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Save Your money until a 200 page ERRATA comes out First, I will start with the one positive thing about the book. It attempts to take an in depth look at routing.Now the negatives:1. So many errors and typos that it is barely readable and will leave you wondering what is correct and what is not.2. Too long and wordy!3. The author states that some things aren't on the test that are on the test.4. NO ERRATA FOR THOSE OF US THAT DROPPED [a lot of money] PLUS TAX ON THIS BOOK!The bottom line... I hope this book isn't going to be the new standard for the Cisco Press books....
dont waste your time!!! I dont understand how anybody could consider this an enjoyable read. Sure, words that are 900 letters long were common then, but simple is better. Plot??? whats that? Bronte BEGINS to develop this mythical creature around page 300 of 460. Shes pathetically longwinded, taking over 400 pages to say what i couldve written in 1. This book is an utter waste of time; it lacks even the simplest aspects of a good book: Characters you can relate to(yeah right), PLOT!!, and making the authors point. Now that Ive finished burning my copy, i have to give her the fact that the ending was at least decent...compared to the rest of this pathetic thing. That is, only if you like this kind of thing, which i dont, as you can see. So, dont waste your time on this one...unless youve got ALOT of it to waste :)
Not for little ones I got this book for my 3-year old granddaughter as a Halloween present and was so disappointed in it that I bought a substitute gift. It is a very difficult seek-and-find picture book; not a storybook. Definatley not a "read with me" book! The pictures are very complex and impossible to solve. Save your money!
Doesn't Teach Much I used this book in my systems analysis and design course. First off, it is over priced. I understand that college books are expensive, but this one was too overpriced.Second, it is not helpful. It spends chapters talking about how to get information from users. Did I really need several chapters to tell me to interview them, send out surveys, and observe them? That is kind of obvious information.Following this course, I took a software development course. The two classes are in series. Techniques learned from this book did not help me. When it came time to write documents (project proposals, documents for external design and internal design phases, etc.) this book was no help. There were no examples of what should be in them.Not helpful unless you are clueless as to where to begin. Even then it's not a tremendous help.
Beautifully translated I was visiting a used bookstore with a friend when this book caught my attention. I immediately purchased it and read it. Its a small book - 61 pages total, interlaced with beautiful Indian miniature paintings. The author clarifies all uncertain/difficult translations in the introduction - for example "buddhi" is translated throughout as intellect.In the past, I have read translations of old Indian text in which some authors give a detailed account of their own interpretations on the subject. I usually don't like this "lecturing" and find it more appealing if the text is just translated so that the reader is open to his/her own interprtations.Finally, the story of young Nachiketas may or may not be true. But we all can associate with it on some level or the other. Here are a few passages from the book:"Like pure water being poured into pure water,Who sees only the OneBecomes the One""There, in that Self,The sun cannot shine,Nor the moon or stars.The light of lightning cannot reach it,Much less a conflagration on Earth.Yet by Its presence all these are litAnd light shines forth."This book is all I expected it to be, and more.
An Extraordinary Book This is nothing like any other self-help book I have ever read. It is a completely fresh "take" on abusive relationships. I urge any woman who thinks she may be in one to get this book and read it immediately. It is especially good if you are with an abuser who isn't particularly physically abusive (more emotional or psychological or verbal). I cannot say enough about how life changing this book is. It is actually difficult to read because (If) the shock of recognition is so painful. It says things that affirm the abused woman's point of view like nothing I have ever read.
Lost In Translation... Look I would love to say this was a great read but frankly the writing style had some huge grammatical flaws-Perphaps, it's Heinlein's attempt at Sci-fi slang but I found myself reading sentences like three times trying to figure out what the heck he just wrote...this is what I am talking about,example form page 48:"My Pleasure. Move to couch and I'll rid of table and dishes,- no can't help; I'm host." I cleared table, sent up dishes, saving coffee and vodka, racked chairs, turned to speak.-I'm not pretending to be a freaking English teacher - but hey man-this is just one paragraph from many like this- I get the idea of what Heinlein saying but for the love of God throw in a freaking adjective. "I moved to THE couch."Maybe it was the Editors fault...I don't know.So many people told me about this book, which made it even more disappointing. In my opinion, cool plot-painful read. I would recommend going to the book store and reading a chapter or two to see if you can handle this sytle of writing...I couldn't.
Poorly written.....Don't quit your day job yet. For one if we all started utilizing this technique we would be competing against eachother for the golden 16ths this book advocates are just waiting to be had making it virtually impossible to do. (And you thought those docile sleepy mkt makers of the ever unaffected reits and utility stocks would be the only wrenches in the works.) And second; why would an author write a book creating tremendous competition for himself at what he does for a living. Writing a book about grabbing these 16ths from professional mkt makers who closely guard and watch their spreads would be the last thing he would want to broadcast to the world especially if he is making the 300k/year he claims to be making with his method. (I seriously doubt this poorly written book will bring in THAT much for him by comparison.) Proceed with great CAUTION. The stock mkt is a barracuda industry with NO mercy. Be smart.
Oh my... This novel is absolutely awful. Although it has received over 500 reviews I feel it is my duty to help bring the average star level to where it belongs, at zero. Where to begin... perhaps with the run on sentences, the failure to create significant rising action, the flat two dimensional characters... This novel is full of things which not only bore the reader, but frustrate them as well.The fatal flaw in this piece of literature is its inability to stay relevant. Post-modern society does not really care about, "Baby daddies," and the revelation which is made at the end, and beginning, of this novel is reproduced daily on morning television a la Maury. Unfortunately, Nathaniel Hawthorn you are the father of this literary disaster.
worst Anne Rice book I am a huge fan of Anne Rice and have enjoyed her tales over the years of the Mayfair witches and the vampire chronicles. But Merrick doesn't even come close to these other novels. It lacks depth, an interesting story line, and character and location development. It is billed as bringing together the Mayfair witches and Lestat, which is completely untrue. The story has little to do with her others and with previous characters.Furthermore, there is nothing interesting about the story line. The goal is to bring back the ghost of a dead vampire child. That is the entire premise. Who cares. It is completely boring and dull. There are other a few characters and they aren't very developed other than their history.Anne Rice can do so much better. This is an complete disappointment. Don't waste your money on it.
