26 values
CREATE TABLE STUDENT ( STU_NUM int, STU_LNAME varchar(15), STU_FNAME varchar(15), STU_INIT varchar(1), STU_DOB datetime, STU_HRS int, STU_CLASS varchar(2), STU_GPA float(8), STU_TRANSFER numeric, DEPT_CODE varchar(18), STU_PHONE varchar(4), PROF_NUM int ) CREATE TABLE ENROLL ( CLASS_CODE varchar(5), STU_NUM int, ENROLL_GRADE varchar(50) ) CREATE TABLE DEPARTMENT ( DEPT_CODE varchar(10), DEPT_NAME varchar(30), SCHOOL_CODE varchar(8), EMP_NUM int, DEPT_ADDRESS varchar(20), DEPT_EXTENSION varchar(4) ) CREATE TABLE PROFESSOR ( EMP_NUM int, DEPT_CODE varchar(10), PROF_OFFICE varchar(50), PROF_EXTENSION varchar(4), PROF_HIGH_DEGREE varchar(5) ) CREATE TABLE CLASS ( CLASS_CODE varchar(5), CRS_CODE varchar(10), CLASS_SECTION varchar(2), CLASS_TIME varchar(20), CLASS_ROOM varchar(8), PROF_NUM int ) CREATE TABLE EMPLOYEE ( EMP_NUM int, EMP_LNAME varchar(15), EMP_FNAME varchar(12), EMP_INITIAL varchar(1), EMP_JOBCODE varchar(5), EMP_HIREDATE datetime, EMP_DOB datetime ) CREATE TABLE COURSE ( CRS_CODE varchar(10), DEPT_CODE varchar(10), CRS_DESCRIPTION varchar(35), CRS_CREDIT float(8) ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Bar chart x axis crs code y axis the total number
CREATE TABLE Customers ( Customer_ID VARCHAR(100), Address_ID INTEGER, Customer_Name VARCHAR(255), Customer_Phone VARCHAR(255), Customer_Email_Address VARCHAR(255), Other_Details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Customer_Orders ( Order_ID INTEGER, Customer_ID INTEGER, Store_ID INTEGER, Order_Date DATETIME, Planned_Delivery_Date DATETIME, Actual_Delivery_Date DATETIME, Other_Order_Details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Performers ( Performer_ID INTEGER, Address_ID INTEGER, Customer_Name VARCHAR(255), Customer_Phone VARCHAR(255), Customer_Email_Address VARCHAR(255), Other_Details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Invoices ( Invoice_ID INTEGER, Order_ID INTEGER, payment_method_code CHAR(15), Product_ID INTEGER, Order_Quantity VARCHAR(288), Other_Item_Details VARCHAR(255), Order_Item_ID INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE Clients ( Client_ID INTEGER, Address_ID INTEGER, Customer_Email_Address VARCHAR(255), Customer_Name VARCHAR(255), Customer_Phone VARCHAR(255), Other_Details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Bookings_Services ( Order_ID INTEGER, Product_ID INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE Order_Items ( Order_Item_ID INTEGER, Order_ID INTEGER, Product_ID INTEGER, Order_Quantity VARCHAR(288), Other_Item_Details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Marketing_Regions ( Marketing_Region_Code CHAR(15), Marketing_Region_Name VARCHAR(255), Marketing_Region_Descriptrion VARCHAR(255), Other_Details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Products ( Product_ID VARCHAR(100), Product_Name VARCHAR(255), Product_Price DECIMAL(20,4), Product_Description VARCHAR(255), Other_Product_Service_Details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Performers_in_Bookings ( Order_ID INTEGER, Performer_ID INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE Stores ( Store_ID VARCHAR(100), Address_ID INTEGER, Marketing_Region_Code CHAR(15), Store_Name VARCHAR(255), Store_Phone VARCHAR(255), Store_Email_Address VARCHAR(255), Other_Details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Drama_Workshop_Groups ( Workshop_Group_ID INTEGER, Address_ID INTEGER, Currency_Code CHAR(15), Marketing_Region_Code CHAR(15), Store_Name VARCHAR(255), Store_Phone VARCHAR(255), Store_Email_Address VARCHAR(255), Other_Details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Services ( Service_ID INTEGER, Service_Type_Code CHAR(15), Workshop_Group_ID INTEGER, Product_Description VARCHAR(255), Product_Name VARCHAR(255), Product_Price DECIMAL(20,4), Other_Product_Service_Details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Bookings ( Booking_ID INTEGER, Customer_ID INTEGER, Workshop_Group_ID VARCHAR(100), Status_Code CHAR(15), Store_ID INTEGER, Order_Date DATETIME, Planned_Delivery_Date DATETIME, Actual_Delivery_Date DATETIME, Other_Order_Details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Ref_Payment_Methods ( payment_method_code CHAR(10), payment_method_description VARCHAR(80) ) CREATE TABLE Addresses ( Address_ID VARCHAR(100), Line_1 VARCHAR(255), Line_2 VARCHAR(255), City_Town VARCHAR(255), State_County VARCHAR(255), Other_Details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Ref_Service_Types ( Service_Type_Code CHAR(15), Parent_Service_Type_Code CHAR(15), Service_Type_Description VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Invoice_Items ( Invoice_Item_ID INTEGER, Invoice_ID INTEGER, Order_ID INTEGER, Order_Item_ID INTEGER, Product_ID INTEGER, Order_Quantity INTEGER, Other_Item_Details VARCHAR(255) ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- A bar chart for giveing me the number of the descriptions of the service types that cost more than 100, sort by the total number from high to low.
SELECT Service_Type_Description, COUNT(Service_Type_Description) FROM Ref_Service_Types AS T1 JOIN Services AS T2 ON T1.Service_Type_Code = T2.Service_Type_Code WHERE T2.Product_Price > 100 GROUP BY Service_Type_Description ORDER BY COUNT(Service_Type_Description) DESC
CREATE TABLE table_name_85 ( copies_sold VARCHAR, oricon_position VARCHAR, year VARCHAR ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- How many copies were sold where the position is lager than 1 in 1988?
SELECT copies_sold FROM table_name_85 WHERE oricon_position > 1 AND year = 1988
CREATE TABLE table_name_49 ( visitor VARCHAR, home VARCHAR, date VARCHAR ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Who was the Visitor when the Home team was Anaheim on the Date of April 12?
SELECT visitor FROM table_name_49 WHERE home = "anaheim" AND date = "april 12"
CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Give the number of patients whose admission type is emergency and were born before the year 2064.
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic WHERE demographic.admission_type = "EMERGENCY" AND demographic.dob_year < "2064"
CREATE TABLE t_kc24 ( ACCOUNT_DASH_DATE time, ACCOUNT_DASH_FLG number, CASH_PAY number, CIVIL_SUBSIDY number, CKC102 number, CLINIC_ID text, CLINIC_SLT_DATE time, COMP_ID text, COM_ACC_PAY number, COM_PAY number, DATA_ID text, ENT_ACC_PAY number, ENT_PAY number, FLX_MED_ORG_ID text, ILL_PAY number, INSURED_IDENTITY number, INSURED_STS text, INSU_TYPE text, LAS_OVE_PAY number, MED_AMOUT number, MED_CLINIC_ID text, MED_SAFE_PAY_ID text, MED_TYPE number, OLDC_FUND_PAY number, OUT_HOSP_DATE time, OVERALL_CD_ORG text, OVERALL_CD_PERSON text, OVE_ADD_PAY number, OVE_PAY number, PERSON_ID text, PER_ACC_PAY number, PER_EXP number, PER_SOL number, RECEIVER_DEAL_ID text, RECEIVER_OFFSET_ID text, RECEIVER_REVOKE_ID text, RECIPE_BILL_ID text, REF_SLT_FLG number, REIMBURS_FLG number, SENDER_DEAL_ID text, SENDER_OFFSET_ID text, SENDER_REVOKE_ID text, SPE_FUND_PAY number, SUP_ADD_PAY number, SYNC_TIME time, TRADE_TYPE number ) CREATE TABLE t_kc22 ( AMOUNT number, CHA_ITEM_LEV number, DATA_ID text, DIRE_TYPE number, DOSE_FORM text, DOSE_UNIT text, EACH_DOSAGE text, EXP_OCC_DATE time, FLX_MED_ORG_ID text, FXBZ number, HOSP_DOC_CD text, HOSP_DOC_NM text, MED_CLINIC_ID text, MED_DIRE_CD text, MED_DIRE_NM text, MED_EXP_BILL_ID text, MED_EXP_DET_ID text, MED_INV_ITEM_TYPE text, MED_ORG_DEPT_CD text, MED_ORG_DEPT_NM text, OVERALL_CD_ORG text, OVERALL_CD_PERSON text, OVE_SELF_AMO number, PRESCRIPTION_CODE text, PRESCRIPTION_ID text, QTY number, RECIPE_BILL_ID text, REF_STA_FLG number, REIMBURS_TYPE number, REMOTE_SETTLE_FLG text, RER_SOL number, SELF_PAY_AMO number, SELF_PAY_PRO number, SOC_SRT_DIRE_CD text, SOC_SRT_DIRE_NM text, SPEC text, STA_DATE time, STA_FLG number, SYNC_TIME time, TRADE_TYPE number, UNIVALENT number, UP_LIMIT_AMO number, USE_FRE text, VAL_UNIT text, t_kc21_CLINIC_ID text, t_kc21_CLINIC_TYPE text, t_kc21_COMP_ID text, t_kc21_DATA_ID text, t_kc21_DIFF_PLACE_FLG number, t_kc21_FERTILITY_STS number, t_kc21_FLX_MED_ORG_ID text, t_kc21_HOSP_LEV number, t_kc21_HOSP_STS number, t_kc21_IDENTITY_CARD text, t_kc21_INPT_AREA_BED text, t_kc21_INSURED_IDENTITY number, t_kc21_INSURED_STS text, t_kc21_INSU_TYPE text, t_kc21_IN_DIAG_DIS_CD text, t_kc21_IN_DIAG_DIS_NM text, t_kc21_IN_HOSP_DATE time, t_kc21_IN_HOSP_DAYS number, t_kc21_MAIN_COND_DES text, t_kc21_MED_AMOUT number, t_kc21_MED_ORG_DEPT_CD text, t_kc21_MED_ORG_DEPT_NM text, t_kc21_MED_SER_ORG_NO text, t_kc21_MED_TYPE number, t_kc21_OUT_DIAG_DIS_CD text, t_kc21_OUT_DIAG_DIS_NM text, t_kc21_OUT_DIAG_DOC_CD text, t_kc21_OUT_DIAG_DOC_NM text, t_kc21_OUT_HOSP_DATE time, t_kc21_OVERALL_CD_ORG text, t_kc21_OVERALL_CD_PERSON text, t_kc21_PERSON_AGE number, t_kc21_PERSON_ID text, t_kc21_PERSON_NM text, t_kc21_PERSON_SEX number, t_kc21_REIMBURSEMENT_FLG number, t_kc21_REMOTE_SETTLE_FLG text, t_kc21_SERVANT_FLG text, t_kc21_SOC_SRT_CARD text, t_kc21_SYNC_TIME time, t_kc21_TRADE_TYPE number ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- 患者31811112从14年10月25日到15年12月28日期间,总共被开出多少次药品445109937
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t_kc22 WHERE t_kc22.t_kc21_PERSON_ID = '31811112' AND t_kc22.STA_DATE BETWEEN '2014-10-25' AND '2015-12-28' AND t_kc22.SOC_SRT_DIRE_CD = '445109937'
CREATE TABLE table_8563 ( "Placement" real, "Name" text, "Event" text, "Final" text, "Year" real ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What was the lowest placement with a final of 23.92?
SELECT MIN("Placement") FROM table_8563 WHERE "Final" = '23.92'
CREATE TABLE table_23296 ( "#" real, "Player" text, "Age" real, "Australian Open" real, "French Open" real, "Wimbledon" real, "US Open" real ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Who won the French Open in 1999?
SELECT "Player" FROM table_23296 WHERE "French Open" = '1999'
CREATE TABLE hz_info ( KH text, KLX number, RYBH text, YLJGDM text ) CREATE TABLE hz_info_mzjzjlb ( JZLSH number, YLJGDM number, mzjzjlb_id number ) CREATE TABLE zyjzjlb ( CYBQDM text, CYBQMC text, CYCWH text, CYKSDM text, CYKSMC text, CYSJ time, CYZTDM number, HZXM text, JZKSDM text, JZKSMC text, JZLSH text, KH text, KLX number, MZBMLX number, MZJZLSH text, MZZDBM text, MZZDMC text, MZZYZDZZBM text, RYCWH text, RYDJSJ time, RYSJ time, RYTJDM number, RYTJMC text, RZBQDM text, RZBQMC text, WDBZ number, YLJGDM text, ZYBMLX number, ZYZDBM text, ZYZDMC text, ZYZYZDZZBM text, ZYZYZDZZMC text ) CREATE TABLE jyjgzbb ( BGDH text, BGRQ time, CKZFWDX text, CKZFWSX number, CKZFWXX number, JCFF text, JCRGH text, JCRXM text, JCXMMC text, JCZBDM text, JCZBJGDL number, JCZBJGDW text, JCZBJGDX text, JCZBMC text, JLDW text, JYRQ time, JYZBLSH text, SBBM text, SHRGH text, SHRXM text, YLJGDM text, YQBH text, YQMC text ) CREATE TABLE person_info ( CSD text, CSRQ time, GJDM text, GJMC text, JGDM text, JGMC text, MZDM text, MZMC text, RYBH text, XBDM number, XBMC text, XLDM text, XLMC text, XM text, ZYLBDM text, ZYMC text ) CREATE TABLE jybgb ( BBCJBW text, BBDM text, BBMC text, BBZT number, BGDH text, BGJGDM text, BGJGMC text, BGRGH text, BGRQ time, BGRXM text, BGSJ time, CJRQ time, JSBBRQSJ time, JSBBSJ time, JYBBH text, JYJGMC text, JYJSGH text, JYJSQM text, JYKSBM text, JYKSMC text, JYLX number, JYRQ time, JYSQJGMC text, JYXMDM text, JYXMMC text, JZLSH text, JZLSH_MZJZJLB text, JZLSH_ZYJZJLB text, JZLX number, KSBM text, KSMC text, SHRGH text, SHRXM text, SHSJ time, SQKS text, SQKSMC text, SQRGH text, SQRQ time, SQRXM text, YLJGDM text, YLJGDM_MZJZJLB text, YLJGDM_ZYJZJLB text ) CREATE TABLE mzjzjlb ( HXPLC number, HZXM text, JLSJ time, JZJSSJ time, JZKSBM text, JZKSMC text, JZKSRQ time, JZLSH text, JZZDBM text, JZZDSM text, JZZTDM number, JZZTMC text, KH text, KLX number, MJZH text, ML number, MZZYZDZZBM text, MZZYZDZZMC text, NLS number, NLY number, QTJZYSGH text, SG number, SSY number, SZY number, TW number, TXBZ number, TZ number, WDBZ number, XL number, ZSEBZ number, ZZBZ number, ZZYSGH text, mzjzjlb_id number ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- 这个名叫的冯晓霜的患者被门诊诊断为妊娠合并精神障碍,看一下他总蛋白的检测结果定量及其单位
SELECT jyjgzbb.JCZBJGDL, jyjgzbb.JCZBJGDW FROM person_info JOIN hz_info JOIN mzjzjlb JOIN jybgb JOIN jyjgzbb JOIN hz_info_mzjzjlb ON person_info.RYBH = hz_info.RYBH AND hz_info.YLJGDM = hz_info_mzjzjlb.YLJGDM AND hz_info.KH = mzjzjlb.KH AND hz_info.KLX = mzjzjlb.KLX AND hz_info_mzjzjlb.YLJGDM = jybgb.YLJGDM_MZJZJLB AND mzjzjlb.JZLSH = jybgb.JZLSH_MZJZJLB AND jybgb.YLJGDM = jyjgzbb.YLJGDM AND jybgb.BGDH = jyjgzbb.BGDH AND hz_info_mzjzjlb.JZLSH = mzjzjlb.JZLSH AND hz_info_mzjzjlb.YLJGDM = hz_info_mzjzjlb.YLJGDM AND hz_info_mzjzjlb.JZLSH = mzjzjlb.JZLSH AND hz_info_mzjzjlb.mzjzjlb_id = mzjzjlb.mzjzjlb_id WHERE mzjzjlb.JZZDSM = '妊娠合并精神障碍' AND person_info.XM = '冯晓霜' AND jyjgzbb.JCZBMC = '总蛋白'
CREATE TABLE table_23936 ( "County" text, "Obama%" text, "Obama#" real, "McCain%" text, "McCain#" real ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- How many people voted for Obama in the county where McCain got 72.75% of the votes?
