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2 classes
BAMBOOZLED I was SO excited to purchase this unit because of its claim of noise cancelling. I thought it was neat too. I didn't have to buy extra charging cables. It used the same chargers I used for my Treo's. I thought it was nicely compact and the option to charge it with a battery when you didn't have access to a outlet was definitely a plus. After all the hype, I was once again disappointed. It did not have the magical noise cancelling it claimed. Instead, the sound quality wasn't all that loud and clear on my end. I often got complaints from callers that they couldn't really understand me because I sounded muffled. For whatever reason, I found myself pairing and re-pairing the unit way more than I should've been. So, I stopped using it and went back to my old Jabra 250v that's cracked up and dying a slow death. I put this unit it back in its fancy mirrored case to collect dust. It wasn't until my best friend told me that she needed a earpiece but didn't have the money to dish out for a good one just yet. I simply shipped her this one and I guess it works for her because she hasn't complained to me about it although I can tell when she is using it while talking to me. It doesn't sound that bad from my end....I guess. Bottomline, I wouldn't recommend this unit.
Bad Quality I ordered this item and a few weeks later it broke. if it was plugged in, you could still use speakerphone for the radio, but not the earpiece. unless you want to constantly be replacing your earpiece, i'd stick to an earbud.
low quality, NOT PALM OEM This is not a Palm OEM cable and it is low quality. It is a retractable cable form factor and the retract feature stopped working right away. Very thin cable, expect it will fail completely in short time period. Also worth noting that there is NO SYNC BUTTON on the cable.Finally, the photo below is not accurate compared to actual product which I received.
A pretty good product Overall, the sound quality is a very good. The only issue is the pop-out microphone can malfunction. After of just 1 week of usage, the micrphone would not stay in the off position. Luckily I was able to return it and get another one because it was within 30 days. Make sure you test out the product heavily within the first week or 2 before the return period expires.
Supertooth II microphone volume too low I was thrilled when I first received this Bluetooth Speakerphone. I had no problems pairing it with my Cingular RAZR V3. It worked as expected the first couple of weeks I had it except after about 1 week the bright metal speaker cover dropped off. I superglued it back in place. Then after another week or so I received complaints that I could hardly be heard. I can find no mention in the manual of a way to increase the microphone sensitivity.I've been through reseting the phone and re-pairing it withthe cellphone but I still can't be heard.What a disappointment... I guess it's back to my old Motorola HS-850 Headset!Jack MacBlueAnt Bluetooth Portable Handsfree Supertooth II Handsfree Speakerphone
phone is mediocre but t-mobile is the worst My phone broke after a month or so. After spending 30 minutes on the phone during which time t-mobile continually wanted to blame me (did you put it in fluorescent light, did you put it in the sun, did you drop it, did you put it in your pocket and bend it, did you put it in your pocket and bump into something, did you drop it, did you break it, did you do something bad to it) they finally relented and agreed to send a new one with the oft repeated comment that if they determined that the phone was damaged then they would charge me untold sums of money.The most amusing part of the conversation went like this: would you like UPS ground which will take 10 days or UPS 3 day which will cost $15? When I responded that the ground would be fine she said "OK, that will be $9.95". I had to laugh at their arrogance.
Jabra BT620s Excellent product: long battery autonomy (more than 16 hours), easy and flexible use - switching between music player or TV and mobile phone, excellent for Skype communication. Completely satisfied.
No Sync, but charger works Like many of the others using this cable, the device isn't "seen' when plugged into the computer. Therefore, no sync with this.I also had trouble getting the adapter to fit into my Zen 60GB even after I found the pinchers on each side of the adapter. It is not a smooth fit like the original dongle.It works for charging, but with the long battery life, syncing while away from home was my major need for this cable. 1 Star.It was a Christmas gift, so I can't say anything about the delivery or vendor.
Best case ever The best case I have ever seen since a long time. The cut outs are perfect. Didn't add no bulk to it at all and it feels natural in your hand. The only thing I can say whats bad about it is if you have color jeans that you recently brought or havent wash them, the color will bleed on the case. Other then that, its 100
Works great with Jabra 8010 headphones. My local electronics store had a great deal on the Jabra 8010 bluetooth stereo headphones, so I bought this adaptor so I could use them with my Zune. Everything worked together great. Now I can listen to music and answer phone calls while I work. Good, quality product that holds a charge for quite a long time.
Great with my Motorla L7 Works great with my Motorola L7. Now Cingular is selling the 510 in their stores. Easy to use and stepup
Not safe! The first time I used this device I smelled something burning in my car after ten minutes...Turned out it was this charger. The plastic on the unit that plugs into the outlet was so hot I could barely pull it out.Thank goodness it didn't hurt my TX.
Useless for iPhone 3GS Upon plugging this charger into my iPhone 3GS and my car power socket, I received a warning message on my phone which told me that the device is not compatible with the phone. So, the device was basically useless. I wonder if it actually works with iPhone 3G or iPhone 4? The packaging says nothing about the device being made for iPhone 4. My recommendation is stay away from this product. In the end, I went to the Apple store and bought something that I KNEW would work!