It's the writer, not the message I have to agree with many who say the book is poorly written. It is. It lacks a certain amount of insight we expect from Dr. Drew, and seems overly simplistic and lacking depth.Although Dr. Drew has great wisdom, understanding and a kind of 'wonderment' with addicts, life, psychology, etc., the book fails to convey this. The writing is rushed, the syntax poorly constructed, and the real insight totally missing. It comes off tasting like a fast-food meal. Total McHack. When you think there will be some insight, the scene quickly changes. When you feel a 'Dr. Drew' moment coming on, we're left with very simplistic analogies. There's just no depth to the book. There's no real insight, only on the surface observations, strange compliations of stories, memories and conversations, and no real 'character development' of those addicts he treats.But I think that's the fault of the co-author. Where he could have helped Dr. Drew construct a compelling story, he just hurries thru one scene of addiction after another, one day-in-the-life-of-Dr.-Drew or another, kind of like he started to transcribe Drew's stories only to click off the recorder at the moment Drew is close to making 'real breakthrus.' It's very disappointing. You keep reading the book hoping for more, but get next to nothing. It's like an amateur wrote it, or at the very least someone who didn't care nor understand Dr. Drew or his real message/meaning/mantra.Drew & Adam's first book was far better, even though its audience totally different. And maybe that's the problem - maybe his co-author had no idea who the audience was.Dr. Drew has a ton of valuable information to convey to people of all ages that could possibly help, even turn around lives. But this book fails to deliver on exactly that.
Ick. Three words to describe my feelings of this book...I HATE IT.Hawthorne's writings are dull, dry, and other words that mean bad that start with D. The character's a boring.
The WORST Book I Ever Read! (One star because zero was not an option.)I had many accomplishments during my years at university, but I must say that I have no idea how I got through this one. Other "modern novels" appeal to me greatly such as _Ulysses_ and _Remembrance of Things Past_, but this one is just garbage, in my mind. While I am a great defender of the right to read, and the need to read books that are detestable as part of the study of literature, I so strongly disliked this book that I keep it only as a reminder of the torture that my students face as they read literature they would never normally choose. I'm sure we each have our least favorite book, and this is most definitely mine!
Fighting Strong A Woman Scorn'd is a story about a woman who suffered being rape by her father at the age of thirteen to the point of losing her most priced possession, her innocence. But, she had a fight in her that she refused to let go of even after losing her mother at a young age.I enjoyed the way the author told this story through the main character, Roxane. After reading about Roxane and her ability to rise up from a bad situation, I was glad I bought this book, glad mostly that it had a fighting heroine in it. With all the adversities she faced in her present life and the past haunting her, Roxane managed to rise up and fight back for someone besides herself. Carrying a secret she couldn't share not even with her brother who was closest to her than anyone, this woman still reached out and helped the women she counseled. This is an excellent book by Dorothy Goins. Very motivating.
Am I missing something? The book just ended -- there was no conclusion, was there? Dave goes on a sort-of date with Mary, Tom announces, out of the blue, his pending marriage with Hilda and the decision to join the Army; Pop, who's been looking out for Tom, does nothing but offer him a toast -- and then what? Nothing? I've never in life read a book that felt, as this one did, that it just ... stopped. I tried to turn the page -- and there was no page to turn to. Help me out here. Were all of you convinced that the book had any kind of ending? Perhaps the Kindle edition is in error? I hope there's more to this book than has met my eye.
Very bad book, very bad sequel I dont know why anyone would read this book and think its "good". It totally IGNORES the main characters that were set and introduced in the first 3 books. The queen targaryn in the south, Bran, Rickon, John Snow, Tyrion, and so many more. Where are their points of view that solidified the first 3 books in the first place?How do you go from forming a emotional attachment between the reader and the characters the author introduces as main characters and totally, TOTALLY devoids this fourth book of their presences after 4 years of waiting? Seriously is this author hemorraging from some kind of brain disfunction?I'm at exactly 1/2 way through the book now and I'm so disgusted with it that I will most likely not finish it. I seriously wish I could get a refund for this garbage.
Why is there no zero stars option? As a woman (who incidentally learned to read when I was two years old), I found this book to be apalling and insulting. What the book boils down to is that we'd be better off if we didn't read, but the evil patriarchy has imposed literacy on us so we need to know how to read, but reading is against the female nature so we're even worse off.Please don't waste your time and money on this dreck.
Worthy of it's reputation Frank Herbert's Dune Chronicles are a must-have 6 editions for any science fiction/fantasy fan. I just re-read Dune for about the 4th time, and plan on going through each of the following editions again. I'm a fan of sci-fi works that are very rich in plot, character population and total immersion into alternate worlds. Dune does it for me in so many ways. But very basically it puts me into the universe of Dune so deeply that I can see it in my mind, I can live it. It is visceral in nature. Not many books, sci-fi or otherwise, can do that to me. I think that Herbert's mastery in creating this alternate place so imaginatively, with so many layers and history and visualization and mythology and religion and philosophy and psychology, so convincingly is key to the popularity of Dune. And come on, who can resist the desert dwellers riding the wild worms? Like, totally rad! I also discovered just yesterday that there will be a Dune miniseries on the Sci-fi Channel in December. Can't wait!
Smokin' Hot! A phrase kept coming to me early in 2008 - "Why Revival Tarries", "Why Revival Tarries". I actually thought that was a book by Charles G. Finney, and that the Holy Spirit was prompting me to order it. I was surprised, and yet not surprised when I saw that Leonard Ravenhill was the author. Approximately twenty years prior I had received some material from Last Days Ministries in East Texas (The ministry Keith Green started); and it was from them that I first heard the name Leonard Ravenhill.Sadly, it wasn't until 2008 that I actually ordered the book from Amazon and read it.I inhaled it! It was a breath of fresh, holy air.I consider it a modern day classic.Somewhere along the way, I discovered that the books available in our modern day christian bookstores are not necessarily acollection of "The Greatest Hits" of all time. Just as you have to dig for precious metals and jewels, you have to dig for truth and the anointing. It doesn't just fall on you like rain from the clouds. Though very thankful for the lighthouses christian bookstores are in a dark world, sometimes you have to hunt for hidden treasures that are no longer seen on the shelves.I began watching video segments of Ravenhill on youtube and ordered the interview of him that was taped shortly before his death. Since then I've been hoping that a biography would turn up, and now it finally has. "In Light of Eternity", the life of Leonard Ravenhill is a book that you might like to get. It's on my list of books to acquire.In the meantime, "Why Revival Tarries" is the definitive book that expresses the ministry of Leonard Ravenhill. Please get it, and get ON FIRE FOR GOD!
Excellent Guide So few people have solid interviewing skills, which are critical in ensuring that you consistently hire the best people. This book is incredibly useful in helping you move past the "gut" decision. Several chapters are spent on how to ask various questions so that you neither lead the candidate into giving you the answer you want, nor intimidate the candidate at the wrong time. Very helpful in redefining the typical standard questions (which any decent candidate is prepared for) so that you can really get to the substance.The book's focus on explaining why certain methods and techniques work better is excellent. In particular it has been very useful in teaching and/or re-assuring the interviewers (both veterans and newbies) at my company that they are asking the right questions and making the correct judgement calls. That confidence is a key success differentiator from the usual randomness in interviewing that often leads to a substandard hire.
Fun Cher talk! This book was really fun to read. You can imagine Cher talking while you read the quotes. And even though Cher said "You can ask me all these questions and never know me", I still think that reading somenone's quotes from a long period concerning various subjects, you definately can learn something about the person. At least something she wants to reveal. And even more if you can read between the lines...I borrowed the book from library, but I'll most probably get it for myself.
