As my SIL said, just a little too close to reality
Its coming Shorten says whats yours is ours Labor, I just cant afford them
Film of PJK shows him reading those words from a script He came to ABC774, Jon Faines morning show, armed and ready to deliver that blast The Showmanknew his words would go viral
Funny how Newman appropriates Galileo and Abbott appropriates Monash to foster ideas that would horrify both historical figures
4 more days
Whos the journalist that asked Morrison a religious question in respect of hell amp what lead to such a personal religious question Only days ago, Shorten was crying over personal issues of his mum, then attacks Scomos religion Planned ALP strategy
Thanks for the opportunity today to speak to your listeners about my campaign for Great tram ride from the CBD to where I started my police career over 20 years ago
Hes the meanest person we had to have
The value of ACE is far reaching
Vote for politicians who will DO something to conserve whats left of the environment and animals These politicians and candidates are not Liberals or Nationals LibsNats are beholden to vested interests
a spat with Christian leader in BNEamp Labor last wsite Labor wants abortions available in public hospitals he doesnt want his tax to pay Church is a charity not taxed Jesus said nothing re abortion was specific re tax
A Panadol should do it
The utter desperation of , bleating about his familys wealth NOT being destroyed lucky for you youll be okay when you lose your privileged, entitled spot at the Canberra trough on Saturday when
Adults who do training with community adult education providers are more satisfied with the quality and relevance of the teaching and training
No major wage increases in the last 28 years when the economy was supposed to be going gangbusters, doesnt work Even if there was any business upturn for some small businesses their owners used it to keep afloat
Problems solved
If you need some extra motivation on why the Liberals need to be ousted this election, how about we add in Volcanoes and Earthquakes to the mix welcome to glacial isostatic adjustment
Maybe the phrase incoherent ramblings of a deranged madman is becoming used more frequently in Aus politics Remember when was tweeting haikus
Do you feel like a nobody in this election
They want middle class welfare to continue like franking credits and negative gearing but abhor spending public money on the real disadvantaged
Chinas activities in key marginal seat affect Labor, Liberal candidates The Age monsters , locusts , parasites
In a sea of indignities, Clive Palmer turns Rupert Murdochs News Corp into the yellow press
Appalling and racist flyers as via
says uncosted promise is based on model A state where an increasing number of holders are in negative equity
This is the stupidity which is a direct danger to Australia Wipe the Greens out at the ballot box
Agree Murdochs influence has gone well beyond a bad joke and is starting to remind me of the sort of biased and dishonest progovernment media you find in countries like Russia, China and North Korea
this is a science focussed twitter account, I will stop posting about Australian politics after in one week In the meantime, heres an article stacking up policies of major parties in Australia towards biodiversity loss and climate change
Labor is going after the big end of town Is that right Bill Seems your word is on the line again
GOLD Barnabys in town Lock up your water
Julian Burnside has done more work for the innocent and vulnerable watch out Josh
Bag found stuffed in fuel tank of Labor candidates car in attempted arson attack via
DANGER DANGER DANGER A Green millionaire, but only Green a few weeks ago
If theyre going to swamp hospitals, imagine consumption of resouces in aged home care 4 eg Those who are living overseas now, may have a detrimental effect upon UR aged care And before crying racist, do the MATHS
Former PM has no idea why voters have turned away from him in Warringa In an Astonishingly dumb interview with he insulted every Liberal who has decided not to vote for him as not real liberals
Independent candidate for the seat of Warringah talks to us about leadership, women in politics and why she hopes integrity will be what people remember her for
this is a photograph of a family desperately searching for their missing child Exploiting them is unusually cruel, even by your extremely low standards M8Y Get In The Incinerator
Calling greenwash on Australia Morrison govts Great Barrier Reef spin attempts Kick them out
Hope this bloke doesnt get sacked either Already happened once to a innocent worker, for ASKING SHORTEN A QUESTION Dangerous thing about it, Shorten gave a throw away answer that didnt match his stated policy SHORTEN embarrassed , WORKER SACKED
The Australian public need answers and truth now MSM, are you up to it
The ABC keeps saying Clive Palmer was a Senator Isnt that incorrect I remember he was a member of the House of Representatives Can you please tell your ABC colleaguesjournalists that he had never been a Senator Thanks
