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BNL ROCKS! Aw yeah man! An awesome concert for any BNL fan! I saw the same set when they came to Chicago! The memories of the coolest concert show were revisited! Thanks Barenaked Ladies!
A movie that should have never been made You would think that a movie with such talented young performers, would have been a hit. You couldn't be further from the truth. This movie missed out in so many areas, I don't know where to begin. Let's start with a quick summary. We are introduced to 2 cops, one a young rookie (Josh) and the other a vet murder detective (Aaron) that meet in the boxing ring and later become partners by some more then coincidental circumstances. As the film slowly moves through fictional events in time, we get to the real-life death of wannabe actress Elizabeth Short or as she more famously became known as "The Black Dahlia." The film then explores the author's version of what really happend to this poor young lady and the question that still haunts people today, "who done it?" Through out the film we are introduced to a number of boring characters such as Scarlet who is Aaron's love interest but becomes Josh's infatuation as well. Aaron's character becomes possessed if you will be solving this murder, a possession that eventually leads to his demise and the truth finally coming out.To the casual reader, this movie made sound fairly interesting and worth checking out. However, to those of us who have already been tortured by it, we can surely tell you, you are not missing much. The story is for lack of a better word boring, it takes forever to get Short's story and even longer to solve the crime. The plot has some many twists in it, that viewers will find themselves in a seizer trying to stay with it.I was very surprised how much this film left to be desired and almost wish that the author had stuck to fact and not his pathetic attempt at making it interesting.
70-odd minutes of per, unadulterated - "what the hell is this?"! This movie has already been released straight-to-video here and even though I only paid $4.00 to see it - I want my money back! What the hell was it supposed to be about? Where were the 7 mummies? Strewn all over the place, it seems. The storyline/screenplay was bad, the editing was bad, the acting was bad, the action scenes were shocking - some of those punches didn't even connect! And when we finally see one of the mummies, you can actually see the actor's lip/tongue beneath the mask!!I can find not one redeeming feature and I sat through 70-odd minutes waiting for one! I think it was a good idea (maybe a redeeming feature, but already done so well in 'From Dusk til Dawn') that just did not work.Terrible, terrible, terrible. It gets one star because I'm really a very generous person.Can someone please give me back my $4.00 and my 70-odd minutes lost to this piece of ... bleurgh.
Good Apocalyptic Film After a nuclear war breaks out, a group of people make their way to a bunker in an apartment building and get hauled up inside, afraid to leave- in fear they may be poisoned by some kind of nuclear chemicals in the air.One of the guys involved is the buildings superintendent, who kind of runs the show. He has total control over supplies/food, or thinks he does..,until the people hauled up in the bunker get sick of him and turn on him- But he's not the only whacko in that bunker or is nothing compared to the other guys.Trapped down there with nowhere to go and some terrorists trying to break into the bunker some of them end up turning on eachother and going crazy.So we know there are terrorists of some kind or someone who wants to go to war with the United states or nuke them but we don't know who exactly- ( though they give vague clues), you can kind of figure it out but you don't know why or what their motive is- even at the end. They wear white hazmat suits or some type of gear and 'experiment' on people and they also want the americans dead- we don't get too find out much more than that. The film is more about the interaction and struggles between the characters trapped in the bunker.Left a lot out but was still pretty entertaining. It kinda gives clues as to exactly what's happening but leaves certain parts to the imagination. I liked it but I didn't like certain parts of it. Kind of extreme. I also thought the ending wasn't good enough. I wish there was more explanation for some of the stuff. But overall, solid. 3.5- 4.
Terrible This movie is absolutely TERRIBLE!! Waste of money and time. watch Southland Tales instead. That film was made by Richard Kelly and feels like a spiritual sequel, plus it's as good as Donnie Darko.
Paul Newman Collection This was purchased as a Christmas present. Unfortuneatly six of the seven DVD's did not have the sound track
Gets Old (Ones) Fast The Attic Expeditions is a mash-up of two kinds of horror: the psychological thriller and Lovecraftian dread of the occult.On the psychological thriller side we have Dr. Ek (Jeffrey Coombs, playing the same mad scientist he sthick here as his Dr. West role), a criminally misunderstood genius committed to unlocking the secrets in subject Trevor Blackburn's (Andras Jones) head. Ek sets up a monitoring set known as The House of Love, complete with actors and cameras, to monitor the progress in prying open Blackburn's soul. Ek's foil is Dr. Coffee (Ted Raimi...again), whose sole purpose is to sweat and give Ek someone to rant at. The House of Love is populated by actors there to trip up Blackburn. There's Douglas (Seth Green) a fidgety black-nailed scamp who befriends Blackburn. There's hottie Amy (Shannon Hart Cleary) who isn't supposed to seduce Blackburn but does anyway. Ronald (Jerry Haulk) talks through his alligator puppet. And for some reason Alice Cooper wanders onto the set as Samuel Leventhal. One by one, these characters will reveal their true allegiance as they role-play an elaborate murder mystery with Blackburn at the center.On the Lovecraftian side is Blackburn's secret (SPOILER EXPEDITION!): he discovered a black book that just might be the Necronomicon hidden in an attic chest. He and lover Faith (delicious Beth Bates, in full naked-witch crazy mode) decide to reenact the book's rituals that venerate the Great Old Ones. Eventually, these rituals culminate in a communion of sorts that requires a double murder. Something goes wrong and only Faith dies. But she isn't dead - she lurks in Blackburn's consciousness, waiting for him to join her. She too lusts after the book, but its pages are blank to everyone but Blackburn.In essence, the only way to unlock the book's secrets is to BE Blackburn. The movie tries to provide two different means of cracking open Trevor's head, via spiritual possession (Faith) or electronic monitoring and brain surgery (Ek). The movie focuses primarily on the mystery as to who is attempting to drive Blackburn insane. When that becomes tiresome it switches gears to a more supernatural thriller as Faith body hops the various actors in the House of Love until she gets what she wants.The problem with these two disjointed plots is that the film simply isn't competently produced. The flashbacks are egregious, the editing disjointed, and the acting uneven. Most unforgivable is Jones, who simply can't pull off an acting role of this caliber. He switches between a monotone whisper and confused ranting, which gets old fast.The Attic Expeditions is ambitious, and occasionally there are glimmers of brilliance amidst the choppy editing and bad acting. But mostly it's just a chaotic mess that falls far short of its promise of Lovecraftian terror.
Not a letdown at all. When I first learned that this show was being released on DVD, I was overcome by feelings of nostalgia and began singing "Believe It Or Not" over and over again in my head. The problem was, I loved this show as a kid. I was maybe 10 or so, and 10 year olds like ANYTHING on TV, especially superheros. There have been dozes of movies that I have watched in the past few years that I loved as a kid, but I now realize how rediculous and horrible most of them were. I was afraid that the same would be true of "The Greatest American Hero".Even while aprehensive, I had to own it. Let me tell you, my fears were unfounded. This show catered to everyone, from 10 year olds wanting to watch superheros - to adults who wanted to watch an entertaining, witty show that wasn't afraid to take itself too seriously. I loved it then, and I love it now. Can't wait for season II.
Unnecesarily Gore / Logic Leaps / Bad Acting I must say that when I saw Final Destination I was shocked. Never a movie had scared me so much when and after seeing it. I was traumatized and it awoke a certain paranoia in me ;P It is one of my favorite horror movies.Then one day I saw there was a sequel. I had no expectations but I saw it anyway. God!! It was bad!! Such a good storyline destroyed by bad filmmakers. First of all, it had logic leaps and I don't know if people noticed this: The year starts off one year after the 180 tragedy. HELLO!! The first movie ended one year after the 180 tragedy, with the survivors in Paris celebrating (and dying!) and you tell me that Claire (Ali LArter) had the time to go back to the U.S. and reclude herself in a mental hospital that same day?!? The other thing, when that certain kid gets super crushed by that crystal why would you get the body out in a body bag if there's only squashed pieces??Second, I had never seen such bad acting in my life...you know, I know scary movies don't usually have good acting but the first final destination had really good ones especially from ALi Larter, Devon and Kerr Smith. The only stand-out: A.J. Cook...Third, A.J.'s premonitions. In the first movie Devon saw clues that he then sorted out and desciphered. But nooooooo, here A.J. has visions...and really simple ones...practically telling the viewer what exactly is going to happen. Besides, now you see like an actual representation of death, a somewhat physical form. Where's the fun in that? There's also the pacing, too many deaths are frequent...they should've been more apart from each other. It's like they ran out of time and decided to kill most of the cast in one short uncreative, dull, cliche, predicatble scene.Fourth, storyline was not that good, it was very weak and the character held no closeness or bonds like in the first one. Just a bunch of strangers hanging together before they die.Fifth, the movie is way too gory, unnecessarily gory...God, that much gore is for sick people. Hey folks, Death was less messier and more creative in the first one.Sixth, the ending [was very bad]!! Come on, if it is predictable do it stylish not fakish!!Then you say, why two stars?? I have to admit that the first scene (with the car accident) is great. That scene stays in your mind and haunts you, besides it leaves you shocked. Also the death of the kid was really cool....though the logic leap aforementioned...and Ali Larter is what gave the movie more meaning and more familiarity.Conclusion: Rent, Buy, See the first one. Rent the second.