Sarcastic Humor at it's Best Readers will fall in love with Mia Thermopolis, who lives in New York City with her artistic mother and cat, Fat Louie. Mia thinks she is just a normal girl (don't we all) and busies herself worrying about public speaking instead of worldly affairs. That is, until her father breaks it to her that she is the one and only heir to the Genovian throne. That is, she's a princess. As one would imagine, after finding this out Mia's world turns pretty much upside down. She is forced to take "princess lessons" from her grandmother, the Genovian Queen, and must change her entire wardrobe, attitude, hairstye, you name it. Mia's journal entries during this time in her life are hilariously funny and interesting. For a first time novelist, Meg Cabot has certainly hit it off. I reccomend not only the first book in the series but the entire collection. Though quick reads, the books are entertaining and will keep you guessing, even when you're reading them for the fifth time in a row.
Babbling boredom This book I suppose is intended for an older, more seasoned reader, as I am reading this for a high school class and do not understand his meaningless babblings. I could not get a good preception from the details in the book, leaving me clueless and uninterested. Though some find this book fascnating, itriguing and inspiring, I found it boring, arduous and bland.
A great series of books .(makes you think your their!) I find that J.R.R.Tolkien did a great job when writing this series of books. He found a way to make you really believe your their, and you dont even see some of the battles comming, which helps keep the suspence going. Once you start reading you wont be able to put these books down! "The Lord of the Rings" series is truely a great series.....
Pendulum Healing Handook It's OK. I still prefer Dale Olson's The Pendulum Charts to anything elseI've ever read or seen. Some of the charts in this book are different andinteresting.
Tried and True! A new mom recommended this as a "must" so I gave it to my daughter. She was so grateful because she AND her baby are so bonded! Good information! Thank you Amazon for shipping on time!
BEST BOOK ON THIS TOPIC EVER , EVEN NOW IN 2007 What ever happened to this Author? I wish he kept going on producing books. I was lucky and found this book on Ebay, knowing much about it I bought it because the cover looked very interesting. To my surprise I eneded up loving this book and I wish there were more like this and a continuation on this topic. So if your lucky to find this book used BUY ITThis book will help really break down texturing to get photo real looking 3D results!BILL FLEMING IF YOUR OUT THERE, YOU REALLY NEED TO WRITE MORE BOOKS, YOU DO A GREAT JOB!
Dumbing Down with James Paterson I have never read any of James Paterson's prior books so I have no opinion as to how good a writer he might be. All I know is that I feel dumber from having read this improbable piece of drivel. The member of our book club who recommended this book has been properly chastised. If it's a cold winter, I'll burn it in the fireplace putting it to better use than I had from reading it.
warm Calder romance Tara Calder takes her twenty-one year old niece Laura on a grand European tour following the latter's college graduation. Laura is having a terrific time with her aunt, who in many ways is more like a mother than her mom is. At a gala in Rome, Laura helps billionaire wheelchair bound Max Rutledge go outside where a few minutes later she meets his handsome son Boone. Laura can see the tension between the two Rutledge alpha males, but finds the younger one quite attractive. As they head back inside, Laura and English Earl Sebastian Dunhill accidentally walk into each other. Now she has two wealthy hunks wanting to date her.When Laura returns to her home the Triple C Ranch in Montana, she is followed across the ocean by her two persistent suitors. Her family wonders whom she will choose between the two studs if any.The latest Calder romance is a warm tale starring a favorite protagonist and two likable hunks. Laura's antics are fun to follow as series fans will wonder where the discipline she musters in Italy not to shout out "yee-haw" in an upper crust event comes from. Back on the ranch, Laura rides her two dudes on a merry chase that will please contemporary readers.Harriet Klausner
Still a Candidate for "The Worst Book I Have Ever Read" Much is made of the fact that "The Sword of Shannara" was the first sci-fi book on the NY Times Bestseller list, which is actually just a sad comment on the state of sf in the seventies. This book is still one of the worst I have ever read. How awful is it? Let us count the ways.1. It's overlong--the only thing that kept me going in many parts was a morbid curiosity to find out how much torture I could endure.2. It's derivative--Brooks clearly read The Lord of the Rings a couple of times and never got around to imagining something original.3. The characters are undeveloped sterotypes, and boring stereotypes at that.I could go on, but I'll spare us. Suffice it to say that this book remains one of the worst examples of why sci-fi and fantasy are looked down upon by literary circles, and that it was one of the worst wastes of money in my life. The fact that Brooks clearly belives he is God's gift to sci-fi, and that he refuses to write anything but more and more derivative versions of this first book (which all become bestsellers), I shall simply pass over in outraged silence. In conclusion, my advice to all would-be readers of this book, or any other Terry Brooks opus, is to go reread Tolkien--why read an imitator when the original is so much better?
This is sickest book I have read I would like to see William Koehler put through the same training exercises he describes in his book. I wonder how he would feel having his head held under water until he thought he was drowning?
Inaccurate Front cover Picture and Background I personal did not had a chance to read this book, but by looking at the front cover. It was an inaccurate Front cover Picture and Background. The cover is more like in Saigon or somewhere in Vietnam. Cambodia and Cabodians never!!! wear head gear as the Vietnames did.
Intelligent Science Fiction and Touching Love Story! Stealing some time surpasses my expectation. A marvelous blend of sci-fi and gay romance, it has an intelligent plot with a touching love story which knows no barrier. The two protagonists, Kallen and Aaric are wonderfully appealing. One can forgive the writer for his near perfect heroes because this is fiction and heroes should be beautiful. Kallen's early encounters with 3 lovers who deserted him is almost heart breaking, Kallen's loneliness is captured with a heart felt and stark honesty. How Kallen met Aaric in the second book is especially romantic, even with a sprinkle of humor. Kallen's decision to give up his world to stay with Aaric and his sorrows when he though Aaric fails to keep their date just tugs at my heart. All this is told against a background with a future world which is almost frightening but equally possible and it is sad that this future world is still homophobic. To top it all is the compelling yet touching epilogue which I especially like yet leaves a lingering sadness in me long after I finished the 3 books. Definitely a must read!
Need to read the earlier books in the series first. That's all I have to say but Amazon is making me add 20 more words. 5 more to go. BOO
A disappointment I have read a number of Rice's other works...I admire her grand and effortless mastery of the English language and her ability to conceive twisting, intriguing plots involving unique characters from both the past and present. I like most of her other novels that I've read, and I wanted to like this book...but I couldn't. The Witching Hour is massive and bloated. Overly long, it became a genuine effort to finish. I nearly put it down permanently until I realized I could flip through about 10 consecutive pages each time I encountered an extended description of New Orleans and not miss anything of the plot. Only for those with a great deal of patience...
Running Blind {a Jack Reacher book} by Lee Child Jack Reacher is my very favourite tough guy characters. I have all of Lee Childs Reacher books on my Amazon Kindle {whichby the way I couldnt do without} the Reacher character is really different, his own person, so to speak. I recomend these books to anyone!