SELECT MIN("Obama#") FROM table_23936 WHERE "McCain%" = '72.75%'
CREATE TABLE ftxmzjzjlb ( HXPLC number, HZXM text, JLSJ time, JZJSSJ time, JZKSBM text, JZKSMC text, JZKSRQ time, JZLSH number, JZZDBM text, JZZDSM text, JZZTDM number, JZZTMC text, KH text, KLX number, MJZH text, ML number, MZZYZDZZBM text, MZZYZDZZMC text, NLS number, NLY number, QTJZYSGH text, SG number, SSY number, SZY number, TW number, TZ number, WDBZ number, XL number, YLJGDM number, ZSEBZ number, ZZBZ number, ZZYSGH text ) CREATE TABLE hz_info ( KH text, KLX number, RYBH text, YLJGDM text ) CREATE TABLE person_info ( CSD text, CSRQ time, GJDM text, GJMC text, JGDM text, JGMC text, MZDM text, MZMC text, RYBH text, XBDM number, XBMC text, XLDM text, XLMC text, XM text, ZYLBDM text, ZYMC text ) CREATE TABLE txmzjzjlb ( HXPLC number, HZXM text, JLSJ time, JZJSSJ time, JZKSBM text, JZKSMC text, JZKSRQ time, JZLSH number, JZZDBM text, JZZDSM text, JZZTDM number, JZZTMC text, KH text, KLX number, MJZH text, ML number, MZZYZDZZBM text, MZZYZDZZMC text, NLS number, NLY number, QTJZYSGH text, SG number, SSY number, SZY number, TW number, TZ number, WDBZ number, XL number, YLJGDM number, ZSEBZ number, ZZBZ number, ZZYSGH text ) CREATE TABLE jyjgzbb ( BGDH text, BGRQ time, CKZFWDX text, CKZFWSX number, CKZFWXX number, JCFF text, JCRGH text, JCRXM text, JCXMMC text, JCZBDM text, JCZBJGDL number, JCZBJGDW text, JCZBJGDX text, JCZBMC text, JLDW text, JYRQ time, JYZBLSH text, SBBM text, SHRGH text, SHRXM text, YLJGDM text, YQBH text, YQMC text ) CREATE TABLE jybgb ( BBCJBW text, BBDM text, BBMC text, BBZT number, BGDH text, BGJGDM text, BGJGMC text, BGRGH text, BGRQ time, BGRXM text, BGSJ time, CJRQ time, JSBBRQSJ time, JSBBSJ time, JYBBH text, JYJGMC text, JYJSGH text, JYJSQM text, JYKSBM text, JYKSMC text, JYLX number, JYRQ time, JYSQJGMC text, JYXMDM text, JYXMMC text, JZLSH text, JZLSH_MZJZJLB text, JZLSH_ZYJZJLB text, JZLX number, KSBM text, KSMC text, SHRGH text, SHRXM text, SHSJ time, SQKS text, SQKSMC text, SQRGH text, SQRQ time, SQRXM text, YLJGDM text, YLJGDM_MZJZJLB text, YLJGDM_ZYJZJLB text ) CREATE TABLE zyjzjlb ( CYBQDM text, CYBQMC text, CYCWH text, CYKSDM text, CYKSMC text, CYSJ time, CYZTDM number, HZXM text, JZKSDM text, JZKSMC text, JZLSH text, KH text, KLX number, MZBMLX number, MZJZLSH text, MZZDBM text, MZZDMC text, MZZYZDZZBM text, RYCWH text, RYDJSJ time, RYSJ time, RYTJDM number, RYTJMC text, RZBQDM text, RZBQMC text, WDBZ number, YLJGDM text, ZYBMLX number, ZYZDBM text, ZYZDMC text, ZYZYZDZZBM text, ZYZYZDZZMC text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- 在21年8月25日到21年9月5日期间,患者马璇珠曾到医院看过几次病
SELECT (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM person_info JOIN hz_info JOIN txmzjzjlb ON person_info.RYBH = hz_info.RYBH AND hz_info.YLJGDM = txmzjzjlb.YLJGDM AND hz_info.KH = txmzjzjlb.KH AND hz_info.KLX = txmzjzjlb.KLX WHERE person_info.XM = '马璇珠' AND txmzjzjlb.JZKSRQ BETWEEN '2021-08-25' AND '2021-09-05' UNION SELECT COUNT(*) FROM person_info JOIN hz_info JOIN ftxmzjzjlb ON person_info.RYBH = hz_info.RYBH AND hz_info.YLJGDM = ftxmzjzjlb.YLJGDM AND hz_info.KH = ftxmzjzjlb.KH AND hz_info.KLX = ftxmzjzjlb.KLX WHERE person_info.XM = '马璇珠' AND ftxmzjzjlb.JZKSRQ BETWEEN '2021-08-25' AND '2021-09-05') + (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM person_info JOIN hz_info JOIN zyjzjlb ON person_info.RYBH = hz_info.RYBH AND hz_info.YLJGDM = zyjzjlb.YLJGDM AND hz_info.KH = zyjzjlb.KH AND hz_info.KLX = zyjzjlb.KLX WHERE person_info.XM = '马璇珠' AND zyjzjlb.RYDJSJ BETWEEN '2021-08-25' AND '2021-09-05')
CREATE TABLE table_name_80 ( home_team VARCHAR, away_team VARCHAR ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What home team has blackpool as the away team?
SELECT home_team FROM table_name_80 WHERE away_team = "blackpool"
CREATE TABLE table_34129 ( "Year" real, "Division" real, "League" text, "Regular Season" text, "Playoffs" text, "Open Cup" text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Which Year is the lowest one that has a Regular Season of 5th, atlantic, and a Division larger than 4?
SELECT MIN("Year") FROM table_34129 WHERE "Regular Season" = '5th, atlantic' AND "Division" > '4'
CREATE TABLE table_55207 ( "Year" real, "Category" text, "Character" text, "For The Show" text, "Result" text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- For 2006 what category has the Show of kasautii zindagii kay?
SELECT "Category" FROM table_55207 WHERE "For The Show" = 'kasautii zindagii kay' AND "Year" = '2006'
CREATE TABLE table_name_98 ( team_1 VARCHAR, team_2 VARCHAR ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What is the team 1 when Ulisses is team 2?
SELECT team_1 FROM table_name_98 WHERE team_2 = "ulisses"
CREATE TABLE table_43712 ( "Date" text, "Venue" text, "Opponents" text, "Score" text, "Comp" text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Where was the game played when the score was 1-4?
SELECT "Venue" FROM table_43712 WHERE "Score" = '1-4'
CREATE TABLE d_labitems ( row_id number, itemid number, label text ) CREATE TABLE labevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, itemid number, charttime time, valuenum number, valueuom text ) CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses ( row_id number, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE transfers ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, eventtype text, careunit text, wardid number, intime time, outtime time ) CREATE TABLE procedures_icd ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icd9_code text, charttime time ) CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, charttime time, itemid number, amount number ) CREATE TABLE chartevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, itemid number, charttime time, valuenum number, valueuom text ) CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures ( row_id number, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE cost ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, event_type text, event_id number, chargetime time, cost number ) CREATE TABLE admissions ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, admittime time, dischtime time, admission_type text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, insurance text, language text, marital_status text, ethnicity text, age number ) CREATE TABLE icustays ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, first_careunit text, last_careunit text, first_wardid number, last_wardid number, intime time, outtime time ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icd9_code text, charttime time ) CREATE TABLE d_items ( row_id number, itemid number, label text, linksto text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, startdate time, enddate time, drug text, dose_val_rx text, dose_unit_rx text, route text ) CREATE TABLE patients ( row_id number, subject_id number, gender text, dob time, dod time ) CREATE TABLE outputevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, charttime time, itemid number, value number ) CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, charttime time, spec_type_desc text, org_name text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- when is patient 4758's arterial bp [systolic] last measured on 07/30/this year?
SELECT chartevents.charttime FROM chartevents WHERE chartevents.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 4758)) AND chartevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_items.itemid FROM d_items WHERE d_items.label = 'arterial bp [systolic]' AND d_items.linksto = 'chartevents') AND DATETIME(chartevents.charttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year') AND STRFTIME('%m-%d', chartevents.charttime) = '07-30' ORDER BY chartevents.charttime DESC LIMIT 1
CREATE TABLE table_2897457_3 ( college_junior_club_team VARCHAR, player VARCHAR ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Which college/junior/club team has jim mathieson as the player?
SELECT college_junior_club_team FROM table_2897457_3 WHERE player = "Jim Mathieson"
CREATE TABLE table_name_56 ( location_attendance VARCHAR, date VARCHAR ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- On December 3, where was the game held and how many were in attendance?
SELECT location_attendance FROM table_name_56 WHERE date = "december 3"
CREATE TABLE table_name_95 ( transfer_window VARCHAR, ends INTEGER ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Which transfer window ends after 2006?
SELECT transfer_window FROM table_name_95 WHERE ends > 2006
CREATE TABLE job_history ( EMPLOYEE_ID decimal(6,0), START_DATE date, END_DATE date, JOB_ID varchar(10), DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE departments ( DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0), DEPARTMENT_NAME varchar(30), MANAGER_ID decimal(6,0), LOCATION_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE countries ( COUNTRY_ID varchar(2), COUNTRY_NAME varchar(40), REGION_ID decimal(10,0) ) CREATE TABLE locations ( LOCATION_ID decimal(4,0), STREET_ADDRESS varchar(40), POSTAL_CODE varchar(12), CITY varchar(30), STATE_PROVINCE varchar(25), COUNTRY_ID varchar(2) ) CREATE TABLE regions ( REGION_ID decimal(5,0), REGION_NAME varchar(25) ) CREATE TABLE employees ( EMPLOYEE_ID decimal(6,0), FIRST_NAME varchar(20), LAST_NAME varchar(25), EMAIL varchar(25), PHONE_NUMBER varchar(20), HIRE_DATE date, JOB_ID varchar(10), SALARY decimal(8,2), COMMISSION_PCT decimal(2,2), MANAGER_ID decimal(6,0), DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( JOB_ID varchar(10), JOB_TITLE varchar(35), MIN_SALARY decimal(6,0), MAX_SALARY decimal(6,0) ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- For those employees whose salary is in the range of 8000 and 12000 and commission is not null or department number does not equal to 40, draw a bar chart about the distribution of hire_date and the average of salary bin hire_date by weekday, I want to list by the Y from high to low.
CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id int, clear_grading int, pop_quiz int, group_projects int, inspirational int, long_lectures int, extra_credit int, few_tests int, good_feedback int, tough_tests int, heavy_papers int, cares_for_students int, heavy_assignments int, respected int, participation int, heavy_reading int, tough_grader int, hilarious int, would_take_again int, good_lecture int, no_skip int ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id int, name varchar, uniqname varchar ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id int, student_id int, score int, comment_text varchar ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id int, lastname varchar, firstname varchar, program_id int, declare_major varchar, total_credit int, total_gpa float, entered_as varchar, admit_term int, predicted_graduation_semester int, degree varchar, minor varchar, internship varchar ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id int, name varchar, college varchar, introduction varchar ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id int, semester varchar, year int ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id int, course_id int ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id int, requirement varchar, college varchar ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id int, category varchar, min_credit int, additional_req varchar ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id int, course_id int, semester int, section_number int, start_time time, end_time time, monday varchar, tuesday varchar, wednesday varchar, thursday varchar, friday varchar, saturday varchar, sunday varchar, has_final_project varchar, has_final_exam varchar, textbook varchar, class_address varchar, allow_audit varchar ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id int, job_title varchar, description varchar, requirement varchar, city varchar, state varchar, country varchar, zip int ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id int, offering_id int, instructor_id int ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id int, area varchar ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id int, course_id int, workload int, category varchar ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id int, student_id int ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id int, course_id int, semester int, grade varchar, how varchar, transfer_source varchar, earn_credit varchar, repeat_term varchar, test_id varchar ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id int, name varchar, department varchar, number varchar, credits varchar, advisory_requirement varchar, enforced_requirement varchar, description varchar, num_semesters int, num_enrolled int, has_discussion varchar, has_lab varchar, has_projects varchar, has_exams varchar, num_reviews int, clarity_score int, easiness_score int, helpfulness_score int ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id int, student_id int, location varchar ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- When it comes to the Dance Laboratory course , what 's the course number ?
