"! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Field Control: ALV for managing the output fields</p> CLASS zcl_dbbr_fc_output_alv DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_dbbr_fc_generic_alv FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_dbbr_fc_output_alv IMPLEMENTATION. ENDCLASS.
[ 40484, 1279, 79, 1398, 2625, 19509, 5239, 47192, 1, 42392, 2625, 268, 5320, 15878, 6779, 25, 8355, 53, 329, 11149, 262, 5072, 7032, 3556, 79, 29, 198, 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 9945, 1671, 62, 16072, 62, 22915, 62, 282, 85, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 3268, 16879, 2043, 2751, 16034, 1976, 565, 62, 9945, 1671, 62, 16072, 62, 41357, 62, 282, 85, 198, 220, 25261, 198, 220, 29244, 6158, 44731, 764, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 198, 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 9945, 1671, 62, 16072, 62, 22915, 62, 282, 85, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198 ]
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_gui_page_db DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_gui_page FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS constructor . METHODS zif_abapgit_gui_page~on_event REDEFINITION . PROTECTED SECTION. METHODS render_content REDEFINITION . PRIVATE SECTION. CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF gc_action, delete TYPE string VALUE 'delete', END OF gc_action . CLASS-METHODS delete IMPORTING !is_key TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_content RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception zcx_abapgit_cancel . METHODS explain_content IMPORTING !is_data TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_content RETURNING VALUE(rv_text) TYPE string RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPGIT_GUI_PAGE_DB IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. super->constructor( ). ms_control-page_title = 'DATABASE PERSISTENCY'. ENDMETHOD. " constructor. METHOD delete. DATA: lv_answer TYPE c LENGTH 1. ASSERT is_key-type IS NOT INITIAL. ASSERT is_key-value IS NOT INITIAL. lv_answer = zcl_abapgit_popups=>popup_to_confirm( titlebar = 'Warning' text_question = 'Delete?' text_button_1 = 'Ok' icon_button_1 = 'ICON_DELETE' text_button_2 = 'Cancel' icon_button_2 = 'ICON_CANCEL' default_button = '2' display_cancel_button = abap_false ). "#EC NOTEXT IF lv_answer = '2'. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_abapgit_cancel. ENDIF. zcl_abapgit_persistence_db=>get_instance( )->delete( iv_type = is_key-type iv_value = is_key-value ). COMMIT WORK. ENDMETHOD. " delete METHOD explain_content. DATA: ls_result TYPE match_result, ls_match TYPE submatch_result, lv_cnt TYPE i. CASE is_data-type. WHEN 'REPO'. FIND FIRST OCCURRENCE OF REGEX '<url>(.*)</url>' IN is_data-data_str IGNORING CASE RESULTS ls_result. READ TABLE ls_result-submatches INTO ls_match INDEX 1. IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL. rv_text = is_data-data_str+ls_match-offset(ls_match-length). ENDIF. FIND FIRST OCCURRENCE OF REGEX '<OFFLINE/>' IN is_data-data_str IGNORING CASE MATCH COUNT lv_cnt. IF lv_cnt > 0. rv_text = |<strong>On-line</strong>, Name: <strong>{ zcl_abapgit_url=>name( rv_text ) }</strong>|. ELSE. rv_text = |Off-line, Name: <strong>{ rv_text }</strong>|. ENDIF. WHEN 'BACKGROUND'. FIND FIRST OCCURRENCE OF REGEX '<method>(.*)</method>' IN is_data-data_str IGNORING CASE RESULTS ls_result. READ TABLE ls_result-submatches INTO ls_match INDEX 1. IF sy-subrc IS NOT INITIAL. RETURN. ENDIF. rv_text = |Method: { is_data-data_str+ls_match-offset(ls_match-length) }, | && |Repository: { zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->get( is_data-value )->get_name( ) }|. WHEN 'USER'. rv_text = '-'. " No additional explanation for user WHEN 'SETTINGS'. rv_text = '-'. WHEN OTHERS. IF strlen( is_data-data_str ) >= 250. rv_text = is_data-data_str(250). ELSE. rv_text = is_data-data_str. ENDIF. rv_text = escape( val = rv_text format = cl_abap_format=>e_html_attr ). rv_text = |<pre>{ rv_text }</pre>|. ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. "explain_content METHOD render_content. DATA: lt_data TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>tt_content, lv_action TYPE string, lv_trclass TYPE string, lo_toolbar TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_data> LIKE LINE OF lt_data. lt_data = zcl_abapgit_persistence_db=>get_instance( )->list( ). CREATE OBJECT ro_html. ro_html->add( '<div class="db_list">' ). ro_html->add( '<table class="db_tab">' ). " Header ro_html->add( '<thead>' ). ro_html->add( '<tr>' ). ro_html->add( '<th>Type</th>' ). ro_html->add( '<th>Key</th>' ). ro_html->add( '<th>Data</th>' ). ro_html->add( '<th></th>' ). ro_html->add( '</tr>' ). ro_html->add( '</thead>' ). ro_html->add( '<tbody>' ). " Lines LOOP AT lt_data ASSIGNING <ls_data>. CLEAR lv_trclass. IF sy-tabix = 1. lv_trclass = ' class="firstrow"' ##NO_TEXT. ENDIF. lv_action = zcl_abapgit_html_action_utils=>dbkey_encode( <ls_data> ). CREATE OBJECT lo_toolbar. lo_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Display' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-db_display }?{ lv_action }| ). lo_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Edit' iv_act = |{ zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_action-db_edit }?{ lv_action }| ). lo_toolbar->add( iv_txt = 'Delete' iv_act = |{ gc_action-delete }?{ lv_action }| ). ro_html->add( |<tr{ lv_trclass }>| ). ro_html->add( |<td>{ <ls_data>-type }</td>| ). ro_html->add( |<td>{ <ls_data>-value }</td>| ). ro_html->add( |<td class="data">{ explain_content( <ls_data> ) }</td>| ). ro_html->add( '<td>' ). ro_html->add( lo_toolbar->render( ) ). ro_html->add( '</td>' ). ro_html->add( '</tr>' ). ENDLOOP. ro_html->add( '</tbody>' ). ro_html->add( '</table>' ). ro_html->add( '</div>' ). ENDMETHOD. "render_content METHOD zif_abapgit_gui_page~on_event. DATA: ls_db TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_content. CASE iv_action. WHEN gc_action-delete. ls_db = zcl_abapgit_html_action_utils=>dbkey_decode( iv_getdata ). delete( ls_db ). ev_state = zif_abapgit_definitions=>gc_event_state-re_render. ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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"! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Retrieves free Alias for Join definition</p> "! Singleton for managing the alias names for tables in a single join definition CLASS zcl_dbbr_entity_alias_util DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PRIVATE. PUBLIC SECTION. "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Initialize aliases</p> "! CLASS-METHODS initialize_aliases IMPORTING if_alv_alias_only TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL. "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Retrieves the next free ALV Alias</p> "! CLASS-METHODS get_next_free_alv_alias RETURNING VALUE(rv_alias) TYPE zsat_entity_alias_alv. "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Creates alias for the entity and registers it</p> "! CLASS-METHODS create_entity_alias IMPORTING iv_entity TYPE ZSAT_ENTITY_ID RETURNING VALUE(rv_entity_alias) TYPE zsat_entity_alias. "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Add new Alias</p> "! CLASS-METHODS add_entity_alias IMPORTING iv_entity_alias TYPE zsat_entity_alias RETURNING VALUE(rf_added) TYPE abap_bool. "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Unregisters given alias from Alias pool</p> "! CLASS-METHODS unregister_alv_alias IMPORTING iv_alias TYPE zsat_entity_alias_alv. "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Unregister long alias name</p> "! CLASS-METHODS unregister_alias IMPORTING iv_alias TYPE zsat_entity_alias. CLASS-METHODS check_entity_alias IMPORTING iv_alias TYPE zsat_entity_alias. "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Add ALV Alias for entity</p> "! CLASS-METHODS add_entity_alv_alias IMPORTING iv_alias TYPE zsat_entity_alias_alv RETURNING VALUE(rf_added) TYPE abap_bool. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. CLASS-DATA gt_alv_alias_in_use TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zsat_entity_alias_alv. CLASS-DATA gt_alias_in_use TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zsat_entity_alias. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_dbbr_entity_alias_util IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD add_entity_alv_alias. CLEAR rf_added. IF NOT line_exists( gt_alv_alias_in_use[ table_line = iv_alias ] ). gt_alv_alias_in_use = VALUE #( BASE gt_alv_alias_in_use ( iv_alias ) ). rf_added = abap_true. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD add_entity_alias. CLEAR rf_added. IF NOT line_exists( gt_alias_in_use[ table_line = iv_entity_alias ] ). gt_alias_in_use = VALUE #( BASE gt_alias_in_use ( iv_entity_alias ) ). rf_added = abap_true. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD check_entity_alias. CHECK line_exists( gt_alias_in_use[ table_line = to_upper( iv_alias ) ] ). ZCX_SAT_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION=>raise_with_text( iv_text = |{ 'Alias' } { iv_alias } { 'is already in use!' }| ). . ENDMETHOD. METHOD create_entity_alias. DATA: lt_slash_match TYPE match_result_tab. *** As a first step the original entity will be the alias, for a better * IF iv_entity CP '/*'. * FIND ALL OCCURRENCES OF '/' IN iv_entity RESULTS lt_slash_match. * DATA(lv_last_index) = lt_slash_match[ 2 ]-offset + 1. * rv_entity_alias = iv_entity+lv_last_index. * ELSE. rv_entity_alias = iv_entity. * ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD initialize_aliases. CLEAR gt_alv_alias_in_use. IF if_alv_alias_only = abap_false. CLEAR gt_alias_in_use. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_next_free_alv_alias. DATA(lv_counter) = 1. DATA(lf_alias_found) = abap_false. WHILE lf_alias_found = abap_false. rv_alias = zcl_dbbr_alias_map=>get_alias( lv_counter ). IF NOT line_exists( gt_alv_alias_in_use[ table_line = rv_alias ] ). gt_alv_alias_in_use = VALUE #( BASE gt_alv_alias_in_use ( rv_alias ) ). lf_alias_found = abap_true. ELSE. lv_counter = lv_counter + 1. ENDIF. ENDWHILE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD unregister_alv_alias. DELETE gt_alv_alias_in_use WHERE table_line = iv_alias. ENDMETHOD. METHOD unregister_alias. DELETE gt_alias_in_use WHERE table_line = iv_alias. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 40484, 1279, 79, 1398, 2625, 19509, 5239, 47192, 1, 42392, 2625, 268, 5320, 9781, 5034, 1158, 1479, 978, 4448, 329, 15251, 6770, 3556, 79, 29, 198, 40484, 5573, 10565, 329, 11149, 262, 16144, 3891, 329, 8893, 287, 257, 2060, 4654, 6770, 198, 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 9945, 1671, 62, 26858, 62, 26011, 62, 22602, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 25261, 198, 220, 29244, 6158, 4810, 3824, 6158, 13, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 628, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 0, 1279, 79, 1398, 2625, 19509, 5239, 47192, 1, 42392, 2625, 268, 5320, 24243, 1096, 47217, 3556, 79, 29, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 0, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42715, 12, 49273, 50, 41216, 62, 7344, 1386, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 62, 282, 85, 62, 26011, 62, 8807, 41876, 450, 499, 62, 30388, 39852, 2849, 1847, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 0, 1279, 79, 1398, 2625, 19509, 5239, 47192, 1, 42392, 2625, 268, 5320, 9781, 5034, 1158, 262, 1306, 1479, 8355, 53, 978, 4448, 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CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_ttyp DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_objects_super FINAL. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_object. ALIASES mo_files FOR zif_abapgit_object~mo_files. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPGIT_OBJECT_TTYP IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~changed_by. SELECT SINGLE as4user FROM dd40l INTO rv_user WHERE typename = ms_item-obj_name AND as4local = 'A'. IF sy-subrc <> 0. rv_user = c_user_unknown. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~delete. DATA: lv_objname TYPE rsedd0-ddobjname. IF zif_abapgit_object~exists( ) = abap_false. RETURN. ENDIF. lv_objname = ms_item-obj_name. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_DD_DELETE_OBJ' EXPORTING no_ask = abap_true objname = lv_objname objtype = 'A' EXCEPTIONS not_executed = 1 object_not_found = 2 object_not_specified = 3 permission_failure = 4. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise_t100( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~deserialize. DATA: lv_name TYPE ddobjname, lt_dd42v TYPE dd42v_tab, lt_dd43v TYPE dd43v_tab, ls_dd40v TYPE dd40v, lv_msg TYPE string. io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'DD40V' CHANGING cg_data = ls_dd40v ). io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'DD42V' CHANGING cg_data = lt_dd42v ). io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'DD43V' CHANGING cg_data = lt_dd43v ). corr_insert( iv_package = iv_package iv_object_class = 'DICT' ). lv_name = ms_item-obj_name. " type conversion CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_TTYP_PUT' EXPORTING name = lv_name dd40v_wa = ls_dd40v TABLES dd42v_tab = lt_dd42v dd43v_tab = lt_dd43v EXCEPTIONS ttyp_not_found = 1 name_inconsistent = 2 ttyp_inconsistent = 3 put_failure = 4 put_refused = 5 OTHERS = 6. IF sy-subrc <> 0. lv_msg = |Error in DDIF_TTYP_PUT on object { lv_name }|. CASE sy-subrc. WHEN 1. lv_msg = lv_msg && | (TTYP_NOT_FOUND)|. WHEN 2. lv_msg = lv_msg && | (NAME_INCONSISTENT)|. WHEN 3. lv_msg = lv_msg && | (TTYP_INCONSISTENT)|. WHEN 4. lv_msg = lv_msg && | (PUT_FAILURE)|. WHEN 5. lv_msg = lv_msg && | (PUT_REFUSED)|. WHEN OTHERS. ENDCASE. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( lv_msg ). ENDIF. zcl_abapgit_objects_activation=>add_item( ms_item ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~exists. DATA: lv_typename TYPE dd40l-typename. SELECT SINGLE typename FROM dd40l INTO lv_typename WHERE typename = ms_item-obj_name AND as4local = 'A'. rv_bool = boolc( sy-subrc = 0 ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_comparator. RETURN. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_deserialize_steps. DATA: ls_meta TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_metadata. ls_meta = zif_abapgit_object~get_metadata( ). IF ls_meta-late_deser = abap_true. APPEND zif_abapgit_object=>gc_step_id-late TO rt_steps. ELSEIF ls_meta-ddic = abap_true. APPEND zif_abapgit_object=>gc_step_id-ddic TO rt_steps. ELSE. APPEND zif_abapgit_object=>gc_step_id-abap TO rt_steps. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_metadata. rs_metadata = get_metadata( ). rs_metadata-ddic = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_active. rv_active = is_active( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_locked. rv_is_locked = exists_a_lock_entry_for( iv_lock_object = 'ESDICT' iv_argument = |{ ms_item-obj_type }{ ms_item-obj_name }| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~jump. jump_se11( iv_radio = 'RSRD1-DDTYPE' iv_field = 'RSRD1-DDTYPE_VAL' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~serialize. DATA: lv_name TYPE ddobjname, lt_dd42v TYPE dd42v_tab, lt_dd43v TYPE dd43v_tab, ls_dd40v TYPE dd40v. lv_name = ms_item-obj_name. CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_TTYP_GET' EXPORTING name = lv_name state = 'A' langu = mv_language IMPORTING dd40v_wa = ls_dd40v TABLES dd42v_tab = lt_dd42v dd43v_tab = lt_dd43v EXCEPTIONS illegal_input = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise_t100( ). ENDIF. IF ls_dd40v IS INITIAL. RETURN. " does not exist in system ENDIF. CLEAR: ls_dd40v-as4user, ls_dd40v-as4date, ls_dd40v-as4time. IF NOT ls_dd40v-rowkind IS INITIAL. CLEAR ls_dd40v-typelen. ENDIF. io_xml->add( iv_name = 'DD40V' ig_data = ls_dd40v ). io_xml->add( iv_name = 'DD42V' ig_data = lt_dd42v ). io_xml->add( iv_name = 'DD43V' ig_data = lt_dd43v ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS ycl_addict_def_system_rules DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES yif_addict_system_rules. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS ycl_addict_def_system_rules IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD yif_addict_system_rules~get_requests_of_tickets. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Returns the requests of the given ticket. " Assumption here: Request text starts with ticket number. " Sample format: " VOL-12345 - Explanation """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" DATA(request_details) = ycl_addict_transport_request=>get_request_list( VALUE #( as4text_rng = VALUE #( FOR _ticket_key IN ticket_keys ( option = ycl_addict_toolkit=>option-cp sign = ycl_addict_toolkit=>sign-include low = |{ _ticket_key-ticket_id } - *| ) ) srch_strkorr = abap_true ) ). requests = VALUE #( FOR _rd IN request_details WHERE ( strkorr IS INITIAL ) ( _rd-trkorr ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD yif_addict_system_rules~is_request_toc_safe. """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " Is request ToC safe? " Here is the logic of this method: " Workbench request should be ToC safe without any problems. " However; assume the following scenario: " " Dev system, client 220: Customizing request is created " Dev system, client 100: ToC is created and " customizing from 220 is included " QA system, client 100: ToC is imported " " In that case; the ToC includes the data from client 100, " not 220. It might even be completely empty if the same " keys don't exist in dev 100. When you import that ToC into " the QA system, it will damage the data there - instead " of importing the data from 220. " " Therefore, customizing requests from other clients are not " ToC safe. """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" TRY. DATA(request) = ycl_addict_transport_request=>get_instance( trkorr ). CATCH cx_root. RETURN. ENDTRY. DATA(trf) = request->get_header( )-trfunction. safe = xsdbool( NOT ( ( trf = ycl_addict_transport_request=>trfunction-cust OR trf = ycl_addict_transport_request=>trfunction-cust_task ) AND ( request->get_source_client( ) <> sy-mandt ) ) ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_user_master_record DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PRIVATE . PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS: get_instance IMPORTING !iv_user TYPE uname RETURNING VALUE(ro_user) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_user_master_record. METHODS: constructor IMPORTING !iv_user TYPE uname, get_name RETURNING VALUE(rv_name) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_git_user-name, get_email RETURNING VALUE(rv_email) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_git_user-email. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_user, user TYPE uname, o_user TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_user_master_record, END OF ty_user. CLASS-DATA: mt_user TYPE HASHED TABLE OF ty_user WITH UNIQUE KEY user. DATA: ms_user TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_git_user. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_user_master_record IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. DATA: lt_return TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2, ls_address TYPE bapiaddr3, lt_smtp TYPE TABLE OF bapiadsmtp, ls_smtp TYPE bapiadsmtp. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_USER_GET_DETAIL' EXPORTING username = iv_user IMPORTING address = ls_address TABLES return = lt_return addsmtp = lt_smtp. * Choose the first email from SU01 SORT lt_smtp BY consnumber ASCENDING. LOOP AT lt_smtp INTO ls_smtp. ms_user-email = ls_smtp-e_mail. EXIT. ENDLOOP. * Attempt to use the full name from SU01 ms_user-name = ls_address-fullname. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_email. rv_email = ms_user-email. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_instance. DATA: ls_user TYPE ty_user. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_user> TYPE ty_user. READ TABLE mt_user ASSIGNING <ls_user> WITH KEY user = iv_user. IF sy-subrc <> 0. ls_user-user = iv_user. CREATE OBJECT ls_user-o_user EXPORTING iv_user = iv_user. INSERT ls_user INTO TABLE mt_user ASSIGNING <ls_user>. ENDIF. ro_user = <ls_user>-o_user. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_name. rv_name = ms_user-name. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_area DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_objects_super FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_object . ALIASES mo_files FOR zif_abapgit_object~mo_files . PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_area IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~changed_by. DATA: lv_user TYPE string. SELECT SINGLE tstpnm FROM ('RSDAREA') INTO lv_user. rv_user = lv_user. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~delete. DATA: lr_area TYPE REF TO object. CREATE OBJECT lr_area TYPE ('CL_NEW_AWB_AREA'). CALL METHOD lr_area->('IF_RSAWBN_FOLDER_TREE~DELETE_NODE') EXPORTING i_nodename = ms_item-obj_name i_with_dialog = ''. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error while deleting AREA: { ms_item-obj_name }| ). ENDIF. corr_insert( iv_package ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~deserialize. DATA: lv_nodename TYPE c LENGTH 40, lv_parentname TYPE c LENGTH 40, lv_txtsh TYPE c LENGTH 20, lv_txtlg TYPE c LENGTH 60, lr_area TYPE REF TO object. io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'NODENAME' CHANGING cg_data = lv_nodename ). io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'PARENTNAME' CHANGING cg_data = lv_parentname ). io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'TXTSH' CHANGING cg_data = lv_txtsh ). io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'TXTLG' CHANGING cg_data = lv_txtlg ). CREATE OBJECT lr_area TYPE ('CL_NEW_AWB_AREA'). CALL METHOD lr_area->('IF_RSAWBN_FOLDER_TREE~CREATE_NODE') EXPORTING i_parentname = lv_parentname i_nodename = lv_nodename i_txtsh = lv_txtsh i_txtlg = lv_txtlg. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error while creating AREA: { ms_item-obj_name }| ). ENDIF. tadir_insert( iv_package ). corr_insert( iv_package ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~exists. DATA: lr_area TYPE REF TO object, lr_tab_tree TYPE REF TO data, lr_str_tee TYPE REF TO data. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lt_tree> TYPE STANDARD TABLE, <ls_tree> TYPE any. CREATE OBJECT lr_area TYPE ('CL_NEW_AWB_AREA'). CREATE DATA lr_tab_tree TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ('RSAWBN_S_TREEORG'). ASSIGN lr_tab_tree->* TO <lt_tree>. CREATE DATA lr_str_tee TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ('RSAWBN_S_TREEORG'). ASSIGN lr_str_tee->* TO <ls_tree>. CALL METHOD lr_area->('IF_RSAWBN_FOLDER_TREE~GET_TREE') EXPORTING i_objvers = '' i_langu = '' IMPORTING e_t_tree = <lt_tree>. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error while read AREA tree| ). ENDIF. READ TABLE <lt_tree> WITH KEY ('NODENAME') = ms_item-obj_name ASSIGNING <ls_tree>. IF sy-subrc = 0. rv_bool = abap_true. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_comparator. RETURN. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_deserialize_steps. APPEND zif_abapgit_object=>gc_step_id-abap TO rt_steps. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_metadata. rs_metadata = get_metadata( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_active. DATA: lr_area TYPE REF TO object, lr_tab_tree TYPE REF TO data, lr_str_tee TYPE REF TO data. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lt_tree> TYPE STANDARD TABLE, <ls_tree> TYPE any. CREATE OBJECT lr_area TYPE ('CL_NEW_AWB_AREA'). CREATE DATA lr_tab_tree TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ('RSAWBN_S_TREEORG'). ASSIGN lr_tab_tree->* TO <lt_tree>. CREATE DATA lr_str_tee TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ('RSAWBN_S_TREEORG'). ASSIGN lr_str_tee->* TO <ls_tree>. CALL METHOD lr_area->('IF_RSAWBN_FOLDER_TREE~GET_TREE') EXPORTING i_objvers = 'A' i_langu = mv_language IMPORTING e_t_tree = <lt_tree>. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error while read AREA tree| ). ENDIF. READ TABLE <lt_tree> WITH KEY ('NODENAME') = ms_item-obj_name ASSIGNING <ls_tree>. IF sy-subrc = 0. rv_active = abap_true. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_locked. rv_is_locked = exists_a_lock_entry_for( iv_lock_object = 'ERSDAREA' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~jump. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~serialize. DATA: lr_area TYPE REF TO object, lr_tab_tree TYPE REF TO data, lr_str_tee TYPE REF TO data, lr_rsdareat TYPE REF TO data, lv_select TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lt_tree> TYPE STANDARD TABLE, <ls_tree> TYPE any, <lv_parentname> TYPE any, <ls_rsdareat> TYPE any, <lv_txtlg> TYPE any, <lv_txtsh> TYPE any. CREATE OBJECT lr_area TYPE ('CL_NEW_AWB_AREA'). CREATE DATA lr_tab_tree TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ('RSAWBN_S_TREEORG'). ASSIGN lr_tab_tree->* TO <lt_tree>. CREATE DATA lr_str_tee TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ('RSAWBN_S_TREEORG'). ASSIGN lr_str_tee->* TO <ls_tree>. CREATE DATA lr_rsdareat TYPE ('RSDAREAT'). ASSIGN lr_rsdareat->* TO <ls_rsdareat>. CALL METHOD lr_area->('IF_RSAWBN_FOLDER_TREE~GET_TREE') EXPORTING i_objvers = 'A' i_langu = mv_language IMPORTING e_t_tree = <lt_tree>. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error while read AREA tree| ). ENDIF. READ TABLE <lt_tree> WITH KEY ('NODENAME') = ms_item-obj_name ASSIGNING <ls_tree>. lv_select = |INFOAREA = '{ ms_item-obj_name }'|. SELECT SINGLE * FROM ('RSDAREAT') INTO <ls_rsdareat> WHERE infoarea = ms_item-obj_name. ASSIGN COMPONENT 'TXTSH' OF STRUCTURE <ls_rsdareat> TO <lv_txtsh>. ASSIGN COMPONENT 'TXTLG' OF STRUCTURE <ls_rsdareat> TO <lv_txtlg>. ASSIGN COMPONENT 'PARENTNAME' OF STRUCTURE <ls_tree> TO <lv_parentname>. io_xml->add( iv_name = 'NODENAME' ig_data = ms_item-obj_name ). io_xml->add( iv_name = 'PARENTNAME' ig_data = <lv_parentname> ). io_xml->add( iv_name = 'TXTSH' ig_data = <lv_txtsh> ). io_xml->add( iv_name = 'TXTLG' ig_data = <lv_txtlg> ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 15252, 62, 20337, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 3268, 16879, 2043, 2751, 16034, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 48205, 62, 16668, 198, 220, 25261, 198, 220, 29244, 6158, 44731, 764, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 23255, 37, 2246, 1546, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 15252, 764, 628, 220, 220, 220, 8355, 43429, 1546, 6941, 62, 16624, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7473, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 15252, 93, 5908, 62, 16624, 764, 198, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 198, 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 15252, 62, 20337, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 15252, 93, 40985, 62, 1525, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 25, 300, 85, 62, 7220, 41876, 4731, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 33493, 311, 2751, 2538, 256, 301, 79, 21533, 16034, 19203, 6998, 35, 12203, 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*"* use this source file for your ABAP unit test classes CLASS ltcl_main DEFINITION FINAL FOR TESTING DURATION SHORT RISK LEVEL HARMLESS. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA m_cnt TYPE REF TO zcl_abapdi_container. DATA m_cut TYPE REF TO zif_fmwp_gen. METHODS: generate_class FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_main IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD generate_class. m_cnt = NEW zcl_abapdi_container( ). m_cnt->register( i_if = 'zif_flsuni' i_cl = 'zcl_flsuni_double' ). m_cnt->register( i_if = 'zif_fmwp_fmadptr' i_cl = 'zcl_fmwp_fmadptr_imp'). m_cut = CAST zif_fmwp_gen( m_cnt->get_instance( 'zcl_fmwp_gen' ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_bound( msg = 'cut' act = m_cut ). DATA(l_cls) = NEW zcl_fmwp_clsinfo( ). CALL METHOD m_cut->class_generate EXPORTING i_name = 'FUNCTION_IMPORT_DOKU' CHANGING c_class = l_cls. " THEN DATA(l_meth) = l_cls->method_get_imp( 'function_import_doku' ). DATA(l_param) = l_cls->method_get_all_params( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'msg' exp = VALUE vseoparam( cmpname = 'FUNCTION_IMPORT_DOKU' sconame = 'EXCEPTION_LIST' cmptype = '1' pardecltyp = 2 " changing weil tabelle typtype = '1' type = 'TT_RSEXC' ) act = l_param[ cmpname = 'FUNCTION_IMPORT_DOKU' sconame = 'EXCEPTION_LIST' ] ). DATA(l_src) = VALUE rswsourcet( ( |call function 'FUNCTION_IMPORT_DOKU'| ) ( |exporting| ) ( |GLOBAL_FLAG = GLOBAL_FLAG| ) ( |REMOTE_CALL = REMOTE_CALL| ) ( |UPDATE_TASK = UPDATE_TASK| ) ( |SHORT_TEXT = SHORT_TEXT| ) ( |FREEDATE = FREEDATE| ) ( |importing| ) ( |FUNCNAME = FUNCNAME| ) ( |LANGUAGE = LANGUAGE| ) ( |WITH_ENHANCEMENTS = WITH_ENHANCEMENTS| ) ( |IGNORE_SWITCHES = IGNORE_SWITCHES| ) ( |tables| ) ( |DOKUMENTATION = DOKUMENTATION| ) ( |EXCEPTION_LIST = EXCEPTION_LIST| ) ( |EXPORT_PARAMETER = EXPORT_PARAMETER| ) ( |IMPORT_PARAMETER = IMPORT_PARAMETER| ) ( |CHANGING_PARAMETER = CHANGING_PARAMETER| ) ( |changing| ) ( |TST_CHG = TST_CHG| ) ( |exceptions| ) ( |ERROR_MESSAGE = 1| ) ( |FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND = 1| ) ( |INVALID_NAME = 1| ) ( |others = 2| ) ( |.| ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'src' exp = l_src act = l_meth ). CALL METHOD l_cls->method_get_def EXPORTING i_name = 'function_import_doku' IMPORTING e_method_def = DATA(ls_method) e_params = DATA(lt_params). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'IGNORE_SWITCHES' exp = 0 act = lt_params[ sconame = 'IGNORE_SWITCHES' ]-pardecltyp ). DATA(impl) = l_cls->method_get_all_sources( ). DATA(types) = l_cls->type_get_all( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'types empty' exp = 5 act = lines( types ) ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 9, 1, 9, 779, 428, 2723, 2393, 329, 534, 9564, 2969, 4326, 1332, 6097, 198, 31631, 300, 83, 565, 62, 12417, 5550, 20032, 17941, 25261, 7473, 43001, 2751, 198, 220, 360, 4261, 6234, 6006, 9863, 198, 220, 45698, 42, 49277, 43638, 5805, 7597, 13, 628, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 285, 62, 66, 429, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 10989, 62, 34924, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 285, 62, 8968, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 361, 62, 38353, 24142, 62, 5235, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7716, 62, 4871, 7473, 43001, 2751, 17926, 1797, 2751, 43213, 62, 12708, 62, 9122, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 31631, 300, 83, 565, 62, 12417, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 628, 220, 337, 36252, 7716, 62, 4871, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 285, 62, 66, 429, 796, 12682, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 10989, 62, 34924, 7, 6739, 198, 220, 220, 220, 285, 62, 66, 429, 3784, 30238, 7, 1312, 62, 361, 796, 705, 89, 361, 62, 2704, 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CLASS zcl_dp_deco_kontrol1 DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. interfaces zif_dp_deco_kontrol. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_dp_deco_kontrol1 IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD zif_dp_deco_kontrol~kontrol_et. ##todo. " Burası değişecek basarili = abap_True. sonuc_msg = 'Kontrol 1 basarili'. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 26059, 62, 12501, 78, 62, 74, 756, 3225, 16, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 25261, 198, 220, 29244, 6158, 44731, 764, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 20314, 1976, 361, 62, 26059, 62, 12501, 78, 62, 74, 756, 3225, 13, 198, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 198, 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 26059, 62, 12501, 78, 62, 74, 756, 3225, 16, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 1976, 361, 62, 26059, 62, 12501, 78, 62, 74, 756, 3225, 93, 74, 756, 3225, 62, 316, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 22492, 83, 24313, 13, 366, 5481, 292, 30102, 390, 33133, 72, 46481, 68, 344, 74, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1615, 283, 2403, 220, 796, 450, 499, 62, 17821, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3367, 1229, 62, 19662, 796, 705, 42, 756, 3225, 352, 1615, 283, 2403, 4458, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 198, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198 ]
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CLASS zcl_aoc_check_64 DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_aoc_super_root CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS constructor . METHODS get_message_text REDEFINITION . METHODS if_ci_test~query_attributes REDEFINITION . METHODS put_attributes REDEFINITION . METHODS run REDEFINITION . METHODS get_attributes REDEFINITION . PROTECTED SECTION. DATA mv_covered TYPE abap_bool . DATA mi_result TYPE REF TO if_scv_result . DATA mv_risk TYPE saunit_d_allowed_risk_level . DATA mv_duration TYPE saunit_d_allowed_rt_duration . METHODS node IMPORTING !ii_node TYPE REF TO if_scv_result_node . METHODS walk IMPORTING !ii_node TYPE REF TO if_scv_result_node . PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_AOC_CHECK_64 IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. super->constructor( ). version = '001'. position = '064'. has_documentation = c_true. has_attributes = abap_true. attributes_ok = abap_true. mv_errty = c_error. mv_duration = if_aunit_attribute_enums=>c_duration-medium. mv_risk = if_aunit_attribute_enums=>c_risk_level-harmless. add_obj_type( 'CLAS' ). ENDMETHOD. "CONSTRUCTOR METHOD get_attributes. EXPORT mv_errty = mv_errty mv_duration = mv_duration mv_risk = mv_risk TO DATA BUFFER p_attributes. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_message_text. CLEAR p_text. CASE p_code. WHEN '001'. p_text = 'Unit test not covering class'. "#EC NOTEXT WHEN OTHERS. super->get_message_text( EXPORTING p_test = p_test p_code = p_code IMPORTING p_text = p_text ). ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD if_ci_test~query_attributes. zzaoc_top. zzaoc_fill_att mv_errty 'Error Type' ''. "#EC NOTEXT zzaoc_fill_att mv_duration 'Duration' ''. "#EC NOTEXT zzaoc_fill_att mv_risk 'Risk' ''. "#EC NOTEXT zzaoc_popup. ENDMETHOD. METHOD node. DATA: lv_pb_type TYPE cvd_pb_type, lv_pb_name TYPE cvd_pb_name, lv_prog_class TYPE cvd_prog_class, lv_prog_type TYPE cvd_prog_type, lv_prog_name TYPE cvd_prog_name, lo_pb_info TYPE REF TO cl_scov_pb_info, lt_tkey_selops TYPE cvt_test_key_selops, ls_tkey_selops LIKE LINE OF lt_tkey_selops, lo_ui_factory TYPE REF TO cl_scov_stmnt_cov_ui_factory. CASE ii_node->subtype. WHEN 'METH'. DATA(lo_insp) = cl_scv_pblock_inspector=>create( ii_node ). lv_pb_type = 'METH'. lv_pb_name = lo_insp->get_method_name( ). lv_prog_class = lo_insp->get_class_name( ). lv_prog_type = lo_insp->get_program_subtype( ). lv_prog_name = lo_insp->get_program_name( ). WHEN OTHERS. lv_pb_type = ii_node->subtype. lv_pb_name = ii_node->name. CLEAR lv_prog_class. lv_prog_type = ii_node->get_parent( )->subtype. lv_prog_name = ii_node->get_parent( )->name. ENDCASE. CREATE OBJECT lo_ui_factory. lo_pb_info = lo_ui_factory->create_pb_info( im_pb_type = lv_pb_type im_pb_name = lv_pb_name im_prog_class = lv_prog_class im_prog_type = lv_prog_type im_prog_name = lv_prog_name ). ls_tkey_selops-option = 'EQ'. ls_tkey_selops-sign = 'I'. ls_tkey_selops-low = mi_result->get_measurement( )->get_testkey( ). APPEND ls_tkey_selops TO lt_tkey_selops. DATA(li_container) = lo_ui_factory->create_stmnt_dcon_factory( lt_tkey_selops )->create_stmnt_data_container( lo_pb_info ). DATA(lt_meta) = li_container->get_stmnt_cov_meta_data( ). * 102 = covered READ TABLE lt_meta WITH KEY color = '102' TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS. IF sy-subrc = 0. mv_covered = abap_true. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD put_attributes. IMPORT mv_errty = mv_errty mv_duration = mv_duration mv_risk = mv_risk FROM DATA BUFFER p_attributes. "#EC CI_USE_WANTED ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. ENDMETHOD. METHOD run. * abapOpenChecks * * MIT License DATA: li_node TYPE REF TO if_scv_result_node, lt_keys TYPE sabp_t_tadir_keys, ls_key LIKE LINE OF lt_keys, lv_clsname TYPE seoclsname, lo_runner TYPE REF TO cl_aucv_test_runner_abstract, li_coverage TYPE REF TO if_aucv_cvrg_rslt_provider, li_aunit TYPE REF TO if_saunit_internal_result, lo_aunit TYPE REF TO cl_saunit_internal_result, lo_passport TYPE REF TO object. IF object_type <> 'CLAS'. RETURN. ENDIF. DATA(ls_info) = cl_aunit_prog_info=>get_program_info( allow_commit = abap_true obj_type = object_type obj_name = object_name ). IF ls_info-has_tests = abap_false. RETURN. ENDIF. CALL METHOD ('\PROGRAM=SAPLSAUCV_GUI_RUNNER\CLASS=PASSPORT')=>get RECEIVING result = lo_passport. lo_runner = cl_aucv_test_runner_coverage=>create( lo_passport ). ls_key-obj_name = object_name. ls_key-obj_type = object_type. APPEND ls_key TO lt_keys. lo_runner->run_for_program_keys( EXPORTING i_limit_on_duration_category = mv_duration i_limit_on_risk_level = mv_risk i_program_keys = lt_keys IMPORTING e_coverage_result = li_coverage e_aunit_result = li_aunit ). lo_aunit ?= li_aunit. IF lo_aunit->f_task_data-info-has_skipped = abap_true. * Some or all unit tests skipped, could not determine coverage RETURN. ENDIF. TRY. mi_result = li_coverage->build_coverage_result( ). CATCH cx_scv_execution_error cx_scv_call_error. RETURN. ENDTRY. mv_covered = abap_false. LOOP AT mi_result->get_root_node( )->get_children( ) INTO li_node. walk( li_node ). ENDLOOP. IF mv_covered = abap_false. lv_clsname = object_name. inform( p_sub_obj_type = c_type_include p_sub_obj_name = cl_oo_classname_service=>get_ccau_name( lv_clsname ) p_line = 1 p_kind = mv_errty p_test = myname p_code = '001' ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD walk. IF ii_node->has_children( ) = abap_false. node( ii_node ). ENDIF. LOOP AT ii_node->get_children( ) INTO DATA(li_node). walk( li_node ). ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 64, 420, 62, 9122, 62, 2414, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 3268, 16879, 2043, 2751, 16034, 1976, 565, 62, 64, 420, 62, 16668, 62, 15763, 198, 220, 29244, 6158, 44731, 764, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 23772, 764, 628, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 651, 62, 20500, 62, 5239, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23848, 36, 20032, 17941, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 611, 62, 979, 62, 9288, 93, 22766, 62, 1078, 7657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23848, 36, 20032, 17941, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 1234, 62, 1078, 7657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23848, 36, 20032, 17941, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 1057, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23848, 36, 20032, 17941, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 651, 62, 1078, 7657, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23848, 36, 20032, 17941, 764, 198, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 285, 85, 62, 32111, 41876, 450, 499, 62, 30388, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 21504, 62, 20274, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 611, 62, 1416, 85, 62, 20274, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 285, 85, 62, 19121, 41876, 473, 20850, 62, 67, 62, 40845, 62, 19121, 62, 5715, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 285, 85, 62, 32257, 41876, 473, 20850, 62, 67, 62, 40845, 62, 17034, 62, 32257, 764, 628, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 10139, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 4178, 62, 17440, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 611, 62, 1416, 85, 62, 20274, 62, 17440, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 2513, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 4178, 62, 17440, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 611, 62, 1416, 85, 62, 20274, 62, 17440, 764, 198, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 198, 31631, 1168, 5097, 62, 32, 4503, 62, 50084, 62, 2414, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 23772, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2208, 3784, 41571, 273, 7, 6739, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2196, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 796, 705, 8298, 4458, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2292, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 796, 705, 15, 2414, 4458, 628, 220, 220, 220, 468, 62, 22897, 341, 796, 269, 62, 7942, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 468, 62, 1078, 7657, 796, 450, 499, 62, 7942, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 12608, 62, 482, 220, 796, 450, 499, 62, 7942, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 285, 85, 62, 8056, 774, 220, 220, 220, 796, 269, 62, 18224, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 285, 85, 62, 32257, 796, 611, 62, 1942, 270, 62, 42348, 62, 268, 5700, 14804, 66, 62, 32257, 12, 24132, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 285, 85, 62, 19121, 220, 220, 220, 220, 796, 611, 62, 1942, 270, 62, 42348, 62, 268, 5700, 14804, 66, 62, 19121, 62, 5715, 12, 29155, 1203, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 751, 62, 26801, 62, 4906, 7, 705, 5097, 1921, 6, 6739, 628, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 366, 10943, 46126, 1581, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 651, 62, 1078, 7657, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 7788, 15490, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 285, 85, 62, 8056, 774, 796, 285, 85, 62, 8056, 774, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 285, 85, 62, 32257, 796, 285, 85, 62, 32257, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 285, 85, 62, 19121, 796, 285, 85, 62, 19121, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5390, 42865, 20571, 45746, 279, 62, 1078, 7657, 13, 628, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 651, 62, 20500, 62, 5239, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 30301, 1503, 279, 62, 5239, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 42001, 279, 62, 8189, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 42099, 705, 8298, 4458, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 279, 62, 5239, 796, 705, 26453, 1332, 407, 9505, 1398, 4458, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 25113, 2943, 5626, 13918, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 42099, 440, 4221, 4877, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2208, 3784, 1136, 62, 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[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
"! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Provides metadata information</p> INTERFACE zif_qdrt_metadata_provider PUBLIC. METHODS: "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Retrieves metadata of entity</p> get_metadata RETURNING VALUE(result) TYPE REF TO data, "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Tests if entity exists</p> entity_exists RETURNING VALUE(result) TYPE abap_bool. ENDINTERFACE.
[ 40484, 1279, 79, 1398, 2625, 19509, 5239, 47192, 1, 42392, 2625, 268, 5320, 15946, 1460, 20150, 1321, 3556, 79, 29, 198, 41358, 49836, 1976, 361, 62, 80, 7109, 83, 62, 38993, 62, 15234, 1304, 198, 220, 44731, 13, 628, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 0, 1279, 79, 1398, 2625, 19509, 5239, 47192, 1, 42392, 2625, 268, 5320, 9781, 5034, 1158, 20150, 286, 9312, 3556, 79, 29, 198, 220, 220, 220, 651, 62, 38993, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26173, 8924, 7, 20274, 8, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1366, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 0, 1279, 79, 1398, 2625, 19509, 5239, 47192, 1, 42392, 2625, 268, 5320, 51, 3558, 611, 9312, 7160, 3556, 79, 29, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9312, 62, 1069, 1023, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26173, 8924, 7, 20274, 8, 41876, 450, 499, 62, 30388, 13, 198, 10619, 41358, 49836, 13, 198 ]
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*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report Z_SDN_ITAB_COMPARISON_TEST *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT Z_SDN_ITAB_COMPARISON_TEST. "! NOTE: Mark the checkboxes in order to simulate a scenario PARAMETERS p_insert AS CHECKBOX. "! NOTE: Mark the checkboxes in order to simulate a scenario PARAMETERS p_update AS CHECKBOX. "! NOTE: Mark the checkboxes in order to simulate a scenario PARAMETERS p_delete AS CHECKBOX. class lcl_interactive_test definition create public. public section. "! interactive_test( ) generates simplified PBO data and PAI data for "! demonstrating the functionality of method COMPARE. PBO data and PAI "! data as well as the results are displayed as ALV lists. "! The interface of method contains three IMPORTING parameters "! (flags) for simulating PAI data that contain new, modified or deleted "! entries and any combination thereof. METHODS interactive_test IMPORTING insert_line TYPE abap_bool update_line TYPE abap_bool delete_line TYPE abap_bool. protected section. private section. endclass. class lcl_interactive_test implementation. method interactive_test. TYPES: ty_airlines TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF scarr. DATA: gridtitle TYPE lvc_title, airlines_old TYPE ty_airlines, airlines_new TYPE ty_airlines, airlines_inserted TYPE ty_airlines, airlines_updated TYPE ty_airlines, airlines_deleted TYPE ty_airlines. DATA(field_catalog) = VALUE lvc_t_fcat( ). CALL FUNCTION 'LVC_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE' EXPORTING i_structure_name = 'SCARR' CHANGING ct_fieldcat = field_catalog EXCEPTIONS inconsistent_interface = 1 program_error = 2 OTHERS = 3. * Create 4 sample entries airlines_old = airlines_new = VALUE #( ( carrid = 'AA' ) ( carrid = 'AB' ) ( carrid = 'LH' ) ( carrid = 'NZ' ) ). * Delete first entry from old itab => first entry of new itab * should be inserted (carrid = 'AA' -> CHIND = 'I'). IF ( insert_line = abap_true ). DELETE airlines_old INDEX 1. ENDIF. * Modify second entry of new itab => * should be updated (carrid = 'AB' -> CHIND = 'U') IF ( update_line = abap_true ). airlines_new[ 2 ]-carrname = 'Air Berlin'. ENDIF. * Delete third entry from new itab => * should be deleted (carrid = 'LH' -> CHIND = 'D'). IF ( delete_line = abap_true ). DELETE airlines_new INDEX 3. ENDIF. * NOTE: carrid = 'NZ' is identical in old and new itab => ignored * Display "old" itab gridtitle = 'Old Internal Table Entries (e.g. PBO)'(old). CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY_LVC' EXPORTING i_structure_name = 'KNB1' i_grid_title = gridtitle it_fieldcat_lvc = field_catalog TABLES t_outtab = airlines_old EXCEPTIONS program_error = 1 OTHERS = 2. * Display "new" itab gridtitle = 'New Internal Table Entries (e.g. PAI)'(new). CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY_LVC' EXPORTING i_structure_name = 'KNB1' i_grid_title = gridtitle it_fieldcat_lvc = field_catalog TABLES t_outtab = airlines_new EXCEPTIONS program_error = 1 OTHERS = 2. * Compare old vs. new itab zcl_table_comparison_factory=>create_table_comparison( )->compare( EXPORTING internal_table_new = airlines_new internal_table_old = airlines_old IMPORTING inserted = airlines_inserted updated = airlines_updated deleted = airlines_deleted ). * Display new entries gridtitle = 'INSERT: new entries'(ins). CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY_LVC' EXPORTING i_structure_name = 'KNB1' i_grid_title = gridtitle it_fieldcat_lvc = field_catalog TABLES t_outtab = airlines_inserted EXCEPTIONS program_error = 1 OTHERS = 2. * Display changed entries gridtitle = 'UPDATE: changed entries'(upd). CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY_LVC' EXPORTING i_structure_name = 'KNB1' i_grid_title = gridtitle it_fieldcat_lvc = field_catalog TABLES t_outtab = airlines_updated EXCEPTIONS program_error = 1 OTHERS = 2. * Display deleted entries gridtitle = 'DELETE: deleted entries'(del). CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY_LVC' EXPORTING i_structure_name = 'KNB1' i_grid_title = gridtitle it_fieldcat_lvc = field_catalog TABLES t_outtab = airlines_deleted EXCEPTIONS program_error = 1 OTHERS = 2. ENDMETHOD. endclass. START-OF-SELECTION. new lcl_interactive_test( )->interactive_test( insert_line = p_insert update_line = p_update delete_line = p_delete ).
[ 9, 5, 10097, 30934, 9, 198, 9, 5, 6358, 1168, 62, 10305, 45, 62, 2043, 6242, 62, 9858, 27082, 39960, 62, 51, 6465, 198, 9, 5, 10097, 30934, 9, 198, 9, 5, 198, 9, 5, 10097, 30934, 9, 198, 2200, 15490, 1168, 62, 10305, 45, 62, 2043, 6242, 62, 9858, 27082, 39960, 62, 51, 6465, 13, 628, 198, 40484, 24550, 25, 2940, 262, 2198, 29305, 287, 1502, 284, 29308, 257, 8883, 198, 27082, 2390, 2767, 4877, 279, 62, 28463, 7054, 5870, 25171, 39758, 13, 198, 198, 40484, 24550, 25, 2940, 262, 2198, 29305, 287, 1502, 284, 29308, 257, 8883, 198, 27082, 2390, 2767, 4877, 279, 62, 19119, 7054, 5870, 25171, 39758, 13, 198, 198, 40484, 24550, 25, 2940, 262, 2198, 29305, 287, 1502, 284, 29308, 257, 8883, 198, 27082, 2390, 2767, 4877, 279, 62, 33678, 7054, 5870, 25171, 39758, 13, 628, 198, 4871, 300, 565, 62, 3849, 5275, 62, 9288, 6770, 2251, 1171, 13, 628, 220, 1171, 2665, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 366, 0, 14333, 62, 9288, 7, 1267, 18616, 27009, 350, 8202, 1366, 290, 8147, 40, 1366, 329, 198, 220, 220, 220, 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6, 1267, 6739, 628, 198, 9, 220, 220, 23520, 717, 5726, 422, 1468, 340, 397, 5218, 717, 5726, 286, 649, 340, 397, 198, 9, 220, 220, 815, 307, 18846, 357, 66, 3258, 312, 796, 705, 3838, 6, 4613, 5870, 12115, 796, 705, 40, 27691, 198, 220, 220, 220, 16876, 357, 7550, 62, 1370, 796, 450, 499, 62, 7942, 6739, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5550, 2538, 9328, 26225, 62, 727, 24413, 6369, 352, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 5064, 13, 198, 198, 9, 220, 220, 3401, 1958, 1218, 5726, 286, 649, 340, 397, 5218, 198, 9, 220, 220, 815, 307, 6153, 357, 66, 3258, 312, 796, 705, 6242, 6, 4613, 5870, 12115, 796, 705, 52, 11537, 198, 220, 220, 220, 16876, 357, 4296, 62, 1370, 796, 450, 499, 62, 7942, 6739, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26225, 62, 3605, 58, 362, 2361, 12, 66, 3258, 3672, 796, 705, 16170, 11307, 4458, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 5064, 13, 198, 198, 9, 220, 220, 23520, 2368, 5726, 422, 649, 340, 397, 5218, 198, 9, 220, 220, 815, 307, 13140, 357, 66, 3258, 312, 796, 705, 43, 39, 6, 4613, 5870, 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REPORT zbook_demo_dyn_multi. PARAMETERS p_show TYPE c LENGTH 1 NO-DISPLAY. PARAMETERS p_type01 TYPE char80 NO-DISPLAY. PARAMETERS p_type02 TYPE char80 NO-DISPLAY. PARAMETERS p_type03 TYPE char80 NO-DISPLAY. PARAMETERS p_type04 TYPE char80 NO-DISPLAY. PARAMETERS p_type05 TYPE char80 NO-DISPLAY. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF SCREEN 100." AS WINDOW. PARAMETERS p_data01 LIKE (p_type01) MODIF ID 01." VALUE CHECK. PARAMETERS p_data02 LIKE (p_type02) MODIF ID 02." VALUE CHECK. PARAMETERS p_data03 LIKE (p_type03) MODIF ID 03." VALUE CHECK. PARAMETERS p_data04 LIKE (p_type04) MODIF ID 04." VALUE CHECK. PARAMETERS p_data05 LIKE (p_type05) MODIF ID 05." VALUE CHECK. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF SCREEN 100. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS lcl_dyn DEFINITION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS lcl_dyn DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. * CLASS-DATA gv_field TYPE c LENGTH 80. CLASS-METHODS pai IMPORTING ucomm TYPE clike. CLASS-METHODS pbo IMPORTING i_show TYPE char01. CLASS-METHODS exit. CLASS-METHODS init. PROTECTED SECTION. CLASS-DATA max VALUE 5. CLASS-METHODS check_values. CLASS-METHODS export_values. CLASS-METHODS loop_at_screen IMPORTING i_show TYPE char01. CLASS-METHODS change_status. ENDCLASS. "lcl_dyn DEFINITION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS lcl_dyn IMPLEMENTATION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS lcl_dyn IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD pai. check_values( ). IF ucomm = 'CRET'. export_values( ). LEAVE PROGRAM. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "pai METHOD exit. FREE MEMORY ID zcl_book_dyn_multi=>gc_memory_id. MESSAGE 'Eingabe abgebrochen...' TYPE 'S'. ENDMETHOD. "exit METHOD pbo. loop_at_screen( i_show ). * change_status( ). ENDMETHOD. "pbo METHOD loop_at_screen. DATA lv_pname TYPE c LENGTH 80. FIELD-SYMBOLS <type> TYPE any. LOOP AT SCREEN. IF screen-group1 IS NOT INITIAL. CONCATENATE 'P_TYPE' screen-group1 INTO lv_pname. ASSIGN (lv_pname) TO <type>. IF sy-subrc = 0 AND <type> IS INITIAL. screen-active = '0'. MODIFY SCREEN. ELSEIF i_show IS NOT INITIAL. screen-input = '0'. MODIFY SCREEN. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. "loop_at_screen METHOD init. DATA lt_excl TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF syucomm. APPEND 'SPOS' TO lt_excl. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_SET_SELSCREEN_STATUS' EXPORTING p_status = space p_program = space TABLES p_exclude = lt_excl. ENDMETHOD. "change_status METHOD change_status. DATA lt_excl TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF syucomm. APPEND 'SPOS' TO lt_excl. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_SET_SELSCREEN_STATUS' EXPORTING p_status = space p_program = space TABLES p_exclude = lt_excl. ENDMETHOD. "change_status * METHOD init. * FREE MEMORY ID zcl_book_dyn_multi=>gc_memory_id. * ENDMETHOD. "init METHOD check_values. DATA lv_tabname TYPE dfies-tabname. DATA lv_fieldname TYPE dfies-lfieldname. DATA lv_count TYPE n LENGTH 2. DATA lv_pname TYPE c LENGTH 80. FIELD-SYMBOLS <type> TYPE any. FIELD-SYMBOLS <data> TYPE any. DATA dtype TYPE REF TO data. DATA ddata TYPE REF TO data. DO max TIMES. lv_count = sy-index. CONCATENATE 'P_TYPE' lv_count INTO lv_pname. ASSIGN (lv_pname) TO <type>. SPLIT <type> AT '-' INTO lv_tabname lv_fieldname. CONCATENATE 'P_DATA' lv_count INTO lv_pname. ASSIGN (lv_pname) TO <data>. CALL FUNCTION 'DDUT_INPUT_CHECK' EXPORTING tabname = lv_tabname fieldname = lv_fieldname value = <data> IMPORTING msgid = sy-msgid msgty = sy-msgty msgno = sy-msgno msgv1 = sy-msgv1 msgv2 = sy-msgv2 msgv3 = sy-msgv3 msgv4 = sy-msgv4 EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 3. IF sy-msgty = 'E'. SET CURSOR FIELD lv_pname. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. ENDDO. ENDMETHOD. "check_values METHOD export_values. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_param, field TYPE c LENGTH 80, value TYPE c LENGTH 80, END OF ty_param. DATA lt_params TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_param. FIELD-SYMBOLS <param> TYPE ty_param. DATA lv_count TYPE n LENGTH 2. DATA lv_pname TYPE c LENGTH 80. DATA lv_type TYPE c LENGTH 80. FIELD-SYMBOLS <type> TYPE any. FIELD-SYMBOLS <data> TYPE any. DO max TIMES. lv_count = sy-index. CONCATENATE 'P_TYPE' lv_count INTO lv_type. ASSIGN (lv_type) TO <type>. CHECK <type> IS NOT INITIAL. CONCATENATE 'P_DATA' lv_count INTO lv_pname. * ASSIGN (lv_pname) TO <data>. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_params ASSIGNING <param>. <param>-field = lv_count. <param>-value = lv_pname. ENDDO. EXPORT (lt_params) TO MEMORY ID zcl_book_dyn_multi=>gc_memory_id. ENDMETHOD. "export_values ENDCLASS. "lcl_dyn IMPLEMENTATION INITIALIZATION. lcl_dyn=>init( ). START-OF-SELECTION. CALL SELECTION-SCREEN 100 STARTING AT 2 2 ENDING AT 80 9. AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON EXIT-COMMAND. lcl_dyn=>exit( ). AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT. lcl_dyn=>pbo( p_show ). AT SELECTION-SCREEN. lcl_dyn=>pai( sy-ucomm ).
[ 2200, 15490, 1976, 2070, 62, 9536, 78, 62, 67, 2047, 62, 41684, 13, 198, 198, 27082, 2390, 2767, 4877, 279, 62, 12860, 41876, 269, 406, 49494, 352, 8005, 12, 26288, 31519, 13, 198, 198, 27082, 2390, 2767, 4877, 279, 62, 4906, 486, 41876, 1149, 1795, 220, 8005, 12, 26288, 31519, 13, 198, 27082, 2390, 2767, 4877, 279, 62, 4906, 2999, 41876, 1149, 1795, 220, 8005, 12, 26288, 31519, 13, 198, 27082, 2390, 2767, 4877, 279, 62, 4906, 3070, 41876, 1149, 1795, 220, 8005, 12, 26288, 31519, 13, 198, 27082, 2390, 2767, 4877, 279, 62, 4906, 3023, 41876, 1149, 1795, 220, 8005, 12, 26288, 31519, 13, 198, 27082, 2390, 2767, 4877, 279, 62, 4906, 2713, 41876, 1149, 1795, 220, 8005, 12, 26288, 31519, 13, 628, 198, 46506, 2849, 12, 6173, 2200, 1677, 347, 43312, 3963, 6374, 2200, 1677, 1802, 526, 7054, 370, 12115, 3913, 13, 198, 198, 27082, 2390, 2767, 4877, 279, 62, 7890, 486, 34178, 357, 79, 62, 4906, 486, 8, 19164, 5064, 4522, 5534, 526, 26173, 8924, 5870, 25171, 13, 198, 27082, 2390, 2767, 4877, 279, 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class ZSAPLINK_PDF_FORMS definition public inheriting from ZSAPLINK final create public . public section. methods CHECKEXISTS redefinition . methods CREATEIXMLDOCFROMOBJECT redefinition . methods CREATEOBJECTFROMIXMLDOC redefinition . protected section. methods DELETEOBJECT redefinition . methods GETOBJECTTYPE redefinition . private section. endclass. "ZSAPLINK_PDF_FORMS definition *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * class ZSAPLINK_PDF_FORMS implementation. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* class ZSAPLINK_PDF_FORMS implementation. */---------------------------------------------------------------------\ *| This file is part of SAPlink. | *| | *| SAPlink is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify | *| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published | *| by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, | *| or (at your option) any later version. | *| | *| SAPlink is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | *| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | *| MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | *| GNU General Public License for more details. | *| | *| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | *| along with SAPlink; if not, write to the | *| Free Software Foundation, Inc., | *| 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA | *\---------------------------------------------------------------------/ METHOD checkexists . SELECT SINGLE name FROM fplayout INTO objname WHERE name = objname. IF sy-subrc = 0. exists = 'X'. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. */---------------------------------------------------------------------\ *| This file is part of SAPlink. | *| | *| SAPlink is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify | *| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published | *| by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, | *| or (at your option) any later version. | *| | *| SAPlink is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | *| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | *| MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | *| GNU General Public License for more details. | *| | *| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | *| along with SAPlink; if not, write to the | *| Free Software Foundation, Inc., | *| 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA | *\---------------------------------------------------------------------/ METHOD createixmldocfromobject . DATA rootnode TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element. DATA sourcenode TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element. DATA rc TYPE sysubrc. DATA sourcestring TYPE string. DATA _objtype TYPE string. TYPES: t_raw(1024) TYPE x. DATA: l_wb_form TYPE REF TO if_fp_wb_form, l_form TYPE REF TO if_fp_form, l_formname TYPE fpname, l_name TYPE string, l_file_table TYPE filetable, l_filename TYPE string, l_pathname TYPE string, l_fullpath TYPE string, l_rc TYPE i, l_user_action TYPE i, l_xstring TYPE xstring, l_string TYPE string, l_binary_table TYPE TABLE OF t_raw, l_binary_length TYPE i, l_node TYPE REF TO if_fp_node, l_form_wb TYPE REF TO cl_fp_wb_form, l_form_wb_if TYPE REF TO if_fp_wb_form. l_formname = objname. TRY. CALL METHOD cl_fp_wb_form=>load EXPORTING i_name = l_formname RECEIVING r_wb_form = l_form_wb_if. CATCH cx_fp_api_usage . CLEAR ixmldocument. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_saplink EXPORTING textid = zcx_saplink=>not_found. CATCH cx_fp_api_repository . CLEAR ixmldocument. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_saplink EXPORTING textid = zcx_saplink=>not_found. CATCH cx_fp_api_internal . CLEAR ixmldocument. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_saplink EXPORTING textid = zcx_saplink=>not_found. ENDTRY. l_wb_form ?= l_form_wb_if. l_form ?= l_wb_form->get_object( ). l_name = l_wb_form->get_name( ). TRY. l_xstring = cl_fp_helper=>convert_form_to_xstring( l_form ). CATCH cx_fp_api_internal. CLEAR ixmldocument. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_saplink EXPORTING textid = zcx_saplink=>not_found. ENDTRY. _objtype = getobjecttype( ). rootnode = xmldoc->create_element( _objtype ). DATA: wa_fplayout TYPE fplayout. SELECT SINGLE * FROM fplayout INTO wa_fplayout WHERE name = objname. setattributesfromstructure( node = rootnode structure = wa_fplayout ). sourcenode = xmldoc->create_element( 'PDFform' ). l_string = l_xstring. rc = sourcenode->if_ixml_node~set_value( l_string ). rc = rootnode->append_child( sourcenode ). rc = xmldoc->append_child( rootnode ). ixmldocument = xmldoc. ENDMETHOD. */---------------------------------------------------------------------\ *| This file is part of SAPlink. | *| | *| SAPlink is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify | *| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published | *| by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, | *| or (at your option) any later version. | *| | *| SAPlink is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | *| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | *| MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | *| GNU General Public License for more details. | *| | *| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | *| along with SAPlink; if not, write to the | *| Free Software Foundation, Inc., | *| 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA | *\---------------------------------------------------------------------/ METHOD createobjectfromixmldoc . DATA rootnode TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element. DATA progattribs TYPE trdir. DATA sourcenode TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element. DATA l_xml_node TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element. DATA source TYPE string. DATA sourcetable TYPE table_of_strings. DATA _objtype TYPE string. DATA checkexists TYPE flag. DATA: wa_fplayout TYPE fplayout, formname TYPE tdsfname, modif_language TYPE sylangu. TYPES: t_raw(1024) TYPE x. DATA: l_exception_workbench TYPE REF TO cx_fp_ui_workbench, l_exception_usage TYPE REF TO cx_fp_api_usage, l_exception_repository TYPE REF TO cx_fp_api_repository, l_exception_internal TYPE REF TO cx_fp_api_internal, l_message_text TYPE string, l_form TYPE REF TO if_fp_form, l_file_table TYPE filetable, l_filename TYPE string, l_rc TYPE i, l_user_action TYPE i, l_xstring TYPE xstring, l_binary_table TYPE TABLE OF t_raw, l_binary_length TYPE i, l_node TYPE REF TO if_fp_node, m_wb_object TYPE REF TO if_fp_wb_form. _objtype = getobjecttype( ). xmldoc = ixmldocument. rootnode = xmldoc->find_from_name( _objtype ). CALL METHOD getstructurefromattributes EXPORTING node = rootnode CHANGING structure = wa_fplayout. objname = wa_fplayout-name. checkexists = checkexists( ). IF checkexists IS NOT INITIAL. IF overwrite IS INITIAL. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_saplink EXPORTING textid = zcx_saplink=>existing. ELSE. * delete object for new install deleteobject( ). ENDIF. ENDIF. sourcenode = rootnode->find_from_name( 'PDFform' ). source = sourcenode->get_value( ). l_xstring = source. formname = objname. TRY. TRY. cl_fp_wb_helper=>form_exists( wa_fplayout-name ). CATCH cx_fp_api_usage INTO l_exception_usage. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_saplink EXPORTING msg = 'Error creating PDF form'. CATCH cx_fp_api_repository INTO l_exception_repository. CASE l_exception_repository->textid. WHEN cx_fp_api_repository=>object_already_exists. l_message_text = l_exception_repository->get_text( ). RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_saplink EXPORTING msg = 'Object already exists'. ENDCASE. ENDTRY. TRY. l_form = cl_fp_helper=>convert_xstring_to_form( i_xstring = l_xstring i_language = sy-langu ). CALL METHOD cl_fp_helper=>set_new_layout_id CHANGING c_form = l_form. CATCH cx_fp_api_internal. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_saplink EXPORTING msg = 'Convert XML error'. EXIT. ENDTRY. TRY. m_wb_object = cl_fp_wb_form=>create( i_name = wa_fplayout-name i_form = l_form ). CATCH cx_fp_api_usage INTO l_exception_usage. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_saplink EXPORTING msg = 'Error creating PDF form'. CATCH cx_fp_api_repository INTO l_exception_repository. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_saplink EXPORTING msg = 'Error creating PDF form'. ENDTRY. TRY. m_wb_object->save( ). CATCH cx_fp_api_usage INTO l_exception_usage. TRY. m_wb_object->free( ). CATCH cx_fp_api. ENDTRY. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_saplink EXPORTING msg = 'Error saving PDF form'. CATCH cx_fp_api_repository INTO l_exception_repository. TRY. m_wb_object->free( ). CATCH cx_fp_api. ENDTRY. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_saplink EXPORTING msg = 'Error saving PDF form'. CATCH cx_fp_api_internal INTO l_exception_internal. TRY. m_wb_object->free( ). CATCH cx_fp_api. ENDTRY. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_saplink EXPORTING msg = 'Error saving PDF form'. ENDTRY. TRY. m_wb_object->free( ). CATCH cx_fp_api. ENDTRY. CATCH cx_fp_ui_workbench INTO l_exception_workbench. IF l_exception_workbench->textid <> cx_fp_ui_workbench=>error_occured. l_message_text = l_exception_workbench->get_text( ). RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_saplink EXPORTING msg = l_message_text. ENDIF. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. */---------------------------------------------------------------------\ *| This file is part of SAPlink. | *| | *| SAPlink is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify | *| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published | *| by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, | *| or (at your option) any later version. | *| | *| SAPlink is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | *| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | *| MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | *| GNU General Public License for more details. | *| | *| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | *| along with SAPlink; if not, write to the | *| Free Software Foundation, Inc., | *| 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA | *\---------------------------------------------------------------------/ METHOD deleteobject . DATA: l_wb_form TYPE REF TO cl_fp_wb_form, l_formname TYPE fpname. l_formname = objname. TRY. CALL METHOD cl_fp_wb_form=>delete EXPORTING i_name = l_formname. CATCH cx_fp_api_usage . CATCH cx_fp_api_repository . ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. "createobjectfromixmldoc */---------------------------------------------------------------------\ *| This file is part of SAPlink. | *| | *| SAPlink is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify | *| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published | *| by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, | *| or (at your option) any later version. | *| | *| SAPlink is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | *| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | *| MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | *| GNU General Public License for more details. | *| | *| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | *| along with SAPlink; if not, write to the | *| Free Software Foundation, Inc., | *| 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA | *\---------------------------------------------------------------------/ METHOD getobjecttype . objecttype = 'SFPF'. "Form Object: Form ENDMETHOD. endclass. "ZSAPLINK_PDF_FORMS implementation
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CLASS y_code_pal_buffer DEFINITION SHARED MEMORY ENABLED PUBLIC CREATE PUBLIC. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES y_if_code_pal_buffer. ALIASES get FOR y_if_code_pal_buffer~get. ALIASES modify FOR y_if_code_pal_buffer~modify. ALIASES entry FOR y_if_code_pal_buffer~entry. PROTECTED SECTION. CLASS-METHODS update IMPORTING entry TYPE entry RAISING cx_sy_itab_line_not_found. CLASS-METHODS insert IMPORTING entry TYPE entry. PRIVATE SECTION. CLASS-DATA internal TYPE y_if_code_pal_buffer~entries. ENDCLASS. CLASS y_code_pal_buffer IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD update. DATA(index) = line_index( internal[ object_type = entry-object_type object_name = entry-object_name ] ). internal[ index ] = entry. ENDMETHOD. METHOD insert. internal = VALUE #( BASE internal ( CORRESPONDING #( entry ) ) ). ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. ENDMETHOD. METHOD modify. TRY. update( entry ). CATCH cx_sy_itab_line_not_found. insert( entry ). ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get. result = internal[ object_type = object_type object_name = object_name ]. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_gui_page_patch DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_gui_page_diff CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_gui_hotkeys. METHODS: constructor IMPORTING iv_key TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_repo-key is_file TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_file OPTIONAL is_object TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item OPTIONAL iv_patch_mode TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, zif_abapgit_gui_event_handler~on_event REDEFINITION. CLASS-METHODS: get_patch_data IMPORTING iv_patch TYPE string EXPORTING ev_filename TYPE string ev_line_index TYPE string RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. PROTECTED SECTION. METHODS: render_content REDEFINITION, add_menu_end REDEFINITION, add_menu_begin REDEFINITION, render_table_head_non_unified REDEFINITION, render_beacon_begin_of_row REDEFINITION, render_diff_head_after_state REDEFINITION, insert_nav REDEFINITION, render_line_split_row REDEFINITION. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: ty_patch_action TYPE string . CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_actions, stage TYPE string VALUE 'patch_stage', refresh TYPE string VALUE 'patch_refresh', refresh_local TYPE string VALUE 'patch_refresh_local', refresh_local_object TYPE string VALUE 'patch_refresh_local_object', END OF c_actions, BEGIN OF c_patch_action, add TYPE ty_patch_action VALUE 'add', remove TYPE ty_patch_action VALUE 'remove', END OF c_patch_action . DATA: mo_stage TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_stage, mv_section_count TYPE i, mv_pushed TYPE abap_bool, mo_repo_online TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo_online. METHODS: render_patch IMPORTING io_html TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html iv_filename TYPE string is_diff_line TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_diff iv_fstate TYPE char1 iv_index TYPE sy-tabix RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, render_patch_head IMPORTING io_html TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html is_diff TYPE ty_file_diff, start_staging IMPORTING it_postdata TYPE cnht_post_data_tab RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, apply_patch_from_form_fields IMPORTING it_postdata TYPE cnht_post_data_tab RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, restore_patch_flags IMPORTING it_diff_files_old TYPE tt_file_diff RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, add_to_stage RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, refresh IMPORTING iv_action TYPE clike RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, refresh_full RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, refresh_local RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, refresh_local_object IMPORTING iv_action TYPE clike RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, apply_patch_all IMPORTING iv_patch TYPE string iv_patch_flag TYPE abap_bool RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, are_all_lines_patched IMPORTING it_diff TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_diffs_tt RETURNING VALUE(rv_are_all_lines_patched) TYPE abap_bool, apply_patch_for IMPORTING iv_filename TYPE string iv_line_index TYPE string iv_patch_flag TYPE abap_bool RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, get_diff_object IMPORTING iv_filename TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(ro_diff) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_diff RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, get_diff_line IMPORTING io_diff TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_diff iv_line_index TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(rs_diff) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_diff RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, is_every_changed_line_patched RETURNING VALUE(rv_everything_patched) TYPE abap_bool. CLASS-METHODS: is_patch_line_possible IMPORTING is_diff_line TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_diff iv_fstate TYPE char1 RETURNING VALUE(rv_is_patch_line_possible) TYPE abap_bool. METHODS render_scripts RETURNING VALUE(ro_html) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPGIT_GUI_PAGE_PATCH IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD add_menu_begin. io_menu->add( iv_txt = |Refresh local| iv_typ = zif_abapgit_html=>c_action_type-dummy iv_act = c_actions-refresh_local iv_id = c_actions-refresh_local iv_title = |Refresh all local objects, without refreshing the remote| ). io_menu->add( iv_txt = |Refresh| iv_typ = zif_abapgit_html=>c_action_type-dummy iv_act = c_actions-refresh iv_id = c_actions-refresh iv_title = |Complete refresh of all objects, local and remote| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD add_menu_end. io_menu->add( iv_txt = 'Stage' iv_act = c_actions-stage iv_id = 'stage' iv_typ = zif_abapgit_html=>c_action_type-dummy ) ##NO_TEXT. ENDMETHOD. METHOD add_to_stage. DATA: lt_diff TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_diffs_tt, lv_something_patched TYPE abap_bool, ls_status TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_result, lv_patch TYPE xstring, lo_git_add_patch TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_git_add_patch. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_diff_file> TYPE ty_file_diff. LOOP AT mt_diff_files ASSIGNING <ls_diff_file>. IF <ls_diff_file>-o_diff IS NOT BOUND. " When we deal with binary files we don't have a diff object. " There's nothing to do because they cannot be patched CONTINUE. ENDIF. lt_diff = <ls_diff_file>-o_diff->get( ). READ TABLE lt_diff TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH KEY patch_flag = abap_true. CHECK sy-subrc = 0. lv_something_patched = abap_true. CREATE OBJECT lo_git_add_patch EXPORTING it_diff = <ls_diff_file>-o_diff->get( ). lv_patch = lo_git_add_patch->get_patch_binary( ). IF <ls_diff_file>-lstate = 'D' AND are_all_lines_patched( lt_diff ) = abap_true. ls_status-lstate = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-deleted. mo_stage->rm( iv_path = <ls_diff_file>-path is_status = ls_status iv_filename = <ls_diff_file>-filename ). ELSE. IF <ls_diff_file>-lstate = 'A' AND are_all_lines_patched( lt_diff ) = abap_true. ls_status-lstate = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-added. ELSE. ls_status-lstate = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-modified. ENDIF. mo_stage->add( iv_path = <ls_diff_file>-path iv_filename = <ls_diff_file>-filename is_status = ls_status iv_data = lv_patch ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. IF lv_something_patched = abap_false. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Nothing added| ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD apply_patch_all. DATA: lv_filename TYPE string, lt_patch TYPE string_table, lv_line_index TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lv_patch> TYPE LINE OF string_table. SPLIT iv_patch AT ',' INTO TABLE lt_patch. LOOP AT lt_patch ASSIGNING <lv_patch>. get_patch_data( EXPORTING iv_patch = <lv_patch> IMPORTING ev_filename = lv_filename ev_line_index = lv_line_index ). apply_patch_for( iv_filename = lv_filename iv_line_index = lv_line_index iv_patch_flag = iv_patch_flag ). ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD apply_patch_for. DATA: lo_diff TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_diff, ls_diff_line TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_diff, lv_line TYPE i. lo_diff = get_diff_object( iv_filename ). ls_diff_line = get_diff_line( io_diff = lo_diff iv_line_index = iv_line_index ). CASE ls_diff_line-result. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_diff-update OR zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_diff-insert. lv_line = ls_diff_line-new_num. lo_diff->set_patch_new( iv_line_new = lv_line iv_patch_flag = iv_patch_flag ). WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_diff-delete. lv_line = ls_diff_line-old_num. lo_diff->set_patch_old( iv_line_old = lv_line iv_patch_flag = iv_patch_flag ). ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD apply_patch_from_form_fields. DATA: lv_string TYPE string, lt_fields TYPE tihttpnvp, lv_add TYPE string, lv_remove TYPE string. lv_string = zcl_abapgit_utils=>translate_postdata( it_postdata ). lt_fields = zcl_abapgit_html_action_utils=>parse_fields( lv_string ). zcl_abapgit_html_action_utils=>get_field( EXPORTING iv_name = c_patch_action-add it_field = lt_fields CHANGING cg_field = lv_add ). zcl_abapgit_html_action_utils=>get_field( EXPORTING iv_name = c_patch_action-remove it_field = lt_fields CHANGING cg_field = lv_remove ). apply_patch_all( iv_patch = lv_add iv_patch_flag = abap_true ). apply_patch_all( iv_patch = lv_remove iv_patch_flag = abap_false ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD are_all_lines_patched. DATA: lv_patch_count TYPE i. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_diff> TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_diff. LOOP AT it_diff ASSIGNING <ls_diff> WHERE patch_flag = abap_true. lv_patch_count = lv_patch_count + 1. ENDLOOP. rv_are_all_lines_patched = boolc( lv_patch_count = lines( it_diff ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD constructor. super->constructor( iv_key = iv_key is_file = is_file is_object = is_object ). IF mo_repo->is_offline( ) = abap_true. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Can't patch offline repos| ). ENDIF. mo_repo_online ?= mo_repo. " While patching we always want to be in split mode CLEAR: mv_unified. CREATE OBJECT mo_stage. ms_control-page_menu = build_menu( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_diff_line. DATA: lt_diff TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_diffs_tt, lv_line_index TYPE sy-tabix. lv_line_index = iv_line_index. lt_diff = io_diff->get( ). READ TABLE lt_diff INTO rs_diff INDEX lv_line_index. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Invalid line index { lv_line_index }| ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_diff_object. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_diff_file> LIKE LINE OF mt_diff_files. LOOP AT mt_diff_files ASSIGNING <ls_diff_file>. IF get_normalized_fname_with_path( <ls_diff_file> ) = iv_filename. ro_diff = <ls_diff_file>-o_diff. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. IF ro_diff IS NOT BOUND. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Invalid filename { iv_filename }| ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_patch_data. DATA: lv_section TYPE string. CLEAR: ev_filename, ev_line_index. FIND FIRST OCCURRENCE OF REGEX `patch_line` && `_(.*)_(\d)+_(\d+)` IN iv_patch SUBMATCHES ev_filename lv_section ev_line_index. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Invalid patch| ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD insert_nav. " add beacon at beginning of file rv_insert_nav = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. METHOD is_every_changed_line_patched. DATA: lt_diff TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_diffs_tt. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_diff_file> TYPE zcl_abapgit_gui_page_diff=>ty_file_diff, <ls_diff> TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_diff. rv_everything_patched = abap_true. LOOP AT mt_diff_files ASSIGNING <ls_diff_file>. lt_diff = <ls_diff_file>-o_diff->get( ). LOOP AT lt_diff ASSIGNING <ls_diff> WHERE result IS NOT INITIAL AND patch_flag = abap_false. rv_everything_patched = abap_false. EXIT. ENDLOOP. IF sy-subrc = 0. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD is_patch_line_possible. IF is_diff_line-result = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_diff-update OR is_diff_line-result = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_diff-insert OR is_diff_line-result = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_diff-delete. rv_is_patch_line_possible = abap_true. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD refresh. DATA: lt_diff_files_old TYPE tt_file_diff. lt_diff_files_old = mt_diff_files. CASE iv_action. WHEN c_actions-refresh. refresh_full( ). WHEN c_actions-refresh_local. refresh_local( ). WHEN OTHERS. refresh_local_object( iv_action ). ENDCASE. calculate_diff( ). restore_patch_flags( lt_diff_files_old ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD refresh_full. mo_repo->refresh( abap_true ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD refresh_local. mo_repo->refresh_local_objects( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD refresh_local_object. DATA: lv_regex TYPE string, lv_obj_type TYPE tadir-object, lv_obj_name TYPE tadir-obj_name. lv_regex = c_actions-refresh_local_object && `_(\w{4})_(.*)`. FIND FIRST OCCURRENCE OF REGEX lv_regex IN iv_action SUBMATCHES lv_obj_type lv_obj_name. IF sy-subrc = 0. mo_repo->refresh_local_object( iv_obj_type = lv_obj_type iv_obj_name = lv_obj_name ). ELSE. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Invalid refresh action { iv_action }| ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_beacon_begin_of_row. mv_section_count = mv_section_count + 1. io_html->add( |<th class="patch">| ). io_html->add_checkbox( iv_id = |patch_section_{ get_normalized_fname_with_path( is_diff ) }_{ mv_section_count }| ). io_html->add( '</th>' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_content. CLEAR: mv_section_count. IF mv_pushed = abap_true. refresh_full( ). calculate_diff( ). CLEAR: mv_pushed. ENDIF. gui_services( )->get_hotkeys_ctl( )->register_hotkeys( me ). ri_html = super->render_content( ). register_deferred_script( render_scripts( ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_diff_head_after_state. DATA: lv_act_id TYPE string. IF is_diff-obj_type IS NOT INITIAL AND is_diff-obj_name IS NOT INITIAL. lv_act_id = |{ c_actions-refresh_local_object }_{ is_diff-obj_type }_{ is_diff-obj_name }|. io_html->add_a( iv_txt = |Refresh| iv_typ = zif_abapgit_html=>c_action_type-dummy iv_act = lv_act_id iv_id = lv_act_id iv_title = |Local refresh of this object| ). ENDIF. super->render_diff_head_after_state( io_html = io_html is_diff = is_diff ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_line_split_row. render_patch( io_html = io_html iv_filename = iv_filename is_diff_line = is_diff_line iv_fstate = iv_fstate iv_index = iv_index ). super->render_line_split_row( io_html = io_html iv_filename = iv_filename is_diff_line = is_diff_line iv_index = iv_index iv_fstate = iv_fstate iv_new = iv_new iv_old = iv_old ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_patch. CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF lc_css_class, patch TYPE string VALUE `patch` ##NO_TEXT, END OF lc_css_class. DATA: lv_id TYPE string, lv_patched TYPE abap_bool, lv_is_patch_possible TYPE abap_bool. lv_patched = get_diff_object( iv_filename )->is_line_patched( iv_index ). lv_is_patch_possible = is_patch_line_possible( is_diff_line = is_diff_line iv_fstate = iv_fstate ). IF lv_is_patch_possible = abap_true. lv_id = |{ iv_filename }_{ mv_section_count }_{ iv_index }|. io_html->add( |<td class="{ lc_css_class-patch }">| ). io_html->add_checkbox( iv_id = |patch_line_{ lv_id }| iv_checked = lv_patched ). io_html->add( |</td>| ). ELSE. io_html->add( |<td class="{ lc_css_class-patch }">| ). io_html->add( |</td>| ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_patch_head. io_html->add( |<th class="patch">| ). io_html->add_checkbox( iv_id = |patch_file_{ get_normalized_fname_with_path( is_diff ) }| ). io_html->add( '</th>' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_scripts. CREATE OBJECT ro_html. ro_html->zif_abapgit_html~set_title( cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_object_ref( me )->get_relative_name( ) ). ro_html->add( 'preparePatch();' ). ro_html->add( 'registerStagePatch();' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_table_head_non_unified. render_patch_head( io_html = io_html is_diff = is_diff ). super->render_table_head_non_unified( io_html = io_html is_diff = is_diff ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD restore_patch_flags. DATA: lt_diff_old TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_diffs_tt. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_diff_file> TYPE ty_file_diff, <ls_diff_file_old> TYPE ty_file_diff, <ls_diff_old> TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_diff. LOOP AT mt_diff_files ASSIGNING <ls_diff_file>. READ TABLE it_diff_files_old ASSIGNING <ls_diff_file_old> WITH KEY secondary COMPONENTS path = <ls_diff_file>-path filename = <ls_diff_file>-filename. IF sy-subrc <> 0. CONTINUE. " e.g. new objects ENDIF. lt_diff_old = <ls_diff_file_old>-o_diff->get( ). LOOP AT lt_diff_old ASSIGNING <ls_diff_old> WHERE patch_flag = abap_true. <ls_diff_file>-o_diff->set_patch_by_old_diff( is_diff_old = <ls_diff_old> iv_patch_flag = abap_true ). ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD start_staging. apply_patch_from_form_fields( it_postdata ). add_to_stage( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_gui_event_handler~on_event. CASE iv_action. WHEN c_actions-stage. start_staging( it_postdata ). CREATE OBJECT ei_page TYPE zcl_abapgit_gui_page_commit EXPORTING io_repo = mo_repo_online io_stage = mo_stage. ev_state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-new_page. WHEN OTHERS. FIND FIRST OCCURRENCE OF REGEX |^{ c_actions-refresh }| IN iv_action. IF sy-subrc = 0. apply_patch_from_form_fields( it_postdata ). refresh( iv_action ). ev_state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render. ELSE. super->zif_abapgit_gui_event_handler~on_event( EXPORTING iv_action = iv_action iv_getdata = iv_getdata it_postdata = it_postdata IMPORTING ei_page = ei_page ev_state = ev_state ). ENDIF. ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_gui_hotkeys~get_hotkey_actions. DATA: ls_hotkey_action LIKE LINE OF rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-ui_component = 'Patch'. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Stage changes|. ls_hotkey_action-action = |stagePatch|. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |s|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Refresh local|. ls_hotkey_action-action = |refreshLocal|. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |r|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 48317, 62, 7700, 62, 17147, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 3268, 16879, 2043, 2751, 16034, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 48317, 62, 7700, 62, 26069, 198, 220, 29244, 6158, 44731, 764, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23255, 37, 2246, 1546, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 48317, 62, 8940, 13083, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23772, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 21628, 62, 2539, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 19276, 13274, 14804, 774, 62, 260, 7501, 12, 2539, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 318, 62, 7753, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 4299, 50101, 14804, 774, 62, 7753, 39852, 2849, 1847, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 318, 62, 15252, 220, 220, 220, 220, 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"! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Metadata provider for DDIC value help</p> CLASS zcl_qdrt_ddic_shlp_vmp DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PUBLIC. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES: zif_qdrt_vh_metadata_provider. METHODS: constructor IMPORTING name TYPE shlpname type TYPE string. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_metadata. INCLUDE TYPE zif_qdrt_ty_global=>ty_vh_metadata. TYPES: END OF ty_metadata. DATA: exists TYPE abap_bool VALUE abap_undefined, metadata TYPE ty_metadata, value_help_type TYPE string, value_help_name TYPE shlpname. METHODS: read_metadata. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_qdrt_ddic_shlp_vmp IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. me->value_help_name = name. me->value_help_type = type. read_metadata( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_qdrt_metadata_provider~entity_exists. IF exists = abap_undefined. SELECT SINGLE @abap_true FROM dd30l WHERE shlpname = @value_help_name INTO @exists. IF sy-subrc <> 0. exists = abap_false. ENDIF. ENDIF. result = exists. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_qdrt_metadata_provider~get_metadata. result = REF #( metadata ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD read_metadata. DATA: shlp_descriptor TYPE shlp_descr. CALL FUNCTION 'F4IF_GET_SHLP_DESCR' EXPORTING shlpname = value_help_name shlptype = 'SH' IMPORTING shlp = shlp_descriptor. metadata = CORRESPONDING #( zcl_qdrt_vh_util=>convert_to_vh_metadata( shlp_descriptor ) ). IF shlp_descriptor IS NOT INITIAL AND shlp_descriptor-shlpname IS NOT INITIAL. DATA(shlp_description) = zcl_qdrt_text_util=>get_short_text( object_type = zif_qdrt_c_global=>c_tadir_types-search_help object_name = CONV #( value_help_name ) ). metadata-description = shlp_description. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 40484, 1279, 79, 1398, 2625, 19509, 5239, 47192, 1, 42392, 2625, 268, 5320, 9171, 14706, 10131, 329, 20084, 2149, 1988, 1037, 3556, 79, 29, 198, 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 80, 7109, 83, 62, 1860, 291, 62, 1477, 34431, 62, 85, 3149, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 25261, 198, 220, 29244, 6158, 44731, 13, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23255, 37, 2246, 1546, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1976, 361, 62, 80, 7109, 83, 62, 85, 71, 62, 38993, 62, 15234, 1304, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23772, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1438, 41876, 427, 34431, 3672, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2099, 41876, 4731, 13, 198, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 24412, 47, 1546, 25, 347, 43312, 3963, 1259, 62, 38993, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3268, 5097, 52, 7206, 41876, 1976, 361, 62, 80, 7109, 83, 62, 774, 62, 20541, 14804, 774, 62, 85, 71, 62, 38993, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 24412, 47, 1546, 25, 23578, 3963, 1259, 62, 38993, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7160, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 450, 499, 62, 30388, 26173, 8924, 450, 499, 62, 917, 18156, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 20150, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 1259, 62, 38993, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1988, 62, 16794, 62, 4906, 41876, 4731, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1988, 62, 16794, 62, 3672, 41876, 427, 34431, 3672, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 25, 1100, 62, 38993, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 198, 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 80, 7109, 83, 62, 1860, 291, 62, 1477, 34431, 62, 85, 3149, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 628, 220, 337, 36252, 23772, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 502, 3784, 8367, 62, 16794, 62, 3672, 796, 1438, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 502, 3784, 8367, 62, 16794, 62, 4906, 796, 2099, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1100, 62, 38993, 7, 6739, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 1976, 361, 62, 80, 7109, 83, 62, 38993, 62, 15234, 1304, 93, 26858, 62, 1069, 1023, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 16876, 7160, 796, 450, 499, 62, 917, 18156, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 33493, 311, 2751, 2538, 2488, 397, 499, 62, 7942, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 16034, 49427, 1270, 75, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 33411, 427, 34431, 3672, 796, 2488, 8367, 62, 16794, 62, 3672, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 39319, 2488, 1069, 1023, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 16876, 827, 12, 7266, 6015, 1279, 29, 657, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7160, 796, 450, 499, 62, 9562, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 5064, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 5064, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1255, 796, 7160, 13, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 1976, 361, 62, 80, 7109, 83, 62, 38993, 62, 15234, 1304, 93, 1136, 62, 38993, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1255, 796, 4526, 37, 1303, 7, 20150, 6739, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 1100, 62, 38993, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 427, 34431, 62, 20147, 1968, 273, 41876, 427, 34431, 62, 20147, 81, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42815, 29397, 4177, 2849, 705, 37, 19, 5064, 62, 18851, 62, 50, 6581, 47, 62, 30910, 9419, 6, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7788, 15490, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 427, 34431, 3672, 796, 1988, 62, 16794, 62, 3672, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 427, 75, 457, 2981, 796, 705, 9693, 6, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 427, 34431, 220, 220, 220, 220, 796, 427, 34431, 62, 20147, 1968, 273, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 20150, 796, 23929, 19535, 47, 18672, 2751, 1303, 7, 1976, 565, 62, 80, 7109, 83, 62, 85, 71, 62, 22602, 14804, 1102, 1851, 62, 1462, 62, 85, 71, 62, 38993, 7, 427, 34431, 62, 20147, 1968, 273, 1267, 6739, 628, 220, 220, 220, 16876, 427, 34431, 62, 20147, 1968, 273, 3180, 5626, 3268, 2043, 12576, 5357, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 427, 34431, 62, 20147, 1968, 273, 12, 1477, 34431, 3672, 3180, 5626, 3268, 2043, 12576, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 7, 1477, 34431, 62, 11213, 8, 796, 1976, 565, 62, 80, 7109, 83, 62, 5239, 62, 22602, 14804, 1136, 62, 19509, 62, 5239, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2134, 62, 4906, 796, 1976, 361, 62, 80, 7109, 83, 62, 66, 62, 20541, 14804, 66, 62, 83, 324, 343, 62, 19199, 12, 12947, 62, 16794, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2134, 62, 3672, 796, 7102, 53, 1303, 7, 1988, 62, 16794, 62, 3672, 1267, 6739, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 20150, 12, 11213, 796, 427, 34431, 62, 11213, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 5064, 13, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198 ]
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CLASS ltcl_test DEFINITION FOR TESTING DURATION SHORT RISK LEVEL HARMLESS FINAL. PUBLIC SECTION. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA mo_cut TYPE REF TO ycl_advent2020_day19. DATA m_input TYPE string_table. METHODS setup. METHODS given_the_example. METHODS given_the_input. METHODS part_one_example FOR TESTING. METHODS part_one_input FOR TESTING. METHODS part_two_example FOR TESTING. METHODS part_two_input FOR TESTING. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_test IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD setup. mo_cut = NEW #( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD part_one_example. given_the_example( ). DATA(act) = mo_cut->solve_part_one( input = m_input ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = -1 act = act ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD part_one_input. given_the_input( ). DATA(act) = mo_cut->solve_part_one( input = m_input ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = -1 act = act ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD part_two_example. given_the_example( ). DATA(act) = mo_cut->solve_part_two( input = m_input ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = -1 act = act ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD part_two_input. given_the_input( ). DATA(act) = mo_cut->solve_part_two( input = m_input ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = -1 act = act ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD given_the_example. m_input = VALUE #( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD given_the_input. m_input = VALUE #( ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_md_header DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PUBLIC. PUBLIC SECTION. TYPES content_table TYPE TABLE OF string WITH EMPTY KEY. METHODS constructor IMPORTING name TYPE string OPTIONAL level TYPE i OPTIONAL text TYPE string underlined TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL RAISING zcx_md_error. METHODS get_content RETURNING VALUE(result) TYPE content_table. METHODS get_name RETURNING VALUE(result) TYPE string. METHODS get_level RETURNING VALUE(result) TYPE i. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA: name TYPE string, level TYPE i, content TYPE content_table. METHODS change_text IMPORTING text TYPE string. METHODS add_bar RAISING zcx_md_error. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_md_header IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. DATA: line TYPE string, bar TYPE string. IF name IS NOT INITIAL. me->name = name. ELSE. me->name = '<DUMMY>'. ENDIF. IF level IS NOT INITIAL. me->level = level. ELSE. me->level = 1. ENDIF. IF text IS INITIAL. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_md_error EXPORTING code = zcx_md_error=>code_enum-bad_method_parameters. ENDIF. change_text( text = text ). IF underlined = abap_true. add_bar( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_content. result = content. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_level. result = level. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_name. result = name. ENDMETHOD. METHOD add_bar. DATA bar TYPE string. TRY. DATA(headline) = content[ 1 ]. CATCH cx_sy_itab_line_not_found. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_md_error EXPORTING code = zcx_md_error=>code_enum-table_line_not_found. ENDTRY. DO strlen( headline ) TIMES. bar = |{ bar }-|. ENDDO. IF bar IS NOT INITIAL. APPEND bar TO content. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD change_text. DATA headline TYPE string. DO level TIMES. headline = |{ headline }#|. ENDDO. headline = |{ headline } { text }|. APPEND headline TO content. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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"! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Resource for Value Help Metadata</p> CLASS zcl_qdrt_entity_vh_meta_res DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM cl_rest_resource FINAL CREATE PUBLIC. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: if_rest_resource~get REDEFINITION. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_uri_attributes, name TYPE string VALUE 'name', type TYPE string VALUE 'type', field TYPE string VALUE 'field', field_type TYPE string VALUE 'fieldType', value_help_type TYPE string VALUE 'valueHelpType', END OF c_uri_attributes. DATA: entity_name TYPE zif_qdrt_ty_global=>ty_entity_name, entity_type TYPE zif_qdrt_ty_global=>ty_entity_type, field TYPE fieldname, field_type TYPE zif_qdrt_ty_global=>ty_field_type, value_help_type TYPE string. METHODS: read_uri_params RAISING zcx_qdrt_appl_error, get_vh_metadata_for_field RAISING zcx_qdrt_appl_error. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_qdrt_entity_vh_meta_res IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD if_rest_resource~get. TRY. read_uri_params( ). get_vh_metadata_for_field( ). CATCH zcx_qdrt_appl_error INTO DATA(rest_error). zcl_qdrt_rest_error_response=>create( mo_response )->set_body_from_exc( rest_error ). ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD read_uri_params. entity_name = to_upper( mo_request->get_uri_attribute( iv_name = c_uri_attributes-name iv_encoded = abap_false ) ). zcl_qdrt_rest_request_util=>check_empty_uri_attribute( uri_attribute = c_uri_attributes-name value = entity_name ). entity_type = to_upper( mo_request->get_uri_attribute( iv_name = c_uri_attributes-type iv_encoded = abap_false ) ). zcl_qdrt_rest_request_util=>check_empty_uri_attribute( uri_attribute = c_uri_attributes-type value = entity_type ). field = to_upper( mo_request->get_uri_query_parameter( iv_name = c_uri_attributes-field iv_encoded = abap_false ) ). zcl_qdrt_rest_request_util=>check_empty_uri_attribute( uri_attribute = c_uri_attributes-field value = field ). field_type = mo_request->get_uri_query_parameter( iv_name = c_uri_attributes-field_type iv_encoded = abap_false ). zcl_qdrt_rest_request_util=>check_empty_uri_attribute( uri_attribute = c_uri_attributes-field_type value = field_type ). value_help_type = mo_request->get_uri_query_parameter( iv_name = c_uri_attributes-value_help_type iv_encoded = abap_false ). zcl_qdrt_rest_request_util=>check_empty_uri_attribute( uri_attribute = c_uri_attributes-value_help_type value = value_help_type ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_vh_metadata_for_field. DATA(vh_metadata_provider) = zcl_qdrt_provider_factory=>create_field_vh_metadata_prov( entity_name = entity_name entity_type = entity_type fieldname = field field_type = field_type value_help_type = value_help_type ). DATA(metadata) = vh_metadata_provider->get_metadata( ). mo_response->create_entity( )->set_string_data( zcl_qdrt_json=>to_json( data = metadata compress = abap_true pretty_name = zcl_qdrt_json=>pretty_mode-camel_case ) ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_auth DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_objects_super FINAL. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_object. ALIASES mo_files FOR zif_abapgit_object~mo_files. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_auth IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~changed_by. * looks like "changed by user" is not stored in the database rv_user = c_user_unknown. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~compare_to_remote_version. CREATE OBJECT ro_comparison_result TYPE zcl_abapgit_comparison_null. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~delete. DATA: lv_fieldname TYPE authx-fieldname. lv_fieldname = ms_item-obj_name. * there is a bug in SAP standard, the TADIR entries are not deleted * when the AUTH object is deleted in transaction SU20 CALL FUNCTION 'SUSR_AUTF_DELETE_FIELD' EXPORTING fieldname = lv_fieldname EXCEPTIONS delete_not_possible = 1 field_in_use = 2 not_existing = 3 no_authority = 4 OTHERS = 5. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from SUSR_AUTF_DELETE_FIELD' ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~deserialize. * see include LSAUT_FIELDF02 DATA: ls_authx TYPE authx, lo_auth TYPE REF TO cl_auth_tools. io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'AUTHX' CHANGING cg_data = ls_authx ). CREATE OBJECT lo_auth. IF lo_auth->add_afield_to_trkorr( ls_authx-fieldname ) <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Error deserializing AUTH' ). ENDIF. MODIFY authx FROM ls_authx. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Error deserializing AUTH' ). ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'DB_COMMIT'. lo_auth->set_authfld_info_from_db( ls_authx-fieldname ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~exists. DATA: lv_fieldname TYPE authx-fieldname. SELECT SINGLE fieldname FROM authx INTO lv_fieldname WHERE fieldname = ms_item-obj_name. "#EC CI_GENBUFF rv_bool = boolc( sy-subrc = 0 ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_metadata. rs_metadata = get_metadata( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~has_changed_since. rv_changed = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~jump. DATA: lv_field TYPE fieldname. lv_field = ms_item-obj_name. * TODO, this function module does not exist in 702 CALL FUNCTION 'SU20_MAINTAIN_SNGL' EXPORTING id_field = lv_field id_wbo_mode = abap_false. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~serialize. DATA: ls_authx TYPE authx. SELECT SINGLE * FROM authx INTO ls_authx WHERE fieldname = ms_item-obj_name. "#EC CI_GENBUFF IF sy-subrc <> 0. RETURN. ENDIF. io_xml->add( iv_name = 'AUTHX' ig_data = ls_authx ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_locked. rv_is_locked = abap_false. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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class ZCL_ABAK_DATA definition public abstract create public global friends ZCL_ABAK_FACTORY . public section. interfaces ZIF_ABAK_DATA . protected section. methods LOAD_DATA_AUX abstract returning value(RT_K) type ZABAK_K_T raising ZCX_ABAK . methods INVALIDATE_AUX abstract raising ZCX_ABAK . private section. constants: BEGIN OF gc_option, equal TYPE bapioption VALUE 'EQ', not_equal TYPE bapioption VALUE 'NE', between TYPE bapioption VALUE 'BT', not_between TYPE bapioption VALUE 'NB', contains_pattern TYPE bapioption VALUE 'CP', does_not_contain_pattern TYPE bapioption VALUE 'NP', less_than TYPE bapioption VALUE 'LT', less_or_equal TYPE bapioption VALUE 'LE', greater_than TYPE bapioption VALUE 'GT', greater_or_equal TYPE bapioption VALUE 'GE', END OF gc_option . constants: BEGIN OF gc_sign, include TYPE bapisign VALUE 'I', exclude TYPE bapisign VALUE 'E', END OF gc_sign . data GT_K type ZABAK_K_T . data G_LOADED type FLAG . methods CHECK_DATA importing !IT_K type ZABAK_K_T raising ZCX_ABAK . methods CHECK_LINE importing !IS_K type ZABAK_K raising ZCX_ABAK . methods CHECK_LINE_MULTI importing !IS_K type ZABAK_K raising ZCX_ABAK . methods LOAD_DATA raising ZCX_ABAK . methods FILL_DEFAULTS changing !CT_K type ZABAK_K_T raising ZCX_ABAK . methods CHECK_SUBLINE importing !I_KV type ZABAK_KV raising ZCX_ABAK . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAK_DATA IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD check_data. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <s_k> LIKE LINE OF it_k. LOOP AT it_k ASSIGNING <s_k>. check_line( <s_k> ). ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD check_line. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <s_kv> LIKE LINE OF is_k-t_kv. IF is_k-fieldname IS INITIAL. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_abak EXPORTING textid = zcx_abak=>invalid_parameters. ENDIF. LOOP AT is_k-t_kv ASSIGNING <s_kv>. check_subline( <s_kv> ). * Multiple fields: check if there are corresponding values and other checks check_line_multi( is_k ). ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD check_line_multi. DATA: t_fieldname TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string, t_value TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <s_kv> LIKE LINE OF is_k-t_kv. SPLIT is_k-fieldname AT space INTO TABLE t_fieldname. * Only relevant for multiple fieldnames IF lines( t_fieldname ) <= 1. RETURN. ENDIF. READ TABLE is_k-t_kv ASSIGNING <s_kv> INDEX 1. * Option must be EQ (no ranges) IF <s_kv>-option <> gc_option-equal. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_abak_data EXPORTING textid = zcx_abak_data=>multi_option_not_eq. ENDIF. * Sign must be I (no ranges) IF <s_kv>-sign <> gc_sign-include. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_abak_data EXPORTING textid = zcx_abak_data=>multi_sign_not_i. ENDIF. * High must be empty (no ranges) IF <s_kv>-high IS NOT INITIAL. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_abak_data EXPORTING textid = zcx_abak_data=>high_must_be_empty. ENDIF. * We need one value per field SPLIT <s_kv>-low AT space INTO TABLE t_value. IF lines( t_value ) <> lines( t_fieldname ). RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_abak_data EXPORTING textid = zcx_abak_data=>multi_fieldname_value_mismatch. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD check_subline. * Validate sign IF i_kv-sign CN 'IE'. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_abak_data EXPORTING textid = zcx_abak_data=>invalid_sign sign = i_kv-sign. ENDIF. CASE i_kv-option. WHEN gc_option-equal OR gc_option-not_equal OR gc_option-contains_pattern OR gc_option-does_not_contain_pattern OR gc_option-greater_or_equal OR gc_option-greater_than OR gc_option-less_or_equal OR gc_option-less_than. * For single value operators HIGH must be empty IF i_kv-high IS NOT INITIAL. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_abak_data EXPORTING textid = zcx_abak_data=>high_must_be_empty option = i_kv-option. ENDIF. WHEN gc_option-between OR gc_option-not_between. * Two value operator must have high defined IF i_kv-low IS INITIAL OR i_kv-high IS INITIAL. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_abak_data EXPORTING textid = zcx_abak_data=>low_high_must_be_filled option = i_kv-option. ENDIF. IF i_kv-high < i_kv-low. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_abak_data EXPORTING textid = zcx_abak_data=>high_must_be_gt_low option = i_kv-option low = i_kv-low high = i_kv-high. ENDIF. WHEN OTHERS. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_abak_data EXPORTING textid = zcx_abak_data=>invalid_option option = i_kv-option. ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD fill_defaults. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <s_k> LIKE LINE OF ct_k, <s_kv> LIKE LINE OF <s_k>-t_kv. LOOP AT ct_k ASSIGNING <s_k>. LOOP AT <s_k>-t_kv ASSIGNING <s_kv> WHERE sign IS INITIAL OR option IS INITIAL. "#EC CI_NESTED IF <s_kv>-sign IS INITIAL. <s_kv>-sign = gc_sign-include. ENDIF. IF <s_kv>-option IS INITIAL. <s_kv>-option = gc_option-equal. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD load_data. IF g_loaded = abap_true. RETURN. ENDIF. gt_k = load_data_aux( ). fill_defaults( CHANGING ct_k = gt_k ). check_data( gt_k ). g_loaded = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abak_data~get_data. load_data( ). rt_k = gt_k. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abak_data~invalidate. CLEAR gt_k[]. CLEAR g_loaded. invalidate_aux( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abak_data~read. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <s_k> LIKE LINE OF gt_k. LOG-POINT ID zabak SUBKEY '' FIELDS i_scope i_fieldname i_context. load_data( ). READ TABLE gt_k ASSIGNING <s_k> WITH KEY scope = i_scope fieldname = i_fieldname context = i_context. IF sy-subrc = 0. rt_kv = <s_k>-t_kv. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_gui DEFINITION PUBLIC CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_gui_services . CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_event_state, not_handled TYPE i VALUE 0, re_render TYPE i VALUE 1, new_page TYPE i VALUE 2, go_back TYPE i VALUE 3, no_more_act TYPE i VALUE 4, new_page_w_bookmark TYPE i VALUE 5, go_back_to_bookmark TYPE i VALUE 6, new_page_replacing TYPE i VALUE 7, END OF c_event_state . CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_action, go_home TYPE string VALUE 'go_home', go_db TYPE string VALUE 'go_db', END OF c_action . METHODS go_home RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS go_page IMPORTING !ii_page TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_renderable !iv_clear_stack TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_true RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS back IMPORTING !iv_to_bookmark TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false RETURNING VALUE(rv_exit) TYPE abap_bool RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS on_event FOR EVENT sapevent OF zif_abapgit_html_viewer IMPORTING !action !frame !getdata !postdata !query_table . METHODS constructor IMPORTING !io_component TYPE REF TO object OPTIONAL !ii_asset_man TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_asset_manager OPTIONAL !ii_hotkey_ctl TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_hotkey_ctl OPTIONAL !ii_html_processor TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_html_processor OPTIONAL !iv_rollback_on_error TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_true RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS free . PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_page_stack, page TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_renderable, bookmark TYPE abap_bool, END OF ty_page_stack . DATA mv_rollback_on_error TYPE abap_bool . DATA mi_cur_page TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_renderable . DATA: mt_stack TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_page_stack . DATA: mt_event_handlers TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_event_handler . DATA mi_router TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_event_handler . DATA mi_asset_man TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_asset_manager . DATA mi_hotkey_ctl TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_hotkey_ctl . DATA mi_html_processor TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_html_processor . DATA mi_html_viewer TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html_viewer . DATA mo_html_parts TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_parts . METHODS cache_html IMPORTING !iv_text TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(rv_url) TYPE w3url . METHODS startup RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS render RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS call_page IMPORTING !ii_page TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_renderable !iv_with_bookmark TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false !iv_replacing TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS handle_action IMPORTING !iv_action TYPE c !iv_getdata TYPE c OPTIONAL !it_postdata TYPE cnht_post_data_tab OPTIONAL . METHODS handle_error IMPORTING !ix_exception TYPE REF TO zcx_abapgit_exception . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPGIT_GUI IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD back. DATA: lv_index TYPE i, ls_stack LIKE LINE OF mt_stack. lv_index = lines( mt_stack ). IF lv_index = 0. rv_exit = abap_true. RETURN. ENDIF. DO lv_index TIMES. READ TABLE mt_stack INDEX lv_index INTO ls_stack. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. DELETE mt_stack INDEX lv_index. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. lv_index = lv_index - 1. IF iv_to_bookmark = abap_false OR ls_stack-bookmark = abap_true. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDDO. mi_cur_page = ls_stack-page. " last page always stays render( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD cache_html. rv_url = zif_abapgit_gui_services~cache_asset( iv_text = iv_text iv_type = 'text' iv_subtype = 'html' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD call_page. DATA: ls_stack TYPE ty_page_stack. IF iv_replacing = abap_false AND NOT mi_cur_page IS INITIAL. ls_stack-page = mi_cur_page. ls_stack-bookmark = iv_with_bookmark. APPEND ls_stack TO mt_stack. ENDIF. mi_cur_page = ii_page. render( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD constructor. IF io_component IS BOUND. IF zcl_abapgit_gui_utils=>is_renderable( io_component ) = abap_true. mi_cur_page ?= io_component. " direct page ELSE. IF zcl_abapgit_gui_utils=>is_event_handler( io_component ) = abap_false. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Component must be renderable or be an event handler' ). ENDIF. mi_router ?= io_component. ENDIF. ENDIF. CREATE OBJECT mo_html_parts. mv_rollback_on_error = iv_rollback_on_error. mi_asset_man = ii_asset_man. mi_hotkey_ctl = ii_hotkey_ctl. mi_html_processor = ii_html_processor. " Maybe improve to middlewares stack ?? startup( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD free. SET HANDLER me->on_event FOR mi_html_viewer ACTIVATION space. mi_html_viewer->close_document( ). mi_html_viewer->free( ). FREE mi_html_viewer. ENDMETHOD. METHOD go_home. DATA: ls_stack LIKE LINE OF mt_stack, lv_mode TYPE tabname. IF mi_router IS BOUND. CLEAR: mt_stack, mt_event_handlers. APPEND mi_router TO mt_event_handlers. " on_event doesn't accept strings directly GET PARAMETER ID 'DBT' FIELD lv_mode. CASE lv_mode. WHEN 'ZABAPGIT'. on_event( action = |{ c_action-go_db }| ). WHEN OTHERS. on_event( action = |{ c_action-go_home }| ). ENDCASE. ELSE. IF lines( mt_stack ) > 0. READ TABLE mt_stack INTO ls_stack INDEX 1. mi_cur_page = ls_stack-page. ENDIF. render( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD go_page. IF iv_clear_stack = abap_true. CLEAR mt_stack. ENDIF. mi_cur_page = ii_page. render( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD handle_action. DATA: lx_exception TYPE REF TO zcx_abapgit_exception, li_handler TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_event_handler, li_event TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_event, ls_handled TYPE zif_abapgit_gui_event_handler=>ty_handling_result. CREATE OBJECT li_event TYPE zcl_abapgit_gui_event EXPORTING ii_gui_services = me iv_action = iv_action iv_getdata = iv_getdata it_postdata = it_postdata. TRY. LOOP AT mt_event_handlers INTO li_handler. ls_handled = li_handler->on_event( li_event ). IF ls_handled-state IS NOT INITIAL AND ls_handled-state <> c_event_state-not_handled. " is handled EXIT. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. CASE ls_handled-state. WHEN c_event_state-re_render. render( ). WHEN c_event_state-new_page. call_page( ls_handled-page ). WHEN c_event_state-new_page_w_bookmark. call_page( ii_page = ls_handled-page iv_with_bookmark = abap_true ). WHEN c_event_state-new_page_replacing. call_page( ii_page = ls_handled-page iv_replacing = abap_true ). WHEN c_event_state-go_back. back( ). WHEN c_event_state-go_back_to_bookmark. back( abap_true ). WHEN c_event_state-no_more_act. " Do nothing, handling completed WHEN OTHERS. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Unknown action: { iv_action }| ). ENDCASE. CATCH zcx_abapgit_cancel ##NO_HANDLER. " Do nothing = gc_event_state-no_more_act CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception INTO lx_exception. handle_error( lx_exception ). ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD handle_error. DATA: li_gui_error_handler TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_gui_error_handler, lx_exception TYPE REF TO cx_root. IF mv_rollback_on_error = abap_true. ROLLBACK WORK. ENDIF. TRY. li_gui_error_handler ?= mi_cur_page. IF li_gui_error_handler IS BOUND AND li_gui_error_handler->handle_error( ix_exception ) = abap_true. " We rerender the current page to display the error box render( ). ELSE. MESSAGE ix_exception TYPE 'S' DISPLAY LIKE 'E'. ENDIF. CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception cx_sy_move_cast_error INTO lx_exception. " In case of fire we just fallback to plain old message MESSAGE lx_exception TYPE 'S' DISPLAY LIKE 'E'. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD on_event. handle_action( iv_action = action iv_getdata = getdata it_postdata = postdata ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render. DATA: lv_url TYPE w3url, lv_html TYPE string, li_html TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html. IF mi_cur_page IS NOT BOUND. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'GUI error: no current page' ). ENDIF. CLEAR mt_event_handlers. mo_html_parts->clear( ). IF mi_router IS BOUND. APPEND mi_router TO mt_event_handlers. ENDIF. IF mi_hotkey_ctl IS BOUND. mi_hotkey_ctl->reset( ). ENDIF. li_html = mi_cur_page->render( ). lv_html = li_html->render( iv_no_indent_jscss = abap_true ). IF mi_html_processor IS BOUND. lv_html = mi_html_processor->process( iv_html = lv_html ii_gui_services = me ). ENDIF. lv_url = cache_html( lv_html ). mi_html_viewer->show_url( lv_url ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD startup. DATA: lt_events TYPE cntl_simple_events, ls_event LIKE LINE OF lt_events, lt_assets TYPE zif_abapgit_gui_asset_manager=>ty_web_assets. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_asset> LIKE LINE OF lt_assets. mi_html_viewer = zcl_abapgit_ui_factory=>get_html_viewer( ). IF mi_asset_man IS BOUND. lt_assets = mi_asset_man->get_all_assets( ). LOOP AT lt_assets ASSIGNING <ls_asset> WHERE is_cacheable = abap_true. zif_abapgit_gui_services~cache_asset( iv_xdata = <ls_asset>-content iv_url = <ls_asset>-url iv_type = <ls_asset>-type iv_subtype = <ls_asset>-subtype ). ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ls_event-eventid = mi_html_viewer->m_id_sapevent. ls_event-appl_event = abap_true. APPEND ls_event TO lt_events. mi_html_viewer->set_registered_events( lt_events ). SET HANDLER me->on_event FOR mi_html_viewer. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_gui_services~cache_asset. DATA: lt_xdata TYPE lvc_t_mime, lv_size TYPE i, lt_html TYPE w3htmltab. ASSERT iv_text IS SUPPLIED OR iv_xdata IS SUPPLIED. IF iv_text IS SUPPLIED. " String input zcl_abapgit_convert=>string_to_tab( EXPORTING iv_str = iv_text IMPORTING ev_size = lv_size et_tab = lt_html ). mi_html_viewer->load_data( EXPORTING iv_type = iv_type iv_subtype = iv_subtype iv_size = lv_size iv_url = iv_url IMPORTING ev_assigned_url = rv_url CHANGING ct_data_table = lt_html EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1 ). ELSE. " Raw input zcl_abapgit_convert=>xstring_to_bintab( EXPORTING iv_xstr = iv_xdata IMPORTING ev_size = lv_size et_bintab = lt_xdata ). mi_html_viewer->load_data( EXPORTING iv_type = iv_type iv_subtype = iv_subtype iv_size = lv_size iv_url = iv_url IMPORTING ev_assigned_url = rv_url CHANGING ct_data_table = lt_xdata EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1 ). ENDIF. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. " Image data error ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_gui_services~get_current_page_name. IF mi_cur_page IS BOUND. rv_page_name = cl_abap_classdescr=>describe_by_object_ref( mi_cur_page )->get_relative_name( ). ENDIF." ELSE - return is empty => initial page ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_gui_services~get_hotkeys_ctl. ri_hotkey_ctl = mi_hotkey_ctl. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_gui_services~get_html_parts. ro_parts = mo_html_parts. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_gui_services~register_event_handler. ASSERT ii_event_handler IS BOUND. INSERT ii_event_handler INTO mt_event_handlers INDEX 1. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_zip DEFINITION PUBLIC CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS export IMPORTING !io_repo TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo !it_filter TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tadir_tt OPTIONAL RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS export_object RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception zcx_abapgit_cancel . CLASS-METHODS export_package RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception zcx_abapgit_cancel . CLASS-METHODS load RETURNING VALUE(rt_files) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. CLASS-METHODS encode_files IMPORTING !it_files TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_item_tt RETURNING VALUE(rv_xstr) TYPE xstring RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS filename IMPORTING !iv_str TYPE string EXPORTING !ev_path TYPE string !ev_filename TYPE string RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS file_download IMPORTING !iv_package TYPE devclass !iv_xstr TYPE xstring RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS normalize_path CHANGING !ct_files TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS unzip_file IMPORTING !iv_xstr TYPE xstring RETURNING VALUE(rt_files) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPGIT_ZIP IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD encode_files. DATA: lo_zip TYPE REF TO cl_abap_zip, lv_filename TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_file> LIKE LINE OF it_files. CREATE OBJECT lo_zip. LOOP AT it_files ASSIGNING <ls_file>. CONCATENATE <ls_file>-file-path+1 <ls_file>-file-filename INTO lv_filename. lo_zip->add( name = lv_filename content = <ls_file>-file-data ). ENDLOOP. rv_xstr = lo_zip->save( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD export. DATA: lo_log TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_log, lt_zip TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_item_tt, lv_package TYPE devclass. CREATE OBJECT lo_log. lv_package = io_repo->get_package( ). IF zcl_abapgit_factory=>get_sap_package( lv_package )->exists( ) = abap_false. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Package { lv_package } doesn't exist| ). ENDIF. lt_zip = io_repo->get_files_local( io_log = lo_log it_filter = it_filter ). IF lo_log->count( ) > 0. lo_log->show( ). ENDIF. file_download( iv_package = io_repo->get_package( ) iv_xstr = encode_files( lt_zip ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD export_object. DATA: ls_tadir TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tadir, lv_folder TYPE string, lv_fullpath TYPE string, lt_rawdata TYPE solix_tab, lv_sep TYPE c LENGTH 1, ls_files_item TYPE zcl_abapgit_objects=>ty_serialization. STATICS: sv_prev TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_file> LIKE LINE OF ls_files_item-files. ls_tadir = zcl_abapgit_ui_factory=>get_popups( )->popup_object( ). IF ls_tadir IS INITIAL. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_abapgit_cancel. ENDIF. ls_files_item-item-obj_type = ls_tadir-object. ls_files_item-item-obj_name = ls_tadir-obj_name. ls_files_item = zcl_abapgit_objects=>serialize( is_item = ls_files_item-item iv_language = sy-langu ). IF lines( ls_files_item-files ) = 0. MESSAGE 'Empty' TYPE 'S'. RETURN. ENDIF. cl_gui_frontend_services=>directory_browse( EXPORTING initial_folder = sv_prev CHANGING selected_folder = lv_folder ). IF lv_folder IS INITIAL. RETURN. ENDIF. sv_prev = lv_folder. cl_gui_frontend_services=>get_file_separator( CHANGING file_separator = lv_sep ). LOOP AT ls_files_item-files ASSIGNING <ls_file>. CONCATENATE lv_folder lv_sep <ls_file>-filename INTO lv_fullpath. lt_rawdata = cl_bcs_convert=>xstring_to_solix( <ls_file>-data ). cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download( EXPORTING bin_filesize = xstrlen( <ls_file>-data ) filename = lv_fullpath filetype = 'BIN' CHANGING data_tab = lt_rawdata EXCEPTIONS file_write_error = 1 no_batch = 2 gui_refuse_filetransfer = 3 invalid_type = 4 no_authority = 5 unknown_error = 6 header_not_allowed = 7 separator_not_allowed = 8 filesize_not_allowed = 9 header_too_long = 10 dp_error_create = 11 dp_error_send = 12 dp_error_write = 13 unknown_dp_error = 14 access_denied = 15 dp_out_of_memory = 16 disk_full = 17 dp_timeout = 18 file_not_found = 19 dataprovider_exception = 20 control_flush_error = 21 not_supported_by_gui = 22 error_no_gui = 23 OTHERS = 24 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from gui_download' ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD export_package. DATA: lo_repo TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo_offline, ls_data TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_repo, li_popups TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_popups. ls_data-key = 'DUMMY'. ls_data-dot_abapgit = zcl_abapgit_dot_abapgit=>build_default( )->get_data( ). li_popups = zcl_abapgit_ui_factory=>get_popups( ). li_popups->popup_package_export( IMPORTING ev_package = ls_data-package ev_folder_logic = ls_data-dot_abapgit-folder_logic ). IF ls_data-package IS INITIAL. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_abapgit_cancel. ENDIF. CREATE OBJECT lo_repo EXPORTING is_data = ls_data. export( lo_repo ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD filename. IF iv_str CA '/'. FIND REGEX '(.*/)(.*)' IN iv_str SUBMATCHES ev_path ev_filename. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Malformed path' ). ENDIF. IF ev_path <> '/'. CONCATENATE '/' ev_path INTO ev_path. ENDIF. ELSE. ev_path = '/'. ev_filename = iv_str. ENDIF. TRANSLATE ev_filename TO LOWER CASE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD file_download. DATA: lv_path TYPE string, lv_default TYPE string, lo_fe_serv TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_frontend_services, lv_package TYPE devclass. lv_package = iv_package. TRANSLATE lv_package USING '/#'. CONCATENATE lv_package '_' sy-datlo '_' sy-timlo INTO lv_default. lo_fe_serv = zcl_abapgit_factory=>get_frontend_services( ). lv_path = lo_fe_serv->show_file_save_dialog( iv_title = 'Export ZIP' iv_extension = 'zip' iv_default_filename = lv_default ). lo_fe_serv->file_download( iv_path = lv_path iv_xstr = iv_xstr ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD load. DATA: lv_path TYPE string, lv_xstr TYPE xstring. lv_path = zcl_abapgit_factory=>get_frontend_services( )->show_file_open_dialog( iv_title = 'Import ZIP' iv_default_filename = '*.zip' ). lv_xstr = zcl_abapgit_factory=>get_frontend_services( )->file_upload( lv_path ). rt_files = unzip_file( lv_xstr ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD normalize_path. * removes first folder from path if needed DATA: lt_split TYPE TABLE OF string, lv_needed TYPE abap_bool, lv_length TYPE i, lv_split LIKE LINE OF lt_split. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_file> LIKE LINE OF ct_files. READ TABLE ct_files INDEX 1 ASSIGNING <ls_file>. IF sy-subrc <> 0. RETURN. ENDIF. SPLIT <ls_file>-path AT '/' INTO TABLE lt_split. IF sy-subrc <> 0. RETURN. ENDIF. READ TABLE lt_split INDEX 2 INTO lv_split. IF sy-subrc <> 0 OR strlen( lv_split ) = 0. RETURN. ENDIF. CONCATENATE '/' lv_split '/*' INTO lv_split. lv_needed = abap_true. LOOP AT ct_files ASSIGNING <ls_file>. IF NOT <ls_file>-path CP lv_split. lv_needed = abap_false. EXIT. " current loop ENDIF. ENDLOOP. IF lv_needed = abap_true. lv_length = strlen( lv_split ) - 2. LOOP AT ct_files ASSIGNING <ls_file>. <ls_file>-path = <ls_file>-path+lv_length. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD unzip_file. DATA: lo_zip TYPE REF TO cl_abap_zip, lv_data TYPE xstring. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_zipfile> LIKE LINE OF lo_zip->files, <ls_file> LIKE LINE OF rt_files. CREATE OBJECT lo_zip. lo_zip->load( EXPORTING zip = iv_xstr EXCEPTIONS zip_parse_error = 1 OTHERS = 2 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from zip' ). ENDIF. LOOP AT lo_zip->files ASSIGNING <ls_zipfile>. lo_zip->get( EXPORTING name = <ls_zipfile>-name IMPORTING content = lv_data EXCEPTIONS zip_index_error = 1 zip_decompression_error = 2 OTHERS = 3 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from zip get' ). ENDIF. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO rt_files ASSIGNING <ls_file>. filename( EXPORTING iv_str = <ls_zipfile>-name IMPORTING ev_path = <ls_file>-path ev_filename = <ls_file>-filename ). <ls_file>-data = lv_data. <ls_file>-sha1 = zcl_abapgit_hash=>sha1( iv_type = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_type-blob iv_data = <ls_file>-data ). ENDLOOP. DELETE rt_files WHERE filename IS INITIAL. normalize_path( CHANGING ct_files = rt_files ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS ltcl_lock_travel DEFINITION DEFERRED. CLASS /dmo/cl_flight_legacy01 DEFINITION LOCAL FRIENDS ltcl_lock_travel. CLASS ltcl_lock_travel DEFINITION FINAL FOR TESTING DURATION SHORT RISK LEVEL HARMLESS. PRIVATE SECTION. METHODS: got_lock FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_lock_travel IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD got_lock ##NEEDED. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltc_travel DEFINITION FOR TESTING DURATION SHORT RISK LEVEL HARMLESS. PROTECTED SECTION. CONSTANTS mc_use_sql_doubles TYPE abap_bool VALUE abap_false. CONSTANTS mc_msgid TYPE symsgid VALUE '/DMO/CM_FLIGHT_LE_01'. * SQL doubles currently not available in cloud environment * CLASS-DATA mr_test_environment TYPE REF TO if_osql_test_environment. CLASS-DATA gr_cut TYPE REF TO /dmo/cl_flight_legacy01. CLASS-DATA gv_agency_id_1 TYPE /dmo/agency_id01. CLASS-DATA gv_agency_id_2 TYPE /dmo/agency_id01. CLASS-DATA gv_agency_id_unknown TYPE /dmo/agency_id01. CLASS-DATA gv_customer_id_1 TYPE /dmo/customer_id01. CLASS-DATA gv_customer_id_2 TYPE /dmo/customer_id01. CLASS-DATA gv_customer_id_unknown TYPE /dmo/customer_id01. METHODS _create_travel IMPORTING is_travel TYPE /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>ts_travel_in iv_save TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_true RETURNING VALUE(rs_travel) TYPE /dmo/travel01. METHODS _delete_existing_travel IMPORTING iv_travel_id TYPE /dmo/travel_id01. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA mv_travel_count TYPE i. DATA mv_booking_count TYPE i. DATA mv_booking_supplement_count TYPE i. CLASS-METHODS class_setup. METHODS setup. METHODS teardown. CLASS-METHODS class_teardown. "! Create and check a single travel METHODS create FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a travel with an unknown agency -> ERROR METHODS c_agency_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a travel with an unknown customer -> ERROR METHODS c_customer_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Create 2 travels in the same LUW METHODS create_mutiple_calls FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Create a single travel METHODS create_single FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Delete a single travel METHODS delete_single FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Update a single travel METHODS update_single FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete a single travel with unknown Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS d_travel_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a single travel with unknown Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS u_travel_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Delete multiple travels METHODS delete_multiple FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Update multiple travels METHODS update_multiple FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Update a single travel twice in the same LUW METHODS update_twice FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Update, delete a single travel in the same LUW METHODS update_delete_single FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a single travel with an unknown agency -> ERROR METHODS u_agency_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a single travel with an unknown customer -> ERROR METHODS u_customer_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete a single travel with an initial Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS d_travel_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a single travel with an initial Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS u_travel_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Call action to set booking status METHODS act_set_status_to_booked FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a travel with faulty dates -> Error METHODS c_dates_invalid FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a travel with faulty dates -> Error METHODS u_dates_invalid FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Reset buffer METHODS initialize FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Create, update a single travel in the same LUW METHODS create_update_in_one_luw FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Create, delete a single travel in the same LUW METHODS create_delete_in_one_luw FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Update, delete a single travel in the same LUW METHODS update_delete_in_one_luw FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete, update a single travel in the same LUW -> ERROR METHODS delete_update_in_one_luw FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Delete, delete a single travel in the same LUW -> Error METHODS delete_delete_in_one_luw FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a travel with no control structure -> ERROR METHODS u_no_control FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to change the travel status to an invalid value -> ERROR METHODS u_status_invalid FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. ENDCLASS. CLASS /dmo/cl_flight_legacy01 DEFINITION LOCAL FRIENDS ltc_travel. CLASS ltc_travel IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD class_setup. IF mc_use_sql_doubles = abap_true ##BOOL_OK. * mr_test_environment = cl_osql_test_environment=>create( i_dependency_list = VALUE #( ( '/DMO/TRAVEL01' ) ( '/DMO/BOOKING01' ) ( '/DMO/BOOK_SUP_01' ) * ( '/DMO/AGENCY01' ) ( '/DMO/CUSTOMER01' ) ( '/DMO/FLIGHT01' ) ( '/DMO/SUPPLEME_01' ) ) ). * mr_test_environment->clear_doubles( ). * gv_agency_id_1 = '42'. * gv_agency_id_2 = '43'. * DATA lt_agency TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF /dmo/agency01. * lt_agency = VALUE #( ( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 ) ( agency_id = gv_agency_id_2 ) ). * mr_test_environment->insert_test_data( lt_agency ). * * gv_customer_id_1 = '42'. * gv_customer_id_2 = '43'. * DATA lt_customer TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF /dmo/customer01. * lt_customer = VALUE #( ( customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 ) ( customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 ) ). * mr_test_environment->insert_test_data( lt_customer ). * * gv_agency_id_unknown = '99'. * gv_customer_id_unknown = '99'. ELSE. DATA lt_agency_id TYPE SORTED TABLE OF /dmo/agency_id01 WITH UNIQUE KEY table_line. SELECT DISTINCT agency_id FROM /dmo/agency01 ORDER BY agency_id DESCENDING INTO TABLE @lt_agency_id . DATA lt_customer_id TYPE SORTED TABLE OF /dmo/customer_id01 WITH UNIQUE KEY table_line. SELECT DISTINCT customer_id FROM /dmo/customer01 ORDER BY customer_id DESCENDING INTO TABLE @lt_customer_id . " Select 2 known agency IDs IF lines( lt_agency_id ) < 2. cl_abap_unit_assert=>abort( msg = 'No agency data!' ). ENDIF. gv_agency_id_1 = lt_agency_id[ 1 ]. gv_agency_id_2 = lt_agency_id[ 2 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_differs( act = gv_agency_id_1 exp = gv_agency_id_2 )." To be totally sure " Select 2 known customer IDs IF lines( lt_customer_id ) < 2. cl_abap_unit_assert=>abort( msg = 'No customer data!' ). ENDIF. gv_customer_id_1 = lt_customer_id[ 1 ]. gv_customer_id_2 = lt_customer_id[ 2 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_differs( act = gv_customer_id_1 exp = gv_customer_id_2 )." To be totally sure " Determine an unknown agency ID gv_agency_id_unknown = lt_agency_id[ 1 ]. DO. gv_agency_id_unknown = gv_agency_id_unknown + 1. READ TABLE lt_agency_id TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH TABLE KEY table_line = gv_agency_id_unknown. IF sy-subrc <> 0. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDDO. " Determine an unknown customer ID gv_customer_id_unknown = lt_customer_id[ 1 ]. DO. gv_customer_id_unknown = gv_customer_id_unknown + 1. READ TABLE lt_customer_id TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH TABLE KEY table_line = gv_customer_id_unknown. IF sy-subrc <> 0. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDDO. ENDIF. gr_cut = NEW #( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD setup. SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/travel01 INTO @mv_travel_count. SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/booking01 INTO @mv_booking_count. SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 INTO @mv_booking_supplement_count. ENDMETHOD. METHOD teardown. " Ensure proper cleanup of each individual test method SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/travel01 INTO @DATA(lv_travel_count). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_travel_count exp = mv_travel_count ). SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/booking01 INTO @DATA(lv_booking_count). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_booking_count exp = mv_booking_count ). SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 INTO @DATA(lv_booking_supplement_count). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_booking_supplement_count exp = mv_booking_supplement_count ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD class_teardown. IF mc_use_sql_doubles = abap_true ##BOOL_OK ##NEEDED. * mr_test_environment->destroy( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD create. SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/travel01 INTO @DATA(lv_count1). DATA lv_start TYPE timestampl. GET TIME STAMP FIELD lv_start. gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel_new) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_travel_new-travel_id ). gr_cut->save( ). DATA lv_end TYPE timestampl. GET TIME STAMP FIELD lv_end. SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/travel01 INTO @DATA(lv_count2). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'create should add a travel' exp = 1 act = lv_count2 - lv_count1 ). SELECT * FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new-travel_id INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_travel). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'cannot read created travel' exp = 1 act = lines( lt_travel ) ). DATA(ls_travel) = lt_travel[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'createdby' exp = ls_travel-createdby act = sy-uname ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_number_between( msg = 'createdat' number = ls_travel-createdat lower = lv_start upper = lv_end ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'status' act = ls_travel-status exp = CONV /dmo/travel_status01( /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>travel_status-new ) ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_new-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD create_mutiple_calls. DATA lv_start TYPE timestampl. GET TIME STAMP FIELD lv_start. gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel_1) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_travel_1-travel_id ). gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel_2) et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_travel_2-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( xsdbool( ls_travel_1-travel_id = ls_travel_2-travel_id ) ). gr_cut->save( ). DATA lv_end TYPE timestampl. GET TIME STAMP FIELD lv_end. SELECT * FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_1-travel_id OR travel_id = @ls_travel_2-travel_id INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_travel) ##SELECT_FAE_WITH_LOB[DESCRIPTION]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'cannot read created travel' exp = 2 act = lines( lt_travel ) ). DATA(ls_travel) = lt_travel[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'createdby' exp = ls_travel-createdby act = sy-uname ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_number_between( msg = 'createdat' number = ls_travel-createdat lower = lv_start upper = lv_end ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'status' act = ls_travel-status exp = CONV /dmo/travel_status01( /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>travel_status-new ) ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_1-travel_id ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_2-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_agency_unknown. SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/travel01 INTO @DATA(lv_count1). gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_unknown customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( ls_travel-travel_id ). gr_cut->save( ). SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/travel01 INTO @DATA(lv_count2). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'should not create bad travel' exp = lv_count1 act = lv_count2 ). DATA lv_msg_found TYPE abap_bool. LOOP AT lt_messages INTO DATA(lr_message) ##INTO_OK. IF lr_message->t100key = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>agency_unkown. lv_msg_found = abap_true. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'missing error' exp = abap_true act = lv_msg_found ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_customer_unknown. SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/travel01 INTO @DATA(lv_count1). gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_unknown ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( ls_travel-travel_id ). gr_cut->save( ). SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/travel01 INTO @DATA(lv_count2). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'should not create bad travel' exp = lv_count1 act = lv_count2 ). DATA lv_msg_found TYPE abap_bool. LOOP AT lt_messages INTO DATA(lr_message) ##INTO_OK. IF lr_message->t100key = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>customer_unkown. lv_msg_found = abap_true. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'missing error' exp = abap_true act = lv_msg_found ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD create_single. DATA lv_timestampl TYPE timestampl. GET TIME STAMP FIELD lv_timestampl. SELECT MAX( travel_id ) FROM /dmo/travel01 INTO @DATA(lv_travel_id_max). DATA lv_travel_id_1 TYPE /dmo/travel_id01. DATA lv_travel_id_2 TYPE /dmo/travel_id01. lv_travel_id_1 = lv_travel_id_max + 1. IF lv_travel_id_1 IS INITIAL. cl_abap_unit_assert=>abort( msg = 'Travel ID overflow!' ). ENDIF. lv_travel_id_2 = lv_travel_id_max + 2. IF lv_travel_id_2 IS INITIAL. cl_abap_unit_assert=>abort( msg = 'Travel ID overflow!' ). ENDIF. " Create a travel cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' status = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>travel_status-booked ) )-travel_id exp = lv_travel_id_1 ). " Create a second travel cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_2 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' status = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>travel_status-booked ) )-travel_id exp = lv_travel_id_2 ). " Select and check the second travel DATA ls_travel_sel TYPE /dmo/travel01. SELECT SINGLE * FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @lv_travel_id_2 INTO @ls_travel_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-agency_id exp = gv_agency_id_2 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-customer_id exp = gv_customer_id_1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-status exp = CONV /dmo/travel_status01( /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>travel_status-new ) )." Provided status overridden by determination cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-createdby exp = sy-uname ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-lastchangedby exp = sy-uname ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( ls_travel_sel-createdat = ls_travel_sel-lastchangedat ) ). DATA(lv_diff) = CONV i( cl_abap_tstmp=>subtract( tstmp1 = ls_travel_sel-createdat tstmp2 = lv_timestampl ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( 0 <= lv_diff AND lv_diff <= 1 ) ). _delete_existing_travel( lv_travel_id_1 ). _delete_existing_travel( lv_travel_id_2 ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD delete_single. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. DATA(ls_travel_new) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Description' ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_new-description exp = 'My_Description' ). SELECT SINGLE description FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new-travel_id INTO @DATA(lv_description). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_description exp = ls_travel_new-description ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_new-travel_id ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/travel01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new-travel_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD update_single. DATA lv_timestampl TYPE timestampl. GET TIME STAMP FIELD lv_timestampl. DATA(ls_travel_new) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Text' ) ). DATA ls_travel_sel TYPE /dmo/travel01. SELECT SINGLE description FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new-travel_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_travel_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-description exp = ls_travel_new-description ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id agency_id = gv_agency_id_unknown description = 'My_New_Text' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id description = abap_true ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel_updated) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_updated-travel_id exp = ls_travel_new-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_updated-description exp = 'My_New_Text' ). gr_cut->save( ). CLEAR ls_travel_sel. SELECT SINGLE * FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new-travel_id INTO @ls_travel_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-agency_id exp = ls_travel_new-agency_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-customer_id exp = ls_travel_new-customer_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-description exp = 'My_New_Text' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-lastchangedby exp = sy-uname ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_differs( act = ls_travel_sel-createdat exp = ls_travel_sel-lastchangedat ). DATA(lv_diff) = cl_abap_tstmp=>subtract( tstmp1 = ls_travel_sel-lastchangedat tstmp2 = lv_timestampl ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( 0 < lv_diff AND lv_diff < 1 ) ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_new-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_travel_id_unknown. DATA(ls_travel_deleted) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_deleted-travel_id ). gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel_deleted-travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_travel_deleted-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_travel_id_unknown. DATA(ls_travel_deleted) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Old_Text' ) ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_deleted-travel_id ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_deleted-travel_id description = 'My_New_Text' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_deleted-travel_id description = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_travel_deleted-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD delete_multiple. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. DATA(ls_travel_new_1) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Text_1' ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_new_1-description exp = 'My_Text_1' ). DATA(ls_travel_new_2) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Text_2' ) ). DATA(ls_travel_new_3) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Text_3' ) ). " Delete - only in buffer gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel_new_1-travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel_new_2-travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel_new_3-travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). DATA lv_description TYPE /dmo/description01. SELECT SINGLE description FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new_1-travel_id INTO @lv_description. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_description exp = ls_travel_new_1-description ). SELECT SINGLE description FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new_2-travel_id INTO @lv_description. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_description exp = ls_travel_new_2-description ). SELECT SINGLE description FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new_3-travel_id INTO @lv_description. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_description exp = ls_travel_new_3-description ). " Now persist the buffer gr_cut->save( ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/travel01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id IN ( @ls_travel_new_1-travel_id, @ls_travel_new_2-travel_id, @ls_travel_new_3-travel_id ) INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD update_multiple. DATA(ls_travel_new_1) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Text_1' ) ). DATA(ls_travel_new_2) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Text_2' ) ). DATA(ls_travel_new_3) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Text_3' ) ). DATA lv_description TYPE /dmo/description01. SELECT SINGLE description FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new_1-travel_id INTO @lv_description. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_description exp = ls_travel_new_1-description ). SELECT SINGLE description FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new_2-travel_id INTO @lv_description. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_description exp = ls_travel_new_2-description ). SELECT SINGLE description FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new_3-travel_id INTO @lv_description. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_description exp = ls_travel_new_3-description ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new_1-travel_id agency_id = gv_agency_id_unknown description = 'My_New_Text_1' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new_1-travel_id description = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new_2-travel_id agency_id = gv_agency_id_unknown description = 'My_New_Text_2' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new_2-travel_id description = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new_3-travel_id agency_id = gv_agency_id_2 description = 'My_New_Text_3' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new_3-travel_id agency_id = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). DATA ls_travel_sel TYPE /dmo/travel01. CLEAR ls_travel_sel. SELECT SINGLE agency_id, customer_id, description FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new_1-travel_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_travel_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-agency_id exp = ls_travel_new_1-agency_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-customer_id exp = ls_travel_new_1-customer_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-description exp = 'My_New_Text_1' ). CLEAR ls_travel_sel. SELECT SINGLE agency_id, customer_id, description FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new_2-travel_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_travel_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-agency_id exp = ls_travel_new_2-agency_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-customer_id exp = ls_travel_new_2-customer_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-description exp = 'My_New_Text_2' ). CLEAR ls_travel_sel. SELECT SINGLE agency_id, customer_id, description FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new_3-travel_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_travel_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-agency_id exp = gv_agency_id_2 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-customer_id exp = ls_travel_new_3-customer_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-description exp = 'My_Text_3' ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_new_1-travel_id ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_new_2-travel_id ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_new_3-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD update_twice. DATA(ls_travel_new) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Text' ) ). DATA ls_travel_sel TYPE /dmo/travel01. SELECT SINGLE description FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new-travel_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_travel_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-description exp = ls_travel_new-description ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id agency_id = gv_agency_id_unknown description = 'My_New_Text' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id description = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id agency_id = gv_agency_id_2 description = 'WHATEVER' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id agency_id = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). CLEAR ls_travel_sel. SELECT SINGLE agency_id, customer_id, description FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new-travel_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_travel_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-agency_id exp = gv_agency_id_2 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-customer_id exp = ls_travel_new-customer_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-description exp = 'My_New_Text' ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_new-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD update_delete_single. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. DATA(ls_travel_new) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Text' ) ). SELECT SINGLE description FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new-travel_id INTO @DATA(lv_description). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_description exp = ls_travel_new-description ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id agency_id = gv_agency_id_unknown description = 'My_New_Text' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id description = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/travel01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new-travel_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_agency_unknown. DATA(ls_travel) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id agency_id = gv_agency_id_unknown ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id agency_id = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>agency_unkown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_AGENCY_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_agency_id exp = gv_agency_id_unknown ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_customer_unknown. DATA(ls_travel) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id customer_id = gv_customer_id_unknown ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id customer_id = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>customer_unkown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_CUSTOMER_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_customer_id exp = gv_customer_id_unknown ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_travel_id_initial. gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = '0' IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_no_key-msgno ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_travel_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( ) is_travelx = VALUE #( ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_no_key-msgno ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD act_set_status_to_booked. DATA lv_timestampl TYPE timestampl. GET TIME STAMP FIELD lv_timestampl. " Case A: Known travel ID DATA(ls_travel_new) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) ). DATA ls_travel_sel TYPE /dmo/travel01. SELECT SINGLE status FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new-travel_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_travel_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-status exp = CONV /dmo/travel_status01( /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>travel_status-new ) ). gr_cut->set_status_to_booked( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). CLEAR ls_travel_sel. SELECT SINGLE status, createdat, lastchangedby, lastchangedat FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new-travel_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_travel_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-status exp = CONV /dmo/travel_status01( /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>travel_status-booked ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-lastchangedby exp = sy-uname ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_differs( act = ls_travel_sel-createdat exp = ls_travel_sel-lastchangedat ). DATA(lv_diff) = cl_abap_tstmp=>subtract( tstmp1 = ls_travel_sel-lastchangedat tstmp2 = lv_timestampl ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( 0 < lv_diff AND lv_diff < 1 ) ). " Case B: Initial travel ID gr_cut->set_status_to_booked( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = '0' IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_no_key-msgno ). " Case C: Unknown travel ID gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). " -- Deletion only in buffer gr_cut->set_status_to_booked( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_travel_new-travel_id ). gr_cut->save( ). " -- Deletion send to DB gr_cut->set_status_to_booked( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_travel_new-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_dates_invalid. " Try with initial begin date gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 end_date = '20190101' ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( ls_travel-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>no_begin_date-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). " Try with initial end date gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' ) IMPORTING es_travel = ls_travel et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( ls_travel-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>no_end_date-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). " Try to have begin date after end date gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190201' end_date = '20190101' ) IMPORTING es_travel = ls_travel et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( ls_travel-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>end_date_before_begin_date-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_BEGIN_DATE' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_END_DATE' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr3 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_begin_date exp = '20190201' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_end_date exp = '20190101' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_dates_invalid. DATA(ls_travel) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) ). " Try to clear begin date gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id begin_date = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>no_begin_date-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_travel-travel_id ). " Try to clear end date gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id end_date = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>no_end_date-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_travel-travel_id ). " Try to have begin date after end date gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id end_date = '20181201' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id end_date = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>end_date_before_begin_date-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_BEGIN_DATE' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_END_DATE' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr3 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_begin_date exp = ls_travel-begin_date ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_end_date exp = '20181201' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_travel-travel_id ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD initialize. DATA(ls_travel_new) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Old_Text' ) ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id description = 'My_New_Text' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id description = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->initialize( ). gr_cut->save( ). SELECT SINGLE description FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new-travel_id INTO @DATA(lv_description). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_description exp = 'My_Old_Text' ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_new-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD create_update_in_one_luw. gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Old_Text' ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_travel-travel_id ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id agency_id = gv_agency_id_2 description = 'My_New_Text' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id description = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). SELECT SINGLE agency_id, description FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO ( @DATA(lv_agency_id), @DATA(lv_description) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_agency_id exp = gv_agency_id_1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_description exp = 'My_New_Text' ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD create_delete_in_one_luw. DATA lv_db_exits TYPE abap_bool. gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Old_Text' ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_travel-travel_id ). gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). CLEAR lv_db_exits. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/travel01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @lv_db_exits. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exits ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD update_delete_in_one_luw. DATA lv_db_exits TYPE abap_bool. DATA(ls_travel_new) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Old_Text' ) ). DATA(lv_travel_id) = ls_travel_new-travel_id. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = lv_travel_id agency_id = gv_agency_id_2 description = 'My_New_Text' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = lv_travel_id description = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = lv_travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). CLEAR lv_db_exits. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/travel01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @lv_travel_id INTO @lv_db_exits. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exits ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD delete_update_in_one_luw. DATA lv_db_exits TYPE abap_bool. DATA(ls_travel_new) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Old_Text' ) ). DATA(lv_travel_id) = ls_travel_new-travel_id. gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = lv_travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = lv_travel_id agency_id = gv_agency_id_2 description = 'My_New_Text' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = lv_travel_id description = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = lv_travel_id ). gr_cut->save( ). CLEAR lv_db_exits. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/travel01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @lv_travel_id INTO @lv_db_exits. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exits ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD delete_delete_in_one_luw. DATA lv_db_exits TYPE abap_bool. DATA(ls_travel_new) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Old_Text' ) ). DATA(lv_travel_id) = ls_travel_new-travel_id. gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = lv_travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = lv_travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = lv_travel_id ). gr_cut->save( ). CLEAR lv_db_exits. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/travel01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @lv_travel_id INTO @lv_db_exits. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exits ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_no_control. DATA(ls_travel) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) ). " No control data at all gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_no_control-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_travel-travel_id ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_status_invalid. CONSTANTS lc_status_invalid TYPE /dmo/travel_status01 VALUE 'Z'. DATA(ls_travel) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) ). " No control data at all gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id status = lc_status_invalid ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id status = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_status_invalid-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_STATUS' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_status exp = lc_status_invalid ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD _create_travel. CLEAR rs_travel. gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = is_travel IMPORTING es_travel = rs_travel et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( rs_travel-travel_id ). IF iv_save = abap_true. gr_cut->save( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD _delete_existing_travel. gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = iv_travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltc_booking DEFINITION FOR TESTING DURATION SHORT RISK LEVEL HARMLESS INHERITING FROM ltc_travel. PROTECTED SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ts_flight, carrier_id TYPE /dmo/carrier_id01, connection_id TYPE /dmo/connection_id01, flight_date TYPE /dmo/flight_date01, price TYPE /dmo/flight_price01, currency_code TYPE /dmo/currency_code01, END OF ts_flight. CLASS-DATA gs_flight_1 TYPE ts_flight. CLASS-DATA gs_flight_2 TYPE ts_flight. CLASS-DATA gv_carrier_id_unknown TYPE /dmo/carrier_id01. CLASS-DATA gv_currency_code_unknown TYPE /dmo/currency_code01. CLASS-DATA gv_booking_date TYPE /dmo/booking_date01. DATA mv_travel_id TYPE /dmo/travel_id01. DATA mv_travel_id_unknown TYPE /dmo/travel_id01. METHODS _create_booking IMPORTING iv_travel_id TYPE /dmo/travel_id01 is_booking TYPE /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>ts_booking_in iv_save TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_true RETURNING VALUE(rs_booking) TYPE /dmo/booking01. METHODS _delete_existing_booking IMPORTING iv_travel_id TYPE /dmo/travel_id01 iv_booking_id TYPE /dmo/booking_id01. PRIVATE SECTION. CLASS-METHODS class_setup. METHODS setup. METHODS teardown. "! Create, Update, Delete a single booking in 3 different LUWs METHODS c_u_d_single FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Create, Update a single booking in the same LUW, delete it in a second LUW METHODS cu_d_single FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Create, Update, Delete a single booking in the same LUW METHODS cud_single FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Create, (Update, Update), Delete a single booking in 3 different LUWs METHODS c_uu_d_single FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a booking with an unknown Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS c_travel_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a booking with an initial Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS c_travel_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking with an unknown Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS u_travel_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking with an initial Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS u_travel_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete a booking with an unknown Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS d_travel_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete a booking with an initial Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS d_travel_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking with an unknown Booking ID -> ERROR METHODS u_booking_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete a booking with an unknown Booking ID -> ERROR METHODS d_booking_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking with an initial Booking ID -> ERROR METHODS u_booking_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete a booking with an initial Booking ID -> ERROR METHODS d_booking_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Create, update, delete a single travel with bookings in 3 different LUWs METHODS c_u_d_travel_w_bookings FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a booking with an unknown customer -> ERROR METHODS c_customer_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking with an unknown customer -> ERROR METHODS u_customer_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a booking with a booking date in the past -> ERROR METHODS c_booking_date_past FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to clear booking date -> ERROR METHODS u_booking_date_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a booking with invalid flight data -> ERROR METHODS c_flight_invalid FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking with different flight data -> ERROR METHODS u_flight FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete, update a single booking in the same LUW -> ERROR METHODS du_single FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete, delete a single booking in the same LUW -> NO Error METHODS dd_single FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Create booking, delete father travel in same LUW -> NO Error, Booking ignored METHODS c_booking_d_travel_1_luw FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete father travel, create booking in same LUW -> ERROR METHODS d_travel_c_booking_1_luw FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a booking with an initial Booking ID -> ERROR METHODS c_booking_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a booking with a known combination Travel ID, Booking ID -> ERROR METHODS c_booking_id_exists FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Check that price and currency are derived / not derived METHODS c_price_currency FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update price only or currency only -> ERROR METHODS u_price_currency FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a booking with an unknown currency code -> ERROR METHODS c_currency_code_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking with an unknown currency code -> ERROR METHODS u_currency_code_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. ENDCLASS. CLASS /dmo/cl_flight_legacy01 DEFINITION LOCAL FRIENDS ltc_booking. CLASS ltc_booking IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD class_setup. IF mc_use_sql_doubles = abap_true ##BOOL_OK. * gs_flight_1 = VALUE #( carrier_id = 'AB' connection_id = '0001' flight_date = '20190306' price = '10818.00' currency_code = 'SGD' ) ##LITERAL. * gs_flight_2 = value #( carrier_id = 'CD' connection_id = '0002' flight_date = '20180510' price = '5950.00' currency_code = 'SGD' ) ##LITERAL. * * DATA lt_flight TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF /dmo/flight01. * lt_flight = VALUE #( ( carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date price = gs_flight_1-price currency_code = gs_flight_1-currency_code ) * ( carrier_id = gs_flight_2-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_2-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_2-flight_date price = gs_flight_2-price currency_code = gs_flight_2-currency_code ) ). * mr_test_environment->insert_test_data( lt_flight ). * * gv_currency_code_unknown = 'XYZ'. ELSE. " Select 2 different Flight Dates with their prices SELECT SINGLE carrier_id, connection_id, flight_date, price, currency_code FROM /dmo/flight01 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @gs_flight_1 ##WARN_OK. IF sy-subrc <> 0. cl_abap_unit_assert=>abort( |No flight data!| ). ENDIF. SELECT SINGLE carrier_id, connection_id, flight_date, price, currency_code FROM /dmo/flight01 WHERE carrier_id <> @gs_flight_1-carrier_id AND connection_id <> @gs_flight_1-connection_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @gs_flight_2 ##WARN_OK. IF sy-subrc <> 0. cl_abap_unit_assert=>abort( |No flight data!| ). ENDIF. " Determine an unknown Carrier ID gv_carrier_id_unknown = 'XX'. SELECT SINGLE carrier_id FROM /dmo/carrier01 WHERE carrier_id = @gv_carrier_id_unknown INTO @DATA(lv_dummy_carrier_id). IF sy-subrc = 0. cl_abap_unit_assert=>abort( |Carrier ID { gv_carrier_id_unknown } should not be known!| ). ENDIF. " Invalid currency code gv_currency_code_unknown = 'XYZ'. " We should use TCURC, but this is not released for "ABAP for SAP Cloud Platform" SELECT SINGLE currency FROM i_currency WHERE currency = @gv_currency_code_unknown INTO @DATA(lv_dummy_currency_code). IF sy-subrc = 0. cl_abap_unit_assert=>abort( |Currency { gv_currency_code_unknown } should not be known!| ). ENDIF. ENDIF. " Use Current date as Booking date gv_booking_date = cl_abap_context_info=>get_system_date( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD setup. mv_travel_id = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) )-travel_id. mv_travel_id_unknown = mv_travel_id. DO. mv_travel_id_unknown = mv_travel_id_unknown + 1. SELECT SINGLE travel_id FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id_unknown INTO @DATA(lv_dummy_travel_id). IF sy-subrc <> 0. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDDO. ENDMETHOD. METHOD teardown. _delete_existing_travel( mv_travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_u_d_single. DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking-customer_id exp = gv_customer_id_1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking-carrier_id exp = gs_flight_1-carrier_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking-connection_id exp = gs_flight_1-connection_id ). SELECT SINGLE * FROM /dmo/booking01 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO @DATA(ls_booking_sel). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-customer_id exp = ls_booking-customer_id ). DATA(lv_booking_date) = gv_booking_date + 15. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id booking_date = lv_booking_date ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update booking_date = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). CLEAR ls_booking_sel. SELECT SINGLE * FROM /dmo/booking01 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO @ls_booking_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-carrier_id exp = ls_booking-carrier_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-booking_date exp = lv_booking_date ). _delete_existing_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id iv_booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id ). SELECT SINGLE * FROM /dmo/booking01 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO @ls_booking_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( exp = 4 ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD cu_d_single. DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_false ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking-customer_id exp = gv_customer_id_1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking-carrier_id exp = gs_flight_1-carrier_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking-connection_id exp = gs_flight_1-connection_id ). DATA(lv_booking_date) = gv_booking_date + 15. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id booking_date = lv_booking_date ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update booking_date = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). SELECT SINGLE * FROM /dmo/booking01 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO @DATA(ls_booking_sel). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-carrier_id exp = ls_booking-carrier_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-booking_date exp = lv_booking_date ). _delete_existing_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id iv_booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id ). SELECT SINGLE * FROM /dmo/booking01 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO @ls_booking_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( exp = 4 ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD cud_single. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. SELECT SINGLE lastchangedat FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id INTO @DATA(lv_lastchangedat_1). DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_false ). DATA lv_booking_date TYPE /dmo/booking_date01. lv_booking_date = gv_booking_date + 15. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id booking_date = lv_booking_date ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update booking_date = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_booking = DATA(lt_booking_updated) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking_updated ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lt_booking_updated[ 1 ]-travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lt_booking_updated[ 1 ]-booking_id exp = ls_booking-booking_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lt_booking_updated[ 1 ]-booking_date exp = lv_booking_date ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). " Check that the administrative fields of the root node have been updated SELECT SINGLE lastchangedby, lastchangedat FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id INTO ( @DATA(lv_lastchangedby), @DATA(lv_lastchangedat_2) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_lastchangedby exp = sy-uname ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lv_lastchangedat_2 > lv_lastchangedat_1 ) ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/booking01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_uu_d_single. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ). SELECT SINGLE customer_id FROM /dmo/booking01 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO @DATA(lv_customer_id). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_customer_id exp = ls_booking-customer_id ). DATA(lv_booking_date) = gv_booking_date + 15. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id booking_date = lv_booking_date ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update booking_date = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update customer_id = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). DATA ls_booking_sel TYPE /dmo/booking01. SELECT SINGLE booking_date, customer_id FROM /dmo/booking01 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_booking_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-booking_date exp = lv_booking_date ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-customer_id exp = gv_customer_id_2 ). _delete_existing_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id iv_booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/booking01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_travel_id_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id_unknown ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id_unknown ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' booking_date = '20180701' customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking = DATA(lt_booking) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_travel_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( ) is_travelx = VALUE #( ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' booking_date = '20180701' customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking = DATA(lt_booking) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_no_key-msgno ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_travel_id_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id_unknown ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id_unknown ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '2' booking_date = '20180715' ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '2' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update booking_date = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_travel_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( ) is_travelx = VALUE #( ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '2' booking_date = '20180715' ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '2' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update booking_date = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_no_key-msgno ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_travel_id_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id_unknown ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id_unknown ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '1' ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_travel_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( ) is_travelx = VALUE #( ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '1' ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_no_key-msgno ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_booking_id_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' booking_date = '20180715' ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update booking_date = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = '10' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_booking_id_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = '10' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_booking_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '0' booking_date = '20180715' ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '0' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update booking_date = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_no_key-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_booking_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '0' ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '0' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_no_key-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_u_d_travel_w_bookings. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. " 1. LUW: Create a travel with 2 bookings (the second travel is only for testing) DATA(ls_travel_1) = _create_travel( is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) iv_save = abap_false ). DATA(ls_travel_2) = _create_travel( is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) iv_save = abap_false ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_travel_1-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_travel_2-travel_id ). DATA(ls_booking_1) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = ls_travel_1-travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_false ). DATA(ls_booking_2) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = ls_travel_1-travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '20' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_false ). gr_cut->save( ). SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/booking01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_1-travel_id INTO @DATA(lv_count). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_count exp = 2 ). " 2. LUW: Update the first booking gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_1-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_1-travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_1-booking_id customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_1-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update customer_id = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). SELECT SINGLE customer_id FROM /dmo/booking01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_booking_1-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking_1-booking_id INTO @DATA(lv_customer_id). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_customer_id exp = gv_customer_id_2 ). SELECT SINGLE customer_id FROM /dmo/booking01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_booking_2-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking_2-booking_id INTO @lv_customer_id. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_customer_id exp = gv_customer_id_1 ). " 3. LUW: Delete the first booking - check that the second booking is still there _delete_existing_booking( iv_travel_id = ls_booking_1-travel_id iv_booking_id = ls_booking_1-booking_id ). SELECT travel_id, booking_id FROM /dmo/booking01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_1-travel_id INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_booking_key). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking_key ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lt_booking_key[ 1 ]-booking_id exp = ls_booking_2-booking_id ). " 4. LUW: Delete the travel - check that the second booking has also been deleted _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_1-travel_id ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_2-travel_id ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/booking01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_1-travel_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_customer_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_unknown carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking = DATA(lt_booking) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>customer_unkown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_CUSTOMER_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_customer_id exp = gv_customer_id_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_customer_unknown. DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id customer_id = gv_customer_id_unknown ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update customer_id = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>customer_unkown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_CUSTOMER_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_customer_id exp = gv_customer_id_unknown ). gr_cut->save( ). SELECT SINGLE customer_id FROM /dmo/booking01 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO @DATA(lv_customer_id). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_customer_id exp = ls_booking-customer_id ). _delete_existing_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id iv_booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_booking_date_past. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' booking_date = '20180101' customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking = DATA(lt_booking) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_booking_date_invalid-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr3 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_DATE' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = '10' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_date exp = '20180101' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_booking_date_initial. DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update booking_date = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_booking_date_invalid-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr3 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_DATE' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = ls_booking-booking_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lx->mv_booking_date ). gr_cut->save( ). SELECT SINGLE booking_date FROM /dmo/booking01 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO @DATA(lv_booking_date). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_booking_date exp = gv_booking_date ). _delete_existing_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id iv_booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_flight_invalid. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gv_carrier_id_unknown connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking = DATA(lt_booking) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>flight_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_CARRIER_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_CONNECTION_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr3 exp = 'MV_FLIGHT_DATE' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_carrier_id exp = gv_carrier_id_unknown ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_connection_id exp = gs_flight_1-connection_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_flight_date exp = gs_flight_1-flight_date ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_flight. DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id flight_date = gs_flight_2-flight_date ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update flight_date = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_flight_u-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = '10' ). gr_cut->save( ). SELECT SINGLE flight_date FROM /dmo/booking01 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO @DATA(lv_flight_date). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_flight_date exp = gs_flight_1-flight_date ). _delete_existing_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id iv_booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD du_single. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update customer_id = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = ls_booking-booking_id ). gr_cut->save( ). SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/booking01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD dd_single. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/booking01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_booking_d_travel_1_luw. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. " 1. LUW: Create travel DATA(ls_travel) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/travel01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( lv_db_exists ). " 2. LUW: Create booking for the new travel, delete the new travel _create_booking( iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_false ). gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). "Check that travel and booking are gone CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/travel01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/booking01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_travel_c_booking_1_luw. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. " 1. LUW: Create travel DATA(ls_travel) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/travel01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( lv_db_exists ). " 2. LUW: Delete the new travel, create booking for the same travel gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking = DATA(lt_booking) et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_travel-travel_id ). gr_cut->save( ). "Check that travel and booking are gone CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/travel01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/booking01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_booking_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '0' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '0' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking = DATA(lt_booking) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_no_key-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_booking_id_exists. _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_false ). " Try to create a booking that is already in the buffer gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking = DATA(lt_booking) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_exists-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = '10' ). gr_cut->save( ). " Try to create a booking that is already in the database CLEAR lt_messages. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking = lt_booking et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_exists-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = '10' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_price_currency. " Do not provide price and currency DATA(ls_booking_1) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_false ). " Provide price and currency CONSTANTS lc_diff TYPE p VALUE '99.99'. DATA lv_flight_price TYPE /dmo/flight_price01. DATA lv_currency_code TYPE /dmo/currency_code01. lv_flight_price = gs_flight_1-price + lc_diff. lv_currency_code = SWITCH #( gs_flight_1-currency_code WHEN 'EUR' THEN 'USD' ELSE 'EUR' ). DATA(ls_booking_2) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '20' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date flight_price = lv_flight_price currency_code = lv_currency_code ) iv_save = abap_true ). DATA ls_booking_sel TYPE /dmo/booking01. SELECT SINGLE flight_price, currency_code FROM /dmo/booking01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_booking_1-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking_1-booking_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_booking_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-flight_price exp = gs_flight_1-price ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-currency_code exp = gs_flight_1-currency_code ). CLEAR ls_booking_sel. SELECT SINGLE flight_price, currency_code FROM /dmo/booking01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_booking_1-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking_2-booking_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_booking_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-flight_price exp = lv_flight_price ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-currency_code exp = lv_currency_code ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_price_currency. DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date flight_price = '999.99' currency_code = 'EUR' ) iv_save = abap_false ). " Try to change the flight price only gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking-travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id flight_price = '888.88' ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update flight_price = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_price_currency_u-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_booking-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = ls_booking-booking_id ). " Try to change the currency code only CLEAR lt_messages. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking-travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id currency_code = 'XXX' ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update currency_code = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_price_currency_u-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_booking-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = ls_booking-booking_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_currency_code_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date flight_price = '999.99' currency_code = gv_currency_code_unknown ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>currency_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_CURRENCY_CODE' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_currency_code exp = gv_currency_code_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_currency_code_unknown. DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date flight_price = '999.99' currency_code = 'EUR' ) iv_save = abap_false ). " Try to change the flight price only gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking-travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id flight_price = '999.99' currency_code = gv_currency_code_unknown ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update flight_price = abap_true currency_code = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>currency_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_CURRENCY_CODE' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_currency_code exp = gv_currency_code_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD _create_booking. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = iv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = iv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( is_booking ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = is_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking = DATA(lt_booking) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking ) exp = 1 ). rs_booking = lt_booking[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = rs_booking-travel_id exp = iv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = rs_booking-booking_id exp = is_booking-booking_id ). IF iv_save = abap_true. gr_cut->save( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD _delete_existing_booking. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = iv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = iv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = iv_booking_id ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = iv_booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltc_booking_supplement DEFINITION FINAL FOR TESTING DURATION SHORT RISK LEVEL HARMLESS INHERITING FROM ltc_booking. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ts_supplement, supplement_id TYPE /dmo/supplement_id01, price TYPE /dmo/supplement_price01, currency_code TYPE /dmo/currency_code01, END OF ts_supplement. CLASS-DATA gs_supplement_1 TYPE ts_supplement. CLASS-DATA gs_supplement_2 TYPE ts_supplement. CLASS-DATA gv_supplement_id_unknown TYPE /dmo/supplement_id01. DATA mv_booking_id TYPE /dmo/booking_id01. DATA mv_booking_id_unknown TYPE /dmo/booking_id01. CLASS-METHODS class_setup. METHODS setup. "! Complicated test involving all 3 levels METHODS c_u_d_multiple FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a booking supplement with an unknown Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS c_travel_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a booking supplement with an initial Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS c_travel_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking supplement with an unknown Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS u_travel_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking supplement with an initial Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS u_travel_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete a booking supplement with an unknown Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS d_travel_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete a booking supplement with an initial Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS d_travel_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a booking supplement with an unknown Booking ID -> ERROR METHODS c_booking_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a booking supplement with an initial Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS c_booking_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking supplement with an unknown Booking ID -> ERROR METHODS u_booking_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking supplement with an initial Booking ID -> ERROR METHODS u_booking_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete a booking supplement with an unknown Booking ID -> ERROR METHODS d_booking_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete a booking supplement with an initial Booking ID -> ERROR METHODS d_booking_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking supplement with an unknown Booking Supplement ID -> ERROR METHODS u_booking_suppl_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking supplement with an initial Booking Supplement ID -> ERROR METHODS u_booking_suppl_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete a booking supplement with an unknown Booking Supplement ID -> ERROR METHODS d_booking_suppl_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete a booking supplement with an initial Booking Supplement ID -> ERROR METHODS d_booking_suppl_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Create booking supplement, delete father booking in same LUW -> NO Error, booking supplement ignored METHODS c_bsuppl_d_booking_1_luw FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Create booking supplement, delete father travel in same LUW -> NO Error, booking supplement ignored METHODS c_bsuppl_d_travel_1_luw FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete father travel, create booking supplement in same LUW -> ERROR METHODS d_travel_c_bsuppl_1_luw FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete father booking, create booking supplement in same LUW -> ERROR METHODS d_booking_c_bsuppl_1_luw FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete, update a single booking in the same LUW -> ERROR METHODS du_single FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete, delete a single booking in the same LUW -> NO Error METHODS dd_single FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a Booking Supplement with an unknown supplement ID -> ERROR METHODS c_supplement_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a Booking Supplement with an initial Booking Supplement ID -> ERROR METHODS c_booking_suppl_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a Booking Supplement with a known combination of Travel ID, Booking ID, Booking Supplement ID -> ERROR METHODS c_booking_suppl_id_exists FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Do a deep insert involving all 3 levels METHODS c_deep_insert FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to do a deep insert with a faulty booking supplement -> ERROR (nothing is created) METHODS c_deep_insert_suppl_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Do a complicated update in a single call METHODS u_single_travel_multiple FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. METHODS read_db FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. METHODS read_buffer FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. METHODS read_travel_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to change the supplement ID -> ERROR METHODS u_supplement_id FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Check that price and currency are derived / not derived METHODS c_price_currency FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update price only or currency only -> ERROR METHODS u_price_currency FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a booking supplement with an unknown currency code -> ERROR METHODS c_currency_code_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking supplement with an unknown currency code -> ERROR METHODS u_currency_code_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. METHODS _create_booking_suppl IMPORTING iv_travel_id TYPE /dmo/travel_id01 is_booking_supplement TYPE /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>ts_booking_supplement_in iv_save TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_true RETURNING VALUE(rs_booking_supplement) TYPE /dmo/book_sup_01. ENDCLASS. CLASS /dmo/cl_flight_legacy01 DEFINITION LOCAL FRIENDS ltc_booking_supplement. CLASS ltc_booking_supplement IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD class_setup. IF mc_use_sql_doubles = abap_true ##BOOL_OK. * gs_supplement_1 = VALUE #( supplement_id = 'BV-0001' price = '2.30' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ##LITERAL. * gs_supplement_2 = VALUE #( supplement_id = 'BV-0002' price = '7.50' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ##LITERAL. * * DATA lt_supplement TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF /dmo/suppleme_01. * lt_supplement = VALUE #( ( supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = gs_supplement_1-price currency_code = gs_supplement_1-currency_code ) * ( supplement_id = gs_supplement_2-supplement_id price = gs_supplement_2-price currency_code = gs_supplement_2-currency_code ) ). * mr_test_environment->insert_test_data( lt_supplement ). * * gv_supplement_id_unknown = 'XX-999'. ELSE. " Select any valid combination of Supplement ID, Price, Currency Code SELECT SINGLE supplement_id, price, currency_code FROM /dmo/suppleme_01 INTO ( @gs_supplement_1-supplement_id, @gs_supplement_1-price, @gs_supplement_1-currency_code ) ##WARN_OK. IF sy-subrc <> 0. cl_abap_unit_assert=>abort( 'No supplement data!' ). ENDIF. " Select a different valid combination of Supplement ID, Price, Currency Code SELECT SINGLE supplement_id, price, currency_code FROM /dmo/suppleme_01 WHERE supplement_id <> @gs_supplement_1-supplement_id INTO ( @gs_supplement_2-supplement_id, @gs_supplement_2-price, @gs_supplement_2-currency_code ) ##WARN_OK. IF sy-subrc <> 0. cl_abap_unit_assert=>abort( 'No supplement data!' ). ENDIF. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_differs( act = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id exp = gs_supplement_2-supplement_id ). " Determine an unknown Supplement ID gv_supplement_id_unknown = 'XX-999'. SELECT SINGLE supplement_id FROM /dmo/suppleme_01 WHERE supplement_id = @gv_supplement_id_unknown INTO @DATA(lv_dummy_supplement_id). IF sy-subrc = 0. cl_abap_unit_assert=>abort( |Supplement ID { gv_supplement_id_unknown } should not be known!| ). ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD setup. mv_booking_id = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) )-booking_id. mv_booking_id_unknown = '20'. ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_u_d_multiple. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. " 1. LUW: " Create a travel DATA(ls_travel) = _create_travel( is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) iv_save = abap_false ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_travel-travel_id ). " Create 2 bookings for the new travel DATA(ls_booking_1) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '20' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_false ). DATA(ls_booking_2) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '21' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_false ). " Create a single booking supplement for the first booking _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = ls_booking_1-travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = ls_booking_1-booking_id booking_supplement_id = '10' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) iv_save = abap_false ). " Create 2 booking supplements for the second booking DATA(ls_book_suppl_2_1) = _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = ls_booking_2-travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = ls_booking_2-booking_id booking_supplement_id = '10' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '20.