Better Discipline Books Available 123 Magic is a one size fits all, quick fix approach that does NOT address the root cause of why children misbehave. It may bring fast results as long as strong temperament is not an issue, or if the ONLY problem is that the parent has been too lenient and pleasing in the past.There is no help for parents trying to prioritise which behaviours to focus on when a child is truly out of control. Without a clear strategy to initiate change, a partent can easily be overwhelmed by a childs strong and fiercly oppositional reaction to even minor changes. For this I would highly recommend the book "Ain't Misbehavin" by William P Garvey or "Setting Limits: How to Raise Rresponsible Independent Children by Providing CLEAR Boundaries" by Robert J MacKenzie.For an in-depth book that explores both the parent and childs role in power struggles, I would recommend "The Manipulative Child: How to Regain Control and Raise Resilient, Rresourceful, and Independent Kids" by Swihart and Cotter.I agree with the books suggestion of no emotion or anger during discipline on the part of the parent. But even this is contradicted by the author who suggests that a smack on the butt for a child fighting a time out as being acceptable.Also I found the books tone sort of negative and demeaning towards children at times, making comparisons to "wild animals" that need training.There is some good advice on interrupting behaviors but overall too punitive for my liking.
Very confusing I find this book to be very, very confusing. Sometimes postions are given to find the correct moves. And then I cannot find where the answers are. The book also jumps from very very simple to then very very complicated without explaining things so I can understand. I am rated 900 and don't like this book at all.
Very intriging, but somewhat slow at times since i am only 12 years old, this book moved rather slowly. At times it was boring, but the majority it was fast paced and exciting. It was definitly freaky and spooky!
Title Is Intriguing But Not Supported By the Story The initial chapters of 'The Hunt for Zero Point' are suspenseful and intriguing -- including a "Deep Throat" type character. Cook painstakingly builds a solid foundation and set of credentials to alleviate claims that he is a conspiracy nut.However, the story itself only drones on chapter after chapter with loose relationships between "discoveries." The story line itself is almost anti-gravatic -- defying logic or good writing. While some points are interesting, nothing is proved; and no solid evidence is given to support the weak story line. Cook takes great pains to create a non-fiction work, but the story itself is more believable as an X-File episode. The story slowly devolves and suddenly ends in a weak plot twist -- no revelations, no new discoveries.I was struck with how poor this book was when I opened a recent Edmunds Scientic Catalog. The secret, bizarre, heretofore hidden (according to Cook's fantastic claims) super conductor Meissner effect is featured FOR SALE in Edmunds Catalog. (I am not making this up. Get the Fall 2002 copy of Edmunds and see page 61.)I really had high hopes for this book. Unfortunately, the book simply does not deliver much. Written in a rambling, unfocused style, it really is not even a good "fun" book.
a complete toolkit for an undesirable situation My father bought this book for me this weekend. At first I thought it was a prank on me poking fun about me moving back in with him, my mother and little sister in a few weeks. However after reading it, I can't recommend it enough for someone moving back in. Rather than focus on how hard it is to move back home, the book makes a person realize that they are not alone and that many people are doing the same. The advice given is really practical and it seems it is written by someone who understands the needs of a twenty one year old who wants to have an active social life and get out fast. I did wish the book expanded more on some how to explain to friends that this is normal. In the end I found this book very helpful and very funny.
It is no doubt one of the best books of our age. It unlocks all the mystery to Revelations in a way that all can understand. It is a wake up call. The prophecy has always been with us. Left Behind is a shocking account of what those left after the rapture will face.
inadvertantly amusing Clearly there is a divergence of opinion about this book, but if you are considering buying it consider also why our host tolerates unfavorable reviews at all. It knows that "fan" is short for "fanatic", that authors and musicans attract energetic (or otherwise unengaged) partisan proponents, and thus that most reviews will be favorable and inflated. The most suspect favorable reviews here are those that praise this book's litary qualities, for the long and short of it are that it has none. (Aesthetically this is pretty much the equivalent of daytime TV. If you haven't seen it for some time, the unabashedness of its banality can fascinate you briefly.)
stupid idea for a book why would anyone want to read a fictional book on MM and Jackie O??? especially when there are real, non-fiction books out there. they never wrote 1 letter to each other! i think ms. leigh is desperately trying to make $/cash in (both of these women are legends, so both of them is guaranteed extra $), so she decided to write this; stoop so low to make up a correspondonce between the two women. i'm not getting down on ms.leigh personally, i'm sure she's probably a good writer, great storyteller, and very intelligent. but the idea of this book seems pathetic. maybe it's me, but i just don't get it. i guess it's only for people who like fiction and made up stories to pass the time. i like the real stuff. i would never buy this book.
Scathing In this novel set in industrial revolution era Great Britain, Dickens is about as subtle as a sledgehammer. Unlike some of his other social commentary, where he wraps his point in a gripping, twisting, and entertaining plot, Dickens goes right for the jugular in "Hard Times".In this novel he lashes out against the dehumanization of our children through "education", as well as the still very real gulf between the well to do and impoverished. Even the names of his characters are none-too-subtle jabs. The local teacher, Professor Gradgrind, seeks not to educate or enlighten, but to hammer home facts and turn his children into automatons. His counterpart in the business arena is Bounderby, a blustering, egomaniacal, and ultimately vacuous man. Their countermeasure is a young orphan girl named Sissy Jupe. She is a lovable character that embodies compassion and humanity, but is very nearly broken by the their overbearing influence.This is not a "fun" book to read, and if you're looking to be entertained in traditional Dickens fashion I strongly reccomend looking elsewhere (i.e. David Copperfield). The novel is relatively straightforward and simple of plot, and his scathing social commentary cannot be missed. The most compelling reason to read "Hard Times" though is the fact that the same mentality criticized here is still very much in existence today, and this makes the novel just as relevant for the 21st century as it was when first penned.
... The only good thing about this book is that I got through it somehow. A weak commercial clone of previously entertaining Dirk Pitt books. There were many technical inconsistencies and a slow forgettable plot. I disliked this book so much, I tried to contact Cussler to find out why he did this.
Why? It is inconceivable that this book would have been printed without the reputable name of James Patterson as author. The plot is simple, the word choice adolescent and the characters are flat and similar; Jennifer is the same as Sam and Brendan is the same as Daniel. I don't take lightly to slamming another writer, yet it is difficult not to when coming across sentences such as these:"I was soooo glad to see Brendan's smiling face.""...less than three weeks later, something really terrible happened.""...my eyes were swollen and very, very red."To use some of Mr. Patterson's own jargon, let me just say: This book is very, very bad. Soooo bad and really terrible.
typical jane austen another book of hers i've read, and i swear, i can't tell them apart in my mind. it's almost as if you read one, you've read them all. most of them i don't even finish, though i did finish this one. not quite as good as P & P, but that could just be because that was the first of austen's work i read, and they all seem like P&P. the ending to northanger was awful. all tell and no show. but that seems to be a common problem with her, she summarizes too much and doesn't really tell us a story. still, one of her worthier books.