SELECT DISTINCT number FROM course WHERE (description LIKE '%Dance Laboratory%' OR name LIKE '%Dance Laboratory%') AND department = 'EECS'
CREATE TABLE Users ( Id number, Reputation number, CreationDate time, DisplayName text, LastAccessDate time, WebsiteUrl text, Location text, AboutMe text, Views number, UpVotes number, DownVotes number, ProfileImageUrl text, EmailHash text, AccountId number ) CREATE TABLE PostTypes ( Id number, Name text ) CREATE TABLE Tags ( Id number, TagName text, Count number, ExcerptPostId number, WikiPostId number ) CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResultTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) CREATE TABLE CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypes ( Id number, IsUniversal boolean, InputTitle text, MarkdownInputGuidance text, MarkdownPostOwnerGuidance text, MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text, MarkdownConcensusDescription text, CreationDate time, CreationModeratorId number, ApprovalDate time, ApprovalModeratorId number, DeactivationDate time, DeactivationModeratorId number ) CREATE TABLE PostsWithDeleted ( Id number, PostTypeId number, AcceptedAnswerId number, ParentId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, Score number, ViewCount number, Body text, OwnerUserId number, OwnerDisplayName text, LastEditorUserId number, LastEditorDisplayName text, LastEditDate time, LastActivityDate time, Title text, Tags text, AnswerCount number, CommentCount number, FavoriteCount number, ClosedDate time, CommunityOwnedDate time, ContentLicense text ) CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) CREATE TABLE PostHistoryTypes ( Id number, Name text ) CREATE TABLE PendingFlags ( Id number, FlagTypeId number, PostId number, CreationDate time, CloseReasonTypeId number, CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number, DuplicateOfQuestionId number, BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text ) CREATE TABLE Votes ( Id number, PostId number, VoteTypeId number, UserId number, CreationDate time, BountyAmount number ) CREATE TABLE ReviewTasks ( Id number, ReviewTaskTypeId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, ReviewTaskStateId number, PostId number, SuggestedEditId number, CompletedByReviewTaskId number ) CREATE TABLE SuggestedEditVotes ( Id number, SuggestedEditId number, UserId number, VoteTypeId number, CreationDate time, TargetUserId number, TargetRepChange number ) CREATE TABLE TagSynonyms ( Id number, SourceTagName text, TargetTagName text, CreationDate time, OwnerUserId number, AutoRenameCount number, LastAutoRename time, Score number, ApprovedByUserId number, ApprovalDate time ) CREATE TABLE ReviewRejectionReasons ( Id number, Name text, Description text, PostTypeId number ) CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskStates ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) CREATE TABLE PostFeedback ( Id number, PostId number, IsAnonymous boolean, VoteTypeId number, CreationDate time ) CREATE TABLE PostNotices ( Id number, PostId number, PostNoticeTypeId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, ExpiryDate time, Body text, OwnerUserId number, DeletionUserId number ) CREATE TABLE Badges ( Id number, UserId number, Name text, Date time, Class number, TagBased boolean ) CREATE TABLE PostLinks ( Id number, CreationDate time, PostId number, RelatedPostId number, LinkTypeId number ) CREATE TABLE CloseReasonTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) CREATE TABLE Comments ( Id number, PostId number, Score number, Text text, CreationDate time, UserDisplayName text, UserId number, ContentLicense text ) CREATE TABLE Posts ( Id number, PostTypeId number, AcceptedAnswerId number, ParentId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, Score number, ViewCount number, Body text, OwnerUserId number, OwnerDisplayName text, LastEditorUserId number, LastEditorDisplayName text, LastEditDate time, LastActivityDate time, Title text, Tags text, AnswerCount number, CommentCount number, FavoriteCount number, ClosedDate time, CommunityOwnedDate time, ContentLicense text ) CREATE TABLE PostNoticeTypes ( Id number, ClassId number, Name text, Body text, IsHidden boolean, Predefined boolean, PostNoticeDurationId number ) CREATE TABLE PostHistory ( Id number, PostHistoryTypeId number, PostId number, RevisionGUID other, CreationDate time, UserId number, UserDisplayName text, Comment text, Text text, ContentLicense text ) CREATE TABLE SuggestedEdits ( Id number, PostId number, CreationDate time, ApprovalDate time, RejectionDate time, OwnerUserId number, Comment text, Text text, Title text, Tags text, RevisionGUID other ) CREATE TABLE FlagTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) CREATE TABLE VoteTypes ( Id number, Name text ) CREATE TABLE PostTags ( PostId number, TagId number ) CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResults ( Id number, ReviewTaskId number, ReviewTaskResultTypeId number, CreationDate time, RejectionReasonId number, Comment text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What is my Archaeologist badge progress?.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Posts AS p INNER JOIN Posts AS a ON a.ParentId = p.Id WHERE p.Title = 'Site statistics'
CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures ( row_id number, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE outputevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, charttime time, itemid number, value number ) CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses ( row_id number, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE icustays ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, first_careunit text, last_careunit text, first_wardid number, last_wardid number, intime time, outtime time ) CREATE TABLE labevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, itemid number, charttime time, valuenum number, valueuom text ) CREATE TABLE patients ( row_id number, subject_id number, gender text, dob time, dod time ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icd9_code text, charttime time ) CREATE TABLE transfers ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, eventtype text, careunit text, wardid number, intime time, outtime time ) CREATE TABLE d_labitems ( row_id number, itemid number, label text ) CREATE TABLE cost ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, event_type text, event_id number, chargetime time, cost number ) CREATE TABLE admissions ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, admittime time, dischtime time, admission_type text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, insurance text, language text, marital_status text, ethnicity text, age number ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, startdate time, enddate time, drug text, dose_val_rx text, dose_unit_rx text, route text ) CREATE TABLE procedures_icd ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icd9_code text, charttime time ) CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, charttime time, itemid number, amount number ) CREATE TABLE d_items ( row_id number, itemid number, label text, linksto text ) CREATE TABLE chartevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, itemid number, charttime time, valuenum number, valueuom text ) CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, charttime time, spec_type_desc text, org_name text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what is the number of hours since patient 15447 last visited ward 23 on this hospital encounter?
SELECT 24 * (STRFTIME('%j', CURRENT_TIME()) - STRFTIME('%j', transfers.intime)) FROM transfers WHERE transfers.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 15447 AND admissions.dischtime IS NULL)) AND transfers.wardid = 23 ORDER BY transfers.intime DESC LIMIT 1
CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- give the number of patients whose diagnoses title is abn react-procedure nos.
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN diagnoses ON demographic.hadm_id = diagnoses.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses.short_title = "Abn react-procedure NOS"
CREATE TABLE table_203_354 ( id number, "party" text, "candidate(s)" text, "votes" number, "percentage" number ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what is the number of parties that had more than 3 candidates in their party ?
SELECT COUNT("party") FROM table_203_354 WHERE "candidate(s)" > 3
CREATE TABLE mzjzjlb ( HXPLC number, HZXM text, JLSJ time, JZJSSJ time, JZKSBM text, JZKSMC text, JZKSRQ time, JZLSH text, JZZDBM text, JZZDSM text, JZZTDM number, JZZTMC text, KH text, KLX number, MJZH text, ML number, MZZYZDZZBM text, MZZYZDZZMC text, NLS number, NLY number, QTJZYSGH text, SG number, SSY number, SZY number, TW number, TXBZ number, TZ number, WDBZ number, XL number, YLJGDM text, ZSEBZ number, ZZBZ number, ZZYSGH text ) CREATE TABLE hz_info ( KH text, KLX number, RYBH text, YLJGDM text ) CREATE TABLE hz_info_zyjzjlb ( JZLSH number, YLJGDM number, zyjzjlb_id number ) CREATE TABLE jybgb ( BBCJBW text, BBDM text, BBMC text, BBZT number, BGDH text, BGJGDM text, BGJGMC text, BGRGH text, BGRQ time, BGRXM text, BGSJ time, CJRQ time, JSBBRQSJ time, JSBBSJ time, JYBBH text, JYJGMC text, JYJSGH text, JYJSQM text, JYKSBM text, JYKSMC text, JYLX number, JYRQ time, JYSQJGMC text, JYXMDM text, JYXMMC text, JZLSH text, JZLSH_MZJZJLB text, JZLSH_ZYJZJLB text, JZLX number, KSBM text, KSMC text, SHRGH text, SHRXM text, SHSJ time, SQKS text, SQKSMC text, SQRGH text, SQRQ time, SQRXM text, YLJGDM text, YLJGDM_MZJZJLB text, YLJGDM_ZYJZJLB text ) CREATE TABLE person_info ( CSD text, CSRQ time, GJDM text, GJMC text, JGDM text, JGMC text, MZDM text, MZMC text, RYBH text, XBDM number, XBMC text, XLDM text, XLMC text, XM text, ZYLBDM text, ZYMC text ) CREATE TABLE jyjgzbb ( BGDH text, BGRQ time, CKZFWDX text, CKZFWSX number, CKZFWXX number, JCFF text, JCRGH text, JCRXM text, JCXMMC text, JCZBDM text, JCZBJGDL number, JCZBJGDW text, JCZBJGDX text, JCZBMC text, JLDW text, JYRQ time, JYZBLSH text, SBBM text, SHRGH text, SHRXM text, YLJGDM text, YQBH text, YQMC text ) CREATE TABLE zyjzjlb ( CYBQDM text, CYBQMC text, CYCWH text, CYKSDM text, CYKSMC text, CYSJ time, CYZTDM number, HZXM text, JZKSDM text, JZKSMC text, JZLSH text, KH text, KLX number, MZBMLX number, MZJZLSH text, MZZDBM text, MZZDMC text, MZZYZDZZBM text, RYCWH text, RYDJSJ time, RYSJ time, RYTJDM number, RYTJMC text, RZBQDM text, RZBQMC text, WDBZ number, ZYBMLX number, ZYZDBM text, ZYZDMC text, ZYZYZDZZBM text, ZYZYZDZZMC text, zyjzjlb_id number ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- 门诊诊断01248413这个病人患有精神抑郁症,611743检测指标的结果定量是什么?对应的单位呢
SELECT jyjgzbb.JCZBJGDL, jyjgzbb.JCZBJGDW FROM hz_info JOIN mzjzjlb JOIN jybgb JOIN jyjgzbb ON hz_info.YLJGDM = mzjzjlb.YLJGDM AND hz_info.KH = mzjzjlb.KH AND hz_info.KLX = mzjzjlb.KLX AND mzjzjlb.YLJGDM = jybgb.YLJGDM_MZJZJLB AND mzjzjlb.JZLSH = jybgb.JZLSH_MZJZJLB AND jybgb.YLJGDM = jyjgzbb.YLJGDM AND jybgb.BGDH = jyjgzbb.BGDH WHERE mzjzjlb.JZZDSM = '精神抑郁症' AND hz_info.RYBH = '01248413' AND jyjgzbb.JCZBDM = '611743'
CREATE TABLE table_name_40 ( tyres VARCHAR, chassis VARCHAR ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What tyres were used with the mp4/14 chassis?
SELECT tyres FROM table_name_40 WHERE chassis = "mp4/14"
CREATE TABLE cost ( costid number, uniquepid text, patienthealthsystemstayid number, eventtype text, eventid number, chargetime time, cost number ) CREATE TABLE treatment ( treatmentid number, patientunitstayid number, treatmentname text, treatmenttime time ) CREATE TABLE intakeoutput ( intakeoutputid number, patientunitstayid number, cellpath text, celllabel text, cellvaluenumeric number, intakeoutputtime time ) CREATE TABLE allergy ( allergyid number, patientunitstayid number, drugname text, allergyname text, allergytime time ) CREATE TABLE diagnosis ( diagnosisid number, patientunitstayid number, diagnosisname text, diagnosistime time, icd9code text ) CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic ( vitalperiodicid number, patientunitstayid number, temperature number, sao2 number, heartrate number, respiration number, systemicsystolic number, systemicdiastolic number, systemicmean number, observationtime time ) CREATE TABLE patient ( uniquepid text, patienthealthsystemstayid number, patientunitstayid number, gender text, age text, ethnicity text, hospitalid number, wardid number, admissionheight number, admissionweight number, dischargeweight number, hospitaladmittime time, hospitaladmitsource text, unitadmittime time, unitdischargetime time, hospitaldischargetime time, hospitaldischargestatus text ) CREATE TABLE microlab ( microlabid number, patientunitstayid number, culturesite text, organism text, culturetakentime time ) CREATE TABLE medication ( medicationid number, patientunitstayid number, drugname text, dosage text, routeadmin text, drugstarttime time, drugstoptime time ) CREATE TABLE lab ( labid number, patientunitstayid number, labname text, labresult number, labresulttime time ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- when is the first time patient 002-13750 was prescribed a drug in 04/this year?
SELECT medication.drugstarttime FROM medication WHERE medication.patientunitstayid IN (SELECT patient.patientunitstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '002-13750')) AND DATETIME(medication.drugstarttime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year') AND STRFTIME('%m', medication.drugstarttime) = '04' ORDER BY medication.drugstarttime LIMIT 1
CREATE TABLE table_71644 ( "Year" real, "English title" text, "Original title" text, "Country" text, "Director(s)" text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What is the English title of the film directed by Fernando Meirelles?
SELECT "English title" FROM table_71644 WHERE "Director(s)" = 'fernando meirelles'
CREATE TABLE table_name_87 ( Id VARCHAR ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What is the 2010 when the 2009 is 1r, and a 2008 is 1r?
SELECT 2010 FROM table_name_87 WHERE 2009 = "1r" AND 2008 = "1r"
CREATE TABLE job_history ( EMPLOYEE_ID decimal(6,0), START_DATE date, END_DATE date, JOB_ID varchar(10), DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( JOB_ID varchar(10), JOB_TITLE varchar(35), MIN_SALARY decimal(6,0), MAX_SALARY decimal(6,0) ) CREATE TABLE regions ( REGION_ID decimal(5,0), REGION_NAME varchar(25) ) CREATE TABLE departments ( DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0), DEPARTMENT_NAME varchar(30), MANAGER_ID decimal(6,0), LOCATION_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE countries ( COUNTRY_ID varchar(2), COUNTRY_NAME varchar(40), REGION_ID decimal(10,0) ) CREATE TABLE locations ( LOCATION_ID decimal(4,0), STREET_ADDRESS varchar(40), POSTAL_CODE varchar(12), CITY varchar(30), STATE_PROVINCE varchar(25), COUNTRY_ID varchar(2) ) CREATE TABLE employees ( EMPLOYEE_ID decimal(6,0), FIRST_NAME varchar(20), LAST_NAME varchar(25), EMAIL varchar(25), PHONE_NUMBER varchar(20), HIRE_DATE date, JOB_ID varchar(10), SALARY decimal(8,2), COMMISSION_PCT decimal(2,2), MANAGER_ID decimal(6,0), DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0) ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- For those employees whose salary is in the range of 8000 and 12000 and commission is not null or department number does not equal to 40, visualize a bar chart about the distribution of hire_date and the sum of employee_id bin hire_date by weekday, show in ascending by the y-axis.
