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Fantastic I can not live without these. They effectively take off ALL my makeup, foundation, eye make up, etc., without water. Take these with you traveling, to the gym, keep em at the office, whereever. They are gentle and non-comedogenic and cleanse your skin without harsh stinging or burning.
Buyer Beware I ordered this fragance and when a received it, looks bad¡¡¡ the box are in bad condition and on the bottom of the bottle has a mark in the cristal ummmm looks to me its fake¡¡¡¡¡BEWARE
Happy Henna Convert I very rarely write reviews but since I poured over every available review (and probably wouldn't have ever tried henna if I hadn't read all the personal experiences), I thought I should contribute :)MY HAIRMy hair is fairly dark brown with lots of red tones. It is coarse and thick. I started getting grey--no, not grey... "unicorn white" strands when I was 15. I definitely have way less than 10 percent white but because my hair is dark and the individual strands so thick, any white, single hair is pretty obvious.It is about 23" long in length and about 3.5 inches thick if measured in a ponytail. It has been chemically treated with dyes and bleach. Pre-henna, it was in the "ombre" style. Darker roots fading to lightened (bleached) ends.PRE APPLICATIONAllergy test:I cut a small corner of the bag and measured one heaping teaspoon into two teaspoons of boiling water. I wanted enough of the product to do both the allergy test and the three strand tests. Since I could use NOTHING METAL, I microwaved distilled water in a mason jar and stirred in the henna powder with a plastic spoon. After the mixture cured for about 10 minutes, I applied it to a one inch square on the inside of my arm near my elbow and left it for about 3 hours. It did not stain my skin and I experienced no adverse reaction.Strand test:Next I collected my hair samples for the strand test. The first sample was from a haircut I'd had a few weeks ago. I wanted this piece because it was taken from the very end of my hair. Since my hair was nearly to my waist at the time, this piece had been exposed to bleach, many chemical dyes, chlorine, sun... you name it. I thought that if any piece would react undesirably to the henna, it would be this one. The second sample was from my hairbrush and the third was composed of the strands that came out in my afternoon shower. I figured these three tests would really give me a broad idea of what could happen. I washed the three samples with a clarifying shampoo. I towel dried the samples. I turned a sandwich bag inside out and taped the three samples to one side. I used the teaspoon to coat the samples, turned the bag right side out and sealed it. I didn't apply warmth. I left these for 3.5 hours*. I was very surprised by the consistency of the strand tests. There were slight variations but overall, the color was dark warm brown that looked extraordinarily natural.* I did not apply heat to the strands. I suppose if one wanted to be truly accurate, they might want to tuck the sealed sandwich bag with samples under their clothes to develop using body heat simulating an actual application of the body heat captured by the plastic bag over the scalp--I just didn't care that much.Prep:The day before, I washed and conditioned withIon Hard Water Shampoo LiterWe have well water and I heard (from other reviewers) that the build up of various minerals on hair can also cause unexpected colorsMIXINGI poured the henna powder into a glass bowl. Again, I boiled the water in the mason jars and stirred with a plastic spoon. Feeling emboldened by the consistency of the strand test, I added teaspoon of nutmeg to the mixture. The consistency was a bit thinner than I expected.You may have read that the mixture smells. It does. At times, it smelled like rotten spinach, tobacco, asparagus and wet hay. It wasn't abhorrent but it is weird. IMO, the addition of nutmeg really made the mixture less fragrant.I let it cure for about 1.5 hours.APPLICATIONBecause the mixture was thinner than expected, I lined a small mason jar with a sandwich bag and secured it with a rubber band. I poured the mixture into the bag and sealed it, leaving about inch open. I hung a hand mirror in the shower and stood in few inches of water (as recommended by another reviewer). Beginning at the roots, I squeezed the mixture through the opening in the sandwich bag. This method was easier than I expected, but next time, I'll just buy one of those plastic hair dye applicator bottles sold at beauty supply shops. The mixture was thicker on my head than I expected given its thinner consistency in the bag. It seemed to stay where I put it and was resistant to movement. Since my hair is pretty long and fairly thick, I usually use two bottles, roughly 8-10 ounces, of conventional dye. I had figured that 14 ounces of the henna mixture would be enough. Next time I do a whole head application, I'll use two boxes of henna. I tried to move the product from my saturated roots to my unsaturated ends but the mixture didn't really move like I'd hoped. I applied the best I could, then saturated the ends by putting them directly in the sandwich bag. Since my ends were bleached/much lighter that my roots to start with, I wasn't too concerned that the color wouldn't be uniform roots to ends.I wrapped my hair up in the provided plastic cap and secured that with a plastic grocery bag. I gave it a quick once over with a blow dryer (not much because heat brings out the red) and wrapped it up in a towel.I had planned to leave it on for 3 hours but it started dripping at little after 2 hours so I rinsed then.RINSEJust imagine you're having a lovely day at the beach. You decide to go for a swim and get hit by a wave that drags your head about 10 yards against the bottom of the ocean... Then someone dunks your sandy head in a vat of Mississippi River mud. It's kinda like that :)Thanks to other reviewers, I knew what I was getting into. First, I leaned over the bathtub and began rinsing out the ends and moving up. When I got to my scalp, I hopped in the shower to rinse