There are limits to what Russia can accomplish in the world in any positive sense, although its capacity to be a spoiler or create problems is considerable. Decisions made in Moscow can affect world energy prices, the future of the Iranian and North Korean nuclear programs, and the success of terrorists.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
元々 海䞊油田で䜿甚するために開発されたもので æ°Žæ·± 600 メヌトルたで朜氎する道具でした 博士号を取埗した盎埌 幞運にも 初めおこの装眮を海掋探査に 䜿おうずしおいたグルヌプに 私は加わりたした ポヌトヒュヌニヌメ の朜氎槜で蚓緎を受けお 最初に海で朜ったのは サンタ バヌバラ海峡でした 倜間の朜氎でした 私は 260 メヌトルたで朜り 灯りを消したした 灯りを消した理由は 生物が䜜り出す光を 芋れるだろうず思ったからです 生物発光ずいう珟象です ただ党く準備䞍足で どれほど沢山の光があり どれほど玠晎らしいものか予想もしおいたせんでした 鎖状のクラゲであるクダクラゲを芋たしたが その長さはこの郚屋よりも長く 倧量の光を発しおいたので 灯りを点けなくおもスヌツの䞭の メモリ盀やメヌタヌが読めるほどでした 青く光る煙が 吹き出しおいるような光景で スクリュヌの䜜る氎流から飛び散る火花は 䞞倪を投げ蟌んだキャンプファむアヌから 巻き䞊がる火の粉のようでした でもこれは冷たい青癜い火の粉です 息をのみたした さお 生物発光をご芧になったこずがあるずすれば おそらく ホタルなどでしょうか 陞の生物で光るのは ムシやミミズや菌の 䞀郚に䜕皮かいたすが 䞀般的に地䞊では かなりたれです 海では 生物発光するほうが 普通です 䟋倖ではないのです 䞖界のどこであれ 倖海に出お æ°Žæ·± 900メヌトルから網を匕き䞊げるず 実際ほずんどの堎所で 網にかかった倧半の ぀たり 80% から 90% の生物は 光を攟ちたす こうしお玠晎らしい光のショヌが芋られたす それでは 朜氎艇から撮圱した 短いビデオをお芋せしたす 最初は䞀人乗りの朜氎艇 ディヌプ ロヌバヌで 腕を磚きたした 次いで ここに登堎するゞョン゜ン シヌ リンクで この撮圱をするようになりたした 芳察ドヌムの前方に 盎埄90センチの茪があり そこにスクリヌンを匵りたす ドヌムの䞭の私は 高感床カメラで蚘録したす その感床は暗闇になれたヒトの県ず同じほどですが 少し画ががけるのが欠点です さおカメラのスむッチを入れお照明は消したす このパチパチしおいるのは 生物発光ではなくおカメラの 電子回路のノむズです 朜氎艇が氎䞭で前進を始めるたでは 生物発光は芋えたせん 前進するず生き物がスクリヌンに衝突しお 衝撃で発光したす 最初にこれを行った時には 発光の数を数えるこずで粟䞀杯でした 前進速床ずスクリヌンの面積をもずに 䞀立方メヌトルにどれだけの光源があるか 蚈算するこずができたした やがお生物の皮類を特定できるこずに気付きたした 生じる閃光のタむプからわかりたす これはメむン湟の氎深 220メヌトル 芋えるものほずんど党おに぀いお 皮のレベルで名前がわかりたす 䟋えば倧きな花火の爆発は 小さな有櫛 動物からのもの オキアミやその他の甲殻類や クラゲもいたす 有櫛動物の仲間ですね そこでコンピュヌタによる画像解析の技術者ず共同しお 自動認識のシステムを開発し 生物の皮類ず 最初に衝突した堎所の xyz 座暙を抜出できるようにしたした こうしお陞䞊の自然保護家が行うようなこずを ごく近距離から行えたす このような光のショヌを芳たければ 深くたで朜らなくおも 氎面でもこんなものが芋えるのです スクリプス研究所のマむク ラッツ博士が撮圱したビデオは 生物発光するプランクトンの䞭を泳ぐむルカを捉えおいたす 生物発光で有名なプ゚ルトリコの湟などの 特別な堎所で撮圱したのではなく サンディ゚ゎの枯で撮ったものです 時にはもっず近くで芋るこずもできたす 船の「ヘッド」では ― 陞䞊の蚀葉で蚀えばトむレですね ― 生物発光プランクトンを含むこずの倚い ろ過されおいない海氎で流したす 倜遅くによろよろず船の「ヘッド」に向かい 船酔いでふらふらの状態で 電気すら付けずに個宀にこもるず 宗教的ずいうべき経隓をした ず思われるかもしれたせん さお 生物はどうやっお光るのでしょうか 19䞖玀には倧きな謎でした フランスの生理孊者のラファ゚ル デュボアは 貝類の生物発光を論じおいたす 圌は貝をすり぀ぶしお 2-3の化孊物質を取り出すず そのうちの䞀぀の酵玠をルシフェラヌれず名付けたした たた基質をルシフェリンず名付けたした これは光を垯びた倩䜿ルシファヌに因んだのです 甚語は定たりたしたが 特定の化合物を指すわけではありたせん これらの化合物は倚皮倚様だからです 実際 今日では 生物発光の研究者のほずんどは これらの化孊反応に泚目しおいたす ずいうのもこれらの化孊物質は想像も぀かないほど貎重なのです 甚途は 抗バクテリア剀や 抗がん剀や 火星における生呜の有無のテストなど 私たち ORCA では 海氎の汚染物質を怜出するために䜿いたす 2008 幎には ノヌベル化孊賞は生物発光の 緑色蛍光タンパク質を 単離した研究に䞎えられたした クラゲの発光の化孊反応から 抜出したのです 现胞生物孊ず遺䌝子工孊に 䞎えた圱響においお 顕埮鏡の発明に肩をならべるむンパクトを䞎えたした これらの分子から別のこずも分かりたす 生物の進化の過皋で 生物発光は 少なくずも 40 回 おそらく 50 回ほどの 進化を遂げおきおいたす そのこずは 生物発光の進化の道筋が 生物の生き残りのために ずりわけ重芁であったこずを瀺しおいたす それほど倚くの生物にずっお重芁な 生物発光ずは䜕なのか 捕食者を避けようず 暗闇に朜む生物にずっおも 生物が生存のために行う䞉぀の行為に 光は非垞に有甚です 逌を芋぀けるこず 異性を惹き぀けるこず 食われないこずの䞉぀です 䟋えばこの魚は 県の埌ろ偎にヘッドラむトが埋め蟌たれ 逌を探したり 異性を惹き぀けるのに䜿うこずができたす ラむトを䜿っおいないずきには頭の䞭にしたいたす ランボルギヌニのヘッドラむトのようですね この魚はハむビヌムを装備 私のお気に入りのこの魚は 頭の片偎にランプが3぀ず぀ これは青いラむト 海掋では生物発光の倧半は青く光りたす 氎䞭でもっずも遠くたで届く青色が 進化の過皋で遞ばれたのです よりよいコミュニケヌションのために ほずんどの生物は青い光を発し 青い光しか感知できたせん この魅力的な魚は䟋倖で 赀色の発光噚官が二぀ありたす なぜ二぀もあるのかはわかりたせん この謎もい぀か解きたいものです この魚は青い光だけでなく 赀い光も芋えるのです 赀い生物発光を狙撃者の望遠鏡ずしお甚いお 赀色が芋えない魚に 忍び寄るこずができたす 自らは芋られるこず無く 盞手が芋えるのでしょう たた ヒゲの郚分には 青く光る疑䌌逌があり 遠くから獲物を惹き぀けるこずができたす 倚くの生物が生物発光を疑䌌逌ずしお䜿いたす この魚もお気に入りの䞀匹です これはホりラむ゚゜で 先に疑䌌逌の぀いた長い釣竿を 顎の前方に垂らしおいたす 鋭い歯が名前 の由来になっおいたす この魚の歯はずおも長いので 口を閉じおしたうず 自分の脳に刺さっおしたうでしょう その代わりに頭の倖偎の溝に沿っお 滑るようになっおいたす クリスマスツリヌのような魚で 身に぀けた党おが光りたす これは疑䌌逌だけではなく 内蔵匏のストロボラむトにもなっおいたす 腹のずころの宝石のような噚官があっお 様々な擬態のために䜿われたす 泳ぎ回るずきの圱を隠しお 䞋から芋䞊げる捕食者から 芋぀からないようにしたす 口にも発光噚官があり すべおのりロコや ひれも光りたす 背䞭や腹の粘液局も光りたす それぞれに異なる目的で甚いられ 明らかになっおいる目的ず未知の目的ずがありたす ピクサヌのおかげで 生物発光に぀いおは知られるようになりたした 私の倧奜きな話題に぀いお ピクサヌがこれほど倚くの人に広めおくれお感謝しおいたす ただ ピクサヌが予算をもう少し出しお 貧しくお飢えた倧孊院生に コンサルタント料を払っお盞談しおいたら あれではホルマリン挬けの県だず 教えお䞊げられたのにず 残念です これが生きおいるアンコりの県です 生きたネズミ捕りのような 針のように鋭い歯の すぐ前に疑䌌逌を垂らし 犠牲者は気づかずに惹き぀けられたす この疑䌌逌には あらゆる皮類の面癜い糞が生えおいたす 疑䌌逌の異なる圢状は 異なる皮類の逌を匕き぀けるず考えられおいたしたが これらの魚の胃の䞭を科孊者が ―あるいは倧孊院生かもしれたせんが― 調べおみるず どの皮も食べ物は 同じようなものだず分かりたした そこで今では 異なる疑䌌逌の圢状は オスがメスを芋぀けるためず信じられおいたす アンコりの䞖界で これらのオスは 極端に小さいこずで有名な仲間なのです この小さい魚は 自分を守る手段を持っおいないように芋えたす 逌を惹き぀ける疑䌌逌もなく やっず逌を捕たえたずしおも歯がなくお食べられたせん この惑星䞊で生きるには ゞゎロの道しかありたせん いいヒトを芋぀けお 生涯がっちり離さない この小さな魚は いいヒトを芋぀けお お気づきでしょうか 賢いのは 顔を芋なくおも良い向きでくっ぀いおいるずころです でも圌にずっお良いこずなのは明らかなので 氞遠のキスで圌女ずの関係を固めたす オスはメスず融合し メスの血流で生きおいたす こうしおオスは単なる 粟子袋にすぎなくなりたす りヌマンリブは深海ではこんな有様です メスも オスがそこにいるず分かっおいたす メスは必ずしも単婚でなくおもよいようで 耇数のオスを匕き連れた メスもいたす こんなふうに逌を探したり 異性を惹き぀けるのに䜿うわけです たた防衛のためにもいろいろな方法で倧いに䜿われおいたす 氎䞭にルシフェリンずルシフェラヌれを攟出できるものが倚く むカやタコが墚を吐くように この小゚ビは 口から光を吐き出したす 炎を吐くドラゎンのようです ホりラむ゚゜の目をくらたしたり気をそらせば 暗闇に泳ぎ去るこずができるのです こういうこずができる生物はずおも倚いのです クラゲ むカ 様々な甲殻類 魚でもこれができるものもいたす これはハナメむワシです えらの近くにある噚官から 発光液を分泌したす これを捕獲できたのはずおも幞運でした アフリカの北西沿岞でトロヌル網の調査にかかりたした 「ブルヌプラネット」プロゞェクトの 深海の生物の調査でした 特別なトロヌル網を甚いお 生きたたたこれらの生物を匕き揚げ 捕獲したハナメむワシをラボたで持ち垰り このように手に取っお この肩の噚官に觊れるのですが そうするず生物発光が起こりたす 驚かされたのは 光の量だけでなく 酵玠ず基質以倖のものを攟出しおいたこずでした この魚は栞ず现胞膜の備わった现胞を 䞞ごず攟出するのです ゚ネルギヌを考えるず実にムダな方法です なぜそうするのか芋圓も぀きたせん これも解きたい倧きな謎の䞀぀です 別の防衛策ずしお 防犯ベルのようなものがありたす 車の盗難防止アラヌムず同じで クラクションを鳎らしお光を点滅させたす 泚意をひくこずで 運が良ければ 譊官が来お泥棒を連行しおくれるのです 捕食者に捕らわれた生物にずっお 唯䞀脱出の望みがあるずすれば もっず倧きくお手匷いダツの泚意を匕いお 捕食者が攻撃されるこず 脱出のチャンスが生じたす たずえば このクラゲは けんらんたる生物発光を呈したす 私達が朜氎艇で远いかけおいるずころです これは発光ではなく 生殖腺が光を反射しおいるのです 朜氎艇の前郚に取り付けた特別な機噚で クラゲを傷぀けないように捕たえ 船内の実隓宀に連れ垰りたす そしおあるこずをしお光らせたした クラゲの神経環を 尖った針で 䞀秒に䞀回ず぀觊れたのです 発光が始たったらもう觊りたせん 信じられないような光のショヌです 光の颚車です 蚈算しおみるずこの光は90メヌトル先の 捕食者からも芋えたす 思うに すばらしい疑䌌逌ずいうこずですね 未知の海掋生物は 䜕皮類いるのか芋圓も぀かない点を 深海探査の䞭で䞍満に思っおいたした それは海掋探査の仕方が理由です 海の生物を調べるずきの基本的な方法は 海に出お 船から網を匕くこず こんな䜕癟幎も前からの技術に頌る科孊の分野が 他にあるものですか 別の方法は朜氎艇や遠隔操䜜の装眮で 朜行するこず 朜氎艇では䜕癟回ず朜氎をしおきたした でも朜氎艇に乗っおいるず 目立たないどころではありたせん たばゆい光ず隒がしいスクリュヌの音があるので 少しでも気の利いた生物はさっさず逃げおいきたす 長い間ずっず これ以倖の探査方法を探しおいたした しばらく前に カメラシステムのアむデアにたどり着きたした そんなに高床な技術ではありたせんが 海の県ず呌んでいたす 陞䞊で科孊者達が䜕幎も行っおきたこずです 動物たちには芋えない光ず その光を感知するカメラを䜿いたす 赀倖線は氎䞭では䜿えたせん 赀い光を䜿いたすがこれにも問題がありたす 赀い光はすぐに吞収されおしたいたす 高感床カメラを開発しお さらにこの電子クラゲを䜜りたかったのです 科孊研究の事情ですが 資金源の財団に䜕を芋぀ける぀もりかを説明しないず お金をもらえないのです そしお䜕が芋぀かるか 私もわかりたせんでした それではお金ももらえない そこでこの装眮を寄せ集めで䜜りたした ある倧孊で孊生課題ずしお䜜っおもらいたした そしおあらゆる資金をかき集めたした モントレヌ氎族通の研究所から 遠隔操䜜機を詊す時間をいただきたした そこでテストを行い どんな赀色の光を䜿えばよいかなど いろいろずはっきりさせたした 動物が芋えるけれど動物からは芋えないようにするためです 電子クラゲも動くようになりたした 本圓にありあわせで間に合わせたので 16個のLEDを゚ポキシで固めたずきに 型ずしお䜿った Ziploc の ロゎたで芋えおいたす 寄せ集めでここたで組み立お 詊し運転の詊緎を繰り返しお動くようにしたした いよいよ党おが揃っお動くようになる その時がきたした 写真家のマヌク リチャヌドがその瞬間を フィルムに収めおいたした ちょうどその堎に居合わせたのです 私達が党おが敎ったず確かめたそのずきの様子です 巊偎にいるのが私で その時の倧孊院生は ゚リカ=レむモンドでした リヌ=フラむは プロゞェクト担圓の技垫でした この写真は研究宀の名誉のコヌナヌに食っおあり 「二人の女を䞀床に満足させた゚ンゞニア」ず蚘されおいたす 私たちは本圓に本圓に満足でした 海底のオアシスのようなずころに 倧型の捕食生物が芋回るずころに 持ち蟌むこずのできる システムが出来たのです そこで我々は メキシコ湟の北郚の 海底の塩氎湖に持ち蟌みたした 䞍思議な堎所ですね ぱっずしない映像ですが 圓時はひどいカメラしか無かったのです ここで私は我を忘れおいたした 塩氎湖の瞁に蚭眮した カメラに向かっお泳いでくる魚がいたす 我々のこずは気にしおいたせん 私の芗き窓を海䞭深く沈めお 朜った私達が邪魔しないずきの 生物の様子を初めお芋るこずができたした 海底に導入しおから 4時間たったずころで プログラムしおあった電子クラゲに 初めお電源を入れたした 颚車暡様の衚瀺から 86秒埌には こんなものを撮圱したした むカです 1.8メヌトル以䞊の倧きさ 孊術䞊は新皮で 既知の分類のどこにも属したせん これ以䞊よい実蚌成果はありたせん この結果を持っお囜立科孊財団 に行くず 「こういうものを発芋したす」ず説明し 十分な研究資金を獲埗したした 䞖界初の深海りェブカメラの開発を行い ここ1幎間 モントレヌ海溝に 蚭眮しおありたす さらに最近では このシステムはモゞュヌル化されお さらに移動しやすい圢態ずなっお 朜航させたり回収するこずも容易になりたした シルビアが述べた 「垌望のスポット」 を 探玢したり保護したりするこずを 支揎するために䜿うこずを考えおいたす 私自身は「垌望のスポット」で 生物発光に぀いおさらに研究したいず思いたす お䌝えしたいメッセヌゞがありたす 海にはただただ探査の䜙地があるのに シルビアの蚀葉を借りれば そこに䜕があるかを知る前に壊しおしたっおいる その通りです ですからもしも 朜氎艇で朜る機䌚があったら 千回でも む゚スず蚀っお機䌚を捉えおください そしお灯りを消しおみお䞋さい きっず気に入りたす ありがずう
It was actually developed for use by the offshore oil industry for diving on oil rigs down to a depth of 2,000 feet. Right after I completed my Ph.D., I was lucky enough to be included with a group of scientists that was using it for the first time as a tool for ocean exploration. We trained in a tank in Port Hueneme, and then my first open ocean dive was in Santa Barbara Channel. It was an evening dive. I went down to a depth of 880 feet and turned out the lights. And the reason I turned out the lights is because I knew I would see this phenomenon of animals making light called bioluminescence. But I was totally unprepared for how much there was and how spectacular it was. I saw chains of jellyfish called siphonophores that were longer than this room, pumping out so much light that I could read the dials and gauges inside the suit without a flashlight; and puffs and billows of what looked like luminous blue smoke; and explosions of sparks that would swirl up out of the thrusters -- just like when you throw a log on a campfire and the embers swirl up off the campfire, but these were icy, blue embers. It was breathtaking. Now, usually if people are familiar with bioluminescence at all, it's these guys; it's fireflies. And there are a few other land-dwellers that can make light -- some insects, earthworms, fungi -- but in general, on land, it's really rare. In the ocean, it's the rule rather than the exception. virtually anywhere in the world, and I drag a net from 3,000 feet to the surface, most of the animals -- in fact, in many places, 80 to 90 percent make light. This makes for some pretty spectacular light shows. Now I want to share with you a little video that I shot from a submersible. I first developed this technique working from a little single-person submersible called Deep Rover and then adapted it for use on the Johnson Sea-Link, which you see here. So, mounted in front of the observation sphere, there's a a three-foot diameter hoop with a screen stretched across it. And inside the sphere with me is an intensified camera that's about as sensitive as a fully dark-adapted human eye, albeit a little fuzzy. So you turn on the camera, turn out the lights. That sparkle you're seeing is not luminescence, that's just electronic noise on these super intensified cameras. You don't see luminescence until the submersible begins to move forward through the water, but as it does, animals bumping into the screen are stimulated to bioluminesce. Now, when I was first doing this, all I was trying to do was count the numbers of sources. I knew my forward speed, I knew the area, and so I could figure out how many hundreds of sources there were per cubic meter. But I started to realize that I could actually identify animals by the type of flashes they produced. And so, here, in the Gulf of Maine at 740 feet, I can name pretty much everything you're seeing there to the species level. Like those big explosions, sparks, are from a little comb jelly, and there's krill and other kinds of crustaceans, and jellyfish. There was another one of those comb jellies. And so I've worked with computer image analysis engineers to develop automatic recognition systems that can identify these animals and then extract the XYZ coordinate of the initial impact point. And we can then do the kinds of things that ecologists do on land, and do nearest neighbor distances. to see a light show like this. You can actually see it in surface waters. This is some shot, by Dr. Mike Latz at Scripps Institution, of a dolphin swimming through bioluminescent plankton. And this isn't someplace exotic like one of the bioluminescent bays in Puerto Rico, this was actually shot in San Diego Harbor. And sometimes you can see it even closer than that, because the heads on ships -- that's toilets, for any land lovers that are listening -- that often has bioluminescent plankton in it. So, if you stagger into the head late at night and you're so toilet-hugging sick that you forget to turn on the light, you may think that you're having a religious experience. So, how does a living creature make light? Well, that was the question that 19th century French physiologist Raphael Dubois, asked about this bioluminescent clam. He ground it up and he managed to get out a couple of chemicals; one, the enzyme, he called luciferase; the substrate, he called luciferin after Lucifer the Lightbearer. That terminology has stuck, but it doesn't actually refer to specific chemicals because these chemicals come in a lot of different shapes and forms. In fact, most of the people studying bioluminescence today are focused on the chemistry, because these chemicals have proved so incredibly valuable for developing antibacterial agents, cancer fighting drugs, testing for the presence of life on Mars, detecting pollutants in our waters -- which is how we use it at ORCA. In 2008, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry on a molecule called green fluorescent protein that was isolated from the bioluminescent chemistry of a jellyfish, and it's been equated to the invention of the microscope, in terms of the impact that it has had on cell biology and genetic engineering. Another thing all these molecules are telling us that, apparently, bioluminescence has evolved at least 40 times, maybe as many as 50 separate times in evolutionary history, which is a clear indication of how spectacularly important this trait is for survival. So, what is it about bioluminescence that's so important to so many animals? Well, for animals that are trying to avoid predators by staying in the darkness, for the three basic things that animals have to do to survive: and that's find food, attract a mate and avoid being eaten. So, for example, this fish has a built-in headlight behind its eye that it can use for finding food or attracting a mate. And then when it's not using it, it actually can roll it down into its head just like the headlights on your Lamborghini. This fish actually has high beams. And this fish, which is one of my favorites, has three headlights on each side of its head. Now, this one is blue, and that's the color of most bioluminescence in the ocean for the color that travels farthest through seawater in order to optimize communication. So, most animals make blue light, and most animals can only see blue light, but this fish is a really fascinating exception because it has two red light organs. And I have no idea why there's two, and that's something I want to solve some day -- but not only can it see blue light, but it can see red light. So it uses its red bioluminescence like a sniper's scope to be able to sneak up on animals that are blind to red light and be able to see them without being seen. It's also got a little chin barbel here with a blue luminescent lure on it that it can use to attract prey from a long way off. And a lot of animals will use their bioluminescence as a lure. This is another one of my favorite fish. This is a viperfish, and it's got a lure on the end of a long fishing rod that it arches in front of the toothy jaw that gives the viperfish its name. The teeth on this fish are so long that if they closed inside the mouth of the fish, it would actually impale its own brain. So instead, it slides in grooves on the outside of the head. This is a Christmas tree of a fish; everything on this fish lights up, it's not just that lure. It's got a built-in flashlight. It's got these jewel-like light organs on its belly that it uses for a type of camouflage that obliterates its shadow, so when it's swimming around and there's a predator looking up from below, it makes itself disappear. It's got light organs in the mouth, it's got light organs in every single scale, in the fins, in a mucus layer on the back and the belly, all used for different things -- some of which we know about, some of which we don't. And we know a little bit more about bioluminescence thanks to Pixar, and I'm very grateful to Pixar for sharing my favorite topic with so many people. I do wish, with their budget, that they might have spent just a tiny bit more money to pay a consulting fee to some poor, starving graduate student, who could have told them that those are the eyes of a fish that's been preserved in formalin. These are the eyes of a living anglerfish. So, she's got a lure that she sticks out in front of this living mousetrap of needle-sharp teeth in order to attract in some unsuspecting prey. And this one has a lure with all kinds of little interesting threads coming off it. Now we used to think that the different shape of the lure was to attract different types of prey, but then stomach content analyses on these fish done by scientists, or more likely their graduate students, have revealed that they all eat pretty much the same thing. So, now we believe that the different shape of the lure is how the male recognizes the female in the anglerfish world, because many of these males are what are known as dwarf males. This little guy has no visible means of self-support. He has no lure for attracting food and no teeth for eating it when it gets there. His only hope for existence on this planet is as a gigolo. He's got to find himself a babe and then he's got to latch on for life. So this little guy has found himself this babe, and you will note that he's had the good sense to attach himself in a way that he doesn't actually have to look at her. But he still knows a good thing when he sees it, and so he seals the relationship with an eternal kiss. His flesh fuses with her flesh, her bloodstream grows into his body, and he becomes nothing more than a little sperm sac. Well, this is a deep-sea version of Women's Lib. She always knows where he is, and she doesn't have to be monogamous, because some of these females come up with multiple males attached. So they can use it for finding food, for attracting mates. They use it a lot for defense, many different ways. A lot of them can release their luciferin or luferase in the water just the way a squid or an octopus will release an ink cloud. This shrimp is actually spewing light out of its mouth like a fire breathing dragon in order to blind or distract this viperfish so that the shrimp can swim away into the darkness. And there are a lot of different animals that can do this: There's jellyfish, there's squid, there's a whole lot of different crustaceans, there's even fish that can do this. This fish is called the shining tubeshoulder because it actually has a tube on its shoulder that can squirt out light. And I was luck enough to capture one of these when we were on a trawling expedition off the northwest coast of Africa for "Blue Planet," for the deep portion of "Blue Planet." And we were using a special trawling net that we were able to bring these animals up alive. So we captured one of these, and I brought it into the lab. So I'm holding it, and I'm about to touch that tube on its shoulder, and when I do, you'll see bioluminescence coming out. But to me, what's shocking is not just the amount of light, but the fact that it's not just luciferin and luciferase. For this fish, it's actually whole cells with nuclei and membranes. It's energetically very costly for this fish to do this, and we have no idea why it does it -- another one of these great mysteries that needs to be solved. Now, another form of defense is something called a burglar alarm -- same reason you have a burglar alarm on your car; the honking horn and flashing lights are meant to attract the attention of, hopefully, the police that will come and take the burglar away -- when an animal's caught in the clutches of a predator, its only hope for escape may be to attract the attention of something bigger and nastier that will attack their attacker, thereby affording them a chance for escape. This jellyfish, for example, has a spectacular bioluminescent display. This is us chasing it in the submersible. That's not luminescence, that's reflected light from the gonads. We capture it in a very special device on the front of the submersible that allows us to bring it up in really pristine condition, bring it into the lab on the ship. And then to generate the display you're about to see, all I did was touch it once per second on its nerve ring with a sharp pick that's sort of like the sharp tooth of a fish. And once this display gets going, I'm not touching it anymore. This is an unbelievable light show. It's this pinwheel of light, and I've done calculations that show that this could be seen from as much as 300 feet away by a predator. And I thought, "You know, that might actually make a pretty good lure." Because one of the things that's frustrated me as a deep-sea explorer is how many animals there probably are in the ocean that we know nothing about because of the way we explore the ocean. The primary way that we know about what lives in the ocean is we go out and drag nets behind ships. And I defy you to name any other branch of science that still depends on hundreds of year-old technology. The other primary way is we go down with submersibles and remote-operated vehicles. I've made hundreds of dives in submersibles. When I'm sitting in a submersible though, I know that I'm not unobtrusive at all -- I've got bright lights and noisy thrusters -- any animal with any sense is going to be long gone. So, I've wanted for a long time to figure out a different way to explore. And so, sometime ago, I got this idea for a camera system. It's not exactly rocket science. We call this thing Eye-in-the-Sea. And scientists have done this on land for years; we just use a color that the animals can't see and then a camera that can see that color. You can't use infrared in the sea. We use far-red light, but even that's a problem because it gets absorbed so quickly. Made an intensified camera, wanted to make this electronic jellyfish. Thing is, in science, you basically have to tell the funding agencies what you're going to discover before they'll give you the money. And I didn't know what I was going to discover, so I couldn't get the funding for this. So I kluged this together, I got the Harvey Mudd Engineering Clinic to actually do it as an undergraduate student project initially, and then I kluged funding from a whole bunch of different sources. Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute gave me time with their ROV so that I could test it and we could figure out, you know, for example, which colors of red light we had to use so that we could see the animals, but they couldn't see us -- get the electronic jellyfish working. And you can see just what a shoestring operation this really was, because we cast these 16 blue LEDs in epoxy and you can see in the epoxy mold that we used, the word Ziploc is still visible. Needless to say, when it's kluged together like this, there were a lot of trials and tribulations getting this working. But there came a moment when it all came together, and everything worked. And, remarkably, that moment got caught on film by photographer Mark Richards, who happened to be there at the precise moment that we discovered that it all came together. That's me on the left, my graduate student at the time, Erika Raymond, and Lee Fry, who was the engineer on the project. And we have this photograph posted in our lab in a place of honor with the caption: "Engineer satisfying two women at once." And we were very, very happy. that was kind of like an oasis on the bottom of the ocean that might be patrolled by large predators. And so, the place that we took it to was this place called a Brine Pool, which is in the northern part of the Gulf of Mexico. It's a magical place. And I know this footage isn't going to look like anything to you -- we had a crummy camera at the time -- but I was ecstatic. We're at the edge of the Brine Pool, there's a fish that's swimming towards the camera. It's clearly undisturbed by us. And I had my window into the deep sea. I, for the first time, could see what animals were doing down there when we weren't down there disturbing them in some way. Four hours into the deployment, we had programmed the electronic jellyfish to come on for the first time. Eighty-six seconds after it went into its pinwheel display, This is a squid, over six feet long, that is so new to science, it cannot be placed in any known scientific family. I could not have asked for a better proof of concept. And based on this, I went back to the National Science Foundation and said, "This is what we will discover." And they gave me enough money to do it right, which has involved developing the world's first deep-sea webcam -- the Monterey Canyon for the past year -- and now, more recently, a modular form of this system, a much more mobile form that's a lot easier to launch and recover, that I hope can be used on Sylvia's "hope spots" to help explore and protect these areas, and, for me, learn more about the bioluminescence in these "hope spots." So one of these take-home messages here is, there is still a lot to explore in the oceans. And Sylvia has said that we are destroying the oceans before we even know what's in them, and she's right. So if you ever, ever get an opportunity to take a dive in a submersible, say yes -- a thousand times, yes -- and please turn out the lights. I promise, you'll love it. Thank you.
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私たち芖芚に頌る皮族には 理解の難しい䞖界です そこで 理解の助けになればず 図ず音を甚意したした 芖芚的な皮ずしお私たちが シュノヌケリングやダむビングで 芋る海の䞭は どんな感じでしょう 遠くたで良く芋えたせんね 人の目は 空気䞭では機胜したすが 氎䞭では制限され 芖界が狭くなっおしたいたす 海掋哺乳類は 氎䞭䞖界の探玢や仲間ずの亀信に 音を䜿う方法を 数千䞇幎の歳月をかけお 進化させおきたした むルカやハクゞラは ゚コロケヌションを䜿い 倧きなクリック音を出しお 海底からはね返る音を聞いお 泳ぐ方向を定めたす たた獲物からの反響を聞き 食料の䜍眮を確かめ タヌゲットずなる獲物を遞んでいたす 海䞭哺乳類はみんな音で亀信したす 倧きなヒゲクゞラは 長く矎しい歌を 繁殖掻動の際に甚い 異性を探し パヌトナヌを遞びたす 母子や 互いに関係の深い個䜓は 鳎き声で互いの所圚を確認したす 生きる䞊で 音が非垞に重芁です 私にずっおは未知の䞖界ずも蚀える 海の動物達の発する音に興味を 持ったのは ある飌育されおいる むルカのデヌタがきっかけでした むルカが人の出す音を真䌌おいたのです 先ほど 音を芖芚的に衚珟した図を 䜿甚するず蚀いたしたが これが最初の䟋です 時間に察する呚波数のグラフで 楜譜みたいなものです 高音は䞊方に 䜎音は䞋方に曞かれ 時間の流れは右向きです これはトレヌナヌの笛の音で むルカが芞をちゃんずできたずきに これを鳎らし ご耒矎の魚を䞎えたす 「トゥむヌヌヌ」ずいう感じの音です そしお こちらが 飌育されおいる子むルカが その笛を真䌌た音です この音を錻歌で聞かせた犬や猫が それを真䌌お応えたずしたら ずおも驚くこずでしょう 人間以倖で音真䌌の出来る哺乳類は 皀です この胜力は人間瀟䌚では 音楜や蚀語の発展に重芁ですが 人間以倖の哺乳類がどうしお そんなこずをするのか 䞍思議です 私は研究生掻の殆どを費やし 海掋哺乳類が 情報䌝達においお どのように孊習を掻甚し 聞いたこずに基づいお応答の仕方を どう倉えおいるのか 研究しおきたした 人間以倖の霊長類の鳎き声を聎いおみたしょう 哺乳類の倚くは「コンタクトコヌル」を持ち 母子がはぐれた時などに䜿っおいたす これは リスザルの母子がはぐれた時に甚いる コンタクトコヌルの䟋です お分かりのように 個䜓差がほずんどありたせん 察照的に むルカが亀信に甚いる 「シグネチャヌホむッスル」は 個䜓ごずに倧きく異なっおいたす むルカは鳎き声を孊ぶ胜力によっお より耇雑で特城的な鳎き声を発展させ 個䜓を芋分けおいるのです どんな状況でむルカはこの鳎き声を䜿うのでしょう 母芪ず子䟛の生掻を芋おみたしょう 日垞生掻の䞭で 母芪が魚を远いかけるのに倢䞭になり はぐれおしたうこずも少なくありたせん はぐれたら 合流しないずいけたせん この図は むルカの間の最倧距離に察しお シグネチャヌホむッスルが䜿われる 割合を瀺しおいたす 距離が20メヌトル以䞋では 鳎き声を䜿う頻床は半分以䞋です 殆どの堎合 泳ぎ回っおいるうちに 互いを芋぀けたす ずころが 100メヌトル以䞊離れるず 䟋倖なしに党おの母子が 互いを探すのに固有の鳎き声を甚いおいたす この特城的なシグネチャヌホむッスルは 殆どの堎合 むルカの䞀生を通じ ワンパタヌンで安定しおいたす しかし 䟋倖もいく぀かありたす 母芪から巣立った雄むルカは 他の雄むルカず合流するこずがあり その協力関係が 䜕十幎ず続くこずもありたす そしお瀟䌚的な「絆」を築いたむルカたちの 固有の鳎き声は収斂しおいき 倧倉䌌通ったものになりたす この図は組になった2匹の鳎き声を衚しおいたす 䞊の図では 2匹は 「りヌプ りヌプ りヌプ」ずいう 䞊向きの鳎き声を共有しおいたす 䞀方 䞋図では「りヌりッ りヌりッ りヌりッ」ずいう鳎き声です 䜕が起こっおいるのでしょう? むルカは孊習プロセスを甚いお 新しい瀟䌚グルヌプを識別する合図を 発展させおいるのです 新しい瀟䌚的グルヌプのための 新しい識別子を圢成する ずおも面癜いやり方です 少し芖点を広げお むルカを 人間の干枉から保護するために この情報から孊べるこずを 探っおみたしょう この写真を芋お䞋さい むルカが船に囲たれ その行動が 阻害されおいるのがお分かりになるでしょう たずい状況です しかし むルカの矀れに近づく船が 1隻だけの堎合であっおも 船が2、3癟メヌトルたで近付くず むルカは鳎き声を挙げ始め しおいたこずをやめお 寄り添い 船が通り過ぎるのをじっず埅぀のです いなくなったら元の行動に戻りたす フロリダのサラ゜タのような堎所では むルカの矀れの100メヌトル先を 平均しお6分ごずに船が通り過ぎたす それが日垞的な光景です この写真よりはマシな状況ず蚀えるでしょうが それでもなおむルカの日垞生掻に 圱響を䞎えおいるのです 手぀かずの環境が残る西オヌストラリアで ラヌズ・バむダヌ氏が研究しおいたす むルカりォッチングが始たる前ず埌での むルカの行動ず分垃状況を比范したのです 船が1隻の堎合 あたり圱響はありたせん しかし 船が2隻になるず 䜕匹かのむルカは その領域から去っおしたいたした 残ったむルカの間でも 出生率の枛少が芋られたした 船の存圚は 党個䜓数に悪い圱響を䞎えるのです むルカなど動物の海掋保護区域においお 私たちは今以䞊に 自らの行動に 気を付けなければなりたせん これら問題を回避するために 遊芧船やクゞラりォッチングの船の数を 制限する必芁があるかもしれたせん これも芚えおおいおください 音は境界に関係なく䌝搬したす 境界線を匕いお ある区域を保護はできたすが 化孊汚染や隒音は 境界を越えお入り続けるのです さおここからは話を 局所的で銎染み深い 沿岞環境から より広域の海で生掻するヒゲクゞラに倉えたしょう よく芋慣れおいるような䞖界地図です 䞖界は殆ど青です 海は私たちが思っおいる以䞊に 繋がっおいるこずに泚目しおください 陞䞊での移動に比べ 海䞭での移動には 障害物がほずんどありたせん 海がひず続きであるこずを瀺す ショッキングな実隓がありたす 海掋孊者が 南むンド掋ぞ赎き 海䞭にスピヌカヌを蚭眮しお 音を再生するずいう 音響実隓を行いたした スピヌカヌから発せられた音は 西はアメリカ東海岞沖合のバミュヌダ諞島たで届き 東はカリフォルニア州のモントレヌぞず到達し 同じ音が聞かれたのです 我々は衛星通信で党䞖界ず 通信できる䞖界に暮らしおいたすが それでも 䜎呚波数の音を 地球芏暡で䌝播させる この海の性質には ずおも驚かされたす それぞれの経路で音の䌝わる時間は 箄3時間です 殆ど地球を半呚する距離です 70幎代前半に 海掋音響孊者のロゞャヌ・ペむン氏が 理論的な論文を発衚し 音はこのような広範囲に 䌝搬しうるこずを指摘したしたが 生物孊者の倚くは信じたせんでした 人間が この事実を知ったのは 数十幎前に過ぎたせんが クゞラたちは 数千䞇幎かけお この海の 驚くべき性質の利甚法を 進化させおきたのです シロナガスクゞラず ナガスクゞラは 遠くたで䌝えるこずのできる 䜎呚波の音を発したす 䞊の図は 雄が繰り返し発する 䞀連の耇雑な鳎き声です 歌を䜜るのは繁殖掻動の䞀郚で 鳥が歌を歌うようなものです 䞋図は雄ず雌の鳎き声です これもかなり広範囲に届きたす 生物孊者たちは このクゞラ達の広域通信に぀いお 懐疑的で それは70幎代を経お 冷戊が終わるたで続きたした 䜕がそれを芆すこずになったかですが 冷戊䞭のこず 圓時は秘密でしたが アメリカ海軍は ロシアの朜氎艊を远跡するシステムを持っおいたした 陞たで䌞びたケヌブルに繋がる 深海に蚭眮された氎䞭聎音噚があり ケヌブルの先にある基地では 北倧西掋党䜓の音を聞けたした ベルリンの壁が厩壊した埌 海軍はこのシステムを どんな音が聞けるのか調べる クゞラ専門の音響孊者たちに開攟したした これはクリス・クラヌク氏によるもので 1頭のシロナガスクゞラを远跡しおいたす クゞラはバミュヌダ諞島を通過しお マむアミの緯床たで南䞋し そしお戻っおきおいたす 远跡は43日間続けられ 距離にするず1700キロ 1000マむル以䞊ですね この実隓でわかったのは 鳎き声は数癟マむル先たで届き クゞラは普段 䜕癟マむルも泳ぐこずです クゞラは 我々の予想以䞊に 長距離亀信ができる スケヌルの倧きな海の動物だったのです 枩垯や熱垯の海に生息する シロナガスクゞラや ナガスクゞラずは異なり ザトりクゞラは 銎染みのある 限られた繁殖地に集䞭しおいたす 比范的高い 広範囲の呚波数を䜿い 耇雑な音を䜜りたす 今お聞きいただいおいるのは ザトりクゞラによる耇雑な歌です ザトりクゞラは歌う胜力を発展させる過皋で 他のクゞラの歌を聞き 聞いた歌に基づいお 自分の歌を倉えるのです 鳎き鳥や 先ほどの鳎き真䌌するむルカず同じですね だから ザトりクゞラの歌は 人間にずっおの音楜ず同じように 䞀皮の文化なのです これを瀺す ずおも面癜い䟋が オヌストラリアで芋぀かりたした オヌストラリア東海岞の生物孊者が その地域のザトりクゞラの歌を録音しおいたした このオレンゞの棒は 東海岞ザトりクゞラの 兞型的な歌を瀺したす 1995幎にはみんな同じ歌でしたが 1996幎に違う歌が珟れたした この倉わった歌は西海岞のクゞラに 兞型的な歌だったのです 西海岞のクゞラの歌は倧ヒットし どんどん歌われるようになり そしお 1998幎たでには 東海岞の歌はすっかり消えお クヌルで新しい西海岞の歌ばかりを クゞラたちは歌うようになったのです ちょうど新しい流行のスタむルが それたでの叀くさいスタむルを すっかり駆逐しおしたい どの局もオヌルディヌズを流さなくなったように 懐メロを歌うクゞラは いなくなったのです これらの歌に察する海の圹割をこれからお話したす この音は ザトりクゞラから0.2マむル離れた堎所で クリス・クラヌク氏が録音したものです 党呚波数垯域の音が聞こえたす ずおも倧きい音です すごく近くに聞こえたすね さおお次は 同じザトりクゞラの歌ですが 50マむル離れお録音したものです 聞いおみおください これです 䜎呚波の音しか聞こえたせんね 海の䞭を長い距離通っおきた 音の残響です 音も倧きくありたせん ザトりクゞラの鳎き声の次に シロナガスクゞラの鳎き声を再生したす 少し早回ししおいたす かなり䜎呚波の音なので 早回ししなければ聞こえたせん 50マむル先のシロナガスクゞラの声です ザトりクゞラには遠すぎたしたが こちらは倧きくクリアに聞こえたす 同じ声を 500マむル離れた氎䞭聎音機で 録音した音です 他のクゞラのノむズが倚く入っおたすが 埮かに聞こえたす さお 今からは 人間が及がす圱響を考えおみたしょう 海で人間が出す隒音ずいえば ほずんどは船からのものです これが船の音です 声を倧きくしないず聞こえたせんよね クゞラが500マむル先の音に耳を柄たしおいるずころを 想像しおみおください 船の音は クゞラ同士の亀信を 阻害する可胜性があるのです この問題は結構前から知られおいたした この図は海䞭音のテキストからの抜粋です Y軞は 深海の平均的な環境雑音の音量です X軞は呚波数です そしお 䜎呚波数にある この線は 地球の地震掻動による音です 高呚波垯にある これらの線は この呚波数垯で倧きくなる 䞊方からの颚や波によるノむズです その䞭間の 本来は音が良く聞こえる呚波数域が 人間の船の隒音に満たされおいたす 考えおみおください 驚くべきこずです クゞラが亀信するこの呚波数域で 党地球的に 隒音の䞻な源になっおいるのは 人間の船なのです 遠く離れた䜕千もの人間の船の音が 集積したものです 次のスラむドで クゞラの亀信範囲に 船の隒音が䞎える圱響を説明したす これがクゞラの鳎き声の倧きさで 遠くぞ行けば行くほど その音は小さくなっおいきたす 産業革呜以前の海では このクゞラの鳎き声は簡単に怜知できたした 1000キロ離れおも 鳎き声が 隒音よりも倧きかったからです 船が発する隒音を これに加えおみたしょう そうするず 亀信可胜な範囲は 䞀気に 1000キロから10キロぞ狭たりたした 広く散らばった雄ず雌が ぀がいの盞手を芋぀けるのに この信号を䜿っおいるなら これが絶滅の危機にある皮の存続に 䞎えうる圱響を考えおみおください クゞラはたた むルカ同様に コンタクトコヌルを䜿いたす ここで セミクゞラが亀信に甚いる コンタクトコヌルの音を再生したす この鳎き声は 母子がはぐれおしたったずきに 互いを芋぀けるために甚いられたす そこに船の隒音があったらどうなるでしょう 子ずはぐれたずきに船が来たら 母クゞラはどうするず思いたすか? 母芪の戊略を説明したしょう 母むルカの鳎き声が 䞋の呚波数垯にあり 隒音が重なる垯域にあるず 隒音垯域からはずれるように 鳎き声を高くするのです そうすれば亀信はうたくいきたす ペンシルベニア州立倧孊のスヌザン・パヌクス氏がこの研究をしおいたす こちらは南倧西掋のデヌタで 70幎代に兞型的だったコンタクトコヌルです 2000幎には 平均的なコンタクトコヌルはこうなりたした 北倧西掋でも同様です 50幎代ず 2000幎 50幎を経た比范です 海における人工隒音が酷くなればなるほど クゞラは鳎き声の高くしなければならず クゞラがみんな バスからテノヌルぞず 切り替えたようなものです 時間的にも空間的にもスケヌルの倧きな 人間によっお匕き起こされた 驚くべき倉化です クゞラは隒音を盞殺するために さっき船の音を流したずきみたいに 声を倧きくするか 静かになるのを埅぀か 隒音の呚波数垯から 音をずらすのがわかりたした 倧きな声を出したり 高さを倉えるのは 盞応のコストがかかるだろうし それでチャンスを逃すこずもあり埗たす 静寂を埅っおいる間に 亀信の決定的なチャンスを逃す可胜性もあるのです 私たちは動物たちに぀いお 隒音による生息環境の悪化や 隒音に察しお払う倚倧なコストや 重芁な行動を行えなくなる可胜性を 懞念する必芁がありたす ずおも重芁な問題です 喜ばしいこずに 船のクゞラぞの圱響を配慮するずいう面で 心匷い進展がありたす 囜連の囜際海事機関は 船の静穏化に関するガむドラむンを蚭定する 組織を䜜り 産業界に察しお 船の隒音を小さくする方法を 瀺すようになりたした そしお既に スクリュヌのデザむンを工倫するこずで 隒音を90パヌセントも枛らせるこずを発芋したした さらに 動力装眮を防音し 船䜓ず隔おるこずで 隒音は99パヌセント枛らすこずが出来たす 取り入れるかどうかは コストず基準の問題です この組織が船の芏栌を䜜り 造船業界が芏栌に準じお船を䜜れば 少しず぀ 朜圚的な問題は 枛っおいくでしょう しかし ただ別の問題がありたす 衝突の問題です このクゞラは 高速で走るコンテナ船を かろうじおよけお衝突を避けたした 衝突に関する問題は深刻です 絶滅危惧皮のクゞラが毎幎 船ずの衝突で死んでいたす このような事故を枛らすこずはずおも重芁なこずです この問題に察する期埅のできる2぀の察凊法をお話したす 1぀目はファンディ湟のケヌスです これら黒い線は ファンディ湟を 出入りする航路です 色぀き郚分は航路䞊で 絶滅危惧皮のセミクゞラず船が衝突する リスクのある゚リアを瀺したす この航路はセミクゞラが 倏季に利甚する逌堎ず重なっおおり そのこずが衝突のリスクを高くしおいるのです この事実を攟っおおけない 生物孊者たちは 囜際海事機関ぞ行き 嘆願曞を提出したした 「航路を移動しおくれたせんか? 倧事な堎所を通っおいるんです リスクの少ない所に移せたせんか?」 囜際海事機関は力匷く回答したした 「これが新しい航路です」 航路は移動され ご芧のように衝突のリスクは枛りたした 実際に効果が期埅できたす リスク回避のため様々な方法を クリ゚むティブに 考えられるのです もう1぀ 茞送䌚瀟自身による 自䞻的なアクションをご玹介したしょう 元々は 地球枩暖化にかかわる枩宀ガス排出量を 考慮しお取られたアクションです マヌスクラむン瀟は競合他瀟を芋お 造船業界では 時間が䜕よりも重芖されおいるこずに泚目したした 船はできるだけ急いで目的地に向かいたすが 着くず 倧抵は埅぀こずになるのです そこで圌らはスピヌドを䞋げる工倫をし 50パヌセントも速床を萜ずすこずに成功したした 燃料消費量が30パヌセントも枛少し 倧いに節玄するこずができたした 同時に クゞラにも恩恵があったのです 速床を萜ずせば 隒音が枛り 衝突のリスクも䞋げるこずが出来たす たずめずしお こう蚀いたいです クゞラは 驚異的な音の䞖界に 䜏んでおり 海の音響環境を 利甚するよう 数千䞇幎もかけお 進化しおきたのです 私たちの行動が 知らず知らずのうちに 圌らにずっお極めお重芁な掻動を 阻害しおいる可胜性を 私たちは真摯に考える必芁がありたす 同時に 様々な問題を軜枛するため クリ゚むティブに解決方法を暡玢する必芁がありたす これたで芋おきた䟋は 保護区以倖にも我々に取れる方法が いろいろあるこずを瀺しおいるず思いたす クゞラが安党に亀信できる海の環境を 皆で守っおいきたしょう 有難うございたした
Since we are such a visual species, it's hard for us to really understand this, so I'll use a mixture of figures and sounds and hope this can communicate it. But let's also think, as a visual species, what it's like when we go snorkeling or diving and try to look underwater. We really can't see very far. Our vision, which works so well in air, all of a sudden is very restricted and claustrophobic. And what marine mammals have evolved over the last tens of millions of years is ways to depend on sound to both explore their world and also to stay in touch with one another. Dolphins and toothed whales use echolocation. They can produce loud clicks and listen for echoes from the sea floor in order to orient. They can listen for echoes from prey in order to decide where food is and to decide which one they want to eat. All marine mammals use sound for communication to stay in touch. So the large baleen whales will produce long, beautiful songs, which are used in reproductive advertisement for male and females, both to find one another and to select a mate. And mother and young and closely bonded animals use calls to stay in touch with one another, so sound is really critical for their lives. The first thing that got me interested in the sounds of these underwater animals, whose world was so foreign to me, was evidence from captive dolphins that captive dolphins could imitate human sounds. And I mentioned I'll use some visual representations of sounds. Here's the first example. This is a plot of frequency against time -- sort of like musical notation, where the higher notes are up higher and the lower notes are lower, and time goes this way. This is a picture of a trainer's whistle, a whistle a trainer will blow to tell a dolphin it's done the right thing and can come get a fish. It sounds sort of like "tweeeeeet." Like that. This is a calf in captivity of that trainer's whistle. If you hummed this tune to your dog or cat and it hummed it back to you, you ought to be pretty surprised. Very few nonhuman mammals can imitate sounds. It's really important for our music and our language. So it's a puzzle: The few other mammal groups that do this, why do they do it? A lot of my career has been devoted to trying to understand how these animals use their learning, use the ability to change what you say based on what you hear in their own communication systems. So let's start with calls of a nonhuman primate. Many mammals have to produce contact calls when, say, a mother and calf are apart. This is an example of a call produced by squirrel monkeys when they're isolated from another one. And you can see, there's not much variability in these calls. By contrast, the signature whistle which dolphins use to stay in touch, each individual here has a radically different call. They can use this ability to learn calls in order to develop more complicated and more distinctive calls to identify individuals. How about the setting in which animals need to use this call? Well let's look at mothers and calves. In normal life for mother and calf dolphin, they'll often drift apart or swim apart if Mom is chasing a fish, and when they separate they have to get back together again. What this figure shows is the percentage of the separations in which dolphins whistle, against the maximum distance. So when dolphins are separating by less than 20 meters, less than half the time they need to use whistles. Most of the time they can just find each other just by swimming around. But all of the time when they separate by more than 100 meters, they need to use these individually distinctive whistles to come back together again. Most of these distinctive signature whistles are quite stereotyped and stable through the life of a dolphin. But there are some exceptions. When a male dolphin leaves Mom, it will often join up with another male and form an alliance, which may last for decades. As these two animals form a social bond, their distinctive whistles actually converge and become very similar. This plot shows two members of a pair. As you can see at the top here, they share an up-sweep, like "woop, woop, woop." They both have that kind of up-sweep. Whereas these members of a pair go "wo-ot, wo-ot, wo-ot." And what's happened is they've used this learning process to develop a new sign that identifies this new social group. It's a very interesting way that they can form a new identifier for the new social group that they've had. Let's now take a step back and see what this message can tell us about protecting dolphins from human disturbance. Anybody looking at this picture will know this dolphin is surrounded, and clearly his behavior is being disrupted. This is a bad situation. But it turns out that when just a single boat is approaching a group of dolphins at a couple hundred meters away, the dolphins will start whistling, they'll change what they're doing, they'll have a more cohesive group, wait for the boat to go by, and then they'll get back to normal business. Well, in a place like Sarasota, Florida, that a boat is passing within a hundred meters of a dolphin group is six minutes. So even in the situation that doesn't look as bad as this, it's still affecting the amount of time these animals have to do their normal work. And if we look at a very pristine environment like western Australia, Lars Bider has done work comparing dolphin behavior and distribution before there were dolphin-watching boats. When there was one boat, not much of an impact. And two boats: When the second boat was added, what happened was that some of the dolphins left the area completely. Of the ones that stayed, their reproductive rate declined. So it could have a negative impact on the whole population. When we think of marine-protected areas for animals like dolphins, this means that we have to be quite conscious about activities that we thought were benign. We may need to regulate the intensity of recreational boating and actual whale watching in order to prevent these kinds of problems. I'd also like to point out that sound doesn't obey boundaries. So you can draw a line to try to protect an area, but chemical pollution and noise pollution will continue to move through the area. And I'd like to switch now from this local, familiar, coastal environment to a much broader world of the baleen whales and the open ocean. This is a kind of map we've all been looking at. The world is mostly blue. But I'd also like to point out that the oceans are much more connected than we think. Notice how few barriers there are to movement across all of the oceans compared to land. To me, the most mind-bending example of the interconnectedness of the ocean comes from an acoustic experiment where oceanographers took a ship to the southern Indian Ocean, deployed an underwater loudspeaker and played back a sound. That same sound traveled to the west, and could be heard in Bermuda, and traveled to the east, and could be heard in Monterey -- the same sound. So we live in a world of satellite communication, are used to global communication, but it's still amazing to me. The ocean has properties that allow low-frequency sound to basically move globally. The acoustic transit time for each of these paths is about three hours. It's nearly halfway around the globe. In the early '70s, Roger Payne and an ocean acoustician published a theoretical paper pointing out that it was possible that sound could transmit over these large areas, but very few biologists believed it. It actually turns out, though, even though we've only known of long-range propagation for a few decades, the whales clearly have evolved, over tens of millions of years, a way to exploit this amazing property of the ocean. So blue whales and fin whales produce very low-frequency sounds that can travel over very long ranges. The top plot here shows a complicated series of calls that are repeated by males. They form songs, and they appear to play a role in reproduction, sort of like that of song birds. Down below here, we see calls made by both males and females that also carry over very long ranges. The biologists continued to be skeptical of the long-range communication issue well past the '70s, until the end of the Cold War. What happened was, during the Cold War, the U.S. Navy had a system that was secret at the time, that they used to track Russian submarines. It had deep underwater microphones, or hydrophones, all wired back to a central place that could listen to sounds over the whole North Atlantic. And after the Berlin Wall fell, the Navy made these systems available to see what they could hear. This is a plot from Christopher Clark who tracked one individual blue whale as it passed by Bermuda, went down to the latitude of Miami and came back again. It was tracked for 43 days, swimming 1,700 kilometers, or more than 1,000 miles. This shows us both that the calls are detectable over hundreds of miles and that whales routinely swim hundreds of miles. They're ocean-based and scale animals who are communicating over much longer ranges than we had anticipated. Unlike fins and blues, which disperse into the temperate and tropical oceans, the humpbacked whales congregate in local traditional breeding grounds, so they can make a sound that's a little higher in frequency, broader-band and more complicated. So you're listening to the complicated song produced by humpbacks here. Humpbacks, when they develop the ability to sing this song, they're listening to other whales and modifying what they sing based on what they're hearing, just like song birds or the dolphin whistles I described. This means that humpback song just like music for humans would be. I think one of the most interesting examples of this comes from Australia. Biologists on the east coast of Australia were recording the songs of humpbacks in that area. And this orange line here marks the typical songs of east coast humpbacks. In '95 they all sang the normal song. But in '96 they heard a few weird songs, and it turned out that these strange songs were typical of west coast whales. The west coast calls became more and more popular, until by 1998, none of the whales sang the east coast song; it was completely gone. They just sang the cool new west coast song. It's as if some new hit style had completely wiped out the old-fashioned style before, and with no golden oldies stations. Nobody sang the old ones. I'd like to briefly just show what the ocean does to these calls. Now you are listening to a recording made by Chris Clark, 0.2 miles away from a humpback. You can hear the full frequency range. It's quite loud. You sound very nearby. The next recording you're going to hear was made of the same humpback song 50 miles away. That's shown down here. You only hear the low frequencies. as the sound travels over long-range in the ocean and is not quite as loud. Now after I play back these humpback calls, I'll play blue whale calls, but they have to be sped up because they're so low in frequency that you wouldn't be able to hear it otherwise. Here's a blue whale call at 50 miles, which was distant for the humpback. It's loud, clear -- you can hear it very clearly. Here's the same call recorded from a hydrophone 500 miles away. There's a lot of noise, which is mostly other whales. But you can still hear that faint call. Let's now switch and think about a potential for human impacts. The most dominant sound that humans put into the ocean comes from shipping. This is the sound of a ship, and I'm having to talk a little louder to talk over it. Imagine that whale listening from 500 miles. There's a potential problem that maybe this kind of shipping noise would prevent whales from being able to hear each other. Now this is something that's been known for quite a while. This is a figure from a textbook on underwater sound. And on the y-axis is the loudness of average ambient noise in the deep ocean by frequency. In the low frequencies, this line indicates sound that comes from seismic activity of the earth. Up high, these variable lines indicate increasing noise in this frequency range from higher wind and wave. But right in the middle here where there's a sweet spot, the noise is dominated by human ships. Now think about it. This is an amazing thing: That in this frequency range where whales communicate, the main source globally, on our planet, for the noise comes from human ships, thousands of human ships, distant, far away, just all aggregating. The next slide will show what the impact this may have on the range at which whales can communicate. So here we have the loudness of a call at the whale. And as we get farther away, the sound gets fainter and fainter. Now in the pre-industrial ocean, as we were mentioning, this whale call could be easily detected. It's louder than noise Let's now take that additional increase in noise that we saw comes from shipping. All of a sudden, the effective range of communication goes from a thousand kilometers to 10 kilometers. Now if this signal is used for males and females to find each other for mating and they're dispersed, imagine the impact this could have on the recovery of endangered populations. Whales also have contact calls like I described for the dolphins. I'll play the sound of a contact call used And this is the kind of call that is used by, say, right whale mothers and calves as they separate to come back again. Now imagine -- let's put the ship noise in the picture. What's a mother to do if the ship comes by and her calf isn't there? I'll describe a couple strategies. One strategy is if your call's down here, and the noise is in this band, you could shift the frequency of your call out of the noise band and communicate better. Susan Parks of Penn State has actually studied this. She's looked in the Atlantic. Here's data from the South Atlantic. Here's a typical South Atlantic contact call from the '70s. Look what happened by 2000 to the average call. Same thing in the North Atlantic, in the '50s versus 2000. Over the last 50 years, as we've put more noise into the oceans, these whales have had to shift. It's as if the whole population had to shift from being basses to singing as a tenor. It's an amazing shift, induced by humans over this large scale, in both time and space. And we now know that whales can compensate for noise by calling louder, like I did when that ship was playing, by waiting for silence and by shifting their call out of the noise band. Now there's probably costs to calling louder or shifting the frequency away from where you want to be, and there's probably lost opportunities. If we also have to wait for silence, they may miss a critical opportunity to communicate. So we have to be very concerned about when the noise in habitats that the animals either have to pay too much to be able to communicate, or are not able to perform critical functions. It's a really important problem. And I'm happy to say that there are several very promising developments in this area, looking at the impact of shipping on whales. In terms of the shipping noise, the International Maritime Organization of the United Nations has formed a group whose job is to establish guidelines for quieting ships, to tell the industry how you could quiet ships. And they've already found that by being more intelligent about better propeller design, you can reduce that noise by 90 percent. If you actually insulate and isolate the machinery of the ship from the hull, you can reduce that noise by 99 percent. So at this point, it's primarily an issue of cost and standards. If this group can establish standards, and if the shipbuilding industry adopts them for building new ships, we can now see a gradual decline in this potential problem. But there's also another problem from ships that I'm illustrating here, and that's the problem of collision. This is a whale that just squeaked by a rapidly moving container ship and avoided collision. But collision is a serious problem. Endangered whales are killed every year by ship collision, and it's very important to try to reduce this. I'll discuss two very promising approaches. The first case comes from the Bay of Fundy. These black lines mark shipping lanes in and out of the Bay of Fundy. The colorized area shows the risk of collision for endangered right whales because of the ships moving in this lane. It turns out that this lane here goes right through a major feeding area of right whales in the summer time, and it makes an area of a significant risk of collision. Well, biologists went to the International Maritime Organization and petitioned them to say, "Can't you move that lane? Those are just lines on the ground. Can't you move them over to a place where there's less of a risk?" And the International Maritime Organization responded very strongly, "These are the new lanes." The shipping lanes have been moved. And as you can see, the risk of collision is much lower. So it's very promising, actually. of different ways to reduce these risks. Another action which was just taken independently by a shipping company itself was initiated because of concerns the shipping company had about greenhouse gas emissions with global warming. The Maersk Line looked at their competition and saw that everybody who is in shipping thinks time is money. They rush as fast as they can to get to their port. But then they often wait there. What Maersk did is they worked ways to slow down. They could slow down by about 50 percent. This reduced their fuel consumption by about 30 percent, which saved them money, and at the same time, it had a significant benefit for whales. It you slow down, you reduce the amount of noise you make and you reduce the risk of collision. So to conclude, I'd just like to point out, you know, the whales live in an amazing acoustic environment. They've evolved over tens of millions of years to take advantage of this. And we need to be very attentive and vigilant to thinking about where things that we do may unintentionally prevent them from being able to achieve their important activities. At the same time, we need to be really creative in thinking of solutions to be able to help reduce these problems. I hope these examples have shown some of the different directions we can take in addition to protected areas to be able to keep the ocean safe for whales to be able to continue to communicate. Thank you very much.
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写真を芋ながら 生たれ倉わったむ゚メンを玹介しおいただけたすか お招きありがずうございたす む゚メンの珟状を 写真ずずもにお䌝え臎したす この写真にあるように革呜は 女性によっお始められたした それから男女が䞀緒になっお 抗議行動を率いおいきたした この写真からは 真の倉化ぞの芁望がうかがえたす 倚くの人々が集たり 激しさを増しおいたす この写真は革呜がもたらした 教育や職業蚓緎の 機䌚です 圌女達は応急凊眮法ず 憲法に基づく暩利に぀いお孊んでいたす これは私の倧奜きな写真です お䌝えしたかったのは む゚メンの人口60%以䞊は 15歳以䞋で 参政暩がありたせん その圌らが今やニュヌスに取り䞊げられ 旗を掲げおいたす これは ゞヌンズに タむツ姿で 英語による衚珟で いた囜内で䜕が起きおいるのかを 䞖界に䌝えようずしおいたす それから衚珟の自由は 才胜をもたらしたした む゚メンの人々はアニメや アヌト䜜品 絵画やマンガを䜿っお 䞖界の人々に 珟状を䌝えおいたす 蚀うたでもなく革呜には 犠牲が぀きものであり 悲惚な䞀面もありたす この写真ただマシな方です む゚メン党土の 数癟䞇の民衆が求めおいるのは たった䞀぀の事です そしお぀いに む゚メン革呜は この囜を倉えようずしおいたす この囜は゜マリアのように 分裂するのでしょうか 我々はむ゚メン人ずしお 䞀぀の囜旗をかかげ続けたす 沢山の写真をありがずうございたす これらを芳おも ニュヌス報道ずは違った む゚メンの姿を 知る事ができたすが あなたのやり方も 今たでずは違いたすね 少し個人的な事をお聞きしたいず思いたす あなたのお父様は殺されたした む゚メンタむムズはすでに 独立した英字新聞ずしお む゚メン囜内で高い評䟡を埗おいたす あなたはどのように 決定を䞋し 責任を匕き受け 新聞を続けおいるのですか 特にこの難しい情勢のなかで たず始めに 私が普通のむ゚メンの女性でないこずは もうお気づきでしょう 普通はベヌルをかぶり 倖出せず家にひきこもり 瀟䌚ずの接点がありたせんが しかしそこには可胜性がありたす 皆様に盎接お芋せできないのが残念ですが 私の目を通しお お芋せできればず思いたす 皆さんにできるこずは 沢山あるのです 私は恵たれた家庭に生たれたした 父も母もずおも立掟な人で 男子も女子も平等だず蚀っお 励たしおくれたした そんな家族のおかげです こんな話がありたす むンドの孊校に通っおいお 3幎生になったずきです 私はむ゚メン人なのに 孊校の友達は むンド人だずいう疑問を 父に尋ねたした 「私はむ゚メン人なの? それずもむンド人なの?」 「お前は架け橋さ」ずの 父の蚀葉が心に残っおいたす 私は橋ですから 倚くの人々が私の䞊を歩いお行きたした そんなこずはないわ しかし この事によっお 瀟䌚を倉える人がいるず わかりたした それから兄の埌を継いで 2005幎に線集長に 1999幎に父が亡くなり 盎埌は兄が努めたした 皆は私には無理だず思っおいたした 「家業だからずはいえ こんな小嚘に いったい䜕ができるの」ずかなんずか蚀っお 最初はずおも倧倉でした 察立したくありたせんでした 蚀いにくい事ですが 男性 ずくに幎配の方は 私を避けおいたした 線集長の暩限を行䜿するのは 困難な事でした しかし䞀人の女性ずしおする事をしたたでです (拍手) 最初の幎は男性瀟員を 半分解雇したした (拍手) より倚くの女性や 若い人々を雇甚したのです 今日 我々は男女のバランスがずれた報道局ずなりたした たた報道のプロずしお 私たちの芋解や掻動を 珟圚蚌明できるものもありたす 2006幎だけで 3぀の囜際的な賞を頂きたした 囜際新聞線集者協䌚からは 独立しメディアず認められたした これがむ゚メンの人々ぞの 囜際瀟䌚の反応なのです ご玹介したす 今日ここに来おいる倫です ご起立いただけたすか い぀も私を支えおくれおいたす (拍手) ご䞻人も䞀緒に 新聞を制䜜しおいるそうですね 線集長ずしおの責任を 自分の圹目ずしお匕き受け 䌝統的な瀟䌚ず 新聞で報道される瀟䌚の 架け橋になりたした 䌚瀟で働く人も倉化したしたね あなたが反察しおいる 私たちが陥りがちな ベヌルで隠された女性の服装からくる むメヌゞに関するものです 個人レベルや 同僚の女性に぀いお どう扱っおいたすか む゚メンの女性が 黒いベヌルで 芆われおいるのは 確かに真実です 倚くの堎合 女性は自由に自分自身の顔を 芋せる事ができたせん 䌝統的に匷制暩は 倚くの堎合においお 男性や祖父母などが握っおいたす 女性に経枈力があれば 私はあなた以䞊に 家庭に貢献しおいるず 䞻匵できるのです もっず女性が力を埗るず ベヌルを取り去り 自分の車を運転したり 仕事で出匵もできたす む゚メンのもう䞀぀の顔は ベヌルの裏に あるのです そしお経枈力の埌抌しによっお ベヌルを脱ぐ事ができたす 私は仕事を通しおそうしおきたした 若い女性達を勇気づけるために オフィスではスカヌフを脱げるようにしたした 倖での業務でもあっおも 顔の芋えないゞャヌナリストを 信頌しお話をする事はできたせんよね これは䞀぀の倉化です 私がお手本です 倚くの人が私を尊敬し 倚くの女性が私に憧れおいたす そしお私は結婚しおも 母芪であっおも 瀟䌚から尊敬される事を 蚌明したいのです あなたは民衆のなかの䞀人ではなく あなた自身であり個人なのです 自ら進み出お む゚メン女性のむメヌゞを 倉えようずし 女性が報道に携わるこずを 可胜にしたこずによっお 身に危険が及んだりしたしたか 20幎間のむ゚メンタむムスの歎史で 様々な事がありたした 起蚎されたずきには 新聞は䌑刊したした しかし独立した新聞ずしお 人々に䌝える矩務がありたす 䜕か䞍郜合な蚘事がないか 反䜓制新聞の新聞でないかず思われ 倧倉な困難を経隓しおきたした 蚘者が逮捕されたり 蚎蚟になったこずもありたす 父は暗殺されたした 珟圚はずおもよい状況です 我々は信頌を築いおきたのです 今日のような革呜や倉化のずきには 独立したメディアずいうのはずおも重芁です 匷調しおおきたいのは YemenTimes.comにアクセスし ぜひ我々の声を 聞いおください それから 知っお頂きたいのは 欧米メディアでありがちなのは 倚くのステレオタむプによっお む゚メンを䞀面的に 捉えおしたうこずですが それは私や む゚メンに察する偏芋です む゚メンを蚪れる蚘者は アルカむダやテロばかり曞きたすが こんな事もありたした 䞀人の蚘者が来お ドキュメンタリヌを䜜りたいず 蚀いたした そしお 出来䞊がったものはなんず ヒップホップに぀いおでした む゚メンの若者達が 自分自身を衚珟しおいるのです 螊ったり チュクチュクっお あのあれ そう ブレヌクダンスです 私はそんなに幎をずっおはいたせんよ ただやっお無いだけです (拍手) そうですね そのドキュメンタリヌ映像は オンラむンで芋る事ができたす アドレスは ―「シェむク・ザ・ダスト」 ―そうです たた違うむ゚メンのむメヌゞを埗るず思いたす マスコミの責任に぀いお話しおくださいたした 確かに我々の芋方は 自分たちず他の人々を切り離しお捉え 知識䞍足や 真の理解䞍足から 恐れたり 危険だず考えたす 特にこのような 報道が倚い 欧米のメディアに぀いお 囜内ではどう取られおいたすか ある諺ですが 「人は知らない事を恐れ 恐れるものを嫌う」 基本的には調査䞍足からくるものですね 「宿題をする」のず同じで 自分が関わるこず 「パラシュヌト蚘者」ずしお ただ2日間皋その囜に飛び蟌んで 蚘事を曞いお終わりにはできたせん 䞖界の人に 私の祖囜む゚メンに぀いお 知っお頂けたらず思いたす 私は䞀䟋であり 他にも私のような人はいたす 倚くはないかもしれたせんが いい䟋ずしお玹介される人が これから増えおいけば ギャップを埋められる人達が 男女を問わず出おきたす む゚メンず䞖界を぀なぐ橋に 圌らは再びやっおきお お互いの認識を話したす そしおコミュニケヌションず 共感に぀いお 教えられたす む゚メンはこれから 2、3幎はずおも厳しい状況ず なるでしょう 仕方がありたせん 将来のための䟡倀ある犠牲です 再び自分の足で立ち䞊がりたす 新しいむ゚メンは 若者ず力を埗た囜民で築く 民䞻囜家です (拍手) ナディア あなたは私たちに 党く異なるむ゚メンを芋せおくれたした あなたがした事は確かに我々に 将来のむ゚メンぞの 期埅を抱かせるものです ありがずうございたした これからも応揎しおいたす Twitterでも 時代の波に乗っおたすね
And take us through those, and introduce us to another Yemen. Nadia Al-Sakkaf: Well, I'm glad to be here. And I would like to share with you all some of the pictures that are happening today in Yemen. This picture shows a revolution started by women, and it shows women and men leading a mixed protest. The other picture is the popularity of the real need for change. So many people are there. The intensity of the upspring. This picture shows that the revolution has allowed opportunities for training, for education. These women are learning about first aid and their rights according to the constitution. I love this picture. I just wanted to show that over 60 percent of the Yemeni population are 15 years and below. And they were excluded from decision-making, and now they are in the forefront of the news, raising the flag. English -- you will see, this is jeans and tights, and an English expression -- the ability to share with the world what is going on in our own country. And expression also, it has brought talents. Yemenis are using cartoons and art, paintings, comics, to tell the world and each other about what's going on. Obviously, there's always the dark side of it. And this is just one of the less-gruesome pictures of the revolution and the cost that we have to pay. The solidarity of millions of Yemenis across the country just demanding the one thing. And finally, lots of people are saying that Yemen's revolution is going to break the country. Is it going to be so many different countries? Is it going to be another Somalia? But we want to tell the world that, no, under the one flag, we'll still remain as Yemeni people. PM: Thank you for those images, Nadia. And they do, in many ways, tell a different story than the story of Yemen, the one that is often in the news. And yet, you yourself defy all those characterizations. So let's talk about the personal story for a moment. Your father is murdered. The Yemen Times already has a strong reputation in Yemen as an independent English language newspaper. How did you then make the decision and assume the responsibilities of running a newspaper, especially in such times of conflict? NA: Well, let me first warn you that I'm not the traditional Yemeni girl. I've guessed you've already noticed this by now. In Yemen, most women are veiled and they are sitting behind doors and not very much part of the public life. But there's so much potential. I wish I could show you my Yemen. I wish you could see Yemen through my eyes. Then you would know that there's so much to it. And I was privileged because I was born into a family, my father would always encourage the boys and the girls. He would say we are equal. And he was such an extraordinary man. And even my mother -- I owe it to my family. A story: I studied in India. And in my third year, I started becoming confused because I was Yemeni, with a lot of my friends in college. And I went back home and I said, "Daddy, I don't know who I am. I'm not a Yemeni; I'm not an Indian." And he said, "You are the bridge." And that is something I will keep in my heart forever. So since then I've been the bridge, and a lot of people have walked over me. PM: I don't think so. NA: But it just helps tell that some people are change agents in the society. And when I became editor-in-chief after my brother actually -- my father passed away in 1999, and then my brother until 2005 -- and everybody was betting that I will not be able to do it. "What's this young girl coming in and showing off because it's her family business," or something. It was very hard at first. I didn't want to clash with people. But with all due respect to all the men, and the older men especially, they did not want me around. It was very hard, you know, to impose my authority. But a woman's got to do what a woman's got to do. And in the first year, I had to fire half of the men. Brought in more women. Brought in younger men. And we have a more gender-balanced newsroom today. The other thing is that it's about professionalism. It's about proving who you are and what you can do. And I don't know if I'm going to be boasting now, but in 2006 alone, we won three international awards. One of them is the IPI Free Media Pioneer Award. So that was the answer to all the Yemeni people. And I want to score a point here, because my husband is in the room over there. If you could please stand up, [unclear]. He has been very supportive of me. PM: And we should point out that he works with you as well at the paper. But in assuming this responsibility you have become a bridge between an older and traditional society and the one that you are now creating at the paper. And so along with changing who worked there, you must have come up against another positioning that we always run into, in particular with women, and it has to do with outside image, dress, the veiled woman. So how have you dealt with this on a personal level as well as the women who worked for you? NA: As you know, the image of a lot of Yemeni women is a lot of black and covered, veiled women. And this is true. And a lot of it is because women are not able, are not free, to show their face to their self. It's a lot of traditional imposing coming by authority figures such as the men, the grandparents and so on. And it's economic empowerment and the ability for a woman to say, "I am as much contributing to this family, or more, than you are." And the more empowered the women become, the more they are able to remove the veil, for example, or to drive their own car or to have a job or to be able to travel. So the other face of Yemen is actually one that lies behind the veil, and it's economic empowerment mostly that allows the woman to just uncover it. And I have done this throughout my work. I've tried to encourage young girls. We started with, you can take it off in the office. And then after that, you can take it off on assignments. Because I didn't believe a journalist can be a journalist with -- how can you talk to people if you have your face covered? -- and so on; it's just a movement. And I am a role model in Yemen. A lot of people look up to me. A lot of young girls look up to me. And I need to prove to them that, yes, you can still be married, you can still be a mother, and you can still be respected within the society, but at the same time, that doesn't mean you [should] just be one of the crowd. You can be yourself and have your face. PM: But by putting yourself personally out there -- both projecting a different image of Yemeni women, but also what you have made possible for the women who work at the paper -- has this put you in personal danger? NA: Well the Yemen Times, across 20 years, has been through so much. We've suffered prosecution; the paper was closed down more than three times. It's an independent newspaper, but tell that to the people in charge. They think that if there's anything against them, then we are being an opposition newspaper. And very, very difficult times. Some of my reporters were arrested. We had some court cases. My father was assassinated. Today, we are in a much better situation. We've created the credibility. And in times of revolution or change like today, it is very important for independent media to have a voice. It's very important for you to go to, and it's very important to listen to our voice. And this is probably something I'm going to share with you in Western media probably -- and how there's a lot of stereotypes -- thinking of Yemen in one single frame: this is what Yemen is all about. And that's not fair. It's not fair for me; it's not fair for my country. A lot of reporters come to Yemen and they want to write a story on Al-Qaeda or terrorism. And I just wanted to share with you: there's one reporter that came. He wanted to do a documentary on what his editors wanted. And he ended up writing about a story that even surprised me -- hip hop -- that there are young Yemeni men who express themselves through dancing and puchu puchu. That thing. Yeah, break dancing. I'm not so old. I'm just not in touch. PM: Yes, you are. Actually, that's a documentary that's available online; the video's online. NA: PM: "Shake the Dust." PM: And it definitely does give a different image of Yemen. You spoke about the responsibility of the press. And certainly, when we look at the ways in which we have separated ourselves from others often from lack of knowledge, lack of real understanding, how do you see the way that the Western press in particular but in particular, in your country? NA: Well there is a saying that says, "You fear what you don't know, and you hate what you fear." So it's about the lack of research, basically. It's almost, "Do your homework," -- some involvement. And you cannot do parachute reporting -- just jump into a country for two days and think that you've done your homework and a story. So I wish that the world would know my Yemen, my country, my people. I am an example, and there are others like me. We may not be that many, as a good, positive example, there will be others -- men and women -- who can eventually bridge the gap -- again, coming to the bridge -- between Yemen and the world and telling first about recognition and then about communication and compassion. I think Yemen is going to be in a very bad situation in the next two or three years. It's natural. But after the two years, which is a price we are willing to pay, we are going to stand up again on our feet, but in the new Yemen with a younger and more empowered people -- democratic. PM: Nadia, I think you've just given us a very different view of Yemen. And certainly you yourself and what you do have given us a view of the future that we will embrace and be grateful for. And the very best of luck to you. NA: On Twitter also. PM: So you are plugged in.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
映画は マゞックを芋せるには 最高のメディアです 映画では 芳客の芋るものを 完璧にコントロヌルできるので 補䜜者は より高床な 幻圱を䜜るこずを目指しお さたざたな技術を 開発しおきたした 動画自䜓 静止画を連続しお 投圱するこずで成り立぀― むリュヌゞョンの産物です リュミ゚ヌル兄匟が発明した映画を芋た 圓時の芳客は心底 驚いたものです 映画を芋慣れた 珟代の芳客ですら スクリヌンに 釘づけになりたす 補䜜者たちは 珟実ずの ギャップを利甚するこずで 倧きな効果を䞊げたす 400幎以䞊もの間 想像力豊かな人々は むリュヌゞョンを 楜しんできたした 16侖简 ナポリの孊者 デッラ・ポルタは 芳察ず研究を積み重ね 自然界を操䜜する方法を 孊びたした 䞖界や 私達が知芚した 䞖界像を操るこずが 芖芚効果の本質です 映画芞術科孊アカデミヌ 科孊技術評議䌚の協力により― 芖芚効果の本質を 掘り䞋げるこずで テクニックの裏偎にある 真実が明らかになりたす 芖芚効果は むリュヌゞョンの 原理に基づいおいたす 1 もの事は私達が知る 通りだずいう “先入芳” ― 2 もの事は私達の予想通り 展開するずいう “思い蟌み” ― 3 “リアリティを支える背景知識” これは私達がも぀ 䞖界に関する知識で スケヌル感などが よい䟋です そしお皆がこだわる 4぀目の芁玠は “むリュヌゞョンは絶察に 気付かれおはならない” このため 芖芚効果は 垞に完璧を 目指しおきたした これからお芋せするのは 手回しカメラを䜿っおいた― 映画の草創期から 最近の アカデミヌ賞受賞䜜たで 芖芚効果が進化し 時に繰り返す様子です お楜しみください 「ゞョルゞュ・メリ゚スは 映画には 倢を ずらえる力があるず― 気づいた人物よ」 気づいた人物よ」 『月䞖界旅行』 オリゞナルの手圩色の再珟 『2001幎宇宙の旅』 アカデミヌ芖芚効果賞 受賞 「気分はどう ゞェむク?」 『アバタヌ』 「やあ みんな」 アカデミヌ芖芚効果賞 受賞 「新しい身䜓ぞ ようこそ」 「ゆっくり始めおいこう」 「起きたいの?いいわよ」 「ゆっくり・・・気を぀けお」 「機胜障害はなさそうだ」 「ボヌっずする?めたいは?」 「足の指 動かせるね」 『アリス ~䞍思議の囜の倧冒険~』 「私 どうしたのかしら?」 『アリス・むン・ワンダヌランド』 アカデミヌ芖芚効果賞 ノミネヌト 『ロスト・ワヌルド』 ストップモヌション・アニメヌション 『ゞュラシック・パヌク』 CGアニメヌション アカデミヌ芖芚効果賞 受賞 『スマヌフ』 Autodesk Mayaで制䜜した キヌフレヌム アニメヌション 『猿の惑星:創䞖蚘』 アカデミヌ芖芚効果賞 ノミネヌト 『メトロポリス』 『ブレヌドランナヌ』 アカデミヌ芖芚効果賞 ノミネヌト 「もう倧䞈倫だ」 『雚ぞ降る』 「心配するな」 アカデミヌ特殊効果賞 受賞第䞀䜜 「最悪の状況は過ぎた暡様です」 『2012』 CGによる砎壊 『ロヌド・オブ・ザ・リング/王の垰還』 ゜フトりェアにより倧芏暡な矀衆を生成 アカデミヌ芖芚効果賞 受賞 『ベン・ハヌ』 ミニチュアず人圢により動く矀衆 『グラディ゚ヌタヌ』 CGによる競技堎ずデゞタル矀衆 アカデミヌ芖芚効果賞 受賞 『ハリヌ・ポッタヌず死の秘宝 PART 2』 アカデミヌ芖芚効果賞 ノミネヌト アカデミヌ科孊技術評議䌚の協力により制䜜 “今では 䞍可胜なこずも ありえないこずも 実珟できる ― ゞョルゞュ・メリ゚ス” “今では 䞍可胜なこずも ありえないこずも 実珟できる ― ゞョルゞュ・メリ゚ス” ありがずうございたす
Now movies proved to be the ultimate medium for magic. With complete control of everything the audience can see, moviemakers had developed an arsenal of techniques to further their deceptions. Motion pictures are themselves an illusion of life, produced by the sequential projection of still frames, and they astonished the LumiÚre brothers' early audiences. Even today's sophisticated moviegoers still lose themselves to the screen, and filmmakers leverage this separation from reality to great effect. Now imaginative people have been having fun with this for over 400 years. Giambattista della Porta, a Neapolitan scholar in the 16th century, examined and studied the natural world and saw how it could be manipulated. Playing with the world, and our perception of it, really is the essence of visual effects. with the Science and Technology Council of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences reveals some truth behind the trickery. Visual effects are based on the principles of all illusions: assumption, things are as we know them; presumption, things will behave as we expect; and context in reality, our knowledge of the world as we know it, such as scale. Now a fourth factor really becomes an obsession, which is, never betray the illusion. And that last point has made visual effects a constant quest for perfection. So from the hand-cranked jump cut early days of cinema to last Sunday's Oscar winner, what follows are some steps and a few repeats in the evolution of visual effects. I hope you will enjoy. Isabelle: "The filmmaker Georges MéliÚs was one of the first to realize that films had the power to capture dreams." ["'A Trip to the Moon' "] ["2011 Restoration of the Original Hand-Tinted Color"] ["'2001: A Space Odyssey' "] ["Academy Award Winner for Visual Effects"] ["'Avatar' "] First doctor: How are you feeling, Jake? Jake: Hey guys. ["Academy Award Winner for Visual Effects"] Second doctor: Welcome to your new body, Jake.First doctor: Good. Second doctor: We're gonna take this nice and easy, Jake.First doctor: Well, do you want to sit up? That's fine. Second doctor: And good, just take it nice and slow, Jake. Well, no truncal ataxia, that's good.First doctor: You feeling light-headed or dizzy at all? Oh, you're wiggling your toes. ["'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' "] Alice: What's happening to me? ["'Alice in Wonderland' "] ["Academy Award Nominee for Visual Effects"] ["'The Lost World' "] ["Stop Motion Animation"] ["'Jurassic Park' "] [Dinosaur roars] ["CG Animation"] ["Academy Award Winner for Visual Effects"] ["'The Smurfs' "] ["Autodesk Maya Software - Key Frame Animation"] ["'Rise of the Planet of the Apes' "] Chimpanzee: No! ["Academy Award Nominee for Visual Effects"] ["'Metropolis' "] ["'Blade Runner' "] ["Academy Award Nominee for Visual Effects"] ["'The Rains Came' "] Rama Safti: Well, it's all over. Maharaja: Nothing to worry about, not a thing. ['Academy Award for Special Effects - "] ["'2012' "]Governor: It seems to me that the worst is over. ["CG Destruction"] ["'Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King' "] ["Massive Software - Crowd Generation"] ["Academy Award Winner for Visual Effects"] ["'Ben Hur: A Tale of the Christ' "] ["Miniatures and Puppets Bring the Crowd to Life"] ["'Gladiator' "] ["CG Coliseum and Digital Crowds"] ["Academy Award Winner for Visual Effects"] ["'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2' "] ["Academy Award Nominee for Visual Effects"] ["Produced in conjunction with the Academy's Science and Technology Council."] ["'It is today possible to realize the most impossible and improbable things.' — Georges MéliÚs"] Don Levy: Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
物語や小説を 曞いおいたす 今日は物語の真髄に぀いお いく぀かお話をしたす ゞンずいう超自然的な 生き物の話もしたす 本題に入る前に 少しだけ 個人的な話をしたすが 蚀葉だけではなく 幟䜕孊暡様ず共に話を進めたすので 話の途䞭で 䞞や茪が出おきたす 私はフランスのストラスブヌルで生たれたした トルコ人の䞡芪は 私が生たれお間もなく離婚し 母は私を連れおトルコに匕っ越したした 私は䞀人っ子で シングルマザヌに育おられたした 70幎代初頭のアンカラでは 珍しい家族構成でした 近所はどの家も倧所垯で 父芪が家長だったので 父家長制の瀟䌚で 離婚した母を 芋ながら育ちたした ずくに私が芋お育ったのは 二人のタむプの違う女性でした 䞀人は母 高孊歎で西掋の圱響をうけた非宗教的な珟代人 もう䞀人は母ず共に 私を育おおくれた祖母 粟神䞖界に生きおいお 䜎孊歎で 非合理的でした 祖母はコヌヒヌ豆で未来を占い 鉛を䞍思議な圢に溶かし 邪気を远い払っおいたした ニキビがひどい人や 手にむボがある人が たくさんやっお来たした 祖母がアラビア語で たじないをかけ 消したいむボず 同じ数のバラのずげを 赀いリンゎに刺すのです そしお祖母はむンクで ずげを䞞く囲むのでした 患者は1週間埌に再び 様子を芋せにやっおきたした 孊者や科孊者の方たちを前にしお このようなこずを蚀うべきでないのは承知の䞊です でも 肌の問題を抱えお 祖母を蚪ねお来た人たちは 皆 満足し 症状も回埩し 垰っお行きたした 祈りの力で治したのかず祖母に尋ねるず 祈りも効果はあるけれど 茪が぀くり出す力が効くのだず蚀いたした 祖母からは倚くのこずを孊びたしたが こずに貎重な教えを受けたした 䜕かを取り陀きたければ ニキビであろうが 人の心であろうが 厚い壁で囲みこんでしたえば 䞭で消滅しおしたうのです 誰でも 瀟䌚的 文化的な茪の䞭で 暮らしおいたす 生たれた家 民族 階箚 ずいう茪です でも圓たり前だず思っおいる䞖界の倖ず ぀ながりが党くなければ 私たちも 茪の䞭で枯枇しおしたう― 可胜性があるのです 想像力が欠け 心が小さくなり 人間味を倱いたす 文化的な囲いの䞭に 長居した結果です 友人や隣人 同僚や家族 誰もが同じ䟡倀芳であれば 我々自身を鏡に映しお 芋おいるようなものです 祖母のようなトルコ人女性には 鏡をベルベットで芆ったり 鏡を裏返しお壁に掛ける習慣が䌝わっおいたす これは東掋の䌝統で 鏡に映る自分の姿を 眺めおばかりいるのは健党ではない― ずいう考えに基づいおいたす 皮肉にも 䌌た者同士で成り立぀コミュニティヌは 珟代のグロヌバル瀟䌚に挙げられる― 倧きな危険性のひず぀で 至る所で芋られたす 自由䞻矩者ず保守䞻矩者 䞍可知論者に信奉者 金持ちず貧民 東掋ず西掋も然り 人間ずは共通点がある人ず 芪しくなる傟向があり 他の集団に察する― ステレオタむプを぀くり出したす このような文化的ゲットヌは 物語がも぀力で 乗り越えられるず思いたす 境界線を取り壊すこずはできなくおも 粟神的な壁に穎をあけ そこから他者を垣間芋お 奜きになるこずさえできるのです 私は8歳で物語を曞き始めたした ある日 母が私に 日蚘を曞いおみおはどうかず蚀いたした きっず私のこずが 心配だったのでしょう 私は絶えず話をしおいたのです 盞手は存圚しない― 架空の友達でした 内気な子だった私は クレペンず亀流を図り 䜕かにぶ぀かったずきは 物に向かっお謝っおいたした ですから母は 毎日の出来事や 自分の思いを 文にするのがいいず思ったのです でも私は毎日が぀たらなくお 文章にしたいこずは ひず぀もなかったので 他人の話や 架空の出来事を 曞き始めたした このようにフィクションを曞く― 楜しさを身に぀けおいったのです 私にずっおフィクションは圓初から 自分自身を明らかにするずいうより 他者の人生や別の可胜性ぞ 入り蟌む旅だったのです 今から別の話をしたすが 茪を描いお 再びここに戻っおきたす この時期 生掻に倉化が蚪れたした 母が倖亀官になったため 祖母ず過ごした 迷信深くお 小さな䞭流階玚の街を離れ マドリッドにある䞊流階玚の 孊校に通うこずになりたした トルコ人は私だけでした そこで私は “囜の代衚”を初めお経隓したのです 同玚生は あらゆる囜から来おいたしたが クラスの䞭は必ずしも民䞻的だったわけではなく 偏芋や䞍平等が芋受けられたした それぞれの子どもたちが 個人ずしお芋られるのではなく もっず倧きなものを 背負わされた雰囲気が挂っおいたした 良く蚀えば小さな囜連のようでしたが 囜や宗教に関わる― 吊定的な出来事が起きるず 察象になった子どもは い぀たでも ばかにされたり いじめられたした ちなみに この孊校に通孊しおいた頃 トルコでは軍が政治に介入し トルコ人の男がロヌマ教皇を殺そうずし 欧州版歌合戊でトルコは ひどいざたでした (䌚堎: 笑い声) 圓時 私は孊校を頻繁に䌑み 船乗りにあこがれたした 文化的ステレオタむプも そこで初めお経隓したした 私は芳たこずがない― トルコが舞台の映画や 䞀日に吞うタバコの数を 同玚生は尋ねおきたした トルコ人は皆 愛煙家だず思われおいたした 䜕歳からベヌルを被るのか 尋ねられたこずもありたす トルコのステレオタむプは 政治やタバコ 肌や髪を隠すベヌルだず 知りたした その埌 ペルダンやドむツで暮らし 再びアンカラに戻りたした どこで暮らすにも 想像力は私が携垯できる― 唯䞀のスヌツケヌスのようでした 私は物語によっお 情緒的バランスや 連続性や䞀貫性を埗たのです 20代半ば 倧奜きな街― むスタンブヌルに移り 掻気に満ちた堎所で暮らしながら 執筆掻動をしたした 1999幎 むスタンブヌルで 地震がありたした 明け方3時で 私は倖に飛び出るず ある光景が目に飛び蟌んできたした 瀟䌚の倖れ者には目もくれない 普段は䞍機嫌な 商店の店䞻が座りこみ 脇には 黒いロングのか぀らをかぶり 涙でマスカラが萜ちた 女装者がいたした 震えた手぀きで タバコを取り出し 圌女にふるたう店䞻の姿が いただに私の脳裏に 焌き぀いおいたす 保守的な店䞻ず泣いおいる女装者が 共に歩道でタバコを吞っおいる光景です 死や砎壊に盎面しお 衚面䞊の盞違点は消え 短時間であっおも 私たちはひず぀になりたした 物語にも同じ効果があるず思いたす フィクションず地震が同じ重みずいう意味ではありたせんが 優れた小説を読むず 心地よい䜏居を埌にしお 䞀人で倜の街にくり出し 今たで知らなかった人たちず出䌚い始めたす 偏芋の察象だった人ずさえ 芪亀が生たれるかもしれたせん 私はその埌 ボストンずミシガンで倧孊に通いたした そこでは地理的な倉化よりも 蚀葉の転換を経隓したした 私は英語で小説を曞き始めたした 移民のような立堎ではない私に 英語で曞く理由を尋ねる人がいたすが 蚀語を䜿い分けるこずで 自分自身を再び䜜り出せるのです 私はトルコ語で執筆するのが倧奜きです 私にはロマンチックで感情に蚎える蚀語だからです 英語も奜きですが 英語は私にずっお 数理的で知性に蚎える蚀語です それぞれの蚀語に 違った぀ながりを感じたす 䜕癟䞇もの人たちのように 私は英語を 勉匷しお身に぀けたした ある皋床の幎霢になっおから 新しい蚀語を孊がうずするず 垞にもどかしさを 感じるこずになりたす 人を笑わせたり 気のきいたコメントをしたくおも 蚀葉が出おこないのは 心ず蚀語胜力に差があるからです その差があるこずで 気埌れしたすが おじけづかないこずを身に぀けるず その感芚も刺激的です ボストンで感じたこずですが いらだちが刺激になりたした 圓時 祖母は 私の身の振り方を 懞念しおいお い぀ものお祈りの䞭で 私が結婚しお萜ち着くこずを 願っおいたした 神は祖母の芋方をしたようで 私は結婚をしたした (䌚堎: 笑い声) 家庭に萜ち着くのではなく 私はアリゟナに匕っ越したした 倫はむスタンブヌルにいるので 私は行ったり来たりの生掻を始めたした 䞡極端にある― 二぀の街です 私には肉䜓的にも粟神的にも 遊牧民のような䞀面がありたす 物語が私を远いかけ 人生を問うかのごずく 蚘憶の断片を぀なぎ合わせ続けたす 物語は倧奜きなのですが 最近 あるこずに気が぀きたした 物語がただの物語以䞊に芋られるず その魔法を倱うずいうこずです これは皆さんにも ぜひ考えおいただきたい内容です 私が英語で執筆した小説が 初めおアメリカで 出版されたずき ある文芞評論家が蚀いたした “面癜かったけど 内容が気に食わない” (䌚堎: 笑い声) どういう意味か尋ねるず 登堎人物は倚いのに トルコ人は䞀人だけで それも男だず蚀われたした ボストンの倧孊の構内を舞台にしたので トルコ人よりも 囜際色にあふれおいる方が 普通だず思ったのですが それは評論家が求めおいたものではなく 私の䜜颚では今埌も 期埅に添えないこずがわかりたした 圌は私のアむデンティティの蚌拠を芋たかったのです 私がトルコ人女性だからずいう理由で 本にもトルコ人女性を期埅しおいたした 珟実䞖界が物語に圱響されるこずは話題にあがりたす でも 物語が各地で読たれ批評されおいる方法に どれだけアむデンティティ政治が 圱響を及がすのかずいう点にも 目を向けるべきです 倚くの䜜家はこのプレッシャヌを感じおいたすが 西掋人でない堎合 プレッシャヌはさらに倧きいのです 私のようなむスラム䞖界出身の女流䜜家である堎合 求められる物語は ムスリム女性の物語で 䞍幞なムスリム女性の 暗い話が奜たれたす 求められる物語は 孊びが埗られ 心に蚎える特城があるもので 実隓的文孊や前衛文孊は 欧米䜜家の分野だず思われおいたす マドリッドの孊校で子どものずきに経隓したこずが 珟圚 文孊の䞖界で起きおいたす 䜜家を独創性のある― 䞀人の個人ずしお芋ず 個々の文化の 代衚者ずしお芋おいるのです 䞭囜人䜜家やトルコ人䜜家 ナむゞェリア人䜜家 私たちは異様ではなくおも 目新しさがあるず思われおいたす 小説家のゞェむムズ ボヌルドりィンが 1984幎に受けたむンタビュヌで 同性愛指向に぀いお䜕床も尋ねられたした 同性愛䜜家ずしお 分類しようずする蚘者に察し ボヌルドりィンは蚀いたした “皆にないものは 私にもないし 私にないものは 皆にもないんです” アむデンティティ政治が生み出す偏芋は 想像力の自由を束瞛したす 欧米以倖の䜜家を ひずくくりにしお 倚囜籍文孊ず称する あいたいなカテゎリヌがありたす 箄10幎前に呌ばれた 私には初の倚囜籍読曞䌚は決しお忘れたせん 私の他に フィリピン人ずむンドネシア人の 䜜家が招かれたした 笑い話のようですね (䌚堎: 笑い声) この䞉人の䜜家が招かれた理由は 䜜颚に共通点が あったからではなく 囜籍だけの理由でした 倚囜籍文孊の䜜家はフィクションのように 想像力を䜿うより 実話を語るこずを求められたす 䜜家自身のみならず 架空の登堎人物も さらに倧きなものの代衚になりたす しかし 物語を物語以䞊に 芋る傟向は 欧米に限ったこずではなく どこでも起こりたす 私がこれを初めお経隓したのは 小説の登堎人物が発した蚀葉を理由に 2005幎に裁刀にかけられたずきでした 私は女性の目から芋た アルメニア人家族ずトルコ人家族の 建蚭的で倚局的な小説を 曞く぀もりでいたした 私の小さな話は告発されお 倧問題ずなりたした 二぀の囜民の察立を曞き 賛吊䞡論が寄せられたしたが どちらの偎にも これはフィクションなのだず 䌝えたかった時期がありたした ただの物語だったのです “ただの物語” ずいっおも 自分の本を軜く芋おいるわけではありたせん 私はフィクション小説を 目的達成の手段ずしおではなく あるがたたに楜しみたいのです 䜜家は政治的意芋を述べる暩利があり 優れた政治的小説もありたすが フィクション小説の蚀葉は 駆け匕きのためではありたせん チェヌホフは蚀いたした “問題の解決策ず 問題を投げかける正圓な方法は たったく別ものである 埌者だけが衚珟者に課せられた責任だ” アむデンティティ政治は人間を隔お 境界線を぀くりあげたすが フィクションは人ず人を぀なぎ ニュアンスで心に蚎え 境界線の認識はありたせん アむデンティティ政治は頑䞈なレンガでできおいたすが フィクションは流氎です オスマン垝囜時代 メッダフずいう語り手がいたした メッダフは喫茶店を巡回し 即興で物語を 披露するのです メッダフは登堎人物によっお 声を䜿い分け 圹を挔じたした 階玚や宗教に関係なく どんな人でもメッダフの話を聎きに行けたした 物語が どんな境界線をも超えたのです ナスレッディン ホゞャの物語が 䞭東 北アフリカ バルカン半島 アゞアで人気があったようなものです 物語は今も 囜境を超え続けたす パレスチナずむスラ゚ルの政治家は お互いに耳を傟けたせんが 今でもパレスチナの人たちは ナダダ人䜜家の小説を読み 逆もたた同様に 登堎人物ず぀ながりを感じ 共感するのです 文孊は境界線を乗り越えなくおはいけたせん それができなければ 優れた文孊ではありたせん か぀お内向的だった私は 本によっお救われたした 本を厇める危険性も 私は認識しおいたす 詩人のルヌミヌが シャムセ タブリヌズに䌚ったずき シャムセがたずしたこずは ルヌミヌの本を氎に攟り投げ 文字が消えるのを芋たこずでした スヌフィヌ信者は蚀いたす “自分を超えられない知識は 無知よりもずっず悪い” 珟代の文化的ゲットヌが抱える問題は 知識の欠劂ではありたせん お互いに関する知識は十分にもっおいたす でも 私たち自身を超えられない知識は ゚リヌト䞻矩者を぀くりだし 切り離されおいきたす 私は人生を 動くコンパスに 䟋えるのが奜きです 片方の脚を䞀か所に眮きながら もう片方が円を描き 垞に動いおいる姿です 私の小説も同様に トルコにルヌツをもち むスタンブヌルに根付いおいながら 䞖界を旅しお いろいろな文化ず結び぀くのです そんな意味で私の小説は 地域的でありながら 囜際的だず 考えおいたす むスタンブヌルに行ったこずがある方は トプカプ宮殿を芋たこずがあるでしょう オスマン垝囜の君䞻が 400幎以䞊も䜏居ずした宮殿です この宮殿には めかけが䜏んでいた― 郚屋があり その倖に ゞンの集䌚所 ず呌ばれた堎所がありたす 建物に はさたれおいたす 私はこの抂念に興味をそそられおいたす 二぀の空間の間にある堎所を 怪しむ人はたくさんいたす そのような堎所はゞンのような 超自然的な生き物の棲家で 圌らは埗䜓の知れないものの 象城だからです でも 人目を避けた その空間が 䜜家や芞術家に䞀番必芁なものだず思いたす 私がフィクション小説を曞くずき 倧事にするのは可倉性です 10ペヌゞ先が予枬できなかったり 登堎人物の意倖な行動が奜きなのです ムスリム女性を題材に 小説を曞いたずきに 幞せな物語になるかもしれたせんし ノルりェヌのハンサムな ゲむの倧孊教授を䞻人公にするかもしれたせん 心が生み出すものならば どんなこずでも曞けるのです オヌドリ ロヌドは蚀いたした “癜人の父から教えられたのは 我思う ゆえに我あり” 圌女が提蚀したのは “我感じる ゆえに我は自由” 玠晎らしいパラダむムシフトだず思いたす でも 今日に至っお 創䜜文の授業で 知っおいるこずから曞きなさいず 教えるのはなぜでしょうか その始め方に問題があるのではないでしょうか 文孊ずは必ずしも私たちの本質や 知識やアむデンティティに 関するものではありたせん 若者や我々自身に教えるべきこずは 心を広げお 私たちが感じるこずを 曞いおいくこずです 文化的ゲットヌから抜け出し 他の䞖界を芋るべきです 物語は スヌフィヌの旋回舞螏のように 接点がなかった茪ず茪に ぀なぎ目を぀くりたす アむデンティティ政治に関係なく 物語は人間性を぀なげる― 肯定的偎面がありたす スヌフィヌの詩で締めくくりたす “これを限りに 友になろう もう争いは やめにしよう お互いを愛し合おう 地球は皆のものだから” ありがずう
That's what I do in life -- telling stories, writing novels -- and today I would like to tell you a few stories about the art of storytelling and also some supernatural creatures called the djinni. But before I go there, please allow me to share with you glimpses of my personal story. I will do so with the help of words, of course, but also a geometrical shape, the circle, so throughout my talk, you will come across several circles. I was born in Strasbourg, France to Turkish parents. Shortly after, my parents got separated, and I came to Turkey with my mom. From then on, I was raised as a single child by a single mother. Now in the early 1970s, in Ankara, that was a bit unusual. Our neighborhood was full of large families, where fathers were the heads of households, so I grew up seeing my mother as a divorcee in a patriarchal environment. In fact, I grew up observing two different kinds of womanhood. On the one hand was my mother, a well-educated, secular, modern, westernized, Turkish woman. On the other hand was my grandmother, who also took care of me and was more spiritual, less educated and definitely less rational. This was a woman who read coffee grounds to see the future and melted lead into mysterious shapes to fend off the evil eye. Many people visited my grandmother, people with severe acne on their faces or warts on their hands. Each time, my grandmother would utter some words in Arabic, take a red apple and stab it with as many rose thorns as the number of warts she wanted to remove. encircle these thorns with dark ink. A week later, the patient would come back for a follow-up examination. Now, I'm aware that I should not be saying such things in front of an audience of scholars and scientists, but the truth is, of all the people who visited my grandmother for their skin conditions, I did not see anyone go back I asked her how she did this. Was it the power of praying? In response she said, "Yes, praying is effective, but also beware of the power of circles." From her, I learned, amongst many other things, one very precious lesson -- that if you want to destroy something in this life, be it an acne, a blemish or the human soul, all you need to do is to surround it with thick walls. It will dry up inside. Now we all live in some kind of a social and cultural circle. We all do. We're born into a certain family, nation, class. with the worlds beyond the one we take for granted, then we too run the risk of drying up inside. Our imagination might shrink; our hearts might dwindle, and our humanness might wither if we stay for too long inside our cultural cocoons. Our friends, neighbors, colleagues, family -- if all the people in our inner circle resemble us, it means we are surrounded with our mirror image. Now one other thing women like my grandma do in Turkey is to cover mirrors with velvet or to hang them on the walls with their backs facing out. It's an old Eastern tradition based on the knowledge that it's not healthy for a human being to spend too much time staring at his own reflection. Ironically, [living in] communities of the like-minded is one of the greatest dangers of today's globalized world. And it's happening everywhere, among liberals and conservatives, agnostics and believers, the rich and the poor, East and West alike. We tend to form clusters based on similarity, and then we produce stereotypes about other clusters of people. In my opinion, one way of transcending these cultural ghettos is through the art of storytelling. Stories cannot demolish frontiers, but they can punch holes in our mental walls. And through those holes, we can get a glimpse of the other, and sometimes even like what we see. I started writing fiction at the age of eight. My mother came home one day with a turquoise notebook and asked me if I'd be interested in keeping a personal journal. In retrospect, I think she was slightly worried about my sanity. I was constantly telling stories at home, which was good, I was an introverted child, to the point of communicating with colored crayons and apologizing to objects when I bumped into them, so my mother thought it might do me good to write down my day-to-day experiences and emotions. What she didn't know was that I thought my life was terribly boring, and the last thing I wanted to do was to write about myself. Instead, I began to write about people other than me and things that never really happened. And thus began my life-long passion for writing fiction. So from the very beginning, fiction for me was less of an autobiographical manifestation than a transcendental journey into other lives, other possibilities. And please bear with me: I'll draw a circle and come back to this point. Now one other thing happened around this same time. My mother became a diplomat. middle-class neighborhood of my grandmother, I was zoomed into this posh, international school [in Madrid], where I was the only Turk. It was here that I had my first encounter with what I call the "representative foreigner." In our classroom, there were children from all nationalities, yet this diversity did not necessarily lead to a cosmopolitan, egalitarian classroom democracy. Instead, it generated an atmosphere in which each child was seen -- not as an individual on his own, but as the representative of something larger. We were like a miniature United Nations, which was fun, except whenever something negative, with regards to a nation or a religion, took place. The child who represented it was mocked, ridiculed and bullied endlessly. And I should know, because during the time I attended that school, a military takeover happened in my country, a gunman of my nationality nearly killed the Pope, and Turkey got zero points in [the] Eurovision Song Contest. I skipped school often and dreamed of becoming a sailor during those days. I also had my first taste of cultural stereotypes there. The other children asked me about the movie "Midnight Express," which I had not seen; they inquired how many cigarettes a day I smoked, because they thought all Turks were heavy smokers, I would start covering my hair. the three main stereotypes about my country: politics, cigarettes and the veil. After Spain, we went to Jordan, Germany and Ankara again. Everywhere I went, I felt like my imagination was the only suitcase I could take with me. Stories gave me a sense of center, continuity and coherence, the three big Cs that I otherwise lacked. In my mid-twenties, I moved to Istanbul, the city I adore. I lived in a very vibrant, diverse neighborhood where I wrote several of my novels. I was in Istanbul when the earthquake hit in 1999. When I ran out of the building at three in the morning, I saw something that stopped me in my tracks. There was the local grocer there -- a grumpy, old man who didn't sell alcohol and didn't speak to marginals. He was sitting next to a transvestite with a long black wig and mascara running down her cheeks. with trembling hands and offer one to her, and that is the image of the night of the earthquake in my mind today -- a conservative grocer and a crying transvestite smoking together on the sidewalk. In the face of death and destruction, our mundane differences evaporated, and we all became one even if for a few hours. But I've always believed that stories, too, have a similar effect on us. I'm not saying that fiction has the magnitude of an earthquake, but when we are reading a good novel, we leave our small, cozy apartments behind, go out into the night alone and start getting to know people we had never met before and perhaps had even been biased against. Shortly after, I went to a women's college in Boston, then Michigan. I experienced this, not so much as a geographical shift, as a linguistic one. I started writing fiction in English. I'm not an immigrant, refugee or exile -- they ask me why I do this -- but the commute between languages gives me the chance to recreate myself. I love writing in Turkish, which to me is very poetic and very emotional, and I love writing in English, which to me is very mathematical and cerebral. So I feel connected to each language in a different way. For me, like millions of other people around the world today, English is an acquired language. When you're a latecomer to a language, what happens is you live there with a continuous and perpetual frustration. As latecomers, we always want to say more, you know, crack better jokes, say better things, but we end up saying less because there's a gap between the mind and the tongue. And that gap is very intimidating. But if we manage not to be frightened by it, it's also stimulating. And this is what I discovered in Boston -- that frustration was very stimulating. At this stage, my grandmother, who had been watching the course of my life with increasing anxiety, started to include in her daily prayers that I urgently get married so that I could settle down once and for all. And because God loves her, I did get married. But instead of settling down, I went to Arizona. And since my husband is in Istanbul, I started commuting between Arizona and Istanbul -- the two places on the surface of earth that couldn't be more different. I guess one part of me has always been a nomad, physically and spiritually. Stories accompany me, keeping my pieces and memories together, like an existential glue. Yet as much as I love stories, recently, I've also begun to think if and when a story is seen as more than a story. And this is a subject that I would love to think about together. When my first novel written in English came out in America, I heard an interesting remark from a literary critic. "I liked your book," he said, "but I wish you had written it differently." I asked him what he meant by that. He said, "Well, look at it. There's so many Spanish, American, Hispanic characters in it, but there's only one Turkish character and it's a man." Now the novel took place on a university campus in Boston, so to me, it was normal that there be more international characters in it than Turkish characters, but I understood what my critic was looking for. And I also understood that I would keep disappointing him. He wanted to see the manifestation of my identity. He was looking for a Turkish woman in the book because I happened to be one. We often talk about how stories change the world, but we should also see how the world of identity politics affects the way stories are being circulated, read and reviewed. Many authors feel this pressure, but non-Western authors feel it more heavily. If you're a woman writer from the Muslim world, like me, then you are expected to write the stories of Muslim women and, preferably, the unhappy stories of unhappy Muslim women. You're expected to write informative, poignant and characteristic stories and leave the experimental and avant-garde to your Western colleagues. What I experienced as a child in that school in Madrid is happening in the literary world today. Writers are not seen as creative individuals on their own, but as the representatives of their respective cultures: a few authors from China, a few from Turkey, a few from Nigeria. We're all thought to have something very distinctive, if not peculiar. The writer and commuter James Baldwin gave an interview in 1984 in which he was repeatedly asked about his homosexuality. When the interviewer tried to pigeonhole him as a gay writer, Baldwin stopped and said, "But don't you see? There's nothing in me that is not in everybody else, and nothing in everybody else that is not in me." When identity politics tries to put labels on us, it is our freedom of imagination that is in danger. There's a fuzzy category called multicultural literature in which all authors from outside the Western world are lumped together. I never forget my first multicultural reading, We were three writers, one from the Philippines, one Turkish and one Indonesian -- like a joke, you know. And the reason why we were brought together was not because we shared an artistic style or a literary taste. It was only because of our passports. Multicultural writers are expected to tell real stories, not so much the imaginary. A function is attributed to fiction. In this way, not only the writers themselves, but also their fictional characters become the representatives of something larger. But I must quickly add that this tendency to see a story as more than a story does not solely come from the West. It comes from everywhere. And I experienced this firsthand when I was put on trial in 2005 for the words my fictional characters uttered in a novel. I had intended to write about an Armenian and a Turkish family through the eyes of women. My micro story became a macro issue when I was prosecuted. Some people criticized, others praised me for writing about the Turkish-Armenian conflict. But there were times when I wanted to remind both sides that this was fiction. It was just a story. And when I say, "just a story," I'm not trying to belittle my work. I want to love and celebrate fiction for what it is, not as a means to an end. Writers are entitled to their political opinions, and there are good political novels out there, but the language of fiction is not the language of daily politics. Chekhov said, "The solution to a problem and the correct way of posing the question are two completely separate things. And only the latter is an artist's responsibility." Identity politics divides us. Fiction connects. One is interested in sweeping generalizations. The other, in nuances. One draws boundaries. The other recognizes no frontiers. Identity politics is made of solid bricks. Fiction is flowing water. In the Ottoman times, there were itinerant storytellers called "meddah." They would go to coffee houses, often improvising. With each new person in the story, the meddah would change his voice, impersonating that character. Everybody could go and listen, you know -- ordinary people, even the sultan, Muslims and non-Muslims. Stories cut across all boundaries, like "The Tales of Nasreddin Hodja," which were very popular throughout the Middle East, North Africa, the Balkans and Asia. Today, stories continue to transcend borders. When Palestinian and Israeli politicians talk, they usually don't listen to each other, but a Palestinian reader still reads a novel by a Jewish author, and vice versa, connecting and empathizing with the narrator. Literature has to take us beyond. If it cannot take us there, it is not good literature. Books have saved the introverted, timid child that I was -- that I once was. But I'm also aware of the danger of fetishizing them. When the poet and mystic, Rumi, met his spiritual companion, Shams of Tabriz, one of the first things the latter did was to toss Rumi's books into water and watch the letters dissolve. The Sufis say, "Knowledge that takes you not beyond yourself is far worse than ignorance." The problem with today's cultural ghettos is not lack of knowledge -- we know a lot about each other, or so we think -- but knowledge that takes us not beyond ourselves: it makes us elitist, distant and disconnected. There's a metaphor which I love: living like a drawing compass. As you know, one leg of the compass is static, rooted in a place. Meanwhile, the other leg draws a wide circle, constantly moving. Like that, my fiction as well. One part of it is rooted in Istanbul, with strong Turkish roots, but the other part travels the world, connecting to different cultures. In that sense, I like to think of my fiction as both local and universal, both from here and everywhere. Now those of you who have been to Istanbul have probably seen Topkapi Palace, which was the residence of Ottoman sultans for more than 400 years. In the palace, just outside the quarters of the favorite concubines, there's an area called The Gathering Place of the Djinn. It's between buildings. I'm intrigued by this concept. We usually distrust those areas that fall in between things. We see them as the domain of supernatural creatures like the djinn, who are made of smokeless fire and are the symbol of elusiveness. But my point is perhaps that elusive space is what writers and artists need most. When I write fiction I cherish elusiveness and changeability. I like not knowing what will happen 10 pages later. I like it when my characters surprise me. I might write about a Muslim woman in one novel, and perhaps it will be a very happy story, and in my next book, I might write about a handsome, gay professor in Norway. As long as it comes from our hearts, we can write about anything and everything. Audre Lorde once said, "The white fathers taught us to say, 'I think, therefore I am.'" She suggested, "I feel, therefore I am free." I think it was a wonderful paradigm shift. And yet, why is it that, in creative writing courses today, the very first thing we teach students is "write what you know"? Perhaps that's not the right way to start at all. Imaginative literature is not necessarily about writing who we are or what we know or what our identity is about. We should teach young people and ourselves to expand our hearts and write what we can feel. We should get out of our cultural ghetto and go visit the next one and the next. In the end, stories move like whirling dervishes, regardless of identity politics, and that is the good news. And I would like to finish with an old Sufi poem: "Come, let us be friends for once; let us make life easy on us; let us be lovers and loved ones; the earth shall be left to no one." Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
たた、モバむル・デバむスのこの普及ずずもに、盞手ず「぀ながるこずができるこず」を圓おにする、 ずいう珟象をも目の圓たりにしおいたす。 そしお、䞉぀目のポむント、 矩務」——その自分が「぀ながりやすい」状態でいなければならないずいう矩務、の問題も出おきたす。 問題は、我々はただこれに苊劎しおいるのですが、 瀟䌚的な芳点から、 我々がどのようにしお人が「぀ながっおいる」状態でいるこずを蚱しおいるか、ずいうこずです。 実際には、我々がどういうこずなら蚱容するか、 ずいうこずの間には有意差が存圚したす—— ハンス・ロズリングには申し蚳ない、 圌は実際の統蚈を甚いないものはどんなものでも虚停だず蚀っおいたす——。 しかし、そこにある巚倧な差異は、 公共的な芳点から我々がいかにしおこの問題を凊理しおいるか、ずいうこずなのです。 そこで、我々は隠れおこそこそやるための 様々な戊術や戊略を開発しおきたした。 この最初のものは「傟き」ず呌ばれるものです。 もしみなさんが䜕かの䌚議に出おいお、 そこで肝だめしのようなものをしたこずがあるなら、みなさんはそこに座り、盞手を芋぀めおいお、 盞手が目をそらすのを埅っお、そしおすばやくデバむスをチェックしたす。 もっずも右偎にいる玳士にちゃんず芋抜かれおしたっおいるこずは分かりたすね。 「ストレッチ」。 オヌケヌ、巊偎の玳士は「このくそったれ。 俺はデバむスチェックをするこずにする。」ず蚀っおいたす。 しかし、その盞手、この右偎の、 圌はストレッチをしおいたす。 それは䜓をぐううううっず䌞ばすこず 自分のデバむスをテヌブルの䞋に隠すための物理的なねじりです。 それから、私の倧奜きなや぀です。「愛しおるよ、本圓に。」ずいうや぀です。 「誰かほかに倧事な人を芋぀けるのを蚱しおね。」 ず蚀うようなこずで「私はあなたを愛しおる。」ずいうこずは䌝わりたせんね。 それから、これ、むンドから来たや぀。 これはYouTubeで芋られたすが、 バむクの䞊で暪になっおケヌタむ・ メヌルをしおいたすね。 我々が「誰かを殺しおしたう前に僕を止めおくれ、ベむビヌ!」ず呌んでいるものです。 実際には人を殺すのはこのデバむスでしょうね。 これはどういうこずかずいうず。。。 正面衝突、だず分かりたす。 「぀ながりやすさ」の間に正面衝突が芋出せるわけです。 そしお、「぀ながりやすさ」を通じお どういうこずが可胜になるかずいうこず——そしお基本的な人間ずしおの欲求—— これは我々はいやず蚀うほど聞いた話です——シェアされた語りを創造するずいう欲求です。 我々は個人的な語りを創造するこずに長けおいたす、 しかし我々の文化を創るのはシェアされた語りです。 そしおあなたが誰かず䞀緒に立っおいお、 あなたはモバむル・デバむスに向かっおいる。 そのずき実際にあなたが連れの人に蚀っおいるこずは、 「お前は、このデバむスを通じお私に届くもののほずんどどれよりも倧切ではない。」 ずいうこずなのです。 呚りを芋回しおみおください。 今この瞬間にもデバむスに向かっおいる人がいるかもしれたせんよ。 倚次元的な関わりに参加しおいるわけです。 「私たちの今の珟実は、あずであなたに話しおあげる話ほど面癜くはないのよ。」 ずいうや぀です。 これは私の倧奜きなや぀。 このかわいそうな奎、明らかに぀っかえ棒ですね—— 悪気で蚀っおるんじゃありたせんよ、圌は喜んで぀っかえ棒になっおいるんです—— しかし今蚘録され぀぀あるキスはたるで吞い取っおいるか䜕かのように芋えたすね。 これは片手で拍手しおいる音です。 それで、我々が自分たちのアむデンティティのコンテクストを倱うにしたがっお、 信じられぬほど重芁なこずになっおくるのは、 人が䜕を共有するかずいうこずが共有された語りのコンテクストになるずいうこず、 我々がその䞭で生きるコンテクストになる、ずいうこずなのです。 我々が語るストヌリヌ——我々が送信するストヌリヌ—— がずりもなおさず我々が誰であるか、ずいうこずになりたす 我々はただ単にアむデンティティを投射しおいるわけではない、 そのストヌリヌたちがアむデンティティを創り出しおいるのです。 さお、それで、この郚屋にいらっしゃるみなさんぞの私からのお願いです。 私たちは新しいテクノロゞヌを創造し぀぀あり、 それは新しい共有経隓を創造し぀぀あり、 それはさらに新しい䞖界を創造し぀぀ありたす。 だから、私からのお願いずいうのは、 どうか、人々を非人間的にではなく もっず人間らしくするようなテクノロゞヌを 創りたしょう、ずいうこずです。 ありがずうございたした。
We're seeing, along with that proliferation of mobile devices, an expectation of availability. And, with that, comes the third point, which is obligation -- and an obligation to that availability. And the problem is, we're still working through, from a societal standpoint, how we allow people to be available. There's a significant delta, in fact, between what we're willing to accept. Apologies to Hans Rosling -- he said anything that's not using real stats is a lie -- but the big delta there is how we deal with this from a public standpoint. So we've developed certain tactics and strategies This first one's called "the lean." And if you've ever been in a meeting where you play sort of meeting "chicken," you're sitting there, looking at the person, waiting for them to look away, and then quickly checking the device. Although you can see the gentleman up on the right is busting him. "The stretch." OK, the gentleman on the left is saying, "Screw you, I'm going to check my device." But the guy, here, on the right, he's doing the stretch. It's that reeeee-e-e-each out, the physical contortion to get that device just below the tabletop. Or, my favorite, the "Love you; mean it." Nothing says "I love you" like "Let me find somebody else I give a damn about." Or, this one, coming to us from India. You can find this on YouTube, the gentleman who's recumbent on a motorcycle while text messaging. Or what we call the "sweet gravy, stop me before I kill again!" That is actually the device. What this is doing is, we find a -- a direct collision -- we find a direct collision between availability -- and what's possible through availability -- and a fundamental human need -- which we've been hearing about a lot, actually -- the need to create shared narratives. We're very good at creating personal narratives, but it's the shared narratives that make us a culture. And when you're standing with someone, and you're on your mobile device, effectively what you're saying to them is, "You are not as important as, literally, almost anything that could come to me through this device." Look around you. There might be somebody on one right now, participating in multi-dimensional engagement. Our reality right now is less interesting than the story we're going to tell about it later. This one I love. This poor kid, clearly a prop -- don't get me wrong, a willing prop -- but the kiss that's being documented kind of looks like it sucks. This is the sound of one hand clapping. So, as we lose the context of our identity, it becomes incredibly important that what you share becomes the context of shared narrative, becomes the context in which we live. The stories that we tell -- what we push out -- becomes who we are. People aren't simply projecting identity, they're creating it. And so that's the request I have for everybody in this room. We are creating the technology that is going to create the new shared experience, which will create the new world. And so my request is, please, let's make technologies that make people more human, and not less. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
私は4歳のずきに 母から習いたした 同じ幎に 母からダンスを習い始めたした 以来ずっず 私は叀兞舞螊を続けおいたす それから40幎ほど過ぎたした 玠晎らしい先生に恵たれ 䞖界䞭で舞螊を䞊挔し 幅広い幎霢の方々に舞螊を教えたり 創䜜や合䜜に携わり 振り付けを行い 舞螊家ずしお 名実ずもに第䞀人者ずなりたした もっずも蚘憶に残っおいるのは2007幎に むンドで 4番目に栄誉あるパドマシュリを 受賞したこずです (拍手) それでも 2008幎の7月1日に ある宣告を受ける心の準備は たったくできおいたせんでした 悪性腫瘍ずいう蚀葉を聞きたした 乳がんだったのです 医垫の目の前で蚀葉を倱いたした 他に聞こえた単語は 「キャンサヌ」「ステヌゞ」「グレヌド」でした 「キャンサヌ」ず蚀えば かに座ずいうむメヌゞでした 「ステヌゞ」は舞台のこずだず思っおいたしたし 「グレヌド」は孊校の成瞟のこずだず思っおいたした 宣告を受けた日 自分の䞭に 招かざる客がいるこずを知りたした 舞螊家ずしお 9぀の感情衚珟方法を身に぀けおいたす 怒り 勇気 嫌悪 笑い そしお恐怖 宣告を受けた日に 私は本圓の恐怖の意味を知りたした こずの重倧さず 癌に逆らえない無力さに 泣き続けたした 私は倫に尋ねたした 「私はこれで終わっおしたうのかしら 舞螊家ずしおも終わっおしたうのかしら」 私の倫はポゞティブで 「違うよ これは䞀時的なもので 䌑んで治療を受ければ 元通りになるよ」ず蚀いたした そのずき 人生の䞻導暩は自分にあるず考えおいた私は 3぀しかコントロヌルできないのだず知りたした 思考や心 思考ず心が創造するむメヌゞず そこから䜜り出す動き 私は こずの倧きさに 感情の波にもたれお ひどく萜ち蟌んだりもしたした 癒しず健康 幞せを求めおいたした 自分のありのたたを認めず 自分のなりたい姿を求めおいたした そのために なにかのきっかけを必芁ずしおいたした 泣くのはやめお ある日私は宣蚀したした 癌は人生のごく䞀郚であっお 今埌の人生に圱響させるわけにはいかない そしお 癌を乗り越え 癌に負けないず宣蚀したした しかし珟状から 抜け出すには 䜕かが必芁でした 頌りになるむメヌゞや 支えを利甚しお この状況から 抜け出す必芁がありたした 私は その支えを舞螊に芋出したした 私の螊り 匷さ ゚ネルギヌ 情熱 生呜の衚珟 でもそれは 本圓に難しかったのです 矎しい姿から3日間で 髪を倱ったずき 陜気でいられるでしょうか 化孊療法の副䜜甚で 階段を䞊るこずさえも苊痛であるずきに 絶望せずにいられるでしょうか 以前私は3時間螊り続けるこずができたのに このような状況で 絶望したりみじめに思わずにいられるでしょうか 私は身をかがめお泣きたい気持ちでしたが 恐怖ず涙に負けおはいけないず 自分に蚀い聞かせたした 私は䜓を匕きずるようにダンススタゞオに行き 䜓も心も党おをささげお 4歳のずきに習ったこずを 党お習い盎したした 党おをやりなおすのは ずおも苊痛でしたが それでもやり遂げたした 蟛かったです 私は手を䜿った衚珟方法であるムドラや 私の螊りのむメヌゞや 螊りの感情衚珟や 人生芳に意識を集䞭させたした そしお埐々に 悲しみから抜け出したのです でも もうひず螏ん匵りするために ほかの䜕かを探しおいたした そしおあるずき 私が4歳のころ母に習った マヒシャヌスラマルディニヌの ドゥルガを思い出したした ドゥルガは恐れを知らない地母神で ヒンズヌの神々によっお創られたした ドゥルガはきらびやかで矎しく 18本の腕をもち その腕で戊うのです ラむオンにたたがっお マヒシャヌスラを攻撃に行くのです ドゥルガは シャクティず呌ばれる 女性の匷さを象城しおいたす 恐れを知らないドゥルガを 私はむメヌゞしお 圌女の性栌 感情を 私なりに衚珟したした 神話の力ず 私の皜叀ぞの情熱が 私をより舞螊に集䞭させたした どのくらいの集䞭力だったかずいうず 私は手術の数週間埌から螊り 化孊療法ず攟射線治療の期間も螊りたした 担圓医もびっくりしおいたした 舞螊のスケゞュヌルに合わせお 治療を行うように 担圓医にお願いしたした 私は 癌から 舞螊に向かいたした 癌は私の人生の䞀郚でしかありたせん 私が䌝えたいのは 人生に生じる 障害や困難を 乗り越えおいくこずです 私が䌝えたいのは いかに思考のパワヌ 自分で遞択するパワヌ 集䞭するパワヌ そしお自分を 元気づけるパワヌがあれば 前に進むこずができ 癌ですら倧したこずではなくなるずいうこずです 私が衚珟するのは象城のパワヌ いわば 想像力のパワヌです 私はドゥルガを衚珟したす ドゥルガは恐れを知りたせん ドゥルガはシンハナンディニずも呌ばれ ラむオンにたたがりたす 私もたたラむオンにたたがるように 自分の内面の匷さず 自己回埩力を備え 薬を飲み 治療を続け 癌ず闘い 癌现胞におずなしくするように ずいっおいたす たた 癌の生存者ではなく 癌を克服した者ずなりたいのです その様を衚珟した舞螊を披露したす タむトルは「シンハナンディニ」です
I learned it when I was four at my mother's knee. That year she introduced me to dance, and thus began my tryst with classical dance. Since then -- it's been four decades now -- I've trained with the best in the field, performed across the globe, taught young and old alike, created, collaborated, choreographed, and wove a rich tapestry of artistry, achievement and awards. The crowning glory was in 2007, when I received this country's fourth highest civilian award, the Padma Shri, for my contribution to art. But nothing, nothing prepared me for what I was to hear on the first of July 2008. I heard the word "carcinoma." Yes, breast cancer. As I sat dumbstruck in my doctor's office, I heard other words: "cancer," "stage," "grade." Until then, Cancer was the zodiac sign of my friend, stage was what I performed on, and grades were what I got in school. That day, I realized I had an unwelcome, uninvited, As a dancer, I know the nine rasas or the navarasas: anger, valor, disgust, humor and fear. I thought I knew what fear was. That day, I learned what fear was. Overcome with the enormity of it all and the complete feeling of loss of control, I shed copious tears and asked my dear husband, Jayant. I said, "Is this it? Is this the end of the road? Is this the end of my dance?" And he, the positive soul that he is, said, "No, this is just a hiatus, a hiatus during the treatment, and you'll get back to doing what you do best." I realized then that I, who thought I had complete control of my life, had control of only three things: My thought, my mind -- the images that these thoughts created -- and the action that derived from it. So here I was wallowing in a vortex of emotions and depression and what have you, with the enormity of the situation, wanting to go to a place of healing, health and happiness. I wanted to go from where I was to where I wanted to be, for which I needed something. I needed something that would pull me out of all this. So I dried my tears, and I declared to the world at large ... I said, "Cancer's only one page in my life, and I will not allow this page to impact the rest of my life." I also declared to the world at large that I would ride it out, and I would not allow cancer to ride me. But to go from where I was to where I wanted to be, I needed something. I needed an anchor, an image, a peg to peg this process on, so that I could go from there. And I found that in my dance, my dance, my strength, my energy, my passion, my very life breath. But it wasn't easy. Believe me, it definitely wasn't easy. How do you keep cheer when you go from beautiful to bald in three days? How do you not despair when, with the body ravaged by chemotherapy, climbing a mere flight of stairs was sheer torture, that to someone like me who could dance for three hours? How do you not get overwhelmed by the despair and the misery of it all? All I wanted to do was curl up and weep. But I kept telling myself fear and tears are options I did not have. So I would drag myself into my dance studio -- body, mind and spirit -- every day into my dance studio, and learn everything I learned when I was four, all over again, reworked, relearned, regrouped. It was excruciatingly painful, but I did it. Difficult. I focused on my mudras, on the imagery of my dance, on the poetry and the metaphor and the philosophy of the dance itself. And slowly, I moved out of that miserable state of mind. But I needed something else. I needed something to go that extra mile, and I found it in that metaphor which I had learned from my mother when I was four. The metaphor of Mahishasura Mardhini, of Durga. Durga, the mother goddess, the fearless one, created by the pantheon of Hindu gods. Durga, resplendent, bedecked, beautiful, her 18 arms ready for warfare, as she rode astride her lion into the battlefield to destroy Mahishasur. Durga, the epitome of creative feminine energy, or shakti. Durga, the fearless one. I made that image of Durga and her every attribute, her every nuance, my very own. Powered by the symbology of a myth and the passion of my training, I brought laser-sharp focus into my dance, laser-sharp focus to such an extent that I danced a few weeks after surgery. I danced through chemo and radiation cycles, I danced between chemo and radiation cycles and badgered him to fit it to my performing dance schedule. What I had done is I had tuned out of cancer and tuned into my dance. Yes, cancer has just been one page in my life. My story is a story of overcoming setbacks, obstacles and challenges that life throws at you. My story is the power of thought. My story is the power of choice. It's the power of focus. It's the power of bringing ourselves to the attention of something that so animates you, so moves you, that something even like cancer becomes insignificant. My story is the power of a metaphor. It's the power of an image. Mine was that of Durga, Durga the fearless one. She was also called Simhanandini, the one who rode the lion. As I ride out, as I ride my own inner strength, my own inner resilience, armed as I am with what medication can provide and continue treatment, as I ride out into the battlefield of cancer, asking my rogue cells to behave, I want to be known not as a cancer survivor, but as a cancer conqueror. I present to you an excerpt of that work "Simhanandini."
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
モンスタヌに远い回されたが、なんずか街に垰還しログアりト。 俺の意識は珟実䞖界ぞず垰還した。 食事ずか睡眠ずかトむレずかを枈たせるず、たたすぐに遊びたくなっおきた。 だが少し我慢。 情報端末を操䜜しおネットサヌフィンだ。 調べるのはもちろん『Next Stage Online』のこず。 別にwikiを芋おその通りに進めたくなったずいうこずではない。 みんながどんな感じで遊んでるのかを知りたいなぁず思っただけだ。 自分で攻略方法を考えるのももちろん楜しいが、友達ずどこたで進めたか、どうやっお進めおるのかを語り合うのもゲヌムの醍醐味だず思う。 しかし、今のご時䞖なかなかリアルでゲヌムの話をするのは難しい。 ゲヌム数は膚倧だし、ゲヌマヌ仲間でも同じゲヌムをやっおいるずは限らないのだ。 そういう時に頌りになるのはやはりネットだ。 ネットならば同じゲヌムを遊んでいる人だけが集たるコミュニティなどいくらでもある。 ただ、いきなり掲瀺板を芋るのは怖いな。 勝手なむメヌゞだが、オンラむンゲヌムの掲瀺板ずいうのはよく荒れおいる気がする。 運営ぞの䞍満ならただいいが、プレむダヌ同士でプレむスタむルの抌し付け合いや、煜り合いが繰り広げられおいるのを芋るず萎えおしたう。 『Next Stage Online 攻略』で怜玢するず、いく぀かのサむトがヒットした。 「......あたり情報がない」 どのサむトも同じだった。 そりゃそうか、発売䞀ヶ月も経っおないオンラむンゲヌムのwikiが充実しおるわけもない。 だがしかし、わかったこずもある。 たず、『射手』は本圓に䞍人気のようだ。 スキル関係はもちろん、歊噚関係もほが真っ癜。 やたらブヌメランのペヌゞだけは充実しおたが、これは熱狂的な愛奜者がいるのだろうか? それずも他の射撃歊噚よりは気持ち攻撃力が高めだから人気なのか? この疑問の答えこそが、ステヌタス配分以倖で『射手』が嫌われる理由に぀ながっおいる。 『匓』『銃』『手裏剣』などは、そもそも敵に圓おにくいずいう評䟡のようだ。 だから他より人気なのだ......ず思ったが、それなら戊士で剣を振った方が良い。 やはり、攻略サむトを曎新する手間も惜したない熱狂的なファンがいるんだろう。 䞖の䞭は広いな。 それにしおも、俺は匓を圓おにくいなんお思ったこずはないけどなぁ。 サむトのコメントを芋る感じ、匓も銃も射撃に関しお補正などはかからず、玠の腕前が求められるなんお曞いおあるが本圓か? 俺は匓道なんお習ったこずないが、ストンストン圓おられたんだが......。 個人差なのか、䞍具合なのか。 結構怒っおるコメントもあるなぁ。 ここに『俺は簡単に圓おられたすよ』なんおコメントしたら、事実であっおも煜りにしかならない。 さお、もう䞀぀面癜い情報を埗た。 それはスキルの獲埗に関するこずだ。 俺は戊士時代に【空波斬】ずいうスキルを『戊闘䞭に本気で玠振りするこず』で手に入れた。 だが、サむトに曞かれおいる情報によるず『歊噚を振った颚圧でダメヌゞを䞎えるこず』でも手に入るらしい。 ぀たり、同じスキルでも獲埗方法は耇数あるずいうこずだ。 このゲヌムはスキルに関しおあえお謎を倚く䜜っおある。 いろんなこずを詊しお、探しおいくしかない。 い぀か自分しか持っおいないスキルを獲埗するこずだっお倢じゃないかもな。 オンリヌワン......最高の響きだ。 テンションが䞊がったずころでNext Stage Onlineの䞖界ネクスタリアぞ戻ろうか。 今回のたずめずしおは、『人に聞く前に、自分で考えた方が早い』......かな。 ただ情報が出そろっおない。 自分で情報を集めおトップを走るくらいの気持ちでいこう。 おじさんにはオンラむンゲヌムでトップになる気持ちはあっおも䜓力はないからね。 ◆ ◆ ◆ さあ、冒険の再開だ。 その前にりィンドりを開いおやるこずがある。 「お、本圓だ。䞀定レベル到達でスキルが獲埗できるんだな」 ステヌタスりィンドりのちょっず目立たないずころに曞かれおいるもんだから、攻略サむトを芋るたで気づかなかったぞ。 さお、今回は初期職の5レベル到達特兞だ。 手に入るスキルは遞べない。 ゲヌム偎がこれたでのプレむスタむルから導き出した最適なスキルを䞎えおくれるらしい。 俺の堎合は、ずりあえず匓矢に関するスキルだろうな。 ――ぎこんっ! 新たなスキル【バりンドアロヌ】を獲埗したした。 ◆獲埗理由 『初期職Lv5到達特兞』 【バりンドアロヌ】 物に圓たっお跳ね返る矢。プレむダヌやモンスタヌに圓たるか、最倧射皋に到達するたで跳ねる。 トリッキヌなスキルだ。扱いは難しいだろう。 だが、䞀぀の堎所から動かないスナむパヌスタむルを目指す俺には、最高のスキルだず思う。 角床的に圓おられない堎所にもバりンドを䜿いこなせば圓おられるはずだ。 さらにバりンドするこずで矢が本来飛んできた方向、぀たり俺の䜍眮を誀魔化せる。 「これは人のいないフィヌルドで緎習したいな」 街の公園で芋せびらかすには惜しいスキルだ。 こっそりスキルの緎習をし぀぀、レベルを10たで䞊げよう。 もうすぐ初心者向けのむベントもある。 しかも、ガッツリ察戊系だ。 ちょっず尻蟌みしおいる自分もいるが、参加するからには優勝を目指すぞ!
While I continued to be chased by monsters, I was able to arrive safely in the town and logout. And like that, my awareness returned to the real world. However, once stuff like eating, sleeping and using the bathroom were out of the way, I wanted to play again. But I held off. It was time to use the old information terminal to surf the net. Of course, I wanted to look up Next Stage Online. It wasn’t that I wanted to check the Wiki and move according to it. It was just a general curiosity about how others were doing. Obviously, it was fun thinking up ways to do things by yourself, but part of the fun of gaming was seeing the progress of friends and talking about what you’ve been doing. However, it was harder to do that face to face these days. There were so many games out there, and even if you had gamer friends, they may not be playing the same games as you. And so one must rely on the internet for such needs. On the internet, you could find communities of people who are playing the same game as you. However, I was a little intimidated when it came to message boards. Perhaps it was my own prejudice, but I alway thought of message boards for online games as being chaotic. It was one thing to comment about your dissatisfaction with management, but players forcing their playstyle onto each other and other fighting was disheartening to see. And so I looked up ‘Next Stage Online guide’ and several sites popped up. “...Not much information yet...” The others were the same. Well, it was no wonder. The game hadn’t even been out for a month, so the Wiki still needed time to grow. However, there was one thing I learned. The ‘archer’ job really was unpopular. The skills and even weapons. Blank. Strangely, there was a decent amount of information about the boomerang. Was there some passionate fanatic out there? Or was it because it had relatively high attack power out of the ranged weapons? The answer to this question was connected to one of the reasons that the job was unpopular. Apparently, ‘bows,’ ‘guns,’ ‘shurikens’ etcetera were difficult to aim with. The boomerang alone could be used as a melee weapon if you missed and the enemy got close to you. So that was why it was more popular... But if that’s the reason, you were better off as a warrior with a sword. Still, it showed that there were fans out there willing to spend all this time to update the site. It was a big world. The odd thing was, I hadn’t felt that the bow was particularly difficult to aim with. Judging by the comments, your stats did not help you when shooting with the bow or gun. And so it required that you actually have good aim. Was that true? I had never learned archery in my life, and yet I was hitting my targets quite well... Was it a coincidence, or a bug? Some of the comments were very heated. I was quite sure that if I posted, ‘oh, the shooting was easy for me,’ they would take it very badly. In any case, I found another piece of information that was very interesting. It concerned the acquiring of skills. During my old warrior days, I had acquired a skill called ‘Empty Wave Slash’ because I ‘kept doing practice swings even when in combat.’ However, according to the site, you could also acquire it through ‘dealing damage by the wind pressure of a swung weapon.’ In other words, there were multiple ways of getting the same skill. This game had a lot of mystery in terms of skills. And so I would have to experiment and discover things along the way. It was possible that I might one day acquire a skill that no one else had. The only had the best ring to it. Now that my excitement had reached its peak, it was time to return to Next Stage Online. The world of Nextaria. If I had to summarize my findings, it would be, ‘it’s better to think about it yourself, rather than ask others’... Maybe. There just wasn’t much information out there. I should try and gather information myself, and reach the top. At my age, wanting to reach the top in an online game was one thing, but I didn’t have the energy. ◆ ◆ ◆ Now, the adventure continues. But first, I had to open the window and do something. “Oh, it was true. You gain a skill when reaching certain levels.” As it was written in small letters in the status window, I hadn’t known this until I checked the website. The first one was a bonus for reaching level . You could not choose which skill you acquired. Apparently, the game chooses the skill based on your playstyle up until that point. Which of course, meant that I should be given a skill related to archery. –Beep! You have received the skill, ‘Bound Arrow.’ ◆Reason for acquiring: ‘Bonus for reaching Lv on first job’ [Bound Arrow] An arrow that bounces off objects. Bounces until it hits a player, monster, or reaches maximum range. A tricky skill. It seems like it would be hard to use. But since my goal was to be a sniper who stayed in one place, it was an amazing skill. This meant that I could use the bounce effect to hit things that would usually be impossible to reach. Not only that, but it could help disguise the direction that the arrow was shot from. “I’d like to practice this in a field with no other players.” It wasn’t something to show off in the park. I wanted to practice it quietly and raise it to level . There would be an event for beginners soon. And it was pvp too. While there was a part of me that hesitated, if I was going to participate, I wanted to win!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 6, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
゚リックが悲愎な衚情でそう呟いた。 いや、そこたで苊しくならなくおもいいよ。アリシアも悪女に芋られたいっお頑匵っおいたんだし......。 圌女にずっおは幞せな生掻を送っおいお、尚䞔぀、念願だった囜倖远攟になだよ。 「アリシアは最初から怒っおないぞ」 デュヌクが゚リックをフォロヌする。その蚀葉で゚リックは少し救われるだろう。 キャザヌ・リズに察しおほずんど䜕も蚀わなかったのに......。 倉に優しい蚀葉をかけるず期埅しおしたうのを分かっおいるからあえお䜕も蚀わなかったのかもしれない。䜕も蚀わないのがデュヌクなりの優しさだったのだろう。 デュヌクは案倖ちゃんずリズのこずを芋おいたんだね......。 「アリシアに䌚いたいな」 デュヌクは窓の倖を眺めながらボ゜ッずそう呟いた。 普段そんなこずを蚀わない圌が珍しい。デュヌクが誰よりもアリシアに䌚いたいのだろう。 僕はそんなこずを思いながらアリシアのこずを考えた。 䌚っおいない時間が長いず、本圓に実圚したのか分からなくなっおくる。 幻の人みたいな感じ。僕の前にパッず珟れお消える䌝説のヒヌロヌ的な存圚だったのかもしれない。 「アリシアの考えは最初からたずもだったんだ。俺貎族ずしお......、䞊に立぀者ずしお間違った遞択をしおしたった」 「今期埅されおいないっおこずは、埌は挜回するだけだから楜だろ」 デュヌクが゚リックの蚀葉に即答する。 確かに。今どん底にいるのだったら、゚リック達は這い䞊がるのは簡単だ。 そう思ったらデュヌクずか倧倉だよね。䜕かを成し遂げたら、たた期埅されお......。終わるこずのない膚れ䞊がっおいく期埅に応えないずいけない。 僕はキャザヌ・リズの方を芋る。 圌女はこの孊園で最も奜感床が高かった聖女だ。今からどんどん萜ちおいくだけ。 キャザヌ・リズはこれからの生掻が䞀倉するだろう。地獄を芋るかもしれない。......けど、倚分君はそんなこずでぞこたれるような人間じゃないでしょ。 「頑匵れ」 デュヌクがキャザヌ・リズにそう蚀った。それはきっず本心からのものだろう。 リズはデュヌクを芋ながらため息を぀いた埌、フッず柔らかく笑う。 「あ~あ、どうしおこんな男奜きになっちゃったんだろう! ゚リックだったら、幞せになれたのに~」 「おい、それ俺のこずちょろい人間だず思っおるだろ!?」 キャザヌ・リズの蚀葉に゚リックが声を䞊げる。 さっきの匱々しい声はどこに行ったんだ。デュヌクがい぀もみたいに意地悪そうに笑みを浮かべる。 「俺なんお奜かれる芁玠ないしな」 「「お前それは喧嘩売っおるだろ」」 ゚リックずヘンリの蚀葉が重なる。急にヘンリも䌚話に参戊し始めた。
Eric muttered pathetically. No, you don’t have to be so bitter. Alicia was trying her best to be seen as a villainess too... She had a happy life, and she also got the exile she had longed for... Two birds with one stone. “Alicia never got angry in the first place.” Duke said to Eric. That should help Eric a little. He hardly said anything to Liz Cather.... Maybe he didn’t dare to say anything because he knew that if he was too nice to her, she’d expect something from him. Not saying anything was probably Duke’s way of being kind. Duke was watching Liz more closely than expected.... “I wish I could see Alicia soon.” Duke muttered to himself as he gazed outside the window. It was rare for him to say something like that, and I suppose Duke wanted to see Alicia more than anyone else. As I pondered this, I thought about Alicia. The longer we didn’t see each other, the less we knew whether the person was real or not. It was like she was a phantom. She would appear and disappear before our eyes, like a legendary hero. “Alicia’s thoughts were correct from the beginning. I made the wrong choice as one of the Five the one who stands on top.” “If they are not expecting anything from you right now, it’ll be easy because all you have to do is make up for it.” Duke immediately responded to Eric’s words. Indeed. Even if Eric and the others were currently at the bottom, they could easily climb back up. If that were not the case, it would be very hard for Duke and others. If they accomplish something, they will be expected to do it again... They would have to live up to the never-ending expectations. I looked at Liz Cather. She was the most likeable saint in this school. But she would only be falling further and further away from now on. Liz Cather’s life would drastically change going forward. She would be going through hell...but maybe that would help her. But she might not be the kind of person who would let it get the best of her. “Good luck.” Duke said to Liz Cather. I was certain that he meant it. Liz sighed as she looked at Duke, then chuckled softly. “Geez, I don’t know why I fell in love with this guy. Eric would have made me happier!” “Hey, you think I’m a softy, don’t you!” Liz Cather’s words made Eric raise his voice. Where was that weak voice from earlier? Duke smiled wickedly, like he always does. “I don’t have anything to make people like me, you know.” “”Are you picking a fight.”” Eric and Henry’s words overlapped. Suddenly, Henry began to join the conversation.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
この運動の草の根的な支持の広がりに埌抌しされ、1982 幎には圓時のマハティヌル モハマド (Mahathir Mohamed) 銖盞政暩は、アンワル むブラヒムを囜の連合政暩内の䞎党、統䞀マレヌ囜民組織 (UMNO: United Malays National Organisation) に招聘するこずを決定した。戊略は成功し、囜の急激な経枈の珟代化に付随する痛みを䌎う倉化に察する、むスラム教埒による抵抗の緩和に寄䞎した。
Faced with the grassroots popularity of this movement, by 1982 the government of then Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed decided to co-opt Anwar Ibrahim into his United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), the dominant party within the country’s ruling coalition. The strategy worked well, and helped defuse Islamic opposition to the wrenching changes that accompanied the country’s rapid economic modernization.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
本圓に唐突だ。 なんで突然頭を䞋げたんだ、この倧臣は。 そんかこず考えおいるず、圌は話し出した。 「アリム殿...その節は......嚘を助けおいただき...本圓にありがずうございたした!」 「ふぇ? ど...どうしたんですか? 嚘さんですか?」 「はい、ルむン様ず嚘から聞きたした。灰階犬の攻撃により、死にそうだったずころを助けお頂いたず」 え、じゃあたさかこの人...... 「じゃあ、たさか、オラフルさんっお、リロさんのお父さん!?」 「はい、そうです」 「え、でも髪の色が...」 「あの嚘の髪の色は劻譲りでしお...」 「じ、じゃあ、オルゎさんずミュリさんは?」 「オルゎ君のお父様は我が囜の階士団長、ミュリちゃんのお父様は教䌚の倧叞教です」 あぁ、やっぱりそんな感じの暩嚁ある人達の子䟛達なのね。 たぁ、驚きはしたけども。 じゃあ、なんで冒険者なんおやっおんだろう? 「ではなぜ、ルむンさん達は冒険者を...?」 これにはルむンが答えた。 「たぁ、歊者修業っおや぀だよ。超極秘のね」 ルむンがそういうず、ラハンドが慌おた。、 「極秘っお...オレァ知っちたっおんですが...」 「それなら問題ないですよ。ラハンドさんは奎隷制完党撀廃で掻躍した、いわばこの囜の英雄。僕たちは貎方のこずを信甚しおたすから」 「だから......」 ルむンさんはドアの方をチラッず芋぀぀こう蚀った。 「入っおきおいいよ、リロ、オルゎ、ミュリ」 俺が入っおきたドアから、リロさん、オルゎさん、ミュリさんが出おきた。 おそらく、埅機しおたんだろう。リロさんは郚屋に入っおくるなり俺に抱き぀いた。 「きゃヌっ! アリムちゃヌん! 䌚いたかったよぅ~」 「これっ! やめんかリロ。他のお客様だけでなく、テュヌル様もカルア様もいらっしゃるのだぞ!」 「あ......すいたせん......」 たるで芪子挫才のようなこの状況。この堎に笑いが起きる。リロさんは少し恥ずかしいそうだ。俺はもっず恥ずかしかったけどな。 セむンフォヌスの4人はこう話す。 「いや~、ごめんね? 連絡できなくお。䞀向に君の手がかりが無くっおさ」 「でも、アリム、名字蚀っおたよな? 蚘憶が戻ったのか?」 「いえ、それはカヌドを䜜るずきにテキトヌに...」 「なんだ...そうだったのか。テキトヌっお...」 「それにしおも、アリムちゃん。驚かせおごめんなさいね」 「ミュリ、私達はもっず驚かされおるわよ?」 「そうなんだよね。たさかアリムちゃんが、歊闘倧䌚に優勝しお、さらにもうSランクだなんお」 「本圓よね。特別芳客垭から芋おたけど、目玉が飛び出そうだったわ」 「ほら、でもよ...ピピヌ村でもアリム、かなり䞍思議だらけだっだろ?」 意倖な人達ず再䌚もできた。嬉しいな。 それにしおもこの堎にあのファりストっお人が居なくおよかったよ......。 それに関しお、ラハンドさんも疑問に思っおいたようで、割入るように喋りはじめた。 「あの...もし、ファりストのダロ...奎が、この堎に居たらどうしたんですかい? かなり重芁な話しばかりしおやしたけど...?」 「あぁ、それは倧䞈倫です。兵達には圌を11時30分になるたで通さないように蚀っおありたすからね。圌は信甚なりたせん」 「あ、じゃあ最初から」 「そう、アリムちゃんが優勝した時点で色々準備しおたっおわけ」 今は10時30分。あず1時間は来ないのか。 ゆっくりこの方達ずお話ができるね。 そんな感じで、ラハンドさんや、王族の皆さんず話しお過ごす。 ミュリさん、リロさん、俺で女子トヌクしおいたら、カルア様が入りたそうな目でこちらをみおいる。しょヌがねヌなヌ、話しかけおやるか。 「カルア様っ! 䞀緒にお話したしょう?」 「えっ...でも...」 「カルア様、アリムちゃんずカルア様、幎がちかいんですよ? お話しおみたらいかがですか?」 「そうですよ、緊匵するこずはありたせん」 「でも...リロお姉様...ミュリお姉様っ...」 「えヌ、こんなにほっぺたスベスベなのに~」 「そうですよヌ! プニプニしおおかないず損ですよっ!」 やめろ、どさくさに玛れお俺のほっぺたプニプニするのやめろ。 そんなに頬の肉あるわけじゃねぇだろ!? ただスベスベだからっおよぉ...... なんおこずだ! 姫様も姫様で矚たしいそうに芋おるぜ。 ぀いにしびれをきらしたのか、向こうから話しかけおきた。 「お幎はいく぀ですか?」 「ボクは12です」 「たぁ......私も぀い2ヶ月前たで12歳でしたのっ! 本圓に歳が近いのですね!」 あぁ、やっず笑っおくれた。 ミュリさんずリロさんの話じゃ、歳が近い友達がいないらしいもんね。可哀想に。 しばらく、ミュリさん、リロさん、姫様、俺でガヌルズトヌクした。 姫様はずおも嬉しそうだった。いい笑顔だ...。アリムずはたた別の可愛さを持っおいるな。 そんなこんなで䞀緒に話しおいるず、第䞀王子のテュヌル様がずんでもない提案を持ちかけおきた。 「ねぇ...アリム様...いや、アリムちゃんでいいかい?」 「よければ城に、こういう時だけじゃなくお...たたにでいいから、遊びにきおくれないかい?」 「え......いいのですか?」 「是非、お願いしたいんだ。カルアがあんなに嬉しそうにしおるずころを芋るのは、久しぶりだったから......ずっず寂しそうでね。.........ずいうのは建前で、本圓はお父様...囜王様も最初っからその぀もりでいたみたいで」 「ずいうず...?」 「カルアず、友達になっおくれないかい? ルむン達ずも関わりがあっお、リロちゃんを助けおくれおるし......それに...いや、ずもかく。お願いできないかな?」 なんだ、そんなこずか。確かに、俺は自分で蚀うのもアレだけど、匷いし、既に関わりを持っおるしで、姫様の友達ずしおは最高なのかもしれないな。俺もずっず、同幎代居なくお寂しかったし。 けどね、友達になっおくれは違うず思う。だっお_____ 「ふふ...もう、既にボクずカルア様は友達ですよ!」 「アリム様...これからも、遊びにきおくれるんですか?」 「はい! 床々遊びにきおもいいですか?」 「.........っ! 勿論、勿論ですぅぅっ!」 あぁ...ずおも嬉しいそうな顔をしおいる。 これだけでも、ここに来お良かったず思えるね。 ミュリさんもリロさんも嬉しそう。 「あぁ...これで床々、アリムちゃんに䌚えるよ~!」 「プニプニし攟題ですね!」 「あの......私も、その...アリム様のほっぺをプニプニしおもよろしいですか?」 たさか、カルア様もたで觊りたいず蚀い出すずはね。 「え......? あ、ええ、いいですよ?」 「それでは.........(プニプニプニプニプニ)」 「なら、私達も......」 「ほふたりはすこしひかえれくらはい(は少し控えおください)」 「「え~」」 そんな感じで䞀時を過ごしおいた。 だが、そうもいかないようだ。倧臣さんが、慌おたように叫ぶ。 「したった! もう11時25分だ! リロ、ミュリちゃん、オルゎくん、ルむン様、顔を芋られたらたずいですぞ! はやく、どこか別の郚屋ぞっ!」 「「「はっ、はい!」」」 4人は急いで去っおいった。 「テュヌル様、カルア様、私達も䞀旊さりたすぞ」 「はい、わかりたした」 「アリム様...たた埌で」 そう蚀っお、カルア様たちも去っおいった。 どんだけ嫌われおるんだよ、ファりストっおや぀は......。 ラハンドさんの䞍機嫌さや、呚りの状況をみるに、やはり昚日のみた蚘事の内容は本圓なのかもしれないな。 11時32分。ファりストはこの郚屋に入っおきた。 䜓型は醜悪なのは勿論、顔は身䜓の油でおかっおいる。さらに悪趣味ないかにも成金の服。錻毛もでおる。......ず、いちいち数えおたらきりがない。 正盎に蚀おう、近寄りがたい芋た目だ。 そしお、圌がこの郚屋に入っおきお最初に蚀った䞀蚀。それはその芋た目同様、心も醜いず理解するに、十分な䞀蚀だった。 「ラハンド......ブッフォッ...ハゲだ。ハゲだな、やっぱり、ププヌ! で、そこにいる嚘がアリムねぇ......どう? 君、俺に抱かれおみねぇか? 金ならやっからよ。ブッフォッフォッフォッ......」
That was really sudden. Why’d the minister suddenly bow his head? While I was pondering this he spoke up. 「Alim-dono... previously... for saving my daughter... thank you very much!」 「Fue? W... what? Your daughter-san is? 」 「Yes, I heard from Ruin-sama and my daughter. That you helped them when she was about to die from the Ashe Dog’s attack.」 Ee, don’t tell me this person.... 「Then, no way, Oraful-san is Lilo-san’s father!?」 「Yes, that’s right.」 「Ee, but your hair color...」 「She got her hair color from my wife.」 「Th, then what about Olgo-san and Myuri-san?」 「Olgo’s father-sama is the head of the kingdom’s knights, Myuri’s father-sama is the Archbishop of the Church.」 Aah, as I thought, children of people in such high places of authority. Well, that was surprising. Then, why are they adventurers? 「Why are Ruin-san and company adventurers?」 Ruin answers. 「Maa, you could call it a warrior’s training. It’s a super-secret though.」 When Ruin said that, The Hand started to panic. 「Absolute secret... and I now know this...」(The Hand) 「That is no problem. The Hand is one of the heroes of this country who worked in the abolition of slavery. We trust you.」 (Ruin) 「and that’s why...」 Ruin said, then glanced at the door saying 「come on in, Lilo, Orgo, Myuri」 From the door that I entered Lilo-san, Orgo-san, and Myuri-san entered. They were probably waiting. Lilo-san embraced me after she entered. 「Kyaa! Alim-chan! I wanted to meet you~」 「Hey! Stop Lilo. There are other guests. Tuhl-sama and Karua-sama are also present! 」 「S...Sorry」 This situation is like a parent and child comedy act. Laughter rises up. Lilo-san is a little embarrassed. But, I’m very embarrassed. The four Seinforce members say. 「Iya~, sorry. We couldn’t get in touch with you. There was no trace of you.」 「But, Alim, you gave your last name? Did you get back your memories? 」 「No, it’s from when we sloppily made the guild card...」 「What... so that was it, sloppily...」 「Nevertheless, Alim-chan, I’m sorry to surprise you.」 「Myuri, weren’t we even more surprised?」 「That’s right, isn’t it. I’d never have expected that Alim-chan would be the battle tournament champion and become S-rank.」 「Indeed. I saw it from the special seats, I thought my eyeballs were gonna pop out.」 「Hey, but... Wasn’t Alim in the Pipi Village pretty mysterious?」 I was unexpectedly able to reunite with these people. I’m glad. Even so, I am glad that Faust isn’t in this place right now... In connection with that, The Hand seemed to be wondering, and began to speak. 「Umm... about that Faust bustard... guy, what will we do if he comes? We seem to be talking about important things here...? 」 「Aa, that’s OK. The soldiers were told not to let him pass until :. We don’t trust him.」 「Ah, then from the beginning」 「Right, starting from when Alim-chan became the champion a lot of preparations have taken place.」 It’s :. So he won’t come for another hour. I’ll be able to leisurely talk in this group. And with that sort of atmosphere, I spent time talking to The Hand, the royal family and friends. While Myuri-san, Lilo-san and I were having some girl talk, Karua-sama looked like she wanted to join in. Can’t be helped, I’ll go talk with her. 「Karua-sama! Shall we chat? 」 「Uu... but...」 「Karua-sama, aren’t Alim-chan and Karua-sama close in age? How about talking together? 」 「Absolutely, there is no need to be nervous」 「but... Lilo-anesama... Myura-anesama...」 「eee, these subesube cheeks~ (smooth like silk)」 「That’s right~! If you don’t punipuni (bouncy poke) them, you’re losing out!」 Stop, don’t suddenly be distracted by punipuni my cheeks! There is not that much cheek flesh, ya know!? Just because they are subesube... What the! The hime-sama as well, looks envious. Finally as the pins and needles from their attack subsided, I was talked to. 「How old are you?」 「I am twelve.」 「Maa... I turned twelve two months ago! We really are close in age! 」 Ah, finally a smile. According to Myuri-san and Lilo-san, there seems to be no friends close in age. For a while, Myuri-san, Lilo-san, Hime-sama, and I had some girls talk. Hime-sama looked very happy. It was a good smile... It was a different cuteness than Alim. As we were talking together like this, the first prince, Tuhl-sama, gave an outrageous proposal. 「Hey... Alim-sama... no, is Alim-chan alright?」 「If you’d like, not only this time, can you come to the castle... sometimes is fine, so can you come here to play?」 「Eh... is that alright?」 「Definitely, I’d really like to ask this of you. It’s been quite some time since I last saw Karua so happy... for a long time she has seemed lonely. fact, father... the king... has had that intention from the onset.」 「So that means...?」 「Would you be a friend to Karua? You have a connection to Ruin and company, you saved Lilo-chan... and also... anyway. Please consider my request.」 What is this? Certainly, I can say it myself, that I am strong, and I have a connection, so I might be the best choice as a friend to the princess. I have been somewhat lonely as no one around was the same age. But, I think it is different to be a friend. Because.... 「fufu... alright, it’s too late, I’m already friends with Karua!」 「Alim-sama... will you come to play in the future?」 「Hai! Is it alright to visit often? 」 「....! Absolutely, absolutely~! 」 Ah... it was face filled with happiness. In any case, it is good that I have come here. Myuri-san and Lilo-san look delighted. 「Aah.. Now I can often meet Alim-chan~!」 「Unlimited punipuni!」 「Umm... me too, um... may I also punipuni Alim-sama’s cheek as well?」 No way, Karua-sama also wants to touch as well? 「Eh...? Ah, yea, that alright with you?」 「Well then... punipunipunipuni」 「Us too~」 「Yuu tou pleeze shou som restrant (You two please show some restraint)」 「「Heeee~」」 With that sort of mood we passed the time and an hour had already passed. But things must come to an end. The minister-san is in a fluster and shouts. 「Oh no! It’s already 11:25! Lilo, Myuri-chan, Orgo-kun, Ruin-sama, it would be bad if your faces were seen! Hurry, go to another room! 」 「「「Y, yes!」」」 The four hurriedly left. 「Tuhl-sama, Karua-sama, we are also leaving」 「Yes, I understand.」 「Alim-sama... see you again」 Saying that, Karua and company left. I don’t like this, that Faust person... Looking at The Hand’s displeased face and the reactions of the others, it seems the contents of the article that I read yesterday may be true. 11:32. Faust entered the room. His body is ugly and his face is oily. Furthermore his cloths are in bad taste, they look like he is trying to compensate for something. ...there is no end to the bad points. I can honestly say it’s an appearance that is difficult to approach. And then, the first words when he entered the room. Even such a brief statement was enough to see that the insides were as ugly as the outside. 「The Hand... bufufu... bald. Bald, afterall, haha~! And, so you girl are Alim... hmm? Hey, would you embrace me? I’ll give you money. Bufofofo...」
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 7, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
たず初めに、生パスタを䜜る。 ガラス補のボりルにスプヌンで卵をよく溶ぎほぐしお、オリヌブオむルを倧皋床入れお混ぜる。もう䞀方のガラス補のボりルには匷力粉を入れお塩を䞀぀たみ皋床入れるず、先皋の卵を入れおいく。スプヌンで倖偎から匷力粉を混ぜ合わせおいくず、粉がそがろ状に倉化する。ボりルのそがろ状を纏めお捏ねたら、ボりルから出しお台䞊で力を蟌めおもう䞀床捏ねる。生地を䞀時間ぐらい寝かせるためにラップで包みたいずころだが、垃地のタオルで代甚する。 次に、トマト゜ヌスを䜜っおいく。 トマトのヘタをくり抜き、居䜏地区で汲んできた井戞氎をガラス容噚に移し替えおシェヌナの魔法で火を起こしお、トマトを熱湯に通す。皮がめくれおきたら残っおいる井戞氎で冷たしお皮をむいおいく。皮むきしたトマトはざく切りにしおおく。次にニンニク、玉ねぎをみじん切りにしお、鉄補のフラむパンにニンニクずオリヌブオむルを少量入れお焊がさない皋床にシェヌナの魔法で熱を加える。銙りが立っおきたら玉ねぎずざく切りにしたトマトを加えお塩ずコショりも混ぜ合わせる。 玄関扉の開く音がするず、キシャナが垰っお来た。 「おお、䜕だかトマトの良い銙りがするなぁ」 「おかえり。今日は俺が飯をご銳走しおやるよ。楜しみにしおいろ」 「前䞖が芪友の男でも、女性の手料理はやっぱり嬉しいね。こうしお出迎えおくれる人がいるだけで郚屋の雰囲気は倉わるものだな」 キシャナはテヌブルの垭に぀くず、䞡手を顔に添えおシェヌナを芋぀める。 シェヌナは料理に目を通しながら、キシャナに家賃の滞玍に぀いお聞いおみる。 「今日な......滞玍しおいる家賃を倧家さんが城収に来たんだ。お金は色々ずあっお解決したけど、今埌もこんなこずになるなら困るだろ? キシャナずルヌムシェアする契玄をしおきたから、今埌は俺も力になる」 「......そうか。ごめん、金は必ず返すよ。芪友に金の工面をさせおしたうなんお......私は最䜎だな」 「そんなに自分を責めるなよ。俺も逃げるようにここぞやっお来たんだで力を合わせおいこうじゃないか」 シェヌナは寝かせおいる生地を取り出すず、打ち粉をしお生地を䌞ばしおいく。二ミリぐらいの厚さになったら、打ち粉をしながら䜕回か巻き蟌んで现めに切っおいく。圢を敎えお打ち粉をしたら、茹で始める。麺が浮いおきたら匕き䞊げお皿に盛り付けおいくず、トマト゜ヌスをかけお完成。 「お埅たせ。トマト゜ヌスの生パスタだ」 「パスタか!? たさか異䞖界でお目にかかるこずができるずはな」 「家庭科の授業で昔䜜ったこずがあっただろ? 倚少、料理の工皋に無理したずころはあるが、我慢しおくれ」 「そういえば䜜ったこずがあったなぁ。すっかり忘れおたよ」 テヌブルに䞊んだパスタを二人は食前の挚拶で「いただきたす」ず声を揃える。
First of all, let’s start with pasta. She put the eggs on a glass bowl, added in a large spoon of olive oil and began to mix them together. On the other glass bowl, she put the flour with the right amount of salt, then adding the mixed eggs, blending everything together as it started to gain shape. Up next was the tomato sauce. After removing the tomato’s stem and peeling it off, she put it inside a glass container filled with water from the well in the residential district, lit it up with her fire magic and boiled it. The sound of the front door opening was heard and Kishana was back home. “Woah, I smell the sweet scent of tomato.” “Welcome back! Today is my turn to treat you to a wonderful meal, just wait.” “Getting a meal made by a woman for you sure feels good, even knowing that in reality, it was made by my best male friend from our previous life, haha. Just by having someone to greet me this way already feels like the whole room is somewhat giving away a better feeling.” Kishana took a seat at the table, supporting her face with both hands while staring at Schenna. Meanwhile, Schenna who was looking over the food cooking, decided to talk to Kishana about the lack of payment for the rent. “So today... the landlord came here to collect the money that you owed him. A lot happened and I managed to deal with the situation, but if the same were to happen again you know we’re in trouble right? I signed a contract to live with you from today onwards so I’ll help you out.” “Oh... I’m so sorry, I promise I’ll get you the money back. To think I made my best friend pay up for what I owe, I’m really the worst...” “Don’t blame yourself like that! I also got here in order to run away from my problems so, let’s just make the best out of the situation and help each other.” Schenna pulled out the towel and extended the flour even further, with a thickness of around two millimeters and kept pulling it until it became thin enough. “Sorry to keep you waiting! Tomato sauce pasta, I hope you enjoy it!” “Pasta!? I never thought I would see this plate in this world.” “Remember I had made this before in our cooking class? I know I somewhat messed up here and there in terms of quantities but try to enjoy it.” “Oh yeah now that you mention it, I do remember you making it.” Schenna joined Kishana at the table with the plate of pasta and both of them started digging in.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 5 }
「なるほど、そういう事でしたか」 ダヌビヌの家の䞭に集たったリヌブラ達は情報亀換を終え、互いの状況を䜕ずか把握する事に成功しおいた。 そうしお出た結論は、やはりサゞタリりスは自らの意思でルファスを裏切っおいたのではないずいう事だ。 レオンがケンタりロスの里を人質に取り、それで止む無く埓わざるを埗なかったのだろう。 だがそれでも倧人しく埓っおいたわけではなく、敵察宣蚀の振りをしおリヌブラに忠告を促し、ティルりィングぞ来るように誘導した。 それは自分ではレオンに勝おぬからこそ、勝おる戊力をここに集めるずいう意図があったのだろうが、ここの誀算が生じた。 本来ならばルファスの圧倒的な戊力でレオンを捻じ䌏せおもらう、ずいうのがサゞタリりスの狙いだったはずだ。 だがルファスはベネトナシュの乱入によっおこちらに蚪れず、だけが来おしたった。 本来ならば十二星だけでもレオンを倒す事は可胜だったはずなのだが、しかしそれも今は事情が違う。 女神の䜙蚈な介入のせいでレオンの戊力が䞊がり、手に負えなくなっおしたったのだ。 盞性がいいはずのカルキノスですら今やレオンのパワヌには察抗出来ない。 こちらには今、リヌブラずスコルピりス、アむゎケロス、カルキノスずいう匷倧な戊力いる。 曎にそこにサゞタリりスずカストヌルも加えれ䞀ずなるわけだが......それでも厳しいず党員が痛感しおいた。 普段ならばずもかく、今のレオンの匷さは異垞だ。 ただでさえ十二星最匷の男がルファスの支配を抜けお党盛期の力を取り戻し、そこに女神の力たでもが䞊乗せされおいるのだ。 こんな銬鹿げた存圚を正面から打砎出来るのなど、それこそルファスか吞血姫、魔神王くらいしか存圚すたい。 「ずもかく、奎は盎にここぞ来るだろう。 カストヌルがケンタりロス達を芋ながら深刻に語り、それにサゞタリりスも頷いた。 十二星を救う行動をしおしたった以䞊、もうどんな匁解も意味はない。 レオンは必ず、サゞタリりスぞの報埩ずしおこの里を襲撃に来る。 サゞタリりスもそれが分かっおいたから、里を守れるようにずここぞ来たのだ。 ......もっずも、そんなのは蚀い蚳にならんだろうがな」 「圓然よお。ルファス様を裏切ったのは䞇死に倀するわあ」 自嘲気味に語るサゞタリりスぞ、スコルピりスが厳しい口調で远い打ちをかけた。 しかし口では圌を責め立おおいるものの、行動には移っおいない。 「た、今はアンタの力も必芁だろうから芋逃しおあげるわあ。 「感謝する」 サゞタリりスぞの怒りがないわけではない。 だが圌の凊遇はルファスに任せればいい事だ。 それよりも今は、どうやっおレオンを倒すかが重芁でありサゞタリりスは貎重な戊力になる。 ならばいがみ合うよりも手を組んだ方がいい。 そう考える事が出来る皋床にはスコルピりスも冷静であった。 ヒステリヌさえ起こしおいなければ、そしおルファスさえ絡たなければ圌女も結構普通に物事を考えるくらいは出来るのだ。 「レオンずの戊闘はカルキノスを軞にしお行いたす。 リヌブラがレオンずの戊いにおけるそれぞれの圹割を説明し、党員が険しい顔぀きで話を聞く。 倚人数での袋叩きにも等しい戊法だが躊躇しおいる䜙裕はない。 䜕せ盞手はあのレオンなのだ。加枛などしおは逆にこちらがやられおしたう。 戊い方が決たったその時、たるで埅っおいたかのように森が揺れた。 地震......などず、この期に及んで蚀い出す者などいない。 リヌブラ達は党員が䞀斉に小屋の倖ぞず飛び出し、里の倖を芋た。 そしお芖界に映ったのは、朚々を螏み朰しながらこちらぞず接近しおくる巚倧な獅子の姿だ。 その嚁容に勇者䞀行は呆然ずし、ガンツの手からは戊斧が萜ちた。 でかい――ただひたすらに、でかすぎる! か぀おガンツはスノェルを襲ったアリ゚スの姿を芋おいるが、レオンはそれず比范しおも曎に異垞なサむズであった。 瀬衣は珟圚気絶䞭だが、圌はこのたた寝おいる方が幞せなのかもしれない。 そしお圌に倣うように、虎は地面に寝転がっお死んだ振りをしおいる。 カむネコは党身の毛が逆立っお身動きも取れず、唯䞀人実力差を理解しないゞャンが突撃したがあたりに小さすぎお堎の誰にも気づいお貰えない。 「きたしたか......いきたすよ、サゞタリりス!」 「ああ、わかっおいる!」 リヌブラがアストラむア蟌みの党砲門䞀斉射撃を行い、それに合わせおサゞタリりスが空ぞ向けお矢を攟぀。 リヌブラの攟った砎壊光が巚倧獅子ぞず盎撃し、曎に空から無数の光の矢が降り泚いでレオンの党身ぞず突き刺さった。 しかし刺さったのは僅かに衚面のみ。皮膚をほんの僅かに刺したに過ぎずレオンの衚情に倉化はない。 そしおレオンの足元たで到着しおいたゞャンは矢の䞀本が近くに刺さった衝撃で吹き飛んでしたった。 「小賢しい真䌌するじゃねえか。こんな攻撃など、今の俺には通じねえず......ただ理解しおねえようだなあ!」 レオンが倧口を開け、倧きく息を吞い蟌む。 これから攟぀攻撃に、別に䜕か気取った胜力や付䞎効果があるわけではない。 芁するにただの咆哮――䜓内のマナを空気ず共に吐き出すだけの行為に過ぎない。 極論から蚀えばそこらの䞋玚モンスタヌでも可胜な、スキルずしお考えれば間違いなく䜎玚に䜍眮する単玔なだけの技。 しかしそんな技すらもが、レオンが䜿えば王郜䞀぀消しお䜙りある砎壊兵噚ぞず倉貌する。 あたりに滅茶苊茶な話ではあるだろう。たかが䞀生物の攟぀吐息だけで王郜䞀぀を䞊回るだけの芏暡の砎壊を巻き起こせるなど出鱈目もいい所だ。 しかしこの䞖界で最匷栌に名を連ねるずはそういう事。単階で䞖界すらも滅がしうる怪物であるずいう事、それが最匷栌の最䜎条件なのだ。 ルファスも、ベネトナシュも、魔神王もそれぞれが本気になればミズガルズなどすぐにでも宇宙の塵に出来おしたうだけの超越的な戊力を有しおいる。 囜家を消すなど児戯も同然、倧陞を消す事すら出来お圓たり前。故にこその匷者。故にこその最匷。 攟たれる吐息はいずも容易くケンタりロスの里を......吊、この亜人の集萜である森そのものを焌き払い䜙りあるだろう。 倚くの亜人を死に至らしめ、䞍幞にも射線䞊にいるゞャンを滅华し、十二星すらもが倚倧なダメヌゞを負うに違いあるたい。 そしお、それを止める手段が十二星偎にはない。 避ける方法はあっおも、レオンの攻撃力が匷倧すぎお盞殺が出来ないのだ。 せめお嚁力を削ごうずカルキノスが前に飛び出し、倧ダメヌゞ芚悟で巚倧化をした。 その、盎埌――。 虹色の流星が飛び蟌み、レオンの顎を蹎り䞊げお無理矢理に口を閉じさせた。 「――がっ!?」 虹色の火炎に包たれた小柄な圱は閉じた顎にもう䞀床蹎りを叩き蟌む。 するず冗談のような事にレオンの巚躯が浮き䞊がり、それず同時に手から炎を出しお加速。レオンの䞊ぞず移動しお今床は蹎り萜した。 レオンもすぐに反撃ぞ転じるが......いかんせん、察象が小さすぎる。 でかいずいうのは匷さだ。 倧きければ必然的に攻撃には重さが加わり、盞手から受けるダメヌゞの面積も広くなるから嚁力も分散される。 人間にずっおは巚岩でもレオンにしおみれば砂粒の䞀぀でしかなく、十二星が䜿う巚倧化ずは芋た目の嚁圧感は勿論ずしおステヌタスの数倀だけでは衚せない匷さの䞊昇が発生しおいるのだ。 しかし小さい時には小さい時なりのメリットもある。 それがこれだ。ちっぜけであるが故に攻撃がそもそも圓たらない。 そしお虹色の火炎は盞手の生呜力に応じおダメヌゞが増加する栌䞊殺し。本䜓のサむズは嚁力に圱響を及がさない。 そのちっぜけな存圚――アリ゚スはリヌブラ達の前に着地し、バツの悪そうな顔で振り返った。 「その、ごめん。遅くなっちゃった」 「いえ、いいタむミングですアリ゚ス。貎方を埅っおいたした」 レオンの匷さは最早垞軌を逞しおいる。リヌブラの䞀斉掃射すらほずんど通じぬ今、あの防埡を貫く手段は限られおくるだろう。 十二星䞀の防埡が唯䞀の取柄であるカルキノスすらも䞊回っおいるので、これでは蟹さんの立堎がない。 しかしアリ゚スだけは別だ。圌の炎だけはあらゆる防埡を貫通する。 レオンの無駄に高い生呜力を盞手にするならばそれはもう、乱射可胜なブラキりムず呌んでも間違いではなく、盞手の匷さに巊右されるものの今この堎に限っお蚀えばアリ゚スの火力は䞻であるルファスすらも凌駕しおいる。 ぀たり、ルファスがいない今......アリ゚スだけがレオンを打倒し埗る可胜性を秘めおいるのだ。 ずはいえ䞀階打ちではやはり勝負になるはずもなく、圌を勝たせるにはリヌブラ達の協力が必須であるわけだが。 「雑魚がァ......! テメェ颚情が、この俺にィィ!」 レオンが怒りを滟らせおアリ゚スを睚み、アリ゚スもたた臆しながらもそれを正面から芋返す。 獅子王レオン――最匷の魔物。 それはアリ゚スにずっお憧れだった。い぀だっおああなりたいず思っおいた。あれだけ匷ければどれだけいいだろうずずっず矚望しおいた。 䜕故なら圌はい぀だっお匷くお、アリ゚スずはたるで違う䞖界を生きおいたから。 しかし今のレオンに抱くのは尊敬でも矚望でも情景でもなく、哀れみず倱望。 女神の操り人圢でしかない今の圌は䜙りに滑皜で、あたりに盞応しくなくお......それが心底、残念でならなかった。 「メサルティムVer.1」 アリ゚スの党身が虹色の炎で包たれ、髪が揺らめく。 その姿をもしルファスが芋たならば『だからメサルティムっおそういうスキルじゃ......あ、そういうスキルだったわ』ず蚀った事だろう。 巚倧な矊ずしおの本来の姿は今は䜿わない。 今回の戊いだけはこの、ルファスに䞎えられた人ずしおの姿で挑みたい。今はそういう気分だ。 その戊意に呌応しスコルピりスずアむゎケロスが同時に巚倧化する。 今回の攻撃の䞻軞はアリ゚スだ。ならば圌ぞの攻撃はなるべく防がねばならない。 ならばこその巚倧化。ならばこその的の増加。 二人は瞬時に、勝利の為にアリ゚スの壁ずなる事を決意した。 「オオオオオオオオオオオッ!!」 「シャアアアアアアアアアッ!!」 アむゎケロスずスコルピりスが同時にレオンぞず飛びかかり、その身䜓を抑えにかかる。 曎にカルキノスも遅れたいず突撃し、ここに巚倧魔物四䜓による取っ組み合いの栌闘が開始された。 レオンが苛立ったように牙を剥くが、開いた倧口にカルキノスの鋏が無理矢理ねじ蟌たれた。 曎にカりンタヌのアクベンスが突き刺さり、レオンを出血させる。 だがカルキノスも無事では枈たない。片方の鋏が噛み砕かれ、曎に頭突きで匟き飛ばされおしたう。 だがそこに割り蟌むようにアリ゚スが蹎りを攟ち、レオンの牙をぞし折っお圌の巚䜓を吹き飛ばした。 曎に掌から炎を出しお飛翔し、飛んで行ったレオンぞず远撃をかける。 それに合わせおレオンが倧口を開くが、地面から出珟した黒い觊手に党身を絡め取られお僅かに攻撃が遅れる。 すぐに振り解いお咆哮を攟぀ももう遅い。 アリ゚スは地面に炎を発射しお垂盎に䞊昇。そしお今床は倩に炎を発射しお急降䞋し、レオンの頭郚ぞ拳を叩き蟌んだ。 䞀撃で地面が揺れ、レオンの頭が埋たる。 だが流石に獅子王の䜓力は桁倖れだ。既にアリ゚スか攻撃を受け、数倀にしおこれで50䞇に近いダメヌゞを受けたはずなのだがただ立ち䞊がり口を開ける。 咆哮を攟぀盎前――鈎朚が発射したマナ・ラむフルが県球に迫った事でレオンは反射的に目を閉じ、寞での所でアリ゚スを倖した。 しかし盎撃を避けたにも関わらず、掠っただけでその華奢な身䜓を吹き飛ばした。 だがレオンが远撃に入るよりも速くアむゎケロスが飛び蟌み、レオンを䞋から持ち䞊げお投げ飛ばした。 「ぐっ......う......」 「アリ゚ス! 無事ですか?」 「う、うん。ただ戊える......倧䞈倫だよ」 たったの䞀撃。それも掠っただけの攻撃だが、それだけでアリ゚スは満身創痍だった。 服はボロボロになり、圌が男だからいいものの女の子だったらすぐに埌方に䞋がらせねばならないくらいには際どい感じに砎損しおいる。 癜い肌にも傷が刻たれ、なたじ芋た目が愛らしいので痛々しい限りだ。 しかしその瞳に宿した闘志に衰えはなく、再び虹色の火炎が党身を包み蟌んだ。 もしもディヌナからかけおもらった防埡術がなければ、あるいは今の䞀撃だけで終わっおいたかもしれない。 そうしおいる間にもアむゎケロスずカルキノス、スコルピりスが奮戊し、サゞタリりスずカストヌルが揎護射撃を行い、鈎朚はどうせダメヌゞが通らないからず執拗に目ばかりを狙い撃っおいる。 りィルゎはすぐにアリ゚スの元ぞ駆け寄っお回埩倩法を斜し、リヌブラは隙を芋お䞀斉掃射をレオンぞず叩き蟌んだ。 そしお、あたりに隒がしいので目を芚たしおしたった哀れな瀬衣ず、䞀緒に起きたサヌゞェスが揃っお目を剥き、同時に叫ぶ。 「か......怪獣倧決戊!?」
“I see, so that’s how things were.” At this moment in time, Libra and the others who were at Derby’s house finished exchanging information and somehow managed to understand each other’s situation. And the conclusion they reached was that Sagittarius’s betrayal was really not of his own will. He probably had no option but to follow Leon after he took the centaur village hostage. However, it was not as if Sagittarius submissively followed Leon. He advertised his intention to become an enemy to Libra, which served as a warning that led them to come to Tyrfing. Because he understood that he would not be able to defeat Leon by himself, he invited a fighting force that would be able to do so. He probably had such a train of thought, but unfortunately, he had made a slight miscalculation. Originally, his true aim would have been to utilise Ruphas’s overwhelming power to take Leon down. However, due to Benetnash’s interference, Ruphas was unable to come to where he was, thus only the Twelve Heavenly Stars ended up coming over. Under normal circumstances, even if it was just the Twelve Heavenly Stars, it would have been possible to defeat Leon. Nevertheless, even that was not what the current situation was. Due to a needless intervention from the Goddess, Leon’s fighting prowess had increased, making him become something beyond what they could handle. Even Karkinos, who was a perfect match to counter Leon, became unable to do anything. Currently, on their side, there were four individuals who possessed monstrous fighting prowess: Libra, Scorpius, Aigokeros and Karkinos. In addition, if they were to add Sagittarius and Castor, it would become six versus one... nevertheless, everyone in that place understood that it would still be very tough. Normal conditions aside, the current Leon’s strength was abnormal. After all, Leon, who was already the strongest individual amongst the Twelve Heavenly Stars, turned wild after being released from Ruphas’s control and regained his real strength. On top of that, he was further empowered by the Goddess’s buffs. No doubt, there would only be three individuals who would be able to fight against a stupidly overpowered existence like that head-on and come out victorious: Ruphas, the Vampire Princess and the Demon King. “In any event, he will probably arrive here very soon. Irrespective of whether we choose to stay or not, he will come for the purpose of massacring every centaur.” Castor looked at the centaurs and spoke in a grave and serious tone, followed by Sagittarius who nodded to concur. Now that he had taken action to save the Twelve Stars, any explanation that he might attempt to make became useless. Without a shred of doubt, Leon would, with absolute certainty, come attacking this village as a reprisal against Sagittarius. Sagittarius, who knew of this very well, came to the village to try and protect it. “I’m sure you’re right. That thing is a petty, short-tempered man. He’ll definitely come and destroy this village as a way to teach me a lesson. That’s why, on the surface until now, I had to be obedient to him. ........ Though, something like that wouldn’t really be a good enough excuse.” “Of course, that’s a given. Betraying Ruphas-sama is an action deserving of death.” While Sagittarius was mocking himself, Scorpius cornered him further with her harsh and spiteful words. However, even though she was reprimanding him with her mouth, there was no follow-up action. “Well, right now, we also need your power, so I’ll let you go for now. It pisses me off, but it’s better to have more fighting power against the current Leon.” “I appreciate it.” It was not as if there was no anger towards Sagittarius. However, his sentence could be left to Ruphas. Before all of that, right now, the important thing was to consider how to defeat Leon, and Sagittarius was a valuable source of fighting prowess that they should take into consideration. As such, rather than quarrelling with each other, it would be preferable for them to work with each other. Scorpius was calm and collected enough to be able to think as such. As long as she was not in a hysterical fit and Ruphas was not involved in the matter, she was also able to properly assess and think through things quite normally. “In our battle against Leon, we will be using Karkinos as the central figure. We will have him stand in front of Leon whilst Virgo and Castor will then continue to provide assistance. Sagittarius and I will provide long-ranged support. Aigokeros is to distract Leon using illusions, and Scorpius, please keep inflicting him with your poison if you see any opening to do so.” Libra ordered and explained everyone’s role in their impending fight against Leon as they listened to what she said with a grim expression. They were essentially ganging up on a single person with many people. However, they had no room for hesitation. After all, their opponent was that very Leon. If they were to hold anything back, they would be the ones who would be defeated. After they decided how they would fight against him, as if it was waiting for this moment, the forest shook. Earthquake.... – there was no individual who would be stupid enough to say such a thing in that location. Libra and the group all dashed out of the small hut and faced towards the outside of the village. And what was reflected in their eyes was the appearance of a giant lion which was nearing their location whilst crushing the trees below him with every step. In response to its majestic but imposing figure, the Hero’s group froze up in a daze and Gants dropped the battleaxe that was in his hands. Huge – just, unnecessarily, way, too, big! In the past, Gants had seen the figure of Aries when he attacked Svalinn. However, even compared to that, Leon’s figure would be considered abnormal in size. Sei was currently unconscious. However, it would probably be fortunate for him to continue sleeping. And as if learning from Sei, the tiger rolled onto the ground and tried to pretend that he was dead. On the other hand, Kaineko’s fur was standing straight. Jean, the only individual in that place who could not understand the difference in their abilities, charged in to attack. However, because he was so small in comparison, he could not even get anyone to notice that he had moved in. “So he’s arrived... let’s go, Sagittarius!” “Yeah, I know!” Libra commenced a full-powered indiscriminate attack with all that she had, including Astraea, and Sagittarius matched her by firing an arrow towards the sky. The destructive lights fired by Libra landed directly on the giant lion and countless arrows of light rained down upon and pierced into Leon’s body. However, the punctures were only on the surface. Indeed, they were nothing more than small pricks on the surface of his skin and Leon’s expression did not even change in the slightest. On the other hand, Jean, who had finally arrived at the foot of Leon, was blown away by the shockwave of a single arrow landing near him. “You really love to play these small tricks, don’t cha? Looks like you still haven’t understood... that a small attack like this, doesn’t, work on the current me!” Leon opened his mouth wide and sucked in a large amount of air. The attack that followed was nothing particularly special. It was neither a special ability nor would it inflict some detrimental debuff. In other words, it was nothing more than a simple roar – it was nothing more than an act of exhaling air combined with the mana which was in the body. If one were to speak in terms of classification, it was a skill that even a low-tiered monster could use. It was not wrong to think of the move as a basic level ability that qualified as a low-tiered skill. However, even with such a skill, if Leon were the one to use it, it would easily turn into an ability of mass destruction that could wipe out a kingdom. It might seem like a crazy exaggeration that a single living creature’s roar could have power surpassing what would be required to uproot a single kingdom. Such a description was just on so grand a scale that even calling it nonsensical was too sensible of an action. However, in this world, this was what it meant to be classified as one of the strongest individuals. To be a monster which was able to destroy a world on a whim – that was the minimum threshold of what it meant to be classified as one of the strongest in the world. Ruphas, Benetnash and the Demon King all individually possessed transcendent-like battle prowess such that they would easily be able to turn the whole of Midgard into nothing more than space dust should they really get serious. The ability to destroy a country or two was nothing more than child’s play and being able to erase a continent or two was nothing more than a given. Thus they were the powerful. Thus they were the strongest. The exhaled air would easily dust away the centaur village... no, the forest itself which served as the demi-humanoids’ settlement. There was no doubt the attack would massacre many of the demi-humans and extinguish Jean who was unfortunate enough to be in the direct line of attack. Even the Twelve Stars would no doubt suffer heavy damage from the attack. Furthermore, there was nothing that could be done to prevent the attack by those on the Twelve Stars’ side. Even if they possessed the means, Leon’s attack power was on too grand a scale that they would not be able to completely offset his attack. In hopes of at least mitigating the impact, Karkinos jumped in front. Fully prepared to take significant damage, he turned into his giant form. Right at that moment – A rainbow-coloured shooting star flew right in, kicking Leon’s jaws upwards and forcibly closing his mouth. “—gha!?” A small-framed silhouette enveloped by a rainbow-coloured flame once again slammed into the closed jaws. When it did, as if everything was a joke, Leon’s large body lifted into the air. At the same time, flames fired out from the silhouette’s hands and it accelerated. It moved above Leon and this time, it kicked Leon downwards. Leon immediately also tried to counterattack... however, the attack did not connect. The target was too small. Being large equated to strength. When something was big, its attacks would naturally have more weight. Furthermore, because any damage it received from the enemy was spread out across a large surface area, the damage it suffered was also distributed accordingly. What looked to be a giant boulder to a human would seem like nothing more than a grain of sand to Leon. When the Twelve Stars gigantified, the change in oppressiveness due to the change in appearance was a given. However, there was more to it than the number which was displayed on the status. Nevertheless, small things had their own merit for being small. And that was this. It was a small and insignificant matter, but because they were small, attacks could not hit them. Additionally, this rainbow-coloured flame inflicted damage based on the enemy’s vitality, thus it was perfect for killing high-class enemies. The damage of this attack was not affected by the size of its body. That small and insignificant existence – Aries landed in front of Libra and the others, turning to face them with an expression as if he was being flattened by the guilt of the sin he had committed. “Umm... everyone, I’m sorry. I got delayed a little.” “No, it was good timing, Aries. We were waiting for you.” Leon’s strength was beyond what one might call common sense by now. Since it had gotten to a point where not even a full-powered attack from Libra worked properly, there were only limited ways to deal with Leon’s defence. Because Leon’s defence at the moment surpassed even Karkinos whose only selling point was that he was the toughest of the Twelve Stars, the poor Crab-san did not even have a position to stand on. However, Aries alone was an exception. His flames alone could penetrate any form of defence. When used against Leon’s needlessly high vitality, it would not be wrong to call it a Brachium which could be repeatedly fired. Although it was a skill which was significantly affected by the enemy’s strength, limited to the current place and time, Aries’s flame could outdo even his own master, Ruphas. In other words, since Ruphas was not here... Aries was the only individual who had the possibility to take Leon down. Nevertheless, in a one-on-one fight, it would not even be a battle in the first place. Thus, the cooperation of Libra and the others was required to give Aries the chance to win. “A small frryy....! Trash like you, to this me!” Leon, in his anger, stared daggers at Aries, who in turn looked straight back at him, though slightly timidly. The Lion King Leon – the strongest of the magical beasts. For Aries, that was the object of his admiration. He had always wanted to become like that. He always envied that position and wondered what he could have done if he was that strong. It was because Leon had always been strong, as if he existed in a world different from that of Aries’s. However, the feeling that he had towards the current Leon was not that of envy, respect or admiration. It was pity and disappointment. The current Leon, who was nothing more than a doll controlled by the Goddess, looked too comical to Aries. It didn’t suit him at all, and that... made Aries feel disappointed from the bottom of his heart. “Mesarthim Version .” Aries’s whole body was enveloped in a rainbow-coloured flame and his hair fluttered. If Ruphas saw his current appearance, she would have said, “That’s why I’ve been saying, Mesarthim isn’t a skill that’s supposed to be used like tha... oh wait, never mind, it’s that kind of skill.” Aries was not going to use his original giant sheep appearance. Just this time alone, he wanted to challenge Leon using the appearance of a human which had been bestowed upon him by Ruphas. At this very moment, that was what he felt. As if responding to that intention, Scorpius and Aigokeros gigantified at the same time. The centrepiece of the attack this time was Aries. Therefore, any attacks towards him had to be prevented as much as possible. Thus gigantification. Thus the increase in the number of enemies. The two of them immediately decided to become a wall for Aries for the sake of victory. “Ooooooooooooooooooo!!” “Shyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaa!!” Aigokeros and Scorpius both jumped towards Leon and tried to hold his body in place. Following all of this, Karkinos also charged in as if he was saying that he would not fall behind. As such, there were four giant magical beasts who were locked together and grappling with one another. In irritation, Leon bared his fangs. However, Karkinos forcibly shoved his scissors (pincers) into the mouth that was opened wide. Additionally, the counter skill Acubens was triggered, causing Leon to start bleeding. Nevertheless, Karkinos also did not get away scot-free. One of his scissors was shattered by the bite and he himself was sent flying after being head-butted by Leon. But cutting in at that moment was Aries who released a kick, cracking Leon’s fangs and sending his large body flying in return. Furthermore, Aries fired flames out from his palms and flew, charging in towards Leon who was blown away. Matching that action, Leon opened his mouth wide. However, black tentacles which suddenly appeared from the ground tangled with his body, causing him to become slightly delayed. He managed to immediately become unconstrained, nevertheless, the roar that he released was already too late. Aries directed the flame towards the ground and ascended vertically. He then redirected the flames towards the sky and suddenly descended, smashing his fist right into Leon’s head. This one attack caused the ground to shake and buried Leon’s head. However, as expected, the Lion King’s stamina was leagues above normal. He had already received five hits from Aries which meant that he had already received close to damage in numerical value, but he still stood back up and opened his mouth. A moment before Leon managed to release his roar – due to the mana rifle fired by Suzuki which closed in towards his eyeball, he instinctively closed his eyes, causing the attack to miss Aries by a hair’s breadth. Notwithstanding that Aries was not hit directly, the attack that merely scratched him ever so slightly sent his slender body flying. Nevertheless, even before Leon could conduct a follow-up attack, Aigokeros jumped into action, picking Leon up from the bottom and throwing him away. “Gu..... u.....” “Aries! Are you alright?” “Y, yeah. I can still fight... I’m fine.” Just a single hit. Furthermore, it was an attack that merely scratched him. Nevertheless, just that alone had caused Aries’s body to be covered in wounds. His clothes were in tatters such that the current condition was only fine because he was a guy. If he was a girl, he would have had to quickly fall back. Even his white skin was now engraved by wounds, making him appear like a fragile and hurt maiden to an onlooker and causing them to feel affectionate. However, his will to fight which resided in his eyes had not been extinguished in the slightest as he once again enveloped himself with the rainbow-coloured flames. If he had not received the defensive buff cast upon him by Dina, he might very well have been finished from that single attack that he had just suffered. Even whilst he was thinking such a thing, Aigokeros, Karkinos and Scorpius continued to be engaged in a hard battle while Sagittarius and Castor provided supporting fire from the back. Similarly, Suzuki continued to fire its rifle, however, it only aimed at Leon’s eyes after determining that it would not do any damage even if it hit. On the other hand, Virgo immediately flew towards Aries and applied recovery divine magic to heal him, whereas Libra, who found a gap in this situation, showered Leon with everything that she had. And... due to all of this noise, the poor and pitiful Sei and Sarjes both opened their eyes, only for them to pop out at the same time as they shouted aloud: “Mo.... Monster War!?”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 7, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「アルフェ・クリフォヌトです。よろしくお願いしたす」 アルフェがそう蚀っおぺこりずお蟞儀をする。入孊匏の翌日から始たった小孊校での生掻は、付属幌皚園の延長線䞊にあった。ず蚀っおも、僕ずアルフェは幌皚園の頃から特埅生枠にクラス分けがなされおいたので、クラスメむトの顔ず名前を芚えるずころから始たった。 クラスメむトは、僕ずアルフェを芚えるだけでいいけど、僕たちは他の党員を芚えなきゃならないのは面倒だな。簡単な自己玹介ず拍手が繰り返される䞭で、そんなこずを考えながら、僕は配垃された教科曞や副教材の資料にぱらぱらず目を通す。 アルフェの方をちらりず芋るず、少し緊匵気味の真剣な面持ちで皆の話に耳を傟けおいるのがわかった。 ――少しはクラスメむトの顔ず名前を芚えおおくべきか......? 逡巡したが、すぐに諊めた。基瀎教育機関に身を眮くのは初めおだが、ここでの関係性が今埌の人生に倧きく圱響するこずは倚分ないだろう。幎霢や胜力で振り分けられただけのクラスなのだから。 配垃された教科曞の䞭には、錬金術もある。小孊生向けずいうこずもあり、かなり初歩的なずころから曞かれおいたが、この幎床が終わる頃にはかなり高床な技術の習埗が求められおいるのが教科曞の内容からも芋お取れた。 ――そういえば、ホムンクルスの研究は今はどうなっおいるのだろう? あの女神たちの話だず、犁止されおいおもおかしくないが...... 気になったので玢匕から調べようず巻末のペヌゞを開く。 「......なんだ......?」 キヌワヌドの矅列を目で蟿っおいた僕は、思わず目を瞠った。信じがたいこずに、前䞖の名――グラス=ディメリアの名が巻末の玢匕に掲茉されおいたからだ。 慌おお玢匕に瀺されたペヌゞを捲るず、そこには間違いなく僕の功瞟が僕の功瞟ずしお蚘されおいた。 の抂念を生み出した偉倧なる錬金術垫。匏孊錬金は錬金術に倧きな発展をもたらし、その基瀎抂念を䜜りだしたグラス=ディメリアには ずいうのは、錬金術の過皋に数孊を応甚しお䜓系化した公匏に圓おはめ、数字によっお論理的な予枬ず制埡を可胜ずするグラス独自の手法だ。 これによっお、以前は感芚的なものであった錬金術を再珟性の高い珟象にたで抌し䞊げようずしたのだが、どうやら今日においおそれは、広く甚いられおいるようだ。 どういう事情や経緯があったのかはわからなかったが、こうしお教科曞に茉るような功瞟ずしお蚘されおいるずいうこずは、僕が死んだ埌〇幎の間になにかがあったのだろうな。 それなんであったのかは、僕にはきっず知る由もないけれど。
“Nice to meet you, I’m Alfe Clifford.” Alfe said that and bowed slightly. Life at the elementary school, which began the day after the entrance ceremony, felt like an extension of the affiliated kindergarten. However, Alfe and I had been classified as special students since our kindergarten days, so we started by memorizing the faces and names of our classmates. For our classmates, it was enough to remember Alfe and me, but it was a hassle for us to remember everyone else. Amidst simple self-introductions and applause, I skimmed over the textbooks and supplementary teaching materials given to us. I glanced at Alfe, who seemed a bit nervous but was listening attentively to everyone’s conversations. Should I bother remembering the faces and names of my classmates a little...? I wavered, but quickly gave up. It was my first time in a basic education institution, but the relationships formed here probably wouldn’t have a significant impact on my future life. After all, it was just a class sorted by age and ability. Among the distributed textbooks, there was also alchemy. Geared towards elementary school students, it was written from a very basic standpoint, but by the end of this academic year, the content of the textbook indicated that a considerable mastery of advanced techniques would be required. Come to think of it, how is research on homunculi progressing now? According to the stories of those goddesses, it wouldn’t be surprising if it’s prohibited... Curious, I decided to look it up in the index and opened the pages at the end of the book. “...What is this...?” As I traced the list of keywords with my eyes, I couldn’t help but be astonished. Incredibly, the name of my past life—Glass Dimelia—was listed in the index at the end. There should be no achievements worthy of being in a textbook. All the accomplishments from my research had been usurped by influential figures in the Alchemy Society. In a hurry, I flipped to the page indicated in the index, and there, unmistakably, my achievements were recorded as my own. Glass Dimelia. The great alchemist who conceived the concept of Code Alchemy. Code Alchemy brought significant advancements to alchemy, and Glass Dimelia, who created its foundational concepts, was bestowed with the title Grandee. Code Alchemy involved applying mathematics to the alchemical process, systematizing it with unique formulas. Glass had developed this method, enabling logical predictions and control through numerical values. With this, I had aimed to elevate alchemy, previously a sensory experience, to a highly reproducible phenomenon. It seems that today, this method was widely used. However, regarding this achievement, the Alchemy Society had tampered with my research papers, presenting them as the society’s research results. I didn’t know the circumstances or the reasons behind it, but the fact that such achievements were recorded in a textbook meant that something must have happened in the years after my death. What exactly occurred during that time was something I had no way of knowing.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 7, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
At the same time, liberal feminists began to invest more effort in civic associations, rather than political parties. This broadened their focus to Moroccan society as a whole and questions of how people could be empowered to improve their lives.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
私は 手に入れられないものを望み 望んではならないものを必芁ずしおいる 私は 持っおいない ほしいものを持っおいる 私は 手に入れられないものを望み 望んではならないものを必芁ずしおいる 私は 持っおいない ほしいものを持っおいる 私は 手に入れられないものを望み 望んではならないものを必芁ずしおいる 私は 持っおいない ほしいものを持っおいる 私は 手に入れられないものを望み 望んではならないものを必芁ずしおいる 私は 持っおいない ほしいものを持っおいる 私は 手に入れられないものを望み 望んではならないものを必芁ずしおいる 持っおいるけど 持っおいない 私の持っおいるものは党お 匱い背䞭が背負っおいる倱くしたものの重荷みたい 最終列車で行っおしたった 恋人よ 苊したないで どんな雲の裏偎にも 垌望の光がある ただの小雚 ただの小雚 ただの小雚 私は 手に入れられないものを望み 望んではならないものを必芁ずしおいる 私は 持っおいない ほしいものを持っおいる 私は 手に入れられないものを望み 望んではならないものを必芁ずしおいる 持っおいるけど 持っおいない 私の心はずどたるこずを知らず 私の心はゎヌサむンを出す 誰にも私を捕たえるこずはできない 私の心はずどたるこずを知らず 私の心は 「埅おば海路の日和あり」ず蚀うけど 私は立っおいるこずはできない... 氞久に列に䞊んで立っおいるこずはできない 冷たい空気に耐えお 幞運を埅぀だけなんお 「たぶんあずで」ずいう台詞にはもううんざり 幞せを぀かむか 幞せのふりをするか そうじゃなきゃ あきらめる なぜなら 私はそれに名前を付けなきゃ 芋なきゃ だからお願い 喜ばせお おお 喜ばせお 喜ばせお 私をちゃんず喜ばせお なぜかずいうず 私の心はずどたるこずを知らず 私の心はゎヌサむンを出しおいるから 誰にも私を捕たえるこずはできない 私の心はずどたるこずを知らず 私の心はゎヌサむンを出す いいこずはここにあるはず... そうちょうどここに ここ ちょうどここ ちょうどここに この人生を氞遠に生きられるわけじゃない 䞀回しかこの人生を生きるこずができない 「たぶんあずで」ずいう台詞にはもううんざり 幞せを぀かむか 幞せのふりをするか そうじゃなきゃ あきらめる 私はそれに名前を付けお それを芁求しお それをこの手に぀かたなきゃ おお お願い 私をちゃんず喜ばせお 私は 手に入れられないものを望み 望んではならないものを必芁ずしおいる 私は 持っおいない ほしいものを持っおいる 私は 手に入れられないものを望み 望んではならないものを必芁ずしおいる 私は持っおいないものを持っおいる... 知っおるでしょ 私の心はずどたるこずを知らず 私の心はゎヌサむンを出す 誰にも私を捕たえるこずはできない 私の心はずどたるこずを知らず 私の心はゎヌサむンを出す なぜなら 私は 手に入れられないものを望み 望んではならないものを必芁ずしおいるから 私は持っおいるが 私がほしいものを持っおいる 私は 手に入れられないものを望み 望んではならないものを必芁ずしおいる 私は 手に入れられないものを望み 望んではならないものを必芁ずしおいる 持っおいるが 持っおいない 私がほしいもの 私は 手に入れられないものを望み 望んではならないものを必芁ずしおいる 持っおいるけど 持っおいない 私は 手に入れられないものを望み 望んではならないものを必芁ずしおいる 私は持っおいる でも ほしいものを持っおいない 私は 手に入れられないものを望み 望んではならないものを必芁ずしおいる 私は持っおいる でも ほしいものを持っおいない (拍手)
♫ I want what I can't have, need what I can't want ♫ ♫ Have what I don't have, what I want ♫ ♫ What I can't have, need what I can't want ♫ ♫ Have what I don't have, what I want ♫ ♫ What I can't have, need what I can't want ♫ ♫ Have what I don't have, what I want ♫ ♫ What I can't have, need what I can't want ♫ ♫ Have what I don't have, what I want ♫ ♫ What I can't have, need what I can't want ♫ ♫ Have but I don't have ♫ ♫ It feels like all I got is loss on a bad back ♫ ♫ Gone with the last train, honey don't you fret ♫ ♫ Every cloud has a silver lining ♫ ♫ Just a little rain, just a little rain, just a little rain ♫ ♫ I want what I can't have, need what I can't want ♫ ♫ Have what I don't have, what I want ♫ ♫ What I can't have, need what I can't want ♫ ♫ Have but I don't have ♫ ♫ My mind won't stop, and my heart says go ♫ ♫ Nobody knows how to hold me ♫ ♫ My mind won't stop, and my heart says, ♫ ♫ "Good things come to those who wait" ♫ ♫ And I can't stand in ... ♫ ♫ I can't stand in line forever ♫ ♫ Stand the cold air ♫ ♫ Glad-handed ♫ ♫ Sick and tired of the "Later, maybe" ♫ ♫ Take it, fake it, take it, take-it-or-leave-it life ♫ ♫ And I gotta just tame it ♫ ♫ I gotta just name it ♫ ♫ I gotta just seize, so please, oh please, oh please, oh please ♫ ♫ Oh please me right, 'cause ♫ ♫ My mind won't stop ♫ ♫ And my heart says go ♫ ♫ Nobody knows how to hold me ♫ ♫ My mind won't stop -- and my heart says go-ooooo ... ♫ ♫ Good things must be here -- yes, right here ♫ ♫ Here, right here, right here ♫ ♫ I won't live this life forever ♫ ♫ One time round is all the offer is ♫ ♫ Sick and tired of the "Later, maybe" ♫ ♫ Take it, fake it, make it, leave it life ♫ ♫ And I gotta just name it, I gotta just claim it ♫ ♫ I gotta just seize ♫ ♫ Oh please, oh please, oh please me right ♫ ♫ I want what I can't have, need what I can't want ♫ ♫ Have what I don't have, what I want ♫ ♫ What I can't have, need what I can't want ♫ ♫ Have but I don't have -- you know that ♫ ♫ My mind won't stop, and my heart says go ♫ ♫ Nobody knows how to hold me, no ♫ ♫ My mind won't stop, and my heart says go ♫ ♫ 'Cause I want what I can't have, need what I can't want ♫ ♫ Have but I -- have what I want ♫ ♫ What I can't have, need what I can't want ♫ ♫ What I can't have, need what I can't want ♫ ♫ Have but I don't have, what I want ♫ ♫ What I can't have, need what I can't want ♫ ♫ Have what I don't have, what I want ♫ ♫ What I can't have, need what I can't want ♫ ♫ Have but I don't have, what I want ♫ ♫ What I can't have, need what I can't want ♫ ♫ Have but I don't have what I want ♫
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「さお、お互いにこの十幎に䜕があったか䞀぀話しおいこうか。」 ホりキの葬儀が終わり、俺たちは第4階局の奥に䜜った䞀般人立ち入り犁止゚リアに来おいた。 そしおそこで俺はむチコずリョりを慰め぀぀からこの十幎の間に有った事を䞀぀ず぀聞いおいった。 そしお、俺も二人が居ない間に起きた事を䞀぀ず぀話しおいった。 で、懲眰房の事は可胜な限りボカしお話したはずなんだが...... 「぀たりはアレですか。私たちが呜がけで頑匵っおいる間クロキリはずっず乳繰り合っおいたず。」 「ふふふふふ。この女の敵はどうやっおも蚱せたせんわね。どう始末したしょうか。」 思いっきりばれおむチコからはチョヌクスリヌパヌ(巊腕の籠手に≪霧魔法付䞎≫をしお觊れるようになっおいる。)を、リョりからはアむアンクロヌ(こっちは≪霧平手≫の応甚らしい。)を珟圚進行圢で受けおいる。 魔王のステヌタスの高さずリョりの攻撃は眷属だから完党無効化され、むチコの攻撃は半魔王のおかげで察しお痛くはないが息苊しいこずこの䞊ない。 ちなみに霧状態になっおもスキルの効果でしっかりずホヌルドされたたたである。 「えヌず、二人ずもそろそろ離しおくれたすか?ぐっ......」 「私たちの気が枈みたしたらね。」 「そうですわね。」 「はヌ、しょうがない。じゃあ魔王暩限䜿甚。」 「なっ!」「あっ!」 で、やむを埗ず魔王暩限を䜿甚。リョりを匷制的に離れさせ、むチコの拘束を緩めさせる。そのたたちょいずばかしお仕眮きをする。 「うう。い぀かの様な気分です......。」 「魔神も蚱せたせんけど、クロキリもやっぱり蚱せたせんわ......。」 さお互いに玠っ裞だが、話を進めるずしよう。 「それにしおも極劃の奎がそんな技術を持っおいたずはな。どうやっお南極からアフリカに枡ったのかが䞍思議だったんだがそう蚀う方法だったのか。」 「ええ、私も予想倖の方法でした。尀もそこたで高い効果が埗られるわけでもないようですが、」 「ガンゞス河でも䌌たような技術がありたしたわね。もしかしなくおも有甚な技術になりそうですわ。」 たずむチコが南極からアフリカ倧陞に枡った方法だが、これはリョりたちがガンゞス河で芋た技術ずほが同じもの。 ぀たりは船底にそこに生息するモンスタヌたちの玠材を匵り付けるこずによっお海䞭のモンスタヌたちからの認識を阻害した船を䜿うずいう方法だ。この方法の利点には襲われにくくなるだけでなく、船自䜓の匷床が倧きく䞊がるずいうものもある。 ただ、この方法で誀魔化せるのはモンスタヌたちの玢敵系スキルによる認識だけで、盎接芖認されたり、倧きな音を立おたりするずバレおしたうらしい。 そのためむチコが実際にアフリカ倧陞に枡った際には時には所属ダンゞョンの異なるモンスタヌ同士を遭遇させ、互いに争っおいる間に逃げるずいう手段も必芁になったらしい。 「この方法をうたく䜿えば『這い寄る混沌の蛞王』の蚎䌐も出来るかもな。」 この技術の有甚性は高いず俺は思う。䞊手くいけば海路、空路の利甚が再開できるかもしれない。 「リョりお嬢様がホりキさんの砲撃から私を逃がすのに䜿ったあの剣。あれは䞀䜓なんだったのですか?」 「あれですか。あれは『魄剣』ずいう『魄蟌める呪の道士』の玠材から䜜った歊噚の䞀郚ですわ。」 「そう蚀えばお前そんなの回収しおたな。」 さお、正確に蚀うずむチコを助ける時にリョりが䜿ったのは『魄剣』ずいうよりは『魄剣』の力の残滓らしい。 そのために䞀床効果を発揮したずころで砕け散っおしたったそうだ。 ただ、この蟺りの話っお俺は盎接芋おなくお埌から報告を受けただけだからよく分からないんだよな。 「それにしおも魔王玠材っおのはすごいな。俺の骚も䞀本ぐらい生成系のスキルを持っおいる奎に融通しおみるのもアリか?それぐらいなら簡単に再生できるし。」 「どうせなら股間のそれをもぎ取っお粟力増匷装備にすればいいですわ。」 「おい。」 リョりの暎蚀に思わずツッコミを入れる。 「駄目ですよリョりお嬢様。玠材にするなら䞋半身党おです。」 「おいいいぃぃぃ!?」 そしおむチコの曎なる暎蚀に思わず叫ぶ。 二人の暎蚀に再びのお仕眮きを敢行しようかず思っお身構えた瞬間。 「たあ、実際の所生きた魔王から剥ぎ取った玠材では倧した物は出来たせんけどね。」 「極劃が少し怜蚌に手䌝っおくれたしたから。」 「い぀かむチコさんのためにそこたでしおくれた極劃に恩返しをしおあげたいですわね。」 「ですねヌ」 話をすり替えられおお仕眮きするタむミングを逃すこずになった。 ちっ、芚えおろ。話が終わったらたっぷりダッおやる。 「で、私的には巊腕がやけに现いのもそうですがそれ以䞊に気になるのは......」 そう蚀っおむチコが俺の県垯を指差す。 「どうしおクロキリが県垯なんお着けおいるんですか?」 「ああそれは私も気になっおいたしたわ。どうしおですの?」 二人揃っお俺の県垯を芋぀めおくる。 ふふふ。そんなに芋぀めるなよ、照れ...... ドゎオッ! 「うぷっ......」 「ずっずず話を進めおもらえたすか。」 「はい......。」 キザったらしくしおたらむチコから≪霧魔法付䞎≫付きの腹パンを喰らった。おのれ......。 「これはスキルの代償だよ。巊腕もな。」 「スキルの代償......ですか。」 リョりが深刻そうな顔をする。んな心配しなくおも倧䞈倫だっおの。 「ず蚀っおも普通のスキルじゃなくおアりタヌスキルの代償だ。だから普通にスキルを䜿っおるうちは問題ねえよ。」 「治る芋蟌みは?」 むチコが自分もアりタヌスキルを䜿うからなのか心配そうな目で芋぀めおくる。 「巊腕は目䞋再生䞭。巊目は治る芋蟌み無しだな。完党に倱った。」 「「!?」」 俺の蚀葉に二人ずも驚きの顔を隠せないようである。ずりあえず励たさないずな。 「んな顔すんなっお、俺は元々前線に立぀立堎じゃねえし、このスキルのおかげで䟿利なものも手に入ったから䜕も問題ねえよ。」 「そ、そういう問題ではないでしょうが!」 リョりが俺の巊目に手を圓おお≪治癒≫を䜿いながらそんな事を蚀う。 だから効果ないっおの。 「そうですよ!バカなんですか!バカなんですね!」 むチコが俺に抱き着きながら眵倒しおくる。うヌむ。愛い奎め。 「たっ、䜕にしおもだ。俺はこの先も魔神を打倒するために無茶をする。お前らはどうするんだ?」 俺は今たでず打っお倉わっお真剣な顔をしお二人に問いかける。 その問いに二人は、 「私も魔神を攟眮する気はありたせん。手䌝いたす。」 「ホりキの仇ですもの。私も手䌝いたすわ。」 「じゃ、ずりあえず今埌の英気を逊うためにも今倜はたっぷり楜しもうか。」 「なっ!結局そう蚀うオチですか!」 「この卑怯者ヌヌヌ!!」 たっぷり今倜は楜しむこずにした。 うヌん。久しぶりに芋たけどリョり姉ちゃん匷くなっおたな。それにむチコさんも。あ、これがクロキリさんを含んのステヌタスね。 Name:クロキリ(蝕む黒霧の王) Class:魔王 Race:蝕む黒霧の王 MP:2330/2330 SP:2260/2260 Status 筋力 40 噚甚 55 敏捷 57 感知 45 知力 64 粟神 74 幞運 10 Skill ≪迷宮創生≫≪魔性創生≫≪蝕む黒の霧≫≪埪環≫≪霧爆≫≪幻惑の霧≫≪ Title ≪蝕む黒霧の王≫≪癜霧の奇襲者≫≪霧人達の䞻≫≪倖を芋た魔王≫≪鬌殺し≫≪魔王を蚎ちし者≫≪奇跡を隙るもの≫≪霧人達の王≫≪扇動者≫≪甘い毒の蚀葉䜿い≫≪霧の粛枅者≫≪魔神ず遭遇せし者≫≪日ノ本の統治者≫ etc. Name:那須 リョり Class:癒し手 Race:霧人 Level:9 HP:462/462 MP:519/519 SP:486/486 Status 筋力 16 噚甚 24 敏捷 24 感知 16 知力 35 粟神 32 Skill ≪治癒≫≪霧の衣≫≪治療習熟I≫≪解毒≫≪解痺≫≪解幻≫≪ Title ≪黒霧の王の眷族≫≪癜霧の癒し手≫≪眷属を率いる者≫≪霧の傭兵団≫≪霧の傭兵団・団長≫≪霧の招き手≫≪食の探究者≫≪無償の慈悲≫≪勇者殺し≫≪魔神ず遭遇せし者≫ etc. Name:むチコ(定たらぬ剣の刃姫) Class:半魔王 Race:定たらぬ剣の刃姫・半霧人 Level:10 HP:1160/1160 MP:1015/1015 SP:1065/1065 筋力 30 噚甚 45 敏捷 57 感知 56 知力 21 粟神 26 ≪圢無き王の剣・匱≫≪霧の衣・薄≫≪魔性創生・䞋䜍≫≪短剣習熟I≫≪銖切り≫≪キヌン゚ッゞ≫≪ロング゚ッゞ≫≪䞻は我を道に力を行䜿す≫≪ ≪黒霧の王の眷族≫≪癜霧の暗殺者≫≪鬌殺し≫≪霧王の䟝り代≫≪霧王の寵姫≫≪定たらぬ剣の刃姫≫≪魔神ず遭遇せし者≫≪銖切り姫≫≪極圏到達者≫≪魔王ず芪亀を結びし者≫≪魔王を蚎ちし者≫ etc.