Poor Battery Life, reception is terrible I had a Blackjack for around 2 1/2 months and the only good I can say about it is that it has a nice display, albeit small. I have never experienced more dropped calls and poor reception than I did with the Blackjack.I could be in areas where other people with the same cell phone provider, different phones, standing right beside me would have multiple bars indicating antenna strength. I would be lucky to have one bar. Another family member also has a Blackjack and he has experienced the same problems that I had.I believe Samsung phones in general are lacking, because my wife has a Samsung A707 and experiences the same issues as I did with the Blackjack.Another thing, battery life is absolutely atrocious. I realized very soon why the Blackjack comes standard with two batteries from the factory.The keys are also close together and I can't even begin to count the number of times that I was typing an email or using the center directional pad and my thumb would slip to the side and hit another key or exit out of what I was currently doing.I've now switched back to a Blackberry (should have never switched in the first place) and all is right again. I'm not a big fan of Samsung phones.
Beautiful This fit perfectly on my iPhone and works great! I would suggestto run your brightness all te way up when reading emails or viewing videos and pics as it is a little hard to see with the reflection. Other than that it is great for a quick make up check :)
easy to use even for me I upgraded an old phone to a Sync just three days ago; at the same time, my son got a Razr v3xx. In comparing the two phones, several things about the Razr prompted me to go back and exchange the Sync.The Razr keeps a subdued clock on the outside screen at all times; the Sync does not.The Razr is much easier to open with one hand.The Razr has voice-dial; the Sync does not.The Razr seems to have a cleaner sound for calls.The Razr is simply easier for me - an almost 40-something with no technical skills - to figure out. The screen icons are cleaner and the menus are more intuitive. I had the Sync for three days and still could not figure out half the stuff I wanted to. I've had the Razr for 3 hours and have already set it up the way I want it, including locking myself out of those expensive Media Net buttons. There's even a way to lock the AT&T; Music feature, but keep the ability to use the music player, which is in that menu, by making the music player one of the Navigation keys.Plus, the Razr is just prettier!The only thing I can think of that I don't like about the Razr is that the speaker does not sound very crisp at all. If you listen to music, I recommend headphones.Update June 2011 - I'm still using this phone, and it's still awesome. It never quits. My son has the same phone (he's now 17) and neither of us are easy on phones. It's simple, intuitive, light, and the battery life is still days long (we've never replaced the batteries.) If mine ever dies, it'll be a tough decision whether to upgrade to an iphone or just get another Razr...
Great phone, this Blackberry! Amazon needs a refresher in Order fulfillment, tho.... Most unfortunate circumstance... I had been wanting a Blackberry for some time and after doing my research on the wireless companies and service quality, I selected the Blackberry Pearl with ATT. Amazon FORGOT to send a SIM card with the phone! I got a SIM card from Amazon, only this time it was rejected by the phone, not programmed or something as ATT reps explained to me. I received yet another SIM card from Amazon, this time it WORKED!!! I was not pleased with the delay in actually being able to use the Blackberry, it was a full 2 weeks from the date I ordered and received the phone. By the way your phone service contract begins billing on the date you "click", submit my order with Amazon. ATT services reps were very knowledgeable and helpful and credited me for the full 2 weeks of service due to Amazon's failures. I would recommend this phone for any one, get the protective neoprene covers and screen protector, I also am really enjoying the new Jawbone Bluetooth device with this phone. GREAT Phone, Good service provider, ATT, not so good, Amazon for falling flat on its' nose in Customer Service!
Love everything except the flashing power light This is my first Bluetooth headset, but my 4th Plantronics headseat. This purchase was my first cordless and its been a pretty decent unit. Voice quality has been reported as clear and clean unless its very windy. Wind noise sometimes requires me to plug in my old corded headset in the car unless I'm running the A/C. I like the range, and often leave my Blackberry on my dresser and walk around the house with just the earpiece. Battery life is pretty good, around 6-8 hours talk time. I wish it had a car charger, and I wish they wouldn't flash the power light when it is running; which is totally stupid. When driving at night in the car it is a safety hazard because the blue light is bright enough to reflect off the auto glass and mess with your night vision; I suggest some black tape over the power light for night driving. Mine just bit the dust after 1.5 years, as it won't take a charge even though the charger is putting out 5.3 volts (rated at 5.0 volts). Tech support suggest I replace it, but I was hoping it would last a bit longer than just past the warranty period. I may buy another simply because the other features make it worth the money. To get a better unit I would have to spend $100 or more.
Decent Bluetooth For The Money I purchased this bluetooth about a month ago, so in writing this review I have given myself ample time to test all the features and faults (if any) of this particular product. I have experienced no echo whatsoever with the unit, all seems to work fine. Everybody I speak to says they hear me fine and I can hear my calls as well. The max volume could be a little louder overall but the volume is fine as is. The features are extremely simple to use and learn, so I found myself using the unit with ease in no time. To date, there is only 1 flaw I have found with the unit. There is a blue light on the side of the bluetooth that blinks every so often (about once or twice every 5 minutes). There is no way to de-activate the blinking, it always will keep blinking as long as you use it. That was the only flaw I found. But if you are anything like me, the price, functionality, and quality made me keep it. (I just dont like the blinking blue light) LoL... Take Care All...