the rest. There was one moment where I did wonder if the grit would ever come out but with a gentle shampoo and deep conditioner, I got it all.I think this is the part might bother a lot of people. I actually enjoyed it because it reminded me of showering after long summer days of surfing, swimming and exploring nature. I kinda felt like a kid again.CLEAN UPBecause I read so many reviews, I had a pretty good idea of the mess I was going to get in... Yes. It is messy. But, I manage to make a pretty decent mess using conventional hair dye and I'd rather have non-toxic botanicals all over me than carcinogenic chemicals. Also, the henna dye didn't stain anything except the old shirt I wore to apply. It easily came off all the bathroom surfaces it touched as well as my skin. When I dye my hair with conventional dye, I usually have little stained areas on my skin, sink and tub for a few days. I had no staining with henna!!!RESULTSMy hair is about the same level as before, maybe a little darker. It is surprisingly much less red. I had thought it would be more red from henna. The resulting color is a shiny, rich, warm brown that it still darker at the roots and gradually lightens towards the ends. Overall, my hair seems FAR healthier, stronger, thicker, softer, less brittle, less dry and less damaged. I have never had shiny hair like this. It is more shiny that when I use Biosilk. It really is hard to believe. I wish I would've used henna from the beginning. I couldn't be more impressed. The extra time is worth it...Remember those glaring unicorn white strands? They are definitely blended. They are not as dark as the rest of my hair, but they are no longer glaringly obvious. They are a light honey brown. They look like subtle highlights. But this henna is not intended for use on grey/white hair so I wasn't expecting complete coverage. Next time, I may experiment using the "Color the Grey" box on just my roots and see what happens.I had a fun adventure playing with henna and am very happy with results. I am looking forward to future experimentation.For years, I was on the fence about switching to henna and am SO glad I did. I really can't say enough positive things about it. If you are hesitant like I was, I hope this review helps out!Go for it!(I've heard that the color can change over time, especially the first 24 hours. If anything changes, I'll update this review)
VERY weak barely any fragrance I've worn this fragrance for yrs & I've never experienced any with such little fragrance. Almost like it was watered down.
Not Very Good at Cutting Hair I bought this based on the many positive reviews, but it's really not good, at least for my hair. I do have very thick hair, but should it really matter? I'm not a golden retriever. I used to own the Classic 76, which costs as much as some used cars, and when it stopped working I figured I wasn't in the mood to pay that kind of money again. I figured, any hair trimmer has to trim hair right? And I'm not a salon, so just pick up any random clippers and be done with it. The problem, of course, is that I've been spoiled with clippers that cut hair as quickly as you can run the blade over your head. I thought this was the norm, but I guess not. With these things, if you go too fast (and by too fast, I mean, "at a pace that will complete the job in under an hour") it will stop cutting your hair and instead just start yanking it out. Not exactly what I was expecting.I've since bought myself the "Fast Feed" clippers, which are exactly what I remember from my Classic 76 clippers, but they only cost 10 or so bucks more than this product. Go for those instead.
Perfume seemed to change in the late 80's I used to love this fragrance, but in the late 80's it seemed to change and I did not like it anymore. Has anyone else noticed this?I wish the original fragrance would come back, I wore it when it first came out in 1975 until about 1987 when it changed.
Perfect I must buy again this perfume, for me this is the best of 360 series and the price is cheap too.
Disappointed I am very disappointed with the REVLON Paraffin bath. It takes longer than the instructed ninty minutes to heat up and it doesn't get very warm. Even after 2 hours the paraffin was only slightly warm and did not stay on my hands. I wished I had read reviews before I made my purchase. I would not recommend that anyone waste money on this item.
falling apart It worked great for a couple months, but one of the elastic straps broke and the other one is breaking. I probably use it no more that two or three hours a week when my roomie is getting ready for work. Would not hold up for very long if you plan on sleeping with it every night.
never seen!!!! My order never arrived!!!they wrote from Milano and send me a lot of paper for customs, and so my order is in Milano! I send the paper with all the information but my order never arrived!!!please write me what i could do!thank you a lot
Very Pretty The color does not look like the bottle, closer to a greyish blue as opposed to a purple shade. However it is still a gorgeous color and I would still reccommend it.
raintree Nice bag that has held up well under repeated use for travel. Holds everything and is convenient to use. Orginally bought it as a gift but decided that it was not as big as the receiver wanted but it has been perfect for me.
don't care for it i ordered it because i have a couple friends that love it. Well, i really don't care for it. And now i can't find the return sticky label to return it and i'm really bummed about that because it cost $55!!maybe if you could help me with that, that would be great!thanks Becky
Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special Shampoo, Great. I have bought the Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Special Shampoo and it was great. Previously I have read up a of review on certain Paul Mitchell products not genuine being sold in amazon, I was quite taken back. But after trying it, I realised that it was the same. Its is 100% original and it gives a tingling effect on your scalp. One of the to three shampoo I tried so far, Really awesome.