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) iv_save = abap_false ). DATA(ls_book_suppl_2_2) = _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = ls_booking_2-travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = ls_booking_2-booking_id booking_supplement_id = '20' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '30.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) iv_save = abap_false ). gr_cut->save( ). SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @DATA(lv_count). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_count exp = 3 ). DATA ls_book_suppl_sel TYPE /dmo/book_sup_01. SELECT SINGLE price, currency_code FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_1-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_supplement_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_book_suppl_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_book_suppl_sel-price exp = '20.0' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_book_suppl_sel-currency_code exp = 'EUR' ). " 2. Update the first booking supplement of the second booking gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_book_suppl_2_1-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_book_suppl_2_1-travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_supplement_id price = '21.0' currency_code = 'USD' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update price = abap_true currency_code = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). " Check that record already in update buffer is properly updated gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_book_suppl_2_1-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_book_suppl_2_1-travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_supplement_id price = '22.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update price = abap_true currency_code = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking_supplement ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lt_booking_supplement[ 1 ]-travel_id exp = ls_book_suppl_2_1-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lt_booking_supplement[ 1 ]-booking_id exp = ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lt_booking_supplement[ 1 ]-booking_supplement_id exp = ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_supplement_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lt_booking_supplement[ 1 ]-price exp = '22.0' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lt_booking_supplement[ 1 ]-currency_code exp = 'EUR' ). gr_cut->save( ). SELECT SINGLE price, currency_code FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_1-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_supplement_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_book_suppl_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_book_suppl_sel-price exp = '22.0' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_book_suppl_sel-currency_code exp = 'EUR' ). SELECT SINGLE price, currency_code FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_2-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_2-booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_2-booking_supplement_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_book_suppl_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_book_suppl_sel-price exp = '30.0' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_book_suppl_sel-currency_code exp = 'EUR' ). " 3. Delete the first booking - check that the booking supplement has also been deleted _delete_existing_booking( iv_travel_id = ls_booking_1-travel_id iv_booking_id = ls_booking_1-booking_id ). SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @lv_count. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_count exp = 2 ). SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking_2-booking_id INTO @lv_count. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_count exp = 2 ). " 4. LUW: Delete the second booking supplement of the second booking - here check also travel admin field SELECT SINGLE lastchangedat FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @DATA(lv_lastchangedat_1). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_2-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_2-booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_2-booking_supplement_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( lv_db_exists ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_book_suppl_2_2-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_book_suppl_2_2-travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_book_suppl_2_2-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_book_suppl_2_2-booking_supplement_id ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_book_suppl_2_2-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_book_suppl_2_2-booking_supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_2-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_2-booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_2-booking_supplement_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). SELECT SINGLE lastchangedat FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @DATA(lv_lastchangedat_2). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lv_lastchangedat_2 > lv_lastchangedat_1 ) ). SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking_2-booking_id INTO @lv_count. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_count exp = 1 ). " 5. LUW: Delete the travel - check that all booking (supplements) have also been deleted _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel-travel_id ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/booking01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_travel_id_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id_unknown ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id_unknown ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '1' booking_supplement_id = '1' price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '1' booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_supplement ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_travel_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( ) is_travelx = VALUE #( ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '1' booking_supplement_id = '1' price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '1' booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_supplement ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_no_key-msgno ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_travel_id_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id_unknown ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id_unknown ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '2' price = '11.0' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '2' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update price = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_travel_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( ) is_travelx = VALUE #( ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '2' booking_supplement_id = '1' price = '11.0' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '2' booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update price = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_no_key-msgno ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_travel_id_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id_unknown ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id_unknown ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '1' booking_supplement_id = '1' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '1' booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_travel_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( ) is_travelx = VALUE #( ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '1' booking_supplement_id = '1' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '1' booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_no_key-msgno ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_booking_id_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id_unknown booking_supplement_id = '1' price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id_unknown booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_supplement ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = mv_booking_id_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_booking_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_supplement_id = '1' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_supplement ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_no_key-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_booking_id_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id_unknown booking_supplement_id = '1' price = '11.0' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id_unknown booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update price = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = mv_booking_id_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_booking_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_supplement_id = '1' price = '11.0' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update price = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_no_key-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_booking_id_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id_unknown booking_supplement_id = '1' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id_unknown booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = mv_booking_id_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_booking_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_supplement_id = '1' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_no_key-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_booking_suppl_id_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '10' price = '11.0' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update price = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_supplement_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr3 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_SUPPLEMENT_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = mv_booking_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_supplement_id exp = '10' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_booking_suppl_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id price = '11.0' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update price = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_supplement_no_key-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = mv_booking_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_booking_suppl_id_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '10' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_supplement_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr3 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_SUPPLEMENT_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = mv_booking_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_supplement_id exp = '10' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_booking_suppl_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_supplement_no_key-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = mv_booking_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_bsuppl_d_booking_1_luw. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. " 1. LUW: Create: Travel - Booking DATA(ls_travel) = _create_travel( is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) iv_save = abap_false ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_travel-travel_id ). DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_true ). " 2. LUW: Create Booking Supplement, Delete father Booking DATA(ls_booking_supplement) = _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = ls_booking-travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id booking_supplement_id = '11' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) iv_save = abap_false ). _delete_existing_booking( iv_travel_id = ls_booking-travel_id iv_booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id ). " Check that the Booking Supplement was not created CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_booking_supplement-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking_supplement-booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = @ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_bsuppl_d_travel_1_luw. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. " 1. LUW: Create: Travel - Booking DATA(ls_travel) = _create_travel( is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) iv_save = abap_false ). DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '11' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_true ). " 2. LUW: Create Booking Supplement, Delete father Travel DATA(ls_booking_supplement) = _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = ls_booking-travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id booking_supplement_id = '11' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) iv_save = abap_false ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel-travel_id ). " Check that the Booking Supplement was not created CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_booking_supplement-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking_supplement-booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = @ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_travel_c_bsuppl_1_luw. " 1. LUW: Create: Travel - Booking DATA(ls_travel) = _create_travel( is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) iv_save = abap_false ). DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_true ). " 2. LUW: Delete Travel, try to create Booking Supplement gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking-travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id booking_supplement_id = '1' price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_supplement ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_travel-travel_id ). gr_cut->save( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_booking_c_bsuppl_1_luw. " Delete Booking, try to create Booking Supplement gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '1' price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_supplement ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = mv_booking_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD du_single. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. DATA(ls_booking_supplement) = _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '22' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) iv_save = abap_true ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id exp = mv_booking_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id exp = '22' ). " Check existence of Booking Supplement CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @mv_booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = '22' INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( lv_db_exists ). " Delete, Update Booking Supplement in the same LUW gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id price = '11.0' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update price = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_supplement_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr3 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_SUPPLEMENT_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_supplement_id exp = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id ). gr_cut->save( ). " Check that the Booking Supplement no longer exists CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_booking_supplement-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking_supplement-booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = @ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD dd_single. CONSTANTS lc_booking_supplement_id TYPE /dmo/booking_supplement_id01 VALUE '34'. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) iv_save = abap_true ). " Check existence of Booking Supplement CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @mv_booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = @lc_booking_supplement_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( lv_db_exists ). " Delete Booking Supplement twice in the same LUW gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). " Check that the Booking Supplement no longer exists CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @mv_booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = @lc_booking_supplement_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_supplement_unknown. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. " Try to create 2 Booking Supplements, one of them is faulty gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '1' supplement_id = gv_supplement_id_unknown price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '2' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '2' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_supplement ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>supplement_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_SUPPLEMENT_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_supplement_id exp = gv_supplement_id_unknown ). gr_cut->save( ). " Check that no Booking Supplement has been created CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @mv_booking_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_booking_suppl_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '0' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = gs_supplement_1-price currency_code = gs_supplement_1-currency_code ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '0' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_supplement ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_supplement_no_key-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = mv_booking_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_booking_suppl_id_exists. _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '20' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = gs_supplement_1-price currency_code = gs_supplement_1-currency_code ) iv_save = abap_false ). " Try to create a booking supplement that is already in the buffer gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '20' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = gs_supplement_1-price currency_code = gs_supplement_1-currency_code ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '20' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_supplement ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_supplement_exists-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr3 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_SUPPLEMENT_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = mv_booking_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_supplement_id exp = '20' ). gr_cut->save( ). " Try to create a booking supplement that is already in the database CLEAR lt_messages. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '20' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = gs_supplement_1-price currency_code = gs_supplement_1-currency_code ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '20' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking_supplement = lt_booking_supplement et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_supplement ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_supplement_exists-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr3 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_SUPPLEMENT_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = mv_booking_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_supplement_id exp = '20' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_deep_insert. CONSTANTS lc_booking_id_1 TYPE /dmo/booking_id01 VALUE '20'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_id_2 TYPE /dmo/booking_id01 VALUE '21'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_supplement_id_1_1 TYPE /dmo/booking_supplement_id01 VALUE '10'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_supplement_id_2_1 TYPE /dmo/booking_supplement_id01 VALUE '10'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_supplement_id_2_2 TYPE /dmo/booking_supplement_id01 VALUE '20'. gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Deep_Insert' total_price = '999.99' "Derivated, so ignored booking_fee = '10.00' currency_code = 'EUR' ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date flight_price = '100.00' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 carrier_id = gs_flight_2-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_2-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_2-flight_date flight_price = '200.00' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_1 supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_2_1 supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '20.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_2_2 supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '30.0' currency_code = 'USD' ) ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel) et_booking = DATA(lt_booking) et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_travel-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking ) exp = 2 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking_supplement ) exp = 3 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( line_exists( lt_booking[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 ] ) ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( line_exists( lt_booking[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 ] ) ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( line_exists( lt_booking_supplement[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_1 ] ) ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( line_exists( lt_booking_supplement[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_2_1 ] ) ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( line_exists( lt_booking_supplement[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_2_2 ] ) ) ). gr_cut->save( ). " Check travel DATA(lv_exchange_rate_date) = cl_abap_context_info=>get_system_date( ). /dmo/cl_flight_amdp01=>convert_currency( EXPORTING iv_amount = '30.00' iv_currency_code_source = 'USD' iv_currency_code_target = 'EUR' iv_exchange_rate_date = lv_exchange_rate_date IMPORTING ev_amount = data(lv_30_usd_as_eur) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( lv_30_usd_as_eur ). DATA ls_travel_sel TYPE /dmo/travel01. SELECT SINGLE agency_id, customer_id, total_price, currency_code, description FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_travel_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-agency_id exp = gv_agency_id_1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-customer_id exp = gv_customer_id_1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-total_price exp = '10.00' + '100.00' + '200.00' + '10.00' + '20.00' + lv_30_usd_as_eur ) ##LITERAL. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-currency_code exp = 'EUR' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-description exp = 'My_Deep_Insert' ). " Check booking count, Check one of the bookings SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/booking01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @DATA(lv_count). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_count exp = 2 ). DATA ls_booking_sel TYPE /dmo/booking01. SELECT SINGLE customer_id, flight_date FROM /dmo/booking01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id AND booking_id = @lc_booking_id_2 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_booking_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-customer_id exp = gv_customer_id_2 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-flight_date exp = gs_flight_2-flight_date ). " Check booking supplement count, Check one of the booking supplements lv_count = 0. SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @lv_count. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_count exp = 3 ). DATA ls_book_suppl_sel TYPE /dmo/book_sup_01. SELECT SINGLE price, currency_code FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id AND booking_id = @lc_booking_id_2 AND booking_supplement_id = @lc_booking_supplement_id_2_1 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_book_suppl_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_book_suppl_sel-price exp = '20.0' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_book_suppl_sel-currency_code exp = 'EUR' ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_deep_insert_suppl_unknown. " Prepare travel in buffer without save DATA(ls_travel) = _create_travel( is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) iv_save = abap_false ). " Now try to put a second travel with a faulty booking supplement into the buffer CONSTANTS lc_booking_id_1 TYPE /dmo/booking_id01 VALUE '20'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_id_2 TYPE /dmo/booking_id01 VALUE '21'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_supplement_id_2_1 TYPE /dmo/booking_supplement_id01 VALUE '10'. gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Deep_Insert_Fail' ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 carrier_id = gs_flight_2-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_2-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_2-flight_date ) ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_2_1 supplement_id = gv_supplement_id_unknown " <<< Unknown Supplement ID price = '20.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel_fail) et_booking = DATA(lt_booking) et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( ls_travel_fail-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_supplement ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>supplement_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_SUPPLEMENT_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_supplement_id exp = gv_supplement_id_unknown ). gr_cut->save( ). " Delete the first travel, this would fail when first travel had not been created _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_single_travel_multiple. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. " Create and persis a travel with 1 booking and 3 booking supplements CONSTANTS lc_booking_id_1 TYPE /dmo/booking_id01 VALUE '20'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_supplement_id_1_1 TYPE /dmo/booking_supplement_id01 VALUE '10'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_supplement_id_1_2 TYPE /dmo/booking_supplement_id01 VALUE '20'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_supplement_id_1_3 TYPE /dmo/booking_supplement_id01 VALUE '30'. gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Deep_Insert_1' ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date flight_price = '100.00' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_1 supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_2 supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '20.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_3 supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '30.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel) et_booking = DATA(lt_booking) et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_travel-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking_supplement ) exp = 3 ). DATA(ls_booking_supplement_1_1) = lt_booking_supplement[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_1 ]. gr_cut->save( ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id AND booking_id = @lc_booking_id_1 AND booking_supplement_id = @lc_booking_supplement_id_1_2 INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( lv_db_exists ). " Now do (and save) a complicated update: " -- Change a travel attribute " -- Change a booking attribute " -- Change a booking supplement attribute " -- Create a new booking " -- Delete a Booking Supplement " -- Create a Booking Supplement for an existing Booking " -- Create a new Booking Supplement for the new Booking CONSTANTS lc_booking_id_2 TYPE /dmo/booking_id01 VALUE '10'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_supplement_id_2_1 TYPE /dmo/booking_supplement_id01 VALUE '10'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_supplement_id_1_4 TYPE /dmo/booking_supplement_id01 VALUE '40'. CONSTANTS lc_diff TYPE /dmo/supplement_price01 VALUE '123.00'. DATA(lv_new_price) = ls_booking_supplement_1_1-price + lc_diff. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id description = 'My_Deep_Insert_2' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id description = abap_true ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_2-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_2-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_2-flight_date flight_price = '200.00' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update customer_id = abap_true ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_1 price = lv_new_price currency_code = 'EUR' ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_2 ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_4 supplement_id = gs_supplement_2-supplement_id price = '40.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_2_1 supplement_id = gs_supplement_2-supplement_id price = '50.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_1 action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update price = abap_true currency_code = 'EUR' ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_2 action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-delete ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_4 action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_2_1 action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel_aft_update) et_booking = DATA(lt_booking_aft_update) et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_suppl_aft_update) et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_aft_update-travel_id exp = ls_travel-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking_aft_update ) exp = 2 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( line_exists( lt_booking_aft_update[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 ] ) ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( line_exists( lt_booking_aft_update[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 ] ) ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking_suppl_aft_update ) exp = 3 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( line_exists( lt_booking_suppl_aft_update[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_1 ] ) ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( line_exists( lt_booking_suppl_aft_update[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_4 ] ) ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( line_exists( lt_booking_suppl_aft_update[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_2_1 ] ) ) ). gr_cut->save( ). " Check Travel DATA ls_travel_sel TYPE /dmo/travel01. SELECT SINGLE total_price, currency_code, description FROM /dmo/travel01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_travel_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-total_price exp = '100.00' + '200.00' + lv_new_price + '30.00' + '40.00' + '50.00' ) ##LITERAL. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-currency_code exp = 'EUR' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-description exp = 'My_Deep_Insert_2' ). " Check Booking(s) " -- Updated Booking DATA ls_booking_sel TYPE /dmo/booking01. SELECT SINGLE booking_date, customer_id FROM /dmo/booking01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id AND booking_id = @lc_booking_id_1 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_booking_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-booking_date exp = gv_booking_date ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-customer_id exp = gv_customer_id_2 ). " -- New Booking CLEAR ls_booking_sel. SELECT SINGLE customer_id, flight_date FROM /dmo/booking01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id AND booking_id = @lc_booking_id_2 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_booking_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-customer_id exp = gv_customer_id_1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-flight_date exp = gs_flight_2-flight_date ). " Check Booking Supplement(s) " -- Updated Booking Supplement DATA ls_booking_supplement_sel TYPE /dmo/book_sup_01. SELECT SINGLE supplement_id, price FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id AND booking_id = @lc_booking_id_1 AND booking_supplement_id = @lc_booking_supplement_id_1_1 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_booking_supplement_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_supplement_sel-supplement_id exp = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_supplement_sel-price exp = lv_new_price ). " -- Deleted Booking Supplement CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id AND booking_id = @lc_booking_id_1 AND booking_supplement_id = @lc_booking_supplement_id_1_2 INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). " -- Unchanged Booking Supplement CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id AND booking_id = @lc_booking_id_1 AND booking_supplement_id = @lc_booking_supplement_id_1_3 INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( lv_db_exists ). " -- Created Booking Supplement for the existing Booking CLEAR ls_booking_supplement_sel. SELECT SINGLE supplement_id FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id AND booking_id = @lc_booking_id_1 AND booking_supplement_id = @lc_booking_supplement_id_1_4 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_booking_supplement_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_supplement_sel-supplement_id exp = gs_supplement_2-supplement_id ). " -- Created Booking Supplement for the new Booking CLEAR ls_booking_supplement_sel. SELECT SINGLE supplement_id FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id AND booking_id = @lc_booking_id_2 AND booking_supplement_id = @lc_booking_supplement_id_2_1 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_booking_supplement_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_supplement_sel-supplement_id exp = gs_supplement_2-supplement_id ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD read_db. DATA(ls_travel) = _create_travel( is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) iv_save = abap_false ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_travel-travel_id ). " Create 2 bookings for the new travel _create_booking( iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '20' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_false ). _create_booking( iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '21' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_false ). " Create a single booking supplement for the first booking _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = '20' booking_supplement_id = '10' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) iv_save = abap_false ). " Create 2 booking supplements for the second booking _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = '21' booking_supplement_id = '10' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '20.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) iv_save = abap_false ). _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = '21' booking_supplement_id = '20' supplement_id = gs_supplement_2-supplement_id price = '30.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) iv_save = abap_true )." <<< Finally write to DB gr_cut->get_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id iv_include_buffer = abap_true IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel_read) et_booking = DATA(lt_booking_read) et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement_read) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_read-travel_id exp = ls_travel-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_read-agency_id exp = ls_travel-agency_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking_read ) exp = 2 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking_supplement_read ) exp = 3 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( line_exists( lt_booking_supplement_read[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = '21' booking_supplement_id = '20' ] ) ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lt_booking_supplement_read[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = '21' booking_supplement_id = '20' ]-supplement_id exp = gs_supplement_2-supplement_id ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel-travel_id ). gr_cut->get_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id iv_include_buffer = abap_true IMPORTING es_travel = ls_travel_read et_booking = lt_booking_read et_booking_supplement = lt_booking_supplement_read et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( ls_travel_read ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_read ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_supplement_read ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_travel-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD read_buffer. CONSTANTS lc_booking_id_1 TYPE /dmo/booking_id01 VALUE '20'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_id_2 TYPE /dmo/booking_id01 VALUE '21'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_supplement_id_1_1 TYPE /dmo/booking_supplement_id01 VALUE '10'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_supplement_id_2_1 TYPE /dmo/booking_supplement_id01 VALUE '10'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_supplement_id_2_2 TYPE /dmo/booking_supplement_id01 VALUE '20'. gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Deep_Insert' ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 carrier_id = gs_flight_2-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_2-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_2-flight_date ) ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_1 supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_2_1 supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '20.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_2_2 supplement_id = gs_supplement_2-supplement_id price = '30.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel) et_booking = DATA(lt_booking) et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_travel-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking ) exp = 2 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking_supplement ) exp = 3 ). " Now delete the first booking from the buffer gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->get_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id iv_include_buffer = abap_true IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel_read) et_booking = DATA(lt_booking_read) et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement_read) et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_read-travel_id exp = ls_travel-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_read-agency_id exp = ls_travel-agency_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking_read ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking_supplement_read ) exp = 2 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( line_exists( lt_booking_supplement_read[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = '21' booking_supplement_id = '20' ] ) ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lt_booking_supplement_read[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = '21' booking_supplement_id = '20' ]-supplement_id exp = gs_supplement_2-supplement_id ). gr_cut->initialize( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD read_travel_id_initial. gr_cut->get_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = '0' iv_include_buffer = abap_true IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel_read) et_booking = DATA(lt_booking_read) et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement_read) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( ls_travel_read ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_read ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_supplement_read ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>travel_no_key-msgno ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_supplement_id. DATA(ls_booking_supplement) = _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '10' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) iv_save = abap_true ). " Pretend to change the supplement ID (provide the same value) gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update supplement_id = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). " Try to update the Booking Supplement with an unknown supplement ID gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id supplement_id = gs_supplement_2-supplement_id price = '11.0' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update supplement_id = abap_true price = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_supplement_suppl_id_u-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr3 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_SUPPLEMENT_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_supplement_id exp = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id ). gr_cut->save( ). " Check that nothing has changed SELECT SINGLE supplement_id, price FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 WHERE travel_id = @ls_booking_supplement-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking_supplement-booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = @ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id INTO ( @DATA(lv_supplement_id), @DATA(lv_price) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_supplement_id exp = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_price exp = '10' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_price_currency. " Do not provide price and currency _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '10' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id ) iv_save = abap_false ). " Provide price and currency CONSTANTS lc_diff TYPE /dmo/supplement_price01 VALUE '9.99'. DATA lv_price TYPE /dmo/supplement_price01. DATA lv_currency_code TYPE /dmo/currency_code01. lv_price = gs_supplement_1-price + lc_diff. lv_currency_code = SWITCH #( gs_supplement_1-currency_code WHEN 'USD' THEN 'EUR' ELSE 'USD' ). _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '20' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = lv_price currency_code = lv_currency_code ) iv_save = abap_true ). DATA ls_booking_supplement_sel TYPE /dmo/book_sup_01. SELECT SINGLE price, currency_code FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @mv_booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = '10' INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_booking_supplement_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_supplement_sel-price exp = gs_supplement_1-price ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_supplement_sel-currency_code exp = gs_supplement_1-currency_code ). CLEAR ls_booking_supplement_sel. SELECT SINGLE price, currency_code FROM /dmo/book_sup_01 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @mv_booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = '20' INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_booking_supplement_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_supplement_sel-price exp = lv_price ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_supplement_sel-currency_code exp = lv_currency_code ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_price_currency. DATA(ls_booking_supplement) = _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '10' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id ) iv_save = abap_true ). " Try to change only the price gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id price = '11.0' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update price = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_supplement_pri_curr_u-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr3 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_SUPPLEMENT_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_supplement_id exp = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id ). " Try to change only the currency CLEAR lt_messages. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id currency_code = 'XXX' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update currency_code = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>booking_supplement_pri_curr_u-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr3 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_SUPPLEMENT_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_supplement_id exp = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_currency_code_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '10' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '9.99' currency_code = gv_currency_code_unknown ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>currency_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_CURRENCY_CODE' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_currency_code exp = gv_currency_code_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_currency_code_unknown. DATA(ls_booking_supplement) = _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '10' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id ) iv_save = abap_true ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id price = '9.99' currency_code = gv_currency_code_unknown ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-update price = abap_true currency_code = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy01=>currency_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_CURRENCY_CODE' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_currency_code exp = gv_currency_code_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD _create_booking_suppl. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = iv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = iv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( is_booking_supplement ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = is_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = is_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy01=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking_supplement ) exp = 1 ). rs_booking_supplement = lt_booking_supplement[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = rs_booking_supplement-travel_id exp = iv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = rs_booking_supplement-booking_id exp = is_booking_supplement-booking_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = rs_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id exp = is_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id ). IF iv_save = abap_true. gr_cut->save( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 300, 83, 565, 62, 5354, 62, 35927, 5550, 20032, 17941, 23449, 1137, 22083, 13, 198, 198, 31631, 1220, 67, 5908, 14, 565, 62, 22560, 62, 1455, 1590, 486, 5550, 20032, 17941, 37347, 1847, 48167, 1677, 5258, 300, 83, 565, 62, 5354, 62, 35927, 13, 198, 198, 31631, 300, 83, 565, 62, 5354, 62, 35927, 5550, 20032, 17941, 25261, 7473, 43001, 2751, 198, 220, 360, 4261, 6234, 6006, 9863, 198, 220, 45698, 42, 49277, 43638, 5805, 7597, 13, 628, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1392, 62, 5354, 7473, 43001, 2751, 17926, 1797, 2751, 43213, 62, 12708, 62, 9122, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 31631, 300, 83, 565, 62, 5354, 62, 35927, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 1392, 62, 5354, 22492, 12161, 1961, 1961, 13, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 31631, 300, 23047, 62, 35927, 5550, 20032, 17941, 7473, 43001, 2751, 360, 4261, 6234, 6006, 9863, 45698, 42, 49277, 43638, 5805, 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CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_ecatt_super DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_objects_super ABSTRACT CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_object . ALIASES mo_files FOR zif_abapgit_object~mo_files . METHODS: constructor IMPORTING !is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item !iv_language TYPE spras . PROTECTED SECTION. METHODS: get_object_type ABSTRACT RETURNING VALUE(rv_object_type) TYPE etobj_type, get_upload ABSTRACT RETURNING VALUE(ro_upload) TYPE REF TO cl_apl_ecatt_upload, get_download ABSTRACT RETURNING VALUE(ro_download) TYPE REF TO cl_apl_ecatt_download, get_lock_object ABSTRACT RETURNING VALUE(rv_lock_object) TYPE eqeobj. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_last_changed, luser TYPE xubname, ldate TYPE datum, ltime TYPE uzeit, END OF ty_last_changed. CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF co_name, version TYPE string VALUE 'VERSION' ##NO_TEXT, versions TYPE string VALUE 'VERSIONS' ##NO_TEXT, END OF co_name, co_default_version TYPE etobj_ver VALUE '1' ##NO_TEXT. CLASS-METHODS: is_change_more_recent_than IMPORTING is_currently_changed TYPE ty_last_changed is_last_changed TYPE ty_last_changed RETURNING VALUE(rv_is_change_more_recent) TYPE abap_bool. DATA: mv_object_name TYPE etobj_name. METHODS: get_changed_date IMPORTING ii_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document RETURNING VALUE(rv_changed_date) TYPE d, get_changed_time IMPORTING ii_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document RETURNING VALUE(rv_changed_time) TYPE t, get_changed_by_user IMPORTING ii_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document RETURNING VALUE(rv_changed_by_user) TYPE xubname, get_change_information IMPORTING is_version_info TYPE etversinfo RETURNING VALUE(rs_change_information) TYPE ty_last_changed RAISING cx_ecatt_apl zcx_abapgit_exception, clear_attributes CHANGING ci_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document, clear_elements CHANGING ci_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document, get_version_from_node IMPORTING ii_node TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node RETURNING VALUE(rv_version) TYPE string, deserialize_version IMPORTING ii_version_node TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node iv_package TYPE devclass RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, serialize_version IMPORTING iv_version TYPE etversinfo-version CHANGING ci_node TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element RAISING cx_ecatt zcx_abapgit_exception, clear_element IMPORTING iv_name TYPE csequence CHANGING ci_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document, serialize_versions IMPORTING it_version_info TYPE etversinfo_tabtype CHANGING ci_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document RAISING cx_ecatt zcx_abapgit_exception. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_ecatt_super IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD clear_attributes. DATA: lo_element TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element, lv_object_type TYPE etobj_type. lv_object_type = get_object_type( ). lo_element = ci_document->find_from_name( |{ lv_object_type }| ). lo_element->remove_attribute( |SAPRL| ). lo_element->remove_attribute( |DOWNLOADDATE| ). lo_element->remove_attribute( |DOWNLOADTIME| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD clear_element. DATA: lo_element TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element. lo_element = ci_document->find_from_name( iv_name ). IF lo_element IS BOUND. lo_element->set_value( || ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD clear_elements. clear_element( EXPORTING iv_name = |FUSER| CHANGING ci_document = ci_document ). clear_element( EXPORTING iv_name = |FDATE| CHANGING ci_document = ci_document ). clear_element( EXPORTING iv_name = |LUSER| CHANGING ci_document = ci_document ). clear_element( EXPORTING iv_name = |LDATE| CHANGING ci_document = ci_document ). clear_element( EXPORTING iv_name = |LTIME| CHANGING ci_document = ci_document ). clear_element( EXPORTING iv_name = |TWB_RESP| CHANGING ci_document = ci_document ). clear_element( EXPORTING iv_name = |DEVCLASS| CHANGING ci_document = ci_document ). clear_element( EXPORTING iv_name = |TADIR_RESP| CHANGING ci_document = ci_document ). clear_element( EXPORTING iv_name = |VAR_EXT_PATH| CHANGING ci_document = ci_document ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD constructor. super->constructor( is_item = is_item iv_language = iv_language ). mv_object_name = ms_item-obj_name. ENDMETHOD. METHOD deserialize_version. DATA: ls_object TYPE etmobjects, lo_upload TYPE REF TO cl_apl_ecatt_upload, lv_xml TYPE xstring, lv_text TYPE string, li_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document, lv_version TYPE string, lx_error TYPE REF TO cx_ecatt. lv_version = get_version_from_node( ii_version_node ). IF lv_version IS INITIAL. RETURN. ENDIF. lo_upload = get_upload( ). li_document = cl_ixml=>create( )->create_document( ). li_document->append_child( ii_version_node->get_first_child( ) ). lv_xml = cl_ixml_80_20=>render_to_xstring( li_document ). CALL METHOD lo_upload->('Z_SET_STREAM_FOR_UPLOAD') EXPORTING iv_xml = lv_xml. ls_object-d_obj_name = mv_object_name. ls_object-s_obj_type = get_object_type( ). ls_object-d_devclass = iv_package. ls_object-d_obj_ver = lv_version. ls_object-d_overwrite = abap_true. TRY. lo_upload->upload( CHANGING ch_object = ls_object ). CATCH cx_ecatt INTO lx_error. lv_text = lx_error->get_text( ). zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( lv_text ). ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_changed_by_user. rv_changed_by_user = ii_document->find_from_name( 'LUSER' )->get_value( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_changed_date. DATA: lv_changed_date_external TYPE string. lv_changed_date_external = ii_document->find_from_name( 'LDATE' )->get_value( ). CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERSION_EXIT_RSDAT_INPUT' EXPORTING input = lv_changed_date_external IMPORTING output = rv_changed_date EXCEPTIONS invalid_date = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. RETURN. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_changed_time. DATA: lv_changed_time_external TYPE string. lv_changed_time_external = ii_document->find_from_name( 'LTIME' )->get_value( ). CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERSION_EXIT_TIMLO_INPUT' EXPORTING input = lv_changed_time_external IMPORTING output = rv_changed_time EXCEPTIONS wrong_input = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. RETURN. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_change_information. DATA: li_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document, lv_xml TYPE xstring, lo_download TYPE REF TO cl_apl_ecatt_download, lv_object_type TYPE etobj_type. lo_download = get_download( ). lv_object_type = get_object_type( ). zcl_abapgit_ecatt_helper=>build_xml_of_object( EXPORTING im_object_name = mv_object_name im_object_version = is_version_info-version im_object_type = lv_object_type io_download = lo_download IMPORTING ex_xml_stream = lv_xml ). li_document = cl_ixml_80_20=>parse_to_document( stream_xstring = lv_xml ). rs_change_information-ldate = get_changed_date( li_document ). rs_change_information-ltime = get_changed_time( li_document ). rs_change_information-luser = get_changed_by_user( li_document ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_version_from_node. TRY. rv_version = ii_node->get_first_child( )->get_first_child( )->get_first_child( )->get_first_child( )->get_value( ). CATCH cx_sy_ref_is_initial. RETURN. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD is_change_more_recent_than. IF ( is_currently_changed-ldate > is_last_changed-ldate ) OR ( is_currently_changed-ldate = is_last_changed-ldate AND is_currently_changed-ltime > is_last_changed-ltime ). rv_is_change_more_recent = abap_true. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD serialize_version. DATA: li_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document, lv_xml TYPE xstring, lo_node TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element, lo_download TYPE REF TO cl_apl_ecatt_download, lv_object_type TYPE etobj_type. lo_download = get_download( ). lv_object_type = get_object_type( ). zcl_abapgit_ecatt_helper=>build_xml_of_object( EXPORTING im_object_name = mv_object_name im_object_version = iv_version im_object_type = lv_object_type io_download = lo_download IMPORTING ex_xml_stream = lv_xml ). li_document = cl_ixml_80_20=>parse_to_document( stream_xstring = lv_xml ). clear_attributes( CHANGING ci_document = li_document ). clear_elements( CHANGING ci_document = li_document ). lo_node = li_document->create_element( co_name-version ). lo_node->append_child( li_document->get_root_element( ) ). ci_node->append_child( lo_node ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~changed_by. DATA: ls_last_changed TYPE ty_last_changed, ls_currently_changed TYPE ty_last_changed, lt_version_info TYPE etversinfo_tabtype, lx_error TYPE REF TO cx_ecatt, lv_text TYPE string, lv_object_type TYPE etobj_type. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_version_info> LIKE LINE OF lt_version_info. TRY. lv_object_type = get_object_type( ). cl_apl_ecatt_object=>get_version_info_object( EXPORTING im_name = mv_object_name im_obj_type = lv_object_type IMPORTING ex_version_info = lt_version_info ). LOOP AT lt_version_info ASSIGNING <ls_version_info>. ls_currently_changed = get_change_information( <ls_version_info> ). IF is_change_more_recent_than( is_currently_changed = ls_currently_changed is_last_changed = ls_last_changed ) = abap_true. ls_last_changed = ls_currently_changed. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. CATCH cx_ecatt INTO lx_error. lv_text = lx_error->get_text( ). MESSAGE lv_text TYPE 'S' DISPLAY LIKE 'E'. ENDTRY. IF ls_last_changed-luser IS NOT INITIAL. rv_user = ls_last_changed-luser. ELSE. rv_user = c_user_unknown. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~compare_to_remote_version. CREATE OBJECT ro_comparison_result TYPE zcl_abapgit_comparison_null. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~delete. DATA: lx_error TYPE REF TO cx_ecatt_apl, lv_text TYPE string, lv_object_type TYPE etobj_type. lv_object_type = get_object_type( ). TRY. cl_apl_ecatt_object=>delete_object( im_obj_type = lv_object_type im_name = mv_object_name " we have to supply a version, so let's use the default version " and delete them all im_version = co_default_version im_delete_all_versions = abap_true ). CATCH cx_ecatt_apl INTO lx_error. lv_text = lx_error->get_text( ). zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( lv_text ). ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~deserialize. DATA: li_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document, li_versions TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node_collection, li_version_iterator TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node_iterator, lo_version_node TYPE REF TO if_ixml_node. li_document = io_xml->get_raw( ). li_versions = li_document->get_elements_by_tag_name( depth = 0 name = co_name-version ). li_version_iterator = li_versions->create_iterator( ). DO. lo_version_node = li_version_iterator->get_next( ). IF lo_version_node IS NOT BOUND. EXIT. ENDIF. deserialize_version( ii_version_node = lo_version_node iv_package = iv_package ). ENDDO. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~exists. DATA: lv_object_type TYPE etobj_type. lv_object_type = get_object_type( ). TRY. rv_bool = cl_apl_ecatt_object=>existence_check_object( im_name = mv_object_name im_version = co_default_version im_obj_type = lv_object_type im_exists_any_version = abap_true ). CATCH cx_ecatt. RETURN. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_metadata. rs_metadata = get_metadata( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~has_changed_since. rv_changed = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~jump. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_TOOL_ACCESS' EXPORTING operation = 'SHOW' object_name = ms_item-obj_name object_type = ms_item-obj_type in_new_window = abap_true EXCEPTIONS not_executed = 1 invalid_object_type = 2 OTHERS = 3. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error { sy-subrc } from RS_TOOL_ACCESS | ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~serialize. DATA: lt_version_info TYPE etversinfo_tabtype, li_document TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document, lx_error TYPE REF TO cx_ecatt, lv_text TYPE string, lv_object_type TYPE etobj_type. lv_object_type = get_object_type( ). TRY. cl_apl_ecatt_object=>get_version_info_object( EXPORTING im_name = mv_object_name im_obj_type = lv_object_type IMPORTING ex_version_info = lt_version_info ). li_document = cl_ixml=>create( )->create_document( ). serialize_versions( EXPORTING it_version_info = lt_version_info CHANGING ci_document = li_document ). io_xml->set_raw( li_document->get_root_element( ) ). CATCH cx_ecatt INTO lx_error. lv_text = lx_error->get_text( ). MESSAGE lv_text TYPE 'S' DISPLAY LIKE 'E'. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD serialize_versions. DATA: li_versions_node TYPE REF TO if_ixml_element. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_version_info> LIKE LINE OF it_version_info. li_versions_node = ci_document->create_element( co_name-versions ). IF lines( it_version_info ) > 0. LOOP AT it_version_info ASSIGNING <ls_version_info>. serialize_version( EXPORTING iv_version = <ls_version_info>-version CHANGING ci_node = li_versions_node ). ENDLOOP. ELSE. serialize_version( EXPORTING iv_version = co_default_version CHANGING ci_node = li_versions_node ). ENDIF. ci_document->append_child( li_versions_node ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_locked. DATA: lv_object TYPE seqg3-garg. lv_object = ms_item-obj_name. OVERLAY lv_object WITH ' '. lv_object = lv_object && '*'. rv_is_locked = exists_a_lock_entry_for( iv_lock_object = get_lock_object( ) iv_argument = lv_object ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_active. rv_active = is_active( ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_gui_page_settings DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_gui_page. PUBLIC SECTION. CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_action, save_settings TYPE string VALUE 'save_settings', change_proxy_bypass TYPE string VALUE 'change_proxy_bypass', END OF c_action. METHODS constructor RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS zif_abapgit_gui_event_handler~on_event REDEFINITION. PROTECTED SECTION. METHODS render_content REDEFINITION. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA mo_settings TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_settings . DATA mv_error TYPE abap_bool . DATA mt_post_fields TYPE tihttpnvp . DATA mt_proxy_bypass TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_range_proxy_bypass_url. DATA mt_default_hotkeys TYPE zif_abapgit_gui_hotkeys=>tty_hotkey_with_descr. METHODS post_commit_msg . METHODS post_development_internals . METHODS post_hotkeys . METHODS render_proxy RETURNING VALUE(ro_html) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html . METHODS render_development_internals RETURNING VALUE(ro_html) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html . METHODS render_form_begin RETURNING VALUE(ro_html) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html . METHODS render_form_end RETURNING VALUE(ro_html) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html . METHODS render_max_lines RETURNING VALUE(ro_html) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html . METHODS render_icon_scaling RETURNING VALUE(ro_html) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html . METHODS render_ui_theme RETURNING VALUE(ro_html) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html . METHODS render_adt_jump_enabled RETURNING VALUE(ro_html) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html . METHODS render_commit_msg RETURNING VALUE(ro_html) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html . METHODS post_proxy . METHODS post IMPORTING !it_post_fields TYPE tihttpnvp . METHODS validate_settings . METHODS parse_post IMPORTING !it_postdata TYPE cnht_post_data_tab RETURNING VALUE(rt_post_fields) TYPE tihttpnvp . METHODS persist_settings RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS read_settings . METHODS render_section_begin IMPORTING !iv_header TYPE csequence RETURNING VALUE(ro_html) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html . METHODS render_section_end RETURNING VALUE(ro_html) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html . METHODS render_start_up RETURNING VALUE(ro_html) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html . METHODS render_link_hints RETURNING VALUE(ro_html) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS render_hotkeys RETURNING VALUE(ro_html) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS is_post_field_checked IMPORTING iv_name TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(rv_return) TYPE abap_bool . METHODS render_parallel_proc RETURNING VALUE(ro_html) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPGIT_GUI_PAGE_SETTINGS IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. super->constructor( ). ms_control-page_title = 'SETTINGS'. ENDMETHOD. METHOD is_post_field_checked. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_post_field> TYPE ihttpnvp. READ TABLE mt_post_fields ASSIGNING <ls_post_field> WITH KEY name = iv_name. IF sy-subrc = 0 AND ( <ls_post_field>-value = abap_true "HTML value when using standard netweaver GUI OR <ls_post_field>-value = 'on' ). "HTML value when using Netweaver Java GUI rv_return = abap_true. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD parse_post. DATA lv_serialized_post_data TYPE string. CONCATENATE LINES OF it_postdata INTO lv_serialized_post_data. rt_post_fields = zcl_abapgit_html_action_utils=>parse_fields( lv_serialized_post_data ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD persist_settings. DATA lo_settings_persistence TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_persist_settings. lo_settings_persistence = zcl_abapgit_persist_settings=>get_instance( ). lo_settings_persistence->modify( mo_settings ). MESSAGE 'Settings succesfully saved' TYPE 'S'. ENDMETHOD. METHOD post. DATA lv_i_param_value TYPE i. DATA lv_c_param_value TYPE c. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_post_field> TYPE ihttpnvp. CREATE OBJECT mo_settings. mt_post_fields = it_post_fields. post_proxy( ). post_commit_msg( ). post_development_internals( ). * todo, refactor to private POST_* methods IF is_post_field_checked( 'show_default_repo' ) = abap_true. mo_settings->set_show_default_repo( abap_true ). ELSE. mo_settings->set_show_default_repo( abap_false ). ENDIF. READ TABLE mt_post_fields ASSIGNING <ls_post_field> WITH KEY name = 'max_lines'. IF sy-subrc = 0. lv_i_param_value = <ls_post_field>-value. mo_settings->set_max_lines( lv_i_param_value ). ELSE. mo_settings->set_max_lines( 0 ). ENDIF. IF is_post_field_checked( 'adt_jump_enabled' ) = abap_true. mo_settings->set_adt_jump_enanbled( abap_true ). ELSE. mo_settings->set_adt_jump_enanbled( abap_false ). ENDIF. IF is_post_field_checked( 'link_hints_enabled' ) = abap_true. mo_settings->set_link_hints_enabled( abap_true ). ELSE. mo_settings->set_link_hints_enabled( abap_false ). ENDIF. READ TABLE mt_post_fields ASSIGNING <ls_post_field> WITH KEY name = 'link_hint_key'. IF sy-subrc = 0. mo_settings->set_link_hint_key( |{ <ls_post_field>-value }| ). ENDIF. IF is_post_field_checked( 'parallel_proc_disabled' ) = abap_true. mo_settings->set_parallel_proc_disabled( abap_true ). ELSE. mo_settings->set_parallel_proc_disabled( abap_false ). ENDIF. READ TABLE mt_post_fields ASSIGNING <ls_post_field> WITH KEY name = 'icon_scaling'. IF sy-subrc = 0. lv_c_param_value = <ls_post_field>-value. mo_settings->set_icon_scaling( lv_c_param_value ). ELSE. mo_settings->set_icon_scaling( '' ). ENDIF. READ TABLE mt_post_fields ASSIGNING <ls_post_field> WITH KEY name = 'ui_theme'. IF sy-subrc = 0. mo_settings->set_ui_theme( <ls_post_field>-value ). ELSE. mo_settings->set_ui_theme( zcl_abapgit_settings=>c_ui_theme-default ). ENDIF. post_hotkeys( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD post_commit_msg. DATA: lv_i_param_value TYPE i. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_post_field> TYPE ihttpnvp. READ TABLE mt_post_fields ASSIGNING <ls_post_field> WITH KEY name = 'comment_length'. IF sy-subrc = 0. lv_i_param_value = <ls_post_field>-value. IF lv_i_param_value < zcl_abapgit_settings=>c_commitmsg_comment_length_dft. lv_i_param_value = zcl_abapgit_settings=>c_commitmsg_comment_length_dft. ENDIF. mo_settings->set_commitmsg_comment_length( lv_i_param_value ). ELSE. mo_settings->set_commitmsg_comment_length( zcl_abapgit_settings=>c_commitmsg_comment_length_dft ). ENDIF. READ TABLE mt_post_fields ASSIGNING <ls_post_field> WITH KEY name = 'comment_default'. IF sy-subrc = 0. mo_settings->set_commitmsg_comment_default( <ls_post_field>-value ). ENDIF. READ TABLE mt_post_fields ASSIGNING <ls_post_field> WITH KEY name = 'body_size'. IF sy-subrc = 0. lv_i_param_value = <ls_post_field>-value. IF lv_i_param_value < zcl_abapgit_settings=>c_commitmsg_body_size_dft. lv_i_param_value = zcl_abapgit_settings=>c_commitmsg_body_size_dft. ENDIF. mo_settings->set_commitmsg_body_size( lv_i_param_value ). ELSE. mo_settings->set_commitmsg_body_size( zcl_abapgit_settings=>c_commitmsg_body_size_dft ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD post_development_internals. IF is_post_field_checked( 'critical_tests' ) = abap_true. mo_settings->set_run_critical_tests( abap_true ). ELSE. mo_settings->set_run_critical_tests( abap_false ). ENDIF. IF is_post_field_checked( 'experimental_features' ) = abap_true. mo_settings->set_experimental_features( abap_true ). ELSE. mo_settings->set_experimental_features( abap_false ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD post_hotkeys. DATA: lt_key_bindings TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>tty_hotkey, ls_key_binding LIKE LINE OF lt_key_bindings. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_default_hotkey> LIKE LINE OF mt_default_hotkeys, <ls_post_field> TYPE ihttpnvp. LOOP AT mt_post_fields ASSIGNING <ls_post_field> WHERE name CP 'hk~*'. FIND FIRST OCCURRENCE OF REGEX `hk~(.+)~(.+)` IN <ls_post_field>-name SUBMATCHES ls_key_binding-ui_component ls_key_binding-action. CHECK sy-subrc = 0. READ TABLE mt_default_hotkeys ASSIGNING <ls_default_hotkey> WITH TABLE KEY action COMPONENTS ui_component = ls_key_binding-ui_component action = ls_key_binding-action. IF sy-subrc = 0 AND <ls_post_field>-value IS NOT INITIAL AND <ls_post_field>-value <> <ls_default_hotkey>-hotkey. ls_key_binding-hotkey = <ls_post_field>-value. APPEND ls_key_binding TO lt_key_bindings. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. mo_settings->set_hotkeys( lt_key_bindings ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD post_proxy. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_post_field> TYPE ihttpnvp. READ TABLE mt_post_fields ASSIGNING <ls_post_field> WITH KEY name = 'proxy_url'. IF sy-subrc <> 0. mv_error = abap_true. ENDIF. mo_settings->set_proxy_url( <ls_post_field>-value ). READ TABLE mt_post_fields ASSIGNING <ls_post_field> WITH KEY name = 'proxy_port'. IF sy-subrc <> 0. mv_error = abap_true. ENDIF. mo_settings->set_proxy_port( <ls_post_field>-value ). IF is_post_field_checked( 'proxy_auth' ) = abap_true. mo_settings->set_proxy_authentication( abap_true ). ELSE. mo_settings->set_proxy_authentication( abap_false ). ENDIF. mo_settings->set_proxy_bypass( mt_proxy_bypass ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD read_settings. DATA lo_settings_persistence TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_persist_settings. lo_settings_persistence = zcl_abapgit_persist_settings=>get_instance( ). mo_settings = lo_settings_persistence->read( ). mt_proxy_bypass = mo_settings->get_proxy_bypass( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_adt_jump_enabled. DATA lv_checked TYPE string. IF mo_settings->get_adt_jump_enabled( ) = abap_true. lv_checked = 'checked'. ENDIF. CREATE OBJECT ro_html. ro_html->add( |<h2>ABAP Development Tools (ADT)</h2>| ). ro_html->add( `<input type="checkbox" name="adt_jump_enabled" value="X" ` && lv_checked && ` > Enable jump to ADT first` ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_commit_msg. CREATE OBJECT ro_html. ro_html->add( |<h2>Commit Message</h2>| ). ro_html->add( |<label for="comment_length">Max. length of comment (recommendation 50)</label>| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( |<input name="comment_length" type="number" step="10" size="3" maxlength="3" min="50"| && | value="{ mo_settings->get_commitmsg_comment_length( ) }">| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( |<label for="comment_default">Default for comment (possible variables: $OBJECT, $FILE)</label>| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( |<input name="comment_default" type="text" size="80" maxlength="255"| && | value="{ mo_settings->get_commitmsg_comment_default( ) }">| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( |<label for="body_size">Max. line size of body (recommendation 72)</label>| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( |<input name="body_size" type="number" size="3" maxlength="3" min="50"| && | value="{ mo_settings->get_commitmsg_body_size( ) }">| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_content. CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. read_settings( ). ri_html->add( render_form_begin( ) ). ri_html->add( render_section_begin( |Global settings| ) ). ri_html->add( render_proxy( ) ). ri_html->add( |<hr>| ). ri_html->add( render_commit_msg( ) ). ri_html->add( |<hr>| ). ri_html->add( render_development_internals( ) ). ri_html->add( render_section_end( ) ). ri_html->add( render_section_begin( |User specific settings| ) ). ri_html->add( render_start_up( ) ). ri_html->add( render_max_lines( ) ). ri_html->add( render_icon_scaling( ) ). ri_html->add( render_ui_theme( ) ). ri_html->add( |<hr>| ). ri_html->add( render_adt_jump_enabled( ) ). ri_html->add( |<hr>| ). ri_html->add( render_parallel_proc( ) ). ri_html->add( |<hr>| ). ri_html->add( render_link_hints( ) ). ri_html->add( |<hr>| ). ri_html->add( render_hotkeys( ) ). ri_html->add( render_section_end( ) ). ri_html->add( render_form_end( ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_development_internals. DATA: lv_critical_tests TYPE string, lv_experimental TYPE string. IF mo_settings->get_run_critical_tests( ) = abap_true. lv_critical_tests = 'checked'. ENDIF. IF mo_settings->get_experimental_features( ) = abap_true. lv_experimental = 'checked'. ENDIF. CREATE OBJECT ro_html. ro_html->add( |<h2>abapGit Development Internals settings</h2>| ). ro_html->add( `<input type="checkbox" name="critical_tests" ` && lv_critical_tests && ` > Enable critical unit tests (see LTCL_DANGEROUS)` ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( `<input type="checkbox" name="experimental_features" ` && lv_experimental && ` > Enable experimental features` ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_form_begin. CREATE OBJECT ro_html. ro_html->add( '<div class="settings_container">' ). ro_html->add( `<form id="settings_form" method="post" action="sapevent:` && c_action-save_settings && `">` ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_form_end. CREATE OBJECT ro_html. ro_html->add( '<input type="submit" value="Save" class="floating-button blue-set emphasis">' ). ro_html->add( '</form>' ). ro_html->add( '</div>' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_hotkeys. DATA lv_hk_id TYPE string. DATA lt_hotkeys LIKE mt_default_hotkeys. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_key> LIKE LINE OF mt_default_hotkeys. mt_default_hotkeys = zcl_abapgit_hotkeys=>get_all_default_hotkeys( ). " Cache for save processing lt_hotkeys = mt_default_hotkeys. zcl_abapgit_hotkeys=>merge_hotkeys_with_settings( CHANGING ct_hotkey_actions = lt_hotkeys ). CREATE OBJECT ro_html. ro_html->add( |<h2>Hotkeys</h2>| ). ro_html->add( '<table class="settings_tab">' ). ro_html->add( '<thead><tr><th>Component</th><th>Action</th><th>Key</th></tr></thead>' ). LOOP AT lt_hotkeys ASSIGNING <ls_key>. ro_html->add( '<tr>' ). ro_html->add( |<td>{ <ls_key>-ui_component }</td>| ). ro_html->add( |<td>{ <ls_key>-description }</td>| ). lv_hk_id = |hk~{ <ls_key>-ui_component }~{ <ls_key>-action }|. ro_html->add( |<td><input name="{ lv_hk_id }" maxlength=1 type="text" value="{ <ls_key>-hotkey }"></td>| ). ro_html->add( '</tr>' ). ENDLOOP. ro_html->add( '</table>' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_icon_scaling. DATA: BEGIN OF ls_sel, auto TYPE string, large TYPE string, small TYPE string, END OF ls_sel. CASE mo_settings->get_icon_scaling( ). WHEN zcl_abapgit_settings=>c_icon_scaling-large. ls_sel-large = ' selected'. WHEN zcl_abapgit_settings=>c_icon_scaling-small. ls_sel-small = ' selected'. WHEN OTHERS. ls_sel-auto = ' selected'. ENDCASE. CREATE OBJECT ro_html. ro_html->add( |<h2>UI Icon scaling</h2>| ). ro_html->add( |<label for="icon_scaling">High DPI icon scaling</label>| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( |<select name="icon_scaling" size="3">| ). ro_html->add( |<option value=""{ ls_sel-auto }>Auto</option>| ). ro_html->add( |<option value="{ zcl_abapgit_settings=>c_icon_scaling-large }"{ ls_sel-large }>Large</option>| ). ro_html->add( |<option value="{ zcl_abapgit_settings=>c_icon_scaling-small }"{ ls_sel-small }>Small</option>| ). ro_html->add( |</select>| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_link_hints. DATA: lv_checked TYPE string, lv_link_hint_key TYPE char01. IF mo_settings->get_link_hints_enabled( ) = abap_true. lv_checked = 'checked'. ENDIF. lv_link_hint_key = mo_settings->get_link_hint_key( ). CREATE OBJECT ro_html. ro_html->add( |<h2>Vimium like link hints</h2>| ). ro_html->add( `<input type="checkbox" name="link_hints_enabled" value="X" ` && lv_checked && ` > Enable Vimium like link hints` ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( |<input type="text" name="link_hint_key" size="1" maxlength="1" value="{ lv_link_hint_key }" | && |> Single key to activate links| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_max_lines. CREATE OBJECT ro_html. ro_html->add( |<h2>List size</h2>| ). ro_html->add( |<label for="max_lines">Max. # of objects listed (0 = all)</label>| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( `<input name="max_lines" type="text" size="5" value="` && mo_settings->get_max_lines( ) && `">` ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_parallel_proc. DATA lv_checked TYPE string. IF mo_settings->get_parallel_proc_disabled( ) = abap_true. lv_checked = 'checked'. ENDIF. CREATE OBJECT ro_html. ro_html->add( |<h2>Parallel processing</h2>| ). ro_html->add( `<input type="checkbox" name="parallel_proc_disabled" value="X" ` && lv_checked && ` > Disable parallel processing` ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_proxy. CREATE OBJECT ro_html. ro_html->add( |<h2>Proxy</h2>| ). ro_html->add( |<label for="proxy_url">Proxy URL</label>| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( `<input name="proxy_url" type="text" size="50" value="` && mo_settings->get_proxy_url( ) && `">` ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( |<label for="proxy_port">Proxy Port</label>| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( `<input name="proxy_port" type="text" size="5" value="` && mo_settings->get_proxy_port( ) && `">` ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( |<label for="proxy_auth">Proxy Authentication</label>| ). IF mo_settings->get_proxy_authentication( ) = abap_true. ro_html->add( `<input name="proxy_auth" type="checkbox" checked>` ). ELSE. ro_html->add( `<input name="proxy_auth" type="checkbox">` ). ENDIF. ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( |<label for="proxy_bypass">Bypass proxy settings for these Hosts & Domains</label>| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( |<button type="button" name="proxy_bypass" class="grey-set"| & |onclick="location.href='sapevent:{ c_action-change_proxy_bypass }';">Maintain</button>| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_section_begin. CREATE OBJECT ro_html. ro_html->add( |<h1>{ iv_header }</h1>| ). ro_html->add( |<div class="settings_section">| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_section_end. CREATE OBJECT ro_html. ro_html->add( |</div>| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_start_up. DATA lv_checked TYPE string. IF mo_settings->get_show_default_repo( ) = abap_true. lv_checked = 'checked'. ENDIF. CREATE OBJECT ro_html. ro_html->add( |<h2>Start up</h2>| ). ro_html->add( `<input type="checkbox" name="show_default_repo" value="X" ` && lv_checked && ` > Show last repo` ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_ui_theme. " TODO: unify with render_icon_scaling, make list component DATA: BEGIN OF ls_sel, default TYPE string, dark TYPE string, belize TYPE string, END OF ls_sel. CASE mo_settings->get_ui_theme( ). WHEN zcl_abapgit_settings=>c_ui_theme-default. ls_sel-default = ' selected'. WHEN zcl_abapgit_settings=>c_ui_theme-dark. ls_sel-dark = ' selected'. WHEN zcl_abapgit_settings=>c_ui_theme-belize. ls_sel-belize = ' selected'. ENDCASE. CREATE OBJECT ro_html. ro_html->add( |<h2>UI Theme</h2>| ). ro_html->add( |<label for="ui_theme">UI Theme</label>| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( |<select name="ui_theme" size="3">| ). ro_html->add( |<option value="{ zcl_abapgit_settings=>c_ui_theme-default }"{ ls_sel-default }>{ zcl_abapgit_settings=>c_ui_theme-default }</option>| ). ro_html->add( |<option value="{ zcl_abapgit_settings=>c_ui_theme-dark }"{ ls_sel-dark }>{ zcl_abapgit_settings=>c_ui_theme-dark }</option>| ). ro_html->add( |<option value="{ zcl_abapgit_settings=>c_ui_theme-belize }"{ ls_sel-belize }>{ zcl_abapgit_settings=>c_ui_theme-belize }</option>| ). ro_html->add( |</select>| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ro_html->add( |<br>| ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD validate_settings. IF ( mo_settings->get_proxy_url( ) IS NOT INITIAL AND mo_settings->get_proxy_port( ) IS INITIAL ) OR ( mo_settings->get_proxy_url( ) IS INITIAL AND mo_settings->get_proxy_port( ) IS NOT INITIAL ). MESSAGE 'If specifying proxy, specify both URL and port' TYPE 'W'. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_gui_event_handler~on_event. * todo, check input values eg INT DATA: lt_post_fields TYPE tihttpnvp. CASE iv_action. WHEN c_action-save_settings. lt_post_fields = parse_post( it_postdata ). post( lt_post_fields ). validate_settings( ). IF mv_error = abap_true. MESSAGE 'Error when saving settings. Open an issue at' TYPE 'E'. ELSE. persist_settings( ). ENDIF. ev_state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-go_back. WHEN c_action-change_proxy_bypass. mt_proxy_bypass = zcl_abapgit_ui_factory=>get_popups( )->popup_proxy_bypass( mt_proxy_bypass ). ev_state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-no_more_act. ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS y_check_sub_assign_read_table DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM y_check_base CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS constructor. PROTECTED SECTION. METHODS inspect_tokens REDEFINITION. PRIVATE SECTION. METHODS is_read_table IMPORTING statement TYPE sstmnt RETURNING VALUE(result) TYPE abap_bool. METHODS extract_fieldname IMPORTING statement TYPE sstmnt RETURNING VALUE(result) TYPE string. METHODS has_subsequent_read IMPORTING statement TYPE sstmnt fieldname TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(result) TYPE abap_bool. ENDCLASS. CLASS y_check_sub_assign_read_table IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. super->constructor( ). settings-pseudo_comment = '"#EC SUB_ASSIGN' ##NO_TEXT. settings-disable_threshold_selection = abap_true. settings-threshold = 0. settings-documentation = |{ c_docs_path-checks }|. set_check_message( 'Subsequent memory assign to the Read Table might cause undesired changes!' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD inspect_tokens. CHECK is_read_table( statement ) = abap_true. DATA(fieldname) = extract_fieldname( statement ). IF fieldname IS INITIAL. RETURN. ENDIF. DATA(position) = index. LOOP AT ref_scan->statements ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<statement>) FROM index TO structure-stmnt_to. IF is_read_table( <statement> ) = abap_false. position = position + 1. CONTINUE. ENDIF. DATA(has_subsequent_read) = has_subsequent_read( statement = <statement> fieldname = fieldname ). IF has_subsequent_read = abap_false. position = position + 1. CONTINUE. ENDIF. DATA(check_configuration) = detect_check_configuration( <statement> ). raise_error( statement_level = <statement>-level statement_index = position statement_from = <statement>-from check_configuration = check_configuration ). ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD is_read_table. CHECK get_token_abs( statement-from ) = 'READ'. CHECK get_token_abs( statement-from + 1 ) = 'TABLE'. result = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. METHOD extract_fieldname. LOOP AT ref_scan->tokens ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<token>) FROM statement-from TO statement-to WHERE str CP 'FIELD-SYMBOL(<*>)'. result = <token>-str. REPLACE 'FIELD-SYMBOL(' IN result WITH ''. REPLACE ')' IN result WITH ''. RETURN. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD has_subsequent_read. DATA(tokens) = ref_scan->tokens. LOOP AT tokens ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<token>) FROM statement-from TO statement-to. IF <token>-str <> 'INTO'. CONTINUE. ENDIF. DATA(target) = tokens[ sy-tabix + 1 ]. IF target-str = fieldname. result = abap_true. RETURN. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_dependencies DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS resolve CHANGING !ct_tadir TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tadir_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_dependency, depname TYPE dd02l-tabname, deptyp TYPE c LENGTH 4, deplocal TYPE dd02l-as4local, refname TYPE dd02l-tabname, reftyp TYPE c LENGTH 4, kind TYPE c LENGTH 1, END OF ty_dependency . TYPES: ty_dedenpencies TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_dependency WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_item, obj_type TYPE tadir-object, obj_name TYPE tadir-obj_name, devclass TYPE devclass, END OF ty_item . CLASS-METHODS resolve_ddic CHANGING !ct_tadir TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tadir_tt RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS get_ddls_dependencies IMPORTING iv_ddls_name TYPE tadir-obj_name RETURNING VALUE(rt_dependency) TYPE ty_dedenpencies. CLASS-METHODS resolve_packages CHANGING ct_tadir TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tadir_tt. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_dependencies IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD get_ddls_dependencies. DATA: lt_ddls_name TYPE TABLE OF ddsymtab, ls_ddls_name TYPE ddsymtab. ls_ddls_name-name = iv_ddls_name. INSERT ls_ddls_name INTO TABLE lt_ddls_name. PERFORM ('DDLS_GET_DEP') IN PROGRAM ('RADMASDL') TABLES lt_ddls_name rt_dependency. ENDMETHOD. METHOD resolve. DATA: lv_tabclass TYPE dd02l-tabclass. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_tadir> LIKE LINE OF ct_tadir. " misuse field KORRNUM to fix deletion sequence " higher value means later deletion LOOP AT ct_tadir ASSIGNING <ls_tadir>. CASE <ls_tadir>-object. WHEN 'DEVC'. " Packages last <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '999000'. WHEN 'DOMA'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '900000'. WHEN 'PARA'. " PARA after DTEL <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '810000'. WHEN 'DTEL'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '800000'. WHEN 'SHLP'. " SHLP after TABL <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '760000'. WHEN 'TTYP' OR 'TABL' OR 'VIEW'. SELECT SINGLE tabclass FROM dd02l INTO lv_tabclass WHERE tabname = <ls_tadir>-obj_name AND as4local = 'A' AND as4vers = '0000'. IF sy-subrc = 0 AND lv_tabclass = 'APPEND'. " delete append structures before database tables <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '730000'. ELSE. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '750000'. ENDIF. WHEN 'ENQU'. " ENQU before TABL <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '725000'. WHEN 'DDLS'. " DDLS after DCLS but before other DDIC <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '720000'. WHEN 'DDLX'. " DDLX before DDLS <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '719000'. WHEN 'AUTH'. " AUTH after DCLS <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '715000'. WHEN 'SUSO'. " SUSO after DCLS <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '710000'. WHEN 'DCLS'. " AUTH and SUSO after DCLS <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '705000'. WHEN 'IASP'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '552000'. WHEN 'IARP'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '551000'. WHEN 'IATU'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '550000'. WHEN 'SUSC'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '500000'. WHEN 'ACID'. " ACID after PROG/FUGR/CLAS <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '300000'. WHEN 'FUGR'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '260000'. WHEN 'PROG'. " delete includes after main programs SELECT COUNT(*) FROM reposrc WHERE progname = <ls_tadir>-obj_name AND r3state = 'A' AND subc = 'I'. IF sy-subrc = 0. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '250000'. ELSE. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '240000'. ENDIF. WHEN 'INTF'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '230000'. WHEN 'CLAS'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '220000'. WHEN 'IDOC'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '200000'. WHEN 'WDCA'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '174000'. WHEN 'WDYA'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '173000'. WHEN 'WDCC'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '172000'. WHEN 'WDYN'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '171000'. WHEN 'IEXT'. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '150000'. WHEN OTHERS. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = '100000'. ENDCASE. ENDLOOP. resolve_ddic( CHANGING ct_tadir = ct_tadir ). resolve_packages( CHANGING ct_tadir = ct_tadir ). SORT ct_tadir BY korrnum ASCENDING. ENDMETHOD. METHOD resolve_ddic. * this will make sure the deletion sequence of structures/tables work * in case they have dependencies with .INCLUDE TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_edge, from TYPE ty_item, to TYPE ty_item, END OF ty_edge. DATA: lt_nodes TYPE TABLE OF ty_item, lt_edges TYPE TABLE OF ty_edge, lt_findstrings TYPE TABLE OF rsfind, lv_plus TYPE i VALUE 1, lv_find_obj_cls TYPE euobj-id, lv_index TYPE i, lv_before TYPE i, lt_founds TYPE TABLE OF rsfindlst, lt_scope TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF seu_obj, lt_dependency TYPE ty_dedenpencies. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_tadir_ddls> TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tadir, <ls_dependency> TYPE ty_dependency, <ls_tadir_dependent> TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tadir, <ls_tadir> LIKE LINE OF ct_tadir, <ls_edge> LIKE LINE OF lt_edges, <ls_found> LIKE LINE OF lt_founds, <ls_node> LIKE LINE OF lt_nodes. " build nodes LOOP AT ct_tadir ASSIGNING <ls_tadir> WHERE object = 'TABL' OR object = 'VIEW' OR object = 'TTYP'. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_nodes ASSIGNING <ls_node>. <ls_node>-obj_name = <ls_tadir>-obj_name. <ls_node>-obj_type = <ls_tadir>-object. ENDLOOP. APPEND 'TABL' TO lt_scope. APPEND 'VIEW' TO lt_scope. APPEND 'STRU' TO lt_scope. APPEND 'TTYP' TO lt_scope. " build edges LOOP AT lt_nodes ASSIGNING <ls_node>. CLEAR lt_findstrings. APPEND <ls_node>-obj_name TO lt_findstrings. lv_find_obj_cls = <ls_node>-obj_type. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_EU_CROSSREF' EXPORTING i_find_obj_cls = lv_find_obj_cls TABLES i_findstrings = lt_findstrings o_founds = lt_founds i_scope_object_cls = lt_scope EXCEPTIONS not_executed = 1 not_found = 2 illegal_object = 3 no_cross_for_this_object = 4 batch = 5 batchjob_error = 6 wrong_type = 7 object_not_exist = 8 OTHERS = 9. IF sy-subrc <> 0. CONTINUE. ENDIF. LOOP AT lt_founds ASSIGNING <ls_found>. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_edges ASSIGNING <ls_edge>. <ls_edge>-from = <ls_node>. <ls_edge>-to-obj_name = <ls_found>-object. CASE <ls_found>-object_cls. WHEN 'DS' OR 'DT'. <ls_edge>-to-obj_type = 'TABL'. WHEN 'DV'. <ls_edge>-to-obj_type = 'VIEW'. WHEN 'DA'. <ls_edge>-to-obj_type = 'TTYP'. WHEN OTHERS. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'resolve_ddic, unknown object_cls' ). ENDCASE. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. " build DDLS edges SORT ct_tadir. "binary search LOOP AT ct_tadir ASSIGNING <ls_tadir_ddls> WHERE object = 'DDLS'. CLEAR: lt_dependency. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_nodes ASSIGNING <ls_node>. <ls_node>-obj_name = <ls_tadir_ddls>-obj_name. <ls_node>-obj_type = <ls_tadir_ddls>-object. lt_dependency = get_ddls_dependencies( <ls_tadir_ddls>-obj_name ). LOOP AT lt_dependency ASSIGNING <ls_dependency> WHERE deptyp = 'DDLS' AND refname = <ls_tadir_ddls>-obj_name. READ TABLE ct_tadir ASSIGNING <ls_tadir_dependent> WITH KEY pgmid = 'R3TR' object = 'DDLS' obj_name = <ls_dependency>-depname BINARY SEARCH. CHECK sy-subrc = 0. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_edges ASSIGNING <ls_edge>. <ls_edge>-from = <ls_node>. <ls_edge>-to-obj_name = <ls_dependency>-depname. <ls_edge>-to-obj_type = 'DDLS'. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. DO. lv_before = lines( lt_nodes ). LOOP AT lt_nodes ASSIGNING <ls_node>. lv_index = sy-tabix. READ TABLE lt_edges WITH KEY from-obj_name = <ls_node>-obj_name from-obj_type = <ls_node>-obj_type TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS. IF sy-subrc <> 0. LOOP AT ct_tadir ASSIGNING <ls_tadir> WHERE obj_name = <ls_node>-obj_name AND object = <ls_node>-obj_type. <ls_tadir>-korrnum = <ls_tadir>-korrnum + lv_plus. CONDENSE <ls_tadir>-korrnum. ENDLOOP. DELETE lt_edges WHERE to-obj_name = <ls_node>-obj_name AND to-obj_type = <ls_node>-obj_type. DELETE lt_nodes INDEX lv_index. EXIT. " make sure the sequence is fixed ENDIF. ENDLOOP. IF lv_before = lines( lt_nodes ). EXIT. ENDIF. lv_plus = lv_plus + 1. ENDDO. ENDMETHOD. METHOD resolve_packages. DATA: lt_subpackages TYPE zif_abapgit_sap_package=>ty_devclass_tt. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_tadir> LIKE LINE OF ct_tadir, <lv_subpackage> LIKE LINE OF lt_subpackages, <ls_tadir_subpackage> LIKE LINE OF ct_tadir. " List subpackage before corresponding superpackage LOOP AT ct_tadir ASSIGNING <ls_tadir> WHERE object = 'DEVC'. lt_subpackages = zcl_abapgit_factory=>get_sap_package( |{ <ls_tadir>-obj_name }| )->list_subpackages( ). LOOP AT lt_subpackages ASSIGNING <lv_subpackage>. READ TABLE ct_tadir ASSIGNING <ls_tadir_subpackage> WITH KEY object = 'DEVC' obj_name = <lv_subpackage>. IF sy-subrc = 0. <ls_tadir_subpackage>-korrnum = condense( |{ <ls_tadir_subpackage>-korrnum - 1 }| ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS ltcl_run_checks DEFINITION DEFERRED. CLASS zcl_abapgit_file_status DEFINITION LOCAL FRIENDS ltcl_run_checks. CLASS ltcl_run_checks DEFINITION FOR TESTING RISK LEVEL HARMLESS DURATION SHORT FINAL. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA: mt_results TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt, mo_dot TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_dot_abapgit, mi_log TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_log. METHODS: append_result IMPORTING iv_obj_type TYPE trobjtype iv_obj_name TYPE sobj_name iv_match TYPE abap_bool iv_lstate TYPE char1 iv_rstate TYPE char1 iv_package TYPE devclass iv_path TYPE string iv_filename TYPE string iv_packmove TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL, setup, positive FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, neg_diff_path_for_same_obj FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, neg_incorrect_path_vs_pack FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, neg_similar_filenames FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, neg_empty_filenames FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, package_move FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_run_checks IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD append_result. DATA ls_result LIKE LINE OF mt_results. ls_result-inactive = abap_false. ls_result-obj_type = iv_obj_type. ls_result-obj_name = iv_obj_name. ls_result-match = iv_match. ls_result-lstate = iv_lstate. ls_result-rstate = iv_rstate. ls_result-package = iv_package. ls_result-path = iv_path. ls_result-filename = iv_filename. ls_result-packmove = iv_packmove. APPEND ls_result TO mt_results. ENDMETHOD. METHOD setup. CREATE OBJECT mi_log TYPE zcl_abapgit_log. mo_dot = zcl_abapgit_dot_abapgit=>build_default( ). mo_dot->set_starting_folder( '/' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD positive. " 0 Positive append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = 'ZCLASS1' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = 'A' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = 'zclass1.clas.abap' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = 'ZCLASS1' iv_match = 'X' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = 'zclass1.clas.xml' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = 'ZDOMA1' iv_match = 'X' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = 'zdoma1.doma.xml' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = 'ZDOMA2' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = 'M' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = 'zdoma2.doma.xml' ). zcl_abapgit_file_status=>run_checks( ii_log = mi_log it_results = mt_results io_dot = mo_dot iv_top = '$Z$' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mi_log->count( ) exp = 0 ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD neg_diff_path_for_same_obj. " 1 Negative, different path for same object append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = 'ZCLASS1' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = 'A' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = 'zclass1.clas.abap' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = 'ZCLASS1' iv_match = 'X' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/sub' iv_filename = 'zclass1.clas.xml' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = 'ZDOMA1' iv_match = 'X' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = 'zdoma1.doma.xml' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = 'ZDOMA2' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = 'M' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = 'zdoma2.doma.xml' ). zcl_abapgit_file_status=>run_checks( ii_log = mi_log it_results = mt_results io_dot = mo_dot iv_top = '$Z$' ). " This one is not pure - incorrect path also triggers path vs package check cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mi_log->count( ) exp = 2 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mi_log->has_rc( '1' ) exp = abap_true ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD neg_incorrect_path_vs_pack. " 2 Negative, incorrect path vs package append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = '$$ZCLASS1' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = 'A' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = '$$zclass1.clas.abap' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = '$$ZCLASS1' iv_match = 'X' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = '$$zclass1.clas.xml' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = '$$ZDOMA1' iv_match = 'X' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/sub' iv_filename = '$$zdoma1.doma.xml' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = '$$ZDOMA2' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = 'M' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = '$$zdoma2.doma.xml' ). zcl_abapgit_file_status=>run_checks( ii_log = mi_log it_results = mt_results io_dot = mo_dot iv_top = '$Z$' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mi_log->count( ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mi_log->has_rc( '2' ) exp = abap_true ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD neg_similar_filenames. " 3 Negative, similar filenames append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = '$$ZCLASS1' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = 'A' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = '$$zclass1.clas.abap' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = '$$ZCLASS1' iv_match = 'X' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = '$$zclass1.clas.xml' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = '$$ZDOMA1' iv_match = 'X' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = '$$zdoma1.doma.xml' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = '$$ZDOMA2' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = 'M' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = '$$zdoma1.doma.xml' ). zcl_abapgit_file_status=>run_checks( ii_log = mi_log it_results = mt_results io_dot = mo_dot iv_top = '$Z$' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mi_log->count( ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mi_log->has_rc( '3' ) exp = abap_true ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD neg_empty_filenames. " 4 Negative, empty filenames append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = '$$ZCLASS1' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = 'A' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = '$$zclass1.clas.abap' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = '$$ZCLASS1' iv_match = 'X' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = '$$zclass1.clas.xml' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = '$$ZDOMA1' iv_match = 'X' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = '' ). zcl_abapgit_file_status=>run_checks( ii_log = mi_log it_results = mt_results io_dot = mo_dot iv_top = '$Z$' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mi_log->count( ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mi_log->has_rc( '4' ) exp = abap_true ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD package_move. " 5 Changed package assignment append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = 'ZCLASS1' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = 'A' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = 'zclass1.clas.abap' iv_packmove = 'X' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = 'ZCLASS1' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = 'A' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$SUB' iv_path = '/sub' iv_filename = 'zclass1.clas.abap' iv_packmove = 'X' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = 'ZCLASS1' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = 'A' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = 'zclass1.clas.xml' iv_packmove = 'X' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = 'ZCLASS1' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = 'A' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$SUB' iv_path = '/sub' iv_filename = 'zclass1.clas.xml' iv_packmove = 'X' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = 'ZDOMA1' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = 'A' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = 'zdoma1.doma.xml' iv_packmove = 'X' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = 'ZDOMA2' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = 'A' iv_package = '$Z$SUB' iv_path = '/sub' iv_filename = 'zdoma1.doma.xml' iv_packmove = 'X' ). zcl_abapgit_file_status=>run_checks( ii_log = mi_log it_results = mt_results io_dot = mo_dot iv_top = '$Z$' ). " Three files, but only two msg (for two changed objects) cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mi_log->count( ) exp = 2 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mi_log->has_rc( '5' ) exp = abap_true ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_status_result DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: constructor IMPORTING it_results TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt, get_line IMPORTING iv_line TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(rs_data) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_result, assert_lines IMPORTING iv_lines TYPE i. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA: mt_results TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_status_result IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. mt_results = it_results. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_line. READ TABLE mt_results INDEX iv_line INTO rs_data. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD assert_lines. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( mt_results ) exp = iv_lines ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_status_helper DEFINITION DEFERRED. CLASS zcl_abapgit_file_status DEFINITION LOCAL FRIENDS ltcl_status_helper. CLASS ltcl_status_helper DEFINITION FOR TESTING. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES: zif_abapgit_tadir. METHODS: constructor, add_tadir IMPORTING iv_obj_type TYPE tadir-object iv_obj_name TYPE tadir-obj_name iv_devclass TYPE tadir-devclass, add_remote IMPORTING iv_path TYPE string DEFAULT '/' iv_filename TYPE string iv_sha1 TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_sha1, add_local IMPORTING iv_path TYPE string DEFAULT '/' iv_filename TYPE string iv_sha1 TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_sha1 iv_obj_type TYPE tadir-object iv_obj_name TYPE tadir-obj_name iv_devclass TYPE devclass DEFAULT '$Z$', add_state, run IMPORTING iv_devclass TYPE devclass DEFAULT '$Z$' RETURNING VALUE(ro_result) TYPE REF TO lcl_status_result RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_tadir, obj_type TYPE tadir-object, obj_name TYPE tadir-obj_name, devclass TYPE tadir-devclass, END OF ty_tadir. DATA: mt_tadir TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_tadir WITH DEFAULT KEY, mt_local TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_item_tt, mt_remote TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_tt, mt_state TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_file_signatures_tt. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_status_helper IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. zcl_abapgit_injector=>set_tadir( me ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD add_tadir. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_tadir> LIKE LINE OF mt_tadir. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO mt_tadir ASSIGNING <ls_tadir>. <ls_tadir>-obj_type = iv_obj_type. <ls_tadir>-obj_name = iv_obj_name. <ls_tadir>-devclass = iv_devclass. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_tadir~get_object_package. DATA: ls_tadir LIKE LINE OF mt_tadir. IF lines( mt_tadir ) > 0. READ TABLE mt_tadir INTO ls_tadir WITH KEY obj_type = iv_object obj_name = iv_obj_name. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). rv_devclass = ls_tadir-devclass. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_tadir~read. cl_abap_unit_assert=>fail( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_tadir~read_single. cl_abap_unit_assert=>fail( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD add_remote. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_remote> LIKE LINE OF mt_remote. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO mt_remote ASSIGNING <ls_remote>. <ls_remote>-path = iv_path. <ls_remote>-filename = iv_filename. <ls_remote>-sha1 = iv_sha1. ENDMETHOD. METHOD add_local. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_local> LIKE LINE OF mt_local. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO mt_local ASSIGNING <ls_local>. <ls_local>-item-obj_type = iv_obj_type. <ls_local>-item-obj_name = iv_obj_name. <ls_local>-item-devclass = iv_devclass. <ls_local>-file-path = iv_path. <ls_local>-file-filename = iv_filename. <ls_local>-file-sha1 = iv_sha1. ENDMETHOD. METHOD add_state. * todo ENDMETHOD. METHOD run. DATA: lt_results TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt, lo_dot TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_dot_abapgit. lo_dot = zcl_abapgit_dot_abapgit=>build_default( ). lt_results = zcl_abapgit_file_status=>calculate_status( iv_devclass = iv_devclass io_dot = lo_dot it_local = mt_local it_remote = mt_remote it_cur_state = mt_state ). CREATE OBJECT ro_result EXPORTING it_results = lt_results. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_calculate_status DEFINITION DEFERRED. CLASS zcl_abapgit_file_status DEFINITION LOCAL FRIENDS ltcl_calculate_status. CLASS ltcl_calculate_status DEFINITION FOR TESTING RISK LEVEL HARMLESS DURATION SHORT FINAL. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA: mo_helper TYPE REF TO ltcl_status_helper, mo_result TYPE REF TO lcl_status_result. METHODS: setup, only_remote FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, only_local FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, match FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, diff FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, local_outside_main FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_calculate_status IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD setup. CREATE OBJECT mo_helper. ENDMETHOD. METHOD only_remote. mo_helper->add_remote( iv_filename = '$$zdoma1.doma.xml' iv_sha1 = 'D1' ). mo_result = mo_helper->run( ). mo_result->assert_lines( 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mo_result->get_line( 1 )-rstate exp = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-added ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD only_local. mo_helper->add_local( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = '$$ZDOMA1' iv_filename = '$$zdoma1.doma.xml' iv_sha1 = 'D1' ). mo_result = mo_helper->run( ). mo_result->assert_lines( 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mo_result->get_line( 1 )-lstate exp = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-added ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD match. mo_helper->add_local( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = '$$ZDOMA1' iv_filename = '$$zdoma1.doma.xml' iv_sha1 = 'D1' ). mo_helper->add_remote( iv_filename = '$$zdoma1.doma.xml' iv_sha1 = 'D1' ). mo_result = mo_helper->run( ). mo_result->assert_lines( 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mo_result->get_line( 1 )-match exp = abap_true ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD diff. mo_helper->add_local( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = '$$ZDOMA1' iv_filename = '$$zdoma1.doma.xml' iv_sha1 = '12345' ). mo_helper->add_remote( iv_filename = '$$zdoma1.doma.xml' iv_sha1 = '54321' ). mo_result = mo_helper->run( ). mo_result->assert_lines( 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mo_result->get_line( 1 )-lstate exp = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-modified ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mo_result->get_line( 1 )-rstate exp = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-modified ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD local_outside_main. mo_helper->add_tadir( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = '$$ZDOMA1' iv_devclass = '$OUTSIDE$' ). mo_helper->add_remote( iv_filename = '$$zdoma1.doma.xml' iv_sha1 = '54321' ). mo_result = mo_helper->run( ). mo_result->assert_lines( 1 ). " it should appear as not existing locally cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mo_result->get_line( 1 )-rstate exp = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-added ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 300, 83, 565, 62, 5143, 62, 42116, 5550, 20032, 17941, 23449, 1137, 22083, 13, 198, 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 7753, 62, 13376, 5550, 20032, 17941, 37347, 1847, 48167, 1677, 5258, 300, 83, 565, 62, 5143, 62, 42116, 13, 198, 198, 31631, 300, 83, 565, 62, 5143, 62, 42116, 5550, 20032, 17941, 7473, 43001, 2751, 45698, 42, 49277, 43638, 5805, 7597, 198, 220, 360, 4261, 6234, 6006, 9863, 25261, 13, 628, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 25, 45079, 62, 43420, 41876, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 4299, 50101, 14804, 774, 62, 43420, 62, 926, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6941, 62, 26518, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 26518, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 21504, 62, 6404, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 6404, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 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*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report YREPOSRC_GENERATE *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Prepare YREPOSRC META & DATA *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT yreposrc_generate. PARAMETERS i_grp_sz TYPE i DEFAULT 4000 OBLIGATORY. " Group Size for Each Job PARAMETERS i_min_ln TYPE i DEFAULT 20000 OBLIGATORY. " Minimal lines to be submitted to Database START-OF-SELECTION. DATA: lt_progname TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF reposrc-progname, lv_progname TYPE reposrc-progname, lv_tabix TYPE sy-tabix, lv_uzeit TYPE sy-uzeit, gv_counter TYPE int4. DATA: gt_rsparam TYPE rsparams_tt, gs_rsparam LIKE LINE OF gt_rsparam. SELECT progname FROM reposrc INTO TABLE lt_progname. " UP TO 14400 ROWS. lv_uzeit = sy-uzeit. PERFORM clear_counter. LOOP AT lt_progname INTO lv_progname. lv_tabix = sy-tabix. " Prepare Paramters CLEAR gs_rsparam. gs_rsparam-selname = 'I_PROG'. gs_rsparam-kind = 'S'. gs_rsparam-sign = 'I'. gs_rsparam-option = 'EQ'. gs_rsparam-low = lv_progname. APPEND gs_rsparam TO gt_rsparam. gv_counter = gv_counter + 1. " Submit job IF gv_counter >= i_grp_sz. PERFORM submit_job USING lv_uzeit lv_tabix gt_rsparam. PERFORM clear_counter. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. " Submit remaining jobs IF gt_rsparam IS NOT INITIAL. PERFORM submit_job USING lv_uzeit lv_tabix gt_rsparam. PERFORM clear_counter. ENDIF. WRITE: 'Done'. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form clear_counter *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Clear Counter. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM clear_counter. gv_counter = 0. CLEAR gt_rsparam. ENDFORM. "clear_counter *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form submit_job *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Submit background job. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM submit_job USING uzeit TYPE sy-uzeit tabix TYPE sy-tabix rspar TYPE rsparams_tt. DATA: lv_tabix_s TYPE char16, lv_line TYPE i, lv_line_s TYPE string, lv_job_name TYPE btcjob, lv_job_count TYPE btcjobcnt. WAIT UP TO 10 SECONDS. DESCRIBE TABLE rspar LINES lv_line. MOVE lv_line TO lv_line_s. tabix = tabix - lv_line + 1. MOVE tabix TO lv_tabix_s. CONDENSE lv_tabix_s. UNPACK lv_tabix_s TO lv_tabix_s. " Add leading zero (0) CONCATENATE 'RS' uzeit '_' lv_tabix_s '_' lv_line_s INTO lv_job_name. " 1/3 - Job Open CALL FUNCTION 'JOB_OPEN' EXPORTING * DELANFREP = ' ' * JOBGROUP = ' ' jobname = lv_job_name * SDLSTRTDT = NO_DATE * SDLSTRTTM = NO_TIME * JOBCLASS = IMPORTING jobcount = lv_job_count * CHANGING * RET = EXCEPTIONS cant_create_job = 1 invalid_job_data = 2 jobname_missing = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. " 2/3 - Submit program CLEAR gs_rsparam. gs_rsparam-selname = 'I_MIN_LN'. gs_rsparam-kind = 'P'. gs_rsparam-sign = 'I'. gs_rsparam-option = 'EQ'. gs_rsparam-low = i_min_ln. APPEND gs_rsparam TO rspar. SUBMIT yreposrc_generate_job WITH SELECTION-TABLE rspar VIA JOB lv_job_name NUMBER lv_job_count AND RETURN. " 3/3 - Job Close CALL FUNCTION 'JOB_CLOSE' EXPORTING * AT_OPMODE = ' ' * AT_OPMODE_PERIODIC = ' ' * CALENDAR_ID = ' ' * EVENT_ID = ' ' * EVENT_PARAM = ' ' * EVENT_PERIODIC = ' ' jobcount = lv_job_count jobname = lv_job_name * LASTSTRTDT = NO_DATE * LASTSTRTTM = NO_TIME * PRDDAYS = 0 * PRDHOURS = 0 * PRDMINS = 0 * PRDMONTHS = 0 * PRDWEEKS = 0 * PREDJOB_CHECKSTAT = ' ' * PRED_JOBCOUNT = ' ' * PRED_JOBNAME = ' ' * SDLSTRTDT = NO_DATE * SDLSTRTTM = NO_TIME * STARTDATE_RESTRICTION = BTC_PROCESS_ALWAYS strtimmed = 'X' " Job Start Immediately * TARGETSYSTEM = ' ' * START_ON_WORKDAY_NOT_BEFORE = SY-DATUM * START_ON_WORKDAY_NR = 0 * WORKDAY_COUNT_DIRECTION = 0 * RECIPIENT_OBJ = * TARGETSERVER = ' ' * DONT_RELEASE = ' ' * TARGETGROUP = ' ' * DIRECT_START = * IMPORTING * JOB_WAS_RELEASED = * CHANGING * RET = EXCEPTIONS cant_start_immediate = 1 invalid_startdate = 2 jobname_missing = 3 job_close_failed = 4 job_nosteps = 5 job_notex = 6 lock_failed = 7 invalid_target = 8 OTHERS = 9. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. ENDFORM. "submit_job
[ 9, 5, 10097, 30934, 9, 201, 198, 9, 5, 6358, 220, 575, 35316, 2640, 7397, 62, 35353, 1137, 6158, 201, 198, 9, 5, 201, 198, 9, 5, 10097, 30934, 9, 201, 198, 9, 5, 43426, 575, 35316, 2640, 7397, 337, 20892, 1222, 42865, 201, 198, 9, 5, 10097, 30934, 9, 201, 198, 201, 198, 2200, 15490, 220, 331, 260, 1930, 6015, 62, 8612, 378, 13, 201, 198, 201, 198, 27082, 2390, 2767, 4877, 1312, 62, 2164, 79, 62, 82, 89, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 1312, 5550, 38865, 220, 220, 30123, 440, 9148, 3528, 1404, 15513, 13, 220, 366, 4912, 12849, 329, 5501, 15768, 201, 198, 27082, 2390, 2767, 4877, 1312, 62, 1084, 62, 18755, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 1312, 5550, 38865, 220, 939, 405, 440, 9148, 3528, 1404, 15513, 13, 220, 366, 1855, 4402, 3951, 284, 307, 8948, 284, 24047, 201, 198, 201, 198, 2257, 7227, 12, 19238, 12, 46506, 2849, 13, 201, 198, 201, 198, 220, 42865, 25, 300, 83, 62, 1676, 70, 3672, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 49053, 9795, 43679, 3963, 1128, 418, 6015, 12, 1676, 70, 3672, 11, 201, 198, 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*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Include ZDEMO_CALENDAR_CLASSES *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Class ZCL_DATE_CALCULATION *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS zcl_date_calculation DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS: months_between_two_dates IMPORTING i_date_from TYPE datum i_date_to TYPE datum i_incl_to TYPE flag EXPORTING e_month TYPE i. ENDCLASS. "ZCL_DATE_CALCULATION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS ZCL_DATE_CALCULATION IMPLEMENTATION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS zcl_date_calculation IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD months_between_two_dates. DATA: date_to TYPE datum. DATA: BEGIN OF datum_von, jjjj(4) TYPE n, mm(2) TYPE n, tt(2) TYPE n, END OF datum_von. DATA: BEGIN OF datum_bis, jjjj(4) TYPE n, mm(2) TYPE n, tt(2) TYPE n, END OF datum_bis. e_month = 0. CHECK NOT ( i_date_from IS INITIAL ) AND NOT ( i_date_to IS INITIAL ). date_to = i_date_to. IF i_incl_to = abap_true. date_to = date_to + 1. ENDIF. datum_von = i_date_from. datum_bis = date_to. e_month = ( datum_bis-jjjj - datum_von-jjjj ) * 12 + ( datum_bis-mm - datum_von-mm ). ENDMETHOD. "MONTHS_BETWEEN_TWO_DATES ENDCLASS. "ZCL_DATE_CALCULATION IMPLEMENTATION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS zcl_date_calculation_test DEFINITION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS zcl_date_calculation_test DEFINITION FOR TESTING DURATION SHORT RISK LEVEL HARMLESS . PRIVATE SECTION. METHODS: months_between_two_dates FOR TESTING. ENDCLASS. "zcl_date_calculation_test DEFINITION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS zcl_date_calculation_test IMPLEMENTATION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS zcl_date_calculation_test IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD months_between_two_dates. DATA: date_from TYPE datum VALUE '20120101', date_to TYPE datum VALUE '20121231'. DATA: month TYPE i. zcl_date_calculation=>months_between_two_dates( EXPORTING i_date_from = date_from i_date_to = date_to i_incl_to = abap_true IMPORTING e_month = month ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 12 " Data Object with Expected Type act = month " Data Object with Current Value msg = 'Calculated date is wrong' " Message in Case of Error ). ENDMETHOD. "months_between_two_dates ENDCLASS. "zcl_date_calculation_test IMPLEMENTATION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS zcl_helper DEFINITION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS zcl_helper DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS: load_image IMPORTING filename TYPE string RETURNING value(r_image) TYPE xstring, add_calendar IMPORTING i_date_from TYPE datum i_date_to TYPE datum i_from_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row i_from_col TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha i_day_style TYPE zexcel_cell_style i_cw_style TYPE zexcel_cell_style CHANGING c_worksheet TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet RAISING zcx_excel, add_calendar_landscape IMPORTING i_date_from TYPE datum i_date_to TYPE datum i_from_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row i_from_col TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha i_day_style TYPE zexcel_cell_style i_cw_style TYPE zexcel_cell_style CHANGING c_worksheet TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet RAISING zcx_excel, add_a2x_footer IMPORTING i_from_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row i_from_col TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha CHANGING c_worksheet TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet RAISING zcx_excel, add_calender_week IMPORTING i_date TYPE datum i_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row i_col TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha i_style TYPE zexcel_cell_style CHANGING c_worksheet TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet RAISING zcx_excel. ENDCLASS. "zcl_helper DEFINITION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS zcl_helper IMPLEMENTATION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS zcl_helper IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD load_image. "Load samle image DATA: lt_bin TYPE solix_tab, lv_len TYPE i. CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload EXPORTING filename = filename filetype = 'BIN' IMPORTING filelength = lv_len CHANGING data_tab = lt_bin EXCEPTIONS file_open_error = 1 file_read_error = 2 no_batch = 3 gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4 invalid_type = 5 no_authority = 6 unknown_error = 7 bad_data_format = 8 header_not_allowed = 9 separator_not_allowed = 10 header_too_long = 11 unknown_dp_error = 12 access_denied = 13 dp_out_of_memory = 14 disk_full = 15 dp_timeout = 16 not_supported_by_gui = 17 error_no_gui = 18 OTHERS = 19. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'SCMS_BINARY_TO_XSTRING' EXPORTING input_length = lv_len IMPORTING buffer = r_image TABLES binary_tab = lt_bin EXCEPTIONS failed = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "load_image METHOD add_calendar. DATA: day_names TYPE TABLE OF t246. DATA: row TYPE zexcel_cell_row, row_max TYPE i, col_int TYPE zexcel_cell_column, col_max TYPE i, from_col_int TYPE zexcel_cell_column, col TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha, lo_column TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_column, lo_row TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_row. DATA: lv_date TYPE datum, value TYPE string, weekday TYPE wotnr, weekrow TYPE wotnr VALUE 1, day TYPE i, width TYPE f, height TYPE f. DATA: hyperlink TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_hyperlink. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <day_name> LIKE LINE OF day_names. lv_date = i_date_from. from_col_int = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( i_from_col ). " Add description for Calendar Week c_worksheet->set_cell( EXPORTING ip_column = i_from_col " Cell Column ip_row = i_from_row " Cell Row ip_value = 'CW'(001) " Cell Value ip_style = i_cw_style ). " Add Days CALL FUNCTION 'DAY_NAMES_GET' TABLES day_names = day_names. LOOP AT day_names ASSIGNING <day_name>. row = i_from_row. col_int = from_col_int + <day_name>-wotnr. col = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2alpha( col_int ). value = <day_name>-langt. c_worksheet->set_cell( EXPORTING ip_column = col " Cell Column ip_row = row " Cell Row ip_value = value " Cell Value ip_style = i_cw_style ). ENDLOOP. WHILE lv_date <= i_date_to. day = lv_date+6(2). CALL FUNCTION 'FIMA_X_DAY_IN_MONTH_COMPUTE' EXPORTING i_datum = lv_date IMPORTING e_wochentag_nr = weekday. row = i_from_row + weekrow. col_int = from_col_int + weekday. col = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2alpha( col_int ). value = day. CONDENSE value. c_worksheet->set_cell( EXPORTING ip_column = col " Cell Column ip_row = row " Cell Row ip_value = value " Cell Value ip_style = i_day_style " Single-Character Indicator ). IF weekday = 7. " Add Calender Week zcl_helper=>add_calender_week( EXPORTING i_date = lv_date i_row = row i_col = i_from_col i_style = i_cw_style CHANGING c_worksheet = c_worksheet ). weekrow = weekrow + 1. ENDIF. lv_date = lv_date + 1. ENDWHILE. " Add Calender Week zcl_helper=>add_calender_week( EXPORTING i_date = lv_date i_row = row i_col = i_from_col i_style = i_cw_style CHANGING c_worksheet = c_worksheet ). " Add Created with abap2xlsx row = row + 2. zcl_helper=>add_a2x_footer( EXPORTING i_from_row = row i_from_col = i_from_col CHANGING c_worksheet = c_worksheet ). col_int = from_col_int. col_max = from_col_int + 7. WHILE col_int <= col_max. col = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2alpha( col_int ). IF sy-index = 1. width = '5.0'. ELSE. width = '11.4'. ENDIF. lo_column = c_worksheet->get_column( col ). lo_column->set_width( width ). col_int = col_int + 1. ENDWHILE. row = i_from_row + 1. row_max = i_from_row + 6. WHILE row <= row_max. height = 50. lo_row = c_worksheet->get_row( row ). lo_row->set_row_height( height ). row = row + 1. ENDWHILE. ENDMETHOD. "add_calendar METHOD add_a2x_footer. DATA: value TYPE string, hyperlink TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_hyperlink. value = 'Created with abap2xlsx. Find more information at'(002). hyperlink = zcl_excel_hyperlink=>create_external_link( '' ). "#EC NOTEXT c_worksheet->set_cell( EXPORTING ip_column = i_from_col " Cell Column ip_row = i_from_row " Cell Row ip_value = value " Cell Value ip_hyperlink = hyperlink ). ENDMETHOD. "add_a2x_footer METHOD add_calendar_landscape. DATA: day_names TYPE TABLE OF t246. DATA: lv_date TYPE datum, day TYPE i, value TYPE string, weekday TYPE wotnr. DATA: row TYPE zexcel_cell_row, from_col_int TYPE zexcel_cell_column, col_int TYPE zexcel_cell_column, col TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha. DATA: lo_column TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_column, lo_row TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_row. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <day_name> LIKE LINE OF day_names. lv_date = i_date_from. " Add Days CALL FUNCTION 'DAY_NAMES_GET' TABLES day_names = day_names. WHILE lv_date <= i_date_to. day = lv_date+6(2). CALL FUNCTION 'FIMA_X_DAY_IN_MONTH_COMPUTE' EXPORTING i_datum = lv_date IMPORTING e_wochentag_nr = weekday. " Day name row row = i_from_row. col_int = from_col_int + day + 2. col = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2alpha( col_int ). READ TABLE day_names ASSIGNING <day_name> WITH KEY wotnr = weekday. value = <day_name>-kurzt. c_worksheet->set_cell( EXPORTING ip_column = col " Cell Column ip_row = row " Cell Row ip_value = value " Cell Value ip_style = i_cw_style ). " Day row row = i_from_row + 1. value = day. CONDENSE value. c_worksheet->set_cell( EXPORTING ip_column = col " Cell Column ip_row = row " Cell Row ip_value = value " Cell Value ip_style = i_day_style " Single-Character Indicator ). " width lo_column = c_worksheet->get_column( col ). lo_column->set_width( '3.6' ). lv_date = lv_date + 1. ENDWHILE. " Add ABAP2XLSX Footer row = i_from_row + 2. c_worksheet->set_cell( EXPORTING ip_column = col " Cell Column ip_row = row " Cell Row ip_value = ' ' " Cell Value ). lo_row = c_worksheet->get_row( row ). lo_row->set_row_height( '5.0' ). row = i_from_row + 3. zcl_helper=>add_a2x_footer( EXPORTING i_from_row = row i_from_col = i_from_col CHANGING c_worksheet = c_worksheet ). " Set with for all 31 coulumns WHILE day < 32. day = day + 1. col_int = from_col_int + day + 2. col = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2alpha( col_int ). " width lo_column = c_worksheet->get_column( col ). lo_column->set_width( '3.6' ). ENDWHILE. ENDMETHOD. "ADD_CALENDAR_LANDSCAPE METHOD add_calender_week. DATA: week TYPE kweek, week_int TYPE i, value TYPE string. " Add Calender Week CALL FUNCTION 'DATE_GET_WEEK' EXPORTING date = i_date " Date for which the week should be calculated IMPORTING week = week. " Week for date (format:YYYYWW) value = week+4(2). week_int = value. value = week_int. CONDENSE value. c_worksheet->set_cell( EXPORTING ip_column = i_col " Cell Column ip_row = i_row " Cell Row ip_value = value " Cell Value ip_style = i_style ). ENDMETHOD. "add_calender_week ENDCLASS. "zcl_helper IMPLEMENTATION
[ 9, 5, 10097, 30934, 9, 198, 9, 5, 220, 40348, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1168, 39429, 46, 62, 34, 1847, 10619, 1503, 62, 31631, 1546, 198, 9, 5, 10097, 30934, 9, 198, 198, 9, 5, 10097, 30934, 9, 198, 9, 5, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5016, 1168, 5097, 62, 35, 6158, 62, 34, 1847, 34, 6239, 6234, 198, 9, 5, 10097, 30934, 9, 198, 9, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 8255, 198, 9, 10097, 23031, 9, 198, 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 4475, 62, 9948, 14902, 5550, 20032, 17941, 13, 198, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42715, 12, 49273, 50, 25, 1933, 62, 23395, 62, 11545, 62, 19581, 198, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 62, 4475, 62, 6738, 41876, 4818, 388, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 62, 4475, 62, 1462, 220, 220, 41876, 4818, 388, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1312, 62, 259, 565, 62, 1462, 220, 220, 41876, 6056, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7788, 15490, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 304, 62, 8424, 220, 220, 220, 220, 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INTERFACE zif_abapgit_frontend_services PUBLIC. TYPES ty_char1 TYPE c LENGTH 1. METHODS file_upload IMPORTING !iv_path TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(rv_xstr) TYPE xstring RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS file_download IMPORTING !iv_path TYPE string !iv_xstr TYPE xstring RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS show_file_save_dialog IMPORTING !iv_title TYPE string !iv_extension TYPE string !iv_default_filename TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(rv_path) TYPE string RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS show_file_open_dialog IMPORTING !iv_title TYPE string !iv_extension TYPE string !iv_default_filename TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(rv_path) TYPE string RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS clipboard_export IMPORTING iv_no_auth_check TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false VALUE(it_data) TYPE STANDARD TABLE RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS execute IMPORTING !iv_document TYPE string OPTIONAL !iv_application TYPE string OPTIONAL !iv_parameter TYPE string OPTIONAL !iv_default_directory TYPE string OPTIONAL !iv_maximized TYPE string OPTIONAL !iv_minimized TYPE string OPTIONAL !iv_synchronous TYPE string OPTIONAL !iv_operation TYPE string DEFAULT 'OPEN' RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS get_system_directory CHANGING !cv_system_directory TYPE string RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS directory_browse IMPORTING iv_window_title TYPE string OPTIONAL iv_initial_folder TYPE string OPTIONAL CHANGING cv_selected_folder TYPE string RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS get_file_separator CHANGING cv_file_separator TYPE ty_char1 RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS get_gui_version CHANGING ct_version_table TYPE filetable cv_rc TYPE i RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS directory_exist IMPORTING iv_directory TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(rv_exists) TYPE abap_bool RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS directory_create IMPORTING iv_directory TYPE string CHANGING cv_rc TYPE i RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. ENDINTERFACE.
[ 41358, 49836, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 8534, 437, 62, 30416, 44731, 13, 628, 220, 24412, 47, 1546, 1259, 62, 10641, 16, 41876, 269, 406, 49494, 352, 13, 628, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 2393, 62, 25850, 198, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 452, 62, 6978, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 4731, 198, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26173, 8924, 7, 81, 85, 62, 87, 2536, 8, 41876, 2124, 8841, 198, 220, 220, 220, 17926, 1797, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1976, 66, 87, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 1069, 4516, 13, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 2393, 62, 15002, 198, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 452, 62, 6978, 41876, 4731, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 452, 62, 87, 2536, 41876, 2124, 8841, 198, 220, 220, 220, 17926, 1797, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1976, 66, 87, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 1069, 4516, 764, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 905, 62, 7753, 62, 21928, 62, 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[ 9, 5, 10097, 30934, 9, 198, 9, 5, 40348, 1976, 28781, 62, 72, 62, 9521, 62, 20285, 4951, 198, 9, 5, 10097, 30934, 9, 198, 7206, 29940, 24443, 62, 4853, 874, 13, 198, 220, 300, 10247, 62, 5, 16, 12, 12683, 796, 1976, 28781, 62, 565, 62, 20541, 14804, 68, 62, 9521, 62, 12683, 82, 12, 17256, 13, 198, 220, 300, 10247, 62, 5, 16, 12, 18076, 796, 1976, 28781, 62, 565, 62, 20541, 14804, 68, 62, 9521, 62, 25811, 12, 4853, 874, 13, 198, 220, 300, 10247, 62, 5, 16, 12, 9319, 796, 1222, 17, 13, 628, 220, 43504, 10619, 300, 10247, 62, 5, 16, 5390, 1222, 16, 13, 198, 10619, 12, 19238, 12, 7206, 20032, 17941, 13, 198 ]
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_factory DEFINITION PUBLIC CREATE PRIVATE GLOBAL FRIENDS zcl_abapgit_injector . PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS get_tadir RETURNING VALUE(ri_tadir) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_tadir . CLASS-METHODS get_sap_package IMPORTING !iv_package TYPE devclass RETURNING VALUE(ri_sap_package) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_sap_package . CLASS-METHODS get_code_inspector IMPORTING !iv_package TYPE devclass RETURNING VALUE(ri_code_inspector) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_code_inspector RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS get_branch_overview IMPORTING !io_repo TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo_online RETURNING VALUE(ri_branch_overview) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_branch_overview RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS get_stage_logic RETURNING VALUE(ri_logic) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_stage_logic . CLASS-METHODS get_cts_api RETURNING VALUE(ri_cts_api) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_cts_api . CLASS-METHODS get_environment RETURNING VALUE(ri_environment) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_environment . CLASS-METHODS get_longtexts RETURNING VALUE(ri_longtexts) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_longtexts . CLASS-METHODS get_http_agent RETURNING VALUE(ri_http_agent) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_http_agent . PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_sap_package, package TYPE devclass, instance TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_sap_package, END OF ty_sap_package . TYPES: ty_sap_packages TYPE HASHED TABLE OF ty_sap_package WITH UNIQUE KEY package . TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_code_inspector_pack, package TYPE devclass, instance TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_code_inspector, END OF ty_code_inspector_pack . TYPES: ty_code_inspector_packs TYPE HASHED TABLE OF ty_code_inspector_pack WITH UNIQUE KEY package . CLASS-DATA gi_tadir TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_tadir . CLASS-DATA gt_sap_package TYPE ty_sap_packages . CLASS-DATA gt_code_inspector TYPE ty_code_inspector_packs . CLASS-DATA gi_stage_logic TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_stage_logic . CLASS-DATA gi_cts_api TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_cts_api . CLASS-DATA gi_environment TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_environment . CLASS-DATA gi_longtext TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_longtexts . CLASS-DATA gi_http_agent TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_http_agent . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPGIT_FACTORY IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD get_branch_overview. CREATE OBJECT ri_branch_overview TYPE zcl_abapgit_branch_overview EXPORTING io_repo = io_repo. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_code_inspector. DATA: ls_code_inspector LIKE LINE OF gt_code_inspector. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_code_inspector> TYPE ty_code_inspector_pack. READ TABLE gt_code_inspector ASSIGNING <ls_code_inspector> WITH TABLE KEY package = iv_package. IF sy-subrc <> 0. ls_code_inspector-package = iv_package. CREATE OBJECT ls_code_inspector-instance TYPE zcl_abapgit_code_inspector EXPORTING iv_package = iv_package. INSERT ls_code_inspector INTO TABLE gt_code_inspector ASSIGNING <ls_code_inspector>. ENDIF. ri_code_inspector = <ls_code_inspector>-instance. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_cts_api. IF gi_cts_api IS NOT BOUND. CREATE OBJECT gi_cts_api TYPE zcl_abapgit_cts_api. ENDIF. ri_cts_api = gi_cts_api. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_environment. IF gi_environment IS NOT BOUND. CREATE OBJECT gi_environment TYPE zcl_abapgit_environment. ENDIF. ri_environment = gi_environment. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_http_agent. IF gi_http_agent IS BOUND. ri_http_agent = gi_http_agent. ELSE. ri_http_agent = zcl_abapgit_http_agent=>create( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_longtexts. IF gi_longtext IS NOT BOUND. CREATE OBJECT gi_longtext TYPE zcl_abapgit_longtexts. ENDIF. ri_longtexts = gi_longtext. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_sap_package. DATA: ls_sap_package TYPE ty_sap_package. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_sap_package> TYPE ty_sap_package. READ TABLE gt_sap_package ASSIGNING <ls_sap_package> WITH TABLE KEY package = iv_package. IF sy-subrc <> 0. ls_sap_package-package = iv_package. CREATE OBJECT ls_sap_package-instance TYPE zcl_abapgit_sap_package EXPORTING iv_package = iv_package. INSERT ls_sap_package INTO TABLE gt_sap_package ASSIGNING <ls_sap_package>. ENDIF. ri_sap_package = <ls_sap_package>-instance. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_stage_logic. IF gi_stage_logic IS INITIAL. CREATE OBJECT gi_stage_logic TYPE zcl_abapgit_stage_logic. ENDIF. ri_logic = gi_stage_logic. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_tadir. IF gi_tadir IS INITIAL. CREATE OBJECT gi_tadir TYPE zcl_abapgit_tadir. ENDIF. ri_tadir = gi_tadir. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 69, 9548, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 29244, 6158, 4810, 3824, 6158, 198, 220, 10188, 9864, 1847, 48167, 1677, 5258, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 259, 752, 273, 764, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 42715, 12, 49273, 50, 651, 62, 83, 324, 343, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26173, 8924, 7, 380, 62, 83, 324, 343, 8, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 83, 324, 343, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42715, 12, 49273, 50, 651, 62, 82, 499, 62, 26495, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 452, 62, 26495, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 1614, 4871, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26173, 8924, 7, 380, 62, 82, 499, 62, 26495, 8, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 82, 499, 62, 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CLASS zcl_abapgit_repo_srv DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PRIVATE . PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_repo_srv . INTERFACES zif_abapgit_repo_listener . ALIASES get_repo_from_package FOR zif_abapgit_repo_srv~get_repo_from_package . ALIASES get_repo_from_url FOR zif_abapgit_repo_srv~get_repo_from_url . CLASS-METHODS get_instance RETURNING VALUE(ri_srv) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_repo_srv . PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. ALIASES delete FOR zif_abapgit_repo_srv~delete . ALIASES get FOR zif_abapgit_repo_srv~get . ALIASES list FOR zif_abapgit_repo_srv~list . ALIASES validate_package FOR zif_abapgit_repo_srv~validate_package . ALIASES validate_url FOR zif_abapgit_repo_srv~validate_url . CLASS-DATA gi_ref TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_repo_srv . DATA mv_init TYPE abap_bool VALUE abap_false ##NO_TEXT. DATA mt_list TYPE zif_abapgit_repo_srv=>ty_repo_list . METHODS determine_branch_name IMPORTING !iv_name TYPE string !iv_url TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(rv_name) TYPE string RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS refresh RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS instantiate_and_add IMPORTING !is_repo_meta TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_repo RETURNING VALUE(ro_repo) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS add IMPORTING !io_repo TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS reinstantiate_repo IMPORTING !iv_key TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_repo-key !is_meta TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_repo_xml RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS validate_sub_super_packages IMPORTING !iv_package TYPE devclass !it_repos TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_repos !iv_ign_subpkg TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false EXPORTING VALUE(eo_repo) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo !ev_reason TYPE string RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_repo_srv IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD add. DATA: lo_repo LIKE LINE OF mt_list. LOOP AT mt_list INTO lo_repo. IF lo_repo->get_key( ) = io_repo->get_key( ). IF lo_repo = io_repo. RETURN. ENDIF. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'identical keys' ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. io_repo->bind_listener( me ). APPEND io_repo TO mt_list. ENDMETHOD. METHOD determine_branch_name. DATA lo_branch_list TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_git_branch_list. rv_name = iv_name. IF rv_name IS INITIAL. ASSERT NOT iv_url IS INITIAL. lo_branch_list = zcl_abapgit_git_transport=>branches( iv_url ). rv_name = lo_branch_list->get_head_symref( ). ELSEIF -1 = find( val = rv_name sub = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_git_branch-heads_prefix ). " Assume short branch name was received rv_name = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_git_branch-heads_prefix && rv_name. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_instance. IF gi_ref IS INITIAL. CREATE OBJECT gi_ref TYPE zcl_abapgit_repo_srv. ENDIF. ri_srv = gi_ref. ENDMETHOD. METHOD instantiate_and_add. IF is_repo_meta-offline = abap_false. CREATE OBJECT ro_repo TYPE zcl_abapgit_repo_online EXPORTING is_data = is_repo_meta. ELSE. CREATE OBJECT ro_repo TYPE zcl_abapgit_repo_offline EXPORTING is_data = is_repo_meta. ENDIF. add( ro_repo ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD refresh. DATA: lt_list TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_repos. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_list> LIKE LINE OF lt_list. CLEAR mt_list. lt_list = zcl_abapgit_persist_factory=>get_repo( )->list( ). LOOP AT lt_list ASSIGNING <ls_list>. instantiate_and_add( <ls_list> ). ENDLOOP. mv_init = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. METHOD reinstantiate_repo. DATA lo_repo TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo. DATA ls_full_meta TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_repo. lo_repo = get( iv_key ). DELETE TABLE mt_list FROM lo_repo. ASSERT sy-subrc IS INITIAL. MOVE-CORRESPONDING is_meta TO ls_full_meta. ls_full_meta-key = iv_key. instantiate_and_add( ls_full_meta ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD validate_sub_super_packages. DATA: ls_repo LIKE LINE OF it_repos, li_package TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_sap_package, lt_packages TYPE zif_abapgit_sap_package=>ty_devclass_tt, lo_repo TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo. LOOP AT it_repos INTO ls_repo. lo_repo = get( ls_repo-key ). li_package = zcl_abapgit_factory=>get_sap_package( ls_repo-package ). IF li_package->exists( ) = abap_false. " Skip dangling repository CONTINUE. ENDIF. CLEAR lt_packages. IF lo_repo->get_local_settings( )-ignore_subpackages = abap_false. APPEND LINES OF li_package->list_subpackages( ) TO lt_packages. READ TABLE lt_packages TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH KEY table_line = iv_package. IF sy-subrc = 0. eo_repo = lo_repo. ev_reason = |Repository { lo_repo->get_name( ) } already contains { iv_package } |. RETURN. ENDIF. ENDIF. IF iv_ign_subpkg = abap_false. APPEND LINES OF li_package->list_superpackages( ) TO lt_packages. READ TABLE lt_packages TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH KEY table_line = iv_package. IF sy-subrc = 0. eo_repo = lo_repo. ev_reason = |Repository { lo_repo->get_name( ) } already contains subpackage of { iv_package } |. RETURN. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_repo_listener~on_meta_change. DATA li_persistence TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_persist_repo. li_persistence = zcl_abapgit_persist_factory=>get_repo( ). li_persistence->update_metadata( iv_key = iv_key is_meta = is_meta is_change_mask = is_change_mask ). " Recreate repo instance if type changed " Instances in mt_list are of *_online and *_offline type " If type is changed object should be recreated from the proper class " TODO refactor, e.g. unify repo logic in one class IF is_change_mask-offline = abap_true. reinstantiate_repo( iv_key = iv_key is_meta = is_meta ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_repo_srv~delete. zcl_abapgit_persist_factory=>get_repo( )->delete( io_repo->get_key( ) ). " If favorite, remove it IF zcl_abapgit_persistence_user=>get_instance( )->is_favorite_repo( io_repo->get_key( ) ) = abap_true. zcl_abapgit_persistence_user=>get_instance( )->toggle_favorite( io_repo->get_key( ) ). ENDIF. DELETE TABLE mt_list FROM io_repo. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_repo_srv~get. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lo_list> LIKE LINE OF mt_list. IF mv_init = abap_false. refresh( ). ENDIF. DO 2 TIMES. " Repo might have been created in another session. Try again after refresh IF sy-index = 2. refresh( ). ENDIF. LOOP AT mt_list ASSIGNING <lo_list>. IF <lo_list>->get_key( ) = iv_key. ro_repo = <lo_list>. RETURN. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDDO. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'repo not found, get' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_repo_srv~get_repo_from_package. DATA: lt_repos TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_repos, lv_name TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_local_settings-display_name, lv_owner TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_local_settings-display_name. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_repo> LIKE LINE OF lt_repos. " check if package is already in use for a different repository lt_repos = zcl_abapgit_persist_factory=>get_repo( )->list( ). READ TABLE lt_repos WITH KEY package = iv_package ASSIGNING <ls_repo>. IF sy-subrc = 0. eo_repo = get_instance( )->get( <ls_repo>-key ). lv_name = eo_repo->get_name( ). lv_owner = <ls_repo>-created_by. ev_reason = |Package { iv_package } already versioned as { lv_name } by { lv_owner }|. ELSE. " check if package is include as sub-package in a different repo validate_sub_super_packages( EXPORTING iv_package = iv_package it_repos = lt_repos iv_ign_subpkg = iv_ign_subpkg IMPORTING eo_repo = eo_repo ev_reason = ev_reason ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_repo_srv~get_repo_from_url. DATA: lt_repos TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_repos, lv_current_repo_address TYPE string, lv_check_repo_address TYPE string, lv_repo_path TYPE string, lv_name TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_local_settings-display_name, lv_owner TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_local_settings-display_name. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_repo> LIKE LINE OF lt_repos. CLEAR: eo_repo, ev_reason. lv_current_repo_address = zcl_abapgit_url=>url_address( iv_url ). " check if url is already in use for a different package lt_repos = zcl_abapgit_persist_factory=>get_repo( )->list( ). LOOP AT lt_repos ASSIGNING <ls_repo> WHERE offline = abap_false. lv_check_repo_address = zcl_abapgit_url=>url_address( <ls_repo>-url ). IF lv_current_repo_address = lv_check_repo_address. eo_repo = get_instance( )->get( <ls_repo>-key ). lv_repo_path = zcl_abapgit_url=>path_name( iv_url ). lv_name = eo_repo->get_name( ). lv_owner = <ls_repo>-created_by. ev_reason = |Repository { lv_repo_path } already versioned as { lv_name } by { lv_owner }|. RETURN. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_repo_srv~is_repo_installed. DATA: lt_repo TYPE zif_abapgit_repo_srv=>ty_repo_list, lo_repo TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo, lv_url TYPE string, lv_package TYPE devclass, lo_repo_online TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo_online, lv_err TYPE string. lt_repo = list( ). LOOP AT lt_repo INTO lo_repo. CHECK lo_repo->is_offline( ) = abap_false. lo_repo_online ?= lo_repo. lv_url = lo_repo_online->get_url( ). lv_package = lo_repo_online->get_package( ). CHECK to_upper( lv_url ) = to_upper( iv_url ). " Validate bindings "TODO refactor: move this message out of this method IF iv_target_package IS NOT INITIAL AND iv_target_package <> lv_package. lv_err = |Installation to package { lv_package } detected. | && |Cancelling installation|. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( lv_err ). ENDIF. rv_installed = abap_true. EXIT. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_repo_srv~list. IF mv_init = abap_false. refresh( ). ENDIF. rt_list = mt_list. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_repo_srv~new_offline. DATA: ls_repo TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_repo, lv_key TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_repo-key, lo_dot_abapgit TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_dot_abapgit. IF zcl_abapgit_auth=>is_allowed( zif_abapgit_auth=>gc_authorization-create_repo ) = abap_false. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Not authorized' ). ENDIF. validate_package( iv_package ). IF iv_url IS INITIAL. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Missing display name for repo' ). ENDIF. lo_dot_abapgit = zcl_abapgit_dot_abapgit=>build_default( ). lo_dot_abapgit->set_folder_logic( iv_folder_logic ). lv_key = zcl_abapgit_persist_factory=>get_repo( )->add( iv_url = iv_url iv_branch_name = '' iv_package = iv_package iv_offline = abap_true is_dot_abapgit = lo_dot_abapgit->get_data( ) ). TRY. ls_repo = zcl_abapgit_persist_factory=>get_repo( )->read( lv_key ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_not_found. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'new_offline not found' ). ENDTRY. ro_repo ?= instantiate_and_add( ls_repo ). ls_repo-local_settings-serialize_master_lang_only = iv_master_lang_only. ro_repo->set_local_settings( ls_repo-local_settings ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_repo_srv~new_online. DATA: ls_repo TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_repo, lv_branch_name LIKE iv_branch_name, lv_key TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_repo-key, ls_dot_abapgit TYPE zif_abapgit_dot_abapgit=>ty_dot_abapgit, lv_url TYPE string. ASSERT NOT iv_url IS INITIAL AND NOT iv_package IS INITIAL. lv_url = condense( iv_url ). IF zcl_abapgit_auth=>is_allowed( zif_abapgit_auth=>gc_authorization-create_repo ) = abap_false. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Not authorized' ). ENDIF. validate_package( iv_package = iv_package iv_ign_subpkg = iv_ign_subpkg ). validate_url( lv_url ). lv_branch_name = determine_branch_name( iv_name = iv_branch_name iv_url = lv_url ). ls_dot_abapgit = zcl_abapgit_dot_abapgit=>build_default( )->get_data( ). ls_dot_abapgit-folder_logic = iv_folder_logic. lv_key = zcl_abapgit_persist_factory=>get_repo( )->add( iv_url = lv_url iv_branch_name = lv_branch_name " local ! iv_display_name = iv_display_name iv_package = iv_package iv_offline = abap_false is_dot_abapgit = ls_dot_abapgit ). TRY. ls_repo = zcl_abapgit_persist_factory=>get_repo( )->read( lv_key ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_not_found. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'new_online not found' ). ENDTRY. ro_repo ?= instantiate_and_add( ls_repo ). IF ls_repo-local_settings-ignore_subpackages <> iv_ign_subpkg. ls_repo-local_settings-ignore_subpackages = iv_ign_subpkg. ENDIF. ls_repo-local_settings-serialize_master_lang_only = iv_master_lang_only. ro_repo->set_local_settings( ls_repo-local_settings ). ro_repo->refresh( ). ro_repo->find_remote_dot_abapgit( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_repo_srv~purge. * uninstalls all objects, no UI or popups in this class * todo, this should be a method on the repo instead? DATA: lt_tadir TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_tadir_tt. DATA: lx_error TYPE REF TO zcx_abapgit_exception. CREATE OBJECT ri_log TYPE zcl_abapgit_log. ri_log->set_title( 'Uninstall Log' ). IF io_repo->get_local_settings( )-write_protected = abap_true. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Cannot purge. Local code is write-protected by repo config' ). ELSEIF zcl_abapgit_auth=>is_allowed( zif_abapgit_auth=>gc_authorization-uninstall ) = abap_false. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Not authorized' ). ENDIF. lt_tadir = zcl_abapgit_factory=>get_tadir( )->read( io_repo->get_package( ) ). TRY. zcl_abapgit_objects=>delete( it_tadir = lt_tadir is_checks = is_checks ii_log = ri_log ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception INTO lx_error. " If uninstall fails, repo needs a refresh to show which objects where deleted and which not io_repo->refresh( ). RAISE EXCEPTION lx_error. ENDTRY. delete( io_repo ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_repo_srv~validate_package. DATA: lv_as4user TYPE tdevc-as4user, lo_repo TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo, lv_reason TYPE string. IF iv_package IS INITIAL. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'add, package empty' ). ENDIF. IF iv_package = '$TMP'. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'not possible to use $TMP, create new (local) package' ). ENDIF. " Check if package owned by SAP is allowed (new packages are ok, since they are created automatically) SELECT SINGLE as4user FROM tdevc INTO lv_as4user WHERE devclass = iv_package. "#EC CI_GENBUFF IF sy-subrc = 0 AND lv_as4user = 'SAP' AND zcl_abapgit_factory=>get_environment( )->is_sap_object_allowed( ) = abap_false. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Package { iv_package } not allowed, responsible user = 'SAP'| ). ENDIF. " Check if package is already used in another repo IF iv_chk_exists = abap_true. get_repo_from_package( EXPORTING iv_package = iv_package iv_ign_subpkg = iv_ign_subpkg IMPORTING eo_repo = lo_repo ev_reason = lv_reason ). IF lo_repo IS BOUND. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( lv_reason ). ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_repo_srv~validate_url. DATA: lo_repo TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_repo, lv_reason TYPE string. zcl_abapgit_url=>validate( iv_url ). IF iv_chk_exists = abap_true. get_repo_from_url( EXPORTING iv_url = iv_url IMPORTING eo_repo = lo_repo ev_reason = lv_reason ). IF lo_repo IS BOUND. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( lv_reason ). ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 260, 7501, 62, 27891, 85, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 25261, 198, 220, 29244, 6158, 4810, 3824, 6158, 764, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 23255, 37, 2246, 1546, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 260, 7501, 62, 27891, 85, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23255, 37, 2246, 1546, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 260, 7501, 62, 4868, 877, 764, 628, 220, 220, 220, 8355, 43429, 1546, 651, 62, 260, 7501, 62, 6738, 62, 26495, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7473, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 260, 7501, 62, 27891, 85, 93, 1136, 62, 260, 7501, 62, 6738, 62, 26495, 764, 628, 220, 220, 220, 8355, 43429, 1546, 651, 62, 260, 7501, 62, 6738, 62, 6371, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7473, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 260, 7501, 62, 27891, 85, 93, 1136, 62, 260, 7501, 62, 6738, 62, 6371, 764, 628, 220, 220, 220, 42715, 12, 49273, 50, 651, 62, 39098, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 198, 220, 220, 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CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_tobj DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_objects_super FINAL. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_object. ALIASES mo_files FOR zif_abapgit_object~mo_files. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_tobj, tddat TYPE tddat, tvdir TYPE tvdir, tvimf TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF tvimf WITH DEFAULT KEY, END OF ty_tobj. METHODS: read_extra IMPORTING iv_tabname TYPE vim_name RETURNING VALUE(rs_tobj) TYPE ty_tobj, update_extra IMPORTING is_tobj TYPE ty_tobj, delete_extra IMPORTING iv_tabname TYPE vim_name. ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPGIT_OBJECT_TOBJ IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD delete_extra. DELETE FROM tddat WHERE tabname = iv_tabname. DELETE FROM tvdir WHERE tabname = iv_tabname. DELETE FROM tvimf WHERE tabname = iv_tabname. ENDMETHOD. METHOD read_extra. SELECT SINGLE * FROM tddat INTO rs_tobj-tddat WHERE tabname = iv_tabname. SELECT SINGLE * FROM tvdir INTO rs_tobj-tvdir WHERE tabname = iv_tabname. CLEAR: rs_tobj-tvdir-gendate, rs_tobj-tvdir-gentime. SELECT * FROM tvimf INTO TABLE rs_tobj-tvimf WHERE tabname = iv_tabname. ENDMETHOD. METHOD update_extra. DATA: lt_current_tvimf TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF tvimf. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_tvimf> TYPE tvimf. MODIFY tddat FROM is_tobj-tddat. MODIFY tvdir FROM is_tobj-tvdir. SELECT * INTO TABLE lt_current_tvimf FROM tvimf WHERE tabname = is_tobj-tddat-tabname ORDER BY PRIMARY KEY. LOOP AT lt_current_tvimf ASSIGNING <ls_tvimf>. READ TABLE is_tobj-tvimf WITH KEY tabname = <ls_tvimf>-tabname event = <ls_tvimf>-event TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS. IF sy-subrc <> 0. DELETE tvimf FROM <ls_tvimf>. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. MODIFY tvimf FROM TABLE is_tobj-tvimf. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~changed_by. DATA: lv_type_pos TYPE i. lv_type_pos = strlen( ms_item-obj_name ) - 1. SELECT SINGLE luser FROM objh INTO rv_user WHERE objectname = ms_item-obj_name(lv_type_pos) AND objecttype = ms_item-obj_name+lv_type_pos. "#EC CI_GENBUFF IF sy-subrc <> 0. rv_user = c_user_unknown. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~delete. DATA: ls_objh TYPE objh, lv_type_pos TYPE i. lv_type_pos = strlen( ms_item-obj_name ) - 1. ls_objh-objectname = ms_item-obj_name(lv_type_pos). ls_objh-objecttype = ms_item-obj_name+lv_type_pos. CALL FUNCTION 'OBJ_GENERATE' EXPORTING iv_objectname = ls_objh-objectname iv_objecttype = ls_objh-objecttype iv_maint_mode = 'D' EXCEPTIONS illegal_call = 1 object_not_found = 2 generate_error = 3 transport_error = 4 object_enqueue_failed = 5 OTHERS = 6. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from OBJ_GENERATE' ). ENDIF. delete_extra( ls_objh-objectname ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~deserialize. DATA: ls_objh TYPE objh, ls_objt TYPE objt, lt_objs TYPE tt_objs, lt_objsl TYPE tt_objsl, lt_objm TYPE tt_objm, ls_tobj TYPE ty_tobj. io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'OBJH' CHANGING cg_data = ls_objh ). io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'OBJT' CHANGING cg_data = ls_objt ). io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'OBJS' CHANGING cg_data = lt_objs ). io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'OBJSL' CHANGING cg_data = lt_objsl ). io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'OBJM' CHANGING cg_data = lt_objm ). CALL FUNCTION 'OBJ_GENERATE' EXPORTING iv_objectname = ls_objh-objectname iv_objecttype = ls_objh-objecttype iv_maint_mode = 'I' iv_objecttext = ls_objt-ddtext iv_objcateg = ls_objh-objcateg iv_objtransp = ls_objh-objtransp iv_devclass = iv_package TABLES tt_v_obj_s = lt_objs tt_objm = lt_objm EXCEPTIONS illegal_call = 1 object_not_found = 2 generate_error = 3 transport_error = 4 object_enqueue_failed = 5 OTHERS = 6. IF sy-subrc <> 0. * TOBJ has to be saved/generated after the DDIC tables have been * activated - fixed with late deserialization zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from OBJ_GENERATE' ). ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'OBJ_SET_IMPORTABLE' EXPORTING iv_objectname = ls_objh-objectname iv_objecttype = ls_objh-objecttype iv_importable = ls_objh-importable EXCEPTIONS object_not_defined = 1 invalid = 2 transport_error = 3 object_enqueue_failed = 4 OTHERS = 5. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from OBJ_SET_IMPORTABLE' ). ENDIF. * fm OBJ_GENERATE takes the defaults from the DDIC object * set OBJTRANSP directly, should be okay looking at the code in OBJ_SET_IMPORTABLE * locking has been done in OBJ_SET_IMPORTABLE plus recording of transport UPDATE objh SET objtransp = ls_objh-objtransp WHERE objectname = ls_objh-objectname AND objecttype = ls_objh-objecttype. io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'TOBJ' CHANGING cg_data = ls_tobj ). ls_tobj-tvdir-gendate = sy-datum. ls_tobj-tvdir-gentime = sy-uzeit. update_extra( ls_tobj ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~exists. DATA: lv_objectname TYPE objh-objectname, lv_type_pos TYPE i. lv_type_pos = strlen( ms_item-obj_name ) - 1. SELECT SINGLE objectname FROM objh INTO lv_objectname WHERE objectname = ms_item-obj_name(lv_type_pos) AND objecttype = ms_item-obj_name+lv_type_pos. "#EC CI_GENBUFF rv_bool = boolc( sy-subrc = 0 ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_comparator. RETURN. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_deserialize_steps. APPEND zif_abapgit_object=>gc_step_id-late TO rt_steps. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_metadata. rs_metadata = get_metadata( ). rs_metadata-late_deser = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_active. rv_active = is_active( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_locked. rv_is_locked = abap_false. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~jump. DATA: ls_bcdata TYPE bdcdata, lt_bcdata TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bdcdata. ls_bcdata-program = 'SAPMSVIM'. ls_bcdata-dynpro = '0050'. ls_bcdata-dynbegin = 'X'. APPEND ls_bcdata TO lt_bcdata. CLEAR ls_bcdata. ls_bcdata-fnam = 'VIMDYNFLDS-VIEWNAME'. ls_bcdata-fval = substring( val = ms_item-obj_name len = strlen( ms_item-obj_name ) - 1 ). APPEND ls_bcdata TO lt_bcdata. CLEAR ls_bcdata. ls_bcdata-fnam = 'VIMDYNFLDS-ELEM_GEN'. ls_bcdata-fval = abap_true. APPEND ls_bcdata TO lt_bcdata. CLEAR ls_bcdata. ls_bcdata-fnam = 'BDC_OKCODE'. ls_bcdata-fval = '=SHOW'. APPEND ls_bcdata TO lt_bcdata. CALL FUNCTION 'ABAP4_CALL_TRANSACTION' STARTING NEW TASK 'GIT' EXPORTING tcode = 'SE54' mode_val = 'E' TABLES using_tab = lt_bcdata EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from ABAP4_CALL_TRANSACTION, TOBJ' ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~serialize. DATA: ls_objh TYPE objh, ls_objt TYPE objt, lt_objs TYPE tt_objs, lt_objsl TYPE tt_objsl, lt_objm TYPE tt_objm, ls_tobj TYPE ty_tobj, lv_type_pos TYPE i. lv_type_pos = strlen( ms_item-obj_name ) - 1. ls_objh-objectname = ms_item-obj_name(lv_type_pos). ls_objh-objecttype = ms_item-obj_name+lv_type_pos. CALL FUNCTION 'CTO_OBJECT_GET' EXPORTING iv_objectname = ls_objh-objectname iv_objecttype = ls_objh-objecttype iv_language = mv_language iv_sel_objt = abap_true iv_sel_objs = abap_true iv_sel_objsl = abap_true iv_sel_objm = abap_true IMPORTING es_objh = ls_objh es_objt = ls_objt TABLES tt_objs = lt_objs tt_objsl = lt_objsl tt_objm = lt_objm EXCEPTIONS object_not_defined = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc = 1. RETURN. ELSEIF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from CTO_OBJECT_GET' ). ENDIF. CLEAR: ls_objh-luser, ls_objh-ldate. io_xml->add( iv_name = 'OBJH' ig_data = ls_objh ). io_xml->add( iv_name = 'OBJT' ig_data = ls_objt ). io_xml->add( iv_name = 'OBJS' ig_data = lt_objs ). io_xml->add( iv_name = 'OBJSL' ig_data = lt_objsl ). io_xml->add( iv_name = 'OBJM' ig_data = lt_objm ). ls_tobj = read_extra( ls_objh-objectname ). io_xml->add( iv_name = 'TOBJ' ig_data = ls_tobj ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 15252, 62, 83, 26801, 5550, 20032, 17941, 44731, 3268, 16879, 2043, 2751, 16034, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 48205, 62, 16668, 25261, 13, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23255, 37, 2246, 1546, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 15252, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8355, 43429, 1546, 6941, 62, 16624, 7473, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 15252, 93, 5908, 62, 16624, 13, 628, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 24412, 47, 1546, 25, 347, 43312, 3963, 1259, 62, 83, 26801, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 256, 1860, 265, 41876, 256, 1860, 265, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 31557, 15908, 41876, 31557, 15908, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 256, 31124, 69, 41876, 49053, 9795, 43679, 3963, 256, 31124, 69, 13315, 5550, 38865, 35374, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 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CLASS ltcl_lock_travel DEFINITION DEFERRED. CLASS /dmo/cl_flight_legacy22 DEFINITION LOCAL FRIENDS ltcl_lock_travel. CLASS ltcl_lock_travel DEFINITION FINAL FOR TESTING DURATION SHORT RISK LEVEL HARMLESS. PRIVATE SECTION. METHODS: got_lock FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_lock_travel IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD got_lock ##NEEDED. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltc_travel DEFINITION FOR TESTING DURATION SHORT RISK LEVEL HARMLESS. PROTECTED SECTION. CONSTANTS mc_use_sql_doubles TYPE abap_bool VALUE abap_false. CONSTANTS mc_msgid TYPE symsgid VALUE '/DMO/CM_FLIGHT_LE_22'. * SQL doubles currently not available in cloud environment * CLASS-DATA mr_test_environment TYPE REF TO if_osql_test_environment. CLASS-DATA gr_cut TYPE REF TO /dmo/cl_flight_legacy22. CLASS-DATA gv_agency_id_1 TYPE /dmo/agency_id22. CLASS-DATA gv_agency_id_2 TYPE /dmo/agency_id22. CLASS-DATA gv_agency_id_unknown TYPE /dmo/agency_id22. CLASS-DATA gv_customer_id_1 TYPE /dmo/customer_id22. CLASS-DATA gv_customer_id_2 TYPE /dmo/customer_id22. CLASS-DATA gv_customer_id_unknown TYPE /dmo/customer_id22. METHODS _create_travel IMPORTING is_travel TYPE /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>ts_travel_in iv_save TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_true RETURNING VALUE(rs_travel) TYPE /dmo/travel22. METHODS _delete_existing_travel IMPORTING iv_travel_id TYPE /dmo/travel_id22. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA mv_travel_count TYPE i. DATA mv_booking_count TYPE i. DATA mv_booking_supplement_count TYPE i. CLASS-METHODS class_setup. METHODS setup. METHODS teardown. CLASS-METHODS class_teardown. "! Create and check a single travel METHODS create FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a travel with an unknown agency -> ERROR METHODS c_agency_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a travel with an unknown customer -> ERROR METHODS c_customer_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Create 2 travels in the same LUW METHODS create_mutiple_calls FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Create a single travel METHODS create_single FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Delete a single travel METHODS delete_single FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Update a single travel METHODS update_single FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete a single travel with unknown Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS d_travel_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a single travel with unknown Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS u_travel_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Delete multiple travels METHODS delete_multiple FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Update multiple travels METHODS update_multiple FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Update a single travel twice in the same LUW METHODS update_twice FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Update, delete a single travel in the same LUW METHODS update_delete_single FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a single travel with an unknown agency -> ERROR METHODS u_agency_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a single travel with an unknown customer -> ERROR METHODS u_customer_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete a single travel with an initial Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS d_travel_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a single travel with an initial Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS u_travel_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Call action to set booking status METHODS act_set_status_to_booked FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a travel with faulty dates -> Error METHODS c_dates_invalid FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a travel with faulty dates -> Error METHODS u_dates_invalid FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Reset buffer METHODS initialize FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Create, update a single travel in the same LUW METHODS create_update_in_one_luw FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Create, delete a single travel in the same LUW METHODS create_delete_in_one_luw FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Update, delete a single travel in the same LUW METHODS update_delete_in_one_luw FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete, update a single travel in the same LUW -> ERROR METHODS delete_update_in_one_luw FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Delete, delete a single travel in the same LUW -> Error METHODS delete_delete_in_one_luw FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a travel with no control structure -> ERROR METHODS u_no_control FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to change the travel status to an invalid value -> ERROR METHODS u_status_invalid FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. ENDCLASS. CLASS /dmo/cl_flight_legacy22 DEFINITION LOCAL FRIENDS ltc_travel. CLASS ltc_travel IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD class_setup. IF mc_use_sql_doubles = abap_true ##BOOL_OK. * mr_test_environment = cl_osql_test_environment=>create( i_dependency_list = VALUE #( ( '/DMO/TRAVEL22' ) ( '/DMO/BOOKING22' ) ( '/DMO/BOOK_SUP_22' ) * ( '/DMO/AGENCY22' ) ( '/DMO/CUSTOMER22' ) ( '/DMO/FLIGHT22' ) ( '/DMO/SUPPLEME_22' ) ) ). * mr_test_environment->clear_doubles( ). * gv_agency_id_1 = '42'. * gv_agency_id_2 = '43'. * DATA lt_agency TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF /dmo/agency22. * lt_agency = VALUE #( ( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 ) ( agency_id = gv_agency_id_2 ) ). * mr_test_environment->insert_test_data( lt_agency ). * * gv_customer_id_1 = '42'. * gv_customer_id_2 = '43'. * DATA lt_customer TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF /dmo/customer22. * lt_customer = VALUE #( ( customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 ) ( customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 ) ). * mr_test_environment->insert_test_data( lt_customer ). * * gv_agency_id_unknown = '99'. * gv_customer_id_unknown = '99'. ELSE. DATA lt_agency_id TYPE SORTED TABLE OF /dmo/agency_id22 WITH UNIQUE KEY table_line. SELECT DISTINCT agency_id FROM /dmo/agency22 ORDER BY agency_id DESCENDING INTO TABLE @lt_agency_id . DATA lt_customer_id TYPE SORTED TABLE OF /dmo/customer_id22 WITH UNIQUE KEY table_line. SELECT DISTINCT customer_id FROM /dmo/customer22 ORDER BY customer_id DESCENDING INTO TABLE @lt_customer_id . " Select 2 known agency IDs IF lines( lt_agency_id ) < 2. cl_abap_unit_assert=>abort( msg = 'No agency data!' ). ENDIF. gv_agency_id_1 = lt_agency_id[ 1 ]. gv_agency_id_2 = lt_agency_id[ 2 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_differs( act = gv_agency_id_1 exp = gv_agency_id_2 )." To be totally sure " Select 2 known customer IDs IF lines( lt_customer_id ) < 2. cl_abap_unit_assert=>abort( msg = 'No customer data!' ). ENDIF. gv_customer_id_1 = lt_customer_id[ 1 ]. gv_customer_id_2 = lt_customer_id[ 2 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_differs( act = gv_customer_id_1 exp = gv_customer_id_2 )." To be totally sure " Determine an unknown agency ID gv_agency_id_unknown = lt_agency_id[ 1 ]. DO. gv_agency_id_unknown = gv_agency_id_unknown + 1. READ TABLE lt_agency_id TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH TABLE KEY table_line = gv_agency_id_unknown. IF sy-subrc <> 0. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDDO. " Determine an unknown customer ID gv_customer_id_unknown = lt_customer_id[ 1 ]. DO. gv_customer_id_unknown = gv_customer_id_unknown + 1. READ TABLE lt_customer_id TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH TABLE KEY table_line = gv_customer_id_unknown. IF sy-subrc <> 0. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDDO. ENDIF. gr_cut = NEW #( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD setup. SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/travel22 INTO @mv_travel_count. SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/booking22 INTO @mv_booking_count. SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 INTO @mv_booking_supplement_count. ENDMETHOD. METHOD teardown. " Ensure proper cleanup of each individual test method SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/travel22 INTO @DATA(lv_travel_count). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_travel_count exp = mv_travel_count ). SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/booking22 INTO @DATA(lv_booking_count). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_booking_count exp = mv_booking_count ). SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 INTO @DATA(lv_booking_supplement_count). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_booking_supplement_count exp = mv_booking_supplement_count ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD class_teardown. IF mc_use_sql_doubles = abap_true ##BOOL_OK ##NEEDED. * mr_test_environment->destroy( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD create. SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/travel22 INTO @DATA(lv_count1). DATA lv_start TYPE timestampl. GET TIME STAMP FIELD lv_start. gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel_new) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_travel_new-travel_id ). gr_cut->save( ). DATA lv_end TYPE timestampl. GET TIME STAMP FIELD lv_end. SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/travel22 INTO @DATA(lv_count2). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'create should add a travel' exp = 1 act = lv_count2 - lv_count1 ). SELECT * FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new-travel_id INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_travel). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'cannot read created travel' exp = 1 act = lines( lt_travel ) ). DATA(ls_travel) = lt_travel[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'createdby' exp = ls_travel-createdby act = sy-uname ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_number_between( msg = 'createdat' number = ls_travel-createdat lower = lv_start upper = lv_end ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'status' act = ls_travel-status exp = CONV /dmo/travel_status22( /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>travel_status-new ) ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_new-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD create_mutiple_calls. DATA lv_start TYPE timestampl. GET TIME STAMP FIELD lv_start. gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel_1) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_travel_1-travel_id ). gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel_2) et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_travel_2-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( xsdbool( ls_travel_1-travel_id = ls_travel_2-travel_id ) ). gr_cut->save( ). DATA lv_end TYPE timestampl. GET TIME STAMP FIELD lv_end. SELECT * FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_1-travel_id OR travel_id = @ls_travel_2-travel_id INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_travel) ##SELECT_FAE_WITH_LOB[DESCRIPTION]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'cannot read created travel' exp = 2 act = lines( lt_travel ) ). DATA(ls_travel) = lt_travel[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'createdby' exp = ls_travel-createdby act = sy-uname ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_number_between( msg = 'createdat' number = ls_travel-createdat lower = lv_start upper = lv_end ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'status' act = ls_travel-status exp = CONV /dmo/travel_status22( /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>travel_status-new ) ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_1-travel_id ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_2-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_agency_unknown. SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/travel22 INTO @DATA(lv_count1). gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_unknown customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( ls_travel-travel_id ). gr_cut->save( ). SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/travel22 INTO @DATA(lv_count2). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'should not create bad travel' exp = lv_count1 act = lv_count2 ). DATA lv_msg_found TYPE abap_bool. LOOP AT lt_messages INTO DATA(lr_message) ##INTO_OK. IF lr_message->t100key = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>agency_unkown. lv_msg_found = abap_true. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'missing error' exp = abap_true act = lv_msg_found ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_customer_unknown. SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/travel22 INTO @DATA(lv_count1). gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_unknown ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( ls_travel-travel_id ). gr_cut->save( ). SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/travel22 INTO @DATA(lv_count2). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'should not create bad travel' exp = lv_count1 act = lv_count2 ). DATA lv_msg_found TYPE abap_bool. LOOP AT lt_messages INTO DATA(lr_message) ##INTO_OK. IF lr_message->t100key = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>customer_unkown. lv_msg_found = abap_true. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( msg = 'missing error' exp = abap_true act = lv_msg_found ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD create_single. DATA lv_timestampl TYPE timestampl. GET TIME STAMP FIELD lv_timestampl. SELECT MAX( travel_id ) FROM /dmo/travel22 INTO @DATA(lv_travel_id_max). DATA lv_travel_id_1 TYPE /dmo/travel_id22. DATA lv_travel_id_2 TYPE /dmo/travel_id22. lv_travel_id_1 = lv_travel_id_max + 1. IF lv_travel_id_1 IS INITIAL. cl_abap_unit_assert=>abort( msg = 'Travel ID overflow!' ). ENDIF. lv_travel_id_2 = lv_travel_id_max + 2. IF lv_travel_id_2 IS INITIAL. cl_abap_unit_assert=>abort( msg = 'Travel ID overflow!' ). ENDIF. " Create a travel cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' status = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>travel_status-booked ) )-travel_id exp = lv_travel_id_1 ). " Create a second travel cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_2 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' status = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>travel_status-booked ) )-travel_id exp = lv_travel_id_2 ). " Select and check the second travel DATA ls_travel_sel TYPE /dmo/travel22. SELECT SINGLE * FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @lv_travel_id_2 INTO @ls_travel_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-agency_id exp = gv_agency_id_2 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-customer_id exp = gv_customer_id_1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-status exp = CONV /dmo/travel_status22( /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>travel_status-new ) )." Provided status overridden by determination cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-createdby exp = sy-uname ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-lastchangedby exp = sy-uname ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( ls_travel_sel-createdat = ls_travel_sel-lastchangedat ) ). DATA(lv_diff) = CONV i( cl_abap_tstmp=>subtract( tstmp1 = ls_travel_sel-createdat tstmp2 = lv_timestampl ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( 0 <= lv_diff AND lv_diff <= 1 ) ). _delete_existing_travel( lv_travel_id_1 ). _delete_existing_travel( lv_travel_id_2 ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD delete_single. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. DATA(ls_travel_new) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Description' ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_new-description exp = 'My_Description' ). SELECT SINGLE description FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new-travel_id INTO @DATA(lv_description). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_description exp = ls_travel_new-description ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_new-travel_id ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/travel22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new-travel_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD update_single. DATA lv_timestampl TYPE timestampl. GET TIME STAMP FIELD lv_timestampl. DATA(ls_travel_new) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Text' ) ). DATA ls_travel_sel TYPE /dmo/travel22. SELECT SINGLE description FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new-travel_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_travel_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-description exp = ls_travel_new-description ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id agency_id = gv_agency_id_unknown description = 'My_New_Text' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id description = abap_true ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel_updated) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_updated-travel_id exp = ls_travel_new-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_updated-description exp = 'My_New_Text' ). gr_cut->save( ). CLEAR ls_travel_sel. SELECT SINGLE * FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new-travel_id INTO @ls_travel_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-agency_id exp = ls_travel_new-agency_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-customer_id exp = ls_travel_new-customer_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-description exp = 'My_New_Text' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-lastchangedby exp = sy-uname ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_differs( act = ls_travel_sel-createdat exp = ls_travel_sel-lastchangedat ). DATA(lv_diff) = cl_abap_tstmp=>subtract( tstmp1 = ls_travel_sel-lastchangedat tstmp2 = lv_timestampl ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( 0 < lv_diff AND lv_diff < 1 ) ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_new-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_travel_id_unknown. DATA(ls_travel_deleted) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_deleted-travel_id ). gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel_deleted-travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_travel_deleted-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_travel_id_unknown. DATA(ls_travel_deleted) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Old_Text' ) ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_deleted-travel_id ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_deleted-travel_id description = 'My_New_Text' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_deleted-travel_id description = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_travel_deleted-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD delete_multiple. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. DATA(ls_travel_new_1) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Text_1' ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_new_1-description exp = 'My_Text_1' ). DATA(ls_travel_new_2) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Text_2' ) ). DATA(ls_travel_new_3) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Text_3' ) ). " Delete - only in buffer gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel_new_1-travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel_new_2-travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel_new_3-travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). DATA lv_description TYPE /dmo/description22. SELECT SINGLE description FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new_1-travel_id INTO @lv_description. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_description exp = ls_travel_new_1-description ). SELECT SINGLE description FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new_2-travel_id INTO @lv_description. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_description exp = ls_travel_new_2-description ). SELECT SINGLE description FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new_3-travel_id INTO @lv_description. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_description exp = ls_travel_new_3-description ). " Now persist the buffer gr_cut->save( ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/travel22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id IN ( @ls_travel_new_1-travel_id, @ls_travel_new_2-travel_id, @ls_travel_new_3-travel_id ) INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD update_multiple. DATA(ls_travel_new_1) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Text_1' ) ). DATA(ls_travel_new_2) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Text_2' ) ). DATA(ls_travel_new_3) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Text_3' ) ). DATA lv_description TYPE /dmo/description22. SELECT SINGLE description FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new_1-travel_id INTO @lv_description. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_description exp = ls_travel_new_1-description ). SELECT SINGLE description FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new_2-travel_id INTO @lv_description. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_description exp = ls_travel_new_2-description ). SELECT SINGLE description FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new_3-travel_id INTO @lv_description. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_description exp = ls_travel_new_3-description ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new_1-travel_id agency_id = gv_agency_id_unknown description = 'My_New_Text_1' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new_1-travel_id description = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new_2-travel_id agency_id = gv_agency_id_unknown description = 'My_New_Text_2' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new_2-travel_id description = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new_3-travel_id agency_id = gv_agency_id_2 description = 'My_New_Text_3' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new_3-travel_id agency_id = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). DATA ls_travel_sel TYPE /dmo/travel22. CLEAR ls_travel_sel. SELECT SINGLE agency_id, customer_id, description FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new_1-travel_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_travel_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-agency_id exp = ls_travel_new_1-agency_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-customer_id exp = ls_travel_new_1-customer_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-description exp = 'My_New_Text_1' ). CLEAR ls_travel_sel. SELECT SINGLE agency_id, customer_id, description FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new_2-travel_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_travel_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-agency_id exp = ls_travel_new_2-agency_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-customer_id exp = ls_travel_new_2-customer_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-description exp = 'My_New_Text_2' ). CLEAR ls_travel_sel. SELECT SINGLE agency_id, customer_id, description FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new_3-travel_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_travel_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-agency_id exp = gv_agency_id_2 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-customer_id exp = ls_travel_new_3-customer_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-description exp = 'My_Text_3' ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_new_1-travel_id ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_new_2-travel_id ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_new_3-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD update_twice. DATA(ls_travel_new) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Text' ) ). DATA ls_travel_sel TYPE /dmo/travel22. SELECT SINGLE description FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new-travel_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_travel_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-description exp = ls_travel_new-description ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id agency_id = gv_agency_id_unknown description = 'My_New_Text' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id description = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id agency_id = gv_agency_id_2 description = 'WHATEVER' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id agency_id = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). CLEAR ls_travel_sel. SELECT SINGLE agency_id, customer_id, description FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new-travel_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_travel_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-agency_id exp = gv_agency_id_2 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-customer_id exp = ls_travel_new-customer_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-description exp = 'My_New_Text' ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_new-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD update_delete_single. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. DATA(ls_travel_new) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Text' ) ). SELECT SINGLE description FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new-travel_id INTO @DATA(lv_description). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_description exp = ls_travel_new-description ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id agency_id = gv_agency_id_unknown description = 'My_New_Text' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id description = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/travel22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new-travel_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_agency_unknown. DATA(ls_travel) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id agency_id = gv_agency_id_unknown ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id agency_id = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>agency_unkown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_AGENCY_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_agency_id exp = gv_agency_id_unknown ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_customer_unknown. DATA(ls_travel) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id customer_id = gv_customer_id_unknown ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id customer_id = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>customer_unkown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_CUSTOMER_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_customer_id exp = gv_customer_id_unknown ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_travel_id_initial. gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = '0' IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_no_key-msgno ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_travel_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( ) is_travelx = VALUE #( ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_no_key-msgno ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD act_set_status_to_booked. DATA lv_timestampl TYPE timestampl. GET TIME STAMP FIELD lv_timestampl. " Case A: Known travel ID DATA(ls_travel_new) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) ). DATA ls_travel_sel TYPE /dmo/travel22. SELECT SINGLE status FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new-travel_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_travel_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-status exp = CONV /dmo/travel_status22( /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>travel_status-new ) ). gr_cut->set_status_to_booked( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). CLEAR ls_travel_sel. SELECT SINGLE status, createdat, lastchangedby, lastchangedat FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new-travel_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_travel_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-status exp = CONV /dmo/travel_status22( /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>travel_status-booked ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-lastchangedby exp = sy-uname ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_differs( act = ls_travel_sel-createdat exp = ls_travel_sel-lastchangedat ). DATA(lv_diff) = cl_abap_tstmp=>subtract( tstmp1 = ls_travel_sel-lastchangedat tstmp2 = lv_timestampl ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( 0 < lv_diff AND lv_diff < 1 ) ). " Case B: Initial travel ID gr_cut->set_status_to_booked( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = '0' IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_no_key-msgno ). " Case C: Unknown travel ID gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). " -- Deletion only in buffer gr_cut->set_status_to_booked( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_travel_new-travel_id ). gr_cut->save( ). " -- Deletion send to DB gr_cut->set_status_to_booked( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_travel_new-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_dates_invalid. " Try with initial begin date gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 end_date = '20190101' ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( ls_travel-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>no_begin_date-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). " Try with initial end date gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' ) IMPORTING es_travel = ls_travel et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( ls_travel-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>no_end_date-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). " Try to have begin date after end date gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190201' end_date = '20190101' ) IMPORTING es_travel = ls_travel et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( ls_travel-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>end_date_before_begin_date-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_BEGIN_DATE' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_END_DATE' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr3 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_begin_date exp = '20190201' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_end_date exp = '20190101' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_dates_invalid. DATA(ls_travel) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) ). " Try to clear begin date gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id begin_date = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>no_begin_date-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_travel-travel_id ). " Try to clear end date gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id end_date = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>no_end_date-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_travel-travel_id ). " Try to have begin date after end date gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id end_date = '20181201' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id end_date = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>end_date_before_begin_date-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_BEGIN_DATE' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_END_DATE' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr3 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_begin_date exp = ls_travel-begin_date ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_end_date exp = '20181201' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_travel-travel_id ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD initialize. DATA(ls_travel_new) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Old_Text' ) ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id description = 'My_New_Text' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel_new-travel_id description = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->initialize( ). gr_cut->save( ). SELECT SINGLE description FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_new-travel_id INTO @DATA(lv_description). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_description exp = 'My_Old_Text' ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_new-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD create_update_in_one_luw. gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Old_Text' ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_travel-travel_id ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id agency_id = gv_agency_id_2 description = 'My_New_Text' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id description = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). SELECT SINGLE agency_id, description FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO ( @DATA(lv_agency_id), @DATA(lv_description) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_agency_id exp = gv_agency_id_1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_description exp = 'My_New_Text' ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD create_delete_in_one_luw. DATA lv_db_exits TYPE abap_bool. gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Old_Text' ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_travel-travel_id ). gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). CLEAR lv_db_exits. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/travel22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @lv_db_exits. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exits ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD update_delete_in_one_luw. DATA lv_db_exits TYPE abap_bool. DATA(ls_travel_new) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Old_Text' ) ). DATA(lv_travel_id) = ls_travel_new-travel_id. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = lv_travel_id agency_id = gv_agency_id_2 description = 'My_New_Text' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = lv_travel_id description = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = lv_travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). CLEAR lv_db_exits. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/travel22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @lv_travel_id INTO @lv_db_exits. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exits ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD delete_update_in_one_luw. DATA lv_db_exits TYPE abap_bool. DATA(ls_travel_new) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Old_Text' ) ). DATA(lv_travel_id) = ls_travel_new-travel_id. gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = lv_travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = lv_travel_id agency_id = gv_agency_id_2 description = 'My_New_Text' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = lv_travel_id description = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = lv_travel_id ). gr_cut->save( ). CLEAR lv_db_exits. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/travel22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @lv_travel_id INTO @lv_db_exits. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exits ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD delete_delete_in_one_luw. DATA lv_db_exits TYPE abap_bool. DATA(ls_travel_new) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Old_Text' ) ). DATA(lv_travel_id) = ls_travel_new-travel_id. gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = lv_travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = lv_travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = lv_travel_id ). gr_cut->save( ). CLEAR lv_db_exits. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/travel22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @lv_travel_id INTO @lv_db_exits. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exits ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_no_control. DATA(ls_travel) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) ). " No control data at all gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_no_control-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_travel-travel_id ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_status_invalid. CONSTANTS lc_status_invalid TYPE /dmo/travel_status22 VALUE 'Z'. DATA(ls_travel) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) ). " No control data at all gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id status = lc_status_invalid ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id status = abap_true ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_status_invalid-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_STATUS' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_status exp = lc_status_invalid ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD _create_travel. CLEAR rs_travel. gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = is_travel IMPORTING es_travel = rs_travel et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( rs_travel-travel_id ). IF iv_save = abap_true. gr_cut->save( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD _delete_existing_travel. gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = iv_travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltc_booking DEFINITION FOR TESTING DURATION SHORT RISK LEVEL HARMLESS INHERITING FROM ltc_travel. PROTECTED SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ts_flight, carrier_id TYPE /dmo/carrier_id22, connection_id TYPE /dmo/connection_id22, flight_date TYPE /dmo/flight_date22, price TYPE /dmo/flight_price22, currency_code TYPE /dmo/currency_code22, END OF ts_flight. CLASS-DATA gs_flight_1 TYPE ts_flight. CLASS-DATA gs_flight_2 TYPE ts_flight. CLASS-DATA gv_carrier_id_unknown TYPE /dmo/carrier_id22. CLASS-DATA gv_currency_code_unknown TYPE /dmo/currency_code22. CLASS-DATA gv_booking_date TYPE /dmo/booking_date22. DATA mv_travel_id TYPE /dmo/travel_id22. DATA mv_travel_id_unknown TYPE /dmo/travel_id22. METHODS _create_booking IMPORTING iv_travel_id TYPE /dmo/travel_id22 is_booking TYPE /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>ts_booking_in iv_save TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_true RETURNING VALUE(rs_booking) TYPE /dmo/booking22. METHODS _delete_existing_booking IMPORTING iv_travel_id TYPE /dmo/travel_id22 iv_booking_id TYPE /dmo/booking_id22. PRIVATE SECTION. CLASS-METHODS class_setup. METHODS setup. METHODS teardown. "! Create, Update, Delete a single booking in 3 different LUWs METHODS c_u_d_single FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Create, Update a single booking in the same LUW, delete it in a second LUW METHODS cu_d_single FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Create, Update, Delete a single booking in the same LUW METHODS cud_single FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Create, (Update, Update), Delete a single booking in 3 different LUWs METHODS c_uu_d_single FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a booking with an unknown Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS c_travel_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a booking with an initial Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS c_travel_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking with an unknown Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS u_travel_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking with an initial Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS u_travel_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete a booking with an unknown Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS d_travel_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete a booking with an initial Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS d_travel_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking with an unknown Booking ID -> ERROR METHODS u_booking_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete a booking with an unknown Booking ID -> ERROR METHODS d_booking_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking with an initial Booking ID -> ERROR METHODS u_booking_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete a booking with an initial Booking ID -> ERROR METHODS d_booking_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Create, update, delete a single travel with bookings in 3 different LUWs METHODS c_u_d_travel_w_bookings FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a booking with an unknown customer -> ERROR METHODS c_customer_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking with an unknown customer -> ERROR METHODS u_customer_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a booking with a booking date in the past -> ERROR METHODS c_booking_date_past FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to clear booking date -> ERROR METHODS u_booking_date_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a booking with invalid flight data -> ERROR METHODS c_flight_invalid FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking with different flight data -> ERROR METHODS u_flight FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete, update a single booking in the same LUW -> ERROR METHODS du_single FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete, delete a single booking in the same LUW -> NO Error METHODS dd_single FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Create booking, delete father travel in same LUW -> NO Error, Booking ignored METHODS c_booking_d_travel_1_luw FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete father travel, create booking in same LUW -> ERROR METHODS d_travel_c_booking_1_luw FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a booking with an initial Booking ID -> ERROR METHODS c_booking_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a booking with a known combination Travel ID, Booking ID -> ERROR METHODS c_booking_id_exists FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Check that price and currency are derived / not derived METHODS c_price_currency FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update price only or currency only -> ERROR METHODS u_price_currency FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a booking with an unknown currency code -> ERROR METHODS c_currency_code_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking with an unknown currency code -> ERROR METHODS u_currency_code_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. ENDCLASS. CLASS /dmo/cl_flight_legacy22 DEFINITION LOCAL FRIENDS ltc_booking. CLASS ltc_booking IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD class_setup. IF mc_use_sql_doubles = abap_true ##BOOL_OK. * gs_flight_1 = VALUE #( carrier_id = 'AB' connection_id = '0001' flight_date = '20190306' price = '10818.00' currency_code = 'SGD' ) ##LITERAL. * gs_flight_2 = value #( carrier_id = 'CD' connection_id = '0002' flight_date = '20180510' price = '5950.00' currency_code = 'SGD' ) ##LITERAL. * * DATA lt_flight TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF /dmo/flight22. * lt_flight = VALUE #( ( carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date price = gs_flight_1-price currency_code = gs_flight_1-currency_code ) * ( carrier_id = gs_flight_2-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_2-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_2-flight_date price = gs_flight_2-price currency_code = gs_flight_2-currency_code ) ). * mr_test_environment->insert_test_data( lt_flight ). * * gv_currency_code_unknown = 'XYZ'. ELSE. " Select 2 different Flight Dates with their prices SELECT SINGLE carrier_id, connection_id, flight_date, price, currency_code FROM /dmo/flight22 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @gs_flight_1 ##WARN_OK. IF sy-subrc <> 0. cl_abap_unit_assert=>abort( |No flight data!