曞く玄束をしおたんです。チェむスずは念話で話したんですけど、りィル君には念話が出来るのは秘密にするよう蚀われおいるので手玙を曞いたんです」 事情を話すず、オヌスティンがポカ~ンず私を芋おいた。 たた、仕事に戻るために郚屋を出お行こうずしおいた゚ノァンたちたで私を芋お唖然ずしたり、頭を暪に振ったりず色んな反応をしおいた。 「えっず......皆さんどうしたんですか?」 私が尋ねるず、クロヌドが無蚀で゜ファヌに座り盎し口を開いた。 「取り合えず党員、座っおくれ」 党員、無蚀のたた゜ファヌに座り盎すずクロヌドが尋ねおきた。 「さおフェリヌチェ、いく぀か質問しおもいいか?」 「はい!......䜕でしょうか?」 「君は念話が䜿えるのか?」 「はい」 「チェむスずは䜕者なんだ?」 「チェむスはトラスト王囜の人で、誘拐された人たちの救出に来おいたんです。圌は人間に倉化しおベむリヌ家に朜入しおいたした。私がいた地䞋宀に食事を運んでいお、その時にスキルで圌の正䜓が分かったんです。チェむスはそれに気付き、私のスキルで誘拐され人たちがいる隠し郚屋を芋぀ける代わりに、私の脱走に力を貞す契玄をしたんです」 「よく、その男を信甚できたな。君は仮にもベむリヌ家の嚘だ。普通はその幎で考えられないかも知れないが、君なら圌等から自分がどう思われるか予想はできただろう?」 「はい......恚み、憎しみの察象になる......正盎、いざずなれば魔法で盎ぐ逃げられるように考えおたした。でも......圌は、‘誓玄魔法’を䜿うず蚀っおくれたんです」 「「誓玄魔法!?」」 私の発蚀に声をあげ驚いたのは、ブレむクずブラむドの獣人2人だった。 そしお、獣人族代衚のブラむドが唖然ずしながら口を開いた。 「誓玄魔法など......獣人は本圓に信甚しおいる盞手にしか絶察にやらないものだ。内容を聞いおも?」 「はい。倧たかに蚀うず、チェむスずチェむスの仲間が私に危害を加えない限り、救出に力を貞すずいうものです。違反したら‘もっずも倧切なものを倱う’ずいう条件でした」 「もっずも倧切なもの......短期間でそれほど信甚できたのか?」 「あの時点ではお互いしおいなかったず思いたす。ただ、私も圌等も時間がなかったから......」 「時間?」 「私がチェむスず話した3日埌に、ベむリヌ家の圓䞻が戻っおくる事になっおたした。圓䞻が戻れば、誘拐された獣人は奎隷ずしお売られるか、殺されるかでした。私はっ......」 私はあの時の事を思いだし、蚀葉に詰たるずアルが手を握っおくれたので、深呌吞しお続きを話た。 「私は、ベむリヌ家が新しく開発した魔道具の実隓のために‘魔の森’に行く事になっおいたので」 魔道具の話をするず、ドワヌフ族代衚のドルキが興味深そう聞いおきた。 「新しい魔道具か......どんな効果があるんじゃ?」 「魔物を呌び寄せる魔道具です」 「バカな!?そんな物を䜜っおおったのか!」 ドルキずブラむドが驚く䞭、それたで話を聞いおいた゚ルフ族代衚のアネモネの声が静かに響いた。 「ドルキ、ブラむドよ、確かにそんな魔道具が䜜られおいたのなら問題だ......だが、それだけではない」 「どういう事だ?」 ブラむドが尋ねるず、アネモネは哀しげに私を芋お蚀った。 「先ほどフェリヌチェは、魔道具の実隓があり自分には時間がなかったず蚀った。2人ずも分からんか?」 「「たさかっ!?」」 「魔道具は魔力を流しお発動させる。フェリヌチェを実隓に連れお行くずいう事はそういう事だろう」 「その魔道具は魔物を呌び寄せるんだろ?自分の嚘にそんな事!」 「そうじゃ!そんな事をすれば確実に死んでしたうわい!」 信じられないずいうように声を荒げる2人を芋ながら、私はアネモネの蚀葉を肯定した。 「いいえ、アネモネさんの蚀う通りです。あの人たちにずっお私は‘嚘’では無く‘犁忌の子’でしたから......死んだ方がいいずも蚀われたしたし」 「「フェリヌチェ......」」 蚀葉を無くす2人をよそに、クロヌドが冷静に聞いおきた。 「しかしドルキの蚀う通り、そんな事をすれば死んでいるはず......フィアフルが助けたのか?」 「僕は助けおないよ。その時はただベむリヌ家の屋敷に囚われおいたからね」 「ではどうやっお」 「フェリは転移魔法を䜿ったんだ」 「......今床は転移魔法か」 クロヌドに呆れたように芋られたが、気にしないようにした。 「ギリギリで転移したので、あの人たちは私が死んだず思っおいるでしょうし、魔道具も持ち出せたした!」 「その埌、フェリに僕の鎖を倖しおもらっお2人で垝囜を出たんだ。それず、魔道具の研究宀は僕が砎壊しおおいたよ」 「......その持ち出した魔道具は?」 「私のアむテムボックスに入れおありたす」 「......そうか......アむテムボックスか......」 話しおいくに぀れ、クロヌドに芇気が無くなっおいく。 「ちなみにその魔道具を芋せおもらえるか?今埌の察策のために解析しおおきたい。もちろん悪甚はしないず誓うし、関わらせる者も遞ぶ」 クロヌドの提案に少し考えたが、どちらにしろ私に出来る事は限られるし、専門家に任せた方がいいず思い預ける事にした。 「分かりたした。......これです」 魔道具を受け取るず、クロヌドはドルキに声をかけた。 「ドルキ、魔道具に詳しくお口が固い者を手配しおくれ。こちらからも䜕人か出す」 「任せおくれ」 「それずフェリヌチェ、念話では䜕を話したんだ?」 「無事に共和囜に぀いた事ずかですね。゚ノァンさんたちに぀いおは詳しくは話しおたせんよ。䜏むこずが決たればたた連絡するよう蚀われおたす」 「あず、黒韍の僕が䞀緒にいる事は僕の刀断で話しおいるよ」 「そんな事たで話しおいいのか?探るのが目的ならどうするのだ」 アルの蚀葉にクロヌドがそう蚀うが、アルは吊定した。 「君の懞念は分かるよ。䞀応、僕もフェリも囜に関する事は話さないず決めおいるし、チェむスは単玔にフェリを心配しおいるだけだしね」 「䜕故分かるんだ?」 「フェリは圌に――圌等にずっお恩人だし、自分の子どもより幌い女の子だからね。フェリは念話する玄束を忘れお、昚日連絡したんだ。僕も最初は心配だったから、こっそり割り蟌んで聞いおいたけど、圌は開口䞀番‘今の今たで䜕しおたんだ!’っお怒鳎っおたよ。その声を聞いお、フェリを心配しお僕を怒ったオヌスティンたちを思いだしたんだ」 アルは穏やかな瞳でオヌスティンたちを芋おいた。 「それに、チェむスは脱出した埌、私の事は公蚀せず、‘通りすがりの魔術垫’が協力した事にしようっお皆に蚀っおくれたした」 クロヌドは䜕か考えおいるようで黙り蟌んでしたった。 その時、゚ノァンがニダニダしながら私に聞いおきた。 「なあなあフェリヌチェ、りィル君は‘友達’なのか?それずも......‘未来の恋人’か?」 「ちょっ、バカ!゚ノァン、黙りなさい!」 ルむスが慌おお゚ノァンを諌め、他の人たちが逃げ腰になる䞭、‘なに蚀っおんだこの人’ず思いながらも答えようずするず、私の隣から地を這うような䜎い声が聞こえお郚屋の空気が凍った。 「はぁ?......䜕蚀っおんの゚ノァン......‘友達’だよ。‘友達’以倖ないから......そうたよねフェリ」 アルがニッコリ笑いながら聞いおきたが、目が怖くお䜕床も頷きながら答えた。 「そうだよね!゚ノァン......分かった?」 アルに聞かれた゚ノァンは、壊れた玩具のように銖を瞊にふり続けた。
Angela's treatment safely finished, but we have decided that Claude-san and I will regularly check, and that we won't let the surroundings know. Everyone split up in order to return to their work and we have decided to return with Austin and others. [Then, shall we go back? Do you have any plans from now on, Fearfal and Felice?] [Not really, but...... Do you have something, Feli?] [I would like to write a letter for Will-kun, but where could I do that?] [A letter, huh...... I could guide you, but who is this Will-kun?] [Yes. He's the son of Chase who has helped me, I have promised to write him letters. I talk with Chase through telepathy, but he told me to keep it secret from Will-kun that I can use it, so I'm going to write letters] When I explained, Austin looked at me Poka~n with his mouth wide open. Also, Evan and co. who were about to leave the room to return to their work stopped in tracks and looked at me dumbfoundedly, there were various reactions going around. [Umm...... everyone, what's the matter?] When I asked, Claude silently reseated on the sofa and started talking. [First of all, everyone please sit down] Everyone sat down in the silence and Claude inquired from me. [Now then Felice, may I ask a few questions?] [Yes! ...... What is it?] [You are able to use telepathy?] [Yes] [Who is this Chase?] [Chase is a person from the Trust Kingdom and he came to the rescue the abducted people. He has transformed into a human and infiltrated the Bailey House. He carried food to the bas.e.m.e.nt where I was locked and I have learned of his true ident.i.ty with my skill that time. Chase has noticed that and made a contract with me to help me escape in return for using my skill to find the abducted people] [How could you trust that man? Even if it sounds like a joke, you are the daughter of the Bailey House. Normally, it might not be possible at your age, but you must have understood how those people would feel about you, right?] [Yes...... resentment, I could become a target of their hatred...... honestly, I thought of immediately escaping with magic if needed. But...... he said that he will use 'Oath Magic'] [[Oath Magic!?] ] The two people who raised their voices to my words were Blake and Braid. And, the Beastmen representative Braid opened his mouth in amazement. [To use Oath Magic...... it's something Beastmen won't use unless they completely trust the other party. May I ask the contents?] [Yes. Roughly speaking, Chase and his companions wouldn't hurt me and we would a.s.sist each other to escape. There was a condition that the violator would 'lose the most important to him/her'] [The most important...... you could trust them that much in such short period of time?] [I think that were had a mutual interest at that point. But, because both them and I had no time......] [Time?] [The head of the Bailey House would return three days after I've talked with Chase. Once the head of the family returned, the Beastmen would be sold as slaves or killed. As for me......] I got lost for words after recalling that time, so Al grasped my hands and I was able to continue after taking a deep breath. [In order to experiment with a newly developed magic tool, I was to go to the 'Magic Forest'] While talking about the magic tool, the Dwarven representative Doruki asked with great interest. [A new magic tool, huh...... what effect did it have?] [It was a magic tool for summoning monsters] [Impossible!? They made something like that!] While Doruki and Braid were shocked, a light voice of the Elven representative Anemos who was quiet until now resounded. [Doruki, Braid, it would certainly be troublesome if such magic tool was developed...... but, that's not all there's to it] [What do you mean?] When Braid asked, Anemone looked at me sadly. [Just a little while ago, Felice said that she didn't have much time because of the magic tool experiment. Do you two not understand?] [[Surely not!?] ] [Magic tools are activated by pouring magical power into them. If they brought Felice for the experiment, it means just that] [That magic tool summons monsters, right? To do such thing to his own daughter!] [That's right! If she were to do that, she would certainly die!] While the two raised their voices in disbelief, I have affirmed Anemone' words. [No, it's like Anemone-san said. That's because to those people, I wasn't that person's 'daughter' but 'Taboo Child'...... I was told it would be better if I died] [[Felice......] ] While the two were lost for words, Claude calmly asked. [However, just like Doruki said, you would die if you were to do something like that...... did you save her, Fearfal?] [I haven't saved her. I was still prisoner at the Bailey house at that time] [Then, how?] [Feli used transfer magic] [...... A transfer magic this time, huh] Claude looked exhausted, but I decided not to mind it. [I have transferred at the last moment, so those people think that I have died. I also got hold of the magic tool!] [After that, Feli undid my chains and we left the Empire together. Also, I have destroyed the magic tool laboratory] [...... That magic tool you took?] [It's in my item box] [...... I see...... in your item box, huh......] Claude looses his spirit as we keep talking. [By the way, can you show us that magic tool? I would like to a.n.a.lyze it for countermeasures. Of course, I swear not to misuse it, I will also choose the involved people] I thought about Claude's proposal for a bit, but anyhow, the things I can do are limited, I decided that it would be better to entrust it to a specialist. [Alright...... this is it] When he received the magic tool, Claude called to Doruki. [Doruki, please arrange people with tight mouths to examine this magic tool. I will also send some people of ours] [Leave it to me] [Also Felice, what were you talking about through the telepathy?] [That we have safely arrived in the Republic. I haven't talked about Evan-san and others in detail. We have decided to get in touch again when the place of our stay has been decided] [Also, I have judged it safe to tell him that I'm Kokuryuu] [Was it fine to speak that much? What will you do if he has a different motive?] Claude said such words, but Al has denied them. [I understand your worry. Just in case, we decided not to talk about things concerning the country and Chase is simply worried about Feli] [How can you tell?] [To him----to them, Feli is their benefactor, a girl younger than their children. Feli forgot about her promise of telepathy so she contacted them yesterday. I was also worried at first, but I secretly cut in, but his opening lines were 'What were you doing until now!' Hearing that voice, I recalled the time when Austin and Angela got angry at me because they were worried about Feli] Al looked at Austin and Angela with gentle eyes. [In addition, after escaping, Chase and everyone decided that a 'pa.s.sing by magician' have saved them] As if thinking about something, Claude has fallen into silence. At that time, Evan looked at me while grinning. [Say, say Felice, is Will-kun a 'friend'? Or perhaps...... a 'future lover'?] [Oy, stupid! Evan, be quiet!] Lewis remonstrated Evan in panic, and other people looked at him with 'what is he saying, this person' eyes. Then, a low voice beside me resounded around the room and the atmosphere froze. [Haa? ...... What are you saying, Evan...... he's a 'friend.' What else would he be...... isn't that right, Feli?] Al asked while smiling at me, but his eyes were scary so I ended up nodding many times over while answering. [Isn't that right! Evan...... do you understand?] When asked by Al, Evan kept on nodding his head like a broken doll.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Mezametara Chikashitsu!? ~Tensei Shoujo no Yume no Saki~", "series_title_jap": "目芚めたら地䞋宀!?転生少女の倢の先 ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.44 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "Romance", "Shoujo", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Abandoned Children", "Adopted Children", "Age Progression", "Age Regression", "Beastkin", "Beasts", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Character Growth", "Cheats", "Child Abuse", "Child Protagonist", "Cute Protagonist", "Demon Lord", "Dragons", "Dwarfs", "Elemental Magic", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Game Elements", "Handsome Male Lead", "Hated Protagonist", "Lack of Common Sense", "Level System", "Loli", "Magic", "Male Yandere", "Older Love Interests", "Overpowered Protagonist", "Possessive Characters", "Reincarnated in Another World", "Skill Assimilation", "S*aves", "Strong Love Interests", "Time Skip", "Transformation Ability", "Twins" ], "rating": 3.7, "rating_votes": 249 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "そらのあお", "fav_novel_cnt": 1158, "global_points": 3177 } }
俺はオヌスティン。 ディアネス共和囜の珟囜王゚ノァンの匟で、S玚冒険者だ。 俺には、アンゞェラずいう矎しく優しい劻がいるが、俺ず結婚した事で蟛い思いをさせおいた。 圌女は䞀般人の冒険者で、王族の俺ず結婚した事に察しおの劬みや恚みの察象にされおいた。 䞀番ひどかったのは、授かった子を倱った事だろう。 そんな事があっおも、圌女は俺の偎にいおくれた。 圌女は俺ずの子どもを諊めず、自ら動いお方法を探しおた。 その姿を芋お、兄䞊たちや呚りの仲間も協力しおくれたが、芋぀ける事はできなかった。 もちろん、圌女が諊めない限り俺も諊める぀もりは無いがな! そんな時、俺たちには奇跡のような出䌚いがあった。 黒韍のフィアフルず、圌が守っおいるフェリヌチェだ。 フェリヌチェは、その類皀な魔法でアンゞェラを治療したんだ! そのお陰で、俺たちは新しい呜を授かった。 皆も喜んでくれお、2人を守るために力を尜くしおくれた。 たさか、他者に興味が無い黒韍のフィアフルが、あそこたで力を貞しおくれるずは思っおもみなかったから、正盎フェリヌチェのためだず思っおいた。 だが、それだけじゃ無かったのを知ったのは出産の時だった。 その日は、い぀も通り眠りに就いた倜だった。 俺は職業柄、深く眠らないからアンゞェラが呌ぶ小さな声で目が芚めた。 䜕かあったのかずアンゞェラを芋るず、埮かに震えおいお、俺は起き䞊がりシヌツに手を突い時、シヌツが濡れおいるのに気付いおしたった。 唖然ずアンゞェラを芋るず、震えたたた泣くのを我慢しお俺を芋぀めおいた。 その顔を芋お俺は思った。 ‘ここで動揺しおどうする!俺が支えなければ!’ず。 だから俺は圌女に優しく声をかけた。 「倧䞈倫だアンゞェラ、党お任せおくれ。気付いおやれなくおすたなかった。動くのが倧倉で間に合わなかったんだな......トむレ」 その時の圌女の顔ず蚀葉は、䞀生忘れなれないだろう。 「䜕バカ蚀っおるのよ!砎氎したの!出おくるのよバカ!䞀瞬でも期埅したのがバカだったわ!やっぱり兄匟なのね!アホ面しおないで、さっさず誰か呌んで来なさいよ!!生たれるっお蚀っおるでしょ!!」 「.........うた......うた?......あ......姉䞊ヌヌヌヌ!!」 俺は急いで姉䞊の元に走った。 ノックもせずに寝宀に飛び蟌んだ俺に、冷たい芖線を济びせながら、䜿甚人にテキパキ指瀺を出す姿を芋おいるず、クロヌドに肩を優しく叩かれた。 「気にするなオヌスティン。出産の時の男なんおこんなもんだ」 その時のクロヌドは哀愁が挂っおいた。 そんな隒ぎが起これば、隣の郚屋にいるフィアフルずフェリヌチェも起きおしたうわけで、郚屋の前で埅っおいた。 男は郚屋に入れず、ひたすら生たれるのを埅っおいた。 時間は過ぎ倜が明ける頃、その産声は聞こえた。 盎ぐにはドアは開かれず、゜ワ゜ワしおいるず赀子を抱えた姉䞊が出おきた。 「おめでずうオヌスティン。貎方たちの......息子よ」 俺は、息子を受け取る事ができずにいた。 「あ......っアンゞェラは!?」 「倧䞈倫!母子ずもに健康よ」 その蚀葉を聞いお、ようやく息子を抱いたが、俺はその顔を芋る事ができなかった。 「ほらオヌスティン!い぀たで泣いおるの?......アンゞェラがっ......たっ......埅っおるわよ!」 「......っはい......ありがずうございたすっ......姉䞊」 小さな息子ず共にアンゞェラの元ぞ行くず、疲れた顔をしながらも、穏やかに埮笑んでいた。 「オヌスティン」 「ありがずうアンゞェラ。本圓にありがずう」 それから、アンゞェラを䌑たせお目芚めた埌は仲間や友人、家族が息子に䌚いに来おくれた。 その䞭でも、䞀番来おいたのがフィアフルだった。 䞍思議に思い、思い切っお聞いおみるず圌は答えおくれた。 そう蚀ったフィアフルの顔は穏やかで、どこか寂しい笑顔だった。 圌の話を聞いおから考えおる事をアンゞェラに盞談するず、圌女も同じ事を考えおいたらしく賛成しおくれたので、俺たちは息子に䌚いに来たフィアフルに頌み事をした。 「息子の名付け芪になっおくれないか?」 「え?......僕が?」 「是非、お願いしたすフィアフル様」 「......うん」 フィアフルは泣きそうな顔で匕き受けおくれた。 それから数日、うんうん唞る圌を埮笑たしく芋守りながら埅っおいるず、緊匵した面持ちでフェリヌチェず手を繋いだたたやっおきた。 フィアフルは、息子の手を優しく握りながらその名を呌んだ。 「君の名前は―――――――だよ」 その時、息子がフィアフルの手を握り締めながら笑った。 片手をフェリヌチェず繋ぎ、もう片方は息子が握っおいるから、圌は頬を流れるものを拭う事ができなかった。 埌日、王族が生たれた時に受ける鑑定で‘韍神の加護’が぀いおいたのには驚いたが、それは些现な事だ。 今の俺にずっお倧事な事は、息子の成長ず次の出産の時に、アンゞェラを怒らせないようにする事だからな!
I'm Austin. The younger brother of the current King of the Dianes Republic Evan and S-cla.s.s adventurer. I have a beautiful and gentle wife called Angela, but marrying me has brought her only hards.h.i.+ps. She's was an ordinary adventurer and marrying me, the royalty, has made her a target of jealousy and resentment. The most terrible thing that happened is surely the child we lost. Even after such thing happened, she stayed by my side. Without giving up on bearing my child, she looked for a method all by herself. Seeing her like that, Elder brother and others cooperated with us, but we weren't able to find any. Of course, as long as she doesn't give up, I didn't intend to give up the hope too! At such time, we had a miraculous encounter. It was the Kokuryuu Fearfal and Felice whom he protected. Felice has treated Angela with the unparalleled magic of hers! Thanks to that, we were blessed with a new life. Everyone was happy and the two exerted themselves in order to protect it. I never thought that Kokuryuu Fearfal who has no interest in others would a.s.sist us to such extent, but frankly, I think it's only thanks to Felice. But, it was at the time of delivery that I realized it wasn't just that. That day, I was sleeping as usual. Due to the nature of my job, I', unable to sleep deeply, so I was awoken by Angela's light calling voice. When I looked at Angela whether something happened, she was faintly trembling and when I placed my hand on the sheets in order to get up, I noticed that the sheets were wet. When I looked at Angela in puzzlement, she was still trembling and doing her best not to cry while staring at me. Looking at such face, I thought. "What good losing composure here will bring! I have to support her!" That's why I gently called to her. [Everything's fine Angela, leave it to me. I'm sorry I didn't notice before. It must be difficult to get up in time for...... restroom] The words she said and face she was making at that time, I won't ever forget. [What a stupid thing are you saying! My water broke! It's coming out, you idiot! I was stupid for having expectations just for a second! You are siblings after all! Wipe that idiotic look off of your face and quickly call someone!! I'm telling you that it's being born!!] [......... Born...... born?...... Ah...... Elder sister----!!] I hurriedly ran towards Elder sister's place. When I looked at her who was giving instructions to the servants while pouring cold gazes on me who entered without knocking, Claude gently clapped on my shoulder. [Don't mind it, Austin. Men are like this during childbirth] Claude said with a grief of that time. Because of such ruckus, Fearfal and Felice who were sleeping in the neighboring rooms woke up too and we waited in front of the room. Men couldn't enter the room and just had to earnestly wait for the birth. When the time pa.s.sed and it the dawn broke, I heard a baby's first cry. The door immediately opened and while feeling restless, Elder sister carrying a baby in her arms walked out. [Congratulations, Austin. It's your...... son] I asked without being able to receive my son. [A...... Angela is!??] [All right! Both mother and child are healthy] Hearing such words, I finally received my son, but I wasn't able to see his face. [Come on, Austin! How long are you going to cry? ...... Angela is...... wa...... waiting for you!] [...... Yes...... thank you very much...... Elder sister] When I entered the room together with my tiny son, she was gently smiling even though she looked exhausted. [Austin] [Thank you, Angela. Thank you very much] After that, after Angela rested and woke up, our companions, friends, and family came to meet our son. Among them, the one who came first was Fearfal. While finding it curious, after making up my mind and asked, he answered. Fearfal's smile when he said that was gentle and somehow lonely. When I consulted with Angela about what I came up with after hearing Fearfal's story, it seems she was thinking the same thing, so we made a request to Fearfal who came to see our son. [Will you become our son's G.o.dparent?] [Eh? ...... Me?] [By all means, Fearfal-sama] [...... Un] Fearfal replied with a face that was about to burst into tears. A few days later, while watching over the groaning him with a smile and waiting, he arrived with a nervous expression while holding hands with Felice. Fearfal gently took my son's hand and called his name. [Your name is --------------] At that time, my son laughed while tightly grasping Fearfal's hand. He was holding Felice with one hand and my son was grasping his other hand, so he wasn't able to wipe that which flowed down his cheek. In the future, when we came to receive the birth appraisal the royalty undergoes when born, I was surprised by the "Dragon G.o.d's Divine Protection" he had, but it was a trivial thing. What is currently important to me is my son's growth and making sure not to anger Angela during the next childbirth!
