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Flip Video Cable I bought a Flip Video on the suggestion of a friend, who had also purchased a set of three cables in different lengths and pretty colors. Don't waste your money! A plain cable like this is all you need to connect to your desktop.
Amazon won't honor posted price Amazon said we posted wrong price, now won't honor order. Sent an e-mail that said "sorry we posted wrong price... your order has been canceled". How convenient!!! Of course no offer of anything for my incovenience!...very poor business practice Amazon....... 0 stars if I could!
Not Good! I bought this for my son's LG CU500 cell phone. The Kingston website hasthe Kingston 1 GB MicroSD memory card listed as compatable with my son's phone. It is NOT. I am out the money for this card and have had to go out and spend more money buying a different brand card. This card is a total waste and the Kingston website cannot be trusted to let a consumer know what products THEIR products can be used with.
Does not accept 3-pronged US plugs This thing is pretty useless to anyone from the US, using this abroad. The adapter does not accept any US plugs that have a 3rd anchor prong on it. So you won't be able to plug them in at all. It will work fine for plugs that only have 2 prongs. But, for me, not being able to plug in my laptop makes this a total fail.
I Guess Sometimes You Win...and Then You Draw I was hoping this new set would recreate the awesome sound I had from my previous one (AIWA personal cassette/stereo) - It doesn't but the sound is 'bearable'. The sound is not so rich but it does the job on a couple of FM stations I listen to most. Mega Bass is 'just ok' but could be better. It's definitely not like my old AIWA - But, hey at least I have the Sony Headphones I bought and it helps listening to - I will keep it but I am a bit disappointed. Don't buy this if you want to pick up distant or weaker FM stations. Trust me, shop elsewhere for a AIWA or another unit that has 'solid' DX tuner capabilities or look at ebay for a AIWA like my oldie that I lost in Hawaii (Shame on ME!!!) Peace Joe G 'Bear'
First impressions not great I'm on the computer 6-8 hours a day. After using this keyboard for a week, I find it more difficult to use and the keys much harder to reach. The wrist pad is comfortable but I swear it's like learning a whole new keyboard. It feels very strange. I have another ergo keyboard at home (a different popular brand) and love it- but this odd keyboard just seems strange. Maybe I will get used to it after a while.
1963nova The extra remote that I bought for my Bulldog alarm 2030. Was easy to setup just followed the instruction and worked right out of the box
Too bad about the service... Don't buy this!The service has been horrible. After about 2 months a couple of the screws fell out of the device. After waiting on hold for 30 minutes... I got a promise that they would send me the screws... no problem except... they never came. A month later... called again... another 30 minutes later another promise to send the screws... AGAIN SCREWED!!! They never came. 3rd time... on hold for 1 hour before giving up! So, here I am with a $500 paperweight that's falling apart.There are other SERIOUS reasons not to buy this product. Have a hard look at the Blackberry (www.blackberry.com). Its a much better product used by most professionals who require worldwide email and phone service, calender, and other great features.As soon as I can get those screws (if ever), I'm going to sell my Palm. Here is my promise to Palm... I'll never buy another Palm product again.
Increased Signal Quality I am using a BEFW11S4 to support 3 machines around my house. On the furthermost workstation equipped with a WMP11 signal quality was 20-40% varied a little with other electronics use in the house. This workstation is one floor above and 70 linear feet from the base unit. After installation of the WSB24 it increased quality up to 75-90% capability. With my laptop using a WPC11 card it can now be used throughout the house with good-very good signal quality.Problems with my house was construction. 2x6 construction with 3/4 inch drywall is a little hard for the signal to punch thru. This doesn't really extend range too much maybe 25 yds but it does give better signal strength for the area already covered.Thought about daisy chaining another WSB24 to the one I have to see if that helps too...
useless this cable is no capable of doing what it's suppose to do, so don't waste your money on it. You will not be able to watch HD movies nor HD tv using this cable is not good enough to connect anything to a HDTV, it sucks.
What a turkey- even at today's prices I got my SAT-HD300 back when it was brand new, and paid $800 for the unit- after the Sony employee discount!It functions well enough as an ATSC and DirecTV reciever- but a glaring omission is 1394 FireWire outputs- making the unit useless if you're considering a DVHS deck. http://169time.com/ will mod the unit to output firewire, but at a huge additional cost.
not worth the money one ear broke after about 40 days with light use. noise canceling not that good either
Unique ID isn't unique This is an OK enclosure to invest in if you are positive that you will never need more than one, but if you ever plan to add another, beware. MacAlly ships every unit with the exact same internal GUID, in violation of the FireWire standard. The GUID is supposed to be unique for every device, so your computer can tell them apart, but these aren't -- so as soon as you add the second one, your machine goes bonkers. If you spend enough time on the phone with MacAlly support (a task in itself) they will deign to send you a low-level tool to rewrite the GUID in one of the enclosures -- however, it runs only on Windows, and even then, not on all versions of Windows. By the time you have reached this point, there are other enclosures on the market at roughly the same price point that are a whole lot less grief to set up.
Great build qualtiy and does what it needs to do. I have had another one of these in the past for my PS3 connection to my sound system, and now I have purchased this one to connect my WD live Streaming media player. I must say I am still impressed with the build quality and feel, and the price is very competitive.I would recommend this product to anyone. since it does what it is intended to do but also looks and feels great / solid.
stopman not walkman the thing stops in the middle of a cd for no reason whatsoever! even with a brand new cd. also the earphones are torture devices. useless. (altho some people prefer that type i guess). the sound is good and i like the volume limiter. but otherwise beware. can't handle scratched cd's.
LIES - ALL LIES!!!! This is my last Kensington Purchase. Not because the mouse is bad. It works fine. HOWEVER - I purchased this because of Kensington's amazing MouseWorks software for the mac.* Driver download says that it supports bluetooth mice.* On-line and physical owners manual says it works with MouseWorks* NO WHERE on Kensington's web site does it say this mouse is incompatible with MouseWorks.Tech support comes back with the response of "So Sorry". Bite Me Kensington...you lost a dedicated customer who loves to spend money and was previously in love with your products.
Didn't work. This didn't work. The internal battery would not hold a charge. Bought to back to back, hopefully to get a good working version, both had the same issue. Never was able to contact the merchant about this issue. Did get a refund, but still not happy, since I didn't get what I needed. Was a waste of time.
A must-have lens for still photography I use this lens for close-up photography (with a close-up filter set) on a regular basis. The focal range of f/1.8 to f/32 is impressive, and it's sharp throughout. I've used it to take flower pics that blow up flawlessly to 16x20 prints as well as mouthwatering food shots for my brochure. It works great both on my old Canon EOS A2E film camera and my Canon Digital Rebel XT. For the price, it can't be beat.