Excellent One thing I really appreciate about Elizabeth Lowell is the amount of research she does into whatever "theme" she decides to use for her novels, be it jewels, or in this case, Chinese bronze sculptures. Not only does the reader get a gripping, fast moving novel of romantic suspense, there is the bonus of being introduced to a new and fascinating world. Her characters are both likeable and believable, her plots are intriguing, and the romantic angle brings everything together to make this a great, highly recommended read.
review of purchase this did not include the cd as indicated, the main reason I purchased this item
The man is a GENIUS When you read Haroun and the sea of Stories, the thing you marvel at is Rushdie's imagination for starters, his wonderful wit, and the way he weaves words into a wondrous tapestry.....its a PROCESS TOO COMPLICATED TOO EXPLAIN :)A brilliant story, an all time classic. You never wish for it to end..and when it does, and you close the book and drift off to sleep, the story picks up again in your dreams....After reading Haroun, you'll have the most relaxing night of sleep in a long time.
It Stinks No climax, no definite plot, no villain. This book breaks the definition of a literary classic and goes off on so many tangents that the reader becomes confused as to what the entire book is actually about, not to mention Francie is a one dimensional charachter who shows little growth until the end of the book where she suddenly changes into an entirely different creature. The novel would have been better if it was solely about Katie!
book review I will keep reading this book the rest of my life. It is so rich, you can't absorb it all, only bits at a time. I love this book, every Catholic should read it.
Excellent resource for security professionals Richard Deal's book, The Complete Cisco VPN Configuration Guide, sets out to provide a comprehensive reference for networking professionals designing, deploying, and managing VPN solutions. This book covers the foundational information as well as step by step guides to configuring VPN solutions on Cisco VPN Concentrators, software and hardware clients, Cisco IOS routers, and Cisco PIX and ASA appliances.The book is broken down into 6 parts: VPNs, Concentrators, Clients, IOS Routers, PIX Firewalls, and a Case Study. The VPN chapters provide the reader with an excellent foundation in VPNs. These chapters cover topics such as VPN types and topologies, technologies used to establish VPNs, as well as VPN implementations, such as IPsec, PPTP, L2TP, SSL. The next section focuses on the Cisco VPN Concentrators. Mr. Deal provides information on the Cisco 3000 series of VPN concentrators as well as the features of various software releases. The next few chapters focus on different deployment scenarios. These scenarios include remote access with IPsec, Remote access with PPTP, L2TP, and WebVPN (SSL), and site-to-site. The final chapters of the concentrator section cover management and troubleshooting. The next section covers software (Cisco and Microsoft) and hardware (Cisco) VPN clients. The fourth section focuses on Cisco IOS Routers. This section follows a similar layout to the concentrator section providing details about site-to-site and remote access VPN connections as well as a troubleshooting chapter at the end. It does highlight the differences in the configuration as well. As with the concentrators, Mr. Deal include specific product information. While helpful in dealing with existing equipment, it quickly will become obsolete as Cisco EOS/EOL equipment and software from these lists. It might have been more practical to provide URL references to Cisco's website. The fifth section covers VPN deployments with the Cisco PIX and ASA security appliances. Again, the layout is consistent with the IOS Router and Concentrator sections. The final section is a case study which brings together most of the concepts covered in the book.This book is an excellent reference on VPNs. It should be in every networking professional's personal library who designs, deploys, and manages a VPN solution. The diagrams are clear and easy to follow. The troubleshooting chapters of each section provide excellent tools as well as common mistakes to help the networking professional deploy their solution successfully. The case study provides an invaluable example of a real world deployment. While the book is not advertised to be an exam preparation or certification guide, it could easily be used as a supplement towards those studies.
The only Web book worth buying Whenever I go into a bookstore and see the tremendous proliferation of books and magazines about the Web, I wonder whether this is all just some subtly ironic jest by the publishing industry. Why do we need books about the Web, when the same information can be found for free *on* the Web? Is this a sign of the failure of electronic publishing, or the naivety of Internet newbies?All that being said, go buy Greenspun's book. Why? Because it's not a Web guide or an HTML/CGI/Java reference (incredibly stupid things to publish in print. where are the hypertext links? where's the searchable index?), it's a *book* (and a good book, cleverly written and fun to read). Because only bits of it are currently on the Web, and you really don't want to wait for the rest of it. Because it's worth paying for, like so much of the stuff that Greenspun gives away for free.Greenspun is a good writer, as anyone who has read his online writing knows. He also has a very sensible (Web site) design philosophy, which is refreshing given all the dreck out there. His book is worth reading just for his flames against bad Web sites, with section headings like:- Envisioning a Site That Won't Be Featured In suck.com- Java and Shockwave -- the <BLINK> tag writ large- We Lose Money on Every Hit But Make It Up On VolumeWhile the entertainment value may be enough justification to buy the book, it really does provide practical information about designing Web sites. Greenspun provides a taxonomy useful Web sites (which unfortunately provides no help in categorizing the remaining 98% of the Web), and then argues that three out of four types of Web sites are really databases in disguise. I don't entirely agree with his taxonomy, but I do agree that databases are central to providing useful Web services.In the last half of the book, Greenspun gives the reader the benefit of his hard-earned expertise in building database-backed Web sites. Like the rest of the book, it is valuable more for the "big picture" than the gory details. Which is exactly right, since the big picture is what any intelligent designer considers first. Only a fool would begin building a house by deciding exactly how and where to place the nails. Once you've used this book to help you decide how to design your site, and what tools are appropriate for the task, there's no end of reference material to help you go from there.
Good read, but disapointing the pillars of creation is a great read, and ive read ALL of TG's books, but this one was to centered on jensen. the whole book had less than a chapter with kahlan and richard, i was really disapointed. ... All in all this was a great read, and if you are a sword of truth fan you need to read it. but dont get your hopes up. ...
Short-sighted and stupid to say the lest This book gets it wrong on so many levels I hardly know where to begin. The author's bais is quickly revealed when he focus on "Social" ills being the main vilan that "True" Christianity needs to fight (i.e. advocating a social gospel instead of the Gospel of Christ).Ok, here is the Problem: Liberal Christians have the compassion of Christ, but are completely heretical on their religious faith (i.e. they do not believe in the Virgin Birth, Divinity of Christ, Real Bodily Resurrection of Christ, etc.)and morals (i.e. pro-abortion, Pro-Homosexual, Pro-Euthanasian, basically just being pro-death and Anti-life all around). Conservative Christians are theologically correct, but have thrown off the true compassion of Christ as evidenced in the Gospel (i.e. They are Anti-Social Security, Anti-Welfare, Anti-socialized healthcare, etc.)This is NOT all Christianity but American Protestant Christianity that separated into these two halfs where America needs both to regain her greatness.Both sides have thrown away the Gospel and Taken on the dominant views of their political parties, which for liberals is the Democratic Party and for Conservatives is the Republican party. You see boys and girls Jesus Christ is neither Republican or Democrat. He is the Son of the One True Living God. Liberals, as the one who wrote this Book, don't get it and Conservatives just plain ignore it and both substiture Republican or Democratic Economic and Political theory for God's Truth. Bash Bush all you want, but don't use Christianity and the Bible for your political diatribe!
