Unnamed: 0
1 value
Makis_Voridis | birthPlace | Athens && Adonis_Georgiadis | inOfficeWhilePrimeMinister | Antonis_Samaras && Antonis_Samaras | inOfficeWhilePrimeMinister | Konstantinos_Mitsotakis && Adonis_Georgiadis | birthPlace | Greece && Adonis_Georgiadis | successor | Makis_Voridis
Adonis Georgiadis was born in Greece and was in office under Prime Minister Antonis Samaras before being succeeded by Makis Voridis who had been born in Athens. Samaras himself had held office while Konstantinos Mitsotakis was Prime Minister.
Makis_Voridis | birthPlace | Athens && Adonis_Georgiadis | inOfficeWhilePrimeMinister | Antonis_Samaras && Antonis_Samaras | inOfficeWhilePrimeMinister | Konstantinos_Mitsotakis && Adonis_Georgiadis | birthPlace | Greece && Adonis_Georgiadis | successor | Makis_Voridis
Athens born Makis Voridis succeeded Greece born Adonis Georgiadis who was in office while Antonis Samaras was Prime Minister. Samaras had himself been in office while Konstantinos Mitsotakis was Prime Minister.
Netherlands | currency | Euro && Ab_Klink | birthDate | 1958-11-02 && Ab_Klink | birthPlace | Stellendam && Ab_Klink | nationality | Netherlands && Netherlands | leader | Mark_Rutte
Ab Klink was born on 2 November 1958 in Stellendam. He is a national of the Netherlands which is led by Mark Rutte and has the euro as its currency.
Netherlands | currency | Euro && Ab_Klink | birthDate | 1958-11-02 && Ab_Klink | birthPlace | Stellendam && Ab_Klink | nationality | Netherlands && Netherlands | leader | Mark_Rutte
Ab Klink was born in Stellendam, in 1958-11-02. Ab Klink is from the Netherlands, where the currency is the Euro and where the leader is, Mark Rutte.
Netherlands | currency | Euro && Ab_Klink | birthDate | 1958-11-02 && Ab_Klink | birthPlace | Stellendam && Ab_Klink | nationality | Netherlands && Netherlands | leader | Mark_Rutte
Stellendam, Netherlands born Ab Klink date of birth was 11/02/1958. The Netherlands leader is Mark Rutte and uses the Euro.
Netherlands | currency | Euro && Ab_Klink | birthPlace | "Stellendam, Netherlands" && Ab_Klink | birthPlace | Stellendam && Ab_Klink | nationality | Netherlands && Netherlands | leader | Mark_Rutte
Mark Rutte is the leader of the Netherlands where the currency is the euro. Ab Klink is a national of the country having been born in Stellendam.
Netherlands | currency | Euro && Ab_Klink | birthPlace | "Stellendam, Netherlands" && Ab_Klink | birthPlace | Stellendam && Ab_Klink | nationality | Netherlands && Netherlands | leader | Mark_Rutte
Ab Klink was born in Stellendam in the Netherlands. The currency in the Netherlands is the euro and the leader there is Mark Rutte.
Netherlands | currency | Euro && Ab_Klink | birthPlace | "Stellendam, Netherlands" && Ab_Klink | birthPlace | Stellendam && Ab_Klink | nationality | Netherlands && Netherlands | leader | Mark_Rutte
Ab Klink was born in Stellendam, in the Netherlands. The country which is led by Mark Rutte and where the currency is the euro.
Netherlands | currency | Euro && Ab_Klink | birthPlace | Stellendam && Ab_Klink | almaMater | Leiden_University && Ab_Klink | nationality | Netherlands && Netherlands | leader | Mark_Rutte
The Euro is the currency of the Netherlands, the leader of which, is Mark Rutte. From the Netherlands, Ab Klink was born in Stellendam and attended Leiden University.
Nigerian_Air_Force | commander | Sadique_Abubakar && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | inOfficeWhileVicePresident | Mike_Akhigbe && Mike_Akhigbe | predecessor | Oladipo_Diya && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | militaryBranch | Nigerian_Air_Force && Mike_Akhigbe | successor | Atiku_Abubakar
Oladipo Diya was the predecessor of Mike Akhigbe, whose successor was Atiku Abubakar. Abdulsalami Abubakar, a member of the Nigerian Air Force, was in office while Mike Akhigbe was Vice President. The commander of the Nigerian Air Force is Sadique Abubakar.
Nigerian_Air_Force | commander | Sadique_Abubakar && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | inOfficeWhileVicePresident | Mike_Akhigbe && Mike_Akhigbe | predecessor | Oladipo_Diya && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | militaryBranch | Nigerian_Air_Force && Mike_Akhigbe | successor | Atiku_Abubakar
Nigerian Air Force member (commanded by Sadique Abubakar) Abdulsalami Abubakar served during Mike Akhigbe's Vice Presidency. Mike Akhigbe's succeeded Oladipo Diya and was the predecessor of Atiku Abubakar.
Nigerian_Air_Force | commander | Sadique_Abubakar && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | inOfficeWhileVicePresident | Mike_Akhigbe && Mike_Akhigbe | predecessor | Oladipo_Diya && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | successor | Al-Amin_Daggash && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | militaryBranch | Nigerian_Air_Force
Al-Amin Daggash was succeeded by Abdulsalami Abubakar, who was in office while Mike Akhigbe (predecessor Oladipo Diya) was the Vice President. Abdulsalami Abubakar was a member of the Nigerian Air Force, where Sadique Abubakar was a commander.