A WASTE of money I bought this printer a few months ago ... ; I just needed to print papers and course reserves for class. I should have done more thorough research.For starters, this machine is NOISY!!! It sounds like it is coming apart even when asked to do something as small as print a five page Word document; I can't print anything at night without giving my sleeping roommates a start. In addition, it takes forever to do its job, and the paper gets jammed on a regular basis.As far as it being a good value for the price; even if it did work well, the ink cartridges are on the high end and only last about a month, and I use this printer very lightly. I have already spent as much an the cartridges as on the printer, and I have had it only since late October.I wish I could say that it is only my printer that has all of these problems, but one of my roommates has one that is nearly identical (C60) and gives her fits.As for the rebate, Epson refused to honor it based on the fact that I wrote the number on the box instead of cutting it off and mailing it.So why give it even one star? Well, if you can get it to print right at 7:30 am on a timer, it would make a terrific alarm clock...
Blurry images. The product is engineered solidly. Nice design. Feels good in the hand. Relatively easy to operate. Good exposure programs.One major flaw though: the 28 mm wide lens system leads to unsharp images. The general impression is that the images are just not crisp.I own an older Casio EX-850 (8MP) and the differences are just stounding.I would definitely NOT recommend this product.The 35 mm equivalent models in the series are much better wrt sharp image results.
Heavy Duty & Professional Grade Cable I ordered this cable because I wanted a heavy duty cable that would withstand the test of time and this cable met my requirements. It is a thick gauge cable and is definitely professional grade.I bought this cable to connect my Zune MP3 player to my stereo and to be able to have the MP3 player in my lap as I sit in my easy chair when I listen to music.Because of the thickness of the cable and its high quality I did not notice any degradation in the signal or quality of my music which can occur when you use cables that are longer in length.Although this cable is somewhat expensive for an audio cable it is definitely worth the price because of it's high quality. You cannot find 12ft cables like this one at the rAdIo ShAcK or other retail stores so I was very pleased to find it on Amazon.
Very useful This tripod is excellent for amature and professional photographers alike. Makes an excellent companion on international trips and video blogging. I have used this product to get some really wonderful shots.
great product Many modulator don't lock in a signal and hold it but this one is the best at that. I don't get static. Sound is crisp and clean. Easy to set channels. I love it.
Spend the extra $50 and go for the c550 The c550 came with a car rental and I loved it. I did the research and figured I would save a few $$ and go for the c340. Bad move - I returned it and got the c550 instead. The 340 does an adequate job but: 1) mount kinda sucks (compared with the 550), 2) it's SLOW at aquiring satellites and finding POIs, 3) the GLARE ON THE SCREEN IS HORRIBLE.The c550 comes with anti-glare screen, FM traffic adapter included(!), rocket fast, and has a great mount.Do yourself a favor - I wish someone had told me.
You get what you paid for! This is a basic entry level Hi-Fi VCR. I have 3 panasonic VCR and this one was my fourth one.The worst part was recording as you have to press 2 buttons in order to program recording. When it was recording, a big "REC" showed in the beginning and then replaced by tape meter which could confuse you as you might not realize it was recording. When programming, channels were not defaulted to those you had access but it went from channel 1, 2, 3...ie, it was a bit time consuming to program.Remote was OK but it was quick enough if you do commercial skipping.Soundwise, for some reasons, it was better than my hi-fi panasonic even with the same home theatre set up.Durability wise, I bought mine from Nov 2002 & I broke it in early June 2003 when I tried to clean up the tape head. Something just fell out when I opened it and tried to clean it the 2nd time. I guess it was my fault. The inside of it was made with a lot of plastics which I don't think it would last long anyway. However, it is reasonable if you don't pay more than $ bucks for this unit. Now I have to deal with Toshiba people. Don't know the outcome yet.Picture quality was good for me as I didn't have any problem like others.Tracking was better than my 3 other panasonic. It usually found the right tracking for the tapes that we put in.Noise was reasonable to me and was silent when playing. Rewind was quick as advertised.It had good feature like showing you titles of TV programs when changing channels and auto clock setting.
Wrong Size for Z730!!!!! The adapter advertised to fit the Z730 does not. However, I did get another free adapter for some 52 mm close up lenses that does fit onto the camera at 39.2 mm. After careful review and looking closely at the adapter for the DX7440 which looks in the picture to go from 39.2 to 37 mm I ordered it and hopefully it will fit. Amazon needs to correct this error.Tad
Problems with multiple 80-hour TiVos I have owned a PHILIPS TiVo for over five years....love it and have never had a problem with it. I decided to give two brand new 80-hour TiVo's as gifts this past Christmas (manufactured by TiVo, not Philips). I ordered them through Amazon.com. BOTH TiVo's developed technical problems within hours of their first use and had to be sent back to TiVo for exchange, and one of the replacement TiVo's developed problems as well. That's THREE bad TiVo's out of four. I'm still waiting for one of the replacements. I am quite concerned because I purchased very expensive lifetime TiVo services for both of these gifts. Of course, the "lifetime" service lasts only as long as the life of the TiVo box itself...and at this rate, that life won't be very long. I'm VERY disappointed with these new TiVo's.
Do NOT waste your money I bought this product for my nephew for Christmas and also decided to buy one for myself. I thought something was wrong with the unit because I could only play one cd before it showed an error message and not function. I sent it back to the manufacturer and they replaced it. The same thing happened with the new cd player. I then realized that the first player was not a fluke, the product is manufactured so poorly, it drains batteries so quickly, as to render it useless. By the way, my nephew had the same experience. Three for three. Memorex should be ashamed.
Love this item! I absolutely love this item - it works just as I hoped it would. I am able to now watch TV in my office, a room with a TV, but no cable box. The signal is sent from the DVR in my family room to the TV in my office and is clear without any interference. A beautiful picture! Just what I was looking for! Now - to figure out how to record the signal to my DVD recorder in my office.......
Bait'n'switch I was cheated! The item sent was for a sony stick reader, not the reader shown in the photo. The company DID NOT replace the item or even apologize for their error!
Not as good as other cartridges I have purchased several refurb toners from Amazon dealers and other online venues. This one has only lasted 6 weeks and 2356 copies. In buying from other dealers, the cartridges last anywhere from 2-3 months ranging from 3,134 to 3,600 copies on average. I guess considering price is 1/2 of competitors....toner is also about 1/2 as productive.