| ). ENDIF. SELECT SINGLE carrier_id, connection_id, flight_date, price, currency_code FROM /dmo/flight22 WHERE carrier_id <> @gs_flight_1-carrier_id AND connection_id <> @gs_flight_1-connection_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @gs_flight_2 ##WARN_OK. IF sy-subrc <> 0. cl_abap_unit_assert=>abort( |No flight data!| ). ENDIF. " Determine an unknown Carrier ID gv_carrier_id_unknown = 'XX'. SELECT SINGLE carrier_id FROM /dmo/carrier22 WHERE carrier_id = @gv_carrier_id_unknown INTO @DATA(lv_dummy_carrier_id). IF sy-subrc = 0. cl_abap_unit_assert=>abort( |Carrier ID { gv_carrier_id_unknown } should not be known!| ). ENDIF. " Invalid currency code gv_currency_code_unknown = 'XYZ'. " We should use TCURC, but this is not released for "ABAP for SAP Cloud Platform" SELECT SINGLE currency FROM i_currency WHERE currency = @gv_currency_code_unknown INTO @DATA(lv_dummy_currency_code). IF sy-subrc = 0. cl_abap_unit_assert=>abort( |Currency { gv_currency_code_unknown } should not be known!| ). ENDIF. ENDIF. " Use Current date as Booking date gv_booking_date = cl_abap_context_info=>get_system_date( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD setup. mv_travel_id = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) )-travel_id. mv_travel_id_unknown = mv_travel_id. DO. mv_travel_id_unknown = mv_travel_id_unknown + 1. SELECT SINGLE travel_id FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id_unknown INTO @DATA(lv_dummy_travel_id). IF sy-subrc <> 0. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDDO. ENDMETHOD. METHOD teardown. _delete_existing_travel( mv_travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_u_d_single. DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking-customer_id exp = gv_customer_id_1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking-carrier_id exp = gs_flight_1-carrier_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking-connection_id exp = gs_flight_1-connection_id ). SELECT SINGLE * FROM /dmo/booking22 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO @DATA(ls_booking_sel). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-customer_id exp = ls_booking-customer_id ). DATA(lv_booking_date) = gv_booking_date + 15. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id booking_date = lv_booking_date ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update booking_date = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). CLEAR ls_booking_sel. SELECT SINGLE * FROM /dmo/booking22 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO @ls_booking_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-carrier_id exp = ls_booking-carrier_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-booking_date exp = lv_booking_date ). _delete_existing_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id iv_booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id ). SELECT SINGLE * FROM /dmo/booking22 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO @ls_booking_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( exp = 4 ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD cu_d_single. DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_false ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking-customer_id exp = gv_customer_id_1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking-carrier_id exp = gs_flight_1-carrier_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking-connection_id exp = gs_flight_1-connection_id ). DATA(lv_booking_date) = gv_booking_date + 15. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id booking_date = lv_booking_date ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update booking_date = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). SELECT SINGLE * FROM /dmo/booking22 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO @DATA(ls_booking_sel). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-carrier_id exp = ls_booking-carrier_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-booking_date exp = lv_booking_date ). _delete_existing_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id iv_booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id ). SELECT SINGLE * FROM /dmo/booking22 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO @ls_booking_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( exp = 4 ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD cud_single. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. SELECT SINGLE lastchangedat FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id INTO @DATA(lv_lastchangedat_1). DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_false ). DATA lv_booking_date TYPE /dmo/booking_date22. lv_booking_date = gv_booking_date + 15. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id booking_date = lv_booking_date ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update booking_date = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_booking = DATA(lt_booking_updated) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking_updated ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lt_booking_updated[ 1 ]-travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lt_booking_updated[ 1 ]-booking_id exp = ls_booking-booking_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lt_booking_updated[ 1 ]-booking_date exp = lv_booking_date ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). " Check that the administrative fields of the root node have been updated SELECT SINGLE lastchangedby, lastchangedat FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id INTO ( @DATA(lv_lastchangedby), @DATA(lv_lastchangedat_2) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_lastchangedby exp = sy-uname ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lv_lastchangedat_2 > lv_lastchangedat_1 ) ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/booking22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_uu_d_single. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ). SELECT SINGLE customer_id FROM /dmo/booking22 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO @DATA(lv_customer_id). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_customer_id exp = ls_booking-customer_id ). DATA(lv_booking_date) = gv_booking_date + 15. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id booking_date = lv_booking_date ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update booking_date = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update customer_id = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). DATA ls_booking_sel TYPE /dmo/booking22. SELECT SINGLE booking_date, customer_id FROM /dmo/booking22 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_booking_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-booking_date exp = lv_booking_date ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-customer_id exp = gv_customer_id_2 ). _delete_existing_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id iv_booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/booking22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_travel_id_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id_unknown ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id_unknown ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' booking_date = '20180701' customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking = DATA(lt_booking) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_travel_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( ) is_travelx = VALUE #( ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' booking_date = '20180701' customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking = DATA(lt_booking) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_no_key-msgno ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_travel_id_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id_unknown ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id_unknown ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '2' booking_date = '20180715' ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '2' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update booking_date = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_travel_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( ) is_travelx = VALUE #( ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '2' booking_date = '20180715' ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '2' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update booking_date = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_no_key-msgno ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_travel_id_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id_unknown ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id_unknown ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '1' ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_travel_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( ) is_travelx = VALUE #( ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '1' ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_no_key-msgno ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_booking_id_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' booking_date = '20180715' ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update booking_date = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = '10' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_booking_id_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = '10' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_booking_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '0' booking_date = '20180715' ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '0' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update booking_date = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_no_key-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_booking_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '0' ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '0' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_no_key-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_u_d_travel_w_bookings. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. " 1. LUW: Create a travel with 2 bookings (the second travel is only for testing) DATA(ls_travel_1) = _create_travel( is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) iv_save = abap_false ). DATA(ls_travel_2) = _create_travel( is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) iv_save = abap_false ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_travel_1-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_travel_2-travel_id ). DATA(ls_booking_1) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = ls_travel_1-travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_false ). DATA(ls_booking_2) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = ls_travel_1-travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '20' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_false ). gr_cut->save( ). SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/booking22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_1-travel_id INTO @DATA(lv_count). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_count exp = 2 ). " 2. LUW: Update the first booking gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_1-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_1-travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_1-booking_id customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_1-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update customer_id = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). SELECT SINGLE customer_id FROM /dmo/booking22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_booking_1-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking_1-booking_id INTO @DATA(lv_customer_id). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_customer_id exp = gv_customer_id_2 ). SELECT SINGLE customer_id FROM /dmo/booking22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_booking_2-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking_2-booking_id INTO @lv_customer_id. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_customer_id exp = gv_customer_id_1 ). " 3. LUW: Delete the first booking - check that the second booking is still there _delete_existing_booking( iv_travel_id = ls_booking_1-travel_id iv_booking_id = ls_booking_1-booking_id ). SELECT travel_id, booking_id FROM /dmo/booking22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_1-travel_id INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_booking_key). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking_key ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lt_booking_key[ 1 ]-booking_id exp = ls_booking_2-booking_id ). " 4. LUW: Delete the travel - check that the second booking has also been deleted _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_1-travel_id ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel_2-travel_id ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/booking22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel_1-travel_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_customer_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_unknown carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking = DATA(lt_booking) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>customer_unkown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_CUSTOMER_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_customer_id exp = gv_customer_id_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_customer_unknown. DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id customer_id = gv_customer_id_unknown ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update customer_id = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>customer_unkown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_CUSTOMER_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_customer_id exp = gv_customer_id_unknown ). gr_cut->save( ). SELECT SINGLE customer_id FROM /dmo/booking22 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO @DATA(lv_customer_id). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_customer_id exp = ls_booking-customer_id ). _delete_existing_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id iv_booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_booking_date_past. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' booking_date = '20180101' customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking = DATA(lt_booking) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_booking_date_invalid-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr3 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_DATE' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = '10' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_date exp = '20180101' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_booking_date_initial. DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update booking_date = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_booking_date_invalid-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr3 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_DATE' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = ls_booking-booking_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lx->mv_booking_date ). gr_cut->save( ). SELECT SINGLE booking_date FROM /dmo/booking22 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO @DATA(lv_booking_date). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_booking_date exp = gv_booking_date ). _delete_existing_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id iv_booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_flight_invalid. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gv_carrier_id_unknown connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking = DATA(lt_booking) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>flight_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_CARRIER_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_CONNECTION_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr3 exp = 'MV_FLIGHT_DATE' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_carrier_id exp = gv_carrier_id_unknown ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_connection_id exp = gs_flight_1-connection_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_flight_date exp = gs_flight_1-flight_date ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_flight. DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id flight_date = gs_flight_2-flight_date ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update flight_date = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_flight_u-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = '10' ). gr_cut->save( ). SELECT SINGLE flight_date FROM /dmo/booking22 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO @DATA(lv_flight_date). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_flight_date exp = gs_flight_1-flight_date ). _delete_existing_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id iv_booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD du_single. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update customer_id = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = ls_booking-booking_id ). gr_cut->save( ). SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/booking22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD dd_single. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/booking22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking-booking_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_booking_d_travel_1_luw. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. " 1. LUW: Create travel DATA(ls_travel) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/travel22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( lv_db_exists ). " 2. LUW: Create booking for the new travel, delete the new travel _create_booking( iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_false ). gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). "Check that travel and booking are gone CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/travel22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/booking22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_travel_c_booking_1_luw. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. " 1. LUW: Create travel DATA(ls_travel) = _create_travel( VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/travel22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( lv_db_exists ). " 2. LUW: Delete the new travel, create booking for the same travel gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking = DATA(lt_booking) et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_travel-travel_id ). gr_cut->save( ). "Check that travel and booking are gone CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/travel22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/booking22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_booking_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '0' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '0' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking = DATA(lt_booking) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_no_key-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_booking_id_exists. _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_false ). " Try to create a booking that is already in the buffer gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking = DATA(lt_booking) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_exists-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = '10' ). gr_cut->save( ). " Try to create a booking that is already in the database CLEAR lt_messages. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking = lt_booking et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_exists-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = '10' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_price_currency. " Do not provide price and currency DATA(ls_booking_1) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_false ). " Provide price and currency CONSTANTS lc_diff TYPE p VALUE '99.99'. DATA lv_flight_price TYPE /dmo/flight_price22. DATA lv_currency_code TYPE /dmo/currency_code22. lv_flight_price = gs_flight_1-price + lc_diff. lv_currency_code = SWITCH #( gs_flight_1-currency_code WHEN 'EUR' THEN 'USD' ELSE 'EUR' ). DATA(ls_booking_2) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '20' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date flight_price = lv_flight_price currency_code = lv_currency_code ) iv_save = abap_true ). DATA ls_booking_sel TYPE /dmo/booking22. SELECT SINGLE flight_price, currency_code FROM /dmo/booking22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_booking_1-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking_1-booking_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_booking_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-flight_price exp = gs_flight_1-price ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-currency_code exp = gs_flight_1-currency_code ). CLEAR ls_booking_sel. SELECT SINGLE flight_price, currency_code FROM /dmo/booking22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_booking_1-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking_2-booking_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_booking_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-flight_price exp = lv_flight_price ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-currency_code exp = lv_currency_code ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_price_currency. DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date flight_price = '999.99' currency_code = 'EUR' ) iv_save = abap_false ). " Try to change the flight price only gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking-travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id flight_price = '888.88' ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update flight_price = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_price_currency_u-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_booking-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = ls_booking-booking_id ). " Try to change the currency code only CLEAR lt_messages. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking-travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id currency_code = 'XXX' ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update currency_code = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_price_currency_u-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_booking-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = ls_booking-booking_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_currency_code_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date flight_price = '999.99' currency_code = gv_currency_code_unknown ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>currency_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_CURRENCY_CODE' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_currency_code exp = gv_currency_code_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_currency_code_unknown. DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date flight_price = '999.99' currency_code = 'EUR' ) iv_save = abap_false ). " Try to change the flight price only gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking-travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id flight_price = '999.99' currency_code = gv_currency_code_unknown ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update flight_price = abap_true currency_code = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>currency_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_CURRENCY_CODE' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_currency_code exp = gv_currency_code_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD _create_booking. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = iv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = iv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( is_booking ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = is_booking-booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking = DATA(lt_booking) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking ) exp = 1 ). rs_booking = lt_booking[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = rs_booking-travel_id exp = iv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = rs_booking-booking_id exp = is_booking-booking_id ). IF iv_save = abap_true. gr_cut->save( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD _delete_existing_booking. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = iv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = iv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = iv_booking_id ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = iv_booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltc_booking_supplement DEFINITION FINAL FOR TESTING DURATION SHORT RISK LEVEL HARMLESS INHERITING FROM ltc_booking. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ts_supplement, supplement_id TYPE /dmo/supplement_id22, price TYPE /dmo/supplement_price22, currency_code TYPE /dmo/currency_code22, END OF ts_supplement. CLASS-DATA gs_supplement_1 TYPE ts_supplement. CLASS-DATA gs_supplement_2 TYPE ts_supplement. CLASS-DATA gv_supplement_id_unknown TYPE /dmo/supplement_id22. DATA mv_booking_id TYPE /dmo/booking_id22. DATA mv_booking_id_unknown TYPE /dmo/booking_id22. CLASS-METHODS class_setup. METHODS setup. "! Complicated test involving all 3 levels METHODS c_u_d_multiple FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a booking supplement with an unknown Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS c_travel_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a booking supplement with an initial Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS c_travel_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking supplement with an unknown Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS u_travel_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking supplement with an initial Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS u_travel_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete a booking supplement with an unknown Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS d_travel_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete a booking supplement with an initial Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS d_travel_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a booking supplement with an unknown Booking ID -> ERROR METHODS c_booking_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a booking supplement with an initial Travel ID -> ERROR METHODS c_booking_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking supplement with an unknown Booking ID -> ERROR METHODS u_booking_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking supplement with an initial Booking ID -> ERROR METHODS u_booking_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete a booking supplement with an unknown Booking ID -> ERROR METHODS d_booking_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete a booking supplement with an initial Booking ID -> ERROR METHODS d_booking_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking supplement with an unknown Booking Supplement ID -> ERROR METHODS u_booking_suppl_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking supplement with an initial Booking Supplement ID -> ERROR METHODS u_booking_suppl_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete a booking supplement with an unknown Booking Supplement ID -> ERROR METHODS d_booking_suppl_id_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete a booking supplement with an initial Booking Supplement ID -> ERROR METHODS d_booking_suppl_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Create booking supplement, delete father booking in same LUW -> NO Error, booking supplement ignored METHODS c_bsuppl_d_booking_1_luw FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Create booking supplement, delete father travel in same LUW -> NO Error, booking supplement ignored METHODS c_bsuppl_d_travel_1_luw FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete father travel, create booking supplement in same LUW -> ERROR METHODS d_travel_c_bsuppl_1_luw FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete father booking, create booking supplement in same LUW -> ERROR METHODS d_booking_c_bsuppl_1_luw FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete, update a single booking in the same LUW -> ERROR METHODS du_single FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to delete, delete a single booking in the same LUW -> NO Error METHODS dd_single FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a Booking Supplement with an unknown supplement ID -> ERROR METHODS c_supplement_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a Booking Supplement with an initial Booking Supplement ID -> ERROR METHODS c_booking_suppl_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a Booking Supplement with a known combination of Travel ID, Booking ID, Booking Supplement ID -> ERROR METHODS c_booking_suppl_id_exists FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Do a deep insert involving all 3 levels METHODS c_deep_insert FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to do a deep insert with a faulty booking supplement -> ERROR (nothing is created) METHODS c_deep_insert_suppl_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Do a complicated update in a single call METHODS u_single_travel_multiple FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. METHODS read_db FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. METHODS read_buffer FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. METHODS read_travel_id_initial FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to change the supplement ID -> ERROR METHODS u_supplement_id FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Check that price and currency are derived / not derived METHODS c_price_currency FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update price only or currency only -> ERROR METHODS u_price_currency FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to create a booking supplement with an unknown currency code -> ERROR METHODS c_currency_code_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. "! Try to update a booking supplement with an unknown currency code -> ERROR METHODS u_currency_code_unknown FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. METHODS _create_booking_suppl IMPORTING iv_travel_id TYPE /dmo/travel_id22 is_booking_supplement TYPE /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>ts_booking_supplement_in iv_save TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_true RETURNING VALUE(rs_booking_supplement) TYPE /dmo/book_sup_22. ENDCLASS. CLASS /dmo/cl_flight_legacy22 DEFINITION LOCAL FRIENDS ltc_booking_supplement. CLASS ltc_booking_supplement IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD class_setup. IF mc_use_sql_doubles = abap_true ##BOOL_OK. * gs_supplement_1 = VALUE #( supplement_id = 'BV-0001' price = '2.30' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ##LITERAL. * gs_supplement_2 = VALUE #( supplement_id = 'BV-0002' price = '7.50' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ##LITERAL. * * DATA lt_supplement TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF /dmo/suppleme_22. * lt_supplement = VALUE #( ( supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = gs_supplement_1-price currency_code = gs_supplement_1-currency_code ) * ( supplement_id = gs_supplement_2-supplement_id price = gs_supplement_2-price currency_code = gs_supplement_2-currency_code ) ). * mr_test_environment->insert_test_data( lt_supplement ). * * gv_supplement_id_unknown = 'XX-999'. ELSE. " Select any valid combination of Supplement ID, Price, Currency Code SELECT SINGLE supplement_id, price, currency_code FROM /dmo/suppleme_22 INTO ( @gs_supplement_1-supplement_id, @gs_supplement_1-price, @gs_supplement_1-currency_code ) ##WARN_OK. IF sy-subrc <> 0. cl_abap_unit_assert=>abort( 'No supplement data!' ). ENDIF. " Select a different valid combination of Supplement ID, Price, Currency Code SELECT SINGLE supplement_id, price, currency_code FROM /dmo/suppleme_22 WHERE supplement_id <> @gs_supplement_1-supplement_id INTO ( @gs_supplement_2-supplement_id, @gs_supplement_2-price, @gs_supplement_2-currency_code ) ##WARN_OK. IF sy-subrc <> 0. cl_abap_unit_assert=>abort( 'No supplement data!' ). ENDIF. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_differs( act = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id exp = gs_supplement_2-supplement_id ). " Determine an unknown Supplement ID gv_supplement_id_unknown = 'XX-999'. SELECT SINGLE supplement_id FROM /dmo/suppleme_22 WHERE supplement_id = @gv_supplement_id_unknown INTO @DATA(lv_dummy_supplement_id). IF sy-subrc = 0. cl_abap_unit_assert=>abort( |Supplement ID { gv_supplement_id_unknown } should not be known!| ). ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD setup. mv_booking_id = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) )-booking_id. mv_booking_id_unknown = '20'. ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_u_d_multiple. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. " 1. LUW: " Create a travel DATA(ls_travel) = _create_travel( is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) iv_save = abap_false ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_travel-travel_id ). " Create 2 bookings for the new travel DATA(ls_booking_1) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '20' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_false ). DATA(ls_booking_2) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '21' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_false ). " Create a single booking supplement for the first booking _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = ls_booking_1-travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = ls_booking_1-booking_id booking_supplement_id = '10' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) iv_save = abap_false ). " Create 2 booking supplements for the second booking DATA(ls_book_suppl_2_1) = _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = ls_booking_2-travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = ls_booking_2-booking_id booking_supplement_id = '10' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '20.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) iv_save = abap_false ). DATA(ls_book_suppl_2_2) = _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = ls_booking_2-travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = ls_booking_2-booking_id booking_supplement_id = '20' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '30.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) iv_save = abap_false ). gr_cut->save( ). SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @DATA(lv_count). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_count exp = 3 ). DATA ls_book_suppl_sel TYPE /dmo/book_sup_22. SELECT SINGLE price, currency_code FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_1-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_supplement_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_book_suppl_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_book_suppl_sel-price exp = '20.0' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_book_suppl_sel-currency_code exp = 'EUR' ). " 2. Update the first booking supplement of the second booking gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_book_suppl_2_1-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_book_suppl_2_1-travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_supplement_id price = '21.0' currency_code = 'USD' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update price = abap_true currency_code = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). " Check that record already in update buffer is properly updated gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_book_suppl_2_1-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_book_suppl_2_1-travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_supplement_id price = '22.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update price = abap_true currency_code = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking_supplement ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lt_booking_supplement[ 1 ]-travel_id exp = ls_book_suppl_2_1-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lt_booking_supplement[ 1 ]-booking_id exp = ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lt_booking_supplement[ 1 ]-booking_supplement_id exp = ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_supplement_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lt_booking_supplement[ 1 ]-price exp = '22.0' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lt_booking_supplement[ 1 ]-currency_code exp = 'EUR' ). gr_cut->save( ). SELECT SINGLE price, currency_code FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_1-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_1-booking_supplement_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_book_suppl_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_book_suppl_sel-price exp = '22.0' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_book_suppl_sel-currency_code exp = 'EUR' ). SELECT SINGLE price, currency_code FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_2-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_2-booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_2-booking_supplement_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_book_suppl_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_book_suppl_sel-price exp = '30.0' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_book_suppl_sel-currency_code exp = 'EUR' ). " 3. Delete the first booking - check that the booking supplement has also been deleted _delete_existing_booking( iv_travel_id = ls_booking_1-travel_id iv_booking_id = ls_booking_1-booking_id ). SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @lv_count. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_count exp = 2 ). SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking_2-booking_id INTO @lv_count. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_count exp = 2 ). " 4. LUW: Delete the second booking supplement of the second booking - here check also travel admin field SELECT SINGLE lastchangedat FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @DATA(lv_lastchangedat_1). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_2-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_2-booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_2-booking_supplement_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( lv_db_exists ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_book_suppl_2_2-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_book_suppl_2_2-travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_book_suppl_2_2-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_book_suppl_2_2-booking_supplement_id ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_book_suppl_2_2-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_book_suppl_2_2-booking_supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_2-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_2-booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = @ls_book_suppl_2_2-booking_supplement_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). SELECT SINGLE lastchangedat FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @DATA(lv_lastchangedat_2). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lv_lastchangedat_2 > lv_lastchangedat_1 ) ). SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking_2-booking_id INTO @lv_count. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_count exp = 1 ). " 5. LUW: Delete the travel - check that all booking (supplements) have also been deleted _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel-travel_id ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/booking22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_travel_id_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id_unknown ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id_unknown ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '1' booking_supplement_id = '1' price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '1' booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_supplement ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_travel_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( ) is_travelx = VALUE #( ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '1' booking_supplement_id = '1' price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '1' booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_supplement ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_no_key-msgno ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_travel_id_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id_unknown ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id_unknown ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '2' price = '11.0' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '2' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update price = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_travel_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( ) is_travelx = VALUE #( ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '2' booking_supplement_id = '1' price = '11.0' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '2' booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update price = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_no_key-msgno ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_travel_id_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id_unknown ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id_unknown ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '1' booking_supplement_id = '1' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '1' booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_travel_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( ) is_travelx = VALUE #( ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '1' booking_supplement_id = '1' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = '1' booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_no_key-msgno ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_booking_id_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id_unknown booking_supplement_id = '1' price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id_unknown booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_supplement ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = mv_booking_id_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_booking_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_supplement_id = '1' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_supplement ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_no_key-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_booking_id_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id_unknown booking_supplement_id = '1' price = '11.0' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id_unknown booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update price = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = mv_booking_id_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_booking_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_supplement_id = '1' price = '11.0' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update price = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_no_key-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_booking_id_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id_unknown booking_supplement_id = '1' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id_unknown booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = mv_booking_id_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_booking_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_supplement_id = '1' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_no_key-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_booking_suppl_id_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '10' price = '11.0' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update price = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_supplement_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr3 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_SUPPLEMENT_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = mv_booking_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_supplement_id exp = '10' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_booking_suppl_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id price = '11.0' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update price = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_supplement_no_key-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = mv_booking_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_booking_suppl_id_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '10' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_supplement_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr3 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_SUPPLEMENT_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = mv_booking_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_supplement_id exp = '10' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_booking_suppl_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_supplement_no_key-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = mv_booking_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_bsuppl_d_booking_1_luw. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. " 1. LUW: Create: Travel - Booking DATA(ls_travel) = _create_travel( is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) iv_save = abap_false ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_travel-travel_id ). DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_true ). " 2. LUW: Create Booking Supplement, Delete father Booking DATA(ls_booking_supplement) = _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = ls_booking-travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id booking_supplement_id = '11' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) iv_save = abap_false ). _delete_existing_booking( iv_travel_id = ls_booking-travel_id iv_booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id ). " Check that the Booking Supplement was not created CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_booking_supplement-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking_supplement-booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = @ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_bsuppl_d_travel_1_luw. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. " 1. LUW: Create: Travel - Booking DATA(ls_travel) = _create_travel( is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) iv_save = abap_false ). DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '11' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_true ). " 2. LUW: Create Booking Supplement, Delete father Travel DATA(ls_booking_supplement) = _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = ls_booking-travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id booking_supplement_id = '11' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) iv_save = abap_false ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel-travel_id ). " Check that the Booking Supplement was not created CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_booking_supplement-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking_supplement-booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = @ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_travel_c_bsuppl_1_luw. " 1. LUW: Create: Travel - Booking DATA(ls_travel) = _create_travel( is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) iv_save = abap_false ). DATA(ls_booking) = _create_booking( iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '10' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_true ). " 2. LUW: Delete Travel, try to create Booking Supplement gr_cut->delete_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking-travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id booking_supplement_id = '1' price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking-booking_id booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_supplement ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_travel-travel_id ). gr_cut->save( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD d_booking_c_bsuppl_1_luw. " Delete Booking, try to create Booking Supplement gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '1' price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_supplement ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = mv_booking_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD du_single. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. DATA(ls_booking_supplement) = _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '22' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) iv_save = abap_true ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id exp = mv_booking_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id exp = '22' ). " Check existence of Booking Supplement CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @mv_booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = '22' INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( lv_db_exists ). " Delete, Update Booking Supplement in the same LUW gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id price = '11.0' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update price = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_supplement_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr3 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_SUPPLEMENT_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_supplement_id exp = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id ). gr_cut->save( ). " Check that the Booking Supplement no longer exists CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_booking_supplement-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking_supplement-booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = @ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD dd_single. CONSTANTS lc_booking_supplement_id TYPE /dmo/booking_supplement_id22 VALUE '34'. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) iv_save = abap_true ). " Check existence of Booking Supplement CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @mv_booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = @lc_booking_supplement_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( lv_db_exists ). " Delete Booking Supplement twice in the same LUW gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->save( ). " Check that the Booking Supplement no longer exists CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @mv_booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = @lc_booking_supplement_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_supplement_unknown. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. " Try to create 2 Booking Supplements, one of them is faulty gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '1' supplement_id = gv_supplement_id_unknown price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '2' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '1' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '2' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_supplement ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>supplement_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_SUPPLEMENT_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_supplement_id exp = gv_supplement_id_unknown ). gr_cut->save( ). " Check that no Booking Supplement has been created CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @mv_booking_id INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_booking_suppl_id_initial. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '0' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = gs_supplement_1-price currency_code = gs_supplement_1-currency_code ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '0' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_supplement ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_supplement_no_key-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = mv_booking_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_booking_suppl_id_exists. _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '20' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = gs_supplement_1-price currency_code = gs_supplement_1-currency_code ) iv_save = abap_false ). " Try to create a booking supplement that is already in the buffer gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '20' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = gs_supplement_1-price currency_code = gs_supplement_1-currency_code ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '20' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_supplement ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_supplement_exists-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr3 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_SUPPLEMENT_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = mv_booking_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_supplement_id exp = '20' ). gr_cut->save( ). " Try to create a booking supplement that is already in the database CLEAR lt_messages. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '20' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = gs_supplement_1-price currency_code = gs_supplement_1-currency_code ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '20' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking_supplement = lt_booking_supplement et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_supplement ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_supplement_exists-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr3 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_SUPPLEMENT_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = mv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = mv_booking_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_supplement_id exp = '20' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_deep_insert. CONSTANTS lc_booking_id_1 TYPE /dmo/booking_id22 VALUE '20'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_id_2 TYPE /dmo/booking_id22 VALUE '21'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_supplement_id_1_1 TYPE /dmo/booking_supplement_id22 VALUE '10'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_supplement_id_2_1 TYPE /dmo/booking_supplement_id22 VALUE '10'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_supplement_id_2_2 TYPE /dmo/booking_supplement_id22 VALUE '20'. gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Deep_Insert' total_price = '999.99' "Derivated, so ignored booking_fee = '10.00' currency_code = 'EUR' ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date flight_price = '100.00' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 carrier_id = gs_flight_2-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_2-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_2-flight_date flight_price = '200.00' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_1 supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_2_1 supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '20.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_2_2 supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '30.0' currency_code = 'USD' ) ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel) et_booking = DATA(lt_booking) et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_travel-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking ) exp = 2 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking_supplement ) exp = 3 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( line_exists( lt_booking[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 ] ) ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( line_exists( lt_booking[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 ] ) ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( line_exists( lt_booking_supplement[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_1 ] ) ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( line_exists( lt_booking_supplement[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_2_1 ] ) ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( line_exists( lt_booking_supplement[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_2_2 ] ) ) ). gr_cut->save( ). " Check travel DATA(lv_exchange_rate_date) = cl_abap_context_info=>get_system_date( ). /dmo/cl_flight_amdp22=>convert_currency( EXPORTING iv_amount = '30.00' iv_currency_code_source = 'USD' iv_currency_code_target = 'EUR' iv_exchange_rate_date = lv_exchange_rate_date IMPORTING ev_amount = data(lv_30_usd_as_eur) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( lv_30_usd_as_eur ). DATA ls_travel_sel TYPE /dmo/travel22. SELECT SINGLE agency_id, customer_id, total_price, currency_code, description FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_travel_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-agency_id exp = gv_agency_id_1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-customer_id exp = gv_customer_id_1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-total_price exp = '10.00' + '100.00' + '200.00' + '10.00' + '20.00' + lv_30_usd_as_eur ) ##LITERAL. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-currency_code exp = 'EUR' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-description exp = 'My_Deep_Insert' ). " Check booking count, Check one of the bookings SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/booking22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @DATA(lv_count). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_count exp = 2 ). DATA ls_booking_sel TYPE /dmo/booking22. SELECT SINGLE customer_id, flight_date FROM /dmo/booking22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id AND booking_id = @lc_booking_id_2 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_booking_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-customer_id exp = gv_customer_id_2 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-flight_date exp = gs_flight_2-flight_date ). " Check booking supplement count, Check one of the booking supplements lv_count = 0. SELECT COUNT( * ) FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO @lv_count. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_count exp = 3 ). DATA ls_book_suppl_sel TYPE /dmo/book_sup_22. SELECT SINGLE price, currency_code FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id AND booking_id = @lc_booking_id_2 AND booking_supplement_id = @lc_booking_supplement_id_2_1 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_book_suppl_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_book_suppl_sel-price exp = '20.0' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_book_suppl_sel-currency_code exp = 'EUR' ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_deep_insert_suppl_unknown. " Prepare travel in buffer without save DATA(ls_travel) = _create_travel( is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) iv_save = abap_false ). " Now try to put a second travel with a faulty booking supplement into the buffer CONSTANTS lc_booking_id_1 TYPE /dmo/booking_id22 VALUE '20'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_id_2 TYPE /dmo/booking_id22 VALUE '21'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_supplement_id_2_1 TYPE /dmo/booking_supplement_id22 VALUE '10'. gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Deep_Insert_Fail' ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 carrier_id = gs_flight_2-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_2-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_2-flight_date ) ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_2_1 supplement_id = gv_supplement_id_unknown " <<< Unknown Supplement ID price = '20.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel_fail) et_booking = DATA(lt_booking) et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( ls_travel_fail-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_supplement ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>supplement_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_SUPPLEMENT_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_supplement_id exp = gv_supplement_id_unknown ). gr_cut->save( ). " Delete the first travel, this would fail when first travel had not been created _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_single_travel_multiple. DATA lv_db_exists TYPE abap_bool. " Create and persis a travel with 1 booking and 3 booking supplements CONSTANTS lc_booking_id_1 TYPE /dmo/booking_id22 VALUE '20'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_supplement_id_1_1 TYPE /dmo/booking_supplement_id22 VALUE '10'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_supplement_id_1_2 TYPE /dmo/booking_supplement_id22 VALUE '20'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_supplement_id_1_3 TYPE /dmo/booking_supplement_id22 VALUE '30'. gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Deep_Insert_1' ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date flight_price = '100.00' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_1 supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_2 supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '20.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_3 supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '30.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel) et_booking = DATA(lt_booking) et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_travel-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking_supplement ) exp = 3 ). DATA(ls_booking_supplement_1_1) = lt_booking_supplement[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_1 ]. gr_cut->save( ). CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id AND booking_id = @lc_booking_id_1 AND booking_supplement_id = @lc_booking_supplement_id_1_2 INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( lv_db_exists ). " Now do (and save) a complicated update: " -- Change a travel attribute " -- Change a booking attribute " -- Change a booking supplement attribute " -- Create a new booking " -- Delete a Booking Supplement " -- Create a Booking Supplement for an existing Booking " -- Create a new Booking Supplement for the new Booking CONSTANTS lc_booking_id_2 TYPE /dmo/booking_id22 VALUE '10'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_supplement_id_2_1 TYPE /dmo/booking_supplement_id22 VALUE '10'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_supplement_id_1_4 TYPE /dmo/booking_supplement_id22 VALUE '40'. CONSTANTS lc_diff TYPE /dmo/supplement_price22 VALUE '123.00'. DATA(lv_new_price) = ls_booking_supplement_1_1-price + lc_diff. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id description = 'My_Deep_Insert_2' ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id description = abap_true ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_2-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_2-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_2-flight_date flight_price = '200.00' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update customer_id = abap_true ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_1 price = lv_new_price currency_code = 'EUR' ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_2 ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_4 supplement_id = gs_supplement_2-supplement_id price = '40.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_2_1 supplement_id = gs_supplement_2-supplement_id price = '50.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_1 action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update price = abap_true currency_code = 'EUR' ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_2 action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-delete ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_4 action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_2_1 action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel_aft_update) et_booking = DATA(lt_booking_aft_update) et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_suppl_aft_update) et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_aft_update-travel_id exp = ls_travel-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking_aft_update ) exp = 2 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( line_exists( lt_booking_aft_update[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 ] ) ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( line_exists( lt_booking_aft_update[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 ] ) ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking_suppl_aft_update ) exp = 3 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( line_exists( lt_booking_suppl_aft_update[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_1 ] ) ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( line_exists( lt_booking_suppl_aft_update[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_4 ] ) ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( line_exists( lt_booking_suppl_aft_update[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_2_1 ] ) ) ). gr_cut->save( ). " Check Travel DATA ls_travel_sel TYPE /dmo/travel22. SELECT SINGLE total_price, currency_code, description FROM /dmo/travel22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_travel_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-total_price exp = '100.00' + '200.00' + lv_new_price + '30.00' + '40.00' + '50.00' ) ##LITERAL. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-currency_code exp = 'EUR' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_sel-description exp = 'My_Deep_Insert_2' ). " Check Booking(s) " -- Updated Booking DATA ls_booking_sel TYPE /dmo/booking22. SELECT SINGLE booking_date, customer_id FROM /dmo/booking22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id AND booking_id = @lc_booking_id_1 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_booking_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-booking_date exp = gv_booking_date ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-customer_id exp = gv_customer_id_2 ). " -- New Booking CLEAR ls_booking_sel. SELECT SINGLE customer_id, flight_date FROM /dmo/booking22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id AND booking_id = @lc_booking_id_2 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_booking_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-customer_id exp = gv_customer_id_1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_sel-flight_date exp = gs_flight_2-flight_date ). " Check Booking Supplement(s) " -- Updated Booking Supplement DATA ls_booking_supplement_sel TYPE /dmo/book_sup_22. SELECT SINGLE supplement_id, price FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id AND booking_id = @lc_booking_id_1 AND booking_supplement_id = @lc_booking_supplement_id_1_1 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_booking_supplement_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_supplement_sel-supplement_id exp = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_supplement_sel-price exp = lv_new_price ). " -- Deleted Booking Supplement CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id AND booking_id = @lc_booking_id_1 AND booking_supplement_id = @lc_booking_supplement_id_1_2 INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_false( lv_db_exists ). " -- Unchanged Booking Supplement CLEAR lv_db_exists. SELECT SINGLE FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 FIELDS @abap_true WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id AND booking_id = @lc_booking_id_1 AND booking_supplement_id = @lc_booking_supplement_id_1_3 INTO @lv_db_exists. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( lv_db_exists ). " -- Created Booking Supplement for the existing Booking CLEAR ls_booking_supplement_sel. SELECT SINGLE supplement_id FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id AND booking_id = @lc_booking_id_1 AND booking_supplement_id = @lc_booking_supplement_id_1_4 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_booking_supplement_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_supplement_sel-supplement_id exp = gs_supplement_2-supplement_id ). " -- Created Booking Supplement for the new Booking CLEAR ls_booking_supplement_sel. SELECT SINGLE supplement_id FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_travel-travel_id AND booking_id = @lc_booking_id_2 AND booking_supplement_id = @lc_booking_supplement_id_2_1 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_booking_supplement_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_supplement_sel-supplement_id exp = gs_supplement_2-supplement_id ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD read_db. DATA(ls_travel) = _create_travel( is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' ) iv_save = abap_false ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_travel-travel_id ). " Create 2 bookings for the new travel _create_booking( iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '20' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_false ). _create_booking( iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id is_booking = VALUE #( booking_id = '21' booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) iv_save = abap_false ). " Create a single booking supplement for the first booking _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = '20' booking_supplement_id = '10' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) iv_save = abap_false ). " Create 2 booking supplements for the second booking _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = '21' booking_supplement_id = '10' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '20.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) iv_save = abap_false ). _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = '21' booking_supplement_id = '20' supplement_id = gs_supplement_2-supplement_id price = '30.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) iv_save = abap_true )." <<< Finally write to DB gr_cut->get_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id iv_include_buffer = abap_true IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel_read) et_booking = DATA(lt_booking_read) et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement_read) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_read-travel_id exp = ls_travel-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_read-agency_id exp = ls_travel-agency_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking_read ) exp = 2 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking_supplement_read ) exp = 3 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( line_exists( lt_booking_supplement_read[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = '21' booking_supplement_id = '20' ] ) ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lt_booking_supplement_read[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = '21' booking_supplement_id = '20' ]-supplement_id exp = gs_supplement_2-supplement_id ). _delete_existing_travel( ls_travel-travel_id ). gr_cut->get_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id iv_include_buffer = abap_true IMPORTING es_travel = ls_travel_read et_booking = lt_booking_read et_booking_supplement = lt_booking_supplement_read et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( ls_travel_read ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_read ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_supplement_read ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_travel-travel_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD read_buffer. CONSTANTS lc_booking_id_1 TYPE /dmo/booking_id22 VALUE '20'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_id_2 TYPE /dmo/booking_id22 VALUE '21'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_supplement_id_1_1 TYPE /dmo/booking_supplement_id22 VALUE '10'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_supplement_id_2_1 TYPE /dmo/booking_supplement_id22 VALUE '10'. CONSTANTS lc_booking_supplement_id_2_2 TYPE /dmo/booking_supplement_id22 VALUE '20'. gr_cut->create_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( agency_id = gv_agency_id_1 customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 begin_date = '20190101' end_date = '20190201' description = 'My_Deep_Insert' ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_1 carrier_id = gs_flight_1-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_1-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_1-flight_date ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_date = gv_booking_date customer_id = gv_customer_id_2 carrier_id = gs_flight_2-carrier_id connection_id = gs_flight_2-connection_id flight_date = gs_flight_2-flight_date ) ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_1_1 supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_2_1 supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '20.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_2 booking_supplement_id = lc_booking_supplement_id_2_2 supplement_id = gs_supplement_2-supplement_id price = '30.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) ) IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel) et_booking = DATA(lt_booking) et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_not_initial( ls_travel-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking ) exp = 2 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking_supplement ) exp = 3 ). " Now delete the first booking from the buffer gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id ) it_booking = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 ) ) it_bookingx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = lc_booking_id_1 action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-delete ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). gr_cut->get_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id iv_include_buffer = abap_true IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel_read) et_booking = DATA(lt_booking_read) et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement_read) et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_read-travel_id exp = ls_travel-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_travel_read-agency_id exp = ls_travel-agency_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking_read ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking_supplement_read ) exp = 2 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( line_exists( lt_booking_supplement_read[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = '21' booking_supplement_id = '20' ] ) ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lt_booking_supplement_read[ travel_id = ls_travel-travel_id booking_id = '21' booking_supplement_id = '20' ]-supplement_id exp = gs_supplement_2-supplement_id ). gr_cut->initialize( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD read_travel_id_initial. gr_cut->get_travel( EXPORTING iv_travel_id = '0' iv_include_buffer = abap_true IMPORTING es_travel = DATA(ls_travel_read) et_booking = DATA(lt_booking_read) et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement_read) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( ls_travel_read ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_read ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_booking_supplement_read ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>travel_no_key-msgno ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_supplement_id. DATA(ls_booking_supplement) = _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '10' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '10.0' currency_code = 'EUR' ) iv_save = abap_true ). " Pretend to change the supplement ID (provide the same value) gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update supplement_id = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). " Try to update the Booking Supplement with an unknown supplement ID gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id supplement_id = gs_supplement_2-supplement_id price = '11.0' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update supplement_id = abap_true price = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_supplement_suppl_id_u-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr3 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_SUPPLEMENT_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_supplement_id exp = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id ). gr_cut->save( ). " Check that nothing has changed SELECT SINGLE supplement_id, price FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 WHERE travel_id = @ls_booking_supplement-travel_id AND booking_id = @ls_booking_supplement-booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = @ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id INTO ( @DATA(lv_supplement_id), @DATA(lv_price) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_supplement_id exp = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_price exp = '10' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_price_currency. " Do not provide price and currency _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '10' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id ) iv_save = abap_false ). " Provide price and currency CONSTANTS lc_diff TYPE /dmo/supplement_price22 VALUE '9.99'. DATA lv_price TYPE /dmo/supplement_price22. DATA lv_currency_code TYPE /dmo/currency_code22. lv_price = gs_supplement_1-price + lc_diff. lv_currency_code = SWITCH #( gs_supplement_1-currency_code WHEN 'USD' THEN 'EUR' ELSE 'USD' ). _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '20' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = lv_price currency_code = lv_currency_code ) iv_save = abap_true ). DATA ls_booking_supplement_sel TYPE /dmo/book_sup_22. SELECT SINGLE price, currency_code FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @mv_booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = '10' INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_booking_supplement_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_supplement_sel-price exp = gs_supplement_1-price ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_supplement_sel-currency_code exp = gs_supplement_1-currency_code ). CLEAR ls_booking_supplement_sel. SELECT SINGLE price, currency_code FROM /dmo/book_sup_22 WHERE travel_id = @mv_travel_id AND booking_id = @mv_booking_id AND booking_supplement_id = '20' INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF @ls_booking_supplement_sel. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_supplement_sel-price exp = lv_price ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = ls_booking_supplement_sel-currency_code exp = lv_currency_code ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_price_currency. DATA(ls_booking_supplement) = _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '10' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id ) iv_save = abap_true ). " Try to change only the price gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id price = '11.0' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update price = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_supplement_pri_curr_u-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr3 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_SUPPLEMENT_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_supplement_id exp = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id ). " Try to change only the currency CLEAR lt_messages. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id currency_code = 'XXX' ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update currency_code = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>booking_supplement_pri_curr_u-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_TRAVEL_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr2 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr3 exp = 'MV_BOOKING_SUPPLEMENT_ID' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_travel_id exp = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_id exp = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_booking_supplement_id exp = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD c_currency_code_unknown. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = mv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '10' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id price = '9.99' currency_code = gv_currency_code_unknown ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '10' action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>currency_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_CURRENCY_CODE' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_currency_code exp = gv_currency_code_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD u_currency_code_unknown. DATA(ls_booking_supplement) = _create_booking_suppl( iv_travel_id = mv_travel_id is_booking_supplement = VALUE #( booking_id = mv_booking_id booking_supplement_id = '10' supplement_id = gs_supplement_1-supplement_id ) iv_save = abap_true ). gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = ls_booking_supplement-travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id price = '9.99' currency_code = gv_currency_code_unknown ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = ls_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-update price = abap_true currency_code = abap_true ) ) IMPORTING et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_messages ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_true( xsdbool( lt_messages[ 1 ] IS INSTANCE OF /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22 ) ). DATA lx TYPE REF TO /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22. lx ?= lt_messages[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgid exp = mc_msgid ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-msgno exp = /dmo/cx_flight_legacy22=>currency_unknown-msgno ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->if_t100_message~t100key-attr1 exp = 'MV_CURRENCY_CODE' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx->mv_currency_code exp = gv_currency_code_unknown ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD _create_booking_suppl. gr_cut->update_travel( EXPORTING is_travel = VALUE #( travel_id = iv_travel_id ) is_travelx = VALUE #( travel_id = iv_travel_id ) it_booking_supplement = VALUE #( ( is_booking_supplement ) ) it_booking_supplementx = VALUE #( ( booking_id = is_booking_supplement-booking_id booking_supplement_id = is_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id action_code = /dmo/if_flight_legacy22=>action_code-create ) ) IMPORTING et_booking_supplement = DATA(lt_booking_supplement) et_messages = DATA(lt_messages) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_initial( lt_messages ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( lt_booking_supplement ) exp = 1 ). rs_booking_supplement = lt_booking_supplement[ 1 ]. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = rs_booking_supplement-travel_id exp = iv_travel_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = rs_booking_supplement-booking_id exp = is_booking_supplement-booking_id ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = rs_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id exp = is_booking_supplement-booking_supplement_id ). IF iv_save = abap_true. gr_cut->save( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 300, 83, 565, 62, 5354, 62, 35927, 5550, 20032, 17941, 23449, 1137, 22083, 13, 198, 198, 31631, 1220, 67, 5908, 14, 565, 62, 22560, 62, 1455, 1590, 1828, 5550, 20032, 17941, 37347, 1847, 48167, 1677, 5258, 300, 83, 565, 62, 5354, 62, 35927, 13, 198, 198, 31631, 300, 83, 565, 62, 5354, 62, 35927, 5550, 20032, 17941, 25261, 7473, 43001, 2751, 198, 220, 360, 4261, 6234, 6006, 9863, 198, 220, 45698, 42, 49277, 43638, 5805, 7597, 13, 628, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1392, 62, 5354, 7473, 43001, 2751, 17926, 1797, 2751, 43213, 62, 12708, 62, 9122, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 31631, 300, 83, 565, 62, 5354, 62, 35927, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 1392, 62, 5354, 22492, 12161, 1961, 1961, 13, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 31631, 300, 23047, 62, 35927, 5550, 20032, 17941, 7473, 43001, 2751, 360, 4261, 6234, 6006, 9863, 45698, 42, 49277, 43638, 5805, 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CLASS zcl_abapgit_oo_class DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_oo_base CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS zif_abapgit_oo_object_fnc~create REDEFINITION . METHODS zif_abapgit_oo_object_fnc~create_sotr REDEFINITION . METHODS zif_abapgit_oo_object_fnc~delete REDEFINITION . METHODS zif_abapgit_oo_object_fnc~generate_locals REDEFINITION . METHODS zif_abapgit_oo_object_fnc~get_class_properties REDEFINITION . METHODS zif_abapgit_oo_object_fnc~get_includes REDEFINITION . METHODS zif_abapgit_oo_object_fnc~insert_text_pool REDEFINITION . METHODS zif_abapgit_oo_object_fnc~read_sotr REDEFINITION . METHODS zif_abapgit_oo_object_fnc~read_text_pool REDEFINITION . METHODS zif_abapgit_oo_object_fnc~deserialize_source REDEFINITION . PROTECTED SECTION. TYPES: ty_char1 TYPE c LENGTH 1, ty_char2 TYPE c LENGTH 2. PRIVATE SECTION. CLASS-METHODS update_source_index IMPORTING !iv_clsname TYPE csequence !io_scanner TYPE REF TO cl_oo_source_scanner_class . CLASS-METHODS update_report IMPORTING !iv_program TYPE programm !it_source TYPE string_table RETURNING VALUE(rv_updated) TYPE abap_bool RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS generate_classpool IMPORTING !iv_name TYPE seoclsname RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS update_meta IMPORTING !iv_name TYPE seoclsname !iv_exposure TYPE seoexpose !it_source TYPE rswsourcet RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS determine_method_include IMPORTING !iv_name TYPE seoclsname !iv_method TYPE seocpdname RETURNING VALUE(rv_program) TYPE programm RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS init_scanner IMPORTING !it_source TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_string_tt !iv_name TYPE seoclsname RETURNING VALUE(ro_scanner) TYPE REF TO cl_oo_source_scanner_class RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS update_full_class_include IMPORTING !iv_classname TYPE seoclsname !it_source TYPE string_table !it_methods TYPE cl_oo_source_scanner_class=>type_method_implementations . CLASS-METHODS create_report IMPORTING !iv_program TYPE programm !it_source TYPE string_table !iv_extension TYPE ty_char2 !iv_program_type TYPE ty_char1 !iv_version TYPE r3state . CLASS-METHODS update_cs_number_of_methods IMPORTING !iv_classname TYPE seoclsname !iv_number_of_impl_methods TYPE i . ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_oo_class IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD create_report. INSERT REPORT iv_program FROM it_source EXTENSION TYPE iv_extension STATE iv_version PROGRAM TYPE iv_program_type. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. ENDMETHOD. METHOD determine_method_include. DATA: ls_mtdkey TYPE seocpdkey. ls_mtdkey-clsname = iv_name. ls_mtdkey-cpdname = iv_method. cl_oo_classname_service=>get_method_include( EXPORTING mtdkey = ls_mtdkey RECEIVING result = rv_program EXCEPTIONS method_not_existing = 1 ). IF sy-subrc = 0. RETURN. ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_METHOD_GENERATE_INCLUDE' EXPORTING suppress_mtdkey_check = abap_true mtdkey = ls_mtdkey EXCEPTIONS not_existing = 1 model_only = 2 include_existing = 3 method_imp_not_generated = 4 method_imp_not_initialised = 5 _internal_class_not_existing = 6 _internal_method_overflow = 7 cancelled = 8 method_is_abstract_implemented = 9 method_is_final_implemented = 10 internal_error_insert_report = 11 OTHERS = 12. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error from SEO_METHOD_GENERATE_INCLUDE. Subrc = { sy-subrc }| ). ENDIF. rv_program = cl_oo_classname_service=>get_method_include( ls_mtdkey ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD generate_classpool. DATA: ls_clskey TYPE seoclskey. ls_clskey-clsname = iv_name. CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_CLASS_GENERATE_CLASSPOOL' EXPORTING clskey = ls_clskey suppress_corr = abap_true EXCEPTIONS not_existing = 1 model_only = 2 class_pool_not_generated = 3 class_stment_not_generated = 4 locals_not_generated = 5 macros_not_generated = 6 public_sec_not_generated = 7 protected_sec_not_generated = 8 private_sec_not_generated = 9 typeref_not_generated = 10 class_pool_not_initialised = 11 class_stment_not_initialised = 12 locals_not_initialised = 13 macros_not_initialised = 14 public_sec_not_initialised = 15 protected_sec_not_initialised = 16 private_sec_not_initialised = 17 typeref_not_initialised = 18 _internal_class_overflow = 19 OTHERS = 20. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error from SEO_CLASS_GENERATE_CLASSPOOL. Subrc = { sy-subrc }| ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD init_scanner. DATA: lx_exc TYPE REF TO cx_root, lv_message TYPE string. TRY. ro_scanner = cl_oo_source_scanner_class=>create_class_scanner( clif_name = iv_name source = it_source ). ro_scanner->scan( ). CATCH cx_clif_scan_error. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error initializing CLAS scanner' ). CATCH cx_root INTO lx_exc. lv_message = lx_exc->get_text( ). zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( lv_message ). ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD update_cs_number_of_methods. " Indirect access to keep downward compatibility DATA lr_cache_entry TYPE REF TO data. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lg_cache_entry> TYPE any, <lg_field> TYPE any. TRY. CREATE DATA lr_cache_entry TYPE ('SEO_CS_CACHE'). CATCH cx_sy_create_data_error. * does not exist in some older systems RETURN. ENDTRY. ASSIGN lr_cache_entry->* TO <lg_cache_entry>. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. ASSIGN COMPONENT 'CLSNAME' OF STRUCTURE <lg_cache_entry> TO <lg_field>. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. <lg_field> = iv_classname. ASSIGN COMPONENT 'NO_OF_METHOD_IMPLS' OF STRUCTURE <lg_cache_entry> TO <lg_field>. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. <lg_field> = iv_number_of_impl_methods. MODIFY ('SEO_CS_CACHE') FROM <lg_cache_entry>. ENDMETHOD. METHOD update_full_class_include. CONSTANTS: lc_class_source_extension TYPE c LENGTH 2 VALUE 'CS', lc_include_program_type TYPE c LENGTH 1 VALUE 'I', lc_active_version TYPE r3state VALUE 'A'. create_report( iv_program = cl_oo_classname_service=>get_cs_name( iv_classname ) it_source = it_source iv_extension = lc_class_source_extension iv_program_type = lc_include_program_type iv_version = lc_active_version ). " Assuming that all methods that were scanned are implemented update_cs_number_of_methods( iv_classname = iv_classname iv_number_of_impl_methods = lines( it_methods ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD update_meta. DATA: lo_update TYPE REF TO cl_oo_class_section_source, ls_clskey TYPE seoclskey, lv_scan_error TYPE abap_bool. ls_clskey-clsname = iv_name. TRY. CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_BUFFER_REFRESH' EXPORTING cifkey = ls_clskey version = seoc_version_active. CREATE OBJECT lo_update TYPE ('CL_OO_CLASS_SECTION_SOURCE') EXPORTING clskey = ls_clskey exposure = iv_exposure state = 'A' source = it_source suppress_constrctr_generation = abap_true EXCEPTIONS class_not_existing = 1 read_source_error = 2 OTHERS = 3 ##SUBRC_OK. CATCH cx_sy_dyn_call_param_not_found. * downport to 702, see * this will READ REPORT instead of using it_source, which should be okay CREATE OBJECT lo_update TYPE cl_oo_class_section_source EXPORTING clskey = ls_clskey exposure = iv_exposure state = 'A' EXCEPTIONS class_not_existing = 1 read_source_error = 2 OTHERS = 3. ENDTRY. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error instantiating CL_OO_CLASS_SECTION_SOURCE. Subrc = { sy-subrc }| ). ENDIF. lo_update->set_dark_mode( abap_true ). TRY. CALL METHOD lo_update->('SET_AMDP_SUPPORT') EXPORTING enabled = abap_true. CATCH cx_sy_dyn_call_illegal_method ##NO_HANDLER. * AMDP not supported in this system, ignore error ENDTRY. lo_update->scan_section_source( RECEIVING scan_error = lv_scan_error EXCEPTIONS scan_abap_source_error = 1 OTHERS = 2 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0 OR lv_scan_error = abap_true. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |CLAS, error while scanning source. Subrc = { sy-subrc }| ). ENDIF. * this will update the SEO* database tables lo_update->revert_scan_result( ). IF iv_exposure = seoc_exposure_public. generate_classpool( iv_name ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD update_report. DATA: lt_old TYPE string_table. READ REPORT iv_program INTO lt_old. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Fatal error. Include { iv_program } should have been created previously!| ). ENDIF. IF lt_old <> it_source. INSERT REPORT iv_program FROM it_source. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. rv_updated = abap_true. ELSE. rv_updated = abap_false. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD update_source_index. CONSTANTS: lc_version_active TYPE r3state VALUE 'A', "#EC NOTEXT lc_version_inactive TYPE r3state VALUE 'I'. "#EC NOTEXT " dynamic invocation, IF_OO_SOURCE_POS_INDEX_HELPER doesn't exist in 702. DATA lo_index_helper TYPE REF TO object. TRY. CREATE OBJECT lo_index_helper TYPE ('CL_OO_SOURCE_POS_INDEX_HELPER'). CALL METHOD lo_index_helper->('IF_OO_SOURCE_POS_INDEX_HELPER~CREATE_INDEX_WITH_SCANNER') EXPORTING class_name = iv_clsname version = lc_version_active scanner = io_scanner. CALL METHOD lo_index_helper->('IF_OO_SOURCE_POS_INDEX_HELPER~DELETE_INDEX') EXPORTING class_name = iv_clsname version = lc_version_inactive. CATCH cx_root. " it's probably okay to no update the index RETURN. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_oo_object_fnc~create. DATA: lt_vseoattrib TYPE seoo_attributes_r. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lv_clsname> TYPE seoclsname. * same as in super class, but with "version = seoc_version_active" ASSIGN COMPONENT 'CLSNAME' OF STRUCTURE cg_properties TO <lv_clsname>. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. lt_vseoattrib = convert_attrib_to_vseoattrib( iv_clsname = <lv_clsname> it_attributes = it_attributes ). TRY. CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_CLASS_CREATE_COMPLETE' EXPORTING devclass = iv_package overwrite = iv_overwrite version = seoc_version_active suppress_dialog = abap_true " Parameter missing in 702 CHANGING class = cg_properties attributes = lt_vseoattrib EXCEPTIONS existing = 1 is_interface = 2 db_error = 3 component_error = 4 no_access = 5 other = 6 OTHERS = 7. CATCH cx_sy_dyn_call_param_not_found. CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_CLASS_CREATE_COMPLETE' EXPORTING devclass = iv_package overwrite = iv_overwrite version = seoc_version_active CHANGING class = cg_properties attributes = lt_vseoattrib EXCEPTIONS existing = 1 is_interface = 2 db_error = 3 component_error = 4 no_access = 5 other = 6 OTHERS = 7. ENDTRY. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error from SEO_CLASS_CREATE_COMPLETE. Subrc = { sy-subrc }| ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_oo_object_fnc~create_sotr. DATA: lt_sotr TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_sotr_tt, lt_objects TYPE sotr_objects, ls_paket TYPE sotr_pack, lv_object LIKE LINE OF lt_objects. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_sotr> LIKE LINE OF lt_sotr. LOOP AT it_sotr ASSIGNING <ls_sotr>. CALL FUNCTION 'SOTR_OBJECT_GET_OBJECTS' EXPORTING object_vector = <ls_sotr>-header-objid_vec IMPORTING objects = lt_objects EXCEPTIONS object_not_found = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |error from SOTR_OBJECT_GET_OBJECTS. Subrc = { sy-subrc }| ). ENDIF. READ TABLE lt_objects INDEX 1 INTO lv_object. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. ls_paket-paket = iv_package. CALL FUNCTION 'SOTR_CREATE_CONCEPT' EXPORTING paket = ls_paket crea_lan = <ls_sotr>-header-crea_lan alias_name = <ls_sotr>-header-alias_name object = lv_object entries = <ls_sotr>-entries concept_default = <ls_sotr>-header-concept EXCEPTIONS package_missing = 1 crea_lan_missing = 2 object_missing = 3 paket_does_not_exist = 4 alias_already_exist = 5 object_type_not_found = 6 langu_missing = 7 identical_context_not_allowed = 8 text_too_long = 9 error_in_update = 10 no_master_langu = 11 error_in_concept_id = 12 alias_not_allowed = 13 tadir_entry_creation_failed = 14 internal_error = 15 error_in_correction = 16 user_cancelled = 17 no_entry_found = 18 OTHERS = 19. IF sy-subrc <> 0 AND sy-subrc <> 5. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error from SOTR_CREATE_CONCEPT. Subrc = { sy-subrc }| ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_oo_object_fnc~delete. CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_CLASS_DELETE_COMPLETE' EXPORTING clskey = is_deletion_key EXCEPTIONS not_existing = 1 is_interface = 2 db_error = 3 no_access = 4 other = 5 OTHERS = 6. IF sy-subrc = 1. * ignore deletion of objects that does not exist * this can happen when the SXCI object is deleted before the implementing CLAS RETURN. ELSEIF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error from SEO_CLASS_DELETE_COMPLETE. Subrc = { sy-subrc }| ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_oo_object_fnc~deserialize_source. DATA: lv_updated TYPE abap_bool, lv_program TYPE program, lo_scanner TYPE REF TO cl_oo_source_scanner_class, lt_methods TYPE cl_oo_source_scanner_class=>type_method_implementations, lv_method LIKE LINE OF lt_methods, lt_public TYPE seop_source_string, lt_source TYPE seop_source_string. "Buffer needs to be refreshed, "otherwise standard SAP CLIF_SOURCE reorder methods alphabetically CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_BUFFER_INIT'. CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_BUFFER_REFRESH' EXPORTING cifkey = is_key version = seoc_version_inactive. lo_scanner = init_scanner( it_source = it_source iv_name = is_key-clsname ). * public lt_public = lo_scanner->get_public_section_source( ). IF lt_public IS NOT INITIAL. lv_program = cl_oo_classname_service=>get_pubsec_name( is_key-clsname ). lv_updated = update_report( iv_program = lv_program it_source = lt_public ). IF lv_updated = abap_true. update_meta( iv_name = is_key-clsname iv_exposure = seoc_exposure_public it_source = lt_public ). ENDIF. ENDIF. * protected lt_source = lo_scanner->get_protected_section_source( ). IF lt_source IS NOT INITIAL. lv_program = cl_oo_classname_service=>get_prosec_name( is_key-clsname ). lv_updated = update_report( iv_program = lv_program it_source = lt_source ). IF lv_updated = abap_true. update_meta( iv_name = is_key-clsname iv_exposure = seoc_exposure_protected it_source = lt_source ). ENDIF. ENDIF. * private lt_source = lo_scanner->get_private_section_source( ). IF lt_source IS NOT INITIAL. lv_program = cl_oo_classname_service=>get_prisec_name( is_key-clsname ). lv_updated = update_report( iv_program = lv_program it_source = lt_source ). IF lv_updated = abap_true. update_meta( iv_name = is_key-clsname iv_exposure = seoc_exposure_private it_source = lt_source ). ENDIF. ENDIF. * methods lt_methods = lo_scanner->get_method_implementations( ). LOOP AT lt_methods INTO lv_method. TRY. lt_source = lo_scanner->get_method_impl_source( lv_method ). CATCH cx_oo_clif_component. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from GET_METHOD_IMPL_SOURCE' ). ENDTRY. lv_program = determine_method_include( iv_name = is_key-clsname iv_method = lv_method ). update_report( iv_program = lv_program it_source = lt_source ). ENDLOOP. * full class include update_full_class_include( iv_classname = is_key-clsname it_source = it_source it_methods = lt_methods ). update_source_index( iv_clsname = is_key-clsname io_scanner = lo_scanner ). * TODO, perhaps move this call to somewhere else, to be done while cleaning up the CLAS deserialization zcl_abapgit_objects_activation=>add( iv_type = 'CLAS' iv_name = is_key-clsname ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_oo_object_fnc~generate_locals. DATA: lv_program TYPE programm. IF lines( it_local_definitions ) > 0. lv_program = cl_oo_classname_service=>get_ccdef_name( is_key-clsname ). update_report( iv_program = lv_program it_source = it_local_definitions ). ENDIF. IF lines( it_local_implementations ) > 0. lv_program = cl_oo_classname_service=>get_ccimp_name( is_key-clsname ). update_report( iv_program = lv_program it_source = it_local_implementations ). ENDIF. IF lines( it_local_macros ) > 0. lv_program = cl_oo_classname_service=>get_ccmac_name( is_key-clsname ). update_report( iv_program = lv_program it_source = it_local_macros ). ENDIF. IF lines( it_local_test_classes ) > 0. lv_program = cl_oo_classname_service=>get_ccau_name( is_key-clsname ). update_report( iv_program = lv_program it_source = it_local_test_classes ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_oo_object_fnc~get_class_properties. CALL FUNCTION 'SEO_CLIF_GET' EXPORTING cifkey = is_class_key version = seoc_version_active IMPORTING class = rs_class_properties EXCEPTIONS not_existing = 1 deleted = 2 model_only = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF sy-subrc = 1. RETURN. " in case only inactive version exists ELSEIF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Error from SEO_CLIF_GET. Subrc = { sy-subrc }| ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_oo_object_fnc~get_includes. * note: includes returned might not exist * method cl_oo_classname_service=>GET_ALL_CLASS_INCLUDES does not exist in 702 DATA: lv_class_name TYPE seoclsname, lt_methods TYPE seop_methods_w_include. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_method> LIKE LINE OF lt_methods. lv_class_name = iv_object_name. APPEND cl_oo_classname_service=>get_ccdef_name( lv_class_name ) TO rt_includes. APPEND cl_oo_classname_service=>get_ccmac_name( lv_class_name ) TO rt_includes. APPEND cl_oo_classname_service=>get_ccimp_name( lv_class_name ) TO rt_includes. APPEND cl_oo_classname_service=>get_cl_name( lv_class_name ) TO rt_includes. APPEND cl_oo_classname_service=>get_ccau_name( lv_class_name ) TO rt_includes. APPEND cl_oo_classname_service=>get_pubsec_name( lv_class_name ) TO rt_includes. APPEND cl_oo_classname_service=>get_prosec_name( lv_class_name ) TO rt_includes. APPEND cl_oo_classname_service=>get_prisec_name( lv_class_name ) TO rt_includes. APPEND cl_oo_classname_service=>get_classpool_name( lv_class_name ) TO rt_includes. APPEND cl_oo_classname_service=>get_ct_name( lv_class_name ) TO rt_includes. * skip the CS include, as it is sometimes generated on the fly instead of * when the methods are changed cl_oo_classname_service=>get_all_method_includes( EXPORTING clsname = lv_class_name RECEIVING result = lt_methods EXCEPTIONS class_not_existing = 1 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Class { lv_class_name } not existing| ). ENDIF. LOOP AT lt_methods ASSIGNING <ls_method>. APPEND <ls_method>-incname TO rt_includes. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_oo_object_fnc~insert_text_pool. DATA: lv_cp TYPE program. lv_cp = cl_oo_classname_service=>get_classpool_name( iv_class_name ). INSERT TEXTPOOL lv_cp FROM it_text_pool LANGUAGE iv_language STATE iv_state. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from INSERT TEXTPOOL' ). ENDIF. zcl_abapgit_objects_activation=>add( iv_type = 'REPT' iv_name = lv_cp ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_oo_object_fnc~read_sotr. rt_sotr = zcl_abapgit_sotr_handler=>read_sotr_seocomp( iv_object_name ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_oo_object_fnc~read_text_pool. DATA: lv_cp TYPE program. lv_cp = cl_oo_classname_service=>get_classpool_name( iv_class_name ). READ TEXTPOOL lv_cp INTO rt_text_pool LANGUAGE iv_language. "#EC CI_READ_REP ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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********************************************************************** * UTILS ********************************************************************** class lcl_utils definition final. public section. class-methods normalize_path importing iv_path type string returning value(rv_path) type string. class-methods split_path importing iv_path type string returning value(rv_path_name) type zif_ajson=>ty_path_name. class-methods validate_array_index importing iv_path type string iv_index type string returning value(rv_index) type i raising zcx_ajson_error. endclass. class lcl_utils implementation. method validate_array_index. if not iv_index co '0123456789'. zcx_ajson_error=>raise( |Cannot add non-numeric key [{ iv_index }] to array [{ iv_path }]| ). endif. rv_index = iv_index. if rv_index = 0. zcx_ajson_error=>raise( |Cannot add zero key to array [{ iv_path }]| ). endif. endmethod. method normalize_path. rv_path = iv_path. if strlen( rv_path ) = 0. rv_path = '/'. endif. if rv_path+0(1) <> '/'. rv_path = '/' && rv_path. endif. if substring( val = rv_path off = strlen( rv_path ) - 1 ) <> '/'. rv_path = rv_path && '/'. endif. endmethod. method split_path. data lv_offs type i. data lv_len type i. data lv_trim_slash type i. lv_len = strlen( iv_path ). if lv_len = 0 or iv_path = '/'. return. " empty path is the alias for root item = '' + '' endif. if substring( val = iv_path off = lv_len - 1 ) = '/'. lv_trim_slash = 1. " ignore last '/' endif. lv_offs = find( val = reverse( iv_path ) sub = '/' off = lv_trim_slash ). if lv_offs = -1. lv_offs = lv_len. " treat whole string as the 'name' part endif. lv_offs = lv_len - lv_offs. rv_path_name-path = normalize_path( substring( val = iv_path len = lv_offs ) ). rv_path_name-name = substring( val = iv_path off = lv_offs len = lv_len - lv_offs - lv_trim_slash ). endmethod. endclass. ********************************************************************** * PARSER ********************************************************************** class lcl_json_parser definition final. public section. methods parse importing iv_json type string returning value(rt_json_tree) type zif_ajson=>ty_nodes_tt raising zcx_ajson_error. private section. types: ty_stack_tt type standard table of ref to zif_ajson=>ty_node. data mt_stack type ty_stack_tt. class-methods join_path importing it_stack type ty_stack_tt returning value(rv_path) type string. methods raise importing iv_error type string raising zcx_ajson_error. methods _parse importing iv_json type string returning value(rt_json_tree) type zif_ajson=>ty_nodes_tt raising zcx_ajson_error cx_sxml_error. methods _get_location importing iv_json type string iv_offset type i returning value(rv_location) type string. endclass. class lcl_json_parser implementation. method parse. data lx_sxml_parse type ref to cx_sxml_parse_error. data lx_sxml type ref to cx_sxml_error. data lv_location type string. try. rt_json_tree = _parse( iv_json ). catch cx_sxml_parse_error into lx_sxml_parse. lv_location = _get_location( iv_json = iv_json iv_offset = lx_sxml_parse->xml_offset ). zcx_ajson_error=>raise( iv_msg = |Json parsing error (SXML): { lx_sxml_parse->get_text( ) }| iv_location = lv_location ). catch cx_sxml_error into lx_sxml. zcx_ajson_error=>raise( iv_msg = |Json parsing error (SXML): { lx_sxml->get_text( ) }| iv_location = '@PARSER' ). endtry. endmethod. method _get_location. data lv_json type string. data lv_offset type i. data lt_text type table of string. data lv_text type string. data lv_line type i. data lv_pos type i. lv_offset = iv_offset. if lv_offset < 0. lv_offset = 0. endif. if lv_offset > strlen( iv_json ). lv_offset = strlen( iv_json ). endif. lv_json = iv_json(lv_offset). replace all occurrences of cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf in lv_json with cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline. split lv_json at cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline into table lt_text. lv_line = lines( lt_text ). if lv_line = 0. lv_line = 1. lv_pos = 1. else. read table lt_text index lv_line into lv_text. lv_pos = strlen( lv_text ) + 1. endif. rv_location = |Line { lv_line }, Offset { lv_pos }|. endmethod. method _parse. data lo_reader type ref to if_sxml_reader. data lr_stack_top like line of mt_stack. data lo_node type ref to if_sxml_node. field-symbols <item> like line of rt_json_tree. clear mt_stack. if iv_json is initial. return. endif. lo_reader = cl_sxml_string_reader=>create( cl_abap_codepage=>convert_to( iv_json ) ). " TODO: self protection, check non-empty, check starting from object ... do. lo_node = lo_reader->read_next_node( ). if lo_node is not bound. exit. endif. case lo_node->type. when if_sxml_node=>co_nt_element_open. data lt_attributes type if_sxml_attribute=>attributes. data lo_attr like line of lt_attributes. data lo_open type ref to if_sxml_open_element. lo_open ?= lo_node. append initial line to rt_json_tree assigning <item>. <item>-type = to_lower( lo_open->qname-name ). read table mt_stack index 1 into lr_stack_top. if sy-subrc = 0. <item>-path = join_path( mt_stack ). lr_stack_top->children = lr_stack_top->children + 1. if lr_stack_top->type = 'array'. <item>-name = |{ lr_stack_top->children }|. <item>-index = lr_stack_top->children. else. lt_attributes = lo_open->get_attributes( ). loop at lt_attributes into lo_attr. if lo_attr->qname-name = 'name' and lo_attr->value_type = if_sxml_value=>co_vt_text. <item>-name = lo_attr->get_value( ). endif. endloop. endif. endif. get reference of <item> into lr_stack_top. insert lr_stack_top into mt_stack index 1. when if_sxml_node=>co_nt_element_close. data lo_close type ref to if_sxml_close_element. lo_close ?= lo_node. read table mt_stack index 1 into lr_stack_top. delete mt_stack index 1. if lo_close->qname-name <> lr_stack_top->type. raise( 'Unexpected closing node type' ). endif. when if_sxml_node=>co_nt_value. data lo_value type ref to if_sxml_value_node. lo_value ?= lo_node. <item>-value = lo_value->get_value( ). when others. raise( 'Unexpected node type' ). endcase. enddo. if lines( mt_stack ) > 0. raise( 'Unexpected end of data' ). endif. endmethod. method join_path. field-symbols <ref> like line of it_stack. loop at it_stack assigning <ref>. rv_path = <ref>->name && '/' && rv_path. endloop. endmethod. method raise. zcx_ajson_error=>raise( iv_location = join_path( mt_stack ) iv_msg = |JSON PARSER: { iv_error } @ { join_path( mt_stack ) }| ). endmethod. endclass. ********************************************************************** * SERIALIZER ********************************************************************** class lcl_json_serializer definition final create private. public section. class-methods stringify importing it_json_tree type zif_ajson=>ty_nodes_ts iv_indent type i default 0 iv_keep_item_order type abap_bool default abap_false returning value(rv_json_string) type string raising zcx_ajson_error. class-methods class_constructor. private section. class-data gv_comma_with_lf type string. data mt_json_tree type zif_ajson=>ty_nodes_ts. data mv_keep_item_order type abap_bool. data mt_buffer type string_table. data mv_indent_step type i. data mv_level type i. class-methods escape importing iv_unescaped type string returning value(rv_escaped) type string. methods _stringify returning value(rv_json_string) type string raising zcx_ajson_error. methods stringify_node importing is_node type zif_ajson=>ty_node raising zcx_ajson_error. methods stringify_set importing iv_parent_path type string iv_array type abap_bool raising zcx_ajson_error. endclass. class lcl_json_serializer implementation. method class_constructor. gv_comma_with_lf = ',' && cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline. endmethod. method stringify. data lo type ref to lcl_json_serializer. create object lo. lo->mt_json_tree = it_json_tree. lo->mv_indent_step = iv_indent. lo->mv_keep_item_order = iv_keep_item_order. rv_json_string = lo->_stringify( ). endmethod. method _stringify. field-symbols <n> like line of mt_json_tree. read table mt_json_tree assigning <n> with key path = '' name = ''. " Root if sy-subrc <> 0. return. endif. stringify_node( <n> ). rv_json_string = concat_lines_of( table = mt_buffer ). endmethod. method stringify_node. data lv_item type string. data lv_indent_prefix type string. if mv_indent_step > 0. lv_indent_prefix = repeat( val = ` ` occ = mv_indent_step * mv_level ). lv_item = lv_indent_prefix. endif. if is_node-name is not initial and is_node-index is initial. " Not root, not array item if mv_indent_step > 0. lv_item = lv_item && |"{ is_node-name }": |. else. lv_item = |"{ is_node-name }":|. endif. endif. case is_node-type. when zif_ajson=>node_type-array. lv_item = lv_item && '['. when zif_ajson=>node_type-object. lv_item = lv_item && '{'. when zif_ajson=>node_type-string. lv_item = lv_item && |"{ escape( is_node-value ) }"|. when zif_ajson=>node_type-boolean or zif_ajson=>node_type-number. lv_item = lv_item && is_node-value. when zif_ajson=>node_type-null. lv_item = lv_item && 'null'. when others. zcx_ajson_error=>raise( iv_msg = |Unexpected type [{ is_node-type }]| iv_location = is_node-path && is_node-name ). endcase. if mv_indent_step > 0 and ( is_node-type = zif_ajson=>node_type-array or is_node-type = zif_ajson=>node_type-object ) and is_node-children > 0. mv_level = mv_level + 1. lv_item = lv_item && cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline. endif. append lv_item to mt_buffer. " finish complex item if is_node-type = zif_ajson=>node_type-array or is_node-type = zif_ajson=>node_type-object. data lv_children_path type string. data lv_tail type string. lv_children_path = is_node-path && is_node-name && '/'. " for root: path = '' and name = '', so result is '/' case is_node-type. when zif_ajson=>node_type-array. if is_node-children > 0. stringify_set( iv_parent_path = lv_children_path iv_array = abap_true ). endif. lv_tail = ']'. when zif_ajson=>node_type-object. if is_node-children > 0. stringify_set( iv_parent_path = lv_children_path iv_array = abap_false ). endif. lv_tail = '}'. endcase. if mv_indent_step > 0 and is_node-children > 0. lv_tail = lv_indent_prefix && lv_tail. mv_level = mv_level - 1. endif. append lv_tail to mt_buffer. endif. endmethod. method stringify_set. data lv_tab_key type string. data lv_first_done type abap_bool. field-symbols <n> like line of mt_json_tree. if iv_array = abap_true. lv_tab_key = 'array_index'. " path + index elseif mv_keep_item_order = abap_true. lv_tab_key = 'item_order'. " path + order else. lv_tab_key = 'primary_key'. " path + name endif. loop at mt_json_tree assigning <n> using key (lv_tab_key) where path = iv_parent_path. if lv_first_done = abap_false. lv_first_done = abap_true. elseif mv_indent_step > 0. append gv_comma_with_lf to mt_buffer. else. append ',' to mt_buffer. endif. stringify_node( <n> ). endloop. if mv_indent_step > 0 and lv_first_done = abap_true. " only of items were in the list append cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline to mt_buffer. endif. endmethod. method escape. rv_escaped = iv_unescaped. if rv_escaped ca |"\\\t\n\r|. " TODO consider performance ... " see also rv_escaped = replace( val = rv_escaped sub = '\' with = '\\' occ = 0 ). rv_escaped = replace( val = rv_escaped sub = |\n| with = '\n' occ = 0 ). rv_escaped = replace( val = rv_escaped sub = |\r| with = '\r' occ = 0 ). rv_escaped = replace( val = rv_escaped sub = |\t| with = '\t' occ = 0 ). rv_escaped = replace( val = rv_escaped sub = '"' with = '\"' occ = 0 ). endif. endmethod. endclass. ********************************************************************** * JSON_TO_ABAP ********************************************************************** class lcl_json_to_abap definition final. public section. methods constructor importing !ii_custom_mapping type ref to zif_ajson_mapping optional. methods to_abap importing it_nodes type zif_ajson=>ty_nodes_ts changing c_container type any raising zcx_ajson_error. methods to_timestamp importing iv_value type zif_ajson=>ty_node-value returning value(rv_result) type timestamp raising zcx_ajson_error. methods to_date importing iv_value type zif_ajson=>ty_node-value returning value(rv_result) type d raising zcx_ajson_error. private section. types: begin of ty_type_cache, type_path type string, target_field_name type string, dd type ref to cl_abap_datadescr, type_kind like cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_any, tab_item_buf type ref to data, end of ty_type_cache. data mt_node_type_cache type hashed table of ty_type_cache with unique key type_path. data mr_nodes type ref to zif_ajson=>ty_nodes_ts. data mi_custom_mapping type ref to zif_ajson_mapping. methods any_to_abap importing iv_path type string is_parent_type type ty_type_cache optional i_container_ref type ref to data raising zcx_ajson_error. methods value_to_abap importing is_node type zif_ajson=>ty_node is_node_type type ty_type_cache i_container_ref type ref to data raising zcx_ajson_error cx_sy_conversion_no_number. methods get_node_type importing is_node type zif_ajson=>ty_node optional " Empty for root is_parent_type type ty_type_cache optional i_container_ref type ref to data optional returning value(rs_node_type) type ty_type_cache raising zcx_ajson_error. endclass. class lcl_json_to_abap implementation. method constructor. mi_custom_mapping = ii_custom_mapping. endmethod. method to_abap. data lr_ref type ref to data. clear c_container. " what about data/obj refs ? clear mt_node_type_cache. get reference of c_container into lr_ref. get reference of it_nodes into mr_nodes. get_node_type( i_container_ref = lr_ref ). " Pre-cache root node type any_to_abap( iv_path = '' i_container_ref = lr_ref ). endmethod. method get_node_type. data lv_node_type_path type string. data lo_sdescr type ref to cl_abap_structdescr. data lo_tdescr type ref to cl_abap_tabledescr. data lo_ddescr type ref to cl_abap_datadescr. " Calculate type path if is_parent_type-type_kind = cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_table. lv_node_type_path = is_parent_type-type_path && '/-'. " table item type elseif is_parent_type-type_kind is not initial. lv_node_type_path = is_parent_type-type_path && '/' && is_node-name. endif. " For root node lv_node_type_path remains '' " Get or create cached read table mt_node_type_cache into rs_node_type with key type_path = lv_node_type_path. if sy-subrc <> 0. rs_node_type-type_path = lv_node_type_path. if mi_custom_mapping is bound. rs_node_type-target_field_name = to_upper( mi_custom_mapping->to_abap( iv_path = is_node-path iv_name = is_node-name ) ). if rs_node_type-target_field_name is initial. rs_node_type-target_field_name = to_upper( is_node-name ). endif. else. rs_node_type-target_field_name = to_upper( is_node-name ). endif. case is_parent_type-type_kind. when 'h'. " Table lo_tdescr ?= is_parent_type-dd. rs_node_type-dd = lo_tdescr->get_table_line_type( ). when 'u' or 'v'. " Structure lo_sdescr ?= is_parent_type-dd. lo_sdescr->get_component_type( exporting p_name = rs_node_type-target_field_name receiving p_descr_ref = rs_node_type-dd exceptions component_not_found = 4 ). if sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_ajson_error=>raise( |Path not found| ). endif. when ''. " Root node rs_node_type-dd ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data_ref( i_container_ref ). when others. zcx_ajson_error=>raise( |Unexpected parent type| ). endcase. rs_node_type-type_kind = rs_node_type-dd->type_kind. " for caching and cleaner unintialized access if rs_node_type-type_kind = 'h'. " Table lo_tdescr ?= rs_node_type-dd. if lo_tdescr->table_kind <> 'S'. " standard lo_ddescr = lo_tdescr->get_table_line_type( ). create data rs_node_type-tab_item_buf type handle lo_ddescr. endif. endif. insert rs_node_type into table mt_node_type_cache. endif. endmethod. method any_to_abap. data ls_node_type like line of mt_node_type_cache. data lx_ajson type ref to zcx_ajson_error. data lx_root type ref to cx_root. data lr_target_field type ref to data. field-symbols <n> type zif_ajson=>ty_node. field-symbols <parent_stdtab> type standard table. field-symbols <parent_anytab> type any table. field-symbols <parent_struc> type any. field-symbols <tab_item> type any. " Assign container case is_parent_type-type_kind. when 'h'. " Table if is_parent_type-tab_item_buf is bound. " Indirect hint that table was sorted/hashed, see get_node_type. assign i_container_ref->* to <parent_anytab>. assert sy-subrc = 0. lr_target_field = is_parent_type-tab_item_buf. " For hashed/sorted table - same buffer for all children assign is_parent_type-tab_item_buf->* to <tab_item>. assert sy-subrc = 0. else. assign i_container_ref->* to <parent_stdtab>. assert sy-subrc = 0. endif. when 'u' or 'v'. " Structure assign i_container_ref->* to <parent_struc>. assert sy-subrc = 0. endcase. try. " array_index because stringified index goes in wrong order [1, 10, 2 ...] loop at mr_nodes->* assigning <n> using key array_index where path = iv_path. " Get or create type cache record if is_parent_type-type_kind <> 'h' or ls_node_type-type_kind is initial. " table records are the same, no need to refetch twice ls_node_type = get_node_type( is_node = <n> is_parent_type = is_parent_type ). endif. " Validate node type if ls_node_type-type_kind ca 'lr'. " data/obj ref " TODO maybe in future zcx_ajson_error=>raise( 'Cannot assign to ref' ). endif. " Find target field reference case is_parent_type-type_kind. when 'h'. " Table if not ls_node_type-target_field_name co '0123456789'. " Does not affect anything actually but for integrity zcx_ajson_error=>raise( 'Need index to access tables' ). endif. if is_parent_type-tab_item_buf is not bound. " Indirect hint that table was srt/hsh, see get_node_type append initial line to <parent_stdtab> reference into lr_target_field. assert sy-subrc = 0. endif. when 'u' or 'v'. field-symbols <field> type any. assign component ls_node_type-target_field_name of structure <parent_struc> to <field>. assert sy-subrc = 0. get reference of <field> into lr_target_field. when ''. " Root node lr_target_field = i_container_ref. when others. zcx_ajson_error=>raise( 'Unexpected parent type' ). endcase. " Process value assignment case <n>-type. when zif_ajson=>node_type-object. if not ls_node_type-type_kind co 'uv'. zcx_ajson_error=>raise( 'Expected structure' ). endif. any_to_abap( iv_path = <n>-path && <n>-name && '/' is_parent_type = ls_node_type i_container_ref = lr_target_field ). when zif_ajson=>node_type-array. if not ls_node_type-type_kind = 'h'. zcx_ajson_error=>raise( 'Expected table' ). endif. any_to_abap( iv_path = <n>-path && <n>-name && '/' is_parent_type = ls_node_type i_container_ref = lr_target_field ). when others. value_to_abap( is_node = <n> is_node_type = ls_node_type i_container_ref = lr_target_field ). endcase. if is_parent_type-tab_item_buf is bound. " Indirect hint that table was sorted/hashed, see get_node_type. try. insert <tab_item> into table <parent_anytab>. catch cx_sy_itab_duplicate_key. sy-subrc = 4. endtry. if sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_ajson_error=>raise( 'Duplicate insertion' ). endif. endif. endloop. catch zcx_ajson_error into lx_ajson. if lx_ajson->location is initial. lx_ajson->set_location( <n>-path && <n>-name ). endif. raise exception lx_ajson. catch cx_sy_conversion_no_number. zcx_ajson_error=>raise( iv_msg = 'Source is not a number' iv_location = <n>-path && <n>-name ). catch cx_root into lx_root. zcx_ajson_error=>raise( iv_msg = lx_root->get_text( ) iv_location = <n>-path && <n>-name ). endtry. endmethod. method value_to_abap. field-symbols <container> type any. if is_node_type-type_kind ca 'lruvh'. " refs, table, strucs zcx_ajson_error=>raise( |Unsupported target for value [{ is_node_type-type_kind }]| ). endif. assign i_container_ref->* to <container>. assert sy-subrc = 0. case is_node-type. when zif_ajson=>node_type-null. " Do nothing when zif_ajson=>node_type-boolean. " TODO: check type ? <container> = boolc( is_node-value = 'true' ). when zif_ajson=>node_type-number. " TODO: check type ? <container> = is_node-value. when zif_ajson=>node_type-string. " TODO: check type ? if is_node_type-type_kind = 'D' and is_node-value is not initial. <container> = to_date( is_node-value ). elseif is_node_type-type_kind = 'P' and is_node-value is not initial. <container> = to_timestamp( is_node-value ). else. <container> = is_node-value. endif. when others. zcx_ajson_error=>raise( |Unexpected JSON type [{ is_node-type }]| ). endcase. endmethod. method to_date. data lv_y type c length 4. data lv_m type c length 2. data lv_d type c length 2. find first occurrence of regex '^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})(T|$)' "#EC NOTEXT in iv_value submatches lv_y lv_m lv_d. if sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_ajson_error=>raise( 'Unexpected date format' ). endif. concatenate lv_y lv_m lv_d into rv_result. endmethod. method to_timestamp. constants lc_utc type c length 6 value 'UTC'. constants lc_regex_ts_with_hour type string value `^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})(T)(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(\+)(\d{2}):(\d{2})`. "#EC NOTEXT constants lc_regex_ts_utc type string value `^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})(T)(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(Z|$)`. "#EC NOTEXT data: begin of ls_timestamp, year type c length 4, month type c length 2, day type c length 2, t type c length 1, hour type c length 2, minute type c length 2, second type c length 2, local_sign type c length 1, local_hour type c length 2, local_minute type c length 2, end of ls_timestamp. data lv_date type d. data lv_time type t. data lv_seconds_conv type i. data lv_timestamp type timestampl. find first occurrence of regex lc_regex_ts_with_hour in iv_value submatches ls_timestamp-year ls_timestamp-month ls_timestamp-day ls_timestamp-t ls_timestamp-hour ls_timestamp-minute ls_timestamp-second ls_timestamp-local_sign ls_timestamp-local_hour ls_timestamp-local_minute. if sy-subrc = 0. lv_seconds_conv = ( ls_timestamp-local_hour * 3600 ) + ( ls_timestamp-local_minute * 60 ). else. find first occurrence of regex lc_regex_ts_utc in iv_value submatches ls_timestamp-year ls_timestamp-month ls_timestamp-day ls_timestamp-t ls_timestamp-hour ls_timestamp-minute ls_timestamp-second. if sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_ajson_error=>raise( 'Unexpected timestamp format' ). endif. endif. concatenate ls_timestamp-year ls_timestamp-month ls_timestamp-day into lv_date. concatenate ls_timestamp-hour ls_timestamp-minute ls_timestamp-second into lv_time. convert date lv_date time lv_time into time stamp lv_timestamp time zone lc_utc. try. case ls_timestamp-local_sign. when '-'. lv_timestamp = cl_abap_tstmp=>add( tstmp = lv_timestamp secs = lv_seconds_conv ). when '+'. lv_timestamp = cl_abap_tstmp=>subtractsecs( tstmp = lv_timestamp secs = lv_seconds_conv ). endcase. catch cx_parameter_invalid_range cx_parameter_invalid_type. zcx_ajson_error=>raise( 'Unexpected error calculating timestamp' ). endtry. cl_abap_tstmp=>move( exporting tstmp_src = lv_timestamp importing tstmp_tgt = rv_result ). endmethod. endclass. ********************************************************************** * ABAP_TO_JSON ********************************************************************** class lcl_abap_to_json definition final. public section. class-methods convert importing iv_data type any is_prefix type zif_ajson=>ty_path_name optional iv_array_index type i default 0 ii_custom_mapping type ref to zif_ajson_mapping optional iv_keep_item_order type abap_bool default abap_false returning value(rt_nodes) type zif_ajson=>ty_nodes_tt raising zcx_ajson_error. class-methods insert_with_type importing iv_data type any iv_type type string is_prefix type zif_ajson=>ty_path_name optional iv_array_index type i default 0 ii_custom_mapping type ref to zif_ajson_mapping optional iv_keep_item_order type abap_bool default abap_false returning value(rt_nodes) type zif_ajson=>ty_nodes_tt raising zcx_ajson_error. class-methods class_constructor. private section. class-data gv_ajson_absolute_type_name type string. data mi_custom_mapping type ref to zif_ajson_mapping. data mv_keep_item_order type abap_bool. methods convert_any importing iv_data type any io_type type ref to cl_abap_typedescr is_prefix type zif_ajson=>ty_path_name iv_index type i default 0 iv_item_order type i default 0 changing ct_nodes type zif_ajson=>ty_nodes_tt raising zcx_ajson_error. methods convert_ajson importing io_json type ref to zcl_ajson is_prefix type zif_ajson=>ty_path_name iv_index type i default 0 changing ct_nodes type zif_ajson=>ty_nodes_tt raising zcx_ajson_error. methods convert_value importing iv_data type any io_type type ref to cl_abap_typedescr is_prefix type zif_ajson=>ty_path_name iv_index type i default 0 iv_item_order type i default 0 changing ct_nodes type zif_ajson=>ty_nodes_tt raising zcx_ajson_error. methods convert_ref importing iv_data type any is_prefix type zif_ajson=>ty_path_name iv_index type i default 0 iv_item_order type i default 0 changing ct_nodes type zif_ajson=>ty_nodes_tt raising zcx_ajson_error. methods convert_struc importing iv_data type any io_type type ref to cl_abap_typedescr is_prefix type zif_ajson=>ty_path_name iv_index type i default 0 iv_item_order type i default 0 changing ct_nodes type zif_ajson=>ty_nodes_tt cs_root type zif_ajson=>ty_node optional raising zcx_ajson_error. methods convert_table importing iv_data type any io_type type ref to cl_abap_typedescr is_prefix type zif_ajson=>ty_path_name iv_index type i default 0 iv_item_order type i default 0 changing ct_nodes type zif_ajson=>ty_nodes_tt raising zcx_ajson_error. methods insert_value_with_type importing iv_data type any iv_type type string io_type type ref to cl_abap_typedescr is_prefix type zif_ajson=>ty_path_name iv_index type i default 0 iv_item_order type i default 0 changing ct_nodes type zif_ajson=>ty_nodes_tt raising zcx_ajson_error. endclass. class lcl_abap_to_json implementation. method class_constructor. data lo_dummy type ref to zcl_ajson. data lo_type type ref to cl_abap_refdescr. lo_type ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( lo_dummy ). gv_ajson_absolute_type_name = lo_type->get_referenced_type( )->absolute_name. endmethod. method convert. data lo_type type ref to cl_abap_typedescr. data lo_converter type ref to lcl_abap_to_json. lo_type = cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( iv_data ). create object lo_converter. lo_converter->mi_custom_mapping = ii_custom_mapping. lo_converter->mv_keep_item_order = iv_keep_item_order. lo_converter->convert_any( exporting iv_data = iv_data io_type = lo_type is_prefix = is_prefix iv_index = iv_array_index changing ct_nodes = rt_nodes ). endmethod. method convert_any. case io_type->kind. when cl_abap_typedescr=>kind_elem. convert_value( exporting iv_data = iv_data io_type = io_type is_prefix = is_prefix iv_index = iv_index iv_item_order = iv_item_order changing ct_nodes = ct_nodes ). when cl_abap_typedescr=>kind_struct. convert_struc( exporting iv_data = iv_data io_type = io_type is_prefix = is_prefix iv_index = iv_index iv_item_order = iv_item_order changing ct_nodes = ct_nodes ). when cl_abap_typedescr=>kind_table. convert_table( exporting iv_data = iv_data io_type = io_type is_prefix = is_prefix iv_index = iv_index iv_item_order = iv_item_order changing ct_nodes = ct_nodes ). when others. if io_type->type_kind = cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_dref. convert_ref( exporting iv_data = iv_data is_prefix = is_prefix iv_index = iv_index iv_item_order = iv_item_order changing ct_nodes = ct_nodes ). elseif io_type->type_kind = cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_oref and cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_object_ref( iv_data )->absolute_name = gv_ajson_absolute_type_name. convert_ajson( exporting io_json = iv_data is_prefix = is_prefix iv_index = iv_index changing ct_nodes = ct_nodes ). else. zcx_ajson_error=>raise( |Unsupported type [{ io_type->type_kind }] @{ is_prefix-path && is_prefix-name }| ). endif. endcase. endmethod. method convert_ajson. field-symbols <src> like line of ct_nodes. field-symbols <dst> like line of ct_nodes. if io_json is not bound. return. endif. loop at io_json->mt_json_tree assigning <src>. append <src> to ct_nodes assigning <dst>. if <dst>-path is initial and <dst>-name is initial. " root node <dst>-path = is_prefix-path. <dst>-name = is_prefix-name. <dst>-index = iv_index. else. <dst>-path = is_prefix-path && is_prefix-name && <dst>-path. endif. endloop. endmethod. method convert_value. data ls_node like line of ct_nodes. ls_node-path = is_prefix-path. ls_node-name = is_prefix-name. ls_node-index = iv_index. ls_node-order = iv_item_order. if mi_custom_mapping is bound. ls_node-name = mi_custom_mapping->to_json( iv_path = is_prefix-path iv_name = is_prefix-name ). endif. if ls_node-name is initial. ls_node-name = is_prefix-name. endif. if io_type->absolute_name = '\TYPE-POOL=ABAP\TYPE=ABAP_BOOL' or io_type->absolute_name = '\TYPE=ABAP_BOOLEAN' or io_type->absolute_name = '\TYPE=XSDBOOLEAN' or io_type->absolute_name = '\TYPE=FLAG' or io_type->absolute_name = '\TYPE=XFELD'. ls_node-type = zif_ajson=>node_type-boolean. if iv_data is not initial. ls_node-value = 'true'. else. ls_node-value = 'false'. endif. elseif io_type->type_kind co 'CNgXyDT'. " Char like, date/time, xstring ls_node-type = zif_ajson=>node_type-string. ls_node-value = |{ iv_data }|. elseif io_type->type_kind co 'bsI8PaeF'. " Numeric ls_node-type = zif_ajson=>node_type-number. ls_node-value = |{ iv_data }|. else. zcx_ajson_error=>raise( |Unexpected elementary type [{ io_type->type_kind }] @{ is_prefix-path && is_prefix-name }| ). endif. append ls_node to ct_nodes. endmethod. method convert_ref. data ls_node like line of ct_nodes. ls_node-path = is_prefix-path. ls_node-name = is_prefix-name. ls_node-index = iv_index. ls_node-order = iv_item_order. if mi_custom_mapping is bound. ls_node-name = mi_custom_mapping->to_json( iv_path = is_prefix-path iv_name = is_prefix-name ). endif. if ls_node-name is initial. ls_node-name = is_prefix-name. endif. if iv_data is initial. ls_node-type = zif_ajson=>node_type-null. ls_node-value = 'null'. else. " TODO support data references zcx_ajson_error=>raise( |Unexpected reference @{ is_prefix-path && is_prefix-name }| ). endif. append ls_node to ct_nodes. endmethod. method convert_struc. data lo_struc type ref to cl_abap_structdescr. data lt_comps type cl_abap_structdescr=>component_table. data ls_next_prefix like is_prefix. data lv_item_order type i. data ls_root like line of ct_nodes. field-symbols <root> like ls_root. field-symbols <c> like line of lt_comps. field-symbols <val> type any. " Object root if cs_root is supplied. " call for include structure assign cs_root to <root>. else. " First call ls_root-path = is_prefix-path. ls_root-name = is_prefix-name. ls_root-type = zif_ajson=>node_type-object. ls_root-index = iv_index. if mi_custom_mapping is bound. ls_root-name = mi_custom_mapping->to_json( iv_path = is_prefix-path iv_name = is_prefix-name ). endif. if ls_root-name is initial. ls_root-name = is_prefix-name. endif. ls_root-order = iv_item_order. append ls_root to ct_nodes assigning <root>. endif. " Object attributes lo_struc ?= io_type. lt_comps = lo_struc->get_components( ). " get_components is potentially much slower than lo_struc->components " but ! we still need it to identify booleans " and rtti seems to cache type descriptions really well ( " the structures will be repeated in real life ls_next_prefix-path = is_prefix-path && ls_root-name && '/'. loop at lt_comps assigning <c>. if <c>-as_include = abap_true. convert_struc( exporting iv_data = iv_data io_type = <c>-type is_prefix = is_prefix changing cs_root = <root> ct_nodes = ct_nodes ). else. <root>-children = <root>-children + 1. ls_next_prefix-name = to_lower( <c>-name ). assign component <c>-name of structure iv_data to <val>. assert sy-subrc = 0. if mv_keep_item_order = abap_true. lv_item_order = <root>-children. endif. convert_any( exporting iv_data = <val> io_type = <c>-type is_prefix = ls_next_prefix iv_item_order = lv_item_order changing ct_nodes = ct_nodes ). endif. endloop. endmethod. method convert_table. data lo_table type ref to cl_abap_tabledescr. data lo_ltype type ref to cl_abap_typedescr. data ls_next_prefix like is_prefix. data lv_tabix type sy-tabix. data ls_root like line of ct_nodes. field-symbols <root> like ls_root. field-symbols <tab> type any table. field-symbols <val> type any. " Array root ls_root-path = is_prefix-path. ls_root-name = is_prefix-name. ls_root-type = zif_ajson=>node_type-array. ls_root-index = iv_index. ls_root-order = iv_item_order. if mi_custom_mapping is bound. ls_root-name = mi_custom_mapping->to_json( iv_path = is_prefix-path iv_name = is_prefix-name ). endif. if ls_root-name is initial. ls_root-name = is_prefix-name. endif. append ls_root to ct_nodes assigning <root>. " Array items lo_table ?= io_type. lo_ltype = lo_table->get_table_line_type( ). ls_next_prefix-path = is_prefix-path && is_prefix-name && '/'. assign iv_data to <tab>. lv_tabix = 1. loop at <tab> assigning <val>. ls_next_prefix-name = to_lower( |{ lv_tabix }| ). convert_any( exporting iv_data = <val> io_type = lo_ltype is_prefix = ls_next_prefix iv_index = <root>-children + 1 changing ct_nodes = ct_nodes ). <root>-children = <root>-children + 1. lv_tabix = lv_tabix + 1. endloop. endmethod. method insert_with_type. data lo_type type ref to cl_abap_typedescr. data lo_converter type ref to lcl_abap_to_json. lo_type = cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( iv_data ). create object lo_converter. lo_converter->mi_custom_mapping = ii_custom_mapping. lo_converter->mv_keep_item_order = iv_keep_item_order. lo_converter->insert_value_with_type( exporting iv_data = iv_data iv_type = iv_type io_type = lo_type is_prefix = is_prefix iv_index = iv_array_index changing ct_nodes = rt_nodes ). endmethod. method insert_value_with_type. data lv_prefix type string. data ls_node like line of ct_nodes. lv_prefix = is_prefix-path && is_prefix-name. if io_type->type_kind co 'CNgXyDT'. " Char like, date/time, xstring if iv_type = zif_ajson=>node_type-boolean and iv_data <> 'true' and iv_data <> 'false'. zcx_ajson_error=>raise( |Unexpected boolean value [{ iv_data }] @{ lv_prefix }| ). elseif iv_type = zif_ajson=>node_type-null and iv_data is not initial. zcx_ajson_error=>raise( |Unexpected null value [{ iv_data }] @{ lv_prefix }| ). elseif iv_type = zif_ajson=>node_type-number and iv_data cn '0123456789. E+-'. zcx_ajson_error=>raise( |Unexpected numeric value [{ iv_data }] @{ lv_prefix }| ). elseif iv_type <> zif_ajson=>node_type-string and iv_type <> zif_ajson=>node_type-boolean and iv_type <> zif_ajson=>node_type-null and iv_type <> zif_ajson=>node_type-number. zcx_ajson_error=>raise( |Unexpected type for value [{ iv_type },{ iv_data }] @{ lv_prefix }| ). endif. elseif io_type->type_kind co 'bsI8PaeF'. " Numeric if iv_type <> zif_ajson=>node_type-number. zcx_ajson_error=>raise( |Unexpected value for numeric [{ iv_data }] @{ lv_prefix }| ). endif. else. zcx_ajson_error=>raise( |Unexpected type [{ io_type->type_kind }] @{ lv_prefix }| ). endif. ls_node-path = is_prefix-path. ls_node-name = is_prefix-name. ls_node-index = iv_index. ls_node-value = iv_data. ls_node-type = iv_type. ls_node-order = iv_item_order. if mi_custom_mapping is bound. ls_node-name = mi_custom_mapping->to_json( iv_path = is_prefix-path iv_name = is_prefix-name ). endif. if ls_node-name is initial. ls_node-name = is_prefix-name. endif. append ls_node to ct_nodes. endmethod. endclass. ********************************************************************** * FILTER RUNNER ********************************************************************** class lcl_filter_runner definition final. public section. methods run importing ii_filter type ref to zif_ajson_filter it_source_tree type zif_ajson=>ty_nodes_ts changing ct_dest_tree type zif_ajson=>ty_nodes_ts raising zcx_ajson_error. private section. data mi_filter type ref to zif_ajson_filter. data mr_source_tree type ref to zif_ajson=>ty_nodes_ts. data mr_dest_tree type ref to zif_ajson=>ty_nodes_ts. methods walk importing iv_path type string changing cs_parent type zif_ajson=>ty_node optional raising zcx_ajson_error. endclass. class lcl_filter_runner implementation. method run. assert ii_filter is bound. mi_filter = ii_filter. clear ct_dest_tree. get reference of it_source_tree into mr_source_tree. get reference of ct_dest_tree into mr_dest_tree. walk( iv_path = '' ). endmethod. method walk. data ls_node type zif_ajson=>ty_node. loop at mr_source_tree->* into ls_node where path = iv_path. case ls_node-type. when zif_ajson=>node_type-boolean or zif_ajson=>node_type-null or zif_ajson=>node_type-number or zif_ajson=>node_type-string. if mi_filter->keep_node( ls_node ) = abap_false. continue. endif. when zif_ajson=>node_type-array or zif_ajson=>node_type-object. if mi_filter->keep_node( is_node = ls_node iv_visit = zif_ajson_filter=>visit_type-open ) = abap_false. continue. endif. " Intentionally clear AFTER "open" clear ls_node-children. walk( exporting iv_path = iv_path && ls_node-name && `/` changing cs_parent = ls_node ). if mi_filter->keep_node( is_node = ls_node iv_visit = zif_ajson_filter=>visit_type-close ) = abap_false. continue. endif. when others. zcx_ajson_error=>raise( |Unexpected node type { ls_node-type }| ). endcase. if cs_parent is supplied. cs_parent-children = cs_parent-children + 1. if cs_parent-type = zif_ajson=>node_type-array. ls_node-name = |{ cs_parent-children }|. ls_node-index = cs_parent-children. endif. endif. insert ls_node into table mr_dest_tree->*. endloop. endmethod. endclass.
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*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Include ZHRO_ADP_WFN_CA_F04 *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form GET_EMPLOYEE_STATUS *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Get employee status *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->FV_MASSN Personnel Action * -->FV_MASSG Personnel Action Reason * <--FV_RETURN Employee Status *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM get_employee_status USING fv_massn fv_massg CHANGING fv_return. CASE fv_massn. WHEN '7A'. "Hire MOVE 'A' TO fv_return. "Active WHEN '7B'. "Expat Assignment MOVE 'A' TO fv_return. "Active WHEN '7C'. "Organizational Change MOVE 'A' TO fv_return. "Active WHEN '7D'. "Change of Pay MOVE 'A' TO fv_return. "Active WHEN '7E'. "Transfer/Relocation MOVE 'A' TO fv_return. "Active WHEN '7F'. "Termination/Retirement/Deceased CASE fv_massg. WHEN '12'. MOVE 'D' TO fv_return. "Deceased WHEN '18'. MOVE 'R' TO fv_return. "Retirement WHEN OTHERS. MOVE 'T' TO fv_return. "Termination ENDCASE. WHEN '7G'. "Rehire MOVE 'A' TO fv_return. "Active WHEN '7H'. "Retirement MOVE 'R' TO fv_return. "Retirement WHEN '7I'. "UnPaid LOA MOVE 'L' TO fv_return. "LOA WHEN '7J'. "Return to Work from UnPaid LOA MOVE 'A' TO fv_return. "Active WHEN '7K'. "Hire Unpaid LOA MOVE 'L' TO fv_return. "LOA WHEN '7L'. "Hire Paid LOA MOVE 'L' TO fv_return. "LOA WHEN '7M'. "Paid LOA – Active Status MOVE 'L' TO fv_return. "LOA WHEN '7N'. "Return to Work from Paid LOA MOVE 'A' TO fv_return. "Active WHEN '7O'. "Country ReAssignment MOVE 'A' TO fv_return. "Active WHEN '7P'. "Severance - Active MOVE 'A' TO fv_return. "Active WHEN '7Q'. "Return from Expat Assignment MOVE 'A' TO fv_return. "Active WHEN '7R'. "Severance - Withdrawn MOVE 'T' TO fv_return. "Terminated WHEN '7T'. "Change of Bank Details MOVE 'A' TO fv_return. "Active WHEN '7U'. "Intercompany Transfer MOVE 'A' TO fv_return. "Active WHEN '7Y'. "Conversion LOA - Canada MOVE 'A' TO fv_return. "Active WHEN '7Z'. "Conversion Hire - Canada MOVE 'A' TO fv_return. "Active WHEN OTHERS. ENDCASE. ENDFORM. " GET_EMPLOYEE_STATUS *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form RATE_TYPE_MAPPING *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Rate Type Mapping *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->FV_ABART Employee Type: 1 = Hourly, 3 = Salaried * <--FV_RETURN Rate Type *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM rate_type_mapping USING fv_abart CHANGING fv_return. * 1 = Hourly, 3 = Salaried IF fv_abart EQ '1'. MOVE 'H' TO fv_return. ELSEIF gv_abart EQ '3'. MOVE 'S' TO fv_return. ENDIF. ENDFORM. " RATE_TYPE_MAPPING *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form PAY_GROUP_MAPPING *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Pay Group Mapping *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->FV_BUKRS Company code * -->FV_RATE_TYPE H = Hourly, S = Salary * <--FV_RETURN WFN Pay Group *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM pay_group_mapping USING fv_bukrs fv_rate_type CHANGING fv_return. CASE fv_bukrs. WHEN 'SP04'. "T56A IF fv_rate_type EQ 'S'. "Salary MOVE '2' TO fv_return. ELSE. MOVE '1' TO fv_return. ENDIF. WHEN OTHERS. MOVE '1' TO fv_return. ENDCASE. ENDFORM. " PAY_GROUP_MAPPING *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form UNION_CODE_MAPPING *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Union Code Mapping *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->fv_trfar Pay scale type * <--FV_RETURN Union code *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM union_code_mapping USING fv_trfar CHANGING fv_return. CASE fv_trfar. WHEN 'NU'. MOVE '' TO fv_return. WHEN 'UA'. MOVE 'U30' TO fv_return. WHEN 'UB'. MOVE 'UN' TO fv_return. WHEN 'UC'. MOVE '' TO fv_return. WHEN 'UD'. MOVE 'U20' TO fv_return. WHEN 'UE'. MOVE '847' TO fv_return. WHEN 'UF'. MOVE '847' TO fv_return. WHEN OTHERS. ENDCASE. ENDFORM. " UNION_CODE_MAPPING *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form WORKER_CATEGORY_MAPPING *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Worker Category Mapping *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * -->FV_PERSG Employee Group * <--FV_RETURN Worker Category *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM worker_category_mapping USING fv_persg CHANGING fv_return. CASE fv_persg. WHEN '1'. MOVE 'F' TO fv_return. WHEN '2'. MOVE 'P' TO fv_return. WHEN '3'. MOVE 'P' TO fv_return. WHEN '4'. MOVE '' TO fv_return. WHEN '5'. MOVE '' TO fv_return. WHEN '6'. MOVE '' TO fv_return. WHEN '7'. MOVE 'CAS' TO fv_return. WHEN '8'. MOVE 'CAS' TO fv_return. WHEN '9'. MOVE 'CON' TO fv_return. WHEN 'A'. MOVE 'OTH' TO fv_return. WHEN 'B'. MOVE 'OTH' TO fv_return. WHEN 'C'. MOVE '' TO fv_return. WHEN 'D'. MOVE 'OTH' TO fv_return. WHEN 'E'. MOVE 'F' TO fv_return. WHEN 'F'. MOVE 'F' TO fv_return. WHEN 'G'. MOVE 'F' TO fv_return. WHEN 'H'. MOVE '' TO fv_return. WHEN 'I'. MOVE '' TO fv_return. WHEN OTHERS. ENDCASE. ENDFORM. " WORKER_CATEGORY_MAPPING
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"! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Demo Business function for multiple implementations</p> INTERFACE zif_business_function_multiple PUBLIC . METHODS doit. ENDINTERFACE.
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class ZCL_EXCEL definition public create public . public section. *"* public components of class ZCL_EXCEL *"* do not include other source files here!!! interfaces ZIF_EXCEL_BOOK_PROPERTIES . interfaces ZIF_EXCEL_BOOK_PROTECTION . interfaces ZIF_EXCEL_BOOK_VBA_PROJECT . data LEGACY_PALETTE type ref to ZCL_EXCEL_LEGACY_PALETTE read-only . data SECURITY type ref to ZCL_EXCEL_SECURITY . data USE_TEMPLATE type XFELD . methods SET_THEME importing !IO_THEME type ref to ZCL_EXCEL_THEME . methods GET_THEME exporting !EO_THEME type ref to ZCL_EXCEL_THEME . methods ADD_NEW_AUTOFILTER importing !IO_SHEET type ref to ZCL_EXCEL_WORKSHEET returning value(RO_AUTOFILTER) type ref to ZCL_EXCEL_AUTOFILTER raising ZCX_EXCEL . methods ADD_NEW_DRAWING importing !IP_TYPE type ZEXCEL_DRAWING_TYPE default ZCL_EXCEL_DRAWING=>TYPE_IMAGE !IP_TITLE type CLIKE optional returning value(EO_DRAWING) type ref to ZCL_EXCEL_DRAWING . methods ADD_NEW_RANGE returning value(EO_RANGE) type ref to ZCL_EXCEL_RANGE . methods ADD_NEW_STYLE importing !IP_GUID type ZEXCEL_CELL_STYLE optional returning value(EO_STYLE) type ref to ZCL_EXCEL_STYLE . methods ADD_NEW_WORKSHEET importing !IP_TITLE type ZEXCEL_SHEET_TITLE optional returning value(EO_WORKSHEET) type ref to ZCL_EXCEL_WORKSHEET raising ZCX_EXCEL . methods ADD_STATIC_STYLES . methods CONSTRUCTOR . methods DELETE_WORKSHEET importing !IO_WORKSHEET type ref to ZCL_EXCEL_WORKSHEET raising ZCX_EXCEL . methods DELETE_WORKSHEET_BY_NAME importing !IV_TITLE type CLIKE . methods DELETE_WORKSHEET_BY_INDEX importing !IV_INDEX type NUMERIC . methods GET_ACTIVE_SHEET_INDEX returning value(R_ACTIVE_WORKSHEET) type ZEXCEL_ACTIVE_WORKSHEET . methods GET_ACTIVE_WORKSHEET returning value(EO_WORKSHEET) type ref to ZCL_EXCEL_WORKSHEET . methods GET_AUTOFILTERS_REFERENCE returning value(RO_AUTOFILTERS) type ref to ZCL_EXCEL_AUTOFILTERS . methods GET_DEFAULT_STYLE returning value(EP_STYLE) type ZEXCEL_CELL_STYLE . methods GET_DRAWINGS_ITERATOR importing !IP_TYPE type ZEXCEL_DRAWING_TYPE returning value(EO_ITERATOR) type ref to CL_OBJECT_COLLECTION_ITERATOR . methods GET_NEXT_TABLE_ID returning value(EP_ID) type I . methods GET_RANGES_ITERATOR returning value(EO_ITERATOR) type ref to CL_OBJECT_COLLECTION_ITERATOR . methods GET_STATIC_CELLSTYLE_GUID importing !IP_CSTYLE_COMPLETE type ZEXCEL_S_CSTYLE_COMPLETE !IP_CSTYLEX_COMPLETE type ZEXCEL_S_CSTYLEX_COMPLETE returning value(EP_GUID) type ZEXCEL_CELL_STYLE . methods GET_STYLES_ITERATOR returning value(EO_ITERATOR) type ref to CL_OBJECT_COLLECTION_ITERATOR . methods GET_STYLE_INDEX_IN_STYLES importing !IP_GUID type ZEXCEL_CELL_STYLE returning value(EP_INDEX) type SYTABIX raising ZCX_EXCEL . methods GET_STYLE_TO_GUID importing !IP_GUID type ZEXCEL_CELL_STYLE returning value(EP_STYLEMAPPING) type ZEXCEL_S_STYLEMAPPING raising ZCX_EXCEL . methods GET_WORKSHEETS_ITERATOR returning value(EO_ITERATOR) type ref to CL_OBJECT_COLLECTION_ITERATOR . methods GET_WORKSHEETS_NAME returning value(EP_NAME) type ZEXCEL_WORKSHEETS_NAME . methods GET_WORKSHEETS_SIZE returning value(EP_SIZE) type I . methods GET_WORKSHEET_BY_NAME importing !IP_SHEET_NAME type ZEXCEL_SHEET_TITLE returning value(EO_WORKSHEET) type ref to ZCL_EXCEL_WORKSHEET . methods GET_WORKSHEET_BY_INDEX importing !IV_INDEX type NUMERIC returning value(EO_WORKSHEET) type ref to ZCL_EXCEL_WORKSHEET . methods SET_ACTIVE_SHEET_INDEX importing !I_ACTIVE_WORKSHEET type ZEXCEL_ACTIVE_WORKSHEET raising ZCX_EXCEL . methods SET_ACTIVE_SHEET_INDEX_BY_NAME importing !I_WORKSHEET_NAME type ZEXCEL_WORKSHEETS_NAME . methods SET_DEFAULT_STYLE importing !IP_STYLE type ZEXCEL_CELL_STYLE raising ZCX_EXCEL . *"* protected components of class ZCL_EXCEL *"* do not include other source files here!!! protected section. data WORKSHEETS type ref to ZCL_EXCEL_WORKSHEETS . private section. constants VERSION type CHAR10 value '7.0.6'. "#EC NOTEXT data AUTOFILTERS type ref to ZCL_EXCEL_AUTOFILTERS . data CHARTS type ref to ZCL_EXCEL_DRAWINGS . data DEFAULT_STYLE type ZEXCEL_CELL_STYLE . *"* private components of class ZCL_EXCEL *"* do not include other source files here!!! data DRAWINGS type ref to ZCL_EXCEL_DRAWINGS . data RANGES type ref to ZCL_EXCEL_RANGES . data STYLES type ref to ZCL_EXCEL_STYLES . data T_STYLEMAPPING1 type ZEXCEL_T_STYLEMAPPING1 . data T_STYLEMAPPING2 type ZEXCEL_T_STYLEMAPPING2 . data THEME type ref to ZCL_EXCEL_THEME . methods STYLEMAPPING_DYNAMIC_STYLE importing !IP_STYLE type ref to ZCL_EXCEL_STYLE returning value(EO_STYLE2) type ZEXCEL_S_STYLEMAPPING . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_EXCEL IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD add_new_autofilter. * Check for autofilter reference: new or overwrite; only one per sheet ro_autofilter = autofilters->add( io_sheet ) . ENDMETHOD. method ADD_NEW_DRAWING. * Create default blank worksheet CREATE OBJECT eo_drawing EXPORTING ip_type = ip_type ip_title = ip_title. CASE ip_type. WHEN 'image'. drawings->add( eo_drawing ). WHEN 'chart'. charts->add( eo_drawing ). ENDCASE. endmethod. method ADD_NEW_RANGE. * Create default blank range CREATE OBJECT eo_range. ranges->add( eo_range ). endmethod. method ADD_NEW_STYLE. * Start of deletion # issue 139 - Dateretention of cellstyles * CREATE OBJECT eo_style. * styles->add( eo_style ). * End of deletion # issue 139 - Dateretention of cellstyles * Start of insertion # issue 139 - Dateretention of cellstyles * Create default style CREATE OBJECT eo_style EXPORTING ip_guid = ip_guid. styles->add( eo_style ). DATA: style2 TYPE zexcel_s_stylemapping. * Copy to new representations style2 = stylemapping_dynamic_style( eo_style ). INSERT style2 INTO TABLE t_stylemapping1. INSERT style2 INTO TABLE t_stylemapping2. * End of insertion # issue 139 - Dateretention of cellstyles endmethod. method ADD_NEW_WORKSHEET. * Create default blank worksheet CREATE OBJECT eo_worksheet EXPORTING ip_excel = me ip_title = ip_title. worksheets->add( eo_worksheet ). worksheets->active_worksheet = worksheets->size( ). endmethod. METHOD add_static_styles. " # issue 139 FIELD-SYMBOLS: <style1> LIKE LINE OF t_stylemapping1, <style2> LIKE LINE OF t_stylemapping2. DATA: style TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style. LOOP AT me->t_stylemapping1 ASSIGNING <style1> WHERE added_to_iterator IS INITIAL. READ TABLE me->t_stylemapping2 ASSIGNING <style2> WITH TABLE KEY guid = <style1>-guid. CHECK sy-subrc = 0. " Should always be true since these tables are being filled parallel style = me->add_new_style( <style1>-guid ). zcl_excel_common=>recursive_struct_to_class( EXPORTING i_source = <style1>-complete_style i_sourcex = <style1>-complete_stylex CHANGING e_target = style ). ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. method CONSTRUCTOR. DATA: lo_style TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style. * Inizialize instance objects CREATE OBJECT security. CREATE OBJECT worksheets. CREATE OBJECT ranges. CREATE OBJECT styles. CREATE OBJECT drawings EXPORTING ip_type = zcl_excel_drawing=>type_image. CREATE OBJECT charts EXPORTING ip_type = zcl_excel_drawing=>type_chart. CREATE OBJECT legacy_palette. CREATE OBJECT autofilters. me->zif_excel_book_protection~initialize( ). me->zif_excel_book_properties~initialize( ). me->add_new_worksheet( ). me->add_new_style( ). " Standard style lo_style = me->add_new_style( ). " Standard style with fill gray125 lo_style->fill->filltype = zcl_excel_style_fill=>c_fill_pattern_gray125. endmethod. METHOD delete_worksheet. DATA: lo_worksheet TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet, l_size TYPE i, lv_errormessage TYPE string. l_size = get_worksheets_size( ). IF l_size = 1. " Only 1 worksheet left --> check whether this is the worksheet to be deleted lo_worksheet = me->get_worksheet_by_index( 1 ). IF lo_worksheet = io_worksheet. lv_errormessage = 'Deleting last remaining worksheet is not allowed'(002). RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_excel EXPORTING error = lv_errormessage. ENDIF. ENDIF. me->worksheets->remove( io_worksheet ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD delete_worksheet_by_index. DATA: lo_worksheet TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet, lv_errormessage TYPE string. lo_worksheet = me->get_worksheet_by_index( iv_index ). IF lo_worksheet IS NOT BOUND. lv_errormessage = 'Worksheet not existing'(001). RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_excel EXPORTING error = lv_errormessage. ENDIF. me->delete_worksheet( lo_worksheet ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD delete_worksheet_by_name. DATA: lo_worksheet TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet, lv_errormessage TYPE string. lo_worksheet = me->get_worksheet_by_name( iv_title ). IF lo_worksheet IS NOT BOUND. lv_errormessage = 'Worksheet not existing'(001). RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_excel EXPORTING error = lv_errormessage. ENDIF. me->delete_worksheet( lo_worksheet ). ENDMETHOD. method GET_ACTIVE_SHEET_INDEX. r_active_worksheet = me->worksheets->active_worksheet. endmethod. method GET_ACTIVE_WORKSHEET. eo_worksheet = me->worksheets->get( me->worksheets->active_worksheet ). endmethod. method GET_AUTOFILTERS_REFERENCE. ro_autofilters = autofilters. endmethod. method GET_DEFAULT_STYLE. ep_style = me->default_style. endmethod. method GET_DRAWINGS_ITERATOR. CASE ip_type. WHEN zcl_excel_drawing=>type_image. eo_iterator = me->drawings->get_iterator( ). WHEN zcl_excel_drawing=>type_chart. eo_iterator = me->charts->get_iterator( ). WHEN OTHERS. ENDCASE. endmethod. method GET_NEXT_TABLE_ID. DATA: lo_worksheet TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet, lo_iterator TYPE REF TO cl_object_collection_iterator, lv_tables_count TYPE i. lo_iterator = me->get_worksheets_iterator( ). WHILE lo_iterator->if_object_collection_iterator~has_next( ) EQ abap_true. lo_worksheet ?= lo_iterator->if_object_collection_iterator~get_next( ). lv_tables_count = lo_worksheet->get_tables_size( ). ADD lv_tables_count TO ep_id. ENDWHILE. ADD 1 TO ep_id. endmethod. method GET_RANGES_ITERATOR. eo_iterator = me->ranges->get_iterator( ). endmethod. METHOD get_static_cellstyle_guid. " # issue 139 DATA: style LIKE LINE OF me->t_stylemapping1. READ TABLE me->t_stylemapping1 INTO style WITH TABLE KEY dynamic_style_guid = style-guid " no dynamic style --> look for initial guid here complete_style = ip_cstyle_complete complete_stylex = ip_cstylex_complete. IF sy-subrc <> 0. style-complete_style = ip_cstyle_complete. style-complete_stylex = ip_cstylex_complete. * CALL FUNCTION 'GUID_CREATE' " del issue #379 - function is outdated in newer releases * IMPORTING * ev_guid_16 = style-guid. style-guid = zcl_excel_obsolete_func_wrap=>guid_create( ). " ins issue #379 - replacement for outdated function call INSERT style INTO TABLE me->t_stylemapping1. INSERT style INTO TABLE me->t_stylemapping2. ENDIF. ep_guid = style-guid. ENDMETHOD. method GET_STYLES_ITERATOR. eo_iterator = me->styles->get_iterator( ). endmethod. method GET_STYLE_INDEX_IN_STYLES. DATA: index TYPE syindex. DATA: lo_iterator TYPE REF TO cl_object_collection_iterator, lo_style TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style. CHECK ip_guid IS NOT INITIAL. lo_iterator = me->get_styles_iterator( ). WHILE lo_iterator->has_next( ) = 'X'. ADD 1 TO index. lo_style ?= lo_iterator->get_next( ). IF lo_style->get_guid( ) = ip_guid. ep_index = index. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDWHILE. IF ep_index IS INITIAL. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_excel EXPORTING error = 'Index not found'. else. SUBTRACT 1 from ep_index. " In excel list starts with "0" ENDIF. endmethod. method GET_STYLE_TO_GUID. " # issue 139 READ TABLE me->t_stylemapping2 INTO ep_stylemapping WITH TABLE KEY guid = ip_guid. IF sy-subrc <> 0. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_excel EXPORTING error = 'GUID not found'. ENDIF. IF ep_stylemapping-dynamic_style_guid IS NOT INITIAL. zcl_excel_common=>recursive_class_to_struct( EXPORTING i_source = ep_stylemapping-cl_style CHANGING e_target = ep_stylemapping-complete_style e_targetx = ep_stylemapping-complete_stylex ). ENDIF. endmethod. method GET_THEME. eo_theme = theme. endmethod. method GET_WORKSHEETS_ITERATOR. eo_iterator = me->worksheets->get_iterator( ). endmethod. method GET_WORKSHEETS_NAME. ep_name = me->worksheets->name. endmethod. METHOD get_worksheets_size. ep_size = me->worksheets->size( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_worksheet_by_index. DATA: lv_index TYPE zexcel_active_worksheet. lv_index = iv_index. eo_worksheet = me->worksheets->get( lv_index ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_worksheet_by_name. DATA: lv_index TYPE zexcel_active_worksheet, l_size TYPE i. l_size = get_worksheets_size( ). DO l_size TIMES. lv_index = sy-index. eo_worksheet = me->worksheets->get( lv_index ). IF eo_worksheet->get_title( ) = ip_sheet_name. RETURN. ENDIF. ENDDO. CLEAR eo_worksheet. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_active_sheet_index. DATA: lo_worksheet TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet, lv_errormessage TYPE string. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Check whether worksheet exists *--------------------------------------------------------------------* lo_worksheet = me->get_worksheet_by_index( i_active_worksheet ). IF lo_worksheet IS NOT BOUND. lv_errormessage = 'Worksheet not existing'(001). RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_excel EXPORTING error = lv_errormessage. ENDIF. me->worksheets->active_worksheet = i_active_worksheet. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_active_sheet_index_by_name. DATA: ws_it TYPE REF TO cl_object_collection_iterator, ws TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet, lv_title TYPE zexcel_sheet_title, count TYPE i VALUE 1. ws_it = me->worksheets->get_iterator( ). WHILE ws_it->if_object_collection_iterator~has_next( ) = abap_true. ws ?= ws_it->if_object_collection_iterator~get_next( ). lv_title = ws->get_title( ). IF lv_title = i_worksheet_name. me->worksheets->active_worksheet = count. EXIT. ENDIF. count = count + 1. ENDWHILE. ENDMETHOD. method SET_DEFAULT_STYLE. me->default_style = ip_style. endmethod. method SET_THEME. theme = io_theme. endmethod. method STYLEMAPPING_DYNAMIC_STYLE. " # issue 139 eo_style2-dynamic_style_guid = ip_style->get_guid( ). eo_style2-guid = eo_style2-dynamic_style_guid. eo_style2-added_to_iterator = abap_true. eo_style2-cl_style = ip_style. * don't care about attributes here, since this data may change * dynamically endmethod. METHOD zif_excel_book_properties~initialize. DATA: lv_timestamp TYPE timestampl. me->zif_excel_book_properties~application = 'Microsoft Excel'. me->zif_excel_book_properties~appversion = '12.0000'. GET TIME STAMP FIELD lv_timestamp. me->zif_excel_book_properties~created = lv_timestamp. me->zif_excel_book_properties~creator = sy-uname. me->zif_excel_book_properties~description = zcl_excel=>version. me->zif_excel_book_properties~modified = lv_timestamp. me->zif_excel_book_properties~lastmodifiedby = sy-uname. ENDMETHOD. method ZIF_EXCEL_BOOK_PROTECTION~INITIALIZE. me->zif_excel_book_protection~protected = zif_excel_book_protection=>c_unprotected. me->zif_excel_book_protection~lockrevision = zif_excel_book_protection=>c_unlocked. me->zif_excel_book_protection~lockstructure = zif_excel_book_protection=>c_unlocked. me->zif_excel_book_protection~lockwindows = zif_excel_book_protection=>c_unlocked. CLEAR me->zif_excel_book_protection~workbookpassword. CLEAR me->zif_excel_book_protection~revisionspassword. endmethod. method ZIF_EXCEL_BOOK_VBA_PROJECT~SET_CODENAME. me->zif_excel_book_vba_project~codename = ip_codename. endmethod. method ZIF_EXCEL_BOOK_VBA_PROJECT~SET_CODENAME_PR. me->zif_excel_book_vba_project~codename_pr = ip_codename_pr. endmethod. method ZIF_EXCEL_BOOK_VBA_PROJECT~SET_VBAPROJECT. me->zif_excel_book_vba_project~vbaproject = ip_vbaproject. endmethod. ENDCLASS.
[ 4871, 1168, 5097, 62, 6369, 34, 3698, 6770, 198, 220, 1171, 198, 220, 2251, 1171, 764, 198, 198, 11377, 2665, 13, 198, 198, 9, 1, 9, 1171, 6805, 286, 1398, 1168, 5097, 62, 6369, 34, 3698, 198, 9, 1, 9, 466, 407, 2291, 584, 2723, 3696, 994, 10185, 198, 220, 20314, 1168, 5064, 62, 6369, 34, 3698, 62, 39453, 62, 4805, 3185, 17395, 11015, 764, 198, 220, 20314, 1168, 5064, 62, 6369, 34, 3698, 62, 39453, 62, 4805, 2394, 24565, 764, 198, 220, 20314, 1168, 5064, 62, 6369, 34, 3698, 62, 39453, 62, 53, 4339, 62, 31190, 23680, 764, 628, 220, 1366, 20978, 43300, 62, 47, 1847, 2767, 9328, 2099, 1006, 284, 1168, 5097, 62, 6369, 34, 3698, 62, 2538, 38, 43300, 62, 47, 1847, 2767, 9328, 1100, 12, 8807, 764, 198, 220, 1366, 10729, 4261, 9050, 2099, 1006, 284, 1168, 5097, 62, 6369, 34, 3698, 62, 23683, 4261, 9050, 764, 198, 220, 1366, 23210, 62, 51, 3620, 6489, 6158, 2099, 1395, 37, 24639, 764, 628, 220, 5050, 25823, 62, 4221, 3620, 36, 198, 220, 220, 220, 33332, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 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CLASS zcl_abapgit_gui_asset_manager DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_gui_asset_manager. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_asset_entry. INCLUDE TYPE zif_abapgit_gui_asset_manager~ty_web_asset. TYPES: mime_name TYPE wwwdatatab-objid, END OF ty_asset_entry , ty_asset_register TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_asset_entry WITH KEY url. METHODS register_asset IMPORTING !iv_url TYPE string !iv_type TYPE string !iv_cachable TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_true !iv_mime_name TYPE wwwdatatab-objid OPTIONAL !iv_base64 TYPE string OPTIONAL !iv_inline TYPE string OPTIONAL . PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA mt_asset_register TYPE ty_asset_register. METHODS get_mime_asset IMPORTING iv_mime_name TYPE c RETURNING VALUE(rv_xdata) TYPE xstring RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS load_asset IMPORTING is_asset_entry TYPE ty_asset_entry RETURNING VALUE(rs_asset) TYPE zif_abapgit_gui_asset_manager~ty_web_asset RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_gui_asset_manager IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD get_mime_asset. DATA: ls_key TYPE wwwdatatab, lv_size_c TYPE wwwparams-value, lv_size TYPE i, lt_w3mime TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF w3mime. ls_key-relid = 'MI'. ls_key-objid = iv_mime_name. " Get exact file size CALL FUNCTION 'WWWPARAMS_READ' EXPORTING relid = ls_key-relid objid = ls_key-objid name = 'filesize' IMPORTING value = lv_size_c EXCEPTIONS entry_not_exists = 1. IF sy-subrc IS NOT INITIAL. RETURN. ENDIF. lv_size = lv_size_c. " Get binary data CALL FUNCTION 'WWWDATA_IMPORT' EXPORTING key = ls_key TABLES mime = lt_w3mime EXCEPTIONS wrong_object_type = 1 import_error = 2. IF sy-subrc IS NOT INITIAL. RETURN. ENDIF. rv_xdata = zcl_abapgit_convert=>bintab_to_xstring( iv_size = lv_size it_bintab = lt_w3mime ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD load_asset. MOVE-CORRESPONDING is_asset_entry TO rs_asset. IF rs_asset-content IS INITIAL AND is_asset_entry-mime_name IS NOT INITIAL. " inline content has the priority rs_asset-content = get_mime_asset( is_asset_entry-mime_name ). ENDIF. IF rs_asset-content IS INITIAL. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |failed to load GUI asset: { is_asset_entry-url }| ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD register_asset. DATA ls_asset LIKE LINE OF mt_asset_register. SPLIT iv_type AT '/' INTO ls_asset-type ls_asset-subtype. ls_asset-url = iv_url. ls_asset-mime_name = iv_mime_name. ls_asset-is_cacheable = iv_cachable. IF iv_base64 IS NOT INITIAL. ls_asset-content = zcl_abapgit_convert=>base64_to_xstring( iv_base64 ). ELSEIF iv_inline IS NOT INITIAL. ls_asset-content = zcl_abapgit_convert=>string_to_xstring( iv_inline ). ENDIF. APPEND ls_asset TO mt_asset_register. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_gui_asset_manager~get_all_assets. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_a> LIKE LINE OF mt_asset_register. LOOP AT mt_asset_register ASSIGNING <ls_a>. APPEND load_asset( <ls_a> ) TO rt_assets. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_gui_asset_manager~get_asset. FIELD-SYMBOLS <ls_a> LIKE LINE OF mt_asset_register. READ TABLE mt_asset_register WITH KEY url = iv_url ASSIGNING <ls_a>. IF <ls_a> IS NOT ASSIGNED. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Cannot find GUI asset: { iv_url }| ). ENDIF. rs_asset = load_asset( <ls_a> ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_gui_asset_manager~get_text_asset. DATA ls_asset TYPE zif_abapgit_gui_asset_manager~ty_web_asset. ls_asset = zif_abapgit_gui_asset_manager~get_asset( iv_url ). IF ls_asset-type <> 'text'. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Not a text asset: { iv_url }| ). ENDIF. IF iv_assert_subtype IS NOT INITIAL AND ls_asset-subtype <> iv_assert_subtype. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |Wrong subtype ({ iv_assert_subtype }): { iv_url }| ). ENDIF. rv_asset = zcl_abapgit_convert=>xstring_to_string_utf8( ls_asset-content ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 48317, 62, 562, 316, 62, 37153, 5550, 20032, 17941, 44731, 25261, 29244, 6158, 44731, 764, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 23255, 37, 2246, 1546, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 48317, 62, 562, 316, 62, 37153, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 24412, 47, 1546, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 347, 43312, 3963, 1259, 62, 562, 316, 62, 13000, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3268, 5097, 52, 7206, 41876, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 48317, 62, 562, 316, 62, 37153, 93, 774, 62, 12384, 62, 562, 316, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 24412, 47, 1546, 25, 285, 524, 62, 3672, 41876, 7324, 19608, 265, 397, 12, 26801, 312, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 3963, 1259, 62, 562, 316, 62, 13000, 837, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1259, 62, 562, 316, 62, 30238, 41876, 49053, 9795, 43679, 3963, 1259, 62, 562, 316, 62, 13000, 13315, 35374, 19016, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 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class lcl_test definition for testing duration short risk level harmless. private section. data: anon_log type ref to zif_logger, named_log type ref to zif_logger, reopened_log type ref to zif_logger. class-methods: class_setup. methods: setup, teardown, get_first_message importing log_handle type balloghndl returning value(msg) type char255, get_messages importing log_handle type balloghndl exporting texts type table_of_strings msg_details type bal_tt_msg, format_message importing id like sy-msgid default sy-msgid lang type langu default '-' no like sy-msgno default sy-msgno v1 like sy-msgv1 default sy-msgv1 v2 like sy-msgv2 default sy-msgv2 v3 like sy-msgv3 default sy-msgv3 v4 like sy-msgv4 default sy-msgv4 returning value(msg) type string, can_create_anon_log for testing, can_create_named_log for testing, can_reopen_log for testing, can_create_expiring_log_days for testing, can_create_expiring_log_date for testing, can_open_or_create for testing, can_add_log_context for testing, can_add_to_log for testing, can_add_to_named_log for testing, auto_saves_named_log for testing, auto_saves_reopened_log for testing, can_log_string for testing, can_log_char for testing, can_log_bapiret1 for testing, can_log_bapiret2 for testing, can_log_bapi_coru_return for testing, can_log_bapi_order_return for testing, can_log_rcomp for testing, can_log_prott for testing, can_log_bapirettab for testing, can_log_err for testing, can_log_chained_exceptions for testing, can_log_batch_msgs for testing, can_log_any_simple_structure for testing, can_log_any_deep_structure for testing, can_add_msg_context for testing, can_add_callback_sub for testing, can_add_callback_fm for testing, must_use_factory for testing, can_use_and_chain_aliases for testing, return_proper_status for testing, return_proper_length for testing, can_add_table_msg_context FOR TESTING RAISING cx_static_check. endclass. "lcl_Test class lcl_test implementation. method class_setup. zcl_logger=>new( object = 'ABAPUNIT' subobject = 'LOGGER' desc = 'Log saved in database' )->add( 'This message is in the database' ). endmethod. method setup. anon_log = zcl_logger=>new( ). named_log = zcl_logger=>new( object = 'ABAPUNIT' subobject = 'LOGGER' desc = `Hey it's a log` ). reopened_log = zcl_logger=>open( object = 'ABAPUNIT' subobject = 'LOGGER' desc = 'Log saved in database' ). endmethod. method can_create_anon_log. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_bound( act = anon_log msg = 'Cannot Instantiate Anonymous Log' ). endmethod. method can_create_named_log. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_bound( act = named_log msg = 'Cannot Instantiate Named Log' ). endmethod. method can_create_expiring_log_days. data expiring_log type ref to zif_logger. data act_header type bal_s_log. constants days_until_log_can_be_deleted type i value 365. expiring_log = zcl_logger_factory=>create_log( object = 'ABAPUNIT' subobject = 'LOGGER' desc = 'Log that is not deletable and expiring' settings = zcl_logger_factory=>create_settings( )->set_expiry_in_days( days_until_log_can_be_deleted )->set_must_be_kept_until_expiry( abap_true ) ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_bound( act = expiring_log msg = 'Cannot Instantiate Expiring Log' ). call function 'BAL_LOG_HDR_READ' exporting i_log_handle = expiring_log->handle importing e_s_log = act_header. data lv_exp type d. lv_exp = sy-datum + days_until_log_can_be_deleted. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exporting exp = lv_exp act = act_header-aldate_del msg = 'Log is not expiring in correct amount of days' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exporting exp = abap_true act = act_header-del_before msg = 'Log should not be deletable before expiry date' ). endmethod. method can_create_expiring_log_date. data expiring_log type ref to zif_logger. data act_header type bal_s_log. constants days_until_log_can_be_deleted type i value 365. data lv_expire type d. lv_expire = sy-datum + days_until_log_can_be_deleted. expiring_log = zcl_logger_factory=>create_log( object = 'ABAPUNIT' subobject = 'LOGGER' desc = 'Log that is not deletable and expiring' settings = zcl_logger_factory=>create_settings( )->set_expiry_date( lv_expire )->set_must_be_kept_until_expiry( abap_true ) ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_bound( act = expiring_log msg = 'Cannot Instantiate Expiring Log' ). call function 'BAL_LOG_HDR_READ' exporting i_log_handle = expiring_log->handle importing e_s_log = act_header. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exporting exp = lv_expire act = act_header-aldate_del msg = 'Log is not expiring on correct date' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exporting exp = abap_true act = act_header-del_before msg = 'Log should not be deletable before expiry date' ). endmethod. method can_reopen_log. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_bound( act = reopened_log msg = 'Cannot Reopen Log from DB' ). endmethod. method can_open_or_create. data: created_log type ref to zif_logger, handles type bal_t_logh. call function 'BAL_GLB_MEMORY_REFRESH'. "Close Logs reopened_log = zcl_logger=>open( object = 'ABAPUNIT' subobject = 'LOGGER' desc = 'Log saved in database' create_if_does_not_exist = abap_true ). created_log = zcl_logger=>open( object = 'ABAPUNIT' subobject = 'LOGGER' desc = 'Log not in database' create_if_does_not_exist = abap_true ). call function 'BAL_GLB_SEARCH_LOG' importing e_t_log_handle = handles. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 2 act = lines( handles ) msg = 'Did not create nonexistent log from OPEN' ). endmethod. method can_add_log_context. data: log type ref to zif_logger, random_country_data type t005t, act_header type bal_s_log. random_country_data-mandt = sy-mandt. random_country_data-spras = 'D'. random_country_data-land1 = 'DE'. log = zcl_logger=>new( context = random_country_data ). call function 'BAL_LOG_HDR_READ' exporting i_log_handle = log->handle importing e_s_log = act_header. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 'T005T' act = act_header-context-tabname msg = 'Did not add context to log' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = random_country_data act = act_header-context-value msg = 'Did not add context to log' ). endmethod. method can_add_to_log. data: dummy type c. message s001(00) with 'I' 'test' 'the' 'logger.' into dummy. anon_log->add( ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 'Itestthelogger.' act = get_first_message( anon_log->handle ) msg = 'Did not log system message properly' ). endmethod. method can_add_to_named_log. data: dummy type c. message s001(00) with 'Testing' 'a' 'named' 'logger.' into dummy. named_log->add( ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 'Testinganamedlogger.' act = get_first_message( named_log->handle ) msg = 'Did not write to named log' ). endmethod. method auto_saves_named_log. data: dummy type c, log_numbers type bal_t_logn, msg type string. message s000(sabp_unit) with 'Testing' 'logger' 'that' 'saves.' into dummy. named_log->add( ). msg = format_message( ). call function 'BAL_GLB_MEMORY_REFRESH'. append named_log->db_number to log_numbers. call function 'BAL_DB_LOAD' exporting i_t_lognumber = log_numbers. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = msg act = get_first_message( named_log->handle ) msg = 'Did not write to named log' ). endmethod. method auto_saves_reopened_log. data: log_numbers type bal_t_logn, act_texts type table_of_strings, act_text type string. reopened_log->add( 'This is another message in the database' ). call function 'BAL_GLB_MEMORY_REFRESH'. append reopened_log->db_number to log_numbers. call function 'BAL_DB_LOAD' exporting i_t_lognumber = log_numbers. get_messages( exporting log_handle = reopened_log->handle importing texts = act_texts ). read table act_texts index 1 into act_text. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 'This message is in the database' act = act_text msg = 'Did not autosave to reopened log' ). read table act_texts index 2 into act_text. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 'This is another message in the database' act = act_text msg = 'Did not autosave to reopened log' ). endmethod. method can_log_string. data: stringmessage type string value `Logging a string, guys!`. anon_log->add( stringmessage ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = stringmessage act = get_first_message( anon_log->handle ) msg = 'Did not log system message properly' ). endmethod. method can_log_char. data: charmessage type char70 value 'Logging a char sequence!'. anon_log->add( charmessage ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = charmessage act = get_first_message( anon_log->handle ) msg = 'Did not log system message properly' ). endmethod. method can_log_bapiret1. data: bapi_msg type bapiret1, msg_handle type balmsghndl, expected_details type bal_s_msg, actual_details type bal_s_msg, actual_text type char200. expected_details-msgty = bapi_msg-type = 'W'. expected_details-msgid = bapi_msg-id = 'BL'. expected_details-msgno = bapi_msg-number = '001'. expected_details-msgv1 = bapi_msg-message_v1 = 'This'. expected_details-msgv2 = bapi_msg-message_v2 = 'is'. expected_details-msgv3 = bapi_msg-message_v3 = 'a'. expected_details-msgv4 = bapi_msg-message_v4 = 'test'. anon_log->add( bapi_msg ). msg_handle-log_handle = anon_log->handle. msg_handle-msgnumber = '000001'. call function 'BAL_LOG_MSG_READ' exporting i_s_msg_handle = msg_handle importing e_s_msg = actual_details e_txt_msg = actual_text. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_not_initial( act = actual_details-time_stmp msg = 'Did not log system message properly' ). expected_details-msg_count = 1. clear actual_details-time_stmp. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = expected_details act = actual_details msg = 'Did not log system message properly' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 'This is a test' act = condense( actual_text ) msg = 'Did not log system message properly' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = abap_true act = anon_log->has_warnings( ) msg = 'Did not log or fetch system message properly' ). endmethod. method can_log_bapiret2. data: bapi_msg type bapiret2, msg_handle type balmsghndl, expected_details type bal_s_msg, actual_details type bal_s_msg, actual_text type char200. expected_details-msgty = bapi_msg-type = 'W'. expected_details-msgid = bapi_msg-id = 'BL'. expected_details-msgno = bapi_msg-number = '001'. expected_details-msgv1 = bapi_msg-message_v1 = 'This'. expected_details-msgv2 = bapi_msg-message_v2 = 'is'. expected_details-msgv3 = bapi_msg-message_v3 = 'a'. expected_details-msgv4 = bapi_msg-message_v4 = 'test'. anon_log->add( bapi_msg ). msg_handle-log_handle = anon_log->handle. msg_handle-msgnumber = '000001'. call function 'BAL_LOG_MSG_READ' exporting i_s_msg_handle = msg_handle importing e_s_msg = actual_details e_txt_msg = actual_text. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_not_initial( act = actual_details-time_stmp msg = 'Did not log system message properly' ). expected_details-msg_count = 1. clear actual_details-time_stmp. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = expected_details act = actual_details msg = 'Did not log system message properly' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 'This is a test' act = condense( actual_text ) msg = 'Did not log system message properly' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = abap_true act = anon_log->has_warnings( ) msg = 'Did not log or fetch system message properly' ). endmethod. method can_log_bapi_coru_return. data: bapi_msg type bapi_coru_return, msg_handle type balmsghndl, expected_details type bal_s_msg, actual_details type bal_s_msg, actual_text type char200. expected_details-msgty = bapi_msg-type = 'W'. expected_details-msgid = bapi_msg-id = 'BL'. expected_details-msgno = bapi_msg-number = '001'. expected_details-msgv1 = bapi_msg-message_v1 = 'This'. expected_details-msgv2 = bapi_msg-message_v2 = 'is'. expected_details-msgv3 = bapi_msg-message_v3 = 'a'. expected_details-msgv4 = bapi_msg-message_v4 = 'test'. anon_log->add( bapi_msg ). msg_handle-log_handle = anon_log->handle. msg_handle-msgnumber = '000001'. call function 'BAL_LOG_MSG_READ' exporting i_s_msg_handle = msg_handle importing e_s_msg = actual_details e_txt_msg = actual_text. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_not_initial( act = actual_details-time_stmp msg = 'Did not log system message properly' ). expected_details-msg_count = 1. clear actual_details-time_stmp. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = expected_details act = actual_details msg = 'Did not log system message properly' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 'This is a test' act = condense( actual_text ) msg = 'Did not log system message properly' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = abap_true act = anon_log->has_warnings( ) msg = 'Did not log or fetch system message properly' ). endmethod. method can_log_bapi_order_return. data: msg_handle type balmsghndl, expected_details type bal_s_msg, actual_details type bal_s_msg, actual_text type char200. "Solution manager doens't have BAPI_ORDER_RETURN. Therefore avoid using the concrete type DATA bapi_order_return_data_ref TYPE REF TO DATA. DATA bapi_return_temp TYPE bapiret2."these fields have the same name as BAPI_ORDER_RETURN FIELD-SYMBOLS <bapi_order_return_structure> TYPE ANY. TRY. CREATE DATA bapi_order_return_data_ref TYPE ('BAPI_ORDER_RETURN'). CATCH CX_SY_CREATE_DATA_ERROR. RETURN."Non ECC System such as SolutionManager ENDTRY. ASSIGN bapi_order_return_data_ref->* TO <bapi_order_return_structure>. expected_details-msgty = bapi_return_temp-type = 'E'. expected_details-msgid = bapi_return_temp-id = 'BL'. expected_details-msgno = bapi_return_temp-number = '001'. expected_details-msgv1 = bapi_return_temp-message_v1 = 'This'. expected_details-msgv2 = bapi_return_temp-message_v2 = 'is'. expected_details-msgv3 = bapi_return_temp-message_v3 = 'a'. expected_details-msgv4 = bapi_return_temp-message_v4 = 'test'. MOVE-CORRESPONDING bapi_return_temp TO <bapi_order_return_structure>. anon_log->add( <bapi_order_return_structure> ). msg_handle-log_handle = anon_log->handle. msg_handle-msgnumber = '000001'. call function 'BAL_LOG_MSG_READ' exporting i_s_msg_handle = msg_handle importing e_s_msg = actual_details e_txt_msg = actual_text. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_not_initial( act = actual_details-time_stmp msg = 'Did not log system message properly' ). expected_details-msg_count = 1. clear actual_details-time_stmp. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = expected_details act = actual_details msg = 'Did not log system message properly' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 'This is a test' act = condense( actual_text ) msg = 'Did not log system message properly' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = abap_true act = anon_log->has_errors( ) msg = 'Did not log or fetch system message properly' ). endmethod. method can_log_rcomp. data: msg_handle type balmsghndl, expected_details type bal_s_msg, actual_details type bal_s_msg, actual_text type char200. "Solution manager doens't have PROTT. Therefore avoid using the concrete type DATA rcomp_data_ref TYPE REF TO DATA. FIELD-SYMBOLS <rcomp_structure> TYPE ANY. TRY. CREATE DATA rcomp_data_ref TYPE ('RCOMP'). CATCH CX_SY_CREATE_DATA_ERROR. RETURN."Non ECC System such as SolutionManager ENDTRY. ASSIGN rcomp_data_ref->* TO <rcomp_structure>. expected_details-msgty = 'E'. expected_details-msgid = 'BL'. expected_details-msgno = '001'. expected_details-msgv1 = 'This'. expected_details-msgv2 = 'is'. expected_details-msgv3 = 'a'. expected_details-msgv4 = 'test'. MOVE-CORRESPONDING expected_details TO <rcomp_structure>. anon_log->add( <rcomp_structure> ). msg_handle-log_handle = anon_log->handle. msg_handle-msgnumber = '000001'. call function 'BAL_LOG_MSG_READ' exporting i_s_msg_handle = msg_handle importing e_s_msg = actual_details e_txt_msg = actual_text. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_not_initial( act = actual_details-time_stmp msg = 'Did not log system message properly' ). expected_details-msg_count = 1. clear actual_details-time_stmp. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = expected_details act = actual_details msg = 'Did not log system message properly' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 'This is a test' act = condense( actual_text ) msg = 'Did not log system message properly' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = abap_true act = anon_log->has_errors( ) msg = 'Did not log or fetch system message properly' ). endmethod. METHOD can_log_prott. data: msg_handle type balmsghndl, expected_details type bal_s_msg, actual_details type bal_s_msg, actual_text type char200. "Solution manager doens't have PROTT. Therefore avoid using the concrete type DATA prott_data_ref TYPE REF TO DATA. FIELD-SYMBOLS <prott_structure> TYPE ANY. TRY. CREATE DATA prott_data_ref TYPE ('PROTT'). CATCH CX_SY_CREATE_DATA_ERROR. RETURN."Non ECC System such as SolutionManager ENDTRY. ASSIGN prott_data_ref->* TO <prott_structure>. expected_details-msgty = 'W'. expected_details-msgid = 'BL'. expected_details-msgno = '001'. expected_details-msgv1 = 'This'. expected_details-msgv2 = 'is'. expected_details-msgv3 = 'a'. expected_details-msgv4 = 'test'. MOVE-CORRESPONDING expected_details TO <prott_structure>. anon_log->add( <prott_structure> ). msg_handle-log_handle = anon_log->handle. msg_handle-msgnumber = '000001'. call function 'BAL_LOG_MSG_READ' exporting i_s_msg_handle = msg_handle importing e_s_msg = actual_details e_txt_msg = actual_text. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_not_initial( act = actual_details-time_stmp msg = 'Did not log system message properly' ). expected_details-msg_count = 1. clear actual_details-time_stmp. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = expected_details act = actual_details msg = 'Did not log system message properly' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 'This is a test' act = condense( actual_text ) msg = 'Did not log system message properly' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = abap_true act = anon_log->has_warnings( ) msg = 'Did not log or fetch system message properly' ). ENDMETHOD. method can_log_bapirettab. data: bapi_messages type bapirettab, bapi_msg type bapiret2, exp_texts type table_of_strings, exp_text type string, exp_details type bal_tt_msg, exp_detail type bal_s_msg, act_texts type table_of_strings, act_text type string, act_details type bal_tt_msg, act_detail type bal_s_msg. define bapiret_messages_are. exp_detail-msgty = bapi_msg-type = &1. exp_detail-msgid = bapi_msg-id = &2. exp_detail-msgno = bapi_msg-number = &3. exp_detail-msgv1 = bapi_msg-message_v1 = &4. exp_detail-msgv2 = bapi_msg-message_v2 = &5. exp_detail-msgv3 = bapi_msg-message_v3 = &6. exp_detail-msgv4 = bapi_msg-message_v4 = &7. exp_text = |{ exp_detail-msgv1 } { exp_detail-msgv2 } { exp_detail-msgv3 } { exp_detail-msgv4 }|. APPEND bapi_msg TO bapi_messages. APPEND exp_detail TO exp_details. APPEND exp_text TO exp_texts. end-of-definition. bapiret_messages_are: 'S' 'BL' '001' 'This' 'is' 'happy' 'message', 'W' 'BL' '001' 'This' 'is' 'warning' 'message', 'E' 'BL' '001' 'This' 'is' 'angry' 'message'. anon_log->add( bapi_messages ). get_messages( exporting log_handle = anon_log->handle importing texts = act_texts msg_details = act_details ). do 3 times. read table act_details into act_detail index sy-index. read table exp_details into exp_detail index sy-index. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_not_initial( act = act_detail-time_stmp msg = 'Did not log system message properly' ). exp_detail-msg_count = 1. clear act_detail-time_stmp. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = exp_detail act = act_detail msg = 'Did not log bapirettab properly' ). read table act_texts into act_text index sy-index. read table exp_texts into exp_text index sy-index. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = exp_text act = condense( act_text ) msg = 'Did not log bapirettab properly' ). enddo. endmethod. method can_log_err. data: impossible_int type i, err type ref to cx_sy_zerodivide, act_txt type char255, exp_txt type char255, long_text type string, msg_handle type balmsghndl. try. impossible_int = 1 / 0. "Make an error! catch cx_sy_zerodivide into err. anon_log->add( err ). exp_txt = err->if_message~get_text( ). long_text = err->if_message~get_longtext( ). endtry. msg_handle-log_handle = anon_log->handle. msg_handle-msgnumber = '000001'. call function 'BAL_LOG_EXCEPTION_READ' exporting i_s_msg_handle = msg_handle importing e_txt_msg = act_txt. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = exp_txt "'Division by zero' act = act_txt msg = 'Did not log throwable correctly' ). endmethod. method can_log_chained_exceptions. data: main_exception type ref to lcx_t100, previous_exception type ref to lcx_t100, catched_exception type ref to lcx_t100, msg_handle type balmsghndl, act_texts type table_of_strings, act_text type string. define exceptions_are. create object main_exception exporting previous = previous_exception id = &1 no = &2 msgv1 = &3 msgv2 = &4 msgv3 = &5 msgv4 = &6. previous_exception = main_exception. end-of-definition. "Given exceptions_are: 'SABP_UNIT' '010' '' '' '' '', 'SABP_UNIT' '030' '' '' '' '', 'SABP_UNIT' '000' 'This' 'is' 'test' 'message'. "When try. raise exception main_exception. catch lcx_t100 into catched_exception. anon_log->add( catched_exception ). endtry. "Then get_messages( exporting log_handle = anon_log->handle importing texts = act_texts ). read table act_texts index 1 into act_text. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = format_message( id = 'SABP_UNIT' no = 010 ) " 'Message 1' act = act_text msg = 'Did not log chained exception correctly' ). read table act_texts index 2 into act_text. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = format_message( id = 'SABP_UNIT' no = 030 ) " 'Message 2' act = act_text msg = 'Did not log chained exception correctly' ). read table act_texts index 3 into act_text. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = format_message( id = 'SABP_UNIT' no = 000 v1 = 'This' v2 = 'is' v3 = 'test' v4 = 'message' ) " 'Message: This is test message' act = act_text msg = 'Did not log chained exception correctly' ). endmethod. method can_log_batch_msgs. data: batch_msgs type table of bdcmsgcoll, batch_msg type bdcmsgcoll, act_texts type table_of_strings, act_text type string. define batch_messages_are. batch_msg-msgtyp = &1. batch_msg-msgid = &2. batch_msg-msgnr = &3. batch_msg-msgv1 = &4. batch_msg-msgv2 = &5. batch_msg-msgv3 = &6. batch_msg-msgv4 = &7. APPEND batch_msg TO batch_msgs. end-of-definition. batch_messages_are: 'S' 'SABP_UNIT' '010' '' '' '' '', 'S' 'SABP_UNIT' '030' '' '' '' '', 'S' 'SABP_UNIT' '000' 'This' 'is' 'test' 'message'. anon_log->add( batch_msgs ). get_messages( exporting log_handle = anon_log->handle importing texts = act_texts ). read table act_texts index 1 into act_text. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = format_message( id = 'SABP_UNIT' no = 010 ) " 'Message 1' act = act_text msg = 'Did not log BDC return messages correctly' ). read table act_texts index 2 into act_text. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = format_message( id = 'SABP_UNIT' no = 030 ) " 'Message 2' act = act_text msg = 'Did not log BDC return messages correctly' ). read table act_texts index 3 into act_text. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = format_message( id = 'SABP_UNIT' no = 000 v1 = 'This' v2 = 'is' v3 = 'test' v4 = 'message' ) " 'Message: This is test message' act = act_text msg = 'Did not log BDC return messages correctly' ). endmethod. method can_log_any_simple_structure. types: begin of ty_struct, comp1 type string, comp2 type i, end of ty_struct. data: struct type ty_struct, act_table type table_of_strings, exp_table type table_of_strings, exp_line like line of exp_table, msg_details type bal_tt_msg. struct-comp1 = 'Demo'. struct-comp2 = 5. anon_log->e( struct ). get_messages( exporting log_handle = anon_log->handle importing texts = act_table msg_details = msg_details ). exp_line = '--- Begin of structure ---'. append exp_line to exp_table. exp_line = 'comp1 = Demo'. append exp_line to exp_table. exp_line = 'comp2 = 5'. append exp_line to exp_table. exp_line = '--- End of structure ---'. append exp_line to exp_table. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = exp_table act = act_table msg = 'Simple structure was not logged correctly' ). endmethod. method can_log_any_deep_structure. types: begin of ty_struct, comp1 type string, comp2 type i, end of ty_struct, begin of ty_deep_struct, comp1 type string, deep type ty_struct, end of ty_deep_struct. data: struct type ty_deep_struct, act_table type table_of_strings, exp_table type table_of_strings, exp_line like line of exp_table, msg_details type bal_tt_msg. struct-comp1 = 'Demo'. struct-deep-comp1 = 'Inner component'. struct-deep-comp2 = 10. anon_log->e( struct ). get_messages( exporting log_handle = anon_log->handle importing texts = act_table msg_details = msg_details ). exp_line = '--- Begin of structure ---'. append exp_line to exp_table. exp_line = 'comp1 = Demo'. append exp_line to exp_table. exp_line = '--- Begin of structure ---'. append exp_line to exp_table. exp_line = 'comp1 = Inner component'. append exp_line to exp_table. exp_line = 'comp2 = 10'. append exp_line to exp_table. exp_line = '--- End of structure ---'. append exp_line to exp_table. exp_line = '--- End of structure ---'. append exp_line to exp_table. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = exp_table act = act_table msg = 'Deep structure was not logged correctly' ). endmethod. method can_add_msg_context. data: addl_context type bezei20 value 'Berlin', "data element from dictionary! msg_handle type balmsghndl, act_details type bal_s_msg. anon_log->add( obj_to_log = 'Here is some text' context = addl_context ). msg_handle-log_handle = anon_log->handle. msg_handle-msgnumber = '000001'. call function 'BAL_LOG_MSG_READ' exporting i_s_msg_handle = msg_handle importing e_s_msg = act_details. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = addl_context act = act_details-context-value msg = 'Did not add context correctly' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 'BEZEI20' act = act_details-context-tabname msg = 'Did not add context correctly' ). endmethod. method can_add_table_msg_context. data: addl_context type bezei20 value 'Berlin', "data element from dictionary! msg_handle type balmsghndl, act_details type bal_s_msg. data msg_table type table_of_strings. append `Here is some text` to msg_table. append `Here is some other text` to msg_table. anon_log->add( obj_to_log = msg_table context = addl_context ). msg_handle-log_handle = anon_log->handle. msg_handle-msgnumber = '000001'. call function 'BAL_LOG_MSG_READ' exporting i_s_msg_handle = msg_handle importing e_s_msg = act_details. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = addl_context act = act_details-context-value msg = 'Did not add context correctly' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 'BEZEI20' act = act_details-context-tabname msg = 'Did not add context correctly' ). msg_handle-msgnumber = '000002'. call function 'BAL_LOG_MSG_READ' exporting i_s_msg_handle = msg_handle importing e_s_msg = act_details. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_initial( act = act_details-context-value msg = 'Context should only be added to first line' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_initial( act = act_details-context-tabname msg = 'Context should only be added to first line' ). endmethod. method can_add_callback_sub. data: msg_handle type balmsghndl, msg_detail type bal_s_msg, exp_callback type bal_s_clbk. anon_log->add( obj_to_log = 'Message with Callback' callback_form = 'FORM' callback_prog = 'PROGRAM' ). msg_handle-log_handle = anon_log->handle. msg_handle-msgnumber = '000001'. call function 'BAL_LOG_MSG_READ' exporting i_s_msg_handle = msg_handle importing e_s_msg = msg_detail. exp_callback-userexitf = 'FORM'. exp_callback-userexitp = 'PROGRAM'. exp_callback-userexitt = ' '. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = exp_callback act = msg_detail-params-callback msg = 'Did not add callback correctly' ). endmethod. method can_add_callback_fm. data: msg_handle type balmsghndl, msg_detail type bal_s_msg, exp_callback type bal_s_clbk. anon_log->add( obj_to_log = 'Message with Callback' callback_fm = 'FUNCTION' ). msg_handle-log_handle = anon_log->handle. msg_handle-msgnumber = '000001'. call function 'BAL_LOG_MSG_READ' exporting i_s_msg_handle = msg_handle importing e_s_msg = msg_detail. exp_callback-userexitf = 'FUNCTION'. exp_callback-userexitp = ' '. exp_callback-userexitt = 'F'. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = exp_callback act = msg_detail-params-callback msg = 'Did not add callback correctly' ). endmethod. method must_use_factory. data: log type ref to object. try. create object log type ('ZCL_LOGGER'). cl_aunit_assert=>fail( 'Did not force creation via factory' ). catch cx_sy_create_object_error. "PASSED endtry. endmethod. method can_use_and_chain_aliases. data: texts type table_of_strings, text type string, msg_details type bal_tt_msg, msg_detail type bal_s_msg. anon_log->a( 'Severe Abort Error!' )->e( |Here's an error!| ). anon_log->w( 'This is a warning' )->i( `Helpful Information` ). anon_log->s( 'Great' && 'Success' ). get_messages( exporting log_handle = anon_log->handle importing texts = texts msg_details = msg_details ). read table texts index 1 into text. read table msg_details index 1 into msg_detail. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 'A' act = msg_detail-msgty msg = 'Didn''t log by alias' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 'Severe Abort Error!' act = text msg = 'Didn''t log by alias' ). read table texts index 2 into text. read table msg_details index 2 into msg_detail. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 'E' act = msg_detail-msgty msg = 'Didn''t log by alias' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 'Here''s an error!' act = text msg = 'Didn''t log by alias' ). read table texts index 3 into text. read table msg_details index 3 into msg_detail. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 'W' act = msg_detail-msgty msg = 'Didn''t log by alias' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 'This is a warning' act = text msg = 'Didn''t log by alias' ). read table texts index 4 into text. read table msg_details index 4 into msg_detail. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 'I' act = msg_detail-msgty msg = 'Didn''t log by alias' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 'Helpful Information' act = text msg = 'Didn''t log by alias' ). read table texts index 5 into text. read table msg_details index 5 into msg_detail. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 'S' act = msg_detail-msgty msg = 'Didn''t log by alias' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 'GreatSuccess' act = text msg = 'Didn''t log by alias' ). endmethod. method get_first_message. data: msg_handle type balmsghndl. msg_handle-log_handle = log_handle. msg_handle-msgnumber = '000001'. call function 'BAL_LOG_MSG_READ' exporting i_s_msg_handle = msg_handle importing e_txt_msg = msg. endmethod. method get_messages. data: handle_as_table type bal_t_logh, message_handles type bal_t_msgh, msg_handle type balmsghndl, msg_detail type bal_s_msg, msg_text type char255. append log_handle to handle_as_table. call function 'BAL_GLB_SEARCH_MSG' exporting i_t_log_handle = handle_as_table importing e_t_msg_handle = message_handles. loop at message_handles into msg_handle. call function 'BAL_LOG_MSG_READ' exporting i_s_msg_handle = msg_handle importing e_s_msg = msg_detail e_txt_msg = msg_text. append msg_detail to msg_details. append msg_text to texts. endloop. endmethod. method format_message. call function 'FORMAT_MESSAGE' exporting id = id lang = 'E' no = no v1 = v1 v2 = v2 v3 = v3 v4 = v4 importing msg = msg exceptions not_found = 1 others = 2. * TODO: raise abap unit endmethod. method teardown. call function 'BAL_GLB_MEMORY_REFRESH'. endmethod. method return_proper_status. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_not_initial( act = anon_log->is_empty( ) msg = 'Not empty at start' ). anon_log->s( 'success' ). anon_log->i( 'info' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_initial( act = anon_log->is_empty( ) msg = 'Empty after add' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_initial( act = anon_log->has_errors( ) msg = 'Has errors when there were no errors' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_initial( act = anon_log->has_warnings( ) msg = 'Has warnings when there were no warnings' ). anon_log->e( 'error' ). anon_log->w( 'warning' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_not_initial( act = anon_log->has_errors( ) msg = 'Has no errors when there were errors' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_not_initial( act = anon_log->has_warnings( ) msg = 'Has no warnings when there were warnings' ). endmethod. method return_proper_length. cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 0 act = anon_log->length( ) msg = 'Did not return 0 length at start' ). anon_log->s( 'success' ). anon_log->i( 'info' ). anon_log->w( 'warning' ). cl_aunit_assert=>assert_equals( exp = 3 act = anon_log->length( ) msg = 'Did not return right length after add' ). endmethod. endclass. "lcl_Test
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_iwpr DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_objects_super CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_object . PROTECTED SECTION. METHODS get_generic RETURNING VALUE(ro_generic) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_objects_generic RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_iwpr IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD get_generic. CREATE OBJECT ro_generic EXPORTING is_item = ms_item iv_language = mv_language. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~changed_by. rv_user = zcl_abapgit_objects_super=>c_user_unknown. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~delete. get_generic( )->delete( iv_package ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~deserialize. get_generic( )->deserialize( iv_package = iv_package io_xml = io_xml ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~exists. rv_bool = get_generic( )->exists( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_comparator. RETURN. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_deserialize_steps. APPEND zif_abapgit_object=>gc_step_id-abap TO rt_steps. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_metadata. rs_metadata = get_metadata( ). rs_metadata-delete_tadir = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_active. rv_active = is_active( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_locked. rv_is_locked = abap_false. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~jump. SUBMIT /iwbep/r_sbui_service_builder WITH i_prname = ms_item-obj_name AND RETURN. rv_exit = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~serialize. get_generic( )->serialize( io_xml ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_type DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_objects_super FINAL. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_object. ALIASES mo_files FOR zif_abapgit_object~mo_files. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. CONSTANTS: c_prefix TYPE c LENGTH 3 VALUE '%_C'. METHODS read EXPORTING ev_ddtext TYPE ddtypet-ddtext et_source TYPE abaptxt255_tab RAISING zcx_abapgit_not_found. METHODS create IMPORTING iv_ddtext TYPE ddtypet-ddtext it_source TYPE abaptxt255_tab iv_devclass TYPE devclass RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPGIT_OBJECT_TYPE IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD create. DATA: lv_progname TYPE reposrc-progname, lv_typegroup TYPE rsedd0-typegroup. lv_typegroup = ms_item-obj_name. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_DD_TYGR_INSERT_SOURCES' EXPORTING typegroupname = lv_typegroup ddtext = iv_ddtext corrnum = '' devclass = iv_devclass TABLES source = it_source EXCEPTIONS already_exists = 1 not_executed = 2 permission_failure = 3 object_not_specified = 4 illegal_name = 5 OTHERS = 6. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from RS_DD_TYGR_INSERT_SOURCES' ). ENDIF. CONCATENATE c_prefix lv_typegroup INTO lv_progname. UPDATE progdir SET uccheck = abap_true WHERE name = lv_progname. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error setting uccheck' ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD read. DATA: lv_typdname TYPE rsedd0-typegroup, lt_psmodisrc TYPE TABLE OF smodisrc, lt_psmodilog TYPE TABLE OF smodilog, lt_ptrdir TYPE TABLE OF trdir. SELECT SINGLE ddtext FROM ddtypet INTO ev_ddtext WHERE typegroup = ms_item-obj_name AND ddlanguage = mv_language. lv_typdname = ms_item-obj_name. " Active version CALL FUNCTION 'TYPD_GET_OBJECT' EXPORTING typdname = lv_typdname TABLES psmodisrc = lt_psmodisrc psmodilog = lt_psmodilog psource = et_source ptrdir = lt_ptrdir EXCEPTIONS version_not_found = 1 reps_not_exist = 2 OTHERS = 3. IF sy-subrc <> 0. " Inactive version CALL FUNCTION 'TYPD_GET_OBJECT' EXPORTING typdname = lv_typdname r3state = 'I' TABLES psmodisrc = lt_psmodisrc psmodilog = lt_psmodilog psource = et_source ptrdir = lt_ptrdir EXCEPTIONS version_not_found = 1 reps_not_exist = 2 OTHERS = 3. ENDIF. IF sy-subrc <> 0. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_abapgit_not_found. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~changed_by. rv_user = c_user_unknown. " todo ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~delete. IF zif_abapgit_object~exists( ) = abap_false. RETURN. ENDIF. delete_ddic( 'G' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~deserialize. DATA: lv_ddtext TYPE ddtypet-ddtext, lt_source TYPE abaptxt255_tab, lv_progname TYPE reposrc-progname, lv_typegroup TYPE rsedd0-typegroup. lv_typegroup = ms_item-obj_name. io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'DDTEXT' CHANGING cg_data = lv_ddtext ). lt_source = mo_files->read_abap( ). IF zif_abapgit_object~exists( ) = abap_false. create( iv_ddtext = lv_ddtext it_source = lt_source iv_devclass = iv_package ). ELSE. CONCATENATE c_prefix lv_typegroup INTO lv_progname. INSERT REPORT lv_progname FROM lt_source STATE 'I'. ENDIF. zcl_abapgit_objects_activation=>add_item( ms_item ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~exists. TRY. read( ). rv_bool = abap_true. CATCH zcx_abapgit_not_found zcx_abapgit_exception. rv_bool = abap_false. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_comparator. RETURN. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_deserialize_steps. APPEND zif_abapgit_object=>gc_step_id-abap TO rt_steps. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_metadata. rs_metadata = get_metadata( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_active. rv_active = is_active( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_locked. rv_is_locked = abap_false. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~jump. jump_se11( iv_radio = 'RSRD1-TYMA' iv_field = 'RSRD1-TYMA_VAL' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~serialize. DATA: lv_ddtext TYPE ddtypet-ddtext, lt_source TYPE abaptxt255_tab. TRY. read( IMPORTING ev_ddtext = lv_ddtext et_source = lt_source ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_not_found. RETURN. ENDTRY. io_xml->add( iv_name = 'DDTEXT' ig_data = lv_ddtext ). mo_files->add_abap( lt_source ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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REPORT z_dmee_invoice_extract. "Custom DMEE Tree Type handling INCLUDE z_dmee_invoice_extract_lcl00."Tools and data types INCLUDE z_dmee_invoice_extract_ssc. "Selection Screen INCLUDE z_dmee_invoice_extract_lcl01."Screen processing class INCLUDE z_dmee_invoice_extract_lcl02."ALV processing INCLUDE z_dmee_invoice_extract_lcl03."Main report processing AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR p_vari. lcl_screen=>call_f4( lcl_tools=>c_f4_var ). START-OF-SELECTION. lcl_screen=>get_instance( )->initialize( ). lcl_report=>get_instance( )->process( ).