Nigerian_Air_Force | commander | Sadique_Abubakar && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | inOfficeWhileVicePresident | Mike_Akhigbe && Mike_Akhigbe | predecessor | Oladipo_Diya && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | successor | Al-Amin_Daggash && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | militaryBranch | Nigerian_Air_Force
Sadique Abubakar was commander of the Nigerian Air Force, of which, Abdulsalami Abubakar was a member. Succeeded by Al-Amin Daggash, Abdulsalami Abubakar was in office whilst Mike Akhigbe was Vice President. Mr Akhigbe was preceded by Oladipo Diya.
Nigerian_Air_Force | commander | Sadique_Abubakar && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | inOfficeWhileVicePresident | Mike_Akhigbe && Mike_Akhigbe | predecessor | Oladipo_Diya && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | successor | Al-Amin_Daggash && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | militaryBranch | Nigerian_Air_Force
Abdulsalami Abubakar served in the Nigerian Air Force which has Sadique Abubakar as commander. He was in office during the Vice Presidency of Mike Akhigbe who had succeeded Oladipo Diya. Abubakar was himself succeeded by Al-Amin Daggash.
Nigerian_Air_Force | trainerAircraft | Aermacchi_MB-339 && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | inOfficeWhileVicePresident | Mike_Akhigbe && Mike_Akhigbe | predecessor | Oladipo_Diya && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | militaryBranch | Nigerian_Air_Force && Mike_Akhigbe | successor | Atiku_Abubakar
Abdulsalami Abubakar served in the Nigerian Air Force which uses the Aermacchi MB-339 as a trainer aircraft. The Vice President when Abubakar was in office was Mike Akhigbe who took over from Oladipo Diya and was later succeeded by Atiku Abubakar.
Nigerian_Air_Force | trainerAircraft | Aermacchi_MB-339 && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | inOfficeWhileVicePresident | Mike_Akhigbe && Mike_Akhigbe | predecessor | Oladipo_Diya && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | militaryBranch | Nigerian_Air_Force && Mike_Akhigbe | successor | Atiku_Abubakar
Abdulsalami Abubakar was a member of the Nigerian Air Force where they use Aermacchi MB-339 as a trainer aircraft. He was in office while Mike Akhigbe was Vice President whose predecessor was Oladipo Diya and successor was Atiku Abubakar.
Nigerian_Air_Force | trainerAircraft | Aermacchi_MB-339 && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | inOfficeWhileVicePresident | Mike_Akhigbe && Mike_Akhigbe | predecessor | Oladipo_Diya && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | militaryBranch | Nigerian_Air_Force && Mike_Akhigbe | successor | Atiku_Abubakar
The Nigerian Air Force uses training aircraft Aermacchi MB-339 and includes Abdulsalami Abubakar as a veteran. Abubaka held office during Vice President Mike Akhigbe's leadership. Akhigbe's was preceded by Oladipo Diya and succeeded Atiku Abubakar.
Nigerian_Air_Force | trainerAircraft | Aermacchi_MB-339 && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | inOfficeWhileVicePresident | Mike_Akhigbe && Mike_Akhigbe | predecessor | Oladipo_Diya && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | successor | Al-Amin_Daggash && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | militaryBranch | Nigerian_Air_Force
Oladipo Diya was the predecessor of Mike Akhigbe, who was president when Abdulsalami Abubakar was in office . Succeeded by Al-Amin Daggash, Abdulsalami Abubakar, was a member of the Nigerian Air Force. Aermacchi MB-339 is a trainer Aircraft used by the Nigerian Air -Force.
Nigerian_Air_Force | trainerAircraft | Aermacchi_MB-339 && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | inOfficeWhileVicePresident | Mike_Akhigbe && Mike_Akhigbe | predecessor | Oladipo_Diya && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | successor | Al-Amin_Daggash && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | militaryBranch | Nigerian_Air_Force
Oladipo Diya was Mike Akhigbe's predecessor. Mike Akhigbe was Vice President when Abdulsalami Abubakar was in office. Al-Amin Daggash was the successor to Abdulsalami Abubakar, who served in the Nigerian Air Force, which uses theAermacchi MB-339 is a trainer Aircraft.
Nigerian_Air_Force | trainerAircraft | Aermacchi_MB-339 && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | inOfficeWhileVicePresident | Mike_Akhigbe && Mike_Akhigbe | predecessor | Oladipo_Diya && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | successor | Al-Amin_Daggash && Abdulsalami_Abubakar | militaryBranch | Nigerian_Air_Force
Oladipo Diya was the predecessor of Mike Akhigbe, who was Vice President when Abdulsalami Abubakar was in office. Al-Amin Daggash was the successor to Abdulsalami Abubakar, who served in the Nigerian Air Force. The Nigerian Air Force used the Aermacchi MB-339 as a trainer aircraft.
Parkersburg,_West_Virginia | country | United_States && Albert_B._White | deathPlace | Parkersburg,_West_Virginia && Albert_B._White | successor | William_M._O._Dawson && William_M._O._Dawson | deathPlace | Charleston,_West_Virginia && William_M._O._Dawson | birthPlace | Bloomington,_Maryland
Albert B White died in Parkersburg, West Virginia, USA. He was succeeded by William M O Dawson, who was born in Bloomington, Maryland and died in Charleston, West Virginia.