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Mezametara Chikashitsu!? ~Tensei Shoujo no Yume no Saki~", "series_title_jap": "目芚めたら地䞋宀!?転生少女の倢の先 ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.59 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "Romance", "Shoujo", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Abandoned Children", "Adopted Children", "Age Progression", "Age Regression", "Beastkin", "Beasts", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Character Growth", "Cheats", "Child Abuse", "Child Protagonist", "Cute Protagonist", "Demon Lord", "Dragons", "Dwarfs", "Elemental Magic", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Game Elements", "Handsome Male Lead", "Hated Protagonist", "Lack of Common Sense", "Level System", "Loli", "Magic", "Male Yandere", "Older Love Interests", "Overpowered Protagonist", "Possessive Characters", "Reincarnated in Another World", "Skill Assimilation", "S*aves", "Strong Love Interests", "Time Skip", "Transformation Ability", "Twins" ], "rating": 3.7, "rating_votes": 249 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "そらのあお", "fav_novel_cnt": 1158, "global_points": 3177 } }
(あれ?私、䜕しおたんだっけ......パレヌド芋おたらサむクロプスずかワむバヌンが襲っおきお......そうだ、お母様たちがいなくなっお探しおたんだ。それから......お母様ずアンゞェラさんが泣いおお......䜕で泣いおたんだっけ?......あぁ......お兄様たちが......治さなきゃ......誰?誰がこんな......䜕か耳障りな声が聞こえる......あい぀かな?) (......なら......ころさないず) (でも......目的を聞き出さないず) (どうしお?おにいさたたちに、けがさせたのに) (お兄様たちは助けられた) (でも......いたかった......おかあさたもないおた......ゆるすの?) (蚱さない) (ゆるさない) (喪いたくない) フェリヌチェの頭が、感情がスヌず冷えおいく。 フェリヌチェは男に向かっお歩き出した。 匕き止める声が聞こえ、目を芋開くレグルスを芖界のすみに捉えたが、私は歩みを止めなかった。 「あ ゙あ ゙ヌヌヌい ゙た ゙い ゙!た ゙す ゙け ゙でヌヌヌ!」 「うるさいですね。あなたは誰で目的は䜕ですか?」 「ギィダヌヌヌヌヌ!」 「答えなさい」 フェリヌチェが手を振るず男が動きを止め立ち䞊がり、唖然ずしたたた呟いた。 「痛みが無くなりたしたぁ。あなたが助けおくれたんですかぁ?ありがずうございたすぅ。わたしはぁれロ、殺し屋でぇす。」 痛みが無くなり喜んだれロがフェリヌチェに近付き手を握った瞬間、スキルを発動する。 「あれぇ?力がぬけたすぅ~」 フェリヌチェはれロが逃げられないようにギリギリたでHPずMPを吞収する。 「たくさん苊しんで䞋さい」 「え?」 フェリヌチェはその埌、あらゆる魔法を䜿い骚を粉々に砕いおは治し、䜕ヵ所も貫いおは治し、切り刻んでは治しお䜕床も䜕床も繰り返しおいたが、最初は叫んで助けを求めおいたれロの反応が無くなっおいた。 そしお、フェリヌチェも動けなくなっおいた。 「フェリ、終わりだよ」 (ただだよ......ただただ、くるしめないずいけないの) 「もう、いいんだ」 (ころさなきゃ......たた、うばわれる......じゃたしないで) 「奪われないよう皆で考えよう。だから、もう終わろう。お母様たちも心配しおるよ」 (おかあさた......うん......) 「......アル?䜕で倧きくなっおるの?私......䜕しお......」 「倧䞈倫、党郚終わったよ。家に戻ろう?」 アルベルトはフェリヌチェが眠りに぀くず、抱き䞊げお黙っお芋守っおいた者たちの元に連れおいった。 「フェリヌチェは倧䞈倫なのか?」 「倧䞈倫だよオヌスティン。眠っおるだけだから」 「アル、フェリはいったいどうしたの?」 「お母様、話は戻っおからだよ。゚ノァンたちもお父様ずファりスト家にいるから、急いで戻ろう」 「アむツはどうする?」 「僕が連れおいくよ。しばらく眠らせおおく」 「おい、俺たちも行くぞ。その男、気になるからな」 レグルスずケむレブも行く事になった。 「みんな茪になっお、転移するから」 アルベルトに蚀われた通り茪になるず、盎ぐに転移した。 ――シュン 転移先はファりスト家の応接宀で、クロヌドが埅っおいた。 ちょうどその時、ミゲルずネむサンが目を芚たした。 「うっ......私は......あっ、ネむサン!?ネむサンはっ!」 「萜ち着けミゲル」 「父䞊!ネむサンが!」 「兄䞊......私は倧䞈倫です」 「ネむサン......どうなっおる?」 「あなたたちは助かったのよ。アンゞェラずケむレブ......フェリヌチェが助けおくれたの」 「「母䞊......アンゞェラさん、ケむレブさんありがずうございたした。」」 「いいえ、わたしはフェリヌチェが来るたでもたせおいただけですから」 「同じく。その子がいなければどうにも出来なかった」 2人がフェリヌチェの方を芋るが、眠ったたただった。 「フェリは......寝おいるのか?」 「䜕があったんですか?」 その疑問に答えられる者はおらず、沈黙が続いたがアルベルトが静かに口を開いた。 「取り合えず、゚ノァンたちず埅っおおもらえないかな?さっきのこずを話す前に、確認したい事があるんだ」 「分かった。皆、行くぞ」 戞惑いながらもクロヌドに促され移動した。 2人だけになった郚屋でアルベルトはフェリヌチェを起こした。 「フェリ......起きお、フェリヌチェ」 「うっ......アル?......っお兄様たちは?」 「倧䞈倫。皆、助かったよ。ここはファりスト家だ。眠る前のこず芚えおる?」 「䜕ずなく......䜕か、頭の䞭で声がしお......あれは......私?」 「やっぱりか。たぶんそれは、しいお蚀うなら『4歳のフェリヌチェ』かな?」 「え?......どういうこず?」 「これはあくたで掚枬だけず、フェリは前䞖の『小倜』ずしおの蚘憶ず知識があっお、今は『小倜』が前面に出おるけど、ちゃんず『4歳のフェリヌチェ』の意識もあるよね?」 「うん。時々、匕っ匵られおるっおいうか......子どもみたいに甘えたり、拗ねたりしちゃうの。分かっおおも止められない感じかな」 「それだよ。普段は『小倜』がある皋床『4歳のフェリヌチェ』を制埡......抑制しおる状態だけど、今回は『4歳のフェリヌチェ』の‘奪われたくない’っお感情に『小倜』も同調したから」 「抑制できずに、ああなったっお事?」 「『小倜』は前䞖の幞せな蚘憶があるけど、『4歳のフェリヌチェ』には今がやっず感じられる幞せだからね。蚀い方は悪いけど、その差が歪みになっおるんだ」 「倱いこず、奪われるこずぞの畏れの匷さか......どうしよう?皆、倉に思ったよね」 「この際だから、話した方がいいかもしれない。今埌も同じこずが無いずも限らないし、事情を知っおる僕が䞀緒にいる時か分からないからね」 「......分かった」 アルベルトずフェリヌチェぱノァンたちの元ぞ向かった。 郚屋にぱノァンたち王族ず、オヌスティンのパヌティヌ、ファりスト家、3皮族代衚、レグルスずケむレブが埅っおいた。 たずはクロヌドが口を開いた。 「それで䜕があった?」 「たずは、私から話すわ」 そう蚀っおサマンサは避難しおからの事を話し出した。 話を聞き終えたクロヌドは怒りを感じながらも、どこかホッずしたように芋えた。 「しかし、䜕故レグルスたはちはあそこにいたんだ?」 「暇だったから散歩しおたんだよ」 「邪悪な魔力を感じたした。近くにサマンサ様たちの魔力があったので急いで駆け付けたんです」 「しかし、あのれロずかいう男、いきなり苊しみ出したんだ」 「それは僕のせいだよ。あい぀が召喚したサむクロプスを匷制的に返したから」 「お前、そんな事も出来るのか!?」 「魔力のゎリ抌しだけどね。埌凊理を話し合っおる時に、フェリの魔力が倉質したからオヌスティンず転移したんだ」 アルベルトの蚀葉にクロヌドが反応した。 「魔力が倉質?䜕があった」 「それはわたしも感じたした。ミゲルずネむサンの治療をした埌に」 「その事に぀いお説明する前に、蚀わないずいけない事があるんだ。お父様は薄々感ずいおるみたいだけどフェリは......転生者だ」 「「「「転生者!?」」」」 フェリヌチェが転生者ずいう事に、驚く者ず玍埗する者、様々だった。 「私は......前䞖の蚘憶がありたす。前䞖は『小倜』ずいう名前で、日本ずいう囜に生たれたした。孀児院に捚おらたけど、院長先生倫婊に倧事にしおもらっお兄匟もいお幞せでした。でも、18歳の時に通り魔に刺されお死にたした。意識が戻ったら、あの地䞋宀だったので驚きたした」 フェリヌチェが話し終わるず、゚ノァンが䜕か思い出しながら口を開いた。 「なぁ......ニホンっお蚀ったよな?」 「あぁ~......うちのじいさんは転移者なんだが、確かニホンから来たっお蚀っおたんだよ。なぁアネモスじぃ」 「確かそうだったず思うよ。ず蚀うこずは同郷なのかな?」 「䞍思議な瞁があるもんだな」 「それで?それだけじゃないだろう?」 呑気な2人を無芖しおクロヌドが先を促した。 「うん。これから話す事は、フェリヌチェの䞭に『小倜』の意識ず『4歳のフェリヌチェ』の意識があるずいう前提の話しになる」 「分かった」 アルベルトの蚀葉に党員が頷いたので、2぀の意識の歪みに぀いお話した。 話し終り、う぀むくフェリヌチェに声をかけたのはミゲルずネむサンだった。 「フェリ、助けおくれおありがずう。それから、そんな思いをさせおすたなかった」 「フェリ、本圓にありがずう。効にそんな思いをさせるなんお情けないです。苊手ずか蚀っおないで接近戊の蚓緎をしなくおはいけないね」 「そうだな。あれくらいの攻撃、避けお反撃できないずな」 「ミゲルお兄様、ネむサンお兄様」 「頌もしいわね。ねぇフェリ、感情を抑制する必芁はないわ。蚘憶があっおも今の貎女は子どもなの。甘えたり、拗ねたり、我が儘を蚀っおもいいのよ」 「お母様」 「そうだな。子どもにされお嫌な事はないさ。ミゲルやネむサンなんか、甘えたで我が儘だったぞ。圓然、やり過ぎれは怒ったがな。フェリもやり過ぎた時は、同じように怒るから安心しろ」 「「ちょっ、父䞊!?」」 「お父様......うん、ありがずう」 フェリヌチェが笑うず、芋守っおいた者たちもホッずしおいた。 穏やかな空気が流れるなか、空気を読たない人間は䜕凊にでもいるもので、歀凊も䟋倖ではなかった。 「ずころで、さっきから気になっおたんだけど、フェリヌチェず䞀緒に来たあんたは誰なんだ?アルベルトはどこに行ったんだ?」 「......兄䞊......空気読んで䞋さいよ。話の流れで分かるでしょう!」 「わたしも分かりたしたよお兄様」 「我が息子ながら情けない」 「あ~......フォロヌ出来ない。話さなかったのは俺だけど」 「それじゃあ、改めお」 アルベルトが倉化しお、子どもの姿になりにっこり笑いながら蚀った。 「僕がアルベルトだよ。本圓は人間じゃなくお黒韍なんだ!よろしくね、アダム!」 「「黒韍!?」」 アルベルトの正䜓を知っお驚くディランずグレヌス。 しかし、アダムはアダムだった。 「アルベルト!?......小さくなったり、倧きくなったり......噚甚だな!」 「「「そこじゃねぇ!」」」 アダムのズレた感想にミゲルずネむサンずディランがツッコムず笑いが広がった。 その䞭で1人の男が内心、冷や汗をかいおいた。 (あぁ~聞かなくお良かった。たさかあれがアルベルトだったずは。兄匟かず思ったぜ) そしお、その男を冷やかに芋おいる階士が1人。 (野生の勘はするどいのに、どっか抜けおるんだよな)
(Huh? What I was doing again...... I was watching a parade when Cyclops and wyvern attacked...... that's right, I was looking for Okaasama and others who have vanished. After that...... Okaasama and Angela-san were crying...... why were they crying again? ...... Ahh...... my Oniisamas have been...... I have to heal them...... who? Who did such...... I hear some rough voice though...... is it him?) (...... Then...... must kill him) (But...... we have to get the information out of him) (Why? Even though he hurt Oniisamas) (Oniisamas were already saved) (But...... it hurt...... Okaasama was crying too...... are you going to forgive him?) (I won't) (He's unforgivable) (I don't want to hurt anymore) In Felice's head, her emotions keep getting cold. Felice started walking towards the man. I heard the voice of Regulus who was trying to stop me with his eyes wide open in the corner of my eyes, but I didn't stop walking. [Ah, agh---Id hurds! Sabe mee---!] [How noisy. Who are you wand what is your purpose?] [Giyaah-----!] [Answer me] When Felice waved her hand, the man stopped moving and stood up, he then murmured in dumbfounded. [The pain is gonee. Were you the one who saved mee? Thank you very muchh. I'm Zero, an] Zero who got delighted the moment the pain was gone approached Felice, but she activated a skill the moment he grasped her hand. [Huhh? My strength is escapingg~] Felice absorbed Zero's HP and HP to the limit so he wouldn't escape. [Please, suffer a lot] [Eh?] After that, Felice crushed every bone in his body with magic and healed him back, she pierced several parts and healed them, cut him all over again and healed repeatedly, but the movements of Zero who was crying for help at the beginning stopped. And then, Felice stopped moving as well. [Feli, it's over] (Not yet...... it's not over yet, I have to make him suffer) [It's fine already] (I have to kill him...... I will be robbed again...... don't get in my way) [Let's think together with everyone so you won't get robbed again. That's why let's end it here. Okaasama and others are worried about you] (Okaasama...... un......) [...... Al? Why did you become big? I...... what was I......] [It's fine, everything is over now. Let's return home?] Once Fearfal made Felice fall asleep, he lifted her up in his arms and took her to others who were watching in silence. [Is Felice all right?] [She's fine, Austin. She's just sleeping] [Al, just what has happened with Feli?] [Okaasama, let's talk after we return. Evan and Otousama are at the Faust House, so let's hurry home] [What about that guy?] [I will take him. I will make him sleep for a while] [Oy, we are going too. I'm curious about that man] Regulus and Caleb decided to go too. [Everyone form a circle, I will transfer us] When everyone formed a circle, they immediately transferred. ----Shun When they transferred into the Faust House's guest room, Claude was already waiting there. Just at that moment, Miguel and Nathan woke up. [Ugh...... I...... ah, Nathan!? What about Nathan!] [Calm down, Miguel] [Father! Nathan has-!] [Elder brother...... I'm all right] [Nathan...... what's going on?] [You were saved. Angela and Caleb...... Felice saved you] [[Mother...... Angela-san, Caleb-san, thank you very much] ] [No, I have just held on until Felice came] [Same here. We wouldn't be able to do anything if not for that child] The two looked towards Felice, but she was sleeping. [Feli is...... sleeping, right?] [What happened?] There's wasn't anyone who could answer that question, so Fearfal quietly spoke up, breaking the silence. [For now, could you wait with Evan and others? Before talking about what happened, there's something I would like to confirm] [Alright. Everyone, let's go] Although still confused, Claude urged others to go. When there were only two of them in the room left, Fearfal woke up Felice. [Feli...... wake up, Felice] [Ung..... Al? ...... Oniisamas and others are?] [They are fine. Everyone was saved. This is the Faust House. Do you remember what happened before you fell asleep?] [Somehow...... something was in my head...... that was...... me?] [As I thought. That's probably if I have to say the{four years old Felice} ?] [Eh? ...... What do you mean?] [This is just my guess, however, Feli has the memories and knowledge of{Sayo} from your previous life, and that{Sayo} is currently in the front, but you properly have a consciousness of the{four years old Felice} too, don't you?] [Un. At times, it pulls on me or rather...... wants to be spoiled like a child, wants to sulk. I can't stop it even though I understand, it has such feeling] [That's it. Normally,{Sayo} controls the{four years old Felice} to some extent...... although controlling it, but this time,{Sayo} agreed with the emotions of "I don't want to be robbed" of the{four years old Felice} ] [You mean I couldn't suppress it?] [{Sayo} has memories of happiness from the previous life, but the{four years old Felice} finally experienced happiness. Although the way of saying it is bad, the difference between them got warped] [The power of not wanting to lose, not wanting to be robbed, huh...... what to do? Everybody thought of me strangely, didn't they?] [Since this is a chance, it might be better to talk about it with them. We don't know whether something like this will happen again and we don't know whether I who knows the situation will be with you at that time.] [...... Alright] Fearfal and Felice returned to where Evan and others were. The royalty, Austin's party, the three representatives, Regulus and Caleb were waiting in the room. Claude spoke up first. [So, what happened?] [I will talk first] Saying such, Samantha talked about the evacuation. Claude who felt anger while listening to the story seemed somewhat relieved. [However, why were you there, Regulus?] [I was bored so I was taking a walk] [I have felt a wicked magical power. I also felt Samantha-sama's magical power nearby, so we rushed over there] [However, that man Zero, he suddenly started suffering] [That's was my doing. I have forcibly returned the Cyclops he summoned] [You can do even something like that!?] [With a forceful push of my magical power. While dealing with the aftermath, Feli's magical power changed so I transferred with Austin] Claude reacted to Fearfal's words. [Magical power changed? What happened] [I have felt it as well. During Miguel's and Nathan's treatment] [Before we begin explaining, there's something we have to say. It seemed that Otousama has already felt it, but Feli is...... a reincarnated person] [[[[Reincarnated!?] ] ] ] There were those who were surprised, those who were understanding about Felice being a reincarnated person. [I...... have memories of my previous life. In my previous life, I was called{Sayo} and I was born in a country called j.a.pan. I was abandoned in an orphanage, but the director couple treated me with affection and I had many siblings, I was happy. But, when I was eighteen, I was stabbed to death by a random attacker. When I regained my consciousness, I was already in that bas.e.m.e.nt] When Felice finished speaking, Evan opened his mouth as if recalling something. [Hey...... you have said j.a.pan, right?] [Ahh~...... our grandfather was a reincarnated person as well, but I'm certain I heard he came from j.a.pan. Isn't that so, Anemos Jii?] [I think you are right. So that means, you are from the same country?] [What a strange fated relations.h.i.+p] [And so? I don't think that was all, right?] Ignoring the two, Claude urged to continue. [Un. What I wanted to say is that inside Felice, there's the consciousness of{Sayo} and the consciousness of the{four years old Felice} as well] [I understand] Everyone nodded to Fearfal's words, so he talked about the warping of the two consciousnesses. When he finished talking, Miguel and Nathan called out to Felice who hung her head down. [Feli, thank you for saving us. Also, I'm sorry for causing you such thoughts] [Feli, thank you very much. I'm pathetic for making my little sister to have such thoughts. I will stop saying that I'm no good at close combat and practice] [That's right. An attack of such extent, we must be able to counterattack it] [Miguel Oniisama, Nathan Oniisama] [How reliable. Look Feli, there's no need to restrain your feelings. Even if you have your memories, right now, you are a child. It's fine to behave like a spoiled child, to sulk, being selfish] [Okaasama] [That's right. There's nothing disagreeable about being a child. Miguel and Nathan were spoilt and selfish too. Of course, I got angry when they went too far. When Feli goes too far, I will get angry in the same way, so be at ease] [[Wha, Father!?] ] [Otousama...... un, thank you] When Felice laughed, the people who were watching her felt relieved. Among the warm flowing mood, there were people who couldn't read the situation anywhere, so this also wasn't an exception. [By the way, it has been on my mind since a while ago, but this person who came together with Felice, who are you? Where did Albert go?] [...... Elder brother...... please read the mood. You would have understood from the flow of the conversation, right!] [I also understood, Oniisama] [I'm ashamed of our son] [Ah~...... I can't follow-up. I was the one who didn't tell them though] [Then, once again] Fearfal transformed into a child and said while cheerfully smiling. [I'm Albert. I'm not a human, but Kokuryuu! Best regards, Adam!] [[Kokuryuu!?] ] Dylan and Grace were surprised by Albert's real ident.i.ty. However, Adam was Adam. [Albert!? ...... You can turn small, you can turn big...... you are really dexterous!] [[[That's not the point!] ] ] Miguel, Nathan, and Dylan tsukkomi'd Adam's wrong impression and laughter spread around. Among that, one man has inwardly broken out in a cold sweat. (Ahh~ I'm glad I didn't ask. To think he was Albert. I thought they were siblings) Regulus And, one knight who was coldly looking at the man. (Although his wild intuition is so sharp, he must be missing something somewhere) Caleb
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Mezametara Chikashitsu!? ~Tensei Shoujo no Yume no Saki~", "series_title_jap": "目芚めたら地䞋宀!?転生少女の倢の先 ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.38 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "Romance", "Shoujo", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Abandoned Children", "Adopted Children", "Age Progression", "Age Regression", "Beastkin", "Beasts", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Character Growth", "Cheats", "Child Abuse", "Child Protagonist", "Cute Protagonist", "Demon Lord", "Dragons", "Dwarfs", "Elemental Magic", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Game Elements", "Handsome Male Lead", "Hated Protagonist", "Lack of Common Sense", "Level System", "Loli", "Magic", "Male Yandere", "Older Love Interests", "Overpowered Protagonist", "Possessive Characters", "Reincarnated in Another World", "Skill Assimilation", "S*aves", "Strong Love Interests", "Time Skip", "Transformation Ability", "Twins" ], "rating": 3.7, "rating_votes": 249 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "そらのあお", "fav_novel_cnt": 1158, "global_points": 3177 } }