This thing is Huge! This thing is way bigger than I thought! It should work pretty well, stays on there with no slip or so. However, if I put it in the middle of my car's top pannel, it blocks the AC fan, so i have to put it in the left corner now. Also since this thing is actually relatively big, it's hard to hide it in the car, so it won't prevent people from knowing I might have a GPS in my car, so i don't know why people think this prevent steeling. Overall i like it a lot especially in this coming winter.
You'll be satisfied! This is my 3rd mark B&W filter. I never hesitated ordering last 2 and didn't check any marks. B&W is much more expensive but really deserves.
Excellent lens but first copy had to be returned This has been an excellent lens. I can't really add anything to what the other reviews here and elsewhere say. However, I had to return the first copy I bought because its image quality was not as sharp as it should have been. The second copy's image quality is significantly better--it's what I expected based on everything I had read before I bought it. It was a little disappointing to have to return the first copy given what the lens cost.
Very Poor Not working after first day of installtion. Epson 69 Cartridge is not working. I installed Epson 69 Cartridge and tested the printer. It worked for the first time. After one week I started the printer, it is not working now. I will return to AMAZON.
Very Nice Filter The glass quality is something which can be compared to the optical glass quality used in lenses. You can actually notice the ghosting or flaring missing when you mount this in comparison to other cheaper ones. I had a Zeikos set in my kit so far but after using B+W they are going to rest until in case of any emergency.For getting a UV one my purpose was more for safety as for one of my friend the UV saved his 18-105 in a free fall taking most of the impact.Overall a wonderful product recommended for putting up in front of optical glass.
Not necessary The specs for the nikon telephoto lens did not mention that it already came with a lens shade included, so I ordered this one. It fits fine, and will probably come in handy, but I like the one that came with the lens better.
Waste of money, space, and time... (Written by a disappointed reviewer) I work as a sales associate in Kmart's Electronics Department, and last night when I saw this nice looking TV just sitting in the back at the super low price of 210 dollars, I thought I had found a real bargain! My parents needed a new TV for their living room, so I figured I'd let them know about this one. They told me they had more important things to buy right now, so I decided to just buy it for them, figured it would be foolish to pass up such a great deal.Boy was I wrong... After getting this home and looking it over, I found that this TV is practically useless!Since this TV only has an Analog tuner, I'll have to buy a converter box for it if I want it to receive over the air broadcasts after Febuary 17th 2009! Also, I was under the impression that this was an HDTV, but it can only display an image up to 480p resolution, that's not High Definition, infact, it's just barely Enhanced Definition!This TV might be okay if all you plan to do on it is play video games and watch DVDs, but with such low resolution and only an Analog tuner, it's almost useless for TV viewing...You'd be better off spending a little more on a High Definition TV, or quite a bit less on an SDTV. (Standard Definition TV)As for myself, I'm going to return this TV for a better one...
Slow Performer I purchased this drive to capture video, and after getting very poor results, ran a drive test routine from Pinnacle on the drive. Using a 100M file size, the average write is 2.46 MBytes/sec, minimum 1.4 MBytes/sec, and maximum was 9.6 MBytes/sec. Since this is well below the 3.6MBytes/sec sustained rate needed to support an uncompressed digital video capture,buy a different drive if you are thinking of using this for video.
First Rate Its getting real boring say the same thing over and over. First rate on service and first rate on quality.
Disgusted with MSNTV2!! I bought MSNTV2 in 2004.I was more than happy with it.But over the years as computers improved and websites got better and faster, MSNTV2 couldn't handle it.MSNTV2 was created with Flash.6. Most websites today require Flash 9 or 10. Which means MSNTV2 has become old and outdated. It is very difficult to access websites anymore (the unit freezes) and forget streaming video like U Tube. Since there is no hard drive they can NOT upgrade it. Most of customers that have used it for years are very unhappy. It remains fine for emails and photos BUT NOT for much else. The yearly fees are $120 on top of your internet hook-up.
Total Waste with in 6 months The unit work fine for first 5 months. Then if I switch on the power indicator was coming little late. After a week, it stuck in the welcome screen and stop responding completely. So do not buy this.If any of you have the same issue please share the idea and solution for this.
Great little surge protector Great value for a surge protector. I've got 'em on lots of electronics (printers, phones, laptops) that don't need a full power strip or universal power supply (UPS). Very portable for laptops, in case you're travelling.
Getting frustrated As far as the bluetooth pairing and the tracking quality, I have to give this mouse a "two-thumbs up". I am currently using this mouse with a Macbook Pro and the Mac has no trouble finding the mouse when I turn it on.The down side is the poor design of the battery compartment. The very action of slightly squeezing the sides of the mouse releases the battery door. The design is such that the contact springs for the batter are perpetually working against the retention mechanism! there is no way of adjusting the retention strength as the barbs are simply injection molded plastic.I am a designer and I find that using this mouse for a full day of work requires reassembly on the order of 10-20 times a day. I will be looking for another mouse...
Works Perfect Product works perfectly with my DDX512, even though I hate iPods, having all your songs in your HU is really nice!
Do not buy this item! Hi, I bought this the other day. Immediately it got stuck in my vehicle (an 07 Acura TL -- not an old car) and ruined the tape player. These are pieces of junk and the sellers (upon seeing other research) are known for selling shotty, defective items. They do not answer any contact channels. Do not buy! This is a complete waste and could cost you!Paul
Works for what I need! I bought this chair to take to the park when going there with my grand daughter. I have a bad back and bad knees and just need to sit once in a while. It does great for this purpose, its lightweight and has a case for carrying. I would not want to sit in it all day but for short periods its fine. If you have the same issues as me - measure your favorite height chair and get that height.
Stay away. Stay far away. I'm not sure who's rating these things but they should immediately draft a note of apology for all the customers they've duped. These things suck...and I've owned a few pairs of 8 dollar headphones. The dynamic range is nil. It's like listening to music with a pillow over your head. The noise canceling properties are negligible. I'd venture to say that most of it probably comes from the ear pads. They literally sound the same with the noise canceling on or off. What really makes them unusable is the horrible sound quality. Horrible! Just horrible (sob)!
Use this all the time Being a mother of 4 on a budget i couldnt afford an actual laminate machine..so i thought i'd try getting these...LOVED them. i use them all the time for almost all my projects. Wall art, bookmarks, Kids artwork/framed..this is great!
Great Speakers! These have been great speakers so far for my iMac 24. The bass rocks the house when I want to crank it. I didn't know a 2.1 system could sound this good.