Parkersburg,_West_Virginia | country | United_States && Albert_B._White | deathPlace | Parkersburg,_West_Virginia && Albert_B._White | successor | William_M._O._Dawson && William_M._O._Dawson | deathPlace | Charleston,_West_Virginia && William_M._O._Dawson | birthPlace | Bloomington,_Maryland
Albert B White died at Parkersburg, West Virginia, the USA. His successor was William M.O. Dawson who was born in Bloomington, Maryland, and died in Charleston, West Virginia.
Parkersburg,_West_Virginia | country | United_States && Albert_B._White | deathPlace | Parkersburg,_West_Virginia && Albert_B._White | successor | William_M._O._Dawson && William_M._O._Dawson | deathPlace | Charleston,_West_Virginia && William_M._O._Dawson | birthPlace | Bloomington,_Maryland
William M.O. Dawson, born in Bloomington, Maryland and died in Charleston, West Virginia, was successor to Albert B. White. White died in Parkersburg, West Virginia, United States.
Spain | currency | Euro && Abel_Caballero | birthPlace | Galicia_(Spain) && Abel_Caballero | nationality | Spain && Spain | leader | Felipe_VI_of_Spain && Spain | language | Spanish_language
Abel Caballero was born in Galicia, Spain which is led by Felipe VI. The country uses the Euro as its currency and the main language is Spanish.
Spain | currency | Euro && Abel_Caballero | birthPlace | Galicia_(Spain) && Abel_Caballero | nationality | Spain && Spain | leader | Felipe_VI_of_Spain && Spain | language | Spanish_language
In Spain, the Euro is the currency, Spanish is spoken and the leader is Felipe VI of Spain. Spanish Abel Caballero, was born in Galicia, Spain.
Spain | currency | Euro && Abel_Caballero | birthPlace | Ponteareas && Abel_Caballero | nationality | Spain && Spain | leader | Felipe_VI_of_Spain && Spain | language | Spanish_language
Spaniard Abel Caballero was born in Ponteareas. The country uses the Euro as its currency, Spanish is the spoken language and its leader is Felipe VI.
Spain | currency | Euro && Abel_Caballero | birthPlace | Ponteareas && Abel_Caballero | nationality | Spain && Spain | leader | Felipe_VI_of_Spain && Spain | language | Spanish_language
The Euro is the currency of, and Spanish is the main language of, Spain, which is led by Felipe VI of Spain. Spanish, Abel Caballero was born in Ponteareas.
Spain | currency | Euro && Abel_Caballero | birthPlace | Ponteareas && Abel_Caballero | nationality | Spain && Spain | leader | Felipe_VI_of_Spain && Spain | language | Spanish_language
Abel Caballero was born in Ponteareas, Spain, where the leader is Felipe VI. The main language used in Spain is Spanish, and euro is the currency.
United_States | ethnicGroup | Native_Americans_in_the_United_States && Abraham_A._Ribicoff | birthPlace | New_Britain,_Connecticut && Abraham_A._Ribicoff | spouse | "Ruth Ribicoff" && Abraham_A._Ribicoff | nationality | United_States && Abraham_A._Ribicoff | deathPlace | New_York
Native Americans are an ethnic group in the U.S. the country of Abraham A Ribicof. Abraham A Ribicoff; was born in New Britain, Connecticut, married Ruth Ribicoff, and died in New York.
United_States | ethnicGroup | Native_Americans_in_the_United_States && Abraham_A._Ribicoff | birthPlace | New_Britain,_Connecticut && Abraham_A._Ribicoff | spouse | "Ruth Ribicoff" && Abraham_A._Ribicoff | nationality | United_States && Abraham_A._Ribicoff | deathPlace | New_York
Abraham A. Ribicoff was born in New Britain, Connecticut, was married to Ruth Ribicoff. Abraham A Ribicoff died in New York and wasa national of the United States, the country where Native Americans are one of the ethnic groups.
United_States | ethnicGroup | Native_Americans_in_the_United_States && Abraham_A._Ribicoff | birthPlace | New_Britain,_Connecticut && Abraham_A._Ribicoff | spouse | "Ruth Ribicoff" && Abraham_A._Ribicoff | nationality | United_States && Abraham_A._Ribicoff | deathPlace | New_York
Native Americans are an ethnic group in the US where Abraham A Ribicoff, who ws married to Ruth Ribicoff, holds American nationality. He was born in New Britain, Connecticut and died in New York.
A.C._Lumezzane | ground | Italy && Italy | capital | Rome && Italy | language | Italian_language && Italy | leader | Pietro_Grasso && Italy | demonym | Italians
A.C. Lumezzane's ground is in Italy where Pietro Grasso is a leader. The capital of the country is Rome and the Italian language is spoken. People who inhabit Italy are called Italians.
A.C._Lumezzane | ground | Italy && Italy | capital | Rome && Italy | language | Italian_language && Italy | leader | Pietro_Grasso && Italy | demonym | Italians
A.C. Lumezzane's ground is in Italy where the Italian language is spoken by the inhabitants who are known as Italians. The leader of the country is Pietro Grasso and the capital city is Rome.
A.C._Lumezzane | ground | Italy && Italy | capital | Rome && Italy | language | Italian_language && Italy | leader | Pietro_Grasso && Italy | demonym | Italians
Italy is led by Pietro Grasso, and the Italian language is spoken there. The capital city is Rome and the AC Lumezzane club play in the country. The inhabitants of Italy are known as Italians.
A.C._Lumezzane | ground | Italy && Italy | capital | Rome && Italy | officialLanguage | Italian_language && Italy | leader | Pietro_Grasso && Italy | demonym | Italians
A.C. Lumezzane play in Italy, where Rome is the capital and Italians live. It is also where Pietro Grasso is the leader and Italian is the official language.