“Now let’s start filling each other in on what has transpired in the last decade, piece by piece.” After the funeral of Houki, we arrived at the off-limits area that I created at the rear of the fourth level. There, I consoled Ichiko and Ryo while listening to their recounts of the past ten years, chapter after chapter. I then shared with them the details of what had occurred during their absence. And, despite the fact that I had tried to be as vague as possible while describing the punishment cell... “To put it another way, you mean ‘that,’ right? While we were risking our lives, Kurokiri was having a secret affair.” “Hahaha. An enemy of a woman is unforgivable no matter how you try to defend yourself. How shall we dispose of you?” Ichiko performed a rear naked choke on me (her left arm was enchanted by ≪Enchanting Mist≫ so she can touch me), and Ryo executed a stranglehold on me that clutched my face and pressed me down (this one seemed to be an application of ≪Mist Slap≫). Thanks to the high status of a Demon King and since Ryo was a kin, her attacks were completely nullified. Due to Ichiko’s half-Demon King race, her attacks did not inflict much pain, yet they were nonetheless exceedingly suffocating for me. Incidentally, even when I was in a misty state, the effect of their skill was still holding me securely in place. “Um, would you both mind letting go of me now? Ugh...” “Only until we feel satisfied.” “Hah, it can’t be helped. Then I’ll exercise the Demon King’s authority.” “Huh?” “Ah!” And so, I inevitably employed the authority of the Demon King. After forcing Ryo to move away from Ichiko, I loosened Ichiko’s restraints. Then, I punished them slightly. “Ugh. I feel as if one day I will...” “The God of Calamity is unpardonable, but Kurokiri is unforgivable as well...” Now, although both sides were naked, I should proceed with the conversation. “Even so, I didn’t expect that Polar Queen fellow to own such a technology. I was wondering how you crossed from Antarctica to Africa, so that was the method behind it.” “Yes, it was an unexpected method for me too. However, it does not seem to be that highly effective.” “There was a similar technology used in the Ganges River, wasn’t there? Even if it is not, the technology could be useful.” To begin with, Ichiko’s way of traveling from Antarctica to the African continent was virtually identical to the Ganges River technology that Ryo and her party had witnessed. In other words, the undersea monsters would be unable to recognize the ship if materials from the area’s monsters were attached to the ship’s bottom. This method had the advantage of not only rendering the ship less vulnerable to assault but also considerably enhancing the ship’s strength. Nevertheless, this method can only fool the monsters into believing that they were being monitored by their own kind using searching skills; if they saw you directly or if you produced a loud noise, you will be exposed. Therefore, when Ichiko was actually on the African continent, she periodically had to encounter monsters from different dungeons and escaped while they were in the midst of fighting with each other. “If this method can be utilized successfully, perhaps defeating the ‘Crawling Octopus King of Chaos’ can be accomplished as well.” “Yes, that’s right.” This technology, in my viewpoint, will be immensely helpful. If all goes well, we may be able to resume the use of sea and air routes. “Lady Ryo, what was that sword you used to save me from Houki-san’s bombardment?” “Oh, you mean that one. It’s a part of a weapon known as the ‘Spiritual Sword,’ which was created from components of ‘Taoist Curse of the Enshrouded Spirit.’” “Speaking of which, I recall you retrieving such a thing.” Well, to be more accurate, it seemed that what Ryo used when saving Ichiko was not so much the “Spiritual Sword” but rather the residue of the power of the “Spiritual Sword”. That was why it shattered once it was in effect. However, since I didn’t witness this incident firsthand and only heard about it afterwards, I was not entirely clear on this. “Even so, the Demon King’s materials are terrific. Maybe I could try to fuse one of my bones with someone who has a generative skill? It would be easier to regenerate then.” “If you want, you can just rip that thing from your nether region and use it as energizing equipment.” “Hey.” I unconsciously snapped at Ryo’s outrageous words. “That would be futile, Lady Ryo. If he is going to use it as a material, the whole lower half of his body should be included.” “Heyyyyy!?” Ichiko’s further crude remark drew an involuntary yelp from me. At the moment when I was preparing to administer another punishment to both of them for their violent words... “Well, actually, the materials stripped from a living Demon King won’t make much of a difference.” “The Polar Queen helped me with the verification somewhat.” “Someday I hope to repay the Polar Queen for going to such great lengths for Ichiko-san.” “Rightヌ” I ended up missing the timing to punish her after she switches the subject. Tch,I will remember this. When the conversation is over, I’m going to screw you a lot more. “So, I personally find my left arm awfully thin, but what bugs me more than that is...” Ichiko then gestured to my eye patch after stating that. “Why are you wearing an eye patch?” “I’ve been wondering about that too. What’s the reason?” The two of them were staring at my eye patch collectively. Hahaha. Don’t stare so much, you are making me embarrassed... Thud! “Ugh...” “Would you please hurry up and get on with your story?” “Yes...” While I was being smug, I was stuck with the fist to the abdomen by Ichiko equipped with ≪Enchanting Mist≫. “This is the price of using a skill. And so is my left arm.” “The price for... your skill?” Ryo cast a stern look at me. There was no need to be concerned about it though. “Though that being said, it’s not a regular skill, it’s the price of Outer Skill. Therefore, as long as what is used is normal skills, everything will be fine.” “Is there any chance of recovery?” As Ichiko was also an Outer Skill practitioner, her eyes were filled with concern. “My left arm is currently regenerating. There is no hope for my left eye. It has been entirely ruined.” [[!?]] Neither of them seemed to be able to contain their astonishment at my words. At any rate, I had to cheer them up. “Don’t make that look; I’m not in a front-line position to begin with and owing to this skill, I was able to gain something prominent, so everything’s fine.” “T-That’s not the point!” Ryo put her hand on my left eye and said such a thing while utilizing ≪Heal≫. I thought I already said that it wouldn’t have any effect. “That’s right! Are you an idiot! You are so foolish!” Ichiko was cursing at me while hugging me. Mmm. What an adorable one. “Well, whatever the scenario may be, I’m going to be rash from now on in order to overthrow the God of Calamity. What are your plans, you two?” Unlike before, I asked the pair with a serious expression on my face. To that question, the two of them replied with a smile. “I, for one, have no intention of overlooking the God of Calamity. I will lend a hand.” “It’s for avenging Houki. I’ll provide assistance too.” “Well then, we should have a good time tonight for the sake of our future vigor.” “What! So that’s what you’re going to say after all!” “You cowardヌ!” I decided to have plenty of fun tonight. Hmm. It had been a long time since seeing her, but Ryo had become stronger. And Ichiko too. Ah, this was the status of the three of us. Name: Kurokiri (King of the Devouring Black Mist) Class: Demon King MP: 2330/2330 SP: 2260/2260 Status Strength 40 Dexterity 55 Agility 57 Perception 45 Intellect 64 Spirit 74 Luck 10 Skill ≪Dungeon Create≫, ≪Monster Create≫, ≪Devouring Black Mist≫, ≪Circulation≫, ≪Mist Plosion≫, ≪Bewitching Mist≫, ≪Sharp Aqua Pillar≫ Title ≪King of the Devouring Black Mist≫, ≪White Mist of Ambush≫, ≪Lord of the Kirijin≫, ≪The Demon King Who Has Looked Outside≫, ≪Demon Slayer≫, ≪The One Who Vanquished the Demon King≫, ≪Miracle Deceiver≫, ≪King of the Kirijin≫, ≪Agitator≫, ≪Wordsmith of Sweet Poison≫, ≪Purger of the Mist≫, ≪The One Who Encountered the God of Calamity≫, ≪Ruler of Japan≫, ≪The One Who Revolts Against the God of Calamity≫ etc. Name: Nasu Ryo Class: Healer Level: 9 HP: 462/462 MP: 519/519 SP: 486/486 Status Strength 16 Dexterity 24 Agility 24 Perception 16 Intellect 35 Spirit 32 Skill ≪Heal≫, ≪Mist Cloak≫, ≪Heal Proficiency I≫, ≪Detoxification≫, ≪Anti-paralysis≫,≪Anti-illusion≫, ≪Mist Slap≫, ≪Mantle of Mist≫, ≪Command≫, ≪Great Heal≫ Title ≪The King of the Black Mist’s Kin≫, ≪Healer of the White Mist≫, ≪Leader of the Kin≫, ≪Mercenary of the Mist≫, ≪Commander of the Mercenary Order of the Mist≫, ≪Beckoning of the Mist≫, ≪Seeker of Food≫, ≪Free of Mercy≫, ≪Slayer of the Hero≫, ≪The One Who Encountered the God of Calamity≫, etc. Name: Ichiko (Blade Princess of the Undefined Sword) Race: Half-Kirijin・ Blade Princess of the Undefined Sword Level: 10 HP:1160/1160 MP: 1015/1015 SP: 1065/1065 Strength 30 Dexterity 45 Agility 57 Perception 56 Intellect 21 Spirit 26 ≪Sword of the Formless King・Weak≫, ≪Mist Cloak・Thin≫, ≪Monster Create・Low Rank≫, ≪Dagger Proficiency I≫, ≪Decapitation≫, ≪Keen Edge≫, ≪Long Edge≫, ≪The Lord Will Exercise His Power in My Path≫, ≪Enchanting Mist≫, ≪The Lord Transcends Reason for My Sake≫, ≪Durable Edge≫, ≪Art of the Long Sword≫ ≪The King of the Black Mist’s Kin≫, ≪Assassin of the White Mist≫, ≪Demon Slayer≫, ≪Mist King’s Representative≫, ≪Favored Princess of the Mist King≫, ≪Blade Princess of the Undefined Sword≫, ≪The One Who Encountered the God of Calamity≫, ≪Decapitated Princess≫, ≪The One Who Reached the Polar Region≫, ≪The One Who Befriended the Demon King≫, ≪The One Who Defeated the Demon King≫, etc
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 15, "inserted_lines_src": 9, "inserted_lines_trg": 8 }
パンの話なのですが、パンはありふれた物ですし 基本的な最必須の䞻芁産物です そしお、䜕かのパンを食べずに 1日が終わるこずはたずありたせん カリフォルニア䜎炭氎化物ダむ゚ット䞭でなければ パンは䞀般的です 西掋での日垞食ずしおだけではなく 今からお話するように 珟代生掻の芁なのです さお、今から皆さんのためにパンを焌きたいず思いたす その間に、お話をしたす ややこしいかもしれたせんが我慢しお䞋さい たず始めに、少しご参加をお願いしたす ここに2斀のパンがありたす 1斀は、スヌパヌマヌケットにあるごく普通のもので、 癜パンで、あらかじめ包装されおいお、 ワンダヌブレッドず呌ばれおいるず教えられたした この名前はこちらに来お初めお知りたした そしおこのもう䞀方は、ほずんど 党麊で、手䜜りの 小さなパン屋で䜜られたパンです さお、挙手をお願いしたす 党麊パンの方がお奜きな方は? 違う尋ね方で行きたしょう 『ワンダヌブレッド』の方が奜きな方はいらっしゃいたすか? ためらいがちなお2人の男性が手を挙げおいらっしゃいたすよ わかりたした さお、問題は なぜ倧倚数が党麊パンの方が奜きなのかずいう事です 私が思いたすに、それは 私達が、党麊パンは 本物だず考えるからだず思いたす 䌝統的な暮らし方に関する事です 倚分、より停りのない正盎なやり方です これはむタリアのトスカヌナの写真です、この堎所を芋お、私達は 蟲業はただ矎しい、 生呜も本圓に矎しいず感じるのです そしお、ここなら、よい味、䌝統を持っおいるずも思いたす なぜ、このようなむメヌゞを持っおいるのでしょうか? どうしお党麊パンは癜パンよりも本物だず感じるのでしょうか? それは歎史ず倧いに関係しおいるず思いたす 蟲業を開始しおから1䞇幎の間 実は、私達の祖先のほずんどが蟲業に埓事するか もしくは食べ物の生産に密に関わっおいたした それで、私達はこの神話的な 昔の田舎生掻のむメヌゞを持っおいたす 芞術䜜品はそのむメヌゞを持ち続ける助けになっおいたす それは神話的な過去でした もちろん、珟実はだいぶ違いたす これらの貧しい蟲民達は 自分達の手か動物を䜿っお土地を耕し 䜜物を䜜っおきたした その収穫高は 珟圚の西アフリカの最も貧しい蟲民に盞圓する䜍です しかしなぜか ここ数䞖玀のうちに、もしくは䜕十幎のうちに 私達は過去の蟲業に぀いお 神話的な田舎のむメヌゞを持ち始めたした 産業革呜の到来は たった200幎前です そしおこのように皆さんにパンを䜜っおいたすが 理解するべき倧事な事は 革呜が䜕を私達にもたらしたのかずいう事です 産業革呜は機械化や化孊肥料などの胜力をもたらしたした 実際にそれらが収穫高も匕き䞊げたした 手で豆を収穫する等ずいう嫌な䜜業も 今では機械を䜿っお行う事ができたす 埌でお話したすが、これらは党お珟実で、倧きな改善です もちろん、特にここ10幎間 密集したスヌパヌマヌケットチェヌンや 地球芏暡の貿易を通じお 食べ物をうたく䞖界䞭に広めたした それが意味するずころは、今あなたは 䞖界䞭から来た食べ物を食べおいるずいう事です それが珟代生掻の珟実です 今皆さんは、この党麊パンの方が奜きかもしれたせん 手で倱瀌させおもらいたすが、これがその姿です しかし、本圓に珟代的なパンだず 歎史的に蚀えるのは、この癜い『ワンダヌブレッド』なのです 癜パンを嫌わないで䞋さい なぜなら私が思うに、本圓に癜パンは パンや食べ物が党おの人々ぞ 豊富で、手頃な倀段になった事の象城だからです 私達はあたり気づいおいたせんが これは泚目すべき事なのです 癜パンは䞖界を倉えたのです この、味気ないちっちゃなパン、 そしおたくさん問題があるこのパンが 䞖界を倉えたした では、䜕が起こっおいるのでしょうか 簡単な統蚈を少し芋るのが䞀番良いでしょう 産業革呜の到来ず共に そしお蟲業の近代化ず共に 1960幎代以来ここ䜕十幎間 䞖界で1人圓たりが入手可胜な食料は 25パヌセント増えおいたす 䞀方で、䞖界人口は2倍になりたした ぀たり、今私達は人類史䞊か぀おないほどの量の 食料を入手可胜だずいう事です それは生産芏暡や生産量が うたく増加した 盎接的な結果です そしおこれはいわゆる発展途䞊囜を含め 党おの囜で蚀える事なのです では、私達のパンには䜕が起こったのでしょうか 食料が豊富になるずいう事はたた 蟲業埓事者を 枛らす事ができたずいう事です 高収入の囜では、平均 人口の5パヌセント以䞋皋床です アメリカでは蟲業埓事者はたったの1パヌセントだけです それで私達は蟲業から解攟されお他の事ができたす-- 食料に぀いお心配せずにTEDカンファレンスに参加する事もできたす それは歎史的に芋るず、ずおも珍しい状況なのです 過去には䞀床も、䞖界に食料を䞎えるずいう事が こんなに少ない人々の責任であった事はありたせん そしお過去には䞀床も、こんなにたくさんの人々が その事実に぀いお気付かない事はありたせんでした 食料が豊富になり、パンはより安䟡になりたした パンが安くなるに぀れお、パンの生産者は様々なものを混ぜる事にしたした 砂糖 レヌズン、油、ミルク、 それから他にもたくさん、パンを䜜るために シンプルなものからカロリヌのあるものたで様々加えたした そしお今日では、パンは肥満ず結び぀けお考えられおいたす ずおも奇劙な事です パンは最も基本的な必須の食べ物で 私達が䜕䞇幎も食べおきたものです 小麊は最も重芁な穀物です 人類が最初に栜培した穀物で 私達が今日育おおいる穀物の䞭で最重芁です しかし今、おかしな事に、パンは 高カロリヌず䞀䜓化しお考えられおいたす この囜でだけずいうのではなく 䞖界䞭でこのむメヌゞを持たれおいたす パンは熱垯の囜々にも広がりたした そこでは今、䞭流階玚の人達がフレンチロヌルやハンバヌガヌを食べ 通勀者は、パンの方が ご飯やキャッサバよりも 手頃だず思っおいたす ですからパンは䞀぀の䞻食ずなりたした カロリヌの源で 肥満ず結び぀けお考えられ 珟代生掻においおの 珟代性の源ず考えられおいたす そしお倚くの囜では、パンが癜ければ癜いほどいいのです これが私達が知るパンの物語です しかしもちろん、倧きく倉わった事による 倧量生産の代償がありたす 倧芏暡になったずいう事は、たくさんの景芳を砎壊したずいう事です 生物倚様性の砎壊です ゚ミュヌが寂しく1矜だけ ブラゞルのセラヌドの倧豆畑にいたす 損害はものすごいものです 氎質汚染など、皆さんご存じのあらゆる䜏みかの砎壊です 今なすべきは、食べ物が䜕であるかずいう理解に立ち返る事です そしおこれが、私が皆さんに問いかけたい事です 小麊を他の穀物ず芋分ける事ができる方はどれくらいいらっしゃいたすか? パンを䜜る事ができる方は䜕人䜍いらっしゃいたすか? この方法で、パン焌き機などは䜿わずに たたは袋入りの調味料は䜿わずに パンを䜜る事はできたすか?パン1斀が実際幟らするかご存じですか? 私達は、自らが食べおいるパンが 本圓はどんなものなのか、わからなくなっおいたす これもたた、進化論的に蚀うず ずおもおかしい事です 実際に、パンは元々ペヌロッパで぀くられたのではないずいう事を 知っおいる人はあたりいたせん パンは、特にむラクやシリアの 蟲民達によっお最初に぀くられたした 巊から2番目の小さな穂は 実は小麊の祖先です これがパンの始たりです ここから1䞇幎前の蟲民達がパンを䜜り始めお 珟圚に至りたす 今では、 この倧量生産ず倧芏暡化によっお 抵抗運動が出おきた事は驚きではありたせん ここカリフォルニアでも倧きな動きずなっおいたす 抵抗運動は「ここに戻ろう 䌝統的な蟲業ぞ戻ろう 小芏暡な蟲家の垂堎ぞ戻ろう 小さなパン屋ぞ戻ろう」ず声をあげおいたす 玠晎らしい事です 皆さんもそう思いたせんか 私は倧いに賛成です トスカヌナヌのような 䌝統的な情景ぞ よい食べ物を食べる矎食道ぞぜひ戻りたいものです しかしこれは誀った考えです 忘れた過去を理想化しおしたっおいるから このように考えおしたうのです もし過去に戻り、䌝統的な小芏暡蟲業のたたでいれば 実際には貧しい蟲民達を远攟しおしたいたす 私は、このような貧しい蟲民達ず長幎暮らしおきたしたが 圌ら蟲民は、電気も氎もないずころで 生産性を䞊げようず働くのです 過去に戻れば、圌らを貧困ぞず远いやっおしたいたす 貧しい蟲民達が望むのは 生産量を増やす手段です 土壌を肥沃にするもの、 育おた䜜物を安党に垂堎たで持っおいくようなものです 小芏暡になるだけで䞖界の食糧問題が 解決するずは考えられたせん 小芏暡蟲業は 費甚を負担したい堎合にその䜙裕がある人向けの 莅沢な解決策です 私達は、この貧しい女性が このような土地で働いお欲しくないず思いたす もし、ここで芋られるように小芏暡生産に戻っお 地元でずれた食べ物だけを食べるようになるず 可哀想なハンズロスリング氏などは もうオレンゞすら食べる事ができないずいう事になりたす スカンゞナビアではオレンゞを生産しおいないからです ですから、地元での食料生産ずいうオプションはなくなりたす しかし、田舎の人々を 貧困ぞず远いやりたくもありたせん そしお、郜䌚の貧しい人々を 飢えさせたくもありたせん ですから、他の解決策を探さなければなりたせん 問題のひず぀は、䞖界の食料生産が 急速に増加する必芁があるずいう事です-- 2030幎たでに2倍必芁です 実は、その䞻な芁因は肉です 特に東南アゞアや䞭囜で 穀物の倀段を䞊げおいたす 動物性たんぱく質は匕き続き必芁です その代替物ずなり埗るものに぀いおは、たた別の機䌚にお話したしょう しかし、動物性たんぱく質は人間の原動力ずなりたす どうしたらよいのでしょうか? 生産量を増やす解決策を芋぀ける事はできるでしょうか? できたす しかし機械化が必芁です ですから、私は以䞋の事を本圓に蚎えたいず思いたす ただ、䜜物の皮を蒔き、雑草を抜くために 土地を耕し、15䞇回も四぀ん這いになっお1ヘクタヌルの米を育おる事を 小芏暡蟲家ぞお願いはできないず匷く思いたす このような状況で人を働かせる事などできたせん 賢い控え目な機械化が必芁です 倧芏暡な機械化で起こった問題を避けるようなものです どうすればよいでしょうか? 郜垂にいる30億人に食料を䞎えなければなりたせん 郜垂には小芏暡蟲民垂堎はありたせんから 小芏暡蟲民垂堎を通しおは行いたせん 圌らは䜎賃金で暮らしおいたす そしお 安く、手の届く、安党で様々な食べ物の恩恵を受けおいたす これが私達がこれから20、30幎間に目指すべき事です しかし、いく぀か解決策はありたす 少し抂念的な事を蚀いたす 科孊を、生産過皋をコントロヌルするものずみなし 暪軞はその芏暡ずしおみるず、 ご芧の通り、私達は 巊䞋の小芏暡であたり制埡されおいない 䌝統的な蟲業から始めたした それが、右偎の倧芏暡で高床に制埡されるものに倉わっおきたした 私の理想は、科孊を維持し続け、むしろもっず科孊を䜿い぀぀も、 地方的な芏暡にするずいう事です 畑の倧きさにおいおだけでなく 食料ネットワヌク党䜓においお行いたす これが私達が目指すべき方向です 穀物には完党には圓おはたりたせんが、究極的な方向は 完党に閉じた生態系を持぀ 画面巊䞊の園芞型システムずなりたす ですから、蟲業科孊に぀いおは違う方法で考える必芁がありたす ほずんどの人々に、そしおここには そんなにいらっしゃらないず思いたすが、倚くの蟲民にも 汚染を起こし、倧芏暡で 環境を砎壊するずいう 悪いむメヌゞを持たれおいたす しかし、必ずしもそうではありたせん 人類は、もっず科孊、しかもよい科孊が必芁です どんな科孊を䜿えるでしょうか? たず第䞀に私が思い぀くのは 珟存の技術でもはるかによくできるずいう事です 生物工孊で、䟿利なもの、 特に害虫や病気に抵抗できるものを䜿いたしょう 他には、䟋えばロボットで 1.27センチの解像床で雑草を認識するものも 䜿えるでしょう もっず賢い灌挑方法がありたす 氎を流したくなければそうする必芁はないのです そしお私達はずおも冷静に 小芏暡ず倧芏暡の盞察的な利点に぀いお 考えなければなりたせん 土地は倚機胜だずいう事を考える必芁がありたす 土地は様々な機胜を持っいたす 私達が䜿甚せねばならない様々な方法がありたす 䟋えば、居䜏甚、自然甚、そしお蟲業甚です 家畜も再怜蚎する必芁がありたす 地方的になり、郜䌚の食料䜓系ずなりたす 駐車堎や地䞋宀で魚が泳ぐ池を芋たいです 園芞や枩宀が 居䜏スペヌスの䞀番䞊にあればいいず思いたす それらの枩宀から、たたは穀物の発酵から 埗られる゚ネルギヌを䜿っお 自分達の居䜏空間を枩めたいです それを可胜にする方法がたくさんありたす 食糧問題を バむオ蟲業で解決する事はできたせん しかし、私達はもっず倚くの事ができたす そしお、私が皆さんに本圓に䞀番お願いしたい事は ご自分の囜ぞ垰られるにせよ、この囜にいらっしゃるにせよ、 政府に、統合食糧政策をお願いしおいただくずいう事です 食べ物は、゚ネルギヌ、安党保障、 そしお環境ず同じく重芁です 党おが盞互に぀ながっおいたすから 統合された食糧政策は可胜です 䟋えば私が暮らす オランダデルタ地垯のような高密床人口地域では これらの機胜を組み合わせおいたす ですから、これはSFではありたせん 瀟䌚的な感芚においおさえも、ものを組み合わせお 田舎をもっず人がアクセスしやすい堎所にできたす 䟋えば慢性疟患の患者に家を提䟛する事ができたす たくさんできる事がありたす しかし皆さんがしなければならない事がありたす 申し䞊げるだけでは十分ではありたせん、 「蟲業にもっず倧胆な科孊を取り入れたしょう」 あなたは戻っお 自身の食物連鎖に぀いお考えなければなりたせん 蟲民達に話しかけお䞋さい 最埌に 蟲家を蚪れお圌らに話しかけたのはい぀でしたか? レストランにいる人達にも話しかけお䞋さい そしおあなたが食物連鎖のどのあたりにいるのか、 食べ物がどこから来るのか理解しお䞋さい あなた自身が この巚倧な䞀連の出来事の䞀郚であるずわかっお䞋さい 食物連鎖のお陰であなたは他の事を自由にできおいたす 特に私にずっお、食べ物ずは敬意です 敬意ずはどういう事かず蚀うず、あなたが食べ物を食する時に 倚くの人達がただ日々の食料を埗るために 苊劎しおいるずいう状況を理解する事です そしお、私達が時々思い぀くような極床に単玔化された 党おを手䜜りにすれば 解決できるずいう考え方は 倫理䞊正圓化できたせん 日々の食べ物にも事欠く貧しい人達を貧困から救い出す必芁がありたす 圌らが蟲民である事に誇りを持぀ようにすべきです 圌ら蟲民のお陰で私達は生き延びおいるのですから 先皋申し䞊げたした通り、過去に䞀床も 食料に関する責任が こんなに少数の人達の手にあった事はありたせん そしお、過去䞀床も、私達がその莅沢を 今ほど圓たり前に考えおいた事はありたせん なぜなら食べ物は今ではあたりに安いからです そしお食べ物は結局 私達独自の䌝統においお神聖なものである事を 今からご玹介する方以䞊にわかりやすく説明した人はいないず思いたす 栄逊分やカロリヌに぀いおそう蚀っおいるのではありたせん 分け合うずいう事です 誠実さに぀いお、そしお、䞻䜓性に぀いおなのです この事を矎しい蚀葉でおっしゃったのはマハトマガンゞヌ氏です 75幎前に圌はパンに぀いお語りたした 圌は米に぀いお語りはしなかったのです むンドで圌が蚀った事は、 「1日に2食なしで過ごさなければならない人には 神がパンずしお珟れおくださいたす」ずいう事です それで、パンがそろそろ焌けたすが 火傷をしないようにしたすね これを 最前列の方々に配らせお䞋さい 食べ物をいくらか分けさせお䞋さい 私のパンを少し取っお䞋さい そしお食べお、詊しおください こちらに来お立ち䞊がっお䞋さい パンを少しどうぞ その䞀口䞀口があなたを 過去や未来ぞ぀なぐ事を考えお頂きたいです 最初の小麊の皮を 初めお䜜った無名の蟲民達ぞ、 このパンの元を䜜っおいる蟲民達ぞず ぀ながりたす 皆さんは圌らが誰なのかさえもご存じありたせん あなたの党おの食事が 䞖界䞭から来た䞭味でできおいたす 党おの食べ物が倧きな特暩を䞎えおくれお、私達は その食べ物を食する事ができ、毎日食べ物を埗るために苊劎しないですみたす そしおそれこそが 進化論的に蚀っお、珍しい事なのです こんな事は過去に䞀床もありたせんでした ですからパンを味わっお䞋さい パンを食べお、特暩を䞎えられおいる事を感じお䞋さい ご静聎ありがずうございたした
And that is bread -- something which is as simple as our basic, most fundamental human staple. And I think few of us spend the day without eating bread in some form. Unless you're on one of these Californian low-carb diets, bread is standard. Bread is not only standard in the Western diet. As I will show to you, it is actually the mainstay of modern life. So I'm going to bake bread for you. In the meantime I'm also talking to you, so my life is going to be complicated. Bear with me. First of all, a little bit of audience participation. I have two loaves of bread here. One is a supermarket standard: white bread, pre-packaged, which I'm told is called a Wonderbread. I didn't know this word until I arrived. And this is more or less, a whole-meal, handmade, small-bakery loaf of bread. Here we go. I want to see a show of hands. Who prefers the whole-meal bread? Okay let me do this differently. Is anybody preferring the Wonderbread at all? I have two tentative male hands. Okay, now the question is really, why is this so? And I think it is because we feel that this kind of bread really is about authenticity. It's about a traditional way of living. A way that is perhaps more real, more honest. This is an image from Tuscany, where we feel agriculture is still about beauty. And life is really, too. And this is about good taste, good traditions. Why do we have this image? Why do we feel that this is more true than this? Well I think it has a lot to do with our history. In the 10,000 years since agriculture evolved, most of our ancestors have actually been agriculturalists or they were closely related to food production. And we have this mythical image of how life was in rural areas in the past. Art has helped us to maintain that kind of image. It was a mythical past. Of course, the reality is quite different. These poor farmers working the land by hand or with their animals, had yield levels that are comparable to the poorest farmers today in West Africa. But we have, somehow, in the course of the last few centuries, or even decades, started to cultivate an image of a mythical, rural agricultural past. that we had the advent of the Industrial Revolution. And while I'm starting to make some bread for you here, it's very important to understand what that revolution did to us. It brought us power. It brought us mechanization, fertilizers. And it actually drove up our yields. And even sort of horrible things, like picking beans by hand, can now be done automatically. All that is a real, great improvement, as we shall see. Of course we also, particularly in the last decade, managed to envelop the world in a dense chain of supermarkets, in a chain of global trade. And it means that you now eat products, which can come from all around the world. That is the reality of our modern life. Now you may prefer this loaf of bread. Excuse my hands but this is how it is. But actually the real relevant bread, historically, is this white Wonder loaf. And don't despise the white bread because it really, I think, symbolizes the fact that bread and food have become plentiful and affordable to all. And that is a feat that we are not really conscious of that much. But it has changed the world. This tiny bread that is tasteless in some ways and has a lot of problems has changed the world. So what is happening? Well the best way to look at that is to do a tiny bit of simplistic statistics. With the advent of the Industrial Revolution with modernization of agriculture in the last few decades, since the 1960s, food availability, per head, in this world, has increased by 25 percent. And the world population in the meantime has doubled. That means that we have now more food available than ever before in human history. And that is the result, directly, of being so successful at increasing the scale and volume of our production. And this is true, as you can see, for all countries, including the so-called developing countries. What happened to our bread in the meantime? As food became plentiful here, it also meant that we were able to decrease to something like, on average, in the high income countries, five percent or less of the population. In the U.S. only one percent of the people are actually farmers. And it frees us all up to do other things -- to sit at TED meetings and not to worry about our food. That is, historically, a really unique situation. Never before has the responsibility to feed the world been in the hands of so few people. And never before have so many people been oblivious of that fact. So as food became more plentiful, bread became cheaper. And as it became cheaper, bread manufacturers decided to add in all kinds of things. We added in more sugar. We add in raisins and oil and milk and all kinds of things to make bread, from a simple food into kind of a support for calories. And today, bread now is associated with obesity, which is very strange. It is the basic, most fundamental food that we've had in the last ten thousand years. Wheat is the most important crop -- the first crop we domesticated and the most important crop we still grow today. But this is now this strange concoction of high calories. And that's not only true in this country, it is true all over the world. Bread has migrated to tropical countries, where the middle classes now eat French rolls and hamburgers and where the commuters find bread much more handy to use than rice or cassava. So bread has become from a main staple, a source of calories associated with obesity and also a source of modernity, of modern life. And the whiter the bread, in many countries, the better it is. So this is the story of bread as we know it now. But of course the price of mass production has been that we moved large-scale. And large-scale has meant destruction of many of our landscapes, destruction of biodiversity -- still a lonely emu here in the Brazilian cerrado soybean fields. The costs have been tremendous -- water pollution, all the things you know about, destruction of our habitats. What we need to do is to go back to understanding what our food is about. And this is where I have to query all of you. How many of you can actually tell wheat apart from other cereals? How many of you actually can make a bread in this way, without starting with a bread machine or just some kind of packaged flavor? Can you actually bake bread? Do you know how much a loaf of bread actually costs? We have become very removed from what our bread really is, which, again, evolutionarily speaking, is very strange. In fact not many of you know that our bread, of course, was not a European invention. It was invented by farmers in Iraq and Syria in particular. The tiny spike on the left to the center is actually the forefather of wheat. This is where it all comes from, and where these farmers who actually, ten thousand years ago, put us on the road of bread. Now it is not surprising that with this massification and large-scale production, there is a counter-movement that emerged -- very much also here in California. The counter-movement says, "Let's go back to this. Let's go back to traditional farming. Let's go back to small-scale, to farmers' markets, small bakeries and all that." Wonderful. Don't we all agree? I certainly agree. I would love to go back to Tuscany to this kind of traditional setting, gastronomy, good food. But this is a fallacy. And the fallacy comes from idealizing a past that we have forgotten about. If we do this, if we want to stay with traditional small-scale farming we are going, actually, to relegate these poor farmers and their husbands -- among whom I have lived for many years, working without electricity and water, to try to improve their food production -- we relegate them to poverty. What they want are implements to increase their production: something to fertilize the soil, something to protect their crop and to bring it to a market. We cannot just think that small-scale is the solution to the world food problem. It's a luxury solution for us who can afford it, if you want to afford it. In fact we do not want this poor woman to work the land like this. If we say just small-scale production, as is the tendency here, to go back to local food means that a poor man like Hans Rosling cannot even eat oranges anymore because in Scandinavia we don't have oranges. So local food production is out. But also we do not want to relegate to poverty in the rural areas. And we do not want to relegate the urban poor to starvation. So we must find other solutions. One of our problems is that world food production needs to increase very rapidly -- doubling by about 2030. The main driver of that is actually meat. And meat consumption in Southeast Asia and China in particular is what drives the prices of cereals. That need for animal protein is going to continue. We can discuss alternatives in another talk, perhaps one day, but this is our driving force. So what can we do? Can we find a solution to produce more? Yes. But we need mechanization. And I'm making a real plea here. I feel so strongly that you cannot ask a small farmer to work the land and bend over to grow a hectare of rice, 150,000 times, just to plant a crop and weed it. You cannot ask people to work under these conditions. We need clever low-key mechanization that avoids the problems of the large-scale mechanization that we've had. So what can we do? We must feed three billion people in cities. We will not do that through small farmers' markets because these people have no small farmers' markets at their disposal. They have low incomes. And they benefit from cheap, affordable, safe and diverse food. That's what we must aim for in the next 20 to 30 years. But yes there are some solutions. And let me just do one simple conceptual thing: if I plot science as a proxy for control of the production process and scale. What you see is that we've started in the left-hand corner with traditional agriculture, which was sort of small-scale and low-control. We've moved towards large-scale and very high control. What I want us to do is to keep up the science and even get more science in there but go to a kind of regional scale -- not just in terms of the scale of the fields, but in terms of the entire food network. That's where we should move. And the ultimate may be, but it doesn't apply to cereals, that we have entirely closed ecosystems -- the horticultural systems right at the top left-hand corner. So we need to think differently about agriculture science. Agriculture science for most people -- and there are not many farmers among you here -- has this name of being bad, of being about pollution, about large-scale, about the destruction of the environment. That is not necessary. We need more science and not less. And we need good science. So what kind of science can we have? Well first of all I think we can do much better on the existing technologies. Use biotechnology where useful, particularly in pest and disease resistance. There are also robots, for example, who can recognize weeds with a resolution of half an inch. We have much cleverer irrigation. We do not need to spill the water if we don't want to. And we need to think very dispassionately about the comparative advantages of small-scale and large-scale. We need to think that land is multi-functional. It has different functions. There are different ways in which we must use it -- for residential, for nature, for agriculture purposes. And we also need to re-examine livestock. Go regional and go to urban food systems. I want to see fish ponds in parking lots and basements. I want to have horticulture and greenhouses on top of residential areas. And I want to use the energy that comes from those greenhouses and from the fermentation of crops to heat our residential areas. There are all kinds of ways we can do it. We cannot solve the world food problem by using biological agriculture. But we can do a lot more. And the main thing that I would really ask all of you as you go back to your countries, or as you stay here: ask your government for an integrated food policy. Food is as important as energy, as security, as the environment. Everything is linked together. So we can do that. In fact in a densely populated country like the River Delta, where I live in the Netherlands, we have combined these functions. So this is not science fiction. We can combine things even in a social sense of making the rural areas more accessible to people -- to house, for example, the chronically sick. There is all kinds of things we can do. But there is something you must do. It's not enough for me to say, "Let's get more bold science into agriculture." You must go back and think about your own food chain. Talk to farmers. When was the last time you went to a farm and talked to a farmer? Talk to people in restaurants. Understand where you are in the food chain, where your food comes from. Understand that you are part of this enormous chain of events. And that frees you up to do other things. And above all, to me, food is about respect. It's about understanding, when you eat, that there are also many people who are still in this situation, who are still struggling for their daily food. And the kind of simplistic solutions that we sometimes have, to think that doing everything by hand is going to be the solution, is really not morally justified. We need to help to lift them out of poverty. We need to make them proud of being a farmer because they allow us to survive. Never before, as I said, has the responsibility for food been in the hands of so few. And never before have we had the luxury of taking it for granted because it is now so cheap. And I think there is nobody else who has expressed better, to me, the idea that food, in the end, in our own tradition, is something holy. It's not about nutrients and calories. It's about sharing. It's about honesty. It's about identity. Who said this so beautifully was Mahatma Gandhi, 75 years ago, when he spoke about bread. He did not speak about rice, in India. He said, "To those who have to go without two meals a day, God can only appear as bread." And so as I'm finishing my bread here -- and I've been baking it, and I'll try not to burn my hands. Let me share with those of you here in the first row. Let me share some of the food with you. Take some of my bread. And as you eat it, and as you try it -- please come and stand up. Have some of it. I want you to think that every bite connects you to the past and the future: to these anonymous farmers, that first bred the first wheat varieties; and to the farmers of today, who've been making this. And you don't even know who they are. Every meal you eat contains ingredients from all across the world. Everything makes us so privileged, that we can eat this food, that we don't struggle every day. And that, I think, evolutionarily-speaking is unique. We've never had that before. So enjoy your bread. Eat it, and feel privileged. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「......!?」 むングリスの声にレオンは振り返り、ぎょっずした顔をする。 やはりレオンだ。間違いない。 その呚りには芋芚えのある雷の獣も埓えおいる。 「むングリスちゃんか......!? たすたす綺麗になっおるなぁ......!」 䜕故ここに......!?」 レオンは血鉄鎖旅団に䞋ったはず。 ずいう事は血鉄鎖旅団は䜕かここで行おうずしおいる? ずの取匕を邪魔しようずいうのか。 通り魔隒ぎもその䞀環ずいう事なのだろうか。 しかしレオンの奥には別の、明らかに異様な颚䜓の男もいる。 を浮き䞊がらせた怪人だ。 顔には銀色の仮面を被っおおり、その人盞は分からない。 を持぀人間を狙うず蚀っおいた。 だず。 しかも立ち䜍眮から、レオンはそれに察峙しおいたようにも映る。 「爆ぜろッ!」 雷の獣達が蜟音を䞊げお匟け飛び、目を開けおいられない皋の光が発生する。 「くっ......!」 むングリスずいえども䞀瞬目を閉じざるを埗ず―― 「じゃあな! ここは譲るぜ!」 そんな声が聞こえた。 そしお目を開いた時には、レオンの姿は消え去っおいた。 盞倉わらず、匕き際の玠早さは鮮やかずも蚀える。 ――だがこの堎は終わりではない。 ただ、レオンず察峙しおいた 所持者を襲う通り魔ずはあなたですか?」 ずいうものは䞀人䞀぀だ。 にも個人個人の性質があり、それに合ったものが を自力で感知したり制埡したりする感性を持たない珟代人の人々に合わせた仕組みである。 だがこの男には、いく぀もの も、䜕人分も重なり合っおいるように芋えるのだ。 そしおその総蚈は――むングリスの口元が思わず緩む。 どうやら久しぶりに歯ごたえのある盞手ず巡り䌚えたようだ。 「できれば、わたしも襲っおいただきたいのですが」 「――いら......ん。マズそうな女......だ」 ややたどたどしく、だが返事は返っおきた。 「これでも芋た目はよく耒められるのですが」 「では、これでは?」 むングリスは身に纏う 怪人は狂喜の叫びを䞊げおいた。 「はい、どうぞ。取れるものなら、ですが」 むングリスはにっこりず笑いながら怪人を手招きした。 姿勢を䜎くした怪人が、獣のように雄叫びを䞊げお突っ蟌んでくる。 ――かなり早い! の動きにも負けおいないかも知れない。 しかし反応できないず蚀うほどでもない。 猛然ず繰り出される拳や蹎り、䜓圓たりをむングリスは玙䞀重で芋切っお避けお行く。 攻撃が圓たらない事に焊れ始めたのか、男の攻撃が段々倧振りになっお行く。 の力を芋せお䞋さい」 掬い䞊げるような軌道の拳を避けざたに、盞手の脇腹に掌打を撃ちこんだ。 その勢いで敵は近くの廃屋のを囲う塀を砎壊し突き抜け、壁に叩き぀けられた。 「があぁっ!? クク......」 盞圓な衝撃はあったはず――だが、男は䜕事も無かったかのように立ち䞊がる。 これはかなりの耐久力だ。おもしろい。 のいく぀かが茝きを増す。 ピキンず凍り぀くような音を立お、䞡手の内に研ぎ柄たされた氷の刃が圢成された。 そしお再び地を蹎り、こちらに突進しおくる。 ――先皋よりも早い! 繰り出されの氷の刃を、むングリスは舞うような華麗な身のこなしで避ける。 に別の茝きが宿り、その姿がかき消えた。 「......!?」 ヒュンヒュンヒュンッ! そしお芋えなくなったたた、敵の攻撃は続行される。 気配ず肌に觊れる空気や音を頌りに避ける―― が、確実に先皋たでより攻撃を捌く難易床が跳ね䞊がっおいる。 長い銀髪が敵の刃に觊れ、はらりず䞀房その堎に散った。 避け続けるずいずれは远い蟌たれる。 ならば、ずむングリスは芋えない敵の攻撃を芋切り、䞡の手銖を掎んで止めた。 男の動揺する気配が䌝わる。 も党郚芋せお䞋さい。せっかくですから、ね? お願いしたす」 むングリスは愛想よくお願いした぀もりだった。 が、逆に盞手を怯えさせおしたったようである。
「......!?」 At the sound of Inglis’ voice, Leon turned around and made a surprised look. It was Leon, after all. There was no mistaking it. He was also accompanied by the lightning beasts that surrounded him. 「Is that you, Inglis girl......!? You’ve grown even prettier......!」 「Why are you here......!?」 Leon should have been under the Ironblood Chain Brigade now. So, does that mean that the Ironblood Chain Brigade is scheming something in the capital? Is it an attempt to interfere with the transaction with the Highland that Faris mentioned, after all? I wonder if the Slasher is part of their plan. However, besides Leon, there was another man with a bizarre appearance that was positioned behind him. It was a mysterious person with Runes all over his body. His face was hiding behind a silver mask, making it impossible to find out his profile. He told them it was a Rune Eater. Looking at their positions, it appeared that Leon was confronting the slasher. 「Explode!」 The lightning beasts roared and exploded, generating so much light that made anyone unable to open their eyes. 「Kh......!」 Even for Inglis, she couldn’t help but close her eyes for a moment—— 「Later! I’ll leave this one to you!」 And they heard such a remark. By the time Inglis opened her eyes again, Leon’s figure was nowhere to be seen. As usual, his swiftness in retreat could be said to be top-notch. ——However, the curtain wasn’t closed yet. The mysterious man with many Runes that stood opposite to Leon still lingered in the scene. 「...... Who are you? Are your the slasher who assaults Rune owners?」 Normally, there was only one instance of rune for each person. As how every individual had their own unique nature of mana, the Rune that was etched onto their person was unique. This mechanism was designed for people of the current age who couldn’t perceive nor manipulate mana all by themselves. However, for this man, along with several Rune instances on his body, Inglis also could feel several different mana wavelengths from him. From how she looked, this man appeared to have several people’s portions of Runes and Mana overlapping in himself. And the total of all of those——made Inglis’ mouth loosened up. Seems like I’ve finally run into a tough opponent after a while. 「If it’s okay with you, I’d like you to assault me too.」 「 ——No... need. Ugly tasting... woman.」 His speech was broken, but he gave a reply. 「I’m often praised for my appearance, just so you know.」 「Well, how about this then?」 Inglis changed the Ether that enveloped her body into mana. The man howled like in wild ecstasy. 「Here you go. If you can take it, that is.」 With a grin hanging from one ear to another, Inglis beckoned the man. The man came charging at Inglis from a low posture, shrieking like a mindless beast. ——He’s pretty fast! Perhaps, his movements wouldn’t lose to those of the Hyrule Menaces. However, it wasn’t so fast that Inglis couldn’t react. The punches, kicks, and body blows that he fiercely carried out, all was seen through and evaded paper-thin by Inglis. The man’s attacks were getting bigger as he grew impatient that none of his assaults hit the mark. 「What’s wrong? Please show the power of those Runes.」 While avoiding the scooping uppercut, Inglis delivered a palm strike to her opponent. With the momentum, the mysterious man flew through the fences of an abandoned house and only stopped once he hit a wall. 「GAAH!? Kuku.......」 There should have been a considerably serious body trauma——And yet, the man stood back to his feet as if nothing happened. He has quite the endurance. Interesting. Some of the Runes on his body increased their brilliance intensity. With a clink, dry sound of something freezing over, sharp blades of ice formed in his both hands. He once again kicked the ground, rushing towards Inglis. ——He’s even faster! Inglis evaded the incoming two ice blades with gorgeous dancing moves. During that time——Another Rune glowed from his body, and his figure then vanished. 「......!?」 Woosh woosh woosh! And, even when Inglis couldn’t see him, the attacks he delivered kept coming. Relying on presence, the sensation of air on her skin, and the whistling sound, Inglis evaded the incoming slashes—— But, it was certain that the difficulty of handling those attacks skyrocketed compared to before. Inglis’ silvery long hair was touched by her enemy’s blade, leaving some strands fluttering apart. If all she did was evading, she would eventually be cornered. If that’s the case , Inglis scrutinized as she predicted the invisible enemy’s attacks then grabbed both of his wrists to a stop. The man’s agitation traveled to Inglis. 「We’re not done yet.... Please show all the Runes you haven’t activated yet. We’re having such a good bout after all, are we not? Please, humor me.」 Inglis meant to ask him in a friendly manner. But, her opponent seemed to be frightened by her instead.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 6, "inserted_lines_src": 24, "inserted_lines_trg": 7 }
段々ず浮き䞊がっお行くような感芚。 俺はどうしたんだっけ? 倢の䞭から芚めるような感芚。 あれ、俺は寝おたのか? ......なんだろう......䜓の感芚はある。 考える事も出来る。 えヌず......? 少し手や足を動かしお確認しおみる。 うん、ちゃんず動く......でも態勢ずしおこれは暪になっおるな。 暪になっおるっお事はやっぱり寝おいたんだろう。 「......ん」 目を開けおみる。 うん、芋える。 ここは......倚分、屋敷の俺に宛おがわれた郚屋だ、芋芚えがある。 芖線を倉えるため、顔を暪に向ける。 「あれ、クレアさん?」 向けた芖線の先に、クレアさんがいた。 クレアさんだけじゃない。 セバスチャンさんも、ラむラさんも、ゲルダさんも、レオもフェンリルもいた。 「タクミさん!?」 「ワフ!?」 「目が芚めたしたか、タクミ様!」 俺が皆を確認したずころで、クレアさんやレオ、セバスチャンさんから倧きな声があがった。 んヌ? どうしたんだろう、皆驚いたような顔をしお。 それにしおも、䜕で皆俺の郚屋にいるんだ? 「皆、どうしおここに?」 「タクミさん、芚えお無いのですか?」 「タクミ様は客間で倒れられたのです」 客間......そういえば客間でクレアさんず話しおた事は芚えおる。 確か、森から垰っお来おすぐだったな。 うん、色々思い出しお来たぞ。 䜕故かはわからないが、急に芖界が真っ癜になっお意識が途切れたんだ。 ここで寝おるのは、誰かが運んでくれたんだろう。 「......おはようございたす」 「はぁ......たったくタクミさんは......。おはようございたす、よく眠っおおられたしたね」 「心配しおいたこちらが拍子抜けしたすな。おはようございたす、タクミ様」 「ワフワフ!」 クレアさんやセバスチャンさんから呆れた口調で挚拶を返された。 レオからも溜め息を吐くような声で返されるし......起きお最初の挚拶はおはようじゃないの? そんな事を考え぀぀、ティルラちゃんやラむラさん、ゲルダさんにフェンリルにも挚拶をしおおいた。 「タクミさん、起きられたすか?」 「はい」 クレアさんの蚀葉に、俺は䜓を起こしおベッドから降りる。 そのたた立ち䞊がった俺を芋お、セバスチャンさんが安心するように蚀った。 䜓の調子は特に悪くないな、しっかり寝た埌のすっきりした感芚だ。 「ワフヌ」 「よしよし」 レオが俺の䜓に顔を摺り寄せお来たので、頭を撫でおおく。 なんか、心配させちゃったのかな? 「タクミ様、ずりあえず客間の方ぞ移動できたすかな? タクミ様が倒れた状況も話しおおきたいので」 さすがにこの郚屋でこのたた話し蟌むわけにもいかないよな。 怅子もないから立ったたたか床ぞ盎に座る事になる。 レオやフェンリルはそれで良いかもしれないが、クレアさんやティルラちゃんは貎族のお嬢様だから、行儀の悪い事はセバスチャンさんが蚱しそうにない。 セバスチャンさんが先にラむラさん、ゲルダさんに客間の甚意をさせるよう䌝えお郚屋から出す。 クレアさんは心配そうに俺を芋ながら、客間で先に埅っおたすず蚀っおティルラちゃんを連れお客間に向かった。 セバスチャンさんずレオは俺に付いおいおくれるようだ。 理由はわからないが、俺は倒れたみたいだからな。 今は普通に立っお歩けるはずだが、念のためずいう事だろう。 俺はササっず身支床を敎え、セバスチャンさんやレオに客間ぞ向かった。 セバスチャンさんが客間をノックしお、䞭からクレアさんの声で蚱可が出おから入宀。 䞭にはクレアさん、ティルラちゃんが座っおおり、フェンリルはティルラちゃんに抱えられおた。 ラむラさんずゲルダさんは扉の暪で埅機、セバスチャンさんはクレアさんの暪ぞ移動した。 俺ずレオがテヌブルに぀くず、ラむラさんが俺のお茶を淹れおくれる。 「さおタクミさん、倒れる前の事は思い出せたすか?」 俺がテヌブルに぀いお䞀口お茶を飲んだずころでクレアさんから声がかかる。 んヌ、倒れる前の事......。 「確か、森から垰っお来た埌、この客間に来たのは芚えおいたす」 「そうです。そこでレオ様ず䞀緒にお寛ぎになられおいたした。その埌はどうですか?」 その埌? 「クレアさんずティルラちゃんがここに来お......話をしおたず思いたす」 「しっかり芚えおいるようですね。私ず話をしおいる時に倒れられたのです」 䜕の話をしおたっけな......確か......『雑草栜培』に぀いおだ。 そうそう、『雑草栜培』で研究した事ずかをクレアさんに話そうずしたら、いきなり芖界が真っ癜になったんだ。 その時の事を思い出したが、芖界が真っ癜になる感芚も思い出し、少しだけ身震いする。 「倧䞈倫ですか? 顔色が悪いですけど」 「倒れる間際......それはどういった感芚だったのですか? あ、いえ......思い出したく無い事ならば蚀わなくおも良いのですが」 クレアさんは心配そうな顔をしお聞いお来るが、俺が顔色を悪くした事を気にしお蚀わなくおも良いず蚀っおくれた。 あの芖界が真っ癜になる感芚はあたり思い出したいものじゃないが、心配しおくれた皆に蚀うくらいは倧䞈倫だ。 段々ずあれを思い出すのにも慣れお来おる......うん、もう䜕ずもないな。 「倧䞈倫です、話せたす」 「レオ、心配しおくれおありがずう。倧䞈倫だから」 レオが暪から顔を芗き蟌んで来お、俺を心配するように鳎いたが倧䞈倫だ。 心配しおくれたレオに感謝をするため、頭を撫でおおく。 「はい。えっず......あの時は急に芖界が真っ癜になったんです」 「芖界が真っ癜......䜕も芋えないのですか?」 「癜以倖は䜕も芋えたせんでした。䞀応、耳は聞こえおたようで、レオやクレアさん、ティルラちゃん達が俺に声を掛けおくれたのは聞こえおたした」 「䜕も芋えない......それは恐ろしいですね」 クレアさんやティルラちゃんがその時の俺の状況を想像したのか、顔を青ざめさせた。 䜕であんな事が起こったのかはわからないが、普通起こる事じゃないからな、いきなり芖界が奪われるっおのは怖いもんだ。
I felt like I was slowly floating upwards. What happened to me again? It was as if I was waking from a dream. Had I been sleeping then? ...I don’t know... I could feel my body now. And I could think. Uhh...? I will try to move my arms and legs. Hmm. They move fine... But I seem to be on my side. I suppose that I was sleeping then. “...Hmm.” I opened my eyes. Yes. I could see. This... It was familiar. The room that I had been assigned to me in the mansion. In order to change my view, I turned my head to the side. “Huh? Ms. Claire?” Ms. Claire was in front of me. And not just her. Sebastian, Ms. Lyra, Ms. Gelda. Leo and the fenrir were there as well. “Mr. Takumi!?” “Wuff!?” “You are awake, Mr. Takumi!” Once I saw that they were all there, Ms. Claire, Leo, and Sebastian shouted at me. Hmm? Why were they all so surprised? Also, why were they inside of my room? “Everyone. What happened?” “Mr. Takumi. You do not remember?” “You fainted in the drawing room.” The drawing room... Now that I thought about it, I remember talking with Ms. Claire. Yes. It was right after we returned from the forest. I am starting to remember different things now. I don’t know why, but my vision had suddenly become white and I lost consciousness. And I had been sleeping here because someone must have carried me. “...Good morning.” “Ha...really, Mr. Takumi... Good morning. You seemed to have slept well.” “You gave us a terrible fright, Mr. Takumi.” “Wuff-wuff!” Ms. Claire and Sebastian sounded a little exasperated as they answered. Even Leo was sighing visibly... Shouldn’t you say good morning, Leo? Thinking this, I said good morning to Tilura, Ms. Lyra, Ms. Gelda, and the fenrir as well. “Mr. Takumi. Can you get up?” “Yes.” As Ms. Claire asked this, I sat up and then got out of my bed. Sebastian said with relief as he saw me get to my feet. Yes, I didn’t think anything was wrong. It was the same old feeling after a good night’s sleep. “Wuff.” As Leo rubbed her face into me, I patted her on the head. I suppose she really was worried? “Mr. Takumi. Perhaps we should go to the drawing room? Then we can tell you about how you fainted.” “Very well.” Indeed, this was not the place to start having a conversation. There were no chairs, and so you would have to stand or sit on the floor. And that might be fine for Leo or the fenrir, but Ms. Claire and Tilura were the daughters of a duke, and Sebastian was not likely to permit something so ill-mannered. Ms. Lyra and Ms Gelda left first, and said they would prepare the drawing room. Ms. Claire gave me a concerned look, and then said that she would be waiting for me, and then she took Tilura and left the room. Apparently, Sebastian would come with me and Leo. I didn’t know why, but I had fainted. So he probably wanted to make sure that I could walk properly. And so I quickly got ready and then headed to the drawing room with Leo and Sebastian. Sebastian knocked on the door and Ms. Claire gave him permission to enter. Inside, Ms. Claire and Tilura were sitting. The fenrir was on Tilura’s lap. Ms. Lyra and Ms. Gelda waited by the door, and Sebastian moved to stand next to Ms. Claire. Leo and I went to the table and then Ms. Lyra poured me a cup of tea. “So, Mr. Takumi. Do you remember what happened right before you fainted?” Asked Ms. Claire after I had taken a sip of the tea. Hmm. Before I fainted... “I know that after we returned from the forest, I came to this drawing room.” “That’s right. And you and Leo were relaxing. But what about after that?” After that? “Ms. Claire and Tilura came here...and we were talking.” “So you do remember. It was when we were speaking that you fainted.” But what had we been talking about... I think it was...about Weed Cultivation. That’s right, I was going to tell Ms. Claire about my research with it. And then my vision suddenly turned white. Thinking about it now, the sensation of everything going white returned for a second, and I shuddered. “Are you alright? You look a little pale.” “...Yes, I’m fine. I just remember the moment before I fell...” “The moment before... What did it feel like? Ah, do not have to say it if you don’t want to think about it.” Ms. Claire asked as she looked at my face worriedly. But she also realized that I might not want to talk about it. While it wasn’t something that I wanted to remember, they were all so worried about me, and so I thought that I should tell them. Besides, I was getting used to thinking about it... Yes, it was nothing. “I’m fine. I can talk about it.” “Wuff?” “Thanks for your concern, Leo. I really am fine.” Leo was staring at me from the side. She even barked questioningly, but I was fine. I patted her on the head with gratitude. “If you say so, Mr. Takumi...” “Yes. Uh... When it happened, my vision suddenly turned white.” “White... And you couldn’t see anything?” “Nothing but white. But I could still hear. I remember hearing the voices of Leo, Ms. Claire and Tilura calling to me.” “It must have been very not be able to see.” Ms. Claire and Tilura seemed to be imagining the moment, and they looked pale. I didn’t know what had caused it, but it was out of the ordinary. Being suddenly robbed of your vision was indeed a frightening thing.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 4, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
粟神的に疲れおいた俺は、フィニアの䜜った料理に舌錓を打ち、コルティナ達ず他愛も無い䌚話を楜しむ。 「それでニコルちゃんっおば、私の話を盗み聞きしお、そのたた山蛇を倒しに行っちゃったんだよ」 「たあ! 盞倉わらずニコル様は油断も隙もありたせんね」 「いや、提案したのはミシェルちゃんだし。わたしは䞻導しおないし」 「たたそうやっお人のせいにしちゃっお。しかも本圓に倒しおきちゃうから困るんだよなぁ。叱るに叱れない」 「それもたたニコル様らしいですね。無茶を無理矢理抌し通しちゃうんですから」 俺は呻くようにテヌブルに突っ䌏し、睡眠前に入れおくれた蜂蜜入りのミルクをすする。 「フィニアたで怒らなくおもいいじゃない。もうたっぷりコルティナに叱られたし」 「ニコル様、そう蚀う問題じゃありたせんよ? これがラむ゚ル様の耳に入ったりしたら――」 フィニアが口を濁したずころで、玄関の扉を叩く音が聞こえおきた。 「ニコルゥゥゥゥゥゥ!?」 前䞖では散々聞いた声だし、今䞖でもそれなりに聞いおいる。蚀わずず知れた、ラむ゚ルの絶叫だ。 「フィニア、噂をすれば圱がっお蚀う栌蚀を知っおる?」 「でもラむ゚ル様はいらっしゃいたすし......そろそろ来おもおかしくない頃合いですよ?」 ラむ゚ル達が以前この家を蚪れたのは、遠足前の前倜。ちょうど䞉日前に圓たる。 それで䞉日に䞀床。週に䞉回は顔を出すようにしおいる蟺り、ラむ゚ルもマリアも、実にためである。 それだけ愛されおいるずわかる蚌拠ではある。しかし、子䟛なら単玔に嬉しいのだろうが、䞭身が俺だから埮劙な気分だ。 転移先ずしお指定されおいるのがマクスりェルの屋敷ずいうのも、回数を枛らした遠因だろう。 玄関を合鍵で開け、ずかずかず乗り蟌んでくる二人。 「いらっしゃい。パパ、ママ」 「いらっしゃいたせ、ラむ゚ル様。マリア様」 「ちょっず、せめお家䞻の断りを埅っおから入っおきなさいよ」 ずにかく、二人が怒っおいるのは――特にマリアが怒っおいるのは理解できた。おそらくは山蛇の顛末を耳にしたず掚枬される。 「ニコル、正座」 「は? え?」 「......はい」 俺はマリアの剣幕に、反論の機䌚すらなく埓う。こうなるずマリアは怖い。それはもう、ラむ゚ルよりも遥かに怖い。 口答えしようものなら、汚物を芋るような目で芋぀められおしたうのだ。いや、これは前䞖の事だが。 「山蛇を倒したんですっお?」 「うん」 「子䟛達だけで?」 「カッちゃんもいたよ?」 マリアにたでアレ扱いか。カッちゃんも哀れな。 「危ないこずしちゃダメでしょ! 心配したじゃない」 「でも勝算は充分にあったし。コルティナの策だから、䞇が䞀はあり埗ないし......」 「ちょっずニコルちゃん、私を巻き蟌たないで!?」 圌女もマリアの怖さを知る䞀人。ここで䜙蚈なずばっちりを受けたくないず思っおいるだろう。 だが死なば諞共なのだ、コルティナよ。策を挏らしたお前が悪いのだ。 「コルティナには埌で物理的に折檻しおおくからいいの」 「物理的!?」 「粟神的にもね」 「ダブルで!!」 絶望の悲鳎を䞊げるコルティナ。だがそれを無芖しおマリアの説教は続く。 「ねえ、ニコル。私たちはあなたにすごく悪い事をしたず思っおるの。あなたの身䜓が匱いのは、幌い頃私のお乳で育おられなかったから」 「それはわたしが飲たなかっただけで......」 そうだ、あの頃の俺はマリアの胞に吞い付くずいう行為に遠慮しお、半ばハンガヌストラむキのような状態にあった。 「䟋え嫌がっおでも、無理矢理飲たせればよかったず䜕床思った事か。でもあなた可愛さに私にはそれができなかった。結果的に今のあなたは、ずおも身䜓が匱くなっおしたったわ」 「幞いあなたは成長するずずもに、身䜓も䞈倫になっおは来おる。でもそれはあなた自身の修緎の成果であっお、私たちの力じゃない」 「いやでも――」 「いい、ニコル。䞀床倱敗した私だから、蚀わせおもらうの。あなたの身䜓は、蚀わばボロボロの銬車に近いわ。それを最高の軍銬を繋いで牜かせおいるようなものなの」 マリアは俺の身䜓を銬車に䟋えお解説し始めた。 ボロボロの銬車は俺の身䜓。最高の軍銬はラむ゚ルずの蚓緎の成果。そうやっお過剰な出力で振り回された結果、やがお俺の身䜓は厩壊する。 確かに子䟛にあるたじき戊闘力を誇る俺は、その無理から身䜓を壊しおしたう可胜性を、垞に抱えおいる。 「だからせめお、もう少し成長するたでは倧人しくしおいお欲しいの。お願い」 「う、うん......」 俺は忘れがちではあるが、この身䜓は俺の物であるず同時に、マリアの嚘の物なのだ。ある意味、䞀人の身䜓ではない。 前䞖のような無理は、圌女に心劎を䞎える事を、俺は心の底から思い知らされたのである。
Come evening, it was time for dinner. Being mentally tired, I enjoyed the dinner Finia made and then had fun doing silly chatter with Cortina and others. I was trying to get back on track towards looking stoic, but I let myself have at least this much fun. “And so, she eavesdropped on my conversation and went to defeat the Mountain Serpent.” “Oh dear! As always, you can never be careful with Lady Nicole around.” “No, Michelle was the one who proposed it. It wasn’t by my initiative.” “There you go putting the blame on others again. And girls you went and actually defeated it. I can’t even get angry despite wanting to.” “That also sounds like what Lady Nicole would do. She always pushes on with her recklessness.” Even Finia was trying to roll her eyes so I gave up. I lied down on the table with a groan and sipped the milk mixed with honey that was my usual routine before bed. “Not you too, Finia. Cortina already yelled at me enough.” “Lady Nicole, that’s not what I mean, you know? If that reached Lord Lyell’s ea—” Just as Finia started to say it, someone started knocking on the door. And with it, came an almost grieving yell. “NICOOOOOOLEE!?” Of course, I knew who that voice was. I’ve heard it plenty of times in my past life, or even in this. Needless to say, it was Lyell’s. “Finia, haven’t you heard of a proverb, ‘speak of the devil’?” “But Lord Lyell comes once every three days... It’s about time for him to come, right?” Lyell and Maria last visited exactly three days ago, the night before the excursion. As she said, it wasn’t weird for him to intrude on us now, but what about this timing? As it was burdening Maria, their visits through teleportation had decreased compared to before. But they still did it every two or three days. They were both quite devoted, showing themselves about three times a week. That was just how loved I was. However, while a normal child would be happy about it, I was quite conflicted about it given who I was. The reason behind their frequency decreasing was also linked to the fact the teleporting destination was set up at Maxwell’s house. Teleportation magic wasn’t something that should be displayed too openly, so they decided to set it there. In other words, every time they leaped here, they would be intruding on Maxwell. Thus, the two opened the door with their duplicate key and barged in. Their faces were dyed red from worry and anger. “Welcome, Dad, Mom.” “Welcome, Lord Lyell, Lady Maria.” “Hey, at least wait for the house owner to open the door.” The three of us greeted them in three different ways. No, well, Cortina’s wasn’t exactly a greeting. At any rate, I realized why the two—particularly Maria—were angry. I could guess that the details about the Mountain Serpent had reached their ears. Now, it was critical for me to shift the point of their anger away from me. “Nicole, on your knees.” “Huh? What?” “...Okay.” And yet, I failed at it right away. I obeyed Maria’s angry command without even managing to say an excuse. She was scary once she became like that. Way scarier than Lyell could ever be. If you talked back to her, she’d look at you as if she was looking at the filth. That was during my past life, though. “I heard you defeated the Mountain Serpent.” “Yes.” “Just you kids.” “Kabby was with us too.” So even Maria calls Kabby “that”, huh? What a poor fellow. “Don’t go and do something so dangerous! Do you know how worried I was!?” “But I had a good enough chance of victory. It was Cortina’s plan, so there was no chance for an unlikely event...” “Hey, don’t drag me into it!” She was looking at the situation with a smug face, but when her name got called out she started panicking. She was well aware of how scary Maria could be. She probably didn’t want to become a side victim of our quarrel. But when we die, we die together, Cortina. You are at fault for leaking that plan to me. “I’ll deal with Cortina later, “PHYSICALLY?” “Mentally too.” “I GET BOTH!?” She raised a hopeless shriek. But Maria ignored her and continued her sermon. Instead, her saddened voice started to gradually change. Well, this is hard. “Listen, Nicole. I think we did something bad to you. The reason your body is weak is due to not raising you with my milk.” “It was me who was not drinking it...” Right, back then I was feeling reserved to suck on Maria’s breasts, so I was on a half hunger strike. That influenced my growth and manifested as my weak constitution. But that was something I did out of my own will, and not something Maria should be blamed for. “Even if that was the case, I should have forcibly made you drink it, I still think of it all the time. But you were so cute I couldn’t make myself do it. But because of that, you gained a very weak constitution.” “Fortunately, your body started to become stronger as you aged. But that was all thanks to your own efforts and not ours.” “But still—” “Nicole. I failed once, so let me say this much. If I had to compare, your body is like a tattered carriage. But pulling it is the strongest warhorse.” Maria started explaining by comparing my body to a carriage. Body like that of a tattered carriage. The strongest warhorse referred to my training with Lyell. If I put my body under such excess power, it would eventually break down. As she said, there was always the possibility of me breaking my body due to having power inappropriate for a child. “That’s why, please, stop being so reckless at least until you’ve grown some more.” “O-Okay...” As Maria pleaded to me with tears welling up in her eyes, I could do nothing but reply with that. I was quite forgetful about it, however, while this body belonged to me, it also belonged to Maria’s daughter. In a way, it wasn’t just my own body. Being as reckless as I was in my previous life brought her extreme worry – I was made fully aware of that fact.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 18, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
おそらく この1䞖玀の間に珟れた 最倧のアむデアであるず 芋なされるようになるでしょう 「蚈算」ずいうアむデアです このアむデアはもちろん 今日の様々なコンピュヌタ技術をもたらしたものですが 蚈算にはそれ以䞊のものがありたす 非垞に深く 匷力で 根本的なアむデアなのです 私たちはその力を ただ目にし始めたばかりです 私は過去30幎を この蚈算ずいうアむデアに 真剣に向き合おうずする 3぀の倧きなプロゞェクトに費やしおきたした 若い時分に私は コンピュヌタを道具ずしお䜿う 物理孊者ずしおキャリアを始めたした その埌それを掘り䞋げおいくようになりたした やりたいず思う蚈算はどんなものか考え 蚈算を圢䜜りうる基本芁玠は䜕か どこたで自動化するこずができるのかを芋極めようずしたした そしお蚘号プログラミングに基づいた システムを䜜るようになり それがMathematicaぞず繋がりたした この23幎間私たちは Mathematicaに倚くのアむデアや機胜を 加速床的に付け加えおいきたした Mathematicaが研究開発や教育の分野でたくさんの 玠晎らしい成果に貢献しおいるこずを ずおも嬉しく思っおいたす そもそも私がMathematicaを䜜ったのは ずおも利己的な理由だったこずを打ち明けなければなりたせん それは自分が䜿いたいものだったのです ちょうどガリレオが400幎前に 望遠鏡を䜜ったのに䌌おいたすが 私の芋たかったのは倩文孊的な宇宙ではなく 蚈算的な宇宙だったのです 私たちは普通プログラムを ずおも明確な目的を持っお䜜られた 耇雑なものず芋おいたすが すべおの可胜なプログラム党䜓の空間ずいうものを考えおみたしょう これは1぀の非垞にシンプルなプログラムの衚珟です このプログラムを実行するず このようなものが埗られたす ずおもシンプルです プログラムのルヌルを 少しだけ倉えおみたしょう するず別な結果が埗られたすが 盞倉わらずシンプルです もう䞀床倉えおみたしょう 幟分耇雑になりたしたが しばらく実行し続けるず パタヌンは蟌み入っおいるにしおも ずおも芏則的な構造をしおいるのがわかりたす もっず違ったこずも起き埗るのでしょうか? もう少し実隓しおみたしょう 数孊的な実隓をしお 詊し 探すのです 今芋おいるタむプのプログラムで 考え埗るすべおのものを実行しおみたす これはセルオヌトマトンず呌ばれるものです 倚様な振る舞いが芋られたす 倚くのものはずおもシンプルですが これら異なったパタヌンを芋おいくず ルヌル30のずころで 䜕か面癜いこずが起きおいたす ひず぀ルヌル30を 詳しく芋おみたしょう これです 䞋に瀺したごくシンプルなルヌルに埓っおいるだけなのですが このような驚くべき結果になるのです 私たちが芋慣れた䜕にも䌌おいたせん 初めおこれを芋たずき 盎感的にものすごいショックを受け これを理解しようずしお 結局は「新しい皮類の科孊」を たるたる䜜り出すこずになったのです この科孊は違っおおり この300幎我々の䜿っおきた 数孊に基づく科孊より もっず䞀般的なのです 䞀䜓どうやっお自然は 我々の目には耇雑きわたりなく芋えるものを 苊もなく䜜り出しおいるのか? それはずっず倧きな謎に思えおいたした 私たちはその秘密を芋぀けたのだず思いたす 蚈算の宇宙にあるものをサンプリングするだけで ルヌル30のようなものがよく芋぀かるのです あるいは こんなものも そのこずが分かるず 科孊においお長い間謎ずされおきたこずが芋えおきたす しかしそれは同時に 蚈算的還元䞍胜性ずいう新たな問題も提起したす 私たちは科孊によっお物事が予枬できるこずに銎染んでいたすが ここにあるようなものは 根本的に還元䞍胜なのです その結果を知る実質唯䞀の方法は ただ進化を芋守るこずしかないのです これは私が蚈算的等䟡の原理ず 呌ぶものに関連しおいたす ぀たり非垞に単玔なシステムが 他のどんな高床なシステムずも同等の蚈算を行い埗るずいうこずです 任意の蚈算ができるようになるために さほどのテクノロゞヌや 生物進化は必芁ずなりたせん それは至る所で 自然に起きおいるこずなのです このようなシンプルなルヌルでできるこずなのです このこずは 科孊に 予想や制埡のできない領域が あるこずを瀺しおいたす 生物孊的なプロセスや経枈に関するこず 宇宙にある知性 自由意志に぀いおの疑問 テクノロゞヌの創造などがそうです 長幎この科孊に取り組んできた䞭で 私はい぀も思っおいたした 「これの最初のキラヌアプリになるのは䜕だろうか?」 私は子䟛の頃から 知識を䜓系化したり蚈算可胜にするこずに 関心を持っおいたした ラむプニッツも300幎前に 同じこずを考えおいたす しかし私はたた 進歩のためには 脳党䜓を耇補する必芁があるずも思っおいたした しかし今はこう考えるようになりたした 「この私の科孊パラダむムは それずは違ったこずを瀺しおいる 自分にはMathematicaによる 膚倧な蚈算胜力があり 倧芏暡で䞀芋クレヌゞヌなプロゞェクトでも遂行できる 䞖界第䞀玚のリ゜ヌスを持぀䌚瀟のCEOでもあるのだから 䞖界の䜓系的知識の どれほどが蚈算可胜にできるものか ひず぀詊しおみるこずにしよう」 これは倧きくおずおも耇雑なプロゞェクトです そもそもうたくいくのかも分かりたせんでした しかしありがたいこずに これはずおもうたくいっおいたす 去幎私たちは最初の Webサむト版のWolfram Alphaを 公開するこずができたした これの目的は 質問に察する答えを蚈算する 本栌的な知識゚ンゞンを䜜るこずです 詊しおみたしょう 最初は簡単なこずからやっおみたしょう [2+2ず入力] うたくいくでしょうか... うたくいきたした ここたでは順調です もう少し難しいこずをやっおみたしょう たずえば... [integrate x^2 sin^3 x dxず入力] 少し数孊的なこずをやっお うたくいけば答えを出しお さらに関連した数孊的に興味深いこずを 䜕か教えおくれたす 珟実䞖界のこずに぀いお質問するこずもできたす たずえば...䜕にしよう... スペむンのGDPはいくらか? 答えおくれるはずです ぀いでに関連したこずを聞いおみたしょう スペむンのGDPを 䜕かで割っおみたしょう えヌず... Microsoftの売䞊ずか ここで実珟したいのは こういった質問を どのようにでも考えた通りに入力できるずいうこずです もっず質問を詊しおみたしょう たずえば健康に関する質問です そういうこずを調べおくれるラボがある぀もりで 入力しおみたしょう 「50歳男性 LDLコレステロヌル 140」 するずWolfram Alphaは 利甚可胜な公的医療デヌタを䜿っお それがヒストグラムの どこにあたるかを芋出したす 今床は囜際宇宙ステヌションのこずを 尋ねおみたしょう どこかから情報を 芋぀けおくるだけではありたせん 今 この瞬間に囜際宇宙ステヌションがどこにあり どれだけの速さで移動しおいるかを リアルタむムで蚈算しおいたす Wolfram Alphaは様々な皮類のこずを知っおいたす 今では普通の資料集などで 芋぀けられる情報のかなりの郚分が 網矅されおいたす しかし目暙ずしおいるのは もっず深く もっず広く あらゆる知識を䞇人に開攟し あらゆる分野に぀いお 暩嚁ある情報源ずなっお 人々の抱く疑問に察し 蚈算によっお答えを出すこずです 誰かが以前どこかに曞いたこずを 芋぀け出すずいうのではなく 組み蟌たれた知識を元に 個々の質問に察しお新たに蚈算しお答えを導くのです もちろんWolfram Alphaは 極めお倧きな長期プロゞェクトで 倚くの難題がありたす たず膚倧で倚様な知識やデヌタを 収集する必芁がありたす そこでMathematicaの自動化ず 各分野の専門家の 組み合わせによる 倧きなパむプラむンを構築したした しかしそれは始たりにすぎたせん 生の事実やデヌタに基づいお [Q> XLVIII + LXXII] 実際に質問に答えるために 蚈算をする必芁があり 科孊やその他の領域で 䜕䞖玀にもわたっお築かれおきた 様々な手法やモデルやアルゎリズムを実装する必芁がありたす Mathematicaずいう出発点があったにしおも これは膚倧な䜜業です 今の時点でWolfram Alphaには 倚様な領域の専門家により曞かれた 800䞇行に䞊るMathematicaのコヌドがありたす Wolfram Alphaで重芁な考え方は 普通の蚀葉を䜿っお 質問ができるずいうこずで [Q> JFKが死んだずきのロングビヌチの朮の干満] それは぀たり人々が入力欄に入れる あらゆる奇劙な文章を受け入れ 理解できる必芁があるずいうこずです そんなこず率盎に蚀っお䞍可胜だず 思っおいたこずを打ち明けたす [Q> ペヌロッパのGDPず鉄道の長さの比范] 2぀倧きなこずがありたした 1぀は蚈算の宇宙の研究から 蚀語に関するたくさんの新しいアむデアが出おきたずいうこずです もう1぀は 実際に蚈算可胜な知識を持぀こずによっお 蚀語理解ぞの取り組みが 根本的に倉わるず気付いたこずです Wolfram Alphaが公開された今 実際の䜿われ方から 孊ぶこずができたす そしおWolfram Alphaず 人間のナヌザの間には 興味深い共進化が 芋られたす これはずおも勇気づけられるこずです 珟圚 Webでのク゚リを芋るず その80%以䞊が最初の詊みで成功裏に答えを埗おいたす iPhoneアプリでは この割合はさらに高くなりたす だから私はこの結果にずおも満足しおいたす [Q>のトラフィック] しかし色々な点で Wolfram Alphaはただはじめの段階にありたす すべおがずおもよくスケヌルしおおり 私たちは自信を深めおいたす Wolfram Alphaのテクノロゞヌが より倚くの堎所で目にされるようになるでしょう Webサむト䞊の公的デヌタずいうのもありたすし 個人や䌚瀟の プラむベヌトな知識ずいうのもあるでしょう Wolfram Alphaの提䟛するのが 「知識に基づく蚈算」ずでも蚀うべき 党く新しい皮類の蚈算であるこずに気付きたした 単に蚈算だけをするのではなく 組み蟌たれおいる膚倧な知識から出発するのです Webであれ その他の圢態であれ 蚈算の提䟛に関わる経枈を 本圓に倉えるこずになるでしょう 珟圚は本圓に面癜い状況にありたす 䞀方にはMathematicaがあり 厳栌で圢匏的な蚀語ず 泚意深く蚭蚈された機胜の 巚倧なネットワヌクによっお ほんの数行のコヌドで実に倚くのこずを成し遂げられたす いく぀か䟋をお芋せしたしょう ずおも単玔なMathematicaプログラムです ここではたくさんの機胜を 組み合わせおいたす この行では ちょっずした ナヌザむンタフェヌスを远加しおいお それで面癜いこずができたす さらにもう少し耇雑なプログラムです 色々なアルゎリズム的なこずをやっお ナヌザむンタフェヌスを䜜り出しおいたす これはずおも厳密に定矩されたものです 厳密な仕様が厳栌な圢匏蚀語で蚘述されおいお それによりMathematicaはどうすれば良いのかが分かりたす 䞀方でWolfram Alphaの方には 䞖の䞭のごちゃごちゃしたものや 自然蚀語などが 組み蟌たれおいたす この2぀を䞀緒にするずどうなるのでしょう? 実はずおも玠晎らしい効果を䞊げたす Wolfram AlphaをMathematicaの䞭で䜿うず たずえば珟実䞖界のデヌタを䜿う 粟密なプログラムを䜜るこずができたす これはごく簡単な䟋です 曖昧な入力を䞎えお 考えおいるこずをWolfram Alphaに 掚枬させるこずもできたす 詊しおみたしょう [spikeyず入力] これの䞀番゚キサむティングなずころは プログラミングを 䞇人のものにできる可胜性があるずいうこずです どうしたいのかを普通の蚀葉で曞けば Wolfram Alphaが それを実行する正確なコヌドを 芋出せるようになるでしょう そしお䟋瀺した䞭から必芁なものを遞ばせるこずで より倧きく正確なプログラムを構築できるでしょう 時にはWolfram Alphaがその党おを 即座に行っおプログラムを返し ナヌザがそれを実行できるこずもあるでしょう これは私たちが 様々な皮類の孊習等に䜿える デモを集めた倧きなWebサむトです 1぀䟋をお芋せしたしょう 蚈算実行できるドキュメントの1䟋です これはごく小さな Mathematicaのコヌド片で その堎で実行するこずができたす 元の話に戻りたしょう 私たちの新しい皮類の科孊をもずにしお テクノロゞヌを生み出すのに䜿える䞀般的な方法はあるのでしょうか? 物質的なこずであれば 私たちは䞖界䞭をたわっお 特定の技術的目的のために有甚な 特定の物質を 芋぀けたす 蚈算の宇宙でも 同様のこずができるのが分かりたす プログラムの䟛絊は無尜蔵にありたす 難しいのは それを 人の目的にどう合わせるかずいうこずです たずえばルヌル30なんかは 非垞に良い乱数生成噚になるこずがわかりたす 他のシンプルなプログラムにも 自然界や瀟䌚のプロセスの良いモデルになるものがありたす 実際Wolfram AlphaやMathematicaには 蚈算の宇宙の探玢で芋぀けた アルゎリズムがたくさん入っおいるのです たずえばこれは 蚈算の宇宙を探玢しお 音楜圢匏を芋出すもので 䜜曲家の間でずおも人気がありたす ある意味で 蚈算の宇宙を䜿っお クリ゚むティビティのマスカスタマむれヌションができるのです Wolfram Alphaを䜿っお ルヌチン的に発明や発芋を即座に行い あらゆる玠晎らしいものを ゚ンゞニアの手や 進化プロセスを介するこずなく 芋出すこずができるようになるのではず思っおいたす そしおこれは究極の疑問に繋がりたす 蚈算の宇宙のどこかに 我々の物質的な宇宙は芋出せるのか ずいうこずです 我々の宇宙には ごくシンプルなルヌルや シンプルなプログラムさえあるかもしれたせん 物理孊の歎史から 宇宙のルヌルは すごく蟌み入ったものに違いないず私たちは思っおいたす しかし蚈算の宇宙では ものすごくシンプルなルヌルが ものすごく豊かで 耇雑な振る舞いを生み出しうるこずを芋たした 私たちの宇宙でもそのようなこずが起こっおいる可胜性はないでしょうか? 宇宙のルヌルがシンプルなら それはずおも抜象的で 䜎レベルなはずで 物事の衚珟を難しくしおいる 時間や空間ずいったものよりも ずっず䞋のレベルで䜜甚しおいるこずでしょう 少なくずもある皮のケヌスにおいおは 宇宙は䞀皮の ネットワヌクず芋るこずができお それは十分倧きくなるず 連続的な空間のように振る舞いたす ちょうど分子がたくさん集たるず 連続的な流䜓ずしお振る舞うように するず宇宙はわずかなルヌルを適甚しお このネットワヌクを埐々にアップデヌトしおいくこずで進化するはずです そしお可胜なルヌルのそれぞれが 宇宙の候補に察応しおいるのです これは以前に公開したこずはないのですが 私が怜蚎しおきた 宇宙の候補の䞀郚です この䞭のあるものは望みがなく 党く䞍毛で 空間や時間の抂念がなかったり 物質が存圚しないずいう 病的なものです しかし゚キサむティングなこずに 蚈算の宇宙をそう遠くたで探しにいかずずも 我々の宇宙ずの違いが さほど明らかでない候補が芋぀かるこずが 数幎前にわかりたした 問題は 私たちの宇宙の候補ずしお考えられるようなものは 必然的に蚈算的還元䞍胜性に満ちおおり それが本圓にどう振る舞うのか ひいおは我々の物理的宇宙ず適合するか 知るのが極めお困難だずいうこずです 䜕幎か前 非垞にシンプルなルヌルで 特殊盞察性ず䞀般盞察性や重力たで再珟でき 量子力孊の 兆候さえ瀺すような 宇宙の候補を芋぀けお 非垞に興奮したした では物理孊の党䜓は芋぀かるのでしょうか? はっきりずはわかりたせん しかし少なくずも詊みないずしたら それは恥ずかしいこずだず思いたす 簡単なプロゞェクトではありたせん たくさんのテクノロゞヌを構築する必芁がありたす 少なくずも既存の物理孊ず同じくらい 深い䜓系を構築する必芁があるでしょう その努力をどう組織化するのが最善なのかよく分かりたせん チヌムを䜜るのか 広く公開するのか 賞金を提瀺するのか しかし私は今日ここで そのプロゞェクトに 真剣に取り組むこずを宣蚀したい これからの10幎で芋極めたいず思いたす 果たしお我々の宇宙のルヌルに 到達するこずができるのか 我々の宇宙があらゆる可胜な宇宙の䞭の いったいどこにあるのか そしおWolfram Alphaに究極の宇宙の理論は䜕かず入力しお 答えが埗られるようになるのか 私はこれたで30幎以䞊 蚈算ずいうアむデアに取り組んできお ツヌルや手法を構築し 知的なアむデアを 䜕癟䞇行ずいうコヌドず サヌバファヌムぞず倉換しおきたした 幎々私は 蚈算ずいうアむデアが いかに匷力なものかずいう 思いを匷めおきたした それは我々をはるばる導いお来たしたが これからさらに倚くをもたらすでしょう 科孊の基瀎や テクノロゞヌの限界から 人間条件の定矩にいたるたで 蚈算が 我々の未来を決めるアむデアであるこずは 間違いないだろうず思いたす どうもありがずうございたした 玠晎らしいお話でした どうぞこちらに お聞きしたいこずがありたす 控えめに蚀っおも驚くべき講挔でした このような考え方が 宇宙を説明する基瀎ずしお考えられおいる ひも理論のようなものず どう統合できるものか 䞀蚀か二蚀で説明しおいただくこずは可胜でしょうか? 私たちが真理であるず知っおいる 物理孊の䞀郚ずしお 暙準理論のようなものがありたす 私がやろうずしおいるのは暙準理論をよりよく再珟するずいうこずで それができなければ単に間違っおいるずいうこずでしょう 人々がこの25幎かそこらの間 ひも理論などで詊みおきたのは 暙準理論ぞず戻ろうずする 興味深い探求ですが ただそこに至っおはいたせん 私のやっおいる倧きな単玔化は 実際ひも理論で行われおきたこずず 倧きく共鳎する郚分があるのではず思っおいたす しかしこれは耇雑な数孊であり どういうこずになるのか ただ分かっおはいたせん この聎衆の䞭にブノワ マンデルブロがいたす 圌もたた シンプルなものから 劂䜕に耇雑なものが生じうるかを瀺したした 圌の仕事ずあなた仕事は関連しおいるず思いたすか? 関係しおいるず思いたす ブノワ マンデルブロの仕事は この様な領域を生み出す 基瀎的な貢献をしたず思いたす 圌が特に関心を持っおいるのは 入れ子になったパタヌン フラクタルです それは朚のような構造で 倧きな枝があり それが小さな枝を䜜り それが曎に小さな枝を䜜るずいう具合に続いおいきたす これは真に耇雑なものぞず至る 1぀の方法です ルヌル30セルオヌトマトンのようなものは 別なレベルに至るものだず思っおいたす 実際 それはたさに別なレベルぞず至るための方法であり おおよそ耇雑さが 到達しうる限りの耇雑さを 生み出せるように思えたす... これに぀いおは いくらでも議論を続けられたすが やめおおきたしょう スティヌブン りルフラム ありがずうございたした
Actually, I think it'll eventually be seen as probably the single biggest idea that's emerged in the past century. It's the idea of computation. Now, of course, that idea has brought us all of the computer technology we have today and so on. But there's actually a lot more to computation than that. It's really a very deep, very powerful, very fundamental idea, whose effects we've only just begun to see. Well, I myself have spent the past 30 years of my life working on three large projects that really try to take the idea of computation seriously. So I started off at a young age as a physicist using computers as tools. Then, I started drilling down, thinking about the computations I might want to do, trying to figure out what primitives they could be built up from and how they could be automated as much as possible. based on symbolic programming and so on that let me build Mathematica. And for the past 23 years, at an increasing rate, we've been pouring more and more ideas and capabilities and so on into Mathematica, and I'm happy to say that that's led to many good things in R & D and education, lots of other areas. Well, I have to admit, actually, that I also had a very selfish reason for building Mathematica: I wanted to use it myself, a bit like Galileo got to use his telescope 400 years ago. But I wanted to look not at the astronomical universe, but at the computational universe. So we normally think of programs as being complicated things that we build for very specific purposes. But what about the space of all possible programs? Here's a representation of a really simple program. So, if we run this program, this is what we get. Very simple. So let's try changing the rule for this program a little bit. Now we get another result, still very simple. Try changing it again. You get something a little bit more complicated. But if we keep running this for a while, we find out that although the pattern we get is very intricate, it has a very regular structure. So the question is: Can anything else happen? Well, we can do a little experiment. Let's just do a little mathematical experiment, try and find out. Let's just run all possible programs of the particular type that we're looking at. They're called cellular automata. You can see a lot of diversity in the behavior here. Most of them do very simple things, but if you look along all these different pictures, at rule number 30, you start to see something interesting going on. So let's take a closer look at rule number 30 here. So here it is. We're just following this very simple rule at the bottom here, but we're getting all this amazing stuff. It's not at all what we're used to, and I must say that, when I first saw this, it came as a huge shock to my intuition. And, in fact, to understand it, I eventually had to create a whole new kind of science. This science is different, more general, than the mathematics-based science that we've had for the past 300 or so years. You know, it's always seemed like a big mystery: how nature, seemingly so effortlessly, manages to produce so much that seems to us so complex. Well, I think we've found its secret: It's just sampling what's out there in the computational universe and quite often getting things like Rule 30 or like this. And knowing that starts to explain a lot of long-standing mysteries in science. It also brings up new issues, though, like computational irreducibility. I mean, we're used to having science let us predict things, but something like this is fundamentally irreducible. The only way to find its outcome is, effectively, just to watch it evolve. It's connected to, what I call, the principle of computational equivalence, which tells us that even incredibly simple systems can do computations as sophisticated as anything. It doesn't take lots of technology or biological evolution to be able to do arbitrary computation; just something that happens, naturally, all over the place. Things with rules as simple as these can do it. Well, this has deep implications about the limits of science, about predictability and controllability of things like biological processes or economies, about intelligence in the universe, about questions like free will and about creating technology. You know, in working on this science for many years, I kept wondering, "What will be its first killer app?" Well, ever since I was a kid, I'd been thinking about systematizing knowledge and somehow making it computable. People like Leibniz had wondered about that too 300 years earlier. But I'd always assumed that to make progress, I'd essentially have to replicate a whole brain. Well, then I got to thinking: This scientific paradigm of mine suggests something different -- and, by the way, I've now got huge computation capabilities in Mathematica, and I'm a CEO with some worldly resources to do large, seemingly crazy, projects -- So I decided to just try to see how much of the systematic knowledge that's out there in the world we could make computable. So, it's been a big, very complex project, which I was not sure was going to work at all. But I'm happy to say it's actually going really well. And last year we were able to release the first website version of Wolfram Alpha. Its purpose is to be a serious knowledge engine that computes answers to questions. So let's give it a try. Let's start off with something really easy. Hope for the best. Very good. Okay. So far so good. Let's try something a little bit harder. Let's do some mathy thing, and with luck it'll work out the answer and try and tell us some interesting things things about related math. We could ask it something about the real world. Let's say -- I don't know -- what's the GDP of Spain? And it should be able to tell us that. Now we could compute something related to this, let's say ... the GDP of Spain divided by, I don't know, the -- hmmm ... let's say the revenue of Microsoft. The idea is that we can just type this in, this kind of question in, however we think of it. So let's try asking a question, like a health related question. So let's say we have a lab finding that ... you know, we have an LDL level of 140 for a male aged 50. So let's type that in, and now Wolfram Alpha will go and use available public health data and try and figure out what part of the population that corresponds to and so on. the International Space Station. And what's happening here is that Wolfram Alpha is not just looking up something; where the International Space Station is right now at this moment, how fast it's going, and so on. So Wolfram Alpha knows about lots and lots of kinds of things. It's got, by now, pretty good coverage of everything you might find in a standard reference library. But the goal is to go much further and, very broadly, to democratize all of this knowledge, and to try and be an authoritative source in all areas. To be able to compute answers to specific questions that people have, not by searching what other people may have written down before, but by using built in knowledge to compute fresh new answers to specific questions. Now, of course, Wolfram Alpha is a monumentally huge, long-term project with lots and lots of challenges. For a start, one has to curate a zillion different sources of facts and data, and we built quite a pipeline of Mathematica automation and human domain experts for doing this. But that's just the beginning. Given raw facts or data to actually answer questions, one has to compute: one has to implement all those methods and models and algorithms and so on that science and other areas have built up over the centuries. Well, even starting from Mathematica, this is still a huge amount of work. of Mathematica code in Wolfram Alpha built by experts from many, many different fields. Well, a crucial idea of Wolfram Alpha using ordinary human language, which means that we've got to be able to take all those strange utterances that people type into the input field and understand them. And I must say that I thought that step might just be plain impossible. Two big things happened: First, a bunch of new ideas about linguistics that came from studying the computational universe; and second, the realization that having actual computable knowledge completely changes how one can set about understanding language. And, of course, now with Wolfram Alpha actually out in the wild, we can learn from its actual usage. an interesting coevolution that's been going on between Wolfram Alpha and its human users, and it's really encouraging. Right now, if we look at web queries, more than 80 percent of them get handled successfully the first time. And if you look at things like the iPhone app, the fraction is considerably larger. So, I'm pretty pleased with it all. But, in many ways, we're still at the very beginning with Wolfram Alpha. I mean, everything is scaling up very nicely and we're getting more confident. You can expect to see Wolfram Alpha technology showing up in more and more places, working both with this kind of public data, like on the website, for people and companies and so on. You know, I've realized that Wolfram Alpha actually gives one a whole new kind of computing that one can call knowledge-based computing, in which one's starting not just from raw computation, but from a vast amount of built-in knowledge. And when one does that, one really changes the economics of delivering computational things, whether it's on the web or elsewhere. You know, we have a fairly interesting situation right now. On the one hand, we have Mathematica, with its sort of precise, formal language and a huge network of carefully designed capabilities able to get a lot done in just a few lines. Let me show you a couple of examples here. So here's a trivial piece of Mathematica programming. Here's something where we're sort of integrating a bunch of different capabilities here. Here we'll just create, in this line, a little user interface that allows us to do something fun there. If you go on, that's a slightly more complicated program that's now doing all sorts of algorithmic things and creating user interface and so on. But it's something that is very precise stuff. It's a precise specification with a precise formal language that causes Mathematica to know what to do here. Then on the other hand, we have Wolfram Alpha, with all the messiness of the world and human language and so on built into it. So what happens when you put these things together? I think it's actually rather wonderful. With Wolfram Alpha inside Mathematica, you can, for example, make precise programs Here's a real simple example. You can also just sort of give vague input and then try and have Wolfram Alpha figure out what you're talking about. Let's try this here. But actually I think the most exciting thing about this to democratize programming. I mean, anyone will be able to say what they want in plain language. Then, the idea is that Wolfram Alpha will be able to figure out what precise pieces of code can do what they're asking for and then show them examples that will let them pick what they need to build up bigger and bigger, precise programs. So, sometimes, Wolfram Alpha will be able to do the whole thing immediately and just give back a whole big program that you can then compute with. Here's a big website where we've been collecting lots of educational and other demonstrations about lots of kinds of things. I'll show you one example here. This is just an example of one of these computable documents. This is probably a fairly small piece of Mathematica code that's able to be run here. Okay. Let's zoom out again. So, given our new kind of science, is there a general way to use it to make technology? So, with physical materials, we're used to going around the world and discovering that particular materials are useful for particular technological purposes. Well, it turns out we can do very much the same kind of thing There's an inexhaustible supply of programs out there. The challenge is to see how to harness them for human purposes. Something like Rule 30, for example, turns out to be a really good randomness generator. Other simple programs are good models for processes in the natural or social world. And, for example, Wolfram Alpha and Mathematica are actually now full of algorithms that we discovered by searching the computational universe. And, for example, this -- if we go back here -- this has become surprisingly popular finding musical forms by searching the computational universe. In a sense, we can use the computational universe to get mass customized creativity. I'm hoping we can, for example, use that even to get Wolfram Alpha to routinely do invention and discovery on the fly, and to find all sorts of wonderful stuff that no engineer and no process of incremental evolution would ever come up with. Well, so, that leads to kind of an ultimate question: Could it be that someplace out there in the computational universe we might find our physical universe? Perhaps there's even some quite simple rule, some simple program for our universe. Well, the history of physics would have us believe that the rule for the universe must be pretty complicated. But in the computational universe, we've now seen how rules that are incredibly simple can produce incredibly rich and complex behavior. So could that be what's going on with our whole universe? If the rules for the universe are simple, it's kind of inevitable that they have to be very abstract and very low level; operating, for example, far below the level of space or time, which makes it hard to represent things. But in at least a large class of cases, one can think of the universe as being like some kind of network, which, when it gets big enough, behaves like continuous space in much the same way as having lots of molecules can behave like a continuous fluid. Well, then the universe has to evolve by applying little rules that progressively update this network. And each possible rule, in a sense, corresponds to a candidate universe. Actually, I haven't shown these before, but here are a few of the candidate universes Some of these are hopeless universes, completely sterile, with other kinds of pathologies like no notion of space, no notion of time, no matter, other problems like that. But the exciting thing that I've found in the last few years is that you actually don't have to go very far in the computational universe before you start finding candidate universes that aren't obviously not our universe. Here's the problem: Any serious candidate for our universe is inevitably full of computational irreducibility. to find out how it will really behave, and whether it matches our physical universe. A few years ago, I was pretty excited to discover that there are candidate universes with incredibly simple rules that successfully reproduce special relativity, and even general relativity and gravitation, and at least give hints of quantum mechanics. So, will we find the whole of physics? I don't know for sure, but I think at this point it's sort of almost embarrassing not to at least try. Not an easy project. One's got to build a lot of technology. One's got to build a structure that's probably at least as deep as existing physics. And I'm not sure what the best way to organize the whole thing is. Build a team, open it up, offer prizes and so on. But I'll tell you, here today, that I'm committed to seeing this project done, to see if, within this decade, the rule for our universe and know where our universe lies in the space of all possible universes ... and be able to type into Wolfram Alpha, "the theory of the universe," and have it tell us. So I've been working on the idea of computation building tools and methods and turning intellectual ideas into millions of lines of code and grist for server farms and so on. With every passing year, I realize how much more powerful the idea of computation really is. It's taken us a long way already, but there's so much more to come. From the foundations of science to the limits of technology to the very definition of the human condition, I think computation is destined to be the defining idea of our future. Thank you. Chris Anderson: That was astonishing. Stay here. I've got a question. So, that was, fair to say, an astonishing talk. Are you able to say in a sentence or two how this type of thinking could integrate at some point to things like string theory or the kind of things that people think of as the fundamental explanations of the universe? Stephen Wolfram: Well, the parts of physics things like the standard model of physics: what I'm trying to do better reproduce the standard model of physics or it's simply wrong. The things that people have tried to do in the last 25 years or so with string theory and so on have been an interesting exploration but hasn't quite gotten there. My guess is that some great simplifications of what I'm doing may actually have considerable resonance with what's been done in string theory, but that's a complicated math thing that I don't yet know how it's going to work out. CA: Benoit Mandelbrot is in the audience. He also has shown how complexity can arise out of a simple start. Does your work relate to his? SW: I think so. I view Benoit Mandelbrot's work as one of the founding contributions to this kind of area. Benoit has been particularly interested in nested patterns, in fractals and so on, where the structure is something that's kind of tree-like, and where there's sort of a big branch that makes little branches and even smaller branches and so on. That's one of the ways I think things like the Rule 30 cellular automaton get us to a different level. In fact, in a very precise way, they get us to a different level because they seem to be things that are capable of complexity that's sort of as great as complexity can ever get ... I could go on about this at great length, but I won't. CA: Stephen Wolfram, thank you.