CREATE TABLE labevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, itemid number, charttime time, valuenum number, valueuom text ) CREATE TABLE admissions ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, admittime time, dischtime time, admission_type text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, insurance text, language text, marital_status text, ethnicity text, age number ) CREATE TABLE transfers ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, eventtype text, careunit text, wardid number, intime time, outtime time ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, startdate time, enddate time, drug text, dose_val_rx text, dose_unit_rx text, route text ) CREATE TABLE chartevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, itemid number, charttime time, valuenum number, valueuom text ) CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses ( row_id number, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icd9_code text, charttime time ) CREATE TABLE d_labitems ( row_id number, itemid number, label text ) CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, charttime time, itemid number, amount number ) CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, charttime time, spec_type_desc text, org_name text ) CREATE TABLE icustays ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, first_careunit text, last_careunit text, first_wardid number, last_wardid number, intime time, outtime time ) CREATE TABLE outputevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, charttime time, itemid number, value number ) CREATE TABLE procedures_icd ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icd9_code text, charttime time ) CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures ( row_id number, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE patients ( row_id number, subject_id number, gender text, dob time, dod time ) CREATE TABLE d_items ( row_id number, itemid number, label text, linksto text ) CREATE TABLE cost ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, event_type text, event_id number, chargetime time, cost number ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what intake did patient 462 take since 02/05/2104 for the first time?
SELECT d_items.label FROM d_items WHERE d_items.itemid IN (SELECT inputevents_cv.itemid FROM inputevents_cv WHERE inputevents_cv.icustay_id IN (SELECT icustays.icustay_id FROM icustays WHERE icustays.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 462)) AND STRFTIME('%y-%m-%d', inputevents_cv.charttime) >= '2104-02-05' ORDER BY inputevents_cv.charttime LIMIT 1)
CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, charttime time, spec_type_desc text, org_name text ) CREATE TABLE labevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, itemid number, charttime time, valuenum number, valueuom text ) CREATE TABLE d_labitems ( row_id number, itemid number, label text ) CREATE TABLE outputevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, charttime time, itemid number, value number ) CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures ( row_id number, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE cost ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, event_type text, event_id number, chargetime time, cost number ) CREATE TABLE patients ( row_id number, subject_id number, gender text, dob time, dod time ) CREATE TABLE admissions ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, admittime time, dischtime time, admission_type text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, insurance text, language text, marital_status text, ethnicity text, age number ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icd9_code text, charttime time ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, startdate time, enddate time, drug text, dose_val_rx text, dose_unit_rx text, route text ) CREATE TABLE icustays ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, first_careunit text, last_careunit text, first_wardid number, last_wardid number, intime time, outtime time ) CREATE TABLE d_items ( row_id number, itemid number, label text, linksto text ) CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses ( row_id number, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, charttime time, itemid number, amount number ) CREATE TABLE procedures_icd ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icd9_code text, charttime time ) CREATE TABLE chartevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, itemid number, charttime time, valuenum number, valueuom text ) CREATE TABLE transfers ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, eventtype text, careunit text, wardid number, intime time, outtime time ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- when did patient 3929 this year last get discharged from the hospital?
SELECT admissions.dischtime FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 3929 AND DATETIME(admissions.dischtime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-0 year') ORDER BY admissions.dischtime DESC LIMIT 1
CREATE TABLE Products ( Code INTEGER, Name VARCHAR(255), Price DECIMAL, Manufacturer INTEGER ) CREATE TABLE Manufacturers ( Code INTEGER, Name VARCHAR(255), Headquarter VARCHAR(255), Founder VARCHAR(255), Revenue REAL ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- For those records from the products and each product's manufacturer, return a bar chart about the distribution of headquarter and the sum of code , and group by attribute headquarter, and sort total number in ascending order.
SELECT T2.Headquarter, T1.Code FROM Products AS T1 JOIN Manufacturers AS T2 ON T1.Manufacturer = T2.Code GROUP BY T2.Headquarter ORDER BY T1.Code
CREATE TABLE cost ( costid number, uniquepid text, patienthealthsystemstayid number, eventtype text, eventid number, chargetime time, cost number ) CREATE TABLE diagnosis ( diagnosisid number, patientunitstayid number, diagnosisname text, diagnosistime time, icd9code text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( labid number, patientunitstayid number, labname text, labresult number, labresulttime time ) CREATE TABLE patient ( uniquepid text, patienthealthsystemstayid number, patientunitstayid number, gender text, age text, ethnicity text, hospitalid number, wardid number, admissionheight number, admissionweight number, dischargeweight number, hospitaladmittime time, hospitaladmitsource text, unitadmittime time, unitdischargetime time, hospitaldischargetime time, hospitaldischargestatus text ) CREATE TABLE treatment ( treatmentid number, patientunitstayid number, treatmentname text, treatmenttime time ) CREATE TABLE intakeoutput ( intakeoutputid number, patientunitstayid number, cellpath text, celllabel text, cellvaluenumeric number, intakeoutputtime time ) CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic ( vitalperiodicid number, patientunitstayid number, temperature number, sao2 number, heartrate number, respiration number, systemicsystolic number, systemicdiastolic number, systemicmean number, observationtime time ) CREATE TABLE medication ( medicationid number, patientunitstayid number, drugname text, dosage text, routeadmin text, drugstarttime time, drugstoptime time ) CREATE TABLE microlab ( microlabid number, patientunitstayid number, culturesite text, organism text, culturetakentime time ) CREATE TABLE allergy ( allergyid number, patientunitstayid number, drugname text, allergyname text, allergytime time ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what are the three most frequently ordered medications?
SELECT t1.drugname FROM (SELECT medication.drugname, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC) AS c1 FROM medication GROUP BY medication.drugname) AS t1 WHERE t1.c1 <= 3
CREATE TABLE table_name_6 ( constructor VARCHAR, grid INTEGER ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What is the constructor for the driver with grid less than 2?
SELECT constructor FROM table_name_6 WHERE grid < 2
CREATE TABLE table_23565 ( "English Name" text, "Simplified" text, "Traditional" text, "Pinyin" text, "Foochow" text, "Area" real, "Population" real, "Density" real ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Name the pinyin for ci - ng-g ing
SELECT "Pinyin" FROM table_23565 WHERE "Foochow" = 'Ciá-ìng-gâing'
CREATE TABLE person_info ( CSD text, CSRQ time, GJDM text, GJMC text, JGDM text, JGMC text, MZDM text, MZMC text, RYBH text, XBDM number, XBMC text, XLDM text, XLMC text, XM text, ZYLBDM text, ZYMC text ) CREATE TABLE jybgb ( BBCJBW text, BBDM text, BBMC text, BBZT number, BGDH text, BGJGDM text, BGJGMC text, BGRGH text, BGRQ time, BGRXM text, BGSJ time, CJRQ time, JSBBRQSJ time, JSBBSJ time, JYBBH text, JYJGMC text, JYJSGH text, JYJSQM text, JYKSBM text, JYKSMC text, JYLX number, JYRQ time, JYSQJGMC text, JYXMDM text, JYXMMC text, JZLSH text, JZLSH_MZJZJLB text, JZLSH_ZYJZJLB text, JZLX number, KSBM text, KSMC text, SHRGH text, SHRXM text, SHSJ time, SQKS text, SQKSMC text, SQRGH text, SQRQ time, SQRXM text, YLJGDM text, YLJGDM_MZJZJLB text, YLJGDM_ZYJZJLB text ) CREATE TABLE hz_info ( KH text, KLX number, YLJGDM text ) CREATE TABLE jyjgzbb ( BGDH text, BGRQ time, CKZFWDX text, CKZFWSX number, CKZFWXX number, JCFF text, JCRGH text, JCRXM text, JCXMMC text, JCZBDM text, JCZBJGDL number, JCZBJGDW text, JCZBJGDX text, JCZBMC text, JLDW text, JYRQ time, JYZBLSH text, SBBM text, SHRGH text, SHRXM text, YLJGDM text, YQBH text, YQMC text ) CREATE TABLE zyjzjlb ( CYBQDM text, CYBQMC text, CYCWH text, CYKSDM text, CYKSMC text, CYSJ time, CYZTDM number, HZXM text, JZKSDM text, JZKSMC text, JZLSH text, KH text, KLX number, MZBMLX number, MZJZLSH text, MZZDBM text, MZZDMC text, MZZYZDZZBM text, RYCWH text, RYDJSJ time, RYSJ time, RYTJDM number, RYTJMC text, RZBQDM text, RZBQMC text, WDBZ number, YLJGDM text, ZYBMLX number, ZYZDBM text, ZYZDMC text, ZYZYZDZZBM text, ZYZYZDZZMC text ) CREATE TABLE person_info_hz_info ( RYBH text, KH number, KLX number, YLJGDM number ) CREATE TABLE mzjzjlb ( HXPLC number, HZXM text, JLSJ time, JZJSSJ time, JZKSBM text, JZKSMC text, JZKSRQ time, JZLSH text, JZZDBM text, JZZDSM text, JZZTDM number, JZZTMC text, KH text, KLX number, MJZH text, ML number, MZZYZDZZBM text, MZZYZDZZMC text, NLS number, NLY number, QTJZYSGH text, SG number, SSY number, SZY number, TW number, TXBZ number, TZ number, WDBZ number, XL number, YLJGDM text, ZSEBZ number, ZZBZ number, ZZYSGH text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- 病人奚子平的检验结果指标中哪些单号的检验报告单全部正常?
SELECT jybgb.BGDH FROM person_info JOIN hz_info JOIN mzjzjlb JOIN jybgb JOIN person_info_hz_info ON person_info.RYBH = person_info_hz_info.RYBH AND hz_info.YLJGDM = mzjzjlb.YLJGDM AND hz_info.KH = mzjzjlb.KH AND hz_info.KLX = mzjzjlb.KLX AND mzjzjlb.YLJGDM = jybgb.YLJGDM_MZJZJLB AND mzjzjlb.JZLSH = jybgb.JZLSH_MZJZJLB AND person_info_hz_info.KH = hz_info.KH AND person_info_hz_info.KLX = hz_info.KLX AND person_info_hz_info.YLJGDM = hz_info.YLJGDM AND person_info_hz_info.YLJGDM = hz_info.YLJGDM AND person_info_hz_info.KH = hz_info.KH AND person_info_hz_info.KLX = hz_info.KLX AND person_info_hz_info.YLJGDM = hz_info.YLJGDM AND person_info_hz_info.KH = hz_info.KH AND person_info_hz_info.KLX = hz_info.KLX WHERE person_info.XM = '奚子平' AND NOT jybgb.BGDH IN (SELECT jyjgzbb.BGDH FROM jyjgzbb WHERE jyjgzbb.JCZBJGDL < jyjgzbb.CKZFWXX OR jyjgzbb.JCZBJGDL > jyjgzbb.CKZFWSX) UNION SELECT jybgb.BGDH FROM person_info JOIN hz_info JOIN zyjzjlb JOIN jybgb JOIN person_info_hz_info ON person_info.RYBH = person_info_hz_info.RYBH AND hz_info.YLJGDM = zyjzjlb.YLJGDM AND hz_info.KH = zyjzjlb.KH AND hz_info.KLX = zyjzjlb.KLX AND zyjzjlb.YLJGDM = jybgb.YLJGDM_ZYJZJLB AND zyjzjlb.JZLSH = jybgb.JZLSH_ZYJZJLB AND person_info_hz_info.KH = hz_info.KH AND person_info_hz_info.KLX = hz_info.KLX AND person_info_hz_info.YLJGDM = hz_info.YLJGDM AND person_info_hz_info.YLJGDM = hz_info.YLJGDM AND person_info_hz_info.KH = hz_info.KH AND person_info_hz_info.KLX = hz_info.KLX AND person_info_hz_info.YLJGDM = hz_info.YLJGDM AND person_info_hz_info.KH = hz_info.KH AND person_info_hz_info.KLX = hz_info.KLX WHERE person_info.XM = '奚子平' AND NOT jybgb.BGDH IN (SELECT jyjgzbb.BGDH FROM jyjgzbb WHERE jyjgzbb.JCZBJGDL < jyjgzbb.CKZFWXX OR jyjgzbb.JCZBJGDL > jyjgzbb.CKZFWSX)
CREATE TABLE host ( host_id number, name text, nationality text, age text ) CREATE TABLE party ( party_id number, party_theme text, location text, first_year text, last_year text, number_of_hosts number ) CREATE TABLE party_host ( party_id number, host_id number, is_main_in_charge others ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- List the names of hosts who did not serve as a host of any party in our record.
SELECT name FROM host WHERE NOT host_id IN (SELECT host_id FROM party_host)
CREATE TABLE table_38187 ( "Game" text, "Date" text, "Home Team" text, "Result" text, "Road Team" text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what team played on may 20 on the home side
SELECT "Home Team" FROM table_38187 WHERE "Date" = 'may 20'
CREATE TABLE d_items ( row_id number, itemid number, label text, linksto text ) CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, charttime time, itemid number, amount number ) CREATE TABLE labevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, itemid number, charttime time, valuenum number, valueuom text ) CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, charttime time, spec_type_desc text, org_name text ) CREATE TABLE transfers ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, eventtype text, careunit text, wardid number, intime time, outtime time ) CREATE TABLE chartevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, itemid number, charttime time, valuenum number, valueuom text ) CREATE TABLE d_labitems ( row_id number, itemid number, label text ) CREATE TABLE icustays ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, first_careunit text, last_careunit text, first_wardid number, last_wardid number, intime time, outtime time ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, startdate time, enddate time, drug text, dose_val_rx text, dose_unit_rx text, route text ) CREATE TABLE patients ( row_id number, subject_id number, gender text, dob time, dod time ) CREATE TABLE admissions ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, admittime time, dischtime time, admission_type text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, insurance text, language text, marital_status text, ethnicity text, age number ) CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses ( row_id number, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icd9_code text, charttime time ) CREATE TABLE cost ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, event_type text, event_id number, chargetime time, cost number ) CREATE TABLE procedures_icd ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icd9_code text, charttime time ) CREATE TABLE outputevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, charttime time, itemid number, value number ) CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures ( row_id number, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- how many days has it elapsed since patient 2518 was admitted to the hospital?
SELECT 1 * (STRFTIME('%j', CURRENT_TIME()) - STRFTIME('%j', admissions.admittime)) FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 2518 AND admissions.dischtime IS NULL
CREATE TABLE table_203_460 ( id number, "player" text, "played" number, "legs won" number, "legs lost" number, "lwat" number, "100+" number, "140+" number, "180s" number, "high checkout" number, "3-dart average" number ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- was andy smith or kevin painter 's 3 dart average 96.71 ?