A.C._Lumezzane | ground | Italy && Italy | capital | Rome && Italy | officialLanguage | Italian_language && Italy | leader | Pietro_Grasso && Italy | demonym | Italians
AC Lumezzane play in Italy where the capital city is Rome and the official language is Italian. The leader of Italy is Pietro Grasso, and people who reside in Italy are known as Italians.
A.C._Lumezzane | ground | Italy && Italy | capital | Rome && Italy | officialLanguage | Italian_language && Italy | leader | Pietro_Grasso && Italy | demonym | Italians
Pietro Grasso leads Italy whose capital is Rome. The language there is Italian and its people are known as Italians. A.C. Lumezzane play in that country.
A.C._Lumezzane | manager | Michele_Marcolini && Michele_Marcolini | club | A.C._Chievo_Verona && A.C._Lumezzane | ground | Italy && Italy | leader | Pietro_Grasso && Michele_Marcolini | club | Vicenza_Calcio
Michele Marcolini has been manager of AC Lumezzane which is located in Italy. He played for Vicenza Calcio, A.C. Chievo Verona. An Italian leader is Pietro Grasso.
A.C._Lumezzane | manager | Michele_Marcolini && Michele_Marcolini | club | A.C._Chievo_Verona && A.C._Lumezzane | ground | Italy && Italy | leader | Pietro_Grasso && Michele_Marcolini | club | Vicenza_Calcio
Michele Marcolini previously played for Vicenza Calcio but now plays for AC Chievo Verona. He is also the manager of AC Lumezzane who have their ground in Italy where Pietro Grasso is the leader.
A.C._Lumezzane | manager | Michele_Marcolini && Michele_Marcolini | club | A.C._Chievo_Verona && A.C._Lumezzane | ground | Italy && Italy | leader | Pietro_Grasso && Michele_Marcolini | club | Vicenza_Calcio
AC Lumezzane's ground is in Italy and their manager is Michele Marcolini who plays for A.C. Chievo Verona and is in the Vicenza Calcio Club. The leader of Italy is Pietro Grasso.
A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis | location | Greece && Greece | capital | Athens && Greece | leader | Nikos_Voutsis && Greece | leader | Prokopis_Pavlopoulos && Greece | language | Greek_language
Nikos Voutsis and Prokopis Pavlopoulos are leaders in Greece where the capital city is Athens and the Greek language is spoken. The country is also the location of the A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis club.
A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis | location | Greece && Greece | capital | Athens && Greece | leader | Nikos_Voutsis && Greece | leader | Prokopis_Pavlopoulos && Greece | language | Greek_language
The A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis club is located in Greece, where the language is Greek. Athens is the capital of Greece, and two of the leaders are Prokopis Pavlopoulos, and Nikos Voutsis.
A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis | location | Greece && Greece | currency | Euro && Greece | capital | Athens && Greece | leader | Nikos_Voutsis && Greece | leader | Prokopis_Pavlopoulos
A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis is located in Greece where the leaders are Nikos Voutsis and Prokopis Pavlopoulos. The country's capital is Athens and their currency is the euro.
A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis | location | Greece && Greece | currency | Euro && Greece | capital | Athens && Greece | leader | Nikos_Voutsis && Greece | leader | Prokopis_Pavlopoulos
Greece is led by Nikos Voutsis and Prokopis Pavlopoulos, the capital city is Athens and the country uses the euro as their currency. It is also the location of the A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis club.
A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis | location | Greece && Greece | currency | Euro && Greece | capital | Athens && Greece | leader | Nikos_Voutsis && Greece | leader | Prokopis_Pavlopoulos
The A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis club is located in Greece which is led by Nikos Voutsis and Prokopis Pavlopoulos. The capital of the country is Athens and the currency used is the euro.
A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis | location | Greece && Greece | currency | Euro && Greece | leader | Alexis_Tsipras && Greece | capital | Athens && Greece | leader | Nikos_Voutsis
Two leaders of Greece are Alexis Tsipras and Nikos Voutsis. Athens is its capital and its currency is the euro. A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis is located in Greece.
A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis | location | Greece && Greece | currency | Euro && Greece | leader | Alexis_Tsipras && Greece | capital | Athens && Greece | leader | Nikos_Voutsis
The A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis club is located in Greece whose leader is Nikos Voutsis. Athens is the capital of Greece whose currency is the euro. Another leader there is Alexis Tsipras.
A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis | location | Greece && Greece | currency | Euro && Greece | leader | Alexis_Tsipras && Greece | capital | Athens && Greece | leader | Nikos_Voutsis
A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis is located in Greece where the leaders are Alexis Tsipras and Nikos Voutsis. The capital of the country is Athens and the currency used is the euro.
A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis | location | Greece && Greece | currency | Euro && Greece | leader | Alexis_Tsipras && Greece | capital | Athens && Greece | leader | Prokopis_Pavlopoulos
The A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis club is located in Greece, where the money used is the Euro. Athens is the capital of Greece, and two of the leaders are Alexis Tsipras and Prokopis Pavlopoulos.
A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis | location | Greece && Greece | currency | Euro && Greece | leader | Alexis_Tsipras && Greece | capital | Athens && Greece | leader | Prokopis_Pavlopoulos
The A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis club is located in Greece where Alexis Tsipras and Prokopis Pavlopoulos are leaders. The currency used in the country is the euro and the capital is Athens.