nookie koan Before I begin, I should probably acknowledge that all that I understand about women, dating,relationships between men and women, and sex in general can comfortably be written on the the headof a pin with room left over for a whole passel of angels to dance upon. So my comments on a filmwhose main concern is the "Merry War" (Orwell's felicitous phrase) between men and women shouldbe taken with an even larger grain of salt than usual.At any rate, in a film which sisters Jenniphr and Greer Goodman based on a friend (co-writer DuncanNorth), Donal Logue plays a slovenly, bong loving, philosophy major, who, now ten years out ofcollege, is a kindergarten-teaching sybarite, whose improbable continued success at bedding women,including a friend's wife, makes him the philosopher king of his group of housemates and hangers-on.As such he expounds upon his method for hooking up with babes, a series of shallow, though amusing,maxims that he's dressed up as "The Tao of Steve". Named for a group of ultracool guys from the70s--Steve McGarrett (of Hawaii Five-O), Steve Austin (The Six Million Dollar Man), and theultimate Steve, Steve McQueen--the Tao boils down to three rules to follow when pursuing women :(1) Eliminate your desire. (Which basically suggests that you pretend you aren't trying to getyour hood waxed.)(2) Do something excellent in your target's presence. (Typically this might include playing poolin a barroom setting, but in Dex's case consists of showing off intellectually and being goodwith the kids he teaches.)(3) and, Retreat. (Prior generations would have called this "playing hard to get.")God only knows, if even he does, what makes certain men successful with women, but one thing isreasonably certain : it isn't the Tao of Steve. Instead, as both the time that Dex put into developing histheories and his obsession with sex tend to prove, it's really just a matter of effort and willingness.Persistence, to the exclusion of pride and decency, and the acceptance, of whatever's offered, those arethe real keys. Dex, though he is charming in a roguish kind of way (in what should by all rights be astar-making turn by Logue), resembles the babe hounds we all know, or knew, in just that one way; forall his talk of desirelessness and retreat, he works really hard at scamming babes, to the point where hedoesn't really have time for much else.That is until he meets Syd, a pretty, blonde, stage set designer, at their 10th college reunion and sheproves maddeningly immune to his charms. At one point when he starts pontificating about Don Juan,she says that he :...slept with thousands of women because he was afraid that he would never be loved by one.In his increasingly desperate pursuit of her, Dex pretty much ignores all of his own rules--his desire ismanifest; he humiliates himself on a camping trip and gets beaten up by the cuckolded husband; and heis omnipresent--but still, inevitably, gets the girl. Holding her however proves to be far more difficult,particularly when she finds out about the Tao, and Dex is forced to choose between an adultrelationship with a woman he loves, or a continuation of his rather infantile existence. You'll not havedifficulty guessing which he chooses.All of this is exactly as predictable as it sounds in the retelling, but it somehow works. The film has afew things going for it. First, the script is intelligent and frequently funny, not in a pretentious andintellectual way, but in the manner of late night conversation around a beer tap. It may not holdtogether too well when exposed to the light of day, but it's amusing while it lasts. Second, there'sDonal Logue. Dex is so cretinous that it is impossible to like him all of the time, or even much of thetime, but Logue is so charming that it's equally hard to truly dislike him. Lurking beneath the layers offat, the clouds of pot, the erudite facade, and the saccharine exterior, we sense there's a worthwhilefellow trapped within his own immaturity and selfishness. Third, the New Mexico setting and theexcellent soundtrack help to give the film a strong and unusual identity, a distinctness that thesomewhat overfamiliar story does not have.Finally though, what makes the film stand out is something that probably shouldn't, that it requires itsmain character to become a better person. The blockbusterization of Hollywood--which has largelysubstituted action and special effects for plot, dialogue, and character development--and the chicness ofthe independent industry--which has elevated snappy dialogue and sensational plots over all else--andthe blanket of political correctness which has descended over both, have brought us to the point wherethe rarest of all things in the movies is a traditional moral tale like this one. How old-fashioned tooffer us a movie where a smart but smarmy ladies man is transformed by the love of a good woman--itsounds more like a Rock Hudson/Doris Day vehicle than a Sundance entry, doesn't it?One social phenomenon that you'd like to think started beforehand but which has at least acceleratedsince the events of September 11th is the search for entertainment that's actually about something. Thenext time you're in the video store, and the concept of watching the latest explosion fest or inanecomedy is unimaginable, try to find The Tao of Steve, it's well worth your effort.GRADE : B-
A JOKE Reality is not the only thing that bites. This movie really bites, along with the acting. Is Ethan Hawke supposed to be cool in this movie. If I met this guy on the street i would laugh at what a joke he is.
A Great Underated Movie Masterminds is an incredible movie and worth the money to buy. It recieved very little good press and the soundtrack is the best I've seen in years
great deals on Amazon I have been looking for this movie for a while and had no luck finding it locally. So, I did a search for it here on Amazon and there it was, AND the added bonus was the price..
TWISTS ITSELF INTO INSIPID MEDIOCRITY The name should have been a give-away but the top notch starcast had me fooled. Don't let that happen to you, this clunker sits squarely in the list of promising movies gone down the drain because some underemployed scriptwriter thought it cool to stage a twist-a-thon, with a beaten-to-death theme of a suffering cop investigating a series of murders (in The Bone Collector style) where the murderous psycho ends up being either one of the main characters or a friend. It doesn't help the cause that Judd is no Kim Basinger, and the intimate scenes (perhaps the only possible selling point in absence of a discernible plot) are thus about as titillating as a Yoga workout. The movie is decently made but the director clearly had very little marrow in the script to suck on. Skippable tripe.
Prison Break Season 2 Review Great quality, fast service,sadly had to pay extra for some reason when it arrived..
Godawful, Hellbound Filth The animation is horrible ... the voices are terrible ... and it was on MTV. Three strikes and YOU'RE OUT!The early 90s series that aired on Fox was far superior in every conceivable way. Too bad that series (along with the same era X-Men) may never been released on DVD in its entirety.
Beautiful and Relentless! unlike other reviewers i didn't pick up this title to get an uplifting message or to teach me a lesson on good manners, but i did pick it up hoping for 90 minutes worth of kick-butt entertainment and i was more than satisfied.the visuals are compelling, the ink drawings are beautiful and the narrative form is interesting and fresh.If you're looking for an action-packed and intriguing immersion into another reality, then this is for you. I would compare it with similar films to get you acquainted with the style, but this film is so unique it's hard to think of something similar --at least in moving pictures.if you're looking for a neatly packed moral tale with tips on good manners, then i would suggest Disney's recent release of "The Princess and The Frog".
Expert opinion MANDATES consideration of these ideas This documentary, from top to bottom, is composed, verified, and justified by the significant and recognized expertise of the more than two dozen highly qualified, hugely experienced Washington bureaucrats and personnel interviewed herein. Even if you are pro-Bush through and through, you need to hear what these insiders have to say about the choices, policies, and prevarications made by this administration. To blindly support Bush (or anything for that matter) is to demonstrate a close-mindedness and willful ignorance not befitting a member of a free and open democratic society.Don't just bash it out of hand. Make sure you see it first. There's a lot to ponder here . . . EVEN IF YOU'LL PROBABLY DISAGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY ANYWAY. If you are so sure that you are right, then you have NOTHING to lose by exposing yourself to articulate arguments about how this war has been conducted.If you EVER just believe what you've been told and shown (either from this documentary or from me or from any administration), then you are the perfect puppet and you are inviting totalitarianism to creep into our political system. Our political system and our Constitution are founded on healthy skepticism. Remember that. CHECKS and Balances.See this documentary and make up your own mind.
An Absolute Classic!!! This was one of the first horror movies I ever saw and is still one of the best ever. Bela Lugosi is the perfect Dracula.
Is it finished yet? This film was right down there with the worst movies I have ever had the misfortune to view. My constant reaction to each additional assault on my entertainment receptors was "is it finished yet?" (please!!!). If my kids had enjoyed I could easy forgive this as I am obviously not the target audience, but they didn't wait for the finish (chores were more interesting).
nice to see old favorites the movie is interesting. quality was good and arrived in a timely manner. i would recommend it to anyone who likes the stars, because i saw them when they were younger (in various shows) and they still have it!
Great Sci-Fi Suspense a great sci fi movie similar to aliens and pandorum. good ambiance, a mysterious storyline and the handheld camera technique give this movie the feel of a good video game. the suspensful discovery of the plot will leave you wanting more, like a good book. cool graphics and good acting and sound as well.
Short story that somehow took 90min. to tell. I'm a big fan of Gail Kim and waited very patiently for this film to come out. I knew going in that it was going to be a cheap B-Movie, but that didn't bother me. The movie plot is somewhat intriguing, but is very messy. The film goes for about a half hour after you see what should have been the climax. It's worth a watch for any Gail Kim fan, but anyone else probably won't like it.
A movie with something missing. You have a movie called American Virgin - it stars Mena Suvari and has the comical Bob Hoskins - why was I bored?It has a really good concept and the cast sounds really appealing but it was not as I expected it.Mena Suvari plays the Live Virgin who will lose her virginity on air when she hits 18. I felt that her character was dense and was not brought out enough.Bob Hoskins plays the director of Live Virgin. He has some great humour and his character is great...but there was something missing.I think there is something missing from the movie as a whole. Although there are some funny moments I felt a little uninterested as the film progressed. And then you have the big finale which is exactly as I expected...happy ever after. Why for once can't they break the rules and have a satisfying/entertaining ending?The movie is watchable and not a bad attempt at all.