SELECT "player" FROM table_203_460 WHERE "player" IN ('andy smith', 'kevin painter') AND "3-dart average" = 96.71
CREATE TABLE table_68356 ( "Place" text, "Player" text, "Country" text, "Score" text, "To par" text, "Money ( \u00a3 )" text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Name the to par for score of 69-73-68-70=280
SELECT "To par" FROM table_68356 WHERE "Score" = '69-73-68-70=280'
CREATE TABLE Posts ( Id number, PostTypeId number, AcceptedAnswerId number, ParentId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, Score number, ViewCount number, Body text, OwnerUserId number, OwnerDisplayName text, LastEditorUserId number, LastEditorDisplayName text, LastEditDate time, LastActivityDate time, Title text, Tags text, AnswerCount number, CommentCount number, FavoriteCount number, ClosedDate time, CommunityOwnedDate time, ContentLicense text ) CREATE TABLE PostHistory ( Id number, PostHistoryTypeId number, PostId number, RevisionGUID other, CreationDate time, UserId number, UserDisplayName text, Comment text, Text text, ContentLicense text ) CREATE TABLE PostNoticeTypes ( Id number, ClassId number, Name text, Body text, IsHidden boolean, Predefined boolean, PostNoticeDurationId number ) CREATE TABLE SuggestedEditVotes ( Id number, SuggestedEditId number, UserId number, VoteTypeId number, CreationDate time, TargetUserId number, TargetRepChange number ) CREATE TABLE Users ( Id number, Reputation number, CreationDate time, DisplayName text, LastAccessDate time, WebsiteUrl text, Location text, AboutMe text, Views number, UpVotes number, DownVotes number, ProfileImageUrl text, EmailHash text, AccountId number ) CREATE TABLE FlagTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) CREATE TABLE PostTypes ( Id number, Name text ) CREATE TABLE ReviewTasks ( Id number, ReviewTaskTypeId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, ReviewTaskStateId number, PostId number, SuggestedEditId number, CompletedByReviewTaskId number ) CREATE TABLE PostLinks ( Id number, CreationDate time, PostId number, RelatedPostId number, LinkTypeId number ) CREATE TABLE ReviewRejectionReasons ( Id number, Name text, Description text, PostTypeId number ) CREATE TABLE CloseReasonTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) CREATE TABLE Tags ( Id number, TagName text, Count number, ExcerptPostId number, WikiPostId number ) CREATE TABLE PostNotices ( Id number, PostId number, PostNoticeTypeId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, ExpiryDate time, Body text, OwnerUserId number, DeletionUserId number ) CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskStates ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResults ( Id number, ReviewTaskId number, ReviewTaskResultTypeId number, CreationDate time, RejectionReasonId number, Comment text ) CREATE TABLE Votes ( Id number, PostId number, VoteTypeId number, UserId number, CreationDate time, BountyAmount number ) CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) CREATE TABLE PostHistoryTypes ( Id number, Name text ) CREATE TABLE Comments ( Id number, PostId number, Score number, Text text, CreationDate time, UserDisplayName text, UserId number, ContentLicense text ) CREATE TABLE PostsWithDeleted ( Id number, PostTypeId number, AcceptedAnswerId number, ParentId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, Score number, ViewCount number, Body text, OwnerUserId number, OwnerDisplayName text, LastEditorUserId number, LastEditorDisplayName text, LastEditDate time, LastActivityDate time, Title text, Tags text, AnswerCount number, CommentCount number, FavoriteCount number, ClosedDate time, CommunityOwnedDate time, ContentLicense text ) CREATE TABLE Badges ( Id number, UserId number, Name text, Date time, Class number, TagBased boolean ) CREATE TABLE VoteTypes ( Id number, Name text ) CREATE TABLE PostTags ( PostId number, TagId number ) CREATE TABLE TagSynonyms ( Id number, SourceTagName text, TargetTagName text, CreationDate time, OwnerUserId number, AutoRenameCount number, LastAutoRename time, Score number, ApprovedByUserId number, ApprovalDate time ) CREATE TABLE CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypes ( Id number, IsUniversal boolean, InputTitle text, MarkdownInputGuidance text, MarkdownPostOwnerGuidance text, MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text, MarkdownConcensusDescription text, CreationDate time, CreationModeratorId number, ApprovalDate time, ApprovalModeratorId number, DeactivationDate time, DeactivationModeratorId number ) CREATE TABLE PostFeedback ( Id number, PostId number, IsAnonymous boolean, VoteTypeId number, CreationDate time ) CREATE TABLE PendingFlags ( Id number, FlagTypeId number, PostId number, CreationDate time, CloseReasonTypeId number, CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number, DuplicateOfQuestionId number, BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text ) CREATE TABLE SuggestedEdits ( Id number, PostId number, CreationDate time, ApprovalDate time, RejectionDate time, OwnerUserId number, Comment text, Text text, Title text, Tags text, RevisionGUID other ) CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResultTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Selecting posts with a score higher than 8.
SELECT Id, Title, Body, Tags FROM Posts WHERE Id < 500000 AND Score >= 8
CREATE TABLE icustays ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, first_careunit text, last_careunit text, first_wardid number, last_wardid number, intime time, outtime time ) CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses ( row_id number, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE admissions ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, admittime time, dischtime time, admission_type text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, insurance text, language text, marital_status text, ethnicity text, age number ) CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, charttime time, itemid number, amount number ) CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, charttime time, spec_type_desc text, org_name text ) CREATE TABLE procedures_icd ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icd9_code text, charttime time ) CREATE TABLE transfers ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, eventtype text, careunit text, wardid number, intime time, outtime time ) CREATE TABLE labevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, itemid number, charttime time, valuenum number, valueuom text ) CREATE TABLE d_labitems ( row_id number, itemid number, label text ) CREATE TABLE cost ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, event_type text, event_id number, chargetime time, cost number ) CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures ( row_id number, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE outputevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, charttime time, itemid number, value number ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icd9_code text, charttime time ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, startdate time, enddate time, drug text, dose_val_rx text, dose_unit_rx text, route text ) CREATE TABLE patients ( row_id number, subject_id number, gender text, dob time, dod time ) CREATE TABLE d_items ( row_id number, itemid number, label text, linksto text ) CREATE TABLE chartevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, itemid number, charttime time, valuenum number, valueuom text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what was the last time patient 95088 has had the hospital discharge in the previous year?
SELECT admissions.dischtime FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 95088 AND DATETIME(admissions.dischtime, 'start of year') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of year', '-1 year') ORDER BY admissions.dischtime DESC LIMIT 1
CREATE TABLE ReviewTasks ( Id number, ReviewTaskTypeId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, ReviewTaskStateId number, PostId number, SuggestedEditId number, CompletedByReviewTaskId number ) CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) CREATE TABLE Badges ( Id number, UserId number, Name text, Date time, Class number, TagBased boolean ) CREATE TABLE ReviewRejectionReasons ( Id number, Name text, Description text, PostTypeId number ) CREATE TABLE Tags ( Id number, TagName text, Count number, ExcerptPostId number, WikiPostId number ) CREATE TABLE PostTags ( PostId number, TagId number ) CREATE TABLE Votes ( Id number, PostId number, VoteTypeId number, UserId number, CreationDate time, BountyAmount number ) CREATE TABLE SuggestedEditVotes ( Id number, SuggestedEditId number, UserId number, VoteTypeId number, CreationDate time, TargetUserId number, TargetRepChange number ) CREATE TABLE TagSynonyms ( Id number, SourceTagName text, TargetTagName text, CreationDate time, OwnerUserId number, AutoRenameCount number, LastAutoRename time, Score number, ApprovedByUserId number, ApprovalDate time ) CREATE TABLE PostTypes ( Id number, Name text ) CREATE TABLE CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypes ( Id number, IsUniversal boolean, InputTitle text, MarkdownInputGuidance text, MarkdownPostOwnerGuidance text, MarkdownPrivilegedUserGuidance text, MarkdownConcensusDescription text, CreationDate time, CreationModeratorId number, ApprovalDate time, ApprovalModeratorId number, DeactivationDate time, DeactivationModeratorId number ) CREATE TABLE PostNoticeTypes ( Id number, ClassId number, Name text, Body text, IsHidden boolean, Predefined boolean, PostNoticeDurationId number ) CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskStates ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) CREATE TABLE PendingFlags ( Id number, FlagTypeId number, PostId number, CreationDate time, CloseReasonTypeId number, CloseAsOffTopicReasonTypeId number, DuplicateOfQuestionId number, BelongsOnBaseHostAddress text ) CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResultTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) CREATE TABLE PostLinks ( Id number, CreationDate time, PostId number, RelatedPostId number, LinkTypeId number ) CREATE TABLE PostsWithDeleted ( Id number, PostTypeId number, AcceptedAnswerId number, ParentId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, Score number, ViewCount number, Body text, OwnerUserId number, OwnerDisplayName text, LastEditorUserId number, LastEditorDisplayName text, LastEditDate time, LastActivityDate time, Title text, Tags text, AnswerCount number, CommentCount number, FavoriteCount number, ClosedDate time, CommunityOwnedDate time, ContentLicense text ) CREATE TABLE CloseReasonTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) CREATE TABLE SuggestedEdits ( Id number, PostId number, CreationDate time, ApprovalDate time, RejectionDate time, OwnerUserId number, Comment text, Text text, Title text, Tags text, RevisionGUID other ) CREATE TABLE Posts ( Id number, PostTypeId number, AcceptedAnswerId number, ParentId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, Score number, ViewCount number, Body text, OwnerUserId number, OwnerDisplayName text, LastEditorUserId number, LastEditorDisplayName text, LastEditDate time, LastActivityDate time, Title text, Tags text, AnswerCount number, CommentCount number, FavoriteCount number, ClosedDate time, CommunityOwnedDate time, ContentLicense text ) CREATE TABLE Comments ( Id number, PostId number, Score number, Text text, CreationDate time, UserDisplayName text, UserId number, ContentLicense text ) CREATE TABLE ReviewTaskResults ( Id number, ReviewTaskId number, ReviewTaskResultTypeId number, CreationDate time, RejectionReasonId number, Comment text ) CREATE TABLE PostFeedback ( Id number, PostId number, IsAnonymous boolean, VoteTypeId number, CreationDate time ) CREATE TABLE FlagTypes ( Id number, Name text, Description text ) CREATE TABLE PostNotices ( Id number, PostId number, PostNoticeTypeId number, CreationDate time, DeletionDate time, ExpiryDate time, Body text, OwnerUserId number, DeletionUserId number ) CREATE TABLE Users ( Id number, Reputation number, CreationDate time, DisplayName text, LastAccessDate time, WebsiteUrl text, Location text, AboutMe text, Views number, UpVotes number, DownVotes number, ProfileImageUrl text, EmailHash text, AccountId number ) CREATE TABLE PostHistoryTypes ( Id number, Name text ) CREATE TABLE PostHistory ( Id number, PostHistoryTypeId number, PostId number, RevisionGUID other, CreationDate time, UserId number, UserDisplayName text, Comment text, Text text, ContentLicense text ) CREATE TABLE VoteTypes ( Id number, Name text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Percentage of (non-deleted) questions which get closed as duplicates, month by month.
SELECT DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, CreationDate), 0) AS "month", CAST(COUNT(CASE WHEN (NOT Posts.ClosedDate IS NULL AND PostHistory.PostHistoryTypeId = 10 AND PostHistory.Comment IN ('1', '101')) THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS FLOAT) * 100 / COUNT(CASE WHEN PostHistory.PostHistoryTypeId = 1 THEN 1 ELSE NULL END) AS "DupePercentage" FROM Posts LEFT JOIN PostHistory ON Posts.Id = PostHistory.PostId WHERE Posts.PostTypeId = 1 AND PostHistory.PostHistoryTypeId IN (1, 10) GROUP BY DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, CreationDate), 0) ORDER BY 'month' DESC
CREATE TABLE table_name_55 ( bronze VARCHAR, silver VARCHAR, gold VARCHAR ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What bronze has tatiana ryabkina as the silver, anne margrethe hausken as the gold?
SELECT bronze FROM table_name_55 WHERE silver = "tatiana ryabkina" AND gold = "anne margrethe hausken"
CREATE TABLE table_21498 ( "Season" text, "Games" real, "GS" real, "Points" text, "Rebounds" text, "Assists" text, "Blocks" text, "Steals" text, "Turnovers" text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Name the steals for season 2007/2008
SELECT "Steals" FROM table_21498 WHERE "Season" = '2007/2008'
CREATE TABLE table_204_251 ( id number, "community" text, "area" text, "location" text, "population" number, "date established" text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- total population of millbrook first nation
SELECT "population" FROM table_204_251 WHERE "community" = 'millbrook 27'
CREATE TABLE table_33927 ( "Model Number" text, "Stepping" text, "Frequency" text, "L2 Cache" text, "Multi 1" text, "V Core" text, "Socket" text, "Release Date" text, "Part Number(s)" text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What is the part number of athlon x2 4850e?
SELECT "Part Number(s)" FROM table_33927 WHERE "Model Number" = 'athlon x2 4850e'
CREATE TABLE table_31928 ( "Outcome" text, "Date" text, "Tournament" text, "Surface" text, "Partner" text, "Opponent in the final" text, "Score" text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What was the surface made of in the contest where Paula Ormaechea was the partner?
SELECT "Surface" FROM table_31928 WHERE "Partner" = 'paula ormaechea'
CREATE TABLE table_18248 ( "District" text, "Incumbent" text, "Party" text, "First elected" real, "Result" text, "Candidates" text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Who is the incumbent that is listed with the candidates listed as marilyn lloyd (d) 57.4% harold w. coker (r) 42.6%?