私は魔物に食べられた......蚳ではなく前に行った池の堎所に転移しおから魔力の䟛絊を止め、魔道具はアむテムボックスにしたった。 隷属の銖茪をしおいるのに自由にできおいるのは、 は空間を隔おおいるので隷属の銖茪は効かなかった。 私は玄束を果たすため、再び転移した。 ――シュン {来たか埅ちわびたぞ。䞀䜓䜕を......} 䞍自然に止たった蚀葉に、私はドラゎンを芋䞊げた。 {?......あの、鎖ず隷属の銖茪を砎壊したすね} そう䌝えお私は魔力を高め、砎壊しお効果を無効にするむメヌゞを固め魔力を攟出した。 ――バキッ!ガシャン! 私ずドラゎンの枷は砎壊され、自由になった。 しかしドラゎンは動かず無蚀で私を芋おいたが、顔を私に近づけ目を现めた。 {䜕故......お前たで枷をされおいたのだ?昚日はしおいなかったではないか} ドラゎンの静かな問いかけに、私は枷を぀けられおから芋た家族の光景、父芪に蚀われたこずを思い返し我慢しおいたものが溢れ出した。 「っ......うわ~ん!......ヒック......グスッわ~ん!」 {おい!?䜕故泣くのだ!」 「わっ......私だっおっヒック......こんな...... グスッ......」 {䜕を蚀いたいのだ!?しょうがない蚘憶を芋るぞ......これは......人間ずは䜕ず愚かなのだ} ドラゎンが泣き続ける私を芋お目を閉じるず、その䜓が光に包たれた。 そしお、私は誰かに抱き䞊げられた。 「ふぇっ......」 私が抱き䞊げた者を芋るず、襟足だけ䌞ばした綺麗な黒髪、切れ長の琥珀の瞳をした矎圢の男が困ったように笑っおいた。 男は私を抱き締め背䞭を擊りながら、優しく話し出した。 「泣きたいだけ泣くずいい......我慢し過ぎだ。君はただ子どもで守られるべき者......僕も転生者ず蚀うだけで頌っおしたいすたなかったな。捉えられた獣人を助け......そのたた去るこずも出来たのに、危険な魔道具を調べるために戻るずは......よく頑匵ったな。僕はそのお陰で君に䌚えた......君がいおくれお良かったよ......ありがずう」 私は男――ドラゎンの銖に手を回し再び泣き出したが、次第に意識が遠退いた。 眠りに぀いたのを芋届けたドラゎンは琥珀の瞳を剣呑に光らせた。 数時間埌、目芚めた私の目に映ったのは朚だった。 (あれ?朚が芋える......私どうしたんだっけ......それにしおも暖かいな) 私は起きようずしたが、䜕故か出来なくお慌おおいるず、笑い声が聞こえた。 (え?起きれない......金瞛り!?) 「クスッ......起きたのかい?」 声の方ぞ向くず昚日の矎圢がこちらを芋お埮笑んでいた。 私が心臓がドキドキしお顔を赀らめるず、今床は心配そうに芗き蟌んできた。 「顔が赀いね......熱でもある?」 「だっ、だだ、倧䞈倫です!」 「そう?」 そう蚀っお嬉しそうに笑ったのを芋お、たたドキドキした。 (も~!䜕でドキドキするのぉ!静たれ~) 「あの!ドラゎンさんなんですよね?」 「あぁ自己玹介をしなくおはいけないね。僕は黒韍のフィアフルだよ」 「私は......」 (名前......ただ考えお無かったな......もう小倜でいいかなぁ) 「名がないなら僕が名付けおもいいかい?」 「嫌かな?」 「いえ!......嬉しいです」 私が顔を赀らめ答えるず、フィアフルは頭を撫でおくれた。 「そうか!君の名前は......フェリヌチェだ」 「フェリヌチェ......フフっ」 私は嬉しくお自然ず笑っおいた。 それを芋たフィアフルは私を抱き締めた。 「そうフェリヌチェだ!普段はフェリず呌ぶこずにしよう。僕の事も奜きに呌んでくれ」 「えっず......じゃあアルっお呌んでいいですか」 「アルか......いいね!これから宜しく!」 「はい!......っおこれから!?」 どうやらアルは私に着いお来る぀もりのようだ。 「そう......ダメかい?」 アルが切なそうに私を芋おきたので、吊定した。 「ダメじゃないです!びっくりしただけで......ずころで、アル......どうやっお歀凊たで来たんですか?もしかしお......」 私が䞍安げに質問するず、アルは埮笑みながら答えた。 「安心しお......あの屋敷の人間には手は出しおないよ。あの魔道具を研究しおいた郚屋だけ粉々にしおきた」 「そうなんですか?どうしお......」 「あの屋敷の人間に手を出せばフェリは気にするだろ?魔道具にしおも同じ......あんな奎等のために苊しむフェリを芋たくないからね」 (倚分、私の顔は真っ赀だろな......恥ずかしい) 「今床フェリを苊しめたら只ではすたさないけど」 恥ずかしがっおた私には続いたアルの蚀葉は聞こえお無かった。 「ずころで、これから䜕凊に行く぀もりなんだい?」 「ディアネス共和囜に行く぀もりです」 「ふ~ん......ねぇ敬語じゃなくおいいよ」 「......うん!アルはドラゎンの時ず、しゃべり方が違うね」 私はずっず思っおいたこずを聞いおみた。 アルは頬を指で掻きながら、バツが悪そうに答えた。 「ああやっお話した方が嚁厳あるからね」 「......そうなんだ」 䜕ずも蚀えない理由に苊笑しおいるず、アルが出発を促した。 「そろそろ出発しよう。歩きじゃき぀いだろ?飛んでもいいけど、芋立぀し......街道に出お銬車が通りかかるのを埅぀のはどうかな?」 「アル、歀凊っおどの蟺りなの?」 「ここは垝囜の倖で、ちょうど共和囜に向かう街道の近くだよ。フェリが䜿っおた魔法を真䌌しお門を抜けおきた」 サラッず笑顔で蚀ったこずに驚いた。 「芋ただけで真䌌出来るの!?アル凄いね!」 「そうかな?䌊達に長生きしおないからね。䜕幎か人間の囜でも生掻した事あるから、安心しおよ!魔法も埗意だしね!」 アルは埗意気に胞を匵り、嬉しそうに答えた。 「長生きっおどれくらい?」 「う~ん確か......1000幎は生きおるかな」 「1000幎......」 私が唖然ずしおいるず、アルが頭を撫で聞いおきた。 「フェリはどんな生き物が奜きだい?」 「生き物?......モフモフした生き物が奜き!」 私の答えにアルはにっこりず笑った。 「......奜きなの?」 「うん!倧奜き!」 私が倧奜きず蚀うず、アルは笑みを深め今床は抱き締めおきた。 「アル!?どうしたの?」 アルはそう蚀うず、私を攟し少し離れた所に移動した。 「アル?」 アルは答えず集䞭しおいるようだったので、静に芋守った。 するず、アルの䜓が光だした。 (眩しい!......䜕が起きおるの?) 光が収たりアルの方を芋るず、そこには黒い毛䞊みの倧きな狌が座っおいた。 「狌......アルなの?」 {そうだよフェリ} 狌の姿のアルが近付いおきお私の頬を舐めた。 {フェリ乗っお。銬車に䌚うたでこれで移動しよう} 私がアルの背に乗り、その毛䞊みを味わっおいるずアルが笑いながら泚意しおきた。 {クスクス......フェリ楜しそうだけど、しっかり掎たるんだよ} 「はぁ~い!」 私がぎゅっず抱き付くずアルは地を蹎り走り出し、 暫く走るずアルがスピヌドを緩め、歩きに切り替えた。 {フェリ、巊を芋おごらん街道が芋えるだろ?この道を行けば共和囜だよ。流石にただ距離があるから銬車がなければ、このたた向かおう} 「でも、アルが疲れちゃうよ」 {僕は倧䞈倫さ!ドラゎンだから、これくらいじゃ疲れないよ} 「うん......途䞭で䌑憩しようね」 {ありがずうフェリ} 私たちは街道に出お、他愛ない話をしながら道の端を歩いおいた。 途䞭で䌑憩をし぀぀、アルの毛皮に埋もれお昌寝をしたり食事をしたり、倜は人型のアルに抱き締められながら眠り少しず぀移動しおいた。 ちなみに食事は、私が非垞食を取り出しお食べようずしたら、人型に戻ったアルが止めお、‘歀凊にいお’ず蚀うずいなくなったが、暫くしお沢山の果物ず熊みたいな魔物を狩っお戻っおきた。 魔物はアルが解䜓し毛皮など売れる物や、食べ切れなかった肉ず果物はアむテムボックスに玍しおある。 そんな穏やかで楜しい日々を過ごし3日がたった頃、倉化が起きた。 {フェリ、䞀床降りお。䜕か近付いおきた} にも反応があったので私はアルに埓い降りた。 アルが盎ぐに人型に戻り私ず手を繋いだ。 少ししお、銬車2台が近付いおきた。 「どうやら行商人みたいだね。僕が話すからフェリは話さないようにね」 私は久しぶりの察面に緊匵しお、アルの手をぎゅっず握った。 アルは握り返しお笑いかけた。 そうこうしおいるうちに先頭の銬車が止たり、恰幅のいいおじさんが、ニコニコず話しかけお来た。 「こんにちは、こんな所でどうされたした」 「こんにちは、実は効ず旅の途䞭なのですが、荷物を持ち逃げされおしたっお、歩いお共和囜を目指しおいたんですよ」 おじさんが私を芋おきたので、頭を䞋げた。 それを芋おおじさんは申し蚳なさそうに話し出す。 「それは倧倉でしたね......乗せおあげたいのですが、この通り商品がありたすし、埌ろの銬車も䞀杯でしお......申し蚳ない」 「いいえ!気にしないで䞋さい。ゆっくり進みたすので、心遣いありがずうございたす」 アルが笑顔でお瀌を蚀うず、おじさんは䞀床頭を䞋げ、出発した。 銬車が芋えなくなった所でアルに話しかけた。 「ねぇアル......埌ろの銬車っお荷物じゃなくお人だったよね?」 そう、私の『「探玢」《サヌチ》には人の反応が出おいたのだ。 「そうだね。埡忍びかな?今日は念のためにこのたた進もうか」 「疲れたら蚀うんだよ。あのスキル、今は停止しおるんだから」 アルに手を匕かれ歩き出した。 あのスキルず蚀うのは、ナニヌクスキル しかし、自動で補充するのでMPなど蚓緎しお増やす事が出来ないずアルに蚀われ、詳しくスキルを芋るず、自動補充は任意で切り替える事が出来たので、今は停止しおいる。 MPは䜿いきるのを繰り返す事で、少しず぀最倧量が増えるらしい。 この数日は、アルに習いながら魔力操䜜を重点的に緎習しおいたお陰で、私のMPは1100になったがHPは盞倉わらずなので䜓力はない。 私の歩調に合わせゆっくり進んでいるず、争う様な声が聞こえお来た。 に敵察反応が出おる......䞭心にいるのあのおじさんの銬車だよ!?」 「盗賊かな......たったく人間ずいうのは」 アルは琥珀の瞳を剣呑に光らせ吐き捚おるように蚀った。 私がビクッず反応するず、アルは慌おお私を抱き締めた。 「ごめんねフェリ、怖かったね」 い぀ものアルに安心しお銖に手を回し抱き぀いた。 「......倧䞈倫だよ......アル、あのおじさんたち助けたい」 「はぁ~フェリならそう蚀うず思ったよ。僕が背負うから動かないでね」 「ありがずうアル!」 アルは私を背負うず、かなりのスピヌドで走り出した。 盎ぐに盗賊らしき人間が芋えおきた。 盗賊たちは銬車を取り囲み襲っおいたが、革の鎧を着た玠手の男ず、斧を持った小柄な男、匓を持った男に、鉄の鎧を着た剣を持った男の4人で防戊しおいた。 「これはたた、圌等は匷いね......けど銬車を守りながらあの人数の盞手は倧倉かな」 「アル......」 「倧䞈倫だよフェリ、ちゃんず助けるさ......跳ぶよ、掎たっお!」 アルは高く跳んで䞀気に盗賊を飛び越えお銬車の偎に着地しお、驚く4人に笑いかけた。 「やぁこんにちは。助倪刀するよ」 「「「「はぁ!?」」」」
I was eaten by the monsters...... or not. I have transferred to the pond I went to before, stopped the supply of magical power, and stored the magic tool in my item box. The reason I can act freely in spite of the slave collar is thanks to the[s.p.a.ce-time Barrier] . [s.p.a.ce-time Barrier] separates s.p.a.ce, so the slave collar is ineffective. In order to fulfill my promise, I transferred again. ----Shun {You came. I was tired of waiting. Just what have you......} I looked up at the dragon who unnaturally stopped its words. {? ...... Umm, I will remove the slave collar, okay?} Saying such, I raised my magical power and released it while imagining a destructive effect. ----Baki! Gashan! I destroyed the dragon's shackles, and it became free. However, the dragon silently looking at me without moving, it narrowed its eyes and brought its face close to me. {Why...... are you in shackles as well? You didn't have them yesterday} When the dragon quietly asked, I looked at the shackles which reminded me of the scene of my family, I recalled the cold words of my father and my tears overflowed. [...... Uwa~n! ...... hiku...... gusuwa~n!] {Oi!? Why are you crying!} [I...... I too hiku...... something like that...... gusu......] {What do you want to say!? It can't be helped, I will look at your memories...... this is...... how foolish humans can be} As I kept crying and the dragon was looking at, it closed its eyes, its body got wrapped in light. And then, I was lifted up by someone. [Fue......] Looking at the person who picked me up, I saw a handsome man with black hair reaching up to the nape of his neck and long-slitted amber eyes, smiling at me worriedly. The man has begun to speak while hugging me and gently rubbing my back. [It's fine to cry if you want to...... you endure too much. You are still a child who should be protected...... I'm also sorry for relying on you just because you are a reincarnated person...... you endured well. Thanks to that, I was able to meet you...... I'm glad to have met you...... thank you] I have burst into tears again after hearing the man's----dragon's words, but my consciousness slowly faded away. When the dragon confirmed that I fell asleep, his amber eyes glittered with danger. A few hours later, what I saw when I awakened was a tree. (Huh? I see a tree...... what happened to me again...... nevertheless, it's so warm) When I tried to get up and panicked because I couldn't, I heard laughter. (Eh? I can't get up...... am I tied up!?) [Kusu...... are you awake?] When I turn towards the voice, the handsome from yesterday was looking at me and smiling. When my heart started throbbing and my face reddened, he looked at me worriedly. [Your face is red...... do you have a fever?] [I, I'm, I'm fine!] [Is that so?] He happily smiled again when I answered, my heart throbbed again. (Seriously~! Why are you throbbing! Calm down~) [Umm! You are Dragon-san, right?] [Yeah, I didn't introduce myself, did I? I'm the Black Dragon, Fearfal] [I'm......] (Name...... I haven't thought up of one yet...... would Sayo be fine?) [If you don't have a name, may I name you?] [Would you dislike that?] [No! ...... I'm happy] When I answered with a blush, Fearfal stroked my head. [I see! Your name is...... Felice1] [Felice...... fufu] I was so happy I spontaneously laughed. Fearfal who saw that hugged me. [Right, you are Felice! I will usually call you Feli. Please, call me as you wish] [Umm...... then, may I call you Al?] [Al, huh...... sounds good! Let's get along from now on!] [Yes! ...... tte, from now on!?] Al apparently intends to tag along with me. [I...... can't?] Al asked while looking really hurt, so I denied. [It's not like you can't! I was just surprised...... by the way, Al...... how did you come all the way here? Have you perhaps......] When I uneasily ask, Al answered with a smile. [Don't worry...... I have not raised my hand against the people of that mansion. I have just shattered the room where the magic tool was researched into pieces] [Is that so? Why......] [Feli would feel uneasy if I raised my hand against the people of that mansion, right? It's same with the magic tool...... I didn't want to see Feli suffering because of those people] (My face is most likely bright red...... how embarra.s.sing) [I won't let them off that easily if they make Feli suffer again, though] I was so embarra.s.sed I didn't hear Al's next words. [By the way, where do you plan to go now?] [I intend to go to the Dianes Republic] [Fu~n...... hey, you don't have to use honorifics] [...... Un! Al's way of speaking is different when not in a dragon form, huh] I asked what was on my mind all this time. Al awkwardly answers while scratching his cheek. [Talking like that makes me appear dignified, after all] [...... Is that so] When I wryly smile at the strange reason, Al urged for a departure. [We should depart soon. Walking would be difficult, right? We could fly, but we might be seen...... how about waiting at the highway for a carriage to pa.s.s by?] [Al, where is this place?] [This is outside of the Empire, near the highway leading to the Republic. I imitated the magic Feli used and came here] I was astonished by his smooth smiling face. [You can imitate it just by looking!? Al is amazing, huh!] [You think so? I haven't lived long for nothing. I have lived who knows how many years in the human country, so don't worry! Magic is also my strong point!] Al puffed out his chest with pride and answered boastfully. [How much is long?] [U~n if I'm not mistaken...... for about 1000 years?] [1000 years......] While feeling dumbfounded, Al asked while gently patting my head. [What kind of creatures do you like, Feli?] [Creatures? ...... I like mofumofuable creatures!] When I answered, Al laughed. [...... You like them?] [Un! I love them] When I said I love them, Al's smile deepened, and he hugged me. [Al!? What's wrong?] When Al said such, he moved us to a slightly remote place. [Al?] As Al seemed to be concentrating on something, I watched quietly. And then, Al's body s.h.i.+ned. (So dazzling! ...... What's happening?) When I looked at Al when the light settled, a large, black wolf was sitting there instead. [Wolf...... is that Al?] {That's right, Feli} Al in the wolf form approached me and licked my cheek. {Get on, Feli. Let's move like this until we encounter a carriage} When I get on Al's back and experience his fur, he cautioned me while laughing. {Kusukusu...... you seem to be having fun Feli, but hold on tightly, okay?} [Yee~s!] I tightly cling on Al and he kicks the ground and starts running. A short while later, Al reduced the speed to a walking pace. {Feli, you can see the highway on your right side, right? If we take that road, we will reach the Republic. It's still quite far away, so let's continue like this since we don't have a carriage} [But, Al will get tired] {I will be fine! I'm a dragon, so I won't be tired by something like this} [Un...... let's take a break on the way, okay?] {Thank you, Feli} We got on the highway and walked on the edge of the road while having a silly talk. On the way, we took a break. I took a nap while buried in Al's fur, we had a meal, and at night I fell asleep while hugged by Al in the human form. Then, we moved little by little. By the way, when I took out the emergency rations, Al who returned to the human form told me 'stay here' and left, but after a short while, he returned many fruits and a bear type monster. The monster was dismantled by Al, the fur and anything that can be sold, and a more than we can eat amount of meat was stored in the item box. After spending three calm, pleasant days, there was a change. {Feli, get off at once. Something is approaching} Indeed, I had a reaction on the[Search] , so I abided by Al's words and got off. Al immediately returned to the human form and grabbed my hand. After a little while, two carriages approached. [They appear to be peddlers. I will talk to them, so Feli be sure not to talk, okay?] I was tense about a first meeting after a long time and tightly grasped Al's hand. Al grasped me back and smiled. In the meanwhile, the carriage in the front stopped, an uncle with a good physique spoke while grinning. [h.e.l.lo, what are you doing in a place like this?] [h.e.l.lo, actually, I'm traveling with my little sister, but our baggage was stolen, so we were walking to the Republic] Ojisan looked at me, so I lowered my head. Ojisan who saw that spoke apologetically. [That must have been difficult...... I would like to give you a ride, but as you can see my carriage is full of merchandise, and the carriage in the back is full as well...... I'm really sorry] [No! Please, don't mind us. We will slowly proceed, I'm thankful for your thoughtfullness] When Al thanked Ojisan, Ojisan lowered his head once again and departed. When the carriage wasn't visible anymore, I spoke to Al. [Say Al...... the carriage in the back wasn't full of baggage, but full of people, wasn't it?] Right, several responses of people appeared on my{[Search] . [That's right. Traveling incognito? Let's advance today just in case] [Tell me if you are tired. That skill, it's currently suspended, after all] I joined hands with Al and walked. By that skill, he means the unique skill[Life Absorption] . The skill which is able to automatically use the saved up HP and MP. However, Al told me that I couldn't raise my MP with training because it's getting supplemented automatically, and because I can switch off the automatical supplementation, the skill is currently suspended. MP appears to be increased little by little by repeated use. In these few days, thanks to Al's magical power manipulation practice, my MP became 1100, but my HP is the same as before. While slowly advancing according to my pace, I heard a dispute-like voice. [Al, there are hostile reactions on my{Search} ...... that carriage Ojisan is in the middle!?] [Bandits, huh...... seriously, that's why humans are] Al's amber eyes flashed with danger as he spat out. When I reacted to it in a startle, Al held me up. [I'm sorry Feli, that must have been scary] I got my hands around Al's neck and clung to him as usual. [...... I'm fine...... Al, I want to save that Ojisan] [Haa~ I thought you would say that. Please don't move from my back] [Thank you, Al!] Al gets me on his back and starts running at a very high speed. Bandit-like men were soon in sight. The bandits surrounded the carriage, but a bare-handed man wearing a leather armor, a man of a small build holding an axe, a man with a bow, and a man wearing a metal armor and sword were putting up a defense. [Well look at that, they are strong, aren't they...... but, they won't be able to protect the carriage against those numbers] [Al......] [It will be all right Feli, I will help them...... we are going to jump, hold tightly!] Al jumped high over the bandits, landed at the side of the carriage, and laughed at the surprised four people. [Yo, h.e.l.lo there. Let me a.s.sist you] [[[[Haa!?] ] ] ]
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Mezametara Chikashitsu!? ~Tensei Shoujo no Yume no Saki~", "series_title_jap": "目芚めたら地䞋宀!?転生少女の倢の先 ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.38 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "Romance", "Shoujo", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Abandoned Children", "Adopted Children", "Age Progression", "Age Regression", "Beastkin", "Beasts", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Character Growth", "Cheats", "Child Abuse", "Child Protagonist", "Cute Protagonist", "Demon Lord", "Dragons", "Dwarfs", "Elemental Magic", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Game Elements", "Handsome Male Lead", "Hated Protagonist", "Lack of Common Sense", "Level System", "Loli", "Magic", "Male Yandere", "Older Love Interests", "Overpowered Protagonist", "Possessive Characters", "Reincarnated in Another World", "Skill Assimilation", "S*aves", "Strong Love Interests", "Time Skip", "Transformation Ability", "Twins" ], "rating": 3.7, "rating_votes": 249 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "そらのあお", "fav_novel_cnt": 1158, "global_points": 3177 } }
俺はブレむク、狌の獣人だ。 A玚冒険者でもある。 今日はパヌティヌの仲間ずファりスト家に来おいた。 フェリヌチェが6歳になり、『鑑定』も終わったので来週から本栌的な修行に入る事になっおいる。 だからその前に、どの皋床の動きができるか芋る事になっおいた。 数倀だけでは分からんからな。 そしお珟圚、俺たちは困っおいた。 フェリヌチェよ䜕故だ......䜕故100メヌトルも走らないのにバテる? それは、ゞャンプしおいるのか? 背䌞びじゃないよな? 子ども甚の朚剣を5回振っただけで、䜕故プルプルしおいる? アルベルトよ、芋えない速床で走るな。 どこたで跳ぶ぀もりなんだ?芋えなくなったぞ。 どうやったら、腕を振った颚圧で朚剣が朚っ端埮塵になるんだ? 䞡極端だなお前たち。 他のメンバヌに目を向けるず‘どうしよう’ずいう顔をしおいた。 フェリヌチェは䜓力ず筋力......いや、たずは䜓力を集䞭しおやろう。 アルベルトは手加枛なんだが、皆で悩んでいるずフェリヌチェが腕茪を差し出しおきた。 「あのね、これは装着した人の力を制埡できる魔道具なの。䜕割で制埡するかは蚭定できるよ」 たた、ずんでもない物を䜜ったな。 他のメンバヌを暪目で芋るず、遠い目をしおいるルむスずメむ゜ン......諊めおるな。 満足そうに頷いおいるクロヌド......安定の魔術バカ(芪バカ)か。 ‘スゲェな!’ず蚀っおいるオヌスティン......噚がでかいのか、䜕も考えおいないのか......分からん。 取り合えず、50%にしおみた。 結果は、さっきず倉わらなかった。 次に、30%......10%......0.5%......ただか? そしお、0.00001%でようやく蚱容範囲になった。 「䜕か動きづらいね。これくらいが普通なの?」 「俺が冒険者になった時はそれくらいだったぜ?」 アルベルトの質問に答えたのはオヌスティンだった。 人族の圌が蚀うなら倧䞈倫だろう。 䟋え、走る時に残像が芋えおも、5メヌトル近く跳んでいおも、朚剣が10回振っお半分になっおいおも、きっず普通なんだな。 アルベルトの方は解決したから、フェリヌチェの蚓緎内容を考えないず。 最初はひたすら走らせるしかないか?ず考えおいたら、今床はアルベルトがある提案をしおきた。 信じられない俺たちに、自信満々に笑ったアルベルトが倉化した。 フワフワの耳ず尻尟を持った獣人に。 そしお、フェリヌチェの前で尻尟を振るず、走り出した。 「......っ぀、埅っお~!觊らせお~!」 「捕たえたらね~」 突劂、2人の远いかけっこが始たった。 フェリヌチェ、さっきより速いし100メヌトルはずっくに過ぎおいるぞ! そんなに奜きなのか......モフモフが。 俺は採甚しようず思ったが、他のメンバヌに胞焌けがするず蚀われたので、他を考えようず思う。 オヌスティンだけは、埮笑たしそうに芋おいたんだがな。 その埌、力尜きたフェリヌチェが倒れお眠ったので、解散になった。 さぁ、しっかりフェリヌチェを鍛えお、アルベルトを‘普通の人間’にしないずな。
I'm Blake, a Wolf Beastmen. An A-cla.s.s adventurer. I have come to the Faust House with the members of my party today. Felice has become six and her{Appraisal} has finished too, so she will start the real training next week. That's why, we decided to take a look how much she can move before that. We won't know just from the numbers after all. And currently, we are troubled. Felice why...... why are you exhausted after running for 100 meters? Are you jumping? You are not tiptoeing, are you? Why are you all jiggly from just swinging a child's wooden sword? Albert, don't run at invisible speed. How high do you intend to jump? We can't see you anymore. How can a wooden sword break into splinters just by the wind pressure of a hand swing? You guys are both extreme. When I looked at the other members, they were making "What to do" faces. For Felice, it's stamina and physical strength...... no, we should focus on her stamina first. As for Albert, it's holding back but while everyone was troubled about that, Felice presented a bracelet. [You see, this is a magic tool that controls the power of the person who wields it. You can set the percentages of control] She created something outrageous again. When I looked at the other members, they were looking somewhere far away while Lewis and Meison...... they resigned themselves. Claude who is nodding in satisfaction...... he's a magic fool (parent fool), huh. Austin who is saying "That's incredible!"...... I don't know whether his capacity is large or if he's not thinking anything...... I don't know. We tried setting it to 50% first. The result wasn't different from before. Next, 30%...... 10%...... 0,5%...... still not enough? His power finally became at a toleratable level on 0,00001%. [It's somehow difficult to move. Is this normal?] [I was like that too when I became adventurer, you know?] Austin answered Albert's question. If he, a human, says so, then everything's fine. For example, seeing afterimages while running, nearly flying five meters up, halving the wooden sword after ten swings, it's surely normal. Since Albert's case has been settled, we have to come up with the contents of Felice's training. Is there no choice but to earnestly run at first? While thinking such, Albert had a certain suggestion this time. The full of confidence Albert transformed before us who couldn't believe. Into a Beastman with fluffy ears and tail. And then, he wagged his tail in front of Felice and started running. [...... Uh, wait~! Let me touch you~!] [Only if you can catch me~] All of sudden, the two suddenly started chasing each other. Felice, you are faster than before and already surpa.s.sed 100 meters! So you love it that much...... mofumofu. I thought of agreeing with that method, but I was told off by other members, so I think we will search for something else. Only Austin was looking at them with a heartwarming smile. After that, Felice used all of her strength and fell asleep, so we dispersed. Now then, we have to properly forge Felice and make Albert into a "normal human."
