stringlengths 0
# write a python program to make use of modulo operator |
print(f'modulo 15 % 4: Sol->{15 % 4}') |
# write a python program to explain enclosing and global scope |
x = 'global' |
def f(): |
x = 'enclosing' |
def g(): |
print(x) |
g() |
return x |
obj1 = f() |
print('explain global scope:',obj1) |
# write a python program to expain local and global scope |
def f1(): |
x = 'enclosing' |
def g(): |
x = 'local' |
return x |
x=g() |
return x |
obj2 = f1() |
print('explain local scope:',obj2) |
# write a python program to make use of regular expression for matching |
import re |
print('Find the characters in the given string:',re.findall(r'[a-z]+', '123FOO456', flags=re.IGNORECASE)) |
# write a python program to make use of regular expression for matching |
s = 'foo123bar' |
m = re.findall('123', s) |
print('find the number position:',m) |
# write a python program to convert lower string to UPPERCASE |
a = 'string' |
print(f'convert lowercase to uppercase:{a.upper()}') |
# write a python program to convert uppercase string to lower |
a = 'STRING' |
print(f'convert lowercase to uppercase:{a.lower()}') |
# write a Python Program to Find the Square Root |
num = 8 |
num_sqrt = num ** 0.5 |
print('The square root of %0.3f is %0.3f'%(num ,num_sqrt)) |
# write a Python Program to Convert Kilometers to Miles |
kilometers = 10.0 |
conv_fac = 0.621371 |
miles = kilometers * conv_fac |
print('%0.2f kilometers is equal to %0.2f miles' %(kilometers,miles)) |
# write a Python Program to Convert Celsius To Fahrenheit |
celsius = 37.5 |
fahrenheit = (celsius * 1.8) + 32 |
print('%0.1f degree Celsius is equal to %0.1f degree Fahrenheit' %(celsius,fahrenheit)) |
# write a Python Program to Check if a Number is Positive, Negative or 0 |
num = 10 |
if num > 0: |
print("Positive number") |
elif num == 0: |
print("Zero") |
else: |
print("Negative number") |
# Python Program to Check if a Number is Odd or Even |
num = 100 |
if (num % 2) == 0: |
print("{0} is Even".format(num)) |
else: |
print("{0} is Odd".format(num)) |
# Python Program to Display the multiplication Table |
num = 12 |
for i in range(1, 11): |
print(num, 'x', i, '=', num*i) |
# write a program for Rolling the dices |
import random |
min = 1 |
max = 6 |
print("Rolling the dices...and the values are",random.randint(min, max)) |
print("Rolling the dices...and the values are",random.randint(min, max)) |
# write a python program to calculate the average |
list1 = [1,3,4,5] |
average = (sum(list1)) / len(list1) |
print(f"the average score is: {average} ") |