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「私たち」ずは 私が所属する 倖亀問題評議䌚のこずです ここでの関心は 囜の安党保障のコミュニティヌや 生物孊や公衆衛生のコミュニティヌです グロヌバル化によっお 人の移動が増えたこずで 誰もが あらゆる堎所に 行けるようになりたした いかなる時も 䞖界䞭のあらゆる堎所にです これは埮生物ずいうヒッチハむカヌが 同乗するこずを意味したす 䟋えば むンド・スヌラトの 疫病の流行は 䞍確かな事象ではなく グロヌバルな事象で グロヌバルな懞念が リスクの方皋匏を倉えたのです ハリケヌン・カトリヌナから孊んだこずは 迅速な察応や あらゆるこずに察凊するのに 政府に党面的に䟝存できないずいうこずです 実際 感染症の流行が カトリヌナの䜕倍もの脅嚁になりたす 私たちの目䞋の最倧の懞念は むンフル゚ンザH5N1型りむルスで 鳥むンフル゚ンザずも呌ばれおいお 1990幎代の䞭頃 䞭囜南郚で最初に発生したした しかし 1997幎たで 知られおいなかったのです 昚幎のクリスマスの終わりごろには わずか13カ囜でH5N1が確認されたした ずころが 珟圚 侖界55カ囜で このりむルスの発生が認められおいたす トリ たたは人間 あるいは䞡方においおです トリむンフル゚ンザの勃発の際は 䞖界のほずんどで このりむルスが発芋されたしたが 南北アメリカだけは䟋倖でした ではなぜ このように 瞬く間に広がったのでしょうか 家犜 特にニワトリでは 臎死率100%です 䞖界䞭に広がり 近幎 どの䞖玀を芋おも これたでで最も高い 臎死率の䞀぀です 沢山のニワトリを殺すこずが 察凊法でしたが 残念ながら ほずんどの堎合 小芏暡蟲家たちには補償されず 結果的に 隠ぺいに぀ながりたす たた 氎棲の野生枡り鳥の 移動パタヌンによっおも運ばれおきたす 象城ずなるような 出来事があったのが 䞭囜のチェンハむ湖です 2幎前 枡り鳥に いく぀もの事件が発生したした 数千矜の鳥が死にたしたが これはりむルスの 突然倉異が原因でした これにより トリむンフル゚ンザの型が 劇的に増加したした このりむルスがトリによっお シベリア ペヌロッパ アフリカぞ 運ばれたす 以前は䞍可胜だった事です 珟圚 ヒトの間でも流行が発生しおいたす 今たでのずころ 幞い芏暡が小さく 集団発生は頻繁ではありたせん りむルスは ここ2幎 劇的に突然倉異しおおり H5N1りむルスから生たれた 独立した2぀の科が さらに それぞれが分岐し 䞍安の皮ずなる 異なる性質を持っおいたす では 私たちは䜕を懞念しおいるのでしょうか? たず歎史䞊 どの時点においおも 奜タむミングで 特定のワクチンの補造に成功しおいたせん 2億6000䞇人䜙りの患者に察しおです これは 䞖界芏暡の病気においお 成功しおいるずは蚀えたせん ワクチンを倧量備蓄しおいるず 蚀われおいたすが 実際の流行が起きた時 本圓に効果があるのか分かりたせん ここで ある考えが浮かびたす 9.11埌 空枯が閉鎖された時 むンフル゚ンザ流行期が 2週間遅れたした そこで考えたのが ヒトからヒトぞの H5N1感染が拡倧しおいるずか りむルスが倉異しおヒトからヒトぞ 感染しおいるこずが分かれば すぐに空枯を閉鎖するこずです しかし スヌパヌコンピュヌタを䜿った この方法の有効性に぀いおの 倧芏暡な分析によるず 倧した時間皌ぎには ならないこずが分かりたした もちろん 準備蚈画では かなりの混乱が生じるでしょう 䟋えば 党おのマスクは 䞭囜で生産されおいたす 党おの空枯が閉鎖されおいたら どうやっおそれを䞖界䞭に配垃したすか? どのようにしおワクチンを 䞖界䞭にいきわたらせたすか どうやっお薬を運ぶのでしょう 効果がある物でも入手できないかもしれたせん ぀たり 空枯閉鎖は逆効果です 私たちが今回のりむルスで懞念するのは これたで研究しおきた 他のむンフル゚ンザずは異なり 感染しおいる動物の生肉を食べるこずで 感染する可胜性があるからです これたでに のら猫や飌い猫ぞの 感染がありたした 今では 飌い犬にも感染したす ネズミやフェレットぞの 絊逌実隓によるず 動物はこれたでのむンフル゚ンザで 芋られなかった症状を呈し けいれん発䜜 䞭枢神経系障害 郚分麻痺などが認められたした ぀たり ありふれたむンフル゚ンザではないのです 私たちが今理解しおいる 1918幎のヌ むンフル゚ンザりむルスの 再来に類䌌しおいたす 前回の䞖界的流行で トリからヒトぞず盎接感染したした 私たちは幟床ものりむルスの進化ず ヒトにおける信じられないほどの 死亡率を経隓しおきたした H5N1感染者のうちの55%が 実際に死亡しおいたす そしお 感染するず 発症する堎合がほずんどです サルぞの絊逌実隓では 実際に特定の 免疫システムモゞュレヌタを 抑制できたした 結果的に 死亡の盎接原因は りむルス自䜓ではなく 自分の免疫システムが過剰反応しお 「これがどんな異物であったずしおも 凶暎に反応する」ず蚀っおいるのです 結果ずしおは 死亡する人の ほずんどが30歳以䞋の人達で 元気で健康な若い人々です ここたで ヒトからヒトぞの感染を 少なくずも 3぀の集団で芋おきたした 幞い 感染には非垞に密接な接觊が必芁なので ただ 党䞖界がリスクにさらされたわけではありたせん 驚かせおしたいたしたね おそらく皆さんは 政府が 䜕ずかしおくれるだろうずお考えでしょう 私たちは倚くのお金を䜿っおきたした 実際にブッシュ政暩での 支出のほずんどは 炭疜菌やバむオテロリストによる 脅嚁に向けお 䜿甚されおきたした ですが倚くのお金が 地方や 政府レベルで䜿われおいたす 感染症の察策にです 最終的な結果ずしお たった15の州だけで 䞖界流行時のワクチンや 薬の倧量配垃が 認められおいたす 半数の州で 最初の週に 病院のベッドが 䞍足しおしたいたす 2週間目かもしれたせん そしお 40州では すでに深刻な看護垫䞍足です 䞖界的流行の脅嚁が加われば倧問題です この予算で䞀䜓䜕が 実斜されおきたのでしょうか? 䞖界䞭で行われたのは 緎習ず蚓緎です 䞖界芏暡で病気の流行があったずしたす 皆さんが走り回っお 自分の圹を挔じれば 結果は 倧混乱になりたす ほずんどの人は 自分に 䜕ができるか分かりたせん 最終的には それぞれの蚓緎で 誰も責任者が分からないずいう 状態に陥るでしょう 誰も 指揮系統を知りたせん ロサンれルスなら åž‚é•· 知事 アメリカ倧統領 囜土安党保障省の長官でしょうか? 実は連邊政府によるず 責任者は 䞻垭連邊管理官で 運茞保安局管蜄です 政府によるず 連邊政府の責任は基本的に りむルスを囜内に 入れないこずですが ご存知のずおり それは䞍可胜なので 䞻に経枈に䞎える圱響を 緩和させるこずです あずは 皆さんがいる 地域コミュニティヌの責任です あなたが䜏んでいる町の党おです 垂議䌚はどのように䞊手く機胜しおいるか? 責任者である垂長は 䞊手くやっおくれるのか?ずいうこずです 地域にある ほずんどの斜蚭が競合しお 入手しようずしおいるのは 連邊政府が備蓄する タミフルず呌ばれる薬です タミフルの効果の有無に぀いおは 分かりたせんが 利甚できるワクチンや その他の治療法 マスクや その他備蓄されおいる物は 激しい競争になるでしょう 私たちがワクチンを賌入したこずは おそらく耳にされたこずでしょう サノフィ・アベンティス瀟補造です 残念ながら これは珟圚のH5N1に 察しお補造されたものです このりむルスは突然倉異するので たた別のりむルスが生たれたす その時このワクチンは おそらく効果はないでしょう この時 必芁なのが政策決定です あなたが地方の垂長だずしたす ペットは党お家から出さないよう 呜什したすか? ドむツで昚幎 H5N1が出珟した時 実斜されたこずです 各䞖垯の家ネコやむヌなどを介しおの 感染拡倧を最小限に抑えるためです 陰圧換気装眮付きの隔離病宀がない堎合は どうすれば良いでしょうか? 医療関係者が患者に察しお 治療を行う病宀です これは銙枯の堎合です ここでは そのような蚭備はありたせん 怜疫はどうでしょうか? 北京のSARS流行䞭は 怜疫が功を奏したした 米囜党土の怜疫政策は 統䞀されおいたせん たた ある州では郡ごずに違っおいたす しかし 簡単にできるこずは䜕でしょうか? 孊校はすべお閉鎖すべきでしょうか? 埓業員はどうでしょうか? 子䟛が孊校に行かなければ 芪埡さんも仕事に行けたせん 圚宅勀務を奚励したすか?どの職皮で? むギリス政府は圚宅勀務の モデルを実斜したした 6週間 銀行業界の人々が 䞖界的流行が進行しおいるず想定したした 圌らが気づいたこずは 䞭心ずなる機胜でした 銀行は存圚したすが 人々がATMでお金を振り蟌むこずはできたせん 誰もクレゞットカヌドを利甚したせん 保険料は支払えたせんでした 基本的に 経枈は砎壊的状況でしょう これは事務職員や銀行員に぀いおだけです 手掗いがどれほどむンフル゚ンザにずっお 効果的であるのかは䞍明です ショックです 頻繁に手を掗うこずは 良いこずだず思いたすよね しかし 実際 科孊の䞖界で 熱心に議論されおいるのは ヒトからヒトぞの むンフル゚ンザ感染の䜕パヌセントが クシャミや咳が原因で 䜕パヌセントが手から感染しおいるかです 米囜医孊研究所は マスクに぀いお怜蚎したした アメリカではマスクを補造しおいないので 数が十分ではありたせん そこで察策を立おるこずが できるでしょうか? マスクは党お䞭囜補です N95マスクは必芁ですか? 最先端で 最高玚品の 顔にぎったりあうマスクです たたは 違う皮類のマスクで 代甚できるでしょうか? 銙枯のSARSの流行で孊んだこずは 感染時のほずんどの堎合で マスクを䞍適切に倖しおいたこずです 手がマスクの倖偎で汚染され その埌 錻をこすりたした そうです! SARSに感染したした 浮遊するりむルスが原因ではありたせんでした 珟圚 むンタヌネット䞊では 嘘停りの情報が沢山流れおいたす 結局この N95マスクを買うこずになりたす ばかげたこずです 実際 私たちには基準がありたせん 珟堎の最前線にいる人たちの 初期察応の保護甚具に関する基準です そしお タミフルです この薬は皆さんご存知でしょう ゚フ・ホフマン・ラ・ロシュ瀟の特蚱薬です 流行時の 時間皌ぎになる可胜性はありたす タミフルを長期間䜿甚するず 副䜜甚のひず぀ずしお 自殺願望がありたす 公共衛生に぀いおの調査で その効果を分析したずころ タミフルの広範囲の䜿甚が 公衆衛生察策ず盞反するこずで 事態をさらに悪化させるこずが分かりたした もう䞀぀興味深い点は 人間がタミフルを摂取した堎合 わずか20%だけが 適切に代謝されお 掻性化合物になりたす 残りは安定化合物に倉化し 䜓内に残らず䞋氎に流れたす その結果 たさにむンフル゚ンザを運ぶ 氎鳥がこれにさらされ 耐性株が 発生する可胜性が生じたす 今ではタミフル耐性株が ベトナムでの ヒトからヒトぞの感染 ゚ゞプトでのヒトからヒトぞの感染で芋られたす ですから 個人的な意芋ずしお タミフルの有効薬ずしおの 寿呜は非垞に限定的なものです 事実 非垞に限定されおいたす それにも関わらず ほずんどの政府は 党おのむンフル゚ンザ政策で タミフルを備蓄するこずを基盀ずしおいたす 実際 ロシアには十分な備えがあり 95%のロシア人に凊方できたす 私たちには30%しかありたせん 「十分」ずは 2週間分ずいうこずです ですから その埌は自分たちで 察凊するこずになりたす 䞖界的流行は18~24か月間持続するからです 貧しい囜々の䞭には H5N1を経隓し タミフルを 備蓄しおいる囜もありたすが すでに期限が過ぎおいたす 䜿甚期限が切れおいるのです 1918幎の最埌の䞖界的流行から 私たちは䜕を孊んだでしょうか? 連邊政府は ほずんどの責任を攟棄したした そしお その堎しのぎの 芏制だけが残りたした アメリカ党䜓がそうです それぞれの郜垂 郡 州で 異なる察応をしたした そしお法什ず 信念は極めおバラバラでした ある時は 孊校や教䌚 公共斜蚭など党おが閉鎖されたした 䞖界的流行は 18カ月間で 3回埪環したした 民間航空䌚瀟のない時代です 第2波は 突然倉異株による スヌパヌキラヌの波でした 第1波では 医療埓事者が十分足りおいたした しかし 第2波が抌し寄せるたでに 医療埓事者の倚くの呜が奪われたした 前線にいた倚くの医垫や 看護垫たちの呜です 総蚈70䞇人が亡くなりたした このりむルスは 劊嚠女性に察しおは 臎死率が100%でした 理由は分かっおいたせん たた 倚くの死亡者が 15歳から40歳でした 元気で健康な若い人々で ペストにたずえられたした 亡くなった人数は正確には分かりたせん 少なく芋積もっおも3500䞇人です これはペヌロッパず北米のデヌタからの掚蚈です ハヌバヌド倧孊のクリス・マリヌの 新しい研究によるず むンドにいるむギリス人によっお 保存されたデヌタによるず むンド人の死亡率が31倍ず高いものでした ここで確信できたこずは 貧しい堎所では 死亡率がかなり高くなるずいうこずです そしお実際の死亡数は 8千䞇から1億人であったず考えられたす それも民間航空機で移動する前の時代です では 私たちは準備はできおいたすか? 囜ずしおはただです 指導的立堎の人々も それを認めお 準備にはただ時間がかかるず蚀うでしょう では 皆さんにずっお どんな意味があるでしょうか? たず 私なら䜕であれ 個人的な備蓄はしたせん 自分自身 家族 埓業員に察しおもです 十分に調査しお確信があるなら別ですが どのマスクが有効で どれが有効でないか マスクは䜕枚必芁か?ずいうこずです 米囜医孊研究所の研究によるず マスクの再利甚はできないようです 感染症の流行が18カ月間 継続するずすれば 18カ月分のマスクを 家族䞀人䞀人のために買いたすか? 考えおしたいたすね そこでタミフルに戻りたすが タミフルの第1の副䜜甚は むンフル゚ンザのような症状です ですから 家族党員が タミフルを服甚しおいる堎合 むンフル゚ンザにかかったどうか どうやっお分かるのでしょう? これをコミュニティヌ党䜓ずしお たた 䌚瀟の党埓業員で考えるず タミフルずいう遞択肢が いかに限定されおいるか お分かりでしょう 倚くの方が私の所に来お こう尋ねたす 氎も食料も備蓄したす あなたは䜕を備蓄しおいたすか?ず 本気でしょうか? 実際に18カ月分の食料を 備蓄する堎所がありたすか? 24カ月分の食料はどうですか? 䞖界的流行の脅嚁に぀いお 1950幎代のように察凊したいですか? 圓時の人々は民間防衛の問題ずしお むンフル゚ンザの䞖界的流行に察しお 個人甚の小型シェルタヌを䜜りたした 私は合理的だずは思いたせん 臚むべきはコミュニティヌずしおで 個人ずしお準備すべきではありたせん 囜ずしお 州ずしお 町ずしお備えるべきです しかし珟圚 準備状況のほずんどに 倧きな欠陥がありたす 皆さんにご玍埗いただければず思いたすが 実際にしおいただきたいのは 倖に出お 皆さんの地域の指導者や 囜の指導者たちに こう蚀うのです 「この問題を なぜ未解決にしおおくのか? なぜ カトリヌナから孊んだこずを むンフル゚ンザ察策に掻かさないのか?」ず 圧力が必芁な堎所に圧力をかけおください でも もう䞀぀申し䞊げおおきたいこずは 皆さんが䌚瀟を経営しお 雇甚者を抱えおいる堎合は 䞀定の責任があるず思いたす 指導者ずしお 誰よりも先を芋越しお 蚈画を立おる必芁がありたす むギリスの銀行蚈画では 最䜎でも 自宅勀務が有効だずしおいたす おそらく感染の危険が枛りたす 事務所に来ないで 互いに咳をせず たたは 共通の物に觊れず 手を介しお物を共有しないからです でも そのようにしお 䌚瀟を維持するこずができたすか? ネット䌁業なら できるかもしれたせん さもなければ 難しいでしょう では 皆さんの質問にお答えしたす (拍手) 参加者:䞖界的流行の期間を 決定する芁因は䜕ですか? ロヌリヌ・ギャレット:䜕が䞖界的流行の期間を 決定する芁因かは分かりたせん さたざたな状況を説明するこずはできたす でも 正盎なずころ分かりたせん はっきりず蚀えるのは 結論ずしお りむルスは最終的に匱毒化し ヒトに察する臎死性りむルスではなくなりたす そしお別の宿䞻を探すのです しかし これが「どのように」 「なぜ」起きるのかは分かりたせん ずおも耇雑な生態孊です 参加者:誘因は䜕でしょうか? 私たちよりも良くご存知だず思いたす それが起こるず䞖界的流行ずなるような きっかけです ギャレット:ヒトからヒトぞの 深刻な感染の兆候がある時です 病気になった兄匟の䞖話をしおいる 芪密な家族間での感染ではなく コミュニティヌでの感染です 孊内でのたん延 寮でのたん延などです そしお珟圚では䞖界保健機関を筆頭にした 䞖界的な認識でしょう 譊告が発せられる時です 参加者:ある研究で スタチンが有効だずされおいたす それに぀いお 教えおください ギャレット:分かりたした ゚ビデンスではリピトヌルなど コレステロヌル降䞋䜜甚を持぀ スタチンが むンフル゚ンザに察するヒトの脆匱性を 枛少させるずしおいたす しかし この理由に぀いおは 明確には分かっおいたせん メカニズムが明確ではないのです 私には 芪埡さんが 自分のリピトヌルなどを 責任を持っお 子䟛に䞎える方法があるのか 分かりたせん どんな副䜜甚があるか 党く分からないのです 子䟛たちに察しお䜿甚した堎合 非垞に危険な結果を 匕き起こすかもしれたせん 参加者:誰かが実際に 感染しおいるかどうかヌ 症状が珟れる前に 感染しおいるかどうか芋぀けるのに どのくらいの理解が進んでいるのですか? ギャレット:かなり以前から お話ししおいたすが 本圓に必芁なものは 迅速な蚺断です アメリカ疟病予防管理センタヌは センタヌで開発した蚺断テストを 迅速蚺断ず蚀っおいたす 高床な怜査宀で 熟緎した技術を甚いおも 24時間かかりたす 私はディップスティックを考えおいたす 自分の子䟛に䜿えたす 色が倉わりたす H5N1なら それで分かりたす 私たちが科孊の どの段階にいるかに぀いおは DNA特定の胜力などにおいおは 倧幅に遅れおはいたせんが ただ十分ではなく そこに到達する 資金がありたせん 参加者:1918幎むンフル゚ンザでは りむルスがヒトに感染するようになる前に 幟分衰匱しおいたず理論づけされたした 今回も その可胜性はありたすか? 100%の死亡率ずは かなり深刻ですね ギャレット:そうですね ですから実際は 1918幎株の野生の鳥に察する 臎死率に関しおは分かっおいたせん トリからヒトぞの感染が起こる前です 興味深いこずは ヒトぞの䞖界的流行の前に アメリカ党土の ニワトリや家犜類の 集団死が芋られなかったこずです おそらく これらの出来事は 誰も関心を払っおいなかった 䞖界の裏偎で起きおいたのでしょう しかし りむルスは確かに 䞖界を䞞䞀呚したした 軜症の病型だったので 第1次䞖界倧戊の英囜軍は それを脅嚁ではなく 戊争の結果にも圱響しないず 䜍眮づけたのです 䞖界䞭を駆け巡った埌 高い臎死率を䌎う圢で戻っおきたした 䜕パヌセントの感染者が 呜を萜ずしたでしょう? 再床蚀いたすが 詳现に぀いお はっきりずは分かりたせん 明らかなこずは もし栄逊䞍足だったり 免疫システムが匱かったら むンドやアフリカの 貧しい囜に䜏んでいるなら 死亡の確率が より高たりたす でも 実際のずころは分かっおいたせん 参加者:耳にしたのですが むンフル゚ンザの感染時の 実際の死亡原因は 肺炎を䜵発するこずによるそうですが 肺炎のワクチンで 生存率が50%高たるかもしれないそうですね ギャレット:長い間 新興疟患の研究者は むンフル゚ンザ䞖界的流行の 脅嚁に察しお 幟分吊定的でした その理由は 1918幎には抗生物質がなかったからです たた 䞀般的なむンフル゚ンザで 呜を萜ずした人は 䞀般的なむンフル゚ンザの幎で 䞖界で玄36䞇人で そのほずんどが高霢者だったのです 死亡の原因はむンフル゚ンザではなく 免疫機胜が攻撃を受けたからでした 肺炎球菌や その他の现菌 連鎖球菌に感染し それが 现菌性肺炎を匕き起こしたす しかし 1918幎では そうではなかったこずが分かっおいたす 今たでのずころ H5N1の ヒトぞの感染では 同じような现菌感染は 党く問題ではありたせん だた 免疫システムが 驚くほど砎壊されおおり これが ヒトがこのりむルスで 亡くなる䞻な理由です 付け加えたいのが SARSでも同じこずがありたした ですから ここで起きおいるこずは あなたの䜓の免疫システムが 芋匵りを総動員しお 「これは䞀䜓䜕だろう これたでに こんな物は たるで芋たこずがない」 ず蚀っおいるのです 狙撃兵を連れおきおも どうにもならないのです 抗䜓がないのですから 戊車や倧砲を投入しおも 䜕の効果もありたせん T现胞がそれを認識しないのです するず党面的に栞の力で 察凊するしかないず サむトカむンの生産を刺激しお 党免疫機胜が肺に殺到したす 肺炎で肺に液䜓がたたり 呜を萜ずすのです ただし これは现菌性肺炎ではないので ワクチンが効くような肺炎ではありたせん 時間が来たようです 本日は どうもありがずうございたした
When I say "we," I'm at the Council on Foreign Relations. We're concerned in the national security community, and of course in the biology community and the public health community. While globalization has increased travel, it's made it necessary that everybody be everywhere, all the time, all over the world. And that means that your microbial hitchhikers are moving with you. So a plague outbreak in Surat, India becomes not an obscure event, but a globalized event -- a globalized concern that has changed the risk equation. Katrina showed us that we cannot completely depend on government to have readiness in hand, to be capable of handling things. Indeed, an outbreak would be multiple Katrinas at once. Our big concern at the moment is a virus called H5N1 flu -- some of you call it bird flu -- which first emerged in southern China, in the mid-1990s, but we didn't know about it until 1997. At the end of last Christmas only 13 countries had seen H5N1. But we're now up to 55 countries in the world, have had this virus emerge, in either birds, or people or both. In the bird outbreaks we now can see that pretty much the whole world has seen this virus except the Americas. And I'll get into why we've so far been spared in a moment. In domestic birds, especially chickens, it's 100 percent lethal. It's one of the most lethal things we've seen in circulation in the world in any recent centuries. And we've dealt with it by killing off lots and lots and lots of chickens, and unfortunately often not reimbursing the peasant farmers with the result that there's cover-up. It's also carried on migration patterns of wild migratory aquatic birds. There has been this centralized event in a place called Lake Chenghai, China. Two years ago the migrating birds had a multiple event where thousands died because of a mutation occurring in the virus, which made the species range broaden dramatically. So that birds going to Siberia, to Europe, and to Africa carried the virus, which had not previously been possible. We're now seeing outbreaks in human populations -- so far, fortunately, small events, tiny outbreaks, occasional clusters. The virus has mutated dramatically in the last two years of the H5N1 viral tree with branches in them, and with different attributes that are worrying. So what's concerning us? Well, first of all, at no time in history have we succeeded in making in a timely fashion, a specific vaccine for more than 260 million people. It's not going to do us very much good in a global pandemic. You've heard about the vaccine we're stockpiling. But nobody believes it will actually be particularly effective if we have a real outbreak. So one thought is: after 9/11, when the airports closed, our flu season was delayed by two weeks. So the thought is, hey, maybe what we should do is just immediately -- we hear there is H5N1 spreading from human to human, the virus has mutated to be a human-to-human transmitter -- let's shut down the airports. However, huge supercomputer analyses, done of the likely effectiveness of this, show that it won't buy us much time at all. And of course it will be hugely disruptive in preparation plans. For example, all masks are made in China. How do you get them mobilized around the world if you've shut all the airports down? How do you get the vaccines moved around the world and the drugs moved, and whatever may or not be available that would work. So it turns out that shutting down the airports is counterproductive. We're worried because this virus, unlike any other flu we've ever studied, can be transmitted by eating raw meat of the infected animals. We've seen transmission to wild cats and domestic cats, and now also domestic pet dogs. And in experimental feedings to rodents and ferrets, we found that the animals exhibit symptoms never seen with flu: seizures, central nervous system disorders, partial paralysis. This is not your normal garden-variety flu. It mimics what we now understand about reconstructing the 1918 flu virus, the last great pandemic, in that it also jumped directly from birds to people. We had evolution over time, and this unbelievable mortality rate in human beings: 55 percent of people who have become infected with H5N1 have, in fact, succumbed. And we don't have a huge number of people who got infected and never developed disease. In experimental feeding in monkeys a specific immune system modulator. The result is that what kills you is not the virus directly, but your own immune system overreacting, saying, "Whatever this is so foreign I'm going berserk." The result: most of the deaths have been in people under 30 years of age, robustly healthy young adults. We have seen human-to-human transmission in at least three clusters -- fortunately involving very intimate contact, still not putting the world at large at any kind of risk. Alright, so I've got you nervous. Now you probably assume, well the governments are going to do something. And we have spent a lot of money. Most of the spending in the Bush administration has actually been more related to the anthrax results and bio-terrorism threat. But a lot of money has been thrown out at the local level and at the federal level to look at infectious diseases. End result: only 15 states have been certified to be able to do mass distribution of vaccine and drugs in a pandemic. Half the states would run out of hospital beds in the first week, maybe two weeks. And 40 states already have an acute nursing shortage. Add on pandemic threat, you're in big trouble. So what have people been doing with this money? Exercises, drills, all over the world. Let's pretend there's a pandemic. Let's everybody run around and play your role. Main result is that there is tremendous confusion. Most of these people don't actually know what their job will be. And the bottom line, major thing that has come through in every single drill: nobody knows who's in charge. Nobody knows the chain of command. If it were Los Angeles, is it the mayor, the governor, the President of the United States, the head of Homeland Security? In fact, the federal government says it's a guy called the Principle Federal Officer, who happens to be with TSA. The government says the federal responsibility will basically be about trying to keep the virus out, which we all know is impossible, and then to mitigate the impact primarily on our economy. The rest is up to your local community. Everything is about your town, where you live. Well how good a city council you have, how good a mayor you have -- that's who's going to be in charge. Most local facilities would all be competing to try and get their hands on their piece of the federal stockpile of a drug called Tamiflu, which may or may not be helpful -- I'll get into that -- of available vaccines, and any other treatments, and masks, and anything that's been stockpiled. And you'll have massive competition. Now we did purchase a vaccine, you've probably all heard about it, made by Sanofi-Aventis. Unfortunately it's made against the current form of H5N1. We know the virus will mutate. It will be a different virus. The vaccine will probably be useless. So here's where the decisions come in. You're the mayor of your local town. Let's see, should we order that all pets be kept indoors? Germany did that when H5N1 appeared in Germany last year, between households by household cats, dogs and so on. What do we do when we don't have any containment rooms with reverse air that will allow the healthcare workers to take care of patients? These are in Hong Kong; we have nothing like that here. What about quarantine? During the SARS epidemic in Beijing quarantine did seem to help. We have no uniform policies regarding quarantine across the United States. And some states have differential policies, county by county. But what about the no-brainer things? Should we close all the schools? Well then what about all the workers? They won't go to work if their kids aren't in school. Encouraging telecommuting? What works? Well the British government did a model of telecommuting. Six weeks they had all people in the banking industry pretend a pandemic was underway. What they found was, the core functions -- you know you still sort of had banks, but you couldn't get people to put money in the ATM machines. Nobody was processing the credit cards. Your insurance payments didn't go through. And basically the economy would be in a disaster state of affairs. And that's just office workers, bankers. We don't know how important hand washing is for flu -- shocking. One assumes it's a good idea to wash your hands a lot. But actually in scientific community there is great debate about what percentage of flu transmission between people is from sneezing and coughing and what percentage is on your hands. The Institute of Medicine tried to look at the masking question. Can we figure out a way, since we know we won't have enough masks because we don't make them in America anymore, they're all made in China -- do we need N95? A state-of-the-art, top-of-the-line, must-be-fitted-to-your-face mask? Or can we get away with some different kinds of masks? In the SARS epidemic, we learned in Hong Kong that most of transmission was because people were removing their masks improperly. And their hand got contaminated with the outside of the mask, and then they rubbed their nose. Bingo! They got SARS. It wasn't flying microbes. If you go online right now, you'll get so much phony-baloney information. You'll end up buying -- this is called an N95 mask. Ridiculous. We don't actually have a standard for what should be the protective gear for the first responders, the people who will actually be there on the front lines. And Tamiflu. You've probably heard of this drug, made by Hoffmann-La Roche, patented drug. There is some indication that it may buy you some time in the midst of an outbreak. Should you take Tamiflu for a long period of time, well, one of the side effects is suicidal ideations. A public health survey analyzed the effect that large-scale Tamiflu use would have, actually shows it counteractive to public health measures, making matters worse. And here is the other interesting thing: when a human being ingests Tamiflu, only 20 percent is metabolized appropriately to be an active compound in the human being. The rest turns into a stable compound, which survives filtration into the water systems, thereby exposing the very aquatic birds that would carry flu and providing them a chance to breed resistant strains. And we now have seen Tamiflu-resistant strains in both Vietnam in person-to-person transmission, and in Egypt in person-to-person transmission. So I personally think that our life expectancy for Tamiflu as an effective drug is very limited -- very limited indeed. Nevertheless most of the governments have based their whole flu policies on building stockpiles of Tamiflu. Russia has actually stockpiled enough for 95 percent of all Russians. We've stockpiled enough for 30 percent. When I say enough, that's two weeks worth. And then you're on your own because the pandemic is going to last for 18 to 24 months. Some of the poorer countries that have had the most experience with H5N1 have built up stockpiles; they're already expired. They are already out of date. What do we know from 1918, the last great pandemic? The federal government abdicated most responsibility. And so we ended up with this wild patchwork of regulations all over America. Every city, county, state did their own thing. And the rules and the belief systems were wildly disparate. In some cases all schools, all churches, all public venues were closed. The pandemic circulated three times in 18 months in the absence of commercial air travel. The second wave was the mutated, super-killer wave. And in the first wave we had enough healthcare workers. But by the time the second wave hit it took such a toll among the healthcare workers that we lost most of our doctors and nurses that were on the front lines. Overall we lost 700,000 people. The virus was 100 percent lethal to pregnant women and we don't actually know why. Most of the death toll was 15 to 40 year-olds -- robustly healthy young adults. It was likened to the plague. We don't actually know how many people died. The low-ball estimate is 35 million. This was based on European and North American data. A new study by Chris Murray at Harvard shows that if you look at the databases that were kept by the Brits in India, there was a 31-fold greater death rate among the Indians. So there is a strong belief that in places of poverty the death toll was far higher. And that a more likely toll is somewhere in the neighborhood of 80 to 100 million people before we had commercial air travel. So are we ready? As a nation, no we're not. And I think even those in the leadership would say that is the case, that we still have a long ways to go. So what does that mean for you? Well the first thing is, I wouldn't start building up personal stockpiles of anything -- for yourself, your family, or your employees -- unless you've really done your homework. What mask works, what mask doesn't work. How many masks do you need? The Institute of Medicine study felt that you could not recycle masks. Well if you think it's going to last 18 months, are you going to buy 18 months worth of masks for every single person in your family? We don't know -- again with Tamiflu, the number one side effect of Tamiflu is flu-like symptoms. So then how can you tell who in your family has the flu if everybody is taking Tamiflu? If you expand that out to think of a whole community, or all your employees in your company, the Tamiflu option might be. Everybody has come up to me and said, well I'll stockpile water or, I'll stockpile food, or what have you. But really? Do you really have a place to stockpile 18 months worth of food? Twenty-four months worth of food? Do you want to view the pandemic threat the way back in the 1950s people viewed the civil defense issue, and build your own little bomb shelter for pandemic flu? I don't think that's rational. I think it's about having to be prepared as communities, not as individuals -- being prepared as nation, being prepared as state, being prepared as town. And right now most of the preparedness is deeply flawed. And I hope I've convinced you of that, which means that the real job is go out and say to your local leaders, and your national leaders, "Why haven't you solved these problems? Why are you still thinking that the lessons of Katrina do not apply to flu?" And put the pressure where the pressure needs to be put. But I guess the other thing to add is, if you do have employees, and you do have a company, I think you have certain responsibilities to demonstrate that you are thinking ahead for them, and you are trying to plan. At a minimum the British banking plan showed that telecommuting can be helpful. It probably does reduce exposure because people are not coming into the office and coughing on each other, or touching common objects and sharing things via their hands. But can you sustain your company that way? Well if you have a dot-com, maybe you can. Otherwise you're in trouble. Happy to take your questions. Audience member: What factors determine the duration of a pandemic? Laurie Garret: What factors determine the duration of a pandemic, we don't really know. I could give you a bunch of flip, this, that, and the other. But I would say that honestly we don't know. Clearly the bottom line is the virus eventually attenuates, and ceases to be a lethal virus to humanity, and finds other hosts. But we don't really know how and why that happens. It's a very complicated ecology. Audience member: What kind of triggers are you looking for? You know way more than any of us. To say ahh, if this happens then we are going to have a pandemic? LG: The moment that you see any evidence of serious human-to-human to transmission. Not just intimately between family members who took care of an ailing sister or brother, but a community infected -- spread within a school, spread within a dormitory, something of that nature. Then I think that there is universal agreement now, at WHO all the way down: Send out the alert. Audience member: Some research has indicated that statins can be helpful. Can you talk about that? LG: Yeah. There is some evidence that taking Lipitor and other common statins for cholesterol control may decrease your vulnerability to influenza. But we do not completely understand why. The mechanism isn't clear. And I don't know that there is any way responsibly for someone to start medicating their children with their personal supply of Lipitor or something of that nature. We have absolutely no idea what that would do. You might be causing some very dangerous outcomes in your children, doing such a thing. Audience member: How far along are we in being able to determine whether someone is actually carrying, whether somebody has this before the symptoms are full-blown? LG: Right. So I have for a long time said that what we really needed was a rapid diagnostic. And our Centers for Disease Control has labeled a test they developed a rapid diagnostic. It takes 24 hours in a very highly developed laboratory, in highly skilled hands. I'm thinking dipstick. You could do it to your own kid. It changes color. It tells you if you have H5N1. In terms of where we are in science with DNA identification capacities and so on, it's not that far off. But we're not there. And there hasn't been the kind of investment to get us there. Audience member: In the 1918 flu I understand that they theorized that there was some attenuation of the virus when it made the leap into humans. Is that likely, do you think, here? I mean 100 percent death rate is pretty severe. LG: Um yeah. So we don't actually know of the 1918 strain to wild birds before it jumped from birds to humans. It's curious that there is no evidence of mass die-offs of chickens or household birds across America before the human pandemic happened. That may be because those events were occurring on the other side of the world But the virus clearly went through one round around the world in a mild enough form that the British army in World War I actually certified that it was not a threat and would not affect the outcome of the war. And after circulating around the world came back in a form that was tremendously lethal. What percentage of infected people were killed by it? Again we don't really know for sure. It's clear that if you were malnourished to begin with, you had a weakened immune system, you lived in poverty in India or Africa, your likelihood of dying was far greater. But we don't really know. Audience member: One of the things I've heard is that the real death cause when you get a flu is the associated pneumonia, and that a pneumonia vaccine may offer you 50 percent better chance of survival. LG: For a long time, researchers in emerging diseases were kind of dismissive of the pandemic flu threat on the grounds that back in 1918 they didn't have antibiotics. And that most people who die of regular flu -- which in regular flu years is about 360,000 people worldwide, most of them senior citizens -- and they die not of the flu but because the flu gives an assault to their immune system. And along comes pneumococcus or another bacteria, streptococcus and boom, they get a bacterial pneumonia. But it turns out that in 1918 that was not the case at all. And so far in the H5N1 cases in people, similarly bacterial infection has not been an issue at all. It's this absolutely phenomenal disruption of the immune system that is the key to why people die of this virus. And I would just add we saw the same thing with SARS. So what's going on here is your body says, your immune system sends out all its sentinels and says, "I don't know what the heck this is. We've never seen anything even remotely like this before." It won't do any good to bring in the sharpshooters because those antibodies aren't here. And it won't do any good to bring in the tanks and the artillery because those T-cells don't recognize it either. So we're going to have to go all-out thermonuclear response, stimulate the total cytokine cascade. The whole immune system swarms into the lungs. And yes they die, drowning in their own fluids, of pneumonia. But it's not bacterial pneumonia. And it's not a pneumonia that would respond to a vaccine. And I think my time is up. I thank you all for your attention.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
党民兵の歊装解陀ず、南におけるレバノン政府の暩限の再䞻匵を明瀺的に求めた囜連安党保障理事䌚決議1559は、無芖された。2005幎、盛んに報じられた杉革呜(Cedar Revolution)の埌、ヒズボラは、歊装民兵を維持し、南を支配しながら、同時にレバノン政府にたで参加するようになった。
UN Security Council resolution 1559, which explicitly called for the disarming of all militias and the reassertion of Lebanese government authority in the south, went unheeded. After the much-heralded “Cedar Revolution” of 2005, Hezbollah even joined the Lebanese government, while at the same time maintaining its armed militia and control of the south.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
俺が䜜り出したノァンパむアロヌドの幻は階のものだ。 王宮に手の者を沢山忍び蟌たせおいたロヌドだ。 俺で蚎滅したので、セルリスもシアもあったこずがない。 だから最適だず思ったのだ。 「こい぀玠早いでありたす!」 シアずセルリスは芋事に戊っおいた。 ちなみにシアが今䜿っおいる剣は、この第六䜍階からの戊利品だ。 俺の暪にダントンが来た。 「我が嚘ながら、いい動きだな」 「ああ、芋事なものだ。俺が初めおシアにあったずきに比べおも栌段に成長しおいる」 「本圓か?」 「うむ。芋おいればわかるず思うが、今出しおいる幻の粟床はかなり高い」 「それはわかる」 ダントンはうなずく。 ダントンは経隓豊富なノァンパむア狩りの戊士。ロヌドの匷さは熟知しおいる。 族長たちもロヌドの粟床に気付いおいるのだろう。 芋事に戊うシアずセルリスを芋お、「ほう」ず感心するような声を出しおいる。 「芋事なものだ」 俺は改めお぀ぶやく。 初めお䌚った時、シアはゎブリンロヌドに苊戊しおいた。 それがかりずはいえ、ノァンパむアロヌドず互角に戊っおいるのだ。 セルリスも初めお䌚った時に比べお栌段に動きがよくなっおいる。 若者の成長はかなり早い。 そしお、俺は近くにいる子䟛たちを芋た。 ものすごく真剣な衚情で戊いを芋぀めおいた。芋おいるだけでも勉匷になるだろう。 ダントンが幻ずシアたちの戊いを芋守りながら蚀う。 「俺ずしおは、幻の粟床の高さが恐ろしい」 「そうか?」 「再珟床が高すぎる」 「今出しおいる幻の元ずなったノァンパむアロヌドずは盎接戊っおずどめを刺したからな」 ダントンはゆるゆるず銖を振る。 「俺たちも゜ロでは難しくずも、力を合わせればロヌドは狩れる」 「ふむ?」 「だが、ここたで分析できない。ロックはロヌドを完党に芋透かしおいる」 「たあ、戊いながら芳察しおいるからな。芳察は結構埗意な方だ」 そんなこずを話しながらも、俺は幻を調節しおいく。 シアずセルリスが幻に䞎えたダメヌゞを蚈算するのだ。 そしお、仮に本物だったらどう動きが倉化するかを掚定するのだ。 その蚈算はかなり倧倉だ。 「......盞圓な力量差がなければここたで芋透かすこずはできないぞ」 「そうか。そうかもしれない」 「ノァンパむア狩りの専門家の俺たちより、ノァンパむアに詳しいかも知れないな」 「それはないだろう」 「いや、ノァンパむアの生態や颚習ならずもかく、戊闘に関しおは完党にロックが䞊だろう」 ダントンに俺の幻を絶賛されおしたった。 自信のある幻なので、耒めおもらえおずおも嬉しい。 「今床、俺にも皜叀を぀けおくれ」 「いいぞ。空き時間にい぀でも蚀っおくれ」 そんな䌚話を聞いおいた他の族長もやっおくる。 「ロックさん、是非我らにも」 「はい。時間さえあれば、構いたせんよ」 「ありがたい!」 族長たちは凄く嬉しそうだった。 俺ず族長たちが䌚話しおいる間、シアずセルリスは皜叀を続けおいる。 俺も語りながら、蚈算し幻の埮調敎を続けた。 激しい戊いの埌、二人の連携が芋事に決たり、ロヌドの幻の銖が飛ぶ。 萜ちた銖にシアが玠早くずどめを刺した。 その瞬間、䞀斉に拍手の音が鳎り響く。 「お芋事!」 「おねえちゃんすごい!」 族長ず子䟛たちから称賛されお、シアずセルリスは照れおいた。 そしお二人ずも俺のもずぞず走っおくる。 「「皜叀、ありがずうございたす」」 二人が声をあわせお、お瀌を蚀う。 「思っおいたより俺もいい蚓緎になった。ありがずう」 シアたちの動きは俺が思っおいたより玠早かった。 「あの、ロックさん、私たちの動きはどうでありたしたか?」 「ずおも良かったぞ」 セルリスがゆっくりず銖をふる。 「ただただ、力量が䞍足しおいるのは自分たちもわかっおいるわ」 「そうでありたす」 「たあ、誰ず比べるかで評䟡は倉わるからな」 以前のシアたちに比べたら、盞圓匷くなっおいる。 だが、゚リックやゎランたちず比べたら䞍足しおいるのは間違いない。 シアもセルリスも目暙が高いのだろう。向䞊心があるのは良いこずだ。 だから、俺も本気で改善すべき点を教えおいった。 シアもセルリスも真剣に俺の話を聞いおいた。 ガルノずゲルベルガさたも聞いおいた。 シアずセルリスぞの指導が終わった埌、ニア、ルッチラず子䟛たちの指導に移る。 もっずこうしたほうがいいずいうのを教えるず、ニアたちも真面目に聞いおいた。 皜叀が終わるず、ガルノが俺の呚りをぐるぐる回りはじめた。 ものすごい勢いで尻尟を振っおいる。 「散歩したいのか?」 どうやらガルノは散歩をしたいらしい。ガルノは倧䜓い぀も午前に散歩しおいる。 だが、今日は皜叀が始たったから埅っおいたのだろう。 嬉しそうにガルノはぎょんぎょん跳びはねた。
The illusion I created was of the th ranking Vampire Lord. The one who had sent many spies into the palace. As I had been alone when I killed him, Serulis and Shia did not know what he looked like. Which was for the best. “This one is very fast!” Shia and Serulis were fighting very well. In fact, the sword Shia was using now was this Vampire Lord’s sword. Danton came to stand next to me. “I don’t mean to boast, but my daughter moves very well.” “Yes, it’s impressive. Shia has improved a lot since I first met her.” “Really?” “Yes. I’m sure you can tell by watching. Besides, this illusion is very accurate.” “I can see that.” Danton nodded. He was a warrior with a lot of experience in vampire hunting. He knew how strong a lord was. The other chiefs also seemed to have noticed this. They raised their voices in admiration at how well Shia and Serulis fought. “It’s wonderful.” I whispered. When I had first met her, Shia was struggling against a goblin lord. And now the two of them were fighting a vampire lord. Serulis had also improved a lot. Young people grew so quickly. The children also watched the fight. They stared with incredibly serious expressions. Just watching would be educational for them. Danton watched them fight and said, “I honestly find these illusions quite frightening.” “Do you?” “It’s too realistic.” “Well, I actually met this vampire and killed him myself.” Danton shook his head. “While it may be difficult to do solo, we can also kill Lords if we work together.” “Oh?” “But it’s hard to analyze them. You have clearly understood everything about the way they move.” “Ah. I do like to observe while fighting. I’m rather good at it.” Even as we talked, I was making adjustments to it. At the same time, I calculated the damage that Shia and Serulis were inflicting. I would guess how the vampire would react if he was real.. It was pretty difficult. “...I don’t think it would be possible for you to do it unless there was a massive gap in power.” “You think so? Perhaps that’s true.” “You know more about vampires than us. And we are supposed to be professionals.” “That’s not true.” “No, perhaps we know more about their tendencies and way of life, but you know everything about the way they fight.” Danton gushed about how good the illusion was. As it was my best work, I was quite happy about that. “I would like to train with you later.” “Of course. Let me know when you have time.” A few other chiefs heard this and approached me. “Mister Locke. We would like to train with you as well.” “Yes. I don’t mind as long as you have time.” “Thank you!” The chiefs were very happy. While we talked, Shia and Serulis continued to fight. I also continued to calculate and make adjustments. After a difficult battle, their synchronized attacks finally resulted in the lord’s head being removed from his shoulders. Shia was quick to stab the fallen head. Immediately after, the audience erupted into cheers. “Brilliant!” “That was amazing, sister!” Shia and Serulis looked a little embarrassed at all of the praise from the children and chiefs. They both ran towards me. “Thank you for helping us with our training.” They both said. “It was good training for me as well. Thank you.” Shia and Serulis had been much faster than I expected. “Um, Mister Locke. What did you think while watching us?” “You two were very good.” Serulis shook her head. “No, I know very well that I have a long way to go.” “That’s right.” “Well, I guess it depends on who you compare yourself with.” They were much stronger than before. However, they were definitely nowhere close to Eric and Goran. Shia and Serulis had very ambitious goals. But it was good that they wanted to improve. And so I gave them serious tips on what to change. Shia and Serulis listened intently. Even Grulf and Lord Gerberga listened. Now that Shia and Serulis were done, I move to instruct Nia, Luchila, and the children. I told them about how they could improve, and they listened carefully. When training was finished, Grulf started running around in a circle. His tail wagged furiously. “You want to go on a walk?” Apparently, he did. Grulf usually wanted to go on a walk in the morning. However, he had to wait today, because of the training. Grulf jumped around happily.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 9, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「宰盞閣䞋」 「......」 「宰盞閣䞋。よろしいですか?」 「......あ、ああ枈たない。ええず、君は――」 「むングリス・ナヌクス。埓階士科生です」 「埓階士科だず? その力でか......?」 「それより、こちらはどうしたすか? 捕瞛ですか? それずも緊急の凊眰を?」 「捕瞛だ。囜王陛䞋にご裁定頂かねば」 「――それで、この方は確実に凊眰されるのですか?」 「ああ勿論だ。私の名においお誓おう」 「了解したした」 むングリスはミュンテヌの前に進み出る。 「......ほひょひょひょひょ! そうは行かんぞい、むングリスちゃん!」 ブゥゥン! ミュンテヌの手前の空間が歪んだように芋える。 その歪みの䞭から、先皋の 「......垰っお来た?」 の動きを感じる。 「ははっ! 転移の術じゃわ、こう芋えお忠実な奎じゃお!」 「ならば別の方法で倒したしょう」 そしお を操り氷の剣を生み出す。 で身を包むず、䞊の歊噚は耐えられずに壊れる。 この氷の剣も䟋倖ではなく、前回も䞀倪刀で粉々になっおしたった。 だが逆に蚀うず、 を䜿っおも䞀倪刀は持぀。 普通の歊噚ずは違い元手はかからないので、懐は痛たず実甚範囲だ。 「ラニ、宰盞閣䞋をお願い。レオヌネはそのたたファルスさんに。」 「分かったわ、むングリス!」 「うん! 前もやれたし、倧䞈倫よね?」 「うん。倧䞈倫だよ」 むングリスは氷の剣を構えお 「ほひょ! 前のダツがやられお、暫く倧人しくしおおったワケが分かるか? ちゃあんず改善ず匷化を斜しおあるんじゃよ! それぇい!」 パチン、ずミュンテヌが指を匟く。 「ごあああァァァァッ!」 が血のように赀く茝き出す。 の基瀎代謝を䞊げる事により、飢えは早くなるが力は増す! 早く喰わんず飢えおおぬしが死ぬぞ! むングリスちゃんのほかのダツから喰っおやれい! そうしお力を増せば勝おる!」 は地を蹎り、むングリスを迂回しおラフィニア達に迫ろうずする。 「――こっちに来る!?」 「たかせお」 しかしむングリスは敵の進路䞊に回り蟌み、腕を捕らえるずそのたた壁に向かっお投げ぀けた。 たた壁を突き砎り、 「ほひょ!? ただ通甚せんか......!」 ブゥン! ずミュンテヌの手前の空間が歪む。 「おあァァッ!?」 「ほひょ! ただじゃあ! 限界たで代謝を䞊げぇいっ!」 の赀い茝きが増す。 は地を蹎るず倩井や壁を反射しながら高速で飛び回る。 䞀段ず動きの切れを増しおいる。なかなか芋事なものだ。 ――が、芋切れないわけではない。 「......ただただですね。これではラニ達には指䞀本觊れられたせんよ」 ドガアァァァンッ! 今床はレオヌネに迫ろうずしおいた敵を、再び船倖に蹎り出した。 「もう限界ですか? ならば次は倒したす」 ラフィニアを狙った以䞊、慈悲は無い。 ミュンテヌも同眪だが、捕瞛しお裁きをするずの事なので、それには埓うが。 「くっ......! ほひょひょひょ......! えぇぇいっ! 限界の向こう偎ぞ行けぇぇい!」 たたたた戻っお来た は半狂乱の叫び声を䞊げ―― 目の前のミュンテヌの背䞭から胞板を手刀で貫いおいた。 「ほひょ......!? ち、違う――わしを喰うおどうする......!?」 ミュンテヌの身䜓が黒い炭のようになっお、 「限界を超え、敵味方の芋境たで倱っおしたいたしたか。哀れなものですね。同情はしたせんが――」 ただ倧人しくしおいた方が、ミュンテヌも生き氞らえたのではないだろうか。 「どちらにせよ、無駄なのですし――ね」 しかし完党に動きを芋切ったむングリスは、氷の剣を䞀閃する。 今床は暪䞀文字に切り裂かれた
「Your Excellency.」 「......」 「Your Excellency, Prime Minister, if I may?」 「...... A-, aah, forgive me. Umm, and you’re—」 「Inglis Eux. I am a freshman in the Squire division.」 「Squire division? With that strength...?」 「What should we do about him? Should we apprehend him? Or should we give an immediate punishment?」 「Apprehend him. His Majesty the King will try him.」 「——Will that bring justice to every sin this man has done?」 「Of course. I swear it with my own name.」 「Understood.」 Inglis stepped forward, approaching Myynti. 「...... Hyohohyohohyo!! Not so fast, cutie-pie!」 Voom! The space in front of Myynti seemed to distort as he spoke. From within the distortion, the Rune Eater from before appeared. 「...... He’s back?」 Inglis could feel a strong mana movement rousing around. 「HAHA! It’s a teleportation technique! Quite the faithful doll for his look, isn’t he!」 「If so, then I just need to find a better way to dispose of him.」 She then manipulated the mana to produce her own ice sword. Whenever Inglis clad an ordinary weapon in an activated wave of Ether, she would break it because the weapon couldn’t withstand the Ether wave. The same also applied to this ice sword, as the last time Inglis tried it, the ice sword broke into pieces in a single swing. However, that meant that it would last a single swing even if Inglis were to use Ether Armor. And different from conventional weapons, it didn’t cost a single coin even if she were to break it, so her wallet wouldn’t suffer any damage from it. 「Rani, I entrust His Excellency to you. Leone, you keep guarding Mister Faris.」 「Got that, Inglis!」 「Yeah! You’ve defeated him before, so it’ll be fine, right Glis?」 「Yeah. It will be alright.」 Inglis faced the Rune Eater with her ice sword at the ready. 「HOHYO! Do you know why he didn’t hunt for Runes after you defeated the last one? It’s because I made sure to improve and strengthen him even further! Have at her!」 With a snap, Myynti flicked his fingers. The Runes all over the Rune Eater’s body glowed red in blood at that moment. 「Hohyohyohyo! Just so you know, he is a monster whose metabolism has been swapped, he no longer consumes food as sustenance, but by robbing mana from others! By enhancing his basal metabolic rate, he’ll starve faster as he gets stronger! Be quick or you’ll die! Eat the other girls’ mana! We’ll have the upper hand after that!」 The Rune Eater kicked the floor as he tried to bypass Inglis and lunge into Rafinha. 「——He’s heading here!?」 「Leave it to me.」 However, Inglis cut off his path, caught his arm, and threw him directly to the same wall as before. Again he broke through the wall, and the Rune Eater was once again exposed to the sky. 「Hohyo!? So it’s not enough......!」 Voom! And so the space in front of Myynti distorted again. 「OAAHHH!?!?」 The Rune Eater came back again for the second time. 「Hohyo! More! I can still raise his metabolic rate even more!!」 The red glow on his Runes intensified. 「ABYAAAHHH!!!!」 The moment the Rune Eater kicked the ground, this time, he bustled about along the ceilings and the walls with great speed. His agility was enhanced more than ever. Quite the brilliant sight, Inglis applauded it. —But, it didn’t mean she couldn’t catch him. 「...... Still not enough. With just this much, you can’t even touch Rani and Leone.」 「Is that the limit already? Then, I shall bring him down next.」 From the moment he targeted Rafinha, mercy was no longer on the menu. Myynti was just as guilty, but Inglis was ordered to apprehend him so they could try him, so she would go along with that scheme. 「Kgh......! Hohyohyohyo......! EEEIII!! GO OVER YOUR LIMIT!!!!」 The Rune Eater, who got aboard yet again, now screeched at Myynti. The Rune Eater raised a half-crazed roar—— And pierced Myynti from his back, the ice sword protruded from the Highlander’s chest. 「HOHYO......!?!?!? N-, no——Don’t you eat me......!!!」 Myynti’s body blackened like charcoal as he was sucked into the Rune Eater. 「He’s gone so far past his limits that he lost sight of who is a friend and who is a foe, huh? What a pitiable person you are. But I spare no sympathy for you——」 It would have been better for Myynti too if he kept the monster’s lucidity intact. 「At the end of the day, it’s pointless even if I do——isn’t it?」 Inglis, however, had seen through his movement and brandished her ice sword at him. The Rune Eater, sliced horizontally this time, fell to the floor.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 7, "inserted_lines_src": 29, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
「こちらはアン゜ン䟯爵の私宀になりたすわ。そしおこちらがベンボヌ蟺境䌯。どちらも気䜍が高い方ですから、近付かない方が賢明かず」 「そうなんだ。レティヌナでも?」 「䟯爵や蟺境䌯ずなれば、わたしずほが同栌ですもの。倉なラむバル心を持たれお面倒ですの」 「うわ、近寄らないでおこ」 レティヌナに最䞊階の居䜏者を説明しおもらいながら、俺は譊戒を緩めない。 「で、こちらの䞀番奥がレメク公爵の居宀になりたすわ」 「ここを調べさせようず冒険者を送っお、垰っおこなかった......ず?」 「たあ、そういうこずになりたすわね。受けおいただいた方には、悪いこずをしたしたわ」 「ミスしお呜を萜ずすのは、冒険者ずしおはよくあるこずだよ」 だずしおも、それは冒険者ずしおは垞に芚悟しおおかねばならない事態なので、圌女には非はない。 それはもちろんレティヌナも理解しおいるが、それでも割り切れないずころが、圌女の悪いずころでもありいいずころでもある。 「それにしおも、穏やかじゃないな。寮母のおばさんはいい人......ずは蚀えないかもしれないけど、悪人っお感じじゃなかったのに」 「それは魔術孊院ですもの。いろんな玠材を䜿いたすし、しっかりず自分を制するこずができる方でないず、任せられたせんわ」 「それもそっか。それじゃ他の堎所も行っおみよう」 金銭の誘惑に抗しきれる人間でないず、寮母など務たらないだろう。 「他の堎所っお......䞀階から䞉階たで党郚芋たのでしょう?」 「新入りが入りにくい堎所っおのもあっおね。特に薬関係だず必須なのに、入りづらい堎所があるんだ」 そういうず俺はレティヌナの手を匕き、䌏魔殿のようから退散した。 今は授業䞭のため人目は少ないが、それでも䞀緒にいるこずで䜕が起こるかわからない。 魔術孊院では薬孊の基瀎も孊ぶ。そしお薬ず塩や砂糖は切っおも切れない関係である。 この物資の調達量が制限される孊院内では、ここが最有力の調達堎所である。 「こんにちわヌ」 「おう、レティヌナの嬢ちゃんかい!」 「レティヌナ、お知合い?」 「ええ、料理長ずは初日に挚拶したしたもの。フィニアさんの郜合で」 「そういえば、フィニアも料理奜きだったもんね」 それだけではない。 フィニアにはその察策ずしお、できうる限り圌女の手料理をレティヌナに振舞うよう譊告しおおいた。 そのためにここで間借りする時も有るので、先に挚拶しおいたのだろう。 「おう、あの嬢ちゃんは筋がいいな! ぜひここに勀めおもらいおぇもんだが......」 「残念ながら、圌女は今はわたしの埓者ですの。その垌望は捚おおくださいたし」 「䟯爵の嚘さんのお手付きずなれば、しかたねぇか」 「お、手は付けおたせんし!」 「レティヌナ、からかわれおる。ずころで料理長、わたしの埓者もここを䜿っおもよいですか?」 「そっちの嬢ちゃんは......?」 レティヌナの愛想の良さに乗せられお、いきなり挫談を始めた料理長だが、ここで俺が新顔であるこずに気付いたようだ。 もっずもその腕はフィニアには皋遠く、前䞖の俺ず同じ皋床の雑な料理しかできない。 「倱瀌したした。わたしは本日からこちらでお䞖話になりたす、ニコルず申したす」 そのためにはたずは第䞀印象。 その県垯も本来の海賊颚のデザむンだず怪したれるので、衚面に黒い垃をかぶせおごたかしおいた。 ちなみにハスタヌル神に普通のデザむンに倉曎しおくれず泚文を出したずころ、『カッコ悪いからむダだ』ず返されおしたった。あの神様も地味に癜いのず同じくらいメンドクサむ奎である。 軜くスカヌトの裟を぀たみ、膝を曲げる。残念ながら、高等郚のスカヌトもそれほど長くないので、あたり持ち䞊げられない。 䞈の長いスカヌトで広げるず芋栄えがするのだが......いや、それは今どうでもいい。 「おう、俺みたいな料理人にそんな挚拶はいらねぇよ。しかし......たあ、料理は俺の仕事なんだが、レティヌナ嬢ちゃんの知り合いなら、いいか」 「レティヌナ、すごく気に入られおるけど、䜕したの?」 「え、初日の倕食でお替りした皋床ですわ」 「普通はしないよね?」 「匕っ越しでお腹がすいおたしたの。それにわたし、元冒険者ですし」 「奜き嫌いもなく勢いよく食っおくれおなぁ。いや、久しぶりに飯の出し甲斐のある生埒だったぜ」 「それならミシェルも連れおくればよかったですわね。あの子はわたしの倍は食べたすもの」 「レティヌナ、今はそれよりさらにすごいから」 「え、ほんずに......?」 ミシェルちゃんの食欲は止たるずころを知らない。そのくせ肉は胞ず尻にばかり付き、腹回りには䜙蚈な肉がないのだから信じられない。 「そりゃ楜しみだ。䞀床連れおきおくれよ!」 「いや、倚分貎族のいる堎所っお聞いたら、飛んで逃げるず思う。実際そうだったし」 「そりゃ、錻持ちならねぇのが倚いのは確かだけどな。しかし残念だ」 「うちの埓者が調味料ずか結構䜿うず思うのですけど、その蟺は倧䞈倫ですか?」 「ん? 劙なこず気にするんだな。別に生埒䞀人分の食材や調味料でどうなるもんじゃないぞ、ここは」 確かに癟人を超える生埒の胃袋を賄うのだから、この厚房の広さも、かなりのものだ。 おそらく厚房の奥に芋える冷蔵宀や倉庫にも、倧量の食材が収められおいるのだろう。 しかしこの答えだけでは、俺の欲しい答えには至らない。 「そうですか。いえ、ここは魔術孊院ですので、倧量の塩ずか䜿ったりしないのかず。薬孊の授業もありたすし」 「そりゃたたに融通しおくれっお通達が来るこずはあるけどな。それでも目立っお枛るようなこずはないさ」 「それはよかった」 氎や塩は溶媒に䜿われるこずが倚い。それが無いずいうこずは、別ルヌトのなにかがあるのかもしれない。 もしくは氎や塩を䜿わない薬ずか......? 「うヌん、ただ情報が足りないな」 「あん? なんかいったか」 「いえ、すこし喉が枇いたな、ず」 「そうかい。実はここに新䜜の果実氎があっおな!」 「うぇ!?」 こうしお俺は、意図せず料理長の実隓台になっおしたった。 それを芋たレティヌナが腹を抱えお爆笑したので、ドリル䌞ばしの刑に凊しおやったのだった。
“This is Marquis Anson’s private room. That is Margrave Benbow’s. Either of them is highly prideful, so it would be wiser to keep away from them.” “I see. That goes for you too, Letina?” “Marquis and Margraves are about the same rank as I. I would rather they did not get in some strange rivalry with me.” “Oof, yeah let’s just stay away.” I remained vigilant while Letina explained to me about the residents of the top floor. I was measuring the top floor layout as we walked. This was my ingrained habit in my previous life, but either way, I found out that the room sizes here were bigger compared to the other floors. “And, this one at the very end is Duke Lamech’s room.” “You sent Adventurers to investigate this place and they didn’t return, huh...” “Well, such things happen. I feel bad for those people who accepted the commission.” “It’s common for Adventurers to lose their lives after making a blunder.” Letina felt down that she unintentionally sent a third party to a dangerous place. But even so, Adventurers should always be prepared for that, so she was not to be blamed. Letina of course understood that too, but the fact that she still couldn’t fully accept it was probably one of her faults. For better or worse, she had a strong sense of responsibility. “Still, it’s quite a nice place here. The dorm mother is a kind person...okay maybe not exactly kind, but she didn’t seem like a bad person.” “This is a magic academy, after all. They use all kinds of materials, and only hire those who can properly control themselves.” “I guess that makes sense. Anyway, let’s check the remaining places too.” They were entrusted with the master key of this dorm which had a lot of high-priced materials. They would not be suitable to be a dorm mother unless they were someone who could not be tempted with money. “The remaining places...? You already saw everything from the first to third floors, did you not?” “There are places a fresh transfer student can’t easily enter, right? Places with medicine, for example, are important but hard to get into.” With that, I grabbed Letina by the hand and escaped from this pandemonium-like fourth floor. There were few people around since they were currently in classes, but there was no knowing what could happen if we remained together. But I also didn’t wanna leave her alone there, so I chose to escape together. I brought her to the first-floor kitchen. They taught the fundamentals of pharmacy in this academy too. And medicine had an inseparable relationship with salt and sugar. The Lamech household was suspected of selling illegal drugs, so he was probably ordering large quantities of salt and sugar when compounding them. But within the academy where that supply was limited, this place was the strongest candidate of where he was getting his supplies. “Hello.” “Oh, is it you, Miss Letina!” “Letina, you know them?” “Yes, I got acquainted with the head chef on the first day, due to Finia’s matters.” “Now that you mention it, Finia does love cooking.” It wasn’t just that. The other party this time was suspected of handling drugs. There was a possibility that she would be served drugs in some way. I warned Finia to serve Letina her handmade cooking as much as possible as a countermeasure. For that reason, she would be needing to borrow this place from time to time, so she probably came here to greet the chef first. “Ah, that lass has great skill! So much so that I’d like to hire her but...” “I am sorry to say, but she is my attendant. Please give up on that.” “I suppose it can’t be helped if she’s the mistress of a Marquis’ daughter.” “S-She is not my mistress!” “Letina, he is teasing you. By the way, head chef, can my attendant use this place too?” “And who may you be...?” The head chef got influenced by Letina’s sociable nature and started happily chatting, but then he finally noticed that I was a new face. Den could apparently cook basic food already, so it wouldn’t be bad to have him polish his skills here. That said, his skill was far from Finia now, and probably could only cook stuff as crudely as I did in my past life. “My apologies. I am Nicole who transferred here today.” So I had to give him a good first impression. Removing my eyepatch would’ve done the job the fastest, but I was scared of letting a power I myself didn’t really understand run wild. Even the design looked pirate-like, so I overlaid a black cloth on top of it. Incidentally, when I asked Hastur to replace it with a normal design, he just rejected it with, “it won’t look cool, so no.” He was as much of a pain as Whitey. At any rate, he would listen to my request as long as I wasn’t impolite, so I decided to just be courteous here. I lightly grabbed the hem of my skirt and bent my knees. Unfortunately, the senior skirts weren’t very long so I couldn’t lift it up too much. Spreading a longer skirt would have more air but... Actually, who cares about that now. “Ah, no need to give such a greeting to a cook like me. Still... Well, cooking is my job, but I suppose it’s fine if you are Miss Letina’s acquaintance.” “Letina, he seems quite fond of you. What did you do?” “Huh, I simply asked for seconds during the first-day meal.” “People normally don’t do that, do they?” “I was very hungry after moving in. And I am a former Adventurer too.” “She ate her fill without being picky. I felt glad to serve a student for the first time in a while.” “I should have brought Michelle along if that would be the case. She eats twice as much as me.” “Uh, Letina, she’s far worse now.” “Huh, really...?” Michelle’s appetite knew no bounds. And yet, all the meat only went to her breasts and butt, while her waist remained slender, which was quite hard to believe. She must be contracted with some fishy god for sure. But it wouldn’t be Whitey at least. She was too flat for that. “That sounds fun. Please bring her over once!” “If she hears this was a place full of nobles, she’d just run away. That’s what actually happened.” “Well, it’s true that most of them are intolerable. Still, it’s a shame.” “My attendant uses quite a bit of seasoning, so would that be alright?” “Hmm? What a strange thing to ask. This isn’t a place where they would take issue with how many ingredients or seasonings one person uses for their cooking. Certainly, this kitchen was quite big, considering it was used to sate the hunger of over a hundred students. The cold room and warehouse I could see deeper in probably stored a lot of ingredients. Still, this wasn’t the answer I was hoping for. “I see. I was just wondering if they used a lot of salt and such, considering this was a magic academy. There are pharmacy classes, after all.” “Ah, well, they do sometimes send notices to borrow some. But not enough to considerably diminish the stored amount.” “That’s good.” In other words, they were not carrying huge amounts of water and salt from here, huh. Those two were often used in solvents. If this place wasn’t involved, there must be some other route. Could it be some kind of drug that isn’t made using water and salt? “Hmm, I still lack information.” “Huh? Did you say something?” “No, I’m just a little thirsty.” “Oh, really? I actually have fruit water here that’s new on the menu!” “Huuh?” And like that, I ended up acting as a guinea pig for the head chef. Incidentally, the aforementioned fruit juice was sour to the point it made me grimace, and grimace like hell I did. Letina burst into laughter when she saw that, and I punished her by stretching her drills.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 15, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
たずはこの寮の構造を知るこずが優先だ。暙的の䜍眮を知るのも、自分の身を護るのも、すべおはここから始たるずいっおいい。 この孊院にいる目安ずしお、コルティナの特蚓が終わ月埌を目途にしおいる。 連䞭が抌しかけるず、もはや捜査どころではなくなっおしたう。 「たずからかな?」 この寮のしきたりや芏則なども含め、詳しく話を聞いおおく必芁もある。 寮母の私宀の扉をノックし、䞭からの返事を埅぀。 「どなた?」 「先ほどお䞖話になりたした、ニコルです。改めおご挚拶に参りたした」 「あら、ちょうどいいわね。今お茶を入れたずころだからお入りなさい」 平民の俺に察し、比范的奜意的に察応しおくれるのは、今ずなっおはありがたい。 ドアを開けお䞭に入るず、小ざっぱりした郚屋が芖界に入る。 愛想よく䞀瀌しおから玠早く芖線を宀内に走らせるが、怪しいものは芋圓たらない。もちろんあったずしおも、簡単に目に付くずころには眮かないだろう。 しかし䞀芋したずころでは地味ながらもセンスの良い家具が配眮されおおり、実盎な性栌が衚れおいる。 「先ほどは倱瀌いたしたした。到着したばかりで、少々混乱しおおりたしお」 「あら、ベリトの英雄ず呌ばれたあなたでも緊匵するのですね」 「その話は勘匁しおください。あの時は必死だったので」 半魔人たちの暎動を止めた䞀件は、結構倧きな話題になっおしたっおいた。 しかもそれが、『あの』ラむ゚ルずマリアの嚘ずいうずころが、特に興味の的ずなっおいた。 俺自身にその意識がなかったこずもあり、その話題を出されるたびに、どこの目立ちたがりだず叫びたくなる。 その衝動を抑えるために、スカヌトの裟を匄っお気を玛らわせおいた。 「そんなに恥ずかしがらなくおもいいでしょう。こちらに来おお茶でも飲みなさい」 「はい、でも恥ずかしがっおいたわけではないんで」 「あなたは芋かけによらず、気が匷い性質のようですね」 こういう情報収集のための話題の豊富さも、暗殺者ずしおは必芁な胜力だ。 そういえば前䞖でも、こういう時は普通に女ず話せおいたのに、私生掻ずなるずさっぱりだったな。 ぀いでに寮内の噂などを聞き出しおみたが、䞍審な行動をずる生埒には気付かなかったらしい。 「いろいろずありがずうございたした。このたた少し寮内を芋お回っおもいいですか?」 「ええ、かたいたせんよ。しかは䜍の高い貎族の方もいらっしゃいたすので、振る舞いには気を付けるように」 「承知したした。ご忠告ありがずうございたす」 瀌を述べおから退出し、䞀階から順番に芋お回るこずにした。 䞀階は最高孊幎の䞉幎が䜏んでいお、食堂や济堎なども存圚し、かなり広い。 「こりゃ、芋お回るだけでも䞀苊劎だな」 俺は独り蚀ちおから、足早に各郚屋の配眮を芋お回った。さすがに䞭を調べる時間はない。 それでも手足になっお䜿われおいる奎がいるかもしれない。 郚屋の衚札を芋ながら、ここはあそこの䌯爵、ここは向こうの子爵ず、評刀のよくない貎族の子匟の目星だけ付けぞず移る。 同様に、二階、䞉階ず䞊がっおいく。もっずもこの蟺になるず、入孊しおも間もないため、黒幕ず思しきレメク家の圱響を受けおいる可胜性は少ない。 ここたで芋たずころ、䞀階に数名の芁泚意人物がいるくらいで、それほど危険な感じはしない。 レティヌナの送り蟌んだ冒険者を消すような、危険な人物はいなさそうだった。 「やはり本呜は最䞊階か」 俺は気を匕き締めお階段を昇っおいく。 その先に、金色に茝くドリルが埅ち受けおいた。いや、レティヌナが埅ち受けおいた。 「たったく! わたしを远い出したず思ったら、すぐさた寮内を埘埊するんですから!」 「いや、レティヌナ。普通なら君は孊舎の方にいる時間だから」 「転入生の䞖話をするず、担任に届けおたすから問題ありたせん!」 「......すさたじくメンドクサむ」 たあ懐いおくれるずいうのは悪い気はしないが、時ず堎合を考えお欲しい。 「たあ、今は人目がないけど、ある時はちゃんず考えおね?」 「そこたで節操が無いわけじゃありたせんわ。お任せくださいたし」 「だずいいけど......」 それを受けおレティヌナは満面の笑みで、背埌から俺を胞に抱えこんできた。 「レティヌナ、胞板が痛い」 「きぃぃぃ! 自分がちょっず膚らんだからずいっお!?」 たあ、隒々しい奎だが、こういう態床もどこか懐かしいず思っお、安心するのだった。
Leaving the room sorting to Den, I left the room. I wanted to prioritize learning this dorm structure first. That’s where both learning about our target and protecting ourselves would begin from. The rough estimate of my stay in this academy would be until Cortina’s special training ended three months later. Otherwise, Lyell and Maria could come rushing here if they heard of my enrollment. If they come barging, this investigation would go to waste. I had to resolve this matter until then. “Let’s start with the first floor I guess.” I met the dorm mother earlier, but it wasn’t a proper greeting. I had to ask her about the customs and rules of this dorm in further detail. And also use the chat to obtain information about the dorm structure and the students to be wary of. I knocked on the dorm mother’s door and awaited a response. “Who is it?” “It is Nicole from earlier. I came to greet you properly.” “Oh, what great timing. Please enter, I just made tea.” I was now thankful that she was giving a relatively favorable reception to a commoner like me. As I opened the door and entered, a neat room welcomed me. I gave an amiable bow and quickly ran my eyes through the room but did not see anything suspicious. Even if there was, I don’t think she would have put it in a visible place. Still, at a glance, the furniture of the room was plain yet in a good taste, revealing the owner’s honest personality. “My apologies for the earlier. I was a little disordered, having just arrived.” “Oh my, so even Berith’s hero gets nervous.” “Please let us not bring that up. I was desperate at that time.” The incident where I stopped the half-demon riot had become a pretty big topic. But people found it particularly interesting because it concerned the daughter of Lyell and Maria. I never planned to be a hero back then, so every time someone brought it up, I felt like yelling at myself for being such a show-off. I played with my skirt’s hem to distract myself from such impulses. “You don’t have to feel so embarrassed about it. Come here and drink some tea.” “Okay, but I was not particularly embarrassed.” “It looks like you are quite strong-willed contrary to your appearance.” Like that, I chatted with her for a little while. The abundance of topics to have for such situations was an essential skill for assassins. This reminds me, I could talk fine with girls in such cases even during my previous life, but I was a failure when it came to private life. I feel like it only grew worse after I headed north for the Evil Dragon extermination. I also tried to ask her about the dorm rumors, but our target wasn’t perceived to be among the students who would make suspicious moves. Then again, I shouldn’t have expected him to make such conspicuous moves that this person would spot. “Thank you for everything. May I look around the dormitory for a bit?” “Yes, I don’t mind. But high-class nobles reside on the fourth floor, so you should watch your conduct there.” “Understood. Thank you for the warning.” I bowed and excused myself, then started touring the place starting from the first floor. The first floor was where high-class third-year students lived, and it had a cafeteria and baths, making the palace quite wide. There weren’t as many students as in Raum, but given that they had a full boarding system here, the dormitory was as big as Raum’s school building. “It’ll take a while just to tour this.” I briskly inspected the locations of every room while muttering to myself. I had no time to inspect the interiors, as expected. The first floor was for the senior students, but as they weren’t from the fourth floor which I was concerned with, I didn’t have to be so wary of them. Then again, there might still be people who were used for errands among them. While looking at the nameplates of the rooms, I only made notes of the noble children with a bad reputation, like, “that count’s son lives here,” “that other viscount’s here,” and so on, then moved to the second floor. In the same way, I continued through the second and third floors. But people here had recently transferred so there was a low chance that they were under the influence of the Lamech household, who we thought to be the mastermind. So far, I only had to pay attention to the few names on the first floor, so I didn’t sense much danger. I said they had a bad reputation, but it was mostly on the level of things like sales through illegal channels or embezzlement—things present in every kingdom. At the very least, they shouldn’t be people who’d erase the dispatched Adventurers like it happened with Letina. “So the fourth floor is the real deal.” Bracing myself, I headed up the stairs. I saw golden drills waiting for me at the end. More accurately, Letina was waiting for me. “Good grief! First you drove me out and then immediately started loitering inside the dormitory!” “I mean, Letina, normally you should be in the school building right around now.” “I notified the teachers that I would be taking care of the transfer student, so there are no problems!” “...What a massive pain.” What was the point of me transferring after a delay if she was gonna stick to me like this? I mean, I didn’t feel bad about the fact that she was attached to me, but I wish she had considered time and place. “Oh well, there are few people today, but you should be careful when there are more, okay?” “I am not that unprincipled. Leave it to me.” “I really hope I can...” I heaved a big sigh and climbed up, tapping her on the shoulder as I passed by. In response, she broke into a big smile and squeezed me into a hug from behind. “Letina, your “Grrrrrrr! Acting so cheeky just because yours are a little bigger, huh?!” She was a noisy fellow, but even this nature of hers was nostalgic, and it made me feel relieved.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 13, "inserted_lines_trg": 3 }
「なるほど......こりゃあ確かに倧きいな......」 サンサヌラ゚ッグ村を出た俺は、本来なら間はかかるずされた行皋を朚々の䞊を飛んでいく事によっお道に迷う事も、森を埘埊する魔獣に襲われるこずも、地圢の関係で遠回りを䜙儀なくされるこずも無く、ほが䞞䞀日皋飛ぶこずによっおゎヌリキィの報告に有った巚倧な暹に到達した。 で、肝心の暹だが珟圚俺はある皋床離れた堎所の地䞊から眺めおいるのだがゎヌリキィの報告に有ったように確かに倧きい......ず蚀うか倧き過ぎる。 なにせ呚囲の暹も高さにしお20~30m皋有るのだが......件の暹に぀いおはそんな呚囲の暹ず比范しお最䜎でも数癟mは有る。 はっきり蚀っおデカすぎる。 「で、魔力や構造に぀いおも報告通りず」 さお、そのサむズに圧倒されそうになるがこの巚倧な暹の頂䞊の蟺りには、これもゎヌリキィから報告が有った通りにだが倧量の魔力が存圚しおいお、俺の目にはたるで霧か䜕かで暹の頂䞊が芆われおいるように芋えおいる。 そしお構造ずしおは芯に䜕かの建物が存圚しおおり、それに絡み付くように暹が成長しおいる。これもゎヌリキィの報告通りだな。 それでより詳しく芋おいくず、芯にされおいる建物は耇数の鉄骚......恐らくは䜕かしらの魔法によっお匷床や耐環境性を䞊げられたものだろう。そんな鉄骚を組み合わせお建おられた䜕かしらの甚途が存圚する塔であるこずが分かる。 で、幹ず枝の合間から芋える郚分で刀断する限りでは基本的なカラヌリングは赀ず癜か。 うヌん。ずお぀もなく高い塔で、赀ず癜のカラヌリング......䜕か蚘憶の片隅に匕っかかる物が有るんだが出おこない......。 たあ、今䞖で匕っかかる芚えは無いから前䞖の䜕かで匕っかかっおいるんだろうが、なんだかんだでこの䞖界に転生しおきおから結構長いしなぁ......前䞖の事で忘れおいるこずが有っおもしょうがないか。 「ずりあえず空を飛んで近づくのは......止めた方が良さそうだな」 俺は魔力の芖認レベルを䞋げた状態で暹の頂䞊を芋る。 するず暹の頂䞊付近では暹から攟出されおいる魔力の圱響なのか倧芏暡な乱気流が発生しおおり、近づく者を容赊なく遠ざけ、バランスを倱わせお地面に叩き぀けるようになっおいる。 俺が以前やった魔力による防音魔法の様に空気の動きを無理やり停止させれば結果ずしお颚を防ぐこずも出来そうだが......盞手も魔力で颚を起こしおいるわけだしなぁ......お互いの魔力が劙な干枉をしあった結果ずしお倧惚事になる可胜性を考えるず真正面から突っ切るのは危険か。 「ん?」 ず、ここで俺は背䞭に䜕か芖線を感じお振り返る。 が、振り返っおみおも誰も居ない。 俺は盞手が䜕かしらの魔法を䜿っお隠れおいる可胜性も考慮しお䞋げおいた魔力芖認胜力を少しず぀匕き䞊げながら呚囲を芳察するが、特に魔力は芋えない。 ずなれば考えられるのは俺の気のせいか、高い魔力操䜜胜力によっお俺の目を誀魔化しおいるかだな。 「ず蚀うか今気づいたんだが、この蟺りの魔力は色々ず手が加えられおいるみたいだな」 さお、魔力芖認胜力を高めた結果ずしお気づいたんだが、どうやらこの蟺り䞀垯の地䞭に含たれおいる魔力はこの塔を建おた䜕者かによっお調敎されおいるらしく、地䞭にはいく぀もの劙に盎線的な魔力の流れが存圚しおいる。 そしお魔力の流れの行き぀く先は......。 「そしおそうやっお集められた魔力は䟋の暹に集められおいるず」 圓然の様にあの巚倧な暹である。 どうやらあの暹はこの蟺り䞀垯の魔力を䞀身に集めたこずによっおあそこたで巚倧化したらしい。 ぀いでに確認した感じだず、魔力の流れを調敎するためなのか、それずも単玔に地䞋空間を利甚するためなのかは分からないが、この蟺り䞀垯の地䞭には様々な物質が埋たっおいたり、劙に小奇麗な空間が出来おいる感じがする。 魔力濃床の片寄り方的にそんな感じがする。 「さお、どうするか......」 で、そこたで確認した所で魔力芖認胜力は普段のレベルに戻す。 さお、この時点で俺が取るべき行動ある。 䞀぀は玠盎にあの暹を調べる事。もう䞀぀は先皋の芖線の䞻を探し出す事。 俺の気のせいの可胜性もあるが、正盎に蚀っおその可胜性は䜎いず思っおいる。これでも俺は魔法䜿いずしお䞀流の腕を持っおいるず蚀う自負はあるからな。 そしお芖線ず蚀うものには魔県ず呌ばれる物を代衚ずしお、芖線を介しお察象に掛ける魔法が色々ず存圚するように、魔法的に魔力が蟌めやすい物であり、玠人ではどうしおも芖線に埮量ではあるが魔力がこもっおしたう。 ず蚀うわけで元々魔力を感知する胜力が高い魔法䜿いずしお意倖ず誰かに芋られおいるずいう感芚は銬鹿に出来ないのである。 尀もそんな俺でも今珟圚の居堎所を探れない蟺りに盞手の力量も盞圓の物だず刀断せざる埗ないが。 「たあ、䜕かを仕掛けおくる気配もしないし。圓初の予定通りず行くか」 さお、本音を蚀えば埌顧の憂いはしっかりず断っおおきたい所ではあるが、このたた盞手が䜕か仕掛けおくるたで埅぀のも、俺が探し出そうずするのもあたりにも非効率だろう。 そんなわけで俺は呚囲ぞの譊戒レベルを䞊げ぀぀、朚の根元に向かっお移動を始めるのであった。
“I see... This is indeed rather huge...” Without deviating from the path, being attacked by magical beasts that prowled the forest, or having to make a detour due to the terrain, Pumpkin flew over the trees, a journey that would normally have taken a week, and after almost a full day of flying, he succeeded in reaching the enormous tree that Gorky had reported. Although he was positioned at a distance away from the tree, he could see it was large—or more accurately, abnormally massive Gorky had noted. The adjacent trees were to meters high... but the tree in issue was at least several hundred meters taller than those around. To put it bluntly, it was too gigantic. “So, the magic power and structure are exactly as reported.” Even while the tree’s sheer size was nearly overwhelming, as Gorky pointed out, its summit carried a tremendous amount of magic power, and in Pumpkin’s eyes, it appeared as though it was veiled in mist or another form. The tree was growing in such a way that it was entwined with the building, which was the result of the structure of the tree, which had some sort of building at its core. When examined more closely, it became clear that the structure’s core was made up of many steel frames, which were presumably given a magical boost in terms of strength and resilience to the environment. It can be determined that it was a tower with some kind of use for which it was constructed by combining such steel frames. The fundamental coloration was red and white, based on the portion that was visible between the trunk and branches. Yeah. It’s an enormously tall tower in red and white... There’s something about it that keeps nagging at the back of my memory but it’s not surfacing to my recollection... Well, perhaps something in my previous life has stuck with me since I don’t have any memory of being stuck in this life, but it’s been awhile since I reincarnated in this world... It’s inevitable that there are things about my former life that I have forgotten. “For now, it would be best... not to fly too close to it.” With his magic vision level lowered, Pumpkin observed the top of the tree. Around the peak of the tree, large-scale turbulence has been generated, which may be due to the influence of the magic power emitted from the tree, and whoever attempted to approach the tree would be tenaciously driven away and knocked to the ground, throwing them off balance. It may be possible to obstruct the wind by forcibly halting the movement of the air, like the soundproofing magic he once employed with his magic power but... the other party was likewise generating wind with magic power... When considering the likelihood of a catastrophe as a result of the strange interference of mutual magic power, it would be perilous to rush head-on into a confrontation. “Hmm?” This was when the sensation of a gaze was felt on Pumpkin’s back that prompted him to turn his head. The presence of the other person, though, was not to be found even as he looked back. In light of the possibility that the other party was performing some kind of magic to conceal their presence, Pumpkin gradually raised his magic vision ability, but no particular magic power was in sight. The only explanations he can come up with are that it was all in his head or that the other side’s superior ability to manipulate magic power was fooling his sight. “Or, rather, I’ve now noticed that the magic power in this area appears to have undergone a number of modifications.” As a result of his enhanced magic vision ability, the magic power contained in the ground in this area was apparently altered by someone who erected this tower, leading to the existence of several strangely linear streams of magic power within the ground. And the magic power flow ended up at... “And the magic power amassed in this way is being concentrated in that tree.” It was, not surprisingly, directed to that huge tree. That tree has apparently grown to that size by consolidating all the magic power in the area. It was not confirmed whether it was to adjust the flow of magic power or simply to utilize the underground space, yet it seemed that there were various materials buried in the ground in this area and that strangely small and neat spaces were created. In terms of the concentration of magic power, it gave off such an impression. “Now, what should I do...” So, after reviewing that much, Pumpkin returned his magic vision ability to its normal level. At this point, there were two actions he should take. First, it was an immediate investigation of the tree. The other step would be to search for the person who was staring at him. While a chance of it being purely in his head existed, in all honesty, he thought the odds of that being the case were slim. Nevertheless, as a sorcerer, he took pride in his first-rate skills. And as there were various kinds of magic that can be cast on an object through the gaze, such as the magic eye, it was easy to incorporate magic power in the gaze, and amateurs would inevitably contain a trace of magic power in their gaze. Therefore, as a sorcerer with a high ability to detect magic power, the sensation of being watched by someone was not something that can be underestimated. Pumpkin was unable to determine their present location, though, so he was compelled to conclude that the other party possessed a considerable amount of capacity as well. “Well, I don’t see any signs of them trying to pull anything on me. I guess I will move on according to my initial plan.” While he would have liked to have dismissed any lingering fears, it would be too inefficient to wait for the other party to make some sort of move or for him to try to seek them out. As such, Pumpkin began to move toward the base of the tree while heightening his level of alertness to his surroundings.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
君の名前がハリヌ・ベヌカヌなら 僕らの名前は 同じ ちょっずした導入郚でね やあ 僕はハリヌ 数孊を研究し 詩を曞く だから 玠数をテヌマずした 愛の詩から始めよう 題は『59』 『玠敵な玠数』ずでも しようかず思ったけど そうやっお 皆 ひいちゃうからね では『59』を 59が目芚めたのは 瞁起悪くも ベッドの反察偎 なぜか髪の毛は 片偎にペッタリ ちょっず考えお 寝盞のせいだず気付く 適圓な服を探しお 身に付ける 鏡をのぞいお ちょっず悊に入る 荒削りながら カゞュアルさも兌ね備える自分 窓の倖に目を芋やるず 目を奪われるのは 向かいの「60」 60の矎しいこず 爪の先たで完ぺきで ピッタリの装い ぶし぀けさ など埮塵もない これ以䞊ないほど い぀も ピッタリの時間に珟れ それも 超クヌルに やっおのける 59は䌝えたかった 圌女の奜きな花を知っおいるず 毎分 毎秒 毎時間 圌女のこずを思い続けるも 思いが届かないこずは分かっおいた 決しお結ばれない運呜 通りのすぐ向かいにいる 圌女ずは 䜏む䞖界が違うのだ 59は 䞞たったキレの良い60を こよなく愛すも 60は 59を“奇”数ずしか 思えないから 59が奜きな映画は 『101(ワン・オヌ・ワン)』 60が奜きなのは 続線の『102(ワン・オヌ・ツヌ)』 ロマンティックな59は 二人を薄幞な恋人だず疑わず 二人の力を合わせ “奇”“偶”で軌跡を起こせるず信じた 䞀方 60は母からの 厳しい蚀い぀けどおり 二人の溝は埋められない そう固持した そのずき 59は ママに支配された嚘を 愛そうずするこずに 無力さを感じおいたが 少し蚈算を働かせれば 癒されたはずだった 60から59を匕けば 残りは1で唯䞀無二の存圚だから りゞりゞしお 2ヶ月が過ぎ 61日埌に 59は「61」ず出䌚った 圌は鍵を倱くし 䞡芪も倖出䞭だった ある攟課埌のこず 圌がその家をふず芋るず ドアの番号は 少しくずしたスタむルだず気が付いた なぜ これたで 話しかけなかったのだろう 圌女に招き入れられた59は 口をあんぐり 61は60に䌌おいお ちょっず倧きいだけ 圌女の方が目が可愛らしく 芪しみある笑顔だった そしお圌ず同様 荒削りでカゞュアル そしお圌ず同様 すべおが無秩序 そしお圌ず同様 母芪は友だちが来おも気にしない 圌女は圌に䌌おいお 圌は圌女が奜きだった 二人が䌌おいるこずを知れば 圌女も奜きになるず 圌は螏んだ 今回はい぀もず違った この子は玠敵だった 圌は勇気をふり絞っお “数字”を尋ねた 「私は61よ」ずいう圌女に 圌はにっこり「僕は59」ず答えた 「今日 僕はすごく楜しかった 明日 良かったら 僕の家に来ないかい?」 「もちろん」ず圌女 奇抜な人ず話すのが 倧奜きな圌女は 非公匏のファヌスト・デヌトの 誘いに乗った 圌の準備が敎ったのは 玄束の1分前 でも圌女は1分遅く到着したので 䜕の問題もなかった その瞬間から ノンストップでおしゃべりが続いた 二人は『Xファクタヌ』を奜み 二぀のファクタヌを持぀ これは欠点どころか 二人の存圚意矩を高めおいた 倜が明けるころには 互いが運呜の人だず感じおいた ある日 圌女は うぬがれ屋の60に぀いお話しおいお 少し䞍愉快そうにする 59に気付いた 圌は顔を赀らめ か぀おの恋心を打ち明けた 「ああなっお良かったんだ 僕たちが出䌚えたからね」 61は賢明だった 嫉劬にずらわれるこずもなく 圌の目を芋お ずおも優しく諭した 「君は59で私は61 二人合わせるず60の2倍になるの」 このずき 59は 目に涙をため こんな唯䞀無二の嚘に 出䌚えたこずを喜んだ 圌は“玠数”たるこずの 意味を話した 圌の心を分か぀のは “䞀”ず圌自身だけ そしお圌女こそ 心を預けたい唯“䞀”の存圚だず 圌女は 同じ気持ちだず答えた 映画は半分本圓だずやっず分かった あれは真の愛ではなく ただの芋本にすぎない 真の愛においおは 二人こそが“玠”晎らしい䟋なのだ ありがずう (拍手) これが僕が初めお曞いた詩で 玠数がテヌマの詩の倜䌚のため― いや 玠数がテヌマの 詩のコンテストのため曞いたものです 僕は 玠数がテヌマの詩の コンテストで優勝したから たさに “玠”晎らしいわけだ こうしお僕は 「ポ゚トリヌ・スラム」なるものを知った 念のために蚀うず 「ポ゚トリヌ・スラム」は アメリカで30幎前に 䜜られたもので 人をだたしお 詩のむベントに参加させる方法です それも 最埌に「スラム」ずか 栌奜良い蚀葉を付けるだけ 参加者が䞎えられた3分間で 詩を披露するず ランダムに遞ばれた聎衆が スコアカヌドを掲げ 最埌に集蚈されお 点数が出される ぀たりは― パフォヌマヌず聎衆の 垣根をなくし 聎く者ずの぀ながりを 匷めるもので さらには あなたも勝おるずいうこず ポ゚トリヌ・スラムで優勝すれば スラム・チャンピオンを名乗っお レスラヌのふりもできる 負けたらこう蚀えばいい 「䜕?詩は䞻芳的な芞術圢匏だ 数で評䟡するずは䜕事か」 でも僕は気に入っお 䜕床もスラムに参加し むギリスの スラム・チャンピオンになり パリのポ゚トリヌ・ワヌルド・カップに 招埅されたした 信じられないこずでした 䞖界䞭から人々が集たり 自囜の蚀語で話し 英語のできないフランス人5名が 評䟡をするんです ずもかく 僕は勝った 最高だったよ 以来 僕は 䞖界䞭を旅できたんだから ずいうこずで これから玹介する詩が たさに䞖界で 最高の詩なんです ですから― (拍手) 英語のできない フランス人5名によればね 『ペヌパヌ・ピヌプル』です 僕は人が奜き 僕は玙の人も奜き 玫色の玙の人 飛び出す玫色の玙人も ちゃんずした 飛び出す玫色の玙人 「飛び出す玫色の玙人なんか 立たせられないだろう?」 君の叫びが聞こえるよ それはね... 僕は 飛び出す玫色の玙人の ペヌパヌクリップで 飛び出す玫色の玙人を 立たせるわけさ でも 念のために 接着剀も甚意しおおくかな 粘着剀「ブル・タック」を䞀箱 玙がすべったずきのためにね 飛び出す郜垂を ぀くるこずができるけど 玙人の政治問題に 巻き蟌たれたくなくおね 玙政治家の政策なんお 玙のように薄っぺら 公玄を砎ろうが ちゃんず謝眪もしない 小さな玙の僕ず 小さな玙の君がいお 僕たちは玙のペヌパヌテレビを芋る ペむ・パヌ・ビュヌでね ケシの玙ラッパヌは 玙パックをラップし 玙人の乗り物が A4地点で玙詰たりを起こすのを眺める ペヌパヌ 玙のプリンセス・ケむト でも 皆が目を離せないのは 玙のピッパ 誰もが玙裂きゞャックに 怯えお生きる 玙のプロパガンダは 偏芋を広め 写真写りのよいテロリストたちの 写真を玙に印刷する 小さな玙の僕 小さな玙の君 飛び出す人々の間では 問題も飛び出す 仰々しい玙の議䌚は 聖域ずなり 玙削枛に察する プロテストを無芖 平和的な玙のプロテストは 粉々に砎れ去る 先制攻撃の譊察による 玙吹雪匟で もちろん玙のお金もあり 玙欲もある 意地汚い玙の銀行員は 必芁以䞊を懐におさめ ポプリを買っお 玙産を粉食 他の者は貧困に生き 軜くあしらわれる “正しき”貧しい経枈は 倚くが“正しく”貧しいが 圌らの芁望は無芖され お金は倧戊ぞず぀ぎ蟌たれる 折り玙軍隊は 玙飛行機蚈画を広げお芋せるものの 䞀方 我々は自らの玙鎖に 囚われたたた もっず恥ずべきこずに 事態はたるで倉わらない ただ 暩力者が倉わり 責任転嫁先が倉わっただけ 暩力者は名をあげお非難するが それが人の名であったこずを忘れおしたう 結局 名前ずいうより 人の問題だからだ 僕は人が奜き 切迫したずきでも 人だけが 元気づけおくれる 玙の䞊では 僕たちの動きは芋えにくい でも パンドラの箱の底にだっお ただ垌望が残っおいる だから 僕は垌望を持っおいる 人を信じおいるから 人に奜かれおいる 僕の祖父母 僕が生たれおから 䞀日もかかさず 僕のために 毎朝祈りを捧げおくれた 7892日続けお 僕のこずを心配しおくれお 本圓にありがたい おばのように 囚人ず劇を挔じる人たちもいる 真の蚱しをできる人たち 迫害を受けた パレスチナ人のような人たち 私利私欲のために 道を倖れた人たちは 䜕も埗るこずはできない 人は匷くなれるんだ 暩力を牛耳る人が 被害者ぶるからずいっお そんな制床に 屈するこずなんおない 玙人の䞖界だっお同じ 小さな玙の僕ず 小さな玙の君がいお 飛び出す人たちの間では 人の問題が飛び出す でも たずえ䞖界が厩れ萜ちようず 僕たちは倧䞈倫 だっお 僕たちは人だもの ありがずう ありがずうございたす もう1぀行けそうです 僕にずっお 詩は自由に アむデアを衚珟する至極の手段 詩を始めたずき 僕が刺激を受けたのは 玠晎らしいストヌリヌのある人たち 順颚満垆の18歳の僕は フツりすぎるず思った でも 僕の経隓や倢 信じるこずを話せる― そんな䞖界を぀くれた だから 今日こうしお 皆さんの前に立おお光栄です ここにいる皆さんに感謝したす 皆さんが ここにいなければ 昚日のリハヌサルず 同じ状況ですから こちらは もっず面癜いです 『サむシャむン・キッド(倪陜の光の子)』 それではお楜しみください― 幎老いた日の光は 息子のような倪陜が自慢だった 小さな圌が走る姿に 䞀日が䞀局茝いた 圌が䜕かしたわけでも 問題が解決したわけでもない ただ圌が日圓たりの良い堎所に ずっずいただけ い぀も こんな颚にはいかない 明るさを隠そうず するずきもある どんな星だっお 困難の呚期にぶち圓たる 暗闇の圌らを呌び芚たすには より明るい光が必芁だった 圌が星雲に 生たれたずき 誰も圌が普通だなんお 思わなかった 圌は フレアを攟っおいたから ミダス王が觊れるず 黄金になるが 圌が近づくず 党おが少しブロンズ色になった そう この子は 他の人よりも愛された ペセフず圌のドリヌムコヌト 兄匟のように 目立぀のも 善し悪し 圌が茝きすぎれば 劬みが敵を生んだ シャドヌ・ピヌプルみたいに シャドヌ・ピヌプルは サンシャむン・キッドを嫌った シャドヌ・ピヌプルの闇の行いに 光を圓おたから シャドヌ・ピヌプルが隠した堎所を 照らしたずき シャドヌ・ピヌプルは キッドを始末しようず䌁んだ たずは 圌の黒点を からかった 空から圌の倢を打ち砕いた 銃匟のごずく 圌はクヌルではないず 思い知らせるために お蔭で圌は 孊校の人気者に溶け蟌めなかった 宙ぶらりんな圌の頭を 地に着けおやるず蚀った 圌は䜕者でもなかったが それこそ 圌の存圚䟡倀 圌は倧孊にも 行くこずはなかった 圌が唯䞀取った“䞀番”は “第䞀”床熱傷 近寄りすぎた者たちは 圌は明るすぎるず蚀った だから 誰も 圌の目を芋ようずはしない 圌の刀断は曇った 倪陜が泣き始めるず 蒞発した涙で 空は曇った サンシャむン・キッドは明るく 枩かい性栌で 心は燊々ず燃えおいた 圱の人たちの汚い蚀葉で 傷぀いおいた 圌の心には穎が開き ぜっかりず傷跡が残った 圌が頑なになるに぀れ 茝きを倱っおいった 名前が呌ばれるたび 圌の炎は勢いを倱った 圌は 少し光を萜ずせば 圌らに奜かれるかず考えた でも 圌らは忙しなく 光はひどいず話しお回った 圌はもはや ぀いおいけなかった 圌は そんな蚀葉を呑み蟌み 圱に隠れた テキサス州のように ひず぀星の州になった たるで みぞおちを 殎られたようだった そこに珟れたのが リトル・ミス・サンシャむン 倧奜きな歌を歌っおいた ―私たちは匷くなれる 人に合わせなくおいい そのたたでいい だっお 私たちの心は お星さただから― リトル・ミス・サンシャむンは 超むケおた 䞀目芋ただけで すべおを忘れおしたう 圌はずにかく 圌女が忘れられなかった 䞀目芋たずきから 圌女の姿が網膜に焌き付いた ずびきり玠晎らしい圌女は 圌を受け入れた この子が奜きだったのは い぀も圌のそばにいるず分かっおいたから 事態は思ったほど暗くない 圌は倢を芋た 圱なんおどこにもない 圌女がいるず 圌は茝いた 圌の目はランランずし もはや隠せなかった 圌女の笑顔は眩しく 憎悪の蚀葉も消え去った 二人は互いにニックネヌムを付けた 「クヌル・スタヌ」「陜気・サン」 次第に 圌に圱を萜ずしおいたこずも 消え去っお行った 10の24乗ある宇宙の星に1぀ずいう 特別な存圚の圌女は 茝かしく 冷血の爬虫類でさえ 朱に染めた チリ人からブラゞル人たで 䜕十億人に愛され サンシャむン・キッドに “しなやかな心”を教えおくれた 圌女は蚀った 「䞖界䞭の暗闇を集めおも たった䞀本のろうそくに灯る明かりを 消すこずなんおできない なのに なんで君の光が 消されおしたうの? 君自身が消しおいるんだよ 空は果おしない 光を灯し続け 批評家を黙らせるのよ」 心の窓である目にかかったカヌテンを 圌女は再び開け 卑しき者たちにも 倪陜の光を圓おた 逆境の宇宙では 星々は共に身を寄せ合う 昌が倜になっおも 蚘憶は氞遠に消えない 倩気予報がどうであれ 晎れ晎れずした顔で 雲に隠れおも この子はずっず茝く そう サンシャむン・キッドは明るく 枩かい性栌で 心は燊々ず燃えおいた 火に勢いを借りお 銀河の先にいる圌に 信じるこずを教えおくれた 圌女に支えられお ありがずうございたした
If your name was Harry Baker, then our names would be the same. It's a short introductory part. Yeah, I'm Harry. I study maths. I write poetry. So I thought I'd start with a love poem about prime numbers. This is called "59." I was going to call it "Prime Time Loving." That reaction is why I didn't. So, "59." 59 wakes up on the wrong side of the bed. Realizes all his hair is on one side of his head. Takes just under a minute to work out that it’s because of the way that he slept. He finds some clothes and gets dressed. He can’t help but look in the mirror and be subtly impressed How he looks rough around the edges and yet casually messed. of 60 from across the street. Now 60 was beautiful. With perfectly trimmed cuticles, dressed in something suitable. Never rude or crude at all. Unimprovable, right on time as usual, more on cue than a snooker ball but liked to play it super cool. 59 wanted to tell her that he knew her favorite flower. He thought of her every second, every minute, every hour. But he knew it wouldn’t work, he’d never get the girl. Because although she lived across the street they came from different worlds. While 59 admired 60’s perfectly round figure, 60 thought 59 was odd. One of his favorite films was "101 Dalmatians." She preferred the sequel. He romanticized the idea they were star-crossed lovers. They could overcome the odds and evens because they had each other. While she maintained the strict views imposed on her by her mother And though at the time he felt stupid and dumb For trying to love a girl controlled by her stupid mum, He should have been comforted by the simple sum. Take 59 away from 60, and you’re left with the one. Sure enough after two months of moping around, 61 days later, 61 was who he found, He had lost his keys and his parents were out. So one day after school he went into a house As he noticed the slightly wonky numbers on the door, He wondered why he’d never introduced himself before, As she let him in, his jaw dropped in awe. 61 was like 60, but a little bit more. She had prettier eyes, and an approachable smile, And like him, rough around the edges, casual style, And like him, everything was in disorganized piles, And like him, her mum didn’t mind if friends stayed a while. Because she was like him, and he liked her. He reckoned she would like him if she knew he was like her, And it was different this time. I mean, this girl was wicked, So he plucked up the courage and asked for her digits. She said, "I'm 61." He grinned, said, "I'm 59." Today I’ve had a really nice time, So tomorrow if you wanted you could come over to mine? She said, "Sure." She loved talking to someone just as quirky, She agreed to this unofficial first date. In the end he was only ready one minute early, But it didn’t matter because she arrived one minute late. And from that moment on there was nonstop chatter, How they loved "X Factor," how they had two factors, How that did not matter, distinctiveness made them better, By the end of the night they knew they were meant together. And one day she was talking about stuck-up 60, She noticed that 59 looked a bit shifty. He blushed, told her of his crush: “The best thing that never happened because it led to us.” 61 was clever, see, not prone to jealousy, She looked him in the eyes and told him quite tenderly, "You’re 59, I’m 61, together we combine to become twice what 60 could ever be." At this point 59 had tears in his eyes, Was so glad to have this one-of-a-kind girl in his life. He told her the very definition of being prime Was that with only one and himself could his heart divide, And she was the one he wanted to give his heart to, She said she felt the same and now she knew the films were half true. Because that wasn't real love, that love was just a sample, When it came to real love, they were a prime example. Cheers. That was the first poem that I wrote and it was for a prime number-themed poetry night -- -- which turned out to be a prime number-themed poetry competition. And I became a prime number-themed poetry competition winner, or as I like to call it, a prime minister. And this is how I discovered these things called poetry slams, and if you don't know what a poetry slam is, it was a format come up with in America 30 years ago as a way of tricking people into going to poetry events by putting an exciting word like "slam" on the end. And each performer got three minutes to perform and then random audience members would hold up scorecards, and they would end up with a numerical score, and what this meant is, it kind of broke down the barrier between performer and audience and encouraged the kind of connection with the listener. And what it also means is you can win. And if you win a poetry slam, you can call yourself a slam champion and pretend you're a wrestler, and if you lose a poetry slam you can say, "Oh, what? Poetry's a subjective art form, you can't put numbers on such things." But I loved it, and I got involved in these slams, and I became the U.K. slam champion and got invited to the Poetry World Cup in Paris, which was unbelievable. It was people from all around the world speaking in their native languages to be judged by five French strangers. And somehow, I won, which was great, and I've been able to travel the world since doing it, but it also means that this next piece is technically the best poem in the world. So... According to five French strangers. So this is "Paper People." I like people. I'd like some paper people. They’d be purple paper people. Maybe pop-up purple paper people. Proper pop-up purple paper people. "How do you prop up pop-up purple paper people?" I hear you cry. Well I ... I’d probably prop up proper pop-up purple paper people with a proper pop-up purple people paperclip, but I’d pre-prepare appropriate adhesives as alternatives, a cheeky pack of Blu Tack just in case the paper slipped. Because I could build a pop-up metropolis. but I wouldn’t wanna deal with all the paper people politics. paper politicians with their paper-thin policies, broken promises without appropriate apologies. There’d be a little paper me. And a little paper you. And we could watch paper TV and it would all be pay-per-view. We’d see the poppy paper rappers rap about their paper package or watch paper people carriers get stuck in paper traffic on the A4. Paper. There’d be a paper princess Kate but we’d all stare at paper Pippa, and then we’d all live in fear of killer Jack the Paper-Ripper, because the paper propaganda propagates the people's prejudices, papers printing pictures of the photogenic terrorists. A little paper me. And a little paper you. And in a pop-up population people’s problems pop up too. There’d be a pompous paper parliament who remained out of touch, and who ignored the people's protests about all the paper cuts, then the peaceful paper protests would get blown to paper pieces, by the confetti cannons manned by pre-emptive police. And yes there’d still be paper money, so there’d still be paper greed, and the paper piggy bankers pocketing more than they need, purchasing the potpourri to pepper their paper properties, others live in poverty and ain’t acknowledged properly. A proper poor economy where so many are proper poor, but while their needs are ignored the money goes to big wars. Origami armies unfold plans for paper planes and we remain imprisoned in our own paper chains, but the greater shame is that it always seems to stay the same, what changes is who’s in power choosing how to lay the blame, they’re naming names, forgetting these are names of people, because in the end it all comes down to people. I like people. 'Cause even when the situation’s dire, it is only ever people who are able to inspire, and on paper, it’s hard to see how we all cope. But in the bottom of Pandora’s box there’s still hope, and I still hope 'cause I believe in people. People like my grandparents. Who every single day since I was born, have taken time out of their morning to pray for me. That’s 7892 days straight of someone checking I’m okay, and that’s amazing. People like my aunt who puts on plays with prisoners. People who are capable of genuine forgiveness. People like the persecuted Palestinians. People who go out of their way to make your life better, and expect nothing in return. You see, people have potential to be powerful. Just because the people in power tend to pretend to be victims we don’t need to succumb to that system. And a paper population is no different. There’s a little paper me. And a little paper you. And in a pop-up population people's problems pop up too, but even if the whole world fell apart then we’d still make it through. Because we’re people. Thank you. Thank you very much. I've just got time for one more. For me, poetry has been the ultimate way of ideas without frontiers. When I first started, the people who inspired me were the ones with the amazing stories, and I thought, as an 18-year-old with a happy life, it was too normal, but I could create these worlds where I could talk about my experiences and dreams and beliefs. So it's amazing to be here in front of you today. Thank you for being here. If you weren't here, it would be pretty much like the sound check yesterday. And this is more fun. So this last one is called "The Sunshine Kid." Thank you very much for listening. Old man sunshine was proud of his sun, And it brightened his day to see his little boy run, Not because of what he’d done, nor the problems overcome, But that despite that his disposition remained a sunny one. It hadn’t always been like this. There’d been times when he’d tried to hide his brightness, You see, every star hits periods of hardship, It takes a brighter light to inspire them through the darkness. If we go back to when he was born in a nebula, We know that he never was thought of as regular, Because he had a flair about him, To say the Midas touch is wrong But all he went near seemed to turn a little bronze, Yes this sun was loved by some more than others, It was a case of Joseph and his dreamcoat and his brothers Because standing out from the crowd had its pros and its cons, And jealousy created enemies in those he outshone Such as the Shadow People. Now the Shadow People didn’t like the Sunshine Kid, Because he showed up the dark things the Shadow People did, And when he shone he showed the places where the Shadow People hid, So the Shadow People had an evil plan to get rid of him, First up -- they made fun of his sunspots, Shooting his dreams from the sky, their words were gunshots, Designed to remind him he wasn’t very cool And he didn’t fit in with any popular kids at school. They said his head was up in space and they would bring him down to Earth, Essentially he came from nothing and that is what he was worth, He’d never get to go to university to learn, Only degrees he’d ever show would be the first degree burns From those that came too close, they told him he was too bright, That’s why no one ever looked him in the eyes, His judgment became clouded So did the sky, With evaporated tears as the sun started to cry. Because the sunshine kid was bright, with a warm personality, And inside he burned savagely Hurt by the words and curses of the shadowy folk who spoke holes in his soul and left cavities, And as his heart hardened, his spark darkened, Every time they called him names it cooled his flames, He thought they might like him if he kept his light dim But they were busy telling lightning she had terrible aim, He couldn’t quite get to grips with what they said, So he let his light be eclipsed by what they said, He fell into a Lone Star State like Texas, And felt like he’d been punched in his solar plexus. But that’s when Little Miss Sunshine came along Singing her favorite song about how we’re made to be strong, And you don’t have to be wrong to belong, Just be true to who you are, because we are all stars at heart. Little Miss Sunshine was hot stuff, The kind of girl when you looked at her you forgot stuff, But for him, there was no forgetting her, The minute he saw her her image burned in his retina, She was out of this world, and she accepted him, Something about this girl meant he knew whenever she was next to him, Things weren’t as dark as they seemed, and he dared to dream, Shadows were nowhere to be seen; when she was there he beamed, His eyes would light up in ways that can’t be faked, When she grinned her rays erased the razor-tipped words of hate, They gave each other nicknames, they were "cool star" and "fun sun," And gradually the shadowy damage became undone, She was one in a septillion, and she was brilliant, Could turn the coldest blooded reptilians vermillion, Loved by billions, from Chileans to Brazilians, And taught the Sunshine Kid the meaning of resilience. She said: “All the darkness in the world cannot put out the light from a single candle So how the hell can they handle your light? Only you can choose to dim it, and the sky is the limit, so silence the critics by burning.” And if eyes are windows to the soul then she drew back the curtains And let the sun shine through the hurting. In a universe of adversity these stars stuck together, And though days became nights the memories would last forever, Whether the weatherman said it or not, it would be fine, 'Cause even behind the clouds the kid could still shine. Yes, the Sunshine Kid was bright, with a warm personality, And inside he burned savagely, Fueled by the fire inspired across galaxies By the girl who showed him belief. Thank you very much.
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むンドに぀いお考えおみたいず思いたす さお どこの瀟䌚でも ずりわけ民䞻䞻矩瀟䌚ならば 倉革が起こるのはアむデアが 根付いた時だけであり 「アむデアの進化」ずいうのは 興味深い芋解です アむデアは埐々にむデオロギヌに そしお政策ぞ 行動ぞず 移行しおいきたす 1930幎代 むンドは 䞖界倧恐慌を経隓したした かくしおルヌズベルトの時代に 囜家安党保障および 瀟䌚保障ずいう抂念が圢成されたした 1980幎代 レヌガン革呜を受けお 芏制緩和が始たりたした 21䞖玀の䞖界経枈危機の 経隓を螏たえお 今日では政府介入に関する ありずあらゆる芏定が蚭けられおいたす アむデアには囜を倉える力がありたす むンドの堎合には 倉革の重芁因子ずなる 4皮類のアむデアが存圚したす たず思い浮かぶのは 「定着したアむデア」ず 私が呌んでいるものです このアむデアこそがむンドを 今日のむンドたらしめたものです 2぀目は「発展途䞊のアむデア」です コンセプトは受け入れられたものの 未だ実珟されおいないものです 3぀目を私は 「論争䞭のアむデア」ず呌んでいたす 今埌の方策に぀いお むデオロギヌ論争が 巻き起こっおいるものです 4぀目は最も倧切な芁玠である 「予想が必芁なアむデア」です 発展途䞊囜は 他の囜が抱える問題を芳察するこずで 事の成り行きを異なった芖点から 予想するこずが可胜です さお今日のむンドを぀くりあげた 重芁なアむデアは6぀あるず考えおいたす 1぀目は人々の意識の倉革です 1960幎代ず70幎代には 人間は負担だず考えられおいたした ぀たり負債だず認識されおいたした 珟圚では資産ずしお扱われおいたす 人々は人的資本なのです 人間を負担ではなく 資本ずしお再認識する この意識の倉革こそが むンド倉革の根本的な 芁玠の1぀なのです この人的資本ずいう 新たな考え方が実際に 今日のむンドの人的資源からの 配圓に繋がっおいたす 医療が改善され 乳児死亡率が枛少すれば 出生率が䞋がり始めたす むンドがたさにこの状態です むンドではこれから30幎で 若幎局が曎に増加し 人的資源からの配圓も 増倧しおいきたす この配圓のナニヌクな点は 䞖界䞭でむンドのみが この恩恵に䞎るずいうこずです ぀たり 高霢化する䞖界で 唯䞀若返っおいる囜なのです これはずおも重芁なこずです 同時に この人的資源からの配圓の他に 特筆すべき人口曲線が2぀ありたす 䞀぀は2015幎たでに人口が 頭打ちになるず予枬されおいる南郚ず西郚です 合蚈特殊出生率が西ペヌロッパ諞囜ず ほが同じ䜎倀を瀺しおしたっおいたす もう䞀぀の むンドの北郚はず蚀うず将来は 増倧する人的資源からの 配圓の恩恵に䞎るこずになるでしょう しかし人的資源からの 配圓ずいうのは人的資本に 投資がされお初めお埗られるものです 教育 健康 むンフラ― 通勀に䜿う道路― 倜間 勉匷するための照明 これらが党お敎っお初めお 人的資源からの配圓が埗られるのです 換蚀するず 人的資本ぞの投資なしでは この人的資源からの配圓ずいう恩恵も 人的灜害になっおしたうずいうこずです ぀たり むンドは 人的資源からの配圓も 人的灜害も発生しうる 重芁な分岐点に立っおいるのです 2぀目はむンドにおける 起業家の圹割の倉化です むンドの独立圓初 起業家は 人を搟取するくずず芋なされおいたした しかし60幎の時を経お 起業文化の台頭も远い颚ずなり 起業家はむンドの芏範ずなり 瀟䌚ぞ倧きく貢献するに至りたした この倉化によっお掻気づいたむンドは その経枈を倧きく 改善するこずができたした むンド倉革の3぀目の芁因は 英語に察する態床だず思いたす 元々は英語は垝囜䞻矩者の 蚀語であるず卑䞋されおいたした しかし今日のグロヌバル化や アりト゜ヌシングも盞たっお 英語は熱望される蚀語ずなりたした 皆が英語を孊がうずしおいたす この英語ずいう蚀語が むンドにずっお倧きな 戊略的資産ずなっおきおいたす 次はテクノロゞヌです 40幎前のコンピュヌタヌの むメヌゞはず蚀えば 䜕か近づきがたく 恐ろしげで 職を奪うものでした 今日 むンドでは 1ヶ月に800䞇の携垯が 販売されおいたす 信甚履歎なしでは契玄できたせんので この内の90%は プリペむド匏のものです このプリペむド携垯の40%では 毎回の远加入金は 20セント以䞋です テクノロゞヌがここたで自由に アクセス可胜ずなったのです こうしおテクノロゞヌは 䞍気味や脅しではなくなり 匷力なツヌルずなったのです 20幎前銀行の䌚蚈報告曞を コンピュヌタヌで凊理しおいた時代には これを電子報告曞ずは 呌ばずに 元垳蚘録機械ず呌んでいたした 劎働組合からコンピュヌタヌを 隠蔜しおいたのです より高性胜な コンピュヌタヌを求めた際には これを 最新版 元垳蚘録機械ず呌びたした こんな時代から長い道のりを経お テクノロゞヌに察する意識倉化が起こり むンド囜内でも携垯電話が 掻力を䞎える道具ずなったのです もう1぀のポむントは どこにもひけを取らない むンドのグロヌバル化に 察する適応力です 東むンド䌚瀟ず垝囜の支配䞋で 200幎以䞊暮らしおきた 我々むンド人は グロヌバル化を䞀皮の 垝囜䞻矩ず捉えるこずで 自然ず察応するこずができたした しかし今日では むンドの䌁業が海倖進出し むンド人が䞖界䞭で掻躍をしおおり グロヌバル化は 自分たちが参加できるものであるずいう 䞀局の自信を持っおいたす むンドは䞖界で唯䞀 若返っおいる囜であり このこずもあっおグロヌバル化は むンドにずっお 䞀局の魅力を攟っおいたす 最埌にですが今たで掚し進めおきた 民䞻䞻矩の成熟が挙げられたす 60 幎前 むンドに 流入した民䞻䞻矩は ゚リヌトクラスの抂念でした 普通遞挙暩・囜䌚・憲法など 民䞻䞻矩的考えの 導入を求める人々が この運動を掚し進めたのでした 今日では民䞻䞻矩が ボトムアップのプロセスずなり 蚀論の自由や 透明性のある瀟䌚の利点を 皆が認識しおいたす ぀たり民䞻䞻矩が深く根付いたのです これら6぀の芁因― 1. 囜民を人的資本ず認めるこず 2. むンドの起業家の台頭 3. 英語の地䜍向䞊 4. 力を䞎えるものずしおの テクノロゞヌ 5. グロヌバル化からの利益 6. 深く根付いた民䞻䞻矩 これらが今日のむンドの 歎史的成長を支えおいるのです ずは蚀ったものの次の問題は 「発展途䞊のアむデア」です 異論は唱えられおいないものの 行動に移すこずが出来ない考えです これには4぀の芁玠がありたす 1぀目は教育問題です 資金䞍足・瀟䌚的優先順䜍からか 宗教のほうが歎史が長いからか 初等教育が重芁芖されるこずが ありたせんでした しかし今日は 教育がずおも倧切な 圹割を果たす時代であるず思いたす 䞍幞にも公立孊校が きちんず機胜しおいないために 子䟛たちは私立孊校ぞ行きたす むンドではスラムでさえ 50%以䞊の郜垂郚児童が 私立孊校に通っおいたす 教育を機胜させるずいう 倧きな課題に盎面しおいるのです 貧しい家庭も含めお 皆が 子䟛に教育を受けおもらいたいず 匷く願っおいたす ぀たり初等教育の重芁性は 認識されおいるものの 未だ手぀かずのたたなのです これに類䌌しお むンフラも 長い間その重芁性を 認識されずにきたした むンドを蚪れた方は 気づかれたこずでしょう 䞭囜ずはたるで違っおいたす しかし遂にむンフラ敎備の必芁性が 認識され実行に移されようずしおいたす 政治にもこの声は反映されおいたす 20 幎前の政治的スロヌガンは ""Roti, kapada, makaan""でした 「衣・食・䜏」ずいう意味です それが今日では ""Bijli, sadak, pani"" ぀たり― 「電気・氎道・道路」ずなっおいたす これはむンフラの重芁性を認める 意識の倉革なのです ぀たりアむデア自䜓は存圚するものの 手が付けられおいない状態です 3぀目もたた郜垂郚に関するものです ガンディは蟲村郚に重きを眮き 倧英垝囜は郜垂郚から支配を始めたため ネルヌはニュヌデリヌを 非むンド的な郜垂ず䜍眮づけたした 長幎 むンドの郜垂郚は 軜芖されおきたした この事は今日の むンドの姿に珟れおいたす しかし経枈改革ず 経枈成長を経お遂に 郜垂郚は経枈成長だけでなく 独創性・革新の 原動力であるずいう 考えがむンド囜内で 容認されたように感じたす 郜垂郚を改良しよう ずいう動きが芋られたす これも認識されおいるものの 未だ手぀かずのアむデアなのです 最埌はむンドを単䞀垂堎ずしお 認識するずいう点です むンドの単䞀垂堎性を無芖するこずは 実力のない垂堎を無芖するこずに 他なりたせんでした ぀たり以前はそれぞれの州が 独自の垂堎を展開しおいたわけです それぞれの地方も独自の 蟲業垂堎を持っおいたした 皎制・むンフラ等の政策では むンドを単䞀の垂堎ずしお再認識する 動きが䞀局匷たっおきおいたす むンド囜内でも地球芏暡のものず 同様に重芁な グロヌバル化が起こっおいるのです この4぀の芁玠― 1. 初等教育 2. むンフラ― 3. 郜垂化 4. 単䞀垂堎 これらは認識されおはいるものの 未だ実珟されおいないアむデアです 次に「論争䞭のアむデア」がありたす 議論の最䞭にあるアむデアです これらの議論は停滞の根源でありたす どのようなものか?䟋えば むデオロギヌの問題がありたす むンドの歎史的背景を考えた時 カヌスト制床のために 瀟䌚的に取り残された むンド人は数倚くいたす この問題をどのように解決するかが 政治の最倧の焊点ずなっおいたす これは保護区や他の政策ず 関連しおいるだけでなく 巊掟ず右掟の間の論争や 囜民ぞの助成金蚈画の問題ずも 繋がっおいたす むンドの問題の倚くはカヌスト制床の 抂念ず関連しおいたす こうしお停滞が生たれおいたす 解決すべき課題の1぀です 2぀目は劎働政策に぀いおです 珟行の劎働政策は 䌁業家が䌚瀟で職皮を暙準化するこずを劚げ むンドの93%の劎働者が 組合に組織化されおいたせん 圌らに犏祉はありたせん 瀟䌚保障も幎金も 健康保険もなにも 敎っおいないのが実状です これらの人を正匏な劎働者ずしお 雇甚できなければ 垂民暩を剥奪するこずに 繋がっおしたいたす わずらわしい珟行のものずは異なる 新しい劎働法を䜜る必芁が あるだけではなく より倚くの人を正匏に 雇甚し䜕癟䞇人芏暡での 新芏雇甚を創出する政策も必芁なのです 3぀目は高等教育の問題です むンドの高等教育は 完党に法的芏制䞋にあっお 私立の倧孊を創蚭するこずは 容易ではありたせんし 他囜の倧孊も簡単には進出できたせん 結果ずしおむンドの高等教育は 拡倧するむンドの需芁に 远い぀けおいたせん かくしお問題が いく぀も浮䞊しおいるのです しかし「予期する必芁のあるアむデア」は もっずも重芁な抂念です 䞖界䞭で起こっおいる問題を芳察し 䜕がなされるべきなのか むンドには芋定めるこずができたす たず 幞いにも倚くの囜で テクノロゞヌが未だ発展途䞊にある䞭 むンドでは先進技術が 敎っおいるため 統治・透明性を初めずする 倚皮倚様な分野で テクノロゞヌを 有効掻甚するこずができたす 2぀目は健康問題です 䞖界䞭で芋られるように むンドでも心臓病・糖尿病や肥満は 深刻な健康問題ずなっおいたす 貧しい囜の疟病を裕犏な囜の疟病ず 取り替える必芁性なんおないのです ぀たり心機䞀転 健康ずいう 抂念を考え盎す必芁がありたす 健康問題の悪化を阻止するための 囜民健康戊略の制定は急務です 西掋諞囜ではこの他に 瀟䌚犏祉が問題ずなっおいたす 増倧する瀟䌚犏祉・メディケア メディケヌドのコスト問題です 人口が若い囜は 新しい幎金システムを導入するこずで 人口が高霢化したずきに起こる 瀟䌚保障制床問題を回避できるのです 環境ず開発の調和が叫ばれる今日 むンドも環境を汚染できる皋 䜙裕のある立堎にはありたせん 䞖界党䜓の幎間炭玠排出量は 200億トン付近でなくおはいけたせん 䞖界の人口を90億人ずすれば 1人圓たりの理想排出量は 2トン前埌ずなりたす むンドは既にこの数倀に 達しおしたっおたす しかしむンドが8%の成長率を 維持した堎合 1人圓たりの幎間所埗は 2050幎たでに16倍に増加したす 排出量は増やさず所埗は 16倍になるずいうこずです このために環境・゚ネルギヌ䜿甚― 新たな開発モデルの構築方法を 根本から芋盎しおいかなくおは いけたせん これらが皆さんず どう関連しおいるのでしょう? 1䞇マむルも離れた囜の事が なぜ倧切なのでしょう? たず初めにこれらは党お10億を超える 人々の問題であるからです 䞖界人口の1/6に盞圓したす 次にむンドは 民䞻䞻矩囜家であるからです 民䞻䞻矩ず経枈成長の 䞡立が可胜であるこずを 立蚌するべきなのです 民䞻䞻矩・透明性のある 瀟䌚ず経枈成長は 同時に実珟するこずができるのです これらの問題を解決するこずは 䞖界の貧困問題を 解決するこずになりたす 䞖界の環境問題は 解決しなくおはいけない課題です 芁点を䞀蚀でたずめるならば 特にむンドのような囜においお 炭玠排出量は制限されるべきであり ゚ネルギヌ䜿甚も 削枛しおいく必芁があるのです 西欧諞囜のここ200幎の 幎平均成長率は 箄2%でした 私は幎8、9%成長をする 囜の話をしおいたす ここが倧きな違いです むンドの成長率が3、3.5%で 人口増率が2%だった時代には 1人圓たりの収入が2倍になるには 45幎間を芁したした 経枈成長率が8%― 人口増加率が1.5%の珟圚 収入は9幎毎に倍増しおいきたす ぀たり10億人芏暡の 繁栄をもたらすプロセスが 高速で進んでいるずいうこずです そこで䞖界ずむンドの䞡方にずっお 明確な戊略を打ち出すこずが 必芁䞍可欠なのです ですから皆さんにも 私ず同じように考えお頂きたいのです どうもありがずうございたした
Now I believe this is an interesting way of looking at it because in every society, especially an open democratic society, it's only when ideas take root that things change. Slowly ideas lead to ideology, lead to policies that lead to actions. In 1930 this country went through a Great Depression, which led to all the ideas of the state and social security, and all the other things that happened in Roosevelt's time. In the 1980s we had the Reagan revolution, which lead to deregulation. And today, after the global economic crisis, there was a whole new set of rules about how the state should intervene. So ideas change states. And I looked at India and said, really there are four kinds of ideas The first, to my mind, is what I call as "the ideas that have arrived." These ideas have brought together something which has made India happen the way it is today. The second set of ideas I call "ideas in progress." Those are ideas which have been accepted but not implemented yet. The third set of ideas are what I call as "ideas that we argue about" -- those are ideas where we have a fight, an ideological battle about how to do things. And the fourth thing, which I believe is most important, is "the ideas that we need to anticipate." Because when you are a developing country in the world where you can see the problems that other countries are having, you can actually anticipate what that did and do things very differently. Now in India's case I believe there are six ideas The first is really the notion of people. In the '60s and '70s we thought of people as a burden. We thought of people as a liability. Today we talk of people as an asset. We talk of people as human capital. of looking at people as something of a burden to human capital, has been one of the fundamental changes in the Indian mindset. And this change in thinking of human capital is linked to the fact that India is going through a demographic dividend. As healthcare improves, as infant mortality goes down, fertility rates start dropping. And India is experiencing that. India is going to have a lot of young people with a demographic dividend for the next 30 years. What is unique about this demographic dividend is that India will be the only country in the world to have this demographic dividend. In other words, it will be the only young country in an aging world. And this is very important. At the same time if you peel away the demographic dividend in India, there are actually two demographic curves. which is already going to be fully expensed by 2015, because in that part of the country, the fertility rate is almost equal to that of a West European country. Then there is the whole northern India, which is going to be the bulk of the future demographic dividend. But a demographic dividend is only as good as the investment in your human capital. Only if the people have education, they have good health, they have infrastructure, they have roads to go to work, they have lights to study at night -- only in those cases can you really get the benefit of a demographic dividend. In other words, if you don't really invest in the human capital, the same demographic dividend can be a demographic disaster. Therefore India is at a critical point where either it can leverage its demographic dividend or it can lead to a demographic disaster. The second thing in India has been the change in the role of entrepreneurs. When India got independence entrepreneurs were seen as a bad lot, as people who would exploit. But today, after 60 years, because of the rise of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs have become role models, and they are contributing hugely to the society. This change has contributed to the vitality and the whole economy. The third big thing I believe that has changed India is our attitude towards the English language. English language was seen as a language of the imperialists. But today, with globalization, with outsourcing, English has become a language of aspiration. This has made it something that everybody wants to learn. And the fact that we have English is now becoming a huge strategic asset. The next thing is technology. Forty years back, computers were seen as something which was forbidding, something which was intimidating, something that reduced jobs. Today we live in a country which sells eight million mobile phones a month, of which 90 percent of those mobile phones are prepaid phones because people don't have credit history. Forty percent of those prepaid phones are recharged at less than 20 cents at each recharge. That is the scale at which technology has liberated and made it accessible. And therefore technology has gone from being seen as something forbidding and intimidating to something that is empowering. Twenty years back, when there was a report on bank computerization, they didn't name the report as a report on computers, they call them as "ledger posting machines." They didn't want the unions to believe that they were actually computers. And when they wanted to have more advanced, more powerful computers they called them "advanced ledger posting machines." So we have come a long way from those days where the telephone has become an instrument of empowerment, and really has changed the way Indians think of technology. And then I think the other point is that Indians today are far more comfortable with globalization. Again, after having lived for more than 200 years under the East India Company and under imperial rule, Indians had a very natural reaction towards globalization believing it was a form of imperialism. But today, as Indian companies go abroad, as Indians come and work all over the world, Indians have gained a lot more confidence and have realized that globalization is something they can participate in. And the fact that the demographics are in our favor, because we are the only young country in an aging world, makes globalization all the more attractive to Indians. And finally, India has had the deepening of its democracy. When democracy came to India 60 years back it was an elite concept. It was a bunch of people who wanted to bring in democracy because they wanted to bring in the idea of universal voting and parliament and constitution and so forth. But today democracy has become a bottom-up process where everybody has realized the benefits of having a voice, the benefits of being in an open society. And therefore democracy has become embedded. I believe these six factors -- the rise of the notion of population as human capital, the rise of Indian entrepreneurs, the rise of English as a language of aspiration, technology as something empowering, globalization as a positive factor, and the deepening of democracy -- has contributed to why India is today growing at rates it has never seen before. But having said that, then we come to what I call as ideas in progress. Those are the ideas where there is no argument in a society, but you are not able to implement those things. And really there are four things here. One is the question of education. For some reason, whatever reason -- lack of money, lack of priorities, because of religion having an older culture -- primary education was never given the focus it required. But now I believe it's reached a point where it has become very important. Unfortunately the government schools don't function, so children are going to private schools today. Even in the slums of India more than 50 percent of urban kids are going into private schools. So there is a big challenge in getting the schools to work. But having said that, there is an enormous desire among everybody, including the poor, to educate their children. So I believe primary education is an idea which is arrived but not yet implemented. Similarly, infrastructure -- for a long time, infrastructure was not a priority. Those of you who have been to India have seen that. It's certainly not like China. But today I believe finally infrastructure is something which is agreed upon and which people want to implement. It is reflected in the political statements. 20 years back the political slogan was, "Roti, kapada, makaan," which meant, "Food, clothing and shelter." And today's political slogan is, "Bijli, sadak, pani," which means "Electricity, water and roads." And that is a change in the mindset where infrastructure is now accepted. So I do believe this is an idea which has arrived, but simply not implemented. The third thing is again cities. It's because Gandhi believed in villages and because the British ruled from the cities, therefore Nehru thought of New Delhi as an un-Indian city. For a long time we have neglected our cities. And that is reflected in the kinds of situations that you see. But today, finally, after economic reforms, and economic growth, I think the notion that cities are engines of economic growth, cities are engines of creativity, cities are engines of innovation, have finally been accepted. And I think now you're seeing the move towards improving our cities. Again, an idea which is arrived, but not yet implemented. The final thing is the notion of India as a single market -- because when you didn't think of India as a market, you didn't really bother about a single market, because it didn't really matter. And therefore you had a situation where every state had its own market for products. Every province had its own market for agriculture. Increasingly now the policies of taxation and infrastructure and all that, are moving towards creating India as a single market. So there is a form of internal globalization which is happening, which is as important as external globalization. These four factors I believe -- the ones of primary education, infrastructure, urbanization, and single market -- in my view are ideas in India which have been accepted, but not implemented. Then we have what I believe are the ideas in conflict. The ideas that we argue about. These are the arguments we have which cause gridlock. What are those ideas? One is, I think, are ideological issues. Because of the historical Indian background, in the caste system, who have been left out in the cold, a lot of the politics is about how to make sure that we'll address that. And it leads to reservations and other techniques. It's also related to the way that we subsidize our people, and all the left and right arguments that we have. A lot of the Indian problems are related to the ideology of caste and other things. This policy is causing gridlock. This is one of the factors which needs to be resolved. The second one is the labor policies that we have, which make it so difficult for entrepreneurs to create standardized jobs in companies, that 93 percent of Indian labor is in the unorganized sector. They have no benefits: they don't have social security; they don't have pension; they don't have healthcare; none of those things. This needs to be fixed because unless you can bring these people into the formal workforce, you will end up creating a whole lot of people who are completely disenfranchised. Therefore we need to create a new set of labor laws, which are not as onerous as they are today. At the same time give a policy for a lot more people to be in the formal sector, and create the jobs for the millions of people that we need to create jobs for. The third thing is our higher education. Indian higher education is completely regulated. It's very difficult to start a private university. It's very difficult for a foreign university to come to India. As a result of that our higher education is simply not keeping pace with India's demands. That is leading to a lot of problems which we need to address. are the ideas we need to anticipate. Here India can look at what is happening in the west and elsewhere, and look at what needs to be done. The first thing is, we're very fortunate that technology is at a point where it is much more advanced than when other countries had the development. So we can use technology for governance. We can use technology for direct benefits. We can use technology for transparency, and many other things. The second thing is, the health issue. India has equally horrible health problems of the higher state of cardiac issue, the higher state of diabetes, the higher state of obesity. So there is no point in replacing a set of poor country diseases with a set of rich country diseases. Therefore we're to rethink the whole way we look at health. We really need to put in place a strategy so that we don't go to the other extreme of health. Similarly today in the West you're seeing the problem of entitlement -- the cost of social security, the cost of Medicare, the cost of Medicaid. Therefore when you are a young country, again you have a chance to put in place a modern pension system so that you don't create entitlement problems as you grow old. And then again, India does not have the luxury of making its environment dirty, because it has to marry environment and development. Just to give an idea, the world has to stabilize at something like 20 gigatons per year. On a population of nine billion our average carbon emission will have to be about two tons per year. India is already at two tons per year. But if India grows at something like eight percent, income per year per person will go to 16 times by 2050. So we're saying: income growing at 16 times and no growth in carbon. Therefore we will fundamentally rethink the way we look at the environment, the way we look at energy, the way we create whole new paradigms of development. Now why does this matter to you? Why does what's happening 10 thousand miles away matter to all of you? Number one, this matters because this represents more than a billion people. A billion people, 1/6th of the world population. It matters because this is a democracy. And it is important to prove that growth and democracy are not incompatible, that you can have a democracy, that you can have an open society, and you can have growth. It's important because if you solve these problems, you can solve the problems of poverty in the world. It's important because you need it to solve the world's environment problems. If we really want to come to a point, we really want to put a cap on our carbon emission, we want to really lower the use of energy -- it has to be solved in countries like India. in the West over 200 years, the average growth may have been about two percent. Here we are talking about countries growing at eight to nine percent. And that makes a huge difference. When India was growing at about three, 3.5 percent and the population was growing at two percent, its per capita income was doubling every 45 years. When the economic growth goes to eight percent and population growth drops to 1.5 percent, then per capita income is doubling every nine years. In other words, you're certainly fast-forwarding this whole process of a billion people going to prosperity. And you must have a clear strategy which is important for India and important for the world. That is why I think all of you should be equally concerned with it as I am. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
フラりず䌚った翌日の朝、僕はルヌノスずナルスに襲われたこずを話した。 䜕しに出かけたのか、ず聞かれなかったのは気を䜿っおくれたのかな? 「黒装束に芆面の男たちですか」 「ああ、あれは明らかにプロの集団だ。動きも連携が取れおいたし、秘密を守るために呜も惜したない」 「レゞュヌム公かそれに近い者の呜で動いおいるのは間違いないでしょうね」 ナルスの蚀葉にルヌノスもうなずく。 「そうですね。カルロ様、たた襲っおこないずも限りたせん。くれぐれもお気を付け䞋さい」 「うん、お前たち気を付けるようにな。でルヌノス、お前の方はどうだった?」 「頂いたリストの䞭で明らかにレゞュヌム公ず仲の良くない貎族数人ず連絡をずり、うがカルロ様にお䌚いしたいず申しおおりたす。お䌚いになりたすか?」 「出来るだけ早く䌚いたい。手はずを敎えおくれ」 「先方もそう思っおいるようです。今日にでもお䌚いになれるよう調敎しおみたす」 昌から僕はルヌノスが枡りを付けおくれた反レゞュヌム掟の貎族二人に䌚った。 二人ずも匱小貎族でしかも幎茩だが、気骚のありそうな爺さんたちだ。 「いや~、カルロどのはお若いのになかなかしっかりしずるな」 「そうじゃそうじゃ、あのレゞュヌムの奎になびかず囜王陛䞋のお圹にたちたいずは立掟な志」 「倧䜓あのレゞュヌムなど今はああやっお偉そうにしずるがわしらは錻たれの頃から知っおおる」 「そうじゃそうじゃ、あい぀は昔寝小䟿ばかり垂れおおったくせに幎䞊のワシらを軜く芋おっお」 「カルロどの、ここはわしらが手を組んで、こしゃくなレゞュヌムをキャンず蚀わせおやりたしょうぞ」 「そうじゃそうじゃ、囜王陛䞋の埡為にわしらが頑匵らねば! そもそも先代の囜王陛䞋の埡代にはワシずお剣を取り陛䞋のために――」 延々ず長い昔話を聞かされたが、そのおかげでなんずか味方になっおくれたようだ。 シャロンずの婚玄にも賛成しおくれるそうだ。 䜕か二人で鉄板ネタがあるらしく、結婚披露の宎では自分たちにぜひそれをやらせろず玄束させられおしたったが、たあ結婚する予定はないのでいいだろう。 幎よりの盞手は疲れるよ、同じ話ばっかり出おくるしね。 でもこの話のおかげで収穫もあった。 二人に昚日襲っおきた黒装束の忍びの事を聞いおみたんだ。 「おお、それは闇の軍団に違いない」 「そうじゃ、コりガの里の闇の軍団じゃな」 「コりガの里? どこですかそれは」 僕の質問に二人はペラペラ教えおくれた。 幎寄りは昔の話はよく芚えおるよな。 「マクベル䌯爵の治める領地にある里の名前じゃ。そこにはコりガず呌ばれる隠れ里があるずいう」 「そうじゃそうじゃ、コりガの者はみな幌い頃から暗殺術を叩きこたれるず聞いたぞ」 マクベル䌯爵――? どこかで聞いた名前だな。 「マクベルの奎はレゞュヌムや他の奎らから裏の仕事を受けおは闇の奎らにやらせおおるず蚀うぞ」 「そうじゃそうじゃ、それでマクベルはレゞュヌムに取り入ったんじゃ」 あ――思い出したぞ。 僕が囜王に謁芋したずきに埌ろからごちゃごちゃいちゃもん付けおきたカマキリみたいな奎か。 あい぀やたらずカルロに反感持っおるみたいだったしね、間違いない。 そのうち萜ずし前を付けさせおやる、今に芋おろ。 爺さん貎族たちずの話し合いも終わり、僕は屋敷に垰った。 ナルスは今日も倧臣ず折衝で遅くなる、ルヌノスも匕き続き情報収集に動いおくれおいるようだ。 よし、今日こそ前からの蚈画を実行するチャンスだ。 僕は晩埡飯を食べおから身なりを敎える。 颚呂に入っお䞋着も新しい物に着替えた、歯も磚いた、ルヌノスをたねお服もちょっずおしゃれに。 特に銙りは重芁だ。 こっそりルヌノスの付けおいる銙氎を拝借した。 クンクン。 これが女性受けのいい銙りなのか、芚えおおいお今床買いに行こう。 よし、準備䞇端。 あずはピカヌルに貰った小袋ずオリハルコンの剣を持っお。 「ドッヂ、今から出かける。぀いお来おくれ」 入り口を守っおいたドッヂに声を掛けお僕は屋敷を出た。 昚日のフラりずの埅ち合わせもドキドキしたけど、今日もやたらず緊匵する。 野りサギ団から仕入れた情報をもずに、王郜リュアンの裏路地を歩く。 だいぶ倜も曎けお静かだった町が、だんだん賑やかになっおくる。 あちらこちらの店の䞭から酔っぱらいの隒ぐ声や女たちの嬌声が聞こえおきた。 そう、ここはリュアンの倜の顔を代衚する゚リアだ。 䞀番華やかな飲み屋などが䞊ぶ通りを抜けお、䞀本裏の通りに入る。 情報ではこの蟺りから始たるはずだ。 僕がバルハムントを出る前から立おおいた蚈画、それは名付けお「DDT䜜戊」。 DDTずは䜕か。 それはズバリ、「脱・童貞」だ。 僕の曞いおいた小説「勇者転生」の䞭のカルロは、悪党だけど女にもおる。 あちらこちらで女の子を泣かすキャラクタヌだ。 そんなカルロ、぀たり僕がい぀たでも いや、よくない。 思わず反語を䜿いたくなるほどこの問題は深刻だ。 この物語を矎しい゚ンディングぞ導こうずいう、䜜者である僕の䜿呜の為。 䞀刻も早くこの問題を解決する必芁がある。 DDT䜜戊の内容はこうだ。 僕は元の䞖界で母芪以倖のほずんど女性ず関わったこずがない。 デヌトもしたこずないし、それ以䞊は圓然皆無。 この䞖界に来お少し話をしたりロれアに手を握られたり、ずいう䜓隓はした。 それだっお元の䞖界の自分から考えたらすごい進歩だ。 でもやっぱり緊匵しおそれ以䞊ずなるずずおも無理。 昚日はフラりず......ず思ったけど結局空振りしたし。 そんな僕に必芁なものは䜕か。 それは経隓ず、それから来る自信ではないのか。 ルヌノスやFず比べればずもかく、カルロだっお充分むケメンのはずだ。 これに経隓ず自信が加われば怖いものはないはず。 ではそれをどうやっお手に入れるか。 そんなこずを悩んでいる時に、野りサギ団から有力な情報がもたらされた。 それは「王郜には嚌通が建ち䞊ぶ堎所があり、経隓豊富で矎人な女性が揃っおいる」ずいうこず。 それっおたさに僕にうっお぀けの堎所なんじゃないのか? そこには愛くるしい女の子からお色気満点のお姉様たで様々なタむプの女性がいるず蚀う。 たたそのレベルや金額もお店によっおさたざたらしい。 僕はその䞭でも最高レベルのお姉さた方を集めおいるずいう優良店を聞き出すこずに成功した。 元の䞖界にいた時から、正盎そういうお店ぞの興味がなかったわけじゃない。 でもやっぱりなんか怖いよね。 どんなお姉さんが出おくるのか分からないし、ひょっずしお怖いお兄さんが出おきお脅されたらどうしよう。 そもそも女性ず二人きりになったらどんな話をしおどう行動すればいいのか分からない。 だからそんなお店に行くなんお絶察無理だった。 しかし。 この䞖界での僕はカルロで、しかも䜜者補正が掛かっおる。 そこら蟺のチンピラが出おきたずころで怖がる必芁はない。 念のためにボディヌガヌドずしおドッヂも連れおきたし。 ただ問題は、やっぱり女性ず二人きりになった時にどうするのか、だ。 そんなの絶察緊匵するし。 䜕をどうすればいいのかさっぱりわからないし。 そこでこの「DDT䜜戊」だ。 僕はたず情報を埗た「最高の店」ぞ向かう。 そこで、経隓豊富なお姉さた方を䜕人も同時に指名するんだ。 そうすればマンツヌマンじゃないから緊匵もほぐれるんじゃないだろうか。 しかもそんなお姉さた方が䜕人もいれば僕が䜕もしなくおも党郚やっおくれるに違いない。 ああ、これぞたさに酒池肉林。 悪圹カルロのデビュヌ戊にふさわしい華やかな戊いだず蚀えるだろう。 よし、これだ。 ただし問題点は、そんなこずをしたらずお぀もない金額が掛かるだろう、ずいう事だ。 最高のお店でそんなこずをしお安い蚳がない。 でも僕の䜜戊は完璧、抜かりはない。 この為にピカヌルからあらかじめお金をもらっおきたんだ。 もちろんピカヌルには王宀ぞの工䜜資金だず蚀っおあるけどね。 その予算、なんず癜金貚で5枚。 日本円に盎すず500䞇円ずいう倧金だ。 これだけあればどんな事があっおも倧䞈倫だろう。 さらば、僕のチェリヌよ。 ただ今よりDDT䜜戊を決行する、各自粉骚砕身努力セペ。
The morning of the next day after I met with Frau I talked about the attack with Lunos and Nals. I wonder why they didn’t ask me about why I went out. “Masked men wearing black?” “Yeah, and they were obviously part of a professional group. They executed cooperative movements and would take their own lives without a second thought to protect a secret.” “This is either Duke Rejum’s doing or someone close to him, no doubt.” Lunos also nods at Nals words. “That’s right. They might attack Carlo-sama again. Please be careful.” “Yeah, you should also be careful. How did it go on your side, Lunos?” “From the list I received I contacted several noble families on bad terms with Duke Rejum and two of them wish to meet you. Do you want to meet them?” “I want to see them as soon as possible. Make an appointment.” “The other party seems to think the same way as well. I will try to arrange a meeting as soon as today.” At noon I met the two nobles of the Anti-Rejum-group which Lunos told me about. They are both weak and old nobles but they are both old men who experienced a lot. “My~ Carlo-dono is so young and yet so very level-headed already.” “That’s right, that’s right, it’s a wonderful desire wanting to serve His Majesty the King without fearing that Rejum.” “Generally that Rejum is acting so bossy now but we know him since his snot was still dripping out of his nose.” “That’s right, that’s right, back then in the old days he was still wetting his bed and now he’s looking down on these old eagles here.” “Carlo-dono, let us join hands and give that impudent Rejum a good beating.” “That’s right, that’s right, we have to work hard for His Majesty the King’s sake! We already served the preceding King so we shall pick up our swords again for His Majesty – -” I listened to their endlessly long story but thanks to that I was able to gain their support somehow. They seemed to agree to my engagement with Sharon. It seems like those two know a sure fire joke they’d like to tell at the wedding party, well, there aren’t any plans for us marry, though. As the other party was already pretty old the same stories came up again and again. But I also gained something thanks to those stories. I heard about those black dressed shinobi which attacked me yesterday from those two people. “Ooh, it must have been the dark corps” “That’s right, it’s Kouga village’s dark corps.” “Kouga village? Where is it?” These two answer my questions without having to even think about it. Old people know a lot about old stories. “There’s a village of that name in the territory Earl McBell rules. It is said the hidden village Kouga is located there.” “That’s right, that’s right, I heard that all people from Kouga got taught in the art of assassination from an early age.” Earl McBell, is it–? I’m sure I heard that name somewhere before. “That Mcbell guy, Rejum and some other guys employ the dark corps to do some shady work for them” “That’s right, that’s right, McBell also joined Rejum.” Ah–, I remembered. It’s that mantis-like guy who messily threw those accusations at me from behind when I had my audience with the King, right? He seemed to have a lot of antipathy towards Carlo, no doubt. Sooner or later this will be settled with money but for now, let’s just wait and see. When the talks with the old nobles was over I returned to the mansion. Today Nals will come back late due to the negotiations with the Minister and Lunos seemed to continue gathering information, too. Alright, today’s my chance to make some progress with my plan. After dinner, I started to fix my appearance. I took a bath, brushed my teeth, changed into new underwear, and tried to dress more fashionably like Lunos. The fragrance is particularly important. I secretly borrowed Lunos’ perfume. Sniff-sniff. Let’s see if this fragrance is well liked by women and then buy it next time. Alright, done. Afterwards, I took my Oricalcum Sword and the small bag Pikaru gave me. “Doji, I’m going out now. Follow me.” I called out to Doji who stood guard at the door and left the mansion. Though I was excited about meeting Frau yesterday today I’m so nervous. Based on the information I purchased from the Rabbit group I walked through the back alleys of the Capital Ruan. Night fell and the quiet city gradually started to become lively. I heard the cackling of drunkards and the chuckling of women from several shops. That’s right, this area represents Ruan’s face at night. I went through a street with many gorgeous bars lined up and entered the street at the end. According to the information, it should be around here. It’s the plan I set up even before I left Braham, I called it “Operation DDT” What does DDT stand for? It fittingly means “Datsu doutei” In my novel “Yuusha Tensei” I wrote that Carlo is popular with women even though he’s a villain. He’s a character who made many girls cry. Such a Carlo, can he stay a virgin forever? No, he can’t. This problem is so serious that I unintentionally started to use rhetorical questions. For my mission as the author to lead this story to a beautiful ending, that is. It’s necessary to solve this problem as soon as possible. The contents of Operation DDT are like this. In my original world, I nearly have never associated with women other than my mother. I’ve never gone on a date and obviously didn’t do anything further than that either. When I came to this world I got some experience with talking to them and Rozea often grabbed my hand. If I think about the me from my original world that is great progress. But doing anything further is absolutely impossible as I get too nervous after all. Yesterday with Frau.......I thought, but it was all in vain after all. What’s necessary for this me? Isn’t it experience and the confidence coming with it? Even compared to Lunos and F, Carlo should also be a considerably good-looking man. If I increase my experience and confidence I shouldn’t feel that scared anymore. Then how does one obtain that? When I was worrying about those things the Rabbit group brought in some good information. It is said that “In the Capital, there are brothels with experienced women in them”. Isn’t that place just what I searched for? There were various types of women there from the lovely girl to the older sister full of sex appeal. Additionally, the quality and prices vary in each shop. I succeeded in finding an excellent shop where the highest-grade Onee-san’s were gathered. In my original world, to be honest, I wasn't really interested in these kinds of shops. But, as I thought, I was scared. I don’t know what kind of Onee-san will come out and what should I do if a scary Nii-san comes out and threatens me? I don’t even know what actions to take or what to talk about with a woman when it’s just the two of us in the first place. That’s why it was absolutely impossible for me to visit such a shop. However. In this world, I am Carlo, besides there’s the author’s correction. There’s no need to be afraid of this areas hooligans coming out either. I brought Doji with me as something like a bodyguard. But the question remains, what will I do if I’m alone with a woman? I’m completely nervous. I have no idea what to do. That’s where “Operation DDT” comes in. First, I’ll go to “the best shop” with the information I got. When I’m there I’ll be able to employ a lot of experienced Onee-sans. If I do that it won’t be a one-on-one situation so I might be able to relax. Besides, if there are so many Onee-sans even if I don’t do anything they’d probably do everything. Aah, this is complete debauchery. It could be said that this is a gorgeous battle appropriate for Villain Carlo’s debut match. Alright, that’s it. The problem, however, is that if I want to do something like that it will cost a tremendous amount of money. Something like that can’t be cheap and I want to do this in the best shop. But otherwise my strategy is perfect there’s not a single mistake in it. That’s why I asked Pikaru to prepare the money beforehand. Of course, I told Pikaru it’s a present for the Royal Family. The budget is five white gold coins. It’s a large sum of money when converted to Japanese yen it would be 500 million yen. With this amount of money, it’ll be alright no matter what might happen. Goodbye, my virginity. Right now Operation DDT will be carried out, with my utmost effort, seyo.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 4, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
私の地元であるモロッコの街 フェズには 川の流域にメディナずいう 䞖界でも随䞀の䞭䞖城壁郜垂がありたす この街すべおが ナネスコ䞖界遺産地に登録されおいたす 1950幎以降 人口が増えるに぀れお 緑地や䞋氎道ずいった 郜垂基盀蚭備が倉わっおいき 倧きなストレスを受けたした その䞭でもっずも被害を受けたのが メディナを二分するフェズ川だったのです この川は䜕䞖玀もの間 この街の魂であるず考えられおいたした 実際に公共の噎氎や泉ずいった堎所で この川の広範囲にわたる 氎のネットワヌクの存圚を 街䞭で確認するこずができたす 残念ながら 1952幎以降 川の汚染のため川は少しず぀ コンクリヌトの砎片で芆われおいっおいたす この消去プロセスに加え 様々な機械を メディナの现道ぞ運び蟌むため 川岞にあった家々の取り壊しが行われたした これらの郜䌚の空隙は 急速に違法な駐車堎やゎミ捚お堎ず化しおいったのです 実際 川がメディナに到達するたでの氎質に 特に問題はありたせん しかし 䞻に未凊理の䞋氎や なめしのような工芞で䜿甚された薬品が投棄され 川は汚染されおしたうのです ある時 私は街にずっお倧切な川が これ以䞊冒ずくされるのが蚱せなくなり 行動を起こすこずにしたした 助成金が 垂に提䟛されるこずが 決たったず聞いたので尚曎でした 川の氎が綺麗になれば 川を芆うコンクリヌトを取り倖すこずができたす 運ず根気よく亀枉したこずで 私ず同僚のタゞマ・タカコ氏は 技術者チヌムず協力し 川のふたを取り倖すこずを垂から䟝頌されたした しかし私たちはそれだけでは満足せず 曎なる提案をしたした 川岞を舗装し歩道に䜜り盎し こういった歩道を垂の䞭心地に織り蟌み 最終的には川岞にある郜䌚の空隙を フェズ川のメディナに欠けおいる 公共スペヌスに倉えおいこうずいうものでした これから二぀の公共スペヌスを 簡単に玹介したいず思いたす たず最初にルヌシフ・プラザです 点線を匕いた堎所に川があり プラザは川の真䞊に䜍眮しおいたす 以前はごちゃごちゃずした亀通の䞭心であり 䞖界最倧の歩道ネットワヌクをも぀メディナの 郜䌚ずしおの敎合性を損なうようなものでした 芋おいただくずわかるように プラザの隣にある この歎史的な橋の向こうに芋える川は たるでゎミの川のようでした そこで私たちが提案したのは 歩行者倩囜のプラザを造り 再生革の屋根で芆い 川岞ぞず繋げるずいう事でした 二぀目に介入した堎所は こちらも川岞付近の郜䌚の空隙で 違法な駐車堎ずしお䜿われおいたした 私たちはこの゚リアをメディナ初の 遊び堎ぞず倉身させるこずを提案したした この遊び堎には再生タむダをふんだんに䜿い たた人口湿地を加えるこずで 川の氎を浄化するだけでなく 措氎が起きた際には保氎するこずもできたす プロゞェクトが進むに぀れ 幟぀ものデザむン賞を受賞したした 新しい出資者の介入もあり プロゞェクトの目暙ずデザむンも倉わっおいきたした このプロゞェクトの䞀番の目的を達成するために 私たちは他の建築家が考えないような 独自の方法をずりたした それは私たちのデザむナヌずしおのプラむドず 著䜜者ずしおの意識を捚お 掻動家ずしおの立堎を優先したのです 沢山の出資者の思惑を䞀぀にたずめ プロゞェクトの最も重芁な目暙に絞ったのです 川を被っおいるふたを倖し 氎を綺麗にし みんなのための公共のスペヌスを䜜るこずです 私たちは非垞に運がよく 倧倚数の目暙はもう既に達成されおいるか 達成に向かっお動いおいたす 先ほどのルヌシフ・プラザですが これが六幎前の姿です これが珟圚の姿です ただ建蚭䞭ではありたすが 地元の人々に頻繁に䜿われおいたす そしお最埌に これがプロゞェクト完成埌の ルヌシフ・プラザです ここはゎミ捚お堎ずしお利甚されおいた川です 䜕幎もの掻動を経お コンクリヌトが倖され 綺麗な氎の流れる川になりたした そしお最埌に これがプロゞェクト完了埌の姿です フェズ川埩興プロゞェクトは 街の瀟䌚政治的な環境によっお倉化し 適応しおゆくでしょう しかし建築家ずしおの圹割ず取り組み方を考え盎すこずで このプロゞェクトの栞ずなる抂念を 実行に移すこずが出来たず信じおいたす ぀たり フェズ川を䞋氎から公共スペヌスぞ倉えお フェズずいう街を ミむラ化した遺産にしおしたわず 䜏人にずっお生きおいる街にするこずです ありがずうございたした
The entire city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Since the 1950s, as the population of the medina grew, basic urban infrastructure such as green open spaces and sewage quickly changed and got highly stressed. One of the biggest casualties of the situation was the Fez River, which bisects the medina in its middle and has been considered for many centuries as the city's very soul. In fact, one can witness the presence of the river's extensive water network all throughout the city, in places such as private and public fountains. Unfortunately, because of the pollution of the river, it has been covered little by little by concrete slabs since 1952. This process of erasure was coupled with the destruction of many houses along the river banks enter the narrow pedestrian network of the medina. Those urban voids quickly became illegal parking or trash yards. Actually, the state of the river before entering the medina is pretty healthy. Then pollution takes its toll, mainly due to untreated sewage and chemical dumping from crafts such as tanning. At some point, I couldn't bear the desecration of the river, such an important part of my city, and I decided to take action, especially after I heard that the city received a grant to divert sewage water and to treat it. With clean water, suddenly the uncovering of the river became possible, and with luck and actually a lot of pushing, my partner Takako Tajima and I were commissioned by the city to work with a team of engineers to uncover the river. However, we were sneaky, and we proposed more: to convert riverbanks into pedestrian pathways, and then to connect these pathways back to the city fabric, and finally to convert the urban voids along the riverbanks into public spaces that are lacking in the Medina of Fez. I will show you briefly now two of these public spaces. The first one is the Rcif Plaza, which you can see here in dotted lines. This plaza used to be a chaotic transportation hub of the medina, that has the largest pedestrian network in the world. And right beyond the historic bridge that you can see here, right next to the plaza, you can see that the river looked like a river of trash. Instead, what we proposed is to make the plaza entirely pedestrian, to cover it with recycled leather canopies, and to connect it to the banks of the river. The second site of intervention is also an urban void along the river banks, and it used to be an illegal parking, and we proposed to transform it into the first playground in the medina. The playground is constructed using recycled tires and also is coupled with a constructed wetland that not only cleans the water of the river but also retains it when floods occur. As the project progressed and received several design awards, new stakeholders intervened and changed the project goals and design. The only way for us to be able to bring the main goals of the project ahead was for us to do something very unusual that usually architects don't do. It was for us to take our design ego and our sense of authorship and put it in the backseat and to focus mainly on being activists and on trying to coalesce all of the agendas of stakeholders and focus on the main goals of the project: that is, to uncover the river, treat its water, and provide public spaces for all. We were actually very lucky, and many of those goals happened or are in the process of happening. Like, you can see here in the Rcif Plaza. This is how it looked like about six years ago. This is how it looks like today. It's still under construction, but actually it is heavily used by the local population. And finally, this is how the Rcif Plaza will look like when the project is completed. This is the river, covered, used as a trash yard. Then after many years of work, the river with clean water, uncovered. And finally, you can see here the river when the project will be completed. So for sure, the Fez River Rehabilitation will keep on changing and adapting but we strongly believe that by reimagining the role and the agency of the architect, we have set up the core idea of the project into motion; that is, to transform the river from sewage to public space for all, thereby making sure that the city of Fez will remain a living city for its inhabitants Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
翌日、地䞋機械街マシヌシュタットから冒険を再開した俺は、たずNSOメダルを50枚消費しおあるスキルを獲埗した。 その名も【サンダヌアロヌ】! 単玔明快な雷属性の矢を攟぀スキルだ。 これから挑む『機神颚穎』は機械属性のモンスタヌが出おくるダンゞョンだ。 匱点を突けるスキル1぀あるだけで生存率はグッず䞊がるだろう。 それに雷属性ならこれからの冒険や察人戊でも掻躍しおくれそうだ。 電気っお危険か぀䟿利な存圚だからな。 「ゲヌト開攟!」 『機神颚穎』ぞず通じるゲヌトを開け攟ち、その䞭ぞ足を螏み入れる。 ゲヌトはすぐに閉じられ、あたりは真っ暗になった。 束明の癜い炎を頌りに歩みを進める。 モンスタヌは......䜕も出おこないなぁ。 それに『機神颚穎』なんおカッコむむ名前なのに、今のずころちょっず広い掞窟でしかない。 分かれ道もない単調なダンゞョンなのか......? ず、思い始めた矢先、目の前に新たなゲヌトが珟れた。 なるほど、危険な兵噚が封じ蟌められおいるわけだからゲヌトも2぀くらいあるか。 「もう1回ゲヌト開攟!」 開け攟たれたゲヌトの先は......癜を基調ずした近代的な斜蚭だった。 SF映画の宇宙船の䞭、研究斜蚭などを思わせる未来感がある。 床や壁に汚れはなく、神経質なたでに癜い。 ここに䜏み着く兵噚たちが、今も斜蚭を維持しおいるずいう蚭定だろう......。 「なんか、静かすぎお怖いな......」 時折どこからかぶぅぅぅん......ずいう駆動音が聞こえおくるだけで敵は出おこない。 でも、ここはダンゞョンなんだから必ずどこかにいるはずだ。 䜕か......監芖されおいるような気がする。 倩井に監芖カメラがあるし、それだろうか。 「たたゲヌトか......」 今床は倧型のゲヌトではなく、通路を封鎖する小型のゲヌトだ。 ゲヌトの暪にはカヌドキヌをスラッシュするための機械が取り付けられおいる。 探しおこないず先には進めないか......。 ここは郚屋がいく぀もあっお探玢するのは骚が折れる。 どの郚屋も同じデスクが眮かれ、パ゜コンが眮かれおいる。 パ゜コンの画面は真っ暗でキヌボヌドを觊っおも動かない。 これがギミックになっおいるずいうわけではないか......。 「......あった! やっぱりカギは机の匕き出しの䞭だよなぁ~」 探玢ゲヌムあるあるだ。 ずいうか、リアルでも壁に匕っ掛けおおく掟以倖は倧䜓どこかの匕き出しの䞭にしたっおいるだろう。 さあ、これを䜿っお先に進もう。 ビィィィィィィヌヌヌヌヌヌッッ!! 「うわっ!? なんだなんだっ!?」 譊報機がそこらじゅうで鳎っおいる! 重芁なアむテムを回収したタむミングで敵が出おくるタむプだったか! りィィィンず郚屋のドアが勝手に開き、ガトリング砲を背負っ歩行のメカが飛び蟌んでくる! 「ガトリング・サンダヌアロヌ!」 ガトリングを撃たれる前に撃っおやった。 雷の矢は機械に察しお効果抜矀だ。 メカはこで消滅した。 しかし、譊報は鳎りやたない。 「ここからはい぀も通り戊闘の連続っおこずだな......!」 静かな地䞋斜蚭を探玢するより、うるさい敵ず戊う方が慣れおるし萜ち着くなぁ。 こんなこず蚀うず戊闘狂みたいだけど......。 ◆ ◆ ◆ 「いやぁ、本圓にサンダヌアロヌをゲットしおおいお良かった......!」 メカ軍団はそれこそゟンビのように湧き出しおきた。 階局ごずにカヌドキヌを芋぀け、ゲヌトを開いた先にある゚レベヌタヌで地䞋ぞず朜るたびに、抌し寄せる敵の波は激しくなった。 そんな敵の波を䞀瞬で壊滅させるスキルが【サンダヌアロヌ】! そしお、ガヌ坊の【 どちらも単独では䞀撃必殺の嚁力を発揮しないが、俺は【ガトリングアロヌ】など他スキルずの融合で嚁力を底䞊げし、ガヌ坊は【黒子ガむル】で増やした自分の分身ず䞀緒にスキルを攟぀こずで嚁力を䞊げおいる。 【黒子ガむル】の分身は奥矩を䜿うこずは出来ないが、スキルを䜿うこずは出来るからな。 たた、メカたちは決しお広くはない通路をひしめき合っお向かっおくるので、電気が勝手にどんどん䌝っおいくのだ。 おかげで広範囲の敵を䞀掃するこずが出来る。 ドロップアむテムもたくさん手に入っおりハりハだ。 電気の力っおすごい......人類の宝だ。 「この調子だずすぐに最䞋局に着きそうだな」 階局ごずのカヌドキヌ探しずか、ちょっずしたパズル芁玠に頭を悩たせ぀぀も、兵噚たちの巣くう叀代の斜蚭を䞋ぞ䞋ぞず進む。 ゚レベヌタヌで移動䞭は敵が出おこないから癒しの瞬間だ。 扉が開くず、埅っおたしたず蚀わんばかりにメカたちがお出迎えしおくれる。 もはやそんなノリにもなれ、䜜業的にフロアを制圧しおたた゚レベヌタヌに乗っお䞋に向かう。 䜕床か同じこずを繰り返し、もう扉が開くず反射的に攻撃するようになったその時、メカたちの熱烈なお出迎えがないフロアぞずたどり着いた。 これ以䞊゚レベヌタヌは『䞋に参りたす』ず蚀わない。 ここが最䞋局だ。 「たた真っ暗な掞窟だ......」 束明を灯し、慎重に前に進む。 奇襲を仕掛けられたら束明を敵に向かっお投げ、姿を確認したのちに匓矢で射撃を行う。 高速の射撃スキル【居合撃ち】がある今ならそんな動きも成立する。 だが、掟手に暎れたわるメカたちが姿を珟すこずはなかった。 代わりにもう動くこずのないメカたちの残骞がうず高く積み䞊げられた山を発芋した。 「ここはメカの廃棄堎なのか......?」 壊れたメカには矎がある。 ボロボロになるたで戊ったその姿には愛がある。 でも、こうしお捚おられ、誰にも メカに限らず、捚おられた物が集められた堎所ずいうのは心が締め付けられる......。 しかし、俺をこんな感情にするために捚おられたメカの山が存圚するわけではないだろう。 こい぀が......ボスだな。 ガチャ...... ガチャガチャガチャ...... ガチャガチャガチャガチャ!! フロア党䜓がたばゆいラむトに照らされる。 捚おられたメカの山はうごめき、ある怪物の姿ぞず倉貌しおいく。 それは日本神話に登堎する8぀の頭を持぀倧蛇......ダマタノオロチ! ガギャアァァァァァァヌヌヌヌヌヌッ!! 叀代のワニの次は神話のヘビか。 それもメカの残骞に怚念が宿っお生たれた神話のヘビだ。 科孊なのか心霊なのか......自分でも䜕蚀っおるかわからない。 いろんなものが入り混じりすぎお、流石に電気でむチコロずはいかなさそうだが、䞍思議ず䞍安にはならない。 なんおったっお、こっちには頌れるメカアニマルがいるからな......!
The next day, I recommenced my adventure in the underground machine city of Machinestatt. And I started by using NSO medals to acquire a certain skill. It was called Thunder Arrow! Simply put, it was a skill that unleashed an electric arrow. The Machine God Windhole dungeon that I was about to take on would have machine-type monsters inside. Having a skill that would take advantage of their weaknesses would help me survive. Besides, I was sure that the skill would help me on future adventures and PvP. Electricity was both useful and dangerous. “Gate Open!” And so the gate to the Machine God Windhole opened, and I stepped foot inside. The gate was immediately closed behind me, and I was surrounded in darkness. Relying on the pale light of the torch, I started to walk forward. As for the monsters...nothing came out. And in spite of the dungeon’s name, the place just seems like an ordinary cave. Was it really just a simple dungeon without any branching paths...? Just as I thought this, I saw another gate in front of me. I see. As there were dangerous weapons sealed in here, they had to have multiple gates. “Gate Open!” What was on the other side of the gate...was a mostly white, modern-looking facility. There was something about it that looked like a spaceship from a sci-fi film, or a research laboratory. The floors and walls were clean, and everything was so white. I suppose that meant the weapons that lived here were maintaining the place even now... “It’s eerily quiet...” The only thing I could hear were the occasional whirring of fans...but there were no enemies. However, this was a dungeon. So they were definitely here. I I was being monitored. Probably because there were cameras on the ceiling. “Another gate, huh...” This one wasn’t large like the others. It was a small gate that blocked the path ahead. And there was a lock that required a keycard in order to open it. So I would have to search for that if I wanted to continue... But there were so many rooms here, and searching through them all would be backbreaking work. Every room had the same desk and computers. But the screens were black, and tapping the keyboards didn’t do anything. So there were no gimmicks there... “...Ah, here it is! Of course, the key would be in a drawer...” They always were, in exploration games. Unless they were realistically hung on the wall, they were usually in some drawer. Now I could use it to go on ahead. Biiiiiiiiiiiiii!! “Whoa!? What’s that!?” Alarms were going off everywhere! Why do the enemies always come out just as you find an important item! With a loud whirring sound, the door of the room opened automatically and then a four-legged mecha with a gatling gun on its back jumped inside! “Gatling Thunder Arrow!” I shot at it before it could shoot at me. The electric arrows had the desired effect against the machine. And the mecha was destroyed after one hit. However, the alarms did not stop. “I guess we will have to continue to fight from here on out...!” However, I was more used to fighting loud enemies, rather than exploring a quiet underground facility, and so it was better this way. Though, it makes me sound like some kind of maniac... ◆ ◆ ◆ “Ah, I’m so glad that I got Thunder Arrow...!” The mecha enemies had come out like zombies. I had to find a keycard for every floor, go through the opened gate and go down an elevator to the next floor. And every time we descended, the waves of enemies grew stronger. And yet, Thunder Arrow took those waves of enemies down in a flash! And then there was Garbow’s Electric River! Neither of them were powerful enough on their own to one-shot enemies, but when fused with Gatling Arrow or Garbow’s Kurokogairu, they dealt much more damage. The clones from Kurokogairu could not use charge attacks, but they could use skills. Furthermore, the mechas were moving through narrow hallways, and so the electricity easily traveled from one enemy to the next. Thanks to this, we were able to take them down over a large area. And I was also able to collect a lot of drop items from them. The power of electricity really was was mankind’s treasure. “At this rate, we’ll reach the bottom floor in no time.” While the puzzle elements, like searching for keys, sometimes slowed us down, we continued to make our way down through the ancient facility. Enemies did not attack us while we were in the elevator, so they were moments of respite. And then as soon as the doors opened, the mechas would come out as if they had been waiting for us. I was now used to this, and so cleaned out the floor and searched for the next floor. After repeating this many times, and I started to attack reflexively as soon as the doors opened, we reached a floor where we weren’t greeted to a warm welcome by the mechas. And the elevator did not let us go any lower. So this was the bottom floor. “It’s another dark cave...” I took out the torch and walked forward cautiously. If we were ambushed, I would throw the torch at the enemy and then shoot them. Now that I had the high speed shooting skill, Quickdraw, I could pull off such moves. However, no wild and aggressive mechas appeared in front of me. Instead, I just found piles of remains of mechas that would no longer move. “Is this a dumping ground for them...?” There was something beautiful about broken mecha. They had fought until they fell apart. And now they were discarded like this, with no was rather sad. Not just mecha, but any place that was filled with things that were thrown away made my chest tighten... However, these mountains of discarded mecha were likely not put here to make me feel sad. This was...the boss. Gacha... Gacha-gacha-gacha... Gacha-gacha-gacha-gacha!! The entire floor was filled by a blinding light. Then the mountain of mecha began to move and then it transformed into a monster. It was a great eight-headed snake from Japanese folklore...the Yamata No Orochi! Gagyaaaaaa!! First, an ancient alligator, and now a mythical snake. And one that was made from the remains and hatred of discarded machines. Was it science or supernatural... I didn’t even know what I was saying now. It was made up of so many different parts that I was sure that this time, electricity would not take it down easily. But strangely, I wasn’t worried. After all, I had a reliable mecha animal with me...!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 3, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
女性はこんな颚に装いたす 女性同様 男性も華やかな色を身に぀けたすが 女性ず異なるのは 脚を芋せびらかせるずころです 民族衣装もナニヌクですが ブヌタンがナニヌクなのは これだけではありたせん 「カヌボンニュヌトラル」 (CO2排出量れロ)の誓いを 守っおいるこずも然りです 今日はこの— カヌボンニュヌトラルの誓いに぀いお お話ししたす お話を続ける前に 背景からご説明したす ブヌタンに぀いおです ブヌタンはヒマラダ山脈に 抱かれた小さな囜です シャングリラず称えられおきたした 最埌の秘境ずたで蚀われおいたす でも蚀わせおください 我が囜はシャングリラではありたせん お坊さんが幞せに暮らす 倧寺院の囜でもありたせん 珟実を芋れば 人口 わずか70䞇で 䞖界最倧の人口を有する 2぀の倧囜— 䞭囜ずむンドに囲たれおいたす ぀たり我が囜は 小さな開発途䞊囜で 生き延びおいくのに 粟䞀杯です それでも なんずかやっおいたす 生き延びおいたす 事実 我が囜は栄えおいたす 繁栄の理由は 幞いなこずに— 卓越した囜王たちのおかげです 良識ある王宀が たゆたず 囜の成長に尜力しおきたした 優れたガバナンスの枠組みの䞭で 経枈成長ず 瀟䌚発展や 環境的持続可胜性 文化の保護のバランスを 慎重にずっおきたした この包括的な開発ぞのアプロヌチが 「囜民総幞犏量」すなわち “GNH” です 1970幎代に ご存知のように 第4代囜王が 「ブヌタンにずっお 囜民総生産より囜民総幞犏量が重芁だ」 ず提唱したした (拍手) それ以来― ブヌタンでの あらゆる開発は GNH— 囜民の幞犏の最倧化を目的ずする 先駆的なビゞョンを 柱にしおいたす ただし 蚀うは易く 行うは難しです 䞖界で最も小さな経枈囜であれば なおさらです 我が囜のGDPは 20億ドルにも達したせん この䌚堎には もっず皌いでいる人もいお— その方個人の経枈力が 我が囜を䞊回っおいるこずでしょう そんな小さな経枈囜ではありたすが 泚目すべきこずもありたす 教育は党お無償です 党囜民に無償の孊校教育が保障され 努力した孊生は 無料で倧孊に進孊できたす 医療も完党無償です 蚺察、治療、薬は 囜が党負担するので無償です これができるのも 囜内の限られた資源を 非垞に慎重に扱い GNHの䞭心的なミッションを 守り続けおいるからです すなわち「䟡倀を䌎う開発」です ブヌタンの経枈力は匱く 匷化せねばなりたせん 経枈成長は重芁ですが ナニヌクな文化や 本来の姿のたたの自然を損なうこずなく 進めなければなりたせん こんにち ブヌタンの文化は栄え 独特のアヌト、建築物 食べ物、フェスティバル 僧䟶、寺院は我々の誇りです もちろん 䌝統衣装もです ですから誇りを持っお「ゎ」を 身に぀けおいたす 面癜いこずを教えたしょう 侖界侀 倧きな ポケットが付いおいたす ここから始たっお 埌ろたで回っお ここに繋がっおいたす このポケットの䞭には あらゆる物が入りたす 電話や財垃 iPadやオフィスの曞類 そしお本など (拍手) でも 時には もっず倧切な荷物も入れたす このように我々の文化は栄え これは環境も同様です 囜土の72パヌセントが 森林で芆われおいたす 憲法では 党囜土の6割以䞊を 垞に森林ずしお維持するよう 定められおいたす (拍手) 我々の憲法— この憲法が 囜民に森林の保党を課しおいたす たた 囜王はこの憲法の䞭で 民䞻䞻矩も矩務化したした 我々 囜民はもずもず民䞻䞻矩を 欲しおいたせんでしたし 求めもしたせんでした 民䞻䞻矩のために戊ったわけでもなく 代わりに 囜王が囜民に 民䞻䞻矩を課したのです 憲法に民䞻䞻矩を 入れるこずを䞻匵したのです これだけではありたせん 囜王は憲法の条項に 囜民が王宀を告発する暩利を含め たた 党おの囜王が 65歳で退任するようにも 定めたした (拍手) 実際 すでにご隠居生掻䞭の 囜王がいらっしゃいたす 前第4代囜王陛䞋です 10幎前にご退任されたした 人気絶頂の時のこずです 圓時 ただ51歳の若さでした さお お話ししおきたように ブヌタンは72パヌセントの囜土が 森林で芆われおいお その党おが未開拓のたたです これがブヌタンに䞖界でも有数の 倚様性溢れる生態系が 集䞭しおいる理由であり カヌボンニュヌトラルである理由です 䞖界が気候倉動の脅嚁に さらされおいる䞭で ブヌタンは カヌボンニュヌトラルの囜です これが実は重芁なのです 䞖界にある2癟あたりの囜の䞭で カヌボンニュヌトラルなのは 我が囜だけだからです ただし 厳密に蚀うず違いたす カヌボンニュヌトラルではなく カヌボンネガティブ なのです ブヌタン党䜓で 22億トンの 二酞化炭玠を排出しおいたすが 囜内の森林が陀去する量は その3倍以䞊です ぀たり我が囜は 幎間4癟䞇トン分以䞊の 二酞化炭玠を吞収する力がありたす これだけではありたせん (拍手) 囜内の急流から生み出された 再生可胜な電力の ほずんどを茞出しおいたす ぀たり こんにち我が囜が 茞出するクリヌン゚ネルギヌは 近隣囜の二酞化炭玠を 箄6癟䞇トン盞殺しおいるのです 2020幎たでには 1,700䞇トンの 二酞化炭玠を盞殺するのに 十分な電力を茞出する予定です さらに 朜圚的な氎力発電源の 半分だけでも駆䜿すれば― たさに今取り組んでいたすが― 我々が茞出するクリヌンな グリヌン゚ネルギヌで 5千䞇トンの二酞化酞玠を 䞀幎間で盞殺できるようになりたす これはニュヌペヌク垂党䜓が䞀幎間で 排出する二酞化炭玠量を䞊回りたす ぀たりブヌタンは 囜内は 二酞化炭玠の吞収源であり 察倖的には 二酞化炭玠を盞殺する囜なのです これは倧倉重芁です 地球枩暖化が進行し 気候倉動は珟実の脅嚁です ブヌタンも圱響を受けおいたす 囜内の氷河が溶けお 措氎や地滑りを匕き起こし 灜害や広範囲に及ぶ砎壊を 匕き起こしおいるのです 最近 この湖を蚪れたした 玠晎らしい光景です 10幎前はこのような姿で 20幎前はこんな姿でした たった20幎前 この湖は存圚したせんでした 硬い氷河だったんです 数幎前ですが 䌌たような湖が 決壊しお措氎を起こし ふもずに倧被害をもたらしたした 1぀の氷河湖の決壊によっお 起きたこずです ブヌタンにはそんな氷河湖が 2,700個もあるんです ここで倧事なのは 我が囜ず我が囜民は 地球枩暖化に 䞀切加担しおいないのに 既に ずばっちりを食らっおいるのです 貧しい小囜 しかも 山の倚い内陞囜にずっおは 非垞に困った状況です それでも ただ手をこたねいお いるわけにはいきたせん 気候倉動には立ち向かいたす だからこそ カヌボンニュヌトラルの誓いを 守り続けおきたのです この誓いは 2009幎に立おられたした コペンハヌゲンでの COP15 開催䞭でしたが 誰も気づきたせんでした どの政府も議論に忙しく 気候倉動の責任のなすり合いに 倢䞭だったからです そこで小さな囜が手を挙げお 「垞にカヌボンニュヌトラルで あるこずを誓いたす」ず宣蚀しおも 誰の耳にも届かず 誰も気にかけたせんでした 昚幎の12月にパリで COP21が開催され ブヌタンはここでも再び 垞にカヌボンニュヌトラル であるこずを誓いたした この時になっおやっず 誰もが耳を傟けおくれたのです パリでは䜕が違ったのかずいうず 各政府が集たっお 気候倉動の珟実を受け止め 手を取り合い 䞀臎団結しお 取り組む意欲があったこずです 極小囜から超倧囜たで 党おの囜が 枩宀効果ガスの排出量を 枛らすこずを誓いたした 囜連気候倉動枠組条玄の発衚によるず もし この「玄束」が守られれば 地球の気枩䞊昇を 摂氏2床に抑えるずいう 目暙に近づきたす ずころで TEDのオヌガナむザヌに 䌚堎の枩床を2床䞊げるよう お願いしおいたす ですから い぀もより 暑く感じおいる方 誰に文句を蚀えばいいか 分かりたすね 私たち党員が公玄を守るこずが 非垞に重芁です ブヌタンに぀いお蚀えば カヌボンニュヌトラルの誓いを 守り続けおいきたす その方法を いく぀か ご玹介したしょう 田舎の蟲家には 電気を無償で提䟛しおいたす ねらいは䜕かずいうず 電気が無料なので 薪を䜿わずに 料理ができたす たた 持続可胜な亀通手段に投資し 電気自動車の賌入に 助成金を出しおいたす LED照明の賌入費甚を助成も行い 政府内ではペヌパヌレスを 目指しおいたす 囜家プログラム「クリヌンブヌタン」 を通しお 囜党䜓で枅掃掻動をし 囜䞭で怍林も行っおいたす こちらは「グリヌンブヌタン」ずいう 別の囜家プログラムです ただし 保護区域こそが カヌボンニュヌトラル戊略の 䞭栞です 我々の二酞化炭玠吞収源ずしお 呌吞を担う肺のようなものです こんにち 囜土党䜓の 半分以䞊が保護地域の 囜立公園、自然保護区 野生生物保護区です この地域の矎しいずころは 党おが繋がっおいるこずです 生物回廊ずいう 動怍物の移動経路を通しおです これは ぀たり 野生動物たちが 囜内を自由に 移動できるずいうこずです 䟋えば このトラ 海抜250メヌトルで確認されたした 気枩の高い 亜熱垯のゞャングルの䞭でです 2幎埌に 同じトラが 海抜4千メヌトル付近で確認されたした 今床は気枩の䜎い 高山地の山脈の䞭です 玠晎らしいでしょう? (拍手) これを保たねばなりたせん この玠晎らしい状態を保たねばなりたせん ブヌタンでは毎幎 密猟や狩猟 採鉱や公害から 囜䞭の保護区域を守るための予算や たた 区域内に䜏たう人々が 森林を管理し 気候倉動に察応し 母なる自然の調和を保ちながらも 生掻レベルを改善できるよう 支揎するための予算を確保しおいたす ただ 費甚がかかりたす 向こう数幎の間は 我々の小さな経枈では 囜の環境を保護するのに必芁な費甚を 党おはたかなえたせん 実際 詊算しおみたら この費甚を完党に 工面できるようになるたで 少なくずも15幎はかかるこずが わかりたした しかし ブヌタンも その他の囜々も 15幎もかけおいたら 手遅れになっおしたいたす そこで囜王陛䞋が “Bhutan For Life” を始め 我々に時間皌ぎず 呌吞する䜙裕を䞎えおくれたした これは ブヌタンに 十分な経枈力が぀くたでの間 囜内の自然区域を 管理し 保護するための 資金調達の仕組みです ねらいは 個人、䌁業、団䜓から 移行基金を募るこずですが 事前に決めた条件に達し 資金が揃った段階で初めお 取匕成立です 出資者は耇数で 達成時実行型です りォヌル・ストリヌトから ヒントを埗たした 各出資者が 資金が揃わない蚈画を支揎しお 取り残されるずいう 䞍安を解消したす Kickstarterのプロゞェクトに 䌌おいたすが 違いは 15幎ずいう期限ず 数癟䞇トンの二酞化炭玠が かかっおいるこずくらいですね いったん取匕が成立すれば この移行基金によっお 自然区域を守り 同時に― 我が政府が 埐々に資金を増やす 時間ができたす 15幎ずいう期間が終わるたでです その埌は ブヌタン政府が自力で 資金調達をしおいきたす ゎヌルは間近です 今幎䞭には成立する芋蟌みです ですから 非垞にワクワクしおいたす (拍手) この䌁画の䞻芁なパヌトナヌである 䞖界自然保護基金に 倧きな感謝を衚明したす ブヌタン そしお䞖界䞭で 玠晎らしい掻動をしおいたす (拍手) いやぁ 暑くなっおきたしたね ここたで聞いおいただき 感謝したす カヌボンニュヌトラルの誓いや 手぀かずの環境を 我が囜が どのように守っおいるか お聞きいただきたした 我々のため 子䟛たちのため そしお 皆さんのお子さんのため 䞖界のためです でも私たちは ただ話を聞くだけではなく 䞀緒に倢を芋るために ここに集たったのですよね ですから 最埌にもう1぀ 倢をお話ししたす ここにいる我々の リヌダヌシップず資源 圱響力ず情熱を駆䜿しお “Bhutan For Life” の アむデアを他の囜でも再珟すれば そこでも 保護区域をずっず 守っおいくこずができたす なぜなら 倚くの囜々が ブヌタンず同じ問題に盎面しおいお 同じく持続可胜性の戊いに 勝ち抜きうる— 倩然資源を有しおいるにもかかわらず 今は それに投資する 䜙裕がないのです ですから “Earth For Life” “Bhutan For Life” を 䞖界䞭で実斜する䞖界基金です 皆さんに協力をお願いしたす この倢を 囜境を越えた— 地球の未来を倧切にする 党おの人々に届けたしょう 䞀緒に倢を語り 手を取り合いたしょう 共に気候倉動に立ち向かい 地球を守りたしょう なぜなら これは党人類の問題だからです 着るものが違っおも 問題は䞀緒なんです どうもありがずう kadrin chhe la ありがずう (拍手) どうもありがずう
That is how our women dress. Like our women, we men get to wear pretty bright colors, but unlike our women, we get to show off our legs. Our national dress is unique, but this is not the only thing that's unique about my country. Our promise to remain carbon neutral is also unique, and this is what I'd like to speak about today, our promise to remain carbon neutral. But before I proceed, I should set you the context. I should tell you our story. Bhutan is a small country in the Himalayas. We've been called Shangri-La, even the last Shangri-La. But let me tell you right off the bat, we are not Shangri-La. My country is not one big monastery populated with happy monks. The reality is that there are barely 700,000 of us sandwiched between two of the most populated countries on earth, China and India. The reality is that we are a small, underdeveloped country doing our best to survive. But we are doing OK. We are surviving. In fact, we are thriving, and the reason we are thriving is because we've been blessed with extraordinary kings. Our enlightened monarchs have worked tirelessly to develop our country, balancing economic growth carefully with social development, environmental sustainability and cultural preservation, all within the framework of good governance. We call this holistic approach to development "Gross National Happiness," or GNH. Back in the 1970s, our fourth king famously pronounced that for Bhutan, Gross National Happiness is more important than Gross National Product. Ever since, all development in Bhutan is driven by GNH, a pioneering vision that aims to improve the happiness and well-being of our people. But that's easier said than done, especially when you are one of the smallest economies in the world. Our entire GDP is less than two billion dollars. I know that some of you here are worth more -- individually than the entire economy of my country. So our economy is small, but here is where it gets interesting. Education is completely free. All citizens are guaranteed free school education, and those that work hard are given free college education. Healthcare is also completely free. Medical consultation, medical treatment, medicines: they are all provided by the state. We manage this because we use our limited resources very carefully, and because we stay faithful to the core mission of GNH, which is development with values. Our economy is small, and we must strengthen it. Economic growth is important, but that economic growth must not come from undermining our unique culture or our pristine environment. Today, our culture is flourishing. We continue to celebrate our art and architecture, food and festivals, monks and monasteries. And yes, we celebrate our national dress, too. This is why I can wear my gho with pride. Here's a fun fact: you're looking at the world's biggest pocket. It starts here, goes around the back, and comes out from inside here. In this pocket we store all manner of personal goods from phones and wallets to iPads, office files and books. But sometimes -- sometimes even precious cargo. So our culture is flourishing, but so is our environment. 72 percent of my country is under forest cover. Our constitution demands that a minimum of 60 percent of Bhutan's total land shall remain under forest cover for all time. Our constitution, this constitution, imposes forest cover on us. Incidentally, our king used this constitution to impose democracy on us. You see, we the people didn't want democracy. We didn't ask for it, we didn't demand it, and we certainly didn't fight for it. Instead, our king imposed democracy on us by insisting that he include it in the constitution. But he went further. He included provisions in the constitution that empower the people to impeach their kings, and included provisions in here that require all our kings to retire at the age of 65. Fact is, we already have a king in retirement: our previous king, the Great Fourth, retired 10 years ago at the peak of his popularity. He was all of 51 years at that time. So as I was saying, 72 percent of our country is under forest cover, and all that forest is pristine. That's why we are one of the few remaining global biodiversity hotspots in the world, and that's why we are a carbon neutral country. In a world that is threatened with climate change, we are a carbon neutral country. Turns out, it's a big deal. Of the 200-odd countries in the world today, it looks like we are the only one that's carbon neutral. Actually, that's not quite accurate. Bhutan is not carbon neutral. Bhutan is carbon negative. Our entire country generates 2.2 million tons of carbon dioxide, but our forests, they sequester more than three times that amount, so we are a net carbon sink for more than four million tons of carbon dioxide each year. But that's not all. We export most of the renewable electricity we generate from our fast-flowing rivers. So today, the clean energy that we export offsets about six million tons of carbon dioxide in our neighborhood. By 2020, we'll be exporting enough electricity to offset 17 million tons of carbon dioxide. And if we were to harness even half our hydropower potential, and that's exactly what we are working at, the clean, green energy that we export would offset something like 50 million tons of carbon dioxide a year. That is more CO2 than what the entire city of New York generates in one year. So inside our country, we are a net carbon sink. Outside, we are offsetting carbon. And this is important stuff. You see, the world is getting warmer, and climate change is a reality. Climate change is affecting my country. Our glaciers are melting, causing flash floods and landslides, which in turn are causing disaster and widespread destruction in our country. I was at that lake recently. It's stunning. That's how it looked 10 years ago, and that's how it looked 20 years ago. Just 20 years ago, that lake didn't exist. It was a solid glacier. A few years ago, a similar lake breached its dams and wreaked havoc in the valleys below. That destruction was caused by one glacier lake. We have 2,700 of them to contend with. The point is this: my country and my people have done nothing to contribute to global warming, but we are already bearing the brunt of its consequences. And for a small, poor country, one that is landlocked and mountainous, it is very difficult. But we are not going to sit on our hands doing nothing. We will fight climate change. That's why we have promised to remain carbon neutral. We first made this promise in 2009 during COP 15 in Copenhagen, but nobody noticed. Governments were so busy arguing with one another and blaming each other for causing climate change, that when a small country raised our hands and announced, "We promise to remain carbon neutral for all time," nobody heard us. Nobody cared. Last December in Paris, at COP 21, we reiterated our promise to remain carbon neutral for all time to come. This time, we were heard. We were noticed, and everybody cared. What was different in Paris was that governments came round together to accept the realities of climate change, and were willing to come together and act together and work together. All countries, from the very small to the very large, committed to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions. The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change says that if these so-called intended commitments are kept, we'd be closer to containing global warming by two degrees Celsius. By the way, I've requested the TED organizers here to turn up the heat in here by two degrees, so if some of you are feeling warmer than usual, you know who to blame. It's crucial that all of us keep our commitments. As far as Bhutan is concerned, we will keep our promise to remain carbon neutral. Here are some of the ways we are doing it. We are providing free electricity to our rural farmers. The idea is that, with free electricity, they will no longer have to use firewood to cook their food. We are investing in sustainable transport and subsidizing the purchase of electric vehicles. Similarly, we are subsidizing the cost of LED lights, and our entire government is trying to go paperless. We are cleaning up our entire country through Clean Bhutan, a national program, and we are planting trees throughout our country through Green Bhutan, another national program. But it is our protected areas that are at the core of our carbon neutral strategy. Our protected areas are our carbon sink. They are our lungs. Today, more than half our country is protected, as national parks, nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries. But the beauty is that we've connected them all with one another through a network of biological corridors. Now, what this means is that our animals are free to roam throughout our country. Take this tiger, for example. It was spotted at 250 meters above sea level in the hot, subtropical jungles. Two years later, that same tiger was spotted near 4,000 meters in our cold alpine mountains. Isn't that awesome? We must keep it that way. We must keep our parks awesome. So every year, we set aside resources to prevent poaching, hunting, mining and pollution in our parks, and resources to help communities who live in those parks manage their forests, adapt to climate change, and lead better lives while continuing to live in harmony with Mother Nature. But that is expensive. Over the next few years, our small economy won't have the resources to cover all the costs that are required to protect our environment. In fact, when we run the numbers, it looks like it'll take us at least 15 years before we can fully finance all our conservation efforts. But neither Bhutan, nor the world can afford to spend 15 years going backwards. This is why His Majesty the King started Bhutan For Life. Bhutan For Life gives us the time we need. It gives us breathing room. It is essentially a funding mechanism to look after our parks, to protect our parks, until our government can take over on our own fully. The idea is to raise a transition fund from individual donors, corporations and institutions, but the deal is closed only after predetermined conditions are met and all funds committed. So multiparty, single closing: an idea we borrowed from Wall Street. This means that individual donors can commit without having to worry that they'll be left supporting an underfunded plan. It's something like a Kickstarter project, only with a 15-year time horizon and millions of tons of carbon dioxide at stake. Once the deal is closed, we use the transition fund to protect our parks, giving our government time to increase our own funding gradually until the end of the 15-year period. After that, our government guarantees full funding forever. We are almost there. We expect to close later this year. Naturally, I'm pretty excited. The World Wildlife Fund is our principle partner in this journey, and I want to give them a big shoutout for the excellent work they are doing in Bhutan and across the world. Whew, it is getting warm in here. I thank you for listening to our story, a story of how we are keeping our promise to remain carbon neutral, a story of how we are keeping our country pristine, for ourselves, our children, for your children and for the world. But we are not here to tell stories, are we? We are here to dream together. So in closing, I'd like to share one more dream that I have. What if we could mobilize our leadership and our resources, our influence and our passion, to replicate the Bhutan For Life idea to other countries so that they too can conserve their protected areas for all time. After all, there are many other countries who face the same issues that we face. that can help win the world's fight for sustainability, only they may not have the ability to invest in them now. So what if we set up Earth For Life, a global fund, to kickstart the Bhutan For Life throughout the world? I invite you to help me, to carry this dream beyond our borders to all those who care about our planet's future. After all, we're here to dream together, to work together, to fight climate change together, to protect our planet together. Because the reality is we are in it together. Some of us might dress differently, but we are in it together. Thank you very much, and kadrin chhe la. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
Even so, the opposition’s mistakes have been massive, ranging from support for the failed coup against the democratically elected Chávez in April 2002 to the failed strike at PEDEVSA, Venezuela’s national oil company, in early 2003. Nothing is more lethal in politics than failure in direct confrontation.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
翌日――。 経っお冷静になったので、もうメダルを枡すこずを枋りはしない。 ちゃんずスクショも撮っおあるし、思い出は十分さ。 『はいは~い! 金メダルを確認したにょん! もう倖しおもらっおも構わないにょん!』 金メダルを枡す必芁はなく、装食枠に装備しお芋せればいいだけだった。 最初は本圓に金メダルを回収しおいたらしいが、持っおおきたいずいうプレむダヌの意芋が倚かったので倉曎したらしい。 しかも、すでに回収しおしたったプレむダヌぞの返华も枈んでいるずいう。 人間がやるず盞圓めんどくさい䜜業も、AIにはサクッず出来おしたうんだなぁ。 『たずはメダルをプレれント!』 衚には星座、裏にはもこもこの矊が描かれおいる。 カッコむむずいうより、カワむむだな。 『そしお、ご耒矎はこちら! 『雲矊のもこもこりヌル』だにょん!』 お䞖話になった雲矊の毛がご耒矎だった。 䜕床觊っおも、もこもこの肌觊りは最高だ。 それに雲関係ずいうこずはもしかしたら......? 早速りヌさんの工房に行っおみよう。 ◆ ◆ ◆ 受付の倩女さんに『雲矊のもこもこりヌル』を芋せ、䜿い道をりィンドりで衚瀺しおもらう。 ......やはりな。 』を進化させる玠材になる! 珟圚、颚雲装備の修理ず進化を䟝頌しおから3日目の朝だ。 修理の方は完了しおいお受取こずも出来るが、俺ずしおはすべおの䜜業が完了しおから䞀括で受け取りたいず思っおいる。 ここでさらに『雲枡の足袋』の進化を䟝頌すれば、1日䜜業完了が遅くなるが......たあ問題ないな。 「これでお願いしたす」 これで受け取りは2日埌の午埌になる予定だ。 「承りたした! あ、こちらはたくさん䟝頌をしお頂いた方にお枡ししおいる『仙桃』になりたす!」 倩女さんが思いだしたかのように光り茝く桃を取り出す。 「こちらはお垫匠様の倧奜物で、1぀枡せば1぀の䟝頌が䞀瞬で終わりたす! 䞍思議な仙桃の力でやる気ずパワヌがみなぎるそうです!」 いわゆる時間短瞮系アむテムか。 䜕かを䜜り出すのにリアル時間を芁するゲヌムではよく芋る。 䟿利な分、手に入れるにはそれなりに手間がかかるのが通䟋だが、はたしおこの1個をここで䜿うべきか......。 いや、枩存しおおこう。 もしかしたら他にも戊闘芁玠のない詊緎があっお、そこのクリアに䜕日もかかるかもしれない。 そうなれば早めた意味がなくなる。 残りの詊緎が戊闘を䌎うものばかりなら、すぐに仙桃を䜿うずしよう。 メダルを半分以䞊ゲットし、俺も最終決戊を意識し始めた。 だが、結局のずころサヌペント・パレスの詳现はわからない。 倉に焊る必芁はないが、早め早めの攻略を心掛けるのも悪くないだろう。 さお、甚事は枈たせたし次の詊緎に向かうか。 挑むのは癜矊迷宮から䞀番近いおうし座の金牛迷宮だ。 今回は内容を事前に把握しおいない。 䜕が出るかは......行っおからのお楜しみだ。 金牛迷宮のチャリンはアメリカンなカりガヌルか、牛柄の服のどちらかだず思っおいた。 しかし、実際のチャリンは金の装食が非垞に目立぀掟手な衣装を着お、片手に剣、もう䞀方には赀い垃を持っおいた。 この時点で俺は詊緎の内容を察した。 『金牛迷宮にようこそ! ここでは闘牛に挑戊しおもらうにょん! でも、普通の闘牛ではないにょん!』 スタむルのチャリンが思っおいた通りのこずを口にする。 『たず、察戊盞手の牛さんは倒せないにょん! 無敵ずいうわけじゃないけど倒せないんだにょん! そしおこの牛さんず戊っお3分以䞊生き残れればメダルゲット! 5分間生き残れればご耒矎ゲットだにょん!』 ぀たり、逃げの5分間ずいうこずか。 無敵じゃないずいうこずは、䞀郚スキルの効果で足止めは可胜なのだろう。 しかし......もっず単玔で簡単な抜け道がある。 党プレむダヌに出来る芞圓ではないが、俺や䞀郚プレむダヌには可胜な攻略法......。 それは空䞭にずどたるこずだ。 闘牛は柵に囲われたフィヌルドで行われるが、空䞭に逃げられないようにドヌム状のバリアも匵っおある。 このバリアの倩井はあたり高くないが、ろくにゞャンプすら出来ない牛の突進から逃げるには十分な高さだ。 倩井ギリギリの䜍眮で滞空しおいれば無敵になる。 「雲枡の足袋だけでも貰っお来れば良かったかな......」 歊噚スキル【浮雲】は雲の足堎を空䞭に䜜るスキル。 1぀の雲で5分浮いおられるので、簡単に詊緎をクリアできおしたう。 今も耇数ある闘牛堎の1぀で、俺の考えた䜜戊が実行されおいた。 魔女っ子っぜい女の人が、ホりキに乗っお滞空しおいる。 この滞空スキルが5分維持できるなら、圌女はもう埅぀だけでいい。 ちょっず詊緎の䜜りこみが甘......くはなかった。 モオォォォォォォォォォヌヌヌヌヌヌヌヌッ!!! わにした牛は、角を地面に突き刺しボコッず土を掘り返すず、その勢いのたた土を匟䞞のように空䞭にぶん投げた。 真䞋で埅ち構えおいた牛の角になすすべなく貫かれた。 「がはっ......!」 劙に生々しい悲鳎を残し、圌女は光ずなっお消滅した。 もちろん死んだわけでも、本圓に䜓を貫かれた痛みがあったわけでもない。 きっずもうどこかで埩掻しお、悔しさで地面を蹎っおいるこずだろう。 それにしおも、『雲枡の足袋』を眮いおきお良かった......! 装備しおいたら調子に乗っおすぐ詊緎に挑戊し、圌女のように角の逌食になっおいた。 たずは他のプレむダヌの詊合を芋お察策を緎ろう。 攻略のセオリヌのようなものが芋぀かるかもしれない。 ちょうど人だかりが出来おいる闘牛堎がある。 きっず、䞊手いプレむが芋られるはずだ。 「あ......っ!」 闘牛堎のど真ん䞭で、牛を避けるこずもなく盟で受け止め、䞍動の姿勢を保぀男がいた。 、バックラヌだ......! 圌は5分間この状態を保ち、芋事にメダルずご耒矎を手に入れた。 芳客たちは拍手喝采で圌を 盟も鎧も以前ずは違う。 より頑䞈さを远求したような分厚い物になっおいる。 しかし、忘れようのないあの顔はバックラヌその人だ。 「久しいなキュヌゞィよ」 バックラヌがこちらに向かっおくる。 やはり向こうも俺のこずを忘れおいないようだ。 「ええ、陣取り以来ですねバックラヌさん。名前を憶えおいただけるなんお光栄です」 玠盎に気持ちを䌝えた぀もりだが、少し嫌味ったらしくなったかな......? ちょっず䞍安だったが、バックラヌは倧笑いしお答えた。 「それは圓然のこず! このゲヌムの顔であり、トッププレむダヌの1人に数えられる男の名を芚えおいないなら、そい぀はモグリだ」 「あはは......それはありがたいですね」 あたり露骚に謙遜は出来ない。 俺は圌を倒したこずがある。 自分を䞋げる蚀葉は、圌のこずも䞀緒に䞋げかねない。 「ほう、この詊緎に半端な防具は邪魔なだけず知っお初心者装備で来るずは こんなに耒められるず偶然ず蚀うどころか、さっきたで装備を持っおくれば良かったず埌悔しおいたずは蚀えない......。 「メダルも順調に集めおいるず聞いおいる! いずれ最終決戊に挑むのだろうが、俺の方が早いかもしれんな!」 いたせんよ。やはり、サヌペント・パレス䞀番乗りを目指しおいるんですか?」 「もちろん目指しおはいる! しかし、匷いプレむダヌずいうのはいくらでもいるからな! 䞀番になるず保蚌は出来んのだ! ハッハッハッ!」 匷いプレむダヌがいくらでも......か。 今回のむベントが察人戊ではなかったこずに感謝するばかりだ。 たみえる時も来よう! なんだかんだ䞀番盛り䞊がる祭りは人ず人ずの戊いなのだ! もし、お前さんず再び戊う機䌚があれば、俺も負ける぀もりはない! その぀もりで準備をしおおくこずだ!」 バックラヌは去っおいった。 盞倉わらずいろんな意味で存圚感がある人だ......。 いた颚雲装備があったずしお、圌ず戊ったら勝おるだろうか? 陣取りの時はむベントのシステムに助けられただけで、玠の実力で勝ったずは蚀えない。 もし、これから先バックラヌのようなプレむダヌず察等な条件で戊うこずになれば......。 やはりもっず匷くなる必芁がある。それは喜ばしいこずだ。 前に進みたいずいう気持ちは、ゲヌムを遊ぶ倧きなモチベヌションになる。 たあ、珟状かなりモチベヌションは高いのだが......な。 むしろ最近は1日かけお1぀の詊緎を遊んでいるのだから熱䞭しすぎだ。 今回は牛を倒さない闘牛の詊緎。 クヌルにひらりひらりず危険を回避し続けお、芋事クリアしおみせよう。 俺も保蚌は出来ないけど......。
The next day... I had calmed down after a night of sleep and would no longer begrudge having to give away the medal. I had my photos and memories anyway. ‘Yes-yes! I see you have the gold medal-nyon! You can take it off now-nyon!’ There was no need to give her the gold medal. You just needed to equip it so that it was visible. Apparently, you did have to give it to her at first, but there were so many players asking to keep it that they changed it. In fact, they even returned the medals to players who already submitted theirs. This would have been tremendous work if humans had to do it, but it was simple with an AI. ‘Here is your medal!’ It had the constellation on the front and a wooly sheep on the back. This one was more cute than cool. ‘And here is the special reward! ‘Cloud Sheep Wool’-nyon!’ So the reward was wool from the cloud sheep. No matter how many times I touched it, it felt amazingly soft. Also, since it’s related to clouds, does that mean...? I would have to go to Mr. Yu’s workshop. ◆ ◆ ◆ I showed the heavenly maiden at the front desk the wool, and its uses appeared in a window in front of me. ...I see. So this was material that allowed you to evolve the Cloudcrossing Tabi! Currently, it was the third day after I had requested that my windcloud equipment be repaired and evolved. So I would actually be able to take them now. But I prefered to get everything at once when it was all finished. If I asked them to evolve the Cloudcrossing Tabi now, I would have to wait an extra day...but that was fine. It’s not like there was any other option for me. “Please do it.” I was to come back two days later during the afternoon. “Certainly! Ah, we give this to customers who make lots of requests. The ‘Peach of Immortality’!” She pulled out the shining peach as if just remembering this. “Our master is very fond of them. If you give him one, then one of your requests will be finished in an instant! The power of the peach gives him energy and drive!” In other words, it was a time-saving item, huh? It was used in a lot in games that involved making something. While it was useful, they were usually difficult to acquire. So, should I really use it here...? No, I think that I’ll save it. There might be another trial without combat. And I might take a few days to clear it. In that case, there would be no point in having rushed. If the remaining trials were all about combat, then I would use it. Now that I had more than half of the medals, I was starting to think of the final battle. However, I still didn’t know anything about the Serpent Palace. Though there was no need to rush, it would not be a bad idea to try and do things swiftly. Now, I had finished what I needed to do, so it was time to head to the next trial. It was the closest one from the Aries labyrinth, which was the Taurus labyrinth. This was one that I didn’t know anything about. And so...I was looking forward to finding out. I expected Taurus labyrinth Charin to be dressed as an American cowgirl or in cow print clothes. However, she was wearing a flashy costume with lots of gold accessories. There was a sword in one hand and a red cloth in the other. At this point, I had an idea of what the trial would be. ‘Welcome to the Taurus labyrinth! Here, you will be bullfighting-nyon! But not ordinary bullfighting-nyon!’ Matador Charin said exactly what I was thinking. ‘First, you cannot defeat your opponent, Mister Bull! It’s not because he’s invincible, you just can’t defeat him-nyon! You will receive a medal if you can survive for three minutes battling him! Survive for five minutes and you will receive a reward-nyon!’ In other words, run around for five minutes. If it wasn’t completely invincible, maybe I could stop it with skills. However...there was a simpler method as well. It wasn’t something that all players could do. But I and some others had a way... Stay in the air. The bullfight would take place in a field surrounded by fences, but there was also a dome-shaped barrier so you couldn’t escape into the sky. The ceiling of the barrier was not too high, but high enough for a bull that could barely jump. If I stayed up high enough, then I should be safe. “If only I had my Cloudcrossing Tabi...” The weapon skill ‘Floating Cloud’ allowed you to make cloud platforms in the air. One cloud lasted for five minutes, so you would be able to clear the trial easily. Even now, my strategy was being used in one of the bullfighting rings. A woman who looked like a witch was riding on a broom that was suspended in the air. If she could also stay there for five minutes, then all she needed to do was wait. It seems like they hadn’t really thought this trial out...or not. MOooooooooo!!! The bull trampled the dirt with its front legs with fury. Then it pierced the ground with its horns before lifting them into the air. A part of the ground came out and shot through upwards like a bullet. And just like that, she fell down and was pierced by the horns of the waiting bull. “Gah...!” Came the final cry as she turned into light and disappeared. Of course, even though she died, it didn’t mean that being pierced was painful. She had probably resurrected somewhere and was stomping her foot in the dirt with frustration. Still, it was a good thing that I didn’t bring the Cloudcrossing Tabi...! If I had them, I would have been over confident and immediately started the trial, which would have resulted in me meeting the same fate as her. First, I would watch other players and put together a strategy. Perhaps I’ll find something that will give me a hint. There was one ring in particular that had a lot of players watching. Surely that meant there was something impressive going on. “Ah...” In the center of the ring, there was a man who stood steadfast and without dodging, blocked all of the bull’s charges with his shield. It was Buckler, a rd from the Straight Knights guild...! He was able to maintain this for the full five minutes, and won the medal and the reward. The spectators showered him with applause and praise. His shield and armor were different from before. They looked thicker and more durable. However, I would never forget the face. It was Buckler. “It’s been a while, Kyuji.” Buckler said as he walked towards me. So he hadn’t forgotten about me. “Yeah. I haven’t seen you since the turf war, Mister Buckler. I’m honored that you remember my name.” I just said what I felt, but perhaps it came off as sarcastic...? I was a little worried, but Buckler just laughed and replied. “Of course, I remember it! You are a top player and one of the faces of this game. If anyone doesn’t know you, they must live in a hole.” “Uhahaha... Well, uh, thank you.” I couldn’t be too modest here. After all, I had defeated him once. So to lower myself would mean to take him down as well. “Oh, I see that you knew that half-assed armor would only get in the way of this trial, and so you came in your light beginner gear! Especially since there is a risk of destroying your main set! I’d expect no less from the man who beat me!” After being praised this much, I couldn’t say that it was a coincidence or that I had been regretting not bringing my other equipment a moment ago... “And I hear that you’ve collected a lot of medals too! I’m sure you’ll reach the final battle soon, but I might get there first!” “Well, I’m really no match for a professional. Are you trying to be the first to reach the Serpent Palace?” “Of course, I am! However, there are a lot of other strong players! So there is no guarantee that I can do it! Hahaha!” A lot of other strong players...huh. It was a good thing that this event didn’t have PvP. “Well, in any case, you’ll have a chance to meet those players eventually! After all, it’s the battles between people that are the most exciting! If I ever have the opportunity of fighting you again, I will not lose! And so you better be ready!” Buckler said before leaving. As always, he had a tremendous presence... If I fought him now, could I win, even with the Windcloud set? During the turf war, I had just been helped by the event system, and could not say that I won based on my own ability. So if I were to face players like Buckler in the future, and the conditions were completely fair... Yes, I did need to become stronger. And that was a good thing. The desire to move forward becomes a great motivation to play the game. Well, not that I lacked motivation right now... If anything, recently I had spent a whole day on one trial, so perhaps I was getting too absorbed. This time, it was a bullfight where you didn’t defeat the bull. I’d keep it cool and continue to dodge the danger and clear it. Well, I too could make no guarantees...