Chocolate Charger Great Buy! only $3, including taxes and shipping. Can't get a better deal. The only downside is that it doesn't fit as easily in my phone as my old charger did...but that's to be expected with a standard charger. So, overall I'm really pleased and recommend others to buy it.
hauarobert I priced this same blue tooth at various locations, and they wanted three times the cost of what i paided through Amazon.com
The best I've found After three other bluetooth headsets from Motorola, Soyo, and one from Plantronics, this Voyager 510 is the most comfortable to wear and performs better than any of the others I've used.Pros: On the top of the list has to be the comfort, It's easy to forget that I'm wearing it and have almost gotten into the shower with it on, then the sound quality on both ends, I get no complaints from others about sound quality, except when I'm in the wind. Easy to pair up with my phone, and the beep when it disconnects has saved my phone more than once when I have lost it when working outside, I know to backtrack to find the phone.Cons: Probably the same with all headsets, is wind noise will wreak havoc on the other end, and a nitpic is the blue light that flashes while it is on, it is a distraction in the car window at night and I don't like the attention it draws when I'm wearing the headset.When this one dies, if it's out of warranty, I'll buy another one, won't even consider anything else.
yet to arrive i don't yet know if this charger will fit, as i have yet to receive it. it's always a toss up when one needs a new charger for an old phone. even if the model numbers match, the plug may not fit properly. the phone manufacturer does not keep stock in old parts, so as to encourage the purchase new a new phone. that said, this is a generous 2 stars, as i have no idea when i will receive this order. here's the deal............if someone goes to the trouble to research and order a charger for an older phone, i would think that implies that they NEED IT NOW! $1.27 order with a ship cost of $5.96 for less than one oz. weight.......suggests that this could have been sent faster than the suggested 7-10 days for snail mail from coast to coast.
Amazing sound I have this headset since 2 weeks ago, and i cant be more happy about that purchase. I use the DR BT-50 paired with my ipod video (via jabra a125s bluetooth adapter) and for the first time i feel that am getting the greatest and clearest sound i can get from my ipod. Plus i have it paired simultaneously with my cell phone, so when am in the street listening to my tunes and i get a call, the music pauses automatically, letting choose to take the call or not, and when i end using the phone, the music unpause by itself. The mic is not the greatest thing. People have problems listening to me when am in the street or in traffic, but in a close place, it works fine. Very easy to use, excellent battery and great connectivity, i recomend it 100%.
this value pack is no value!! the charger is fine, and the ear bud marginal, but the case is AWFUL. it doesn't even fit on the phone.
i thought it would work. it worked on my portable dvd player the first time, but the next time their were lines across the tv screen, so i guess i need to get a better one. it did get real hot just using it for 20 min. and it stunk like burning plastic when i went by the dvd player. i consider it junk.... buy something name brand that will work time after time.
Junk My company issued me this piece of crap. I hope they replace this flashy junk phone with a model that works. Im trying a Sanyo next when it arrives again threw my company. Razor phones suck, and so does motorola, Sanyo I hope is going to be a more reliable phone.
Poor quality and breaks almost immediately I used this only about two or three times and it has already malfunctioned. This item is very poor quality!
does the job. could have been better. It is great for protecting my Nokia 6682. The hole on the upper corner on front side it unnecessary and awkward. With the clip, the phone becomes very thick. Fitting is not the best.
Best I've Ever Used Some have complained that the Jawbone doesn't do much if the person you're calling isn't using one too. Sure, that's true and it's logical as the Jawbone can't fix things if someone is using a stinky headset on the other end. However, the noise reduction on the signal you are sending is nothing short of phenomenal. I've used many Bluetooth earpieces and not one of them comes close to the sound quality that Jawbone can deliver, even in really difficult situations.Points noted previously are valid. The earloop is a little strange but it's not uncomfortable and the USB cord could be designed better. However, relative to the quality of performance overall, these things are trivial. I've used mine for the best part of a year and it has performed flawlessly, particularly with regard to sound quality and battery life.Note: I tried the Jawbone 2 but I had difficulties with it and I'm shopping now as I want a spare original Jawbone. If I don't have my Jawbone with me, I probably won't even answer the phone and will deal with the call later.
Good product-reasonable price... This is a very nice product, it comes with three different sized earbuds. It fits snugly on my ear. No problems at all, and very good value. Well done, Plantronics.
Why all the negativity? It's a decent case for what it is. I picked it up on sale for $7 just as some insurance against scratches from sliding across different surfaces.Will it protect my phone in a fall? Probably not. Insurance will though.Back to the product, I received the black version and the white line around the phone, ports and buttons is high contrast. Could have gone with a gray maybe? I like the look though.Around the front of case surrounding the screen, there is a polished edge that is similar to the bezel on the white iPhone 5. Looks good, without being too flashy or distracting.Will report back later if I have any issues with this case.
Great clip The product was delivered promptly and it works great with my sprint PCS phone.
Didn't work for a Creative Zen Microphoto Unfortunately it didn't work for my MP3 player.
T-Mobile Sucks! Bought a plan through Amazon, never could get it to work. T-Mobile blamed the handset and Amazon could not replace it, thus cancel and reimbursed me for the HANDSET. T-MOBILE is charging me $300 for a service I never used: $30 for activation, $200 for cancellation and 2 months of service! After being helpless, they are trying to force me to stay with them by " waving" the the fees! If you buy, just pray everything works, because otherwise T-Mobile will make your life miserable for months.