smells great, skin is soft Please find this soap, I think I bought the last you had. I have enough to get thru the summer---then it's gone. Can't Olay bring back a discontinued item if so many people are willing to buy it? I have tried to find other soaps to replace it, but all I did was waste my money. I am 52 years old and have never had a soap this good. Can you help?
would not recommend i did not like this flat iron it left my hair feeling kinda dry n it was no body left in my hair after using it i would not buy this product again or reccomend it to anyone
It was great... when it worked I bought this May of 07'. I had a difficult time finding flat Iron that I liked and after doing my research I purchased this because Hot Tools had a decent reputation and a lot of my friends owned it and loved it. It worked fabulously until about August when it decided it didn't want to turn on anymore. At first I thought maybe it was my outlet so I tried other outlets and got nothing, needless to say I was bummed. I don't know if this is a common problem or not but I don't think I want to chance buying another one
AMAZING! I've only been using this for 3 days or so...but already my skin has been transformed! You can actually FEEL it working almost the second you put it on your skin! When you wake up in the morning having had it on all night your skin is nearly flawless and the softest I've ever felt!I'm so impressed with Therapy Systems in EVERY way!!Doniellevery acne prone combination skin (26 years old and STILL breaking out, TS is the ONLY non-prescription that has worked for me!)
Broke after 5 months! I loved the hair dryer until it broke...only lasted for 5 months....there is no more hot air coming out, only cold air....I read reviews about this product and heard about this problem, took my chance--- and wasn't on the lucky side! Don't buy this product, guys!
Use this mineral foundation I used to use this product before Peri-menopause hit and yes it does work the way everyone says it does.The pros: 1)Helps clear acne- They cannot support that claim but many woman , including me have said it cleared their face from acne.2)Is easy to apply. I never needed a mirror when I used Bare Minerals. It's that easy.3)Even natural look4)Great make-up for teens to start using .5) Cost efficient.6)Last along time even w/ everyday use.The Cons:1) Can get messy if you are not really careful.2)does not have a good staying power.3)not enough color variations.4)Coverage is sheer to light and if you go to far , it looks bad and you can tell.5)Not good for dry skin. Once I hit Peri-menopause, I could no longer use this product . My skin had dried somewhat and this product was making it worse.I would recommend this to anyone wanting to learn how to apply make-up correctly. I learned how to apply liner this way and had never worn it before because I didn't know how to apply it correctly.I would recommend this for anyone w/ acne or sensitive skin. It doesn't irritate the skin and can clear it up.Great for teens and their starter kit and other kits make it a great value for beginners or pros.
Nivea creme - the best! I have used Nivea moisturizer for a couple of years, having purchased my first when in England. Recently I purchased a small sample of this creme and loved it so much I searched and found the product available in ample supply thru Amazon.com. This creme is used by my husband for his extremely dry skin on his legs, hands and face, and it is the best hand and face moisturizer I have ever used. It keeps my hands soft without being greasy, and seals the moisture in my face so that my foundation stays on all day. It is an excellent night creme and is never greasy. Absolutely you will never find a better creme for the price!
Not sure yet Im on my third bottle in 6 weeks in hopes that it will work, I use it religiously and no fading thus far - I wouldn't expect any miracles
GROSS This stuff smelled so bad. I think it was old or something, and the bronzer rubbed off all thick and gritty.
Piece of junk!! Used renac for years and years. Each brush lasted 2-3 years each. this one wobbled as soon as it cameout of the box and the screws came out within a week. The brush was hot enough. It seared my hand as it fell apart. Shame on Renac for selling out to Chinese workmanship and lowering its quality while keeping the price the same. You have shown your true colors.
Perfect Day or Night This is a great kit for EVERYONE!!! The neutral colors look wonderful on all skin tones.For new loose mineral users application will take practice.The brushes are good quality.Quick tip: If you hold a make-up brush closer to the ferrule (the metal part that attaches the hair to the handle) your color concentration will be heavier than if you were to hold your brush near the end of the handle, where your color concentration will be lighter and more diffused.
The Pleasures scent is less than pleasurable I love all the Pleasures scents ... except this. It is too heavy and has a scent that gives me a headache. Maybe it smells like this on me, but I do not like it at all.
Had hopes for this one... Unlike the Creme de Corps Honey Body Polish and lotion, this one did not work. It takes a lot of the product to lather up and seeing how Kiehl's can be pricey, I don't want to use too much at a time. I felt like I was not putting anything on my skin. Once used, it does not make my skin softer and I noticed no difference in my skin compared to a drugstore brand. To be fair though, it did not dry my skin out. I will not repurchase this once I'm done with it.
magical These swabs are miracle workers. My nose kept getting infected for months after I got it pierced. I used to get a big nasty red bump that seemed like it would never go away. Someone recommended these swabs and my nose cleared up in around 3 days. Also, I have never gotten an infection since. I don't even use them anymore except every time I get a cold or put a new ring in I use these to clean my piercing. This is the perfect product, if you're having problems with infections you need to buy this!!