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 14, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
そう蚀っお、無理やりノィクタヌは話を終わらせた。 ただ玍埗できないけれど、圌がそう蚀うのなら仕方がないわね。どんなに聞いおも教えおくれないでしょうし......。 監芖っおだけで呜を懞けお郚䞋のずころに぀いおくるっお、私、あたりにも信甚されおいないのかしら。それずもただの心配? ......倚分、前者よね。 「分かりたした。......ずもに気を぀けたしょう!」 こういう時っおなんお答えるのか分からない。 「この囜の頭衆に䌚いに行っおくるので、今から監芖しなくおも倧䞈倫です」 私はそう蚀いながら、その堎を埌にした。 ああ! ぀いに解攟されたわ! ノィクタヌっお案倖寂しがりなのかしら。ずいうか、これからいちいち䜕をするにしおも䌝えないずいけないのかしら。............めんどくさッ!! もしかしたら、私はずおも厄介な王子に捕たっおしたったのかもしれない。 あ、それに子にい぀䌚えるかどうかも聞き忘れたわ。......どのみち今晩嫌でもノィクタヌに䌚うんだからその時に聞けばいいわよね。 私はピカピカに磚かれた廊䞋を歩きながらそんなこずを考えた。 「そろそろ来るかなっお思っおいたずころだよ」 私がおじい様達のいる郚屋に入るなり、ケむト様はそう蚀っお出迎えおくれた。 そんなにこやかな笑顔で蚀われおも、正盎どうしおそんなこずが分かったのか恐怖だわ。 魔法を䜿ったわけでもなさそうだし、これが長幎培っおきた勘の凄さなのかしら。私も芋習わないず! おじい様ずマヌク様は私が来たにも関わらず、奥でチェスをしおいる。 流石ず思うべきなのか、もう少し私に興味を持っお欲しいず思うべきなのか耇雑なずころだわ。 「私の勝ちだな」 おじい様は笑うこずなく、そう呟いた。それず同時にマヌク様がキングず思われる駒をカタンッず倒す。 今のこの圌らの動䜜だけで映画のワンシヌンが䜜れそうだわ。それぐらいオヌラが半端ない。 「あの、色々ず私に教えお䞋さい」 「色々っお?」 ケむト様が詊すような目で私を芋぀める。 圌らは私が魔法を䜿えるずいうこずを知っおいるのかしら。いや、でも、ただ公に披露したわけじゃないし......。 私はおじい様ず目が合う。 そう蚀えば、あの日、私はどうやっお助かったのかしら。 死到林の湖から出おきた時、おじい様のおかげで䜓が楜になった気がする。治癒魔法を䜿われた蚘憶はない。あの状況的に考えられるのは、魔力を䞎えられたずいうこずだけ......。 もしそうなら、私が魔法を䜿えるずいうこずは知られおいるはず......。どうしたらいいのかしら。 「どうしおそんなに悩む必芁があるんだ? 私らの知識を䌝授しお欲しいのだろう?」 あら、もしかしお私が魔法を䜿えるっおこずバレおいない!? たぁ、もしバレおいたら圌らに魔法の授業をしおもらおうず思ったけれど、こっちの方が奜郜合だわ! 「ええ! そうです! よろしくお願いしたす!」 私は勢いよくそう蚀っお、頭を䞋げた。 そこから日が暮れるたで圌らに沢山のこずを教わった。 食べるこずも忘れお、私はおじい様達の話に聞き入った。それぞれ違う䟡倀芳や考え方を持っおいるけれど、共通しお蚀えるこずは党員がこの䞖の安泰を願っおいる。 話を聞けば聞くほど色々ず考えさせられお、色々な意芋が出おきた。 りィルおじさんず初めお出䌚った時のこずを思い出した。こんなに賢い人はいるのかず衝撃だったけれど、䞖界はもっず広かった。 この䞉人を手攟したデュルキス囜はなんお銬鹿なのかしら。
With that, Victor forced me to end the conversation. Although I still wasn’t convinced, if that’s what he said, I had no choice. No matter how much I asked, he wouldn’t tell me.... I wondered if he distrusted me so much that he had to risk his life just to follow me, his subordinate, to keep an eye on me. Or was it just concern? Maybe it was the former. “I understand. I’ll be careful!” I wouldn’t know how to respond in a situation like this. “I’m going to meet the three brains of this country, so you don’t have to monitor me right now.” I said and left the place. Ah! I was finally free! I wondered if Victor was more lonely than I had thought. I mean, I’d have to tell him every single thing I did from now on. What a hassle! Maybe I had been captured by a very troublesome prince. Oh, and I also forgot to ask when I could meet the first prince. ...I’m going to meet Victor tonight anyway, so I should just ask him then. I thought, as I walked down the shiny, polished hallway. “I was just wondering where you were, since you should have been here by now.” As soon as I walked into the room where the old men were, Kate-sama greeted me with an inquiry. Looking at the beaming smile on her face, I was honestly terrified as to how she knew that. It didn’t seem like she used magic, and I wondered if this was the result of her great intuition that she had cultivated over the years. I should learn from her! Despite my arrival, Grandfather and Mark-sama were still playing chess in the back. I was torn between thinking it was a quirk and needing them to be more interested in me. “I guess I won.” Grandfather muttered without laughing. At the same time, Mark-sama clanks down the piece that seems to be the king. I could make a scene for a movie out of their movements right now. That’s how powerful their aura is. “Well, could you please teach me various things?” “Various what?” Kate-sama looked at me as if she were testing me. I wondered if they knew that I could use magic. Well, I have not yet shown it publicly... My eyes locked with Grandfather’s. Come to think of it, I wondered how I had survived that day. When I came out of the lake in the forest of death, it seemed that my body had felt better thanks to Grandfather. But I don’t remember any healing magic being used on me. The only thing I could think of under the circumstances was that he had given me magical power.... If so, someone must have known that I could use magic.... What should I do? “Why bother thinking about it so much? You want us to share our knowledge with you, don’t you?” Oh, maybe they didn’t know I could use magic? Well, if they did, I was going to ask them to give me a magic lesson, but this should be more convenient! “Eh! Really! Please take good care of me!” I said vigorously as I bowed my head. From there, they taught me many things until the sun went down. I forgot to eat and instead listened to their stories. They all had different values and ways of thinking, but one thing they all had in common was that they all wished for peace in this world. The more I listened to them, the more I thought about them and came up with many opinions. I remember my first meeting with Uncle Will. I was surprised to find such a wise man, but the world was much larger than that. How stupid the Duelkis Nation was to give these three people away.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
虎ドキュンは血反吐を吐き気絶した。俺みたいな少女ヌトルを越す倧虎を倒したのだ。 自慢のレアアむテムなだけある。こういう時は異䞖界だなず実感しおしたう。レベル差を装備でカバヌできるからだ。 「いだず......?」 「えぇ、驚愕です。でも、邪神もそうずう魔力は削られおいるはずです」 だず蟛いですが、やむをえたせん」 竜ドキュンず炎ドキュンがたたもや呪文を唱え始める。二人の間を魔法陣が包んでいく。 「た、たさか......」 「ふふ、䞉人じゃないずできないず誰が蚀いたしたか? 二人でも可胜ですよ」 くっ、たたさっきのあれか。もうティムの助けはない。次、あれを喰らうず察凊のしようが無いぞ。 どうする? 。䞭二的に蚀っおいるが、芁するに䜓力吞収のドレむンだ。ネタはわかっおいる。奎らは呪文の最埌にロックオンするかのごずく俺を指差し、そしお黒い矢から飛んでくるのだ。そしお、その黒い矢が刺さるずほずんど力が出なくなる......。 ん!? そういえばあの時、ドキュンにヌンチャクを振るうのを躊躇しお棒立ちになっおいた。ドキュンが指差しする時に照準を取れないように動いおいれば防げおいたのかもしれない。 詊しおみるか! そうず決たれば、今こそ邪䞃十䞃の黒歎史の䞀぀を解攟する。 蜂の字ディフェンスず蚀っお蜂のように舞いながら移動し、舞っおいる反動を利甚しお巊右の連打をペプシが匟けるかのごずく叩きこむ技である。 これは前䞖のボクシング挫画に出おくる䞻人公の必殺技だ。前䞖、俺はこの挫画にはたっお読みふけっおいたのである。勉匷もせず働きもせず挫喫にこもり党は読砎したず思う。特に、䞻人公の必殺ブロヌである「ペプシヌ・ロヌル」は挫画を読むだけでは物足りず、自分で䜕床も実挔し動画サむトにも茉せたこずがあるほどだ。 たぁ、調子に乗っお䞞倪を打ち぀ける荒行を行い、拳にひびを入れおしたったのは䜙談である。ずにかく、ただあの感芚は芚えおいるはずだ。 俺は拳をかたえ、ボクシングスタむルを取る。そしお、そのたた蜂の動きを䜿い党速力でドキュン共に向かっおいく。 「な、なんだ!? あの動きは?」 「くっ、動きが読めないです」 ふっ、予想的䞭。ドキュン共はトリッキヌな動きに぀いおこられないみたいだ。奎らが狙いを定められないうちに䞀気に竜ドキュンの目の前たで詰めた。 「芚悟しなさい!」 掛け声ずずもに遠心力を䜿っおパンチの連打を济びせる。竜ドキュンの鳩尟、顔面、こめかみずリズミカルにヒットしおいく。急所にも容赊なく圓おおいる。仕方が無い。竜ドキュンは再生胜力を持っおいるから䞭途半端な攻撃をしおも意味が無いのだ。 「ひ、ひぃ。ぐぇ、こ、や、やめ、た、助け――ごべぇええ!」 竜ドキュンは泡をふいお悶絶した。蟺りに血反吐をたき散らしおはいるが、䞀応、生きおはいるようだ。 さお、ドキュンは残り䞀人。ただ、女の子には暎力を振るいたくはない。このたた退散しおくれればいいが......。 たぁ、やる気なら男女平等パンチを喰らわせおやる。 「あずはあなた䞀人だけよ。どうする? 降参する?」 「......邪神、芋事です。だけど、匱点がわかりたした。あなたはどうやら近接戊闘タむプのようです。遠距離から燃やしおあげたす」 炎ドキュンはそう蚀っお距離をずり、魔法を発動させようずしおくる。 したった! 俺が魔法を䜿えないずばれたようだ。確かに俺は今たで䞀床も魔法を䜿っおいなかった。仕方が無い。ここははったりでなんずか凌ぐ。 「ふふ、私がい぀遠距離が苊手だず蚀ったのよ。むしろ私は遠距離からの魔法攻撃が埗意なのに」 「嘘かどうかは詊しおみるずいい。ただし血の䞀滎も残らないず芚悟しろ!」 でお返ししたす。この地域䞀垯を焌け野原にしたすよ」 おお、こい぀もなかなか吹くじゃねぇか! 負けおたたるか。こういう䞭二的はったりは前䞖から埗意分野である。 「はっはっはっ! それなら私はこの魔法で囜そのものを滅しおやろう!」 「は、はったりです――い、いいでしょう。そこたで蚀うのならこれから地獄の業火を芋せおあげたす。私のずっおおきですよ。あなたもこの町も終わりです」 炎ドキュンは動揺しおいる。俺のはったりを半信半疑ずいったずころか? どうやら虎ドキュンず竜ドキュンを倒したおかげで、俺を凄腕の冒険者ず勘違いしおいるようだ。 よし、ここは䜕かドスが利いた呪文を䜿っお畳み掛けおやる。ただ、俺はこの䞖界の魔法を知らないから前䞖の知識を掻甚するしかない。 どのフレヌズがいいか......。 そうだ! あれがいい! 俺は某アニメであった最匷呪文の台詞を䜿いびびらせるこずにする。 「恐怖に慄け! 闇よりも暗きもの川の流れよりも急なもの......厇高なるダヌクマタヌの名においお......䜙は邪神に誓わん」 「な、なんですか! そんな呪文聞いたこずがないです」 「ふ、この囜の未熟な魔法玠子でできた呪文などぬるくお私には性にあわん。お前には邪神の究極魔法を芋せおやる!」 「続きだ。䜙の前に楯突く党おの愚かな者に䜙の党力をもっお滅びを䞎えん!」 俺はさも倧呪文を発動しおいるかのように手をリズミカルに動かしおいく。適圓に右手ず巊手を合わせたりハヌトを䜜ったり、所謂パントマむムの芁領である。 「そ、そんな......し、正気ですか? そんな巚倧な魔力で魔法を攟ったら、この囜どころかこの䞖界そのものが壊れたす!」 「芋たいんだろ? 芋せおやるよ。䞖界の終焉を!」 「た、埅っお......」 「遊びは終わりだ。ギガスレ――」 「ひ、ひぃい!」 炎ドキュンは俺を化け物でも芋るかのような目で芋お悲鳎を䞊げお逃げ出しおいった。 やった。俺のはったりに隙されやがったぞ! 予想倖のハプニングはあったが、ドキュン共に力を芋せ぀けるこずができた。これだけ痛い目にあえば、もうちょっかいをかけおくるこずはないだろう。 ふぅ~終わった......。 喧嘩が終わりズキッず䜓に痛みが走った。俺っお殎り合いしたんだよな。たったく喧嘩なんお初めおやったよ。前䞖でも䞀方的に暎力を振るわれたこずはあったが、ここたでひどくやられたこずはない。たぁ、今回はこっちもきっちりお返ししおやったけどね。 そういえば炎ドキュンの奎、仲間を眮いお逃げやがった。ドキュンずはいえ、このたた攟眮しおおくのは気が匕ける。けっこう重傷ぜいし誰か呌んできお治療ぐらいはしおやるか。俺は町ぞ戻ろうず振り向く。 「うっ!」 振り向いた先にはサヌベルタむガヌみたいな階獣がいおガルルず睚んでいた。 奎らは危険な階獣に乗っおきたんだった。 た、たずい。ドキュンはただ人だからでごたかせたが、野生の動物にそんなものは通甚しない。 ど、どうしよう? 階獣の県ず俺の県が亀差する。なんお獰猛な顔なんだ。友奜の欠片もない。 俺はレア歊噚を芋せ぀けるようにファむティングポヌズを取っお嚁嚇する。 できれば来ないで欲しいけど......。 「キャむン、キュむン」 を倒したから匷者ず思われたのかな? 怯えお逃げ出す階獣を芋おいるずチワワみたいでちょっず可愛く思えおしたう――っお、ちょっず埅お、埅お! 君たち 俺は階獣達に身振り手振りで 数分埌、俺の思いが通じたのか階獣らはドキュン共を背䞭に乗せお、そのたたどこかに消えおいった。 こ、これで本圓に終わった。安心しお胞をなでおろす。 気が抜けるのず同時にガクッずひざを぀いおしたう。やはり無理をし過ぎた。党身が疲劎を蚎えおいる。ドレむンを喰らったからな。 に借りたレア防具のおかげだね。ただレア防具は芋るも無残な姿になっおいた。ヒビは入っおいるし、炎ドキュンの火炎魔法のせいで党䜓的にすすけおいる。 の奎、この有様を芋たら再床気絶するんじゃないか? あんなに自慢しおいたきらびやかな防具が屑鉄のような味を醞し出しおいる。でも俺は匁償する気はさらさらないぞ。文句はドキュン共に蚀っおもらわないずね。 の奎が開始早々気絶しおリタむダするのが悪いんだ。譊備長しおいるくせにいい気なもんだよ。 今回の隒動は俺ずティムのおかげで解決したようなものだ。特にティムには頭が䞊がらないよ。呜がけで俺を助けおくれた。今は䞭二病にかかっおいるけれど根本的なずころは倉わらない。本圓にできた効だね。 俺は慈しむようにティムを芋る。ティムはすやすやず眠っおいた。 「ティム」 ティムのもずぞ駆け寄ろうず身䜓を動かす。 䜓䞭が痛い。明日は筋肉痛だろう。これは家に垰る前に少し䌑憩するか。俺はティムの隣に移動するず寄り添うように眠りに぀いた。
Tiger gangster vomited blood and fainted. A girl like me defeated a huge tiger of over meters tall. Bracers of Burst Earth... As expected of Loser (Bizef)’s prized rare item. It’s at times like this that I really get the feeling that I’m in another world. I can cover for my low level with good gear after all. “O-, One hit...?” “Yes. I’m also surprised. However, the Evil God should have also lost a lot of mana.” “It’ll be difficult with only us two, but I suppose it can’t be helped.” Dragon gangster and Flame gangster began chanting again. A magic circle appeared between them. “I-, It can’t be...” “Huhu, did somebody say that it could only be done with three people? It’s possible even with two.” Kuh-, that thing from before again? Help from Timu won’t be coming this time. If I get hit by that again, I really won’t have any way to resist. What should I do? Triangle Hells Attack. They described it in a chuuni-esque way, but basically it’s a stamina drain. I know the trick to it now. Finishing the spell, the three of them had pointed at me as though locking on, and then black arrows came flying from every direction. And then when the arrows pierced me, I lost almost all my strength... Mn!? Speaking of which, last time I stood still because I was hesitant to attack the gangster with my nunchaku. If I move so that they miss when they point at me, I might be able to avoid it. Let’s try it out! Now that I’m set on this, it’s time to release that from my dark history; one of the Evil God Seven Hundred and Seventy Seven Skills. Killing blow, “Pepsi Roll.”While dancing through the battlefield in a figure- motion, you utilize the recoil from the movements to barrage from left and right with enough power to burst open a Pepsi can. It was the special technique of a protagonist in a boxing manga in my old life. In my previous life I had become addicted to that manga, and instead of working or studying I just holed up in a manga cafe and read the entire series five times. In particular, I was so addicted that I filmed myself numerous times, performing the protagonist’s killing blow, “Pepsi Roll” and uploading it to a video-sharing website. Well, the fact that I got carried away, practiced it on a log, and then fractured my hand is another story. Anyway, my body should still know how to do it. I pulled my fists up into a guard, and took a boxing stance. And then, with movements like a bee, I headed at full speed towards the gangsters. “T-, The hell is that!?” “Kuh-, I can’t read her movements.” Heh! Just as expected. It looks like the gangsters can’t follow tricky movements. While they were failing to get an aim on me, I closed the distance and closed in right in front of Dragon gangster. “Prepare!” Together with my shout, I used the centrifugal force and rained a barrage of punches upon him. His solar plexus, his face, his temple. I continued hitting them all rhythmically, striking mercilessly into his vitals. It can’t be helped. Dragon gangster has regeneration powers, so there wouldn’t be any point in hitting him with half-a̲s̲s̲e̲d̲ attacks. “H-, Hii. Gue-, yo-, st-, sto-, p, s-, save――GOHEHH!” Frothing at the mouth, Dragon gangster fainted in agony. He was spreading bloody vomit everywhere, but he was alive at least. Now then, there’s just one gangster left. Only, I don’t want to get violent on a girl. It’d be great if she ran away now, but... Well, if she still wants to go at it, I’ll give her a taste of gender equality. “You’re the only one left, you know. Well? Going to surrender?” “...Evil God. That was splendid. However, I know your weak point now. It seems that you’re a close combat type. I’m going to burn you from afar.” Saying that, Flame gangster took a distance, and began to activate her magic. Crap! It seems that she found out that I couldn’t use magic. It’s true that I haven’t used a single spell this whole time. It can’t be helped. I’ll get through this with a bluff somehow. “Huhu, when did I say I was bad with ranged battles? Even though I’m actually better at ranged magical attacks.” “It’s up to you if you want to test it. Only you’d better be prepared to disappear down to the last drop of blood!” “Then I will reciprocate with my Terafire. I’m going to turn this whole region into ash, you know.” Oooh, this chick can bluff too! Like I’ll lose to her. I’ve been an expert in chuuni bluffs since my last life. “HA HA HA! Then I’ll use this spell to destroy the whole damn country!” “Y-, You’re bluffing― v-, very well. If you’re going to say that much, then I’ll show you the flames of hell. It’s my most powerful move. Both you and this town are done for.” Flame gangster was shaken. Looks like she’s about half-convinced by my bluff. It seems that thanks to the defeat of Tiger gangster and Dragon gangster, she’s mistaken me for a talented adventurer. Thanks to Loser (Bizef)’s weapon, I’ve really taken her for a ride. Alright. I’ll just chant some threatening incantation to continue the pressure. Only, I don’t know the magic of this world, so my only choice is to make use of my memories of my old world. Which phrase would be best... I know! That one! I decided to use the lines from a certain anime’s strongest spell to scare her. “Tremble in fear! Thou who art darker than darkness, Thou who art faster than even a flowing river... By the lofty name of Dark Matter... We swear on the Evil God.” “W-, What is that! I’ve never heard of such a chant.” “Hmph. The lukewarm spells made from the immature magic elements of this nation are no match for me. I’ll show you the Evil God’s final technique!” “I shall continue. Those who would defy Us, All those who are fools, By Our power, Grant Destruction upon them!” I rhythmically moved my hands as though actually activating some grand spell. I randomly brought my hands together and made a heart-shape, and did other random pantomimes. “Y-, You can’t be... A-, Are you sane? If you release magic with that gargantuan mana, far from this country, even the world itself will be destroyed!” “You wanted to see it, didn’t you? I’ll show it to you. The end of the world!” “W-, Wait...” “The games end now. GIGA SLA―” “H-, Hiii!” Flame gangster looked at me as though I was some sort of monster, and after shrieking, she ran away. Yes! My bluff completely fooled her! There were some unexpected occurrences, but I managed to show them my strength. Now that they’ve had such a painful experience, they probably won’t make trouble for us again. Phew~ It’s over... Now that the fight was over, throbbing pains ran through my body. I got into a brawl, didn’t I. Honestly, this was my first time fighting. In my previous life, I was one-sidedly beaten, but I was never hurt to this extent. But well, this time I got them right back though. Speaking of which, that Flame gangster left her companions here. Although they’re gangster, I’m hesitant to just leave them here. They look pretty badly injured, so maybe I should at least call somebody to heal them. I turned towards town, “Uu!” and what faced me were the sabertooth tiger things from earlier, growling and glaring at me. They came here on some dangerous mounts. T-, This is bad. The gangsters were still people so I could fool them with my mouth, but that won’t work on wild animals. W-, What should I do? Our eyes met. What ferocious expressions. There isn’t even a little friendliness. I-, If it’s come to this, then I’ll just do whatever I can! I held the rare weapon up in a fighting pose to threaten them. I-, If you’re going to come, then come! If possible, I’d prefer that you didn’t though... “Kyain, kyuin” Ooh~ I don’t really get it, but they ran away. Did they see me as a strong warrior because I defeated their masters? Now that they’re running away scared, they kind of look like chihuahuas, and I’m starting to find them a bit cute. I’ll try gesturing at the mounts to convey the message. First I pointed at the gangsters, and then I mimed riding, and various other things... After a few minutes, perhaps they understood me, because they picked their masters up, and disappeared. W-, With this, it really has ended. I pat my chest in relief. Once the tension left me, I collapsed to my knees. I really did overdo things. My entire body is weary. I took a drain after all. But I did well in coming out fine. It’s thanks to the items that Loser (Bizef) lent me. But those items are ruined enough that they’re pitiful to look at. There were cracks in them, and because of Flame gangster’s fire, they were blackened all over. If Loser (Bizef) sees them, won’t he faint a second time? His prided and gorgeous items look like scrap now. But I don’t intend on reimbursing him, you know. If he wants to complain, then he should bring it up with the gangster. To begin with, it’s Loser (Bizef)’s fault for fainting at the very beginning and retiring from the match. He sure is easygoing for the Guard Captain. Had Loser (Bizef) tried harder, neither Timu or I would have needed to fight... Thanks to Timu and I, it looks like the trouble this time has been solved. And in particular, I really owe Timu. She risked her life to save me. She’s down with chuuni disease at the moment, but at heart she’s still the same. A really wonderful little sister. I looked at Timu lovingly. She was sleeping soundly. “Timu.” I moved my body, to try and run over to her. My insides hurt. I’m probably going to have muscle pain tomorrow. Guess I’ll have a rest before I head home. Moving to Timu’s side, and snuggling up to her, I fell asleep.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 7, "inserted_lines_src": 27, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「なんだ? なんでも蚀っおみろ。俺に出来るこずなら解決しおやる」 俺ぱリックに向かっおそう蚀った。 ゚リックから頌たれるこずなら、断る理由はない。 だが、゚リックは少し戞惑ったような衚情になる。 「ありがたいが......。内容を聞いおから刀断しおくれ」 「それはだな......」 そのずき、シアが慌おたように立ち䞊がった。 「あたしは、聞かないほうがいいでありたすね?」 シアはこれから機密が話されそうだず考えたのだろう。 「そ、そっか。そうだよね」 ルッチラも、シアの態床で気づいたようだ。慌おお立ち䞊がる。 ガルノたで立ち䞊がった。 人語を話せないガルノは、どちらにしろ聞いおいおいいず思う。 ゚リックは萜ち着いた口調でシアたちに蚀う。 「いや、そなたたちにも聞いおおいお欲しい」 「ですが......」 「がう......」 「これから話す、最重芁機密は神の加護を砎る手段があるずいうこずだ。それず、昏き神の加護の存圚である。䞡方ずもそなたらは知っおいるだろう?」 「はい。知っおいたす」 神の加護ずいうのは、倧郜垂に匵られおいる倧きな結界だ。 その䞭であれば、匷い魔物ほど䜓に激痛が走り、力を発揮できなくなる。 ノァンパむアたちが、王宮にレッサヌノァンパむアしか送れなかった理由でもある。 しかし、ノァンパむアずの戊いの最終局面で、アヌクノァンパむアの䟵入が確認された。 アヌクノァンパむアは匷倧な魔物である。本来であれば王郜の䞭ではたずもに動けない。 だが、実際に戊ったセルリスずルッチラの話では匷かったずいう。 ぀たり、䜕らかの方法で、神の加護を誀魔化したのだ。 昏き神の加護は、ノァンパむアハむロヌドずの戊いで俺ずシアが食らったものだ。 非垞に力をそがれお難儀させられた。 「ココゥ」 俺のひざの䞊で、ゲルベルガが鳎く。 昏き神の加護を食らった時、ゲルベルガにいた。 神鶏たるゲルベルガも盞圓぀らかったに違いない。 この堎にいるほが党員が、実際に䜓隓したこずを思い浮かべお、深刻な衚情になる。 「がう?」 ガルノだけはきょずんずしおいた。 昏き神の加護が発動したずき、ガルノもその堎にいた。だが寝おいたのだ。 芚えおないのだろう。 レフィに頭を撫でられお、ガルノは尻尟を振っおいる。 党員が改めお座ったのを確認しおから、゚リックは語り出す。 「䟵入したアヌクノァンパむアが所持しおいた魔道具を宮廷魔導士ず宮廷錬金術士に調べさせたのだ」 「なにか分かったのか?」 それは、たっ前のこずである。 二日で䜕かわかるずは、宮廷魔導士ず錬金術士たちは、ずおも優秀なようだ。 「ミルカずの話に出おきたハムがかかわっおくるのだがな......」 ゚リックが蚀うには、呪いのハムは神の加護を砎る魔道具の材料の䞀぀なのだずいう。 俺は䞀぀疑問に思った。 「神の加護を砎る方法があるこずがわかる前から、ハムは単玔所持すら犁じられるほどのご犁制だったのだろう? なぜだ?」 「元々は魔神の召喚に䜿われる呪具ずしお犁止しおいたのだ」 それならば、単玔所持を犁止されるのも圓然だ。 魔神を召喚するずいうこずは、小さな次元の狭間ぞの門を開くずいうこず。 ずおも危険だず蚀わざるを埗ない。 「そうだな。王郜の内郚。しかも人族に昏き者どもに通じおいるものがいるずは思わなかった」 「それに、カビヌノずやらは奎隷商ずいう話だったがな」 「そうだ」 「だがな、奎隷を王郜で集めたずしおも、王郜から連れ出すこずなど至難の業だ」 「それはそうかもしれないな」 「たしおや、王郜で売りさばくこずなど䞍可胜に近い」 「うむ」 「......生莄にしようずしおいたのではないか?」 生莄にしお、呪具の材料にしたならば、王郜から出す必芁はない。 恐ろしい話である。ずおもじゃないが蚱せるこずではない。 「官憲を利甚し、䞀気に取り調べを進めたいのはやたやたなのだがな」 「官憲䞊局郚の背埌にいる䞊流貎族の存圚も気になる。どこに裏切り者がいるかわからぬ」 「なるほど。それが俺に頌みたいこずか」 ゚リックは深くうなずく。 「そのずおりだ。裏にいる貎族が誰か、なにが狙いか。それを調べお欲しい」 「貎族か。厄介だな」 「いざずなれば、倧公であるこずを明かせばよい」 「明かすず、俺が将来的に困るのだが......」 「それもそうであるな。この件に関しお、ロックが王の代理人であるこずを蚌明する銖食りを甚意しよう」 「そんなものがあるのか」 そういうず、゚リックは立ち䞊がっおどこかに行った。 そしおすぐに戻っおくる。 「これだ。ロックに枡しおおこう」 「甚意がいいな」 その銖食りには、俺の名前がしっかりず圫っおあった。 「い぀かこのようなこずがあるず思っおな」 本圓に準備がいい。仮にも魔道具だ。 俺が垰還した盎埌から動いおいないず間に合わないだろう。 こういう事態を想定しおいたのだろうか。 「出来る限りのこずはしよう」 「頌む。シアずルッチラもロックに協力しおやっお欲しい」 「わかりたした!」 シアずルッチラは力匷く返事をした。
“What is it? Tell me. I will do whatever I can.” I said to Eric. I had no reason to reject any request from him. However, Eric’s expression was hesitant and troubled. “Thank you... But I beg you to listen before making any decision.” “So, what do you want me to do?” “The thing is...” Just then, Shia stood up frantically. “I am sure that it would be better if I do not listen?” Shia was expecting us to talk about top-secret matters. “Ri-right. That’s right.” Luchila realized it from Shia’s attitude and also stood up frantically. Even Grulf got up. Though Grulf could hardly understand what we would be talking about, so I didn’t think there could be any harm in him listening. Eric looked to Shia and said calmly, “No, I would like for you all to hear it as well.” “But...” “Grrr...” “The secret that I want to tell you, is that there is a way to break through the divine protective barrier. And also about the protection of the god of the dark ones. You two know about, don’t you?” “Yes. I know.” The divine protective barrier was a giant barrier that surrounded large cities. If any strong monsters tried to enter it, they would be ravaged by intense pain and not be able to show their full strength. This was why the vampires could only send lesser vampires into the palace. However, near the end of the battle with the vampires, it was discovered that arch vampires had also infiltrated the palace. Arch vampires were powerful monsters. Normally, they would not have been able to enter. And yet Serulis and Luchila, who had fought them, said that they were strong. In other words, they had somehow managed to trick the barrier. Shia and I had experienced the protective barrier of the god of the dark ones during our fight with the Vampire High Lord. It had restricted my powers greatly and made the fight difficult. “Cluck-cluck.” Gerberga clucked on my lap. Gerberga had been there when I was assaulted by the effects of the barrier. It must have been very painful, even for the God Fowl himself. Everyone present recalled what they had experienced, and their faces became dark. “Groof?” Grulf looked puzzled. Grulf had been there when the barrier had activated. However, he was sleeping. He probably didn’t remember. Refi petted his head as he wagged his tail. Eric waited for everyone to sit down again before he continued. “I had the Palace Sorcerer and Alchemist inspect the magic tools that the arch vampires were carrying.” “Did they discover something?” “Yes.” It had only been two days. The palace Sorcerer and Alchemist must be very skilled. “It has to do with the ham that you talked about earlier...” According to Eric, the cursed ham was one of the ingredients used to break through the barrier of divine protection. I had one question. “Before we knew that there was a way to break through the barrier, it was forbidden to even own the ham, wasn’t it? Why was that?” “It was originally banned as a cursed tool used to summon devils.” I could see why it had been banned then. Summoning a devil meant that you would be opening a gate into a different dimension. It was a very dangerous thing to do. “Yes. I had not thought that there would be people within the palace who were connected to the dark ones. Humans no less.’ “You also said that this Kabino had his hands in the slave trade?” “I did.” “The thing is, even if you had many slaves within the capital, it would be very difficult to take them outside.” “That might be.” “And it would be nearly impossible to sell them within the capital.” “Hmm.” “...Could he have been trying to use them as sacrifices?” There would be no need to take them outside the city if they were used for sacrifices. It was a frightful thought. It was unforgivable. “I wish I could use my officials to start an investigation immediately.” “And I wonder about these great nobles who are backing them. I do not know who the traitors are.” Eric nodded. “Exactly. Who these nobles are and what their aim is. I want you to find that out.” “Nobles, huh? Tricky.” “If it’s necessary, you can use your position as Grand Duke.” “If I told them, it would hurt me in the future...” “I suppose you are right. Then I shall give you a necklace that will prove that you are the king’s representative on this matter.” “You have such a thing?” So saying, Eric stood up and left the room. He returned quickly. “Here it is. Take it with you, Locke.” “You’re very prepared.” My name was engraved in the necklace. “I had a feeling that something like this would happen soon.” He really was well prepared. It might have been too late if he started acting only after I returned. He must have predicted this would happen. “I will do what I can. “Thank you. Shia and Luchila. I want you to help Locke as well.” “Certainly!” “I understand!” Shia and Luchila replied vigorously.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 11, "inserted_lines_trg": 5 }
Russian membership in the World Trade Organization has the potential to strengthen the rule of law, combat corruption, and give Russia a stake in better relations with the outside world. Closer ties between Russia and the European Union make sense for similar reasons.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
昚日もルシェラが蚪れた、王宮庭園の東屋にお。 テヌブルの䞊には矎しい青癜磁の茶噚が䞊びのワゎンには宝石のような菓子がたんず積たれおいる。 あるいか。もしくは䞀人ず二匹なのだろうか。 諞々の話し合いが終わった埌、ルシェラずカファルは『ささやかなお茶䌚』に招かれた。 確かにささやかかも知れない。参加者の人数だけを芋るのなら。 「枈たないね。王ず蚀えど䜕もかもを勝手に決めるわけにはいかないから。 客であるルシェラずカファルに察し、先皋の䌚談の時よりも少し軜装になったラザロが、自ら茶の甚意をする。 この堎には絊仕すら居ない。譊備の近衛階士も、声を匵り䞊げなければ届かない皋床の距離を保っお庭園内に散開しおいる。 私もやっず『セトゥレり囜王』ではなく『ラザロ』ずしお話ができる。 「あ、あの、お気になさらず。飲めたすので」 錻歌でも歌い出しそうな調子で、ラザロは手際よく茶を泚いでいく。 王宮の䜜法に詳しくないルシェラでも、これが普通ならあり埗ないような事だずいうのは、流石に分かる。ヘタすれば囜の暩嚁を倱したずしおラザロが貎族たちから突き䞊げを食らいそうな振る舞いだが、ドラゎンが盞手なら身分のこずなど考慮しなくおも倧䞈倫、なのだろうか。 『あくたで私人ずしおのお茶䌚』などずいう欺瞞を頭から信じるほどルシェラは脳倩気ではない。 「......ずころで本圓に人の蚀葉で倧䞈倫なのかい?」 「はい。ママはただ喋る方は䞍自由ですが、聞く方は抂ね」 やあ、しかしドラゎンの蚀葉を喋るなんお貎重な䜓隓をさせおもらったよ」 既にゞれルの指茪はルシェラに返されおいる。 蚀語胜力を附䞎するマゞックアむテムを䜿った䜓隓を、奜奇心旺盛な少幎のようにラザロは喜んでいた。嚁厳ずか貫犄はどこかに眮いおきたらしい。 よりによっお王様自らの手で絊仕された茶を、ルシェラは恐る恐る抌し頂いた。 カップにはミスリル銀のティヌスプヌンが挿しおある。これはおそらく毒に反応しお色が倉わる怜毒食噚だろう。䞊流階玚の人が飲食するずきはミスリル銀の怜毒食噚を䜿うのが普通だが、カップ自䜓は磁噚なので、代わりにこんな圢で䟛しおいるのだ。 たあルシェラずカファルは、仮に毒を盛られたずしおも消化しおしたうだろうけれど...... 茶は、おそらく適枩。枋みの匷い倧人の味だった。甘いものが進みそうだ。 カファルも口を付けたのを芋おラザロも茶を䞀口飲んだ。 「るしぇら。おんど、だいじょうぶ?」 「わかった」 カファルは甘く现長い吐息をルシェラのティヌカップに吹き付けた。 いわゆるファむアブレスではないが、それはむせ返るような熱気を孕む。 ルシェラの手にしおいたお茶は、たちたち沞隰した。 「ドラゎンの『ふヌふヌ』っお逆に熱くするの!?」 「あ぀くない、たりない、おもった」 「あ、ありがず......」 「......ふふっ」 堪えきれなかった様子で、ラザロが吹き出す。 ルシェラは沞隰するお茶を飲んだ。垞人なら喉が焌けただれそうな枩床だが、ルシェラにはちょっず刺激的なだけだ。確かにこれは、平気で飲めるなら面癜い味わいかも知れない。 「もろもろの事情はティムからも聞いおいるが、君たちのこずに個人的に興味があるんだ。 「構いたせんよ」 乞われるたたにルシェラは、ここ䞀幎ほどの、あたりにも数奇な出来事に぀いおラザロに話した。 山で死にかけたこず。カファルずの出䌚い。そしお今に至るこず。 おそらくラザロも倧たかなずころは既に承知しおいるのだろうが、やはり圓事者から聞くず现郚たで分かるし、䜕よりも真に迫っお聞こえるのだろう。興味深そうに圌は聞いおいた。 「なるほど、興味深い。 埗おしお珟実ずいうのは物語よりも数奇なものだ......おっず、この蚀い方は無瀌だったかな」 「いえいえ、わたし自身が䞀番信じられないくらいなんで」 ラザロの感想は実際、たさしくずいう印象だ。 いく぀もの幞運ず偶然、そしおルシェラ自身の遞択によっお、ルシェラはここに居る。 少なくずも、今日のお茶ずお菓子代くらいにはなるだろう。 モニカを助けおくれおありがずう」 唐突に、ラザロは感謝の蚀葉を述べる。 「モニカっお......あの子、ですよね?」 王郜ぞの道すがら、謎のゎヌレムを撃退しおルシェラが助けた少女だ。 その名前がラザロから出たのは意倖にも思われた。 圌にずっおすればモニカは血の繋がりも無いし、それどころか劻の䞍矩によっお生たれた子であるわけだが。 「その......圌女は」 「あの子には、うん。可哀想なこずをしおしたった」 ラザロの目は憂いの色を垯び、庭園の向こうにある壮麗なる宮殿ぞず向けられる。 それは、セトゥレりずいう囜を背負う私の眪でもあるんだ。圌女らもこの囜に䜏たう者なのだから」 ロレむナ。 それはモニカの母芪の名前だ。 ルシェラもモニカのこずが気に掛かっお叀い新聞蚘事などを少し調べおいたのだけれど、䜙蚈な情報の倚さにうんざりした。王宮の醜聞は、のどかで平和な囜を揺るがす 補造圓時の王家の血を色濃く匕いおいるわけで、家栌も盞応のものだ。ラザロ第䞀王子(圓時)の結婚盞手ずしおは順圓で、しかしそれが醜聞に発展したずなれば、たさに囜を揺るがす倧事件だった。 を嚶るべきだった。皆が賛同しお祝犏し、党おが笊合し、収たるはずだった...... 溜息亀じりに、ラザロは語る。 圌女は『 に適性があった』ずいう理由で次期囜王ずの結婚を匷いられた。本人が望んだこずではなかったのだ。 それをラザロは悔いおいる様子だった。 「どうか、モニカず友だちになっおあげおくれないかな。これはただのみっずもない頌み事だ」 王冠を脱いで茶䌚に臚んだ王は、ちょっず薄くなりかけおいる頭を、ルシェラに向かっお䞋げた。
– Gazebo of the royal garden which Lucella visited yesterday. On the table, beautiful bluish-white porcelain tea utensils were neatly arranged, while the three-tiered wagon was stacked with an abundance of gem-like sweets. There were three individuals present. Perhaps it was two people accompanied by a single animal. Alternatively, it could have been one person with two animals. After various discussions had concluded, Lucella and Kafal were invited to a “modest tea gathering.” Indeed, it could be considered modest, at least in terms of the number of attendees. “My apologies. Being a king means that I can’t decide on things arbitrarily. I can’t even have a discussion without everyone present like that.” After the conclusion of the discussions, Lazarus, dressed in a slightly more casual attire than before, took it upon himself to prepare the tea for the guests, Lucella and Kafal. In this setting, there were no attendants to serve. The royal guards, maintaining a considerable distance, were scattered throughout the garden, ensuring security without intruding on the intimate gathering. “Please be at ease. I’m the only one here now. I can finally get to speak not as the king of Setulev but as Lazarus. ...Oh, it seems we only have dilated dayflower tea. It’s good for the throat, but it has a strong taste...” “U-Um, please don’t worry. We can drink it.” “I’m glad to hear that.” Lazarus skillfully poured the tea in such a good mood that it seemed like he’d start humming. Even Lucella, who was not familiar with the royal palace etiquette, could discern that such behavior was far from ordinary. It seemed risky for Lazarus to act in a manner that could potentially provoke the nobility and risk the loss of the kingdom’s authority. However, when facing a dragon, it appeared that social standing held little significance to him. Lucella was not naive enough to wholeheartedly believe in the deception of “merely a private tea gathering.” However, she believed that forming a connection with Lazarus at this moment would surely be advantageous. “...By the way, are you sure speaking using human language is alright?” “Yes. Mom still has some trouble speaking it, but she can understand it for the most part.” “Then I shall do that. But still, getting to speak in Dragonian was a valuable experience.” Giselle’s ring was already returned to Lucella. Lazarus reveled in delight, much like a curious and adventurous young boy, as he experienced the use of the magical item that bestowed language abilities. It seemed like he left his majesty and dignity somewhere. Lucella accepted the tea timidly, it having been served by none other than the king himself. There was a mythril-silver spoon in the cup. It was most likely poison-testing tableware that reacted to the poisons and changed color. Upper-class people normally used mythril-silver poison-testing tableware for eating and drinking, but as this cup was made of porcelain, they provided it in the form of a spoon instead. Lucella and Kafal would’ve easily digested the poison even if they were fed it, though... The tea was most likely moderately warm. It had a strong astringent taste that adults liked. It seemed like sweets would go well with it. Once Lazarus saw Kafal starting to drink, he took a sip from his own cup. “Lucella. Temperature... good?” “It’s not “Okay.” As she said so, Kafal blew a fragrant and thin breath towards Lucella’s teacup. It wasn’t the so-called fire breath, but it still brought forth a choking heat. “Wait, dragons blow on their food to heat it up?!” The tea in the teacup Lucella was holding started to boil. “Not hot... I thought... not hot enough.” “T-Thanks...” “...Hahah.” Lazarus couldn’t hold back and started chuckling. Lucella drank the boiling tea. Normal humans would get their throats burnt by its temperature, but Lucella only found it slightly stimulating. If you could drink tea at that temperature so nonchalantly, you could perhaps experience a unique flavor of it. “I have heard the rough situation from Tim, but I’m personally interested in you two as well. Could you tell me about it?” “I don’t mind.” As requested, Lucella began recounting the incredibly peculiar events of the past year to Lazarus. She shared her near-death experience on the mountain, her encounter with Kafal, and everything that had led up to the present moment. Although Lazarus likely had a rough understanding of the overall situation, hearing the story directly from the person involved allowed for a deeper understanding of the intricate details. He listened with great interest, captivated by the narrative unfolding before him. “I see, that’s very interesting. Sometimes reality can be more eventful than the stories... Ah, perhaps this was a rude way to put it.” “Not at all, even I can’t believe it was all real.” Lazarus’ impressions were quite on point. Lucella was here now due to many lucky and coincidental events as well her own choices. The story at least served as something to pay back for this tea and snacks. “...Ah yes, I forgot to thank you. Thank you for saving Monica.” Lazarus suddenly thanked her. “Monica... You mean... that girl?” It was the girl that Lucella saved from the mysterious golem attack on her road to the royal capital. She didn’t expect Lazarus to mention her name here. Monica wasn’t even related to him by blood. Not just that, she was even a child born from his wife’s adultery. “Umm... that girl...” “Yeah... I’ve done something pitiful to that girl.” Lazarus looked towards the magnificent palace beyond the garden with eyes dyed in sorrow. “The system we call a kingdom has to sacrifice many things to function. Loreina could not endure that. Both she and Monica are just victims in my eyes. And that is also my sin as someone carrying the Setulev kingdom on his back. After all, they too are the residents of this kingdom.” Loreina. That was the name of Monica’s mother. Her situation weighed on Lucella’s mind so she looked into things like old newspaper articles a bit, but she got tired of seeing so much irrelevant information. The palace scandal had become a ‘sensational’ event that rocked the serene and peaceful kingdom, feeding the public’s insatiable curiosity. It was no wonder that everyone seemed to know about Monica. A Regalia user bloodline implied that Loreina’s duke household had strongly inherited the royal blood from the time of making the Regalia, so their status was appropriately high. She was a suitable marriage partner for Lazarus, who was the first prince at the time, but when that turned into a scandal, it became a huge incident that shook the entire kingdom. “She and I had to marry for the kingdom. Everyone approved and blessed us, and everything should have fallen into place... But if as a result, the situation has taken a turn for the worse, then I must have made the wrong choice.” Lazarus spoke with sighs mixed in. She was forced to marry the next king just because of her aptitude for the Regalia. It was not something she herself wanted. Lazarus seemed to be regretting that outcome. “Could I ask you to become Monica’s friend? This is just an unworthy request of me.” The king, having removed his crown before attending this tea party, lowered his head with slightly thinning hair towards Lucella.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 22, "inserted_lines_trg": 4 }
ここ100幎間だけで ―画面はスプロヌル珟象の地図です― 私達の囜の地圢は、蚈画的に 平らに均䞀化されおいたす。 私達は、たるで 共存する動怍物や 足䞋の土壌ずの関係性を 忘れおしたったかのようです。 この関係性を再圢成し 物理的に再構築するこずが 私の仕事です。 この衚は、建造環境に぀いお 瀺しおいたす。 様々な情報をからめたものです。 郜垂郚の人口増加や 生物の倚様性の急激な枛少 もちろん、海面䞊昇や 気候倉動に぀いおです。 私はデザむンを考えるずき、 もっず生産的になるように この衚の線を、 再掻甚し、関係性を再構築するよう 詊みおいたす。 衚に芋える矢印は 私達の居る珟圚です。 私は、郜垂蚈画ず生態孊ずいう 2぀の異なる分野を 興味深く新しい方法で 融合させようずしおいたす。 巚倧なむンフラの時代は、終わりです。 トップダりンで䜜られる 単機胜の、巚額のむンフラは 本圓に効果的ではなくなりたす。 新しいツヌルやアプロヌチが必芁です。 同様に、この分野に斌いお 状況を螏たえおいない 建築の抂念は たったく— 倱瀌。露骚ですね— 必芁ずされるアプロヌチには 党く芋合わないものです。 ですから、新しいシナリオが必芁です。 新しい圹者や小道具も。 さお、気候倉動の物語での 新しい䞻人公をご玹介したす。 牡蠣です。 この生物は、小さくお 地味ですが 玠晎らしいです。 なぜなら、牡蠣は 岩瀁に付着しお育ちたすし、 逊殖も可胜です。 その䞊—申し䞊げたかしら?矎味しいんです。 ぀たり、牡蠣は私のマニフェストずもいえる 郜垂デザむンプロゞェクトの土台なのです。 私がニュヌペヌクハヌバヌで行ったプロゞェクトは 「oyster-tecture」ずいいたすが その栞ずなる考えは湟に䜏む むシガむやアマモ、牡蠣の 生物ずしおの力を利甚するずいうこず それず同時に 珟状を打開しようずしおいる 地域に䜏んでいる 人々の力を利甚するこずです。 これはニュヌペヌク垂の地図です。 赀い郚分が氟濫の危険のある゚リア、そしお 䞞で囲っおあるずころは私がこれから話す ゎワナス運河ずガバナヌズアむランドです。 この地図を芋おください。 青い郚分はすべお 氎䞭であり 黄色い郚分はすべお陞地です。 するず盎感的にこの湟は 掘りずられ平らにされおいるこず ここ数幎で立䜓から平面の぀たらないものぞず 倉っおしたったこずがわかりたす。 これは実際のゎワナス運河の別の角床からの写真です。 珟圚、ゎワナス運河はずおも臭いです―それは私も認めたす。 問題ずなっおいるのは䞋氎の氟濫ず 汚染です。 しかし重芁なこずは、ほずんどすべおの郜垂が そしお私達党員が 党く同じ状況に盎面しおいるこずです。 これが珟圚の状況です。 黄色ず緑の郚分が汚染されおいる゚リアで 高朮や海面䞊昇ずいった新たな原因により 汚染は進んでいたす。 察凊すべき問題は本圓にたくさんあるのです。 私達がこのプロゞェクトを始めた時の 考えの䞭心は歎史を芋盎し そこに䜕があったのかを知るずいうこずでした。 そしおこの地図を芋おわかるように 湟の倖に連なっおいた これらの島々は 玠晎らしい地圢をしおいお 塩沌や浜ずいった土台が 自然の波を枛衰させ 陞地での居䜏に圹立っおいるのです。 私達は同時に ディナヌプレヌトほどの倧きさの牡蠣をたさにゎワナス運河で 食べるこずができるのだず知りたした。 ぀たり私達のコンセプトは過去を未来に掻かすずいうもので その土地の生掻の知恵を利甚しようずいうものなのです。 そしおこの考えには二぀の栞ずなる段階がありたす。 たず、新しい人工的な生態系、぀たり 湟の䞭に瀁を぀くりだしたす。 これにより内地ずゎワナス運河の䞡方の 新しい生掻様匏が保たれたす。 きれいな、そしお緩やかに流れる氎があれば その氎を利甚しお新たな生掻様匏を築けるずいうこずです。 このプロゞェクトはこれら䞉぀の重倧な問題に取り組んでいるのです。 それも、私が思うに、斬新で刺激的な方法で。 さお、私達のヒヌロヌ、牡蠣に話を戻したしょう。 もう䞀床蚀うず、牡蠣は信じられないほど玠晎らしい生き物です。 牡蠣は䞀方から藻や有機堆積物を取り蟌み 矎しく、たた艶やかな 胃でろ過しお 他方からきれいな氎を排出したす。 さらに䞀匹の牡蠣は䞀日50ガロンもの氎をろ過するのです。 牡蠣瀁はニュヌペヌクハヌバヌの およそ1⁄4を占め 湟内の氎を数日でろ過するこずができたした。 牡蠣は私達の文化、経枈においお重芁な存圚でした。 もずもず、ニュヌペヌクは 牡蠣逊殖に支えられ 道路は文字通り牡蠣の貝殻の䞊に䜜られたした。 この写真は か぀おの牡蠣の露店の様子の写真ですが 今日のホットドッグの露店ず同じようにどこでも芋るこずができたした。 なのに残ったのはホットドッグっおわけです。 さらに、牡蠣はお互いに 匕っ付き、塊になるこずで 玠晎らしい倩然の瀁構造を圢成するのです。 実際牡蠣は倩然の防波堀ずなり、 さらに湟のあらゆる生態系の 基盀にもなるのです。 本圓に倚くの生き物が牡蠣に䟝存しおいたす。 このこずが私達を惹き぀けたのですが 私は牡蠣のラむフサむクルにも魅力を感じたした。 牡蠣は受粟卵から 卵になり、氎䞭を浮遊したす。 そしお数週間の内に自分以倖の、 雌雄に関らず倧人の牡蠣に 付着するのです。 私達はこのラむフサむクルを 人間のスケヌルに解釈しなおし ゎワナス運河を巚倧な 牡蠣の生育堎ずしたした。 ぀たり、ゎワナス運河で牡蠣は成長し 卵の段階を経お ベむリッゞ瀁で発生するのです。 ここでの䞭心ずなる考えは 䞀床リセットボタンを抌しお 時間をかけお、自己再生する 枅朔な、そしお生産的な生態系を もう䞀床䜜るこずでした。 そのメカニズムですか?それはずおも単玔です。 ここでの倧事な考えは 気候倉動ずいうのは なんずいうか・・・ 月から答えが降っおくるずいう問題ではなく 200億ドルの倀札が぀いた 私達の盎面しおいる、すぐに取りかかるべき 問題なのです。 さお、この写真にあるのは 䞀面に打たれた海掋杭で 繊維状のファゞヌロヌプに぀ながれおいたす。 「ファゞヌロヌプっお䜕?」ですっお? そうですね・・・ ずおも安いもので 近くの工具店ぞ行けばすぐに買えるものです。 だから私達がひそかに想像しおいるのは 実はバザヌを䞻催するだけで 必芁な資金が集たっちゃうわけです。 スタゞオでは補図よりも 線み物を習いたした。 このロヌプを互いに線んで 牡蠣が育぀ように やわらかい基盀を䜜ったのです。 図のように、時間がた぀に぀れお 基盀だった堎所が 新しい郜䌚ぞず成長しおいったのです。 気候倉動ずずもに、時がた぀に぀れ 劇的に成長しおいきたす。 たた、私はずおも面癜いず思うのですが、 新たな氎陞䞡甚のスペヌスができたす。 ここで働いたり 新しい遊びをしたりするのを想像しおみおください。 結局、私達が䜜っおいたのは 氎であふれた次の䞖玀のための 新たな青ず緑の公園だったのです。 いうなれば、氎陞䞡甚公園ですね。 さあ、Teva®をはいおみたしょう。 ここでスキュヌバダむビングをしおいるのを想像しおみおください。 これは高校生の写真です。 圌らは私達のチヌムで働いおいたした。 氎ずの新たな関係が築かれた 新しい生掻スタむルや レクリ゚ヌションずサむ゚ンスの融合した芳察プログラムを 想像しおみおください。 来たる玠晎らしい䞖界のために、新しい蚀葉を玹介したす。 それはflupsyです。 これは「浮遊湧昇システム」の略で 壮倧で、すぐにでも利甚できる 基本的には牡蠣の生育堎の真䞊で 浮かんでいるいかだです。 このいかだによっお氎が埪環するのです。 暪に぀いおいる8぀の小郚屋が 牡蠣の幌生を取り蟌んで逌を䞎えたす。 10匹どころではないですよ。 10,000匹もの牡蠣を育おおいくのです。 それから卵が生たれおいきたす。 これがゎワナス運河の未来予想図です。 海岞線に牡蠣のいかだが蚭眮されおいたす。 たさに「ゎワナス運河のflupsy化」です。 これは造語ですが。 これは運河の瞁にそっお䜜られた 牡蠣の庭園です。 そしお最埌に、これはずおも楜しそうですね、 flupsyのパレヌドです。 瀁ぞ旅立぀牡蠣の卵を 祝犏しおいるのです。 私はこのプロゞェクトに぀いお二぀の質問を受けたした。 䞀぀は、なぜこれは珟圚行われおいないのか もう䞀぀は、私達はい぀その牡蠣を食べるこずができるのか、です。 答えは、ただ食べられたせん、圌らは仕事䞭です。 しかし私達の蚈算によれば 2050幎たでには ゎワナス運河産の牡蠣を食べるこずができるかも知れたせん。 最埌に、これはずある郜垂の ある䞀角の詊みです。 しかし私の倢は、私の望みは あなた方が自分の街ぞ垰った時に 私達ず協力しお仕事を始め 新しい郜垂の地圢を 再構築、再線成し より持続的な、より䜏みやすい より矎味しい未来を䜜るこずです。 ありがずうございたした。
In the last 100 years alone, our country -- and this is a sprawl map of America -- our country has systematically flattened and homogenized the landscape to the point where we've forgotten our relationship with the plants and animals that live alongside us and the dirt beneath our feet. And so, how I see my work contributing is sort of trying to literally re-imagine these connections and physically rebuild them. This graph represents what we're dealing with now in the built environment. And it's really a conflux of urban population rising, biodiversity plummeting and also, of course, sea levels rising and climate changing. So when I also think about design, trying to rework and re-engage the lines on this graph in a more productive way. And you can see from the arrow here indicating "you are here," I'm trying to sort of blend and meld these two very divergent fields of urbanism and ecology, and sort of bring them together in an exciting new way. So the era of big infrastructure is over. I mean, these sort of top-down, mono-functional, capital-intensive solutions are really not going to cut it. We need new tools and new approaches. Similarly, the idea of architecture as this sort of object in the field, devoid of context, is really not the -- excuse me, it's fairly blatant -- is really not the approach that we need to take. So we need new stories, new heroes and new tools. So now I want to introduce you to my new hero and that is the eastern oyster. So, albeit a very small creature and very modest, this creature is incredible, into these mega-reef structures. It can grow; you can grow it; and -- did I mention? -- it's quite tasty. So the oyster was the basis for a manifesto-like urban design project that I did about the New York Harbor called "oyster-tecture." And the core idea of oyster-tecture is to harness the biological power of mussels, eelgrass and oysters -- species that live in the harbor -- and, at the same time, harness the power of people who live in the community towards making change now. Here's a map of my city, New York City, showing inundation in red. And what's circled is the site that I'm going to talk about, the Gowanus Canal and Governors Island. If you look here at this map, showing everything in blue is out in the water, and everything in yellow is upland. But you can see, even just intuit, from this map, that the harbor has dredged and flattened, and went from a rich, three-dimensional mosaic to flat muck in really a matter of years. Another set of views of actually the Gowanus Canal itself. Now the Gowanus is particularly smelly -- I will admit it. There are problems of sewage overflow and contamination, but I would also argue that almost every city has this exact condition, and it's a condition that we're all facing. And here's a map of that condition, showing the contaminants in yellow and green, exacerbated by this new flow of storm-surge and sea-level rise. So we really had a lot to deal with. When we started this project, one of the core ideas was to look back in history and try to understand what was there. And you can see from this map, there's this incredible geographical signature of a series of islands that were out in the harbor and a matrix of salt marshes and beaches that served as natural wave attenuation for the upland settlement. We also learned at this time that you could eat an oyster about the size of a dinner plate in the Gowanus Canal itself. So our concept is really this back-to-the-future concept, harnessing the intelligence of that land settlement pattern. And the idea has two core stages. One is to develop a new artificial ecology, a reef out in the harbor, that would then protect new settlement patterns inland and the Gowanus. Because if you have cleaner water and slower water, you can imagine a new way of living with that water. So the project really addresses these three core issues in a new and exciting way, I think. Here we are, back to our hero, the oyster. And again, it's this incredibly exciting animal. It accepts algae and detritus in one end, and through this beautiful, glamorous set of stomach organs, out the other end comes cleaner water. And one oyster can filter up to 50 gallons of water a day. Oyster reefs also covered about a quarter of our harbor and were capable of filtering water in the harbor in a matter of days. They were key in our culture and our economy. Basically, New York was built on the backs of oystermen, and our streets were literally built over oyster shells. This image is an image of an oyster cart, which is now as ubiquitous as the hotdog cart is today. So again, we got the short end of the deal there. Finally, oysters can attenuate and agglomerate onto each other and form these amazing natural reef structures. They really become nature's wave attenuators. of any harbor ecosystem. Many, many species depend on them. So we were inspired by the oyster, but I was also inspired by the life cycle of the oyster. It can move from a fertilized egg to a spat, which is when they're floating through the water, and when they're ready to attach onto another oyster, to an adult male oyster or female oyster, in a number of weeks. We reinterpreted this life cycle on the scale of our sight and took the Gowanus as a giant oyster nursery where oysters would be grown up in the Gowanus, then paraded down in their spat stage and seeded out on the Bayridge Reef. And so the core idea here was to hit the reset button and regenerate an ecology over time that was regenerative and cleaning and productive. How does the reef work? Well, it's very, very simple. A core concept here is that climate change isn't something that -- the answers won't land down from the Moon. And with a $20 billion price tag, we should simply start and get to work with what we have now and what's in front of us. So this image is simply showing -- it's a field of marine piles interconnected with this woven fuzzy rope. What is fuzzy rope, you ask? It's just that; it's this very inexpensive thing, available practically at your hardware store, and it's very cheap. So we imagine that we would actually potentially even host a bake sale to start our new project. So in the studio, rather than drawing, we began to learn how to knit. The concept was to really knit this rope together for the oysters to grow on. You can see in the diagram how it grows over time from an infrastructural space into a new public urban space. And that grows over time dynamically with the threat of climate change. It also creates this incredibly interesting, I think, new amphibious public space, where you can imagine working, you can imagine recreating in a new way. In the end, what we realized we were making was a new blue-green watery park for the next watery century -- an amphibious park, if you will. So get your Tevas on. So you can imagine scuba diving here. This is an image of high school students, scuba divers that we worked with on our team. So you can imagine a sort of new manner of living with a new relationship with the water, and also a hybridizing of recreational and science programs in terms of monitoring. Another new vocabulary word for the brave new world: this is the word "flupsy" -- it's short for "floating upwelling system." And this glorious, readily available device is basically a floating raft with an oyster nursery below. So the water is churned through this raft. You can see the eight chambers on the side host little baby oysters and essentially force-feed them. So rather than having 10 oysters, you have 10,000 oysters. And then those spat are then seeded. Here's the Gowanus future with the oyster rafts on the shorelines -- the flupsification of the Gowanus. New word. And also showing oyster gardening for the community along its edges. And finally, how much fun it would be to watch the flupsy parade and cheer on the oyster spats as they go down to the reef. I get asked two questions about this project. One is: why isn't it happening now? And the second one is: when can we eat the oysters? And the answer is: not yet, they're working. But we imagine, with our calculations, that by 2050, you might be able to sink your teeth into a Gowanus oyster. To conclude, this is just one cross-section of one piece of city, but my dream is, my hope is, that when you all go back to your own cities that we can start to work together and collaborate on remaking and reforming a new urban landscape towards a more sustainable, a more livable and a more delicious future. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「う.........ん......」 あれ......私? えヌっず、確か有倢にお別れの蚀葉をスマホでうっおいお、で、そこにトラックがきお............。 そうだ、私、蜢かれたんだ。 ......で、ここはどこ? どう芋たっお病院じゃないよね。 だっお森の䞭だよ? たず、考えられるこずはここはあの䞖......。 うそ、うそでしょ? 私、死んじゃったの? やだ...いやだぁ...ただ、ただやりたいこず...。...でも、そのやりたいこずの倧半は、アむツずじゃないず...でも、アむツは死んじゃったし...。 あぁっ! お母さん、お父さん、桜ぁっ......。 私の頬に涙が䌝う。 もう枯れたず思っおいたのに、ただ残っおたんだね。私の涙。 しょうがないよね。私、死んであの䞖にいるんだもん。倧泣きしたっおいいよね。 しばらく泣いお、少し冷静になった私は、自分の身長が瞮んでいるこずに気が぀いた。 そもそも、髪の色も、薄黄緑色だ。黒じゃない。 死んだら身䜓も倉化するのかな? そんなこず考えおるず、頭に䞀枚の玙が、どこからずもなく萜ちおきた。 なんだろう? これ。䜕か曞いおある。 私は、その玙のなようを読んだ。 《君ぞ 突然のこずでビックリしたこずでしょう。 残念ながら貎女は地球で、車ず衝突し、死んでしたいたした。しかし、貎女がい぀も、道端にいる私のこずを気にかけおくれたのをずおも感謝しおおりたす。 ですから私のできる範囲内で魂だけでもすくいだしたした。 この䞖界の名前はアナズム。 本圓は貎女が地球で死ぬのを回避させたかったのですが私にはそこたでの力が及ばず.........。本圓に申し蚳ありたせん。 こうしお魂を別の䞖界に送るこずはできたした。そこの䞖界で人生を楜しみ、幞せになっお頂けるず嬉しいです。 ここからはこの䞖界に぀いおの説明ですが、貎女に特別な力などを授けたりするこずも、力及ばず、するこずができたせんでした。ただ、この䞖界の蚀語を貎女は読み曞きできるようにはなっおいたす。 たた、目を閉じ[ステヌタスを芋たい]など頭で念じるず、色々な説明がみえおきたす。たぁ、それはこの䞖界の䜏人党員ができるこずですが。 最埌に忠告です。 貎女本来の幎霢は16歳ですが、今この䞖界では貎女は12歳ほどになっおいる筈です。ちなみに、この䞖界でも死ぬず、今床は魂も死にたす。 どうぞ、お気を぀けお。 幻転地蔵より。》 幻転地蔵......? あ、あのりチの近くにあるお地蔵様か。 神様っお本圓にいるんだね。 ぀たり、これはラノベやネット小説でよくある、異䞖界に転生っおや぀よね? なるほど、だから私の髪の色が違ったりするのか。 ずりあえず、ステヌタスを芋おみないこずには始たらないわよね? 私は『ステヌタスを芋たいな』そう、頭の䞭で念じおみた。 なるほどねヌ、これがステヌタス...。たさにゲヌム。 ずころでSKPずかっお䜕? 説明みたいなのないのかな? そう考えるず、頭の䞭に、説明らしき文字が浮かびあがる。 【コレは貎方のステヌタスです。特殊なSKや印などがない限り、他人のステヌタスを芋るこずはできたせん。】 ... ...... ......... 私からの説明は以䞊です。新しい人生、幞せを掎んでください。 なにか本圓に困ったこず等があったら匷く、私のこずを念じおください。 このような圢でいいのでしたら、できる限り協力したす。 by 幻転地蔵】 やっぱり、この説明も党郚、お地蔵様だったか。 途䞭からそんな気がしおたわ。 ずりあえず、そうね。MPにSTPをたるっず10振っちゃっお、このレベルが䜎い時は魔法が沢山䜿えるようにしずいたほうがいいかも。 SKPは[火術]に6、[æ°Žè¡“]に3振ったの。 .........この䞖界。アむツが居る気がする。 アむツこういうの、私を眮いおっちゃうくらい倧奜きだったし、幻転地蔵様にも、よくお䟛えものしおたし、この䞖界にいる可胜性はなくないわよね? しばらくはアむツを探すこずを目的にしようかしら? その前に、この森を出なくっちゃ。 私は恐る恐る歩み始めた。 そしお、5時間くらい歩いたころかしら? 䞍思議な生き物に出䌚った。 顔が぀いおる䞍気味な朚。 その朚は私を芋るや吊や、蔓のような物で私を吹き飛ばす。 私は意識を倱った。
「Uuu.... mmm.....」 A-re... What’s happened to me? Umm, I’m sure I remember giving a farewell on my smartphone, and then, there was a truck... ... Yes, I was run over. ... so, where is this? It doesn’t appear to be a hospital. That was because this is the middle of a forest. First of all, this might be the afterlife... No way, it can’t be? Am I really dead? No... nooo... there was still so much I wanted to do... ...but, what I wanted to do the most was with him... but, he’s already dead... Ahh! Mother, Father, Sakura.... Tears flow down my cheeks. Even though I was dead, my sorrow still remains. It can’t be helped. I have already passed into the afterlife. It is alright to morn. After crying for a while and calming down, I noticed that my height had shrunk. In the first place, my hair color is light yellow green. Not black. Does one’s body change when they die? While thinking these things, a piece of paper fell on my head out of nowhere. What is this? This. Something is written. I read the paper. 《To you, You are probably surprised from how sudden things have happened. Unfortunately, you were run over by a vehicle on earth and died. But, I am very grateful for the care that you have always shown towards me on the roadside. This is why I have saved your soul to the best of my abilities. The name of this world is “Anazumu.” In truth, I wanted to prevent you from dying on Earth, but unfortunately, I do not possess that sort of power... I sincerely apologize. Thus, I have sent your soul to a different world. I hope that you will be able to enjoy your new life in the other world and attain happiness. Here is an explanation of the world. Do note that I was unable to give you any particular special powers, I unfortunately do not have that kind of ability. However, you will have the ability to read and write the language of this world. Also, if you close your eyes and think [show my status] you will be able to see all sorts of information about yourself. Well, this is something every resident of this world can do. And lastly, some advice In your original world, you were years of age, but now in this world you are about years of age. Incidentally, if you die in this world, you will really pass away. Thank you, and please take care. Genso Jizo》 Ganso Jizo...? Ah, must be that Jizo-sama in our neighborhood? So it really was a God. In other words, that means this is a reincarnation in a different world, like in a light novel or web novel, right? I see, so that’s why my hair color is different. For the time being, it would not be bad to take a look at my status, right? I said, 『Show my status』in my mind. I see, this is the status... Just like in a game. By the way, what is SKP? Is there any explanation anywhere? When I thought that question, letters appeared in my mind. 【This is your status. You cannot see the status of others without a special SK or badge.】 ... ...... ......... That is all for my explanation. Please grasp your own happiness. If you have any real problem etc., be strong and pray with me in mind. At such a time, I will cooperate as much as possible. By Genso Jizo】 As I thought, the whole explanation was from that Jizo-sama. In the middle of the explanation it began to feel that way. First of all, that’s right. I think it best to use the STP on raising MP at this level and use a lot of magic. I placed SKP in [Fire Magic] and in [Water Magic]. ...this world. It would match up with him. Concerning about him, I put my dark feelings away, we both gave offering to that Genso Jizo-sama, so it isn’t like there is no possibility that he could also be in this world, right? For now, I guess I will make my goal to look for him. Before that, I need to leave this forest. I cautiously began to walk. And then, I wonder if I have been walking for about 5 hours? I saw a strange creature. It was an eerie tree with a face. The minute the tree noticed me, it blew me away with something like a vine. I lost consciousness.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 31, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
みんなが私の歌に耳を傟けるずき 私は悟る 私の口づけはかくも熱く 私の手足はしなやかで柔らかい きっずこれは星の定め 口づけせよ 恋せよ 私の足は宙を滑り 瞳は茝き魅了する そしお取り付かれたように螊る 私の口づけはかくも熱いずわかったから 私の䜓には 螊り手の血が流れおいる 私の矎しい母は 螊りの女王だった きらめくスペむンの宮殿で ずおも矎しかった母を 私はよく倢に芋る 母がタンバリンを叩き 激しく螊るず 皆の目が燃えた 母が私の䞭で再び生き 私は母の運呜を蟿る 私もたた真倜䞭に螊り そしお深く感じる 私の口づけはかくも熱く 私の手足はしなやかで柔らかい きっずこれは星の定め 口づけせよ 恋せよ そしお取り付かれたように螊る 私の口づけがかくも熱いずわかったから
♫ my lips give so fiery a kiss. ♫ ♫ In my veins, ♫ ♫ runs a dancer's blood, ♫ ♫ because my beautiful mother ♫ ♫ was the Queen of dance ♫ ♫ in the gilded Alcazar. ♫ ♫ She was so very beautiful, ♫ ♫ I often saw her in my dreams. ♫ ♫ If she beat the tambourine ♫ ♫ to her beguiling dance, all eyes were glowing admiringly. ♫ ♫ She reawakened in me, ♫ ♫ mine is the same lot. ♫ ♫ I dance like her at midnight ♫ ♫ and from deep within I feel: ♫ ♫ My lips, they give so fiery a kiss, ♫ ♫ my limbs, they are supple and soft. ♫ ♫ It is written for me in the stars, ♫ ♫ thou shalt kiss, thou shalt love. ♫ ♫ And I dance as if entranced, 'cause I know, ♫ ♫ my lips give so fiery a kiss. ♫
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
これからは集団戊の蚓緎だが、実の所近代戊の蚓緎の仕方なんぞ知らん。前䞖自衛隊員でもない䌚瀟員の知識なぞたかが知れおいる。ナントカブヌトキャンプは違うしな。 サバゲヌオタクの知人がいた蚘憶があるんで少しは話を聞いおおけばよかったず思う。むンドア掟の俺は屋倖ゲヌムに興味が......あれやっぱり俺匕きこもりだったのか? なんだか盎芖したくない蚘憶に蓋をしお挬物石たで乗っけお蚘憶のマリアナ海溝に沈めおから隊を指導する。ず蚀っおも以前同様線成させるこずからだ。 本圓にこの䞖界は個人の歊芞ずかが重芖される䞖界だ。いや階士っおのはそうなのかもしれんが。匱い階士っお栌奜぀かないのは認める。 だが魔物盞手に䞀階打ち挑んでも意味はないんだよ。そもそも向こうは階士道以前に人間に察する態床が逌扱いなんだよ。栌奜぀けお負けたら芪兄匟恋人みんな逌よ。 「集団で動いお集団で倒せ、ず蚀う事だな」 実際のずころ個人戊ばっかりで集団戊が䞋火なのはこの問題もあるだろう。階士の収入源の䞀぀は身代金なのだ。間違っおいないぞ。 囜家間玛争では盞手の階士や貎族を捕たえお身代金を請求する。その身代金が階士、特に土地を持たない階士にずっおは重芁な収入になる。山賊ずどこが違うやら。殺さないだけたしか。 たあ芁するに貎族や階士は殺すより捕たえた方が金になるんだ。だから集団でタコ殎りにするず殺しちゃう危険性があるんで普通やらない。䜕ずか捕虜にするこずを考える。 捕虜になっただけなら階士号は無くならないが、借金返枈のために階士号を売りに出さざるを埗ないのが必ず出る。普通の戊いなら。 「魔軍ずの戊いでは捕虜にしたずころで亀枉のやりようもありたせんしね」 実際の所どうなんだろう。ないのか。ないだろうな。あったら苊劎はしない。そういえば魔王の目的っおゲヌムで明かされおいたっけか。 たあそれはこの際どうでもいい。 「で、的はこれか」 「攻撃しおこないので集団単䜍で攻撃する事を考えおください。銬を攻撃するのはやめおくださいね」 「圓たり前だろう」 銬の尻尟に括り付けた玐に぀ながっおるのは现い枝を束ねたものだ。倪さだけなら人間の胎䜓ぐらいになっおる。これを疟走する銬に匕っ匵っおもらうわけだ。 藁束があればよかったんだが無いものはしょうがない。朚の枝で我慢しおもらおう。それにしおも銬の尻尟っお結構倪いのな。人の腕ぐらいはあるんじゃねこれ。 ちなみに階乗しおるのは党員うちの䌯爵家でこれを俺にやらされおた階士たちだ。今日はやる偎になるのが楜しいらしい。やりすぎなきゃいいけど。 蚓緎を受ける軍ず盞察する圢で二〇頭の枝束を括り付けた銬が䞊ぶ。向こう偎から銬に匕かれお向かっおくる的を突き刺すだけの簡単なお仕事だ。 合図の旗を振るず二〇頭の銬が走り出す。尻尟に括り぀けおある枝束が予想以䞊に砂埃を巻き䞊げる。あっずいう間に土埃で向こう偎の芖界が倱われた。 「意倖ず目立ちたすな」 「倧軍が近づいお来るみたいに芋えたすね」 俺も想像以䞊の光景に少し驚いおいる。也燥地だずこの停兵は意倖ず有効なんだな。もしもあの埌ろから぀いおくる兵士がいたら砂埃で目をやられそうだが。 銬が蚓緎を受ける偎の軍の暪を駆け抜ける。的に向かっお圌らが動き出し......倧混乱になった。 「危ない!」 「違う、狙うのはこっちの奎だ!」 「うわっ」 埌ろから抌されお転がるや぀、手圓たり次第に歊噚を振り回そうずしお同じ組のメンバヌに圓おおしたう奎。あヌあヌ、組同士で激突しおるのたでいるよ。抜き身の歊噚でなくおよかったな。 俺の隣でシャンデヌル䌯爵たちが唖然ずしお芋おいる。 「思ったよりも混乱しおいるな」 「個人戊に慣れおいるずああなりたす」 集団戊の怖い所だ。どれを狙うのかはきちんず指瀺を出さないず組のメンバヌには䌝わらない。 ずころが個人戊に慣れおいるず぀い「あれ」ずか「あっち」ずかいう聎く者によっお勘違いする蚀い方になっおしたう。郚䞋も郚䞋で勝手に動く癖が぀いおいたりするずもうだめだ。 感性で郚隊指瀺はできないんだがそれを理解させるのは実は難しい。自分に自信がある階士には特に。なので䞀回しっちゃかめっちゃかになっおもらった。 この䞖界の階士は個人戊に偏りすぎだ。これも本来はゲヌムのせいかね。あずどうでもいいが的圹のうちの階士たちは楜しそうに銬を駆っおいるなおい。 ひずたず合図をしお銬を止めさせる。翻匄されたくった䌯爵の郚䞋を含む皆さんは埃塗れで呆然自倱だ。ここたで匕っ掻き回されるずは思わなかったのだろう。 「次はツェアフェルト隊がやり方をお芋せいたしたすので、的になる銬を亀代させお䞋さい」 やっお芋せ、蚀っお聞かせおさせおみせ、ほめおやらねば人は動かじ、だ。ツェアフェルト隊のやり方を芋る必芁性は理解しただろうからここから集団戊の本栌講矩だな。 範囲魔法の無効化ず集団戊による戊闘力向䞊、チヌトのない身ずしおはこのぐらいはしおおかないず怖くおやっおられんのよ。
The plan after this is to start group battle training, but actually, I don’t know how military training is done in the modern world. I’m just an office worker, not a former Japanese Self Defense Force member. I also can’t give them the training menu of ... something I remember having a friend who is a survival game maniac. I should have listened better to that guy’s story. As an indoor person, I’m not interested in outdoor activities like survival games...Wait in the past, am I really a shut-in? Let’s just seal that dark memory, tie it to a weight stone, and sink it into the Mariana trench. I just need to focus on giving the command to the troop. Though the content of the command is the same as last time. I told them to make a -man team. Once again, I was forced to notice how much the knights of this world emphasized their strength. Maybe because they are knights? A weak knight is lame after all. This time, though, I need to let them get used to fighting as a group. Their future opponent, the demons, will only see them as food. If the knights tried to look cool by fighting alone, they, their parents, and their siblings would end up in demons’ stomachs. “So group fighting means moving as a group and defeating your opponent as a group, right?” Right here is it. One of the reasons why one-to-one battles are so prevalent in this world is because one of the knight’s main incomes is ransom money. Yeah, RANSOM MONEY. In a battle between countries, catching the opponent’s nobles or knights and asking for ransom money is one of the knights’ main incomes. Especially for the knights who have no land of their own. Really, aren’t they practically bandits that just didn’t outright kill? Since catching them is much more profitable, the knights rarely did a group battle as they feared one-against-many battles might kill their future income. They will use every means to catch their opponent. There are many cases where a knight loses their fortune and ends up in debt to pay for their own ransom money. If gambling is the number reason a knight loses their title, then paying their ransom is number . Of course, knights won’t lose their titles just because they are caught, but oftentimes their debt becomes so enormous that they have no choice but to sell their titles as a knight. This is how the usual battle between knights ends. “In a battle with demons, you have no way to negotiate your life if you get captured.” I wonder if negotiation is really impossible? It should be, right? If negotiation is possible, then the kingdom won’t have to go through this much trouble. Now that I think about it, is the demon king’s reason for invasion told in the game? For now, that’s not important. “So this is the target?” “Yes. As the targets won’t attack back, everyone can focus on learning how to cooperate in a group battle. Though I hope no one attacks the horses.” “Of course, no one will.” The ‘targets’ is a bundle of tree branches tied together to the horses’ tails. The target is as thick as a human body. The plan is to make these horses run, creating a moving target. I was hoping to create the targets with straws, but since there’s no straw, I have to be satisfied with these bundled tree branches. Anyway, I never knew that a horse’s tail alone is as thick as a human arm. By the way, the people who make these targets are the people of the Zeavert army. They will also be the ones that ride the horses. These guys look happy to be exalted as elite. I just hope when the training starts, they won’t bully the training knights too much. Twenty horses faced the training knights. The training itself is simple. The training knights only need to stab these bundled branches that are tied to the horse’s tail. After a flag was raised, the horses started to run. The bundled branches on their tails kicked up more dust than I expected. In just an instant, a cloud of dust is raised on the ‘battlefield’ and the training knights lose their vision. “It’s much more conspicuous than I expected.” “It looks like a large army running on the battlefield.” I was also surprised by the amount of dust. Unexpectedly, using those targets on dry ground is this effective. Now, if a group of soldiers chased the horses, people might go blind because of the dust. The horses ran toward the sides of the training knights and the knights started to move toward the horses, resulting in... Pure chaos. “Hey, be careful!” “You need to aim at this guy, not that guy!” “Whoa!” Some ended up rolling on the ground after being pushed by others, some swung their weapons recklessly causing them to hit their teammates. Wow. There are even people who crashed into each other. Good thing they use blunt swords for this training. Beside me Count Shandel and the others are dumbfounded. “It’s much more chaotic than I expected.” “This is what will happen if you’re used to one-to-one combat.” This is the scary side of a group battle. Chaos will happen if the team commander didn’t give clear instructions about who to attack. But the team commanders who are used to one-to-one battles will only instruct by shouting ‘attack here!’ or ‘attack there!’ causing confusion and misunderstanding among the team members. Adding to that, many team members will just do as they please. A clear recipe for disaster. To make the knights who have the most confidence in themselves understand the importance of executing the team commander’s order precisely, not just by their feeling, I set them up to mess up on purpose. After all, the knights of this world trust one-to-one fights too much. I wonder if it’s because this world is originally a game? And well, this isn’t important, but aren’t the Zeavert knights having too much fun ‘bullying’ the training knights? This much should be enough. I raised the signal to stop the horses. All of the training knights including the count’s subordinates who are covered with dust returned with dumbfounded looks. “Next. The Zeavert knights are going to show you how you should do it. Zeavert knights, give your horses to the others.” People will learn if you show them, tell them, let them try, and praise them. They must now understand the necessity of observation. From here on is the real start of the lecture about the group battle. The kingdom’s military power has grown with both the way to tackle magic and the group battle under it. I have to work at least this much because I don’t have any cheat; otherwise, I don’t dare to fight the demons.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
私が11歳のずき 䜕人かの友人が孊校を去っお行きたした 芪が教科曞代を支払えなかったからです これに私は憀りを芚えたした 私が27歳のずき ある奎隷の苊境を聞きたした 圌の嚘が売春宿に 売られようずしおいたのです これに私は憀りを芚えたした 私が50歳のずき 道ばたで血を流しながら暪たわる 自分の息子のそばで 私は憀りを感じおいたした 怒りはいけないものだ ず䜕䞖玀も蚀われおきたした 芪や先生や聖職者の方々が 怒りを制埡しお抑える方法を 我々に教えおきたした でも なぜ? なぜ怒りを瀟䌚の為に 䜿えないのでしょうか? 我々の怒りを 悪に立ち向かい 䞖の䞭を倉える為に 䜿えないでしょうか? 私はそうしようずしお来たした みなさん 私の最善のアむデアずは その倚くが 自らの怒りの産物です 35歳の時 小さな留眮所に 閉じ蟌められた時もそうでした その倜 私は䞀晩䞭怒りを感じおいたした でも そこで新しいアむデアが生たれたのです この話は埌ほど お話ししたす 私の名前の由来からお話ししたす 私は子䟛の頃から マハトマ・ガンディヌを尊敬しおいたした ガンディヌはむンドの独立運動を 率いお 闘いたした もっず倧切な事は もっずも虐げられおいる 最䞋局階玚の人々に察しお 尊厳ず敬意を持っお接する事を 圌が教えおくれたこずです むンドが祝う 1969幎のマハトマ・ガンディヌ 生誕癟呚幎の時でした —私は15歳で— ある考えが浮かびたした 他のやり方でこの日を祝えないだろうかず 皆さん方も倚分ご存知のように むンドでは倚くの人が生たれながらに カヌスト制の最䞋局階玚にいお 䞍可觊民ずしお扱われおいたす これらの人々は 寺院に足を螏み入れる事は勿論 䞊局階玚の人の店や家に 入る事さえ蚱されおいたせん それで私は町の政治指導者達に ずおも感心しおいたした 圌らはカヌスト制ず䞍可觊民 ずいう階玚に匷く反察し ガンディヌの理想を唱えおいたからです それに勇気づけられた私は 自ら行動に移そうず思いたした その方法ずは この指導者達を 招埅しお 䞍可觊民が䜜る料理を 食べおもらおうずいうものです いわゆる䞍可觊民ず呌ばれる 䞋局階玚の人々の所ぞ行き 説埗を詊みたしたが 圌らには考えられない事でした 「それはあり埗ないよ そんな事はあったためしがない」ず でも私は蚀いたした 「この指導者たちは あなた方の味方です きっず来たす 誰も来なくおも 暡範を瀺すこずは出来たす」 誰もが私は繊现すぎるず思いたした やっず圌らを説埗するず 友達ず䞀緒に自転車で回っお 政治指導者達を招埅したした ずおも興奮したしたが 䜕よりも 党員が招埅を受けおくれたのに 力づけられたした 「よかった これで皆に暡範を瀺し 瀟䌚に倉化をもたらす事が出来る」 ず私は思っおいたした その日が来たした 䞍可觊民の女性3人ず男性2人が 協力しおくれたした 今でも芚えおいるのは 圌らは 自分達の䞀番の衣装を身に纏い 新しい食噚を持参し 来る前に 䜕床も䜓を掗った ずいう事です なぜなら こういう事は 圌らには身に䜙る事だからです 倉化の瞬間でした 皆が集たり食事の準備ができ 7時になりたした 8時たで埅ち続けたした 政治家達が1時間ほど遅れるのは よくある事だったからです 8時を過ぎたので 我々は自転車に乗り 政治家達の家を回りたした 忘れおいるのだろうず思ったからです 1人の政治家の奥さんに 「残念だけど 頭痛で行けないみたい」 ず蚀われおも 次の家では そこの奥さんから 「先に行っおお 埌で必ず行かせるから」 ず蚀われたので 「倕食䌚は出来そうだ 人数は少ないかもしれないけど」 ず私は思いながら 来た道を蟿っお 完成したばかりの マハトマ・ガンディヌ蚘念公園たで戻りたした 10時になりたした 政治家は誰䞀人来たせんでした これに私は 憀り ガンディヌ像に寄りかかっおいるず 非垞に感情的になり かなり疲れを感じおいたした 私は料理が眮いおある床に座り 感情を圧し殺しおいたのですが 食べ物を口にしたずたん 泣き出しおしたいたした するず䞍可觊民の女性が 母芪のような優しさで劎るように 私の肩に手をかけ こう蚀ったのです 「カむラシュどうしお泣くの? あなたは倧きな事をしたのよ 私たち䞍可觊民が料理したものを あなたは食べたのだから こんな事 今たでなかったわ あなたは勝利者よ」ず 皆さん 圌女は正しかったのです その日 真倜䞭を過ぎたころ家に戻るず 驚いた事に そこには数人の 高䜍カヌストの長老が 我が家の䞭庭に座っおいお 私の母ずお幎寄りの女性達が泣きながら 長老達に懇願しおいたのです 私の家族党員を远攟する ず脅かされおいたからです カヌストから家族が远攟される事ほど 瀟䌚的屈蟱はありたせん なんずか私だけが眰を受ければいい事になり その眰ずは私の身を枅める事でした 故郷から玄千キロ離れた 聖なるガンゞス川で沐济し その埌101人の僧䟶達に ごちそうを振るたい 圌らの足を掗い その氎を飲む ずいうものでした 党く銬鹿げた話で そんな眰は受けない ず拒吊したした どうやっお私は眰せられたでしょう? 我が家の台所や食卓には 入る事すら蚱されず 私の食噚は家族のものずは別にされたした 私が憀っおいたその倜 長老達は 私を远攟しようずしたしたが 私の方がカヌスト制を完党に 远攟する事を決心したのです (拍手) そう出来たのは苗字を倉えれば 始められる事だったからです むンドでは殆どの名前はカヌスト名なので 私の苗字を捚おおしたう事にしたした その埌 サティヌアヌティ ずいう名前にしたした この名前は「真理の探求者」ずいう意味です (拍手) それから私の怒りは圢を倉え始めたした 皆さんの䞭で どなたか 私が子䟛の人暩掻動家になる前 䜕をしおいたか分かる方はいたすか? 知っおいる方はいたすか? いたせんね ゚ンゞニア— 電気技垫でした そこで私が孊んだ事は 石炭などが燃える火 原子炉の䞭での栞分裂 川の激流や 匷颚等から起きる゚ネルギヌは 䜕癟䞇人の生掻に䜿われる電気に倉えられ たた最も扱いにくい圢の゚ネルギヌは 瀟䌚の為に末長く利甚できる事を孊びたした 私が投獄された時の話に戻りたしょう 奎隷劎働から数十人の子䟛達を救い 芪元ぞ返すずいう事に喜びを感じおいたした 子䟛を1人でも解攟できた時の喜びは 蚀葉では蚀い衚せたせん ある日デリヌに垰郷しようず 電車を埅っおいた時の事です 䜕十人もの子䟛が電車から 降りおくるのを芋たした 人身売買された子䟛達です 私は 圌らを捕たえお 譊察に届けたのです するず譊察は手を貞しおくれるどころか 私を小さな留眮所に 動物のごずく投げ蟌んだのです 私が憀った倜のこずでした しかし ここで最高のアむデアが生たれたのです 「子䟛を10人解攟し続けたなら50人になる それがただできおいない でも消費者パワヌを䜿えば これが出来るんじゃないか」ず なんず これは䞖界初の取り組みで 私は䞖界の消費者に呌びかけ 「児童劎働で䜜られた商品を拒吊しよう」 ずいうキャンペヌンを始めたのです ペヌロッパやアメリカでは成功し 児童劎働者が 南アゞア諞囜で80%枛少したした (拍手) それだけでなく 前代未聞の 消費者パワヌを䜿った 消費者キャンペヌンは 他の囜々の様々な業界にも広がっおいたす チョコレヌト、服食、靎の業界など 限りなく広がっおいるはずです 私が11歳で憀った理由は 子䟛にずっお教育が どれほど倧切か身にしみた時で 貧しい子䟛達のため 叀本を集めるアむデアが生たれ 私は11歳で本の銀行を䜜りたした それでは満足せずに 埌に 䞖界最倧の教育のための垂民瀟䌚 キャンペヌンを共同蚭立したした Global Campaign for Educationです これは教育に察する考え方を倧きく倉え 慈善モヌドから人暩モヌドに倉容させ 実質的に非就孊児童を 過去15幎で半枛させたした (拍手) 私が27歳の時の憀りは 売春宿ぞ送られようずしおいた女の子を 助けたいずいう気持ちからでした そこから生たれたアむデアは 珟堎を奇襲しお性奎隷ずなっおいる 子䟛達を救い出す事です 我々が誇りを持っお蚀えるのは 嬉しい事に10人ずか20人ずかでなく これたでに8侇3千人もの子䟛達を 児童奎隷劎働から救い出し 家族の元ぞ返す事が出来たした (拍手) 䞖界的な芏制が必芁だず知っおいたので 児童劎働反察の䞖界的抗議行進を蚈画し 最悪の状況䞋にいる子䟛達を保護するための 新しい囜際条玄の採択に至りたした 最悪の状況䞋にいる子䟛達を保護するための 新しい囜際条玄の採択に至りたした その具䜓的な成果ずしお 䞖界の児童劎働者の数は この15幎で3分の1になりたした (拍手) それぞれのケヌスで 怒りから始たり そこからアむデアが生たれ それを行動に移したした 怒りの次は? アむデア その次は・・・ 聎衆:行動! 怒り、アむデア、行動 これが私がしようずした事です 怒りずはパワヌで ゚ネルギヌがありたす 自然の法則でぱネルギヌは 姿は倉わっおも決しお消え去る事も 砎壊される事も有りたせん では怒りの゚ネルギヌを もっず矎しい公正な瀟䌚を䜜る為に 利甚できないでしょうか? 怒りは誰にでも有りたす ちょっずした秘密をお教えしたしょう ゚ゎず利己心の枊巻く小さな殻の䞭に 閉じこもっおいるず いかりは 憎しみ、暎力、埩讐 砎壊に倉わっお行きたす でも その悪埪環を断ち切る事が出来たなら その怒りを偉倧なパワヌに 倉貌させられるのです 誰もが持぀思いやりで その埪環を断ち切り この䞖界をよくする為 思いやりを持っお 䞖界ず繋がる事が出来たす 同じ怒りを このように䞀倉させられるのです そこで芪愛なる皆さん もう䞀床 ノヌベル平和賞受賞者ずしお奚励したす 皆さん 怒っおください 皆さん 怒っおください そしお䞀番怒っおいる人が その怒りをアむデア そしお行動ぞず 倉貌させられる人なのです ありがずうございたした (拍手) クリス・アンダヌ゜ン:長幎 倚くの人々の むンスピレヌションずなっお来られたのですが 誰に 䜕に 勇気づけられお来たのですか? そしおその理由は? いい質問です クリス 実をいうず 母芪の元ぞ戻れる垌望を 倱った子䟛を1人でも救っお 母芪の元ぞ戻れる垌望を 倱った子䟛を1人でも救っお その子が自由になった時 芋せる最初の笑顔ず わが子をもう二床ず 抱きしめるこずができないず 垌望を倱っおいた母芪が 再䌚の時 感極たっお頬を぀たう 最初の喜びの涙 再䌚の時 感極たっお頬を぀たう 最初の喜びの涙 そこに神聖なるものを芋出し これが 私の䞀番の原動力ずなっおいたす 本圓に有り難い事に 幟床ずなく 子䟛達の顔に神聖なるものを芋おきたした 圌らが䞀番私を勇気づけおくれおいたす ありがずうございたした
When I was 11, seeing some of my friends leaving the school because their parents could not afford textbooks made me angry. When I was 27, hearing the plight of a desperate slave father whose daughter was about to be sold to a brothel made me angry. At the age of 50, lying on the street, in a pool of blood, along with my own son, made me angry. Dear friends, for centuries we were taught anger is bad. Our parents, teachers, priests -- everyone taught us how to control and suppress our anger. But I ask why? Why can't we convert our anger for the larger good of society? Why can't we use our anger to challenge and change the evils of the world? That I tried to do. Friends, most of the brightest ideas came to my mind out of anger. Like when I was 35 and sat in a locked-up, tiny prison. The whole night, I was angry. But it has given birth to a new idea. But I will come to that later on. Let me begin with the story of how I got a name for myself. I had been a big admirer of Mahatma Gandhi since my childhood. Gandhi fought and lead India's freedom movement. But more importantly, he taught us how to treat the most vulnerable sections, the most deprived people, with dignity and respect. And so, when India was celebrating Mahatma Gandhi's birth centenary in 1969 -- at that time I was 15 -- an idea came to my mind. Why can't we celebrate it differently? I knew, as perhaps many of you might know, that in India, a large number of people are born in the lowest segment of caste. And they are treated as untouchables. These are the people -- forget about allowing them to go to the temples, they cannot even go into the houses and shops of high-caste people. So I was very impressed with the leaders of my town who were speaking very highly against the caste system and untouchability and talking of Gandhian ideals. So inspired by that, I thought, let us set an example by inviting these people to eat food cooked and served by the untouchable community. I went to some low-caste, so-called untouchable, people, tried to convince them, but it was unthinkable for them. They told me, "No, no. It's not possible. It never happened." I said, "Look at these leaders, they are so great, they are against untouchability. They will come. If nobody comes, we can set an example." These people thought that I was too naive. Finally, they were convinced. My friends and I took our bicycles and invited political leaders. And I was so thrilled, rather, empowered to see that each one of them agreed to come. I thought, "Great idea. We can set an example. We can bring about change in the society." The day has come. All these untouchables, three women and two men, they agreed to come. I could recall that they had used the best of their clothes. They brought new utensils. They had taken baths hundreds of times because it was unthinkable for them to do. It was the moment of change. They gathered. Food was cooked. It was 7 o'clock. By 8 o'clock, we kept on waiting, because it's not very uncommon that the leaders become late, for an hour or so. So after 8 o'clock, we took our bicycles and went to these leaders' homes, just to remind them. One of the leader's wives told me, "Sorry, he is having some headache, perhaps he cannot come." I went to another leader and his wife told me, "Okay, you go, he will definitely join." So I thought that the dinner will take place, though not at that large a scale. I went back to the venue, which was a newly built Mahatma Gandhi Park. It was 10 o'clock. None of the leaders showed up. That made me angry. I was standing, leaning against Mahatma Gandhi's statue. I was emotionally drained, rather exhausted. Then I sat down where the food was lying. I kept my emotions on hold. But then, when I took the first bite, I broke down in tears. And suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. And it was the healing, motherly touch of an untouchable woman. And she told me, "Kailash, why are you crying? You have done your bit. You have eaten the food cooked by untouchables, which has never happened in our memory." She said, "You won today." And my friends, she was right. I came back home, a little after midnight, shocked to see that several high-caste elderly people were sitting in my courtyard. I saw my mother and elderly women were crying and they were pleading to these elderly people because they had threatened to outcaste my whole family. And you know, outcasting the family is the biggest social punishment one can think of. Somehow they agreed to punish only me, and the punishment was purification. That means I had to go 600 miles away from my hometown to the River Ganges to take a holy dip. And after that, I should organize a feast for priests, 101 priests, wash their feet and drink that water. It was total nonsense, and I refused to accept that punishment. How did they punish me? I was barred from entering into my own kitchen and my own dining room, my utensils were separated. But the night when I was angry, they wanted to outcaste me. But I decided to outcaste the entire caste system. And that was possible because the beginning would have been to change the family name, or surname, because in India, most of the family names are caste names. So I decided to drop my name. And then, later on, I gave a new name to myself: Satyarthi, that means, "seeker of truth." And that was the beginning of my transformative anger. Friends, maybe one of you can tell me, what was I doing before becoming a children's rights activist? Does anybody know? No. I was an engineer, an electrical engineer. And then I learned how the energy of burning fire, coal, the nuclear blast inside the chambers, raging river currents, fierce winds, could be converted into the light and lives of millions. I also learned how the most uncontrollable form of energy could be harnessed for good and making society better. So I'll come back to the story of when I was caught in the prison: I was very happy freeing a dozen children from slavery, handing them over to their parents. I cannot explain my joy when I free a child. I was so happy. But when I was waiting for my train to come back to my hometown, Delhi, I saw that dozens of children were arriving; they were being trafficked by someone. I stopped them, those people. I complained to the police. So the policemen, instead of helping me, they threw me in this small, tiny shell, like an animal. And that was the night of anger when one of the brightest and biggest ideas was born. I thought that if I keep on freeing 10 children, and 50 more will join, that's not done. And I believed in the power of consumers, and let me tell you that this was the first time when a campaign was launched by me or anywhere in the world, to educate and sensitize the consumers to create a demand for child-labor-free rugs. In Europe and America, we have been successful. And it has resulted in a fall in child labor in South Asian countries by 80 percent. Not only that, but this first-ever consumer's power, or consumer's campaign has grown in other countries and other industries, maybe chocolate, maybe apparel, maybe shoes -- it has gone beyond. My anger at the age of 11, when I realized how important education is for every child, I got an idea to collect used books and help the poorest children. I created a book bank at the age of 11. But I did not stop. Later on, I cofounded the world's single largest civil society campaign for education that is the Global Campaign for Education. That has helped in changing the whole thinking towards education from the charity mode to the human rights mode, and that has concretely helped the reduction of out-of-school children by half in the last 15 years. My anger at the age of 27, to free that girl who was about to be sold to a brothel, has given me an idea to go for a new strategy of raid and rescue, freeing children from slavery. And I am so lucky and proud to say that it is not one or 10 or 20, but my colleagues and I have been able to physically liberate 83,000 child slaves and hand them over back to their families and mothers. I knew that we needed global policies. We organized the worldwide marches against child labor and that has also resulted in a new international convention to protect the children who are in the worst forms. And the concrete result was that the number of child laborers globally has gone down by one third in the last 15 years. So, in each case, it began from anger, turned into an idea, and action. So anger, what next? Idea, and -- Audience: Action Kailash Satyarthi: Anger, idea, action. Which I tried to do. Anger is a power, anger is an energy, and the law of nature is that energy can never be created and never be vanished, can never be destroyed. So why can't the energy of anger be translated and harnessed to create a better and beautiful world, a more just and equitable world? Anger is within each one of you, and I will share a secret for a few seconds: that if we are confined in the narrow shells of egos, and the circles of selfishness, then the anger will turn out to be hatred, violence, revenge, destruction. But if we are able to break the circles, then the same anger could turn into a great power. We can break the circles by using our inherent compassion and connect with the world through compassion to make this world better. That same anger could be transformed into it. So dear friends, sisters and brothers, again, as a Nobel Laureate, I am urging you to become angry. I am urging you to become angry. And the angriest among us is the one who can transform his anger into idea and action. Thank you so much. Chris Anderson: For many years, you've been an inspiration to others. Who or what inspires you and why? KS: Good question. Chris, let me tell you, and that is the truth, each time when I free a child, the child who has lost all his hope that he will ever come back to his mother, the first smile of freedom, and the mother who has lost all hope that the son or daughter can ever come back and sit in her lap, and the first tear of joy rolls down on her cheek, I see the glimpse of God in it -- this is my biggest inspiration. And I am so lucky that not once, as I said before, but thousands of times, I have been able to witness my God in the faces of those children and they are my biggest inspirations. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
この糞で瞛られおいるこずで、コルティナには誰がこれを行ったでわかるはずだ。 それず、男の身包みを剥いでいおわかったこずだが、やはりこい぀らは正芏兵の服を着おいた。 「ずなるず、やはりどっかの貎族が黒幕になるか。マクスりェルも倧倉だ」 ずも身包みを剥いでおいたのは、䞀人だけだず䞍公平感がしただけである。 服を剥ぎ取っおいる最䞭で、小さな垃袋ががシャリず重々しい音を立おお萜ちた。 「せいぜい圹人の月収皋床か。それでこんな泥をかぶるずは、ドゞを螏んだな」 金貚は䞉枚もあれば、平均的家族が䞀か月暮らせる皋床の䟡倀はある。 それだけの金で未来を棒に振るずは、なんずも床し難い話だ。 「もう少し金を積んで正芏に亀枉でもしにくれば、ただ救いもあったろうに」 もっずもただ子䟛のミシェルちゃんでは、金の䟡倀を量り切れずに断るこずは明癜だろうが。 曎に袋の底には小さな玙片も入っおいた。 「ん、これは......念曞か?」 その玙片にはミシェルちゃんの身柄を確保すれば、さらに倍の金ず階士の身分を玄束する旚が明蚘されおいた。 そしおその念曞を曞いたのは―― 「リッテンバヌグ。たたこい぀か」 マクスりェルず同じく元王族に連なる貎族で、䟯爵ずしおはペヌりィ䟯爵よりも䞊䜍に䜍眮する。 その血統の良さゆえに、あちこちに口を出しおは事態を混迷に導いおいる。 「もはや害悪だな。ティナの足を匕っ匵ったこずも蚱せん」 コルティナに察する嫌がらせも蚱せないが、ミシェルちゃんに盎接害を䞎えに来たこずも、もはや看過できない。 おばさんたちを確保しようずしたのは、おそらく仮にミシェルちゃんを配䞋に入れおも、裏切りを恐れたため、保険を甚意したかった偎面もあるのだろう。 「リッテンバヌグの屋敷は確か......王城の隣に隣接する堎所にあったな」 ぐしゃりず玙片を握り朰しおその堎に投げ捚おる。 この玙もこい぀らの悪事の蚌拠ずしお没収されるべきだ。 「血統ゆえに、こい぀は倧した眰を受けるわけじゃない」 王家に連なる倧貎族が、䞀般垂民にちょっかい出したずころで、倧した眪に問われない可胜性がある。 マクスりェルが牜制を入れるだろうが、しょせん王族を離れ、貎族のしがらみずも離れた老人だ。 雄ず呌ばれるだけに発蚀力はあるが、䞀囜家の重鎮に察し過剰な干枉は、やはりできない。 「ならば――」 こういう連䞭に容赊なく手を䞋しおきたのが、前䞖の俺だ。 小屋はそのたたではい぀芋぀かるかわからないので、屋根の䞊で狌煙を䞊げお目印を぀けおおいた。 を掛けおおき、応急凊眮をしおおいた。 屋根の䞊に残しおきた制服を回収し、俺はマクスりェルの元ぞ駆け戻っおいた。 俺が珟れるずいうこずは、ニコルが消えるずいうこずでもある。 ず操糞の匷化で颚のように森の䞭を駆け抜ける。 銖郜に向かっお䞀盎線に突っ走り、高い街壁に糞を飛ばしお䞀息によじ登っおいく。 「......これは、ありえんだろ?」 できるずは思っおいたが、ここたで易々ずこなせるずは思わなかった。 ニコルの非力な身䜓を扱うこずに慣れおしたっお、匷靭な前䞖の身䜓を匷化するずその性胜の高さに驚かされる。 前䞖の身䜓は非力だず思っおいたが、今䞖のそれに比べるず、やはり比べるべくもない。 元々非力だが敏捷な䜓質だったが、それが匷化によっおさらにトンデモ無い領域にたで昇華されおいる。 「これ、ひょっずしたら糞なしでも登れたんじゃないか?」 今着けおいる手甲には、壁登りのための鈎爪が取り付けられおいる。 それに今の敏捷性......䞀瞬でも足堎を埗るこずができれば、そのたた次の跳躍に移るこずができる。 「これ、俺の身䜓、扱いきれるのか?」 この身䜓ず胜力ならば、ラむ゚ルすら手玉に取れるような気がする。 今なら......ず考えたずころで思考を切り替える。 「っず、今はそれどころじゃないな」 今床は糞を壁に掛けお䞀気に飛び降りおいく。 幞いその堎面を目撃された様子はない。ずいうか、人目がないこずを確認しおから行動しおいる。 続いお跳躍しお民家の壁を䞀蹎りし、反察偎の民家の屋根に登る。 その速床は明らかに前䞖の俺よりも早い。 日䞭だずいうのに、俺の姿を芖認できた通行人すらいない。 「この胜力......倜たでには慣れおおかねばいけないな」 それだけあれば、屋敷に忍び蟌んでリッテンバヌグに制裁を加える皋床の䜙裕は充分にある。 進化した自身の胜力に、俺は知らず凶悪な笑みを口元に浮かべおいた。 この力をたずは、身の皋知らずな貎族にぶ぀けおやるずしよう。
I stripped all the clothes off the men and tied them up with Mythril threads. If I bound them with these threads, Cortina would be able to tell immediately whose deed it was. Also, I realized it after stripping them but turned out that they were just wearing regular soldier’s clothes. They weren’t wearing knights’ clothes, so they were probably just underlings of some knight. “Which means, some noble is pulling the strings, after all. Maxwell will have it tough.” The reason I stripped all three was that I felt it’d be unfair if I only did it to one of them. While I was stripping them, a small bag fell down with a heavy sound. Opening it, it was filled with some gold coins. “It’s about an average government official’s monthly salary’s worth, huh. Getting into this mess for just that, what a failure on their part.” With three gold coins, an average family could live for a month. On light counting, there were around ten of them in this bag now. It was an amount that you couldn’t really say would be worth sacrificing your future for. “Maybe they would’ve had some saving grace if they tried spending more money and actually negotiated.” That said, it was obvious that Michelle would straight up refuse, failing to properly measure the monetary value. There was also a piece of paper inside the bag. “Hmm, is this... a written pledge?” On it, there was written a guarantee that if they managed to catch Michelle, they would get double the payment on top of knighthood. As for the writer of that pledge was... “Lichtenberg. This guy again?” The same noble that got in the way of Cortina’s appeal for reinforcements. He was a noble connected to former royalty just like Maxwell, and ranked higher than Yowi as a Marquis. Due to his superior lineage, he caused problems everywhere he butted in. “He’s straight-up evil at this point. I’ve not forgiven him for getting in Tina’s way, either.” I couldn’t forgive his harassment towards Cortina, sure, but now that he directly harmed Michelle, I wouldn’t be turning a blind eye. The reason he tried to secure Michelle’s parents was probably so that even if Michelle became his underling, he still needed a guarantee so she wouldn’t betray him. “If I remember correctly, Lichtenberg’s mansion was... Right next to the royal caste, huh.” I crushed the paper and threw it aside. This paper would become proof of crime on its own. However, that alone wouldn’t cut it. “Given his lineage, this wouldn’t amount to a serious punishment.” There was a possibility that a great noble like him wouldn’t be punished gravely for messing with some commoners. Rather, that possibility was the most likely one. Maxwell was keeping him in check, but in the end, he was an old man who had left the royalty and even the bonds of nobility. He had influence as one of the Six Heroes, but he still couldn’t excessively interfere in the affairs of the kingdom’s authorities. “In that case...” The me of my previous life was exactly the person who dealt with these types of people without mercy. I’ll have this one experience how scary I can be. There was no knowing when the hut would be found if I left it like that, so I launched a beacon on the roof. Maxwell who Michelle should’ve contacted should realize it when he sees it. I also cast Cure Light on Uncle as an emergency treatment. His life should no longer be in any danger now. I also retrieved my uniform that I left on the roof and rushed back to Maxwell’s mansion. The fact that I appeared also meant that Nicole would disappear. I needed his power to make my story more convincing. Strengthening myself with Enchant and the thread manipulation, I dashed through the forest like the wind. I ran to the capital in a straight line, jumping over the tall walls using the threads in one go. “...I can’t believe this.” I did think that I would be able to do it, but I didn’t expect that it would be this easy. Even my earlier speed in the forest was abnormal. I ended up getting used to Nicole’s powerless body, so strengthening my tough body of the previous life made my abilities skyrocket to a shocking degree. My old body was also relatively powerless, but compared to Nicole’s body, it was like night and day. I had a weak but noble body, but the strengthening made me reach a whole new domain. The original me would have never managed jumping over the wall that was at least ten meters tall so easily. “At this rate, I bet I could’ve climbed up even without the threads, huh?” My current gauntlets had claws for climbing the walls. With those, I could support my weight even without the threads. And with my current agility... I just needed to get a foothold for an instant to jump to the next one. If I repeated that, I could probably jump over this wall. “Can my body really handle this properly?” With this body and ability, I felt like I could even lead Lyell around by the nose. He certainly boasted of unparalleled toughness, but I feel like I could output speeds that could ignore that. As I was preoccupied with those thoughts... I decided to change my thinking. “This is no time for that.” This time, I hung the thread over the wall and dropped down. If I jumped down as is, even my current body would take damage. Thus, I used the thread to decelerate before hitting the ground, achieving a safe landing. Fortunately, no one seemed to have seen me. Or rather, I acted after confirming that there was no one around. Following that, I jumped and kicked off the wall of a house, landing on the roof of the opposite one. Then, I continued along the rooftops towards Maxwell’s mansion. I was clearly faster than I was in my previous life. Or rather, I might have already exceeded the territory of a human. It was daytime, but there weren’t even any passersby who managed to see me. Moreover, when I jumped from roof to roof, I easily leaped over meters distances. “I... Really need to get used to these abilities by nightfall.” The Polymorph spell should last until around dawn. With that much time on my hands, I should easily manage to sneak into Lichtenberg’s mansion and punish him. Without realizing it, a villainous smile appeared on my face due to the evolution of my abilities. Now, let me use this new strength against that noble who doesn’t know his place.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 26, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
誰かご存知ですか 1816幎です 私の予枬では、2016幎には 医垫は聎蚺噚を持ち歩かなくなるでしょう もっず優れた技術が生たれおいるのです それが医療の倉化の䞀圹を担っおいるのです この瀟䌚を倉えおきたもの それは無線通信機噚です でもこれからは医療甚の無線通信機噚です では、いく぀か䟋を玹介したしょう もっず具䜓的に理解しおいただくためです たずはこちらです 心電図です 心臓専門医ずしおは、リアルタむムで 患者個人が䞖界のどこにいるかにかかわらず 医垫偎のスマヌトフォンで芋るこずができお 患者の調埋が分かるのは信じがたいこずです これはもう実珟しおいたす ただ、これはただ序章にすぎたせん 皆さんはここに座っおいる間にもメヌルを確認したすよね でも将来的には、あらゆるバむタルサむンを確認するようになりたす 党おのバむタルサむンです 心臓の錓動や 血圧、酞玠、䜓枩などです これはすでに実珟しおいたす ゚アストリップテクノロゞヌズ瀟です もう぀ながっおいるのです もちろん無線通信で 先ほどのような信号を集玄し 病院や集䞭治療宀でですが、 医垫のスマヌトフォンにそれが衚瀺されたす もうすぐ子䟛が生たれるなら こんな蚈枬機胜はどうでしょう 継続的に 胎児の心拍数や子宮の収瞮を蚈枬したす そうすれば心配しすぎずに 劊嚠経過が良奜であるずわかり 出産のずきを迎えるのです では、さらに話を進めたしょう 今でも連続枬定甚のグルコヌス・センサヌはありたすが 今はそれを皮膚の䞋に埋めおいたす でも将来的には埋め蟌む必芁がなくなりたす グルコヌスを理想的な範囲、぀たり 75から200未満の間に維持するために 連続蚈枬できるグルコヌスセンサヌで5分毎に蚈枬したす それを芋れば糖尿病にどれくらい圱響するかわかりたす 睡眠はどうでしょうか 少しこの点に泚目しおみたしょう 人生の3分の1は寝おいるこずになりたす もし手元の電話に、 これから数週間のうちに利甚できるのですが、 毎分の睡眠状態が衚瀺されるずすればどうでしょう ご芧のように、芚醒状態がオレンゞ色です 急速県球運動するレム睡眠、぀たり 倢を芋おいる状態は、薄緑色です 浅い眠りは、灰色です 熟睡状態぀たり最良の回埩睡眠は 暗い緑色です カロリヌを党お蚈算するのはどうでしょう これは、リアルタむムに カロリヌ摂取量を実際に蚈枬できたす もちろん消費量も 蚈枬にはバンド゚むドのようなものを䜿いたす ここたでは生理的な数倀指暙に぀いおお話しおきたした でも私がお話ししたいのは次䞖代の領域です 手早くお話ししたすが、なぜ、聎蚺噚が 消えようずしおいるのでしょうか 腞管音や呌吞音を聞くより優れた方法があるからです 最近、 G. E. が携垯型の超音波怜査装眮を発衚したのです これがなぜ重芁なのでしょうか それは、はるかに高感床だからです こちらは腹郚超音波怜査装眮の䞀䟋です 心臓超音波怜査装眮もあり、これは無線で通信したす スマヌトフォンで胎児を芳察するものもありたす ここで取り䞊げおいるのは、生理的な数倀指暙だけではありたせんし バむタルサむンの䞻芁デヌタだけでもありたせん 生理的なものだけではなく、スマヌトフォンで芋るこずができる 皮々の動画像も含んでいたす これも時代遅れな技術の䞀䟋です そのうち䜿われなくなるホルタヌ心電蚈です 24時間蚘録するもので、配線が倚いですね でも今はこのようなずおも小さなパッチに収たりたす 2週間付けおおくこずができたすし メヌルで信号を送信するこずができたす では、どのように動䜜するのでしょう こちらのようなしゃれたバンド゚むドや 靎や手銖に装着するセンサヌなどがありたす これが信号を送信したす 䜓の呚蟺に、ゲヌトりェむに぀ながるネットワヌクを構成したす スマヌトフォンを䜿ったゲヌトりェむでもいいですし、専甚のゲヌトりェむでもかたいたせん 今はこの手のものは専甚のゲヌトりェむを䜿いたす あたりうたく統合されおいないからです 信号はりェブすなわちクラりドに送信され 必芁な凊理をしたり、どこかに送信したりするこずができたす 介護士に送信したり、医垫に送信したり 患者に返信したりできたす たあ、これは倧筋で非垞に単玔化した 技術的な動䜜説明です いた、私はこの装眮を身に着けおいたす シャツを脱いでお芋せするのはいやですが、脱がなくおも説明できたす この装眮は心調埋を枬定するだけではありたせん それはもうご芧いただきたしたね それ以䞊のこずができたす これは私のデヌタです 心電図が芋えたすね その䞋のは実際の心電図ずトレンドです その右偎は生䜓電気特性です 䜓液状態を瀺したす 䜓液状態が非垞に重芁なのは 心䞍党の人を監芖するずきです 䞋は䜓枩です そしお、呌吞䜜甚ず酞玠を瀺しおいたす それから姿勢動䜜です この装眮は本圓にすごいんです なぜならこの装眮は、 7項目を枬定し それがたさにバむタルサむンであり 心䞍党の人を監芖するために䜿えるのです よろしいでしょうか なぜこれが重芁なのでしょうか これは最も高䟡なベッドです 病院のベッドの需芁を枛らせるずしたらどうでしょう でも、できないのです たず第1に わが囜の入院や再入院の理由ずしおは 心䞍党が䞀番倚いのです 幎間370億ドルが心䞍党に費やされおいたす その80%が入院に関連しおいたす 入院埌30日のうちに メディケアの察象ずなる堎合ですが 65才以䞊の27%が30日以内に再入院するのです それでなくおも、6か月を超えるず、56%が再入院したす では、改善はできるのでしょうか その方法は 私が身に着けおいるこの装眮を䜿うこずです 600人の心䞍党患者にこれを付けたす 無䜜為に遞んだ人です これに察しお、別の600人の患者には 胜動的な監芖を行いたせん そうしお心䞍党による入院を枛らせるか調べたす 面癜そうですから、詊しおみる぀もりです その時には詳现をお話できるず思いたす 無線通信機噚を䜿った実隓の䞀皮で ここ数幎のうちに医療の倉革をもたらす可胜性があるものです なぜいた なぜこれが突然 実珟し、これからの医療にずっお興味深い目暙ずなるのでしょうか 珟圚の状況は、ある意味、完党に理想的な流れずいえたす これが利甚者䞻䜓の健康管理を築くのです すべおの始たりはここからです もしお気づきでなければ、なぜこれが 倧きな流れなのかご説明したしょう 120䞇人のアメリカ人が ナむキの靎を履いたこずがありたす これは䜓の呚蟺にネットワヌクを構築し 靎や靎のかかずをiPhoneやiPodに接続するものです ワむダヌドマガゞンの蚘事には これに関しお倚く蚘茉されおいたす ナむキの靎に぀いお倚くの蚘述があり 運動䞭の生理機胜の監芖や、゚ネルギヌ消費量の監芖に いかに早くから採甚されおきたか蚘茉されおいたす ここで、いく぀かの理念を玹介したす 芚えおおくずよい指針ずなる理念です 「デヌタに基づく健康管理ずいう倉革は 確実に私たちを より快適で、気たたで、䞈倫にする 数字を指針に生きるこずだ」 そしおこちらは実に深い蚀葉です こちらは7月の衚玙の蚘事です 「個人の数倀指暙を䜿う流れは、食事療法や運動よりはるかに優れおおり 眠りから、心的状態や痛みたで 生掻のあらゆる偎面を远跡するものだ 24時間、7日間、365日ずっず」 私はこの装眮を詊しおみたした 皆さんの倚くはフィリップス瀟のディレクトラむフを持っおいるでしょう 私はディレクトラむフは持っおいないのですが フィットビットなら持っおいたす このようなものです 無線の加速床蚈ずか䞇歩蚈みたいなものです 䜿っおみた結果をお話ししたす 消費者の動向を理解したいからです でも、フィリップス瀟のディレクトラむフのほうが良いず思いたす そうだずいいのですが これは食べ物ず行動を蚈枬し、䜓重を蚘録したす でも、ほずんど自分で入力しなければなりたせん この装眮が蚘録するのは実際は運動だけです それさえ、十分ではないのですが 運動するずこの装眮が怜知したす 身長ず䜓重を入力するずBMIを蚈算しおくれたす それから運動によるカロリヌ消費量を衚瀺したす 摂取量も衚瀺しおくれたす でも、食べたものをここに党郚入力する必芁がありたす このシステムでは自分の行動を党お入力する必芁がありたす それで、私もやっおみたのですが 42分の運動を怜知しおくれたので、もちろん満足したした やったのは楕円軌道を描くペダリング運動です でもこのシステムではもっず倚くの情報を必芁ずしおいたす こう聞かれたす 「性生掻を蚘録しよう どれぐらいの時間したしたか」 こうも聞いおいたす 「どれくらい倧倉でしたか」 曎には「開始時間」も入力させようずしおいたす でも、これは...あたり圹に立ちたせん そう、あたり圹に立たないのです では、睡眠の堎合に぀いおお話したしょう 家庭に個人甚の脳波蚈を眮くようになるなんお誰も想像しおいたせんでした ちなみに玠敵な目芚たし時蚈に組み蟌たれおいたすね こちらは先ほどの目芚たし時蚈ず䞀䜓になったヘッドバンドで 睡眠䞭に連続的に脳波を蚈枬したす 私は7日間䜿っおみたした TEDMedに備えるためです 睡眠は生掻にずっお重芁な芁玠です 3分の1は寝おいるのですから ずころで 睡眠に問題をお持ちの方は どれくらい いらっしゃるでしょうか? 通垞は90%ぐらいなのですが、皆さんは思いのほか良く眠れおいるようですね では、こちらは1週間にわたる 私の睡眠生掻を瀺しおいたす Z.Q.倀を瀺しおいたす I.Q.倀ではありたせんよ Z.Q.倀は起きる時に獲埗したす 「それなら分かる」ず蚀うでしょうね Z.Q.倀は幎霢に合わせお調敎されおいたす できるだけ高い倀を獲埗したほうがよいでしょう こちらは時間を远っお 1分ごずの睡眠を瀺しおいたす そこに衚瀺されたZ.Q倀は80過ぎですね 芚醒状態の時はオレンゞ色です これは問題を匕き起こす可胜性があるず気づきたした このシステムは 睡眠を定量化しおくれるだけではなく 起きおいるこずを他の人に知らせおもくれるのです 劻が珟れお 起きおるでしょうず話しかけるこずも出来たのです 「゚リック、話をしたいの 話をしたいの」 でも、私は狞寝入りをしおいるんです これは、すごく印象的です さお、これは最初の倜です この時は67です あたり良い倀ではありたせん もちろん、レム睡眠時の倀や 深い眠りの時の倀など、党おの状態に぀いお倀を衚瀺しおくれたす ずおも興味をそそられたすね なぜなら、睡眠のあらゆる段階を 定量化しおくれるからです それから、同䞖代の人たちず比べおどうなのか教えおくれたす 管理された睡眠コンテストのようなものです 本圓に面癜いものです こちらを芋おこう蚀いたしょう 「良く眠れおいるずは思っおいなかったけど 実際には、50から60才の平均より良いな」 重芁なのは、自分では気づかなかったのに 実によく倢を芋おいたこずです では、睡眠の話から病気の話に倉えたしょう 80%のアメリカ人が慢性疟患を抱えおいたす 65才を過ぎた80%の人が 2぀以䞊の慢性疟患を抱えおいたす 1億4千䞇人のアメリカ人が 1぀以䞊の慢性疟患を抱えおいたす 1.5兆の支出の80%が 慢性疟患に関連しおいるのです 糖尿病はその䞭でも倚い方です 2400䞇人近くが糖尿病です こちらは最新の地図で 1週間ちょっず前にニュヌペヌクタむムズに茉っおいたものです 良いようには芋えたせんね 男性の堎合、囜内で60才を過ぎた人の29%が 2型糖尿病を患っおいたす 女性の堎合、男性よりは少ないですが、すごく倚いですね でも、これを継続しお蚈枬する手段があるのですが それには、 血糖倀を蚈枬するセンサヌを䜿甚したす これは重芁なのです なぜなら、これたでは分からなかった高血糖を怜知できるのですから 䜎血糖も分かりたす 赀い点で瀺した、同じ患者に察する手掌での採血では 最倧倀及び最小倀は枬定できおいたせんでした しかし、連続的に枬定するこずによっお このような決定的な情報を党お蚘録するこずができるのです さらにこれからは、このセンサヌを バンド゚むド型にたででき぀぀あるのです しかもそれほど遠くない未来に実珟したす では、ざっず説明したすが 無線通信医療の察象ずなる䞻芁10項目です これは党お実珟可胜です すぐに実珟できるものもありたすし お聞きになった通り、すでに 䜕らかの方法や圢で実珟しおいるものもありたす アルツハむマヌ病は 500䞇人が患っおいたすが、これに぀いおは バむタルサむン、掻動、情緒の安定性を確認できたす ぜんそく患者は倚いですが、これに぀いおは 花粉数、倧気環境、呌吞数などを枬定できたす 乳がんに぀いおは、あずで簡単に䞀䟋を玹介したす 慢性閉塞性肺疟患もありたす 鬱病に぀いおは、気分障害の人に察する玠晎らしい取り組みが存圚しおいたす 糖尿病は今お話ししたしたね 心䞍党もお話ししたした 高血圧に぀いおは 7400䞇人が連続的に血圧を枬定可胜ですから もっず優れた管理法や予防法が珟れるでしょう 肥満に぀いおは、これに効く方法をお話ししたした そしお睡眠障害もありたすね これは䞖界䞭で実珟できたす スマヌトフォンや 携垯電話は、今では途方もなく䜿われおいたす この゚コノミスト誌の蚘事は芋事に 発展途䞊囜においお健康を管理する機䌚に぀いおたずめおいたす 「携垯電話は埓来のどんな技術よりも、たくさんの人の呜に 急速に圱響を及がしおいる」 こちらは携垯電話を利甚した健康管理を広める前です 高霢化の問題は非垞に倧きいものです 毎幎300,000人の倧腿骚頞郚骚折 でも、その解決法は玠晎らしいものです 実に様々な方法がありたすが ぜひ玹介したいのがこちらです iShoseは、これもセンサヌを䜿った䟋ですが 高霢者の固有受容性感芚を改善しお 転倒を防止したす 無線センサヌを䜿った様々な技術の1぀です 継続的に行う健康管理を倉えるこずができたす 未熟児や胎児から高霢者たでのあらゆる幎代にわたっお倉えられたす 補薬の領域も倉わりたす あらゆる範囲の病気に察応できたす そのむメヌゞをお䌝えできたならいいのですが そしお党䞖界に及ぶのです この䞀連の動きを加速しおくれる事が2぀ありたす 1぀は専門機関の立ち䞊げなのですが、運よく スクリップスずクアルコム瀟によっお始動し 曎に幞運にもゲアリヌ・りェスト、メアリヌ・り゚スト倫劻ず出䌚い ワむダレス医療研究所を埌揎しおもらえるこずになりたした サンディ゚ゎは特別な地です 無線通信関連の䌁業が650瀟を超え その100瀟以䞊が無線通信による健康管理に取り組み 商取匕の最も䞭心的な地であり、面癜いこずに 500瀟を超える生呜科孊関連の䌁業ず芋事に連携しおいたす このワむダレス研究所぀たり りェストワむダレス医療研究所は 玠晎らしい2人の協力で蚭立されたものです 今日ここにこられおいる、ゲアリヌ・りェスト、メアリヌ・りェスト倫劻です 埌揎しおいただいたこずに感謝したいず思いたす (拍手) 倫劻の玠晎らしい慈善の投資によりこれが実珟したした 完党に非営利の教育機関であり 今たさに始動しようずしおいたす このような倖芳です この建物党䜓を䜜っおいただきたした この研究所は、この時代を加速しようずしおいたす ただ解決しおいない医療ニヌズを取り䞊げ、研究し、改良を加えたす メヘラヌン・メラガヌニを技術責任者に任呜したずころで これは月曜日に発衚されたした 曎に発展させ 臚床詊隓による怜蚌を行い、医療行為を倉えるのですが 最も困難なこずずしお 債務の匁枈、健康管理に関わる政策や経枈に泚意するこずがありたす 玠晎らしい研究所で この取り組みを結実させる それ以倖に重芁なこずずしお 手本ずなるずいうこずがありたす もちろん医療がデゞタル化するこずが前提です ゲノミクスやオミクスにより生態を理解し 生理孊的な衚珟型怜査を党お無線通信で実行するこずは、玠晎らしいこずです これたでなかったような情報の集玄を可胜にするからです 80を超える病気がゲノムに基づいお解明されおいたすが これは桁はずれのこずです 病気の基瀎に぀いお これたでの人類史䞊の成果ず比范しおも この2幎半ぐらいの間に分かったこずの方が倚いのです それを䟋えば、今ならiPhoneアプリず連携させお 自分の遺䌝子型を入れるこずで 薬物治療をガむドしたす 将来、いや今でも、高頻床のバリアントを芋れば 誰が2型糖尿病になるかわかりたす 将来的には䜎頻床のバリアントによっお もっず隙間が埋たっおいきたす たた、様々な遺䌝子を芋れば 誰が乳がんになるか分かりたす 誰が心房现動を起こしやすいかも分かりたす 最埌の䟋は突然心臓死です それぞれに察応したセンサヌがありたす 糖尿病の堎合にはグルコヌスセンサヌを䜿甚しお予防したす 乳がんの予防や早期発芋を可胜にするため 超音波怜査装眮を 患者に持たせたす 心房现動の堎合にはiRhythmを䜿いたす 突然心臓死の予防にはバむタルサむン監芖装眮を䜿いたす 米囜では毎幎70䞇人が突然心臓死により亡くなっおいたす ぜひ信じおいただきたいのですが 病院の胜力に䞎える圱響は蚈り知れないもので これら党おの病気や他の病気に察し 䞀様に玠晎らしい圱響を䞎えるものなのです 個別化医療を新たな段階ぞず進めるもので これは最高に革新的なこずです 医療界のブラックスワンずいえるでしょう ご枅聎ありがずうございたした
Any guesses? 1816. And what I can say is, in 2016, doctors aren't going to be walking around with stethoscopes. There's a whole lot better technology coming, and that's part of the change in medicine. What has changed our society has been wireless devices. But the future are digital medical wireless devices, OK? So, let me give you some examples of this to kind of make this much more concrete. This is the first one. This is an electrocardiogram. And, as a cardiologist, to think that you could see in real time a patient, an individual, anywhere in the world on your smartphone, watching your rhythm -- that's incredible, and it's with us today. But that's just the beginning. You check your email while you're sitting here. In the future you're going to be checking all your vital signs, all your vital signs: your heart rhythm, your blood pressure, your oxygen, your temperature, etc. This is already available today. This is AirStrip Technologies. It's now wired -- or I should say, wireless -- by taking the aggregate of these signals in the hospital, in the intensive care unit, and putting it on a smartphone for physicians. If you're an expectant parent, what about the ability to monitor, continuously, fetal heart rate, or intrauterine contractions, and not having to worry so much that things are fine as the pregnancy, and moving over into the time of delivery? And then as we go further, today we have continuous glucose sensors. Right now, they are under the skin, but in the future, they won't have to be implanted. And of course, the desired range -- trying to keep glucose between 75 and less than 200, checking it every five minutes in a continuous glucose sensor -- you'll see how that can impact diabetes. And what about sleep? We're going to zoom in on that a little bit. We're supposed to spend a third of our life in sleep. What if, on your phone, which will be available in the next few weeks, you had every minute of your sleep displayed? And this is, of course, as you can see, the awake is the orange. The REM sleep, rapid eye movement, dream state, is in light green; and light is gray, light sleep; and deep sleep, the best restorative sleep, is that dark green. How about counting every calorie? And this is ability, in real time, to actually take measurements of caloric intake as well as expenditure, through a Band-Aid. Now, what I've talked about are physiologic metrics. But what I want to get to, the next frontier, very quickly, and why the stethoscope is because we can transcend listening to the valve sounds, and the breath sounds, because now, introduced by G.E. is a handheld ultra-sound. Why is this important? Because this is so much more sensitive. Here is an example of an abdominal ultrasound, and also a cardiac echo, which can be sent wireless, and then there's an example of fetal monitoring on your smartphone. So, we're not just talking about physiologic metrics -- the key measurements of vital signs, and all those things in physiology -- but also all the imaging that one could look at in your smartphone. Now, this is an example of another obsolete technology, soon to be buried: the Holter Monitor. Twenty-four hour recording, lots of wires. This is now a little tiny patch. You can put it on for two weeks and send it in the mail. Now, how does this work? Well, there is these smart Band-Aids or these sensors that one would put on, on a shoe or on the wrist. And this sends a signal and it creates a body area network to a gateway. Gateway could be a smartphone or it could be a dedicated gateway, as today many of these things are dedicated gateways, because they are not so well integrated. That signal goes to the web, the cloud, and then it can be processed and sent anywhere: to a caregiver, to a physician, back to the patient, etc. So, that's basically very simplistic technology of how this works. Now, I have this device on. I didn't want to take my shirt off to show you, but I can tell you it's on. This is a device that not only measures cardiac rhythm, as you saw already, but it also goes well beyond that. This is me now. And you can see the ECG. Below that's the actual heart rate and the trend; to the right of that is a bioconductant. That's the fluid status, fluid status, that's really important if you're monitoring somebody with heart failure. And below that's temperature, and respiration, and oxygen, and then the position activity. So, this is really striking, because this device measures seven things that are very much vital signs for monitoring someone with heart failure. OK? And why is this important? Well, this is the most expensive bed. What if we could reduce the need for hospital beds? Well, we can. First of all, heart failure is the number one reason for hospital admissions and readmissions in this country. The cost of heart failure is 37 billion dollars a year, which is 80 percent related to hospitalization. And in the course of 30 days after a hospital stay for a Medicare greater than 65 years or older, is -- 27 percent are readmitted in 30 days, and by six months, over 56 percent are readmitted. So, can we improve that? Well the idea is we take this device that I'm wearing, and we put it on 600 patients with heart failure, randomly assigned, versus 600 patients who don't have active monitoring, and see whether we can reduce heart failure readmissions, and that's exciting. And we'll start that trial, and you'll hear more about how we're going to do that, but that's a type of wireless device trial that could change medicine in the years ahead. Why now? Why has this all of a sudden become a reality, an exciting direction in the future of medicine? What we have is, in a way, a perfect positive storm. This sets up consumer-driven healthcare. That's where this is all starting. Let me just give you specifics about why this is a big movement if you're not aware of it: 1.2 million Americans have gotten a Nike shoe, which is a body-area network that connects the shoe, the sole of the shoe to the iPhone, or an iPod. And this Wired Magazine cover article really captured a lot of this; it talked a lot about the Nike shoe and how quickly that's been adopted to monitor exercise physiology and energy expenditure. Here are some things, the principles that are guiding principles to keep in mind: "A data-driven health revolution promises to make us all better, faster, and stronger. Living by numbers." And this one, which is really telling, this was from July, this cover article: "The personal metrics movement goes way beyond diet and exercise. It's about tracking every facet of life, from sleep to mood to pain, 24/7/365." Well, I tried this device. A lot of you have gotten that Phillips Direct Life. I didn't have one of those, but I got the Fitbit. That looks like this. It's like a wireless accelerometer, pedometer. And I want to just give you the results of that testing, because I wanted to understand about the consumer movement. I hope the, by the way, the Phillips Direct Life works better -- I hope so. But this monitors food, it monitors activity and tracks weight. However you have to put in most of this stuff. The only thing it really tracks by itself is activity, and even then, it's not complete. So, you exercise and it picks up the exercise. You put in your height and weight, it calculates BMI, and of course it tells you how many calories you're expending from the exercise, and how many you took in, if you go in and enter all the foods. But it really wants you to enter all your activity. And so I went to this, and of course I was gratified that it picked up the 42 minutes of exercise, elliptical exercise I did, but then it wants more information. So, it says, "You want to log sexual activity. How long did you do it for?" And it says, "How hard was it?" Furthermore it says, "Start time." Now, this doesn't appear -- this just doesn't work, I mean, this just doesn't work. So, now I want to move to sleep. Who would ever have thought you could have your own EEG at your home, tagged to a very nice alarm clock, by the way? This is the headband that goes with this alarm clock. It monitors your brainwaves continuously, when you're sleeping. So, I did this thing for seven days getting ready for TEDMed. This is an important part of our life, one-third you're supposed to be sleeping. Of course how many here have any problems with sleeping? It's usually 90 percent. So, you tell me you sleep better than expected. Okay, well this was a week of my life in sleeping, and you get a Z.Q. score. Instead of an I.Q. score, you get a Z.Q. score when you wake up. You say, "Oh, OK." And a Z.Q. score is adjusted to age, and you want to get as high as you possibly can. So this is the moment-by-moment, or minute-by-minute sleep. And you see that Z.Q. there was 80-odd. And the wake time is in orange. And this can be a problem, as I learned. Because it not only helps you with quantifying your sleep, but also tells others you're awake. So, when my wife came in and she could tell you're awake. "Eric, I want to talk. I want to talk." And I'm trying to play possum. This thing is very, very impressive. OK. So, that's the first night. And this one is now 67, and that's not a good score. And this tells you, of course, how much you had in REM sleep, in deep sleep, and all this sort of thing. This was really fascinating because this gave that quantitation about all the different phases of sleep. So, it also then tells you how you do compared to your age group. It's like a managed competition of sleep. And really interesting stuff. Look at this thing and say, "Well, I didn't think I was a very good sleeper, but actually I did better than average in 50 to 60 year olds." OK? And the key thing was, what I didn't know, was that I was a really good dreamer. OK. Now let's move from sleep to diseases. Eighty percent of Americans have chronic disease, or 80 percent of age greater than 65 have two or more chronic disease, 140 million Americans have one or more chronic disease, and 80 percent of our 1.5, whatever, trillion expenditures are related to chronic disease. Now, diabetes is one of the big ones. Almost 24 million people have diabetes. And here is the latest map. It was published just a little more than a week ago in the New York Times, and it isn't looking good. That is, for men, 29 percent in the country over 60 have Type II diabetes, and women, although it's less, it's terribly high. But of course we have a way to measure that now on a continuous basis, with a sensor that detects blood glucose, and it's important because we could detect hyperglycemia that otherwise wouldn't be known, and also hypoglycemia. And you can see the red dots, in this particular patient's case, were finger sticks, which would have missed both ends. But by continuous monitoring, it captures all that vital information. The future of this though, is being able to move this to a Band-Aid type phenomenon, and that's not so far away. So, let me just give you, very quickly, 10 top targets for wireless medicine. All these things are possible -- some of them are very close, or already, as you heard, are available today, in some way or form. Alzheimer's disease: there's five million people affected, and you can check vital signs, activity, balance. Asthma: large number, we could detect things like pollen count, air quality, respiratory rate. Breast cancer, I'll show you an example of that real quickly. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Depression, there's a great approach to that in mood disorders. Diabetes I've just mentioned. Heart failure we already talked about. Hypertension: 74 million people could have continuous blood-pressure monitoring to come up with much better management and prevention. And obesity we already talked about, the ways to get to that. And sleep disorders. This is effective around the world. The access to smartphones and cell phones today is extraordinary. And this article from The Economist summed it up beautifully about the opportunities in health across the developing world: "Mobile phones made a bigger difference to the lives of more people, more quickly, than any previous technology." And that's before we got going on the m-health world. Aging: The problem is enormous, 300,000 broken hips per year; but the solutions are extraordinary, and they include so many different things. One of the ones I just wanted to mention: The iShoe is another example of a sensor that improves proprioception among the elderly to prevent falling. One of many different techniques using wireless sensors. So, we can change medicine across the continuum of care, across the ages from premies or unborn children to seniors; the pharmaceutical arena changes; the full spectrum of disease -- I hope I've given you a sense of that -- across the globe. There are two things that can really accelerate this whole process. One of them -- we're very fortunate -- is to develop a dedicated institute and that's work that started with the work that Scripps with Qualcomm ... and then the great fortune of meeting up with Gary and Mary West, to get behind this wireless health institute. San Diego is an extraordinary place for this. There's over 650 wireless companies, 100 of which or more are working in wireless health. It's the number one source of commerce, and interestingly it dovetails beautifully with over 500 life science companies. The wireless institute, the West Wireless Health Institute, is really the outgrowth of two extraordinary people who are here this evening: Gary and Mary West. And I'd like to give it up for them for getting behind this. Their fantastic philanthropic investment made this possible, and this is really a nonprofit education center which is just about to open. It looks like this, this whole building dedicated. And what it's trying to do is accelerate this era: to take unmet medical needs, to work and innovate -- and we just appointed the chief engineer, Mehran Mehregany, it was announced on Monday -- then to move up with development, clinical trial validation and then changing medical practice, the most challenging thing of all, requiring attention to reimbursement, healthcare policy, healthcare economics. The other big thing, besides having this fantastic institute to catalyze this process is guidance, and that's of course relying on the fact that medicine goes digital. If we understand biology from genomics and omics and wireless through physiologic phenotyping, that's big. Because what it does is allow a convergence like we've never had before. Over 80 major diseases have been cracked at the genomic level, but this is quite extraordinary: More has been learned about the underpinnings of disease in the last two and a half years than in the history of man. And when you put that together with, for example, now an app for the iPhone with your genotype to guide drug therapy ... but, the future -- we can now tell who's going to get Type II diabetes from all the common variants, and that's going to get filled in more with low-frequency variants in the future. We can tell who's going to get breast cancer from the various genes. We can also know who's likely to get atrial fibrillation. And finally, another example: sudden cardiac death. Each of these has a sensor. We can give glucose a sensor for diabetes to prevent it. We can prevent, or have the earliest detection possible, for breast cancer with an ultrasound device given to the patient. An iPatch, iRhythm, for atrial fibrillation. And vital-signs monitoring to prevent sudden cardiac death. We lose 700,000 people a year in the U.S. from sudden cardiac death. So, I hope I've convinced you of this, of the impact on hospital clinic resources is profound and then the impact on diseases is equally impressive across all these different diseases and more. It's really taking individualized medicine to a new height and it's hyper-innovative, and I think it represents the black swan of medicine. Thanks for your attention.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
最埌の戊いは......想像以䞊の死闘になった。 『グリヌンバタフラむ』は党戊力を『レッドボア』の本拠地ぞず差し向けおいた。 それも想像以䞊に早い段階で......。 これは埌からわかったこずだが、俺が攻め萜ずした砊から飛び立ったむンコ型モンスタヌ『トリデワタリむンコ』は、予想通りメッセヌゞを他の砊に䌝えるこずが出来るモンスタヌだった。 『ブルヌディアヌ』はこのむンコを味方の砊だけでなく、敵である『グリヌンバタフラむ』の砊にも飛ばしおいたのだ。 むンコのメッセヌゞを聞いた『グリヌンバタフラむ』は、『レッドボア』がこのたた『ブルヌディアヌ』の本拠地を萜ずす぀もりだず考えた。 この陣取り間戊い、最終的に占領しおいる砊が倚い方が勝぀むベントだ。 どこかの勢力が本拠地を萜ずされ、その砊をすべお奪い取られれば、砊の数で勝負するのは珟実的ではなくなる。 『グリヌンバタフラむ』は『ブルヌディアヌ』の本拠地を萜ずそうずしおいる『レッドボア』の本隊を匕き付けるべく、『レッドボア』の本拠地を匷襲しようずした。 自分たちの本拠地が攻められれば、他の本拠地を攻撃しおいる堎合ではなくなる......。 しかし、『ブルヌディアヌ』の本拠地は俺の率いるモンスタヌ&AI戊士の軍勢ずハタケさんのギルドだけで萜ずせおしたった。 結果的に『グリヌンバタフラむ』はこの総攻撃で『レッドボア』の本拠地を萜ずさない限り、勝利はなくなっおしたった。 ふた぀の勢力は真正面からぶ぀かった。 最初は埌手に回った『レッドボア』が劣勢だったが、本拠地ぞず軍勢を進める必芁がある『グリヌンバタフラむ』ず違い、防衛偎には䜙裕がある。 もはや本拠地さえ萜ずされなければいいのだ。 少数によるゲリラ的な劚害工䜜で進軍を遅らせ、その隙に戊力を本拠地に集めおおく。 勢いを埐々に倱った『グリヌンバタフラむ』の軍勢は、『レッドボア』本拠地での戊いで完党に壊滅した。 俺もずりあえず本拠地を守っおおけばいいだろうず『マッハホヌス』で䞀盎線に本拠地に向かった。 最終決戊時には本拠地から矢を撃ちたくり、敵の壊滅に貢献した。 仲間のピンチに颯爜ず珟れお倧掻躍ずはいかなかったが、匷力な前衛の埌ろに隠れながら堅実にキルを重ねるのはスナむパヌ本来の姿のようで悪くないず思った。 この時、俺は特に目立぀こずはなかった。この時は......。 その埌、䞻力を倱った『グリヌンバタフラむ』の本拠地を占領し、むベント『倩の陣取り合戊』は赀い猪の゚ンブレムを持぀『レッドボア』の勝利に終わった。 問題はそこからだった。 むベントが終わり、キルされたプレむダヌもむベントマップに再び入るこずが出来るようになった。 参加者みんなで最終結果の確認や優秀なプレむダヌの発衚を芋守ろうずいうのだ。 楜しそうに聞こえるだろう? むベントが終わればいろんなこずに目を぀ぶっお仲良くノヌサむド......ずはいかなかった。 VRMMOずいうのは玳士のスポヌツではない。 最新技術を䜿っお人の本胜を呌び芚たす獣のスポヌツなのだ。 たあ、俺は楜しめたんだけどね......。 そうは思わなかった人もいたようで......。 最終結果発衚はむベントのバランスの悪さを象城する蚌ずしおスクリヌンショットがネットに貌られたくった。 えるスクショは......むベントのMVPずしお顔ず名前ず職業が倧空に投圱された俺のスクショだった。 あ、もちろんゲヌム内の顔ず名前ず職業だ。 たあ、別に俺自身が叩かれおいるわけではない。 MVPが発衚された時には、同じ『レッドボア』に所属しおいたプレむダヌが倧いに祝犏しおくれた。 しかし、第3職の掻躍が予想されたむベントで第2職がMVPずいうのはやはり隒がれる。 さらに最倚キルのタむトルも第2職が獲埗しおいたこずが話題になった。 こちらに関しおはプレむダヌのキャラ画像が衚瀺されなかったが、名前を芋おなんずなく察した。 『ネココ・ストレンゞ』......猫が奜きじゃなければこんな名前にはしないだろう。おそらく圌女だ。 バトロワは圌女が優勝。぀たり、もっずも優秀なプレむダヌで俺が最倚キルだった。 たあ、リベンゞにはなったかな。 圌女ずはゲヌムの進行床が近いようだし、たた倧型むベントずなれば激突するこずになりそうだ。 倧型むベントがい぀来るのかは、わからなくなっおしたったけど......。 ずいうのも、これたでNSOは短いスパンで倧型むベントを行っおいた。 それが今回の隒動ずいうか、今颚に蚀うず炎䞊ずいうか、話題になったこずでむベントのバランスを芋盎しお䜜りこむために時間を眮くず発衚したのだ。 そもそも、NSOの次のアップデヌトでは゜ロ向けの新芁玠が倧量実装ずいうりワサだったので、むベントの頻床が䞋がるこずは既定路線だったず思う。 それでも、反省したポヌズを芋せおおくこずが倧事だ。 この倧VR時代にゲヌムに関する炎䞊など垞々5぀は同時䞊行で起こっおいるずいっおも過蚀ではない。 隒がれるのは人を増やすチャンスでもある。 運営次第でこのピンチも乗り越えられるだろう。 しかし俺ずしおは......早く鎮火しおほしい。 あのスクショがあたりにも貌られすぎお、『Next Stage Online』ずか『NSO』で怜玢するず俺のキャラの顔が出おくるようになっおしたったからだ......! おかげで結構有名人。 ゲヌム内の街を歩いおいおも指をさされたり、話しかけられたり、蚘念スクショを求められたりする。 枊䞭の人、話題の人、時の人......初めおの䜓隓だ。 でもたあ、俺に出䌚っお喜んでくれる人がいるのならば悪い気はしない。 ギルドやプロゲヌマヌチヌムぞの勧誘はちょっずお断りだがね。 俺はこれからも基本的には゜ロで遊んでいこうず思う。 絶察に誰ずも関わらないず 楜しい方ぞず自由に流れおいくだけさ。颚に乗る雲のように。 さお、次のアプデはこのゲヌムの呜運を分けるず思うが、いったいどんな新芁玠が実装されるのだろうか? ただただ『NSO』は俺をワクワクさせおくれそうだ。
The last battle...was even more desperate than I imagined. Green Butterfly had sent their entire fighting force to go and attack Red Boar’s main base. And they had started doing this very early on... I learned about this later, but the parrot-type monsters that had flown off after we took the fortress were indeed monsters who sent messages to the other fortresses. Blue Deer had sent these parrots not to just their own fortresses, but also their enemy, Green Butterfly as well. It was easy to assume that upon hearing the messages, Green Butterfly would think that Red Boar would take down Blue Deer’s fortress. This turf war was supposed to last for a week, and the team who had the most fortresses at the end of the event would win. However, if one team took a main base and then took possession of all of that team’s fortresses, it would then become incredibly difficult for the remaining team to catch up. And so Green Butterfly attacked Red Boar’s main base in order to lure away the army that was attacking Blue Deer’s main base. If their own base was being attacked, they could not spare time to attack the other ones... However, Blue Deer’s main base was taken down by just Hatake’s guild and me and my monsters and AI warriors. Ultimately, Green Butterfly now had no way of winning unless they took down our main base. And so the two powers clashed head on. Due to a delayed reaction, Red Boar started with a disadvantage, but unlike Green Butterfly, who had to march towards the base, we just had to defend. We just had to prevent our main base from falling. And so small groups were sent to launch guerrilla attacks in order to delay the march, and in the meantime, we gathered our forces to the main base. Green Butterfly started to lose their momentum, and fell apart completely in the battle at Red Boar’s base. As I felt that the only thing I needed to do was protect the main base, I headed straight for it on the Mach Horse. And during the final battle, I spammed arrows over the enemy and contributed to their demise. While it wasn’t some dramatic appearance where I swept in and saved my comrades in the nick of time, it wasn’t bad. I was able to rack up kills while sniping from behind a powerful advance guard. This was the way I was supposed to fight. And so I didn’t stick out. At that time, anyway... After that, we attacked Green Butterfly’s main base, now that they had lost their primary fighting force. And the event ended with Red Boar’s victory. The problem was what happened after that. Once the event was finished, the players who were killed were allowed to return to the map. It was so that everyone who participated could see the final results together, and find out which players did the best. It sounded fun, right? Once it was over, no one held any grudges and we all got along... Well, that’s not what happened. VRMMOs were not a gentleman’s sport. It was a beastly sport where the latest technology was used to bring out the most base of instincts. Well, at least I had fun... But not everyone did... And so screenshots of the final results were spread everywhere online as proof of how badly balanced the event had been. And the screenshot that got the most attention, in a bad way...was a screenshot of the event MVP. A big picture of my face, name and job were projected onto the sky. Of course, it was my face, name and job within the game. Well, it wasn’t as if the backlash was directed at me personally. In fact, the players of Red Boar were very happy when they saw the announcement. However, a lot was still said about how a nd had stolen the spotlight in an event that was expected to center around rds. Furthermore, a nd had also taken the title for most kills. As for that player, no image was shown, but it wasn’t hard to guess after seeing the name. ‘Nekoko Strange.’ ...Only a cat lover would use a name like that. So it must be her. She had won during the battle royale. In other words, she had gotten the MVP, while I had the most kills. Well, I suppose that worked as a revenge? It seemed like we were advancing through the game at a similar speed, and if there was another large event, we would likely clash again. Though, I didn’t know when there would be another one... This was because NSO had done two in a short span already. And given how much backlash there was this time, management had announced that they would take more time to balance and plan the events. In the first place, there were rumors that the next NSO update would add lots of new features for solo players. And so it was already obvious that events would not be coming as regularly. Still, it was important to look like you were listening. During this great age of VR games, it was like there were at least five different controversies happening at all times. And so it was seen as a chance to increase your playerbase. Depending on how management handled things, they would overcome the danger. But as for me...I wanted things to settle down as soon as possible. This was because the screenshot was reposted so many times, that even searching for ‘Next Stage Online’ or ‘NSO’ started to bring up my character’s face...! And so I was now quite famous. People would point at me when walking around in towns in the game. And they would approach me and ask to take photos. Being the center of attention. The talk of the town... I had never experienced such a thing before. But well, I suppose that it didn’t feel bad to have people who were happy to see you. That being said, I still had to reject a lot of offers to join guilds and pro gamer teams. I intended to continue enjoying this game while staying solo. It wasn’t that I would never get involved with others. I just wanted the freedom to go in any direction that felt fun. Like a cloud in the wind. Now, the next update would have a great effect on the fate of this game. So what kind of new features would they implement? I had a feeling that NSO would continue to excite me for quite some time.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 5, "inserted_lines_src": 4, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
私はベッドの䞊でデュヌク様からもらったネックレスを眺めた。 本圓に矎しくおうっずりしおしたうわ。 デュヌク様っお私の事を効っお扱いじゃなくおちゃんずレディヌずしお扱っおくれおいる気がするのよね。 これっお私だけじゃなくお皆にもしおいるのかしら。 だっお圌はヒロむンず恋に萜ちるのよね? そしおそのヒロむンを私は虐めるのよね? ......ネックレスを返せっお蚀われたらどうしたしょ。 でも悪女だったら貰ったものは絶察に返さないわよね。 それにきっず宝石でも自分の身の䞈にあったものでなくおも぀けるわよね......。 私は起き䞊がっお鏡の前に立ち、ネックレスを銖に぀けた。 これなら剣のお皜叀の時も邪魔にならない䞭぀けおいられるわね。 それにしおも本圓に綺麗ね。埮かに青く光るダむダモンド......、なんだかデュヌク様が近くにいるみたいだわ。 ......っおなんお劄想しおいるのかしら。 圌は囜王様の息子で幎䞊でヒロむンず恋に萜ちるのよ。 䜙蚈な事を考えないように私は腹筋を始めた。 次の日、ロれッタに朝䞀でネックレスに぀いお聞かれた。 「それが昚日デュヌク様から頂いたネックレスですか!? なんおお矎しい!」 「......これっおダむダモンドですか?」 ロれッタが目を芋開きながら私の顔を芋おそう蚀った。 「そうみたい」 ロれッタは目をさらに倧きく芋開いた。そうよね、そういう反応になるわよね。 やっぱり倖した方がいいのかしら。でも私は悪女ですもの。 高䟡なものはやはり身に぀けおおきたいわ。 それからアランお兄様ずヘンリお兄様にも質問攻めにされた。 たぁ、予想はしおいたんだけどね。 「「これをデュヌクから貰ったのか!?」」 「ああ、ダむダモンドだ」 「俺も枡す瞬間その堎にいたかったな」 私が答える前がどんどん話を進めおいった。 その埌も、お屋敷で通り過ぎる人皆にネックレスを耒められた。 お母様はずおも綺麗ねっおそれだけ蚀っお埮笑んでいたのだけれど、お父様は目を䞞くしお固たった。 そりゃ自分の嚘が囜王様の息子からダむダモンドのネックレスを頂いたんだもの、驚くわよね。 それでもこんなに倧隒ぎするようなこずなのかしら。 お屋敷䞭が䞀日その話題になるなんおよっぜどダむダモンドが珍しい代物なのね。 私はそんな事をがんやりず考えながら図曞宀に向かった。
Instead, I headed back to my room, lay down in bed, and just continued to gaze at the necklace that Duke-Sama had given me. It’s so beautiful, I can’t help but become entranced by it. Duke-Sama certainly doesn’t seem like he’s treating me like a younger sister.... His conduct towards me feels like he’s treating me like a lady. But maybe that’s just how he treats all women? I mean, he’s destined to fall in love with the heroine... And I’m someone who’s destined to bully the heroine..... So it wouldn’t make sense for him to treat only me like that, right? ......I wonder what I should do if he demands that I return the necklace later on? A proper villainess would definitely refuse... She would never return something that she had received. She would keep even the lesser valued trinkets all to herself, so I’m sure there’s no way a villainess would return a gift of of this magnitude that is easily able to promote her high social standing...... I jump off the bed and walk over to stand in front of the mirror. Carefully, I unclasp the necklace and try putting it on. The jewel lands just at the base of my throat. With it being this short, it won’t get in the way during sword practice, so I can keep it on all day! And it truly is gorgeous. The diamond, still glittering with an almost blue light..... somehow gives off the impression that Duke-Sama is near me. ......What am I saying? I’m just being silly. Duke-Sama is older than me, the king’s son, and he’s going to fall in love with the heroine in the future. To prevent myself from overthinking things any further, I throw myself into doing some sit-ups for my nightly workout. The next day, Rosetta comes to my room bright and early and the first thing she does is ask about the necklace. “Is that the necklace that you received from Duke-Sama yesterday!? It’s so beautiful!” she cries, her eyes sparkling as she stares down at the jewel hanging from around my neck. “......Is that a diamond!?” Rosetta asks, her eyes going wide as they dart up to look at my face. “That’s what I was told.” Rosetta’s eyes widen even further. Maybe it really would be better not to wear it.... Wait, no. I’m a villainess! I ought to be wearing expensive and valuable items like this all the time. Later that day, it was Alan-Oniisama’s and Henry-Oniisama’s turn to question me. Though, I had predicted this might happen so I wasn’t surprised. ” “So you got this from Duke!?” “ “That’s a diamond, right?” “Yeah, definitely a diamond.” “Dang, I wish I would’ve been there when he was giving it to you.” Their conversation flows smoothly despite not even letting me get a word in. They just keep answering their own rapid-fire questions. And even after that, everyone that I passed by in the halls all couldn’t help but admire the necklace. When I saw Mother, she just smiled and told me that it was lovely, but Father’s eyes went wide and he stiffened a bit when he saw it. To have the king’s son give his daughter a diamond necklace is a rather surprising event after all. But even so, is this really that big of a deal? To have the whole estate in such an uproar like this.... My necklace has been the number one topic all day. I guess diamonds are even more precious and rare than I initially thought. And with that idea whirling through my mind, I absentmindedly head over to the library.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 3, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
「始たりがい぀かは定かではないのですが。実は、カディアスマむト島呚蟺の海域に出るらしいのですよ。幜霊船が」 そう、少しだけ前に身を乗り出しお、声色䜎めにセロが蚀う。 「ほぅ......ほぅほぅほぅ! 確かに定番じゃ!」 カディアスマむト島。それは珟圚居る倧陞の西に䜍眮する小さな島の名だ。シュメゎヌフェ地方最匷の海軍を保有する、ノァヌリ軍枯囜の名の䞋に、珟圚はカディアスマむト連合囜ずしお、海䞊で抜き出た存圚ずしお有名である。 「これは、船乗りの間で良く知られる噂話でしお、十幎ほど前だったでしょうか、知り合いの船長に教えお貰ったものです。なんでも、その幜霊船は、黄昏時に深い霧の䞭から珟れるようです。目撃者は揃っお、こう蚀うそうですよ。突然霧に包たれるず、叀びたガレヌ船が䜵走しおいた、ず。 その船はゞョリヌロゞャヌを掲げおおり、甲板には赀い服を纏った船長らしき人物を芋たずいう者もいるずの事です。 曎に、この噂には色々な憶枬が飛び亀っおいたしお。幜霊船に぀いお行ければ、海賊の財宝を芋぀ける事が出来る。海難事故者が船員ずなり圷埚っおいる。他には、船内には倱われた䌝説の歊具が封じられおいるずいったものもありたすね。 数ある憶枬の䞭には、ノァヌリの秘密兵噚ずいう説もありたすが、私ずしおはやはり、䌝説の歊具に䞀祚でしょうか。剣士ですから」 「私も、䞀祚!」 最埌、冗談亀じりに蚀うセロだったが、゚メラは瞳を茝かせながら䌝説の歊具説に祚を投じる。 そう蚀いながら少し困ったように眉根を寄せるセロ。フリッカは呆れた様に苊笑を浮かべ、れフも同様に倩を仰ぐ。 「しかしたあ、気になる噂じゃな。 珟実では眉唟でしかない幜霊船の噂だが、様々な幻想が存圚するこの䞖界では、噂ですら珟実的な信憑性を持぀気さえするものだ。そんな共通認識からミラずセロは笑い合い、幜霊船に思いを銳せる。 「では、次の噂話です」 ハニヌオレずハヌブティのおかわりを頌むず、真剣に楜しむ衚情を浮かべおセロが話し始めた。 「海の次は空です。これは飛空船乗りの間で実しやかに囁かれる噂で──はい、ミラさん」 話の途䞭、その䞭にあった単語が気になり右手を挙げたミラ。セロは、その行動の意図を即座に理解し、教垫の様な颚䜓で指名する。 「飛空船ずいうのは、初めお聞くんじゃが。それはもしや」 「ええ、そうです。空を飛ぶ船の事ですよ。最先端の魔導工孊により実珟したみたいです。ずはいえ、完成したの前くらいだったでしょうか。やはり開発費も高いらしく、珟圚倧型は、䞉神囜ずアトランティス、ニルノァヌナに䞀隻ず぀のがあるだけのようですね」 「ほぅ......やはり倧囜は違うのぅ」 䞉神囜はプレむダヌのスタヌト地点ずもされおいる囜で、倧陞最倧玚の戊力ず芏暡を誇っおいる。そしお、そんな䞉囜ず䞊べられの囜。アトランティス王囜ずニルノァヌナ皇囜は、垞にトップを争っおいたプレむダヌの建囜した囜の名である。 「小型になるず、もう少し増えるみたいですよ。ただ、今床の噂は倧型の飛空船乗りから聞いた話になりたす。 聞いた限りですずこの噂の発端は、ある重圹を飛空船で送迎しおいた時だったようですね。その日は快晎で、絶奜の航海日和だったみたいです。ですが順調に進む飛空船が航路の半分を過ぎたあたりで、突劂ずしお巚倧な嵐に巻き蟌たれおしたったず。 嵐の䞭は倜の様に真っ暗で、蜟く皲光が時折呚囲を照らすだけ。激しい颚雚に曝されながら、嵐を抜け出そうず船員総出で䜜業をしおいた時、それは姿を珟したそうです」 セロが、そこで䞀端区切るず、店䞻が泚文したおかわりを運んでくる。 「冒険者の方ずいうのは、本圓に倚くの話を知っおいるんですね。私も、そのような話は倧奜きなんですよ」 カップずグラスを眮きながら、興味接々ずいった笑顔を浮かべる店䞻。 「仕事柄、ずいうのもありたすが、やはり趣味で集めおいるずいうのが倧きいかもしれたせん。私も奜きでしお」 そう答えたセロは、カップを受け取り䞀口含むず、店䞻ず埮笑み合う。二人の間に䜕かが通じ合ったようだ。事実、店䞻もその職業柄、倚くの冒険者達ず出䌚い、話を聞いおきた。そしお自然ず、その倢の溢れる冒険譚にい぀の間にか魅了されおいたのだ。 店䞻は、軜く䞀瀌するずカりンタヌぞず戻っおいく。 セロはもったいぶる様、もう䞀床優雅にカップを傟けるず、ミラも、぀られる様にグラスに口を぀けた。 ゚カルラヌトカリペンの面々もセロの話に聞き入っおいたが、フリッカだけは気付かれない皋床に、ミラずの垭の間を詰めるずいう䜜業を続けおいる。 「では、続きですね。えっず、確か盎前たで話したずころでしたね。 その嵐を抜け出そうず、船員達が必死で䜜業をしおいた時、倧きな皲光が嵐の奥で茝きたした。吹き付ける颚雚で芖界が悪い䞭、黒く厚い雲が䞀瞬の閃光に照らされるず、そこに倧きな城の圱が芋お取れたそうです。それも䞀人や二人ではなく、船員のほが党おが芋たず。 遥か䞊空で、嵐の䞭に浮かぶ巚城の圱。それも䞀床だけでなく、その埌時ず堎所を倉えお幟床ず目撃されおいるそうです」 「それはもしや......!」 「ええ、倩空城ですよ。ミラさん」 噂その二は、空を挂う倩空の城。ミラは、その王道ずもいえる幻想の代衚栌の登堎に思わず垭を立぀ず、ほが同時にフリッカも立ち䞊がり、二人でそのたた店の倖ぞず飛び出した。 「倩空に浮かぶ倧きな城ずなるず、きっず芋た事も無い魔術の蚘された曞物がありそうですね」 「ほう、意倖な反応じゃな。魔術士らしい事を蚀うではないか」 フリッカの今たで芋おきた振る舞いからは考えられない蚀葉に、ミラは意地悪い笑みを浮かべお蚀うず、埌から続いお゚メラが顔を出し、 「ミラちゃんず䌚うずこんなだけど、い぀もは真面目な魔術士なんだよ」 そうフリッカのフォロヌをし぀぀、ミラぞず䌞びるその手を捻り䞊げる。 䞉人が芋䞊げた空には倧きな癜い雲がいく぀も浮かんでおり、そのどれかに城が隠れおいるのではず興奮を犁じえないミラ。傍らからはフリッカの悲痛の叫びが響いおくる。 空の広さに思いを銳せた䞉人が店内ぞず戻る。ミラは、䞍自然に近づいおいた怅子を倧きく匕き離しおから座るず、隣に腰を䞋ろしたフリッカは、蚀葉も無く倧きく項垂れた。 「私も、この噂を聞いおから空を芋䞊げる事が倚くなりたしたよ」 そう蚀っおセロはミラに笑顔を向ける。こんな話を聞かされおは、ペガサスに乗っおいる時は地䞊よりも空の方に目を向けおしたいそうだ。そんな颚にこれからを想像しお、ミラは僅かに口角を䞊げた。 「目撃蚌蚀の共通点は、突然の嵐だそうです。誰もが嵐に巻き蟌たれ、その䞭で巚城の圱を芋たずいう事らしいですね。きっず、倩空城は嵐に守られおいるのでしょう」 「うむ、きっずそうじゃな。そうに違いない」 二人は頷くずそれから暫く、嵐を抜けた先に広がる壮倧な巚城を空想しおは、きっずこうであろうずいう劄想を語り合う。最初は、眮いおいかれおいる状態だった他の面々も、次第に二人の話しに感化され始め、最終的には五人で勝手な理想郷を䜜り䞊げるずころたで盛り䞊がるのだった。 「少し脱線し過ぎたしたね。では、次が最埌です」 倩空の城には倪叀の霊獣が封じられおおり、その地䞋にはか぀おの英雄が振るった聖剣が眠る。曞庫は叀代の魔術曞が本棚を埋め尜くし、宝物庫には金銀財宝が山の様に積み䞊げられ、䞭庭には呜の雫が涌き続ける噎氎がある。そんな倩空城が五人の間で完成するず、少し照れくさそうな衚情を浮かべおセロが䞉぀めの噂を語りだす。 圌は、䞻にアヌク倧陞北郚を䞭心に掻動しおいる冒険者なんですが、その日は蜃気楌寺院に甚が出来たそうでしお。発掘者から運良く磁宙氎晶を賌入しお、寺院目指しおオリアト砂挠を奔走しおいたんですが、どうにもその磁宙氎晶が䞍良品だったらしく、途䞭から反応が無くなっおしたったそうです」 ミラは、その話からセロの知り合いである冒険者の䞍運に同情する。その状況は、ミラにも経隓があったからだ。 アヌク倧陞ずは、海峡を挟んだ西偎に䜍眮する広倧な倧陞の名で、プレむダヌの間では開拓倧陞ずも呌ばれる。その別称が衚す様に、プレむダヌの建囜した囜が非垞に倚いのも特城だ。 そのアヌク倧陞の南西に、セロの蚀ったオリアト砂挠は広がっおいる。そこには、蜃気楌寺院ずいう地図には茉る事の無い聖域があり、唯䞀、磁宙氎晶ずいう道具がその堎所を割り出す事が出来るのだ。そしお、その磁宙氎晶には皀に倖れがあるのも、䞊玚プレむダヌなら誰もが知るずころである。 「ええ。圌もたさか今ここでず、倧いに嘆いたそうです。ですが随分ず奥たで入り蟌んでいたので、既にすぐ近くなのではないかず、少しだけ呚囲を探しおから垰ろうずしたみたいなんですが......。 「砂地獄ずな......、ずこずん぀いおない奎じゃのぅ......」 オリアト砂挠に点圚する砂地獄。飲み蟌たれるず地䞋遺跡のダンゞョンに匷制招埅されおしたうずいうものだ。その冒険者は、䜙皋運が悪いのだろうず、ミラは苊笑しながらハニヌオレを口に含む。 圌は最初、状況が理解できず、その光景に芋蕩れおいたず蚀っおたした。そんな時、遠くに黒い人圱が珟れるず、それが急に迫っおきたず。その瞬間に、ずお぀もない悪寒が党身を走り、圌はその人圱から必死に逃げた結果、気付くずオアシスの湖に浞かっおいたらしいのです。 「黄金郜垂か......しかし、その黒い人圱は䜕だったんじゃろうな......」 「おや、そちらの方が気になりたすか?」 ミラは話を聞き終わるず、その䞭にあった黒い人圱ずいうのに着目した。その存圚は、セロの知り合いである冒険者を排陀する為に珟れたように思える。それはたるで、黄金郜垂を守っおいる守護者の劂くだ。 そしお守護者ずいえば、実は召喚術士の出番である。 「もしかしたら、契玄できるかもしれんじゃろ」 ミラの芋開いた瞳は期埅に満ち溢れおおり、その様からセロもミラが生粋の召喚術士であるず認識しお玍埗する。 「いいな、黄金郜垂。そんなずころ芋぀けられれば、䞀生食うに困らないだろうな」 「黄金の歊具店はあるのかな!?」 「私は、黄金の魔術曞庫がいいです」 倩空城の時の勢いのたた、奜き勝手に垌望を述べ始める面々。そしおそれを止めるものは䞀人もおらず、それぞれの望みを列挙しながら昌食が終わるたで続くのだった。 噂話で盛り䞊がり、昌食を枈たせたセロ達ず䞀緒に衚ぞ出たミラ。その腕ではピュアラビットが、気持ち良さそうに寝息を立おおいる。 ハンタヌズビレッゞの倧通りは曎に賑わいを増しおおり、そこかしこに人の矀れが溢れ、これからが本番だずいう掻気に満ちおいた。 「では、ミラさん。たたいずれ」 「ミラちゃん分が足りない......」 「じゃあね、ミラちゃん」 「うむ、久し振りに䌚えお良かった。道䞭、気を぀けるんじゃぞ」 䌑憩時間が終わったので護衛ぞず戻っおいくセロ達ず簡朔に挚拶を亀わす。別れたずころで、今日の様にたた偶然どこかで䌚える事もあるだろう。自然ず別れを惜しむずいった感情は沞かず、ただ次の再䌚にはどのような話が出来るのかず楜しみにし぀぀、ミラは手を振り返した。 それからミラは適圓な広堎でペガサスを召喚するず、その背に飛び乗りハンタヌズビレッゞを埌にする。喧隒が離れ、耳に響くのは颚ず翌の音だけ。県䞋には草原が広がり、遥か埌方には遠くからでも霞がかった埡神朚の存圚が窺える。 芖界䞀杯に広がる青空の䞭、倧きな雲を芋぀けおは目を凝らしながら、ミラは垰路に぀いた。 ハンタヌズビレッゞを出立しおから数時間、芖界の先たで続く草原の只䞭で座り蟌んだミラは、ペガサスに寄り掛かりながらマップを確認しおいた。 (報告は......、明日でもいいじゃろう) 連日に枡り、長い時間を空の移動に費やしおきたミラの身䜓には盞応の疲劎が溜たっおいたようで、䌑憩の為に降り立ったたた既に二十分の時が経過しおいる。傍らではピュアラビットが、心配そうにミラの指先を舐めおいた。 どうにも拭いきれない疲劎からか、真っ盎ぐ垰っおも倜になる事は確実であるず考えたミラは、無理せずゆっくり垰ろうず決める。 ぐったりずした様子のミラに、ペガサスも劎わる様に銖を回し、その小さな身䜓を支える。ミラは、優しさを芋せるペガサスの銖を撫でるず、より深く身を寄せお、ピュアラビットを手元に寄せた。 「すたんが、暫くこうさせおくれ」 そう蚀いながらペガサスに党身を預けるず、癜く倧きな翌がそっずミラを芆う。脈動する枩もりを感じ぀぀、ミラは暫しの安息を埗るのだった。 ペガサスはミラが目芚めた事を察するず、その翌をゆっくりず広げる。するずミラの目には、色ずりどりの小鳥達が映り、それは呚蟺䞀垯に広がっおいた。だが、それだけの数が集たっおいるにも関わらず、小鳥達は鳎き声を䞊げる事無く、静かにペガサスを囲んでいる。聞こえるのは只、颚の囁く音のみである。 「たた、随分ず集たったものじゃな」 ペガサスの鬣を撫で付けながら、祈り子の森の湖での比ではない芏暡に「お䞻は倧人気じゃのぅ」ず笑うしかないミラ。ペガサスは気持ち良さそうに喉を鳎らすず、元気そうな笑顔を浮かべるミラの胞に顔を寄せ、ピュアラビットも遠慮気味ながら膝の䞊でミラを芋䞊げおいた。 「倧䞈倫じゃよ。少し疲れずっただけじゃからな」 ミラがそう声を掛けるず、ペガサスが倧きく嘶く。その盎埌、静寂が支配しおいた草原で小鳥達が䞀斉に奏で始めた。小さな声でも流石にこれだけの数が集たるず隒がしいものだが、寝起きのミラはその音色ではっきりず芚醒しおいく。 「お䞻にも心配掛けたかのぅ。もう倧䞈倫じゃ」 そう蚀い、ピュアラビットを䞡手で持ち䞊げるミラ。青兎は、きゅいきゅいず嬉しそうに声を䞊げおミラの胞に抱かれる。 「少しゆっくりし過ぎたかもしれん。そろそろ行くずしようか。たた頌むぞ、ペガサスよ」 疲れも眠気も吹き飛んだミラが立ち䞊がるず同時に、ペガサスの䞊で寛いでいた小鳥達が飛び立぀。そしおミラがそこに腰を䞋ろせば、ペガサスはゆっくりずその身を起こす。 呚囲の小鳥達が䞀斉に空ぞず解き攟たれおいくように舞い䞊がる。広がる光景は桜吹雪の劂く華やかで、その䞭を玔癜の倩銬が駆け抜けおいった。 日が沈むず、銀の連塔の前の広堎には芳光客が疎らに残るのみずなる。その広堎手前に着陞するず、ミラは今たで以䞊に顔を摺り寄せおくるペガサスを宥めながら送還した。 召喚術の塔の前。ミラがふず脇を芋るず、そこにワゎンは無い。 (ふむ......クレオスは留守か) ずびっきりのワゎンが出来そうだず自慢しようず考えおいたミラは、少しだけ眉根を䞋げる。だが出来おからでもいいかず思い盎すず、ピュアラビットを塔ぞ向けお掲げる。 「ここが、これからお䞻が䜏む家じゃ」 ミラの蚀葉の意味を理解しおか、ピュアラビットが嬉しそうに鳎き声を䞊げるず、ミラは満足気に塔の最䞊階の私宀ぞず向かった。 で私宀の扉を開け、コヌトを゜ファヌぞ攟るず、そこぞピュアラビットを降ろす。 「暫く、倧人しくしおおれよ」 そう声を掛けるず、ミラはそのたたトむレぞず駆け蟌んだ。やがお氎の流れる音が小さく響く。 「䞀緒にさっぱりするずしようかのぅ」 ピュアラビットを抱えたミラの手は、枩もりず癒しを求めお曎衣宀の扉ぞず䌞び、そしお開け攟った。 「なっ......!?」 「すたぬ!」 狌狜気味に扉を閉じたミラ。だが、たったくず蚀っおいいほど無譊戒だったその目には、䞀瞬で䞋着姿のマリアナが焌き付いた。ミラが眪悪感ず僅かな色に思考停止に陥っおいるず、 「ミラ様、おかえりなさいたせ」 湯䞊り特有の䞊気した頬に、軜く纏められた青い髪、簡玠な癜いロヌブを纏ったマリアナは、顔を䞊げるず嬉しそうに埮笑む。 「うむ、ただいた」 その笑顔に自分を取り戻したミラが、そう挚拶を返すず、マリアナの目はミラに抱かれおいる青兎を捉える。 「そちらの兎さんは、劂䜕されたのですか」 マリアナはそう蚀い芖線を合わせるず、そっず手を差し出す。最初は戞惑いを芋せたピュアラビットだったが、ミラに宿っおいた加護の気配をマリアナから感じるず、その手に顔を摺り寄せる。 「森から぀いお来たんじゃが......ここで飌っおもよいかのぅ?」 たるで母にねだる様な面持ちで問い掛けるミラ。塔の䞻であるずはいえ、居ない間はマリアナに䞖話を頌む事になるのだ。この態床もしょうがないのかもしれない。 「もちろんです。ミラ様が居ない間は私がお䞖話したす」 「そうか、ありがずう。マリアナ」 䜕ずも云えない緩い時間が流れた時、マリアナは曎衣宀ぞ戻るず埐にロヌブを脱ぐ。 「な......䜕をしおおる......!?」 ミラは慌おお芖線を倖しながらも、ちらりず向けおしたいそうになる本胜を制埡し぀぀問い掛ける。目の端には、先皋芋た䞋着姿のマリアナが涌しい顔で䜇み、意欲満々に答える。 「これからご入济のご様子。お背䞭をお流ししたす」 「......うむ......頌んだ......」 奉仕モヌドずなったマリアナを止める事は䞍可胜。前回の事で孊んだミラは、無甚な問答を省き即座に頷くず曎衣宀ぞ足を螏み入れる。 「ミラ様、他に掗い物はございたすか?」 「おっず、そうじゃったな」 最埌に䞋着を籠に入れながら、マリアナがミラぞず芖線を向ける。その蚀葉で、ミラも思い出した様にカバンを取り出すず、䜿甚枈みの䞋着を籠ぞず攟った。 そう蚀い残しピュアラビットず共に济宀ぞず入ろうずしたミラだったが、その盎前にマリアナが「ミラ様」ず呌び止める。 「この髪は劂䜕したのでしょうか」 そう少しだけ匷い口調で蚀うず、マリアナは綺麗に結われたミラの銀髪に觊れる。その髪は、髪を也かす無圢術を教わった時、ホワむトに敎えられたたただ。 「これか。これは旅先で䌚ったホワむトずいう嚘に勝手に結われたんじゃよ」 綺麗に結われたミラの髪を解きながら、返事に短く頷いたマリアナだったが、少しだけ䞍機嫌そうに唇を尖らせる。しかし、出来るだけ芖線を倖そうずしおいたミラは、そんなマリアナの倉化に気づく事は無かった。 济宀に入るず、マリアナに促されるたた髪ず党身を隈なく掗われるミラ。マリアナの手にしたスポンゞは前回よりも滑らかで柔らかく、きめ现かい泡がミラを包み蟌む。 ミラは旅の疲れからか、その心地良さに完党に気持ちを緩める。その様子にマリアナは衚情を綻ばせるず、ゆっくりず湯をかけお泡を流しおいく。 続いおピュアラビットの番ずなり、今床は共同䜜業だ。氎に慣れおいるのか嫌がる様子は無く、ミラが耳を抑えるず、マリアナは優しくその青い毛を掗っおいった。 「これで完了です。ミラ様、本日倕飯はお枈ですか?」 ピュアラビットの毛を敎えるミラの濡れた髪を纏めながら、マリアナが問い掛ける。 「いや、ただじゃな。䜕か甚意しおもらっおも良いか?」 「もちろんです。では、倕飯の支床を臎したすので、ゆっくりずなさっおいお䞋さい」 むしろ問われた事で空腹に気付いたミラがそう願い出るず、マリアナは手早くその銀髪を結い䞊げ、匟む様な声で了承する。 意気揚々ず倕飯の準備に向かうマリアナの埌姿をちらりず芋送るず、ミラは広い济宀の奥ぞず向かう。そこにあるのは、黒茝石を加工しお䜜られた济槜。黒茝石ずは、宇宙に茝く銀河に䌌た暡様を浮かべる石材で、幻想的な色合いは倚くの者を魅了し、調床品に広く利甚されおいる高玚品だ。 その济槜には、たっぷりず湯が湛えられ、ミラがそこぞず身䜓を沈めるず僅かに溢れ出す。 湯加枛は少し熱めで、身䜓を突付く様な刺激にミラは気持ち良さそうに声を挏らす。ちょっず高めの枩床が奜きなようだ。 济槜はずおも広く、足を䌞ばしお入っおもあず十人は寛げるだろう。ミラが倧きを䌞ばせば、黒い济槜により癜銀の少女が䞀局映える。 「あヌ......極楜じゃヌ」 その開攟感に浞り぀぀、アップルオレを片手に錻歌亀じりで、ミラはピュアラビットず共に極䞊の䞀時を満喫するのだった。
「I’m not sure when it started, but there are stories about it near Cadiasmite Island. Supposedly there’s a ghost ship there.」 Sero leaned his body closer to Mira as he spoke in a low voice. 「Oh...Oh oh oh! That does sound interesting!」 Cadiasmite, that was the name given to a small island near the western shore of the continent. It was an island close to the SchmÀgfen region, and with the naval country of Vali at its helm, it housed the Cadiasmite Allied Nations’ navy, said to be the strongest naval army of the continent. 「This is a pretty common story amongst sailors, and a captain I met around ten years ago first told it to me. Apparently, during twilight, a deep mist shrouds sailing ships and the ghost ship appears out of it. Those who have seen it all describe it the same, they were surrounded by mist and then an old galley appeared sailing alongside their ship.」 「Some also said they saw a jolly roger hung on the mast, and a man, probably the captain, standing on the deck wearing red clothes.」 「There have been many more stories built on top of that. Some say that if you follow the ship it’ll lead you to a pirate’s treasure, others say that the souls of those who drown at sea are trapped in the ghost ship and forced to wander aimlessly forever as crew. I also heard some believe the ghost ship houses legendary weapons and armor long lost to time.」 「I also heard rumors that it’s just a secret experimental weapon of Vali, though I’d prefer to think there are legendary weapons in it. I’m a warrior after all.」 「I also think that!」 The last bit was just Sero being playful, but Emera seemed to fully believe it as her eyes twinkled thinking of legendary treasures. 「It’s all just rumors though.」 Sero looked a bit troubled as he ended with that. Fricca looked somewhat bored, forcing herself to smile while looking up to the ceiling together with Zef. Legendary weapons. Emera was too excited thinking of possessing a legendary sword, losing herself in her delusions oblivious to the reaction she received. In the real world, rumors of ghost ships were always hoaxes, but in this world filled with all sorts of fantastic phenomena, a rumor like that held much more credibility. That change in common sense made Sero and Mira laugh between themselves, their imagination running wild with ghost ships. 「Now onto the next rumor.」 Ordering a second serving of honey ale and herbal tea, Sero continued talking, his face showing he was genuinely enjoying himself. 「After the sea, comes the sky. This is a story believed to be true amongst those using flying ships- Yes, what is it Mira?」 Before he was done, Mira raised her hand hearing a word she did not recognize. Sero understood her signal instantly and asked with a similar voice to a teacher. 「I never heard of flying ships before, are they really..?」 「Yes, they are ships that can fly through the sky. They were created thanks to the latest advancements in magic engineering, or well, they started production around three years ago. Though the manufacturing costs are also quite expensive, so there’s only five currently in use in the Three Gods’ Countries, Atlantis, and Nirvana, each country having one.」 「Ohh... large countries are always ahead like that.」 The Three Gods’ Countries were the original starting place for players, and boasted the largest number of inhabitants and military forces of the continent. Then there were two more countries that stood alongside them, the kingdom of Atlantis and the Nirvana empire. Two countries founded by the most distinguished players. 「They might be more produced once their size gets reduced. But anyway, this rumor came from one of the largest flying ships.」 「Apparently it all started when they attempted to transport a very heavy load with the flying ship. The skies were clear and it was the perfect day to set sail. Everything went well until halfway through its route, when it suddenly got thrown amidst a violent storm.」 「Inside the storm, the sky was black as if it was night, and the only light they had were the lightning flashes that appeared every so often. They were hit by very strong wind and rain, and as the entire crew worked their hardest to get out of the storm, Sero made a short pause then, the owner had just brought him the refills he asked for. 「You adventurers seem to know all sorts of stories, I always love hearing you talk about them.」 Leaving the mug and cup on the bar, the owner smiled with an entertained and curious smile. 「It comes with the job, I guess. Though maybe I just seek them out of fun, since I also love stories.」 Saying that, Sero took the cup to his lips and smiled back at the owner. It was like they had formed some form of connection, the owner also heard all sorts of stories thanks to his job, given that he constantly encountered adventurers that stayed in his establishment, who he would end up talking with. So as time passed, he would also be captivated by the dream-filled tales befitting of adventurers. After a light bow, the owner returned to his post. Sero held the cup in a presumptuous way, gallantly bringing it back to his lips. Mira seemed to mirror him in that action, also drinking from her glass. Everyone from Écarlate Carillon had gotten curious about Sero’s stories as they listened attentively, though only Fricca was more focused on constantly moving her seat closer to Mira while no one else noticed. 「Anyway, let’s continue where we left off. I think I told you all the backstory so let’s continue from there.」 「When they were about to pierce through the storm clouds, everyone working hard on their duties, a bolt of very bright lightning went off deep inside the storm. It was hard to see from all the rain and wind, but the lightning illuminated the dark and thick clouds for an instant, and there the silhouette of a castle could be seen. It was not just one or two people who saw it, but the entire crew.」 「The silhouette of a giant castle floating somewhere in the sky, shrouded in stormy clouds. It did not happen just one time either, but it was seen again multiple times throughout different places. 」 「Could that be the...!」 「Yes, a castle in the sky, Mira.」 The second rumor was about a floating castle. Those were very common plot devices in fantasy stories, but hearing one could exist in that world she inadvertently stood up, and Fricca followed shortly. The two quickly ran outside the inn. 「If there really exists a floating castle, then I’m sure there are magic records we’ve never seen before stored in it.」 「Ohh, that’s an unexpected reaction. You’re finally starting to sound like an actual spellcaster.」 That Fricca could react that way was hard to imagine for Mira, having only seen a different side of her before, but she still took that opportunity to tease her about it. Soon after Emera also came out of the inn. 「She always acts crazy when you’re around, but Fricca is usually pretty serious about her craft.」 She also followed up on Fricca, but then she grabbed Fricca’s hand that was about to reach Mira and twisted it. The sky they saw was dotted with white clouds, and Mira got excited thinking there could be a castle hidden in one of them. Meanwhile, Fricca’s cries of pain came from her side. After imagining all sorts of things hidden in the clouds, the three returned inside the inn. Mira then took the chair that somehow appeared much closer to her own and placed it a distance away, then sat down. Fricca also sat down at her side, and Mira just dramatically hung her head in silence. 「Ever since I heard that I also tend to look at the sky all the time.」 Sero smiled as he said that to Mira. Now that she knew about that, she felt like the next time she would travel with Pegasus, she would want to go even higher than before. Imagining all that, her lips slowly formed a smile. 「The only common factor from all the eye-witnesses was the sudden storm. They were all thrown into a storm, and inside of it saw the castle. I guess that storm is there to protect it from intruders.」 「Yeah, that sounds possible. That has to be it.」 The two nodded at each other, then began imagining how the castle would look past the storm, floating in all its glory. They then started exchanging ideas of how it would be up there, and at first the other members felt left out, but eventually the conversation influenced them as well, and the five of them now fervently discussed how their ideal castle in the sky would look like. 「Looks like we got a bit too carried away. Let’s talk about the last one.」 The castle in the sky had turned into a magnificent palace sealing an ancient beast, while buried below it remained the holy sword of a legendary hero. The library was lined with shelves full of magic tomes from eons ago, the treasure housing piles of gold and silver, and the garden had a fountain that regularly produced drops of life essence. The five had finished picturing a castle like that, when Sero, slightly embarrassed with himself, steered the conversation back to the rumors. 「This last story is something I heard from an adventurer I know, so more than a rumor it’s a recount of his experience. He usually works in the northern regions of the Ark continent, but one day he had some business over in the Mirage Shrine. First, he bought a gyroscopic compass crystal from a miner, and then went through the Oljato dessert on his way to the shrine, but apparently, that crystal was of bad quality and halfway through his journey it stopped working.」 Mira felt sorry for Sero’s friend adventurer. After all, she had been through a similar situation before. The Ark continent was a large chunk of land to the west, separated from the mainland by a channel. That place was called the colonial lands by players, since it was mostly occupied by countries founded purely by players. The Oljato desert was in the southwest part of that continent, and the Mirage Shrine was somewhere in it, a sacred temple that is impossible to locate with a map. The only way to get there is by using a certain tool called the gyroscopic compass crystal that can point the user in the right direction. Though high level players knew that those crystals could fail every once in a blue moon. 「I know. Apparently, he also was pretty distressed, though he had been in the desert for a while, so he figured he might be close enough to find the shrine by eye, but after wandering around for a while he decided to go back... But he stepped into sand hell, and eventually was entirely sucked into the desert.」 「Sand hell... he really has the worst luck...」 Sand hell was the name given to certain places with quicksand in the Oljato desert. If an adventurer could not get out of it before getting sucked inside, they would be forcefully taken into a dungeon of ruins underground. Mira felt like the adventurer Sero was talking about had the worst luck imaginable as she continued drinking her honey ale. 「I also thought the same and tried comforting him, but he laughed it off and took a yellow chunk from a bag. When I asked what that was, he told me he picked it up after he got through the sand hell. Apparently, it didn’t take him to the underground ruins, but instead to a large city inside a huge opening underground, and everything there shone in a golden color. At first he was confused and couldn’t understand where he was, only staring at that sight. But then a black figure appeared far away and began chasing him. A cold chill ran through his body and he began running away from that shadow, and before he noticed he appeared beside a lake in an oasis. All he could bring as proof from there was that chunk, and after getting it checked it was made out of pure gold. He started calling that place the Golden City, and tried going there again but he never managed to.」 「The Golden City... I really wonder what that black figure was... 」 「Oh, that’s what you’re curious about?」 Hearing that story, Mira was the most curious about that mysterious black figure. It seemed like it had appeared to stop Sero’s friend from entering the Golden City and chased him out, almost like a guardian of some sort. And when it came to guardians, summoners were the best to deal with them. 「Maybe I could form a contract with it.」 Mira’s eyes sparkled at the idea, and when Sero saw them he realized Mira was truly a pure breed summoner. Guardians were a type of spirits that lived in a certain place to protect it. And all spirits were candidates to form contracts with. 「That sounds nice, a Golden City. If I found a place like that I would never have to be hungry again in my life.」 「I wonder if they make golden equipment somewhere?!」 「I wish I could have a golden library too.」 Just like it happened with the floating castle, everyone started talking about their wishes. There was no one stopping them this time, so they all spoke about their desires until lunch was over. Having enjoyed the rumor talk, Mira and the rest walked out of the inn. The Pure Rabbit was sound asleep in Mira’s embrace. The street in Hunters Village looked even more lively than before, showing that before, the crowd was not fully formed yet and that the real deal started now. 「Well then, Mira. Let’s meet again sometime.」 「I’ll miss you so much...」 「Goodbye, Mira.」 「Mm, I’m glad we could meet after so long. Take care in your travels.」 Break time was over, so after a short goodbye, Sero and his group returned to the other guards. It was very possible they would randomly meet again somewhere, so the usual feeling of emptiness after someone leaves was absent in Mira as she waved at them, only wondering how they would meet again in the future. After that Mira looked for a suitable place and summoned Pegasus, mounting on its back and leaving Hunters Village. The lively noises became distant and soon she could only hear the wind and Pegasus’ wings flapping in the air. Below her grasslands stretched out into the horizon, while behind her the sacred tree stood covered in a thin mist. Her view was filled with the blue sky, her eyes drawn to any large clouds as she went on her way back. A few hours after they left Hunters Village, Mira was sitting down amidst the grasslands, her back leaned against Pegasus as she looked at the map. (It should be fine if I present my report tomorrow.) Having flown every day for long hours, her body had a lot of built-in exhaustion, and her descent to the grasslands to rest had already lasted twenty minutes. The Pure Rabbit was beside her, frantically licking her fingers out of worry. No matter what she tried, the exhaustion would not leave her, and she figured that even if she returned straight ahead she would arrive at night, so it was best if she took her time to get there. Seeing how beat up Mira was, Pegasus also moved a bit, surrounding her small frame with its neck. Mira began stroking its neck, seeing how kindly it was treating her, and reclined her body even more while holding the Pure Rabbit in her arms. 「I’m sorry but I have to spend some more time like this.」 Saying that, she completely gave her body onto Pegasus, who moved its wings to cover her. Feeling the pulsing warmth from that, Mira was able to rest easy. Almost an hour passed after that and Mira woke up from her nap, and she could see many small birds through the white feathers. Noticing Mira was awake, Pegasus spread its wings, and Mira saw birds of multiple colors all taking off at the same time and flying around them. But even with so many of them, none of them chirped, surrounding Pegasus in complete silence. All Mira could hear was the rustling of the wind. 「You gathered quite a number of them again.」 She began stroking Pegasus’ mane, thinking back to the Forest of Praying Children, even though there had been way more animals back then. 「You really are a popular one,」 she laughed. Pegasus seemed to be happy as it neighed, happily rubbing its face on Mira’s bosom. The Pure Rabbit stayed on her lap, looking at her face reservedly. 「It’s okay, I was just a bit tired.」 When Mira explained that, Pegasus replied by neighing loudly. After that, the stillness filling the plain was broken as all the birds began chirping at once. They were all small birds, but since there were so many of them together the sound was rather loud, which helped dispel the remaining lethargy in Mira. 「Everything’s alright now, you don’t have to worry anymore.」 Saying that, Mira lifted the pure rabbit into her arms. The blue rabbit let out happy squeaks as it buried itself in Mira’s bosom. 「I think I’ve spent enough time doing nothing. Let’s take off again, Pegasus.」 Her tiredness and sleepiness gone, Mira stood up, which also made all the birds perched on Pegasus to fly away. She then sat on Pegasus’ back, who slowly rose to its feet. Birds all around them took off and danced around them before vanishing into the sky. The white-winged horse ran through that mesmerizing sight similar to a rain of petals. As the sun set, the tourists swarming the plaza in front of the Silver Linked Towers diminished in volume. Mira landed near that plaza, after which Pegasus became much more clingy and Mira had to soothe him for a bit before sending him back. Crossing through the large gate, the nine towers that extended up into the sky came in sight. The Sacred Tree still had a more imposing appearance, but this was still a magnificent scene to behold. Seeing that filled her with a sense of returning home, so she proudly filled her chest with air and walked just a bit faster. When she reached the Tower of Summoning, she looked to its side and saw the wagon was gone. (Hmm... guess Creos isn’t home.) Mira could not wait to flaunt her own customized wagon when she got hers, but she also lowered her gaze a bit. It was best if she only thought about that after it was made, so instead she held the pure rabbit and held it up towards the tower. 「This will be your new home from now on.」 It seemed to understand Mira’s words as it squeaked with excitement, and then Mira carried it with her to her room up in the tower. She opened her room with the tower’s master key, threw her coat to a couch and placed the pure rabbit on top. 「Stay still for a bit.」 Saying that, Mira quickly ran to the toilet. Soon after the sound of water flowing came from there. Mira walked out of the toilet with a satisfied smile having finished her business, then turned to look at the door leading to the changing room and bathroom. 「Maybe we can relax together there for a while.」 Mira picked the pure rabbit up and seeking the warmth and comfort of a bath she extended a hand to the changing room’s door and opened it. 「Wha-?!」 「Lady Mira, welcome-」 「Sorry!」 Mira quickly shut the door closed out of confusion. Still, her completely unprepared eyes still had the figure of Mariana wearing only underwear imprinted on them. Feelings of guilt started to mix with more colorful ones in her mind, so she quickly put a stop to her brain. Mariana had been unable to finish her greeting earlier, so she opened the door again without much care and bowed to Mira. She smiled happily after raising her head, her cheeks slightly flushed from the bath, her blue hair slightly bunched together, and her body wrapped in a white robe. 「Mm, I’m back.」 That smile quickly brought Mira back to reality, and after returning the greeting Mariana’s eyes noticed the blue rabbit Mira was holding. 「What’s the story behind that rabbit?」 Mariana looked straight at the rabbit and slowly reached out to it. The pure rabbit seemed slightly hesitant at first, but then it noticed that the divine protection Mira had felt the same as Mariana’s presence, so it nuzzled its head against her hand. 「It followed me from the forest... is it okay if we keep it here?」 Mira’s voice sounded almost like that of a child asking something from her mom. While Mira was the master of the tower, Mariana was in charge of everything while she was gone, so treating her in that way was to be expected. 「But of course. I’ll make sure to take good care of it while you’re gone.」 「I appreciate that a lot, thanks Mariana.」 Some time passed in silence, then Mariana walked into the changing room again and took her robe off. 「Wh-what are you doing..?!」 Mira hurried to look away, resisting her internal urge to peek again. Just beyond the corner of her eyes, Mariana stood in her underwear, just like Mira had seen her earlier, and replied with a highly motivated voice. 「It seemed you were about to take a bath, so I’ll wash your back.」 「...Oh... um... thanks...」 Once Mariana set her mind to help with something, there was no stopping her. Mira had learned that much from her last visit, so she spared her the useless arguing and nodded submissively before walking into the changing room. Things went just like last time, Mariana assisting her with undressing before carefully folding the clothes and adding them to the laundry basket. 「Is there anything else you wish to have washed?」 「Oh right, I almost forgot about that.」 As Mariana placed Mira’s underwear in the basket, the last pieces of clothing she had on, Mariana turned to Mira to ask her. That reminded Mira to take out her own basket, from which she fished out her used underwear before throwing it in the laundry basket. With that, Mira attempted to walk into the bathroom while carrying the pure rabbit, but Mariana stopped her by calling her name. 「What happened to your hair?」 Her tone sounded just a bit harsh as she walked up behind Mira and touched her hair beautifully tied. White had arranged Mira’s hair when she also taught her how to use more Concept Magic. 「Oh, that. This girl called White tied it of her own will while I was traveling.」 Mariana untied her hair, replying with a low voice as she pursed her lips in a slightly bad mood. But Mira was still doing everything she could to avoid looking directly at Mariana, so she did not notice that change. When Mira entered the bath, Mariana insisted on washing Mira’s hair and every corner of her body. The sponge she used felt softer and smoother than last time, small bubbles and foam covering Mira’s body. All the exhaustion Mira had built during her travels began to release from that comfortable touch as she fully relaxed her body. Mariana smiled delighted seeing that, slowly letting warm water run down Mira’s body to wash off the foam. Then it was the pure rabbit’s turn, which both girls took care of together. The rabbit was either used to water or simply did not mind it, so Mira protected its ears as Mariana gently washed its blue fur. 「And that’s it. Lady Mira, do you have any plans for dinner?」 Mariana asked her while arranging Mira’s hair, who combed the pure rabbit’s fur. 「Not yet. Could you make something for me?」 「Of course. I’ll start preparations now, and you can stay here and relax.」 Only when Mariana asked that Mira noticed how empty her stomach felt. Mariana quickly tied Mira’s silver hair before accepting the new request with a melodic voice. Mira quickly glanced at Mariana walking away in high spirits to prepare dinner, then Mira walked to the center of the large bathroom. There was a bathtub made of black augite there. That was a particular type of stone that reflected light in curious patterns reminiscent of a starry sky, which gave it a prized appearance that attracted many, making it a very high-quality material for furnishings. She filled that bathtub with warm water before sitting in it, a bit of water overflowing from the edge. The water temperature was a bit higher than usual, which felt like small needles poking slightly at her body. Mira enjoyed that feeling the most, so she let out a satisfied sigh as she rested in the water. The bathtub was very large and could have fit ten more people even if all of them had their legs outstretched. Mira stretched her limbs as far as she could, the black bathtub increasing the contrast with her body and silver hair. 「Ahh... this is the best.」 She let that sense of freedom permeate her body, holding apple ale in one hand and humming to herself. Mira and the pure rabbit spent an hour of pure bliss there.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 9, "inserted_lines_src": 14, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
䟋の店がラクトスに出来たのも、1カ月ず少し前。 正確な日付はわからないが、このガラス球がランゞ村に来た頃ず同じ頃だ。 そこから、䟋の店は街にある店から薬を買い占めお準備、緩やかに広がり始めた病気に察しお、薬を求める街の人達盞手に商売を始める。 埌は、人から人ぞう぀っおいく病気が広たれば、簡単に儲ける事が出来るずいうわけだ。 予防の抂念も無いんだ、マスクも圓然無いわけで......颚邪ず同じようなものず考えるず、簡単に感染する事だろう。 ランゞ村は少し街から離れおるから、薬を買いに行くのが遅れたのだろう。 ......俺の勝手な掚枬だが、隣の䌯爵家が仕組んで、このガラス球を原因ず考えるのであれば、党おが繋がる気がした。 「ガラス球が原因......か......だずするず、病が広がった原因は......だけど埅およ......ガラスで病気を発生させられるのか......? そもそもこの村で病が流行ったにしおは、ラクトスの街での広がりが早すぎる......ハンネスさん達は最近村を出たばかりだし......」 呚りの目も気にせず、䞀人で思考に没頭する。 ガラス球がどういう䜜甚をしお、病を広がらせたのかがわからない。 仕組みなんかは、魔法のある䞖界だから解明しようずしおも俺には出来ないのかもしれないな......。 「仕組みはずもかく、どうしおランゞ村にずどたっおいるはずの病がラクトスに広がっおいるのか......」 ランゞ村の人達は病に苊しんでいた。 ずおもじゃないが、村を出お移動する事は出来なかっただろう。 その状態で、ラクトスたで病が広がるのか......? 「ハンネスさん、その球が眮かれおから今たでの間に、ラクトスの街ぞ行った事はありたすか? 薬を買い付けに行ったハンネスさんずロザリヌちゃんは陀いお、です」 䞀人でぶ぀ぶ぀蚀っおいた俺を、蚝し気に芋おいたハンネスさんに話しかける。 「ラクトスぞですか? ラクトスはこの村から近い䞀番の街ですから、ワむンを卞す埗意先です。なので、5日に1床はワむンを届けに村の者が行っおいたす」 んヌ、ワむンを卞すだけで街党䜓に広がる皋流行るものだろうか......? たおよ......そもそもガラス球は䜕でワむン蔵なんだ? ガラス球から人に䜜甚しお病を匕き起こすのであれば、ワむン蔵よりももっず人の集たる堎所の方が良い。 それこそ、ラクトスで流行らせたいのであれば、ラクトスの広堎にでも眮いおおけばいいはずだ。 「んヌ......わからないな......」 「......どうかされたのですか?」 「いえ、ランゞ村で流行った病の原因がわかりそうで、わからないんですよ......」 「病の原因......ですか?」 「はい。そのガラス球ず、ハンネスさんが買わされそうになった粗悪な薬を売る店......ラクトスずランゞ村での疫病の流行......党郚同じ時期の事なんです。䜕かしら繋がりがあるず思うのですが......」 䜕やら掚理物のように、思考を巡らせおいるが......これがわかれば䟋の店に察しお䜕かが出来る気がするからな。 蚌拠、ずたで蚀えるのかはわからないが、それでも䜕かしらの手段ずしたいずころだ。 孀児院の子䟛達やラむの䞡芪等、病で苊しんでる人達を芋たから尚曎......。 「タクミ様......迷惑を掛けたした......」 「ラモギのおかげで、悪くはありたせんね。......少々頭痛がしたすが......」 ハンネスさんず話しながら色々考えおるうちに、家の䞭からフィリップさんが出お来た。 二日酔いで顔色が悪い以倖は、特に問題は無さそうだ。 「......しかしフィリップさん......その手に持っおいるのは?」 「あぁ、迎え酒っおや぀ですよ。二日酔いの時はこれが効くんです」 よりにもよっおフィリップさんの手には、ワむンが䞊々ず泚がれたカップがあった。 二日酔いをどうにかするために、たたお酒を飲んでどうにか症状を緩和するずいうのは聞いた事があるが......確か、あれっおアルコヌルで感芚が鈍っお頭痛を感じにくくなるだけで、実際の効果は無いはずなんだがなぁ......。 「いやぁ、ハンネスさん。ありがずうございたす。奥さんのスヌプも䜓に染み枡るようでしたけど、このワむンも矎味しくお」 フィリップさんはスヌプを飲んだうえで、さらにワむンを飲もうずしおいるのか......。 確かに昚日飲んだワむンは矎味しかったが......。 村で䜜っおる物が耒められお悪い気はしないのか、さっきたでの䌚話を忘れお嬉しそうにするハンネスさん。 「ワり! ガり!」 「なんですか!?」 「ひぃ!」 笑いながら手にしたワむンを飲もうずしたフィリップさん。 その時、レオがいきなりフィリップさんに向けお吠えた。 突然の事に、フィリップさんもハンネスさんも、俺も驚いおいる。 「どうしたレオ、䜕があったんだ?」 レオをなだめるように、䜓を撫でながら䜕故いきなり吠えたのか聞く。 本来おずなしいレオは、䜕もないのに突然吠えたりはしないはずだからな。 吠えられお驚き、手が止たっおいるフィリップさんの持぀ワむンから目を離さないたた、レオが俺にどうしお吠えたのかを䌝えようずしおいる。 えっず......あのワむンからガラス球ず同じ嫌な気配が埮かにする......病のにおいず䞀緒......ず。 ワむンから病の気配だっお? 「あのワむンから......レオ、本圓なのか?」 「......フィリップさん、そのワむンは飲たない方が良いですね」 レオが吠えた事に驚いたたたのハンネスさんが、ようやく我に返ったような返事をした。 ......レオは泚意をしおくれおるだけだから、怖くはないですからね、ハンネスさん。 「手間をかけおすみたせんが、いく぀かワむンの暜を蔵から持っお来おもらえたせんか? 確認したい事があるので」 「はい。この村のワむンが危ないかもしれないんです。その確認のためですね」
That store in Ractos was also started about a month ago. I didn’t know the precise date, but it was the same time as when this sphere was delivered to this village. From there, they would have prepared by buying all the medicine stock from the other stores, so they would be ready to sell once the illness began to spread. That way, they could easily make a profit. There was no concept of prevention here. Obviously, there were no masks... If it was contagious like a cold, then it would not take long for it to spread. As Range village was a short distance away, it had taken them longer to go and buy the medicine. ...My guess was that the neighboring count had planned this. And if this glass sphere was what caused it, then it would connect all of the dots. “The glass sphere is the that case...but wait... Can a single sphere really do that...? In the first place, it had spread in Ractos much too quickly for it to have started here... Mr. Hannes had only just recently left the village...” I ignored the others as I was deep in thought. I could not understand how the sphere worked, and how the illness spread. But then again, this was a world of magic, and so perhaps there was no hope of me understanding it... “In any case, it shouldn’t have spread that far if it started in Range village...” The people here had been suffering from the illness. So no one could have gone out and made the journey. And so how could it have spread to Ractos...? “Mr. Hannes. Ever since that sphere was placed here, has anyone gone to Ractos? Aside from you and Rosalie, of course.” I asked Mr. Hannes, who had been staring at me suspiciously while I muttered to myself. “To Ractos? Ractos is the town that is closest to us, and so that is where most of our wine goes. And so someone delivers it at least once every five days.” “I see...” Hmmm... But could someone who was just there to drop off some wine really be the cause of it spreading through the whole town...? Wait... But why was the sphere placed in the storage house in the first place? If it was the sphere that made people sick, why not put it somewhere where more people were likely to gather? And if you wanted it to spread in Ractos, then you should put it near the plaza. “Hmm...I don’t know...” “...What is it?” “No, it’s just the cause of the illness...I feel like I should know, but I don’t...” “The cause of the illness?” “Yes. The glass sphere and the store that you almost bought medicine from... The spread of the illness in Ractos and Range village... It all happened at the same time. And so it must be connected...” “Surely it cannot...” I tried to think of an explanation... If I could, it would mean that we might be able to do something about the store. Evidence. Well, maybe that was asking for too much. But I wanted something. Especially since I saw the suffering of the children at the orphanage, as well as Rai’s parents. “Mr. Takumi... I’m sorry to have caused you trouble...” “Ah, Phillip. How do you feel?” “Not terrible, thanks to the Ramogi... Well, I have a slight headache...” “A hangover. It’s because you drank so much wine yesterday.” As I was talking to Mr. Hannes and thinking, Phillip came out of the house. He looked a little pale, because of his hangover, but was otherwise fine. “Still...Mr. Phillip...what is that in your hand?” “Ah, hair of dog, you know? Drinking a little helps cure a hangover.” Phillip was carrying a cup that was filled with wine. Indeed, I had heard about people drinking alcohol in order to alleviate the symptoms of a hangover... But I think it was just that the alcohol numbed your senses so that your head didn’t hurt as much. That was all... “Ah, Mr. Hannes. Thank you. Your wife’s soup was excellent. But so is this wine.” “Well, it is something we are proud of. And so I am glad to see that you enjoy it.” Not only did Phillip drink the soup, but he was also starting to drink wine... Well, it really was delicious... In fact, Mr. Hannes was so pleased by this complement, that he had completely forgotten about the previous conversation. “Wou! Gau!” “What is it?!” “Ahhh!” Phillip had been laughing and was about to take a sip. Just then, Leo started to bark at him. It was so sudden that Phillip and Mr. Hannes were shocked. “What is it, Leo?” “Wuff-wuff. Wou. Wou-wou.” I petted Leo in order to calm her down, and then I asked her why she had barked. She was usually so quiet, and would not bark without reason. Phillip had frozen with the cup in his hand. Leo’s eyes remained fixed on it as she explained it to me. Uhh... You can faintly sense something in the wine that is like the glass sphere... The smell of disease... From the wine? “The wine... Leo. Are you sure?” “Wou.” “...Phillip. I don’t think that you should drink that wine.” “Mr. Takumi?” Mr. Hannes finally shook himself out of the shock of hearing Leo barking. ...Leo was just trying to help, and she isn’t actually scary at all, Mr. Hannes. “I’m sorry to trouble you, but could you have several wine barrels brought out from the storage house? There is something I need to confirm.” “Confirm?” “Yes. I think your village’s wine might be very dangerous. I need to be sure.”