GOOD CHEESY 80'S ACTION BUT HORRIBLE TRANSFER!!! The only reason I give this movie a one star is due to the 80's style martial arts action that I've enjoyed through the years. The plot is typical with a crystal clear, clean-cut hero and an overly obvious villain. Everything about this movie oozes 80's cheese action with plenty of fisticuffs to go around!! Unfortunately, the transfer to DVD is HORRIBLE to say the least. The picture quality looks like someone recorded their poorest VCR copy (the one you lent out to all your friends and when you finally get it back, the insides have been jammed back into its case!) onto DVD. On top of this, the sound transfer is barely recognizable and you have to turn your volume almost all the way up to figure out the dialogue. This movie would only be bought by the hardest of hardcore collectors. It's a shame that a fun movie like this gets a bad rap due to such a terrible transfer. Unless you can bear the horrendous quality of this sorry excuse for a DVD or a better transfer is available, skip it!!!!
All these years later! What a fantastic treat to watch Jonny Quest again. What a landmark show and EVERY episode is excellent! Buy it, and watch it again and again, as I have!
only appealing to darkman fanatics This movie is strictly for fans who idolized the first Darkman. Arnold Vosloo does an OKAY job at filling the shoes of Darkman while the only real strong point is Larry Drake's return.Given two stars only because its better than the third.
I needed this movie to teach me about violence in the media? What are two great actors like Naomi Watts and Tim Roth doing in a pointless exploitation film like this? And how on earth are we supposed to accept that she would not tell her friends (on the boat, early in the film) that they were clearly in some kind of danger?? She even lied to them to say her husband had injured himself, though she knew he was hit by one of the losers with a golf club. That was the one fatal flaw in the film that I could not accept. Without that, then maybe I would have given the film one more star. The two leads were largely wasted here (especially Tim Roth--they could have hired any guy to play his role). I am only giving it two stars because I couldn't deny that it lured me in early on. But after awhile, those LONG lingering camera shots got very tedious. I was able to do other things while watching this movie without missing anything. Maybe if I were younger and more naive, I might have been affected in some way. I was just waiting for the credits to roll (or flash, as it turns out; figures they'd do something so cool like that). Another two hours wasted on a useless film.I'll add that I saw this about a month after I completely wasted an hour-and-a-half on "The Strangers". That was yet another useless exercise in torture porn. But that film was screamingly bad compared to this one (I mean, really; how did that bomb get financed in the first place?). Wow was that one a total stinker.Oh what I would do to find some good thrillers out there. The Cohen brothers were really onto something with "No Country For Old Men". Please, you hip daring young directors, rip that film off ad nauseum so that we can at least be entertained by suspense and not just "shocked" by it.
A reveiw from Mr. Entertainment Lover This is without a doubt one of the worst films ever made. The plot very simple, a little boy gets a doll from his mom that is evil because of the spirit of a deranged killer inhabiting it. If you like sensless and stupid violence and weak plots and not to mention a stupid little doll being a killer, this is for you.
Let This One Go To Voicemail A remake of a Japanese horror film of the same name, "One Missed Call" uses technology and ghosts (as so many of these Japanese films and their American copycats do) in an attempt to generate scares. And much like many of its predecessors, "One Missed Call" does little more than make the viewer wonder why they are sitting through yet another boring techno/ghost flick.In the film, a string of deaths occur that are tied together by cell phones. The soon-to-be deceased receive a message that plays out their final seconds of life. Once they have died, their phone dials up the next victim.Luckily for the viewer, "A Knight's Tale" starlet Shannyn Sossamon notices the cellular connection and goes hunting for clues in order to prevent the death of her friends and of herself. Along for the ride in this stale horror is Ed Burns, who plays the only detective who believes Sossamon's story.The entire film is bland. About the only thing that it has going for it is the eerie tone that is set by the appearance of the ghosts and the visions that victims have before they meet their doom. Unfortunately for "One Missed Call," this atmospheric effect has been used and abused by Japanese filmmakers (and the Hollywood types who copy them) for a long time. In other words, if you've watched "The Grudge," "The Ring," or any of the other originals or remakes of any of this genre, you've seen it all before.For some strange reason, Margaret Cho is cast as one of Burns' fellow detectives. She delivers the poorest acting job in the film, delivering her lines as if she's reading them off of a teleprompter. This only adds to the "blah" feel of this film.No originality, wooden acting, and just downright boring, I don't recommend "One Missed Call." I rarely give poor reviews of films, but I feel that the viewing audience should know about this one.
Sadly.... Being a horse and animal lover, I was greatly awaiting this release. Having since found out that at 2 of the horses were killed and Fox has tried bribery to cover this up, I can assure you I won't purchase this nor be seeing this in the theatre. If one of the actors hand so much as scrape we'd here it all over the news. Animals can't speak for themselves, we have to.
Very funny movie turns sad. C'mon people, let's topout the star rating on this one. This little gem needs many more reviews, my wife and I could not believe how excellent this movie turned out to be. The emotions will swing...from what starts out to be a very humorous movie to a heartwrenching ending. Personally, we love sarcasm and Rory delivers some one liners that had us pausing the DVD so we could stop laughing....it's that funny. Some will think Rory is just a punk in a wheelchair, other viewers will think that he feels the world did him wrong. It may be both, but Rory's idea of living life isn't the same as how a wheelchair fated person is 'supposed' to live it. He simply wants the most that he can out of life...is that really any different than how any of us feel?Neither of the main actors were familiar to us so until this morning I did not realize that these two were not disabled at all, unbelievable performances! Three-quarters of the way through, we actually found ourselves beginning to understand what Steven's character was saying...without the interpreter.*****Very Highly Recommended*****
Mouth Animation Off I tried.I liked the first one so I thought this one would be just as good. I was immediately nauseated within the first10 minutes of this movie. I'm sorry this was just not worth sitting through.
Even better than the first "Breaking Bad" is a hell of a show. It follows the story of Walter White, a high school chemistry teacher in New Mexico with terminal lung cancer who decides to use his chemistry prowess to enter the world of crystal meth in an attempt to make as much money for his family as he can before he dies. Sound insane? You bet. But somehow it works.The second season of a television show is often thought to be the one that makes it or breaks it. In the case of "Breaking Bad," its short first season was excellent, and suggested promise for its outlandish premise, but the second season would be the test of whether the show could really sustain itself. And it passed that test with flying colors.The second season exceeds the first in every way. The stakes are higher, the premises crazier, and the danger greater than ever. The series still hinges upon Bryan Cranston's pitch-perfect performance as Walter, a wonderfully complex tragic hero whose downfall seems inevitable but for whom you can't help but root nevertheless. Season two finds Walter getting deeper and deeper into the dark world of drugs, and the show takes several dark turns as Walter does things we never imagined him capable of.This show is one of the best and most innovative ones on television, and hopefully it will continue for some time to come (although, as is always the case with television shows, may it end on a good note before it goes stale). Season three is set to start next month, and it would be a mistake to miss it -- but it would also be a mistake to watch it without having seen the first two seasons, so if you haven't yet entered the dark and whacky world of "Breaking Bad," what are you waiting for? You're in for a hell of a ride.
Totally biased...subtly anti-Semitic I had to watch this film a second and third time, just to make sure my perceptions were accurate. I found this film to be highly biased in its comparison of the two relgions/cultures, and their rituals, names, dating processes. When the Muslim man is washing his hands in preparation for prayer, this ritual is sensitively depicted. When the Muslim girl and her intended are sitting on the couch meeting her parents for the first time and deciding to go ahead with the match, they are portrayed as high-achieving and beautiful with a promising future ahead. I saw nothing in the film portraying Jewish culture in a sensitive way; quite the opposite. The women (Rochel's mother and the shadchan, and Rochel herself) were portrayed as catty, sniping, loud-mouthed. The list goes on. Jewish environs, rituals, people, attitudes, names all were portrayed as ugly and nebby, while Muslim ones were shown as sensitive, beautiful, and rich with pride in heritage. Watch for yourself.
Stallone branching out In the career of Sylvester Stallone (the star of Cop Land) he has been known as the tough big-muscled action guy. Up until 1997, which was when "Cop Land" was released he was defined as "Rocky" and "Rambo." Through his career, Stallone has tried branching out into comedy with films like "Oscar" and "Stop or My Mom Will Shoot." This experiment failed. When Stallone signed on to do "Cop Land" there was one condition: He must gain 40 pounds. This was going to be a very difficult task for Stallone to complete, but like any dedicated actor, he fulfilled this task. Despite being uncomfortable with his physical shape, Sylvester Stallone does a great job in this film."Cop Land" is set in a fictional town called Garrison, New Jersey, located across the Hudson River from New York. Garrison is town where a large part of the population is made up of Cops who work in the City. The Sheriff of Garrison is Freddy Heflin. Freddy is a very quiet, over-weight man. He knows most everyone in Garrison. Freddy's desire is to be a city Cop with the rest of his friends, but because of his bad ear he cannot make the force.The plot of "Cop Land" is about Murray 'Superboy' Babitch. Lt. Ray Donlan's nephew from his wife's side gets sideswiped on George Washington Bridge by a couple of African-American teens. Thinking that they had fired a gun at him, he returns fire and they are killed in an ensuing crash. Worried about this, Ray decides to fake 'superboy's' death by saying he jumped off the bridge. Ray decides to take 'superboy' into Garrison where Sherriff Freddy Heflin must decide whether or not he will turn his back on this case, or pursue it.The only bad thing I have to say about "Cop Land", is that it gets a little slow at times, but I believe this is due to the directors attempt of character development. The plot and acting in this film however is great, lead by Sylvester Stallone, Harvey Keitel, Ray Liotta, Robert De Niro, and Robert Patrick.