HORRIBLE! FAKE! If I could give this seller zero stars, I would! I had a REAL Chi for over 5 years before my maltreatment of it finally caused it to die. My dad bought me this one (from this seller, through Amazon) as a gift. I got it today and let me say, it is a joke! The REAL Chi is supposed to get hot quickly in order to get your hair straight and smooth in one swipe. This one BARELY gets warm, and took me 3x longer to even get somewhat of a decent result. SAVE YOUR MONEY! I feel horrible my dad's thoughtful gift was ruined by such a crap seller.
Biosilk Silk Therapy for Senior Women My mother is 78 years old and she loves the product.I wish I can provide a detail benefits but my mother is from the old country and I don't communicate with her well to provide an accurate reason for her fondness for this product other than it feels good on the hair.
Boo to the manufacturers This product broke upon the first use of it. It is extremely poorly constructed. ***WARNING WARNING WARNING**** DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY!!!!!
Unhappy Consumer I ordered from Amazon's vendor Polo 'Pour" EDT. One week later I receive 'Spray" EDT. I called vendor twice and both times the response was sorry bout that and that was it!!!So I guess next time I order the jaguar and they ship the Yugo it'll be okay!! Never again will I ever ever ever order from this vendor. I have used Polo 'pour" for 28 years and will continue to. I will definitely not purchase from Amazon or one of their vendors.Amazing how the negative vendor review I wrote disappeared as well!!!!
Amazing! I bought 2 of these for my 2 daughters. We received them yesterday and they are AMAZING. My girls have fine hair and very snarly. This brush doesn't hurt them and gets the tangles out while making their hair shiny and gorgeous. I tried it on my fine hair and now I have to have one!
Itchy Rash -- Allergic to Product Update to my review from May 2011August 9, 2011, After having used the product since May 2011; I would not purchase this product in the future. I am not sure what they put in the ingredients but my skin does not like it. Every time I have used this product, my face breaks out in a very itchy rash. I do not use it on my face because after using it several times and having the same thing occur, I had to discontinue use. By the way, it is certainly not worth the money -- way too expensive.Initial Review on May 2011I usually wait a while before I post a review about a product but I decided to list my initial thoughts. If you have dark brown skin be prepared for a white sheen to appear on your skin. I think this product may break me out but I am going to have to use it a little longer to be certain. As for the seller - excellent!!! I received the product in what seemed like record time. I would definitely purchase from this seller again.
Classic Scent I wonder if it still smells the same!? My brother used to have this stuff about 15+ yrs ago and I used to sneak in his room and spray a lil bit on and itd last all day long!!!!!! It can be overpowering if you spray too much on yourelf. But, overall, very good stuff indeed!
A good product for a good price I've been using this product for about a month now. I am very happy with the results. I've had some drying/peeling but I got it under control switching to a gentle face foam cleaner (Olay) with a facial loofah pad instead of my Neutrogena soap bar. I have a very oily T-zone with large pores. I'm 44 and have hormonal chin breakouts monthly. Afirm has really smoothed my skin and balanced the color tone very well. Also my pore size is smaller (or less noticeable). I still apply a very light dab of benzoyl peroxide my chin nightly for the breakouts after using Afirm. I also like the fact that you can get the grade that you need and go stronger slowly. I think the price is great compared to most and does the same job.
Great, subtle scent I recently purchased an organic bath wash which had honey almond in it. It smelled so great that I wanted something else with the scent. This was great! I love to wear designer perfumes, but I also like simple fragrances as well. This oil goes a long way and has a great smell. I have used it many times for the last month, and the bottle still looks completely filled. I think it will last for a long time. Great purchase and excellent price.
Hair so soft. I first tried this shampoo as a neutralizer in theOrganic R/s Root Stimulator Olive Oil No-lye Relaxer Extra Strength Kit. It certainly added softness and "life" to me freshly relaxed hair, so when I discovered it was available to buy solo, I was excited.It works wonders on my hair weeks post relaxer as well. It's even good on natural hair. It works up an extremely rich lather and has a really clean "soapy" smell (baby shampoo is the only thing I can think of comparing it to), so I actually enjoy the process of using it on my hair and the hair of others. I feel like it makes my hair great and look healthy. My hair isn't in the worst condition it has ever experienced but I still like this shampoo more than any other I've tried. I think it stabilizes my hairs health. It lost a star because, although it makes my hair soft, I feel like - for something labeled "olive oil" - it could moisturizer a bit better. I usually follow it up with another faveOrganic Root Stimulator Hair Lotion, Olive Oil Moisturizing, 8.5 oz.to combat dryness.
Dont do it! I will say that this blowdryer does dry my hair faster than a regular one, but for 150 bucks my hair still comes out frizzy. I tried to send the warranty and yes since amazon is NOT an authorized buyer Bespoke Labs will NOT honor the warranty. It was too late for me to return. I'd rather have bought the smaller version full price at Sephora or somewhere else, but I feel this was a big waste of my money.