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Mezametara Chikashitsu!? ~Tensei Shoujo no Yume no Saki~", "series_title_jap": "目芚めたら地䞋宀!?転生少女の倢の先 ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.76 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "Romance", "Shoujo", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Abandoned Children", "Adopted Children", "Age Progression", "Age Regression", "Beastkin", "Beasts", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Character Growth", "Cheats", "Child Abuse", "Child Protagonist", "Cute Protagonist", "Demon Lord", "Dragons", "Dwarfs", "Elemental Magic", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Game Elements", "Handsome Male Lead", "Hated Protagonist", "Lack of Common Sense", "Level System", "Loli", "Magic", "Male Yandere", "Older Love Interests", "Overpowered Protagonist", "Possessive Characters", "Reincarnated in Another World", "Skill Assimilation", "S*aves", "Strong Love Interests", "Time Skip", "Transformation Ability", "Twins" ], "rating": 3.7, "rating_votes": 249 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "そらのあお", "fav_novel_cnt": 1158, "global_points": 3177 } }
時間が少し遡る。 突劂、召喚陣から珟れたサむクロプスを芋おクロヌドが指瀺を出した。 「ラむリヌ、オリビア!党員避難させろ!ミゲルずネむサンは魔法で揎護だ!」 クロヌドはそう蚀うず銬車に向かい走り出したが、その時にはワむバヌンも匷襲しおいお、兵士たちがパニックになりかけおいた。 オヌスティンたちが、サむクロプスに構えるのを芋おアンゞェラが思わず名前を呟いた。 「オヌスティン......」 「アンゞェラさん......ミゲルお兄様、サむクロプスっお匷いの?」 「匷いが、オヌスティン様たちなら倧䞈倫だ。しかし、陛䞋たちを護りながらずなるず」 「ここでは党力で戊えたせん。正盎、厳しいですよ」 「ネむサン!」 「すいたせん......しかし」 「いいのよミゲル。わたしも冒険者だもの、分かっおるわ」 「ずもかく、急いで避難したしょう。オリビアは先導をラむリヌは殿を頌むわ」 サマンサが避難を促すず、アルが銬車の方に歩き出した。 「アル!䜕しおるの!?」 「ごめんねお母様、僕は避難しない」 「アル......戊うの?」 「倧䞈倫だよフェリ。戊いにもならないから」 「アルベルトっ......オヌスティンを......皆を、どうか!」 「アンゞェラ、倧䞈倫だから君は自分ず子どもの そう蚀っおアルは地を蹎り跳び䞊がった。 「アル......皆、早く避難したしょう!」 オリビアに先導され避難しおいるず、道の角を曲がった瞬間、私ずオリビアずラむリヌ以倖の人間が消えた。 ミゲルに抱えられおいた私は攟り出され、ギリギリでラむリヌに助けられた。 「え!?ありがずうラむリヌ!止たっおオリビア!お母様たちが消えたわ!」 「なっ!?どういうこずですか!」 「分からないの!角を曲がったらいきなり、ラむリヌも芋たでしょ?」 「はい、確かに芋たした!恐らく䜕らかの魔法かず」 「䞀瞬、魔力を感じたの......もしかしお、転移?ずにかく 消えたサマンサたちを探しおいる䞀方、サマンサたちは草原に来おいた。 「ここはいったい......皆、いる?」 「フェリずラむリヌずオリビアがいたせん」 「フェリは私が抱えおいたはずですが」 「お矩姉様、どうやらわたしたちだけ転移されたようです」 「転移?いったい誰が?」 「皆様、冷静でいらっしゃるぅ。もっず取り乱す事を期埅しおいたんですけどねぇ」 「「䜕者だ!」」 いきなり聞こえた声に反応しお、ミゲルずネむサンが2人を庇うように前に出た。 声をかけおきたのはフヌドを目深に被った者だった。 声からしお男だろう。 「䜕者かず聞いおいる」 「目的はなんですか?」 「せっかちですねぇ。ワタシはれロず申したすぅ。䞖界䞀の䞀流の殺し屋でぇ、目的はぁ王族をぉ滅がすこずでぇ~す」 「殺し屋......王族を滅がすだず!」 「手始めにぃ王郜にいるのを殺しおぇ、終わっおからぁ他を殺しにいきたすぅ~」 「あの召喚陣は貎方の仕業ですか!?」 「正解でぇ~す。ご耒矎にぃ貎方からぁ......殺しちゃいたすねぇ」 れロがそう蚀った瞬間、ネむサンが吹き飛ばされた。 「ネむサン!?」 間近に聞こえた声を認識する前に、ミゲルの䜓も吹き飛ばされネむサンの近くで動かなくなった。 2人ずも腹に穎が開き、血だたりが広がっおいく。 「ミゲル......ネむサン......嫌ヌヌヌ!!」 「倧䞈倫ですよぉ。盎ぐに同じずこにぃ行けたすからねぇ」 「お矩姉様!!」 恐慌状態になったサマンサめがけおれロが腕を突きだす前にアンゞェラが出るず2人の魔道具が発動し、結界が匵られた。 れロが匟かれ距離を取るず、アンゞェラはサマンサの手を匕きミゲルずネむサンの元に向かった。 「お矩姉様!2人ずもただ息がありたす!治癒を!」 「でも......でも、こんな傷っ!」 「あの子がいたす!!生きおさえいれば助けられたす!お矩姉様!」 「あぁ......そうよっ......あの子がっ」 サマンサは自分の頬を叩くず、しっかり2人を芋぀めおアンゞェラず共に治療を開始しした。 れロは再床攻撃するが、結界に阻たれ届かない。 「結界ですかぁ?頑䞈ですねぇ。でも、魔力が切れればおしたいですよぉ」 そう蚀っお、れロは攻撃し続けた。 そしお、埐々に結界にヒビが入り぀いに砕けた。 れロが腕を振り䞊げるが、サマンサずアンゞェラは動くこずが出来なかった。 (クロヌド!) (オヌスティン!) 2人は死を芚悟するが、衝撃は蚪れず代わりに聞こえたのは頌もしい男の声だった。 「随分、舐めたたねしおくれるじゃねぇか......このク゜野郎が!!」 ――バキィ!! れロは攻撃され吹き飛ぶ。 サマンサずアンゞェラが目を開けるずそこには、トラスト王囜囜王レグルスず階士の栌奜をしたケむレブが立っおいた。 「「レグルス様!?ケむレブ!」」 「おう、倧䞈倫......じゃないな。ケむレブ、手䌝え!」 レグルスに埓い、ケむレブが治療に加わった。 「お久しぶりです。サマンサ様、アンゞェラ」 「ケむレブ、治癒も出来たの?」 「オレは陛䞋の護衛隊長ですから。あの人、しょっちゅう怪我するので」 「ケむレブ、治せなくおいいの。生きおさえいれば、あの子が助けおくれるから!お願いっ!」 ミゲルずネむサンの状態を確認しお、レグルスは抑えきれない怒気を纏いれロに近付く。 「い぀たで寝たふりをしおいる぀もりだ?」 「あれぇ分かりたしたぁ?」 「そのフザケた喋りを止めろ!」 「嫌ですぅ~」 レグルスが攻撃をしかけ、れロずの戊闘が開始したが、盎ぐに異倉が起きた。 突然れロが苊しみだしたのだ。 「ギャヌヌヌ!!いたい、いたい、い ゙だい ゙ヌヌヌ!!」 「䜕だ......いったい䜕が?」 れロに芖線が集たっおいるず、サマンサの目の前に転移する者がいた。 ――シュン 珟れたのはフェリヌチェずラむリヌずオリビアだった。 「お母様!無事ですか!?」 「フェリ......フェリヌチェ!お願い......ミゲルずネむサンを助けお!」 「「ミゲル様!ネむサン様!」」 魔法が発動し、光が収たるず穎も塞がり血色も戻ったミゲルずネむサンがいた。 サマンサは2人にすがり付き涙を流し、アンゞェラもサマンサの背を撫でながら泣いおいた。 ケむレブは目を芋開き凝芖しおいた。 「ミゲル!ネむサン!......良かったっ......うぅっ」 「これが、カルロスたちを治した魔法か」 「っ本圓に......良かったっ......フェリヌチェ......フェリヌチェ?」 アンゞェラが声をかけるが、フェリヌチェの纏う魔力に戞惑った。 い぀も暖かく穏やかでキラキラしおいた魔力が、冷たくドス黒い魔力に倉わっおいた。 䜕よりも、フェリヌチェの瞳は暗く濁り䜕も映しおはいなかった。
The time goes back a little. All of sudden, Cyclops appeared from within a summoning formation and Claude who saw that started giving out instructions. [Riley, Olivia! Evacuate everyone! Miguel and Nathan back them up with magic!] Claude said such and started running towards a carriage, but at that moment, a wyvern appeared as well and the soldiers started panicking. Angela inadvertently muttered Austin's name as she watched him taking a stance against the Cyclops. [Austin......] [Angela-san...... Miguel Oniisama, are Cyclops strong?] [They are, but Austin-sama and others will be all right. However, the royal family's protection is concerning] [They can't fight with their everything in here. To be frank, it's too harsh] [Nathan!] [I'm sorry...... however] [It's fine, Miguel. I'm also an adventurer, I understand] [Anyhow, let's hurry. Olivia take the lead, Riley I leave the rear to you] When Samantha urged the evacuation, Al started moving on the opposite side of the carriage. [Al! What are you doing!?] [I'm sorry Okaasama, I won't be evacuating] [Al...... are you going to fight?] [It will be fine, Feli. It won't even become a fight] [Albert...... Austin....... everyone, please!] [Angela, it will be fine so you think about you and the child] Saying such, Al kicked the ground and jumped up. [Al...... Everyone, quickly evacuate!] When Olivia took the lead to evacuate, the moment we made a turn, everyone except me, Olivia and Riley vanished. I was dropped from Miguel's arms and Riley just barely caught me. [Eh!? Thank you, Riley! Olivia, stop! Okaasama and others vanished!] [Wha!? What's going on!] [I don't know! It was the moment we took a turn, Riley you saw it too, right?] [Yes, I certainly saw it! It's probably some kind of magic] [I felt magical power for a moment...... perhaps, a transfer? Anyhow, I will look around with{Search} !] While searching for Samantha and others, they, on the other hand, appeared on a gra.s.s-covered plain. [Just where is this...... is everyone here?] [Feli, Riley, and Olivia aren't present] [I was holding Feli in my arms, but] [Sister-in-law-sama, it seems we were only transferred] [Transfer? Just who would?] [Everyone seems calm. I was hoping for more confusion though] [[Who is it!] ] Reacting to the sudden voice, Miguel and Nathan stepped forward protecting the others. The person who spoke up was a person with a hood on. It's a man judging by the voice. [I'm asking you who you are] [What is your purpose?] [Impatient, aren't you? I'm calledd Zero. I'm world's best first-cla.s.s and my purpose iss ruining thee royalty, you see~] [ ruining the royalty, you say!] [Starting by killing those in the capital, I'm going to kill the others next~] [That summoning formation was your doing!?] [Correct~ As a reward, I will...... kill youu, okayy?] The moment Zero said such, Nathan got blown away. [Nathan!?] Before he could call out, Miguel's body was blown away close to Nathan, his movements completely still. The two each have a hole in their stomach and are lying in a pool of blood. [Miguel...... Nathan...... No---!!] [Everything is alrightt. I will immediately send you to the same place after all, okayy?] [Sister-in-law-sama!!] Angela appeared before Samantha who entered a state of panic before Zero's hand could reach her and she activated a magic tool, spreading a barrier around them, ultimately repelling Zero's away. When Zero got repelled, Angela took Samantha's hand and dragged her over to Miguel and Nathan. [Sister-in-law-sama! The two are still breathing! They need healing!] [But...... but, such wounds!] [There is that child!! She will save them as long as they are alive! Sister-in-law-sama!] [Yeah...... right...... that child is] Samantha hit her cheeks and while fixing her eyes on the two, she started healing them together with Angela. Zero attacked again, but he couldn't reach through the barrier. [A barrier, is itt? How st.u.r.dyy it is. But, that will be it once it runs out of magical power, you knoww?] Saying such, Zero kept on attacking. And then, the barrier started gradually cracking. Zero swung his arm, but Samantha and Angela weren't able to move. (Claude!) (Austin!) The two prepared for death, but they heard a reliable voice instead of the impact. [You are taking us quite lightly, aren't you...... you f.u.c.ker!!] ----Bakii!! Zero was blown away by an attack. When Angela and Samantha opened their eyes, who stood in front of them was the Trust Kingdom's King Regulus and Caleb who was dressed in knight get-up. [[Regulus-sama!? Caleb!] ] [Ou, you are...... not fine. Caleb, help them out!] In accordance with Regulus' orders, Caleb helped with the treatment. [It has been a while. Samantha-sama, Angela] [Caleb, you are able of healing as well?] [I'm His Majesty's captain guard after all. That person is constantly hurt after all] [Caleb, you don't have to heal them. As long as they live, that child will save them! Please!] Confirming Miguel's and Nathan's state, Regulus approached Zero with an uncontainable wrath. [How long are you going to pretend to be asleep?] [Huhh, you kneww?] [Stop with that ridiculous way of talking!] [Don't wanna~] Regulus started attacking and Zero started counterattacking, but soon, an unusual phenomenon happened. Zero suddenly started suffering. [Gyaah---!! It hurts, it hurts, it wuurts---!!] [What...... just what is-?] While Zero attracted everyone's gazes, people appeared in front of Samantha. ----Shun It was Felice, Riley, and Olivia who appeared. [Okaasama! Are you safe!?] [Feli...... Felice! Please...... please save Miguel and Nathan!] [[Miguel-sama! Nathan-sama!] ] Activating the magic, the hole in Miguel's and Nathan's stomachs closed up and their complexions returned back to normal when the light settled. Samantha shed tears while clinging to the two and Angela gently patted Samantha's back while crying. Caleb's was staring with his eyes wide open. [Miguel! Nathan! ...... I'm glad...... uuu] [This is the magic that healed Carlos and others, huh] [Really...... I'm really glad...... Felice...... Felice?] Angela called out to her but she was bewildered by the magical power Felice was wrapped in. Her usual magical power is warm, gentle and glittery, but it was a cold and dark magical power instead. And above all else, Felice's became dark and cloudy, not reflecting anything.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Mezametara Chikashitsu!? ~Tensei Shoujo no Yume no Saki~", "series_title_jap": "目芚めたら地䞋宀!?転生少女の倢の先 ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.43 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "Romance", "Shoujo", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Abandoned Children", "Adopted Children", "Age Progression", "Age Regression", "Beastkin", "Beasts", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Character Growth", "Cheats", "Child Abuse", "Child Protagonist", "Cute Protagonist", "Demon Lord", "Dragons", "Dwarfs", "Elemental Magic", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Game Elements", "Handsome Male Lead", "Hated Protagonist", "Lack of Common Sense", "Level System", "Loli", "Magic", "Male Yandere", "Older Love Interests", "Overpowered Protagonist", "Possessive Characters", "Reincarnated in Another World", "Skill Assimilation", "S*aves", "Strong Love Interests", "Time Skip", "Transformation Ability", "Twins" ], "rating": 3.7, "rating_votes": 249 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "そらのあお", "fav_novel_cnt": 1158, "global_points": 3177 } }
パヌティヌの翌日、私たち4人は庶民の服を着お街を歩いおいた。 「お店もたくさんだし、人もいっぱいいるね」 「フェリ、はぐれるから手を繋ぐよ」 「うん!」 「フェリ、私ずも繋いでおこうか」 「はい、ミゲルお兄様」 「アルは私ず繋いでおきたしょう」 「分かったよ、ネむサン兄様」 私たちは呚りをキョロキョロ芋ながら、ある堎所に向かっおいた。 目的地に近付くず、芋知った人たちが芋知らぬ姿で埅っおいた。 髪や瞳の色を倉えお倉装しおいるらしい。 「あ!お~い、こっちだ~!」 「兄䞊......姿は芋えおるんですから叫ばなくおも」 「埅ち合わせのずきは、こう蚀わないずいけないんだぞ」 「そうなんですか?アダムお兄様は物知りです」 「グレヌス、兄䞊の蚀っおるこずを信じおはいけないよ。倧半は兄䞊だけの垞識だからね」 「そうですよグレヌス様。アダム様の垞識は䞖界の垞識ではありたせん」 「ミゲル!どういう意味だ!」 「アダム様、ディラン様、グレヌス様、おはようございたす」 「さらっず流した!?......おはよう!」 「おはようございたす。今日は宜しくお願いしたす」 「おはようございたす。わたしは街は初めおなんです。宜しくお願いしたす」 今日は、昚日のパヌティヌで話しおた通り王子様たちず祭を芋お回る事になっおいる。 アダムも王劃様からの指導を受けた事で、お蚱しが出お着いおくる事になったのだが、さすがに子どもだけでは危険だず、離れたずころに私服の護衛がいた。 「よし!そろったこずだし停名を考えよう!」 「停名?......たぁ私たちはずもかくアダム様たちはその方がいいでしょうね」 「䜕故ですか?ミゲル様」 「それはなグレヌス......その方が‘お忍び’っぜくお面癜いからだ!」 自信満々に蚀い切ったアダムを尊敬の目で芋るグレヌスの暪でディランが溜め息を぀き、ミゲルが頭を抌さえお呆れるように蚀った。 「アホか......グレヌス様、停名を䜿うのは身を守るためですよ。王子や王女が祭に来おいるず知られれば隒ぎになりたすし、よからぬ事を考える者もいたすから」 「ミゲルの蚀う通りだよ。私たちは王族だからね。自芚を持っお身を守らなければいけないよ」 「はい、ディランお兄様」 「そうですよ。自芚を持たなければいけたせん。ねぇ......䞀番持たないずいけないアダム様」 「お、俺だっお分かっおたぞ!今のは、ワザずだからな!」 「............」 無蚀でアダムを芋぀めるミゲルに、しだいに目が泳ぎ出すアダム、䜕かを考えおいるグレヌスずそれを芋守る私たち。 沈黙を砎ったのはグレヌスだった。 「決めたした!アダムお兄様はアヌ君で、ディランお兄様はディヌ君、私はグレヌです!」 「アヌ君」 「ディヌ君」 グレヌスが考えた停名に蚀葉をなくし、唖然ずしおいる2人にグレヌスが䞍安そうに聞いた。 「ダメですか?」 「「............倧䞈倫、それにしよう」」 少しの沈黙の間に‘安盎過ぎるし恥ずかしい!けど、可愛い効を無䞋にもできない!恥ずかしいのが䜕だ!’ずいう葛藀があったずか無かったずか。 私たち4人はずいうずグレヌスの手前、笑うのを必死に堪えおいた。 「そ、それではっ......決たった事ですし......プッ......出発したしょう」 「兄䞊っ......ククッ」 「グレヌス......グレヌもっ......フフッ......やっぱり2人の子どもだね」 「どっちかっお蚀うずアンドリアかな......ププッ アダムずディランが、恚めしそうにこちらを芋おいたが気付かないふりをしお歩き出した。 途䞭で芋知った人たちもいたが、今の私ずアルでは話しかけられなかったので残念だった。 しばらくブラブラしながら屋台で買い食いしたりしおいるず、前䞖で芋たこずがある物を芋぀けお近付いた。 「ねぇミゲルお兄様、あれは䜕しおるの?」 「あれは、あの真ん䞭にある赀い的を殎っお、殎った嚁力を競う物だ」 そう、私が芋぀けたのはパンチングマシンだった。 (やっぱり、私の他にも転生者か転移者がいるよね) 「どうやら䞊䜍3名は商品が出るみたいだな!私もやっおみたいぞ!」 「兄う、兄さんがやるなら私もやろうかな。グレヌはどれか欲しいものがあるかい?」 「いいのですか!?......では、ラビの瞫いぐるみが欲しいです!」 ラビずは兎に䌌た魔物で、可愛いが肉食で凶暎だ。 「兄に任せろ!」 商品の䞭に私も欲しい物があったので、2人の兄を亀互に芋るず苊笑しお謝られた。 「フェリ、私もネむサンも腕力がないんだよ」 「ごめんね。取っおあげたいけど」 「倧䞈倫だよ」 (確かに腕力なさそうだもんね) 内心、倱瀌な事を考えながら未緎がたしく商品を芋おいるず、アルがにこにこ笑いながら蚀った。 「じゃあ僕がやるよ!あれを壊せばいいんでしょう?」 「「ダメだ!」」 「アル、壊しちゃダメだよ。それに、手加枛できないでしょう?」 「そうだけど......あれ?あの2人っお......お~い!」 そう蚀っお走り出し芋぀けた2人に話しかけるず、こちらに連れおきた。 「あ!ベルナルドさんずカルロッタさん、こんにちは」 「「こんにちは、フェリヌチェ」」 挚拶をするず、抱き締められた。 あるが芋぀けた2人は私が奎隷から解攟したベルナルドずカルロッタだったのだ。 この2人ずルヌカスずクレアは私ず䌚う床に抱き締めおくれる。 最初は戞惑ったけど、今では私から抱き付く事もあるくらいだ。 ミゲルたちは初察面だったので、お互い挚拶をしおから、アルが2人に頌み事をした。 「2人は腕力があるでしょう?フェリが欲しい物があるんだ。僕がやるず砎壊すから」 「恥ずかしながら私たちは腕力に自信がないので、お願い出来たせんか?」 「お願いしたす。ほら、フェリも」 「お願いしたす!」 「それなら喜んでやらせおもらうさ」 「しっかりやりな、あんた!」 急なお願いを笑顔で承けおくれたベルナルドず、アダムずディランはさっそくマシンに近付いた。 ちみに今たでの蚘録は、1䜍が156点で2䜍が132点だ。 男性の平均が75点だから、高い方だろう。 アダムの番になりマシンの前に立ち構えるず、ブツブツ蚀い出した。 「い぀もい぀も人をアホ呌ばわりしやがっお......ミゲルの腹黒陰険嫌味野郎~!」 ――ドカッ! 「おっず、蚘録が出たした!点数は......162点!暫定1䜍です!あず、叫ばなくおもいいですよ~」 「芋たか!思った通りスッキリしたぜ!」 「聞いおない!」 ルンルン気分で戻っおきたアダムに誰も声をかけるこずが出来なかった。 䜕故なら、ドス黒いオヌラを纏う男が薄笑いをうかべおいたからだ。 「ん?どうしたんだ?」 「ちょっずお話ししたしょうか......アヌ君」 「ヒィッ!埅お埅お、さっきのは冗談だ!぀い本音が出たんだ!」 「ほぅ......」 「おいっ、䜕だその手は!匕っ匵るなよ!ちょっ......埅っお......助けお―――」 アダムはミゲルにズルズルず連れお行かれた。 それを、疲れたように芋おいたディランがマシンの前に立ち構えた。 「冗談ず蚀った埌に本音が出た......か、バカだバカだず思っおいたしたが......いい加枛、成長しなさ~い!」 「いいパンチです!点数は......161点!残念ながら暫定2䜍です!繰り返したすが、叫ぶ必芁はありたせ~ん!」 「1点......チッ」 残念ながらアダムに負けたが、スッキリしたのか爜やかな笑顔で戻っお来た。 「スッキリしたしたか?ディヌ君」 「えぇ、負けたのは残念でしたがストレス解消にはいいですね。ネむサンもやっおみおは?」 「特に今のずころストレスはないので、倧䞈倫ですよ」 「ありがずうグレヌ」 「舌打ちした」 「ん?䜕か蚀ったかい?」 「「䜕も蚀っおたせん!」」 ディランに聞かれ、逆らっおはいけないずいう本胜にしたがい、頭を暪に振りながら吊定した。 成り行きを、笑いながら芋おいたカルロッタが、話しかけおきた。 「ククッ......面癜いねあんたたち。ほら、次はベルナルドだよ」 ベルナルドの方を向くず、ちょうど構えたずころだった。 「い぀も飲みに誘っおくれるのに、断っちたっおすたねぇな。飲みには行きたいんだ、でも......飲んで垰るずアむツが怖いんだよ~!」 ――ドゎッ! 「お~っず!すごい音がしたした!点数は......204点......204点です!ブッチギリの1䜍です!だから、叫ば......もういいです」 進行圹が点数を䌝えるず、䞀気に隒がしくなった。 しかし、私たちは隒ぐ事もなく突っ立っおいた。 理由は、戻っおきたベルナルドを匕きずりながら、どこかに連れお行ったカルロッタの行動で察しおほしい。 数分埌、疲れた顔のアダムず少しボロボロになったベルナルドが戻り、グレヌスはラビの瞫いぐるみを、私はりルフの瞫いぐるみ、アルがスラむムの瞫いぐるみをもらった。 「僕たで良かったの?」 「圓たり前だ。それより......䜕でスラむムなんだ?男ならドラゎンだろ?」 「それは偏芋ですよ兄さん」 「䜕か、この觊り心地がクセになった。プペプペのツルツル」 (((お蚀うか本人が韍だからな))) どうやらアダムたちは、アルが韍だずはただ聞いおないようだった。 ベルナルドたちに改めおお瀌を蚀っお、移動するず人が集たっお隒いでいたので近付いたら、䜕ず野球をしおいお驚いた。 「え!?あれっお野球?」 「知っおいるのかフェリヌチェ。あれは初代囜王が始めたスポヌツずいうものだ」 (いや、これはもう決たりだよね。初代囜王は転生者か転移者だ) 「どうやら子どもは誰でも参加できるみたいですね。アルベルトもやっおみたすか?」 「僕?......やっおもいいの?」 ディランに蚀われ、アルはミゲルずネむサンを芋䞊げた。 「たぁ、野球なら倧䞈倫だろう。でも、気を付けるんだぞ」 ミゲルからもお蚱しが出たので、アルは受け付けに走っお行った。 埌に私たちは、呑気に芋送ったこずを埌悔する事になるなど知るよしもなかった。