A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis | location | Greece && Greece | currency | Euro && Greece | leader | Alexis_Tsipras && Greece | capital | Athens && Greece | leader | Prokopis_Pavlopoulos
Alexis Tsipras heads Greece where Prokopis Pavlopoulos is also a leader. Athens is the capital of Greece and the currency is the Euro. A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis is located in Greece.
A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis | location | Greece && Greece | currency | Euro && Greece | leader | Alexis_Tsipras && Greece | leader | Nikos_Voutsis && Greece | language | Greek_language
A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis is located in Greece which is led by Alexis Tsipras and Nikos Voutsis. The language of the country is Greek and the currency is the euro.
A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis | location | Greece && Greece | currency | Euro && Greece | leader | Alexis_Tsipras && Greece | leader | Nikos_Voutsis && Greece | language | Greek_language
The A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis club is located in Greece which currently has Alexis Tsipras and Nikos Voutsis as leaders. Here the currency used is the Euro and the main language is Greek.
A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis | location | Greece && Greece | currency | Euro && Greece | leader | Alexis_Tsipras && Greece | leader | Nikos_Voutsis && Greece | language | Greek_language
Nikos Voutsis and Alexis Tsipras, are leaders in Greece, where Greek is spoken and the money used is the Euro. A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis is located in Greece.
A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis | location | Greece && Greece | currency | Euro && Greece | leader | Alexis_Tsipras && Greece | leader | Prokopis_Pavlopoulos && Greece | language | Greek_language
A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis is located in Greece, the leader of which is Alexis Tsipras. Another leader is Prokopis Pavlopoulos. In Greece, the currency is the euro and the language is Greek.
A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis | location | Greece && Greece | currency | Euro && Greece | leader | Alexis_Tsipras && Greece | leader | Prokopis_Pavlopoulos && Greece | language | Greek_language
Alexis Tsipras heads Greece where Prokopis Pavlopoulos is also a leader. The currency in Greece is the Euro and Greek is spoken. The A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis club is located in Greece.
A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis | location | Greece && Greece | currency | Euro && Greece | leader | Alexis_Tsipras && Greece | leader | Prokopis_Pavlopoulos && Greece | language | Greek_language
The A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis club is located in Greece, where Greek is spoken and the currency is the euro. It is also where two of the leaders are, Prokopis Pavlopoulos and Alexis Tsipras.
A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis | location | Greece && Greece | currency | Euro && Greece | leader | Nikos_Voutsis && Greece | leader | Prokopis_Pavlopoulos && Greece | language | Greek_language
The A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis club is located in Greece where the leaders are Nikos Voutsis and Prokopis Pavlopoulos. The currency used is the euro and the Greek language is spoken in the country.
A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis | location | Greece && Greece | currency | Euro && Greece | leader | Nikos_Voutsis && Greece | leader | Prokopis_Pavlopoulos && Greece | language | Greek_language
The A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis club is located in Greece. The country which has the leaders, Nikos Voutsis and Prokopis Pavlopoulos. It is also, where Greek is spoken, and the Euro is used.
A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis | location | Greece && Greece | currency | Euro && Greece | leader | Nikos_Voutsis && Greece | leader | Prokopis_Pavlopoulos && Greece | language | Greek_language
A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis is located in Greece, where the language is Greek, the currency is the euro and its leaders are Nikos Voutsis and Prokopis Pavlopoulos.
A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis | location | Greece && Greece | leader | Alexis_Tsipras && Greece | capital | Athens && Greece | leader | Nikos_Voutsis && Greece | language | Greek_language
Alexis Tsipras and Nikos Voutsis are leaders in Greece, where Athens is the capital, Greek is spoken and where A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis is located.
A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis | location | Greece && Greece | leader | Alexis_Tsipras && Greece | capital | Athens && Greece | leader | Nikos_Voutsis && Greece | language | Greek_language
The A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis club is located in Greece which is led by Alexis Tsipras and Nikos Voutsis. The capital city of the country is Athens and the Greek language is spoken.
A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis | location | Greece && Greece | leader | Alexis_Tsipras && Greece | capital | Athens && Greece | leader | Nikos_Voutsis && Greece | language | Greek_language
A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis is located in Greece, where the leaders are Alexis Tsipras and Nikos Voutsis. Greek is spoken in Greece and the capital is Athens.
A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis | location | Greece && Greece | leader | Alexis_Tsipras && Greece | capital | Athens && Greece | leader | Prokopis_Pavlopoulos && Greece | language | Greek_language
A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis is located in Greece which currently has Alexis Tsipras as head and Prokopis Pavlopoulos as a leader. The capital city here is Athens and the language spoken is Greek.
A.E_Dimitra_Efxeinoupolis | location | Greece && Greece | leader | Alexis_Tsipras && Greece | capital | Athens && Greece | leader | Prokopis_Pavlopoulos && Greece | language | Greek_language
Prokopis Pavlopoulos and Alexis Tsipras are a leaders in Greece where Athens is the capital and Greek is spoken. A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis is located in Greece.
A.F.C._Blackpool | manager | Stuart_Parker_(footballer) && Blackpool | leader | Gordon_Marsden && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | Stockport_County_F.C. && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | Runcorn_F.C._Halton && A.F.C._Blackpool | ground | Blackpool
Gordon Marsden is a leader in Blackpool where AFC Blackpool is located. The club is managed by Stuart Parker whose club was Stockport County but he now plays for Runcorn FC Halton.