Knockoff from China This is not the real cologne, it's a knockoff from China. I know because I have the real stuff from Arman (and about 30 bottles of other real colognes).I gave this as a present to my brother for Christmas. When he opened it, it was leaking everywhere, the top was faded, and the box itself had Chinese markings on the inside lining where the glue previously held the box together (but had opened due to the leaky bottle). The lettering was also a dead giveaway. It was glued on and crooked, like some kid assembled it.DO NOT BUY from this person. Fake cologne knock off.
good product, bad packaging The tone is great but I found there were cracks at the bottom of the bottle and the bottle leaks.
Not so good I have had my share of straightners. I usually get the mid-grade ones and they work decently. I previously had a hot tools one that i loved, only lasted a year. I bought this one to replace that one and it was not good at all. Didn't work at all. Barely got hot. Tried to return it but no avail. I wouldn't really recommend this one, maybe i just got a dud.
Gimmickry aside, it's simply a great scent You should keep in mind that every fragrance depends on how well it will react to your skin: some that smell awfully nice on that little piece of paper, will punk and funk on you, and leave you stuck with an expensive bottle of Eau de Calamity.I was in a store looking for Drakkar, and when I saw this, I laughed at the ad copy about "hidden pheromones" and "secretly attract women!" I dashed some on a wrist, let it soak, and gave it a whiff. Despite the fact that I'd been urged to try Armani Black Code, Ralph Lauren, and Acqua diGio, Realm was the one that really stuck. This is a great fragrance: strong and masculine, but not overpowering and reeky.Oh, and by the way--guys: it only takes a tap of the nozzle! More than that and you might have the ladies running for a tissue or some eyedrops. ;)
China Musk Perfume This China Musk has a very lite scent a little dab here and there goes a long way. I like to wear it after a nite time shower. This is a perfume oil you could ware anytime.
They sould be called "lukewarm" rollers These seemed like a good alternative to a full-size roller set for travel, and they are BUT they don't heat to a hot enough temperature to curl. A real drawback for HOT curlers to be tepid. I once let them heat for 90 minutes and they still weren't hot. I would award them no stars but the posting software isn't permitting that.
It's OK but I found something better finally! I use about a bottle every summer and don't love this product (who could!):) but it works pretty well. I found on Amazon Solution2 and gave that product a try. It's definitely a nicer product. It doesn't sting nearly as much which is a big deal for me and I LOVE the roller ball application.
Still undecided on this one. I'm still not completely sold on this flat iron.My hair is fine yet gets wavy and sometimes frizzy. The hot air and low heat setting works wonderful on wet hair. I'm not so impressed with the low heat setting on dry hair. It just doesn't do the job and I think the next setting will fry my hair.My main complaint is cramping in my hand when using the iron on wet hair. For me it's an unnaturally wide grip and I get pain and cramping when using the iron.I've been using this everyday for a week. Still not sold on it but I give it 4 stars because I don't regret the purchase.
The only fragrance spray I actually use. Since I'm a woman, it seems like any time anyone doesn't know what to get me, they resort to body sprays and lotions because all women are supposed to like those, I think. As a result of that, I have years' worth of body sprays sitting around and going bad because I just don't like them. But this one is different.This smells more like the stem and leaves of the tomato plant, so it's an earthy yet refreshing scent. I always get questions and compliments about this spray. I love that it's not flowery or fruity. It's probably not something a super girly-girl would like, but for someone who doesn't like the usual scents, this is perfect.
moisturizing?? I applied the cream correctly every time, and it soothes effectively and provides a protective barrier for the skin, BUT does not deliver moisture to the skin The product doesn't have much moisture in it in the first place because it is "concentrated" apparently but i need moisture!! WHY ELSE WOULD I BUY HAND CREAM? obviously i want to moisturize my dry hands.The texture is grainy, I'm guessing it's the concentrated bits of dried cream or something, but it's very unpleasant feeling. It smells like plastic even though it's fragrance free.
BEST moisturizer for sensitive skin!! I'm 27 years old, and I've suffered from all sorts of skin problems since the age of 5. Finding a new moisturizer is always a gamble since most products cause an allergic reaction on my face. For many years, my only choice was to use Cetaphil, which was fine...but lately I've been finding that I need something more potent. I read SO many reviews about Philosophy Hope in a Jar (both the original and this formula for sensitive skin.) It sounded like many other people with skin-issues found this product helpful. A few months ago, I bought 2 new products, a night-time moisturizer (Clinique Repairwear) and a daytime moisturizer (Estee Lauder Resilience with SPF--which made my face red and irritated). I just ran out of both a couple of days ago, so I decided to replace both with Hope in a Jar. I just bought it yesterday, and after one use, I woke up this morning without ANY of the dry red patches that I usually find around my nose and mouth. My whole face feels unbelievably smooth and non-irritated--I never would have expected the change to be so quick!! I NEVER write reviews for ANYTHING, but this a big deal for me and I know there are other people out there who feel the pain that skin problems can create, both physically and emotionally. Yes, I've only used it once so far, (twice, actually, because I just put some more on when woke up!) but I have a great feeling about this product and recommend it to anyone with sensitive skin who has tried everything else with no luck.