[ 2200, 15490, 1976, 62, 67, 1326, 68, 62, 16340, 2942, 62, 2302, 974, 13, 198, 198, 1, 15022, 14848, 6500, 12200, 5994, 9041, 198, 1268, 5097, 52, 7206, 1976, 62, 67, 1326, 68, 62, 16340, 2942, 62, 2302, 974, 62, 75, 565, 405, 526, 33637, 290, 1366, 3858, 198, 1268, 5097, 52, 7206, 1976, 62, 67, 1326, 68, 62, 16340, 2942, 62, 2302, 974, 62, 824, 66, 13, 220, 366, 4653, 1564, 15216, 198, 1268, 5097, 52, 7206, 1976, 62, 67, 1326, 68, 62, 16340, 2942, 62, 2302, 974, 62, 75, 565, 486, 526, 23901, 7587, 1398, 198, 1268, 5097, 52, 7206, 1976, 62, 67, 1326, 68, 62, 16340, 2942, 62, 2302, 974, 62, 75, 565, 2999, 526, 1847, 53, 7587, 198, 1268, 5097, 52, 7206, 1976, 62, 67, 1326, 68, 62, 16340, 2942, 62, 2302, 974, 62, 75, 565, 3070, 526, 13383, 989, 7587, 198, 198, 1404, 33493, 2849, 12, 6173, 2200, 1677, 6177, 26173, 8924, 12, 2200, 35780, 7473, 279, 62, 25641, 13, 198, 220, 300, 565, 62, 9612, 14804, 13345, 62, 69, 19, 7, 300, 565, 62, 31391, 14804, 66, 62, 69, 19, 62, 7785, 6739, 198, 198, 2257, 7227, 12, 19238, 12, 46506, 2849, 13, 198, 220, 300, 565, 62, 9612, 14804, 1136, 62, 39098, 7, 1267, 3784, 36733, 1096, 7, 6739, 198, 220, 300, 565, 62, 13116, 14804, 1136, 62, 39098, 7, 1267, 3784, 14681, 7, 6739, 198 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
*----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS ZCL_AES_MODE_OFB DEFINITION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS zcl_aes_mode_ofb DEFINITION PUBLIC CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_aes_mode . PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_AES_MODE_OFB IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD zif_aes_mode~decrypt_raw16_table. DATA: converter_block TYPE xstring, origin_plain_block TYPE xstring, working_plain_block TYPE xstring, working_cipher_block TYPE xstring, origin_cipher_block TYPE xstring. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <raw16> TYPE zif_aes_mode=>ty_raw16. CLEAR et_data. working_plain_block = i_initialization_vector. LOOP AT it_data INTO origin_cipher_block. io_rijndael->encrypt_xstring( EXPORTING i_data = working_plain_block i_key = i_key IMPORTING e_data = working_cipher_block ). converter_block = working_cipher_block. origin_plain_block = origin_cipher_block BIT-XOR converter_block. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO et_data ASSIGNING <raw16>. <raw16> = origin_plain_block. working_plain_block = working_cipher_block. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. "zif_aes_mode~decrypt_raw16_table METHOD zif_aes_mode~encrypt_raw16_table. DATA: converter_block TYPE xstring, origin_plain_block TYPE xstring, working_plain_block TYPE xstring, working_cipher_block TYPE xstring, converted_cipher_block TYPE xstring. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <raw16> TYPE zif_aes_mode=>ty_raw16. CLEAR et_data. working_plain_block = i_initialization_vector. LOOP AT it_data INTO origin_plain_block. converter_block = origin_plain_block. io_rijndael->encrypt_xstring( EXPORTING i_data = working_plain_block i_key = i_key IMPORTING e_data = working_cipher_block ). converted_cipher_block = working_cipher_block BIT-XOR converter_block. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO et_data ASSIGNING <raw16>. <raw16> = converted_cipher_block. working_plain_block = working_cipher_block. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. "zif_aes_mode~encrypt_raw16_table ENDCLASS.
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class zcl_adash_component_runner definition public final create public inheriting from zcl_adash_test_runner_base. public section. methods: constructor importing !guid_filter type guid_32 optional !component type sobj_name !type type trobjtype !aunit_runner type ref to cl_aucv_test_runner_abstract optional !with_coverage type abap_bool default abap_false, run_and_return_results redefinition. protected section. private section. data adash_setups type standard table of ztbc_adash_setup. data component type sobj_name. data type type trobjtype. endclass. class zcl_adash_component_runner implementation. method constructor. "@TODO: I see this piece of code elsewhere too. "Create a factory super->constructor( aunit_runner = cond #( when !aunit_runner is bound then !aunit_runner when with_coverage eq abap_false then new_no_coverage_runner( ) else new_coverage_runner( ) ) ). append value #( current_execution_guid = guid_filter name = component type = type "@doesnt really matter, the runner is what dictates that for now with_coverage = !with_coverage max_duration_allowed = if_aunit_attribute_enums=>c_duration-short max_risk_level_allowed = if_aunit_attribute_enums=>c_risk_level-harmless ) to adash_setups. endmethod. method run_and_return_results. loop at adash_setups into data(a_setup). create_run_results_container( a_setup ). result = run_aunit_and_adapt( a_setup ). endloop. endmethod. endclass.
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*----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS ZCL_EXCEL_WORKSHEET DEFINITION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS zcl_excel_worksheet DEFINITION PUBLIC CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. *"* public components of class ZCL_EXCEL_WORKSHEET *"* do not include other source files here!!! *"* protected components of class ZCL_EXCEL_WORKSHEET *"* do not include other source files here!!! *"* protected components of class ZCL_EXCEL_WORKSHEET *"* do not include other source files here!!! TYPE-POOLS abap . TYPE-POOLS slis . TYPE-POOLS soi . INTERFACES zif_excel_sheet_printsettings . INTERFACES zif_excel_sheet_properties . INTERFACES zif_excel_sheet_protection . INTERFACES zif_excel_sheet_vba_project . TYPES: BEGIN OF mty_s_outline_row, row_from TYPE i, row_to TYPE i, collapsed TYPE abap_bool, END OF mty_s_outline_row . TYPES: mty_ts_outlines_row TYPE SORTED TABLE OF mty_s_outline_row WITH UNIQUE KEY row_from row_to . CONSTANTS c_break_column TYPE zexcel_break VALUE 2. "#EC NOTEXT CONSTANTS c_break_none TYPE zexcel_break VALUE 0. "#EC NOTEXT CONSTANTS c_break_row TYPE zexcel_break VALUE 1. "#EC NOTEXT DATA excel TYPE REF TO zcl_excel READ-ONLY . DATA print_gridlines TYPE zexcel_print_gridlines READ-ONLY VALUE abap_false. "#EC NOTEXT DATA sheet_content TYPE zexcel_t_cell_data . DATA sheet_setup TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_sheet_setup . DATA show_gridlines TYPE zexcel_show_gridlines READ-ONLY VALUE abap_true. "#EC NOTEXT DATA show_rowcolheaders TYPE zexcel_show_gridlines READ-ONLY VALUE abap_true. "#EC NOTEXT DATA styles TYPE zexcel_t_sheet_style . DATA tabcolor TYPE zexcel_s_tabcolor READ-ONLY . METHODS add_comment IMPORTING !ip_comment TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_comment . METHODS add_drawing IMPORTING !ip_drawing TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_drawing . METHODS add_new_column IMPORTING !ip_column TYPE simple RETURNING value(eo_column) TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_column . METHODS add_new_style_cond RETURNING value(eo_style_cond) TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style_cond . METHODS add_new_data_validation RETURNING value(eo_data_validation) TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_data_validation . METHODS add_new_range RETURNING value(eo_range) TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_range . METHODS add_new_row IMPORTING !ip_row TYPE simple RETURNING value(eo_row) TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_row . METHODS bind_alv IMPORTING !io_alv TYPE REF TO object !it_table TYPE STANDARD TABLE !i_top TYPE i DEFAULT 1 !i_left TYPE i DEFAULT 1 !table_style TYPE zexcel_table_style OPTIONAL !i_table TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_true RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS bind_alv_ole2 IMPORTING !i_document_url TYPE char255 DEFAULT space !i_xls TYPE c DEFAULT space !i_save_path TYPE string !io_alv TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid !it_listheader TYPE slis_t_listheader OPTIONAL !i_top TYPE i DEFAULT 1 !i_left TYPE i DEFAULT 1 !i_columns_header TYPE c DEFAULT 'X' !i_columns_autofit TYPE c DEFAULT 'X' !i_format_col_header TYPE soi_format_item OPTIONAL !i_format_subtotal TYPE soi_format_item OPTIONAL !i_format_total TYPE soi_format_item OPTIONAL EXCEPTIONS miss_guide ex_transfer_kkblo_error fatal_error inv_data_range dim_mismatch_vkey dim_mismatch_sema error_in_sema . METHODS bind_table IMPORTING !ip_table TYPE STANDARD TABLE !it_field_catalog TYPE zexcel_t_fieldcatalog OPTIONAL !is_table_settings TYPE zexcel_s_table_settings OPTIONAL value(iv_default_descr) TYPE c OPTIONAL EXPORTING !es_table_settings TYPE zexcel_s_table_settings RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS calculate_column_widths RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS change_cell_style IMPORTING !ip_column TYPE simple !ip_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row !ip_complete TYPE zexcel_s_cstyle_complete OPTIONAL !ip_xcomplete TYPE zexcel_s_cstylex_complete OPTIONAL !ip_font TYPE zexcel_s_cstyle_font OPTIONAL !ip_xfont TYPE zexcel_s_cstylex_font OPTIONAL !ip_fill TYPE zexcel_s_cstyle_fill OPTIONAL !ip_xfill TYPE zexcel_s_cstylex_fill OPTIONAL !ip_borders TYPE zexcel_s_cstyle_borders OPTIONAL !ip_xborders TYPE zexcel_s_cstylex_borders OPTIONAL !ip_alignment TYPE zexcel_s_cstyle_alignment OPTIONAL !ip_xalignment TYPE zexcel_s_cstylex_alignment OPTIONAL !ip_number_format_format_code TYPE zexcel_number_format OPTIONAL !ip_protection TYPE zexcel_s_cstyle_protection OPTIONAL !ip_xprotection TYPE zexcel_s_cstylex_protection OPTIONAL !ip_font_bold TYPE flag OPTIONAL !ip_font_color TYPE zexcel_s_style_color OPTIONAL !ip_font_color_rgb TYPE zexcel_style_color_argb OPTIONAL !ip_font_color_indexed TYPE zexcel_style_color_indexed OPTIONAL !ip_font_color_theme TYPE zexcel_style_color_theme OPTIONAL !ip_font_color_tint TYPE zexcel_style_color_tint OPTIONAL !ip_font_family TYPE zexcel_style_font_family OPTIONAL !ip_font_italic TYPE flag OPTIONAL !ip_font_name TYPE zexcel_style_font_name OPTIONAL !ip_font_scheme TYPE zexcel_style_font_scheme OPTIONAL !ip_font_size TYPE zexcel_style_font_size OPTIONAL !ip_font_strikethrough TYPE flag OPTIONAL !ip_font_underline TYPE flag OPTIONAL !ip_font_underline_mode TYPE zexcel_style_font_underline OPTIONAL !ip_fill_filltype TYPE zexcel_fill_type OPTIONAL !ip_fill_rotation TYPE zexcel_rotation OPTIONAL !ip_fill_fgcolor TYPE zexcel_s_style_color OPTIONAL !ip_fill_fgcolor_rgb TYPE zexcel_style_color_argb OPTIONAL !ip_fill_fgcolor_indexed TYPE zexcel_style_color_indexed OPTIONAL !ip_fill_fgcolor_theme TYPE zexcel_style_color_theme OPTIONAL !ip_fill_fgcolor_tint TYPE zexcel_style_color_tint OPTIONAL !ip_fill_bgcolor TYPE zexcel_s_style_color OPTIONAL !ip_fill_bgcolor_rgb TYPE zexcel_style_color_argb OPTIONAL !ip_fill_bgcolor_indexed TYPE zexcel_style_color_indexed OPTIONAL !ip_fill_bgcolor_theme TYPE zexcel_style_color_theme OPTIONAL !ip_fill_bgcolor_tint TYPE zexcel_style_color_tint OPTIONAL !ip_borders_allborders TYPE zexcel_s_cstyle_border OPTIONAL !ip_fill_gradtype_type TYPE zexcel_s_gradient_type-type OPTIONAL !ip_fill_gradtype_degree TYPE zexcel_s_gradient_type-degree OPTIONAL !ip_xborders_allborders TYPE zexcel_s_cstylex_border OPTIONAL !ip_borders_diagonal TYPE zexcel_s_cstyle_border OPTIONAL !ip_fill_gradtype_bottom TYPE zexcel_s_gradient_type-bottom OPTIONAL !ip_fill_gradtype_top TYPE zexcel_s_gradient_type-top OPTIONAL !ip_xborders_diagonal TYPE zexcel_s_cstylex_border OPTIONAL !ip_borders_diagonal_mode TYPE zexcel_diagonal OPTIONAL !ip_fill_gradtype_right TYPE zexcel_s_gradient_type-right OPTIONAL !ip_borders_down TYPE zexcel_s_cstyle_border OPTIONAL !ip_fill_gradtype_left TYPE zexcel_s_gradient_type-left OPTIONAL !ip_fill_gradtype_position1 TYPE zexcel_s_gradient_type-position1 OPTIONAL !ip_xborders_down TYPE zexcel_s_cstylex_border OPTIONAL !ip_borders_left TYPE zexcel_s_cstyle_border OPTIONAL !ip_fill_gradtype_position2 TYPE zexcel_s_gradient_type-position2 OPTIONAL !ip_fill_gradtype_position3 TYPE zexcel_s_gradient_type-position3 OPTIONAL !ip_xborders_left TYPE zexcel_s_cstylex_border OPTIONAL !ip_borders_right TYPE zexcel_s_cstyle_border OPTIONAL !ip_xborders_right TYPE zexcel_s_cstylex_border OPTIONAL !ip_borders_top TYPE zexcel_s_cstyle_border OPTIONAL !ip_xborders_top TYPE zexcel_s_cstylex_border OPTIONAL !ip_alignment_horizontal TYPE zexcel_alignment OPTIONAL !ip_alignment_vertical TYPE zexcel_alignment OPTIONAL !ip_alignment_textrotation TYPE zexcel_text_rotation OPTIONAL !ip_alignment_wraptext TYPE flag OPTIONAL !ip_alignment_shrinktofit TYPE flag OPTIONAL !ip_alignment_indent TYPE zexcel_indent OPTIONAL !ip_protection_hidden TYPE zexcel_cell_protection OPTIONAL !ip_protection_locked TYPE zexcel_cell_protection OPTIONAL !ip_borders_allborders_style TYPE zexcel_border OPTIONAL !ip_borders_allborders_color TYPE zexcel_s_style_color OPTIONAL !ip_borders_allbo_color_rgb TYPE zexcel_style_color_argb OPTIONAL !ip_borders_allbo_color_indexed TYPE zexcel_style_color_indexed OPTIONAL !ip_borders_allbo_color_theme TYPE zexcel_style_color_theme OPTIONAL !ip_borders_allbo_color_tint TYPE zexcel_style_color_tint OPTIONAL !ip_borders_diagonal_style TYPE zexcel_border OPTIONAL !ip_borders_diagonal_color TYPE zexcel_s_style_color OPTIONAL !ip_borders_diagonal_color_rgb TYPE zexcel_style_color_argb OPTIONAL !ip_borders_diagonal_color_inde TYPE zexcel_style_color_indexed OPTIONAL !ip_borders_diagonal_color_them TYPE zexcel_style_color_theme OPTIONAL !ip_borders_diagonal_color_tint TYPE zexcel_style_color_tint OPTIONAL !ip_borders_down_style TYPE zexcel_border OPTIONAL !ip_borders_down_color TYPE zexcel_s_style_color OPTIONAL !ip_borders_down_color_rgb TYPE zexcel_style_color_argb OPTIONAL !ip_borders_down_color_indexed TYPE zexcel_style_color_indexed OPTIONAL !ip_borders_down_color_theme TYPE zexcel_style_color_theme OPTIONAL !ip_borders_down_color_tint TYPE zexcel_style_color_tint OPTIONAL !ip_borders_left_style TYPE zexcel_border OPTIONAL !ip_borders_left_color TYPE zexcel_s_style_color OPTIONAL !ip_borders_left_color_rgb TYPE zexcel_style_color_argb OPTIONAL !ip_borders_left_color_indexed TYPE zexcel_style_color_indexed OPTIONAL !ip_borders_left_color_theme TYPE zexcel_style_color_theme OPTIONAL !ip_borders_left_color_tint TYPE zexcel_style_color_tint OPTIONAL !ip_borders_right_style TYPE zexcel_border OPTIONAL !ip_borders_right_color TYPE zexcel_s_style_color OPTIONAL !ip_borders_right_color_rgb TYPE zexcel_style_color_argb OPTIONAL !ip_borders_right_color_indexed TYPE zexcel_style_color_indexed OPTIONAL !ip_borders_right_color_theme TYPE zexcel_style_color_theme OPTIONAL !ip_borders_right_color_tint TYPE zexcel_style_color_tint OPTIONAL !ip_borders_top_style TYPE zexcel_border OPTIONAL !ip_borders_top_color TYPE zexcel_s_style_color OPTIONAL !ip_borders_top_color_rgb TYPE zexcel_style_color_argb OPTIONAL !ip_borders_top_color_indexed TYPE zexcel_style_color_indexed OPTIONAL !ip_borders_top_color_theme TYPE zexcel_style_color_theme OPTIONAL !ip_borders_top_color_tint TYPE zexcel_style_color_tint OPTIONAL RETURNING value(ep_guid) TYPE zexcel_cell_style RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS constructor IMPORTING !ip_excel TYPE REF TO zcl_excel !ip_title TYPE zexcel_sheet_title OPTIONAL RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS delete_merge IMPORTING !ip_cell_column TYPE simple OPTIONAL !ip_cell_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row OPTIONAL RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS delete_row_outline IMPORTING !iv_row_from TYPE i !iv_row_to TYPE i RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS freeze_panes IMPORTING !ip_num_columns TYPE i OPTIONAL !ip_num_rows TYPE i OPTIONAL RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS get_active_cell RETURNING value(ep_active_cell) TYPE string RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS get_cell IMPORTING !ip_column TYPE simple !ip_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row EXPORTING !ep_value TYPE zexcel_cell_value !ep_rc TYPE sysubrc !ep_style TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style !ep_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style !ep_formula TYPE zexcel_cell_formula RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS get_column IMPORTING !ip_column TYPE simple RETURNING value(eo_column) TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_column . METHODS get_columns RETURNING value(eo_columns) TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_columns . METHODS get_columns_iterator RETURNING value(eo_iterator) TYPE REF TO cl_object_collection_iterator . METHODS get_style_cond_iterator RETURNING value(eo_iterator) TYPE REF TO cl_object_collection_iterator . METHODS get_data_validations_iterator RETURNING value(eo_iterator) TYPE REF TO cl_object_collection_iterator . METHODS get_data_validations_size RETURNING value(ep_size) TYPE i . METHODS get_default_column RETURNING value(eo_column) TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_column . METHODS get_default_excel_date_format RETURNING value(ep_default_excel_date_format) TYPE zexcel_number_format . METHODS get_default_excel_time_format RETURNING value(ep_default_excel_time_format) TYPE zexcel_number_format . METHODS get_default_row RETURNING value(eo_row) TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_row . METHODS get_dimension_range RETURNING value(ep_dimension_range) TYPE string RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS get_comments RETURNING value(r_comments) TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_comments . METHODS get_drawings IMPORTING !ip_type TYPE zexcel_drawing_type OPTIONAL RETURNING value(r_drawings) TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_drawings . METHODS get_comments_iterator RETURNING value(eo_iterator) TYPE REF TO cl_object_collection_iterator . METHODS get_drawings_iterator IMPORTING !ip_type TYPE zexcel_drawing_type RETURNING value(eo_iterator) TYPE REF TO cl_object_collection_iterator . METHODS get_freeze_cell EXPORTING !ep_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row !ep_column TYPE zexcel_cell_column . METHODS get_guid RETURNING value(ep_guid) TYPE uuid . METHODS get_highest_column RETURNING value(r_highest_column) TYPE zexcel_cell_column RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS get_highest_row RETURNING value(r_highest_row) TYPE int4 RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS get_hyperlinks_iterator RETURNING value(eo_iterator) TYPE REF TO cl_object_collection_iterator . METHODS get_hyperlinks_size RETURNING value(ep_size) TYPE i . METHODS get_merge RETURNING value(merge_range) TYPE string_table RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS get_pagebreaks RETURNING value(ro_pagebreaks) TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet_pagebreaks RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS get_ranges_iterator RETURNING value(eo_iterator) TYPE REF TO cl_object_collection_iterator . METHODS get_row IMPORTING !ip_row TYPE int4 RETURNING value(eo_row) TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_row . METHODS get_rows RETURNING value(eo_rows) TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_rows . METHODS get_rows_iterator RETURNING value(eo_iterator) TYPE REF TO cl_object_collection_iterator . METHODS get_row_outlines RETURNING value(rt_row_outlines) TYPE mty_ts_outlines_row . METHODS get_style_cond IMPORTING !ip_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style RETURNING value(eo_style_cond) TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style_cond . METHODS get_tabcolor RETURNING value(ev_tabcolor) TYPE zexcel_s_tabcolor . METHODS get_tables_iterator RETURNING value(eo_iterator) TYPE REF TO cl_object_collection_iterator . METHODS get_tables_size RETURNING value(ep_size) TYPE i . METHODS get_title IMPORTING !ip_escaped TYPE flag DEFAULT '' RETURNING value(ep_title) TYPE zexcel_sheet_title . METHODS is_cell_merged IMPORTING !ip_column TYPE simple !ip_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row RETURNING value(rp_is_merged) TYPE abap_bool RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS set_cell IMPORTING !ip_column TYPE simple !ip_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row !ip_value TYPE simple OPTIONAL !ip_formula TYPE zexcel_cell_formula OPTIONAL !ip_style TYPE zexcel_cell_style OPTIONAL !ip_hyperlink TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_hyperlink OPTIONAL !ip_data_type TYPE zexcel_cell_data_type OPTIONAL !ip_abap_type TYPE abap_typekind OPTIONAL RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS set_cell_formula IMPORTING !ip_column TYPE simple !ip_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row !ip_formula TYPE zexcel_cell_formula RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS set_cell_style IMPORTING !ip_column TYPE simple !ip_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row !ip_style TYPE zexcel_cell_style RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS set_column_width IMPORTING !ip_column TYPE simple !ip_width_fix TYPE simple DEFAULT 0 !ip_width_autosize TYPE flag DEFAULT 'X' RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS set_default_excel_date_format IMPORTING !ip_default_excel_date_format TYPE zexcel_number_format RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS set_merge IMPORTING !ip_column_start TYPE simple DEFAULT zcl_excel_common=>c_excel_sheet_min_col !ip_column_end TYPE simple DEFAULT zcl_excel_common=>c_excel_sheet_max_col !ip_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row DEFAULT zcl_excel_common=>c_excel_sheet_min_row !ip_row_to TYPE zexcel_cell_row DEFAULT zcl_excel_common=>c_excel_sheet_max_row !ip_style TYPE zexcel_cell_style OPTIONAL "added parameter !ip_value TYPE simple OPTIONAL "added parameter !ip_formula TYPE zexcel_cell_formula OPTIONAL "added parameter RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS set_print_gridlines IMPORTING !i_print_gridlines TYPE zexcel_print_gridlines . METHODS set_row_height IMPORTING !ip_row TYPE simple !ip_height_fix TYPE simple RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS set_row_outline IMPORTING !iv_row_from TYPE i !iv_row_to TYPE i !iv_collapsed TYPE abap_bool RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS set_show_gridlines IMPORTING !i_show_gridlines TYPE zexcel_show_gridlines . METHODS set_show_rowcolheaders IMPORTING !i_show_rowcolheaders TYPE zexcel_show_rowcolheader . METHODS set_tabcolor IMPORTING !iv_tabcolor TYPE zexcel_s_tabcolor . METHODS set_table IMPORTING !ip_table TYPE STANDARD TABLE !ip_hdr_style TYPE zexcel_cell_style OPTIONAL !ip_body_style TYPE zexcel_cell_style OPTIONAL !ip_table_title TYPE string !ip_top_left_column TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha DEFAULT 'B' !ip_top_left_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row DEFAULT 3 !ip_transpose TYPE xfeld OPTIONAL !ip_no_header TYPE xfeld OPTIONAL RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS set_title IMPORTING !ip_title TYPE zexcel_sheet_title RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS get_table IMPORTING !iv_skipped_rows TYPE int4 DEFAULT 0 !iv_skipped_cols TYPE int4 DEFAULT 0 EXPORTING !et_table TYPE STANDARD TABLE RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS set_merge_style IMPORTING !ip_column_start TYPE simple OPTIONAL !ip_column_end TYPE simple OPTIONAL !ip_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row OPTIONAL !ip_row_to TYPE zexcel_cell_row OPTIONAL !ip_style TYPE zexcel_cell_style OPTIONAL . METHODS set_area_formula IMPORTING !ip_column_start TYPE simple !ip_column_end TYPE simple OPTIONAL !ip_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row !ip_row_to TYPE zexcel_cell_row OPTIONAL !ip_formula TYPE zexcel_cell_formula !ip_merge TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS set_area_style IMPORTING !ip_column_start TYPE simple !ip_column_end TYPE simple OPTIONAL !ip_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row !ip_row_to TYPE zexcel_cell_row OPTIONAL !ip_style TYPE zexcel_cell_style !ip_merge TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL . METHODS set_area IMPORTING !ip_column_start TYPE simple !ip_column_end TYPE simple OPTIONAL !ip_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row !ip_row_to TYPE zexcel_cell_row OPTIONAL !ip_value TYPE simple OPTIONAL !ip_formula TYPE zexcel_cell_formula OPTIONAL !ip_style TYPE zexcel_cell_style OPTIONAL !ip_hyperlink TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_hyperlink OPTIONAL !ip_data_type TYPE zexcel_cell_data_type OPTIONAL !ip_abap_type TYPE abap_typekind OPTIONAL !ip_merge TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS get_header_footer_drawings RETURNING value(rt_drawings) TYPE zexcel_t_drawings . PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF mty_s_font_metric, char TYPE c LENGTH 1, char_width TYPE tdcwidths, END OF mty_s_font_metric . TYPES: mty_th_font_metrics TYPE HASHED TABLE OF mty_s_font_metric WITH UNIQUE KEY char . TYPES: BEGIN OF mty_s_font_cache, font_name TYPE zexcel_style_font_name, font_height TYPE tdfontsize, flag_bold TYPE abap_bool, flag_italic TYPE abap_bool, th_font_metrics TYPE mty_th_font_metrics, END OF mty_s_font_cache . TYPES: mty_th_font_cache TYPE HASHED TABLE OF mty_s_font_cache WITH UNIQUE KEY font_name font_height flag_bold flag_italic . TYPES: * types: * mty_ts_row_dimension TYPE SORTED TABLE OF zexcel_s_worksheet_rowdimensio WITH UNIQUE KEY row . BEGIN OF mty_merge, row_from TYPE i, row_to TYPE i, col_from TYPE i, col_to TYPE i, END OF mty_merge . TYPES: mty_ts_merge TYPE SORTED TABLE OF mty_merge WITH UNIQUE KEY table_line . *"* private components of class ZCL_EXCEL_WORKSHEET *"* do not include other source files here!!! DATA active_cell TYPE zexcel_s_cell_data . DATA charts TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_drawings . DATA columns TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_columns . DATA row_default TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_row . DATA column_default TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_column . DATA styles_cond TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_styles_cond . DATA data_validations TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_data_validations . DATA default_excel_date_format TYPE zexcel_number_format . DATA default_excel_time_format TYPE zexcel_number_format . DATA comments TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_comments . DATA drawings TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_drawings . DATA freeze_pane_cell_column TYPE zexcel_cell_column . DATA freeze_pane_cell_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row . DATA guid TYPE uuid . DATA hyperlinks TYPE REF TO cl_object_collection . DATA lower_cell TYPE zexcel_s_cell_data . DATA mo_pagebreaks TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet_pagebreaks . CLASS-DATA mth_font_cache TYPE mty_th_font_cache . DATA mt_merged_cells TYPE mty_ts_merge . DATA mt_row_outlines TYPE mty_ts_outlines_row . DATA print_title_col_from TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha . DATA print_title_col_to TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha . DATA print_title_row_from TYPE zexcel_cell_row . DATA print_title_row_to TYPE zexcel_cell_row . DATA ranges TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_ranges . DATA rows TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_rows . DATA tables TYPE REF TO cl_object_collection . DATA title TYPE zexcel_sheet_title VALUE 'Worksheet'. "#EC NOTEXT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . DATA upper_cell TYPE zexcel_s_cell_data . METHODS calculate_cell_width IMPORTING !ip_column TYPE simple !ip_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row RETURNING value(ep_width) TYPE float RAISING zcx_excel . METHODS generate_title RETURNING value(ep_title) TYPE zexcel_sheet_title . METHODS get_value_type IMPORTING !ip_value TYPE simple EXPORTING !ep_value TYPE simple !ep_value_type TYPE abap_typekind . METHODS print_title_set_range . METHODS update_dimension_range RAISING zcx_excel . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_EXCEL_WORKSHEET IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD add_comment. comments->include( ip_comment ). ENDMETHOD. "add_comment METHOD add_drawing. CASE ip_drawing->get_type( ). WHEN zcl_excel_drawing=>type_image. drawings->include( ip_drawing ). WHEN zcl_excel_drawing=>type_chart. charts->include( ip_drawing ). ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. "ADD_DRAWING METHOD add_new_column. DATA: lv_column_alpha TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha. lv_column_alpha = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2alpha( ip_column ). CREATE OBJECT eo_column EXPORTING ip_index = lv_column_alpha ip_excel = me->excel ip_worksheet = me. columns->add( eo_column ). ENDMETHOD. "ADD_NEW_COLUMN METHOD add_new_data_validation. CREATE OBJECT eo_data_validation. data_validations->add( eo_data_validation ). ENDMETHOD. "ADD_NEW_DATA_VALIDATION METHOD add_new_range. * Create default blank range CREATE OBJECT eo_range. ranges->add( eo_range ). ENDMETHOD. "ADD_NEW_RANGE METHOD add_new_row. CREATE OBJECT eo_row EXPORTING ip_index = ip_row. rows->add( eo_row ). ENDMETHOD. "ADD_NEW_ROW METHOD add_new_style_cond. CREATE OBJECT eo_style_cond. styles_cond->add( eo_style_cond ). ENDMETHOD. "ADD_NEW_STYLE_COND METHOD bind_alv. DATA: lo_converter TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_converter. CREATE OBJECT lo_converter. TRY. lo_converter->convert( EXPORTING io_alv = io_alv it_table = it_table i_row_int = i_top i_column_int = i_left i_table = i_table i_style_table = table_style io_worksheet = me CHANGING co_excel = excel ). CATCH zcx_excel . ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. "BIND_ALV METHOD bind_alv_ole2. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Method description: * Method use to export a CL_GUI_ALV_GRID object to xlsx/xls file * with list header and characteristics of ALV field catalog such as: * + Total, group's subtotal * + Quantity fields, amount fields (dependent fields) * + No_out, no_zero, ... * Technique use in method: * SAP Desktop Office Integration (DOI) *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Data for session 0: DOI constructor * ------------------------------------------ DATA: lo_control TYPE REF TO i_oi_container_control. DATA: lo_proxy TYPE REF TO i_oi_document_proxy. DATA: lo_spreadsheet TYPE REF TO i_oi_spreadsheet. DATA: lo_error TYPE REF TO i_oi_error. DATA: lc_retcode TYPE soi_ret_string. DATA: li_has TYPE i. "Proxy has spreadsheet interface? DATA: l_is_closed TYPE i. * Data for session 1: Get LVC data from ALV object * ------------------------------------------ DATA: l_has_activex, l_doctype_excel_sheet(11) TYPE c. * LVC DATA: lt_fieldcat_lvc TYPE lvc_t_fcat. DATA: wa_fieldcat_lvc TYPE lvc_s_fcat. DATA: lt_sort_lvc TYPE lvc_t_sort. DATA: lt_filter_idx_lvc TYPE lvc_t_fidx. DATA: lt_grouplevels_lvc TYPE lvc_t_grpl. * KKBLO DATA: lt_fieldcat_kkblo TYPE kkblo_t_fieldcat. DATA: lt_sort_kkblo TYPE kkblo_t_sortinfo. DATA: lt_grouplevels_kkblo TYPE kkblo_t_grouplevels. DATA: lt_filter_idx_kkblo TYPE kkblo_t_sfinfo. DATA: wa_listheader LIKE LINE OF it_listheader. * Subtotal DATA: lt_collect00 TYPE REF TO data. DATA: lt_collect01 TYPE REF TO data. DATA: lt_collect02 TYPE REF TO data. DATA: lt_collect03 TYPE REF TO data. DATA: lt_collect04 TYPE REF TO data. DATA: lt_collect05 TYPE REF TO data. DATA: lt_collect06 TYPE REF TO data. DATA: lt_collect07 TYPE REF TO data. DATA: lt_collect08 TYPE REF TO data. DATA: lt_collect09 TYPE REF TO data. * data table name DATA: l_tabname TYPE kkblo_tabname. * local object DATA: lo_grid TYPE REF TO lcl_gui_alv_grid. * data table get from ALV DATA: lt_alv TYPE REF TO data. * total / subtotal data FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_collect00> TYPE STANDARD TABLE. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_collect01> TYPE STANDARD TABLE. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_collect02> TYPE STANDARD TABLE. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_collect03> TYPE STANDARD TABLE. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_collect04> TYPE STANDARD TABLE. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_collect05> TYPE STANDARD TABLE. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_collect06> TYPE STANDARD TABLE. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_collect07> TYPE STANDARD TABLE. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_collect08> TYPE STANDARD TABLE. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_collect09> TYPE STANDARD TABLE. * table before append subtotal lines FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_alv_tab> TYPE STANDARD TABLE. * data for session 2: sort, filter and calculate total/subtotal * ------------------------------------------ * table to save index of subotal / total line in excel tanle * this ideal to control index of subtotal / total line later * for ex, when get subtotal / total line to format TYPES: BEGIN OF st_subtot_indexs, index TYPE i, END OF st_subtot_indexs. DATA: lt_subtot_indexs TYPE TABLE OF st_subtot_indexs. DATA: wa_subtot_indexs LIKE LINE OF lt_subtot_indexs. * data table after append subtotal DATA: lt_excel TYPE REF TO data. DATA: l_tabix TYPE i. DATA: l_save_index TYPE i. * dyn subtotal table name DATA: l_collect TYPE string. * subtotal range, to format subtotal (and total) DATA: subranges TYPE soi_range_list. DATA: subrangeitem TYPE soi_range_item. DATA: l_sub_index TYPE i. * table after append subtotal lines FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_excel_tab> TYPE STANDARD TABLE. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_excel_line> TYPE any. * dyn subtotal tables FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_collect_tab> TYPE STANDARD TABLE. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_collect_line> TYPE any. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_filter_idx_line> LIKE LINE OF lt_filter_idx_kkblo. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_fieldcat_line> LIKE LINE OF lt_fieldcat_kkblo. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_grouplevels_line> LIKE LINE OF lt_grouplevels_kkblo. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_line> TYPE any. * Data for session 3: map data to semantic table * ------------------------------------------ TYPES: BEGIN OF st_column_index, fieldname TYPE kkblo_fieldname, tabname TYPE kkblo_tabname, col LIKE sy-index, END OF st_column_index. * columns index DATA: lt_column_index TYPE TABLE OF st_column_index. DATA: wa_column_index LIKE LINE OF lt_column_index. * table of dependent field ( currency and quantity unit field) DATA: lt_fieldcat_depf TYPE kkblo_t_fieldcat. DATA: wa_fieldcat_depf TYPE kkblo_fieldcat. * XXL interface: * -XXL: contain exporting columns characteristic DATA: lt_sema TYPE TABLE OF gxxlt_s INITIAL SIZE 0. DATA: wa_sema LIKE LINE OF lt_sema. * -XXL interface: header DATA: lt_hkey TYPE TABLE OF gxxlt_h INITIAL SIZE 0. DATA: wa_hkey LIKE LINE OF lt_hkey. * -XXL interface: header keys DATA: lt_vkey TYPE TABLE OF gxxlt_v INITIAL SIZE 0. DATA: wa_vkey LIKE LINE OF lt_vkey. * Number of H Keys: number of key columns DATA: l_n_hrz_keys TYPE i. * Number of data columns in the list object: non-key columns no DATA: l_n_att_cols TYPE i. * Number of V Keys: number of header row DATA: l_n_vrt_keys TYPE i. * curency to format amount DATA: lt_tcurx TYPE TABLE OF tcurx. DATA: wa_tcurx LIKE LINE OF lt_tcurx. DATA: l_def TYPE flag. " currency / quantity flag DATA: wa_t006 TYPE t006. " decimal place of unit DATA: l_num TYPE i. " table columns number DATA: l_typ TYPE c. " table type DATA: wa TYPE REF TO data. DATA: l_int TYPE i. DATA: l_counter TYPE i. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_excel_column> TYPE any. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_fcat_column> TYPE any. * Data for session 4: write to excel * ------------------------------------------ DATA: sema_type TYPE c. DATA l_error TYPE REF TO c_oi_proxy_error. DATA count TYPE i. DATA datac TYPE i. DATA datareal TYPE i. " exporting column number DATA vkeycount TYPE i. DATA all TYPE i. DATA mit TYPE i VALUE 1. " index of recent row? DATA li_col_pos TYPE i VALUE 1. " column position DATA li_col_num TYPE i. " table columns number FIELD-SYMBOLS: <line> TYPE any. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <item> TYPE any. DATA td TYPE sydes_desc. DATA: typ. DATA: ranges TYPE soi_range_list. DATA: rangeitem TYPE soi_range_item. DATA: contents TYPE soi_generic_table. DATA: contentsitem TYPE soi_generic_item. DATA: semaitem TYPE gxxlt_s. DATA: hkeyitem TYPE gxxlt_h. DATA: vkeyitem TYPE gxxlt_v. DATA: li_commentary_rows TYPE i. "row number of title lines + 1 DATA: lo_error_w TYPE REF TO i_oi_error. DATA: l_retcode TYPE soi_ret_string. DATA: no_flush TYPE c VALUE 'X'. DATA: li_head_top TYPE i. "header rows position * Data for session 5: Save and clode document * ------------------------------------------ DATA: li_document_size TYPE i. DATA: ls_path TYPE rlgrap-filename. * MACRO: Close_document *------------------------------------------- DEFINE close_document. clear: l_is_closed. if lo_proxy is not initial. * check proxy detroyed adi call method lo_proxy->is_destroyed importing ret_value = l_is_closed. * if dun detroyed yet: close -> release proxy if l_is_closed is initial. call method lo_proxy->close_document * EXPORTING * do_save = do_save importing error = lo_error retcode = lc_retcode. endif. call method lo_proxy->release_document importing error = lo_error retcode = lc_retcode. else. lc_retcode = c_oi_errors=>ret_document_not_open. endif. * Detroy control container if lo_control is not initial. call method lo_control->destroy_control. endif. clear: lo_spreadsheet, lo_proxy, lo_control. * free local clear: l_is_closed. END-OF-DEFINITION. * Macro to catch DOI error *------------------------------------------- DEFINE error_doi. if lc_retcode ne c_oi_errors=>ret_ok. close_document. call method lo_error->raise_message exporting type = 'E'. clear: lo_error. endif. END-OF-DEFINITION. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * SESSION 0: DOI CONSTRUCTOR *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * check active windown CALL FUNCTION 'GUI_HAS_ACTIVEX' IMPORTING return = l_has_activex. IF l_has_activex IS INITIAL. RAISE miss_guide. ENDIF. * Get Container Object of Screen CALL METHOD c_oi_container_control_creator=>get_container_control IMPORTING control = lo_control retcode = lc_retcode. error_doi. * Initialize Container control CALL METHOD lo_control->init_control EXPORTING parent = cl_gui_container=>default_screen r3_application_name = '' inplace_enabled = 'X' no_flush = 'X' register_on_close_event = 'X' register_on_custom_event = 'X' IMPORTING error = lo_error retcode = lc_retcode. error_doi. * Get Proxy Document: * check exist of document proxy, if exist -> close first IF NOT lo_proxy IS INITIAL. close_document. ENDIF. IF i_xls IS NOT INITIAL. * xls format, doctype = soi_doctype_excel97_sheet l_doctype_excel_sheet = 'Excel.Sheet.8'. ELSE. * xlsx format, doctype = soi_doctype_excel_sheet l_doctype_excel_sheet = 'Excel.Sheet'. ENDIF. CALL METHOD lo_control->get_document_proxy EXPORTING document_type = l_doctype_excel_sheet register_container = 'X' IMPORTING document_proxy = lo_proxy error = lo_error retcode = lc_retcode. error_doi. IF i_document_url IS INITIAL. * create new excel document CALL METHOD lo_proxy->create_document EXPORTING create_view_data = 'X' open_inplace = 'X' no_flush = 'X' IMPORTING error = lo_error retcode = lc_retcode. error_doi. ELSE. * Read excel template for i_DOCUMENT_URL * this excel template can be store in local or server CALL METHOD lo_proxy->open_document EXPORTING document_url = i_document_url open_inplace = 'X' no_flush = 'X' IMPORTING error = lo_error retcode = lc_retcode. error_doi. ENDIF. * Check Spreadsheet Interface of Document Proxy CALL METHOD lo_proxy->has_spreadsheet_interface IMPORTING is_available = li_has error = lo_error retcode = lc_retcode. error_doi. * create Spreadsheet object CHECK li_has IS NOT INITIAL. CALL METHOD lo_proxy->get_spreadsheet_interface IMPORTING sheet_interface = lo_spreadsheet error = lo_error retcode = lc_retcode. error_doi. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * SESSION 1: GET LVC DATA FROM ALV OBJECT *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * data table CREATE OBJECT lo_grid EXPORTING i_parent = cl_gui_container=>screen0. CALL METHOD lo_grid->get_alv_attributes EXPORTING io_grid = io_alv IMPORTING et_table = lt_alv. ASSIGN lt_alv->* TO <f_alv_tab>. * fieldcat CALL METHOD io_alv->get_frontend_fieldcatalog IMPORTING et_fieldcatalog = lt_fieldcat_lvc. * table name LOOP AT lt_fieldcat_lvc INTO wa_fieldcat_lvc WHERE NOT tabname IS INITIAL. l_tabname = wa_fieldcat_lvc-tabname. EXIT. ENDLOOP. IF sy-subrc NE 0. l_tabname = '1'. ENDIF. CLEAR: wa_fieldcat_lvc. * sort table CALL METHOD io_alv->get_sort_criteria IMPORTING et_sort = lt_sort_lvc. * filter index CALL METHOD io_alv->get_filtered_entries IMPORTING et_filtered_entries = lt_filter_idx_lvc. * group level + subtotal CALL METHOD io_alv->get_subtotals IMPORTING ep_collect00 = lt_collect00 ep_collect01 = lt_collect01 ep_collect02 = lt_collect02 ep_collect03 = lt_collect03 ep_collect04 = lt_collect04 ep_collect05 = lt_collect05 ep_collect06 = lt_collect06 ep_collect07 = lt_collect07 ep_collect08 = lt_collect08 ep_collect09 = lt_collect09 et_grouplevels = lt_grouplevels_lvc. ASSIGN lt_collect00->* TO <f_collect00>. ASSIGN lt_collect01->* TO <f_collect01>. ASSIGN lt_collect02->* TO <f_collect02>. ASSIGN lt_collect03->* TO <f_collect03>. ASSIGN lt_collect04->* TO <f_collect04>. ASSIGN lt_collect05->* TO <f_collect05>. ASSIGN lt_collect06->* TO <f_collect06>. ASSIGN lt_collect07->* TO <f_collect07>. ASSIGN lt_collect08->* TO <f_collect08>. ASSIGN lt_collect09->* TO <f_collect09>. * transfer to KKBLO struct CALL FUNCTION 'LVC_TRANSFER_TO_KKBLO' EXPORTING it_fieldcat_lvc = lt_fieldcat_lvc it_sort_lvc = lt_sort_lvc it_filter_index_lvc = lt_filter_idx_lvc it_grouplevels_lvc = lt_grouplevels_lvc IMPORTING et_fieldcat_kkblo = lt_fieldcat_kkblo et_sort_kkblo = lt_sort_kkblo et_filtered_entries_kkblo = lt_filter_idx_kkblo et_grouplevels_kkblo = lt_grouplevels_kkblo TABLES it_data = <f_alv_tab> EXCEPTIONS it_data_missing = 1 it_fieldcat_lvc_missing = 2 OTHERS = 3. IF sy-subrc <> 0. RAISE ex_transfer_kkblo_error. ENDIF. CLEAR: wa_fieldcat_lvc, lt_fieldcat_lvc, lt_sort_lvc, lt_filter_idx_lvc, lt_grouplevels_lvc. CLEAR: lo_grid. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * SESSION 2: SORT, FILTER AND CALCULATE TOTAL / SUBTOTAL *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * append subtotal & total line CREATE DATA lt_excel LIKE <f_alv_tab>. ASSIGN lt_excel->* TO <f_excel_tab>. LOOP AT <f_alv_tab> ASSIGNING <f_line>. l_save_index = sy-tabix. * filter base on filter index table READ TABLE lt_filter_idx_kkblo ASSIGNING <f_filter_idx_line> WITH KEY index = l_save_index BINARY SEARCH. IF sy-subrc NE 0. APPEND <f_line> TO <f_excel_tab>. ENDIF. * append subtotal lines READ TABLE lt_grouplevels_kkblo ASSIGNING <f_grouplevels_line> WITH KEY index_to = l_save_index BINARY SEARCH. IF sy-subrc = 0. l_tabix = sy-tabix. DO. IF <f_grouplevels_line>-subtot EQ 'X' AND <f_grouplevels_line>-hide_level IS INITIAL AND <f_grouplevels_line>-cindex_from NE 0. * dynamic append subtotal line to excel table base on grouplevel table * ex <f_GROUPLEVELS_line>-level = 1 * then <f_collect_tab> = '<F_COLLECT01>' l_collect = <f_grouplevels_line>-level. CONDENSE l_collect. CONCATENATE '<F_COLLECT0' l_collect '>' * '->*' INTO l_collect. ASSIGN (l_collect) TO <f_collect_tab>. * incase there're more than 1 total line of group, at the same level * for example: subtotal of multi currency LOOP AT <f_collect_tab> ASSIGNING <f_collect_line>. IF sy-tabix BETWEEN <f_grouplevels_line>-cindex_from AND <f_grouplevels_line>-cindex_to. APPEND <f_collect_line> TO <f_excel_tab>. * save subtotal lines index wa_subtot_indexs-index = sy-tabix. APPEND wa_subtot_indexs TO lt_subtot_indexs. * append sub total ranges table for format later ADD 1 TO l_sub_index. subrangeitem-name = l_sub_index. CONDENSE subrangeitem-name. CONCATENATE 'SUBTOT' subrangeitem-name INTO subrangeitem-name. subrangeitem-rows = wa_subtot_indexs-index. subrangeitem-columns = 1. " start col APPEND subrangeitem TO subranges. CLEAR: subrangeitem. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. UNASSIGN: <f_collect_tab>. UNASSIGN: <f_collect_line>. CLEAR: l_collect. ENDIF. * check next subtotal level of group UNASSIGN: <f_grouplevels_line>. ADD 1 TO l_tabix. READ TABLE lt_grouplevels_kkblo ASSIGNING <f_grouplevels_line> INDEX l_tabix. IF sy-subrc NE 0 OR <f_grouplevels_line>-index_to NE l_save_index. EXIT. ENDIF. UNASSIGN: <f_collect_tab>, <f_collect_line>. ENDDO. ENDIF. CLEAR: l_tabix, l_save_index. UNASSIGN: <f_filter_idx_line>, <f_grouplevels_line>. ENDLOOP. * free local data UNASSIGN: <f_line>, <f_collect_tab>, <f_collect_line>, <f_fieldcat_line>. * append grand total line IF <f_collect00> IS ASSIGNED. ASSIGN <f_collect00> TO <f_collect_tab>. IF <f_collect_tab> IS NOT INITIAL. LOOP AT <f_collect_tab> ASSIGNING <f_collect_line>. APPEND <f_collect_line> TO <f_excel_tab>. * save total line index wa_subtot_indexs-index = sy-tabix. APPEND wa_subtot_indexs TO lt_subtot_indexs. * append grand total range (to format) ADD 1 TO l_sub_index. subrangeitem-name = l_sub_index. CONDENSE subrangeitem-name. CONCATENATE 'TOTAL' subrangeitem-name INTO subrangeitem-name. subrangeitem-rows = wa_subtot_indexs-index. subrangeitem-columns = 1. " start col APPEND subrangeitem TO subranges. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ENDIF. CLEAR: subrangeitem, lt_sort_kkblo, <f_collect00>, <f_collect01>, <f_collect02>, <f_collect03>, <f_collect04>, <f_collect05>, <f_collect06>, <f_collect07>, <f_collect08>, <f_collect09>. UNASSIGN: <f_collect00>, <f_collect01>, <f_collect02>, <f_collect03>, <f_collect04>, <f_collect05>, <f_collect06>, <f_collect07>, <f_collect08>, <f_collect09>, <f_collect_tab>, <f_collect_line>. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * SESSION 3: MAP DATA TO SEMANTIC TABLE *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * get dependent field field: currency and quantity CREATE DATA wa LIKE LINE OF <f_excel_tab>. ASSIGN wa->* TO <f_excel_line>. DESCRIBE FIELD <f_excel_line> TYPE l_typ COMPONENTS l_num. DO l_num TIMES. l_save_index = sy-index. ASSIGN COMPONENT l_save_index OF STRUCTURE <f_excel_line> TO <f_excel_column>. IF sy-subrc NE 0. MESSAGE e059(0k) WITH 'FATAL ERROR' RAISING fatal_error. ENDIF. LOOP AT lt_fieldcat_kkblo ASSIGNING <f_fieldcat_line> WHERE tabname = l_tabname. ASSIGN COMPONENT <f_fieldcat_line>-fieldname OF STRUCTURE <f_excel_line> TO <f_fcat_column>. DESCRIBE DISTANCE BETWEEN <f_excel_column> AND <f_fcat_column> INTO l_int IN BYTE MODE. * append column index * this columns index is of table, not fieldcat IF l_int = 0. wa_column_index-fieldname = <f_fieldcat_line>-fieldname. wa_column_index-tabname = <f_fieldcat_line>-tabname. wa_column_index-col = l_save_index. APPEND wa_column_index TO lt_column_index. ENDIF. * append dependent fields (currency and quantity unit) IF <f_fieldcat_line>-cfieldname IS NOT INITIAL. CLEAR wa_fieldcat_depf. wa_fieldcat_depf-fieldname = <f_fieldcat_line>-cfieldname. wa_fieldcat_depf-tabname = <f_fieldcat_line>-ctabname. COLLECT wa_fieldcat_depf INTO lt_fieldcat_depf. ENDIF. IF <f_fieldcat_line>-qfieldname IS NOT INITIAL. CLEAR wa_fieldcat_depf. wa_fieldcat_depf-fieldname = <f_fieldcat_line>-qfieldname. wa_fieldcat_depf-tabname = <f_fieldcat_line>-qtabname. COLLECT wa_fieldcat_depf INTO lt_fieldcat_depf. ENDIF. * rewrite field data type IF <f_fieldcat_line>-inttype = 'X' AND <f_fieldcat_line>-datatype(3) = 'INT'. <f_fieldcat_line>-inttype = 'I'. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. CLEAR: l_save_index. UNASSIGN: <f_fieldcat_line>. ENDDO. * build semantic tables l_n_hrz_keys = 1. * Get keyfigures LOOP AT lt_fieldcat_kkblo ASSIGNING <f_fieldcat_line> WHERE tabname = l_tabname AND tech NE 'X' AND no_out NE 'X'. CLEAR wa_sema. CLEAR wa_hkey. * Units belong to keyfigures -> display as str READ TABLE lt_fieldcat_depf INTO wa_fieldcat_depf WITH KEY fieldname = <f_fieldcat_line>-fieldname tabname = <f_fieldcat_line>-tabname. IF sy-subrc = 0. wa_sema-col_typ = 'STR'. wa_sema-col_ops = 'DFT'. * Keyfigures ELSE. CASE <f_fieldcat_line>-datatype. WHEN 'QUAN'. wa_sema-col_typ = 'N03'. IF <f_fieldcat_line>-no_sum NE 'X'. wa_sema-col_ops = 'ADD'. ELSE. wa_sema-col_ops = 'NOP'. " no dependent field ENDIF. WHEN 'DATS'. wa_sema-col_typ = 'DAT'. wa_sema-col_ops = 'NOP'. WHEN 'CHAR' OR 'UNIT' OR 'CUKY'. " Added fieldformats UNIT and CUKY - dd. 26-10-2012 Wouter Heuvelmans wa_sema-col_typ = 'STR'. wa_sema-col_ops = 'DFT'. " dependent field * incase numeric, ex '00120' -> display as '12' WHEN 'NUMC'. wa_sema-col_typ = 'STR'. wa_sema-col_ops = 'DFT'. WHEN OTHERS. wa_sema-col_typ = 'NUM'. IF <f_fieldcat_line>-no_sum NE 'X'. wa_sema-col_ops = 'ADD'. ELSE. wa_sema-col_ops = 'NOP'. ENDIF. ENDCASE. ENDIF. l_counter = l_counter + 1. l_n_att_cols = l_n_att_cols + 1. wa_sema-col_no = l_counter. READ TABLE lt_column_index INTO wa_column_index WITH KEY fieldname = <f_fieldcat_line>-fieldname tabname = <f_fieldcat_line>-tabname. IF sy-subrc = 0. wa_sema-col_src = wa_column_index-col. ELSE. RAISE fatal_error. ENDIF. * columns index of ref currency field in table IF NOT <f_fieldcat_line>-cfieldname IS INITIAL. READ TABLE lt_column_index INTO wa_column_index WITH KEY fieldname = <f_fieldcat_line>-cfieldname tabname = <f_fieldcat_line>-ctabname. IF sy-subrc = 0. wa_sema-col_cur = wa_column_index-col. ENDIF. * quantities fields * treat as currency when display on excel ELSEIF NOT <f_fieldcat_line>-qfieldname IS INITIAL. READ TABLE lt_column_index INTO wa_column_index WITH KEY fieldname = <f_fieldcat_line>-qfieldname tabname = <f_fieldcat_line>-qtabname. IF sy-subrc = 0. wa_sema-col_cur = wa_column_index-col. ENDIF. ENDIF. * Treat of fixed currency in the fieldcatalog for column DATA: l_num_help(2) TYPE n. IF NOT <f_fieldcat_line>-currency IS INITIAL. SELECT * FROM tcurx INTO TABLE lt_tcurx. SORT lt_tcurx. READ TABLE lt_tcurx INTO wa_tcurx WITH KEY currkey = <f_fieldcat_line>-currency. IF sy-subrc = 0. l_num_help = wa_tcurx-currdec. CONCATENATE 'N' l_num_help INTO wa_sema-col_typ. wa_sema-col_cur = sy-tabix * ( -1 ). ENDIF. ENDIF. wa_hkey-col_no = l_n_att_cols. wa_hkey-row_no = l_n_hrz_keys. wa_hkey-col_name = <f_fieldcat_line>-reptext. APPEND wa_hkey TO lt_hkey. APPEND wa_sema TO lt_sema. ENDLOOP. * free local data CLEAR: lt_column_index, wa_column_index, lt_fieldcat_depf, wa_fieldcat_depf, lt_tcurx, wa_tcurx, l_num, l_typ, wa, l_int, l_counter. UNASSIGN: <f_fieldcat_line>, <f_excel_line>, <f_excel_column>, <f_fcat_column>. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * SESSION 4: WRITE TO EXCEL *--------------------------------------------------------------------* CLEAR: wa_tcurx. REFRESH: lt_tcurx. * if spreadsheet dun have proxy yet IF li_has IS INITIAL. l_retcode = c_oi_errors=>ret_interface_not_supported. CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>create_error_for_retcode EXPORTING retcode = l_retcode no_flush = no_flush IMPORTING error = lo_error_w. EXIT. ENDIF. CREATE OBJECT l_error EXPORTING object_name = 'OLE_DOCUMENT_PROXY' method_name = 'get_ranges_names'. CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>add_error EXPORTING error = l_error. DESCRIBE TABLE lt_sema LINES datareal. DESCRIBE TABLE <f_excel_tab> LINES datac. DESCRIBE TABLE lt_vkey LINES vkeycount. IF datac = 0. RAISE inv_data_range. ENDIF. IF vkeycount NE l_n_vrt_keys. RAISE dim_mismatch_vkey. ENDIF. all = l_n_vrt_keys + l_n_att_cols. IF datareal NE all. RAISE dim_mismatch_sema. ENDIF. DATA: decimal TYPE c. * get decimal separator format ('.', ',', ...) in Office config CALL METHOD lo_proxy->get_application_property EXPORTING property_name = 'INTERNATIONAL' subproperty_name = 'DECIMAL_SEPARATOR' CHANGING retvalue = decimal. DATA: wa_usr TYPE usr01. SELECT * FROM usr01 INTO wa_usr WHERE bname = sy-uname. ENDSELECT. DATA: comma_elim(4) TYPE c. FIELD-SYMBOLS <g> TYPE any. DATA search_item(4) VALUE ' #'. CONCATENATE ',' decimal '.' decimal INTO comma_elim. DATA help TYPE i. " table (with subtotal) line number help = datac. DATA: rowmax TYPE i VALUE 1. " header row number DATA: columnmax TYPE i VALUE 0. " header columns number LOOP AT lt_hkey INTO hkeyitem. IF hkeyitem-col_no > columnmax. columnmax = hkeyitem-col_no. ENDIF. IF hkeyitem-row_no > rowmax. rowmax = hkeyitem-row_no. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. DATA: hkeycolumns TYPE i. " header columns no hkeycolumns = columnmax. IF hkeycolumns < l_n_att_cols. hkeycolumns = l_n_att_cols. ENDIF. columnmax = 0. LOOP AT lt_vkey INTO vkeyitem. IF vkeyitem-col_no > columnmax. columnmax = vkeyitem-col_no. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. DATA overflow TYPE i VALUE 1. DATA testname(10) TYPE c. DATA temp2 TYPE i. " 1st item row position in excel DATA realmit TYPE i VALUE 1. DATA realoverflow TYPE i VALUE 1. " row index in content CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->screen_update EXPORTING updating = ''. CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->load_lib. DATA: str(40) TYPE c. " range names of columns range (w/o col header) DATA: rows TYPE i. " row postion of 1st item line in ecxel * calculate row position of data table DESCRIBE TABLE it_listheader LINES li_commentary_rows. * if grid had title, add 1 empy line between title and table IF li_commentary_rows NE 0. ADD 1 TO li_commentary_rows. ENDIF. * add top position of block data li_commentary_rows = li_commentary_rows + i_top - 1. * write header (commentary rows) DATA: li_commentary_row_index TYPE i VALUE 1. DATA: li_content_index TYPE i VALUE 1. DATA: ls_index(10) TYPE c. DATA ls_commentary_range(40) TYPE c VALUE 'TITLE'. DATA: li_font_bold TYPE i. DATA: li_font_italic TYPE i. DATA: li_font_size TYPE i. LOOP AT it_listheader INTO wa_listheader. li_commentary_row_index = i_top + li_content_index - 1. ls_index = li_content_index. CONDENSE ls_index. CONCATENATE ls_commentary_range(5) ls_index INTO ls_commentary_range. CONDENSE ls_commentary_range. * insert title range CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->insert_range_dim EXPORTING name = ls_commentary_range top = li_commentary_row_index left = i_left rows = 1 columns = 1 no_flush = no_flush. * format range CASE wa_listheader-typ. WHEN 'H'. "title li_font_size = 16. li_font_bold = 1. li_font_italic = -1. WHEN 'S'. "subtile li_font_size = -1. li_font_bold = 1. li_font_italic = -1. WHEN OTHERS. "'A' comment li_font_size = -1. li_font_bold = -1. li_font_italic = 1. ENDCASE. CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->set_font EXPORTING rangename = ls_commentary_range family = '' size = li_font_size bold = li_font_bold italic = li_font_italic align = 0 no_flush = no_flush. * title: range content rangeitem-name = ls_commentary_range. rangeitem-columns = 1. rangeitem-rows = 1. APPEND rangeitem TO ranges. contentsitem-row = li_content_index. contentsitem-column = 1. CONCATENATE wa_listheader-key wa_listheader-info INTO contentsitem-value SEPARATED BY space. CONDENSE contentsitem-value. APPEND contentsitem TO contents. ADD 1 TO li_content_index. CLEAR: rangeitem, contentsitem, ls_index. ENDLOOP. * set range data title CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->set_ranges_data EXPORTING ranges = ranges contents = contents no_flush = no_flush. REFRESH: ranges, contents. rows = rowmax + li_commentary_rows + 1. all = wa_usr-datfm. all = all + 3. LOOP AT lt_sema INTO semaitem. IF semaitem-col_typ = 'DAT' OR semaitem-col_typ = 'MON' OR semaitem-col_typ = 'N00' OR semaitem-col_typ = 'N01' OR semaitem-col_typ = 'N01' OR semaitem-col_typ = 'N02' OR semaitem-col_typ = 'N03' OR semaitem-col_typ = 'PCT' OR semaitem-col_typ = 'STR' OR semaitem-col_typ = 'NUM'. CLEAR str. str = semaitem-col_no. CONDENSE str. CONCATENATE 'DATA' str INTO str. mit = semaitem-col_no. li_col_pos = semaitem-col_no + i_left - 1. * range from data1 to data(n), for each columns of table CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->insert_range_dim EXPORTING name = str top = rows left = li_col_pos rows = help columns = 1 no_flush = no_flush. DATA dec TYPE i VALUE -1. DATA typeinfo TYPE sydes_typeinfo. LOOP AT <f_excel_tab> ASSIGNING <line>. ASSIGN COMPONENT semaitem-col_no OF STRUCTURE <line> TO <item>. DESCRIBE FIELD <item> INTO td. READ TABLE td-types INDEX 1 INTO typeinfo. IF typeinfo-type = 'P'. dec = typeinfo-decimals. ELSEIF typeinfo-type = 'I'. dec = 0. ENDIF. DESCRIBE FIELD <line> TYPE typ COMPONENTS count. mit = 1. DO count TIMES. IF mit = semaitem-col_src. ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-index OF STRUCTURE <line> TO <item>. DESCRIBE FIELD <item> INTO td. READ TABLE td-types INDEX 1 INTO typeinfo. IF typeinfo-type = 'P'. dec = typeinfo-decimals. ENDIF. EXIT. ENDIF. mit = mit + 1. ENDDO. EXIT. ENDLOOP. * format for each columns of table (w/o columns headers) IF semaitem-col_typ = 'DAT'. IF semaitem-col_no > vkeycount. CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->set_format EXPORTING rangename = str currency = '' typ = all no_flush = no_flush. ELSE. CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->set_format EXPORTING rangename = str currency = '' typ = 0 no_flush = no_flush. ENDIF. ELSEIF semaitem-col_typ = 'STR'. CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->set_format EXPORTING rangename = str currency = '' typ = 0 no_flush = no_flush. ELSEIF semaitem-col_typ = 'MON'. CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->set_format EXPORTING rangename = str currency = '' typ = 10 no_flush = no_flush. ELSEIF semaitem-col_typ = 'N00'. CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->set_format EXPORTING rangename = str currency = '' typ = 1 decimals = 0 no_flush = no_flush. ELSEIF semaitem-col_typ = 'N01'. CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->set_format EXPORTING rangename = str currency = '' typ = 1 decimals = 1 no_flush = no_flush. ELSEIF semaitem-col_typ = 'N02'. CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->set_format EXPORTING rangename = str currency = '' typ = 1 decimals = 2 no_flush = no_flush. ELSEIF semaitem-col_typ = 'N03'. CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->set_format EXPORTING rangename = str currency = '' typ = 1 decimals = 3 no_flush = no_flush. ELSEIF semaitem-col_typ = 'N04'. CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->set_format EXPORTING rangename = str currency = '' typ = 1 decimals = 4 no_flush = no_flush. ELSEIF semaitem-col_typ = 'NUM'. IF dec EQ -1. CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->set_format EXPORTING rangename = str currency = '' typ = 1 decimals = 2 no_flush = no_flush. ELSE. CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->set_format EXPORTING rangename = str currency = '' typ = 1 decimals = dec no_flush = no_flush. ENDIF. ELSEIF semaitem-col_typ = 'PCT'. CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->set_format EXPORTING rangename = str currency = '' typ = 3 decimals = 0 no_flush = no_flush. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. * get item contents for set_range_data method * get currency cell also mit = 1. DATA: currcells TYPE soi_cell_table. DATA: curritem TYPE soi_cell_item. curritem-rows = 1. curritem-columns = 1. curritem-front = -1. curritem-back = -1. curritem-font = ''. curritem-size = -1. curritem-bold = -1. curritem-italic = -1. curritem-align = -1. curritem-frametyp = -1. curritem-framecolor = -1. curritem-currency = ''. curritem-number = 1. curritem-input = -1. DATA: const TYPE i. * Change for Correction request * Initial 10000 lines are missing in Excel Export * if there are only 2 columns in exported List object. IF datareal GT 2. const = 20000 / datareal. ELSE. const = 20000 / ( datareal + 2 ). ENDIF. DATA: lines TYPE i. DATA: innerlines TYPE i. DATA: counter TYPE i. DATA: curritem2 LIKE curritem. DATA: curritem3 LIKE curritem. DATA: length TYPE i. DATA: found. * append content table (for method set_range_content) LOOP AT <f_excel_tab> ASSIGNING <line>. * save line index to compare with lt_subtot_indexs, * to discover line is a subtotal / totale line or not * ex use to set 'dun display zero in subtotal / total line' l_save_index = sy-tabix. DO datareal TIMES. READ TABLE lt_sema INTO semaitem WITH KEY col_no = sy-index. IF semaitem-col_src NE 0. ASSIGN COMPONENT semaitem-col_src OF STRUCTURE <line> TO <item>. ELSE. ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-index OF STRUCTURE <line> TO <item>. ENDIF. contentsitem-row = realoverflow. IF sy-subrc = 0. MOVE semaitem-col_ops TO search_item(3). SEARCH 'ADD#CNT#MIN#MAX#AVG#NOP#DFT#' FOR search_item. IF sy-subrc NE 0. RAISE error_in_sema. ENDIF. MOVE semaitem-col_typ TO search_item(3). SEARCH 'NUM#N00#N01#N02#N03#N04#PCT#DAT#MON#STR#' FOR search_item. IF sy-subrc NE 0. RAISE error_in_sema. ENDIF. contentsitem-column = sy-index. IF semaitem-col_typ EQ 'DAT' OR semaitem-col_typ EQ 'MON'. IF semaitem-col_no > vkeycount. " Hinweis 512418 " EXCEL bezieht Datumsangaben " auf den 31.12.1899, behandelt " aber 1900 als ein Schaltjahr " d.h. ab 1.3.1900 korrekt " 1.3.1900 als Zahl = 61 DATA: genesis TYPE d VALUE '18991230'. DATA: number_of_days TYPE p. * change for date in char format & sema_type = X DATA: temp_date TYPE d. IF NOT <item> IS INITIAL AND NOT <item> CO ' ' AND NOT <item> CO '0'. * change for date in char format & sema_type = X starts IF sema_type = 'X'. DESCRIBE FIELD <item> TYPE typ. IF typ = 'C'. temp_date = <item>. number_of_days = temp_date - genesis. ELSE. number_of_days = <item> - genesis. ENDIF. ELSE. number_of_days = <item> - genesis. ENDIF. * change for date in char format & sema_type = X ends IF number_of_days < 61. number_of_days = number_of_days - 1. ENDIF. SET COUNTRY 'DE'. WRITE number_of_days TO contentsitem-value NO-GROUPING LEFT-JUSTIFIED. SET COUNTRY space. TRANSLATE contentsitem-value USING comma_elim. ELSE. CLEAR contentsitem-value. ENDIF. ELSE. MOVE <item> TO contentsitem-value. ENDIF. ELSEIF semaitem-col_typ EQ 'NUM' OR semaitem-col_typ EQ 'N00' OR semaitem-col_typ EQ 'N01' OR semaitem-col_typ EQ 'N02' OR semaitem-col_typ EQ 'N03' OR semaitem-col_typ EQ 'N04' OR semaitem-col_typ EQ 'PCT'. SET COUNTRY 'DE'. DESCRIBE FIELD <item> TYPE typ. IF semaitem-col_cur IS INITIAL. IF typ NE 'F'. WRITE <item> TO contentsitem-value NO-GROUPING NO-SIGN DECIMALS 14. ELSE. WRITE <item> TO contentsitem-value NO-GROUPING NO-SIGN. ENDIF. ELSE. * Treat of fixed curreny for column >>Y9CK007319 IF semaitem-col_cur < 0. semaitem-col_cur = semaitem-col_cur * ( -1 ). SELECT * FROM tcurx INTO TABLE lt_tcurx. SORT lt_tcurx. READ TABLE lt_tcurx INTO wa_tcurx INDEX semaitem-col_cur. IF sy-subrc = 0. IF typ NE 'F'. WRITE <item> TO contentsitem-value NO-GROUPING CURRENCY wa_tcurx-currkey NO-SIGN DECIMALS 14. ELSE. WRITE <item> TO contentsitem-value NO-GROUPING CURRENCY wa_tcurx-currkey NO-SIGN. ENDIF. ENDIF. ELSE. ASSIGN COMPONENT semaitem-col_cur OF STRUCTURE <line> TO <g>. * mit = index of recent row curritem-top = rowmax + mit + li_commentary_rows. li_col_pos = sy-index + i_left - 1. curritem-left = li_col_pos. * if filed is quantity field (qfieldname ne space) * or amount field (cfieldname ne space), then format decimal place * corresponding with config CLEAR: l_def. READ TABLE lt_fieldcat_kkblo ASSIGNING <f_fieldcat_line> WITH KEY tabname = l_tabname tech = space no_out = space col_pos = semaitem-col_no. IF sy-subrc = 0. IF <f_fieldcat_line>-cfieldname IS NOT INITIAL. l_def = 'C'. ELSE."if <f_fieldcat_line>-qfieldname is not initial. l_def = 'Q'. ENDIF. ENDIF. * if field is amount field * exporting of amount field base on currency decimal table: TCURX IF l_def = 'C'. "field is amount field SELECT SINGLE * FROM tcurx INTO wa_tcurx WHERE currkey = <g>. * if amount ref to un-know currency -> default decimal = 2 IF sy-subrc EQ 0. curritem-decimals = wa_tcurx-currdec. ELSE. curritem-decimals = 2. ENDIF. APPEND curritem TO currcells. IF typ NE 'F'. WRITE <item> TO contentsitem-value CURRENCY <g> NO-SIGN NO-GROUPING. ELSE. WRITE <item> TO contentsitem-value DECIMALS 14 CURRENCY <g> NO-SIGN NO-GROUPING. ENDIF. * if field is quantity field * exporting of quantity field base on quantity decimal table: T006 ELSE."if l_def = 'Q'. " field is quantity field CLEAR: wa_t006. SELECT SINGLE * FROM t006 INTO wa_t006 WHERE msehi = <g>. * if quantity ref to un-know unit-> default decimal = 2 IF sy-subrc EQ 0. curritem-decimals = wa_t006-decan. ELSE. curritem-decimals = 2. ENDIF. APPEND curritem TO currcells. WRITE <item> TO contentsitem-value UNIT <g> NO-SIGN NO-GROUPING. CONDENSE contentsitem-value. ENDIF. ENDIF. "Y9CK007319 ENDIF. CONDENSE contentsitem-value. * add function fieldcat-no zero display LOOP AT lt_fieldcat_kkblo ASSIGNING <f_fieldcat_line> WHERE tabname = l_tabname AND tech NE 'X' AND no_out NE 'X'. IF <f_fieldcat_line>-col_pos = semaitem-col_no. IF <f_fieldcat_line>-no_zero = 'X'. IF <item> = '0'. CLEAR: contentsitem-value. ENDIF. * dun display zero in total/subtotal line too ELSE. CLEAR: wa_subtot_indexs. READ TABLE lt_subtot_indexs INTO wa_subtot_indexs WITH KEY index = l_save_index. IF sy-subrc = 0 AND <item> = '0'. CLEAR: contentsitem-value. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. UNASSIGN: <f_fieldcat_line>. IF <item> LT 0. SEARCH contentsitem-value FOR 'E'. IF sy-fdpos EQ 0. * use prefix notation for signed numbers TRANSLATE contentsitem-value USING '- '. CONDENSE contentsitem-value NO-GAPS. CONCATENATE '-' contentsitem-value INTO contentsitem-value. ELSE. CONCATENATE '-' contentsitem-value INTO contentsitem-value. ENDIF. ENDIF. SET COUNTRY space. * Hier wird nur die korrekte Kommaseparatierung gemacht, wenn die * Zeichen einer * Zahl enthalten sind. Das ist für Timestamps, die auch ":" enthalten. * Für die * darf keine Kommaseparierung stattfinden. * Changing for correction request - Y6BK041073 IF contentsitem-value CO '0123456789.,-+E '. TRANSLATE contentsitem-value USING comma_elim. ENDIF. ELSE. CLEAR contentsitem-value. * if type is not numeric -> dun display with zero WRITE <item> TO contentsitem-value NO-ZERO. SHIFT contentsitem-value LEFT DELETING LEADING space. ENDIF. APPEND contentsitem TO contents. ENDIF. ENDDO. realmit = realmit + 1. realoverflow = realoverflow + 1. mit = mit + 1. * overflow = current row index in content table overflow = overflow + 1. ENDLOOP. UNASSIGN: <f_fieldcat_line>. * set item range for set_range_data method testname = mit / const. CONDENSE testname. CONCATENATE 'TEST' testname INTO testname. realoverflow = realoverflow - 1. realmit = realmit - 1. help = realoverflow. rangeitem-name = testname. rangeitem-columns = datareal. rangeitem-rows = help. APPEND rangeitem TO ranges. * insert item range dim temp2 = rowmax + 1 + li_commentary_rows + realmit - realoverflow. * items data CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->insert_range_dim EXPORTING name = testname top = temp2 left = i_left rows = help columns = datareal no_flush = no_flush. * get columns header contents for set_range_data method * export columns header only if no columns header option = space DATA: rowcount TYPE i. DATA: columncount TYPE i. IF i_columns_header = 'X'. * append columns header to contents: hkey rowcount = 1. DO rowmax TIMES. columncount = 1. DO hkeycolumns TIMES. LOOP AT lt_hkey INTO hkeyitem WHERE col_no = columncount AND row_no = rowcount. ENDLOOP. IF sy-subrc = 0. str = hkeyitem-col_name. contentsitem-value = hkeyitem-col_name. ELSE. contentsitem-value = str. ENDIF. contentsitem-column = columncount. contentsitem-row = rowcount. APPEND contentsitem TO contents. columncount = columncount + 1. ENDDO. rowcount = rowcount + 1. ENDDO. * incase columns header in multiline DATA: rowmaxtemp TYPE i. IF rowmax > 1. rowmaxtemp = rowmax - 1. rowcount = 1. DO rowmaxtemp TIMES. columncount = 1. DO columnmax TIMES. contentsitem-column = columncount. contentsitem-row = rowcount. contentsitem-value = ''. APPEND contentsitem TO contents. columncount = columncount + 1. ENDDO. rowcount = rowcount + 1. ENDDO. ENDIF. * append columns header to contents: vkey columncount = 1. DO columnmax TIMES. LOOP AT lt_vkey INTO vkeyitem WHERE col_no = columncount. ENDLOOP. contentsitem-value = vkeyitem-col_name. contentsitem-row = rowmax. contentsitem-column = columncount. APPEND contentsitem TO contents. columncount = columncount + 1. ENDDO. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * set header range for method set_range_data * insert header keys range dim li_head_top = li_commentary_rows + 1. li_col_pos = i_left. * insert range headers IF hkeycolumns NE 0. rangeitem-name = 'TESTHKEY'. rangeitem-rows = rowmax. rangeitem-columns = hkeycolumns. APPEND rangeitem TO ranges. CLEAR: rangeitem. CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->insert_range_dim EXPORTING name = 'TESTHKEY' top = li_head_top left = li_col_pos rows = rowmax columns = hkeycolumns no_flush = no_flush. ENDIF. ENDIF. * format for columns header + total + subtotal * ------------------------------------------ help = rowmax + realmit. " table + header lines DATA: lt_format TYPE soi_format_table. DATA: wa_format LIKE LINE OF lt_format. DATA: wa_format_temp LIKE LINE OF lt_format. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_source> TYPE any. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <f_des> TYPE any. * columns header format wa_format-front = -1. wa_format-back = 15. "grey wa_format-font = space. wa_format-size = -1. wa_format-bold = 1. wa_format-align = 0. wa_format-frametyp = -1. wa_format-framecolor = -1. * get column header format from input record * -> map input format IF i_columns_header = 'X'. wa_format-name = 'TESTHKEY'. IF i_format_col_header IS NOT INITIAL. DESCRIBE FIELD i_format_col_header TYPE l_typ COMPONENTS li_col_num. DO li_col_num TIMES. IF sy-index NE 1. " dun map range name ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-index OF STRUCTURE i_format_col_header TO <f_source>. IF <f_source> IS NOT INITIAL. ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-index OF STRUCTURE wa_format TO <f_des>. <f_des> = <f_source>. UNASSIGN: <f_des>. ENDIF. UNASSIGN: <f_source>. ENDIF. ENDDO. CLEAR: li_col_num. ENDIF. APPEND wa_format TO lt_format. ENDIF. * Zusammenfassen der Spalten mit gleicher Nachkommastellenzahl * collect vertical cells (col) with the same number of decimal places * to increase perfomance in currency cell format DESCRIBE TABLE currcells LINES lines. lines = lines - 1. DO lines TIMES. DESCRIBE TABLE currcells LINES innerlines. innerlines = innerlines - 1. SORT currcells BY left top. CLEAR found. DO innerlines TIMES. READ TABLE currcells INDEX sy-index INTO curritem. counter = sy-index + 1. READ TABLE currcells INDEX counter INTO curritem2. IF curritem-left EQ curritem2-left. length = curritem-top + curritem-rows. IF length EQ curritem2-top AND curritem-decimals EQ curritem2-decimals. MOVE curritem TO curritem3. curritem3-rows = curritem3-rows + curritem2-rows. curritem-left = -1. MODIFY currcells INDEX sy-index FROM curritem. curritem2-left = -1. MODIFY currcells INDEX counter FROM curritem2. APPEND curritem3 TO currcells. found = 'X'. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDDO. IF found IS INITIAL. EXIT. ENDIF. DELETE currcells WHERE left = -1. ENDDO. * Zusammenfassen der Zeilen mit gleicher Nachkommastellenzahl * collect horizontal cells (row) with the same number of decimal places * to increase perfomance in currency cell format DESCRIBE TABLE currcells LINES lines. lines = lines - 1. DO lines TIMES. DESCRIBE TABLE currcells LINES innerlines. innerlines = innerlines - 1. SORT currcells BY top left. CLEAR found. DO innerlines TIMES. READ TABLE currcells INDEX sy-index INTO curritem. counter = sy-index + 1. READ TABLE currcells INDEX counter INTO curritem2. IF curritem-top EQ curritem2-top AND curritem-rows EQ curritem2-rows. length = curritem-left + curritem-columns. IF length EQ curritem2-left AND curritem-decimals EQ curritem2-decimals. MOVE curritem TO curritem3. curritem3-columns = curritem3-columns + curritem2-columns. curritem-left = -1. MODIFY currcells INDEX sy-index FROM curritem. curritem2-left = -1. MODIFY currcells INDEX counter FROM curritem2. APPEND curritem3 TO currcells. found = 'X'. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDDO. IF found IS INITIAL. EXIT. ENDIF. DELETE currcells WHERE left = -1. ENDDO. * Ende der Zusammenfassung * item data: format for currency cell, corresponding with currency CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->cell_format EXPORTING cells = currcells no_flush = no_flush. * item data: write item table content CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->set_ranges_data EXPORTING ranges = ranges contents = contents no_flush = no_flush. * whole table range to format all table IF i_columns_header = 'X'. li_head_top = li_commentary_rows + 1. ELSE. li_head_top = li_commentary_rows + 2. help = help - 1. ENDIF. CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->insert_range_dim EXPORTING name = 'WHOLE_TABLE' top = li_head_top left = i_left rows = help columns = datareal no_flush = no_flush. * columns width auto fix * this parameter = space in case use with exist template IF i_columns_autofit = 'X'. CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->fit_widest EXPORTING name = 'WHOLE_TABLE' no_flush = no_flush. ENDIF. * frame * The parameter has 8 bits *0 Left margin *1 Top marginT *2 Bottom margin *3 Right margin *4 Horizontal line *5 Vertical line *6 Thinness *7 Thickness * here 127 = 1111111 6-5-4-3-2-1 mean Thin-ver-hor-right-bot-top-left * ( final DOI method call, set no_flush = space * equal to call method CL_GUI_CFW=>FLUSH ) CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->set_frame EXPORTING rangename = 'WHOLE_TABLE' typ = 127 color = 1 no_flush = space IMPORTING error = lo_error retcode = lc_retcode. error_doi. * reformat subtotal / total line after format wholw table LOOP AT subranges INTO subrangeitem. l_sub_index = subrangeitem-rows + li_commentary_rows + rowmax. CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->insert_range_dim EXPORTING name = subrangeitem-name left = i_left top = l_sub_index rows = 1 columns = datareal no_flush = no_flush. wa_format-name = subrangeitem-name. * default format: * - clolor: subtotal = light yellow, subtotal = yellow * - frame: box IF subrangeitem-name(3) = 'SUB'. wa_format-back = 36. "subtotal line wa_format_temp = i_format_subtotal. ELSE. wa_format-back = 27. "total line wa_format_temp = i_format_total. ENDIF. wa_format-frametyp = 79. wa_format-framecolor = 1. wa_format-number = -1. wa_format-align = -1. * get subtoal + total format from intput parameter * overwrite default format IF wa_format_temp IS NOT INITIAL. DESCRIBE FIELD wa_format_temp TYPE l_typ COMPONENTS li_col_num. DO li_col_num TIMES. IF sy-index NE 1. " dun map range name ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-index OF STRUCTURE wa_format_temp TO <f_source>. IF <f_source> IS NOT INITIAL. ASSIGN COMPONENT sy-index OF STRUCTURE wa_format TO <f_des>. <f_des> = <f_source>. UNASSIGN: <f_des>. ENDIF. UNASSIGN: <f_source>. ENDIF. ENDDO. CLEAR: li_col_num. ENDIF. APPEND wa_format TO lt_format. CLEAR: wa_format-name. CLEAR: l_sub_index. CLEAR: wa_format_temp. ENDLOOP. IF lt_format[] IS NOT INITIAL. CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->set_ranges_format EXPORTING formattable = lt_format no_flush = no_flush. REFRESH: lt_format. ENDIF. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* CALL METHOD lo_spreadsheet->screen_update EXPORTING updating = 'X'. CALL METHOD c_oi_errors=>flush_errors. lo_error_w = l_error. lc_retcode = lo_error_w->error_code. ** catch no_flush -> led to dump ( optional ) * go_error = l_error. * gc_retcode = go_error->error_code. * error_doi. CLEAR: lt_sema, wa_sema, lt_hkey, wa_hkey, lt_vkey, wa_vkey, l_n_hrz_keys, l_n_att_cols, l_n_vrt_keys, count, datac, datareal, vkeycount, all, mit, li_col_pos, li_col_num, ranges, rangeitem, contents, contentsitem, semaitem, hkeyitem, vkeyitem, li_commentary_rows, l_retcode, li_head_top, <f_excel_tab>. CLEAR: lo_error_w. UNASSIGN: <line>, <item>, <f_excel_tab>. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * SESSION 5: SAVE AND CLOSE FILE *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * ex of save path: 'FILE://C:\temp\test.xlsx' CONCATENATE 'FILE://' i_save_path INTO ls_path. CALL METHOD lo_proxy->save_document_to_url EXPORTING no_flush = 'X' url = ls_path IMPORTING error = lo_error retcode = lc_retcode CHANGING document_size = li_document_size. error_doi. * if save successfully -> raise successful message * message i499(sy) with 'Document is Exported to ' p_path. MESSAGE i499(sy) WITH 'Data has been exported successfully'. CLEAR: ls_path, li_document_size. close_document. ENDMETHOD. "BIND_ALV_OLE2 METHOD bind_table. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * issue #230 - Pimp my Code * - Stefan Schmöcker, (wi p) 2012-12-01 * - ... * aligning code * message made to support multilinguality *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * issue #237 - Check if overlapping areas exist * - Alessandro Iannacci 2012-12-01 * changes: - Added raise if overlaps are detected *--------------------------------------------------------------------* CONSTANTS: lc_top_left_column TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha VALUE 'A', lc_top_left_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row VALUE 1. DATA: lv_row_int TYPE zexcel_cell_row, lv_first_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row, lv_last_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row, lv_column_int TYPE zexcel_cell_column, lv_column_alpha TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha, lt_field_catalog TYPE zexcel_t_fieldcatalog, lv_id TYPE i, lv_rows TYPE i, lv_formula TYPE string, ls_settings TYPE zexcel_s_table_settings, lo_table TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_table, lt_column_name_buffer TYPE SORTED TABLE OF string WITH UNIQUE KEY table_line, lv_value TYPE string, lv_value_lowercase TYPE string, lv_syindex TYPE char3, lv_errormessage TYPE string, "ins issue #237 lv_columns TYPE i, lt_columns TYPE zexcel_t_fieldcatalog, lv_maxcol TYPE i, lv_maxrow TYPE i, lo_iterator TYPE REF TO cl_object_collection_iterator, lo_style_cond TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style_cond, lo_curtable TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_table. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_field_catalog> TYPE zexcel_s_fieldcatalog, <ls_field_catalog_custom> TYPE zexcel_s_fieldcatalog, <fs_table_line> TYPE any, <fs_fldval> TYPE any. ls_settings = is_table_settings. IF ls_settings-top_left_column IS INITIAL. ls_settings-top_left_column = lc_top_left_column. ENDIF. IF ls_settings-table_style IS INITIAL. ls_settings-table_style = zcl_excel_table=>builtinstyle_medium2. ENDIF. IF ls_settings-top_left_row IS INITIAL. ls_settings-top_left_row = lc_top_left_row. ENDIF. IF it_field_catalog IS NOT SUPPLIED. lt_field_catalog = zcl_excel_common=>get_fieldcatalog( ip_table = ip_table ). ELSE. lt_field_catalog = it_field_catalog. ENDIF. SORT lt_field_catalog BY position. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * issue #237 Check if overlapping areas exist Start *--------------------------------------------------------------------* "Get the number of columns for the current table lt_columns = lt_field_catalog. DELETE lt_columns WHERE dynpfld NE abap_true. DESCRIBE TABLE lt_columns LINES lv_columns. "Calculate the top left row of the current table lv_column_int = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( ls_settings-top_left_column ). lv_row_int = ls_settings-top_left_row. "Get number of row for the current table DESCRIBE TABLE ip_table LINES lv_rows. "Calculate the bottom right row for the current table lv_maxcol = lv_column_int + lv_columns - 1. lv_maxrow = lv_row_int + lv_rows - 1. ls_settings-bottom_right_column = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2alpha( lv_maxcol ). ls_settings-bottom_right_row = lv_maxrow. lv_column_int = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( ls_settings-top_left_column ). lo_iterator = me->tables->if_object_collection~get_iterator( ). WHILE lo_iterator->if_object_collection_iterator~has_next( ) EQ abap_true. lo_curtable ?= lo_iterator->if_object_collection_iterator~get_next( ). IF ( ( ls_settings-top_left_row GE lo_curtable->settings-top_left_row AND ls_settings-top_left_row LE lo_curtable->settings-bottom_right_row ) OR ( ls_settings-bottom_right_row GE lo_curtable->settings-top_left_row AND ls_settings-bottom_right_row LE lo_curtable->settings-bottom_right_row ) ) AND ( ( lv_column_int GE zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( lo_curtable->settings-top_left_column ) AND lv_column_int LE zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( lo_curtable->settings-bottom_right_column ) ) OR ( lv_maxcol GE zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( lo_curtable->settings-top_left_column ) AND lv_maxcol LE zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( lo_curtable->settings-bottom_right_column ) ) ). lv_errormessage = 'Table overlaps with previously bound table and will not be added to worksheet.'(400). zcx_excel=>raise_text( lv_errormessage ). ENDIF. ENDWHILE. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * issue #237 Check if overlapping areas exist End *--------------------------------------------------------------------* CREATE OBJECT lo_table. lo_table->settings = ls_settings. lo_table->set_data( ir_data = ip_table ). lv_id = me->excel->get_next_table_id( ). lo_table->set_id( iv_id = lv_id ). * lo_table->fieldcat = lt_field_catalog[]. me->tables->add( lo_table ). * It is better to loop column by column (only visible column) LOOP AT lt_field_catalog ASSIGNING <ls_field_catalog> WHERE dynpfld EQ abap_true. lv_column_alpha = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2alpha( lv_column_int ). " Due restrinction of new table object we cannot have two column with the same name " Check if a column with the same name exists, if exists add a counter " If no medium description is provided we try to use small or long * lv_value = <ls_field_catalog>-scrtext_m. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <scrtxt1> TYPE any, <scrtxt2> TYPE any, <scrtxt3> TYPE any. CASE iv_default_descr. WHEN 'M'. ASSIGN <ls_field_catalog>-scrtext_m TO <scrtxt1>. ASSIGN <ls_field_catalog>-scrtext_s TO <scrtxt2>. ASSIGN <ls_field_catalog>-scrtext_l TO <scrtxt3>. WHEN 'S'. ASSIGN <ls_field_catalog>-scrtext_s TO <scrtxt1>. ASSIGN <ls_field_catalog>-scrtext_m TO <scrtxt2>. ASSIGN <ls_field_catalog>-scrtext_l TO <scrtxt3>. WHEN 'L'. ASSIGN <ls_field_catalog>-scrtext_l TO <scrtxt1>. ASSIGN <ls_field_catalog>-scrtext_m TO <scrtxt2>. ASSIGN <ls_field_catalog>-scrtext_s TO <scrtxt3>. WHEN OTHERS. ASSIGN <ls_field_catalog>-scrtext_m TO <scrtxt1>. ASSIGN <ls_field_catalog>-scrtext_s TO <scrtxt2>. ASSIGN <ls_field_catalog>-scrtext_l TO <scrtxt3>. ENDCASE. IF <scrtxt1> IS NOT INITIAL. lv_value = <scrtxt1>. <ls_field_catalog>-scrtext_l = lv_value. ELSEIF <scrtxt2> IS NOT INITIAL. lv_value = <scrtxt2>. <ls_field_catalog>-scrtext_l = lv_value. ELSEIF <scrtxt3> IS NOT INITIAL. lv_value = <scrtxt3>. <ls_field_catalog>-scrtext_l = lv_value. ELSE. lv_value = 'Column'. " default value as Excel does <ls_field_catalog>-scrtext_l = lv_value. ENDIF. WHILE 1 = 1. lv_value_lowercase = lv_value. TRANSLATE lv_value_lowercase TO LOWER CASE. READ TABLE lt_column_name_buffer TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH KEY table_line = lv_value_lowercase BINARY SEARCH. IF sy-subrc <> 0. <ls_field_catalog>-scrtext_l = lv_value. INSERT lv_value_lowercase INTO TABLE lt_column_name_buffer. EXIT. ELSE. lv_syindex = sy-index. CONCATENATE <ls_field_catalog>-scrtext_l lv_syindex INTO lv_value. ENDIF. ENDWHILE. " First of all write column header IF <ls_field_catalog>-style_header IS NOT INITIAL. me->set_cell( ip_column = lv_column_alpha ip_row = lv_row_int ip_value = lv_value ip_style = <ls_field_catalog>-style_header ). ELSE. me->set_cell( ip_column = lv_column_alpha ip_row = lv_row_int ip_value = lv_value ). ENDIF. ADD 1 TO lv_row_int. LOOP AT ip_table ASSIGNING <fs_table_line>. ASSIGN COMPONENT <ls_field_catalog>-fieldname OF STRUCTURE <fs_table_line> TO <fs_fldval>. " issue #290 Add formula support in table IF <ls_field_catalog>-formula EQ abap_true. IF <ls_field_catalog>-style IS NOT INITIAL. IF <ls_field_catalog>-abap_type IS NOT INITIAL. me->set_cell( ip_column = lv_column_alpha ip_row = lv_row_int ip_formula = <fs_fldval> ip_abap_type = <ls_field_catalog>-abap_type ip_style = <ls_field_catalog>-style ). ELSE. me->set_cell( ip_column = lv_column_alpha ip_row = lv_row_int ip_formula = <fs_fldval> ip_style = <ls_field_catalog>-style ). ENDIF. ELSEIF <ls_field_catalog>-abap_type IS NOT INITIAL. me->set_cell( ip_column = lv_column_alpha ip_row = lv_row_int ip_formula = <fs_fldval> ip_abap_type = <ls_field_catalog>-abap_type ). ELSE. me->set_cell( ip_column = lv_column_alpha ip_row = lv_row_int ip_formula = <fs_fldval> ). ENDIF. ELSE. IF <ls_field_catalog>-style IS NOT INITIAL. IF <ls_field_catalog>-abap_type IS NOT INITIAL. me->set_cell( ip_column = lv_column_alpha ip_row = lv_row_int ip_value = <fs_fldval> ip_abap_type = <ls_field_catalog>-abap_type ip_style = <ls_field_catalog>-style ). ELSE. me->set_cell( ip_column = lv_column_alpha ip_row = lv_row_int ip_value = <fs_fldval> ip_style = <ls_field_catalog>-style ). ENDIF. ELSE. IF <ls_field_catalog>-abap_type IS NOT INITIAL. me->set_cell( ip_column = lv_column_alpha ip_row = lv_row_int ip_abap_type = <ls_field_catalog>-abap_type ip_value = <fs_fldval> ). ELSE. me->set_cell( ip_column = lv_column_alpha ip_row = lv_row_int ip_value = <fs_fldval> ). ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. ADD 1 TO lv_row_int. ENDLOOP. IF sy-subrc <> 0. "create empty row if table has no data me->set_cell( ip_column = lv_column_alpha ip_row = lv_row_int ip_value = space ). ADD 1 TO lv_row_int. ENDIF. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* " totals *--------------------------------------------------------------------* IF <ls_field_catalog>-totals_function IS NOT INITIAL. lv_formula = lo_table->get_totals_formula( ip_column = <ls_field_catalog>-scrtext_l ip_function = <ls_field_catalog>-totals_function ). IF <ls_field_catalog>-style_total IS NOT INITIAL. me->set_cell( ip_column = lv_column_alpha ip_row = lv_row_int ip_formula = lv_formula ip_style = <ls_field_catalog>-style_total ). ELSE. me->set_cell( ip_column = lv_column_alpha ip_row = lv_row_int ip_formula = lv_formula ). ENDIF. ENDIF. lv_row_int = ls_settings-top_left_row. ADD 1 TO lv_column_int. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* " conditional formatting *--------------------------------------------------------------------* IF <ls_field_catalog>-style_cond IS NOT INITIAL. lv_first_row = ls_settings-top_left_row + 1. " +1 to exclude header lv_last_row = ls_settings-top_left_row + lv_rows. lo_style_cond = me->get_style_cond( <ls_field_catalog>-style_cond ). lo_style_cond->set_range( ip_start_column = lv_column_alpha ip_start_row = lv_first_row ip_stop_column = lv_column_alpha ip_stop_row = lv_last_row ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* " Set field catalog *--------------------------------------------------------------------* lo_table->fieldcat = lt_field_catalog[]. es_table_settings = ls_settings. es_table_settings-bottom_right_column = lv_column_alpha. " >> Issue #291 IF ip_table IS INITIAL. es_table_settings-bottom_right_row = ls_settings-top_left_row + 2. "Last rows ELSE. es_table_settings-bottom_right_row = ls_settings-top_left_row + lv_rows + 1. "Last rows ENDIF. " << Issue #291 ENDMETHOD. "BIND_TABLE METHOD calculate_cell_width. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * issue #293 - Roberto Bianco * - Christian Assig 2014-03-14 * * changes: - Calculate widths using SAPscript font metrics * (transaction SE73) * - Calculate the width of dates * - Add additional width for auto filter buttons * - Add cell padding to simulate Excel behavior *--------------------------------------------------------------------* CONSTANTS: lc_default_font_name TYPE zexcel_style_font_name VALUE 'Calibri', "#EC NOTEXT lc_default_font_height TYPE tdfontsize VALUE '110', lc_excel_cell_padding TYPE float VALUE '0.75'. DATA: ld_cell_value TYPE zexcel_cell_value, ld_current_character TYPE c LENGTH 1, ld_style_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style, ls_stylemapping TYPE zexcel_s_stylemapping, lo_table_object TYPE REF TO object, lo_table TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_table, ld_table_top_left_column TYPE zexcel_cell_column, ld_table_bottom_right_column TYPE zexcel_cell_column, ld_flag_contains_auto_filter TYPE abap_bool VALUE abap_false, ld_flag_bold TYPE abap_bool VALUE abap_false, ld_flag_italic TYPE abap_bool VALUE abap_false, ld_date TYPE d, ld_date_char TYPE c LENGTH 50, ld_font_height TYPE tdfontsize VALUE lc_default_font_height, lt_itcfc TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF itcfc, ld_offset TYPE i, ld_length TYPE i, ld_uccp TYPE i, ls_font_metric TYPE mty_s_font_metric, ld_width_from_font_metrics TYPE i, ld_font_family TYPE itcfh-tdfamily, ld_font_name TYPE zexcel_style_font_name VALUE lc_default_font_name, lt_font_families LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF ld_font_family, ls_font_cache TYPE mty_s_font_cache. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_font_cache> TYPE mty_s_font_cache, <ls_font_metric> TYPE mty_s_font_metric, <ls_itcfc> TYPE itcfc. " Determine cell content and cell style me->get_cell( EXPORTING ip_column = ip_column ip_row = ip_row IMPORTING ep_value = ld_cell_value ep_guid = ld_style_guid ). " ABAP2XLSX uses tables to define areas containing headers and " auto-filters. Find out if the current cell is in the header " of one of these tables. LOOP AT me->tables->collection INTO lo_table_object. " Downcast: OBJECT -> ZCL_EXCEL_TABLE lo_table ?= lo_table_object. " Convert column letters to corresponding integer values ld_table_top_left_column = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( lo_table->settings-top_left_column ). ld_table_bottom_right_column = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( lo_table->settings-bottom_right_column ). " Is the current cell part of the table header? IF ip_column BETWEEN ld_table_top_left_column AND ld_table_bottom_right_column AND ip_row EQ lo_table->settings-top_left_row. " Current cell is part of the table header " -> Assume that an auto filter is present and that the font is " bold ld_flag_contains_auto_filter = abap_true. ld_flag_bold = abap_true. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. " If a style GUID is present, read style attributes IF ld_style_guid IS NOT INITIAL. TRY. " Read style attributes ls_stylemapping = me->excel->get_style_to_guid( ld_style_guid ). " If the current cell contains the default date format, " convert the cell value to a date and calculate its length IF ls_stylemapping-complete_style-number_format-format_code = zcl_excel_style_number_format=>c_format_date_std. " Convert excel date to ABAP date ld_date = zcl_excel_common=>excel_string_to_date( ld_cell_value ). " Format ABAP date using user's formatting settings WRITE ld_date TO ld_date_char. " Remember the formatted date to calculate the cell size ld_cell_value = ld_date_char. ENDIF. " Read the font size and convert it to the font height " used by SAPscript (multiplication by 10) IF ls_stylemapping-complete_stylex-font-size = abap_true. ld_font_height = ls_stylemapping-complete_style-font-size * 10. ENDIF. " If set, remember the font name IF ls_stylemapping-complete_stylex-font-name = abap_true. ld_font_name = ls_stylemapping-complete_style-font-name. ENDIF. " If set, remember whether font is bold and italic. IF ls_stylemapping-complete_stylex-font-bold = abap_true. ld_flag_bold = ls_stylemapping-complete_style-font-bold. ENDIF. IF ls_stylemapping-complete_stylex-font-italic = abap_true. ld_flag_italic = ls_stylemapping-complete_style-font-italic. ENDIF. CATCH zcx_excel. "#EC NO_HANDLER " Style GUID is present, but style was not found " Continue with default values ENDTRY. ENDIF. " Check if the same font (font name and font attributes) was already " used before READ TABLE mth_font_cache WITH TABLE KEY font_name = ld_font_name font_height = ld_font_height flag_bold = ld_flag_bold flag_italic = ld_flag_italic ASSIGNING <ls_font_cache>. IF sy-subrc <> 0. " Font is used for the first time " Add the font to our local font cache ls_font_cache-font_name = ld_font_name. ls_font_cache-font_height = ld_font_height. ls_font_cache-flag_bold = ld_flag_bold. ls_font_cache-flag_italic = ld_flag_italic. INSERT ls_font_cache INTO TABLE mth_font_cache ASSIGNING <ls_font_cache>. " Determine the SAPscript font family name from the Excel " font name SELECT tdfamily FROM tfo01 INTO TABLE lt_font_families UP TO 1 ROWS WHERE tdtext = ld_font_name ORDER BY PRIMARY KEY. " Check if a matching font family was found " Fonts can be uploaded from TTF files using transaction SE73 IF lines( lt_font_families ) > 0. READ TABLE lt_font_families INDEX 1 INTO ld_font_family. " Load font metrics (returns a table with the size of each letter " in the font) CALL FUNCTION 'LOAD_FONT' EXPORTING family = ld_font_family height = ld_font_height printer = 'SWIN' bold = ld_flag_bold italic = ld_flag_italic TABLES metric = lt_itcfc EXCEPTIONS font_family = 1 codepage = 2 device_type = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF sy-subrc <> 0. CLEAR lt_itcfc. ENDIF. " For faster access, convert each character number to the actual " character, and store the characters and their sizes in a hash " table LOOP AT lt_itcfc ASSIGNING <ls_itcfc>. ld_uccp = <ls_itcfc>-cpcharno. ls_font_metric-char = cl_abap_conv_in_ce=>uccpi( ld_uccp ). ls_font_metric-char_width = <ls_itcfc>-tdcwidths. INSERT ls_font_metric INTO TABLE <ls_font_cache>-th_font_metrics. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ENDIF. " Calculate the cell width " If available, use font metrics IF lines( <ls_font_cache>-th_font_metrics ) = 0. " Font metrics are not available " -> Calculate the cell width using only the font size ld_length = strlen( ld_cell_value ). ep_width = ld_length * ld_font_height / lc_default_font_height + lc_excel_cell_padding. ELSE. " Font metrics are available " Calculate the size of the text by adding the sizes of each " letter ld_length = strlen( ld_cell_value ). DO ld_length TIMES. " Subtract 1, because the first character is at offset 0 ld_offset = sy-index - 1. " Read the current character from the cell value ld_current_character = ld_cell_value+ld_offset(1). " Look up the size of the current letter READ TABLE <ls_font_cache>-th_font_metrics WITH TABLE KEY char = ld_current_character ASSIGNING <ls_font_metric>. IF sy-subrc = 0. " The size of the letter is known " -> Add the actual size of the letter ADD <ls_font_metric>-char_width TO ld_width_from_font_metrics. ELSE. " The size of the letter is unknown " -> Add the font height as the default letter size ADD ld_font_height TO ld_width_from_font_metrics. ENDIF. ENDDO. " Add cell padding (Excel makes columns a bit wider than the space " that is needed for the text itself) and convert unit " (division by 100) ep_width = ld_width_from_font_metrics / 100 + lc_excel_cell_padding. ENDIF. " If the current cell contains an auto filter, make it a bit wider. " The size used by the auto filter button does not depend on the font " size. IF ld_flag_contains_auto_filter = abap_true. ADD 2 TO ep_width. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "CALCULATE_CELL_WIDTH METHOD calculate_column_widths. TYPES: BEGIN OF t_auto_size, col_index TYPE int4, width TYPE float, END OF t_auto_size. TYPES: tt_auto_size TYPE TABLE OF t_auto_size. DATA: lo_column_iterator TYPE REF TO cl_object_collection_iterator, lo_column TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_column. DATA: auto_size TYPE flag. DATA: auto_sizes TYPE tt_auto_size. DATA: count TYPE int4. DATA: highest_row TYPE int4. DATA: width TYPE float. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <auto_size> LIKE LINE OF auto_sizes. lo_column_iterator = me->get_columns_iterator( ). WHILE lo_column_iterator->has_next( ) = abap_true. lo_column ?= lo_column_iterator->get_next( ). auto_size = lo_column->get_auto_size( ). IF auto_size = abap_true. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO auto_sizes ASSIGNING <auto_size>. <auto_size>-col_index = lo_column->get_column_index( ). <auto_size>-width = -1. ENDIF. ENDWHILE. " There is only something to do if there are some auto-size columns IF NOT auto_sizes IS INITIAL. highest_row = me->get_highest_row( ). LOOP AT auto_sizes ASSIGNING <auto_size>. count = 1. WHILE count <= highest_row. * Do not check merged cells IF is_cell_merged( ip_column = <auto_size>-col_index ip_row = count ) = abap_false. width = calculate_cell_width( ip_column = <auto_size>-col_index " issue #155 - less restrictive typing for ip_column ip_row = count ). IF width > <auto_size>-width. <auto_size>-width = width. ENDIF. ENDIF. count = count + 1. ENDWHILE. lo_column = me->get_column( <auto_size>-col_index ). " issue #155 - less restrictive typing for ip_column lo_column->set_width( <auto_size>-width ). ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "CALCULATE_COLUMN_WIDTHS METHOD change_cell_style. " issue # 139 DATA: stylemapping TYPE zexcel_s_stylemapping, complete_style TYPE zexcel_s_cstyle_complete, complete_stylex TYPE zexcel_s_cstylex_complete, borderx TYPE zexcel_s_cstylex_border, l_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style. "issue # 177 * We have a lot of parameters. Use some macros to make the coding more structured DEFINE clear_initial_colorxfields. if &1-rgb is initial. clear &2-rgb. endif. if &1-indexed is initial. clear &2-indexed. endif. if &1-theme is initial. clear &2-theme. endif. if &1-tint is initial. clear &2-tint. endif. END-OF-DEFINITION. DEFINE move_supplied_borders. if ip_&1 is supplied. " only act if parameter was supplied if ip_x&1 is supplied. " borderx = ip_x&1. " use supplied x-parameter else. clear borderx with 'X'. * clear in a way that would be expected to work easily if ip_&1-border_style is initial. clear borderx-border_style. endif. clear_initial_colorxfields ip_&1-border_color borderx-border_color. endif. move-corresponding ip_&1 to complete_style-&2. move-corresponding borderx to complete_stylex-&2. endif. END-OF-DEFINITION. * First get current stylsettings TRY. me->get_cell( EXPORTING ip_column = ip_column " Cell Column ip_row = ip_row " Cell Row IMPORTING ep_guid = l_guid )." Cell Value ). "issue # 177 stylemapping = me->excel->get_style_to_guid( l_guid ). "issue # 177 complete_style = stylemapping-complete_style. complete_stylex = stylemapping-complete_stylex. CATCH zcx_excel. * Error --> use submitted style ENDTRY. * move_supplied_multistyles: complete. IF ip_complete IS SUPPLIED. IF ip_xcomplete IS NOT SUPPLIED. zcx_excel=>raise_text( 'Complete styleinfo has to be supplied with corresponding X-field' ). ENDIF. MOVE-CORRESPONDING ip_complete TO complete_style. MOVE-CORRESPONDING ip_xcomplete TO complete_stylex. ENDIF. IF ip_font IS SUPPLIED. DATA: fontx LIKE ip_xfont. IF ip_xfont IS SUPPLIED. fontx = ip_xfont. ELSE. * Only supplied values should be used - exception: Flags bold and italic strikethrough underline MOVE 'X' TO: fontx-bold, fontx-italic, fontx-strikethrough, fontx-underline_mode. CLEAR fontx-color WITH 'X'. clear_initial_colorxfields ip_font-color fontx-color. IF ip_font-family IS NOT INITIAL. fontx-family = 'X'. ENDIF. IF ip_font-name IS NOT INITIAL. fontx-name = 'X'. ENDIF. IF ip_font-scheme IS NOT INITIAL. fontx-scheme = 'X'. ENDIF. IF ip_font-size IS NOT INITIAL. fontx-size = 'X'. ENDIF. IF ip_font-underline_mode IS NOT INITIAL. fontx-underline_mode = 'X'. ENDIF. ENDIF. MOVE-CORRESPONDING ip_font TO complete_style-font. MOVE-CORRESPONDING fontx TO complete_stylex-font. * Correction for undeline mode ENDIF. IF ip_fill IS SUPPLIED. DATA: fillx LIKE ip_xfill. IF ip_xfill IS SUPPLIED. fillx = ip_xfill. ELSE. CLEAR fillx WITH 'X'. IF ip_fill-filltype IS INITIAL. CLEAR fillx-filltype. ENDIF. clear_initial_colorxfields ip_fill-fgcolor fillx-fgcolor. clear_initial_colorxfields ip_fill-bgcolor fillx-bgcolor. ENDIF. MOVE-CORRESPONDING ip_fill TO complete_style-fill. MOVE-CORRESPONDING fillx TO complete_stylex-fill. ENDIF. IF ip_borders IS SUPPLIED. DATA: bordersx LIKE ip_xborders. IF ip_xborders IS SUPPLIED. bordersx = ip_xborders. ELSE. CLEAR bordersx WITH 'X'. IF ip_borders-allborders-border_style IS INITIAL. CLEAR bordersx-allborders-border_style. ENDIF. IF ip_borders-diagonal-border_style IS INITIAL. CLEAR bordersx-diagonal-border_style. ENDIF. IF ip_borders-down-border_style IS INITIAL. CLEAR bordersx-down-border_style. ENDIF. IF ip_borders-left-border_style IS INITIAL. CLEAR bordersx-left-border_style. ENDIF. IF ip_borders-right-border_style IS INITIAL. CLEAR bordersx-right-border_style. ENDIF. IF ip_borders-top-border_style IS INITIAL. CLEAR bordersx-top-border_style. ENDIF. clear_initial_colorxfields ip_borders-allborders-border_color bordersx-allborders-border_color. clear_initial_colorxfields ip_borders-diagonal-border_color bordersx-diagonal-border_color. clear_initial_colorxfields ip_borders-down-border_color bordersx-down-border_color. clear_initial_colorxfields ip_borders-left-border_color bordersx-left-border_color. clear_initial_colorxfields ip_borders-right-border_color bordersx-right-border_color. clear_initial_colorxfields ip_borders-top-border_color bordersx-top-border_color. ENDIF. MOVE-CORRESPONDING ip_borders TO complete_style-borders. MOVE-CORRESPONDING bordersx TO complete_stylex-borders. ENDIF. IF ip_alignment IS SUPPLIED. DATA: alignmentx LIKE ip_xalignment. IF ip_xalignment IS SUPPLIED. alignmentx = ip_xalignment. ELSE. CLEAR alignmentx WITH 'X'. IF ip_alignment-horizontal IS INITIAL. CLEAR alignmentx-horizontal. ENDIF. IF ip_alignment-vertical IS INITIAL. CLEAR alignmentx-vertical. ENDIF. ENDIF. MOVE-CORRESPONDING ip_alignment TO complete_style-alignment. MOVE-CORRESPONDING alignmentx TO complete_stylex-alignment. ENDIF. IF ip_protection IS SUPPLIED. MOVE-CORRESPONDING ip_protection TO complete_style-protection. IF ip_xprotection IS SUPPLIED. MOVE-CORRESPONDING ip_xprotection TO complete_stylex-protection. ELSE. IF ip_protection-hidden IS NOT INITIAL. complete_stylex-protection-hidden = 'X'. ENDIF. IF ip_protection-locked IS NOT INITIAL. complete_stylex-protection-locked = 'X'. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. move_supplied_borders : borders_allborders borders-allborders, borders_diagonal borders-diagonal , borders_down borders-down , borders_left borders-left , borders_right borders-right , borders_top borders-top . DEFINE move_supplied_singlestyles. if ip_&1 is supplied. complete_style-&2 = ip_&1. complete_stylex-&2 = 'X'. endif. END-OF-DEFINITION. move_supplied_singlestyles: number_format_format_code number_format-format_code, font_bold font-bold, font_color font-color, font_color_rgb font-color-rgb, font_color_indexed font-color-indexed, font_color_theme font-color-theme, font_color_tint font-color-tint, font_family font-family, font_italic font-italic, font_name font-name, font_scheme font-scheme, font_size font-size, font_strikethrough font-strikethrough, font_underline font-underline, font_underline_mode font-underline_mode, fill_filltype fill-filltype, fill_rotation fill-rotation, fill_fgcolor fill-fgcolor, fill_fgcolor_rgb fill-fgcolor-rgb, fill_fgcolor_indexed fill-fgcolor-indexed, fill_fgcolor_theme fill-fgcolor-theme, fill_fgcolor_tint fill-fgcolor-tint, fill_bgcolor fill-bgcolor, fill_bgcolor_rgb fill-bgcolor-rgb, fill_bgcolor_indexed fill-bgcolor-indexed, fill_bgcolor_theme fill-bgcolor-theme, fill_bgcolor_tint fill-bgcolor-tint, fill_gradtype_type fill-gradtype-type, fill_gradtype_degree fill-gradtype-degree, fill_gradtype_bottom fill-gradtype-bottom, fill_gradtype_left fill-gradtype-left, fill_gradtype_top fill-gradtype-top, fill_gradtype_right fill-gradtype-right, fill_gradtype_position1 fill-gradtype-position1, fill_gradtype_position2 fill-gradtype-position2, fill_gradtype_position3 fill-gradtype-position3, borders_diagonal_mode borders-diagonal_mode, alignment_horizontal alignment-horizontal, alignment_vertical alignment-vertical, alignment_textrotation alignment-textrotation, alignment_wraptext alignment-wraptext, alignment_shrinktofit alignment-shrinktofit, alignment_indent alignment-indent, protection_hidden protection-hidden, protection_locked protection-locked, borders_allborders_style borders-allborders-border_style, borders_allborders_color borders-allborders-border_color, borders_allbo_color_rgb borders-allborders-border_color-rgb, borders_allbo_color_indexed borders-allborders-border_color-indexed, borders_allbo_color_theme borders-allborders-border_color-theme, borders_allbo_color_tint borders-allborders-border_color-tint, borders_diagonal_style borders-diagonal-border_style, borders_diagonal_color borders-diagonal-border_color, borders_diagonal_color_rgb borders-diagonal-border_color-rgb, borders_diagonal_color_inde borders-diagonal-border_color-indexed, borders_diagonal_color_them borders-diagonal-border_color-theme, borders_diagonal_color_tint borders-diagonal-border_color-tint, borders_down_style borders-down-border_style, borders_down_color borders-down-border_color, borders_down_color_rgb borders-down-border_color-rgb, borders_down_color_indexed borders-down-border_color-indexed, borders_down_color_theme borders-down-border_color-theme, borders_down_color_tint borders-down-border_color-tint, borders_left_style borders-left-border_style, borders_left_color borders-left-border_color, borders_left_color_rgb borders-left-border_color-rgb, borders_left_color_indexed borders-left-border_color-indexed, borders_left_color_theme borders-left-border_color-theme, borders_left_color_tint borders-left-border_color-tint, borders_right_style borders-right-border_style, borders_right_color borders-right-border_color, borders_right_color_rgb borders-right-border_color-rgb, borders_right_color_indexed borders-right-border_color-indexed, borders_right_color_theme borders-right-border_color-theme, borders_right_color_tint borders-right-border_color-tint, borders_top_style borders-top-border_style, borders_top_color borders-top-border_color, borders_top_color_rgb borders-top-border_color-rgb, borders_top_color_indexed borders-top-border_color-indexed, borders_top_color_theme borders-top-border_color-theme, borders_top_color_tint borders-top-border_color-tint. * Now we have a completly filled styles. * This can be used to get the guid * Return guid if requested. Might be used if copy&paste of styles is requested ep_guid = me->excel->get_static_cellstyle_guid( ip_cstyle_complete = complete_style ip_cstylex_complete = complete_stylex ). me->set_cell_style( ip_column = ip_column ip_row = ip_row ip_style = ep_guid ). ENDMETHOD. "CHANGE_CELL_STYLE METHOD constructor. DATA: lv_title TYPE zexcel_sheet_title. me->excel = ip_excel. * CALL FUNCTION 'GUID_CREATE' " del issue #379 - function is outdated in newer releases * IMPORTING * ev_guid_16 = me->guid. me->guid = zcl_excel_obsolete_func_wrap=>guid_create( ). " ins issue #379 - replacement for outdated function call IF ip_title IS NOT INITIAL. lv_title = ip_title. ELSE. * lv_title = me->guid. " del issue #154 - Names of worksheets lv_title = me->generate_title( ). " ins issue #154 - Names of worksheets ENDIF. me->set_title( ip_title = lv_title ). CREATE OBJECT sheet_setup. CREATE OBJECT styles_cond. CREATE OBJECT data_validations. CREATE OBJECT tables. CREATE OBJECT columns. CREATE OBJECT rows. CREATE OBJECT ranges. " issue #163 CREATE OBJECT mo_pagebreaks. CREATE OBJECT drawings EXPORTING ip_type = zcl_excel_drawing=>type_image. CREATE OBJECT charts EXPORTING ip_type = zcl_excel_drawing=>type_chart. me->zif_excel_sheet_protection~initialize( ). me->zif_excel_sheet_properties~initialize( ). CREATE OBJECT hyperlinks. CREATE OBJECT comments. " (+) Issue #180 * initialize active cell coordinates active_cell-cell_row = 1. active_cell-cell_column = 1. * inizialize dimension range lower_cell-cell_row = 1. lower_cell-cell_column = 1. upper_cell-cell_row = 1. upper_cell-cell_column = 1. ENDMETHOD. "CONSTRUCTOR METHOD delete_merge. DATA: lv_column TYPE i. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * If cell information is passed delete merge including this cell, * otherwise delete all merges *--------------------------------------------------------------------* IF ip_cell_column IS INITIAL OR ip_cell_row IS INITIAL. CLEAR me->mt_merged_cells. ELSE. lv_column = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( ip_cell_column ). LOOP AT me->mt_merged_cells TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WHERE ( row_from <= ip_cell_row AND row_to >= ip_cell_row ) AND ( col_from <= lv_column AND col_to >= lv_column ). DELETE me->mt_merged_cells. EXIT. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "DELETE_MERGE METHOD delete_row_outline. DELETE me->mt_row_outlines WHERE row_from = iv_row_from AND row_to = iv_row_to. IF sy-subrc <> 0. " didn't find outline that was to be deleted zcx_excel=>raise_text( 'Row outline to be deleted does not exist' ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "DELETE_ROW_OUTLINE METHOD freeze_panes. IF ip_num_columns IS NOT SUPPLIED AND ip_num_rows IS NOT SUPPLIED. zcx_excel=>raise_text( 'Pleas provide number of rows and/or columns to freeze' ). ENDIF. IF ip_num_columns IS SUPPLIED AND ip_num_columns <= 0. zcx_excel=>raise_text( 'Number of columns to freeze should be positive' ). ENDIF. IF ip_num_rows IS SUPPLIED AND ip_num_rows <= 0. zcx_excel=>raise_text( 'Number of rows to freeze should be positive' ). ENDIF. freeze_pane_cell_column = ip_num_columns + 1. freeze_pane_cell_row = ip_num_rows + 1. ENDMETHOD. "FREEZE_PANES METHOD generate_title. DATA: lo_worksheets_iterator TYPE REF TO cl_object_collection_iterator, lo_worksheet TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet. DATA: t_titles TYPE HASHED TABLE OF zexcel_sheet_title WITH UNIQUE KEY table_line, title TYPE zexcel_sheet_title, sheetnumber TYPE i. * Get list of currently used titles lo_worksheets_iterator = me->excel->get_worksheets_iterator( ). WHILE lo_worksheets_iterator->has_next( ) = abap_true. lo_worksheet ?= lo_worksheets_iterator->get_next( ). title = lo_worksheet->get_title( ). INSERT title INTO TABLE t_titles. ADD 1 TO sheetnumber. ENDWHILE. * Now build sheetnumber. Increase counter until we hit a number that is not used so far ADD 1 TO sheetnumber. " Start counting with next number DO. title = sheetnumber. SHIFT title LEFT DELETING LEADING space. CONCATENATE 'Sheet'(001) title INTO ep_title. INSERT ep_title INTO TABLE t_titles. IF sy-subrc = 0. " Title not used so far --> take it EXIT. ENDIF. ADD 1 TO sheetnumber. ENDDO. ENDMETHOD. "GENERATE_TITLE METHOD get_active_cell. DATA: lv_active_column TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha, lv_active_row TYPE string. lv_active_column = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2alpha( active_cell-cell_column ). lv_active_row = active_cell-cell_row. SHIFT lv_active_row RIGHT DELETING TRAILING space. SHIFT lv_active_row LEFT DELETING LEADING space. CONCATENATE lv_active_column lv_active_row INTO ep_active_cell. ENDMETHOD. "GET_ACTIVE_CELL METHOD get_cell. DATA: lv_column TYPE zexcel_cell_column, ls_sheet_content TYPE zexcel_s_cell_data. lv_column = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( ip_column ). READ TABLE sheet_content INTO ls_sheet_content WITH TABLE KEY cell_row = ip_row cell_column = lv_column. ep_rc = sy-subrc. ep_value = ls_sheet_content-cell_value. ep_guid = ls_sheet_content-cell_style. " issue 139 - added this to be used for columnwidth calculation ep_formula = ls_sheet_content-cell_formula. " Addition to solve issue #120, contribution by Stefan Schmöcker DATA: style_iterator TYPE REF TO cl_object_collection_iterator, style TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style. IF ep_style IS REQUESTED. style_iterator = me->excel->get_styles_iterator( ). WHILE style_iterator->has_next( ) = 'X'. style ?= style_iterator->get_next( ). IF style->get_guid( ) = ls_sheet_content-cell_style. ep_style = style. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDWHILE. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "GET_CELL METHOD get_column. DATA: lv_column TYPE zexcel_cell_column. lv_column = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( ip_column ). eo_column = me->columns->get( ip_index = lv_column ). IF eo_column IS NOT BOUND. eo_column = me->add_new_column( ip_column ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "GET_COLUMN METHOD get_columns. eo_columns = me->columns. ENDMETHOD. "GET_COLUMNS METHOD get_columns_iterator. eo_iterator = me->columns->get_iterator( ). ENDMETHOD. "GET_COLUMNS_ITERATOR METHOD get_comments. DATA: lo_comment TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_comment, lo_iterator TYPE REF TO cl_object_collection_iterator. CREATE OBJECT r_comments. lo_iterator = comments->get_iterator( ). WHILE lo_iterator->has_next( ) = abap_true. lo_comment ?= lo_iterator->get_next( ). r_comments->include( lo_comment ). ENDWHILE. ENDMETHOD. "get_comments METHOD get_comments_iterator. eo_iterator = comments->get_iterator( ). ENDMETHOD. "get_comments_iterator METHOD get_data_validations_iterator. eo_iterator = me->data_validations->get_iterator( ). ENDMETHOD. "GET_DATA_VALIDATIONS_ITERATOR METHOD get_data_validations_size. ep_size = me->data_validations->size( ). ENDMETHOD. "GET_DATA_VALIDATIONS_SIZE METHOD get_default_column. IF me->column_default IS NOT BOUND. CREATE OBJECT me->column_default EXPORTING ip_index = 'A' " ???? ip_worksheet = me ip_excel = me->excel. ENDIF. eo_column = me->column_default. ENDMETHOD. "GET_DEFAULT_COLUMN METHOD get_default_excel_date_format. CONSTANTS: c_lang_e TYPE lang VALUE 'E'. IF default_excel_date_format IS NOT INITIAL. ep_default_excel_date_format = default_excel_date_format. RETURN. ENDIF. "try to get defaults TRY. cl_abap_datfm=>get_date_format_des( EXPORTING im_langu = c_lang_e IMPORTING ex_dateformat = default_excel_date_format ). CATCH cx_abap_datfm_format_unknown. ENDTRY. " and fallback to fixed format IF default_excel_date_format IS INITIAL. default_excel_date_format = zcl_excel_style_number_format=>c_format_date_ddmmyyyydot. ENDIF. ep_default_excel_date_format = default_excel_date_format. ENDMETHOD. "GET_DEFAULT_EXCEL_DATE_FORMAT METHOD get_default_excel_time_format. DATA: l_timefm TYPE xutimefm. IF default_excel_time_format IS NOT INITIAL. ep_default_excel_time_format = default_excel_time_format. RETURN. ENDIF. * Let's get default l_timefm = cl_abap_timefm=>get_environment_timefm( ). CASE l_timefm. WHEN 0. *0 24 Hour Format (Example: 12:05:10) default_excel_time_format = zcl_excel_style_number_format=>c_format_date_time6. WHEN 1. *1 12 Hour Format (Example: 12:05:10 PM) default_excel_time_format = zcl_excel_style_number_format=>c_format_date_time2. WHEN 2. *2 12 Hour Format (Example: 12:05:10 pm) for now all the same. no chnage upper lower default_excel_time_format = zcl_excel_style_number_format=>c_format_date_time2. WHEN 3. *3 Hours from 0 to 11 (Example: 00:05:10 PM) for now all the same. no chnage upper lower default_excel_time_format = zcl_excel_style_number_format=>c_format_date_time2. WHEN 4. *4 Hours from 0 to 11 (Example: 00:05:10 pm) for now all the same. no chnage upper lower default_excel_time_format = zcl_excel_style_number_format=>c_format_date_time2. WHEN OTHERS. " and fallback to fixed format default_excel_time_format = zcl_excel_style_number_format=>c_format_date_time6. ENDCASE. ep_default_excel_time_format = default_excel_time_format. ENDMETHOD. "GET_DEFAULT_EXCEL_TIME_FORMAT METHOD get_default_row. IF me->row_default IS NOT BOUND. CREATE OBJECT me->row_default. ENDIF. eo_row = me->row_default. ENDMETHOD. "GET_DEFAULT_ROW METHOD get_dimension_range. me->update_dimension_range( ). IF upper_cell EQ lower_cell. "only one cell " Worksheet not filled * IF upper_cell-cell_coords = '0'. IF upper_cell-cell_coords IS INITIAL. ep_dimension_range = 'A1'. ELSE. ep_dimension_range = upper_cell-cell_coords. ENDIF. ELSE. CONCATENATE upper_cell-cell_coords ':' lower_cell-cell_coords INTO ep_dimension_range. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "GET_DIMENSION_RANGE METHOD get_drawings. DATA: lo_drawing TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_drawing, lo_iterator TYPE REF TO cl_object_collection_iterator. CASE ip_type. WHEN zcl_excel_drawing=>type_image. r_drawings = drawings. WHEN zcl_excel_drawing=>type_chart. r_drawings = charts. WHEN space. CREATE OBJECT r_drawings EXPORTING ip_type = ''. lo_iterator = drawings->get_iterator( ). WHILE lo_iterator->has_next( ) = abap_true. lo_drawing ?= lo_iterator->get_next( ). r_drawings->include( lo_drawing ). ENDWHILE. lo_iterator = charts->get_iterator( ). WHILE lo_iterator->has_next( ) = abap_true. lo_drawing ?= lo_iterator->get_next( ). r_drawings->include( lo_drawing ). ENDWHILE. WHEN OTHERS. ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. "GET_DRAWINGS METHOD get_drawings_iterator. CASE ip_type. WHEN zcl_excel_drawing=>type_image. eo_iterator = drawings->get_iterator( ). WHEN zcl_excel_drawing=>type_chart. eo_iterator = charts->get_iterator( ). ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. "GET_DRAWINGS_ITERATOR METHOD get_freeze_cell. ep_row = me->freeze_pane_cell_row. ep_column = me->freeze_pane_cell_column. ENDMETHOD. "GET_FREEZE_CELL METHOD get_guid. ep_guid = me->guid. ENDMETHOD. "GET_GUID METHOD get_header_footer_drawings. DATA: ls_odd_header TYPE zexcel_s_worksheet_head_foot, ls_odd_footer TYPE zexcel_s_worksheet_head_foot, ls_even_header TYPE zexcel_s_worksheet_head_foot, ls_even_footer TYPE zexcel_s_worksheet_head_foot, ls_hd_ft TYPE zexcel_s_worksheet_head_foot. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_drawings> TYPE zexcel_s_drawings. me->sheet_setup->get_header_footer( IMPORTING ep_odd_header = ls_odd_header ep_odd_footer = ls_odd_footer ep_even_header = ls_even_header ep_even_footer = ls_even_footer ). ********************************************************************** *** Odd header ls_hd_ft = ls_odd_header. IF ls_hd_ft-left_image IS NOT INITIAL. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO rt_drawings ASSIGNING <fs_drawings>. <fs_drawings>-drawing = ls_hd_ft-left_image. ENDIF. IF ls_hd_ft-right_image IS NOT INITIAL. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO rt_drawings ASSIGNING <fs_drawings>. <fs_drawings>-drawing = ls_hd_ft-right_image. ENDIF. IF ls_hd_ft-center_image IS NOT INITIAL. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO rt_drawings ASSIGNING <fs_drawings>. <fs_drawings>-drawing = ls_hd_ft-center_image. ENDIF. ********************************************************************** *** Odd footer ls_hd_ft = ls_odd_footer. IF ls_hd_ft-left_image IS NOT INITIAL. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO rt_drawings ASSIGNING <fs_drawings>. <fs_drawings>-drawing = ls_hd_ft-left_image. ENDIF. IF ls_hd_ft-right_image IS NOT INITIAL. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO rt_drawings ASSIGNING <fs_drawings>. <fs_drawings>-drawing = ls_hd_ft-right_image. ENDIF. IF ls_hd_ft-center_image IS NOT INITIAL. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO rt_drawings ASSIGNING <fs_drawings>. <fs_drawings>-drawing = ls_hd_ft-center_image. ENDIF. ********************************************************************** *** Even header ls_hd_ft = ls_even_header. IF ls_hd_ft-left_image IS NOT INITIAL. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO rt_drawings ASSIGNING <fs_drawings>. <fs_drawings>-drawing = ls_hd_ft-left_image. ENDIF. IF ls_hd_ft-right_image IS NOT INITIAL. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO rt_drawings ASSIGNING <fs_drawings>. <fs_drawings>-drawing = ls_hd_ft-right_image. ENDIF. IF ls_hd_ft-center_image IS NOT INITIAL. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO rt_drawings ASSIGNING <fs_drawings>. <fs_drawings>-drawing = ls_hd_ft-center_image. ENDIF. ********************************************************************** *** Even footer ls_hd_ft = ls_even_footer. IF ls_hd_ft-left_image IS NOT INITIAL. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO rt_drawings ASSIGNING <fs_drawings>. <fs_drawings>-drawing = ls_hd_ft-left_image. ENDIF. IF ls_hd_ft-right_image IS NOT INITIAL. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO rt_drawings ASSIGNING <fs_drawings>. <fs_drawings>-drawing = ls_hd_ft-right_image. ENDIF. IF ls_hd_ft-center_image IS NOT INITIAL. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO rt_drawings ASSIGNING <fs_drawings>. <fs_drawings>-drawing = ls_hd_ft-center_image. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "get_header_footer_drawings METHOD get_highest_column. me->update_dimension_range( ). r_highest_column = me->lower_cell-cell_column. ENDMETHOD. "GET_HIGHEST_COLUMN METHOD get_highest_row. me->update_dimension_range( ). r_highest_row = me->lower_cell-cell_row. ENDMETHOD. "GET_HIGHEST_ROW METHOD get_hyperlinks_iterator. eo_iterator = hyperlinks->get_iterator( ). ENDMETHOD. "GET_HYPERLINKS_ITERATOR METHOD get_hyperlinks_size. ep_size = hyperlinks->size( ). ENDMETHOD. "GET_HYPERLINKS_SIZE METHOD get_merge. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_merged_cell> LIKE LINE OF me->mt_merged_cells. DATA: lv_col_from TYPE string, lv_col_to TYPE string, lv_row_from TYPE string, lv_row_to TYPE string, lv_merge_range TYPE string. LOOP AT me->mt_merged_cells ASSIGNING <ls_merged_cell>. lv_col_from = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2alpha( <ls_merged_cell>-col_from ). lv_col_to = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2alpha( <ls_merged_cell>-col_to ). lv_row_from = <ls_merged_cell>-row_from. lv_row_to = <ls_merged_cell>-row_to . CONCATENATE lv_col_from lv_row_from ':' lv_col_to lv_row_to INTO lv_merge_range. CONDENSE lv_merge_range NO-GAPS. APPEND lv_merge_range TO merge_range. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. "GET_MERGE METHOD get_pagebreaks. ro_pagebreaks = mo_pagebreaks. ENDMETHOD. "GET_PAGEBREAKS METHOD get_ranges_iterator. eo_iterator = me->ranges->get_iterator( ). ENDMETHOD. "GET_RANGES_ITERATOR METHOD get_row. eo_row = me->rows->get( ip_index = ip_row ). IF eo_row IS NOT BOUND. eo_row = me->add_new_row( ip_row ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "GET_ROW METHOD get_rows. eo_rows = me->rows. ENDMETHOD. "GET_ROWS METHOD get_rows_iterator. eo_iterator = me->rows->get_iterator( ). ENDMETHOD. "GET_ROWS_ITERATOR METHOD get_row_outlines. rt_row_outlines = me->mt_row_outlines. ENDMETHOD. "GET_ROW_OUTLINES METHOD get_style_cond. DATA: lo_style_iterator TYPE REF TO cl_object_collection_iterator, lo_style_cond TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_style_cond. lo_style_iterator = me->get_style_cond_iterator( ). WHILE lo_style_iterator->has_next( ) = abap_true. lo_style_cond ?= lo_style_iterator->get_next( ). IF lo_style_cond->get_guid( ) = ip_guid. eo_style_cond = lo_style_cond. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDWHILE. ENDMETHOD. "GET_STYLE_COND METHOD get_style_cond_iterator. eo_iterator = styles_cond->get_iterator( ). ENDMETHOD. "GET_STYLE_COND_ITERATOR METHOD get_tabcolor. ev_tabcolor = me->tabcolor. ENDMETHOD. "GET_TABCOLOR METHOD get_table. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Comment D. Rauchenstein * With this method, we get a fully functional Excel Upload, which solves * a few issues of the other excel upload tools * ZBCABA_ALSM_EXCEL_UPLOAD_EXT: Reads only up to 50 signs per Cell, Limit * in row-Numbers. Other have Limitations of Lines, or you are not able * to ignore filters or choosing the right tab. * * To get a fully functional XLSX Upload, you can use it e.g. with method * CL_EXCEL_READER_2007->ZIF_EXCEL_READER~LOAD_FILE() *--------------------------------------------------------------------* FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_line> TYPE data. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lv_value> TYPE data. DATA lv_actual_row TYPE int4. DATA lv_actual_row_string TYPE string. DATA lv_actual_col TYPE int4. DATA lv_actual_col_string TYPE string. DATA lv_errormessage TYPE string. DATA lv_max_col TYPE zexcel_cell_column. DATA lv_max_row TYPE int4. DATA lv_delta_col TYPE int4. DATA lv_value TYPE zexcel_cell_value. DATA lv_rc TYPE sysubrc. lv_max_col = me->get_highest_column( ). lv_max_row = me->get_highest_row( ). *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * The row counter begins with 1 and should be corrected with the skips *--------------------------------------------------------------------* lv_actual_row = iv_skipped_rows + 1. lv_actual_col = iv_skipped_cols + 1. TRY. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Check if we the basic features are possible with given "any table" *--------------------------------------------------------------------* APPEND INITIAL LINE TO et_table ASSIGNING <ls_line>. IF sy-subrc <> 0 OR <ls_line> IS NOT ASSIGNED. lv_errormessage = 'Error at inserting new Line to internal Table'(002). zcx_excel=>raise_text( lv_errormessage ). ELSE. lv_delta_col = lv_max_col - iv_skipped_cols. ASSIGN COMPONENT lv_delta_col OF STRUCTURE <ls_line> TO <lv_value>. IF sy-subrc <> 0 OR <lv_value> IS NOT ASSIGNED. lv_errormessage = 'Internal table has less columns than excel'(003). zcx_excel=>raise_text( lv_errormessage ). ELSE. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* *now we are ready for handle the table data *--------------------------------------------------------------------* REFRESH et_table. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Handle each Row until end on right side *--------------------------------------------------------------------* WHILE lv_actual_row <= lv_max_row . *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Handle each Column until end on bottom * First step is to step back on first column *--------------------------------------------------------------------* lv_actual_col = iv_skipped_cols + 1. UNASSIGN <ls_line>. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO et_table ASSIGNING <ls_line>. IF sy-subrc <> 0 OR <ls_line> IS NOT ASSIGNED. lv_errormessage = 'Error at inserting new Line to internal Table'(002). zcx_excel=>raise_text( lv_errormessage ). ENDIF. WHILE lv_actual_col <= lv_max_col. lv_delta_col = lv_actual_col - iv_skipped_cols. ASSIGN COMPONENT lv_delta_col OF STRUCTURE <ls_line> TO <lv_value>. IF sy-subrc <> 0. lv_actual_col_string = lv_actual_col. lv_actual_row_string = lv_actual_row. CONCATENATE 'Error at assigning field (Col:'(004) lv_actual_col_string ' Row:'(005) lv_actual_row_string INTO lv_errormessage. zcx_excel=>raise_text( lv_errormessage ). ENDIF. me->get_cell( EXPORTING ip_column = lv_actual_col " Cell Column ip_row = lv_actual_row " Cell Row IMPORTING ep_value = lv_value " Cell Value ep_rc = lv_rc " Return Value of ABAP Statements ). IF lv_rc <> 0 AND lv_rc <> 4. "No found error means, zero/no value in cell lv_actual_col_string = lv_actual_col. lv_actual_row_string = lv_actual_row. CONCATENATE 'Error at reading field value (Col:'(007) lv_actual_col_string ' Row:'(005) lv_actual_row_string INTO lv_errormessage. zcx_excel=>raise_text( lv_errormessage ). ENDIF. <lv_value> = lv_value. * CATCH zcx_excel. " ADD 1 TO lv_actual_col. ENDWHILE. ADD 1 TO lv_actual_row. ENDWHILE. ENDIF. ENDIF. CATCH cx_sy_assign_cast_illegal_cast. lv_actual_col_string = lv_actual_col. lv_actual_row_string = lv_actual_row. CONCATENATE 'Error at assigning field (Col:'(004) lv_actual_col_string ' Row:'(005) lv_actual_row_string INTO lv_errormessage. zcx_excel=>raise_text( lv_errormessage ). CATCH cx_sy_assign_cast_unknown_type. lv_actual_col_string = lv_actual_col. lv_actual_row_string = lv_actual_row. CONCATENATE 'Error at assigning field (Col:'(004) lv_actual_col_string ' Row:'(005) lv_actual_row_string INTO lv_errormessage. zcx_excel=>raise_text( lv_errormessage ). CATCH cx_sy_assign_out_of_range. lv_errormessage = 'Internal table has less columns than excel'(003). zcx_excel=>raise_text( lv_errormessage ). CATCH cx_sy_conversion_error. lv_actual_col_string = lv_actual_col. lv_actual_row_string = lv_actual_row. CONCATENATE 'Error at converting field value (Col:'(006) lv_actual_col_string ' Row:'(005) lv_actual_row_string INTO lv_errormessage. zcx_excel=>raise_text( lv_errormessage ). ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. "get_table METHOD get_tables_iterator. eo_iterator = tables->if_object_collection~get_iterator( ). ENDMETHOD. "GET_TABLES_ITERATOR METHOD get_tables_size. ep_size = tables->if_object_collection~size( ). ENDMETHOD. "GET_TABLES_SIZE METHOD get_title. DATA lv_value TYPE string. IF ip_escaped EQ abap_true. lv_value = me->title. ep_title = zcl_excel_common=>escape_string( lv_value ). ELSE. ep_title = me->title. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "GET_TITLE METHOD get_value_type. DATA: lo_addit TYPE REF TO cl_abap_elemdescr, ls_dfies TYPE dfies, l_function TYPE funcname, l_value(50) TYPE c. ep_value = ip_value. ep_value_type = cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_string. " Thats our default if something goes wrong. TRY. lo_addit ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( ip_value ). CATCH cx_sy_move_cast_error. CLEAR lo_addit. ENDTRY. IF lo_addit IS BOUND. lo_addit->get_ddic_field( RECEIVING p_flddescr = ls_dfies EXCEPTIONS not_found = 1 no_ddic_type = 2 OTHERS = 3 ) . IF sy-subrc = 0. ep_value_type = ls_dfies-inttype. IF ls_dfies-convexit IS NOT INITIAL. * We need to convert with output conversion function CONCATENATE 'CONVERSION_EXIT_' ls_dfies-convexit '_OUTPUT' INTO l_function. SELECT SINGLE funcname INTO l_function FROM tfdir WHERE funcname = l_function. IF sy-subrc = 0. CALL FUNCTION l_function EXPORTING input = ip_value IMPORTING * LONG_TEXT = output = l_value * SHORT_TEXT = EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1. IF sy-subrc <> 0. * MESSAGE ID SY-MSGID TYPE SY-MSGTY NUMBER SY-MSGNO * WITH SY-MSGV1 SY-MSGV2 SY-MSGV3 SY-MSGV4. ELSE. TRY. ep_value = l_value. CATCH cx_root. ep_value = ip_value. ENDTRY. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDIF. ELSE. ep_value_type = lo_addit->get_data_type_kind( ip_value ). ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "GET_VALUE_TYPE METHOD is_cell_merged. DATA: lv_column TYPE i. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_merged_cell> LIKE LINE OF me->mt_merged_cells. lv_column = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( ip_column ). rp_is_merged = abap_false. " Assume not in merged area LOOP AT me->mt_merged_cells ASSIGNING <ls_merged_cell>. IF <ls_merged_cell>-col_from <= lv_column AND <ls_merged_cell>-col_to >= lv_column AND <ls_merged_cell>-row_from <= ip_row AND <ls_merged_cell>-row_to >= ip_row. rp_is_merged = abap_true. " until we are proven different RETURN. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. "IS_CELL_MERGED METHOD print_title_set_range. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * issue#235 - repeat rows/columns * - Stefan Schmoecker, 2012-12-02 *--------------------------------------------------------------------* DATA: lo_range_iterator TYPE REF TO cl_object_collection_iterator, lo_range TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_range, lv_repeat_range_sheetname TYPE string, lv_repeat_range_col TYPE string, lv_row_char_from TYPE char10, lv_row_char_to TYPE char10, lv_repeat_range_row TYPE string, lv_repeat_range TYPE string. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Get range that represents printarea * if non-existant, create it *--------------------------------------------------------------------* lo_range_iterator = me->get_ranges_iterator( ). WHILE lo_range_iterator->has_next( ) = abap_true. lo_range ?= lo_range_iterator->get_next( ). IF lo_range->name = zif_excel_sheet_printsettings=>gcv_print_title_name. EXIT. " Found it ENDIF. CLEAR lo_range. ENDWHILE. IF me->print_title_col_from IS INITIAL AND me->print_title_row_from IS INITIAL. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * No print titles are present, *--------------------------------------------------------------------* IF lo_range IS BOUND. me->ranges->remove( lo_range ). ENDIF. ELSE. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Print titles are present, *--------------------------------------------------------------------* IF lo_range IS NOT BOUND. lo_range = me->add_new_range( ). lo_range->name = zif_excel_sheet_printsettings=>gcv_print_title_name. ENDIF. lv_repeat_range_sheetname = me->get_title( ). lv_repeat_range_sheetname = zcl_excel_common=>escape_string( lv_repeat_range_sheetname ). *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Repeat-columns *--------------------------------------------------------------------* IF me->print_title_col_from IS NOT INITIAL. CONCATENATE lv_repeat_range_sheetname '!$' me->print_title_col_from ':$' me->print_title_col_to INTO lv_repeat_range_col. ENDIF. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Repeat-rows *--------------------------------------------------------------------* IF me->print_title_row_from IS NOT INITIAL. lv_row_char_from = me->print_title_row_from. lv_row_char_to = me->print_title_row_to. CONCATENATE '!$' lv_row_char_from ':$' lv_row_char_to INTO lv_repeat_range_row. CONDENSE lv_repeat_range_row NO-GAPS. CONCATENATE lv_repeat_range_sheetname lv_repeat_range_row INTO lv_repeat_range_row. ENDIF. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Concatenate repeat-rows and columns *--------------------------------------------------------------------* IF lv_repeat_range_col IS INITIAL. lv_repeat_range = lv_repeat_range_row. ELSEIF lv_repeat_range_row IS INITIAL. lv_repeat_range = lv_repeat_range_col. ELSE. CONCATENATE lv_repeat_range_col lv_repeat_range_row INTO lv_repeat_range SEPARATED BY ','. ENDIF. lo_range->set_range_value( lv_repeat_range ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "PRINT_TITLE_SET_RANGE METHOD set_area. DATA: lv_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row, lv_row_end TYPE zexcel_cell_row, lv_column_start TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha, lv_column_end TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha, lv_column_start_int TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha, lv_column_end_int TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha. MOVE: ip_row_to TO lv_row_end, ip_row TO lv_row. IF lv_row_end IS INITIAL OR ip_row_to IS NOT SUPPLIED. lv_row_end = lv_row. ENDIF. MOVE: ip_column_start TO lv_column_start, ip_column_end TO lv_column_end. IF lv_column_end IS INITIAL OR ip_column_end IS NOT SUPPLIED. lv_column_end = lv_column_start. ENDIF. lv_column_start_int = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( lv_column_start ). lv_column_end_int = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( lv_column_end ). IF lv_column_start_int > lv_column_end_int OR lv_row > lv_row_end. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_excel EXPORTING error = 'Wrong Merging Parameters'. ENDIF. IF ip_data_type IS SUPPLIED OR ip_abap_type IS SUPPLIED. me->set_cell( ip_column = lv_column_start ip_row = lv_row ip_value = ip_value ip_formula = ip_formula ip_style = ip_style ip_hyperlink = ip_hyperlink ip_data_type = ip_data_type ip_abap_type = ip_abap_type ). ELSE. me->set_cell( ip_column = lv_column_start ip_row = lv_row ip_value = ip_value ip_formula = ip_formula ip_style = ip_style ip_hyperlink = ip_hyperlink ). ENDIF. IF ip_style IS SUPPLIED. me->set_area_style( ip_column_start = lv_column_start ip_column_end = lv_column_end ip_row = lv_row ip_row_to = lv_row_end ip_style = ip_style ). ENDIF. IF ip_merge IS SUPPLIED AND ip_merge = abap_true. me->set_merge( ip_column_start = lv_column_start ip_column_end = lv_column_end ip_row = lv_row ip_row_to = lv_row_end ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "set_area METHOD set_area_formula. DATA: ld_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row, ld_row_end TYPE zexcel_cell_row, ld_column TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha, ld_column_end TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha, ld_column_int TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha, ld_column_end_int TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha. MOVE: ip_row_to TO ld_row_end, ip_row TO ld_row. IF ld_row_end IS INITIAL OR ip_row_to IS NOT SUPPLIED. ld_row_end = ld_row. ENDIF. MOVE: ip_column_start TO ld_column, ip_column_end TO ld_column_end. IF ld_column_end IS INITIAL OR ip_column_end IS NOT SUPPLIED. ld_column_end = ld_column. ENDIF. ld_column_int = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( ld_column ). ld_column_end_int = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( ld_column_end ). IF ld_column_int > ld_column_end_int OR ld_row > ld_row_end. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_excel EXPORTING error = 'Wrong Merging Parameters'. ENDIF. me->set_cell_formula( ip_column = ld_column ip_row = ld_row ip_formula = ip_formula ). IF ip_merge IS SUPPLIED AND ip_merge = abap_true. me->set_merge( ip_column_start = ld_column ip_row = ld_row ip_column_end = ld_column_end ip_row_to = ld_row_end ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "set_area_formula METHOD set_area_style. DATA: ld_row_start TYPE zexcel_cell_row, ld_row_end TYPE zexcel_cell_row, ld_column_start_int TYPE zexcel_cell_column, ld_column_end_int TYPE zexcel_cell_column, ld_current_column TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha, ld_current_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row. MOVE: ip_row_to TO ld_row_end, ip_row TO ld_row_start. IF ld_row_end IS INITIAL OR ip_row_to IS NOT SUPPLIED. ld_row_end = ld_row_start. ENDIF. ld_column_start_int = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( ip_column_start ). ld_column_end_int = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( ip_column_end ). IF ld_column_end_int IS INITIAL OR ip_column_end IS NOT SUPPLIED. ld_column_end_int = ld_column_start_int. ENDIF. WHILE ld_column_start_int <= ld_column_end_int. ld_current_column = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2alpha( ld_column_start_int ). ld_current_row = ld_row_start. WHILE ld_current_row <= ld_row_end. me->set_cell_style( ip_row = ld_current_row ip_column = ld_current_column ip_style = ip_style ). ADD 1 TO ld_current_row. ENDWHILE. ADD 1 TO ld_column_start_int. ENDWHILE. IF ip_merge IS SUPPLIED AND ip_merge = abap_true. me->set_merge( ip_column_start = ip_column_start ip_row = ld_row_start ip_column_end = ld_current_column ip_row_to = ld_row_end ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "SET_AREA_STYLE METHOD set_cell. DATA: lv_column TYPE zexcel_cell_column, ls_sheet_content TYPE zexcel_s_cell_data, lv_row_alpha TYPE string, lv_col_alpha TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha, lv_value TYPE zexcel_cell_value, lv_data_type TYPE zexcel_cell_data_type, lv_value_type TYPE abap_typekind, lv_style_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style, lo_addit TYPE REF TO cl_abap_elemdescr, lo_value TYPE REF TO data, lo_value_new TYPE REF TO data. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_sheet_content> TYPE zexcel_s_cell_data, <fs_numeric> TYPE numeric, <fs_date> TYPE d, <fs_time> TYPE t, <fs_value> TYPE simple. IF ip_value IS NOT SUPPLIED AND ip_formula IS NOT SUPPLIED. zcx_excel=>raise_text( 'Please provide the value or formula' ). ENDIF. * Begin of change issue #152 - don't touch exisiting style if only value is passed * lv_style_guid = ip_style. lv_column = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( ip_column ). READ TABLE sheet_content ASSIGNING <fs_sheet_content> WITH TABLE KEY cell_row = ip_row " Changed to access via table key , Stefan Schmöcker, 2013-08-03 cell_column = lv_column. IF sy-subrc = 0. IF ip_style IS INITIAL. " If no style is provided as method-parameter and cell is found use cell's current style lv_style_guid = <fs_sheet_content>-cell_style. ELSE. " Style provided as method-parameter --> use this lv_style_guid = ip_style. ENDIF. ELSE. " No cell found --> use supplied style even if empty lv_style_guid = ip_style. ENDIF. * End of change issue #152 - don't touch exisiting style if only value is passed IF ip_value IS SUPPLIED. "if data type is passed just write the value. Otherwise map abap type to excel and perform conversion "IP_DATA_TYPE is passed by excel reader so source types are preserved *First we get reference into local var. CREATE DATA lo_value LIKE ip_value. ASSIGN lo_value->* TO <fs_value>. <fs_value> = ip_value. IF ip_data_type IS SUPPLIED. IF ip_abap_type IS NOT SUPPLIED. get_value_type( EXPORTING ip_value = ip_value IMPORTING ep_value = <fs_value> ) . ENDIF. lv_value = <fs_value>. lv_data_type = ip_data_type. ELSE. IF ip_abap_type IS SUPPLIED. lv_value_type = ip_abap_type. ELSE. get_value_type( EXPORTING ip_value = ip_value IMPORTING ep_value = <fs_value> ep_value_type = lv_value_type ). ENDIF. CASE lv_value_type. WHEN cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_int OR cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_int1 OR cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_int2 OR cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_int8. "Allow INT8 types columns lo_addit = cl_abap_elemdescr=>get_i( ). CREATE DATA lo_value_new TYPE HANDLE lo_addit. ASSIGN lo_value_new->* TO <fs_numeric>. IF sy-subrc = 0. <fs_numeric> = <fs_value>. lv_value = zcl_excel_common=>number_to_excel_string( ip_value = <fs_numeric> ). ENDIF. WHEN cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_float OR cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_packed. lo_addit = cl_abap_elemdescr=>get_f( ). CREATE DATA lo_value_new TYPE HANDLE lo_addit. ASSIGN lo_value_new->* TO <fs_numeric>. IF sy-subrc = 0. <fs_numeric> = <fs_value>. lv_value = zcl_excel_common=>number_to_excel_string( ip_value = <fs_numeric> ). ENDIF. WHEN cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_char OR cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_string OR cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_num OR cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_hex. lv_value = <fs_value>. lv_data_type = 's'. WHEN cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_date. lo_addit = cl_abap_elemdescr=>get_d( ). CREATE DATA lo_value_new TYPE HANDLE lo_addit. ASSIGN lo_value_new->* TO <fs_date>. IF sy-subrc = 0. <fs_date> = <fs_value>. lv_value = zcl_excel_common=>date_to_excel_string( ip_value = <fs_date> ) . ENDIF. * Begin of change issue #152 - don't touch exisiting style if only value is passed * Moved to end of routine - apply date-format even if other styleinformation is passed * IF ip_style IS NOT SUPPLIED. "get default date format in case parameter is initial * lo_style = excel->add_new_style( ). * lo_style->number_format->format_code = get_default_excel_date_format( ). * lv_style_guid = lo_style->get_guid( ). * ENDIF. * End of change issue #152 - don't touch exisiting style if only value is passed WHEN cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_time. lo_addit = cl_abap_elemdescr=>get_t( ). CREATE DATA lo_value_new TYPE HANDLE lo_addit. ASSIGN lo_value_new->* TO <fs_time>. IF sy-subrc = 0. <fs_time> = <fs_value>. lv_value = zcl_excel_common=>time_to_excel_string( ip_value = <fs_time> ). ENDIF. * Begin of change issue #152 - don't touch exisiting style if only value is passed * Moved to end of routine - apply time-format even if other styleinformation is passed * IF ip_style IS NOT SUPPLIED. "get default time format for user in case parameter is initial * lo_style = excel->add_new_style( ). * lo_style->number_format->format_code = zcl_excel_style_number_format=>c_format_date_time6. * lv_style_guid = lo_style->get_guid( ). * ENDIF. * End of change issue #152 - don't touch exisiting style if only value is passed WHEN OTHERS. zcx_excel=>raise_text( 'Invalid data type of input value' ). ENDCASE. ENDIF. ENDIF. IF ip_hyperlink IS BOUND. ip_hyperlink->set_cell_reference( ip_column = ip_column ip_row = ip_row ). me->hyperlinks->add( ip_hyperlink ). ENDIF. * Begin of change issue #152 - don't touch exisiting style if only value is passed * Read table moved up, so that current style may be evaluated * lv_column = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( ip_column ). * READ TABLE sheet_content ASSIGNING <fs_sheet_content> WITH KEY cell_row = ip_row * cell_column = lv_column. * * IF sy-subrc EQ 0. IF <fs_sheet_content> IS ASSIGNED. * End of change issue #152 - don't touch exisiting style if only value is passed <fs_sheet_content>-cell_value = lv_value. <fs_sheet_content>-cell_formula = ip_formula. <fs_sheet_content>-cell_style = lv_style_guid. <fs_sheet_content>-data_type = lv_data_type. ELSE. ls_sheet_content-cell_row = ip_row. ls_sheet_content-cell_column = lv_column. ls_sheet_content-cell_value = lv_value. ls_sheet_content-cell_formula = ip_formula. ls_sheet_content-cell_style = lv_style_guid. ls_sheet_content-data_type = lv_data_type. lv_row_alpha = ip_row. * SHIFT lv_row_alpha RIGHT DELETING TRAILING space."del #152 - replaced with condense - should be faster * SHIFT lv_row_alpha LEFT DELETING LEADING space. "del #152 - replaced with condense - should be faster CONDENSE lv_row_alpha NO-GAPS. "ins #152 - replaced 2 shifts - should be faster lv_col_alpha = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2alpha( ip_column ). " issue #155 - less restrictive typing for ip_column CONCATENATE lv_col_alpha lv_row_alpha INTO ls_sheet_content-cell_coords. " issue #155 - less restrictive typing for ip_column INSERT ls_sheet_content INTO TABLE sheet_content ASSIGNING <fs_sheet_content>. "ins #152 - Now <fs_sheet_content> always holds the data * APPEND ls_sheet_content TO sheet_content. * SORT sheet_content BY cell_row cell_column. " me->update_dimension_range( ). ENDIF. * Begin of change issue #152 - don't touch exisiting style if only value is passed * For Date- or Timefields change the formatcode if nothing is set yet * Enhancement option: Check if existing formatcode is a date/ or timeformat * If not, use default DATA: lo_format_code_datetime TYPE zexcel_number_format. DATA: stylemapping TYPE zexcel_s_stylemapping. CASE lv_value_type. WHEN cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_date. TRY. stylemapping = me->excel->get_style_to_guid( <fs_sheet_content>-cell_style ). CATCH zcx_excel . ENDTRY. IF stylemapping-complete_stylex-number_format-format_code IS INITIAL OR stylemapping-complete_style-number_format-format_code IS INITIAL. lo_format_code_datetime = zcl_excel_style_number_format=>c_format_date_std. ELSE. lo_format_code_datetime = stylemapping-complete_style-number_format-format_code. ENDIF. me->change_cell_style( ip_column = ip_column ip_row = ip_row ip_number_format_format_code = lo_format_code_datetime ). WHEN cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_time. TRY. stylemapping = me->excel->get_style_to_guid( <fs_sheet_content>-cell_style ). CATCH zcx_excel . ENDTRY. IF stylemapping-complete_stylex-number_format-format_code IS INITIAL OR stylemapping-complete_style-number_format-format_code IS INITIAL. lo_format_code_datetime = zcl_excel_style_number_format=>c_format_date_time6. ELSE. lo_format_code_datetime = stylemapping-complete_style-number_format-format_code. ENDIF. me->change_cell_style( ip_column = ip_column ip_row = ip_row ip_number_format_format_code = lo_format_code_datetime ). ENDCASE. * End of change issue #152 - don't touch exisiting style if only value is passed * Fix issue #162 lv_value = ip_value. IF lv_value CS cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf. me->change_cell_style( ip_column = ip_column ip_row = ip_row ip_alignment_wraptext = abap_true ). ENDIF. * End of Fix issue #162 ENDMETHOD. "SET_CELL METHOD set_cell_formula. DATA: lv_column TYPE zexcel_cell_column, ls_sheet_content LIKE LINE OF me->sheet_content. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <sheet_content> LIKE LINE OF me->sheet_content. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Get cell to set formula into *--------------------------------------------------------------------* lv_column = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( ip_column ). READ TABLE me->sheet_content ASSIGNING <sheet_content> WITH TABLE KEY cell_row = ip_row cell_column = lv_column. IF sy-subrc <> 0. " Create new entry in sheet_content if necessary CHECK ip_formula IS INITIAL. " no need to create new entry in sheet_content when no formula is passed ls_sheet_content-cell_row = ip_row. ls_sheet_content-cell_column = lv_column. INSERT ls_sheet_content INTO TABLE me->sheet_content ASSIGNING <sheet_content>. ENDIF. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Fieldsymbol now holds the relevant cell *--------------------------------------------------------------------* <sheet_content>-cell_formula = ip_formula. ENDMETHOD. "SET_CELL_FORMULA METHOD set_cell_style. DATA: lv_column TYPE zexcel_cell_column, lv_style_guid TYPE zexcel_cell_style. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_sheet_content> TYPE zexcel_s_cell_data. lv_style_guid = ip_style. lv_column = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( ip_column ). READ TABLE sheet_content ASSIGNING <fs_sheet_content> WITH KEY cell_row = ip_row cell_column = lv_column. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. <fs_sheet_content>-cell_style = lv_style_guid. ELSE. set_cell( ip_column = ip_column ip_row = ip_row ip_value = '' ip_style = ip_style ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "SET_CELL_STYLE METHOD set_column_width. DATA: lo_column TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_column. DATA: width TYPE float. lo_column = me->get_column( ip_column ). * if a fix size is supplied use this IF ip_width_fix IS SUPPLIED. TRY. width = ip_width_fix. IF width <= 0. zcx_excel=>raise_text( 'Please supply a positive number as column-width' ). ENDIF. lo_column->set_width( width ). EXIT. CATCH cx_sy_conversion_no_number. * Strange stuff passed --> raise error zcx_excel=>raise_text( 'Unable to interpret supplied input as number' ). ENDTRY. ENDIF. * If we get down to here, we have to use whatever is found in autosize. lo_column->set_auto_size( ip_width_autosize ). ENDMETHOD. "SET_COLUMN_WIDTH METHOD set_default_excel_date_format. IF ip_default_excel_date_format IS INITIAL. zcx_excel=>raise_text( 'Default date format cannot be blank' ). ENDIF. default_excel_date_format = ip_default_excel_date_format. ENDMETHOD. "SET_DEFAULT_EXCEL_DATE_FORMAT METHOD set_merge. DATA: ls_merge TYPE mty_merge, lv_errormessage TYPE string. ... "just after variables definition IF ip_value IS SUPPLIED OR ip_formula IS SUPPLIED. " if there is a value or formula set the value to the top-left cell "maybe it is necessary to support other paramters for set_cell IF ip_value IS SUPPLIED. me->set_cell( ip_row = ip_row ip_column = ip_column_start ip_value = ip_value ). ENDIF. IF ip_formula IS SUPPLIED. me->set_cell( ip_row = ip_row ip_column = ip_column_start ip_value = ip_formula ). ENDIF. ENDIF. "call to set_merge_style to apply the style to all cells at the matrix IF ip_style IS SUPPLIED. me->set_merge_style( ip_row = ip_row ip_column_start = ip_column_start ip_row_to = ip_row_to ip_column_end = ip_column_end ip_style = ip_style ). ENDIF. ... *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Build new range area to insert into range table *--------------------------------------------------------------------* ls_merge-row_from = ip_row. IF ip_row IS SUPPLIED AND ip_row IS NOT INITIAL AND ip_row_to IS NOT SUPPLIED. ls_merge-row_to = ls_merge-row_from. ELSE. ls_merge-row_to = ip_row_to. ENDIF. IF ls_merge-row_from > ls_merge-row_to. lv_errormessage = 'Merge: First row larger then last row'(405). zcx_excel=>raise_text( lv_errormessage ). ENDIF. ls_merge-col_from = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( ip_column_start ). IF ip_column_start IS SUPPLIED AND ip_column_start IS NOT INITIAL AND ip_column_end IS NOT SUPPLIED. ls_merge-col_to = ls_merge-col_from. ELSE. ls_merge-col_to = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( ip_column_end ). ENDIF. IF ls_merge-col_from > ls_merge-col_to. lv_errormessage = 'Merge: First column larger then last column'(406). zcx_excel=>raise_text( lv_errormessage ). ENDIF. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Check merge not overlapping with existing merges *--------------------------------------------------------------------* LOOP AT me->mt_merged_cells TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WHERE NOT ( row_from > ls_merge-row_to OR row_to < ls_merge-row_from OR col_from > ls_merge-col_to OR col_to < ls_merge-col_from ). lv_errormessage = 'Overlapping merges'(404). zcx_excel=>raise_text( lv_errormessage ). ENDLOOP. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Everything seems ok --> add to merge table *--------------------------------------------------------------------* INSERT ls_merge INTO TABLE me->mt_merged_cells. ENDMETHOD. "SET_MERGE METHOD set_merge_style. DATA: ld_row_start TYPE zexcel_cell_row, ld_row_end TYPE zexcel_cell_row, ld_column_start TYPE zexcel_cell_column, ld_column_end TYPE zexcel_cell_column, ld_current_column TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha, ld_current_row TYPE zexcel_cell_row. MOVE: ip_row_to TO ld_row_end, ip_row TO ld_row_start. IF ld_row_end IS INITIAL. ld_row_end = ld_row_start. ENDIF. ld_column_start = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( ip_column_start ). ld_column_end = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( ip_column_end ). IF ld_column_end IS INITIAL. ld_column_end = ld_column_start. ENDIF. "set the style cell by cell WHILE ld_column_start <= ld_column_end. ld_current_column = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2alpha( ld_column_start ). ld_current_row = ld_row_start. WHILE ld_current_row <= ld_row_end. me->set_cell_style( ip_row = ld_current_row ip_column = ld_current_column ip_style = ip_style ). ADD 1 TO ld_current_row. ENDWHILE. ADD 1 TO ld_column_start. ENDWHILE. ENDMETHOD. "set_merge_style METHOD set_print_gridlines. me->print_gridlines = i_print_gridlines. ENDMETHOD. "SET_PRINT_GRIDLINES METHOD set_row_height. DATA: lo_row TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_row. DATA: height TYPE float. lo_row = me->get_row( ip_row ). * if a fix size is supplied use this TRY. height = ip_height_fix. IF height <= 0. zcx_excel=>raise_text( 'Please supply a positive number as row-height' ). ENDIF. lo_row->set_row_height( height ). EXIT. CATCH cx_sy_conversion_no_number. * Strange stuff passed --> raise error zcx_excel=>raise_text( 'Unable to interpret supplied input as number' ). ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. "SET_ROW_HEIGHT METHOD set_row_outline. DATA: ls_row_outline LIKE LINE OF me->mt_row_outlines. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_row_outline> LIKE LINE OF me->mt_row_outlines. READ TABLE me->mt_row_outlines ASSIGNING <ls_row_outline> WITH TABLE KEY row_from = iv_row_from row_to = iv_row_to. IF sy-subrc <> 0. IF iv_row_from <= 0. zcx_excel=>raise_text( 'First row of outline must be a positive number' ). ENDIF. IF iv_row_to < iv_row_from. zcx_excel=>raise_text( 'Last row of outline may not be less than first line of outline' ). ENDIF. ls_row_outline-row_from = iv_row_from. ls_row_outline-row_to = iv_row_to. INSERT ls_row_outline INTO TABLE me->mt_row_outlines ASSIGNING <ls_row_outline>. ENDIF. CASE iv_collapsed. WHEN abap_true OR abap_false. <ls_row_outline>-collapsed = iv_collapsed. WHEN OTHERS. zcx_excel=>raise_text( 'Unknown collapse state' ). ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. "SET_ROW_OUTLINE METHOD set_show_gridlines. me->show_gridlines = i_show_gridlines. ENDMETHOD. "SET_SHOW_GRIDLINES METHOD set_show_rowcolheaders. me->show_rowcolheaders = i_show_rowcolheaders. ENDMETHOD. "SET_SHOW_ROWCOLHEADERS METHOD set_tabcolor. me->tabcolor = iv_tabcolor. ENDMETHOD. "SET_TABCOLOR METHOD set_table. DATA: lo_tabdescr TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr, lr_data TYPE REF TO data, ls_header TYPE x030l, lt_dfies TYPE ddfields, lv_row_int TYPE zexcel_cell_row, lv_column_int TYPE zexcel_cell_column, lv_column_alpha TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha, lv_cell_value TYPE zexcel_cell_value. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_table_line> TYPE any, <fs_fldval> TYPE any, <fs_dfies> TYPE dfies. lv_column_int = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( ip_top_left_column ). lv_row_int = ip_top_left_row. CREATE DATA lr_data LIKE LINE OF ip_table. lo_tabdescr ?= cl_abap_structdescr=>describe_by_data_ref( lr_data ). ls_header = lo_tabdescr->get_ddic_header( ). lt_dfies = lo_tabdescr->get_ddic_field_list( ). * It is better to loop column by column LOOP AT lt_dfies ASSIGNING <fs_dfies>. lv_column_alpha = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2alpha( lv_column_int ). IF ip_no_header = abap_false. " First of all write column header lv_cell_value = <fs_dfies>-scrtext_m. me->set_cell( ip_column = lv_column_alpha ip_row = lv_row_int ip_value = lv_cell_value ip_style = ip_hdr_style ). IF ip_transpose = abap_true. ADD 1 TO lv_column_int. ELSE. ADD 1 TO lv_row_int. ENDIF. ENDIF. LOOP AT ip_table ASSIGNING <fs_table_line>. lv_column_alpha = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2alpha( lv_column_int ). ASSIGN COMPONENT <fs_dfies>-fieldname OF STRUCTURE <fs_table_line> TO <fs_fldval>. MOVE <fs_fldval> TO lv_cell_value. me->set_cell( ip_column = lv_column_alpha ip_row = lv_row_int ip_value = <fs_fldval> "lv_cell_value ip_style = ip_body_style ). IF ip_transpose = abap_true. ADD 1 TO lv_column_int. ELSE. ADD 1 TO lv_row_int. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. IF ip_transpose = abap_true. lv_column_int = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( ip_top_left_column ). ADD 1 TO lv_row_int. ELSE. lv_row_int = ip_top_left_row. ADD 1 TO lv_column_int. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. "SET_TABLE METHOD set_title. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * ToDos: * 2do §1 The current coding for replacing a named ranges name * after renaming a sheet should be checked if it is * really working if sheetname should be escaped *--------------------------------------------------------------------* *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * issue #230 - Pimp my Code * - Stefan Schmoecker, (wip ) 2012-12-08 * - ... * changes: aligning code * message made to support multilinguality *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * issue#243 - ' is not allowed as first character in sheet title * - Stefan Schmoecker, 2012-12-02 * changes: added additional check for ' as first character *--------------------------------------------------------------------* DATA: lo_worksheets_iterator TYPE REF TO cl_object_collection_iterator, lo_worksheet TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet, errormessage TYPE string, lv_rangesheetname_old TYPE string, lv_rangesheetname_new TYPE string, lo_ranges_iterator TYPE REF TO cl_object_collection_iterator, lo_range TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_range, lv_range_value TYPE zexcel_range_value, lv_errormessage TYPE string. " Can't pass '...'(abc) to exception-class *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Check whether title consists only of allowed characters * Illegal characters are: / \ [ ] * ? : --> * Illegal characters not in documentation: ' as first character *--------------------------------------------------------------------* IF ip_title CA '/\[]*?:'. lv_errormessage = 'Found illegal character in sheetname. List of forbidden characters: /\[]*?:'(402). zcx_excel=>raise_text( lv_errormessage ). ENDIF. IF ip_title IS NOT INITIAL AND ip_title(1) = `'`. lv_errormessage = 'Sheetname may not start with &'(403). " & used instead of ' to allow fallbacklanguage REPLACE '&' IN lv_errormessage WITH `'`. zcx_excel=>raise_text( lv_errormessage ). ENDIF. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Check whether title is unique in workbook *--------------------------------------------------------------------* lo_worksheets_iterator = me->excel->get_worksheets_iterator( ). WHILE lo_worksheets_iterator->has_next( ) = 'X'. lo_worksheet ?= lo_worksheets_iterator->get_next( ). CHECK me->guid <> lo_worksheet->get_guid( ). " Don't check against itself IF ip_title = lo_worksheet->get_title( ). " Not unique --> raise exception errormessage = 'Duplicate sheetname &'. REPLACE '&' IN errormessage WITH ip_title. zcx_excel=>raise_text( errormessage ). ENDIF. ENDWHILE. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Remember old sheetname and rename sheet to desired name *--------------------------------------------------------------------* CONCATENATE me->title '!' INTO lv_rangesheetname_old. me->title = ip_title. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * After changing this worksheet's title we have to adjust * all ranges that are referring to this worksheet. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * 2do §1 - Check if the following quickfix is solid * I fear it isn't - but this implementation is better then * nothing at all since it handles a supposed majority of cases *--------------------------------------------------------------------* CONCATENATE me->title '!' INTO lv_rangesheetname_new. lo_ranges_iterator = me->excel->get_ranges_iterator( ). WHILE lo_ranges_iterator->has_next( ) = 'X'. lo_range ?= lo_ranges_iterator->get_next( ). lv_range_value = lo_range->get_value( ). REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF lv_rangesheetname_old IN lv_range_value WITH lv_rangesheetname_new. IF sy-subrc = 0. lo_range->set_range_value( lv_range_value ). ENDIF. ENDWHILE. ENDMETHOD. "SET_TITLE METHOD update_dimension_range. DATA: ls_sheet_content TYPE zexcel_s_cell_data, lv_row_alpha TYPE string, lv_column_alpha TYPE zexcel_cell_column_alpha. CHECK sheet_content IS NOT INITIAL. upper_cell-cell_row = zcl_excel_common=>c_excel_sheet_max_row. upper_cell-cell_column = zcl_excel_common=>c_excel_sheet_max_col. lower_cell-cell_row = zcl_excel_common=>c_excel_sheet_min_row. lower_cell-cell_column = zcl_excel_common=>c_excel_sheet_min_col. LOOP AT sheet_content INTO ls_sheet_content. IF upper_cell-cell_row > ls_sheet_content-cell_row. upper_cell-cell_row = ls_sheet_content-cell_row. ENDIF. IF upper_cell-cell_column > ls_sheet_content-cell_column. upper_cell-cell_column = ls_sheet_content-cell_column. ENDIF. IF lower_cell-cell_row < ls_sheet_content-cell_row. lower_cell-cell_row = ls_sheet_content-cell_row. ENDIF. IF lower_cell-cell_column < ls_sheet_content-cell_column. lower_cell-cell_column = ls_sheet_content-cell_column. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. lv_row_alpha = upper_cell-cell_row. lv_column_alpha = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2alpha( upper_cell-cell_column ). SHIFT lv_row_alpha RIGHT DELETING TRAILING space. SHIFT lv_row_alpha LEFT DELETING LEADING space. CONCATENATE lv_column_alpha lv_row_alpha INTO upper_cell-cell_coords. lv_row_alpha = lower_cell-cell_row. lv_column_alpha = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2alpha( lower_cell-cell_column ). SHIFT lv_row_alpha RIGHT DELETING TRAILING space. SHIFT lv_row_alpha LEFT DELETING LEADING space. CONCATENATE lv_column_alpha lv_row_alpha INTO lower_cell-cell_coords. ENDMETHOD. "UPDATE_DIMENSION_RANGE METHOD zif_excel_sheet_printsettings~clear_print_repeat_columns. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * adjust internal representation *--------------------------------------------------------------------* CLEAR: me->print_title_col_from, me->print_title_col_to . *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * adjust corresponding range *--------------------------------------------------------------------* me->print_title_set_range( ). ENDMETHOD. "ZIF_EXCEL_SHEET_PRINTSETTINGS~CLEAR_PRINT_REPEAT_COLUMNS METHOD zif_excel_sheet_printsettings~clear_print_repeat_rows. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * adjust internal representation *--------------------------------------------------------------------* CLEAR: me->print_title_row_from, me->print_title_row_to . *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * adjust corresponding range *--------------------------------------------------------------------* me->print_title_set_range( ). ENDMETHOD. "ZIF_EXCEL_SHEET_PRINTSETTINGS~CLEAR_PRINT_REPEAT_ROWS METHOD zif_excel_sheet_printsettings~get_print_repeat_columns. ev_columns_from = me->print_title_col_from. ev_columns_to = me->print_title_col_to. ENDMETHOD. "ZIF_EXCEL_SHEET_PRINTSETTINGS~GET_PRINT_REPEAT_COLUMNS METHOD zif_excel_sheet_printsettings~get_print_repeat_rows. ev_rows_from = me->print_title_row_from. ev_rows_to = me->print_title_row_to. ENDMETHOD. "ZIF_EXCEL_SHEET_PRINTSETTINGS~GET_PRINT_REPEAT_ROWS METHOD zif_excel_sheet_printsettings~set_print_repeat_columns. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * issue#235 - repeat rows/columns * - Stefan Schmöcker, 2012-12-02 *--------------------------------------------------------------------* DATA: lv_col_from_int TYPE i, lv_col_to_int TYPE i, lv_errormessage TYPE string. lv_col_from_int = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( iv_columns_from ). lv_col_to_int = zcl_excel_common=>convert_column2int( iv_columns_to ). *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Check if valid range is supplied *--------------------------------------------------------------------* IF lv_col_from_int < 1. lv_errormessage = 'Invalid range supplied for print-title repeatable columns'(401). zcx_excel=>raise_text( lv_errormessage ). ENDIF. IF lv_col_from_int > lv_col_to_int. lv_errormessage = 'Invalid range supplied for print-title repeatable columns'(401). zcx_excel=>raise_text( lv_errormessage ). ENDIF. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * adjust internal representation *--------------------------------------------------------------------* me->print_title_col_from = iv_columns_from. me->print_title_col_to = iv_columns_to. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * adjust corresponding range *--------------------------------------------------------------------* me->print_title_set_range( ). ENDMETHOD. "ZIF_EXCEL_SHEET_PRINTSETTINGS~SET_PRINT_REPEAT_COLUMNS METHOD zif_excel_sheet_printsettings~set_print_repeat_rows. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * issue#235 - repeat rows/columns * - Stefan Schmöcker, 2012-12-02 *--------------------------------------------------------------------* DATA: lv_errormessage TYPE string. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * Check if valid range is supplied *--------------------------------------------------------------------* IF iv_rows_from < 1. lv_errormessage = 'Invalid range supplied for print-title repeatable rowumns'(401). zcx_excel=>raise_text( lv_errormessage ). ENDIF. IF iv_rows_from > iv_rows_to. lv_errormessage = 'Invalid range supplied for print-title repeatable rowumns'(401). zcx_excel=>raise_text( lv_errormessage ). ENDIF. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * adjust internal representation *--------------------------------------------------------------------* me->print_title_row_from = iv_rows_from. me->print_title_row_to = iv_rows_to. *--------------------------------------------------------------------* * adjust corresponding range *--------------------------------------------------------------------* me->print_title_set_range( ). ENDMETHOD. "ZIF_EXCEL_SHEET_PRINTSETTINGS~SET_PRINT_REPEAT_ROWS METHOD zif_excel_sheet_properties~get_style. IF zif_excel_sheet_properties~style IS NOT INITIAL. ep_style = zif_excel_sheet_properties~style. ELSE. ep_style = me->excel->get_default_style( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. "ZIF_EXCEL_SHEET_PROPERTIES~GET_STYLE METHOD zif_excel_sheet_properties~initialize. zif_excel_sheet_properties~show_zeros = zif_excel_sheet_properties=>c_showzero. zif_excel_sheet_properties~summarybelow = zif_excel_sheet_properties=>c_below_on. zif_excel_sheet_properties~summaryright = zif_excel_sheet_properties=>c_right_on. * inizialize zoomscale values zif_excel_sheet_properties~zoomscale = 100. zif_excel_sheet_properties~zoomscale_normal = 100. zif_excel_sheet_properties~zoomscale_pagelayoutview = 100 . zif_excel_sheet_properties~zoomscale_sheetlayoutview = 100 . ENDMETHOD. "ZIF_EXCEL_SHEET_PROPERTIES~INITIALIZE METHOD zif_excel_sheet_properties~set_style. zif_excel_sheet_properties~style = ip_style. ENDMETHOD. "ZIF_EXCEL_SHEET_PROPERTIES~SET_STYLE METHOD zif_excel_sheet_protection~initialize. me->zif_excel_sheet_protection~protected = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_unprotected. CLEAR me->zif_excel_sheet_protection~password. me->zif_excel_sheet_protection~auto_filter = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_noactive. me->zif_excel_sheet_protection~delete_columns = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_noactive. me->zif_excel_sheet_protection~delete_rows = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_noactive. me->zif_excel_sheet_protection~format_cells = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_noactive. me->zif_excel_sheet_protection~format_columns = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_noactive. me->zif_excel_sheet_protection~format_rows = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_noactive. me->zif_excel_sheet_protection~insert_columns = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_noactive. me->zif_excel_sheet_protection~insert_hyperlinks = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_noactive. me->zif_excel_sheet_protection~insert_rows = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_noactive. me->zif_excel_sheet_protection~objects = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_noactive. * me->zif_excel_sheet_protection~password = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_noactive. "issue #68 me->zif_excel_sheet_protection~pivot_tables = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_noactive. me->zif_excel_sheet_protection~protected = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_noactive. me->zif_excel_sheet_protection~scenarios = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_noactive. me->zif_excel_sheet_protection~select_locked_cells = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_noactive. me->zif_excel_sheet_protection~select_unlocked_cells = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_noactive. me->zif_excel_sheet_protection~sheet = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_noactive. me->zif_excel_sheet_protection~sort = zif_excel_sheet_protection=>c_noactive. ENDMETHOD. "ZIF_EXCEL_SHEET_PROTECTION~INITIALIZE METHOD zif_excel_sheet_vba_project~set_codename. me->zif_excel_sheet_vba_project~codename = ip_codename. ENDMETHOD. "ZIF_EXCEL_SHEET_VBA_PROJECT~SET_CODENAME METHOD zif_excel_sheet_vba_project~set_codename_pr. me->zif_excel_sheet_vba_project~codename_pr = ip_codename_pr. ENDMETHOD. "ZIF_EXCEL_SHEET_VBA_PROJECT~SET_CODENAME_PR ENDCLASS.