A.F.C._Blackpool | manager | Stuart_Parker_(footballer) && Blackpool | leader | Gordon_Marsden && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | Stockport_County_F.C. && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | Runcorn_F.C._Halton && A.F.C._Blackpool | ground | Blackpool
Gordon Marsden is the leader in Blackpool which is the location of AFC Blackpool. The club is managed by Stuart Parker who plays for both Runcorn FC Halton and Stockport County FC.
A.F.C._Blackpool | manager | Stuart_Parker_(footballer) && Blackpool | leader | Gordon_Marsden && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | Stockport_County_F.C. && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | Runcorn_F.C._Halton && A.F.C._Blackpool | ground | Blackpool
Gordon Marsden is the leader in Blackpool where AFC Blackpool is located. The club is managed by Stuart Parker who was at Stockport County FC but now plays for Runcorn FC Halton.
A.F.C._Blackpool | manager | Stuart_Parker_(footballer) && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | Chesterfield_F.C. && Blackpool | leader | Gordon_Marsden && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | Stockport_County_F.C. && A.F.C._Blackpool | ground | Blackpool
Stuart Parker is the manager of the A.F.C Blackpool club, which has its ground in Blackpool. The local leader is Gordon Marsden. Parker is also a member of the Chesterfield F.C. and plays for Stockport County F.C.
A.F.C._Blackpool | manager | Stuart_Parker_(footballer) && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | Chesterfield_F.C. && Blackpool | leader | Gordon_Marsden && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | Stockport_County_F.C. && A.F.C._Blackpool | ground | Blackpool
The leader of Blackpool is Gordon Marsden. Stuart Parker, who once played football for Chesterfield FC and Stockport County FC is the manager of AFC Blackpool, whose ground is located in Blackpool.
A.F.C._Blackpool | manager | Stuart_Parker_(footballer) && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | Chesterfield_F.C. && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | Blackburn_Rovers_F.C. && Blackpool | leader | Gordon_Marsden && A.F.C._Blackpool | ground | Blackpool
Gordon Marsden is the leader in Blackpool where AFC Blackpool have their ground. The club is managed by Stuart Parker who was a footballer for Chesterfield FC and Blackburn Rovers FC.
A.F.C._Blackpool | manager | Stuart_Parker_(footballer) && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | Chesterfield_F.C. && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | Blackburn_Rovers_F.C. && Blackpool | leader | Gordon_Marsden && A.F.C._Blackpool | ground | Blackpool
Stuart Parker is the manager at AFC Blackpool who have their ground in Blackpool which is currently led by Gordon Marsden. He also plays for Blackburn Rovers FC and is attached to Chesterfield FC.
A.F.C._Blackpool | manager | Stuart_Parker_(footballer) && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | Chesterfield_F.C. && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | Blackburn_Rovers_F.C. && Blackpool | leader | Gordon_Marsden && A.F.C._Blackpool | ground | Blackpool
Gordon Marsden is the leader of Blackpool where the ground of AFC Blackpool is located. The club have had Stuart Parker as their manager who has also been at Blackburn Rovers FC and is a member of Chesterfield FC.
A.F.C._Blackpool | manager | Stuart_Parker_(footballer) && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | KV_Mechelen && Blackpool | leader | Conservative_Party_(UK) && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | Blackburn_Rovers_F.C. && A.F.C._Blackpool | ground | Blackpool
Blackpool is where AFC Blackpool's ground is located and where the leader is the Conservative Party (UK). AFC Blackpool has been managed by Stuart Parker who has previous played for Blackburn Rovers FC and KV Mechelen.
A.F.C._Blackpool | manager | Stuart_Parker_(footballer) && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | KV_Mechelen && Blackpool | leader | Conservative_Party_(UK) && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | Blackburn_Rovers_F.C. && A.F.C._Blackpool | ground | Blackpool
Stuart Parker plays for KV Mechelen and the Blackburn Rovers F.C. AFC Blackpool (Blackpool) had Stuart Parker as their manager. The Conservative Party U.K. is the leader of Blackpool.
A.F.C._Blackpool | manager | Stuart_Parker_(footballer) && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | KV_Mechelen && Blackpool | leader | Conservative_Party_(UK) && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | Drogheda_United_F.C. && A.F.C._Blackpool | ground | Blackpool
The Conservative Party UK are the leaders in Blackpool which is the location of the AFC Blackpool home ground. Their manager is Stuart Parker who has represented KV Mechelen FC and also Drogheda United FC.
A.F.C._Blackpool | manager | Stuart_Parker_(footballer) && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | KV_Mechelen && Blackpool | leader | Conservative_Party_(UK) && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | Drogheda_United_F.C. && A.F.C._Blackpool | ground | Blackpool
AFC Blackpool is located in Blackpool where the leader is the Conservative Party (UK). Stuart Parker, who has played at Drogheda United FC and KV Mechelen, has been the manager of AFC Blackpool.
A.F.C._Blackpool | manager | Stuart_Parker_(footballer) && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | KV_Mechelen && Blackpool | leader | Conservative_Party_(UK) && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | Drogheda_United_F.C. && A.F.C._Blackpool | ground | Blackpool
AFC Blackpool (Blackpool) have had Stuart Parker as their manager. Parker (with the Drogheda United F.C.) plays for KV Mechelen. The Conservative Party U.K. is the leader of Blackpool.
A.F.C._Blackpool | manager | Stuart_Parker_(footballer) && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | KV_Mechelen && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | Drogheda_United_F.C. && A.F.C._Blackpool | ground | Blackpool && Blackpool | leader | Labour_Party_(UK)
AFC Blackpool have their ground in Blackpool where the leader of the council is Labour. Stuart Parker, who has played at Drogheda United FC and KV Mechelen, has been manager of AFC Blackpool.