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 11, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
ドむツの収容所で この男 アヌチヌ・コクランは 軍医でしたが捕虜ずしお捕われ 問題を抱えおいたした 患者たちが病気で 苊しみながら 衰匱しおいくずいう コクランに理解のできない状況でした 症状は ひどい氎ぶくれでした 感染症か栄逊倱調なのかわかりたせん 治療法もわかりたせん しかもそこは敵地です 戊時䞋にはひどいこずがおきたす ドむツの監芖兵は退屈するず 収容所に向けお いたずらに発砲するのです あるずきには 捕虜たちでいっぱいのトむレに 手抎匟が投げ蟌たれたこずもありたした 圌は䞍審な笑い声を耳にしたず蚀いたす 収容所の軍医であるアヌチヌ・コクランは 事態をなんずか打開しようずした 人のひずりでした 付け加えるず コクラン自身がその病気にかかっおいたした ずいぶん絶望的な状況です ただアヌチヌ・コクランは 抜け目のない男でした すでにビタミンCを手配しおおり さらにこんどは 闇ルヌトを通しお マヌマむトを入手したした マヌマむトずは䜕だろうず思われる方もいるでしょう むギリス人はこれをパンに塗るのを奜みたす 芋た目は原油のようですが その味ずきたら ピリっずした味です 重芁なこずですが マヌマむトには ビタミンB12が豊富です アヌチヌは患者たちをできるだけ同じ条件の 二぀のグルヌプに分けたした 䞀方にはビタミンCを䞎え もう䞀方にはビタミンB12を䞎えたした 现心の泚意をはらっお結果を ノヌトに蚘録したした 数日た぀ず 病気の理由は䜕であれ マヌマむトで治せるこずが はっきりしおきたした そこで収容所を運営しおいたドむツ兵に面䌚を求めたす そのようすを想像しおみおください この写真は忘れお この男に 長い赀ひげず もじゃもじゃの赀毛を付けおください ずっずひげも剃れなくお ビリヌ・コノリヌのような颚䜓です コクランは熱匁をふるいたす こんなスコットランド蚛の ヌ 蚛っおはいおも流暢なドむツ語です シラヌやゲヌテを生んだドむツの文化の 䜕たるかを語り そんなドむツでこのような 野蛮が蚱されるずは理解しがたいず蚎えたす 圌は䞍満を爆発させたす それから圌は自分の兵舎に戻り 絶望しおすすり泣きたす 望みがない事態だず確信したからです しかし若いドむツ人の医垫が アヌチヌ・コクランのノヌトを手に取り 同僚に蚀いたす この蚌拠に議論の䜙地はない 捕虜たちにビタミンを䞎えないず 戊争犯眪になるぞ 翌朝には 収容所にビタミンB12が届けられ 捕虜たちは回埩し始めたした さおこの話をした理由は コクランが倧人物ず思うからではなく ヌ もちろんアヌチヌ・コクランは倧人物ですが ヌ 公共政策のあらゆる面においお 泚意深く管理された ランダム化比范詊隓が望たしいず 蚀うためでもありたせん その蚎えも実にすばらしいこずずは思いたす この話をした理由は アヌチヌ・コクランが生涯に枡っお 戊っおいたやっかいな悩みの皮だからです それが個人を匱らせ 瀟䌚を腐敗させるものだず コクランは気付いおいたした 圌はそれをこう名付けおいたした ゎッド・コンプレックス ゎッド・コンプレックスの症状は簡単に説明できたす その固定芳念の症候ずは 問題がどれほど耇雑であっおも それを圧倒的で絶察的な信念を持っお 自分の解決策が間違いなく正しいず思うこずです アヌチヌは医者でした 倚くの医垫ず亀流がありたした 倚くの医垫がゎッド・コンプレックスに眹っおいたす たあ私は経枈孊者で医垫ではありたせんが でも身の回りで 始終これを目にしたす 経枈孊者の仲間や 経枈界のリヌダヌ達や 我々が投祚する政治家達にも芋られたす この驚くほど耇雑化した䞖界を前にしお それでもこの䞖の仕組みを理解できおいるず 頭から信じおいる人たちです これから 100億近い人が䜏もうずいうこの䞖界は あたりにも耇雑すぎお そんなやり方では党然理解できたせん 䟋をあげたしょう しばらくの間 ここにいるのはティム・ハフォヌドではなくお ハンス・ロスリングがグラフを説明しおいるず思っおください あのハンスです TED におけるミック・ゞャガヌですね ハンスはあの玠晎らしい統蚈ず アニメヌションをお目にかけたす 最高の内容です 玠晎らしい さお䟋のハンス・ロスリングのグラフですが 瀺しおいる内容ではなくお そこで瀺されなかったこずを考えおみおください グラフが瀺しおいるのは ひずり圓たりの GDP ず 人口ず寿呜 それだけです 囜ごずに 3 皮類のデヌタが揃っおいたす 3 皮のデヌタです 3 皮なんお 䜕も無いようなものです では こちらのグラフを芋おください MIT の物理孊者 シヌザヌ・ヒダルゎが 䜜ったグラフです パッず理解できるグラフではありたせんが こんなふうに芋えるグラフです 5000皮類の様々な補品の デヌタベヌスに察しお ネットワヌク解析の技術を適甚しお このデヌタベヌスを調査したした 様々な補品間の関係を衚したグラフです これは実に玠晎らしい研究です 党おの繋がりず盞関を瀺しおいたす 経枈が成長しお行くずきの 様子を理解する䞊で倧倉有甚なこずです 際立぀研究です 我々はニュヌペヌク・タむムズ・マガゞンに この研究に぀いおの蚘事を曞こうずしたした このシヌザヌの研究は玠晎らしすぎお ニュヌペヌク・タむムズ・マガゞンに 収たりきらないこずが刀明したした 5000 品目の補品は ただどうずいうこずはありたせん 5000 皮類です シヌザヌのデヌタに登堎するすべおの 項目を数え䞊げたずしお 䞀項目に䞀秒かけお 読み䞊げおいくず このセッションほどの時間で 5000皮党おを数え終わりたす 同じこずを りォヌルマヌトで売られおいる商品の党おに行うずするず 10䞇点ありたすから 䞞䞀日かかるでしょう ではこんどは 倧きな経枈圏のあらゆる補品ずサヌビスを 数え䞊げるずしたらどうでしょう 䟋えば東京やロンドンやニュヌペヌクです ゚ゞンバラだず難しくなる点は りィスキヌずタヌタンも数えなければならないこずです ニュヌペヌクでの補品ずサヌビスを 党お数え䞊げたら 100億点になりたす 317幎かかるこずになりたす われわれが䜜り䞊げた経枈はこれほど耇雑なのです ここでは商品の数を数えただけです 䞭東問題を解決を目指しおはいないのに 信じがたいほどの耇雑さです この芋方で蚀うならヌ 私たちの頭脳が進化しおきた瀟䌚には 300 皮の補品ずサヌビスがありたした ぀たり5分で数え䞊げられたす こんな耇雑な䞖界に私たちは囲たれおいたす おそらくはそれゆえに ゎッド・コンプレックスに誘惑されるのです 抌され気味になりながらも「抂芁がわかり なにかグラフも䜜れるだろう よしわかった その仕組みもわかった」ず蚀うのです でもわかっおいたせん 決しおわかりはしたせん ニヒリズムを唱えおいるのではありたせん 耇雑な䞖界の耇雑な問題は解決できないず 蚀いたいわけではありたせん 明らかに可胜ですから しかし課題を解決する方法は 謙虚な取り組みによるものです ゎッド・コンプレックスは捚おお 実際に有効な課題解決の方法を適甚するのです そしお有効な解決手法がありたす うたく機胜しおいるヌ 耇雑なシステムがあればそれは 詊行錯誀の䞭でヌ 進化したシステムなのです 䟋えば この赀ちゃんは詊行錯誀から生たれたした あいたいな蚀い方でしたね 明確にしたしょう この赀ちゃんずいう肉䜓は進化の結果です 進化ずは䜕でしょうか? 䜕癟䞇幎にもわたる倉化ず遞択 倉化ず遞択 詊行ず錯誀 詊行ず錯誀の繰り返しです そしお詊行錯誀が奇跡を生み出すのは 生䜓系に限った話ではありたせん 産業応甚にも適甚できるのです 䟋えば 掗剀を䜜りたいずしたしょう ナニリヌバみたいに リバプヌル近郊の工堎で掗剀を補造しようずするずき どうやりたすか? こんな倧きなタンク䞀杯に液䜓の掗剀を甚意したす 高圧をかけおノズルから噎き出し 掗剀を霧状にしたす 霧はすぐに也燥しお粉になりたす 粉は䞋にたたりたす それをかき集めお箱に詰めたす スヌパヌで売るず 立掟な売䞊が埗られたす そのノズルをどう蚭蚈したしょうか? これが倧倉重芁だずわかったのです ゎッド・コンプレックスの考え方に埓うなら ちょっずした神を探さなければなりたせん 数孊者や物理孊者だずか 液䜓の力孊をわかる人を自分で探し出しお その人に ノズルの最適圢状を蚈算しおもらいたす ナニリヌバもそうやっお倱敗したした 耇雑すぎたのです こんな問題でも耇雑すぎるのです しかし遺䌝孊者のスティヌブ・ゞョヌンズ教授は ナニリヌバがこの問題をどう解決したか説明しおいたす 詊行錯誀です 倉化ず遞択です たずノズルを甚意したす ランダムに 10通りの倉圢をさせお この10個のノズルを詊しお 最良の䞀぀を遞びたす それをたた10通りに倉化させ 党郚を詊しお䞀番良いのを遞びたす そしおたた10通りを詊したす どうやるかおわかりですね こうしお 45 䞖代を繰り返した埌で このおどろくべきノズルができたした チェスの駒に䌌た感じです 党くすばらしい性胜を発揮したす どうしおうたく行くのか 党然わかりたせん 芋圓も぀きたせん しかしゎッド・コンプレックスを退けお あれこれ詊しおみようず決めお 良吊の刀定をシステマチックに定めるこずにするず たちたち問題が解決するのです この詊行錯誀のプロセスずいうのは 成功しおいる組織においおは 想像する以䞊に 普通に芋うけられたす 経枈がどう機胜するか この堎で沢山聞きたした 米囜経枈は未だに䞖界䞀の経枈です どのようにしお䞖界䞀の経枈になったのでしょうか 米囜経枈に関しおあらゆる事実や数字を 䞊べ䞊げるこずができたすが 最も際立った特城はこれだず思いたす アメリカでは毎幎10パヌセントの事業が 消え去るのです ずおも倧きな倱敗率です たずえば人の「倱敗率」ず比べおみたしょう 毎幎10パヌセントのアメリカ人が消えたりはしたせん このこずから アメリカでは事業は人よりも早く消え去るので 事業の進化の速床が 人よりも速いこずがわかりたす こうしお事業は進化しおその完成床を高めおいき いずれは我々すべおを飌いならすでしょう ただそうなっおいないずしおも いずれは ずきどきそう考えたす ただ この詊行錯誀の過皋こそが 西偎諞囜の倚様な経枈の すばらしいパフォヌマンスを説明するのです すばらしく優秀な人を責任者にしたからではなく 詊行錯誀によっお到達したのです ここ数ヶ月の間 あちこちでこのこずを話しおいるず こんなこずを蚀う人もいたす 「ティム それはわかり切ったこずだ 確かに詊行錯誀は重芁だ 確かに怜蚌実隓が倧倉重芁だ なんだっおこんな圓たり前のこずを吹聎しお廻っおるんだ?」 なるほど 圓たり前だずおっしゃるのですね? 孊校で子どもたちに こんなふうに教え始めたら これが圓たり前になったず認めたしょう 正解のない問題があるのだず教え始めるこずです 党おに答えがあるような質問を列挙しお 子どもたちに䞎えるのはやめたしょう そしお教卓の埌ろの偉そうな人が 答えを党郚知っおいるずいう方法はやめお たた 答えが芋぀からない生埒を 怠け者や愚か者だず呌ぶのはやめたしょう 孊校のそういうやり方を党郚やめるなら 詊行錯誀が良いこずだずいうこずが 圓たり前になったず認めたしょう 立候補した候補者が遞挙運動で こんなこずを蚀うでしょうか 「健康保険システムを改革したしょう 教育システムを改革したしょう それをどうするか考えはありたせんが アむデアは5-6個ありたす それを詊しお行きたす 党郚倱敗するかもしれたせん だめならさらに他のアむデアを詊し 芋぀けた方法を基に改革したす 倱敗アむデアは䜿いたせん」 こういう考え方の政治家が出おきたら さらに倧事なこずは 私たちのような有暩者が そんな政治家に投祚するようになったら 詊行錯誀が有効なこずは圓たり前になったず 私も認めたしょう ヌ ありがずうございたす それたでは詊行錯誀を語り ゎッド・コンプレックスを 捚おるべきである理由を語り続ける぀もりです 自分たちが誀りやすいず認めるこずは ずおも困難です それは非垞に䞍愉快なこずです アヌチヌ・コクランはこのこずを誰よりも理解しおいたした 第二次䞖界倧戊よりも䜕幎も埌のこず 圌はある治隓を行いたした 圌が詊隓したかったのは 心䞍党の患者は どこで回埩させるのが 良いか ずいうこずでした 専門的な埪環噚病棟でしょうか それずも自宅でしょうか 埪環噚科の医垫たちは治隓を止めさせようずしたした 医垫達は玛れもなくゎッド・コンプレックスに眹っおいたした 患者のためには病院がいいこずは明らかで これを治隓するずか実隓するなどずいうのは 倫理に背くこずだず考えたした それでもコクランはこの治隓の蚱可を埗お 治隓を行いたした 治隓が始たっおしばらく経ったずきのこず 圌は同僚たちを 集めお䌚議を催したした 「さおみなさん ここに初期的な結果がありたす 統蚈的な有意性はただありたせんが ちょっずした内容がありたす みなさんが正しく私が間違っおいたようです 回埩䞭の患者が家で過ごすのは 危険です 病院で回埩させるべきです」 倧隒ぎです 党おの医垫が机を叩いお蚀いたす 「倫理的でないず ずっず蚀っおきただろう 治隓で人が死んでいくのだ すぐ䞭止すべきだ ただちに䞭止しろ」 こんな倧隒ぎです コクランは皆を黙らせたす 「倧倉興味深いご意芋です 皆さん 皆さんにお枡しした結果の衚で 2぀の列は入れ替えおあったのです ぀たり 患者は病院で亡くなっおおり 家に垰すべきなのです 治隓を止めた方がよろしいでしょうか? それずも結果が確実なものになるたで埅ちたしょうか」 䌚議宀に 冷たい空気が流れたす そう コクランはこういうこずをする人物でした 圌がそんなこずをした理由は そこに立ちはだかっお こんなふうに蚀う方がずっず楜だず 理解しおいたからです 「私の小さな䞖界では 私は神だ 党おを理解しおいる 私の意芋に異議は聞きたくない 私の結論を実蚌しなくおよい 単玔に頭ごなしに呜什する方が ずっず楜なのです コクランはわかっおいたした 䞍確実性や間違えやすさや 反論は人を傷぀けるず だから時にショックを䞎える必芁があるのです それが簡単なこずだず 芋せかける぀もりはありたせん 簡単なこずではありたせん おそろしく぀らいこずです でもこの話を始めおからずっず この研究を始めおからずっず ある日本人の数孊者が蚀った蚀葉が 私の頭から離れたせん 戊争の盎埌のこずでした 谷山豊ずいう若い数孊者は 谷山・志村予想ずいう すばらしい予想を立おたした 数十幎が経った埌でこの予想は フェルマヌの最終定理を蚌明する䞊で たいぞん有甚だったこずが瀺されたした 実際 フェルマヌの最終定理を蚌明するのず 等しいものであるこずがわかったのでした 片方を蚌明すればもう䞀方も蚌明されるのです しかしこれはずっず予想に留たっおいたした 谷山はこれを解こうず䜕床も詊みたしたが それが真であるず蚌明するこずはできたせんでした そしお1958幎に 30歳の誕生日の少し前に 谷山豊は自殺しおしたいたした 圌の友人であった志村五郎は 䞀緒にその課題に取り組んでいたした 䜕十幎も埌になっお谷山の人生を振り返っお こう述べおいたす 「圌は数孊者ずしお非垞に泚意深いヌ ずいう人ではなかった 圌はたくさんの間違いを犯した だがよい方向に間違えるのだ 私も圌を真䌌ようずしおみお 良い間違いを犯すのは 実は非垞に難しいのだずいうヌ こずを知った」 ありがずうございたした
A German prison camp. And this man, Archie Cochrane, is a prisoner of war and a doctor, and he has a problem. The problem is that the men under his care are suffering from an excruciating and debilitating condition that Archie doesn't really understand. The symptoms are this horrible swelling up of fluids under the skin. But he doesn't know whether it's an infection, whether it's to do with malnutrition. He doesn't know how to cure it. And he's operating in a hostile environment. And people do terrible things in wars. The German camp guards, they've got bored. They've taken to just firing into the prison camp at random for fun. On one particular occasion, one of the guards threw a grenade into the prisoners' lavatory while it was full of prisoners. He said he heard suspicious laughter. And Archie Cochrane, as the camp doctor, was one of the first men in to clear up the mess. And one more thing: Archie was suffering from this illness himself. So the situation seemed pretty desperate. But Archie Cochrane was a resourceful person. He'd already smuggled vitamin C into the camp, and now he managed to get hold of supplies of marmite on the black market. Now some of you will be wondering what marmite is. Marmite is a breakfast spread beloved of the British. It looks like crude oil. It tastes ... zesty. And importantly, it's a rich source of vitamin B12. So Archie splits the men under his care as best he can into two equal groups. He gives half of them vitamin C. He gives half of them vitamin B12. He very carefully and meticulously notes his results in an exercise book. And after just a few days, that whatever is causing this illness, marmite is the cure. So Cochrane then goes to the Germans who are running the prison camp. Now you've got to imagine at the moment -- forget this photo, imagine this guy with this long ginger beard and this shock of red hair. He hasn't been able to shave -- a sort of Billy Connolly figure. Cochrane, he starts ranting at these Germans in this Scottish accent -- in fluent German, by the way, but in a Scottish accent -- and explains to them how German culture was the culture that gave Schiller and Goethe to the world. And he can't understand how this barbarism can be tolerated, and he vents his frustrations. And then he goes back to his quarters, breaks down and weeps because he's convinced that the situation is hopeless. But a young German doctor picks up Archie Cochrane's exercise book and says to his colleagues, "This evidence is incontrovertible. If we don't supply vitamins to the prisoners, it's a war crime." And the next morning, supplies of vitamin B12 are delivered to the camp, and the prisoners begin to recover. Now I'm not telling you this story because I think Archie Cochrane is a dude, although Archie Cochrane is a dude. I'm not even telling you the story because I think we should be running more carefully controlled randomized trials in all aspects of public policy, although I think that would also be completely awesome. I'm telling you this story because Archie Cochrane, all his life, fought against a terrible affliction, and he realized it was debilitating to individuals and it was corrosive to societies. And he had a name for it. He called it the God complex. Now I can describe the symptoms of the God complex very, very easily. So the symptoms of the complex are, no matter how complicated the problem, you have an absolutely overwhelming belief that you are infallibly right in your solution. Now Archie was a doctor, so he hung around with doctors a lot. And doctors suffer from the God complex a lot. Now I'm an economist, I'm not a doctor, but I see the God complex around me all the time in my fellow economists. I see it in our business leaders. I see it in the politicians we vote for -- people who, in the face of an incredibly complicated world, that they understand the way that the world works. And you know, with the future billions that we've been hearing about, the world is simply far too complex to understand in that way. Well let me give you an example. Imagine for a moment that, instead of Tim Harford in front of you, there was Hans Rosling presenting his graphs. You know Hans: the Mick Jagger of TED. And he'd be showing you these amazing statistics, these amazing animations. And they are brilliant; it's wonderful work. But a typical Hans Rosling graph: think for a moment, not what it shows, but think instead about what it leaves out. So it'll show you GDP per capita, population, longevity, that's about it. So three pieces of data for each country -- three pieces of data. Three pieces of data is nothing. I mean, have a look at this graph. This is produced by the physicist Cesar Hidalgo. He's at MIT. Now you won't be able to understand a word of it, but this is what it looks like. Cesar has trolled the database of over 5,000 different products, and he's used techniques of network analysis to interrogate this database and to graph relationships between the different products. And it's wonderful, wonderful work. You show all these interconnections, all these interrelations. And I think it'll be profoundly useful in understanding how it is that economies grow. Brilliant work. Cesar and I tried to write a piece for The New York Times Magazine explaining how this works. And what we learned is Cesar's work is far too good to explain in The New York Times Magazine. Five thousand products -- that's still nothing. Five thousand products -- imagine counting every product category in Cesar Hidalgo's data. Imagine you had one second per product category. In about the length of this session, you would have counted all 5,000. Now imagine doing the same thing for every different type of product on sale in Walmart. There are 100,000 there. It would take you all day. Now imagine trying to count every different specific product and service on sale in a major economy such as Tokyo, London or New York. It's even more difficult in Edinburgh because you have to count all the whisky and the tartan. If you wanted to count every product and service on offer in New York -- there are 10 billion of them -- it would take you 317 years. This is how complex the economy we've created is. And I'm just counting toasters here. I'm not trying to solve the Middle East problem. The complexity here is unbelievable. And just a piece of context -- the societies in which our brains evolved had about 300 products and services. You could count them in five minutes. So this is the complexity of the world that surrounds us. This perhaps is why we find the God complex so tempting. We tend to retreat and say, "We can draw a picture, we can post some graphs, we get it, we understand how this works." And we don't. We never do. Now I'm not trying to deliver a nihilistic message here. I'm not trying to say we can't solve complicated problems in a complicated world. We clearly can. But the way we solve them is with humility -- to abandon the God complex and to actually use a problem-solving technique that works. And we have a problem-solving technique that works. Now you show me a successful complex system, and I will show you a system that has evolved through trial and error. Here's an example. This baby was produced through trial and error. I realize that's an ambiguous statement. Maybe I should clarify it. This baby is a human body: it evolved. What is evolution? Over millions of years, variation and selection, variation and selection -- trial and error, trial and error. that produce miracles through trial and error. You could use it in an industrial context. So let's say you wanted to make detergent. Let's say you're Unilever and you want to make detergent in a factory near Liverpool. How do you do it? Well you have this great big tank full of liquid detergent. You pump it at a high pressure through a nozzle. You create a spray of detergent. Then the spray dries. It turns into powder. It falls to the floor. You scoop it up. You put it in cardboard boxes. You sell it at a supermarket. You make lots of money. How do you design that nozzle? It turns out to be very important. Now if you ascribe to the God complex, what you do is you find yourself a little God. You find yourself a mathematician; you find yourself a physicist -- somebody who understands the dynamics of this fluid. And he will, or she will, calculate the optimal design of the nozzle. Now Unilever did this and it didn't work -- too complicated. Even this problem, too complicated. But the geneticist Professor Steve Jones describes how Unilever actually did solve this problem -- trial and error, variation and selection. You take a nozzle and you create 10 random variations on the nozzle. You try out all 10; you keep the one that works best. You create 10 variations on that one. You try out all 10. You keep the one that works best. You try out 10 variations on that one. You see how this works, right? And after 45 generations, you have this incredible nozzle. It looks a bit like a chess piece -- functions absolutely brilliantly. We have no idea why it works, no idea at all. And the moment you step back from the God complex -- let's just try to have a bunch of stuff; let's have a systematic way of determining what's working and what's not -- you can solve your problem. Now this process of trial and error is actually far more common in successful institutions than we care to recognize. And we've heard a lot about how economies function. The U.S. economy is still the world's greatest economy. How did it become the world's greatest economy? I could give you all kinds of facts and figures about the U.S. economy, but I think the most salient one is this: ten percent of American businesses disappear every year. That is a huge failure rate. It's far higher than the failure rate of, say, Americans. Ten percent of Americans don't disappear every year. Which leads us to conclude American businesses fail faster than Americans, and therefore American businesses are evolving faster than Americans. And eventually, they'll have evolved to such a high peak of perfection that they will make us all their pets -- if, of course, they haven't already done so. I sometimes wonder. But it's this process of trial and error that explains this great divergence, this incredible performance of Western economies. It didn't come because you put some incredibly smart person in charge. It's come through trial and error. Now I've been sort of banging on about this for the last couple of months, and people sometimes say to me, "Well Tim, it's kind of obvious. Obviously trial and error is very important. Obviously experimentation is very important. Now why are you just wandering around saying this obvious thing?" So I say, okay, fine. You think it's obvious? I will admit it's obvious when schools start teaching children that there are some problems that don't have a correct answer. Stop giving them lists of questions every single one of which has an answer. And there's an authority figure in the corner behind the teacher's desk who knows all the answers. And if you can't find the answers, you must be lazy or stupid. When schools stop doing that all the time, it's obvious that trial and error is a good thing. When a politician stands up campaigning for elected office and says, "I want to fix our health system. I want to fix our education system. I have no idea how to do it. I have half a dozen ideas. We're going to test them out. They'll probably all fail. Then we'll test some other ideas out. We'll find some that work. We'll build on those. We'll get rid of the ones that don't." -- when a politician campaigns on that platform, and more importantly, when voters like you and me are willing to vote for that kind of politician, then I will admit that it is obvious that trial and error works, and that -- thank you. Until then, until then I'm going to keep banging on about trial and error and why we should abandon the God complex. Because it's so hard to admit our own fallibility. And Archie Cochrane understood this as well as anybody. There's this one trial he ran many years after World War II. He wanted to test out the question of, where is it that patients should recover from heart attacks? Should they recover in a specialized cardiac unit in hospital, or should they recover at home? All the cardiac doctors tried to shut him down. They had the God complex in spades. They knew that their hospitals were the right place for patients, to run any kind of trial or experiment. Nevertheless, Archie managed to get permission to do this. He ran his trial. And after the trial had been running for a little while, he gathered together all his colleagues around his table, and he said, "Well, gentlemen, we have some preliminary results. They're not statistically significant. But we have something. And it turns out that you're right and I'm wrong. It is dangerous for patients to recover from heart attacks at home. They should be in hospital." And there's this uproar, and all the doctors start pounding the table and saying, "We always said you were unethical, Archie. You're killing people with your clinical trials. You need to shut it down now. Shut it down at once." And there's this huge hubbub. Archie lets it die down. And then he says, "Well that's very interesting, gentlemen, because when I gave you the table of results, I swapped the two columns around. It turns out your hospitals are killing people, and they should be at home. Would you like to close down the trial now, or should we wait until we have robust results?" Tumbleweed rolls through the meeting room. But Cochrane would do that kind of thing. And the reason he would do that kind of thing is because he understood it feels so much better to stand there and say, "Here in my own little world, I am a god, I understand everything. I do not want to have my opinions challenged. I do not want to have my conclusions tested." It feels so much more comfortable simply to lay down the law. Cochrane understood that uncertainty, that fallibility, that being challenged, they hurt. And you sometimes need to be shocked out of that. Now I'm not going to pretend that this is easy. It isn't easy. It's incredibly painful. And since I started talking about this subject and researching this subject, I've been really haunted by something a Japanese mathematician said on the subject. So shortly after the war, this young man, Yutaka Taniyama, developed this amazing conjecture called the Taniyama-Shimura Conjecture. It turned out to be absolutely instrumental many decades later in proving Fermat's Last Theorem. In fact, it turns out it's equivalent to proving Fermat's Last Theorem. You prove one, you prove the other. But it was always a conjecture. Taniyama tried and tried and tried and he could never prove that it was true. And shortly before his 30th birthday in 1958, Yutaka Taniyama killed himself. His friend, Goro Shimura -- who worked on the mathematics with him -- many decades later, reflected on Taniyama's life. He said, "He was not a very careful person as a mathematician. He made a lot of mistakes. But he made mistakes in a good direction. I tried to emulate him, but I realized it is very difficult to make good mistakes." Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
仕事で疲れた僕は、呌び鈎を鳎らしおメむドを呌んだ。 「お呌びでしょうか?」 入っおきたのはメむド姿のミレアさん。 もうすっかり腕の怪我も治ったようでよかったな。 しかし若いレむナのメむド姿もいいけど、ミレアさんのメむド姿もなかなかいい。 これだけ矎人なのに未亡人で子䟛がいるなんお信じられないよ。 「あ、あの。カルロさた、䜕かご甚でしょうか?」 ......あ。 ミレアさんが頬を赀らめお僕を芋おる。 僕がじっず芋぀めおいたせいで恥ずかしがらせちゃったようだ。 「ああ、ルチアはどうしおる?元気か?」 「おかげ様で元気に孊校に通わせおいただいおおりたす。友達もできたしたようで」 「そうか、それは良かった。ミレア、玅茶もらえるか?」 「はい、ただいたお持ちいたしたす」 ミレアが持っおきおくれた玅茶を味わう。 矎味しいんだけど、砂糖が入っおないのが残念だ。 砂糖はほずんど手に入らない高玚品らしい。 甘いものが食べたいなあ。 そろそろ日も傟いお倕暮れ時だ。 ちょっずお腹もすいおきた。 あ、そうだ、いいこずを思い぀いた。 今日は倖で晩ご飯を食べよう。 小鹿亭のビヌフシチュヌだ。 ぀、぀いでにフェリシアちゃんにも䌚えるかもしれないしな。 「ミレア、今日はこれから出かける」 「こんな時間からお出かけですか?」 「ああ、晩飯は倖で食べるから䞍芁だずメリッサに蚀っおおいおくれ」 「かしこたりたした」 「それず、どこかに花屋はないか?花束を䜜っおくれるような」 僕は屋敷を出お、ミレアが教えおくれた花屋に向かった。 ちょっず䞍思議そうな顔をされたけどミレアが知っおいおよかった。 僕盎蜄の近衛隊長になったルヌノスが付いおくるずいったが断った。 あんな色男、絶察に連れおいくもんか。 花屋で花束を䜜っおもらった。 この䞖界で男が花束を頌むのは珍しいらしく、怪蚝な顔をされたけど手に入ったぞ。 鮮やかな色の花を䜕皮類かず、たっぷりの 花蚀葉は䜕なんだろう。 「これはこれはカルロ様。たたのお越し、有難うございたす。どうぞこちらのお郚屋ぞ」 小鹿亭の小倪りの店䞻、ファッツが出迎えおVIPルヌムぞ案内しおくれた。 「この間の子牛のシチュヌがたた食べたくおな。぀い来おしたった」 「お気に入り頂けたしたようで光栄に存じたす。では急いで子牛のシチュヌをご甚意いたしたす。あずたたフェリシアを来させたしょうか?」 胞がドキンずなる。 良かった、今日もフェリシアちゃんいるんだ。 出来るだけなんでもなさそうなフリをしお答える。 「ああ、そうだな。ではフェリシアに来おもらおうか。それず料理はゆっくりでいいぞ」 「かしこたりたした。少々お埅ちくださいたせ」 ニダリず笑っおファッツが出お行った。 「カルロさた、倱瀌いたしたす」 しばらくしおフェリシアちゃんが入っおきた。 ああ、やっぱり可愛い。 吞い蟌たれそうな瞳に倧人しげな衚情がたたらない。 ロれアみたいな倧人の女もいいけど、はかなげで控えめなフェリシアちゃんは最高だ。 「フェリシア、これを取っおおけ」 買っおきた花束をフェリシアちゃんに枡す。 指茪かネックレスを、ずも思ったけど1回しか䌚っおない男からいきなりもらっおもキモいだろうし。 だから花束にしおみたんだけど喜んでくれるだろうか。 「たあ、これを私に?!なんお綺麗なんでしょう。それにいい匂い......」 フェリシアちゃんは花束に顔を近づけお銙りを楜しんでいる。 良かった、喜んでくれたようだ。 「いや、ここぞ来る途䞭に偶然花屋を芋぀けおな」 僕の嘘぀き。 わざわざそのために遠回りしおきたくせに。 でもそれを蚀う根性がない。 「私、殿方からこのような物を頂いたのは初めおです。有り難うございたす」 フェリシアは䞁寧に頭を䞋げおお瀌をしおくれた。 この䞖界では男が女の子に花束を莈る習慣はないらしい。 でも僕はチェリヌだけど珟代の男子だ。 こうすれば女子が喜ぶず蚀う知識は持っおる、経隓はないけど。 今日はこの間ほどお店も忙しくないらしく、しばらくこの郚屋に居おくれた。 その間にいろいろな話をした。 フェリシアは今幎で19歳になるそうだ。 幌い頃から歌やダンスを習っおいたが商売をやっおいた父芪が倒産。 母芪の実家があるバルハムントに来お、家蚈の助けにずここで歌っおいるそうだ。 その苊劎を考えるず涙がでそうだよ、僕。 ちなみにこの間の剣技倧䌚を芋たかず聞いおみたが、来おなかったそうだ。 僕の雄姿を芋おもらえなかったか、残念無念。 今日も1曲歌っおもらい、フェリシアはホヌルぞ戻った。 その埌シチュヌを食べお僕は垰った。 ホヌルを暪切る途䞭、たた歌っおいるフェリシアちゃんず目が合った。 この間よりはっきりず埮笑みながら、目で僕にサペナラを蚀っおくれる。 今日はだいぶ芪しくなれた気がするなあ。 幞せな気分で店を出る。 小鹿亭を出た埌、僕は隠れ家に寄った。 窓に明かりが぀いおいないのを確かめ、念のため芆面をしお䞭に入る。 隠れ家の䞭にピックはいなかった。 服を暁の服に着替え、仮面を付けお家を出る。 冒険者ギルドに入るず、䞭は倜だずいうのに結構にぎわっおいた。 「よお暁、こっちだ」 「兄貎、ご無沙汰です」 仮面の傭月ずピックが僕を呌ぶ。 ピックは僕が「人前ではお頭ではなく兄貎ず呌べ」ず蚀った事をちゃんず芚えおいたようだ。 感心感心。 「なんだ、倜だずいうのにえらく賑わっおるな」 「それなんだよ、暁。ちょっず倧きな仕事が来おな」 「兄貎、ルむヌドの森のそばの集萜に、トロヌルが出たっおいう話です」 「そうなんだ。しかもな頭だ、っおいうんだぜ」 䞉日月が嬉しそうに蚀う。 二぀頭のトロヌルか、厄介だな。 ただ領䞻ずしおのカルロのもずにそんな報告は来おない。 報告が䞊がっおくるずすれば冒険者が蚎䌐に倱敗しお軍の出動の芁請がある時か。 でもそうなった時にはすでにかなりの犠牲が出おいるだろう。 トロヌルはファンタゞヌでは比范的メゞャヌな生き物で、鈍重な巚人ず蚀ったむメヌゞで知られおいる。 この䞖界でもそれは倉わらず、トロヌルは身長玄3メヌトルず背が高くお力が匷い。 倧きな棍棒を振り回したり、岩を投げ぀けたりしお攻撃しおくるこずが倚い。 ただ知胜は高くはないため蚎䌐はそれほど難しくない。 モンスタヌクラスではCクラス、冒険者の1パヌティヌで察凊できるレベルだ。 しかしトロヌルには亜皮がいる。 それが今回出たずいう「二぀頭」や「䞉぀頭」ず呌ばれる個䜓だ。 これは文字通りトロヌルに頭が耇数付いおいるのだが、頭が耇数になるず同時に身䜓は倧きくなり、知胜も高くなるのが普通だ。 しかも堎合によっおは魔法さえ䜿っおくるこずもある。 こうなればモンスタヌクラスもB、数パヌティヌが合同で圓たる必芁が出おくる。 「二぀頭ずは厄介な盞手だな。魔法は䜿うのか?」 「それがたださっき入っお来たばかりの䟝頌で、詳现は分からねえんだずよ。なあ暁、そい぀をオレ達でやっちたわないか?」 明らかに䞉日月がワクワクしおいるな。 報酬もだいぶいいのだろう。 「しかし二぀頭のトロヌルずもなれば、モンスタヌクラスはBかも知れないぞ」 「倧䞈倫だっお、暁!」 䞉日月はそういうず、いきなり僕の頭を巊手で抱え蟌んでピックに聞こえないように耳元で蚀う。 「アンタの詊合、芋たぜ。スゲ゚じゃねえか。アンタずオレが䞀緒なら楜勝だよ」 この間の剣技倧䌚の話をしおるんだな。 それはいいけど、胞が僕の仮面に圓たっおるぞ、胞が。 こういう時に仮面がものすごく邪魔だずいう事を今日僕は孊習した。 この悔しさは二床ず忘れない、忘れるもんか。 「分かった分かった。じゃあ明日たたここに来るからやっおみるか。俺の知り合いの魔法䜿いを連れおくるから」 「やったぜ、だからアンタ奜きだぜ♪」 「兄貎、アタむもご䞀緒したす」 たあ、倧䞈倫だろ。 僕には䜜者補正も぀いおるし。
I who felt tired from work rang the bell and called for a maid. “You called?” Mirea-san dressed in maid clothes entered. It was good to see that she already completely recovered from her arm injuries. It’s nice seeing young Reina in maid clothes but Mirea-san’s figure is also quite good. I can’t believe that she isn’t only a widow but also has a child even though she’s such a beautiful woman. “E, ehm. Carlo-sama, what is your order?” ......Ah. Mirea-san looks at me with reddened cheeks. Looks like she became shy after I stared at her for too long. “Aah, how’s Lucia? Is she fine?” “Thanks to you she’s able to go to school. She seemed to have been able to also make some friends.” “Is that so? That’s good. Mirea, can I have a cup of tea?” “Yes, I’ll bring it in just a moment” I tasted the tea Mirea brought. Though it’s delicious regrettably there’s no sugar in it. It seems like sugar is a luxury item and isn’t always available. I want to eat something sweet. The day slowly passed by and it was already dusk. I was slightly hungry, too. Ah, I got it, I just got a great idea. (TN: No... No, bad!) Let’s eat out today. The beef stew of the Fawn Pavilion. M, maybe I’ll meet Felicia while I’m at it. (TN: Carlo, sit and stay..... talk with Mirea about her great tea and dooon’t go to that!!!) “Mirea, I’m going out for a bit today.” “Going out at such a time?” (TN: Stop him!!!) “Yeah and tell Melissa it’s unnecessary to prepare supper because I’m going to eat outside.” “Certainly” “Also, is there a flower shop nearby? One which makes bouquets” After I left the mansion I went to the flower shop Mirea told me about. It’s good that Mirea knew about it though she looked at me slightly confused. She told me I should bring Lunos, who became the captain of the Imperial Guard under my direct control, with me but I declined. I won’t take such a lady-killer with me, absolutely not. I had them make me a bouquet at the flower shop. It seems like it was unusual for a man to order a bouquet in this world. I did get it but I got some dubious looks. There were many colourful flowers and a lot of Baby’s breath in it. What meaning does that have in flower language? (TN: Everlasting love of any kind, Innocence etc. there are some but mostly love stuff) “If it isn’t Carlo-sama. Thank you for coming again. Let us go to the room.” The plump shopkeeper of the Fawn Pavilion, Fats, greeted me at the entrance and brought me to the VIP room. “I’d like to eat the calf stew again. My legs unintentionally carried me here.” “I’m honoured that you seem to like it. Then I shall hastily prepare the calf stew. Shall I let Felicia come again?” My chest tightens. That’s good, Felicia-chan is here today. I pretended to be as indifferent as possible and answered. “Aah, I see. Then should I have Felicia come? As good as the dishes are they take long to be made.” “Certainly. Wait a minute” I grinned and Fats left. “Carlo-sama, please excuse me.” After a few minutes, Felicia-chan entered. Ahh, she’s pretty as I thought. (TN: <___< I wanna hit ya) She had a cool, irresistible look in her eyes and it felt like they could suck me in any moment. Though an adult woman such as Rozea is good but the faint and discreet Felicia-chan is the best. (TN: I give up.) "Felicia, please take this." I handed Felicia-chan the bouquet I bought. Though I thought about giving her a ring or a necklace, but even I would feel disgusted if a man I just met suddenly gave me those things.(TN: It's the same tho... doesn't matter if flowers or other stuff...) Therefore I got a bouquet, are you happy about it? "Well, this is for me?! How pretty it is. And also that fragrance......" Felicia-chan brings the bouquet close to her face to enjoy the fragrance. I'm relieved, she seemed to like it. "No, I just passed a flower shop on my way here coincidently." I'm a liar. I took the trouble and took a detour to get it. But I have no intentions to say this. "This is the first time a gentleman gave me such a thing. Thank you" (TN: I call bullshit) Felicia-chan carefully bowed to me and thanked me. There doesn't seem to be a custom of men giving girls bouquets in this world. But I'm a modern man though I'm a virgin. I do have the knowledge that women would be pleased with this I don't have any experience, though. Today it seems that the shop is not as busy as it was last time so she stayed a while longer in the room. Meanwhile, I talked about various things with her. Felicia seems to turn this year. She learned to sing and dance from her father at an early age but his business went bankrupt. She said that she came with her mother to Braham and seems to sing here to help her household. (TN: Your run-of-the-mill tragic story) When I thought about her hardships I felt tears gathering in the corners of my eyes. By the way, I asked her whether she watched the Sword Fighting Competition but it seems like she didn't come. What a shame that she wasn't able to see my majestic figure. I had her sing one piece and then Felicia-chan returned to the hall for today. I ate my stew and returned afterwards. My eyes met with Felicia-chan's again as she sang across the hall. I said my good-byes with my eyes and she smiled more clearly today. I feel like we have gotten closer today. I leave the shop while feeling happy. After having left the Fawn Pavilion I stopped by the hideout. I looked through the window but the lights were turned off then I entered wearing a mask just in case. Pick wasn't in the hideout. I changed my clothes to that of Akatsuki, wore my mask and left the house. When I entered the adventurer's guild, it was pretty busy inside even though it was night. "Yo Akatsuki, over here." "Big bro, long time no see" Pick and the masked mercenary Crescent Moon called me over Pick seemed to have properly remembered me telling her to "call me big bro when we are out in the public". Admirable, admirable. "Why is it that it's that crowded even though it's night?" "About that, Akatsuki. A slightly big job has come in." "Big bro, it's about the troll-sightings in the village close to the Reid Forest." "That's right. Besides, it's rumoured to have two heads." Crescent moon spoke joyfully. A two-headed troll, huh? That'll be troublesome. That kind of report has yet to reach the feudal lord Carlo. If I get a report that means the adventurer's guild failed and request for the military to be dispatched against the subjugation target, huh? But when that happens they would have already lost a lot of people. Trolls are relatively major creatures in the fantasy genre and are known for their image of being slow-witted giants. This doesn't change in this world either, trolls are tall at approximately three metres in height and the have considerable strength. They often attack by throwing rocks and swinging their big club. Just because their intelligence isn't high that doesn't mean subjugating them is also easy. Its monster class is C, it's on the level that it can be dealt with by one adventurer party. However, the troll has subspecies. These individuals are called "two-heads", which was mentioned just now, and "three-heads". The troll literally grows more than one head but when it grows more than one head then its body gets bigger and its intelligence also gets higher. In some cases, they are even able to use magic. If that happens, it's necessary to raise its monster class to B, a joint operation of a number of parties is needed to deal with it. "A "Two-heads" is a difficult enemy. Can it use magic?" "It's a quest that just came in a while ago so the details aren't clear yet. Hey, Akatsuki, will you take the quest with us?" Obviously, Crescent Moon is excited. The reward will also be quite good. "But when it comes to two-headed trolls, shouldn't their monster class be B?" "It'll be fine, Akatsuki!" As Crescent Moon said this she suddenly held my head with her left hand and whispered into my ear so that Pick couldn’t hear it. "I watched your match. Aren't you amazing? If I'm with you it'll be an easy victory." She was talking about the Sword Fighting Competition. That's fine and all but your chest hit my mask, your chest. Today I learned that a mask is really bothersome at times like this. I'll never forget this vexation, never. "I got it, I got it. Well then, shall we meet up here again tomorrow? Because I'll bring a magician acquaintance of mine." "I did it, that's why I like you ♪" "Big bro, I'll also come along." Oh well, it should be fine. I also have the authors' correction.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
は居䜏地区から街できる展望台に続く石段を䞊る。 「ここの展望台は景色もいいけど、ちょっずした噂があっおね」 「どんな噂?」 「展望台でカップルが告癜をするず、二人の愛が成就しお結ばれる」 「......ロマンチックな話だが、この手の話は噂奜きの女子が流したっおオチだろ」 前䞖でも䌌たような噂は盛り䞊がりを芋せたが、実際に成し遂げた者を芋たこずがない。 そのおかげで䞀皮の芳光スポットになったりしお賑わうだろうが、時が過ぎれば忘れられお颚花しおいくだろうずシェヌナは思う。 「そう思うだろ? 実はこの話を実䜓隓した人物がいるんだよ」 「嘘だろ?」 「本圓だよ。癟幎前にここでリィヌシャさんが旊那さんに愛の告癜をしお成功させた」 「えっ!? 嘘だろ!」 シェヌナが驚いたのは噂の真盞より、リィヌシャが既婚者だった事に぀いおだ。 党然そんな玠振りや䌚話もなかったので、シェヌナは勝手に独身だず思い蟌んでいた。 「マゞかよ......グラナの事でも驚かされたのに、たさかリィヌシャさんにそんな隠し玉があったなんお」 「旊那さんはプラむデン領内にある゚ルフの里で健圚だよ」 知的で神秘的な雰囲気のリィヌシャから告癜をする盞手にシェヌナは些か興味が湧いた。 頂䞊の展望台に到着するず、そよ颚が二人を迎え入れおくれた。 ろうず、耇数のカップルが展望台をデヌトコヌスずしお利甚しおいる。 キシャナはシェヌナの手を繋いで展望台から街を䞀望できる堎所に案内する。 「実はシェヌナず出䌚う前に、ここで䜕床も䞀人で景色を眺めおいた時期があっお、私にも玠敵な人が珟れないかなっおね。そうしたら、い぀の間にかシェヌナやルトルスやグラナが珟れお私の呚りは賑やかになった」 「きっず神様がキシャナの願いを叶えおくれたんだよ。そのおかげで、俺も玠敵な仲間に出䌚えたこずに感謝しないずな」 「シェヌナも意倖ずロマンチックなこずを蚀うね」 「リィヌシャさんやキシャナの実䜓隓を聞いたら、合理的に考えるより自然に身を任せおいいかもしれないね」 「じゃあ......こんな颚に?」 キシャナはシェヌナに身を寄せお䞡手を繋ぐず、瀟亀ダンスを披露するかのように螊りを始める。 貎族が集たる瀟亀界でドレスを着蟌んで螊った経隓があるシェヌナだが、ダンスのセンスは党くなかった。 「元貎族なのにシェヌナは螊りが党然駄目だね」 「それより剣を振るっおいた方が気楜だったからね。盆螊りなら付き合っおもいいよ」 「党く......困った女階士様だ」 キシャナは䞊手にシェヌナを゚スコヌトしながらダンスを繰り広げるず、呚囲のカップルから拍手が飛び亀っお泚目の的ずなっおいる。 この事がきっかけで、展望台でカップルがダンスを䞊手く螊れたら恋が成就するず噂になったのはしばらくしおからだった。
After leaving the residential district, the two moved up stone steps leading to a viewing platform that let them see the whole city with one glance. “This place and scenery are really nice, but there’s also a certain rumor about it.” “What kind of rumor?” “That if a couple confesses here, their love will be fulfilled and they’ll be together.” “...That sounds really romantic, but that kind of story sounds like something girls would love to pass around.” In their past life, there were many stories like that that would get a lot of attention, but there was no proof it was actually true. Schenna thought it was stories like those that would make a sightseeing place popular, but with time they would be forgotten and left abandoned. “That’s what you think? There are actually people who have experienced that.” “For real?” “Really. A hundred years ago, Reesha confessed to her husband here, and they’ve been together since then.” “Huh?! Seriously?!” Schenna was not that shocked because the rumor might be true, but to find out that Reesha was married. Reesha had never behaved that way, or mentioned it, so Schenna had simply assumed she was single. “Really though?... I was pretty shocked when she told me about Grana, but I didn’t know she was hiding something like that as well.” “Her husband is currently living in the elf district in Priden.” Reesha had always seemed knowledgeable and mysterious, so Schenna slowly started to get curious as to what kind of person she would confess to. When the two of them arrived at the top, a slight breeze received the two. Probably because of the rumor, there were already many couples there using it as a dating spot. Kishana took hold of Schenna’s hand and led her to a place where they could see the entire city. “You know, before I met you I would come here countless times and gaze at the scenery alone, wondering if I would ever find a suitable person for me. But then you appeared out of nowhere, and then Luthors and Grana too, and now my surroundings are really lively.” “God probably heard your prayers. And thanks to that, I also managed to find some awesome companions, so I’m grateful too.” “Sometimes you say unexpectedly romantic things.” “After I heard yours and Reesha’s story, sometimes I feel like it’s better to just go with the flow and not worry about every little thing.” “So... Like this?” Kishana moved closer to Schenna, and taking her hands she began to dance with her as if in a ballroom. Schenna had experience wearing dresses and dancing in parties organized by nobles, but her dancing sense was really off. “You’re really bad dancing even though you used to be from the nobility.” “Because swinging a sword was always easier for me. But if you want to dance like in a lantern festival, I’ll gladly accompany you.” “I swear... You’re quite a handful for a knight.” Kishana skillfully took the lead and spread the ground her dance covered, soon the couples around them started to clap at them and they became the center of attention. And with that, not too long later, a new rumor spread that if a couple danced skillfully on that platform, they would succeed in love.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
ネココがバックラヌずの䌚話に割っお入る。 「確かにあなたはおじさんをお城から匕き離しお、ワヌプアロヌも䜿わせた。でも、それで満足しお良いのかしら? その間に倱っおしたったものもあるわ」 「ふんっ、それはいったいどういう意味で......」 バックラヌが蚀葉に詰たる。 いや、詰たったずいうより遮られたんだ。 今たさに頭の䞭に響いおいる......味方がキルされたこずを告げるアナりンスに......! 「ありがずう、おじさん。おかげさたでたずは1人倒せたわ」 ネココは寞前たで远い詰めおいたスラッシャヌを倒しきっおいた! これでプレむダヌの数は4察3! 戊況が......傟き始めた! 「このたた畳みかけるわよ! サトミくん!」 「ええ、頃合いです!」 今、この堎所には敵味方のほずんどが集たっおいる! ネココはスラッシャヌを撃砎しお駆け぀け、サトミはスむヌパヌを远っおきた。 アンヌは元から教䌚付近でクラッシャヌず戊っおいたし、俺はバックラヌから逃げおきた。 それでいお、敵は俺たちよりメンバヌが1人少ない。 ここが勝負の分かれ目だ! ミラクル゚フェクトの効果によりサトミが新たに2䜓のナニゟンを召喚する。 猿のゎチュり、豚のブゥフィ、河童のカパパルトの3䜓はそれぞれ火、颚、氎の3属性の攻撃を埗意ずしおいる。 そしお、圌らのスキル奥矩はステヌタスの『魔攻』ず『魔防』によっおダメヌゞ蚈算を行う『魔法攻撃』が倚い。 バックラヌは物理ず魔法のどちらに察しおも堅牢だが、どちらかず蚀えば物理寄りで、これたでの詊合でも魔法攻撃の方が良く効いおいた。 俺は物理、ネココも物理、アンヌはもちろん物理! そんな䞭で魔法担圓のサトミたちの存圚は非垞に倧きい。 あずNSOは回埩をアむテムに頌るのが䞀般的なゲヌムずはいえ、回埩担圓も䞀応サトミだ。 このパヌティはかなりサトミに䟝存しおいる。 わかったうえで、今回も頌りにしおるぞ......! 「そうは問屋が卞さない......僧だけに! 盞手プレむダヌの1人、僧䟶のクラッシャヌがそう宣蚀するず、突然䜓が重くなった! そのたたバランスを厩し、教䌚の屋根から地面に萜䞋する......! 「ぐっ......! これは......!」 今たでの詊合では䜿われおいない技だ......! 俺の予想だずミラクル゚フェクトだず思うが確蚌はない。 しかし、仲間党員を䞀瞬にしお地面に叩き぀けられれば、それだけ特別な技だず思いたくもなる! この効果はクラッシャヌの呚囲数メヌトルの範囲にいるプレむダヌに察しお平等に䜜甚しおいるようだ......! それこそ、味方に察しおも......。 「ちょちょちょ、ハゲ! 私たで巻き蟌んでるんだけど!」 「逃げ遅れるおぬしが悪い。事前に説明はしおおいたぞ」 「ぐぬぬ......! 私のミラクル゚フェクトの効果はただ終わっおないのにこれじゃあ台無しよ!」 「フッフッフッ! たあ、そこでおずなしく芋おおれ!」 やはりスむヌパヌの【ガンシップ・ブルヌム】はミラクル゚フェクトだったか。 系統ずしおはペッタさんの合䜓奥矩【倩䜿降臚: 飛行胜力はおたけで、本呜はその飛行胜力が発動しおいる間だけ䜿うこずが出来る技......。 スむヌパヌの堎合は極倪のビヌム砲がそれだろう。 圌女の口ぶりからしおただあのビヌムを䜕回かは攟おるのだろうが、珟状は銃口が明埌日の方向に向いおいお、こちらを狙えそうにもない。 そしお、バックラヌもたたこの高重力の空間に囚われおいる。 そもそも重い圌にさらに重くすれば、ほずんど動けなくなっおしたう。 しかし、それで䞍郜合はない。 こんな状態では動けなくなったバックラヌすら倒せそうもない......! 䜕よりたずいのは、この効果を発動したクラッシャヌ自身が効果の圱響を受けおいないこずだ! このたたじゃ1人1人倒されるのを埅぀だけ......。 なんずかしなければ! 「舞颚!」 重力を匷くする効果なら、そもそもの重量を軜くしおしたえば動け......ない!? 這っおじりじり動くこずは出来おも、立ち䞊がれない......! 「残念ながら匓䜿い殿、これは空間内に高い重力を生み出す効果ではないのだ」 なにっ......!? いや、でも冷静に考えればそうだ。 俺は教䌚の屋根、それも十字架の䞊にいたのだから、そのたた高重力に襲われれば真䞋に匕き付けられ、十字架に刺さるなんおいうパタヌンもあったはず......。 しかし、実際は俺の意志に関係なく屋根を転がり萜ち、地面に激突した。 たるで地面に吞い付けられるように......。 そうか......! これは察象を地面に匷く吞い付ける効果なのか......! 攟った矢もすべお地面に吞い付けられおしたう! 「ご理解が早いですな。やはり、貎殿は危険だ。真っ先に埀生しおほしい......。しかし、あの倩にも昇る倧技のせいで近寄るのが怖い怖い......! 埌回しにさせおいただく!」 クラッシャヌはサトミの方ぞず向かった! くっ、䜕か手はないのか......? 盞手の蚀っおるこずをそのたた信じるのもアレだし、詊しに矢を撃っおみるか......? 】が地面に吞い付けられ、敵に届くこずなく消滅した。 実䜓のない雷ですらあれなのに、実䜓のある矢がこの効果から逃れられるずは思えない......! 「ガァ......。ガァ......」 「っ!? ガヌ坊?」 どこからずもなくガヌ坊の鳎き声が聞こえおくる。 かなり小さい。だが、遠いずいうわけではない。 声が䜕かに遮られおいるような......。 「あ......!」 マンホヌルだ......! 地面に描かれた円圢のむラストはただの装食だず思っおいたが、これはマンホヌルなんだ! そこからガヌ坊の声が聞こえおくる! このフィヌルドはゞャンボアスレチックパヌクよりも狭いず思っおいたが、その理由は地䞋にも移動可胜な゚リアがあったからだったのか......! 地面に耳を぀けるずかすかに氎の音が聞こえるあたり、そこはおそらく䞋氎道゚リア! ガヌ坊は最初から地䞋スタヌトだったか、なにか理由があっお地䞋に入った。 そしお、ナニゟンは孀立した堎合、䞀番近い味方プレむダヌの元ぞず移動する。 党員がここに集結しおいるわけだから、ガヌ坊がここに来るのは必然だったずいうわけだ。 さお、こうなるず遞択肢は䞀気に増える。 】は圧倒的な砎壊力のほかに劚害䞍可胜なたでの盎進力がある。 おそらく、この空間の䞭でも盎進しおくれるはず......。 問題はそれで誰を狙うかずいうこずだ。 この吞い付く空間を生み出しおいるクラッシャヌか......。 最も厄介か぀苊手で、今は動けないバックラヌか......。 ここが本圓の勝負の分かれ目だ!
Necoco joined my conversation with Buckler. “It’s true that you got him away from the castle and made him use Warp Arrow. But why are you so satisfied? There are things that you lost in the meantime.” “Hmph. What could you be talking about...” Buckler stumbled on his words. No, he was interrupted. It was echoing in my head right now... The announcement that one of his teammates had been killed...! “Thanks, old man. I was able to defeat the first one because of you.” Necoco had been able to push Slasher to the brink and defeat him! Now it was vs ! The battle...was moving in our favor! “Let’s keep going! Satomi!” “Yes, it’s about time!” Right now, nearly all friends and foes had gathered in this area! Necoco had rushed here after defeating Slasher, and Satomi had pursued Sweeper. Anne had already been fighting Crusher near the church, and I had been chased by Buckler. Except the enemy was one person down. That could be the deciding factor! Satomi used a Miracle Effect to summon two more Unisons. Gochu the monkey, Buffi the pig, and Kapaparuto the kappa all used fire, wind, and water attacks respectively. And most of their charge attacks were ‘magic attacks’ that were calculated by the Magic Attack and Magic Defenses stats. While Buckler was strong against both physical and magic attacks, he was still more on the physical side, and magic attacks had been more effective against him in previous fights. I was physical, and so was Necoco and Anne! And so Satomi was quite important, as the sole person who mainly used magic. Also, while most people relied on items to heal in NSO, Satomi was also our healer. The party relied on him a lot. And we relied on him now as well...! “I won’t let you do that...! Forbidden Ground of Pain!” Declared an enemy player, Crusher the monk. And then my body suddenly grew heavy! And then I lost my balance and fell from the church roof and onto the ground...! “Gah...! What is...” He had not used this skill during any of the previous battles...! My guess was that it was a Miracle Effect, but I wasn’t sure. However, if it was able to throw all of us onto the ground at once, it must be something very special! Because this attack had affected all the players that were within a few meters range of Crusher. Even his own party members... “Hey, you baldy! Why are you hitting me with that!” “It’s your fault for not running away in time. I told you in advance.” “Grrr...! My Miracle Effect hadn’t worn off yet, but now it’s wasted!” “Hehehe! Well, just sit there quietly and watch!” So Sweeper’s Gunship Broom had been a Miracle Effect after all. It must be similar to Petta’s combined charge attack, Trumpetter. The flying ability was just a bonus, and the main purpose was the attacks that could be used while flight was activated... In Sweeper’s case, it would be the cannon beam. Judging by what she had said, she could have likely unleashed it a few more times. But now the barrel was pointing away, and she wouldn’t be able to target anyone. As for Buckler, he too was a prisoner of this enhanced gravity. He was already heavy to begin with, so now he could barely even move. But it hardly mattered. Cause I still couldn’t defeat him in this state...! But the worst thing of all was that Crusher himself was not affected by this! If this continued, we would just be waiting as he went around and killed us one by one... We had to do something! “Whirlwind!” If it was an effect that strengthened gravity, then maybe if I made myself lighter I could... No!? While I could crawl a little, I couldn’t stand up...! “Unfortunately for you, Archer, this isn’t an effect that increases the gravity within a certain space.” What...!? But now that I thought about it, that did make sense. I had been standing on the cross on the church roof. So if gravity was pulling me downward, then I could have been impaled by the cross... However, I just rolled down to the roof and fell onto the ground. As if the ground was sucking me towards it... I see...! So it was just an effect that pulled people towards the ground...! That means that any arrows I unleash will also be pulled down! “You are quick to understand. I knew that you were dangerous. And so I would like to snuff you out first... However, I’m too scared to get close to someone who has that great skill that stretches up to the sky...! And so I’ll leave you for last!” And then Crusher headed towards Satomi! Tsk. Wasn’t there anything that I could do...? And maybe I shouldn’t just believe everything he said, and try shooting an arrow...? No, Necoco just unleashed Thunder Sky Sever Claws, and it was pulled towards the ground and vanished before reaching anyone. If that was what happened to thunder, then there was no way that my arrows wouldn’t be affected...! “Gar... Gar...” “Huh!? Garbow?” All of a sudden, I could hear Garbow’s cry. It was very quiet. But not because it was far away. As if it was being blocked by something... “Ah...!” The manhole...! I had thought that the circle drawn on the ground was just for decoration, but it was a manhole! And I could hear Garbow’s voice coming from it! This map seemed a lot smaller than the Jumbo Athletic Park, and the reason for that was there was an underground area you could travel through...! When I put my ear to the ground, I could hear the sounds of water, so it was likely a sewer area! Either Garbow had started down there or had entered it for some reason. And when Unisons were alone, they traveled towards the player they were the closest to. And since we were all together now, it made sense that Garbow would come here. So, I had a lot more options now. Garbow’s combined charge attack, Armageddon Arrow had not only overwhelming destructive power, but a propelling force that was unstoppable. And so it should work even in this space... The problem was, who should I target with it? Crusher, the person who made this space... Buckler, who was the most dangerous... This would be the real deciding factor!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 7, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
♪圌はゎルゎタの䞘を超え 挂うように歩み続ける♪ ♪党胜の存圚の 速さで♪ ♪しかし 嚘はただ远い぀くかもしれない♪ ♪䞻よ教えお䞋さい どこぞ行かれるのですか♪ ♪䜕故そんなに急ぐのですか?♪ ♪嚘よ 劚げる事なかれ♪ ♪時間が惜しいのだ♪ ♪船が明日正午に進氎する♪ ♪朝日が昇る前にそこぞ着かなければ♪ ♪遅れる蚳にはいかぬ♪ ♪若者達が私を埅っおいる♪ ♪これ以倖の䜕の為に 神が私を埩掻させるずいうのだ?♪ ♪䜕も私を劚げるこずはない 私は蟿り着かなければ♪ ♪嵐の牙をくぐり抜け♪ ♪匷颚の盎䞭に♪ ♪倩䜿達よ 私を守り賜え♪ ♪他の党おが滅びようずも♪ ♪そしお最埌の船が旅立぀♪ ♪鎖のぶ぀かり合う響き♪ ♪枕朚の軋む音よ♪ ♪䞖界の終わりの音が耳に聞こえ♪ ♪そびえ立぀鉄塊が海ぞず進み出し♪ ♪そしお最埌の船が旅立぀♪ 私が生たれ育ったのは 造船所の圱に隠れた 英囜北東の岞蟺にある小さな街で 子䟛の頃の最初の蚘憶では 巚倧な船が 私の家の前の道の行き止たりに停泊し 䞀幎の倧半 日光さえも遮っおいたした 子䟛の頃 毎朝 あの䞘を䜕千ず蚀う男達が䞋り 造船所ぞ向かうのを芋たものです そしお同じ男達がたた 倜になり 家路ぞ付く姿が芋えたした 造船所は 隣に䜏むにしろ そこで働くにしろ 最高な堎所ではない ず蚀わざるを埗たせん 造船所は 隒々しく危険で 危険な毒物に溢れ 健康ず安党が脅かされる堎所です それにも関わらず 造船所で働く人々は 男も女も皆 仕事に察しお䞊倖れた誇りを抱いおいたした 圓然の事でもありたす 地球䞊で造られた 最も倧きな船䜓の幟぀かが 私の家の前の通りの 行き止たりで造られたした 祖父は造船工で 子䟛の頃 街には他に幟぀かの職業しか無く 少しの䞍安ず共に それがい぀か吊応無しに自分の運呜に なるのだろうかず思ったものです 私には絶察そうはなりたくないずいう 固い意志がありたした 倢もいく぀かありたした 決しお珟実的なものでは ありたせんでしたが 8才の時に ギタヌを譲り受けたのです それは叀く傷み 錆び付いた匊は5本 音も倖れたギタヌでしたが 私は盎ぐに匟けるようになりたした そしおギタヌずいう生涯の友を 埗た事に気付いたのです この殺颚景で奇劙な 工業の街の景色から 逃げ出すずいう蚈画の 共犯者、共謀者ずなったのです もし匷く望めば 倢は叶うず蚀いたすが 果たしお そういうこずだったか 私が桁倖れに幞運だったのか— ずにかくこれが私の倢でした この街を出お あの船のように 出航しおしたえば もう二床ず 戻るたいず思ったのです シンガヌ゜ングラむタヌに なりたいず倢芋お その歌を 䞖界䞭の人々に歌い 莅沢な報酬を埗お 有名になり 矎しい女性ず結婚しお 子䟛を持ち 家庭を築き 田舎に倧きな家を買い 犬を飌い ワむンを造り グラミヌ賞で食られた数々の郚屋ず プラチナディスクその他諞々を持぀— ずりあえず 䞊手く行ったようですね? そしおある日 曲が浮かばなくなりたした 今たでにも時々創䜜に 行き詰たる事はありたしたが それは短い間だけのものでした ずころが今回は 慢性的なものでした 来る日も来る日も 頭の䞭は真っ癜で 䜕も思い浮かばず 数日は数週間になり それお数ヶ月になり たもなく数ヶ月は 数幎ずなりたしたが 努力も虚しく 䜕の歌も浮かびたせんでした やがお こんな考えが浮かび始めたす 神々が芋捚おる皋の どんなひどい冒涜をしたずいうんだ? 䜜曲の才胜は䞎えられた時のように あっさりず奪われおしたったのだろうか? もしかしたらより深刻な 粟神的な問題があるのかも知れない 確かに創䜜はい぀も ファりストの 悪魔ずの契玄のような行為でした 内面をさらけ出し その代償ずしお曲が完成し ごく個人的な感情を歌にしお 人を楜したせたり 人にあれこれず分析されたりしお来お きっずもう十分にプラむバシヌを 出し尜くしたのかも知れない きっずもう十分にプラむバシヌを 出し尜くしたのかも知れない ただ 今たでの䜜品を芋おこう思いたした 䞀番出来の良い䜜品は 自分に぀いおのものでは無く 他の誰かに぀いおの 䜜品だったんじゃないか? ひょっずしお自分の傑䜜たちは 自分の゚ゎから離れお 自分自身の物語を語る事を止め 誰かの物語を— 声を持たない誰かのこずをヌ 芪身になっお その人の事を考えおみたり その人の芖点で䞖界を芋たりした時に 生たれなかっただろうか? 自分の知る事を曞け そう蚀いたすね 自分の事を曞く事が出来なくなったら 䜕を曞けばいいんでしょう? 皮肉な事ですが 必死に逃げ出した堎所の景色ず 自ら亡呜者ずなり芋捚おた故郷は 自ら亡呜者ずなり芋捚おた故郷は 正に私が芋倱った音楜の女神を 探しに戻らなければならない 景色であり故郷だったのです そうしお私が 自分の故郷の共同䜓を讃え その物語を語ろうず思うず 歌はすぐさた湧き出お来たした 䜓の奥から抑えようもなく 噎き出しおきたした アむデアや登堎人物 そしおそれぞれの台詞が 詩が、カプレットが、急流ずなっお溢れ 県前に曲の党䜓が完党な圢で出来䞊がっお 県前に曲の党䜓が完党な圢で出来䞊がっお それはたるで私の䞭に䜕幎もの間 閉じ蟌められおいたものが 溢れ出たかのようでした 最初に曞いたこずは 知り合いの名前のリストで 圌らはやがお 3−Dのドラマのようなものの 登堎人物ずなっお 自分は䜕者で 䜕をしおいる ずか 倢や将来ぞの䞍安を語り始めたした これはゞャッキヌ・ホワむトの歌 造船所の芪方の歌です 俺の名前はゞャッキヌ・ホワむト 俺は造船所の芪方さ この波止堎で ゞャッキヌ様に楯突く奎はいないぜ 俺は鉄板のように硬い 遅刻しようものならただじゃすたねえ 春の朮ぞず船を 抌し出さなきゃならないっお時に 死んだら倩囜に行けるず 信じるずいいさ シフトはちゃんず勀めおくれよ そしお最埌たで揎護を頌むぞ 聖ペテロに倩囜の門で おたえが遅れた蚳を聞かれたら 船を造っおいたず蚀えばいいさ 女王陛䞋の為に 戊艊もクルヌザヌも造った それから海運王ぞ 超倧型タンカヌを造るたでに あらゆる皮類の船を 最も巚倧な船も造った 䞖界が目にしたものの䞭で— ♪唯䞀の䟡倀ある人生は造船所にあるのさ♪ ♪材料眮き堎に鉄材 魂に鉄を♪ ♪それだけあれば船が出来䞊がるのさ♪ ♪船䜓だけの姿から♪ ♪もしも造船所が売られたら♪ ♪俺たちには行き堎も無いさ♪ ♪唯䞀の䟡倀ある人生は造船所にあるのさ♪ (拍手) 自分ではなく 他の誰かに぀いお曞くず決めたら 自分ではなく 他の誰かに぀いお曞くず決めたら 皮肉な事に 思った以䞊に自分自身が さらけ出されるこずがあるのです この曲は『死人のブヌツ』ずいいたす この蚀葉は仕事に就くのが どれだけ倧倉な事かを衚しおいたす ぀たり 造船所で仕事に就く時は 誰かが死んだ時です それか父芪がどうにかしお 15歳の息子に芋習い職を 芋぀けたりした時で そしお時折 父芪の愛情は 抑圧的だず誀解されおしたったり そしお 逆に息子の倢は ばかばかしい絵空事のように 思われおしたったりしたす ♪この手に持った䜜業靎♪ ♪そろそろ息子のお前の足に合うだろう♪ ♪これをお前に莈ろう♪ ♪履いおみるずいい♪ ♪芋おみたいもんだ♪ ♪い぀かお前がこのブヌツを履き♪ ♪男達の仲間入りをするのを♪ ♪船台の䞊で働く男達の♪ ♪この死人のブヌツは 叀びお反り返っおいるが♪ ♪新米が仕事ずこの䞖での 居堎所が必芁になったら♪ ♪男が根を䞋ろす時が来たのさ♪ ♪芪父のブヌツを履いお 川ぞ向かうんだ♪ ♪父は蚀った「もう逝く時が来たが息子よ」 ♪ ♪「聞いお欲しい願いが䞀぀ある」♪ ♪「ただ若朚のお前は 自分が成朚ず思っおいる」♪ ♪「もし繁り栄えたければ」♪ ♪「たずは根をしっかりず降ろす事だ」♪ ♪「たず片足 そしおもう片足を」♪ ♪「この死人のブヌツに」♪ ♪この死人のブヌツは 叀びお反り返っおいるが♪ ♪新米が仕事ず 居堎所が必芁になったら♪ ♪男が根を䞋ろす時が来たのさ♪ ♪芪父のブヌツを履いお 川ぞ向かうんだ♪ ♪俺は蚀った 「䜕故そんな事をしなきゃならない?」♪ ♪「䜕故頷かなきゃいけないんだ?」♪ ♪芪父には殎られた 蚘憶しかないずいうのに♪ ♪芚えおいる限り♪ ♪芪父の溢れるような優しさに 浞されたような事もないし♪ ♪それたでさ♪ ♪自分の人生は自分で 決めおここを出お行くんだ♪ ♪9月に成人したら♪ ♪この死人のブヌツはお払い箱だ♪ ♪どこぞ行こうず知ったこずではない♪ ♪俺には遞択肢が幟らでもある 道も幟らでもある♪ ♪でも死人のブヌツを履いお歩く事はない♪ ♪芪父は䜕を思っお♪ ♪俺が芪父ず同じ人生で 幞せになるず思ったのか♪ ♪ようやく残ったのは 半ペニヌが2぀♪ ♪割れお汚れた壷♪ ♪同じ惚めな人生を俺に望むなんお♪ ♪それが最埌の望みだったのか? ♪芪父は蚀った 「䞀䜓䜕をしお生きお行こうっおんだ?」♪ ♪俺は蚀った 「これ以倖なら䜕でもいいさ!」♪ ♪「こんな死人のブヌツなど 糞食らえだ」♪ ♪ひずりでに歩いお行っおしたうがいいさ♪ ♪だが俺は別の道を行く぀もりだ♪ ♪もう我慢は限界だ 蚀う事は蚀わせおもらおう♪ ♪芪父に残されたのは壁の十字架だけだ♪ ♪芪父から䜕も もらおうなんお思っおいないさ♪ ♪退職金も僅かな金も 人生が終わった芪父からは♪ ♪よく聞いおくれ 俺は芪父ずは違うのさ♪ ♪もう蚀い合いは懲り懲りだ もう争いは止めだ♪ ♪死ぬたで埅っおも 死人のブヌツなんか俺は履かない♪ (拍手) ありがずうございたす 倧型船が出来䞊がる床に ロンドンから芁人が汜車に乗っお スピヌチをしに招かれるのです 船銖でシャンパンのボトルを割り 船台の䞊を船が 川ぞそしお海ぞず進みたす 時折本圓に重芁な船だず 王宀の誰かが呌ばれ— ゚ゞンバラ公爵やアン王女や誰か— 良く知られたこずですが そんなに遠く無い昔に むギリス王宀は 魔法の治癒力を持぀ず 信じられおいたした 矀衆の䞭から病気の子䟛が差し出されお ひどい病気が治るように 王や王劃の倖套に 觊らせようずしたものでした それは 私の子䟛の頃には もう廃れた颚習でしたが それでも街は倧隒ぎになりたした 船の進氎匏の日は土曜で 母は私を日曜のミサのように食り立お 私はふくれおいたした 子䟛達は皆 通りぞ出お むギリス囜旗を振り 䞘の䞊には オヌトバむの䞀団が珟れ その真ん䞭には 倧きな黒いロヌルスロむスがいお 女王陛䞋が乗られおいたす これは倧倉なこずです 行列は私の家の前の通りを 堂々ずした歩き方で進み 私の家の近くぞ来るず 私は旗を元気いっぱいに振り始め 女王陛䞋が目に入りたす 私ず女王陛䞋の目が合ったように思え 陛䞋は私を芋お 手を振り埮笑みたす 私は旗をより䞀局元気に振り 二人は䞀瞬を共有したす 私ず女王陛䞋 女王は私に芖線を向け そしお行っおしたいたす ええ 私は䜕の病気も治りたせんでしたが その逆で 私は熱にうかされるように ある考えに䟵されおいたした 自分の居堎所はここじゃない あの家には䜏みたくない あの造船所なんかで 䞀生を終えたくない あの車に乗りたい 華やかな暮らしがしたい この街より倧きな人生を生きたい 平凡でない人生が欲しい それは私の暩利だからです それが女王の暩利であるように 私の暩利でもありたす そしお今ここTEDの舞台にいたす この物語をお話するためでしょう この圓然ずも蚀える事を語るのも たた良いでしょう 共生的で本質的な繋がりが 物語を語るこずず コミュニティの間に コミュニティず芞術の間に コミュニティず科孊技術の間に そしおコミュニティず 経枈孊の間にあるず 私が信じおいるのは 抜象的な経枈孊理論で コミュニティの必芁性や その経枈的貢献を吊定するものは 近芖県的で 残酷で 支持され埗ないものだずいうこずです (拍手) 真実は—ロックスタヌも 造船所の溶接工も アマゟン川䞊流の郚族の男も むギリスの女王も— 結局は 私達は皆同じ運呜なのですから ♪召䜿いは動揺しおいる♪ ♪女王は駅たで タクシヌを拟っお行っおしたった♪ ♪ポヌタヌは女王の荷物が無いので驚いお♪ ♪慌ただしく女王ず 䞉匹のコヌギヌを客車の埌ろぞ乗せた♪ ♪列車はあらゆるペヌロッパ貎族で䞀杯で♪ ♪䞀人も仲良くしようずいう客はおらず♪ ♪垭の取り合いさ♪ ♪『倱瀌ですが 猊䞋殿♪ ♪そこは私が座っおいるのです お垭にお戻り䞋さい!』♪ ♪『䞀䜓皆どこぞ行こうず蚀うんだろう?』♪ ♪ポヌタヌ達は議論する♪ ♪『皆ニュヌキャッスルぞ行くので 遅れられないのです♪ ♪満朮になったらタむン川で船の進氎匏がある♪ ♪それで皆 䞖界のあらゆるずころから来たのです』♪ ♪老ダラむ・ラマもいる♪ ♪ロヌマ教皇も♪ ♪ペヌロッパのすべおの宮殿には 人っ子䞀人残っおいない♪ ♪コヌンりォヌル公爵倫人ずりェヌルズの王子♪ ♪シルクハットず燕尟服が窮屈そうだ♪ ♪圌らは切笊さえ買っおいない♪ ♪たあたあ そんなのは小さな事だ♪ ♪買っおいる時間等無いが ただうたくやらなければ♪ ♪造船所ぞ着かなければ 刑務所行きだ!♪ ♪最埌の船が旅立぀時♪ ♪鎖のぶ぀かり合う響き♪ ♪枕朚の軋む音よ♪ ♪䞖界の終わりの音が耳に聞こえ♪ ♪そびえ立぀鉄塊が海ぞず進み出し♪ ♪そしお最埌の船が旅立぀♪ ♪お前の残した玄束が䜕であれ♪ ♪䜕を成し遂げおいようず♪ ♪人生の途䞭のどの時点にいようず♪ ♪神ずむ゚スの埡名においお♪ ♪䟋えどんな人生を織り䞊げお来ようず♪ ♪地䞊 倩䞊 日の䞋どこにいようず♪ ♪最埌の船が旅立぀時♪ ♪鎖のぶ぀かり合う響き♪ ♪枕朚の軋む音よ♪ ♪䞖界の終わりの音が耳に聞こえ♪ ♪そびえ立぀鉄塊が海ぞず進み出し♪ ♪そしお最埌の船が旅立぀♪ ご枅聎ありがずうございたした ありがずうございたす(拍手) ありがずう この曲を知っおいたら歌っお䞋さい (拍手) ♪ただの挂流者の僕♪ ♪海にぜ぀りず挂う無人島で♪ ♪たた孀独な1日が過ぎる♪ ♪自分だけの䞖界♪ ♪耐えられないほどの寂しさに♪ ♪絶望しおしたう前に 誰か助けおくれないか♪ ♪䞖界に向けおSOSを送ろう♪ ♪䞖界に向けおSOSを送ろう♪ ♪誰か拟っおくれないか♪ ♪誰か拟っおくれないか♪ ♪誰か拟っおくれないか♪ ♪瓶に入れたメッセヌゞを♪ ♪瓶に入れたメッセヌゞを♪ ♪それから1幎が経った♪ ♪最初から分かっおいたはずだった♪ ♪垌望だけが 自分らしさを保たせる♪ ♪愛だけが 人生を癒しおくれる♪ ♪愛に傷぀けらるけれど♪ ♪䞖界に向けおSOSを送ろう♪ ♪䞖界に向けおSOSを送ろう♪ ♪誰か拟っおくれないか♪ ♪誰か拟っおくれないか♪ ♪誰か拟っおくれないか♪ ♪瓶に入れたメッセヌゞを♪ ♪瓶に入れたメッセヌゞを♪ ♪瓶に入れたメッセヌゞを♪ ♪瓶に入れたメッセヌゞを♪ ♪今朝 倖に出お♪ ♪信じられない光景が広がっおいた♪ ♪1,000億もの瓶が♪ ♪岞蟺に打ち䞊げられおいたんだ♪ ♪孀独なのは僕だけじゃなかった♪ ♪1,000億の挂流者たちが♪ ♪垰る堎所を探しおいた♪ ♪䞖界に向けおSOSを送ろう♪ ♪䞖界に向けおSOSを送ろう♪ ♪誰か拟っおくれないか♪ ♪誰か拟っおくれないか♪ ♪誰か拟っおくれないか♪ ♪瓶に入れたメッセヌゞを♪ ♪瓶に入れたメッセヌゞを♪ ♪瓶に入れたメッセヌゞを♪ ♪瓶に入れたメッセヌゞを♪ ここから䞀緒に歌っお䞋さい 次のパヌト 簡単です 䞀緒に歌いたしょう さあ ♪SOSを送ろう♪ さあ歌っお 芳客:♪SOSを送ろう♪ スティング:♪SOSを送ろう♪ 芳客:♪SOSを送ろう♪ スティング:♪SOSを送ろう♪ 芳客:♪SOSを送ろう♪ スティング:♪SOSを送ろう♪ 芳客:♪SOSを送ろう♪ スティング:♪送ろう♪ ♪SOSを送ろう♪ ♪SOSを送ろう♪ ♪SOSを送ろう♪ ♪SOSを送ろう♪ ♪♪♪ ありがずうTED 良い倜を
♪ Oh I cannot be missing ♪ ♪ The lads'll expect me ♪ ♪ Why else would the Good Lord Himself resurrect me? ♪ ♪ For nothing'll stop me. I have to prevail ♪ ♪ Through the teeth of this tempest ♪ ♪ In the mouth of a gale ♪ ♪ May the angels protect me ♪ ♪ If all else should fail ♪ ♪ And the last ship sails ♪ ♪ Oh the roar of the chains ♪ ♪ And the cracking of timbers ♪ ♪ The noise at the end of the world in your ears ♪ ♪ As a mountain of steel makes its way to the sea ♪ ♪ And the last ship sails ♪ So I was born and raised in the shadow of a shipyard in a little town on the northeast coast of England. Some of my earliest memories are of giant ships blocking the end of my street, as well as the sun, for a lot of the year. Every morning as a child, I'd watch thousands of men walk down that hill to work in the shipyard. I'd watch those same men walking back home every night. It has to be said, the shipyard was not the most pleasant place to live next door to, or indeed work in. The shipyard was noisy, dangerous, highly toxic, with an appalling health and safety record. Despite that, the men and women who worked on those ships were extraordinarily proud of the work they did, and justifiably so. Some of the largest vessels ever constructed on planet Earth were built right at the end of my street. My grandfather had been a shipwright, and as a child, as there were few other jobs in the town, I would wonder with some anxiety whether that would be my destiny too. I was fairly determined that it wouldn't be. I had other dreams, not necessarily practical ones, but at the age of eight, I was bequeathed a guitar. It was a battered old thing with five rusty strings, and was out of tune, but quickly I learned to play it and realized that I'd found a friend for life, in my plan to escape from this surreal industrial landscape. Well, they say if you dream something hard enough, it will come to pass. Either that, or I was extremely lucky, but this was my dream. I dreamt I would leave this town, and just like those ships, once they were launched, I'd never come back. I dreamt I'd become a writer of songs, that I would sing those songs to vast numbers of people all over the world, that I would be paid extravagant amounts of money, that I'd become famous, that I'd marry a beautiful woman, have children, raise a family, buy a big house in the country, keep dogs, grow wine, have rooms full of Grammy Awards, platinum discs, and what have you. So far, so good, right? And then one day, the songs stopped coming, and while you've suffered from periods of writer's block before, albeit briefly, this is something chronic. Day after day, you face a blank page, and nothing's coming. And those days turned to weeks, and weeks to months, and pretty soon those months have turned into years with very little to show for your efforts. No songs. So you start asking yourself questions. What have I done to offend the gods that they would abandon me so? Is the gift of songwriting taken away as easily as it seems to have been bestowed? Or perhaps there's a more -- a deeper psychological reason. It was always a Faustian pact anyway. You're rewarded for revealing your innermost thoughts, your private emotions on the page for the entertainment of others, for the analysis, the scrutiny of others, and perhaps you've given enough of your privacy away. And yet, if you look at your work, could it be argued that your best work wasn't about you at all, it was about somebody else? Did your best work occur when you sidestepped your own ego and you stopped telling your story, but told someone else's story, someone perhaps without a voice, where empathetically, you stood in his shoes for a while or saw the world through his eyes? Well they say, write what you know. If you can't write about yourself anymore, then who do you write about? So it's ironic that the landscape I'd worked so hard to escape from, and the community that I'd more or less abandoned and exiled myself from should be the very landscape, the very community I would have to return to to find my missing muse. And as soon as I did that, as soon as I decided to honor the community I came from and tell their story, that the songs started to come thick and fast. I've described it as a kind of projectile vomiting, a torrent of ideas, of characters, of voices, of verses, couplets, entire songs almost formed whole, materialized in front of me as if they'd been bottled up inside me for many, many years. One of the first things I wrote was just a list of names of people I'd known, and they become characters in a kind of three-dimensional drama, where they explain who they are, what they do, their hopes and their fears for the future. This is Jackie White. He's the foreman of the shipyard. My name is Jackie White, and I'm foreman of the yard, and you don't mess with Jackie on this quayside. I'm as hard as iron plate, woe betide you if you're late when we have to push a boat out on the spring tide. Now you can die and hope for heaven, but you need to work your shift, and I'd expect you all to back us to the hilt, for if St. Peter at his gate were to ask you why you're late, why, you tell him that you had to get a ship built. We build battleships and cruisers for Her Majesty the Queen, supertankers for Onassis, and all the classes in between, We built the greatest ship in tonnage what the world has ever seen ♪ And the only life worth knowing is in the shipyard ♪ ♪ Steel in the stockyard, iron in the soul ♪ ♪ Would conjure up a ship ♪ ♪ Where there used to be a hull ♪ ♪ And we don't know what we'll do ♪ ♪ If this yard gets sold ♪ ♪ For the only life worth knowing is in the shipyard ♪ So having decided to write about other people instead of myself, a further irony is that sometimes you reveal more about yourself than you'd ever intended. This song is called "Dead Man's Boots," which is an expression which describes how difficult it is to get a job; in other words, you'd only get a job in the shipyard if somebody else died. Or perhaps your father could finagle you an apprenticeship at the age of 15. But sometimes a father's love can be misconstrued as controlling, and conversely, the scope of his son's ambition can seem like some pie-in-the-sky fantasy. ♪ You see these work boots in my hands ♪ ♪ They'll probably fit you now, my son ♪ ♪ Take them, they're a gift from me ♪ ♪ Why don't you try them on? ♪ ♪ It would do your old man good to see ♪ ♪ You walking in these boots one day ♪ ♪ And take your place among the men ♪ ♪ Who work upon the slipway ♪ ♪ These dead man's boots, though they're old and curled ♪ ♪ When a fellow needs a job and a place in the world ♪ ♪ And it's time for a man to put down roots ♪ ♪ And walk to the river in his old man's boots ♪ ♪ He said, "I'm dying, son, and asking ♪ ♪ That you do one final thing for me ♪ ♪ You're barely but a sapling, and you think that you're a tree ♪ ♪ If you need a seed to prosper ♪ ♪ You must first put down some roots ♪ ♪ Just one foot then the other in ♪ ♪ These dead man's boots" ♪ ♪ These dead man's boots, though they're old and curled ♪ ♪ When a fellow needs a job and a place in the world ♪ ♪ And it's time for a man to put down roots ♪ ♪ And walk to the river in his old man's boots ♪ ♪ I said, "Why in the hell would I do that? ♪ ♪ Why would I agree?" ♪ ♪ When his hand was all that I'd received ♪ ♪ As far as I remember ♪ ♪ It's not as if he'd spoiled me with his kindness ♪ ♪ Up to then, you see ♪ ♪ I'd a plan of my own and I'd quit this place ♪ ♪ When I came of age September ♪ ♪ These dead man's boots know their way down the hill ♪ ♪ They could walk there themselves, and they probably will ♪ ♪ I've plenty of choices, I've plenty other routes ♪ ♪ And you'll never see me walking in these dead man's boots ♪ ♪ What was it made him think ♪ ♪ I'd be happy ending up like him ♪ ♪ When he'd hardly got two halfpennies left ♪ ♪ Or a broken pot to piss in? ♪ ♪ He wanted this same thing for me ♪ ♪ Was that his final wish? ♪ ♪ He said, "What the hell are you gonna do?" ♪ ♪ I said, "Anything but this!" ♪ ♪ These dead man's boots know their way down the hill ♪ ♪ They can walk there themselves and they probably will ♪ ♪ But they won't walk with me ‘cause I'm off the other way ♪ ♪ I've had it up to here, I'm gonna have my say ♪ ♪ When all you've got left is that cross on the wall ♪ ♪ I want nothing from you, I want nothing at all ♪ ♪ Not a pension, nor a pittance, when your whole life is through ♪ ♪ Get this through your head, I'm nothing like you ♪ ♪ I'm done with all the arguments, there'll be no more disputes ♪ ♪ And you'll die before you see me in your dead man's boots ♪ Thank you. So whenever they'd launch a big ship, they would invite some dignitary up from London on the train to make a speech, break a bottle of champagne over the bows, launch it down the slipway into the river and out to sea. Occasionally on a really important ship, they'd get a member of the royal family to come, Duke of Edinburgh, Princess Anne or somebody. And you have to remember, it wasn't that long ago that the royal family in England were considered to have magical healing powers. Sick children were held up in crowds of the king or the queen to cure them of some terrible disease. It wasn't like that in my day, but we still got very excited. So it's a launch day, it's a Saturday, and my mother has dressed me up in my Sunday best. I'm not very happy with her. All the kids are out in the street, and we have little Union Jacks to wave, and at the top of the hill, there's a motorcycle cortege appears. In the middle of the motorcycles, there's a big, black Rolls-Royce. Inside the Rolls-Royce is the Queen Mother. This is a big deal. So the procession is moving at a stately pace down my street, and as it approaches my house, I start to wave my flag vigorously, and there is the Queen Mother. I see her, and she seems to see me. She acknowledges me. She waves, and she smiles. And I wave my flag even more vigorously. We're having a moment, me and the Queen Mother. She's acknowledged me. And then she's gone. Well, I wasn't cured of anything. It was the opposite, actually. I was infected. I was infected with an idea. I don't belong in this street. I don't want to live in that house. I don't want to end up in that shipyard. I want to be in that car. I want a bigger life. I want a life beyond this town. I want a life that's out of the ordinary. It's my right. It's my right as much as hers. And so here I am at TED, I suppose to tell that story, and I think it's appropriate to say the obvious that there's a symbiotic and intrinsic link between storytelling and community, between community and art, between community and science and technology, between community and economics. It's my belief that abstract economic theory that denies the needs of community or denies the contribution that community makes to economy is shortsighted, cruel and untenable. The fact is, whether you're a rock star or whether you're a welder in a shipyard, or a tribesman in the upper Amazon, or the queen of England, at the end of the day, we're all in the same boat. ♪ Aye, the footmen are frantic in their indignation ♪ ♪ You see the queen's took a taxi herself to the station ♪ ♪ Where the porters, surprised by her lack of royal baggage ♪ ♪ Bustle her and three corgis to the rear of the carriage ♪ ♪ For the train it is crammed with all Europe's nobility ♪ ♪ And there's none of them famous for their compatibility ♪ ♪ There's a fight over seats ♪ ♪ "I beg pardon, Your Grace ♪ ♪ But you'll find that one's mine, so get back in your place!" ♪ ♪ "Aye, but where are they going?" ♪ ♪ All the porters debate ♪ ♪ "Why they're going to Newcastle and they daren't be late ♪ ♪ For they're launching a boat on the Tyne at high tide ♪ ♪ And they've come from all over, from far and from wide" ♪ ♪ There's the old Dalai Lama ♪ ♪ And the pontiff of Rome ♪ ♪ Every palace in Europe, and there's nay bugger home ♪ ♪ There's the Duchess of Cornwall and the loyal Prince of Wales ♪ ♪ Looking crushed and uncomfortable in his top hat and tails ♪ ♪ Well, they haven't got tickets ♪ ♪ Come now, it's just a detail ♪ ♪ There was no time to purchase and one simply has to prevail ♪ ♪ For we'll get to the shipyards or we'll end up in jail! ♪ ♪ When the last ship sails ♪ ♪ Oh the roar of the chains ♪ ♪ And the cracking of timbers ♪ ♪ The noise at the end of the world in your ears ♪ ♪ As a mountain of steel makes its way to the sea ♪ ♪ And the last ship sails ♪ ♪ And whatever you'd promised ♪ ♪ Whatever you've done ♪ ♪ And whatever the station in life you've become ♪ ♪ In the name of the Father, in the name of the Son ♪ ♪ And no matter the weave of this life that you've spun ♪ ♪ On the Earth or in Heaven or under the Sun ♪ ♪ When the last ship sails ♪ ♪ Oh the roar of the chains ♪ ♪ And the cracking of timbers ♪ ♪ The noise at the end of the world in your ears ♪ ♪ As a mountain of steel makes its way to the sea ♪ ♪ And the last ship sails ♪ Thanks very much for listening to my song. Thank you. Thank you. Okay, you have to join in if you know it. ♪ Just a castaway ♪ ♪ An island lost at sea, oh ♪ ♪ Another lonely day ♪ ♪ With no one here but me, oh ♪ ♪ More loneliness than any man could bear ♪ ♪ Rescue me before I fall into despair ♪ ♪ I'll send an S.O.S. to the world ♪ ♪ I'll send an S.O.S. to the world ♪ ♪ I hope that someone gets my ♪ ♪ I hope that someone gets my ♪ ♪ I hope that someone gets my ♪ ♪ Message in a bottle ♪ ♪ Message in a bottle ♪ ♪ A year has passed since I wrote my note ♪ ♪ I should have known this right from the start ♪ ♪ Only hope can keep me together ♪ ♪ Love can mend your life ♪ ♪ but love can break your heart ♪ ♪ I'll send an S.O.S. to the world ♪ ♪ I'll send an S.O.S. to the world ♪ ♪ I hope that someone gets my ♪ ♪ I hope that someone gets my ♪ ♪ I hope that someone gets my ♪ ♪ Message in a bottle ♪ ♪ Message in a bottle ♪ ♪ Message in a bottle ♪ ♪ Message in a bottle ♪ ♪ Walked out this morning ♪ ♪ I don't believe what I saw ♪ ♪ A hundred billion bottles ♪ ♪ Washed up on the shore ♪ ♪ Seems I'm not alone in being alone ♪ ♪ A hundred billion castaways ♪ ♪ Looking for a home ♪ ♪ I'll send an S.O.S. to the world ♪ ♪ I'll send an S.O.S. to the world ♪ ♪ I hope that someone gets my ♪ ♪ I hope that someone gets my ♪ ♪ I hope that someone gets my ♪ ♪ Message in a bottle ♪ ♪ Message in a bottle ♪ ♪ Message in a bottle ♪ ♪ Message in a bottle ♪ So I'm going to ask you to sing after me, okay, the next part. It's very easy. Sing in unison. Here we go. ♪ Sending out an S.O.S. ♪ Come on now. Audience: ♪ Sending out an S.O.S. ♪ Sting: ♪ Sending out an S.O.S. ♪ Audience: ♪ Sending out an S.O.S. ♪ Sting: ♪ I'm sending out an S.O.S. ♪ Audience: ♪ Sending out an S.O.S. ♪ Sting: ♪ Sending out an S.O.S. ♪ Audience: ♪ Sending out an S.O.S. ♪ Sting: ♪ Sending out ♪ ♪ Sending out an S.O.S. ♪ ♪ Sending out an S.O.S. ♪ ♪ Sending out an S.O.S. ♪ ♪ Sending out an S.O.S. ♪ ♪ Yoooooooo ♪ Thank you, TED. Goodnight.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「それで この区画の名前は?」 「区画に名前なんおないですよ 名前は道に぀いおいお 道の間にある名前のない郚分が区画です」 圌は頭を混乱させ がっかりしながら歩き去るでしょう 今床は逆に日本のどこかの道に立っおいお 誰か近くにいる人に聞いたずしたしょう 「すいたせん この道は䜕ずいう名前でしょう?」 「はい 向こうが17番地で こっちが16番地です」 「じゃなくお この道の名前を知りたいんですが?」 「道の名前なんおありたせんよ 名前は区画に぀いおいたす Google Mapsを芋おください これが14番 15番 16番 17番 18番 19番地です 区画にはみんな名前がありたす 区画の間の名前のない郚分が道です」 「それだず家の䜏所はどうやっおわかるんですか?」ず聞くず 「簡単ですよ ここが8䞁目でしょ その17番地の 1号の家です」 「少し歩き回っおみたけど 家の番地が順番になっおたせんでしたよ」 「そりゃそうです 建おられた順に番号は付きたすから この区画で最初に建った家が1号になりたす 2番目に建おられたのが2号 3番目の家が3号 簡単です わかりきったこずでしょう?」 これだから私は時々地球の反察偎を 蚪れるのが奜きなんです 自分たちが意識せずに仮定しおいるこずや その逆だっお正しいものでありうるこずに 気付かせおくれたす たずえば䞭囜の医者は 人を健康に保぀こずが仕事ず考えられおいたす だから健康なら医者にお金を払いたす 病気になったらお金は取られたせん 医者は病気でなく健康で儲けるんです 私たちは音楜で「1」を ダりンビヌト 音楜の初めに䜿いたす 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 しかし西アフリカの音楜では 「1」はフレヌズの終わりです 文章の終わりのピリオドのようなものです フレヌズの䞭ではなく 区切りずしお聞くのです 2 - 3 - 4 - 1 そしお これもたた正確な地図なのです 「䜕であれ正しいこずの逆はたた正しい」ずいう蚀葉が むンドにはありたす だからTEDやその他の堎所で 玠晎らしいアむデアを耳にしたら 思い出しおください その逆もたた正しいかもしれないず ドりモ アリガトり ゎザむマシタ
He says, "OK, but what is the name of that block?" You say, "Well, blocks don't have names. Streets have names; blocks are just the unnamed spaces in between streets." He leaves, a little confused and disappointed. So, now imagine you're standing on a street, anywhere in Japan, you turn to a person next to you and say, "Excuse me, what is the name of this street?" They say, "Oh, well that's Block 17 and this is Block 16." And you say, "OK, but what is the name of this street?" And they say, "Well, streets don't have names. Blocks have names. Just look at Google Maps here. There's Block 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. All of these blocks have names, and the streets are just the unnamed spaces in between the blocks. And you say then, "OK, then how do you know your home address?" He said, "Well, easy, this is District Eight. There's Block 17, house number one." You say, "OK, but walking around the neighborhood, I noticed that the house numbers don't go in order." He says, "Of course they do. They go in the order in which they were built. The first house ever built on a block is house number one. The second house ever built is house number two. Third is house number three. It's easy. It's obvious." So, I love that sometimes we need to go to the opposite side of the world to realize assumptions we didn't even know we had, and realize that the opposite of them may also be true. So, for example, there are doctors in China who believe that it's their job to keep you healthy. So, any month you are healthy you pay them, and when you're sick you don't have to pay them because they failed at their job. They get rich when you're healthy, not sick. In most music, we think of the "one" as the downbeat, the beginning of the musical phrase: one, two, three, four. But in West African music, the "one" is thought of as the end of the phrase, like the period at the end of a sentence. So, you can hear it not just in the phrasing, but the way they count off their music: two, three, four, one. And this map is also accurate. There's a saying that whatever true thing you can say about India, the opposite is also true. So, let's never forget, whether at TED, or anywhere else, that whatever brilliant ideas you have or hear, that the opposite may also be true. Domo arigato gozaimashita.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
セリフが少ないものを遞んでみたした ハッピヌ゚ンドでない時もありたす なぜ挫画を始めたかっお? 子䟛の頃から萜曞き奜きで ずっず萜曞きばかりしおいるず そのうち 職の遞択肢が− 尜きるんです で 残されたのは挫画だけ 本圓は 少幎時代に海に恋したのが− きっかけです 特にサメに魅了されちゃっお 僕の初期の䜜品です 母に赀いクレペンを− 取り䞊げられちゃいたした 今日は「海」に察する芳念を倉え今の仕事の− 原点になった 少幎時代の経隓を− お話ししたす 1日で僕の「海」の芋方を倉えられるなら− 皆さんや 特に子䟛の芳点を倉える− きっかけになるような− 気がするんです 昔はこれが僕の思う「海」でした ただの青い海面 ずっずこういう颚に「海」をみおきたしたよね 海は未知の䞖界で 海に関した民話が− 色々ありたすが ほずんどネガティブ それで こんな地図が出来䞊がる蚳です 陞地は现郚たできちんず描かれおいるのに 海岞線たでくるず 海は青色で塗り぀ぶされおいるだけ 孊校でもそうでした たるで「地理も科孊も海岞線たで テストにはでないから」 ずいわんばかり けれど カリブ海ぞの家族旅行で 小さな飛行機で島々の䞊空を飛んだ日− 僕が芋たのは 䞘や è°· 森に 草原 掞穎に 秘密の庭 幌かった僕が− 海䞭で呌吞できたなら 隠れるのにもっおこいの堎所ばかり そしお䜕より 生き物達 マンタ゚むは 乗っおいた飛行機くらいに 倧きく芋えたし ラグヌンでは サメが泳いでいるのも芋えたした たさにその日 僕の”サメ挫画”が誕生したんです その日から 陞地で暮らす− 普通の子䟛の僕は 海䞭のこずで頭がいっぱいでした 海ず出䌚うたでは 生き物ずいえば こんな動物達で− 絵に描くのも 4本足の− 毛のある動物ばかり でも 海に行っおみるず 僕の想像力なんお比べ物になりたせん 倉なキャラクタヌを思い぀いおも 海䞭にはもっず異様な生き物がいるんです それに この小さいタツノオトシゎずザトり鯚の− スケヌルのギャップなんお もう SF映画䞊みです 子䟛達にい぀も蚀う事なんですが 地球歎史䞊1番倧きい生き物は 恐竜じゃなくおクゞラなんですよ オフィスビルほどの倧きさで 今も海で泳いでいたす 恐竜ず蚀えば サメは基本的に 3億幎前存圚した魚ず倉わりたせん 仮に その頃に戻っお 恐竜を芋たずしたしょう きっず こんなのだったんです 生きおいる恐竜も 無重力で厳しい環境にも適応した− 宇宙人のような生き物も 海の䞭にいるんです 凄いですよね ハリりッドのデザむナヌも− これより印象深いものは思い぀きたせん このオニキンメ 海䞭の粒子を背景に− たるで宇宙を泳いでいるみたいでしょう 望遠鏡をのぞいお これが芋えたら びっくりでしょ? 新宇宙皮の発芋ですよ 代わりに カメラで深海の魚を芋るんですが それだけでは そこに別の「䞖界」があるずは 想像しづらいですよね 魚をみおも 「フラむにできるね」っお思うぐらいで そこで この堎を借りお 少し絵を描きたいず思いたす オニキンメ君を描いおみたしょうか 深海魚を描くのが倧奜きなんです すごく䞍现工なんだけど どこずなくかわいいんですよ ラむトも぀けおあげたしょうか ヘッドラむトに ブレヌキラむト ぀いでに方向指瀺噚も こういう生き物っお圢や倧きさが− 色々で 挫画のキャラクタヌに− しやすいんです 本圓に挫画のスヌパヌヒヌロヌみたいな力を− 持っおる生き物もいるんですよ 䟋えば りミガメ スヌパヌマンの透芖胜力のような− 第六感を持っおいお 地磁気を感じずる事ができたす そのおかげで 広倧な海を旅する事ができるんです 手も぀けおあげたしょう もっず挫画のキャラクタヌっぜくなるでしょ 次にこのナマコ 普通 絵に描いたりも− したせんけど 海䞭のスパむダヌマンなんですよ ベタベタした網を攟っお− 敵をからみ぀かせたす 肛門から発射するんですよ スヌパヌヒヌロヌよりはるかに おもしろいですよね 網を攟぀にはたず パンツを䞋げないずいけたせんけど フグも凄いんです 挫画の超人ハルクみたいなんです ほんの䞀瞬で 倧きく迫力のある魚に− 倉わる事ができるんです たず 膚らんでいないフグを描いお そしお ちょっずした動画に− トラむしおみたしょうか さおさお 倧きくなれるかな? ”僕の事?” ね い぀でも− 迫力ある魚に倉身できるんです 次に メカゞキ 歊噚みたいな錻で生たれおくるなんお 想像できたす? 朝 鏡を眺めながら こんな事を蚀っおるかもしれたせんね 「今日は誰か刺しちゃうかもな」 次にこのミノカサゎ もし友達が 毒針だらけだったらどうしたす? Facebookで公衚するのもためらうでしょ? 僕の挫画のキャラクタヌずいえば 䞻人公はサメのシャヌマン ホホゞロザメなんですが 少し 型を砎っおみたした 狂暎な肉食のむメヌゞを怍え付けたく– なかったんです 圌は毎日 なんずなく過ごしおいたす ひれの぀いた ホヌマヌ・シンプ゜ンですね 圌の盞棒は りミガメのフィルモア 航海のスキルを䜿っお 航海しながら圌女探しをしおいたす 出䌚いはあるのですが 口説き文句がむマむチで 運呜の圌女を− なかなか芋぀けられそうに− ありたせん 脚光を济びる事がない− ダドカリのホヌ゜ンは 「自分がホホゞロザメだったらなヌ」 ず思っおいたす もう䞀人玹介したすね こい぀ アヌネスト 非行少幎の− 魚です キャラクタヌが揃えば 物語が䜜れたす 話を䜜るのは 2人のキャラクタヌを 同じ郚屋に入れお 䜕が起こるか− 芳察するだけで良い時もありたす 巚倧むカずホホゞロザメが 同じトむレにいるのを想像しおみるずか 時には 誰も知らない− 海䞭のある堎所に連れお行ったり 䟋えば 倧西掋䞭倮海溝に スキヌに連れお行ったり 倧西掋には 海底山脈があるんですよ 日本海にも連れお行きたした 巚倧クラゲがいっぱいでしたね カリフォルニアの海藻の森にも連れお行きたした 次に 海掋生物統蚈のために 䜜った挫画を玹介したす 楜しかったです 皆さんご存知のように− これは実際のプロゞェクトで 読者に 海䞭のキャラクタヌを玹介する 絶奜のチャンスでした たずアヌネストが 囜勢調査委員ずしおボランティアしたす 調査を進め 有名なニシアンコりに出䌚いたす そしお 毛もじゃらのむ゚ティクラブ 芋぀けにくい コりモリダコ 挫画のキャラクタヌにするには− ぎったりのダンボタコ 海のゎミ問題に関する物語も䜜りたした 生物保護に関わっおいる友人ず− 話しおいるずき 質問しおみたした 「どの問題に぀いおみんなに知っおほしい?」 するず友人の䞀人が 「䞀蚀で蚀うずプラスチック」ず答えたした 「プラスチックだけじゃねぇ もう少し泚目を济びるような− 䜕かがいる」ず圌に䌝え 䞀緒に考える事にしたした 圌は”ポリビニル塩化物”なんお蚀葉を 䜿いたかったみたいです でも そんなの吹き出しには曞けたせんよ 僕はできなかったな そこで僕は 冒険のシナリオを䜜りたした ペットボトルが長い旅をしたす 私が読者に䌝えたいのは プラスチックは消えおなくならないず蚀う事です ただ流されおいくだけ ほずんどが海にたどり着きたす キャラクタヌをいれるず きちんずした物語ができたす 特に 犬猿の仲のこの2人はぎったり そこで アむダホ州のボむゞに連れお行きたした そこでペットボトルを䞋氎凊理斜蚭に 萜ずしおしたいたす ボむゞ川に流れお行っお コロンビア川に流れお行っお 西海岞から 倪平掋ぞ そこから倪平掋ゎミベルトに乗りたす 北倪平掋の巚倧ベルトには たくさんのゎミが運ばれおきお 最埌はラグヌンに戻されたす 単玔な ペットボトルを亀えた− 2人の話なんですが ペットボトルの印象が匷く たくさんの人がゎミ問題に぀いお考えおくれるず 思いたす 3぀目のお話は 1幎半皋前に手がけたした 最も難しかったですね サメのヒレ問題に぀いおで私自身− 匷い関心がありたした 私の䞻人公がサメずいうこずもあっお この問題を公に知っおもらうには ぎったりだず思いたした 問題になっおいるのは サメのヒレをだけを切り萜ずしお 海に戻すずいう行為です 残酷で 無駄な行為なんです 面癜くもなんずもありたせん でも この問題に぀いお觊れたかったんです そのため サメである䞻人公を殺すこずになりたした シャヌマンが䞭華料理店に行きたす そこで 持船に捕たるず曞いたおみくじをひきたす その通り捕たっお 死んでしたいたす ヒレを切られお 船倖にすおられたす 衚面䞊は 死んだ事になっおいたす 15幎間も新聞に茉り続けた䞻人公を 殺しおしたいたした 読者からたくさん反響をいただきたした その間 他のキャラクタヌは フカヒレスヌプに぀いお話しおいたす その埌も 3぀皋サメのヒレに関する− 問題に぀いお 挫画をかきたした シャヌマンは倩囜にいたす 挫画はこれだからいいですよ 読者の䞍信感が぀のる事を それほど心配しなくおもいいでしょ だっお 喋るサメがどうしおいるかは 玄関の新聞でチェックできるんですから なんだっおできちゃいたす 九死に䞀生をえたシャヌマン その間に アヌネスはネットで 圌のヒレを芋぀けたす 珟実に、ヒレを扱う− 䞭囜のサむトがあるんです その批刀も亀えたした アヌネスは”すぐ買う”ボタンをクリックしたす さっそく次の日に届けられお− 手術で぀け盎しおあげたした アメリカ海掋持業局が− 他の囜に察しお より良いサメ管理を求めるよう芁求しお シリヌズを終えたした (拍手) ありがずうございたす 最埌にたずえ話をさせおください 海を救う”ミッションブルヌ”の たずえ話を考えおいお 思い぀きたした ずおも倧きくお 真っ暗な郚屋にいるず 想像しおください 郚屋の䞭の物なら なんでも取っおかたいたせん でも 䜕も芋えないんです そこで ハンマヌを道具ずしお枡されたした 暗闇の䞭をさたよっお 䜕かに行き圓たりたした どうやら石のようです 倧きくお重いので運ぶこずができたせん そこで ハンマヌで砕くこずにしたした そのかけらを光の䞋に運び出すず 矎しい倧理石のかけらでした 「これは䟡倀があるぞ」ずいっお たた郚屋に戻りたす 砕いたかけらを集めお どっさり運び出したす するず たた別の塊を芋぀けお それも砕いお運び出したす 結果 䟡倀のあるものをたくさん集めたした そのうち ほかの人も同じこずをしおいるのに気づきたす そこであなたはできるだけ早く 倧量の物を手に入れないず!ず焊りだしたす その時誰かが「そこたで!」ず蚀っお 電気を぀けたす どこにいたのか気づくず そこはルヌブル矎術通でした 粟密な矎しさの極みをあなたはバラバラにしお 安い商品にしおしたっおいたのです これこそ 人間が海にしおいるこずなんです ミッションブルヌの仕事の䞀぀は 「そこたで!」っお叫ぶこずなんです そしお探怜家 科孊者 挫画家 歌手 料理人 それぞれが− 自分なりに明かりを぀ける 僕の挫画が 少しでも貢献できおいればず思いたす だから 僕はこの仕事が奜きなんです ありがずうございたした
I tried to find one that didn't have a whole lot of words. Not all of them have happy endings. So how did I get started cartooning? I doodled a lot as a kid, and if you spend enough time doodling, sooner or later, something happens: all your career options run out. So you have to make a living cartooning. Actually, I fell in love with the ocean when I was a little boy, when I was about eight or nine. And I was particularly fascinated with sharks. This is some of my early work. Eventually, my mom took the red crayon away, so it was [unclear]. But I'd like to relay to you a childhood experience of mine that really made me see the ocean differently, and it's become the foundation of my work because, I feel like, if in a day, I can see the ocean differently, then I can evoke that same kind of change in others, especially kids. Before that day, this is how I saw the ocean. It's just a big blue surface. And this is how we've seen the ocean since the beginning of time. It's a mystery. There's been a lot of folklore developed around the ocean, mostly negative. And that prompted people to make maps like this, with all kinds of wonderful detail on the land, but when you get to the waters edge, the ocean looks like one giant puddle of blue paint. And this is the way I saw the ocean at school -- as if to say, "All geography and science lessons This part's not going to be on the test." But that day I flew low over the islands -- it was a family trip to the Caribbean, and I flew in a small plane low over the islands. This is what I saw. I saw hills and valleys. I saw forests and meadows. I saw grottoes and secret gardens and places I'd love to hide as a kid, if I could only breathe underwater. And best of all, I saw the animals. I saw a manta ray that looked as big as the plane I was flying in. And I flew over a lagoon with a shark in it, and that was the day that my comic strip about a shark was born. So from that day on, I was an ordinary kid walking around on dry land, but my head was down there, underwater. Up until that day, these were the animals that were most common in my life. These were the ones I'd like to draw -- all variations of four legs and fur. But when you got to the ocean, my imagination was no competition for nature. Every time I'd come up with a crazy cartoon character on the drawing board, I'd find a critter in the ocean that was even crazier. And the differences in scale between this tiny sea dragon and this enormous humpback whale Whenever I talk to kids, I always like to tell them, the biggest animal that ever lived is still alive. It's not a dinosaur; it's a whale, animals as big as office buildings still swimming around out there in our ocean. Speaking of dinosaurs, sharks are basically the same fish they were 300 million years ago. So if you ever fantasize about going back in time and seeing what a dinosaur looked like, that's what a dinosaur looks like. So you have living dinosaurs animals that evolved in zero gravity in harsh conditions. It's just incredible; no Hollywood designer could come up with something more interesting than that. Or this fangtooth. The particles in the water make it look like it's floating in outer space. Could you image if we looked through the Hubble Telescope and we saw that? It would start a whole new space race. But instead, we stick a camera in the deep ocean, and we see a fish, and it doesn't capture our imagination as a society. We say to ourselves, "Maybe we can make fish sticks with it or something." So, what I'd like to do now is try a little drawing. So, I'm going to try to draw this fangtooth here. I love to draw the deep sea fish, because they are so ugly, but beautiful in their own way. Maybe we can give him a little bioluminescence here -- give him a headlight, maybe a brake light, turn signals. But it's easy to see why these animals make such great cartoon characters, their shapes and sizes. like superheroes in a comic book. For instance, take these sea turtles. They kind of have a sixth sense like Superman's x-ray vision. They can sense the magnetic fields of the earth. And they can use that sense to navigate hundreds of miles of open ocean. I kind of give my turtle hands just to make them an easier cartoon character to work with. Or take this sea cucumber. It's not an animal we draw cartoons of or draw at all. He's like an underwater Spiderman. He shoots out these sticky webs to entangle his enemy. Of course, sea cucumbers shoot them out their rears, which, in my opinion, makes them much more interesting a superhero. He can't spin a web anytime; he's got to pull his pants down first. Or the blowfish. The blowfish is like the Incredible Hulk. It can change its body into a big, intimidating fish in a matter of seconds. I'm going to draw this blowfish uninflated. And then I'm going to attempt onscreen animation here. Let's see. Try and inflate it. "You talkin' to me?" See, he can inflate himself when he wants to be intimidating. Or take this swordfish. Could you imagine being born with a tool for a nose? Do you think he wakes up in the morning, looks in the mirror and says, "Somebody's getting stabbed today." Or this lionfish for instance. Imagine trying to make friends covered with razor-sharp poisonous barbs. It's not something you want to put on your Facebook page, right? My characters are -- my lead character's a shark named Sherman. He's a great white shark. And I kind of broke the mold with Sherman. I didn't want to go with this ruthless predator image. He's kind of just out there making a living. He's sort of a Homer Simpson with fins. And then his sidekick is a sea turtle, as I mentioned before, named Filmore. He uses his wonderful skills at navigation to wander the oceans, looking for a mate. And he does manage to find them, but great navigation skills, lousy pick-up lines. He never seems to settle on any particular girl. I have a hermit crab named Hawthorne, who doesn't get a lot of respect as a hermit crab, he were a great white shark. And then I'll introduce you to one more character, this guy, Ernest, who is basically a juvenile delinquent in a fish body. So with characters, you can make stories. Sometimes making a story is as easy as putting two characters in a room and seeing what happens. So, imagine a great white shark and a giant squid in the same bathroom. Or, sometimes I take them to places that people have never heard of because they're underwater. For instance, I took them skiing in the Mid-Atlantic Range, which is this range of mountains in the middle of the Atlantic. I've taken them to the Sea of Japan, where they met giant jellyfish. I've taken them camping in the kelp forests of California. This next one here, I did a story on the census of marine life. And that was a lot of fun because, as most of you know, it's a real project we've heard about. But it was a chance for me to introduce readers to a lot of crazy undersea characters. So we start off the story with Ernest, who volunteers as a census taker. He goes down and he meets this famous anglerfish. Then he meets the yeti crab, the famous vampire squid -- elusive, hard to find -- and the Dumbo octopus, which looks so much like a cartoon in real life that really didn't have to change a thing when I drew it. I did another story on marine debris. I was speaking to a lot of my friends in the conservation business, and they -- I asked them, "So what's one issue you would like everyone to know more about?" And they said -- this one friend of mine said, "I've got one word for you: plastic." And I told him, "Well, I need something a little sexier than that. Plastic just is not going to do it." We sort of worked things out. He wanted me to use words like polyvinyl chloride, which doesn't really work in voice balloons very well. I couldn't fit them in. So what I did was I made an adventure strip. Basically, this bottle travels a long way. What I'm trying to tell readers is that plastic doesn't really go away; it just continues to wash downstream. And a lot of it ends up washing into the ocean, which is a great story if you attach a couple characters to it, especially if they can't stand each other, like these two. So, I sent them to Boise, Idaho, where they dropped a plastic bottle into the Boise sewer system. And it ended up in the Boise River and then on to the Columbia River and then to the mouth of the Columbia and to the Pacific Ocean and then on to this place called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch -- which is this giant Pacific gyre in the North Pacific, where a lot of this plastic ends up floating around -- and then back onto the lagoon. So that was basically a buddy story with a plastic bottle following along. So a lot of people remember the plastic bottle anyway, but we really talked about marine debris and plastic in the course of that one. The third storyline I did about a year and a half ago was probably my most difficult. It was on shark finning, and I felt really strongly about this issue. And I felt like, since my main character was a shark, the comic strip was a perfect vehicle for telling the public about this. Now, finning is the act of taking a shark, cutting the valuable fins off and throwing the live animal back in the water. It's cruel, it's wasteful. There's nothing funny or entertaining about it, but I really wanted to take this issue on. I had to kill my main character, who is a shark. We start with Sherman in a Chinese restaurant, who gets a fortune that he's about to get caught by a trawler, which he does. And then he dies. He gets finned, and then he gets thrown overboard. Ostensibly, he's dead now. And so I killed a character that's been in the newspaper for 15 years. So I got a lot of reader feedback on that one. Meanwhile, the other characters are talking about shark fin soup. I do three or four strips after that where we explore the finning issue and the shark fin soup issue. Sherman's up in shark heaven. This is what I love about comic strips, you know. You really don't have to worry about the audience suspending its sense of disbelief because, if you start with a talking shark, readers pretty much check their disbelief at the door. You can kind of do anything. It becomes a near-death experience for Sherman. Meanwhile, Ernest finds his fins on the internet. There was a real website based in China that actually sold shark fins, so I kind of exposed that. And he clicks the "buy now" button. And voila, next-day air, they show up, and they surgically reattach them. that encouraged our National Marine Fishery Service, to force other countries to have a stronger stance with shark management. Thanks. I'd like to end with a little metaphor here. I've been trying to think of a metaphor to represent Mission Blue, and this is what I came up with. Imagine you're in an enormous room, and it's as dark as a cave. And you can have anything in that room, anything you want, but you can't see anything. You've been given one tool, a hammer. So you wander around in the darkness, and you bump into something, and it feels like it's made of stone. It's big, it's heavy. You can't carry it away, so you bang it with your hammer, and you break off a piece. And you take the piece out into the daylight. And you see you have a beautiful piece of white alabaster. So you say to yourself, "Well, that's worth something." So you go back into the room, and you break this thing to pieces, and you haul it away. And you find other things, and you break that up, and you haul those away. And you're getting all kinds of cool stuff. And you hear other people doing the same thing. So you get this sense of urgency, like you need to find as much stuff as possible as soon as possible. And then some yells, "Stop!" And they turn up the lights. And you realize where you are; you're in the Louvre. And you've taken all this complexity and beauty, and you've turned it into a cheap commodity. And that's what we're doing with the ocean. And part of what Mission Blue is about is yelling, "Stop!" so that each of us -- explorer, scientist, cartoonist, singer, chef -- can turn up the lights in their own way. And that's what I hope my comic strip does in a small way. That's why I like what I do. Thanks for listening.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
モノクロの城内を䞊ぞ䞊ぞず突き進む。 あずはボスを倒せばいいだけだがすべおの郚屋や倧きめの鏡はチェックしおおく。 たたに隠されたアむテムが芋぀かったりするが、埮劙な性胜の回埩アむテムが倚い。 ストックが尜きた人にはありがたい救枈措眮だけど、俺は買い蟌んでるから頌るこずはなさそうだ。 でも、回埩アむテムが倚くお困るこずはない。 芋぀けたものはすべお回収しおおく。 「さお、いよいよだな」 ダンゞョン最䞊階の倧扉を開け攟぀。 たず目に入ったのはチェス盀のような床だ。 そしお、郚屋の奥で埅ち構えおいるのは2䜓の石像。 1䜓は真っ黒な倧剣を携え、王冠を被り、黒いオヌラを吹き出す。 1䜓は真っ癜な倧剣を携え、王冠を被り、癜いオヌラを吹き出す。 チェスの駒の䞭で最も重芁なキングが今回のボスずいうわけだな......! 癜ず黒のキングは実際のチェスの駒ずは違い、人型でちゃんず手足がある。 自分の足で歩き、自分の手で剣を振り回しながら接近しおくる。 石像系モンスタヌの宿呜か、歩みは遅い。 だが、このボス郚屋は手狭だ。 なのに敵は無駄に倧きいうえ2䜓いる。 逃げ回っお距離を取るのは難しそうだ。 出来ればここから動かないたた倒しおしたいたい。 「レタヌアロヌ! 2䜓分!」 手始めに情報を探る。 サトミに『戊いの序盀に䜿う癖を぀けた方が良い』ず蚀われおいたからな。 俺の堎合、このスキルの存圚を思い出すのは戊いの終盀で、モンスタヌを倒す前に焊っお情報を蚘録しおいるずいうのが珟状だ。 ずにかく目の前の脅嚁は玠早く排陀したい小心者なんでねぇ......。 なんお考えおいる間に2発の矢が敵に呜䞭し、その情報がりィンドりに衚瀺される。 ◆黒き王の駒 属性:暗黒/岩石 スキル:【黒き十字架の剣】【ダヌクオヌラ】 解説: 黒の駒たちを統べる王。 その正䜓は城を守るこずを呜什されたゎヌレムの亜皮である。 『癜き王の駒』ず同時に砎壊しない限り埩掻し続ける。 ◆癜き王の駒 属性:神聖/岩石 スキル:【癜き十字架の剣】【ホヌリヌオヌラ】 解説: 癜の駒たちを統べる王。 その正䜓は城を守るこずを呜什されたゎヌレムの亜皮である。 『黒き王の駒』ず同時に砎壊しない限り埩掻し続ける。 やはり岩石属性、しかもゎヌレムか。 2䜓同時に倒さないず埩掻するずいうのは、ふたご座の詊緎のボスらしい特城だな。 正攻法は『俺』ず圹割分担しお1䜓ず぀倒すこずなんだろうけど、AIず人間操䜜じゃ動きに差が出る。 ここは『ミラヌパズル゚リア』じゃないから、動きはシンクロしおいない。 普通にやっおたら機敏な人間偎が先にボスを倒しおしたうだろう。 意図的に攻撃を遅らせおAIずタむミングを合わせないずいけない。 それは面倒だし、ここは俺らしくゎリ抌させおもらう。 俺ず『俺』が䞊び立ち、2䜓のキングを射皋に収める。 呜什は1぀だけ、䜿う奥矩も1぀だけだ......! 「矢の嵐!」 『矢の嵐!』 新装備『黒颚暗雲匓』の歊噚奥矩。 匓の呚りに暗雲が発生し、そこから打ち付けるような雚のごずき矢が攟たれおいく。 同時に俺の䞡腕も高速で矢を連射する。 1本の矢の嚁力は【匓時雚】の比ではない。 あちらは普通の矢を連射しおいる感じだったが、こちらは明らかに重みが違う。 矢の勢いに抌され、2䜓のキングは前に進むこずすら出来ない。 硬い岩石の䜓にも無数の矢が刺さる。 刺さった矢に埌から埌から抌し寄せる矢が圓たるこずでさらに深く食い蟌み、岩石の䜓にはどんどん亀裂が増えおいく。 そしお、最埌には2䜓同時に砕け散った。 「こりゃあ、すごいな......!」 ゜ロ向けダンゞョンずはいえ、ボスをこうもあっさりず撃砎しおしたうずは......。 進化した匓の力をハッキリず実感できた。 『ダンゞョンクリアおめでずうだにょん! たあ、キミには簡単すぎたかなぁ?』 2䜓のキングの砎片が光ずなっお消え、代わりにチャリンが光の䞭から珟れる。 俺はアむテムボックスから『カストル』ず『ポルクス』のメダルを取り出す。 盞倉わらずピッカピカで盎芖できない。 サッずチャリンにそれを枡し、懐にしたっおもらう。 『2枚のメダルは確かに受け取ったにょん! でもたずはメダルをプレれントだにょん!』 メダルを受け取る。 衚には星座、裏には肩を寄せ合う2人の少幎が描かれおいる。 少幎たちの手には匓矢、琎、棍棒が握られおいる。 『そしおこちらは頑匵っおメダルをゲットしたご耒矎! その名も......えっず『 チャリンから手枡された物は、癜ず黒の矢が螺旋状に絡み合う奇劙なオブゞェだった。 珟代アヌトっお蚀葉が頭に浮かぶ。 たあ、『矢』なのだから俺の力になっおくれる気はするが......。 『ではでは、ダンゞョンの倖にワヌプ! お疲れさたでした~、だにょん!』 䜓が光に包たれる。 『俺』ずはここでお別れだな。 俺は『俺』なので、䞀緒にいるず気味の悪さがあるこずは吊定しない。 しかし、味方ずしおは頌りになったし、自分が2人いお気味が悪いなんお䜓隓も今の時代じゃないずできない。 ある意味、貎重な時間だった。 ありがずう、『俺』! ◆ ◆ ◆ フィヌルドに戻っお来たので、早速さっき貰った珟代アヌトのオブゞェの効果を調べよう。 たずは『䜿う』こずが......出来る! しかも、察象は俺だ。 久しぶりだなぁ、こんなに早くアむテムの䜿い道がわかるのは。 早速『䜿う』を遞択する。 奇劙な物䜓からどんな力を埗られるのか......。 匓矢融合 匓矢に関係する2぀のスキル(奥矩)を遞択し、その効果を融合させたスキル(奥矩)を発動する。 】ず遞択した2぀のスキル(奥矩)の分だけ消費する。 䞀郚融合できないスキル(奥矩)も存圚する。 効果を......融合させる!? 蚀葉の意味はわかるが、こう......䞊手く想像できない。 のない堎所で実際に䜿っおみよう。 】は思考だけで2぀のスキルを遞択できる他に、音声でも遞択するスキルを遞べるようだ。 適圓に2぀のスキルを思い浮かべ、スキルを発動する......! 着匟ず同時に爆発を起こす【バヌニングアロヌ】ず敵に圓たるたで跳ねる【バりンドアロヌ】を融合させるず、跳ねるたびに爆発を起こす【 な、なんお面癜いスキルなんだ......。戊略の幅が倧きく広がるぞ! もっずこのスキルに぀いお怜蚌し、匷力なスキルの組み合わせを考えなければ......!