Poor service This item was listed first in my search for a power cord and turned out to be the wrong one. After calling customer service they told me it was mine and Amaozons problem and there was nothing they would do about it. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY, there are too many other options out there.
Get a free unlocked Motorola RAZR v3i instead! Why settle for less, or commit yourself to a specific cellular provider and service plan, when you can get a complimentary unlocked top of the line Motorola RAZR v3i cell phone that works with any cellular service provider and any SIM card. I got mine free at this web site: ilikethis.info/razrv3i
needs to allow for buying tips only, if have an existing model. Since all of these chargers are the same, there should be an option to buy the tips only. I was able to from somewhere, for my old T730; which I'm still using. I can't upgrade to a new phone, that would use these because I'd have to buy an entire another unit, not just the tips-Why? It's a scam, to make you re buy things you don't need. I've written energizer about it.
A crappy phone I really hate this phone. For the simple fact that the battery has to be recharged every night. For the money I spent on this thing, the battery should be a whole lot better than what it is. I did not buy my phone for this seller so I don't know about the quality of his stuff (By the looks of it, not very good either). I bought mine at a Verison store (brand new). IMHO, this phone sucks! That's just my 2 cents. Should have read the reviews on this phone before I bought it. BUYER BEWARE!!
Was nice while it worked This product was nice when it worked; I especially liked the comfort of the earbuds. However, it stopped working after a few months.
Impressive Phone The Good:* stores tons of music on the card they give you with the phone, love the way that is all set up for easy use of the music player; even has an equilizer inside of it you can mess with. Sounds great while playing music, especially through the stereo headsets, but the phone itself sounds good playing music too.*is fast. It reacts faster than any phone I have ever had. I push the button for whatever I want to open and I'm there.*using it as a modem now for my home computer, was able to ditch DSL bill because of this and it has always been faster than dial up by far each time I get on. Truth is, it connects at different speeds but I have not had any problems with it being too slow.*The camera is great. It can be a fuzzy pic if someone is moving around, but when everything is still, it does take a very nice picture.*The speaker phone is best I've ever used. I can walk a little ways away and can be heard and can hear, awesome.*nice design look wise and everything.*overall just very pleased with everything about this phone except:The Bad:*shorter battery life than it says it should have. I thought it was the battery, got a new one, it wasn't the battery. I thought the phone was sucking it dry, turned that phone in, got replacement and it too bleeds the battery whether using music player or not in one day usually. If it makes it into the next day, it needs charged around lunch time. I don't like that. No it isn't the modem usage, had this problem before ever trying modem out.* battery cover hard to get off! ahh it was so frustrating. Makes you feel like you're going to rip the phone in half but once you start to get it off and on, it starts to ease up.The Ugly:* there is no uglyso over all I love this phone except the battery life of it. But I have never found one phone where every single thing is so perfect that I love it except the iphone and whoa that's pricey for now. So I will stick with this one for now.
Same sony product, fraction sony price A very nice sony charger for a fraction of the price. Yup, that's pretty well it. All and all its a car charger that works and what else can you really ask for than that?
Low quality Do not buy this headset! You will not be able to be heard on other end. You get what you pay for. Turned around and bought a Panasonic headset. They at least work good. Make sure you get something that has a extended microphone that reaches almost to your mouth!Steve S
Not as described This didn't work in my phone. It was rather cheap, I ended up giving it away because it was cheaply made!
samsung phones Received phones and add'l. products in record time and in perfect shape.So far, only problem is the battery on the phones uses up too quickly.
Best convergence phone out there! Up until now, PalmOne is the only company that has successfully integrated the PDA and mobile phone. Neither the phone or PDA functionality has been sacrificed in the Treo 650.
Very nice Headset This headset is clear and comfortable to wear and comes highly recommended as a good buy in blue tooth headsets.
El accesorio es muy bueno en general y el precio tambien En general es muy buen producto, lo unico que tiene de inconveniente es que el auricular es un poco grande y a veces podria molestar en el oido (al principio mas), es facil de configurar ya sea con el Celular o Laptop.Lo recomiendo para viajar ampliamente.