Beware, incomplete and heavily censored!! Why would anyone waste time and money releasing a film on DVD in a form that is confused and incomplete due to heavy editing and censoring?? Such is the case with Savage Weekend. I first saw the film several years ago at a drive-in theater in Georgia. I vividly recall that there were several nude and racy scenes and some fairly graphic violence, as well. Well, if you buy this DVD you can safely play it for the kids because all of the "adult" content is missing!! Also, the picture quality is absolutely dreadful and grainy and looks like it was copied from a very poor quality source; such as a copy made on VHS at home from a poor cable t.v. service!! Maybe one day Anchor Bay or someone else will give this film the treatment it deserves and release it in the original, complete, unedited and uncensored version. Also with decent and clearer picture quality, too. As a fan of actress Caitlin O'Heaney (aka Kathleen Heaney), this DVD is a real letdown.
Sucky-Sucky Daniel Radcliffe is struggling to act in this movie. It is not scary, the plot is lame, and the ending is just dumb. Phltttt.
Vomit, cussing, and masturbating galore! I am an average 13 year kid who is a fan of horror movies, and this movie was at the top of my list of 'Must see horror movies' After i watched it, i thought it was pretty good, except the possesed girl's behavior completly ruined the film. I let it go when she threw up green stuff, and her head spinning on her neck, but the part when shes masturbating with the cruicifix, that was the last straw. D.I.S.G.U.S.T.I.N.G.!!And i do admit, it was pretty creepy, but it was more 'weird' than 'scary'. But this movie is good, even though some scenes are quite disturbing. So unless you worship vomit or your name is Joe McMasturbate, this movie is terrible.
worst/most unrealistic action movie ive ever seen - painful to watch this movie is an awful movie. the acting is horrible and the actors try to hard to try and be funny which just makes the movie painful. the main character, played by john cena, seems to have animal like reflexes and instincts, seeming to be able to track the bad guys down by stupid things like sniffing the air and following non-existent clues. Im not going to go into every stupid part of this movie, but ill just say its EXTREMELY unrealistic. its so bad, i think a 5 year old can point out the ridiculous things john cena "can" do. for example, hes able to practically fly and jump onto a moving truck from standing on the ground. he is also able to survive being inside a building that blows up and looks as though the atom bomb was dropped on it, yet somehow he still is alive. also, i might be crazy, but im pretty sure if you were holding onto a truck and being rammed through a building at fast speeds, you wouldnt live. also, not many people i know can run through walls and not be hurt. speaking of not being hurt, there is an instance in the movie while inside a burning building, john cena is hit by falling, burning wood and is unaffected. this movie is awful and i would recommend if your looking for an action movie, to look somewhere else. i cant believe people actually buy this movie and can watch it without wanting to cry.
"The Missing Person of Deauville": Sophie Marceau's Second Directorial Effort In "La Disparue de Deauville" (aka "Trivial") Christopher Lambert is a Paris City police detective Jacques Renard with suicidal tendencies. A mysterious woman named Lucie (Sophie Marceau) shows up before, asking him to "cross the bridge" and go to a certain place for her. The detective actually goes to a luxurious hotel, The Hotel Riviera, whose director has been missing for 48 hours. But the real shock awaits him in "Room 401" where he discovers lots of photos of an actress Victoria who was killed in a car accident 36 years ago. And she looks a spitting image of Lucie he just met.Directed and co-written by the star Sophie Marceau, "La Disparue de Deauville" has enigmatic femme fatale, a disfigured body, eccentric upper-class family and obsessive detective determined to crack the case - just about everything that would make a great film noir, or crime suspense. The film also contains one car chase sequence. Having said that, I must say they need a better director to put these things together. "La Disparue de Deauville" feels like a mystery film without the mystery.I like Sophie Marceau. I know a lot of you may hate me if I give only two stars and say I was disappointed with her second work as director. Still, the film didn't strike me as thrilling enough because of its bland storytelling. Everything is explained by the time the film wraps up the story, but we are not impressed with the denouement as there is no interesting mystery, no suspense or no character for us to relate to in the first place. Things happen before the film is given enough time to build up the tension and atmosphere. Huge disappointment, though the car action scenes are pretty good.
I loved the tv series and this movie. I can't believe there is only 8 seasons of "24" so awesome. this movie was just reminded me of the show. If you "24 tv show" you'll love this 2 hr movie.
A major improvement from season 3 After viewing season three i really thought the L Word may have jumped the shark. I am pleased to say after viewing the entire new season 4 collection that the writing made a major come back and i will be waiting in anticipation for season 5 for the next year.The additional characters and story lines added to the show this year were much more real and thoughtful. My hope is that the regulars all return next season and the writers to not allow Jenny to take over the year with any more bizarre epidsodes that continue to make me want to cringe.I think this was one of the best seasons of the L Word period and highly suggest any doubters give it a look. The girls all looked great this year!
Amazon! Great DVD! Great Delivery! Great Price! My grandson spent the night at my house. He wanted to watch this movie on TV, but it was SOOOOOO late. I promised to purchase the DVD for him, but I couldn't find it locally. I was able to purchase it through Amazon at a wonderful price including the price of shipping. It was delivered as promised and my grandson has watched it 6 or 7 times. Thanks!
Trash posing as Blu-Ray This supposed Blu-Ray disc of One-Eyed Jacks is nowhere near as good as my VHS version in EP. It is a joke. Amazon should remove this junk from its normal excellent selection. I'd prefer watching a full screen version on tv with commercials to this travesty.
Why Cripsin? Why? This was one of the worst movies I've seen in recent memory. I'll start off by saying that all the sped up and slo-mo effects were unnecessary and honestly annoying. The kill scenes were cheaply done CGI which looked terrible for the most part. It's a spoiler, but in the last attack scene of the movie the 'dream girl' literally bursts through a tree and a burned body to attack Simon/Stanley. My biggest problem with this movie is that I know Cripin Glover can do so much better. I'm sure he did the best with the script he was given, which wasn't much, but I'd have passed on this role. After seeing him in Rivers Edge and Willard it was almost painful to watch him play this character. I'm just glad I got this used for six bucks and not the twenty-five amazon is asking for it
An ABSOLUTE must! While nothing compares to seeing this on the IMAX screen, this DVD is the next best thing. It will simply blow you away! The undersea colors and sounds are amazing. I didn't think of the creatures under the ocean as making sounds like animals on land do, but they do! I learned so much about undersea life, all in a context that was not just educational, but often amusing. Danny Elfman's sound track makes it all the more enjoyable - the man is a genius. The naration by Kate Winslet and Johnny Depp is perfectly adapted to what you're being shown. Fantastic for ALL ages!!!
that. sucked. This had to have been one of the worst horror movies that i have ever seen. The production values were shit and nothing ever actually happens. Theres just a lot of the stupid girl screaming over nothing and thats it. I have no idea what the hell all the hype was about. You never even get to see the stupid witch.
The best laughs are the unintentional ones.... Santa Claus Conquers the Martians... what a good good movie.Very unintentionally funny, corny and plain old bad (read: awesome). Also has a catchy opening theme =) Try this movie out if you can.
Taking Chance This DVD arrived on time and in good condition, but UNLABELED. It has a label but it is loose paper and nothing on the DVD or the case identifies it. It looks nothing like the picture that came with it which shows a normal label on the case. Grrrrrr.
Really pretty awful Didn't have very high expectations going in, but this was a pretty horrible film. No idea what the point was. Sad too, because it has a good cast.Wow, I really should write reviews for a living.
Movie Gave Me False Hope I saw the name of the movie, and I watched it because I thought it would shed some light about life after death, but it didn't. The fact is nobody knows what happens when we die 'cause you can't come back to tell people about the experience once you die. Don't waste your time and money. Look for something else. One more thing, they should've changed the name of the movie because it's very misleading.
Not bad Lost Boys: the thirst isn't bad. I like that the vampire killer is the same guy as the first movie. Sometimes it messes up the movie when they play the same story with different actors. The first Lost Boys is better.
Half Past Dead On Arrival 2 Oh my god! What sick person found it necessary to have a sequel to a film that stunk to high heaven? I came in with low expectations and this was way below my low expectations.Plot: Dont even kid yourself.Opinion: At least Half Past Dead had an idea. The idea sucked and so did the movie but at least it had an idea. Half Past Dead 2 is some rival inmates fight, one of them gets a gun(Dont ask me how because I wouldnt know what to tell you), shoots an inmate and a riot breaks loose in the prison. The main shooter is some guy called Cortez who is trying to break out of prison. During a conjugal visit, the riots break out and Cortez holds both Twitch(who is played by Kurupt of the Dogg Pound)'s fiancee'(Angell Conwell) and Burke(played by the wrestler Bill Goldberg)'s daughter are held hostage. Both Twitch and Burke try to find them while getting into skirmishes with idiotic inmates. The main problem with this movie besides the weak plot and script is that NOBODY takes themselves seriously. Nobody puts any effort into their character. If they would have overacted I would have respected that more than people who act as if they are robots reading their lines off a cue card. I have more respect for people who chew up scenery like locusts. At least they're trying. Nobody tries to act here. Everybody is a caricature. Bill Goldberg spends most of his time sulking and looking constipated and Kurupt's character is such a wuss in this movie. Every other minute he is either getting jacked up by an inmate and waiting for Burke to save him or he was getting jacked up by Burke. I dont see how anybody could like his role in this movie when all he did was act like some soft minstrel clown. The rest of the inmates are stereotypical characters you see in every jail movie. The fight scenes are poorly choreographed and sluggish. I like Goldberg as a wrestler and I liked Kurupt before he switched his style up but this movie stinks! Please, I beg of you, do not under any circumstances waste 1 hour and 30 minutes of you life on 1 hour and 30 minutes of pure torture!YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!