Had to stretch out the case This case is a tight fit on my sd600. I put a PDA screen protector over the LCD screen of the sd600, and the case was so tight that it eventually peeled off the edge of the screen protector after the third use. I eventually solved the problem by leaving the handle of a fat screwdriver in the case overnight. The next day the case was stretched out enough so that there was some leeway between the case and the camera. Now it works fine. The case NOT soft leather. It is somewhat sturdy and firm--good protection against soft knocks.
Nice Headphones I love these headphones. I use them at work to block out the office sounds. Helps me stay sane!
SanDisk SDSDH-002G-A11 2GB Ultra SD Card I used this new SD card to take some of my son's wedding pictures and it worked perfectly. I would recomend this product if your camera accepts this SD card.
Amazing! Just wanted to say this item works fantastic. I'd tried one of the little Belkin FM transmitters and it was horrible, so I returned it. Best Buy didn't have a great selection, so I thought I'd check Amazon & based on the previous reviews of this product, I though ti would give it a try. I live in the LA area, so there aren't many unused frequencies, and the Belkin transmitter would always get interrupted--even when I used the auto-search function. The iLuv works great & will play my iPod music over staticky stations. The only problem is the attachment that plugs into the cigarette lighter isn't very flexible, so I had to add the extension to it (which I'm SO glad they had that in the package), and now it sticks out kind of far, near my shifter (I have an automatic '04 Camry, but if you drive a stick, this could be a problem). And it's a little hard to read the station on the iLuv when it's plugged in. But other than that, it's great.
Defective This was purchased as an extra tv for our home and has only been used a few times since we purchased it a couple of months ago. It is already broken. When you push the power button on, it will not power up. Of course, the retailer (Voltelectronics will not give us credit or return it. I was told to go through Toshiba. We'll see what happens. What a hassle!!!!
1 star is too high. Customer service is horrible. 3 hours on hold, 2 hours on with a "technician" that speaks English as well as my dog and they couldn't figure out why I had no internet connectivity. The only saving grace is that I was allowed to return it. I had to stop payment on the credit card before they would allow a refund. BEWARE!!!!
Most expensive bad photos EVER If I could rate this product with a zero I would. I purchased this item, with 11 rolls of film, for our wedding reception so guests could have someone take a snapshot of themselves and put in the guest book with their well-wishes, a great idea I have seen work wonderfully at other receptions. Except that I chose the joycam instead of the standard polaroid - BAD CHOICE! First of all the camera was difficult to operate and people had trouble with the film jamming, etc. Because the film had been taken out of the boxes to put out on the guest book table none of it is returnable - and byt he time we returned from our honeymoon and had any time to contend with the issue, the whole lot had been in our hands for more than 30 days thus unreturnable. Basically, don't ever buy this product, or any other product by polaroid that isn't it's basic one-step instamatic...just a huge waste of time and money and hugely dissapointing if you are planning to use it for a once in a lifetime event at which it breaks after just a few shots.
*NOT* DVI DUAL LINK CABLE If you need a dual link cable for 3D or 120HZ then DO NOT BUY this cable. The cable pictured here and in fact the cable you receive has the Dual Link pin configuration but the cable does NOT function as a Dual Link which is necessary for 3D or 120HZ refresh rate. The people who state this is not a Dual Link cable are right; those who state that it is, either work for the company selling this, or are not computer savvy enough to determine the difference. IT IS A SCAM! Notice the cost of the product is 0.01 cents making returning for a full refund more difficult because 99.9% of your payment is for "shipping." Don't get sucked into the same trap as I was; you were warned!As a side note, cable functions GREAT for a standard NON-Dual Link DVI cable...
Not to impressed I like the sound of the ear phones put out but did not like that they are so loose on your ears, while riding my bike the wind really whistles through the earphones, I went back to my old pair, due to this feature.
Christmas Present It was a Christmas present for my daughter-in-law who is delighted with it. I choose this one because my daughter has one and she loves it.
Great item at a great price I had been trying to upgrade an old HP computer I got from work but it was too old and had too many issues. I had bought a new power supply to try to get it to work and when I gave up, I had this power supply that I couldn't use but paid a lot of money for. I decided to build a new system and wondered if I could find a case without a power supply. Searched and found this CoolerMaster case and it was only $39.99 with free shipping. Wonderful case - advertised as not needing any tools and it is that way which is great! I have built a lot of systems over the years and this case is the best I have ever seen.
Love it!!!! I traded up from an Ipaq 3600 - it was getting too slow for what I needed. I hated having to use the expansion pack to add memory- I'm in the medical field and have 5 full textbooks on it- had to put it on the memory card. The expansion pack makes it too big and bulky and heavy. So I wanted a PDA with more memory and an integraded memory card.I left my 3600 charger in a hotel room and was forced to go manual for about 6 weeks! It was horrible!!!My new 3900 is wonderful- fast! I use Agenda Fusion for my calendar functions and the 3600 used to seize up all the time. I can put photos of my kids on the 3900 as well and all my texts are now right on the hard drive and I still have tons of space left over!I had planned to get a Toshiba before I read the reviews of the 3900- I can't afford sudden and total memory loss and I need a durable machine. I dropped my 3600 several times (after it was already slow) and it had no change in function.Thanks to everyone whose reviews convinced me to upgrade my Ipaq.Customer support from Compaq has been wonderful in the past also..... we have a laptop as well that has needed servicing- it's very simple. The 3600 seized up twice and had to be sent back and they replaced it no problem. That was another factor in sticking with them.
Doesnt support all cards Doesn't support 7300 GT's in SLI mode. Settings don't get saved when i restart and i have to continually mess with resolution settings to get a decent (at best) picture. for sure i will be returning this product.
Neat, but needs work What made me buy the i.Beat Classico was its line-in recording capability. One of the headphone jacks doubles as a stereo line-in jack and you can record any audio source to mp3 at 320kbps. I've recorded one of my records to mp3 this way it works wonderfully. However, your audio source better be LOUD because the input for recording on the classico does not seem to be very sensitive...The FM recording, on the other hand, is pretty awful. I have a hard time getting a good signal to begin with. When I do get a decent signal, if I press record, the static increases. Wierd.The microphone recording works extremely well. I have randomly had very static recordings that were definitely introduced by the player somehow. But that didn't happen often.Mp3 playback is decent, but riddled with infrequent problems like random static (solved by skipping away from the song, and then skipping back to it).There's a loud *thud* when you turn it on, and another when you turn it off. Sometimes I have the player plugged into my car stereo, and the thud is extremely loud!Lastly, it's very small, and I used my thumb nail to push most of the "buttons" on the player. That was kind of annoying...Unfortunately, I can't recommend this player to anyone. It was cool when it worked (which was most of the time), but the fact that it wasn't 99% reliable hurt its reputation with me.