Complete knowledge This book is a little more advanced than what would be required for most novice gardeners who only want to graft a few trees. However, it is a bible of sorts for grafting as it has first published by a British agriculture research station 65 years ago and has been reprinted every decade. What I liked about the book is that it gave measurement in US units so you don't have to convert measurement units or volumns. The explanation of various grafting tools is very good. If you want an in depth knowledge of grafting this book is for you.
It's one of the worst books I had to read this year. This is the most boring book that i had to read in all my life during this school year. Within our sophmore class which had to read this book no one enjoyed it, with exception of one or two students. Sure we are sympathetic with Lorene Carey in the sense that she had to face prejudice and all but all that I saw was her prejudice. She only seemed to be showing of about how she was the best. She did not tell us at all about how she changed. Or that how were her freinds were dealing with her. She was using too big words when she was a student. She seems to rush through parts which were important and go into detail with what was unnecessary. You don't get a clear sense of what kind of audiance she is telling her story to. The book has no plot. She jumped into her thoughts too much and then left that part of the story unfinished. Personally I wonder what is the point in this book. It just drags on forever.
Overall an Enjoyable Read I enjoyed this book - I found the characters intriguing and the story had just enough twists to make it interesting without making it unbelievable. I was somewhat bothered about the amount of personal history that was shared about other people in the story - I have to believe they did not know this information was going to be given to the world. I'm sure "Adrienne" in particular was quite bothered, to say the least, at the information given in this book - especially since a couple of minutes on Google reveals who she really is.
Defective Kindle edition--critical info missing! If Amazon would have let me, I would have rated it *no* stars. This Kindle version of the "Hound of the Baskervilles" has a huge flaw: every time a character reads aloud from a text, that text is omitted from this edition. Here is an actual quote from my Kindle:"Dr. Mortimer [. . .] read in a high, cracking voice the following curious, old-world narrative:When Dr. Mortimer had finished reading this singular narrative ..."Considering that the omitted passages include the actual legend of the Hound, as well as the account of the death that brought the client to Holmes, this renders the story unreadable. Sadly, it looks like you get what you pay for in this instance...
Shameful and pathetic... It's shameful and pathetic that any publisher would presume to censor Mark Twain by sanitizing Huckleberry Finn as Barron's has done. I urge anyone who loves literature to boycott this travesty of an edition.
A classic on the subject. Still the best. The best introduction to the evolution of the the English landscape. For professionals, students, travelers and all who seek to understand the processes - natural and human - behind the scenery, this is the best place to start. Erudite and readable with great photos and illustrations. Must take it with you on your next visit.
Ehh? Could be bigger. I am a minimalist to the fullest, but this book simply lacks depth. The "blueprints" are hardly viewable, let alone descriptive. Most of the structures resemble eachother and are spare, without furnishings or signs of life. I would recommend the book, "PREFAB" by Allison Arieff for bigger pictures, broader concepts and more in depth explanations. I suppose they were making a point by making the size of the book compact, but the few times I was impressed with a structure I would scour the three or so pages devoted to it and then it was over, leaving me wanting much more. Try classics like, "Pierre Koenig", by James Steele or "Julius Shulman: Architecture and Its Photography" by Peter Gossel. Ta Ta
Arthurian Fantasy at it's finest! This is a book on my list of my favorites of all time! The first time I read it I fell in love with the crootchety Merlin, the bumbling King Pellinore, and (most of all) the young, naive King-to-be, Arthur (or wart!). This is a must-read for every fan of the Arthurian legends! Definately a classic, and the only book I've ever read for a class and loved!
Don't waste your money took 100 pages for me to finally give up...this is an author in love with himself and writing...he forgot to tell a story. I kept wondering when he would get to the point...okay okay okay, I get it, he has the hots for a married woman...enough, what else...I gave up waiting for the mystery of the scrolls. Sounded like a good premise.I agree with the other reviewer. Too many good books out there to waste your time with a poorly written one.Moving on...
Refreshing, funny, quirky, totally modern! This is a very nice, different novel that is difficult to put down and in its course illustrates some of modern Japan. There are two parallel stories going on, all centered around a young man finding his place in society. One of the stories shows the manner in which young Japanese, reared still in a very traditional manner, adjust and adapt their lives to a Global modernity, and particularly an American-influenced world. The other story shows how despite the long shadow of WWII the Japanese are slowly coping and dealing with their past, their losses, and their own prejudices. So our hero stands in fact at a turning point. He and his generation by extension are the link between these two worlds.The world of Toshi, our hero, an exceedingly creative guy, is the source for much amazement to the Western reader, from the loneliness of the mega city, to the megaphone messages in the subway. Pets and coffee houses are also the source for much wonder.The book deals overtly and covertly on prejudices. Prejudices the Japanese have about Americans and those that Americans have about the Japanese. Prejudices against homosexuals, against Koreans. But all of it is done deftly, with amazing humor.Alan Brown's observations on how others can perceive Americans, in Japan or out are very keen, funny and true. But he is a master in finding quirky juxtapositions, and more than that in making all his characters three-dimensional and believable.This is certainly a novel worth reading. If you have a weekend coming up and would like something offbeat, occasionally hilarious, and fascinating to read, give this one a try, you will not regret it.
RUMPOLE OF THE YOUNGER GENERATION I cannot give a review of the entire book, as I have only read one of the short stories contained in it. I read the one entitled, "Rumpole of the Younger Generation." I felt like I was wasting my time, because all I was reading was a synopsis of a former triumph of this man. The case might have been exciting, but the author did not play fair, and the guilty party was obvious. I did not like this story very much, and can only hope that the rest of them are better than this one was.
Pleasantly Surprised! I didn't realize this was not the typical Spenser P.I. fare and was initially disappointed. My first thought was to pitch the book and count my losses, however, I had nothing new to read. The mingling of fiction and truth of this tale of Jackie Robinson's foray into the white world of baseball and the ground breaking necessary for others to enter this field proved both enlightening and thought provoking. Parker's wonderful characterization of both Robinson and his bodyguard, Burke, as well as the witty dialog, at which Parker excels, are well worth the price of admission. Kudos to you Mr. Parker for not resting on your laurels as so many other authors have done and continuing to provide your readers with the very best offerings.
Shallow book Bourne, an academic historian, apparently has not cared to do any original researches before writing this book, as it is based on published, secondary works and there is no bibliography at the end, surely a sign of something amiss, namely scholarship, analysis and judgement, a sad reflection on the author indeed.