SELECT "Incumbent" FROM table_18248 WHERE "Candidates" = 'Marilyn Lloyd (D) 57.4% Harold W. Coker (R) 42.6%'
CREATE TABLE zzmzjzjlb ( HXPLC number, HZXM text, JLSJ time, JZJSSJ time, JZKSBM text, JZKSMC text, JZKSRQ time, JZLSH number, JZZDBM text, JZZDSM text, JZZTDM number, JZZTMC text, KH text, KLX number, MJZH text, ML number, MZZYZDZZBM text, MZZYZDZZMC text, NLS number, NLY number, QTJZYSGH text, SG number, SSY number, SZY number, TW number, TXBZ number, TZ number, WDBZ number, XL number, YLJGDM number, ZSEBZ number, ZZYSGH text ) CREATE TABLE jyjgzbb ( BGDH text, BGRQ time, CKZFWDX text, CKZFWSX number, CKZFWXX number, JCFF text, JCRGH text, JCRXM text, JCXMMC text, JCZBDM text, JCZBJGDL number, JCZBJGDW text, JCZBJGDX text, JCZBMC text, JLDW text, JYRQ time, JYZBLSH text, SBBM text, SHRGH text, SHRXM text, YLJGDM text, YQBH text, YQMC text ) CREATE TABLE jybgb ( BBCJBW text, BBDM text, BBMC text, BBZT number, BGDH text, BGJGDM text, BGJGMC text, BGRGH text, BGRQ time, BGRXM text, BGSJ time, CJRQ time, JSBBRQSJ time, JSBBSJ time, JYBBH text, JYJGMC text, JYJSGH text, JYJSQM text, JYKSBM text, JYKSMC text, JYLX number, JYRQ time, JYSQJGMC text, JYXMDM text, JYXMMC text, JZLSH text, JZLSH_MZJZJLB text, JZLSH_ZYJZJLB text, JZLX number, KSBM text, KSMC text, SHRGH text, SHRXM text, SHSJ time, SQKS text, SQKSMC text, SQRGH text, SQRQ time, SQRXM text, YLJGDM text, YLJGDM_MZJZJLB text, YLJGDM_ZYJZJLB text ) CREATE TABLE person_info ( CSD text, CSRQ time, GJDM text, GJMC text, JGDM text, JGMC text, MZDM text, MZMC text, RYBH text, XBDM number, XBMC text, XLDM text, XLMC text, XM text, ZYLBDM text, ZYMC text ) CREATE TABLE hz_info ( KH text, KLX number, RYBH text, YLJGDM text ) CREATE TABLE fzzmzjzjlb ( HXPLC number, HZXM text, JLSJ time, JZJSSJ time, JZKSBM text, JZKSMC text, JZKSRQ time, JZLSH number, JZZDBM text, JZZDSM text, JZZTDM number, JZZTMC text, KH text, KLX number, MJZH text, ML number, MZZYZDZZBM text, MZZYZDZZMC text, NLS number, NLY number, QTJZYSGH text, SG number, SSY number, SZY number, TW number, TXBZ number, TZ number, WDBZ number, XL number, YLJGDM number, ZSEBZ number, ZZYSGH text ) CREATE TABLE zyjzjlb ( CYBQDM text, CYBQMC text, CYCWH text, CYKSDM text, CYKSMC text, CYSJ time, CYZTDM number, HZXM text, JZKSDM text, JZKSMC text, JZLSH text, KH text, KLX number, MZBMLX number, MZJZLSH text, MZZDBM text, MZZDMC text, MZZYZDZZBM text, RYCWH text, RYDJSJ time, RYSJ time, RYTJDM number, RYTJMC text, RZBQDM text, RZBQMC text, WDBZ number, YLJGDM text, ZYBMLX number, ZYZDBM text, ZYZDMC text, ZYZYZDZZBM text, ZYZYZDZZMC text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- 患者俞嘉平大腿的各项指标检验结果的详细情况怎么样
SELECT * FROM person_info JOIN hz_info JOIN zzmzjzjlb JOIN jybgb JOIN jyjgzbb ON person_info.RYBH = hz_info.RYBH AND hz_info.YLJGDM = zzmzjzjlb.YLJGDM AND hz_info.KH = zzmzjzjlb.KH AND hz_info.KLX = zzmzjzjlb.KLX AND zzmzjzjlb.YLJGDM = jybgb.YLJGDM_MZJZJLB AND zzmzjzjlb.JZLSH = jybgb.JZLSH_MZJZJLB AND jybgb.YLJGDM = jyjgzbb.YLJGDM AND jybgb.BGDH = jyjgzbb.BGDH WHERE person_info.XM = '俞嘉平' AND jybgb.BBCJBW = '大腿' UNION SELECT * FROM person_info JOIN hz_info JOIN fzzmzjzjlb JOIN jybgb JOIN jyjgzbb ON person_info.RYBH = hz_info.RYBH AND hz_info.YLJGDM = fzzmzjzjlb.YLJGDM AND hz_info.KH = fzzmzjzjlb.KH AND hz_info.KLX = fzzmzjzjlb.KLX AND fzzmzjzjlb.YLJGDM = jybgb.YLJGDM_MZJZJLB AND fzzmzjzjlb.JZLSH = jybgb.JZLSH_MZJZJLB AND jybgb.YLJGDM = jyjgzbb.YLJGDM AND jybgb.BGDH = jyjgzbb.BGDH WHERE person_info.XM = '俞嘉平' AND jybgb.BBCJBW = '大腿' UNION SELECT * FROM person_info JOIN hz_info JOIN zyjzjlb JOIN jybgb JOIN jyjgzbb ON person_info.RYBH = hz_info.RYBH AND hz_info.YLJGDM = zyjzjlb.YLJGDM AND hz_info.KH = zyjzjlb.KH AND hz_info.KLX = zyjzjlb.KLX AND zyjzjlb.YLJGDM = jybgb.YLJGDM_ZYJZJLB AND zyjzjlb.JZLSH = jybgb.JZLSH_ZYJZJLB AND jybgb.YLJGDM = jyjgzbb.YLJGDM AND jybgb.BGDH = jyjgzbb.BGDH WHERE person_info.XM = '俞嘉平' AND jybgb.BBCJBW = '大腿'
CREATE TABLE t_kc22 ( AMOUNT number, CHA_ITEM_LEV number, DATA_ID text, DIRE_TYPE number, DOSE_FORM text, DOSE_UNIT text, EACH_DOSAGE text, EXP_OCC_DATE time, FLX_MED_ORG_ID text, FXBZ number, HOSP_DOC_CD text, HOSP_DOC_NM text, MED_CLINIC_ID text, MED_DIRE_CD text, MED_DIRE_NM text, MED_EXP_BILL_ID text, MED_EXP_DET_ID text, MED_INV_ITEM_TYPE text, MED_ORG_DEPT_CD text, MED_ORG_DEPT_NM text, OVERALL_CD_ORG text, OVERALL_CD_PERSON text, OVE_SELF_AMO number, PRESCRIPTION_CODE text, PRESCRIPTION_ID text, QTY number, RECIPE_BILL_ID text, REF_STA_FLG number, REIMBURS_TYPE number, REMOTE_SETTLE_FLG text, RER_SOL number, SELF_PAY_AMO number, SELF_PAY_PRO number, SOC_SRT_DIRE_CD text, SOC_SRT_DIRE_NM text, SPEC text, STA_DATE time, STA_FLG number, SYNC_TIME time, TRADE_TYPE number, UNIVALENT number, UP_LIMIT_AMO number, USE_FRE text, VAL_UNIT text ) CREATE TABLE t_kc24 ( ACCOUNT_DASH_DATE time, ACCOUNT_DASH_FLG number, CASH_PAY number, CIVIL_SUBSIDY number, CKC102 number, CLINIC_ID text, CLINIC_SLT_DATE time, COMP_ID text, COM_ACC_PAY number, COM_PAY number, DATA_ID text, ENT_ACC_PAY number, ENT_PAY number, FLX_MED_ORG_ID text, ILL_PAY number, INSURED_IDENTITY number, INSURED_STS text, INSU_TYPE text, LAS_OVE_PAY number, MED_AMOUT number, MED_SAFE_PAY_ID text, MED_TYPE number, OLDC_FUND_PAY number, OUT_HOSP_DATE time, OVERALL_CD_ORG text, OVERALL_CD_PERSON text, OVE_ADD_PAY number, OVE_PAY number, PERSON_ID text, PER_ACC_PAY number, PER_EXP number, PER_SOL number, RECEIVER_DEAL_ID text, RECEIVER_OFFSET_ID text, RECEIVER_REVOKE_ID text, RECIPE_BILL_ID text, REF_SLT_FLG number, REIMBURS_FLG number, SENDER_DEAL_ID text, SENDER_OFFSET_ID text, SENDER_REVOKE_ID text, SPE_FUND_PAY number, SUP_ADD_PAY number, SYNC_TIME time, TRADE_TYPE number ) CREATE TABLE t_kc21_t_kc24 ( MED_CLINIC_ID text, MED_SAFE_PAY_ID number ) CREATE TABLE t_kc21 ( CLINIC_ID text, CLINIC_TYPE text, COMP_ID text, DATA_ID text, DIFF_PLACE_FLG number, FERTILITY_STS number, FLX_MED_ORG_ID text, HOSP_LEV number, HOSP_STS number, IDENTITY_CARD text, INPT_AREA_BED text, INSURED_IDENTITY number, INSURED_STS text, INSU_TYPE text, IN_DIAG_DIS_CD text, IN_DIAG_DIS_NM text, IN_HOSP_DATE time, IN_HOSP_DAYS number, MAIN_COND_DES text, MED_AMOUT number, MED_CLINIC_ID text, MED_ORG_DEPT_CD text, MED_ORG_DEPT_NM text, MED_SER_ORG_NO text, MED_TYPE number, OUT_DIAG_DIS_CD text, OUT_DIAG_DIS_NM text, OUT_DIAG_DOC_CD text, OUT_DIAG_DOC_NM text, OUT_HOSP_DATE time, OVERALL_CD_ORG text, OVERALL_CD_PERSON text, PERSON_AGE number, PERSON_ID text, PERSON_NM text, PERSON_SEX number, REIMBURSEMENT_FLG number, REMOTE_SETTLE_FLG text, SERVANT_FLG text, SOC_SRT_CARD text, SYNC_TIME time, TRADE_TYPE number ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- 参保人水高翰门诊花了多少手术费,在2000-01-07到2004-02-14这四年里?
SELECT SUM(t_kc22.AMOUNT) FROM t_kc21 JOIN t_kc22 ON t_kc21.MED_CLINIC_ID = t_kc22.MED_CLINIC_ID WHERE t_kc21.PERSON_NM = '水高翰' AND t_kc21.CLINIC_TYPE = '门诊' AND t_kc22.STA_DATE BETWEEN '2000-01-07' AND '2004-02-14' AND t_kc22.MED_INV_ITEM_TYPE = '手术费'
CREATE TABLE grapes ( ID INTEGER, Grape TEXT, Color TEXT ) CREATE TABLE wine ( No INTEGER, Grape TEXT, Winery TEXT, Appelation TEXT, State TEXT, Name TEXT, Year INTEGER, Price INTEGER, Score INTEGER, Cases INTEGER, Drink TEXT ) CREATE TABLE appellations ( No INTEGER, Appelation TEXT, County TEXT, State TEXT, Area TEXT, isAVA TEXT ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Show mean max(price) from each year, display in ascending by the Y.
CREATE TABLE record ( ID int, Result text, Swimmer_ID int, Event_ID int ) CREATE TABLE stadium ( ID int, name text, Capacity int, City text, Country text, Opening_year int ) CREATE TABLE event ( ID int, Name text, Stadium_ID int, Year text ) CREATE TABLE swimmer ( ID int, name text, Nationality text, meter_100 real, meter_200 text, meter_300 text, meter_400 text, meter_500 text, meter_600 text, meter_700 text, Time text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Find meter_400 and meter_100 , and visualize them by a bar chart.
SELECT meter_400, meter_100 FROM swimmer
CREATE TABLE table_21731 ( "Series #" real, "Episode #" real, "Title" text, "Directed by" text, "Written by" text, "U.S. viewers (million)" text, "Original airdate" text, "Production Code" text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What was the original airdate of the episode 'The Cold Turkey', which was viewed by 3.73 million viewers?
SELECT "Original airdate" FROM table_21731 WHERE "U.S. viewers (million)" = '3.73'
CREATE TABLE table_23215145_2 ( team VARCHAR ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What is the 2006-2007 points minimum is the team is Overmach Parma?
SELECT MIN(2006 AS _07_points) FROM table_23215145_2 WHERE team = "Overmach Parma"
CREATE TABLE intakeoutput ( intakeoutputid number, patientunitstayid number, cellpath text, celllabel text, cellvaluenumeric number, intakeoutputtime time ) CREATE TABLE allergy ( allergyid number, patientunitstayid number, drugname text, allergyname text, allergytime time ) CREATE TABLE patient ( uniquepid text, patienthealthsystemstayid number, patientunitstayid number, gender text, age text, ethnicity text, hospitalid number, wardid number, admissionheight number, admissionweight number, dischargeweight number, hospitaladmittime time, hospitaladmitsource text, unitadmittime time, unitdischargetime time, hospitaldischargetime time, hospitaldischargestatus text ) CREATE TABLE cost ( costid number, uniquepid text, patienthealthsystemstayid number, eventtype text, eventid number, chargetime time, cost number ) CREATE TABLE treatment ( treatmentid number, patientunitstayid number, treatmentname text, treatmenttime time ) CREATE TABLE vitalperiodic ( vitalperiodicid number, patientunitstayid number, temperature number, sao2 number, heartrate number, respiration number, systemicsystolic number, systemicdiastolic number, systemicmean number, observationtime time ) CREATE TABLE lab ( labid number, patientunitstayid number, labname text, labresult number, labresulttime time ) CREATE TABLE microlab ( microlabid number, patientunitstayid number, culturesite text, organism text, culturetakentime time ) CREATE TABLE diagnosis ( diagnosisid number, patientunitstayid number, diagnosisname text, diagnosistime time, icd9code text ) CREATE TABLE medication ( medicationid number, patientunitstayid number, drugname text, dosage text, routeadmin text, drugstarttime time, drugstoptime time ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- give a count of the number of intensive care unit visits of patient 027-69449 in 2105.
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT patient.patientunitstayid) FROM patient WHERE patient.patienthealthsystemstayid IN (SELECT patient.patienthealthsystemstayid FROM patient WHERE patient.uniquepid = '027-69449') AND STRFTIME('%y', patient.unitadmittime) = '2105'
CREATE TABLE table_28725 ( "No." real, "#" real, "Title" text, "Directed by" text, "Written by" text, "U.S. air date" text, "Production code" text, "U.S. viewers (million)" text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- How many million U.S. viewers watched the episode with the production code 3x6004?
SELECT "U.S. viewers (million)" FROM table_28725 WHERE "Production code" = '3X6004'
CREATE TABLE table_75354 ( "Call sign" text, "Frequency MHz" real, "City of license" text, "ERP W" real, "Class" text, "FCC info" text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What is the FCC info of the translator with an Irmo, South Carolina city license?
SELECT "FCC info" FROM table_75354 WHERE "City of license" = 'irmo, south carolina'
CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- how many patients have drug code meto25?