Extremely Useful on Planes I have had the pleasure of using these headphones on several plane trips. They do a great job of getting rid of the plane noise.
Perfect for Bellsouth IFITL (PC Data) I assumed that all routers would work with my ISP,which does not require a modem,but they do not.Also,information about this is difficult to find.The WRT54GL works perfectly.All you have to do is make the router become the PPPOE client and not the PC and to do that you check "never dial a connection" in Internet Options and select PPPOE in the Linksys GUI setup page under Internet Connection Type.I've been using the router for two weeks now and have had no problems.I did update the firmware from Linksys and that was very easy.I considered updating to Tomato,but the default x-mission power is just fine.We have a single story house about 2000sqft and my wife can connect and stay connected throughout with her laptop.I did not rate reliability since it's new,but I'm optimistic.Time will tell.
Good buy These sound as great as my husband's Bose Q2's. Of course they don't block sound and have less comfort but I only will use them on a plane to listen to music or TV so the compact size and light weight are a plus. When I compared the two listening to my stero they sound as good as the Bose and I had better control of the volume with the Sennheiser. They're great for my use. AND THE PRICE IS ABOUT 10% of the BOSE. Are the Bose nice? Yes, very nice and my husband is annoyed by the engine noise of the plane so he is delighted with his BOSE. They do a nice job for him. We're both happy so know what purpose you want them to serve.
Is it possible to give this NO STARS? Do not - repeat - DO NOT waste your money on a LaCie drive! I have been through TOO MANY too many times, and lost EVERYTHING each and every time.I've had small drives, I've had large drives. I've had used drives, I've had new drives. If it says LACIE, run, don't walk, get away and put your money back in your wallet!They all work great - for the first month or so. Then, when you are relying on it and really need it and are depending upon your much needed and sacred files being there - POOF! - suddenly no matter what you do your PC will no longer recognize this device and all will be lost. I have tried connecting to other PCs, I have tried everything short of putting a bullet through it to put it out of my misery.And forget calling their techs for any kind of help. They obviously know what a P.O.S. this thing really is.
IN Car MP3 player for SD and USB Pen drive with remote control. The iQfm MP3 player was tried in both of my cars 12 Volt power outlets ..Pushed all the buttons several times .No instructions came with it and the internet instructions were not helpful.The display does not light up or display anything no mater which button you press on the remote or the device .It arrived DOA ...just a piece of worthless junk .If someone knows how to operate this junk please let me know.John
Best bang for the buck If you're a hard-core Windows user, PLEASE STEP AWAY FROM THE REVIEW!Now that they're gone, let's talk about the iBook. It isn't the most powerful computer in Apple's line-up, but it's their least expensive portable. Look at what you get though.CD/DVD burner...built-inWireless connectivity...built-inProductivity software...built-inUSB 2 and FireWire...built-inAV out port...built-inIndustry leading support after the sale...includedMovie creation software...includedDVD creation software...includedMusic management...includedMusic creation...includedPhoto archiving and manipulation software...includedProtection from viri and trojan horses...includedActually the last is a bit of a tease. No known viruses or trojan horses can get past OS/X. The only vunerability is if you type in your admin password and physically install an exploit. MS Windows should be so protected out the box.Where it's lackingOnly 256 m of memory...Memory is relatively cheap. Apple should have put in at least 512 m.60 gig hard drive only runs at 4200 RPM. This is slow. Apple should use faster (5400 or better) drives. Especially if you plan on using this as a multi-media editor for music or movies. While you can put in a faster drive (Not easily though. The iBook is a tough nut to crack), you'll void your warrenty doing so unless it's done through an Apple certified service center. Fortunately, there are several manufacterer's of USB 2 and FireWire based external drives ranging from 20 gigs to 250 gigs and up. If portability is an issue, make sure the drive can be buss-powered. The iBook can supply power for such drives through its USB 2 and FireWire ports.No FireWire 800 ports. While this irks me, it really isn't that big an issue. There are few (so far) devices that use FW 800.Only a 32 meg video card. If all you want to do is play games, you'll most likely be disappointed by the iBook's graphics card. If this is an issue, spend a little more and get a PowerBook which has a 64 meg card.No backlighting options for the keyboard or screen. The PBs have this (15 and 17 inch), but it is not an option on the iBook. Not that big a deal unless you are a mole living in total darkness most of the time. The light off the LCD provided me with enough light (Barely) to see the keyboard in low-light conditions.While it may seem like I have a lot of complaints about this computer, I actually prefer it in many ways over its much more expensive sibling, the PowerBooks. When the time came for a new portable to replace my G3 based Pismo (Apple fans know what this is), I chose the iBook instead of the PB. With my cost savings, I bought more memory and an external USB 2 80 gig Hard drive.Last thing and then I'll shut up. I recommend the excellent AppleCare 3 year protection plan. Remember that it is a laptop and like any other small electronic device, can be damaged more easily than its tower cousins.
pretty disappointed Until now, everything I ever bought from Logitech had delighted me. This one did at first but after a little bit of use, I think this will sit around and collect dust until I throw it away.A remote needs to be able to let you FF/REW in a responsive way. This thing is slow and the buttons are darned hard to find without looking. I need to keep my eyes on the TV, not to be staring at the remote to find the right button.The button feel sucks.Device support isn't nearly as good as I had expected.What a disappointment.
One Erratic Little Machine I bought this dvd player after extensive net research.The unit worked fine for a couple of weeks, then went on the fritz - no matter what dvd I put into the player, the display read "bad."So, I carried it over to an authorized service center, only to discover that the unit is a "return only," and cannot be serviced.So, I prepared to send it back. The seller warned me that if the unit was not found to be defective on arrival, I would be charged a restocking fee of $30 plus return shipping charges. Well, the restock fee plus round trip shipping is almost the cost of the unit.So, I plugged it again to make sure that it still was not working.Lo and behold, it started working again.I was thrilled - for about three weeks - until it went on the fritz again.Maybe I just got a lemon, which sometimes happens, but be fore-warned!If this happens to you, the return process could be more costly than replacing with another unit.
Perfect solution to a nuisance problem This product is great! It is adjustable in every direction that you could need and sticks out from my laptop, only the width of a usb connector. I needed only two of these, but bought three. I should have and will buy more. The perfect solution to a nuisance problem. What a great treat to find these...