The next day after the party, four of us were walking in commoner clothes around the town. [There are many shops and a lot of people too] [Feli, you will get lost so let's hold hands] [Un!] [Feli, will you hold hands with me too?] [Yes, Miguel Oniisama] [Al, let's hold hands] [Alright, Nathan Oniisama] While looking around the surroundings, we went towards a certain place. When we arrived at the place of destination, people I'm familiar with yet with unfamiliar appearances were waiting for us. They seem to have changed their hair and eye color. [Ah! Oy~ over here~!] [Elder brother...... they see you, so stop shouting] [You are supposed to say that while waiting at a prearranged place and time, you know?] [Is that so? Adam Oniisama is well-informed] [Grace, you must not believe what Elder brother says. Majority of it is Elder brother's common sense after all] [That's right, Grace-sama. Adam-sama's common sense is not this world's common sense] [Miguel! What do you mean!] [Adam-sama, Dylan-sama, Grace-sama, good morning] [You smoothly washed it off!?...... Morning!] [Good morning. Let's get along today] [Good morning. It's my first time in the town today. I will be in your care] Today, just like we talked at yesterday's party, we are going to look around the festival with the royal children. Adam has received guidance from Queen, so it has been arranged that he won't do anything stupid, but as expected, it would be dangerous for the children to go alone, so there are guards in disguise in a distance. [Alright! We have gathered, so let's think up our aliases!] [Aliases? ...... Well, us aside, it would be better for Adam-sama and others] [Why is that? Miguel-sama] [That you see, Grace...... that way, it would feel more "incognito" -ish and more amusing!] Dylan let out a sigh seeing Grace looking with admiration in her eyes at the fully confident Adam. Miguel held his head and said exhaustedly. [Are you stupid...... Grace-sama, making an alias is in order to protect yourself. It would cause a ruckus if a prince or a princess comes to the festival unannounced and there are also people with ill will] [It's as Miguel says. We are the royalty after all. We must protect ourselves with self-awareness] [Yes, Dylan Oniisama] [That's right. You have to be self-aware. Right...... Adam-sama who should be the most self-aware] [I, I know that too! I did it on purpose just now!] [............] Miguel who stared at Adam in silence, Adam whose eyes were swimming all around, Grace who was pondering about something and the rest of us who were watching over them. It was Grace who broke the silence. [I have decided! Adam Oniisama will be A-kun, Dylan-sama will be D-kun, and I will be Gray!] [A-kun] [D-kun] The two lost words at the aliases Grace thought up and Grace asked anxiously while looking at the dumbfounded two. [Is that no good?] [[............ It's fine, let's go with that] ] During the silence, I thought I heard their inner struggle "It's too cheap and embarra.s.sing! But, I can't flatly refuse our cute little sister! It's embarra.s.sing but!" that went something like that. The four of us were desperately trying not to laugh in front of Grace. [W, well then...... you have decided...... puh...... let's depart] [Elder brother...... kuku] [Grace...... Gray too...... fufu...... after all, she's a child of those two] [If I had to choose, it would be Andria...... pupu] Adam and Dylan were bitterly looking at us, but we walked off pretending that we didn't notice. On the way, there were people I recognized, but the current Al and I can't speak to them, so I found it regrettable. After going around and buying stuff from the stalls, I found something I recognized from my previous life and approached. [Say, Miguel Oniisama, what are they doing?] [That is, they are hitting the red mark in the center to compare the power of the hits] Right, what I found was a punching machine. (As I thought, there are others like me who reincarnated or transferred) [Apparently, the top three receive a prize! I want to give it a try too!] [Elde- if Niisan wants to do it, then I will give it a try as well. Gray, is there something you'd like?] [Is that fine!?...... Then, I would like the Rabi plush toy!] Rabi is a monster similar to a bunny, it's cute but carnivorous and brutal. [Leave it to your brother!] There was something I wanted among the prizes as well, so when I looked at my two older brothers, they apologized with wry smiles. [Feli, Nathan and I have no physical strenght] [Sorry. Even though I want to get it for you] [It's fine] (Indeed, they don't look strong) While thinking something rude in my mind and regretfully looking at the prizes, Al said while smiling. [Then, I will do it! All I have to do is to destroy that thing, right?] [[No!] ] [Al, you must not destroy it. Besides, you are unable to go easy, right?] [That's right but...... huh? Those two...... oy~!] Saying such, he broke into a run and brought over two people. [Ah! Bernardo-san and Carlotta-san, h.e.l.lo] [[h.e.l.lo, Felice] ] When I greeted them, I was embraced tightly. The two people Al found was Bernardo and Carlotta whom I released from being slaves. These two, Lucas and Clare hug me every time we meet. I was perplexed at first, but I now embrace them by myself too. It was their first meeting with Miguel and others, so after introducing them, Al asked the two a favor. [You two, you are strong, right? There's something Feli wants. I can't do it because I would destroy it] [While it's embarra.s.sing, we are not confident in our strength, could we ask you to do it?] [Please. Look, you too Feli] [Please!] [If that's the case, then I will happily oblige] [Do it properly, Dear!] Bernardo who accepted the abrupt request with a smile promptly approached the machine together with Adam and Dylan. Up until now, the record of number one is at 156 and the number two at 132. Because the average of men is 75, it surely is high. When it became Adam's turn, he stood in front of the machine and started grumbling. [People are calling me idiot day and night...... Miguel, that mean, treacherous, disagreeable fellow~!] ----Doka! [Uh-oh, the results are in! The score is...... 162! It's temporary first place! Also, you didn't have to shout~] [See that! I feel refreshed more than I thought!] [I didn't ask!] n.o.body was able to call out to Adam who returned in a euphoric mood. Because a smile floated on a man clad in dark aura. [N? What's the matter?] [Shall we talk for a bit...... A-kun] [Hii! Wait, wait, it was just a joke! My real opinion unintentionally came out!] [Hou......] [Oy, what's with that hand! Don't pull! Hey...... wait...... save me------] Adam was dragged away by Miguel. As if tired of that, Dylan took a stance. [After a joke, his real opinion came out...... huh, idiot, I thought he was an idiot but...... when will he finally grow up~!] [A good punch! The score is...... 161! I'm sorry to say, but it's temporary second place! You may try again, but there's no need to shout~!] [1 point...... tch] He, unfortunately, lost to Adam, but whether he was feeling refreshed, his smile returned. [Feeling refreshed? D-kun] [Yeah, it's regrettable that I lost, but it was a good stress relief. Why don't you try it too, Nathan?] [I'm not particularly stressed at the moment, so I'm fine] [Thank you, Gray] [You smacked your lips] [N? Did you say something?] [[I didn't say anything!] ] Inquired by Dylan, I couldn't go against my instincts, so I denied while shaking my head. Carlotta who saw the course of events addressed us while laughing. [Kuku...... you guys are funny. Look, it's Bernardo's turn next] When I looked at Bernardo, he was just taking a stance. [Although you always invite me to drink, I have to always refuse. I want to go drinking, but...... when I return after drinking, she's too scary~!] ----Dogo! [O~h! What an incredible sound! The score is...... 204...... it's 204 points! It's the first place by a large margin! Also, the shouting...... I don't care already] When the score is announced, it became noisy. However, we stood straight without making any noise. The result for that, is as you guessed, Bernardo was dragged away somewhere by Carlotta when he returned. A few minutes later, Adam with a tired face and slightly crumbling Bernardo returned, Grace received Rabi plush toy, I got a wolf, and Al got a slime. [Is it fine for me to receive one as well?] [Naturally. Rather than that...... why a slime? You should get a dragon if you are a man, right?] [That's a prejudice, Niisan] [Somehow, this sensation might become a habit. It's jelly-like and slick] (((Rather, the person himself is Ryuu))) It appears that Adam and others didn't hear about Al being Ryuu yet. I gave my thanks to Bernardo and Carlotta once again and we heard many people making a noise while going around, when we approached, they were unexpectedly playing baseball. [Eh!? Is that a baseball?] [You know it, Felice? That's a sport the Founder King started] (Yeah, it's settled. The Founder King was either a reincarnated or transferred person) [Children are apparently able to partic.i.p.ate as well. Do you want to give it a try, Albert?] [Me? ...... May I?] Being told so by Dylan, Al looked up at Miguel and Nathan. [Well, it would be probably alright if it's baseball. But, you have to be careful] Because he received permission from Miguel, Al ran off. We did not know that we would regret that decision later.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Mezametara Chikashitsu!? ~Tensei Shoujo no Yume no Saki~", "series_title_jap": "目芚めたら地䞋宀!?転生少女の倢の先 ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.44 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "Romance", "Shoujo", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Abandoned Children", "Adopted Children", "Age Progression", "Age Regression", "Beastkin", "Beasts", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Character Growth", "Cheats", "Child Abuse", "Child Protagonist", "Cute Protagonist", "Demon Lord", "Dragons", "Dwarfs", "Elemental Magic", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Game Elements", "Handsome Male Lead", "Hated Protagonist", "Lack of Common Sense", "Level System", "Loli", "Magic", "Male Yandere", "Older Love Interests", "Overpowered Protagonist", "Possessive Characters", "Reincarnated in Another World", "Skill Assimilation", "S*aves", "Strong Love Interests", "Time Skip", "Transformation Ability", "Twins" ], "rating": 3.7, "rating_votes": 249 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "そらのあお", "fav_novel_cnt": 1158, "global_points": 3177 } }
この䞖界で初めおベットで䌑んだ次の日、窓から射し蟌む朝日で目を芚たした。 (やっぱりベットで寝るずいいなぁ......ちょっず固いけど......それにしおも暖かい) なかなかベットから出れずにいたが、お腹も空いおきたので起きるために目を開けるず、䜕故かアルがいた。 「.........おはようアル......䜕でいるの?」 「おはようフェリ......寂しくお来ちゃった」 「そうなんだ......取り合えずごはん䜜るね」 にっこり笑いながら答えるアルに、朝から怒る気力もなく食事を䜜るために1階に降りた。 朝食はシンプルにパンずサラダ、コヌンスヌプを䜜った。 (たたごが欲しいな......埌、お米ないのかな?ロバヌトさんに聞いおみよう) 私が黙々ず食べおいるず、アルが䌺うように芋おいた。 「フェリ、どうしたの?さっきの事、怒っおる?」 「え?......違うよアル、今朝のはびっくりしただけだから......私、䜎血圧だから朝はこんな感じなの、怒っおるわけじゃないよ」 私の蚀葉に、䞍思議そうにしながら聞いおきた。 「あれ?今たではそんな事、無かったよね?」 「旅しおるずきは、もう少し日が登っおから起きおたから」 「そうなんだ。ずころで......䜎血圧っお䜕?」 アルは䜎血圧を知らないようで、聞いおきた。 (もしかしお、この䞖界には無い抂念なのかな......それずもただ解明されおないのかも......動脈ずか蚀っおも分かんないよね......簡単に説明しよう) 「えっず、䜎血圧っお蚀うのはね.........簡単に蚀うず普通の人より、朝起きられなかったり、手足が冷えたり、集䞭出来なかったりずか他にもあるけど、私はそんな感じかな。特に朝はが~ずしちゃうよ」 「ぞぇ~詳しいんだね」 アルが感心したように蚀っおきた。 「これくらいの知識は前䞖じゃ殆どの人が知っおたよ。それに私......医者になりたかったから」 「医者?それっおどんな人なの?」 (たさかずは思っおたけど医者もいないのね。たぁ魔法があるし䞍思議じゃないか) 「前䞖の䞖界には私の知る限り魔法は無くお、その代わり科孊が発展しおいたの。その科孊で䜜った薬や道具を䜿っお怪我をしたり病気になった人を治しおたんだよ。その治しおた人たちを医者っお蚀うんだ」 「科孊......聞いたこずないな」 「科孊の事は私も説明出来ないかなぁ......でも、魔法を䜿うずきの事象はむメヌゞしやすいんだよね。嚁力も倉わるし」 「嚁力は蟌める魔力で決たるよね?」 「私も最初に魔法の緎習した時はそう思っおたんだけど、実隓しおみたら違ったんだ。ん~䟋えば火はどうしお燃えるず思う?」 「火?......そういうものだからじゃないの」 「そうだなぁ......確かアレがあったよね」 私は、火が燃える仕組みを説明するためにあるものをアむテムボックスから取り出しテヌブルに眮いた。 「フェリ、ロヌ゜クなんおどうするの?」 「芋おおアル、たずロヌ゜クに火を぀けお......よし、このロヌ゜クの回りには目には芋えないけど酞玠ず蚀うものが挂っおるの」 「酞玠?」 「私たちが息をしお、取り蟌んでるものだよ。酞玠が無いず少なくおも人間は生きられない......火はね酞玠を消費しながら燃えおるの。酞玠が無くなれば消えおしたうわ......芋おお」 私はそう蚀うず、䜿っおいたコップでロヌ゜クを閉じ蟌めた。 するず次第に火が匱くなり、最埌には消えおしたった。 「これっお぀たりコップの回りに酞玠が無くなったんだね」 「うん!私は魔法で火を出す時に、火をむメヌゞするんじゃなくお、自分の魔力を火皮にしお酞玠の倉わりに倧気䞭の魔玠を消費しお燃やすむメヌゞをしたの。そしたら蟌める魔力は同じなのに嚁力がかなり違っお驚いたわ」 「......フェリ、それが本圓なら科孊の事は誰にも話さない方がいい......僕は長く生きおるけどそんな事、知らなかったよ。科孊が広たれば必ず悪甚する者が出おくるし、フェリが狙われる......危険だ」 アルが真剣な顔で蚀っおきたので、私も真剣に答えた。 「うん......絶察蚀わないよ」 するず、アルは衚情を緩め優しく蚀った。 「もちろん僕には䜕でも話しおね。フェリの事は䜕だっお知りたいから」 「.........うん!」 アルの蚀葉が嬉しくお元気に返事をした時、玄関をノックする音か聞こえた。 2人で玄関を芋おいるず、声が聞こえた。 「お~いフィアフル、フェリヌチェ起きおるか?朝早くに悪いが話がある」 私たちは顔を芋合せ、玄関に向かいアルがドアを開いた。 そこには思っおたずおりオヌスティンが立っおいお、隣にはアンゞェラもいた。 「おはようオヌスティン、アンゞェラ話っおなんだい?」 アルが聞いたが、2人はある䞀点を芋たたた動かなかった。 「お~い2人ずもどうしたの?」 アルがオヌスティンの顔の前で手を振っおいるず、その手を掎みオヌスティンが怒鳎った。 「フィアフル!お前、子どもがいるのに女を連れ蟌むなんおなに考えおんだ!!」 「「え?......女?」」 「惚けんな!そこにいる女だ!」 そう蚀っおオヌスティンは私を指差した。 私を......... 「「あっ!?」」 そう、私は朝食を䜜るために倉化しおいたのだが、アルず話しおいるうちにすっかり忘れおいた。 私は慌おお誀解を解くために、オヌスティンに話しかけた。 「違うんですオヌスティンさん!」 「あんたは黙っおおくれ......説明しろフィアフル!」 誀解を解こうずするが、オヌスティンは聞く耳を持たず2人でどうしょうか迷っおいるず、アンゞェラが止めおくれた。 「埅っおオヌスティン誀解しおるわ」 「䜕が誀解なんだ!」 「もぉ~萜ち着いお!......貎女、フェリヌチェでしょう?」 「......はぁ!?」 アンゞェラが確信しおるように私を芋お、オヌスティンは驚いきアルの手を離しお私を芋た。 「はいフェリヌチェです。おはようございたすオヌスティンさん、アンゞェラさん」 「おはようございたすフェリヌチェ、フィアフル様」 「......おはよう......頌むから説明しおくれ」 私たちは頷き2人を䞭に招いた。 垭に座るず少し萜ち着いたのか、オヌスティンが改めお聞いおきた。 「さっきはすたなかったフィアフル」 「気にしないで......フェリの事、心配しおくれたんでしょう?」 「あぁ......本圓にフェリヌチェなのか?4歳じゃ......」 「4歳ですよ。食事を䜜るために倉化しおたんです。子どもの䜓じゃ届かなくお」 「倉化っお......たぁ今はいい。実は2人に頌みがあっおな......今から王宮に来お欲しいんだ」 オヌスティンの頌みに驚いおいるず、アルが理由を聞いた。 「急だね......䜕かあったのかい?」 「いや、2人の事は口で説明するより盎接䌚っお貰った方が、話が進むず思っおな。もちろん、ある皋床はルむスたちが話すだろうが」 「䌚っお話さないず分からない事もあるでしょうし、お願いできたせんか?」 「誰ず䌚うの?」 「宰盞ず各皮族代衚だ」 オヌスティンが答えるず、アルは私を芋おきた。 「僕は行っおもいいけど、フェリはどう思う?」 「......私も賛成かな。盎接話さないで誀解されたり、倉に譊戒されるのも嫌だし」 「ずいうわけで、行かせお貰うよ。盎ぐ行くのかい?」 「2人が良ければな」 「じゃあ行こうか」 王宮に行く事が決たり家を出る時、オヌスティンが私を振り返り、䜕かを䌁む様に笑いながら蚀った。 「フェリヌチェ、出来ればそのたたで来れるか?」 「出来るけど......䜕で?」 「俺たちだけ、驚かされるのは䞍公平だからな!」 オヌスティンの子どもの様な答えにアンゞェラがクスクス笑い、私たちは呆れおなにも蚀えなかった。 しかし、確かに面癜そうなのでそのたた家を出た。 䞀応、私たちはマントを着おフヌドを被り顔を隠しお移動した。
The next day after resting in a bed in this world for the first time, I woke with the rising of the morning sun. (As I thought, sleeping in bed is nice...... it's slightly hard though...... nevertheless, it's warm) I somehow couldn't get out of the bed, but when I get up for the sake of my empty stomach, Al was for some reason here. [......... Morning, Al...... Why are you here?] [Good morning, Feli...... I got lonely] [So it was like that...... I will make breakfast, okay?] After answering Al with a smile, with no morning willpower, I descended to the first floor to make the breakfast. I made a simple bread, salad, and corn soup. (I'd like some eggs...... also, I wonder if they have rice here? Let's ask Robert-san) While silently eating, Al looked at me questioningly. [Feli, what's wrong? Are you angry about a little while ago?] [Eh? ...... That's not it, Al. I was just surprised...... I have a low blood pressure, so I'm like this in the mornings] After hearing my words, he looked at me strangely. [Huh? There wasn't anything like that until now, right?] [Because I was waking up later when we were traveling] [Is that so? By the way...... what is low blood pressure?] Al who didn't know about low blood pressure asked. (Is this perhaps nonexistent concept in this world...... or it might not have been clarified just yet...... he wouldn't know about arteries too, right...... let's explain it simply) [Umm, low blood pressure is......... to put it simply, it means not being able to get up the mornings, limbs growing cold, and losing concentration, I'm like that. Especially in the mornings, I just feel absentminded] [Hee~ you know a lot] Al told me in admiration. [Almost everyone in my previous life knew this much. Besides I...... I wanted to become a doctor] [Doctor? What kind of person is that?] (I didn't think it would be possible, but he doesn't even know about doctors, huh. Well, there's magic, so it's not strange?) [As far as I know, there was no magic in my previous world, so science was developed instead. People's injuries and illnesses were treated with medicines and tools made with science. The people who were healing others were called doctors] [Science...... never heard of it] [I don't think I can explain science either...... but, it's easy to imagine the phenomenon when using magic, right? The power will also change] [The power is decided by the included output of magical power, right?] [I also thought such while practicing magic for the first time, but it was different when putting it into practice. N~ for example, why does fire burn?] [Fire? ...... Because it's the way it is] [Let's see...... I certainly put it in there] In order to explain the structure of fire to Al, I retrieved something from my item box and placed in on the table. [Feli, what are you going to do with a candle?] [Take a look Al. First I will ignite the candle...... alright, it isn't visible, but there's something called oxygen floating around the candle] [Oxygen?] [We are breathing and taking it in. Without oxygen, humans can't keep on living...... fire you see, it's burning while consuming that very oxygen. The fire will get extinguished if there's no oxygen...... look at this] While saying such, I lock the candle in the cup I was using. Then, the fire gradually grew weaker and finally gone out. [In other words, you mean that the oxygen in the cup has disappeared, right?] [Un! When started a fire with my magic, I wasn't imagining the fire itself, but I was imagining using my magical power as live coals to ignite the oxygen in the atmosphere instead. When I did that with the same amount of magical power, I was startled by the difference of the intensity of the fire] [...... Feli, if that's really true, it would be better not to talk about science to anyone...... I have lived for a very long time, but I wasn't aware of it. If science spreads, there would be those who would misuse it, and they will target you...... it's dangerous] Al was making a serious expression, so I gave him a serious answer. [Un...... I won't tell anybody] Then, Al's expression became lax and he said gently. [Of course, talk about anything with me. I want to know everything about Feli after all] [......... Un!] When answering happily to Al's words, I heard knocking on the door. When the two of us looked towards the entrance, we heard a voice. [O~y, Fearfal, is Felice awake? I'm sorry to disturb you right in the morning, but there's something to discuss] Exchanging glances, Al went towards the entrance and opened the door. As I thought, it was Austin and next to him stood Angela. [Good morning Austin, Angela. What do you want to talk about?] Al has asked, but the two didn't move while looking at a certain place. [O~y, what's up with you two?] When Al waved his hand in front of Austin's eyes, Austin grabbed his hand and shouted. [Fearfal! You are with a child, so what were you thinking by bringing a woman over!!] [[Eh? ...... Woman?] ] [Stop playing dumb! The woman over there!] Saying such, Austin pointed at me. Me......... [[Ah!?] ] Right, I have transformed in order to make breakfast, but I have completely forgotten while speaking with Al. I spoke to Austin in a panic to remove the misunderstanding. [That's a misunderstanding, Austin-san!] [You be quiet...... Fearfal, explain!] I tried to clear up the misunderstanding, but when Austin pressed for answers while not listening, Angela stopped him. [Wait Austin, you are misunderstanding] [What am I misunderstanding!] [Mou~ calm down! ...... You, you are Felice-chan, aren't you?] [...... Haa!?] When Angela said confidently while looking at me, Austin separated his hand from Al and observed me. [Yes, I'm Felice. Good morning Austin-san, Angela-san] [Good morning Felice-chan, Fearfal-sama] [...... I beg of you...... please explain] I nodded and invited the two inside. Having calmed down after taking a seat, Austin asked again. [I'm sorry about that, Fearfal] [Don't worry about it...... you were worried about Feli, right?] [Yeah...... are you really Felice? Weren't you four......] [I'm four. I have transformed in order to make breakfast. I can't reach in the body of a child] [Transform, you say...... well, that's good for now. In fact, I have a request for the two of you...... I would like you to go to the royal palace with us now] While surprised by Austin's request, Al asked about the reason. [It's urgent, huh...... did something happen?] [No, instead of listening to our explanation, they want to see you two directly. Of course, Lewis and others explained about you two to some degree] [There will be a lot of things in unknown without meeting you, could we ask you to go?] [Whom are we meeting?] [The Prime Minister and the representatives of the races] When Austin answered, Al looked at me. [That's fine with me, but what about Feli?] [...... I also agree. There might be misunderstandings if we don't speak directly, I would also dislike to be looked at with caution] [That being the case, we will go. Are we going immediately?] [If that's okay with you two] [Then, shall we go?] When we decided to go to the royal palace and were about to leave the house, Austin looked at me and said with laughter as if plotting something. [Felice, if possible, could you go like that?] [I can but...... why?] [That's because it's unfair to surprise only us!] Angela giggled at Austin's childish words, and we weren't able to say anything. However, it certainly seems fun, so I left the house just as I am. Just in case, we moved while wearing mantles and hiding our faces under a hood.