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN prescriptions ON demographic.hadm_id = prescriptions.hadm_id WHERE prescriptions.formulary_drug_cd = "METO25"
CREATE TABLE table_name_9 ( opponent VARCHAR, home_away VARCHAR, date VARCHAR ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Name the opponent which has a home/away of home and date of july 27
SELECT opponent FROM table_name_9 WHERE home_away = "home" AND date = "july 27"
CREATE TABLE t_kc22 ( AMOUNT number, CHA_ITEM_LEV number, DATA_ID text, DIRE_TYPE number, DOSE_FORM text, DOSE_UNIT text, EACH_DOSAGE text, EXP_OCC_DATE time, FLX_MED_ORG_ID text, FXBZ number, HOSP_DOC_CD text, HOSP_DOC_NM text, MED_CLINIC_ID text, MED_DIRE_CD text, MED_DIRE_NM text, MED_EXP_BILL_ID text, MED_EXP_DET_ID text, MED_INV_ITEM_TYPE text, MED_ORG_DEPT_CD text, MED_ORG_DEPT_NM text, OVERALL_CD_ORG text, OVERALL_CD_PERSON text, OVE_SELF_AMO number, PRESCRIPTION_CODE text, PRESCRIPTION_ID text, QTY number, RECIPE_BILL_ID text, REF_STA_FLG number, REIMBURS_TYPE number, REMOTE_SETTLE_FLG text, RER_SOL number, SELF_PAY_AMO number, SELF_PAY_PRO number, SOC_SRT_DIRE_CD text, SOC_SRT_DIRE_NM text, SPEC text, STA_DATE time, STA_FLG number, SYNC_TIME time, TRADE_TYPE number, UNIVALENT number, UP_LIMIT_AMO number, USE_FRE text, VAL_UNIT text ) CREATE TABLE t_kc21_t_kc24 ( MED_CLINIC_ID text, MED_SAFE_PAY_ID number ) CREATE TABLE t_kc24 ( ACCOUNT_DASH_DATE time, ACCOUNT_DASH_FLG number, CASH_PAY number, CIVIL_SUBSIDY number, CKC102 number, CLINIC_ID text, CLINIC_SLT_DATE time, COMP_ID text, COM_ACC_PAY number, COM_PAY number, DATA_ID text, ENT_ACC_PAY number, ENT_PAY number, FLX_MED_ORG_ID text, ILL_PAY number, INSURED_IDENTITY number, INSURED_STS text, INSU_TYPE text, LAS_OVE_PAY number, MED_AMOUT number, MED_SAFE_PAY_ID text, MED_TYPE number, OLDC_FUND_PAY number, OUT_HOSP_DATE time, OVERALL_CD_ORG text, OVERALL_CD_PERSON text, OVE_ADD_PAY number, OVE_PAY number, PERSON_ID text, PER_ACC_PAY number, PER_EXP number, PER_SOL number, RECEIVER_DEAL_ID text, RECEIVER_OFFSET_ID text, RECEIVER_REVOKE_ID text, RECIPE_BILL_ID text, REF_SLT_FLG number, REIMBURS_FLG number, SENDER_DEAL_ID text, SENDER_OFFSET_ID text, SENDER_REVOKE_ID text, SPE_FUND_PAY number, SUP_ADD_PAY number, SYNC_TIME time, TRADE_TYPE number ) CREATE TABLE t_kc21 ( CLINIC_ID text, CLINIC_TYPE text, COMP_ID text, DATA_ID text, DIFF_PLACE_FLG number, FERTILITY_STS number, FLX_MED_ORG_ID text, HOSP_LEV number, HOSP_STS number, IDENTITY_CARD text, INPT_AREA_BED text, INSURED_IDENTITY number, INSURED_STS text, INSU_TYPE text, IN_DIAG_DIS_CD text, IN_DIAG_DIS_NM text, IN_HOSP_DATE time, IN_HOSP_DAYS number, MAIN_COND_DES text, MED_AMOUT number, MED_CLINIC_ID text, MED_ORG_DEPT_CD text, MED_ORG_DEPT_NM text, MED_SER_ORG_NO text, MED_TYPE number, OUT_DIAG_DIS_CD text, OUT_DIAG_DIS_NM text, OUT_DIAG_DOC_CD text, OUT_DIAG_DOC_NM text, OUT_HOSP_DATE time, OVERALL_CD_ORG text, OVERALL_CD_PERSON text, PERSON_AGE number, PERSON_ID text, PERSON_NM text, PERSON_SEX number, REIMBURSEMENT_FLG number, REMOTE_SETTLE_FLG text, SERVANT_FLG text, SOC_SRT_CARD text, SYNC_TIME time, TRADE_TYPE number ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- 13年3月8日到21年5月12日,医疗机构4227077的检查费总额是多少
SELECT SUM(t_kc22.AMOUNT) FROM t_kc21 JOIN t_kc22 ON t_kc21.MED_CLINIC_ID = t_kc22.MED_CLINIC_ID WHERE t_kc21.MED_SER_ORG_NO = '4227077' AND t_kc22.STA_DATE BETWEEN '2013-03-08' AND '2021-05-12' AND t_kc22.MED_INV_ITEM_TYPE = '检查费'
CREATE TABLE table_28027307_1 ( directed_by VARCHAR, production_code VARCHAR ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Who directed the episode with the production code of 6AKY11?
SELECT directed_by FROM table_28027307_1 WHERE production_code = "6AKY11"
CREATE TABLE table_name_48 ( sr INTEGER, average VARCHAR, balls_faced VARCHAR ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Which average S.R. has an Average of 39.13 and Balls Faced larger than 318?
SELECT AVG(sr) FROM table_name_48 WHERE average = 39.13 AND balls_faced > 318
CREATE TABLE table_name_8 ( score VARCHAR, home VARCHAR, record VARCHAR ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What is the Score when the Home team is Chicago Black Hawks and the Record is 3-3?
SELECT score FROM table_name_8 WHERE home = "chicago black hawks" AND record = "3-3"
CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id int, course_id int, semester int, section_number int, start_time time, end_time time, monday varchar, tuesday varchar, wednesday varchar, thursday varchar, friday varchar, saturday varchar, sunday varchar, has_final_project varchar, has_final_exam varchar, textbook varchar, class_address varchar, allow_audit varchar ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id int, name varchar, department varchar, number varchar, credits varchar, advisory_requirement varchar, enforced_requirement varchar, description varchar, num_semesters int, num_enrolled int, has_discussion varchar, has_lab varchar, has_projects varchar, has_exams varchar, num_reviews int, clarity_score int, easiness_score int, helpfulness_score int ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id int, course_id int, workload int, category varchar ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id int, student_id int, score int, comment_text varchar ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id int, clear_grading int, pop_quiz int, group_projects int, inspirational int, long_lectures int, extra_credit int, few_tests int, good_feedback int, tough_tests int, heavy_papers int, cares_for_students int, heavy_assignments int, respected int, participation int, heavy_reading int, tough_grader int, hilarious int, would_take_again int, good_lecture int, no_skip int ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id int, name varchar, college varchar, introduction varchar ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id int, requirement varchar, college varchar ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id int, student_id int ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id int, category varchar, min_credit int, additional_req varchar ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id int, course_id int ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id int, job_title varchar, description varchar, requirement varchar, city varchar, state varchar, country varchar, zip int ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id int, offering_id int, instructor_id int ) CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id int, student_id int, location varchar ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id int, course_id int, semester int, grade varchar, how varchar, transfer_source varchar, earn_credit varchar, repeat_term varchar, test_id varchar ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id int, lastname varchar, firstname varchar, program_id int, declare_major varchar, total_credit int, total_gpa float, entered_as varchar, admit_term int, predicted_graduation_semester int, degree varchar, minor varchar, internship varchar ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id int, semester varchar, year int ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id int, area varchar ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id int, name varchar, uniqname varchar ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What 's the workload like in EECS 201 ?
SELECT DISTINCT program_course.workload FROM course, program_course WHERE course.department = 'EECS' AND course.number = 201 AND program_course.course_id = course.course_id
CREATE TABLE table_203_35 ( id number, "pos" text, "rider" text, "manufacturer" text, "time/retired" text, "points" number ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what is the difference between marcellino lucchi 's points and max biaggi 's points ?
SELECT (SELECT "points" FROM table_203_35 WHERE "rider" = 'max biaggi') - (SELECT "points" FROM table_203_35 WHERE "rider" = 'marcellino lucchi')
CREATE TABLE table_76367 ( "Poll source" text, "Dates administered" text, "Arlen Specter*" text, "Pat Toomey" text, "Tom Ridge*" text, "Peg Luksik" text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Which Poll source has a Peg Luksik of 9%, and Dates administered of may 12, 2010?
SELECT "Poll source" FROM table_76367 WHERE "Peg Luksik" = '9%' AND "Dates administered" = 'may 12, 2010'
CREATE TABLE Documents_with_Expenses ( Document_ID INTEGER, Budget_Type_Code CHAR(15), Document_Details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Accounts ( Account_ID INTEGER, Statement_ID INTEGER, Account_Details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Documents ( Document_ID INTEGER, Document_Type_Code CHAR(15), Project_ID INTEGER, Document_Date DATETIME, Document_Name VARCHAR(255), Document_Description VARCHAR(255), Other_Details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Projects ( Project_ID INTEGER, Project_Details VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Ref_Budget_Codes ( Budget_Type_Code CHAR(15), Budget_Type_Description VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Ref_Document_Types ( Document_Type_Code CHAR(15), Document_Type_Name VARCHAR(255), Document_Type_Description VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Statements ( Statement_ID INTEGER, Statement_Details VARCHAR(255) ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Show the average of account details for different statement details in a bar chart, and show by the names from low to high.
SELECT Statement_Details, AVG(Account_Details) FROM Accounts AS T1 JOIN Statements AS T2 ON T1.Statement_ID = T2.Statement_ID GROUP BY Statement_Details ORDER BY Statement_Details
CREATE TABLE t_kc21 ( CLINIC_ID text, CLINIC_TYPE text, COMP_ID text, DATA_ID text, DIFF_PLACE_FLG number, FERTILITY_STS number, FLX_MED_ORG_ID text, HOSP_LEV number, HOSP_STS number, IDENTITY_CARD text, INPT_AREA_BED text, INSURED_IDENTITY number, INSURED_STS text, INSU_TYPE text, IN_DIAG_DIS_CD text, IN_DIAG_DIS_NM text, IN_HOSP_DATE time, IN_HOSP_DAYS number, MAIN_COND_DES text, MED_AMOUT number, MED_CLINIC_ID text, MED_ORG_DEPT_CD text, MED_ORG_DEPT_NM text, MED_SER_ORG_NO text, MED_TYPE number, OUT_DIAG_DIS_CD text, OUT_DIAG_DIS_NM text, OUT_DIAG_DOC_CD text, OUT_DIAG_DOC_NM text, OUT_HOSP_DATE time, OVERALL_CD_ORG text, OVERALL_CD_PERSON text, PERSON_AGE number, PERSON_ID text, PERSON_NM text, PERSON_SEX number, REIMBURSEMENT_FLG number, REMOTE_SETTLE_FLG text, SERVANT_FLG text, SOC_SRT_CARD text, SYNC_TIME time, TRADE_TYPE number ) CREATE TABLE t_kc22 ( AMOUNT number, CHA_ITEM_LEV number, DATA_ID text, DIRE_TYPE number, DOSE_FORM text, DOSE_UNIT text, EACH_DOSAGE text, EXP_OCC_DATE time, FLX_MED_ORG_ID text, FXBZ number, HOSP_DOC_CD text, HOSP_DOC_NM text, MED_DIRE_CD text, MED_DIRE_NM text, MED_EXP_BILL_ID text, MED_EXP_DET_ID text, MED_INV_ITEM_TYPE text, MED_ORG_DEPT_CD text, MED_ORG_DEPT_NM text, OVERALL_CD_ORG text, OVERALL_CD_PERSON text, OVE_SELF_AMO number, PRESCRIPTION_CODE text, PRESCRIPTION_ID text, QTY number, RECIPE_BILL_ID text, REF_STA_FLG number, REIMBURS_TYPE number, REMOTE_SETTLE_FLG text, RER_SOL number, SELF_PAY_AMO number, SELF_PAY_PRO number, SOC_SRT_DIRE_CD text, SOC_SRT_DIRE_NM text, SPEC text, STA_DATE time, STA_FLG number, SYNC_TIME time, TRADE_TYPE number, UNIVALENT number, UP_LIMIT_AMO number, USE_FRE text, VAL_UNIT text ) CREATE TABLE t_kc21_t_kc22 ( MED_CLINIC_ID text, MED_EXP_DET_ID number ) CREATE TABLE t_kc24 ( ACCOUNT_DASH_DATE time, ACCOUNT_DASH_FLG number, CASH_PAY number, CIVIL_SUBSIDY number, CKC102 number, CLINIC_ID text, CLINIC_SLT_DATE time, COMP_ID text, COM_ACC_PAY number, COM_PAY number, DATA_ID text, ENT_ACC_PAY number, ENT_PAY number, FLX_MED_ORG_ID text, ILL_PAY number, INSURED_IDENTITY number, INSURED_STS text, INSU_TYPE text, LAS_OVE_PAY number, MED_AMOUT number, MED_CLINIC_ID text, MED_SAFE_PAY_ID text, MED_TYPE number, OLDC_FUND_PAY number, OUT_HOSP_DATE time, OVERALL_CD_ORG text, OVERALL_CD_PERSON text, OVE_ADD_PAY number, OVE_PAY number, PERSON_ID text, PER_ACC_PAY number, PER_EXP number, PER_SOL number, RECEIVER_DEAL_ID text, RECEIVER_OFFSET_ID text, RECEIVER_REVOKE_ID text, RECIPE_BILL_ID text, REF_SLT_FLG number, REIMBURS_FLG number, SENDER_DEAL_ID text, SENDER_OFFSET_ID text, SENDER_REVOKE_ID text, SPE_FUND_PAY number, SUP_ADD_PAY number, SYNC_TIME time, TRADE_TYPE number ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- 根据入院诊断疾病编码,列出来不同疾病的平均患者年龄在医院5333311中分别是多少?
SELECT t_kc21.IN_DIAG_DIS_CD, AVG(t_kc21.PERSON_AGE) FROM t_kc21 WHERE t_kc21.MED_SER_ORG_NO = '5333311' GROUP BY t_kc21.IN_DIAG_DIS_CD
CREATE TABLE table_name_66 ( round VARCHAR, overall VARCHAR, position VARCHAR ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- How many rounds have an Overall larger than 17, and a Position of quarterback?
SELECT COUNT(round) FROM table_name_66 WHERE overall > 17 AND position = "quarterback"
CREATE TABLE table_73917 ( "Outcome" text, "No." text, "Date" text, "Championship" text, "Surface" text, "Opponent in the final" text, "Score in the final" text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Where the outcome is Winner and surface is Hard (i), what is the No.?
SELECT "No." FROM table_73917 WHERE "Outcome" = 'Winner' AND "Surface" = 'Hard (i)'
CREATE TABLE film_market_estimation ( estimation_id number, low_estimate number, high_estimate number, film_id number, type text, market_id number, year number ) CREATE TABLE film ( film_id number, title text, studio text, director text, gross_in_dollar number ) CREATE TABLE market ( market_id number, country text, number_cities number ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- List the distinct director of all films.
CREATE TABLE table_47981 ( "Match" text, "Date" text, "Location" text, "Lineup" text, "Result" text, "Competition" text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What was the result for the match with entry Match Reports?
SELECT "Result" FROM table_47981 WHERE "Match" = 'match reports'
CREATE TABLE table_74210 ( "Game" real, "Date" text, "Team" text, "Score" text, "High points" text, "High rebounds" text, "High assists" text, "Location Attendance" text, "Record" text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- How many people had the high points when a. webb (7) had the high assists?
SELECT COUNT("High points") FROM table_74210 WHERE "High assists" = 'A. Webb (7)'
CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what is the number of patients whose diagnoses short title is neonatal thrombocytopen and lab test abnormal status is delta?
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN diagnoses ON demographic.hadm_id = diagnoses.hadm_id INNER JOIN lab ON demographic.hadm_id = lab.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses.short_title = "Neonatal thrombocytopen" AND lab.flag = "delta"
CREATE TABLE table_21618 ( "Series #" real, "Season #" real, "Title" text, "Directed by" text, "Written by" text, "Original air date" text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Name the series number directed by richard thorpe written by dee johnson
SELECT MAX("Series #") FROM table_21618 WHERE "Directed by" = 'Richard Thorpe' AND "Written by" = 'Dee Johnson'
CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- count the number of patients whose primary disease is gastrointestinal bleed and admission year is less than 2124?