Pretty good overall, but a few problems Let's start with the strengths:1) Good price2) Ink cartridges don't expire before all the ink is used3) Ink is cheap and 50+ 4x6" prints haven't made a dent in the ink levels.4) Quality is excellent on high-res digital pictures5) Whisper quiet. I still check to make sure it's working when I send a picture to it. It's THAT quiet.Other weaknesses pointed out by other people that aren't that big of a deal (to me at least):1) Hard to set up? Not really. Just follow the directions.2) The 4x6" paper tray is flimsy? Yes, but functional and handy. But, be careful putting your $.20 a sheet photo paper in this tray, however, because the little indent for your thumb (to raise the cover on this attachment) will leave marks on the top sheet of your photo paper which will be evident in your printed photos. Put another piece of paper or something between that indention and your paper when you are inserting the stack of 4x6" paper.3) Graphics on plain paper/B&W text printing slow and not very good? It seemed to take about 20 seconds per page of either text of full color graphics. Not great (and there are better inkjets out there for this), but a perfect compliment to a laser printer. The quality isn't the best I've seen but honestly, it looks fine. At least there are no stray printing marks (from guide rollers or whatnot). Bottom line: Get this printer primarily to print good 4x6" photos, and if you need to do other things, it can, but it's not the best.Now for my gripes:1) 36 seconds for a 4x6" photo? Mine all take twice that long, exactly (72 seconds). I am using USB 1.0 - anyone know if that is causing the difference? Anyone getting 36 second prints with USB 1.0 - if so, how?2) You better only be printing high resolution images. A majority of my images from my digital camera are 640 x 480 (taken years ago, small to save memory). I tried some 640x480 prints from the included software, and they were horrid. It was doing some sort of strange interpolated smearing between blocks of pixels. When I was able to print the same picture from MS Word, the quality improved substantially. When I view the 640x480 images in any other software application, they look fine. The Canon included software at least shows you how it's going to screw up your picture before you print it. I don't know how I'm going to print 1000+ pictures that are this way. One at a time from Word or Powerpoint, I guess.3) The included software didn't even sort my files by name, and certainly had no option to sort by size or creation date. I think the software was designed to be extremely simple (and it is), however it doesn't have much function other than sending what you have to the printer. My images are all labelled with a standard digital camera format like "DSC001234", and the program would never sort them all. Maybe because I had over 1000 in one directory; who knows.I don't think any printer out there is perfect. This one is very good; it amazing to see what looks like a photolab print come out of it. Honestly. Get the 120 pack of Canon 4x6" Phot Paper Plus Glossy if you can find it; it's the best deal. I tried printing with the included sample of Canon Premium paper; no difference.It is nice to see a printer that doesn't tell you an ink cartridge is dead (and requires replacement) simply because it passed some arbitrary date. HP does this (they also sell their ink carts for $35 a pop) and I've heard other brands do too. This would be like your car's engine shutting off automatically when you passed the 3,000 mile mark since your last oil change. HP is never getting my business again due to this practice.Enjoy this printer, just make sure you set your camera on "high res" from now on.
embarrassing-disappointed Order based on positive reviews, and comparisons, purchased to replace old cumbersome stack system, and speakers. However, received sub-standard product. Openned and followed easy install instructions, and had planned to use as background music for same evening dinner party. Excellent sound quality as advertised, however 4 cuts into CD everything unravelled, CD distorted, and skipped. Maybe defective CD? tried new/multiply CD's, same result every time. Followed trouble shooting instructions to remove batteries, and unplug unit, complied with instructions muliple times over three day period (also, needless to say, no music for dinner party evening). Lost confidence in item, did not want to chance same result on relacement, returned for refund, and purchased Boston Acoustic CD unit. BA Plays perfectly with great sound quality, and looks good.
Good radio/ awfull sevice This is probably a good radio, but the programming of XM is awfull. I should have done my homework better. Probably fine for air-headed jocks, but not for the intellectual. Their blues chanel is nothing compaired to Sirius'. So now im stuck with a $300 radio and nothing to listen to.
etrex Legend C GARMIN Being new to GPS for GEOCACHING. I find this unit very hard to use following the instructions in the user manual.This is not FUN !!!THUMBS DOWNI am 63 a retired Firefighter IAFF LOCAL 788 Camden, NJ
Install Firmware update immediately because of a bad bug. I love the product, but I had a major problem. 7 days after purchase, my streetpilot went dead.. and I mean DEAD. There is a bug on some of the systems that causes the power to turn off. You need to go to the garmin site and install the webupdater as soon as you get it. The update became available as of 4/03/07. If you are unsure how to do this, go to the Garmin site for the phone number and call them during work hours M-F and the very helpful staff will guide you through the process. I had to take mine back to the store and get a completely new c550 and have just installed the update a few minutes ago.Otherwise, it's a great product and you'll enjoy it.Also, be sure to create an account and register your product. They can help if whoever steals your gps calls in for service, they tell them to send it in for a replacement and then make sure YOU get your gps back... but you have to register it.
Not worth the cost This cable may work on some combination of computer and printer, but did not work at all on mine. Between the cost of shipping and cost of the cable, it was a waste for me.
Their Customer Support Has Been Abysmal My Zen Vision M locked up several times over several months. The last time, it was permanent. I had to contact their customer support to begin the process of getting it fixed in the middle of January. I received incorrect information regarding product availability, long waits for the sync adapter to come back into stock before I could attempt to reload firmware (I lost it; my mistake), and finally after getting an RMA approval have now been waiting 17 business days from their date of receiving it for them to get replacement stock. They quote an average of 10, but ask you to contact them if it is longer than 15 days. I have been told that they are going to replace it once they get stock back in. Although they have units to sell in stock, this does not mean that they use them to honor their warranty with. They will not give any sort of estimate when they may have replacement stock. Also, their web RMA status page may not get updated, or may post incorrect status. Oh, one other interesting feature of their support is that if you don't have a support contract and the unit is older than 3 months old, you have to pay another $25.00 for the testing. In the almost 2 months of dealing with this, Creative Labs has lost me as a customer, which I have been for over 10 years.Aside from the lockups, I liked the unit. I now have an iPod that I love and also had to use Apples' Customer Support services. No problems. They dealt with the problem in a professional and efficient manner.
Printer Fan in the Northwest AWESOME! This printer is so easy and it prints such great pictures that I have switched completely over to digital. You will be printing in minutes from getting it out of the box and not be stuck next to your PC. I have it set up in the kitchen were most of the action seems to take place and we are always printing the latest set of photo's. It is even more fun when I take it to a party and print photo's out on the spot. People are really awestruck over the picture quality. Since it works with virtually all digital cameras you can't go wrong with this printer.