LOVE IT! this smells really good. I've used it for about a week now and my gf and all her friends love the smell of it.
Disappointing The scent is barely detectable. It's as if I'm not wearing anything at all, and I have a very sensitive nose. The "oil" is very sticky/gummy on the skin too.
takes forever to dry hair I don't know how this got positive reviews from others. Yes, it was remarkably quiet - but it wasn't doing much more to dry my hair than if someone blew on it. Usually, my hair dries in 10 minutes - after 30 minutes this still hadn't dried my hair and I switched to finish drying it with my husbands. Maybe mine was defective, since other reviews claimed it dried quickly. I was disappointed because the quietness was amazing - it just seems too good to be true.
Camille Beckman 32 oz. body cream oriental spice This is an excellent product. Smells so good. I love it. The shipping was very fast. The customer is very reliable. Great price for this product. I am a returning customer. I always buy from Amazon when I can.
good for every day use hi folks,comes fast, boxing is covered with plastic ) i mean it comes brand new!
do horses really use this I was very disappointed. Do people really use this on their horses. I put it on clean nails and within a day, it was peeling off like celophane! I wash my hands, do dishes, and take a shower - just like any human, and probably less than any horse - but the stuff did not last. Sad product. I did get a refund though.
The Worst- DO NOT BUY I paid over 6.00 for this shampoo and would not pay a dime for it again. The packaging is very nice, but the product is worse than any I have ever used. This is my first Shampoo or hair product review for that matter, but I was so disappointed, I found it worth my time to warn others. This did not soften my hair at all. The conditioner was awful. Will not purchase again. Do not waste your money. Poor quality.
It's okay if I'm sitting inside all day. I developed an allergy to my usual high strength deoderant so I tried Almay's Hypoallergenic version (since my eye doctor recommended the brand for makeup if i insisted on wearing it). The first day I used it, I was at an outdoors festival where I was running a booth. I was sweating more than I ever had since I started wearing antipersperiant because the product didn't do a thing for me. Even under average weather conditions (75 degress F) the product seems to start to weaken after an hour or two. Also, the scent mixes with my natural body odor (which is not offensive unless I've been working out hardcore) and creates a bizarre smell. The price is good, even if you want to give it a try it's not a bank breaker. I wouldn't use it on a day you have a date or a job interview if you're going for a test run.
hair product Product is already broken after only 3 weeks, and I no longer have the box for returns- will never purchase from amazon again and will go back to store purchases so the product quality is better and returns are easier
Burned and cut my skin!!! I bought this product because I wanted to find a body/skin adhesive that I could experiment with putting on my skin and holding my skin in place. The first and only time I tried the glue, I put some on in a sensitive area of my body. I figured it would be fine because after all it's body adhesive, but I soon noticed red, dot-shaped marks on my skin and washed it off but it was too late- the glue had already burned into my skin (within 15 minutes of use) and left small dot-shaped cuts that have still not fully healed. It began bleeding and eventually started scabbing- it was awful! This was 2 weeks ago and I am still waiting for the cuts to heal. This stuff is horrible in my opinion and although you might not have any problems with it, be very careful about putting it in a sensitive area. I would not buy it and look for something hypoallergenic instead. I should have judged it by the smell it has, before I put it on. It smells really bad- like that standard kind of toxic glue. Trust me, do not buy it!
My Wife Loves It Although it seems pricey (and what name brand smelly stuff isn't?) my wife loves it, and that's all that matters to me. She may give it 5 stars; I think it's OK (doesn't choke me like many modern perfumes); it gets (3+5)/2 = 4 stars.
great product for people with seasonally combination skin This is a great product if you have skin that gets a little more sensitive in the winter time. It is also great if you have cyctic acne or any sort of hormonal breakouts. It is very gentle and doesn't leave your skin feeling dry or tight after use. I highly recommend this product if you are dealing with adult on-set acne, sensitive skin, or just want to improve your complexion overall.
terrible I love China Glaze's nail polishes but this one is terrible. I bought it because it is a very unique color and thought it would look great for summer. It took 5 coats for it to actually be seen on my nails but it was still extremely streaky. It also looked very dry and matte even after applying a top coat. I immediatley took it off and threw it away. It's horrible. Do not waste you money.
DON'T GET BURNED When I started using Zeno it worked great. After the first time I charged it something happened and the alarm signal did not go off in time. I was burned very badly on my face. It blistered and is scarred. I would definately be careful.
Ever so soft! I've used this product for years now...I don't use any other lotion...I excessively wash my hands (germs, bacteria...), some consider it unnatural...but this lotions helps restore the moisture that I lose everyday...although thick, it doesn't feel heavy after its been worked into the hands...the smell is pleasant as well...lightly scented...not overbearing for a guy...All in all...great product...it may be a little pricy, but you have to see the positive side...your hands will thank you...