This film amazed me, I have seen it twice. In his first film Justin Lin has not only done away with cinematic stereotypes but he has also made one of the most astonishing first features since Resivior Dogs. (I would say Clerks but this is more of a Quientin-esque film- and lets face it while Clerks is a personal film Dogs does and says more).Better Luck Tomorrow is about a group of overachieving Asian youth in a suburban LA community and how their intelligance(or in some cases lack there of) gets them a free ticket to do whatever they want. I won't give spoilers, except to say they embark on a series of escapades that are dangerous.this will end up being one of the best films of the year!!
An auspicious beginning. It would seem that the Horror genre has nothing left to offer other than more cheesy "Leprechaun" films and low-budget gorefests directed at young teenage boys. Then along comes this movie with a very corny title and I think to myself "Why am I putting this into my DVD player?" Twenty minutes into the film I was smiling with relief and jumping with tension. The first half of this movie has inspired direction influenced by the likes of Stephen Spielberg(Duel) and the cult director Sam Raimi's "Evil Dead" films. There are genuine scares and some fun camerawork for about 45 minutes....then the movie becomes a bloody X-files episode. I was seriously expecting Mulder and Scully to show up at any moment, Scully's intro into the scene: "Excuse me, sir. We're Federal agents investigating the strange stories reported recently." While the second half of the movie isn't bad it seemed like the director just wanted to wrap things up and hope for a call saying United Artists wanted to back a sequel. Part 2 is on video as I write this. Still, this movie has more pinache than most horror films and is certainly worth a look.
Mean Spirited hit job on a Great World Leader I was drawn to the movie by Streep, but was quickly disappointed by the dementia theme and hallucinations throughout the film. Maggie's greatest offense is she was a 'conservative' and Hollywood never forgives. I watched a 2012 DVD documentary (from the local Library) on Thatcher after enduring this painful hit peace, just to confirm what I remember of Thatcher. Thatcher, Reagan, and Pope John Paul 2, were a formidable team. This hit piece never really explored that relationship and only showed Reagan in one scene.I suspect when it is time, Hilary Clinton will be portrayed as a great world leader and nobody will dwell on Whitewater, Vince Foster, or Monica. I'm sure she will be viewed favorably on the Libya fiasco and who cares if an Ambassador is killed. That is just the way it is. Hollywood has an agenda.In my view, Thatcher ranks up there with Churchill. She was truly a historical figure and deserved an unbiased portrayal. Instead she is treated as a mental case subject to weird visions, somewhat similar to the technique used in the 'Last Temptation of Christ' with Dustin Hoffman as the Devil. Of course, Jesus was not shown in a good light in that movie.Don't waste your time on this!
The Wolfman This is a great wolfman movie, I don't like a lot of modern special effect movies, but this one is an exception, GREATTTTTTTTTT. Anthony Hopkins is one great actor
It's finally on DVD! I've been waiting for this movie to come out on DVD since I first got a DVD player about three years ago. Ray Liotta gives an excellent performance as a man falsely accused of murder trying to find his wife's killer. The plot is very interesting and original and presented so that it is believable and intense. Definitely a must-have.
0 STARS: Revenge of the satanic Nerd. Ostensibly, "976-Evil" sounded like a good concept to me. Calling satan on the telephone for favors sounds kind of creepy to me, especially with the obvious evil strings attached to it, but this movie fails to execute it properly. While watching "976-Evil", I realized early on that the creators of this flick had butchered what COULD have been a decent plan for a horror flick. In the same mold as "Carrie" (although obviously not near as good of a movie), "976-Evil" is about a nerd who gets picked on relentlessly by some bullies at school, but when the nerd (played well by Stephen Geoffreys) calls 976-Evil, he gets evil or what the creators of the movie would like you to believe is evil and he gets back at the bullies. This movie is rather poorly acted except for Geoffreys, whom, while obnoxious for sure, seems to have nailed down the dorky nerd guy role pretty well. The problem with "976-Evil" is that it is too focused on the nerd getting back at the bullies and, consequently, does a terribly pathetic job at presenting the "evil" theme this movie half-heartedly tries to relate to the audience. As a result, what you have in "976-Evil" is your typical teenaged revenge flick erroneously portrayed as a horror movie when in reality the horror is obviously secondary to the revenge of the nerd theme. There really are NO likeable characters in this nonsense, but I particularly disliked the pathetic loser character named Spike...what a dork! Ultimately, "976-Evil" comes off looking like the total joke that it is and has absolutely nothing to offer the serious horror movie fan.
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor - Blu-ray Info Version: U.S.A / Universal / Region A, B, CAspect ratio: 2.40:1MPEG-4 AVC BD-50 / AACS / High Profile 4.1Running time: 1:51:47Movie size: 29,72 GBDisc size: 45,58 GBTotal bit rate: 35.45 MbpsAverage video bit rate: 24.11 MbpsDTS-HD Master Audio English 4387 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 4387 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)DTS Audio French 768 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bitDTS Audio Spanish 768 kbps 5.1 / 48 kHz / 768 kbps / 24-bitDolby Digital Audio English 192 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / Dolby SurroundDTS Express English 192 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / 24-bitDTS Express English 192 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / 24-bitSubtitles: English SDH / French / SpanishNumber of chapters: 20Disc One##########Audio Commentary#Featurettes--The Making of The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (HD - 23 minutes)--From City to Desert (HD - 15 minutes)--Legacy of Terra Cotta (HD - 13 minutes)--Deleted Scenes (SD - 11 minutes)Disc Two##########Digital Copy (SD - 9 minutes)#Featurettes--The Casting Process (SD - 5 minutes)--Preparing for Battle (SD - 11 minutes)--Jet Li: Crafting the Emperor Mummy (SD - 8 minutes)--Creating New Supernatural Worlds (SD - 9 minutes)
Best of all Zombie films "Night of the Living Dead" is the original zombie movie. The start of a not a new genre, but a new "boogeyman/bad guy" type in the horror movie genre.Due to something weird in the air, the recent dead are coming back and feasting on the flesh of the living. Then those killed come back within minutes to feast on others...Enter Barbara and her brother, Tom. They have come to visit their Father's grave and are unsuspectingly attacked by one of the walking dead. Her brother is killed and she must get away from the fleshhungry ghoul. She finds a house.Enter Ben, a black gentleman who also finds the house, also the Cooper family finds this abandoned house(The owner is now one of the zombies). The Cooper's daughter was bitten by one of the zombies, and no one yet knows what will happen to her.There is also a young couple.The movie pretty much all takes place in the house, aside from seeing the zombies come at the place in slow motion.I won't give away what happens but most horror movies do not have happy endings. The ending was very surprising to me -- kind of funny.See it for the great direction by George Romero, for the extremely interesting camera work, and especially for the gore, which is pretty tame by today's standards but a bit gory for the 60s'> There is also a bit of nudity in this as one of the female zombies seems to have died naked.I can see why this movie was deemed a horror campy classic. I highly recommend this one. Turn the lights off, and enjoy this one.
A funfilled romantic comedy wich makes you cheer! ¡Caliente! This ia a magnificent comedy! Hot, spicy and funny! Strongly recommended!!Three women. Three cities. Three times the trouble.Handsome, gorgeous advertising executive Tomas "Papi" Fuentes is truly, deeply in love... with three equally gorgeous women in three different cities. There's prim-and-proper Patricia in New York, lovely Lorena in Chicago and spicy Cici in Miami. But when all three arrive in L.A. to surprise gorgeous Papi at home, the situation doesn't just heat up, it explodes! Filled with beautiful bodies, hip Latin rhythms and plenty of passion, Chasing Papi will leave you cheering!Beautiful Eduardo Verástegui, the most beautiful man on this Earth plays superb once again! Anyone who saw this youngsuper-man at work never forgets his name! Emerald-green eyed Eduardo, admired in 200 countries as the sizzling hot gypsy in Ain't It Funny, the mega-hit with JENNIFER LOPEZ sizzles up your home-cinema too. Surrounded with the 3 hottest female superstars of the decade! Watch and enjoy this spicy hot comedy! Enjoy the 4 most beautiful people at this Hollywood surprise package of 2003! No wonder these 4 young people are the fastest rising new Hollywood super-stars at this moment! ¡Caliente!Anthonie van Vliet M.Sc. Netherlands
I Fell Asleep! Morrissey is NOT in this movie! I was completely disappointed in this "film."This film was LITERALLY put together by Spongebob Squarepants studio assistants and was a complete waste of my evening. Not funny, not humerous (other than 4 lesbian high-schoolers and the main character's ex-boyfriend who is friggin' hilarious in the few scenes he is in), and nauseatingly slow-paced.I won't go into a long description, but essentially, some girl is totally obsessed with Moz and stops by some of his old haunts in an effort to find and marry him. She is an outcast and made fun of by everyone.The extras are actually more interesting than the movie! Clips of Moz conventions and psycho-fans are pretty funny. The extras actually have a couple of Moz photos/distant video-cam clips.I LOVE Moz but HATE this movie. Please, borrow it, rent it, or steal it but DONT waste your hard-earned cash on it. You will be disappointed. And remember, MOZ IS NOT IN THE MOVIE!!!
Not a bad movie. Season of the Witch was not a bad movie. It was eerie and full of action. The story was decent and the acting could have been better but all in all I would rate this movie a 6.5 or 7 out of 10. The plot twists will keep you guessing and the special fx are A1. I would definitely watch this one again.