The hide of them, they call Morrison a happy clapper As usual, one rule of standard for one GREENS LABOR LEFT STEGGALL and one rule for others The hypocrisy is astonishing
Workers with low numeracy skills are increasingly vulnerable Adult community ed equips adults with the skills they need
Chilly start for the ABC Canberra Mornings team election broadcast from Eden Monaro
Come on you have a chance to chose wisdom over bigotry
Worker sacked in Qld amp Bills version of Welcome to Country and by the way Vote for Bill He knows all the tricks you just cant trust him and you just cant afford him
Jobs in Qld dont worry Plenty needs doing Have the done ANYTHING about jobs for you, in six years
Now heres an apolitical Welcome to Country, if ever Ive seen one Shorten pulling out all the little strategies
Ive submitted a question to the ABCs You Ask, We Answer project before Click here to ask a question mine was why do media organisations and groups leave people out of candidate forumsinterviews
The right to vote is very important to me Glad and proud to be both an Australian and Filipino After the 18th, Id have voted 3x this year
do you promise to me that youre going to follow through on youre promises to healthcare,Nurses,Doctors and midwives etc Youre response will be if you get my vote or not
Early voting Thank you it was smooth and easy May the best party form government
Wonderful Iftar with the Bangladeshi community in Rockdale tonight Thanks so much for your love and support
If so then just shows what we all heavily suspected trying to oust an LNP Government That is Delivering Good things for
Skeletons in the closet
That is a mental image one could well do without I find myself infuriated by his PT Barnum approach that there is one born every minute and we are just gullible rubes, wholl swallow anything
The best candidate video of all time All should be forced to express their policies this way Is this the of our political scene
Lots of revenue lost, weakening economy, how are tax cuts being paid for, increase in GST CUTS Potentially unaffordable, and it still wont fix bracket creep The Coalitions 300 billion tax plan assessed
Record 13 million landlords cash in on negative gearing as shakeup looms
Fiscal wolf in sheeps clothing The Monthly
Scott Morrison gets introduced by his mum wife and two daughters and gives them all a bunch of flowers Begins speech talking about mums
Is it right that the PM chooses the election date to advantage his parties chances A President who is apolitical would not be so biased
Coalition Policy launch forget the jokes mate, unfunny Get on with the lies retirement tax same old lies lies liesthe housing market going down and its Labors faultWhat
This is a critical time make your vote count
explaining your election policies thru interpretive dance
Shortens calculator must need new batteries but I just dont buy all these financial promises Sorry but government is about financial accountability not burdening self funded retirees with new penalties and taxes
When do prepolled votes get counted
yes Barrie did call Prime Ministercorrects the error, and compounds his wandering thought process, by saying he was thus naming him prematurely only have to wait a week, and all will be correct
Wages growth has been weaker during the past six years than at any time since World War II via
Look how he came to the Prime Ministership he shouldnt even be there,and hes asking to be confirmed into a position he would not ordinarily have gained
Sunday morning Watching TerryBarnes trying to promote the Coalition, then the presenter, whoever he is, querying an actual vision, a plan for the future, by Labor, which people are always crying out for,just floors me
If someone is not attracted to you, a week of cajolery, flattery and compliments is not going to change anything There is a lid for every pot, but Australia is not your pot, you are not our lid Dry your eyes, move on
Even if there was a 1st Lady a stupid title,it would not be the wife of the PMit currently would be the partner of the Governor Generalour de facto Head of State until we can have one of our own Another thing will sort out, in due course
Good on you So proud to be Australian in this great country of ours Your doing a great job keep working hard for Australia and we know you are the best leader for our family and business
Whos entrenched view is that Its a furphy started by the Liberal Party, and has taken on an undeserved life of its own,without a shred of hard evidence that it has any basis in truth
When you vote this May 18th remember how the stopped and mocked and marriage again and again and again and again
making a difference in the lives of many
Were all learning from each other and its a really wonderful thing Annette Innis teaches art as an antidote to stressanxietybereavementpain
Vote casted So no democracy sausage for early voters LOL
Ask ABC to ask the question Will Labor stop Robodebt Ive submitted a question to the ABCs You Ask, We Answer project before Click here to ask a question