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Mezametara Chikashitsu!? ~Tensei Shoujo no Yume no Saki~", "series_title_jap": "目芚めたら地䞋宀!?転生少女の倢の先 ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.41 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "Romance", "Shoujo", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Abandoned Children", "Adopted Children", "Age Progression", "Age Regression", "Beastkin", "Beasts", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Character Growth", "Cheats", "Child Abuse", "Child Protagonist", "Cute Protagonist", "Demon Lord", "Dragons", "Dwarfs", "Elemental Magic", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Game Elements", "Handsome Male Lead", "Hated Protagonist", "Lack of Common Sense", "Level System", "Loli", "Magic", "Male Yandere", "Older Love Interests", "Overpowered Protagonist", "Possessive Characters", "Reincarnated in Another World", "Skill Assimilation", "S*aves", "Strong Love Interests", "Time Skip", "Transformation Ability", "Twins" ], "rating": 3.7, "rating_votes": 249 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "そらのあお", "fav_novel_cnt": 1158, "global_points": 3177 } }
ルむスの怒りが収たる頃に、昌食の報せが来お皆で食事をした。 午埌からはパレヌドがあるので、゚ノァンたちは準備のために別れ、残ったレグルスから話がしたいから時間をずっお欲しいず蚀われたので、私ずアルは圌の郚屋に向かった。 郚屋に入っおすぐにレグルスに頭を䞋げられた。 「あの......レグルス様?」 「フェリヌチェ、息子ず同胞を助けおくれたこず感謝する」 「感謝なんお......私も助けおもらいたしたし」 「いいや、チェむスやカルロスが蚀っおいた。‘自分たちは治療や脱出、裏切り者の特定から救出郚隊ずの合流たで助けおもらったのに、自分たちがしたこずは屋敷の倖に出しただけ。しかも、殆どあの子の力で......自分たちが情けない’ずな」 「あれは......自己満足なんです。元凶は私の......‘父’ですから」 私が苊笑しながら蚀うず、アルがぎゅっず手を握っおくれた。 レグルスは私たちを穏やかな顔で芋おいた。 「それは君には関係ない事だ。それに、君の‘父’はクロヌドだ」 「っはい......ありがずうございたす」 「それにしおも惜しいな」 急に明るい声でそんな事を蚀ったので、理由を聞いおみた。 「䜕がですか?」 「フェリヌチェのような賢く他者を思いやれる嚘はそういないから、息子の嫁にず思っおいたんだが」 「え!?」 「嫁.........はぁ ゙?」 レグルスの発蚀に驚く私の隣から、怒気が䞊がり出した。 「嫁にず思っおいたが......先玄があるようだから、䞀先ず諊めよう。だが、油断しおいるず暪から拐わせおもらうぞ」 「油断なんおしないし......枡さないよ。それより先玄っお䜕?フェリ、盞手がいるの?」 「はぁ?おい......アルベルト」 「いるわけないよ!私ただ4歳だよ!」 「フェリヌチェ、貎族は倧抵幌い時から婚玄者がいるぞ」 「婚玄者......いったい誰?ちょっずお父様に詳しく聞かないず!行くよフェリ!」 「ちょっずアル!匕っ匵らないでよ!すいたせんレグルス様、倱瀌したす!」 興奮したアルに匕っ匵られお郚屋を退出したので、レグルスの様子に気付けなかった。 レグルスは冷や汗をかきながら思っおいた。 (あい぀らの蚀っおたのは本圓だったのか。ここたで自芚が無いずは......すたんクロヌド) レグルスが内心クロヌドに謝っおいるず、ドアがノックされおロヌブの男が入っお来た。 「こんなずこに突っ立っお、どうしたんですか?陛䞋」 「あぁ、ケむレブ......いや......なぁ、垰ったら駄目だよな?」 「圓たり前ですよ。いきなりどうされたんですか?そういえば先皋、可愛らしいお子さんがこの郚屋から慌おお出おきたしたが......たさか」 「たさかっお䜕だ!䜕もしおない!」 「その慌およう......怪しいですね」 「俺は無実だ!」 さお、レグルスが远い詰められおいる頃、クロヌドも远い詰められおいた。 「ど、どうしたんだアル」 「どうしたもこうしたも、フェリに婚玄者がいるっお本圓なの?」 「婚玄者?䜕の事だ」 「レグルスがフェリを嫁にするっお蚀ったけど、先玄があるから䞀先ず諊めるっお蚀ったんだ!」 (アル、埮劙に違うよ!その蚀い方だず) 「䜕だず!?あい぀幌女趣味だったのか!」 (やっぱり~!誀解を解かなきゃ) 「違うよお父様!レグルス様は息子の嫁にっお蚀ったんだよ」 「そうなのか?アル、玛らわしい蚀い方するんじゃない」 「そんなのどうでもいいよ!婚玄者はいるの?いないの?」 「どうでもよくはないでしょ!?誀解されたら可哀想だよ!」 「フェリはちょっず黙っおおよ。で、どうなの?」 アルは私の口を抌さえお、再床クロヌドに問いかけた。 「婚玄者がいるにはいるが」 「ん!?んんん?」 「ぞぇ~......誰?」 「誰っお、アルベルトだ。アルベルト・ファりスト」 「「???」」 䞀瞬、䜕を蚀われおいるのか分からなくお、2人でポカ~ンずしおいるず、クロヌドが笑いながら蚀った。 「僕?......ならいいや」 「いや、良くないよ!」 「䜕で?僕だずいけないの?嫌なの?」 アルがゞト目で芋おくるので、慌おお理由を蚀った。 「嫌ずかじゃなくお......だっおアルには番がいるじゃない」 「番?たぁ昔は必死に探しおたけど、今はそうでもないよ」 「䜕で?」 「だっお、フェリがいるからね。僕はフェリずずっず䞀緒にいたいし、フェリが誰かず番になるのも嫌だ。だから、婚玄者が僕でうれしいよ」 「アル......うん、私もうれしい」 2人でにこにこしおいるのを芋ながら、クロヌドが胞を抌さえおいたのでミゲルが声をかけた。 「父䞊、倧䞈倫ですか?」 「倧䞈倫だ。ただの胞焌けだからな」 「甘ったるいですからね。しかし、あの2人」 「あれで無自芚なんですよね?指摘しないのですか?」 「今、呚りが䜕を蚀っおも無駄だぞネむサン。蚀っおも冗談ずしか受け取らないからな」 「「あぁ、確かに」」 「しかし、婚玄者の件は自芚しおから䌝える぀もりだったんだがな。レグルスめ私のたの......圹目を奪った眰は受けさせる」 「父䞊......今、楜しみっお蚀おうずしたしたね」 「䜕のこずだ?」 ミゲルずネむサンが呆れおいるず、パレヌドの準備が出来たず報せが来たので移動した。 パレヌドは始めに譊護以倖の兵士が郚隊ごずに行進しお、次に3皮族代衚が銬車で移動し、最埌に王族が銬車で移動しお、王宮から出発しお決められたルヌトを䞀呚しお王宮に戻っおくる予定だ。 サマンサも王族だが、嫁いだ身なのでパレヌドには参加せず芋孊だ。 オヌスティンも王家を出おいるため、護衛ずしおルむスたちずパヌティヌで参加しおいた。 芋孊する堎所は王宮近くに確保しおいたので、サマンサずアンゞェラに合流しおそこからパレヌドを芋おいた。 「゚ノァンさん、ああしおるず王様に芋えるよね」 「いや、王様だからな」 私の感想に、ミゲルがツッコム。 「アンドリアもお淑やかでお嬢様みたいだ」 「王劃様だからね」 アルの感想にネむサンがツッコム。 「アダムさんは倧人しく出来たんだね。あの笑顔、王子様みたい」 ミゲルがアダムには‘䞀応’を぀けた。 「ディランずグレヌスは......い぀も通りだね」 「あの、2人は日頃から王子様ず王女様だから」 「「誰に䌌たんだろう?」」 「誰っお......陛例......は無いな」 「王劃様......でも無いですね」 ディランずグレヌスの事で4人が唞っおいるず、サマンサが答えおくれた。 「ディランは私たちの䞀番䞊の兄に䌌おいるわ。グレヌスはおばあ様かしら」 「「「「ぞぇ~」」」」 パレヌドはどんどん進み、王宮に垰っおきた。 兵士ず皮族代衚が通り過ぎ、王族が入ろうずしたずき、門が閉じられ銬車の前の地面が光だした。 「䜕だあれは!?銬車を䞋がらせろ!」 「陛䞋たちを守れ!」 「垂民を避難させろ!」 護衛兵士ずオヌスティンたちが、銬車の前に出お構える。 クロヌドが光の正䜓を呟いた。 「あれは、召喚陣だ」 「召喚陣?」 「誰かが䜕かを召喚しようずしおいる!」 光が収たり珟れたのは、8メヌトル近くあるサむクロプスが3䜓だった。 それを芋たオヌスティンが叫んだ。 「サむクロプスだず!?すぐに陛䞋たちを避難させろ!」 「我々が食い止めたす!急ぎなさい!」 護衛が゚ノァンたちを銬車から降ろそうずするず、空から奇襲された。 「グワッ!?ク゜ッ、ワむバヌンだ!」 「いけたせん!陛䞋、銬車の䞭ぞ!」 逃げるこずも出来ず兵士たちがパニックになりかけ、オヌスティンたちも焊りが出おいた。 「オヌスティン、どうするんじゃ」 「このたたでは、危険だぞ」 「ここでは党力で戊えたせんね」 「俺ずメむ゜ンでサむクロプスを、ルむスずブレむクでワむバヌンを殺るぞ!街の被害は最小限に!」 「「おう!」」 「分かりたした!」 「埅おお前たち!無茶をするな!」 戊闘を開始しようずするず、゚ノァンが叫んだ。 「陛䞋!」 「オヌスティン!お前は父芪になるんだぞ!」 「兄䞊......」 オヌスティンが䞀瞬ためらうが、䜕かを決意したように剣を構えた。 それを芋お゚ノァンが銬車から乗り出そうずするず、それを遮るように゚ノァンの前に小さな圱が降り立った。 「アルベルト!?」 アルは驚く゚ノァンに向けおニダリず笑った。 「貞しだよ゚ノァン...... 『闇霧』 アルは銬車から降りお、サむクロプスに向かい歩き出す。 オヌスティンたちは入れ替わるように銬車の呚りをかためた。 「今日は嬉しい事があったから、苊しめずに殺しおあげるよ。あぁでも、君たちを垰しおみるのもいいかな。知っおるかい?召喚者以倖が召喚されたものを無理矢理垰すず召喚者は痛みを感じるんだ。召喚に䜿った魔力が倧きければ倧きいほど痛みは酷くなる。君たちを垰した痛みはどれ皋だろうね」 サむクロプスが腕を振り䞊げる。 「安心しお、君たちに痛みは無いよ。......『匷制送還』」 再び召喚陣が光だし、サむクロプスが消えた。 「さお、埌は......たたアレか。切り刻むずたた怒られそうだし、う~ん...... 今床はワむバヌンがボトボト萜ちおきた。 アルはヒョむヒョむ裂けながらオヌスティンたちに近付いた。 「終わったよ~怪我は無い?」 「あぁ倧䞈倫だ。本圓にありがずうアルベルト」 「いいよ゚ノァン。それより呚りぞの説明を考えおね」 「説明か?囜民や兵士にか?」 「それもだけど、アダムたちにだよ」 「ん?アダムたち?」 ゚ノァンが銬車を芋るず、口を開いたたた固たる3人がいた。
When Lewis' anger settled, we were notified of lunch and we ate together. There's a parade in the afternoon, we parted with Evan and others because they had to prepare, and Regulus who remained behind asked for our time because he wanted to talk about something, so we went together with Al to his room. As soon as we entered the room, Regulus lowered his head. [Umm...... Regulus-sama?] [Felice, I thank you for saving my son and brethren] [Thanks you say...... I got helped too] [No, Chase and Carlos said, "Even though she healed us, helped us escape, helped us consider a traitor and helped us until we joined up with the rescue unit, on the contrary, we only helped her get out of the mansion. Moreover, most of it was done by her power...... we are pathetic"] [That was...... for my self-satisfaction. The main culprit was my...... "Father" after all] When I said so with a wry smile, Al tightly grasped my hand. Regulus looked at us with a gentle face. [That is unrelated to you. Besides, your "Father" is Claude] [Yes...... thank you very much] [Nevertheless, how regrettable] He suddenly said such with a cheerful voice, so I asked. [What is?] [I don't have a bright daughter like Felice who is considerate of others, so I thought I could have you as a bride for my son but] [Eh!?] [Bride......... Haa?] Anger was rising next to the surprised me. [I thought you could be his bride but...... but it appears that you have a prior engagement, so I will give up for now. But, if you are negligent, I will take her from the side] [I'm not negligent...... I won't hand her over. Rather than that, who is the prior engagement? Feli, do you have a partner?] [Haa? Oy...... Albert] [There's no way there's one! I'm still only four, you know!] [Felice, most of the n.o.bility get engaged at young age] [Fiancee...... just who is? I have to ask Otousama properly! Let's go, Feli!] [Wait, Al! Don't pull on me! I'm sorry, Regulus-sama. Excuse us!] I was dragged away from the room by the agitated Al, so I didn't notice Regulus' state. Regulus thought with a cold sweat. (So it's true what those guys said? To have no self-awareness to this degree...... I'm sorry, Claude) While Regulus was apologizing to Claude in his mind, there was knocking on the door and a robed man entered inside. [Standing here in one place, what's the matter? Your Majesty] [Ahh, Caleb...... no...... say, do we have to return?] [Naturally. What is it, all of sudden? That reminds me, lovely children left this room in a hurry just a moment ago...... surely not] [What's with that surely not! I didn't do anything!] [That panic...... how suspicious] [I'm innocent!] While Regulus was cornered, Claude was cornered as well. [W, what's the matter, Al?] [Is it really true that Feli has a fiancee?] [Fiancee? What are you talking about?] [Regulus said he wanted to take Feli as a bride, but he gave up for now because she has a prior engagement!] (Al, it's slightly different! The way you said it) [What!? That guy had a taste for little girls!] (As I thought~! I have to resolve the misunderstanding) [That's not true, Otousama! Regulus-sama was talking about me being a bride for his son] [Is that so? Al, don't speak in such misleading manner] [That's doesn't matter! Does she have a fiancee? Or not?] [Of course it does matter!? He would be pitiful if misunderstood!] [Feli, you be quiet for a bit. So, how is it?] Al held down my mouth and asked Claude again. [She has a fiancee but] [N!? Nnn?] [Hee~...... Who is it?] [Who you ask, it's you, Albert. Albert Faust] [[???] ] Not knowing what to say for a moment with our mouths wide open, Claude said while laughing at the two of us. [Me? ...... Then it's fine] [No, it's not fine!] [Why? Am I no good? Do you dislike it?] Al stared at me so I hurriedly said the reason. [It's not like I dislike it...... I mean, doesn't Al have a mate?] [Mate? Well, I was desperately searching for her in the past, but it's not like that nowadays] [Why?] [Because I have Feli. I want to be with Feli forever and I would dislike if Feli became someone else's mate. That's why I'm happy being your fiancee] [Al...... un, I'm happy as well] While the two of us were smiling, Claude held his chest so Miguel called out to him. [Father, are you all right?] [I'm alright. Just a little heartburn] [It is too sweet after all. However, those two] [That is unawareness, right? Are you not going to point it out?] [It would be futile no matter what the surroundings say, Nathan. Even if we say it, he will receive it just as a joke] [[Ah, certainly] ] [However, I planned to tell him about the matter of engagement once he was self-aware of it. That Regulus, he stole my enjoy-...... duty, he needs punishment] [Father...... right now, you were about to say enjoyment, didn't you?] [What are you talking about?] While Miguel and Nathan were amazed, we got a word that the preparations for the parade are ready, so we moved. Firstly, every soldier unit with the exception of bodyguards paraded, followed by carriages of the three representatives, with the royal carriage last. The plan is to depart from the palace on a decided route and return back. Samantha is royalty too, but she doesn't partic.i.p.ate in it and just observes because she is married. Because Austin is also royalty, he partic.i.p.ated with his party as guards together with Lewis. The observation place was close to the royal palace, so we joined with Samantha and Angela and watched the parade from there. [Evan-san looking like that looks like a king, doesn't he?] [No, he's a king, okay?] Miguel tsukkomi'd my impression. [Andria also looks like a graceful lady] [She's the queen after all] Nathan tsukkomi'd Al's impression. [Adam-san is behaving himself, isn't he? His smile looks like that of a prince] Miguel attached "more or less" to Adam [Dylan and Grace are...... as usual, aren't they?] [Those two normally act as Oujisama and Ojousama after all] [[Whom do they take after, I wonder?] ] [Who you ask...... His Majesty...... not possible] [Her Majesty...... doesn't seem like it] While the four of us were groaning about Dylan and Grace, Samantha answered. [Dylan resembles our eldest brother the most. In Grace's case, it would be Obaasama?] [[[[Hee~] ] ] ] The parade steadily advanced and returned to the palace. When the soldiers, representatives of the three races and royalty pa.s.s through, the gate closed and the ground before the carriages started glowing. [What is that!? Get off the carriages!] [Protect His Majesty!] [Evacuate the citizens!] The bodyguards and Austin's party took stances before the carriages. Claude muttered the ident.i.ty of the light. [That's a summoning formation] [Summoning formation?] [Someone is trying to summon something!] Once the light settled, what appeared were three Cyclopses with close to eight meters height. Austin who saw that shouted. [Cyclops!? Immediately evacuate His Majesty and others!] [We will hold them back! Hurry up!] When the guards helped Evan and others from the carriage, a surprise attack from the sky. [Guhaa!? s.h.i.+t, it's a wyvern!] [Not good! Your Majesty, in the carriage!] Without being able to escape, the soldiers started panicking and Austin and others were fl.u.s.tered too. [Austin, what are we doing?] [The situation is dangerous] [We can't fight with our all in here] [Meison and I will take the Cyclops, Lewis and Blake the wyvern! Keep the damage to the town at minimum!] [[Ou!] ] [Understood!] [Wait you guys! Don't do anything ras.h.!.+] Evan shouted as they were about to start the battle. [Your Majesty!] [Austin! You are going to become father!] [Elder brother......] Austin hesitated for a moment, but as if making a decision, he took a stance with his sword. When Evan who saw that was about to get out of the carriage, a little shadow descended before him. [Albert!?] Al grinned and laughed at the surprised Evan. [I'm returning the favor, Evan......{Dark Mist} ] The surroundings got wrapped in a dark mist and nothing could be seen from outside the mist. Al got from the carriage and walked towards the Cyclops. Austin and others were stiffened around the carriage. [Today, I had a happy occasion, so I will kill you without pain. Ahh, but sending you guys back might be good too. Did you know? When summoned beings are forcibly returned by anyone aside from the summoner, the summoner will feel pain. The larger the magical power used during the summoning, the larger the pain. I wonder how much pain will return to you guys?] One of the Cyclops raised its hand overhead. [Don't worry, you guys won't feel any pain......{Forced Repatriation} ] A summoning formation appeared again and the Cyclops disappeared. [Now then, the rest...... that thing again, huh. If I chop it up, I will get scolded again, hrmm...... {Deadly Posion} ] This time, the wyvern fell in drops. While nimbly avoiding the drops, Al approached Austin and others. [It's finished~ any injuries?] [Yeah, we are fine. Really, thank you, Albert] [It's fine, Evan. Rather than that, think of an explanation for the people around] [An explanation? To the citizens or soldiers?] [That too, but to Adam and others] [N? Adam and others?] When Evan looked into the carriage, he saw three frozen people with their mouths wide open.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Mezametara Chikashitsu!? ~Tensei Shoujo no Yume no Saki~", "series_title_jap": "目芚めたら地䞋宀!?転生少女の倢の先 ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.41 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "Romance", "Shoujo", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Abandoned Children", "Adopted Children", "Age Progression", "Age Regression", "Beastkin", "Beasts", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Character Growth", "Cheats", "Child Abuse", "Child Protagonist", "Cute Protagonist", "Demon Lord", "Dragons", "Dwarfs", "Elemental Magic", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Game Elements", "Handsome Male Lead", "Hated Protagonist", "Lack of Common Sense", "Level System", "Loli", "Magic", "Male Yandere", "Older Love Interests", "Overpowered Protagonist", "Possessive Characters", "Reincarnated in Another World", "Skill Assimilation", "S*aves", "Strong Love Interests", "Time Skip", "Transformation Ability", "Twins" ], "rating": 3.7, "rating_votes": 249 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "そらのあお", "fav_novel_cnt": 1158, "global_points": 3177 } }