A.F.C._Blackpool | manager | Stuart_Parker_(footballer) && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | KV_Mechelen && Stuart_Parker_(footballer) | club | Drogheda_United_F.C. && A.F.C._Blackpool | ground | Blackpool && Blackpool | leader | Labour_Party_(UK)
AFC Blackpool is located in the town of Blackpool, where the leader of the Council is the Labour Party (UK). The manager of AFC Blackpool is Stuart Parker who has previously played football for Drogheda United FC and KV Mechelen.
A.S._Gubbio_1910 | league | Serie_D && Italy | capital | Rome && Italy | leader | Sergio_Mattarella && A.S._Gubbio_1910 | ground | Italy && Serie_D | champions | S.S._Robur_Siena
AS Gubbio 1910 are located in Italy and play in Serie D whose champions are currently SS Robur Siena. The leader of Italy is Sergio Mattarella and the capital city is Rome.
A.S._Gubbio_1910 | league | Serie_D && Italy | capital | Rome && Italy | leader | Sergio_Mattarella && A.S._Gubbio_1910 | ground | Italy && Serie_D | champions | S.S._Robur_Siena
The champions of Serie D are S.S. Robur Siena in which AS Gubbio 1910 also play. This latter club has their ground in Italy where the leader is Sergio Mattarella and the capital is the city of Rome.
A.S._Gubbio_1910 | league | Serie_D && Italy | capital | Rome && Italy | leader | Sergio_Mattarella && A.S._Gubbio_1910 | ground | Italy && Serie_D | champions | S.S._Robur_Siena
A.S. Gubbio 1910 is in the Serie D league whose previous champions include S S Robur Siena. The grounds of the A.S. Gubbio 1910 are located in Italy which currently has Sergio Mattarella as a leader and Rome is the capital city.
A.S._Gubbio_1910 | league | Serie_D && Italy | leader | Pietro_Grasso && A.S._Gubbio_1910 | ground | Italy && Italy | language | Italian_language && Serie_D | champions | S.S._Robur_Siena
S.S. Robur Siena are champions of Serie D. in which AS Gubbio 1910 also play. The latter club have their home ground located in Italy which is led by Pietro Grasso and uses the Italian language.
A.S._Gubbio_1910 | league | Serie_D && Italy | leader | Pietro_Grasso && A.S._Gubbio_1910 | ground | Italy && Italy | language | Italian_language && Serie_D | champions | S.S._Robur_Siena
The ground of A.S. Gubbio 1910 is located in Italy. The football club play in Serie D, the champions of which are S.S. Robur Siena. Italy is led by Pietro Grasso and the language spoken is Italian.
A.S._Gubbio_1910 | league | Serie_D && Italy | leader | Pietro_Grasso && A.S._Gubbio_1910 | ground | Italy && Italy | language | Italian_language && Serie_D | champions | S.S._Robur_Siena
A.S. Gubbio 1910 (Italy) play in Serie D. S.S. Robur Siena are champions of that serie. Pietro Grasso leads Italy. Italian is the language spoken in Italy.
A.S._Gubbio_1910 | league | Serie_D && Italy | leader | Pietro_Grasso && Italy | capital | Rome && A.S._Gubbio_1910 | ground | Italy && Serie_D | champions | S.S._Robur_Siena
S.S. Robur Siena are champions of Serie D in which AS Gubbio 1910 also play. This latter club have their home ground in Italy where the capital city is Rome and the leader is Pietro Grasso.
A.S._Gubbio_1910 | league | Serie_D && Italy | leader | Pietro_Grasso && Italy | capital | Rome && A.S._Gubbio_1910 | ground | Italy && Serie_D | champions | S.S._Robur_Siena
The ground of A.S. Gubbio 1910 is located in Italy, where the leader is Pietro Grasso and Rome is the capital. A.S. Gubbio 1910 play in Serie D, of which S.S. Robur Siena are champions.
AFC_Ajax_(amateurs) | ground | Sportpark_De_Toekomst && Sportpark_De_Toekomst | operator | AFC_Ajax && Sportpark_De_Toekomst | tenant | Ajax_Youth_Academy && Sportpark_De_Toekomst | owner | AFC_Ajax_N.V. && Sportpark_De_Toekomst | tenant | Jong_Ajax
Jong Ajax and Ajax Youth Academy are tenants of Sportpark De Toekomst. the home ground of AFC Ajax (amateurs). The ground is operated by AFC Ajax and owned by AFC Ajax NV.
AFC_Ajax_(amateurs) | ground | Sportpark_De_Toekomst && Sportpark_De_Toekomst | operator | AFC_Ajax && Sportpark_De_Toekomst | tenant | Ajax_Youth_Academy && Sportpark_De_Toekomst | owner | AFC_Ajax_N.V. && Sportpark_De_Toekomst | tenant | Jong_Ajax
AFC Ajax (amateurs)'s ground is Sportpark De Toekomst which is operated by AFC Ajax and owned by AFC Ajax NV. Jong Ajax and Ajax Youth Academy are both tenants.
AFC_Ajax_(amateurs) | ground | Sportpark_De_Toekomst && Sportpark_De_Toekomst | operator | AFC_Ajax && Sportpark_De_Toekomst | tenant | Ajax_Youth_Academy && Sportpark_De_Toekomst | owner | AFC_Ajax_N.V. && Sportpark_De_Toekomst | tenant | Jong_Ajax
AFC Ajax (amateurs)'s ground is Sportpark De Toekomst. It is owned and operated by AFC Ajax N.V. and tenanted by Ajax Youth Academy (Jong Ajax).