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic WHERE demographic.diagnosis = "GASTROINTESTINAL BLEED" AND demographic.admityear < "2124"
CREATE TABLE DEPARTMENT ( DEPT_CODE varchar(10), DEPT_NAME varchar(30), SCHOOL_CODE varchar(8), EMP_NUM int, DEPT_ADDRESS varchar(20), DEPT_EXTENSION varchar(4) ) CREATE TABLE PROFESSOR ( EMP_NUM int, DEPT_CODE varchar(10), PROF_OFFICE varchar(50), PROF_EXTENSION varchar(4), PROF_HIGH_DEGREE varchar(5) ) CREATE TABLE COURSE ( CRS_CODE varchar(10), DEPT_CODE varchar(10), CRS_DESCRIPTION varchar(35), CRS_CREDIT float(8) ) CREATE TABLE STUDENT ( STU_NUM int, STU_LNAME varchar(15), STU_FNAME varchar(15), STU_INIT varchar(1), STU_DOB datetime, STU_HRS int, STU_CLASS varchar(2), STU_GPA float(8), STU_TRANSFER numeric, DEPT_CODE varchar(18), STU_PHONE varchar(4), PROF_NUM int ) CREATE TABLE EMPLOYEE ( EMP_NUM int, EMP_LNAME varchar(15), EMP_FNAME varchar(12), EMP_INITIAL varchar(1), EMP_JOBCODE varchar(5), EMP_HIREDATE datetime, EMP_DOB datetime ) CREATE TABLE CLASS ( CLASS_CODE varchar(5), CRS_CODE varchar(10), CLASS_SECTION varchar(2), CLASS_TIME varchar(20), CLASS_ROOM varchar(8), PROF_NUM int ) CREATE TABLE ENROLL ( CLASS_CODE varchar(5), STU_NUM int, ENROLL_GRADE varchar(50) ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What is the number of professors for different school Plot them as bar chart, and show by the names from high to low.
CREATE TABLE table_78659 ( "Season" real, "Average Attendance Home" real, "Highest Attendance Home" text, "Average Attendance Away" real, "Highest Attendance Away" text, "Division / Section" text, "Level" text, "Average Attendance League" real ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- How many season have an average attendance league of 2.456?
SELECT SUM("Season") FROM table_78659 WHERE "Average Attendance League" = '2.456'
CREATE TABLE table_52273 ( "Year" real, "Theme" text, "Artist" text, "Issue Price" real, "Special Notes" text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What is the special notes value for years under 2009?
SELECT "Special Notes" FROM table_52273 WHERE "Year" < '2009'
CREATE TABLE product ( product_name VARCHAR, product_id VARCHAR ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- List all the distinct product names ordered by product id?
SELECT DISTINCT product_name FROM product ORDER BY product_id
CREATE TABLE chartevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, itemid number, charttime time, valuenum number, valueuom text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, startdate time, enddate time, drug text, dose_val_rx text, dose_unit_rx text, route text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses_icd ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icd9_code text, charttime time ) CREATE TABLE microbiologyevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, charttime time, spec_type_desc text, org_name text ) CREATE TABLE patients ( row_id number, subject_id number, gender text, dob time, dod time ) CREATE TABLE d_icd_procedures ( row_id number, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE outputevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, charttime time, itemid number, value number ) CREATE TABLE d_labitems ( row_id number, itemid number, label text ) CREATE TABLE inputevents_cv ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, charttime time, itemid number, amount number ) CREATE TABLE procedures_icd ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icd9_code text, charttime time ) CREATE TABLE cost ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, event_type text, event_id number, chargetime time, cost number ) CREATE TABLE d_icd_diagnoses ( row_id number, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE transfers ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, eventtype text, careunit text, wardid number, intime time, outtime time ) CREATE TABLE icustays ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, icustay_id number, first_careunit text, last_careunit text, first_wardid number, last_wardid number, intime time, outtime time ) CREATE TABLE admissions ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, admittime time, dischtime time, admission_type text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, insurance text, language text, marital_status text, ethnicity text, age number ) CREATE TABLE labevents ( row_id number, subject_id number, hadm_id number, itemid number, charttime time, valuenum number, valueuom text ) CREATE TABLE d_items ( row_id number, itemid number, label text, linksto text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what is patient 52456's minimum value of lipase last month?
SELECT MIN(labevents.valuenum) FROM labevents WHERE labevents.hadm_id IN (SELECT admissions.hadm_id FROM admissions WHERE admissions.subject_id = 52456) AND labevents.itemid IN (SELECT d_labitems.itemid FROM d_labitems WHERE d_labitems.label = 'lipase') AND DATETIME(labevents.charttime, 'start of month') = DATETIME(CURRENT_TIME(), 'start of month', '-1 month')
CREATE TABLE locations ( LOCATION_ID decimal(4,0), STREET_ADDRESS varchar(40), POSTAL_CODE varchar(12), CITY varchar(30), STATE_PROVINCE varchar(25), COUNTRY_ID varchar(2) ) CREATE TABLE job_history ( EMPLOYEE_ID decimal(6,0), START_DATE date, END_DATE date, JOB_ID varchar(10), DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE departments ( DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0), DEPARTMENT_NAME varchar(30), MANAGER_ID decimal(6,0), LOCATION_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE employees ( EMPLOYEE_ID decimal(6,0), FIRST_NAME varchar(20), LAST_NAME varchar(25), EMAIL varchar(25), PHONE_NUMBER varchar(20), HIRE_DATE date, JOB_ID varchar(10), SALARY decimal(8,2), COMMISSION_PCT decimal(2,2), MANAGER_ID decimal(6,0), DEPARTMENT_ID decimal(4,0) ) CREATE TABLE countries ( COUNTRY_ID varchar(2), COUNTRY_NAME varchar(40), REGION_ID decimal(10,0) ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( JOB_ID varchar(10), JOB_TITLE varchar(35), MIN_SALARY decimal(6,0), MAX_SALARY decimal(6,0) ) CREATE TABLE regions ( REGION_ID decimal(5,0), REGION_NAME varchar(25) ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- For those employees whose salary is in the range of 8000 and 12000 and commission is not null or department number does not equal to 40, give me the comparison about the sum of employee_id over the hire_date bin hire_date by time by a bar chart, and could you display by the total number in desc?
CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- give me the number of patients whose diagnoses short title is encephalopathy nos?
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN diagnoses ON demographic.hadm_id = diagnoses.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses.short_title = "Encephalopathy NOS"
CREATE TABLE event ( ID int, Name text, Stadium_ID int, Year text ) CREATE TABLE stadium ( ID int, name text, Capacity int, City text, Country text, Opening_year int ) CREATE TABLE swimmer ( ID int, name text, Nationality text, meter_100 real, meter_200 text, meter_300 text, meter_400 text, meter_500 text, meter_600 text, meter_700 text, Time text ) CREATE TABLE record ( ID int, Result text, Swimmer_ID int, Event_ID int ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Bar graph to show meter_100 from different meter 400, and show in descending by the total number.
SELECT meter_400, meter_100 FROM swimmer ORDER BY meter_100 DESC
CREATE TABLE table_name_86 ( listed VARCHAR, county VARCHAR, location VARCHAR ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What is the listed for the bridge at Daniel in Sublette county?
SELECT listed FROM table_name_86 WHERE county = "sublette" AND location = "daniel"
CREATE TABLE table_name_30 ( manner_of_departure VARCHAR, date_of_vacancy VARCHAR ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- What was the manner of departure for the vacancy date of 20 September 2009?
SELECT manner_of_departure FROM table_name_30 WHERE date_of_vacancy = "20 september 2009"
CREATE TABLE table_6206 ( "Speaker" text, "Party" text, "City" text, "County" text, "Term" text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what city is brule in
SELECT "City" FROM table_6206 WHERE "County" = 'brule'
CREATE TABLE Courses ( course_id INTEGER, author_id INTEGER, subject_id INTEGER, course_name VARCHAR(120), course_description VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Student_Course_Enrolment ( registration_id INTEGER, student_id INTEGER, course_id INTEGER, date_of_enrolment DATETIME, date_of_completion DATETIME ) CREATE TABLE Course_Authors_and_Tutors ( author_id INTEGER, author_tutor_ATB VARCHAR(3), login_name VARCHAR(40), password VARCHAR(40), personal_name VARCHAR(80), middle_name VARCHAR(80), family_name VARCHAR(80), gender_mf VARCHAR(1), address_line_1 VARCHAR(80) ) CREATE TABLE Students ( student_id INTEGER, date_of_registration DATETIME, date_of_latest_logon DATETIME, login_name VARCHAR(40), password VARCHAR(10), personal_name VARCHAR(40), middle_name VARCHAR(40), family_name VARCHAR(40) ) CREATE TABLE Student_Tests_Taken ( registration_id INTEGER, date_test_taken DATETIME, test_result VARCHAR(255) ) CREATE TABLE Subjects ( subject_id INTEGER, subject_name VARCHAR(120) ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Draw a bar chart about the distribution of middle_name and author_id .
SELECT middle_name, author_id FROM Course_Authors_and_Tutors ORDER BY personal_name
CREATE TABLE table_27887723_1 ( race_name VARCHAR, uci_rating VARCHAR ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what race name had a uci rating of cn?
SELECT race_name FROM table_27887723_1 WHERE uci_rating = "CN"
CREATE TABLE table_45203 ( "Name" text, "Category" text, "Eliminated" text, "Date" text, "Special Guest" text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- On what date was elimination on final night?
SELECT "Date" FROM table_45203 WHERE "Eliminated" = 'final night'
CREATE TABLE table_name_74 ( place VARCHAR, country VARCHAR, player VARCHAR ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Where did Bob Murphy of the United States place?
SELECT place FROM table_name_74 WHERE country = "united states" AND player = "bob murphy"
CREATE TABLE student ( stuid number, lname text, fname text, age number, sex text, major number, advisor number, city_code text ) CREATE TABLE has_allergy ( stuid number, allergy text ) CREATE TABLE allergy_type ( allergy text, allergytype text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Which students are unaffected by allergies?
SELECT stuid FROM student EXCEPT SELECT stuid FROM has_allergy
CREATE TABLE ta ( campus_job_id int, student_id int, location varchar ) CREATE TABLE gsi ( course_offering_id int, student_id int ) CREATE TABLE semester ( semester_id int, semester varchar, year int ) CREATE TABLE instructor ( instructor_id int, name varchar, uniqname varchar ) CREATE TABLE course_prerequisite ( pre_course_id int, course_id int ) CREATE TABLE course ( course_id int, name varchar, department varchar, number varchar, credits varchar, advisory_requirement varchar, enforced_requirement varchar, description varchar, num_semesters int, num_enrolled int, has_discussion varchar, has_lab varchar, has_projects varchar, has_exams varchar, num_reviews int, clarity_score int, easiness_score int, helpfulness_score int ) CREATE TABLE course_offering ( offering_id int, course_id int, semester int, section_number int, start_time time, end_time time, monday varchar, tuesday varchar, wednesday varchar, thursday varchar, friday varchar, saturday varchar, sunday varchar, has_final_project varchar, has_final_exam varchar, textbook varchar, class_address varchar, allow_audit varchar ) CREATE TABLE student ( student_id int, lastname varchar, firstname varchar, program_id int, declare_major varchar, total_credit int, total_gpa float, entered_as varchar, admit_term int, predicted_graduation_semester int, degree varchar, minor varchar, internship varchar ) CREATE TABLE program_course ( program_id int, course_id int, workload int, category varchar ) CREATE TABLE offering_instructor ( offering_instructor_id int, offering_id int, instructor_id int ) CREATE TABLE requirement ( requirement_id int, requirement varchar, college varchar ) CREATE TABLE comment_instructor ( instructor_id int, student_id int, score int, comment_text varchar ) CREATE TABLE program ( program_id int, name varchar, college varchar, introduction varchar ) CREATE TABLE jobs ( job_id int, job_title varchar, description varchar, requirement varchar, city varchar, state varchar, country varchar, zip int ) CREATE TABLE area ( course_id int, area varchar ) CREATE TABLE course_tags_count ( course_id int, clear_grading int, pop_quiz int, group_projects int, inspirational int, long_lectures int, extra_credit int, few_tests int, good_feedback int, tough_tests int, heavy_papers int, cares_for_students int, heavy_assignments int, respected int, participation int, heavy_reading int, tough_grader int, hilarious int, would_take_again int, good_lecture int, no_skip int ) CREATE TABLE program_requirement ( program_id int, category varchar, min_credit int, additional_req varchar ) CREATE TABLE student_record ( student_id int, course_id int, semester int, grade varchar, how varchar, transfer_source varchar, earn_credit varchar, repeat_term varchar, test_id varchar ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- Of the following [ classes ] , EECS 698 and EECS 442 , which is easiest ?
SELECT DISTINCT course.number FROM course INNER JOIN program_course ON program_course.course_id = course.course_id WHERE (course.number = 698 OR course.number = 442) AND program_course.workload = (SELECT MIN(PROGRAM_COURSEalias1.workload) FROM program_course AS PROGRAM_COURSEalias1 INNER JOIN course AS COURSEalias1 ON PROGRAM_COURSEalias1.course_id = COURSEalias1.course_id WHERE (COURSEalias1.number = 698 OR COURSEalias1.number = 442) AND COURSEalias1.department = 'EECS')
CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- how many patients are diagnosed with icd9 code e9300 and tested with main drug type?
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT demographic.subject_id) FROM demographic INNER JOIN diagnoses ON demographic.hadm_id = diagnoses.hadm_id INNER JOIN prescriptions ON demographic.hadm_id = prescriptions.hadm_id WHERE diagnoses.icd9_code = "E9300" AND prescriptions.drug_type = "MAIN"
CREATE TABLE demographic ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, name text, marital_status text, age text, dob text, gender text, language text, religion text, admission_type text, days_stay text, insurance text, ethnicity text, expire_flag text, admission_location text, discharge_location text, diagnosis text, dod text, dob_year text, dod_year text, admittime text, dischtime text, admityear text ) CREATE TABLE procedures ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) CREATE TABLE lab ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, itemid text, charttime text, flag text, value_unit text, label text, fluid text ) CREATE TABLE prescriptions ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icustay_id text, drug_type text, drug text, formulary_drug_cd text, route text, drug_dose text ) CREATE TABLE diagnoses ( subject_id text, hadm_id text, icd9_code text, short_title text, long_title text ) -- Using valid SQLite, answer the following questions for the tables provided above. -- what is the primary disease of the patient id 3343?
SELECT demographic.diagnosis FROM demographic WHERE demographic.subject_id = "3343"