Clairol Loving Care Haircolor I have used this product for a number of years and find it very satisfactory. I especially appreciate the fact that the product has no damaging ingredients and that it gives the hair a very natural look. Mostly I have been disappointed by the fact that this product is no longer carried in the market so it means I will have to chose another product which is permanent and definitely not as easy to use. Recently I was able to purchase some of this product at Amazon.
Fallene Total Sun Block SPF 60 Tinted, 2 fluid ounces I appreciate that the product came right on time and was exactly what I had ordered.For a number of years I have used this product on my face at the advice of my dermatologist as a way to block the sun and so to slow down dramatically the aging process on my skin. I love the fact that it tints my skin so that the color on my face is evened out.I hope that they make this product forever. It is a great product. I think that more women would use it if they knew how great it is. I have used it for at least 8 years, I started in my early sixties and other women will ask me how I keep my skin so wrinkle free. I tell them that I believe that it is from the Fallene Sun Block at least, in part.Thank you!Carol K.
Very badly burned I was using this product along with Desert Essence Daily Essence Facial Moisturizer [...] and at first, I noticed that I felt a bit of a burn and discomfort from both products. I tried using the products separately as well as together, and thought that maybe it was normal. However, after a few days of using this product, I ended up getting a severe burn all over my face, and broke out into a very painful rash.It started out as just a prickly pink, then went itchy and red, and eventually broke out into a severe burn, and was extremely painful and peeled for several days. It took weeks for my skin to stop feeling sensitive and raw.I'm not sure why my face reacted this way, but I'm really sad that it did, because I had been searching high and low for an all natural facial product, and all of my searching on Amazon pointed to this.
Burning after one use I tried this for the first time last night before bed. Within minutes of applying, my face started to feel very irritated and there was an awful burning sensation. I washed it off right away but this morning I had some peeling in my t-zone area. My face has never been sensitive but it is on the dry side so I thought this product would help. I realize everyone is different and this may work great for some but I definitely had a bad reaction to it.
Not Worth It The item arrived damaged so I really did not give it a try. However, after reading the instructions and warnings I'm glad I didn't use it! I prefer Toppik which is easier to apply and more natural in its appearance.
Awesome Cologne I purchased this Monday night at about 10 pm. Got it Wed. at 5. Very fast and it is legit Armoni. smells good and lasts. Excellent buy!
bling rocker style love this polish, its just like the picture. its blingy not glittery like little girl polish. just enough to be rocker chich but sexy.
Works very well And it's gentle! One thing I dislike about other eye makeup removers is that they are oily! This one is NOT. You don't need a lot and it works very well.
La Prairie Skin Caviar foundation spf 15 Creme Peche I have used this product for two years, it is amazing. It has great coverage but does not look heavy. It is silky and very luxurious. Not much product is needed and it lasts 6 months. It is pricey but well worth it.
This thing is Junk!!! Hi,I bought this two years ago...I used it about 10 times and I really didn't notice any results.PLUS, it makes the zit look much worse for hours so you could only use this the night before.The most anoying thing is that instead of just selling the product they rigged it so it only works for about 100 times and you are forced to buy another expensive refill cartridge (or whatever they call it).This really is a ripoff...All this is is heat therapy...The theory with heat is that elevated temperatures will kill bacteria. Why not just do something like heat some small smooth flat stones (like they do in spas by heating in water) and try that on problem areas?This is not anything high tech...AVOID!!!
Bad merchandise I discourage anyone ordering product from Cosmetic Solutions. I got a can of defective hair spray. Cosmetic Solutions would not respond to me or refund money. Luckily Amazon guarenteed my order and reimbursed me, but Cosmetic Solutions is a hoaz and rip off.
No results This was not a great buy. I didn't notice any results from this crime. It was easy to apply and take off, but the results weren't there.
fake I purchased this product and was wary that it might not be genuine MAC. I took it to a MAC counter and they verified that it was fake. I returned the product and got a full refund.
My favorite scent at a great price! I have worn this perfume for almost 20 years now. I was a little hesitant to order this from Amazon after reading some of the reviews that said it was a weakened formula. However, I figured that I would give it a try for myself. Once the package arrived I took it to a brick and mortar store here in town that sells this perfume. After comparing the ingredients list (which has changed in the last few years) and the color of the perfume, I saw that what I received from Amazon was exactly the same as what was being sold at the store, but for a fraction of the cost. Any changes that are noted in other reviews are from the formula change and not because Amazon has watered the product down. Enjoy!
Great product, great smell! This soap is perfect. Smells nice, cleans and keeps skin soft. Good for very sensitive skin. The soap bar has a good size, and lasts a while.