Ok more like 4.5 Stars- Almost Perfect Ok so I have the a Unlocked Black Rizr I got off of ebay since amazon is still so high. That will probably drop before too long. But keep in mind amazon has warranties and protection compared to the hassles ebay can ensue. So heres my take on it after a couple weeks.The good and bad of this sweet phone!1: Mp3 player. I love having this in my phone! I have a separate one butthis is so much better if you just want to pack light. The interface isn't the best on the media player but its bearable. It allows playlists and sorts by artist, album, and song. Only thing that really bugs me is no link to the now playing. It has one when you just let it play but once you leave that screen your s.o.l. Overall decent though, however you can't do other things and keep the music playing. You can suspend it, but that still pauses the playback. You can also add a 2gb microsd card to really make it worth while. Just make sure you have a card reader to speed transfers to the card.2. Bluetooth/Stereo Bluetooth: Whooh, this may be my favorite new gadget! listening wireless like never before. I have a Motorola S9 headset and a SonyEricson. The S9 really makes me never want to use wired headphones again. However, the sonys are more comfortable but you have something hanging down still. I love both though. Definitely worth the money. Just hope you have gotten used to pairing headsets. Sometimes the phone likes to play games with me and make me repair them. Especially if you switch headsets a lot. Also, you can use the bluetooth and the motorola software to backup your contacts, make ringtones, and sync calendars with your computer. You just have to get the software.(I suggest checking forums for it but you can always be honest and actually buy it and keep motorola in business.) The software is nice but beware paying much for it. Theres many other ways to do the same thing. Thats all for that.3. Camera: I love having the camera but beware its not going to blow your mind or anything. Good lighting though so it will get decent pics when you want it to. So generally it serves its purpose of getting you a pic in the spur of the moment. The video camera is awesome however. You get a clear picture with as much recording time as you memory can hold. SO you can catch not just that one moment but the whole thing. Just don't think the 2 mega-pixel camera will look as good as the a good digital one.4. Ok here's a few little random things: Expect moto menus. Not a whole lot has changed here however the voice dialing on mine was like the British version. Just a couple more weeks and I'll have my accent perfect to use this feature. Hopefully =). The amazon versions are probably more the american version than mine. A drawback to ebay but hey it proves this is truly a world phone. I'm using t-mobile and get good reception pretty much everywhere. Battery works good I usually charge it like every other night or so depending how much I listen to the mp3 player. Good battery life considering all thats packed in it. Screen is good. Would recommend a screen protector to keep it looking good.Overall, I'm very happy with it. It works great as a phone or mp3 player or camera. Just watch the price. Thats the only reason I gave it 4 instead of 5 stars. Also, get the black or red. The blue is sadly, real ugly.Oh almost forgot, make sure you go to carriers website and get the download for the internet browser. Internet won't work without it. At least, not with t-mobile. Found it in faqs for phones not purchased through t-mobile. Don't worry, its free to download.
DOA The item arrived broken. Had to returned it for a refund. The item came with a mounting bracket, car charger, and a USB charging unit. The charging port on the headset looks to be a proprietary connection; at least, I've never seen a charging port like it on any device other than Plantronics devices. I would recommend getting a device with a standardized charging port (like microUSB) instead.
cell batteries The cellular battery I bought was exactly the same as I could have bought in the store for $40,however I got it here for less than $10. Thanks!!!
Excellent!!!!!!!!!!!! This was my first phone and because I really wanted one I just got a simple one until I could afford a camera phone. But this one is great!!!!!!!!!!! It has many good features like voice dialing and interchangable faceplates which is a great feature for a phone if you want to be able to change the faceplate to match your mood or outfit. I have dropped it many times and it has held up quite well, this phone is very durable, very stylish, and cool it is perfect as a first phone for kids, very good quality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sanyo 4700 Car charger Shipping was fast, customer service was good. The item received was the wrong item, it seems to be that they didn't have what i was looking for so they sent a different item in it's place. I sent it back for a return with no questions asked.
I should have read the reviews before ordering this... I just received this product yesterday (5/18). A good idea badly executed. My Treo 650 can't sync with my computer using this cable. I'll probably wind up buying an extra charger and HotSync cable from PalmOne. I am returning this thing.
terrilbe i hate this phone you cant get a screensaver or id pics and the ringtones are terrible. even if you download one off the internet. it just sounds annonying.
It's.... Fine.... (2.5 Stars by the way) The Motorola RAZR V3 has its own advantages and disadvantages. The sleek design and loud speaker phone are just some of the many things that attract people to the RAZR. Having no antenna also adds to the RAZR's sleek design. The camera also has 4x zoom capabilities, and can shoot video. People's main calling to the RAZR is its Bluetooth compatibility. Several of the draw backs to the RAZR are that the buttons on the phone easily get dirty and constantly need to be cleaned off. When the buttons get dirty it also makes texting or even dialing a number difficult because the buttons get sticky and don't like to cooperate when you push them. The screen is poorly designed mainly when you are in sunlight it is extremely difficult to see, especially when you have dust particles gathering behind the screen (which according to a Cingular employee, only seems to happen to RAZR's). The RAZR also has no MP3 player, which is also very popular on the cell phone market. The RAZR's camera is .3 MP, and only seems to take decent pictures if the lighting is absolutely perfect. If the lighting is just ok, your pictures won't turn out very well. This is a major downside for me because I constantly am taking pictures of me with my friends, family, and other random things I come across. The online features of the RAZR, don't get me wrong, are great, but is so incredibly slow. It's awesome to be able to check how many minutes and texts you have left, and also be able to buy ring tones and backgrounds, but it seems to take 15 minutes just to check your remaining minutes.In all, the RAZR is the perfect phone for you if you want to look like a movie star when ever you're on the phone. But if you want a phone with much better picture taking capabilities, a better screen design, an MP3 player, and much faster online streaming, check out the Samsung SGH-ZX10.
Battery won't hold a charge Not happy at all. I could have just gotten a bad battery, but this one won't hold a charge more than a couple of hours. The one I'm replacing holds a charge longer.
Broke First Time Used The car charger fell apart the first time I used it while evacuating from Hurricane Rita. You can imagine how disappointed I was as I was in the car for 23 hours trying to get to my destination.