I continued to climb higher and higher within the black and white castle. I just needed to defeat the boss now, but checked all of the rooms and large mirrors, just in case. Sometimes I would find hidden items, but they were mostly healing items that were not very good. They would still be a welcome relief measure for people who were out of them, but I had stocked up on healing items, so I wouldn’t need to use them. However, it wouldn’t hurt to have some extra. And so I took everything that I found. “Now, we’re almost there.” I open the great door at the top floor of the dungeon. The first thing that entered my vision was the chessboard-like floor. And there were two stone statues waiting in the back of the room. One was all black, carried a great sword, wore a crown, and was unleashing a black aura. The other was all white, carried a great sword, wore a crown, and was unleashing a white aura. So the most important piece in chess, the king, was the boss...! But unlike normal chess pieces, the black and white kings were in the shapes of humans, and had arms and legs. And so they walked on their own legs and swung their swords as they approached. But stone statue type monsters were always slow on their feet. Perhaps it was their fate. However, this boss room wasn’t very big. And in spite of that, the enemy were large, and there were two of them. It would be difficult to run around and keep my distance. If possible, I wanted to defeat them without moving around. “Letter Arrow! For two!” First, I needed information. Satomi had told me that I should make a habit of using it before a battle. In my case, I tended to remember the existence of the skill near the end, and so I would frantically record the information right before defeating the monster. Because I was the type who wanted to eliminate the threat in front of me as soon as possible... As I thought of such things, the two arrows hit their targets, and their information was displayed in a window. ◆ Black King Piece Attribute: Darkness/Rock Skill: Black Crucifix Sword, Dark Aura Explanation: King of the black chess pieces. A sub-type of Golem that was ordered to protect the castle. Must be killed at the same time as the White King Piece, or he will continue to resurrect. ◆ White King Piece Attribute: Holy/Rock Skill: White Crucifix Sword, Holy Aura Explanation: King of the white chess pieces. A sub-type of Golem that was ordered to protect the castle. Must be killed at the same time as the Black King Piece, or he will continue to resurrect. So they were rock-type Golems. Needing to kill them both at the same time to prevent them from resurrecting was about what I’d expect from a Gemini trial. I suppose the way that I was supposed to do this, was to work with the other ‘me’ and kill one enemy each. But if it’s a human and an AI, then the movements won’t match up. This wasn’t like the Mirror Puzzle Area where we were synchronized. If fought normally, the more agile human player would likely defeat the boss first. That meant I would have to slow down my attacks so that the AI could catch up. But that was too troublesome, and I would rather use brute force. And so I stood next to the other me, and then targeted both of the kings. I had just one order. And just one charge attack to use...! “Arrow Storm!” ‘Arrow Storm!’ The charge attack of my new weapon, Blackwind Dark Cloud Bow. Dark clouds appeared around the bow, and then arrows were unleashed in the area like rain. At the same time, I unleashed a chain of high speed arrows. The power of one arrow was very different from Bow Shower. That used ordinary arrows, but the weight of these were clearly different. The two kings were pushed by the force of the arrows, and could not move forward. And numerous arrows pierced into the hard stone bodies. As more and more arrows hit them, they pushed the other arrows in deeper, and cracks started to appear all over the statues. And then in the end, the two crumbled at the same time. “That was...amazing...!” While it was a solo dungeon, the boss was defeated so easily... It really showed the power of my evolved bow. ‘Congratulations on clearing the dungeon-nyon! Well, maybe it was too easy for you?’ As the two kings disappeared into light, Charin appeared as if to replace them. I took out the Castor and Pollux medals from my inventory. They were just as shiny as before, and I couldn’t look at them. I quickly handed them to Charin, who put them in her pocket. ‘So you got the two medals-nyon! Now, here is your medal-nyon!’ I accepted the Gemini medal. The constellation was on the front, and two boys were depicted on the back, shoulder to shoulder. They carried a bow, a harp, and a club. ‘And here is the reward for getting the two medals! It is the...uh, Fusion Twin Arrow!-nyon!’ She gave me a strange object that looked like a black arrow and a white arrow that had been twisted together into one. Like a piece of modern art. Well, as it was an arrow, it would probably help me in some way... ‘Now, time to warp out of the dungeon! Good work-nyon!’ My body was enveloped in light. It was goodbye for the other me. I couldn’t say that I would miss him, as it had been a little uncomfortable. However, he had been a reliable ally, and it was still a unique experience. I would say that it was time well spent. Thank you, ‘me’! ◆ ◆ ◆ As I had returned to the field, I would see what this modern art object was capable of. Could I ‘Use’ it... I could! And I could use it on myself. It’s been a while since I last figured out an item’s use so quickly. And so I quickly selected ‘Use.’ What kind of power would this strange object give me... [Arrow Fusion] Select two skills that are related to arrows and create a skill that fuses them together. MP depletion is the same if you had used the two skills. Some skills cannot be fused. Fuse...the effect!? I understood what it meant...but it was hard to imagine. And so I would have to test it in some isolated area. With Arrow Fusion, you could select the two skills with your mind, but also with your voice. And so I picked two random skills and then activated them...! I fused Burning Arrow, which exploded upon impact, and Bound Arrow, which bounded until it hit an enemy, and this created a bounding, exploding arrow. Wh-what an interesting skill... The possibilities when it came to strategy had increased immensely! I would have to test this skill more and think of powerful combinations...!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 11, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「以䞊が圌の情報になりたす」 郚屋の䞭には、青い髪の県鏡をかけた男、ザッドマンず、スカヌレットの髪をした筋肉質の男、レオナルドの姿があった。 ザッドマンは、レオナルドに頌たれおいたセむダの情報を調べ、レオナルドに報告しおいるずころだ。 報告を聞いたレオナルドが、座っおいた怅子から立ち䞊がり、難しい顔になる。 「ご苊劎。それにしおも圌がセナビアでそんなに地䜍が䜎かったずは」 レオナルドは目を现めながら、窓の倖を芋る。レオナルドの芖線の先には、決勝ブロッ戊のために準備をするセむダの姿があった。 珟圚、レオナルドずザッドマンがいるのは決勝ブロックが行われる、孊園の敷地内にある倧きなスタゞアムのVIP垭だ。 VIP垭はスタゞアムを䞀望できるようにず、䞊のほうに蚭眮されおいたので、レオナルドたちはセむダたちを芋䞋すような圢になっおいた。 「信じられたせんが、ろくに魔法も䜿えなかったそうです」 「そんな男がうちに来たずきは、教垫陣を気絶させるほどの力を぀けおいるず」 わけのわからないこずに困った顔をするレオナルド。 それはレオナルドの埌方で控えおいるザッドマンも同じだった。ザッドマンはセむダに぀いおの資料を芋ながら、レオナルドに問いかける。 「ずころで、なぜ圌が転校ずいう扱いではなく、新芏の生埒ずいう扱いになっおいるのでしょうか?」 ザッドマンの質問に困ったずいう顔をするレオナルド。ザッドマンの蚀う通り、レむリア王囜の魔法孊園に入孊した堎合、その時点で教䌚から孊籍が発行される。 その孊籍は、レむリア王囜内共通の孊籍のため、転校の際は教䌚を通しおその孊籍を新しい孊園に移動させなくおはならない。しかし、セむダは孊籍の移動はせずに、新芏の孊籍を䜜っおいた。 「それに関しおは、ラむガヌが申請したこずだからわからない。だが、新しい孊籍取埗の際、昔のあい぀の孊籍が無くなっおいたそうだ」 「それは぀たり、教䌚内に圌の協力者が?」 ザッドマンの顔が驚愕に倉わる。 教䌚の人間は、皆が王囜のために働くのが圓たり前ずいった考えを持぀人たちが採甚される。そのため、採甚詊隓はかなり過酷なものになるが、その分、職員の信頌が倧きい。 そんな職員が、䞀個人の事情に察しお䞍正を行うずは考えられなかった。その考えはレオナルドも同じだ。 「わからん。あい぀の協力者なのか、たたはラむガヌの協力者なのかは。ただ、いえるこずは譊戒が必芁ずいうこずだ」 レオナルドは再びセむダのこずを芋据える。 「この倧䌚で、本性を珟すのか、ですね......」 ザッドマンもレオナルドず同じく、セむダのこずを芋据える。 そんの芖線に気づきながらも、セむダは無芖しお目の前の盞手を芋おいた。 セむダの目の前には、セむダがよく知がいる。 オレンゞの髪をしたアルナ、黒い短髪のグレン、黄色い髪に県鏡をしたコニヌ。セむダたちの決勝ブロック䞀回戊の盞手は、教宀でセむダのご近所さんだった䞉人だ。 「いや~、たさかいきなりセむダ君のチヌムず圓たるずは」 アルナが砕けた口調で話す。その姿には詊合前だずいうのに緊匵感がたったくなく、ずおもリラックスしおいる感じだ。そんなアルナに、譊戒をするセむダ。 「俺も驚きだよ。たさか、お前らず圓たるずは」 「意倖ずすごいだろ?」 セむダの発蚀に、笑いながら答えるグレン。 グレンもアルナ同様、緊匵した様子もなく、ずおもリラックスしおいる。しかしその手には倧きな斧が握られおおり、戊闘準備は䞇端ず物語っおいた。 コニヌはずいうず、二人の埌ろで立っおいるが、二人ずは違い、緊匵しおいる様子だ。 コニヌはロヌブを着おおり、その䞭には䜕を隠し持っおいるが、なにかはわからない。コニヌを譊戒のたなざしで芋据えるセむダ。 「詊合を始めたす。遞手は所定の䜍眮に぀いおください」 アナりンスが流れ、セむダたちはスタゞアム埌方ぞず䞋がる。それはアルナたちも同じであった。 「二人ずもいいな? 䜜戊は昚日蚀ったずおりだ」 「うん......」 「わかっおいる!」 詊合開始のアナりンスず同時に、セむダずナアがスタゞアム埌方から駆け出す。目指すはアルナずグレンぞの先制攻撃。 「ホリンズ」 「ナリ゚ル」 セむダはホリンズを召喚し、ナアはナリ゚ルを生成しお、そのたたアルナたちに駆け寄っお攻撃をする。二人は駆け出すず同時に、足に光属性の魔力を流し蟌み、䞀気に加速した。 それは垞人なら反応できない速さだ。仮に反応できたずしおも、詠唱をする時間がないため、魔法は䜿えず、生身で防埡に培するしかない。 これがセむダたちの考えた䜜戊である。 決勝ブロックは予遞ブロックずは違い、広倧な森ではなく、倧きなスタゞアムだ。そのため、芋぀けるや芋぀かるずいった抂念は存圚せず、力ず力のぶ぀かり合いになるこずが倚い。 そうなっおくるず、セむダたちは集団戊よりも個人戊のほうが戊いやすい。ずいっおも、二人の先手に反応できるものがいない堎合は開始盎埌に䞉察䞀ずなっおしたうのだが。 「もらった」 セむダはホリンズでアルナを、ナアはナリ゚ルでグレンを狙う。 アルナずグレンは反応こそできおも、その攻撃を防ぐこずはできない。よっおセむダずナアの先制攻撃が決たる、はずだった。 音の盟 セむダずナアの手に衝撃が走る。䜕かによっおホリンズずナリ゚ルはアルナずグレンには届かず、空䞭ではじかれおしたった。 セむダずナアはすぐさた远加攻撃をしようずするが、攻撃しようずした瞬間、たるで頭の䞭をかき混ぜられるような感芚を受けお、バランスを厩す。 それず同時に、アルナは刀で、グレンは斧で、二人に攻撃を加えおきた。だから二人はすぐに埌方ぞず回避する。 「今のは音か。だが二人は反応できおも詠唱はできなかったはずだ」 「セむダ、あれ......」 ナアが指をさした方向にはコニヌがいた。しかし先ほどのロヌブは消えおおり、手には蟞曞のような本が開かれおいる。 コニヌの持っおいる本を芋たセむダの顔に汗がにじみ出た。 「あの本、補助具か」 補助具、本圓の名前は魔法発動補助甚具。名前の通り、魔法発動の際の補助具である。この補助具を䜿えば、詠唱無しに魔法を発動できるずいう代物だ。 魔晶石ずいう詠唱を保存できる石を原料に䜜られる道具で、詠唱を保存できる数はその補助具を䜿う際に䜿われた魔晶石の量によっお決たる。 単玔な初玚魔法なら魔晶石も少量で枈むが、䞊玚魔法になっおくるずかなりの量が必芁になり、保存が難しい。 しかも扱いがずおも難しく、詠唱を保存するたでは簡単なのだが、その魔法を無詠唱で発動するのはかなりの難易床になるため、䜿うものはあたりいない。 「そうみたい......でもあの本だず......」 「ああ、軜く䞭玚魔法が䞉個は保存できるな」 「うん......」 「仕方ない。リリィ、コニヌはお前に任せた」 「わかった!」 セむダは埌方で埅機しおいたリリィにコニヌを任せる。リリィは初めお参戊を蚱されお、やる気満々だ。 「氎トラ!」 リリィが氎を生み出しお、氎のトラを䞉䜓䜜り出す。そしおその䞉䜓の虎で、コニヌに襲い掛かった。 コニヌを守ろうず、アルナが氎トラのこずを迎え撃぀が、セむダがアルナに攻撃をしお、邪魔を蚱さない。グレンはナリ゚ルで襲い掛かるナアの察応で動けない。 そんな状況の䞭、コニヌは魔導曞のほかのペヌゞを開き、魔法を行䜿する。 音の匟 コニヌの展開した魔法陣から、倧量の空気砲が打ち出されお、氎トラに襲い掛かる。リリィはその空気砲に察しお氎のレヌザヌを䜿い、匟きながら氎トラを守った。 氎のレヌザヌによっお匟かれた空気砲は、芳客垭に飛び蟌みそうになるが、スタゞアムに貌っおある結界がそれを蚱さない。 だから芳客垭に座る生埒たちは安心しお詊合を芋られる。 「無詠唱であんな匷力な魔法が......」 「蚓緎生よね!?」 「でもかなり匷いぞ」 芳客垭から、魔導曞を䜿っおいるコニヌに察抗するリリィに泚目が集たる。垞識的に考えれば、蚓緎生が決勝ブロックに出おいるのも異垞だが、盞手ず拮抗しおいるのはさらに異垞だ。 「りォヌタヌキャノン!」 リリィが氎トラの埌方から、倧きな氎の倧砲を二発撃぀。コニヌは魔導曞をめくり、防埡甚の魔法を展開した。 コニヌはサりンドバリアでりォヌタヌキャノンを防ごうずするが、バリアはリリィの攻撃受け止めきれずにひびが入る。 それに気づいたコニヌは驚き぀぀も次の手を打぀。 』を四枚は砎ったが、五枚目は砎れず、そのたた消えた。 りォヌタヌキャノンが消えるず同時に、五枚目の『 しかし、リリィの攻撃はこれで終わりではない。 最初に攟った氎トラが、無防備なコニヌに襲い掛かる。コニヌは慌おおサりンドバリアを行䜿しようずするが、間に合わないず察する。そこでずっさにほかの魔法を行䜿する。 共鳎震 次の瞬間、リリィの攟った䞉䜓の氎トラが匟けお、氎になり地面ぞず散らばった。 芳客は䜕が起きたのかわからなかった様子で固たる。 リリィも䜕が起きたのか、理解できなかったが、新たな攻撃を繰り出す。䞡手を地面に぀き、リリィは魔法を行䜿した。 「荒波!」 地面から氎が噎射しお、倧きな波が生み、コニヌに襲い掛かった。
「That is about everything I have on them」 There were figures of a blue-haired man in the glasses, Zadman, and a muscular red-haired man, Leonardo, in the room. Zadman investigated Seiya under the request from Leonardo and came to report. When Leonardo heard the report, he stood from his chair with a difficult face. 「Good work. I never expected that his status in Senabia was so low」 Leonardo narrowed his eyes and looked outside the window. On the end of his line of sight, there was Seiya’s team that was preparing for the first match. Zadman and Leonardo were currently in the VIP seats of the stadium where the final fights will happen. The VIP seats were arranged in a way that people could overlook the stadium. Therefore, they needed to look down to see Seiya. 「You may not believe it, but it is said, that he couldn’t even use magic properly」 「And this boy made the teachers faint upon his arrival here」 Lack of understanding was expressed on Leonardo’s face. The same was true for Zadman. He asked Leonardo while looking through the gathered materials. 「By the way, why is he treated as a new student and not a transfer one?」 Leonardo made a troubled face at Zadman’s question. As Zadman said, when you enroll into an academy in the Leiria Kingdom, the church will issue a corresponding student record. This record is supposed to be made only once, and when you transfer, the church will transfer the record to a new academy. However, in Seiya’s case, a new record was created. 「Regarding that, Raiga dealt with those matters, so I do not know. However, it seems that his previous record vanished at the same time as this one was made」 「Does that mean that he has connections in the church? 」 Zadman’s face changed once he thought of that. Staff, accepted by the church, mostly thinks that working for the sake of the kingdom is a matter of course. The selection is harsh but the resulting trust is big. It is unthinkable for them to work around the system. And Leonardo was of the same opinion. [] 「I don’t know. It might be his connections or Raiga’s. I just want you to be vigilant」 Leonardo looked at Seiya once again. 「Will he show his true colors in this tournament.........」 Following Leonardo, Zadman looked at Seiya too. [] While being aware of their stares, Seiya ignored them and looked at his opponents. In front of Seiya, there were three people who he knew well. Orange-haired Aruna, a guy with a short black hair, Glenn, and a yellow-haired man with the glasses, Connie. Seiya’s first opponents were his three neighbors from his own class. 「Wow, for us to face Seiya-kun’s team all of a sudden」 Said Aruna with a defeated tone. Although her figure wasn’t tense in the slightest and was quite relaxed. Seiya went on guard against such Aruna. 「I’m surprised too. Never expected to bump into you in the first match」 「Totally unexpected. Amazing, right? 」 Glenn answered on Seiya’s statement while laughing. Just as Aruna, he wasn’t nervous and was completely relaxed. However, there was a big ax in his hand, he was absolutely prepared for the battle. As for Connie, he stood behind the two. Opposite of the two, he looked rather nervous. Connie was wearing a robe and was hiding something inside of it, but Seiya had no idea of what it was. Seiya looked at him with vigilant eyes. 「The match is about to start. Participants are to go to the starting positions」 Following an announcement, Seiya’s team entered the stadium, the same applied to Aruna’s team. 「Are you ready? The plan stays the same」 「Un.....」 「I understand! 」 Together with the announcement, Seiya and Yua dashed ahead. They aimed for a preemptive strike against Aruna and Glenn. 「Hollins」 「Yuriel」 Seiya summoned the Hollins and Yua created the Yuriel, then, they launched an assault. As soon as they rushed out, they used light mana to accelerate. They moved at a speed beyond the reaction of a normal human. Even if the opponents could react, they won’t have any time to chant and use magic, thus, they will be forced to block with their own power. This is a strategy that Seiya’s group came up with. Unlike the qualifying blocks, the final block’s matches weren’t in a vast forest but in a big stadium. As such, the concepts of hiding and searching didn’t exist here. The outcome is often decided through the direct clash. With this, it is easier for Seiya’s team to fight in the individual battles instead of the group ones. Although, if there is no one in the other team who can react to their assault, it will immediately become three on one. 「Got you」 Seiya aimed for Aruna with the Hollins and Yua aimed for Glenn with the Yuriel. Aruna and Glenn were able to react but weren’t able to prevent it. The outcome was supposed to be decided at this moment. 「『Sound Shield』」 A shockwave ran through the hands of Seiya and Yua. The Hollins and the Yuriel didn’t reach Aruna and Glenn, they were blocked in the air by something. Seiya and Yua tried to follow-up with an additional attack, but they suddenly felt their heads spinning and their balance broke. At the same time, Aruna with a katana and Glenn with an ax came attacking them. The two immediately distanced themselves. 「Was this the sound? But they shouldn’t be able to chant」 「Seiya, this is.....」 Yua pointed with her finger at Connie. His robe had disappeared and there was an opened book, which looked like a dictionary, in his hand. Seiya started sweating once he saw that book. 「Is that book a support tool?」 Support tool, full name: magic activation support tool. As its name suggests, it helps the user activate spells. This book, this support tool, could be used as a substitute for a chant. It is made using magic stones, which can store the chant inside of them. The number of chants that the support tool is able to store depends on the quantity of the magic stones. You can easily store the elementary spells using a small number of magic stones, but when it comes to the advanced ones, the magic stone requirements are drastically increased. Besides that, its usage is difficult. It is still a hurdle to chantlessly activate a spell stored inside. That’s why it is not very popular. 「It seems so....but this book.....」 「Yeah, it can easily store about three intermediate spells」 「Un.....」 「Can’t help it. Lily, I will leave Connie to you」 「All right! 」 Seiya left Connie for Lily, who was in the back, to deal with. Participating in a fight for the first time, she was incredibly motivated. 「Water tiger!」 Lily created some water that transformed into the three tigers. Together with the tigers, she attacked Connie. To protect Connie, Aruna tried to intercept one of the tigers, but Seiya launched an attack of his own and disrupted her. Yua, on the other hand, pinned down Glenn. In such circumstances, Connie opens the next page and activates a spell. 「『Sound Bullet』」 Compressed air flew out of the magic circle like from a cannon, straight towards one of the tigers. Lily deflected it with a water laser of her own and successfully protected her tiger. Deflected by the water laser, this bullet flew toward the audience. However, the barrier around the stadium didn’t allow that. That’s why the guests and the audience were able to safely watch the matches. 「Such a powerful spell without any chant......」 「She is a trainee, right!?」 「But she is quite strong」 The attention was gathered around Lily, who was opposing Connie and his magic book. Usually, it was weird to see a trainee in the final block, even more, she was actually on the offensive. 「Water cannon!」 From behind, Lily shot two large water cannons. Connie turned a page and activated a defensive spell. Connie tried to deal with the water cannon using the sound barrier, but the barrier started cracking without being able to stop it. Once he noticed, although startled, he immediately played his next card. With this, the five-layered『Sound Shield』was completed. The water cannon broke through the four of them and dispersed upon hitting the fifth. Together with the disappearance of the water cannon, the last shield crumbled. However, Lily’s attack didn’t end with just this. The tiger, that was summoned in the beginning, came pouncing at the defenseless Connie. Connie thought of erecting another sound barrier but didn’t think that he had enough time. He decided on using a different spell. 「『Resonance Tremor』」 In the next moment, Lily’s water tigers burst and became puddles of the ground. The audience was silent and couldn’t figure out what happened. Lily had no idea too, but she immediately produced the next attack. She put both of her hands on the ground and activated the magic. 「Raging wave!」 The water burst from the ground, formed a wave, and moved towards Connie.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 6, "inserted_lines_src": 15, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
ゞャヌナリストずしお 本圓に面癜いですが 私が興味あるのは蚘事自䜓の 倉化ではありたせん 曞く前の段階の倉化 ぀たり情報入手や ― 取材方法に関心がありたす 力関係は新聞瀟から読者ぞず 倧きくシフトし 取材が様倉わりしたからです 読み手はこれたで ニュヌスに 圱響も倉化も䞎えられたせんでした 接点がなかったのです でも状況は倉わりたした 私が初めおメディアに関心をもったのは 1984幎 BBCがストを実斜したずきです マンガたで䌑みになり 怒っおいたのです だから手玙を曞きたした 嫌がらせの手玙に 最高の結びは こうです 「愛を蟌めお マヌカム 4才」 これは今でも通甚したす ストに䞎えた むンパクトは䞍明です ただ わかったのは 返事に3週間もかかったこず 行動を起こしお 結果を知りたくおも そんなに時間がかかったのです それもすっかり倉わりたした 誰もが瞬時にやり取りしたす 読者が蚘事に反応した時代は終わり 今ではゞャヌナリストが 読者に頌っおいるのです 読者がニュヌスを探しおくれたす 取材の切り口も 皆が知りたい事も 読者が教えおくれたす 党郚リアルタむムで あっずいう間です い぀もこんな状態で 远い぀くのに必死です どのくらい読者に頌っおいるか ― 9月5日 コスタリカの 地震を䟋に 芋おみたしょう M7.6の倧地震でした 地震が起きお60秒埌 ― 250km先のマナグアが揺れたした マナグアが揺れるたでに 60秒かかっおいるのです その30秒埌 第䞀報がツむヌトされたす "temblor" 地震ずいう぀ぶやきでした 地震が到達するのに 60秒かかりたした その30秒埌には 地震のニュヌスが 瞬時に䞖界䞭を駆け巡りたす 䞖界䞭の誰もが マナグアの地震を 知り埗たのです きっかけは最初の1人が 状況を䌝えたいず思い 投皿したこずです いたは誰もが投皿したす 最新情報や写真やビデオは 絶え間なくクラりドに 流れ蟌んでいきたす 垞に膚倧なデヌタが アップロヌドされおいたす デヌタによれば YouTubeでは毎分72時間以䞊の ビデオが投皿されたす YouTubeでは毎分72時間以䞊の ビデオが投皿されたす 1秒間に1時間分を超える 投皿があるのです Instagramでは1秒に58枚の写真 ― Facebookでは 3,500枚以䞊の 写真が投皿されたす だから 私がこの話を終える頃には YouTubeには864時間分のビデオ ― FacebookずInstagramには 250䞇枚の写真が投皿されおいたす あらゆる情報が入手可胜な立堎は ゞャヌナリストにずっお面癜い状況です 䞖界䞭の出来事を ほが同時に しかもタダで 知るこずができたす この状況は 誰にずっおも同じです ただ問題があっお 情報が倧量になるず 䟡倀があるものを芋぀けるのが 難しくなりたす これを痛切に感じたのが ハリケヌン・サンディのずきです 長らく経隓しおいなかった 巚倧ハリケヌンが iPhoneの総本山を襲ったのです さらに倚皮倚様なメディアを みんなが持っおいたす だからニセモノや 再投皿された叀い写真 ― 過去の写真を䜿った合成写真を ゞャヌナリストは 芋分ける必芁がありたす 映画『デむ・アフタヌ・トゥモロヌ』の 写真たで混じっおいたす 䞭には リアルすぎお 本物かどうかわからないものも 冗談はさおおき Instagramからの この写真では 培底した怜蚌が必芁でした Instagramでフィルタが かけられおいたす 光の圓たり方が疑わしく芋えたした でも これは本物でした 氎没したマンハッタン アベニュヌCです 本物ず刀明したのは 情報源が特定できたからです NYのフヌド・ブロガヌで よく知られ 尊敬されおいたした この堎合は本物だず蚌明できたした これがゞャヌナリストの仕事 情報の確認です 倖に出お情報を集め それを読者に芋せる代わりに 問題になりそうな情報を止めたす 信頌できる情報源の 発芋が重芁になるため ゞャヌナリストは Twitterを頻繁に利甚したす 倧量の情報が集たるので 䜿い方がわかれば たるで蚘事配信サヌビスのように 利甚できたす 圹に立぀反面 難しい面もあるこずが 2011幎の゚ゞプト革呜でわかりたした アラビア語が話せず ゚ゞプトではなく ダブリンにいる私にずっおは Twitterリストや 質の高い情報源のリストや 信頌できる人が 重芁でした そんなリストを 䞀から䜜るには どうしたらよいか? 䜕を探すべきか知らないず ずおも倧倉です これはむタリアの孊者 アンドレ・パニ゜ンが タハリヌル広堎での Twitter䞊のやり取りを 芖芚化したものです ムバラク倧統領が 蟞任した その日です 点はリツむヌトで 誰かがメッセヌゞを リツむヌトするず 2点が぀ながりたす 回数が倚い皋 ― ぀ながりが増えおいきたす すごい方法で䌚話を芖芚化しおいたす ただ ここから埗られるのは 誰に関心をもち 誰を調べるべきかを 知る手がかりだけです 䌚話が展開するず どんどん掻発になり 最終的に 䌚話は 巚倧な リズムを刻む点の塊になりたす ぀ながりを芋お こう思うかも 「圌らに぀いお調べよう 䜕か知っおるかもしれない どんな人間か 調べおみよう」 私たちゞャヌナリストは 情報があふれる今 ― りェブの同時性に ずおも興味を芚えたす この皮の調査に䜿えるツヌルが 今はたくさんあるからです 以前よりも ずおも詳しく 情報源を調べるこずができたす よさそうなネタを芋぀けたず思っおも 本圓に䜿えるかどうか ― 確信がもおない堎合がありたす 信頌できる情報源か ― 合成か 再投皿か わからないからです 調べる必芁がありたす ご芧頂いおいるビデオは 2週間前に芋぀けたした ビデオ 「颚が匷くなっおきたわ」 「倧倉!」 プロデュヌサヌなら 攟送したくなるはずです すごい掘り出し物ですから 生々しい反応です 裏庭で撮圱されたした でも 本物か ニセモノか 叀いものか 再投皿かを知る方法は? ビデオを調べお わかったのは YouTubeのナヌザヌ名だけでした このアカりントの投皿は 1件だけ ナヌザヌ名は "Rita Krill" 本名か 停名かはわかりたせん そこで ネット䞊の 無料ツヌルで調べ始めたした たずSpokeoで名前を探したした 党米を調べ NY ペンシルベニア ― ネバダ フロリダで この名を芋぀けたした 次にWolfram Alphaを䜿っお ビデオが投皿された日の 気象情報をチェックしたした 名前が挙がった堎所の内 ― その日 フロリダが雷雚でした だからWhitePagesの 電話垳でRita Krillをいく぀か芋぀け 䜏所を掗ったずころ ― Google Mapsで 家を芋぀けたした ビデオず よく䌌た ― プヌルがある家です 再びビデオを芋お ヒントを探したした ビデオをよく芋るず 倧きなパラ゜ルず 癜い゚アマットがあり プヌルの角は曲線を描いおいたす 背景には朚が2本 Google Mapsに戻り よく芋るず ゚アマットも 2本の朚も パラ゜ルもありたす 写真では閉じおいたす 少し工倫するず プヌルの角が䞞いこずもわかりたす 調査をもずにリタに電話をかけ 自分で撮ったものだず確認したした クラむアントは安心しお攟映できたした 䞀方 真実を知るこずが 重倧な結果をずもなう堎合がありたす 私達がシリアに泚目するのは 戊争犯眪の蚌拠ずなりうる情報の 真停を刀断するこずが 圓然 倚くなるからです この堎合 YouTubeが 䞖界情勢を知るために 重芁な情報源です このビデオは かなり残酷なので 音声の䞀郚を お聞きください 出所はシリアのハマヌです 映像は血だらけの死䜓が ピックアップトラックから降ろされお 橋から投げ萜ずされる堎面です ムスリム同胞団のメンバヌが シリア軍兵士の死䜓を 捚おる所ずされおいたす でも男達は 呪いや 冒涜の蚀葉を蚀っおおり 本圓は䜕者なのか ビデオの説明通りなのかは 意芋が分かれたす そこでTwitterでやり取りしおいた ― ハマヌにいる人達に この件を尋ねたした 泚目したのは橋です 特定できるかも知れたせん 3぀の情報源の 蚌蚀はバラバラでした ある協力者は「橋はない」 別の協力者は「橋はあるが ハマヌではない」 3人目は「橋はあるず思う でも䞊流のダムが閉鎖しおおり 川に氎がないはずで 映像ず䞀臎しない」 最埌の蚌蚀がヒントになりたした 手がかりを探しお ビデオを芋るず 特城のある 手すりに気づきたした 歩道䞊の圱が 南ぞ䌞びおいるので 橋は東西方向にかかっおいたす 歩道は癜ず黒に塗られおいたす 川面を芋るず 西偎にコンクリヌト護岞 血の流れが芋えたす ぀たり川が南から北ぞ 流れおいるのです 橋から向こうを芋るず 土手に削られた郚分があり 川幅が狭たっおいたす 次にGoogle Mapsで 橋を党郚芋おいきたした 先ほどのダムから䞋流に向かっお 橋がある堎所を すべお確認し 該圓しないものを倖したした 探すのは東西にかかる橋です でもダムからハマヌたで芋たしたが 橋がありたせん でも航空写真に切り替えるず 橋がひず぀あったのです 蚌拠がたずたり始めたす この橋は東西にかかっおいるようです この橋でしょうか ズヌムしおみたしょう 橋の䞭倮に線があり 2車線だずわかりたす 癜ず黒に塗られた歩道もありたす さらにクリックするず アップロヌドされた写真が マップ䞊に珟れたす 写真をクリックするず 现郚を芋お ビデオず照合できたす 最初に気づくのは 癜ず黒の瞁石です 手がかりになりそうです 特城のある手すりも芋えたす ここから男達が 死䜓を投げ捚おおいたした これが探しおいた橋だず 確信するたで怜蚌を続けたした ここから䜕がわかるでしょう? 思い出しおほしいのは3人の情報 ― 「橋がない」ずいう情報ず 「ハマヌではない」ずいう情報 ― そしお「橋はあるが 氎䜍がおかしい」ずいう情報です 3人目の情報が急に 信頌できるものに芋えお来たした 私達はそれを無料ツヌルで 確認する事ができたした ダブリンのオフィスにいながら たった20分で です これが䜜業の醍醐味です ネット䞊には倧量の情報が 行き亀っおいるので 遞別はずおも倧倉ですし 日々 難しくなりたす でも情報を適切に䜿えば 玠晎らしい情報が手に入りたす 手がかりさえあれば 皆さんが知られたくない 情報だっお探り出せるでしょう 今は これたでにない皋 ― 倧量の情報があり 遞別も難しいですが 匷力なツヌルがありたす 無料のツヌルで お話ししたような調査が可胜です 掗緎されたアルゎリズムや 高速なコンピュヌタもありたす でもアルゎリズムは 芏則の集たりに過ぎず YesかNo 癜か黒なのです 真実はそうではありたせん 真実には䟡倀がありたす 真実は感情に蚎え 流動的で 䜕より人間的なものです コンピュヌタが どれほど速くなろうず 情報がどれほど増えようず ― 真実を探すためには 人間が欠かせたせん 真実の探求は 人間の特性なのですから ありがずうございたした (拍手)
So it's a really interesting time to be a journalist, but the upheaval that I'm interested in is not on the output side. It's on the input side. It's concern with how we get information and how we gather the news. And that's changed, because we've had a huge shift in the balance of power from the news organizations to the audience. where they didn't have any way of affecting news or making any change. They couldn't really connect. And that's changed irrevocably. My first connection with the news media was in 1984, the BBC had a one-day strike. I wasn't happy. I was angry. I couldn't see my cartoons. So I wrote a letter. And it's a very effective way of ending your hate mail: "Love Markham, Aged 4." Still works. I'm not sure if I had any impact on the one-day strike, but what I do know is that it took them three weeks to get back to me. And that was the round journey. It took that long for anyone to have any impact and get some feedback. And that's changed now because, as journalists, we interact in real time. We're not in a position where the audience is reacting to news. We're reacting to the audience, and we're actually relying on them. They're helping us find the news. They're helping us figure out what is the best angle to take and what is the stuff that they want to hear. So it's a real-time thing. It's much quicker. It's happening on a constant basis, and the journalist is always playing catch up. To give an example of how we rely on the audience, on the 5th of September in Costa Rica, an earthquake hit. It was a 7.6 magnitude. It was fairly big. And 60 seconds is the amount of time it took for it to travel 250 kilometers to Managua. So the ground shook in Managua 60 seconds after it hit the epicenter. Thirty seconds later, the first message went onto Twitter, and this was someone saying "temblor," which means earthquake. So 60 seconds was how long it took for the physical earthquake to travel. Thirty seconds later news of that earthquake had traveled all around the world, instantly. Everyone in the world, hypothetically, had the potential to know that an earthquake was happening in Managua. And that happened because this one person had a documentary instinct, which was to post a status update, which is what we all do now, so if something happens, we put our status update, or we post a photo, we post a video, and it all goes up into the cloud in a constant stream. huge volumes of data going up. It's actually staggering. When you look at the numbers, every minute there are 72 more hours of video on YouTube. So that's, every second, more than an hour of video gets uploaded. And in photos, Instagram, 58 photos are uploaded to Instagram a second. More than three and a half thousand photos go up onto Facebook. So by the time I'm finished talking here, there'll be 864 more hours of video on Youtube than there were when I started, and two and a half million more photos on Facebook and Instagram than when I started. So it's an interesting position to be in as a journalist, Any event that happens anywhere in the world, I should be able to know about it pretty much instantaneously, as it happens, for free. And that goes for every single person in this room. The only problem is, when you have that much information, you have to find the good stuff, and that can be incredibly difficult when you're dealing with those volumes. And nowhere was this brought home more than during Hurricane Sandy. So what you had in Hurricane Sandy was a superstorm, the likes of which we hadn't seen for a long time, hitting the iPhone capital of the universe -- -- and you got volumes of media like we'd never seen before. And that meant that journalists had to deal with fakes, so we had to deal with old photos that were being reposted. We had to deal with composite images that were merging photos from previous storms. We had to deal with images from films like "The Day After Tomorrow." And we had to deal with images that were so realistic it was nearly difficult to tell if they were real at all. But joking aside, there were images like this one from Instagram which was subjected to a grilling by journalists. They weren't really sure. It was filtered in Instagram. The lighting was questioned. Everything was questioned about it. And it turned out to be true. It was from Avenue C in downtown Manhattan, which was flooded. And the reason that they could tell that it was real was because they could get to the source, and in this case, these guys were New York food bloggers. They were well respected. They were known. So this one wasn't a debunk, it was actually something that they could prove. And that was the job of the journalist. It was filtering all this stuff. And you were, instead of going and finding the information and bringing it back to the reader, you were holding back the stuff that was potentially damaging. And finding the source becomes more and more important -- finding the good source -- and Twitter is where most journalists now go. It's like the de facto real-time newswire, if you know how to use it, because there is so much on Twitter. And a good example of how useful it can be but also how difficult was the Egyptian revolution in 2011. As a non-Arabic speaker, as someone who was looking from the outside, from Dublin, Twitter lists, and lists of good sources, people we could establish were credible, were really important. And how do you build a list like that from scratch? Well, it can be quite difficult, but you have to know what to look for. This visualization was done by an Italian academic. took the Twitter conversation in Tahrir Square on the day that Hosni Mubarak would eventually resign, and the dots you can see are retweets, so when someone retweets a message, a connection is made between two dots, and the more times that message is retweeted by other people, the more you get to see these nodes, these connections being made. And it's an amazing way of visualizing the conversation, but what you get is hints at who is more interesting and who is worth investigating. And as the conversation grew and grew, it became more and more lively, and eventually you were left with this huge, big, rhythmic pointer of this conversation. You could find the nodes, though, and then you went, and you go, "Right, I've got to investigate these people. These are the ones that are obviously making sense. Let's see who they are." Now in the deluge of information, this is where the real-time web gets really interesting for a journalist like myself, because we have more tools than ever to do that kind of investigation. And when you start digging into the sources, you can go further and further than you ever could before. is so compelling, you want to use it, you're dying to use it, but you're not 100 percent sure if you can because you don't know if the source is credible. You don't know if it's a scrape. You don't know if it's a re-upload. And you have to do that investigative work. And this video, which I'm going to let run through, was one we discovered a couple of weeks ago. Video: Getting real windy in just a second. Oh, shit! Markham Nolan: Okay, so now if you're a news producer, this is something you'd love to run with, because obviously, this is gold. You know? This is a fantastic reaction from someone, very genuine video that they've shot in their back garden. But how do you find if this person, if it's true, if it's faked, or if it's something that's old and that's been reposted? So we set about going to work on this video, and the only thing that we had to go on was the username on the YouTube account. There was only one video posted to that account, and the username was Rita Krill. And we didn't know if Rita existed or if it was a fake name. But we started looking, and we used free Internet tools to do so. The first one was called Spokeo, which allowed us to look for Rita Krills. So we looked all over the U.S. We found them in New York, we found them in Pennsylvania, Nevada and Florida. called Wolfram Alpha, and we checked the weather reports for the day in which this video had been uploaded, and when we went through all those various cities, we found that in Florida, there were thunderstorms and rain on the day. So we went to the white pages, and we found, we looked through the Rita Krills in the phonebook, and we looked through a couple of different addresses, and that took us to Google Maps, where we found a house. And we found a house with a swimming pool that looked remarkably like Rita's. So we went back to the video, and we had to look for clues that we could cross-reference. So if you look in the video, there's the big umbrella, there's a white lilo in the pool, there are some unusually rounded edges in the swimming pool, and there's two trees in the background. And we went back to Google Maps, and we looked a little bit closer, and sure enough, there's the white lilo, there are the two trees, there's the umbrella. It's actually folded in this photo. Little bit of trickery. And there are the rounded edges on the swimming pool. So we were able to call Rita, clear the video, make sure that it had been shot, and then our clients were delighted because they were able to run it without being worried. Sometimes the search for truth, though, is a little bit less flippant, and it has much greater consequences. Syria has been really interesting for us, because obviously potentially war crime evidence, so this is where YouTube actually becomes the most important repository of information about what's going on in the world. So this video, I'm not going to show you the whole thing, because it's quite gruesome, but you'll hear some of the sounds. This is from Hama. Video: And what this video shows, when you watch the whole thing through, is bloody bodies being taken out of a pickup truck and thrown off a bridge. The allegations were that these guys were Muslim Brotherhood and they were throwing Syrian Army officers' bodies off the bridge, and they were cursing and using blasphemous language, and there were lots of counterclaims about who they were, and whether or not they were what the video said it was. So we talked to some sources in Hama who we had been back and forth with on Twitter, and we asked them about this, and the bridge was interesting to us because it was something we could identify. Three different sources said three different things about the bridge. They said, one, the bridge doesn't exist. Another one said the bridge does exist, but it's not in Hama. It's somewhere else. And the third one said, "I think the bridge does exist, but the dam upstream of the bridge was closed, so the river should actually have been dry, so this doesn't make sense." So that was the only one that gave us a clue. We looked through the video for other clues. We saw the distinctive railings, which we could use. We looked at the curbs. The curbs were throwing shadows south, so we could tell the bridge was running east-west across the river. It had black-and-white curbs. As we looked at the river itself, you could see there's a concrete stone on the west side. There's a cloud of blood. That's blood in the river. So the river is flowing south to north. That's what that tells me. And also, as you look away from the bridge, there's a divot on the left-hand side of the bank, and the river narrows. So onto Google Maps we go, and we start looking through literally every single bridge. We go to the dam that we talked about, we start just literally going through every time that road crosses the river, crossing off the bridges that don't match. We're looking for one that crosses east-west. And we get to Hama. We get all the way from the dam to Hama and there's no bridge. So we go a bit further. We switch to the satellite view, and we find another bridge, and everything starts to line up. The bridge looks like it's crossing the river east to west. So this could be our bridge. And we zoom right in. We start to see that it's got a median, so it's a two-lane bridge. And it's got the black-and-white curbs that we saw in the video, and as we click through it, you can see someone's uploaded photos to go with the map, which is very handy, so we click into the photos. And the photos start showing us more detail that we can cross-reference with the video. The first thing that we see is we see black-and-white curbing, which is handy because we've seen that before. We see the distinctive railing that we saw the guys throwing the bodies over. And we keep going through it until we're certain that this is our bridge. So what does that tell me? I've got to go back now to my three sources and look at what they told me: the one who said the bridge didn't exist, the one who said the bridge wasn't in Hama, and the one guy who said, "Yes, the bridge does exist, but I'm not sure about the water levels." Number three is looking like the most truthful all of a sudden, and we've been able to find that out using some free Internet tools sitting in a cubicle in an office in Dublin in the space of 20 minutes. And that's part of the joy of this. Although the web is running like a torrent, there's so much information there that it's incredibly hard to sift and getting harder every day, if you use them intelligently, you can find out incredible information. Given a couple of clues, I could probably find out a lot of things about most of you in the audience that you might not like me finding out. But what it tells me is that, at a time when there's more -- there's a greater abundance of information than there ever has been, it's harder to filter, we have greater tools. We have free Internet tools that allow us, help us do this kind of investigation. We have algorithms that are smarter than ever before, and computers that are quicker than ever before. But here's the thing. Algorithms are rules. They're binary. They're yes or no, they're black or white. Truth is never binary. Truth is a value. Truth is emotional, it's fluid, and above all, it's human. No matter how quick we get with computers, no matter how much information we have, you'll never be able to remove the human from the truth-seeking exercise, because in the end, it is a uniquely human trait. Thanks very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
昆垃茶のレシピを䜿っおいたす バクテリアず酵母菌ず 埮生物の共生混合物で その発酵過皋で セルロヌスが糞状になりたす 時間の経過ず共に 液䜓の䞭で極现の糞が 局になり 衚面でじゅうたんのようになりたす 䜜り方ですが たず 䞀床に30リットルほどお茶をいれお 熱いうちに砂糖を数キロ加えたす 完党に溶けるたで かき混ぜお 専甚タンクに流し蟌みたす 摂氏30床以䞋たで お茶が冷めたこずを確かめたす 次に有機生物ず 酢酞を䞀緒に入れたす このプロセスが進めば 前回䜿甚した発酵液を 再利甚できたす 培逊には最適枩床を保぀必芁があるので 容噚の䞋にはヒヌトマットを䜿甚しお 枩床調節に恒枩装眮も䜿いたす 暑い日には倖で培逊できたす 玠材ミニ蟲堎です 3日もすれば 液䜓の衚面に泡が出おきたす 発酵がスムヌズにいっおいるサむンです 液䞭の砂糖を栄逊ずしお バクテリアが増殖䞭です セルロヌスナノファむバヌが 玡がれおいるずころです 互いにくっ぀いお 局を぀くり 衚面でシヌト状になりたす 数週間ほど経぀ず 数センチの厚さになりたす 巊のタンクは5日目のものです 右は10日目です これは静眮培逊のため 䞖話をする必芁がありたせん 勝手に育ちたす 光も芁りたせん 採取できるようになったら 容噚から出しお 冷たい石鹞氎で掗いたす かなり重くなっおいたす 9割が氎分なので 蒞発させなくおはいけたせん 朚のシヌトに広げたす これも倖で䜜業できるので 自然也燥させたす 也燥しながら圧瞮されるので レシピにもよりたすが ずおも軜い透明の玙のようなもの たたは しなやかな ベゞタブルレザヌのようなものが出来あがりたす 埓来の方法で 裁断をしお瞫補もできたすし 濡れた状態の玠材を 立䜓型にくっ぀けお 圢づくるこずもできたす 氎分が蒞発したら 自然ずくっ぀き 瞫い目のようになりたす このゞャケットの色は 緑茶そのものの色です 人間の皮にも䌌おいお 興味をそそられたす オヌガニックなので 化孊薬品の䜿甚は最小限にしようずしおいたす 鉄酞化䜜甚を利甚しお 染料を䜿わずに 色を倉えられたす 果物や野菜の染料を䜿えば 自然な暡様のできあがり 藍の染料を䜿えば 埮生物っぜさがなくなりたす 綿をこの濃さにするには 藍の染料に18回も ぀けなくおはいけたせん でも この皮のセルロヌスは吞収がいいので 1回だけで染たっおしたいたす ただ防氎加工はできないため このワンピヌスを着お 今日のような雚に 圓たっおしたうず あっずいう間に かなりの氎分を 吞収しおしたいたす ワンピヌスは重くなり 瞫い目からはがれおきお 肌もあらわになっおしたうでしょう パフォヌマンスには適しおいおも 間違いなく普段着にはなりたせん 玠材が満足のいく 質になるように 思考錯誀䞭です 未来の埮生物には こう蚀いたいです “糞を玡いで 䞀定方向に繊維を぀くり 氎に溶けない玠材にしお 立䜓型に合わせお 圢づくっおちょうだい” 埮生物セルロヌスは既に傷の治療に䜿甚されおいお 将来は 生䜓適合性血管や 骚现胞の代替材料ずしおさえ 䜿われるこずが考えられたす でも 合成生物孊の力で このバクテリアを操䜜すれば 私たちが望むような 質ず量ず圢を生みだす 䜕かができるこずも 考えられたす デザむナヌの私は興味をかきたおられたす それが可胜になれば 消耗品を぀くりだすこずも 考えられるようになるからです 埮生物を扱う面癜さずは その効率性にありたす 必芁なだけ生成できるので 無駄がありたせん 廃棄物を䜿甚するこずも考えられたす 䟋えばですが 食品加工工堎で出る 砂糖の廃棄物などです 最終段階では 野菜くずず䞀緒に 自然に生物分解させられたす 私は埮生物セルロヌスが 綿や皮やその他の繊維品の 代替品になるず蚀っおいるのではありたせん でも 自然資源がたすたす貎重ずなっおいる今 賢明で持続可胜な遞択肢になり埗るず思いたす もしかするず最終的には ファッションなどではなく ランプや 怅子や 車 もしくは家でさえ ぀くりだすこずを思い描けたす 皆さんだったら 将来どんなものを 育おるでしょう? どうもありがずう (拍手) スザンヌさん その服も あえお着おいるのですね 䜜品の䞀぀ですか? そうです このプロゞェクトは ただ進行䞭です 実際に今も生物分解しおたすから (䌚堎: 笑い声) 汗を吞収しおるので 埮生物が増殖䞭です では これたでにしたしょう ありがずう (拍手)
I'm essentially using a kombucha recipe, which is a symbiotic mix of bacteria, yeasts and other micro-organisms, which spin cellulose in a fermentation process. Over time, these tiny threads form in the liquid into layers and produce a mat on the surface. So we start by brewing the tea. I brew up to about 30 liters of tea at a time, and then while it's still hot, add a couple of kilos of sugar. We stir this in until it's completely dissolved We need to check that the temperature has cooled to below 30 degrees C. And then we're ready to add the living organism. And along with that, some acetic acid. And once you get this process going, you can actually recycle your previous fermented liquid. We need to maintain an optimum temperature for the growth. And I use a heat mat to sit the bath on and a thermostat to regulate it. And actually, in hot weather, I can just grow it outside. So this is my mini fabric farm. After about three days, the bubbles will appear on the surface of the liquid. So this is telling us that the fermentation is in full swing. And the bacteria are feeding on the sugar nutrients in the liquid. So they're spinning these tiny nano fibers of pure cellulose. And they're sticking together, forming layers and giving us a sheet on the surface. After about two to three weeks, we're looking at something which is about an inch in thickness. So the bath on the left is after five days, and on the right, after 10. And this is a static culture. You don't have to do anything to it; you just literally watch it grow. It doesn't need light. And when it's ready to harvest, you take it out of the bath and you wash it in cold, soapy water. At this point, it's really heavy. It's over 90 percent water, so we need to let that evaporate. So I spread it out onto a wooden sheet. Again, you can do that outside and just let it dry in the air. And as it's drying, it's compressing, so what you're left with, depending on the recipe, like a really light-weight, transparent paper, or something which is much more like a flexible vegetable leather. And then you can either cut that out and sew it conventionally, or you can use the wet material to form it around a three-dimensional shape. And as it evaporates, it will knit itself together, forming seams. So the color in this jacket is coming purely from green tea. I guess it also looks a little bit like human skin, which intrigues me. Since it's organic, I'm really keen to try and minimize the addition of any chemicals. I can make it change color without using dye by a process of iron oxidation. Using fruit and vegetable staining, create organic patterning. And using indigo, make it anti-microbial. And in fact, cotton would take up to 18 dips in indigo to achieve a color this dark. And because of the super-absorbency of this kind of cellulose, it just takes one, and a really short one at that. What I can't yet do is make it water-resistant. So if I was to walk outside in the rain wearing this dress today, I would immediately start to absorb huge amounts of water. The dress would get really heavy, and eventually the seams would probably fall apart -- leaving me feeling rather naked. Possibly a good performance piece, but definitely not ideal for everyday wear. What I'm looking for is a way to give the material the qualities that I need. So what I want to do is say to a future bug, "Spin me a thread. Align it in this direction. Make it hydrophobic. And while you're at it, just form it around this 3D shape." Bacterial cellulose is actually already being used for wound healing, and possibly in the future for biocompatible blood vessels, possibly even replacement bone tissue. But with synthetic biology, we can actually imagine engineering this bacterium to produce something that gives us the quality, quantity and shape of material that we desire. Obviously, as a designer, that's really exciting because then I start to think, wow, we could actually imagine growing consumable products. What excites me about using microbes is their efficiency. So we only grow what we need. There's no waste. And in fact, we could make it from a waste stream -- so for example, a waste sugar stream from a food processing plant. Finally, at the end of use, we could biodegrade it naturally along with your vegetable peelings. What I'm not suggesting is that microbial cellulose is going to be a replacement for cotton, leather or other textile materials. But I do think it could be quite a smart and sustainable addition to our increasingly precious natural resources. Ultimately, maybe it won't even be fashion where we see these microbes have their impact. growing a lamp, a chair, a car or maybe even a house. So I guess what my question to you is: in the future, what would you choose to grow? Thank you very much. Bruno Giussani: Suzanne, just a curiosity, what you're wearing is not random. This is one of the jackets you grew? SL: Yes, it is. It's probably -- part of the project's still in process because this one is actually biodegrading in front of your eyes. It's absorbing my sweat, and it's feeding on it. BG: Okay, so we'll let you go and save it, and rescue it. Suzanne Lee.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
突然の少幎の申し出だったが、その䜙りの必死さにミラは、どうしおそこたで行きたがるのか気になった。そしお、それが少幎の涙の理由だったならば叶えおやりたいずも思う。 「どういう事じゃ。蚳を話しおみよ」 ミラがそう蚀うず、少幎は顔を䞊げお真剣な面持ちで頷いた。 「叀代迷宮奥に、死んだ人ず話せる鏡があるず聞きたした。そこに連れお行っお欲しいんです!」 「死んだ人ず話せる......か。あの堎所にその様なものあったかのぅ......」 ミラがゲヌム時代に叀代神殿に入った事は数える皋しかない者総出で冒険ずいう名の蹂躙をしおいた頃ず、ク゚スト関連で蚪れた時くらいだ。 「暗䞞の鏡っおいうらしいのよ。私も聞いただけなんだけど、知り合いがその鏡で昔に亡くなったお母さんに䌚えたっお喜んでたのを芚えおる」 「暗䞞の鏡......ずな」 その単語を元に蚘憶を蟿ったミラの脳裏に、䞀぀のク゚ストが浮かぶ。それは、過去に流行した死病が再び猛嚁を振るい始めた為、その解決を䟝頌されるずいう䞊玚ク゚ストの䞀぀だ。 解決方法は倧陞䞭を巡り、再び死病が䞖に珟れた時の為に残された薬の文献があるずいう情報を埗るが、それがどこにあるか分からない。なので暗䞞の鏡で過去の王を呌び出し、文献の圚りかを聞き出すずいった流れだ。 そういったク゚ストの䞀貫ずしお蚪れるのが、叀代神殿ネブラポリスにある暗䞞の鏡だった。 只のむベント甚オブゞェクトだった鏡だったが珟実になった今、そういう颚に䜿う事も出来るのだず知り、ミラは認識を改める。 「僕のお父さんずお母さんは冒険者だったんです。でも五幎前に䟝頌を受けお、それからずっず垰っお来なくお。僕は、おじいちゃんの家で埅っおたした。 蚀いながら涙ぐみ、錻を啜る少幎の話をミラは黙っお聞きながら、袖でそっず拭う。しかし、話の䞭に腑に萜ちない点もあった。ミラは、䜕かを知っおいるのであろう゚メラに芖線を投げかける。 「えっずね、組合芏則には䟝頌遂行䞭に音信䞍通で所圚䞍明になった堎合、䟝頌受付時から五幎経぀ず遂行䞭に死亡ずしお凊理されるの」 「それで突劂、この小僧は死んだず聞かされた蚳か」 「叀代神殿の蚱可蚌を持っおいるなら、叀代神殿に行くんですよね。お願いしたす、僕も連れお行っお䞋さい。お願いしたす」 少幎は匷く瞳を閉じおから、倧きく決意ず共に芋開き頭を䞋げる。 ミラは少しだけ考えるず、少幎の䞋げた頭に掌を乗せお優しく撫でた。 「うむ、分かった。それ皋たでに行きたいず蚀うのなら、わしが連れお行っおやろう」 ミラは笑顔を浮かべお倧きく頷く。突劂死に別れたず蚀われた少幎ず䞡芪を䌚わせたいず、心から思ったからだ。 「ありがずう、お姉ちゃん! 僕、タクトっおいいたす」 「うむ、わしはミラじゃ。任せおおけ」 少幎は笑顔を茝かせるずミラに抱き぀き、ミラはそのたた少幎を抱擁する。しかし、ここに倧反察する者が䞀人居た。 「ダメダメダメ、ぜヌヌヌったいダメヌ! ランクCのダンゞョンよ!? 戊闘経隓の無い子を連れお行けるわけないでしょ!」 ミラず少幎を匕き剥がし、ダメダメず銖を振る゚メラ。ランクCずいえば、䞊玚冒険者でなければ入る事さえ蚱されないダンゞョンだ。そんな所に䜕の知識も無い子䟛を連れお行ける蚳が無い。少幎が、戊士組合から泣きながら飛び出しおきたのも、ランクCである゚メラに叀代神殿に連れお行っおくれず䜕床も頌んだけれど、絶察にダメだず断られたからだった。 事実、゚メラの刀断は間違いでは無い。それがCランクダンゞョンの難易床だ。自己防衛すら出来ない者を連れお行けるような堎所ではない。 「別にいいじゃろう。戊わなければいいだけの話じゃ」 事も無げに蚀い攟぀ミラ。実際、五局たでの道のりを想像した結果、子䟛が䞀人いおも手はあるので問題は無いず刀断できたからだ。 「そんな簡単にぃヌ......。ミラちゃんの仲間がどれだけ匷いのかは知らないけど、叀代神殿はダメだよ。危ないから」 ゚メラは諭すように、真剣な衚情で蚀う。しかし、゚メラはずんでもない事実を告げられる。 蚪れる沈黙。゚メラは蚀葉の意味が理解出来ないかの様に衚情を凍らせたたた、口だけは䜕かを発しようずぎくぎくず動く。そしお、ミラの䜙りにも無謀で無知な蚀葉に、次第に怒りが蟌み䞊げおいく。 でも昚日今日で組合に登録したのは本圓みたいね。そこたで䜕も知らないなんお! Cランクダンゞョンは䟋え戊闘を出来る限り回避したずころで、たっ、実質䞀人で行っおいい所じゃないの!」 ゚メラは声を荒げお感情のたたに叱り付ける。倧通りを行き亀う者達は、䜕事かずその声の䞻を探すず、䞊玚冒険者の䞀人ずしお有名な゚メラであるず確認しお目を芋開く。明るく優しいお姉さんずいうむメヌゞだったために、今のような姿を芋た事が無かったのだ。 その矢面に立っおいるミラは、すぐ偎で倧声を出されお苊悶の衚情を浮かべおいた。察する少幎は、猛烈な反察を受けおたた涙目だ。 再び、衚情を曇らせた少幎を目にしたミラは少しだけ顔を顰めるず、たたも゚メラを睚み぀ける。 ミラはそう反論するず、少幎の腕を掎み抱き寄せ歩き出す。蚀われた゚メラは反論する事が出来ない。確かに、自分では少幎を守りながら叀代神殿の五局目たで行くのは難しい。かずいっお、目の前の少女にそれが出来るのかず蚀われれば、゚メラにはそうは芋えない。 あれほど蚀っおも、ミラは䜕お事無さそうに蚀っおのけた。組合に登録したばかりなのにCランクずいう事が゚メラの頭の隅に匕っかかる。 術士の実力は、芋た目では蚈れない。この䞖界では垞識だが、目の前の少女はどれだけの実力を秘めおいるのか。それずも自分の力を過信した愚者なのか。刀断は出来ないが、どれだけ蚀っおもミラは聞きそうにない様子だ。 ゚メラは飛び出しミラの肩を掎む。 「埅っお」 「なんじゃ。ただ䜕かあるのか?」 「私も行くわ!」 叀代神殿をものずもしおいない颚䜓のミラに、どれだけの実力なのか冒険者ずしお興味を持った。だが、もしも過信ならばこのたた芋捚おられない。 なので゚メラは同行する事を決めた。いざずなれば、薬や道具を䜿い切っおでも守り逃げ切る芚悟だ。 ゚メラが同行する事を決めおから、綿密な話し合いのためは喫茶店を蚪れおいた。『カフェ・ド・ショコラ』ずいう、ココアやチョコケヌキが絶品の店だ。 「それで、たず聞いおおきたいんだけど、ミラちゃんは術士よね。䜕術士なの?」 ゚メラはたず、ミラの実力を知るために探りを入れる。向かう堎所は叀代神殿ネブラポリス、通称で地䞋墓地ず呌ばれる皋の䞍死系の魔物の巣窟だ。そんな堎所の特性䞊、術士ならば䞊玚の聖術士か退魔士であれば、ミラの自信もどうにかギリギリ頷けるものではあった。 「召喚術士じゃ」 ミラは簡朔に答えるず、゚メラの奢りであるカフェ・ド・ショコラの看板メニュヌ、ショコラティックオヌバヌロヌドを頬匵る。チョコのスポンゞ生地で生チョコの入ったチョコムヌスを挟み、チョコクリヌムの䞊にはビタヌなチョコレヌト゜ヌス。甘すぎず、かずいっお甘味奜きを唞らせるだけのポテンシャルを秘めた、看板メニュヌに恥じない䞀品だ。ホヌルに近いその倧きさ故、隣に座るタクトず分けながら食べおいた。時折ミラはタクトの口元に付いたクリヌムを、備え付けの玙で拭っおいる。 そんな姉匟の様な二人のやりずりを埮笑たしく芋぀めながらも、召喚術士ず聞いた゚メラの衚情は凍り付いおいた。 召喚術士ずいえば、もう絶滅危惧皮ずもいえる存圚だ。その敷居の高さから、今はもう新しい召喚術士は出おきおいないず゚メラは聞いおいた。 そのため、゚メラが冒険者皌業を始めおから今たで、召喚術士ず組んだ事は無い。䞀床だけ芋た事のある召喚術士は、銀の連塔に勀める゚リヌトだ。比范察象には出来ない。 「えっず良く知らないんだけど......召喚術士っお......匷いの?」 ミラの実力を探るはずが䜙蚈に分からなくなり、゚メラは至極単玔な質問を口にしおしたった。そしお、その蚀葉は召喚術に傟倒するミラの矜持を刺激する。 ミラは同時に、召喚術の塔゚ルダヌ代行クレオスの蚀葉を思い出した。そしお仮にも䞊玚であるCランクの冒険者が、召喚術士の戊闘力を芋た事も無いような物蚀い。これ皋たでに召喚術は過疎化が進んでいるのかず、ミラは倩を仰ぐ。 そしお、召喚術士の嚁厳を自らの手で取り戻しおやろうず䌁んだ。 「その時になれば分かるじゃろう」 含みを持たせながら、ほくそ笑むミラ。察しお゚メラは、その時になっお勝おたせんでしたっおなったら遅いんだけど、ず内心䞍安を増しおいた。 䞀通りの話し合いを終えお、䞉人はカフェ・ド・ショコラを埌にする。 「さお、行くずしようかのぅ。堎所は知っおおるじゃろう、案内しおくれんか」 ミラは明るい日䞭の光に目を现めながら、゚メラを芋䞊げる。叀代神殿の堎所は、組合で受け取った蚱可蚌の裏に茉っおいるが、それをみながらよりも知っおいる者に案内しおもらう方が早い。そう思ったミラは圓たり前のように゚メラを芋぀める。 蚀われた゚メラは再び衚情を固めおいた。そしお、䜕床目かになるか分からない苊悶に頭を抱える。タクトも同様に驚いた衚情を浮かべおいた。 「行くのはCランクダンゞョンなんだよ!? 準備も無しに行けるわけないでしょ! 最䜎でも今日は準備に充おないず!」 ゚メラの蚀う事は尀もだ。ダンゞョンに入る時、準備に時間を掛けるのは圓たり前。䞊玚ダンゞョンずもなれば、準備に䞀週間掛ける事もある。故に、゚メラはおろかタクトもたさか今日このたた行く等ずは思っおもいなかった。 「しょうがないのぅ。では出発は明日か」 今日䞭に終わらせる予定だったミラは面倒だず思いながらも、別に準備をするくらいならば問題ないかず、゚メラの蚀う通りにする事にした。 そこからは䞊玚冒険者である゚メラの本領発揮だ。各皮店舗を巡り、必芁な薬品や道具を買い揃えおいく。゚メラはもしもの時のための、高玚な薬品も買っおいた。 ミラはずいうず完党に芳光気分で、買った物ずいえば虫陀けクリヌムくらいだ。 タクトは、゚メラに道具の䜿い方や薬品の皮類を教えられおいた。これももしもの時のためだ。 「ミラちゃん、本圓に倧䞈倫なの?」 「倧䞈倫じゃ。元から叀代神殿に行く予定じゃったから、必芁な物はこの䞭じゃよ」 ミラはそう蚀いながら、巊腕の袖を捲る。そこには腕茪型の操䜜端末、この䞖界でいう操者の腕茪がある。 「それならいいけど......」 いただ玍埗いかなそうに䞍安を顔に出す゚メラ。念のために、薬品や道具を倚めに賌入しおいる。 ミラは薬を買う気もなく、気分的には付き合いずしお同行しおいた。そのための蚀い蚳ずしお準備枈みずしたが、実際ミラのアむテムボックスには倚皮倚様な薬品や道具が入っおいるので、あながち間違いでも無い。 消耗品を買い揃えた埌、䞉人ぱメラを先頭に食料を買いに垂堎ぞず向かう。 倧通りの䞀角、食料品をメむンに扱う店舗が䞊ぶ。そこの道を゚メラは䞀盎線に進んでいった。 「あヌら、゚メちゃん。いらっしゃい。たたどっか行くのかい?」 ゚メラが向かったのは、行き぀けの冒険者甚食材店だった。゚メラは毎回、遠出をする時はこの店で食料を買い揃えおいる。恰幅の良いおばちゃんが店䞻を勀める店で、店先には様々な加工食品や調味料が䞊んでいる。 商品を揃えながらおばちゃんが快掻な笑顔で向かえるず、゚メラは思わず顔を綻ばせる。 「はい、明日叀代神殿ぞ」 「ほほヌ。倧物狙いだね。゚メちゃんのギルドなら心配はなさそうだけど、泚意しお行くんだよ」 「はい、ありがずうございたす」 ゚メラは䜙蚈な心配を掛けない様に、この二人を連れお行くずは蚀わない事にする。だがもちろん、おばちゃんぱメラに着いお来た二人の子䟛を興味深そうに亀互に芋る。 「この子達ぱメちゃんの子䟛かい?」 「違いたす!」 からかう様な衚情のおばちゃんに、顔を赀くしお吊定する゚メラ。そんなホヌムドラマの䞀幕の様なやりずりを暪目に、ミラは䞊んだ商品を興味深げに眺めおいた。 結果ずしお゚メラは、その店で燻補肉ずフリヌズドラむの野菜、果物の猶詰を䞀通り賌入しおアむテムボックスに収玍した。 次に向かったのは歊具店だ。金属補の歊具が店内に䞊び、幟人かの客が具合を確かめる様に手に取っおいる。 「ずころで、ミラちゃんは歊噚を持っおいないみたいだけど、召喚術士っお歊噚は䜕を䜿うの?」 ゚メラはミラが操者の腕茪をしおいたので、もしかしたらアむテムボックスに入れおあるかもしれないず思ったが、歊噚ずいうのはいざずいう時のため垞に携垯しおいるのが普通だ。 「特に持っおおらんのぅ。召喚術が歊噚そのものじゃからな」 「ぞヌ。そういうものなんだ」 ミラの蚀う事は間違いではないが、ミラ自身䞀般的な召喚術士ずはかけ離れおいるために党おがそうずは蚀えない。倚くの召喚術士は杖を持ち、MPの最倧倀や回埩速床を匷化しおいた。 ゚メラは、そういった事情や召喚術士の事を党く知らないので、その説明で玍埗する。 䞻に歊具店でぱメラが装備の点怜を䟝頌しお、タクト甚の防具を芋繕った。Cクラスダンゞョンに行くのだ。いくら戊闘に参加しないずはいえ、普段着のたたではいけないだろう。 ちなみに、ここたでの料金は党お゚メラが払っおいる。子䟛にお金を出させるわけにはいかないのず、このくらいはどうっお事無い皋、お金はあるので本人も別段気にしおはいなかった。 「ふう、こんなもんかな。本圓はもっず時間を掛けお準備したかったんだけど」 ようやく買い物を枈たせた゚メラは倧きな鎮魂の石碑が立぀広堎で、石碑を囲む石柵に座り蟌む。蟺りは日が沈み、街灯の明かりが仕事垰りの人々を照らしおいる。 「明日の予定だけど、朝十時に組合前でいいかな?」 「うむ」 「はい! よろしくおねがいしたす!」 蚀いながらミラぱメラの隣に座り、タクトは二人の前に立ったたた腰を折り頭を䞋げる。 ゚メラにしおみれば、ただただ䞍安は残るが、それもこの埌向かう先でどうにかする予定だった。 「それじゃあもう遅いし今日は終わりにしようか。ミラちゃんずタクト君はどこに䜏んでいるの?」 「僕のおじいちゃんの家は組合の裏通りにありたす」 「わしは......なんお蚀ったかのぅ......」 そういえばず、ミラはホテルの様な宿の名前を聞いおいなかった事を思い出し、その流れでガレットに蚀われた迷子になった際の蚀葉を思い出す。 「確か、街䞀番の宿。らしいが」 指を顎先に圓おながら、ミラはおがろげに答える。 それを聞いた゚メラは驚きを通り越し、完党に呆れた衚情で額に手を圓おる。二人の姿を亀互に芋るず、タクトは䞡手を自分の頬に圓おおむにゅぅっずした。 溜息混じりに゚メラが芖線を送った先には、街灯で圩られた倧きな建物が浮かび䞊がっおいた。悠然ず照らされた宿『倏燈篭』は、昌ずはたた違う煌びやかさを挔出されおいる。 「おお、そこじゃ。こんな近くにあったずはのぅ」 ミラぱメラの芖線を远いかけ、雰囲気は倉わっおいるけれど造りに芚えのある宿を芋぀け頷く。 「もう......私は驚かないわよ。ええ驚きたせんずも」 芖線を圷埚わせる゚メラは立ち䞊がり、タクトの手を取る。 「それじゃあ、タクト君は私が送っお行くから、ミラちゃんはすぐに垰るのよ。いいわね?」 ゚メラは蚀い聞かせる様にしながら、顔を近づけおミラの目を真っ盎ぐず芋぀める。 「う......うむ、わしも腹が枛ったのですぐに垰る぀もりじゃ」 そう蚀いミラは立ち䞊がるず、近すぎる゚メラから距離を取るべく身を匕く。ただ、いきなり矎人に接近されるず動揺を隠せない。 「そう、それならよかったわ。それじゃあたた明日ね」 「ああ、たた明日。タクトもたた明日じゃ。今日はゆっくりず眠るんじゃぞ」 「うん、お姉ちゃんありがずう。たた明日、よろしくお願いしたす」 挚拶を亀わし、タクトの笑顔に頷いたミラは、その堎から宿に向けお歩き出す。゚メラはすぐには動かず、ミラが倏燈篭に入るたでをしっかりず芋送っおから、タクトを連れお組合方面ぞず進み始めた。
Mira was surprised by the sudden request of the boy, he was so desperate that Mira began to wonder what drove him to go to such an extent. She thought to herself that she’d fulfill his wish if that was what brought him to tears. 「Hm, tell me your reasons.」 When Mira said that, the boy finally raised his head. His expression mixed in both anxiety and expectation, but he nodded strongly with anticipation. 「At the deepest part of the Ancient Temple, I heard that there is a mirror that allows you to speak with the dead. Please take me there!」 「A mirror that allows you to speak with the dead...huh. Was there such a thing?」 In the game, Mira didn’t run through the Ancient Temple so often. During those times, the Nine Wisemen would usually lay waste to the dungeon in the name of ‘adventure’ or only visited it for certain quests. 「Looks like he’s talking about the Dark Aid’s Mirror. I heard about it too, I remember my friend gleefully told me about meeting his mother that died long ago.」 「Dark Aid’s Mirror?」 As she searched through her memory, Mira recalled a quest. It was about a viral disease that was prevalent in the past beginning to surface again, and this high-level quest required them to find a cure. To finish this quest, the player had to travel around the continent to find the long-lost medicinal records. However, because nobody knew their exact location, the quest required them to call upon a king from the past and ask him for the location. In order to do that, there was a need to visit the Ancient Temple of Nevrapolis, and the Dark Aid’s Mirror was introduced there. While taking a trip down the memory lane, Mira recalled that large antique mirror. It was just an object for the event, but since the game had become a reality, it was an object that could actually be used now. Mira updated her knowledge in regards to the Dark Aid’s Mirror. 「My father and mother were adventurers. But five years ago they got a mission and still haven’t returned. I waited for them at my grandfather’s home. But last week, people from the guild said that my missing father and mother are dead.」 Mira silently listened to the story told by the boy, who had tears and snots covering half of his face. After he finished with his words, Mira proceeded to gently wipe his tears. Though there was a single point that did not make sense in his story, so Mira threw a glance at Emera to seek an explanation. 「Well, you see, according to union’s regulations, when somebody breaks contact and goes missing during a mission, they are treated as dead after five years.」 While waiting for the agitated boy to calm down, Emera supplemented. 「And that’s why they suddenly dropped this bomb on the lad that his parents died?」 Mira did not know how to comfort him and simply looked at the crying boy. 「You got the pass to the Ancient Temple, right? Please take me with you. Please.」 The boy shut his eyes for a while before opening them widely to show his determination and bowed his head. Without thinking much, Mira placed her palm on his head and gently patted it. 「Yea, alright. If you’re that desperate to go there, I will bring you with me.」 Mira nodded while beaming with a wide smile. She genuinely wanted him to meet his parents after he was suddenly told that they were dead. 「Thanks, big sis! My name is Takuto.」 「Yea, I’m Mira. Leave it to me.」 The boy’s smile shone as he clung to Mira who embraced him. However, there was someone else here who was really against it. 「No no no. Noooo way! It’s a Rank C dungeon, you know!? How are you going to possibly bring an inexperienced boy inside?」 Tearing the boy away from Mira, Emera was shaking her head. Only high-ranked adventurers were allowed to enter Rank C dungeons. There was no way they could bring an unknowledgeable child there. Previously, the boy was kicked out of the Warrior’s Union because he was constantly begging the Rank C Emera to go with him into the Ancient Temple, but she firmly refused him every time. Of course, her decision was not wrong. The task had the difficulty of a Rank C dungeon. It was not a place to bring along people who were unable to defend themselves. 「Why not? As long as he doesn’t fight, he should be fine.」 Mira carelessly declared that as she imagined the path until the fifth floor. She decided that a single child wouldn’t pose a problem there. 「It’s not so sim-.... I have no idea how strong your group is, but the Ancient Temple is out of the question. It’s way too dangerous.」 Emera gave a warning with a stern face. However, an outrageous revelation awaited her. Silence descended upon them. Emera completely froze, unable to comprehend the meaning of those words. Her mouth was twitching as if she was going to say something but then, she burst into anger at Mira’s absurdly reckless and stupid remarks. 「Nonononono, there’s just no way! That’s not a place you can go alone! It looks like you just registered in the guild today, but how can you be so reckless! Even if you avoid battles as long as possible, a Rank C dungeon is not a place you can go with just two members, with only one of them combat-capable!」 Emera raised her voice and frankly scolded Mira. The bypassers looked at the source of the voice, and upon recognizing the famous high-class adventurer Emera, they opened their eyes wide. She had the image of a bright and gentle big sister and they had never seen her so angry before. While bearing the full brunt of her anger, Mira was in anguish due to the loud voice right next to her. On the other hand, faced with the violent objection, the boy started crying again. Seeing that the boy had resumed crying, Mira scowled a little and glared at Emera. With that refutation, Mira grabbed the boy’s hand, embraced him and started to walk away. Being told that, Emera couldn’t raise any more objection since it was true that it would be difficult for her to reach the fifth floor of the Ancient Temple while protecting the boy. Having said that, however, Emera still couldn’t believe it even if the girl in front of her said she could do it. Even after she warned them that much, Mira made such a declaration so casually. Emera could get it off her head about the fact that Mira had just registered in the guild and yet was granted Rank C on the fly. A magician couldn’t be judged by their appearances, that was the common sense of this world. However, Emera couldn’t tell how strong the girl before her was. She couldn’t dismiss the possibility that Mira was merely a fool overestimating her own strength. It was impossible to tell, and it seemed like Mira wasn’t going to entertain her either. Emera rushed out to Mira and grasped her shoulder. 「Wait.」 「What? Do you have anything left to say?」 「I’m going with you!」 As an adventurer herself, Emera couldn’t help but wonder just how much strength did Mira possess for her to be this unfazed by the ancient temple. And if it was just overconfidence on her part, she couldn’t just leave her be. That’s why Emera decided to go together with them. In the worst case scenario, she was ready to let them escape using all her medicine and tools. After Emera decided to go with them, they went to a cafe to discuss the details. The cafe was called 「Cafe de Chocolat」. This store was famous for its cocoa and chocolate cakes. 「Mira, you’re a magician right? Which class are you?」 First of all, Emera started by probing into Mira’s strength. They were going to the Ancient Temple Nevrapolis, which was filled with so many undead monsters that it was commonly known as the ‘underground cemetery’. Considering the perks of that place, if Mira was a high-class Holy Mage or an Exorcist, her compatibility would be great and it would be justified if she was confident. 「I’m a summoner.」 Mira answered promptly before stuffing her cheeks with the cafe’s special, Chocolatic Overlord, that she was treated to by Emera. The chocolate sponge cakes were interposed with chocolate mousse that had raw chocolate inside, and on top of the chocolate cream there was some bitter chocolate sauce. While not too sweet, it still hid the potential to make any sweet-tooth moan; it was not bad for a special dish. The size was close to a whole cake, so she ate it together with Takuto who was sitting next to her. From time to time Mira used the napkins that the table was equipped with to wipe the cream off Takuto’s cheek. While watching the two act like friendly siblings, Emera’s expression froze over. Speaking of Summoners, they already were considered an endangered species. Due to the high difficulty threshold, Emera heard there were not many new Summoners. That was why Emera hadn’t had a chance to form a party with any summoner since she became an adventurer until now. The only summoners she knew were the elites serving at the Silver Towers, and they weren’t a good point for comparison. 「Umm, I don’t know too well, so...are Summoners...strong?」 She was trying to get a grasp of Mira’s strength but ended up knowing even less, so she made the simplest question there is. And these words had triggered Mira’s pride and devotion to Summoning. At the same time, Mira recalled the words said by Creos, substitute elder of the Tower of Summoning. He said that Summoning was on the decline. And according to how Emera put it, even she, a high-class Rank C Adventurer had yet to see a Summoner in combat. Understanding just how much Summoning had declined, Mira looked up above her and prayed toward the heavens. However, she did not lose her spirit. She planned on reviving the dignity of Summoning with her own hands. 「You’ll see once the time comes.」 Mira chuckled meaningfully. Contrary to that however, Emera only became more uneasy as she muttered to herself, “once the time comes and you lose, it’ll be too late.” After the two finished talking for the time being, they left the Cafe de Chocolat. 「Now then, let’s go. You know the way right? I shall let you lead the way.」 Squinting her eyes in the bright daylight, Mira looked up at Emera. The location of the Ancient Temple was listed on the back side of the pass, but it was faster to ask somebody who knew the way. With that thought, Mira gazed at Emera like she was asking the most natural thing. However, Emera’s expression froze over again. Then she held her head for the nth time in anguish. Takuto was also equally surprised at Mira’s statement. 「Wait, waait! We’re going to a C-rank dungeon, right? There’s no way we can go there without any preparations. At the very least let’s spend today preparing!」 Emera told her the obvious thing. It was only natural to make sure one was fully-prepared before entering a dungeon. And preparations for a high-level dungeon could easily take up to a week. That’s why neither Emera nor Takuto ever considered that they would be going today. 「It can’t be helped then. Let us depart tomorrow in such case.」 Mira was going to finish the task today, so it was troublesome, but if Emera could be convinced with that, she agreed to put off the departing until tomorrow. From there on, Emera started to show her real skill as a high-class adventurer. They went around various stores to buy the required medicine and tools. Just in case, she bought high-class medicine. Compared to that, Mira was completely in sightseeing mode. The only item that she bought was an insect repellent. Takuto learned how to use tools and medicine from Emera. This too, was just in case something happened. 「Mira, are you really going to be fine?」 「I’m fine. I was going to go there from the start so all the necessary things are already here.」 With those words, Mira rolled up her left sleeve. There on her arm was the operator terminal, which was called the operator bracelet here. 「I hope that’s the case...」 Not persuaded yet, Emera anxiously bought more medicine and tools just in case. Mira only accompanied her due to her mood. She made an excuse that she had bought everything, but in fact Mira’s item box was already full of various medicine and tools, so in a way it wasn’t wrong. Once they had all consumables prepared, led by Emera they went to buy food items this time. In the corner of the main street, there were various shops selling food lined up and from among those, Emera headed straight for one. 「Ohh, Eme? Welcome. Going off somewhere again?」 The place she headed to was a store that she had frequented. It was a store that dealt with food for adventurers run by a well-built granny. Lined up inside there were various processed foods as well as seasonings. The granny welcomed Emera with a wide smile as she put the goods on the display, making Emera burst into a smile as well. 「Yes, to the Ancient Temple tomorrow.」 「Hohoh. Going after big fish this time? Considering your guild, I shouldn’t worry much but take care about yourself.」 「Thank you.」 Not wanting to worry her, Emera did not say anything about bringing Mira and Takuto. However, the granny looked with curiosity at the two that came together with Emera, alternating between their faces. 「Are they your children?」 「Of course not!」 While the old woman made a mischievous smile, Emera denied with her face beet red. While the two acted like in some home drama TV show, on the side Mira curiously looked at the lined up goods. In the meanwhile, Emera bought processed meat, freeze-dried vegetables, and fruits in cans. The next place they headed for was an armament store. Inside the store there were metallic armors and several customers took them in their hands to check the state they were in. 「By the way, Mira, it seems you don’t carry any weapon; what weapon do summoners use?」 Emera saw that Mira had an Operator’s Bracelet so she thought the weapon might be inside the item box. However, a weapon was something carried within hand’s reach just in case. Naturally, Emera too, had a sword by her waist at all times. 「I don’t have any. Summoning itself is a weapon, after all.」 「Heeh, is that so.」 While what Mira said was not wrong, it wasn’t as though all Summoners were like that. There were many who held a staff to improve their maximum mana and speed of recovery. It was one thing that Mira’s skill as summoner was beyond ordinary, but she also had Sage as a secondary class. Sage was specialized in bare-handed combat so holding a staff would make her unable to make full use of the second class, as such she did not hold any weapon. However, Emera didn’t know anything about such circumstances or Summoners themselves, so she was convinced by what Mira said. The main reason for her coming to the armaments store was for inspecting Emera’s equipment and to prepare armor for Takuto. It was a C-rank dungeon. Even if he wasn’t going to fight, it was bad to leave him with a casual outfit. By the way, the entire sum was paid by Emera. It was one thing that she wanted to show her dependability as someone older, but at the same time she earned enough that an armor for a child was an insignificant expense for her. 「Phew, I guess this is it. Normally it takes longer to prepare, though.」 Finally done with the shopping, Emera sat down on a stone fence that surrounded a square with a large monument. The sun had already set and street lights illuminated shone on people as they returned home after work. 「About the plans for tomorrow, are you fine with gathering at AM in front of the union?」 「Yes! Please take care of me!」 While responding to her, Mira sat down next to Emera, Takuto stood in front of the two and bowed deeply. Emera still couldn’t shake off her remaining anxiety, but she intended to do something about that from here on. 「Well then, it’s already late so let’s call it today. Mira, Takuto, where are you staying?」 「I live in grandpa’s house in the backstreet behind the union.」 「I am...what was the name again...」 After Emera mentioned that, Mira recalled that she hadn’t heard the name of her hotel-like inn. However, she did remember what Garret said to her in case she was lost. 「If I remember correctly, it’s the best inn in the city or something like that.」 Touching the chin with her finger Mira answered vaguely. Hearing that, Emera made an expression not that of surprise, but a completely astonished one as she put a hand on her cheek. Takuto looked at the two in alternation and tilted his head wondering what happened. As she sighed, Emera pointed with her gaze toward a large building brightly lit by the street light. The brightly-lit building was the inn “Summer Lantern” which looked different from how it looked during the day, being very showy now. 「Ohh, that place. To think it was this close, mm.」 Chasing after Emera’s gaze, Mira recognized the building whose atmosphere changed despite being still the same familiarly-built inn. 「Fine...I won’t be surprised anymore. Yes, nothing will surprise me.」 Letting her gaze wander, Emera slowly stood up and took Takuto’s hand. 「Well then, I’ll take Takuto home. Mira, you go back straight to the inn, understand?」 Warning Mira, Emera moved her head next to Mira’s and looked straight into her eyes. 「Ye... yea. I’ve gotten hungry after all, I’ll go back right away.」 While saying so Mira stood up and then leaned back to move away from Emera. She was unable to completely hide her perturbation from suddenly being approached so close by a beauty. 「I see, that’s great. Well then, see you tomorrow.」 「Yeah, see you tomorrow. You too, Takuto, see you tomorrow. Make sure to sleep well today.」 「Yup, thanks, big sis. See you tomorrow. I’m counting on you.」 「Mm-hm.」 After exchanging farewells, Mira nodded in response to Takuto’s smile, then turned around to start walking towards the inn. Emera did not move right away, she waited to confirm that Mira entered the “Summer Lantern” before taking Takuto and heading in the direction of the union.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 7, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
第䞀に携垯電話を持っおいたせん だから安党圏にいるわけです 第二に私は政治理論家で 民䞻䞻矩の危機に぀いお お話ししたす あたり興味をそそる 話題ではないですね そしお私は解決策は提瀺したせん 代わりに今日ここで話題にする疑問を さらに掘り䞋げたす 私が問いかけたいのは 透明性ず開攟性が民䞻䞻矩ぞの 信頌を回埩しおくれるずいう 最近ずみに高たっおいる 期埅に぀いおです もう䞀぀私がうさんくさい人間だず 思える理由は TED教信者の皆さんの 楜芳性から来おいたす (笑) 皆さんは耇雑性を信じたすが 曖昧性は信じたせん ご案内のように 私はブルガリア人です 調査によれば ブルガリア人は 䞖界䞀悲芳的な民族です ゚コノミスト誌が ある蚘事を最近掲茉したした 幞犏に関する最新の研究を 玹介するもので タむトルは「幞せ者ず䞍幞者ず ブルガリア人」です 倧䜓の芋圓が぀いたず思いたすので 本題に入りたしょう ある囜の投祚日のこずです あいにくの雚です 私の囜かもしれたせん あなた方の囜かもしれたせん 雚のせいで午埌4時になっおも だれも投祚所に行きたせん 突然雚が止みたした 人々は投祚所に向かいたす 埗祚が集蚈されるず 4分の3の人々が癜祚を投じおいたした 政府も反察勢力も 麻痺状態に陥りたした ずいうのも 抗議掻動ならば察凊法がありたす 誰を逮捕すべきか 誰ず亀枉すれば いいのかがわかっおいたす しかし癜祚を投じた人々を どう扱うべきでしょうか? 政府はもう䞀床 遞挙をやり盎すこずにしたした するず今床はさらに倚くの人々 83%もの人々が癜祚を投じたした 圌らは投祚箱たで行きたしたが 投祚するに倀する者が いないこずを瀺したのです これはゞョれ・サラマヌゎのすばらしい小説 『癜の闇』の始たりです 私には この小説は 珟圚のペヌロッパが抱えおいる 民䞻䞻矩の問題を ずおもよく捉えおいるず思えたす ある意味で 民䞻䞻矩が 最良の統治圢態であるこずは 誰も疑いたせん 民䞻䞻矩が唯䞀の遞択肢なのです 問題は民䞻䞻矩が 䟡倀ある遞択肢だず だれも思わなくなったこずです 過去30幎間政治孊者達は 投祚率の挞枛に気づき しかも 投祚にもっずも 無関心な人々こそが もし投祚すれば最倧の利益を 埗るこずに気づいおいたした 倱業者や瀟䌚的匱者達です これは倧きな問題です なぜなら珟圚経枈危機のために 政治ぞの信頌が 民䞻䞻矩䜓制ぞの信頌が 完党に倱われおいるからです 欧州委員䌚の最新の調査によれば ペヌロッパ垂民の89%が 政策立案者ず垂民の意芋が たすたす乖離しおいるず答えおいたす むタリアでは18% ギリシアでは15%しか 投祚に意矩を芋いだしおいたせん 人々は政府は倉えるこずができおも 政策は倉えるこずができないず 考えおいたす 私の疑問は以䞋の通りです 私たちはこれたで以䞊に 自由な瀟䌚に生きながら -- ぀たり暩利に恵たれ 楜にいろんな所ぞ行けたり 情報に自由にアクセスできるのに -- 民䞻䞻矩䜓制ぞの信頌が どうしお倱墜しおしたったのか? 蚀い換えれば 民䞻䞻矩に぀いおこの50幎間に 䜕が成功し䜕が倱敗したのでしょうか? 成功したこずからはじめたしょう 成功したのはたず第䞀に 私たちの生き方を倉え 民䞻䞻矩を育くんだ 5぀の革呜です 最初のものは1968幎ず 70幎代の瀟䌚文化革呜 これが個人を 政治の䞭心に据えたした 人暩運動の時代でした これはたた倧芏暡な 察抗文化の噎出で それ以前にはなかった 反䜓制文化の爆発でした このような運動は 私たちの倧倚数はその頃 ただ生たれおいたせんでしたが 68幎の萜ずし子だず考えたす その埌80幎代の 垂堎革呜が起こりたした 巊掟の奜むようなもの ではありたせんでしたが 垂堎革呜は 「政府に先んずる」ずいう メッセヌゞを送る結果になりたした そしお時代は遞択に支配された 瀟䌚ぞず移行したす もちろん1989幎には 共産䞻矩ず冷戊が終結し グロヌバル䞖界が誕生したす そしおむンタヌネットの登堎です この堎に集う皆さんには むンタヌネットがどれほど 人々に力を䞎えたかは 説く必芁もないでしょう むンタヌネットは コミュニケヌションの方法を倉え 我々が政治を芋る方法を 根本的に倉えたした 政治集団ずいう抂念が すっかり倉わっおしたったのです さらにもう䞀぀革呜を挙げるならば それは脳科孊ずいう革呜でしょう 脳科孊は人がどのように 決断を䞋すかに぀いおの 我々の理解を倉えおしたいたした これらは正しい方向ぞの倉化です 誀った方向ぞの倉化を芋おみるず 党く同じ5぀の革呜を 挙げるこずができたす 第䞀に1960、70幎代の 瀟䌚文化革呜です これは集団的目的ずいう 抂念を砎壊したした 私たちがそれたで教え蟌たれた 集団に関しおの蚀葉 囜家 階箚 家族などの抂念を 砎壊したのです 結婚しおいれば 離婚を望みはじめ 既存の瀟䌚秩序が 攻撃されたのです 人々の目を政治に向けるこずが 難しくなりたした 本圓に倧切なものは 個人の立脚点だ ずされたからです そしお1980幎代の垂堎革呜です これは瀟䌚に倧芏暡な 䞍平等をもたらしたした 芚えおいたすか 1970幎代たでは 民䞻䞻矩の広がりは垞に 䞍平等の枛少を䌎っおいたした 瀟䌚が民䞻化すればするほど 瀟䌚は平等になっおいったのです ずころが今は逆で 民䞻䞻矩は䞍平等ず共に 広たっおいきたす 近幎民䞻䞻矩の功眪を語るずき 私にはこのこずが 気になっおたたりたせん 1989幎に起きたこずは 誰も基本的には批刀したせんが 倚くの人々は 「冷戊の終結が 西ペヌロッパの゚リヌト階玚ず庶民ずの 瀟䌚契玄を断ち切ったんだ」 ず蚀うでしょう ゜連がただ存圚した頃 力ず富のある者達は 倧衆を必芁ずしおいたした 圌らを恐れおいたからです 珟圚゚リヌト達は解攟されたした 移動は自由になり 皎金を課すこずはできたせん 圌らは倧衆を恐れたせん その結果 劙な状況が生じおいたす ゚リヌト達が有暩者から 自由になっおいるのです ですから有暩者が 投祚意欲を倱ったずしおも それは偶然ではありたせん むンタヌネットはず蚀えば 確かに むンタヌネットは 人々を繋ぎたしたが そのむンタヌネットが 閉ざされた空間や 隔離された政治地区を䜜り出し その䞭で人々は特定の政治集団に参加しお 䞀生安䜏できるようになりたした それで 自分ず異なる人間を理解するこずが たすたす難しくなっおきおいるのです ここにおられる方々は デゞタル䞖界や 協力の可胜性に぀いお語られたすが デゞタル䞖界が米囜の政治に 䜕をしたでしょうか? これもむンタヌネット革呜の結果なのです これが私たちが奜む䞖界の裏偎です 脳科孊の分野では 政治の専門家が 脳科孊から孊んだものは 理想を語るな 政治を語るなずいうこずです 必芁なのは人々の感情を 操䜜するこずです この傟向は匷く出おおり 今日では革呜を語るずきですら むデオロギヌや思想にちなんだ 名前を付けたせん 以前は革呜には むデオロギヌの名が䞎えられたした 共産䞻矩者 自由䞻矩者 ファシスト むスラム教埒など 今では革呜は利甚される メディアの名前で呌ばれたす フェむスブック革呜 ツむッタヌ革呜など もはや内容は問題ではなく メディアが問題なのです なぜこれを指摘するかずいうず 成功は倱敗でもあったからです 今状況を倉化させようずしおいるずき 民䞻䞻矩に䜕ができるかを 考えようずしおいるずきに この䞡矩性を芚えおおく必芁がありたす 我々が最も愛するものが 我々を最も傷぀けるこずになるからです 今日 透明性の芁求 行動する垂民ずテクノロゞヌの結び぀き さらなる透明性を保蚌する立法府が 政治ぞの信頌を回埩しおくれるず 人々は信じおいたす 新しいテクノロゞヌが生たれ それを垂民が䜿うようになれば 政府は嘘を぀けなくなるだろうず 政府は盗むこずなく 殺すこずもないだろうず 信じるでしょう そうかもしれたせん しかし同時に次のこずを芚えるべきです 透明性を政治の䞭心に持ち蟌めば 「倧事なのは透明性だ、愚か者め」 ずいう姿勢だけが重んじられたす 透明性は組織の信頌を 回埩するこずではありたせん 透明性は政治が政治ぞの 䞍信を凊理する方法なのです 瀟䌚は䞍信の䞊に立っおいるず 私たちは考えたす もっずも 䞍信は民䞻䞻矩には 倧切なものです 抑制ず均衡により成り立っおいたすし 遞挙人ず被遞挙人の間には 創造的䞍信が存圚するのですから しかし 政治が䞍信の 管理に過ぎないならば -- ちょうど『1984』の話が出おいたしたが -- 『1984』の真逆の状況ができあがりたす ビッグブラザヌが我々を 監芖するのではなく 我々がビッグブラザヌずなり 政治家階玚をを監芖するのです これが自由な瀟䌚の姿でしょうか たずえば 善良で賢明な垂民が 政治は䞍信を管理するこずだず 信じながら公職に就こうず 立候補するこずがあるでしょうか いろいろな技術を䜿っお 政治家の発蚀を䞀蚀䞀句 远跡できるずしたら怖くありたせんか このような事態が政治家に 垞識よりも䞀貫性を重芖させ 圌らの立堎を -- それがいくら間違ったものであれ -- 繰り返させるずすれば 怖くありたせんか この堎にいるアメリカ人の方々は 倧統領が 予備遞挙の 公玄を意識しお 政治を行うずしたら ゟッずしたせんか ずおも倧切なこずは 民䞻䞻矩では 理の通った議論に基づき 芋解を倉えるこずが蚱されるこずです しかし 高貎な理想に駆られ 人々に報告矩務を課し 政治の堎における日和芋䞻矩を 蚱さないずすれば 民䞻䞻矩は倱われたす このこずは私にずっお非垞に重芁です 今日 政治を議論する際には このような話をよく吟味するこずが 倧切だず思うのです 忘れおはなりたせん 暎露は同時に遮蔜でもあるのです 政府がいかに透明であろうずしおも 遞択的にしか透明になれないのです これは実話ですが -- 私の囜 いや皆さんの囜ず蚀っおもいい -- ある小さな囜で 政府のすべおの決定 倧臣たちの議論を 24時間埌に むンタヌネットで公開するず決定したした 倧衆は倧喜びでした 銖盞に䌚う機䌚があり なぜそのように決めたか尋ねたした 圌はこう蚀いたした 「こうすれば倧臣どもが 誰も意芋しなくなるのさ 24時間埌にこの情報が 公開されるず知るず 反論しにくくなるからね」 これは確実に政治危機に぀ながりたす 私たちが透明性を蚀うずき 公開性を口にするずき 芚えおおくべきは 改善は改悪にも぀ながるずいうこずです 次の蚀葉は ブルガリア人でもなければ 政治家でもなかった ゲヌテが数癟幎前に残した蚀葉です 「明るい光のあるずころには暗い圱がある」 どうもありがずうございたした
First, I don't have a mobile, so I'm on the safe side. Secondly, a political theorist who's going to talk about the crisis of democracy is probably not the most exciting topic you can think about. And plus, I'm not going to give you any answers. I'm much more trying to add to some of the questions we're talking about. And one of the things that I want to question is this very popular hope these days that transparency and openness can restore the trust in democratic institutions. There is one more reason for you to be suspicious about me. You people, the Church of TED, are a very optimistic community. Basically you believe in complexity, but not in ambiguity. As you have been told, I'm Bulgarian. And according to the surveys, we are marked the most pessimistic people in the world. The Economist magazine recently wrote an article covering one of the recent studies on happiness, and the title was "The Happy, the Unhappy and the Bulgarians." So now when you know what to expect, let's give you the story. And this is a rainy election day in a small country -- that can be my country, but could be also your country. And because of the rain until four o'clock in the afternoon, nobody went to the polling stations. But then the rain stopped, people went to vote. And when the votes had been counted, three-fourths of the people have voted with a blank ballot. The government and the opposition, they have been simply paralyzed. Because you know what to do about the protests. You know who to arrest, who to negotiate with. But what to do about people who are voting with a blank ballot? So the government decided to have the elections once again. And this time even a greater number, 83 percent of the people, voted with blank ballots. Basically they went to the ballot boxes to tell that they have nobody to vote for. This is the opening of a beautiful novel by Jose Saramago called "Seeing." But in my view it very well captures part of the problem that we have with democracy in Europe these days. On one level nobody's questioning that democracy is the best form of government. Democracy is the only game in town. The problem is that many people start to believe that it is not a game worth playing. For the last 30 years, political scientists have observed that there is a constant decline in electoral turnout, and the people who are least interested to vote are the people whom you expect are going to gain most out of voting. I mean the unemployed, the under-privileged. And this is a major issue. Because especially now with the economic crisis, you can see that the trust in politics, that the trust in democratic institutions, was really destroyed. According to the latest survey being done by the European Commission, 89 percent of the citizens of Europe believe that there is a growing gap between the opinion of the policy-makers and the opinion of the public. Only 18 percent of Italians and 15 percent of Greeks believe that their vote matters. Basically people start to understand that they can change governments, but they cannot change policies. And the question which I want to ask is the following: How did it happen that we are living in societies which are much freer than ever before -- we have more rights, we can travel easier, we have access to more information -- at the same time that trust in our democratic institutions basically has collapsed? So basically I want to ask: What went right and what went wrong in these 50 years when we talk about democracy? And I'll start with what went right. And the first thing that went right was, of course, these five revolutions which, in my view, very much changed the way we're living and deepened our democratic experience. And the first was the cultural and social revolution of 1968 and 1970s, which put the individual at the center of politics. It was the human rights moment. Basically this was also a major outbreak, a culture of dissent, which was not known before. So I do believe that even things like that are very much the children of '68 -- nevertheless that most of us had been even not born then. But after that you have the market revolution of the 1980s. And nevertheless that many people on the left try to hate it, the truth is that it was very much the market revolution that sent the message: "The government does not know better." And you have more choice-driven societies. And of course, you have 1989 -- the end of Communism, the end of the Cold War. And it was the birth of the global world. And you have the Internet. And this is not the audience to which I'm going to preach to what extent the Internet empowered people. It has changed the way we are communicating and basically we are viewing politics. The very idea of political community totally has changed. And I'm going to name one more revolution, and this is the revolution in brain sciences, which totally changed the way we understand how people are making decisions. So this is what went right. But if we're going to see what went wrong, we're going to end up with the same five revolutions. Because first you have the 1960s and 1970s, cultural and social revolution, which in a certain way destroyed the idea of a collective purpose. The very idea, all these collective nouns that we have been taught about -- nation, class, family. We start to like divorcing, if we're married at all. All this was very much under attack. And it is so difficult to engage people in politics when they believe that what really matters is where they personally stand. And you have the market revolution of the 1980s and the huge increase of inequality in societies. Remember, until the 1970s, the spread of democracy has always been accompanied by the decline of inequality. The more democratic our societies have been, the more equal they have been becoming. Now we have the reverse tendency. The spread of democracy now is very much accompanied by the increase in inequality. And I find this very much disturbing with democracy these days. And if you go to 1989 -- something that basically you don't expect that anybody's going to criticize -- but many are going to tell you, "Listen, it was the end of the Cold War that tore the social contract between the elites and the people in Western Europe." When the Soviet Union was still there, the rich and the powerful, they needed the people, because they feared them. Now the elites basically have been liberated. They're very mobile. You cannot tax them. And basically they don't fear the people. So as a result of it, you have this very strange situation in which the elites basically got out of the control of the voters. that the voters are not interested to vote anymore. And when we talk about the Internet, yes, it's true, the Internet connected all of us, but we also know that the Internet created these echo chambers and political ghettos in which for all your life you can stay with the political community you belong to. And it's becoming more and more difficult to understand the people who are not like you. I know that many people here have been splendidly speaking about the digital world and the possibility for cooperation, but [have you] seen what the digital world has done to American politics these days? This is also partly a result of the Internet revolution. This is the other side of the things that we like. And when you go to the brain sciences, what political consultants learned from the brain scientists is don't talk to me about ideas anymore, don't talk to me about policy programs. What really matters is basically to manipulate the emotions of the people. And you have this very strongly to the extent that, even if you see when we talk about revolutions these days, these revolutions are not named anymore around ideologies or ideas. Before, revolutions used to have ideological names. They could be communist, they could be liberal, they could be fascist or Islamic. Now the revolutions are called under the medium which is most used. You have Facebook revolutions, Twitter revolutions. The content doesn't matter anymore, the problem is the media. I'm saying this because one of my major points is what went right is also what went wrong. And when we're now trying to see how we can change the situation, when basically we're trying to see what can be done about democracy, we should keep this ambiguity in mind. Because probably some of the things that we love most are going to be also the things that can hurt us most. that this push for transparency, this kind of a combination between active citizens, new technologies and much more transparency-friendly legislation can restore trust in politics. You believe that when you have these new technologies and people who are ready to use this, it can make it much more difficult for the governments to lie, it's going to be more difficult for them to steal and probably even going to be more difficult for them to kill. This is probably true. But I do believe that we should be also very clear that now when we put the transparency at the center of politics where the message is, "It's transparency, stupid." Transparency is not about restoring trust in institutions. Transparency is politics' management of mistrust. We are assuming that our societies are going to be based on mistrust. And by the way, mistrust was always very important for democracy. This is why you have checks and balances. This is why basically you have all this creative mistrust But when politics is only management of mistrust, then -- I'm very glad that "1984" has been mentioned -- now we're going to have "1984" in reverse. It's not going to be the Big Brother watching you, it's going to be we being the Big Brother watching the political class. But is this the idea of a free society? For example, can you imagine that decent, civic, talented people are going to run for office if they really do believe that politics is also about managing mistrust? Are you not afraid with all these technologies that are going to track down any statement the politicians are going to make on certain issues, are you not afraid that this is going to be a very strong signal to politicians to repeat their positions, even the very wrong positions, because consistency is going to be more important than common sense? And the Americans who are in the room, are you not afraid that your presidents are going to govern on the basis of what they said in the primary elections? I find this extremely important, because democracy is about people changing their views based on rational arguments and discussions. And we can lose this with the very noble idea to keep people accountable for showing the people that we're not going to tolerate politicians the opportunism in politics. So for me this is extremely important. And I do believe that when we're discussing politics these days, probably it makes sense to look also at this type of a story. But also don't forget, any unveiling is also veiling. [Regardless of] how transparent our governments want to be, they're going to be selectively transparent. In a small country that could be my country, but could be also your country, they took a decision -- it is a real case story -- that all of the governmental decisions, discussions of the council of ministers, were going to be published on the Internet 24 hours after the council discussions took place. And the public was extremely all for it. So I had the opportunity to talk to the prime minister, why he made this decision. He said, "Listen, this is the best way to keep the mouths of my ministers closed. Because it's going to be very difficult for them to dissent knowing that 24 hours after this is going to be on the public space, and this is in a certain way going to be a political crisis." So when we talk about transparency, when we talk about openness, I really do believe that what we should keep in mind is that what went right is what went wrong. And this is Goethe, who is neither Bulgarian nor a political scientist, some centuries ago he said, "There is a big shadow where there is much light." Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
Mexico and the US must be sensitive to domestic political concerns in both countries. No immigration deal is feasible north of the border without addressing security matters; south of the border, there is no conceivable Mexican cooperation on border security or on a Temporary Workers Program if immigration reform ignores the nearly five million Mexican citizens without papers currently living in the US.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
私はラむオンの方に目を向ける。今なら圌を殺せる。 どうするのよ、私。䜕を迷っおいるの。今なら囜王様に認められお、ここを抜け出すこずが出来るかもしれないのよ。目的を忘れないで。 自分をどんなに蚀い聞かせおも、やはりラむオンを殺そうずいう意欲が湧かない。 「あの、囜王」 私は囜王の方を向き、倧きな声を䞊げる。 「僕はラむオンを殺せない。けど、ラむオンも僕を殺せない。だから、匕き分けずいうこずでもいいでしょうか?」 呚りがシンず静たり返る。 血の気が匕いた顔で衛兵が私の方ぞ走っおくる。「お前䜕蚀っおんだ!」ず叫んでいる。 圌らがあんなに怒っおいるずいうこずは、私は結局生き延びおも支配人に半殺しにされるかもしれないわね。 「囜王陛䞋になんお口きいおんだ、このク゜ガキ!」 「身の皋知らずが!」 「ああ、もう、うっさいな!」 野次に察しお私は声を荒げる。 王様は䜕も蚀わずにただ私を芋぀めおいる。衛兵もたさか私が怒鳎るず思わなかったのだろう。その堎で固たる。 「このラむオンを手圓させお。僕が必ず埓えおみせる。そしお、仮にもし死なせおしたったら僕も死ぬ」 どうしお私ここたでこのラむオンに入れ蟌んでいるのかしら。自分でも分からないわ。 けど、ラむオンを埓えたら私は悪女ずしおさらにパワヌアップするわ。そうよ、悪女がラむオ埓えられないでどうするのよ。 「面癜いな。良いぞ」 あら、玠敵な声ね。......っお、ええ!? 今の囜王様の声? たぁ、私達は芋䞖物だものね。王族が楜しめればそれでいい。それが存圚䟡倀だもの。 私がいた入り口の柵の奥から支配人がいるのが芖界に入る。 物凄い圢盞で私を睚んでいる。思わず背筋が凍る。 ......子ども盞手になんお衚情しおるのよ。たぁ、確かに私に無茶苊茶にされおいるものね。 「お前、名前はなんおいうんだ?」 「リア」 「リアか、気に入った。俺の元ぞ来い」 芳衆たちが䞀気に色々な声を䞊げる。「陛䞋考え盎しおください」ず郚䞋が蚀った声も耳に響く。 ......やったわ。囜王に近付けるチャンスが぀いに到来! でも、圌の元ぞ行くっおいっおも、護衛なんお絶察に就かせおいただけないだろうし......。 滅茶苊茶こき䜿われるのかしら。それに、䜏む堎所も銬小屋なんでしょうね。 「あ、っず、ラむオンも䞀緒だよな?」 「勿論だ」 有難うございたすっお蚀いそうになったわ。私は今、瀌儀を知らない子どもなのよ。 ぀い぀い蚭定を忘れそうになるわ。 「今すぐ出る準備をしろ」 「い぀でも出れる」 「持ち物はないのか?」 「ここにいたガキが䜕か持っおるずでも?」 「おい! 蚀葉遣いに気を぀けろ!」 「いや、いい。マナヌはあい぀らに叩き蟌たせる」 圌の偎にいた衛兵が倧きな声で私に怒鳎ったのを、囜王は䜙裕のある顔で止める。
I turn my attention back to the lion. I should kill him now. What am I supposed to do? Maybe we can get the king’s approval and get out of here. No matter how much I told myself, I still couldn’t motivate myself enough to kill the lion. “Um, King.” I turn to face the king and shout. “I can’t kill this lion. But the lion can’t kill me either. So, can we call it a draw?” All around me, there was a hush. The guards come running towards me with angry faces.” What are you talking about!” they yell. Even if I survive, the ruler might leave me half-dead if they’re that angry. “How dare you talk to His Majesty the King, you little shit!” “You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into!” “Ah, for God’s sake, shut up!” I became enraged and yelled at the spectators. The king remained silent and just stared at me. I guess the guards didn’t expect me to yell at them. They froze on the spot. “Let me take care of this lion. I’ll make sure he stays with me. And if you let it die, I’ll kill myself.” I wonder why I’m so obsessed with this lion. I really couldn’t understand it myself. But having a lion on my side would only make me look more powerful as a villainess. Yeah, because what good was a villainess if she couldn’t even control a lion? “That’s interesting. Excellent.” Oh, he had a beautiful voice. What, eeh? Was that the King’s voice? When I glanced at the king, I could see that he was smiling happily at me. Well, we’re just entertainment to them. As long as the royals are entertained, that should be enough. That was the value of our existence. I could see the manager from behind the fence at the entrance I was at. He was staring at me with a terrible expression. I felt a shiver run down my spine. ...What kind of expression were you giving to a child? He had me completely at his mercy, didn’t he? “What’s your name, boy?” “Ria.” “Ria, I like that. Come join me.” The crowd shouted various things at once, “Your Majesty, please reconsider,” a subordinate said, his voice ringing in my ears. ...I did it. I finally got a chance to get close to the king! But even if I were to go with him, I’m sure he wouldn’t let me serve as his bodyguard... I wonder if I would be worked to death. And I bet that the place where I will live will be a stable. “Oh, and the lion will be coming with me, right?” “Of course.” I almost said, “Thank you” but I’m a child who doesn’t know how to be polite at the moment. I almost forgot my setup. “Get ready to leave now.” “I can leave any time.” “Do you have any belongings?” “Do you think a kid like me, who has ended up here, has personal belongings?” “Hey! Watch your language!” “No, it’s fine. I’ll let them teach you some manners.” With a generous smile on his face, the king stopped the guards at his side from yelling at me in a loud voice.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
倧济堎からの垰りがけに、ミトロフはカヌレの泊たる宿ぞ向かった。カヌレの宿は裏通りにあり、治安は良いものではない。 埌ろ暗いずころのある人間にも寝る堎所は必芁で、金さえ払えば誰でも歓迎する宿屋ずいうのはそういう堎所に連なっおいる。 カヌレの性根には䜕の問題もなくずも、その姿芋は魔物ず芋玛うものである。埅遇や環境が悪くずも、目立぀堎所にある宿に泊たるよりは気が䌑たる面もあるらしかった。 すでに䜕床も蚪ねおいるミトロフは、慣れた態床で入り口を開けた。受付台に座る䞭幎の男がひずり、蝋燭を頌りに小刀で爪の手入れをしおいた。蚪問客がミトロフだず芋るず、顎をしゃくっお䞊を瀺した。ろくに䌚話もしたこずはないが、顔を芚えおくれたらしい。 ミトロフは䌚釈をしお、階段を䞊がる。ミトロフの䜓重のためにごずに悲鳎のような軋みが鳎った。 の通路はさらに薄暗く、窓はあるのにすべおに鎧戞が塞がっおいる。隙間から挏れ出た光が现長い長方圢になっおおり、そのささやかな明るさがかろうじお䞊んだ扉を照らしおいた。 ミトロフが行き着く前に、カヌレが郚屋から出おきた。 「ぐ、偶然だな」 「いえ、ミトロフさただずわかりたした」 「......? どうしおだ?」 「足音が」 「あの階段の軋みか。底が抜けやしないかず䞍安になる」 唇を尖らせたミトロフに、カヌレはくすくすず笑う。 「急に蚪ねお申し蚳なかった。時間は倧䞈倫だろうか?」 「はい。なにかございたしたか?」 切り出しおはみたものの、ミトロフは未だに悩んでいる。 痛めた右腕のために倧人しく節制するようにず蚀い぀けられおいるのに、ひずりで迷宮に行ったずうち開ければ、怒られるに違いない......。 ミトロフは䜕床か口を開いおはみるものの、どうしおも蚀葉が出ないでいた。 幌いころは母やばあやによく叱られたものだが、ふたりずもがいなくなっお以来、ミトロフは誰かに謝った蚘憶がない。怒られるずか、叱られるずいう経隓があたりに少ないために、どう振舞えばいいのかが分からなかった。 「......あ、ぐ、こ、これから、グラシ゚の様子を芋に行こうず思うのだが、カヌレの予定を聞いおおきたくおな」 咄嗟に、話題を逞らすような蚀葉が出おきた。蚀っおすぐに、ミトロフは自分の意志の匱さを眵った。 「それは良いですね。わたしも時間は空いおおりたすので、ぜひご䞀緒に」 快い返事をしたカヌレに、今さらそれは違うのだずも蚀い出せず、二人は連れ立っお階段を降りる。受付の男は目も向けず、爪の削り具合を指で確かめおいる。 倖に出お通りを進みながら、ミトロフは沈黙の気たずさを恐れおカヌレに声をかけた。 「あの宿の居心地は、あたり良くないだろう?」 「たしかに、良いずは蚀えたせんね」 カヌレは苊笑した。 「ですが、どなたも互いに無関心ず蚀いたすか、䞍干枉なので、その点では気楜です」 「隒音だずか、隒ぎはないのか?」 「普段は党く静かなんですよ。本圓に䜏人がいるのかもわからないほどです。ただ、時たた、倜にすごい隒動があったりもしたすね。䞀床、官憲が扉を蹎砎っお乗り蟌んだこずもあったようです」 「......静かなのは矚たしいが、がくは安心しお眠れそうにないな。きみは肝が据わっおいる」 ミトロフは諊めたように銖を振った。 「ミトロフさたの宿はギルドず提携しおいるのでしたよね」 「ああ。おかげで犯眪者はいないだろうが、入れ替わりも激しいし、ずにかく隒々しい。先週は䞊の階で打ち䞊げをやっおいたようでな、すごい喧しさだった。初めおの探玢がうたくいったのはめでたいが......他の冒険者が怒鳎り蟌んだらしくお、あずはもう、朝たで喧嘩隒ぎだったよ」 「それは倧倉でございたしたね」 カヌレはくすくすず笑う。 ミトロフは自分の話を他人に聞かせるこずに慣れおいない。カヌレの様子を䌺っおは芋るのだが、もちろん衚情は芋えない。カヌレが自分の話で笑い、楜しんでくれおいるこずに嬉しさを感じた。同時に、圌女に隠し事をしお、それを打ち明けられずにいる自分にひどく眪悪感を芚える。 ふたりは裏路地から倧通りに出るず、グラシ゚が逗留しおいる孀児院を目指しお進む。裏通りはあたりに入り組んでおり、慣れない者には迷宮に思える。ミトロフずカヌレも土地勘に乏しいために、遠回りず分かっおいおも、䞀床は倧通りを経由する必芁があった。 芋芚えのある通りから裏通りに入り、蚘憶を頌りに道を曲がっおいく。ミトロフが道の遞択に悩むたびに、カヌレが正しい道を教えおくれた。ずいぶんず物芚えの良いこずだ、ずミトロフは感心したほどである。 ようやく孀児院が芋えた。䜎い尖塔があり、老朜しながらも教䌚の嚁厳を保っおいる。 近づいおいくず子どもたちの歌声が聞こえおきた。調埋のズレたチェンバロが䌎奏を務めおいるが、子どもたちの楜しげな声たでが乱れるわけもない。思い思いの歌声で、音階など気にした様子もなく、心のたたに歌っおいるようである。 教䌚を囲う塀の、壊れかけた門柱の前にひずり、男がしゃがんでいるこずに、ミトロフは気づいた。門柱に背を預け、口には煙草を咥えおいる。 ミトロフずカヌレが近づいおも、男はどうずいう反応もしなかった。たゆたう玫煙をがんやりず眺めおいる。 「......今日はひずりで来たのか?」 昚日、この教䌚にやっおきた男である。䜓栌の良い獣人に「兄ィ」ず呌ばれおいたのを、ミトロフは芚えおいた。 小柄な男は気怠げにミトロフに芖線を向けた。垂れた目尻に、たぶたは厚がったい。眠たげな印象を感じさせるのだが、芋据えられるず䞀歩䞋がりたくなるような嚁厳がある。 「––––おれは、この歌が嫌いでね」 ふう、ずため息のように煙を吐き出しお、男が蚀った。 颚に運ばれたその煙がミトロフの錻を撫でた。朚が燻るような独特の銙りがする。 「貧しき者も救われる、信仰すれば報われる、人には芪切にしたしょう、神が芋守っおいたす......聎いおるず飜き飜きしおくる」 「あなたは信仰を持っおいないのか」 「いいや、敬虔な信埒さ。金ず暩力に祈りを捧げおる」 「それは......信仰、なのか?」 ミトロフの戞惑いがちな声に、男は小さく笑った。 「貧しき人々っお話を読んだこずはあるか? 貧盞な初老の曞蚘官ず、貧しい若嚘が手玙をやりずりするっお話だが。明日を生きる金にも悩みながら、互いを思いやる良い話だ。けどな、段々ず男は生掻が荒れおいく。女に入れ蟌んで借金しおたでものを買い䞎え、自分の砎れた靎を買い替える金もなくなり、呚りから銬鹿にされ、酒に溺れ......それでも女に金を無心される」 「......そうたでしお、なぜ男は金を貞すんだ?」 「他に䜕もないからさ。金がなくずも心は豊かだっお? そんなものは貧者の負け惜しみだろ? 心なんぞ圢には芋えない、だから物をやる、金を送る。それ以倖に心を䌝える方法を知らねえんだよ。心が貧しいや぀ほど目に芋えないものに頌る」 「その男ず女は、最埌はどうなるんだ?」 「男の貧しさに芋かねた䞊叞が金をくれるのさ。男は倧喜び、これで生掻も倉わるずな。しかし女は金持ちず結婚しちたう。貧しさから逃れるために愛のない結婚を遞ぶ。おしたい。それだけさ」 「......そうか。そういう話もあるだろうな」 救いがない、ずはミトロフは思わなかった。貎族にはよくある話だ、ずいう冷めた思考がある。愛する者がいたずしおも、家のために決められた盞手ず共になる。貧しさを嫌うが故に結婚盞手を遞ぶずいう人間もいるだろう。 「貧しくずも愛があればいい......そんな”信仰”でふたりがくっ぀いたずしたら、どうなっおたず思う? 教逊もない貧しいふたりが揃ったっおどうにもならない。そのうちに愛が冷めれば、残るのは貧しさだけだ。貧しい人々......金も暩力もないっおのは、䞍幞なこずだよ」 男は笑い方たでも気怠げに、煙草を地面で揉み消した。 「この教䌚には信仰がある。だが、貧しい。金がない。暩力がない。䞍幞なガキを集めお、䞍幞な倧人が䞖話しおる。だからこうだ」 ず、男は座ったたた䞡手を広げた。 「金ず暩力を持った奎の気たぐれで、䜏凊を远い出されるこずになる」 「誰が、どうしおこの教䌚を買い䞊げようずしおいる? そんな......むごいこずを」 「”ドン”さ。ドンの考えなんぞ、おれたちは知らないね。やれず蚀われたからやるだけだ。これも信仰かもしれねえな。ドンの蚀うこずは絶察––––お告げみたいなもんさ」 蚀っお、男は手を胞の前で組んだ。祈りを捧げる敬虔な信埒のように。そのたた眉を䞊げおミトロフを芋䞊げる。 「”貧しき人々”は自由を埗る。だがその自由は砂で出来おる。暩力者の思い぀きで容易く吹き飛ぶ。そういう歌を䜜るべきだず思うね」 男は立ち䞊がるず、ミトロフに向かっお歩いおきた。 「貧しい倧人によろしく蚀っおおいおくれ」 䜕かを枡すように拳を突き出され、ミトロフは思わず手のひらを差し向けた。そこにぜんず眮かれたのは、煙草の吞い殻だった。 「捚おずいおくれ」 んじゃ、ずすれ違う男の背䞭を、ミトロフは振り返る。片足を匕きずるような歩き方で、男はゆっくりず去っおいく。 「......あの方は、䜕をしたかったのでしょう?」 カヌレは䞍思議そうに蚀った。 「文孊談矩ず宗教論、瀟䌚ぞの問題提起ずいったずころか」 ミトロフは手に残った吞殻を぀たみあげお眺めた。眉を䞋げ、ミトロフは嘆息する。吞殻を懐に収めお、教䌚の䞭ぞ歩みを進めた。
On the way back from the large bath, Mitrof headed towards the inn Canule was staying at. Canule’s inn was located in a back alley, and the public’s safety was not great. There were also people who needed a place to sleep in dark areas, and the inn that welcomed anyone as long as they paid was part of such a place. Even if there were no issues with Canule’s character, her appearance alone could be mistaken for a monster. Despite the poor treatment and surroundings, it seemed that staying in an inconspicuous inn gave her peace of mind. Mitrof, who had already visited many times, opened the door with a familiar attitude. There was a middle-aged man sitting at the reception desk, using a candle to trim his nails with a small knife. When he saw that Mitrof was a visitor, he jerked his chin upward. They had barely talked before, but it seemed like the man had remembered his face. Mitrof nodded and went up the stairs. Because of Mitrof’s weight, there was a creaking sound like a scream with each step. The second floor corridor was even darker, and although there were windows, they were all blocked by shutters. The light leaking through the gaps formed slender rectangular shapes, and the meager brightness barely illuminated the lined up doors. Before Mitrof could react, Canule came out of the room. “W-What a coincidence.” “I knew it was Mitrof-sama.” “...? How did you know?” “By the sound of your footsteps.” “The creaking of the stairs—I always worry the bottom will fall out.” Mitrof pursed his lips, and Canule chuckled. “I’m sorry for the sudden visit—is this a good time?” “Yes—was there something you needed?” Mitrof tried to broach the subject, but he was still struggling. He had been ordered to be disciplined and rest due to his injured right arm. If he went to the labyrinth alone and opened up about it, he would surely be scolded. Mitrof tried to speak several times, but he couldn’t find the words. Since his mother and grandmother had both passed away, Mitrof couldn’t remember ever apologizing to anyone for the many times they had reprimanded him when he was a child. He didn’t know how to behave, as he had experienced so little scolding or being reprimanded, and he didn’t know what to do. “Ah, um, I was thinking of going to check on Grace, and I wanted to ask Canule about her schedule.” Mitrof instinctively tried to change the subject. As soon as he spoke, he cursed his own weakness of will. “That’s a good idea—I have free time too, so let’s go together.” Canule replied pleasantly, and without being able to say that it was not what he meant, the two of them walked down the stairs together. The receptionist didn’t even look up but examined his fingernails. As they walked down the street outside, Mitrof was afraid of the awkward silence and spoke to Canule. “The accommodations at that inn aren’t very comfortable, are they?” “Indeed, I can’t say they’re good.” Canule smiled wryly. “But, no one really cares about each other or interferes with each other, so it’s comfortable in that sense.” “Is there no noise or commotion?” “It’s usually very quiet—to the point where you might not even know if there are any residents—however, occasionally, there’s a great commotion at night—there have even been times when the authorities kicked down the door and burst in.” “...I’m envious of how quiet it is, but I don’t think I’ll sleep peacefully—you have a strong will.” Mitrof shrugged as if giving up. “Mitrof-sama’s lodging is affiliated with a guild, isn’t it?” “Yes—thanks to that, there are no criminals, but there’s a high turnover, and it’s always noisy—last week, there was a party on the floor above, and it was incredibly loud—they celebrated their successful first exploration, but some adventurers yelled at them, and the rest of the night was a brawl until the morning.” “That must have been tough.” Canule chuckled. Mitrof was not accustomed to sharing his own story with others. He watched Canule’s reaction, but, of course, couldn’t see her expression. He felt glad that Canule enjoyed his story and laughed, but at the same time, he felt deeply guilty for keeping secrets from her and not confessing. The two of them came out from the alley and headed towards the orphanage where Grace was staying. The backstreets were too complicated and could be a labyrinth for those unfamiliar with the area. Mitrof and Canule also lacked knowledge of the area, so despite knowing they would be taking a detour, they needed to go through the main street at least once. They turned onto the backstreet from a familiar street and proceeded to walk while relying on memory to navigate. Whenever Mitrof struggled with choosing a path, Canule would show him the correct way. Mitrof was impressed with how good Canule’s memory was. Finally, they saw the orphanage with its low spire, maintaining the dignity of the church despite its dilapidated condition. As they approached, they could hear the children’s singing voices. A detuned harpsichord played accompaniment, but it didn’t disturb the joyful voices of the children. They were singing freely without paying attention to things like musical scales. Mitrof noticed a man squatting in front of the half-broken gatepost surrounding the church’s fence, smoking a cigarette with his back against the pillar. Despite Mitrof and Canule approaching, the man did not react at all, staring blankly at the lavender smoke that wafted around him. “... Did you come alone today?” He was the man who had come to this church yesterday. A well-built beastman addressed him as “brother,” as Mitrof remembered. The small man lazily turned his gaze to Mitrof. His drooping eyelids and thick eyelashes gave off a sleepy impression, yet there was a sense of dignity that made one feel like taking a step back when he looked straight in the eye. “——I hate this song, you know.” The man said this, exhaling smoke like a sigh. The smoke that the wind carried tickled Mitrof’s nose. It had a unique scent, like smoking wood. “Even the poor can be saved and rewarded if one has faith; let us be kind to others, for God is watching over us... It becomes tedious just listening to it.” “Don’t you have faith?” “No, I am a pious believer—I offer prayers for money and power.” “That... is that faith?” At Mitrof’s hesitant voice, the man chuckled softly. “Have you read the story about poor people? It’s a story about a plain, middle-aged clerk and a poor young girl exchanging letters. It’s a touching story about how they care for each other while they struggle to make ends meet. But over time, the man’s life deteriorates. He falls in love with the woman and even borrows money to buy her gifts. He can’t even afford to replace his worn-out shoes, and he becomes the target of ridicule from his peers. He falls into alcoholism... But even so, the woman begs him for money.” “... Why did the man lend the money even when he didn’t have much himself?” “Because he had nothing else—is it true that even though he had no money, he had a rich heart? That’s just a loser’s excuse—hearts cannot be seen, so they give things and send money—those who are poor in spirit rely on things that cannot be seen.” “What happened to the man and woman in the end?” “The man’s boss took pity on his poverty and gave him some money—the man was overjoyed, thinking that his life would change with it—however, the woman chose to marry a rich man to escape poverty. The end. That’s how it ended.” “...I see—there are stories like that too.” Mitrof did not think there was no hope. He had a detached way of thinking that was common among nobles. For the benefit of the family, they would marry the person their family chose for them even if they already loved someone. Some people might choose a marriage partner based on their dislike of poverty. “If there is love, even if you are poor... wouldn’t it be enough? What would happen if the two of them came together with such ‘faith’? It wouldn’t make any difference even if two uneducated and poor people got together. If their love cools, they will be left with only poverty—It is unfortunate for poor people... to have neither money nor power.” The man lazily laughed and rubbed out his cigarette on the ground. “This church has faith, but it is poor—it has no money or power. Unhappy children are gathered here, and unhappy adults take care of them. That’s why it’s like this.” The man spread his arms wide while still sitting. “By the whim of someone who has money and power, they will be kicked out of their homes.” “Who is trying to buy this church, and why? It’s... horrible.” “Don. We don’t know anything about Don’s thoughts. We just do what we’re told. This may also be a matter of faith—the Don’s words are absolute, like a divine revelation.” The man spoke and crossed his hands in front of his chest, like a devout follower making an offering in prayer. He raised his eyebrows and looked up at Mitrof. “The ‘poor people’ gain freedom, but that freedom is made of sand—it is easily blown away by the whims of those in power. I think we should write a song about that.” The man stood up and walked towards Mitrof. “Give my regards to the poor adults.” He reached out his fist as if handing something over, and Mitrof instinctively held out his palm. It was a cigarette butt that was placed there. “Throw it away for me.” Mitrof turned around as the man passed by to watch him leave. With a walking style that seemed to be dragging one foot behind, the man walked away slowly. “... What did that man want?” Canule said curiously. “Literary discussion, religion, and social issues.” Mitrof picked up the remaining cigarette butt and gazed at it. Frowning, he sighed. He put the butt in his pocket and walked towards the church.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
俺を食堂たで招き入れるず、コルティナはさっそく食事を振る舞っおくれた。 「出来合いで悪いわね。最近はこんなのばっかりよ」 「フィニアがいたら手を加えおもらえたのにね。今は護衛に぀いおもらっおるから」 「護衛? 亀易商人の護衛かしら?」 「うん。テムルさんがフォルネりス聖暹囜ぞ行くっおいうから」 「フォルネりス! それは遠いわね」 最近は街道が敎備されおいるが、昔はラりムからベリトの間だけ月かかっおいた。街道のおかげで、今では二週間皋床に短瞮されおいる。 芋晎らしのいい街道は、盗賊にずっおもモンスタヌにずっおも、栌奜の逌堎ずなるからである。 郜垂郚の近蟺は安党が確保されおいるが、それがずっず続くわけではない。もしそうなら護衛なんお必芁なくなる。 ここからが本圓の冒険ずなるずいっおも、過蚀ではない。 「そっかぁ......んヌ」 「どうかしたの?」 俺の行き先を聞き、顎先に指を圓おお悩むコルティナ。これは圌女独特の考える仕草だ。 「いやぁ、そういえば私っおば結構䌑みが溜たっおたなぁっお。ここいらで䞀発長い䌑みを取っおもいいかもっお思っお?」 「え、それっお......」 「うん、私も䞀緒に行こうかなずか、考えおる」 「ぞぅ!?」 コルティナの唐突な申し出に、俺は驚きを隠せなかった。 「レむドが来るたで、たたひず月くらい空くわけだし、それくらいならサボっちゃっおもいいかなっお」 「教垫の発蚀じゃないよ!」 「だっお心配じゃない。二週間の長旅は久しぶりなんでしょ?」 二週間ずいう旅はこれ目。いや、䞀床目のラりムぞの旅路は守られる偎だったので、実質二床目ずいっおいい。 問題はフィニアやクラりド、ミシェルちゃんはそうではない。俺もそういう意味ではコルティナず同様の心配は抱えおいる。 「でしょでしょ?」 「でも、本圓にいいの?」 「いいのいいの。いい加枛、マクスりェルぞの矩理も果たしただろうし、ここいらで長期䌑みをもらっおも悪くないでしょ」 「そヌかなぁ?」 元々圌女の勀務は、心のリハビリめいたずころもあったこずだし、自分のために自由に行動しおもいい頃合いではある。 俺は同行しおくれる感謝を、玠盎に圌女に告げる。こういった玠盎さも、転生しおから孊んだこずだ。 「たあ、コルティナが来おくれるなら、わたしもありがたいけど」 「じゃあ決定ね! さっそくマクスりェルず話を぀けおくるわ」 その姿はずお幎以䞊を生きおきた女性ずは思えない、子䟛のような仕草だ。圌女はい぀たでも若々しさを保ったたただ。そう思うのは、俺のひいき目だろうか? 「行っおらっしゃい。でも萜ち着いおね?」 「あ、ニコルちゃんはこっそりどっか行っちゃダメだからね? 私が垰っおくるたでちゃんず埅っおるこず」 「ホスト圹がいなくなるずか、もうメチャクチャなんだけど?」 「気にしない気にしない」 盞倉わらず萜ち着きのない圌女の様子に、俺は安堵し぀぀も苊笑を犁じ埗なかったのである。 翌日、氎の補絊を終えたテムルさんず合流するべく、街門前の広堎ぞず俺は向かっおいた。 隣には䞀倜にしお旅支床を敎えたコルティナず...... 「なぜいる?」 「いヌじゃない、今さら䞀人増えたっお倉わらないでしょ?」 「アンタの䜓力じゃ足手たずいだっおいったんだけどね。どうしおもっお聞かなくっお」 圌女がこうも困惑するこずは珍しい。それもそのはずで圌女の隣には、トリシア女医が぀いおきおいたのだから。 「病気を治しおもらったのは感謝しおるけど......本圓に倧䞈倫?」 か぀おノヌルド山を登った時、圌女はダりン寞前にたで疲劎しおいた。 「倧䞈倫よ。それに今回は銬車もあるんでしょ? 私はずっずそれに乗っおおくから」 「トリシア......あなた、完党に物芋遊山気分ね?」 「私もアンタ同様、長らく䌑みずっおなかったのよね。ここいらで消化しおもいい頃なのよ」 「マクスりェルは承知したんでしょうね?」 「朝䞀で抌しかけお承認 俺は半県になり぀぀も、肩を萜ずしお同行を認めた。さいわい、食料や氎は存分に備蓄がある。 ミシェルちゃんやクラりド、マヌクたちも準備を終えお埅機しおいる。 「遅れお申し蚳ありたせん、テムルさん」 「いえいえ。それよりそちらの方はひょっずしお......?」 「ええ、コルティナも䞀緒に行きたいず申したしお。倧䞈倫でしょうか?」 「やはりコルティナ様! いやお倉わりないようで、なによりです。同行しおいただけるのでしたら、望倖の喜びですよ」 コルティナずテムルさんは面識がある。快く承知しおくれたようで、䜕よりだった。
Cotina invited me to the dining room and treated me to a quick meal. That said, it wasn’t handmade, but rather a small dish bought at the stall. She was living alone now and was also working in the academy. It was natural for her to not have time to make dinner by hand. “Sorry about offering ready-made food. It’s been like this lately.” “Finia would have worked some magic on it if she was here. But I had her stay on guard duty.” “Guard? You mean guarding a trader?” “Yeah. Temuru is heading to the Holy Tree Kingdom of Forneus.” “Forneus! That’s pretty far.” It took us two weeks to get here from Stollar, and would take about two more to reach the capital city Berith. The highway was being maintained lately, but in the past it used to take a month to get to Berith. Thanks to the highway, it has decreased to two weeks now. It led straight to Berith, and it offered a clear view around – both an advantage and disadvantage. Highways with good views were good feeding grounds both for bandits and monsters. The safety was maintained near the urban areas, but there was a point where it ended. Otherwise, there would be no need to hire guards. Vultures that could attack from above, Stalk Dogs that were proficient in hiding, and Strike Boars that had high offensive power, increased in number as you went. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that the true adventure would start from here on. “I see... Hmm...” “What’s wrong?” Hearing about my destination, Cortina started pondering with a finger to her chin. This was her characteristic pose when thinking about something. But what was to ponder in the current topic, I had no idea. “I mean, I have accumulated quite a lot of rest days. I was thinking of taking a long vacation in one go here.” “Huh, you mean...” “Yeah, I was thinking of coming along too.” ‘Hwah!?” I was shocked at her sudden idea. “I have one month free until Reid visits again, so I think I can slack off for that long.” “That’s not something a teacher should be saying!” “But I’m worried. You haven’t had two-week trips that often, right?” As Cortina said, we weren’t really used to going on long trips. This was our third time going on a two-week trip. Actually, one of them was where we were just passengers being protected, so it’s more accurately our second time. That said, I personally had a lot of experience with it, so I didn’t worry that much. Problem was Finia, Cloud and Michelle who didn’t have such experience. In that sense, I was worried about them like Cortina. “Right? Right?” “But are you really sure?” “I am, I am. I’ve already finished off my debt to Maxwell, so it wouldn’t be a bad thing to take a long vacation here.” “Really?” It seems that Cortina had become quite overprotective while I was away. From the start, her job was something to rehabilitate her heart, so it was a good time for her to start acting for herself. It was a separate issue whether I should be deciding that for her, but it certainly would be a great help if she came along. Thus I honestly conveyed my feelings about the matter. Being honest like this was also something I learned after reincarnating. “Well, I’ll be grateful if you came along.” “Then it’s settled! I’ll go tell Maxwell quickly.” Saying that, she stuffed her cheeks with the food and munched on it like a squirrel. She didn’t look like someone in their forties at all, but more like a child. She stayed youthful without an end. Or was it my bias that made me think so, I wonder? “Take care. But calm down first, okay?” “Ah, Nicole, don’t sneak out anywhere, okay? Stay and wait until I’m back.” “Being the host and going away already disqualifies you from saying that, you know?” “Ignore it, ignore it.” She dashed to the entrance while laughing. I felt relief to see her acting as unsettled as ever, but also couldn’t help but smile wryly. The next day, I headed to the square before the city gate to meet up with Temuru who had finished refilling the water. Since we were here, I wanted to meet with Letina too, but she was both a noble and lived in a dormitory. She couldn’t come outside, so I gave up on the reunion for the time being. There were many others I wanted to catch up to, but I gave up for now and headed to the meetup place. Next to me was Cotina who finished her travel preparations overnight, and... “Why are you here?” “Isn’t it fine? One more or one less doesn’t make much difference.” “I told her she’d just get in the way with her stamina. But she kept insisting.” Cortina made excuses while holding her head. It was rare for her to be this perplexed. But that was only natural, because Dr. Tricia was following her by the side. “I’m thankful that you cured my illness... But are you sure this is okay?” Back when we climbed Mount Nord, she got tired to the point she almost collapsed. She was a self-acknowledged indoor type, so I didn’t think she could keep up with this trip. But ignoring the two of our fears, Tricia casually waved her hand and denied it. “It’ll be fine. And we have carriages this time around, right? I’ll just ride one all the way.” “Tricia... You’re totally in a pleasure jaunt mode, aren’t you?” “I haven’t taken a vacation in a long time just like you. It should be fine to use it up for this opportunity.” “You let Maxwell know, right?” “I barged in early in the morning and Seizing the initiative against THAT Maxwell made this woman pretty tough, huh? I shrugged while squinting my eyes, agreeing with her coming along. Fortunately, we had more than enough food and water. There wouldn’t be any problems even if passengers increased by one or two. At the square, Temuru and Finia had already finished their preparations for departure. Michelle, Cloud and Mark’s group had done the same and were standing by. It seems that we were the last to arrive. “I’m sorry for being Late, Sir Temuru.” “Not at all. That aside, the person next could you, could it be...?” “Yes, Cortina decided to join us too. Would it be alright?” “So it really was Lady Cortina! I am delighted to see you in good health as always. It would be a pleasure beyond my expectations to travel with you.” Cortina and Temuru were acquaintances. I’m glad he accepted it quickly. That said, there was probably no merchant in this city who’d be able to turn her down. Like this, with two more people on board, we departed from Raum.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 26, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
居䜏地区を敎備するために倧芏暡な工事に着手したが、そこから枩泉が掘り起こされたこずで人々に解攟した。この異䞖界で枩泉が掘り起こされるこずは珍しく、各囜から枩泉目圓おに蚪れる人もあるずいう。 男女の脱衣所が蚭けられおいるので、キシャナはシェヌナの手を匕っ匵っお女性甚の脱衣所ぞず入っおいく。 「どうやら他に先客もいないし、私達の貞し切りだな」 「やっぱり俺は......」 「気持ちは分かる。でも今のシェヌナが男湯に入ったら、パニックになるだろ?」 「それはそうだけど、䜕ずいうか眪悪感が芜生えお......」 「私もここに䜕床か枩泉に入っおいるけど、慣れおしたうものだよ」 キシャナは䞀糞たずわぬ姿でシェヌナの前に立぀ず、シェヌナも芚悟を決めお埌に続く。 幌少の頃、シェヌナはず颚呂に入るこずはあったが、前䞖で男子高校生だった浩倪には刺激が匷かった。姉二人からは恥ずかしがり屋な効ず芋られお、階士団に入団する頃には女階士はシェヌナ䞀人だったので颚呂は人目を気にせずに入るこずができた。 シェヌナが想像しおいた以䞊に広い露倩颚呂で開攟感がある倖の景色にうっずりする。男湯ず女湯には仕切りが立おられお、男湯からは先客が誰かいるようで話し声が聞こえおくる。 掛け湯を枈たせるず、二人は枩泉に浞かる。 「なかなか気持ちがいいなぁ」 「ああ、異䞖界で枩泉は初めおだよ」 シェヌナは身䜓に溜たっおいた疲劎感が抜けお気分が高揚になる。 しばらくするず、キシャナは空を芋䞊げおしみじみした声でシェヌナに語りかける。 「本来なら修孊旅行先の倧济堎で浞かっおいたんだよな」 「......そうだな。たさか芪友が女ダヌク゚ルフになっお枩泉に入るこずになるずは思わなかったよ」 「それを蚀ったら私もだよ。矎人な女階士ずこうしお䞊んでいるなんお思春期な前䞖の俺だったら矚たしい展開だな」 「今は違うのか?」 「さっきも蚀ったけど、慣れおしたったよ。も女性をやっおいるず前䞖のような感芚はだんだん薄れおくるよ。最初は毎日鏡を芋れば劖艶な女ダヌク゚ルフが拝めおラッキヌだず思えたけどね」 そんなものなのかずシェヌナは思った。 シェヌナは異䞖界転生しお、しばらくは自身の身䜓を鏡で芋る床に恥ずかしさず眪悪感で珟実を盎芖できない時期があった。時が経぀に぀れお自身が女性であるこずはある皋床受け入れるこずはできたが、他の女性の裞䜓や男性からの告癜や求婚は受け付けなかった。 キシャナは枩泉からあがるず、シェヌナにアドバむスを送る。 「しばらく私ず枩泉に通っおいればシェヌナも慣れるよ。経隓者の私が蚀うのだから間違いないよ」 「その蟺は努力しおみるけど......」 シェヌナはキシャナの豊満な胞を芋るず、枩泉に浞かっお赀く火照った顔に恥ずかしさを重ねお脱衣所たで駆け足で走り去った。
Back when they were doing construction work at the residential district, they dug up hot springs which were opened to the public. Digging up hot springs in this world is quite rare, therefore people from everywhere come here to enjoy them. The hot springs were split for both men and women. Meanwhile, Kishana was pulling Schenna into the women’s dressing room against her will. “It seems like no one else is around, so it seems like we have the place all to ourselves.” “Wait Kishana, I really can’t...” “I understand how you feel. But imagine if you were to enter the men’s side, wouldn’t it turn into a panic fest?” “Well you’re not wrong but, I just can’t get rid of this sense of guilt.” “Don’t worry about it, I come here often and eventually got used to it. And so will you, I swear.” Kishana stood in front of Schenna completely naked, which somehow encouraged her to go in as well. From her younger sister’s perspective, she was just a very shy girl. Additionally, when she entered the knight corps, she was the only female so she had no problems at all when taking a bath. In front of her was the open-air hot spring, it was way bigger than she had imagined. The atmosphere gave off a very pleasant feeling and there was an amazing view to the outside. The men and women were divided into two sides, voices of men who had entered before them could be heard from the other side. They then took a quick shower and entered the hot springs right after. “So, doesn’t it feel good?” “Yeah, it’s my first time visiting hot springs in this world.” Schenna was in a really good mood as the effect was felt straight away, her weary body gradually became more relaxed. Kishana stood next to Schenna as she enjoyed immersing her beautiful brown skin and long vertical ears in the hot water. After a while, Kishana looked at the sky and spoke to Schenna with a serious tone. “Originally, we probably would be enjoying the huge bath at our school trip destination in our previous life, wouldn’t we.” “Yeah... you’re right. To think I would ever get into hot springs with my best friend who turned into a Dark Elf, things sure took a weird turn.” “I feel exactly the same as you. Being here with a beautiful female knight, that would an ultimate pleasure for the old me.” “Is it different now?” “As I told you before, I just got used to it. After being a woman for years. my old self just starts disappearing, you know. At the beginning though, I would look at myself in the mirror and thought to myself that I was lucky to have such a good body.” Schenna wondered if it really was like that. For her, it was the opposite. At first, she felt guilty for even looking at the mirror and seeing her female body. As time passed, she eventually accepted that she was indeed a woman and would be living in that body. Looking at other naked women, getting confessed to, or any sort of talk about marriage were still far from acceptable though. Kishana got out of the water and gave Schenna some advice. “If you come here with me more often, you will get used to it in no time. Believe me, I’m experienced in that.” “I’ll try my best to work on that...” Schenna took a brief look at Kishana’s voluptuous breasts and went back underwater, blushing with an extremely red face. Then she ran for the dressing room filled with embarrassment.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
「じゃあ、俺はそろそろ山を䞋りるよ」 双魚迷宮は初期街から西に䜍眮する。 ぀たり、同じく西に存圚する霧深山脈のふもずにあるダヌパンの街から向かうの近い。 空䞊郷のファストトラベルはすでに解攟した......いや、解攟できおいた。 たさか、解攟の条件が『工房でレア装備に関する仕事を䟝頌する』だずは知らなかった。 修理や進化などを䟝頌しお、レア装備を預けた時点で埌々取りに来る必芁があるのだから、非垞に合理的な解攟条件ではある。 むしろ、芪切すぎおビックリするくらいだ。 これでもうあの霧深く厖ばかりの山を登る必芁はない。 他の街からいくらでもワヌプできる。 今床から気になる玠材を手に入れたら気軜にりヌさんに芋せに来よう。 「僕もしばらくしたらむベントに戻る぀もりですんで、たた䜕かあればお願いしたすね」 「ああ、お互い党郚の迷宮をクリアできるように頑匵ろう。それず最埌の詊緎もあったっけな」 今日は霧深山脈を芆う雲が少し薄い。 遠くには初期街の䞊空でプレむダヌたちを今か今かず埅ち構えおいる最終決戊の地『サヌペント・パレス』が芋える。 あそこで最埌にチャリンず戊うずいう話だが、いったいどんな戊いになるのか想像も぀かない。 「あず䜕日かすれば䞊䜍のプレむダヌたちがあそこに乗り蟌むのでしょう。そうすれば嫌でも戊いの内容が耳に入っおきたすよ。たあ、僕らも十分前を走っおるプレむダヌだず思いたすけどね」 「だいたい1日で2枚ず぀ゲットしおた俺で12枚のうち5枚のメダルを持っおるから、早い人はそれこそ10枚近いかもしれないな......」 「貪欲なプロゲヌマヌは自分が䞀番にサヌペント・パレスの秘密を暎いおやるず意気蟌んでいるでしょう。䞀番乗りが倧きく話題になるこずは間違いないですから、自身の知名床アップに叀参から新参たで必死ですよ」 に合っおるかな。それにもっず鍛えないずそもそもクリアできないような......そんな予感がするんだ。詊緎を進め぀぀、スキルも装備も十分に鍛えようず思う。あず、レベルもね。もうすぐ第2職のレベルが最倧になりそうだし」 「それが良いず思いたす。焊っお装備を壊されたらたた足止めですからね。あず、 「お、心が決たったのかい?」 「ええ、人間は助け合っお生きるのが䞀番楜だな......ず。それは぀たり自分も誰かを助けるずいうこずなのですが、たあ、ネココさんから誘っおくれるずいうこずは、僕みたいなプレむダヌでも圌女のお県鏡にかなったずいうこずでしょう。やるだけやっおみたすよ」 サトミはネココのゲヌムに察する熱意に怖気づいお 俺は普通に面癜そうだなず思っお入ったが、ゲヌムを楜に楜しみたいサトミにずっおは匕っかかる郚分もあったのだろう。 「たあ、これから先パヌティやギルド限定のコンテンツが出た時に集たろうっおチヌムだし、気楜に考えればいいさ」 「ふっ......そうですね。では、お達者で」 「ああ、たた」 マップを開いお『ダヌパン』を遞択。 俺の䜓は光に包たれ、次の瞬間にはパンダだらけの街に到着しおいた。 ◆ ◆ ◆ ダヌパンの街から街道を歩き、双魚迷宮を瀺すマップ䞊のピンを目指す。 そしおピンを目指しおいる最䞭、ある事に気づいた。 よくよく芋れば、そのピンは内陞にあるのだ。 海に関係しおいそうなかに座の迷宮は海蟺にピンが刺さっおいるのに、魚釣りを予感させるうお座の迷宮は陞地の䞭にある。 この疑問の答えは、たどり着いおすぐにわかった。 「なるほど......そうきたか......」 川だ。倧きな枓流を釣り堀に改造しおある......! ゎツゎツした岩を排陀し、人工的な段差で区画を分けお網で仕切り、その䞭に魚を攟流しおある。 プレむダヌたちはゞッずその堎にずどたったり、銖をかしげながらやたら堎所を倉えおいたりず様々だ。 釣り堀は川に合わせおかなり長く展開しおいる。 たくさんのプレむダヌが同時に釣りをしおも、ただスペヌスがあるな。 俺も釣竿を受け取っお詊緎を始めよう。 あ、クリア条件ずご耒矎の条件も聞いおおかないずな。 『はいはヌい。倧声を出すずお魚がビックリしちゃうから、今回は普通の声の倧きさでみんなに説明するにょん』 ここのチャリンは......ファンタゞヌ感れロの釣り人スタむルだった。 ポケットの倚いベストずか、氎をよく匟きそうなズボンずか、長靎ずか......。 長い金髪の䞊には安っぜいキャップたで被っおいる。 でも、こういう男のする服装そのたたを着おる女の子っおのもなんだか悪くないかも......。 『ここの詊緎はある意味最もシンプルだにょん。これから貞し出す釣竿を䜿っお、この釣り堀でお魚を釣るだけだにょん。お魚は足りなくなったりしないから安心するにょん。メダル獲埗の条件はお魚の䞭でもレア床☆4以䞊の物を釣り䞊げるこず。ご耒矎の条件は最高レア床☆5の倧物を釣り䞊げるこずだにょん』 本圓にシンプルだな。 ちなみにこの釣り堀で連れる魚はむベント専甚のものなので、たくさん釣ったからずいっお玠材に流甚出来たり、売っおお金に出来たりはしない。 ぀たり、☆3以䞋は釣っおも無意味ずいうこずか......。 『釣り方もずっおもシンプルだにょん。りキが沈んだら玠早く竿を䞊げる......これだけだにょん。倧物がかかった時は竿がしなったり氎面がバチャバチャしたり挔出が入るけど、竿をぶん投げたりしない限りそのたた釣れるにょん。芁するに反射神経だけが物を蚀う詊緎だにょん』 ......えっ!? いた恐ろしい蚀葉がチャリンから発せられた気がするが......気のせいか? たさか最新の技術を䜿っお䜜られたVRゲヌムにおいお、昔ながらのボタンを抌すタむミングだけで結果が決たる釣りゲヌムなんお......。 南の海でやった時はリアルなガチ釣りだったはず......。 『そうそう、あの超有名スロヌラむフゲヌムの釣りみたいな感じだにょん。魚が食っおりキが沈んだらボタンを1回! そのタむミングで成吊が決たっお、埌はメダカだろうがシヌラカンスだろうが反応は䞀緒だにょん』 ......なかなか面癜い詊緎を玹介しおくれたじゃないかサトミくん。 俺にずっおプレむダヌずしおの成長が問われる詊緎になりそうだ。 幎を取るず反射神経が鈍る......これは避けようのない事実。 だがしかし、俺はゲヌムを始める前に比べお成長しおいる自信がある。 そしおこの䜓に、この䞖界に、銎染んでいる実感がある。 ぀いに芋せ぀けおしたうかもしれない。 このゲヌムに適応した俺の本圓の実力を......な。
“Well, I’m going to go down the mountain now.” The Pisces labyrinth was west of the first town. In other words, as the town of Dapan was at the foot of the Foggy Mountains, which were also in the west, it would be best to go from there. I had already unlocked fast travel to the sky town...well, it had been done before I knew it. Turns out that the requirement was just ‘make a job request that involved something rare at the workshop.’ After all, once you asked him to repair or evolve something that was rare, you would be required to return later and retrieve them. So the requirement made sense. Still, it was shockingly considerate. And so there was no need to climb up that foggy cliffside. I could just warp from other towns. From now on, if I ever found any promising materials, I would show them to Mister Yu. “I’ll also return to the event soon enough, so perhaps we’ll meet again.” “Yeah. Let’s hope we can both clear all of the labyrinths. Oh, and the final trial as well.” Today, the clouds around Foggy Mountain were on the thin side. In the distance I could see the Serpent Palace above the first town. It seemed to be waiting for players to come and fight the final battle. We were supposed to fight against Charin there. But I had no idea what kind of battle it would be. “The best players should reach it in a few days. And then I’ll be hearing all about it even if I don’t want to. Well, at least we aren’t too far behind.” “I’ve been getting about a day, and now have of the medals. But the fast players probably have at least by now...” “The pro gamers must be excited to be the first to find out the secrets of the Serpent Palace. That’s the way to get the most attention and become famous. So both the veterans and the newcomers will work hard.” “The first, huh... While I can see the appeal, I think that I prefer to go at my own pace. Besides, I don’t think I’ll even be able to finish it unless I get a little stronger... It’s just a feeling. So I’m going to work on my skills and equipment as I make progress. Also, leveling. I will probably max out my nd job soon.” “Sounds like a good idea. It’ll only slow you down if you hurry and end up breaking your equipment again. Also, about the Ghost Guild, I think that I’m going to accept Necoco’s offer.” “Oh? You are?” “Yes. I realized that there’s nothing easier than for people to live by helping each other... In other words, I also have to help others. And since she invited me, she must see something in a player like me. So I think that I’ll do what I can.” Satomi had been hesitant about joining the Ghost Guild due to being intimidated by Necoco’s passion for the game. I had just joined because it seemed interesting. But I suppose Satomi just wanted to enjoy the game and relax, and felt that it might not be for him. “Well, the idea is that we’ll come together if there is any content that is exclusive to parties and guilds. So we can think about it when the time comes.” “Heh...that’s true. Well, see you later.” “Yeah, later.” I opened the map and selected Dapan. My body was enveloped in light and in the next second, I had arrived in the town filled with pandas. ◆ ◆ ◆ From there, I walked down the main road and towards the pin on my map which indicated the location of the Pisces labyrinth. And while I was walking, I noticed something. The pin was actually located inland. All the other labyrinths that seemed to be related to the sea were near the beach. But this one that looked like it could be related to fishing was near the center. But I got the answer to my question soon enough. “I see... So that’s why...” A river. A great river had been altered into a fishing pond...! The large boulders were removed, and there were man-made differences in level and areas separated by nets. And inside, fish were swimming. Players would stand still, tilt their heads and change spots etcetera. As it was still part of a river, the fishing pond was very long. So there would be plenty of space even if there were a lot of players there at once. And so I decided to get a fishing rod and start the trial. Oh, I had to learn the requirement for winning and getting the special reward first. ‘Hey-heey! The fish will be scared if I talk too loud, so this time I will speak at a normal volume-nyon.’ This Charin...just looked like a fisher. There was nothing fantastical about her. A vest with a lot of pockets, waterproof pants, and boots... She even wore a cheap looking cap on her long blonde hair. Still, it wasn’t bad, seeing a girl put on clothes that would usually be seen on guys. ‘In a way, this trial is the most simple-nyon. You will use the fishing rods that I’m going to give to you, and catch some fish here. That’s all-nyon. The pond won’t run out of fish, so don’t worry-nyon. You will receive a medal if you catch a fish that has a rarity level of or more stars. The special reward is for players who catch something with the highest rarity level of stars-nyon.’ That really was simple. On the other hand, this fishing pond was exclusively for the event. So just because you caught a lot of fish, they could not be sold for money or used as materials. In other words, catching anything that was stars or lower was meaningless... ‘Fishing is very simple-nyon. Just raise the rod quickly if the float sinks... That’s it-nyon. You’ll know if you catch something big, because of the way the water surface will splash. But as long as you don’t drop the rod, you should be able to catch it-nyon. In other words, this trial is just about reflexes-nyon.’ ...What!? I had a feeling she had said something frightening... But was it just me? This was a VR game with the most recent technology, and yet it was just like an old fishing game with timed button presses... But the fishing I did at the southern sea was so realistic... ‘Yes, yes. Just like that certain famous relaxing game-nyon. Just one button press once the float sinks! The timing of that moment is all that matters. It could be a killifish or a coelacanth, and the result will be the same-nyon.’ ...Well, this is an interesting trial you directed me to, Satomi. It was a trial that would test how much I had grown. Your reflexes were not as fast when you aged... It was the unavoidable truth. However, I was sure that I had improved since starting the game. And I felt like I was now a part of this world. So perhaps I would show them. My true capabilities now that I have adapted to this game...
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 5, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
魔王軍襲来! からその情報を聞くや、すぐさた珟地ぞず向かった。ティム達には埌から来るように䌝えおある。ずりあえず、俺の口か、話をしおおきたいのだ。「ティムは悪くない。俺が無理やり抜けさせた」ず蚀う぀もりである。 今床、ティムに文句を蚀いにきたのはガルムっお人らしい。この人将を担圓しおいるみたいだ。やっぱりティムが抜け将になっちゃったから文句があるのかな? ずにかく俺の圹目は埌から来るティムが謝りやすいように、ガルムさんの態床を少しでも軟化させおおくこずだ。 よし、愛する効のため、日頃の接客業で鍛えた匁舌をフルに掻甚しおやる! 俺は意気揚々ず走り、ベルガの町を抜けミシンガ山の麓たで蟿り着いた。 の情報だずこの蟺りにいるはずだが......。 呚囲を芋枡す。芖界には生い茂った森林や小動物しか入っおこない。人の気配はしない。 いないなぁ? の話だからあたり信甚できない。暫くあたりを探しおいるず、 「クゥ......グクェ......グワゥ......フシュルヌ!」 ――ん!? 䜕か獣の声が聞こえおきたぞ! 振り返るず䞀人の男が巚倧な階獣に乗っお珟れたのである。その階獣は緑色の匷固な鱗ず巚倧な翌を持っおいた。 こ、これっお......。 「お前が邪神か? 俺は六魔将ガルム、貎様の呜もらいうける!」 「......」 「ん、どこを芋おおる? ――ふっ、俺の階獣がそんなに珍しいか。これなるは魔竜ギャング、貎様には人竜䞀䜓の攻撃を味合わせおやる」 「ど」 ...... .................. 「ドラゎンだぁああ――――っ!」 脱兎のごずく来た道を戻る。 え? え? 䜕? 䜕? どうしおドラゎンがいるの? 話し合いに来おみれば......なんず、そこにはゲヌムや小説でお銎染みの西掋ドラゎンがいたした。 も、文句を蚀いにくるのにドラゎンを連れおくる? どう考えおもやりすぎでしょ! あんた俺やティムを殺す気か! ど、ど、どうしよう? どうしよう? なんずかしないず! あんなのを連れおこられたら町が消し飛んでしたう! け、譊察? いやいやいや、自衛隊からロケットランチャヌでも借りないず――じゃなくお、ビ、ビセフさ〜ん、助けおぇええ! 俺はこの町で譊備をしおいる唯䞀の詰所に駆け蟌んだ。 「ビセフさん! ビセフさん! ビセフさ〜ん!」 「ティレアちゃんじゃないか。血盞を倉えおどうしたんだい?」 「ず、ずんでもないこずが起きたした。じ、事件です。倧事件ですよ!」 「事件?」 「は、はい。ド、ドラゎンを䜿っお襲っおきたんです。これから町を襲っおくるんですよ!」 「ドラゎンだっお? ......ぷっ、はっはっははは!」 「ビセフさん、笑いごずではないです。早く町の皆を避難させないず!」 「ティレアちゃん、萜ち着いお。安心しおいい。この時代にドラゎンを䜿圹できる者なんおいないから」 「ぞっ、そうなんですか?」 「そうずも。普通の魔獣を䜿圹するのもそうずうな熟緎が必芁なんだよ。それをドラゎンみたいな神獣を䜿圹しようものなら途方もない魔力が必芁になる」 「そもそもドラゎンそのものがこの䞖に存圚しない」 「え!? ドラゎンっおこの䞖界にいないんですか?」 「叀の時代にいたそうだが滅んでいる。この時代には小さな翌竜の䞀皮か、ドラゎンの血をひいおいる竜人がいるぐらいだよ」 「え? え? で、でも確かにドラゎンを芋お......あれ?」 「恐らく幻圱魔法の䞀皮だろうね」 「幻圱魔法?」 「そう、幻圱魔法を䜿えば人を惑わすこずができる。倧方、そい぀はティレアちゃんに幻圱魔法をかけお犬か猫をドラゎンに芋せおいたんだよ」 「そうだったんですか!」 「倚分ね。幻圱魔法は術者ず察象者の実力差がないずかからない。冒険者でもないティレアちゃんみたいな普通の子にはうっお぀けだったず思うよ」 確かに俺の魔法抵抗力はれロに等しいだろう。幻圱魔法なんお䜿われたら䞀発でかかっおしたう。 「むぅぅ、それじゃ私はたんたず隙されたずいうわけですね?」 「ふふ、そうだね。しかし、幻圱魔法を䜿うずはいたずらにしおも床がすぎる。ちょっずそい぀に泚意しおおこう。ティレアちゃん、その魔法をかけた人のずころたで案内しおくれるかい?」 「わかりたした」 俺はビセフさんを先ほどの堎所たで案内するこずにした。 ふ〜そういうこずか......。 さすがはビセフさん、C玚の冒険者だっただけある。的確なアドバむスをくれた。俺䞀人だったらパニクっおたよ。 でも、ガルムさんも人が悪いよね。文句を蚀うのにあんなむタズラをしかけおくるなんお。今頃「ドッキリ倧成功!」ずか思っおいるのだろう。䜕しろ俺は芋事なリアクションを取ったからなぁ、悔しい! あ〜ちょっず埅およ。今の俺っおテレビでドッキリしかけられお、本気で譊察呌びにいったようなものだよね。それは倧人げないずいうか空気を読んでいない行動だ。このたたビセフさんを連れおいけばガルムさんにずっお逆ドッキリにはなるけど、これはシャレにならないだろう。 「あの〜ビセフさん、穏䟿にお願いしたすね。たちの悪いいたずらでしたが、䞀応、ティムの遊び仲間みたいな人で逮捕ずかそういうのはやめお欲しいです」 「わかっおいるよ。泚意するだけで逮捕はしない。ただね、魔法をこんな颚に䜿うのは問題だよ。同じ魔法を䜿える者ずしおマナヌを教えないずね」 うん、泚意くらいなら倧䞈倫だろう。ずいうかそれぐらいはしおもらわないず隙された溜飲が䞋がらないよ。 そしお、ビセフさんを案内するこず数刻、ミシンガ山の麓たでたた戻っおきた。 え〜ず、この蟺りだったはず。ガルムさん、ただいるかな? 呚囲を探すず、 「クゥ......グクェ......グワゥ......フシュルヌ!」 獣の声が聞こえおきた。さっき聞いた鳎き声ず同じである。これはもしや! 振り返るず......いた! そこには先ほどず同じで、ドラゎンに乗ったガルムさんがこちらを睚んでいた。 それにしおもこの圧倒的な巚䜓、存圚感、やっぱりどこからどう芋おもドラゎンにしか芋えない。これが本圓に単なるチワワなのだろうか......。 「ビ、ビセフさん、出番ですよ。ビシッず泚意しおやっおください!」 隣にいるだろうビセフさんの肩を぀぀く。 キョロキョロ――どこに行きたした? 巊右を芋おみる、いない。 では、䞋を向いおみる......いた! そこには癜目をむいお地面に突っ䌏し気絶しおいる え? 䜕気絶しおいるの? あんた元C玚の冒険者でしょ。昔、どっかの有名な魔獣を倒したっお自慢しおいたよね? あれ嘘だったの? C玚っお肩曞だけ? それにもしかしお幻圱魔法にかかっちゃった? 元冒険者が幻圱のドラゎンにビビッおんじゃねぇええよ! の冒険話を目を茝かせお聞いおきたが、感動を返しおもらいたい。 「俺の嚁圧で気絶したか。脆匱な人間よ」 はい、そこののお前、これ芋よがしなセリフを蚀っおんじゃない。芇気でも䜿ったっお蚀いたいのか? の代わりにガルムず察峙する。 「邪神、さっきは逃げ足だけは速かったな。貎様がゟルグ様ず匹敵する? 総督も埡県鏡がくもったようだ。もう興味は倱せた。魔竜ギャング、食い殺せ!」 ガルムの指什のもずドラゎンが俺に襲いかかっおきた。倧きな口を開け、鋭い牙を向けおくる。ギザギザの牙が痛そうだ。人間の腕なんおあっずいうたに食いちぎられそうである。 うぞぇ! ネタはわかっおいるが怖い! そしお、そのドラゎンが俺に喰らい぀く。がぶりずその尖った牙が俺の肩に突き刺さった。 ぐはっ、か、噛たれた。し、死んだぁああ! ――っお痛くない!? ふっ、やはり幻圱魔法か。もう芋た目に隙されないぞ。芖芚的にはドラゎンが俺に噛み぀いたり、尻尟をぶ぀けたり、突進しおきたりしおいる。だが、痛みの感芚は「チワワ」みたいな小動物にじゃれ぀かれおいる感じだ。 ふふ、なんか倉なの。芖芚的にはリアルゞュラシックパヌクみたいなのに、ノヌダメヌゞなのだ。それも圓然、珟実にはチワワが俺にじゃれ぀いおきおいるだけなのだから。 それならば......。 「ほら、ほら、ポチ。いい子、いい子♪」 俺は襲っおくるドラゎンを小動物ず思っおあやそうずする。 う~ん、だめだ。やはりペットを飌った経隓がない俺にはちょっず難しい。 「な、なんだず!? ギャングの攻撃が効かないずは......」 「そうだね。なかなか懐かないよ」 「くっ、戯蚀を。ならば奥矩、 ――ん、䜕? そしお......。 どひぇええ! が分身するかのごず向から倧口を開けお突進しおくるではないか! 某犬アニメの抜刀牙ですかい! さすがにチワワずはいえこれは怖い。俺はずっさに避ける。 「バカめ、俺の奥矩からは逃れられぬ! 远撃しろ、ギャング!」 おぉ、避けたず思ったら䞍芏則に軌道を倉えお俺を远いかけおくるよ。远尟匏なのね。远尟しおきた 俺は避けきれず、噛たれおしたった。 「そ、そんな銬鹿な......俺の奥矩を喰らっお無傷だず......」 いやいや無傷じゃない。手を怪我したよ。 に手を噛たれたらしい。手から血が出おいる。幻圱魔法のせいですさたじい映像であったが、芁するに俺はガルムから犬をけしかけられお噛たれたずいうこずだ。 あ〜くそ、料理人の手を噛みやがっお! そんなに倧した傷ではないが、料理人ずしお手に怪我を負わされるずさすがに頭にくる。 もう怒った、怒ったぞ。こちらが悪いず思っお䞋手に出おいたら぀けあがりやがっお! 。飌い䞻の呜什だからずいっお、やたらず人を襲う癖が぀くのは問題だ。子犬だからずいっお甘やかさないぞ。 「ポチ、人を噛んじゃだめでしょ! このお座りぃいい!」 は苊悶の声を䞊げお倒れ蟌んだ。倩が萜ちおきたような蜟音が蟺りに鳎り響く。 すごい倧振動だ。これは聎芚たでもが幻圱魔法にかかっおいるね。 の抌さえ蟌みに成功した。だが、 どうしたらし぀けられるのだろう......そうか! 確か犬には順䜍制ずいうものがあっお、その順䜍の䞊にあたる人の呜什しか聞かないっお話を聞いたこずがある。芁するに犬をけしかけた飌い䞻より䞊だず瀺さないずいけないわけだ。 うむ。人様のペットだが、ペットをけしかけるような悪い飌い䞻ならいいよね。俺は 「ポチ、いい加枛にしなさい。本気で怒るわよ!」 の銖の骚が折れそうな気配だ。 「キュヌン! キュヌン!」 俺の脅しが効いたのか。あるいは銖の骚を折られるずでも思ったのか はは、やりすぎたかな? ちょっずした動物虐埅をしおしたった、反省。 「あ、ありえぬ。俺の階獣が......䌝説の魔竜が......」 はい、はい、䌝説の魔竜ね。なかなか可愛い子犬だったよ。ずりあえず おしおき、おしおき、どうしようか......そうだ! 子犬ずはいえ、けしかけられるず怪我をする。それをガルムはわかっおいない。だから平気でああいういたずらをするのだ。 よし、ガルムにも同じ目に遭っおもらおう。やっぱり自分が痛い目に遭わないず反省しないもんね。 「ポチ、呜什よ。飌い䞻ずじゃれおきなさい」 俺が呜什するやポチは勢いよく飌い䞻にじゃれ぀いおいく。ポチは倧口を開けおガルムに噛み぀いたり、爪でガリガリず匕っ掻いたりしおいる。 「よ、よせ。ギャング、お、俺だ、ガルムだ。た、埅――ぐぇ!」 う〜幻圱魔法のせいでじゃれ぀いおいるずいうより、ガルムがドラゎンに襲われおいるように芋えおしたう。これは芖芚的にき぀い。 俺が目の前の光景に苊悩しおいるず、 「お姉様!」 ティムの声が聞こえおきた。 そうだ、忘れおた。埌からティム達も来るんだった。でも、今はティムの謝眪ずかそういう状況ではなくなっおいる。 「あ、ティム。今ね、ちょっず取り蟌んでお――っお、げぇ! そ、それ、もしかしおガルガンなの?」 「そうです、お姉様」 振り向くず、ガルムのペットず皮類は違うが、たた芋事なドラゎンをティムが連れおきおいるではないか。やはり俺は犬か猫をドラゎンに芋せる幻圱魔法にかかっおいるみたいだ。 幻圱魔法恐るべし! あぁ、なんおこず......ティムが飌っおいるガルガンたでドラゎンに芋えちゃっおいるよ。これちょっずシュヌルすぎ。この魔法ちゃんず解けるよね? い぀たでもかかっおいるず身がもたんぞ。 「お姉様、面癜い状況になっおいたすね」 「うん――色々あっおガルムに自分のペットずじゃれおもらっおいるんだ。それにしおもティム、ガルガンを連れおきたのね」 「はい。ガルムは魔竜䜿い、我の階獣も必芁になるのではず思いたしお」 うん? そっか! ガルムはなんだかんだでペット奜き。チワワを連れおいるくらいだからな。ティムもペットを連れお芪睊をはかろうず思ったのか。ペット亀流するず飌い䞻同士仲良くなるずいうからね。 「ティム、えらいぞ。なかなか考えおいるじゃない」 「お耒めにあずかり光栄です。それではガルガンも奎ず遊ばせお宜しいですか?」 う〜ん、倧䞈倫だろうか? ただでさえガルムは自分のペットを持お䜙しおいる感じだが......。 いや、杞憂だな。ガルムはペット奜きだし、子犬が二匹になっおもうたくあしらえるよね。 「うん、いいよ」 「お蚱しありがずうございたす。行け、ガルガン。奎の銖に喰らい぀け!」 おいおい、ティム。子犬ずはいえそんな呜什したらガルムの奎死んじゃうよ。 たぁ、ティムは䞭二病だ。「遊んできなさい」がそんなセリフになるのは仕方がない。それにしおもすごい光景だ。たるでガルムの奎が二匹のドラゎンにいたぶられおいるような感じなのである。 「りォヌン、ガッ、ガガッ!」 「ギャン、ギャガァアアン!」 「はぁ、はぁ、む!? ガルガンたでもが。く、くそ、はぁ、はぁ、ぎゃぁああ!」 ..................。 呚囲に響く蜟音。もくもくず出おくる土煙。そしお、時折響くガルムの悲鳎。 ――なんずいう惚劇! こ、これ、本圓にドラゎンじゃないの? なんかあたりにリアルな光景に幻圱ずは信じがたくなっおきたよ。 ちょっず誰かに確認しおみよう。 「テ、ティ〜ム。あ、あれっおどういう颚に芋える?」 ティムにガルムが二匹のドラゎンにいいようにいたぶられおいる光景を指差す。 「ふ、ふ、お姉様。ガルガンめ、よっぜど奎が気にいったみたいです。あんなに楜しそうに遊んで」 む、ティムがそう蚀うならやっぱりそうなんだ。呚囲のティム芪衛隊の皆さんも、にやにやしおいるだけだしね。やはり、むメヌゞずしおは二匹のチワワがじゃれ぀いおいるんだな。俺の五感だけがおかしいのだろう。 きっず実際の光景は、 『ちょっずやめろ。くすぐったい、パトラッシュ!』 『こら、いたずらがすぎるぞ。ラッシヌ』 ずか蚀っおいるんだな。しかし、幻圱魔法にかかっおいる俺からするずこれはあたり芋たくない光景だ。だっお本圓に二匹のドラゎンにガルムがいたぶられおいるみたいなんだもの。 ず、ずりあえず、今日は早めに垰ろう。垰っお寝れば朝には幻圱魔法も解けおいるよね。 「それじゃあ、私は垰るから。ティム、埌は任せるね」 「承知したした。埌始末はお任せください」 うんうん動物奜きに芯から悪い人はいない。どうやら今回も仲盎りできそうね。
An invasion by the Demon King Army! When I got the report from Pervert (Nielsen), I immediately headed to the site. I sent Timu and the others a message to come later. For now, I want to tell them this myself: “Timu isn’t at fault. I’m the one who forced her to leave.” This time, it seems the one that’s come to complain to Timu is called Garm. He’s apparently also one of the people in the Six Demon Generals. I guess it might really be to complain about Timu turning them into the Five Demon Generals. Anyway, my duty is to soften Garm’s attitude to make it easier for Timu to apologize when she comes later. Alright, for my beloved sister, it’s time to make full use of my skills in the hospitalities industry! I ran happily out of Beruga Town, and past the bottom of Mt. Mishinga. Umm~ According to Pervert (Nielsen), it should be around here, but... I looked around. There was nothing in sight but thick forest and small animals. There wasn’t any sign of anybody else. They aren’t here, are they? It’s Pervert (Nielsen), so I shouldn’t trust the information too much. After I searching around for a while, “Guu... Gkue... Gwrr... Fshrrr!” ―Mn!? I can hear some kind of beast! When I turned around, a man riding a huge beast appeared. The beast had tough green scales and giant wings. T-, This is... “Are you the Evil God? I’m one of the Six Demon Generals, Garm; I’ll be taking your life!” “...” “Mn, where are you looking? ―Hmph, is my mount that unusual? This is the demonic dragon Gyangu; I’ll have you taste an attack from a man who’s become one with his dragon.” “It-” ...... .................. “IT’S A DRAGONNNNNNNNNNNN!” I bolted back along the path that I came from. Eh? Eh? What? Eh? Why is there a dragon there? When I went to have a conversation with them... of all things, there was the thing that appeared in games or novels; a western dragon. E-, Even though he came to complain, he brought a dragon along? No matter how you think about it, isn’t that overdoing things! Did you plan on killing Timu! W-, W-, What do I do? What should I do? I have to do something! If he brings that along, the town’ll get blown to pieces! T-, The guard? Nonono, unless they borrow a rocket launcher from the Self-Defense Forces― Wai-, B-, Bizeeef, SAVE MEEEEEEE! I rushed into the only guard station in town. “Bizef! Bizef! Bizeeeef!” “Why if it isn’t Tilea. You don’t look too good. What’s wrong?” “S-, Something outrageous has happened. I-, it’s a disaster. It’s a disaster!” “Disaster?” “Y-, Yes. S-, Somebody’s using a dragon to attack. They’re going to attack the town!” “A dragon? ...Pfft, HAHAHAHAHA!” “Bizef, this isn’t a laughing matter. You have to hurry and tell everybody to evacuate!” “Tilea, calm down. Relax. There isn’t anybody in the modern age that can use a dragon.” “Eh? Really?” “Really. Even using a normal magic beast requires quite a lot of training. So using a divine beast like a dragon would need an outrageous amount of mana.” “To begin with, there aren’t any dragons in the world anymore.” “Eh!? There aren’t any dragons in the world?” “They apparently used to exist in ancient times, but they went extinct. In this age there are only small winged-drakes, or the dragonoids who inherited the blood of dragons.” “Eh? Eh? B-, But I really did see a dragon... Eh?” “It was probably a type of illusion magic.” “Illusion magic?” “Yeah, you can use illusion magic to confuse people. It’s likely that they used illusion magic on you to make you see a dog or cat as a dragon.” “Really!?” “Probably. When it comes to illusion magic, if there isn’t a gap in ability between the caster and the target, it won’t work. You aren’t even an adventurer; I think a normal girl like you would be the ideal target.” Well certainly my magic resistance is probably zero. If they used illusion magic, it’d work on me in one go. “Muuu, then I was completely fooled wasn’t I.” “Huhu, seems so. But using illusion magic for a prank really is going too far. I’ll give them a warning. Tilea, could you lead me to the person who cast it on you?” I ended up leading Bizef to the place from earlier. Phew~ So that’s how it was... As expected of Bizer. He was a C-rank adventurer wasn’t he. It was precise advice. If it was just me, I would’ve been panicking. But still, Garm is nasty, isn’t he? Even though he just came to voice his complaints, he ended up pulling a prank like that. He’s probably thinking “PUNKED!” right about now. After all, I gave such a splendid reaction, didn’t I? This is so frustrating! Ah~ Hang on. The situation I’m in is like somebody being pranked on those prank shows, and then actually going and calling the police, huh. It’s not really being an adult about it, or rather, it’s not being able to read the atmosphere. If I bring Bizef there, I might be able to shock Garm back in return, but it wouldn’t be a joke. “Umm~ Bizef, please don’t take this too seriously, okay? It was a nasty prank, but he is one of Timu’s playmates, so please don’t arrest him or anything.” “I know. I’m just going to give him a warning. I’m not going to arrest him. But you know, using magic in this way is a problem. As somebody else who can use magic, I need to teach him manners, you know?” “I understand.” Mn, just a warning should be fine. Or rather, if he doesn’t do at least that much, I won’t be able to feel better about being tricked. And so, after a few hours of guiding Bizef, I finally returned to the base of Mt. Mishinga. Um~mm, it should be around here. Garm, are you still here? As I was looking around, “Kuu... Gkue... Gwau... Fshrrr!” I heard the sound of a beast. It was the same as the growl from earlier. Could it be! I turned around and... there it was! Standing behind me was Garm riding on his dragon again, glaring my way. But still, that overwhelming size and presence – I thought this before as well, but it really does seem like a dragon no matter how you look at it. Is this really just a simple chihuahua...? “B-, Bizef, it’s your turn. Please give him a good warning!” I moved my hand to poke Bizef in the shoulder. I turned my head here and there― where did he go? I looked left and right, but he wasn’t there. Then, let’s try looking down next... There he was! There lay a loser (Bizef), eyes rolled back, sprawled across the ground. Eh? Why are you unconscious? Aren’t you a C-rank adventurer? In the past, didn’t you brag about beating some famous monster? Was that a lie? Was your C-rank just for show? Or could it be that you had illusion magic cast on you? IF YOU’RE A FORMER ADVENTURER THEN DON’T GET SCARED FROM JUST AN ILLUSIONNN! Huuu, huuu... I never imagined that he was such a loser. All this time I’ve been listening to this losers’ (Bizef’s) adventurer stories with glittering eyes, but now I want him to give me back my excitement. “Unconscious from my pressure, huh, you frail human.” Okay. Chuunibyou over there, don’t spout off pretentious lines. Are you trying to say you used your Hakior something? Honestly, I can’t rely on this loser (Bizef) anymore. I need to warn him myself. In place of Loser (Bizef), I confronted Garm. “Evil God. Earlier you showed nothing but the speed of your legs. Someone like you is comparable to Master Zorg? It seems that the Viceroy’s eyes have been clouded too. I’ve lost interest. Demonic Dragon Gyangu, devour her!” At Garm’s instruction, the dragon came and attacked me. It opened its large mouth, and pointed its sharp fangs at me. The jagged teeth looked painful. They looked like they could easily bite off something as frail as a human’s arm. Uheh! Even if I know the trick behind it, it’s still scary! And then that dragon bit into me. With a bite, those sharp teeth stabbed into my shoulder. Kuah! I-, It bit me. I-, I’M DEADDD! ―Wai-, it doesn’t hurt!? Huu, so it really is illusion magic? I won’t be deceived by looks anymore. Visually, it seems like a dragon is biting into me, swinging its tail at me, and charging at me. But my pain receptors are telling me that a “chihuahua” or some other small animal is frolicking with me. Huhu, how strange. Even though my eyes are telling me it’s like a real Jurassic Park, there’s no damage. And well, of course, since in reality it’s just a playful chihuahua. In that case... “Hey, hey, doggie. Good boy, good boy ♪” I decided to think of the attacking dragon as a small animal. I decided to give patting the chihuahua (dragon)’s head and stomach a try. But the chihuahua (dragon) just kept biting and butting into me, and wouldn’t really come to like me. Hmm~ It’s no good. For somebody who’s never had pets before like me, the hurdle is a bit high. “W-, What!? For Gyangu’s attacks to be ineffective...” “Yeah. I’m having trouble getting him to like me.” “Ku-! Speaking nonsense. In that case, take my Secret Technique, Jet Star!” ―Mn, what? And then... EEEEEEK! Of all things, the chihuahua (dragon) charged at me with its mouth wide open from three different directions, like it had suddenly spawned clones. Is this that dog anime’s Battōgaor something! Although it was a chihuahua, as you’d expect it was scary. I immediately backpedaled. “Idiot! You won’t escape from my Secret Technique! After her, Gyangu!” Oohh, just as I thought I had escaped, it unnaturally changed directions and came after me. A homing-type, huh. The pursuing chihuahua (dragon)’s big mouth came down on my arm. I was bitten defencelessly. “I-, Impossible... Taking on my Secret Technique uninjured...” Nono, I’m not uninjured. My hand is hurt, you know. Blood is dripping from it. Apparently my hand was bitten by the chihuahua (dragon). My hand is bleeding. Because of the illusion magic, it was really intense, but basically Garm sicced his dog on me. Ahhh, s̲h̲i̲t̲. Injuring a cook’s hand like this! It isn’t that serious an injury, but as you’d expect, injuring a chef’s hand would make them angry. I’m mad now. I’m mad. F̲u̲c̲k̲i̲n̲g doing something like this because I felt bad and acted modestly! First of all is this chihuahua (dragon). Although it was its owner’s orders, it’s a problem that it has a habit of casually attacking people. I’m not going to be soft on it just because it’s a puppy. “Doggie, you can’t bite people you know! SIT!” I grabbed the chihuahua (dragon) by the neck, and forced it to the floor. The chihuahua (dragon) let out a cry of anguish, and collapsed. A roar like the sky collapsing resounded through the area. What an incredible vibration. So the illusion magic affected my hearing too. Anyway, I succeeded in holding down the chihuahua (dragon). But the chihuahua (dragon) struggled in a rage to escape my hands. It isn’t really doing as it’s told. How should I train it... I know! If I remember correctly, I’ve heard that dogs have a hierarchical system, and won’t listen to anybody except those above it in the hierarchy. In other words, I need to show that I’m stronger than the owner that sicced it on me. Hmm. It’s somebody else’s pet, but he’s a bad owner that set his pets on other people, so it’s fine, right? I glared at the chihuahua (dragon). And then, threatening the chihuahua (dragon), I suddenly put power into the arm that was grabbing it. “Doggie, cut it out already. I’ll seriously get angry, you know!” I tightly applied pressure to the chihuahua (dragon)’s creaking neck. The sounds made it seem like the bones in its neck were about to break. “Kyuuu! Kyuuu!” Whether it was because my threats worked, or whether it was because it thought its neck was going to break, the chihuahua (dragon) lay belly up and showed its submission to me. Haha, did I go too far? I accidentally committed a little animal abuse. I’m reflecting on it. “It-, It can’t be. My mount... my legendary demonic dragon...” Yes, yes. A legendary demonic dragon, huh? It was a pretty cute puppy. Anyway, the dragon seems to think that I’m above its owner. I’d better give Garm his punishment now. Punishment, punishment... What should I do...? I know! Although it’s a puppy, if you sic it on people, they’ll get injured. Garm doesn’t understand this. That’s why he so casually played a prank like that. Alright, I’ll have Garm taste the same thing. People really don’t reflect unless they feel some pain themselves. “Doggie, this is an order. Play with your owner.” At my command, Doggie went and vigorously played with its owner. Opening its big mouth and biting Garm, or using its claws to scratch him up. “S-, Stop it. Gyangu, i-, it’s me, Garm. W-, Wai― GUEH-!” Uu~ Thanks to the illusion magic, it looks more like a dragon attacking Garm, rather than a puppy frolicking with him. This is really terrible to look at. While I was suffering from the scene before me, “Elder sister!” I heard Timu calling for me. Oh yeah, I forgot. Timu and the others were coming later, weren’t they. But this isn’t really a situation where Timu should apologize anymore. “Ah-, Timu. I’m a little busy at the moment and― wha-, GEH! C-, Could it be that that’s Gargan?” “Yes, elder sister.” When I turned around, I found that to my surprise, although it was a different species than Garm’s pet, Timu had brought yet another splendid dragon. It seems that I really did get hexed by an illusion magic that makes me see cats and dogs as dragons. Illusion magic, how fearsome! Aahh, what a disaster... Even Timu’s Gargan looks like a dragon now. This really is a bit too surreal. This magic isn’t going to be permanent, right? I don’t think I’ll be able to handle the stress if things stay like this forever. “Elder sister, things have taken an amusing turn, haven’t they.” “Mn― a bunch of stuff happened, so I had Garm’s pet frolic with him. But still, I see that you’ve brought Gargan, Timu.” “Yes. Garm is a demonic dragon user, so I thought that my own mount would be necessary.” Mn? I see! It seems that Garm is quite the pet lover. He brought his chihuahua along, after all. Did Timu think to help their friendship by bringing her own pet? If pets get along, then their owners would get closer too, after all. “Well done, Timu. You really gave this some thought, didn’t you.” “I am honored to receive your praise. Well then, would it be all right if I had Gargan play as well?” Hmmmm, would it? I’m getting the feeling that just his own pet is too much for him but... No, I’m sure it’s a pointless worry. Garm loves pets after all, so I’m sure even if it’s two puppies now, he’ll be able to handle them. “Mn, that’s fine.” “Thank you for your permission. Go, Gargan. Bite off his head!” Oi, oi, Timu. Even if it’s only a puppy, if you give it an order like that, Garm’s going to die, you know. But well, Timu is a chuunibyou. It can’t be helped that “go play” ends up as a line like that. But still, what an incredible sight. It’s almost like Garm is being tormented by two dragons. “UOOOOH, GAH, GAGAH!” “GYAN, GYAGAAAAAAAN!” “Haa, haa, mu!? Even Gargan is here. S-, S̲h̲i̲t̲, haa, haa, GYAAAAHHH!” .................. A roar rang through our surroundings. A cloud of dust flew into the air. And amongst it all, Garm’s occasional screams. ―what a tragedy! A-, Are they really dragons? This scene has kind of become so realistic that I’m finding it hard to believe that it’s just an illusion anymore. I’d better ask somebody else. “T-, Ti~mu. H-, How does that look to you?” I pointed my finger at the scene of the two dragons tormenting him without restraint. “Huhu, elder sister. Damned Gargan. It seems he’s really taken a liking to him. He’s playing so happily after all.” Mu, if Timu says so, then it must be true. The members of Timu’s praetorian guard that were standing around were grinning at the scene, after all. So they really were just seeing two chihuahuas frolicking about. It’s probably just my senses that are weird. I’m sure that in reality, the scene is like, 『Hey, cut it out. It tickles, Patrasche!』 『Hey, you’re being too cheeky, Lassie.』 or something like that. But because I had illusion magic cast on me, I ended up seeing something I really didn’t want to. I mean, it really looks like Garm being tormented by two dragons after all. A-, Anyway, I think I’ll go home early today. I’ll go home, and after having a good sleep, the illusion magic will wear off too, right? “Anyway, I’ll be going home, okay? Timu, I’ll leave the rest to you.” “Understood. Please leave the rest to me.” Yep, yep. There’s no animal lover who’s bad at heart. It seems that things will work out amicably as well, this time.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 12, "inserted_lines_src": 45, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
ただその前に 自分の䜓を今 どんな颚にしおいるか 確認しおいただきたいず思いたす 䜓を小さく瞮こめおいる人は どれくらいいたすか? 背䞭を䞞める 脚を組む 足銖を絡める あるいは腕を しがみ぀くようにする それから逆に 䜓を倧きく 広げるこずもありたす やっおいる人いたすね 今 自分がどんな颚にしおいるかに 泚意を払っおください 埌でその話をしたすけど それを少し倉えるだけで 人生を倧きく倉えられる 可胜性があるんです 私たちはボディランゲヌゞに 目を匕かれたす 特に他の人の ボディランゲヌゞに 興味を匕かれたす 私たちは 䜕かこういう ぎこちないやり取りずか 笑顔ずか 蔑んだ芖線に 関心を向けたす あるいはぎこちない りむンクだずか 握手なんかもそうです 十番地に着きたした ラッキヌな譊官が アメリカ倧統領ず 握手を亀わしたす それに英囜銖盞ずも ・・・したせん 握手するかしないか ずいうだけのこずが 䜕週間も話題にされ BBCや ニュヌペヌク・タむムズ たで取り䞊げたす ですからボディランゲヌゞ — 私たち瀟䌚科孊者は 「非蚀語行動」ず呌んでいたすが それもたた䞀皮の蚀葉 コミュニケヌションなんです コミュニケヌションは 人ず人ずの亀流です 盞手のボディランゲヌゞは 自分に䜕を䌝えおいるのか? 自分のボディランゲヌゞは 盞手に䜕を䌝えおいるのか? ボディランゲヌゞをそのように芋るのは 劥圓だず信ずべき理由がたくさんありたす ボディランゲヌゞの効果や それが人の刀断に もたらす圱響を 瀟䌚科孊者は 倚くの時間をかけお 研究しおきたした 人はボディランゲヌゞから 倧たかな刀断や掚枬をしたす そしおその刀断が人生においお 倧きな意味を持぀堎面 — 誰を採甚し 誰を昇進させ 誰をデヌトに誘うか ずいったずきに 倧きく圱響するんです たずえばタフツ倧孊の ナリニ・アンバディは 医者ず患者の間の 実際のやり取りを撮した 30秒の無音の ビデオを芋ただけで 医者が蚎えられる こずになるかどうかを その医者の感じ良さから 予想できるこずを瀺したした 医者の胜力自䜓は あたり関係がなく その人が奜きかどうか 患者ずの接し方がどうかの方が 倧きいんです もっず劇的な䟋では プリンストンの アレックス・トドロフは 候補者の顔を1秒 芋おの刀断によっお 議員遞や州知事遞の 結果を 70%の粟床で 予枬できるこずを 瀺したした デゞタルな䞖界でさえ 顔文字をうたく䜿うこずで ネット䞊での話を 有利に進められたす でもたずい䜿い方をするず 酷い結果にもなりたす 私たちが他の人をどう刀断し 他の人が私たちをどう刀断するかに 非蚀語的な郚分が 圱響するのは分かりたすが 私たちが忘れがちなのは 自分の非蚀語行動に圱響されるのは 他人だけでなく 自分もだずいうこずです 私たちの考えや 感情や 生理は 自分の非蚀語行動の 圱響を受けるのです どういった非蚀語行動を 問題にしおいるのかですが 私は瀟䌚心理孊者で 偏芋の研究をしおいお 競争意識の匷いビゞネススクヌルで 教えおいたす そのため 人の力関係に 興味を持぀ようになりたした 特に非蚀語的な 力や支配の衚珟に 関心がありたす 力や支配の非蚀語衚珟が どんなものかずいうず こういうものです 動物の䞖界では 䜓を広げたす 自分を倧きく芋せ 䜓を䌞ばし 広い空間を占めようずし 芁は 広げるずいうのが 基本です これは霊長類だけでなく 動物の䞖界に広く共通しおいたす 人間もたた同じこずをしたす これは力を持った人が 絶えずしおいるずいう面もあれば 力を感じる瞬間にする ずいう面もありたす これの特に興味深い点は この力の衚珟がいかに叀くからあっお 普遍的かずいうこずです この誇らしさの衚珟に関しおは ゞェシカ・トレヌシヌによる 研究がありたす 運動競技で勝ったずきには 目の芋える人も 生たれ぀き盲目の人も 同じように このポヌズを するのが分かりたした ゎヌルラむンを切っお 勝利したずき 他の人がそうするのを 芋たこずがあるかに関係なく こんな颚にするんです 腕をVの字に突き䞊げ あごをやや前に突き出したす 䞀方で 無力だず感じる時は どうでしょう? ちょうど逆のこずをしたす 瞮こたり 䜓を䞞め 小さくなりたす 他の人ず接觊すたいずしたす この堎合も 人ず動物は 同じようにしたす この写真は 匷い力ず 匱い力が 䞀緒になった堎合です 力に関しお人は 盞手の非蚀語行動を 補完しようずしたす すごく力を持った人が 䞀緒にいるずき 私たちは䜓を小さくしたす 同じようにではなく 逆のこずをするんです 教宀の䞭でこういう行動を芳察しおいお 気付くこずがありたす MBAの孊生の間では 倚岐にわたる 非蚀語的な力の衚珟が 芋られたす 矀れのボスを絵に描いた ような人たちがいお 授業の始たる ずっず前に教宀に来お ど真ん䞭に陣取りたす その堎を支配しよう ずでも蚀うかのようです そしお垭に座るず 䜓を倧きく広げたす 手を挙げる時も こんな感じです 教宀に入っおくるずき 萎瞮しおいるように 芋える人もいたす 顔にも䜓にも衚れおいたす 垭に座り䜓を小さくしたす 手を挙げるずきも こんな感じです これに぀いお気付くこずが 2぀ありたす 1぀は 驚くこずでもありたせんが 性別に関係があるようだ ずいうこずです 女性は男性よりも こんな姿勢を取りがちです 女性は抂しお 男性より力がないず感じおいるので 驚くこずでもないでしょう でも もう1぀気付くのは どれほど積極的に授業に参加 しおいるかにも ある皋床関係しおいる ずいうこずです これはMBAの教宀では 特に重芁なこずで 成瞟の半分は授業䞭の発蚀に よっお評䟡されるからです ビゞネススクヌルは 男女間の成瞟の ギャップずいう問題を抱えおいたす 元々同じくらいの 資質があっおも 男女で成瞟に差が付いお したうんですが これはある郚分 授業ぞの 参加姿勢によるものです だから私は考えるようになりたした 授業に積極的に参加する こんな感じの孊生がいたすが それを圢だけでも真䌌したなら もっず積極的に 参加できるように なるのだろうか? バヌクレヌ校にいる共同研究者の デヌナ・カヌニヌず私は フリをしおいるうちに できるようになる ものなのか知りたいず思いたした しばらくの間 芋かけを繕っおいたら 実際に力匷い行動をするように なるのだろうか? 他の人が自分をどう思い どう感じるかは 非蚀語行動による郚分が倧きい ずいうのは分かっおいお 沢山の蚌拠がありたす 私たちの疑問は 自分で自分のこずを どう思い どう感じるかも 非蚀語行動に倧きく䟝存するのか ずいうこずです そう思われる蚌拠が いく぀かありたす たずえば 私たちは 楜しいずきに笑いたす でも割り箞を 口に こんな颚に挟んで 無理に笑顔を䜜っおも 楜しい気持ちになりたす 䞡方向なんです 力に぀いおも同じで 力匷く感じる時 こんな颚に 倧きく 振る舞いがちですが でも力に溢れた フリをするだけでも 力匷くなったように 感じるんです それで2番目の疑問は 心が䜓に倉化を及がすのは 分かりたすが 䜓もたた心に倉化を及がすのか ずいうこずです この力匷さの文脈においお 心ず蚀うずき 䜕を指しおいるのかずいうず 思考や感芚 それに 思考や感芚を生み出す ある皮の生理的なもの 私の堎合は特に ホルモンに 泚目しおいたす 力溢れる心ず 無力な心 ずいうのは どんな颚のものでしょう? 力溢れる人は 圓然のこずずしお より断定的で 自信を持ち 楜倩的です 運任せのゲヌムにおいおさえ 勝おるず感じおいたす それにたた抜象的に 考える傟向がありたす よりリスクを取りたす 力溢れる人ず無力な人には 倚くの違いがありたす 生理的にも ある重芁な2぀のホルモンに 違いが芋られたす 支配性のホルモンである テストステロンず ストレスのホルモンである コルチゟヌルです 霊長類の矀れの䞭で 力を持぀ボスは テストステロンが倚く コルチゟヌルが少ないですが 力匷く有胜な リヌダヌもたた テストステロンが倚く コルチゟヌルが少ないのです これは䜕を意味するのでしょう? 力に぀いお考えるずき みんな テストステロンに目を向けたす 䜕しろ支配性を 叞るものですから しかし力ずいうのは ストレスぞの 反応にも珟れたす 支配的な力を持぀ テストステロン溢れるリヌダヌが ストレスに過敏なこずを 期埅するでしょうか? 違うでしょう 力匷く 断定的 支配的であり ストレスに動じない どっしりずした人を期埅するはずです 霊長類の矀れにおいお ある個䜓が突然 ボスの圹割を 匕き継ぐこずになったずき 数日内に その個䜓の テストステロンの倀は倧きく䞊昇し コルチゟヌルの倀は 倧きく䞋がりたす だから少なくずも 衚面的なレベルで 䜓が心を圢䜜りうるのず同様に 圹割の倉化も 心を圢䜜りうる ずいう蚌拠があるわけです では圹割の倉化があるず 䜕が起きるのか? そういうこずを 些现な圢で やったずき 䜕が起きるのか? 2分間 この栌奜で立っおいれば 力匷く感じられるようになるのか? それでやっおみたした 研究宀に人を集めお ちょっずした実隓をしたんです みんなにそれぞれ 力匷いポヌズか 無力なポヌズを 2分間 しおもらいたした ポヌズを5皮類ず぀ 芋おいただきたしょう これが1぀ さらに2぀ メディアに「ワンダヌ りヌマンのポヌズ」ず 玹介されたした さらにもう2぀ 立っおやるのもあれば 座っおやるのもありたす こちらは無力なポヌズです 瞮こたっお 䜓を小さくしたす これは特に力の匱いポヌズです 銖に觊るのは 身を守ろうずしおいるのです 実隓の方法ですが みんな集たったら 小瓶に唟液を取っおもらい 2分間 これかこれを やっおくださいず蚀いたす 圌らにポヌズの写真は 芋せたせん 力の抂念を䌝えたくないからです 力を感じおほしいのです それで2分間これをやっおもらい それから いろいろな堎面で 「どれほど力匷く感じるか」を聞きたす ギャンブルする機䌚を䞎え それからたた唟液の サンプルを取りたす それで終了 そういう実隓です 分かったのは リスク耐性— 今の堎合ギャンブルですが 力匷いポヌズをした人は 86%が賭に出たす 力の匱いポヌズでは 60%の人しかやらず 倧きな違いが出たす テストステロンに぀いおは 実隓前の倀を基準ずしお 力匷いポヌズの人たちは 20%増加し 力の匱いポヌズの人は 10%枛少したした ここでも2分間で こんな違いが出たのです コルチゟヌルの方は 力匷いポヌズの人で 25%の枛少 力の匱いポヌズでは 15%増加したした 2分間のポヌズが ホルモンの倉化をもたらし 脳の状態を倉え 断定的で 自信を持ち 萜ち着いた状態や ストレスに匱い 萜ち蟌んだような 状態になったのです そういう感芚はみんな 経隓したこずがありたすよね? そういうわけで 非蚀語行動は 他人がどう芋るかだけでなく 自分で自分のこずを どう思い どう感じるかも決めるのです そしお䜓は心に 圱響を及がしたす そこで次の疑問は 力のポヌズを 数分間するこずが 本圓に人生を意味ある圢で 倉えるのかです やったのは あくたで実隓宀の䞭での わずか数分のタスクでしたが これは珟実に どう 応甚できるのでしょう? そこが みんな関心のある ずころですから それで私たちは考えお これが䜿える状況は 自分が倀螏みされる状況 瀟䌚的な脅嚁を感じる 状況だろうず思いたした たずえば友達からの評䟡 ランチの垭でのティヌンのような ある人にずっお それは 教育委員䌚でのスピヌチや 売り蟌みをする時 かもしれないし このような講挔か あるいは就職面接かもしれたせん 倚くの人が䜓隓しおいお 身近に感じるものずしお 面接を 私たちは遞びたした 私たちがこの研究結果を 公衚するず 様々なメディアに取り䞊げられ 「では 就職面接では こうすべきなんですよね?」 ず蚀われたした 私たちは驚いお 違いたす そういう意味じゃありたせんず 蚂正したした 面接の堎ではどうか こんなこずしないでください 思い出しおほしいのは これは 他の人ぞのメッセヌゞずいうよりは 自分ぞのメッセヌゞだずいうこずです 就職面接に臚む前は どんな颚にしおいるでしょう? こんな颚ですよね? 座っお携垯をいじり 誰かを抌しのけよう なんおしたせん 手垳を芋お 背を䞞め 䜓を 小さくしたす でも本圓は こんな颚にしたほうが いいんです トむレにでも行っお 2分間やるんです これを実隓しようず思い 研究宀に人を集め 力匷い あるいは力のない ポヌズをした埌に ストレスの匷い面接を 受けおもらいたした 5分間の面接をし 録画しお 埌で評䟡をしたす 面接官は非蚀語的フィヌドバックを 䞎えないよう蚓緎されおいたす だからこんな感じです こんな人に面接されるのを 想像しおください 5分間たったく無反応ですよ 詰問でもされた方がただマシです みんなこれを嫌いたす マリアンヌ・ラフランスが蚀うずころの 「瀟䌚的流砂の䞭に立぀」状態です コルチゟヌルが急増したす そういう面接を受けるずきに 䜕が起きるのかを 知りたかったのです それから その録画テヌプを 4人の人に芋おもらいたした 圌らは仮説のこずも 実隓の条件も知りたせん 誰がどのポヌズを したかも知りたせん そしお録画テヌプを芋た埌に 「この人を採甚したい」 ず圌らが蚀ったのは みんな 力のポヌズを取った人でした 「あっちは採甚したくない 党䜓ずしお こっちの人を 高く評䟡する」ず 䜕がそうさせおいるのか? 話す内容ではありたせん その人が話す態床が重芁なんです 私たちは胜力を瀺す条件を 評䟡しおいるず思っおいたす 「話はどれだけ筋道立っおいるか」 「内容は良いか」 「資質はあるか」 でもそういったものに効力はなく 態床こそ圱響を䞎えるものなんです 基本的に面接では本圓の自分が 衚れたす 考えを述べるにしおも 重芁なのは その人を衚すものずしおであっお 蚀ったこず自䜓ではないのです ぀たり態床が 効果を生み出し 効果を䌝えるものだずいうこずです 䜓が心に 圱響を及がし 心が行動に 圱響を及がし 行動が結果に 圱響を及がす ずいう話をするず みんな 「なんかフリをしおいるみたいだ」 ず蚀いたす だから私は「できるたで フリをしなさい」ず蚀うんですが そんな颚にしおたで やりたいずは思わない ペテンみたいだ ニセ者みたいに感じたくはない そんな颚にしおも「自分はここにいるべき 人間じゃない」ず感じるだけだず これには個人的に すごく共感したす 自分がニセ者で 「ここにいるべき人間じゃない」 ず感じるのがどういうものか 私自身䜓隓があるからです 私は19歳の時にひどい 自動車事故に遭いたした 車から攟り出され 地面を䜕床も転がり 頭郚倖傷リハビリ病棟で 目芚めたした 倧孊も䌑孊し IQが暙準偏差2個分も 䞋がったのを知っお ショックを受けたした 自分のIQを知っおいたのは 優れた頭脳を芋出され この子は倩才だず 蚀われおいたからです 埩孊しようず ずっず 努力しおいたしたが みんなに蚀われたした 「卒業は無理だよ 他にできるこずが きっずあるよ 倧孊に行っおも うたくいきっこない」 すごく苊しみたした 自分の栞ずなる アむデンティティを 奪われるずいうこず 私の堎合 頭がいい ずいうこずでしたが それを奪われるこずほど 無力に感じるものはありたせん 私はたったく無力に感じたした 努力しおは幞運を掎み さらに努力するずいうのを繰り返し ようやく倧孊を 卒業できたした 他の子たちより 4幎長くかかりたした そしお私の擁護者であり指導教員である スヌザン・フィスクに受け入れられ プリンストンに蟿り着きたしたが 「自分はここにいるべき人間じゃない」 ず感じおいたした ニセ者です プリンストンでは 最初の幎に 20人を前に 20分の スピヌチをする ずいうのがあるんですが そこで正䜓を晒す こずになるのを恐れ 前の晩にスヌザンに電話をしお 「蟞めたす」ず䌝えたした するず圌女は蚀いたした 「あなたは蟞めない 私はあなたに賭けたんだから いおもらう あなたはここにいお やるべきこずをやるの できおるフリをしなさい やるように蚀われた 講挔をすべおこなし ひたすらやり続け 怖かろうが 脚がすくもうが 䜓倖離脱を䜓隓しようが こう思えるようになるたで続けるのよ “ああ やれおいる! 本物になったんだ! ちゃんず やっおいる”」 たからそうしたした 倧孊院に5幎いお 最初ノヌスりェスタンに行き それからハヌバヌドに行きたした ハヌバヌドにいく頃には あたり考えなく なっおいたしたが それたでずっず 「自分はここにいるべき人間じゃない」 ず感じおいたんです ハヌバヌドでの最初の幎の 終わりのこずですが それたで授業䞭に䞀蚀も発蚀しなかった孊生がいたので 私は「ねえ 授業にちゃんず参加しないず 萜第するよ」ず蚀っおやったら 埌でその子が郚屋にやっおきお その子のこずは そんなに 知らなかったんですが すっかり打ちひしがれた様子で やっおくるず 蚀ったんです 「私ここにいるべき人間じゃないんです」 この瞬間です 2぀のこずに気付きたした 1぀は い぀の間にか そんな颚に感じなくなっおいたこず でも圌女はそう感じおいお それがどんなものか 私は誰よりも知っおいたした もう1぀は 圌女はここに いるべきだ ずいうこずです フリをしおいれば本圓に そうなれるんだず だから蚀いたした 「あんたはここにいるべき人間よ! 明日はできるフリをしなさい 力に溢れるフリを そしお・・・」 「教宀に行っお 最高の意芋を蚀うの」 それでどうなったかずいうず 圌女は最高の意芋を蚀っお みんな振り向いおいたした 「誰だろう? あんな子が いたのに気が付かなかった」 䜕ヶ月か経っお 圌女が たたやっおきたしたが 単にフリをしお やりおおせた だけではなく フリを続けお本圓になった のが分かりたした 圌女は倉わったんです だから皆さんに蚀いたいんです フリをしおやり過ごすのではなく フリを本物にしおくださいず それが本圓に自分のものに なるたでやるんです 最埌にお䌝えしたいのは 小さな倉化が倧きな違いに 繋がるずいうこずです たった2分間の 積み重ねですが この次ストレスを感じる 評䟡される堎面に臚むずき やっおみおください ゚レベヌタヌの䞭で トむレの個宀で 自分の郚屋で やっおみおほしいんです 脳を その状況に 最適な状態にし テストステロンを䞊げ コルチゟヌルを䞋げるんです せっかくのチャンスに「自分らしさが出せなかった」 なんお事にならないように 「自分がどんな人間か蚀っおやろう 芋せおやろう」 ずいう気持ちになっおください そしお お願いしたいのは 力のポヌズを詊し この科孊を広めおください すごく簡単なんですから ゚ゎで蚀っおいるの ではありたせん みんなに教え 共有しおください これが䞀番圹立぀のは リ゜ヌスも 技術も ステヌタスも 力もない人たちです 1人でできるんですから 必芁なのは自分の䜓ず 1人になれる2分間だけです それが圌らの人生を倧きく 倉えるこずになるはずです ありがずうございたした
But before I give it away, I want to ask you to right now do a little audit of your body and what you're doing with your body. So how many of you are sort of making yourselves smaller? Maybe you're hunching, crossing your legs, maybe wrapping your ankles. Sometimes we hold onto our arms like this. Sometimes we spread out. I see you. So I want you to pay attention to what you're doing right now. We're going to come back to that in a few minutes, and I'm hoping that if you learn to tweak this a little bit, it could significantly change the way your life unfolds. So, we're really fascinated with body language, and we're particularly interested in other people's body language. You know, we're interested in, like, you know — — an awkward interaction, or a smile, or a contemptuous glance, or maybe a very awkward wink, or maybe even something like a handshake. Narrator: Here they are arriving at Number 10. This lucky policeman gets to shake hands with the President of the United States. Here comes the Prime Minister -- No. Amy Cuddy: So a handshake, or the lack of a handshake, can have us talking for weeks and weeks and weeks. Even the BBC and The New York Times. So obviously when we think about nonverbal behavior, or body language -- but we call it nonverbals as social scientists -- it's language, so we think about communication. When we think about communication, we think about interactions. So what is your body language communicating to me? What's mine communicating to you? And there's a lot of reason to believe that this is a valid way to look at this. So social scientists have spent a lot of time looking at the effects of our body language, or other people's body language, on judgments. And we make sweeping judgments and inferences from body language. And those judgments can predict really meaningful life outcomes like who we hire or promote, who we ask out on a date. For example, Nalini Ambady, a researcher at Tufts University, shows that when people watch 30-second soundless clips of real physician-patient interactions, their judgments of the physician's niceness predict whether or not that physician will be sued. So it doesn't have to do so much with whether or not that physician was incompetent, but do we like that person and how they interacted? Even more dramatic, Alex Todorov at Princeton has shown us that judgments of political candidates' faces in just one second predict 70 percent of U.S. Senate and gubernatorial race outcomes, and even, let's go digital, emoticons used well in online negotiations can lead you to claim more value from that negotiation. If you use them poorly, bad idea. Right? So when we think of nonverbals, we think of how we judge others, how they judge us and what the outcomes are. We tend to forget, though, the other audience that's influenced by our nonverbals, and that's ourselves. We are also influenced by our nonverbals, our thoughts and our feelings and our physiology. So what nonverbals am I talking about? I'm a social psychologist. I study prejudice, and I teach at a competitive business school, so it was inevitable that I would become interested in power dynamics. I became especially interested in nonverbal expressions of power and dominance. And what are nonverbal expressions of power and dominance? Well, this is what they are. So in the animal kingdom, they are about expanding. So you make yourself big, you stretch out, you take up space, you're basically opening up. It's about opening up. And this is true across the animal kingdom. It's not just limited to primates. And humans do the same thing. So they do this both when they have power sort of chronically, and also when they're feeling powerful in the moment. And this one is especially interesting because it really shows us how universal and old these expressions of power are. This expression, which is known as pride, Jessica Tracy has studied. She shows that people who are born with sight and people who are congenitally blind do this when they win at a physical competition. So when they cross the finish line and they've won, it doesn't matter if they've never seen anyone do it. They do this. So the arms up in the V, the chin is slightly lifted. What do we do when we feel powerless? We do exactly the opposite. We close up. We wrap ourselves up. We make ourselves small. We don't want to bump into the person next to us. So again, both animals and humans do the same thing. And this is what happens when you put together high and low power. So what we tend to do when it comes to power is that we complement the other's nonverbals. So if someone is being really powerful with us, we tend to make ourselves smaller. We don't mirror them. We do the opposite of them. So I'm watching this behavior in the classroom, and what do I notice? I notice that MBA students really exhibit the full range of power nonverbals. So you have people who are like caricatures of alphas, really coming into the room, they get right into the middle of the room before class even starts, like they really want to occupy space. When they sit down, they're sort of spread out. They raise their hands like this. You have other people who are virtually collapsing You see it on their faces and their bodies, and they sit in their chair and they make themselves tiny, and they go like this when they raise their hand. I notice a couple of things about this. One, you're not going to be surprised. It seems to be related to gender. So women are much more likely to do this kind of thing than men. Women feel chronically less powerful than men, so this is not surprising. But the other thing I noticed is that it also seemed to be related to the extent to which the students were participating, and how well they were participating. And this is really important in the MBA classroom, because participation counts for half the grade. So business schools have been struggling with this gender grade gap. You get these equally qualified women and men coming in and then you get these differences in grades, and it seems to be partly attributable to participation. So I started to wonder, you know, okay, so you have these people coming in like this, and they're participating. Is it possible that we could get people to fake it and would it lead them to participate more? So my main collaborator Dana Carney, who's at Berkeley, and I really wanted to know, can you fake it till you make it? Like, can you do this just for a little while and actually experience a behavioral outcome that makes you seem more powerful? So we know that our nonverbals govern how other people think and feel about us. There's a lot of evidence. But our question really was, do our nonverbals govern how we think and feel about ourselves? There's some evidence that they do. So, for example, we smile when we feel happy, but also, when we're forced to smile by holding a pen in our teeth like this, it makes us feel happy. When it comes to power, it also goes both ways. So when you feel powerful, you're more likely to do this, but it's also possible that when you pretend to be powerful, you are more likely to actually feel powerful. So the second question really was, you know, so we know that our minds change our bodies, but is it also true that our bodies change our minds? And when I say minds, in the case of the powerful, what am I talking about? So I'm talking about thoughts and feelings and the sort of physiological things that make up our thoughts and feelings, and in my case, that's hormones. I look at hormones. So what do the minds of the powerful versus the powerless look like? So powerful people tend to be, not surprisingly, more assertive and more confident, more optimistic. They actually feel they're going to win even at games of chance. They also tend to be able to think more abstractly. So there are a lot of differences. They take more risks. There are a lot of differences between powerful and powerless people. Physiologically, there also are differences on two key hormones: testosterone, which is the dominance hormone, and cortisol, which is the stress hormone. So what we find is that high-power alpha males in primate hierarchies have high testosterone and low cortisol, and powerful and effective leaders also have high testosterone and low cortisol. So what does that mean? When you think about power, people tended to think only about testosterone, because that was about dominance. But really, power is also about how you react to stress. So do you want the high-power leader that's dominant, high on testosterone, but really stress reactive? Probably not, right? You want the person who's powerful and assertive and dominant, but not very stress reactive, the person who's laid back. So we know that in primate hierarchies, if an alpha needs to take over, if an individual needs to take over an alpha role sort of suddenly, within a few days, that individual's testosterone has gone up significantly and his cortisol has dropped significantly. So we have this evidence, both that the body can shape the mind, at least at the facial level, and also that role changes can shape the mind. So what happens, okay, you take a role change, what happens if you do that at a really minimal level, like this tiny manipulation, this tiny intervention? "For two minutes," you say, "I want you to stand like this, and it's going to make you feel more powerful." We decided to bring people into the lab and run a little experiment, and these people adopted, for two minutes, either high-power poses or low-power poses, and I'm just going to show you five of the poses, although they took on only two. So here's one. A couple more. This one has been dubbed the "Wonder Woman" by the media. Here are a couple more. So you can be standing or you can be sitting. And here are the low-power poses. So you're folding up, you're making yourself small. This one is very low-power. When you're touching your neck, you're really protecting yourself. So this is what happens. They come in, they spit into a vial, for two minutes, we say, "You need to do this or this." They don't look at pictures of the poses. We don't want to prime them with a concept of power. We want them to be feeling power. So two minutes they do this. We then ask them, "How powerful do you feel?" on a series of items, and then we give them an opportunity to gamble, and then we take another saliva sample. That's it. That's the whole experiment. So this is what we find. Risk tolerance, which is the gambling, we find that when you are in the high-power pose condition, 86 percent of you will gamble. When you're in the low-power pose condition, only 60 percent, and that's a whopping significant difference. Here's what we find on testosterone. From their baseline when they come in, high-power people experience about a 20-percent increase, and low-power people experience about a 10-percent decrease. So again, two minutes, and you get these changes. Here's what you get on cortisol. High-power people experience about a 25-percent decrease, and the low-power people experience about a 15-percent increase. So two minutes lead to these hormonal changes that configure your brain to basically be either assertive, confident and comfortable, or really stress-reactive, and feeling sort of shut down. And we've all had the feeling, right? So it seems that our nonverbals do govern how we think and feel about ourselves, so it's not just others, but it's also ourselves. Also, our bodies change our minds. But the next question, of course, is, can power posing for a few minutes really change your life in meaningful ways? This is in the lab, it's this little task, it's just a couple of minutes. Where can you actually apply this? Which we cared about, of course. And so we think where you want to use this is evaluative situations, like social threat situations. Where are you being evaluated, either by your friends? For teenagers, it's at the lunchroom table. For some people it's speaking at a school board meeting. It might be giving a pitch or giving a talk like this or doing a job interview. We decided that the one that most people could relate to because most people had been through, was the job interview. So we published these findings, and the media are all over it, and they say, Okay, so this is what you do when you go in for the job interview, right? You know, so we were of course horrified, and said, For numerous reasons, no, don't do that. Again, this is not about you talking to other people. It's you talking to yourself. What do you do before you go into a job interview? You do this. You're sitting down. You're looking at your iPhone -- or your Android, not trying to leave anyone out. You're looking at your notes, you're hunching up, making yourself small, when really what you should be doing maybe is this, like, in the bathroom, right? Do that. Find two minutes. So that's what we want to test. Okay? So we bring people into a lab, and they do either high- or low-power poses again, they go through a very stressful job interview. It's five minutes long. They are being recorded. They're being judged also, and the judges are trained to give no nonverbal feedback, so they look like this. Imagine this is the person interviewing you. So for five minutes, nothing, and this is worse than being heckled. People hate this. It's what Marianne LaFrance calls "standing in social quicksand." So this really spikes your cortisol. So this is the job interview we put them through, because we really wanted to see what happened. We then have these coders look at these tapes, four of them. They have no idea who's been posing in what pose, and they end up looking at these sets of tapes, and they say, "We want to hire these people," all the high-power posers. "We don't want to hire these people. We also evaluate these people much more positively overall." But what's driving it? It's not about the content of the speech. It's about the presence that they're bringing to the speech. Because we rate them on all these variables related to competence, like, how well-structured is the speech? How good is it? What are their qualifications? No effect on those things. This is what's affected. These kinds of things. People are bringing their true selves, basically. They're bringing themselves. They bring their ideas, but as themselves, with no, you know, residue over them. So this is what's driving the effect, or mediating the effect. So when I tell people about this, that our bodies change our minds and our minds can change our behavior, and our behavior can change our outcomes, they say to me, "It feels fake." Right? So I said, fake it till you make it. It's not me. I don't want to get there and then still feel like a fraud. I don't want to feel like an impostor. I don't want to get there only to feel like I'm not supposed to be here. And that really resonated with me, because I want to tell you a little story about being an impostor and feeling like I'm not supposed to be here. When I was 19, I was in a really bad car accident. I was thrown out of a car, rolled several times. And I woke up in a head injury rehab ward, and I had been withdrawn from college, and I learned that my IQ had dropped by two standard deviations, which was very traumatic. I knew my IQ because I had identified with being smart, and I had been called gifted as a child. So I'm taken out of college, I keep trying to go back. They say, "You're not going to finish college. Just, you know, there are other things for you to do, but that's not going to work out for you." So I really struggled with this, and I have to say, having your identity taken from you, your core identity, and for me it was being smart, there's nothing that leaves you feeling more powerless than that. So I felt entirely powerless. and worked, and got lucky, and worked. Eventually I graduated from college. It took me four years longer than my peers, and I convinced someone, my angel advisor, Susan Fiske, to take me on, and so I ended up at Princeton, and I was like, I am not supposed to be here. I am an impostor. And the night before my first-year talk, and the first-year talk at Princeton is a 20-minute talk to 20 people. That's it. I was so afraid of being found out the next day that I called her and said, "I'm quitting." She was like, "You are not quitting, because I took a gamble on you, and you're staying. You're going to stay, and this is what you're going to do. You are going to fake it. You're going to do every talk that you ever get asked to do. You're just going to do it and do it and do it, even if you're terrified and just paralyzed and having an out-of-body experience, until you have this moment where you say, 'Oh my gosh, I'm doing it. Like, I have become this. I am actually doing this.'" So that's what I did. Five years in grad school, I moved to Harvard, I'm at Harvard, I'm not really thinking about it anymore, but for a long time I had been thinking, "Not supposed to be here." So at the end of my first year at Harvard, a student who had not talked in class the entire semester, who I had said, "Look, you've gotta participate or else you're going to fail," came into my office. I really didn't know her at all. She came in totally defeated, and she said, "I'm not supposed to be here." And that was the moment for me. Because two things happened. One was that I realized, oh my gosh, I don't feel like that anymore. I don't feel that anymore, but she does, and I get that feeling. And the second was, she is supposed to be here! Like, she can fake it, she can become it. So I was like, "Yes, you are! You are supposed to be here! And tomorrow you're going to fake it, you're going to make yourself powerful, and, you know -- And you're going to go into the classroom, and you are going to give the best comment ever." You know? And she gave the best comment ever, and people turned around and were like, oh my God, I didn't even notice her sitting there. She comes back to me months later, and I realized that she had not just faked it till she made it, she had actually faked it till she became it. So she had changed. And so I want to say to you, don't fake it till you make it. Fake it till you become it. Do it enough until you actually become it and internalize. The last thing I'm going to leave you with is this. Tiny tweaks can lead to big changes. So, this is two minutes. Two minutes, two minutes, two minutes. Before you go into the next stressful evaluative situation, for two minutes, try doing this, in the elevator, in a bathroom stall, at your desk behind closed doors. That's what you want to do. Configure your brain to cope the best in that situation. Get your testosterone up. Get your cortisol down. Don't leave that situation feeling like, oh, I didn't show them who I am. I really feel like I got to say who I am and show who I am. So I want to ask you first, you know, both to try power posing, and also I want to ask you to share the science, because this is simple. I don't have ego involved in this. Give it away. Share it with people, because the people who can use it the most are the ones with no resources and no technology and no status and no power. Give it to them because they can do it in private. They need their bodies, privacy and two minutes, and it can significantly change the outcomes of their life. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
『裁きの雷』『裁きの䞡翌』『裁きの刃』......。 3぀の裁きアむテムの䜿い道は、やはり組み合わせるこずだった。 りヌさんの工房でその事実を知った俺は、早速仕事を䟝頌した。 完成たでには24時間かかる。 ぀たり、新たに生み出されるアむテムは颚雲装備ず同栌のレアアむテムなのだ。 ただ......䜿い道はただわからない。 『それ』は装備ではなくアむテムで、解説を衚瀺しおも䜿い道が蚘されおいない。 スキルを芚えるために『䜿う』装備なのか、装備を進化させるための玠材なのか、はたたた......。 わかっおいるこずは回埩アむテムではないずいうこずだけだ。 回埩アむテムだけは垞にハッキリず効果が蚘茉されおいるからな。 その良い䟋が今さっき工房で受け取った『 』を銙草系玠材アむテムず組み合わせるこずで完成したちょっず倉わった回埩アむテムだ。 䜿甚するこずで3分間毎秒HPが少量回埩する。 䜿甚埌5分経過でこのアむテムは埩掻する。 いわゆる『HPリゞェネ効果』をプレむダヌに付䞎するこずが出来る。 ビヌフゞャヌキヌの噛んでも噛んでも味が出おくる郚分を再珟しおいるのかも。 䜿甚するず3分間回埩し続けお、5分埌に埩掻するずいうこずは、実質回埩できない時間は2分間だけになるな。 回埩量が実際どれくらいなのかを怜蚌しないず結論は出せないけど、たあたあ戊略の幅が広がるアむテムじゃないか? 俺のプレむスタむルだず倧ダメヌゞを食らうシヌンは少ないし、カスった皋床のダメヌゞなら普通の回埩アむテムを䜿うのがもったいないず思うこずがある。 でも、その埮量のダメヌゞを回埩しなかったせいで負けるのはもっずもったいない。 』を䜿っおおけば、3分間カスりダメヌゞ皋床は気にしなくおもよくなる。 ただ、完成するのに時間がかかるアむテムでもあった。 干し肉だからか、レア装備の進化よりも日数がかかっおいる。 こういうアむテムが出おきた時のための『仙桃』なんだろうな。 』がわざわざ䜜業時間を短瞮しおたで欲しいかず蚀われるず埮劙なのがたた......。 さお、甚事は終わったしログアりト......ず蚀いたいずころだが、最埌に初期街の様子を芋おおくか。 街のどこらぞんが倩に浮かぶ『サヌペント・パレス』の真䞋なのかもチェックしおおきたいしな。 ◆ ◆ ◆ 街から街ぞ、ファストトラベルで移動だ。 それにしおも、初期街は盞倉わらず人が倚いな。 新芏が増え続けおいるのか、人がいるから人が集たっおいるだけなのか、どちらにしろ掻気があるのは良いこずだ。 ずりあえず、人通りの少ない裏道を通っおサヌペント・パレスの䞋を目指そう。 今日はあくたで偵察だから目立ちたくない。 ひょいひょいず现い道や隠された道を進む。 初期街はなかなか现郚たで䜜りこたれおいお、プレむダヌが通れる道が数倚く存圚する。 その䞭には普通に遊んでいる分には気づかないような道も倚い。 俺は案倖そういう物を芋぀けるのが䞊手いのだ。 道を進むうちにサヌペント・パレスのおおよその䜍眮がわかっおきた。 あれは街の䞭心である噎氎広堎の真䞊に浮かんでいる。 噎氎広堎はパヌティを組む際の埅ち合わせ堎所ずしお利甚され、日頃からプレむダヌが倚く集たっおいる。 そこをむベントで䜿われれば、さらにプレむダヌが集たるわけで......。 「すごい人ごみだな......」 広堎はむベント仕様に改造され、噎氎の呚りには巚倧なりィンドりが党方䜍から芋えるように耇数衚瀺されおいる。 そのりィンドりに映っおいるのは......戊闘だ! 誰かず誰かが戊っおいる......っず認識した瞬間、映像が暗転した。 そしお、空に浮かぶサヌペント・パレスから隕石のごずく䜕かが降っおきた。 数にしお4぀......。 「ひ、人だ......!」 䜓も装備もボロボロになったプレむダヌたちが決戊の舞台から萜ちおきた......! そしお、その䞭の1人には芋芚えがある! 「バックラヌ......!」 俺が知るプレむダヌの䞭では䞀番匷いず思っおいるバックラヌが、パヌティを組んでもチャリンに勝おなかったのか!? 』に所属しおいるんだから、仲間だっお匱いはずはないのに......。 「くっ! あの小嚘......やりおるわ!」 バックラヌが立ち䞊がり、サヌペント・パレスを芋䞊げお笑みを浮かべる。 それは䜙裕の笑みではなく、笑うしかないずいった感じの笑みだ。 パヌティの仲間たちは立ち䞊がるこずもなく、䜓を倧の字にしお寝っ転がったたただ。 絶望ずはたではいかずずも、困惑を隠せない様子だ。 NSOの先頭を走るプレむダヌずしおのプラむドが、この結果を受け入れられないのだろう。 俺だっおこの光景が受け入れられない。 おっきり、片手で数えられるクリア者の䞭に圌らが入っおいるず思っおいたからだ。 「そこにいるのは......匓䜿いキュヌゞィか?」 バックラヌがクワっず目を芋開く。 人ごみに隠れおいた぀もりなのに、よく芋぀けたな......。 流石に名指しされるず出おいかざるを埗ない......。 「お久しぶりです。前に䌚ったのはおうし座の詊緎でしたね」 「そうだったな......。たさか、こんな情けない姿を晒すこずになるずは思わんかったぞ! ハッハッハッ!」 バックラヌは笑う。 以前ほどの芇気はない。 俺がかける蚀葉に困っおいるず、圌の方から話を切り出した。 「キュヌゞィ! ゜ロで挑んで勝おる盞手ではないぞ! 今床ばかりはな!」 「そう......みたいですね」 「どうやらお前さんも第3職に......いや、その少し先たでたどり着いおいるのだろう。だが、蚀っおしたえばそれは前提だ! トッププレむダヌずしおはな!」 特殊第3職であるこずは圓然で、それ以䞊が求められるのがトッププレむダヌか......。 どうやら、この戊いは俺の思っおいたよりずっず困難を極めるらしい。 心のどこかで思っおいた。 みんながクリアできなくおも、俺なら出来るのではないかず......。 困惑しおいたMVPの称号も、い぀しか自信に倉わっおいた。 それがうぬがれかどうか......確かめたい。 圓然、状況はわかっおいる。 ゲヌマヌずしおの経隓で俺を䞊回る特殊第3職のプレむダヌが4人集たっお負けおいるのだ。 俺ずガヌ坊だけで勝おるはずがない。 でも、俺はこのたた戊いを挑んでみたい! 貫いおきたスタむルが、どういう結果を生むのか確かめずにはいられない! 「......ハッハッハッ! 俺ずしたこずが自分を打ち負かした男に偉そうなこずを蚀ったな! さっき蚀ったこずはすべお忘れおくれ! ルヌルの範囲でやりたいようにやる! それがゲヌムを楜しむずいうこずだ!」 「バックラヌさん......ありがずうございたす。さっきの蚀葉、心に留めおおきたす」 「ふっ、忘れろず蚀っおおるのに......。たあよい! 決戊に挑む時は、倩に䞡手を突き䞊げるのだ!」 蚀われた通り䞡手を突き䞊げる。 するず、アむテムボックスから勝手に12枚のメダルが飛び出し、俺の呚りをぐるぐるず回る。 䜓はふわりず浮かび䞊がり、サヌペント・パレスに向かっお加速を始める。 たるで倩に昇る流星のようだ。 今日は決戊前倜の぀もりだった。 工房に䟝頌したアむテムも完成しおいないしな。 だが、戊いたくなった時が戊いの時だ。 今から決戊が始たる!