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499, 62, 9562, 13, 25113, 2943, 5626, 13918, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 9629, 62, 11299, 41876, 1976, 1069, 5276, 62, 83, 62, 3846, 62, 7890, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 9629, 62, 40406, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 565, 62, 1069, 5276, 62, 21760, 62, 40406, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 905, 62, 25928, 6615, 41876, 1976, 1069, 5276, 62, 12860, 62, 25928, 6615, 20832, 12, 1340, 11319, 26173, 8924, 450, 499, 62, 7942, 13, 25113, 2943, 5626, 13918, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 905, 62, 808, 4033, 50145, 41876, 1976, 1069, 5276, 62, 12860, 62, 25928, 6615, 20832, 12, 1340, 11319, 26173, 8924, 450, 499, 62, 7942, 13, 25113, 2943, 5626, 13918, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 12186, 41876, 1976, 1069, 5276, 62, 83, 62, 21760, 62, 7635, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 7400, 8043, 41876, 1976, 1069, 5276, 62, 82, 62, 8658, 8043, 20832, 12, 1340, 11319, 764, 628, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 751, 62, 23893, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 541, 62, 23893, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 565, 62, 1069, 5276, 62, 23893, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 751, 62, 19334, 278, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 541, 62, 19334, 278, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 565, 62, 1069, 5276, 62, 19334, 278, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 751, 62, 3605, 62, 28665, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 541, 62, 28665, 41876, 2829, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1988, 7, 68, 78, 62, 28665, 8, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 565, 62, 1069, 5276, 62, 28665, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 751, 62, 3605, 62, 7635, 62, 17561, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1988, 7, 68, 78, 62, 7635, 62, 17561, 8, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 565, 62, 1069, 5276, 62, 7635, 62, 17561, 764, 198, 220, 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INTERFACE zif_uitb_gui_command PUBLIC . "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Type of command</p> TYPES ty_command_type TYPE i. CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_command_type, request_menu TYPE ty_command_type VALUE 0, normal TYPE ty_command_type VALUE 1, dynpro TYPE ty_command_type VALUE 2, END OF c_command_type. DATA mv_function TYPE ui_func READ-ONLY. DATA mr_params TYPE REF TO data READ-ONLY. DATA mv_type TYPE ty_command_type READ-ONLY. "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Adds the given menu to the command</p> "! METHODS set_context_menu IMPORTING io_menu TYPE REF TO cl_ctmenu. ENDINTERFACE.
[ 41358, 49836, 1976, 361, 62, 5013, 65, 62, 48317, 62, 21812, 198, 220, 44731, 764, 198, 220, 366, 0, 1279, 79, 1398, 2625, 19509, 5239, 47192, 1, 42392, 2625, 268, 5320, 6030, 286, 3141, 3556, 79, 29, 198, 220, 24412, 47, 1546, 1259, 62, 21812, 62, 4906, 41876, 1312, 13, 628, 220, 7102, 2257, 1565, 4694, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 347, 43312, 3963, 269, 62, 21812, 62, 4906, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2581, 62, 26272, 41876, 1259, 62, 21812, 62, 4906, 26173, 8924, 657, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3487, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 1259, 62, 21812, 62, 4906, 26173, 8924, 352, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 37860, 1676, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 1259, 62, 21812, 62, 4906, 26173, 8924, 362, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 3963, 269, 62, 21812, 62, 4906, 13, 628, 220, 42865, 285, 85, 62, 8818, 41876, 334, 72, 62, 20786, 20832, 12, 1340, 11319, 13, 198, 220, 42865, 285, 81, 62, 37266, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1366, 20832, 12, 1340, 11319, 13, 198, 220, 42865, 285, 85, 62, 4906, 41876, 1259, 62, 21812, 62, 4906, 20832, 12, 1340, 11319, 13, 628, 220, 366, 0, 1279, 79, 1398, 2625, 19509, 5239, 47192, 1, 42392, 2625, 268, 5320, 46245, 262, 1813, 6859, 284, 262, 3141, 3556, 79, 29, 198, 220, 366, 0, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 900, 62, 22866, 62, 26272, 198, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 33245, 62, 26272, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 537, 62, 310, 26272, 13, 198, 10619, 41358, 49836, 13, 198 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
class ZCL_BG_INJECTOR definition public create private for testing . public section. class-methods SET_OBJECTS importing !II_OBJECTS type ref to ZIF_BG_OBJECTS . class-methods SET_TRANSPORTS importing !II_TRANSPORTS type ref to ZIF_BG_TRANSPORTS . PROTECTED SECTION. private section. ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_BG_INJECTOR IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD set_objects. zcl_bg_factory=>gi_objects = ii_objects. ENDMETHOD. METHOD set_transports. zcl_bg_factory=>gi_transports = ii_transports. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 4871, 1168, 5097, 62, 40469, 62, 1268, 23680, 1581, 6770, 198, 220, 1171, 198, 220, 2251, 2839, 198, 220, 329, 4856, 764, 198, 198, 11377, 2665, 13, 628, 220, 1398, 12, 24396, 82, 25823, 62, 9864, 41, 2943, 4694, 198, 220, 220, 220, 33332, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 3978, 62, 9864, 41, 2943, 4694, 2099, 1006, 284, 1168, 5064, 62, 40469, 62, 9864, 41, 2943, 4694, 764, 198, 220, 1398, 12, 24396, 82, 25823, 62, 5446, 1565, 4303, 33002, 198, 220, 220, 220, 33332, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 3978, 62, 5446, 1565, 4303, 33002, 2099, 1006, 284, 1168, 5064, 62, 40469, 62, 5446, 1565, 4303, 33002, 764, 198, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 198, 19734, 2665, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 198, 31631, 1168, 5097, 62, 40469, 62, 1268, 23680, 1581, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 900, 62, 48205, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1976, 565, 62, 35904, 62, 69, 9548, 14804, 12397, 62, 48205, 796, 21065, 62, 48205, 13, 628, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 900, 62, 7645, 3742, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1976, 565, 62, 35904, 62, 69, 9548, 14804, 12397, 62, 7645, 3742, 796, 21065, 62, 7645, 3742, 13, 628, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
interface ZIF_MQBA_GUI_MSG_LISTENER public . events ON_MSG_ARRIVED exporting value(IT_MSG) type ZMQBA_MSG_T_MAIN . methods DESTROY . methods SUBSCRIBE_TO importing !IV_TOPIC type DATA returning value(RR_SELF) type ref to ZIF_MQBA_GUI_MSG_LISTENER . methods START returning value(RV_SUCCESS) type ABAP_BOOL . methods STOP returning value(RV_SUCCESS) type ABAP_BOOL . methods IS_STARTED returning value(RV_STARTED) type ABAP_BOOL . methods SET_INTERVAL importing !IV_INTERVAL type I default 5 returning value(RR_SELF) type ref to ZIF_MQBA_GUI_MSG_LISTENER . methods GET_TIMESTAMP_LAST returning value(EV_LAST) type ZMQBA_TIMESTAMP . methods GET_LAST_DATA returning value(RS_DATA) type ZMQBA_API_S_BRK_MSG . methods SET_DELTA_MODE importing !IV_ACTIVATE type ABAP_BOOL default ABAP_TRUE returning value(RR_SELF) type ref to ZIF_MQBA_GUI_MSG_LISTENER . endinterface.
[ 39994, 1168, 5064, 62, 49215, 4339, 62, 40156, 62, 5653, 38, 62, 45849, 1677, 1137, 198, 220, 1171, 764, 628, 198, 220, 2995, 6177, 62, 5653, 38, 62, 26465, 3824, 1961, 198, 220, 220, 220, 39133, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1988, 7, 2043, 62, 5653, 38, 8, 2099, 1168, 49215, 4339, 62, 5653, 38, 62, 51, 62, 5673, 1268, 764, 628, 220, 5050, 22196, 5446, 21414, 764, 198, 220, 5050, 13558, 4462, 34, 7112, 12473, 62, 10468, 198, 220, 220, 220, 33332, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 3824, 62, 35222, 2149, 2099, 42865, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8024, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1988, 7, 21095, 62, 50, 37738, 8, 2099, 1006, 284, 1168, 5064, 62, 49215, 4339, 62, 40156, 62, 5653, 38, 62, 45849, 1677, 1137, 764, 198, 220, 5050, 33303, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8024, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1988, 7, 49, 53, 62, 12564, 4093, 7597, 8, 2099, 9564, 2969, 62, 8202, 3535, 764, 198, 220, 5050, 44934, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8024, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1988, 7, 49, 53, 62, 12564, 4093, 7597, 8, 2099, 9564, 2969, 62, 8202, 3535, 764, 198, 220, 5050, 3180, 62, 2257, 7227, 1961, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8024, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1988, 7, 49, 53, 62, 2257, 7227, 1961, 8, 2099, 9564, 2969, 62, 8202, 3535, 764, 198, 220, 5050, 25823, 62, 41358, 23428, 198, 220, 220, 220, 33332, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 3824, 62, 41358, 23428, 2099, 314, 4277, 642, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8024, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1988, 7, 21095, 62, 50, 37738, 8, 2099, 1006, 284, 1168, 5064, 62, 49215, 4339, 62, 40156, 62, 5653, 38, 62, 45849, 1677, 1137, 764, 198, 220, 5050, 17151, 62, 51, 3955, 6465, 23518, 62, 43, 11262, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8024, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1988, 7, 20114, 62, 43, 11262, 8, 2099, 1168, 49215, 4339, 62, 51, 3955, 6465, 23518, 764, 198, 220, 5050, 17151, 62, 43, 11262, 62, 26947, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8024, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1988, 7, 6998, 62, 26947, 8, 2099, 1168, 49215, 4339, 62, 17614, 62, 50, 62, 11473, 42, 62, 5653, 38, 764, 198, 220, 5050, 25823, 62, 35, 3698, 5603, 62, 49058, 198, 220, 220, 220, 33332, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 3824, 62, 10659, 3824, 6158, 2099, 9564, 2969, 62, 8202, 3535, 4277, 9564, 2969, 62, 5446, 8924, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8024, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1988, 7, 21095, 62, 50, 37738, 8, 2099, 1006, 284, 1168, 5064, 62, 49215, 4339, 62, 40156, 62, 5653, 38, 62, 45849, 1677, 1137, 764, 198, 437, 39994, 13, 198 ]
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class zcl_minesweeper definition public final create public . public section. methods sweep importing input type string_table returning value(result) type string_table. protected section. private section. types syinput(1) type c. data board type string_table. data: height type i, width type i. methods count_adj_mines importing x type i y type i returning value(result) type syinput. endclass. class zcl_minesweeper implementation. method sweep. data row type c length 255. "To allow substring access with write height = lines( input ). check height > 0. board = input. width = strlen( board[ 1 ] ). "Note the differene in coordinate origins: "y is a table and starts at 1, and x is a string offset and starts at 0. ABAP is fun. do height times. data(y) = sy-index. row = board[ y ]. do width times. data(x) = sy-index - 1. if row+x(1) = space. row+x(1) = count_adj_mines( x = x y = y ). endif. enddo. append |{ row width = width }| to result. enddo. endmethod. method count_adj_mines. data row type string. data sum type i. data(off) = nmax( val1 = 0 val2 = x - 1 ). data(len) = nmin( val1 = 3 val2 = width - off val3 = x + 2 ). data(check_row) = nmax( val1 = 1 val2 = y - 1 ). data(last_row) = nmin( val1 = y + 1 val2 = height ). while check_row <= last_row. row = board[ check_row ]. sum = sum + count( val = row+off(len) sub = `*` ). check_row = check_row + 1. endwhile. if sum > 0. result = sum. else. result = space. endif. *Alternate solution using REDUCE (Version 7.4 onwards) * * data(off) = nmax( val1 = 0 * val2 = x - 1 ). * * data(len) = nmin( val1 = 3 * val2 = width - off * val3 = x + 2 ). * * result = reduce i( * init s = 0 * for i = nmax( val1 = 1 * val2 = y - 1 ) * until * i > nmin( val1 = y + 1 * val2 = height ) * let row = board[ i ] in * next s = s + count( val = row+off(len) * sub = `*` ) ). * * result = cond #( when sum = 0 then space else sum ). endmethod. endclass.
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"! abapGit general error CLASS zcx_abapgit_exception DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM cx_static_check CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES if_t100_message . CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF gc_section_text, cause TYPE string VALUE `Cause`, system_response TYPE string VALUE `System response`, what_to_do TYPE string VALUE `Procedure`, sys_admin TYPE string VALUE `System administration`, END OF gc_section_text . CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF gc_section_token, cause TYPE string VALUE `&CAUSE&`, system_response TYPE string VALUE `&SYSTEM_RESPONSE&`, what_to_do TYPE string VALUE `&WHAT_TO_DO&`, sys_admin TYPE string VALUE `&SYS_ADMIN&`, END OF gc_section_token . DATA msgv1 TYPE symsgv READ-ONLY . DATA msgv2 TYPE symsgv READ-ONLY . DATA msgv3 TYPE symsgv READ-ONLY . DATA msgv4 TYPE symsgv READ-ONLY . DATA mt_callstack TYPE abap_callstack READ-ONLY . DATA mi_log TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_log READ-ONLY. "! Raise exception with text "! @parameter iv_text | Text "! @parameter ix_previous | Previous exception "! @raising zcx_abapgit_exception | Exception CLASS-METHODS raise IMPORTING !iv_text TYPE clike !ix_previous TYPE REF TO cx_root OPTIONAL !ii_log TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_log OPTIONAL RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . "! Raise exception with T100 message "! <p> "! Will default to sy-msg* variables. These need to be set right before calling this method. "! </p> "! @parameter iv_msgid | Message ID "! @parameter iv_msgno | Message number "! @parameter iv_msgv1 | Message variable 1 "! @parameter iv_msgv2 | Message variable 2 "! @parameter iv_msgv3 | Message variable 3 "! @parameter iv_msgv4 | Message variable 4 "! @raising zcx_abapgit_exception | Exception CLASS-METHODS raise_t100 IMPORTING VALUE(iv_msgid) TYPE symsgid DEFAULT sy-msgid VALUE(iv_msgno) TYPE symsgno DEFAULT sy-msgno VALUE(iv_msgv1) TYPE symsgv DEFAULT sy-msgv1 VALUE(iv_msgv2) TYPE symsgv DEFAULT sy-msgv2 VALUE(iv_msgv3) TYPE symsgv DEFAULT sy-msgv3 VALUE(iv_msgv4) TYPE symsgv DEFAULT sy-msgv4 !ii_log TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_log OPTIONAL !ix_previous TYPE REF TO cx_root OPTIONAL RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . CLASS-METHODS raise_with_text IMPORTING !ix_previous TYPE REF TO cx_root RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception . METHODS constructor IMPORTING !textid LIKE if_t100_message=>t100key OPTIONAL !previous LIKE previous OPTIONAL !ii_log TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_log OPTIONAL !msgv1 TYPE symsgv OPTIONAL !msgv2 TYPE symsgv OPTIONAL !msgv3 TYPE symsgv OPTIONAL !msgv4 TYPE symsgv OPTIONAL . METHODS get_source_position REDEFINITION . METHODS if_message~get_longtext REDEFINITION . PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. CONSTANTS c_generic_error_msg TYPE string VALUE `An error occured (ZCX_ABAPGIT_EXCEPTION)` ##NO_TEXT. CLASS-METHODS split_text_to_symsg IMPORTING !iv_text TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(rs_msg) TYPE symsg . METHODS save_callstack . METHODS itf_to_string IMPORTING !it_itf TYPE tline_tab RETURNING VALUE(rv_result) TYPE string . METHODS get_t100_longtext_itf RETURNING VALUE(rt_itf) TYPE tline_tab . METHODS remove_empty_section IMPORTING !iv_tabix_from TYPE i !iv_tabix_to TYPE i CHANGING !ct_itf TYPE tline_tab . METHODS replace_section_head_with_text CHANGING !cs_itf TYPE tline . ENDCLASS. CLASS zcx_abapgit_exception IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor ##ADT_SUPPRESS_GENERATION. super->constructor( previous = previous ). me->msgv1 = msgv1. me->msgv2 = msgv2. me->msgv3 = msgv3. me->msgv4 = msgv4. me->mi_log = ii_log. CLEAR me->textid. IF textid IS INITIAL. if_t100_message~t100key = if_t100_message=>default_textid. ELSE. if_t100_message~t100key = textid. ENDIF. save_callstack( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_source_position. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_callstack> TYPE abap_callstack_line. READ TABLE mt_callstack ASSIGNING <ls_callstack> INDEX 1. IF sy-subrc = 0. program_name = <ls_callstack>-mainprogram. include_name = <ls_callstack>-include. source_line = <ls_callstack>-line. ELSE. super->get_source_position( IMPORTING program_name = program_name include_name = include_name source_line = source_line ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_t100_longtext_itf. DATA: lv_docu_key TYPE doku_obj. FIELD-SYMBOLS <lv_msgv> TYPE any. lv_docu_key = if_t100_message~t100key-msgid && if_t100_message~t100key-msgno. CALL FUNCTION 'DOCU_GET' EXPORTING id = 'NA' langu = sy-langu object = lv_docu_key typ = 'E' TABLES line = rt_itf EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1. IF sy-subrc = 0. ASSIGN me->(if_t100_message~t100key-attr1) TO <lv_msgv>. IF sy-subrc = 0. REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '&V1&' IN TABLE rt_itf WITH <lv_msgv>. ENDIF. ASSIGN me->(if_t100_message~t100key-attr2) TO <lv_msgv>. IF sy-subrc = 0. REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '&V2&' IN TABLE rt_itf WITH <lv_msgv>. ENDIF. ASSIGN me->(if_t100_message~t100key-attr3) TO <lv_msgv>. IF sy-subrc = 0. REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '&V3&' IN TABLE rt_itf WITH <lv_msgv>. ENDIF. ASSIGN me->(if_t100_message~t100key-attr4) TO <lv_msgv>. IF sy-subrc = 0. REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF '&V4&' IN TABLE rt_itf WITH <lv_msgv>. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD if_message~get_longtext. result = super->get_longtext( ). IF if_t100_message~t100key IS NOT INITIAL. result = itf_to_string( get_t100_longtext_itf( ) ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD itf_to_string. CONSTANTS: lc_format_section TYPE string VALUE 'U1'. DATA: lt_stream TYPE TABLE OF tdline, lt_string TYPE TABLE OF string, lv_string LIKE LINE OF lt_string, lt_itf TYPE tline_tab, lv_has_content TYPE abap_bool, lv_tabix_from TYPE syst-tabix, lv_tabix_to TYPE syst-tabix. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_itf_section> TYPE tline, <ls_itf_section_item> TYPE tline. lt_itf = it_itf. " You should remember that we replace the U1 format because " that preserves the section header of longtexts. LOOP AT lt_itf ASSIGNING <ls_itf_section> WHERE tdformat = lc_format_section. CLEAR: lv_has_content, lv_tabix_to. lv_tabix_from = sy-tabix. LOOP AT lt_itf ASSIGNING <ls_itf_section_item> FROM sy-tabix + 1. IF <ls_itf_section_item>-tdformat = lc_format_section. lv_tabix_to = sy-tabix. EXIT. ELSEIF <ls_itf_section_item>-tdline IS NOT INITIAL. lv_has_content = abap_true. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. IF lv_has_content = abap_false. remove_empty_section( EXPORTING iv_tabix_from = lv_tabix_from iv_tabix_to = lv_tabix_to CHANGING ct_itf = lt_itf ). CONTINUE. ENDIF. replace_section_head_with_text( CHANGING cs_itf = <ls_itf_section> ). ENDLOOP. CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERT_ITF_TO_STREAM_TEXT' EXPORTING lf = 'X' IMPORTING stream_lines = lt_string TABLES itf_text = lt_itf text_stream = lt_stream. LOOP AT lt_string INTO lv_string. IF sy-tabix = 1. rv_result = lv_string. ELSE. CONCATENATE rv_result lv_string INTO rv_result SEPARATED BY cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD raise. DATA lv_text TYPE string. IF iv_text IS INITIAL. lv_text = c_generic_error_msg. ELSE. lv_text = iv_text. ENDIF. split_text_to_symsg( lv_text ). raise_t100( ii_log = ii_log ix_previous = ix_previous ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD raise_t100. DATA: ls_t100_key TYPE scx_t100key. ls_t100_key-msgid = iv_msgid. ls_t100_key-msgno = iv_msgno. ls_t100_key-attr1 = 'MSGV1'. ls_t100_key-attr2 = 'MSGV2'. ls_t100_key-attr3 = 'MSGV3'. ls_t100_key-attr4 = 'MSGV4'. IF iv_msgid IS INITIAL. CLEAR ls_t100_key. ENDIF. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_abapgit_exception EXPORTING textid = ls_t100_key ii_log = ii_log msgv1 = iv_msgv1 msgv2 = iv_msgv2 msgv3 = iv_msgv3 msgv4 = iv_msgv4 previous = ix_previous. ENDMETHOD. METHOD raise_with_text. raise( iv_text = ix_previous->get_text( ) ix_previous = ix_previous ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD remove_empty_section. IF iv_tabix_to BETWEEN iv_tabix_from AND lines( ct_itf ). DELETE ct_itf FROM iv_tabix_from TO iv_tabix_to. ELSE. DELETE ct_itf FROM iv_tabix_from. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD replace_section_head_with_text. CASE cs_itf-tdline. WHEN gc_section_token-cause. cs_itf-tdline = gc_section_text-cause. WHEN gc_section_token-system_response. cs_itf-tdline = gc_section_text-system_response. WHEN gc_section_token-what_to_do. cs_itf-tdline = gc_section_text-what_to_do. WHEN gc_section_token-sys_admin. cs_itf-tdline = gc_section_text-sys_admin. ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD save_callstack. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_callstack> TYPE abap_callstack_line. CALL FUNCTION 'SYSTEM_CALLSTACK' IMPORTING callstack = mt_callstack. " You should remember that the first lines are from zcx_abapgit_exception " and are removed so that highest level in the callstack is the position where " the exception is raised. " " For the merged report it's hard to do that, because zcx_abapgit_exception " isn't visible in the callstack. Therefore we have to check the Events. LOOP AT mt_callstack ASSIGNING <ls_callstack>. IF <ls_callstack>-mainprogram CP |ZCX_ABAPGIT_EXCEPTION*| " full OR <ls_callstack>-blockname = `SAVE_CALLSTACK` " merged OR <ls_callstack>-blockname = `CONSTRUCTOR` " merged OR <ls_callstack>-blockname CP `RAISE*`. "merged DELETE TABLE mt_callstack FROM <ls_callstack>. ELSE. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD split_text_to_symsg. CONSTANTS: lc_length_of_msgv TYPE i VALUE 50, lc_offset_of_last_character TYPE i VALUE 49. DATA: lv_text TYPE c LENGTH 200, lv_rest TYPE c LENGTH 200, ls_msg TYPE symsg, lv_msg_var TYPE c LENGTH lc_length_of_msgv, lv_index TYPE sy-index. lv_text = iv_text. DO 4 TIMES. lv_index = sy-index. CALL FUNCTION 'TEXT_SPLIT' EXPORTING length = lc_length_of_msgv text = lv_text IMPORTING line = lv_msg_var rest = lv_rest. IF lv_msg_var+lc_offset_of_last_character(1) = space OR lv_text+lc_length_of_msgv(1) = space. " keep the space at the beginning of the rest " because otherwise it's lost lv_rest = | { lv_rest }|. ENDIF. lv_text = lv_rest. CASE lv_index. WHEN 1. ls_msg-msgv1 = lv_msg_var. WHEN 2. ls_msg-msgv2 = lv_msg_var. WHEN 3. ls_msg-msgv3 = lv_msg_var. WHEN 4. ls_msg-msgv4 = lv_msg_var. ENDCASE. ENDDO. " Set syst using generic error message MESSAGE e001(00) WITH ls_msg-msgv1 ls_msg-msgv2 ls_msg-msgv3 ls_msg-msgv4 INTO sy-lisel. rs_msg = ls_msg. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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In original definition, 'Cope' means someone who is creating an psychological defence of a more lighter belief to deal with a harsh truth. However, it could easily be used and misinterpretated by online trolls, usualy from Discord or 4Chan, in an attempt to convey mockery, trolling, defaminate and insulting, usualy those people have pathetic lives so they spend it tossing this word and insult/mock others to feed their superiority complex in online chats and/or forums. > Discord chat Person 1: Man, sometimes being shorter than average sucks. Discord troll: Cope person 1: How is this a 'Cope'? Discord troll: Haha, cope manlet. person 1: This is rude, mind your language. Discord troll: Cope harder manlet. In original definition, 'Cope' means someone who is creating an psychological defence of a more lighter belief to deal with a harsh truth. However, it could easily be used and misinterpretated by online trolls, usualy from Discord or 4Chan, in an attempt to convey mockery, trolling, defaminate and insulting, usualy those people have pathetic lives so they spend it tossing this word and insult/mock others to feed their superiority complex in online chats and/or forums. > Discord chat Person 1: Man, sometimes being shorter than average sucks. Discord troll: Cope person 1: How is this a 'Cope'? Discord troll: Haha, cope manlet. person 1: This is rude, mind your language. Discord troll: Cope harder manlet. In original definition, 'Cope' means someone who is creating an psychological defence of a more lighter belief to deal with a harsh truth. However, it could easily be used and misinterpretated by online trolls, usualy from Discord or 4Chan, in an attempt to convey mockery, trolling, defaminate and insulting, usualy those people have pathetic lives so they spend it tossing this word and insult/mock others to feed their superiority complex in online chats and/or forums. > Discord chat Person 1: Man, sometimes being shorter than average sucks. Discord troll: Cope person 1: How is this a 'Cope'? Discord troll: Haha, cope manlet. person 1: This is rude, mind your language. Discord troll: Cope harder manlet.In original definition, 'Cope' means someone who is creating an psychological defence of a more lighter belief to deal with a harsh truth. However, it could easily be used and misinterpretated by online trolls, usualy from Discord or 4Chan, in an attempt to convey mockery, trolling, defaminate and insulting, usualy those people have pathetic lives so they spend it tossing this word and insult/mock others to feed their superiority complex in online chats and/or forums. > Discord chat Person 1: Man, sometimes being shorter than average sucks. Discord troll: Cope person 1: How is this a 'Cope'? Discord troll: Haha, cope manlet. person 1: This is rude, mind your language. Discord troll: Cope harder manlet. In original definition, 'Cope' means someone who is creating an psychological defence of a more lighter belief to deal with a harsh truth. However, it could easily be used and misinterpretated by online trolls, usualy from Discord or 4Chan, in an attempt to convey mockery, trolling, defaminate and insulting, usualy those people have pathetic lives so they spend it tossing this word and insult/mock others to feed their superiority complex in online chats and/or forums. > Discord chat Person 1: Man, sometimes being shorter than average sucks. Discord troll: Cope person 1: How is this a 'Cope'? Discord troll: Haha, cope manlet. person 1: This is rude, mind your language. Discord troll: Cope harder manlet. In original definition, 'Cope' means someone who is creating an psychological defence of a more lighter belief to deal with a harsh truth. However, it could easily be used and misinterpretated by online trolls, usualy from Discord or 4Chan, in an attempt to convey mockery, trolling, defaminate and insulting, usualy those people have pathetic lives so they spend it tossing this word and insult/mock others to feed their superiority complex in online chats and/or forums. > Discord chat Person 1: Man, sometimes being shorter than average sucks. Discord troll: Cope person 1: How is this a 'Cope'? Discord troll: Haha, cope manlet. person 1: This is rude, mind your language. Discord troll: Cope harder manlet.In original definition, 'Cope' means someone who is creating an psychological defence of a more lighter belief to deal with a harsh truth. However, it could easily be used and misinterpretated by online trolls, usualy from Discord or 4Chan, in an attempt to convey mockery, trolling, defaminate and insulting, usualy those people have pathetic lives so they spend it tossing this word and insult/mock others to feed their superiority complex in online chats and/or forums. > Discord chat Person 1: Man, sometimes being shorter than average sucks. Discord troll: Cope person 1: How is this a 'Cope'? Discord troll: Haha, cope manlet. person 1: This is rude, mind your language. Discord troll: Cope harder manlet. In original definition, 'Cope' means someone who is creating an psychological defence of a more lighter belief to deal with a harsh truth. However, it could easily be used and misinterpretated by online trolls, usualy from Discord or 4Chan, in an attempt to convey mockery, trolling, defaminate and insulting, usualy those people have pathetic lives so they spend it tossing this word and insult/mock others to feed their superiority complex in online chats and/or forums. > Discord chat Person 1: Man, sometimes being shorter than average sucks. Discord troll: Cope person 1: How is this a 'Cope'? Discord troll: Haha, cope manlet. person 1: This is rude, mind your language. Discord troll: Cope harder manlet. In original definition, 'Cope' means someone who is creating an psychological defence of a more lighter belief to deal with a harsh truth. However, it could easily be used and misinterpretated by online trolls, usualy from Discord or 4Chan, in an attempt to convey mockery, trolling, defaminate and insulting, usualy those people have pathetic lives so they spend it tossing this word and insult/mock others to feed their superiority complex in online chats and/or forums. > Discord chat Person 1: Man, sometimes being shorter than average sucks. Discord troll: Cope person 1: How is this a 'Cope'? Discord troll: Haha, cope manlet. person 1: This is rude, mind your language. Discord troll: Cope harder manlet.In original definition, 'Cope' means someone who is creating an psychological defence of a more lighter belief to deal with a harsh truth. However, it could easily be used and misinterpretated by online trolls, usualy from Discord or 4Chan, in an attempt to convey mockery, trolling, defaminate and insulting, usualy those people have pathetic lives so they spend it tossing this word and insult/mock others to feed their superiority complex in online chats and/or forums. > Discord chat Person 1: Man, sometimes being shorter than average sucks. Discord troll: Cope person 1: How is this a 'Cope'? Discord troll: Haha, cope manlet. person 1: This is rude, mind your language. Discord troll: Cope harder manlet. In original definition, 'Cope' means someone who is creating an psychological defence of a more lighter belief to deal with a harsh truth. However, it could easily be used and misinterpretated by online trolls, usualy from Discord or 4Chan, in an attempt to convey mockery, trolling, defaminate and insulting, usualy those people have pathetic lives so they spend it tossing this word and insult/mock others to feed their superiority complex in online chats and/or forums. > Discord chat Person 1: Man, sometimes being shorter than average sucks. Discord troll: Cope person 1: How is this a 'Cope'? Discord troll: Haha, cope manlet. person 1: This is rude, mind your language. Discord troll: Cope harder manlet. In original definition, 'Cope' means someone who is creating an psychological defence of a more lighter belief to deal with a harsh truth. However, it could easily be used and misinterpretated by online trolls, usualy from Discord or 4Chan, in an attempt to convey mockery, trolling, defaminate and insulting, usualy those people have pathetic lives so they spend it tossing this word and insult/mock others to feed their superiority complex in online chats and/or forums. > Discord chat Person 1: Man, sometimes being shorter than average sucks. Discord troll: Cope person 1: How is this a 'Cope'? Discord troll: Haha, cope manlet. person 1: This is rude, mind your language. Discord troll: Cope harder manlet.In original definition, 'Cope' means someone who is creating an psychological defence of a more lighter belief to deal with a harsh truth. However, it could easily be used and misinterpretated by online trolls, usualy from Discord or 4Chan, in an attempt to convey mockery, trolling, defaminate and insulting, usualy those people have pathetic lives so they spend it tossing this word and insult/mock others to feed their superiority complex in online chats and/or forums. > Discord chat Person 1: Man, sometimes being shorter than average sucks. Discord troll: Cope person 1: How is this a 'Cope'? Discord troll: Haha, cope manlet. person 1: This is rude, mind your language. Discord troll: Cope harder manlet. In original definition, 'Cope' means someone who is creating an psychological defence of a more lighter belief to deal with a harsh truth. However, it could easily be used and misinterpretated by online trolls, usualy from Discord or 4Chan, in an attempt to convey mockery, trolling, defaminate and insulting, usualy those people have pathetic lives so they spend it tossing this word and insult/mock others to feed their superiority complex in online chats and/or forums. > Discord chat Person 1: Man, sometimes being shorter than average sucks. Discord troll: Cope person 1: How is this a 'Cope'? Discord troll: Haha, cope manlet. person 1: This is rude, mind your language. Discord troll: Cope harder manlet. In original definition, 'Cope' means someone who is creating an psychological defence of a more lighter belief to deal with a harsh truth. However, it could easily be used and misinterpretated by online trolls, usualy from Discord or 4Chan, in an attempt to convey mockery, trolling, defaminate and insulting, usualy those people have pathetic lives so they spend it tossing this word and insult/mock others to feed their superiority complex in online chats and/or forums. > Discord chat Person 1: Man, sometimes being shorter than average sucks. Discord troll: Cope person 1: How is this a 'Cope'? Discord troll: Haha, cope manlet. person 1: This is rude, mind your language. Discord troll: Cope harder manlet.
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CLASS zcl_flifm_gui_fsv_alv_tree DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_flifm_gui CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS zif_flifm_gui~render REDEFINITION . PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. CLASS-DATA mo_fsv_alv_tree TYPE REF TO zcl_flifm_gui_fsv_alv_tree . DATA mt_list_commentary TYPE slis_t_listheader . METHODS _initialize_alv_tree RAISING zcx_flifm_exception . METHODS _build_alv_tree_header RETURNING VALUE(rs_alv_tree_header) TYPE treev_hhdr . METHODS _build_alv_tree_excluding RETURNING VALUE(rt_excluding) TYPE ui_functions . METHODS _build_alv_tree_comment . METHODS _create_alv_tree RAISING zcx_flifm_exception . METHODS _create_fieldcat RETURNING VALUE(rt_fcat) TYPE lvc_t_fcat RAISING zcx_flifm_exception . METHODS _change_toolbar . METHODS _add_button IMPORTING !io_toolbar TYPE REF TO cl_gui_toolbar !iv_fcode TYPE ui_func !iv_icon TYPE c !iv_text TYPE text40 OPTIONAL !iv_type TYPE tb_btype VALUE(iv_quickinfo) TYPE iconquick OPTIONAL . METHODS _register_events . METHODS _update_tree IMPORTING !it_exp TYPE lvc_t_nkey . METHODS _call_account_balance IMPORTING !iv_gjahr TYPE gjahr !is_data TYPE any . METHODS _on_tree_function_selected FOR EVENT function_selected OF cl_gui_toolbar IMPORTING !fcode . METHODS _on_tree_node_double_click FOR EVENT node_double_click OF cl_gui_alv_tree IMPORTING !node_key !sender . METHODS _on_tree_item_double_click FOR EVENT item_double_click OF cl_gui_alv_tree IMPORTING !fieldname !node_key . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_FLIFM_GUI_FSV_ALV_TREE IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD zif_flifm_gui~render. DATA: lt_exp TYPE lvc_t_nkey. zif_flifm_gui~clean_up( ). CLEAR ms_route_data. ms_route_data-menu = iv_menu. ms_route_data-company = iv_company. ms_route_data-action = iv_action. IF mo_process IS BOUND. CLEAR mo_process. ENDIF. mo_process = zcl_flifm_process_factory=>create( iv_menu = ms_route_data-menu iv_company = ms_route_data-company iv_action = ms_route_data-action ). mo_process->build_data( ). _initialize_alv_tree( ). lt_exp = mo_process->build_tree( mo_alv_tree ). _change_toolbar( ). _register_events( ). _update_tree( lt_exp ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD _add_button. IF iv_quickinfo IS INITIAL. iv_quickinfo = iv_text. ENDIF. io_toolbar->add_button( fcode = iv_fcode icon = iv_icon butn_type = iv_type text = iv_text quickinfo = iv_quickinfo ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD _build_alv_tree_comment. DATA: ls_line TYPE slis_listheader. CLEAR: ls_line, mt_list_commentary. ls_line-typ = 'S'. ls_line-info = 'IFM'. "#EC NOTEXT APPEND ls_line TO mt_list_commentary. ENDMETHOD. METHOD _build_alv_tree_excluding. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_excluding> LIKE LINE OF rt_excluding. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO rt_excluding ASSIGNING <ls_excluding>. <ls_excluding> = mo_alv_tree->mc_fc_calculate. ENDMETHOD. METHOD _build_alv_tree_header. rs_alv_tree_header-heading = zcl_flifm_i18n=>get_instance( )->item_account. rs_alv_tree_header-tooltip = zcl_flifm_i18n=>get_instance( )->item_account. rs_alv_tree_header-width = 60. rs_alv_tree_header-width_pix = space. ENDMETHOD. METHOD _call_account_balance. DATA: lt_company TYPE zcl_flifm_fetch=>tyt_company, ls_company LIKE LINE OF lt_company, lt_waers TYPE TABLE OF waers WITH DEFAULT KEY, ls_waers LIKE LINE OF lt_waers. DATA: ls_sender TYPE rstirec, " Sender report ls_receiver TYPE rstirec, " Receiver report lt_sel TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF rstisel WITH DEFAULT KEY, " Selection values ls_sel LIKE LINE OF lt_sel, lt_fields TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF rstifields WITH DEFAULT KEY, " Selection fields ls_fields LIKE LINE OF lt_fields. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lv_hkont> TYPE any. *// Define: Selection fields values DEFINE _define_field. ls_sel-field = &1. ls_sel-sign = 'I'. ls_sel-option = 'EQ'. ls_sel-low = &2. APPEND ls_sel TO lt_sel. END-OF-DEFINITION. ASSIGN COMPONENT 'HKONT' OF STRUCTURE is_data TO <lv_hkont>. CHECK <lv_hkont> IS NOT INITIAL. IF ms_route_data-company IS NOT INITIAL. _define_field 'RBUKRS' ms_route_data-company. ELSE. " If the currency of the company code is the same, the inquiry is possible. lt_company = mo_fetch->get_company( ). LOOP AT lt_company INTO ls_company. _define_field 'RBUKRS' ls_company-bukrs. ls_waers = ls_company-waers. COLLECT ls_waers INTO lt_waers. ENDLOOP. IF lines( lt_waers ) > 1. MESSAGE s022(fagl_account_balance) DISPLAY LIKE 'E'. RETURN. ENDIF. ENDIF. CLEAR ls_sender. " This report is sender ls_sender-rtool = 'RT'. ls_sender-rappl = space. ls_sender-rsubc = space. ls_sender-ronam = sy-repid. "Receiver (from S_ALR_87013019 définition) CLEAR ls_receiver. " Define receiver (recherche); RONAM syntax depends on RTOOL/RAPPL ls_receiver-rtool = 'RT'. ls_receiver-ronam = 'FAGL_ACCOUNT_BALANCE'. CLEAR: ls_fields. ls_fields-field = 'RLDNR'. ls_fields-rollname = 'FAGL_RLDNR'. ls_fields-domname = 'RLDNR'. ls_fields-memoryid = 'GLN_FLEX'. APPEND ls_fields TO lt_fields. CLEAR ls_fields. ls_fields-field = 'RYEAR'. ls_fields-rollname = 'GJAHR'. ls_fields-domname = 'GJAHR'. ls_fields-memoryid = 'GJR'. APPEND ls_fields TO lt_fields. CLEAR ls_fields. ls_fields-field = 'RACCT'. ls_fields-rollname = 'RACCT'. ls_fields-domname = 'SAKNR'. ls_fields-memoryid = 'ACC'. APPEND ls_fields TO lt_fields. CLEAR ls_fields. ls_fields-field = 'RBUKRS'. ls_fields-rollname = 'BUKRS'. ls_fields-domname = 'BUKRS'. ls_fields-memoryid = 'BUK'. APPEND ls_fields TO lt_fields. CLEAR ls_fields. ls_fields-field = 'RBUSA'. ls_fields-rollname = 'GSBER'. ls_fields-domname = 'GSBER'. ls_fields-memoryid = 'GSB'. APPEND ls_fields TO lt_fields. "FKBER CLEAR ls_fields. ls_fields-field = 'RFAREA'. ls_fields-rollname = 'FKBER'. ls_fields-domname = 'FKBER'. ls_fields-memoryid = 'FBE'. APPEND ls_fields TO lt_fields. CLEAR ls_sel. _define_field 'RLDNR' '0L'. _define_field 'RYEAR' iv_gjahr. _define_field 'RACCT' <lv_hkont>. CALL FUNCTION 'RSTI_APPL_STACK_INITIALIZE' EXPORTING e_tool = ls_receiver-rtool e_onam = ls_receiver-ronam. CALL FUNCTION 'RSTI_SELECTION_EXPORT' TABLES it_sel = lt_sel it_fields = lt_fields. SUBMIT fagl_account_balance AND RETURN. ENDMETHOD. METHOD _change_toolbar. DATA: lo_toolbar TYPE REF TO cl_gui_toolbar. CALL METHOD mo_alv_tree->get_toolbar_object IMPORTING er_toolbar = lo_toolbar. CHECK NOT lo_toolbar IS INITIAL. "Add standard button to toolbar(for Expand tree) _add_button( io_toolbar = : lo_toolbar iv_fcode = '' iv_icon = '' iv_type = cntb_btype_sep ), lo_toolbar iv_fcode = zif_flifm_definitions=>c_action-expd_all iv_icon = icon_expand_all iv_type = cntb_btype_button iv_text = |{ zcl_flifm_i18n=>get_instance( )->expand_all }| ), lo_toolbar iv_fcode = zif_flifm_definitions=>c_action-cole_all iv_icon = icon_collapse_all iv_type = cntb_btype_button iv_text = |{ zcl_flifm_i18n=>get_instance( )->collapse_all }| ), lo_toolbar iv_fcode = '' iv_icon = '' iv_type = cntb_btype_sep ), lo_toolbar iv_fcode = zif_flifm_definitions=>c_action-fsv_list_popup iv_icon = icon_list iv_type = cntb_btype_button iv_text = |{ zcl_flifm_i18n=>get_instance( )->fsv_popup }| ), lo_toolbar iv_fcode = zif_flifm_definitions=>c_action-fsv_download_excel iv_icon = icon_export iv_type = cntb_btype_button iv_text = |{ zcl_flifm_i18n=>get_instance( )->fsv_excel }| ). SET HANDLER _on_tree_function_selected FOR lo_toolbar. ENDMETHOD. METHOD _create_alv_tree. *// Create tree control CREATE OBJECT mo_alv_tree EXPORTING parent = mo_splitter_right->get_container( row = 1 column = 1 ) node_selection_mode = cl_gui_column_tree=>node_sel_mode_single item_selection = 'X' no_html_header = 'X' "Delete Header no_toolbar = ' ' EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 cntl_system_error = 2 create_error = 3 lifetime_error = 4 illegal_node_selection_mode = 5 failed = 6 illegal_column_name = 7. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_flifm_exception=>raise_sy_msg( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD _create_fieldcat. DATA: lt_dd03t TYPE zcl_flifm_fetch=>tyt_dd03t, ls_dd03t LIKE LINE OF lt_dd03t. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_fieldcat> TYPE lvc_s_fcat. CALL FUNCTION 'LVC_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE' EXPORTING i_bypassing_buffer = 'X' i_structure_name = mo_process->gv_strname CHANGING ct_fieldcat = rt_fcat EXCEPTIONS inconsistent_interface = 1 program_error = 2 OTHERS = 3. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_flifm_exception=>raise_t100( iv_msgno = 001 iv_msgv1 = 'LVC_FIELDCATALOG_MERGE' iv_msgv2 = |{ sy-subrc }| ). ENDIF. lt_dd03t = mo_fetch->get_dd03t( ). LOOP AT rt_fcat ASSIGNING <ls_fieldcat>. IF <ls_fieldcat>-fieldname CP 'AMT*'. <ls_fieldcat>-just = 'R'. IF <ls_fieldcat>-fieldname+3(2) > zcl_flifm_selection=>get_to_period( ). <ls_fieldcat>-no_out = abap_true. ENDIF. ENDIF. READ TABLE lt_dd03t INTO ls_dd03t WITH KEY tabname = mo_process->gv_strname fieldname = <ls_fieldcat>-fieldname BINARY SEARCH. IF sy-subrc = 0. <ls_fieldcat>-coltext = ls_dd03t-ddtext. <ls_fieldcat>-just = 'R'. ENDIF. IF zcl_flifm_utils=>split_menu( ms_route_data-menu ) = zif_flifm_definitions=>c_flifm_menu_type-bs AND <ls_fieldcat>-fieldname = 'AMT00'. <ls_fieldcat>-coltext = zcl_flifm_i18n=>get_instance( )->balance_cf. ELSEIF zcl_flifm_utils=>split_menu( ms_route_data-menu ) = zif_flifm_definitions=>c_flifm_menu_type-pl AND <ls_fieldcat>-fieldname = 'AMT00'. <ls_fieldcat>-coltext = zcl_flifm_i18n=>get_instance( )->ytd. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO rt_fcat ASSIGNING <ls_fieldcat>. <ls_fieldcat>-fieldname = 'NAME'. <ls_fieldcat>-coltext = |Name|. <ls_fieldcat>-no_out = abap_true. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO rt_fcat ASSIGNING <ls_fieldcat>. <ls_fieldcat>-fieldname = 'HKONT'. <ls_fieldcat>-ref_table = 'SKA1'. <ls_fieldcat>-ref_field = 'SAKNR'. <ls_fieldcat>-no_out = abap_true. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO rt_fcat ASSIGNING <ls_fieldcat>. <ls_fieldcat>-fieldname = 'TXT50'. <ls_fieldcat>-ref_table = 'SKAT'. <ls_fieldcat>-ref_field = 'TXT50'. <ls_fieldcat>-outputlen = 20. <ls_fieldcat>-col_pos = '0'. <ls_fieldcat>-no_out = abap_true. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO rt_fcat ASSIGNING <ls_fieldcat>. <ls_fieldcat>-fieldname = 'WAERS'. <ls_fieldcat>-ref_table = 'T001'. <ls_fieldcat>-ref_field = 'WAERS'. <ls_fieldcat>-no_out = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. METHOD _initialize_alv_tree. DATA: lt_fcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat. DATA: ls_disvariant TYPE disvariant. DATA: ls_alv_tree_header TYPE treev_hhdr. DATA: lt_excluding TYPE ui_functions. FIELD-SYMBOLS : <lt_outtab> TYPE STANDARD TABLE. _create_alv_tree( ). ls_alv_tree_header = _build_alv_tree_header( ). lt_excluding = _build_alv_tree_excluding( ). ASSIGN mo_process->gr_data_display->* TO <lt_outtab>. lt_fcat = _create_fieldcat( ). ls_disvariant-report = sy-repid. ls_disvariant-handle = 'IFM'. ls_disvariant-username = sy-uname. mo_alv_tree->set_table_for_first_display( EXPORTING is_variant = ls_disvariant is_hierarchy_header = ls_alv_tree_header i_save = 'A' it_toolbar_excluding = lt_excluding CHANGING it_outtab = <lt_outtab> "must be empty table it_fieldcatalog = lt_fcat ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD _on_tree_function_selected. DATA lx_exception TYPE REF TO zcx_flifm_exception. DATA lt_expd_keys TYPE lvc_t_nkey. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lt_data> TYPE STANDARD TABLE. TRY. CASE fcode. WHEN zif_flifm_definitions=>c_action-expd_all. DATA: lv_node_key TYPE tv_nodekey. DATA: lt_children TYPE lvc_t_nkey. lv_node_key = 1. mo_alv_tree->get_children( EXPORTING i_node_key = lv_node_key IMPORTING et_children = lt_children ). CHECK lt_children IS NOT INITIAL. mo_alv_tree->expand_node( i_node_key = lv_node_key i_expand_subtree = 'X' ). mo_alv_tree->column_optimize( i_start_column = '&Hierarchy' ). WHEN zif_flifm_definitions=>c_action-cole_all. mo_alv_tree->collapse_all_nodes( ). WHEN zif_flifm_definitions=>c_action-fsv_list_popup. CALL METHOD mo_alv_tree->get_expanded_nodes CHANGING ct_expanded_nodes = lt_expd_keys. ASSIGN mo_process->gr_popup_data->* TO <lt_data>. CHECK <lt_data> IS ASSIGNED. zcl_flifm_popups=>get_instance( )->show_fsv_list_popup( EXPORTING iv_menu = ms_route_data-menu it_nkey = lt_expd_keys it_popup_table = <lt_data> ). WHEN zif_flifm_definitions=>c_action-fsv_download_excel. CALL METHOD mo_alv_tree->get_expanded_nodes CHANGING ct_expanded_nodes = lt_expd_keys. ASSIGN mo_process->gr_popup_data->* TO <lt_data>. CHECK <lt_data> IS ASSIGNED. DATA li_flifm_excel TYPE REF TO zif_flifm_excel. DATA lv_object TYPE seoclsname VALUE 'ZCL_EXCEL'. SELECT SINGLE COUNT( * ) FROM tadir WHERE pgmid = 'R3TR' AND object = 'CLAS' AND obj_name = lv_object. IF sy-subrc <> 0. lv_object = 'ZCL_FLIFM_EXCEL'. ELSE. lv_object = 'ZCL_FLIFM_ABAP2XLSX'. ENDIF. * CREATE OBJECT li_flifm_excel TYPE zcl_flifm_excel. CREATE OBJECT li_flifm_excel TYPE (lv_object). li_flifm_excel->download_fsv_list_excel( EXPORTING iv_menu = ms_route_data-menu it_nkey = lt_expd_keys it_popup_table = <lt_data> ). ENDCASE. CATCH zcx_flifm_exception INTO lx_exception. MESSAGE lx_exception TYPE 'S' DISPLAY LIKE 'E'. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD _on_tree_item_double_click. DATA: lt_t030 TYPE zif_flifm_definitions=>tyt_t030. DATA: lv_gjahr TYPE gjahr. FIELD-SYMBOLS : <lt_display> TYPE STANDARD TABLE, <ls_display> TYPE any, <lv_name> TYPE any. lt_t030 = zcl_flifm_fetch=>get_instance( )->get_t030( ). ASSIGN mo_process->gr_data_display->* TO <lt_display>. READ TABLE <lt_display> ASSIGNING <ls_display> INDEX node_key. ASSIGN COMPONENT 'NAME' OF STRUCTURE <ls_display> TO <lv_name>. CASE <lv_name>. WHEN zif_flifm_definitions=>c_add_line_type-np_tot OR zif_flifm_definitions=>c_add_line_type-np_tot_mc. DATA: lv_komok TYPE komok, lv_konts TYPE saknr. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lv_text> TYPE any. ASSIGN COMPONENT 'TEXT' OF STRUCTURE <ls_display> TO <lv_text>. SPLIT <lv_text> AT space INTO: lv_komok lv_konts. IF lv_komok IS INITIAL. MESSAGE s013. RETURN. ELSE. READ TABLE lt_t030 TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH KEY komok = lv_komok. IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE s013. RETURN. ENDIF. ENDIF. IF <lv_name> = zif_flifm_definitions=>c_add_line_type-np_tot. ASSIGN mo_process->gr_popup_data_np->* TO <lt_display>. ELSE. ASSIGN mo_process->gr_popup_data_np_ytd->* TO <lt_display>. ENDIF. IF zcl_flifm_utils=>split_menu( ms_route_data-menu ) = zif_flifm_definitions=>c_flifm_menu_type-bs AND fieldname = 'AMT00'. IF ms_route_data-menu = zif_flifm_definitions=>c_flifm_menu_type-bs_ry_trend. lv_gjahr = zcl_flifm_selection=>get_gjahr( ). ELSE. lv_gjahr = zcl_flifm_selection=>get_cmp_gjahr( ). ENDIF. _call_account_balance( iv_gjahr = lv_gjahr is_data = <ls_display> ). ELSE. zcl_flifm_popups=>get_instance( )->show_net_profit_list_popup( EXPORTING iv_menu = ms_route_data-menu iv_name = <lv_name> iv_fieldname = fieldname iv_komok = lv_komok it_popup_table = <lt_display> ). ENDIF. WHEN OTHERS. IF ms_route_data-menu = zif_flifm_definitions=>c_flifm_menu_type-pl_cy_trend OR ms_route_data-menu = zif_flifm_definitions=>c_flifm_menu_type-bs_cy_trend OR fieldname = 'CYSPAMT' OR fieldname = 'TCYAMT'. lv_gjahr = zcl_flifm_selection=>get_cmp_gjahr( ). ELSE. lv_gjahr = zcl_flifm_selection=>get_gjahr( ). ENDIF. _call_account_balance( iv_gjahr = lv_gjahr is_data = <ls_display> ). ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD _on_tree_node_double_click. DATA: lt_children TYPE lvc_t_nkey. *// First check if the node is a leaf, i.e. can not be expanded CALL METHOD sender->get_children EXPORTING i_node_key = node_key IMPORTING et_children = lt_children. IF NOT lt_children IS INITIAL. CALL METHOD sender->expand_node EXPORTING i_node_key = node_key i_level_count = 2. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD _register_events. DATA: lt_event TYPE cntl_simple_events, ls_event TYPE cntl_simple_event. *// Register additional events for your own purposes: CALL METHOD mo_alv_tree->get_registered_events IMPORTING events = lt_event. ls_event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_node_double_click. APPEND ls_event TO lt_event. CLEAR ls_event. ls_event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_item_double_click. ls_event-appl_event = ' '. APPEND ls_event TO lt_event. ls_event-eventid = cl_gui_column_tree=>eventid_item_keypress. APPEND ls_event TO lt_event. *// Register event CALL METHOD mo_alv_tree->set_registered_events EXPORTING events = lt_event EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 cntl_system_error = 2 illegal_event_combination = 3. *// assign event handlers in the application class to each desired event SET HANDLER _on_tree_node_double_click FOR mo_alv_tree. SET HANDLER _on_tree_item_double_click FOR mo_alv_tree. ENDMETHOD. METHOD _update_tree. CALL METHOD mo_alv_tree->frontend_update. CALL METHOD mo_alv_tree->expand_nodes EXPORTING it_node_key = it_exp EXCEPTIONS failed = 1 cntl_system_error = 2 error_in_node_key_table = 3 dp_error = 4 node_not_found = 5 OTHERS = 6. CALL METHOD mo_alv_tree->column_optimize EXPORTING i_start_column = '&Hierarchy'. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 2704, 361, 76, 62, 48317, 62, 9501, 85, 62, 282, 85, 62, 21048, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 3268, 16879, 2043, 2751, 16034, 1976, 565, 62, 2704, 361, 76, 62, 48317, 198, 220, 29244, 6158, 44731, 764, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 1976, 361, 62, 2704, 361, 76, 62, 48317, 93, 13287, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23848, 36, 20032, 17941, 764, 198, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 42715, 12, 26947, 6941, 62, 9501, 85, 62, 282, 85, 62, 21048, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 565, 62, 2704, 361, 76, 62, 48317, 62, 9501, 85, 62, 282, 85, 62, 21048, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 45079, 62, 4868, 62, 23893, 560, 41876, 1017, 271, 62, 83, 62, 4868, 25677, 764, 628, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 4808, 36733, 1096, 62, 282, 85, 62, 21048, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 17926, 1797, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1976, 66, 87, 62, 2704, 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CLASS ycl_abapgit_object_dtel DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM ycl_abapgit_objects_super FINAL. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES yif_abapgit_object. ALIASES mo_files FOR yif_abapgit_object~mo_files. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_dd04_texts, ddlanguage TYPE dd04t-ddlanguage, ddtext TYPE dd04t-ddtext, reptext TYPE dd04t-reptext, scrtext_s TYPE dd04t-scrtext_s, scrtext_m TYPE dd04t-scrtext_m, scrtext_l TYPE dd04t-scrtext_l, END OF ty_dd04_texts, tt_dd04_texts TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_dd04_texts. CONSTANTS: c_longtext_id_dtel TYPE dokil-id VALUE 'DE'. METHODS: serialize_texts IMPORTING io_xml TYPE REF TO ycl_abapgit_xml_output RAISING ycx_abapgit_exception, deserialize_texts IMPORTING io_xml TYPE REF TO ycl_abapgit_xml_input is_dd04v TYPE dd04v RAISING ycx_abapgit_exception. ENDCLASS. CLASS ycl_abapgit_object_dtel IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD deserialize_texts. DATA: lv_name TYPE ddobjname, ls_dd04v_tmp TYPE dd04v, lt_i18n_langs TYPE TABLE OF langu, lt_dd04_texts TYPE tt_dd04_texts. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lv_lang> LIKE LINE OF lt_i18n_langs, <ls_dd04_text> TYPE ty_dd04_texts. lv_name = ms_item-obj_name. io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'I18N_LANGS' CHANGING cg_data = lt_i18n_langs ). io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'DD04_TEXTS' CHANGING cg_data = lt_dd04_texts ). SORT lt_i18n_langs. SORT lt_dd04_texts BY ddlanguage. " Optimization LOOP AT lt_i18n_langs ASSIGNING <lv_lang>. " Data element description ls_dd04v_tmp = is_dd04v. READ TABLE lt_dd04_texts ASSIGNING <ls_dd04_text> WITH KEY ddlanguage = <lv_lang>. IF sy-subrc > 0. ycx_abapgit_exception=>raise( |DD04_TEXTS cannot find lang { <lv_lang> } in XML| ). ENDIF. MOVE-CORRESPONDING <ls_dd04_text> TO ls_dd04v_tmp. CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_DTEL_PUT' EXPORTING name = lv_name dd04v_wa = ls_dd04v_tmp EXCEPTIONS dtel_not_found = 1 name_inconsistent = 2 dtel_inconsistent = 3 put_failure = 4 put_refused = 5 OTHERS = 6. IF sy-subrc <> 0. ycx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from DDIF_DTEL_PUT @TEXTS' ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD serialize_texts. DATA: lv_name TYPE ddobjname, lv_index TYPE i, ls_dd04v TYPE dd04v, lt_dd04_texts TYPE tt_dd04_texts, lt_i18n_langs TYPE TABLE OF langu. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lv_lang> LIKE LINE OF lt_i18n_langs, <ls_dd04_text> TYPE ty_dd04_texts. lv_name = ms_item-obj_name. " Collect additional languages, skip master lang - it was serialized already SELECT DISTINCT ddlanguage AS langu INTO TABLE lt_i18n_langs FROM dd04v WHERE rollname = lv_name AND ddlanguage <> mv_language. "#EC CI_SUBRC LOOP AT lt_i18n_langs ASSIGNING <lv_lang>. lv_index = sy-tabix. CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_DTEL_GET' EXPORTING name = lv_name langu = <lv_lang> IMPORTING dd04v_wa = ls_dd04v EXCEPTIONS illegal_input = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0 OR ls_dd04v-ddlanguage IS INITIAL. DELETE lt_i18n_langs INDEX lv_index. " Don't save this lang CONTINUE. ENDIF. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_dd04_texts ASSIGNING <ls_dd04_text>. MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_dd04v TO <ls_dd04_text>. ENDLOOP. SORT lt_i18n_langs ASCENDING. SORT lt_dd04_texts BY ddlanguage ASCENDING. IF lines( lt_i18n_langs ) > 0. io_xml->add( iv_name = 'I18N_LANGS' ig_data = lt_i18n_langs ). io_xml->add( iv_name = 'DD04_TEXTS' ig_data = lt_dd04_texts ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD yif_abapgit_object~changed_by. SELECT SINGLE as4user FROM dd04l INTO rv_user WHERE rollname = ms_item-obj_name AND as4local = 'A' AND as4vers = '0000'. IF sy-subrc <> 0. rv_user = c_user_unknown. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD yif_abapgit_object~compare_to_remote_version. CREATE OBJECT ro_comparison_result TYPE ycl_abapgit_comparison_null. ENDMETHOD. METHOD yif_abapgit_object~delete. DATA: lv_objname TYPE rsedd0-ddobjname. lv_objname = ms_item-obj_name. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_DD_DELETE_OBJ' EXPORTING no_ask = abap_true objname = lv_objname objtype = 'E' EXCEPTIONS not_executed = 1 object_not_found = 2 object_not_specified = 3 permission_failure = 4. IF sy-subrc <> 0. ycx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from RS_DD_DELETE_OBJ, DTEL' ). ENDIF. delete_longtexts( c_longtext_id_dtel ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD yif_abapgit_object~deserialize. DATA: ls_dd04v TYPE dd04v, lv_name TYPE ddobjname, ls_tpara TYPE tpara. io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'DD04V' CHANGING cg_data = ls_dd04v ). io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'TPARA' CHANGING cg_data = ls_tpara ). corr_insert( iv_package ). lv_name = ms_item-obj_name. " type conversion CALL FUNCTION 'DDIF_DTEL_PUT' EXPORTING name = lv_name dd04v_wa = ls_dd04v EXCEPTIONS dtel_not_found = 1 name_inconsistent = 2 dtel_inconsistent = 3 put_failure = 4 put_refused = 5 OTHERS = 6. IF sy-subrc <> 0. ycx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'error from DDIF_DTEL_PUT' ). ENDIF. deserialize_texts( io_xml = io_xml is_dd04v = ls_dd04v ). deserialize_longtexts( io_xml ). ycl_abapgit_objects_activation=>add_item( ms_item ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD yif_abapgit_object~exists. DATA: lv_rollname TYPE dd04l-rollname. SELECT SINGLE rollname FROM dd04l INTO lv_rollname WHERE rollname = ms_item-obj_name AND as4local = 'A' AND as4vers = '0000'. rv_bool = boolc( sy-subrc = 0 ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD yif_abapgit_object~get_metadata. rs_metadata = get_metadata( ). rs_metadata-ddic = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. METHOD yif_abapgit_object~has_changed_since. DATA: lv_date TYPE dats, lv_time TYPE tims. SELECT SINGLE as4date as4time FROM dd04l INTO (lv_date, lv_time) WHERE rollname = ms_item-obj_name AND as4local = 'A' AND as4vers = '0000'. rv_changed = check_timestamp( iv_timestamp = iv_timestamp iv_date = lv_date iv_time = lv_time ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD yif_abapgit_object~jump. jump_se11( iv_radio = 'RSRD1-DDTYPE' iv_field = 'RSRD1-DDTYPE_VAL' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD yif_abapgit_object~serialize. * fm DDIF_DTEL_GET bypasses buffer, so SELECTs are * done directly from here DATA: lv_name TYPE ddobjname, ls_dd04v TYPE dd04v, ls_tpara TYPE tpara. lv_name = ms_item-obj_name. SELECT SINGLE * FROM dd04l INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF ls_dd04v WHERE rollname = lv_name AND as4local = 'A' AND as4vers = '0000'. IF sy-subrc <> 0 OR ls_dd04v IS INITIAL. ycx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Not found in DD04L' ). ENDIF. SELECT SINGLE * FROM dd04t INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF ls_dd04v WHERE rollname = lv_name AND ddlanguage = mv_language AND as4local = 'A' AND as4vers = '0000'. IF NOT ls_dd04v-memoryid IS INITIAL. SELECT SINGLE tpara~paramid tparat~partext FROM tpara LEFT JOIN tparat ON tparat~paramid = tpara~paramid AND tparat~sprache = mv_language INTO ls_tpara WHERE tpara~paramid = ls_dd04v-memoryid. "#EC CI_BUFFJOIN ENDIF. CLEAR: ls_dd04v-as4user, ls_dd04v-as4date, ls_dd04v-as4time. IF ls_dd04v-refkind = 'D'. * clear values inherited from domain CLEAR: ls_dd04v-datatype, ls_dd04v-leng, ls_dd04v-decimals, ls_dd04v-outputlen, ls_dd04v-valexi, ls_dd04v-lowercase, ls_dd04v-signflag, ls_dd04v-convexit, ls_dd04v-entitytab. ENDIF. IF ls_dd04v-routputlen = ''. * numeric field, make sure it is initial or XML serilization will dump CLEAR ls_dd04v-routputlen. ENDIF. IF ls_dd04v-authclass = ''. CLEAR ls_dd04v-authclass. ENDIF. io_xml->add( iv_name = 'DD04V' ig_data = ls_dd04v ). io_xml->add( iv_name = 'TPARA' ig_data = ls_tpara ). serialize_texts( io_xml ). serialize_longtexts( io_xml = io_xml iv_longtext_id = c_longtext_id_dtel ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD yif_abapgit_object~is_locked. rv_is_locked = exists_a_lock_entry_for( iv_lock_object = 'ESDICT' iv_argument = |{ ms_item-obj_type }{ ms_item-obj_name }| ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_gtt_sts_factory DEFINITION PUBLIC ABSTRACT CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_gtt_sts_factory . PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_GTT_STS_FACTORY IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD zif_gtt_sts_factory~get_bo_reader. RETURN. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_gtt_sts_factory~get_ef_parameters. ro_ef_parameters = NEW zcl_gtt_sts_ef_parameters( iv_appsys = iv_appsys is_app_obj_types = is_app_obj_types it_all_appl_tables = it_all_appl_tables it_app_type_cntl_tabs = it_app_type_cntl_tabs it_app_objects = it_app_objects ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_gtt_sts_factory~get_ef_processor. DATA: lo_ef_parameters TYPE REF TO zif_gtt_sts_ef_parameters, lo_bo_reader TYPE REF TO zif_gtt_sts_bo_reader, lo_pe_filler TYPE REF TO zif_gtt_sts_pe_filler. lo_ef_parameters = zif_gtt_sts_factory~get_ef_parameters( iv_appsys = iv_appsys is_app_obj_types = is_app_obj_types it_all_appl_tables = it_all_appl_tables it_app_type_cntl_tabs = it_app_type_cntl_tabs it_app_objects = it_app_objects ). ro_ef_processor = NEW zcl_gtt_sts_ef_processor( io_ef_parameters = lo_ef_parameters io_bo_reader = lo_bo_reader io_pe_filler = lo_pe_filler is_definition = is_definition ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_gtt_sts_factory~get_pe_filler. RETURN. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_msag DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_objects_super FINAL. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_object. ALIASES mo_files FOR zif_abapgit_object~mo_files. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_t100_texts, sprsl TYPE t100-sprsl, msgnr TYPE t100-msgnr, text TYPE t100-text, END OF ty_t100_texts, tt_t100_texts TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_t100_texts. METHODS: serialize_texts IMPORTING io_xml TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_xml_output RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, deserialize_texts IMPORTING io_xml TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_xml_input RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_msag IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~has_changed_since. rv_changed = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~changed_by. SELECT SINGLE lastuser FROM t100a INTO rv_user WHERE arbgb = ms_item-obj_name. "#EC CI_GENBUFF IF sy-subrc <> 0 OR rv_user = ''. rv_user = c_user_unknown. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_metadata. rs_metadata = get_metadata( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~exists. DATA: lv_arbgb TYPE t100a-arbgb. SELECT SINGLE arbgb FROM t100a INTO lv_arbgb WHERE arbgb = ms_item-obj_name. "#EC CI_GENBUFF rv_bool = boolc( sy-subrc = 0 ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~jump. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_TOOL_ACCESS' EXPORTING operation = 'SHOW' object_name = ms_item-obj_name object_type = 'MSAG' in_new_window = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~delete. * parameter SUPPRESS_DIALOG doesnt exist in all versions CALL FUNCTION 'RS_DELETE_MESSAGE_ID' EXPORTING nachrichtenklasse = ms_item-obj_name EXCEPTIONS not_executed = 1 not_found = 2 no_permission = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Error from RS_DELETE_MESSAGE_ID' ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~deserialize. * fm RPY_MESSAGE_ID_INSERT almost works, but not in older versions DATA: ls_t100a TYPE t100a, ls_t100t TYPE t100t, ls_t100u TYPE t100u, lt_t100 TYPE TABLE OF t100, lt_before TYPE TABLE OF t100u. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_t100> LIKE LINE OF lt_t100. io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'T100A' CHANGING cg_data = ls_t100a ). io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'T100' CHANGING cg_data = lt_t100 ). CALL FUNCTION 'RS_CORR_INSERT' EXPORTING global_lock = abap_true devclass = iv_package object = ls_t100a-arbgb object_class = 'T100' mode = 'INSERT' EXCEPTIONS cancelled = 01 permission_failure = 02 unknown_objectclass = 03. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Error from RS_CORR_INSERT' ). ENDIF. SELECT * FROM t100u INTO TABLE lt_before WHERE arbgb = ls_t100a-arbgb ORDER BY msgnr. "#EC CI_GENBUFF "#EC CI_BYPASS LOOP AT lt_t100 ASSIGNING <ls_t100>. DELETE lt_before WHERE msgnr = <ls_t100>-msgnr. MODIFY t100 FROM <ls_t100>. "#EC CI_SUBRC IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'MSAG: Table T100 modify failed' ). ENDIF. CLEAR ls_t100u. MOVE-CORRESPONDING <ls_t100> TO ls_t100u ##enh_ok. ls_t100u-name = sy-uname. ls_t100u-datum = sy-datum. ls_t100u-selfdef = '3'. MODIFY t100u FROM ls_t100u. "#EC CI_SUBRC IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'MSAG: Table T100U modify failed' ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ls_t100a-masterlang = mv_language. ls_t100a-lastuser = sy-uname. ls_t100a-respuser = sy-uname. ls_t100a-ldate = sy-datum. ls_t100a-ltime = sy-uzeit. MODIFY t100a FROM ls_t100a. "#EC CI_SUBRC IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'MSAG: Table T100A modify failed' ). ENDIF. ls_t100t-sprsl = mv_language. ls_t100t-arbgb = ls_t100a-arbgb. ls_t100t-stext = ls_t100a-stext. MODIFY t100t FROM ls_t100t. "#EC CI_SUBRC IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'MSAG: Table T100T modify failed' ). ENDIF. LOOP AT lt_before INTO ls_t100u. DELETE FROM t100 WHERE arbgb = ls_t100u-arbgb AND msgnr = ls_t100u-msgnr. "#EC CI_SUBRC DELETE FROM t100u WHERE arbgb = ls_t100u-arbgb AND msgnr = ls_t100u-msgnr. "#EC CI_SUBRC ENDLOOP. deserialize_texts( io_xml = io_xml ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~serialize. DATA: lv_msg_id TYPE rglif-message_id, ls_inf TYPE t100a, lt_source TYPE TABLE OF t100. lv_msg_id = ms_item-obj_name. SELECT SINGLE * FROM t100a INTO ls_inf WHERE arbgb = lv_msg_id. "#EC CI_GENBUFF IF sy-subrc <> 0. RETURN. ENDIF. CLEAR ls_inf-respuser. SELECT * FROM t100 INTO TABLE lt_source WHERE sprsl = mv_language AND arbgb = lv_msg_id ORDER BY PRIMARY KEY. "#EC CI_SUBRC "#EC CI_GENBUFF CLEAR: ls_inf-lastuser, ls_inf-ldate, ls_inf-ltime. io_xml->add( iv_name = 'T100A' ig_data = ls_inf ). io_xml->add( ig_data = lt_source iv_name = 'T100' ). serialize_texts( io_xml ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD serialize_texts. DATA: lv_msg_id TYPE rglif-message_id, lt_t100_texts TYPE tt_t100_texts, lt_t100t TYPE TABLE OF t100t, lt_i18n_langs TYPE TABLE OF langu. lv_msg_id = ms_item-obj_name. " Collect additional languages " Skip master lang - it has been already serialized SELECT DISTINCT sprsl AS langu INTO TABLE lt_i18n_langs FROM t100t WHERE arbgb = lv_msg_id AND sprsl <> mv_language. "#EC CI_BYPASS "#EC CI_GENBUFF. SORT lt_i18n_langs ASCENDING. IF lines( lt_i18n_langs ) > 0. SELECT * FROM t100t INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE lt_t100t WHERE sprsl <> mv_language AND arbgb = lv_msg_id. "#EC CI_GENBUFF SELECT * FROM t100 INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE lt_t100_texts FOR ALL ENTRIES IN lt_i18n_langs WHERE sprsl = lt_i18n_langs-table_line AND arbgb = lv_msg_id ORDER BY PRIMARY KEY. "#EC CI_SUBRC "#EC CI_GENBUFF SORT lt_t100t BY sprsl ASCENDING. SORT lt_t100_texts BY sprsl msgnr ASCENDING. io_xml->add( iv_name = 'I18N_LANGS' ig_data = lt_i18n_langs ). io_xml->add( iv_name = 'T100T' ig_data = lt_t100t ). io_xml->add( iv_name = 'T100_TEXTS' ig_data = lt_t100_texts ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD deserialize_texts. DATA: lv_msg_id TYPE rglif-message_id, ls_t100 TYPE t100, lt_t100t TYPE TABLE OF t100t, lt_t100_texts TYPE tt_t100_texts, lt_t100u TYPE TABLE OF t100u. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_t100_text> TYPE ty_t100_texts. lv_msg_id = ms_item-obj_name. SELECT * FROM t100u INTO TABLE lt_t100u WHERE arbgb = lv_msg_id ORDER BY PRIMARY KEY. "#EC CI_GENBUFF io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'T100_TEXTS' CHANGING cg_data = lt_t100_texts ). io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'T100T' CHANGING cg_data = lt_t100t ). MODIFY t100t FROM TABLE lt_t100t. "#EC CI_SUBRC LOOP AT lt_t100_texts ASSIGNING <ls_t100_text>. "check if message exists READ TABLE lt_t100u TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WITH KEY arbgb = lv_msg_id msgnr = <ls_t100_text>-msgnr BINARY SEARCH. CHECK sy-subrc = 0. "if original message doesn't exist no translations added MOVE-CORRESPONDING <ls_t100_text> TO ls_t100. ls_t100-arbgb = lv_msg_id. MODIFY t100 FROM ls_t100. "#EC CI_SUBRC IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'MSAG: Table T100 modify failed' ). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~compare_to_remote_version. CREATE OBJECT ro_comparison_result TYPE zcl_abapgit_comparison_null. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_locked. rv_is_locked = abap_false. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS ltcl_run_checks DEFINITION DEFERRED. CLASS zcl_abapgit_file_status DEFINITION LOCAL FRIENDS ltcl_run_checks. CLASS ltcl_run_checks DEFINITION FOR TESTING RISK LEVEL HARMLESS DURATION SHORT FINAL. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA: mt_results TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt, mo_dot TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_dot_abapgit, mi_log TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_log. METHODS: append_result IMPORTING iv_obj_type TYPE trobjtype iv_obj_name TYPE sobj_name iv_match TYPE abap_bool iv_lstate TYPE char1 iv_rstate TYPE char1 iv_package TYPE devclass iv_path TYPE string iv_filename TYPE string iv_packmove TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL, setup, positive FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, neg_diff_path_for_same_obj FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, neg_incorrect_path_vs_pack FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, neg_similar_filenames FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, neg_empty_filenames FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, package_move FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_run_checks IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD append_result. DATA ls_result LIKE LINE OF mt_results. ls_result-inactive = abap_false. ls_result-obj_type = iv_obj_type. ls_result-obj_name = iv_obj_name. ls_result-match = iv_match. ls_result-lstate = iv_lstate. ls_result-rstate = iv_rstate. ls_result-package = iv_package. ls_result-path = iv_path. ls_result-filename = iv_filename. ls_result-packmove = iv_packmove. APPEND ls_result TO mt_results. ENDMETHOD. METHOD setup. CREATE OBJECT mi_log TYPE zcl_abapgit_log. mo_dot = zcl_abapgit_dot_abapgit=>build_default( ). mo_dot->set_starting_folder( '/' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD positive. " 0 Positive append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = 'ZCLASS1' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = 'A' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = 'zclass1.clas.abap' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = 'ZCLASS1' iv_match = 'X' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = 'zclass1.clas.xml' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = 'ZDOMA1' iv_match = 'X' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = 'zdoma1.doma.xml' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = 'ZDOMA2' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = 'M' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = 'zdoma2.doma.xml' ). zcl_abapgit_file_status=>run_checks( ii_log = mi_log it_results = mt_results io_dot = mo_dot iv_top = '$Z$' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mi_log->count( ) exp = 0 ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD neg_diff_path_for_same_obj. " 1 Negative, different path for same object append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = 'ZCLASS1' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = 'A' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = 'zclass1.clas.abap' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = 'ZCLASS1' iv_match = 'X' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/sub' iv_filename = 'zclass1.clas.xml' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = 'ZDOMA1' iv_match = 'X' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = 'zdoma1.doma.xml' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = 'ZDOMA2' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = 'M' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = 'zdoma2.doma.xml' ). zcl_abapgit_file_status=>run_checks( ii_log = mi_log it_results = mt_results io_dot = mo_dot iv_top = '$Z$' ). " This one is not pure - incorrect path also triggers path vs package check cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mi_log->count( ) exp = 2 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mi_log->has_rc( '1' ) exp = abap_true ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD neg_incorrect_path_vs_pack. " 2 Negative, incorrect path vs package append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = '$$ZCLASS1' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = 'A' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = '$$zclass1.clas.abap' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = '$$ZCLASS1' iv_match = 'X' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = '$$zclass1.clas.xml' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = '$$ZDOMA1' iv_match = 'X' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/sub' iv_filename = '$$zdoma1.doma.xml' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = '$$ZDOMA2' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = 'M' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = '$$zdoma2.doma.xml' ). zcl_abapgit_file_status=>run_checks( ii_log = mi_log it_results = mt_results io_dot = mo_dot iv_top = '$Z$' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mi_log->count( ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mi_log->has_rc( '2' ) exp = abap_true ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD neg_similar_filenames. " 3 Negative, similar filenames append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = '$$ZCLASS1' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = 'A' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = '$$zclass1.clas.abap' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = '$$ZCLASS1' iv_match = 'X' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = '$$zclass1.clas.xml' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = '$$ZDOMA1' iv_match = 'X' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = '$$zdoma1.doma.xml' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = '$$ZDOMA2' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = 'M' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = '$$zdoma1.doma.xml' ). zcl_abapgit_file_status=>run_checks( ii_log = mi_log it_results = mt_results io_dot = mo_dot iv_top = '$Z$' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mi_log->count( ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mi_log->has_rc( '3' ) exp = abap_true ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD neg_empty_filenames. " 4 Negative, empty filenames append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = '$$ZCLASS1' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = 'A' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = '$$zclass1.clas.abap' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = '$$ZCLASS1' iv_match = 'X' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = '$$zclass1.clas.xml' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = '$$ZDOMA1' iv_match = 'X' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = '' ). zcl_abapgit_file_status=>run_checks( ii_log = mi_log it_results = mt_results io_dot = mo_dot iv_top = '$Z$' ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mi_log->count( ) exp = 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mi_log->has_rc( '4' ) exp = abap_true ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD package_move. " 5 Changed package assignment append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = 'ZCLASS1' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = 'A' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = 'zclass1.clas.abap' iv_packmove = 'X' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = 'ZCLASS1' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = 'A' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$SUB' iv_path = '/sub' iv_filename = 'zclass1.clas.abap' iv_packmove = 'X' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = 'ZCLASS1' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = 'A' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = 'zclass1.clas.xml' iv_packmove = 'X' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'CLAS' iv_obj_name = 'ZCLASS1' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = 'A' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$SUB' iv_path = '/sub' iv_filename = 'zclass1.clas.xml' iv_packmove = 'X' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = 'ZDOMA1' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = 'A' iv_rstate = ' ' iv_package = '$Z$' iv_path = '/' iv_filename = 'zdoma1.doma.xml' iv_packmove = 'X' ). append_result( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = 'ZDOMA2' iv_match = ' ' iv_lstate = ' ' iv_rstate = 'A' iv_package = '$Z$SUB' iv_path = '/sub' iv_filename = 'zdoma1.doma.xml' iv_packmove = 'X' ). zcl_abapgit_file_status=>run_checks( ii_log = mi_log it_results = mt_results io_dot = mo_dot iv_top = '$Z$' ). " Three files, but only two msg (for two changed objects) cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mi_log->count( ) exp = 2 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mi_log->has_rc( '5' ) exp = abap_true ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_status_result DEFINITION. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: constructor IMPORTING it_results TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt, get_line IMPORTING iv_line TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(rs_data) TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_result, assert_lines IMPORTING iv_lines TYPE i. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA: mt_results TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_status_result IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. mt_results = it_results. SORT mt_results BY path filename. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_line. READ TABLE mt_results INDEX iv_line INTO rs_data. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD assert_lines. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lines( mt_results ) exp = iv_lines ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_status_helper DEFINITION DEFERRED. CLASS zcl_abapgit_file_status DEFINITION LOCAL FRIENDS ltcl_status_helper. CLASS ltcl_status_helper DEFINITION FOR TESTING. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES: zif_abapgit_tadir. METHODS: constructor, add_tadir IMPORTING iv_obj_type TYPE tadir-object iv_obj_name TYPE tadir-obj_name iv_devclass TYPE tadir-devclass, add_remote IMPORTING iv_path TYPE string DEFAULT '/' iv_filename TYPE string iv_sha1 TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_sha1, add_local IMPORTING iv_path TYPE string DEFAULT '/' iv_filename TYPE string iv_sha1 TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_sha1 iv_obj_type TYPE tadir-object OPTIONAL iv_obj_name TYPE tadir-obj_name OPTIONAL iv_devclass TYPE devclass DEFAULT '$Z$', add_state IMPORTING iv_path TYPE string DEFAULT '/' iv_filename TYPE string iv_sha1 TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_sha1, run IMPORTING iv_devclass TYPE devclass DEFAULT '$Z$' RETURNING VALUE(ro_result) TYPE REF TO lcl_status_result RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_tadir, obj_type TYPE tadir-object, obj_name TYPE tadir-obj_name, devclass TYPE tadir-devclass, END OF ty_tadir. DATA: mt_tadir TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_tadir WITH DEFAULT KEY, mt_local TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_item_tt, mt_remote TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_files_tt, mt_state TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_file_signatures_tt. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_status_helper IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. zcl_abapgit_injector=>set_tadir( me ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD add_tadir. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_tadir> LIKE LINE OF mt_tadir. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO mt_tadir ASSIGNING <ls_tadir>. <ls_tadir>-obj_type = iv_obj_type. <ls_tadir>-obj_name = iv_obj_name. <ls_tadir>-devclass = iv_devclass. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_tadir~get_object_package. DATA: ls_tadir LIKE LINE OF mt_tadir. IF lines( mt_tadir ) > 0. READ TABLE mt_tadir INTO ls_tadir WITH KEY obj_type = iv_object obj_name = iv_obj_name. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_subrc( ). rv_devclass = ls_tadir-devclass. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_tadir~read. cl_abap_unit_assert=>fail( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_tadir~read_single. cl_abap_unit_assert=>fail( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD add_remote. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_remote> LIKE LINE OF mt_remote. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO mt_remote ASSIGNING <ls_remote>. <ls_remote>-path = iv_path. <ls_remote>-filename = iv_filename. <ls_remote>-sha1 = iv_sha1. ENDMETHOD. METHOD add_local. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_local> LIKE LINE OF mt_local. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO mt_local ASSIGNING <ls_local>. <ls_local>-item-obj_type = iv_obj_type. <ls_local>-item-obj_name = iv_obj_name. <ls_local>-item-devclass = iv_devclass. <ls_local>-file-path = iv_path. <ls_local>-file-filename = iv_filename. <ls_local>-file-sha1 = iv_sha1. ENDMETHOD. METHOD add_state. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_state> LIKE LINE OF mt_state. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO mt_state ASSIGNING <ls_state>. <ls_state>-path = iv_path. <ls_state>-filename = iv_filename. <ls_state>-sha1 = iv_sha1. ENDMETHOD. METHOD run. DATA: lt_results TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_results_tt, lo_dot TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_dot_abapgit. lo_dot = zcl_abapgit_dot_abapgit=>build_default( ). lt_results = zcl_abapgit_file_status=>calculate_status( iv_devclass = iv_devclass io_dot = lo_dot it_local = mt_local it_remote = mt_remote it_cur_state = mt_state ). CREATE OBJECT ro_result EXPORTING it_results = lt_results. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_calculate_status DEFINITION DEFERRED. CLASS zcl_abapgit_file_status DEFINITION LOCAL FRIENDS ltcl_calculate_status. CLASS ltcl_calculate_status DEFINITION FOR TESTING RISK LEVEL HARMLESS DURATION SHORT FINAL. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA: mo_helper TYPE REF TO ltcl_status_helper, mo_result TYPE REF TO lcl_status_result. METHODS: setup, only_remote FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, only_local FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, match FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, diff FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, local_outside_main FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, complete FOR TESTING RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_calculate_status IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD setup. CREATE OBJECT mo_helper. ENDMETHOD. METHOD only_remote. mo_helper->add_remote( iv_filename = '$$zdoma1.doma.xml' iv_sha1 = 'D1' ). mo_result = mo_helper->run( ). mo_result->assert_lines( 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mo_result->get_line( 1 )-rstate exp = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-added ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD only_local. mo_helper->add_local( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = '$$ZDOMA1' iv_filename = '$$zdoma1.doma.xml' iv_sha1 = 'D1' ). mo_result = mo_helper->run( ). mo_result->assert_lines( 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mo_result->get_line( 1 )-lstate exp = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-added ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD match. mo_helper->add_local( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = '$$ZDOMA1' iv_filename = '$$zdoma1.doma.xml' iv_sha1 = 'D1' ). mo_helper->add_remote( iv_filename = '$$zdoma1.doma.xml' iv_sha1 = 'D1' ). mo_result = mo_helper->run( ). mo_result->assert_lines( 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mo_result->get_line( 1 )-match exp = abap_true ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD diff. mo_helper->add_local( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = '$$ZDOMA1' iv_filename = '$$zdoma1.doma.xml' iv_sha1 = '12345' ). mo_helper->add_remote( iv_filename = '$$zdoma1.doma.xml' iv_sha1 = '54321' ). mo_result = mo_helper->run( ). mo_result->assert_lines( 1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mo_result->get_line( 1 )-lstate exp = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-modified ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mo_result->get_line( 1 )-rstate exp = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-modified ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD local_outside_main. mo_helper->add_tadir( iv_obj_type = 'DOMA' iv_obj_name = '$$ZDOMA1' iv_devclass = '$OUTSIDE$' ). mo_helper->add_remote( iv_filename = '$$zdoma1.doma.xml' iv_sha1 = '54321' ). mo_result = mo_helper->run( ). mo_result->assert_lines( 1 ). " it should appear as not existing locally cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = mo_result->get_line( 1 )-rstate exp = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_state-added ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD complete. DATA: ls_line TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_result, lv_act TYPE c LENGTH 3, lv_exp TYPE c LENGTH 3. mo_helper->add_local( iv_path = '/' iv_filename = '.abapgit.xml' iv_sha1 = '1017' ). mo_helper->add_local( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_created_locally.prog.abap' iv_sha1 = '1001' ). mo_helper->add_local( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_created_locally.prog.xml' iv_sha1 = '1022' ). mo_helper->add_local( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_deleted_remotely.prog.abap' iv_sha1 = '1016' ). mo_helper->add_local( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_deleted_remotely.prog.xml' iv_sha1 = '1003' ). mo_helper->add_local( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_modified_both.prog.abap' iv_sha1 = '1028' ). mo_helper->add_local( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_modified_both.prog.xml' iv_sha1 = '1032' ). mo_helper->add_local( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_modified_locally.prog.abap' iv_sha1 = '1023' ). mo_helper->add_local( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_modified_locally.prog.xml' iv_sha1 = '1033' ). mo_helper->add_local( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_modified_remotely.prog.abap' iv_sha1 = '1018' ). mo_helper->add_local( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_modified_remotely.prog.xml' iv_sha1 = '1011' ). mo_helper->add_local( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_mod_del.prog.abap' iv_sha1 = '1012' ). mo_helper->add_local( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_mod_del.prog.xml' iv_sha1 = '1006' ). mo_helper->add_local( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'package.devc.xml' iv_sha1 = '1027' ). mo_helper->add_remote( iv_path = '/' iv_filename = '.abapgit.xml' iv_sha1 = '1017' ). mo_helper->add_remote( iv_path = '/' iv_filename = '' iv_sha1 = '1007' ). mo_helper->add_remote( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'package.devc.xml' iv_sha1 = '1027' ). mo_helper->add_remote( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_created_remotely.prog.abap' iv_sha1 = '1025' ). mo_helper->add_remote( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_created_remotely.prog.xml' iv_sha1 = '1015' ). mo_helper->add_remote( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_del_mod.prog.abap' iv_sha1 = '1024' ). mo_helper->add_remote( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_del_mod.prog.xml' iv_sha1 = '1013' ). mo_helper->add_remote( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_deleted_locally.prog.abap' iv_sha1 = '1008' ). mo_helper->add_remote( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_deleted_locally.prog.xml' iv_sha1 = '1009' ). mo_helper->add_remote( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_modified_both.prog.abap' iv_sha1 = '1002' ). mo_helper->add_remote( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_modified_both.prog.xml' iv_sha1 = '1030' ). mo_helper->add_remote( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_modified_locally.prog.abap' iv_sha1 = '1026' ). mo_helper->add_remote( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_modified_locally.prog.xml' iv_sha1 = '1021' ). mo_helper->add_remote( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_modified_remotely.prog.abap' iv_sha1 = '1019' ). mo_helper->add_remote( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_modified_remotely.prog.xml' iv_sha1 = '1031' ). mo_helper->add_state( iv_path = '/' iv_filename = '.abapgit.xml' iv_sha1 = '1017' ). mo_helper->add_state( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'package.devc.xml' iv_sha1 = '1027' ). mo_helper->add_state( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_deleted_locally.prog.abap' iv_sha1 = '1008' ). mo_helper->add_state( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_deleted_locally.prog.xml' iv_sha1 = '1009' ). mo_helper->add_state( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_deleted_remotely.prog.abap' iv_sha1 = '1016' ). mo_helper->add_state( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_deleted_remotely.prog.xml' iv_sha1 = '1003' ). mo_helper->add_state( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_del_mod.prog.abap' iv_sha1 = '1020' ). mo_helper->add_state( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_del_mod.prog.xml' iv_sha1 = '1029' ). mo_helper->add_state( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_modified_both.prog.abap' iv_sha1 = '1010' ). mo_helper->add_state( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_modified_both.prog.xml' iv_sha1 = '1004' ). mo_helper->add_state( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_modified_locally.prog.abap' iv_sha1 = '1026' ). mo_helper->add_state( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_modified_locally.prog.xml' iv_sha1 = '1021' ). mo_helper->add_state( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_modified_remotely.prog.abap' iv_sha1 = '1018' ). mo_helper->add_state( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_modified_remotely.prog.xml' iv_sha1 = '1011' ). mo_helper->add_state( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_mod_del.prog.abap' iv_sha1 = '1014' ). mo_helper->add_state( iv_path = '/src/' iv_filename = 'ztest_mod_del.prog.xml' iv_sha1 = '1005' ). mo_result = mo_helper->run( ). mo_result->assert_lines( 21 ). DO 21 TIMES. ls_line = mo_result->get_line( sy-index ). lv_act+0(1) = ls_line-match. lv_act+1(1) = ls_line-lstate. lv_act+2(1) = ls_line-rstate. CASE sy-index. WHEN 1. lv_exp = 'X '. WHEN 2. lv_exp = ' A'. WHEN 3. lv_exp = 'X '. WHEN 4 OR 5. lv_exp = ' A '. WHEN 6 OR 7. lv_exp = ' A'. WHEN 8 OR 9. lv_exp = ' DM'. WHEN 10 OR 11. lv_exp = ' D '. WHEN 12 OR 13. lv_exp = ' D'. WHEN 14 OR 15. lv_exp = ' MD'. WHEN 16 OR 17. lv_exp = ' MM'. WHEN 18 OR 19. lv_exp = ' M '. WHEN 20 OR 21. lv_exp = ' M'. ENDCASE. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lv_act exp = lv_exp msg = |Line { sy-index }: { ls_line-filename }| ). ENDDO. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS ltcl_test DEFINITION DEFERRED. CLASS zcx_abapgit_exception DEFINITION LOCAL FRIENDS ltcl_test. CLASS ltcl_test DEFINITION FOR TESTING DURATION SHORT RISK LEVEL HARMLESS. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: test_direct_text FOR TESTING, test_t100_text FOR TESTING, test_no_text FOR TESTING. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF gty_t100_message, msgid TYPE symsgid, msgno TYPE symsgno, msgv1 TYPE symsgv, msgv2 TYPE symsgv, msgv3 TYPE symsgv, msgv4 TYPE symsgv, END OF gty_t100_message. CLASS-METHODS: get_exc_text IMPORTING ix_ex TYPE REF TO cx_root RETURNING VALUE(rv_text) TYPE string, get_t100_text IMPORTING is_message TYPE gty_t100_message RETURNING VALUE(rv_text) TYPE string. ENDCLASS. CLASS ltcl_test IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD test_direct_text. CONSTANTS: lc_text1 TYPE string VALUE `This is a test error message.`, lc_text2 TYPE string VALUE ``. DATA: lx_ex TYPE REF TO zcx_abapgit_exception, lx_previous TYPE REF TO cx_root. TRY. CREATE OBJECT lx_previous TYPE cx_sy_dyn_call_illegal_method EXPORTING textid = cx_sy_dyn_call_illegal_method=>private_method classname = 'CLASS' methodname = 'METHOD'. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( iv_text = lx_previous->get_text( ) ix_previous = lx_previous ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>fail( ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception INTO lx_ex. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = get_exc_text( lx_ex ) exp = lx_previous->get_text( ) ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = lx_ex->previous exp = lx_previous ). ENDTRY. FREE: lx_ex, lx_previous. TRY. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( lc_text1 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>fail( ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception INTO lx_ex. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = get_exc_text( lx_ex ) exp = lc_text1 ). ENDTRY. FREE lx_ex. TRY. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( lc_text2 ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>fail( ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception INTO lx_ex. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = get_exc_text( lx_ex ) exp = zcx_abapgit_exception=>gc_generic_error_msg ). ENDTRY. FREE lx_ex. ENDMETHOD. METHOD test_no_text. DATA: lx_ex TYPE REF TO zcx_abapgit_exception. TRY. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( space ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>fail( ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception INTO lx_ex. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = get_exc_text( lx_ex ) exp = zcx_abapgit_exception=>gc_generic_error_msg ). ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD test_t100_text. CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF lc_msg1, msgid TYPE symsgid VALUE '00', msgno TYPE symsgno VALUE '001', msgv1 TYPE symsgv VALUE IS INITIAL, msgv2 TYPE symsgv VALUE IS INITIAL, msgv3 TYPE symsgv VALUE IS INITIAL, msgv4 TYPE symsgv VALUE IS INITIAL, END OF lc_msg1, BEGIN OF lc_msg2, msgid TYPE symsgid VALUE '00', msgno TYPE symsgno VALUE '001', msgv1 TYPE symsgv VALUE 'Variable 1', msgv2 TYPE symsgv VALUE IS INITIAL, msgv3 TYPE symsgv VALUE IS INITIAL, msgv4 TYPE symsgv VALUE IS INITIAL, END OF lc_msg2, BEGIN OF lc_msg3, msgid TYPE symsgid VALUE '00', msgno TYPE symsgno VALUE '001', msgv1 TYPE symsgv VALUE 'Variable 1', msgv2 TYPE symsgv VALUE 'Variable 2', msgv3 TYPE symsgv VALUE IS INITIAL, msgv4 TYPE symsgv VALUE IS INITIAL, END OF lc_msg3, BEGIN OF lc_msg4, msgid TYPE symsgid VALUE '00', msgno TYPE symsgno VALUE '001', msgv1 TYPE symsgv VALUE 'Variable 1', msgv2 TYPE symsgv VALUE 'Variable 2', msgv3 TYPE symsgv VALUE'Variable 3', msgv4 TYPE symsgv VALUE IS INITIAL, END OF lc_msg4, BEGIN OF lc_msg5, msgid TYPE symsgid VALUE '00', msgno TYPE symsgno VALUE '001', msgv1 TYPE symsgv VALUE 'Variable 1', msgv2 TYPE symsgv VALUE 'Variable 2', msgv3 TYPE symsgv VALUE 'Variable 3', msgv4 TYPE symsgv VALUE 'Variable 4', END OF lc_msg5, BEGIN OF lc_msg6, msgid TYPE symsgid VALUE '00', msgno TYPE symsgno VALUE '003', msgv1 TYPE symsgv VALUE 'Variable 1', msgv2 TYPE symsgv VALUE 'Variable 2', msgv3 TYPE symsgv VALUE 'Variable 3', msgv4 TYPE symsgv VALUE 'Variable 4', END OF lc_msg6, BEGIN OF lc_msg7, msgid TYPE symsgid VALUE '00', msgno TYPE symsgno VALUE '003', msgv1 TYPE symsgv VALUE IS INITIAL, msgv2 TYPE symsgv VALUE IS INITIAL, msgv3 TYPE symsgv VALUE IS INITIAL, msgv4 TYPE symsgv VALUE IS INITIAL, END OF lc_msg7, BEGIN OF lc_msg8, msgid TYPE symsgid VALUE '00', msgno TYPE symsgno VALUE '002', msgv1 TYPE symsgv VALUE IS INITIAL, msgv2 TYPE symsgv VALUE IS INITIAL, msgv3 TYPE symsgv VALUE IS INITIAL, msgv4 TYPE symsgv VALUE IS INITIAL, END OF lc_msg8. DATA: lx_ex TYPE REF TO zcx_abapgit_exception, lv_text TYPE string. TRY. lv_text = get_t100_text( lc_msg1 ). zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise_t100( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>fail( ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception INTO lx_ex. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = get_exc_text( lx_ex ) exp = lv_text ). ENDTRY. CLEAR lv_text. FREE lx_ex. TRY. lv_text = get_t100_text( lc_msg2 ). zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise_t100( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>fail( ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception INTO lx_ex. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = get_exc_text( lx_ex ) exp = lv_text ). ENDTRY. CLEAR lv_text. FREE lx_ex. TRY. lv_text = get_t100_text( lc_msg3 ). zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise_t100( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>fail( ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception INTO lx_ex. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = get_exc_text( lx_ex ) exp = lv_text ). ENDTRY. CLEAR lv_text. FREE lx_ex. TRY. lv_text = get_t100_text( lc_msg4 ). zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise_t100( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>fail( ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception INTO lx_ex. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = get_exc_text( lx_ex ) exp = lv_text ). ENDTRY. CLEAR lv_text. FREE lx_ex. TRY. lv_text = get_t100_text( lc_msg5 ). zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise_t100( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>fail( ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception INTO lx_ex. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = get_exc_text( lx_ex ) exp = lv_text ). ENDTRY. CLEAR lv_text. FREE lx_ex. TRY. lv_text = get_t100_text( lc_msg6 ). zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise_t100( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>fail( ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception INTO lx_ex. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = get_exc_text( lx_ex ) exp = lv_text ). ENDTRY. CLEAR lv_text. FREE lx_ex. TRY. lv_text = get_t100_text( lc_msg7 ). zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise_t100( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>fail( ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception INTO lx_ex. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = get_exc_text( lx_ex ) exp = lv_text ). ENDTRY. CLEAR lv_text. FREE lx_ex. TRY. lv_text = get_t100_text( lc_msg8 ). zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise_t100( ). cl_abap_unit_assert=>fail( ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception INTO lx_ex. cl_abap_unit_assert=>assert_equals( act = get_exc_text( lx_ex ) exp = lv_text ). ENDTRY. CLEAR lv_text. FREE lx_ex. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_exc_text. cl_message_helper=>set_msg_vars_for_if_msg( ix_ex ). MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'S' NUMBER sy-msgno WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4 INTO rv_text. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_t100_text. MESSAGE ID is_message-msgid TYPE 'S' NUMBER is_message-msgno WITH is_message-msgv1 is_message-msgv2 is_message-msgv3 is_message-msgv4 INTO rv_text. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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REPORT zaoc_line_length. * abapOpenChecks * * MIT License TABLES: tdevc. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK b1 WITH FRAME TITLE TEXT-001. SELECT-OPTIONS: s_devc FOR tdevc-devclass OBLIGATORY. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK b1. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK b2 WITH FRAME TITLE TEXT-002. PARAMETERS: p_split TYPE i DEFAULT 10, p_mview TYPE c AS CHECKBOX DEFAULT 'X'. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK b2. ****************************************************************** TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_result, from TYPE string, count TYPE i, END OF ty_result. TYPES: ty_result_tt TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_result WITH DEFAULT KEY. CLASS lcl_app DEFINITION FINAL. PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS: run RETURNING VALUE(rt_result) TYPE ty_result_tt. PRIVATE SECTION. CLASS-DATA: gt_result TYPE ty_result_tt. CLASS-METHODS: init_result, run_package IMPORTING iv_devclass TYPE devclass, run_program IMPORTING iv_program TYPE program. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_app IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD run. DATA: lt_packages TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF devclass WITH DEFAULT KEY, lv_package LIKE LINE OF lt_packages. init_result( ). SELECT devclass FROM tdevc INTO TABLE lt_packages WHERE devclass IN s_devc. "#EC CI_GENBUFF "#EC CI_SUBRC LOOP AT lt_packages INTO lv_package. run_package( lv_package ). ENDLOOP. rt_result = gt_result. ENDMETHOD. METHOD init_result. DATA: lv_length TYPE i. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_result> LIKE LINE OF gt_result. CLEAR gt_result. WHILE lv_length < 255. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO gt_result ASSIGNING <ls_result>. <ls_result>-from = |{ lv_length } to { lv_length + p_split - 1 } characters|. lv_length = lv_length + p_split. ENDWHILE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD run_package. DATA: lt_programs TYPE scit_program, lv_program LIKE LINE OF lt_programs. lt_programs = zcl_aoc_util_programs=>get_programs_in_package( iv_devclass = iv_devclass iv_ignore_mview_fugr = p_mview ). LOOP AT lt_programs INTO lv_program. IF sy-tabix MOD 100 = 0. cl_progress_indicator=>progress_indicate( i_text = iv_devclass i_processed = sy-tabix i_total = lines( lt_programs ) i_output_immediately = abap_true ). ENDIF. run_program( lv_program ). ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD run_program. DATA: lt_source TYPE TABLE OF abaptxt255, lv_index TYPE i, ls_source LIKE LINE OF lt_source. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_result> LIKE LINE OF gt_result. CALL FUNCTION 'RPY_PROGRAM_READ' EXPORTING program_name = iv_program with_includelist = abap_false only_source = abap_true with_lowercase = abap_true TABLES source_extended = lt_source EXCEPTIONS cancelled = 1 not_found = 2 permission_error = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF sy-subrc <> 0. RETURN. ENDIF. LOOP AT lt_source INTO ls_source. lv_index = ( strlen( ls_source-line ) DIV p_split ) + 1. READ TABLE gt_result INDEX lv_index ASSIGNING <ls_result>. "#EC CI_SUBRC <ls_result>-count = <ls_result>-count + 1. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_gui DEFINITION FINAL. PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS: show IMPORTING VALUE(it_result) TYPE ty_result_tt RAISING cx_salv_msg. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_gui IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD show. DATA: lo_salv TYPE REF TO cl_salv_table. cl_salv_table=>factory( IMPORTING r_salv_table = lo_salv CHANGING t_table = it_result ). lo_salv->get_columns( )->set_optimize( ). lo_salv->get_functions( )->set_all( ). lo_salv->display( ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. START-OF-SELECTION. lcl_gui=>show( lcl_app=>run( ) ).
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*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZDOMA *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT zdoma2. PARAMETERS: p_ddmass TYPE ddmass-device OBLIGATORY. WRITE 'hesdfllo'.
[ 9, 5, 10097, 30934, 9, 198, 9, 5, 6358, 1168, 39170, 32, 198, 9, 5, 10097, 30934, 9, 198, 9, 5, 198, 9, 5, 10097, 30934, 9, 198, 2200, 15490, 1976, 3438, 64, 17, 13, 198, 198, 27082, 2390, 2767, 4877, 25, 279, 62, 1860, 22208, 41876, 49427, 22208, 12, 25202, 440, 9148, 3528, 1404, 15513, 13, 198, 198, 18564, 12709, 705, 956, 7568, 18798, 4458, 198 ]
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CLASS zcl_gtt_mia_sh_data_old DEFINITION PUBLIC CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS constructor IMPORTING !io_ef_parameters TYPE REF TO zif_gtt_mia_ef_parameters RAISING cx_udm_message . METHODS get_vttk RETURNING VALUE(rr_vttk) TYPE REF TO data . METHODS get_vttp RETURNING VALUE(rr_vttp) TYPE REF TO data . METHODS get_vtts RETURNING VALUE(rr_vtts) TYPE REF TO data . METHODS get_vtsp RETURNING VALUE(rr_vtsp) TYPE REF TO data . PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA mo_ef_parameters TYPE REF TO zif_gtt_mia_ef_parameters . DATA mt_vttk TYPE zif_gtt_mia_app_types=>tt_vttkvb . DATA mt_vttp TYPE zif_gtt_mia_app_types=>tt_vttpvb . DATA mt_vtts TYPE zif_gtt_mia_app_types=>tt_vttsvb . DATA mt_vtsp TYPE zif_gtt_mia_app_types=>tt_vtspvb . METHODS init RAISING cx_udm_message . METHODS init_vttk RAISING cx_udm_message . METHODS init_vttp RAISING cx_udm_message . METHODS init_vtts RAISING cx_udm_message . METHODS init_vtsp RAISING cx_udm_message . ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_gtt_mia_sh_data_old IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. mo_ef_parameters = io_ef_parameters. init( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_vtsp. rr_vtsp = REF #( mt_vtsp ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_vttk. rr_vttk = REF #( mt_vttk ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_vttp. rr_vttp = REF #( mt_vttp ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_vtts. rr_vtts = REF #( mt_vtts ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD init. init_vttk( ). init_vttp( ). init_vtts( ). init_vtsp( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD init_vtsp. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lt_vtsp_new> TYPE zif_gtt_mia_app_types=>tt_vtspvb, <lt_vtsp_old> TYPE zif_gtt_mia_app_types=>tt_vtspvb. DATA(lr_vtsp_new) = mo_ef_parameters->get_appl_table( iv_tabledef = zif_gtt_mia_app_constants=>cs_tabledef-sh_item_stage_new ). DATA(lr_vtsp_old) = mo_ef_parameters->get_appl_table( iv_tabledef = zif_gtt_mia_app_constants=>cs_tabledef-sh_item_stage_old ). ASSIGN lr_vtsp_new->* TO <lt_vtsp_new>. ASSIGN lr_vtsp_old->* TO <lt_vtsp_old>. IF <lt_vtsp_new> IS ASSIGNED AND <lt_vtsp_old> IS ASSIGNED. mt_vtsp = <lt_vtsp_old>. SORT mt_vtsp BY tknum tsnum tpnum. LOOP AT <lt_vtsp_new> ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_vtsp_new>) WHERE updkz IS INITIAL. READ TABLE mt_vtsp WITH KEY tknum = <ls_vtsp_new>-tknum tsnum = <ls_vtsp_new>-tsnum tpnum = <ls_vtsp_new>-tpnum TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS BINARY SEARCH. IF sy-subrc <> 0. INSERT <ls_vtsp_new> INTO mt_vtsp INDEX sy-tabix. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ELSE. MESSAGE e002(zgtt_mia) WITH 'VTSP' INTO DATA(lv_dummy). zcl_gtt_mia_tools=>throw_exception( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD init_vttk. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lt_vttk_new> TYPE zif_gtt_mia_app_types=>tt_vttkvb, <lt_vttk_old> TYPE zif_gtt_mia_app_types=>tt_vttkvb. DATA(lr_vttk_new) = mo_ef_parameters->get_appl_table( iv_tabledef = zif_gtt_mia_app_constants=>cs_tabledef-sh_header_new ). DATA(lr_vttk_old) = mo_ef_parameters->get_appl_table( iv_tabledef = zif_gtt_mia_app_constants=>cs_tabledef-sh_header_old ). ASSIGN lr_vttk_new->* TO <lt_vttk_new>. ASSIGN lr_vttk_old->* TO <lt_vttk_old>. IF <lt_vttk_new> IS ASSIGNED AND <lt_vttk_old> IS ASSIGNED. mt_vttk = <lt_vttk_old>. SORT mt_vttk BY tknum. LOOP AT <lt_vttk_new> ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_vttk_new>) WHERE updkz IS INITIAL. READ TABLE mt_vttk WITH KEY tknum = <ls_vttk_new>-tknum TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS BINARY SEARCH. IF sy-subrc <> 0. INSERT <ls_vttk_new> INTO mt_vttk INDEX sy-tabix. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ELSE. MESSAGE e002(zgtt_mia) WITH 'VTTK' INTO DATA(lv_dummy). zcl_gtt_mia_tools=>throw_exception( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD init_vttp. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lt_vttp_new> TYPE zif_gtt_mia_app_types=>tt_vttpvb, <lt_vttp_old> TYPE zif_gtt_mia_app_types=>tt_vttpvb. DATA(lr_vttp_new) = mo_ef_parameters->get_appl_table( iv_tabledef = zif_gtt_mia_app_constants=>cs_tabledef-sh_item_new ). DATA(lr_vttp_old) = mo_ef_parameters->get_appl_table( iv_tabledef = zif_gtt_mia_app_constants=>cs_tabledef-sh_item_old ). ASSIGN lr_vttp_new->* TO <lt_vttp_new>. ASSIGN lr_vttp_old->* TO <lt_vttp_old>. IF <lt_vttp_new> IS ASSIGNED AND <lt_vttp_old> IS ASSIGNED. mt_vttp = <lt_vttp_old>. SORT mt_vttp BY tknum tpnum. LOOP AT <lt_vttp_new> ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_vttp_new>) WHERE updkz IS INITIAL. READ TABLE mt_vttp WITH KEY tknum = <ls_vttp_new>-tknum tpnum = <ls_vttp_new>-tpnum TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS BINARY SEARCH. IF sy-subrc <> 0. INSERT <ls_vttp_new> INTO mt_vttp INDEX sy-tabix. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ELSE. MESSAGE e002(zgtt_mia) WITH 'VTTP' INTO DATA(lv_dummy). zcl_gtt_mia_tools=>throw_exception( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD init_vtts. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lt_vtts_new> TYPE zif_gtt_mia_app_types=>tt_vttsvb, <lt_vtts_old> TYPE zif_gtt_mia_app_types=>tt_vttsvb. DATA(lr_vtts_new) = mo_ef_parameters->get_appl_table( iv_tabledef = zif_gtt_mia_app_constants=>cs_tabledef-sh_stage_new ). DATA(lr_vtts_old) = mo_ef_parameters->get_appl_table( iv_tabledef = zif_gtt_mia_app_constants=>cs_tabledef-sh_stage_old ). ASSIGN lr_vtts_new->* TO <lt_vtts_new>. ASSIGN lr_vtts_old->* TO <lt_vtts_old>. IF <lt_vtts_new> IS ASSIGNED AND <lt_vtts_old> IS ASSIGNED. mt_vtts = <lt_vtts_old>. SORT mt_vtts BY tknum tsnum. LOOP AT <lt_vtts_new> ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_vtts_new>) WHERE updkz IS INITIAL. READ TABLE mt_vtts WITH KEY tknum = <ls_vtts_new>-tknum tsnum = <ls_vtts_new>-tsnum TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS BINARY SEARCH. IF sy-subrc <> 0. INSERT <ls_vtts_new> INTO mt_vtts INDEX sy-tabix. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ELSE. MESSAGE e002(zgtt_mia) WITH 'VTTS' INTO DATA(lv_dummy). zcl_gtt_mia_tools=>throw_exception( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 70, 926, 62, 20730, 62, 1477, 62, 7890, 62, 727, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 29244, 6158, 44731, 764, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 23772, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 952, 62, 891, 62, 17143, 7307, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 361, 62, 70, 926, 62, 20730, 62, 891, 62, 17143, 7307, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 17926, 1797, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 43213, 62, 463, 76, 62, 20500, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 651, 62, 85, 926, 74, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26173, 8924, 7, 21062, 62, 85, 926, 74, 8, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1366, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 651, 62, 85, 29281, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26173, 8924, 7, 21062, 62, 85, 29281, 8, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1366, 764, 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CLASS y_check_check_in_loop DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM y_check_base CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS constructor . PROTECTED SECTION. METHODS inspect_tokens REDEFINITION. PRIVATE SECTION. METHODS get_back_statement IMPORTING structure TYPE sstruc RETURNING VALUE(result) TYPE sstmnt. ENDCLASS. CLASS y_check_check_in_loop IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. super->constructor( ). settings-pseudo_comment = '"#EC CHECK_IN_LOOP' ##NO_TEXT. settings-disable_threshold_selection = abap_true. settings-threshold = 0. settings-documentation = |{ c_docs_path-checks }|. relevant_statement_types = VALUE #( ( scan_struc_stmnt_type-check ) ). relevant_structure_types = VALUE #( ). set_check_message( 'Use an IF statement in combination with CONTINUE instead CHECK!' ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD inspect_tokens. CHECK get_token_abs( statement-from ) = 'CHECK'. CHECK get_token_abs( get_back_statement( structure )-from ) = 'LOOP'. DATA(check_configuration) = detect_check_configuration( statement ). raise_error( statement_level = statement-level statement_index = index statement_from = statement-from check_configuration = check_configuration ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_back_statement. TRY. DATA(back_structure) = ref_scan->structures[ structure-back ]. result = ref_scan->statements[ back_structure-stmnt_from ]. CATCH cx_sy_itab_line_not_found. CLEAR result. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 331, 62, 9122, 62, 9122, 62, 259, 62, 26268, 5550, 20032, 17941, 44731, 3268, 16879, 2043, 2751, 16034, 331, 62, 9122, 62, 8692, 29244, 6158, 44731, 764, 198, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 23772, 764, 628, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 10104, 62, 83, 482, 641, 23848, 36, 20032, 17941, 13, 628, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 651, 62, 1891, 62, 26090, 30023, 9863, 2751, 4645, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 264, 19554, 66, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 26173, 8924, 7, 20274, 8, 41876, 264, 301, 76, 429, 13, 198, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 198, 31631, 331, 62, 9122, 62, 9122, 62, 259, 62, 26268, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 23772, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2208, 3784, 41571, 273, 7, 6739, 628, 220, 220, 220, 6460, 12, 7752, 12003, 62, 23893, 796, 705, 1, 2, 2943, 5870, 25171, 62, 1268, 62, 21982, 3185, 6, 22492, 15285, 62, 32541, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6460, 12, 40223, 62, 400, 10126, 62, 49283, 796, 450, 499, 62, 7942, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6460, 12, 400, 10126, 796, 657, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 6460, 12, 22897, 341, 796, 930, 90, 269, 62, 31628, 62, 6978, 12, 42116, 1782, 9122, 12, 259, 12, 26268, 13, 9132, 91, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 5981, 62, 26090, 62, 19199, 796, 26173, 8924, 1303, 7, 357, 9367, 62, 19554, 66, 62, 301, 76, 429, 62, 4906, 12, 9122, 1267, 6739, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5981, 62, 301, 5620, 62, 19199, 796, 26173, 8924, 1303, 7, 6739, 628, 220, 220, 220, 900, 62, 9122, 62, 20500, 7, 705, 11041, 281, 16876, 2643, 287, 6087, 351, 43659, 8924, 2427, 5870, 25171, 13679, 6739, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 10104, 62, 83, 482, 641, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5870, 25171, 651, 62, 30001, 62, 8937, 7, 2643, 12, 6738, 1267, 796, 705, 50084, 4458, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5870, 25171, 651, 62, 30001, 62, 8937, 7, 651, 62, 1891, 62, 26090, 7, 4645, 1267, 12, 6738, 1267, 796, 705, 21982, 3185, 4458, 628, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 7, 9122, 62, 11250, 3924, 8, 796, 4886, 62, 9122, 62, 11250, 3924, 7, 2643, 6739, 628, 220, 220, 220, 5298, 62, 18224, 7, 2643, 62, 5715, 796, 2643, 12, 5715, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2643, 62, 9630, 796, 6376, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2643, 62, 6738, 796, 2643, 12, 6738, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2198, 62, 11250, 3924, 796, 2198, 62, 11250, 3924, 6739, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 651, 62, 1891, 62, 26090, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7579, 56, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 7, 1891, 62, 301, 5620, 8, 796, 1006, 62, 35836, 3784, 7249, 942, 58, 4645, 12, 1891, 20740, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1255, 796, 1006, 62, 35836, 3784, 14269, 3196, 58, 736, 62, 301, 5620, 12, 301, 76, 429, 62, 6738, 20740, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 327, 11417, 43213, 62, 1837, 62, 270, 397, 62, 1370, 62, 1662, 62, 9275, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30301, 1503, 1255, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 40405, 13, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198 ]
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*"* use this source file for any type of declarations (class *"* definitions, interfaces or type declarations) you need for *"* components in the private section CLASS lcl_query_executor_base DEFINITION ABSTRACT. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: constructor IMPORTING if_count_only TYPE abap_bool iv_row_count TYPE i io_query TYPE REF TO zcl_dbbr_sql_query. PROTECTED SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_s_tab_field_type, typekind TYPE typekind, length TYPE i, decimals TYPE i, type_ref TYPE REF TO cl_abap_elemdescr, END OF ty_s_tab_field_type, ty_t_tab_field_type TYPE HASHED TABLE OF ty_s_tab_field_type WITH UNIQUE KEY typekind length decimals. CONSTANTS: c_dec_types_table TYPE tabname VALUE 'DDDDLDECTYPES'. DATA: "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Query Result</p> ms_query_result TYPE zdbbr_dp_table_data, mr_query_result TYPE REF TO data, mf_count_only TYPE abap_bool, mo_query TYPE REF TO zcl_dbbr_sql_query, mt_tab_field_types TYPE ty_t_tab_field_type, mv_row_count TYPE i. METHODS: process_query_result, get_fallback_type IMPORTING iv_type_kind TYPE typekind iv_length TYPE i OPTIONAL iv_decimals TYPE i OPTIONAL RETURNING VALUE(result) TYPE REF TO cl_abap_elemdescr. PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_query_executor DEFINITION INHERITING FROM lcl_query_executor_base. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Execute the entered query and display the results</p> execute_query EXPORTING et_data_info TYPE zdbbr_dp_col_metadata_t ev_execution_time TYPE string ev_message TYPE string ev_message_type TYPE sy-msgty ev_line_count TYPE zdbbr_no_of_lines er_data TYPE REF TO data, "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Will be called upon finished query execution</p> execute_query_finished IMPORTING p_task TYPE clike. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA: "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Completion Check for asynchronous syntax check</p> mf_async_finished TYPE abap_bool. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_query_async_executor DEFINITION INHERITING FROM lcl_query_executor_base. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: execute_query, "! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Will be called upon finished query execution</p> execute_query_finished IMPORTING p_task TYPE clike. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_dbbr_sql_query_exec DEFINITION LOCAL FRIENDS lcl_query_async_executor.
[ 9, 1, 9, 779, 428, 2723, 2393, 329, 597, 2099, 286, 31713, 357, 4871, 198, 9, 1, 9, 17336, 11, 20314, 393, 2099, 31713, 8, 345, 761, 329, 198, 9, 1, 9, 6805, 287, 262, 2839, 2665, 198, 31631, 300, 565, 62, 22766, 62, 18558, 38409, 62, 8692, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 9564, 18601, 10659, 13, 198, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23772, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 62, 9127, 62, 8807, 41876, 450, 499, 62, 30388, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 21628, 62, 808, 62, 9127, 220, 41876, 1312, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 33245, 62, 22766, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 565, 62, 9945, 1671, 62, 25410, 62, 22766, 13, 198, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 24412, 47, 1546, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 347, 43312, 3963, 1259, 62, 82, 62, 8658, 62, 3245, 62, 4906, 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REPORT zags_migration_03. START-OF-SELECTION. PERFORM run. FORM run. DATA: lt_branches TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zags_branches WITH DEFAULT KEY, ls_branch LIKE LINE OF lt_branches, lt_repos TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zags_repos WITH DEFAULT KEY, ls_repo LIKE LINE OF lt_repos, lv_name TYPE zags_branches-name. SELECT * FROM zags_branches INTO TABLE lt_branches. LOOP AT lt_branches INTO ls_branch WHERE NOT name CA '/'. CONCATENATE 'refs/heads/' ls_branch-name INTO lv_name. UPDATE zags_branches SET name = lv_name WHERE repo = ls_branch-repo AND branch = ls_branch-branch. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. ENDLOOP. SELECT * FROM zags_repos INTO TABLE lt_repos. LOOP AT lt_repos INTO ls_repo WHERE NOT head CA '/'. CONCATENATE 'refs/heads/' ls_repo-head INTO lv_name. UPDATE zags_repos SET head = lv_name WHERE repo = ls_repo-repo. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. ENDLOOP. WRITE: / 'Done'. ENDFORM.