Not as witty as Wurtzel; couldn't keep my attention I read the first twenty pages, which were interesting, then the focus of this book and its tone began to get repetitive and I could not keep my interest in it. I skimmed the rest.I find the pace of this memoir to be quite similar to Prozac Nation by Elizabeth Wurtzel; Wilsey employs the same shifting of short narrative scenes and deadpan humor applied to less-than-ideal situations. But where her memoir has a sense of the individual trying for some overarching philosophy or schemata, and wanting to reach toward herself, as well as some funny and generally sympathetic character portrayals, his memoir is nothing but a relentless chaotic jumble of unpleasant events, it seems.
Everything you want in a novel This is a fantastic first novel. Mary Holt Allen not only captures the attention of her reader, but creates whole characters who carry our attention through their failures and successes. I found myself raging at characters only to fall back in love with them again later. And the story is far reaching and simply lovely. You will be thinking of these people as if they are your friends.
Sympathetic upon reading certain passages in this reference manual, most memorably the article on the concentration/death camp at Auschwitz, i was appalled and disgusted. while consistently refusing to refer to the National Socialists by their true moniker, NAZI, the book continuously UNDERCUTS the horror and mass murder committed against humanity by the Nazi regime. understandably, this book is intended to inform, and must take a neutral stance. However, this book fails to convey the true nature of the horrors committed against humanity, and provides a voice that is almost SYMPATHETIC to the Third Reich. in one article it says how most of the jewish prisoners in the camps died of "poor hygenic practices" and disease, while "some" of the deaths, "SOME" mind you, could be attributed to executions. MOST of the deaths can be attributed to merciless murder and slaughter of human beings as waste. do not purchase or consult this book. it is a horror that it is even in print, and that Da Capo would even translate it into english. while extensively informative, this book makes one cognizant of a perpetual nausea while reading. do not buy this book.
Her Worst Ever This is the absolute worst novel by Julia Quinn. I have always loved her books, but after reading this one I was leery of continuing to read anything by her. Happily, her next few redeemed her. I would not recommend this one at all, unless you would like to despise the "hero" and feel ashamed of the "heroine". This was definitely a disappointing novel and has made me much more cautious about reading Julia Quinn, whose storytelling I always adored. The only gentlemen I found in this book were secondary characters, not Benedict - though his name seems quite appropriate. I don't even include this book with my Julia Quinn collection, that is how much I dislike it.
Very cute book, good cd The kids have really enjoyed this book. The cd is cute as well. Not a whole lot on the cd, but a good buy regardless.
Review by Bernie P. Nelson 'Journeying' combines the oldest healing tradition with present-day psychology. The book provides a dynamic, vital model for healing and psychological growth for anyone interested in self-improvement. The information is highly understandable at the meeting point of shamanic animal symbolism, including the psychotherapeutic experience of altered states of consciousness-'journeying,' and psychology.
BEWARE! People who order this cassette should be wary! In order to "save space," the publisher, Brilliance Company, has recorded the tape twice on each side, requiring special equipment in order to descramble it when listening to it on a Walkman-type casset player. The equipment goes under the name of "Bookcassette Adapter," and there is no indication how to get hold of one. If you want to hear it on a standard tape deck, make sure your deck is stereo with a balance control knob. Otherwise you have the dubious pleasure of hearing two tracks of reading simultaneously. Best to simply choose another version of "Pride and Prejudice."
Lots of spelling errors. I realize this book was free -- good deal! But, I selected this book to read outloud to a woman in a nursing residence who cannot see good enough to read herself. Her hearing is also an issue. Therefore, I read loudly. The errors in spelling make the flow of reading aloud difficult. Otherwise, it gets the point across. My mom read this book to me when I was little, and therefore wanted to share it.
Excellent, succinct coverage of style and grammar I highly recommend this manual--it is very useful for undergraduates, graduate students, and those in the professional world. Some handbooks cover a lot of material but tend to be bulky and intimidating. Hacker's manual, in contrast, is clear, succinct, and non-intimidating. It covers the fine points of grammar, style, essay and research paper writing, and MLA documentation. If I had to recommend one reference book in English style and grammar to own, I would choose this one. I am a Graduate Student in the M.A. English program at Holy Names College and this manual is helping me get through the Program! Note: if you have a few more dollars to spend, get A Writer's Reference. Third Edition. by Hacker...It is an expanded version of the Pocket Style Manual, adding such subjects as ESL trouble spots, preparing Outlines, etc. It also comes with helpful tab dividers for easy reference use.
Sent paperback not hardcover I was surprised to receive the paperback when I had ordered the hardcover for a birthday present. I also did not think the quality of the book matched the description of the book I ordered. Happily I was refunded my cost immediately.
Not his best If you read one book by Rohington Mistry or even one book about India or just one book in your life read "A Fine Balance" from the same author.This book just leaves an empty feeling when you finish it and is just not a well though out or even coherent work. Read his other (and far better) work and move on.......
Review of How to Lose a Black Woman This story is a true reminder of how to spot, treat, and appreciate a good woman as well as the obstacles that one must overcome to eventually find a soul mate. It is also a portrayal of how we often allow jealousy and naive behaviors destroy a solid partnership. After reading this story, I have gained a better appreciation for significant others and have come to one concluding fact: that trust and love go hand in hand.
inappropriate cover picture Who published this? There are no characters in the entire book who would look anything like the characters on this cover! Most of the action takes place in a newspaper office, in a bed room, in a Martello tower, and at a funeral. Most people are dressed in jackets and ties, not torn shirts, and certainly no one smiles as dumb as these jokers. The looks of this book are a disgrace to the author.
Classic book will Share with the Entire Family Don't see the movie, read the book. The orignial story is far better than the screenplay and if you are used to being confused by JRR Tolkien's writing style in the Lord of The Rings series, rest assured, this is much better!
Has some good information, but rigid & old fashioned overall This book has a reputation that precedes it. Being around for so many years, many think that it is THE AUTHORITY on what to expect when you're expecting. While it may have been true when it first came out, I felt this book took the joy and excitement out of pregnancy. As many other reviewers commented, it scares you unecessarily with things that can go wrong, gives a "martial law" diet that they term a "best-odds" diet, and basically instructs you in an almost guilt-inducing manner with every single aspect of pregnancy. While this guidance may be welcome to those who are on their first pregnancy and are anxious about it ( just as I am ), I found their style and tone to be remniscent of that of the "church lady" from Saturday Night Live! And that cover picuture! That should clue you in on the frame of mind these people are writing from.I gave the book 2 stars as there are SOME parts that are helpful, as in the general information. But when it comes do the rigid details in how to do everything from your best odds diet, to the 1970s exercises, to how to stand while you are in the kitchen cooking, it just didn't appeal to me. I believe there are far more updated, positive books out there "The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy" By Vicki Iovine, while it not may be a medically based book filled with photos of your uterus at so many months, it is a humorous, and HONEST book of what really to expect. I felt more in touch with that style of writing, it was simply more updated and refreshing.There are so many pregnancy books out there today. Skip over this outdated "favorite" and dip into something more millenium and something more likely relatable to you. If you still feel compelled to buy this book, buy it USED. Don't waste your money on a mint copy like I did, you'll regret it!