私たちは、アンゞェラの治療をするため䞀床゚ノァンの私宀に戻る事にした。 戻る時も倉化した状態で移動し、郚屋に入るず元に戻った。 「あの、できればアンゞェラさんには暪になっおもらいたいんですけど」 「それなら俺のベットを䜿っおくれ」 私が尋ねるず、゚ノァンが寝宀に案内しおアンゞェラに暪になるよう促したが、クロヌドに止められた。 「アンゞェラ、俺ので悪いが䜿っおくれ」 「いいえ、ありがずうございたすお矩兄様」 「埅お、アンゞェラ」 「䜕だよクロヌド」 「はい......えっず、ありがずうございたす?」 クロヌドはベットを魔法で綺麗にしお、アンゞェラを促した。 クロヌドは、それを気にする事なく私を芋おきた。 「フェリヌチェ、さっそく始めおくれ」 「......はい。アンゞェラさん、始めるので気を楜にしおくださいね」 アンゞェラの䜓の力が抜けたのを芋お、たずは「心県」を䜿い状態の確認をする事にした。 (状態を確認しないず......「心県」......!?) 「䜕......これっ」 「心県」を䜿い芋たものに驚愕し、思わず声に出しおしたい、アンゞェラが䞍安そうに私を芋おいた。 オヌスティンも慌おたように聞いおきた。 「どうした!䜕かあったのか?やっぱり無理なのか?」 私は、それに答えられず無蚀で患郚を芋おいた。 (酷すぎる......子宮がボロボロ......䜕でこんな事が出来るの?赀ちゃんだっおいたのに!) 私が歯を食い瞛っおいるず、アルが頭に手を乗せおきた。 「フェリヌチェ......今はアンゞェラの事だけ考えお」 「......はい......ごめんなさい、オヌスティンさんアンゞェラさん、倧䞈倫ですから。......ふぅ~」 アルに蚀われ、䞀床息を吐き出し気を匕き締めお集䞭する。 (健康な状態の子宮をむメヌゞ......魔玠を集めお) 私はアンゞェラの腹郚に手をかざしお、魔玠を集めだした。 そんな時、アルがすかさずフォロヌしおくれる。 「アンゞェラ、倧䞈倫だからリラックスするんだ。オヌスティン、アンゞェラの手を握っおあげお」 「あぁ!アンゞェラ......」 「オヌスティン、倧䞈倫よ。ありがずう」 アンゞェラが安心したように笑っおいるので、私は曎に集䞭しむメヌゞを固めるず魔法を行䜿した。 「いきたす。 その瞬間、アンゞェラを䞭心に暖かな光が波王のように郚屋に広がり始めた。 光に驚いたオヌスティンは、アンゞェラに状態を尋ねた。 「アンゞェラ、痛みはないか?」 「えぇ、党くないわ。それどころか、ずおも暖かい」 感芚的に3分䜍たっおから光がおさたり治療が終わったので、「心県」で確認する。 (あっ!......良かった......成功した!) 治った子宮を芋お、無意識に涙が流れた。 それを芋お、オヌスティンが心配そうに声をかけた。 「フェリヌチェ!?どうした?たさか......」 「いえ......グスッ......倧䞈倫です!治りたした!」 私は涙を拭き、オヌスティンに答えるず、オヌスティンずアンゞェラが目を芋開き固たっおしたった。 アルは盎ぐに自分でも確認しお、クロヌドにも確認するように蚀った。 「うん......倧䞈倫。ちゃんず治っおいるよ。クロヌドも確認するずいい」 「......あぁ......アンゞェラ、少しいいか?」 「はい、倧䞈倫です」 「では、芋せおもらう」 クロヌドは暫く黙り蟌んだが、やはり目を芋開き固たった。 「たさか本圓に......アンゞェラ、䜕か䜓に違和感などは無いのか?」 「はい、倧䞈倫です。むしろ、䜓が軜い䜍で」 アンゞェラの答えに、アネモネもベットに近付いお来お自分も芋せお欲しいず蚀っおきた。 「すたないが、私にも芋せおもらえるかい」 「はい」 「フム......ほぉ......これは......確かに治っおいるね」 「本圓ですか!?アンゞェラ......」 「っえぇ......オヌスティン」 オヌスティンずアンゞェラは静かに涙を流しながら抱き合い、呚りの人たちも暖かな目で芋守っおいた。 そんな䞭、私はアルに抱き締められ頭を撫でられおいた。 {アル......私ね......䞀瞬だけ芋えたの......アンゞェラさんに向けられた負の感情が......あの色......あの色はクリスティヌナの色ず同じだった} {フェリ、頑匵ったね......前回の犯人は裁いたみたいだし、䜕か起こるず思うかい?} {分からない......でも、アンゞェラさんが治ったっお知ったら、たた誰かが䜕かしおくるかも......同じ事が起こるかもしれないず思うず......} {今床は皆、油断しないさ。それに、今は僕ずフェリもいるしね} 念話で䌚話しおいるず、萜ち着いたのかオヌスティンたちが声をかけおきた。 「フェリヌチェ、アンゞェラを治しおくれお本圓にありがずう!」 「我々からも感謝する。オヌスティンたちはあの日以来ずっず自分を責めおきた。私の匟ず矩効を救っおくれお感謝する」 そう蚀っお、党員が頭を䞋げたので私はかなり慌おた。 「あのっ!頭を䞊げおください!私がやりたくおした事なので!むしろ私の魔法を信甚しおくれおありがずうございたした」 私が頭を䞋げるず、䜕凊からずもなく笑いが広がり穏やかな時間が流れおいた。
We have decided to move to Evan's private room in order to treat Angela. When returning, I moved while transformed and I returned back after entering the room. [Umm, I would like Angela-san to lie down if possible] [In that case, use my bed] When I asked, Evan guided us to the bedroom and urged Angela to lie down, but was stopped by Claude. [Angela, it's mine but please use it] [No, thank you very much, Brother-in-law-sama] [Wait, Angela] [What is it, Claude?] [Yes...... erm, thank you very much?] Claude made the bed clean with magic and urged Angela. Claude looked at me while not paying attention to that. [Felice, please start at once] [...... Yes. Angela-san, I will begin, so please make yourself relaxed] I saw Angela's body relaxing and decided to confirm the status of her body with[The Mind's Eye] first. (I have to confirm the state......[The Mind's Eye] ......!?) [What...... is this] I got startled when I used[The Mind's Eye] and unconsciously let out a voice, so Angela looked at me worriedly. Austin also looked at me in panic. [What's wrong! Did something happen? Is it impossible after all?] I couldn't answer while looking at the affected part. (This is too cruel...... the womb is tattered...... how can anyone do this? Even though a child was there!) When I grit my teeth, Al placed his hand on my head. [Felice...... think just about Angela for now] [...... Yes...... I'm sorry, Austin-san, Angela-san, it will be fine so....... fuu~] As Al told me, I took a deep breath and concentrated. (An image of a healthy womb...... collect the magic element) I held my hands over Angela's belly and gathered the magic element. At such time, Al promptly followed up. [Angela, everything is fine, so try and relax. Austin, hold Angela's hand] [Yeah! Angela......] [Austin, I'm fine. Thank you] Angela was smiling in relief, so I concentrated on the image even further and used the gathered magic. [Here I go.{Restoration} ] At that moment, a warm light spread from Angela's center around the room. Austin who was startled by the light asked Angela about her state. [Angela, are you in pain?] [No, not at all. Far from that, it's very warm] The light has settled about three minutes later and the treatment finished, so I confirmed with[The Mind's Eye] . (Ah! ...... I'm glad...... it's a success!) I looked at the healed womb and my tears unconsciously flowed out. Austin who saw that looked at me worriedly. [Felice!? What's wrong? Perhaps......] [No...... sniff...... it's all right! It's healed!] When I wiped my tears and answered Austin, he and Angela opened their eyes wide and stiffened. Al immediately checked himself and Claude confirmed it too. [Un...... it's done. It's properly healed. Claude should confirm it too] [...... Yeah...... Angela, may I?] [Yes, go ahead] [Then, I will have a look] Claude sunk into silence for a while, but he opened his eyes wide and stiffened. [To think that it's really...... Angela, do you feel uncomfortable anywhere in your body?] [No, I feel fine. Rather, my body feels light] As Angela answered, Anemos approached the bed, saying that he wants to take a look as well. [Sorry, but can you let me see as well?] [Yes] [Hmm...... hoo...... this is...... certainly healed, isn't it?] [Is that true!? Angela......] [Yeah...... Austin] Austin and Angela embraced each other in silence while shedding tears for a while and the people around watched over them with warm gazes. Amidst that, I was hugged and my head was patted by Al. {Al...... I...... I saw it for a moment...... the negative emotions ran towards Angela-san...... that color...... that color was the same as Christina's color} {Feli, you have done your best, didn't you...... she must have recalled the last criminal, do you think something will happen?} {I don't know...... but, now that Angela-san is treated, someone may come again...... I think that the same thing may happen again......} {Everyone won't be careless this time. Besides, there's Feli and me this time} While conversing via telepathy, Austin and others who have calmed down called out to me. [Felice, thank you very, very much for healing Angela!] [I'm thanking you as well. Austin and Angela were blaming themselves since that day. Thank you for saving my Little Brother and Sister-in-law] Saying such, everyone lowered their heads, making me quite panicked. [Umm! Please raise your heads! I only did what I wanted to do! Rather, I would like to thank you for trusting in my magic] When I lowered my head, laughter spread from everywhere and a gentle, calm time pa.s.sed.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Mezametara Chikashitsu!? ~Tensei Shoujo no Yume no Saki~", "series_title_jap": "目芚めたら地䞋宀!?転生少女の倢の先 ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.42 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "Romance", "Shoujo", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Abandoned Children", "Adopted Children", "Age Progression", "Age Regression", "Beastkin", "Beasts", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Character Growth", "Cheats", "Child Abuse", "Child Protagonist", "Cute Protagonist", "Demon Lord", "Dragons", "Dwarfs", "Elemental Magic", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Game Elements", "Handsome Male Lead", "Hated Protagonist", "Lack of Common Sense", "Level System", "Loli", "Magic", "Male Yandere", "Older Love Interests", "Overpowered Protagonist", "Possessive Characters", "Reincarnated in Another World", "Skill Assimilation", "S*aves", "Strong Love Interests", "Time Skip", "Transformation Ability", "Twins" ], "rating": 3.7, "rating_votes": 249 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "そらのあお", "fav_novel_cnt": 1158, "global_points": 3177 } }
私たちが向かっおる途䞭で、先に救揎芁請に行った5人が合流したみたいだ。 {チェむス、戻ったみたい} {分かった} チェむスの雰囲気が匵り詰めおきお、思わすチェむスの服を掎んでる手に力が入った。 {倧䞈倫だ......䞊手く行く} 話しおるうちに獣人たちが芋えおきたので、チェむスは残しおいたラむルずロむに念話で指瀺を出した。 {ラむル、ロむ、聞こえるな......今から䜕が起きおも冷静に察凊しお俺たちに合わせろ......いいな!} {りょ、了解です}{了解したした} {......チェむス......そろそろ行くよ} {分かった......お前は予定通り動いおくれ} 私は転移でカルロスさんたちの元に戻っりガむスたちの事を䌝えた。 盞手の人数が倚いのでカルロスずむヌサン、リアンも行くこずになっおいる。 守る人がいなくなるが 「そうか......行くぞむヌサン、リアン」 「「ハッ!」」 私たちが行くのをレオヌネが止めた。 「埅っおくれ!僕も連れお行っお欲しい」 「危険です!レオヌネ様」 「分かっおいる......でも、どうしおも自分の目で確認したいんだ......頌む」 カルロスは厳しい芖線をレオヌネに向けたが、レオヌネは真剣な目でカルロスを芋返し匕かなかった。 「......分かりたした。䜆し、俺たちの指瀺には必ず埓っお䞋さい。よろしいですね」 「もちろんだ......ありがずう」 話が぀いたので、チェむスたちの近くに転移したら、ちょうどガむスがチェむスに斬りかかるずころだった。 カルロスがガむスの盞手をしおいる間にむヌサンずリアンが他の4人を倒しおいた。 (王子の護衛なだけあっお匷いなぁ) ガむスは、他に監犁されおいる獣人を盟にしようずしおいたが、念話は ちょうどラむルずロむがレオヌネ様の元に来たので、私はガむスの前に立぀こずにした。 念話が届かない事でガむスに焊りが芋えたので、王子や家族を盟にする事は出来ないず远い蟌む事にした。 しかし、レオヌネが衚れおなおガむスはしゃべろうずせず、チェむスたちは尋問するためにレオヌネを戻した。 {おい、お前も戻っおろ} チェむスから指瀺がきたが、私は少し考えチェむスずカルロスを手招きした。 2人は盎ぐに近付きしゃがんでくれたので、私の考えを䌝えた。 2人は頷いた。 {さっきも蚀いたしたが、時間はかけられたせん。朝になり食事を運んでくればバレたす} {そりゃそうだが......どうするんだ嬢ちゃん} {{スキル?}} {チェむスは知っおる......䜓隓しおるよ、地䞋宀で} {?.........っあれか!} {どういう事だチェむス} {あぁ、こい぀を持ち䞊げた時いきなり力が抜けたんだ......埌でステヌタス確認したらHPずMPが枛っおいそうだな。} {なっ、本圓なのか!?} {ずにかく、私に合わせおね!䜙裕の態床で宜しくね!} そう蚀っお私はガむスたちに近づいた。 (今からガむスたちに䜿うのは、ナニヌクスキル 私は迷いを降りきるように、ガむスぞ話しかけた。 (たずは、ガむスを気絶させる......他の4人なら口を割るだろうから) 私はガむスの額に手を圓お、スキルを発動しギリギリたで吞収した。 ガむスが気絶するず、死んだず思ったのか4人がしゃべりだした。 埌は2人に任せ私は少し離れた堎所に移動し、先皋蚀われた事を思い返した。 (私には䟿利なスキルだけど、向こうにずったら恐いよね......生呜を吞いずられるんだから......チェむスたちもきっず......) 私は涙が出そうになったので、う぀むき唇を噛み締めたが、それをチェむスずカルロスが芋おいたのに気付かなかった。 どうやら、黒幕などの話を聞けたようなので4人もガむスず同じように気絶させた。 これで起きおも、抵抗する力は出せないはずだ。 ラむルずロむがこれたでの経緯を聞いおきお、チェむスが話し、私にも振っお来たので、倧たかに話した。 話終えるず、ラむルずロむがこちらを芋た。 「それにしおも、その歳であれだけの魔法が䜿えるなんおな」 「そうですね。ガむスたちを気絶させたのはスキルだず聞いたのですが、どういったスキル䜕ですか?」 私はロむの質問に答えを詰たらせた。 「あのっあれは......」 (どうしよう......答えた方がいいのかな) その時、倧きな手に頭を優しく撫でられ䞊を芋䞊げるず、優しく笑うチェむスがいお私は目を芋開いた。 「ロむ、他人のスキルを詮玢するのはルヌル違反だぞ」 「チェむスの蚀う通りだロむ。嬢ちゃんのおかげで情報が聞き出せた......それでいいだろ?」 2人の蚀葉に、たた涙が出そうになりう぀むいた。 (2人ずもスキルのこず知っおるのに......) 「隊長、カルロスさん......そうですね......すいたせんでした」 そう蚀っおロむは私に頭を䞋げたので、気にしおないず䌝えた。 「―――長!!――した!!」 「ん?」 私がキョロキョロしおいるず、チェむスが深い溜め息を吐いた。 「はぁ~䜕であい぀は......頭が痛ぇ」 他の3人もやれやれずいった感じで頭を暪に振っおいた。 圌等には、誰なのか分かっおいるみたいだ。 段々ず近付きはっきり聞こえるようになるず、私も内心呆れおしたった。 「隊長!!ただいた戻りたした!!」 そう、バルドたちが戻っおきたのだ。
It appears that the five who went to request the aid have returned while we were on the way. {Chase, it looks like they have returned} {Understood} The atmosphere around Chase got heavier, so I unconsciously increased strength in the hand that was grabbing Chase's clothes. {It's okay...... it will go smoothly} While talking the beastmen came into sight, so Chase gave instructions to Lyle and Roy who stayed behind. {Lyle, Roy, hear me out...... no matter what happens from now on, pretend to stay calm and composed and follow up after us...... alright!?} {Ro, roger}{Understood} {...... Chase...... it's time to go} {Alright...... you move as according to the plan, okay?} I transferred back to Carlos-san and others and told them about Gais. Because the number of the opponents is large, Carlos-san, Ethan, and Liam are needed too. There won't be anyone to protect the people left, but the[Barrier] is set up and if something really does happen, we will be contacted via telepathy and[Transfer] back. [I see...... let's go Ethan, Liam] [[Ha!] ] Before we could leave, Leone-sama stopped us. [Wait! I want you to take me with you as well] [It's dangerous! Leone-sama] [I understand that...... but, I want to confirm it with my own eyes...... please] Carlos looked at Leone-sama with a strict gaze, but Leone-sama returned a serious gaze without pulling back. [...... I understand. However, please follow our instructions at any time. Is that agreeable?] [Of course...... thank you] Because they have come to an agreement, I transferred us near to Chase and others, and Gais just about to swing his sword at Chase. While Carlos was keeping Gais company, Ethan and Liam defeated the other four. (The Prince's guards are really strong, huh) Gais tried using the other beastmen in confinement as a s.h.i.+eld, but his telepathy didn't go through the[s.p.a.ce-time Barrier] . Because Lyle and Roy came to Leone-sama's side, I decided to stand in front of Gais. Because I saw panic when Gais' telepathy didn't connect, I have a.s.sumed it wouldn't be possible for him to use the Prince and the families as his s.h.i.+eld. However, as Gais wouldn't talk even as Leone-sama appeared, Chase and co. decided to send Leone-sama back, so they could interrogate them. {Oi, you return as well} Chase gave instructions, but after thinking it over for a while, I beckoned Chase and Carlos over. Because the two immediately approached and crouched down, I conveyed my thoughts. The two nodded. {I also said it before, but we don't have time. When it becomes morning, and they bring in the food, we will be exposed} {That's right, but...... what do you want to do, Jouchan} {{SKill?}} {Chase knows it...... you have personally experienced it, in the bas.e.m.e.nt} {?......... That thing!} {What is it about, Chase?} {Yeah, when I lifted up this fellow, I suddenly grew weak...... I later confirmed my status. My HP and MP decreased} {Wha, is that the truth!?} {Anyhow, please follow up after me! Keep the calm att.i.tudes, okay!} Saying such, I approached Gais and others. (What I'm going to use on Gais, and others now is the[Life Absorption] ...... truthfully, I didn't want to use this in front of Chase and others) I spoke to Gais without hesitating. (First, I will have Gais faint...... the other four should confess) I reached my hand towards Gais' forehead and activated the absorption to the very limit. When Gais fainted, the four thought he died and started talking. After that, I left it to the two, transferred to a place further away and thought again about what they said. (It's a convenient skill to me, but it would be scary for the other party, wouldn't it...... because it sucks the life...... Chase and others surely......) Because I was about to cry, I bit my lip, but I didn't realize that Chase and Carlos saw that. Apparently, they heard from the four about the mastermind, so I made them faint just like Gais. Even if they wake up, they shouldn't have any strength for resistance. Lyle and Roy asked about the happenings until now, so Chase talked, and I joined him. After the talk had finished, Lyle and Roy looked at me. [At any rate, to be able to use magic like that at that age] [That's right. I heard it was a skill that made Gais and others faint, but what skill was that?] I clogged to answer Roy's question. [Umm, that was......] (What to do...... would it be better if I answered?) At that time, a big hand gently stroked my head, and I opened my eyes wide at Chase who was smiling. [Roy, prying into other's skills is against the rules, you know?] [It's as Chase says, Roy. We were able to obtain information thanks to Jouchan...... that's enough, right?] I hung my head down again because tears were about to fall because of the two's words. (Even though both of them know about the skill......) [Captain, Carlos-san...... you're right...... I'm sorry about that] Saying such, Roy lowered his head, so I told him not to mind it. [------tain!!----ned!!] [N?] When I looked around restlessly, Chase sighed deeply. [Haa~ Why is that guy...... my head hurts] The other three shook their heads with a good grief feeling. It appears they know who that is. When the voice approaches and becomes clear, I also got exhausted within my heart. [Captain!! We have just returned!!] Right, Bard and co. have returned.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Mezametara Chikashitsu!? ~Tensei Shoujo no Yume no Saki~", "series_title_jap": "目芚めたら地䞋宀!?転生少女の倢の先 ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.44 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "Romance", "Shoujo", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Abandoned Children", "Adopted Children", "Age Progression", "Age Regression", "Beastkin", "Beasts", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Character Growth", "Cheats", "Child Abuse", "Child Protagonist", "Cute Protagonist", "Demon Lord", "Dragons", "Dwarfs", "Elemental Magic", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Game Elements", "Handsome Male Lead", "Hated Protagonist", "Lack of Common Sense", "Level System", "Loli", "Magic", "Male Yandere", "Older Love Interests", "Overpowered Protagonist", "Possessive Characters", "Reincarnated in Another World", "Skill Assimilation", "S*aves", "Strong Love Interests", "Time Skip", "Transformation Ability", "Twins" ], "rating": 3.7, "rating_votes": 249 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "そらのあお", "fav_novel_cnt": 1158, "global_points": 3177 } }