For us 80's Babies Well my review title may be misleading, yes the people who were born in the late 70's/early 80's will surely remember Showbiz Pizza, but the 90's & 00 generation will certainly appreciate this documentary too. All I can say is WOW, such nostalgia. I will admit that I went to Showbiz Pizza less than 10 times ever, but my memories of The Rock-A-Fire explosion are very close to my heart. I grew up in an area without a Showbiz, but whenever my folks and I would make it down to Georgia to see relatives, Showbiz was a MUST! And I regret to say that I absolutely FORGOT about Showbiz & Rockafire for YEARS! In my early 20's i had a sudden re-interest into many of my childhood hobbies like videogames, 80's-early 90's cartoons & movies, ect. But RockAfire was still forgotten...until this documentary popped up on NetFlix and brought be back to 1986! Eating Pizza, riding rides, and watching the amazing Rock-A-Fire. Man, it was great being a kid back then...
Painfully bad season. Just skip it. If season 7 is as dramatic a departure for the show as the producers claim it will be, you should be able to pass over this train wreck of a season altogether. I recommend doing so. It is painful in every conceivable way. The sole highlight is an episode guest starring the fantastic Jean Smart as the former First Lady.
Yawnnnnnnnnnn.... and people liked this film? I had heard a lot of things before even seeing this film, but I'd never really heard the plot so I was surprised how drawn out, and well, just pointless it all weas. Yeah I never was interested in the Ms. Robinson/Benjamin relationship, but I had at least assumed that it would not start in the first tenth of the film. The movie felt arduously lengthy because everything was rushed. Now that paradox was the only problem, because in general the movie just made too little sense.Hoffman's character for instance goes through this 'Ferris Buehler' transformation (another movie I disliked), and well where did that come from? The first few minutes he seems happy and is smiling, and then he's upset because well he graduated college, apparently the worst thing in the world, only to still be surrounded by his rich family and friends that could, and would, support him in life. Yes, class struggles are hard especially when you're on the top.Oh, and Benjamin's stalker tactics with Elaine would land him in jail, and not to the ultimate end of the story (which looks more like a Pacino clip from Scarface.)Lastly, enough about the plot and let's talk soundtrack music. You know what? I really love Simon and Garfunkel music, but I also like soundtracks that do not play three songs three times each. They say this music was etched into the mind of America, and there is a reason for that! Simply put, that is all the music you hear, and by the end of it you do not know what is worse: the constant replaying of songs, or the story component of the film.
mumble mumble mumble awful mumble mumble movie... <strong>Red Hook</strong> (Elizabeth Lucas, 2009)Either <em>Red Hook</em> has the worst DVD audio transfer I have heard since <em>Nine Dead Gay Guys</em> or Elizabeth Lucas has created the first mumblecore slasher film. Which of these things is actually accurate is irrelevant; the film is worthless either way, another generic slasher film with an all-too-predictable twist ending, character flaws that are plot devices instead of hooks for us to get to know them, and a slew of young-and-beautifuls whose sole reason for existence is to get carved up by Evil Slasher Guy. I'd write out a full review about this mess, but instead I'll let the ratings speak for me: as I write this, the film has a 3.2 rating (out of 10) on IMDB and an 8% (134 ratings) on Rotten Tomatoes. If you're a fan of horror movies so awful that only 8% of the people who saw them liked them, then by all means, give it a go. But if you value such things as characterization, suspense, solid plot, twist endings that actually surprise you, etc., avoid this like the plague. *
Fits in with the spy movies of that era I had originally saw the movie when it came out and had really enjoyed it because of the action and humor that it had. What was very interesting with it , was the fact that Matt Helm did not have a lot of gadgets that were generally found in the bond movies at that time.It felt very relaxing to see it again.
Must-See I think, being a big fan of the books, this movie was a bit dissapointing in comparisson, but that is absolutely my only complaint. Not only was the movie funny and well-done, it is also good for any age group and a great family video.Some very younger children might be a bit afraid at parts; I took my seven-year-old brother to the show and he was a little scared. At one part he jumped so high he nearly fell out of his seat. He also commented, afterword, that it was too "dark" and I laughed, wondering how he knew the perfect word to describe it and I didn't. It wasn't all dark though, it was also humorous and it made me laugh quite a few times. Jim Carry, who I expected to be a let-down, was a riot. I suggest you watch it, no matter what kind of movies you are interested in. This is a must-see!
Jeff's Sesame Street If you are cought Jeff's amazing act from you tube from all his previous live acts, you will be very dissapointed with The Jeff Dunham Show (TJDS).I must admit I love JD, and I watch his DVD over and over again and I still won't get bored of it (except for the Very Special Chrismas Special).I just won't able to find TJDS good enough simply because the whole thing is very staged. As fan of JD, we want to see live performance, that's what JD's cought me in the first place, not a Sesame Street. TJDS reminds me of Sesame Street, seriously; the only different is the joke and story is more adult-oriented. But problem is... I don't find the joke is funny enough to make me laugh as much as the first two DVDs that Jeff released.Overall, I found TJDS is a big dissapointment to all Jeff's fan. Jeff Dunham's talent is supressed in TJDS, all we see is just his characters doing some stupid things We want to see Jeff perform live in front of the audience more (without using cheat sheet of course, please), not a prerecorded and staged Sesame Street.
Great fun!!! Im upset at some of these reviews...i cant believe people dont like it because it is too unbelievable....unbelievable???? This is nothing compared to other action movies, in fact, it is probably one of the more believable ones out there...this is a great film, it is never boring and always exciting and some of the twists are so good....its a perfect action movie and one I definitely recommend....
Don't waste your time or money This was a very boring and slow-moving predictable movie. Nothing stands oy performance wise or plot wise. We have all seen this mishmash before.
CSI Seventh Season This CSI Season is another great one! Stories are always interesting and enjoyable. Peterson is one of my favorites. Would highly recommend!
Propaganda disguised as a documentary There isn't much I can add that hasn't been covered in the other one star reviews, however, I cannot leave this alone. This is not so much a documentary on sexual abuse as it is an attack on the Catholic Church.The "documentary" opens with a quote from the "Gospel of Thomas." The Bible does not have a Gospel of Thomas, but this Gnostic "gospel" has been popularized by anti-Catholics and particularly those riding the Dan Brown novel. The anti-Catholic sentiment is indoctrinated in certain points of the film-- arguments against celibacy, for example-- and if that isn't enough, there are assumptions and assertions that have no basis in fact. These attacks come out of nowhere at certain points in the film with no warning. At one point in the middle of an interview with an alleged abuse victim, they throw in the suggestion that the scandal can be 1600 years old (was wondering when they'd incorporate that), then go back to the interview which had little to do with that interruption. It reminds me of the old movie experiments where they would flash "buy popcorn" in an attempt to influence sales.The primary focus was on attacking celibacy of the priesthood and the church structure, and while much of the film featured abuse victims, they were still the byline to the anti-Catholic Church message.There were a few "factoids" added to the end of the film that were also false-- the assumption of over 100,000 abuse cases have been reported, and 80% of abuse cases are never reported, both stats have no credible source (the film does not even quote a source for their assertions). The 100,000 number is what is known in stats circles as "The Goldilocks Number." Studies on actual reports have found the numbers to be far lower, around 10,000 over a 55 year period.As if there isn't enough proselytizing, you can go to "special features" and watch even more anti-Catholic propaganda. Well, if you're an anti-Catholic you'll get a kick out of this flick, but if you aren't you'll understand the anti-Catholic sentiment fueling the direction of this film from the opening quote to the final made-up stat.Too bad I even have to give this film zero stars.
Buy the VHS Tape One of the benefits of DVDs is the ability to skip to any part of the movie easily. This benefit is exceptionally true when you have kids and they want to watch a movie. Normally, you can skip the trailers and head right to the movie or at least the main menu. This DVD makes you go through each of the many trailers before you can get to the main menu. You can't fast forward through them or skip them. You must wait until the trailers have completed then select "Play" from the main menu. Because of this, we would have rather bought the VHS version of the movie. With a tape, you can at least fast forward through the trailers!
This is a must have if you love chuck! This is a must have if you are a chuck fan, the set come with some extras, and interviews, picture quality could be better at a times. but over all is a good purchase!