"Year of Wonders" is Wonder-ful "Year of Wonders" is an incredible novel. Geraldine Brooks manages, somehow, to gracefully intertwine incredible scholarship, thoughtful philosophy, compelling characters, and an engaging plot into a unified whole. The quality of Brooks's research and of her writing style makes it difficult to conceive that this is fiction. Anna Frith is an intelligent, believable, compassionate narrator, and it is her perspective that makes the novel come to life. The effects Brooks imagines of such a catastrophe on a village are entirely believable.My only desire is that Brooks would have had a different ending to her epilogue. Yes, it is necessary that Anna should find a new direction and meaning to her life, but the path that Brooks creates for her is highly unlikely and improbable and ruins the artistic unity of the novel. Otherwise, in my perspective, the book is almost flawless.
Book is an ad for Springboard Springboard is a typical credit counseling company that passes itself off as a consumer friendly organization. Meanwhile, they are funded by the creditors. This book is basically a 200 page ad for Springboard's services and should not be bought. Save your hard earned money and do free research on the web. Credit counseling is looked at like a bankruptcy by most lenders and nearly every mortgage company. It's certainly something you don't want on your credit report.
A poor marketing ploy with very little practical information I'm sure I'm in a minority here but here's my $.02... I made the mistake of reading this book AFTER 2 months of reading Wiccan 101 books. What does a publishing company do when a book sells like hot cakes? Take what was edited out of the first book and release it as a sequel with "more information". This book has little valuable information that you couldn't get in more detail from books like 'The Craft' by Dorothy Morrison, and 'To ride a Silver Broomstick' by Silver Ravenwolf. If that was the eagerly awaited sequal to Wicca: Guide for the Solitary Practitioner, then I'm not impressed. It was full of general information that should have been in the first book to begin with.What aggravated me the most(and I see it's endemic of a lot of Wicca 101 books) is that whenever Mr. Cunningham would bring up an interesting subject or there'd be a prelude to something that you might not have read in any other book, there'd be this cop-out clause "these mysteries will be revealed to you in due course". One might think that everything practical to magic literally falls out of the sky during meditation, in which case, what's the point in buying these books?Read this book and/or the preceding one if you have never read a book on general Wicca or you need literature written in a 6th grade format. If you have been reading for some time, don't get suckered into buying it. There really is nothing new or in depth in these pages.The only reason why I didn't give a 1 rating is that the writer is a respected author...but as this is my first book by him, I'm very disappointed. Hopefully 'Earth Magic' will be better...
Excellent Edition This kindle version of classic tales is delightful: it displays perfectly, and what could be more wonderful than curling up with a nightime fable?
Like Westerns? Like a good story? Alan Geoffrion's singular style and unique voice moves well beyond the traditional Western, he is a true storyteller without pretense. He uses historically accurate and telling details to move the story forward and develop memorable characters.The British have The Play, the Irish have Poetry, the French have The Farce -- Americans have The Western. Geoffrion OWNS the Western.After Lonesome Dove alot of kids were named Gus. I predict that after Broken Trail there will be many American babies named after Geoffrion's colorful and integris character Print Ritter.
Not your average Patterson novel... After reading "1st to Die" and "2nd Chance" by James Patterson, I was prepared for another gruesome murder mystery that you can't put down. I was shocked when i read "Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas". In this spectacularly written tender story of a young woman and her love for her family, you begin to see a softer side of the bestselling author of "Along Came a Spider".Katie Wilkinson is a unique young woman who has just lost the love of her life, Matt. After he left her, he sent her a worn diary with a note taped to the top begging her to read the diary. As Katie turns the pages, she learn's of Matt's perfect wife, Suzanne, and how she lovingly tells the story of her life so that their baby son, Nicholas, could read it in the future. How could Matt ever betray such a wonderful woman and fall in love with me? Katie wonders. The answer lies within the diary...I could not put this book down. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll feel love, you'll feel hatred, but most of all, you will never forget this marvelous novel "Suzanne's Dairy for Nicholas".
Who would of known Never had to read this for school until now. Really did not know all the facts it would dig into. Really liked it a lot.
Great book! Best book I have ever read on Child Training. Espically the Sections on Character and Spiritual training! Iwish I had bought this 20 years ago. Please read this if you love Jesus Christ and want a biblical foundation.
What about everyone else? Yeah, I'm impressed with everything that those veterans did in the years following the war, but Brokaw seems to focus only (or mostly) on those that became politicians or in government. What about the effects of the war on musicians? or artists? I would have liked to see him expand on his stories more. All in all, I felt obligated to finish the book (my mother raved about it, but then, she is one of "those generation") but I wouldn't recommend it or read it again.
The greates novel written in the 20th century The incredible symbolism and the power of Hemingways descriptive style gives this booka powerful read. This is the finest piece of literature I have read in a long time.I recomend this book to experienced readers only. The indepth style and symbolismmay confuse some people into believing that it is for children
My Favorite in the Serise I don't know I just felt it was more focused than Game of Thrones. It is also an essential book to read because if you skip this one and go to number three you will miss the most best part of the serise.I guess other than the good writting and the wonderful charecters(most of them and even than I can respect the ones I don't like)the reason I like this book so much is that everyone is preety much at the height of their power.With Robb King of the North and the TridentTyrion in King's Landing practically running the placeJohn Snow and the rest of the Night Watch going out to kick Wilding buttEven Theon Grayjoy manages to do something unexpected with kind of makes me like him in a pitying kind of way.Overall-Most of all don't forget Stannis and Renly because however you feel about this book you have to agree when Kings clash the whole land trembles.
Ehhhhh..... If you look at all of the reveiws, you will find many high-schoolers reveiwing it, and it is this way for a reason: it is high-school quality writing. Everything from heavy-handed symbolism to a near soap-opera storyline brings this down. This is like one of those young adult books. You know, the books where the author can't really write, so he makes it "mature" (swears alot and fills it with adult situations) to make up for it. This is one of the most overrated books since Catcher in the Rye (both books make the fatal mistake of confusing a depressed, lonely, and abandonded character with a deep character. Neither author realizes that a character with only one or two emotions, no matter what they are, is a boring character). Still, it is an easy read, so feel free to try it out......
blockbuster Everybody should read this book. There is a lot of valuable information concerning the direction our country is being taken starting in the early 1900's.
My first Jane Austen Book!!! Wow! Last night I stayed up to 2:00 am, determind to finish this book. I could not last the whole night without wondering the ending, whether it be happy or sad. And so, I finished my first Jane Austen book. I loved this book and everything in it. The characters were amazing!! If you haven't read this book you're missing out!! Now, if you are still in question as to whether you have the ability to read such a book, no worries! Just pick this book up and READ it!! You won't be sorry!!