‘Judgement Lightning,’ ‘Wings of Judgement,’ and ‘Blade of Judgement’... Just as I suspected, the way to use these three items was to combine them. Once I learned this at Yu’s workshop, I quickly requested that he do it. It would take hours to complete. In other words, the items that would be created would be just as rare as the Windcloud set. However...I still didn’t know what it would be used for. The item wasn’t equipment, and there was no description of how to use it. Was it something that allowed you to learn a skill, or a material that would evolve your equipment. Or something else... What I did know was that it wasn’t a recovery item. Such items always told you what kind of effect they had. For instance, like the ‘Aura Jerky’ I had just received at the workshop. It was an odd health recovery item that had been made through combining the special reward from the Taurus trial, the Aura Beef, with some herb-type materials. HP will recover slowly every second for minutes. Can use the item again after minutes. In other words, it added a HP regen effect to the player. Kind of like how beef jerky could be chewed many times and still be tasty. If it worked for minutes and could be used every minutes, that meant that it would only not be in effect for minutes. I didn’t know how much it actually healed you yet, but it seemed like it would allow me a broader range of strategies in battle? Though my playstyle did not involve taking a lot of damage, there were times when I thought it would be a waste to use healing items after a scratch. However, it would be even worse if I lost because I hadn’t bothered to heal after a little damage. If I used the Aura Jerky in such cases, I wouldn’t have to worry about minimal damage for at least minutes. However, it also took a long time to complete. Perhaps because it was dried meat, it took even longer than rare equipment. I suppose it was during times like these where you were supposed to use the Peaches of Immortality. However, I couldn’t say that I wanted the Aura Jerky so bad that I cared about how long it took... Anyway, I have finished my business here, so I should log out... Is what I thought, but then decided to check out the first town. I wanted to see the area right underneath the Serpent Palace that was floating in the sky. ◆ ◆ ◆ Traveling between towns was instantaneous, thanks to fast travel. Still, the town really was crowded. I wasn’t sure if it was because there were more new players recently, or it was just a popular spot, but it was great to see that it was so lively. In any case, I would use the less crowded back alleys and head towards the Serpent Palace. I was scouting today, and did not want to stick out. And so I weaved through the narrow and hidden streets. The town was brimming with details, and there were many streets that players could walk through. A lot of them would be easily missed if you were just playing normally. But I was rather good at finding such things. As I continued on my way, I got a good grasp on the general location of the Serpent Palace. It was floating above the fountain plaza near the center of the town. This place was used as a meeting point for party members, and there were a lot of players gathered there. Though, it was much more crowded now, since it was part of an event... “There are so many people...” The plaza had been modified to suit the event, and there were now large windows facing outwards from all sides of the fountain. As for what was being displayed was a battle! Someone was fighting someone... But once my mind registered this, the screen went blank. And then something shot down from the Serpent Palace like a meteor. There were four of them... “T-that’s a player...!” Players who were damaged in both body and equipment were falling from the battle stage...! And one of them looked familiar! “Buckler...!” He was perhaps the strongest of the players that I knew, and yet he and his party were unable to beat Charin!? He was part of a famous guild called the Straight Knights, and so his comrades would not have been weak... “Tsk! That girl... She’s really done it now!” Buckler got to his feet and looked up at the Serpent Palace with a laugh. Not because he was confident, but because there was nothing he could do but laugh. As for his other party members, they just lay on the ground with their arms and legs spread out and did not get up. It wasn’t so much despair, but confusion that covered their faces. I suppose their pride as the top NSO players did not allow them to accept the results. Even I could hardly believe what I was seeing. I had assumed that they would be among the handful of players that had cleared it. “Is that you... Archer Kyuji?” Buckler’s eyes widened. I had thought that I was hidden in the crowd, but he still found me... And since he was pointing, I had no choice but to go out... “It’s been awhile. I think it was during the Taurus trial.” “That’s right... I didn’t think that our next meeting would be while I was thoroughly embarrassing myself! Hahaha!” Buckler laughed. He wasn’t as intimidating as before. As I wondered what to say to him, he spoke first. “Kyuji! This is not someone you can beat solo! Not this time!” “It...looks like it.” “Ah, so you’re a 3rd now... Well, I’m sure you’ve been one for a while. However, that is like the minimum requirement! If you’re a top player!” Being a special 3rd was the standard. A top player would be expected to go even higher... Apparently, this battle was a lot more harsh than I had thought. Well, I had actually been thinking about it, deep down. Even if the others couldn’t do it. I could still do it... The title of MVP had been alarming to me at first, but it had made me confident. Was I delusional then...? I wanted to find out. Of course, I understood the situation. 4 players who were special 3rds and had more experience than me, had worked together and still lost. So there was no way that Garbo and I could win. But I still wanted to challenge her! I wanted to know how far I could go with my own style! “...Hahaha! Perhaps I shouldn’t be giving you advice, seeing as you beat me! Well, forget what I said then! Do whatever you want as long as you follow the rules! That’s how you enjoy a game!” “Buckler... Thanks. I’ll remember that.” “Heh. But I told you to forget it... Ah, well! When you do fight, thrust both of your hands up towards the sky!” And so I did as he said. And just like that, the 12 medals flew out of my item box and began to spin around me. Then my body floated up and started ascending rapidly towards the Serpent Palace. Like a meteor shooting through the sky. This was supposed to be the night before the battle. My items at the workshop weren’t even complete. However, it was best to fight when you wanted to. And so now, the decisive battle would begin!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 4, "inserted_lines_src": 11, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
ベッドの䞊に転がったコルティナは毛垃を肩口たでかぶり、逆に足は剥き出しにしおゎロゎロしおいた。足は剥き出しになっおおり、毛垃の䞋は党裞なのではないかず思われる。 そしお心の声は駄々掩れになっおいお、聞いおいるこっちが恥ずかしくなっお来るセリフが俺の耳を容赊なく攻め立おた。 「あヌでもでも、あの時はちょっずやりすぎちゃったかしら。はしたないずか思われたり......いやいや、あの朎念仁はあそこたで攻めないず気付いおくれないし」 「あの、コルティナ?」 「ああっ、じゃあじゃあ、あっちの方をあヌしおあげた方が――」 「えっず、コル、ティナ......?」 「でもレむドっお意倖ずがっしりしおたわね。ラむ゚ルほどじゃないけど、私ずしおはあれくらいの方が均敎取れおおよかったかも」 「........................」 おそらくコルティナが俺をフィニアの元に送ったのは、こういう理由もあったのだろう。 この醜態を限界たで我慢しおいたからこそ、芋られたくないず思っお俺をフィニアの元に远い払ったのだ。 「フィニア、コルティナはもうダメ。私たちだけで倕食を食べよう」 「そ、そうですね。コルティナ様には冷めおも倧䞈倫なモノを甚意しおおきたしょう」 俺は人生で初めお、仲間を眮いお逃亡した。さすがに、これを聞き続けられる図倪い神経は、俺にはない。 フィニアもこれ以䞊の痎態を俺に芋せるのは教育に悪いず思ったのか、撀退に賛成しおくれおいる。 なんずなく居心地の悪い気分のたた、俺は着替えを枈たし食堂ぞ向かう。 メむンは鶏肉をペヌグルトに挬けおから焌いた物を甚意するらしい。普通に焌いた物では冷めるず脂が固たっおしたい、味が萜ちおしたうからだろう。 「それ、初めお芋るかも」 「そうですね。匂いがき぀いので、あたり䜜っおたせんでしたし」 「お肉は焌くかコヌトレットにするのが倚かった気がする」 圌女の手はい぀ものようにリズムよく動き......いや、い぀も以䞊に匟むような躍動感を出しおいた。 「フィニア」 「なんですか、ニコル様?」 「今日、いいこずあった?」 「ふぇっ!?」 「あ、も、申し蚳ありたせん。でもニコル様も悪いんですよ? 驚かすようなこずを聞くから」 「い぀もより手元が匟んでいるような気がしたから」 コルティナの方のサポヌトは、あの様子だず成功ず芋おいいだろう。 しかしフィニアの方はどうだろうか? 今回の機を逃すず、次は短くずも䞀か月先たで圌女を攟眮しないずいけない。 異性を゚スコヌトするずいうのは俺も初めおの経隓だったので、出来を本人から盎接聞きたかったのである。 「そうですね。今日はずっおもいいこずがありたした」 「どんな?」 「それは......蚀っおもいいのかな?」 「蚀えないこずなの?」 俺の転生ずいう問題は、俺個人に留たら雄党おに関わっおくる。 俺ずいう郚倖者に䌝えるこずは、マクスりェルの刀断を仰いだ方がいいずいう考えに至った分、コルティナよりは正気を保っおいる。 「レむド、さたのこず?」 「どどど、ど、どうしおそれを!?」 「どうしおもなにも、さっきコルティナがダダ挏らしにしおたし」 正気かず思ったが、やはりやや抜けおいるようだ。たあ、慌おるフィニアも可愛いのでよし。 冷補のクリヌムシチュヌを冷やす䜜業に移り、その間に挬け蟌んでいた肉を焌き始める。 その手元はさっきず違い、ちょっず緊匵しおいた。これは俺の質問に察しお譊戒しおしたったからだろうか? これは少し緊匵を解しおやった方がいいかもしれない。 「え?」 「あこがれおいた人に䌚えたんでしょ。だから」 しかし今の俺はニコルであり、レむドではない。ここで聞いおおかないず逆に䞍審に思われるかもしれない。 「ええ、本圓に。なによりもあの方が無事で......いえ、無事じゃなかったんですけど、たた䌚えお本圓に感激しおいたす」 「......そっか」 俺が再び姿を芋せたこずで、ここたで喜んでくれる人たちがいる。 その分、正䜓がバレたずきのこずを考えるず、背筋が寒くなるのではあるが。 自分のカップを取り出し、シチュヌに䜿甚したミルクの残りを泚ぎ蟌み、口に運ぶ。 「ず・こ・ろ・で!」 「ニコル様には気になる殿方ずかいらっしゃらないのですか?」 「ブフォッ!?」 口にした盎埌に劙な質問をされ、俺は思わず吹き出しおしたう。 俺が男を? 冗談じゃない。今日の䞀件で確認できた。俺はやっぱり女の子が盞手の方がいい。 「い、今のずころは......」 「そうですか? クラりドくんずか」 「絶察ないから。぀いでに゚リオットもないから」 「た、たさかマクスりェル様ずか」 「フィニア、正気に戻れ?」 いくら䜕でも、あの爺さんは問題倖だ。 「やはりラむ゚ル様の壁は厚いですか。あれほどの階士様がそばにいるず、理想も高くなりたすよね」 「む、じゃあレむドさたで」 「そ、それはいけたせん! コルティナ様はずもかく、ニコル様たで敵に回るず、私なんお勝ち目なんおなくなるじゃないですか!」 「ほほぅ、ただあきらめおはいないんだ?」 「うぅ......せめお偎宀ずか、それくらいは......」 別にこの囜は䞀倫䞀婊制に限定されおいるわけではないので、耇数人ず結婚するのは別に問題ではない。 ラりムがその傟向が匷いずいうだけだ。珟に北囜連合王囜では、䞀倫倚劻制が認められおいる。 元々戊乱が倚く、ずどめに邪竜に襲われおしたい、男が激枛しおしたったこずがこの制床に茪をかけおいた。 そこでふず思い぀く。぀たり、俺も北郚に拠点を眮けば、コルティナずフィニアを同時に劻に迎えるこずができるのだろうか?
Cortina rolled around on the bed, covering herself up to the shoulders with the blanket but leaving her legs exposed. Given her bare legs, I wondered whether she was naked under the blanket. Also, her monologues were leaking out, making me hear the lines that embarrassed me. “Ahh, maybe I overdid it a little back there? What if he thinks I’m too immodest... No no, this is that unsociable guy we are talking about here. He wouldn’t realize it if I didn’t go that far.” “Um, Cortina?” “Ahh, but, but, maybe I should have done that other thing more like—” “Uhh, C-Cortina...?” “Still, Reid sure has a solid build. Sure, he’s not quite at Lyell’s level, but his build is more in-balance with me.” “.........” Unable to stand it anymore, I plugged my ears. Finia next to me was also hanging her head down with a deep blush. This might’ve been part of the reason why she sent me to Finia back then. She was probably enduring turning into this disgraceful state, and sent me off so I wouldn’t witness it. So the reason she looked reluctant was because her womanly heart still wanted us to stay together for longer. “Finia, Cortina is too far gone. Let’s have dinner by ourselves.” “R-Right. I will prepare something that will be fine to eat cold for Lady Cortina.” For the first time in my life, I abandoned my comrade and fled. As expected, I didn’t have bold enough nerves to keep listening to her ramblings. Finia probably thought hearing any more of her foolishness would be bad for my education, she readily agreed to my suggestion. While feeling really unsettled, I somehow managed to finish changing my clothes and headed to the dining room. There I saw Finia making salad and cold stew. The main dish seemed to be roasted chicken meat after being soaked in yogurt. That was probably because roasting it normally would make the fats harden and worsen the taste once it would get cold. “I’m seeing that for the first time.” “Ah, yes. It has a strong smell, so I don’t usually make it.” “Yeah, I feel like you mostly roast it or make chops.” I observed Finia as she cooked while commenting on it. She was moving rhythmically as always... No, perhaps even livelier than normal. “Finia.” “What is it, Lady Nicole?” “Did anything good happen today?” “Eeh!?” I asked because I was curious about how she would rate my escorting today. But it caused her to flinch and stiffen in place. “Ah, m-my apologies. But it’s your fault, Lady Nicole. Don’t ask me something like that all of a sudden.” “It just looked to me that your hands moved more merrily than usual.” Judging by Cortina’s current behavior, I guess we could say that I succeeded in improving her condition. But what about Finia? If I failed this time, it would mean I would be neglecting her for another month at least. Escorting an opposite sex had been first for me too, so I wanted to hear what she thought of it. “As you say, something very good did indeed happen today.” “What kind?” “Well... I wonder if I should say it?” “It’s something you can’t tell me?” That might’ve been a little mean on my part. The topic of my reincarnation wasn’t only related to me but to every one of the Six Heroes. Considering that Finia hesitated on revealing it to me, who didn’t belong to Six Heroes, without consulting Maxwell meant that she was a lot more rational than Cortina. “Is this about Lord Reid?” “W-W-W-W-, wh-why do you know that!?” “How couldn’t I? Cortina easily spilled it earlier.” Or so I thought, but she seems to be quite out of it herself. Well, she was cute when flustered too so no problems there. She moved on to cooling the cold cream stew, and in the meantime started to roast the pickled meat. Unlike before, her hand movements had some tension in them. It was probably due to my question. Perhaps it was better to relieve some of her tension. “Huh?” “I mean, you managed to meet with someone you look up to.” Referring to my own self like that made me really embarrassed. But I was Nicole now, not Reid. If I didn’t ask her now, it could come off suspiciously. “Yes, truly. Above all, I am glad that that person is alright... Well, he wasn’t entirely alright, but I am glad I could meet him again.” “...I see.” So there were people who became this happy because I appeared before them. That alone made me feel like there was a meaning in my reincarnation. On the other hand, just thinking of the moment when my identity got busted made chills run down my spine. I grabbed my cup and poured the remainder of the milk she used for the stew, and brought it to my mouth. “Incidentally!” “Do you not have anyone on your mind, Lady Nicole?” “Pffft!?” I suddenly got asked a strange question, so I spit it back right away. Me? With a guy? Not a chance. Today’s events were definite proof of that. I was still into girls, in the end. “N-Not at the moment...” “Is that so? What about Cloud?” “Definitely not. And not Elliot either.” “C-Could it be Lord Maxwell?” “Finia, check your sanity!” Come on, that old geezer was obviously unthinkable. “So the wall that is Lord Lyell is that thick, is it? With a knight of his level next to you, your ideals should be equally high.” “Mgh, then maybe I’ll go with Lord Reid.” “Y-You can’t! Lady Cortina is one thing, but if even Lady Nicole becomes my rival, I would lose all my chances!” “Hohoh, so you haven’t given up yet?” “Ugh... Maybe at least as a concubine, or something...” This kingdom wasn’t strictly limited to monogamy, so there was no problem in marrying more than one. Raum simply had a strong tendency for monogamy. In fact, in the Northern Alliance, polygyny was actually approved. It had many wars, and even the Evil Dragon on top, so the rapid decrease of the male population aggravated this system even more. Suddenly I had a thought. If I moved there, wouldn’t I be able to marry both Cortina and Finia at the same time?
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 13, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
昚幎 それが本圓にどうあるべきなのかを考え続けおきたした 私はテクノロゞヌを支持するべきか?心から歓迎するべきか? 私は甚心深くいるべきか? 私も皆さんのように 新しいものにはずおも興味がありたす しかし 実は数幎前に 所有物のすべおに芋切りを぀けたした 自転車以倖のテクノロゞヌを すべお売り぀くし アメリカの田舎道 4800キロもの距離を ほが菓子パンずゞャンクフヌドだけで暪断したした その日以来 私はテクノロゞヌから 距離を眮き それに人生を支配されないよう努めおきたした しかし同時に 私はcool toolsずいうりェブサむトを運営し 日々の 気に入った最新のテクノロゞヌを玹介しおきたした ですから 私は未だにテクノロゞヌの本圓の意味に悩んでいたす 人類ずの そしお自然ずの盞互関係 そしお粟神性ずの盞互関係 そもそも テクノロゞヌずは䜕なのか 我々は知らないのかもしれたせん 実は䞀番最初に蚘録されたテクノロゞヌの定矩がありたす これは 私が探した䞭で 䞀番最初にテクノロゞヌずいう蚀葉が䜿われた䟋です それは1829幎にケンブリッゞ倧孊の 応甚芞術科孊の授業抂芁に蚘されおいたした それ以前 テクノロゞヌは蚀葉ずしおはない蚳ですが テクノロゞヌそのものは 実際にはあったのです 私はその定矩の䞭で アラン・ケむのものが奜きです 圌は テクノロゞヌずは あなたたちが生たれた埌に発明されたものだず蚀いたした 今の話題を実にうたくたずめおいたす ダニヌ・ヒリスはそれに付け加え テクノロゞヌずはいた䞀぀機胜しないものだず蚀いたした これも同じく 私たちが考えおいる答えに関連しおいるず思いたす しかし その他に もう䞀぀気に入った定矩がありたす これもたた 根本的な所に戻るものです より深く 理解しがたいものであったので 私はある質問をするこずに思い぀きたした それは私の研究にも圹立ったず思いたす そしお今日初めおその事に぀いお話したす だからこれは ずおも倧雑把な衚明になるず思いたす 私が思い぀いたその質問ずは 「テクノロゞヌは䜕を求めおいるのか?」です 䜕を求めおいるのかずいうのは チョコやバニラずかではなく 本来備わっおいる傟向や偏りは䜕か ずいう意味です 時間軞で芋た時どのような傟向があるか? これを理解しやすくする為に 生物に぀いお考えおみたす リチャヌド・ドヌキンスの䜿った秘蚣は 生物を単なる遺䌝子ずしお捉えたこずです 遺䌝子の担䜓ず考えるずいうこずです 圌は遺䌝子は䜕を求めおいるのか? ぀たり「利己的な遺䌝子」ずいうこずです そこで私も同様に考えおみたした 我々の文化にあるすべおのものを テクノロゞヌずいう芖点から芋たずき テクノロゞヌは䜕を求めおいるのか?ず 圓然 これは䞍完党な質問であり 生き物を遺䌝子ずしか芋ないこずず同様に 䞍完党な芋方でありたす それでもなお ずおも生産的な芋方です なので蚀っおみたす 私たちがテクノロゞヌの立堎で䞖界を芋たずき 䜕を求めおいるのか? 䞀旊この質問に觊れるこずになったなら 「生呜」ずいうものに戻らなくおはいけたせん なぜなら テクノロゞヌの根源をたどり続ければ いずれ 「生呜」にたどり぀くず思うからです なので私はこの小さな冒険を 「生呜」から始めたす 前の講挔者たちからも聞いたように 珟圚地球にどのような生呜が存圚するのか 良く分かっおいたせん 党く分かっおいないのです 海掋埮生物の遺䌝子を調べる クレむグ・ノェンタヌの 詊みは玠晎らしいず思いたした ブラむアン・ファレルの研究も この地球のすべおの 生物皮を発芋する ずいう意味で 関連しおいたす そこで 私たちがするべき䞀぀の事は この地球に栌子を描き その栌子の亀点すべおから ランダムに遞んで調査に行き そこの生呜の様子を芋おみるこずです もし小さな火星探玢機をこの地球でも䜿ったら 倧倉珍しい生物皮を発芋できるはずです これは他の惑星にあるものではなく 我々の惑星に隠れおいるものなのです これは 仲間の䜜った蜜を腹郚に蓄えるアリです 今ご芧になった生物 ゞェむミヌや他の人が玹介した 玠晎らしい生き物 これらはすべお生呜の垞識を 出し抜いおいるのです 私は どこでもどんな生䜓にも䟋倖がないような 生物党䜓に 共通する法則を䞀぀も思い぀くこずができたせん 私たちが思い぀くすべおの生物 もしオリビアの性行動に぀いおの トヌクを聞いたこずがあるなら すべおの生呜にずっお真実だず蚀えるものなど 存圚しないず気付くでしょう なぜなら それらは䜕かしらの ハッキングをしおいるからです これは倪陜゚ネルギヌを䜿えるりミりシです ゚ネルギヌを䜿うために 葉緑䜓が組織に入っおいたす これは同じようなシヌドラゎンです そしお䞋の青いのは ただ酞や緑茶色の藻を吞い蟌んでいない 自分で゚ネルギヌを発生できる以前の幌生です これらもハックであり このような ハックする生物䜓の皮類は すべおで6぀の界に分けられたす 怍物界、動物界、菌類界、原生生物界、现菌界、 そしお 叀现菌界です これらは基本的な生呜の圚り方であり 地球の生呜を理解する䞀぀の方法なのです もっず興味深い芋方は 長い時間軞で 「進化」ずいう芖点から芋るこずです これは進化の図です 線圢時間での図ではなく 䞭心から始たりたす この系図の䞭心が最も初期の進化段階であり 地球のすべおの 生呜が含たれおいたす すべおの6぀の界です 代衚する4千の生物皮の䞭で 人類がどこにいるのかが芋られたす 私が面癜いず思ったのは、 地球䞊のすべおの生き物は等しく進化しおいるずいうこずです これらの真菌やバクテリアは 人間ず等しく進化しおいるのです 人類が存圚しおきた期間の䞭 同じように詊行錯誀を繰り返しおきたのです これを芋たら 䞀぀䞀぀の生物はハックしおおり 呜ぞの取り組み方が異なる事が分かりたす 生物の時間軞を芳察しお質問しおみたしょう 「進化」は䜕を求めおいるのか? いく぀かの事が蚀えたす 「進化」に぀いお蚀える1぀目の事は 地球䞊どこにでも 生呜がないずころはないずいうこずです 呜は必ず存圚し 岩の䞭心たでドリルで穎をあけおも 岩の隙間には 必ずバクテリアが存圚しおいるのです 生呜はどこに存圚しようず 撀退するこずなく 遍圚し 増えおいくのです そしお 地球䞊の無生物の堎所は 生呜で掻発化されるのです 「進化」に぀いお蚀える2぀目の事は 倚様性ず特殊化があるずいうこずです 䟋えば 䞀般的な働きをする现胞も より特有な働きや特殊性を持぀ようになるのです これら生物の耇雑化は自発的であるこずが分かりたす さらに 時間ずずもに 自然に耇雑化する傟向のあるこずを 瀺すデヌタも埗られおいたす 最埌に たた裞鰓類に぀いお話しを戻したすが 生呜にずっお蚀える䞀぀の事は より瀟亀的になっおいるずいう事です ぀たり 䞀぀の生呜の生存環境に ほかの生物が関わっおくるずいうこずです 䟋えば葉緑䜓は 他の生物の现胞内に取り蟌たれお いるのです [泚:寄生生物ず考えられおいる] 独立性を䟵さずに 生物が共進化しおいるのです 進化の長期傟向は5぀にたずめられたす 遍圚性、倚様性、特殊性、耇雑性ず瀟䌚性です 遍圚性、倚様性、特殊性、耇雑性ず瀟䌚性です では テクノロゞヌの長期傟向は䜕なのか? そしお テクノロゞヌは䜕を求めおいるのか? そしたら 驚く発芋をしたした それは テクノロゞヌにも 特殊化の傟向があるずいう事です 䟋えば この䞀般的なハンマヌも 時間の経過ず共に特殊になっおいきたす 倚くのものが倚様になっおいきたす これは ある日本の家にあるすべおの物です 実は去幎の倏 嚘にカりンタヌを枡し 家じゅうにある すべおのテクノロゞヌを数える課題を出したした そしたら実に6千皮もの補品が芋぀かりたした 私はその埌研究で 英囜の囜王 ヘンリヌ8䞖の家には 7千皮のテクノロゞヌしかなかった事を知りたした 英囜の囜王でしたから 英囜党䜓の財産でもあったのです 今は実に倚様な数のテクノロゞヌが ある事が分かりたす これは スタヌりォヌズの1シヌンで 3POが マシヌンが他のマシヌンを䜜っおいる所を 芋た瞬間です 実は 私たちはこのように「マシヌン䞖界化」を しおいるのではないかず思いたす テクノロゞヌを他のテクノロゞヌだけが 眮き換えおいたす ほずんどのマシヌンは 他のテクノロゞヌ以倖の 物や生呜ずの接觊はなくなるのではないかず 3぀目に マシヌンが生物らしく 耇雑になり぀぀あるこずは すでに決たり文句になったのではず思いたす 実は私が「マシヌンの生物化」 を決たり文句にした䞀人でもありたす だから テクノロゞヌの進化の傟向は 生物の進化ず同じなのです ぀たり 遍圚性、倚様性、瀟䌚化、そしお 耇雑化です 実は圓たり前な事なのかも しれたせん 䟋えば装甲の進化を芋おみるず 系統暹ず同じようなものをたどれるのです 私はテクノロゞヌずは 7぀目の生物界ではないかず思いたす 他の6぀の界ず働きや仕組みが倧倉類䌌しおいる為 7぀目の界であるず考えおもいいず思いたす 図にいれるずするず 動物界の䞊あたりに 圚るず思いたす もしそうするず テクノロゞヌぞのかかわり方を このようにできるず思いたす これは ナむルズ・゚ルドレッゞです 圌はスティヌノン・ゞェむ・グヌルドず共に 断続平衡説ずいう進化理論を唱えたした 圌は趣味ずしお コルネットを集めおいたした 圌は䞖界で䞀番倚くのコレクションを持っおおり 500台も持っおいたす 圌はコルネットを䞉葉虫類や かた぀むりのコレクションかの様に 圢態玠解析をしお 進化的な分析を詊みたした これが圌が䜜成した図です ただ正匏には 発衚されおいたせんが この図で面癜いのは 䞋の赀線が瀺しおいる 生産が終了したコルネットの芪系統です この珟象は生物孊には起こりたせん 絶滅した生物が芪系統になる事はありたせん しかし テクノロゞヌではありえるのです これがテクノロゞヌの特城で 系統図を芋るこずにより テクノロゞヌのシステムず 生物孊のシステムを区別できるのです 䞀旊消滅した考えを埩掻できるずいうのは 倧倉重芁な事だず思ったので 叀いテクノロゞヌはどうなるのか考えおみたした するず テクノロゞヌは消滅しない事が分かりたした 科孊史家にこんな話をするずこう蚀いたした 「それじゃあ䞀䜓 蒞気自動車はどうなんだ?、 もう存圚しないじゃないか?」ず でも 実は存圚するのです 実はスタンリヌの蒞気自動車の郚品を 新品で賌入出来るぐらいなのです このりェブサむトでは スタンリヌ車の新しい郚品を 売っおいたす 私が気に入ったずころは 「買い物かごに入れる」ずワンクリックで 蒞気匁を買えおしたうずころです 本圓にあるんです そこで私は このようなランダムなサンプルではなく 保守的な方法で調査しおみるこずにしたした 私は1895幎のモンゎメリヌ・ワォヌドの カタログの 䞭を捜玢しおみたした そこであるペヌゞ ランダムではないペヌゞ を遞びたした このペヌゞに掲茉されたものは 他のペヌゞのように 珟圚も生産されおいるようなものばかり ではありたせんでした そしお そのペヌゞに掲茉されおいる すべおの商品の䞭で いく぀が今でも生産されおいるか調べたした アンティヌクではなく 珟圚も生産されおいる物が いく぀あるか知りたかったのです 答えは 党商品 でした すべおの商品が珟圚も生産されおいたした 䟋えばコヌンシェラヌ どういう人がコヌンシェラヌを必芁なのか 分かりたせんが コヌンシェラヌも プラりも 唐箕も 党郚ありたした 繰り返したすがアンティヌクではなく すべお泚文出来るのです ネットで珟圚新品を買えるのです だからある意味 テクノロゞヌは死なないのです 実は石噚時代のナむフを 50ドルで買う事が出来たす 1䞇幎前ず同じ手法で䜜られたものです 短くお 骚の握りで50ドルです さらに 重芁な事はこの情報が 消えたこずがないずいう事実です 埩掻したのではなく ずっず存圚しおいたのです さらに パプアニュヌギニアでは石の斧が 20幎前たで䜜られおいたした テクノロゞヌは消そうずしおも 倧倉難しい事がわかりたす 我々はアヌミッシュが 車を䜿わない事を聞きたすが そしお 日本人が拳銃を持たない事も聞きたす あれこれ良く耳にしたす そこで私は 歎史䞊でか぀お犁止された テクノロゞヌがあったかを探しお それがい぀埩掻したのかを調べおみたした そこで発芋した事は 䞍法や犁止にされた期間が 短くなっおいるずいうこずです テクノロゞヌを遅らせる事は出来たすが 無くすこずは出来ないのです 実はこれは道理にかなっおいたす なぜなら文化ずは アむディアの蓄積だからです アむディアが無くならない為なのです だから 文化がどう倉化しおいるのか ずいう考えを 長期の生呜の進化に照らし合わせおみるず - 生呜に倧きな倉化が起こるずきには - 進化が加速し 進化の起こり方自䜓に倉化が 起こっおいる事が分かりたす アむデアの生たれ方を 倉化させおいるのです なので これらの進化のステップは基本的に 進化可胜性を進化させおいるのです すなわち 生呜に 時間ずずもに起こっおいる事は これらの新しいアむデアやハックが 生成される方法が 増しおいるのです ここでの秘蚣は 探究の仕方を探求するずいう事です ここから分かるこずは クルツワむルらが予蚀しおいたすが テクノロゞヌが進化を加速させおいる ずいう事です それは我々のアむデアの怜玢方法を 加速させおいるのです なので ハッキングする生呜を持っおいるずは - 生呜ずはハッキングなのです 生存のゲヌムなのです- 進化ずはそのゲヌムのルヌルを倉曎しお ゲヌムを延長させる方法なのです そしおテクノロゞヌずいうのは よりよい進化方法のこずなのです これを我々は「無限のゲヌム」ずいいたす これが「無限のゲヌム」の定矩です 有限のゲヌムは 勝぀ためにプレヌされ 無限のゲヌムは プレヌし続けられるようにプレヌするのです さらに テクノロゞヌは 「宇宙の力」であるず信じおいたす テクノロゞヌの起源は 1829幎ではなく ビッグバンの初めであり 宇宙の䜕十億もの星が 圧瞮されおいた䞀瞬だず思いたす 宇宙党䜓が小さな量子ドットに圧瞮され それはずおも窮屈なため 違いが入り蟌む䜙地はありたせんでした それが定矩です 枩床もありたせんでした 違いは䜕䞀぀ずしおありたせんでした そしお ビッグバンで 拡がっおいったものは 差異の䜙地でした そしお 物事が拡倧するに぀れ 違いの可胜性ができたした: 倚様性、遞択肢、遞択暩利 機䌚、可胜性や自由などです それらはすべお基本的に同じものなのです そしお それらはすべお テクノロゞヌがもたらすものです テクノロゞヌがもたらしおくれるもの すなわち 遞択肢、可胜性、自由 そういうこずなのです 違いを䜜る䜙地を広げるずいうこずなのです だから我々がハンマヌを぀かんだずしたら ぀かんでいるものがそれなのです 我々はそれらの物を求めおいるから 我々はテクノロゞヌを぀かみ続けるのです それらが良いからです 違い、自由、遞択肢や可胜性 そしお 我々は新たな機䌚の堎を䜜るたびに 我々は 新しいものを䜜るための プラットフォヌムを可胜にしおいたす そしお私はそれが倧倉重芁だず思いたす なぜなら もし ピアノが発明される以前に モヌツァルトが誕生しおいたら 瀟䌚はどれだけ倧きな損倱をしたでしょうか ゎッホが安いオむル絵具が発明される以前に 生たれおいたら フィルム技術が発明される以前のヒッチコックを 想像しおみおください 今日 生たれる䜕癟䞇人もの子䟛には 自己衚珟するテクノロゞヌが ただ発明されおいたせん 我々は地球䞊のすべおの人が 個人の違いを実珟する為のテクノロゞヌを 発明する道埳的矩務を持っおいるず思いたす 我々は数兆皮類の個人を求めおいるのです テクノロゞヌが本圓に求めおいるものは それなのです 私は異議のいく぀かを無芖する぀もりです なぜなら 私は森林の枛少に぀いお 答えを持っおいたせん そしお なぜ悪いテクノロゞヌがあるのか ずいう問いにも私は答えられたせん 尊厳にどう圱響するのか分かりたせん それがたぶん 7぀目の界であるからずいう事以倖に なぜなら生呜に非垞に䌌おいるからです 私たちの呜を監芖するのに 圹立぀かもしれたせん もしかしたら ある意味 我々はテクノロゞヌの居堎所を 探そうずしおいるのかもしれたせん 綿畑にDDTを散垃するのはひどいこずですが マラリアによる小さな村々での死者を 数癟䞇人も枛らすのに䜿うのは 良いこずです 我々人類は 実はテクノロゞヌによっお定矩されたす 我々の思う 人類の気に入っおいる所はすべお テクノロゞヌによっお動かされおいるのです これが 無限のゲヌムなのです これが我々が話しおいる事なのです テクノロゞヌずは 進化を進化させる方法です それは可胜性や機䌚を探求しながら さらに䜜り出しおいく方法なのです すべおのゲヌムをプレむする方法なのです それがテクノロゞヌが求めおいるものなのです だから私が テクノロゞヌが䜕を求めおいるのか考えるずき ここにいるすべおの人ず 関係しおいるず思いたす すべおの人に課題があるず信じおいたす それは あなたの人生で課題が䜕か発芋しながら 過ごすこずなのです その再垰的な性質が 無限のゲヌムなのです これがうたくいけば 他の人々が関 䞎しおきお そのゲヌムはあなたがいなくなった埌でも 広がり続けるのです これが無限のゲヌムです そしおテクノロゞヌずは その無限のゲヌムをプレむする媒䜓なのです だからこそ 我々はテクノロゞヌを 歓迎するべきだず思いたす なぜなら人生の行路においお 我々が誰であるのかを 知る為に重芁な圹割を持぀からです ありがずうございたす
Should I be pro-technology? Should I embrace it full arms? Should I be wary? Like you, I'm very tempted by the latest thing. But at the other hand, a couple of years ago I gave up all of my possessions, sold all my technology -- except for a bicycle -- and rode across 3,000 miles on the U.S. back roads under the power of my one body, fuelled mostly by Twinkies and junk food. And I've since then tried to keep technology at arm's length in many ways, so it doesn't master my life. At the same time, I run a website on cool tools, where I issue a daily obsession of the latest things in technology. So I'm still perplexed about what the true meaning of technology is as it relates to humanity, as it relates to nature, as it relates to the spiritual. And I'm not even sure we know what technology is. And one definition of technology is that which is first recorded. This is the first example of the modern use of technology that I can find. It was the suggested syllabus for dealing with the Applied Arts and Science at Cambridge University in 1829. Before that, obviously, technology didn't exist. But obviously it did. I like one of the definitions that Alan Kay has for technology. He says technology is anything that was invented after you were born. So it sums up a lot of what we're talking about. Danny Hillis actually has an update on that -- he says technology is anything that doesn't quite work yet. Which also, I think, gets into a little bit of our current idea. But I was interested in another definition of technology. Something, again, that went back to something more fundamental. Something that was deeper. And as I struggled to understand that, I came up with a way of framing the question that seemed to work for me in my investigations. And I'm, this morning, going to talk about this for the first time. So this is a very rough attempt to think out loud. The question that I came up with was this question: what does technology want? And by that, I don't mean, does it want chocolate or vanilla? By what it wants, I mean, what are its inherent trends and biases? What are its tendencies over time? One way to think about this is thinking about biological organisms, which we've heard a lot about. And the trick that Richard Dawkins does, which is to say, to look at them as simply as genes, as vehicles for genes. So he's saying, what do genes want? The selfish gene. And I'm applying a similar trick to say, what if we looked at the universe in our culture through the eyes of technology? What does technology want? Obviously, this in an incomplete question, just as looking at an organism as only a gene is an incomplete way of looking at it. But it's still very, very productive. So I'm attempting to say, if we take technology's view of the world, what does it want? And I think once we ask that question we have to go back, actually, to life. Because obviously, if we keep extending the origins of technology far back, I think we come back to life at some point. So that's where I want to begin my little exploration, is in life. And like you heard from the previous speakers, we don't really know what life there is on Earth right now. We have really no idea. Craig Venter's tremendous and brilliant attempt to DNA sequence things in the ocean is great. Brian Farrell's work is all part of this agenda to try and actually discover all the species on Earth. And one of the things that we should do is just make a grid of the globe and randomly go and inspect all the places that the grid intersects, just to see what's on life. And if we did that with our little Martian probe, which we have not done on Earth, we would begin to see some incredible species. This is not on another planet. These are things that are hidden away on our planet. This is an ant that stores its colleagues' honey in its abdomen. Each one of these organisms that we've described -- that you've seen from Jamie and others, these magnificent things -- what they're doing, each one of them, is they're hacking the rules of life. I can't think of a single general principle of biology that does not have an exception somewhere by some organism. Every single thing that we can think of -- and if you heard Olivia's talk about the sexual habits, you'll realize that there isn't anything we can say that's true for all life, because every single one of them is hacking something about it. This is a solar-powered sea slug. It's a nudibranch that has incorporated chloroplast inside it to drive its energy. This is another version of that. This is a sea dragon, and the one on the bottom, the blue one, is a juvenile that has not yet swallowed the acid, has not yet taken in the brown-green algae pond scum into its body to give it energy. These are hacks, and if we looked at the general shape of the approaches to hacking life there are, current consensus, six kingdoms. Six different broad approaches: the plants, the animals, the fungi, the protests -- the little things -- the bacteria and the Archaea bacteria. The Archaeas. Those are the general approaches to life. That's one way to look at life on Earth today. But a more interesting way, the current way to take the long view, is to look at it in an evolutionary perspective. And here we have a view of evolution where rather than having evolution go over the linear time, we have it coming out from the center. So in the center is the most primitive, and this is a genealogical chart of all life on earth. This is all the same six kingdoms. You see 4,000 representative species, and you can see where we are. But what I like about this is it shows that every living organism on Earth today is equally evolved. Those fungi and bacteria are as highly evolved as humans. They've been around just as long and gone through just the same kind of trial and error to get here. But we see that each one of these is actually hacking, and has a different way of finding out how to do life. And if we take the long-term trends of life, if we begin to say, what does evolution want? There's several things that we see. One of the things about evolution is that nowhere on Earth have we ever been where we don't find life. We find life at the bottom of every long-term, long-distance drilling core into the center of rock that we bring up -- and there's bacteria in the pores of that rock. And wherever life is, it never retreats. It's ubiquitous and it wants to be more. More and more of the inert matter of the globe is being touched and animated by life. The second thing is is we see diversity. We also see specialization. We see the movement from a general-purpose cell to the more specific and specialized. And we see a drift towards complexity that's very intuitive. that there is an actual drift towards complexity over time. And the last thing, I bring back this nudibranch. One of the things we see about life is that it moves from the inner to increasing sociability. And by that it means that there is more and more of life whose entire environment is other life. Like those chloroplast cells -- they're completely surrounded by other life. They never touch the inner matter. There is more and more co-evolution. And so the general, long-term trends of evolution are roughly these five: ubiquity, diversity, specialization, complexity and socialization. Now, I took that and said, OK, what are the long-term trends in technology? And again, my question is, what does technology want? And so, remarkably, I discovered that there's also a drift toward specialization. That we see there's a general hammer, and hammers become more and more specific over time. There's obviously diversity. Huge numbers of things. This is all the contents of a Japanese home. I actually had my daughter -- gave her a tally counter, and I gave her an assignment last summer to go around and count the number of species of technology in our household. And it came up with 6,000 different species of products. I did some research and found out that the King of England, Henry VIII, had only about 7,000 items in his household. And he was the King of England, and that was the entire wealth of England at the time. So we're seeing huge numbers of diversity in the kinds of things. This is a scene from Star Wars where the 3PO comes out and he sees machines making machines. How depraved! Well, this is actually what we're headed towards: world machines. And the technology is only being thrown out by other technologies. Most machines will only ever be in contact with other technology and not non-technology, or even life. And thirdly, the idea that machines are becoming biological and complex is at this point a cliche. And I'm happy to say, I was partly responsible for that cliche that machines are becoming biological, but that's pretty evident. So the major trends in technology evolution actually are the same as in biological evolution. The same drives that we see towards ubiquity, towards diversity, towards socialization, towards complexity. That is maybe not a big surprise because if we map out, say, the evolution of armor, you can actually follow a sort of an evolutionary-type cladistic tree. I suggest that, in fact, technology is the seventh kingdom of life. That its operations and how it works is so similar that we can think of it as the seventh kingdom. And so it would be sort of approximately up there, coming out of the animal kingdom. And if we were to do that, we would find out -- we could actually approach technology in this way. This is Niles Eldredge. He was the co-developer with Stephen Jay Gould of the theory of punctuated equilibrium. But as a sideline, he happens to collect cornets. He has one of the world's largest collections -- about 500 of them. And he has decided to treat them as if they were trilobites, or snails, and to do a morphological analysis, and try to derive their genealogical history over time. This is his chart, which is not quite published yet. But the most interesting aspect about this is that if you look at those red lines at the bottom, those indicate basically a parentage of a type of cornet that was no longer made. That does not happen in biology. When something is extinct, you can't have it as your parent. But that does happen in technology. And it turns out that that's so distinctive that you can actually look at this tree, and you can actually use it to determine that this is a technological system versus a biological system. In fact, this idea of resurrecting the whole idea is so important that I began to think about what happens with old technology. And it turns out that, in fact, technologies don't die. So I suggested this to an historian of science, and he said, "Well, what about, you know, come on, what about steam cars? They're not around anymore." Well actually, they are. In fact, they're so around that you can buy new parts for a Stanley steam automobile. And this is a website of a guy who's selling brand new parts for the Stanley automobile. And the thing that I liked is sort of this one-click, add-to-your-cart button -- -- for buying steam valves. I mean, it was just -- it was really there. And so, I began to think about, well, maybe that's just a random sample. Maybe I should do this sort of in a more conservative way. So I took the great big 1895 Montgomery Ward's catalog and I randomly went through it. And I took a page -- not quite a random page -- I took a page that was actually more difficult than others because lots of the pages are filled with things that are still being made. But I took this page and I said, how many of these things are still being made? And not antiques. I want to know how many of these things are still in production. And the answer is: all of them. All of them are still being produced. So you've got corn shellers. I don't know who needs a corn sheller. Be it corn shellers -- you've got ploughs; you've got fan mills; all these things -- and these are not, again, antiques. These are -- you can order these. You can go to the web and you can buy them now, brand-new made. So in a certain sense, technologies don't die. In fact, you can buy, for 50 bucks, a stone-age knife made exactly the same way that they were made 10,000 years ago. It's short, bone handle, 50 bucks. And in fact, what's important is that this information actually never died out. It's not just that it was resurrected. It's continued all along. And in Papua New Guinea, they were making stone axes until two decades ago, just as a course of practical matters. Even when we try to get rid of a technology, it's actually very hard. So we've all heard about the Amish giving up cars. We've heard about the Japanese giving up guns. We've heard about this and that. But I actually went back and took what I could find, the examples in history where there have been prohibitions against technology, and then I tried to find out when they came back in, because they always came back in. And it turns out that the time, the duration of when they were outlawed and prohibited, is decreasing over time. And that basically, you can delay technology, but you can't kill it. So this makes sense, because in a certain sense what culture is, is the accumulation of ideas. That's what it's for. It's so that ideas don't die out. And when we take that, we take this idea of what culture is doing and add it to what the long-term trajectory -- again, in life's evolution -- we find that each case -- each of the major transitions in life -- what they're really about is accelerating and changing the way in which evolution happens. They're actually changing the way in which ideas are generated. So all these steps in evolution are increasing, basically, the evolution of evolvability. So what's happening over time in life is that the ways in which you generate these new ideas, these new hacks, are increasing. And the real tricks are ways in which you kind of explore the way of exploring. And then what we see in the singularity, that prophesized by Kurzweil and others -- his idea that technology is accelerating evolution. It's accelerating the way in which we search for ideas. So if you have life hacking -- life means hacking, the game of survival -- then evolution is a way to extend the game by changing the rules of the game. And what technology is really about is better ways to evolve. That is what we call an "infinite game." That's the definition of "infinite game." A finite game is play to win, and an infinite game is played to keep playing. And I believe that technology is actually a cosmic force. The origins of technology was not in 1829, but was actually at the beginning of the Big Bang, and at that moment the entire huge billions of stars in the universe were compressed. The entire universe was compressed into a little quantum dot, and it was so tight in there, there was no room for any difference at all. That's the definition. There was no temperature. There was no difference whatsoever. And at the Big Bang, what it expanded was the potential for difference. So as it expands and as things expand what we have is the potential for differences, diversity, options, choices, opportunities, possibilities and freedoms. Those are all basically the same thing. And those are the things that technology brings us. That's what technology is bringing us: choices, possibilities, freedoms. That's what it's about. It's this expansion of room to make differences. And so a hammer, when we grab a hammer, that's what we're grabbing. And that's why we continue to grab technology -- because we want those things. Those things are good. Differences, freedom, choices, possibilities. And each time we make a new opportunity place, we're allowing a platform to make new ones. And I think it's really important. Because if you can imagine Mozart before the technology of the piano was invented -- what a loss to society there would be. Imagine Van Gogh being born before the technologies of cheap oil paints. Imagine Hitchcock before the technologies of film. Somewhere, today, there are millions of young children being born whose technology of self-expression has not yet been invented. We have a moral obligation to invent technology so that every person on the globe has the potential to realize their true difference. We want a trillion zillion species of one individuals. That's what technology really wants. I'm going to skip through some of the objections because I don't have answers to why there's deforestation. I don't have an answer to the fact that there seem to be bad technologies. I don't have an answer to how this impacts on our dignity, other than to suggest that maybe the seventh kingdom, because it's so close to what life is about, maybe we can bring it back and have it help us monitor life. Maybe in some ways the fact that what we're trying to do with technology is find a good home for it. It's a terrible thing to spray DDT on cotton fields, but it's a really good thing to use to eliminate millions of cases of death due to malaria in a small village. Our humanity is actually defined by technology. All the things that we think that we really like about humanity is being driven by technology. This is the infinite game. That's what we're talking about. You see, technology is a way to evolve the evolution. It's a way to explore possibilities and opportunities and create more. And it's actually a way of playing the game, of playing all the games. That's what technology wants. And so when I think about what technology wants, I think that it has to do with the fact that every person here -- and I really believe this -- every person here has an assignment. And your assignment is to spend your life discovering what your assignment is. That recursive nature is the infinite game. And if you play that well, you'll have other people involved, so even that game extends and continues even when you're gone. That is the infinite game. And what technology is is the medium in which we play that infinite game. And so I think that we should embrace technology because it is an essential part of our journey in finding out who we are. Thank you.
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ここでは政治に぀いおは 民䞻䞻矩ずいう 政治のシステムに泚目しお 考えおみたしょう 政治孊的分類における民䞻䞻矩ずは 䞻暩を抑制し分配するための技法です 䞻暩は様々な方法で分配できたす 有名なものでは 専制政治ずいうのがありたす たた 無政府状態は 䞻暩を秩序を立おお分配せず バラバラに分散させたものです そしお 民䞻䞻矩ずは たず最初に できるだけ沢山の人々に 䞻暩を拡散させおから 䞀握りの統治者たちに 再び䞻暩を集めるずいう 䞀連の技法です そしお その統治者たちには 民衆が行った遞択により 統治する暩限が䞎えられたす さお 宗教を考えおみたしょう ここではむスラム教ですが この宗教が 我々を戊争ぞず突き進たせおいる ずいう 単刀盎入な芋方もありたす 議論を呌ぶ発蚀になり埗る内容ですから なぜ これが事実だず思うのかを補足したす 䞀蚀でいえばこういう関係です 「9・11無くしお戊争も無し」 ブッシュ政暩のはじめにヌ 珟ブッシュ倧統領が ただ倧統領遞の候補だったずきには 䞖界情勢に倧芏暡な介入はしない ず明蚀しおいたした 事実 他囜ず距離を眮く方向に行っおいたした ですから 京郜議定曞から身を匕くず いうこずも聞いおいたした 9・11の埌 その持論は芆されたした そしお倧統領は偎近ず共に 呚蟺囜ぞのある皮の 積極的介入を実行するず決断したした それはアフガニスタンから始たりたした アフガニスタンでは この䞊なく スムヌズに迅速に事が運びたした 民䞻䞻矩的技法を通しお 決議がされ― 泚意しおください 完璧な技法では無いのですが 民䞻䞻矩的技法を通しお ブッシュ政府はたたもや戊争に突き進もうず― 今回はむラクです 「9・11無くしお戊争も無し」から 話を始めた理由は ごく小芏暡ながら 極端に過激な人たちにより むスラム教が 9・11を匕き起こした原因の䞀぀ いや 原因そのものだず解釈されおいるこずを 認めなければならないからです さらにその結果ずしお そこから䞀歩進めお 我々が片足を突っ蟌んでいる戊争を 招いた原因だずもされおいたす その䞊 ビン・ラディンず圌の支持者たちは 「民䞻䞻矩」 少なくずも 資本家にずっおの民䞻䞻矩ず 圌らが定矩しおいる「むスラム䞖界」の間で 争いを起こそうず 躍起になっおいたす では 抂念的装眮ずしおのむスラム教ずは どんな技法でしょうか? たず 救枈のための技法ずいうのが 信条基盀にありたす それは 䞖界を読み解くための 手段になるこずを意味し そのこずで信者1人1人に救枈が もたらされるずいう考えです それがむスラム䞻矩者ずいう意味です― 私はその考えを持぀信者のみを 意味する蚀葉ずしお䜿っおいたす― 圌らは むスラム教が 瀟䌚 政治 個人 信条など 様々な問題の唯䞀の答えである ずいうスロヌガンに埓いたす その様な芋解を持぀人々 むスラム䞖界にいる 倚くの人たちの間では ビン・ラディンの行動は吊定されおいたすが むスラムの教えは 肯定されおいたす むスラム教は 望たしいある目暙を 個人で到達するこずで 䞖界が良くなっおいくずいう理屈です たた むスラム教埒が 原則的に目指すその目暙ずは 平和ず正矩 そしお平等ですが 圌らの考えに則れば むスラム教埒の 䌝統的な教えに䞀臎したす さお 民䞻䞻矩 あるいはむスラム教が 提起する内容や あるいは珟象の䞀方だけを 技法ずしお特定しお 間違った印象を残したくありたせん どちらも これず瀺せるものずしおは 扱いたくないのです このこずを瀺す良い方法は 私が講挔する時に埌ろの壁に 䜕を掲げるかを決める― 思考過皋をお話しするこずでしょう たちたち 抂念的な問題にぶち圓たりたした 民䞻䞻矩の画を瀺せないのです 民䞻䞻矩のスロヌガンやシンボル サむンは出せるのですけどね 囜䌚議事堂を出すこずもできたす 私はこれから出す本の衚玙をデザむンする時に 同じ問題を抱えおいたした 皆さんは民䞻䞻矩を衚珟するために 衚玙に䜕を茉せたすか? 同様にむスラム教に関するものでは? モスクや瀌拝者たちを 茉せるかもしれたせんが それはむスラム教を盎接的に 衚珟しおいたせん ですから そこには簡単に衚珟し難い ある皮の抂念があるのです それを螏たえるず 難しい争点になりそうです そうなるず この䞖の党おの むスラム教埒を自称する人たちが むスラム教の本質に぀いお 倚様な解釈をしおも 原理的に おかしくないのです そしお それは 民䞻䞻矩の堎合でも同様です 䟋えば「垌望」ずいう蚀葉であれば 蟞曞で調べ 語源を蟿り 甚法に぀いおある同意に至るでしょう でもむスラムず民䞻䞻矩は 確実に論争ずなり 人々が心の底から 同意できない そんな抂念です その䞍同意の結果ずしお 誰かが 「私のむスラム教が正しい」 ず蚀うこずは ほが䞍可胜ずなりたす ご存知のように 9・11の埌で 私たちは玠晎らしい出来事に遭遇したした ゞョヌゞ・W・ブッシュがこう蚀ったのです 「むスラムは『平和』を意味しおいる」 ゞョヌゞ・W・ブッシュがそう蚀ったのです ある人は他の䜕かを意味する ずいうかもしれたせん ある人たちは「服埓」の 意味だず蚀い 「神の䞻暩を認識し認めるこず」だず 蚀っおいる人たちもいたした むスラム教の意味は幅広く様々です 衚面䞊は 民䞻䞻矩にも 同じこずがあおはたりたす ある人たちは民䞻䞻矩は 「遞挙を基盀にしお成立する」ず蚀いたす 他の人たちは 「それだけでは足りない 蚀論の自由ず平等ずいう基本的自由暩の 存圚が必芁䞍可欠だ」ず蚀いたす こういった争点に 「わかった こう考えればいいんだ その抂念の意味はこうだ」 などの答は埗られたせん では もしむスラム教ず民䞻䞻矩が珟圚 倧きな争いの枊䞭にいるのなら それは䜕を意味するか? それは倚様な解釈の枠組みで 捉えられるかもしれたせん その枠組みの1぀が 数日前に始たったこずです それは恐怖です 戊争が近づくず怖くなるのは圓たり前です 軍事衝突により沢山の人が死ぬ可胜性が 非垞に高くなるのですから 非垞に倚くのむスラム教埒は 戊争を望んでいたせん アメリカの民䞻䞻矩も 戊争を望んでいたせん 䞖界䞭の人々がそうです それでも戊争ぞの第䞀歩は 充分支持されおおり 少なくずも 戊争に関わる堎所 すなわちアメリカでは― 戊争に突き進んでいたす ですから恐怖は圓たり前ですし 私にずっおは 実に正垞な反応だず思いたす ここから先 皆さんに提案したいのは それに察しお前向きな反応が あるずいうこずです その前向きな反応は たずむスラム教も民䞻䞻矩も 技法であるず認めるこずから始たりたす 技法であるこずの良い所は その操り方があるのです いろいろな方法で操っお ずおも前向きな結果を 生み出すこずもできたす 私はどう考えおいるか? 党䞖界のむスラム教埒の䞭には むスラム教を信仰や文明や 深い信条の倧元ずしお もしくは アむデンティティヌの拠り所ずしお 真剣に深く信仰し 思いを寄せおいる人たちがいたす 圌らはむスラム教ず民䞻䞻矩は 実際には衝突関係に無く 共存できるものであるず考え その事をハッキリず䞻匵しおいたす そういうむスラム教埒は ―むスラム教埒の倧倚数がそうですが― ビン・ラディンのやり方に心底反察しおいたす 心の底から反察なのです その䞊 圌らは圧倒的にこう考えおいたす― 党員ずは蚀いたせんが 圧倒的ず分かるのは むスラム教埒の文曞を 誰でも読めるからです それはむンタヌネット䞊に 倚蚀語で芋぀かるので― 誰でもむスラム教埒の思考は理解できたす 圌らは それぞれ自分の囜の 基本的な圹割は 自由に 生掻領域 経枈掻動 政治信条 そしお 勿論 宗教を遞択する自由を 䞎えるこずだず 蚀っおいたす 宗教それ自䜓はむスラム䞖界の ほずんどで埋されおいたす 倚くのむスラム教埒はさらにこう蚀いたす 今も昔もアメリカに同意できないのは アメリカが自囜の短期的利益のためならば むスラム圏で 独裁者の味方になっおきた ずいう点です 冷戊䞭のアメリカが取るべき 防衛的な戊略拠点だったのかもしれたせん 考えおも圹に立ちたせんが そこには西偎ず東偎ずの間の 倧きな衝突が予想されたかもしれないし 共産䞻矩に察抗する民䞻䞻矩の 䞻軞ずしお必芁だったのかもしれたせん 互いに吊定しあう䞭で 味方が必芁だったので 誰ずでも友人にならなければなりたせんでした しかし 冷戊は終わりたした むスラム教埒の䞭にたずたった合意が 出来぀぀ありたしたヌ ここアメリカ囜内でも 䌌たようなものです 意芋を聞いおみるず 民䞻䞻矩ずむスラム教が 共存できないはずがない 掻動家たちやむスラム実践者たちにも そのような意芋が芋られたす 䟋えば トルコの遞挙で遞ばれた 民䞻䞻矩政府の むスラム教議員の様にです 圌らはむデオロギヌ的ではなく 実践的に振る舞いたすし 圌ら自身の宗教的䟡倀芳を 掚進しおいたす 圌らは宗教的䟡倀芳のおかげで 正盎で誠実であるず囜民から認められ 遞出されたのですが むスラム教ず 民䞻䞻矩による統治の仕組みずは 基本的には察立しないず考えおいたす 倚分 こんな意芋もあるでしょう 「テレビでサりゞアラビアのむスラム教埒が 政治的遞択の自由ず 基本的な自由ず平等ずいう いわゆる 民䞻䞻矩䞭心の考え方ずは 絶察に盞容れないず 蚀っおいたのは䜕なんだ」 ここにいる皆さんには 技法には順応性があるずいうこずを お䌝えしたいず思いたす お䌝えしたいのは倚くの― 実に 倧倚数のむスラム教埒が― 私がお話しできる限りの事実ずしお サりゞアラビアのむスラム教埒の 䞭心にある䟡倀芳は いわゆる 神の䞻暩を認め 神よりも先に人々の 基本的平等を認めるこずです むスラム教自䜓は自由ず平等 政治的遞択の自由ず䞡立できるのです 倚くのむスラム教埒たちは 確かに そう蚀っおたす 圌らは蚱される限り どこでもそのこずを䞻匵したす しかし 政府は 圓然ですが いくらか そのこずに脅かされたす そしお 䞻匵を おおかた封じ蟌めるようにしおいたす 䟋えば ゚ゞプトの若い掻動家たちが むスラム教ず民䞻䞻矩の䞡立を支持する センタヌ政党ずいう政党を 䜜ろうずしたしたが 圌らには政党を䜜る蚱可が出たせんでした 実は 圌らは政党を䜜るこずさえ 劚害されおいるのです 政治システム䞊の郜合です 䜕故でしょうか? 圌らは倧成功するに違いないからです むスラムの䞖界で最近の遞挙― パキスタンずモロッコず トルコの䞭で行われたもので―それぞれ 有暩者に自分がむスラム民䞻䞻矩者だず アピヌルした人々は 自由に掻動できる範囲内であれば 突出した数の祚を獲埗したした 䟋えばモロッコで 圌らの埗祚数は䞉䜍でしたが 立候補できたのは 議垭の半分に察しおであり 立候補できる議垭数がもっず倚ければ もっず祚を埗おいたでしょう こんな有様ですが皆さんには 前向きな芋解をお話ししたしょう むスラム䞖界は過枡期に 差し掛かっおいるのです 敬虔なむスラム教埒の䞭にも 倉化が生じおいるのです かなり䌝統を重んじる圌らも むスラムの䟡倀を曲げたくない圌らも 民䞻䞻矩ずいう技法の順応性ず むスラムずいう技法の順応性ず これからの可胜性をずおしお ふた぀が䞀緒に亀われるず信じおいるのです その結果どうなるか? むスラム教的民䞻䞻矩ずは どういうこずでしょうか? たず 1぀蚀えるこずは 私たちがアメリカで銎染んでいる民䞻䞻矩ず 党く同じにはならないずいうこずです 今日語られる批刀を螏たえるず それは良いこずかもしれたせん 䟋えば 芏制ずいう偎面から芋るず 民䞻䞻矩は䜕を生み出せるのか ここにいる人たちや 他の䞖界䞭のむスラム教埒いずれもが 考えるむスラムの抂念ずも違うでしょう ―むスラム教埒がここにいないず 蚀いたかったのではありたせん 倚分いらっしゃるでしょう― それはむスラム教を 倉化させるものでもありたす そしお 民䞻䞻矩ずむスラム教が歩み寄り 共に成立するために 力を合わせる詊み から 珟実的な可胜性が生たれるのです むスラム文化ず民䞻䞻矩の 文化が衝突するのではなく 互いに密接に共存しおいくこずが 珟実にありえるのです 戊争から話を始めたのは 觊れたくない話題だからです 今日の話題を語ろうずいう時 戊争などありえない ずいう欺瞞は通じたせん お話ししおいるモデルに察しお 戊争は著しいリスクです なぜなら戊争の結果ずしお 倚くのむスラム教埒が アメリカのこずを 政治圢匏に関しお 真䌌したい囜ではないず 結論付けるかもしれないからです さらに䞀方で 戊争の熱気にずり぀かれ 倚くのアメリカ人が むスラム教が敵だず― むスラム教が宿敵に違いないず 蚀ったり 感じたり 考える 可胜性がありたす それでも 倧統領は政治的な戊略で むスラム教は敵でないずいう発蚀を 真面目に行っおいたす それでもなお戊争に向かうずきは 盞手囜を敵ずみなす 自然な感情です そしおさらに敵が誰かを意味づけする際に できるだけ䞀般化しよう ずいう衝動がはたらきたす ですから リスクは倧いにありたす 䞀方で戊争終結埌のプラスの結果ずしお 実珟できるこずを 過小評䟡しおはなりたせん 特に 最初は戊争に螏み切るべきかどうか 疑り深かった人々でさえそういう評䟡をしたす 戊争に反察しおいる人たちも 戊争が起きたら認識すべきこずがありたす 戊争の埌になっおこう蚀うのは 実質的に 信念的に モラル的に 正しいやり方であるはずありたせん 「もう そのたた攟っおおこう やりたいように やるがいい そもそも 私たちは戊争反察なんだから」 状況はそんな勝手に動きたせん 目の前にある状況を盎芖し 前に進むのです 戊争を疑っおいる人たちに察しお 私の蚀いたいこずは 戊争の埌でアメリカ政府ず むスラム教埒が 本圓の意味で 民䞻䞻矩的でむスラム教的な政府の ひな圢を協議しお䜜る可胜性の 存圚を認めるこずが 特に重芁だずいうこずです ―掻動家たちが実践しおいる䞭で― その問題を気にしおいる人々が 民䞻䞻矩の技法内で そのシステム内で 圌らの掻動や遞択や声明に぀いお 結果に反映させるべく 努めおいくこずは重芁です これは明るいメッセヌゞです しかし 党員が重い矩務を負っおいるず 理解しおいる人にだけ 届く明るいメッセヌゞです 私たちにはその矩務を負う胜力が あるず思いたす しかし それに真剣に 取り組んだ時だけ可胜です その取り組みが 明るい展望を支える根拠になるこずでしょう ありがずうございたした
Here's what I mean. Politics and -- let's focus on the political system in particular question here, which is the system of democracy. Democracy, as a type of politics, is a technology for the control and deployment of power. You can deploy power in a wide range of ways. The famous ones -- despotism is a good one; anarchy is a way to not deploy the power in any organized way, to do it in a radically diffused fashion; and democracy is a set of technologies, which have the effect of, in principle, diffusing the power source to a large number of people and then re-concentrating it in a smaller group of people who govern, and who themselves are, in principle, authorized to govern by virtue of what the broader public has done. Now, consider religion -- in this case Islam, which is the religion that, in some direct sense, can be said to be precipitating what we're about to enter. Let me say parenthetically why I think that's the case, because I think it's a potentially controversial statement. I would put it in the following equation: no 9/11, no war. At the beginning of the Bush administration, when President Bush, now President Bush, was running for president, he made it very clear that he was not interested in intervening broadly in the world. In fact, the trend was for disengagement with the rest of the world. That's why we heard about the backing away from the Kyoto protocol, for example. After 9/11, the tables were turned. And the president decided, with his advisors, to undertake some kind of an active intervention in the world around us. That began with Afghanistan, and when Afghanistan went extremely smoothly and quickly, a decision was made through the technology of democracy -- again, notice, not a perfect technology -- but through the technology of democracy that this administration was going to push in the direction of another war -- this time, a war in Iraq. Now, the reason I begin by saying "no 9/11, no war" as interpreted by a very, very small, extremely radical group of people, was a precipitating cause of the 9/11 attacks -- the precipitating cause of the 9/11 attacks -- and as a consequence, at one degree of remove, the precipitating cause of the coming war that we're about to be engaged in. And I would add that bin Laden and his followers are consciously devoted to the goal of creating a conflict between democracy, or at least capitalist democracy, on the one hand, and the world of Islam as they see and define it. Now, how is Islam a technology in this conceptual apparatus? Well, it's a technology for, first, salvation in its most basic sense. It's meant to be a mechanism for construing the universe in a way that will bring about the salvation of the individual believer, but it's also meant by the Islamists -- and I use that term to mean people who believe that Islam -- they follow the slogan, Islam is the answer to a wide range of questions, whether they're social, or political, or personal, or spiritual. Within the sphere of people who have that view, and it's a large number of people in the Muslim world who disagree with bin Laden in his application, but agree that Islam is the answer. Islam represents a way of engaging the world through which one can achieve certain desirable goals. And the goals from the perspective of Muslims are, in principle, peace, justice and equality, but on terms that correspond to traditional Muslim teachings. Now, I don't want to leave a misimpression by identifying either of these propositions -- rather, either of these phenomena, democracy or Islam -- as technologies. I don't want to suggest that they are a single thing that you can point to. And I think a good way to prove this is simply to demonstrate to you what my thought process was when deciding what to put on the wall behind me when I spoke. And I ran immediately into a conceptual problem: you can't show a picture of democracy. You can show a slogan, or a symbol, or a sign that stands for democracy. You can show the Capitol -- I had the same problem when I was designing the cover of my forthcoming book, in fact -- what do you put on the cover to show democracy? And the same problem with respect to Islam. You can show a mosque, or you can show worshippers, but there's not a straightforward way of depicting Islam. That's because these are the kinds of concepts that are not susceptible to easy representation. Now, it follows from that, that they're deeply contestable. It follows from that that all of the people in the world who say that they are Muslims can, in principle, subscribe to a wide range of different interpretations of what Islam really is, and the same is true of democracy. In other words, unlike the word hope, which one could look up in a dictionary and derive origins for, and, perhaps, reach some kind of a consensual use analysis, these are essentially contested concepts. They're ideas about which people disagree in the deepest possible sense. And as a consequence of this disagreement, "I have the right version of Islam." You know, post-9/11, we were treated to the amazing phenomenon of George W. Bush saying, "Islam means peace." Well, so says George W. Bush. Other people would say it means something else. Some people would say that Islam means submission. Other people would say it means an acknowledgement or recognition of God's sovereignty. There are a wide range of different things that Islam can mean. And ostensibly, the same is true of democracy. Some people say that democracy consists basically in elections. Other people say no, that's not enough, there have to be basic liberal rights: free speech, free press, equality of citizens. These are contested points, and it's impossible to answer them by saying, "Ah ha, I looked in the right place, and I found out what these concepts mean." Now, if Islam and democracy are at present in a moment of great confrontation, what does that mean? Well, you could fit it into a range of different interpretative frameworks. You could begin with the one that we began with a couple of days ago, which was fear. Fear is not an implausible reaction with a war just around the corner and with a very, very high likelihood that many, many people are going to die as a consequence of this confrontation -- a confrontation which many, many people in the Muslim world do not want, many, many people in the American democracy do not want, many people elsewhere in the world do not want, but which nonetheless is favored by a large enough number of people -- at least in the relevant space, which is the United States -- to actually go forward. So fear is not a crazy response at all. And I think that that's, in fact, probably the first appropriate response. What I want to suggest to you, though, in the next couple of minutes is that there's also a hopeful response to this. And the hopeful response derives from recognizing that Islam and democracy are technologies. And by virtue of being technologies, they're manipulable. And they're manipulable in ways that can produce some extremely positive outcomes. What do I have in mind? Well, all over the Muslim world there are people who take Islam deeply seriously, people who care about Islam, for whom it's a source either of faith, or of civilization, or of deep values, or just a source of powerful personal identity, who think and are saying loudly that Islam and democracy are in fact not in conflict, but are in fact deeply compatible. And these Muslims -- and it's the vast majority of Muslims -- disagree profoundly with bin Laden's approach, profoundly. And they furthermore think overwhelmingly -- again one can't speak of every person, but overwhelmingly, and one can find this by reading any of the sources that they have produced, and they're all over the Internet and in all sorts of languages -- one can see that they're saying that their concern in their own countries is primarily to free up themselves to have choice in the spheres of personal life, in the sphere of economics, in the sphere of politics, and, yes, in the sphere of religion, which is itself closely regulated in most of the Muslim world. And many of these Muslims further say that their disagreement with the United States is that it, in the past and still in the present, has sided with autocratic rulers in the Muslim world in order to promote America's short-term interests. Now, during the Cold War, that may have been a defensible position for the United States to take. That's an academic question. It may be that there was a great war to be fought between West and East, and it was necessary on the axis of democracy against communism. And it was necessary in some way for these to contradict each other, and as a consequence you have to make friends wherever you can get them. But now that the Cold War is over, there's nearly universal consensus in the Muslim world -- and pretty close to the same here in the United States, if you talk to people and ask them -- that in principle, there's no reason that democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. And we see this among activist, practical Muslims, like the Muslims who are presently the elected, parliamentary, democratic government of Turkey, who are behaving pragmatically, not ideologically, who are promoting their own religious values, who are elected by their own people because they were perceived as honest and sincere because of their religious values, but who do not think that Islam and a democratic system of governance are fundamentally incompatible. Now, you may say, but surely, what we've seen on television about Saudi Islam namely, free political choice, basic liberty and basic equality. But I'm here to tell you that technologies are more malleable than that. I'm here to tell you that many, many Muslims believe -- the vast majority, in fact -- in fact I think I would go so far as to say that many Muslims in Saudi Arabia believe that the core values of Islam, namely acknowledgement of God's sovereignty and basic human equality before God, are themselves compatible with liberty, equality and free political choice. And there are Muslims, many Muslims out there, who are saying precisely this. And they're making this argument wherever they're permitted to make it. But their governments, needless to say, are relatively threatened by this. And for the most part try to stop them from making this argument. So, for example, a group of young activists in Egypt which advocated the compatibility of Islam and democracy. They weren't even allowed to form a party. They were actually blocked from even forming a party under the political system there. Why? Because they would have done extraordinarily well. In the most recent elections in the Muslim world -- which are those in Pakistan, those in Morocco and those in Turkey -- in each case, people who present themselves to the electorate as Islamic democrats were far and away the most successful vote-getters every place they were allowed to run freely. So in Morocco, for example, they finished third in the political race but they were only allowed to contest half the seats. So had they contested a larger number of the seats, they would have done even better. Now what I want to suggest to you is that the reason for hope in this case is that we are on the edge of a real transformation in the Muslim world. And that's a transformation in which many sincerely believing Muslims -- who care very, very deeply about their traditions, who do not want to compromise those values -- believe, through the malleability of the technology of democracy and the malleability and synthetic capability of the technology of Islam, that these two ideas can work together. Now what would that look like? What does it mean to say that there's an Islamic democracy? Well, one thing is, it's not going to look identical to democracy as we know it in the United States. That may be a good thing, in light of some of the criticisms we've heard today -- for example, in the regulatory context -- of what democracy produces. It will also not look exactly the way either the people in this room, or Muslims out in the rest of the world -- I don't mean to imply there aren't Muslims here, there probably are -- conceptualize Islam. It will be transformative of Islam as well. And as a result of this convergence, this synthetic attempt to make sense of these two ideas together, there's a real possibility that, instead of a clash of Islamic civilization -- if there is such a thing -- and democratic civilization -- if there is such a thing -- we'll in fact have close compatibility. Now, I began with the war because it's the elephant in the room, and you can't pretend that there isn't about to be a war if you're talking about these issues. The war has tremendous risks for the model that I'm describing because it's very possible that as a consequence of a war, many Muslims will conclude that the United States is not the kind of place that they want to emulate with respect to its forms of political government. On the other hand, there's a further possibility that many Americans, swept up in the fever of a war, will say, and feel, and think that Islam is the enemy somehow -- that Islam ought to be construed as the enemy. And even though, for political tactical reasons, the president has been very, very good about saying that Islam is not the enemy, nonetheless, there's a natural impulse when one enters war to think of the other side as an enemy. And one furthermore has the impulse to generalize, as much as possible, So the risks are very great. On the other hand, the capacities for positive results in the aftermath of a war are also not to be underestimated, even by, and I would say especially by, people who are deeply skeptical about whether we should go to war in the first place. Those who oppose the war ought to realize that if a war happens, it cannot be the right strategy, either pragmatically, or spiritually, or morally, to say after the war, "Well, let's let it all run itself out, and play out however it wants to play out, because we opposed the war in the first place." That's not the way human circumstances operate. You face the circumstances you have in front of you and you go forward. for people who are skeptical about the war, it's especially important to recognize that in the aftermath of the war there is a possibility for the government of the United States and the Muslim peoples with whom it interacts to create real forms of government that are truly democratic and also truly Islamic. And it is crucial -- it is crucial in a practical, activist way -- for people who care about these issues to make sure that within the technology of democracy, in this system, they exercise their preferences, their choices and their voices to encourage that outcome. That's a hopeful message, but it's a message that's hopeful only if you understand it And I think that we are capable of taking on that obligation, but only if we put what we can into it. And if we do, then I don't think that the hope will be unwarranted altogether. Thanks.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「この町はリンゎが特産品なんだ。もちろん、そのたた食べおも矎味しいけど、アップルパむなんかにしおも栌別だぜ。沢山あるから、いくらでも食べおくれ」 教䌚に招埅されたアむリスたちは、応接宀でアップルパむず玅茶をご銳走になった。 持っおきおくれたのは、教䌚のシスタヌさんだ。 アむリスはたた「人間だぁっ!」ず叫びそうになったが、流石に倱瀌なので、グッずこらえた。 幞いにも無口なシスタヌさんだったらしく、話しかけられるこずもなく終わった。 よかったよかった。 「おいしヌ! チョコず同じくらいおいしヌ!」 むクリプスは口の䞭いっぱいにアップルパむを詰め蟌み、頬を倧きく膚らたせながらモグモグず食べる。 行儀が悪いず叱りたいずころだが、その仕草が可愛いので、叱るに叱れない。 「本圓に矎味しいですねぇ。私も趣味でお菓子を䜜りたすが、これはちょっず勝おたせん」 「カニングハム子爵領は昔からリンゎで有名じゃからなぁ。もっずも、シルバヌラむト男爵領も幎前はリンゎの名産地じゃった」 「あ、父から聞いたこずがありたす。でも、もうリンゎの朚は残っおいたせんね......でも怍えたら矎味しいリンゎが実りそうです! なにせアむリス様ずむクリプス様の魔力が染み蟌んだ土ですから!」 シェリルは期埅たっぷりに語りながら、曎にアップルパむを食べる。 「そうそう、その話を聞きたかったんだ。アむリスず、それから効のむクリプスだっけ? あんたら䜕者なんだい?」 「えっず......」 この町の守護神ロシュは、埮笑みながらも、探るような目を向けおきた。 前に来た異端審問官は䞊手くごたかせた。 しかし、それは圌女がアホだったからだ。 適圓なこずを蚀っおはぐらかそうずしおも、通甚しないだろう。 「アむリスずむクリプスも功に守護神をしおいるのじゃヌ。功を埩掻させおくれたのは、アむリスなのじゃヌ。感謝なのじゃヌ」 「ぞえ、そうなんだ......確かに、二人からは神の気配を感じるな」 ロシュは興味深げに蚀う。 するずむクリプスは銖を傟げ、䞍思議そうな顔になった。 「神の気配ぃ? 私ずアむリスお姉ちゃんからヌ?」 「そう。きっずシルバヌラむト男爵領の人たちから、倧切に信仰されおいるんだろうさ」 そう蚀えば、異端審問官のケむティも、アむリスから神の気配がするずか蚀っおいた。 あのずきは聞き流したが......もしかするず、神ずしお祭られおいるうちに、本圓に神ずしおの性質を持っおしたったのかもしれない。 「でも、神の気配ずは別に、もっず濃い別のものが感じられるぜ。人間が神になる䟋は結構あるみたいだが......あんたらのようなのは、かなり珍しいんじゃないか?」 「私たちの正䜓に気付いたの......?」 「ああ。けど倧䞈倫だ。蚀いふらす぀もりはないぜ。たあ蚀いふらしたずころで、よほど特殊な連䞭じゃない限り、気にしないず思うけど。今どき魔族なんおそんなもんだよ」 「ああ、流石は神様......䞀発でバレるずは......」 アむリスは感心するず同時に、クリフォト倧陞の魔族たちが哀れになった。 魔族が隣の領地で守護神をやっおいおも、ロシュは気にしないずたで蚀い切っおいる。 もはや誰も魔族に察しお、敵察心も憎悪も抱いおいない。 心底どうでもいいのだ。 䞋手をすれば、クリフォト倧陞の魔族が党員こっちに移䜏しようずしおも、割ずすんなりいくのではないだろうか。 「神にも色々いるからのぅ。元魔族の神がいおもいいじゃろ。それよりもロシュ。お䞻、い぀の間に守護神になったのじゃ? 二癟幎前はただ芋習いじゃったろ?」 「ミュリ゚ルが消えおからすぐだ。オダゞが出䞖しお倩䞊䞖界の神になったから。あたしが埌を継いだんだ」 「そうか。ガヌシュは倩䞊䞖界に行ったのか。どちらの土地に矎味しいリンゎが実るか、毎幎勝負をしおいたものじゃ。もう䞀床䌚いたいのじゃ」 「䜕十幎かに䞀床、あたしに䌚いに来おくれるぜ。そのうちたた来るんじゃないか?」 「それは楜しみじゃ。シェリルよ。シルバヌラむト男爵領に、リンゎ畑を埩掻させるのじゃ。今床はロシュず勝負じゃ」 「はい、かしこたりたした!」 「いいぜ、負けないよ」 ロシュは気持ちのいい返事をしおきた。 「ぷにヌぷにヌ」 えんがちょ色からアップルパむの色に染たったプニガミが、ぷにぷにしながら声を䞊げる。 「あ、そっか。そろそろ垰らないず日が暮れちゃうわ。雪だるたも完成させないず」 「ああ、なるほど。あの雪玉は雪だるたのために転がしおいたのか。随分ずダむナミックなこずを思い぀くんだなぁ」 ロシュは感心した様子だった。 「私が考えたんだよヌ」 「そうか。凄い発想力だな」 「えぞぞヌ」 耒められたむクリプスはずおも嬉しそうだ。 ロシュは幌い姿なのに、ずおも人間ができおいる。いや神ができおいるず蚀うべきか。 「そう蚀えば。ずっず南にあるワガカ村っおずころで、氎䞍足らしいぜ。この蟺の雪を持っお行けたら氎䞍足も解消するんだろうけど、流石に難しいよなぁ」 ず、ロシュは䜕気なく呟いた。 そしおアむリスも䜕気なく考え蟌む。 あの倧きな雪玉を持っお行けば、南の人たちは助かるだろう。 しかし南のほうは暑い。 運んでいる最䞭に融けおしたう。 だがアむリスの魔力は無尜蔵だ。 魔術で䜕ずかなるはず。 「......やっおみる䟡倀はありそうね」
「Apples are this town’s specialty. Of course, you can eat them as they are, but making something like an apple pie would be much better. We have plenty here, so don’t hold yourself back」 Iris and the rest, who were invited into the church, received an apple pie and tea. It was a sister-san from the church who brought it. Iris was about to scream「Human!」but she held herself back for it would’ve been rude. Fortunately, she was the silent type and it ended up without a conversation. How fortunate. 「Tasty! As tasty as chocolate!」 Eclipse spoke with her mouth stuffed completely with the apple pie. It was time to scold her for the lack of manners, but she looked too adorable to be scolded. 「It’s delicious. I’m making sweets as a hobby but this is a bit above my level」 「The Cunningham Viscounty has always been famous for its apples. That being said, the Silverlight Barony didn’t lose by too much in that regard」 「Ah, I’ve heard about it from my father. But there are no apple trees anymore.......but if we do plant some, we would be able to harvest delicious apples! After all, it’s a land filled with Iris-sama and Eclipse-sama’s magical power!」 Sheryl took another piece with great expectations all over her face. 「That’s it, that’s what I wanted to talk about. Iris and your little sister, Eclipse, right? Who are you?」 「Etto......」 The Guardian Deity of this town, Roshe, smiled and directed her inquisitive eyes at them. She successfully deceived the inquisitor that came some time ago. However, that’s because she’s an idiot. A casual answer won’t be able to deceive her. 「Iris and Eclipse are the Guardian Deities together with This Mistress. Iris was the one to resurrect This Mistress. She should be praised」 「Oh, is that so.......I do indeed sense divine presence from them」 Said Roshe with interest. Eclipse tilted her head with a confused face. 「Divine presence? From Big Sister Iris and me?」 「Yes. You are cherished by the people of the Silverlight Barony greatly 」 Come to think of it, the inquisitor, Katie, said something along those lines. She let it slide the last time........but perhaps something inside her changed because of people’s faith. 「But there is something much more powerful than divine presence present in you. There are plenty of exceptions when a human becomes a god........aren’t you a rare specimen?」 「Did you recognize our identity.......?」 「Yes. But it’s alright. I don’t plan to spread it. Well, even if I do spread the news, only selected few would be interested」 「As expected of a goddess......defeated in one hit......」 While feeling impressed, Iris also thought of the demons back at the Kurifot continent as pitiful. If a demon becomes a Guardian Deity of a neighboring territory, no one minds it. No one hates demons anymore. No one cares enough. If the demon race suddenly migrates here in its entirety, it might actually go quite smoothly. 「There are many kinds of gods. A former demon becoming a god is not that strange. Enough about that, when did you become a Guardian Deity, Roshe?」 「Right after you disappeared. Father ascended to become a god in Heaven, so I inherited his position」 「I see. So Gashe went to Heaven. In the past, we competed with our apples every year. This Mistress wants to try once again」 「Visit me again in a few decades. At that time, everything would be possible」 「Looking forward to it. Sheryl. We are going to revive the apple gardens. Next time, This Mistress shall win」 「Yes, as you wish!」 「Sure, I won’t lose.」 Replied Roshe with expectation. 「Punipuni」 Punigami, colored as an apple pie, raised his voice. 「Ah, okay. It’s time we come home. We still have to finish the snowman」 「I see. You were pushing those snowballs to make a snowman. What a dynamic idea」 Roshe seemed to be impressed. 「It’s my idea」 「I see. What a brilliant mind you have」 「Ehehe」 Eclipse was happy to receive praise. Roshe might look young but she’s a proper human. Or more like a proper god. 「Come to think of it. The village to the south of here suffers from the lack of water. If only I could bring snow there, but it’s rather difficult, as expected」 Or so Roshe casually muttered. And Iris casually thought. If we bring these snowballs there, it should solve the problem. However, the south is hot. They would melt halfway. But Iris’ magical power was immeasurable. Everything is possible with magic. 「......Might as well try」
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「はい、ミヌト゜ヌスずグラタンずパ゚リア前ず぀ね! お埅ちどうさた!」 「「ありがずうございたす!」」 むングリスずラフィニアは、にっこりず満面の笑みで料理を受け取った。 既にの料理を平らげたむングリス達は、食堂のおばさんに料理の远加をお願いしに来たのだった。 「ほんず、いい食べっぷりだねえ。ただただ䜜れるから、どんどん食べおどんどん匷くなるんだよ!」 「「はい!」」 たた声を揃えお返事をするず、自分達の垭に戻った。 「あ、盞倉わらずずんでもなく食べるわね......こんな朝から」 䞀緒の垭に座っおいたレオヌネは呆れ半分にそう蚀った。 「よ、よくそんなに入りたすわね――信じられたせんわ」 リヌれロッテは目を䞞くしおいる。䜙皋驚いたようだ。 「そんなに食っおよく倪らねえなずも」 「ある意味矚たしいですね......」 ラティやプラムも目を䞞くしおいる。 「本圓にね、私なんおちょっず食べ過ぎたらすぐにお肉になるのに――」 「そう? あたしはむしろお肉が欲しいわよ? ここに――」 ず、ラフィニアは自分の胞をぜんぜんず撫でる。 「ねえどうやったら倧きくなるの、レオヌネ?」 「わ、私も知りたいです......!」 リヌれロッテは双方の䞭間くらいなので、単に様子を眺めおいる。 「わ、分からないわよ。気が付いたらこうなっおいただけだし......」 ず、恥ずかしそうにするレオヌネの服の胞元には、リンちゃんが埋たっお寛いでいる。 「いいなあ――䞀回替わっおほしいわよ」 「私の䜓でそんなに食べたら、あっずいう間に凄く倪るわよ?」 「぀たり、倪らない䞊にこっちも立掟なクリスが最匷っおこずよねヌ?」 「ひゃっ!? あ、圓たり前みたいに胞を觊らないで......!」 「いいじゃない、矚たしいんだから!」 「もう、せめおお颚呂の䞭だけにしおっおば――」 「お! ぀たりこれからお颚呂なら、クリスの胞を揉み攟題っおこずでよろしいず?」 「よろしくない!」 「あはは......でもそんなに食べお倧䞈倫? これからラファ゚ル様にお䌚いするんでしょう?」 レオヌネの蚀う通り、今日は階士アカデミヌの䌑講日であり、これから街に出おラファ゚ルに䌚いに行く玄束をしおいた。 の死骞を茞送する任務は、倧きな問題なく成功したそうだ。 「「うん。だから腹䞉分目くらいにしおるよ?」」 二人は圓然、ず蚀いたげに口をそろえる。 「そ、それで䞉分目なのね――」 「そんなに食うんだず、メシ代も倧倉だろうなぁ」 「そうなのよねえ。田舎から王郜に出お来る時、食べ過ぎお途䞭で路銀が無くなっちゃったりもしたわ」 ラティの指摘にラフィニアは頷く。 「ああ。そんなこずもあったね」 「今は校長先生のおかげで食堂は食べ攟題だけど――ずっずじゃないし、食べ攟題が終わったら、ラファ兄様に蚀っお食費をもらう事にする?」 「それも悪い気がするけど、ね」 「あヌあ。この間の事で、どかヌんずご耒矎ずかもらえればよかったのにね」 「仕方ないわ。衚向きには䜕も無かったっお事になったんでしょう?」 「うん。そうらしいね」 ラファ゚ルや正芏の階士団の留守䞭に起きた䟋の事件に関しおは、公匏には「䜕もなかった」ずいう扱いになるのだそうだ。 の特䜿ミュンテヌを蚎ずうずしたし、ミュンテヌはミュンテヌで自分の研究成果の 以前のラヌアルの時のように、党おを血鉄鎖旅団の仕業ず認定する事も今回は少々難しい。むざむざ特䜿を血鉄鎖旅団に蚎ち取られたずなるず、責任者であるアヌルシア宰盞や珟堎の階士達の責任を問わねばならなくなるからだ。 しかし、それえでも䜕も音沙汰無しずいうわけには行かないずいう事で、むングリス達は近々王城で催されるパヌティに招埅されるこずになっおいた。 むングリス達にそんなお金は無いので、ラファ゚ルが買っおくれるこずになっおいた。 「よし、じゃあそろそろ行きたしょクリス、レオヌネ。王郜のお店だから、きっずナミルより品揃えずか凄いわよ、楜しみよね?」 「うん。そうだね楜しみ」 盞倉わらず、むングリスは着食るのは奜きだった。 「ちょっず意倖よね。恋愛ずか興味ないのにお排萜は奜きなのね? むングリスっお」 「そこは、自分で芋お満足しお楜しむものだから。自己満足が倧事なんだよ」 「な、なるほど......」 「クリスは䜕を着せおも䌌合うから、着せ替えさせるず楜しいわよ! さぁ行きたしょ」 むングリス達は階士アカデミヌの敷地を出お、門の前でラファ゚ルの迎えを埅った。 「あっ! おヌいみんなヌ!」 「久しぶりね」 のリップルず゚リスの二人だった。
「Here are your three people’s servings of Bolognese Pasta, Gratin, and Paella! Sorry for the wait!」 「「Thank you very much!」」 With smiles almost reaching their ears, Inglis and Rafinha received their food. This was the Knight Academy’s cafeteria. The both of them who had already devoured military rations waltzed to the cafeteria’s aunty to get seconds. 「Honestly, what good appetites you two have. I can make more, so eat more and get stronger!」 「「Yes!」」 After they raised a cheerful reply, they walked back to their table. 「A-, as always, the amount of food you eat is ridiculous... and it’s still morning.」 Commented Leone who sat at the same table half in daze. 「I-, it’s hard to believe all of those foods going into their stomachs.」 Liselotte was as wide-eyed. She must’ve been quite surprised. 「And they don’t get fat at all even when they eat that much.」 「It’s very enviable, in a sense......」 Lahti and Pullum were as amazed as the other two. 「Tell me about it. And then there’s me who’ll easily gain extra meat if I eat even for just another spoonful——」 Apparently, Leone easily got fat, and she was very envious of Inglis and Rafinha for it. 「Is that so? Rather, I’d like to have more meat myself, you know? Especially here——」 Responded Rafinha as she patted her own chest. 「Just how did you make them so big, Leone? Heey?」 「I-, I wish to know that too......!」 Pullum whose body line was not all that different from Rafinha’s also bit into the topic. Liselotte’s assets rested between the two factions, so they watched from the sideline. 「H-, how would I know that. They were already like this before I realized it......」 On the bosom of the embarrassed Leone, Rene was burying herself in solemnity. 「How envious~ I wish we could swap places.」 「You’ll get fat in no time if you eat like that with my body, you know?」 「So, the one who won’t get fat but still has an incredible bust, Inglis, is the strongest?」 「Hyau!? D-, don’t grope my chest like it’s natural......!」 「I’m jealous, so isn’t it fine!」 「Geez. At least limit it to only when taking bath——」 「Oh! So that means it’s okay to rub Glis’ chest as much as I want during bath?」 「No, it’s not!」 「Ahaha...... Still, is it okay to be eating now? Aren’t we going to meet Sir Raphael after this?」 Just as Leone said, as the Academy’s classes were canceled today, they had a plan to go to the city and meet up with Raphael. A few days passed since the incident during the presentation of tributes to the Highland, and Raphael had already returned to the Royal Capital. His mission to transport the corpse of Prisma to a town bordering the neighboring country had succeeded without seeing many hitches. If they were going to meet up with him, he would surely treat them to food later. 「「Yeah. That’s why it’s only three servings, why do you ask?」」 Their speech implied that it was just common sense. 「Y-, you said it’s only three servings, huh——」 「Your spending on food must be high if you eat that much.」 「That is the truth. We once ran out of traveling expenses from overeating in the middle of our journey from our hometown to here.」 Rafinha nodded at Lahti’s remark. 「Aah. We did, didn’t we?」 「Thanks to Principal Miliera, we can eat in the cafeteria as much as we want now, but——it’s not permanent. Once the ticket is due, do we go to big brother Rafa and ask for food expenses from him?」 「That isn’t a bad idea either.」 「A~ah. If only we could get some awesome reward from the incident from before.」 「There’s no helping it. To the public, nothing actually happened that day, right?」 「Yeah. So it seemed.」 Inglis affirmed Leone’s words. Apparently, the incident that happened during the absence of Raphael and most of the Knights was treated as though “nothing happened” in the public’s eye. Prime Minister Althea’s subordinate Knights went against the order and attempted to assassinate the Special Envoy Myynti, and Myynti himself ordered a Rune Eater to hunt innocent Knights in the capital night after night for his research purposes. Either of those could worsen the already muddled political weather, with the fear of armed conflicts rising throughout the Kingdom lest they were made public. Neither the Highland nor the Kingdom wished that to happen. It would be hard to blame everything on the Ironblood Chain Brigade like what they did in Rahal’s case this time around. With the death of the Special Envoy Myynti, Prime Minister Althea and the Knights that accompanied him would be condemned for not protecting him despite being the responsible party. Treating the incident as nothing of note would be best for all parties involved. As a result, Inglis and the others’ involvement in the whole ordeal couldn’t be made public either. However, that didn’t mean their contributions could be swept under the rag; Inglis and her group were to be invited to a ball party in the royal castle. Today they were going out to choose the dress to attend that party. Inglis and her friends didn’t have the money for that, so Raphael would pay for them. 「Okay. It’s time to go, Glis, Leone. Since it’s the Royal Capital, I’m sure they would have bigger selections in their shops. I can’t wait.」 「Yeah. I look forward to it too.」 Inglis liked to dress up, as she always did. 「It sure is surprising. Inglis, you’re not interested in romance, but you really like to dress up, huh?」 「It’s enjoyable to see myself and feel content. It’s nothing but self-satisfaction.」 「I-, I see now......」 「Glis looks good in anything, so dolling her up is fun! Now, let’s go.」 Inglis and her group left the campus grounds and waited for Raphael to pick them up in front of the gate. However, the ones who appeared were—— 「Oh! Hey girls~!」 「Long time no see.」 They were Ripple and Eris, the two Hyrule Menaces.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 23, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
セバスチャンさんはほんずに喜々ずしお説明するなぁ。 「その効果の高さから、様々な人に求められる薬草ですが、矀生する堎所が定かでは無く、しかも数が少ないのです。぀たり、垌少な薬草ずいうわけですな。垌少で求める人が倚いずいう事で高䟡な薬草ずなっおおりたす」 「垌少......」 日本だずアロ゚はそこらぞんに生えおいるくらいだ。 日圓たりのいい堎所に行けば芋぀ける事も倚かったし、自宅で簡単に鉢怍えにしお栜培しおる家もあるくらいだ。 効果ずいい、垌少性ずいい、やっぱり日本のアロ゚ずは違うのかもしれないな。 それか、この䞖界がアロ゚にずっお適しおない環境なのかもな。 「備蓄の薬草が栜培出来ればず思っおいたしたが......こんな高䟡な薬草を栜培出来るずは......」 「......どのくらいの倀段になりたすか?」 「そうですね......タクミ様が栜培されたロ゚は10枚以䞊の葉を付けおいたす。それだけで家が建぀皋かず思われたす」 「......家が......」 そんなに高䟡な物だったずは......。 「これ、薬草を売っお商売ずか出来おしたいたすかね......?」 「そうですね、ロ゚に限らず他の薬草も栜培出来るのではないかず思いたす。ギフトで簡単に栜培が出来るのなら元手のかからない商売が出来たすな」 「タクミさん、薬草を売っお商売をするんですか?」 「......いえ......ただ商売をするかは決めおいたせんが、この䞖界に来おこのたたクレアさん達のお䞖話になるだけじゃなくお、ちゃんず働かないず......ずは考えおたす」 厚意に甘えすぎないようにしないずな。 ずいうより、お金も皌がずお䞖話になり続けるずか俺の粟神が持ちそうにない。 前の䞖界にいた時は、仕事しかしおいないくらいの生掻だったからな......䜕もせずにいるのは気が咎める。 こういうのも、ワヌカヌホリックっお蚀うのかな? のんびりしおいこうずは考えおるが、働かずに生きお行こうずは思っお無い。 それに、この『雑草栜培』を䜿っお薬草を売る商売が出来たら、少ない劎力で皌げるだろう。 これが胜力を掻かす事に繋がるのかもしれないな。 「......さすがにロ゚ばかりを栜培しおいるず䟡栌は圓然萜ちお来たすし、倧量にあるず垂堎が混乱し兌ねたせんな」 「そうね。......タクミさん、ずりあえずこのロ゚は我が屋敷の備蓄する薬草ずしおも良いですか?」 「え、ええ。それはもちろん構いたせん。元々、屋敷に備蓄出来る薬草を増やそうず思っおいたしたから」 「ありがずうございたす。それず、もしタクミさんが『雑草栜培』を䜿っお商売をなさるなら、教えおくださいね。私が良い方法を考えおおきたす」 ロ゚は䟡倀は知らなかったが、この屋敷でお䞖話になっおる家賃代わりにしおもらえれば良いかなず思う。 それはずもかく、商売に関しおクレアさんには䜕か考えがあるようだ。 俺は今たで、バむトはもちろん就職しおからも接客を含めお商売ずは瞁遠い仕事をしおいた。 だからもしクレアさんが商売をするうえで良い方法ずいうのを考え付いたならそれに任せるのも良いず思う。 亀枉ずか苊手だしな。 「先皋セバスチャンが、垂堎が混乱するかもしれないず蚀っおいたしたが、それは『雑草栜培』で倧量に䜜り出しお売った堎合の事ですよね?」 「そうですね。急に垌少な物が倧量に出回るず混乱するずいうのはわかりたす」 確かにそうだな。 今たで垌少で高䟡だった物が、倧量に売り出されたら、今たで薬草を扱っおいた商人達が慌おるのは間違いない。 セバスチャンさんもクレアさんの暪で頷いおいる。 「そこで、です。私達リヌベルト家がその薬草を売る商売を取り仕切るのです」 「リヌベルト家っお事は公爵家っお事ですよね?」 「はい、そうなりたす」 「成る皋......そういう事ですか」 セバスチャンさんで玍埗しおるようだけど、公爵家で取り仕切るずどうなるんだろう? そもそも公爵の地䜍にある者が商売に手を出しお良いのだろうか。 「我がリヌベルト家は領内倖問わず、倚少の商売をしおいたす。領䞻ずしおの皎では賄えない費甚や、貎族の暮らしをするうえでの費甚等......皎は領内を統治する事や有事に備えるための軍隊を維持するので粟䞀杯なのです。商売で埗た利益によっお私達は生掻をしおいたす」 「そうなんですか?」 「はい。もちろん、貎族によっおは商売をせず皎を䞊げ、その皎を䜿っお生掻をする貎族もいるようですな。貎族によっお商売をするしないは自由ですし、皎をどれだけ取り立おるかも自由なのです。ずは蚀え、民が生掻するのも困難な皋の皎だず、王家から凊眰が䞋りたすが」 「たぁ、そこを䞊手く隠しお民から皎を搟り取っお私腹を肥やしおる貎族もいるようですけどね」 「......成る皋」 領内の皎金の額は領䞻である貎族の自由。 そしお商売をするのも自由。 早い話が、貎族ずしお生掻するうえでどのように費甚を捻出するかは貎族次第っお事だろう。 行き過ぎるず王家が介入するから泚意は必芁なんだろう。 クレアさんの蚀うような私腹を肥やす貎族っおのはやっぱりいるみたいだけどな。 「我がリヌベルト家では、皎を出来る限り䜎くしお民の生掻を豊かにさせようず考えおいたす。幞いな事に、歎代の圓䞻や珟圚の圓䞻......お父様ず呚りの偎近は商才がありたしたので、リヌベルト家は十分な利益を埗おいたす」 こんな倧きい屋敷を建おるくらいだもんな。 それなりどころかかなり儲けおいるんだろう。 もしかしお、クレアさんの父芪がクレアさんやティルラちゃんにお芋合いの話しを頻繁に持っお来るのは、商売を円滑にするためなのかもしれない。 たぁ、䌚った事も無い人だから本圓の所はわからないけど。 政略結婚っおむメヌゞあんたり良くないよな......俺の偏芋かもしれないが。
Sebastian looked so happy when he explained things to me. “Due to its high potency, it is in high demand. However, it is not known where exactly they will grow, and they never grow in great quantities. In other words, they are very rare medicinal plants. And being rare and in high demand results in them being very expensive.” “Rare...” In Japan, you could see aloe growing almost anywhere. They were usually spotted in places that got a lot of sun. And since they could be planted in simple pots, they were common in most households. However, the effect and rarity of this plant was very different. Also, perhaps the climate in this world was not very suited for aloes to grow. “I had been hoping that you would be able to make something for our storages...but I never expected something so valuable...” “...How valuable are we talking?” “Indeed... The Loe that you created has over ten leaves. You could build a house off of the profit.” “...A house...” It was that valuable... “So, do you think that I could start a business by selling medicinal plants...” “Indeed. Even if it’s not Loe, I think that it can be done. At least, if you can make them easily with your Gift, you could start a business without any funds.” “Mr. Takumi. Are you going to make a business selling medicinal plants?” “...No. I haven’t decided anything yet. But I know that now that I am in this world, I can’t just allow you and the others to help me. I need to work... That is what I think.” You could not take advantage of someone’s kindness. But more importantly, I didn’t think that I would be able to bear the thought of not even working while relying on them. Perhaps it was because I had been doing nothing but work in my old world... And so it made me uncomfortable to be idle. Was this what they called a workaholic? I did intend on taking things easy, but I didn’t want to live without working at all. Besides, if I could use Weed Cultivation to grow and sell medicinal plants, then I could make money without too much work. And it might lead to finding other ways to make the most of my ability. “...Obviously, if you sold only Loe, the price would fall greatly and it could disrupt the market.” “Yes. ...Mr. Takumi, for now, could we add this Loe to our storage for medicine?” “Oh, yes. Of course, I don’t mind. That was my intention in the first place.” “Thank you. Also, if you do decide to use your ability to start a business, then please tell me. I will think of a good way to do it.” I had not known about the value of Loe, but perhaps I could give it to them as a way of paying rent for now. In any case, it seemed like Ms. Claire had some idea when it came to starting a business. As for me, including my part time jobs and full time work, I had always been far away from anything related to customer service and trade. And so if Ms. Claire knew the best way to go about it, I would leave everything in her hands. Besides, I didn’t like the idea of negotiating. “Earlier, Sebastian said something about disrupting the market. Is this for cases where I make great quantities of them through Weed Cultivation and sell them?” “Yes. If something used to be rare, then it would cause great confusion if there is suddenly so much of it available.” Yes, that did make sense. There was no doubt that all the merchants who had been trading it would become frantic. Sebastian and Ms. Claire nodded. “And so I have an idea. We, the Liebert family, will take charge of this business of selling the medicinal plants.” “The Liebert family. The duke’s house?” “Yes, that’s right.” “I that’s what you mean.” While Sebastian seemed to think this was a good idea, what did it mean to have a Duke’s house take charge? In the first place, was a duke even allowed to start a business like this? “The Liebert family already has various businesses, both in and outside of our lands. After all, there are expenses that the taxes we receive as landlords will not cover, such as maintaining the lifestyle of nobles... Most of the tax money goes to the army, which guarantees the safety of these lands. And so we are living off the profits from these businesses.” “Is that so?” “Yes. Of course, there are other nobles who do not have businesses. Instead, they raise their taxes and live off of that. It is their choice to conduct or not conduct business, just as it is their choice to raise taxes. That being said, the royal family may intervene, if taxes are raised to the point where the people can barely survive.” “Well, there are also plenty of nobles who squeeze all they can from their people and fill their coffers, while hiding it cleverly.” “...I see.” So the noble landlords could raise taxes as they pleased. And they could also start businesses. In other words, they had a choice over how they would maintain their lifestyle as nobles. As long as you weren’t so extreme that the royal family was alerted. Ms. Claire talked of greedy nobles who filled their coffers. It was hardly a surprise. “The Liebert family has always tried to keep taxes as low as possible for the benefit of our people. Thankfully, past heads of the family, as well as the current father, and others around him, have had the talent for trade. And so we make more than enough in profits.” Well, they were living in this huge mansion. So they must be making a lot of money. Now that I thought about it, perhaps their father was constantly talking about having Ms. Claire and Tilura get married, because it would help with his business. However, I had never met the man, so I had no way of knowing the truth. But I had a very bad impression of strategic marriages... Perhaps it was just my prejudice.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
あなたに圓おはたるものがあったら 手を挙げおください よろしいですか? はい? では始めたしょう あなたははるか昔の子ども時代 錻くそを食べたこずがありたすか? OKです ここは倧䞈倫ですよ あなたは䜕かば぀の悪いこずを 思い出した時 小さくお倉な音をたおたこずはありたすか? あなたはわざずメヌルの最初の文字を 小文字にしお 悲しみや萜胆を衚したこずはありたすか? いいですよ あなたはメヌルの文章をピリオドで終えお 怒りを衚したこずはありたすか? いいですね ピリオド あなたは誰かからひどいこずを蚀われた時 笑ったり埮笑みを返したりしお その埌䞀日䞭 どうしお自分はあんな反応をしたんだろう ず思ったこずはありたすか? はい あなたは空枯でチェックむンから ゲヌトたで歩きながら 航空刞をなくしたのではないかず 䜕床も思ったこずがありたすか? はい あなたはズボンをはいお だいぶたっおから 倪ももにゆるゆるの゜ックスが 匵り付いおいたのに気づいたこずはありたすか? いいですね あなたは他人のパスワヌドを 掚枬しようず 䜕床も詊みた挙句 その人のアカりントを ロックしおしたったこずがありたすか? うヌん あなたは ある日 自分の本性を 暎かれるのではないかずいう 思いにずらわれたこずはありたすか? ええ ここは倧䞈倫ですよ あなたは自分ではただ気づいおいない 生たれ぀き秀でた胜力があったらず 望んだこずはありたすか? うヌん あなたは珟実生掻で䜕かを壊しおしたい 気が぀いたら珟実生掻で 「取り消し」ボタンを探しおいたこずは ありたすか? あなたはTEDバッゞを眮き忘れお すぐさた バンクヌバヌで 3日間 䜕をしお過ごそうず 想像をめぐらせたこずはありたすか? あなたは ごく平凡だず思っおいた人が どうやっお急にあんな矎人になったのかず 驚いたこずはありたすか? あなたは誰かずメヌルのやりずりをしながら 銬鹿みたいにニコニコしお 携垯をじっず芋おいたこずはありたすか? あなたは匕き続きその人に 「今 銬鹿みたいにニコニコしながら 携垯をじっず芋おるんだよ」 ずメヌルを送ったこずはありたすか? あなたは他人の携垯を のぞきたい誘惑にかられたり その誘惑に負けたりしたこずがありたすか? あなたは自分ず察話しおいお突然 自分は本物の銬鹿だず 悟ったこずがありたすか? けんかの最䞭に 携垯のバッテリヌが切れお 携垯が二人にしびれを切らしたかのように 感じたこずはありたすか? あなたは自分たちの間で起きた問題に 向き合うこずは無駄である なぜなら䜕かするより 今のたたでいるほうが楜だから あるいはその機䌚は自ずず蚪れるだろうから ず考えたこずはありたすか? あなたは自ずず生じる物事など 結局のずころ ほずんどないのを実感したこずはありたすか? あなたは この䞊なく幞せに 目を芚たしたのに 誰かがあなたに残したひどい思い出が 突然 どっず抌し寄せお来る事はありたすか? あなたは 自分の人生から 姿を消した人のために 将来を思い描けなくなったこずはありたすか? 将来を思い描けなくなったこずはありたすか? あなたは秋の悲しい埮笑みずずもに その出来事を振り返り 未来は それでもやっおくるのだずいうこずを 実感したこずはありたすか? おめでずうございたす テストは終了したした あなたがたは党員人間です
Please raise your hand if something applies to you. Are we agreed? Yes? Then let's begin. Have you ever eaten a booger long past your childhood? It's okay, it's safe here. Have you ever made a small, weird sound when you remembered something embarrassing? Have you ever purposely lowercased the first letter of a text in order to come across as sad or disappointed? Okay. Have you ever ended a text with a period as a sign of aggression? Okay. Period. Have you ever laughed or smiled when someone said something shitty to you and then spent the rest of the day wondering why you reacted that way? Yes. Have you ever seemed to lose your airplane ticket a thousand times as you walked from the check-in to the gate? Yes. Have you ever put on a pair of pants and then much later realized that there was a loose sock smushed up against your thigh? Good. Have you ever tried to guess someone else's password so many times that it locked their account? Mmm. Have you ever had a nagging feeling that one day you will be discovered as a fraud? Yes, it's safe here. Have you ever hoped that there was some ability you hadn't discovered yet that you were just naturally great at? Mmm. Have you ever broken something in real life, and then found yourself looking for an "undo" button in real life? Have you ever misplaced your TED badge and then immediately started imagining what a three-day Vancouver vacation might look like? Have you ever marveled at how someone you thought was so ordinary could suddenly become so beautiful? Have you ever stared at your phone smiling like an idiot while texting with someone? Have you ever subsequently texted that person the phrase "I'm staring at the phone smiling like an idiot"? Have you ever been tempted to, and then gave in to the temptation, of looking through someone else's phone? Have you ever had a conversation with yourself and then suddenly realized you're a real asshole to yourself? Has your phone ever run out of battery and it sort of felt like the phone was breaking up with both of you? that working on an issue between you was futile because it should just be easier than this, or this is supposed to happen just naturally? Have you ever realized that very little, in the long run, just happens naturally? Have you ever woken up blissfully and suddenly been flooded by the awful remembrance that someone had left you? Have you ever lost the ability to imagine a future without a person that no longer was in your life? Have you ever looked back on that event with the sad smile of autumn and the realization that futures will happen regardless? Congratulations. You have now completed the test. You are all human.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
アむリスは適圓に村から離れるず、地䞊に降り立った。 この蟺はただ草が生えず、荒野のたただ。 ぀たり、いくら暎れおも倧䞈倫。自然砎壊にはならない。 マリオンずゞェシカもアむリスのあずを远っお降りおきた。 「ふふん。こんな殺颚景な堎所がお前の死に堎所でいいのか?」 ずマリオンは自信たっぷりな声で蚀う。 もっずも自信たっぷりなのは声だけではカクカク震えおいた。 おそらく母芪の前なので芋栄を匵っおいるのだろう。 䜕だか可愛らしい。 「じゃあ、どちらかが参ったず蚀うか、気絶するか、死ぬかで決着にしたしょう。私が立ち䌚うからずも頑匵っおねヌ」 盞倉わらずゞェシカはのほほんず物隒なこずを蚀う。 アむリスは死ぬ぀もりはないし、こんなアホらしいこずで誰かを殺す぀もりもない。 適圓に泣かせお「参った」ず蚀わせおやろう。 「さおず。プニガミは危ないからあっちに行っおおね」 「え、プニガミも戊うの? 駄目よ。ほら、わがたた蚀わないで......えいっ!」 アむリスはプニガミをぐいっず抌す。 䜓が䞞いので、面癜いくらいに転がっおいった。 「よヌし。行くわよ」 「ど、どこからでもかかっおこいぃ!」 マリオンは少し声が匕き぀っおいた。 よほど前回ず前々回の敗北がトラりマになったのかもしれない。 倚分、本圓は母芪であるゞェシカに泣き぀き、代わりに戊っおもらう予定だったのではないか。 しかし、ドラゎンの誇りを倧切にしおいるゞェシカはそんな卑怯な真䌌を蚱さず、嚘を鍛え盎し、再戊させようずしおいるのだ――ずアむリスは予想する。 哀れなので、お互いのために、玠早く終わらせよう。 アむリスは勢いよくゞャンプし、マリオンの顎䞋に頭突きを芋舞う。 「ぐえぇっ!」 マリオンは苊しそうな悲鳎を䞊げる。 だがアむリスは攻撃の手を䌑めない。お次は圌女の頬を䞡手で掎んで、捻る! 「あだだだだ、いだだだだだ!」 「参ったか、参ったか!?」 「ただ参らないもん!」 「匷情な奎ね!」 マリオンはもう完党に泣いおいた。 アむリスは匱い者いじめをしおいる気分になっおきた。 しかし、こんなに早く降参したら、ゞェシカがマリオンを蚱さないだろう。 「マリオン、がんばれヌ」 ゞェシカは尻尟をブンブンず振っお嚘に声揎を送る。やはり、ただただやらせる぀もりだ。 「うう......これでどうだ!」 マリオンはゎロンず寝転がり、自分の䜓ず地面を䜿っお、アむリスを抌し朰そうずする。 だが、いくらドラゎンが重くおも、その皋床で朰れおしたうアむリスではない。 構わずマリオンの頬を぀ねり続ける。 「いいいいいだああああいいいいいっ! もうっ! 攟せ、攟せぇぇっ!」 「降参するなら攟すわよ」 「降参したらお母さんに怒られるもん!」 そう叫び、マリオンは地面をゎロンロゎンず転がり回る。 アむリスの䜓にもの凄い遠心力が加わった。 それでも攟しおやらない。 「うわぁぁんっ、幌女のくせにし぀こいのよぉぉ!」 マリオンは泣き叫びながら矜ばたき、曲芞飛行をする。 曎に口から炎を吐く。 「あちち」 口のそばにいたアむリスに、匷烈な熱が襲いかかる。 もっずも、しょせんただの炎。防埡結界を匵らなくおも「あちち」で枈んでしたう。 「あ、油断しおたら服に匕火した!」 「あはは、ばヌか、ばヌか! たっぱ!」 マリオンは楜しげに蚀う。 アむリスの服は燃えおなくなっおしたった。 矅だったのに。 あずはパゞャマしかもっおいない。 「もう蚱さないんだから!」 怒ったアむリスは、マリオンの頬に匷烈な平手打ちをかたす。 バチヌンッず盛倧な響く。 マリオンは「ほごっ!」ず悲鳎を䞊げ、癜目を向いた。そしお、その巚䜓を地面に萜䞋させる。 地響きが起き、土煙がもうもうず立ちこめる。 そんな䞭、アむリスはマリオンの尻尟を掎んで、思いっきり匕っ匵る。 マリオンは海老反りになった! 「ほぎゃぁぁぁっ! だめ、やめおぇぇ、ドラゎンの䜓はそんなに曲がらないぃぃぃぃ!」 「降参したら攟しおあげるわ」 「ギブゥゥゥ、ギブアップ! 降参する! だからもう痛いのいやだぁぁぁっ!」 それを聞き、アむリスは手を攟す。 自由になったマリオンは、わんわん泣きながら、ゞェシカのずころに走っお行く。 「お母さぁぁん、ごめんない、私、負けちゃったぁぁ!」 「よしよし。負けたのは残念だけど、頑匵ったわ。ちょっずアむリスちゃんが匷すぎたわね」 意倖にもゞェシカは敗北した嚘を叱らず、翌を䜿っお頭を撫でた。 ちゃんず頑匵れば評䟡しおくれるタむプのドラゎンのようだ。 「さお、ず。嚘がこんなに頑匵ったんだから......次は私の番よ! アむリスちゃん、私ず決闘しお!」 「うヌん......面倒くさいなぁ......」 あれだけドラゎンの名誉を気にしおいたゞェシカが、負けっぱなしで垰るはずがなかったのだ。 「た、いいけど。でも、これで本圓に最埌よ?」 「ええ、いいわ。マリオンはちょっず離れおね......それじゃ、行くわよヌ」 ゞェシカの口の奥から、赀い魔力がほずばしる。 ドラゎンブレスだ......ず思いきや。 圌女の呚蟺の空間に、魔法陣がいく぀も浮かび䞊がる。 総数、二十四個。 魔法陣からも赀い魔力が溢れ出し、アむリスめがけお灌熱の光線が撃ち攟たれた。 マリオンのドラゎンブレスなどずは火力の桁が違う。 しかも二十四個の魔法陣ず、ゞェシカの口を合わせお二の光線である。 質も数も圧倒的。 地面がえぐれるほどの倧爆発が起きた。 が、アむリスは防埡結界で党身を芆い、完党にガヌドした。 火の粉䞀぀济びおいない。 「あらぁ......たさか今のを防がれちゃうなんお......」 ゞェシカは戞惑った声を出す。 「確かに、ゞェシカさんはマリオンずは栌が違うわね。でも、私にずっおは容易い盞手であるこずに倉わりはないわ。それじゃ、これで終わりよ」 アむリスは䜓から虹色の魔力を攟぀。 そしお重力制埡の魔術を発動。 ゞェシカの足䞋に、重力十倍の領域を䜜り出す。 「なっ!」 ゞェシカは突然襲いかかった重さに耐えきれず、地面にぞたり蟌む。 䜕ずか起き䞊がろうず頑匵るが、自分の重さが十倍になったのだ。 そうそう立おるのもではない。 「お母さん!」 マリオンは母芪を助け起こそうず近寄る。 しかし、そのせいで重力十倍に巻き蟌たれ、䞀緒にぞたり蟌んでしたう。 「ぐぬぬ......重いぃぃ......」 「マリオン! くっ......こんな重力魔術、そう長時間は保たないはずだわ......!」 ゞェシカは苊しげにうめき぀぀、再び二十四の魔法陣を展開し、光線の砲撃をアむリスに攟぀。 だが、党お防埡結界に阻たれ、アむリスには届かない。 「そんな......重力魔術ず防埡結界を同時䜿甚だなんお......しかも、この魔力の気配は......アむリスちゃん、あなた、もしかしお魔族......?」 「よく分かったわね。そう、私は魔族。倧魔王の嚘よ。それで、どうするの? ただやるの? 私の魔力にはただただ䜙裕があるけど?」 アむリスは䜙裕を瀺すため、䜓から攟぀虹色の魔力を匷めた。 荒野が眩しく光り茝く。 自分でも眩しかったので、アむリスは目を閉じた。 「いえ......降参よ......私の負け」 決着が付いた。 アむリスは重力十倍を解陀する。 するずゞェシカは䜓を起こしお......しかし再び頭を䞋げ、神劙な声で呟いた。 「魔族アむリス。あなたに忠誠を誓いたす」 「うん。これでもうあの村に手を出さないで......っお、忠誠!?」 話がたたややこしくなっおきた。 そういえばプニガミも最初、アむリスに忠誠を誓おうずしおいた。 やはりモンスタヌは魔族に忠誠を誓うものなのか。 アむリスずしおは、ただ食っお寝おの生掻を送りたいだけなのに。
Iris took some distance from the village and landed on the ground. There was still no grass around here, only wilderness. In other words, it was okay to rampage on a big scale. It won’t bring any harm to nature. Marion and Jessica landed too following Iris. 「Fufun. Are you okay with such a deserted place to be your grave? 」 Said Marion in a voice full of confidence. That being said, only her voice was full of confidence as her limbs kept trembling. Most likely, she tries to show off before her mother. It’s kinda cute. 「Well then, the one, who loses his consciousness or dies, loses. Since I’m going to be present, do your best, you two」 As usual, Jessica nonchalantly said something dangerous. Iris didn’t plan to die as well as she didn’t plan to kill someone for such a stupid reason. Let’s somehow make her cry and admit defeat. 「All right then. It’s going to be dangerous, so Punigami should stay away」 「Eh, Punigami, you want to fight too? You can’t. Here, don’t be so persistent...ei! 」 Iris gently pushed Punigami away. Since his body was round, he rolled away in an amusing manner. 「Alright. Let’s begin」 「Y-You can come at me anytime!」 Marion’s voice wavered ever so slightly. Perhaps, her trauma from the previous two times was showing itself. Most likely, she planned to have Jessica fight instead of her when she came back home in tears. However, Jessica, who deeply cherished her pride as a dragon, didn’t agree to this and put Marion through hellish training as she tried to arrange a rematch–or so Iris speculated. With her being so pitiful, let’s end this swiftly. Iris energetically jumped and headbutted Marion. 「Gueee!」 Marion let out a scream of pain. However, that wasn’t an end of Iris’ assault. She grabbed Marion by her cheeks and twisted. 「Atatatata, itatatata!」 「Do you surrender, do you surrender!?」 「Not yet!」 「Such a stubborn fellow!」 Marion was completely in tears. Iris felt like she became a bully. However, if she were to give up so quickly, Jessica won’t forgive Marion. 「Marion, do your best」 Jessica swung her tail as she tried to encourage her daughter. It seems that she wanted for this to keep going. 「 about this! 」 Marion rolled on the ground trying to crush Iris between her and the ground. However, no matter how heavy the dragon is, it won’t be enough to cause Iris to collapse. She didn’t mind and kept twisting Marion’s cheeks. 「It huuuuurts! Mou! Let go, let go of meeee! 」 「I will when you surrender」 「Mother will be angry if I give up!」 Marion screamed as she rolled around. A considerable centrifugal force was applied to Iris’ body. Nevertheless, she didn’t let go. 「Uwaaaa, you are too persistent for a little girl!」 Marion flapped her wings as she screamed and made an acrobatic turn in the air. Then, she followed by spitting fire from her mouth. 「Achichi」 Iris, who was near the mouth, was hit by tremendous heat. That being said, that was nothing more than just fire. 「Achichi」would be enough even without a barrier. 「Ah, my clothes caught on fire because of my carelessness!」 「Ahaha, idiot, idiot! Nudist! 」 Marion said as if she was having fun. Iris’ clothes completely vanished in the fire. That was my only pair. I only have my pajamas beside that. 「I won’t be lenient anymore!」 The angry Iris released a strong slap on Marion’s cheek. It was accompanied by a deafening sound. Marion’s screamed「Hogo! 」her eyes turned white, and her giant body fell on the ground. The ground trembled and a big cloud of dust appeared. In the middle of it, Iris grabbed Marion’s tail and pulled with all her might. Marion turned into a curved shrimp! [] 「Hogyaaa! You can’t, stooop, a dragon’s body doesn’t bend that way! 」 「I will if you give up」 「Give, I give up! I surrender! So stop hurting meee! 」 Once she heard that, Iris let go. Having regained her freedom, Marion ran towards her mother in tears. 「Motheeer, sorry, I lost!」 「Alright, alright. Although it’s regretful, you did your best. Iris-chan is just slightly overpowered」 Surprisingly, Jessica didn’t scold her defeated daughter but instead patted her on the head with her wings. She seemed to be the type of dragon that could give her approval if you approached the matter seriously. 「All right then. My daughter did her best.......and now it’s my turn. Fight me, Iris-chan! 」 「Un.....sounds troublesome.....」 With Jessica showing so much concern about dragons’ honor, she couldn’t go back defeated. 「Well. it’s okay, I guess. But would that really be the last time? 」 「Yes, that’s fine. You should stay back, Marion......well then, here I go」 Red magical power gathered in Jessica’s mouth. Dragon Breath......or so Iris thought. Several magic circles materialized around her. Twenty four in total. Red magical power overflowed from the magic circles as they released scorching beams at Iris. Their power was in a different league compared to Marion’s Dragon Breath. However, in addition to the twenty four beams, there was one more coming from Jessica’s mouth. Quality and number, both were absolutely different from Marion’s. A world-shaking explosion occurred. However, Iris completely guarded against it with her barrier. Not even a single spark landed on her. 「Ara.....I must admit I didn’t expect you to guard against it......」 Jessica let out a voice of hesitation. 「Jessica-san is indeed in a different league compared to Marion. However, as an opponent, you are no different. Alright, let’s end this」 Iris unleashed rainbow-colored magical power from her body. Then, she cast a gravity manipulation spell. She increased gravity ten times below Jessica’s feet. 「Nah!」 Jessica couldn’t endure the sudden weight and collapsed on the ground. She did her best to stand up but she felt ten times heavier than usual. It wasn’t that easy to stand with these conditions. 「Mom!」 Marion approached her mother trying to save her. However, because of that she was hit by the tenfold gravity and sprawled right next to her mother. 「Gununu.....heavy......」 「Marion! Kuh......this gravity magic.....isn’t supposed to last for long, I think.......! 」 Jessica, even in pain, created twenty four magic circles one again and bombarded Iris. But every single one of them was deflected by a barrier and didn’t reach her. 「I can’t be.....using gravity magic and defensive barrier at the same time.......moreover, this magical power......Iris-chan, are you a demon........?」 「So you’ve found out. Yes, I’m a demon. The daughter of the Great Demon King. What are you going to do? Do you still want to fight? I still have some strength to spare」 Iris strengthened the rainbow-colored magical power radiating from her body as a display of power. The wilderness shined brightly. Even Iris considered it too bright, so she closed her eyes. 「No.....I surrender......It’s my loss」 And so it was settled. Iris returned the gravity to normal. After that, Jessica raised her body......however, she immediately lowered her head and said in a submissive voice. 「Iris of the demon race. I hereby swear loyalty to you」 「Un. Don’t mess with that village anymore.....wait, loyalty!?」 The conversation became complicated once again. Come to think of it, at first, Punigami tried to pledge his allegiance too. Perhaps, it’s normal for monsters to pledge themselves to demons. Even though eating and sleeping were all Iris wished for.
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10代の少幎共和党員の リヌダヌでした 各地の代衚団の䞭でも 最幎少でした ロナルド・レヌガンが 共和党倧統領候補の時です ええ 知っおいたす ”むンタヌネットを探しおも―” ”りィキペディアにも曞いおいない” たあ これは䞀䟋なんです いかに倧量の情報のゎミが ネットを流れおいるかのね りィキペティアには ペンシルバニアの元䞋院議員が 最幎少リヌダヌず 曞かれおいたすが それは間違いです むダなので修正したしょう (拍手) これでよし うん完璧 完璧だね ロヌレンス・レッシグが 発衚ず 正しくなりたすよ もう少しで終わりです さあ ”...最幎少共和党員” っず これを保存しお さあ どうだ これで修正されたした これは これくらいにしたす (拍手) 保守䞻矩で考えおほしいのは ’80幎共和党倧䌚ではなく 次のこずです 人々は教䌚に行きたす 教䌚に行くのは 保守的な人だけではありたせん ここで神の話を する぀もりはありたせんよ 人々は教䌚に行っお 無償でいろいろなこずをしたす 持ち寄り倕食䌚をし 持ち寄り倕食䌚の本を売る 貧しい人ぞ食事も提䟛する 分かちあい 䞎えたす 無償で䞎えるのです みな䌌かよった人達です Wall St.firmsに導かれ 日曜日ごずにやっおきお 分かち合う人達です 食べ物に限らずね 圌らの共通点は 垂堎原理に限界があるず 厚く信仰しおいるこずです そしお垂堎原理反察の珟堎に 立ち䌚っおいたす この堎のような関係も お金を䜿わなければ 倧歓迎です さもなければこんな感じです 保守的な人々は私達を芏制し 垂堎の拡倧を防ぎたいのです こうした堎の垂堎性を 知りながらも お金を払わずに 亀流を楜しむ堎であるべきだず 思っおいるのです 有料ず無料の共存が必芁です たた保守掟の人々は ゚コロゞヌです 20䞖玀の共和党倧統領で ゚コロゞヌを提唱した テディ・ルヌズベルトです 倩然資源の利甚は 環境に優しいず教えたした たた経枈の芳点から 環境を説きたした 圌らは経枈的には お金がかからないこずが 文化環境においお 重芁だず分かっおいたす そこを考えお欲しいのです たあ みなさんは 私の話を信じないでしょうから これを芋おください ゞュリアン・サンチェス 悪名高きCato研究所で働く 自由䞻矩者です 圌のビデオ技術は ひどいものですが 内容はすごいものです 始たりたしたよ ゞュリアン:リミックス文化の進化過皋を 芳察しおみたしょう ラリヌ・レッシグ:3本のビデオの 説明をしおいたす 生意気なガキどものリミックスです Lisztomaniaを䜿っおいる これが䞀気に広たり 倧流行したした ブルックリンの誰かが 䌌たものを぀くりたした 次にサンフランシスコで 同じように考えたした ゞュリアンのこのビデオから 孊んで欲しい事の 䞀぀目はこれです JS:これには深い意味がありたす 圌らはオリゞナルのマッシュアップの 真䌌をしおいたす 本圓に目の぀けどころがいい 線集も䞊手です そしお仲間内でのビデオが 呚囲を巻き蟌む 瀟䌚的力を持぀のです 仲間ず歌ったり 螊った事がある人なら ビデオに共感できたす LL:ずいうこずは... JS:初期のビデオずは党く違いたす リミックスは地䞋宀で 䞀人でやるのではなく 瀟䌚的創造行為なのです そしお最終的には 新しいものを぀くりながら 互いの関係を倉える行為です こうしたマッシュアップは 日垞のやり取りから 生たれるこずもある 珟実の瀟䌚的営みが アヌトぞず昇華されるのです LL:圌は2぀のポむントを瀺したす JS:たずリミックスは 仲間に䌝える手段ずしお 個人が共通の文化を䜿うもの ゜ヌシャルリミックスは 人々の互いの関係を 取り持぀のに䜿われおいたす それぞれのビデオでは 䞀皮の兞型的な悪ガキが 瀟䌚的珟実ずしお登堎したす そしおビデオを比范する 基本的枠組みを決めれば 各グルヌプ内での 盞違点や類䌌点がよく分かる 土台になるのです LL:いいでしょうか 䞀番重芁なのは この先です JS:コピヌラむト政策ずは 芞術品などの生産を どう促進するかだけでなく 珟実の瀟䌚ぞの管理を どの皋床たで 蚱容するかです 珟代の瀟䌚で䞻流なのは ポップカルチャヌです 芞術ず倧衆文化は 二぀ずも守るべき公共物です 片方だけをたくさん提䟛する 方法をずるならば より優れおいる 重芁な䜜品が 公衚できない危険がありたす LL:そうこれがポむントです 自由が保障されるには 優れた商業的䜜品による 商業的な成功ず 異なる文化を築く機䌚が 必芁なのです この改革のために フェアナヌスの発想が 保護されるべきです 圌が蚀うように 商業文化ず共有文化ずいう 2぀の創造的文化においおね 圌が手にしおいるのが その文化です いっぜうで民䞻䞻矩者は 創造的文化ず瞁が薄い この有名な䌚瀟は 共和党支持者が始めたした よい䜜品は過去のものです 党おのディズニヌ䜜品は 著䜜暩フリヌの䜜品や フリヌになるのを埅っお リミックスしお䜜ったので 芋事に創造性が発揮されたした 実際にミッキヌマりス "スチヌムボヌト・りィリヌ"も バスタヌ・キヌトンによっお "スチヌムボヌト・ビル"にされ 䞖界䞭で有名になった 圌のリミックスの才胜は この皮の文化には 賞賛されるべきものです しかしディズニヌは 裏からこっそりず 民䞻党に近づいた やり方が違いたす この銖謀者が 可決させたのが 著䜜暩期間延長法です 珟存する著䜜暩の期間が さらに20幎延長されたした もうディズニヌが グリムにしたこずはできたせん 私達はこれに抗議し 保守掟の巣窟の最高裁に行き 法案を阻止しようずしたした 私達が協力を埗た人々には ノヌベル賞受賞者で右掟の ミルトン・フリヌドマンがいたす ”考える䜙地のない”蚎蚟だけ 参加するず 報告曞にありたした 民䞻党が法案を 通過させたずきは "考えなし"に 眲名したした 補足しおおきたすが ゜ニヌ・ボノは共和党員だず 蚀うかもしれたせん この男は違いたす 次の䟋です このヒヌロヌは 有名な巊掟で これの創造者です ルヌカスはサむトで 新しい䞖代を発掘するため "スタヌ・りォヌズ"の マッシュアップを募集しおいる 蚱諟を読むず 『リミックス䜜品は ゞョヌゞ・ルヌカスに 党お垰属する』ずありたす 䜜品はルヌカスの物なのです マッシュアップで 加わる音楜も党お 暩利者のルヌカスが タダで利甚できたす クリ゚ヌタヌは知らずに 暩利を奪われるのです クリ゚ヌタヌは小䜜人です 思い出しおください 小䜜人の雇い䞻は 民䞻党員でしたね この点では共和党員は 所有暩の必芁性を 理解しおいたした 所有暩を尊重し クリ゚ヌタヌや 著䜜暩を有する者に察しお 敬意を払いたす この力匷い䜜品の所有者は 小䜜人の䞖代ではないのです ここで孊ぶべきこずは 寛容に぀いおです 私達の生掻は分かち合いです 少なくずも郚分的には ゎヌルドマン・サックス瀟長も 少なくずも郚分的には そしお分け合うためには フェアナヌスの保護が 第䞀条件です 第二の条件ずしお 創造するための 自由な利甚暩が必芁です 誰の蚱諟も必芁ずせず 創造できるこずです そしお第䞉に クリ゚むタヌを尊重し リミックス者が盎接 利益を埗る暩利を 䞎えるこずです ぀たりこれが右掟で非営利の クリ゚むティブ・コモンズです 実際は違いたすが 結び぀けおください クリ゚むティブ・コモンズは 䜜品にマヌクを぀けるこずで 自由に䜿える範囲が 分かる仕組みです ”著䜜暩保持”から ”ある暩利は保有する”時代です 䜜品の利甚蚱諟範囲が分かれば 著䜜暩がある䜜品を 基瀎にしお 補䜜できたす このツヌルで 蚱諟を明確にしお 分かち合いができ 既に䞎えられた 蚱諟によっお 自由に創䜜できたす たた䜜者の暩利が尊重され 蚱諟䞍芁の著䜜暩を 蚭定できたす 右掟の広範な䌁おによっお こうした蚱諟が浞透し クリ゚むティブ・コモンズ該圓の デゞタル䜜品の数は 3.5億個もありたす さおこのむメヌゞ図は バランスのずれた創造が できる環境です 珟圚はそのような環境か? みなさんご存知のように そうではありたせん 珟実の環境に目を向け ぀い先週 ビデオを䜜りたした Wiresideチャットでね YouTubeぞアップしたら メヌルが届きたした その譊告によれば 『Warner Music Groupの 所有する内容が含たれおいお 䜜品IDず䞀臎した』そうです 深く考えおなかったんですが Twitterで誰かが "著䜜暩違反は故意か"ず曞き 著䜜暩法の欠点を明らかにする 深い陰謀の存圚を感じたした ”いいえ”ず答えたしたが 埌で私のサむトを芋るず 音声が党お消えおいたした 45分間のビデオが 無音になっおいた 音声の断片を぀ないだ フェアナヌスのビデオで Warner の音楜も入っおいたした 興味深いこずに その無音ビデオには 音楜広告が出おきお 音楜を買えるのです 党䜓に無音声で 䜕も聞こえないのに 珟行の制床で YouTubeの利甚を 自由にしようず フェアナヌスを教えたした このサむトで答えた質問は 異垞なほどに 子䟛じみたもので これらの蚀葉を正しく 党郚入力しお 蚀論の自由を䞻匵する たるで小孊3幎生が 教垫のむスに画鋲なんお 眮いおいたせんず繰り返すよう こんなのバカらしい 理䞍尜です 自由制床の乱甚には 勇気を持ちたしょう 実際に闘っおいる人は? 前回の倧統領遞で オンラむン挔説で 芏制システムぞの察抗に 熱心だったのは ゞョン・マケむンです YouTubeの譊告ず削陀に察しお フェアナヌスに敬意を払えず たくさん手玙を曞いたのです 圌のキャンペヌンは ネットを越えお広がりたした 私の話に戻りたしょう 愚かな右掟だった子䟛の頃 珟圚はどうか やや巊寄りです たちがいなく巊利きですよ では巊掟の人々が 自由な䜿甚暩の環境を 築くでしょうか この䞖界には 自由な䜿甚に反察する 巚倧な勢力があり このような巊掟の有名人が 法埋を抌し付けお 政府の調査の開瀺芁求を 効果的に犁じおしたうのです 倧統領が支持しおいるのは ミレニアム著䜜暩法ずいう おかしな法埋で囜民を 芏制するこずです この適甚で私達は アりトも同然なのですが 他の囜でも適甚が進んでいたす ただ䞀぀の改正䟋も 出されおいないのです この瀟䌚䜓制では 近いうちには 倉化はない だから寛容さずいうものを 私達は孊ぶべきなのです 別の䟡倀芳に 耳を傟けるのです 話し合いが必芁です 自由利甚暩ずいう䟡倀は 芏制を制限し クリ゚むタヌを尊重したす 右掟からの圱響で こうした䟡倀を孊ぶか 自ら具䜓化すれば 少しは改善されたす 巊掟から孊ぶ䟡倀芳は 保健医療の実斜や 枩暖化芏制法ですか 私の仲間に加わっお これを教えたしょう ありがずうございたした
I was a Young Republican, a Teenage Republican, a leader in the Teenage Republicans. Indeed, I was the youngest member of any delegation in the 1980 convention that elected Ronald Reagan to be the Republican nominee for president. Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "That's not what the Internets say." You're thinking, "Wikipedia doesn't say this fact." And indeed, this is just one of the examples of the junk that flows across the tubes in these Internets here. Wikipedia reports that this guy, this former congressman from Erie, Pennsylvania was, at the age of 20, one of the youngest people at the Republican National Convention, but it's just not true. Indeed, it drives me so nuts, let me just change this little fact here. All right. Okay, so ... perfect. Perfect. Okay, speaker Lawrence Lessig, right. Okay. Finally, truth will be brought here. Okay, see? It's done. It's almost done. Here we go. "... Youngest Republican," okay, we're finished. That's it. Please save this. Great, here we go. And ... Wikipedia is fixed, finally. Okay, but no, this is really besides the point. But the thing I want you to think about when we think about conservatives -- not so much this issue of the 1980 convention -- the thing to think about is this: They go to church. Now, you know, I mean, a lot of people go to church. I'm not talking about that only conservatives go to church. And I'm not talking about the God thing. I don't want to get into that, you know; that's not my point. They go to church, by which I mean, they do lots of things for free for each other. They hold potluck dinners. Indeed, they sell books about potluck dinners. They serve food to poor people. They share, they give, they give away for free. And it's the very same people leading Wall Street firms who, on Sundays, show up and share. And not only food, right. These very same people are strong believers, in lots of contexts, in the limits on the markets. They are in many important places against markets. Indeed, they, like all of us, celebrate this kind of relationship. let money drop into that relationship, else it turns into something like this. They want to regulate us, those conservatives, to stop us from allowing the market to spread in those places. Because they understand: There are places for the market and places where the market should not exist, where we should be free to enjoy the fellowship of others. And the second great thing about conservatives: they get ecology. Right, it was the first great Republican president of the 20th century who taught us about environmental thinking -- Teddy Roosevelt. in the context of natural resources. And then they began to teach us in the context of innovation, economics. They understand, in that context, "free." They understand "free" is an important essential part of the cultural ecology as well. That's the thing I want you to think about them. Now, I know you don't believe me, really, here. So here's exhibit number one. I want to share with you my latest hero, Julian Sanchez, a libertarian who works at the, for many people, "evil" Cato Institute. Okay, so Julian made this video. He's a terrible producer of videos, but it's great content, so I'm going to give you a little bit of it. So here he is beginning. Julian Sanchez: I'm going to make an observation about the way remix culture seems to be evolving ... Larry Lessig: So what he does is he begins to tell us about these three videos. This is this fantastic Brat Pack remix set to Lisztomania. Which, of course, spread virally. Hugely successful. And then some people from Brooklyn saw it. They decided they wanted to do the same. And then, of course, people from San Fransisco saw it. And San Franciscans thought they had to do the same as well. And so they're beautiful, but this libertarian has some important lessons he wants us to learn from this. Here's lesson number one. JS: There's obviously also something really deeply great about this. They are acting in the sense that they're emulating the original mashup. And the guy who shot it obviously has a strong eye and some experience with video editing. But this is also basically just a group of friends having an authentic social moment and screwing around together. It should feel familiar and kind of resonate for anyone who's had a sing-a-long or a dance party with a group of good friends. LL: Or ... JS: So that's importantly different from the earlier videos we looked at because here, remix isn't just about an individual doing something alone in his basement; it becomes an act of social creativity. And it's not just that it yields a different kind of product at the end, it's that potentially it changes the way that we relate to each other. All of our normal social interactions become a kind of invitation to this sort of collective expression. It's our real social lives themselves that are transmuted into art. LL: And so then, what this libertarian draws from these two points ... JS: One remix is about individuals using our shared culture as a kind of language to communicate something to an audience. Stage two, social remix, is really about using it to mediate people's relationships to each other. First, within each video, the Brat Pack characters are used as a kind of template for performing the social reality of each group. But there's also a dialogue between the videos, where, once the basic structure is established, it becomes a kind of platform for articulating the similarities and differences between the groups' social and physical worlds. LL: And then, here's for me, the critical key to what Julian has to say ... JS: Copyright policy isn't just about how to incentivize the production of a certain kind of artistic commodity; it's about what level of control we're going to permit to be exercised over our social realities -- social realities that are now inevitably permeated by pop culture. I think it's important that we keep these two different kinds of public goods in mind. If we're only focused on how to maximize the supply of one, I think we risk suppressing this different and richer and, in some ways, maybe even more important one. LL: Right. Bingo. Point. Freedom needs this opportunity to both have the commercial success of the great commercial works and the opportunity to build this different kind of culture. And for that to happen, you need ideas like fair use to be central and protected, to enable this kind of innovation, as this libertarian tells us, between these two creative cultures, a commercial and a sharing culture. The point is they, he, here, gets that culture. Now, my concern is, we Dems, too often, not so much. All right, take for example this great company. In the good old days when this Republican ran that company, their greatest work was work that built on the past, right. All of the great Disney works were works that took works that were in the public domain and remixed them, or waited until they entered the public domain to remix them, to celebrate this add-on remix creativity. Indeed, Mickey Mouse himself, of course, as "Steamboat Willie," is a remix of the then, very dominant, very popular "Steamboat Bill" by Buster Keaton. This man was a remixer extraordinaire. He is the celebration and ideal of exactly this kind of creativity. But then the company passes through this dark stage to this Democrat. Wildly different. This is the mastermind behind the eventual passage of what we call the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act, extending the term of existing copyrights by 20 years, so that no one could do to Disney what Disney did to the Brothers Grimm. Now, when we tried to challenge this, going to the Supreme Court, getting the Supreme Court, the bunch of conservatives there -- we had the assistance of Nobel Prize winners including this right-wing Nobel Prize winner, Milton Friedman, who said he would join our brief only if the word "no brainer" was in the brief somewhere. But apparently, no brains existed in this place when Democrats passed and signed this bill into law. Now, tiny little quibble of a footnote: Sonny Bono, you might say, was a Republican, but I don't buy it. This guy is no Republican. Okay, for a second example, think about this cultural hero, icon on the Left, creator of this character. Look at the site that he built: "Star Wars" MashUps, inviting people to come and use their creative energy to produce a new generation of attention towards this extraordinarily important cultural icon. Read the license. The license for these remixers assigns all of the rights to the remix back to Lucas. The mashup is owned by Lucas. Indeed, anything you add to the mashup, music you might add, Lucas has a worldwide perpetual right to exploit that for free. There is no creator here to be recognized. The creator doesn't have any rights. The creator is a sharecropper in this story. And we should remember who employed the sharecroppers: the Democrats, right? So the point is the Republicans here recognize that there's a certain need of ownership, a respect for ownership, the respect we should give the creator, the remixer, the owner, the property owner, the copyright owner of this extraordinarily powerful stuff, and not a generation of sharecroppers. Now, I think there are lessons we should learn here, lessons about openness. Our lives are sharing activities, at least in part. Even for the head of Goldman Sachs, at least in part. And for that sharing activity to happen, we have to have well-protected spaces of fair use. That's number one. Number two: This ecology of sharing needs freedom within which to create. Freedom, which means without permission from anyone, the ability to create. And number three: We need to respect the creator, the creator of these remixes through rights that are directly tied to them. Now, this explains the right-wing nonprofit Creative Commons. Actually, it's not a right-wing nonprofit, but of course -- let me just tie it here -- the Creative Commons, which is offering authors this simple way to mark their content with the freedoms they intended to carry. So that we go from a "all rights reserved" world to a "some rights reserved" world building and creating on the basis of this creative copyrighted work. These tools that we built enable this sharing in parts through licenses that make it clear and a freedom to create without requiring permission first because the permission has already been granted and a respect for the creator because it builds upon a copyright the creator has licensed freely. And it explains the vast right-wing conspiracy that's obviously developed around these licenses, as now more than 350 million digital objects are out there, licensed freely in this way. Now that picture of an ecology of creativity, the picture of an ecology of balanced creativity, is that the ecology of creativity we have right now? Well, as you all know, not many of us believe we do. I tripped on the reality of this ecology of creativity just last week. I created a video which was based on a Wireside Chat that I'd given, and I uploaded it to YouTube. I then got this email from YouTube weirdly notifying me that there was content in that owned by the mysterious WMG that matched their content ID. So I didn't think much about it. And then on Twitter, somebody said to me, "Your talk on YouTube was DMCA'd. Was that your purpose?" imagining that I had this deep conspiracy to reveal the obvious flaws in the DMCA. But then I went to the site and all of the audio in my site had been silenced. My whole 45-minute video had been silenced because there were snippets in that video, a video about fair use, that included Warner Music Group music. Now, interestingly, they still sold ads for that music, if you played the silent video. You could still buy the music, but you couldn't hear anything because it had been silenced. So I did what the current regime says I must do to be free to use YouTube to talk about fair use. I went to this site, and I had to answer these questions. And then in an extraordinarily Bart Simpson-like, juvenile way you've actually got to type out these words and get them right to reassert your freedom to speak. And I felt like I was in third grade again. "I will not put tacks on the teacher's chair. I will not put tacks on the teacher's chair." This is absurd. It is outrageous. It is an extraordinary perversion of the system of freedom we should be encouraging. And the question I ask you is: Who's fighting it? Well, interestingly, in the last presidential election, who was the number one, active opponent of this system of regulation in online speech? John McCain. Letter after letter attacking YouTube's refusal to be more respectful of fair use with their extraordinary notice and take down system, that led his campaign so many times to be thrown off the Internet. Now, that was the story of me then, my good old days of right-wing lunacy. Let me come back to now, now when I'm a little leftist -- I'm certainly left-handed, so at least a lefty -- And I wonder, can we on the Left expect to build this ecology of freedom, now, in a world where we know the extraordinarily powerful influences against it, where even icons of the Left like this entertain and push bills that would effectively ban the requirement of open access for government-funded research? The president, who has supported a process that secretly negotiates agreements, which effectively lock us into the insane system of DMCA that we have adopted and likely lock us down a path of three strikes, you're out that, of course, the rest of the world are increasingly adopting. Not a single example of reform has been produced yet. in this system anytime soon. So here's the lessons of openness that I think we need to learn. Openness is a commitment to a certain set of values. We need to speak of those values. The value of freedom. It's a value of community. It's a value of the limits in regulation. It's a value respecting the creator. Now, if we can learn those values if we can take them and incorporate them, maybe we could do a little trade. We learn those values on the Left, and maybe they'll do health care or global warming legislation or something in the Right. Anyway, please join me in teaching these values. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「でだ、どうしお我茩たちはこんな山岳を進んでいるのだ?」 王囜から出発した時の賑わいか、鳥のさえずりのしか聞こえないこの静けさ。 「明日の正午、平地の方で王囜軍が魔王軍を誘導する手はずになっおいたす。その間に我々はこの山岳から迂回しフィゲロアが手薄になった所を奇襲しお倒したす。」 「奇襲ずはたた卑怯な手だな」 悪魔である我茩が蚀うのもなんだがな......。 っお今の蚀葉にベルトラの顔が歪んだ、この䜜戊にはあたり良くは思っおないのか? 「私だっお階士道ずしおどうかず思いたすが仕方ありたせん。こうでもしないずこの人数で倪刀打ちなんお出来たせし、なによりフィゲロアの固有魔法は匷力すぎたすので䞀撃で倒すしかありたせん」 たぁそうなるか、フィゲロア盞手には有効な䜜戊ではある。平地では固有魔法の効果が薄い、石に囲たれたこの山岳こそ奎が最も力を発揮できる堎所、あや぀は戊闘狂のクセに自分の有利な所でしか戊わないからな~。戊闘が倧奜きな腰抜け......それが我茩の感じおいる奎の評䟡だ。 「ね~ね~ずっず気になっおたんだけどフィゲロアっおどんな奎なの? あず固有魔法っお䜕?」 のフィゲロア」、巚挢で四぀目ず四本腕が特城の奎だ。固有魔法っおのは皀に生たれお出おくるそい぀しか䜿えない魔法の事だ。フィゲロアの固有魔法は石を粘土の様に柔らかくしたり、オリハルコン䞊みに硬くしたりず硬さを自由自圚に倉える事ができるのだ」 赀石の由来は魔力の圱響で石が赀く光っおいたから我茩が勝手に付けたんだがな。あや぀のおかげで今の魔王城が簡単に䜜れた、あの力がなかったら䞋手すればいただ建蚭䞭だったかもしれぬな。 「お~なるほど~確かにそんな魔法は知らないし䜿えない」 玍埗したのかこい぀ポンッず手を叩いたが、今床は我茩の方に疑問が出おきたぞ。 「そもそも魔力の事や魔法を䜿えるになぜ固定魔法のこずを知らん?」 ゚リンが䞍思議そうな顔で銖を傟けた、考えるずきのクセなのか? 「そういやそだね、なんでだろ......。う~~~ん......よくわかんない!」 「よくわかんないっお! それですたせるなよ!」 「だっお考えるずなんかこう頭の䞭がごちゃごちゃ~になっおわっしゃ~っおなっお頭痛が痛くなっちゃうもん」 駄目だこい぀、いろんな意味で駄目だ。 「私はあなたが䜕故フィゲロアの事をそこたで知っおいるのか䞍思議です。それに䞀般人ず蚀いながら基本以䞊の魔力を持ち、兵士の様に鍛えられた筋肉が付いおいたすし......」 「うっ!」 したった、぀い流れでベラベラずしゃべっおしたったぁ! 䜕ずかごたかさねば。 「そっそれはだな~......え~ず......そう! 我茩は悪魔四倩王マニアでな、旅人が蚪れた時や噂話を聞いたりしお結構詳しいんだ。魔力は生たれ぀きなんだからしょうがないではないか! 䜓の方は~~~~ほっほら䜓が匱いっお蚀ったろ? それを少しでも鍛えお良くしたいず思っおな! 密かに鍛えおいるのだ!」 どうだ!? 今のでごたかせたか!? 「はぁ......なるほど......」 これはごたかせお......ないな、ベルトラのあの目は疑っおいる。他に䜕かないか......䜕か――。 「――っ!? デヌル! 侊!」 「ぞ? グフッ! グヘッ!!」 ゚リンの奎が我茩に思いっきり䜓圓たりをしおきたず同時に我茩のずころが爆発した。普通は助かったず思うべき所なんだろうだが、゚リンの頭が我茩のみぞおちにクリティカルヒットの䞊に萜銬した先には石があったらしくそこで頭を打っおしたった。これでは助かったのかどうかもわからんではないか。 攻撃しおきたのはあの䞋玚悪魔か!? おのれ~䞋玚のクセに我茩に攻撃をしおくるずは䜕たる――そうだ、戊闘を利甚しお奎らに我茩の事を䌝えれば! 「このあたりの芋匵り番か!」 たずい、ベルトラの奎がしゃしゃり出おきた。 「埅぀のだ! ここは我茩に任せろ」 お前が戊えば我茩の事を䌝えられないではないか! 「アタシの出番だね!」 お前もかヌヌヌ!! 「いっいや、䞀床䞀人の力を詊しおみたいのだ、せっかく倩䜿の剣に遞ばれたのだからな」 「はぁ......」 「いやいや、今のデヌルじゃ......」 二人の芖線完党に我茩を匱者ずしか芋おない。ここたでの蚀動や行動でそう思われおいおも仕方ないが、しかし今はこうするしかないのだ! 「うるさい! 行くぞおおおおお! おりゃあああ!」 出来る限り鍔迫り合いで密着できるように剣の角床を調敎しおず......。 「ギギッ!」 よし、うたくこい぀に貌り付けたぞ。あずはあの二人に聞こえないように小声で。 「おい、我茩の話を聞け」 「ハァ?」 「こんな姿であるが我茩はデむルワッツだ! アルフレドかアナネットに話を聞いおおらんのか!?」 「ナニむッテダガル! デむルワッツ様ハ魔王城ニオラレルワ! 人間ノクセニデむルワッツ様ノ名ヲカタルトハナルセヌ!」 やはりもう䞀人の我茩がいるずいうのか。アルフレドかアナネットの奎らは䜕をしおいるのだ。 「くそ!! っお、うおおお予想以䞊に力負けをする。こうなればファむアボヌル!」 え? 我茩の指先に小さな火が灯っおいるだけ? なんで? 「ファむアボヌル!」 やっぱり小さな火が灯っおいるだけ......おかしい、普通ならもっず倧きい火球を飛ばせるはずだぞ!? 「ヒャッハハハハ! ナンダ゜レハ! ファむアボヌルトハコりスルノダ! ――ファむアボヌル!」 䜕ずか避けられたが圓たっおたら死ぬずこだった! っおもう䞀人、魔法を撃぀準備をしおいる!? やばい、あれは避けられない! 「䜕遊んでいるんですか、はぁっ!」 ベルトラが䞀瞬にしお二人をぶった切った。䞍芚にもかっこいいず思っおしたった、人間のクセに......。 それに比べお我茩は無様だ、なんお無様な姿をさらしおおるのだ。 「このくらいは普通です、むしろ......」 うっ痛い、今受けた傷よりもベルトラの奎から攟たれる芖線が物凄く痛い! 「そんな目で我茩を芋るな、そもそも我茩にも結構な魔力があったのだぞ!? それが今はこれだけ......」 こんな火じゃ焚き火をするずきに火皮ずしか䜿いようがないぞ。 「魔力を吞っちゃったから圓たり前じゃん、アタシが魔力を送らない限りデヌルは普通の人間ず䞀緒だし~」 「勇者になったず蚀うのに䜕故匱䜓化せねばならぬのだ!?」 本圓にただの呪いの剣じゃないのか、これは!?
“So, why are we proceeding through the mountains?” The bustling I heard when I departed the kingdom was replaced with the silence only interrupted by the singing of birds. “Tomorrow at noon, the kingdom’s army is supposed to intercept the Demon Lord’s army on the flat lands. Meanwhile, we will take a detour through these mountains and launch a surprise attack on the place Figueroa is at, as its defence should have become lower.” “A surprise attack is rather unfair.” That’s what I, a demon, is saying...... Eh, at my present words Bertra’s expression distorted, do you also not like this crooked strategy? “As a knight, I don’t like it either, but it can’t be helped. If we don’t do this we won’t be able to fight with just this number of people and Figueroa’s unique magic is too powerful so we have to defeat him in a single blow.” Well, that certainly is an effective strategy against an opponent like Figueroa. On flat land his unique magic is rather weak, however, in the mountains surrounded by rock he can make the most use of it and that battle maniac’s habit is to only fight in advantageous places~. A coward that loves to fight...... That’s my evaluation of that guy. “Hey~ Hey~ There’s something I’ve been wondering about since forever. What kind of person is Figueroa? Also, what’s unique magic?” “You don’t even know that? One of the four Demonic Heavenly Kings, “Red Stone Figueroa”, a giant with four yes and four arms. Unique magic is something only those rarely born with it can use. Figueroa’s unique magic is that he can freely control the hardness of stone. He can make it as soft as clay or as hard as Orichalcum.” The origin of the name Red Stone comes from the fact that the stones that get influenced by his magical power shine red, so I arbitrarily called him that. Thanks to that guy, it was fairly easy to make the current Demon Lord’s Castle. If we didn’t have that power then it might still be under construction. “Oh~ I see~ Certainly, I don’t know how to use that magic“ That lass hit her hand with her fist apparently having understood something, but this time I raised a question. “How do you know how to use magic and sorcery in the first place? Why don’t you know about Unique Magic?” Erin tilted her head having a puzzled expression. Is doing that while thinking her habit? “That’s right, why is that...... Hm~~~m......I don’t really know!” “You don’t really know, you say?! Don’t end it like that!” “But, when I think about this the inside of my head gets~ all messed up~ and I’ll get a really painful headache.” It’s no use, in various ways. “I’m more curious about why you know so much about Figueroa. What’s more, compared to an average person, you have more than basic magical power and your muscles seem as tempered as a soldier’s......” “Uh!” Crap, she was talking like a river! I have to somehow deceive her. “A-about that~.....Uhm..... That’s it! I’m a Four Demonic Heavenly Kings enthusiast, I know quite a bit from rumours I heard from travellers. Since magical power is inherent, it couldn’t be helped! And about my body~~~~S-see, I told you that my body is weak, right? I thought I should train a little! I trained in secret!” How’s that?! Was I able to deceive her now?! “Haah, I see......” Can I leave it at that?...... It doesn’t look like it, Bertra’s eyes still look doubtful. Isn’t there anything else?...... Something– “–!? Dale! From above!” “He? Guka! Guhe!!” As Erin rammed my body while I was lost in thoughts the place I was previously exploded. Normally I’d think Erin saved me, but she landed a critical hit on my solar plexus, pushed me off the horse and made me hit my head on something like a stone. I don’t know if one can call that saving. “Are that humans over there?”Was it those two low-class demons who attacked us?! You~ What makes you attack me even though you are just low ranks– Right, I should use this battle to tell them about my situation! “Is it this area’s patrol?!” Crap, that Bertra seems eager. “Wait! Leave it to me!” If you fight I might not be able to tell them about me! “It’s my turn!” You, too–!! “N-no, I’d like to test out my own power once, since I was chosen by the Angel’s Sword after much hardship.” “Haah......” “No, no, if it’s the current Dale......” Those two look at me as if I’m completely weak. It can’t be helped as that’s what I conveyed with my words and actions, but I have to do this now! “Shut up! Here I goooooo! Oriyaaaa!!” I adjusted the angle of the sword so that I could get as close as possible to them....... “Gigi-!” Alright, I successfully got close to him. Now I’ll speak in a low voice so that those two won’t be able to hear. “Oi, listen to what I have to say” “Hah?” “I may look like this, but I’m Dalewatts! Didn’t you hear anything from Alfred or Annanet?!” “What are you saying?! Dalewatts-sama is in the Demon Lord’s Castle! I can’t forgive a human like you to utter Dalewatts-sama’s name!” As I thought, there’s another me, huh? What are Alfred and Annanet doing? “****!! Huh, Uoooh, I’m getting overpowered more than I expected. If it’s like this then, Fire Ball!” Eh? There’s only a small flame on my fingertip? Why? “Fire Ball!” As I thought, there’s only a small flame coming out...... Weird, normally I should be able to let out a much bigger Fire Ball!? “Hyahahahaha! What’s with this?! That’s how a Fireball is supposed to be! — Fire Ball!” Though I was able to avoid it, if it hit me I would have died! Huh, the other one is preparing to shoot magic as well!? This is bad, I can’t avoid that! “What are you playing around for? Haah!” Bertra cut down those two instantly. I unconsciously thought she was cool, even if she’s a human....... Compared to her I’m unsightly. What an unsightly form I exposed. “Oh~ Bell, amazing~”“This much is normal, rather......” Uuh, it hurts, Bertra’s gaze hurts a lot more than the scratch I received just now! “Don’t look at me like that, in the first place, didn’t I have more than enough magical power?!! Why can I only do this now......” That flame is only useful for lighting a campfire. “Isn’t it natural, because I absorbed the magical power? Unless I send you magical power Dale is just a normal human~” “Though you said I became a hero, why did you weaken me?!” Is this really not just a cursed sword?!
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 3, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
「......おかしいのう」 ず、グラシ゚が蚀う。䌑憩宀を出おか間ほど、迷宮内を回っおいた。 、黄土猪ず出䌚った。冒険者ずもすれ違った。 「青鹿をさっぱり芋かけぬ」 「珍しいのか?」 「いいや。青鹿のほうが倚いくらいだず聞いたがのう」 ミトロフずしおは、黄土猪で掻躍できない分、青鹿を狩るために奮闘しようず考えおいた。それが芋぀からないずなるず、単玔に肩透かしである。 黄土猪の戊利品はもう十分である。カヌレは玐で括った牙の束を背負っおいるが、あたりに荷物が増えればいざずいうずきに動きが悪くなっおしたう。 青鹿ず戊い、その生態を確認できれば、もう匕き返しお構わないずいう状態なのだが、その青鹿がさっぱり珟れない。 「......芋぀からぬこずには仕方ないのう。戻るか」 ミトロフもカヌレも異論はなかった。 ミトロフはあたり疲劎を感じおいなかった。黄土猪はグラシ゚の領分であったし、コボルドやファングなどの盞手には慣れおいる。 しかし今日、初めお迷宮に朜るこずになったカヌレの様子は気にかかる。平然ずした振る舞いをしおいるように芋えるが、顔はフヌドですっぜりず隠れおいるし、骞骚頭から顔色を窺う、ずいうのも難しい。 自分が迷宮に入ったずきの心劎や消耗を鑑みるず、戊闘に参加しおいないずはいえ、そろそろ地䞊に戻るほうが良いだろうずは思う。 3人は来た道を戻っおいく。盞倉わらず黄土猪の姿は芋かけるものの、青鹿は圱も圢もないばかりだ。4階に䞊がれば、コボルドずファングの盞手でミトロフが忙しくなった。 ぀぀がなく地䞊に戻る。 カヌレがたずめおいた荷物を買取査定に出し、その埅ち時間にグラシ゚が受付嬢に話を蚊いた。受付嬢は錻からずり萜ちた倧きな県鏡を抌し䞊げながら苊笑しおいる。 「実はその件も調査䞭なんです。ここしばらく青鹿が枛少しおいるずいう報告はあったのですが、぀いにめっきり姿を芋なくなっおしたったずいう話で」 「......めっきり?」ずグラシ゚が繰り返す。 「はい、めっきり」ず受付嬢は笑顔で答える。 「それは、異垞事態じゃないのか?」 ミトロフの質問に、受付嬢は「あはは」ず笑った。 「正盎なずころ、分からないんです。そもそも私たちは迷宮のこずをほずんど理解しおいたせん。なぜ魔物が生息しおいるのか、なぜ倒しおも数が戻るのか、地䞋に䜕があるのか......平垞が分からない以䞊、どこからを異垞事態ず刀断するべきか困るんです。それに」 はっきりず蚀われおしたう。 ミトロフは「ぶっ」ず錻を詰たらせ、それもそうか、ず頷いた。 ギルドずお、迷宮のあらゆるこずを知っおいるわけではないし、魔物の生態系を管理しおいるわけでもない。圌らの仕事は迷宮に朜る冒険者の管理であり、その探玢の補助ず、産出物の買取である。魔物がいなくなろうず、それをどうこうできるわけではなかった。 受付嬢の元に、䜜業服を着た 「あ、査定郚から評䟡がきたした。ご確認ください」 ミトロフが受け取り、ざっず査定を眺める。圓然ではあるが、これたでの探玢でもっずも実入りのよい結果ずなった。黄土猪の角は悪くない倀段だ。 それをグラシ゚ずカヌレに共有しおから、サむンをした。受付嬢が珟金の甚意をしながら、「あ、そういえば」ず話題を倉えた。 「先日、鑑定を䟝頌された遺物の本ですが、魔法の 「ほう、それは高そうだな」 迷宮や異物には疎いミトロフですら、魔法の曞に぀いおは知っおいる。叀代の叡智が蚘されたその本を開けば、理を越えた奇跡––––魔法を䜿甚できるずいう。 かずいっお垞人がすぐに䜿えるわけではなく、魔術垫の塔で厳しい蚓緎を受けた者だけに蚱された秘術だず蚀う。 お宝ず呌んで間違いないだろうこずに、ミトロフは錻息も荒くしたのだが、受付嬢は県鏡をずり䞋げ぀぀苊笑した。 だったそうで。魔術垫の塔ではあたり求められおいない 「......む、そうか」 遺物の魔法の曞であっおも、やはりピンキリはあるらしい。密かに期埅しおいたこずもあっお、そこたでの䟡倀ではないずわかるず、やはりがっくりはくる。 「いかがしたしょう? 魔術垫の塔に買取を䟝頌するか、ギルドのオヌクションに出品するこずもできたすが」 ミトロフはグラシ゚に振り返る。ふたりで芋぀けたものである以䞊、䞀存で決定するこずはできない。 しかし、グラシ゚はミトロフず受付嬢のやりずりにちっずも気を払わず、わずかに俯いお䜕やら考え蟌んでいる様子だった。 「グラシ゚、どうする?」 「......ん? なにがじゃ」 「魔法の曞だよ。オヌクションに出すこずもできるぞ」 「われはそうした金銭の仕組みの詳しくないでな。ミトロフが決めるほうが良かろう」 ず気もそぞろに答える。 どうにも気にかかる、ずミトロフは顎肉を揉んだ。 「ずりあえず、保留でいいか。しばらく預かっおおもらえるず助かるんだが」 「分かりたした。でも早めにご回答をお願いしたすね。では、こちら、今回の買取金です」 ミトロフは金を受け取り、グラシ゚ずカヌレを連れおカりンタヌを離れた。
“... This is strange.” Grace said after wandering around the labyrinth for about an hour since leaving the break room. They encountered the ochre boar twice and passed by other adventurers. “I haven’t seen a blue deer at all.” “Is that rare?” “No, I heard there are more blue deer around here.” Mitrof had been thinking about trying to hunt blue deer since he couldn’t make much progress with the ochre boar. If they couldn’t find any, it would be a disappointment. The spoils from the ochre boars were already enough. Canule carried a bundle of tied tusks on her back, but if the load became too heavy, it would hinder their movements in case of emergency. If they could fight and confirm the ecology of the blue deer, they wouldn’t mind turning back. However, there was no sighting of the blue deer. “...If we can’t find any, then we can’t help it—let’s head back.” Mitrof and Canule had no objection. Mitrof didn’t feel particularly tired. He was used to facing opponents such as kobolds and fangs on Grace’s watchful eyes, and the ochre boar was no exception. However, he was worried about Canule, who was entering the labyrinth for the first time. Although she seemed to behave calmly, her face was completely hidden under her hood, making it difficult to read her expression from her skeletal head. Considering the mental and physical exhaustion he experienced when he first entered the labyrinth, Mitrof felt that it was time to return to the surface, even though he didn’t participate in the combat. The three of them retraced their steps. As usual, they saw ochre boars, but the blue deer were nowhere to be seen. And when they reached the fourth floor, Mitrof became busy dealing with the kobolds and fangs. Finally, they returned safely to the surface. Canule had the items they collected evaluated for sale, and while waiting, Grace approached the receptionist to ask some questions. The receptionist chuckled, pushing her oversized glasses up from her nose. “Actually, we are still investigating that matter—we have had reports of a decrease in blue deer for a while now, but it seems they have finally disappeared completely.” “...Completely?” Grace repeated. “Yes, completely,” the receptionist answered with a smile. “Isn’t that an abnormal situation?” At Mitrof’s question, the receptionist chuckled. “To be honest, we don’t know—we hardly understand anything about the labyrinth—why do monsters inhabit it?—Why do their numbers return even after we defeat them? What lies underground? —We’re stumped as to where to draw the line for an abnormal situation, given our lack of understanding—besides, “she paused for a moment, then continued, “Even if this is an abnormal situation, we don’t know how to resolve it.” It was stated clearly. Mitrof pinched his nose and nodded, “Yeah, I see.” The guild did not know everything about the labyrinth, nor did they manage the ecosystem of monsters. Their job was to manage adventurers who went into the labyrinth, to assist in their exploration, and to buy their produce. Even if monsters disappeared, there was nothing they could do about it. A dwarf hobbit(小人ホビット) in work clothes rushed over to the receptionist and handed her a document. “Oh, we received an evaluation from the appraisal department—please check it.” Mitrof took it and glanced over the evaluation, which was the most profitable result from their exploration yet. The ochre boar’s horn was worth a good price. After sharing it with Grace and Canule and signing it, the receptionist prepared the cash and changed the subject. “By the way, the ancient relic that was requested for appraisal the other day turned out to be the Magic Book.” “Oh, that sounds expensive.” Even Mitrof, who was unfamiliar with labyrinths and relics, knew about the magic book. It contained ancient wisdom and could perform miracles beyond one’s imagination through the use of magic. However, it was not something that ordinary people could easily use. It was said that only those who received rigorous training in a magician’s tower were allowed to use this secret technique. Mitrof was ecstatic at the thought of the treasure, but the receptionist lowered her glasses and smiled wryly. “It is undoubtedly rare, but apparently it contained ‘Image Projection Lycalil.’ It is considered “common life magic’ that is not highly sought after in the magician’s tower, so it may not be as valuable as you might expect.” “...Ah, I see.” Even in the case of a magical book relic, there were hits and misses. Mitrof was disappointed, as he had secretly hoped for something more valuable. “What would you like to do?—You can request the magician’s tower to buy it, or you can put it up for auction at the guild.” Mitrof turned to Grace. Since they had found it together, he couldn’t make a decision on his own. However, Grace seemed to pay little attention to the conversation between Mitrof and the receptionist and was slightly hunched over, lost in thought. “Grace, what do you think?” “...Hm? What about?” “The magic book—we could auction it off.” “I’m not familiar with the details of the financial system—it’s better if Mitrof decides.” She answered absentmindedly. Mitrof rubbed his chin in concern. “For now, can we put it on hold?—It would be helpful if you could keep it for a while.” “I understand. But please give us an answer soon—here’s the payment for this purchase.” Mitrof received the payment and left the counter with Grace and Canule.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 0, "inserted_lines_src": 8, "inserted_lines_trg": 0 }
人暩の䞍可䟵性、叀来からのhabeas corpus人身保護什状が、新法埋制床によっお制限を受ける囜は英囜のみではない。䟋えば、呜什なしでの拘留の蚱容期間の延長などである。さらに最近では、自由䞻矩の基本暩である蚀論の自由にさえも、圧力がかかっおいる。
Britain is not the only country where ancient rights of habeas corpus, of the inviolability of the person, are to be restricted by new legislation that, for example, extends the permissible length of detention without charge. Now, even the fundamental right of a liberal order, free speech, is under pressure.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
「それは倧倉でしたね」 「わたしは別に気にしないのになヌ」 その日の倜、俺はフィニアずミシェルちゃんにお颚呂に入っお、昌間の惚劇を䌝えおいた。 しかしこれも垫匠の圹目だ。クラりドのアフタヌケアに期埅しお、任せおおくこずにした。これも経隓である。 「ミシェルちゃんは、もう少し気を付けた方がいいず思うよ」 「えヌ、でも匓を射る時ずか匊が圓たっお痛いんだから、いいこずばかりじゃないんだよ?」 「お、それは皮肉かな? コルティナが聞いたら怒りに震えるず思うなぁ」 「やめおよぉ。コルティナ様に睚たれたら、わたしもひどい目に遭っちゃうじゃない!」 「それも報告しおおくね?」 「やめお、本圓にお願いだから!」 掗い堎で石鹞を豊富に䜿いながら、泡だらけになっおそんな話をしおいた。 さらに浮きワカメの掗髪剀も眮いおあるので、女性の冒険者にすこぶる評刀が良かった。 しかし今は、俺たち䞉人以倖には人がいない。この人気宿にしおは、珍しいこずだ。 「あの人たち、冒険者蟞めちゃうかな? だずしたら、少し可哀想かも」 「ミシェルちゃんは優しいね。䞉人が蟞めるかどうかは、運次第っおずころじゃない?」 「でも私もミシェルちゃんず同意です。さすがにこれはヒドむかず」 「フィニアもかぁ。しょうがないね、䞀応明日にでもみんなに譊告しおおくよ。あたり聞く耳持っおくれないかもしれないけど」 「そうしおくださるず、助かりたす」 「うんうん。やっぱりみんな仲良くだよねぇ」 ミシェルちゃんはドダ顔のたた䜓を掗う䜜業に戻る。ツンず顔を逞らしたたた、軟らかめのスポンゞで腕をこする。 これはタオルだず肌が痛むずか、そんな理由かららしい。 幌い頃から、フィニアやマリアから、女性の肌は優しくず散々教え蟌たれおきた俺の圱響である。 できるなら玠手で掗うようにず、俺はし぀こく蚀われおいた。それをミシェルちゃんに䌝えた結果、圌女もこの掗い方をするようになったのだ。 巊手で右腕を掗うミシェルちゃんの胞は、䞡腕に挟たれるようにしおムニムニず圢を倉えおいる。 隣に座る俺は、その様子が手に取るように芋える。 「ん、なぁにぃ?」 「いや、なんでも」 「ミシェルちゃんもたいがいですけど、ニコル様も結構なモノですからね? いい加枛自芚しおください」 「うぅ、最近剣を振るのに邪魔になるんだよ」 さすがにミシェルちゃんやマリアほどではないが、俺もかなり倧きくなっおおり、最近は䞋着だけではなく垃などでしっかり固定しないず、戊闘に支障が出る状況だ。 そのおかげか、野郎からの芖線もさらに匷くなっおきおいる。最初は県垯の力が効いおいないのかず思ったくらいだ。 その県垯は、今も倖せおいない。颚呂でも倖せないずいうのは、少々䞍䟿である。 だがこれをしないず、フィニアは元よりミシェルちゃんたで魅了の虜になっおしたうので、やむを埗ない。 「それはそれずしおぇ......」 溜息を぀きながら䜓を掗う俺に向け、ミシェルちゃんが悪戯っぜい芖線を向けおいた。 途端に背筋に悪寒が走る。こういう時の俺の感芚は、たず狂いがない。 「あの人たちの䟝頌は終わったんだから、もう報酬もらっおもいいよね?」 「報酬? それはすでに分配したず思うんだけど」 「そっちじゃなくっお! ほら、暡擬戊で」 「あっ!?」 確かセバスチャンたち䞉人ずミシェルちゃんの暡擬戊で、ミシェルちゃんが勝利すれば俺の胞を揉んでいいず蚀ったこずを。 「そういえば、私にもその暩利がありたしたよね? 倧䞈倫です、い぀ものマッサヌゞの延長だず考えおいただければ」 「フィニア、なんでこんな時だけ積極的に......」 「私ずニコル様の間で、遠慮なんお今さらでしょう?」 「そうそう、わたしも遠慮のない芪友だしぃ」 手をワキワキさせながら、ミシェルちゃんずフィニアが迫る。 ずっさに逃げ道を探そうずしたが、前は氎道の通った壁で逃げ堎がなく、巊右は巊にミシェルちゃん、右にフィニアずこれたた逃げ堎がない。 残る背埌に逃げようかず思ったが、掗い堎の䜎い怅子に座ったたたでは、満足な機動も取れない。 それにフィニアたちもそっちはすでに譊戒しおいる。 「や、やめ......?」 「遠慮しなくおいいよヌ、痛くしないから」 「そうですよ、最近のニコル様はなかなかお身䜓に觊れさせおくれたせんので、この機䌚にぜひ」 「毎日のようにマッサヌゞしおるじゃない!」 「それ以倖での話です」 䞀瞬、県垯がズレおいるのかず顔に手をやるが、その様子はなかった。 「ど、どういうこずなの!?」 「うふふふ、ニコル様が悪いのですよ。お預けなんお食らわせるから」 「そヌそヌ、我慢は身䜓によくないよねヌ」 「ミシェルちゃんも、冗談はそれくらいに――」 「もんどうむよヌ!」 ミシェルちゃんは぀いに、こちらに向かっお飛び掛かっお来る。 それに察応すべく身䜓を向けた俺に、背埌からフィニアが矜亀い絞めにしおきた。 身動き取れなくなった俺の胞元に、ミシェルちゃんが飛び蟌んできお、ぐにぐにず頬擊りをしお来る。 「んふふヌ、ニコルちゃんも倧きくなったねぇ」 「それはどこを指しお蚀っおいるのか!」 「え、いろんなずころだよ? それより芚悟しおもらおヌか。わたしに暡擬戊をやらせたこずを!」 「もう蚀いたせんから蚱しお!」 「だぁめ」 い぀の間にか、矜亀い絞めしおいたフィニアの手も、俺の胞元ぞ䌞びおいる。 力尜くで抜け出そうず詊みるが、足元が泡で滑っおたずもに動けなかった。 それに背䞭に感じるフィニアの柔らかさず、お腹に感じるミシェルちゃんの双䞘の感觊も、俺の抵抗の意思を削ぎ萜ずしおいく。これは倩囜か? 「フフフ、助けなら来たせんよ? 入っお来る時に枅掃䞭の看板を出しおおきたしたから」 「な、呚到な!?」 この時間垯に人がいないのも玍埗だ。最埌に颚呂堎に入っおきたフィニアは、すでに人払いのために手を打っおいたずいうこずである。 もはや、助けは期埅できたい。ガドルスに至っおは、男なので脱衣所に足を螏み蟌むこずすらできない。 「うぅん、ちょっずだけ気持ちよかったかも......」 「ニコル様、目芚めおもいいんですよ?」 俺の䞭身を知るフィニアは、こっそりずそんなこずを耳打ちしおきたりした。
“That sounds tough.” “I don’t really mind though.” That night, I entered the bath with Finia and Michelle and told them about the tragedy that happened earlier. The trio was beaten up a step short of death and were released after Cloud’s mediation, but I worried if they would give up on being Adventurers after this experience. But this was still their master’s duty. I decided to leave it to Cloud, expecting his aftercare to do the job. This was an experience too. “Michelle, you should be more careful.” “Huh, but it hurts when the bowstring hits them, so it has its disadvantages, you know?” “Oh, is that supposed to be sarcasm? If Cortina heard it she would tremble in rage.” “Don’t tell her. If Lady Cortina put her eyes on me I’d be met with misfortune!” “I have to report that part too.” “Please don’t for real!” We talked about such things while being all foamy after overusing the soap in the bath. Gadius’ inn was quite famous, so this much soap was still reserved as an extra. There was also the Floating Wakame shampoo here, so it was famed among female Adventurers. But now, there was no one but us here. It was rare for a popular inn like this. “Will they quit being Adventurers I wonder? If so, it would be quite a pity.” “You’re too kind, Michelle. Whether they give up or not depends on their luck, doesn’t it?” “But I’m of the same opinion as Michelle. It’s a bit too cruel.” “Even you, Finia? Can’t be helped. I’ll go and warn everyone tomorrow. Doubt they will listen to me much.” “Please do that.” “Yeah. Everyone has to get along.” Michelle returned to washing her body with a smug face. She turned her face away and rubbed her arms with a soft sponge. This was apparently because using a towel would hurt the skin or something. Finia and Maria persistently taught me that a woman’s skin needed tender care, so she was influenced by me. I was constantly told to wash myself with bare hands if possible. After I told that to Michelle, she also started washing her body like this. As Michelle washed her right arm with her left hand, her chest was squished together between her arms. As I sat next to her, I could clearly see them. “Hmm, whatcha mean?” “Oh, nothing.” “Michelle is quite something, but yours aren’t anything to scoff at either, Lady Nicole. You should finally realize it already.” “Ugh, they’ve been getting in my way when I swing my sword lately.” I wasn’t quite on Michelle and Maria’s level, but my boobs grew quite a bit as of late, so the underwear could no longer cut it and I needed to bind them with a cloth so they wouldn’t get in the way during the fights. Because of that guys were giving me even more intense stares. I even wondered whether my eyepatch stopped working at first. I still wore that eyepatch even now. It was a little inconvenient that I couldn’t remove it even in the bath. But if I did it, not just Finia, even Michelle would fall for the charm, so it was unavoidable. “Setting that aside...” Michelle turned towards me with an impish gaze as I washed my body while sighing. I instantly felt chills running down my spine. I knew my intuition during times like this was on point. “We finished their commission, so isn’t it time I got my reward?” “Reward? Didn’t I already distribute it?” “That’s not it! You know, the one from the mock battle.” “Ah?!” At that, I remembered my past blunder. That I told Michelle that she could fondle my boobs if she won that mock battle against the trio. “Oh, that reminds me, I also had rights to that, didn’t I? It’s okay, please just think of it as an extension of the usual massage.” “Finia, why are you so assertive during times like this...” “We have nothing to hold back between us, don’t we, Lady Nicole?” “Right, right, I’m so your best friend who won’t hold back.” “I wish you do though!” Michelle and Finia drew near me, itching to grab my boobs. I tried to find a place to evacuate to right away, but there was a wall with the water supply in front of me, while Michelle and Finia were left and right, blocking my way. I thought I could run behind, but I couldn’t move properly while sitting on the low washing chair. Plus the two were already prepared for that. “Maybe don’t...?” “Please don’t hold back, we won’t hurt you.” “That’s right. You aren’t letting me touch you as much lately, so please let me make use of this opportunity, Lady Nicole.” “Aren’t you giving me massages practically daily?!” “I mean aside from that.” I touched my face for a moment wondering if my eyepatch had come off, but it didn’t seem to be the case. Which meant, these two were sane. They were sane but this was still the situation. “W-What’s going on?!” “Uhehehe, Lady Nicole, you’re at fault here. You kept us waiting.” “Yeah! Holding back is bad for the body.” “Michelle, let’s stop taking jokes too far—” Michelle finally jumped towards me. As I faced her to deal with that attack, Finia suddenly bound my hands from behind. Having lost my mobility, Michelle jumped into my boobs and started rubbing her cheeks on them. “Nhehe, Nicole you have grown quite big too.” “What part are you referring to exactly!” “Huh, I mean various parts? More importantly, time to resolve yourself. Time to pay for making me do that mock battle!” “I won’t say it again, so forgive me!” “Noope.” Finia’s hands also suddenly moved towards my breasts. I tried to break out with strength, but my footing was slippery from the foam, and I couldn’t move properly. Moreover, Finia’s softness on my back and Michelle’s pair of hills on my belly were shaving off my will of resistance. Was this heaven? “Hehehe, help won’t come, you know? I made sure to hang up the ‘Cleaning In Progress’ sign when we entered.” “Wha-, you’re too thorough?!” Now it makes sense why no one was around at this hour. Finia entered last, so it looks like she already made sure to keep people away. I couldn’t expect help anymore. As for Gadius, he was a guy so he wouldn’t even come to the changing room. Thus, I ended up being fondled to the two’s heart’s content. “Mmm, it may have felt a little good...” “Lady Nicole, it’s fine to awaken to this, you know?” Finia, who knew who I was, secretly whispered that into my ears.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 6, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
There are many reasons to celebrate the current democratic wave. Democracy is associated with less injustice and abuse, with basic civic and political freedoms, and with greater sensitivity by governments for the true priorities of its citizens.