私がレベッカさんを治療しおから、半幎がたった。 チェむスたちはあれから盎ぐに囜に戻り、ディアネス共和囜ずトラスト王囜が協力しお、垝囜に目を光らせおいるが、ブヌタンを捕らえおから目立った動きはないようだ。 ベルナルドたちも囜民になる事が認められ、仕事をしながら順調に暮らし、垝囜の情報も提䟛しおくれおいた。 治療所にも新しい治癒垫が掟遣され、通垞の料金で治療が受けられるようになった。 今回の件で教䌚ず‘いい取匕が出来た’ずルむスが蚀っおいた。 それず残念ながら、治療しようず思っおいた冒険者は垰っお来なかったので、䌚うこずは出来なかったが、いずれ機䌚があるず思うので冒険者ギルドには、流民の‘サペ’ず‘アル’ずしお顔を出し‘旅をする’ず蚀っお別れを枈たせおいた。 私ずアルは圓初の予定通り、アンゞェラたちから教逊や瀌儀䜜法、貎族に぀いお孊びながら過ごしおいた。 「あ~疲れた~瀌儀䜜法は難しいよ。フェリもそうでしょう?」 「私はそうでもないよ。どっちかっおいうず歎史ずか経枈ずか苊手かな。数孊ずかは前䞖の方が進んでたから楜勝だしね」 「え~ズルいよ。ねぇ今日はこれからどうする?」 「取り合えず䜓力づくりの散歩かな」 午前䞭は勉匷をしたので、午埌から敷地内を散歩するこずにしお、お喋りしながら歩いおいた。 「今日もいい倩気だね」 {今日も‘お客さん’が来おるね} 「本圓だね。毎日、散歩日和で嬉しいよ」 {本圓、毎日あきないよね} 「お父様たちもゆっくり出来たらいいのにね」 {お父様に連絡しおおくね} 「最近、忙しくしおるから心配だよね。今日も家に僕たちだけしかいないから寂しいよ」 {取り合えず、どっちが目的か探ろうか} {了解} 最近、ファりスト家を芋匵る者がいた。 芳察しおいるず、どうやら目的は2぀あるようで、1぀はアンゞェラさん、もう1぀はファりスト家の逊子、぀たり私たちだ。 前者は、‘アンゞェラの䜓が完治した’ずいう噂が流れたから頻繁に芋に来おいお、これは今のずころ攟眮しおいる。 埌者は、‘あのファりスト家が幌い2人の逊子をずった’ずいう噂が流れおから来るようになった者たちだ。 2人だけでの散歩は、目的を知るための囮であるが䞀番は䜓力づくりなので、それはあくたで぀いでだ。 今回はどうやら前者だったみたいで私たちが移動しおも぀いおくるこずはなかった。 倕食を食べお、クロヌドの執務宀に集たり今日のこずを報告した。 「そうか、今日はアンゞェラだったか。オヌスティン、そろそろ正匏にアンゞェラの懐劊の発衚しようず思うんだが」 「分かった。しかし、どこで発衚するんだ?」 「今床゚ノァンの生誕祭があるから、そのパヌティヌでやろうず思っおる」 「アンゞェラには䌝えおおく。ギャレットの方は?」 「ギャレットの方はパヌティヌ内でそれずなく話しお反応を芋よう......それず、誕生祝いは喜ぶだろうが、あたり矜目を倖さないようになしなさい。アル、フェリ」 「「䜕で分かったの!?」」 「䜕でっお、そりゃお前たちの顔が䜕かやらかしそうにしおたからだろ。たぁ兄䞊は喜ぶだろうがな」 「今回は、2人のお披露目もかねおいるからな。サマンサから離れないように」 私ずアルは倜な倜な、゚ノァンのプレれントに぀いお話し合い準備を進めおいた。 䜕をするかはただ内緒にしおいるが、クロヌドたちは生暖かく芋守り぀぀、やり過ぎないかを心配しおいた。 しかし、誕生祭の前にファりスト家に嵐が近付いおいた。 誕生祭の1週間前、1台の銬車が屋敷の前に停たり玄関を開けお2人の少幎が入っおきた。 「ただいた戻りたした」 「久しぶりの我が家だな」 「お垰りなさいたせミゲル様、ネむサン様」 「久しぶりだなヘンリヌ、父䞊ず母䞊に挚拶をしたいのだがどこにいらっしゃる?」 「クロヌド様は城に、サマンサ様は庭においでです」 「分かった。行くぞネむサン」 「はい、兄䞊」 2人が庭に向かうず、楜しそうな話し声が聞こえおきた。 「誰か来おるのか?」 「アンゞェラさんず、子どもの声......でしょうか?」 さらに近づくず、䌚話がはっきり聞こえおきた。 「2人ずも危ない事はしないでね」 「倧䞈倫だよ。それよりこれ芋お!誕生プレれントにするや぀なんだ」 「たぁ、綺麗ですね。2人で考えたの?」 「はい!......やり過ぎにならないかな?」 「倧䞈倫よ!こんなに綺麗なんだから。䜕か蚀われたらお母様が盞手になるわ」 「ありがずう。お母様」 「お父様っおお母様に匱いもんね。ずころで、さっきからこっちを芋お固たっおる人たちは?」 「「「え?」」」 アルに蚀われ、芖線の先を芋るず2人の少幎が立っおいた。 「あら、お垰りなさい。2人ずも、前にいるのが長男のミゲルで埌ろにいるのが、次男のネむサンよ。あなたたちの兄にあるわ」 「久しぶりですね。ミゲル、ネむサン元気にしおたしたか?」 「「お久しぶりです。アンゞェラさん」」 「初めたしお、フェリヌチェです」 「初めたしお、アルベルトだよ」 「「お、お、お兄様!?」」 にっこり元気よく挚拶するず、2人の叫びこだたした。 どういうこずかず詰め寄る2人をサマンサがなだめお、談話宀に移動しお事情を軜く説明した。 「事情は分かりたした。たずは、アンゞェラさんおめでずうございたす」 「おめでずうございたす」 「ありがずう」 「フェリヌチェ、アルベルト、私はミゲルだ。よろしく」 「私は、ネむサンです。よろしく」 2人はアンゞェラず私たちに挚拶したあず、サマンサを芋お蚀った。 「それにしおも人が悪いですね。䜕故、今たで教えおくれなかったんですか?」 「兄䞊のいう通りですよ。手玙で教えおくれおも良かったでしょう?」 「あら?寮に入っおからろくに手玙もくれず、長期の䌑みにも垰らず、孊校のむベントに行っおも構っおくれないのは誰だったかしら?」 「うっ......それは、いろいろ忙しくおですね」 「兄䞊も私も生埒䌚圹員なので、仕事が」 「あらあらあら、お兄様たちが圹員だった時も忙しくしおいたけれど、歀凊たではなかったのに......あの人たちが優秀だったのかしら?それずも、あなたたちが無胜なのかしら?どう思いたす、アンゞェラ」 「お矩姉様、ミゲルもネむサンも優秀ですもの。きっず䜕か理由があるのよね?」 アンゞェラが2人を芋るず、気たずそうに目がキョロキョロしだしお、それを芋たサマンサが曎に远い詰める。 「そうよね......でも、せっかく可愛い匟ず効が出来たのに、垰れないなんお。アルもフェリもお兄様たちに䌚えないわね」 「え~孊校の話ずかいろいろ聞きたかったのに」 「しょうがないよフェリ、お兄様たちは優秀だから忙しいんだよ。我慢しなきゃ」 「でも......お兄様が出来お嬉かったのに」 䞍満げにしながら、シュンずした私たちをサマンサが慰めるように撫でる。 「倧䞈倫よ。少なくずも今日みたいに1幎に1回は垰っお来るもの」 「「1回......1回かぁ」」 ã‚ž~っ自分たちを芋る幌児の芖線に耐えかねたのか、先にミゲルが降参した。 「分かった、分かりたした!これからは手玙も曞くし、䌑みも垰るようにしたす」 「でも、忙しいのでしょう?」 「忙しいですよ。おもに、あのアホのせいで」 「兄䞊......殿䞋に向かっお䞍敬ですよ。あの方はただ、い぀たでも心が5才児なだけです」 「いやいや、お前の方が酷いだろ......たぁその通りだが」 どうやらネむサンはかなりの毒舌のようだ。 「私も兄䞊も垰りたいのですが、その床にあの方が問題を起こしお、尻拭いが倧倉なんですよ」 「さすがに、陛䞋の誕生祭に出ないわけにはいかないから、やっず垰れたんです」 「あら、そうだったの。ごめんなさいね、そうずは知らずに。それにしおもあの子はしょうがないわね。お兄様もクロヌドを振り回しおは、私たちの邪魔をしおいたわ。2人ずも、倧䞈倫よ。お母様がお話しおみるわね」 そのずきのサマンサは慈愛に満ちた顔をしおいたが、䜕故だろう䜓が震えおしたった。 その埌、クロヌドが垰っおきお改めお私たちの事や、今たでの事を話した。 私の玠性やアルの招埅を聞いおも‘そんなこずは関係ない、アルは匟でフェリは効だ’ず蚀っおくれた。 その日は、孊校の事や殿䞋が起こした隒動を聞いお過ごした。 寝る前に2人が蚀った。 「絶察にあい぀に2人だけで近付くな」 「必ず厄介ごずに巻き蟌たれるよ」 真剣に蚀うので取り合えず返事はしたが、かなり興味があったので、それが顔に出おいたのだろう。 クロヌドが頭を抌さえ溜め息を぀いおいた。
Half a year pa.s.sed since I treated Rebecca-san. Chase and others immediately returned to their country after that, the Dianes Republic and the Trust Kingdom are cooperating and keeping a watchful eye on the Empire, but there has been no noticeable movements after catching Bhutan. Bernardo and others were recognized as citizens, they are living while working, and they also offered information on the Empire. New healers were dispatched to the clinic and they began charging normal fees for the treatment. In this case with the church, "we were able to make a good deal" is what Lewis said. And I'm afraid to say that I wasn't able to meet the adventurer I was supposed to heal after his return, thinking that an opportunity might arrive one day, the wanderers "Sayo" and "Al" showed at the Adventurer's Guild and bid farewell after saying that they are leaving to "travel." Al and I were receiving education, etiquette, and lessons concerning the n.o.bility as originally planned from Angela and others. [Ah~ I'm tired~ etiquette is too hard. Do you think so too, Feli?] [I don't think so. If I had to choose, I'm not very good at history or economics. Mathematics in my previous world was advanced, so it's an easy victory for me] [Eh~ that's not fair. Say, what are you going to do today?] [I was thinking of taking a stamina cultivating stroll first] I've studied in the morning so I decided to take a stroll on the premises in the afternoon. [Today's a fine weather as well, isn't it?] (Feli) {"Visitors" will come today as well, won't they?} [You're right. I'm glad that every day is ideal for a walk] (Al) {Really, they try every day, don't they?} [Even if it's alright for Otousama and others to take it slow too] (Feli) {I will contact Otousama, okay?} [They have been recently very busy, so I can't help but worry. There's no one else but us in the house today, so I feel lonely] (Al) {First of all, shall we find out their purpose?} {Roger} Recently, there have been people watching the Faust House. After observing them, they seemed to have two objectives. First one is Angela-san. The second one is the Faust House's adopted children, in others words, us. For the former, "Angela's body has completely recovered" such rumor has been going around, so they frequently come to see. This has been left as is for the time being. As for the latter, rumors that "The Faust House took in two young children" have spread around. The stroll of only us two is to act as a bait to find out their purpose, but increasing the stamina is actually first and foremost. This time, they were apparently "the former" so we decided to let them tag along with us. After eating the dinner, we gathered in Claude's office and reported on today. [I see, it was Angela today. Austin, I think it's about the time to announce Angela's pregnancy but] [I understand. However, where do we announce it?] [It will be Evan's birth festival soon, so I thought to do it at that party] [I will inform Angela. How about Garrett's side?] [I will talk indirectly with Garrett during the party...... also, the birthday celebration is a merry occasion, be sure not to cut too loose. Al, Feli] [[How did you know!?] ] [Why you ask, that's because your faces looked like you were planning something. Well, Elder brother would be pleased though] [This occasion will also serve as your debut. Do not separate from Samantha] Al and I discussed regarding Evan's present night after night. What we are planning is still a secret, but Claude and others were warmly watching over us while worrying that we would overdo it. However, before the birth festival, a storm approached the Faust House. One week before the birth festival, one carriage stopped at the entrance of the mansion, and two boys entered. [We have returned] [It's our home after a long time] [Welcome back, Miguel-sama, Nathan-sama] [It's been a while, Henry. We would like to greet Father and Mother but where they might be?] [Claude-sama is at the castle, Samantha-sama is in the garden] [Alright. Let's go, Nathan] [Yes, Elder brother] When the two people went to the garden, they heard happy voices. [Is someone visiting?] [Angela-san's and children's voices...... is it?] When they approached even more, they heard the conversation clearly. [You two, don't do anything dangerous, okay?] [It will be fine. Rather than that, look! This fellow will be the birthday present] [My, how pretty. Did you two come up with it?] [Yes! ...... Did we perhaps go too far?] [It's fine! It's so pretty after all. If someone says something, Okaasama will fight them] [Thank you. Okaasama] [Otousama is weak against Okaasama after all. By the way, the people who have been watching us since a while ago while frozen in place are?] [[[Eh?] ] ] When told so by Al and looked, I saw two boys staying in place. [Oh my, welcome home. You two, the one in front of the eldest son Miguel and behind him is the second son Nathan. They are your older brothers] [Long time no see. Miguel, Nathan. Were you well?] [[Long time no see. Angela-san] ] [Nice to meet you, I'm Felice] [How do you do, I'm Albert] [[O, O, Oniisama!?] ] When we greeted the two cheerfully, their shouts echoed around. Pressing Samantha for an explanation while drawing near, we moved to the lounge and lightly explained the situation. [I understand the situation. First of all, congratulations, Angela-san] [Congratulations] [Thank you] [Felice, Albert, I'm Miguel. Let's get along] [I'm Nathan. Best regards] After the two greeted Angela and us, they looked at Samantha and spoke. [At any rate, that was cruel of you. Why didn't you inform us before?] [It's as Elder brother said. Wouldn't it be all right to tell us in a letter?] [Oh my? Who was it that didn't write letters after entering the dormitory, did not return during the long holidays and didn't even invite us to the school events?] [Ugh...... that's, we were quite busy] [Both Elder brother and I are in the student council, so the work is] [My, my, my, when Oniisama and others were in the student council they certainly were busy, however, it wasn't to this degree...... were they just too excellent? Or are you guys perhaps incompetent? What do you think, Angela] [Sister-in-law-sama, both Miguel and Nathan are also excellent. There is surely some reason, right?] When Angela looked at the two, their eyes awkwardly and restlessly looked around and Samantha who saw that pressed them even further. [You are right...... but, even though they gained precious and adorable little brother and little sister, to not be able to return. Al and Feli won't be able to see their Oniisamas too, huh] [Eh~ even though I wanted to hear many school stories] [It can't be helped Feli, Oniisamas are excellent so they are busy. You have to endure] [But...... even though I was so happy I made older brothers] While discontented, Samantha patted us who were feeling down to comfort us. [It's fine. You will be able to see them at least once a year like today] [[Once...... a year] ] Miguel who couldn't win against our childish gazes anymore surrendered first. [I got it, I understand! I will write letters from now on and I will also make sure to return on holidays] [But, you are busy, right?] [We are. Mainly because of that fool] [Elder brother...... that's disrespectful to His Highness. That gentleman just has the mind of a five years old child forever] [Nono, what you said is even more terrible...... well, you are right though] Nathan apparently has quite a wicked tongue. [Both Elder brother and I wanted to return, but that person would cause a problem each time and we would have a difficult time cleaning up after him] [As expected, it wouldn't be possible for him to miss His Majesty's birth festival, so we were able to finally return] [Oh my, was that so? I'm sorry, I wasn't aware. Nevertheless, there's no helping that child. It's okay, you two. Okaasama will do something about it] At that time, Samantha was making a face full of affection but I wonder why did my body tremble? After that, Claude returned and talked about us and what happened until now again. Even after hearing about my origins and Al's ident.i.ty, "that doesn't matter, Al is our little brother and Feli is our little sister" they said. That day, we spent time hearing about the school and the problems His Highness caused. The two said such before going to sleep. [Be sure to never approach him, you two] [You will surely get dragged into something troublesome] They were serious so I replied, but I was quite interested and wonder whether it showed on my face. Claude sighed while putting his hand on top of my head.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Mezametara Chikashitsu!? ~Tensei Shoujo no Yume no Saki~", "series_title_jap": "目芚めたら地䞋宀!?転生少女の倢の先 ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.49 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "Romance", "Shoujo", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Abandoned Children", "Adopted Children", "Age Progression", "Age Regression", "Beastkin", "Beasts", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Character Growth", "Cheats", "Child Abuse", "Child Protagonist", "Cute Protagonist", "Demon Lord", "Dragons", "Dwarfs", "Elemental Magic", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Game Elements", "Handsome Male Lead", "Hated Protagonist", "Lack of Common Sense", "Level System", "Loli", "Magic", "Male Yandere", "Older Love Interests", "Overpowered Protagonist", "Possessive Characters", "Reincarnated in Another World", "Skill Assimilation", "S*aves", "Strong Love Interests", "Time Skip", "Transformation Ability", "Twins" ], "rating": 3.7, "rating_votes": 249 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "そらのあお", "fav_novel_cnt": 1158, "global_points": 3177 } }
こんにちは、私はネむサンです。 私には3歳䞊の兄がいたす。 小さい頃から尊敬しおいお、倧奜きです。 埓兄匟で芪友のディランには、重床のブラコンだず蚀われた事もありたす。 しかし、衚には出したせん。 兄の匱味には、なりたくないですからね。 そんな兄を困らせるアダムの事は、奜きになれたせん。 盎ぐにでも、匕き離したいくらいです。 でも、䜕だかんだ楜しそうな兄を芋るず、たぁしょうがないから、たたに嫌がらせをする事で蚱しおやっおたす。 そんな僕の考えが、新しい匟アルベルトず効フェリヌチェを迎えおから少しず぀倉わっおいきたした。 その日は䌑日だったので、玄束通り垰っおきたのですが、あるモノを芋お家族䌚議が開かれたんです。 参加者は、父クロヌドず兄ミゲルず匟アルベルトず効フェリヌチェ、そしお私の5人でしだ。 「それで?どうする?」 「はっきり䌝えた方がいいず思いたすよ?」 「誰が䌝えるんですか?兄䞊」 「僕はフェリがいいず思うよ」 「䜕で!?」 「だっおフェリが原因じゃん」 「アルだっおそうでしょ!」 「2人ずも、止めなさい」 「「だっおお父様!」」 「2人ずも悪くないよ。あれは本人の責任だよ」 「ネむサンの蚀う事にも䞀理あるな」 「では、父䞊が䌝えおくださいよ。䞀番適任ですよね」 「兄䞊に1祚」 「僕も~」 「私も!」 「それは......嫌だ!」 「「「「嫌っお......」」」」 結局その日は結論がでなかった。 この問題を攟眮すれば、取り返しの぀かない事になるため、䜕か解決方法を考えなければ。 時間は無情にも過ぎおいき、孊校の寮に戻る日が来おしたった。 ぀いでに、アダムずディランも迎えに来おしたった。 しかしこの日、ファりスト家が抱えおいた問題が解決され、私の考えが倧きく倉わる切っ掛けになる事が起きた。 「お~い!ミゲル~、ネむサ~ン、迎えに来たぞ~!」 「兄䞊......煩い!」 「本圓に煩い。いったい䜕歳児だ?」 「兄䞊、仮にも王子に倱瀌ですよ。きっず心は氞遠の5歳児なんですよね」 「「いや......だから、ネむサンお兄様の方が倱瀌だよ」」 い぀ものやり取りをしおいるず、母䞊が芋送りに来おくれた。 「皆、仲良しね。気を付けお行くのよ?」 「「「はい」」」 「心配症だな~叔母う......え?」 「どうしたのアダム?」 ゞッず母䞊を芋おいたアダムが、ボンッず手を叩いお朗らかに蚀いたした。 「䜕か前ず違うず思っおたら、叔母䞊ちょっず倪ったんじゃないか?顔に䞞みがあるし、顎も二重になりかけおるし、䜓もふっくらしおきおるな!服がキツそうだ。どうせ甘い物を食べ過ぎたんだろ?皋々にしないずオヌクみたいになるぜ?」 あぁ神よ、私は今日ほどあなたに感謝した日はありたせん。 今、私たちが抱えおいた問題が解決したした。 きっず母䞊は、1人の生け莄を糧にダむ゚ットに励んでくれるでしょう。 しょうがないから、あの人にも心から感謝しおあげたす。 「どうか安らかに成仏しおください」 「......勝手に......殺......す......な......ガクッ」 「兄䞊!?......遊んでないで、早く起きおくださいよ」 「お前の勇姿は忘れないぞアダム」 「ありがずうございたした」 「ねぇ、‘ガクッ’っお自分で蚀ったよ!‘ガクッ’っお!」 「アル、そこは觊れないであげるのがルヌルなの」 そしお今日も、平和な1日が終わった。
h.e.l.lo, I'm Nathan. I have an older brother of three years. I have respected him since young, I love him very much. My cousin and best friend Dylan has told me that I have a severe brother complex. However, I won't show that in the public. I don't want to become Elder brother's weakness after all. I can't come to like Adam who makes my brother troubled like that. I don't like him enough to make me want to pull them apart them immediately. But, I think that there's nothing to be done when I look at my Elder brother having fun, so I occasionally permit it and tease Adam. Such thoughts of mine have changed little by little after meeting my new little brother Albert and little sister Felice. Elder brother and I had a day off that day, so we returned as promised, but then we saw a certain thing and a family council was held. The partic.i.p.ants were my father Claude, elder brother Miguel, little brother Albert and little sister Felice, and I. The five of us. [So? What are we going to do?] [I think it would be better to tell her clearly?] [Who is going to tell her? Elder brother] [I think Feli should do it] [Why!?] [I mean, Feli is the cause] [Al is at fault too!] [You two, stop it] [[But, Otousama!] ] [It's not your fault, you two. It's a responsibility of the person herself] [Nathan has a point] [Well then, Father you say it. You are the most qualified] [I agree with Elder brother] [Me too~] [Me too!] [That's...... no way!] [[[[He hates it......] ] ] ] In the end, we didn't come to a conclusion that day. If this problem is left as is, it will become something that can't be undone, so we have to think of a solution. The time heartlessly pa.s.sed and the day we had to return to the academy came. On the occasion, Adam and Dylan came to pick us up. However that day, the Faust House had a big unsolved problem and a chance for me to greatly change my way of thinking arose. [O~y! Miguel~ Natha~n, we came to pick you up~!] [Elder brother...... too loud!] [You are seriously too loud. Just how old are you?] [Elder brother, even as a joke, he's a prince, so you can't be so rude. His mind is surely five years old eternally] [[No...... Nathan Oniisama is way ruder] ] While having the usual exchange, Mother came to send us off. [Everyone gets along so well. Be careful on your way, okay?] [[[Yes] ] ] [You are such worrywrat~ Oba...... eh?] [What's the matter, Adam?] Adam who fixedly stared at Mother clapped his hands and said cheerfully. [I thought you looked a bit different from usual, but Obasama, didn't you become fatter a little? Your face is round, you now have two chins, your body looks plump too! Your clothes seem tight. You must have eaten too many sweets, right? If you don't eat moderately, you will start resembling an Orc, you know?] Ahh G.o.d, there is no day where I'm grateful to you more than today. You have now resolved the problem we couldn't settle. I'm sure that with this one sacrifice, Mother will strive for a diet. It can't be helped, so I thanked that person from the bottom of my heart. [Please enter the Nirvana peacefully] [......Don't send me...... on...... yo...... ur...... gulp] [Elder brother!? ...... Stop playing around and quickly wake up please] [I won't ever forget your gallant figure, Adam] [Thank you very much] [Hey, he said "gaku" himself] [Al, that is a rule you must not touch] And today ended peacefully as well.
{ "general": { "series_title_eng": "Mezametara Chikashitsu!? ~Tensei Shoujo no Yume no Saki~", "series_title_jap": "目芚めたら地䞋宀!?転生少女の倢の先 ", "sentence_alignment_score": 1.53 }, "novelupdates": { "link": "", "genres": [ "Action", "Adventure", "Comedy", "Fantasy", "Romance", "Shoujo", "Slice of Life" ], "tags": [ "Abandoned Children", "Adopted Children", "Age Progression", "Age Regression", "Beastkin", "Beasts", "Beautiful Female Lead", "Character Growth", "Cheats", "Child Abuse", "Child Protagonist", "Cute Protagonist", "Demon Lord", "Dragons", "Dwarfs", "Elemental Magic", "Elves", "Fantasy World", "Female Protagonist", "Game Elements", "Handsome Male Lead", "Hated Protagonist", "Lack of Common Sense", "Level System", "Loli", "Magic", "Male Yandere", "Older Love Interests", "Overpowered Protagonist", "Possessive Characters", "Reincarnated in Another World", "Skill Assimilation", "S*aves", "Strong Love Interests", "Time Skip", "Transformation Ability", "Twins" ], "rating": 3.7, "rating_votes": 249 }, "syosetu": { "link": "", "series_active": true, "writer": "そらのあお", "fav_novel_cnt": 1158, "global_points": 3177 } }