[ 2200, 15490, 1976, 3775, 62, 76, 4254, 62, 3070, 13, 198, 198, 2257, 7227, 12, 19238, 12, 46506, 2849, 13, 198, 220, 19878, 21389, 1057, 13, 198, 198, 21389, 1057, 13, 628, 220, 42865, 25, 300, 83, 62, 1671, 12140, 41876, 49053, 9795, 43679, 3963, 1976, 3775, 62, 1671, 12140, 13315, 5550, 38865, 35374, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 43979, 62, 1671, 3702, 220, 220, 34178, 48920, 3963, 300, 83, 62, 1671, 12140, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 300, 83, 62, 260, 1930, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 49053, 9795, 43679, 3963, 1976, 3775, 62, 260, 1930, 13315, 5550, 38865, 35374, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 43979, 62, 260, 7501, 220, 220, 220, 220, 34178, 48920, 3963, 300, 83, 62, 260, 1930, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 300, 85, 62, 3672, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 1976, 3775, 62, 1671, 12140, 12, 3672, 13, 628, 198, 220, 33493, 1635, 16034, 1976, 3775, 62, 1671, 12140, 39319, 43679, 300, 83, 62, 1671, 12140, 13, 198, 220, 17579, 3185, 5161, 300, 83, 62, 1671, 12140, 39319, 43979, 62, 1671, 3702, 33411, 5626, 1438, 7257, 31051, 4458, 198, 220, 220, 220, 39962, 1404, 1677, 6158, 705, 5420, 82, 14, 16600, 14, 6, 43979, 62, 1671, 3702, 12, 3672, 39319, 300, 85, 62, 3672, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 35717, 1976, 3775, 62, 1671, 12140, 25823, 1438, 796, 300, 85, 62, 3672, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 33411, 29924, 796, 43979, 62, 1671, 3702, 12, 260, 7501, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5357, 8478, 796, 43979, 62, 1671, 3702, 12, 1671, 3702, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 24994, 17395, 827, 12, 7266, 6015, 796, 657, 13, 198, 220, 23578, 21982, 3185, 13, 628, 220, 33493, 1635, 16034, 1976, 3775, 62, 260, 1930, 39319, 43679, 300, 83, 62, 260, 1930, 13, 198, 220, 17579, 3185, 5161, 300, 83, 62, 260, 1930, 39319, 43979, 62, 260, 7501, 33411, 5626, 1182, 7257, 31051, 4458, 198, 220, 220, 220, 39962, 1404, 1677, 6158, 705, 5420, 82, 14, 16600, 14, 6, 43979, 62, 260, 7501, 12, 2256, 39319, 300, 85, 62, 3672, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 35717, 1976, 3775, 62, 260, 1930, 25823, 1182, 796, 300, 85, 62, 3672, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 33411, 29924, 796, 43979, 62, 260, 7501, 12, 260, 7501, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 24994, 17395, 827, 12, 7266, 6015, 796, 657, 13, 198, 220, 23578, 21982, 3185, 13, 628, 220, 44423, 25, 1220, 705, 45677, 4458, 198, 198, 1677, 8068, 1581, 44, 13, 198 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
CLASS zcl_wasm_memory DEFINITION PUBLIC CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS stack_push IMPORTING !ii_value TYPE REF TO zif_wasm_value . METHODS stack_pop RETURNING VALUE(ri_value) TYPE REF TO zif_wasm_value . METHODS stack_pop_i32 RETURNING VALUE(ro_value) TYPE REF TO zcl_wasm_i32 . METHODS stack_peek RETURNING VALUE(ri_value) TYPE REF TO zif_wasm_value . METHODS stack_length RETURNING VALUE(rv_length) TYPE i . METHODS local_push IMPORTING !ii_value TYPE REF TO zif_wasm_value . METHODS local_get IMPORTING !iv_index TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(ri_value) TYPE REF TO zif_wasm_value . PROTECTED SECTION. DATA mt_stack TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF REF TO zif_wasm_value WITH DEFAULT KEY. DATA mt_locals TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF REF TO zif_wasm_value WITH DEFAULT KEY. PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_WASM_MEMORY IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD local_get. DATA(lv_index) = iv_index + 1. READ TABLE mt_locals INDEX lv_index INTO ri_value. ASSERT sy-subrc = 0. ENDMETHOD. METHOD local_push. APPEND ii_value TO mt_locals. ENDMETHOD. METHOD stack_length. rv_length = lines( mt_stack ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD stack_peek. DATA(lv_last) = lines( mt_stack ). READ TABLE mt_stack INDEX lv_last INTO ri_value. ENDMETHOD. METHOD stack_pop. ASSERT lines( mt_stack ) > 0. DATA(lv_last) = lines( mt_stack ). READ TABLE mt_stack INDEX lv_last INTO ri_value. DELETE mt_stack INDEX lv_last. ENDMETHOD. METHOD stack_pop_i32. DATA(li_pop) = stack_pop( ). ASSERT li_pop->get_type( ) = zcl_wasm_types=>c_value_type-i32. ro_value ?= li_pop. ENDMETHOD. METHOD stack_push. APPEND ii_value TO mt_stack. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 86, 8597, 62, 31673, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 29244, 6158, 44731, 764, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 8931, 62, 14689, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 4178, 62, 8367, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 361, 62, 86, 8597, 62, 8367, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 8931, 62, 12924, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26173, 8924, 7, 380, 62, 8367, 8, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 361, 62, 86, 8597, 62, 8367, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 8931, 62, 12924, 62, 72, 2624, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26173, 8924, 7, 305, 62, 8367, 8, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 565, 62, 86, 8597, 62, 72, 2624, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 8931, 62, 431, 988, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26173, 8924, 7, 380, 62, 8367, 8, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 361, 62, 86, 8597, 62, 8367, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 8931, 62, 13664, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26173, 8924, 7, 81, 85, 62, 13664, 8, 41876, 1312, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 1957, 62, 14689, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 4178, 62, 8367, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 361, 62, 86, 8597, 62, 8367, 764, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 1957, 62, 1136, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 452, 62, 9630, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 1312, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26173, 8924, 7, 380, 62, 8367, 8, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 361, 62, 86, 8597, 62, 8367, 764, 198, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 45079, 62, 25558, 41876, 49053, 9795, 43679, 3963, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 361, 62, 86, 8597, 62, 8367, 13315, 5550, 38865, 35374, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 45079, 62, 17946, 874, 41876, 49053, 9795, 43679, 3963, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 361, 62, 86, 8597, 62, 8367, 13315, 5550, 38865, 35374, 13, 198, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 198, 31631, 1168, 5097, 62, 54, 1921, 44, 62, 44, 3620, 15513, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 1957, 62, 1136, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 7, 6780, 62, 9630, 8, 796, 21628, 62, 9630, 1343, 352, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 20832, 43679, 45079, 62, 17946, 874, 24413, 6369, 300, 85, 62, 9630, 39319, 374, 72, 62, 8367, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 24994, 17395, 827, 12, 7266, 6015, 796, 657, 13, 628, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 1957, 62, 14689, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 43504, 10619, 21065, 62, 8367, 5390, 45079, 62, 17946, 874, 13, 628, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 8931, 62, 13664, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 374, 85, 62, 13664, 796, 3951, 7, 45079, 62, 25558, 6739, 628, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 8931, 62, 431, 988, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 7, 6780, 62, 12957, 8, 796, 3951, 7, 45079, 62, 25558, 6739, 198, 220, 220, 220, 20832, 43679, 45079, 62, 25558, 24413, 6369, 300, 85, 62, 12957, 39319, 374, 72, 62, 8367, 13, 628, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 8931, 62, 12924, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 24994, 17395, 3951, 7, 45079, 62, 25558, 1267, 1875, 657, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 7, 6780, 62, 12957, 8, 796, 3951, 7, 45079, 62, 25558, 6739, 198, 220, 220, 220, 20832, 43679, 45079, 62, 25558, 24413, 6369, 300, 85, 62, 12957, 39319, 374, 72, 62, 8367, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5550, 2538, 9328, 45079, 62, 25558, 24413, 6369, 300, 85, 62, 12957, 13, 628, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 8931, 62, 12924, 62, 72, 2624, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 7, 4528, 62, 12924, 8, 796, 8931, 62, 12924, 7, 6739, 628, 220, 220, 220, 24994, 17395, 7649, 62, 12924, 3784, 1136, 62, 4906, 7, 1267, 796, 1976, 565, 62, 86, 8597, 62, 19199, 14804, 66, 62, 8367, 62, 4906, 12, 72, 2624, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 686, 62, 8367, 5633, 28, 7649, 62, 12924, 13, 628, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 8931, 62, 14689, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 43504, 10619, 21065, 62, 8367, 5390, 45079, 62, 25558, 13, 628, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
class zcl_oo_plugin_provider definition public final. public section. types: begin of t_implementation, info type zif_oo_plugin=>t_plugin_info, instance type ref to zif_oo_plugin, end of t_implementation, tt_implementations type sorted table of t_implementation with unique key info. class-methods get_all importing category type zif_oo_plugin=>t_plugin_info-category returning value(results) type tt_implementations. class-methods get_by_id importing category type zif_oo_plugin=>t_plugin_info-category id type zif_oo_plugin=>t_plugin_info-id returning value(results) type t_implementation. class-methods get_enabled importing category type zif_oo_plugin=>t_plugin_info-category returning value(results) type tt_implementations. class-data: cache type tt_implementations. endclass. class zcl_oo_plugin_provider implementation. method get_all. if cache is not initial. results = cache. return. endif. try. data: impl type ref to zif_oo_plugin. data(intf) = new cl_oo_interface( zif_oo_plugin=>plugin_interface ). data(implementations) = intf->get_implementing_classes( ). loop at implementations assigning field-symbol(<impl>). create object impl type (<impl>-clsname). data(info) = impl->get_info( ). if info-category = category. insert value #( info = impl->get_info( ) instance = impl ) into table results. endif. endloop. catch cx_root. endtry. cache = results. endmethod. method get_enabled. data(all) = get_all( category ). loop at all assigning field-symbol(<one>). if <one>-instance->is_enabled( ). insert <one> into table results. endif. endloop. endmethod. method get_by_id. try. data(sane_category) = to_upper( condense( category ) ). data(sane_id) = to_upper( condense( id ) ). results = cache[ info-category = sane_category info-id = sane_id ]. catch cx_root. endtry. endmethod. endclass.
[ 4871, 1976, 565, 62, 2238, 62, 33803, 62, 15234, 1304, 6770, 198, 220, 1171, 2457, 13, 628, 220, 1171, 2665, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 3858, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2221, 286, 256, 62, 320, 32851, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7508, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2099, 1976, 361, 62, 2238, 62, 33803, 14804, 83, 62, 33803, 62, 10951, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4554, 2099, 1006, 284, 1976, 361, 62, 2238, 62, 33803, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 286, 256, 62, 320, 32851, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 256, 83, 62, 320, 26908, 602, 2099, 23243, 3084, 286, 256, 62, 320, 32851, 351, 3748, 1994, 7508, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1398, 12, 24396, 82, 651, 62, 439, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 33332, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6536, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2099, 1976, 361, 62, 2238, 62, 33803, 14804, 83, 62, 33803, 62, 10951, 12, 22872, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 8024, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1988, 7, 43420, 8, 2099, 256, 83, 62, 320, 26908, 602, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1398, 12, 24396, 82, 651, 62, 1525, 62, 312, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 33332, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6536, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2099, 1976, 361, 62, 2238, 62, 33803, 14804, 83, 62, 33803, 62, 10951, 12, 22872, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4686, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2099, 1976, 361, 62, 2238, 62, 33803, 14804, 83, 62, 33803, 62, 10951, 12, 312, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 8024, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1988, 7, 43420, 8, 2099, 256, 62, 320, 32851, 13, 628, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1398, 12, 24396, 82, 651, 62, 25616, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 33332, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6536, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2099, 1976, 361, 62, 2238, 62, 33803, 14804, 83, 62, 33803, 62, 10951, 12, 22872, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 8024, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1988, 7, 43420, 8, 2099, 256, 83, 62, 320, 26908, 602, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1398, 12, 7890, 25, 12940, 2099, 256, 83, 62, 320, 26908, 602, 13, 198, 198, 437, 4871, 13, 628, 198, 4871, 1976, 565, 62, 2238, 62, 33803, 62, 15234, 1304, 7822, 13, 628, 220, 2446, 651, 62, 439, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 611, 12940, 318, 407, 4238, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2482, 796, 12940, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1441, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 45762, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 1949, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1366, 25, 4114, 2099, 1006, 284, 1976, 361, 62, 2238, 62, 33803, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1366, 7, 600, 69, 8, 796, 649, 537, 62, 2238, 62, 39994, 7, 1976, 361, 62, 2238, 62, 33803, 14804, 33803, 62, 39994, 6739, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1366, 7, 320, 26908, 602, 8, 796, 493, 69, 3784, 1136, 62, 320, 26908, 278, 62, 37724, 7, 6739, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9052, 379, 25504, 38875, 2214, 12, 1837, 23650, 7, 27, 23928, 29, 737, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2251, 2134, 4114, 2099, 38155, 23928, 29, 12, 565, 82, 3672, 737, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1366, 7, 10951, 8, 796, 4114, 3784, 1136, 62, 10951, 7, 6739, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 7508, 12, 22872, 796, 6536, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7550, 1988, 1303, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7508, 796, 4114, 3784, 1136, 62, 10951, 7, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4554, 796, 4114, 1267, 656, 3084, 2482, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 45762, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 886, 26268, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4929, 43213, 62, 15763, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 28311, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 12940, 796, 2482, 13, 198, 220, 886, 24396, 13, 628, 220, 2446, 651, 62, 25616, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1366, 7, 439, 8, 796, 651, 62, 439, 7, 6536, 6739, 198, 220, 220, 220, 9052, 379, 477, 38875, 2214, 12, 1837, 23650, 7, 27, 505, 29, 737, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 611, 1279, 505, 29, 12, 39098, 3784, 271, 62, 25616, 7, 6739, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 7550, 1279, 505, 29, 656, 3084, 2482, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 45762, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 26268, 13, 198, 220, 886, 24396, 13, 628, 220, 2446, 651, 62, 1525, 62, 312, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1949, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1366, 7, 82, 1531, 62, 22872, 8, 796, 284, 62, 45828, 7, 1779, 1072, 7, 6536, 1267, 6739, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1366, 7, 82, 1531, 62, 312, 8, 796, 284, 62, 45828, 7, 1779, 1072, 7, 4686, 1267, 6739, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2482, 796, 12940, 58, 7508, 12, 22872, 796, 33241, 62, 22872, 7508, 12, 312, 796, 33241, 62, 312, 20740, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4929, 43213, 62, 15763, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 886, 28311, 13, 198, 220, 886, 24396, 13, 198, 198, 437, 4871, 13, 198 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
"! <p class="shorttext synchronized" lang="en">Provides available features</p> CLASS zcl_adcoset_adt_res_features DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM cl_adt_rest_resource FINAL CREATE PUBLIC. PUBLIC SECTION. METHODS: get REDEFINITION. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. CONSTANTS: c_pcre_available_feature TYPE string VALUE 'pcreAvailable' ##NO_TEXT. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_adcoset_adt_res_features IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD get. DATA(features) = VALUE zif_adcoset_ty_adt_types=>ty_adt_plugin_features( ( endpoint = zcl_adcoset_adt_disc_app=>search_settings_uri name = c_pcre_available_feature type = 'Boolean' category = 'RequestAttribute' enabled = zcl_adcoset_matcher_factory=>is_pcre_supported( ) description = 'Indicates if Perl-Compatible-Regular-Expressions are available' ) ). response->set_body_data( content_handler = zcl_adcoset_adt_ch_factory=>create_feature_list_ch( ) data = features ). ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 40484, 1279, 79, 1398, 2625, 19509, 5239, 47192, 1, 42392, 2625, 268, 5320, 15946, 1460, 1695, 3033, 3556, 79, 29, 198, 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 324, 6966, 316, 62, 324, 83, 62, 411, 62, 40890, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 3268, 16879, 2043, 2751, 16034, 537, 62, 324, 83, 62, 2118, 62, 31092, 198, 220, 25261, 198, 220, 29244, 6158, 44731, 13, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 651, 23848, 36, 20032, 17941, 13, 198, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7102, 2257, 1565, 4694, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 269, 62, 79, 7513, 62, 15182, 62, 30053, 41876, 4731, 26173, 8924, 705, 79, 7513, 10493, 6, 22492, 15285, 62, 32541, 13, 198, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 198, 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 324, 6966, 316, 62, 324, 83, 62, 411, 62, 40890, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 651, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 7, 40890, 8, 796, 26173, 8924, 1976, 361, 62, 324, 6966, 316, 62, 774, 62, 324, 83, 62, 19199, 14804, 774, 62, 324, 83, 62, 33803, 62, 40890, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 357, 36123, 220, 220, 220, 796, 1976, 565, 62, 324, 6966, 316, 62, 324, 83, 62, 15410, 62, 1324, 14804, 12947, 62, 33692, 62, 9900, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1438, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 796, 269, 62, 79, 7513, 62, 15182, 62, 30053, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2099, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 796, 705, 46120, 13087, 6, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6536, 220, 220, 220, 796, 705, 18453, 33682, 6, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 9343, 220, 220, 220, 220, 796, 1976, 565, 62, 324, 6966, 316, 62, 6759, 2044, 62, 69, 9548, 14804, 271, 62, 79, 7513, 62, 15999, 7, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6764, 796, 705, 5497, 16856, 611, 24316, 12, 7293, 16873, 12, 40164, 12, 38839, 507, 389, 1695, 6, 1267, 6739, 628, 220, 220, 220, 2882, 3784, 2617, 62, 2618, 62, 7890, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 2695, 62, 30281, 796, 1976, 565, 62, 324, 6966, 316, 62, 324, 83, 62, 354, 62, 69, 9548, 14804, 17953, 62, 30053, 62, 4868, 62, 354, 7, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1366, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 796, 3033, 6739, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198 ]
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class ZCL_ABAK_CONTENT_FACTORY definition public final create public . public section. class-methods GET_INSTANCE importing !I_CONTENT_TYPE type ZABAK_CONTENT_TYPE !I_CONTENT_PARAM type STRING returning value(RO_CONTENT) type ref to ZIF_ABAK_CONTENT raising ZCX_ABAK . PROTECTED SECTION. private section. types: BEGIN OF ty_s_param, name TYPE string, value TYPE string, END OF ty_s_param . types: ty_t_param TYPE SORTED TABLE OF ty_s_param WITH UNIQUE KEY name . constants: begin of gc_regex, so10_param TYPE string VALUE '(ID|NAME|SPRAS)=(\w+)', "#EC NOTEXT end of gc_regex . class-methods GET_PARAMS importing !I_TEXT type STRING returning value(RT_PARAM) type TY_T_PARAM raising ZCX_ABAK . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAK_CONTENT_FACTORY IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD get_instance. DATA: so10_name TYPE tdobname. CASE i_content_type. WHEN zif_abak_consts=>content_type-inline. CREATE OBJECT ro_content TYPE zcl_abak_content_inline EXPORTING i_text = i_content_param. WHEN zif_abak_consts=>content_type-url. CREATE OBJECT ro_content TYPE zcl_abak_content_url EXPORTING i_url = i_content_param. WHEN zif_abak_consts=>content_type-file. CREATE OBJECT ro_content TYPE zcl_abak_content_file EXPORTING i_filepath = i_content_param. WHEN zif_abak_consts=>content_type-standard_text. so10_name = i_content_param. CREATE OBJECT ro_content TYPE zcl_abak_content_so10 " TODO EXPORTING * i_id = 'ST' i_name = so10_name. * i_spras = sy-langu. WHEN OTHERS. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_abak EXPORTING textid = zcx_abak=>invalid_parameters. ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_params. DATA: o_regex TYPE REF TO cl_abap_regex, o_exp TYPE REF TO cx_root, o_matcher TYPE REF TO cl_abap_matcher, t_result type match_result_tab. TRY. CREATE OBJECT o_regex EXPORTING pattern = gc_regex-so10_param ignore_case = abap_true. o_matcher = o_regex->create_matcher( text = i_text ). t_result = o_matcher->find_all( ). * TODO CATCH cx_sy_regex cx_sy_matcher INTO o_exp. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE zcx_abak EXPORTING previous = o_exp. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 4871, 1168, 5097, 62, 32, 4339, 42, 62, 37815, 3525, 62, 37, 10659, 15513, 6770, 198, 220, 1171, 198, 220, 2457, 198, 220, 2251, 1171, 764, 198, 198, 11377, 2665, 13, 628, 220, 1398, 12, 24396, 82, 17151, 62, 38604, 19240, 198, 220, 220, 220, 33332, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 40, 62, 37815, 3525, 62, 25216, 2099, 1168, 32, 4339, 42, 62, 37815, 3525, 62, 25216, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 5145, 40, 62, 37815, 3525, 62, 27082, 2390, 2099, 19269, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8024, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1988, 7, 13252, 62, 37815, 3525, 8, 2099, 1006, 284, 1168, 5064, 62, 32, 4339, 42, 62, 37815, 3525, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8620, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1168, 34, 55, 62, 32, 4339, 42, 764, 198, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 198, 19734, 2665, 13, 628, 220, 3858, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 347, 43312, 3963, 1259, 62, 82, 62, 17143, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1438, 41876, 4731, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1988, 41876, 4731, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 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*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Include ZREST_SCHED_BATCH_SEL *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Modification History * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Date | USER ID | VSTF | Transport | Remarks * *-----------|----------|--------|------------|-------------------------* *Feb' 2018 | V-MYAL | 3019845| MP2K905030 | Initial development * *05/17/2018 | V-MYAL | 3454161| MP2K905442 | More enhancements * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK b1 WITH FRAME TITLE text-001. SELECT-OPTIONS: s_id FOR zrest_config-interface_id MEMORY ID interface_id. SELECT-OPTIONS: s_user FOR zrest_monitor-zuser MEMORY ID zuser . SELECT-OPTIONS: s_exedat FOR zrest_monitor-zexedate MEMORY ID zexedate . SELECT-OPTIONS: s_exetim FOR zrest_monitor-zexetime MEMORY ID zexetime . SELECT-OPTIONS: s_retdat FOR zrest_monitor-zretrydate . SELECT-OPTIONS: s_rettim FOR zrest_monitor-zretrytime . SELECT-OPTIONS: s_subdat FOR zrest_monitor-submit_date . SELECT-OPTIONS: s_subtim FOR zrest_monitor-submit_time . SELECT-OPTIONS: s_callpr FOR zrest_monitor-calling_program MEMORY ID calling_program. SELECT-OPTIONS: s_callme FOR zrest_monitor-calling_method MEMORY ID calling_method . SELECT-OPTIONS: s_busine FOR zrest_monitor-businessid MEMORY ID businessid . SELECT-OPTIONS: s_messag FOR zrest_monitor-zmessageid. PARAMETERS: p_retain(03) TYPE n DEFAULT 30. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK b1. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF BLOCK b2 WITH FRAME TITLE text-002. PARAMETERS: p_batch TYPE i DEFAULT 5 OBLIGATORY, "MP2K905225 p_jobs TYPE i OBLIGATORY DEFAULT 3. SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF LINE. SELECTION-SCREEN COMMENT 1(79) text-005 MODIF ID m1. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF LINE. PARAMETERS: p_mjobs TYPE i OBLIGATORY DEFAULT 5. "MP2K905442 PARAMETERS: p_bsname TYPE bpsrvgrp. "batch server group name SELECTION-SCREEN BEGIN OF LINE. SELECTION-SCREEN COMMENT 1(79) text-006 MODIF ID m1. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF LINE. SELECTION-SCREEN END OF BLOCK b2. AT SELECTION-SCREEN. AT SELECTION-SCREEN ON VALUE-REQUEST FOR p_bsname. PERFORM f4_batch_server CHANGING p_bsname. AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT. LOOP AT SCREEN. IF screen-group1 = 'M1'. screen-intensified = 1. MODIFY SCREEN. ENDIF. ENDLOOP.
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CLASS lcl_gui DEFINITION FINAL. PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS f4_folder RETURNING VALUE(rv_folder) TYPE string RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. CLASS-METHODS open_folder_frontend IMPORTING iv_folder TYPE string. CLASS-METHODS select_tr_requests RETURNING VALUE(rt_trkorr) TYPE trwbo_request_headers. PRIVATE SECTION. CLASS-DATA: gv_last_folder TYPE string. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_gui IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD f4_folder. DATA: lv_title TYPE string. lv_title = 'Choose the destination folder for the ZIP files'. cl_gui_frontend_services=>directory_browse( EXPORTING window_title = lv_title initial_folder = gv_last_folder CHANGING selected_folder = rv_folder EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 error_no_gui = 2 not_supported_by_gui = 3 OTHERS = 4 ). IF sy-subrc = 0. gv_last_folder = rv_folder. "Store the last directory for user friendly UI ELSE. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Folder matchcode exception' ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD open_folder_frontend. IF NOT iv_folder IS INITIAL. cl_gui_frontend_services=>execute( EXPORTING document = iv_folder EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 error_no_gui = 2 bad_parameter = 3 file_not_found = 4 path_not_found = 5 file_extension_unknown = 6 error_execute_failed = 7 OTHERS = 8 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. MESSAGE 'Problem when opening output folder' TYPE 'S' DISPLAY LIKE 'E'. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD select_tr_requests. DATA: ls_popup TYPE strhi_popup, ls_selection TYPE trwbo_selection. ls_popup-start_column = 5. ls_popup-start_row = 5. *- Prepare the selection ----------------------------------------------* ls_selection-trkorrpattern = space. ls_selection-client = space. ls_selection-stdrequest = space. ls_selection-reqfunctions = 'K'. ls_selection-reqstatus = 'RNODL'. *- Call transport selection popup -------------------------------------* CALL FUNCTION 'TRINT_SELECT_REQUESTS' EXPORTING iv_username_pattern = '*' iv_via_selscreen = 'X' is_selection = ls_selection iv_complete_projects = space iv_title = 'ABAPGit Transport Mass Downloader' is_popup = ls_popup IMPORTING et_requests = rt_trkorr EXCEPTIONS action_aborted_by_user = 1 OTHERS = 2. IF sy-subrc <> 0. CLEAR rt_trkorr. ELSE. SORT rt_trkorr BY trkorr. DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM rt_trkorr COMPARING trkorr. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_transport_zipper DEFINITION FINAL. PUBLIC SECTION. * Folder TYPES ty_folder TYPE string. * Filename TYPES ty_filename TYPE string. * File extension CONSTANTS gc_zip_ext TYPE string VALUE '.zip' ##NO_TEXT. DATA: gv_timestamp TYPE string, gv_separator TYPE c, gv_full_folder TYPE ty_folder READ-ONLY. METHODS constructor IMPORTING iv_folder TYPE ty_folder RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS generate_files IMPORTING it_trkorr TYPE trwbo_request_headers iv_logic TYPE any RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. CLASS-METHODS does_folder_exist IMPORTING iv_folder TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(rv_folder_exist) TYPE abap_bool RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. PRIVATE SECTION. METHODS get_full_folder IMPORTING iv_folder TYPE ty_folder RETURNING VALUE(rv_full_folder) TYPE ty_folder RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS get_filename IMPORTING is_trkorr TYPE trwbo_request_header RETURNING VALUE(rv_filename) TYPE ty_filename. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_transport_zipper IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. CONCATENATE sy-datlo sy-timlo INTO me->gv_timestamp SEPARATED BY '_'. me->gv_full_folder = get_full_folder( iv_folder = iv_folder ). cl_gui_frontend_services=>get_file_separator( CHANGING file_separator = gv_separator EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 error_no_gui = 2 not_supported_by_gui = 3 OTHERS = 4 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. gv_separator = '\'. "Default MS Windows separator ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD does_folder_exist. cl_gui_frontend_services=>directory_exist( EXPORTING directory = iv_folder RECEIVING result = rv_folder_exist EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 error_no_gui = 2 wrong_parameter = 3 not_supported_by_gui = 4 OTHERS = 5 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Error from cl_gui_frontend_services=>directory_exist' ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_full_folder. DATA: lv_sep TYPE c, lv_rc TYPE i. *-obtain file separator character--------------------------------------- cl_gui_frontend_services=>get_file_separator( CHANGING file_separator = lv_sep EXCEPTIONS cntl_error = 1 error_no_gui = 2 not_supported_by_gui = 3 OTHERS = 4 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Internal error getting file separator' ). ENDIF. CONCATENATE iv_folder gv_timestamp INTO rv_full_folder SEPARATED BY lv_sep. IF does_folder_exist( iv_folder = rv_full_folder ) = abap_false. cl_gui_frontend_services=>directory_create( EXPORTING directory = rv_full_folder CHANGING rc = lv_rc " Return Code EXCEPTIONS directory_create_failed = 1 cntl_error = 2 error_no_gui = 3 directory_access_denied = 4 directory_already_exists = 5 path_not_found = 6 unknown_error = 7 not_supported_by_gui = 8 wrong_parameter = 9 OTHERS = 10 ). IF sy-subrc <> 0 AND sy-subrc <> 5. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( 'Error from cl_gui_frontend_services=>directory_create' ). ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_filename . * Generate filename CONCATENATE is_trkorr-trkorr '_' is_trkorr-as4text '_' gv_timestamp gc_zip_ext INTO rv_filename. * Remove reserved characters (for Windows based systems) TRANSLATE rv_filename USING '/ \ : " * > < ? | '. CONCATENATE gv_full_folder rv_filename INTO rv_filename SEPARATED BY gv_separator. ENDMETHOD. METHOD generate_files. DATA: ls_trkorr LIKE LINE OF it_trkorr, lv_zipbinstring TYPE xstring. LOOP AT it_trkorr INTO ls_trkorr. lv_zipbinstring = zcl_abapgit_transport_mass=>zip( is_trkorr = ls_trkorr iv_logic = iv_logic iv_show_log_popup = abap_false ). zcl_abapgit_zip=>save_binstring_to_localfile( iv_binstring = lv_zipbinstring iv_filename = get_filename( ls_trkorr ) ). ENDLOOP. "it_trkorr ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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class ZCL_USUARIO definition public inheriting from ZCL_ENTITY final create public . public section. *"* public components of class ZCL_USUARIO *"* do not include other source files here!!! methods CONSTRUCTOR importing !USUARIO type ZBT_USUARIO-USUARIO optional . methods GET_EMAIL returning value(RETURN) type ZBT_USUARIO-MAIL . methods IS_ASSIGNED returning value(RETURN) type ZBT_USUARIO-IS_ASSIGNED . methods IS_DEVELOPER returning value(RETURN) type ZBT_USUARIO-IS_DEVELOPER . methods IS_REPORTER returning value(RETURN) type ZBT_USUARIO-IS_REPORTER . methods IS_TESTER returning value(RETURN) type ZBT_USUARIO-IS_TESTER . methods SET_DEVELOPER importing !DEVELOPER type ZBT_USUARIO-IS_DEVELOPER . methods SET_ASSIGNED importing !ASSIGNED type ZBT_USUARIO-IS_ASSIGNED . methods SET_EMAIL importing !EMAIL type ZBT_USUARIO-MAIL . methods SET_REPORTER importing !REPORTER type ZBT_USUARIO-IS_REPORTER . methods SET_TESTER importing !TESTER type ZBT_USUARIO-IS_TESTER . methods GET_ID returning value(RESULT) type ZBT_USUARIO-USUARIO . methods GET_NAME returning value(NAME) type STRING . protected section. *"* protected components of class ZCL_USUARIO *"* do not include other source files here!!! methods PREPARE_HASH_STRUCTURE redefinition . private section. *"* private components of class ZCL_USUARIO *"* do not include other source files here!!! data USUARIO type ZBT_USUARIO-USUARIO . data REPORTER type ZBT_USUARIO-IS_REPORTER . data TESTER type ZBT_USUARIO-IS_TESTER . data DEVELOPER type ZBT_USUARIO-IS_DEVELOPER . data ASSIGNED type ZBT_USUARIO-IS_ASSIGNED . data MAIL type ZBT_USUARIO-MAIL . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_USUARIO IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. super->constructor( ). me->usuario = usuario. ENDMETHOD. method GET_EMAIL. RETURN = me->mail. endmethod. METHOD get_id. result = me->usuario. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_name. DATA: lt_return TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bapiret2, l_address TYPE bapiaddr3. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_USER_GET_DETAIL' EXPORTING username = usuario IMPORTING address = l_address TABLES return = lt_return[]. name = l_address-fullname. ENDMETHOD. method IS_ASSIGNED. return = me->assigned. endmethod. method IS_DEVELOPER. return = me->developer. endmethod. method IS_REPORTER. return = me->reporter. endmethod. method IS_TESTER. return = me->tester. endmethod. METHOD prepare_hash_structure. DATA: id TYPE zbt_usuario-usuario, value TYPE LINE OF zbt_objectvalue_hash_calcul. value = id = get_id( ). SHIFT value LEFT DELETING LEADING space. INSERT value INTO TABLE values[]. ENDMETHOD. method SET_ASSIGNED. me->assigned = assigned. endmethod. method SET_DEVELOPER. me->developer = developer. endmethod. method SET_EMAIL. me->mail = email. endmethod. method SET_REPORTER. me->reporter = reporter. endmethod. method SET_TESTER. me->tester = tester. endmethod. ENDCLASS.
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*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report ZABAP2XLSX_DEMO_SHOW *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT zabap2xlsx_demo_show. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS lcl_perform DEFINITION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS lcl_perform DEFINITION CREATE PRIVATE. PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS: setup_objects, collect_reports, handle_nav FOR EVENT double_click OF cl_gui_alv_grid IMPORTING e_row. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_reports, progname TYPE reposrc-progname, sort TYPE reposrc-progname, description TYPE repti, filename TYPE string, END OF ty_reports. CLASS-DATA: lo_grid TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid, lo_text TYPE REF TO cl_gui_textedit, cl_document TYPE REF TO i_oi_document_proxy, t_reports TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_reports WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY. CLASS-DATA:error TYPE REF TO i_oi_error, t_errors TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF REF TO i_oi_error WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY, cl_control TYPE REF TO i_oi_container_control. "Office Dokument ENDCLASS. "lcl_perform DEFINITION START-OF-SELECTION. lcl_perform=>collect_reports( ). lcl_perform=>setup_objects( ). END-OF-SELECTION. WRITE '.'. " Force output *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * CLASS lcl_perform IMPLEMENTATION *----------------------------------------------------------------------* CLASS lcl_perform IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD setup_objects. DATA: lo_split TYPE REF TO cl_gui_splitter_container, lo_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container. DATA: it_fieldcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat, is_layout TYPE lvc_s_layo, is_variant TYPE disvariant. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fc> LIKE LINE OF it_fieldcat. CREATE OBJECT lo_split EXPORTING parent = cl_gui_container=>screen0 rows = 1 columns = 3 no_autodef_progid_dynnr = 'X'. lo_split->set_column_width( EXPORTING id = 1 width = 20 ). lo_split->set_column_width( EXPORTING id = 2 width = 40 ). * Left: List of reports lo_container = lo_split->get_container( row = 1 column = 1 ). CREATE OBJECT lo_grid EXPORTING i_parent = lo_container. SET HANDLER lcl_perform=>handle_nav FOR lo_grid. is_variant-report = sy-repid. is_variant-handle = '0001'. is_layout-cwidth_opt = 'X'. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO it_fieldcat ASSIGNING <fc>. <fc>-fieldname = 'PROGNAME'. <fc>-tabname = 'REPOSRC'. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO it_fieldcat ASSIGNING <fc>. <fc>-fieldname = 'SORT'. <fc>-ref_field = 'PROGNAME'. <fc>-ref_table = 'REPOSRC'. <fc>-tech = abap_true. "No need to display this help field APPEND INITIAL LINE TO it_fieldcat ASSIGNING <fc>. <fc>-fieldname = 'DESCRIPTION'. <fc>-ref_field = 'REPTI'. <fc>-ref_table = 'RS38M'. lo_grid->set_table_for_first_display( EXPORTING is_variant = is_variant i_save = 'A' is_layout = is_layout CHANGING it_outtab = t_reports it_fieldcatalog = it_fieldcat EXCEPTIONS invalid_parameter_combination = 1 program_error = 2 too_many_lines = 3 OTHERS = 4 ). * Middle: Text with coding lo_container = lo_split->get_container( row = 1 column = 2 ). CREATE OBJECT lo_text EXPORTING parent = lo_container. lo_text->set_readonly_mode( cl_gui_textedit=>true ). lo_text->set_font_fixed( ). * right: DemoOutput lo_container = lo_split->get_container( row = 1 column = 3 ). c_oi_container_control_creator=>get_container_control( IMPORTING control = cl_control error = error ). APPEND error TO t_errors. cl_control->init_control( EXPORTING inplace_enabled = 'X' no_flush = 'X' r3_application_name = 'Demo Document Container' parent = lo_container IMPORTING error = error EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 2 ). APPEND error TO t_errors. cl_control->get_document_proxy( EXPORTING document_type = 'Excel.Sheet' " EXCEL no_flush = ' ' IMPORTING document_proxy = cl_document error = error ). APPEND error TO t_errors. * Errorhandling should be inserted here ENDMETHOD. "setup_objects "collect_reports METHOD collect_reports. FIELD-SYMBOLS <report> LIKE LINE OF t_reports. DATA t_source TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF text255 WITH NON-UNIQUE DEFAULT KEY. DATA texts TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF textpool. DATA description TYPE textpool. * Get all demoreports SELECT progname INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE t_reports FROM reposrc WHERE progname LIKE 'ZDEMO_EXCEL%' AND progname <> sy-repid AND subc = '1'. LOOP AT t_reports ASSIGNING <report>. * Check if already switched to new outputoptions READ REPORT <report>-progname INTO t_source. IF sy-subrc = 0. FIND 'INCLUDE zdemo_excel_outputopt_incl.' IN TABLE t_source IGNORING CASE. ENDIF. IF sy-subrc <> 0. DELETE t_reports. CONTINUE. ENDIF. * Build half-numeric sort <report>-sort = <report>-progname. REPLACE REGEX '(ZDEMO_EXCEL)(\d\d)\s*$' IN <report>-sort WITH '$1\0$2'. " REPLACE REGEX '(ZDEMO_EXCEL)([^][^])*$' IN <report>-sort WITH '$1$2'.REPLACE REGEX '(ZDEMO_EXCEL)([^][^])*$' IN <report>-sort WITH '$1$2'.REPLACE REPLACE REGEX '(ZDEMO_EXCEL)(\d)\s*$' IN <report>-sort WITH '$1\0\0$2'. * get report text READ TEXTPOOL <report>-progname INTO texts LANGUAGE sy-langu. READ TABLE texts INTO description WITH KEY id = 'R'. IF sy-subrc > 0. "If not available in logon language, use english READ TEXTPOOL <report>-progname INTO texts LANGUAGE 'E'. READ TABLE texts INTO description WITH KEY id = 'R'. ENDIF. "set report title <report>-description = description-entry. ENDLOOP. SORT t_reports BY sort progname. ENDMETHOD. "collect_reports METHOD handle_nav. CONSTANTS: filename TYPE text80 VALUE 'ZABAP2XLSX_DEMO_SHOW.xlsx'. DATA: wa_report LIKE LINE OF t_reports, t_source TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF text255, t_rawdata TYPE solix_tab, wa_rawdata LIKE LINE OF t_rawdata, bytecount TYPE i, length TYPE i, add_selopt TYPE flag. READ TABLE t_reports INTO wa_report INDEX e_row-index. CHECK sy-subrc = 0. * Set new text into middle frame READ REPORT wa_report-progname INTO t_source. lo_text->set_text_as_r3table( EXPORTING table = t_source ). * Unload old xls-file cl_document->close_document( ). * Get the demo * If additional parameters found on selection screen, start via selection screen , otherwise start w/o CLEAR add_selopt. FIND 'PARAMETERS' IN TABLE t_source. IF sy-subrc = 0. add_selopt = 'X'. ELSE. FIND 'SELECT-OPTIONS' IN TABLE t_source. IF sy-subrc = 0. add_selopt = 'X'. ENDIF. ENDIF. IF add_selopt IS INITIAL. SUBMIT (wa_report-progname) AND RETURN "#EC CI_SUBMIT WITH p_backfn = filename WITH rb_back = 'X' WITH rb_down = ' ' WITH rb_send = ' ' WITH rb_show = ' '. ELSE. SUBMIT (wa_report-progname) VIA SELECTION-SCREEN AND RETURN "#EC CI_SUBMIT WITH p_backfn = filename WITH rb_back = 'X' WITH rb_down = ' ' WITH rb_send = ' ' WITH rb_show = ' '. ENDIF. OPEN DATASET filename FOR INPUT IN BINARY MODE. IF sy-subrc = 0. DO. CLEAR wa_rawdata. READ DATASET filename INTO wa_rawdata LENGTH length. IF sy-subrc <> 0. APPEND wa_rawdata TO t_rawdata. ADD length TO bytecount. EXIT. ENDIF. APPEND wa_rawdata TO t_rawdata. ADD length TO bytecount. ENDDO. CLOSE DATASET filename. ENDIF. cl_control->get_document_proxy( EXPORTING document_type = 'Excel.Sheet' " EXCEL no_flush = ' ' IMPORTING document_proxy = cl_document error = error ). cl_document->open_document_from_table( EXPORTING document_size = bytecount document_table = t_rawdata open_inplace = 'X' ). ENDMETHOD. "handle_nav ENDCLASS. "lcl_perform IMPLEMENTATION
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_form DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_objects_super FINAL. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_object. ALIASES mo_files FOR zif_abapgit_object~mo_files. METHODS constructor IMPORTING is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item iv_language TYPE spras. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. CONSTANTS: c_objectname_form TYPE thead-tdobject VALUE 'FORM' ##NO_TEXT. CONSTANTS: c_objectname_tdlines TYPE thead-tdobject VALUE 'TDLINES' ##NO_TEXT. CONSTANTS: c_extension_xml TYPE string VALUE 'xml' ##NO_TEXT. DATA: mv_form_name TYPE itcta-tdform. TYPES: BEGIN OF tys_form_data, form_header TYPE itcta, text_header TYPE thead, orig_language TYPE sy-langu, pages TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF itctg WITH DEFAULT KEY, page_windows TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF itcth WITH DEFAULT KEY, paragraphs TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF itcdp WITH DEFAULT KEY, strings TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF itcds WITH DEFAULT KEY, tabs TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF itcdq WITH DEFAULT KEY, windows TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF itctw WITH DEFAULT KEY, END OF tys_form_data, tyt_form_data TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF tys_form_data WITH DEFAULT KEY, tyt_form_header TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF itcta WITH DEFAULT KEY, tys_form_header TYPE LINE OF tyt_form_header, tyt_text_header TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF thead WITH DEFAULT KEY, tys_text_header TYPE LINE OF tyt_text_header, tyt_lines TYPE tline_tab. METHODS get_last_changes IMPORTING iv_form_name TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item-obj_name RETURNING VALUE(rs_last_changed) TYPE tys_form_header. METHODS build_extra_from_header IMPORTING is_header TYPE tys_form_header RETURNING VALUE(rv_result) TYPE string. METHODS build_extra_from_header_old IMPORTING is_header TYPE tys_form_header RETURNING VALUE(rv_result) TYPE string. METHODS _save_form IMPORTING it_lines TYPE zcl_abapgit_object_form=>tyt_lines CHANGING cs_form_data TYPE zcl_abapgit_object_form=>tys_form_data. METHODS extract_tdlines IMPORTING is_form_data TYPE zcl_abapgit_object_form=>tys_form_data RETURNING VALUE(rt_lines) TYPE zcl_abapgit_object_form=>tyt_lines RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS _clear_changed_fields CHANGING cs_form_data TYPE zcl_abapgit_object_form=>tys_form_data. METHODS compress_lines IMPORTING is_form_data TYPE zcl_abapgit_object_form=>tys_form_data it_lines TYPE zcl_abapgit_object_form=>tyt_lines RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. METHODS find_form IMPORTING iv_object_name TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item-obj_name RETURNING VALUE(rt_text_header) TYPE zcl_abapgit_object_form=>tyt_text_header. METHODS _read_form IMPORTING is_text_header TYPE zcl_abapgit_object_form=>tys_text_header EXPORTING ev_form_found TYPE abap_bool es_form_data TYPE zcl_abapgit_object_form=>tys_form_data et_lines TYPE zcl_abapgit_object_form=>tyt_lines. METHODS _sort_tdlines_by_windows CHANGING ct_form_windows TYPE zcl_abapgit_object_form=>tys_form_data-windows ct_lines TYPE zcl_abapgit_object_form=>tyt_lines. METHODS order_check_and_insert RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPGIT_OBJECT_FORM IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD build_extra_from_header. DATA: lv_tdspras TYPE laiso. CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ISOLA_OUTPUT' EXPORTING input = is_header-tdspras IMPORTING output = lv_tdspras. rv_result = c_objectname_tdlines && '_' && lv_tdspras. ENDMETHOD. METHOD build_extra_from_header_old. rv_result = c_objectname_tdlines && '_' && is_header-tdspras. ENDMETHOD. METHOD compress_lines. DATA lv_string TYPE string. DATA lo_xml TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_xml_output. CREATE OBJECT lo_xml. lo_xml->add( iv_name = c_objectname_tdlines ig_data = it_lines ). lv_string = lo_xml->render( ). IF lv_string IS NOT INITIAL. mo_files->add_string( iv_extra = build_extra_from_header( is_form_data-form_header ) iv_ext = c_extension_xml iv_string = lv_string ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD constructor. super->constructor( is_item = is_item iv_language = iv_language ). mv_form_name = ms_item-obj_name. ENDMETHOD. METHOD extract_tdlines. DATA lv_string TYPE string. DATA lo_xml TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_xml_input. TRY. lv_string = mo_files->read_string( iv_extra = build_extra_from_header( is_form_data-form_header ) iv_ext = c_extension_xml ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception. lv_string = mo_files->read_string( iv_extra = build_extra_from_header_old( is_form_data-form_header ) iv_ext = c_extension_xml ). ENDTRY. CREATE OBJECT lo_xml EXPORTING iv_xml = lv_string. lo_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = c_objectname_tdlines CHANGING cg_data = rt_lines ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD find_form. DATA: lv_text_name TYPE thead-tdname. lv_text_name = iv_object_name. CALL FUNCTION 'SELECT_TEXT' EXPORTING database_only = abap_true id = 'TXT' language = '*' name = lv_text_name object = c_objectname_form TABLES selections = rt_text_header EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1 ##fm_subrc_ok ##NO_TEXT. "#EC CI_SUBRC ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_last_changes. DATA: lv_form_name TYPE thead-tdform. CLEAR rs_last_changed. lv_form_name = iv_form_name. CALL FUNCTION 'READ_FORM' EXPORTING form = lv_form_name read_only_header = abap_true IMPORTING form_header = rs_last_changed. ENDMETHOD. METHOD order_check_and_insert. DATA: ls_order TYPE e071k-trkorr. CALL FUNCTION 'SAPSCRIPT_ORDER_CHECK' EXPORTING objecttype = ms_item-obj_type form = mv_form_name EXCEPTIONS invalid_input = 1 object_locked = 2 object_not_available = 3 OTHERS = 4. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise_t100( ). ENDIF. CALL FUNCTION 'SAPSCRIPT_ORDER_INSERT' EXPORTING objecttype = ms_item-obj_type form = mv_form_name masterlang = mv_language CHANGING order = ls_order EXCEPTIONS invalid_input = 1 order_canceled = 2 OTHERS = 3. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise_t100( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~changed_by. DATA: ls_last_changed TYPE tys_form_header. ls_last_changed = get_last_changes( ms_item-obj_name ). IF ls_last_changed-tdluser IS NOT INITIAL. rv_user = ls_last_changed-tdluser. ELSE. rv_user = c_user_unknown. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~delete. CALL FUNCTION 'DELETE_FORM' EXPORTING form = mv_form_name language = '*'. order_check_and_insert( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~deserialize. DATA: lt_form_data TYPE tyt_form_data. DATA: lt_lines TYPE tyt_lines. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_form_data> TYPE LINE OF tyt_form_data. io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = c_objectname_form CHANGING cg_data = lt_form_data ). LOOP AT lt_form_data ASSIGNING <ls_form_data>. lt_lines = extract_tdlines( <ls_form_data> ). _save_form( EXPORTING it_lines = lt_lines CHANGING cs_form_data = <ls_form_data> ). ENDLOOP. CALL FUNCTION 'SAPSCRIPT_DELETE_LOAD' EXPORTING delete = abap_true form = '*' write = space. tadir_insert( iv_package ). order_check_and_insert( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~exists. CALL FUNCTION 'READ_FORM' EXPORTING form = mv_form_name read_only_header = abap_true IMPORTING found = rv_bool. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_comparator. RETURN. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_deserialize_steps. DATA: ls_meta TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_metadata. ls_meta = zif_abapgit_object~get_metadata( ). IF ls_meta-late_deser = abap_true. APPEND zif_abapgit_object=>gc_step_id-late TO rt_steps. ELSEIF ls_meta-ddic = abap_true. APPEND zif_abapgit_object=>gc_step_id-ddic TO rt_steps. ELSE. APPEND zif_abapgit_object=>gc_step_id-abap TO rt_steps. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_metadata. rs_metadata = get_metadata( ). rs_metadata-delete_tadir = abap_true. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_active. rv_active = is_active( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_locked. DATA: lv_object TYPE seqg3-garg. " example lock entry "'001FORM ZTEST_SAPSCRIPT TXT' lv_object = |{ sy-mandt }{ ms_item-obj_type } { ms_item-obj_name }|. OVERLAY lv_object WITH ' '. lv_object = lv_object && '*'. rv_is_locked = exists_a_lock_entry_for( iv_lock_object = 'ESSFORM' iv_argument = lv_object ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~jump. DATA: lt_bdcdata TYPE TABLE OF bdcdata. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_bdcdata> LIKE LINE OF lt_bdcdata. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_bdcdata ASSIGNING <ls_bdcdata>. <ls_bdcdata>-program = 'SAPMSSCF' ##NO_TEXT. <ls_bdcdata>-dynpro = '1102' ##NO_TEXT. <ls_bdcdata>-dynbegin = abap_true. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_bdcdata ASSIGNING <ls_bdcdata>. <ls_bdcdata>-fnam = 'BDC_OKCODE' ##NO_TEXT. <ls_bdcdata>-fval = '=SHOW' ##NO_TEXT. APPEND INITIAL LINE TO lt_bdcdata ASSIGNING <ls_bdcdata>. <ls_bdcdata>-fnam = 'RSSCF-TDFORM' ##NO_TEXT. <ls_bdcdata>-fval = ms_item-obj_name. CALL FUNCTION 'ABAP4_CALL_TRANSACTION' STARTING NEW TASK 'GIT' EXPORTING tcode = 'SE71' mode_val = 'E' TABLES using_tab = lt_bdcdata EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1 ##fm_subrc_ok. "#EC CI_SUBRC ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~serialize. DATA: lt_form_data TYPE tyt_form_data. DATA: ls_form_data TYPE tys_form_data. DATA: lt_text_header TYPE tyt_text_header. DATA: lt_lines TYPE tyt_lines. DATA: lv_form_found TYPE abap_bool. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_text_header> LIKE LINE OF lt_text_header. lt_text_header = find_form( ms_item-obj_name ). LOOP AT lt_text_header ASSIGNING <ls_text_header>. CLEAR lt_lines. CLEAR ls_form_data. _read_form( EXPORTING is_text_header = <ls_text_header> IMPORTING ev_form_found = lv_form_found es_form_data = ls_form_data et_lines = lt_lines ). IF lv_form_found = abap_true. _clear_changed_fields( CHANGING cs_form_data = ls_form_data ). compress_lines( is_form_data = ls_form_data it_lines = lt_lines ). INSERT ls_form_data INTO TABLE lt_form_data. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. IF lt_form_data IS NOT INITIAL. io_xml->add( iv_name = c_objectname_form ig_data = lt_form_data ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD _clear_changed_fields. CLEAR: cs_form_data-form_header-tdfuser, cs_form_data-form_header-tdfdate, cs_form_data-form_header-tdftime, cs_form_data-form_header-tdfreles, cs_form_data-form_header-tdluser, cs_form_data-form_header-tdldate, cs_form_data-form_header-tdltime, cs_form_data-form_header-tdlreles. CLEAR: cs_form_data-text_header-tdfuser, cs_form_data-text_header-tdfdate, cs_form_data-text_header-tdftime, cs_form_data-text_header-tdfreles, cs_form_data-text_header-tdluser, cs_form_data-text_header-tdldate, cs_form_data-text_header-tdltime, cs_form_data-text_header-tdlreles. ENDMETHOD. METHOD _read_form. CLEAR es_form_data. CALL FUNCTION 'READ_FORM' EXPORTING form = is_text_header-tdform language = is_text_header-tdspras status = ' ' IMPORTING form_header = es_form_data-form_header found = ev_form_found header = es_form_data-text_header olanguage = es_form_data-orig_language TABLES form_lines = et_lines pages = es_form_data-pages page_windows = es_form_data-page_windows paragraphs = es_form_data-paragraphs strings = es_form_data-strings tabs = es_form_data-tabs windows = es_form_data-windows. _sort_tdlines_by_windows( CHANGING ct_form_windows = es_form_data-windows ct_lines = et_lines ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD _save_form. CALL FUNCTION 'SAVE_FORM' EXPORTING form_header = cs_form_data-form_header TABLES form_lines = it_lines pages = cs_form_data-pages page_windows = cs_form_data-page_windows paragraphs = cs_form_data-paragraphs strings = cs_form_data-strings tabs = cs_form_data-tabs windows = cs_form_data-windows. CALL FUNCTION 'SAPSCRIPT_CHANGE_OLANGUAGE' EXPORTING forced = abap_true name = cs_form_data-text_header-tdname object = cs_form_data-text_header-tdobject olanguage = cs_form_data-orig_language EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1 ##fm_subrc_ok. "#EC CI_SUBRC ENDMETHOD. METHOD _sort_tdlines_by_windows. DATA lt_lines TYPE zcl_abapgit_object_form=>tyt_lines. DATA ls_lines LIKE LINE OF lt_lines. DATA ls_form_windows LIKE LINE OF ct_form_windows. DATA lv_elt_windows TYPE tdformat VALUE '/W'. DATA lv_firstloop TYPE abap_bool. lt_lines = ct_lines. CLEAR ct_lines. SORT ct_form_windows BY tdwindow. LOOP AT ct_form_windows INTO ls_form_windows. lv_firstloop = abap_true. READ TABLE lt_lines INTO ls_lines WITH KEY tdformat = lv_elt_windows tdline = ls_form_windows-tdwindow. LOOP AT lt_lines INTO ls_lines FROM sy-tabix. IF lv_firstloop = abap_false AND ls_lines-tdformat = lv_elt_windows. EXIT. ENDIF. APPEND ls_lines TO ct_lines. lv_firstloop = abap_false. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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class ZCL_BOPF_METADATA definition public final create private global friends ZCL_BOPF_MANAGER . public section. data MO_CONFIG type ref to /BOBF/IF_FRW_CONFIGURATION read-only . data MV_ROOT_NODE type /BOBF/OBM_NODE_KEY read-only . data MV_BO_KEY type /BOBF/OBM_BO_KEY read-only . data MV_BOPF_NAME type /BOBF/OBM_OBJ-NAME read-only . methods CONSTRUCTOR importing !IV_BOPF_NAME type CSEQUENCE raising /BOBF/CX_FRW . methods GET_NODE importing !IV_NODE_TYPE type /BOBF/OBM_NODE_KEY exporting !ES_NODE type /BOBF/S_CONFRO_NODE !ER_DATA type ref to DATA !ER_DATA_TABLE type ref to DATA . methods GET_NODE_ASSOC importing !IV_PARENT_TYPE type /BOBF/OBM_NODE_KEY !IV_ASSOC_TYPE type /BOBF/OBM_NODE_KEY exporting !ES_ASSOC type /BOBF/S_CONFRO_ASSOC !ER_DATA type ref to DATA !ER_DATA_TABLE type ref to DATA raising /BOBF/CX_FRW . methods GET_INTF_NODE_NAME importing !IV_NODE type /BOBF/OBM_NODE_KEY exporting !EV_NAME type STRING !EV_FULL_NAME type STRING . methods GET_INTF_NODE_NAME_NESTED importing !IV_NODE type /BOBF/OBM_NODE_KEY !IV_STRUC type CSEQUENCE exporting !EV_NAME type STRING !EV_FULL_NAME type STRING . protected section. private section. data MV_INTERFACE type SEOCLASS-CLSNAME . data MV_SELECT_ALL type /BOBF/OBM_QUERY_KEY . data MV_SELECT_BY_ELEMENTS type /BOBF/OBM_QUERY_KEY . methods _GET_QUERY importing !IV_QUERY type CSEQUENCE !IV_ROOT_NAME type CSEQUENCE returning value(RV_QUERY_KEY) type /BOBF/OBM_QUERY_KEY raising /BOBF/CX_FRW . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_BOPF_METADATA IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. mv_bopf_name = iv_bopf_name. SELECT SINGLE bo_key, root_node_key, objcat, const_interface INTO @DATA(ls_obj) FROM /bobf/obm_obj WHERE name = @mv_bopf_name. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcl_bopf_messages=>raise_error( iv_message = |'{ mv_bopf_name }' BOPF is not found | ). ENDIF. mv_bo_key = ls_obj-bo_key. mv_interface = ls_obj-const_interface. mo_config = /bobf/cl_frw_factory=>get_configuration( mv_bo_key ). mv_root_node = ls_obj-root_node_key. get_intf_node_name( EXPORTING iv_node = mv_root_node IMPORTING ev_name = DATA(lv_root_name) ). IF lv_root_name IS INITIAL. zcl_bopf_messages=>raise_error( iv_message = |ROOT node in '{ mv_bopf_name }' is not found| ). ENDIF. IF ls_obj-objcat = /bobf/if_conf_c=>sc_objcat_bo OR ls_obj-objcat = /bobf/if_conf_c=>sc_objcat_mdo. mv_select_all = _get_query( iv_query = 'SELECT_ALL' iv_root_name = lv_root_name ). mv_select_by_elements = _get_query( iv_query = 'SELECT_BY_ELEMENTS' iv_root_name = lv_root_name ). ENDIF. " Check 'ROOT' node DATA(lv_name) = |{ mv_interface }=>SC_NODE-{ lv_root_name }|. ASSIGN (lv_name) TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<lv_root_node>) CASTING TYPE /bobf/obm_node_key. IF mv_root_node <> <lv_root_node>. zcl_bopf_messages=>raise_error( iv_message = |Wrong version of '{ mv_bopf_name }' was loaded| ). ENDIF. " Check BO key lv_name = |{ mv_interface }=>SC_BO_KEY|. ASSIGN (lv_name) TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<lv_bo_key>) CASTING TYPE /bobf/obm_bo_key. IF sy-subrc <> 0 OR ls_obj-bo_key <> ls_obj-bo_key. zcl_bopf_messages=>raise_error( iv_message = |Wrong version of '{ mv_bopf_name }' was loaded| ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_intf_node_name. CLEAR: ev_name, ev_full_name. " All nodes DATA(lv_name) = |{ mv_interface }=>SC_NODE|. ASSIGN (lv_name) TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_sc_node>). DATA(lo_struc) = CAST cl_abap_structdescr( cl_abap_structdescr=>describe_by_data( <ls_sc_node> ) ). LOOP AT lo_struc->components ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_comp>). DATA(lv_full_name) = |{ mv_interface }=>SC_NODE-{ <ls_comp>-name }|. ASSIGN (lv_full_name) TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<lv_node_key>). CHECK <lv_node_key> = iv_node. ev_name = <ls_comp>-name. ev_full_name = lv_full_name. RETURN. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_intf_node_name_nested. CLEAR: ev_name, ev_full_name. " All nodes DATA(lv_name) = |{ mv_interface }=>{ iv_struc }|. ASSIGN (lv_name) TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_sc_node>). DATA(lo_struc) = CAST cl_abap_structdescr( cl_abap_structdescr=>describe_by_data( <ls_sc_node> ) ). LOOP AT lo_struc->components ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_comp>). DATA(lv_assoc_name) = |{ mv_interface }=>{ iv_struc }-{ <ls_comp>-name }|. ASSIGN (lv_assoc_name) TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<lv_node_stuc>). " Structure in structure %) DATA(lo_struc2) = CAST cl_abap_structdescr( cl_abap_structdescr=>describe_by_data( <lv_node_stuc> ) ). LOOP AT lo_struc2->components ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_comp2>). DATA(lv_full_name) = |{ mv_interface }=>{ iv_struc }-{ <ls_comp>-name }-{ <ls_comp2>-name }|. ASSIGN (lv_full_name) TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<lv_node_key>). CHECK <lv_node_key> = iv_node. ev_name = <ls_comp>-name. ev_full_name = lv_full_name. RETURN. ENDLOOP. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_node. CLEAR: es_node, er_data, "er_data_data, er_data_table. mo_config->get_node( EXPORTING iv_node_key = iv_node_type IMPORTING es_node = es_node ). IF er_data IS REQUESTED. CREATE DATA er_data TYPE (es_node-data_type). ENDIF. * IF er_data_data IS REQUESTED. * CREATE DATA er_data_data TYPE (es_node-data_data_type). * ENDIF. IF er_data_table IS REQUESTED. CREATE DATA er_data_table TYPE (es_node-data_table_type). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD get_node_assoc. CLEAR: es_assoc, er_data, "er_data_data, er_data_table. mo_config->get_assoc( EXPORTING iv_assoc_key = iv_assoc_type iv_node_key = iv_parent_type IMPORTING es_assoc = es_assoc ). IF es_assoc-target_node IS NOT BOUND. RAISE EXCEPTION TYPE /bobf/cx_conf EXPORTING textid = /bobf/cx_conf=>type_not_existing mv_type_name = es_assoc-assoc_name. ENDIF. " Business objects IF es_assoc-target_node->node_type = /bobf/if_conf_c=>sc_node_type_bo AND ( es_assoc-target_node->data_type IS INITIAL OR es_assoc-target_node->data_table_type IS INITIAL ). DATA(lo_manager) = zcl_bopf_manager=>create( es_assoc-target_node->node_esr_name ). lo_manager->mo_metadata->get_node( EXPORTING iv_node_type = lo_manager->mo_metadata->mv_root_node IMPORTING er_data = er_data er_data_table = er_data_table es_node = DATA(ls_node) ). RETURN. ENDIF. IF er_data IS REQUESTED. CREATE DATA er_data TYPE (es_assoc-target_node->data_type). ENDIF. * IF er_data_data IS REQUESTED. * CREATE DATA er_data_data TYPE (es_assoc-target_node->data_data_type). * ENDIF. IF er_data_table IS REQUESTED. CREATE DATA er_data_table TYPE (es_assoc-target_node->data_table_type). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD _get_query. DATA(lv_name) = |{ mv_interface }=>SC_QUERY-{ iv_root_name }-{ iv_query }|. ASSIGN (lv_name) TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<lv_query_key>) CASTING TYPE /bobf/obm_query_key. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcl_bopf_messages=>raise_error( iv_message = |{ iv_query } node in '{ mv_bopf_name }' is not found| ). ENDIF. rv_query_key = <lv_query_key>. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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FUNCTION /gal/js_check_preconditions. *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Lokale Schnittstelle: *" IMPORTING *" REFERENCE(RFC_ROUTE_INFO) TYPE /GAL/RFC_ROUTE_INFO OPTIONAL *" REFERENCE(JOB_ID) TYPE /GAL/JOB_ID *" EXPORTING *" REFERENCE(FULFILLED) TYPE FLAG *" EXCEPTIONS *" RFC_EXCEPTION *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initialize result CLEAR fulfilled. * Follow RFC route cfw_custom_auth /gal/cfw_auth=>const_cab_no_check. cfw_follow_rfc_route rfc_route_info. cfw_pass_exception rfc_exception. cfw_remote_coding. * Check if preconditions for job are met SELECT COUNT( * ) UP TO 1 ROWS FROM /gal/jobdata01 AS j1 INNER JOIN /gal/jobdata02 AS j2 ON j1~id = j2~job_id WHERE j2~status = 'N' AND j1~id = job_id. "#EC CI_SUBRC IF sy-dbcnt = 0. fulfilled = abap_true. ELSE. fulfilled = abap_false. ENDIF. ENDFUNCTION.
[ 42296, 4177, 2849, 1220, 13528, 14, 8457, 62, 9122, 62, 3866, 17561, 1756, 13, 198, 9, 1, 10097, 23031, 198, 9, 1, 9, 1, 43, 482, 1000, 45606, 715, 301, 13485, 25, 198, 9, 1, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 9, 1, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4526, 24302, 18310, 7, 41150, 62, 49, 2606, 9328, 62, 10778, 8, 41876, 220, 1220, 38, 1847, 14, 41150, 62, 49, 2606, 9328, 62, 10778, 39852, 2849, 1847, 198, 9, 1, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4526, 24302, 18310, 7, 41, 9864, 62, 2389, 8, 41876, 220, 1220, 38, 1847, 14, 41, 9864, 62, 2389, 198, 9, 1, 220, 7788, 15490, 2751, 198, 9, 1, 220, 220, 220, 220, 4526, 24302, 18310, 7, 46476, 37, 8267, 1961, 8, 41876, 220, 9977, 4760, 198, 9, 1, 220, 7788, 42006, 11053, 198, 9, 1, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30978, 62, 6369, 42006, 2849, 198, 9, 1, 10097, 23031, 198, 198, 9, 20768, 1096, 1255, 198, 220, 30301, 1503, 23085, 13, 198, 198, 9, 7281, 30978, 6339, 198, 220, 30218, 86, 62, 23144, 62, 18439, 1220, 13528, 14, 12993, 86, 62, 18439, 14804, 9979, 62, 66, 397, 62, 3919, 62, 9122, 13, 198, 220, 30218, 86, 62, 27780, 62, 81, 16072, 62, 38629, 374, 16072, 62, 38629, 62, 10951, 13, 198, 220, 30218, 86, 62, 6603, 62, 1069, 4516, 374, 16072, 62, 1069, 4516, 13, 198, 220, 30218, 86, 62, 47960, 62, 66, 7656, 13, 198, 198, 9, 6822, 611, 3718, 623, 1756, 329, 1693, 389, 1138, 198, 220, 33493, 327, 28270, 7, 1635, 1267, 15958, 5390, 352, 371, 22845, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 16034, 1220, 13528, 14, 21858, 7890, 486, 7054, 474, 16, 3268, 21479, 32357, 1268, 1220, 13528, 14, 21858, 7890, 2999, 7054, 474, 17, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 6177, 474, 16, 93, 312, 796, 474, 17, 93, 21858, 62, 312, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 33411, 474, 17, 93, 13376, 796, 705, 45, 6, 5357, 474, 16, 93, 312, 796, 1693, 62, 312, 13, 220, 220, 25113, 2943, 14514, 62, 50, 10526, 7397, 198, 220, 16876, 827, 12, 9945, 66, 429, 796, 657, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23085, 796, 450, 499, 62, 7942, 13, 198, 220, 17852, 5188, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23085, 796, 450, 499, 62, 9562, 13, 198, 220, 23578, 5064, 13, 198, 1677, 8068, 4944, 4177, 2849, 13, 198 ]
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INTERFACE zif_abapgit_gui_renderable PUBLIC . METHODS render RETURNING VALUE(ri_html) TYPE REF TO zif_abapgit_html RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception. ENDINTERFACE.
[ 41358, 49836, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 48317, 62, 13287, 540, 198, 220, 44731, 764, 628, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 8543, 198, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 26173, 8924, 7, 380, 62, 6494, 8, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 6494, 198, 220, 220, 220, 17926, 1797, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1976, 66, 87, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 1069, 4516, 13, 198, 198, 10619, 41358, 49836, 13, 198 ]
[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]
CLASS ycl_a2g_json_batchupdate_req DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM ycl_a2g_jsonbase CREATE PUBLIC . PUBLIC SECTION. "! Build the class "! @parameter if_msg_manager | message managere where soter alla message triggered by the applicaition METHODS constructor IMPORTING if_msg_manager TYPE REF TO yif_a2g_msg_manager. METHODS: yif_a2g_json~new_element REDEFINITION. METHODS: yif_a2g_json~get_element REDEFINITION. METHODS: yif_a2g_json~set_attribute REDEFINITION. METHODS: yif_a2g_json~get_attribute REDEFINITION. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_s_json_batchupdate_req, valueinputoption TYPE string, data TYPE ycl_a2g_json_valuerange=>ty_t_json_value_range, includevaluesinresponse TYPE string, responsevaluerenderoption TYPE string, responsedatetimerenderoption TYPE string, END OF ty_s_json_batchupdate_req. CONSTANTS: gc_fnam_valueinputoption TYPE string VALUE 'VALUEINPUTOPTION'. CONSTANTS: gc_fnam_data TYPE string VALUE 'DATA'. CONSTANTS: gc_fnam_includevaluesinres TYPE string VALUE 'INCLUDEVALUESRES'. CONSTANTS: gc_fnam_resvaluerenderoption TYPE string VALUE 'RESVALUERENDEROPTION'. CONSTANTS: gc_fnam_resdatetimerenderopt TYPE string VALUE 'RESDATETIMERENDEROPT'. PROTECTED SECTION. METHODS generate_rules REDEFINITION. METHODS rebuild_data REDEFINITION. METHODS push_data REDEFINITION. DATA: gs_batchupdate_req TYPE ty_s_json_batchupdate_req. METHODS SET_valueinputoption IMPORTING !i_value TYPE REF TO data. METHODS SET_includevaluesinres IMPORTING !i_value TYPE REF TO data. METHODS SET_resvaluerenderoption IMPORTING !i_value TYPE REF TO data. METHODS SET_resdatetimerenderopt IMPORTING !i_value TYPE REF TO data. METHODS new_datafilters RETURNING VALUE(return) TYPE REF TO yif_a2g_json. PRIVATE SECTION. ENDCLASS. CLASS YCL_A2G_JSON_BATCHUPDATE_REQ IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. super->constructor( if_msg_manager ). me->gv_data = REF #( me->gs_batchupdate_req ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD generate_rules. ENDMETHOD. METHOD new_datafilters. DATA: lo_object TYPE REF TO object. return = me->go_json_factory->build_json_instance( 'YCL_A2G_JSON_VALUERANGE' ). lo_object ?= return. DATA: lv_line TYPE numc4. DATA(lt_names) = me->go_json_array->getpartnamesofinstances( me->gc_fnam_data ). lv_line = lines( lt_names ). me->go_json_array->setinstance( im_name = me->gc_fnam_data && lv_line im_object = lo_object ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD push_data. LOOP AT me->gs_batchupdate_req-DATA INTO DATA(ls_datafilter). DATA(lif_a2g_json_grid) = me->new_datafilters( ). lif_a2g_json_grid->yif_a2g_context~write_data( REF #( ls_datafilter ) ). ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD rebuild_data. DATA: lif_a2g_json TYPE REF TO yif_a2g_json. FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs_value_range> TYPE any. DATA(lt_names) = me->go_json_array->getpartnamesofinstances( me->gc_fnam_data ). LOOP AT lt_names INTO DATA(lv_name). lif_a2g_json ?= me->go_json_array->getinstance( lv_name ). DATA(dref_data) = lif_a2g_json->yif_a2g_context~read_data( ). ASSIGN dref_data->* TO <fs_value_range>. APPEND <fs_value_range> TO me->gs_batchupdate_req-datA. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD. METHOD SET_includevaluesinres. FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs_value> TYPE STRING. ASSIGN i_value->* TO <fs_value>. IF <fs_value> IS ASSIGNED. CHECK me->gs_batchupdate_req-includevaluesinresponse <> <fs_value>. me->gs_batchupdate_req-includevaluesinresponse = <fs_value>. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD SET_resdatetimerenderopt . FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs_value> TYPE STRING. ASSIGN i_value->* TO <fs_value>. IF <fs_value> IS ASSIGNED. CHECK me->gs_batchupdate_req-responsedatetimerenderoption <> <fs_value>. me->gs_batchupdate_req-responsedatetimerenderoption = <fs_value>. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD SET_resvaluerenderoption. FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs_value> TYPE STRING. ASSIGN i_value->* TO <fs_value>. IF <fs_value> IS ASSIGNED. CHECK me->gs_batchupdate_req-responsevaluerenderoption <> <fs_value>. me->gs_batchupdate_req-responsevaluerenderoption = <fs_value>. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD SET_valueinputoption. FIELD-SYMBOLS <fs_value> TYPE STRING. ASSIGN i_value->* TO <fs_value>. IF <fs_value> IS ASSIGNED. CHECK me->gs_batchupdate_req-valueinputoption <> <fs_value>. me->gs_batchupdate_req-valueinputoption = <fs_value>. ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD yif_a2g_json~get_attribute. CASE i_name. WHEN gc_fnam_valueinputoption . return = REF #( me->gs_batchupdate_req-valueinputoption ). WHEN gc_fnam_includevaluesinres . return = REF #( me->gs_batchupdate_req-includevaluesinresponse ). WHEN gc_fnam_resvaluerenderoption . return = REF #( me->gs_batchupdate_req-responsevaluerenderoption ). WHEN gc_fnam_resdatetimerenderopt . return = REF #( me->gs_batchupdate_req-responsedatetimerenderoption ). ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD yif_a2g_json~get_element. CASE i_name . WHEN gc_fnam_data. DATA(lt_names) = me->go_json_array->getpartnamesofinstances( me->gc_fnam_data ). TRY. DATA(lv_name) = lt_names[ i_enum ]. return ?= me->go_json_array->getinstance( lv_name ). CATCH cx_sy_itab_line_not_found. ENDTRY. ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD yif_a2g_json~new_element. CASE i_name . WHEN gc_fnam_data . return = me->new_datafilters( ). ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD yif_a2g_json~set_attribute. CASE i_name. WHEN gc_fnam_valueinputoption . me->SET_valueinputoption( i_value ). WHEN gc_fnam_includevaluesinres . me->SET_includevaluesinres( i_value ). WHEN gc_fnam_resdatetimerenderopt . me->SET_resvaluerenderoption( i_value ). WHEN gc_fnam_resdatetimerenderopt . me->SET_resdatetimerenderopt( i_value ). ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
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INTERFACE zif_github PUBLIC. * Generated by abap-openapi-client * GitHub v3 REST API, 1.1.4 * Component schema: nullable-simple-user, object TYPES: BEGIN OF nullable_simple_user, name TYPE string, email TYPE string, login TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, avatar_url TYPE string, gravatar_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, followers_url TYPE string, following_url TYPE string, gists_url TYPE string, starred_url TYPE string, subscriptions_url TYPE string, organizations_url TYPE string, repos_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, received_events_url TYPE string, type TYPE string, site_admin TYPE abap_bool, starred_at TYPE string, END OF nullable_simple_user. * Component schema: integration, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subintegration_permissions, issues TYPE string, checks TYPE string, metadata TYPE string, contents TYPE string, deployments TYPE string, END OF subintegration_permissions. TYPES: BEGIN OF integration, id TYPE i, slug TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, owner TYPE nullable_simple_user, name TYPE string, description TYPE string, external_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, permissions TYPE subintegration_permissions, events TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array installations_count TYPE i, client_id TYPE string, client_secret TYPE string, webhook_secret TYPE string, pem TYPE string, END OF integration. * Component schema: basic-error, object TYPES: BEGIN OF basic_error, message TYPE string, documentation_url TYPE string, url TYPE string, status TYPE string, END OF basic_error. * Component schema: validation-error-simple, object TYPES: BEGIN OF validation_error_simple, message TYPE string, documentation_url TYPE string, errors TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF validation_error_simple. * Component schema: webhook-config-url, string TYPES webhook_config_url TYPE string. * Component schema: webhook-config-content-type, string TYPES webhook_config_content_type TYPE string. * Component schema: webhook-config-secret, string TYPES webhook_config_secret TYPE string. * Component schema: webhook-config-insecure-ssl, string TYPES webhook_config_insecure_ssl TYPE string. * Component schema: webhook-config, object TYPES: BEGIN OF webhook_config, url TYPE webhook_config_url, content_type TYPE webhook_config_content_type, secret TYPE webhook_config_secret, insecure_ssl TYPE webhook_config_insecure_ssl, END OF webhook_config. * Component schema: hook-delivery-item, object TYPES: BEGIN OF hook_delivery_item, id TYPE i, guid TYPE string, delivered_at TYPE string, redelivery TYPE abap_bool, duration TYPE f, status TYPE string, status_code TYPE i, event TYPE string, action TYPE string, installation_id TYPE i, repository_id TYPE i, END OF hook_delivery_item. * Component schema: scim-error, object TYPES: BEGIN OF scim_error, message TYPE string, documentation_url TYPE string, detail TYPE string, status TYPE i, scimtype TYPE string, schemas TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF scim_error. * Component schema: validation-error, object TYPES: BEGIN OF validation_error, message TYPE string, documentation_url TYPE string, errors TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF validation_error. * Component schema: hook-delivery, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubhook_delivery_response_h, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF subsubhook_delivery_response_h. TYPES: BEGIN OF subhook_delivery_response, headers TYPE subsubhook_delivery_response_h, payload TYPE string, END OF subhook_delivery_response. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubhook_delivery_request_pa, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF subsubhook_delivery_request_pa. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubhook_delivery_request_he, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF subsubhook_delivery_request_he. TYPES: BEGIN OF subhook_delivery_request, headers TYPE subsubhook_delivery_request_he, payload TYPE subsubhook_delivery_request_pa, END OF subhook_delivery_request. TYPES: BEGIN OF hook_delivery, id TYPE i, guid TYPE string, delivered_at TYPE string, redelivery TYPE abap_bool, duration TYPE f, status TYPE string, status_code TYPE i, event TYPE string, action TYPE string, installation_id TYPE i, repository_id TYPE i, url TYPE string, request TYPE subhook_delivery_request, response TYPE subhook_delivery_response, END OF hook_delivery. * Component schema: simple-user, object TYPES: BEGIN OF simple_user, name TYPE string, email TYPE string, login TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, avatar_url TYPE string, gravatar_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, followers_url TYPE string, following_url TYPE string, gists_url TYPE string, starred_url TYPE string, subscriptions_url TYPE string, organizations_url TYPE string, repos_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, received_events_url TYPE string, type TYPE string, site_admin TYPE abap_bool, starred_at TYPE string, END OF simple_user. * Component schema: enterprise, object TYPES: BEGIN OF enterprise, description TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, website_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, slug TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, avatar_url TYPE string, END OF enterprise. * Component schema: app-permissions, object TYPES: BEGIN OF app_permissions, actions TYPE string, administration TYPE string, checks TYPE string, contents TYPE string, deployments TYPE string, environments TYPE string, issues TYPE string, metadata TYPE string, packages TYPE string, pages TYPE string, pull_requests TYPE string, repository_hooks TYPE string, repository_projects TYPE string, secret_scanning_alerts TYPE string, secrets TYPE string, security_events TYPE string, single_file TYPE string, statuses TYPE string, vulnerability_alerts TYPE string, workflows TYPE string, members TYPE string, organization_administration TYPE string, organization_hooks TYPE string, organization_plan TYPE string, organization_projects TYPE string, organization_packages TYPE string, organization_secrets TYPE string, organization_self_hosted_runne TYPE string, organization_user_blocking TYPE string, team_discussions TYPE string, END OF app_permissions. * Component schema: installation, object TYPES: BEGIN OF installation, id TYPE i, account TYPE string, repository_selection TYPE string, access_tokens_url TYPE string, repositories_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, app_id TYPE i, target_id TYPE i, target_type TYPE string, permissions TYPE app_permissions, events TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, single_file_name TYPE string, has_multiple_single_files TYPE abap_bool, single_file_paths TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array app_slug TYPE string, suspended_by TYPE nullable_simple_user, suspended_at TYPE string, contact_email TYPE string, END OF installation. * Component schema: nullable-license-simple, object TYPES: BEGIN OF nullable_license_simple, key TYPE string, name TYPE string, url TYPE string, spdx_id TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, END OF nullable_license_simple. * Component schema: repository, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubrepository_template_re01, admin TYPE abap_bool, maintain TYPE abap_bool, push TYPE abap_bool, triage TYPE abap_bool, pull TYPE abap_bool, END OF subsubrepository_template_re01. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubrepository_template_repo, login TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, avatar_url TYPE string, gravatar_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, followers_url TYPE string, following_url TYPE string, gists_url TYPE string, starred_url TYPE string, subscriptions_url TYPE string, organizations_url TYPE string, repos_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, received_events_url TYPE string, type TYPE string, site_admin TYPE abap_bool, END OF subsubrepository_template_repo. TYPES: BEGIN OF subrepository_template_reposit, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, full_name TYPE string, owner TYPE subsubrepository_template_repo, private TYPE abap_bool, html_url TYPE string, description TYPE string, fork TYPE abap_bool, url TYPE string, archive_url TYPE string, assignees_url TYPE string, blobs_url TYPE string, branches_url TYPE string, collaborators_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, commits_url TYPE string, compare_url TYPE string, contents_url TYPE string, contributors_url TYPE string, deployments_url TYPE string, downloads_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, forks_url TYPE string, git_commits_url TYPE string, git_refs_url TYPE string, git_tags_url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, issue_comment_url TYPE string, issue_events_url TYPE string, issues_url TYPE string, keys_url TYPE string, labels_url TYPE string, languages_url TYPE string, merges_url TYPE string, milestones_url TYPE string, notifications_url TYPE string, pulls_url TYPE string, releases_url TYPE string, ssh_url TYPE string, stargazers_url TYPE string, statuses_url TYPE string, subscribers_url TYPE string, subscription_url TYPE string, tags_url TYPE string, teams_url TYPE string, trees_url TYPE string, clone_url TYPE string, mirror_url TYPE string, hooks_url TYPE string, svn_url TYPE string, homepage TYPE string, language TYPE string, forks_count TYPE i, stargazers_count TYPE i, watchers_count TYPE i, size TYPE i, default_branch TYPE string, open_issues_count TYPE i, is_template TYPE abap_bool, topics TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array has_issues TYPE abap_bool, has_projects TYPE abap_bool, has_wiki TYPE abap_bool, has_pages TYPE abap_bool, has_downloads TYPE abap_bool, archived TYPE abap_bool, disabled TYPE abap_bool, visibility TYPE string, pushed_at TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, permissions TYPE subsubrepository_template_re01, allow_rebase_merge TYPE abap_bool, temp_clone_token TYPE string, allow_squash_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_auto_merge TYPE abap_bool, delete_branch_on_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_update_branch TYPE abap_bool, allow_merge_commit TYPE abap_bool, subscribers_count TYPE i, network_count TYPE i, END OF subrepository_template_reposit. TYPES: BEGIN OF subrepository_permissions, admin TYPE abap_bool, pull TYPE abap_bool, triage TYPE abap_bool, push TYPE abap_bool, maintain TYPE abap_bool, END OF subrepository_permissions. TYPES: BEGIN OF repository, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, full_name TYPE string, license TYPE nullable_license_simple, organization TYPE nullable_simple_user, forks TYPE i, permissions TYPE subrepository_permissions, owner TYPE simple_user, private TYPE abap_bool, html_url TYPE string, description TYPE string, fork TYPE abap_bool, url TYPE string, archive_url TYPE string, assignees_url TYPE string, blobs_url TYPE string, branches_url TYPE string, collaborators_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, commits_url TYPE string, compare_url TYPE string, contents_url TYPE string, contributors_url TYPE string, deployments_url TYPE string, downloads_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, forks_url TYPE string, git_commits_url TYPE string, git_refs_url TYPE string, git_tags_url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, issue_comment_url TYPE string, issue_events_url TYPE string, issues_url TYPE string, keys_url TYPE string, labels_url TYPE string, languages_url TYPE string, merges_url TYPE string, milestones_url TYPE string, notifications_url TYPE string, pulls_url TYPE string, releases_url TYPE string, ssh_url TYPE string, stargazers_url TYPE string, statuses_url TYPE string, subscribers_url TYPE string, subscription_url TYPE string, tags_url TYPE string, teams_url TYPE string, trees_url TYPE string, clone_url TYPE string, mirror_url TYPE string, hooks_url TYPE string, svn_url TYPE string, homepage TYPE string, language TYPE string, forks_count TYPE i, stargazers_count TYPE i, watchers_count TYPE i, size TYPE i, default_branch TYPE string, open_issues_count TYPE i, is_template TYPE abap_bool, topics TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array has_issues TYPE abap_bool, has_projects TYPE abap_bool, has_wiki TYPE abap_bool, has_pages TYPE abap_bool, has_downloads TYPE abap_bool, archived TYPE abap_bool, disabled TYPE abap_bool, visibility TYPE string, pushed_at TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, allow_rebase_merge TYPE abap_bool, template_repository TYPE subrepository_template_reposit, temp_clone_token TYPE string, allow_squash_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_auto_merge TYPE abap_bool, delete_branch_on_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_merge_commit TYPE abap_bool, allow_forking TYPE abap_bool, subscribers_count TYPE i, network_count TYPE i, open_issues TYPE i, watchers TYPE i, master_branch TYPE string, starred_at TYPE string, END OF repository. * Component schema: installation-token, object TYPES: BEGIN OF installation_token, token TYPE string, expires_at TYPE string, permissions TYPE app_permissions, repository_selection TYPE string, repositories TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array single_file TYPE string, has_multiple_single_files TYPE abap_bool, single_file_paths TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF installation_token. * Component schema: application-grant, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subapplication_grant_app, client_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, url TYPE string, END OF subapplication_grant_app. TYPES: BEGIN OF application_grant, id TYPE i, url TYPE string, app TYPE subapplication_grant_app, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, scopes TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array user TYPE nullable_simple_user, END OF application_grant. * Component schema: nullable-scoped-installation, object TYPES: BEGIN OF nullable_scoped_installation, permissions TYPE app_permissions, repository_selection TYPE string, single_file_name TYPE string, has_multiple_single_files TYPE abap_bool, single_file_paths TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array repositories_url TYPE string, account TYPE simple_user, END OF nullable_scoped_installation. * Component schema: authorization, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subauthorization_app, client_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, url TYPE string, END OF subauthorization_app. TYPES: BEGIN OF authorization, id TYPE i, url TYPE string, scopes TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array token TYPE string, token_last_eight TYPE string, hashed_token TYPE string, app TYPE subauthorization_app, note TYPE string, note_url TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, fingerprint TYPE string, user TYPE nullable_simple_user, installation TYPE nullable_scoped_installation, expires_at TYPE string, END OF authorization. * Component schema: code-of-conduct, object TYPES: BEGIN OF code_of_conduct, key TYPE string, name TYPE string, url TYPE string, body TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, END OF code_of_conduct. * Component schema: enabled-organizations, string TYPES enabled_organizations TYPE string. * Component schema: allowed-actions, string TYPES allowed_actions TYPE string. * Component schema: selected-actions-url, string TYPES selected_actions_url TYPE string. * Component schema: actions-enterprise-permissions, object TYPES: BEGIN OF actions_enterprise_permissions, enabled_organizations TYPE enabled_organizations, selected_organizations_url TYPE string, allowed_actions TYPE allowed_actions, selected_actions_url TYPE selected_actions_url, END OF actions_enterprise_permissions. * Component schema: organization-simple, object TYPES: BEGIN OF organization_simple, login TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, repos_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, hooks_url TYPE string, issues_url TYPE string, members_url TYPE string, public_members_url TYPE string, avatar_url TYPE string, description TYPE string, END OF organization_simple. * Component schema: selected-actions, object TYPES: BEGIN OF selected_actions, github_owned_allowed TYPE abap_bool, verified_allowed TYPE abap_bool, patterns_allowed TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF selected_actions. * Component schema: runner-groups-enterprise, object TYPES: BEGIN OF runner_groups_enterprise, id TYPE f, name TYPE string, visibility TYPE string, default TYPE abap_bool, selected_organizations_url TYPE string, runners_url TYPE string, allows_public_repositories TYPE abap_bool, END OF runner_groups_enterprise. * Component schema: runner-label, object TYPES: BEGIN OF runner_label, id TYPE i, name TYPE string, type TYPE string, END OF runner_label. * Component schema: runner, object TYPES: BEGIN OF runner, id TYPE i, name TYPE string, os TYPE string, status TYPE string, busy TYPE abap_bool, labels TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF runner. * Component schema: runner-application, object TYPES: BEGIN OF runner_application, os TYPE string, architecture TYPE string, download_url TYPE string, filename TYPE string, temp_download_token TYPE string, sha256_checksum TYPE string, END OF runner_application. * Component schema: authentication-token, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subauthentication_token_permis, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF subauthentication_token_permis. TYPES: BEGIN OF authentication_token, token TYPE string, expires_at TYPE string, permissions TYPE subauthentication_token_permis, repositories TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array single_file TYPE string, repository_selection TYPE string, END OF authentication_token. * Component schema: audit-log-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subaudit_log_event_data, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF subaudit_log_event_data. TYPES: BEGIN OF subaudit_log_event_actor_locat, country_name TYPE string, END OF subaudit_log_event_actor_locat. TYPES: BEGIN OF audit_log_event, timestamp TYPE i, action TYPE string, active TYPE abap_bool, active_was TYPE abap_bool, actor TYPE string, actor_id TYPE i, actor_location TYPE subaudit_log_event_actor_locat, data TYPE subaudit_log_event_data, org_id TYPE i, blocked_user TYPE string, business TYPE string, config TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array config_was TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array content_type TYPE string, created_at TYPE i, deploy_key_fingerprint TYPE string, _document_id TYPE string, emoji TYPE string, events TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array events_were TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array explanation TYPE string, fingerprint TYPE string, hook_id TYPE i, limited_availability TYPE abap_bool, message TYPE string, name TYPE string, old_user TYPE string, openssh_public_key TYPE string, org TYPE string, previous_visibility TYPE string, read_only TYPE abap_bool, repo TYPE string, repository TYPE string, repository_public TYPE abap_bool, target_login TYPE string, team TYPE string, transport_protocol TYPE i, transport_protocol_name TYPE string, user TYPE string, visibility TYPE string, END OF audit_log_event. * Component schema: alert-number, integer TYPES alert_number TYPE i. * Component schema: alert-created-at, string TYPES alert_created_at TYPE string. * Component schema: alert-url, string TYPES alert_url TYPE string. * Component schema: alert-html-url, string TYPES alert_html_url TYPE string. * Component schema: secret-scanning-alert-state, string TYPES secret_scanning_alert_state TYPE string. * Component schema: secret-scanning-alert-resolution, string TYPES secret_scanning_alert_resoluti TYPE string. * Component schema: nullable-repository, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubnullable_repository_te01, admin TYPE abap_bool, maintain TYPE abap_bool, push TYPE abap_bool, triage TYPE abap_bool, pull TYPE abap_bool, END OF subsubnullable_repository_te01. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubnullable_repository_temp, login TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, avatar_url TYPE string, gravatar_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, followers_url TYPE string, following_url TYPE string, gists_url TYPE string, starred_url TYPE string, subscriptions_url TYPE string, organizations_url TYPE string, repos_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, received_events_url TYPE string, type TYPE string, site_admin TYPE abap_bool, END OF subsubnullable_repository_temp. TYPES: BEGIN OF subnullable_repository_templat, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, full_name TYPE string, owner TYPE subsubnullable_repository_temp, private TYPE abap_bool, html_url TYPE string, description TYPE string, fork TYPE abap_bool, url TYPE string, archive_url TYPE string, assignees_url TYPE string, blobs_url TYPE string, branches_url TYPE string, collaborators_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, commits_url TYPE string, compare_url TYPE string, contents_url TYPE string, contributors_url TYPE string, deployments_url TYPE string, downloads_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, forks_url TYPE string, git_commits_url TYPE string, git_refs_url TYPE string, git_tags_url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, issue_comment_url TYPE string, issue_events_url TYPE string, issues_url TYPE string, keys_url TYPE string, labels_url TYPE string, languages_url TYPE string, merges_url TYPE string, milestones_url TYPE string, notifications_url TYPE string, pulls_url TYPE string, releases_url TYPE string, ssh_url TYPE string, stargazers_url TYPE string, statuses_url TYPE string, subscribers_url TYPE string, subscription_url TYPE string, tags_url TYPE string, teams_url TYPE string, trees_url TYPE string, clone_url TYPE string, mirror_url TYPE string, hooks_url TYPE string, svn_url TYPE string, homepage TYPE string, language TYPE string, forks_count TYPE i, stargazers_count TYPE i, watchers_count TYPE i, size TYPE i, default_branch TYPE string, open_issues_count TYPE i, is_template TYPE abap_bool, topics TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array has_issues TYPE abap_bool, has_projects TYPE abap_bool, has_wiki TYPE abap_bool, has_pages TYPE abap_bool, has_downloads TYPE abap_bool, archived TYPE abap_bool, disabled TYPE abap_bool, visibility TYPE string, pushed_at TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, permissions TYPE subsubnullable_repository_te01, allow_rebase_merge TYPE abap_bool, temp_clone_token TYPE string, allow_squash_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_auto_merge TYPE abap_bool, delete_branch_on_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_update_branch TYPE abap_bool, allow_merge_commit TYPE abap_bool, subscribers_count TYPE i, network_count TYPE i, END OF subnullable_repository_templat. TYPES: BEGIN OF subnullable_repository_permiss, admin TYPE abap_bool, pull TYPE abap_bool, triage TYPE abap_bool, push TYPE abap_bool, maintain TYPE abap_bool, END OF subnullable_repository_permiss. TYPES: BEGIN OF nullable_repository, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, full_name TYPE string, license TYPE nullable_license_simple, organization TYPE nullable_simple_user, forks TYPE i, permissions TYPE subnullable_repository_permiss, owner TYPE simple_user, private TYPE abap_bool, html_url TYPE string, description TYPE string, fork TYPE abap_bool, url TYPE string, archive_url TYPE string, assignees_url TYPE string, blobs_url TYPE string, branches_url TYPE string, collaborators_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, commits_url TYPE string, compare_url TYPE string, contents_url TYPE string, contributors_url TYPE string, deployments_url TYPE string, downloads_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, forks_url TYPE string, git_commits_url TYPE string, git_refs_url TYPE string, git_tags_url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, issue_comment_url TYPE string, issue_events_url TYPE string, issues_url TYPE string, keys_url TYPE string, labels_url TYPE string, languages_url TYPE string, merges_url TYPE string, milestones_url TYPE string, notifications_url TYPE string, pulls_url TYPE string, releases_url TYPE string, ssh_url TYPE string, stargazers_url TYPE string, statuses_url TYPE string, subscribers_url TYPE string, subscription_url TYPE string, tags_url TYPE string, teams_url TYPE string, trees_url TYPE string, clone_url TYPE string, mirror_url TYPE string, hooks_url TYPE string, svn_url TYPE string, homepage TYPE string, language TYPE string, forks_count TYPE i, stargazers_count TYPE i, watchers_count TYPE i, size TYPE i, default_branch TYPE string, open_issues_count TYPE i, is_template TYPE abap_bool, topics TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array has_issues TYPE abap_bool, has_projects TYPE abap_bool, has_wiki TYPE abap_bool, has_pages TYPE abap_bool, has_downloads TYPE abap_bool, archived TYPE abap_bool, disabled TYPE abap_bool, visibility TYPE string, pushed_at TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, allow_rebase_merge TYPE abap_bool, template_repository TYPE subnullable_repository_templat, temp_clone_token TYPE string, allow_squash_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_auto_merge TYPE abap_bool, delete_branch_on_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_merge_commit TYPE abap_bool, allow_forking TYPE abap_bool, subscribers_count TYPE i, network_count TYPE i, open_issues TYPE i, watchers TYPE i, master_branch TYPE string, starred_at TYPE string, END OF nullable_repository. * Component schema: minimal-repository, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subminimal_repository_license, key TYPE string, name TYPE string, spdx_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, END OF subminimal_repository_license. TYPES: BEGIN OF subminimal_repository_permissi, admin TYPE abap_bool, maintain TYPE abap_bool, push TYPE abap_bool, triage TYPE abap_bool, pull TYPE abap_bool, END OF subminimal_repository_permissi. TYPES: BEGIN OF minimal_repository, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, full_name TYPE string, owner TYPE simple_user, private TYPE abap_bool, html_url TYPE string, description TYPE string, fork TYPE abap_bool, url TYPE string, archive_url TYPE string, assignees_url TYPE string, blobs_url TYPE string, branches_url TYPE string, collaborators_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, commits_url TYPE string, compare_url TYPE string, contents_url TYPE string, contributors_url TYPE string, deployments_url TYPE string, downloads_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, forks_url TYPE string, git_commits_url TYPE string, git_refs_url TYPE string, git_tags_url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, issue_comment_url TYPE string, issue_events_url TYPE string, issues_url TYPE string, keys_url TYPE string, labels_url TYPE string, languages_url TYPE string, merges_url TYPE string, milestones_url TYPE string, notifications_url TYPE string, pulls_url TYPE string, releases_url TYPE string, ssh_url TYPE string, stargazers_url TYPE string, statuses_url TYPE string, subscribers_url TYPE string, subscription_url TYPE string, tags_url TYPE string, teams_url TYPE string, trees_url TYPE string, clone_url TYPE string, mirror_url TYPE string, hooks_url TYPE string, svn_url TYPE string, homepage TYPE string, language TYPE string, forks_count TYPE i, stargazers_count TYPE i, watchers_count TYPE i, size TYPE i, default_branch TYPE string, open_issues_count TYPE i, is_template TYPE abap_bool, topics TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array has_issues TYPE abap_bool, has_projects TYPE abap_bool, has_wiki TYPE abap_bool, has_pages TYPE abap_bool, has_downloads TYPE abap_bool, archived TYPE abap_bool, disabled TYPE abap_bool, visibility TYPE string, pushed_at TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, permissions TYPE subminimal_repository_permissi, role_name TYPE string, template_repository TYPE nullable_repository, temp_clone_token TYPE string, delete_branch_on_merge TYPE abap_bool, subscribers_count TYPE i, network_count TYPE i, code_of_conduct TYPE code_of_conduct, license TYPE subminimal_repository_license, forks TYPE i, open_issues TYPE i, watchers TYPE i, allow_forking TYPE abap_bool, END OF minimal_repository. * Component schema: organization-secret-scanning-alert, object TYPES: BEGIN OF organization_secret_scanning_a, number TYPE alert_number, created_at TYPE alert_created_at, url TYPE alert_url, html_url TYPE alert_html_url, locations_url TYPE string, state TYPE secret_scanning_alert_state, resolution TYPE secret_scanning_alert_resoluti, resolved_at TYPE string, resolved_by TYPE nullable_simple_user, secret_type TYPE string, secret TYPE string, repository TYPE minimal_repository, END OF organization_secret_scanning_a. * Component schema: actions-billing-usage, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subactions_billing_usage_minut, ubuntu TYPE i, macos TYPE i, windows TYPE i, END OF subactions_billing_usage_minut. TYPES: BEGIN OF actions_billing_usage, total_minutes_used TYPE i, total_paid_minutes_used TYPE i, included_minutes TYPE i, minutes_used_breakdown TYPE subactions_billing_usage_minut, END OF actions_billing_usage. * Component schema: advanced-security-active-committers-user, object TYPES: BEGIN OF advanced_security_active_commi, user_login TYPE string, last_pushed_date TYPE string, END OF advanced_security_active_commi. * Component schema: advanced-security-active-committers-repository, object TYPES: BEGIN OF advanced_security_active_com01, name TYPE string, advanced_security_committers TYPE i, advanced_security_committers_b TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF advanced_security_active_com01. * Component schema: advanced-security-active-committers, object TYPES: BEGIN OF advanced_security_active_com02, total_advanced_security_commit TYPE i, repositories TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF advanced_security_active_com02. * Component schema: packages-billing-usage, object TYPES: BEGIN OF packages_billing_usage, total_gigabytes_bandwidth_used TYPE i, total_paid_gigabytes_bandwidth TYPE i, included_gigabytes_bandwidth TYPE i, END OF packages_billing_usage. * Component schema: combined-billing-usage, object TYPES: BEGIN OF combined_billing_usage, days_left_in_billing_cycle TYPE i, estimated_paid_storage_for_mon TYPE i, estimated_storage_for_month TYPE i, END OF combined_billing_usage. * Component schema: actor, object TYPES: BEGIN OF actor, id TYPE i, login TYPE string, display_login TYPE string, gravatar_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, avatar_url TYPE string, END OF actor. * Component schema: nullable-milestone, object TYPES: BEGIN OF nullable_milestone, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, labels_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, number TYPE i, state TYPE string, title TYPE string, description TYPE string, creator TYPE nullable_simple_user, open_issues TYPE i, closed_issues TYPE i, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, closed_at TYPE string, due_on TYPE string, END OF nullable_milestone. * Component schema: nullable-integration, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subnullable_integration_permis, issues TYPE string, checks TYPE string, metadata TYPE string, contents TYPE string, deployments TYPE string, END OF subnullable_integration_permis. TYPES: BEGIN OF nullable_integration, id TYPE i, slug TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, owner TYPE nullable_simple_user, name TYPE string, description TYPE string, external_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, permissions TYPE subnullable_integration_permis, events TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array installations_count TYPE i, client_id TYPE string, client_secret TYPE string, webhook_secret TYPE string, pem TYPE string, END OF nullable_integration. * Component schema: author_association, string TYPES author_association TYPE string. * Component schema: reaction-rollup, object TYPES: BEGIN OF reaction_rollup, url TYPE string, total_count TYPE i, n1 TYPE i, _1 TYPE i, laugh TYPE i, confused TYPE i, heart TYPE i, hooray TYPE i, eyes TYPE i, rocket TYPE i, END OF reaction_rollup. * Component schema: issue, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subissue_pull_request, merged_at TYPE string, diff_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, patch_url TYPE string, url TYPE string, END OF subissue_pull_request. TYPES: BEGIN OF issue, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, repository_url TYPE string, labels_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, number TYPE i, state TYPE string, title TYPE string, body TYPE string, user TYPE nullable_simple_user, labels TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array assignee TYPE nullable_simple_user, assignees TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array milestone TYPE nullable_milestone, locked TYPE abap_bool, active_lock_reason TYPE string, comments TYPE i, pull_request TYPE subissue_pull_request, closed_at TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, draft TYPE abap_bool, closed_by TYPE nullable_simple_user, body_html TYPE string, body_text TYPE string, timeline_url TYPE string, repository TYPE repository, performed_via_github_app TYPE nullable_integration, author_association TYPE author_association, reactions TYPE reaction_rollup, END OF issue. * Component schema: issue-comment, object TYPES: BEGIN OF issue_comment, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, body TYPE string, body_text TYPE string, body_html TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, user TYPE nullable_simple_user, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, issue_url TYPE string, author_association TYPE author_association, performed_via_github_app TYPE nullable_integration, reactions TYPE reaction_rollup, END OF issue_comment. * Component schema: event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subevent_payload, action TYPE string, issue TYPE issue, comment TYPE issue_comment, pages TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subevent_payload. TYPES: BEGIN OF subevent_repo, id TYPE i, name TYPE string, url TYPE string, END OF subevent_repo. TYPES: BEGIN OF event, id TYPE string, type TYPE string, actor TYPE actor, repo TYPE subevent_repo, org TYPE actor, payload TYPE subevent_payload, public TYPE abap_bool, created_at TYPE string, END OF event. * Component schema: link-with-type, object TYPES: BEGIN OF link_with_type, href TYPE string, type TYPE string, END OF link_with_type. * Component schema: feed, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subfeed__links, timeline TYPE link_with_type, user TYPE link_with_type, security_advisories TYPE link_with_type, current_user TYPE link_with_type, current_user_public TYPE link_with_type, current_user_actor TYPE link_with_type, current_user_organization TYPE link_with_type, current_user_organizations TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subfeed__links. TYPES: BEGIN OF feed, timeline_url TYPE string, user_url TYPE string, current_user_public_url TYPE string, current_user_url TYPE string, current_user_actor_url TYPE string, current_user_organization_url TYPE string, current_user_organization_urls TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array security_advisories_url TYPE string, _links TYPE subfeed__links, END OF feed. * Component schema: base-gist, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbase_gist_files, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF subbase_gist_files. TYPES: BEGIN OF base_gist, url TYPE string, forks_url TYPE string, commits_url TYPE string, id TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, git_pull_url TYPE string, git_push_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, files TYPE subbase_gist_files, public TYPE abap_bool, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, description TYPE string, comments TYPE i, user TYPE nullable_simple_user, comments_url TYPE string, owner TYPE simple_user, truncated TYPE abap_bool, forks TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array history TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF base_gist. * Component schema: public-user, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subpublic_user_plan, collaborators TYPE i, name TYPE string, space TYPE i, private_repos TYPE i, END OF subpublic_user_plan. TYPES: BEGIN OF public_user, login TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, avatar_url TYPE string, gravatar_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, followers_url TYPE string, following_url TYPE string, gists_url TYPE string, starred_url TYPE string, subscriptions_url TYPE string, organizations_url TYPE string, repos_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, received_events_url TYPE string, type TYPE string, site_admin TYPE abap_bool, name TYPE string, company TYPE string, blog TYPE string, location TYPE string, email TYPE string, hireable TYPE abap_bool, bio TYPE string, twitter_username TYPE string, public_repos TYPE i, public_gists TYPE i, followers TYPE i, following TYPE i, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, plan TYPE subpublic_user_plan, suspended_at TYPE string, private_gists TYPE i, total_private_repos TYPE i, owned_private_repos TYPE i, disk_usage TYPE i, collaborators TYPE i, END OF public_user. * Component schema: gist-history, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subgist_history_change_status, total TYPE i, additions TYPE i, deletions TYPE i, END OF subgist_history_change_status. TYPES: BEGIN OF gist_history, user TYPE nullable_simple_user, version TYPE string, committed_at TYPE string, change_status TYPE subgist_history_change_status, url TYPE string, END OF gist_history. * Component schema: gist-simple, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subgist_simple_files, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF subgist_simple_files. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubgist_simple_fork_of_file, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF subsubgist_simple_fork_of_file. TYPES: BEGIN OF subgist_simple_fork_of, url TYPE string, forks_url TYPE string, commits_url TYPE string, id TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, git_pull_url TYPE string, git_push_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, files TYPE subsubgist_simple_fork_of_file, public TYPE abap_bool, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, description TYPE string, comments TYPE i, user TYPE nullable_simple_user, comments_url TYPE string, owner TYPE nullable_simple_user, truncated TYPE abap_bool, forks TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array history TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subgist_simple_fork_of. TYPES: BEGIN OF gist_simple, forks TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array history TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array fork_of TYPE subgist_simple_fork_of, url TYPE string, forks_url TYPE string, commits_url TYPE string, id TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, git_pull_url TYPE string, git_push_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, files TYPE subgist_simple_files, public TYPE abap_bool, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, description TYPE string, comments TYPE i, user TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, owner TYPE simple_user, truncated TYPE abap_bool, END OF gist_simple. * Component schema: gist-comment, object TYPES: BEGIN OF gist_comment, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, body TYPE string, user TYPE nullable_simple_user, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, author_association TYPE author_association, END OF gist_comment. * Component schema: gist-commit, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subgist_commit_change_status, total TYPE i, additions TYPE i, deletions TYPE i, END OF subgist_commit_change_status. TYPES: BEGIN OF gist_commit, url TYPE string, version TYPE string, user TYPE nullable_simple_user, change_status TYPE subgist_commit_change_status, committed_at TYPE string, END OF gist_commit. * Component schema: gitignore-template, object TYPES: BEGIN OF gitignore_template, name TYPE string, source TYPE string, END OF gitignore_template. * Component schema: license-simple, object TYPES: BEGIN OF license_simple, key TYPE string, name TYPE string, url TYPE string, spdx_id TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, END OF license_simple. * Component schema: license, object TYPES: BEGIN OF license, key TYPE string, name TYPE string, spdx_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, description TYPE string, implementation TYPE string, permissions TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array conditions TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array limitations TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array body TYPE string, featured TYPE abap_bool, END OF license. * Component schema: marketplace-listing-plan, object TYPES: BEGIN OF marketplace_listing_plan, url TYPE string, accounts_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, number TYPE i, name TYPE string, description TYPE string, monthly_price_in_cents TYPE i, yearly_price_in_cents TYPE i, price_model TYPE string, has_free_trial TYPE abap_bool, unit_name TYPE string, state TYPE string, bullets TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF marketplace_listing_plan. * Component schema: marketplace-purchase, object TYPES: BEGIN OF submarketplace_purchase_mark01, billing_cycle TYPE string, next_billing_date TYPE string, is_installed TYPE abap_bool, unit_count TYPE i, on_free_trial TYPE abap_bool, free_trial_ends_on TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, plan TYPE marketplace_listing_plan, END OF submarketplace_purchase_mark01. TYPES: BEGIN OF submarketplace_purchase_market, is_installed TYPE abap_bool, effective_date TYPE string, unit_count TYPE i, id TYPE i, plan TYPE marketplace_listing_plan, END OF submarketplace_purchase_market. TYPES: BEGIN OF marketplace_purchase, url TYPE string, type TYPE string, id TYPE i, login TYPE string, organization_billing_email TYPE string, email TYPE string, marketplace_pending_change TYPE submarketplace_purchase_market, marketplace_purchase TYPE submarketplace_purchase_mark01, END OF marketplace_purchase. * Component schema: api-overview, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subapi_overview_ssh_key_finger, sha256_rsa TYPE string, sha256_dsa TYPE string, sha256_ecdsa TYPE string, sha256_ed25519 TYPE string, END OF subapi_overview_ssh_key_finger. TYPES: BEGIN OF api_overview, verifiable_password_authentica TYPE abap_bool, ssh_key_fingerprints TYPE subapi_overview_ssh_key_finger, ssh_keys TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array hooks TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array web TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array api TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array git TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array packages TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array pages TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array importer TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array actions TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array dependabot TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF api_overview. * Component schema: thread, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subthread_subject, title TYPE string, url TYPE string, latest_comment_url TYPE string, type TYPE string, END OF subthread_subject. TYPES: BEGIN OF thread, id TYPE string, repository TYPE minimal_repository, subject TYPE subthread_subject, reason TYPE string, unread TYPE abap_bool, updated_at TYPE string, last_read_at TYPE string, url TYPE string, subscription_url TYPE string, END OF thread. * Component schema: thread-subscription, object TYPES: BEGIN OF thread_subscription, subscribed TYPE abap_bool, ignored TYPE abap_bool, reason TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, url TYPE string, thread_url TYPE string, repository_url TYPE string, END OF thread_subscription. * Component schema: organization-custom-repository-role, object TYPES: BEGIN OF organization_custom_repository, id TYPE i, name TYPE string, END OF organization_custom_repository. * Component schema: external-groups, object TYPES: BEGIN OF external_groups, groups TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF external_groups. * Component schema: organization-full, object TYPES: BEGIN OF suborganization_full_plan, name TYPE string, space TYPE i, private_repos TYPE i, filled_seats TYPE i, seats TYPE i, END OF suborganization_full_plan. TYPES: BEGIN OF organization_full, login TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, repos_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, hooks_url TYPE string, issues_url TYPE string, members_url TYPE string, public_members_url TYPE string, avatar_url TYPE string, description TYPE string, name TYPE string, company TYPE string, blog TYPE string, location TYPE string, email TYPE string, twitter_username TYPE string, is_verified TYPE abap_bool, has_organization_projects TYPE abap_bool, has_repository_projects TYPE abap_bool, public_repos TYPE i, public_gists TYPE i, followers TYPE i, following TYPE i, html_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, type TYPE string, total_private_repos TYPE i, owned_private_repos TYPE i, private_gists TYPE i, disk_usage TYPE i, collaborators TYPE i, billing_email TYPE string, plan TYPE suborganization_full_plan, default_repository_permission TYPE string, members_can_create_repositorie TYPE abap_bool, two_factor_requirement_enabled TYPE abap_bool, members_allowed_repository_cre TYPE string, members_can_create_public_repo TYPE abap_bool, members_can_create_private_rep TYPE abap_bool, members_can_create_internal_re TYPE abap_bool, members_can_create_pages TYPE abap_bool, members_can_create_public_page TYPE abap_bool, members_can_create_private_pag TYPE abap_bool, members_can_fork_private_repos TYPE abap_bool, updated_at TYPE string, END OF organization_full. * Component schema: enabled-repositories, string TYPES enabled_repositories TYPE string. * Component schema: actions-organization-permissions, object TYPES: BEGIN OF actions_organization_permissio, enabled_repositories TYPE enabled_repositories, selected_repositories_url TYPE string, allowed_actions TYPE allowed_actions, selected_actions_url TYPE selected_actions_url, END OF actions_organization_permissio. * Component schema: actions-default-workflow-permissions, string TYPES actions_default_workflow_permi TYPE string. * Component schema: actions-can-approve-pull-request-reviews, boolean TYPES actions_can_approve_pull_reque TYPE abap_bool. * Component schema: actions-get-default-workflow-permissions, object TYPES: BEGIN OF actions_get_default_workflow_p, default_workflow_permissions TYPE actions_default_workflow_permi, can_approve_pull_request_revie TYPE actions_can_approve_pull_reque, END OF actions_get_default_workflow_p. * Component schema: actions-set-default-workflow-permissions, object TYPES: BEGIN OF actions_set_default_workflow_p, default_workflow_permissions TYPE actions_default_workflow_permi, can_approve_pull_request_revie TYPE actions_can_approve_pull_reque, END OF actions_set_default_workflow_p. * Component schema: runner-groups-org, object TYPES: BEGIN OF runner_groups_org, id TYPE f, name TYPE string, visibility TYPE string, default TYPE abap_bool, selected_repositories_url TYPE string, runners_url TYPE string, inherited TYPE abap_bool, inherited_allows_public_reposi TYPE abap_bool, allows_public_repositories TYPE abap_bool, END OF runner_groups_org. * Component schema: organization-actions-secret, object TYPES: BEGIN OF organization_actions_secret, name TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, visibility TYPE string, selected_repositories_url TYPE string, END OF organization_actions_secret. * Component schema: actions-public-key, object TYPES: BEGIN OF actions_public_key, key_id TYPE string, key TYPE string, id TYPE i, url TYPE string, title TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, END OF actions_public_key. * Component schema: empty-object, object TYPES: BEGIN OF empty_object, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF empty_object. * Component schema: code-scanning-alert-state, string TYPES code_scanning_alert_state TYPE string. * Component schema: alert-updated-at, string TYPES alert_updated_at TYPE string. * Component schema: alert-instances-url, string TYPES alert_instances_url TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-alert-fixed-at, string TYPES code_scanning_alert_fixed_at TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-alert-dismissed-at, string TYPES code_scanning_alert_dismissed_ TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-alert-dismissed-reason, string TYPES code_scanning_alert_dismisse01 TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-alert-rule, object TYPES: BEGIN OF code_scanning_alert_rule, id TYPE string, name TYPE string, severity TYPE string, security_severity_level TYPE string, description TYPE string, full_description TYPE string, tags TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array help TYPE string, END OF code_scanning_alert_rule. * Component schema: code-scanning-analysis-tool-name, string TYPES code_scanning_analysis_tool_na TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-analysis-tool-version, string TYPES code_scanning_analysis_tool_ve TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-analysis-tool-guid, string TYPES code_scanning_analysis_tool_gu TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-analysis-tool, object TYPES: BEGIN OF code_scanning_analysis_tool, name TYPE code_scanning_analysis_tool_na, version TYPE code_scanning_analysis_tool_ve, guid TYPE code_scanning_analysis_tool_gu, END OF code_scanning_analysis_tool. * Component schema: code-scanning-ref, string TYPES code_scanning_ref TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-analysis-analysis-key, string TYPES code_scanning_analysis_analysi TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-alert-environment, string TYPES code_scanning_alert_environmen TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-analysis-category, string TYPES code_scanning_analysis_categor TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-alert-location, object TYPES: BEGIN OF code_scanning_alert_location, path TYPE string, start_line TYPE i, end_line TYPE i, start_column TYPE i, end_column TYPE i, END OF code_scanning_alert_location. * Component schema: code-scanning-alert-classification, string TYPES code_scanning_alert_classifica TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-alert-instance, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subcode_scanning_alert_instanc, text TYPE string, END OF subcode_scanning_alert_instanc. TYPES: BEGIN OF code_scanning_alert_instance, ref TYPE code_scanning_ref, analysis_key TYPE code_scanning_analysis_analysi, environment TYPE code_scanning_alert_environmen, category TYPE code_scanning_analysis_categor, state TYPE code_scanning_alert_state, commit_sha TYPE string, message TYPE subcode_scanning_alert_instanc, location TYPE code_scanning_alert_location, html_url TYPE string, classifications TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF code_scanning_alert_instance. * Component schema: code-scanning-organization-alert-items, object TYPES: BEGIN OF code_scanning_organization_ale, number TYPE alert_number, created_at TYPE alert_created_at, updated_at TYPE alert_updated_at, url TYPE alert_url, html_url TYPE alert_html_url, instances_url TYPE alert_instances_url, state TYPE code_scanning_alert_state, fixed_at TYPE code_scanning_alert_fixed_at, dismissed_by TYPE nullable_simple_user, dismissed_at TYPE code_scanning_alert_dismissed_, dismissed_reason TYPE code_scanning_alert_dismisse01, rule TYPE code_scanning_alert_rule, tool TYPE code_scanning_analysis_tool, most_recent_instance TYPE code_scanning_alert_instance, repository TYPE minimal_repository, END OF code_scanning_organization_ale. * Component schema: credential-authorization, object TYPES: BEGIN OF credential_authorization, login TYPE string, credential_id TYPE i, credential_type TYPE string, token_last_eight TYPE string, credential_authorized_at TYPE string, scopes TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array fingerprint TYPE string, credential_accessed_at TYPE string, authorized_credential_id TYPE i, authorized_credential_title TYPE string, authorized_credential_note TYPE string, authorized_credential_expires_ TYPE string, END OF credential_authorization. * Component schema: organization-dependabot-secret, object TYPES: BEGIN OF organization_dependabot_secret, name TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, visibility TYPE string, selected_repositories_url TYPE string, END OF organization_dependabot_secret. * Component schema: dependabot-public-key, object TYPES: BEGIN OF dependabot_public_key, key_id TYPE string, key TYPE string, END OF dependabot_public_key. * Component schema: external-group, object TYPES: BEGIN OF external_group, group_id TYPE i, group_name TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, teams TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array members TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF external_group. * Component schema: organization-invitation, object TYPES: BEGIN OF organization_invitation, id TYPE i, login TYPE string, email TYPE string, role TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, failed_at TYPE string, failed_reason TYPE string, inviter TYPE simple_user, team_count TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, invitation_teams_url TYPE string, END OF organization_invitation. * Component schema: org-hook, object TYPES: BEGIN OF suborg_hook_config, url TYPE string, insecure_ssl TYPE string, content_type TYPE string, secret TYPE string, END OF suborg_hook_config. TYPES: BEGIN OF org_hook, id TYPE i, url TYPE string, ping_url TYPE string, deliveries_url TYPE string, name TYPE string, events TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array active TYPE abap_bool, config TYPE suborg_hook_config, updated_at TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, type TYPE string, END OF org_hook. * Component schema: interaction-group, string TYPES interaction_group TYPE string. * Component schema: interaction-limit-response, object TYPES: BEGIN OF interaction_limit_response, limit TYPE interaction_group, origin TYPE string, expires_at TYPE string, END OF interaction_limit_response. * Component schema: interaction-expiry, string TYPES interaction_expiry TYPE string. * Component schema: interaction-limit, object TYPES: BEGIN OF interaction_limit, limit TYPE interaction_group, expiry TYPE interaction_expiry, END OF interaction_limit. * Component schema: nullable-team-simple, object TYPES: BEGIN OF nullable_team_simple, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, members_url TYPE string, name TYPE string, description TYPE string, permission TYPE string, privacy TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, repositories_url TYPE string, slug TYPE string, ldap_dn TYPE string, END OF nullable_team_simple. * Component schema: team, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subteam_permissions, pull TYPE abap_bool, triage TYPE abap_bool, push TYPE abap_bool, maintain TYPE abap_bool, admin TYPE abap_bool, END OF subteam_permissions. TYPES: BEGIN OF team, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, slug TYPE string, description TYPE string, privacy TYPE string, permission TYPE string, permissions TYPE subteam_permissions, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, members_url TYPE string, repositories_url TYPE string, parent TYPE nullable_team_simple, END OF team. * Component schema: org-membership, object TYPES: BEGIN OF suborg_membership_permissions, can_create_repository TYPE abap_bool, END OF suborg_membership_permissions. TYPES: BEGIN OF org_membership, url TYPE string, state TYPE string, role TYPE string, organization_url TYPE string, organization TYPE organization_simple, user TYPE nullable_simple_user, permissions TYPE suborg_membership_permissions, END OF org_membership. * Component schema: migration, object TYPES: BEGIN OF migration, id TYPE i, owner TYPE nullable_simple_user, guid TYPE string, state TYPE string, lock_repositories TYPE abap_bool, exclude_metadata TYPE abap_bool, exclude_git_data TYPE abap_bool, exclude_attachments TYPE abap_bool, exclude_releases TYPE abap_bool, exclude_owner_projects TYPE abap_bool, repositories TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, archive_url TYPE string, exclude TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF migration. * Component schema: nullable-minimal-repository, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subnullable_minimal_reposito01, key TYPE string, name TYPE string, spdx_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, END OF subnullable_minimal_reposito01. TYPES: BEGIN OF subnullable_minimal_repository, admin TYPE abap_bool, maintain TYPE abap_bool, push TYPE abap_bool, triage TYPE abap_bool, pull TYPE abap_bool, END OF subnullable_minimal_repository. TYPES: BEGIN OF nullable_minimal_repository, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, full_name TYPE string, owner TYPE simple_user, private TYPE abap_bool, html_url TYPE string, description TYPE string, fork TYPE abap_bool, url TYPE string, archive_url TYPE string, assignees_url TYPE string, blobs_url TYPE string, branches_url TYPE string, collaborators_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, commits_url TYPE string, compare_url TYPE string, contents_url TYPE string, contributors_url TYPE string, deployments_url TYPE string, downloads_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, forks_url TYPE string, git_commits_url TYPE string, git_refs_url TYPE string, git_tags_url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, issue_comment_url TYPE string, issue_events_url TYPE string, issues_url TYPE string, keys_url TYPE string, labels_url TYPE string, languages_url TYPE string, merges_url TYPE string, milestones_url TYPE string, notifications_url TYPE string, pulls_url TYPE string, releases_url TYPE string, ssh_url TYPE string, stargazers_url TYPE string, statuses_url TYPE string, subscribers_url TYPE string, subscription_url TYPE string, tags_url TYPE string, teams_url TYPE string, trees_url TYPE string, clone_url TYPE string, mirror_url TYPE string, hooks_url TYPE string, svn_url TYPE string, homepage TYPE string, language TYPE string, forks_count TYPE i, stargazers_count TYPE i, watchers_count TYPE i, size TYPE i, default_branch TYPE string, open_issues_count TYPE i, is_template TYPE abap_bool, topics TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array has_issues TYPE abap_bool, has_projects TYPE abap_bool, has_wiki TYPE abap_bool, has_pages TYPE abap_bool, has_downloads TYPE abap_bool, archived TYPE abap_bool, disabled TYPE abap_bool, visibility TYPE string, pushed_at TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, permissions TYPE subnullable_minimal_repository, role_name TYPE string, template_repository TYPE nullable_repository, temp_clone_token TYPE string, delete_branch_on_merge TYPE abap_bool, subscribers_count TYPE i, network_count TYPE i, code_of_conduct TYPE code_of_conduct, license TYPE subnullable_minimal_reposito01, forks TYPE i, open_issues TYPE i, watchers TYPE i, allow_forking TYPE abap_bool, END OF nullable_minimal_repository. * Component schema: package, object TYPES: BEGIN OF package, id TYPE i, name TYPE string, package_type TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, version_count TYPE i, visibility TYPE string, owner TYPE nullable_simple_user, repository TYPE nullable_minimal_repository, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, END OF package. * Component schema: package-version, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubpackage_version_metada01, tag TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subsubpackage_version_metada01. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubpackage_version_metadata, tags TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subsubpackage_version_metadata. TYPES: BEGIN OF subpackage_version_metadata, package_type TYPE string, container TYPE subsubpackage_version_metadata, docker TYPE subsubpackage_version_metada01, END OF subpackage_version_metadata. TYPES: BEGIN OF package_version, id TYPE i, name TYPE string, url TYPE string, package_html_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, license TYPE string, description TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, deleted_at TYPE string, metadata TYPE subpackage_version_metadata, END OF package_version. * Component schema: project, object TYPES: BEGIN OF project, owner_url TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, columns_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, body TYPE string, number TYPE i, state TYPE string, creator TYPE nullable_simple_user, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, organization_permission TYPE string, private TYPE abap_bool, END OF project. * Component schema: group-mapping, object TYPES: BEGIN OF group_mapping, groups TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF group_mapping. * Component schema: team-full, object TYPES: BEGIN OF team_full, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, name TYPE string, slug TYPE string, description TYPE string, privacy TYPE string, permission TYPE string, members_url TYPE string, repositories_url TYPE string, parent TYPE nullable_team_simple, members_count TYPE i, repos_count TYPE i, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, organization TYPE organization_full, ldap_dn TYPE string, END OF team_full. * Component schema: team-discussion, object TYPES: BEGIN OF team_discussion, author TYPE nullable_simple_user, body TYPE string, body_html TYPE string, body_version TYPE string, comments_count TYPE i, comments_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, last_edited_at TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, number TYPE i, pinned TYPE abap_bool, private TYPE abap_bool, team_url TYPE string, title TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, url TYPE string, reactions TYPE reaction_rollup, END OF team_discussion. * Component schema: team-discussion-comment, object TYPES: BEGIN OF team_discussion_comment, author TYPE nullable_simple_user, body TYPE string, body_html TYPE string, body_version TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, last_edited_at TYPE string, discussion_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, number TYPE i, updated_at TYPE string, url TYPE string, reactions TYPE reaction_rollup, END OF team_discussion_comment. * Component schema: reaction, object TYPES: BEGIN OF reaction, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, user TYPE nullable_simple_user, content TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, END OF reaction. * Component schema: team-membership, object TYPES: BEGIN OF team_membership, url TYPE string, role TYPE string, state TYPE string, END OF team_membership. * Component schema: team-project, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subteam_project_permissions, read TYPE abap_bool, write TYPE abap_bool, admin TYPE abap_bool, END OF subteam_project_permissions. TYPES: BEGIN OF team_project, owner_url TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, columns_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, body TYPE string, number TYPE i, state TYPE string, creator TYPE simple_user, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, organization_permission TYPE string, private TYPE abap_bool, permissions TYPE subteam_project_permissions, END OF team_project. * Component schema: team-repository, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subteam_repository_permissions, admin TYPE abap_bool, pull TYPE abap_bool, triage TYPE abap_bool, push TYPE abap_bool, maintain TYPE abap_bool, END OF subteam_repository_permissions. TYPES: BEGIN OF team_repository, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, full_name TYPE string, license TYPE nullable_license_simple, forks TYPE i, permissions TYPE subteam_repository_permissions, role_name TYPE string, owner TYPE nullable_simple_user, private TYPE abap_bool, html_url TYPE string, description TYPE string, fork TYPE abap_bool, url TYPE string, archive_url TYPE string, assignees_url TYPE string, blobs_url TYPE string, branches_url TYPE string, collaborators_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, commits_url TYPE string, compare_url TYPE string, contents_url TYPE string, contributors_url TYPE string, deployments_url TYPE string, downloads_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, forks_url TYPE string, git_commits_url TYPE string, git_refs_url TYPE string, git_tags_url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, issue_comment_url TYPE string, issue_events_url TYPE string, issues_url TYPE string, keys_url TYPE string, labels_url TYPE string, languages_url TYPE string, merges_url TYPE string, milestones_url TYPE string, notifications_url TYPE string, pulls_url TYPE string, releases_url TYPE string, ssh_url TYPE string, stargazers_url TYPE string, statuses_url TYPE string, subscribers_url TYPE string, subscription_url TYPE string, tags_url TYPE string, teams_url TYPE string, trees_url TYPE string, clone_url TYPE string, mirror_url TYPE string, hooks_url TYPE string, svn_url TYPE string, homepage TYPE string, language TYPE string, forks_count TYPE i, stargazers_count TYPE i, watchers_count TYPE i, size TYPE i, default_branch TYPE string, open_issues_count TYPE i, is_template TYPE abap_bool, topics TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array has_issues TYPE abap_bool, has_projects TYPE abap_bool, has_wiki TYPE abap_bool, has_pages TYPE abap_bool, has_downloads TYPE abap_bool, archived TYPE abap_bool, disabled TYPE abap_bool, visibility TYPE string, pushed_at TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, allow_rebase_merge TYPE abap_bool, template_repository TYPE nullable_repository, temp_clone_token TYPE string, allow_squash_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_auto_merge TYPE abap_bool, delete_branch_on_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_merge_commit TYPE abap_bool, allow_forking TYPE abap_bool, subscribers_count TYPE i, network_count TYPE i, open_issues TYPE i, watchers TYPE i, master_branch TYPE string, END OF team_repository. * Component schema: project-card, object TYPES: BEGIN OF project_card, url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, note TYPE string, creator TYPE nullable_simple_user, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, archived TYPE abap_bool, column_name TYPE string, project_id TYPE string, column_url TYPE string, content_url TYPE string, project_url TYPE string, END OF project_card. * Component schema: project-column, object TYPES: BEGIN OF project_column, url TYPE string, project_url TYPE string, cards_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, END OF project_column. * Component schema: project-collaborator-permission, object TYPES: BEGIN OF project_collaborator_permissio, permission TYPE string, user TYPE nullable_simple_user, END OF project_collaborator_permissio. * Component schema: rate-limit, object TYPES: BEGIN OF rate_limit, limit TYPE i, remaining TYPE i, reset TYPE i, used TYPE i, END OF rate_limit. * Component schema: rate-limit-overview, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subrate_limit_overview_resourc, core TYPE rate_limit, graphql TYPE rate_limit, search TYPE rate_limit, source_import TYPE rate_limit, integration_manifest TYPE rate_limit, code_scanning_upload TYPE rate_limit, actions_runner_registration TYPE rate_limit, scim TYPE rate_limit, END OF subrate_limit_overview_resourc. TYPES: BEGIN OF rate_limit_overview, resources TYPE subrate_limit_overview_resourc, rate TYPE rate_limit, END OF rate_limit_overview. * Component schema: code-of-conduct-simple, object TYPES: BEGIN OF code_of_conduct_simple, url TYPE string, key TYPE string, name TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, END OF code_of_conduct_simple. * Component schema: full-repository, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubfull_repository_securi01, status TYPE string, END OF subsubfull_repository_securi01. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubfull_repository_security, status TYPE string, END OF subsubfull_repository_security. TYPES: BEGIN OF subfull_repository_security_an, advanced_security TYPE subsubfull_repository_security, secret_scanning TYPE subsubfull_repository_securi01, END OF subfull_repository_security_an. TYPES: BEGIN OF subfull_repository_permissions, admin TYPE abap_bool, maintain TYPE abap_bool, push TYPE abap_bool, triage TYPE abap_bool, pull TYPE abap_bool, END OF subfull_repository_permissions. TYPES: BEGIN OF full_repository, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, full_name TYPE string, owner TYPE simple_user, private TYPE abap_bool, html_url TYPE string, description TYPE string, fork TYPE abap_bool, url TYPE string, archive_url TYPE string, assignees_url TYPE string, blobs_url TYPE string, branches_url TYPE string, collaborators_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, commits_url TYPE string, compare_url TYPE string, contents_url TYPE string, contributors_url TYPE string, deployments_url TYPE string, downloads_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, forks_url TYPE string, git_commits_url TYPE string, git_refs_url TYPE string, git_tags_url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, issue_comment_url TYPE string, issue_events_url TYPE string, issues_url TYPE string, keys_url TYPE string, labels_url TYPE string, languages_url TYPE string, merges_url TYPE string, milestones_url TYPE string, notifications_url TYPE string, pulls_url TYPE string, releases_url TYPE string, ssh_url TYPE string, stargazers_url TYPE string, statuses_url TYPE string, subscribers_url TYPE string, subscription_url TYPE string, tags_url TYPE string, teams_url TYPE string, trees_url TYPE string, clone_url TYPE string, mirror_url TYPE string, hooks_url TYPE string, svn_url TYPE string, homepage TYPE string, language TYPE string, forks_count TYPE i, stargazers_count TYPE i, watchers_count TYPE i, size TYPE i, default_branch TYPE string, open_issues_count TYPE i, is_template TYPE abap_bool, topics TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array has_issues TYPE abap_bool, has_projects TYPE abap_bool, has_wiki TYPE abap_bool, has_pages TYPE abap_bool, has_downloads TYPE abap_bool, archived TYPE abap_bool, disabled TYPE abap_bool, visibility TYPE string, pushed_at TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, permissions TYPE subfull_repository_permissions, allow_rebase_merge TYPE abap_bool, template_repository TYPE nullable_repository, temp_clone_token TYPE string, allow_squash_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_auto_merge TYPE abap_bool, delete_branch_on_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_merge_commit TYPE abap_bool, allow_forking TYPE abap_bool, subscribers_count TYPE i, network_count TYPE i, license TYPE nullable_license_simple, organization TYPE nullable_simple_user, parent TYPE repository, source TYPE repository, forks TYPE i, master_branch TYPE string, open_issues TYPE i, watchers TYPE i, anonymous_access_enabled TYPE abap_bool, code_of_conduct TYPE code_of_conduct_simple, security_and_analysis TYPE subfull_repository_security_an, END OF full_repository. * Component schema: artifact, object TYPES: BEGIN OF artifact, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, size_in_bytes TYPE i, url TYPE string, archive_download_url TYPE string, expired TYPE abap_bool, created_at TYPE string, expires_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, END OF artifact. * Component schema: job, object TYPES: BEGIN OF job, id TYPE i, run_id TYPE i, run_url TYPE string, run_attempt TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, head_sha TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, status TYPE string, conclusion TYPE string, started_at TYPE string, completed_at TYPE string, name TYPE string, steps TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array check_run_url TYPE string, labels TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array runner_id TYPE i, runner_name TYPE string, runner_group_id TYPE i, runner_group_name TYPE string, END OF job. * Component schema: actions-enabled, boolean TYPES actions_enabled TYPE abap_bool. * Component schema: actions-repository-permissions, object TYPES: BEGIN OF actions_repository_permissions, enabled TYPE actions_enabled, allowed_actions TYPE allowed_actions, selected_actions_url TYPE selected_actions_url, END OF actions_repository_permissions. * Component schema: pull-request-minimal, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubpull_request_minimal_bas, id TYPE i, url TYPE string, name TYPE string, END OF subsubpull_request_minimal_bas. TYPES: BEGIN OF subpull_request_minimal_base, ref TYPE string, sha TYPE string, repo TYPE subsubpull_request_minimal_bas, END OF subpull_request_minimal_base. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubpull_request_minimal_hea, id TYPE i, url TYPE string, name TYPE string, END OF subsubpull_request_minimal_hea. TYPES: BEGIN OF subpull_request_minimal_head, ref TYPE string, sha TYPE string, repo TYPE subsubpull_request_minimal_hea, END OF subpull_request_minimal_head. TYPES: BEGIN OF pull_request_minimal, id TYPE i, number TYPE i, url TYPE string, head TYPE subpull_request_minimal_head, base TYPE subpull_request_minimal_base, END OF pull_request_minimal. * Component schema: nullable-simple-commit, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subnullable_simple_commit_comm, name TYPE string, email TYPE string, END OF subnullable_simple_commit_comm. TYPES: BEGIN OF subnullable_simple_commit_auth, name TYPE string, email TYPE string, END OF subnullable_simple_commit_auth. TYPES: BEGIN OF nullable_simple_commit, id TYPE string, tree_id TYPE string, message TYPE string, timestamp TYPE string, author TYPE subnullable_simple_commit_auth, committer TYPE subnullable_simple_commit_comm, END OF nullable_simple_commit. * Component schema: workflow-run, object TYPES: BEGIN OF workflow_run, id TYPE i, name TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, check_suite_id TYPE i, check_suite_node_id TYPE string, head_branch TYPE string, head_sha TYPE string, run_number TYPE i, run_attempt TYPE i, event TYPE string, status TYPE string, conclusion TYPE string, workflow_id TYPE i, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, pull_requests TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, run_started_at TYPE string, jobs_url TYPE string, logs_url TYPE string, check_suite_url TYPE string, artifacts_url TYPE string, cancel_url TYPE string, rerun_url TYPE string, previous_attempt_url TYPE string, workflow_url TYPE string, head_commit TYPE nullable_simple_commit, repository TYPE minimal_repository, head_repository TYPE minimal_repository, head_repository_id TYPE i, END OF workflow_run. * Component schema: environment-approvals, object TYPES: BEGIN OF environment_approvals, environments TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array state TYPE string, user TYPE simple_user, comment TYPE string, END OF environment_approvals. * Component schema: deployment-reviewer-type, string TYPES deployment_reviewer_type TYPE string. * Component schema: pending-deployment, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subpending_deployment_environm, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, END OF subpending_deployment_environm. TYPES: BEGIN OF pending_deployment, environment TYPE subpending_deployment_environm, wait_timer TYPE i, wait_timer_started_at TYPE string, current_user_can_approve TYPE abap_bool, reviewers TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF pending_deployment. * Component schema: deployment, object TYPES: BEGIN OF deployment, url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, sha TYPE string, ref TYPE string, task TYPE string, payload TYPE string, original_environment TYPE string, environment TYPE string, description TYPE string, creator TYPE nullable_simple_user, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, statuses_url TYPE string, repository_url TYPE string, transient_environment TYPE abap_bool, production_environment TYPE abap_bool, performed_via_github_app TYPE nullable_integration, END OF deployment. * Component schema: workflow-run-usage, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubworkflow_run_usage_bil02, total_ms TYPE i, jobs TYPE i, job_runs TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subsubworkflow_run_usage_bil02. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubworkflow_run_usage_bil01, total_ms TYPE i, jobs TYPE i, job_runs TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subsubworkflow_run_usage_bil01. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubworkflow_run_usage_billa, total_ms TYPE i, jobs TYPE i, job_runs TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subsubworkflow_run_usage_billa. TYPES: BEGIN OF subworkflow_run_usage_billable, ubuntu TYPE subsubworkflow_run_usage_billa, macos TYPE subsubworkflow_run_usage_bil01, windows TYPE subsubworkflow_run_usage_bil02, END OF subworkflow_run_usage_billable. TYPES: BEGIN OF workflow_run_usage, billable TYPE subworkflow_run_usage_billable, run_duration_ms TYPE i, END OF workflow_run_usage. * Component schema: actions-secret, object TYPES: BEGIN OF actions_secret, name TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, END OF actions_secret. * Component schema: workflow, object TYPES: BEGIN OF workflow, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, path TYPE string, state TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, badge_url TYPE string, deleted_at TYPE string, END OF workflow. * Component schema: workflow-usage, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubworkflow_usage_billabl02, total_ms TYPE i, END OF subsubworkflow_usage_billabl02. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubworkflow_usage_billabl01, total_ms TYPE i, END OF subsubworkflow_usage_billabl01. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubworkflow_usage_billable_, total_ms TYPE i, END OF subsubworkflow_usage_billable_. TYPES: BEGIN OF subworkflow_usage_billable, ubuntu TYPE subsubworkflow_usage_billable_, macos TYPE subsubworkflow_usage_billabl01, windows TYPE subsubworkflow_usage_billabl02, END OF subworkflow_usage_billable. TYPES: BEGIN OF workflow_usage, billable TYPE subworkflow_usage_billable, END OF workflow_usage. * Component schema: autolink, object TYPES: BEGIN OF autolink, id TYPE i, key_prefix TYPE string, url_template TYPE string, END OF autolink. * Component schema: protected-branch-required-status-check, object TYPES: BEGIN OF protected_branch_required_stat, url TYPE string, enforcement_level TYPE string, contexts TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array checks TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array contexts_url TYPE string, strict TYPE abap_bool, END OF protected_branch_required_stat. * Component schema: protected-branch-admin-enforced, object TYPES: BEGIN OF protected_branch_admin_enforce, url TYPE string, enabled TYPE abap_bool, END OF protected_branch_admin_enforce. * Component schema: protected-branch-pull-request-review, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subprotected_branch_pull_req01, users TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array teams TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subprotected_branch_pull_req01. TYPES: BEGIN OF subprotected_branch_pull_reque, users TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array teams TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array url TYPE string, users_url TYPE string, teams_url TYPE string, END OF subprotected_branch_pull_reque. TYPES: BEGIN OF protected_branch_pull_request_, url TYPE string, dismissal_restrictions TYPE subprotected_branch_pull_reque, bypass_pull_request_allowances TYPE subprotected_branch_pull_req01, dismiss_stale_reviews TYPE abap_bool, require_code_owner_reviews TYPE abap_bool, required_approving_review_coun TYPE i, END OF protected_branch_pull_request_. * Component schema: branch-restriction-policy, object TYPES: BEGIN OF branch_restriction_policy, url TYPE string, users_url TYPE string, teams_url TYPE string, apps_url TYPE string, users TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array teams TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array apps TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF branch_restriction_policy. * Component schema: branch-protection, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbranch_protection_require02, url TYPE string, enabled TYPE abap_bool, END OF subbranch_protection_require02. TYPES: BEGIN OF subbranch_protection_require01, enabled TYPE abap_bool, END OF subbranch_protection_require01. TYPES: BEGIN OF subbranch_protection_allow_del, enabled TYPE abap_bool, END OF subbranch_protection_allow_del. TYPES: BEGIN OF subbranch_protection_allow_for, enabled TYPE abap_bool, END OF subbranch_protection_allow_for. TYPES: BEGIN OF subbranch_protection_required_, enabled TYPE abap_bool, END OF subbranch_protection_required_. TYPES: BEGIN OF branch_protection, url TYPE string, enabled TYPE abap_bool, required_status_checks TYPE protected_branch_required_stat, enforce_admins TYPE protected_branch_admin_enforce, required_pull_request_reviews TYPE protected_branch_pull_request_, restrictions TYPE branch_restriction_policy, required_linear_history TYPE subbranch_protection_required_, allow_force_pushes TYPE subbranch_protection_allow_for, allow_deletions TYPE subbranch_protection_allow_del, required_conversation_resoluti TYPE subbranch_protection_require01, name TYPE string, protection_url TYPE string, required_signatures TYPE subbranch_protection_require02, END OF branch_protection. * Component schema: short-branch, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subshort_branch_commit, sha TYPE string, url TYPE string, END OF subshort_branch_commit. TYPES: BEGIN OF short_branch, name TYPE string, commit TYPE subshort_branch_commit, protected TYPE abap_bool, protection TYPE branch_protection, protection_url TYPE string, END OF short_branch. * Component schema: nullable-git-user, object TYPES: BEGIN OF nullable_git_user, name TYPE string, email TYPE string, date TYPE string, END OF nullable_git_user. * Component schema: verification, object TYPES: BEGIN OF verification, verified TYPE abap_bool, reason TYPE string, payload TYPE string, signature TYPE string, END OF verification. * Component schema: diff-entry, object TYPES: BEGIN OF diff_entry, sha TYPE string, filename TYPE string, status TYPE string, additions TYPE i, deletions TYPE i, changes TYPE i, blob_url TYPE string, raw_url TYPE string, contents_url TYPE string, patch TYPE string, previous_filename TYPE string, END OF diff_entry. * Component schema: commit, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subcommit_stats, additions TYPE i, deletions TYPE i, total TYPE i, END OF subcommit_stats. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubcommit_commit_tree, sha TYPE string, url TYPE string, END OF subsubcommit_commit_tree. TYPES: BEGIN OF subcommit_commit, url TYPE string, author TYPE nullable_git_user, committer TYPE nullable_git_user, message TYPE string, comment_count TYPE i, tree TYPE subsubcommit_commit_tree, verification TYPE verification, END OF subcommit_commit. TYPES: BEGIN OF commit, url TYPE string, sha TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, commit TYPE subcommit_commit, author TYPE nullable_simple_user, committer TYPE nullable_simple_user, parents TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array stats TYPE subcommit_stats, files TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF commit. * Component schema: branch-with-protection, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbranch_with_protection__lin, html TYPE string, self TYPE string, END OF subbranch_with_protection__lin. TYPES: BEGIN OF branch_with_protection, name TYPE string, commit TYPE commit, _links TYPE subbranch_with_protection__lin, protected TYPE abap_bool, protection TYPE branch_protection, protection_url TYPE string, pattern TYPE string, required_approving_review_coun TYPE i, END OF branch_with_protection. * Component schema: status-check-policy, object TYPES: BEGIN OF status_check_policy, url TYPE string, strict TYPE abap_bool, contexts TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array checks TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array contexts_url TYPE string, END OF status_check_policy. * Component schema: protected-branch, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subprotected_branch_required_c, enabled TYPE abap_bool, END OF subprotected_branch_required_c. TYPES: BEGIN OF subprotected_branch_allow_dele, enabled TYPE abap_bool, END OF subprotected_branch_allow_dele. TYPES: BEGIN OF subprotected_branch_allow_forc, enabled TYPE abap_bool, END OF subprotected_branch_allow_forc. TYPES: BEGIN OF subprotected_branch_required_l, enabled TYPE abap_bool, END OF subprotected_branch_required_l. TYPES: BEGIN OF subprotected_branch_enforce_ad, url TYPE string, enabled TYPE abap_bool, END OF subprotected_branch_enforce_ad. TYPES: BEGIN OF subprotected_branch_required_s, url TYPE string, enabled TYPE abap_bool, END OF subprotected_branch_required_s. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubprotected_branch_requi01, users TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array teams TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subsubprotected_branch_requi01. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubprotected_branch_require, url TYPE string, users_url TYPE string, teams_url TYPE string, users TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array teams TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subsubprotected_branch_require. TYPES: BEGIN OF subprotected_branch_required_p, url TYPE string, dismiss_stale_reviews TYPE abap_bool, require_code_owner_reviews TYPE abap_bool, required_approving_review_coun TYPE i, dismissal_restrictions TYPE subsubprotected_branch_require, bypass_pull_request_allowances TYPE subsubprotected_branch_requi01, END OF subprotected_branch_required_p. TYPES: BEGIN OF protected_branch, url TYPE string, required_status_checks TYPE status_check_policy, required_pull_request_reviews TYPE subprotected_branch_required_p, required_signatures TYPE subprotected_branch_required_s, enforce_admins TYPE subprotected_branch_enforce_ad, required_linear_history TYPE subprotected_branch_required_l, allow_force_pushes TYPE subprotected_branch_allow_forc, allow_deletions TYPE subprotected_branch_allow_dele, restrictions TYPE branch_restriction_policy, required_conversation_resoluti TYPE subprotected_branch_required_c, END OF protected_branch. * Component schema: deployment-simple, object TYPES: BEGIN OF deployment_simple, url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, task TYPE string, original_environment TYPE string, environment TYPE string, description TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, statuses_url TYPE string, repository_url TYPE string, transient_environment TYPE abap_bool, production_environment TYPE abap_bool, performed_via_github_app TYPE nullable_integration, END OF deployment_simple. * Component schema: check-run, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subcheck_run_check_suite, id TYPE i, END OF subcheck_run_check_suite. TYPES: BEGIN OF subcheck_run_output, title TYPE string, summary TYPE string, text TYPE string, annotations_count TYPE i, annotations_url TYPE string, END OF subcheck_run_output. TYPES: BEGIN OF check_run, id TYPE i, head_sha TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, external_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, details_url TYPE string, status TYPE string, conclusion TYPE string, started_at TYPE string, completed_at TYPE string, output TYPE subcheck_run_output, name TYPE string, check_suite TYPE subcheck_run_check_suite, app TYPE nullable_integration, pull_requests TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array deployment TYPE deployment_simple, END OF check_run. * Component schema: check-annotation, object TYPES: BEGIN OF check_annotation, path TYPE string, start_line TYPE i, end_line TYPE i, start_column TYPE i, end_column TYPE i, annotation_level TYPE string, title TYPE string, message TYPE string, raw_details TYPE string, blob_href TYPE string, END OF check_annotation. * Component schema: simple-commit, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subsimple_commit_committer, name TYPE string, email TYPE string, END OF subsimple_commit_committer. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsimple_commit_author, name TYPE string, email TYPE string, END OF subsimple_commit_author. TYPES: BEGIN OF simple_commit, id TYPE string, tree_id TYPE string, message TYPE string, timestamp TYPE string, author TYPE subsimple_commit_author, committer TYPE subsimple_commit_committer, END OF simple_commit. * Component schema: check-suite, object TYPES: BEGIN OF check_suite, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, head_branch TYPE string, head_sha TYPE string, status TYPE string, conclusion TYPE string, url TYPE string, before TYPE string, after TYPE string, pull_requests TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array app TYPE nullable_integration, repository TYPE minimal_repository, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, head_commit TYPE simple_commit, latest_check_runs_count TYPE i, check_runs_url TYPE string, rerequestable TYPE abap_bool, runs_rerequestable TYPE abap_bool, END OF check_suite. * Component schema: check-suite-preference, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subcheck_suite_preference_pref, auto_trigger_checks TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subcheck_suite_preference_pref. TYPES: BEGIN OF check_suite_preference, preferences TYPE subcheck_suite_preference_pref, repository TYPE minimal_repository, END OF check_suite_preference. * Component schema: code-scanning-alert-rule-summary, object TYPES: BEGIN OF code_scanning_alert_rule_summa, id TYPE string, name TYPE string, tags TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array severity TYPE string, description TYPE string, END OF code_scanning_alert_rule_summa. * Component schema: code-scanning-alert-items, object TYPES: BEGIN OF code_scanning_alert_items, number TYPE alert_number, created_at TYPE alert_created_at, updated_at TYPE alert_updated_at, url TYPE alert_url, html_url TYPE alert_html_url, instances_url TYPE alert_instances_url, state TYPE code_scanning_alert_state, fixed_at TYPE code_scanning_alert_fixed_at, dismissed_by TYPE nullable_simple_user, dismissed_at TYPE code_scanning_alert_dismissed_, dismissed_reason TYPE code_scanning_alert_dismisse01, rule TYPE code_scanning_alert_rule_summa, tool TYPE code_scanning_analysis_tool, most_recent_instance TYPE code_scanning_alert_instance, END OF code_scanning_alert_items. * Component schema: code-scanning-alert, object TYPES: BEGIN OF code_scanning_alert, number TYPE alert_number, created_at TYPE alert_created_at, updated_at TYPE alert_updated_at, url TYPE alert_url, html_url TYPE alert_html_url, instances_url TYPE alert_instances_url, state TYPE code_scanning_alert_state, fixed_at TYPE code_scanning_alert_fixed_at, dismissed_by TYPE nullable_simple_user, dismissed_at TYPE code_scanning_alert_dismissed_, dismissed_reason TYPE code_scanning_alert_dismisse01, rule TYPE code_scanning_alert_rule, tool TYPE code_scanning_analysis_tool, most_recent_instance TYPE code_scanning_alert_instance, END OF code_scanning_alert. * Component schema: code-scanning-alert-set-state, string TYPES code_scanning_alert_set_state TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-analysis-sarif-id, string TYPES code_scanning_analysis_sarif_i TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-analysis-commit-sha, string TYPES code_scanning_analysis_commit_ TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-analysis-environment, string TYPES code_scanning_analysis_environ TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-analysis-created-at, string TYPES code_scanning_analysis_created TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-analysis-url, string TYPES code_scanning_analysis_url TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-analysis, object TYPES: BEGIN OF code_scanning_analysis, ref TYPE code_scanning_ref, commit_sha TYPE code_scanning_analysis_commit_, analysis_key TYPE code_scanning_analysis_analysi, environment TYPE code_scanning_analysis_environ, category TYPE code_scanning_analysis_categor, error TYPE string, created_at TYPE code_scanning_analysis_created, results_count TYPE i, rules_count TYPE i, id TYPE i, url TYPE code_scanning_analysis_url, sarif_id TYPE code_scanning_analysis_sarif_i, tool TYPE code_scanning_analysis_tool, deletable TYPE abap_bool, warning TYPE string, END OF code_scanning_analysis. * Component schema: code-scanning-analysis-deletion, object TYPES: BEGIN OF code_scanning_analysis_deletio, next_analysis_url TYPE string, confirm_delete_url TYPE string, END OF code_scanning_analysis_deletio. * Component schema: code-scanning-analysis-sarif-file, string TYPES code_scanning_analysis_sarif_f TYPE string. * Component schema: code-scanning-sarifs-receipt, object TYPES: BEGIN OF code_scanning_sarifs_receipt, id TYPE code_scanning_analysis_sarif_i, url TYPE string, END OF code_scanning_sarifs_receipt. * Component schema: code-scanning-sarifs-status, object TYPES: BEGIN OF code_scanning_sarifs_status, processing_status TYPE string, analyses_url TYPE string, errors TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF code_scanning_sarifs_status. * Component schema: codeowners-errors, object TYPES: BEGIN OF codeowners_errors, errors TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF codeowners_errors. * Component schema: nullable-codespace-machine, object TYPES: BEGIN OF nullable_codespace_machine, name TYPE string, display_name TYPE string, operating_system TYPE string, storage_in_bytes TYPE i, memory_in_bytes TYPE i, cpus TYPE i, prebuild_availability TYPE string, END OF nullable_codespace_machine. * Component schema: codespace, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subcodespace_runtime_constrain, allowed_port_privacy_settings TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subcodespace_runtime_constrain. TYPES: BEGIN OF subcodespace_git_status, ahead TYPE i, behind TYPE i, has_unpushed_changes TYPE abap_bool, has_uncommitted_changes TYPE abap_bool, ref TYPE string, END OF subcodespace_git_status. TYPES: BEGIN OF codespace, id TYPE i, name TYPE string, display_name TYPE string, environment_id TYPE string, owner TYPE simple_user, billable_owner TYPE simple_user, repository TYPE minimal_repository, machine TYPE nullable_codespace_machine, prebuild TYPE abap_bool, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, last_used_at TYPE string, state TYPE string, url TYPE string, git_status TYPE subcodespace_git_status, location TYPE string, idle_timeout_minutes TYPE i, web_url TYPE string, machines_url TYPE string, start_url TYPE string, stop_url TYPE string, pulls_url TYPE string, recent_folders TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array runtime_constraints TYPE subcodespace_runtime_constrain, END OF codespace. * Component schema: codespace-machine, object TYPES: BEGIN OF codespace_machine, name TYPE string, display_name TYPE string, operating_system TYPE string, storage_in_bytes TYPE i, memory_in_bytes TYPE i, cpus TYPE i, prebuild_availability TYPE string, END OF codespace_machine. * Component schema: collaborator, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subcollaborator_permissions, pull TYPE abap_bool, triage TYPE abap_bool, push TYPE abap_bool, maintain TYPE abap_bool, admin TYPE abap_bool, END OF subcollaborator_permissions. TYPES: BEGIN OF collaborator, login TYPE string, id TYPE i, email TYPE string, name TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, avatar_url TYPE string, gravatar_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, followers_url TYPE string, following_url TYPE string, gists_url TYPE string, starred_url TYPE string, subscriptions_url TYPE string, organizations_url TYPE string, repos_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, received_events_url TYPE string, type TYPE string, site_admin TYPE abap_bool, permissions TYPE subcollaborator_permissions, role_name TYPE string, END OF collaborator. * Component schema: repository-invitation, object TYPES: BEGIN OF repository_invitation, id TYPE i, repository TYPE minimal_repository, invitee TYPE nullable_simple_user, inviter TYPE nullable_simple_user, permissions TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, expired TYPE abap_bool, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, END OF repository_invitation. * Component schema: nullable-collaborator, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subnullable_collaborator_permi, pull TYPE abap_bool, triage TYPE abap_bool, push TYPE abap_bool, maintain TYPE abap_bool, admin TYPE abap_bool, END OF subnullable_collaborator_permi. TYPES: BEGIN OF nullable_collaborator, login TYPE string, id TYPE i, email TYPE string, name TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, avatar_url TYPE string, gravatar_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, followers_url TYPE string, following_url TYPE string, gists_url TYPE string, starred_url TYPE string, subscriptions_url TYPE string, organizations_url TYPE string, repos_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, received_events_url TYPE string, type TYPE string, site_admin TYPE abap_bool, permissions TYPE subnullable_collaborator_permi, role_name TYPE string, END OF nullable_collaborator. * Component schema: repository-collaborator-permission, object TYPES: BEGIN OF repository_collaborator_permis, permission TYPE string, role_name TYPE string, user TYPE nullable_collaborator, END OF repository_collaborator_permis. * Component schema: commit-comment, object TYPES: BEGIN OF commit_comment, html_url TYPE string, url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, body TYPE string, path TYPE string, position TYPE i, line TYPE i, commit_id TYPE string, user TYPE nullable_simple_user, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, author_association TYPE author_association, reactions TYPE reaction_rollup, END OF commit_comment. * Component schema: branch-short, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbranch_short_commit, sha TYPE string, url TYPE string, END OF subbranch_short_commit. TYPES: BEGIN OF branch_short, name TYPE string, commit TYPE subbranch_short_commit, protected TYPE abap_bool, END OF branch_short. * Component schema: link, object TYPES: BEGIN OF link, href TYPE string, END OF link. * Component schema: auto_merge, object TYPES: BEGIN OF auto_merge, enabled_by TYPE simple_user, merge_method TYPE string, commit_title TYPE string, commit_message TYPE string, END OF auto_merge. * Component schema: pull-request-simple, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subpull_request_simple__links, comments TYPE link, commits TYPE link, statuses TYPE link, html TYPE link, issue TYPE link, review_comments TYPE link, review_comment TYPE link, self TYPE link, END OF subpull_request_simple__links. TYPES: BEGIN OF subpull_request_simple_base, label TYPE string, ref TYPE string, repo TYPE repository, sha TYPE string, user TYPE nullable_simple_user, END OF subpull_request_simple_base. TYPES: BEGIN OF subpull_request_simple_head, label TYPE string, ref TYPE string, repo TYPE repository, sha TYPE string, user TYPE nullable_simple_user, END OF subpull_request_simple_head. TYPES: BEGIN OF pull_request_simple, url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, diff_url TYPE string, patch_url TYPE string, issue_url TYPE string, commits_url TYPE string, review_comments_url TYPE string, review_comment_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, statuses_url TYPE string, number TYPE i, state TYPE string, locked TYPE abap_bool, title TYPE string, user TYPE nullable_simple_user, body TYPE string, labels TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array milestone TYPE nullable_milestone, active_lock_reason TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, closed_at TYPE string, merged_at TYPE string, merge_commit_sha TYPE string, assignee TYPE nullable_simple_user, assignees TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array requested_reviewers TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array requested_teams TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array head TYPE subpull_request_simple_head, base TYPE subpull_request_simple_base, _links TYPE subpull_request_simple__links, author_association TYPE author_association, auto_merge TYPE auto_merge, draft TYPE abap_bool, END OF pull_request_simple. * Component schema: simple-commit-status, object TYPES: BEGIN OF simple_commit_status, description TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, state TYPE string, context TYPE string, target_url TYPE string, required TYPE abap_bool, avatar_url TYPE string, url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, END OF simple_commit_status. * Component schema: combined-commit-status, object TYPES: BEGIN OF combined_commit_status, state TYPE string, statuses TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array sha TYPE string, total_count TYPE i, repository TYPE minimal_repository, commit_url TYPE string, url TYPE string, END OF combined_commit_status. * Component schema: status, object TYPES: BEGIN OF status, url TYPE string, avatar_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, state TYPE string, description TYPE string, target_url TYPE string, context TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, creator TYPE nullable_simple_user, END OF status. * Component schema: nullable-code-of-conduct-simple, object TYPES: BEGIN OF nullable_code_of_conduct_simpl, url TYPE string, key TYPE string, name TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, END OF nullable_code_of_conduct_simpl. * Component schema: nullable-community-health-file, object TYPES: BEGIN OF nullable_community_health_file, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, END OF nullable_community_health_file. * Component schema: community-profile, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subcommunity_profile_files, code_of_conduct TYPE nullable_code_of_conduct_simpl, code_of_conduct_file TYPE nullable_community_health_file, license TYPE nullable_license_simple, contributing TYPE nullable_community_health_file, readme TYPE nullable_community_health_file, issue_template TYPE nullable_community_health_file, pull_request_template TYPE nullable_community_health_file, END OF subcommunity_profile_files. TYPES: BEGIN OF community_profile, health_percentage TYPE i, description TYPE string, documentation TYPE string, files TYPE subcommunity_profile_files, updated_at TYPE string, content_reports_enabled TYPE abap_bool, END OF community_profile. * Component schema: commit-comparison, object TYPES: BEGIN OF commit_comparison, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, permalink_url TYPE string, diff_url TYPE string, patch_url TYPE string, base_commit TYPE commit, merge_base_commit TYPE commit, status TYPE string, ahead_by TYPE i, behind_by TYPE i, total_commits TYPE i, commits TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array files TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF commit_comparison. * Component schema: content-tree, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subcontent_tree__links, git TYPE string, html TYPE string, self TYPE string, END OF subcontent_tree__links. TYPES: BEGIN OF content_tree, type TYPE string, size TYPE i, name TYPE string, path TYPE string, sha TYPE string, url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, download_url TYPE string, entries TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array _links TYPE subcontent_tree__links, END OF content_tree. * Component schema: content-directory, array TYPES content_directory TYPE string. " array todo * Component schema: content-file, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subcontent_file__links, git TYPE string, html TYPE string, self TYPE string, END OF subcontent_file__links. TYPES: BEGIN OF content_file, type TYPE string, encoding TYPE string, size TYPE i, name TYPE string, path TYPE string, content TYPE string, sha TYPE string, url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, download_url TYPE string, _links TYPE subcontent_file__links, target TYPE string, submodule_git_url TYPE string, END OF content_file. * Component schema: content-symlink, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subcontent_symlink__links, git TYPE string, html TYPE string, self TYPE string, END OF subcontent_symlink__links. TYPES: BEGIN OF content_symlink, type TYPE string, target TYPE string, size TYPE i, name TYPE string, path TYPE string, sha TYPE string, url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, download_url TYPE string, _links TYPE subcontent_symlink__links, END OF content_symlink. * Component schema: content-submodule, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subcontent_submodule__links, git TYPE string, html TYPE string, self TYPE string, END OF subcontent_submodule__links. TYPES: BEGIN OF content_submodule, type TYPE string, submodule_git_url TYPE string, size TYPE i, name TYPE string, path TYPE string, sha TYPE string, url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, download_url TYPE string, _links TYPE subcontent_submodule__links, END OF content_submodule. * Component schema: file-commit, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubfile_commit_commit_verif, verified TYPE abap_bool, reason TYPE string, signature TYPE string, payload TYPE string, END OF subsubfile_commit_commit_verif. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubfile_commit_commit_tree, url TYPE string, sha TYPE string, END OF subsubfile_commit_commit_tree. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubfile_commit_commit_commi, date TYPE string, name TYPE string, email TYPE string, END OF subsubfile_commit_commit_commi. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubfile_commit_commit_autho, date TYPE string, name TYPE string, email TYPE string, END OF subsubfile_commit_commit_autho. TYPES: BEGIN OF subfile_commit_commit, sha TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, author TYPE subsubfile_commit_commit_autho, committer TYPE subsubfile_commit_commit_commi, message TYPE string, tree TYPE subsubfile_commit_commit_tree, parents TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array verification TYPE subsubfile_commit_commit_verif, END OF subfile_commit_commit. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubfile_commit_content__lin, self TYPE string, git TYPE string, html TYPE string, END OF subsubfile_commit_content__lin. TYPES: BEGIN OF subfile_commit_content, name TYPE string, path TYPE string, sha TYPE string, size TYPE i, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, download_url TYPE string, type TYPE string, _links TYPE subsubfile_commit_content__lin, END OF subfile_commit_content. TYPES: BEGIN OF file_commit, content TYPE subfile_commit_content, commit TYPE subfile_commit_commit, END OF file_commit. * Component schema: contributor, object TYPES: BEGIN OF contributor, login TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, avatar_url TYPE string, gravatar_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, followers_url TYPE string, following_url TYPE string, gists_url TYPE string, starred_url TYPE string, subscriptions_url TYPE string, organizations_url TYPE string, repos_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, received_events_url TYPE string, type TYPE string, site_admin TYPE abap_bool, contributions TYPE i, email TYPE string, name TYPE string, END OF contributor. * Component schema: dependabot-secret, object TYPES: BEGIN OF dependabot_secret, name TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, END OF dependabot_secret. * Component schema: deployment-status, object TYPES: BEGIN OF deployment_status, url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, state TYPE string, creator TYPE nullable_simple_user, description TYPE string, environment TYPE string, target_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, deployment_url TYPE string, repository_url TYPE string, environment_url TYPE string, log_url TYPE string, performed_via_github_app TYPE nullable_integration, END OF deployment_status. * Component schema: wait-timer, integer TYPES wait_timer TYPE i. * Component schema: deployment_branch_policy, object TYPES: BEGIN OF deployment_branch_policy, protected_branches TYPE abap_bool, custom_branch_policies TYPE abap_bool, END OF deployment_branch_policy. * Component schema: environment, object TYPES: BEGIN OF environment, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, protection_rules TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array deployment_branch_policy TYPE deployment_branch_policy, END OF environment. * Component schema: short-blob, object TYPES: BEGIN OF short_blob, url TYPE string, sha TYPE string, END OF short_blob. * Component schema: blob, object TYPES: BEGIN OF blob, content TYPE string, encoding TYPE string, url TYPE string, sha TYPE string, size TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, highlighted_content TYPE string, END OF blob. * Component schema: git-commit, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subgit_commit_verification, verified TYPE abap_bool, reason TYPE string, signature TYPE string, payload TYPE string, END OF subgit_commit_verification. TYPES: BEGIN OF subgit_commit_tree, sha TYPE string, url TYPE string, END OF subgit_commit_tree. TYPES: BEGIN OF subgit_commit_committer, date TYPE string, email TYPE string, name TYPE string, END OF subgit_commit_committer. TYPES: BEGIN OF subgit_commit_author, date TYPE string, email TYPE string, name TYPE string, END OF subgit_commit_author. TYPES: BEGIN OF git_commit, sha TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, author TYPE subgit_commit_author, committer TYPE subgit_commit_committer, message TYPE string, tree TYPE subgit_commit_tree, parents TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array verification TYPE subgit_commit_verification, html_url TYPE string, END OF git_commit. * Component schema: git-ref, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subgit_ref_object, type TYPE string, sha TYPE string, url TYPE string, END OF subgit_ref_object. TYPES: BEGIN OF git_ref, ref TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, object TYPE subgit_ref_object, END OF git_ref. * Component schema: git-tag, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subgit_tag_object, sha TYPE string, type TYPE string, url TYPE string, END OF subgit_tag_object. TYPES: BEGIN OF subgit_tag_tagger, date TYPE string, email TYPE string, name TYPE string, END OF subgit_tag_tagger. TYPES: BEGIN OF git_tag, node_id TYPE string, tag TYPE string, sha TYPE string, url TYPE string, message TYPE string, tagger TYPE subgit_tag_tagger, object TYPE subgit_tag_object, verification TYPE verification, END OF git_tag. * Component schema: git-tree, object TYPES: BEGIN OF git_tree, sha TYPE string, url TYPE string, truncated TYPE abap_bool, tree TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF git_tree. * Component schema: hook-response, object TYPES: BEGIN OF hook_response, code TYPE i, status TYPE string, message TYPE string, END OF hook_response. * Component schema: hook, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subhook_config, email TYPE string, password TYPE string, room TYPE string, subdomain TYPE string, url TYPE webhook_config_url, insecure_ssl TYPE webhook_config_insecure_ssl, content_type TYPE webhook_config_content_type, digest TYPE string, secret TYPE webhook_config_secret, token TYPE string, END OF subhook_config. TYPES: BEGIN OF hook, type TYPE string, id TYPE i, name TYPE string, active TYPE abap_bool, events TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array config TYPE subhook_config, updated_at TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, url TYPE string, test_url TYPE string, ping_url TYPE string, deliveries_url TYPE string, last_response TYPE hook_response, END OF hook. * Component schema: import, object TYPES: BEGIN OF import, vcs TYPE string, use_lfs TYPE abap_bool, vcs_url TYPE string, svc_root TYPE string, tfvc_project TYPE string, status TYPE string, status_text TYPE string, failed_step TYPE string, error_message TYPE string, import_percent TYPE i, commit_count TYPE i, push_percent TYPE i, has_large_files TYPE abap_bool, large_files_size TYPE i, large_files_count TYPE i, project_choices TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array message TYPE string, authors_count TYPE i, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, authors_url TYPE string, repository_url TYPE string, svn_root TYPE string, END OF import. * Component schema: porter-author, object TYPES: BEGIN OF porter_author, id TYPE i, remote_id TYPE string, remote_name TYPE string, email TYPE string, name TYPE string, url TYPE string, import_url TYPE string, END OF porter_author. * Component schema: porter-large-file, object TYPES: BEGIN OF porter_large_file, ref_name TYPE string, path TYPE string, oid TYPE string, size TYPE i, END OF porter_large_file. * Component schema: nullable-issue, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subnullable_issue_pull_request, merged_at TYPE string, diff_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, patch_url TYPE string, url TYPE string, END OF subnullable_issue_pull_request. TYPES: BEGIN OF nullable_issue, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, repository_url TYPE string, labels_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, number TYPE i, state TYPE string, title TYPE string, body TYPE string, user TYPE nullable_simple_user, labels TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array assignee TYPE nullable_simple_user, assignees TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array milestone TYPE nullable_milestone, locked TYPE abap_bool, active_lock_reason TYPE string, comments TYPE i, pull_request TYPE subnullable_issue_pull_request, closed_at TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, draft TYPE abap_bool, closed_by TYPE nullable_simple_user, body_html TYPE string, body_text TYPE string, timeline_url TYPE string, repository TYPE repository, performed_via_github_app TYPE nullable_integration, author_association TYPE author_association, reactions TYPE reaction_rollup, END OF nullable_issue. * Component schema: issue-event-label, object TYPES: BEGIN OF issue_event_label, name TYPE string, color TYPE string, END OF issue_event_label. * Component schema: issue-event-dismissed-review, object TYPES: BEGIN OF issue_event_dismissed_review, state TYPE string, review_id TYPE i, dismissal_message TYPE string, dismissal_commit_id TYPE string, END OF issue_event_dismissed_review. * Component schema: issue-event-milestone, object TYPES: BEGIN OF issue_event_milestone, title TYPE string, END OF issue_event_milestone. * Component schema: issue-event-project-card, object TYPES: BEGIN OF issue_event_project_card, url TYPE string, id TYPE i, project_url TYPE string, project_id TYPE i, column_name TYPE string, previous_column_name TYPE string, END OF issue_event_project_card. * Component schema: issue-event-rename, object TYPES: BEGIN OF issue_event_rename, from TYPE string, to TYPE string, END OF issue_event_rename. * Component schema: issue-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF issue_event, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, actor TYPE nullable_simple_user, event TYPE string, commit_id TYPE string, commit_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, issue TYPE nullable_issue, label TYPE issue_event_label, assignee TYPE nullable_simple_user, assigner TYPE nullable_simple_user, review_requester TYPE nullable_simple_user, requested_reviewer TYPE nullable_simple_user, requested_team TYPE team, dismissed_review TYPE issue_event_dismissed_review, milestone TYPE issue_event_milestone, project_card TYPE issue_event_project_card, rename TYPE issue_event_rename, author_association TYPE author_association, lock_reason TYPE string, performed_via_github_app TYPE nullable_integration, END OF issue_event. * Component schema: labeled-issue-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF sublabeled_issue_event_label, name TYPE string, color TYPE string, END OF sublabeled_issue_event_label. TYPES: BEGIN OF labeled_issue_event, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, actor TYPE simple_user, event TYPE string, commit_id TYPE string, commit_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, performed_via_github_app TYPE nullable_integration, label TYPE sublabeled_issue_event_label, END OF labeled_issue_event. * Component schema: unlabeled-issue-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subunlabeled_issue_event_label, name TYPE string, color TYPE string, END OF subunlabeled_issue_event_label. TYPES: BEGIN OF unlabeled_issue_event, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, actor TYPE simple_user, event TYPE string, commit_id TYPE string, commit_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, performed_via_github_app TYPE nullable_integration, label TYPE subunlabeled_issue_event_label, END OF unlabeled_issue_event. * Component schema: assigned-issue-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF assigned_issue_event, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, actor TYPE simple_user, event TYPE string, commit_id TYPE string, commit_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, performed_via_github_app TYPE integration, assignee TYPE simple_user, assigner TYPE simple_user, END OF assigned_issue_event. * Component schema: unassigned-issue-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF unassigned_issue_event, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, actor TYPE simple_user, event TYPE string, commit_id TYPE string, commit_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, performed_via_github_app TYPE nullable_integration, assignee TYPE simple_user, assigner TYPE simple_user, END OF unassigned_issue_event. * Component schema: milestoned-issue-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF submilestoned_issue_event_mile, title TYPE string, END OF submilestoned_issue_event_mile. TYPES: BEGIN OF milestoned_issue_event, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, actor TYPE simple_user, event TYPE string, commit_id TYPE string, commit_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, performed_via_github_app TYPE nullable_integration, milestone TYPE submilestoned_issue_event_mile, END OF milestoned_issue_event. * Component schema: demilestoned-issue-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subdemilestoned_issue_event_mi, title TYPE string, END OF subdemilestoned_issue_event_mi. TYPES: BEGIN OF demilestoned_issue_event, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, actor TYPE simple_user, event TYPE string, commit_id TYPE string, commit_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, performed_via_github_app TYPE nullable_integration, milestone TYPE subdemilestoned_issue_event_mi, END OF demilestoned_issue_event. * Component schema: renamed-issue-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subrenamed_issue_event_rename, from TYPE string, to TYPE string, END OF subrenamed_issue_event_rename. TYPES: BEGIN OF renamed_issue_event, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, actor TYPE simple_user, event TYPE string, commit_id TYPE string, commit_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, performed_via_github_app TYPE nullable_integration, rename TYPE subrenamed_issue_event_rename, END OF renamed_issue_event. * Component schema: review-requested-issue-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF review_requested_issue_event, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, actor TYPE simple_user, event TYPE string, commit_id TYPE string, commit_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, performed_via_github_app TYPE nullable_integration, review_requester TYPE simple_user, requested_team TYPE team, requested_reviewer TYPE simple_user, END OF review_requested_issue_event. * Component schema: review-request-removed-issue-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF review_request_removed_issue_e, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, actor TYPE simple_user, event TYPE string, commit_id TYPE string, commit_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, performed_via_github_app TYPE nullable_integration, review_requester TYPE simple_user, requested_team TYPE team, requested_reviewer TYPE simple_user, END OF review_request_removed_issue_e. * Component schema: review-dismissed-issue-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subreview_dismissed_issue_even, state TYPE string, review_id TYPE i, dismissal_message TYPE string, dismissal_commit_id TYPE string, END OF subreview_dismissed_issue_even. TYPES: BEGIN OF review_dismissed_issue_event, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, actor TYPE simple_user, event TYPE string, commit_id TYPE string, commit_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, performed_via_github_app TYPE nullable_integration, dismissed_review TYPE subreview_dismissed_issue_even, END OF review_dismissed_issue_event. * Component schema: locked-issue-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF locked_issue_event, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, actor TYPE simple_user, event TYPE string, commit_id TYPE string, commit_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, performed_via_github_app TYPE nullable_integration, lock_reason TYPE string, END OF locked_issue_event. * Component schema: added-to-project-issue-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subadded_to_project_issue_even, id TYPE i, url TYPE string, project_id TYPE i, project_url TYPE string, column_name TYPE string, previous_column_name TYPE string, END OF subadded_to_project_issue_even. TYPES: BEGIN OF added_to_project_issue_event, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, actor TYPE simple_user, event TYPE string, commit_id TYPE string, commit_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, performed_via_github_app TYPE nullable_integration, project_card TYPE subadded_to_project_issue_even, END OF added_to_project_issue_event. * Component schema: moved-column-in-project-issue-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF submoved_column_in_project_iss, id TYPE i, url TYPE string, project_id TYPE i, project_url TYPE string, column_name TYPE string, previous_column_name TYPE string, END OF submoved_column_in_project_iss. TYPES: BEGIN OF moved_column_in_project_issue_, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, actor TYPE simple_user, event TYPE string, commit_id TYPE string, commit_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, performed_via_github_app TYPE nullable_integration, project_card TYPE submoved_column_in_project_iss, END OF moved_column_in_project_issue_. * Component schema: removed-from-project-issue-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subremoved_from_project_issue_, id TYPE i, url TYPE string, project_id TYPE i, project_url TYPE string, column_name TYPE string, previous_column_name TYPE string, END OF subremoved_from_project_issue_. TYPES: BEGIN OF removed_from_project_issue_eve, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, actor TYPE simple_user, event TYPE string, commit_id TYPE string, commit_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, performed_via_github_app TYPE nullable_integration, project_card TYPE subremoved_from_project_issue_, END OF removed_from_project_issue_eve. * Component schema: converted-note-to-issue-issue-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subconverted_note_to_issue_iss, id TYPE i, url TYPE string, project_id TYPE i, project_url TYPE string, column_name TYPE string, previous_column_name TYPE string, END OF subconverted_note_to_issue_iss. TYPES: BEGIN OF converted_note_to_issue_issue_, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, actor TYPE simple_user, event TYPE string, commit_id TYPE string, commit_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, performed_via_github_app TYPE integration, project_card TYPE subconverted_note_to_issue_iss, END OF converted_note_to_issue_issue_. * Component schema: issue-event-for-issue, string TYPES issue_event_for_issue TYPE string. * Component schema: label, object TYPES: BEGIN OF label, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, name TYPE string, description TYPE string, color TYPE string, default TYPE abap_bool, END OF label. * Component schema: timeline-comment-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF timeline_comment_event, event TYPE string, actor TYPE simple_user, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, body TYPE string, body_text TYPE string, body_html TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, user TYPE simple_user, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, issue_url TYPE string, author_association TYPE author_association, performed_via_github_app TYPE nullable_integration, reactions TYPE reaction_rollup, END OF timeline_comment_event. * Component schema: timeline-cross-referenced-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subtimeline_cross_referenced_e, type TYPE string, issue TYPE issue, END OF subtimeline_cross_referenced_e. TYPES: BEGIN OF timeline_cross_referenced_even, event TYPE string, actor TYPE simple_user, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, source TYPE subtimeline_cross_referenced_e, END OF timeline_cross_referenced_even. * Component schema: timeline-committed-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subtimeline_committed_event_ve, verified TYPE abap_bool, reason TYPE string, signature TYPE string, payload TYPE string, END OF subtimeline_committed_event_ve. TYPES: BEGIN OF subtimeline_committed_event_tr, sha TYPE string, url TYPE string, END OF subtimeline_committed_event_tr. TYPES: BEGIN OF subtimeline_committed_event_co, date TYPE string, email TYPE string, name TYPE string, END OF subtimeline_committed_event_co. TYPES: BEGIN OF subtimeline_committed_event_au, date TYPE string, email TYPE string, name TYPE string, END OF subtimeline_committed_event_au. TYPES: BEGIN OF timeline_committed_event, event TYPE string, sha TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, author TYPE subtimeline_committed_event_au, committer TYPE subtimeline_committed_event_co, message TYPE string, tree TYPE subtimeline_committed_event_tr, parents TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array verification TYPE subtimeline_committed_event_ve, html_url TYPE string, END OF timeline_committed_event. * Component schema: timeline-reviewed-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubtimeline_reviewed_even01, href TYPE string, END OF subsubtimeline_reviewed_even01. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubtimeline_reviewed_event_, href TYPE string, END OF subsubtimeline_reviewed_event_. TYPES: BEGIN OF subtimeline_reviewed_event__li, html TYPE subsubtimeline_reviewed_event_, pull_request TYPE subsubtimeline_reviewed_even01, END OF subtimeline_reviewed_event__li. TYPES: BEGIN OF timeline_reviewed_event, event TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, user TYPE simple_user, body TYPE string, state TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, pull_request_url TYPE string, _links TYPE subtimeline_reviewed_event__li, submitted_at TYPE string, commit_id TYPE string, body_html TYPE string, body_text TYPE string, author_association TYPE author_association, END OF timeline_reviewed_event. * Component schema: pull-request-review-comment, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubpull_request_review_co02, href TYPE string, END OF subsubpull_request_review_co02. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubpull_request_review_co01, href TYPE string, END OF subsubpull_request_review_co01. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubpull_request_review_comm, href TYPE string, END OF subsubpull_request_review_comm. TYPES: BEGIN OF subpull_request_review_comment, self TYPE subsubpull_request_review_comm, html TYPE subsubpull_request_review_co01, pull_request TYPE subsubpull_request_review_co02, END OF subpull_request_review_comment. TYPES: BEGIN OF pull_request_review_comment, url TYPE string, pull_request_review_id TYPE i, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, diff_hunk TYPE string, path TYPE string, position TYPE i, original_position TYPE i, commit_id TYPE string, original_commit_id TYPE string, in_reply_to_id TYPE i, user TYPE simple_user, body TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, pull_request_url TYPE string, author_association TYPE author_association, _links TYPE subpull_request_review_comment, start_line TYPE i, original_start_line TYPE i, start_side TYPE string, line TYPE i, original_line TYPE i, side TYPE string, reactions TYPE reaction_rollup, body_html TYPE string, body_text TYPE string, END OF pull_request_review_comment. * Component schema: timeline-line-commented-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF timeline_line_commented_event, event TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, comments TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF timeline_line_commented_event. * Component schema: timeline-commit-commented-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF timeline_commit_commented_even, event TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, commit_id TYPE string, comments TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF timeline_commit_commented_even. * Component schema: timeline-assigned-issue-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF timeline_assigned_issue_event, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, actor TYPE simple_user, event TYPE string, commit_id TYPE string, commit_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, performed_via_github_app TYPE nullable_integration, assignee TYPE simple_user, END OF timeline_assigned_issue_event. * Component schema: timeline-unassigned-issue-event, object TYPES: BEGIN OF timeline_unassigned_issue_even, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, actor TYPE simple_user, event TYPE string, commit_id TYPE string, commit_url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, performed_via_github_app TYPE nullable_integration, assignee TYPE simple_user, END OF timeline_unassigned_issue_even. * Component schema: timeline-issue-events, object TYPES: BEGIN OF timeline_issue_events, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF timeline_issue_events. * Component schema: deploy-key, object TYPES: BEGIN OF deploy_key, id TYPE i, key TYPE string, url TYPE string, title TYPE string, verified TYPE abap_bool, created_at TYPE string, read_only TYPE abap_bool, END OF deploy_key. * Component schema: language, object TYPES: BEGIN OF language, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF language. * Component schema: license-content, object TYPES: BEGIN OF sublicense_content__links, git TYPE string, html TYPE string, self TYPE string, END OF sublicense_content__links. TYPES: BEGIN OF license_content, name TYPE string, path TYPE string, sha TYPE string, size TYPE i, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, download_url TYPE string, type TYPE string, content TYPE string, encoding TYPE string, _links TYPE sublicense_content__links, license TYPE nullable_license_simple, END OF license_content. * Component schema: merged-upstream, object TYPES: BEGIN OF merged_upstream, message TYPE string, merge_type TYPE string, base_branch TYPE string, END OF merged_upstream. * Component schema: milestone, object TYPES: BEGIN OF milestone, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, labels_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, number TYPE i, state TYPE string, title TYPE string, description TYPE string, creator TYPE nullable_simple_user, open_issues TYPE i, closed_issues TYPE i, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, closed_at TYPE string, due_on TYPE string, END OF milestone. * Component schema: pages-source-hash, object TYPES: BEGIN OF pages_source_hash, branch TYPE string, path TYPE string, END OF pages_source_hash. * Component schema: pages-https-certificate, object TYPES: BEGIN OF pages_https_certificate, state TYPE string, description TYPE string, domains TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array expires_at TYPE string, END OF pages_https_certificate. * Component schema: page, object TYPES: BEGIN OF page, url TYPE string, status TYPE string, cname TYPE string, protected_domain_state TYPE string, pending_domain_unverified_at TYPE string, custom_404 TYPE abap_bool, html_url TYPE string, source TYPE pages_source_hash, public TYPE abap_bool, https_certificate TYPE pages_https_certificate, https_enforced TYPE abap_bool, END OF page. * Component schema: page-build, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subpage_build_error, message TYPE string, END OF subpage_build_error. TYPES: BEGIN OF page_build, url TYPE string, status TYPE string, error TYPE subpage_build_error, pusher TYPE nullable_simple_user, commit TYPE string, duration TYPE i, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, END OF page_build. * Component schema: page-build-status, object TYPES: BEGIN OF page_build_status, url TYPE string, status TYPE string, END OF page_build_status. * Component schema: pages-health-check, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subpages_health_check_alt_doma, host TYPE string, uri TYPE string, nameservers TYPE string, dns_resolves TYPE abap_bool, is_proxied TYPE abap_bool, is_cloudflare_ip TYPE abap_bool, is_fastly_ip TYPE abap_bool, is_old_ip_address TYPE abap_bool, is_a_record TYPE abap_bool, has_cname_record TYPE abap_bool, has_mx_records_present TYPE abap_bool, is_valid_domain TYPE abap_bool, is_apex_domain TYPE abap_bool, should_be_a_record TYPE abap_bool, is_cname_to_github_user_domain TYPE abap_bool, is_cname_to_pages_dot_github_d TYPE abap_bool, is_cname_to_fastly TYPE abap_bool, is_pointed_to_github_pages_ip TYPE abap_bool, is_non_github_pages_ip_present TYPE abap_bool, is_pages_domain TYPE abap_bool, is_served_by_pages TYPE abap_bool, is_valid TYPE abap_bool, reason TYPE string, responds_to_https TYPE abap_bool, enforces_https TYPE abap_bool, https_error TYPE string, is_https_eligible TYPE abap_bool, caa_error TYPE string, END OF subpages_health_check_alt_doma. TYPES: BEGIN OF subpages_health_check_domain, host TYPE string, uri TYPE string, nameservers TYPE string, dns_resolves TYPE abap_bool, is_proxied TYPE abap_bool, is_cloudflare_ip TYPE abap_bool, is_fastly_ip TYPE abap_bool, is_old_ip_address TYPE abap_bool, is_a_record TYPE abap_bool, has_cname_record TYPE abap_bool, has_mx_records_present TYPE abap_bool, is_valid_domain TYPE abap_bool, is_apex_domain TYPE abap_bool, should_be_a_record TYPE abap_bool, is_cname_to_github_user_domain TYPE abap_bool, is_cname_to_pages_dot_github_d TYPE abap_bool, is_cname_to_fastly TYPE abap_bool, is_pointed_to_github_pages_ip TYPE abap_bool, is_non_github_pages_ip_present TYPE abap_bool, is_pages_domain TYPE abap_bool, is_served_by_pages TYPE abap_bool, is_valid TYPE abap_bool, reason TYPE string, responds_to_https TYPE abap_bool, enforces_https TYPE abap_bool, https_error TYPE string, is_https_eligible TYPE abap_bool, caa_error TYPE string, END OF subpages_health_check_domain. TYPES: BEGIN OF pages_health_check, domain TYPE subpages_health_check_domain, alt_domain TYPE subpages_health_check_alt_doma, END OF pages_health_check. * Component schema: team-simple, object TYPES: BEGIN OF team_simple, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, members_url TYPE string, name TYPE string, description TYPE string, permission TYPE string, privacy TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, repositories_url TYPE string, slug TYPE string, ldap_dn TYPE string, END OF team_simple. * Component schema: pull-request, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subpull_request__links, comments TYPE link, commits TYPE link, statuses TYPE link, html TYPE link, issue TYPE link, review_comments TYPE link, review_comment TYPE link, self TYPE link, END OF subpull_request__links. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubpull_request_base_user, avatar_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, followers_url TYPE string, following_url TYPE string, gists_url TYPE string, gravatar_id TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, login TYPE string, organizations_url TYPE string, received_events_url TYPE string, repos_url TYPE string, site_admin TYPE abap_bool, starred_url TYPE string, subscriptions_url TYPE string, type TYPE string, url TYPE string, END OF subsubpull_request_base_user. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubsubpull_request_base_r01, admin TYPE abap_bool, maintain TYPE abap_bool, push TYPE abap_bool, triage TYPE abap_bool, pull TYPE abap_bool, END OF subsubsubpull_request_base_r01. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubsubpull_request_base_rep, avatar_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, followers_url TYPE string, following_url TYPE string, gists_url TYPE string, gravatar_id TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, login TYPE string, organizations_url TYPE string, received_events_url TYPE string, repos_url TYPE string, site_admin TYPE abap_bool, starred_url TYPE string, subscriptions_url TYPE string, type TYPE string, url TYPE string, END OF subsubsubpull_request_base_rep. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubpull_request_base_repo, archive_url TYPE string, assignees_url TYPE string, blobs_url TYPE string, branches_url TYPE string, collaborators_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, commits_url TYPE string, compare_url TYPE string, contents_url TYPE string, contributors_url TYPE string, deployments_url TYPE string, description TYPE string, downloads_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, fork TYPE abap_bool, forks_url TYPE string, full_name TYPE string, git_commits_url TYPE string, git_refs_url TYPE string, git_tags_url TYPE string, hooks_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, is_template TYPE abap_bool, node_id TYPE string, issue_comment_url TYPE string, issue_events_url TYPE string, issues_url TYPE string, keys_url TYPE string, labels_url TYPE string, languages_url TYPE string, merges_url TYPE string, milestones_url TYPE string, name TYPE string, notifications_url TYPE string, owner TYPE subsubsubpull_request_base_rep, private TYPE abap_bool, pulls_url TYPE string, releases_url TYPE string, stargazers_url TYPE string, statuses_url TYPE string, subscribers_url TYPE string, subscription_url TYPE string, tags_url TYPE string, teams_url TYPE string, trees_url TYPE string, url TYPE string, clone_url TYPE string, default_branch TYPE string, forks TYPE i, forks_count TYPE i, git_url TYPE string, has_downloads TYPE abap_bool, has_issues TYPE abap_bool, has_projects TYPE abap_bool, has_wiki TYPE abap_bool, has_pages TYPE abap_bool, homepage TYPE string, language TYPE string, master_branch TYPE string, archived TYPE abap_bool, disabled TYPE abap_bool, visibility TYPE string, mirror_url TYPE string, open_issues TYPE i, open_issues_count TYPE i, permissions TYPE subsubsubpull_request_base_r01, temp_clone_token TYPE string, allow_merge_commit TYPE abap_bool, allow_squash_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_rebase_merge TYPE abap_bool, license TYPE nullable_license_simple, pushed_at TYPE string, size TYPE i, ssh_url TYPE string, stargazers_count TYPE i, svn_url TYPE string, topics TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array watchers TYPE i, watchers_count TYPE i, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, allow_forking TYPE abap_bool, END OF subsubpull_request_base_repo. TYPES: BEGIN OF subpull_request_base, label TYPE string, ref TYPE string, repo TYPE subsubpull_request_base_repo, sha TYPE string, user TYPE subsubpull_request_base_user, END OF subpull_request_base. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubpull_request_head_user, avatar_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, followers_url TYPE string, following_url TYPE string, gists_url TYPE string, gravatar_id TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, login TYPE string, organizations_url TYPE string, received_events_url TYPE string, repos_url TYPE string, site_admin TYPE abap_bool, starred_url TYPE string, subscriptions_url TYPE string, type TYPE string, url TYPE string, END OF subsubpull_request_head_user. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubsubpull_request_head_r02, key TYPE string, name TYPE string, url TYPE string, spdx_id TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, END OF subsubsubpull_request_head_r02. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubsubpull_request_head_r01, admin TYPE abap_bool, maintain TYPE abap_bool, push TYPE abap_bool, triage TYPE abap_bool, pull TYPE abap_bool, END OF subsubsubpull_request_head_r01. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubsubpull_request_head_rep, avatar_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, followers_url TYPE string, following_url TYPE string, gists_url TYPE string, gravatar_id TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, login TYPE string, organizations_url TYPE string, received_events_url TYPE string, repos_url TYPE string, site_admin TYPE abap_bool, starred_url TYPE string, subscriptions_url TYPE string, type TYPE string, url TYPE string, END OF subsubsubpull_request_head_rep. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubpull_request_head_repo, archive_url TYPE string, assignees_url TYPE string, blobs_url TYPE string, branches_url TYPE string, collaborators_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, commits_url TYPE string, compare_url TYPE string, contents_url TYPE string, contributors_url TYPE string, deployments_url TYPE string, description TYPE string, downloads_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, fork TYPE abap_bool, forks_url TYPE string, full_name TYPE string, git_commits_url TYPE string, git_refs_url TYPE string, git_tags_url TYPE string, hooks_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, issue_comment_url TYPE string, issue_events_url TYPE string, issues_url TYPE string, keys_url TYPE string, labels_url TYPE string, languages_url TYPE string, merges_url TYPE string, milestones_url TYPE string, name TYPE string, notifications_url TYPE string, owner TYPE subsubsubpull_request_head_rep, private TYPE abap_bool, pulls_url TYPE string, releases_url TYPE string, stargazers_url TYPE string, statuses_url TYPE string, subscribers_url TYPE string, subscription_url TYPE string, tags_url TYPE string, teams_url TYPE string, trees_url TYPE string, url TYPE string, clone_url TYPE string, default_branch TYPE string, forks TYPE i, forks_count TYPE i, git_url TYPE string, has_downloads TYPE abap_bool, has_issues TYPE abap_bool, has_projects TYPE abap_bool, has_wiki TYPE abap_bool, has_pages TYPE abap_bool, homepage TYPE string, language TYPE string, master_branch TYPE string, archived TYPE abap_bool, disabled TYPE abap_bool, visibility TYPE string, mirror_url TYPE string, open_issues TYPE i, open_issues_count TYPE i, permissions TYPE subsubsubpull_request_head_r01, temp_clone_token TYPE string, allow_merge_commit TYPE abap_bool, allow_squash_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_rebase_merge TYPE abap_bool, license TYPE subsubsubpull_request_head_r02, pushed_at TYPE string, size TYPE i, ssh_url TYPE string, stargazers_count TYPE i, svn_url TYPE string, topics TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array watchers TYPE i, watchers_count TYPE i, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, allow_forking TYPE abap_bool, is_template TYPE abap_bool, END OF subsubpull_request_head_repo. TYPES: BEGIN OF subpull_request_head, label TYPE string, ref TYPE string, repo TYPE subsubpull_request_head_repo, sha TYPE string, user TYPE subsubpull_request_head_user, END OF subpull_request_head. TYPES: BEGIN OF pull_request, url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, diff_url TYPE string, patch_url TYPE string, issue_url TYPE string, commits_url TYPE string, review_comments_url TYPE string, review_comment_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, statuses_url TYPE string, number TYPE i, state TYPE string, locked TYPE abap_bool, title TYPE string, user TYPE nullable_simple_user, body TYPE string, labels TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array milestone TYPE nullable_milestone, active_lock_reason TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, closed_at TYPE string, merged_at TYPE string, merge_commit_sha TYPE string, assignee TYPE nullable_simple_user, assignees TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array requested_reviewers TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array requested_teams TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array head TYPE subpull_request_head, base TYPE subpull_request_base, _links TYPE subpull_request__links, author_association TYPE author_association, auto_merge TYPE auto_merge, draft TYPE abap_bool, merged TYPE abap_bool, mergeable TYPE abap_bool, rebaseable TYPE abap_bool, mergeable_state TYPE string, merged_by TYPE nullable_simple_user, comments TYPE i, review_comments TYPE i, maintainer_can_modify TYPE abap_bool, commits TYPE i, additions TYPE i, deletions TYPE i, changed_files TYPE i, END OF pull_request. * Component schema: pull-request-merge-result, object TYPES: BEGIN OF pull_request_merge_result, sha TYPE string, merged TYPE abap_bool, message TYPE string, END OF pull_request_merge_result. * Component schema: pull-request-review-request, object TYPES: BEGIN OF pull_request_review_request, users TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array teams TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF pull_request_review_request. * Component schema: pull-request-review, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubpull_request_review__l01, href TYPE string, END OF subsubpull_request_review__l01. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubpull_request_review__lin, href TYPE string, END OF subsubpull_request_review__lin. TYPES: BEGIN OF subpull_request_review__links, html TYPE subsubpull_request_review__lin, pull_request TYPE subsubpull_request_review__l01, END OF subpull_request_review__links. TYPES: BEGIN OF pull_request_review, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, user TYPE nullable_simple_user, body TYPE string, state TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, pull_request_url TYPE string, _links TYPE subpull_request_review__links, submitted_at TYPE string, commit_id TYPE string, body_html TYPE string, body_text TYPE string, author_association TYPE author_association, END OF pull_request_review. * Component schema: review-comment, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subreview_comment__links, self TYPE link, html TYPE link, pull_request TYPE link, END OF subreview_comment__links. TYPES: BEGIN OF review_comment, url TYPE string, pull_request_review_id TYPE i, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, diff_hunk TYPE string, path TYPE string, position TYPE i, original_position TYPE i, commit_id TYPE string, original_commit_id TYPE string, in_reply_to_id TYPE i, user TYPE nullable_simple_user, body TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, pull_request_url TYPE string, author_association TYPE author_association, _links TYPE subreview_comment__links, body_text TYPE string, body_html TYPE string, reactions TYPE reaction_rollup, side TYPE string, start_side TYPE string, line TYPE i, original_line TYPE i, start_line TYPE i, original_start_line TYPE i, END OF review_comment. * Component schema: release-asset, object TYPES: BEGIN OF release_asset, url TYPE string, browser_download_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, label TYPE string, state TYPE string, content_type TYPE string, size TYPE i, download_count TYPE i, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, uploader TYPE nullable_simple_user, END OF release_asset. * Component schema: release, object TYPES: BEGIN OF release, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, assets_url TYPE string, upload_url TYPE string, tarball_url TYPE string, zipball_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, tag_name TYPE string, target_commitish TYPE string, name TYPE string, body TYPE string, draft TYPE abap_bool, prerelease TYPE abap_bool, created_at TYPE string, published_at TYPE string, author TYPE simple_user, assets TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array body_html TYPE string, body_text TYPE string, mentions_count TYPE i, discussion_url TYPE string, reactions TYPE reaction_rollup, END OF release. * Component schema: release-notes-content, object TYPES: BEGIN OF release_notes_content, name TYPE string, body TYPE string, END OF release_notes_content. * Component schema: secret-scanning-alert, object TYPES: BEGIN OF secret_scanning_alert, number TYPE alert_number, created_at TYPE alert_created_at, url TYPE alert_url, html_url TYPE alert_html_url, locations_url TYPE string, state TYPE secret_scanning_alert_state, resolution TYPE secret_scanning_alert_resoluti, resolved_at TYPE string, resolved_by TYPE nullable_simple_user, secret_type TYPE string, secret TYPE string, END OF secret_scanning_alert. * Component schema: secret-scanning-location-commit, object TYPES: BEGIN OF secret_scanning_location_commi, path TYPE string, start_line TYPE f, end_line TYPE f, start_column TYPE f, end_column TYPE f, blob_sha TYPE string, blob_url TYPE string, commit_sha TYPE string, commit_url TYPE string, END OF secret_scanning_location_commi. * Component schema: secret-scanning-location, object TYPES: BEGIN OF secret_scanning_location, type TYPE string, details TYPE string, END OF secret_scanning_location. * Component schema: stargazer, object TYPES: BEGIN OF stargazer, starred_at TYPE string, user TYPE nullable_simple_user, END OF stargazer. * Component schema: code-frequency-stat, array TYPES code_frequency_stat TYPE string. " array todo * Component schema: commit-activity, object TYPES: BEGIN OF commit_activity, days TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array total TYPE i, week TYPE i, END OF commit_activity. * Component schema: contributor-activity, object TYPES: BEGIN OF contributor_activity, author TYPE nullable_simple_user, total TYPE i, weeks TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF contributor_activity. * Component schema: participation-stats, object TYPES: BEGIN OF participation_stats, all TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array owner TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF participation_stats. * Component schema: repository-subscription, object TYPES: BEGIN OF repository_subscription, subscribed TYPE abap_bool, ignored TYPE abap_bool, reason TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, url TYPE string, repository_url TYPE string, END OF repository_subscription. * Component schema: tag, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subtag_commit, sha TYPE string, url TYPE string, END OF subtag_commit. TYPES: BEGIN OF tag, name TYPE string, commit TYPE subtag_commit, zipball_url TYPE string, tarball_url TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, END OF tag. * Component schema: topic, object TYPES: BEGIN OF topic, names TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF topic. * Component schema: traffic, object TYPES: BEGIN OF traffic, timestamp TYPE string, uniques TYPE i, count TYPE i, END OF traffic. * Component schema: clone-traffic, object TYPES: BEGIN OF clone_traffic, count TYPE i, uniques TYPE i, clones TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF clone_traffic. * Component schema: content-traffic, object TYPES: BEGIN OF content_traffic, path TYPE string, title TYPE string, count TYPE i, uniques TYPE i, END OF content_traffic. * Component schema: referrer-traffic, object TYPES: BEGIN OF referrer_traffic, referrer TYPE string, count TYPE i, uniques TYPE i, END OF referrer_traffic. * Component schema: view-traffic, object TYPES: BEGIN OF view_traffic, count TYPE i, uniques TYPE i, views TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF view_traffic. * Component schema: scim-group-list-enterprise, object TYPES: BEGIN OF scim_group_list_enterprise, schemas TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array totalresults TYPE f, itemsperpage TYPE f, startindex TYPE f, resources TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF scim_group_list_enterprise. * Component schema: scim-enterprise-group, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subscim_enterprise_group_meta, resourcetype TYPE string, created TYPE string, lastmodified TYPE string, location TYPE string, END OF subscim_enterprise_group_meta. TYPES: BEGIN OF scim_enterprise_group, schemas TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array id TYPE string, externalid TYPE string, displayname TYPE string, members TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array meta TYPE subscim_enterprise_group_meta, END OF scim_enterprise_group. * Component schema: scim-user-list-enterprise, object TYPES: BEGIN OF scim_user_list_enterprise, schemas TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array totalresults TYPE f, itemsperpage TYPE f, startindex TYPE f, resources TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF scim_user_list_enterprise. * Component schema: scim-enterprise-user, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subscim_enterprise_user_meta, resourcetype TYPE string, created TYPE string, lastmodified TYPE string, location TYPE string, END OF subscim_enterprise_user_meta. TYPES: BEGIN OF subscim_enterprise_user_name, givenname TYPE string, familyname TYPE string, END OF subscim_enterprise_user_name. TYPES: BEGIN OF scim_enterprise_user, schemas TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array id TYPE string, externalid TYPE string, username TYPE string, name TYPE subscim_enterprise_user_name, emails TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array groups TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array active TYPE abap_bool, meta TYPE subscim_enterprise_user_meta, END OF scim_enterprise_user. * Component schema: scim-user, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subscim_user_meta, resourcetype TYPE string, created TYPE string, lastmodified TYPE string, location TYPE string, END OF subscim_user_meta. TYPES: BEGIN OF subscim_user_name, givenname TYPE string, familyname TYPE string, formatted TYPE string, END OF subscim_user_name. TYPES: BEGIN OF scim_user, schemas TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array id TYPE string, externalid TYPE string, username TYPE string, displayname TYPE string, name TYPE subscim_user_name, emails TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array active TYPE abap_bool, meta TYPE subscim_user_meta, organization_id TYPE i, operations TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array groups TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF scim_user. * Component schema: scim-user-list, object TYPES: BEGIN OF scim_user_list, schemas TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array totalresults TYPE i, itemsperpage TYPE i, startindex TYPE i, resources TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF scim_user_list. * Component schema: search-result-text-matches, array TYPES search_result_text_matches TYPE string. " array todo * Component schema: code-search-result-item, object TYPES: BEGIN OF code_search_result_item, name TYPE string, path TYPE string, sha TYPE string, url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, repository TYPE minimal_repository, score TYPE f, file_size TYPE i, language TYPE string, last_modified_at TYPE string, line_numbers TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array text_matches TYPE search_result_text_matches, END OF code_search_result_item. * Component schema: commit-search-result-item, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubcommit_search_result_i01, sha TYPE string, url TYPE string, END OF subsubcommit_search_result_i01. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubcommit_search_result_ite, name TYPE string, email TYPE string, date TYPE string, END OF subsubcommit_search_result_ite. TYPES: BEGIN OF subcommit_search_result_item_c, author TYPE subsubcommit_search_result_ite, committer TYPE nullable_git_user, comment_count TYPE i, message TYPE string, tree TYPE subsubcommit_search_result_i01, url TYPE string, verification TYPE verification, END OF subcommit_search_result_item_c. TYPES: BEGIN OF commit_search_result_item, url TYPE string, sha TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, commit TYPE subcommit_search_result_item_c, author TYPE nullable_simple_user, committer TYPE nullable_git_user, parents TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array repository TYPE minimal_repository, score TYPE f, node_id TYPE string, text_matches TYPE search_result_text_matches, END OF commit_search_result_item. * Component schema: issue-search-result-item, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subissue_search_result_item_pu, merged_at TYPE string, diff_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, patch_url TYPE string, url TYPE string, END OF subissue_search_result_item_pu. TYPES: BEGIN OF issue_search_result_item, url TYPE string, repository_url TYPE string, labels_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, number TYPE i, title TYPE string, locked TYPE abap_bool, active_lock_reason TYPE string, assignees TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array user TYPE nullable_simple_user, labels TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array state TYPE string, assignee TYPE nullable_simple_user, milestone TYPE nullable_milestone, comments TYPE i, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, closed_at TYPE string, text_matches TYPE search_result_text_matches, pull_request TYPE subissue_search_result_item_pu, body TYPE string, score TYPE f, author_association TYPE author_association, draft TYPE abap_bool, repository TYPE repository, body_html TYPE string, body_text TYPE string, timeline_url TYPE string, performed_via_github_app TYPE nullable_integration, reactions TYPE reaction_rollup, END OF issue_search_result_item. * Component schema: label-search-result-item, object TYPES: BEGIN OF label_search_result_item, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, name TYPE string, color TYPE string, default TYPE abap_bool, description TYPE string, score TYPE f, text_matches TYPE search_result_text_matches, END OF label_search_result_item. * Component schema: repo-search-result-item, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subrepo_search_result_item_per, admin TYPE abap_bool, maintain TYPE abap_bool, push TYPE abap_bool, triage TYPE abap_bool, pull TYPE abap_bool, END OF subrepo_search_result_item_per. TYPES: BEGIN OF repo_search_result_item, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, name TYPE string, full_name TYPE string, owner TYPE nullable_simple_user, private TYPE abap_bool, html_url TYPE string, description TYPE string, fork TYPE abap_bool, url TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, pushed_at TYPE string, homepage TYPE string, size TYPE i, stargazers_count TYPE i, watchers_count TYPE i, language TYPE string, forks_count TYPE i, open_issues_count TYPE i, master_branch TYPE string, default_branch TYPE string, score TYPE f, forks_url TYPE string, keys_url TYPE string, collaborators_url TYPE string, teams_url TYPE string, hooks_url TYPE string, issue_events_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, assignees_url TYPE string, branches_url TYPE string, tags_url TYPE string, blobs_url TYPE string, git_tags_url TYPE string, git_refs_url TYPE string, trees_url TYPE string, statuses_url TYPE string, languages_url TYPE string, stargazers_url TYPE string, contributors_url TYPE string, subscribers_url TYPE string, subscription_url TYPE string, commits_url TYPE string, git_commits_url TYPE string, comments_url TYPE string, issue_comment_url TYPE string, contents_url TYPE string, compare_url TYPE string, merges_url TYPE string, archive_url TYPE string, downloads_url TYPE string, issues_url TYPE string, pulls_url TYPE string, milestones_url TYPE string, notifications_url TYPE string, labels_url TYPE string, releases_url TYPE string, deployments_url TYPE string, git_url TYPE string, ssh_url TYPE string, clone_url TYPE string, svn_url TYPE string, forks TYPE i, open_issues TYPE i, watchers TYPE i, topics TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array mirror_url TYPE string, has_issues TYPE abap_bool, has_projects TYPE abap_bool, has_pages TYPE abap_bool, has_wiki TYPE abap_bool, has_downloads TYPE abap_bool, archived TYPE abap_bool, disabled TYPE abap_bool, visibility TYPE string, license TYPE nullable_license_simple, permissions TYPE subrepo_search_result_item_per, text_matches TYPE search_result_text_matches, temp_clone_token TYPE string, allow_merge_commit TYPE abap_bool, allow_squash_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_rebase_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_auto_merge TYPE abap_bool, delete_branch_on_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_forking TYPE abap_bool, is_template TYPE abap_bool, END OF repo_search_result_item. * Component schema: topic-search-result-item, object TYPES: BEGIN OF topic_search_result_item, name TYPE string, display_name TYPE string, short_description TYPE string, description TYPE string, created_by TYPE string, released TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, featured TYPE abap_bool, curated TYPE abap_bool, score TYPE f, repository_count TYPE i, logo_url TYPE string, text_matches TYPE search_result_text_matches, related TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array aliases TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF topic_search_result_item. * Component schema: user-search-result-item, object TYPES: BEGIN OF user_search_result_item, login TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, avatar_url TYPE string, gravatar_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, followers_url TYPE string, subscriptions_url TYPE string, organizations_url TYPE string, repos_url TYPE string, received_events_url TYPE string, type TYPE string, score TYPE f, following_url TYPE string, gists_url TYPE string, starred_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, public_repos TYPE i, public_gists TYPE i, followers TYPE i, following TYPE i, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, name TYPE string, bio TYPE string, email TYPE string, location TYPE string, site_admin TYPE abap_bool, hireable TYPE abap_bool, text_matches TYPE search_result_text_matches, blog TYPE string, company TYPE string, suspended_at TYPE string, END OF user_search_result_item. * Component schema: private-user, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subprivate_user_plan, collaborators TYPE i, name TYPE string, space TYPE i, private_repos TYPE i, END OF subprivate_user_plan. TYPES: BEGIN OF private_user, login TYPE string, id TYPE i, node_id TYPE string, avatar_url TYPE string, gravatar_id TYPE string, url TYPE string, html_url TYPE string, followers_url TYPE string, following_url TYPE string, gists_url TYPE string, starred_url TYPE string, subscriptions_url TYPE string, organizations_url TYPE string, repos_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, received_events_url TYPE string, type TYPE string, site_admin TYPE abap_bool, name TYPE string, company TYPE string, blog TYPE string, location TYPE string, email TYPE string, hireable TYPE abap_bool, bio TYPE string, twitter_username TYPE string, public_repos TYPE i, public_gists TYPE i, followers TYPE i, following TYPE i, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, private_gists TYPE i, total_private_repos TYPE i, owned_private_repos TYPE i, disk_usage TYPE i, collaborators TYPE i, two_factor_authentication TYPE abap_bool, plan TYPE subprivate_user_plan, suspended_at TYPE string, business_plus TYPE abap_bool, ldap_dn TYPE string, END OF private_user. * Component schema: codespaces-secret, object TYPES: BEGIN OF codespaces_secret, name TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, visibility TYPE string, selected_repositories_url TYPE string, END OF codespaces_secret. * Component schema: codespaces-user-public-key, object TYPES: BEGIN OF codespaces_user_public_key, key_id TYPE string, key TYPE string, END OF codespaces_user_public_key. * Component schema: codespace-export-details, object TYPES: BEGIN OF codespace_export_details, state TYPE string, completed_at TYPE string, branch TYPE string, sha TYPE string, id TYPE string, export_url TYPE string, END OF codespace_export_details. * Component schema: email, object TYPES: BEGIN OF email, email TYPE string, primary TYPE abap_bool, verified TYPE abap_bool, visibility TYPE string, END OF email. * Component schema: gpg-key, object TYPES: BEGIN OF gpg_key, id TYPE i, primary_key_id TYPE i, key_id TYPE string, public_key TYPE string, emails TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array subkeys TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array can_sign TYPE abap_bool, can_encrypt_comms TYPE abap_bool, can_encrypt_storage TYPE abap_bool, can_certify TYPE abap_bool, created_at TYPE string, expires_at TYPE string, raw_key TYPE string, END OF gpg_key. * Component schema: key, object TYPES: BEGIN OF key, key TYPE string, id TYPE i, url TYPE string, title TYPE string, created_at TYPE string, verified TYPE abap_bool, read_only TYPE abap_bool, END OF key. * Component schema: marketplace-account, object TYPES: BEGIN OF marketplace_account, url TYPE string, id TYPE i, type TYPE string, node_id TYPE string, login TYPE string, email TYPE string, organization_billing_email TYPE string, END OF marketplace_account. * Component schema: user-marketplace-purchase, object TYPES: BEGIN OF user_marketplace_purchase, billing_cycle TYPE string, next_billing_date TYPE string, unit_count TYPE i, on_free_trial TYPE abap_bool, free_trial_ends_on TYPE string, updated_at TYPE string, account TYPE marketplace_account, plan TYPE marketplace_listing_plan, END OF user_marketplace_purchase. * Component schema: starred-repository, object TYPES: BEGIN OF starred_repository, starred_at TYPE string, repo TYPE repository, END OF starred_repository. * Component schema: hovercard, object TYPES: BEGIN OF hovercard, contexts TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF hovercard. * Component schema: key-simple, object TYPES: BEGIN OF key_simple, id TYPE i, key TYPE string, END OF key_simple. * Component schema: bodyapps_create_from_manifest, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyapps_create_from_manifest, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF bodyapps_create_from_manifest. * Component schema: bodyapps_update_webhook_config, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyapps_update_webhook_config, url TYPE webhook_config_url, content_type TYPE webhook_config_content_type, secret TYPE webhook_config_secret, insecure_ssl TYPE webhook_config_insecure_ssl, END OF bodyapps_update_webhook_config. * Component schema: bodyapps_create_installation_a, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyapps_create_installation_a, repositories TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array repository_ids TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array permissions TYPE app_permissions, END OF bodyapps_create_installation_a. * Component schema: bodyapps_delete_authorization, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyapps_delete_authorization, access_token TYPE string, END OF bodyapps_delete_authorization. * Component schema: bodyapps_check_token, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyapps_check_token, access_token TYPE string, END OF bodyapps_check_token. * Component schema: bodyapps_reset_token, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyapps_reset_token, access_token TYPE string, END OF bodyapps_reset_token. * Component schema: bodyapps_delete_token, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyapps_delete_token, access_token TYPE string, END OF bodyapps_delete_token. * Component schema: bodyapps_scope_token, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyapps_scope_token, access_token TYPE string, target TYPE string, target_id TYPE i, repositories TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array repository_ids TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array permissions TYPE app_permissions, END OF bodyapps_scope_token. * Component schema: bodyenterprise_admin_set_githu, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyenterprise_admin_set_githu, enabled_organizations TYPE enabled_organizations, allowed_actions TYPE allowed_actions, END OF bodyenterprise_admin_set_githu. * Component schema: bodyenterprise_admin_set_selec, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyenterprise_admin_set_selec, selected_organization_ids TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyenterprise_admin_set_selec. * Component schema: bodyenterprise_admin_create_se, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyenterprise_admin_create_se, name TYPE string, visibility TYPE string, selected_organization_ids TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array runners TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array allows_public_repositories TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyenterprise_admin_create_se. * Component schema: bodyenterprise_admin_update_se, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyenterprise_admin_update_se, name TYPE string, visibility TYPE string, allows_public_repositories TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyenterprise_admin_update_se. * Component schema: bodyenterprise_admin_delete_se, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyenterprise_admin_delete_se, name TYPE string, visibility TYPE string, allows_public_repositories TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyenterprise_admin_delete_se. * Component schema: bodyenterprise_admin_set_org_a, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyenterprise_admin_set_org_a, selected_organization_ids TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyenterprise_admin_set_org_a. * Component schema: bodyenterprise_admin_set_self_, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyenterprise_admin_set_self_, runners TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyenterprise_admin_set_self_. * Component schema: bodyenterprise_admin_add_custo, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyenterprise_admin_add_custo, labels TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyenterprise_admin_add_custo. * Component schema: bodyenterprise_admin_set_custo, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyenterprise_admin_set_custo, labels TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyenterprise_admin_set_custo. * Component schema: bodyenterprise_admin_remove_al, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyenterprise_admin_remove_al, labels TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyenterprise_admin_remove_al. * Component schema: bodygists_create, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodygists_create_files, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF subbodygists_create_files. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodygists_create, description TYPE string, files TYPE subbodygists_create_files, public TYPE string, END OF bodygists_create. * Component schema: bodygists_update, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodygists_update_files, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF subbodygists_update_files. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodygists_update, description TYPE string, files TYPE subbodygists_update_files, END OF bodygists_update. * Component schema: bodygists_delete, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodygists_delete_files, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF subbodygists_delete_files. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodygists_delete, description TYPE string, files TYPE subbodygists_delete_files, END OF bodygists_delete. * Component schema: bodygists_create_comment, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodygists_create_comment, body TYPE string, END OF bodygists_create_comment. * Component schema: bodygists_update_comment, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodygists_update_comment, body TYPE string, END OF bodygists_update_comment. * Component schema: bodygists_delete_comment, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodygists_delete_comment, body TYPE string, END OF bodygists_delete_comment. * Component schema: bodymarkdown_render, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodymarkdown_render, text TYPE string, mode TYPE string, context TYPE string, END OF bodymarkdown_render. * Component schema: bodyactivity_mark_notification, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactivity_mark_notification, last_read_at TYPE string, read TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyactivity_mark_notification. * Component schema: bodyactivity_set_thread_subscr, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactivity_set_thread_subscr, ignored TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyactivity_set_thread_subscr. * Component schema: bodyactivity_delete_thread_sub, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactivity_delete_thread_sub, ignored TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyactivity_delete_thread_sub. * Component schema: bodyorgs_update, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyorgs_update, billing_email TYPE string, company TYPE string, email TYPE string, twitter_username TYPE string, location TYPE string, name TYPE string, description TYPE string, has_organization_projects TYPE abap_bool, has_repository_projects TYPE abap_bool, default_repository_permission TYPE string, members_can_create_repositorie TYPE abap_bool, members_can_create_internal_re TYPE abap_bool, members_can_create_private_rep TYPE abap_bool, members_can_create_public_repo TYPE abap_bool, members_allowed_repository_cre TYPE string, members_can_create_pages TYPE abap_bool, members_can_create_public_page TYPE abap_bool, members_can_create_private_pag TYPE abap_bool, members_can_fork_private_repos TYPE abap_bool, blog TYPE string, END OF bodyorgs_update. * Component schema: bodyactions_set_github_actions, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactions_set_github_actions, enabled_repositories TYPE enabled_repositories, allowed_actions TYPE allowed_actions, END OF bodyactions_set_github_actions. * Component schema: bodyactions_set_selected_repos, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactions_set_selected_repos, selected_repository_ids TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyactions_set_selected_repos. * Component schema: bodyactions_create_self_hosted, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactions_create_self_hosted, name TYPE string, visibility TYPE string, selected_repository_ids TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array runners TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array allows_public_repositories TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyactions_create_self_hosted. * Component schema: bodyactions_update_self_hosted, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactions_update_self_hosted, name TYPE string, visibility TYPE string, allows_public_repositories TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyactions_update_self_hosted. * Component schema: bodyactions_delete_self_hosted, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactions_delete_self_hosted, name TYPE string, visibility TYPE string, allows_public_repositories TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyactions_delete_self_hosted. * Component schema: bodyactions_set_repo_access_to, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactions_set_repo_access_to, selected_repository_ids TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyactions_set_repo_access_to. * Component schema: bodyactions_set_self_hosted_ru, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactions_set_self_hosted_ru, runners TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyactions_set_self_hosted_ru. * Component schema: bodyactions_add_custom_labels_, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactions_add_custom_labels_, labels TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyactions_add_custom_labels_. * Component schema: bodyactions_set_custom_labels_, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactions_set_custom_labels_, labels TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyactions_set_custom_labels_. * Component schema: bodyactions_remove_all_custom_, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactions_remove_all_custom_, labels TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyactions_remove_all_custom_. * Component schema: bodyactions_create_or_update_o, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactions_create_or_update_o, encrypted_value TYPE string, key_id TYPE string, visibility TYPE string, selected_repository_ids TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyactions_create_or_update_o. * Component schema: bodyactions_delete_org_secret, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactions_delete_org_secret, encrypted_value TYPE string, key_id TYPE string, visibility TYPE string, selected_repository_ids TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyactions_delete_org_secret. * Component schema: bodyactions_set_selected_rep01, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactions_set_selected_rep01, selected_repository_ids TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyactions_set_selected_rep01. * Component schema: bodydependabot_create_or_updat, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodydependabot_create_or_updat, encrypted_value TYPE string, key_id TYPE string, visibility TYPE string, selected_repository_ids TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodydependabot_create_or_updat. * Component schema: bodydependabot_delete_org_secr, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodydependabot_delete_org_secr, encrypted_value TYPE string, key_id TYPE string, visibility TYPE string, selected_repository_ids TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodydependabot_delete_org_secr. * Component schema: bodydependabot_set_selected_re, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodydependabot_set_selected_re, selected_repository_ids TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodydependabot_set_selected_re. * Component schema: bodyorgs_create_webhook, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyorgs_create_webhook_con, url TYPE webhook_config_url, content_type TYPE webhook_config_content_type, secret TYPE webhook_config_secret, insecure_ssl TYPE webhook_config_insecure_ssl, username TYPE string, password TYPE string, END OF subbodyorgs_create_webhook_con. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyorgs_create_webhook, name TYPE string, config TYPE subbodyorgs_create_webhook_con, events TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array active TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyorgs_create_webhook. * Component schema: bodyorgs_update_webhook, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyorgs_update_webhook_con, url TYPE webhook_config_url, content_type TYPE webhook_config_content_type, secret TYPE webhook_config_secret, insecure_ssl TYPE webhook_config_insecure_ssl, END OF subbodyorgs_update_webhook_con. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyorgs_update_webhook, config TYPE subbodyorgs_update_webhook_con, events TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array active TYPE abap_bool, name TYPE string, END OF bodyorgs_update_webhook. * Component schema: bodyorgs_delete_webhook, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyorgs_delete_webhook_con, url TYPE webhook_config_url, content_type TYPE webhook_config_content_type, secret TYPE webhook_config_secret, insecure_ssl TYPE webhook_config_insecure_ssl, END OF subbodyorgs_delete_webhook_con. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyorgs_delete_webhook, config TYPE subbodyorgs_delete_webhook_con, events TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array active TYPE abap_bool, name TYPE string, END OF bodyorgs_delete_webhook. * Component schema: bodyorgs_update_webhook_config, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyorgs_update_webhook_config, url TYPE webhook_config_url, content_type TYPE webhook_config_content_type, secret TYPE webhook_config_secret, insecure_ssl TYPE webhook_config_insecure_ssl, END OF bodyorgs_update_webhook_config. * Component schema: bodyorgs_create_invitation, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyorgs_create_invitation, invitee_id TYPE i, email TYPE string, role TYPE string, team_ids TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyorgs_create_invitation. * Component schema: bodyorgs_set_membership_for_us, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyorgs_set_membership_for_us, role TYPE string, END OF bodyorgs_set_membership_for_us. * Component schema: bodyorgs_remove_membership_for, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyorgs_remove_membership_for, role TYPE string, END OF bodyorgs_remove_membership_for. * Component schema: bodymigrations_start_for_org, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodymigrations_start_for_org, repositories TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array lock_repositories TYPE abap_bool, exclude_attachments TYPE abap_bool, exclude_releases TYPE abap_bool, exclude_owner_projects TYPE abap_bool, exclude TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodymigrations_start_for_org. * Component schema: bodyprojects_create_for_org, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyprojects_create_for_org, name TYPE string, body TYPE string, END OF bodyprojects_create_for_org. * Component schema: bodyrepos_create_in_org, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_create_in_org, name TYPE string, description TYPE string, homepage TYPE string, private TYPE abap_bool, visibility TYPE string, has_issues TYPE abap_bool, has_projects TYPE abap_bool, has_wiki TYPE abap_bool, is_template TYPE abap_bool, team_id TYPE i, auto_init TYPE abap_bool, gitignore_template TYPE string, license_template TYPE string, allow_squash_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_merge_commit TYPE abap_bool, allow_rebase_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_auto_merge TYPE abap_bool, delete_branch_on_merge TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyrepos_create_in_org. * Component schema: bodyteams_create, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyteams_create, name TYPE string, description TYPE string, maintainers TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array repo_names TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array privacy TYPE string, permission TYPE string, parent_team_id TYPE i, END OF bodyteams_create. * Component schema: bodyteams_update_in_org, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyteams_update_in_org, name TYPE string, description TYPE string, privacy TYPE string, permission TYPE string, parent_team_id TYPE i, END OF bodyteams_update_in_org. * Component schema: bodyteams_delete_in_org, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyteams_delete_in_org, name TYPE string, description TYPE string, privacy TYPE string, permission TYPE string, parent_team_id TYPE i, END OF bodyteams_delete_in_org. * Component schema: bodyteams_create_discussion_in, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyteams_create_discussion_in, title TYPE string, body TYPE string, private TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyteams_create_discussion_in. * Component schema: bodyteams_update_discussion_in, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyteams_update_discussion_in, title TYPE string, body TYPE string, END OF bodyteams_update_discussion_in. * Component schema: bodyteams_delete_discussion_in, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyteams_delete_discussion_in, title TYPE string, body TYPE string, END OF bodyteams_delete_discussion_in. * Component schema: bodyteams_create_discussion_co, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyteams_create_discussion_co, body TYPE string, END OF bodyteams_create_discussion_co. * Component schema: bodyteams_update_discussion_co, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyteams_update_discussion_co, body TYPE string, END OF bodyteams_update_discussion_co. * Component schema: bodyteams_delete_discussion_co, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyteams_delete_discussion_co, body TYPE string, END OF bodyteams_delete_discussion_co. * Component schema: bodyreactions_create_for_team_, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyreactions_create_for_team_, content TYPE string, END OF bodyreactions_create_for_team_. * Component schema: bodyreactions_create_for_tea01, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyreactions_create_for_tea01, content TYPE string, END OF bodyreactions_create_for_tea01. * Component schema: bodyteams_link_external_idp_gr, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyteams_link_external_idp_gr, group_id TYPE i, END OF bodyteams_link_external_idp_gr. * Component schema: bodyteams_unlink_external_idp_, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyteams_unlink_external_idp_, group_id TYPE i, END OF bodyteams_unlink_external_idp_. * Component schema: bodyteams_add_or_update_member, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyteams_add_or_update_member, role TYPE string, END OF bodyteams_add_or_update_member. * Component schema: bodyteams_remove_membership_fo, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyteams_remove_membership_fo, role TYPE string, END OF bodyteams_remove_membership_fo. * Component schema: bodyteams_add_or_update_projec, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyteams_add_or_update_projec, permission TYPE string, END OF bodyteams_add_or_update_projec. * Component schema: bodyteams_remove_project_in_or, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyteams_remove_project_in_or, permission TYPE string, END OF bodyteams_remove_project_in_or. * Component schema: bodyteams_add_or_update_repo_p, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyteams_add_or_update_repo_p, permission TYPE string, END OF bodyteams_add_or_update_repo_p. * Component schema: bodyteams_remove_repo_in_org, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyteams_remove_repo_in_org, permission TYPE string, END OF bodyteams_remove_repo_in_org. * Component schema: bodyteams_create_or_update_idp, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyteams_create_or_update_idp, groups TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyteams_create_or_update_idp. * Component schema: bodyprojects_update_card, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyprojects_update_card, note TYPE string, archived TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyprojects_update_card. * Component schema: bodyprojects_delete_card, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyprojects_delete_card, note TYPE string, archived TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyprojects_delete_card. * Component schema: bodyprojects_move_card, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyprojects_move_card, position TYPE string, column_id TYPE i, END OF bodyprojects_move_card. * Component schema: bodyprojects_update_column, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyprojects_update_column, name TYPE string, END OF bodyprojects_update_column. * Component schema: bodyprojects_delete_column, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyprojects_delete_column, name TYPE string, END OF bodyprojects_delete_column. * Component schema: bodyprojects_move_column, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyprojects_move_column, position TYPE string, END OF bodyprojects_move_column. * Component schema: bodyprojects_update, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyprojects_update, name TYPE string, body TYPE string, state TYPE string, organization_permission TYPE string, private TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyprojects_update. * Component schema: bodyprojects_delete, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyprojects_delete, name TYPE string, body TYPE string, state TYPE string, organization_permission TYPE string, private TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyprojects_delete. * Component schema: bodyprojects_add_collaborator, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyprojects_add_collaborator, permission TYPE string, END OF bodyprojects_add_collaborator. * Component schema: bodyprojects_remove_collaborat, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyprojects_remove_collaborat, permission TYPE string, END OF bodyprojects_remove_collaborat. * Component schema: bodyprojects_create_column, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyprojects_create_column, name TYPE string, END OF bodyprojects_create_column. * Component schema: bodyrepos_update, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubbodyrepos_update_secur01, status TYPE string, END OF subsubbodyrepos_update_secur01. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubbodyrepos_update_securit, status TYPE string, END OF subsubbodyrepos_update_securit. TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyrepos_update_security_a, advanced_security TYPE subsubbodyrepos_update_securit, secret_scanning TYPE subsubbodyrepos_update_secur01, END OF subbodyrepos_update_security_a. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_update, name TYPE string, description TYPE string, homepage TYPE string, private TYPE abap_bool, visibility TYPE string, security_and_analysis TYPE subbodyrepos_update_security_a, has_issues TYPE abap_bool, has_projects TYPE abap_bool, has_wiki TYPE abap_bool, is_template TYPE abap_bool, default_branch TYPE string, allow_squash_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_merge_commit TYPE abap_bool, allow_rebase_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_auto_merge TYPE abap_bool, delete_branch_on_merge TYPE abap_bool, archived TYPE abap_bool, allow_forking TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyrepos_update. * Component schema: bodyrepos_delete, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubbodyrepos_delete_secur01, status TYPE string, END OF subsubbodyrepos_delete_secur01. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubbodyrepos_delete_securit, status TYPE string, END OF subsubbodyrepos_delete_securit. TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyrepos_delete_security_a, advanced_security TYPE subsubbodyrepos_delete_securit, secret_scanning TYPE subsubbodyrepos_delete_secur01, END OF subbodyrepos_delete_security_a. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_delete, name TYPE string, description TYPE string, homepage TYPE string, private TYPE abap_bool, visibility TYPE string, security_and_analysis TYPE subbodyrepos_delete_security_a, has_issues TYPE abap_bool, has_projects TYPE abap_bool, has_wiki TYPE abap_bool, is_template TYPE abap_bool, default_branch TYPE string, allow_squash_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_merge_commit TYPE abap_bool, allow_rebase_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_auto_merge TYPE abap_bool, delete_branch_on_merge TYPE abap_bool, archived TYPE abap_bool, allow_forking TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyrepos_delete. * Component schema: bodyactions_set_github_actio01, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactions_set_github_actio01, enabled TYPE actions_enabled, allowed_actions TYPE allowed_actions, END OF bodyactions_set_github_actio01. * Component schema: bodyactions_add_custom_label01, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactions_add_custom_label01, labels TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyactions_add_custom_label01. * Component schema: bodyactions_set_custom_label01, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactions_set_custom_label01, labels TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyactions_set_custom_label01. * Component schema: bodyactions_remove_all_custo01, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactions_remove_all_custo01, labels TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyactions_remove_all_custo01. * Component schema: bodyactions_review_pending_dep, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactions_review_pending_dep, environment_ids TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array state TYPE string, comment TYPE string, END OF bodyactions_review_pending_dep. * Component schema: bodyactions_create_or_update_r, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactions_create_or_update_r, encrypted_value TYPE string, key_id TYPE string, END OF bodyactions_create_or_update_r. * Component schema: bodyactions_delete_repo_secret, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactions_delete_repo_secret, encrypted_value TYPE string, key_id TYPE string, END OF bodyactions_delete_repo_secret. * Component schema: bodyactions_create_workflow_di, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyactions_create_workflow, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF subbodyactions_create_workflow. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactions_create_workflow_di, ref TYPE string, inputs TYPE subbodyactions_create_workflow, END OF bodyactions_create_workflow_di. * Component schema: bodyrepos_create_autolink, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_create_autolink, key_prefix TYPE string, url_template TYPE string, END OF bodyrepos_create_autolink. * Component schema: bodyrepos_update_branch_protec, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyrepos_update_branch_p02, users TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array teams TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array apps TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subbodyrepos_update_branch_p02. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubbodyrepos_update_branc01, users TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array teams TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subsubbodyrepos_update_branc01. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubbodyrepos_update_branch_, users TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array teams TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subsubbodyrepos_update_branch_. TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyrepos_update_branch_p01, dismissal_restrictions TYPE subsubbodyrepos_update_branch_, dismiss_stale_reviews TYPE abap_bool, require_code_owner_reviews TYPE abap_bool, required_approving_review_coun TYPE i, bypass_pull_request_allowances TYPE subsubbodyrepos_update_branc01, END OF subbodyrepos_update_branch_p01. TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyrepos_update_branch_pro, strict TYPE abap_bool, contexts TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array checks TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subbodyrepos_update_branch_pro. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_update_branch_protec, required_status_checks TYPE subbodyrepos_update_branch_pro, enforce_admins TYPE abap_bool, required_pull_request_reviews TYPE subbodyrepos_update_branch_p01, restrictions TYPE subbodyrepos_update_branch_p02, required_linear_history TYPE abap_bool, allow_force_pushes TYPE abap_bool, allow_deletions TYPE abap_bool, required_conversation_resoluti TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyrepos_update_branch_protec. * Component schema: bodyrepos_delete_branch_protec, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyrepos_delete_branch_p02, users TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array teams TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array apps TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subbodyrepos_delete_branch_p02. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubbodyrepos_delete_branc01, users TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array teams TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subsubbodyrepos_delete_branc01. TYPES: BEGIN OF subsubbodyrepos_delete_branch_, users TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array teams TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subsubbodyrepos_delete_branch_. TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyrepos_delete_branch_p01, dismissal_restrictions TYPE subsubbodyrepos_delete_branch_, dismiss_stale_reviews TYPE abap_bool, require_code_owner_reviews TYPE abap_bool, required_approving_review_coun TYPE i, bypass_pull_request_allowances TYPE subsubbodyrepos_delete_branc01, END OF subbodyrepos_delete_branch_p01. TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyrepos_delete_branch_pro, strict TYPE abap_bool, contexts TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array checks TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subbodyrepos_delete_branch_pro. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_delete_branch_protec, required_status_checks TYPE subbodyrepos_delete_branch_pro, enforce_admins TYPE abap_bool, required_pull_request_reviews TYPE subbodyrepos_delete_branch_p01, restrictions TYPE subbodyrepos_delete_branch_p02, required_linear_history TYPE abap_bool, allow_force_pushes TYPE abap_bool, allow_deletions TYPE abap_bool, required_conversation_resoluti TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyrepos_delete_branch_protec. * Component schema: bodyrepos_update_pull_request_, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyrepos_update_pull_req01, users TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array teams TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subbodyrepos_update_pull_req01. TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyrepos_update_pull_reque, users TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array teams TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subbodyrepos_update_pull_reque. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_update_pull_request_, dismissal_restrictions TYPE subbodyrepos_update_pull_reque, dismiss_stale_reviews TYPE abap_bool, require_code_owner_reviews TYPE abap_bool, required_approving_review_coun TYPE i, bypass_pull_request_allowances TYPE subbodyrepos_update_pull_req01, END OF bodyrepos_update_pull_request_. * Component schema: bodyrepos_delete_pull_request_, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyrepos_delete_pull_req01, users TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array teams TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subbodyrepos_delete_pull_req01. TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyrepos_delete_pull_reque, users TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array teams TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subbodyrepos_delete_pull_reque. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_delete_pull_request_, dismissal_restrictions TYPE subbodyrepos_delete_pull_reque, dismiss_stale_reviews TYPE abap_bool, require_code_owner_reviews TYPE abap_bool, required_approving_review_coun TYPE i, bypass_pull_request_allowances TYPE subbodyrepos_delete_pull_req01, END OF bodyrepos_delete_pull_request_. * Component schema: bodyrepos_update_status_check_, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_update_status_check_, strict TYPE abap_bool, contexts TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array checks TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyrepos_update_status_check_. * Component schema: bodyrepos_remove_status_check_, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_remove_status_check_, strict TYPE abap_bool, contexts TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array checks TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyrepos_remove_status_check_. * Component schema: bodyrepos_rename_branch, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_rename_branch, new_name TYPE string, END OF bodyrepos_rename_branch. * Component schema: bodychecks_create, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodychecks_create_output, title TYPE string, summary TYPE string, text TYPE string, annotations TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array images TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subbodychecks_create_output. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodychecks_create, name TYPE string, head_sha TYPE string, details_url TYPE string, external_id TYPE string, status TYPE string, started_at TYPE string, conclusion TYPE string, completed_at TYPE string, output TYPE subbodychecks_create_output, actions TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodychecks_create. * Component schema: bodychecks_update, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodychecks_update_output, title TYPE string, summary TYPE string, text TYPE string, annotations TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array images TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF subbodychecks_update_output. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodychecks_update, name TYPE string, details_url TYPE string, external_id TYPE string, started_at TYPE string, status TYPE string, conclusion TYPE string, completed_at TYPE string, output TYPE subbodychecks_update_output, actions TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodychecks_update. * Component schema: bodychecks_create_suite, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodychecks_create_suite, head_sha TYPE string, END OF bodychecks_create_suite. * Component schema: bodychecks_set_suites_preferen, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodychecks_set_suites_preferen, auto_trigger_checks TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodychecks_set_suites_preferen. * Component schema: bodycode_scanning_update_alert, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodycode_scanning_update_alert, state TYPE code_scanning_alert_set_state, dismissed_reason TYPE code_scanning_alert_dismisse01, END OF bodycode_scanning_update_alert. * Component schema: bodycode_scanning_upload_sarif, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodycode_scanning_upload_sarif, commit_sha TYPE code_scanning_analysis_commit_, ref TYPE code_scanning_ref, sarif TYPE code_scanning_analysis_sarif_f, checkout_uri TYPE string, started_at TYPE string, tool_name TYPE string, END OF bodycode_scanning_upload_sarif. * Component schema: bodycodespaces_create_with_rep, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodycodespaces_create_with_rep, ref TYPE string, location TYPE string, machine TYPE string, working_directory TYPE string, idle_timeout_minutes TYPE i, display_name TYPE string, END OF bodycodespaces_create_with_rep. * Component schema: bodyrepos_add_collaborator, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_add_collaborator, permission TYPE string, permissions TYPE string, END OF bodyrepos_add_collaborator. * Component schema: bodyrepos_remove_collaborator, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_remove_collaborator, permission TYPE string, permissions TYPE string, END OF bodyrepos_remove_collaborator. * Component schema: bodyrepos_update_commit_commen, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_update_commit_commen, body TYPE string, END OF bodyrepos_update_commit_commen. * Component schema: bodyrepos_delete_commit_commen, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_delete_commit_commen, body TYPE string, END OF bodyrepos_delete_commit_commen. * Component schema: bodyreactions_create_for_commi, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyreactions_create_for_commi, content TYPE string, END OF bodyreactions_create_for_commi. * Component schema: bodyrepos_create_commit_commen, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_create_commit_commen, body TYPE string, path TYPE string, position TYPE i, line TYPE i, END OF bodyrepos_create_commit_commen. * Component schema: bodyrepos_create_or_update_fil, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyrepos_create_or_updat01, name TYPE string, email TYPE string, date TYPE string, END OF subbodyrepos_create_or_updat01. TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyrepos_create_or_update_, name TYPE string, email TYPE string, date TYPE string, END OF subbodyrepos_create_or_update_. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_create_or_update_fil, message TYPE string, content TYPE string, sha TYPE string, branch TYPE string, committer TYPE subbodyrepos_create_or_update_, author TYPE subbodyrepos_create_or_updat01, END OF bodyrepos_create_or_update_fil. * Component schema: bodyrepos_delete_file, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyrepos_delete_file_autho, name TYPE string, email TYPE string, END OF subbodyrepos_delete_file_autho. TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyrepos_delete_file_commi, name TYPE string, email TYPE string, END OF subbodyrepos_delete_file_commi. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_delete_file, message TYPE string, sha TYPE string, branch TYPE string, committer TYPE subbodyrepos_delete_file_commi, author TYPE subbodyrepos_delete_file_autho, END OF bodyrepos_delete_file. * Component schema: bodydependabot_create_or_upd01, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodydependabot_create_or_upd01, encrypted_value TYPE string, key_id TYPE string, END OF bodydependabot_create_or_upd01. * Component schema: bodydependabot_delete_repo_sec, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodydependabot_delete_repo_sec, encrypted_value TYPE string, key_id TYPE string, END OF bodydependabot_delete_repo_sec. * Component schema: bodyrepos_create_deployment, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_create_deployment, ref TYPE string, task TYPE string, auto_merge TYPE abap_bool, required_contexts TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array payload TYPE string, environment TYPE string, description TYPE string, transient_environment TYPE abap_bool, production_environment TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyrepos_create_deployment. * Component schema: bodyrepos_create_deployment_st, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_create_deployment_st, state TYPE string, target_url TYPE string, log_url TYPE string, description TYPE string, environment TYPE string, environment_url TYPE string, auto_inactive TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyrepos_create_deployment_st. * Component schema: bodyrepos_create_dispatch_even, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyrepos_create_dispatch_e, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF subbodyrepos_create_dispatch_e. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_create_dispatch_even, event_type TYPE string, client_payload TYPE subbodyrepos_create_dispatch_e, END OF bodyrepos_create_dispatch_even. * Component schema: bodyrepos_create_or_update_env, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_create_or_update_env, wait_timer TYPE wait_timer, reviewers TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array deployment_branch_policy TYPE deployment_branch_policy, END OF bodyrepos_create_or_update_env. * Component schema: bodyrepos_delete_an_environmen, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_delete_an_environmen, wait_timer TYPE wait_timer, reviewers TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array deployment_branch_policy TYPE deployment_branch_policy, END OF bodyrepos_delete_an_environmen. * Component schema: bodyrepos_create_fork, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_create_fork, organization TYPE string, END OF bodyrepos_create_fork. * Component schema: bodygit_create_blob, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodygit_create_blob, content TYPE string, encoding TYPE string, END OF bodygit_create_blob. * Component schema: bodygit_create_commit, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodygit_create_commit_commi, name TYPE string, email TYPE string, date TYPE string, END OF subbodygit_create_commit_commi. TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodygit_create_commit_autho, name TYPE string, email TYPE string, date TYPE string, END OF subbodygit_create_commit_autho. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodygit_create_commit, message TYPE string, tree TYPE string, parents TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array author TYPE subbodygit_create_commit_autho, committer TYPE subbodygit_create_commit_commi, signature TYPE string, END OF bodygit_create_commit. * Component schema: bodygit_create_ref, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodygit_create_ref, ref TYPE string, sha TYPE string, key TYPE string, END OF bodygit_create_ref. * Component schema: bodygit_update_ref, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodygit_update_ref, sha TYPE string, force TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodygit_update_ref. * Component schema: bodygit_delete_ref, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodygit_delete_ref, sha TYPE string, force TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodygit_delete_ref. * Component schema: bodygit_create_tag, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodygit_create_tag_tagger, name TYPE string, email TYPE string, date TYPE string, END OF subbodygit_create_tag_tagger. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodygit_create_tag, tag TYPE string, message TYPE string, object TYPE string, type TYPE string, tagger TYPE subbodygit_create_tag_tagger, END OF bodygit_create_tag. * Component schema: bodygit_create_tree, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodygit_create_tree, tree TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array base_tree TYPE string, END OF bodygit_create_tree. * Component schema: bodyrepos_create_webhook, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyrepos_create_webhook_co, url TYPE webhook_config_url, content_type TYPE webhook_config_content_type, secret TYPE webhook_config_secret, insecure_ssl TYPE webhook_config_insecure_ssl, token TYPE string, digest TYPE string, END OF subbodyrepos_create_webhook_co. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_create_webhook, name TYPE string, config TYPE subbodyrepos_create_webhook_co, events TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array active TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyrepos_create_webhook. * Component schema: bodyrepos_update_webhook, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyrepos_update_webhook_co, url TYPE webhook_config_url, content_type TYPE webhook_config_content_type, secret TYPE webhook_config_secret, insecure_ssl TYPE webhook_config_insecure_ssl, address TYPE string, room TYPE string, END OF subbodyrepos_update_webhook_co. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_update_webhook, config TYPE subbodyrepos_update_webhook_co, events TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array add_events TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array remove_events TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array active TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyrepos_update_webhook. * Component schema: bodyrepos_delete_webhook, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyrepos_delete_webhook_co, url TYPE webhook_config_url, content_type TYPE webhook_config_content_type, secret TYPE webhook_config_secret, insecure_ssl TYPE webhook_config_insecure_ssl, address TYPE string, room TYPE string, END OF subbodyrepos_delete_webhook_co. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_delete_webhook, config TYPE subbodyrepos_delete_webhook_co, events TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array add_events TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array remove_events TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array active TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyrepos_delete_webhook. * Component schema: bodyrepos_update_webhook_confi, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_update_webhook_confi, url TYPE webhook_config_url, content_type TYPE webhook_config_content_type, secret TYPE webhook_config_secret, insecure_ssl TYPE webhook_config_insecure_ssl, END OF bodyrepos_update_webhook_confi. * Component schema: bodymigrations_start_import, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodymigrations_start_import, vcs_url TYPE string, vcs TYPE string, vcs_username TYPE string, vcs_password TYPE string, tfvc_project TYPE string, END OF bodymigrations_start_import. * Component schema: bodymigrations_update_import, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodymigrations_update_import, vcs_username TYPE string, vcs_password TYPE string, vcs TYPE string, tfvc_project TYPE string, END OF bodymigrations_update_import. * Component schema: bodymigrations_cancel_import, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodymigrations_cancel_import, vcs_username TYPE string, vcs_password TYPE string, vcs TYPE string, tfvc_project TYPE string, END OF bodymigrations_cancel_import. * Component schema: bodymigrations_map_commit_auth, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodymigrations_map_commit_auth, email TYPE string, name TYPE string, END OF bodymigrations_map_commit_auth. * Component schema: bodymigrations_set_lfs_prefere, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodymigrations_set_lfs_prefere, use_lfs TYPE string, END OF bodymigrations_set_lfs_prefere. * Component schema: bodyrepos_update_invitation, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_update_invitation, permissions TYPE string, END OF bodyrepos_update_invitation. * Component schema: bodyrepos_delete_invitation, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_delete_invitation, permissions TYPE string, END OF bodyrepos_delete_invitation. * Component schema: bodyissues_create, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyissues_create, title TYPE string, body TYPE string, assignee TYPE string, milestone TYPE string, labels TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array assignees TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyissues_create. * Component schema: bodyissues_update_comment, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyissues_update_comment, body TYPE string, END OF bodyissues_update_comment. * Component schema: bodyissues_delete_comment, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyissues_delete_comment, body TYPE string, END OF bodyissues_delete_comment. * Component schema: bodyreactions_create_for_issue, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyreactions_create_for_issue, content TYPE string, END OF bodyreactions_create_for_issue. * Component schema: bodyissues_update, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyissues_update, title TYPE string, body TYPE string, assignee TYPE string, state TYPE string, milestone TYPE string, labels TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array assignees TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyissues_update. * Component schema: bodyissues_add_assignees, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyissues_add_assignees, assignees TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyissues_add_assignees. * Component schema: bodyissues_remove_assignees, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyissues_remove_assignees, assignees TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyissues_remove_assignees. * Component schema: bodyissues_create_comment, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyissues_create_comment, body TYPE string, END OF bodyissues_create_comment. * Component schema: bodyissues_lock, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyissues_lock, lock_reason TYPE string, END OF bodyissues_lock. * Component schema: bodyissues_unlock, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyissues_unlock, lock_reason TYPE string, END OF bodyissues_unlock. * Component schema: bodyreactions_create_for_iss01, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyreactions_create_for_iss01, content TYPE string, END OF bodyreactions_create_for_iss01. * Component schema: bodyrepos_create_deploy_key, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_create_deploy_key, title TYPE string, key TYPE string, read_only TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyrepos_create_deploy_key. * Component schema: bodyissues_create_label, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyissues_create_label, name TYPE string, color TYPE string, description TYPE string, END OF bodyissues_create_label. * Component schema: bodyissues_update_label, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyissues_update_label, new_name TYPE string, color TYPE string, description TYPE string, END OF bodyissues_update_label. * Component schema: bodyissues_delete_label, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyissues_delete_label, new_name TYPE string, color TYPE string, description TYPE string, END OF bodyissues_delete_label. * Component schema: bodyrepos_merge_upstream, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_merge_upstream, branch TYPE string, END OF bodyrepos_merge_upstream. * Component schema: bodyrepos_merge, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_merge, base TYPE string, head TYPE string, commit_message TYPE string, END OF bodyrepos_merge. * Component schema: bodyissues_create_milestone, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyissues_create_milestone, title TYPE string, state TYPE string, description TYPE string, due_on TYPE string, END OF bodyissues_create_milestone. * Component schema: bodyissues_update_milestone, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyissues_update_milestone, title TYPE string, state TYPE string, description TYPE string, due_on TYPE string, END OF bodyissues_update_milestone. * Component schema: bodyissues_delete_milestone, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyissues_delete_milestone, title TYPE string, state TYPE string, description TYPE string, due_on TYPE string, END OF bodyissues_delete_milestone. * Component schema: bodyactivity_mark_repo_notific, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactivity_mark_repo_notific, last_read_at TYPE string, END OF bodyactivity_mark_repo_notific. * Component schema: bodyrepos_create_pages_site, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyrepos_create_pages_site, branch TYPE string, path TYPE string, END OF subbodyrepos_create_pages_site. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_create_pages_site, source TYPE subbodyrepos_create_pages_site, END OF bodyrepos_create_pages_site. * Component schema: bodyrepos_update_information_a, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_update_information_a, cname TYPE string, https_enforced TYPE abap_bool, public TYPE abap_bool, source TYPE string, END OF bodyrepos_update_information_a. * Component schema: bodyrepos_delete_pages_site, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_delete_pages_site, cname TYPE string, https_enforced TYPE abap_bool, public TYPE abap_bool, source TYPE string, END OF bodyrepos_delete_pages_site. * Component schema: bodyprojects_create_for_repo, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyprojects_create_for_repo, name TYPE string, body TYPE string, END OF bodyprojects_create_for_repo. * Component schema: bodypulls_create, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodypulls_create, title TYPE string, head TYPE string, base TYPE string, body TYPE string, maintainer_can_modify TYPE abap_bool, draft TYPE abap_bool, issue TYPE i, END OF bodypulls_create. * Component schema: bodypulls_update_review_commen, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodypulls_update_review_commen, body TYPE string, END OF bodypulls_update_review_commen. * Component schema: bodypulls_delete_review_commen, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodypulls_delete_review_commen, body TYPE string, END OF bodypulls_delete_review_commen. * Component schema: bodyreactions_create_for_pull_, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyreactions_create_for_pull_, content TYPE string, END OF bodyreactions_create_for_pull_. * Component schema: bodypulls_update, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodypulls_update, title TYPE string, body TYPE string, state TYPE string, base TYPE string, maintainer_can_modify TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodypulls_update. * Component schema: bodycodespaces_create_with_pr_, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodycodespaces_create_with_pr_, location TYPE string, machine TYPE string, working_directory TYPE string, idle_timeout_minutes TYPE i, display_name TYPE string, END OF bodycodespaces_create_with_pr_. * Component schema: bodypulls_create_review_commen, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodypulls_create_review_commen, body TYPE string, commit_id TYPE string, path TYPE string, position TYPE i, side TYPE string, line TYPE i, start_line TYPE i, start_side TYPE string, in_reply_to TYPE i, END OF bodypulls_create_review_commen. * Component schema: bodypulls_create_reply_for_rev, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodypulls_create_reply_for_rev, body TYPE string, END OF bodypulls_create_reply_for_rev. * Component schema: bodypulls_merge, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodypulls_merge, commit_title TYPE string, commit_message TYPE string, sha TYPE string, merge_method TYPE string, END OF bodypulls_merge. * Component schema: bodypulls_request_reviewers, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodypulls_request_reviewers, reviewers TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array team_reviewers TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodypulls_request_reviewers. * Component schema: bodypulls_remove_requested_rev, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodypulls_remove_requested_rev, reviewers TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array team_reviewers TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodypulls_remove_requested_rev. * Component schema: bodypulls_create_review, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodypulls_create_review, commit_id TYPE string, body TYPE string, event TYPE string, comments TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodypulls_create_review. * Component schema: bodypulls_update_review, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodypulls_update_review, body TYPE string, END OF bodypulls_update_review. * Component schema: bodypulls_delete_pending_revie, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodypulls_delete_pending_revie, body TYPE string, END OF bodypulls_delete_pending_revie. * Component schema: bodypulls_dismiss_review, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodypulls_dismiss_review, message TYPE string, event TYPE string, END OF bodypulls_dismiss_review. * Component schema: bodypulls_submit_review, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodypulls_submit_review, body TYPE string, event TYPE string, END OF bodypulls_submit_review. * Component schema: bodypulls_update_branch, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodypulls_update_branch, expected_head_sha TYPE string, END OF bodypulls_update_branch. * Component schema: bodyrepos_create_release, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_create_release, tag_name TYPE string, target_commitish TYPE string, name TYPE string, body TYPE string, draft TYPE abap_bool, prerelease TYPE abap_bool, discussion_category_name TYPE string, generate_release_notes TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyrepos_create_release. * Component schema: bodyrepos_update_release_asset, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_update_release_asset, name TYPE string, label TYPE string, state TYPE string, END OF bodyrepos_update_release_asset. * Component schema: bodyrepos_delete_release_asset, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_delete_release_asset, name TYPE string, label TYPE string, state TYPE string, END OF bodyrepos_delete_release_asset. * Component schema: bodyrepos_generate_release_not, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_generate_release_not, tag_name TYPE string, target_commitish TYPE string, previous_tag_name TYPE string, configuration_file_path TYPE string, END OF bodyrepos_generate_release_not. * Component schema: bodyrepos_update_release, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_update_release, tag_name TYPE string, target_commitish TYPE string, name TYPE string, body TYPE string, draft TYPE abap_bool, prerelease TYPE abap_bool, discussion_category_name TYPE string, END OF bodyrepos_update_release. * Component schema: bodyrepos_delete_release, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_delete_release, tag_name TYPE string, target_commitish TYPE string, name TYPE string, body TYPE string, draft TYPE abap_bool, prerelease TYPE abap_bool, discussion_category_name TYPE string, END OF bodyrepos_delete_release. * Component schema: bodyreactions_create_for_relea, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyreactions_create_for_relea, content TYPE string, END OF bodyreactions_create_for_relea. * Component schema: bodysecret_scanning_update_ale, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodysecret_scanning_update_ale, state TYPE secret_scanning_alert_state, resolution TYPE secret_scanning_alert_resoluti, END OF bodysecret_scanning_update_ale. * Component schema: bodyrepos_create_commit_status, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_create_commit_status, state TYPE string, target_url TYPE string, description TYPE string, context TYPE string, END OF bodyrepos_create_commit_status. * Component schema: bodyactivity_set_repo_subscrip, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactivity_set_repo_subscrip, subscribed TYPE abap_bool, ignored TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyactivity_set_repo_subscrip. * Component schema: bodyactivity_delete_repo_subsc, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactivity_delete_repo_subsc, subscribed TYPE abap_bool, ignored TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyactivity_delete_repo_subsc. * Component schema: bodyrepos_replace_all_topics, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_replace_all_topics, names TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyrepos_replace_all_topics. * Component schema: bodyrepos_transfer, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_transfer, new_owner TYPE string, team_ids TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyrepos_transfer. * Component schema: bodyrepos_create_using_templat, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_create_using_templat, owner TYPE string, name TYPE string, description TYPE string, include_all_branches TYPE abap_bool, private TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyrepos_create_using_templat. * Component schema: bodyactions_create_or_update_e, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactions_create_or_update_e, encrypted_value TYPE string, key_id TYPE string, END OF bodyactions_create_or_update_e. * Component schema: bodyactions_delete_environment, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyactions_delete_environment, encrypted_value TYPE string, key_id TYPE string, END OF bodyactions_delete_environment. * Component schema: bodyenterprise_admin_provision, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyenterprise_admin_provision, schemas TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array displayname TYPE string, members TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyenterprise_admin_provision. * Component schema: bodyenterprise_admin_set_infor, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyenterprise_admin_set_infor, schemas TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array displayname TYPE string, members TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyenterprise_admin_set_infor. * Component schema: bodyenterprise_admin_update_at, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyenterprise_admin_update_at, schemas TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array operations TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyenterprise_admin_update_at. * Component schema: bodyenterprise_admin_delete_sc, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyenterprise_admin_delete_sc, schemas TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array operations TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyenterprise_admin_delete_sc. * Component schema: bodyenterprise_admin_provisi01, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyenterprise_admin_provis, givenname TYPE string, familyname TYPE string, END OF subbodyenterprise_admin_provis. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyenterprise_admin_provisi01, schemas TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array username TYPE string, name TYPE subbodyenterprise_admin_provis, emails TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array groups TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyenterprise_admin_provisi01. * Component schema: bodyenterprise_admin_set_inf01, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyenterprise_admin_set_in, givenname TYPE string, familyname TYPE string, END OF subbodyenterprise_admin_set_in. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyenterprise_admin_set_inf01, schemas TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array username TYPE string, name TYPE subbodyenterprise_admin_set_in, emails TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array groups TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyenterprise_admin_set_inf01. * Component schema: bodyenterprise_admin_update_01, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyenterprise_admin_update_01, schemas TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array operations TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyenterprise_admin_update_01. * Component schema: bodyenterprise_admin_delete_us, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyenterprise_admin_delete_us, schemas TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array operations TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyenterprise_admin_delete_us. * Component schema: bodyscim_provision_and_invite_, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyscim_provision_and_invi, givenname TYPE string, familyname TYPE string, formatted TYPE string, END OF subbodyscim_provision_and_invi. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyscim_provision_and_invite_, username TYPE string, displayname TYPE string, name TYPE subbodyscim_provision_and_invi, emails TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array schemas TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array externalid TYPE string, groups TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array active TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyscim_provision_and_invite_. * Component schema: bodyscim_set_information_for_p, object TYPES: BEGIN OF subbodyscim_set_information_fo, givenname TYPE string, familyname TYPE string, formatted TYPE string, END OF subbodyscim_set_information_fo. TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyscim_set_information_for_p, schemas TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array displayname TYPE string, externalid TYPE string, groups TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array active TYPE abap_bool, username TYPE string, name TYPE subbodyscim_set_information_fo, emails TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyscim_set_information_for_p. * Component schema: bodyscim_update_attribute_for_, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyscim_update_attribute_for_, schemas TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array operations TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyscim_update_attribute_for_. * Component schema: bodyscim_delete_user_from_org, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyscim_delete_user_from_org, schemas TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array operations TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodyscim_delete_user_from_org. * Component schema: bodyusers_update_authenticated, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyusers_update_authenticated, name TYPE string, email TYPE string, blog TYPE string, twitter_username TYPE string, company TYPE string, location TYPE string, hireable TYPE abap_bool, bio TYPE string, END OF bodyusers_update_authenticated. * Component schema: bodycodespaces_create_or_updat, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodycodespaces_create_or_updat, encrypted_value TYPE string, key_id TYPE string, selected_repository_ids TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodycodespaces_create_or_updat. * Component schema: bodycodespaces_delete_secret_f, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodycodespaces_delete_secret_f, encrypted_value TYPE string, key_id TYPE string, selected_repository_ids TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodycodespaces_delete_secret_f. * Component schema: bodycodespaces_set_repositorie, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodycodespaces_set_repositorie, selected_repository_ids TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodycodespaces_set_repositorie. * Component schema: bodycodespaces_update_for_auth, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodycodespaces_update_for_auth, machine TYPE string, display_name TYPE string, recent_folders TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodycodespaces_update_for_auth. * Component schema: bodycodespaces_delete_for_auth, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodycodespaces_delete_for_auth, machine TYPE string, display_name TYPE string, recent_folders TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodycodespaces_delete_for_auth. * Component schema: bodyusers_set_primary_email_vi, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyusers_set_primary_email_vi, visibility TYPE string, END OF bodyusers_set_primary_email_vi. * Component schema: bodyusers_create_gpg_key_for_a, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyusers_create_gpg_key_for_a, armored_public_key TYPE string, END OF bodyusers_create_gpg_key_for_a. * Component schema: bodyusers_create_public_ssh_ke, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyusers_create_public_ssh_ke, title TYPE string, key TYPE string, END OF bodyusers_create_public_ssh_ke. * Component schema: bodyorgs_update_membership_for, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyorgs_update_membership_for, state TYPE string, END OF bodyorgs_update_membership_for. * Component schema: bodymigrations_start_for_authe, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodymigrations_start_for_authe, lock_repositories TYPE abap_bool, exclude_attachments TYPE abap_bool, exclude_releases TYPE abap_bool, exclude_owner_projects TYPE abap_bool, exclude TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array repositories TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF bodymigrations_start_for_authe. * Component schema: bodyprojects_create_for_authen, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyprojects_create_for_authen, name TYPE string, body TYPE string, END OF bodyprojects_create_for_authen. * Component schema: bodyrepos_create_for_authentic, object TYPES: BEGIN OF bodyrepos_create_for_authentic, name TYPE string, description TYPE string, homepage TYPE string, private TYPE abap_bool, has_issues TYPE abap_bool, has_projects TYPE abap_bool, has_wiki TYPE abap_bool, team_id TYPE i, auto_init TYPE abap_bool, gitignore_template TYPE string, license_template TYPE string, allow_squash_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_merge_commit TYPE abap_bool, allow_rebase_merge TYPE abap_bool, allow_auto_merge TYPE abap_bool, delete_branch_on_merge TYPE abap_bool, has_downloads TYPE abap_bool, is_template TYPE abap_bool, END OF bodyrepos_create_for_authentic. * Component schema: response_meta_root, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_meta_root, current_user_url TYPE string, current_user_authorizations_ht TYPE string, authorizations_url TYPE string, code_search_url TYPE string, commit_search_url TYPE string, emails_url TYPE string, emojis_url TYPE string, events_url TYPE string, feeds_url TYPE string, followers_url TYPE string, following_url TYPE string, gists_url TYPE string, hub_url TYPE string, issue_search_url TYPE string, issues_url TYPE string, keys_url TYPE string, label_search_url TYPE string, notifications_url TYPE string, organization_url TYPE string, organization_repositories_url TYPE string, organization_teams_url TYPE string, public_gists_url TYPE string, rate_limit_url TYPE string, repository_url TYPE string, repository_search_url TYPE string, current_user_repositories_url TYPE string, starred_url TYPE string, starred_gists_url TYPE string, topic_search_url TYPE string, user_url TYPE string, user_organizations_url TYPE string, user_repositories_url TYPE string, user_search_url TYPE string, END OF response_meta_root. * Component schema: response_apps_list_webhook_deliveries, array TYPES response_apps_list_webhook_del TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF hook_delivery_item WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_apps_list_installations, array TYPES response_apps_list_installatio TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF installation WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_codes_of_conduct_get_all_codes, array TYPES response_codes_of_conduct_get_ TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF code_of_conduct WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_emojis_get, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_emojis_get, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF response_emojis_get. * Component schema: response_enterprise_admin_list_selected, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_enterprise_admin_list, total_count TYPE f, organizations TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_enterprise_admin_list. * Component schema: response_enterprise_admin_list_self_hos, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_enterprise_admin_li01, total_count TYPE f, runner_groups TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_enterprise_admin_li01. * Component schema: response_enterprise_admin_list_org_acce, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_enterprise_admin_li02, total_count TYPE f, organizations TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_enterprise_admin_li02. * Component schema: response_enterprise_admin_list_self_h01, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_enterprise_admin_li03, total_count TYPE f, runners TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_enterprise_admin_li03. * Component schema: response_enterprise_admin_list_self_h02, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_enterprise_admin_li04, total_count TYPE f, runners TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_enterprise_admin_li04. * Component schema: response_enterprise_admin_list_runner_a, array TYPES response_enterprise_admin_li05 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF runner_application WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_enterprise_admin_get_audit_log, array TYPES response_enterprise_admin_get_ TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF audit_log_event WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_secret_scanning_list_alerts_fo, array TYPES response_secret_scanning_list_ TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF organization_secret_scanning_a WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_activity_list_public_events, array TYPES response_activity_list_public_ TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF event WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_gists_list, array TYPES response_gists_list TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF base_gist WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_gists_list_public, array TYPES response_gists_list_public TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF base_gist WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_gists_list_starred, array TYPES response_gists_list_starred TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF base_gist WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_gists_list_comments, array TYPES response_gists_list_comments TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gist_comment WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_gists_list_commits, array TYPES response_gists_list_commits TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gist_commit WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_gists_list_forks, array TYPES response_gists_list_forks TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gist_simple WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_gists_check_is_starred, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_gists_check_is_starre, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF response_gists_check_is_starre. * Component schema: response_gitignore_get_all_templates, array TYPES response_gitignore_get_all_tem TYPE string. " array todo * Component schema: response_apps_list_repos_accessible_to_, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_apps_list_repos_acces, total_count TYPE i, repositories TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array repository_selection TYPE string, END OF response_apps_list_repos_acces. * Component schema: response_issues_list, array TYPES response_issues_list TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF issue WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_licenses_get_all_commonly_used, array TYPES response_licenses_get_all_comm TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF license_simple WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_apps_list_plans, array TYPES response_apps_list_plans TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF marketplace_listing_plan WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_apps_list_accounts_for_plan, array TYPES response_apps_list_accounts_fo TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF marketplace_purchase WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_apps_list_plans_stubbed, array TYPES response_apps_list_plans_stubb TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF marketplace_listing_plan WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_apps_list_accounts_for_plan_st, array TYPES response_apps_list_accounts_01 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF marketplace_purchase WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_activity_list_public_events_fo, array TYPES response_activity_list_publi01 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF event WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_activity_list_notifications_fo, array TYPES response_activity_list_notific TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF thread WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_activity_mark_notifications_as, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_activity_mark_notific, message TYPE string, END OF response_activity_mark_notific. * Component schema: response_orgs_list, array TYPES response_orgs_list TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF organization_simple WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_orgs_list_custom_roles, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_orgs_list_custom_role, total_count TYPE i, custom_roles TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_orgs_list_custom_role. * Component schema: response_actions_list_selected_reposito, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_actions_list_selected, total_count TYPE f, repositories TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_actions_list_selected. * Component schema: response_actions_list_self_hosted_runne, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_actions_list_self_hos, total_count TYPE f, runner_groups TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_actions_list_self_hos. * Component schema: response_actions_list_repo_access_to_se, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_actions_list_repo_acc, total_count TYPE f, repositories TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_actions_list_repo_acc. * Component schema: response_actions_list_self_hosted_run01, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_actions_list_self_h01, total_count TYPE f, runners TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_actions_list_self_h01. * Component schema: response_actions_list_self_hosted_run02, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_actions_list_self_h02, total_count TYPE i, runners TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_actions_list_self_h02. * Component schema: response_actions_list_runner_applicatio, array TYPES response_actions_list_runner_a TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF runner_application WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_actions_list_org_secrets, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_actions_list_org_secr, total_count TYPE i, secrets TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_actions_list_org_secr. * Component schema: response_actions_list_selected_repos_fo, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_actions_list_select01, total_count TYPE i, repositories TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_actions_list_select01. * Component schema: response_orgs_get_audit_log, array TYPES response_orgs_get_audit_log TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF audit_log_event WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_orgs_list_blocked_users, array TYPES response_orgs_list_blocked_use TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF simple_user WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_code_scanning_list_alerts_for_, array TYPES response_code_scanning_list_al TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF code_scanning_organization_ale WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_orgs_list_saml_sso_authorizati, array TYPES response_orgs_list_saml_sso_au TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF credential_authorization WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_dependabot_list_org_secrets, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_dependabot_list_org_s, total_count TYPE i, secrets TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_dependabot_list_org_s. * Component schema: response_dependabot_list_selected_repos, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_dependabot_list_selec, total_count TYPE i, repositories TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_dependabot_list_selec. * Component schema: response_activity_list_public_org_event, array TYPES response_activity_list_publi02 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF event WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_orgs_list_failed_invitations, array TYPES response_orgs_list_failed_invi TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF organization_invitation WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_orgs_list_webhooks, array TYPES response_orgs_list_webhooks TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF org_hook WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_orgs_list_webhook_deliveries, array TYPES response_orgs_list_webhook_del TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF hook_delivery_item WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_orgs_list_app_installations, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_orgs_list_app_install, total_count TYPE i, installations TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_orgs_list_app_install. * Component schema: response_orgs_list_pending_invitations, array TYPES response_orgs_list_pending_inv TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF organization_invitation WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_orgs_list_invitation_teams, array TYPES response_orgs_list_invitation_ TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF team WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_issues_list_for_org, array TYPES response_issues_list_for_org TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF issue WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_orgs_list_members, array TYPES response_orgs_list_members TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF simple_user WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_migrations_list_for_org, array TYPES response_migrations_list_for_o TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF migration WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_migrations_list_repos_for_org, array TYPES response_migrations_list_repos TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF minimal_repository WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_orgs_list_outside_collaborator, array TYPES response_orgs_list_outside_col TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF simple_user WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_orgs_convert_member_to_outside, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_orgs_convert_member_t, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF response_orgs_convert_member_t. * Component schema: response_orgs_remove_outside_collaborat, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_orgs_remove_outside_c, message TYPE string, documentation_url TYPE string, END OF response_orgs_remove_outside_c. * Component schema: response_packages_list_packages_for_org, array TYPES response_packages_list_package TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF package WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_packages_get_all_package_versi, array TYPES response_packages_get_all_pack TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF package_version WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_projects_list_for_org, array TYPES response_projects_list_for_org TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF project WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_orgs_list_public_members, array TYPES response_orgs_list_public_memb TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF simple_user WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_list_for_org, array TYPES response_repos_list_for_org TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF minimal_repository WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_secret_scanning_list_alerts_01, array TYPES response_secret_scanning_lis01 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF organization_secret_scanning_a WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_teams_list, array TYPES response_teams_list TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF team WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_teams_list_discussions_in_org, array TYPES response_teams_list_discussion TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF team_discussion WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_teams_list_discussion_comments, array TYPES response_teams_list_discussi01 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF team_discussion_comment WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_reactions_list_for_team_discus, array TYPES response_reactions_list_for_te TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF reaction WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_reactions_list_for_team_disc01, array TYPES response_reactions_list_for_01 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF reaction WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_teams_list_pending_invitations, array TYPES response_teams_list_pending_in TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF organization_invitation WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_teams_list_members_in_org, array TYPES response_teams_list_members_in TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF simple_user WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_teams_list_projects_in_org, array TYPES response_teams_list_projects_i TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF team_project WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_teams_add_or_update_project_pe, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_teams_add_or_update_p, message TYPE string, documentation_url TYPE string, END OF response_teams_add_or_update_p. * Component schema: response_teams_list_repos_in_org, array TYPES response_teams_list_repos_in_o TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF minimal_repository WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_teams_list_child_in_org, array TYPES response_teams_list_child_in_o TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF team WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_projects_delete_card, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_projects_delete_card, message TYPE string, documentation_url TYPE string, errors TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_projects_delete_card. * Component schema: response_projects_move_card, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_projects_move_card, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF response_projects_move_card. * Component schema: response_projects_move_card, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_projects_move_card01, message TYPE string, documentation_url TYPE string, errors TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_projects_move_card01. * Component schema: response_projects_move_card, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_projects_move_card02, code TYPE string, message TYPE string, documentation_url TYPE string, errors TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_projects_move_card02. * Component schema: response_projects_list_cards, array TYPES response_projects_list_cards TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF project_card WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_projects_create_card, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_projects_create_card, code TYPE string, message TYPE string, documentation_url TYPE string, errors TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_projects_create_card. * Component schema: response_projects_move_column, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_projects_move_column, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF response_projects_move_column. * Component schema: response_projects_update, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_projects_update, message TYPE string, documentation_url TYPE string, errors TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_projects_update. * Component schema: response_projects_delete, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_projects_delete, message TYPE string, documentation_url TYPE string, errors TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_projects_delete. * Component schema: response_projects_list_collaborators, array TYPES response_projects_list_collabo TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF simple_user WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_projects_list_columns, array TYPES response_projects_list_columns TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF project_column WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_delete, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_repos_delete, message TYPE string, documentation_url TYPE string, END OF response_repos_delete. * Component schema: response_actions_list_artifacts_for_rep, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_actions_list_artifact, total_count TYPE i, artifacts TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_actions_list_artifact. * Component schema: response_actions_list_self_hosted_run03, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_actions_list_self_h03, total_count TYPE i, runners TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_actions_list_self_h03. * Component schema: response_actions_list_runner_applicat01, array TYPES response_actions_list_runner01 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF runner_application WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_actions_list_workflow_runs_for, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_actions_list_workflow, total_count TYPE i, workflow_runs TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_actions_list_workflow. * Component schema: response_actions_get_reviews_for_run, array TYPES response_actions_get_reviews_f TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF environment_approvals WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_actions_list_workflow_run_arti, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_actions_list_workfl01, total_count TYPE i, artifacts TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_actions_list_workfl01. * Component schema: response_actions_list_jobs_for_workflow, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_actions_list_jobs_for, total_count TYPE i, jobs TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_actions_list_jobs_for. * Component schema: response_actions_cancel_workflow_run, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_actions_cancel_workfl, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF response_actions_cancel_workfl. * Component schema: response_actions_list_jobs_for_workfl01, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_actions_list_jobs_f01, total_count TYPE i, jobs TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_actions_list_jobs_f01. * Component schema: response_actions_get_pending_deployment, array TYPES response_actions_get_pending_d TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF pending_deployment WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_actions_review_pending_deploym, array TYPES response_actions_review_pendin TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF deployment WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_actions_list_repo_secrets, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_actions_list_repo_sec, total_count TYPE i, secrets TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_actions_list_repo_sec. * Component schema: response_actions_create_or_update_repo_, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_actions_create_or_upd, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF response_actions_create_or_upd. * Component schema: response_actions_list_repo_workflows, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_actions_list_repo_wor, total_count TYPE i, workflows TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_actions_list_repo_wor. * Component schema: response_actions_list_workflow_runs, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_actions_list_workfl02, total_count TYPE i, workflow_runs TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_actions_list_workfl02. * Component schema: response_issues_list_assignees, array TYPES response_issues_list_assignees TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF simple_user WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_list_autolinks, array TYPES response_repos_list_autolinks TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF autolink WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_list_branches, array TYPES response_repos_list_branches TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF short_branch WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_get_all_status_check_con, array TYPES response_repos_get_all_status_ TYPE string. " array todo * Component schema: response_repos_add_status_check_context, array TYPES response_repos_add_status_chec TYPE string. " array todo * Component schema: response_repos_set_status_check_context, array TYPES response_repos_set_status_chec TYPE string. " array todo * Component schema: response_repos_remove_status_check_cont, array TYPES response_repos_remove_status_c TYPE string. " array todo * Component schema: response_repos_get_apps_with_access_to_, array TYPES response_repos_get_apps_with_a TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF integration WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_add_app_access_restricti, array TYPES response_repos_add_app_access_ TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF integration WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_set_app_access_restricti, array TYPES response_repos_set_app_access_ TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF integration WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_remove_app_access_restri, array TYPES response_repos_remove_app_acce TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF integration WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_get_teams_with_access_to, array TYPES response_repos_get_teams_with_ TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF team WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_add_team_access_restrict, array TYPES response_repos_add_team_access TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF team WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_set_team_access_restrict, array TYPES response_repos_set_team_access TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF team WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_remove_team_access_restr, array TYPES response_repos_remove_team_acc TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF team WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_get_users_with_access_to, array TYPES response_repos_get_users_with_ TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF simple_user WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_add_user_access_restrict, array TYPES response_repos_add_user_access TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF simple_user WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_set_user_access_restrict, array TYPES response_repos_set_user_access TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF simple_user WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_remove_user_access_restr, array TYPES response_repos_remove_user_acc TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF simple_user WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_checks_list_annotations, array TYPES response_checks_list_annotatio TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF check_annotation WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_checks_rerequest_run, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_checks_rerequest_run, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF response_checks_rerequest_run. * Component schema: response_checks_list_for_suite, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_checks_list_for_suite, total_count TYPE i, check_runs TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_checks_list_for_suite. * Component schema: response_checks_rerequest_suite, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_checks_rerequest_suit, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF response_checks_rerequest_suit. * Component schema: response_code_scanning_list_alerts_fo01, array TYPES response_code_scanning_list_01 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF code_scanning_alert_items WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_code_scanning_list_alert_insta, array TYPES response_code_scanning_list_02 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF code_scanning_alert_instance WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_code_scanning_list_recent_anal, array TYPES response_code_scanning_list_re TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF code_scanning_analysis WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_codespaces_list_in_repository_, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_codespaces_list_in_re, total_count TYPE i, codespaces TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_codespaces_list_in_re. * Component schema: response_codespaces_repo_machines_for_a, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_codespaces_repo_machi, total_count TYPE i, machines TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_codespaces_repo_machi. * Component schema: response_repos_list_collaborators, array TYPES response_repos_list_collaborat TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF collaborator WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_list_commit_comments_for, array TYPES response_repos_list_commit_com TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF commit_comment WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_reactions_list_for_commit_comm, array TYPES response_reactions_list_for_co TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF reaction WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_list_commits, array TYPES response_repos_list_commits TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF commit WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_list_branches_for_head_c, array TYPES response_repos_list_branches_f TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF branch_short WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_list_comments_for_commit, array TYPES response_repos_list_comments_f TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF commit_comment WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_list_pull_requests_assoc, array TYPES response_repos_list_pull_reque TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF pull_request_simple WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_checks_list_for_ref, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_checks_list_for_ref, total_count TYPE i, check_runs TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_checks_list_for_ref. * Component schema: response_checks_list_suites_for_ref, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_checks_list_suites_fo, total_count TYPE i, check_suites TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_checks_list_suites_fo. * Component schema: response_repos_list_commit_statuses_for, array TYPES response_repos_list_commit_sta TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF status WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_list_contributors, array TYPES response_repos_list_contributo TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF contributor WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_dependabot_list_repo_secrets, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_dependabot_list_repo_, total_count TYPE i, secrets TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_dependabot_list_repo_. * Component schema: response_dependabot_create_or_update_re, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_dependabot_create_or_, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF response_dependabot_create_or_. * Component schema: response_repos_list_deployments, array TYPES response_repos_list_deployment TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF deployment WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_create_deployment, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_repos_create_deployme, message TYPE string, END OF response_repos_create_deployme. * Component schema: response_repos_list_deployment_statuses, array TYPES response_repos_list_deployme01 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF deployment_status WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_get_all_environments, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_repos_get_all_environ, total_count TYPE i, environments TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_repos_get_all_environ. * Component schema: response_activity_list_repo_events, array TYPES response_activity_list_repo_ev TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF event WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_list_forks, array TYPES response_repos_list_forks TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF minimal_repository WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_git_list_matching_refs, array TYPES response_git_list_matching_ref TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF git_ref WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_list_webhooks, array TYPES response_repos_list_webhooks TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF hook WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_list_webhook_deliveries, array TYPES response_repos_list_webhook_de TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF hook_delivery_item WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_migrations_get_commit_authors, array TYPES response_migrations_get_commit TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF porter_author WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_migrations_get_large_files, array TYPES response_migrations_get_large_ TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF porter_large_file WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_list_invitations, array TYPES response_repos_list_invitation TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF repository_invitation WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_issues_list_for_repo, array TYPES response_issues_list_for_repo TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF issue WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_issues_list_comments_for_repo, array TYPES response_issues_list_comments_ TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF issue_comment WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_reactions_list_for_issue_comme, array TYPES response_reactions_list_for_is TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF reaction WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_issues_list_events_for_repo, array TYPES response_issues_list_events_fo TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF issue_event WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_issues_list_comments, array TYPES response_issues_list_comments TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF issue_comment WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_issues_list_events, array TYPES response_issues_list_events TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF issue_event_for_issue WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_issues_list_labels_on_issue, array TYPES response_issues_list_labels_on TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF label WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_issues_add_labels, array TYPES response_issues_add_labels TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF label WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_issues_set_labels, array TYPES response_issues_set_labels TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF label WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_issues_remove_label, array TYPES response_issues_remove_label TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF label WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_reactions_list_for_issue, array TYPES response_reactions_list_for_02 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF reaction WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_issues_list_events_for_timelin, array TYPES response_issues_list_events_01 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF timeline_issue_events WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_list_deploy_keys, array TYPES response_repos_list_deploy_key TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF deploy_key WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_issues_list_labels_for_repo, array TYPES response_issues_list_labels_fo TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF label WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_issues_list_milestones, array TYPES response_issues_list_milestone TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF milestone WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_issues_list_labels_for_milesto, array TYPES response_issues_list_labels_01 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF label WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_activity_list_repo_notificatio, array TYPES response_activity_list_repo_no TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF thread WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_activity_mark_repo_notificatio, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_activity_mark_repo_no, message TYPE string, url TYPE string, END OF response_activity_mark_repo_no. * Component schema: response_repos_list_pages_builds, array TYPES response_repos_list_pages_buil TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF page_build WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_projects_list_for_repo, array TYPES response_projects_list_for_rep TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF project WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_pulls_list, array TYPES response_pulls_list TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF pull_request_simple WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_pulls_list_review_comments_for, array TYPES response_pulls_list_review_com TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF pull_request_review_comment WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_reactions_list_for_pull_reques, array TYPES response_reactions_list_for_pu TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF reaction WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_pulls_list_review_comments, array TYPES response_pulls_list_review_c01 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF pull_request_review_comment WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_pulls_list_commits, array TYPES response_pulls_list_commits TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF commit WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_pulls_list_files, array TYPES response_pulls_list_files TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF diff_entry WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_pulls_merge, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_pulls_merge, message TYPE string, documentation_url TYPE string, END OF response_pulls_merge. * Component schema: response_pulls_merge, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_pulls_merge01, message TYPE string, documentation_url TYPE string, END OF response_pulls_merge01. * Component schema: response_pulls_list_reviews, array TYPES response_pulls_list_reviews TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF pull_request_review WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_pulls_list_comments_for_review, array TYPES response_pulls_list_comments_f TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF review_comment WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_pulls_update_branch, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_pulls_update_branch, message TYPE string, url TYPE string, END OF response_pulls_update_branch. * Component schema: response_repos_list_releases, array TYPES response_repos_list_releases TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF release WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_list_release_assets, array TYPES response_repos_list_release_as TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF release_asset WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_secret_scanning_list_alerts_02, array TYPES response_secret_scanning_lis02 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF secret_scanning_alert WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_secret_scanning_list_locations, array TYPES response_secret_scanning_lis03 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF secret_scanning_location WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_get_code_frequency_stats, array TYPES response_repos_get_code_freque TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF code_frequency_stat WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_get_commit_activity_stat, array TYPES response_repos_get_commit_acti TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF commit_activity WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_get_contributors_stats, array TYPES response_repos_get_contributor TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF contributor_activity WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_get_punch_card_stats, array TYPES response_repos_get_punch_card_ TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF code_frequency_stat WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_activity_list_watchers_for_rep, array TYPES response_activity_list_watcher TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF simple_user WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_list_tags, array TYPES response_repos_list_tags TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF tag WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_list_teams, array TYPES response_repos_list_teams TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF team WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_get_top_paths, array TYPES response_repos_get_top_paths TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF content_traffic WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_get_top_referrers, array TYPES response_repos_get_top_referre TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF referrer_traffic WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_list_public, array TYPES response_repos_list_public TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF minimal_repository WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_actions_list_environment_secre, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_actions_list_environm, total_count TYPE i, secrets TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_actions_list_environm. * Component schema: response_search_code, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_search_code, total_count TYPE i, incomplete_results TYPE abap_bool, items TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_search_code. * Component schema: response_search_commits, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_search_commits, total_count TYPE i, incomplete_results TYPE abap_bool, items TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_search_commits. * Component schema: response_search_issues_and_pull_request, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_search_issues_and_pul, total_count TYPE i, incomplete_results TYPE abap_bool, items TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_search_issues_and_pul. * Component schema: response_search_labels, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_search_labels, total_count TYPE i, incomplete_results TYPE abap_bool, items TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_search_labels. * Component schema: response_search_repos, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_search_repos, total_count TYPE i, incomplete_results TYPE abap_bool, items TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_search_repos. * Component schema: response_search_topics, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_search_topics, total_count TYPE i, incomplete_results TYPE abap_bool, items TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_search_topics. * Component schema: response_search_users, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_search_users, total_count TYPE i, incomplete_results TYPE abap_bool, items TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_search_users. * Component schema: response_users_list_blocked_by_authenti, array TYPES response_users_list_blocked_by TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF simple_user WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_codespaces_list_for_authentica, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_codespaces_list_for_a, total_count TYPE i, codespaces TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_codespaces_list_for_a. * Component schema: response_codespaces_list_secrets_for_au, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_codespaces_list_secre, total_count TYPE i, secrets TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_codespaces_list_secre. * Component schema: response_codespaces_create_or_update_se, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_codespaces_create_or_, dummy_workaround TYPE i, END OF response_codespaces_create_or_. * Component schema: response_codespaces_list_repositories_f, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_codespaces_list_repos, total_count TYPE i, repositories TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_codespaces_list_repos. * Component schema: response_codespaces_codespace_machines_, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_codespaces_codespace_, total_count TYPE i, machines TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_codespaces_codespace_. * Component schema: response_users_set_primary_email_visibi, array TYPES response_users_set_primary_ema TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF email WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_users_list_emails_for_authenti, array TYPES response_users_list_emails_for TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF email WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_users_add_email_for_authentica, array TYPES response_users_add_email_for_a TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF email WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_users_list_followers_for_authe, array TYPES response_users_list_followers_ TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF simple_user WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_users_list_followed_by_authent, array TYPES response_users_list_followed_b TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF simple_user WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_users_list_gpg_keys_for_authen, array TYPES response_users_list_gpg_keys_f TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gpg_key WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_apps_list_installations_for_au, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_apps_list_installat01, total_count TYPE i, installations TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_apps_list_installat01. * Component schema: response_apps_list_installation_repos_f, object TYPES: BEGIN OF response_apps_list_installat02, total_count TYPE i, repository_selection TYPE string, repositories TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF string WITH DEFAULT KEY, " todo, handle array END OF response_apps_list_installat02. * Component schema: response_issues_list_for_authenticated_, array TYPES response_issues_list_for_authe TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF issue WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_users_list_public_ssh_keys_for, array TYPES response_users_list_public_ssh TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF key WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_apps_list_subscriptions_for_au, array TYPES response_apps_list_subscriptio TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF user_marketplace_purchase WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_apps_list_subscriptions_for_01, array TYPES response_apps_list_subscript01 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF user_marketplace_purchase WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_orgs_list_memberships_for_auth, array TYPES response_orgs_list_memberships TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF org_membership WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_migrations_list_for_authentica, array TYPES response_migrations_list_for_a TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF migration WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_migrations_list_repos_for_auth, array TYPES response_migrations_list_rep01 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF minimal_repository WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_orgs_list_for_authenticated_us, array TYPES response_orgs_list_for_authent TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF organization_simple WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_packages_list_packages_for_aut, array TYPES response_packages_list_packa01 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF package WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_packages_get_all_package_ver01, array TYPES response_packages_get_all_pa01 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF package_version WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_users_list_public_emails_for_a, array TYPES response_users_list_public_ema TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF email WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_list_for_authenticated_u, array TYPES response_repos_list_for_authen TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF repository WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_list_invitations_for_aut, array TYPES response_repos_list_invitati01 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF repository_invitation WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_activity_list_repos_starred_by, array TYPES response_activity_list_repos_s TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF repository WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_activity_list_watched_repos_fo, array TYPES response_activity_list_watched TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF minimal_repository WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_teams_list_for_authenticated_u, array TYPES response_teams_list_for_authen TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF team_full WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_users_list, array TYPES response_users_list TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF simple_user WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_activity_list_events_for_authe, array TYPES response_activity_list_events_ TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF event WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_activity_list_org_events_for_a, array TYPES response_activity_list_org_eve TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF event WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_activity_list_public_events_01, array TYPES response_activity_list_publi03 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF event WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_users_list_followers_for_user, array TYPES response_users_list_follower01 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF simple_user WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_users_list_following_for_user, array TYPES response_users_list_following_ TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF simple_user WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_gists_list_for_user, array TYPES response_gists_list_for_user TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF base_gist WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_users_list_gpg_keys_for_user, array TYPES response_users_list_gpg_keys01 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gpg_key WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_users_list_public_keys_for_use, array TYPES response_users_list_public_key TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF key_simple WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_orgs_list_for_user, array TYPES response_orgs_list_for_user TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF organization_simple WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_packages_list_packages_for_use, array TYPES response_packages_list_packa02 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF package WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_packages_get_all_package_ver02, array TYPES response_packages_get_all_pa02 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF package_version WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_projects_list_for_user, array TYPES response_projects_list_for_use TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF project WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_activity_list_received_events_, array TYPES response_activity_list_receive TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF event WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_activity_list_received_public_, array TYPES response_activity_list_recei01 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF event WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_repos_list_for_user, array TYPES response_repos_list_for_user TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF minimal_repository WITH DEFAULT KEY. * Component schema: response_activity_list_repos_watched_by, array TYPES response_activity_list_repos_w TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF minimal_repository WITH DEFAULT KEY. * GET - "GitHub API Root" * Operation id: meta/root * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_meta_root METHODS meta_root RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_meta_root RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get the authenticated app" * Operation id: apps/get-authenticated * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/integration METHODS apps_get_authenticated RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE integration RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a GitHub App from a manifest" * Operation id: apps/create-from-manifest * Parameter: code, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, string * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyapps_create_from_manifest METHODS apps_create_from_manifest IMPORTING code TYPE string body TYPE bodyapps_create_from_manifest RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a webhook configuration for an app" * Operation id: apps/get-webhook-config-for-app * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/webhook-config METHODS apps_get_webhook_config_for_ap RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE webhook_config RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a webhook configuration for an app" * Operation id: apps/update-webhook-config-for-app * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/webhook-config * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyapps_update_webhook_config METHODS apps_update_webhook_config_for IMPORTING body TYPE bodyapps_update_webhook_config RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE webhook_config RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List deliveries for an app webhook" * Operation id: apps/list-webhook-deliveries * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: cursor, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_apps_list_webhook_deliveries * Response: 400 * Response: 422 METHODS apps_list_webhook_deliveries IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 cursor TYPE string OPTIONAL RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_apps_list_webhook_del RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a delivery for an app webhook" * Operation id: apps/get-webhook-delivery * Parameter: delivery_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/hook-delivery * Response: 400 * Response: 422 METHODS apps_get_webhook_delivery IMPORTING delivery_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE hook_delivery RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Redeliver a delivery for an app webhook" * Operation id: apps/redeliver-webhook-delivery * Parameter: delivery_id, required, path * Response: 202 * Response: 400 * Response: 422 METHODS apps_redeliver_webhook_deliver IMPORTING delivery_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List installations for the authenticated app" * Operation id: apps/list-installations * Parameter: outdated, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: since, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_apps_list_installations METHODS apps_list_installations IMPORTING outdated TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 since TYPE string OPTIONAL RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_apps_list_installatio RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an installation for the authenticated app" * Operation id: apps/get-installation * Parameter: installation_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/installation * Response: 404 * Response: 415 METHODS apps_get_installation IMPORTING installation_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE installation RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an installation for the authenticated app" * Operation id: apps/delete-installation * Parameter: installation_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS apps_delete_installation IMPORTING installation_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create an installation access token for an app" * Operation id: apps/create-installation-access-token * Parameter: installation_id, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/installation-token * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 415 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyapps_create_installation_a METHODS apps_create_installation_acces IMPORTING installation_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyapps_create_installation_a RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE installation_token RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Suspend an app installation" * Operation id: apps/suspend-installation * Parameter: installation_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS apps_suspend_installation IMPORTING installation_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Unsuspend an app installation" * Operation id: apps/unsuspend-installation * Parameter: installation_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS apps_unsuspend_installation IMPORTING installation_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an app authorization" * Operation id: apps/delete-authorization * Parameter: client_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyapps_delete_authorization METHODS apps_delete_authorization IMPORTING client_id TYPE string body TYPE bodyapps_delete_authorization RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Check a token" * Operation id: apps/check-token * Parameter: client_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/authorization * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyapps_check_token METHODS apps_check_token IMPORTING client_id TYPE string body TYPE bodyapps_check_token RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE authorization RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Reset a token" * Operation id: apps/reset-token * Parameter: client_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/authorization * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyapps_reset_token METHODS apps_reset_token IMPORTING client_id TYPE string body TYPE bodyapps_reset_token RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE authorization RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an app token" * Operation id: apps/delete-token * Parameter: client_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyapps_delete_token METHODS apps_delete_token IMPORTING client_id TYPE string body TYPE bodyapps_delete_token RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a scoped access token" * Operation id: apps/scope-token * Parameter: client_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/authorization * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyapps_scope_token METHODS apps_scope_token IMPORTING client_id TYPE string body TYPE bodyapps_scope_token RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE authorization RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an app" * Operation id: apps/get-by-slug * Parameter: app_slug, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/integration * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 415 METHODS apps_get_by_slug IMPORTING app_slug TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE integration RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get all codes of conduct" * Operation id: codes-of-conduct/get-all-codes-of-conduct * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_codes_of_conduct_get_all_codes * Response: 304 METHODS codes_of_conduct_get_all_codes RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_codes_of_conduct_get_ RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a code of conduct" * Operation id: codes-of-conduct/get-conduct-code * Parameter: key, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/code-of-conduct * Response: 304 * Response: 404 METHODS codes_of_conduct_get_conduct_c IMPORTING key TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE code_of_conduct RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get emojis" * Operation id: emojis/get * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_emojis_get * Response: 304 METHODS emojis_get RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_emojis_get RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get GitHub Actions permissions for an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/get-github-actions-permissions-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/actions-enterprise-permissions METHODS enterprise_admin_get_github_ac IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE actions_enterprise_permissions RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set GitHub Actions permissions for an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/set-github-actions-permissions-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyenterprise_admin_set_githu METHODS enterprise_admin_set_github_ac IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string body TYPE bodyenterprise_admin_set_githu RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List selected organizations enabled for GitHub Actions in an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/list-selected-organizations-enabled-github-actions-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_enterprise_admin_list_selected METHODS enterprise_admin_list_selected IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_enterprise_admin_list RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set selected organizations enabled for GitHub Actions in an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/set-selected-organizations-enabled-github-actions-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyenterprise_admin_set_selec METHODS enterprise_admin_set_selected_ IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string body TYPE bodyenterprise_admin_set_selec RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Enable a selected organization for GitHub Actions in an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/enable-selected-organization-github-actions-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: org_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS enterprise_admin_enable_select IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string org_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Disable a selected organization for GitHub Actions in an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/disable-selected-organization-github-actions-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: org_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS enterprise_admin_disable_selec IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string org_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get allowed actions for an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/get-allowed-actions-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/selected-actions METHODS enterprise_admin_get_allowed_a IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE selected_actions RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set allowed actions for an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/set-allowed-actions-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/selected-actions METHODS enterprise_admin_set_allowed_a IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string body TYPE selected_actions RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List self-hosted runner groups for an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/list-self-hosted-runner-groups-for-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_enterprise_admin_list_self_hos METHODS enterprise_admin_list_self_hos IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_enterprise_admin_li01 RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a self-hosted runner group for an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/create-self-hosted-runner-group-for-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/runner-groups-enterprise * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyenterprise_admin_create_se METHODS enterprise_admin_create_self_h IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string body TYPE bodyenterprise_admin_create_se RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE runner_groups_enterprise RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a self-hosted runner group for an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/get-self-hosted-runner-group-for-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/runner-groups-enterprise METHODS enterprise_admin_get_self_host IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE runner_groups_enterprise RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a self-hosted runner group for an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/update-self-hosted-runner-group-for-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/runner-groups-enterprise * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyenterprise_admin_update_se METHODS enterprise_admin_update_self_h IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyenterprise_admin_update_se RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE runner_groups_enterprise RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a self-hosted runner group from an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/delete-self-hosted-runner-group-from-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyenterprise_admin_delete_se METHODS enterprise_admin_delete_self_h IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyenterprise_admin_delete_se RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organization access to a self-hosted runner group in an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/list-org-access-to-self-hosted-runner-group-in-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_enterprise_admin_list_org_acce METHODS enterprise_admin_list_org_acce IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_enterprise_admin_li02 RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set organization access for a self-hosted runner group in an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/set-org-access-to-self-hosted-runner-group-in-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyenterprise_admin_set_org_a METHODS enterprise_admin_set_org_acces IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyenterprise_admin_set_org_a RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add organization access to a self-hosted runner group in an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/add-org-access-to-self-hosted-runner-group-in-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Parameter: org_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS enterprise_admin_add_org_acces IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i org_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove organization access to a self-hosted runner group in an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/remove-org-access-to-self-hosted-runner-group-in-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Parameter: org_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS enterprise_admin_remove_org_ac IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i org_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List self-hosted runners in a group for an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/list-self-hosted-runners-in-group-for-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_enterprise_admin_list_self_h01 METHODS enterprise_admin_list_self_h01 IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_enterprise_admin_li03 RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set self-hosted runners in a group for an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/set-self-hosted-runners-in-group-for-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyenterprise_admin_set_self_ METHODS enterprise_admin_set_self_host IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyenterprise_admin_set_self_ RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add a self-hosted runner to a group for an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/add-self-hosted-runner-to-group-for-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS enterprise_admin_add_self_host IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i runner_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove a self-hosted runner from a group for an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/remove-self-hosted-runner-from-group-for-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS enterprise_admin_remove_self_h IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i runner_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List self-hosted runners for an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/list-self-hosted-runners-for-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_enterprise_admin_list_self_h02 METHODS enterprise_admin_list_self_h02 IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_enterprise_admin_li04 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List runner applications for an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/list-runner-applications-for-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_enterprise_admin_list_runner_a METHODS enterprise_admin_list_runner_a IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_enterprise_admin_li05 RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a registration token for an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/create-registration-token-for-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/authentication-token METHODS enterprise_admin_create_regist IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE authentication_token RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a remove token for an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/create-remove-token-for-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/authentication-token METHODS enterprise_admin_create_remove IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE authentication_token RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a self-hosted runner for an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/get-self-hosted-runner-for-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/runner METHODS enterprise_admin_get_self_ho01 IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE runner RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a self-hosted runner from an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/delete-self-hosted-runner-from-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS enterprise_admin_delete_self01 IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List labels for a self-hosted runner for an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/list-labels-for-self-hosted-runner-for-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 200 * Response: 404 METHODS enterprise_admin_list_labels_f IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Add custom labels to a self-hosted runner for an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/add-custom-labels-to-self-hosted-runner-for-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 200 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyenterprise_admin_add_custo METHODS enterprise_admin_add_custom_la IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyenterprise_admin_add_custo RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set custom labels for a self-hosted runner for an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/set-custom-labels-for-self-hosted-runner-for-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 200 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyenterprise_admin_set_custo METHODS enterprise_admin_set_custom_la IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyenterprise_admin_set_custo RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove all custom labels from a self-hosted runner for an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/remove-all-custom-labels-from-self-hosted-runner-for-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 200 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyenterprise_admin_remove_al METHODS enterprise_admin_remove_all_cu IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyenterprise_admin_remove_al RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove a custom label from a self-hosted runner for an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/remove-custom-label-from-self-hosted-runner-for-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Parameter: name, required, path * Response: 200 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS enterprise_admin_remove_custom IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string runner_id TYPE i name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get the audit log for an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/get-audit-log * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: phrase, optional, query * Parameter: include, optional, query * Parameter: after, optional, query * Parameter: before, optional, query * Parameter: order, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_enterprise_admin_get_audit_log METHODS enterprise_admin_get_audit_log IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string phrase TYPE string OPTIONAL include TYPE string OPTIONAL after TYPE string OPTIONAL before TYPE string OPTIONAL order TYPE string OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_enterprise_admin_get_ RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List secret scanning alerts for an enterprise" * Operation id: secret-scanning/list-alerts-for-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: secret_type, optional, query * Parameter: resolution, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: before, optional, query * Parameter: after, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_secret_scanning_list_alerts_fo * Response: 404 * Response: 503 METHODS secret_scanning_list_alerts_fo IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string state TYPE string OPTIONAL secret_type TYPE string OPTIONAL resolution TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 before TYPE string OPTIONAL after TYPE string OPTIONAL RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_secret_scanning_list_ RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get GitHub Actions billing for an enterprise" * Operation id: billing/get-github-actions-billing-ghe * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/actions-billing-usage METHODS billing_get_github_actions_bil IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE actions_billing_usage RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get GitHub Advanced Security active committers for an enterprise" * Operation id: billing/get-github-advanced-security-billing-ghe * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/advanced-security-active-committers * Response: 403 METHODS billing_get_github_advanced_se IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE advanced_security_active_com02 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get GitHub Packages billing for an enterprise" * Operation id: billing/get-github-packages-billing-ghe * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/packages-billing-usage METHODS billing_get_github_packages_bi IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE packages_billing_usage RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get shared storage billing for an enterprise" * Operation id: billing/get-shared-storage-billing-ghe * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/combined-billing-usage METHODS billing_get_shared_storage_bil IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE combined_billing_usage RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List public events" * Operation id: activity/list-public-events * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_activity_list_public_events * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 503 METHODS activity_list_public_events IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_activity_list_public_ RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get feeds" * Operation id: activity/get-feeds * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/feed METHODS activity_get_feeds RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE feed RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List gists for the authenticated user" * Operation id: gists/list * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_gists_list * Response: 304 * Response: 403 METHODS gists_list IMPORTING since TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_gists_list RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a gist" * Operation id: gists/create * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/gist-simple * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodygists_create METHODS gists_create IMPORTING body TYPE bodygists_create RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE gist_simple RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List public gists" * Operation id: gists/list-public * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_gists_list_public * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 422 METHODS gists_list_public IMPORTING since TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_gists_list_public RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List starred gists" * Operation id: gists/list-starred * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_gists_list_starred * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS gists_list_starred IMPORTING since TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_gists_list_starred RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a gist" * Operation id: gists/get * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/gist-simple * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS gists_get IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE gist_simple RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a gist" * Operation id: gists/update * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/gist-simple * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodygists_update METHODS gists_update IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string body TYPE bodygists_update RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE gist_simple RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a gist" * Operation id: gists/delete * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodygists_delete METHODS gists_delete IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string body TYPE bodygists_delete RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List gist comments" * Operation id: gists/list-comments * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_gists_list_comments * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS gists_list_comments IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_gists_list_comments RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a gist comment" * Operation id: gists/create-comment * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/gist-comment * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodygists_create_comment METHODS gists_create_comment IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string body TYPE bodygists_create_comment RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE gist_comment RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a gist comment" * Operation id: gists/get-comment * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/gist-comment * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS gists_get_comment IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string comment_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE gist_comment RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a gist comment" * Operation id: gists/update-comment * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/gist-comment * Response: 404 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodygists_update_comment METHODS gists_update_comment IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string comment_id TYPE i body TYPE bodygists_update_comment RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE gist_comment RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a gist comment" * Operation id: gists/delete-comment * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodygists_delete_comment METHODS gists_delete_comment IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string comment_id TYPE i body TYPE bodygists_delete_comment RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List gist commits" * Operation id: gists/list-commits * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_gists_list_commits * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS gists_list_commits IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_gists_list_commits RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List gist forks" * Operation id: gists/list-forks * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_gists_list_forks * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS gists_list_forks IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_gists_list_forks RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Fork a gist" * Operation id: gists/fork * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/base-gist * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS gists_fork IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE base_gist RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check if a gist is starred" * Operation id: gists/check-is-starred * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_gists_check_is_starred METHODS gists_check_is_starred IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Star a gist" * Operation id: gists/star * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS gists_star IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Unstar a gist" * Operation id: gists/unstar * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS gists_unstar IMPORTING gist_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a gist revision" * Operation id: gists/get-revision * Parameter: sha, required, path * Parameter: gist_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/gist-simple * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS gists_get_revision IMPORTING sha TYPE string gist_id TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE gist_simple RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get all gitignore templates" * Operation id: gitignore/get-all-templates * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_gitignore_get_all_templates * Response: 304 METHODS gitignore_get_all_templates RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_gitignore_get_all_tem RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a gitignore template" * Operation id: gitignore/get-template * Parameter: name, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/gitignore-template * Response: 304 METHODS gitignore_get_template IMPORTING name TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE gitignore_template RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repositories accessible to the app installation" * Operation id: apps/list-repos-accessible-to-installation * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_apps_list_repos_accessible_to_ * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS apps_list_repos_accessible_to_ IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_apps_list_repos_acces RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Revoke an installation access token" * Operation id: apps/revoke-installation-access-token * Response: 204 METHODS apps_revoke_installation_acces RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List issues assigned to the authenticated user" * Operation id: issues/list * Parameter: filter, optional, query * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: collab, optional, query * Parameter: orgs, optional, query * Parameter: owned, optional, query * Parameter: pulls, optional, query * Parameter: labels, optional, query * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_issues_list * Response: 304 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS issues_list IMPORTING filter TYPE string DEFAULT 'assigned' state TYPE string DEFAULT 'open' sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'created' collab TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL orgs TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL owned TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL pulls TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL labels TYPE string OPTIONAL direction TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' since TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_issues_list RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get all commonly used licenses" * Operation id: licenses/get-all-commonly-used * Parameter: featured, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_licenses_get_all_commonly_used * Response: 304 METHODS licenses_get_all_commonly_used IMPORTING featured TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_licenses_get_all_comm RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a license" * Operation id: licenses/get * Parameter: license, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/license * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS licenses_get IMPORTING license TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE license RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Render a Markdown document" * Operation id: markdown/render * Response: 200 * text/html, string * Response: 304 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodymarkdown_render METHODS markdown_render IMPORTING body TYPE bodymarkdown_render RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Render a Markdown document in raw mode" * Operation id: markdown/render-raw * Response: 200 * text/html, string * Response: 304 METHODS markdown_render_raw RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a subscription plan for an account" * Operation id: apps/get-subscription-plan-for-account * Parameter: account_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/marketplace-purchase * Response: 401 * Response: 404 * application/json, #/components/schemas/basic-error METHODS apps_get_subscription_plan_for IMPORTING account_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE marketplace_purchase RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List plans" * Operation id: apps/list-plans * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_apps_list_plans * Response: 401 * Response: 404 METHODS apps_list_plans IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_apps_list_plans RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List accounts for a plan" * Operation id: apps/list-accounts-for-plan * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: plan_id, required, path * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_apps_list_accounts_for_plan * Response: 401 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS apps_list_accounts_for_plan IMPORTING direction TYPE string OPTIONAL plan_id TYPE i sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'created' per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_apps_list_accounts_fo RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a subscription plan for an account (stubbed)" * Operation id: apps/get-subscription-plan-for-account-stubbed * Parameter: account_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/marketplace-purchase * Response: 401 * Response: 404 METHODS apps_get_subscription_plan_f01 IMPORTING account_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE marketplace_purchase RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List plans (stubbed)" * Operation id: apps/list-plans-stubbed * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_apps_list_plans_stubbed * Response: 401 METHODS apps_list_plans_stubbed IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_apps_list_plans_stubb RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List accounts for a plan (stubbed)" * Operation id: apps/list-accounts-for-plan-stubbed * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: plan_id, required, path * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_apps_list_accounts_for_plan_st * Response: 401 METHODS apps_list_accounts_for_plan_st IMPORTING direction TYPE string OPTIONAL plan_id TYPE i sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'created' per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_apps_list_accounts_01 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get GitHub meta information" * Operation id: meta/get * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/api-overview * Response: 304 METHODS meta_get RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE api_overview RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List public events for a network of repositories" * Operation id: activity/list-public-events-for-repo-network * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_activity_list_public_events_fo * Response: 301 * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS activity_list_public_events_fo IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_activity_list_publi01 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List notifications for the authenticated user" * Operation id: activity/list-notifications-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: all, optional, query * Parameter: participating, optional, query * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: before, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_activity_list_notifications_fo * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 422 METHODS activity_list_notifications_fo IMPORTING all TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false participating TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false since TYPE string OPTIONAL before TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_activity_list_notific RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Mark notifications as read" * Operation id: activity/mark-notifications-as-read * Response: 202 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_activity_mark_notifications_as * Response: 205 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactivity_mark_notification METHODS activity_mark_notifications_as IMPORTING body TYPE bodyactivity_mark_notification RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a thread" * Operation id: activity/get-thread * Parameter: thread_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/thread * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS activity_get_thread IMPORTING thread_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE thread RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Mark a thread as read" * Operation id: activity/mark-thread-as-read * Parameter: thread_id, required, path * Response: 205 * Response: 304 * Response: 403 METHODS activity_mark_thread_as_read IMPORTING thread_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a thread subscription for the authenticated user" * Operation id: activity/get-thread-subscription-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: thread_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/thread-subscription * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS activity_get_thread_subscripti IMPORTING thread_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE thread_subscription RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set a thread subscription" * Operation id: activity/set-thread-subscription * Parameter: thread_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/thread-subscription * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactivity_set_thread_subscr METHODS activity_set_thread_subscripti IMPORTING thread_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyactivity_set_thread_subscr RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE thread_subscription RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a thread subscription" * Operation id: activity/delete-thread-subscription * Parameter: thread_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactivity_delete_thread_sub METHODS activity_delete_thread_subscri IMPORTING thread_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyactivity_delete_thread_sub RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get Octocat" * Operation id: meta/get-octocat * Parameter: s, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/octocat-stream, string METHODS meta_get_octocat IMPORTING s TYPE string OPTIONAL RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organizations" * Operation id: orgs/list * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_orgs_list * Response: 304 METHODS orgs_list IMPORTING since TYPE i OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_orgs_list RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List custom repository roles in an organization" * Operation id: orgs/list-custom-roles * Parameter: organization_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_orgs_list_custom_roles METHODS orgs_list_custom_roles IMPORTING organization_id TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_orgs_list_custom_role RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List a connection between an external group and a team" * Operation id: teams/list-linked-external-idp-groups-to-team-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/external-groups METHODS teams_list_linked_external_idp IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE external_groups RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an organization" * Operation id: orgs/get * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/organization-full * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_get IMPORTING org TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE organization_full RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update an organization" * Operation id: orgs/update * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/organization-full * Response: 409 * Response: 422 * application/json, string * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyorgs_update METHODS orgs_update IMPORTING org TYPE string body TYPE bodyorgs_update RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE organization_full RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get GitHub Actions permissions for an organization" * Operation id: actions/get-github-actions-permissions-organization * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/actions-organization-permissions METHODS actions_get_github_actions_per IMPORTING org TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE actions_organization_permissio RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set GitHub Actions permissions for an organization" * Operation id: actions/set-github-actions-permissions-organization * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactions_set_github_actions METHODS actions_set_github_actions_per IMPORTING org TYPE string body TYPE bodyactions_set_github_actions RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List selected repositories enabled for GitHub Actions in an organization" * Operation id: actions/list-selected-repositories-enabled-github-actions-organization * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_actions_list_selected_reposito METHODS actions_list_selected_reposito IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_actions_list_selected RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set selected repositories enabled for GitHub Actions in an organization" * Operation id: actions/set-selected-repositories-enabled-github-actions-organization * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactions_set_selected_repos METHODS actions_set_selected_repositor IMPORTING org TYPE string body TYPE bodyactions_set_selected_repos RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Enable a selected repository for GitHub Actions in an organization" * Operation id: actions/enable-selected-repository-github-actions-organization * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: repository_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_enable_selected_reposi IMPORTING org TYPE string repository_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Disable a selected repository for GitHub Actions in an organization" * Operation id: actions/disable-selected-repository-github-actions-organization * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: repository_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_disable_selected_repos IMPORTING org TYPE string repository_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get allowed actions for an organization" * Operation id: actions/get-allowed-actions-organization * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/selected-actions METHODS actions_get_allowed_actions_or IMPORTING org TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE selected_actions RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set allowed actions for an organization" * Operation id: actions/set-allowed-actions-organization * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/selected-actions METHODS actions_set_allowed_actions_or IMPORTING org TYPE string body TYPE selected_actions RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get default workflow permissions" * Operation id: actions/get-github-actions-default-workflow-permissions-organization * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/actions-get-default-workflow-permissions METHODS actions_get_github_actions_def IMPORTING org TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE actions_get_default_workflow_p RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set default workflow permissions" * Operation id: actions/set-github-actions-default-workflow-permissions-organization * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/actions-set-default-workflow-permissions METHODS actions_set_github_actions_def IMPORTING org TYPE string body TYPE actions_set_default_workflow_p RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List self-hosted runner groups for an organization" * Operation id: actions/list-self-hosted-runner-groups-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_actions_list_self_hosted_runne METHODS actions_list_self_hosted_runne IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_actions_list_self_hos RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a self-hosted runner group for an organization" * Operation id: actions/create-self-hosted-runner-group-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/runner-groups-org * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactions_create_self_hosted METHODS actions_create_self_hosted_run IMPORTING org TYPE string body TYPE bodyactions_create_self_hosted RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE runner_groups_org RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a self-hosted runner group for an organization" * Operation id: actions/get-self-hosted-runner-group-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/runner-groups-org METHODS actions_get_self_hosted_runner IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE runner_groups_org RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a self-hosted runner group for an organization" * Operation id: actions/update-self-hosted-runner-group-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/runner-groups-org * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactions_update_self_hosted METHODS actions_update_self_hosted_run IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyactions_update_self_hosted RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE runner_groups_org RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a self-hosted runner group from an organization" * Operation id: actions/delete-self-hosted-runner-group-from-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactions_delete_self_hosted METHODS actions_delete_self_hosted_run IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyactions_delete_self_hosted RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository access to a self-hosted runner group in an organization" * Operation id: actions/list-repo-access-to-self-hosted-runner-group-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_actions_list_repo_access_to_se METHODS actions_list_repo_access_to_se IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_actions_list_repo_acc RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set repository access for a self-hosted runner group in an organization" * Operation id: actions/set-repo-access-to-self-hosted-runner-group-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactions_set_repo_access_to METHODS actions_set_repo_access_to_sel IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyactions_set_repo_access_to RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add repository access to a self-hosted runner group in an organization" * Operation id: actions/add-repo-access-to-self-hosted-runner-group-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Parameter: repository_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_add_repo_access_to_sel IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i repository_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove repository access to a self-hosted runner group in an organization" * Operation id: actions/remove-repo-access-to-self-hosted-runner-group-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Parameter: repository_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_remove_repo_access_to_ IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i repository_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List self-hosted runners in a group for an organization" * Operation id: actions/list-self-hosted-runners-in-group-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_actions_list_self_hosted_run01 METHODS actions_list_self_hosted_run01 IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_actions_list_self_h01 RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set self-hosted runners in a group for an organization" * Operation id: actions/set-self-hosted-runners-in-group-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactions_set_self_hosted_ru METHODS actions_set_self_hosted_runner IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyactions_set_self_hosted_ru RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add a self-hosted runner to a group for an organization" * Operation id: actions/add-self-hosted-runner-to-group-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_add_self_hosted_runner IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i runner_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove a self-hosted runner from a group for an organization" * Operation id: actions/remove-self-hosted-runner-from-group-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_group_id, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_remove_self_hosted_run IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_group_id TYPE i runner_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List self-hosted runners for an organization" * Operation id: actions/list-self-hosted-runners-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_actions_list_self_hosted_run02 METHODS actions_list_self_hosted_run02 IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_actions_list_self_h02 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List runner applications for an organization" * Operation id: actions/list-runner-applications-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_actions_list_runner_applicatio METHODS actions_list_runner_applicatio IMPORTING org TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_actions_list_runner_a RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a registration token for an organization" * Operation id: actions/create-registration-token-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/authentication-token METHODS actions_create_registration_to IMPORTING org TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE authentication_token RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a remove token for an organization" * Operation id: actions/create-remove-token-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/authentication-token METHODS actions_create_remove_token_fo IMPORTING org TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE authentication_token RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a self-hosted runner for an organization" * Operation id: actions/get-self-hosted-runner-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/runner METHODS actions_get_self_hosted_runn01 IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE runner RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a self-hosted runner from an organization" * Operation id: actions/delete-self-hosted-runner-from-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_delete_self_hosted_r01 IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List labels for a self-hosted runner for an organization" * Operation id: actions/list-labels-for-self-hosted-runner-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 200 * Response: 404 METHODS actions_list_labels_for_self_h IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Add custom labels to a self-hosted runner for an organization" * Operation id: actions/add-custom-labels-to-self-hosted-runner-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 200 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactions_add_custom_labels_ METHODS actions_add_custom_labels_to_s IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyactions_add_custom_labels_ RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set custom labels for a self-hosted runner for an organization" * Operation id: actions/set-custom-labels-for-self-hosted-runner-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 200 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactions_set_custom_labels_ METHODS actions_set_custom_labels_for_ IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyactions_set_custom_labels_ RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove all custom labels from a self-hosted runner for an organization" * Operation id: actions/remove-all-custom-labels-from-self-hosted-runner-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 200 * Response: 404 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactions_remove_all_custom_ METHODS actions_remove_all_custom_labe IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyactions_remove_all_custom_ RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove a custom label from a self-hosted runner for an organization" * Operation id: actions/remove-custom-label-from-self-hosted-runner-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Parameter: name, required, path * Response: 200 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS actions_remove_custom_label_fr IMPORTING org TYPE string runner_id TYPE i name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organization secrets" * Operation id: actions/list-org-secrets * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_actions_list_org_secrets METHODS actions_list_org_secrets IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_actions_list_org_secr RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an organization public key" * Operation id: actions/get-org-public-key * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/actions-public-key METHODS actions_get_org_public_key IMPORTING org TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE actions_public_key RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an organization secret" * Operation id: actions/get-org-secret * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/organization-actions-secret METHODS actions_get_org_secret IMPORTING org TYPE string secret_name TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE organization_actions_secret RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Create or update an organization secret" * Operation id: actions/create-or-update-org-secret * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/empty-object * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactions_create_or_update_o METHODS actions_create_or_update_org_s IMPORTING org TYPE string secret_name TYPE string body TYPE bodyactions_create_or_update_o RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE empty_object RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an organization secret" * Operation id: actions/delete-org-secret * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactions_delete_org_secret METHODS actions_delete_org_secret IMPORTING org TYPE string secret_name TYPE string body TYPE bodyactions_delete_org_secret RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List selected repositories for an organization secret" * Operation id: actions/list-selected-repos-for-org-secret * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_actions_list_selected_repos_fo METHODS actions_list_selected_repos_fo IMPORTING org TYPE string secret_name TYPE string page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_actions_list_select01 RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set selected repositories for an organization secret" * Operation id: actions/set-selected-repos-for-org-secret * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactions_set_selected_rep01 METHODS actions_set_selected_repos_for IMPORTING org TYPE string secret_name TYPE string body TYPE bodyactions_set_selected_rep01 RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add selected repository to an organization secret" * Operation id: actions/add-selected-repo-to-org-secret * Parameter: repository_id, required, path * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 409 METHODS actions_add_selected_repo_to_o IMPORTING repository_id TYPE i org TYPE string secret_name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove selected repository from an organization secret" * Operation id: actions/remove-selected-repo-from-org-secret * Parameter: repository_id, required, path * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 409 METHODS actions_remove_selected_repo_f IMPORTING repository_id TYPE i org TYPE string secret_name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get the audit log for an organization" * Operation id: orgs/get-audit-log * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: phrase, optional, query * Parameter: include, optional, query * Parameter: after, optional, query * Parameter: before, optional, query * Parameter: order, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_orgs_get_audit_log METHODS orgs_get_audit_log IMPORTING org TYPE string phrase TYPE string OPTIONAL include TYPE string OPTIONAL after TYPE string OPTIONAL before TYPE string OPTIONAL order TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_orgs_get_audit_log RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List users blocked by an organization" * Operation id: orgs/list-blocked-users * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_orgs_list_blocked_users * Response: 415 METHODS orgs_list_blocked_users IMPORTING org TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_orgs_list_blocked_use RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check if a user is blocked by an organization" * Operation id: orgs/check-blocked-user * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 * application/json, #/components/schemas/basic-error METHODS orgs_check_blocked_user IMPORTING org TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Block a user from an organization" * Operation id: orgs/block-user * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 422 METHODS orgs_block_user IMPORTING org TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Unblock a user from an organization" * Operation id: orgs/unblock-user * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS orgs_unblock_user IMPORTING org TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List code scanning alerts for an organization" * Operation id: code-scanning/list-alerts-for-org * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: before, optional, query * Parameter: after, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_code_scanning_list_alerts_for_ * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 503 METHODS code_scanning_list_alerts_for_ IMPORTING state TYPE code_scanning_alert_state OPTIONAL sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'created' org TYPE string before TYPE string OPTIONAL after TYPE string OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 direction TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_code_scanning_list_al RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List SAML SSO authorizations for an organization" * Operation id: orgs/list-saml-sso-authorizations * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: login, optional, query * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_orgs_list_saml_sso_authorizati METHODS orgs_list_saml_sso_authorizati IMPORTING page TYPE i OPTIONAL login TYPE string OPTIONAL org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_orgs_list_saml_sso_au RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove a SAML SSO authorization for an organization" * Operation id: orgs/remove-saml-sso-authorization * Parameter: credential_id, required, path * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_remove_saml_sso_authoriza IMPORTING credential_id TYPE i org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organization secrets" * Operation id: dependabot/list-org-secrets * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_dependabot_list_org_secrets METHODS dependabot_list_org_secrets IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_dependabot_list_org_s RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an organization public key" * Operation id: dependabot/get-org-public-key * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/dependabot-public-key METHODS dependabot_get_org_public_key IMPORTING org TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE dependabot_public_key RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an organization secret" * Operation id: dependabot/get-org-secret * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/organization-dependabot-secret METHODS dependabot_get_org_secret IMPORTING org TYPE string secret_name TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE organization_dependabot_secret RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Create or update an organization secret" * Operation id: dependabot/create-or-update-org-secret * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/empty-object * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodydependabot_create_or_updat METHODS dependabot_create_or_update_or IMPORTING org TYPE string secret_name TYPE string body TYPE bodydependabot_create_or_updat RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE empty_object RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an organization secret" * Operation id: dependabot/delete-org-secret * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodydependabot_delete_org_secr METHODS dependabot_delete_org_secret IMPORTING org TYPE string secret_name TYPE string body TYPE bodydependabot_delete_org_secr RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List selected repositories for an organization secret" * Operation id: dependabot/list-selected-repos-for-org-secret * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_dependabot_list_selected_repos METHODS dependabot_list_selected_repos IMPORTING org TYPE string secret_name TYPE string page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_dependabot_list_selec RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set selected repositories for an organization secret" * Operation id: dependabot/set-selected-repos-for-org-secret * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodydependabot_set_selected_re METHODS dependabot_set_selected_repos_ IMPORTING org TYPE string secret_name TYPE string body TYPE bodydependabot_set_selected_re RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add selected repository to an organization secret" * Operation id: dependabot/add-selected-repo-to-org-secret * Parameter: repository_id, required, path * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 409 METHODS dependabot_add_selected_repo_t IMPORTING repository_id TYPE i org TYPE string secret_name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove selected repository from an organization secret" * Operation id: dependabot/remove-selected-repo-from-org-secret * Parameter: repository_id, required, path * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 409 METHODS dependabot_remove_selected_rep IMPORTING repository_id TYPE i org TYPE string secret_name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List public organization events" * Operation id: activity/list-public-org-events * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_activity_list_public_org_event METHODS activity_list_public_org_event IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_activity_list_publi02 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an external group" * Operation id: teams/external-idp-group-info-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: group_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/external-group METHODS teams_external_idp_group_info_ IMPORTING org TYPE string group_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE external_group RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List external groups in an organization" * Operation id: teams/list-external-idp-groups-for-org * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: display_name, optional, query * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/external-groups METHODS teams_list_external_idp_groups IMPORTING page TYPE i OPTIONAL display_name TYPE string OPTIONAL org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE external_groups RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List failed organization invitations" * Operation id: orgs/list-failed-invitations * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_orgs_list_failed_invitations * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_list_failed_invitations IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_orgs_list_failed_invi RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organization webhooks" * Operation id: orgs/list-webhooks * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_orgs_list_webhooks * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_list_webhooks IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_orgs_list_webhooks RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create an organization webhook" * Operation id: orgs/create-webhook * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/org-hook * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyorgs_create_webhook METHODS orgs_create_webhook IMPORTING org TYPE string body TYPE bodyorgs_create_webhook RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE org_hook RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an organization webhook" * Operation id: orgs/get-webhook * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: hook_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/org-hook * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_get_webhook IMPORTING org TYPE string hook_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE org_hook RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update an organization webhook" * Operation id: orgs/update-webhook * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: hook_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/org-hook * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyorgs_update_webhook METHODS orgs_update_webhook IMPORTING org TYPE string hook_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyorgs_update_webhook RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE org_hook RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an organization webhook" * Operation id: orgs/delete-webhook * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: hook_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyorgs_delete_webhook METHODS orgs_delete_webhook IMPORTING org TYPE string hook_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyorgs_delete_webhook RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a webhook configuration for an organization" * Operation id: orgs/get-webhook-config-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: hook_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/webhook-config METHODS orgs_get_webhook_config_for_or IMPORTING org TYPE string hook_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE webhook_config RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a webhook configuration for an organization" * Operation id: orgs/update-webhook-config-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: hook_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/webhook-config * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyorgs_update_webhook_config METHODS orgs_update_webhook_config_for IMPORTING org TYPE string hook_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyorgs_update_webhook_config RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE webhook_config RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List deliveries for an organization webhook" * Operation id: orgs/list-webhook-deliveries * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: hook_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: cursor, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_orgs_list_webhook_deliveries * Response: 400 * Response: 422 METHODS orgs_list_webhook_deliveries IMPORTING org TYPE string hook_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 cursor TYPE string OPTIONAL RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_orgs_list_webhook_del RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a webhook delivery for an organization webhook" * Operation id: orgs/get-webhook-delivery * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: hook_id, required, path * Parameter: delivery_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/hook-delivery * Response: 400 * Response: 422 METHODS orgs_get_webhook_delivery IMPORTING org TYPE string hook_id TYPE i delivery_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE hook_delivery RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Redeliver a delivery for an organization webhook" * Operation id: orgs/redeliver-webhook-delivery * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: hook_id, required, path * Parameter: delivery_id, required, path * Response: 202 * Response: 400 * Response: 422 METHODS orgs_redeliver_webhook_deliver IMPORTING org TYPE string hook_id TYPE i delivery_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Ping an organization webhook" * Operation id: orgs/ping-webhook * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: hook_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_ping_webhook IMPORTING org TYPE string hook_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an organization installation for the authenticated app" * Operation id: apps/get-org-installation * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/installation METHODS apps_get_org_installation IMPORTING org TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE installation RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List app installations for an organization" * Operation id: orgs/list-app-installations * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_orgs_list_app_installations METHODS orgs_list_app_installations IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_orgs_list_app_install RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get interaction restrictions for an organization" * Operation id: interactions/get-restrictions-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, string METHODS interactions_get_restrictions_ IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set interaction restrictions for an organization" * Operation id: interactions/set-restrictions-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/interaction-limit-response * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/interaction-limit METHODS interactions_set_restrictions_ IMPORTING org TYPE string body TYPE interaction_limit RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE interaction_limit_response RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove interaction restrictions for an organization" * Operation id: interactions/remove-restrictions-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS interactions_remove_restrictio IMPORTING org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List pending organization invitations" * Operation id: orgs/list-pending-invitations * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_orgs_list_pending_invitations * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_list_pending_invitations IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_orgs_list_pending_inv RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create an organization invitation" * Operation id: orgs/create-invitation * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/organization-invitation * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyorgs_create_invitation METHODS orgs_create_invitation IMPORTING org TYPE string body TYPE bodyorgs_create_invitation RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE organization_invitation RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Cancel an organization invitation" * Operation id: orgs/cancel-invitation * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: invitation_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS orgs_cancel_invitation IMPORTING org TYPE string invitation_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organization invitation teams" * Operation id: orgs/list-invitation-teams * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: invitation_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_orgs_list_invitation_teams * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_list_invitation_teams IMPORTING org TYPE string invitation_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_orgs_list_invitation_ RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organization issues assigned to the authenticated user" * Operation id: issues/list-for-org * Parameter: filter, optional, query * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: labels, optional, query * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_issues_list_for_org * Response: 404 METHODS issues_list_for_org IMPORTING filter TYPE string DEFAULT 'assigned' state TYPE string DEFAULT 'open' sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'created' org TYPE string labels TYPE string OPTIONAL direction TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' since TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_issues_list_for_org RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organization members" * Operation id: orgs/list-members * Parameter: filter, optional, query * Parameter: role, optional, query * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_orgs_list_members * Response: 302 * Response: 422 METHODS orgs_list_members IMPORTING filter TYPE string DEFAULT 'all' role TYPE string DEFAULT 'all' org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_orgs_list_members RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check organization membership for a user" * Operation id: orgs/check-membership-for-user * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 302 * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_check_membership_for_user IMPORTING org TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove an organization member" * Operation id: orgs/remove-member * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 403 METHODS orgs_remove_member IMPORTING org TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get organization membership for a user" * Operation id: orgs/get-membership-for-user * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/org-membership * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_get_membership_for_user IMPORTING org TYPE string username TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE org_membership RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set organization membership for a user" * Operation id: orgs/set-membership-for-user * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/org-membership * Response: 403 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyorgs_set_membership_for_us METHODS orgs_set_membership_for_user IMPORTING org TYPE string username TYPE string body TYPE bodyorgs_set_membership_for_us RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE org_membership RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove organization membership for a user" * Operation id: orgs/remove-membership-for-user * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyorgs_remove_membership_for METHODS orgs_remove_membership_for_use IMPORTING org TYPE string username TYPE string body TYPE bodyorgs_remove_membership_for RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organization migrations" * Operation id: migrations/list-for-org * Parameter: exclude, optional, query * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_migrations_list_for_org METHODS migrations_list_for_org IMPORTING exclude TYPE string OPTIONAL org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_migrations_list_for_o RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Start an organization migration" * Operation id: migrations/start-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/migration * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodymigrations_start_for_org METHODS migrations_start_for_org IMPORTING org TYPE string body TYPE bodymigrations_start_for_org RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE migration RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an organization migration status" * Operation id: migrations/get-status-for-org * Parameter: exclude, optional, query * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: migration_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/migration * Response: 404 METHODS migrations_get_status_for_org IMPORTING exclude TYPE string OPTIONAL org TYPE string migration_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE migration RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Download an organization migration archive" * Operation id: migrations/download-archive-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: migration_id, required, path * Response: 302 * Response: 404 METHODS migrations_download_archive_fo IMPORTING org TYPE string migration_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an organization migration archive" * Operation id: migrations/delete-archive-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: migration_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS migrations_delete_archive_for_ IMPORTING org TYPE string migration_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Unlock an organization repository" * Operation id: migrations/unlock-repo-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: migration_id, required, path * Parameter: repo_name, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS migrations_unlock_repo_for_org IMPORTING org TYPE string migration_id TYPE i repo_name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repositories in an organization migration" * Operation id: migrations/list-repos-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: migration_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_migrations_list_repos_for_org * Response: 404 METHODS migrations_list_repos_for_org IMPORTING org TYPE string migration_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_migrations_list_repos RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List outside collaborators for an organization" * Operation id: orgs/list-outside-collaborators * Parameter: filter, optional, query * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_orgs_list_outside_collaborator METHODS orgs_list_outside_collaborator IMPORTING filter TYPE string DEFAULT 'all' org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_orgs_list_outside_col RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Convert an organization member to outside collaborator" * Operation id: orgs/convert-member-to-outside-collaborator * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 202 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_orgs_convert_member_to_outside * Response: 204 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_convert_member_to_outside IMPORTING org TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove outside collaborator from an organization" * Operation id: orgs/remove-outside-collaborator * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 422 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_orgs_remove_outside_collaborat METHODS orgs_remove_outside_collaborat IMPORTING org TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List packages for an organization" * Operation id: packages/list-packages-for-organization * Parameter: package_type, required, query * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: visibility, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_packages_list_packages_for_org * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS packages_list_packages_for_org IMPORTING package_type TYPE string org TYPE string visibility TYPE string OPTIONAL RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_packages_list_package RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a package for an organization" * Operation id: packages/get-package-for-organization * Parameter: package_type, required, path * Parameter: package_name, required, path * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/package METHODS packages_get_package_for_organ IMPORTING package_type TYPE string package_name TYPE string org TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE package RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a package for an organization" * Operation id: packages/delete-package-for-org * Parameter: package_type, required, path * Parameter: package_name, required, path * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS packages_delete_package_for_or IMPORTING package_type TYPE string package_name TYPE string org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Restore a package for an organization" * Operation id: packages/restore-package-for-org * Parameter: token, optional, query * Parameter: package_type, required, path * Parameter: package_name, required, path * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS packages_restore_package_for_o IMPORTING token TYPE string OPTIONAL package_type TYPE string package_name TYPE string org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get all package versions for a package owned by an organization" * Operation id: packages/get-all-package-versions-for-package-owned-by-org * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: package_type, required, path * Parameter: package_name, required, path * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_packages_get_all_package_versi * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS packages_get_all_package_versi IMPORTING state TYPE string DEFAULT 'active' package_type TYPE string package_name TYPE string org TYPE string page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_packages_get_all_pack RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a package version for an organization" * Operation id: packages/get-package-version-for-organization * Parameter: package_type, required, path * Parameter: package_name, required, path * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: package_version_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/package-version METHODS packages_get_package_version_f IMPORTING package_type TYPE string package_name TYPE string org TYPE string package_version_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE package_version RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete package version for an organization" * Operation id: packages/delete-package-version-for-org * Parameter: package_type, required, path * Parameter: package_name, required, path * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: package_version_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS packages_delete_package_versio IMPORTING package_type TYPE string package_name TYPE string org TYPE string package_version_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Restore package version for an organization" * Operation id: packages/restore-package-version-for-org * Parameter: package_type, required, path * Parameter: package_name, required, path * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: package_version_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS packages_restore_package_versi IMPORTING package_type TYPE string package_name TYPE string org TYPE string package_version_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organization projects" * Operation id: projects/list-for-org * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_projects_list_for_org * Response: 422 METHODS projects_list_for_org IMPORTING state TYPE string DEFAULT 'open' org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_projects_list_for_org RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create an organization project" * Operation id: projects/create-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/project * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 410 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyprojects_create_for_org METHODS projects_create_for_org IMPORTING org TYPE string body TYPE bodyprojects_create_for_org RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE project RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List public organization members" * Operation id: orgs/list-public-members * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_orgs_list_public_members METHODS orgs_list_public_members IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_orgs_list_public_memb RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check public organization membership for a user" * Operation id: orgs/check-public-membership-for-user * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_check_public_membership_f IMPORTING org TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set public organization membership for the authenticated user" * Operation id: orgs/set-public-membership-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 403 METHODS orgs_set_public_membership_for IMPORTING org TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove public organization membership for the authenticated user" * Operation id: orgs/remove-public-membership-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS orgs_remove_public_membership_ IMPORTING org TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organization repositories" * Operation id: repos/list-for-org * Parameter: type, optional, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_for_org METHODS repos_list_for_org IMPORTING type TYPE string OPTIONAL sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'created' direction TYPE string OPTIONAL org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_for_org RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create an organization repository" * Operation id: repos/create-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/repository * Response: 403 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_create_in_org METHODS repos_create_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_create_in_org RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE repository RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List secret scanning alerts for an organization" * Operation id: secret-scanning/list-alerts-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: secret_type, optional, query * Parameter: resolution, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_secret_scanning_list_alerts_01 * Response: 404 * Response: 503 METHODS secret_scanning_list_alerts_01 IMPORTING org TYPE string state TYPE string OPTIONAL secret_type TYPE string OPTIONAL resolution TYPE string OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_secret_scanning_lis01 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get GitHub Actions billing for an organization" * Operation id: billing/get-github-actions-billing-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/actions-billing-usage METHODS billing_get_github_actions_b01 IMPORTING org TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE actions_billing_usage RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get GitHub Advanced Security active committers for an organization" * Operation id: billing/get-github-advanced-security-billing-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/advanced-security-active-committers * Response: 403 METHODS billing_get_github_advanced_01 IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE advanced_security_active_com02 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get GitHub Packages billing for an organization" * Operation id: billing/get-github-packages-billing-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/packages-billing-usage METHODS billing_get_github_packages_01 IMPORTING org TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE packages_billing_usage RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get shared storage billing for an organization" * Operation id: billing/get-shared-storage-billing-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/combined-billing-usage METHODS billing_get_shared_storage_b01 IMPORTING org TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE combined_billing_usage RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List IdP groups for an organization" * Operation id: teams/list-idp-groups-for-org * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/group-mapping METHODS teams_list_idp_groups_for_org IMPORTING page TYPE string OPTIONAL org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE group_mapping RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List teams" * Operation id: teams/list * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_teams_list * Response: 403 METHODS teams_list IMPORTING org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_teams_list RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a team" * Operation id: teams/create * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/team-full * Response: 403 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyteams_create METHODS teams_create IMPORTING org TYPE string body TYPE bodyteams_create RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE team_full RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a team by name" * Operation id: teams/get-by-name * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/team-full * Response: 404 METHODS teams_get_by_name IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE team_full RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a team" * Operation id: teams/update-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/team-full * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyteams_update_in_org METHODS teams_update_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string body TYPE bodyteams_update_in_org RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE team_full RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a team" * Operation id: teams/delete-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyteams_delete_in_org METHODS teams_delete_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string body TYPE bodyteams_delete_in_org RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List discussions" * Operation id: teams/list-discussions-in-org * Parameter: pinned, optional, query * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_teams_list_discussions_in_org METHODS teams_list_discussions_in_org IMPORTING pinned TYPE string OPTIONAL org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string direction TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_teams_list_discussion RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a discussion" * Operation id: teams/create-discussion-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/team-discussion * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyteams_create_discussion_in METHODS teams_create_discussion_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string body TYPE bodyteams_create_discussion_in RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE team_discussion RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a discussion" * Operation id: teams/get-discussion-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: discussion_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/team-discussion METHODS teams_get_discussion_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string discussion_number TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE team_discussion RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a discussion" * Operation id: teams/update-discussion-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: discussion_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/team-discussion * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyteams_update_discussion_in METHODS teams_update_discussion_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string discussion_number TYPE i body TYPE bodyteams_update_discussion_in RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE team_discussion RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a discussion" * Operation id: teams/delete-discussion-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: discussion_number, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyteams_delete_discussion_in METHODS teams_delete_discussion_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string discussion_number TYPE i body TYPE bodyteams_delete_discussion_in RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List discussion comments" * Operation id: teams/list-discussion-comments-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: discussion_number, required, path * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_teams_list_discussion_comments METHODS teams_list_discussion_comments IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string discussion_number TYPE i direction TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_teams_list_discussi01 RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a discussion comment" * Operation id: teams/create-discussion-comment-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: discussion_number, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/team-discussion-comment * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyteams_create_discussion_co METHODS teams_create_discussion_commen IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string discussion_number TYPE i body TYPE bodyteams_create_discussion_co RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE team_discussion_comment RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a discussion comment" * Operation id: teams/get-discussion-comment-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: discussion_number, required, path * Parameter: comment_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/team-discussion-comment METHODS teams_get_discussion_comment_i IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string discussion_number TYPE i comment_number TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE team_discussion_comment RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a discussion comment" * Operation id: teams/update-discussion-comment-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: discussion_number, required, path * Parameter: comment_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/team-discussion-comment * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyteams_update_discussion_co METHODS teams_update_discussion_commen IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string discussion_number TYPE i comment_number TYPE i body TYPE bodyteams_update_discussion_co RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE team_discussion_comment RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a discussion comment" * Operation id: teams/delete-discussion-comment-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: discussion_number, required, path * Parameter: comment_number, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyteams_delete_discussion_co METHODS teams_delete_discussion_commen IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string discussion_number TYPE i comment_number TYPE i body TYPE bodyteams_delete_discussion_co RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List reactions for a team discussion comment" * Operation id: reactions/list-for-team-discussion-comment-in-org * Parameter: content, optional, query * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: discussion_number, required, path * Parameter: comment_number, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_reactions_list_for_team_discus METHODS reactions_list_for_team_discus IMPORTING content TYPE string OPTIONAL org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string discussion_number TYPE i comment_number TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_reactions_list_for_te RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create reaction for a team discussion comment" * Operation id: reactions/create-for-team-discussion-comment-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: discussion_number, required, path * Parameter: comment_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/reaction * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/reaction * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyreactions_create_for_team_ METHODS reactions_create_for_team_disc IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string discussion_number TYPE i comment_number TYPE i body TYPE bodyreactions_create_for_team_ RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE reaction RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete team discussion comment reaction" * Operation id: reactions/delete-for-team-discussion-comment * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: discussion_number, required, path * Parameter: comment_number, required, path * Parameter: reaction_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS reactions_delete_for_team_disc IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string discussion_number TYPE i comment_number TYPE i reaction_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List reactions for a team discussion" * Operation id: reactions/list-for-team-discussion-in-org * Parameter: content, optional, query * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: discussion_number, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_reactions_list_for_team_disc01 METHODS reactions_list_for_team_disc01 IMPORTING content TYPE string OPTIONAL org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string discussion_number TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_reactions_list_for_01 RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create reaction for a team discussion" * Operation id: reactions/create-for-team-discussion-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: discussion_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/reaction * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/reaction * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyreactions_create_for_tea01 METHODS reactions_create_for_team_di01 IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string discussion_number TYPE i body TYPE bodyreactions_create_for_tea01 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE reaction RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete team discussion reaction" * Operation id: reactions/delete-for-team-discussion * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: discussion_number, required, path * Parameter: reaction_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS reactions_delete_for_team_di01 IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string discussion_number TYPE i reaction_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update the connection between an external group and a team" * Operation id: teams/link-external-idp-group-to-team-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/external-group * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyteams_link_external_idp_gr METHODS teams_link_external_idp_group_ IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string body TYPE bodyteams_link_external_idp_gr RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE external_group RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove the connection between an external group and a team" * Operation id: teams/unlink-external-idp-group-from-team-for-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyteams_unlink_external_idp_ METHODS teams_unlink_external_idp_grou IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string body TYPE bodyteams_unlink_external_idp_ RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List pending team invitations" * Operation id: teams/list-pending-invitations-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_teams_list_pending_invitations METHODS teams_list_pending_invitations IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_teams_list_pending_in RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List team members" * Operation id: teams/list-members-in-org * Parameter: role, optional, query * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_teams_list_members_in_org METHODS teams_list_members_in_org IMPORTING role TYPE string DEFAULT 'all' org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_teams_list_members_in RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get team membership for a user" * Operation id: teams/get-membership-for-user-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/team-membership * Response: 404 METHODS teams_get_membership_for_user_ IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string username TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE team_membership RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add or update team membership for a user" * Operation id: teams/add-or-update-membership-for-user-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/team-membership * Response: 403 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyteams_add_or_update_member METHODS teams_add_or_update_membership IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string username TYPE string body TYPE bodyteams_add_or_update_member RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE team_membership RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove team membership for a user" * Operation id: teams/remove-membership-for-user-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 403 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyteams_remove_membership_fo METHODS teams_remove_membership_for_us IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string username TYPE string body TYPE bodyteams_remove_membership_fo RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List team projects" * Operation id: teams/list-projects-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_teams_list_projects_in_org METHODS teams_list_projects_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_teams_list_projects_i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check team permissions for a project" * Operation id: teams/check-permissions-for-project-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: project_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/team-project * Response: 404 METHODS teams_check_permissions_for_pr IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string project_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE team_project RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add or update team project permissions" * Operation id: teams/add-or-update-project-permissions-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: project_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 403 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_teams_add_or_update_project_pe * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyteams_add_or_update_projec METHODS teams_add_or_update_project_pe IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string project_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyteams_add_or_update_projec RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove a project from a team" * Operation id: teams/remove-project-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: project_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyteams_remove_project_in_or METHODS teams_remove_project_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string project_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyteams_remove_project_in_or RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List team repositories" * Operation id: teams/list-repos-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_teams_list_repos_in_org METHODS teams_list_repos_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_teams_list_repos_in_o RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check team permissions for a repository" * Operation id: teams/check-permissions-for-repo-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/team-repository * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS teams_check_permissions_for_re IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE team_repository RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add or update team repository permissions" * Operation id: teams/add-or-update-repo-permissions-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyteams_add_or_update_repo_p METHODS teams_add_or_update_repo_permi IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyteams_add_or_update_repo_p RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove a repository from a team" * Operation id: teams/remove-repo-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyteams_remove_repo_in_org METHODS teams_remove_repo_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyteams_remove_repo_in_org RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List IdP groups for a team" * Operation id: teams/list-idp-groups-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/group-mapping METHODS teams_list_idp_groups_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE group_mapping RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Create or update IdP group connections" * Operation id: teams/create-or-update-idp-group-connections-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/group-mapping * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyteams_create_or_update_idp METHODS teams_create_or_update_idp_gro IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string body TYPE bodyteams_create_or_update_idp RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE group_mapping RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List child teams" * Operation id: teams/list-child-in-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: team_slug, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_teams_list_child_in_org METHODS teams_list_child_in_org IMPORTING org TYPE string team_slug TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_teams_list_child_in_o RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a project card" * Operation id: projects/get-card * Parameter: card_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/project-card * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS projects_get_card IMPORTING card_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE project_card RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update an existing project card" * Operation id: projects/update-card * Parameter: card_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/project-card * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyprojects_update_card METHODS projects_update_card IMPORTING card_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyprojects_update_card RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE project_card RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a project card" * Operation id: projects/delete-card * Parameter: card_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_projects_delete_card * Response: 404 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyprojects_delete_card METHODS projects_delete_card IMPORTING card_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyprojects_delete_card RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Move a project card" * Operation id: projects/move-card * Parameter: card_id, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_projects_move_card * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_projects_move_card * Response: 422 * Response: 503 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_projects_move_card * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyprojects_move_card METHODS projects_move_card IMPORTING card_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyprojects_move_card RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_projects_move_card RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a project column" * Operation id: projects/get-column * Parameter: column_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/project-column * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS projects_get_column IMPORTING column_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE project_column RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update an existing project column" * Operation id: projects/update-column * Parameter: column_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/project-column * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyprojects_update_column METHODS projects_update_column IMPORTING column_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyprojects_update_column RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE project_column RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a project column" * Operation id: projects/delete-column * Parameter: column_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyprojects_delete_column METHODS projects_delete_column IMPORTING column_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyprojects_delete_column RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List project cards" * Operation id: projects/list-cards * Parameter: archived_state, optional, query * Parameter: column_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_projects_list_cards * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS projects_list_cards IMPORTING archived_state TYPE string DEFAULT 'not_archived' column_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_projects_list_cards RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a project card" * Operation id: projects/create-card * Parameter: column_id, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/project-card * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 422 * application/json, string * Response: 503 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_projects_create_card * Body schema: string METHODS projects_create_card IMPORTING column_id TYPE i body TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE project_card RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Move a project column" * Operation id: projects/move-column * Parameter: column_id, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_projects_move_column * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyprojects_move_column METHODS projects_move_column IMPORTING column_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyprojects_move_column RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_projects_move_column RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a project" * Operation id: projects/get * Parameter: project_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/project * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS projects_get IMPORTING project_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE project RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a project" * Operation id: projects/update * Parameter: project_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/project * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_projects_update * Response: 404 * Response: 410 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyprojects_update METHODS projects_update IMPORTING project_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyprojects_update RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE project RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a project" * Operation id: projects/delete * Parameter: project_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_projects_delete * Response: 404 * Response: 410 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyprojects_delete METHODS projects_delete IMPORTING project_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyprojects_delete RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List project collaborators" * Operation id: projects/list-collaborators * Parameter: affiliation, optional, query * Parameter: project_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_projects_list_collaborators * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS projects_list_collaborators IMPORTING affiliation TYPE string DEFAULT 'all' project_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_projects_list_collabo RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add project collaborator" * Operation id: projects/add-collaborator * Parameter: project_id, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyprojects_add_collaborator METHODS projects_add_collaborator IMPORTING project_id TYPE i username TYPE string body TYPE bodyprojects_add_collaborator RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove user as a collaborator" * Operation id: projects/remove-collaborator * Parameter: project_id, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyprojects_remove_collaborat METHODS projects_remove_collaborator IMPORTING project_id TYPE i username TYPE string body TYPE bodyprojects_remove_collaborat RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get project permission for a user" * Operation id: projects/get-permission-for-user * Parameter: project_id, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/project-collaborator-permission * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS projects_get_permission_for_us IMPORTING project_id TYPE i username TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE project_collaborator_permissio RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List project columns" * Operation id: projects/list-columns * Parameter: project_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_projects_list_columns * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS projects_list_columns IMPORTING project_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_projects_list_columns RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a project column" * Operation id: projects/create-column * Parameter: project_id, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/project-column * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyprojects_create_column METHODS projects_create_column IMPORTING project_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyprojects_create_column RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE project_column RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get rate limit status for the authenticated user" * Operation id: rate-limit/get * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/rate-limit-overview * Response: 304 * Response: 404 METHODS rate_limit_get RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE rate_limit_overview RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a repository" * Operation id: repos/get * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/full-repository * Response: 301 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE full_repository RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a repository" * Operation id: repos/update * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/full-repository * Response: 307 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_update METHODS repos_update IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_update RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE full_repository RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a repository" * Operation id: repos/delete * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 307 * Response: 403 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_delete * Response: 404 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_delete METHODS repos_delete IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_delete RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List artifacts for a repository" * Operation id: actions/list-artifacts-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_actions_list_artifacts_for_rep METHODS actions_list_artifacts_for_rep IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_actions_list_artifact RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an artifact" * Operation id: actions/get-artifact * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: artifact_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/artifact METHODS actions_get_artifact IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string artifact_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE artifact RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an artifact" * Operation id: actions/delete-artifact * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: artifact_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_delete_artifact IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string artifact_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Download an artifact" * Operation id: actions/download-artifact * Parameter: archive_format, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: artifact_id, required, path * Response: 302 METHODS actions_download_artifact IMPORTING archive_format TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string artifact_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a job for a workflow run" * Operation id: actions/get-job-for-workflow-run * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: job_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/job METHODS actions_get_job_for_workflow_r IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string job_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE job RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Download job logs for a workflow run" * Operation id: actions/download-job-logs-for-workflow-run * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: job_id, required, path * Response: 302 METHODS actions_download_job_logs_for_ IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string job_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get GitHub Actions permissions for a repository" * Operation id: actions/get-github-actions-permissions-repository * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/actions-repository-permissions METHODS actions_get_github_actions_p01 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE actions_repository_permissions RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set GitHub Actions permissions for a repository" * Operation id: actions/set-github-actions-permissions-repository * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactions_set_github_actio01 METHODS actions_set_github_actions_p01 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyactions_set_github_actio01 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get allowed actions for a repository" * Operation id: actions/get-allowed-actions-repository * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/selected-actions METHODS actions_get_allowed_actions_re IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE selected_actions RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set allowed actions for a repository" * Operation id: actions/set-allowed-actions-repository * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/selected-actions METHODS actions_set_allowed_actions_re IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE selected_actions RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List self-hosted runners for a repository" * Operation id: actions/list-self-hosted-runners-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_actions_list_self_hosted_run03 METHODS actions_list_self_hosted_run03 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_actions_list_self_h03 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List runner applications for a repository" * Operation id: actions/list-runner-applications-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_actions_list_runner_applicat01 METHODS actions_list_runner_applicat01 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_actions_list_runner01 RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a registration token for a repository" * Operation id: actions/create-registration-token-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/authentication-token METHODS actions_create_registration_01 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE authentication_token RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a remove token for a repository" * Operation id: actions/create-remove-token-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/authentication-token METHODS