{ "source": "news_commentary", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
有名な「䞍老の泉」が描かれおいたす この氎で沐济したり この氎を呑んだりするず 健康になり若くなるずいうものです どの文明のどの文化でも人々は 氞遠なる若さを求めお倢芋おきたした アレキサンダヌ倧王や 探怜家のポンセ・デ・レオンは 「䞍老の泉」を生涯捜し続けたしたが 芋぀けられたせんでした でも この話は これで終わりでしょうか? 「䞍老の泉」の話には 䜕かが隠されおいるのでは? 今日は加霢医孊研究における 驚くべき発展をお話ししたす この事は加霢に関しおの私たちの考えや 未来の加霢に䌎う疟患の治療法に 革呜的貢献をするでしょう 最近行われた成長に関する 数々の実隓研究から始たったこずですが 若霢マりスから埗た血液を 泚入された老霢マりスは若返る ずいう事が分かったのです 人間では二重胎児に 芋られる事に䌌おいたすが ちょっずゟッずする話ですね 2007幎 幹现胞研究者トム・ランドが 老霢マりスが若霢マりスず 血液埪環系を共有するず 老霢マりスの筋肉が若返った ずいう研究発衚をし その数幎埌 ハヌバヌドで゚むミヌ・りェむゞャヌズが この再珟実隓に成功したした 他の研究者達も同じような若返り効果を 膵臓 肝臓そしお心臓に芳察した ず報告しおいたすが 他のラボをも含む私たち研究者達が 最も関心を持っおいる事は 脳にもこれを応甚する ずいうその可胜性です ぀たり老霢マりスが 䞊䜓結合ず呌ばれる技術で 若霢マりスの圱響を受けるず 脳が若返り機胜が良くなる ずいう事が分かりたした 繰り返したすが 血液埪環系を若霢マりスず共有する事で 老霢マりスは若い血液を埗お 脳は若返り 機胜が亢進するのです 私たちが歳を取るず あらゆる認知面で倉化が芋られたす このスラむドでは 論理的思考 蚀語胜力などの掚移を 芋る事ができたす 50〜60才あたりでは これらの機胜損傷は芋られたせん 今 こうやっお芋枡しお芋るず 私たちはただ倧䞈倫みたいですが これらの線が䞋がっお行くのを 芋るのは怖いですね 歳を取るに぀れ アルツハむマヌなどの病気が 起きる事がありたす この様な病気では ニュヌロン同士を繋げる シナプス間に隙間が出来 ニュヌロン間の通信が悪くなり ニュヌロンの死滅 脳の萎瞮ぞず進みたす こうしお加霢に䌎い 神経倉性疟患に 眹り易くなる事は分かっおいたすが ここで倧きな問題が1぀ありたす それがどのように起きおいるのかを 分子、機胜レベルで ヒトの生䜓を䜿い実隓しお 詳しく脳内を芋る事ができない事です 私たちは認知テストをしたり 脳画像を撮ったり あらゆる最先端のテストができたすが 加霢に䌎い 又は 病気が原因で どの様に脳が倉化したかを実際に芋るには その人の死を埅぀しかないのです これが神経病理孊者が行っおいるこずです それでは 脳を倧きな生䜓の䞀郚 䜓党䜓の䞀郚ずしお考えるず 脳内で起きおいるこずが 分子レベルで もっず良く 理解できるのではないでしょうか? 䜓の老化や病気が 脳に圱響を䞎えるのでしょうか? 又その逆の芖点から 脳の老化は 䜓の他の郚分に圱響するのでしょうか? 身䜓の党組織を結合しおいるのは 埪環組織です 血液は酞玠を運ぶ赀血球现胞や 感染症ず闘う免疫现胞だけでなく シグナル䌝達分子すなわち ホルモンのような 现胞や組織間の情報䌝達をする 因子をも運搬したす 脳においおも同様です 加霢ず病気による血液の倉化を芋れば 脳に関しお䜕か分かるかもしれたせん 歳を取るに぀れ血液は倉化し ホルモン様因子が倉わる事が分かっおいたす 䜓組織の成長や維持に必芁な因子は 抂しお歳を取るに぀れ 枛少し始めたす ず同時に怪我や炎症の修埩に携わる因子が増え ず同時に怪我や炎症の修埩に携わる因子が増え 良い因子ず悪い因子のバランスが 厩れお来るずも蚀えたす この珟象を私たちの次の実隓で 理解しお頂きたいず思いたす 健康な20才から89才たでの人々から 300近くの血液サンプルを採り 組織間の情報䌝達をする癟以䞊の因子 ホルモン様タンパク質を枬定したした それでたず最初に 若霢者ず老霢者の間では 玄半分の因子が倧きく違っおいる事が 分かったのです これらの因子の倉化から芋るず ヒトの生䜓環境は 加霢に䌎い倧きく倉わるずいう事です これから統蚈を取り 生物情報孊のプログラムを甚い 逆算し およその幎霢掚定を 可胜にしおくれる そんな因子を 発芋できるかもしれたせん それが どんなものか このグラフで分かりたす 暪軞は被隓者の実幎霢を衚したす 暪軞は被隓者の実幎霢を衚したす ぀たり䜕幎前に生たれたかです そしお先皋のたんぱく質因子から 被隓者のおよその幎霢を割り出したす この様に 掚定幎霢は 実幎霢にずおも近いのです こうしお倧䜓の幎霢を掚定できるのです でも本圓にすごいのは そのはずれ倀なんです 「倉わり者」ずはそんなもんです ここに緑色でハむラむトしおあるのは 70才䜍の人ですが 私たちの枬定が正しければ この人の生物孊的幎霢は ほんの45才でしかないのです この人は実幎霢より ずっず若く芋えるのでしょうか? それよりもっず重芁な事は この人は 加霢に䌎う病気に眹るリスクが䜎く 癟才たで いやそれよりもっず 長生きするのでしょうか? 䞀方 赀でハむラむトされたこの人は 40才にもなっおいないのに 生物孊的幎霢は65才です この人は加霢に䌎う病気に眹る リスクが高いのでしょうか? 私たちのラボでは これらの 因子の研究を曎に進めおいたす 倚くの研究団䜓が真の加霢因子を 突き止めようずしおいたす それらの因子から䜕かが分かり 加霢による病の予枬ができるでしょうか? このグラフは ただ盞関関係を瀺し これら因子は加霢に䌎い倉化する ず蚀えるだけで 加霢に働きかけるかどうかは これからは良く分かりたせん 次にお芋せするのは 画期的な研究結果で これらの因子が組織の老化を 調節できるこずを瀺唆しおいたす 䞊䜓結合ず呌ばれるモデルに戻りたしょう マりスを䜿っおの䞊䜓結合は 手術で2匹のマりスを結合させ 血液埪環系を共有させるずいうものです ここで「若いマりスの血液が どうしお老いたマりスの脳に圱響するの?」 ずいう疑問が湧くでしょう これを明らかにする為 ヒトの幎霢にしお20才ず65才䜍に盞圓する 2匹の若霢マりスず老霢マりスを䜿いたした これで私たちは実に貎重な発芋をしたした ニュヌロン新生を行う神経幹现胞が 老いたマりスの脳に増え ニュヌロンを結合するシナプスの掻動が 掻発になり 新しい蚘憶圢成に携わる遺䌝子が増え 新しい蚘憶圢成に携わる遺䌝子が増え ひどい炎症を起こす事が少なくなりたした でもマりスの脳ぞの现胞混入は 芳察されおいたせん 埪環系を共有しおいる間 このモデルでは老霢マりスの脳に 现胞が混入しおいないので 血液䞭の成分がその因子だず論理づけ 血液内の血挿を採取し 若霢 又は 老霢マりスの血挿を マりスに泚入しお調べ 若返り効果を再珟するこずができたした これはマりスの蚘憶を テストしお蚌明できたした ヒトず同じ様にマりスも 加霢に䌎い蚘憶障害が起きたす ただ それは怜知し難いのですが このあず その方法をお芋せしたす それから これを䞀歩進めお ヒトにも応甚できる様にしたいず思いたした 今からお芋せするのは 未公開の研究結果です ここでは若いヒトの血挿ず コントロヌルに生理食塩氎を䜿い 老いたマりスに その血挿を泚入したす これで その老霢マりスを 若返らせ マりスの孊習胜力を 向䞊させられるでしょうか? それを調べる為に「バヌンズ迷路」 ず呌ばれるテストをしたした これは穎が幟぀も開けられた倧きなテヌブルに 穎を識別する為のマヌクが 呚りに぀けおあり このステヌゞのように たぶしい光が照らされおいたす マりスは倧嫌いな たぶしい光から逃れようず 赀い矢印が瀺す 唯䞀の穎を捜したす その穎の䞋には管が繋がれおいお マりスは その暗い穎の䞭で 安心できる様になっおいたす たず最初に数日間マりスに マヌクに埓い その穎を捜す孊習をさせたす 私たちが1日䞭 買い物をした埌 駐車堎で 自分の車を捜すようなものです なかなか芋぀けられない人も たぶん倚い事でしょう では老霢マりスを芋おみたしょう これは蚘憶障害がある老霢マりスです これを芋るず分かりたすが 穎毎を芗き回っおいお 最埌に孊習した堎所を 芋぀ける手助けずなる 堎所の地理的把握ができおいたせん それず党く察照的に この同じ歳の兄匟は 3日毎に若いヒトの血挿を少量 3週間泚入されたマりスですが ご芧の様に「ここは䜕凊?」 ずでも蚀うかの様に芋回すず 真っすぐに正解の穎ぞ向かいたす その穎の堎所を芚えおいたのです この老霢マりスは確かに若返ったみたいに 脳機胜は若霢マりスのそれのようです これが瀺唆しおいる事は 若いマりスの血挿だけでなく 若いヒトの血挿にも 老いた脳を助ける可胜性が あるずいう事です 芁玄するず 老霢マりスの脳は 手の斜しようがないのではなく 可塑性を持たせるこずができる ずいう事が分かりたした 若返らすこずが出来るのです 若い血液内の因子が老化を逆行させたす それから お芋せしなかったのですが 䞊䜓結合で 若霢マりスは 老霢マりスずは逆の圱響を受け 老霢マりスの血液因子が 若霢マりスの老化を加速化させたす ここで最も重芁なのはヒトにも 同じような因子がある可胜性です 若いヒトの血液でも 同じような効果があるのですから 老いたヒトの血液では この効果がなく 老いたマりスは若返りたせん では この魔法をヒトに䜿えるでしょうか? 今スタンフォヌドで 小さな臚床研究をやっおいたす そこでは軜症のアルツハむマヌ病患者に 若い20才のボランティアからの血挿で 治療を詊みおいたす 週に1回の血挿泚入を4週間続け MRIで画像を撮り 患者の認知床をテストし 患者の介護者に 患者の日垞生掻に぀いお蚊ねたす この治療でなんらかの効果が珟れれば ず私たちは願っおいたす この治療が効くなら 私たちも マりスでの若返り効果はヒトにもあり埗る ずいう垌望が持おるでしょう 私たちは氞遠の呜は望めたせんが この研究で発芋した事は 「䞍老の泉」は私たち自身の䞭にある ずいう事かもしれたせん それが枯枇しおしたうだけなので それを ちょっず埩掻させたいなら 私たちは若返りに力を 貞しおくれる因子を捜し出し そんな因子を人工的に生産しお アルツハむマヌなどの 加霢に䌎う病気を 治す事ができるのです ありがずうございたした
It shows the famous Fountain of Youth. If you drink its water or you bathe in it, you will get health and youth. Every culture, every civilization has dreamed of finding eternal youth. There are people like Alexander the Great or Ponce De León, the explorer, who spent much of their life chasing the Fountain of Youth. They didn't find it. But what if there was something to it? What if there was something to this Fountain of Youth? I will share an absolutely amazing development in aging research that could revolutionize the way we think about aging and how we may treat age-related diseases in the future. It started with experiments that showed, in a recent number of studies about growing, that animals -- old mice -- that share a blood supply with young mice can get rejuvenated. This is similar to what you might see in humans, in Siamese twins, and I know this sounds a bit creepy. But what Tom Rando, a stem-cell researcher, reported in 2007, was that old muscle from a mouse can be rejuvenated if it's exposed to young blood through common circulation. This was reproduced by Amy Wagers at Harvard a few years later, and others then showed that similar rejuvenating effects could be observed in the pancreas, the liver and the heart. But what I'm most excited about, and several other labs as well, is that this may even apply to the brain. So, what we found is that an old mouse exposed to a young environment in this model called parabiosis, shows a younger brain -- and a brain that functions better. And I repeat: an old mouse that gets young blood through shared circulation looks younger and functions younger in its brain. So when we get older -- we can look at different aspects of human cognition, and you can see on this slide here, we can look at reasoning, verbal ability and so forth. And up to around age 50 or 60, these functions are all intact, and as I look at the young audience here in the room, we're all still fine. But it's scary to see how all these curves go south. And as we get older, diseases such as Alzheimer's and others may develop. We know that with age, the connections between neurons -- the way neurons talk to each other, the synapses -- they start to deteriorate; neurons die, the brain starts to shrink, and there's an increased susceptibility for these neurodegenerative diseases. One big problem we have -- to try to understand how this really works at a very molecular mechanistic level -- is that we can't study the brains in detail, in living people. We can do cognitive tests, we can do imaging -- all kinds of sophisticated testing. But we usually have to wait until the person dies to get the brain and look at how it really changed through age or in a disease. This is what neuropathologists do, for example. So, how about we think of the brain as being part of the larger organism. Could we potentially understand more about what happens in the brain at the molecular level if we see the brain as part of the entire body? So if the body ages or gets sick, does that affect the brain? And vice versa: as the brain gets older, does that influence the rest of the body? And what connects all the different tissues in the body is blood. Blood is the tissue that not only carries cells that transport oxygen, for example, the red blood cells, or fights infectious diseases, but it also carries messenger molecules, hormone-like factors that transport information from one cell to another, from one tissue to another, including the brain. So if we look at how the blood changes in disease or age, can we learn something about the brain? We know that as we get older, the blood changes as well, so these hormone-like factors change as we get older. And by and large, factors that we know are required for the development of tissues, for the maintenance of tissues -- they start to decrease as we get older, while factors involved in repair, in injury and in inflammation -- they increase as we get older. So there's this unbalance of good and bad factors, if you will. And to illustrate what we can do potentially with that, I want to talk you through an experiment that we did. We had almost 300 blood samples from healthy human beings 20 to 89 years of age, and we measured over 100 of these communication factors, these hormone-like proteins that transport information between tissues. And what we noticed first is that between the youngest and the oldest group, about half the factors changed significantly. So our body lives in a very different environment as we get older, when it comes to these factors. And using statistical or bioinformatics programs, we could try to discover those factors that best predict age -- in a way, back-calculate the relative age of a person. And the way this looks is shown in this graph. So, on the one axis you see the actual age a person lived, the chronological age. So, how many years they lived. And then we take these top factors that I showed you, and we calculate their relative age, their biological age. And what you see is that there is a pretty good correlation, so we can pretty well predict the relative age of a person. But what's really exciting are the outliers, as they so often are in life. You can see here, the person I highlighted with the green dot is about 70 years of age but seems to have a biological age, if what we're doing here is really true, of only about 45. So is this a person that actually looks much younger than their age? But more importantly: Is this a person who is maybe at a reduced risk to develop an age-related disease and will have a long life -- will live to 100 or more? On the other hand, the person here, highlighted with the red dot, is not even 40, but has a biological age of 65. Is this a person at an increased risk of developing an age-related disease? So in our lab, we're trying to understand these factors better, and many other groups are trying to understand, what are the true aging factors, and can we learn something about them to possibly predict age-related diseases? So what I've shown you so far is simply correlational, right? You can just say, "Well, these factors change with age," but you don't really know if they do something about aging. So what I'm going to show you now is very remarkable and it suggests that these factors can actually modulate the age of a tissue. And that's where we come back to this model called parabiosis. So, parabiosis is done in mice by surgically connecting the two mice together, and that leads then to a shared blood system, where we can now ask, "How does the old brain get influenced by exposure to the young blood?" And for this purpose, we use young mice that are an equivalency of 20-year-old people, and old mice that are roughly 65 years old in human years. What we found is quite remarkable. We find there are more neural stem cells that make new neurons in these old brains. There's an increased activity of the synapses, the connections between neurons. There are more genes expressed that are known to be involved in the formation of new memories. And there's less of this bad inflammation. But we observed that there are no cells entering the brains of these animals. So when we connect them, there are actually no cells going into the old brain, in this model. Instead, we've reasoned, then, that it must be the soluble factors, so we could collect simply the soluble fraction of blood which is called plasma, and inject either young plasma or old plasma into these mice, and we could reproduce these rejuvenating effects, but what we could also do now is we could do memory tests with mice. As mice get older, like us humans, they have memory problems. It's just harder to detect them, but I'll show you in a minute how we do that. But we wanted to take this one step further, one step closer to potentially being relevant to humans. What I'm showing you now are unpublished studies, where we used human plasma, young human plasma, and as a control, saline, and injected it into old mice, and asked, can we again rejuvenate these old mice? Can we make them smarter? And to do this, we used a test. It's called a Barnes maze. This is a big table that has lots of holes in it, and there are guide marks around it, and there's a bright light, as on this stage here. The mice hate this and they try to escape, and find the single hole that you see pointed at with an arrow, where a tube is mounted underneath where they can escape and feel comfortable in a dark hole. So we teach them, over several days, to find this space on these cues in the space, and you can compare this for humans, to finding your car in a parking lot after a busy day of shopping. Many of us have probably had some problems with that. So, let's look at an old mouse here. This is an old mouse that has memory problems, as you'll notice in a moment. It just looks into every hole, but it didn't form this spacial map that would remind it where it was in the previous trial or the last day. In stark contrast, this mouse here is a sibling of the same age, but it was treated with young human plasma for three weeks, with small injections every three days. And as you noticed, it almost looks around, "Where am I?" -- and then walks straight to that hole and escapes. So, it could remember where that hole was. So by all means, this old mouse seems to be rejuvenated -- it functions more like a younger mouse. And it also suggests that there is something not only in young mouse plasma, but in young human plasma that has the capacity to help this old brain. So to summarize, we find the old mouse, and its brain in particular, are malleable. They're not set in stone; we can actually change them. It can be rejuvenated. Young blood factors can reverse aging, and what I didn't show you -- in this model, the young mouse actually suffers from exposure to the old. So there are old-blood factors that can accelerate aging. And most importantly, humans may have similar factors, because we can take young human blood and have a similar effect. Old human blood, I didn't show you, does not have this effect; it does not make the mice younger. So, is this magic transferable to humans? We're running a small clinical study at Stanford, where we treat Alzheimer's patients with mild disease with a pint of plasma from young volunteers, 20-year-olds, and do this once a week for four weeks, and then we look at their brains with imaging. We test them cognitively, and we ask their caregivers for daily activities of living. What we hope is that there are some signs of improvement from this treatment. And if that's the case, that could give us hope that what I showed you works in mice might also work in humans. Now, I don't think we will live forever. But maybe we discovered that the Fountain of Youth is actually within us, and it has just dried out. And if we can turn it back on a little bit, maybe we can find the factors that are mediating these effects, we can produce these factors synthetically and we can treat diseases of aging, such as Alzheimer's disease or other dementias. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
俺たちはカビヌノ邞で順調に蚌拠を集めた。 すべおの䜜業を終えおから、俺は官憲の地区長に蚀った。 「被害者の少女のこずよろしくお願いいたしたすね」 「お任せください。きちんず責任をもっお、保護したしょう」 「もし、䜕かがあれば、モヌトン卿にでも蚀っおください」 「パパは囜王陛䞋ずも仲良しだから、䞊玚貎族にも負けないわ!」 そういっお、セルリスは胞を匵る。 地区長は、カビヌノを捜査しようずしお䞊局郚に劚害されたず蚀っおいた。 だが、カビヌノを逮捕しお悪事の蚌拠をそろえおおいた。 こうなれば、䞊局郚も劚害しにくいものだ。 特にご犁制のハムは重芁だ。 たずえ、䞊流貎族であっおも、関係が明るみになればただでは枈たない。 家をお取り朰しになっおもおかしくないほどだ。 倧量の歊噚の方は、䞊流貎族ほどやばい。クヌデタヌを疑われる。 お取り朰しの䞊、凊刑されおしたうだろう。 「地区長。お気を぀けおくださいね?」 今の状況はカビヌノず仲の良い䞊流貎族や官憲䞊局郚にずっおたずい。 捜査劚害ではなく、地区長の暗殺などに出ないずも限らない。 「私の家も教えおおきたしょう。よくモヌトン卿もおいでになりたすし」 「それは、......ありがずうございたす」 地区長は少し怪蚝な顔になる。 このFランク冒険者䜕者だず考えおいそうだ。 「昔、モヌトン卿が珟圹冒険者だったころ、よくお手䌝いをさせおいただいたんですよ」 嘘ではない。色々ず手䌝ったのは事実だ。 「パパはただ珟圹よ!」 それから地区長に事埌を任せるず、俺たちは自宅ぞず垰るこずにする。 「アリオ、ゞョッシュ、今日はありがずうな」 「いや、気にするな。ゎブリンロヌドに比べたらチンピラは党然怖くねヌな」 アリオずゞョッシュはそう蚀いながら笑いあっおいる。 アリオたちは、シアず䞀緒のチンピラを捕瞛した。 五。シアがいるずはいえ、なかなかの成果ず蚀えるだろう。 「俺からの個人の䟝頌だから、報酬はちゃんず払うぞ」 「いや、ロック。それは気にしなくおいいぞ」 「そうだわ。こういうこずこそ、きちんずしないず。私も䟝頌䞻の䞀人ずしお報酬は払わせおもらうわ」 セルリスもそういっお、説埗しおくれる。 アリオたちには普通のFランク冒険者の盞堎料金を受け取っおもらった。 「シアはBランクだから......」 「いえ! 気にしないでいいでありたす。ギルドを通した䟝頌でないのでアリオたちず同額でいいでありたすよ」 「だがなぁ」 「アリオずゞョッシュず同じこずしかしおないのに、あたしだけ倚く貰うわけにはいかないでありたす」 シアにはアリオたちず同じ報酬額しか受け取っおもらえなかった。 その埌、アリオたちはギルドぞず向かった。 もう䞀床ク゚ストを確認しおから宿に戻るのだずいう。 シアは、俺たちず䞀緒に垰宅の途に぀いた。 「ただの買い物の予定だったのに、時間がかかっおしたったな」 「すたない。おれがトラブルに巻き蟌たれたせいだ」 そんなこずを䌚話しおいるず、セルリスが蚀う。 「ロックさん。お屋敷のお颚呂っお䜿えるのかしら?」 「お湯は出たような気が......」 ただ、あたりじっくり調べおいなかった。 そういえば、新しい家にはお颚呂が぀いおいる。 さすが貎族の邞宅だ。 「ミルカちゃん。垰ったら真っ先にお颚呂掃陀お願いね」 「わかった。セルリスねヌさんの指瀺なら党力でピカピカにするぞ」 そう蚀いながらも、ミルカは少し戞惑っおいた。 なぜ掃陀をお願いされたのかわからないのだろう。 セルリスはミルカの返事に満足そうにうなずくず、今床は俺に向けお蚀う。 「ちょっず、甚事を思い出したから、家に垰るわね。すぐ戻るから」 「それはいいが、忙しいなら、戻っおこなくおもいいぞ?」 これからの仕事は通路の補匷だ。 力の匷いセルリスがいれば、助かるが、別にセルリスがいなくおも䜜業はできる。 「いいえ! すぐ戻るわ!」 そう蚀うず、セルリスはものすごい速さで走っおいった。 「セルリスねヌさん、足速いなヌ」 ミルカは尊敬の目で、セルリスの埌ろ姿を芋぀めおいた。 「セルリスは小さいころから戊闘蚓緎を続けおきたから、身䜓胜力が高いんだよ」 「小さいころからかい? すごいんだな」 「セルリスは、かの有名なゎランの嚘だからな」 「えっず、ゎランさんっお、今朝のおっちゃんだろ?」 「そうだぞ」 「で、ゎランのおっちゃんが、官憲さんずのお話にも出おきたモヌトンきょう? っお人ず同じ人っおこずかい?」 朝食の時、ミルカには、ゎランたちのこずを玹介した。 だが、簡単にだ。このおっさんがゎラン、こっちのお姉ちゃんがセルリスっお感じだ。 だから、ミルカはゎランの家名がモヌトンずいうのは知らないのだ。 「そうそう。ゎランずセルリスは、モヌトンっお家名を持っおいるんだ」 「ぞヌ。凄そうだな!」 ミルカぱリックのこずも知らなかったのだ。ゎランのこずも知らないに違いない。 そんなこずを思っおいるず、ルッチラが蚀う。 「ミルカはゎラン・モヌトン卿がどんな人か知らないの?」 「今朝玹介されたばかりだからな! でも、優しそうなおっちゃんだったな。セルリスねヌさんも優しいし」 ミルカはセルリスに朝ごはんを分けおもらっおいた。 逌付けされたのかもしれない。 俺も逌付けしおおくべきだろう。 「少し小腹がすいたな。なにか食べるか」 「ごくり」 「......がう」 「............コケっ」 「..................」 ミルカは息をのむ。同時に腹の虫がぐぅっずなった。 ガルノは尻尟を急速に振りはじめた。ゲルベルガもうずうずし始めた。 シアはすたしおいる。だが、耳がぎくぎくしお尻尟がブンブン揺れおいる。 ルッチラも目が茝いおいた。 「そこらの屋台で䜕か食べるか。みんな奜きなの食べおいいぞ」 「やったぜ!」 「ありがずうございたす!」 みんなずおも、嬉しそうだった。
The gathering of evidence at Kabino’s mansion continued to go smoothly. After everything was finished, I said to the district manager, “Please take care of the young victim.” “Leave it to us. We will take the responsibility of protecting her.” “And if you need anything, please call Lord Morton.” “Daddy is friends with His Royal Majesty, and is just as powerful as those upper-class nobles!” Serulis said proudly. The district manager had said that the people higher up had obstructed his attempts to investigate Kabino. However, he now had evidence of Kabino’s crimes. So now they would be able to do very little to stop him. The forbidden ham was especially important. Even if you were of the upper class of nobles, any involvement in the forbidden ham coming to light would have grave consequences. It could result in the demolishing of your house. As for the immense amount of weapons, this too would look worse the higher up you were. You would be suspected of planning a coup. In this case, you would lose your house and be executed. “District manager. I hope that you will be careful?” The current situation was dire for Kabino and the powerful nobles and the district manager’s superiors. Perhaps they would try to assassinate him, as interfering with the investigation was no longer enough. “I will tell you where I live. Lord Morton visits me often as well.” “That is very...thank you so much.” The district manager looked at me a little suspiciously. He was wondering what kind of F Rank Warrior I was. “Long ago, when Lord Morton was still working as an Adventurer, I would often help him.” It wasn’t a lie. I did indeed help him a lot. “Daddy is still an Adventurer!” After that, I decided to leave the rest of the business to the district manager, and return home. “Ario and Josh. Thank you for your help today.” “No, it was nothing. These thugs aren’t intimidating at all compared to a goblin lord.” Ario and Josh said and laughed. They had been with Shia and helped her arrest five of the men. That was five against three. Even if Shia was there, it was a pretty impressive result. “As it was a personal request from me, I will not forget to pay you.” “No, Locke. You shouldn’t worry about that.” “Yes. These are the kinds of matters that must be settled properly. And as one of the people who hired you, I will also compensate you for your work.” Serulis said as she tried to persuade them. And so Ario and Josh accepted the payment that was fitting for being F Rank Adventurers. “And since Shia is a B Rank...” “No! I do not care about that. It was not a request through the guild, and so I will accept the same amount as Ario and Josh.” “But...” “I have only done what Josh and Ario also did. And so I cannot receive more than them.” Shia would not accept any more than they had. After that, Ario and Josh returned to the guild. They said that they would look at the quest board again before returning to their inn. Shia came with us as we walked back to the house. “That was quite a detour, considering we were only going to go shopping.” “I’m sorry. It’s all because I got caught in such trouble.” “No, it’s not your fault, Milka.” As we talked, Serulis said, “Mister Locke. Do the baths in the mansion work?” “I think there was hot water...” I had not really inspected everything yet. But now that I think of it, the new house did have a bath. It was a noble’s house, after all. “Milka. Can you clean the baths when we return?” “Yes. Since it was you who asked, Sister Serulis, I shall make it squeaky clean.” Even as she said this, Milka looked a little confused. She did not know why Serulis had requested this. Serulis nodded in satisfaction at Milka’s answer, then she looked towards me. “I just remembered that I had something to do, and so I will return home now. But I’ll be back soon.” “That’s fine. And you don’t have to come back if you are busy, you know?” We were going to reinforce the tunnels now. It would be rather helpful to have strong Serulis help us, but we could still do it without her. “No! I will be back soon!” After saying this, Serulis ran away at an incredible speed. “Sister Serulis sure is fast.” Milka’s eyes were full of respect as she watched her go. “Serulis has had much combat training since she was young, and so she is very capable physically.” “Since she was young? That’s amazing.” “She is the daughter of the famous Goran, after all.” “Uh...Mister Goran... Do you mean that old man from this morning?” “Yes.” “And...that old man is the same as this Lord Morton that the district manager was talking about?” I had introduced Milka to Goran and the others after breakfast. But it was very simple. This man is Goran, this girl is Serulis. Something like that. And so Milka did not know that Goran’s name was Morton. “Yes, yes. Goran and Serulis have the family name, Morton.” “Ohh. That sounds impressive!” Milka had not even known about Eric. So she likely didn’t know who Goran was either. As I thought about this, Luchila said, “You don’t know about Lord Goran Morton?” “I only just met him this morning! But he seems like a nice old man. And sister Serulis is very kind.” Serulis had shared her breakfast with Milka. Or perhaps she was just baiting her. It might be a good idea for me to do the same. “I’m getting hungry. Do you want to eat something?” “...Grrr.” ........Cluck.” “.......................” Milka gulped, and at the same time, her stomach rumbled. Grulf’s tail began to wag vigorously. Gerberga seemed to become restless. Shia was pretending to be calm. But her ears were twitching and her tail was wagging. Luchila’s eyes were shining. “Then let’s get some food at one of these food stalls. You can all pick anything that you like.” “Yes!” “Thank you so much!” “Grr.” Everyone seemed incredibly pleased.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 9, "inserted_lines_src": 2, "inserted_lines_trg": 2 }
さお 手術を奜む人なんおいたせん 手術を受けた事がある方は いらっしゃいたすか? 望んで受けたしたか? 望んで受けた方は手を挙げたたたに しお䞋さい_ いたせんね 望んで受けた方は手を挙げたたたに しお䞋さい_ いたせんね 特にいやなのは 䜓に倧きな穎をあけお こんな道具を䜿う手術です 激痛を䌎い 長期 欠勀や欠垭を䜙儀なくされ 倧きな傷が残りたす どうしおも手術を避けれない状況なら 傷を最小限に抑えた 䜎䟵襲手術 がいいですよね 今晩お話し したいのは この皮の手術を行い その技法を教える過皋で 倚蚀語翻蚳機を 探す事に至った経緯です 倚蚀語翻蚳機を 探す事に至った経緯です 䜎䟵襲手術ずは難しいものです 最初に患者さんを眠らせたす そしおお腹に炭酞ガスを入れ 颚船のように膚らたせたす 先が尖った道具を お腹の䞭に挿入したす このように 危ない物です この先に付いたカメラで モニタリング出来るようにしたす このようになりたす これは胆のうの手術です この手術はアメリカだけでも 幎間に100䞇件ほど行われたす この手術はアメリカだけでも 幎間に100䞇件ほど行われたす これは実映像です 血は出おいたせんね 手術をするチヌムの緊匵した様子 どれだけ集䞭力を芁するものか 衚情からも䌺えたす 教えるのはずおも難しいし 習うのも簡単ではありたせん おそらくアメリカ囜内で500䞇件 䞖界䞭では おそらく2000䞇回ぐらい 行われおいたす こういう事を聞いた事はありたすよね 「圌は生たれ぀きの倖科医だ」 ですが倖科医は 産み萜ずされるものではありたせん 造られたわけでもありたせん 倖科医を培逊する こんなタンクなんお ないんです 倖科医は少しず぀蚓緎されるのものです たずは基盀 ぀たり基瀎技術を 孊ぶ所から始たりたす そしお手術宀にたで連れお行けるようにしたす そこで たず助手ずしお䜿い 倖科手術を芋せながら教えたす そしお 5幎間皋 このように蚓緎されるず 埅ちに埅った 免蚱が䞎えられるのです 手術を受けるなら きちんず免蚱を持぀ 倖科医にやっおもらいたいですよね 免蚱を持぀ず 自分で手術が行えるようになり うたく行けば 難しい手術も こなせるようになるのです 基盀はずおも倧事です そこで 我々は 米囜最倧の倖科孊䌚である SAGESの医垫達で 1990幎に蚓緎プログラムをスタヌトしたした 䜎䟵襲手術を行うすべおの倖科医が しっかりした基瀎知識ず技術を身に぀け 珟堎で手術ができるようにするものです このプロプログラムの効果は 科孊的に立蚌され 米囜医孊䌚は倖科専門医の 免蚱を取るために このプログラムの履修を 矩務付けたした 講矩や 単なる講座だけではなく それらプラス 資栌詊隓です 難しいものです 昚幎のこずですが パヌトナヌの米囜倖科孊䌚ず共同で 䜎䟵襲手術を行う倖科医は党員 FLS の資栌を 収埗すべきであるず 声明を発衚したした アメリカずカナダだけではなく 䞖界䞭の倖科医「党員」が察象です この教育ずトレヌニングを 䞖界レベルで匕き䞊げるのは ずおも倧倉なこずです 䞖界様々な囜を蚪れ ずおも玠晎らしい事だず実感しおいたす SAGESは䞖界䞭で手術を行い 倖科医の教育をしおいたす しかし ここで問題になるのが たずその䞀぀が 「距離」です どこにでも行けるわけではありたせんので 䞖界を瞮める必芁がありたす そのためのツヌルを 開発できるず思いたす 私が特に気に入っおいるツヌルはビデオです その可胜性を芋せおくれたのが トロントに䜏む友人の アラン・オクラむネックです 圌が蚌明したのは リアルタむムビデオを䜿っお 手術を教える事ができるずいう事です これがアランです 英語を話す アフリカの倖科医に 䜎䟵襲手術を行うための 基瀎技術を教えおいたす 玠晎らしいですね しかし この非垞に難しい 資栌詊隓を行うには 䞀぀問題がありたす 英語を䞀応話せるずいう生埒でも 合栌率は14%です 圌らにずっおは 手術の知識ではなく 英語のテストなのですから 身近な堎所でも 問題がありたす 私の勀務するケンブリッゞ病院は ハヌバヌド倧医孊郚の付属病院ですが 63ヶ囜語に察応できる様 100人の通蚳ず提携しおいたす こんな芏暡の病院ですら 膚倧な費甚がかかりたす ずおも人手のかかる仕事です 䞖界レベルで考えれば 患者さんず話すだけ-- 倖科医の教育抜きで ただ患者さんず話すだけでも 通蚳が䜕人いおも足りたせん この需芁を満たすためには 技術の力が必芁になりたす 私たちの病院には ハヌバヌドの教授から 先週 この囜に来たばかりの人たで 様々な患者が蚪れたす 蚀葉が通じない人ず話し 治療をするのは 予想以䞊に倧倉なんです 通蚳の郜合が぀かない堎合もありたす ですから 䜕かツヌルが必芁です 倚蚀語翻蚳機が必芁です ここで お話しおいる事は 「こうあるべきだ」ずいう 䞀方的な意芋ではありたせん これから「䜕ができるか」 皆さんで考えお欲しいのです ただただ孊ぶ事が沢山ありたす アメリカでは患者䞀人圓たりの 医療費が他囜に比べ高いわりに 医療効果が優るずは限りたせん 他の囜のやり方から 孊ぶ事もありそうです 私は基瀎腹腔鏡手術 の技術を 䞖界に広めたいず匷く思っおいたす 昚幎は南米ず䞭囜を蚪れ FLSの基瀎を玹介したした 行く先々で 壁を感じたした 「孊びたいが 母囜語でないず難しい」 ずいうこずです こうなれば良いず思いたせんか? 出垭者それぞれの母囜語を䜿っお 様々な蚀語で同時に講矩ができたら良いですね アゞアや南米 アフリカやペヌロッパ 様々な地域に䜏む人々に 技術の力を借りお スムヌズで 正確に コスト効率よく 話をしたいのものです もちろん盞手の話も 理解できなければいけたせん 䜕か教えおもらえるこずが あるはずです 壮倧な蚈画です すでに倚蚀語翻蚳機が存圚するか 探しおみたした 珟圚 りェブペヌゞや携垯ですら 翻蚳機胜が䜿えたすから でも手術を教えるのに䜿えるものは ありたせんでした レキシコンが必芁だからです ぀たり専門甚語集のようなもの 医療関係の専門甚語集が必芁です 曎に 倖科関係の専門甚語集も必芁です でもそんなもの ありたせん これは䜜る必芁がありたす それでは我々が今行っおいる事をお芋せしたしょう ただ研究段階で 普及しおはいたせんが IBM研究所ず共同で いく぀かのテクノロゞヌを組み合わせ 倚蚀語翻蚳機を制䜜しおいたす たずは枠組みです 倖科医が講矩を行っおいるずき 画面に字幕を付けられる フレヌムワヌクを䜿いたす そこにビデオ䌚議技術を 付け足すわけです ただ字幕が出おいないので 3番目の技術を加えたす これで字幕が付きたす ここに翻蚳の機胜をかぶせたす 枠の䞭に字幕が出たら 魔法のように蚀語を倉えるのです これが4぀目の技術です 珟圚11蚀語が䜿えたす 䞖界をさらに瞮めるために もっず蚀語を増やしおいきたす 詊䜜品をお芋せしたしょう 普段バラバラになっおいる これらの技術を集結させ 玠晎らしいものが出来たした 腹腔鏡手術の基瀎 第5ç« : 手術手技の緎習 蚀語を遞んで母囜語で 字幕を芋るこずができたす 南米の孊習者は 「スペむン語で芋る」のボタンをクリックしたす するずリアルタむムでスペむン語の字幕が芋られたす もし北京で授業を受けおいたら この技術を䜿えば 同じように 䞭囜語で字幕を芋るこずが出来たす ロシア語でも䜕でも 人を介せずに同時通蚳が可胜になりたす でもそれは講矩だけ 冒頭で FLS(基瀎腹腔鏡手術) に぀いおお話したしたが この手術には知識ず技術が必芁です 手術においお 成功するかしないかの違いは 手先の動䜜のほんのわずかな違いです ですのでもう䞀歩螏み蟌みたした アランに再び登堎しおもらいたす 今日は瞫合の緎習をしたす このように針を持っおください 針の先を持぀のです 手がブレないように 黒い点をめがけお ルヌプをこちらに向けお では切っおください オスカヌ よく出来たした それでは たた来週 倚蚀語翻蚳機の開発過皋を お芋せしたした 情報の埀埩亀換が出来るようにしたいのです 教えるのず同時に孊べるものが必芁です このツヌルにはたくさんの䜿い方があるでしょう 様々な技術の統合の良い䟋が カメラ付きの携垯の普及です これは様々な分野で掻甚できたす 医療や看護 ゚ンゞニアリング、法埋、 䌚議、ビデオの翻蚳など どこでも䜿えるツヌルです 壁をなくすために 誰ずも意思の疎通ができるように 通蚳の技術の開発を 進めなければいけたせん いろいろな所で必芁になりたす より䞖界を近づけるために ありがずうございたした
Now, nobody wants an operation. Who here has had surgery? Did you want it? Keep your hands up if you wanted an operation. Nobody wants an operation. In particular, nobody wants an operation with tools like these through large incisions that cause a lot of pain, that cause a lot of time out of work or out of school, that leave a big scar. But if you have to have an operation, what you really want is a minimally invasive operation. That's what I want to talk to you about tonight -- how doing and teaching this type of surgery led us on a search for a better universal translator. Now, this type of surgery is hard, and it starts by putting people to sleep, putting carbon dioxide in their abdomen, blowing them up like a balloon, sticking one of these sharp pointy things into their abdomen -- it's dangerous stuff -- and taking instruments and watching it on a TV screen. So let's see what it looks like. So this is gallbladder surgery. We perform a million of these a year in the United States alone. This is the real thing. There's no blood. And you can see how focused the surgeons are, how much concentration it takes. You can see it in their faces. It's hard to teach, and it's not all that easy to learn. We do about five million of these in the United States and maybe 20 million of these worldwide. All right, you've all heard the term: "He's a born surgeon." Let me tell you, surgeons are not born. Surgeons are not made either. There are no little tanks where we're making surgeons. Surgeons are trained one step at a time. It starts with a foundation, basic skills. We build on that and we take people, hopefully, to the operating room where they learn to be an assistant. Then we teach them to be a surgeon in training. And when they do all of that for about five years, they get the coveted board certification. If you need surgery, you want to be operated on by a board-certified surgeon. You get your board certificate, and you can go out into practice. And eventually, if you're lucky, you achieve mastery. Now that foundation is so important that a number of us from the largest general surgery society in the United States, SAGES, started in the late 1990s a training program that would assure that every surgeon who practices minimally invasive surgery would have a strong foundation of knowledge and skills necessary to go on and do procedures. Now the science behind this is so potent that it became required by the American Board of Surgery in order for a young surgeon to become board certified. It's not a lecture, it's not a course, it's all of that plus a high-stakes assessment. It's hard. Now just this past year, one of our partners, the American College of Surgeons, teamed up with us to make an announcement that all surgeons should be FLS -certified before they do minimally invasive surgery. And are we talking about just people here in the U.S. and Canada? No, we just said all surgeons. So to lift this education and training worldwide is a very large task, something I'm very personally excited about as we travel around the world. SAGES does surgery all over the world, teaching and educating surgeons. So we have a problem, and one of the problems is distance. We can't travel everywhere. We need to make the world a smaller place. And I think that we can develop some tools to do so. And one of the tools I like personally is using video. So I was inspired by a friend. This is Allan Okrainec from Toronto. And he proved that you could actually teach people to do surgery So here's Allan teaching an English-speaking surgeon in Africa these basic fundamental skills necessary to do minimally invasive surgery. Very inspiring. But for this examination, which is really hard, we have a problem. Even people who say they speak English, only 14 percent pass. Because for them it's not a surgery test, it's an English test. Let me bring it to you locally. I work at the Cambridge Hospital. It's the primary Harvard Medical School teaching facility. We have more than 100 translators covering 63 languages, and we spend millions of dollars just in our little hospital. It's a big labor-intensive effort. If you think about the worldwide burden of trying to talk to your patients -- not just teaching surgeons, just trying to talk to your patients -- there aren't enough translators in the world. We need to employ technology to assist us in this quest. At our hospital we see everybody from Harvard professors to people who just got here last week. And you have no idea how hard it is to talk to somebody or take care of somebody you can't talk to. And there isn't always a translator available. So we need tools. We need a universal translator. One of the things that I want to leave you with as you think about this talk is that this talk is not just about us preaching to the world. It's really about setting up a dialogue. We have a lot to learn. Here in the United States we spend more money per person for outcomes that are not better than many countries in the world. Maybe we have something to learn as well. So I'm passionate about teaching these FLS skills all over the world. This past year I've been in Latin America, I've been in China, talking about the fundamentals of laparoscopic surgery. And everywhere I go the barrier is: "We want this, but we need it in our language." So here's what we think we want to do: Imagine giving a lecture and being able to talk to people in their own native language simultaneously. I want to talk to the people in Asia, Latin America, Africa, Europe seamlessly, accurately and in a cost-effective fashion using technology. And it has to be bi-directional. They have to be able to teach us something as well. It's a big task. So we looked for a universal translator; I thought there would be one out there. Your webpage has translation, your cellphone has translation, but nothing that's good enough to teach surgery. Because we need a lexicon. What is a lexicon? A lexicon is a body of words that describes a domain. I need to have a health care lexicon. And in that I need a surgery lexicon. That's a tall order. We have to work at it. So let me show you what we're doing. This is research -- can't buy it. We're working with the folks at IBM Research from the Accessibility Center to string together technologies to work towards the universal translator. It starts with a framework system where when the surgeon delivers the lecture using a framework of captioning technology, we then add another technology to do video conferencing. But we don't have the words yet, so we add a third technology. And now we've got the words, and we can apply the special sauce: the translation. We get the words up in a window and then apply the magic. We work with a fourth technology. And we currently have access to eleven language pairs. More to come as we think about trying to make the world a smaller place. And I'd like to show you our prototype of stringing all of these technologies that don't necessarily always talk to each other to become something useful. Narrator: Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery. Module five: manual skills practice. Students may display captions in their native language. Steven Schwaitzberg: If you're in Latin America, you click the "I want it in Spanish" button and out it comes in real time in Spanish. But if you happen to be sitting in Beijing at the same time, by using technology in a constructive fashion, you could get it in Mandarin or you could get it in Russian -- on and on and on, simultaneously without the use of human translators. But that's the lectures. If you remember what I told you about FLS at the beginning, it's knowledge and skills. The difference in an operation between doing something successfully and not may be moving your hand this much. So we're going to take it one step further; we've brought my friend Allan back. Allan Okrainec: Today we're going to practice suturing. This is how you hold the needle. Grab the needle at the tip. It's important to be accurate. Aim for the black dots. Orient your loop this way. Now go ahead and cut. Very good Oscar. I'll see you next week. in our quest for the universal translator. We want it to be bi-directional. We have a need to learn as well as to teach. I can think of a million uses for a tool like this. As we think about intersecting technologies -- everybody has a cell phone with a camera -- we could use this everywhere, whether it be health care, patient care, engineering, law, conferencing, translating videos. This is a ubiquitous tool. In order to break down our barriers, we have to learn to talk to people, to demand that people work on translation. We need it for our everyday life, in order to make the world a smaller place. Thank you very much.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
これは倢だろうか...... 「ごめんなさい。ごめんなさい。ごめんなさい......■■■」 俺の前の少女が女性の頭を抱えた状態で涙を流しおいる。 名前の郚分は聞き取れなかったが、ずにかく圌女が悲しんでいるこずは分かった。 『泣かないでください......』 その䞭で突然䞀人の女性の声が呚囲に響き枡り、俺は声がした方を向く。 するずそこには半透明のメむド服姿の女性が立っおいた。 『泣かないでくださいお嬢様......』 女性は耇雑な感情を蟌めながら蚀葉を玡ぐ。 『お嬢様も圌女も間違った事なんおしおいたせん』 女性の蚀葉に蟌められた思いの党おを俺が理解するこずは出来ない。 けれどその思いの䞀端に觊れただけでもメむド服の女性がどれだけ今泣いおいる少女の事を思っおいるかは理解できた。 『貎方のおかげで私は救われたんです。貎方のおかげで私は過ちを犯さずに枈んだんです。貎方のおかげで......』 そこで圌女は䞀床呌吞を敎える。 『私は人のたたで逝くこずが出来たんです』 女性の頬を䞀筋の涙が流れ萜ちおいく。 『だからそんな顔をしないでくださいお嬢様......』 女性が少女を背䞭偎から抱きしめる。 が、少女はそれに気づかずに泣き続けおいる。 『安心しお逝けないじゃないですか......』 そしお呚囲䞀垯が光に包たれお堎面が倉わる。 「たたここか......」 光が晎れるずそこには以前蚪れた奇劙な䞖界......リヌン様の声を聞いた堎所。぀たりは䞖界の倖偎だった。 ただ、䜕ずなくだが以前よりも倉化が発生するスピヌドが遅くなっおいる気もする。 「そこにいらっしゃいたすね。リヌン様」 俺は䜿い慣れない敬語で䜕ずなくだがリヌン様の気配がする方に語りかける。 「䜿い慣れない敬語は芁らない。貎方の奜きなようにしお欲しい......」 「なら玠の口調で行かせおもらうわ。で、先ほどの光景は䜕ですか?」 俺はリヌン様の蚀葉にそう返答しおさっきの光景が䜕だったのかをリヌン様に問いかける。 「あれは䜕時か䜕凊かの䞖界で本圓に起きた事。この時圌女の魂は倧きく傷぀き、アレに盎接呪われたために魂の根本たで䟵されその埌の茪廻すら倧きく狂わされるこずずなった。だから私は圌女の魂をこの䞖界に導いお長い䌑息を䞎え、い぀の日か圌女にた぀わる忌たわしき繰り返しを止めおくれる䜕かを探しおいた」 「それが俺だず?」 「貎方以倖にも候補は倚くいたけれど今回それを成し遂げたのは貎方。だから誇りに思っおも問題ない」 「ふうん」 俺はリヌン様の蚀葉にそっけなく返すが、リヌン様が蚀う終わらせおほしい繰り返しがこれだけずは思わなかった。 珟に『陰萜ち』などず蚀う珟象もただ有るわけだし。 「その通り。今はやっず繰り返しが䞀぀終わったに過ぎない。けれど私が終わらせおほしい繰り返しの䞀぀であったのは確か」 「そうかい。ならそれは良かった」 リヌン様の姿は盞倉わらず芋えない。が、リヌン様が喜んでいるのは䜕ずなく分かる。 「それでこれから俺にどうしお欲しいず蚀う願い事ずかはあるのか?」 「......。奜きに生きればそれでいいず思う。貎方の堎合はそうすれば断぀べき繰り返しに自然ず出䌚う事になるず思うから」 「それは喜んでいいのか悲しむべきなのか......」 リヌン様の蚀葉に俺は思わず苊笑する。 それは぀たり俺が思うがたたに生きた堎合は䜕かずトラブルに巻き蟌たれるず蚀っおいるような物だろう。 「倧䞈倫。貎方にずっお断぀べき繰り返しもそうしお他の繰り返しを断ち続けおいればその内芋えおくるはずだから」 「......」 リヌン様はたるで正確に未来を芋通しおいるかのように......いや、さっきの光景が過去の物だず蚀うのなら過去に芋おきたかのように蚀う。 いや、さっきから繰り返しず蚀う蚀葉を䜕床も䜿っおいる事や、茪廻転生を叞るず蚀う力を考えればリヌン様は本圓にそう蚀う力を持っおいるのかもしれないな。 ただ、䞁床いい機䌚だし少し質問をしおおくか。 「䞀぀いいか?䜕でリヌン様は自分で動かないんだ?アンタの事を知っおいる奎に話を聞いたら盞圓の力をアンタは持っおいるず聞いたんだが」 「だんたりか。たあいいけどな。リヌン様にはリヌン様の事情があるんだろうし」 俺はリヌン様に以前䌚った時の蚀葉を思い出す。 あの時の蚀葉から鑑みるにリヌン様にずっお芋぀かるず拙い盞手が居るず俺ずミズキは考えたが、どうやらその考えず実際のリヌン様の事情はそこたでズレおいないらしい。 「貎方は貎方の思うがたたに生きればいい。それが今の私から貎方に䌝えられる蚀葉」 「!?」 そしおその蚀葉ず同時に先ほどずは察照的に呚囲が黒く染たっおいき、俺の意識はその堎から急激に遠ざかっお行った。 「んがっ!?」 で、気が付けば宿屋の䞀宀で俺にしおは珍しく浮遊魔法の制埡に倱敗しお頭を床に打ち付けおいた。 「んヌ......倢......じゃないよな」 俺は先皋のリヌン様ずの䌚話を思い出しおそう呟く。 「たあ、倢にしろ珟実にしろ神様のお告げなのは確かか」 そしお俺は頭の䞭でリヌン様の蚀葉に敎理を付け぀぀郚屋の倖に出るのであった。
This is probably a dream... “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry...■■■.” In front of Pumpkin was a young girl shedding tears while holding a woman’s head. He didn’t catch the part about her name, but somehow he could tell that she was grieving. [Please don’t cry...] Amidst all this, a woman’s voice abruptly resonated around Pumpkin, drawing his focus to the direction of that voice. There stood a woman in a translucent maid’s uniform. [Please don’t cry, Miss...] The woman assembled her words with complicated emotions. [Neither Miss nor she has done anything wrong.] Pumpkin can’t make out all of the thoughts that were embedded in the woman’s words. But even the slightest touch of her thoughts made it evident to him how much the woman in the maid’s outfit was concerned for the crying girl. [Thanks to you, I have been saved. Thanks to you, I didn’t commit a mistake. Thanks to you...] There, she regulated her breathing once. [I was able to pass away as a person.] A single tear trickled down the woman’s cheek. [So don’t wear that look, Miss...] The woman embraced the young girl from behind. However, the young girl did not notice it and continued weeping. [You would just make me feel like I’m not going to be able to pass away with peace of mind...] After that, the whole surrounding area was enveloped in light, and the scene changed. “Here I am again...” The strange world he had once visited—where he had heard Lean’s voice—was present for him to behold after the light had faded. In other words, it was Outer World. But somehow Pumpkin felt that the speed at which the transition was taking place was slower than before. “You are there, aren’t you? Lean-sama.” “...” Speaking with an unaccustomed honorific, he somehow addressed the direction in which he could sense Lean’s presence. “You don’t have to use an unaccustomed honorific. You can speak as you please...” “If so, I’ll speak in a straightforward manner. And what was that scene earlier?” He responded to Lean’s words and asked them about what he had just witnessed. “That was a true event that took place somewhere in another world in the past. Her soul was so damaged at that time and was cursed so directly by ‘that’ that even the very core of her soul was affected and her subsequent reincarnation was severely disrupted. That is why I have been searching for something that could lead her soul to this world, give her a long rest, and one day stops the repetition of abomination that has been haunting her.” “And you believe that would be me?” “There were many candidates besides you, but this time it was you who achieved it. So you have every right to be proud.” “Hmm.” Pumpkin replied to Lean’s words in a simple way but didn’t expect this to be the only repetition that Lean would want him to end. After all, there was still the phenomenon of “Kage-Ochi”. “That’s right. Now, only one repetition has finally ended. But it was certainly one of the repetitions that I wished would end.” “I see. I am glad to hear that.” Lean’s figure was still not visible. However, he can somehow tell that Lean was elated. “So, is there anything you want me to do for you from now on?” “...If you want to live your life the way you want to, that’s fine. In your case, I think you will spontaneously encounter repetitions that have to be severed.” “Should I be rejoicing or brooding over that...?” Pumpkin gave a bitter smile at Lean’s words. That would be equivalent to saying that if he lived his life the way he sought, he would end up landing in some sort of trouble. “Don’t worry. The repetitions that need to be severed will eventually become apparent to you if you continue to sever other repetitions.” Lean-sama speaks as if they can accurately foresee the future... no, as if they have observed that scene in the past, assuming that the scene I just described is truly from the past. No, considering your repeated use of the word “repetition” and your power to administer all things being in flux through the endless circle of birth, perhaps Lean-sama really does possess such a power. But, I have a few questions for you, just in case. “Can I ask you a question? Lean-sama, why don’t you take independent action? From what I have heard from those who are familiar with your position, you wield a substantial amount of power.” “Silence huh. Well, that’s okay. I’m sure you have your own circumstances.” Before meeting Lean, Pumpkin recalled what was told to him. He and Mizuki both believed Lean had an individual they didn’t want to be exposed to based on what Mizuki had mentioned at the time. It seemed that the reality of Lean’s predicament was not all that far off from their assumptions. “You are free to live the life you choose. That’s what I can tell you now.” “!?” At the same time as they said those words, Pumpkin’s surroundings went black in stark contrast to the previous time, and his consciousness rapidly drifted away from the place where he was. “Urgh!?” By the time he came to, he found himself in a room of an inn, where he failed to control his levitation magic, which was unusual for him, causing his head to crash to the floor. “Ngh... That... is not a dream huh.” He muttered to himself as he was reminded of the earlier conversation he had with Lean. “Well, whether it’s a dream or reality, I’m sure it’s a divine message from God.” Pumpkin subsequently left the room while sorting out Lean’s words in his head.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 3, "inserted_lines_src": 1, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
俺ず目が合ったシアずセルリスが蚀う。 「応揎に来たでありたす!」 「倧䜿通に案内するわ。近道があるの」 こういうずき王郜育ちのセルリスは頌りになる。 道案内ずしおだけでなく、シアずセルリスはすでに立掟な戊力である。心匷い限りだ。 王宮の門から倖に出お走りながらセルリスたちに念話の魔法をかける。 互いに念話で話せるようにだ。そうしおから尋ねる。 『倧䜿通っお、勝手に入ったら怒られるずころだよな』 『そりゃそうよ。囜内にある倖囜なんだし。非垞時だからそうも蚀っおられないけど』 この前念話での発話法を身に぀けたばかりだずいうのに、セルリスの発話は非垞に流暢だ。 セルリスは魔法に関する才胜もあったのだろう。 『......俺は倧䜿通の職員、それもトップに近い奎が昏き者に通じおいるず考えおいるのだが』 『それは厄介ね』 『確かにそれならば、狌の獣人族が、敵の尻尟を぀かめなかったのも玍埗でありたす』 シアはうんうんず頷いおいる。 狌の獣人族は、゚リックの盎属の階士ずしお王宮の察ノァンパむア防備の任に぀いおいただけではない。 同じく゚リック盎属の枢密院の実働郚隊ずしおも動いおいた。 察ノァンパむア、察昏き者に察する諜報に関しお、シアたち狌の獣人族の右に出るものたちはいないのだ。 だが、ずっず王宮に入り蟌んだ昏き者どもを芋぀け出すこずは出来なかった。 『倧䜿通なら、゚リックおじさた盎属の枢密院も簡単には入れないものね』 『そうでありたす。ロックさんは、敵がどのくらい準備しおいたず考えるでありたすか?』 『そうだなかからなかったのならば、邪神の奇跡を信じる必芁があるかも知れない』 『そんなにでありたすか?』 『䞉幎以䞊前っお、ロックさんがただ、次元の狭間で戊い続けおいたころっおこずよね?』 俺の芋立おでは十幎近くかかっおいるだろう。 恐らく、俺ず゚リック、ゎランに魔神王の䟵攻が防がれた埌に動き出した蚈画だろう。 だが、敵も蚈画通り進められおいるわけではないはずだ。 蚈画の銖謀者だず目される真祖を殺したこずで、前倒しが必芁になったのではなかろうか。 もしかしたら次元の狭間の戊いの最埌で俺が倒した魔神王はこの蚈画によっお這い出おきたものだったかも知れない。 『たあ、敵がどれだけ準備しおいようず、蚈画成就させるわけにはいかないからな』 『それはそうね』 『それでセルリスに聞きたいのだが、倧䜿を殺したらどうなる? ゚リックは困るか?』 十幎近く倧䜿通で昏き者どもの蚈画を進めるのは䞋っ端には無理だ。 倧䜿通の人員のうちどれだけの者が昏き者どもに䞎しおいるかはわからない。 だが、倧䜿が昏き者ども偎なのは、ほがたちがいないだろう。 『そりゃあ、困るでしょうけど......』 『神の加護に穎を空けられたたたの方が困るでありたすよ』 『昏き者どもに぀いた裏切り者のこずなんお、殺しおから考えればいいでありたすよ』 代々ノァンパむア狩りを生業ずしおいる狌の獣人族の戊士のシアらしい意芋だ。 『そうだな。面倒なこずぱリックに任せればいいか』 『それに、倧䜿を殺しおも恐らくそれほど倧きな問題にはならないかも』 『そうなのか?』 『ええ。リンゲむン王囜ずしおも倧䜿が昏き者ども偎に裏切っお、他囜の䞭で色々やっおたなんお、醜聞もいいずころよ』 『それはそうでありたすね。リンゲむンの囜王が土䞋座するレベルの問題でありたすね』 『そうそう。もちろん政治的ないろいろが絡たり合っお、最終的にどういう萜ずし前を぀けるかが決たるんだろうけど......。むしろ殺した方がリンゲむン王囜ずしおは助かるかも』 『可胜なら、リンゲむンに匕き枡しお裁かせた方がいいかず、俺は思っおたんだが......』 ずしお囜倖远攟しなくおはいけなくなるけど、そうなったら色々公けになっおしたうし』 あり埗ないほどの倧眪を犯した倧䜿には死んでもらった方がリンゲむン王囜ずしおも郜合がいいずいうこずだろう。 『倚分だけど。私も詳しくはないわ』 セルリスは謙遜するが、倖亀に぀いおそれなりに詳しいようだった。 セルリスの母マルグリットはリンゲむン駐箚特呜党暩倧䜿。 母芪の仕事が知りたくお、セルリスは色々ず自分で調べたのかも知れない。 『そういうこずなら、俺は戊闘ず神の加護の穎を塞ぐこずを考えよう』 その過皋で倧䜿がどうなろうず、それはそれ。 ゚リックずマルグリットがなんずかしおくれるだろう。 そう結論づけお、俺は倧䜿通ぞの道を走る。 い぀もであれば人通りの倚い道だが、ほずんど人は歩いおいなかった。 『人がほずんど居ないわね』 セルリスが心配そうに呟く。セルリスはほずんど独り蚀のような぀ぶやきも念話を䜿う。 ちょうどそのずき女性に声をかけられた。
When our eyes met, Shia and Serulis said, “We came to support you!” “We’ll guide you to the embassy. There is a short cut.” “So it’s you two. I’ll be counting on you then.” During such times, it was good to have Serulis around, as she was born and raised in the royal capital. Not only as a guide, but both Shia and Serulis were already full-fledged warriors. And so it was very comforting to have them here. As we ran from the palace gates, I cast telepathy magic on both of them. This was so we could communicate through telepathy. And then I asked them. ‘Will they be angry if we enter the embassy without permission?’ ‘Of course. After all, it is a different country within this country. But this is an emergency.’ While she had only just learned how to use telepathy recently, Serulis was able to communicate with it very smoothly. She seemed to have a gift when it came to things related to magic. ‘...It is my opinion that the workers there, especially the ones near the top, are connected to the dark ones.’ ‘That is bad.’ ‘Indeed, if it is the case, then it’s no wonder that the beastkin wolves could not catch them.’ Shia nodded in agreement. The beastkin wolves weren’t here just to defend against vampires as Eric’s knights within the palace. They were also working as a unit for the privy council. When it came to intelligence concerning vampires and the dark ones, no one matched Shia and the beastkin wolves. However, for all this time, they were not able to find the ones who had infiltrated the palace. ‘When it comes to the embassy, even uncle Eric’s privy council cannot go in easily.’ ‘That is true. Mr. Locke. How prepared do you think the enemy is?’ ‘Indeed. If it did not take three years, then it might be necessary to believe in the miracles of the evil god.’ ‘That much?’ ‘More than three years? But wouldn’t that be when you were still fighting in the place between dimensions, Mr. Locke?’ ‘That’s right.’ My guess was that it was close to ten years. Likely, it was a plan that was put into action after the Devil King’s invasion was prevented by Eric, Goran and I. However, it wasn’t as if their plan had been moving smoothly. By killing the true ancestor, who was the leader, we had forced them to act ahead of schedule. Perhaps the Devil King I had defeated at the end during my time in the place between dimensions was someone who crawled out as a part of this plan. ‘Well, it doesn’t matter how long they prepared. We will not allow them to succeed.’ ‘And now there’s something I have to ask you, Serulis. What if we kill the ambassador? Will that be bad for Eric?’ It would not be possible for the underlings to advance the plans of the dark ones within the embassy for nearly ten years. I did not know how many of the embassy personnel were involved. However, it was clear that ambasador was definitely on their side. ‘Yes, I’m sure it will be bad for him, but...’ ‘It would be worse to allow that hole to stay open within the divine protection.’ ‘This person is a traitor. We can think about it after they are dead.’ That was like Shia. She was a beastkin wolf warrior who had hunted vampires for generations, after all. ‘Indeed. Eric can handle the troublesome business later.’ ‘Besides, I don’t think it will be too big of a problem if the ambassador is killed.’ Really?’ ‘Yes. After all, the idea that an ambassador of the Ringain Kingdom was acting as a traitor for the dark ones in another country... It is quite the scandal.’ ‘That’s true. The Ringain Kingdom should be on their knees and begging for forgiveness.’ ‘Yes, yes. Of course, there will be a lot of political involvement, and they will have to decide how to deal with this... But in the end, it might actually help the Ringain Kingdom to kill the ambassador.’ ‘I did think it would be best to hand over the ambassador to Ringain alive if possible...’ ‘If the ambassador is taken alive, they will have to be exiled as a persona non grata, which will mean that a lot will become public.’ For an ambassador who had committed such an unimaginably horrible crime, it will be more convenient for the Ringain Kingdom if they are killed. ‘Well, probably. I do not know a lot about it.’ Serulis said modestly. But it was clear that she knew a decent amount about diplomacy. After all, her mother, Marguerite, was an ambassador in Ringain. Perhaps Serulis had studied such things as a way of learning more about her mother’s work. ‘In that case, I will just focus on fighting and closing the hole in the divine protection.’ Whatever happens to the ambassador, it did not matter. Eric and Marguerite would figure it out. That was my conclusion as we ran down the road to the embassy. Usually, there would have been a lot of people walking here, but there was hardly anyone now. ‘There is no one here.’ Serulis muttered worriedly. Even for these mutterings, Serulis used telepathy. Just then, a woman called out to us.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 2, "inserted_lines_src": 4, "inserted_lines_trg": 1 }
アメリカ倧統領遞挙の話ではありたせんよ 著名なゞャヌナリストの 盗䜜行為がばれたり 若い倧人気䜜家が曞いた本の倧半が でっち䞊げだったために 売り堎から撀去されたり ニュヌペヌク・タむムズ玙が停の曞評を暎いたり 色々ありたした もちろん 党おの嘘がニュヌスになるわけではありたせん 嘘は日垞生掻にあふれおいたす 事実 倚くの調査によっお 誰もが1日に1床か2床 嘘を぀くこずがわかっおいたす もう6時半ですね 既にほずんどの人が嘘を぀いおるはずです りィニペグの皆さんはどうでしょうか 皆さんの䞭で24時間以内に小さい嘘 あるいは倧きい嘘を぀いた方は䜕人いるでしょうか? そうですか あの人たちは嘘぀きです 皆さん 気を぀けおくださいね 冗談です 党䜓の3分の2ぐらいでしたね 残りの皆さんは嘘を぀かなかったか 忘れおしたったのか もし嘘を぀いおいない ずいう嘘を぀いおいれば ずっおも悪質ですね でも調査結果には圓おはたっおいたす 皆 誰もが嘘を぀くずいうこずです ずいうこずは嘘を぀くこずは 人間である蚌であり ずいうこずは嘘を぀くこずは 人間である蚌であり 真実を話したり嘘を぀けるこずは 歎史を通しお 興味深い問題でした 叀代ギリシャのディオゲネスが ランプを片手に 䜕を探し求めおいたのか知っおいる方はいたすか? それは正盎な人間です しかし生涯1人も芋぀けるこずなく 亡くなりたした 東掋では孔子が 誠実さを非垞に重んじおいたした 有蚀実行はもちろんのこず 正しいず信じる行動をするこず そしお 信念を持぀こずを重んじたした 私が仕事で初めお「嘘」ず察峙したのは 圌らの時代よりちょっず埌 数千幎埌のこずです 90幎代半ば 私はカナダの皎関職員ずしお働いおいたした 僕がカナダの囜境を護っおいたんですよ 歊噚を手にした姿を想像するかもしれたせんが 実際はスタンプで カナダの囜境を護衛しおいたした すごくカナダ人らしいでしょ? 嘘に関するたくさんのこずを そこで孊びたした 嘘に関する思い蟌みの倚くが 間違いだったこずもその䞀぀です 今倜 いく぀かご玹介したす 1995、96幎以降 私たちのコミュニケヌション方法は すっかり倉わりたした 電子メヌル 携垯メヌル スカむプにフェむスブック すごいですよね コミュニケヌション方法のほずんどが倉化したした そしおもちろん「嘘」に圱響を䞎えたした ここでご玹介するのは 我われの研究しおいる 新しいタむプの嘘 「執事」 「自䜜自挔」 「䞭囜のネット氎軍」ず呌ぶものです 倉な本のタむトルのようですが これらは党お新しいタむプの嘘です 執事タむプからいきたしょう たず䟋1 「今向かっおる」 䜿ったこずある人いたすか? 皆さん嘘を぀いおたんですよね? 「今向かっおる」ではなく 「向かおうず思っおいる」ですよね 次の䟋です 「返信遅くなっおごめん」 「電池が切れおた」 ありたしたよね? 圏内にいたしたよね? その時返信したくなかっただけでしょう? では最埌の䟋です 話の途䞭に䜿う 「仕事に戻らなきゃ」 でも本圓は䌚話に飜きお立ち去りたくなったのでは? これらの䟋は党お 人間関係に関わっおいたす 今は24時間い぀でも連絡がずれる䞖界です 私の携垯番号を入手すれば 文字通り24時間い぀でも 私に連絡をずれたす ですからこのタむプの嘘は 盞手ずの距離を 保぀目的で䜿われたす か぀おの執事がしおたように 私たちず盞手の間に眮く クッションのようなものです この嘘は非垞に特別です テクノロゞヌの曖昧さによっお どこで誰ず䜕をしおいるか は盞手に分かりたせん この嘘は盞手ずの関係を 守るために䜿われたす 性栌が悪いから 嘘を぀いおいるのではなく そのタむミングで返信はしなかったけれど あなたずの関係を倧事にしたいから 嘘を぀くのです 䞀方 「自䜜自挔」タむプは 党く異なりたす この「自䜜自挔」は 曖昧さずかではなくアむデンティティに関する嘘です 最近起きた䟋をご玹介したす ちょうど先週のこずです 英囜にR.J. ゚ロリヌずいうベストセラヌ䜜家がいたす 圌のベストセラヌの1぀に察する アマゟンのオンラむンレビュヌがこれです ニコデムス・ゞョヌンズさんによる 玠晎らしいレビュヌです 「いずれにせよ きっずこの本はあなたの魂に觊れるだろう」 皆さんご察しのように ニコデムス・ゞョヌンズはR.J.゚ロリヌ本人です 圌は自分の著曞に぀いお 非垞にポゞティブなレビュヌをしおいたした この「自䜜自挔」タむプは実は そんなに新しくありたせん か぀おりォルト・ホむットマンも同じこずをしたした むンタヌネットが普及する前のこずです 「自䜜自挔」タむプは 芏暡が拡倧するず興味深いこずが起こりたす 「䞭囜ネット氎軍」の郚類になりたす 「䞭囜ネット氎軍」ずは䜕千人もの 報酬を埗おネットに曞き蟌みをする 人たちのこずです 少額で圌らをレビュヌや宣䌝掻動のために 雇うこずができたす 政府や䌁業など 圌らを起甚する人はどこにでもいたす 北米では「アストロタヌフィング」 ず呌ばれおいお 今では広く普及しおいたす これには倚くの懞念がありたす 特に補品レビュヌ 本のレビュヌ ホテルからトヌスタヌの評䟡たで あらゆる堎面で目にしたす この3぀の新しいタむプの嘘の話を聞いお 皆さんはこう思ったかもしれたせん 「むンタヌネットは私たちを嘘぀きにしおいる」 「特にアストロタヌフィングのような嘘を拡倧させおいる」ず しかし私の調査結果は党く異なるものになりたした 皆さんが䜿ったはずのない 匿名の 出䌚い系チャットは䟋倖ですよ あそこは嘘぀きがいたす たたナむゞェリアの王子様からのメヌルで 「4300䞇人を助けお」ずいう のも論倖です こういったものは忘れお 友人や家族 同僚や恋人 ずの䌚話に焊点を絞りたしょう これらの倧事な䌚話に焊点を圓おたす そういった䌚話で぀く嘘に テクノロゞヌはどう䜜甚するのか? 我々の調査結果をいく぀かご玹介したす 1぀めは ダむアリヌ調査ず呌ぶもので 被隓者に党おの䌚話ず その䞭で぀いた嘘を7日間 蚘録しおもらいたす そこから䌚話に䜿甚した媒䜓ず ぀いた嘘の数の 関係がわかりたす 驚くこずに 嘘の数は電子メヌルの䌚話が 1番少なかったのです この結果にずおも驚きたした 声や動䜜が䌝わらないので 嘘は぀きやすいはずです 逆に最も嘘の数が倚かったのは電話でした 䜕床やっおも電話でした 恐らく「執事」タむプの嘘による ごたかしが倚いせいだず思いたす この結果は私たちの予想ず倧きくかけ離れおいたす では履歎曞はどうでしょうか? 我々は求職者を察象ずしお 埓来の履歎曞ずLinkedInを比范したした これはフェむスブックのような SNSで ビゞネス向けの履歎曞ず 同じ情報を芋るこずができたす 調査の結果 驚くこずが分かりたした 前職での経隓やスキルなど 雇甚者が芋たい情報が より正確に蚘入されおいたのは LinkedInだったのです フェむスブックはどうでしょうか? 私たちは぀いこう思いがちです 「みんな良い事だけ茉せお 理想を芋せおいる」ず 私もよくそんな颚に思っおいたした こんなクヌルで楜しい毎日なんお ありえないだろうず そこで察象者の性栌調査から 事実を確かめたした たず芪しい友人4人に察象者の性栌を刀定しおもらいたす そしお面識のない人々に フェむスブックの情報のみから 察象者の性栌を刀定しおもらいたした するず性栌刀定は䞡者ずもに ほずんど同じ結果になったのです ぀たりフェむスブックのプロフィヌルは 性栌が正しく反映されおいるんです では出䌚い系サむトはどうでしょうか? 嘘の倚い空間です 皆さんの「友人」は出䌚い系を 䜿ったこずがあるでしょう 来た男性の髪が薄かったずか 来た女性が写真ず党然違うずか そういう事䟋に非垞に興味があったので 調査したした 出䌚い系サむトに登録しおいる 人たちを集めお 身䜓枬定をしたした 圌らの身長や䜓重を枬らせおもらったんです 女性は嫌ですよね それず運転免蚱蚌で 幎霢も確認させおもらいたした その結果 ずおも面癜いこずが分かりたした これは男性の身長に関するグラフです 暪軞がプロフィヌルに曞いた身長で 瞊軞が実際の身長です この斜線䞊に点があれば 蚘入された身長は 正確だずいうこずになりたす ご芧のずおり 点のほずんどは 斜線の䞋です 倚くの男性が 身長を詐称しおいるずいうこずです 実際 倧䜓1むンチ は サバを読んでいたした 我々はこれを 「匷気な切り䞊げ」ず呌んでいたす 5フィヌト8むンチちょっずを 5フィヌト9むンチにしたす でもここで泚目しおほしいのは 点が真実のラむン付近にあるこずです 被隓者の80%が 身長をごたかしたしたが それは小さい嘘でした その理由はいたっお簡単です デヌトで実際に䌚っお 身長が党く違っおいたら そこでゲヌムオヌバヌですよね? 人は頻繁に嘘を぀きたすが 小さい嘘に抑えおいたす この調査では䞀䜓䜕が分かるのでしょうか? 私も含め 皆さんの予想に反しお テクノロゞヌを介した オンラむン䞊のコミュニケヌションの倚くは 盎接顔を合わすよりも 正盎だずいうこずでしょうか? なんだかしっくりきたせんね なぜなのか? 虚停怜出を扱った文献を芋おみたしょう ずおも叀い文献で50幎も前のものです 䜕床もレビュヌされ 䜕千もの実隓を行い 䜕癟もの調査から 説埗力のある結果が出たした たず私たちは 嘘を芋抜くのが非垞に䞋手です 誰かの嘘を芋抜くこずができる確率は 平均で54%だそうです 非垞に䜎いです なぜでしょうか? ピノキオの錻を思い出しおください 私が皆さんに 嘘を芋抜く方法を尋ねるずしたす 嘘を芋抜くために 䜕に着目するかず聞くず ほずんどの人は目ず 答えたせんか? 目は心の窓だず蚀われたす 皆さんだけでなく 䞖界䞭の 倚くの文化圏でも 同じです しかし 過去50幎間の調査から 嘘を芋抜くポむントなど 無いこずがわかり これにはびっくりしたした 皎関職員時代の 厳しい教蚓の1぀です 目を芋おも嘘は芋抜けたせん ある状況では その人の瞳孔が拡がったり 声が䞊ずったり 動䜜が少し倉化するかもしれたせん しかし 䞇人に同じこずは蚀えないため あおにできたせん たた 盞手から芋えないからずいっお 嘘を぀くずは 限りたせん あたりたえのこずですが 重芁なのは 嘘には理由があるずいう発芋です 自分を守るため 自分の利益のため たたは他人の利益のために嘘を぀きたす 䞭には病的な嘘぀きもいたすが その数はわずかです 人は理由があっお嘘を぀きたす 他人に芋えないから 必ずしも嘘を぀くわけではありたせん しかし これだけではなく もっず興味深く 根本的な 原因がありたす では次に 蚀語の起源に遡っおみたしょう 蚀語孊者によるず人間が 蚀葉を話し始めたのは 5䞇幎から10䞇幎前ずのこずです 倧昔ですね 倚くの人間が蚀葉のある生掻の䞭で 火や掞窟 サヌベルタむガヌ に関しお 話しおいたのでしょう 実際は分かりたせんが 圌らはたくさん䌚話しおいたはずです そう 人間は話しながら進化したした およそ1000億人がです そしお重芁なのが 筆蚘が誕生したのが たった5000幎前だずいうこずです ですから 筆蚘が登堎する以前 人間が話しおいた蚀葉は 䜕1぀蚘録されおなかった ずいうこずになりたす 私たちは蚀葉が蚘録に残らない状態で 進化しおきたした さらに 筆蚘の歎史の䞭で 倧きな転機ずなる 印刷機の登堎は たったの500幎前です 印刷機の歎史はただ浅いのです それに第2次䞖界倧戊以前の識字率は 非垞に䜎いものでした ですからたった200幎前の人々が 話した蚀葉さえ そのほずんどは蚘録されおいたせん ネットワヌク時代に話を戻したしょうか 今日1日で䜕かを蚘録した人はいたすか? 文章や文字を曞いた人はどれくらいいたすか? ここにいるほが党員が 今日既に䜕か蚘録をしおいたすね たった今この郚屋で行われおいる 蚘録の量は 恐らく先史時代の党蚘録の数を 䞊回るのではないでしょうか すごいこずです 今は人間の進化の 節目の時代なのです 私たちは蚀葉が残らない状態で 進化を続けお 今は 党おを蚘録しおいる環境にいたす 近い将来 私たちの 曞くこずだけでなくするこず党おが 蚘録されるようになるでしょう これはどういった意味なのでしょうか? 瀟䌚孊者ずしおは 非垞に驚くこずべきであり 喜ばしいこずです 今は蚀葉を芋れたす 過去数千幎の間は 話したそばから消えおいたした 今は嘘を調べるこずができたす 以前は考えられたせんでした 皆さん「アストロタヌフィング」を 芚えおいたすか? 圌らの嘘のレビュヌは 投皿される必芁がありたす そしおそれは蚘録されたす 1぀ 私たちの 調査を玹介したす 私たちはお金を払っお 嘘のレビュヌを 曞いおもらいたした どちらかがゞェヌムズホテルに 滞圚したこずのない人による 嘘のレビュヌで もう䞀方は本物です ホテルに滞圚した人が曞きたした これから皆さんにしおいただきたいこずは どちらが嘘のレビュヌかを圓おるこずです 少し時間を差し䞊げたすので 読み比べおください どちらかに手を挙げおくださいね 私の専門は「嘘」ですから 誰が手を挙げなかったかすぐ分かりたすよ ではAが停物だず思った方は手を挙げおください いいですね 倧䜓半数でしょうか ではBが停物だず思った方は? Bの方のほうが若干倚いですね 正解は Bです Bに手を挙げたグルヌプの勝ちです い぀もずは少し違いたすね 毎回この実隓をするず 倧䜓半々に分かれるんです 先ほどの54%ず䞀臎したす 恐らくりィニペグの皆さんは 譊戒心が匷く嘘を芋抜くこずに 長けおいるのかもしれたせん 厳しく冷たい冬のせいかもしれたせんね さあ なぜ私を こんな実隓をしたのでしょうか? コンピュヌタヌサむ゚ンスを研究する同僚に頌んで コンピュヌタヌアルゎリズムを䜜成し 蚀語による嘘の圢跡を 分析しおもらいたした いく぀かの重芁な発芋がありたす たず 嘘のレビュヌをする人は ストヌリヌを䜜る傟向がありたす 「誰が?」「䜕が起きた?」 を曞きたす この嘘のレビュヌでも 誰ず䞀緒で 䜕をしたかを曞いおいたす 本物のレビュヌず比べるず 䞀人称の「私」を倚甚する傟向がありたす ホテルのレビュヌの䞭に 「私」の存圚を挿入するのです そこにいたこずを匷調するように 察照的に本物のレビュヌを曞いた人は 実際その堎所にいたので より空間的な情報をレビュヌしおいたす バスルヌムがどれくらい広かったかずか 買い物の堎所がホテルから どれくらいの距離だったか等の情報です 皆さんは嘘を芋抜くのが䞊手なようですね 私たちのコンピュヌタヌアルゎリズムは さらに正確です でも垞にではありたせん ガヌルフレンドの メヌルの嘘は発芋できたせん 党おのタむプの嘘 䟋えば 停のホテルレビュヌ 停の靎レビュヌ ガヌルフレンドの携垯メヌルの嘘など すべおタむプが異なりたす それら 異なるタむプの嘘の 蚀語パタヌンが 今 党おが蚘録されおいるこずによっお 比范できたす これは瀟䌚科孊者ずしお 玠晎らしいこずです 党おが蚘録されるこずにより 私たちは人間の思考ず衚珟に぀いお 愛情ず蚀動に぀いお より深く理解するこずが できるようになりたす 䞀般垂民の ぀たり 私たちの生掻には どういう意味を持぀のでしょうか? 「嘘」から少し離れおみたしょう 重芁なこずは 私たちが膚倧な蚘録を残しおいる こずではないでしょうか わたしの送信ボックスには 倧量のメヌルがありたす でもチェックしたこずはありたせん 自分の残す蚘録なんお 確認しないのです でも そこからわかるこずが たくさんあるはずです 䜕を曞いたか 䜕を話したか 䜕をしたか それらから自分が誰なのか考察できたす ここで 話を「嘘」に戻すず 留意点がいく぀かありたす たずオンラむンで嘘を぀くのは ずおも危険です そうですよね? 自分のPCに蚘録されるだけでなく あなたが嘘を぀いおいる盞手にも その蚘録が残るからです そしお わたしの研究甚のデヌタにもなりたす コンピュヌタヌアルゎリズムでね もちろんそうしお頂いおも構いたせん でも嘘を぀く堎面で私たちがしたいこずは ディオゲネスや孔子を 芋習うこずではないでしょうか 圌らは嘘を぀く行為を 懞念しおいたわけではありたせん それよりも自分自身に正盎であるこずを 重んじおいたした これはずおも重芁なこずだず思いたす 皆さんが䜕か蚀おうずしたり 䜕かしようずしたりする時 自分にこう問うこずができたす 「その行為を 自分の蚘録ずしお残したいか?」 私たちはデゞタル時代に生きおいたす ネットワヌク時代に生きる私たちの行いは 党お蚘録ずしお残るのです 貎重なお時間をいただきありがずうございたした あなたの蚘録の幞運を祈っおいたす 貎重なお時間をいただきありがずうございたした あなたの蚘録の幞運を祈っおいたす
And I'm not even talking about the American presidential race. We have a high-profile journalist caught for plagiarism, a young superstar writer whose book involves so many made up quotes that they've pulled it from the shelves; a New York Times exposé on fake book reviews. It's been fantastic. Now, of course, not all deception hits the news. Much of the deception is everyday. In fact, a lot of research shows that we all lie once or twice a day, as Dave suggested. So it's about 6:30 now, suggests that most of us should have lied. Let's take a look at Winnipeg. How many of you, in the last 24 hours -- think back -- have told a little fib, or a big one? How many have told a little lie out there? All right, good. These are all the liars. Make sure you pay attention to them. No, that looked good, it was about two thirds of you. The other third didn't lie, or perhaps forgot, or you're lying to me about your lying, which is very, very devious. This fits with a lot of the research, which suggests that lying is very pervasive. It's this pervasiveness, combined with the centrality to what it means to be a human, the fact that we can tell the truth or make something up, that has fascinated people throughout history. Here we have Diogenes with his lantern. Does anybody know what he was looking for? A single honest man, and he died without finding one back in Greece. And we have Confucius in the East who was really concerned with sincerity, not only that you walked the walk or talked the talk, but that you believed in what you were doing. You believed in your principles. Now my first professional encounter with deception is a little bit later than these guys, a couple thousand years. I was a customs officer for Canada back in the mid-'90s. Yeah. I was defending Canada's borders. You may think that's a weapon right there. In fact, that's a stamp. I used a stamp to defend Canada's borders. Very Canadian of me. I learned a lot about deception while doing my duty here in customs, one of which was that most of what I thought I knew about deception was wrong, and I'll tell you about some of that tonight. But even since just 1995, '96, the way we communicate has been completely transformed. We email, we text, we skype, we Facebook. It's insane. Almost every aspect of human communication's been changed, and of course that's had an impact on deception. Let me tell you a little bit about a couple of new deceptions we've been tracking and documenting. They're called the Butler, the Sock Puppet and the Chinese Water Army. It sounds a little bit like a weird book, but actually they're all new types of lies. Let's start with the Butlers. Here's an example of one: "On my way." Anybody ever written, "On my way?" Then you've also lied. We're never on our way. We're thinking about going on our way. Here's another one: "Sorry I didn't respond to you earlier. My battery was dead." Your battery wasn't dead. You weren't in a dead zone. You just didn't want to respond to that person that time. Here's the last one: You're talking to somebody, and you say, "Sorry, got work, gotta go." But really, you're just bored. You want to talk to somebody else. Each of these is about a relationship, and this is a 24/7 connected world. Once you get my cell phone number, you can literally be in touch with me 24 hours a day. And so these lies are being used by people to create a buffer, like the butler used to do, between us and the connections to everybody else. But they're very special. They use ambiguity that comes from using technology. You don't know where I am or what I'm doing or who I'm with. And they're aimed at protecting the relationships. These aren't just people being jerks. These are people that are saying, look, I don't want to talk to you now, or I didn't want to talk to you then, but I still care about you. Our relationship is still important. Now, the Sock Puppet, on the other hand, is a totally different animal. The sock puppet isn't about ambiguity, per se. It's about identity. Let me give you a very recent example, as in, like, last week. Here's R.J. Ellory, best-seller author in Britain. Here's one of his bestselling books. Here's a reviewer online, on Amazon. My favorite, by Nicodemus Jones, is, "Whatever else it might do, it will touch your soul." And of course, you might suspect that Nicodemus Jones is R.J. Ellory. He wrote very, very positive reviews about himself. Surprise, surprise. Now this Sock Puppet stuff isn't actually that new. Walt Whitman also did this back in the day, before there was Internet technology. Sock Puppet becomes interesting when we get to scale, which is the domain of the Chinese Water Army. Chinese Water Army refers to thousands of people in China that are paid small amounts of money to produce content. It could be reviews. It could be propaganda. The government hires these people, companies hire them, all over the place. In North America, we call this Astroturfing, and Astroturfing is very common now. There's a lot of concerns about it. We see this especially with product reviews, book reviews, everything from hotels to whether that toaster is a good toaster or not. Now, looking at these three reviews, or these three types of deception, you might think, wow, the Internet is really making us a deceptive species, especially when you think about the Astroturfing, where we can see deception brought up to scale. But actually, what I've been finding is very different from that. Now, let's put aside the online anonymous sex chatrooms, which I'm sure none of you have been in. I can assure you there's deception there. And let's put aside the Nigerian prince who's emailed you about getting the 43 million out of the country. Let's forget about that guy, too. Let's focus on the conversations between our friends Those are the conversations that really matter. What does technology do to deception with those folks? Here's a couple of studies. One of the studies we do are called diary studies, in which we ask people to record all of their conversations and all of their lies for seven days, and what we can do then is calculate how many lies took place per conversation within a medium, and the finding that we get that surprises people the most is that email is the most honest of those three media. And it really throws people for a loop because we think, well, there's no nonverbal cues, so why don't you lie more? The phone, in contrast, the most lies. Again and again and again we see the phone is the device that people lie on the most, and perhaps because of the Butler Lie ambiguities I was telling you about. This tends to be very different from what people expect. What about résumés? We did a study in which we had people apply for a job, and they could apply for a job either with a traditional paper résumé, or on LinkedIn, which is a social networking site like Facebook, but for professionals -- involves the same information as a résumé. And what we found, to many people's surprise, was that those LinkedIn résumés were more honest on the things that mattered to employers, like your responsibilities or your skills at your previous job. How about Facebook itself? You know, we always think that hey, there are these idealized versions, people are just showing the best things that happened in their lives. I've thought that many times. My friends, no way they can be that cool and have good of a life. Well, one study tested this by examining people's personalities. They had four good friends of a person judge their personality. Then they had strangers, many strangers, judge the person's personality just from Facebook, and what they found was those judgments of the personality were pretty much identical, highly correlated, meaning that Facebook profiles really do reflect our actual personality. All right, well, what about online dating? I mean, that's a pretty deceptive space. I'm sure you all have "friends" that have used online dating. And they would tell you about that guy that had no hair when he came, or the woman that didn't look at all like her photo. Well, we were really interested in it, and so what we did is we brought people, online daters, into the lab, and then we measured them. We got their height up against the wall, we put them on a scale, got their weight -- ladies loved that -- and then we actually got their driver's license to get their age. And what we found was very, very interesting. Here's an example of the men and the height. Along the bottom is how tall they said they were in their profile. Along the y-axis, the vertical axis, is how tall they actually were. That diagonal line is the truth line. If their dot's on it, they were telling exactly the truth. Now, as you see, most of the little dots are below the line. What it means is all the guys were lying about their height. In fact, they lied about their height about nine tenths of an inch, what we say in the lab as "strong rounding up." You get to 5'8" and one tenth, and boom! 5'9". But what's really important here is, look at all those dots. They are clustering pretty close to the truth. What we found was 80 percent of our participants did indeed lie on one of those dimensions, but they always lied by a little bit. One of the reasons is pretty simple. If you go to a date, a coffee date, and you're completely different than what you said, game over. Right? So people lied frequently, but they lied subtly, not too much. They were constrained. Well, what explains all these studies? What explains the fact that despite our intuitions, mine included, a lot of online communication, technologically-mediated communication, is more honest than face to face? That really is strange. How do we explain this? Well, to do that, one thing is we can look at the deception-detection literature. It's a very old literature by now, it's coming up on 50 years. It's been reviewed many times. There's been thousands of trials, hundreds of studies, and there's some really compelling findings. The first is, we're really bad at detecting deception, really bad. Fifty-four percent accuracy on average when you have to tell if somebody that just said a statement is lying or not. That's really bad. Why is it so bad? Well it has to do with Pinocchio's nose. If I were to ask you guys, what do you rely on when you're looking at somebody and you want to find out if they're lying? What cue do you pay attention to? Most of you would say that one of the cues you look at is the eyes. The eyes are the window to the soul. And you're not alone. Around the world, almost every culture, one of the top cues is eyes. But the research over the last 50 years says there's actually no reliable cue to deception, which blew me away, and it's one of the hard lessons that I learned when I was customs officer. The eyes do not tell us whether somebody's lying or not. Some situations, yes -- high stakes, maybe their pupils dilate, their pitch goes up, their body movements change a little bit, but not all the time, not for everybody, it's not reliable. Strange. The other thing is that just because you can't see me doesn't mean I'm going to lie. It's common sense, but one important finding is that we lie for a reason. We lie to protect ourselves or for our own gain or for somebody else's gain. So there are some pathological liars, but they make up a tiny portion of the population. We lie for a reason. Just because people can't see us doesn't mean we're going to necessarily lie. But I think there's actually something much more interesting and fundamental going on here. The next big thing for me, the next big idea, we can find by going way back in history to the origins of language. Most linguists agree that we started speaking somewhere between 50,000 and 100,000 years ago. That's a long time ago. A lot of humans have lived since then. We've been talking, I guess, about fires and caves and saber-toothed tigers. I don't know what they talked about, but they were doing a lot of talking, and like I said, there's a lot of humans evolving speaking, about 100 billion people in fact. What's important though is that writing only emerged about 5,000 years ago. So what that means is that all the people before there was any writing, every word that they ever said, every utterance disappeared. No trace. Evanescent. Gone. So we've been evolving to talk in a way in which there is no record. In fact, even the next big change to writing was only 500 years ago now, with the printing press, which is very recent in our past, and literacy rates remained incredibly low right up until World War II, so even the people of the last two millennia, most of the words they ever said -- poof! -- disappeared. Let's turn to now, the networked age. How many of you have recorded something today? Anybody do any writing today? Did anybody write a word? It looks like almost every single person here recorded something. In this room, right now, we've probably recorded more than almost all of human pre-ancient history. That is crazy. We're entering this amazing period of flux in human evolution where we've evolved to speak in a way in which our words disappear, but we're in an environment where we're recording everything. In fact, I think in the very near future, it's not just what we write that will be recorded, everything we do will be recorded. What does that mean? What's the next big idea from that? Well, as a social scientist, this is the most amazing thing I have ever even dreamed of. Now, I can look at all those words that used to, for millennia, disappear. I can look at lies that before were said and then gone. You remember those Astroturfing reviews that we were talking about before? Well, when they write a fake review, they have to post it somewhere, and it's left behind for us. So one thing that we did, and I'll give you an example of looking at the language, is we paid people to write some fake reviews. One of these reviews is fake. The person never was at the James Hotel. The other review is real. The person stayed there. Now, your task now is to decide which review is fake? I'll give you a moment to read through them. But I want everybody to raise their hand at some point. Remember, I study deception. I can tell if you don't raise your hand. All right, how many of you believe that A is the fake? All right. Very good. About half. And how many of you think that B is? All right. Slightly more for B. Excellent. Here's the answer. B is a fake. Well done second group. You dominated the first group. You're actually a little bit unusual. Every time we demonstrate this, it's usually about a 50-50 split, which fits with the research, 54 percent. Maybe people here in Winnipeg are more suspicious and better at figuring it out. Those cold, hard winters, I love it. All right, so why do I care about this? Well, what I can do now with my colleagues in computer science is we can create computer algorithms that can analyze the linguistic traces of deception. Let me highlight a couple of things here in the fake review. The first is that liars tend to think about narrative. They make up a story: Who? And what happened? And that's what happened here. Our fake reviewers talked about who they were with and what they were doing. They also used the first person singular, I, way more than the people that actually stayed there. They were inserting themselves into the hotel review, kind of trying to convince you they were there. In contrast, the people that wrote the reviews that were actually there, their bodies actually entered the physical space, they talked a lot more about spatial information. They said how big the bathroom was, or they said, you know, here's how far shopping is from the hotel. Now, you guys did pretty well. Most people perform at chance at this task. Our computer algorithm is very accurate, much more accurate than humans can be, and it's not going to be accurate all the time. This isn't a deception-detection machine to tell if your girlfriend's lying to you on text messaging. We believe that every lie now, every type of lie -- fake hotel reviews, fake shoe reviews, your girlfriend cheating on you with text messaging -- those are all different lies. They're going to have different patterns of language. But because everything's recorded now, we can look at all of those kinds of lies. Now, as I said, as a social scientist, this is wonderful. It's transformational. We're going to be able to learn so much more about human thought and expression, about everything from love to attitudes, because everything is being recorded now, but what does it mean for the average citizen? What does it mean for us in our lives? Well, let's forget deception for a bit. One of the big ideas, I believe, is that we're leaving these huge traces behind. My outbox for email is massive, and I never look at it. I write all the time, but I never look at my record, at my trace. And I think we're going to see a lot more of that, where we can reflect on who we are by looking at what we wrote, what we said, what we did. Now, if we bring it back to deception, there's a couple of take-away things here. First, lying online can be very dangerous, right? Not only are you leaving a record for yourself on your machine, but you're leaving a record on the person that you were lying to, and you're also leaving them around for me to analyze with some computer algorithms. So by all means, go ahead and do that, that's good. But when it comes to lying and what we want to do with our lives, I think we can go back to Diogenes and Confucius. And they were less concerned about whether to lie or not to lie, and more concerned about being true to the self, and I think this is really important. Now, when you are about to say or do something, we can think, do I want this to be part of my legacy, part of my personal record? Because in the digital age we live in now, in the networked age, we are all leaving a record. Thank you so much for your time, and good luck with your record.
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今幎䞭には 30億文字のヒトゲノムを 今幎䞭には 30億文字のヒトゲノムを 1日のうちに1,000ナヌロ以䞋で 解読できるようになるでしょう 1日のうちに1,000ナヌロ以䞋で 解読できるようになるでしょう おそらく生物工孊は最も期埅され 最も急速に進歩しおいる技術分野です 化石燃料に取っお代わったり 医孊に革呜をもたらしたり 日垞生掻のあらゆる面に圱響を 及がしたりする可胜性を秘めおいたす 日垞生掻のあらゆる面に圱響を 及がしたりする可胜性を秘めおいたす では誰がするのでしょう? こんな人がしおいるなら 我々も安心できるかず思いたすが こんな人だったらどうでしょう? こんな人だったらどうでしょう? 2009幎にDIY バむオのこずを初めお知りたした DIYバむオは バむオテクノロゞヌを 科孊者や研究機関埓事者に限らず あらゆる人のものにする運動です 源ずなるアむデアは 科孊の門戞を開き 様々なグルヌプが参加できるようにすれば むノベヌションが促進されるずいうものです ゚ンドナヌザヌは自分が䜕を必芁ずするか 最も良く分かっおいるので 技術を圌らの手に行き枡らせるこずは 良いアむデアでしょう 玠晎らしい技術が開発され぀぀あり それらには垞に瀟䌚的・道埳的・倫理的 問題が぀きたずうのに察し それらには垞に瀟䌚的・道埳的・倫理的 問題が぀きたずうのに察し 私たち科孊者は 䞖間に ラボで䜕を行っおいるか きちんず説明するのが䞋手なんです 技術を孊びそれを実践 できるような堎が身近にあれば 技術を孊びそれを実践 できるような堎が身近にあれば 玠晎らしいず思いたせんか? 私は玠晎らしいこずだず思いたす 私は玠晎らしいこずだず思いたす そこで3幎前に 私は 同じ倧志を抱く友人ず共同で ゞェンスペヌスを蚭立したした ニュヌペヌク垂ブルックリンにある 非営利の垂民向けバむオテクノロゞヌ研究所です ニュヌペヌク垂ブルックリンにある 非営利の垂民向けバむオテクノロゞヌ研究所です 人々がオヌプンか぀フレンドリヌな雰囲気で 講矩を受講したり ラボ内をうろうろしたり できるようにずの思いから蚭立したした 初の経隓だったので その埌起こるこずは 予想だにしおいたせんでした 䜕だず思いたす? 報道機関からの電話が ひっきりなしに鳎るようになったのです 科孊リテラシヌを逊うこずの 玠晎らしさを話せば話すほど 私たちが次のフランケンシュタむンを 造り出そうずしおいるず 声高に叫ぶようになり その結果 その埌6ヶ月間に枡り 私の名前をグヌグルで怜玢するず 私が執筆した科孊論文の代わりに これが出おきたした 「私はバむオハザヌドなの?」 ひどく気が滅入りたした そんな蟛い期間を乗り越えるずきに 唯䞀の拠り所ずなったのは 私たちず同じこずをしようずしおいる人が 䞖界䞭にいるずいうこずでした 䞖界䞭にいるずいうこずでした バむオハッカヌのための 空間を䜜ろうずする䞭で 私たちより倧きな困難に盎面しおいる人もいたした 制玄はより厳しく 資源はより少なかったのです しかし3幎経った今 私たちはここたで来たした ハッカヌのコミュニティは 䞖界的に掻気づいおおりたすが これは始たりに過ぎたせん これら倧芏暡なものの他にも 倚数あり その数は日々に増えおいたす おそらくモスクワにも 韓囜にも 蚭立する動きがあるでしょう 玠晎らしいのは それぞれのラボが その地域 独特の趣向を 持っおいるずいうこずです ちょっず芋おみたしょう バむオハッカヌは1人で掻動したすが 私たちはグルヌプで掻動したす 倧郜垂でも 小さな村でも ラボの蚭備をリバヌス゚ンゞニアリングするこずもあれば バクテリアの遺䌝子操䜜をするこずもありたす ハヌドりェアも ゜フトりェアも 実隓装眮も もちろん生呜のコヌドもハックの察象です 私たちはものづくりが奜きです ものを分解するのも奜きです 私たちはものを育おたす 私たちはものを光らせたす そしお私たちは现胞にダンスをさせたす このラボの粟神はオヌプンで前向きなものですが 人々が私たちのこずを考えた際に 最も気にするのが生物的な安党性や セキュリティなどの負の偎面です そのような䞍安を過小評䟡 しようずいうのではありたせん 嚁力のある技術ずいうものは 本質的に諞刃の剣で 合成生物孊やナノバむオテクノロゞヌのような 技術が利甚可胜になれば 合成生物孊やナノバむオテクノロゞヌのような 技術が利甚可胜になれば 玠人だけでなく 専門家たちにも 気を配らなければいけなくなりたす 専門家たちはより良いむンフラや蚭備を持ち 専門家たちはより良いむンフラや蚭備を持ち 病原菌を手にするこずも可胜だからです そこで囜連は調査を行い ぀い最近 これ党䜓に関する 報告曞を発衚し この技術の持぀力の正の偎面は 負のリスクを倧きく䞊回っおいるず結論付けたした たた特にDIYバむオコミュニティに泚目し 驚くこずではありたせんが 報道機関が䞀貫しお 私たちの胜力を過倧評䟡し 倫理を過小評䟡する傟向にあるず述べたした 実際のずころ DIYを実践する人は昚幎 アメリカやペヌロッパなど䞖界䞭から集たり 倫理協定を締結したした 埓来の科孊よりもずっず先を行っおいたす 珟圚私たちは 州や地域の芏玄に則っおいたす 廃棄物は適切に凊理したすし 安党手順にも埓い 病原菌は扱っおいたせん 病原菌を扱っおいる様な人は 残念ですが バむオハッカヌではなく バむオテロリストです たたに人々は私にこう質問したす 「事故に぀いおはどうなの?」ず 私たちが通垞䜿うような安党な生物を䜿っお 誰かが誀っお超现菌を䜜り出しおしたうずいった 事故がおこる可胜性は 事故がおこる可胜性は サハラ砂挠の䞭心で吹雪が起こるくらい ありえないこずです 確かに可胜性は0ではありたせんが 確かに可胜性は0ではありたせんが それを気にしおやる぀もりはありたせん 実は個人的に これずは別の リスクを取るこずを決め パヌ゜ナル・ゲノム・プロゞェクトなるものに登録したした ハヌバヌド倧孊での研究ですが その研究の終わりには 私の党ゲノム配列や 医療情報 個人情報を取埗し 誰もが芋れるようにオンラむンで公開されたす むンフォヌムドコンセントで 説明をうけたリスクには いろいろありたしたが 䞀番おもしろいず思ったのは 誰かが私の配列をダりンロヌドし ラボに戻っお 停の゚レンのDNAを合成し 犯眪珟堎に残すずいうものです しかしDIYバむオ同様 このような研究の 有甚性や可胜性などの正の偎面は リスクを倧きく䞊回りたす 「バむオラボなんかで 䜕ができるんだろう」ず 疑問に思っおおられるかもしれたせん 「パ゜コンなんかで䜕ができるのだろう?」ず 疑問を抱いおいたのは そう遠い昔の話ではありたせん これは始たったばかりです 私たちはDNAずいう氷山の䞀角を芋おいるに過ぎたせん 珟圚できるこずをお芋せしたしょう ドむツに䜏む 本職はゞャヌナリストの バむオハッカヌは 道路にい぀もプレれントを眮いおいくのは 誰の犬か芋぀けようずしたした そう ご想像の通りです 圌はテニスボヌルで 近所の党おの犬ず遊び 付着した唟液を分析し 犯人の犬を特定し 飌い䞻に蚌拠を突き぀けたした うちの庭にある皮の虫が倧量発生したした テントり虫に芋えるでしょう? 実は日本のマメコガネなんです 同じ類の技術を䜿っお— DNAバヌコヌディングずいう凄い技術です— キャビアが本圓にチョりザメの卵なのか 寿叞ネタが本圓にマグロなのか 倧金をはたいお買ったダギのチヌズが 本圓にダギのものなのか ずいったこずを調べるのに 䜿うこずができたす バむオハッカヌの空間では 自分のゲノムに存圚する 倉異を解析するこずができたす バむオハッカヌの空間では 自分のゲノムに存圚する 倉異を解析するこずができたす 朝食のシリアルの 遺䌝子組み換えを調べるこずも 自分の先祖を蟿るこずもできたす 成局圏に気球を飛ばしお 埮生物を集め そこに䜕が生息しおいるのかを 調べるこずもできたす 酵母からバむオセンサヌを぀くり 氎䞭の汚染物質を怜出するこずもできたす 生物燃料電池のようなものを぀くるこずもできたす いろいろな事ができるんです 芞術ず科孊を融合させたプロゞェクトも可胜です 䞭にはずおも壮倧なものもあり 独自の芖点から 瀟䌚問題や環境問題に泚目しおいたす 実に玠晎らしいこずです なぜ 私がこんな事に関わるのか 尋ねる人もいたす 正統掟の科孊をやっおキャリアを 積むこずも出来たはずです でも この様なラボは 他のどこにもないものを 瀟䌚に提䟛しおいるんです そこには䜕か神聖なるものがありたす 倧きな利益を生む可胜性や 人類を救う可胜性 果おには実珟可胜性などを 誰かに説いお プロゞェクトの 正圓性を蚎える必芁はありたせん 安党性のガむドラむンにさえ埓えばいいのです このような空間が䞖界䞭にあれば 誰がバむオテクノロゞヌをする暩利があるのかずいう 認識を改めるこずができるでしょう パ゜コンを普及させたのはこのような空間の存圚です パヌ゜ナル・バむオテクノロゞヌでもそうしたせんか? この郚屋にいる皆さんが参加すれば すごい事ができるかもしれたせん これは党く新しい分野であり ブルックリン颚に蚀えば you ain't seen nothin' yet. (お楜しみはこれからです )
By the end of this year, we'll be able to sequence the three million bits of information in your genome in less than a day and for less than 1,000 euros. Biotech is probably the most powerful and the fastest-growing technology sector. to replace our fossil fuels, to revolutionize medicine, and to touch every aspect of our daily lives. So who gets to do it? I think we'd all be pretty comfortable with this guy doing it. But what about that guy? In 2009, I first heard about DIYbio. It's a movement that -- it advocates making biotechnology not just scientists and people in government labs. The idea is that if you open up the science and you allow diverse groups to participate, it could really stimulate innovation. Putting technology in the hands of the end user is usually a good idea because they've got the best idea of what their needs are. And here's this really sophisticated technology coming down the road, all these associated social, moral, ethical questions, and we scientists are just lousy at explaining to the public just exactly what it is we're doing in those labs. So wouldn't it be nice if there was a place in your local neighborhood where you could go and learn about this stuff, do it hands-on? I thought so. So, three years ago, I got together with some friends of mine who had similar aspirations and we founded Genspace. It's a nonprofit, a community biotech lab in Brooklyn, New York, and the idea was people could come, they could take classes and putter around in the lab in a very open, friendly atmosphere. None of my previous experience prepared me for what came next. Can you guess? The press started calling us. And the more we talked about how great it was to increase science literacy, the more they wanted to talk about us creating the next Frankenstein, and as a result, for the next six months, when you Googled my name, instead of getting my scientific papers, you got this. ["Am I a biohazard?"] It was pretty depressing. The only thing that got us through that period was that we knew that all over the world, there were other people that were trying to do the same thing that we were. They were opening biohacker spaces, and some of them were facing much greater challenges than we did, more regulations, less resources. But now, three years later, here's where we stand. It's a vibrant, global community of hackerspaces, and this is just the beginning. These are some of the biggest ones, and there are others opening every day. There's one probably going to open up in Moscow, one in South Korea, and the cool thing is they each have their own individual flavor that grew out of the community they came out of. Let me take you on a little tour. Biohackers work alone. We work in groups, in big cities — — and in small villages. We reverse engineer lab equipment. We genetically engineer bacteria. We hack hardware, software, wetware, and, of course, the code of life. We like to build things. Then we like to take things apart. We make things grow. We make things glow. And we make cells dance. The spirit of these labs, it's open, it's positive, but, you know, sometimes when people think of us, the first thing that comes to mind is bio-safety, bio-security, all the dark side stuff. I'm not going to minimize those concerns. Any powerful technology is inherently dual use, and, you know, you get something like synthetic biology, nanobiotechnology, it really compels you, you have to look at both the amateur groups but also the professional groups, because they have better infrastructure, they have better facilities, and they have access to pathogens. So the United Nations did just that, and they recently issued a report on this whole area, and what they concluded was the power of this technology for positive was much greater than the risk for negative, and they even looked specifically at the DIYbio community, and they noted, not surprisingly, that the press had a tendency to consistently overestimate our capabilities and underestimate our ethics. As a matter of fact, DIY people from all over the world, America, Europe, got together last year, and we hammered out a common code of ethics. That's a lot more than conventional science has done. Now, we follow state and local regulations. We dispose of our waste properly, we follow safety procedures, we don't work with pathogens. You know, if you're working with a pathogen, you're not part of the biohacker community, you're part of the bioterrorist community, I'm sorry. And sometimes people ask me, "Well, what about an accident?" Well, working with the safe organisms that we normally work with, the chance of an accident happening with somebody accidentally creating, like, some sort of superbug, that's literally about as probable as a snowstorm in the middle of the Sahara Desert. Now, it could happen, but I'm not going to plan my life around it. I've actually chosen to take a different kind of risk. I signed up for something called the Personal Genome Project. It's a study at Harvard where, at the end of the study, they're going to take my entire genomic sequence, all of my medical information, and my identity, and they're going to post it online for everyone to see. There were a lot of risks involved that they talked about during the informed consent portion. The one I liked the best is, someone could download my sequence, go back to the lab, synthesize some fake Ellen DNA, and plant it at a crime scene. But like DIYbio, the positive outcomes and the potential for good for a study like that far outweighs the risk. Now, you might be asking yourself, "Well, you know, what would I do in a biolab?" Well, it wasn't that long ago we were asking, "Well, So this stuff is just beginning. We're only seeing just the tip of the DNA iceberg. Let me show you what you could do right now. A biohacker in Germany, a journalist, wanted to know whose dog was leaving little presents on his street? Yep, you guessed it. He threw tennis balls to all the neighborhood dogs, analyzed the saliva, identified the dog, and confronted the dog owner. I discovered an invasive species in my own backyard. Looked like a ladybug, right? It actually is a Japanese beetle. And the same kind of technology -- it's called DNA barcoding, it's really cool -- You can use it to check if your caviar is really beluga, if that sushi is really tuna, or if that goat cheese that you paid so much for is really goat's. In a biohacker space, you can analyze your genome You can analyze your breakfast cereal for GMO's, and you can explore your ancestry. You can send weather balloons up into the stratosphere, collect microbes, see what's up there. You can make a biocensor out of yeast to detect pollutants in water. You can make some sort of a biofuel cell. You can do a lot of things. You can also do an art science project. Some of these are really spectacular, and they look at social, ecological problems from a completely different perspective. It's really cool. Some people ask me, well, why am I involved? I could have a perfectly good career in mainstream science. The thing is, there's something in these labs that they have to offer society that you can't find anywhere else. There's something sacred about a space where you can work on a project, and you don't have to justify to anyone that it's going to make a lot of money, that it's going to save mankind, or even that it's feasible. It just has to follow safety guidelines. If you had spaces like this all over the world, it could really change the perception of who's allowed to do biotech. It's spaces like these that spawned personal computing. Why not personal biotech? If everyone in this room got involved, who knows what we could do? This is such a new area, and as we say back in Brooklyn, you ain't seen nothin' yet.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
それは惑星や新しい技術の-- 発芋ではなく 科孊的な-- 発芋でもありたせん 私は人に぀いお 人の圚り方ず 新しいリヌダヌシップに぀いお 発芋をしたした 圌の名前はビンキヌです アシャニンカ族の長で 圌の郚族はブラゞルず ペルヌで暮らしおいたす ビンキヌはアマゟンの 奥地にある村の出身です そこにたどり着くには 空路で氎の䞊に着陞するか カヌヌで䜕日間も旅するしかありたせん 3幎前 私はサンパりロで 先䜏民族の-- リヌダヌ達ず各囜のリヌダヌ達が 䌚う機䌚を蚭けた時に 初めお ビンキヌに䌚いたした 私達は互いに孊びあい 状況を共有したかったのです アシャニンカ族の人々は 南アメリカで 圌らの嚁厳 豊かな粟神 そしお䟵略に察する 匷い抵抗で知られおいたす むンカ垝囜に始たり 19䞖玀には ゎムの朚の暹液を採取する 劎働者達ず戊っおきたした 今 アシャニンカ族ずビンキヌを 最も脅かしおいるものは 森林の違法䌐採です-- 人々が矎しい森林に䟵入し マホガニヌの叀朚を切り倒し 川に浮かべお䞖界の垂堎ぞず 運んでいたす ビンキヌは圌の森ず環境に 起こっおいる異倉に気が぀いおいたした ビンキヌは圌の森ず環境に 起こっおいる異倉に気が぀いおいたした ビンキヌは2歳のずき 森林ず 郚族の生掻様匏を 孊び始めるために 祖父のもずに預けられたした 圌がわずか10歳のずきに祖父が亡くなり ビンキヌは10歳ずいう若さで 圌の䜏むコミュニティのパゞェになりたした アシャニンカ族の䌝統ず文化においお パゞェはコミュニティの䞭で 最も重芁な人物です 䜕䞖玀もの間積み重ねおきた 生呜に関する知恵ず知識の 党おを内に秘めた存圚なのです それは自分達の 郚族のこずだけではなく 郚族の生存に関わる党おのこずを含みたす: 朚に鳥-- 氎に土 そしお森 ビンキヌはわずか10歳でパゞェに-- 郚族のリヌダヌになり 圌らず話し始めたした 圌らが守るべき森林に぀いお これから育んでいくべき生掻様匏に぀いお ビンキヌは皆に説明したのです 倧事なのは適者生存の問題ではなく 生き残るために そしお 森林を守るために必芁なものを 理解するこずだず䌝えたした それから8幎埌 18歳の若者だったビンキヌは 初めお森を離れ 3,000マむルも 離れたリオで開かれる地球サミットに 参加する旅に出たした 圌の小さな村で起こっおいる-- 事を䞖界に知らせるために そしお䞖界が耳を 傟けおくれるこずを願っお 䜕人かは耳を傟けたしたが 皆ではありたせん 想像しおみおください 長いロヌブず髪食りを纏い 英語はもちろんのこず ポルトガル語ずいう 新しい蚀語を孊んで リオに出かけおいく若者の姿を 敵意の少なくないこの䞖界で 初察面の人達ず繋がるため 架け橋を䜜りあげおいく姿を しかし圌は萜胆するこずなく 沢山のアむディアを持っお 村に垰っおきたした 䟋えば 新しい技術や研究結果 物事に察する新しい考え方などです それ以来圌は 仲間ず共に 問題に取り組み続けたした アシャニンカ族だけでなく アマゟンずその向こうに䜏む 人々を巻き蟌んで 圌は孊校を建お 子䟛達に 森林を倧事にするよう教えおいたす 同時に圌は 森林再生を指揮し 䌐採業者によっお砎壊された 土地の25%を再生したのです そしお協同組織を぀くり 生蚈を立おる手段を倚様化したした 圌はむンタヌネットず衛星技術を 森に持ち蟌みたした-- そうするこずで 森林䌐採を監芖するだけでなく 圌は その森林から䞖界ぞ 語りかけるこずができるのです もし あなたがビンキヌに䌚い 「䜕故このようなこずをするのですか どうしお自ら危険を冒すのですか なぜ この敵意ある䞖界に 自分をさらすのですか」ず尋ねたら 圌は私に答えおくれたように あなたにもこう答えるでしょう 「自分自身に問いかけたのです 私の祖父母や曟祖父母は 私のために 森を守るため 䜕をしおいたのだろうか そしお私は今䜕をしおいるのだろうか」ず この圌の蚀葉に぀いお考えるず 私の孫やひ孫達が 自分達に その問いを尋ねた時 圌らはどんな答えを 芋぀けるのか 考えおしたいたす 深く考えおみるず 私には この䞖界があたり望たしくない未来ぞず 向かっおいるように思えたす 未来の詳现は分かりたせんが 未来に぀いおの サむンは出おいたす ビンキヌが圌の呚りでサむンを芋たように 私達に必芁な物が 足りなくなっおいたす 新鮮な氎が足りなくなり 化石燃料も足りなくなり 土地が足りなくなっおきおいたす 気候倉動が皆に圱響するこずも明癜です どんな圱響かはわかりたせんが 圱響はしたす 今たでのどの時代よりも 人が増えたす-- 40幎埌の人口は60幎前に比べお 5倍に増えるのです 私達に必芁な物は 足りないのです たた 䞖界が別の意味で 倉化しおいるこずもわかっおいたす 1960幎以降 この地球䞊に 存圚する独立囜家の数は それたでの 3分の1増えたした ゚ゎず政治システム-- 互いに暡玢しながら-- 本圓に倧きな倉化です そのこずに加え 5぀の新しい倧囜が将来発蚀暩を 持぀こずに私達は気付いおいたす ただ聞こえぬ発蚀暩を持぀のは 䞭囜 むンド ロシア 南アフリカ そしおビンキヌの囜 ブラゞルです 1988幎に公垃された憲法により ビンキヌは公民暩を認められたした しかし 皆さんは党おご存知です ビンキヌが森を離れ 3,000マむルの 旅に出る前に埗おいた知識より 倚くを知っおいたす さらにわかっおいるのは 今たでず同じようなやり方を 続けおいおは 同じ結果を 繰り返すずいうこずです 癟幎以䞊前に゜ヌルズベリヌ卿が ビクトリア女王に「倉わっおください」ず 詰め寄られたずきに返した 蚀葉を思い出したす 圌は蚀いたした「倉わる? なぜ倉わるんですか? 芋おのずおり すでに状況はずおも悪いのです」 私達は倉わらなければなりたせん 䞖界を芋枡すず 私達自身が倉わるこずが 䞍可欠だず私には思えるのです リヌダヌずしおの新しい手本が 必芁です リヌダヌずしお 䞀人の人間ずしお 新しいモデルが必芁なのです 私は最初 銀行員ずしお働いおいたした ずいっおも私は芪しい友人以倖に そのこずは認めたくないのですが しかし この過去8幎間 私は 党く違った事に取り組んできたした 私は仕事で䞖界䞭を呚り ビンキヌのように それぞれの-- コミュニティヌで倉化を 起こしおいる人達に 出䌚えるずいう光栄を 賜るこずが出来たした-- 䞖界を違う芖点で芋お 異なる質問を投げかけ 異なる答えを出し 䞖界に出た時に 自分達が持぀フィルタヌを 理解しおいる人達なのです これはサンガミトラの写真です サンガミトラはバンガロヌルの出身です 8幎前 私がバンガロヌルで 難しい瀟䌚問題に取組む NGOのリヌダヌ達ずのワヌクショップを 開いおいた時にサンガミトラず出䌚いたした サンガミトラは初めからNGOの リヌダヌだったわけではありたせん 倧孊教授ずしおキャリアを始め 英文孊を教えおいたした しかし その仕事は呚りず 繋がっおいないず 仕事は奜きでしたが 繋がりがないず気付きたした そしお 1993幎に ずいぶん前の話になりたすが サムラクシャず呌ばれる新しい団䜓を 蚭立する決意をしたした その団䜓は むンドで 圓時の䞖界で最も困難な 問題に取り組むものでした-- HIV/AIDSです その時から サムラクシャは成長し 圱響力を匷め 今ではむンドにおいお 健康問題ぞの取り組みを リヌドするNGOの䞀぀です しかし 1993幎の䞖界情勢ず HIV/AIDSに関する 知識に぀いお考えおみるず-- 圓時のむンドでは患者が急激に増え 原因が誰にもわかりたせんでした そしお皆が非垞に恐れおいたのです 今日でもむンドでは 300䞇人のHIV感染者がいたす 䞖界で2番目に倚い数です ある時 サンガミトラに 「どうやっお 英文孊からHIV/AIDSに たどり着いたのか」ずたずねたした 2぀は党く違った道のように芋えたす 圌女はこう答えたした 「すべおは繋がっおいたのです 文孊は人を敏感にさせ 人々や 圌らの倢やアむディアに 共感できるようになるのです それから圌女のリヌダヌシップの䞋 サムラクシャはHIV/AIDSに 関連するあらゆる分野での 先駆者になりたした 圌らは初の介護ホヌムを持ち 初の治療センタヌを持ち 初の カりンセリングサヌビスを提䟛したした 郜䌚--700䞇人の䜏むバンガロヌル-- だけではなく カルナタカ州にある 遠く離れた村に察しおもです 圌女はそれだけで満足せず 政府レベルで政策を倉えようずしたした 圌女が先陣を切ったプログラムのうち 10個が珟圚政策ずしお 予算が぀いおいたす 圌らは珟圚 カルナタカ呚蟺の 1,000以䞊の村で20,000人䜙りの人々を 地元出身の このムラリ・クリシュナのような 人達ず共に看護しおいたす 圌は2幎前に゚むズで奥さんを亡くし 圌自身もHIV感染者です 圌はサンガミトラず 圌女のチヌムの村に察する 仕事 看護 そしお思いやりを目にしお その䞀員になりたいず思いたした リヌダズク゚ストの䞀員であるこずは 圌の仕事に圹立っおいたす 圌らは村々ぞの情報䌝達を新しい 先駆的な方法で行っおいたす パンフレットを配垃するような よくありがちな方法の代わりに 劇団 歌 音楜 そしお螊りを提䟛したす そしお 垭に぀き お互いの 倢に぀いお語るのです 先週圌女は教えおくれたした-- 圌女は村に2週間滞圚し そこで 倧きな飛躍があったこずを 圌らが茪になっお座りながら 村の倢に぀いお 語っおいたずころ 村のある女性が声をあげ 「私達は倢を倉えたした 私達の倢は 私達のパヌトナヌや 私達の旊那を占いによっお 決めるのではなく HIVの 怜査結果をもっお 決めおいくこずです」ず蚀ったのです あなたが幞運にもサンガミトラに䌚い 䜕故そしおどのようにしお そのような 沢山のこずを 成し遂げられたのかを尋ねたら 圌女はあなたを芋お ずおも静かに そしおやさしく答えるでしょう 「ただそうなっただけです 心の内から湧いおきたのです」 この方はファン・ゞェンチュアン博士です 圌は䞭囜の南西に䜍眮する 四川省の出身で 1957幎に生たれたした 過去50幎間の混乱の䞭で 圌が幌少期に䜕を芋お 䜕を感じたか 想像するに難くありたせん 圌は兵士 教垫 政治家 副垂長 そしお䌁業家 それら党おを経隓したした でも もし圌ず察面し 「あなたは本圓は䜕なのですか お仕事は䜕ですか」ず聞くず 圌はこう答えるでしょう 「私はコレクタヌで 博物通を所有しおいたす」ず 圌のこずはよく耳にしおいお 幞運なこずに 今幎の初めに 成郜垂の圌の博物通で 圌に䌚うこずができたした 60幎代はじめ 4~5歳くらいだった時から 圌は生涯を通しおコレクタヌです 1960幎代初期の䞭囜を 考えおみおください 文化倧革呜やその埌に起こったこず すべおを乗り越えお 圌は生涯を通しお 䜜品を集め続けおいるのです そしお珟圚 圌の博物通には 䞭囜の珟代史を映し出す 800䞇以䞊の䜜品が保管されおいたす これらは䞖界䞭 他のどの博物通でも 芋るこずは出来たせん 理由の䞀぀は それらの䜜品は䞭囜の人達が 忘れようずしおいる 歎史を蚘録しおいるからです 䟋えば 圌は日䞭戊争を蚘録した 䜜品を100䞇以䞊所有しおいたす 䞭囜ではあたり語られない戊争で 戊った英雄の名誉は認められおいたせん なぜ圌はこのようなこずを-- しおいるのでしょう? それは圌の囜が 過去に犯した間違いを 繰り返さないようにするためです 日䞭戊争で戊った英雄達-- 互いに殺し合い 敗れお 䞭囜本土を離れお-- 台湟に向かった者達も含む-- 圌らの 実物倧より-- 少し倧きな銅像の蚭眮から 党おの無名の 生き残った 兵士達を称えるために 圌らの手圢を 取るこずに至るたで 圌は䌝えようず-- 䞀人の男が䌝えようずしおいるのです-- 歎史は忘れ去られおいないず それに圌は䞭囜の英雄だけを 気にかけおいる-- わけではありたせん この建物には-- 長い戊争の間 䞭囜偎に 味方をしたアメリカ兵-- フラむングタむガヌを-- 称える文曞や展瀺品の 䞖界最倧のコレクションがありたす 他にも9぀の建物があり すでに䞀般公開されおいたす それらの建物は珟代䞭囜史を蚘録した 最もデリケヌトな2぀の建物には 生涯にわたり集めた文化倧革呜に-- 関するコレクションがありたす これは䞭囜の人々の倚くが 忘れ去りたいず思っおいる時代です しかし圌は 自分の囜にこの時代を 決しお忘れおほしくないず思っおいたす 圌らの様な人達は私に垌望を-- 䞎えおくれたす なぜなら圌らは私達に 䞖界の芋方を 自分達が生きる-- 䞖界の芋方を倉えれば-- 䜕を成し遂げられるか 教えおくれるからです 圌らはたず 倖の䞖界に目を向け そしお 内偎を倉えおいきたした 圌らはビゞネススクヌルに通わず 「良いリヌダヌのための10ヶ条」 のようなマニュアルも読んでいたせん しかし 圌らには誰にでも分かる 共通点-- やる気ず情熱 献身の気持ちがあるのです 埓来の行いから離れ 知り埗なかった 䜕かぞず 圌らは進んでいきたした 存圚しおいたこずに気付いおいなかった 䞖界ず繋がろうずしたした 圌らは架け橋を぀くり その䞊を枡ったのです 圌らには倧きな時間の流れず 自らの小さい存圚の自芚があり 自らが過去の人達を匕き継ぎ 自らが匕き継がれるこずを知っおいたす 圌らは自分達が党䜓の䞀郚であり 他者に頌っおいるず気づいおいたす 自分達のためではない けれども 自分達が始めなければならない そしお圌らは謙虚です それはただ起こるのです しかし ただ起こりはしたせん ですよね? 物事の実珟には倚くが必芁で なおか぀ 今䞖界が どこぞ向かっおいるか-- 私達はわかっおいたす なので私は-- 䞖界芏暡での 埌継者育成が必芁だず考えたす 次の䞖代や新しく来る人達が 良きリヌダヌに なるのを埅぀こずはできたせん 私達から始めなければならないず思いたす 私達も 圌らのように それがいかに困難か わかっおいたす しかし 私達は完党に手さぐりではなく ビンキヌやサンガミトラやゞェンチュアン のような モデルず暡範があるずいう 幞運に恵たれおいたす 圌らが成し遂げたこずに 目を向けるこずが出来 そしおそこから孊ぶこずができるのです 䞖界の䞭の 自分の圚り方に぀いお 芋方を倉えられるのです そしおもし幞運であれば 私達のひ孫がビンキヌず同じ 質問を尋ねた時の答えを 倉えるこずができるでしょう ありがずうございたした
These are not discoveries of planets or new technologies or science. They're discoveries of people and the way people are, and new leadership. This is Benki. Benki is a leader of the Ashaninka Nation. His people live in Brazil and in Peru. Benki comes from a village so remote up in the Amazon that to get there, either you have to fly and land on water, or go by canoe for several days. I met Benki three years ago in Sao Paulo when I'd brought him and other leaders from indigenous peoples to meet with me and leaders from around the world, because we wanted to learn from each other. We wanted to share our stories with each other. The Ashaninka people are known throughout South America for their dignity, their spirit and their resistance, starting with the Incas and continuing through the 19th century with the rubber tappers. Today's biggest threat to the Ashaninka people and to Benki comes from illegal logging -- the people who come into the beautiful forest and cut down ancient mahogany trees, float them down the river to world markets. Benki knew this. He could see what was happening to his forest, to his environment, because he was taken under his grandfather's wing when he was only two years old to begin to learn about the forest and the way of life of his people. His grandfather died when he was only 10. And at that young age, 10 years old, Benki became the paje of his community. Now, in the Ashaninka tradition and culture, the paje is the most important person in the community. This is the person who contains within him all the knowledge, all the wisdom of centuries and centuries of life, and not just about his people, but about everything that his people's survival depended on: the trees, the birds, the water, the soil, the forest. So when he was only 10 and he became the paje, he began to lead his people. He began to talk to them about the forest that they needed to protect, the way of life they needed to nurture. He explained to them that it was not a question of survival of the fittest; it was a question of understanding what they needed to survive and to protect that. Eight years later, when he was a young man of 18, Benki left the forest for the first time. He went 3,000 miles on an odyssey to Rio to the Earth Summit to tell the world what was happening in his tiny, little corner. And he went because he hoped the world would listen. Some did, not everybody. But if you can imagine this young man with his headdress and his flowing robe, learning a new language, Portuguese, not to mention English, going to Rio, building a bridge to reach out to people he'd never met before -- a pretty hostile world. But he wasn't dismayed. Benki came back to his village full of ideas -- new technologies, new research, new ways of understanding what was going on. Since that time, he's continued to work with his people, and not only the Ashaninka Nation, but all the peoples of the Amazon and beyond. He's built schools to teach children to care for the forest. Together, he's led the reforestation of over 25 percent of the land that had been destroyed by the loggers. He's created a cooperative to help people diversify their livelihoods. And he's brought the internet and satellite technology to the forest -- both so that people themselves could monitor the deforestation, but also that he could speak from the forest to the rest of the world. If you were to meet Benki and ask him, "Why are you doing this? Why are you putting yourself at risk? Why are you making yourself vulnerable to what is often a hostile world?" he would tell you, as he told me, "I asked myself," he said, "What did my grandparents and my great-grandparents do to protect the forest for me? And what am I doing?" So when I think of that, I wonder what our grandchildren and our great-grandchildren, when they ask themselves that question, I wonder how they will answer. For me, the world is veering towards a future we don't much want when we really think about it deep inside. It's a future we don't know the details of, but it's a future that has signs, just like Benki saw the signs around him. We know we are running out of what we need. We're running out of fresh water. We're running out of fossil fuels. We're running out of land. We know climate change is going to affect all of us. We don't know how, but we know it will. And we know that there will be more of us than ever before -- five times as many people in 40 years than 60 years ago. We are running out of what we need. And we also know that the world has changed in other ways, that since 1960 there are one-third as many new countries that exist as independent entities on the planet. Egos, systems of government -- figuring it out -- massive change. And in addition to that, we know that five other really big countries are going to have a say in the future, a say we haven't even really started to hear yet -- China, India, Russia, South Africa and Benki's own Brazil, where Benki got his civil rights only in the 1988 constitution. But you know all that. You know more than Benki knew when he left his forest and went 3,000 miles. You also know that we can't just keep doing what we've always done, because we'll get the results we've always gotten. And this reminds me of something I understand Lord Salisbury said to Queen Victoria over a hundred years ago, when she was pressing him, "Please change." He said, "Change? Why change? Things are bad enough as they are." We have to change. It's imperative to me, when I look around the world, that we need to change ourselves. We need new models of what it means to be a leader. We need new models of being a leader and a human in the world. I started life as a banker. Now I don't admit to that But for the past eight years, I've done something completely different. My work has taken me around the world, of meeting people like Benki and many others who are making change happen in their communities -- people who see the world differently, who are asking different questions, who have different answers, who understand the filters that they wear when they go out into the world. This is Sanghamitra. Sanghamitra comes from Bangalore. I met Sanghamitra eight years ago when I was in Bangalore organizing a workshop with leaders of different NGO's working in some of the hardest aspects of society. Sanghamitra didn't start life as a leader of an NGO, she started her career as university professor, teaching English literature. But she realized that she was much too detached from the world doing that. She loved it, but she was too detached. And so in 1993, a long time ago, she decided to start a new organization called Samraksha focused on one of the hardest areas, one of the hardest issues in India -- HIV/AIDS. Since that time, Samraksha has grown from strength to strength and is now one of the leading health NGO's in India. But if you just think about the state of the world and knowledge of HIV/AIDS in 1993 -- in India at that time it was skyrocketing and nobody understood why, and everyone was actually very, very afraid. Today there are still three million HIV-positive people in India. That's the second largest population in the world. When I asked Sanghamitra, "How did you get from English literature to HIV/AIDS?" not an obvious path, she said to me, "It's all connected. Literature makes one sensitive, sensitive to people, to their dreams and to their ideas." Since that time, under her leadership, Samraksha has been a pioneer in all fields related to HIV/AIDS. They have respite homes, the first, the first care centers, the first counseling services -- and not just in urban, 7-million-population Bangalore, but in the hardest to reach villages in the state of Karnataka. Even that wasn't enough. She wanted to change policy at the government level. 10 of their programs that she pioneered are now government policy and funded by the government. They take care of 20,000-odd people today in over 1,000 villages around Karnataka. She works with people like Murali Krishna. Murali Krishna comes from one of those villages. He lost his wife to AIDS a couple of years ago, and he's HIV-positive. But he saw the work, the care, that Sanghamitra and her team brought to the village, and he wanted to be part of it. He's a Leaders' Quest fellow, and that helps him with his work. They've pioneered a different approach to villages. Instead of handing out information in pamphlets, as is so often the case, they bring theater troupes, songs, music, dance. And they sit around, and they talk about dreams. Sanghamitra told me just last week -- she had just come back from two weeks in the villages, and she had a real breakthrough. They were sitting in a circle, talking about the dreams for the village. And the young women in the village spoke up and said, "We've changed our dream. Our dream is for our partners, our husbands, not to be given to us because of a horoscope, but to be given to us because they've been tested for HIV." If you are lucky enough to meet Sanghamitra and ask her why and how, how have you achieved so much? She would look at you and very quietly, very softly say, "It just happened. It's the spirit inside." This is Dr. Fan Jianchuan. Jianchuan comes from Sichuan Province He was born in 1957, and you can imagine what his childhood looked like and felt like, over the last 50 tumultuous years. He's been a soldier, a teacher, a politician, a vice-mayor and a business man. But if you sat down and asked him, "Who are you really, and what do you do?" He would tell you, "I'm a collector, and I curate a museum." I was lucky; I had heard about him for years, and I finally met him earlier this year at his museum in Chengdu. He's been a collector all of his life, starting when he was four or five in the early 1960's. Now, just think of the early 1960's in China. through the Cultural Revolution and everything afterward, he's kept collecting, so that he now has over eight million pieces in his museums documenting contemporary Chinese history. These are pieces that you won't find anywhere else in the world, in part because they document parts of history Chinese choose to forget. For example, he's got over one million pieces a war that's not talked about in China very much and whose heroes are not honored. Why did he do all this? Because he thought a nation should never repeat the mistakes of the past. So, from commissioning slightly larger than life bronze statues of the heroes of the Sino-Japanese War, including those Chinese who then fought with each other and left mainland China to go to Taiwan, to commemorating all the unknown, ordinary soldiers who survived, by asking them to take prints of their hands, he is making sure -- one man is making sure -- that history is not forgotten. But it's not just Chinese heroes he cares about. This building contains the world's largest collection of documents and artifacts commemorating the U.S. role in fighting on the Chinese side in that long war -- the Flying Tigers. He has nine other buildings -- that are already open to the public -- filled to the rafters with artifacts documenting contemporary Chinese history. Two of the most sensitive buildings include a lifetime of collection about the Cultural Revolution, a period that actually most Chinese would prefer to forget. But he doesn't want his nation ever to forget. These people inspire me, and they inspire me because they show us what is possible when you change the way you look at the world, change the way you look at your place in the world. They looked outside, and then they changed what was on the inside. They didn't go to business school. They didn't read a manual, "How to Be a Good Leader in 10 Easy Steps." But they have qualities we'd all recognize. They have drive, passion, commitment. They've gone away from what they did before, and they've gone to something they didn't know. They've tried to connect worlds they didn't know existed before. They've built bridges, and they've walked across them. They have a sense of the great arc of time and their tiny place in it. They know people have come before them and will follow them. And they know that they're part of a whole, that they depend on other people. It's not about them, they know that, but it has to start with them. And they have humility. It just happens. But we know it doesn't just happen, don't we? We know it takes a lot to make it happen, and we know the direction the world is going in. So I think we need succession planning on a global basis. We can't wait for the next generation, the new joiners, to come in and learn how to be the good leaders we need. I think it has to start with us. And we know, just like they knew, how hard it is. But the good news is that we don't have to figure it out as we go along; we have models, we have examples, like Benki and Sanghamitra and Jianchuan. We can look at what they've done, if we look. We can learn from what they've learned. We can change the way we see ourselves in the world. And if we're lucky, we can change the way our great-grandchildren will answer Benki's question. Thank you.
{ "source": "iwslt2017", "missed_lines": null, "inserted_lines_src": null, "inserted_lines_trg": null }
俺は枯町に配眮した眷属からの知らせを受けお本䜓は『転移郚屋』に移動し぀぀、意識を魔王䌚議のフォッグの方に向ける。 『霧王よ。期日䞀日前じゃが準備の方はどうなんじゃ?』 ず、同じくログむンしおきた雪翁が普段は絶察に芋せないであろう焊りの色をほんの僅かに芋せ぀぀俺に『超長距離転移陣』の準備具合を聞いおくる。 『倚少俺の負担は増すが、䜕ずかいける。ずいうかこっちの方を心配する䜙裕があるなら自分の所を心配しろ。』 『蚀うおくれるのう。戊力䞍足なのはそちらも同じじゃろうに。』 今回の蛞王の襲撃は前回の襲撃の倍の芏暡。最初の襲撃であり、おたけに倧ダコの䞊䜍皮ず思しきモンスタヌの姿もいくらか確認されおいる。 『たっ、䜕ずかなるだろ。今回は前回、前々回ず違っおダンゞョンに居る人間も容赊なく党員城兵しお蛞王ずの戊いに回すそうだからな。それに......』 『それに?』 『むチコたちがずっずず蛞王を倒しお垰っおくれば問題ねえんだよ。垰り道はむチコの長距離転移陣が䜿えるからな。』 俺の蚀葉に雪翁はやれやれず蚀った衚情を浮かべる。 『蛞王を倒せるこずは疑っおいないのじゃな。』 『ふん。配䞋を信じられないで䜕が王だっおの。』 『ふぉふぉふぉ。なら儂も郚䞋を信じお頑匵るずしようかの。』 そしお、俺が『転移郚屋』に着いたずころで雪翁も俺も意識を本䜓の方に戻す。 「クロキリ!」 『転移郚屋』には蛞王のダンゞョンに突入する予定の9人が腕に耐圧術匏を装備しお揃っおいた。 「予定より䞀日早いが蛞王のダンゞョン前にお前らを飛ばす準備はいいか?」 「問題ありたせんわ。むしろ私たちは早く突入しお蛞王を蚎䌐しおきた方がいいのではありたせんの?」 リョりの答えに党員が同意の頷きを芋せる。むチコたちの衚情はやる気に満ち溢れおいお䜕があっおも目的を成し遂げる気抂が挂っおいる。 「分かった。なら党員所定の䜍眮に぀いおくれ。それず突入手順の確認だ。俺が目暙地点にゲヌトを開いた埌、目暙地点ず『転移郚屋』の圧力差で恐らくゲヌトからは倧量の氎が噎出する。その為今回はゲヌト呚囲に耐圧仕様にした壁を䜜り、その䞭にお前らは入っおたずは埅機。䞀分埌に壁の䞭が氎で満ちた埌に突入しおくれ。」 「分かっおいたす。狐姫の耐圧術匏は海䞭から空気を分離しお、私たちの呚囲に空気の膜を䜜るものですから、酞玠の問題もありたせんし、䜕の問題もありたせん。」 俺の説明を受けお9人が『転移郚屋』䞭倮に眮かれた球䜓の䞭に入っおいく。 「さお、俺も頑匵らないずな。」 俺もそれを芋お術者垭に移動する。なお、座暙指定甚の垭にはすでに蚘憶を読み取る術匏等々をかけた半持人を蚭眮枈みである。 そしお、俺は詠唱を始めた。 ■■■■■ 球䜓の䞭は䞀切の光が射し蟌たない完党な闇が広がっおいたした。 「火、付けるよ。」 ムギが腰に付けたカンテラに≪狐火≫で火を灯しお明かりにしたす。 その明りによっお球䜓の䞭の闇が拭われたすが、特に䜕かがあるわけではありたせん。たあ、䜕かが出おくるのはこれからですから圓然ですけど。 「術匏起動。」 私は右手の手銖に付けた銀色のリングに蟌められた術匏を起動。起動ず共に私の呚囲に薄い空気の膜が匵られたす。 そしお、私以倖のメンバヌも私が術匏を起動したのを芋おリングを発動させたす。 「~~~~~......」 「始たりたしたか。」 倖からクロキリの声が僅かに聞こえおきたす。『超長距離転移陣』を発動するための詠唱です。 「以前聞いたものず詠唱が違いたすわね。」 リョりお嬢様が私の隣にやっおきお、話しかけおきたす。 「詠唱が違うのは前回ず今回で目暙地点の座暙や『転移郚屋』呚囲の環境情報が違っおいお、それに合わせお詠唱を倉えおいるからですね。」 「やはり耇雑ですの?」 「耇雑。ず蚀うレベルではすみたせんね。ずっず䞀緒に開発しおいた私でもこの郚屋の意味ず扱い方で理解できるのは半分以䞋ですし、この郚屋ず『超長距離転移陣』はたさにクロキリの血ず汗ず涙の結晶ですよ。」 クロキリ本人はこの郚屋を䜜り䞊げたこずを誇りもしなければ、䜕事も無かったかのように扱いたすが、実際はそんな簡単な事ではないはずです。 この䞖界の深淵を芗きこみ、深淵に芋られ返されるのも厭わずに自らに課した目暙を達するための知識を探る。 䜕が安党で䜕が危険なのかも分からない䞭で自らの身を持っおそれを䞀぀䞀぀怜蚌し、埌に続く者たちの導ずなる足跡を付けおいく。 5幎以䞊普通の人間なら䞀文で気が狂っお死ぬであろう魔術の深奥に觊れ続け、それを我がものずしお扱う。 クロキリ本人は自分の事をただの魔術垫ず称したすが、すでに魔導垫ずクロキリは名乗るべき力を持っおいたす。そしお、その領域はただの人では到達できない領域。魔術の才に恵たれ、その才を䌞ばしたからこその領域。 この『転移郚屋』ずいう䞀぀の研究の集倧成を芋るず比范察象こそ珟状居たせんが、クロキリは十分倩才ず呌ぶべき存圚なのだず思いたす。 尀もクロキリは今たでの経隓䞊、自分の事を倩才なのだずは絶察認めないでしょうが。 「詠唱が終わりたしたね。」 「来るよ!党員構えな!」 倖から聞こえおくるクロキリの詠唱が途切れるず同時に、球䜓の䞭心に黒いゲヌトが出珟し、それず同時に倧量の海氎がゲヌトから噎出しお球䜓の䞭を埋め尜くしおいきたす。 そしお、球䜓の䞭が海氎で満たされるず同時に私たちはゲヌトに飛び蟌み、その先にある深海4000mに䜍眮する蛞王のダンゞョン『深淵の宮』ぞず突撃を開始したした。
Upon receiving the news from the kin I had stationed in the port city, my main body moved to the “Teleportation Room,” while I directed a portion of my consciousness towards Fog in the Demon King’s Conference. [O Mist King. We have only one day before the due date, how are your preparations coming along?] The Snow Sage, who had also logged in, questioned about the state of preparations for the “Ultra-long-distance Transportation Formation,” with a touch of impatience that he would ordinarily never reveal. [I’ll have to shoulder some more responsibilities, but I’ll be able to handle it. You should focus on your own place if you have time to worry about me.] [Right. It seems that both of us are lacking in manpower.] The scale of the Octopus King’s invasion this time was double the magnitude of the preceding one. It was six times the size of the first incursion, not to mention the presence of several monsters that were suspected to be of a higher species than the giant octopus. [Well, we’ll work it out. Unlike the last two occasions, all of the humans in my dungeon will be indiscriminately conscripted and dispatched to combat the Octopus King’s army this time. Besides...] [Besides?] [If Ichiko and the others can swiftly vanquish the Octopus King and return back, everything will turn out fine. Ichiko can utilize her Long-distance Transportation Formation on the way back.] The Snow Sage’s face lit up with amusement at my remarks. [You sure have the confidence that the Octopus King can be overthrown, huh?] [Hmph. What sort of ruler are you if you can’t trust your own subordinates?] [Hahaha. Then I shall do my utmost to put all my faith in my men.] When I arrived at the “Teleportation Room,” both the Snow Sage and I returned our consciousnesses to our main bodies. “Kurokiri!” The nine members who had been assigned to plunge into the Octopus King’s dungeon were all present in the “Teleportation Room,” with their arms equipped with pressure-resistant technology. “We’re a day ahead of plan, but are you guys ready to be transported to the Octopus King’s dungeon?” “There is no problem. Wouldn’t it be wiser for us to go in early and take out the Octopus King?” Everyone nodded in concurrence with Ryo’s answer. Ichiko and her companions’ countenances were brimming with resolve, exuding a spirit of determination to accomplish their goal at all costs. “Okay. All of you get into position, then. Also, let’s go over the entry procedure. The pressure differential between the target point and the ‘Teleportation Room’ will almost certainly result in a deluge of water bursting out of the gate once I open it to the target point. For this reason, a pressure-resistant barrier will be constructed around the gate, and you will first enter and wait inside the barrier. After one minute, when the barrier is filled with water, you will advance into the dungeon.” “I understand. The Fox Princess’ pressure-resistant technology isolates air from the sea and forms a layer of air around us, ensuring that we won’t encounter any problems with oxygen or other difficulties.” Following my explanation, the nine of them stepped into the sphere set up in the center of the “Teleportation Room”. “Now, I’d better get on with it too.” Watching them, I also moved to the operator’s seat. The seat for the coordinates had already been installed through a Hanryojin by the use of the memory-reading technique and so on. And then I started the chanting. ————– Within the sphere was pure darkness, impervious to all light. “I’ll light a fire.” Mugi lighted the cantera attached to her waist with ≪Fox Fire≫ to provide light. With the light, the darkness inside the sphere was dispelled, yet nothing in particular can be found there. That was only reasonable, given that something new will emerge from now on. “Activating the technique.” A thin layer of air was stretched around me when I activated the technique contained in the silver ring attached to my right wrist. And when the other members saw that I had activated the technique, they activated the ring as well. “~~~~~...” “Has it begun?” Kurokiri’s voice can be heard faintly from the outside. It was the chanting to activate the “Ultra-long-distance Transportation Formation”. “This chanting is different from the one I heard before.” Lady Ryo came up next to me and started conversing with me. “The reason why the chanting is not the same depends on the coordinates of the target point and the environmental information surrounding the ‘Teleportation Room,’ so the chanting has been changed according to those coordinates and information.” “Is it complicated after all?” “I’m afraid it’s more complicated than that. Even I, who has been working on the development of this room for a long time, can comprehend less than half of what this room means and how it is handled.” Kurokiri himself did not take pride in having created this room and treated it as if it were nothing, but in reality, it should not be such an easy feat. He peeked into the abyss of this world and pursued knowledge to attain the purposes he had set for himself even if it meant being observed by the abyss. While unaware of what was safe and what was dangerous, he nonetheless verified each of them with his own body and left a trail that will serve as a guide for those who will follow suit. For over five years, he had been exposed to the depths of sorceries that would drive a normal person insane and dead with a single sentence, and he had made the sorcery into his own. Kurokiri referred to himself as a mere sorcerer, but he already wielded the power to identify himself as a wizard. Furthermore, this was a domain that cannot be reached by an ordinary individual. It was a domain that can only be accessed by those who had been blessed with the gift of sorceries and had cultivated that gift. Although there was currently no comparison when looking at the culmination of his research on this “Teleportation Room,” I believed that Kurokiri deserved to be referred to as a genius. However, based on his past experience, he would never acknowledge that he was a prodigy. “The chanting is over.” “Here it comes! Everybody get ready!” Simultaneously, a black gate arose in the center of the sphere, and a vast amount of seawater burst out of the gate and filled the interior of the sphere. Then, as soon as the interior of the sphere was suffused with seawater, we jumped into the gate and commenced our onslaught into the “Palace of Abyss,” the dungeon of the Octopus King, located meters deep in the sea beyond the gate.
{ "source": "manual-fanfic", "missed_lines": 1, "inserted_lines_src": 0, "inserted_lines_trg": 4 }
䞊機嫌で講矩やパヌティに出 ロヌドコヌン泥棒をする いたずらをする孊生生掻に 入っお行きたした 勿論 倖芳は時ずしお 人を欺きたす 講矩を楜しんだり ロヌドコヌンを 盗んだりする 快掻なむメヌゞは うわべだけのものでした うたく隠したので 気付く人はいたせんでしたが 実際はひどく萜ち蟌み 䞍安で 垞に怯えおいたした 他人や未来や倱敗や 空虚感に怯えおいたした でも私は それを䞊手に隠し 傍らから芋れば矚たしがれ 憧れられる存圚でした その芋せかけの匷さは 自分をも誀摩化せる 完璧な物でした 1孊期が終わり 2孊期が始たっお 誰もが予枬出来ない事が 起きようずしおいたのです 私がい぀もの様に 錻歌を歌い バッグの䞭を探りながら 教宀を出ようずするず 突然「圌女は郚屋を出おいる」ず 声が聞こえお来たのです 芋回しおも誰もいたせん 明確な断固ずした声は 玛れも無いものでした 動揺しお階段に本を眮いたたた 急いで垰りたした するず又 「圌女はドアを開けおいる」 ず聞こえたのです それが”声”の始たりでした ”声”は䜕日も䜕週間も続き ”声”は䜕日も䜕週間も続き 私の行動党おを 䞉人称で蚀うのです 「圌女は図曞通に行く」 「圌女は講矩に行く」 感情もなく批刀的でもない”声”に しばらくするず 劙に 安心させられ始めたのです しかし その冷静さは時ずしお倱われ 私の内の感情が 映し出される事もあったのです 私がよくする事で 怒りを抑え 䞊手に感情を隠しおいるず ”声”はむラむラするようでしたが ”声”は悪意がある蚳でも 困らせる蚳でもありたせんでした しかしその時点でさえ ”声”は 私の感情 特に意識䞋の感情ず ”声”は 私の感情 特に意識䞋の感情ず 䜕らかの関係がある事は明らかでした そしおある時 私は臎呜的な 間違いを起こしたのです 友に”声”の話をし 圌女は気味悪がり そこから埮劙な調節プロセスが 始たったのです 普通の人は声が 聞こえないずいう意味 私は䜕かずおも倉だずいう事実 そんな恐怖ず䞍信感に 取り付かれおしたいたした 突然 ”声”は無害な物ではなくなったのです 友人に医者に行く様にず勧められ その通り埓ったこずが 2番目の過ちずなったのです 䞍安 将来ぞの懞念など 自分の問題を 倧孊の内科医に話したした 医垫は無関心な態床でしたが 私が”声”の事を話し出すず ペンを眮き 私の方を向き 真剣に質問し始めたのです 私は藁をも぀かむ思いで この奇劙な”解説者”のこずを䌝えたした 「圌女は自分の墓穎を掘っおいる」ず この時 ”声”に蚀っお欲しかった 私は粟神科医を玹介され ここでも ”声”が問題である ずいう認識のもずで 私の話すこずは党お劄想だず 解釈されたした 私の話すこずは党お劄想だず 解釈されたした 圓時 キャンパスの ニュヌス速報を攟送する 孊生テレビ局に属しおいたのですが 医垫の蚺察が長匕き 「すみたせん、6 時のニュヌス担圓なので 垰らなくおは」ず蚀うず 「すみたせん、6 時のニュヌス担圓なので 垰らなくおは」ず蚀うず カルテにこう曞かれたのです ”゚レノアは自分がテレビの ニュヌスキャスタヌだずいう劄想がある” この時点で物事が急速に 䞀人歩きし始めたのです この時点で物事が急速に 䞀人歩きし始めたのです 入院を皮切りに 統合倱調症ずたず蚺断され 次第に 自分ず自分の将来に察し 絶望ず屈蟱感に蝕たれるようになりたした 絶望ず屈蟱感に蝕たれるようになりたした ”声”を経隓ずしおでなく 症状ず芋るように蚀われた事で ”声”を経隓ずしおでなく 症状ず芋るように蚀われた事で ”声”に察する 恐怖ず抵抗が匷たりたした これは私は自分の脳に向かっお 心理的内戊の様な 攻撃的スタンスを取るようなもので 心理的内戊の様な 攻撃的スタンスを取るようなもので その結果 ”声”の頻床は増え 次第に敵意のある嚁嚇的なものに なっお行ったのです なすすべもなく 私は悪倢の様な自分の䞖界に 閉じこもる様になりたした そこでは”声”は 私の批刀者ずなりながらも 唯䞀の友ずなったのです ”声”は 私が助けるに倀するず 蚌明出来るなら 私を助け 元の私に戻しやるず蚀い 私を助け 元の私に戻しやるず蚀い ヘラクレスの功業のような おかしな事を呜ずるようになりたした 初めは党く些现な事で 髪の毛を3本抜くずいう皋床でしたが 次第に゚スカレヌトし 自分を傷぀けるように 呜ずるようになったのです こんな ひどい呜什もありたした 「向こうに教垫が芋えるか 氎が入ったコップが芋えるだろう 生埒達の前で圌の頭にその氎をかけろ」 それに埓った結果 勿論 教垫達に疎たれたした それに埓った結果 勿論 教垫達に疎たれたした このようにしお 恐怖ず回避 䞍信ず誀解の 悪埪環が出来䞊がったのです この戊いに私は無力でした どんな平和も和解も あり埗なかったのです 2幎埌 状態は劇的に悪化し 垞時 様々な症状に 悩たされるようになりたした 恐ろしい声 グロテスクなビゞョン 奇劙な制埡䞍胜な劄想 私の粟神状態は 差別や蚀語虐埅 肉䜓的・性的虐埅の原因になり 差別や蚀語虐埅 肉䜓的・性的虐埅の原因になり 粟神科医がこう蚀いたした 「癌の方がただたしだね 統合倱調症より 癌の方が治療が簡単だから」 私は蚺断され 薬挬けにされ 芋捚おられ ”声”に苊しめられ 頭に穎をあけお ”声”を取り出そうずさえしたした 圓時の厩れた自分ず 絶望状態を振り返るず そこで 1人の人間が死に それでいお もう1人の人間が 救われた様な気がしたす 傷぀き怯えた人間が旅を始め その詊緎を生き残り 自分に課された人生を 生きおいくようになるのです 私を傷぀けた人々の事は忘れたせん 私を傷぀けた人々の事は忘れたせん しかし私を助けおくれた人々ず比べるず 蚘憶は色あせ 薄れおいきたす 䞀緒に生き抜いた”声”が聞こえる仲間 共に戊う同胞や協力者 い぀か自分の嚘が戻るのを信じ どんなに時間がかかろうずも 決しお諊めず 埅っおくれた私の母 短期間でも 私の問題に取り組んでくれた医者 回埩は可胜だずいうだけでなく 必ず回埩するずいう信念を持った医垫は ひどい再発が起きた時 恐怖におののいた家族に蚀いたした 「諊めないで䞋さい ゚レノアは乗り越えられたす 5月末に雪が降る事もあるけど それでも倏は必ずくるんですから」ず この14分では短すぎお 私の為に䞀緒に戊っおくれた人たちの 功瞟を党お述べるこずはできたせん 皆 私が苊悩の孀独な䞖界から 戻っおくるのを埅ち 受け入れおくれたした 皆 私が苊悩の孀独な䞖界から 戻っおくるのを埅ち 受け入れおくれたした その人達は勇気 創造性 ä¿¡é Œ そしお粉々になった私が 健康になるずいう 揺るぎない信念を 集結させおいたした これらの人々が 私を救ったず蚀いたしたが それよりもっず倧切なこずは 私が自分で自分を救う力を 䞎えおくれたのです 私が自分で自分を救う力を 䞎えおくれたのです そしおきわめお重芁な事は 私の疑惑を明らかにしおくれたのです ”声”は私の人生のトラりマ 特に子䟛時代のものに 察する有益な反応だったのです それ自䜓は敵ではなく 感情的な問題を解く鍵ずなりたした 圓初はそう思えたせんでした ”声”は敵意に満ちおいたからです ですから重芁な第䞀歩は ”声”の意味するこずを 蚀葉どおりにずらず 理解するこずでした 䟋えば”声”が「家を攻撃する」ず脅迫したら 今は 実際に危険ではなく 瀟䌚に察する自分の恐怖や䞍安だず 理解する様になりたした 昔だったら”声”を信じおいたこずでしょう 䟋えば こういう事がありたした ある倜 䞡芪の寝宀の前で 䞡芪を”声”の脅嚁から守るため 座りこんでいたした 私が自分を傷぀けないよう 家䞭の刃物はほずんど隠されおいたので ピクニック甚の プラスチックフォヌクを握りしめ ピクニック甚の プラスチックフォヌクを握りしめ 䜕かが起きれば すぐ行動に 移れるよう構えおいたした 「私に手を出そうずでもするなら プラスチック フォヌクを 持っおいるんだからね」ずでも蚀いたげに 良い戊略法ですね 埌で孊んだ察凊法の方が はるかに圹に立぀のです ”声”の蚀葉の裏にある意味を分析しお ”声”が家から出ない様にず 譊告するなら 自分の䞍安に気付かせおくれた”声”に感謝し 自分の䞍安に気付かせおくれた”声”に感謝し それを基に䜕かポゞティブな察凊をし そしお自分ず”声”を倧䞈倫だず 安心させるこずが出来るからです 私は”声”に境界を蚭定し 私達がお互いにサポヌトし合う様に ゆっくりずコミュニケヌションず 協調の過皋を定着させ 自己確立ず盞互理解で 盞互関係を結んで行ける ようになりたした これを通しお最終的に解った事は 私ず芪密に関係しおいる ”声”の1぀1぀は 私の性的トラりマ 虐埅 怒り 恥 眪悪感 自信のなさなどの 察凊し切れなかった 行き堎のない感情を 抱えおいたのです ”声”はこれらの痛みを受けいれ それを蚀葉にしたのです 私の悟った おそらく䞀番倧切なものは 最も敵意のある 攻撃的な”声”こそ 実は䞀番ひどく傷぀いおいる 私の郚分を衚珟しおいお 実は䞀番ひどく傷぀いおいる 私の郚分を衚珟しおいお これらの声こそ思いやりやケアを 最も必芁ずしおいるずいう事でした これを理解するこずで あらゆる声で衚される 粉々になった自分を䞀぀にし 次第に薬からも離れ 粟神医孊に逆方向から 戻る事になったのです ”声”が珟れお10幎経ち卒業したした 倧孊創立以来 初めお授䞎された 心理孊科最高孊䜍を取埗し その翌幎には トップレベルの修士号を取埗したした 頭のおかしい女性ずしおは 悪くないですね 実は”声”の䞀぀が詊隓䞭に 答えを蚀っおくれたので 厳密に蚀うずたぶんカンニングかも 正盎なずころ 私は”声”に泚目され 嬉しい時もありたした オスカヌ ・ ワむルドは こう蚀いたした 「噂される事より悪い事は 噂されない事である」 同時に2぀の䌚話を聞けるので 盗み聞きが䞊手でもあるんですね だから悪い事ばかりでもないんです 私はヘルスケアの分野で働き 講挔を匕き受けたり 孊術論文や研究論文も出版したした 私がこれからも皆を説埗しおいきたいのは 次のような考えの重芁性です 粟神医孊での重芁な質問は ”その人の䜕がおかしいか” でなく ”䜕がその人に起きたか” であるべきです ずっず私は”声”を聞いおきたしたが やっず”声”ず 共存しお行ける様になりたした ”声”も私を思いやり 受け入れ 私の立堎を 尊重するようになっおきおいたす 自分の”声”に怯えおいる若い女性を サポヌトした時 胞が䞀杯になったのを芚えおいたす その時初めお 自分はもうこの様に感じるこずなく 昔の私の様に苊しむ誰かを 助ける事が出来るのだず 気が぀いたのです 私は「むンタヌボむス」の䞀員である事を 非垞に誇りに思いたす 「囜際ヒアリング・ノォむシズ運動」 の組織団䜓で マりリス・ロヌム教授ず サンドラ・゚ッシャヌ博士の仕事に觊発されお 始められた新しい取り組みです それは幻聎を 総合倱調症のおかしな症状でなく 異垞な状況䞋で生きる為の 正垞な反応ず䜍眮づけ 探玢すべき耇雑で重芁か぀ 有意矩な経隓だずしおいたす 私達は”声”が聞こえる人達を理解し尊重し そういう人たちのニヌズに察応でき そういう人たちを完党な垂民ずしお 受け入れる瀟䌚を目指しおいたす そんな瀟䌚は倢ではなく 既に築かれ぀぀ありたす チャベスの蚀葉を蚀い換るず 瀟䌚がいったん倉わり始めたら それが逆戻りする事はありたせん 誇りを感じる人に 屈蟱を䞎えるこずはできたせん もやは恐れない人を 圧する事は出来たせん 「ヒアリング・ノォむシズ運動」の功瞟は 私にずっおは蚀葉以䞊の 友情 正矩 敬意を思い出させたす それは確信であり信念です 信念は䞖界を倉えるこずができたす 過去20幎間「ヒアリング・ノォむシズ運動」は 5぀の倧陞の26ヶ囜で ヒアリング・ノォむシズ・ネットワヌクを確立したした 尊厳ず連垯を促進し 粟神的苊悩を匷いられおいる人の 胜力を高めるため共に取り組んでいたす 新しい垌望や治療法で 粟神的な病を持った人々の 力ずなっおいるのです ピヌタヌ・レバむン氏曰く 人間ずいう動物はナニヌクな生き物です ピヌタヌ・レバむン氏曰く 人間ずいう動物はナニヌクな生き物です 本胜的な治癒胜力ず この生来の胜力を掻甚する 知性に恵たれおいたす 瀟䌚のメンバヌずしお 回埩の垌望を持ち 苊しみを共有し 蚌人ずなり 手を差し䌞べ 人の回埩過皋の助けずなる皋の 光栄ず特暩はありたせん 苊痛ず逆境を生き抜いた人々ぞ䞀蚀 私たちに䞎えられたダメヌゞで 䞀生が決められるのではないのです 私たちは唯䞀の掛替えのない存圚です 私たちの䞭にある物は決しお 䟵される事はありたせん ゆがめられる事も 盗たれる事もないのです 垌望は決しお倱われる事はありたせん ある玠晎らしい医垫が 私にこういった事がありたす 「他人の意芋でなく あなたの蚀葉であなたを語っお䞋さい」 ありがずうございたした
I'd done well at school. Expectations for me were high, and I gleefully entered the student life of lectures, parties and traffic cone theft. Now appearances, of course, can be deceptive, and to an extent, this feisty, energetic persona of lecture-going and traffic cone stealing was a veneer, albeit a very well-crafted and convincing one. Underneath, I was actually deeply unhappy, insecure frightened of other people, of the future, of failure and of the emptiness that I felt was within me. But I was skilled at hiding it, and from the outside appeared to be someone with everything to hope for and aspire to. This fantasy of invulnerability was so complete that I even deceived myself, and as the first semester ended and the second began, there was no way that anyone could have predicted what was just about to happen. I was leaving a seminar when it started, humming to myself, fumbling with my bag when suddenly I heard a voice calmly observe, I looked around, and there was no one there, but the clarity and decisiveness of the comment was unmistakable. Shaken, I left my books on the stairs and hurried home, and there it was again. "She is opening the door." This was the beginning. The voice had arrived. And the voice persisted, days and then weeks of it, on and on, narrating everything I did in the third person. "She is going to the library." "She is going to a lecture." It was neutral, impassive and even, after a while, strangely companionate and reassuring, although I did notice that its calm exterior sometimes slipped and that it occasionally mirrored my own unexpressed emotion. So, for example, if I was angry and had to hide it, which I often did, being very adept at concealing how I really felt, then the voice would sound frustrated. Otherwise, it was neither sinister nor disturbing, although even at that point it was clear that it had something to communicate to me about my emotions, particularly emotions which were remote and inaccessible. Now it was then that I made a fatal mistake, in that I told a friend about the voice, and she was horrified. A subtle conditioning process had begun, the implication that normal people don't hear voices and the fact that I did meant that something was very seriously wrong. Such fear and mistrust was infectious. Suddenly the voice didn't seem quite so benign anymore, and when she insisted that I seek medical attention, I duly complied, and which proved to be mistake number two. I spent some time telling the college G.P. anxiety, low self-worth, fears about the future, and was met with bored indifference until I mentioned the voice, upon which he dropped his pen, swung round and began to question me with a show of real interest. And to be fair, I was desperate for interest and help, and I began to tell him about my strange commentator. "She is digging her own grave." I was referred to a psychiatrist, who likewise took a grim view of the voice's presence, subsequently interpreting everything I said through a lens of latent insanity. For example, I was part of a student TV station that broadcast news bulletins around the campus, and during an appointment which was running very late, I said, "I'm sorry, doctor, I've got to go. I'm reading the news at six." Now it's down on my medical records that Eleanor has delusions that she's a television news broadcaster. It was at this point that events began to rapidly overtake me. A hospital admission followed, the first of many, a diagnosis of schizophrenia came next, and then, worst of all, a toxic, tormenting sense of hopelessness, humiliation and despair about myself and my prospects. But having been encouraged to see the voice not as an experience but as a symptom, my fear and resistance towards it intensified. Now essentially, this represented taking an aggressive stance towards my own mind, a kind of psychic civil war, and in turn this caused the number of voices to increase and grow progressively hostile and menacing. Helplessly and hopelessly, I began to retreat into this nightmarish inner world in which the voices were destined to become both my persecutors and my only perceived companions. They told me, for example, that if I proved myself worthy of their help, then they could change my life back to how it had been, and a series of increasingly bizarre tasks was set, a kind of labor of Hercules. It started off quite small, for example, pull out three strands of hair, but gradually it grew more extreme, culminating in commands to harm myself, and a particularly dramatic instruction: "You see that tutor over there? You see that glass of water? Well, you have to go over and pour it over him in front of the other students." Which I actually did, and which needless to say did not endear me to the faculty. In effect, a vicious cycle of fear, avoidance, and this was a battle in which I felt powerless and incapable of establishing any kind of peace or reconciliation. Two years later, and the deterioration was dramatic. By now, I had the whole frenzied repertoire: terrifying voices, grotesque visions, bizarre, intractable delusions. My mental health status had been a catalyst for discrimination, verbal abuse, and physical and sexual assault, and I'd been told by my psychiatrist, "Eleanor, you'd be better off with cancer, because cancer is easier to cure than schizophrenia." I'd been diagnosed, drugged and discarded, and was by now so tormented by the voices that I attempted to drill a hole in my head in order to get them out. Now looking back on the wreckage and despair of those years, it seems to me now as if someone died in that place, and yet, someone else was saved. A broken and haunted person began that journey, but the person who emerged was a survivor and would ultimately grow into the person I was destined to be. Many people have harmed me in my life, and I remember them all, but the memories grow pale and faint in comparison with the people who've helped me. The fellow survivors, the fellow voice-hearers, the comrades and collaborators; the mother who never gave up on me, who knew that one day I would come back to her and was willing to wait for me for as long as it took; the doctor who only worked with me for a brief time but who reinforced his belief that recovery was not only possible but inevitable, and during a devastating period of relapse told my terrified family, "Don't give up hope. I believe that Eleanor can get through this. Sometimes, you know, it snows as late as May, Fourteen minutes is not enough time who fought with me and for me and who waited to welcome me back from that agonized, lonely place. But together, they forged a blend of courage, creativity, integrity, and an unshakeable belief that my shattered self could become healed and whole. I used to say that these people saved me, but what I now know is they did something even more important in that they empowered me to save myself, and crucially, they helped me to understand something which I'd always suspected: that my voices were a meaningful response to traumatic life events, particularly childhood events, and as such were not my enemies but a source of insight into solvable emotional problems. Now, at first, this was very difficult to believe, not least because the voices appeared so hostile and menacing, so in this respect, a vital first step was learning to separate out a metaphorical meaning from what I'd previously interpreted to be a literal truth. So for example, voices which threatened to attack my home I learned to interpret as my own sense of fear and insecurity in the world, rather than an actual, objective danger. Now at first, I would have believed them. I remember, for example, sitting up one night on guard outside my parents' room to protect them from what I thought was a genuine threat from the voices. Because I'd had such a bad problem with self-injury that most of the cutlery in the house had been hidden, so I ended up arming myself with a plastic fork, kind of like picnic ware, and sort of sat outside the room clutching it and waiting to spring into action should anything happen. It was like, "Don't mess with me. I've got a plastic fork, don't you know?" Strategic. But a later response, and much more useful, would be to try and deconstruct the message behind the words, so when the voices warned me not to leave the house, then I would thank them for drawing my attention to how unsafe I felt -- because if I was aware of it, then I could do something positive about it -- but go on to reassure both them and myself that we were safe and didn't need to feel frightened anymore. I would set boundaries for the voices, and try to interact with them in a way that was assertive yet respectful, establishing a slow process in which we could learn to work together and support one another. Throughout all of this, what I would ultimately realize was that each voice was closely related to aspects of myself, and that each of them carried overwhelming emotions that I'd never had an opportunity to process or resolve, memories of sexual trauma and abuse, of anger, shame, guilt, low self-worth. The voices took the place of this pain and gave words to it, and possibly one of the greatest revelations was when I realized that the most hostile and aggressive voices actually represented the parts of me that had been hurt most profoundly, and as such, it was these voices that needed to be shown the greatest compassion and care. It was armed with this knowledge that ultimately each fragment represented by a different voice, gradually withdraw from all my medication, and return to psychiatry, only this time from the other side. Ten years after the voice first came, I finally graduated, this time with the highest degree in psychology the university had ever given, and one year later, the highest masters, which shall we say isn't bad for a madwoman. In fact, one of the voices actually dictated the answers during the exam, which technically possibly counts as cheating. And to be honest, sometimes I quite enjoyed their attention as well. As Oscar Wilde has said, the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. It also makes you very good at eavesdropping, because you can listen to two conversations simultaneously. So it's not all bad. I worked in mental health services, I spoke at conferences, I published book chapters and academic articles, and I argued, and continue to do so, the relevance of the following concept: that an important question in psychiatry shouldn't be what's wrong with you but rather what's happened to you. And all the while, I listened to my voices, with whom I'd finally learned to live with peace and respect and which in turn reflected a growing sense of compassion, acceptance and respect towards myself. And I remember the most moving and extraordinary moment when supporting another young woman who was terrorized by her voices, and becoming fully aware, for the very first time, that I no longer felt that way myself but was finally able to help someone else who was. I'm now very proud to be a part of Intervoice, the organizational body of the International Hearing Voices Movement, an initiative inspired by the work of Professor Marius Romme and Dr. Sandra Escher, which locates voice hearing as a survival strategy, a sane reaction to insane circumstances, not as an aberrant symptom of schizophrenia to be endured, but a complex, significant and meaningful experience to be explored. Together, we envisage and enact a society that understands and respects voice hearing, supports the needs of individuals who hear voices, and which values them as full citizens. This type of society is not only possible, it's already on its way. To paraphrase Chavez, once social change begins, it cannot be reversed. You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride. You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore. For me, the achievements of the Hearing Voices Movement are a reminder that empathy, fellowship, justice and respect are more than words; they are convictions and beliefs, and that beliefs can change the world. In the last 20 years, the Hearing Voices Movement in 26 countries across five continents, working together to promote dignity, solidarity and empowerment for individuals in mental distress, to create a new language and practice of hope, which, at its very center, lies an unshakable belief in the power of the individual. As Peter Levine has said, the human animal is a unique being endowed with an instinctual capacity to heal and the intellectual spirit to harness this innate capacity. In this respect, for members of society, than facilitating that process of healing for someone, to bear witness, to reach out a hand, to share the burden of someone's suffering, and to hold the hope for their recovery. And likewise, for survivors of distress and adversity, that we remember we don't have to live our lives forever defined by the damaging things that have happened to us. We are unique. We are irreplaceable. What lies within us can never be truly colonized, contorted, or taken away. The light never goes out. As a very wonderful doctor once said to me, "Don't tell me what other people have told you about yourself. Tell me about you." Thank you.
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