Unwise investment - even if it is free! This is by far the worst phone that has ever landed on my lap. My ancient Nokias are better than this piece of junk.To start, the phone gives a wide variety of programs to use and those that stand out are the outdated picture camera and AIM. Though AIM in my opinion is unsurpassed, it's outdated camera is far surpassed by other competition. This phone gives you a MP3 player, a video player, and all the goodies but the video recorder is horrid with a set limit of seconds and no easy straight way to upload songs and oh by the way, these are short clips not full-length cause of the memory of the phone is just that limited.The looks has to be up there but the phone itself doesn't come close to its exotic appearance. The overall phone lags enough for an easy notice, the phone DOES NOT EVEN COME CLOSE TO USER-FRIENDLY, and bottem line, getting this phone is going to piss you off more than make you smile.There is actually one quality that can be said and it's the reception. I've noticed RAZR's generally give decent reception on any given day on any given provider. So finally a good characteristic.The overall phone sucks. Bottem line and that's it. Not much more to say. It's so bad, you won't even feel slight happiness getting it for free. Horrible buy.
Surprisingly Pleased Very happy with this product, purchased it to pull a little more cell signal into my husband's work office (he works in one of those 1950's cinder block buildings that blocks 98% of cell signal unless you're leaning out a window, haha - he had to go outside to make or take a call or text on his phone!). Now he doesn't even have to be beside the window, I can hear him clearly (maybe a *smidge* fuzzy, but tremendously improved over choppy or dropped calls). We're buying 2 more for his co-workers!
Sanyo 7300 Extended Battery I needed a new battery and opted for an 'extended' over an 'original'. Fits and works as advertised. You can't ask for more than that.
Great Samsung Product Before purshasing this headset I did my share of research. I ended up buying this one because of its small size and its price. I am happy to report that it was a GREAT buy. Even after accidetally puting it in the washing machine it works great. Great buy
Fast battery drain Battery had a cheap price. I guess you get what you pay for. Have to recharge every couple of days, and that is without using it much. My old battery still held a charge longer.
Bluetooth won't connect This is a great phone that actually works in my office building and in my server room ( I am in the IT department). I have been through two phones and the phone and my computer will see each other, I can not transfer a file. They will not connect. It will not connect with my headset or my GPS. Cingular and Lg have been no help. other phones have connected via bluetooth to these devices, so it has to be the phone.
Did not even get the correct product. The pen I was sent is not even the correct product. Not made by Belkin. May have 4 functions, but they are not the same as advertised.The pen I received has a stylus, pen, led and laser. No pencil at all. Which was the major reason I ordered this item in the first place.Even if this item was what I ordered, the laser doesn't work properly.I am emailing the company "Ebuy Always" to see if the product can be replaced. Do order if you want the product described.
Very well made phone The hardware itself is very impressive, they jammed many features into this thing! I am pretty happy with it after being a little wary for the first week, primarily due to 1) Poor technical support from Cingular and 2) Windows Mobile 5. I am upgrading from the Treo 600 and WM5 sure takes getting used to! WM5 is a resource hog. Installing and using the ActiveSync software can bring tears to software engineers (yours truly included). Even when it's idle it takes up 10% of my CPU... Why can't MS just keep it simple like Palm?!? Anyway the phone itself works great, ignoring the OS.
Great value. Good quality case. Very nice case. Magnetic closure doesn't seem super secure, but I have not lost my phone yet. My last case had a snap, and I dropped my phone all the time. It was just too easy to not get the snap all the way closed, or to catch it on something and have it open. That doesn't happen with the magnetic closure, so this is definitely a better solution.
I got the wrong product TWICE! The picture you're advertising for the case is not the one you're sending out.... Not once but twice did you send me the same WRONG pouch...The issue still has not been resolved
Works great...just what I was looking for Cell reception was always fairly good outside of my house but weak and intermittent inside, probably because of the metal roof. I installed the antenna outside away from the metal roof and ran the cable indoors to the repeater unit located in a central area close to the living room, dining room and kitchen. Now I regularly get 3 bars in the main parts of the house and improved reception even downstairs. Great product.
Works as it should I installed this in my iPod video 30GB in about 5-10 minutes; it now operates like new again!I live in Wisconsin and my iPod stays in my glove box connected to my head unit. It gets cold here in the winter and the original battery couldn't hold a charge when it got below ~40 degrees. It has been mild so far this year, but we've had a few 20 degree mornings and my iPod starts up as soon as I start my truck.Would buy again.
Didn't last long This cell phone clip broke within two weeks of getting it. I don't think the plastic was very good quality.
MISLEADING DESCRIPTION Although the description on the web says TRI-BAND Amazon shipped to me DUAL BAND phones AND THEY REFUSE TO EXCHANGE THEM.DONT BUY IT UNLESS YOU LIVE IN EUROPE. I GOT STUCK WITH 11 PHONES that DO NOT WORK IN THE US. They event shipped it with the european plug.THIS PHONES ARE FOR EUROPE ONLY even though the webpages says they are triband.
Not Worth It. This worked for us for about a few months, and then one day it just stopped working, we bought two, the first one NEVER even worked, waste of money.
iPod replacement battery So far I've been very happy with this replacement battery,installed it and charged it up and have been getting 9 to 10 hours playing time at high volume. It is a pain to crack the case on the iPod but if you take your time and be very careful it's a lot cheaper than sending it back to apple. Remains to be seen how long it will last but so far so good.
