8 values
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a sentence sentiment polarity classification assistant about gun control. Please classify the sentiment polarity of the following sentence about gun support into one of the following categories: 'Support Gun Polarized', 'Support Gun non-Polarized', 'Neutral', 'Anti Gun Polarized', 'Anti Gun non-Polarized', 'Not relevant' or 'Not Sure'. <</SYS>> Sentence: there you go nra parents ! now 's your chance to make sure your children are sacrificed to protect the right of uncle jim bob to own a gun he uses to threaten his wife with . User label: [/INST] Anti Gun Polarized </s>
Anti Gun Polarized
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a sentence sentiment polarity classification assistant about gun control. Please classify the sentiment polarity of the following sentence about gun support into one of the following categories: 'Support Gun Polarized', 'Support Gun non-Polarized', 'Neutral', 'Anti Gun Polarized', 'Anti Gun non-Polarized', 'Not relevant' or 'Not Sure'. <</SYS>> Sentence: he is also adding officers to the atf , which they claim they want . he is also adding $ 500m to `` mental health '' treatment , which they claim they want . User label: [/INST] Neutral </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a sentence sentiment polarity classification assistant about gun control. Please classify the sentiment polarity of the following sentence about gun support into one of the following categories: 'Support Gun Polarized', 'Support Gun non-Polarized', 'Neutral', 'Anti Gun Polarized', 'Anti Gun non-Polarized', 'Not relevant' or 'Not Sure'. <</SYS>> Sentence: if 20 children being shot in their school did n't , i seriously doubt this would . the reaction would most likely be `` moar gunz ! '' User label: [/INST] Anti Gun Polarized </s>
Anti Gun Polarized
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a sentence sentiment polarity classification assistant about gun control. Please classify the sentiment polarity of the following sentence about gun support into one of the following categories: 'Support Gun Polarized', 'Support Gun non-Polarized', 'Neutral', 'Anti Gun Polarized', 'Anti Gun non-Polarized', 'Not relevant' or 'Not Sure'. <</SYS>> Sentence: maybe because i 'm a bit drunk and being screamed at staring down a fucking rifle barrel . maybe , just maybe , that will affect my thought process just a little bit . why ca n't this officer keep his calm ? it 's his fucking job to be a professional . User label: [/INST] Not Sure </s>
Not Sure
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a sentence sentiment polarity classification assistant about gun control. Please classify the sentiment polarity of the following sentence about gun support into one of the following categories: 'Support Gun Polarized', 'Support Gun non-Polarized', 'Neutral', 'Anti Gun Polarized', 'Anti Gun non-Polarized', 'Not relevant' or 'Not Sure'. <</SYS>> Sentence: umm , did n't this isis mess [ start under george w bush ] ( URL ) and the iraq war which [ john mccain supported ] ( URL ) ? thanks john for the orlando shooting . asshole . User label: [/INST] Anti Gun Polarized </s>
Anti Gun Polarized
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a sentence sentiment polarity classification assistant about gun control. Please classify the sentiment polarity of the following sentence about gun support into one of the following categories: 'Support Gun Polarized', 'Support Gun non-Polarized', 'Neutral', 'Anti Gun Polarized', 'Anti Gun non-Polarized', 'Not relevant' or 'Not Sure'. <</SYS>> Sentence: guess i have to keep posting this . rise in alt-right violence : URL gun-nuts ready to start killing americans they do n't agree with : URL **repeal the 2nd amendment . get rid of state ‘ gun laws ' . make real national laws , strictly enforced . ** User label: [/INST] Anti Gun Polarized </s>
Anti Gun Polarized
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a sentence sentiment polarity classification assistant about gun control. Please classify the sentiment polarity of the following sentence about gun support into one of the following categories: 'Support Gun Polarized', 'Support Gun non-Polarized', 'Neutral', 'Anti Gun Polarized', 'Anti Gun non-Polarized', 'Not relevant' or 'Not Sure'. <</SYS>> Sentence: repeal the 2nd amendment make real national laws , strictly enforced . User label: [/INST] Anti Gun non-Polarized </s>
Anti Gun non-Polarized
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a sentence sentiment polarity classification assistant about gun control. Please classify the sentiment polarity of the following sentence about gun support into one of the following categories: 'Support Gun Polarized', 'Support Gun non-Polarized', 'Neutral', 'Anti Gun Polarized', 'Anti Gun non-Polarized', 'Not relevant' or 'Not Sure'. <</SYS>> Sentence: what a well adjusted person , he deserves the right to own a gun . /s User label: [/INST] Not Sure </s>
Not Sure
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a sentence sentiment polarity classification assistant about gun control. Please classify the sentiment polarity of the following sentence about gun support into one of the following categories: 'Support Gun Polarized', 'Support Gun non-Polarized', 'Neutral', 'Anti Gun Polarized', 'Anti Gun non-Polarized', 'Not relevant' or 'Not Sure'. <</SYS>> Sentence: lol , who the fuck is afraid of a maga hats ( well , except for the maga hat wearers who are too scared to wear it outside a maga rally ) ? all it tells us is that the wearer is a dumb racist fuck . User label: [/INST] Anti Gun Polarized </s>
Anti Gun Polarized
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a sentence sentiment polarity classification assistant about gun control. Please classify the sentiment polarity of the following sentence about gun support into one of the following categories: 'Support Gun Polarized', 'Support Gun non-Polarized', 'Neutral', 'Anti Gun Polarized', 'Anti Gun non-Polarized', 'Not relevant' or 'Not Sure'. <</SYS>> Sentence: let 's not jump to conclusions . maybe this was just some guy trying to bring the 1st amendment and the 2nd together ! User label: [/INST] Neutral </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a sentence sentiment polarity classification assistant about gun control. Please classify the sentiment polarity of the following sentence about gun support into one of the following categories: 'Support Gun Polarized', 'Support Gun non-Polarized', 'Neutral', 'Anti Gun Polarized', 'Anti Gun non-Polarized', 'Not relevant' or 'Not Sure'. <</SYS>> Sentence: fucking morons . goddamn them , the fucking morons . they made this . they allowed this . notice there is nothing being said about white terrorists . he 's still `` mentally ill . '' User label: [/INST] Anti Gun Polarized </s>
Anti Gun Polarized
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a sentence sentiment polarity classification assistant about gun control. Please classify the sentiment polarity of the following sentence about gun support into one of the following categories: 'Support Gun Polarized', 'Support Gun non-Polarized', 'Neutral', 'Anti Gun Polarized', 'Anti Gun non-Polarized', 'Not relevant' or 'Not Sure'. <</SYS>> Sentence: i like how they keep switching from mass murder to mass shooting . it isnt like after someone gets shot they do not have medical bills and problems as a result of being shot that may last their entire life . User label: [/INST] Not Sure </s>
Not Sure
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> You are a sentence sentiment polarity classification assistant about gun control. Please classify the sentiment polarity of the following sentence about gun support into one of the following categories: 'Support Gun Polarized', 'Support Gun non-Polarized', 'Neutral', 'Anti Gun Polarized', 'Anti Gun non-Polarized', 'Not relevant' or 'Not Sure'. <</SYS>> Sentence: i love how so many of these open carry dudes are all about cosplaying as soldiers but never seem to actually enlist . User label: [/INST] Anti Gun Polarized </s>
Anti Gun Polarized