AZAL_PFK | league | Azerbaijan_Premier_League && Azerbaijan_Premier_League | champions | Qarabağ_FK && AZAL_PFK | numberOfMembers | 3500 && AZAL_PFK | ground | AZAL_Arena && AZAL_PFK | season | 2014
Qarabağ FK are the champions of the Azerbaijan Premier League, which AZAL PFK play in. AZAL Arena, is where home matches of AZAL PFK are played. The club has 3500 members, and are in the 2014 season.
AZAL_PFK | league | Azerbaijan_Premier_League && Azerbaijan_Premier_League | champions | Qarabağ_FK && AZAL_PFK | numberOfMembers | 3500 && AZAL_PFK | ground | AZAL_Arena && AZAL_PFK | season | 2014
AZAL PFK, who play at the AZAL Arena and have a membership of 3500, are in the Azerbaijan Premier League where they competed in 2014. The name of the championship football team in the Azerbaijan Premier League Os the Qarabag FK.
AZAL_PFK | league | Azerbaijan_Premier_League && Azerbaijan_Premier_League | champions | Qarabağ_FK && AZAL_PFK | numberOfMembers | 3500 && AZAL_PFK | ground | AZAL_Arena && AZAL_PFK | season | 2014
The AZAL PFK, with 3500 members, competes in The Azerbaijan Premier League, with championship team being Qarabag FK. AZAL PFK competed in the 2014 season and play their home matches at the AZAL Arena.
AZAL_PFK | league | Azerbaijan_Premier_League && Azerbaijan_Premier_League | champions | Qarabağ_FK && AZAL_PFK | season | 2014–15_Azerbaijan_Premier_League && AZAL_PFK | numberOfMembers | 3500 && AZAL_PFK | ground | AZAL_Arena
AZAL Arena, which holds 3500 fans, is the ground of AZAL PFK who played in the Azerbaijan Premier League in 2014-15. Qarabag FK have been champions of this league.
AZAL_PFK | league | Azerbaijan_Premier_League && Azerbaijan_Premier_League | champions | Qarabağ_FK && AZAL_PFK | season | 2014–15_Azerbaijan_Premier_League && AZAL_PFK | numberOfMembers | 3500 && AZAL_PFK | ground | AZAL_Arena
Qarabağ FK are the champions of the Azerbaijan Premier League in which AZAL PFK also competed in 2014-15. AZAL PFK have 3500 members and play their home matches at the AZAL Arena.
Agremiação_Sportiva_Arapiraquense | league | Campeonato_Brasileiro_Série_C && Campeonato_Brasileiro_Série_C | country | Brazil && Agremiação_Sportiva_Arapiraquense | numberOfMembers | 17000 && Agremiação_Sportiva_Arapiraquense | ground | Estádio_Municipal_Coaracy_da_Mata_Fonseca && Campeonato_Brasileiro_Série_C | champions | Vila_Nova_Futebol_Clube
Agremiação Sportiva Arapiraquense, whose ground is Estádio Municipal Coaracy da Mata Fonseca, play in the Campeonato Brasileiro Série C league in Brazil. Agremiacao Sportiva Arapiraquense has 17000 members and Vila Nova Futebol Clube have been champions of Campeonato Brasileiro Série C.
Agremiação_Sportiva_Arapiraquense | league | Campeonato_Brasileiro_Série_C && Campeonato_Brasileiro_Série_C | country | Brazil && Agremiação_Sportiva_Arapiraquense | numberOfMembers | 17000 && Agremiação_Sportiva_Arapiraquense | ground | Estádio_Municipal_Coaracy_da_Mata_Fonseca && Campeonato_Brasileiro_Série_C | champions | Vila_Nova_Futebol_Clube
Agremiacao Sportiva Arapiraquense's ground is the Estadio Municipal Coaracy da Mata Fonseca, it has 17000 members and play in the Campeonato Brasileiro Série C league, which is based in Brazil and the current champions are Vila Nova Futebol Clube.
Agremiação_Sportiva_Arapiraquense | league | Campeonato_Brasileiro_Série_C && Campeonato_Brasileiro_Série_C | country | Brazil && Agremiação_Sportiva_Arapiraquense | numberOfMembers | 17000 && Agremiação_Sportiva_Arapiraquense | ground | Estádio_Municipal_Coaracy_da_Mata_Fonseca && Campeonato_Brasileiro_Série_C | champions | Vila_Nova_Futebol_Clube
Vila Nova Futebol Clube have been champions of Campeonato Brasileiro Série C. league in Brazil. Agremiação Sportiva Arapiraquense, who have 17000 members, also play in the league and have their home ground at Estádio Municipal Coaracy da Mata Fonseca.
Agremiação_Sportiva_Arapiraquense | league | Campeonato_Brasileiro_Série_C && Campeonato_Brasileiro_Série_C | country | Brazil && Agremiação_Sportiva_Arapiraquense | numberOfMembers | 17000 && Agremiação_Sportiva_Arapiraquense | season | 2015 && Campeonato_Brasileiro_Série_C | champions | Vila_Nova_Futebol_Clube
The Vila Nova Futebol Clube were champions at the Campeonato Brasileiro Série C league in Brazil. The Agremiação Sportiva Arapiraquense, who have 17000 members, also played in the league in 2015.