No stars! A major RIP-OFF!!! The advertising for this so called miracle cure should have been the first red flag but somehow I believed this just might work. It doesn't and it angers me to know I fell for the hype. The packaging looks so professional and the cost was high enough that it gave the impression of a valuable product. It isn't. I am Italian and Greek and there isn't anything that will erase heredity and that is what most dark under eye circles are caused by. If yours are from lack of sleep, get more sleep. It they're from allergies, take Claritin but don't throw away $100.00 plus on this tube of nothing. It is not worth the money and can't do what is promised. Please, just judge this product by the advertising picture. It looks as if someone used black paint under the eyes of the model and then the after picture is perfect and they insinuate their product made the difference.The company that markets this useless cream is called "Basic Research." Let that be a lesson to all of us, do some basic research first, before throwing away money on garbage. Macy's and Amazon should immediately pull this item. To do less would ruin the credibility of both companies, currently held in high regardUPDATE: I was able to get a refund through my local Macy's. This isn't mentioned in the ad but the clerk there told me I wasn't the first to ask for my money back and I am sure, won't be the last. The fact they took it back locally speaks volumes.Bottom line...save your money and don't fall for this one..it just doesn't work!!
So-so product 5X magnification required mirror to be too close to my wife's face to be of use to her. Lighting was not as bright as expected.
Not working within 3 months of purchase I had this on my Amazon wish list for years and my husband purchased it for me last April. It stopped working 2.75 months after receiving it and was only used a hand full of times and well taken care of. Unbeknownst to us, the warranty is void, since it was purchased online. Farouk has no tech support to help me trouble shoot the problem and nothing could be done to help. I recently purchased a less expensive Remington that I LOVE! Next time I will read ALL the reviews before putting anything on my wish list or buying.
amaaaazing Actually i was take it as a gift for my wife and she like it so much. it's enoughe hot and have differint options to make differint style.
The greatest! I have used this makeup for years and I must say it is the most natural looking there is on the market.
Amarige by Givenchy I am very happy with the Eau de Toilette, it was a birthday present from my son. It took longer than usual to get to me. However, I understand it was Christmas period.
Great! I've been searching everywhere for this color! It's the perfect nude in my opinion. :) Definitely my new staple nail polish color.
Does not file Grafco 5" Stainless Steel Triple Cut Nail File, Box of 12This is a nail file that does not file. A call to Medex was no help. Dina offered to give me the Manufacturers address. She established that there were flat areas between the teeth (the reason that it would not file). A bargain if you only want to clean under your nails. The description is deceptive, should be "Steel Nail"Doug
DISSAPOINTED! Maybe mine is expired... This is my first time ever using this product so I didn't know what to expect. I HATE it!. My hands do not feel anywhere near clean after using it, I can eat a meal, then use this product and my hands STILL smell like food. When I pump the foam into my hand, I have to quickly rub it into my hands before it drips down my wrist or through my fingers; I have to "catch it" as it's dripping down my wrist, no time to even put the cap back on. When I rub it in my hands, it feels very slick, like I'm rubbing in water. I've used foam sanitizer before and they were just that, FOAM, not liquid. So I am VERY dissatisfied and I will NEVER buy this again. I wish I had used it prior to purchasing so I would have known how it was suppose to be. And if this IS how it is suppose to be, then I would have never bought it. Unfortunately I have a case (6 bottles) of this crap. And 4 out of the 6 (that I've tried) are watered down drippy foam.
Well made, good value This mirror fits nicely behind my bathroom door and operates smoothly. Much nicer than the cheap one I nearly bought at Ikea.
This product is simply ugly The lotion is extremely runny and the bottle almost appears to be dirty (the coloring of the bottle is terrible.)I enjoy lots of the other Cucumber & Green Tea Scent Dove products, such as deodorant and body wash. But this lotion falls short of those by a long shot.I will throw this bottle out before I use a fourth of it and switch over to something that doesn't look like I'm digging in a trash can to find something to put on my body.
Camille Beckman Hand therapy I have used the product for years. It's never disappointed me. Thank for for the great service. I'll order again in the future.
Waste of Money So I was sucked into the Philosophy hype and great reviews. After giving the product not 1 but 2 tries I have to say that its like washing your face with lotion. Yeah its soft afterward but is it clean? NO, Not in the least. Initially bought a trial set from sephora and while I wasnt overly impressed with any of the products I reordered the cleanser from Amazon. It just doesnt clean my face. After using a retinol pad after washing at night i saw dirt/residue whatever you want to call it on the pad. I believe it caused small breakouts due to going to bed with a face that wasnt totally clean. Im back to Avon Ageless solutions and I find that it CLEANS my face and makes it feels smooth. I even have my mom hooked on it now.After reading this you still decide to try it; Good luck!
Dont wast your money It peels off if applied under/top/in between the polish nail. Its a wast of money. Dont buy it. It peels off when your wash your hands.
Literally the BEST mascara! Lancome Hypnose mascara is simply the best. I have long eyelashes, but they are blonde and thin on the ends. This mascara makes them look Hollywood Glam and I will never use another mascara.
All Dried Out!! I received these tubes of mascara, my favorite kind! They were all dried out! When I asked for them to send me some new fresh tubes, they responded by giving me my money back! They must all be dried out! Don't buy these!
Great two sided mirror... The mirror itself is sturdy and the magnifying power of the one side is awesome! My only complaint is the stand, which is a great idea in theory, but it seems cheaply made.
facial toning I love this mask kit!!! Looks odd however it does the trick & helps with my chronic headaches distracting me with the muscle twinges. Arrived as expected.