actions_create_remove_token_01 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE authentication_token RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a self-hosted runner for a repository" * Operation id: actions/get-self-hosted-runner-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/runner METHODS actions_get_self_hosted_runn02 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string runner_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE runner RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a self-hosted runner from a repository" * Operation id: actions/delete-self-hosted-runner-from-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_delete_self_hosted_r02 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string runner_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List labels for a self-hosted runner for a repository" * Operation id: actions/list-labels-for-self-hosted-runner-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 200 * Response: 404 METHODS actions_list_labels_for_self01 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string runner_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Add custom labels to a self-hosted runner for a repository" * Operation id: actions/add-custom-labels-to-self-hosted-runner-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 200 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactions_add_custom_label01 METHODS actions_add_custom_labels_to01 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string runner_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyactions_add_custom_label01 RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set custom labels for a self-hosted runner for a repository" * Operation id: actions/set-custom-labels-for-self-hosted-runner-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 200 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactions_set_custom_label01 METHODS actions_set_custom_labels_fo01 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string runner_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyactions_set_custom_label01 RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove all custom labels from a self-hosted runner for a repository" * Operation id: actions/remove-all-custom-labels-from-self-hosted-runner-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Response: 200 * Response: 404 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactions_remove_all_custo01 METHODS actions_remove_all_custom_la01 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string runner_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyactions_remove_all_custo01 RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove a custom label from a self-hosted runner for a repository" * Operation id: actions/remove-custom-label-from-self-hosted-runner-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: runner_id, required, path * Parameter: name, required, path * Response: 200 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS actions_remove_custom_label_01 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string runner_id TYPE i name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List workflow runs for a repository" * Operation id: actions/list-workflow-runs-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: actor, optional, query * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Parameter: event, optional, query * Parameter: status, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: created, optional, query * Parameter: exclude_pull_requests, optional, query * Parameter: check_suite_id, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_actions_list_workflow_runs_for METHODS actions_list_workflow_runs_for IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string actor TYPE string OPTIONAL branch TYPE string OPTIONAL event TYPE string OPTIONAL status TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 created TYPE string OPTIONAL exclude_pull_requests TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false check_suite_id TYPE i OPTIONAL RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_actions_list_workflow RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a workflow run" * Operation id: actions/get-workflow-run * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: run_id, required, path * Parameter: exclude_pull_requests, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/workflow-run METHODS actions_get_workflow_run IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string run_id TYPE i exclude_pull_requests TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE workflow_run RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a workflow run" * Operation id: actions/delete-workflow-run * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: run_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_delete_workflow_run IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string run_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get the review history for a workflow run" * Operation id: actions/get-reviews-for-run * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: run_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_actions_get_reviews_for_run METHODS actions_get_reviews_for_run IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string run_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_actions_get_reviews_f RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Approve a workflow run for a fork pull request" * Operation id: actions/approve-workflow-run * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: run_id, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/empty-object * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS actions_approve_workflow_run IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string run_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE empty_object RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List workflow run artifacts" * Operation id: actions/list-workflow-run-artifacts * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: run_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_actions_list_workflow_run_arti METHODS actions_list_workflow_run_arti IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string run_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_actions_list_workfl01 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a workflow run attempt" * Operation id: actions/get-workflow-run-attempt * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: run_id, required, path * Parameter: attempt_number, required, path * Parameter: exclude_pull_requests, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/workflow-run METHODS actions_get_workflow_run_attem IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string run_id TYPE i attempt_number TYPE i exclude_pull_requests TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE workflow_run RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List jobs for a workflow run attempt" * Operation id: actions/list-jobs-for-workflow-run-attempt * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: run_id, required, path * Parameter: attempt_number, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_actions_list_jobs_for_workflow * Response: 404 METHODS actions_list_jobs_for_workflow IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string run_id TYPE i attempt_number TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_actions_list_jobs_for RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Download workflow run attempt logs" * Operation id: actions/download-workflow-run-attempt-logs * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: run_id, required, path * Parameter: attempt_number, required, path * Response: 302 METHODS actions_download_workflow_run_ IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string run_id TYPE i attempt_number TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Cancel a workflow run" * Operation id: actions/cancel-workflow-run * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: run_id, required, path * Response: 202 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_actions_cancel_workflow_run METHODS actions_cancel_workflow_run IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string run_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List jobs for a workflow run" * Operation id: actions/list-jobs-for-workflow-run * Parameter: filter, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: run_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_actions_list_jobs_for_workfl01 METHODS actions_list_jobs_for_workfl01 IMPORTING filter TYPE string DEFAULT 'latest' owner TYPE string repo TYPE string run_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_actions_list_jobs_f01 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Download workflow run logs" * Operation id: actions/download-workflow-run-logs * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: run_id, required, path * Response: 302 METHODS actions_download_workflow_ru01 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string run_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete workflow run logs" * Operation id: actions/delete-workflow-run-logs * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: run_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 403 * Response: 500 METHODS actions_delete_workflow_run_lo IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string run_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get pending deployments for a workflow run" * Operation id: actions/get-pending-deployments-for-run * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: run_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_actions_get_pending_deployment METHODS actions_get_pending_deployment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string run_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_actions_get_pending_d RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Review pending deployments for a workflow run" * Operation id: actions/review-pending-deployments-for-run * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: run_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_actions_review_pending_deploym * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactions_review_pending_dep METHODS actions_review_pending_deploym IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string run_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyactions_review_pending_dep RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_actions_review_pendin RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get workflow run usage" * Operation id: actions/get-workflow-run-usage * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: run_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/workflow-run-usage METHODS actions_get_workflow_run_usage IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string run_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE workflow_run_usage RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository secrets" * Operation id: actions/list-repo-secrets * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_actions_list_repo_secrets METHODS actions_list_repo_secrets IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_actions_list_repo_sec RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a repository public key" * Operation id: actions/get-repo-public-key * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/actions-public-key METHODS actions_get_repo_public_key IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE actions_public_key RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a repository secret" * Operation id: actions/get-repo-secret * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/actions-secret METHODS actions_get_repo_secret IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string secret_name TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE actions_secret RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Create or update a repository secret" * Operation id: actions/create-or-update-repo-secret * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_actions_create_or_update_repo_ * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactions_create_or_update_r METHODS actions_create_or_update_repo_ IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string secret_name TYPE string body TYPE bodyactions_create_or_update_r RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_actions_create_or_upd RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a repository secret" * Operation id: actions/delete-repo-secret * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactions_delete_repo_secret METHODS actions_delete_repo_secret IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string secret_name TYPE string body TYPE bodyactions_delete_repo_secret RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository workflows" * Operation id: actions/list-repo-workflows * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_actions_list_repo_workflows METHODS actions_list_repo_workflows IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_actions_list_repo_wor RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a workflow" * Operation id: actions/get-workflow * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: workflow_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/workflow METHODS actions_get_workflow IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string workflow_id TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE workflow RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Disable a workflow" * Operation id: actions/disable-workflow * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: workflow_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_disable_workflow IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string workflow_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a workflow dispatch event" * Operation id: actions/create-workflow-dispatch * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: workflow_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactions_create_workflow_di METHODS actions_create_workflow_dispat IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string workflow_id TYPE string body TYPE bodyactions_create_workflow_di RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Enable a workflow" * Operation id: actions/enable-workflow * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: workflow_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS actions_enable_workflow IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string workflow_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List workflow runs" * Operation id: actions/list-workflow-runs * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: workflow_id, required, path * Parameter: actor, optional, query * Parameter: branch, optional, query * Parameter: event, optional, query * Parameter: status, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: created, optional, query * Parameter: exclude_pull_requests, optional, query * Parameter: check_suite_id, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_actions_list_workflow_runs METHODS actions_list_workflow_runs IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string workflow_id TYPE string actor TYPE string OPTIONAL branch TYPE string OPTIONAL event TYPE string OPTIONAL status TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 created TYPE string OPTIONAL exclude_pull_requests TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false check_suite_id TYPE i OPTIONAL RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_actions_list_workfl02 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get workflow usage" * Operation id: actions/get-workflow-usage * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: workflow_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/workflow-usage METHODS actions_get_workflow_usage IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string workflow_id TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE workflow_usage RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List assignees" * Operation id: issues/list-assignees * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_issues_list_assignees * Response: 404 METHODS issues_list_assignees IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_issues_list_assignees RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check if a user can be assigned" * Operation id: issues/check-user-can-be-assigned * Parameter: assignee, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 * application/json, #/components/schemas/basic-error METHODS issues_check_user_can_be_assig IMPORTING assignee TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List all autolinks of a repository" * Operation id: repos/list-autolinks * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_autolinks METHODS repos_list_autolinks IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_autolinks RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create an autolink reference for a repository" * Operation id: repos/create-autolink * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/autolink * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_create_autolink METHODS repos_create_autolink IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_create_autolink RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE autolink RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an autolink reference of a repository" * Operation id: repos/get-autolink * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: autolink_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/autolink * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_autolink IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string autolink_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE autolink RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an autolink reference from a repository" * Operation id: repos/delete-autolink * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: autolink_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS repos_delete_autolink IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string autolink_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Enable automated security fixes" * Operation id: repos/enable-automated-security-fixes * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS repos_enable_automated_securit IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Disable automated security fixes" * Operation id: repos/disable-automated-security-fixes * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS repos_disable_automated_securi IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List branches" * Operation id: repos/list-branches * Parameter: protected, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_branches * Response: 404 METHODS repos_list_branches IMPORTING protected TYPE abap_bool OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_branches RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a branch" * Operation id: repos/get-branch * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/branch-with-protection * Response: 301 * Response: 404 * Response: 415 METHODS repos_get_branch IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE branch_with_protection RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get branch protection" * Operation id: repos/get-branch-protection * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/branch-protection * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_branch_protection IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE branch_protection RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Update branch protection" * Operation id: repos/update-branch-protection * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/protected-branch * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_update_branch_protec METHODS repos_update_branch_protection IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_update_branch_protec RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE protected_branch RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete branch protection" * Operation id: repos/delete-branch-protection * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 403 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_delete_branch_protec METHODS repos_delete_branch_protection IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_delete_branch_protec RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get admin branch protection" * Operation id: repos/get-admin-branch-protection * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/protected-branch-admin-enforced METHODS repos_get_admin_branch_protect IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE protected_branch_admin_enforce RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Set admin branch protection" * Operation id: repos/set-admin-branch-protection * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/protected-branch-admin-enforced METHODS repos_set_admin_branch_protect IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE protected_branch_admin_enforce RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete admin branch protection" * Operation id: repos/delete-admin-branch-protection * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS repos_delete_admin_branch_prot IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get pull request review protection" * Operation id: repos/get-pull-request-review-protection * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/protected-branch-pull-request-review METHODS repos_get_pull_request_review_ IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE protected_branch_pull_request_ RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update pull request review protection" * Operation id: repos/update-pull-request-review-protection * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/protected-branch-pull-request-review * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_update_pull_request_ METHODS repos_update_pull_request_revi IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_update_pull_request_ RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE protected_branch_pull_request_ RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete pull request review protection" * Operation id: repos/delete-pull-request-review-protection * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_delete_pull_request_ METHODS repos_delete_pull_request_revi IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_delete_pull_request_ RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get commit signature protection" * Operation id: repos/get-commit-signature-protection * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/protected-branch-admin-enforced * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_commit_signature_pro IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE protected_branch_admin_enforce RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create commit signature protection" * Operation id: repos/create-commit-signature-protection * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/protected-branch-admin-enforced * Response: 404 METHODS repos_create_commit_signature_ IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE protected_branch_admin_enforce RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete commit signature protection" * Operation id: repos/delete-commit-signature-protection * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS repos_delete_commit_signature_ IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get status checks protection" * Operation id: repos/get-status-checks-protection * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/status-check-policy * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_status_checks_protec IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE status_check_policy RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update status check protection" * Operation id: repos/update-status-check-protection * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/status-check-policy * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_update_status_check_ METHODS repos_update_status_check_prot IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_update_status_check_ RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE status_check_policy RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove status check protection" * Operation id: repos/remove-status-check-protection * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_remove_status_check_ METHODS repos_remove_status_check_prot IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_remove_status_check_ RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get all status check contexts" * Operation id: repos/get-all-status-check-contexts * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_get_all_status_check_con * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_all_status_check_con IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_get_all_status_ RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Add status check contexts" * Operation id: repos/add-status-check-contexts * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_add_status_check_context * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body schema: string METHODS repos_add_status_check_context IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string body TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_add_status_chec RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set status check contexts" * Operation id: repos/set-status-check-contexts * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_set_status_check_context * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body schema: string METHODS repos_set_status_check_context IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string body TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_set_status_chec RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove status check contexts" * Operation id: repos/remove-status-check-contexts * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_remove_status_check_cont * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body schema: string METHODS repos_remove_status_check_cont IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string body TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_remove_status_c RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get access restrictions" * Operation id: repos/get-access-restrictions * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/branch-restriction-policy * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_access_restrictions IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE branch_restriction_policy RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete access restrictions" * Operation id: repos/delete-access-restrictions * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS repos_delete_access_restrictio IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get apps with access to the protected branch" * Operation id: repos/get-apps-with-access-to-protected-branch * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_get_apps_with_access_to_ * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_apps_with_access_to_ IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_get_apps_with_a RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Add app access restrictions" * Operation id: repos/add-app-access-restrictions * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_add_app_access_restricti * Response: 422 * Body schema: string METHODS repos_add_app_access_restricti IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string body TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_add_app_access_ RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set app access restrictions" * Operation id: repos/set-app-access-restrictions * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_set_app_access_restricti * Response: 422 * Body schema: string METHODS repos_set_app_access_restricti IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string body TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_set_app_access_ RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove app access restrictions" * Operation id: repos/remove-app-access-restrictions * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_remove_app_access_restri * Response: 422 * Body schema: string METHODS repos_remove_app_access_restri IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string body TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_remove_app_acce RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get teams with access to the protected branch" * Operation id: repos/get-teams-with-access-to-protected-branch * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_get_teams_with_access_to * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_teams_with_access_to IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_get_teams_with_ RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Add team access restrictions" * Operation id: repos/add-team-access-restrictions * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_add_team_access_restrict * Response: 422 * Body schema: string METHODS repos_add_team_access_restrict IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string body TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_add_team_access RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set team access restrictions" * Operation id: repos/set-team-access-restrictions * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_set_team_access_restrict * Response: 422 * Body schema: string METHODS repos_set_team_access_restrict IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string body TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_set_team_access RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove team access restrictions" * Operation id: repos/remove-team-access-restrictions * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_remove_team_access_restr * Response: 422 * Body schema: string METHODS repos_remove_team_access_restr IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string body TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_remove_team_acc RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get users with access to the protected branch" * Operation id: repos/get-users-with-access-to-protected-branch * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_get_users_with_access_to * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_users_with_access_to IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_get_users_with_ RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Add user access restrictions" * Operation id: repos/add-user-access-restrictions * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_add_user_access_restrict * Response: 422 * Body schema: string METHODS repos_add_user_access_restrict IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string body TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_add_user_access RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set user access restrictions" * Operation id: repos/set-user-access-restrictions * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_set_user_access_restrict * Response: 422 * Body schema: string METHODS repos_set_user_access_restrict IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string body TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_set_user_access RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove user access restrictions" * Operation id: repos/remove-user-access-restrictions * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_remove_user_access_restr * Response: 422 * Body schema: string METHODS repos_remove_user_access_restr IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string body TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_remove_user_acc RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Rename a branch" * Operation id: repos/rename-branch * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: branch, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/branch-with-protection * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_rename_branch METHODS repos_rename_branch IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string branch TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_rename_branch RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE branch_with_protection RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a check run" * Operation id: checks/create * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/check-run * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodychecks_create METHODS checks_create IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodychecks_create RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE check_run RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a check run" * Operation id: checks/get * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: check_run_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/check-run METHODS checks_get IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string check_run_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE check_run RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a check run" * Operation id: checks/update * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: check_run_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/check-run * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodychecks_update METHODS checks_update IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string check_run_id TYPE i body TYPE bodychecks_update RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE check_run RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List check run annotations" * Operation id: checks/list-annotations * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: check_run_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_checks_list_annotations METHODS checks_list_annotations IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string check_run_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_checks_list_annotatio RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Rerequest a check run" * Operation id: checks/rerequest-run * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: check_run_id, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_checks_rerequest_run * Response: 403 * application/json, #/components/schemas/basic-error * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * application/json, #/components/schemas/basic-error METHODS checks_rerequest_run IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string check_run_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_checks_rerequest_run RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a check suite" * Operation id: checks/create-suite * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/check-suite * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/check-suite * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodychecks_create_suite METHODS checks_create_suite IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodychecks_create_suite RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE check_suite RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update repository preferences for check suites" * Operation id: checks/set-suites-preferences * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/check-suite-preference * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodychecks_set_suites_preferen METHODS checks_set_suites_preferences IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodychecks_set_suites_preferen RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE check_suite_preference RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a check suite" * Operation id: checks/get-suite * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: check_suite_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/check-suite METHODS checks_get_suite IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string check_suite_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE check_suite RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List check runs in a check suite" * Operation id: checks/list-for-suite * Parameter: filter, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: check_suite_id, required, path * Parameter: check_name, optional, query * Parameter: status, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_checks_list_for_suite METHODS checks_list_for_suite IMPORTING filter TYPE string DEFAULT 'latest' owner TYPE string repo TYPE string check_suite_id TYPE i check_name TYPE string OPTIONAL status TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_checks_list_for_suite RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Rerequest a check suite" * Operation id: checks/rerequest-suite * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: check_suite_id, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_checks_rerequest_suite METHODS checks_rerequest_suite IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string check_suite_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_checks_rerequest_suit RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List code scanning alerts for a repository" * Operation id: code-scanning/list-alerts-for-repo * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: tool_name, optional, query * Parameter: tool_guid, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: ref, optional, query * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_code_scanning_list_alerts_fo01 * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 503 METHODS code_scanning_list_alerts_fo01 IMPORTING sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'number' state TYPE code_scanning_alert_state OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string tool_name TYPE code_scanning_analysis_tool_na OPTIONAL tool_guid TYPE code_scanning_analysis_tool_gu OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 ref TYPE code_scanning_ref OPTIONAL direction TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_code_scanning_list_01 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a code scanning alert" * Operation id: code-scanning/get-alert * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: alert_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/code-scanning-alert * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 503 METHODS code_scanning_get_alert IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string alert_number TYPE alert_number RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE code_scanning_alert RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a code scanning alert" * Operation id: code-scanning/update-alert * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: alert_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/code-scanning-alert * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 503 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodycode_scanning_update_alert METHODS code_scanning_update_alert IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string alert_number TYPE alert_number body TYPE bodycode_scanning_update_alert RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE code_scanning_alert RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List instances of a code scanning alert" * Operation id: code-scanning/list-alert-instances * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: alert_number, required, path * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: ref, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_code_scanning_list_alert_insta * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 503 METHODS code_scanning_list_alert_insta IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string alert_number TYPE alert_number page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 ref TYPE code_scanning_ref OPTIONAL RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_code_scanning_list_02 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List code scanning analyses for a repository" * Operation id: code-scanning/list-recent-analyses * Parameter: ref, optional, query * Parameter: sarif_id, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: tool_name, optional, query * Parameter: tool_guid, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_code_scanning_list_recent_anal * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 503 METHODS code_scanning_list_recent_anal IMPORTING ref TYPE code_scanning_ref OPTIONAL sarif_id TYPE code_scanning_analysis_sarif_i OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string tool_name TYPE code_scanning_analysis_tool_na OPTIONAL tool_guid TYPE code_scanning_analysis_tool_gu OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_code_scanning_list_re RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a code scanning analysis for a repository" * Operation id: code-scanning/get-analysis * Parameter: analysis_id, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json+sarif, string * application/json, #/components/schemas/code-scanning-analysis * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 503 METHODS code_scanning_get_analysis IMPORTING analysis_id TYPE i owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE code_scanning_analysis RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a code scanning analysis from a repository" * Operation id: code-scanning/delete-analysis * Parameter: analysis_id, required, path * Parameter: confirm_delete, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/code-scanning-analysis-deletion * Response: 400 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 503 METHODS code_scanning_delete_analysis IMPORTING analysis_id TYPE i confirm_delete TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE code_scanning_analysis_deletio RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Upload an analysis as SARIF data" * Operation id: code-scanning/upload-sarif * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 202 * application/json, #/components/schemas/code-scanning-sarifs-receipt * Response: 400 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 413 * Response: 503 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodycode_scanning_upload_sarif METHODS code_scanning_upload_sarif IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodycode_scanning_upload_sarif RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get information about a SARIF upload" * Operation id: code-scanning/get-sarif * Parameter: sarif_id, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/code-scanning-sarifs-status * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 503 METHODS code_scanning_get_sarif IMPORTING sarif_id TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE code_scanning_sarifs_status RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List CODEOWNERS errors" * Operation id: repos/codeowners-errors * Parameter: ref, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/codeowners-errors * Response: 404 METHODS repos_codeowners_errors IMPORTING ref TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE codeowners_errors RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List codespaces in a repository for the authenticated user" * Operation id: codespaces/list-in-repository-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_codespaces_list_in_repository_ * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 500 METHODS codespaces_list_in_repository_ IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_codespaces_list_in_re RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a codespace in a repository" * Operation id: codespaces/create-with-repo-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/codespace * Response: 202 * application/json, #/components/schemas/codespace * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodycodespaces_create_with_rep METHODS codespaces_create_with_repo_fo IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodycodespaces_create_with_rep RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE codespace RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List available machine types for a repository" * Operation id: codespaces/repo-machines-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: location, required, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_codespaces_repo_machines_for_a * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 500 METHODS codespaces_repo_machines_for_a IMPORTING location TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_codespaces_repo_machi RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository collaborators" * Operation id: repos/list-collaborators * Parameter: affiliation, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_collaborators * Response: 404 METHODS repos_list_collaborators IMPORTING affiliation TYPE string DEFAULT 'all' owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_collaborat RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check if a user is a repository collaborator" * Operation id: repos/check-collaborator * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS repos_check_collaborator IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add a repository collaborator" * Operation id: repos/add-collaborator * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/repository-invitation * Response: 204 * Response: 403 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_add_collaborator METHODS repos_add_collaborator IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string username TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_add_collaborator RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE repository_invitation RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove a repository collaborator" * Operation id: repos/remove-collaborator * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_remove_collaborator METHODS repos_remove_collaborator IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string username TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_remove_collaborator RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get repository permissions for a user" * Operation id: repos/get-collaborator-permission-level * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/repository-collaborator-permission * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_collaborator_permiss IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string username TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE repository_collaborator_permis RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List commit comments for a repository" * Operation id: repos/list-commit-comments-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_commit_comments_for METHODS repos_list_commit_comments_for IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_commit_com RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a commit comment" * Operation id: repos/get-commit-comment * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/commit-comment * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_commit_comment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE commit_comment RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a commit comment" * Operation id: repos/update-commit-comment * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/commit-comment * Response: 404 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_update_commit_commen METHODS repos_update_commit_comment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyrepos_update_commit_commen RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE commit_comment RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a commit comment" * Operation id: repos/delete-commit-comment * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_delete_commit_commen METHODS repos_delete_commit_comment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyrepos_delete_commit_commen RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List reactions for a commit comment" * Operation id: reactions/list-for-commit-comment * Parameter: content, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_reactions_list_for_commit_comm * Response: 404 METHODS reactions_list_for_commit_comm IMPORTING content TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_reactions_list_for_co RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create reaction for a commit comment" * Operation id: reactions/create-for-commit-comment * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/reaction * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/reaction * Response: 415 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyreactions_create_for_commi METHODS reactions_create_for_commit_co IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyreactions_create_for_commi RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE reaction RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a commit comment reaction" * Operation id: reactions/delete-for-commit-comment * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Parameter: reaction_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS reactions_delete_for_commit_co IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i reaction_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List commits" * Operation id: repos/list-commits * Parameter: sha, optional, query * Parameter: path, optional, query * Parameter: author, optional, query * Parameter: until, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_commits * Response: 400 * Response: 404 * Response: 409 * Response: 500 METHODS repos_list_commits IMPORTING sha TYPE string OPTIONAL path TYPE string OPTIONAL author TYPE string OPTIONAL until TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string since TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_commits RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List branches for HEAD commit" * Operation id: repos/list-branches-for-head-commit * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: commit_sha, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_branches_for_head_c * Response: 422 METHODS repos_list_branches_for_head_c IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string commit_sha TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_branches_f RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List commit comments" * Operation id: repos/list-comments-for-commit * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: commit_sha, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_comments_for_commit METHODS repos_list_comments_for_commit IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string commit_sha TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_comments_f RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a commit comment" * Operation id: repos/create-commit-comment * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: commit_sha, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/commit-comment * Response: 403 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_create_commit_commen METHODS repos_create_commit_comment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string commit_sha TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_create_commit_commen RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE commit_comment RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List pull requests associated with a commit" * Operation id: repos/list-pull-requests-associated-with-commit * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: commit_sha, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_pull_requests_assoc METHODS repos_list_pull_requests_assoc IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string commit_sha TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_pull_reque RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a commit" * Operation id: repos/get-commit * Parameter: ref, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/commit * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Response: 500 METHODS repos_get_commit IMPORTING ref TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE commit RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List check runs for a Git reference" * Operation id: checks/list-for-ref * Parameter: ref, required, path * Parameter: filter, optional, query * Parameter: app_id, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: check_name, optional, query * Parameter: status, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_checks_list_for_ref METHODS checks_list_for_ref IMPORTING ref TYPE string filter TYPE string DEFAULT 'latest' app_id TYPE i OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string check_name TYPE string OPTIONAL status TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_checks_list_for_ref RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List check suites for a Git reference" * Operation id: checks/list-suites-for-ref * Parameter: ref, required, path * Parameter: app_id, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: check_name, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_checks_list_suites_for_ref METHODS checks_list_suites_for_ref IMPORTING ref TYPE string app_id TYPE i OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string check_name TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_checks_list_suites_fo RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get the combined status for a specific reference" * Operation id: repos/get-combined-status-for-ref * Parameter: ref, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/combined-commit-status * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_combined_status_for_ IMPORTING ref TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE combined_commit_status RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List commit statuses for a reference" * Operation id: repos/list-commit-statuses-for-ref * Parameter: ref, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_commit_statuses_for * Response: 301 METHODS repos_list_commit_statuses_for IMPORTING ref TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_commit_sta RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get community profile metrics" * Operation id: repos/get-community-profile-metrics * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/community-profile METHODS repos_get_community_profile_me IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE community_profile RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Compare two commits" * Operation id: repos/compare-commits * Parameter: basehead, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/commit-comparison * Response: 404 * Response: 500 METHODS repos_compare_commits IMPORTING basehead TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE commit_comparison RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get repository content" * Operation id: repos/get-content * Parameter: path, required, path * Parameter: ref, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/vnd.github.v3.object, #/components/schemas/content-tree * application/json, string * Response: 302 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_content IMPORTING path TYPE string ref TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Create or update file contents" * Operation id: repos/create-or-update-file-contents * Parameter: path, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/file-commit * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/file-commit * Response: 404 * Response: 409 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_create_or_update_fil METHODS repos_create_or_update_file_co IMPORTING path TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_create_or_update_fil RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE file_commit RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a file" * Operation id: repos/delete-file * Parameter: path, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/file-commit * Response: 404 * Response: 409 * Response: 422 * Response: 503 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_delete_file METHODS repos_delete_file IMPORTING path TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_delete_file RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE file_commit RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository contributors" * Operation id: repos/list-contributors * Parameter: anon, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_contributors * Response: 204 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS repos_list_contributors IMPORTING anon TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_contributo RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository secrets" * Operation id: dependabot/list-repo-secrets * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_dependabot_list_repo_secrets METHODS dependabot_list_repo_secrets IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_dependabot_list_repo_ RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a repository public key" * Operation id: dependabot/get-repo-public-key * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/dependabot-public-key METHODS dependabot_get_repo_public_key IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE dependabot_public_key RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a repository secret" * Operation id: dependabot/get-repo-secret * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/dependabot-secret METHODS dependabot_get_repo_secret IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string secret_name TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE dependabot_secret RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Create or update a repository secret" * Operation id: dependabot/create-or-update-repo-secret * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_dependabot_create_or_update_re * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodydependabot_create_or_upd01 METHODS dependabot_create_or_update_re IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string secret_name TYPE string body TYPE bodydependabot_create_or_upd01 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_dependabot_create_or_ RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a repository secret" * Operation id: dependabot/delete-repo-secret * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodydependabot_delete_repo_sec METHODS dependabot_delete_repo_secret IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string secret_name TYPE string body TYPE bodydependabot_delete_repo_sec RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List deployments" * Operation id: repos/list-deployments * Parameter: sha, optional, query * Parameter: ref, optional, query * Parameter: task, optional, query * Parameter: environment, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_deployments METHODS repos_list_deployments IMPORTING sha TYPE string DEFAULT 'none' ref TYPE string DEFAULT 'none' task TYPE string DEFAULT 'none' environment TYPE string DEFAULT 'none' owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_deployment RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a deployment" * Operation id: repos/create-deployment * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/deployment * Response: 202 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_create_deployment * Response: 409 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_create_deployment METHODS repos_create_deployment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_create_deployment RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE deployment RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a deployment" * Operation id: repos/get-deployment * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: deployment_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/deployment * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_deployment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string deployment_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE deployment RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a deployment" * Operation id: repos/delete-deployment * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: deployment_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_delete_deployment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string deployment_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List deployment statuses" * Operation id: repos/list-deployment-statuses * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: deployment_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_deployment_statuses * Response: 404 METHODS repos_list_deployment_statuses IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string deployment_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_deployme01 RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a deployment status" * Operation id: repos/create-deployment-status * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: deployment_id, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/deployment-status * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_create_deployment_st METHODS repos_create_deployment_status IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string deployment_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyrepos_create_deployment_st RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE deployment_status RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a deployment status" * Operation id: repos/get-deployment-status * Parameter: status_id, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: deployment_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/deployment-status * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_deployment_status IMPORTING status_id TYPE i owner TYPE string repo TYPE string deployment_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE deployment_status RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a repository dispatch event" * Operation id: repos/create-dispatch-event * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_create_dispatch_even METHODS repos_create_dispatch_event IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_create_dispatch_even RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get all environments" * Operation id: repos/get-all-environments * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_get_all_environments METHODS repos_get_all_environments IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_get_all_environ RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an environment" * Operation id: repos/get-environment * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: environment_name, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/environment METHODS repos_get_environment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string environment_name TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE environment RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Create or update an environment" * Operation id: repos/create-or-update-environment * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: environment_name, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/environment * Response: 422 * application/json, #/components/schemas/basic-error * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_create_or_update_env METHODS repos_create_or_update_environ IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string environment_name TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_create_or_update_env RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE environment RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an environment" * Operation id: repos/delete-an-environment * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: environment_name, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_delete_an_environmen METHODS repos_delete_an_environment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string environment_name TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_delete_an_environmen RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository events" * Operation id: activity/list-repo-events * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_activity_list_repo_events METHODS activity_list_repo_events IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_activity_list_repo_ev RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List forks" * Operation id: repos/list-forks * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_forks * Response: 400 METHODS repos_list_forks IMPORTING sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'newest' owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_forks RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a fork" * Operation id: repos/create-fork * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 202 * application/json, #/components/schemas/full-repository * Response: 400 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_create_fork METHODS repos_create_fork IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_create_fork RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a blob" * Operation id: git/create-blob * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/short-blob * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 409 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodygit_create_blob METHODS git_create_blob IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodygit_create_blob RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE short_blob RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a blob" * Operation id: git/get-blob * Parameter: file_sha, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/blob * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS git_get_blob IMPORTING file_sha TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE blob RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a commit" * Operation id: git/create-commit * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/git-commit * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodygit_create_commit METHODS git_create_commit IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodygit_create_commit RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE git_commit RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a commit" * Operation id: git/get-commit * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: commit_sha, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/git-commit * Response: 404 METHODS git_get_commit IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string commit_sha TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE git_commit RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List matching references" * Operation id: git/list-matching-refs * Parameter: ref, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_git_list_matching_refs METHODS git_list_matching_refs IMPORTING ref TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_git_list_matching_ref RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a reference" * Operation id: git/get-ref * Parameter: ref, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/git-ref * Response: 404 METHODS git_get_ref IMPORTING ref TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE git_ref RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a reference" * Operation id: git/create-ref * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/git-ref * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodygit_create_ref METHODS git_create_ref IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodygit_create_ref RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE git_ref RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a reference" * Operation id: git/update-ref * Parameter: ref, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/git-ref * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodygit_update_ref METHODS git_update_ref IMPORTING ref TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodygit_update_ref RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE git_ref RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a reference" * Operation id: git/delete-ref * Parameter: ref, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodygit_delete_ref METHODS git_delete_ref IMPORTING ref TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodygit_delete_ref RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a tag object" * Operation id: git/create-tag * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/git-tag * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodygit_create_tag METHODS git_create_tag IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodygit_create_tag RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE git_tag RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a tag" * Operation id: git/get-tag * Parameter: tag_sha, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/git-tag * Response: 404 METHODS git_get_tag IMPORTING tag_sha TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE git_tag RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a tree" * Operation id: git/create-tree * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/git-tree * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodygit_create_tree METHODS git_create_tree IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodygit_create_tree RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE git_tree RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a tree" * Operation id: git/get-tree * Parameter: tree_sha, required, path * Parameter: recursive, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/git-tree * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS git_get_tree IMPORTING tree_sha TYPE string recursive TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE git_tree RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository webhooks" * Operation id: repos/list-webhooks * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_webhooks * Response: 404 METHODS repos_list_webhooks IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_webhooks RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a repository webhook" * Operation id: repos/create-webhook * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/hook * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_create_webhook METHODS repos_create_webhook IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_create_webhook RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE hook RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a repository webhook" * Operation id: repos/get-webhook * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: hook_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/hook * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_webhook IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string hook_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE hook RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a repository webhook" * Operation id: repos/update-webhook * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: hook_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/hook * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_update_webhook METHODS repos_update_webhook IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string hook_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyrepos_update_webhook RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE hook RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a repository webhook" * Operation id: repos/delete-webhook * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: hook_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_delete_webhook METHODS repos_delete_webhook IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string hook_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyrepos_delete_webhook RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a webhook configuration for a repository" * Operation id: repos/get-webhook-config-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: hook_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/webhook-config METHODS repos_get_webhook_config_for_r IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string hook_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE webhook_config RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a webhook configuration for a repository" * Operation id: repos/update-webhook-config-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: hook_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/webhook-config * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_update_webhook_confi METHODS repos_update_webhook_config_fo IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string hook_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyrepos_update_webhook_confi RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE webhook_config RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List deliveries for a repository webhook" * Operation id: repos/list-webhook-deliveries * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: hook_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: cursor, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_webhook_deliveries * Response: 400 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_list_webhook_deliveries IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string hook_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 cursor TYPE string OPTIONAL RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_webhook_de RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a delivery for a repository webhook" * Operation id: repos/get-webhook-delivery * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: hook_id, required, path * Parameter: delivery_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/hook-delivery * Response: 400 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_get_webhook_delivery IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string hook_id TYPE i delivery_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE hook_delivery RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Redeliver a delivery for a repository webhook" * Operation id: repos/redeliver-webhook-delivery * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: hook_id, required, path * Parameter: delivery_id, required, path * Response: 202 * Response: 400 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_redeliver_webhook_delive IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string hook_id TYPE i delivery_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Ping a repository webhook" * Operation id: repos/ping-webhook * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: hook_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS repos_ping_webhook IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string hook_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Test the push repository webhook" * Operation id: repos/test-push-webhook * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: hook_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS repos_test_push_webhook IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string hook_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an import status" * Operation id: migrations/get-import-status * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/import * Response: 404 METHODS migrations_get_import_status IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE import RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Start an import" * Operation id: migrations/start-import * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/import * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodymigrations_start_import METHODS migrations_start_import IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodymigrations_start_import RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE import RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update an import" * Operation id: migrations/update-import * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/import * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodymigrations_update_import METHODS migrations_update_import IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodymigrations_update_import RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE import RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Cancel an import" * Operation id: migrations/cancel-import * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodymigrations_cancel_import METHODS migrations_cancel_import IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodymigrations_cancel_import RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get commit authors" * Operation id: migrations/get-commit-authors * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: since, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_migrations_get_commit_authors * Response: 404 METHODS migrations_get_commit_authors IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string since TYPE i OPTIONAL RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_migrations_get_commit RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Map a commit author" * Operation id: migrations/map-commit-author * Parameter: author_id, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/porter-author * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodymigrations_map_commit_auth METHODS migrations_map_commit_author IMPORTING author_id TYPE i owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodymigrations_map_commit_auth RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE porter_author RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get large files" * Operation id: migrations/get-large-files * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_migrations_get_large_files METHODS migrations_get_large_files IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_migrations_get_large_ RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update Git LFS preference" * Operation id: migrations/set-lfs-preference * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/import * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodymigrations_set_lfs_prefere METHODS migrations_set_lfs_preference IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodymigrations_set_lfs_prefere RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE import RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a repository installation for the authenticated app" * Operation id: apps/get-repo-installation * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/installation * Response: 301 * Response: 404 METHODS apps_get_repo_installation IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE installation RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get interaction restrictions for a repository" * Operation id: interactions/get-restrictions-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, string METHODS interactions_get_restriction01 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set interaction restrictions for a repository" * Operation id: interactions/set-restrictions-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/interaction-limit-response * Response: 409 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/interaction-limit METHODS interactions_set_restriction01 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE interaction_limit RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE interaction_limit_response RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove interaction restrictions for a repository" * Operation id: interactions/remove-restrictions-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 409 METHODS interactions_remove_restrict01 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository invitations" * Operation id: repos/list-invitations * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_invitations METHODS repos_list_invitations IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_invitation RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a repository invitation" * Operation id: repos/update-invitation * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: invitation_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/repository-invitation * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_update_invitation METHODS repos_update_invitation IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string invitation_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyrepos_update_invitation RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE repository_invitation RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a repository invitation" * Operation id: repos/delete-invitation * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: invitation_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_delete_invitation METHODS repos_delete_invitation IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string invitation_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyrepos_delete_invitation RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository issues" * Operation id: issues/list-for-repo * Parameter: milestone, optional, query * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: assignee, optional, query * Parameter: creator, optional, query * Parameter: mentioned, optional, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: labels, optional, query * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_issues_list_for_repo * Response: 301 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS issues_list_for_repo IMPORTING milestone TYPE string OPTIONAL state TYPE string DEFAULT 'open' assignee TYPE string OPTIONAL creator TYPE string OPTIONAL mentioned TYPE string OPTIONAL sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'created' owner TYPE string repo TYPE string labels TYPE string OPTIONAL direction TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' since TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_issues_list_for_repo RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create an issue" * Operation id: issues/create * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/issue * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 410 * Response: 422 * Response: 503 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyissues_create METHODS issues_create IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyissues_create RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE issue RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List issue comments for a repository" * Operation id: issues/list-comments-for-repo * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_issues_list_comments_for_repo * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS issues_list_comments_for_repo IMPORTING direction TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'created' since TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_issues_list_comments_ RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an issue comment" * Operation id: issues/get-comment * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/issue-comment * Response: 404 METHODS issues_get_comment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE issue_comment RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update an issue comment" * Operation id: issues/update-comment * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/issue-comment * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyissues_update_comment METHODS issues_update_comment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyissues_update_comment RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE issue_comment RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an issue comment" * Operation id: issues/delete-comment * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyissues_delete_comment METHODS issues_delete_comment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyissues_delete_comment RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List reactions for an issue comment" * Operation id: reactions/list-for-issue-comment * Parameter: content, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_reactions_list_for_issue_comme * Response: 404 METHODS reactions_list_for_issue_comme IMPORTING content TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_reactions_list_for_is RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create reaction for an issue comment" * Operation id: reactions/create-for-issue-comment * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/reaction * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/reaction * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyreactions_create_for_issue METHODS reactions_create_for_issue_com IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyreactions_create_for_issue RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE reaction RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an issue comment reaction" * Operation id: reactions/delete-for-issue-comment * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Parameter: reaction_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS reactions_delete_for_issue_com IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i reaction_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List issue events for a repository" * Operation id: issues/list-events-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_issues_list_events_for_repo * Response: 422 METHODS issues_list_events_for_repo IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_issues_list_events_fo RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an issue event" * Operation id: issues/get-event * Parameter: event_id, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/issue-event * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 410 METHODS issues_get_event IMPORTING event_id TYPE i owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE issue_event RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an issue" * Operation id: issues/get * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/issue * Response: 301 * Response: 304 * Response: 404 * Response: 410 METHODS issues_get IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE issue RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update an issue" * Operation id: issues/update * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/issue * Response: 301 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 410 * Response: 422 * Response: 503 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyissues_update METHODS issues_update IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i body TYPE bodyissues_update RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE issue RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Add assignees to an issue" * Operation id: issues/add-assignees * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/issue * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyissues_add_assignees METHODS issues_add_assignees IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i body TYPE bodyissues_add_assignees RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE issue RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove assignees from an issue" * Operation id: issues/remove-assignees * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/issue * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyissues_remove_assignees METHODS issues_remove_assignees IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i body TYPE bodyissues_remove_assignees RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE issue RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List issue comments" * Operation id: issues/list-comments * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_issues_list_comments * Response: 404 * Response: 410 METHODS issues_list_comments IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i since TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_issues_list_comments RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create an issue comment" * Operation id: issues/create-comment * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/issue-comment * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 410 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyissues_create_comment METHODS issues_create_comment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i body TYPE bodyissues_create_comment RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE issue_comment RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List issue events" * Operation id: issues/list-events * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_issues_list_events * Response: 410 METHODS issues_list_events IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_issues_list_events RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List labels for an issue" * Operation id: issues/list-labels-on-issue * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_issues_list_labels_on_issue * Response: 410 METHODS issues_list_labels_on_issue IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_issues_list_labels_on RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Add labels to an issue" * Operation id: issues/add-labels * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_issues_add_labels * Response: 410 * Response: 422 * Body schema: string METHODS issues_add_labels IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i body TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_issues_add_labels RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set labels for an issue" * Operation id: issues/set-labels * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_issues_set_labels * Response: 410 * Response: 422 * Body schema: string METHODS issues_set_labels IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i body TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_issues_set_labels RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove all labels from an issue" * Operation id: issues/remove-all-labels * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 410 * Body schema: string METHODS issues_remove_all_labels IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i body TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove a label from an issue" * Operation id: issues/remove-label * Parameter: name, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_issues_remove_label * Response: 404 * Response: 410 METHODS issues_remove_label IMPORTING name TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_issues_remove_label RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Lock an issue" * Operation id: issues/lock * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 410 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyissues_lock METHODS issues_lock IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i body TYPE bodyissues_lock RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Unlock an issue" * Operation id: issues/unlock * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyissues_unlock METHODS issues_unlock IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i body TYPE bodyissues_unlock RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List reactions for an issue" * Operation id: reactions/list-for-issue * Parameter: content, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_reactions_list_for_issue * Response: 404 * Response: 410 METHODS reactions_list_for_issue IMPORTING content TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_reactions_list_for_02 RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create reaction for an issue" * Operation id: reactions/create-for-issue * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/reaction * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/reaction * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyreactions_create_for_iss01 METHODS reactions_create_for_issue IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i body TYPE bodyreactions_create_for_iss01 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE reaction RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an issue reaction" * Operation id: reactions/delete-for-issue * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Parameter: reaction_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS reactions_delete_for_issue IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i reaction_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List timeline events for an issue" * Operation id: issues/list-events-for-timeline * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: issue_number, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_issues_list_events_for_timelin * Response: 404 * Response: 410 METHODS issues_list_events_for_timelin IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string issue_number TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_issues_list_events_01 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List deploy keys" * Operation id: repos/list-deploy-keys * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_deploy_keys METHODS repos_list_deploy_keys IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_deploy_key RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a deploy key" * Operation id: repos/create-deploy-key * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/deploy-key * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_create_deploy_key METHODS repos_create_deploy_key IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_create_deploy_key RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE deploy_key RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a deploy key" * Operation id: repos/get-deploy-key * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: key_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/deploy-key * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_deploy_key IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string key_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE deploy_key RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a deploy key" * Operation id: repos/delete-deploy-key * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: key_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS repos_delete_deploy_key IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string key_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List labels for a repository" * Operation id: issues/list-labels-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_issues_list_labels_for_repo * Response: 404 METHODS issues_list_labels_for_repo IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_issues_list_labels_fo RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a label" * Operation id: issues/create-label * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/label * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyissues_create_label METHODS issues_create_label IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyissues_create_label RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE label RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a label" * Operation id: issues/get-label * Parameter: name, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/label * Response: 404 METHODS issues_get_label IMPORTING name TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE label RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a label" * Operation id: issues/update-label * Parameter: name, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/label * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyissues_update_label METHODS issues_update_label IMPORTING name TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyissues_update_label RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE label RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a label" * Operation id: issues/delete-label * Parameter: name, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyissues_delete_label METHODS issues_delete_label IMPORTING name TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyissues_delete_label RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository languages" * Operation id: repos/list-languages * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/language METHODS repos_list_languages IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE language RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Enable Git LFS for a repository" * Operation id: repos/enable-lfs-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 202 * Response: 403 METHODS repos_enable_lfs_for_repo IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Disable Git LFS for a repository" * Operation id: repos/disable-lfs-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS repos_disable_lfs_for_repo IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get the license for a repository" * Operation id: licenses/get-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/license-content METHODS licenses_get_for_repo IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE license_content RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Sync a fork branch with the upstream repository" * Operation id: repos/merge-upstream * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/merged-upstream * Response: 409 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_merge_upstream METHODS repos_merge_upstream IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_merge_upstream RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE merged_upstream RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Merge a branch" * Operation id: repos/merge * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/commit * Response: 204 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 409 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_merge METHODS repos_merge IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_merge RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE commit RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List milestones" * Operation id: issues/list-milestones * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_issues_list_milestones * Response: 404 METHODS issues_list_milestones IMPORTING state TYPE string DEFAULT 'open' sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'due_on' direction TYPE string DEFAULT 'asc' owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_issues_list_milestone RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a milestone" * Operation id: issues/create-milestone * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/milestone * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyissues_create_milestone METHODS issues_create_milestone IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyissues_create_milestone RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE milestone RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a milestone" * Operation id: issues/get-milestone * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: milestone_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/milestone * Response: 404 METHODS issues_get_milestone IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string milestone_number TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE milestone RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a milestone" * Operation id: issues/update-milestone * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: milestone_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/milestone * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyissues_update_milestone METHODS issues_update_milestone IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string milestone_number TYPE i body TYPE bodyissues_update_milestone RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE milestone RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a milestone" * Operation id: issues/delete-milestone * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: milestone_number, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyissues_delete_milestone METHODS issues_delete_milestone IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string milestone_number TYPE i body TYPE bodyissues_delete_milestone RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List labels for issues in a milestone" * Operation id: issues/list-labels-for-milestone * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: milestone_number, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_issues_list_labels_for_milesto METHODS issues_list_labels_for_milesto IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string milestone_number TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_issues_list_labels_01 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository notifications for the authenticated user" * Operation id: activity/list-repo-notifications-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: all, optional, query * Parameter: participating, optional, query * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: before, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_activity_list_repo_notificatio METHODS activity_list_repo_notificatio IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string all TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false participating TYPE abap_bool DEFAULT abap_false since TYPE string OPTIONAL before TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_activity_list_repo_no RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Mark repository notifications as read" * Operation id: activity/mark-repo-notifications-as-read * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 202 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_activity_mark_repo_notificatio * Response: 205 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactivity_mark_repo_notific METHODS activity_mark_repo_notificatio IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyactivity_mark_repo_notific RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a GitHub Pages site" * Operation id: repos/get-pages * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/page * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_pages IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE page RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a GitHub Pages site" * Operation id: repos/create-pages-site * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/page * Response: 409 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_create_pages_site METHODS repos_create_pages_site IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_create_pages_site RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE page RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Update information about a GitHub Pages site" * Operation id: repos/update-information-about-pages-site * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 400 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_update_information_a METHODS repos_update_information_about IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_update_information_a RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a GitHub Pages site" * Operation id: repos/delete-pages-site * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_delete_pages_site METHODS repos_delete_pages_site IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_delete_pages_site RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List GitHub Pages builds" * Operation id: repos/list-pages-builds * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_pages_builds METHODS repos_list_pages_builds IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_pages_buil RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Request a GitHub Pages build" * Operation id: repos/request-pages-build * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/page-build-status METHODS repos_request_pages_build IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE page_build_status RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get latest Pages build" * Operation id: repos/get-latest-pages-build * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/page-build METHODS repos_get_latest_pages_build IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE page_build RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get GitHub Pages build" * Operation id: repos/get-pages-build * Parameter: build_id, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/page-build METHODS repos_get_pages_build IMPORTING build_id TYPE i owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE page_build RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a DNS health check for GitHub Pages" * Operation id: repos/get-pages-health-check * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/pages-health-check * Response: 202 * application/json, #/components/schemas/empty-object * Response: 400 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_get_pages_health_check IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE pages_health_check RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository projects" * Operation id: projects/list-for-repo * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_projects_list_for_repo * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 410 * Response: 422 METHODS projects_list_for_repo IMPORTING state TYPE string DEFAULT 'open' owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_projects_list_for_rep RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a repository project" * Operation id: projects/create-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/project * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 410 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyprojects_create_for_repo METHODS projects_create_for_repo IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyprojects_create_for_repo RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE project RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List pull requests" * Operation id: pulls/list * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: head, optional, query * Parameter: base, optional, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_pulls_list * Response: 304 * Response: 422 METHODS pulls_list IMPORTING state TYPE string DEFAULT 'open' head TYPE string OPTIONAL base TYPE string OPTIONAL sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'created' direction TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_pulls_list RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a pull request" * Operation id: pulls/create * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/pull-request * Response: 403 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodypulls_create METHODS pulls_create IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodypulls_create RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE pull_request RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List review comments in a repository" * Operation id: pulls/list-review-comments-for-repo * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_pulls_list_review_comments_for METHODS pulls_list_review_comments_for IMPORTING sort TYPE string OPTIONAL direction TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string since TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_pulls_list_review_com RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a review comment for a pull request" * Operation id: pulls/get-review-comment * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/pull-request-review-comment * Response: 404 METHODS pulls_get_review_comment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE pull_request_review_comment RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a review comment for a pull request" * Operation id: pulls/update-review-comment * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/pull-request-review-comment * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodypulls_update_review_commen METHODS pulls_update_review_comment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i body TYPE bodypulls_update_review_commen RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE pull_request_review_comment RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a review comment for a pull request" * Operation id: pulls/delete-review-comment * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodypulls_delete_review_commen METHODS pulls_delete_review_comment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i body TYPE bodypulls_delete_review_commen RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List reactions for a pull request review comment" * Operation id: reactions/list-for-pull-request-review-comment * Parameter: content, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_reactions_list_for_pull_reques * Response: 404 METHODS reactions_list_for_pull_reques IMPORTING content TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_reactions_list_for_pu RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create reaction for a pull request review comment" * Operation id: reactions/create-for-pull-request-review-comment * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/reaction * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/reaction * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyreactions_create_for_pull_ METHODS reactions_create_for_pull_requ IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyreactions_create_for_pull_ RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE reaction RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a pull request comment reaction" * Operation id: reactions/delete-for-pull-request-comment * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Parameter: reaction_id, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS reactions_delete_for_pull_requ IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string comment_id TYPE i reaction_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a pull request" * Operation id: pulls/get * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: pull_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/pull-request * Response: 304 * Response: 404 * Response: 500 METHODS pulls_get IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string pull_number TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE pull_request RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a pull request" * Operation id: pulls/update * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: pull_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/pull-request * Response: 403 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodypulls_update METHODS pulls_update IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string pull_number TYPE i body TYPE bodypulls_update RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE pull_request RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a codespace from a pull request" * Operation id: codespaces/create-with-pr-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: pull_number, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/codespace * Response: 202 * application/json, #/components/schemas/codespace * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodycodespaces_create_with_pr_ METHODS codespaces_create_with_pr_for_ IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string pull_number TYPE i body TYPE bodycodespaces_create_with_pr_ RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE codespace RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List review comments on a pull request" * Operation id: pulls/list-review-comments * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: pull_number, required, path * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_pulls_list_review_comments METHODS pulls_list_review_comments IMPORTING direction TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string pull_number TYPE i sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'created' since TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_pulls_list_review_c01 RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a review comment for a pull request" * Operation id: pulls/create-review-comment * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: pull_number, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/pull-request-review-comment * Response: 403 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodypulls_create_review_commen METHODS pulls_create_review_comment IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string pull_number TYPE i body TYPE bodypulls_create_review_commen RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE pull_request_review_comment RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a reply for a review comment" * Operation id: pulls/create-reply-for-review-comment * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: pull_number, required, path * Parameter: comment_id, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/pull-request-review-comment * Response: 404 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodypulls_create_reply_for_rev METHODS pulls_create_reply_for_review_ IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string pull_number TYPE i comment_id TYPE i body TYPE bodypulls_create_reply_for_rev RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE pull_request_review_comment RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List commits on a pull request" * Operation id: pulls/list-commits * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: pull_number, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_pulls_list_commits METHODS pulls_list_commits IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string pull_number TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_pulls_list_commits RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List pull requests files" * Operation id: pulls/list-files * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: pull_number, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_pulls_list_files * Response: 422 * Response: 500 METHODS pulls_list_files IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string pull_number TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_pulls_list_files RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check if a pull request has been merged" * Operation id: pulls/check-if-merged * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: pull_number, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS pulls_check_if_merged IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string pull_number TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Merge a pull request" * Operation id: pulls/merge * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: pull_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/pull-request-merge-result * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 405 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_pulls_merge * Response: 409 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_pulls_merge * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodypulls_merge METHODS pulls_merge IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string pull_number TYPE i body TYPE bodypulls_merge RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE pull_request_merge_result RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List requested reviewers for a pull request" * Operation id: pulls/list-requested-reviewers * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: pull_number, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/pull-request-review-request METHODS pulls_list_requested_reviewers IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string pull_number TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE pull_request_review_request RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Request reviewers for a pull request" * Operation id: pulls/request-reviewers * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: pull_number, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/pull-request-simple * Response: 403 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodypulls_request_reviewers METHODS pulls_request_reviewers IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string pull_number TYPE i body TYPE bodypulls_request_reviewers RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE pull_request_simple RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove requested reviewers from a pull request" * Operation id: pulls/remove-requested-reviewers * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: pull_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/pull-request-simple * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodypulls_remove_requested_rev METHODS pulls_remove_requested_reviewe IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string pull_number TYPE i body TYPE bodypulls_remove_requested_rev RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE pull_request_simple RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List reviews for a pull request" * Operation id: pulls/list-reviews * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: pull_number, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_pulls_list_reviews METHODS pulls_list_reviews IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string pull_number TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_pulls_list_reviews RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a review for a pull request" * Operation id: pulls/create-review * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: pull_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/pull-request-review * Response: 403 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodypulls_create_review METHODS pulls_create_review IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string pull_number TYPE i body TYPE bodypulls_create_review RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE pull_request_review RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a review for a pull request" * Operation id: pulls/get-review * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: pull_number, required, path * Parameter: review_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/pull-request-review * Response: 404 METHODS pulls_get_review IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string pull_number TYPE i review_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE pull_request_review RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Update a review for a pull request" * Operation id: pulls/update-review * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: pull_number, required, path * Parameter: review_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/pull-request-review * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodypulls_update_review METHODS pulls_update_review IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string pull_number TYPE i review_id TYPE i body TYPE bodypulls_update_review RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE pull_request_review RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a pending review for a pull request" * Operation id: pulls/delete-pending-review * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: pull_number, required, path * Parameter: review_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/pull-request-review * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodypulls_delete_pending_revie METHODS pulls_delete_pending_review IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string pull_number TYPE i review_id TYPE i body TYPE bodypulls_delete_pending_revie RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE pull_request_review RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List comments for a pull request review" * Operation id: pulls/list-comments-for-review * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: pull_number, required, path * Parameter: review_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_pulls_list_comments_for_review * Response: 404 METHODS pulls_list_comments_for_review IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string pull_number TYPE i review_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_pulls_list_comments_f RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Dismiss a review for a pull request" * Operation id: pulls/dismiss-review * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: pull_number, required, path * Parameter: review_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/pull-request-review * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodypulls_dismiss_review METHODS pulls_dismiss_review IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string pull_number TYPE i review_id TYPE i body TYPE bodypulls_dismiss_review RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE pull_request_review RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Submit a review for a pull request" * Operation id: pulls/submit-review * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: pull_number, required, path * Parameter: review_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/pull-request-review * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodypulls_submit_review METHODS pulls_submit_review IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string pull_number TYPE i review_id TYPE i body TYPE bodypulls_submit_review RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE pull_request_review RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Update a pull request branch" * Operation id: pulls/update-branch * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: pull_number, required, path * Response: 202 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_pulls_update_branch * Response: 403 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodypulls_update_branch METHODS pulls_update_branch IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string pull_number TYPE i body TYPE bodypulls_update_branch RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a repository README" * Operation id: repos/get-readme * Parameter: ref, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/content-file * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_get_readme IMPORTING ref TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE content_file RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a repository README for a directory" * Operation id: repos/get-readme-in-directory * Parameter: dir, required, path * Parameter: ref, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/content-file * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_get_readme_in_directory IMPORTING dir TYPE string ref TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE content_file RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List releases" * Operation id: repos/list-releases * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_releases * Response: 404 METHODS repos_list_releases IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_releases RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a release" * Operation id: repos/create-release * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/release * Response: 404 * application/json, #/components/schemas/basic-error * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_create_release METHODS repos_create_release IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_create_release RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE release RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a release asset" * Operation id: repos/get-release-asset * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: asset_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/release-asset * Response: 302 * Response: 404 * Response: 415 METHODS repos_get_release_asset IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string asset_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE release_asset RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a release asset" * Operation id: repos/update-release-asset * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: asset_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/release-asset * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_update_release_asset METHODS repos_update_release_asset IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string asset_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyrepos_update_release_asset RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE release_asset RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a release asset" * Operation id: repos/delete-release-asset * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: asset_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_delete_release_asset METHODS repos_delete_release_asset IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string asset_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyrepos_delete_release_asset RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Generate release notes content for a release" * Operation id: repos/generate-release-notes * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/release-notes-content * Response: 404 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_generate_release_not METHODS repos_generate_release_notes IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_generate_release_not RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE release_notes_content RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get the latest release" * Operation id: repos/get-latest-release * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/release METHODS repos_get_latest_release IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE release RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a release by tag name" * Operation id: repos/get-release-by-tag * Parameter: tag, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/release * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_release_by_tag IMPORTING tag TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE release RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a release" * Operation id: repos/get-release * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: release_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/release * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_release IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string release_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE release RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a release" * Operation id: repos/update-release * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: release_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/release * Response: 404 * application/json, #/components/schemas/basic-error * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_update_release METHODS repos_update_release IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string release_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyrepos_update_release RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE release RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a release" * Operation id: repos/delete-release * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: release_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_delete_release METHODS repos_delete_release IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string release_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyrepos_delete_release RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List release assets" * Operation id: repos/list-release-assets * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: release_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_release_assets METHODS repos_list_release_assets IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string release_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_release_as RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Upload a release asset" * Operation id: repos/upload-release-asset * Parameter: name, required, query * Parameter: label, optional, query * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: release_id, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/release-asset * Response: 422 METHODS repos_upload_release_asset IMPORTING name TYPE string label TYPE string OPTIONAL owner TYPE string repo TYPE string release_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE release_asset RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create reaction for a release" * Operation id: reactions/create-for-release * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: release_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/reaction * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/reaction * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyreactions_create_for_relea METHODS reactions_create_for_release IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string release_id TYPE i body TYPE bodyreactions_create_for_relea RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE reaction RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List secret scanning alerts for a repository" * Operation id: secret-scanning/list-alerts-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: secret_type, optional, query * Parameter: resolution, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_secret_scanning_list_alerts_02 * Response: 404 * Response: 503 METHODS secret_scanning_list_alerts_02 IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string state TYPE string OPTIONAL secret_type TYPE string OPTIONAL resolution TYPE string OPTIONAL page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_secret_scanning_lis02 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a secret scanning alert" * Operation id: secret-scanning/get-alert * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: alert_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/secret-scanning-alert * Response: 304 * Response: 404 * Response: 503 METHODS secret_scanning_get_alert IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string alert_number TYPE alert_number RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE secret_scanning_alert RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a secret scanning alert" * Operation id: secret-scanning/update-alert * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: alert_number, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/secret-scanning-alert * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Response: 503 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodysecret_scanning_update_ale METHODS secret_scanning_update_alert IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string alert_number TYPE alert_number body TYPE bodysecret_scanning_update_ale RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE secret_scanning_alert RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List locations for a secret scanning alert" * Operation id: secret-scanning/list-locations-for-alert * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: alert_number, required, path * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_secret_scanning_list_locations * Response: 404 * Response: 503 METHODS secret_scanning_list_locations IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string alert_number TYPE alert_number page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_secret_scanning_lis03 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List stargazers" * Operation id: activity/list-stargazers-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, string * Response: 422 METHODS activity_list_stargazers_for_r IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get the weekly commit activity" * Operation id: repos/get-code-frequency-stats * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_get_code_frequency_stats * Response: 202 * Response: 204 METHODS repos_get_code_frequency_stats IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_get_code_freque RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get the last year of commit activity" * Operation id: repos/get-commit-activity-stats * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_get_commit_activity_stat * Response: 202 * Response: 204 METHODS repos_get_commit_activity_stat IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_get_commit_acti RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get all contributor commit activity" * Operation id: repos/get-contributors-stats * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_get_contributors_stats * Response: 202 * Response: 204 METHODS repos_get_contributors_stats IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_get_contributor RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get the weekly commit count" * Operation id: repos/get-participation-stats * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/participation-stats * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_participation_stats IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE participation_stats RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get the hourly commit count for each day" * Operation id: repos/get-punch-card-stats * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_get_punch_card_stats * Response: 204 METHODS repos_get_punch_card_stats IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_get_punch_card_ RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a commit status" * Operation id: repos/create-commit-status * Parameter: sha, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/status * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_create_commit_status METHODS repos_create_commit_status IMPORTING sha TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_create_commit_status RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE status RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List watchers" * Operation id: activity/list-watchers-for-repo * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_activity_list_watchers_for_rep METHODS activity_list_watchers_for_rep IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_activity_list_watcher RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a repository subscription" * Operation id: activity/get-repo-subscription * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/repository-subscription * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS activity_get_repo_subscription IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE repository_subscription RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set a repository subscription" * Operation id: activity/set-repo-subscription * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/repository-subscription * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactivity_set_repo_subscrip METHODS activity_set_repo_subscription IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyactivity_set_repo_subscrip RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE repository_subscription RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a repository subscription" * Operation id: activity/delete-repo-subscription * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactivity_delete_repo_subsc METHODS activity_delete_repo_subscript IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyactivity_delete_repo_subsc RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository tags" * Operation id: repos/list-tags * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_tags METHODS repos_list_tags IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_tags RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Download a repository archive (tar)" * Operation id: repos/download-tarball-archive * Parameter: ref, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 302 METHODS repos_download_tarball_archive IMPORTING ref TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository teams" * Operation id: repos/list-teams * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_teams METHODS repos_list_teams IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_teams RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get all repository topics" * Operation id: repos/get-all-topics * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/topic * Response: 404 METHODS repos_get_all_topics IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE topic RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Replace all repository topics" * Operation id: repos/replace-all-topics * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/topic * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_replace_all_topics METHODS repos_replace_all_topics IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_replace_all_topics RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE topic RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get repository clones" * Operation id: repos/get-clones * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/clone-traffic * Response: 403 METHODS repos_get_clones IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per TYPE string DEFAULT 'day' RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE clone_traffic RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get top referral paths" * Operation id: repos/get-top-paths * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_get_top_paths * Response: 403 METHODS repos_get_top_paths IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_get_top_paths RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get top referral sources" * Operation id: repos/get-top-referrers * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_get_top_referrers * Response: 403 METHODS repos_get_top_referrers IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_get_top_referre RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get page views" * Operation id: repos/get-views * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Parameter: per, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/view-traffic * Response: 403 METHODS repos_get_views IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string per TYPE string DEFAULT 'day' RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE view_traffic RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Transfer a repository" * Operation id: repos/transfer * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 202 * application/json, #/components/schemas/minimal-repository * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_transfer METHODS repos_transfer IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_transfer RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check if vulnerability alerts are enabled for a repository" * Operation id: repos/check-vulnerability-alerts * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS repos_check_vulnerability_aler IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Enable vulnerability alerts" * Operation id: repos/enable-vulnerability-alerts * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS repos_enable_vulnerability_ale IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Disable vulnerability alerts" * Operation id: repos/disable-vulnerability-alerts * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 METHODS repos_disable_vulnerability_al IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Download a repository archive (zip)" * Operation id: repos/download-zipball-archive * Parameter: ref, required, path * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 302 METHODS repos_download_zipball_archive IMPORTING ref TYPE string owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a repository using a template" * Operation id: repos/create-using-template * Parameter: template_owner, required, path * Parameter: template_repo, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/repository * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_create_using_templat METHODS repos_create_using_template IMPORTING template_owner TYPE string template_repo TYPE string body TYPE bodyrepos_create_using_templat RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE repository RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List public repositories" * Operation id: repos/list-public * Parameter: since, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_public * Response: 304 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_list_public IMPORTING since TYPE i OPTIONAL RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_public RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List environment secrets" * Operation id: actions/list-environment-secrets * Parameter: repository_id, required, path * Parameter: environment_name, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_actions_list_environment_secre METHODS actions_list_environment_secre IMPORTING repository_id TYPE i environment_name TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_actions_list_environm RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an environment public key" * Operation id: actions/get-environment-public-key * Parameter: repository_id, required, path * Parameter: environment_name, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/actions-public-key METHODS actions_get_environment_public IMPORTING repository_id TYPE i environment_name TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE actions_public_key RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an environment secret" * Operation id: actions/get-environment-secret * Parameter: repository_id, required, path * Parameter: environment_name, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/actions-secret METHODS actions_get_environment_secret IMPORTING repository_id TYPE i environment_name TYPE string secret_name TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE actions_secret RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Create or update an environment secret" * Operation id: actions/create-or-update-environment-secret * Parameter: repository_id, required, path * Parameter: environment_name, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/empty-object * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactions_create_or_update_e METHODS actions_create_or_update_envir IMPORTING repository_id TYPE i environment_name TYPE string secret_name TYPE string body TYPE bodyactions_create_or_update_e RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE empty_object RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an environment secret" * Operation id: actions/delete-environment-secret * Parameter: repository_id, required, path * Parameter: environment_name, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyactions_delete_environment METHODS actions_delete_environment_sec IMPORTING repository_id TYPE i environment_name TYPE string secret_name TYPE string body TYPE bodyactions_delete_environment RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List provisioned SCIM groups for an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/list-provisioned-groups-enterprise * Parameter: filter, optional, query * Parameter: excludedAttributes, optional, query * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: startIndex, optional, query * Parameter: count, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/scim-group-list-enterprise METHODS enterprise_admin_list_provisio IMPORTING filter TYPE string OPTIONAL excludedattributes TYPE string OPTIONAL enterprise TYPE string startindex TYPE i OPTIONAL count TYPE i OPTIONAL RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE scim_group_list_enterprise RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Provision a SCIM enterprise group and invite users" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/provision-and-invite-enterprise-group * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/scim-enterprise-group * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyenterprise_admin_provision METHODS enterprise_admin_provision_and IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string body TYPE bodyenterprise_admin_provision RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE scim_enterprise_group RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get SCIM provisioning information for an enterprise group" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/get-provisioning-information-for-enterprise-group * Parameter: excludedAttributes, optional, query * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: scim_group_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/scim-enterprise-group METHODS enterprise_admin_get_provision IMPORTING excludedattributes TYPE string OPTIONAL enterprise TYPE string scim_group_id TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE scim_enterprise_group RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set SCIM information for a provisioned enterprise group" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/set-information-for-provisioned-enterprise-group * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: scim_group_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/scim-enterprise-group * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyenterprise_admin_set_infor METHODS enterprise_admin_set_informati IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string scim_group_id TYPE string body TYPE bodyenterprise_admin_set_infor RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE scim_enterprise_group RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update an attribute for a SCIM enterprise group" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/update-attribute-for-enterprise-group * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: scim_group_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/scim-enterprise-group * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyenterprise_admin_update_at METHODS enterprise_admin_update_attrib IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string scim_group_id TYPE string body TYPE bodyenterprise_admin_update_at RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE scim_enterprise_group RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a SCIM group from an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/delete-scim-group-from-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: scim_group_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyenterprise_admin_delete_sc METHODS enterprise_admin_delete_scim_g IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string scim_group_id TYPE string body TYPE bodyenterprise_admin_delete_sc RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List SCIM provisioned identities for an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/list-provisioned-identities-enterprise * Parameter: filter, optional, query * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: startIndex, optional, query * Parameter: count, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/scim-user-list-enterprise METHODS enterprise_admin_list_provis01 IMPORTING filter TYPE string OPTIONAL enterprise TYPE string startindex TYPE i OPTIONAL count TYPE i OPTIONAL RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE scim_user_list_enterprise RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Provision and invite a SCIM enterprise user" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/provision-and-invite-enterprise-user * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/scim-enterprise-user * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyenterprise_admin_provisi01 METHODS enterprise_admin_provision_a01 IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string body TYPE bodyenterprise_admin_provisi01 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE scim_enterprise_user RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get SCIM provisioning information for an enterprise user" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/get-provisioning-information-for-enterprise-user * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: scim_user_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/scim-enterprise-user METHODS enterprise_admin_get_provisi01 IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string scim_user_id TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE scim_enterprise_user RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set SCIM information for a provisioned enterprise user" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/set-information-for-provisioned-enterprise-user * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: scim_user_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/scim-enterprise-user * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyenterprise_admin_set_inf01 METHODS enterprise_admin_set_informa01 IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string scim_user_id TYPE string body TYPE bodyenterprise_admin_set_inf01 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE scim_enterprise_user RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update an attribute for a SCIM enterprise user" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/update-attribute-for-enterprise-user * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: scim_user_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/scim-enterprise-user * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyenterprise_admin_update_01 METHODS enterprise_admin_update_attr01 IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string scim_user_id TYPE string body TYPE bodyenterprise_admin_update_01 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE scim_enterprise_user RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a SCIM user from an enterprise" * Operation id: enterprise-admin/delete-user-from-enterprise * Parameter: enterprise, required, path * Parameter: scim_user_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyenterprise_admin_delete_us METHODS enterprise_admin_delete_user_f IMPORTING enterprise TYPE string scim_user_id TYPE string body TYPE bodyenterprise_admin_delete_us RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List SCIM provisioned identities" * Operation id: scim/list-provisioned-identities * Parameter: startIndex, optional, query * Parameter: count, optional, query * Parameter: filter, optional, query * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/scim+json, #/components/schemas/scim-user-list * Response: 304 * Response: 400 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS scim_list_provisioned_identiti IMPORTING startindex TYPE i OPTIONAL count TYPE i OPTIONAL filter TYPE string OPTIONAL org TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Provision and invite a SCIM user" * Operation id: scim/provision-and-invite-user * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 201 * application/scim+json, #/components/schemas/scim-user * Response: 304 * Response: 400 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 409 * Response: 500 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyscim_provision_and_invite_ METHODS scim_provision_and_invite_user IMPORTING org TYPE string body TYPE bodyscim_provision_and_invite_ RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get SCIM provisioning information for a user" * Operation id: scim/get-provisioning-information-for-user * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: scim_user_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/scim+json, #/components/schemas/scim-user * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS scim_get_provisioning_informat IMPORTING org TYPE string scim_user_id TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Update a provisioned organization membership" * Operation id: scim/set-information-for-provisioned-user * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: scim_user_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/scim+json, #/components/schemas/scim-user * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyscim_set_information_for_p METHODS scim_set_information_for_provi IMPORTING org TYPE string scim_user_id TYPE string body TYPE bodyscim_set_information_for_p RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update an attribute for a SCIM user" * Operation id: scim/update-attribute-for-user * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: scim_user_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/scim+json, #/components/schemas/scim-user * Response: 304 * Response: 400 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 429 * application/json, #/components/schemas/basic-error * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyscim_update_attribute_for_ METHODS scim_update_attribute_for_user IMPORTING org TYPE string scim_user_id TYPE string body TYPE bodyscim_update_attribute_for_ RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a SCIM user from an organization" * Operation id: scim/delete-user-from-org * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: scim_user_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyscim_delete_user_from_org METHODS scim_delete_user_from_org IMPORTING org TYPE string scim_user_id TYPE string body TYPE bodyscim_delete_user_from_org RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Search code" * Operation id: search/code * Parameter: q, required, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: order, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_search_code * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 422 * Response: 503 METHODS search_code IMPORTING q TYPE string sort TYPE string OPTIONAL order TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_search_code RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Search commits" * Operation id: search/commits * Parameter: q, required, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: order, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_search_commits * Response: 304 METHODS search_commits IMPORTING q TYPE string sort TYPE string OPTIONAL order TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_search_commits RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Search issues and pull requests" * Operation id: search/issues-and-pull-requests * Parameter: q, required, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: order, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_search_issues_and_pull_request * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 422 * Response: 503 METHODS search_issues_and_pull_request IMPORTING q TYPE string sort TYPE string OPTIONAL order TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_search_issues_and_pul RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Search labels" * Operation id: search/labels * Parameter: repository_id, required, query * Parameter: q, required, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: order, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_search_labels * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS search_labels IMPORTING repository_id TYPE i q TYPE string sort TYPE string OPTIONAL order TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_search_labels RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Search repositories" * Operation id: search/repos * Parameter: q, required, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: order, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_search_repos * Response: 304 * Response: 422 * Response: 503 METHODS search_repos IMPORTING q TYPE string sort TYPE string OPTIONAL order TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_search_repos RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Search topics" * Operation id: search/topics * Parameter: q, required, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_search_topics * Response: 304 METHODS search_topics IMPORTING q TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_search_topics RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Search users" * Operation id: search/users * Parameter: q, required, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: order, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_search_users * Response: 304 * Response: 422 * Response: 503 METHODS search_users IMPORTING q TYPE string sort TYPE string OPTIONAL order TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_search_users RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get the authenticated user" * Operation id: users/get-authenticated * Response: 200 * application/json, string * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS users_get_authenticated RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update the authenticated user" * Operation id: users/update-authenticated * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/private-user * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyusers_update_authenticated METHODS users_update_authenticated IMPORTING body TYPE bodyusers_update_authenticated RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE private_user RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List users blocked by the authenticated user" * Operation id: users/list-blocked-by-authenticated-user * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_users_list_blocked_by_authenti * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 415 METHODS users_list_blocked_by_authenti RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_users_list_blocked_by RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check if a user is blocked by the authenticated user" * Operation id: users/check-blocked * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * application/json, #/components/schemas/basic-error METHODS users_check_blocked IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Block a user" * Operation id: users/block * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS users_block IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Unblock a user" * Operation id: users/unblock * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS users_unblock IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List codespaces for the authenticated user" * Operation id: codespaces/list-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: repository_id, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_codespaces_list_for_authentica * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 500 METHODS codespaces_list_for_authentica IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 repository_id TYPE i OPTIONAL RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_codespaces_list_for_a RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a codespace for the authenticated user" * Operation id: codespaces/create-for-authenticated-user * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/codespace * Response: 202 * application/json, #/components/schemas/codespace * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Body schema: string METHODS codespaces_create_for_authenti IMPORTING body TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE codespace RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List secrets for the authenticated user" * Operation id: codespaces/list-secrets-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_codespaces_list_secrets_for_au METHODS codespaces_list_secrets_for_au IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_codespaces_list_secre RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get public key for the authenticated user" * Operation id: codespaces/get-public-key-for-authenticated-user * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/codespaces-user-public-key METHODS codespaces_get_public_key_for_ RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE codespaces_user_public_key RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a secret for the authenticated user" * Operation id: codespaces/get-secret-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/codespaces-secret METHODS codespaces_get_secret_for_auth IMPORTING secret_name TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE codespaces_secret RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Create or update a secret for the authenticated user" * Operation id: codespaces/create-or-update-secret-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_codespaces_create_or_update_se * Response: 204 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodycodespaces_create_or_updat METHODS codespaces_create_or_update_se IMPORTING secret_name TYPE string body TYPE bodycodespaces_create_or_updat RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_codespaces_create_or_ RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a secret for the authenticated user" * Operation id: codespaces/delete-secret-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 204 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodycodespaces_delete_secret_f METHODS codespaces_delete_secret_for_a IMPORTING secret_name TYPE string body TYPE bodycodespaces_delete_secret_f RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List selected repositories for a user secret" * Operation id: codespaces/list-repositories-for-secret-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_codespaces_list_repositories_f * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 500 METHODS codespaces_list_repositories_f IMPORTING secret_name TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_codespaces_list_repos RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set selected repositories for a user secret" * Operation id: codespaces/set-repositories-for-secret-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 500 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodycodespaces_set_repositorie METHODS codespaces_set_repositories_fo IMPORTING secret_name TYPE string body TYPE bodycodespaces_set_repositorie RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add a selected repository to a user secret" * Operation id: codespaces/add-repository-for-secret-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: repository_id, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 500 METHODS codespaces_add_repository_for_ IMPORTING repository_id TYPE i secret_name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove a selected repository from a user secret" * Operation id: codespaces/remove-repository-for-secret-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: repository_id, required, path * Parameter: secret_name, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 500 METHODS codespaces_remove_repository_f IMPORTING repository_id TYPE i secret_name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a codespace for the authenticated user" * Operation id: codespaces/get-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: codespace_name, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/codespace * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 500 METHODS codespaces_get_for_authenticat IMPORTING codespace_name TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE codespace RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update a codespace for the authenticated user" * Operation id: codespaces/update-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: codespace_name, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/codespace * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodycodespaces_update_for_auth METHODS codespaces_update_for_authenti IMPORTING codespace_name TYPE string body TYPE bodycodespaces_update_for_auth RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE codespace RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a codespace for the authenticated user" * Operation id: codespaces/delete-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: codespace_name, required, path * Response: 202 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 500 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodycodespaces_delete_for_auth METHODS codespaces_delete_for_authenti IMPORTING codespace_name TYPE string body TYPE bodycodespaces_delete_for_auth RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Export a codespace for the authenticated user" * Operation id: codespaces/export-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: codespace_name, required, path * Response: 202 * application/json, #/components/schemas/codespace-export-details * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Response: 500 METHODS codespaces_export_for_authenti IMPORTING codespace_name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get details about a codespace export" * Operation id: codespaces/get-export-details-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: codespace_name, required, path * Parameter: export_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/codespace-export-details * Response: 404 METHODS codespaces_get_export_details_ IMPORTING codespace_name TYPE string export_id TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE codespace_export_details RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List machine types for a codespace" * Operation id: codespaces/codespace-machines-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: codespace_name, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_codespaces_codespace_machines_ * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 500 METHODS codespaces_codespace_machines_ IMPORTING codespace_name TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_codespaces_codespace_ RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Start a codespace for the authenticated user" * Operation id: codespaces/start-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: codespace_name, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/codespace * Response: 304 * Response: 400 * Response: 401 * Response: 402 * application/json, #/components/schemas/basic-error * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 409 * Response: 500 METHODS codespaces_start_for_authentic IMPORTING codespace_name TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE codespace RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Stop a codespace for the authenticated user" * Operation id: codespaces/stop-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: codespace_name, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/codespace * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 500 METHODS codespaces_stop_for_authentica IMPORTING codespace_name TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE codespace RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Set primary email visibility for the authenticated user" * Operation id: users/set-primary-email-visibility-for-authenticated-user * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_users_set_primary_email_visibi * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyusers_set_primary_email_vi METHODS users_set_primary_email_visibi IMPORTING body TYPE bodyusers_set_primary_email_vi RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_users_set_primary_ema RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List email addresses for the authenticated user" * Operation id: users/list-emails-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_users_list_emails_for_authenti * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS users_list_emails_for_authenti IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_users_list_emails_for RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Add an email address for the authenticated user" * Operation id: users/add-email-for-authenticated-user * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_users_add_email_for_authentica * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body schema: string METHODS users_add_email_for_authentica IMPORTING body TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_users_add_email_for_a RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete an email address for the authenticated user" * Operation id: users/delete-email-for-authenticated-user * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body schema: string METHODS users_delete_email_for_authent IMPORTING body TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List followers of the authenticated user" * Operation id: users/list-followers-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_users_list_followers_for_authe * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS users_list_followers_for_authe IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_users_list_followers_ RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List the people the authenticated user follows" * Operation id: users/list-followed-by-authenticated-user * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_users_list_followed_by_authent * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS users_list_followed_by_authent IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_users_list_followed_b RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check if a person is followed by the authenticated user" * Operation id: users/check-person-is-followed-by-authenticated * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * application/json, #/components/schemas/basic-error METHODS users_check_person_is_followed IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Follow a user" * Operation id: users/follow * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS users_follow IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Unfollow a user" * Operation id: users/unfollow * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS users_unfollow IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List GPG keys for the authenticated user" * Operation id: users/list-gpg-keys-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_users_list_gpg_keys_for_authen * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS users_list_gpg_keys_for_authen IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_users_list_gpg_keys_f RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a GPG key for the authenticated user" * Operation id: users/create-gpg-key-for-authenticated-user * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/gpg-key * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyusers_create_gpg_key_for_a METHODS users_create_gpg_key_for_authe IMPORTING body TYPE bodyusers_create_gpg_key_for_a RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE gpg_key RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a GPG key for the authenticated user" * Operation id: users/get-gpg-key-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: gpg_key_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/gpg-key * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS users_get_gpg_key_for_authenti IMPORTING gpg_key_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE gpg_key RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a GPG key for the authenticated user" * Operation id: users/delete-gpg-key-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: gpg_key_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS users_delete_gpg_key_for_authe IMPORTING gpg_key_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List app installations accessible to the user access token" * Operation id: apps/list-installations-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_apps_list_installations_for_au * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 415 METHODS apps_list_installations_for_au IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_apps_list_installat01 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repositories accessible to the user access token" * Operation id: apps/list-installation-repos-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: installation_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_apps_list_installation_repos_f * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS apps_list_installation_repos_f IMPORTING installation_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_apps_list_installat02 RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Add a repository to an app installation" * Operation id: apps/add-repo-to-installation-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: installation_id, required, path * Parameter: repository_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS apps_add_repo_to_installation_ IMPORTING installation_id TYPE i repository_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove a repository from an app installation" * Operation id: apps/remove-repo-from-installation-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: installation_id, required, path * Parameter: repository_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS apps_remove_repo_from_installa IMPORTING installation_id TYPE i repository_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get interaction restrictions for your public repositories" * Operation id: interactions/get-restrictions-for-authenticated-user * Response: 200 * application/json, string * Response: 204 METHODS interactions_get_restriction02 RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Set interaction restrictions for your public repositories" * Operation id: interactions/set-restrictions-for-authenticated-user * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/interaction-limit-response * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/interaction-limit METHODS interactions_set_restriction02 IMPORTING body TYPE interaction_limit RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE interaction_limit_response RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Remove interaction restrictions from your public repositories" * Operation id: interactions/remove-restrictions-for-authenticated-user * Response: 204 METHODS interactions_remove_restrict02 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List user account issues assigned to the authenticated user" * Operation id: issues/list-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: filter, optional, query * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: labels, optional, query * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_issues_list_for_authenticated_ * Response: 304 * Response: 404 METHODS issues_list_for_authenticated_ IMPORTING filter TYPE string DEFAULT 'assigned' state TYPE string DEFAULT 'open' sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'created' labels TYPE string OPTIONAL direction TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' since TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_issues_list_for_authe RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List public SSH keys for the authenticated user" * Operation id: users/list-public-ssh-keys-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_users_list_public_ssh_keys_for * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS users_list_public_ssh_keys_for IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_users_list_public_ssh RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a public SSH key for the authenticated user" * Operation id: users/create-public-ssh-key-for-authenticated-user * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/key * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyusers_create_public_ssh_ke METHODS users_create_public_ssh_key_fo IMPORTING body TYPE bodyusers_create_public_ssh_ke RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE key RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a public SSH key for the authenticated user" * Operation id: users/get-public-ssh-key-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: key_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/key * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS users_get_public_ssh_key_for_a IMPORTING key_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE key RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a public SSH key for the authenticated user" * Operation id: users/delete-public-ssh-key-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: key_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS users_delete_public_ssh_key_fo IMPORTING key_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List subscriptions for the authenticated user" * Operation id: apps/list-subscriptions-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_apps_list_subscriptions_for_au * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 404 METHODS apps_list_subscriptions_for_au IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_apps_list_subscriptio RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List subscriptions for the authenticated user (stubbed)" * Operation id: apps/list-subscriptions-for-authenticated-user-stubbed * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_apps_list_subscriptions_for_01 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 METHODS apps_list_subscriptions_for_01 IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_apps_list_subscript01 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organization memberships for the authenticated user" * Operation id: orgs/list-memberships-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_orgs_list_memberships_for_auth * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 422 METHODS orgs_list_memberships_for_auth IMPORTING state TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_orgs_list_memberships RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get an organization membership for the authenticated user" * Operation id: orgs/get-membership-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/org-membership * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS orgs_get_membership_for_authen IMPORTING org TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE org_membership RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Update an organization membership for the authenticated user" * Operation id: orgs/update-membership-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: org, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/org-membership * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyorgs_update_membership_for METHODS orgs_update_membership_for_aut IMPORTING org TYPE string body TYPE bodyorgs_update_membership_for RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE org_membership RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List user migrations" * Operation id: migrations/list-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_migrations_list_for_authentica * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS migrations_list_for_authentica IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_migrations_list_for_a RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Start a user migration" * Operation id: migrations/start-for-authenticated-user * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/migration * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodymigrations_start_for_authe METHODS migrations_start_for_authentic IMPORTING body TYPE bodymigrations_start_for_authe RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE migration RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a user migration status" * Operation id: migrations/get-status-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: exclude, optional, query * Parameter: migration_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/migration * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS migrations_get_status_for_auth IMPORTING exclude TYPE string OPTIONAL migration_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE migration RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Download a user migration archive" * Operation id: migrations/get-archive-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: migration_id, required, path * Response: 302 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS migrations_get_archive_for_aut IMPORTING migration_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a user migration archive" * Operation id: migrations/delete-archive-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: migration_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS migrations_delete_archive_fo01 IMPORTING migration_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Unlock a user repository" * Operation id: migrations/unlock-repo-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: migration_id, required, path * Parameter: repo_name, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS migrations_unlock_repo_for_aut IMPORTING migration_id TYPE i repo_name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repositories for a user migration" * Operation id: migrations/list-repos-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: migration_id, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_migrations_list_repos_for_auth * Response: 404 METHODS migrations_list_repos_for_auth IMPORTING migration_id TYPE i per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_migrations_list_rep01 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organizations for the authenticated user" * Operation id: orgs/list-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_orgs_list_for_authenticated_us * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS orgs_list_for_authenticated_us IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_orgs_list_for_authent RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List packages for the authenticated user's namespace" * Operation id: packages/list-packages-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: package_type, required, query * Parameter: visibility, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_packages_list_packages_for_aut METHODS packages_list_packages_for_aut IMPORTING package_type TYPE string visibility TYPE string OPTIONAL RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_packages_list_packa01 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a package for the authenticated user" * Operation id: packages/get-package-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: package_type, required, path * Parameter: package_name, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/package METHODS packages_get_package_for_authe IMPORTING package_type TYPE string package_name TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE package RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a package for the authenticated user" * Operation id: packages/delete-package-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: package_type, required, path * Parameter: package_name, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS packages_delete_package_for_au IMPORTING package_type TYPE string package_name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Restore a package for the authenticated user" * Operation id: packages/restore-package-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: token, optional, query * Parameter: package_type, required, path * Parameter: package_name, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS packages_restore_package_for_a IMPORTING token TYPE string OPTIONAL package_type TYPE string package_name TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get all package versions for a package owned by the authenticated user" * Operation id: packages/get-all-package-versions-for-package-owned-by-authenticated-user * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: package_type, required, path * Parameter: package_name, required, path * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_packages_get_all_package_ver01 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS packages_get_all_package_ver01 IMPORTING state TYPE string DEFAULT 'active' package_type TYPE string package_name TYPE string page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_packages_get_all_pa01 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a package version for the authenticated user" * Operation id: packages/get-package-version-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: package_type, required, path * Parameter: package_name, required, path * Parameter: package_version_id, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/package-version METHODS packages_get_package_version01 IMPORTING package_type TYPE string package_name TYPE string package_version_id TYPE i RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE package_version RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a package version for the authenticated user" * Operation id: packages/delete-package-version-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: package_type, required, path * Parameter: package_name, required, path * Parameter: package_version_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS packages_delete_package_vers01 IMPORTING package_type TYPE string package_name TYPE string package_version_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Restore a package version for the authenticated user" * Operation id: packages/restore-package-version-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: package_type, required, path * Parameter: package_name, required, path * Parameter: package_version_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS packages_restore_package_ver01 IMPORTING package_type TYPE string package_name TYPE string package_version_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a user project" * Operation id: projects/create-for-authenticated-user * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/project * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 415 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyprojects_create_for_authen METHODS projects_create_for_authentica IMPORTING body TYPE bodyprojects_create_for_authen RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE project RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List public email addresses for the authenticated user" * Operation id: users/list-public-emails-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_users_list_public_emails_for_a * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS users_list_public_emails_for_a IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_users_list_public_ema RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repositories for the authenticated user" * Operation id: repos/list-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: visibility, optional, query * Parameter: affiliation, optional, query * Parameter: type, optional, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: before, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_for_authenticated_u * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 422 METHODS repos_list_for_authenticated_u IMPORTING visibility TYPE string DEFAULT 'all' affiliation TYPE string DEFAULT 'owner,collaborator,organization_member' type TYPE string DEFAULT 'all' sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'full_name' direction TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 since TYPE string OPTIONAL before TYPE string OPTIONAL RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_for_authen RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Create a repository for the authenticated user" * Operation id: repos/create-for-authenticated-user * Response: 201 * application/json, #/components/schemas/repository * Response: 304 * Response: 400 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 422 * Body ref: #/components/schemas/bodyrepos_create_for_authentic METHODS repos_create_for_authenticated IMPORTING body TYPE bodyrepos_create_for_authentic RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE repository RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repository invitations for the authenticated user" * Operation id: repos/list-invitations-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_invitations_for_aut * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS repos_list_invitations_for_aut IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_invitati01 RAISING cx_static_check. * PATCH - "Accept a repository invitation" * Operation id: repos/accept-invitation-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: invitation_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 409 METHODS repos_accept_invitation_for_au IMPORTING invitation_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Decline a repository invitation" * Operation id: repos/decline-invitation-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: invitation_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * Response: 409 METHODS repos_decline_invitation_for_a IMPORTING invitation_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repositories starred by the authenticated user" * Operation id: activity/list-repos-starred-by-authenticated-user * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_activity_list_repos_starred_by * application/, array * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS activity_list_repos_starred_by IMPORTING sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'created' direction TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_activity_list_repos_s RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check if a repository is starred by the authenticated user" * Operation id: activity/check-repo-is-starred-by-authenticated-user * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 * application/json, #/components/schemas/basic-error METHODS activity_check_repo_is_starred IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * PUT - "Star a repository for the authenticated user" * Operation id: activity/star-repo-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS activity_star_repo_for_authent IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Unstar a repository for the authenticated user" * Operation id: activity/unstar-repo-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: owner, required, path * Parameter: repo, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS activity_unstar_repo_for_authe IMPORTING owner TYPE string repo TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repositories watched by the authenticated user" * Operation id: activity/list-watched-repos-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_activity_list_watched_repos_fo * Response: 304 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS activity_list_watched_repos_fo IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_activity_list_watched RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List teams for the authenticated user" * Operation id: teams/list-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_teams_list_for_authenticated_u * Response: 304 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS teams_list_for_authenticated_u IMPORTING per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_teams_list_for_authen RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List users" * Operation id: users/list * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_users_list * Response: 304 METHODS users_list IMPORTING since TYPE i OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_users_list RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a user" * Operation id: users/get-by-username * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, string * Response: 404 METHODS users_get_by_username IMPORTING username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List events for the authenticated user" * Operation id: activity/list-events-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_activity_list_events_for_authe METHODS activity_list_events_for_authe IMPORTING username TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_activity_list_events_ RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organization events for the authenticated user" * Operation id: activity/list-org-events-for-authenticated-user * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: org, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_activity_list_org_events_for_a METHODS activity_list_org_events_for_a IMPORTING username TYPE string org TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_activity_list_org_eve RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List public events for a user" * Operation id: activity/list-public-events-for-user * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_activity_list_public_events_01 METHODS activity_list_public_events_01 IMPORTING username TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_activity_list_publi03 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List followers of a user" * Operation id: users/list-followers-for-user * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_users_list_followers_for_user METHODS users_list_followers_for_user IMPORTING username TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_users_list_follower01 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List the people a user follows" * Operation id: users/list-following-for-user * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_users_list_following_for_user METHODS users_list_following_for_user IMPORTING username TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_users_list_following_ RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Check if a user follows another user" * Operation id: users/check-following-for-user * Parameter: target_user, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 404 METHODS users_check_following_for_user IMPORTING target_user TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List gists for a user" * Operation id: gists/list-for-user * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: since, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_gists_list_for_user * Response: 422 METHODS gists_list_for_user IMPORTING username TYPE string since TYPE string OPTIONAL per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_gists_list_for_user RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List GPG keys for a user" * Operation id: users/list-gpg-keys-for-user * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_users_list_gpg_keys_for_user METHODS users_list_gpg_keys_for_user IMPORTING username TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_users_list_gpg_keys01 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get contextual information for a user" * Operation id: users/get-context-for-user * Parameter: subject_type, optional, query * Parameter: subject_id, optional, query * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/hovercard * Response: 404 * Response: 422 METHODS users_get_context_for_user IMPORTING subject_type TYPE string OPTIONAL subject_id TYPE string OPTIONAL username TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE hovercard RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a user installation for the authenticated app" * Operation id: apps/get-user-installation * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/installation METHODS apps_get_user_installation IMPORTING username TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE installation RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List public keys for a user" * Operation id: users/list-public-keys-for-user * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_users_list_public_keys_for_use METHODS users_list_public_keys_for_use IMPORTING username TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_users_list_public_key RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List organizations for a user" * Operation id: orgs/list-for-user * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_orgs_list_for_user METHODS orgs_list_for_user IMPORTING username TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_orgs_list_for_user RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List packages for a user" * Operation id: packages/list-packages-for-user * Parameter: package_type, required, query * Parameter: visibility, optional, query * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_packages_list_packages_for_use * Response: 401 * Response: 403 METHODS packages_list_packages_for_use IMPORTING package_type TYPE string visibility TYPE string OPTIONAL username TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_packages_list_packa02 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a package for a user" * Operation id: packages/get-package-for-user * Parameter: package_type, required, path * Parameter: package_name, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/package METHODS packages_get_package_for_user IMPORTING package_type TYPE string package_name TYPE string username TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE package RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete a package for a user" * Operation id: packages/delete-package-for-user * Parameter: package_type, required, path * Parameter: package_name, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS packages_delete_package_for_us IMPORTING package_type TYPE string package_name TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Restore a package for a user" * Operation id: packages/restore-package-for-user * Parameter: token, optional, query * Parameter: package_type, required, path * Parameter: package_name, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS packages_restore_package_for_u IMPORTING token TYPE string OPTIONAL package_type TYPE string package_name TYPE string username TYPE string RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get all package versions for a package owned by a user" * Operation id: packages/get-all-package-versions-for-package-owned-by-user * Parameter: package_type, required, path * Parameter: package_name, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_packages_get_all_package_ver02 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS packages_get_all_package_ver02 IMPORTING package_type TYPE string package_name TYPE string username TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_packages_get_all_pa02 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get a package version for a user" * Operation id: packages/get-package-version-for-user * Parameter: package_type, required, path * Parameter: package_name, required, path * Parameter: package_version_id, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/package-version METHODS packages_get_package_version02 IMPORTING package_type TYPE string package_name TYPE string package_version_id TYPE i username TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE package_version RAISING cx_static_check. * DELETE - "Delete package version for a user" * Operation id: packages/delete-package-version-for-user * Parameter: package_type, required, path * Parameter: package_name, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: package_version_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS packages_delete_package_vers02 IMPORTING package_type TYPE string package_name TYPE string username TYPE string package_version_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * POST - "Restore package version for a user" * Operation id: packages/restore-package-version-for-user * Parameter: package_type, required, path * Parameter: package_name, required, path * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: package_version_id, required, path * Response: 204 * Response: 401 * Response: 403 * Response: 404 METHODS packages_restore_package_ver02 IMPORTING package_type TYPE string package_name TYPE string username TYPE string package_version_id TYPE i RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List user projects" * Operation id: projects/list-for-user * Parameter: state, optional, query * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_projects_list_for_user * Response: 422 METHODS projects_list_for_user IMPORTING state TYPE string DEFAULT 'open' username TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_projects_list_for_use RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List events received by the authenticated user" * Operation id: activity/list-received-events-for-user * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_activity_list_received_events_ METHODS activity_list_received_events_ IMPORTING username TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_activity_list_receive RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List public events received by a user" * Operation id: activity/list-received-public-events-for-user * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_activity_list_received_public_ METHODS activity_list_received_public_ IMPORTING username TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_activity_list_recei01 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repositories for a user" * Operation id: repos/list-for-user * Parameter: type, optional, query * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_repos_list_for_user METHODS repos_list_for_user IMPORTING type TYPE string DEFAULT 'owner' sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'full_name' direction TYPE string OPTIONAL username TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_repos_list_for_user RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get GitHub Actions billing for a user" * Operation id: billing/get-github-actions-billing-user * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/actions-billing-usage METHODS billing_get_github_actions_b02 IMPORTING username TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE actions_billing_usage RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get GitHub Packages billing for a user" * Operation id: billing/get-github-packages-billing-user * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/packages-billing-usage METHODS billing_get_github_packages_02 IMPORTING username TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE packages_billing_usage RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get shared storage billing for a user" * Operation id: billing/get-shared-storage-billing-user * Parameter: username, required, path * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/combined-billing-usage METHODS billing_get_shared_storage_b02 IMPORTING username TYPE string RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE combined_billing_usage RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repositories starred by a user" * Operation id: activity/list-repos-starred-by-user * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: sort, optional, query * Parameter: direction, optional, query * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, string METHODS activity_list_repos_starred_01 IMPORTING username TYPE string sort TYPE string DEFAULT 'created' direction TYPE string DEFAULT 'desc' per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "List repositories watched by a user" * Operation id: activity/list-repos-watched-by-user * Parameter: username, required, path * Parameter: per_page, optional, query * Parameter: page, optional, query * Response: 200 * application/json, #/components/schemas/response_activity_list_repos_watched_by METHODS activity_list_repos_watched_by IMPORTING username TYPE string per_page TYPE i DEFAULT 30 page TYPE i DEFAULT 1 RETURNING VALUE(return_data) TYPE response_activity_list_repos_w RAISING cx_static_check. * GET - "Get the Zen of GitHub" * Operation id: meta/get-zen * Response: 200 * text/plain, string METHODS meta_get_zen RAISING cx_static_check. ENDINTERFACE.
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class zcl_ftp_client definition public final create public . public section. type-pools abap . data dest type rfcdest . data handle type i read-only . data local type abap_bool read-only . data host type string read-only . data user type string read-only . data password type string read-only . methods constructor importing !i_host type simple optional !i_user type simple optional !i_password type simple optional !i_local type abap_bool default abap_false . methods connect importing !i_host type simple optional !i_user type simple optional !i_password type simple optional raising zcx_generic . methods disconnect raising zcx_generic . methods are_files_exist importing !i_path type simple returning value(e_is) type abap_bool raising zcx_generic . methods get_files importing !i_path type simple returning value(et_list) type stringtab raising zcx_generic . methods delete_files importing !i_path type simple raising zcx_generic . methods is_file_exist importing !i_path type simple !i_name type simple returning value(e_is) type abap_bool raising zcx_generic . methods get_file importing !i_path type simple returning value(e_data) type xstring raising zcx_generic . methods create_file importing !i_path type simple !i_data type xstring raising zcx_generic . methods delete_file importing !i_path type simple raising zcx_generic . methods copy_file importing !i_from type simple !i_to type simple raising zcx_generic . methods move_file importing !i_from type simple !i_to type simple raising zcx_generic . methods is_directories_exist importing !i_path type simple returning value(e_is) type abap_bool raising zcx_generic . methods get_directories importing !i_path type simple returning value(et_list) type stringtab raising zcx_generic . methods delete_directories importing !i_path type simple raising zcx_generic . methods is_directory_exist importing !i_path type simple !i_name type simple returning value(e_is) type abap_bool raising zcx_generic . methods create_directory importing !i_path type simple raising zcx_generic . methods delete_directory importing !i_path type simple raising zcx_generic . protected section. private section. methods command importing !i_command type simple returning value(et_data) type stringtab raising zcx_generic . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_FTP_CLIENT IMPLEMENTATION. method are_files_exist. data lt_list type stringtab. lt_list = get_files( i_path ). check lt_list is not initial. e_is = abap_true. endmethod. method command. data l_command(255). l_command = i_command. data lt_data type table of text255. call function 'FTP_COMMAND' exporting handle = handle command = l_command compress = 'N' tables data = lt_data exceptions tcpip_error = 1 command_error = 2 data_error = 3. if sy-subrc ne 0. zcx_generic=>raise( ). endif. zcl_abap_static=>list2list( exporting it_data = lt_data importing et_data = et_data ). endmethod. method connect. if i_host is initial. data l_host(255). l_host = host. else. l_host = i_host. endif. if i_user is initial. data l_user(255). l_user = user. else. l_user = i_user. endif. if i_password is initial. data l_password(255). l_password = password. else. l_password = i_password. endif. if l_user is initial. l_user = 'anonymous'. l_password = 'anonymous'. endif. data l_length type i. l_length = strlen( l_password ). call function 'HTTP_SCRAMBLE' exporting source = l_password sourcelen = l_length key = '26101957' importing destination = l_password. call function 'FTP_CONNECT' exporting host = l_host user = l_user password = l_password rfc_destination = dest importing handle = handle exceptions not_connected = 1 others = 2. if sy-subrc ne 0. zcx_generic=>raise( ). endif. command( 'set passive on' ). endmethod. method constructor. host = i_host. user = i_user. password = i_password. if i_local eq abap_true. dest = 'SAPFTP'. else. dest = 'SAPFTPA'. endif. endmethod. method copy_file. data l_data type xstring. l_data = get_file( i_from ). create_file( i_path = i_to i_data = l_data ). endmethod. method create_directory. data lt_result type stringtab. lt_result = command( `mkdir ` && i_path ). endmethod. method create_file. data l_file(255). l_file = i_path. data l_length type i. l_length = xstrlen( i_data ). data lt_data type table of raw255. zcl_convert_static=>xtext2xtable( exporting i_data = i_data importing et_data = lt_data ). call function 'FTP_R3_TO_SERVER' exporting handle = handle fname = l_file blob_length = l_length tables blob = lt_data exceptions tcpip_error = 1 command_error = 2 data_error = 3 others = 4. if sy-subrc ne 0. zcx_generic=>raise( ). endif. endmethod. method delete_directories. data lt_list type stringtab. lt_list = get_directories( i_path ). data l_directory like line of lt_list. loop at lt_list into l_directory. delete_directory( i_path && `/` && l_directory ). endloop. endmethod. method delete_directory. " Удаление всех директорий delete_directories( i_path ). " Удаление всех файлов delete_files( i_path ). data lt_result type stringtab. lt_result = command( `rmdir ` && i_path ). endmethod. method delete_file. data lt_result type stringtab. lt_result = command( `delete ` && i_path ). endmethod. method delete_files. data lt_list type stringtab. lt_list = get_files( i_path ). data l_file like line of lt_list. loop at lt_list into l_file. delete_file( i_path && `/` && l_file ). endloop. endmethod. method disconnect. check handle is not initial. call function 'FTP_DISCONNECT' exporting handle = handle. call function 'RFC_CONNECTION_CLOSE' exporting destination = dest exceptions others = 1. endmethod. method get_directories. data lt_result type stringtab. lt_result = command( `ls ` && i_path ). "drw-rw-r-- 1 572 572 252 Oct 11 2012 dirname data l_result like line of lt_result. loop at lt_result into l_result. check l_result(1) eq 'd'. condense l_result. data lt_data type table of string. clear lt_data. split l_result at space into table lt_data. data l_index type i. l_index = lines( lt_data ). data l_data like line of lt_data. read table lt_data into l_data index l_index. check sy-subrc eq 0. check l_data ne '.' and l_data ne '..'. insert l_data into table et_list. endloop. endmethod. method get_file. data l_file(255). l_file = i_path. data l_length type i. data lt_data type table of raw255. call function 'FTP_SERVER_TO_R3' exporting handle = handle fname = l_file importing blob_length = l_length tables blob = lt_data exceptions tcpip_error = 1 command_error = 2 data_error = 3 others = 4. if sy-subrc ne 0. zcx_generic=>raise( ). endif. e_data = zcl_convert_static=>xtable2xtext( i_length = l_length it_data = lt_data ). endmethod. method get_files. data lt_result type stringtab. lt_result = command( `ls ` && i_path ). "-rw-rw-r-- 1 572 572 252 Oct 11 2012 data l_result like line of lt_result. loop at lt_result into l_result. check l_result(1) eq '-'. condense l_result. data lt_data type table of string. clear lt_data. split l_result at space into table lt_data. data l_index type i. l_index = lines( lt_data ). data l_data like line of lt_data. read table lt_data into l_data index l_index. check sy-subrc eq 0. insert l_data into table et_list. endloop. endmethod. method is_directories_exist. data lt_list type stringtab. lt_list = get_directories( i_path ). check lt_list is not initial. e_is = abap_true. endmethod. method is_directory_exist. data lt_list type stringtab. lt_list = get_directories( i_path ). read table lt_list transporting no fields with key table_line = i_name. check sy-subrc eq 0. e_is = abap_true. endmethod. method is_file_exist. data lt_list type stringtab. lt_list = get_files( i_path ). read table lt_list transporting no fields with key table_line = i_name. check sy-subrc eq 0. e_is = abap_true. endmethod. method move_file. copy_file( i_from = i_from i_to = i_to ). delete_file( i_from ). endmethod. ENDCLASS.
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CLASS zcl_abapgit_gui_page_main DEFINITION PUBLIC FINAL CREATE PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_gui_page. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES: zif_abapgit_gui_hotkeys. METHODS: constructor RAISING zcx_abapgit_exception, zif_abapgit_gui_event_handler~on_event REDEFINITION. PROTECTED SECTION. METHODS: render_content REDEFINITION. PRIVATE SECTION. CONSTANTS: BEGIN OF c_actions, show TYPE string VALUE 'show' ##NO_TEXT, overview TYPE string VALUE 'overview', select TYPE string VALUE 'select', apply_filter TYPE string VALUE 'apply_filter', abapgit_home TYPE string VALUE 'abapgit_home', END OF c_actions. DATA: mo_repo_overview TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_gui_page_repo_over, mv_repo_key TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_value. METHODS build_main_menu RETURNING VALUE(ro_menu) TYPE REF TO zcl_abapgit_html_toolbar. ENDCLASS. CLASS zcl_abapgit_gui_page_main IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD build_main_menu. CREATE OBJECT ro_menu EXPORTING iv_id = 'toolbar-main'. ro_menu->add( iv_txt = zcl_abapgit_gui_buttons=>new_online( ) iv_act = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_newonline )->add( iv_txt = zcl_abapgit_gui_buttons=>new_offline( ) iv_act = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_newoffline )->add( iv_txt = zcl_abapgit_gui_buttons=>settings( ) iv_act = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_settings )->add( iv_txt = zcl_abapgit_gui_buttons=>advanced( ) iv_title = 'Utilities' io_sub = zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>advanced_submenu( ) )->add( iv_txt = zcl_abapgit_gui_buttons=>help( ) iv_title = 'Help' io_sub = zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>help_submenu( ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD constructor. super->constructor( ). ms_control-page_menu = build_main_menu( ). ms_control-page_title = 'Repository List'. ENDMETHOD. METHOD render_content. CREATE OBJECT ri_html TYPE zcl_abapgit_html. gui_services( )->get_hotkeys_ctl( )->register_hotkeys( me ). IF mo_repo_overview IS INITIAL. CREATE OBJECT mo_repo_overview. ENDIF. ri_html->add( mo_repo_overview->zif_abapgit_gui_renderable~render( ) ). register_deferred_script( zcl_abapgit_gui_chunk_lib=>render_repo_palette( c_actions-select ) ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_gui_event_handler~on_event. DATA: lv_key TYPE zif_abapgit_persistence=>ty_value. lv_key = ii_event->query( )->get( 'KEY' ). CASE ii_event->mv_action. WHEN c_actions-abapgit_home. CLEAR mv_repo_key. rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render. WHEN c_actions-select. zcl_abapgit_persistence_user=>get_instance( )->set_repo_show( lv_key ). TRY. zcl_abapgit_repo_srv=>get_instance( )->get( lv_key )->refresh( ). CATCH zcx_abapgit_exception ##NO_HANDLER. ENDTRY. mv_repo_key = lv_key. CREATE OBJECT rs_handled-page TYPE zcl_abapgit_gui_page_repo_view EXPORTING iv_key = lv_key. rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-new_page. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-change_order_by. mo_repo_overview->set_order_by( ii_event->query( )->get( 'ORDERBY' ) ). rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-direction. mo_repo_overview->set_order_direction( boolc( ii_event->query( )->get( 'DIRECTION' ) = 'DESCENDING' ) ). rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render. WHEN c_actions-apply_filter. mo_repo_overview->set_filter( ii_event->mt_postdata ). rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-re_render. WHEN zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_patch. CREATE OBJECT rs_handled-page TYPE zcl_abapgit_gui_page_patch EXPORTING iv_key = lv_key. rs_handled-state = zcl_abapgit_gui=>c_event_state-new_page. WHEN OTHERS. rs_handled = super->zif_abapgit_gui_event_handler~on_event( ii_event ). ENDCASE. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_gui_hotkeys~get_hotkey_actions. DATA: ls_hotkey_action LIKE LINE OF rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-ui_component = 'Main'. ls_hotkey_action-description = |abapGit settings|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_settings. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |x|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |New online repository|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_newonline. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |n|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |New offline repository|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_newoffline. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |o|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Stage|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_stage. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |s|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Check|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-repo_code_inspector. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |c|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Patch|. ls_hotkey_action-action = zif_abapgit_definitions=>c_action-go_patch. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |p|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. " registered/handled in js ls_hotkey_action-description = |Previous repository|. ls_hotkey_action-action = `#`. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |4|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Next repository|. ls_hotkey_action-action = `##`. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |6|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ls_hotkey_action-description = |Open repository|. ls_hotkey_action-action = `###`. ls_hotkey_action-hotkey = |Enter|. INSERT ls_hotkey_action INTO TABLE rt_hotkey_actions. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 48317, 62, 7700, 62, 12417, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 25261, 198, 220, 29244, 6158, 44731, 3268, 16879, 2043, 2751, 16034, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 48317, 62, 7700, 13, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23255, 37, 2246, 1546, 25, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 48317, 62, 8940, 13083, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23772, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 17926, 1797, 2751, 1976, 66, 87, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 1069, 4516, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 48317, 62, 15596, 62, 30281, 93, 261, 62, 15596, 23848, 36, 20032, 17941, 13, 628, 198, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 8543, 62, 11299, 23848, 36, 20032, 17941, 13, 628, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7102, 2257, 1565, 4694, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 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220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 19276, 13274, 14804, 774, 62, 8367, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 1382, 62, 12417, 62, 26272, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30826, 4261, 15871, 26173, 8924, 7, 305, 62, 26272, 8, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 6494, 62, 25981, 5657, 13, 198, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 628, 198, 198, 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 48317, 62, 7700, 62, 12417, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 1382, 62, 12417, 62, 26272, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 29244, 6158, 25334, 23680, 686, 62, 26272, 7788, 15490, 2751, 21628, 62, 312, 796, 705, 25981, 5657, 12, 12417, 4458, 628, 220, 220, 220, 686, 62, 26272, 3784, 2860, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 21628, 62, 14116, 796, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 48317, 62, 4360, 27288, 14804, 3605, 62, 25119, 7, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 21628, 62, 529, 796, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 4299, 50101, 14804, 66, 62, 2673, 12, 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796, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 48317, 62, 354, 2954, 62, 8019, 14804, 32225, 2903, 62, 7266, 26272, 7, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1267, 3784, 2860, 7, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 21628, 62, 14116, 796, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 48317, 62, 4360, 27288, 14804, 16794, 7, 1267, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 21628, 62, 7839, 796, 705, 22087, 6, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 33245, 62, 7266, 796, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 48317, 62, 354, 2954, 62, 8019, 14804, 16794, 62, 7266, 26272, 7, 1267, 6739, 628, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 23772, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 2208, 3784, 41571, 273, 7, 6739, 198, 220, 220, 220, 13845, 62, 13716, 12, 7700, 62, 26272, 220, 796, 1382, 62, 12417, 62, 26272, 7, 6739, 198, 220, 220, 220, 13845, 62, 13716, 12, 7700, 62, 7839, 796, 705, 6207, 13264, 7343, 4458, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 8543, 62, 11299, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 29244, 6158, 25334, 23680, 374, 72, 62, 6494, 41876, 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CLASS zcl_abapgit_object_enhc DEFINITION PUBLIC INHERITING FROM zcl_abapgit_objects_super. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES zif_abapgit_object. ALIASES mo_files FOR zif_abapgit_object~mo_files. METHODS: constructor IMPORTING is_item TYPE zif_abapgit_definitions=>ty_item iv_language TYPE spras. PROTECTED SECTION. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA: mv_composite_id TYPE enhcompositename. ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAPGIT_OBJECT_ENHC IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD constructor. super->constructor( is_item = is_item iv_language = iv_language ). mv_composite_id = ms_item-obj_name. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~changed_by. rv_user = c_user_unknown. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~delete. DATA: lx_error TYPE REF TO cx_enh_root, li_enh_object TYPE REF TO if_enh_object. TRY. li_enh_object = cl_enh_factory=>load_enhancement_composite( name = mv_composite_id lock = abap_true ). li_enh_object->delete( ). li_enh_object->save( ). li_enh_object->unlock( ). CATCH cx_enh_root INTO lx_error. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( lx_error->get_text( ) ). ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~deserialize. DATA: lx_error TYPE REF TO cx_enh_root, li_enh_composite TYPE REF TO if_enh_composite, lv_package TYPE devclass, lt_composite_childs TYPE enhcompositename_it, lt_enh_childs TYPE enhname_it, lv_longtext_id TYPE enhdocuobject, lv_shorttext TYPE string. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lv_composite_child> TYPE enhcompositename, <lv_enh_child> LIKE LINE OF lt_enh_childs. lv_package = iv_package. io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'SHORTTEXT' CHANGING cg_data = lv_shorttext ). io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'COMPOSITE_CHILDS' CHANGING cg_data = lt_composite_childs ). io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'ENH_CHILDS' CHANGING cg_data = lt_enh_childs ). io_xml->read( EXPORTING iv_name = 'LONGTEXT_ID' CHANGING cg_data = lv_longtext_id ). TRY. cl_enh_factory=>create_enhancement_composite( EXPORTING name = mv_composite_id run_dark = abap_true IMPORTING composite = li_enh_composite CHANGING devclass = lv_package ). li_enh_composite->if_enh_object_docu~set_shorttext( lv_shorttext ). LOOP AT lt_composite_childs ASSIGNING <lv_composite_child>. li_enh_composite->add_composite_child( <lv_composite_child> ). ENDLOOP. LOOP AT lt_enh_childs ASSIGNING <lv_enh_child>. li_enh_composite->add_enh_child( <lv_enh_child> ). ENDLOOP. li_enh_composite->set_longtext_id( lv_longtext_id ). li_enh_composite->if_enh_object~save( ). li_enh_composite->if_enh_object~activate( ). li_enh_composite->if_enh_object~unlock( ). CATCH cx_enh_root INTO lx_error. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( lx_error->get_text( ) ). ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~exists. TRY. cl_enh_factory=>load_enhancement_composite( name = mv_composite_id lock = abap_false ). rv_bool = abap_true. CATCH cx_enh_root. rv_bool = abap_false. ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_comparator. RETURN. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_deserialize_steps. APPEND zif_abapgit_object=>gc_step_id-abap TO rt_steps. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~get_metadata. rs_metadata = get_metadata( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_active. rv_active = is_active( ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~is_locked. DATA: lv_argument TYPE seqg3-garg. lv_argument = |{ mv_composite_id }|. OVERLAY lv_argument WITH ' '. lv_argument = |{ lv_argument }*|. rv_is_locked = exists_a_lock_entry_for( iv_lock_object = |E_ENHANCE| iv_argument = lv_argument ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~jump. CALL FUNCTION 'RS_TOOL_ACCESS' EXPORTING operation = 'SHOW' object_name = ms_item-obj_name object_type = ms_item-obj_type in_new_window = abap_true EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1. IF sy-subrc <> 0. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise_t100( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD zif_abapgit_object~serialize. DATA: lx_error TYPE REF TO cx_enh_root, li_enh_composite TYPE REF TO if_enh_composite, lt_composite_childs TYPE enhcompositename_it, lt_enh_childs TYPE enhname_it, lv_longtext_id TYPE enhdocuobject, lv_shorttext TYPE string. TRY. li_enh_composite = cl_enh_factory=>load_enhancement_composite( name = mv_composite_id lock = abap_false ). lv_shorttext = li_enh_composite->if_enh_object_docu~get_shorttext( ). lt_composite_childs = li_enh_composite->get_composite_childs( ). lt_enh_childs = li_enh_composite->get_enh_childs( ). lv_longtext_id = li_enh_composite->get_longtext_id( ). io_xml->add( iv_name = 'SHORTTEXT' ig_data = lv_shorttext ). io_xml->add( iv_name = 'COMPOSITE_CHILDS' ig_data = lt_composite_childs ). io_xml->add( iv_name = 'ENH_CHILDS' ig_data = lt_enh_childs ). io_xml->add( iv_name = 'LONGTEXT_ID' ig_data = lv_longtext_id ). CATCH cx_enh_root INTO lx_error. zcx_abapgit_exception=>raise( lx_error->get_text( ) ). ENDTRY. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 15252, 62, 16550, 66, 5550, 20032, 17941, 198, 220, 44731, 198, 220, 3268, 16879, 2043, 2751, 16034, 1976, 565, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 48205, 62, 16668, 13, 628, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23255, 37, 2246, 1546, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 15252, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 8355, 43429, 1546, 6941, 62, 16624, 7473, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 15252, 93, 5908, 62, 16624, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 337, 36252, 50, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23772, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 30023, 9863, 2751, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 318, 62, 9186, 220, 220, 220, 220, 41876, 1976, 361, 62, 397, 499, 18300, 62, 4299, 50101, 14804, 774, 62, 9186, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 21628, 62, 16129, 41876, 7500, 292, 13, 628, 220, 48006, 9782, 1961, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 25, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 285, 85, 62, 785, 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*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report YDK_TAB_ROW_COUNT *& Report with the number of entries in the tables *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Developed by Kiyanov Dmitry in 2019 year. *& MIT License *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT ydk_tab_row_count. DATA: xtabname TYPE dd02l-tabname. SELECT-OPTIONS tabname FOR xtabname NO INTERVALS. PARAMETERS: where TYPE string LOWER CASE. DATA: xfield TYPE dd03l-fieldname. SELECT-OPTIONS sfield FOR xfield NO INTERVALS. DATA: BEGIN OF ittab OCCURS 0, tabname TYPE dd02l-tabname, count TYPE i, END OF ittab. START-OF-SELECTION. PERFORM get_data. PERFORM alv_show. FORM get_data. FIELD-SYMBOLS <tab> LIKE LINE OF ittab. SELECT dd02l~tabname INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE @ittab FROM dd02l JOIN tadir ON tadir~pgmid = 'R3TR' AND tadir~object = 'TABL' AND tadir~obj_name = dd02l~tabname WHERE dd02l~tabname IN @tabname AND dd02l~as4local = 'A' AND dd02l~as4vers = '0000' AND dd02l~tabclass IN ('TRANSP', 'CLUSTER', 'POOL'). * AND dd02l~clidep = 'X' * AND tadir~devclass <> '$TMP'. CHECK NOT ittab[] IS INITIAL. DATA: wfield_count TYPE i. DATA: tfield_count TYPE i. wfield_count = lines( sfield ). LOOP AT ittab ASSIGNING <tab>. IF wfield_count > 0. SELECT COUNT( * ) INTO tfield_count FROM dd03l WHERE tabname = <tab>-tabname AND fieldname IN sfield AND as4local = 'A' AND as4vers = '0000'. IF tfield_count <> wfield_count. <tab>-count = -1. CONTINUE. ENDIF. ENDIF. IF where IS INITIAL. SELECT COUNT( * ) AS count INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF <tab> FROM (<tab>-tabname). ELSE. SELECT COUNT( * ) AS count INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF <tab> FROM (<tab>-tabname) WHERE (where). ENDIF. ENDLOOP. DELETE ittab WHERE count < 0. ENDFORM. FORM alv_show. DATA: fc TYPE lvc_t_fcat WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: repid TYPE sy-repid. CALL FUNCTION 'YDK_ALV_FCAT_BUILD' EXPORTING alv_strut_key = 'YDK_TAB_ROW_COUNT' * structures = '' TABLES alv_tab = ittab fcat = fc. repid = sy-repid. CALL FUNCTION 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY_LVC' EXPORTING * I_INTERFACE_CHECK = ' ' * I_BYPASSING_BUFFER = * I_BUFFER_ACTIVE = i_callback_program = repid * i_callback_pf_status_set = 'ALV_STATUS_SET' * i_callback_user_command = 'ALV_USER_COMMAND' * I_CALLBACK_TOP_OF_PAGE = ' ' * I_CALLBACK_HTML_TOP_OF_PAGE = ' ' * I_CALLBACK_HTML_END_OF_LIST = ' ' * I_STRUCTURE_NAME = * I_BACKGROUND_ID = ' ' * I_GRID_TITLE = * I_GRID_SETTINGS = * IS_LAYOUT_LVC = it_fieldcat_lvc = fc[] * IT_EXCLUDING = * IT_SPECIAL_GROUPS_LVC = * IT_SORT_LVC = * IT_FILTER_LVC = * IT_HYPERLINK = * IS_SEL_HIDE = * I_DEFAULT = 'X' i_save = 'A' * IS_VARIANT = * IT_EVENTS = * IT_EVENT_EXIT = * IS_PRINT_LVC = * IS_REPREP_ID_LVC = * I_SCREEN_START_COLUMN = 0 * I_SCREEN_START_LINE = 0 * I_SCREEN_END_COLUMN = 0 * I_SCREEN_END_LINE = 0 * I_HTML_HEIGHT_TOP = * I_HTML_HEIGHT_END = * IT_ALV_GRAPHICS = * IT_EXCEPT_QINFO_LVC = * IR_SALV_FULLSCREEN_ADAPTER = TABLES t_outtab = ittab EXCEPTIONS program_error = 1 OTHERS = 2. ENDFORM. "alv_show
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*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Report RSUSR006 * *& * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Display locked users and users with failed logon. * *& * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * 04.07.2005 D040499 ( note 858641 ) 4.6B+ * Change LINE-SIZE from 90 to 255 to aviod line-break after 90 * characters in batch processing (not relevant for online process) * * 11.12.2006 R000731 (Note 1007027) 7.00+ * - bugfix on options for select via report RSUSR200 corrected *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* REPORT zdop_rsusr006 LINE-SIZE 255 NO STANDARD PAGE HEADING. "note (858641) * Definition of the parameters for printing and archiving DATA: pri_params LIKE pri_params, arc_params LIKE arc_params, valid TYPE c, gf_rsusr006. IF sy-batch EQ 'X'. CALL FUNCTION 'GET_PRINT_PARAMETERS' EXPORTING no_dialog = 'X' mode = 'CURRENT' report = 'RSUSR200' IMPORTING out_parameters = pri_params out_archive_parameters = arc_params valid = valid. SUBMIT rsusr200 WITH notvalid EQ space WITH succlog EQ space TO SAP-SPOOL SPOOL PARAMETERS pri_params ARCHIVE PARAMETERS arc_params WITHOUT SPOOL DYNPRO. ELSE. gf_rsusr006 = 'X'. EXPORT gf_rsusr006 TO MEMORY ID 'FLAG'. SUBMIT rsusr200 WITH notvalid EQ space WITH succlog EQ space and return. ENDIF. write :/ 'DOĞUKAN PADEL INSERT 07.01.2022'.
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* DATA, TYPE and TYPES * Declaring variable using 'Data' and giving it a predefined type using 'TYPE' statement: DATA lv_001(10) TYPE i. * Creating a new type using 'TYPES:' statement: TYPES: ty_str(50). * Now we can declare variables of the type we created: DATA: lv_002 TYPE ty_str, lv_003 TYPE ty_str, lv_004 TYPE ty_str, lv_005 LIKE lv_004. " We can also use 'LIKE' to refer to the type of an existing * local or global object ONLY (e.g. local variable 'lv_004' type). * 'LIKE' statement can be used only referring a global or declared local object type. * A created type can also be of the same type of an existing object. * e.g. created type 'ty_matnr001' created with the same type of 'matnr' column of 'mara' table: TYPES: ty_matnr001 TYPE mara-matnr, ty_matnr002 LIKE mara-matnr, " or reffered to an object type with 'LIKE' ty_matnr003 TYPE ty_matnr002. "or can also make reference to another 'created type type' * Structures and Internal Tables * Creating a structure and internal table of the same type of 'sflight' SAP table: DATA: wa_sflight TYPE sflight, " structure it_sflight TYPE TABLE OF sflight. " internal table * Creating a structure and internal table of the same type of 'sflight' SAP table but adding a new column: TYPES: BEGIN OF mod_sflight. INCLUDE TYPE sflight. TYPES: new_column TYPE i, END OF mod_sflight. DATA: wa_sflight_custom TYPE mod_sflight, " creating structure the same type of newly modified sflight it_sflight_custom TYPE TABLE OF mod_sflight. " creating internal table the same type of newly modified sflight * Creating a table from zero: * to be continued...
[ 9, 42865, 11, 41876, 290, 24412, 47, 1546, 198, 198, 9, 16691, 1723, 7885, 1262, 705, 6601, 6, 290, 3501, 340, 257, 2747, 18156, 2099, 1262, 705, 25216, 6, 2643, 25, 198, 26947, 300, 85, 62, 8298, 7, 940, 8, 41876, 1312, 13, 198, 198, 9, 30481, 257, 649, 2099, 1262, 705, 9936, 47, 1546, 32105, 2643, 25, 198, 9936, 47, 1546, 25, 1259, 62, 2536, 7, 1120, 737, 198, 198, 9, 2735, 356, 460, 13627, 9633, 286, 262, 2099, 356, 2727, 25, 198, 26947, 25, 300, 85, 62, 21601, 41876, 1259, 62, 2536, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 300, 85, 62, 11245, 41876, 1259, 62, 2536, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 300, 85, 62, 22914, 41876, 1259, 62, 2536, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 300, 85, 62, 22544, 34178, 300, 85, 62, 22914, 13, 366, 775, 460, 635, 779, 705, 31271, 7336, 6, 284, 3522, 284, 262, 2099, 286, 281, 4683, 198, 9, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1957, 393, 3298, 2134, 22224, 357, 68, 13, 70, 13, 1957, 7885, 705, 6780, 62, 22914, 6, 2099, 737, 198, 9, 705, 31271, 7336, 6, 2643, 460, 307, 973, 691, 9759, 257, 3298, 393, 6875, 1957, 2134, 2099, 13, 198, 198, 9, 317, 2727, 2099, 460, 635, 307, 286, 262, 976, 2099, 286, 281, 4683, 2134, 13, 198, 9, 304, 13, 70, 13, 2727, 2099, 705, 774, 62, 6759, 48624, 8298, 6, 2727, 351, 262, 976, 2099, 286, 705, 6759, 48624, 6, 5721, 286, 705, 76, 3301, 6, 3084, 25, 198, 9936, 47, 1546, 25, 1259, 62, 6759, 48624, 8298, 41876, 1667, 64, 12, 6759, 48624, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1259, 62, 6759, 48624, 21601, 34178, 1667, 64, 12, 6759, 48624, 11, 366, 393, 302, 487, 1068, 284, 281, 2134, 2099, 351, 705, 31271, 7336, 6, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 1259, 62, 6759, 48624, 11245, 41876, 1259, 62, 6759, 48624, 21601, 13, 366, 273, 460, 635, 787, 4941, 284, 1194, 705, 25598, 2099, 2099, 6, 628, 198, 9, 32112, 942, 290, 18628, 33220, 198, 198, 9, 30481, 257, 4645, 290, 5387, 3084, 286, 262, 976, 2099, 286, 705, 82, 22560, 6, 48323, 3084, 25, 198, 26947, 25, 2082, 62, 82, 22560, 41876, 264, 22560, 11, 366, 4645, 220, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 340, 62, 82, 22560, 41876, 43679, 3963, 264, 22560, 13, 366, 5387, 3084, 198, 198, 9, 30481, 257, 4645, 290, 5387, 3084, 286, 262, 976, 2099, 286, 705, 82, 22560, 6, 48323, 3084, 475, 4375, 257, 649, 5721, 25, 198, 9936, 47, 1546, 25, 347, 43312, 3963, 953, 62, 82, 22560, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 3268, 5097, 52, 7206, 41876, 264, 22560, 13, 198, 9936, 47, 1546, 25, 649, 62, 28665, 41876, 1312, 11, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 23578, 3963, 953, 62, 82, 22560, 13, 198, 198, 26947, 25, 2082, 62, 82, 22560, 62, 23144, 41876, 953, 62, 82, 22560, 11, 366, 4441, 4645, 262, 976, 2099, 286, 8308, 9518, 264, 22560, 198, 220, 220, 220, 220, 220, 340, 62, 82, 22560, 62, 23144, 41876, 43679, 3963, 953, 62, 82, 22560, 13, 366, 4441, 5387, 3084, 262, 976, 2099, 286, 8308, 9518, 264, 22560, 198, 198, 9, 30481, 257, 3084, 422, 6632, 25, 198, 198, 9, 284, 307, 3767, 986, 198 ]
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CLASS y_ref_scan_manager DEFINITION PUBLIC CREATE PUBLIC. PUBLIC SECTION. INTERFACES y_if_scan_manager. PRIVATE SECTION. DATA ref_scan TYPE REF TO cl_ci_scan. ENDCLASS. CLASS y_ref_scan_manager IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD y_if_scan_manager~is_scan_ok. CONSTANTS ok TYPE syst_subrc VALUE 0. CHECK ref_scan IS NOT INITIAL. result = xsdbool( ref_scan->subrc = ok ). ENDMETHOD. METHOD y_if_scan_manager~set_ref_scan. ref_scan = io_ref_scan. y_if_scan_manager~levels = ref_scan->levels. y_if_scan_manager~structures = ref_scan->structures. y_if_scan_manager~statements = ref_scan->statements. y_if_scan_manager~tokens = ref_scan->tokens. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.
[ 31631, 331, 62, 5420, 62, 35836, 62, 37153, 5550, 20032, 17941, 44731, 29244, 6158, 44731, 13, 198, 220, 44731, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 23255, 37, 2246, 1546, 331, 62, 361, 62, 35836, 62, 37153, 13, 628, 220, 4810, 3824, 6158, 44513, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 42865, 1006, 62, 35836, 41876, 4526, 37, 5390, 537, 62, 979, 62, 35836, 13, 198, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198, 198, 31631, 331, 62, 5420, 62, 35836, 62, 37153, 30023, 2538, 10979, 6234, 13, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 331, 62, 361, 62, 35836, 62, 37153, 93, 271, 62, 35836, 62, 482, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 7102, 2257, 1565, 4694, 12876, 41876, 827, 301, 62, 7266, 6015, 26173, 8924, 657, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 5870, 25171, 1006, 62, 35836, 3180, 5626, 3268, 2043, 12576, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1255, 796, 2124, 82, 9945, 970, 7, 1006, 62, 35836, 3784, 7266, 6015, 796, 12876, 6739, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 198, 220, 337, 36252, 331, 62, 361, 62, 35836, 62, 37153, 93, 2617, 62, 5420, 62, 35836, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 1006, 62, 35836, 796, 33245, 62, 5420, 62, 35836, 13, 628, 220, 220, 220, 331, 62, 361, 62, 35836, 62, 37153, 93, 46170, 796, 1006, 62, 35836, 3784, 46170, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 331, 62, 361, 62, 35836, 62, 37153, 93, 7249, 942, 796, 1006, 62, 35836, 3784, 7249, 942, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 331, 62, 361, 62, 35836, 62, 37153, 93, 14269, 3196, 796, 1006, 62, 35836, 3784, 14269, 3196, 13, 198, 220, 220, 220, 331, 62, 361, 62, 35836, 62, 37153, 93, 83, 482, 641, 796, 1006, 62, 35836, 3784, 83, 482, 641, 13, 198, 220, 23578, 49273, 13, 628, 198, 10619, 31631, 13, 198 ]
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class zcl_abap_graph_string_template definition public create public . public section. data template type string read-only . data: varnames type table of string read-only . data varvalues type tihttpnvp read-only . data var_not_found type flag read-only . class-methods create importing !i_template type csequence returning value(r_result) type ref to zcl_abap_graph_string_template . methods set_variable importing !name type string !value type any . methods render returning value(output) type string . protected section. private section. types: begin of ty_chunk, offset type i, length type i, replace type flag, variablename type string, value type string, end of ty_chunk . data: chunks type table of ty_chunk . methods parse . methods decode importing !encoded type string returning value(decoded) type string . methods varname importing !match type string returning value(varname) type string . methods get_var_value importing !i_variablename type string returning value(r_result) type string . ENDCLASS. CLASS ZCL_ABAP_GRAPH_STRING_TEMPLATE IMPLEMENTATION. method create. create object r_result. r_result->template = i_template. r_result->parse( ). endmethod. method decode. case encoded. when '\T'. decoded = cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab. when '\N'. decoded = cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline. when '\R'. decoded = cl_abap_char_utilities=>cr_lf(1). when '\F'. decoded = cl_abap_char_utilities=>form_feed. when others. decoded = encoded+1. endcase. endmethod. method get_var_value. field-symbols: <var> like line of varvalues. read table varvalues assigning <var> with key name = i_variablename. if sy-subrc = 0. r_result = <var>-value. else. var_not_found = 'X'. endif. endmethod. method parse. data: regex type ref to cl_abap_regex, matcher type ref to cl_abap_matcher, matches type match_result_tab, lastchunk like line of chunks, tmp type string. field-symbols: <match> like line of matches, <chunk> like line of chunks. create object regex exporting pattern = '(\\.)|(\{\s*(?:(?:[a-zA-Z_][a-z_0-9]*)|(?:<[a-zA-Z_][a-z_0-9]*>))(?:(?:->?|=>)[a-zA-Z_][a-z_0-9]*)*\s*\})' ignore_case = abap_false. matcher = regex->create_matcher( text = template ). matches = matcher->find_all( ). sort matches by offset. loop at matches assigning <match>. append initial line to chunks assigning <chunk>. "if there's something between matches, add it lastchunk-offset = lastchunk-offset + lastchunk-length. if lastchunk-offset < <match>-offset. <chunk>-length = <match>-offset - lastchunk-offset. <chunk>-offset = lastchunk-offset. append initial line to chunks assigning <chunk>. endif. "now the actual variable to be replaced <chunk>-length = <match>-length. <chunk>-offset = <match>-offset. <chunk>-replace = 'X'. tmp = template+<chunk>-offset(<chunk>-length). translate tmp to upper case. if tmp(1) = '\'. <chunk>-value = decode( tmp ). else. <chunk>-variablename = varname( tmp ). endif. lastchunk = <chunk>. endloop. lastchunk-offset = lastchunk-offset + lastchunk-length. if strlen( template ) > lastchunk-offset. append initial line to chunks assigning <chunk>. <chunk>-length = strlen( template ) - lastchunk-offset. <chunk>-offset = lastchunk-offset. endif. endmethod. method render. data: varvalue type string. field-symbols: <chunk> like line of chunks, <var> type data. loop at chunks assigning <chunk>. if <chunk>-replace = ''. concatenate output template+<chunk>-offset(<chunk>-length) into output respecting blanks. elseif <chunk>-variablename = ''. concatenate output <chunk>-value into output respecting blanks. else. varvalue = get_var_value( <chunk>-variablename ). concatenate output varvalue into output respecting blanks. endif. endloop. endmethod. method set_variable. data: var like line of varvalues, td type ref to cl_abap_typedescr, temp(50) type c. var-name = name. translate var-name to upper case. td = cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data( value ). if td->kind = cl_abap_typedescr=>kind_elem. case td->type_kind. when cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_float. if value < 1000000000. write value to temp style cl_abap_format=>o_simple. else. write value to temp style cl_abap_format=>o_engineering. endif. var-value = temp. condense var-value no-gaps. when cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_date or cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_time or cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_decfloat or cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_decfloat16 or cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_decfloat34. write value to temp. var-value = temp. condense var-value. when cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_int or cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_int1 or '8' " cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_int8 or cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_int2 or cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_hex. var-value = value. condense var-value. when others. var-value = value. endcase. endif. delete varvalues where name = var-name. append var to varvalues. endmethod. method varname. data: l type i. l = strlen( match ) - 2. varname = match+1(l). condense varname no-gaps. collect varname into varnames. endmethod. ENDCLASS.
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