One Of The Very Best In The Series Carry On Abroad truly encapsulates the feel-good spirit that made the films such an enduring success. Nearly all of the teams favourite regulars are here as well as some extra additions to the cast line-up. The usual batch of players that are present and clearly on good form are Sid James, Joan Sims, Kenneth Williams, Peter Butterworth, Charles Hawtrey, Babara Windsor, Hattie Jaques, Kenneth Connor and Bernard Bresslaw and are joined by Scottish comedian Jimmy Logan and a host of other familiar T.V stars of the day such as June Whitfield, Ray Brooks, Carol Hawkins, Derek Francis, Patsy Rolands, Sally Geeson and John Clive.Vic (Sid James) and Cora Flange (Joan Sims) join a pack of tourists on a package holiday deal to the Island of Elsbells. Vic's plans had already been mucked up as the holiday was intended to be a dirty weekend with his mistress, Sadie Tomkins (Babara Windsor) but all plans went down the drain after Cora (Joan Sims) decides she'd like to go along on holiday to keep an eye on her straying husband thus thwarting any such plans of a romatic rendesvous with Sadie Tomkins (Barbara Windosr).Once all the tourists arrive at their destination, they are astounded to discover that the hotel is only half built and there are no more than three staff members (Peter Buterworth, Hattie Jaques and Ray Brooks). So follows several comic mishaps that are all as predictable as ever yet remains entertaining throughout with an ever healthy injection of laughs to be endured. Theres great fun throughout the film, especially where the gang get arrested and end spensing a night in jail , following a fight that occurs during a trip to the market.However its the ending where the film really scores best as a torrential rainstorm occurs and the hotel slowly begins collapsing around their ears. Only problem is everyone is too drunk and feeling far too amorous to even care. Peter Butterworth manically runs round trying to get everyone to vacate the building but his efforts are blatantly ignored. You can't help thinking of Basil Fawlty in those sequences! There is a wonderful scene with Sid James and Joan Sims during these sequences when they are about to enjoy a spot of passion and then suddenly the roof caves in and they're drenched through from the rain. Hilarious stuff.The film has a happy ending and the fun sequence where the gang are all reunited and decide to have a lock in at Vic and Coras pub is one of the best endings in a Carry On film, firmly holding onto that fine, feel-good spirit which would slowly dissolve from here on.The cast are all on usual form, though Peter Butterworth and Hattie Jaques are perharps the best players here. They make an almost Laurel and Hardy kind of duo and Jaques in particular is an unusual role, playing a Spanish, downtrodden and seemingly demented cook. The rest of the cast certainly get their moments including Joan Sims in the hilarious umbrella sequence where she and Sid James are suddenly soaked from the roof collapsing during the storm of the last night just when they were planning a bit of nookie. Kenneth Williams and Charles Hawtrey hilariously mince around during the majority of the film, putting in their more familiar characterisations whilst Jimmy Logan is a welcome addition to the cast who provides sparkle in every scene hes in.Other stars such as Carol Hawkins, Sally Geeson, Ray Brooks, John Clive and David Kernan all add to the sparkle. The audio commentary to Carry On Abroad is the best in the series with never a dull moment as Carol Hawkins, Sally Geeson, John Clive and David Kernan share their memories and offer jolly anecdotes about their time making Carry On Abroad. Lively and fun to listen to.All in all, Carry On Abroad was one of the last true great Carry On's. The series was on a slipey slope now and this would also be the last to feature Charles Hawtrey - a much loved regular in the series. Carry On Abroad was on the greatest of all the 1970's Carry On's and provedto be another big smash hit at the Box Office. Great fun. Recommended.
Liar Liar Oh well, another teen movie...This one, however, has an agenda and manages to deliver a message about the power of rumours and lies in today`s world (particularly in a US Campus). The plot focuses three college students, a pretty, arrogant and rich boy, a curious and smart girl and a reserved, shy artist-wannabe. These journalism students create a gossip just for fun (and also for a work they had to make), but its consequences end up being more serious than what they first thought.Yes, the movie`s premise isn`t bad, yet its execution is not very interesting, delivering a contrived morality tale that, despite some attempts at being hip and surprising, doesn`t dare to go beyond a typical afterschool special. The direction is nothing special, the soundrack is decent and the acting is just a collection of cute faces that present flat and cardboard characters."Gossip" is watchable but unsubstancial, an average teen movie that lacks edge and a good script (the ending is particularly ridiculous and childish). Still, some highschool students out there may like this nonetheless, since they probably can relate to it. Anyway, spread the gossip: this flick is worth skipping.
Noir Anthology At A Reasonable Price Classic Film NoirSt. Clair Entertainment GroupIn an era when most CD movies are plain silver discs requiring an electron microscope to decipher the movie title, viewers will appreciate the easy legibility of this well packaged and presented group of films from St. Clair Entertainment Group that come with full credits as to year, running time, and major stars, although curiously, Disc 3 does not list Edmund O'Brien or Pamela Britton as staring in the Rudolph Maté thriller D.O.A.Disc OneToo Late For TearsThe first of two films featuring perhaps the badest bad girl of noir, Lizabeth Scott. It takes a lot to survive a relationship with her character, Jane Palmer; even as the movie ends another man is said to meet his demise at her hands. The script lets you know she was her own industry by the time this film was made in 1949. A purloined bundle of cash is the real main character; holding onto it brings out Jane's unwavering avarice. "Don't change, Tiger. I don't know if I'd like you with a heart," her partner Danny, played convincingly by Dan Duryea, tells her. When Don Blake, played by Don Defore, thinks he has found some answers, he watches nervously as Jane's fingers move toward her handbag. "What's in the purse?" he demands. "Lipstick" she replies. "Colt or Smith & Wesson?" he asks. Technical glitches and splices gone awry impair this film, although as a vehicle for the femme fatale motif and for its insights into the career of Lizabeth Scott, the picture is still valuable.The Man Who Cheated Himself is a sardonic title about the corrupting influence of money, with Felix Feist directing Lee J. Cobb in the title role of Detective Ed Cullen, an experienced San Francisco gumshoe who should have known better than sacrifice his career for socialite Lois Frazier, played to perfection by Jane Wyatt. Cobb is paired with John Dall, as his neophyte brother Andy who is just learning the sleuthing business. While Ed has fallen into a coziness of routine accompanied by an even laxer morality, Andy is laser focused on solving the murder of Frazier's husband regardless of where the evidence points. Contains some fine cinematography and a Hitchcockesque scene involving Lois' languidly floating scarf that evokes the vanishing nature of the dream she and Ed shared.The StrangerEdgar G. Robinson plays a determined investigator, Mr. Wilson, who works for a UN War Crimes Tribunal determined to break up a ring of former Nazis and bring them to justice. The trail leads Wilson to a small Connecticut town where he must convince Mary Longstreet (Loretta Young) that she has married his prime suspect. Noteworthy for its probe into the predictive power of behavioral psychology and the influence of the subconscious. Contains many of the features that made an Orson Wells film special: interplay between light and dark, tight camera angles, understated articulation of deep philosophical principles. A slip up by the copyright holders allowed this film to fall into public domain.Disc 2Strange Love of Martha Ivers doesn't suffer from the abruptness of D.O.A.'s ending, in fact, it has the kind of shocking finale that makes a movie unforgettable. The film is made even more intriguing by the fact that Van Hefflin, as Sam Masterson - Martha's childhood playmate who returns to town after an 18 year hiatus, survives even though he breaks a cardinal rule of noir cinema: never turn your back on Barbara Stanwyck. This film is well made from beginning to end, and also features a compelling performance by Lizabeth Scott in a role that has become taboo for contemporary cinema: the female ex-con.The Hitchhiker is a didactic piece of cinema attempting to warn travelers of the dangers inherent in hitchhiking. Indeed, the film's marketing campaign asks "Who Will Be His Next Victim: You?" The didactic genre was fairly common in the 1940's and 1950's and has its extension in a film like The Sniper, which is not included in the current package. There is even a message from the producers as the film begins. The shortcoming of this movie lies in the unrelenting brutality of its psychotic protagonist, so much so that I found myself fast forwarding through the film to the point of the villain's eventual capture.QuicksandMickey Rooney as auto mechanic Dan Brady can't catch a break and gets shaken down time after time for bigger and bigger stakes in another didactic classic intended to show "what a tangled web we weave when at first we do deceive." Ironicly, his luck changes for the better when he pulls a gun on a motorist who turns out to be a kindly lawyer. When he ditches femme fatale Vera Novak (Jeanne Cagney) and reunites with his loyal admirer Helen (Barbara Bates), we know there's hope down the road and he'll get the shortest prison sentence possible. Valuable for the display of almost hyperkinetic energy Rooney give the film.Disc 3D.O.A. is a film that is flawed by its ending, which is much too abrupt, although that shortcoming is more than offset by the brilliant cinematography which features some of the best hard bop jazz committed to film. Academy Award winner Edmund O'Brien (The Barefoot Contessa) as victim Frank Bigelow and Pamela Britton as his needy and vulnerable paramour Paula achieve a connection on film that is honest and believable. It is the performances of the actors, and the camera work, not the script, that raises this film from the level of ordinary it might otherwise have been consigned to. Director Rudolph Mate uses bus scenes, night life and especially Bigelow's romp through San Francisco streets to achieve a verisimilitude on city life.The ScarPeople earn the fate they deserve in this story of attraction, murder and double identity starring Paul Henreid as John Muller and Joan Bennett as tough minded but still vulnerable Evelyn Hahn who falls in love with a man having a dubious past. His ambition to reintegrate himself into society after a lengthy prison term leads him to take unsanctioned shortcuts. A subsequent detour into netherworlds and Evelyn's accompaniment almost mirror the details of Joan Bennett's real life in which her husband Walter Wanger, shot her film agent, Jennings Lang.DetourWith its hitchhiking theme, Detour is paired well in this package, yet it too suffers from the same drawback as The Hitchhiker, an unrelenting brutality, this time from a female character, and the effect is the same: a monochromatic performance bordering on unwatchable. Detour at least, is redeemed by a story line more complex than Hitchhiker but ends abruptly with no real solution to the concepts it introduces.