Good headset I have been using the H700 since last June and have had no complaints or problems until recently. I'll explain that after I point out the pros. My phone is a Motorola KRZR k1m.The controls on the unit are small but easy to use. The headset itself is lightweight and fits on my ear quite well with a comfortable fit. I can hear all incoming calls clearly and I'm told that my outgoing calls to others are clear. The only exception to this is when I have found myself standing outside in high winds but this hasn't been often since I use it mostly while driving in the car. I have been able to wander up to 25 feet before experiencing any static or breaking up of the call. It also has attractive styling. I've gotten a pretty consistent amount of talk time at 6 hours since I bought it with no noticeable decline over time. The battery still holds a charge pretty well after 10 months.Now for the "con". My headset recently started to short out and disconnect from the phone when I would try to connect. I was finally able to determine that the boom arm is shorting out at the hinge. Now fortunately for me, I was able to return it to Motorola for a free replacement because I had kept my receipt. I recommend that everyone keep receipts whenever possible. In this case, it came in handy for me. However, this raises the issue that regardless of how cool the boom mic feature is, it may be a design problem if it's going to short out after medium to heavy use. It could be just a random flaw that only shows up in headsets here and there or maybe others have had similar problem. Anyway, that's the only reason I rated this unit a 4 out of 5 overall. Had I not been able to get the unit replaced for free, I may not have been inclined to be so generous :)
Great Phone but a little bulky This phone is great, the screens are bright and the QWERTY keyboard is easy to use. It is a little bulky but it's worth it for the built in mp3 player, 1.3 megapixel camera and easy messaging capabilities. Would've been a 5 if it was just a tad thinner.
battery this batt- don't buy dosen't last only about 1 hr tops not worth money, dont waste the time i sent one back and got 1 more it was the same bad
Jabra does it again! The ease of use on this little gem is amazing. Very lightweight and it does not stick out from your ear, nor do you have that floppy dangling bit that you feel and see with Motorola brands. Perfect for a woman's ear (most bluetooth headsets are made with men in mind due to the large fit of them-not this one!) and comfortable. Excellent battery life and very reasonably priced. Well worth every penny.Just one downside: On occasion this (like all the rest of the bluetooth generation) does get static-y when you are too far away from the phone or on a different level of the home or building.
Not what is pictured Be warned the picture looks like it comes with a usb tip and the colors look all nice and clean but the one they will send you in fact looks nothing like the picture. They need to post more up to date photos or more photos, so that you can clearly see the tip. Plus when you go to return it you are out the shipping, cause they won't cover it. Beware, you may think you are getting a good deal but you have to also purchase the tip to whatever device you are hooking this up too.
Quality This product worked fine the first week or two. Afterwards it won't work at all.I'm highly disappointed in this product I bought.
Awesome phone I just bought this phone 2 and a half weeks ago. However, two days after buying it I traveled overseas for almost 2 weeks so I have only used it a few days. So far it works very well, I've had no problems. I really wish there were downloadable wallpapers and screen savers but that is my only complaint. I anticipate the silver circle on the outside of the phone will get scratched off, but ya never know. In my town, I get really good reception so my calls are fine. This phone is great for anyone who doesn't mind having what everyone else has. And doesn't need a picture phone.I highly recommend downloading the superphonic ringtones that play like real music...they're amazing!
Amazon Shipping Strikes Again!!! I odered the Nokia MBC-15S-AC Mobile Holderwith Antenna Coupler and received the MBC-15Swhich DOES NOT have the antenna coupler. You sent the the holder only package. That sucks!!!
Great Device The BT8010 is a wonderful device in most respects. Sound quality is good. It reconnects to your device automatically.My bad points:1) It was not the comfortable until I added some of those soft ear foam things to the speakers.2) The ear hooks tend to fall of, they could be easy to lose (although the grip is reasonably strong).3) There is no way to go back to a previous song.
Brand New Palm Treo 650, 700w, 700p, 700wx Ultra Extended Lithium-Ion Battery (1800mAh) Este producto se puede confiar, la vida útil antes de una recarga es de 4 o 5 días. Lo uso en mi Palm Treo 650 y es mejor que la que trajo de fábrica.
Odometer I love this product. It does exactly what it says it will. I use it everytime I go out walking.
very nice this case is nice. for the price...i expected a cheap piece [...]. boy was i surprised. it even smelled nice and leathery new. i actually bought it for my nokia 6682. its a perfect fit. the case even has this little card holder. maybe u can put a credit card, business card, etc. its very nice. dont pay 30 dollars at the phone stores. if ur phone fits...go with this one. u wont be sorry.
Cutting down on the Cables. For most of us it was hard enough to configure our computers to hotsinc using USB but to have one cable for hotsync and another for charging does not make sense. Now we can have the best of both worlds at our computer. We can charge and hotsync from the same cradle whereby we can toss the seperate cables. I think this is a great solution! Try it I think it will make your Treo even easier to use!
Great Starter/ Back-up Phone This was the very first phone I bought for myself. I absoultley loved it! It's great if you need it just as a back up phone or as a cell phone for your child. All it can do is talk and text so there are no issues about incurring data charges. Needed my 9 year old sister to have communication at all times so I got this for her and don't regret it at all. It's small and compact so it can be discreetly hidden in a pocket or bag but it's very loud so it can easily be heard. LOVE this phone and the only reason I gave it up was because I needed a data plan. But again, it's a great starter or back-up phone!P.S: Would not recommend for Senior Citizens as the buttons and numbers are very small.