Simple but functional Think cell phone gel skin. The Kindle Fire slips nicely into this case. It provides a modicum of protection for the Kindle without adding any weight or bulk. I bought one for each family member that received a Kindle for Christmas. Each got a different color, and that allowed everyone to easily identify their device. It also makes it a bit easier to grasp/hold. It was the least expensive Kindle case I saw online.
Works great I have mine hooked up to a "Fish TV" camera outside on the boat dock, now i can check the camera from my main tv before running out there.
Avoid this MP3 player I bought this for my wife for her birthday. It does not work out of the box, it powers on for 2 seconds and then powers off. We tried multiple new batteries, it's just broke as is. It does work as a USB drive, it just does not play mp3's.Save your money or spend more for something of higher quality.
Didn't protect well, came apart This won't protect your PDA in your pocket, and it doesn't allow you to synch it in a cradle. Furthermore, I took it in and out of the case a couple times and it was already coming apart. Oh, and it was well-nigh impossible getting anything in and out of the pockets.It would be nice if someone would make a good Tungsten T case that really protected the PDA, and didn't leave holes for lint.
Keeping cat hairs out of keyboard. I have a very curious cat who likes to walk on everything so I needed something to protect my keyboard which is specially made for a typist (sounds like an old keyboard, it's great). This cover is doing the job for me.
Limited capabilty Does not appear to have a 2-channel stereo line input. Not usable with software defined radio. Very little technical documentation.
The money saved is not worth it Well, while it is a good value based pc it isnt reliable or recommendable. The pc was owned for 3 months before it started exhibiting unreliable behaviour. Then at the 5 month mark it started shutting itself down. I thought it to be a power management problem and since I had just installed a wireless network card I assumed that I just needed to go back through the settings and make sure nothing had changed. 3 weeks later before I got around to finding the problem the machine died in the middle of the night. Now, upon trying to boot it makes a horrible popping sound and shuts itself back off again. From all research materials I have found this make and model is plagued with overheating and shorting problems. My recommendation would be to go with a little more expensive better quality machine. This one just isnt worth the trouble.
bad designed cable don't buy I got this cable when we lost my husbands original cable while evacuated in the San Diego fires. He was so mad when the cable would not fit his sansa e260. the cable is about .5mm to wide for the socket in the sansaDont buy
These are just passable headphones I go through headphones like water. I buy around 2 to 4 a year. So i get my hand on these and the sound quality of these things is terrible. I am not a sound junkie. And I am not picky. I've gone through economical headphones like koss and maxwells that cost around $5-$7 and have had little complaint. Usually i can't tell the difference between good and bad headphones. But these are noticeable. Sounds are muffled, and it kinda makes music sound like its from a old rinky dinky video game. These are not the WORST headphones i've had, but they are close. Also the earphones are tiny. The earbuds are around the size of a half dollar coin. And the headphones as a whole feel flimsy. But what do I expect for the price? Even so, i usually buy cheap headphones and I've gotten alot better quality than this.So my advice to you. If you are looking for really cheap headphones, and sound quality does not matter at all, then these are the ones to get. If sound does matter, there are other headphones on this site that are the same price or a couple of dollars more that sound LOADS better and are a lot less flimsy.
This cable is junk; do not buy I bought this cable for my kids to watch movies in our Honda Odyssey through the AV Auxiliary jack.Even brand new, I had to wiggle the cable in the iPod to get it to work. If anyone touched the iPod's jack, the video connection would be lost.The iPod has never been used for video, so I know it is not a worn-contact issue. It is a low-quality item, period.
Just plug it in Just plug it in to TIVO, stays at 100%. Couldn't be better or at a better price.
What a great lens, especially for the price, super Sharp at F2.5! Pros:Small SizeLow PriceLight WeightNice BokehOk at F/1.8Better at F/2.2 F/2.5 F/2.8Sharp as most lens at F3.2 and still blurs the background wellNatural light photography sharper at F1.8 then the Kit lens at any settingGreat portrait lens on cropped 1.6 cameras like the Rebel XtiCons:Slow FocusPoor low light auto focusPoor motion tracking auto focusCheap plastic constructionFlash performance much worse then the 18-55 Kit lensNo Lens HoodActual use and thoughts:I bought this lens because I wanted to take sharper clearer photos then the kit lens until I can afford another L lens and because I wanted to shoot using natural light inside churches while photographing wedding portraits.Is it sharper then the Kit 18-55 lens? In natural light shots you bet!!I did some tripod mounted tests at different F stops and it's sharper at F1.8 then the kit lens is at any setting at any focal length. However!! You do not want to use flash with this lens. I know I know you buy this lens to take natural light photography. But I flipped up the flash on my Rebel Xti to add light when my daughter wanted the lights out to blow out the candles on her birthday cake. The results where terrible!! There was glare on all reflective materials and highlight over exposure. Plus when trying to focus on moving subjects in candle light you had better be ready to switch to manual focus.I found out that this lens is an old design and does not support E-TTL II flash photography and does not have the coatings the newer designed for digital photography anti-glare coatings or distance flash distance measurement system. What does all that mean for the person who bought this for natural light photography? Nothing, it doesn't detract at all just know that the flash photography will not be anywhere near as good as that of the kit lens or any of the newer lens.Now, on to the good, this lens is great at natural light portrait photography on the cropped 1.6 Digital Rebel Body!!! On this camera it's now a 80mm lens, perfect for Portrait, with very nice Bokeh and good contrast. Great for low light when you have to get a shot like this with no flash.On the other hand, it's not much good for anything else. This field of view is too narrow with a cropped sensor for getting the entire scene and if you want their entire body you really have to back up. It's also too narrow for scenic shots where you want people in the foreground and great wide scenic shots of places like the Grand Canyon where you would need something like 17 - 24mm. It's also too short to be a telephoto lens. Why do I mention this? Because you will surly want a good zoom lens in addition to this lens Do NOT buy this as your only lens. Buy it as a backup to a good zoom for when you need low light great Portrait or both. Also know that you will be switching between the two during a shoot to get good portrait and wider angle shots. In fact if you find yourself in a situation where you need to be versatile do NOT put this lens on your camera, it is not very versatile. What do I mean by versatile? Situations where you need to change angle of view or switch from natural to flash photography quickly. Or shots where there is a lot of movement causing you to refocus your shot quickly.Bottom Line: If you are cash strapped and want a great natural light Portrait lens to go