Unimaginative This one's not too good. This cartoon movie tells the story of Lars, a young polar bear, who can't swim until he learns from Robbie, a friendly young seal. Lars and Robbie aren't supposed to be friends, however, because bears and seals don't get along, and the bully bears in Lars's pack convince his Dad to give him a fatherly talking-to. But Lars doesn't want to give up his friend. The resolution is Lars's idea: if the seals agree to bring fish to the bears, the bears won't attack them. I could understand teaching children that bears are predators, but the idea that the strong force the weak to pay tribute is not exactly the lesson I want my child to be learning at his age.The next adventure starts when Lars falls asleep on the ice, which breaks off and drifts southward to some place that looks like the Amazon (with Caribbean music). There Lars befriends Old Henry the hippopotamus, who brings him to Marcus the eagle, who finally deposits him with a killer whale, who is only too glad to bring Lars back to his home.Finally, the seals discover a major problem: all the fish in the ocean have disappeared. This naturally threatens their recent truce with the polar bears. The humans in the "village" (an Eskimo girl and her grandmother, who live in a hut with a refrigerator and eat fish sticks) can't find any fish either; a malevolent and apparently unmanned tanker is swimming through the ocean, swallowing up all the fish with some kind of mechanical jaw-device. The tanker goes on to swallow all the seals, and many of the polar bears too, until Lars decides to lure it towards a sharp rock, where it crashes, allowing everyone to escape and praise Lars.All in all, this ranks pretty low on the imagination scale.
What a Surprise Great film that didn't get the acknowledgment it deserved. Witty writing and great satirical humor.
Disappointed! As a young surfer in the mid sixties, I saw The Endless Summer, at least a dozen times in the theater. When it finally came out on VHS tape, I immediately got a copy. When originally released on DVD, it seemed greatly enhanced compared to tape. Now with this "Re-Mastered-Director's Special Edition" I can honestly say, that if you already have it on DVD, don't bother with this version. The first thing I watched was the second disc, with the special features. This was a joke! There was video of Bruce Brown, sitting in a chair, in front of his house, repeating the same old stories, that he's told for years, about the filming of The Endless Summer. There was nothing new there. The whole time, Bruce was looking off camera, looking somewhat bored and rambling on, with a series of disjointed clips from The Endless Summer, The Endless Summer II, and his son Dana's movie Step into Liquid. The video quality was horrible and worse was the totally inappropriate quasi contemporary music, which didn't fit any of the scenes and made this hard to watch. The rest of the "special features" were pretty much a waste of time.The main disc, which features the movie The Endless Summer, just didn't seem to be what I expected for being "remastered". I thought the video quality of the original DVD version to be better. If you haven't seen The Endless Summer, judging it by the time period it was created in, it was a great, culturally iconic film. It's a lot of fun to watch and to listen to Bruce's warm and humorous narration. I would recommend this film and the purchase of the original DVD but don't waste money on this new "re-mastered" version.I can't imagine Bruce Brown being happy with this release, unless he's thinking of still bringing in income from this 40+ year old film.
LUIS MANDOKI, OPUS 9 ***** 2004. Co-written and directed by the Mexican director Luis Mandoki (Message in a BottleandAngel Eyes). Numerous awards earned in international festivals. El Salvador in the 80's. Chava lives in a village that lies between the Salvadorian army and the guerrilla warfare. He must hide with his friends when the army starts to enlist by force 12 years old boys. While watching this motion picture, I never had the feeling that it was pro-guerrilla or anti-Salvadorian army. INNOCENT VOICES is simply anti-civilian wars if it absolutely must be anti-something. Seen through the eyes of a kid, any war will seem awful even if it is justified by noble ideas. The director manages to provoke in our heart emotion and empathy and cinema is primarily about this. Masterpiece.
Great Movie, Poor disc The dvd was not scratched but still froze and much of the mini-series was unwatchable on an average dvd player. Even on a very high quality player it froze completely during brief periods of play that made watching very tedious.The story was fun and exciting, drawing numerous parallels to the original Wizard of Oz while retaining a unique and engrossing storyline with interesting differences.
Disastrous Interesting perhaps as a travelogue, but as a film story (theoretically a coming of age film) not one redeeming virtue.En Tu Ausencia
Awful Most of the The Uninvited suffers from the kind of contrived predictability you'd expect of a Lifetime TV movie. Even the implausible plot twist at the end can't redeem it. Avoid unless you enjoy being frustrated, intellectually insulted and wasting your time.
Great Holmes entry and the BEST copy! First, I want to advise potential purchasers that THIS is the copy of this title that you want. The product information above is NOT correct -- this is the high-quality MPI BLACK AND WHITE original version! It's a nice clear print professionally digitized from 35 mm film and all the others are notably inferior in quality.Some other reviewers have cut and pasted incorrect information from other sources as well, saying that this one is "colorized," or color... it's not, so be aware of this. Also, the copies that you'll sometimes find at the local dollar store for a buck are worth just about what you pay for them.As to the story, here we have a black and white Holmes/Watson (Basil Rathbone/Nigel Bruce) vehicle that is one of the best of the Rathbone/Bruce series. I can watch this film over and over without burning out on it.Holmes is hired by a nobleman to protect his mother's, Lady Carstairs', "Star of Rhodesia" diamond, a valuable gem with a death-curse on it, for the duration of an overnight train excursion from London to Edinburgh. Moriarty is suspected of having already made one attempt to steal it and Holmes is sure that he'll try again on the train trip. Inspector Lestrade (Dennis Hoey) is also along, officially representing Scotland Yard but dressed in mufti and he's hot-and-cold on Holmes' presence. And plenty of swarthy characters, all acting furtively, are present on board the train.Sure enough, not only is the bauble stolen but murder (more than one!) is committed as well. It's up to Holmes and Watson to help Inspector Lestrade solve the murders and recover Lady Carstairs' diamond.Of all the Rathbone/Bruce series of Sherlock Holmes films, this one has the cleanest plot and the best script. Clearly, it's justifiably claimed as the big favorite by many Holmes movie purists. It's certainly one of my top three. The set is outstanding and the camera work is super.If you don't happen to get this exact copy of the movie, at least be aware of "colorized" versions -- they're just awful. I like some colorized films okay but the Rathbone/Bruce series did not benefit by this process of adding garish pastels.I would recommend this fine murder mystery film to anyone who is a fan of black and white movies.
book and video Any one who whines about some ache or pain-or says I can't accomplish something because they are not "perfect human specimens" need to read this book and see the video. Life is not perfect-it is important to focus on what you have -not what you do not have and make the most of what you have. people will be amazed at what they can do.
Opinion I love William Petersen, in anything he does, but he's played in some really crappy movies, & he's so good, this is OK, Liked where he was downing the straight shots, of boos very realistic- he's so incredible to look at that you kinda of forget how lousy the movie is. Diane Lane is as always good & beautiful, the chemistry between her & WP was pretty good, lucky girl, to be in bed with him. I liked the last line he spoke in his jail cell, very profound & prolific. Have never seen before or since the other guy, don't have much of an opinion of him!!!
Love The L Word! I am a huge fan of Showtimes series The L Word. Amazon had the best price on season 3, so I purchased it for my collection.
Hilarious!! A parody of American Pie from gay perspective .. The movie was enjoyable and entertaining. Couldn't keep myself from laughing over and over again.
Numb3rs Season 5 DVD is a definite winner To say that I was pleased with Numb3rs Season 5 DVD is puttingit mildly.It is by far the best collection of extras since maybe thefirst season. The bloopers are lots of fun and you'll enjoywatching them over and over. Thankfully the characters who"bloop" take it all in stride and never lose their sense ofhumor.The episode commentaries we all enjoy so much are on the DVD too and that's always a big plus for me when I buy a DVD.I'm definitely glad I bought Numb3rs Season 5 and recommendyou give it to someone you love for Christmas. All ages will enjoy it.One reason I've always enjoyed Numb3rs is that the episodescan be watched by all ages. There's no profanity and that's ararity on television these days.
What happened here? After going partially deaf from Dakota Fanning's constant screaming throughout the entire movie, I realized this film didn't live up to the enormous hype at all. Yea the effects and visuals were amazing but when things are that pretty, the writers and directors usually forget a thing called the "story line." Tom plays the typical divorced father who doesn't get along with his kids, blah blah, STALE. I would've loved a story that kept me interested so I could enjoy everything about the movie, but no, I had to settle for pretty effects and a terrible story. I felt nothing at all for the characters, I was actually hoping both of the kids got killed (terrible I know), but they were extremely annoying. The ending was laughable, I won't even get into that. Nothing felt right with this movie, I wasn't moved in any way.And the movie people wonders why box office and DVD sales are slowing down? Lets quit putting out CRAP like this and maybe people will go see movies again. If this movie was directed by anyone other than Steven, it would've flopped hard.
At best this season is completely depressing Let's review: First season his wife dies. Third season he is forced to kill a colleage and go into hiding after faking his own death. Forth season his daughter hates him for "coming back to life" and oh yeah, two of his closest friends (who were also main characters) suffer and die. Fifth season he reconnects with the new love in his life and after ALL he has been through Jack finally has a chance at love again along with reconnecting with his daughter... But then he is kidnapped at the very end of the season and tortured for two years by the Chinese. Ok ok, I can overlook all of that but season 6 did NOTHING but beat the crap out of Jack and take EVERYTHING from him. The season ends with him overlooking a cliff ready to take his own pathetic life with the echo of "everything you touch either dies or is eventually killed" running through his head. Season 6 was not only poorly written as writers scraped the barrel and repeated everything they've already done, but they somehow believe it was a good idea to beat the crap out of the main character until the audience had no feeling left in them. At best this season is completely depressing and dragged out.This review has nothing to do with Amazon.com, and everthing to do with 24.
Includes Robot Chicken "dance off" I didn't know that this product included the Robot Chicken episode in which Voltron gets "served" in a dance-off. I was pleasantly surprised. This product comes in a sweet metal tin.
British humor goes Dr. Who. Psychic pollen?! Pfffft!Not one of my faves. Though the idea certainly works. A warning for Amy -- he's much more than the clever, silly, mysterious traveler.