Good quality for price For the fraction of the price of a new battery, this one offered by BargainCell is a more than adequate replacement. I've had it for about a month, and it can go about 3 days between charges under moderate use (30-45 minutes of phone calls, plus 5 text messages each day). It does a good job of providing more life for my KRZR until my free upgrade comes up at the end of the year.BargainCell's service was also very helpful. I had received an incorrect battery at first, but the right one was sent to me two days after I e-mailed them, no questions asked.
Please read before purchase!! I've been using the MDA for about three months now and I am already on my fourth device (original + 3 warranty replacements).I have no complaints about the features and usability of the device, only the reliability. For the first two months, everything was great. Then the problems started.The original phone's messaging feature stopped working. I was unable to access or receive any type of messages (text or e-mail). The only way to resolve this was a hard reset which is very time consuming and annoying. A hard reset restores all factory settings. The messaging problem resurfaced again after a few days.T-mobile sent me a replacement phone. One week later it's messaging feature stopped working too.Tmobile sent me a second replacement phone. This one only worked for about 6 hours and then started giving problems. The device would lock up and become unusable. No buttons worked and the touch screen didn't work. Not able to perform a hard reset because touch screen didn't work.I received my third replacement (fourth MDA total) two days ago. I have no doubt that this one will soon turn into a paperweight also.Also keep in mind that these repalcements come via UPS, not in-store exchanges. I've been without a phone for many days during this process.A tmobile rep told me that HTC no longer manufactures the MDA and the replacements I'm receiving are refurbished units. Great!The only option tmoble gives me for a new device is the DASH. They will not let me choose which phone to switch too because the DASH is the only one device from the same manufacturer.I would advise waiting to see if Tmobile comes out with a new device this fall or select a completely different device.I hope this info helps.
Cool Nice thing to have if you want to keep everything on your car all "Original" good signal. Easy to use.
Worked, but had a hardware problem later. I got this charger in August 2007. I plugged my player into it every time I used it in the car. Between late January 2008 and early August 2008 it wasn't being used because it was not in my possession (or anybody else's). Then in late February 2009 I noticed that it wouldn't plug in anymore. When I examined the mini-USB end, I saw that a little piece inside was sunken in and caused the metal inlet to be pushed inside the rubber body when plugging it into the player. I tried to use tweezers to pull up the metal form inside, but it was no use. I threw out the charger and am buying another one to see if it happens again. I think this time though, I will only plug in my player for trips longer than 15 minutes. It took about a year altogether for this problem to occur, with daily plugging and unplugging.
The best product of it's kind For this product, it does indeed seem that this is the best one out there. Good quality. The controls are simple and illuminated. It does take a little tinkering to find a station that you won't get static on, and if you are driving through cities, you will have to change the station sometimes. FCC rules don't allow these types of transmitters to emit too much power, so if you are looking for a perfect solution that is completely static-free while travelling, you may want to invest in a new stereo system where you can plug your MP3 player into the front.My only gripe are is that this does not transmit in a higher volume. You will have to turn your radio up pretty loud. When you are done, don't forget to turn the radio down before you turn off or it'll scare you and everyone else in the car.
works great, don't need the manual I admire products whose interface is so clean and elegant the manual is superfluous. This Plantronics Voyager 510 meets that standard easily; even without a display the device is easy to use, easy to set up, and easier than that to pair up with other devices. I've used this with a Nokia 6085, with my Macbook, with a Pantech C150 and with a Blackberry - in all cases it was easy to set up and had great sound quality. Also the battery life is long - 2 days on a charge - and it fits so well I hardly realize I have it on.
Decent - but not great I've owned this headset for almost 4 months now and can't seem to get all the way through a call without someone saying "I'm only getting every other word - can't hear you very well." It's pretty frustrating...The earpiece is somewhat comfortable, and I have a few family members who picked up the Voyager Pro - haven't heard any complaints from them yet. Maybe I just got a defective earpiece!
My music sounds great I was surprised how well my music sounds when using this thing. I drove from Providence, RI to Montreal, QC and barely had to change the channel. It overpowers almost any radio station around.
Awful quality of sound!!! When I first saw all the reviews, i though this was the right cassete adapter for me... I ordered one to use on my car with my Ipod.. I received yesterday and when I tested on my car..... GEEEEEZEEE, the quality of sound is HORRIBLE!! songs sounded like my grandmother singing in the shower!I went to walmart and got the "black panasonic cassete adapter" for 10 bucks... I works just fine!!
Does not work for PC I got this with Raw Talent Guitar. I have Windows 7 and it does not work. I have had the run-around with tech support and I think they know that it's hopeless for Windows users (they tell me to install and run as "Administrator" and other ideas which have yet to work) to no avail. I have gotten it to work on occasion, but I'm not sure why it works sometimes and not other times. Windows users, DO NOT GET IT.
Good Battery, No problems I ordered and have been using this battery for more than a month now. It is working fine with no problems whatsoever. I was a bit hesitant after reading some reviews .. but it has worked quite well for me thus far.