with your Canon Digital Rebel then go with this lens. If you have a little more money then you should go for the F/1.4 50mm lens which focuses faster has better build quality etc. and does the same job just better.If you can only afford just one do it all lens in this price range do NOT get this lens, get the 18-55mm kit lens It's not as sharp in natural light but is all around a much more versatile lens and produces much better flash photos.If you can afford $200 buy this 50mm F/1.8 lens and the 18-55 kit lens and use them together as a team.In closing over all I am pleased with the F/1.8 50MM lens when using it as a natural light portrait lens, but it's not as versatile as I thought it would be and I wonder if I should have saved up my money and waited to get the 50MM F/1.4 lens which is a much better lens over all even if it does cost more then 3 time as much. Now however I am hearing that the F/1.4 is having reliability problems with the auto focus and manual focus. When shooting a wedding I can not use a lens I can not rely on. I can rely on the F/1.8 to see me through and even afford a backup just in case I drop it again.3-28-2008 UpdateI now own the expensive and heavy Canon 85mm F/1.2 L II and Canon 135mm F/2 L lens for portraits and of course they blow this poor 50mm away. But I still have a soft spot in my heart for this lens and for those on a budget or for those who are taking this lens into areas where you would not want to take an expensive lens I still heartily recommend the Canon 50mm F/1.8 II lens for the price it takes fantastic photos!Filter Update 3/28/2008After much searching I found the perfect filter. The Hoya Multi Coat HMC Pro1 Protection filter is not supposed to filter the shot just protect the front lens element. I was very worried that it would affect the shot after having tried some other premium filters like the B+W UV which caused the photos to be softer and duller. However, after some tests I found that in some weird way the Hoya Multi Coat HMC Pro1 actually makes the photos seem to have just a little more contrast and be a little sharper then without. I thought I had gotten the test shots backwards and had to retest with a little sign in the photo saying with and without filter in place just to make sure. Really amazing!!! I'm sold!7-4-2008 Update:My love of this lens continues. Not long ago I took another short motorcycle ride with some friends and didn't want to risk my more expensive lens and camera. So, I took my Canon Rebel XTi and 50mm F/1.8 lens. I had forgotten just how great this little lens is. You can take nice portraits with decent bokeh (some shots it's really good, but points of light show the 5 aperture blades producing 5 sided points of light). You can vary the shot with F/1.8 giving you a creamy white super soft effect for the women and F/2.5 giving you less Bokeh but the sharpness you need for detail shots and male portraits. The big plus for me as well is the weight. This is a combo you can carry all day long without killing your back and arms.At this low price how can you NOT own this lens?01-03-2009 Canon 5D Mark II Update:This lens which was pretty decent on the 40D and Rebel XTi comes completely apart on the 5D Mark II. No surprise since it's only $89. I guess the surprise was how well it works on a Canon 40D and Rebel XTi.If you have a cropped sensor camera I still recommend for the reasons listed in my review. If you are using a full frame sensor camera like the 5D Mark II look elsewhere.Lenses I currently own:Canon EF-S 17-55 F/2.8 IS Zoom Lens Ultra sharp, great colors, great low light, poor zoom actionCanon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 Rebel XTi Kit Zoom lens Muddy, slow, pile of junkCanon EF 17-40mm f/4 L Zoom Lens Fantastic colors, sharp zoomed 17 to 24mm and stopped down, ultra smooth zoom action, light weightCanon EF 24-70mm f/2.8 L Zoom Lens Fantastic colors and contrast, sharp zoomed 40 to 70mm, zoom a little stiff at first, heavy, repair prone!Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 II Good budget portrait lens, light weight, disposable, sharp from F/2.5Canon EF 85mm F/1.2 L II The best portrait lens for female and children clients, buttery smooth Bokeh, heavy and expensive it shares sharpness with 135mmCanon EF 135mm F/2.0 L The best portrait lens for males and tied with Canon 85mm F 1/.2 for sharpest lens I own, buttery smooth BokehCanon EF 70-200mm f/2.8 L Zoom Lens Fantastic colors, sharp for a zoom, very versatile ego boosting and attention getting and heavy! My favorite zoom lens that I own!!!Canon EF 100-400mm f4.5-5.6L IS Zoom Lens super colors, sharp for a zoom, extremely versatile, variable Bokeh can be great or bad, even more ego boosting and attention getting when extended and 400mm reach!!My next lens purchase I'm saving for right now: 'Canon EF 300mm F/2.8 IS L the finest lens ever
Ideal foldable keyboard This keyboard can be rolled or folded. However, this keyboard is not ideal for gaming and excessive or fast typing propose since the keys are very soft. This keyboard will be good for you if you occasionally use keyboard, or else you will find that this keyboard is hard to use.
evaluation not what I was looking for. product no better than cheapos that come with cheap mp3 players
Save your money, buy something else Like many other reviewers here, I too experienced problems when using this monitor in DVI mode. With VGA it was fine. I tried different computers, cables, monitors etc in a string of irritating troubleshooting scenarios.The problem is definitely this monitor. Screen craps out and goes to black, flickers, comes back, etc...until it finally will not work at all until you go back to VGA mode. It was definitely NOT the cable. Other monitors worked fine with my system and video card.If you have a MacBook Pro there are some definite compatibilty issues in DVI mode with this monitor. Get something else and save yourself the headache. Read the other reviews, this thing is a dud.
cord I ordered a cable for a camera. It was not the correct one.. (NOT THEIR FAULT)I tried to contact the people to return it within their time period. I recieved no responce. Now I have a cord that does not fit and no money back. (THAT IS THEIR FAULT)
great value excellent product. the actual outlets have a safety feature, sliding up closing outlets you aren't using. my only complaint is it also has the capability for being hung on the wall - it has holes in the back, but it didn't come with any appropriate sized screws.
Quite pleased I upgraded from a long list of P&S cameras to the D5000 and have been quite pleased. In fact, my only complaint with the camera is the pop-up flash. I purchased this speedlight to help eliminate the harsh shadows and washed-out tones produced by the pop-up flash. I have not been disappointed. My pictures turn out much better when I'm able to use a flash (my house is poorly lit). I have only shot indoors and have mostly taken pictures of my kids (much less motion-blur now). The light is strong so I've pointed it up at 90 degrees almost exclusively. I can see the benefit of being able to rotate the light horizontally to bounce off the ceiling in portrait mode, but I've been bouncing off the wall and like the "diversity" of light source.
Stay away from this printer I bought this printer as a home office unit since it has the same print heads and specifications as the larger professional quality 1270 and 1280 which I have in my studio. This printer has been fraught with trouble. Mainly with the inks. It clogs almost daily and I have to run it through the cleaning cycle which consumes the ink. I end up replacing the ink cartidges almost monthly and all I'm printing is email and quick brochures. You'd be better off heading over to the Hewlett Packard printers. On top of all of this, good luck getting anywhere with Epson customer service.